
Sample records for er forbedret vasentligt sekundarpublikation

  1. Dansk klubfodbold under økonomisk pres

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Storm, Rasmus K.


    De danske Superligaklubber har forbedret resultatet siden sidste år, men det skyldes primært, at FCK præsterer et markant forbedret driftsresultat. Der er fortsat underskud i alle klubber på nær to....

  2. Implementation of life cycle assessment models in solid waste management

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Damgaard, Anders

    Teknologier til behandling af affald bliver løbende forbedret, og antallet af forskellige måder at behandle affaldet på er stigende. Det er derfor nødvendigt at finde en metode til at vurdere, hvad der er den mest optimale kombination af teknologier til affaldsbehandling. En af de metoder, der er...

  3. Nucleation, Growth and Morphology of Nanoparticles

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eltzholtz, Jakob Rostgaard


    I dette projekt er der blevet udviklet et pulseret synteseapparat med forbedret kontrol over opholdstider samt færre problemer med tilstopning end man kender det fra traditionel flow syntese. Apparatet er blevet brugt til at producere forskellige typer af oxider, deriblandt Li4Ti5O12, der er et l...

  4. Forbedret SCM gennem koordineret lagerstyring

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Christian; Thorstenson, Anders


    Effektiv lagerstyring er en vigtig del af god supply chain management (SCM). At opnå en sådan lagerstyring er imidlertid ikke en triviel opgave. Det kræver indsigt i virkemåden af flertrins (engelsk: multi-echelon, multi-level eller multi-stage) lagersystemer med usikker fremtidig efterspørgsel...

  5. Present State Examination

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Kamilla; Bertelsen, Aksel

    Present State Examination (PSE) 5. udgave er en revideret version af speciallæge i psykiatri Aksel Bertelsens oprindelige materiale. Aksel Bertelsen er ophavsmand til PSE og til den danske udgave af ICD-10. Revisionen omfatter et forbedret layout, en modernisering af sproget, tilføjelse af...

  6. Forbedret natur? - om computerspil i naturen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristiansen, Erik


    Location Based Computer Games er en ny genre indenfor computerspil. Spillerne anvender håndholdt computer (fx mobiltelefon) og positioneringsudstyr (fx GPS) samt trådløst net. Spillene foregår ofte i bymiljøer, men har også potentiale som en ny type oplevelse af naturen.......Location Based Computer Games er en ny genre indenfor computerspil. Spillerne anvender håndholdt computer (fx mobiltelefon) og positioneringsudstyr (fx GPS) samt trådløst net. Spillene foregår ofte i bymiljøer, men har også potentiale som en ny type oplevelse af naturen....

  7. Occupational Engagement and Quality of Life for People with Advanced Cancer who live at Home

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Peoples, Hanne


    Antallet af personer som lever med en fremskreden kræftsygdom er stigende på verdensplan og på grund af forbedret behandlingsmuligheder er det nu muligt at leve i længere tid med en fremskreden kræftsygdom. At leve med fremskreden kræft kan have en afgørende indvirkning på hverdagslivet og kan me...

  8. Dokumenterede metoder i bostøtteindsatsen over for mennesker med psykiske lidelser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Amilon, Anna; Mehlsen, Line; Bengtsson, Steen

    , som kan bistå borgeren efter forløbets afslutning. Konklusion/resultater: Overordnet set viser evalueringen, at borgerne profiterer af CTI-indsatsen. Der sker en statistisk signifikant forbedring af CTI-gruppens mentale trivsel fra første måling til 9-måneders-målingen. Borgernes funktionsniveau er...... blevet målt på tre livsområder: arbejde/uddannelse, socialt liv og familieliv/hjemlige forpligtelser. Resultaterne viser, at borgerne udvikler sig signifikant i positiv retning (oplever færre begrænsninger) efter 9 måneders forløb sammenholdt med ved forløbets opstart. Derudover viser resultaterne fra....... Indsatsborgerne oplevede forbedret psykisk trivsel, forbedret funktionsevne samt fik et stærkere socialt netværk. Baggrund: Evalueringen af metoden Critical Time Intervention (CTI), er udarbejdet som led i satspuljeinitiativet ’Dokumenterede metoder i bostøtteindsatsen over for mennesker med psykiske lidelser...

  9. Repræsentativitet i spørgeskemaundersøgelser blandt etniske minoriteter - medborgerskabsundersøgelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gorinas, Cedric; Christensen, Christiane Præstgaard


    Med udgangspunkt i medborgerskabsundersøgelsen fra 2016 har dette notat til formål at undersøge, hvad der karakteriserer de etniske grupper, som er underrepræsenterede i undersøgelsen, samt at belyse svarenes informationsgrad og foreslå metoder, som tilsigter en forbedret dataindsamling blandt et...

  10. Shared Oral Care

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hede, Børge; Elmelund Poulsen,, Johan; Christophersen, Rasmus


    Shared Oral Care - Forebyggelse af orale sygdomme på plejecentre Introduktion og formål: Mangelfuld mundhygiejne hos plejekrævende ældre er et alment og veldokumenteret sundhedsproblem, der kan føre til massiv udvikling af tandsygdomme, og som yderligere kan være medvirkende årsag til alvorlige...... ressourceanvendelse er muligt at skabe en betydeligt forbedret mundhygiejne hos plejekrævende ældre Key words: Geriatric dentistry, nursing home, community health services, prevention, situated learning...

  11. Helsekonsekvenser av vektendring - er slanking fordelaktig? En litteraturoversikt

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anne Johanne Søgaard


    Full Text Available  SAMMENDRAGLangsom vektøkning gjennom livet inntil kroppsmasseindeks (KMI 27 ser ikke ut til å gi særlige negative utfallmht. total dødelighet. En økning på ! 20 kg fra 18 års alder er trolig negativt – det samme er vektøkning ut fra enhøy utgangsvekt. Selv om mange studier finner økt dødelighet hos yngre og middelaldrende personer med KMI > 27,er det foreløpig ingen studier som har vist at vektreduksjon blant friske overvektige personer gir økt levetid. Flerestudier viser tvert imot en assosiasjon mellom vektreduksjon og økt dødelighet. Heller ikke studier som prøver åbegrense analysene til personer med frivillig vekttap, finner redusert dødelighet etter vektreduksjon blant friskeovervektige individer. Noen få studier har vist redusert dødelighet blant overvektige personer med etablertesykdommer eller høy risiko for hjerte-karsykdom og diabetes. Når det gjelder sykelighet har de fleste studier entenikke funnet noen assosiasjon mellom vektreduksjon og sykelighet, eller funnet økt sykelighet. Unntaket er diabetes,der vekttap i enkelte studier samvarierer med redusert sykelighet. Det er i mange studier funnet sammenheng mellomvekttap og økt risiko for lårhalsbrudd og gallesten. De fleste studier har imidlertid vist at moderat vektreduksjon(vekttap på opp til 10% fører til redusert blodtrykk, forbedret glukosekontroll, redusert kolesterolnivå, forbedretdyslipidemi, forbedret lungefunksjon, bedre søvnkvalitet og redusert søvnapnè. Moderat vekttap vil også kunnelindre leddsmerter. Dette tilsynelatende paradoks diskuteres i artikkelen – bl.a. drøftes de metodeproblemer som erinnebygget i mange av studiene. Fordi det har vist seg vanskelig for personer med kraftig overvekt å redusere vektenpermanent – og fordi resultatene mht. helseeffektene av vektreduksjon er usikre, bør hovedinnsatsen settes inn iforhold til å forebygge overvekt/fedme overfor enkeltpersoner med potensielle problemer. Personer med

  12. Sjøforsvaret i ny drakt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vestvik, Marit; Bjerck, Mari

    Denne rapporten formidler resultater fra undersøkelser som er gjort på to av Sjøforsvarets fartøy i 2010 og 2011, som omfatter utprøving av ny niformsmodell for utendørs bruk. Undersøkelsene er en del av forskningsprosjektet Uni-Form: Arbeidsbekledning for kvinner i mannsdominerte yrker. I...... prosjektet utvikles arbeidsklær for Sjøforsvarets personell som har bedre funksjonalitet og komfort enn eksisterende uniformer. En målsetning er å bedre trivselen for personellet gjennom å utvikle forbedrete uniformbekledning. At uniformsbekledningen er tilfredsstillende i funksjonalitet, passform og...... tilpasset snitt for kvinner. Dette gjelder også Forsvarets uniformer....

  13. Molekylærbiologer afslører bakteriers giftige hemmelighed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Boesen, Thomas; Andersen, Gregers Rom


    niveau af, hvordan toksinet ødelægger sit mål. Forskningsresultaterne publiceres i det ansete tidsskrift Nature i dag.   De nye resultater kan få stor betydning, da denne type toksiner produceres af en række alvorlige sygdomsfremkaldende bakterier såsom pertussis (der giver kighoste), difteri, kolera......, coli og pseudomonas. Danskere vaccineres mod pertussis og difteri, og kolera er praktisk taget udryddet grundet forbedret hygiejne, men under naturkatastrofer og i udviklingslandene er disse bakterier stadigvæk skyld i sygdom og død.   Pseudomonas bakterier er i den vestlige verden mest kendt fra...

  14. Effektelektronik - teknologi med energibesparelser og forbedret performance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Blaabjerg, Frede


    Lige siden transistoren blev opfundet, har det altid været ønskeligt at kunne anvende en sådan til at styre store strømme/spændinger i elektriske systemer. Det er teknologisk også sket, først med tyristorer til styring af store effekter, men siden hen også med den bipolare transistor MOSFET, samt...

  15. Maintenance Free and Sustainable High-Level Control in Cement and Mining Industry


    Hansen, Ole Fink; Andersen, Nils Axel; Recke, Bodil; Recke, Bodil Olesen; Ravn, Ole


    Højniveau reguleringssystemer har været anvendt i processindustrien i årtier og udgør et veletableret marked også i cement produktion. Tilføjelsen af et sådant reguleringssystem medfører øget produktivitet, nedsat energiforbrug og forbedret kvalitet af slutproduktet så tilbagebetalingen typisk er under ét år. Desværre sker det ofte at systemet bliver taget ud af brug, få måneder efter installation. Årsagen hertil er mangeartet og skyldes grundlæggende at miljøet omkring systemet ændrer sig så...

  16. Effekt av ulike desinfeksjonsstrategier mot Listeria monocytogenes


    Fossmo, Sabine


    Kontroll med bakterier som Listeria utgjør en stor utfordring for mange matprodusenter. Listeria monocytogenes er hovedsakelig et produksjonshygienisk problem, forbedret hygiene kan derfor være tiltak for å redusere overlevelse og smitteoverføring av bakterien i produksjonsmiljø. Hensikten med forsøkene i oppgaven var å undersøke effekten av ulike desinfeksjonsstrategier på drap av L. monocytogenes, både når bakteriene var i biofilm og i suspensjon. Dette inkluderte bruk av tradisjonelle desi...

  17. Enhanced Oil Recovery with Application of Enzymes


    Khusainova, Alsu; Shapiro, Alexander; Woodley, John


    Enzymer er for nylig blevet rapporteret, som effektive stoffer for forbedret olieindvinding(EOR). Både laboratorie undersøgelser og felttest viste en markant stigning af olieproduktion. Op til ekstra 16 % af olien blev produceret i laboratorie eksperimenter og op til ekstra 269 tønder olie per dag blev fremstillet under feltforsøg. Det var foreslået, at følgende mekanismer har medvirket tiløget olieproduktionen på grund af enzymer: forbedringer af bjergartsoverfladens befugtningsevne;dannelse...

  18. Towards rational design of redox-stratified biofilms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lackner, Susanne

    Biologisk kvælstoffjernelse er en central proces indenfor avanceret spildevandsrensning. Denne afhandling beskriver anvendelsen af beluftede membran biofilm reaktorer (eng: MABRs) til fuld autotrof kvælstoffjernelse. Denne ret nye kvælstofomsætningsvej baseres på delvis omdannelse af ammonium til....... Som illustreret ved modelundersøgelserne, kan biofilm afrivning påvirke rektorfunktionen alvorligt. Den udførte forsøg for at vurdere om kemisk modificering af biofilmoverfladen kan øge dens modstandsdygtighed overfor afrivning og give forbedret biofilm tykkelseskontrol. Alt i alt kan MABR, hvor ilt...

  19. Lean og professionel autonomi på hospitaler

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hasle, Peter


    Hospitaler står overfor store udfordringer fra voksende krav fra både patienter og samfund samtidig med begrænsede budgetter og stadig flere medicinske muligheder. Hospitalsledelserne anvender lean som en af de væsentligste metoder til at løse disse udfordringer. Lean stammer imidlertid fra...... industrien, og det er spørgsmålet, hvordan lean bliver tilpasset i til en hospitalssammenhæng, og hvilke konsekvenser lean får for medarbejderne. Dette spørgsmål er undersøgt i forbindelse med introduktion af lean i en kræftafdeling på et universitetshospital. Det viste sig vanskeligere end forventet...... at implementere lean, og konsekvenserne for henholdsvis laboranter og sygeplejersker viste sig at være meget forskelligartede. Laboranterne oplevede et forbedret arbejdsmiljø, mens det modsatte var tilfældet for sygeplejerskerne. En mulig forklaring er, at lean øgede kontrollen over eget arbejde for laboranterne...

  20. Velfærds Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjeldsen, Lars Peter; Asmussen, Jørgen Bering

    I notatet DANMARK LØSNINGERNES LAND1 understreger regeringen vigtigheden af, at der sættes fokus på innovation. Sat lidt på spidsen er budskabet, at der skal satses på såvel innovation i virksomheder som i uddannelse, og at succes er ligefrem proportional med vidensinstitutionernes evne til...... samarbejde med det offentlige og virksomhederne. Det er ligeledes væsentligt at bemærke, at regeringen refererer til OECD’s Oslo-manuals definition af innovation, hvor innovation ”indebærer implementering af et nyt eller væsentligt forbedret produkt (vare eller tjenesteydelse), proces, markedsføringsmetode...... eller en væsentlig organisatorisk ændring”. Som læseren vil kunne iagttage i antologiens bidrag, lever rigtig mange af projekternes innovation op til denne definition. ANTOLOGIEN indledes med en artikel, der præsenterer og diskuterer forskellige tilgange til forståelsen af begrebet velfærdsinnovation....

  1. Nordisk dagspresstruktur i slutet av 1980-talet

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karl Erik Gustafsson


    Full Text Available Dagspressen i Norden har op gennem firserne forbedret sin position - totaloplaget er vokset og udgivelsesfrekvensen er øget. Prognoser fra forskellige samfundsforskere lød for 10-15 år siden ellers på stagnation og voldsom omlægning, ikke mindst på grund af konkurrence fra de elek- troniske medier. Dagspressen har dog ændret sig og den står ikke mindst i Danmark over for store udfordringer. Karl Erik Gustavsson tegner da i sin artikel et nuan- ceret billede af ligheder og ikke mindst forskelle på dagspresseområdet i de forskellige nordiske lande, hvor typologi, læsemønstre og indtægtsfor- hold udviser stor variation. En væsentlig faktor bag disse forskelle, som placerer Danmark nederst i hierarkiet blandt de stærkt aviskonsumerende broderlande, er statsstøtten til dagbladene, hvor den direkte og selektive støtte har vist sig at gavne branchen som helhed.

  2. Rab7a modulates ER stress and ER morphology. (United States)

    Mateus, Duarte; Marini, Elettra Sara; Progida, Cinzia; Bakke, Oddmund


    The Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) is a membranous organelle with diverse structural and functional domains. Peripheral ER includes interconnected tubules, and dense tubular arrays called "ER matrices" together with bona fide flat cisternae. Transitions between these states are regulated by membrane-associated proteins and cytosolic factors. Recently, the small GTPases Rab10 and Rab18 were reported to control ER shape by regulating ER dynamics and fusion. Here, we present evidence that another Rab protein, Rab7a, modulates the ER morphology by controlling the ER homeostasis and ER stress. Indeed, inhibition of Rab7a expression by siRNA or expression of the dominant negative mutant Rab7aT22 N, leads to enlargement of sheet-like ER structures and spreading towards the cell periphery. Notably, such alterations are ascribable neither to a direct modulation of the ER shaping proteins Reticulon-4b and CLIMP63, nor to interactions with Protrudin, a Rab7a-binding protein known to affect the ER organization. Conversely, depletion of Rab7a leads to basal ER stress, in turn causing ER membrane expansion. Both ER enlargement and basal ER stress are reverted in rescue experiments by Rab7a re-expression, as well as by the ER chemical chaperone tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA). Collectively, these findings reveal a new role of Rab7a in ER homeostasis, and indicate that genetic and pharmacological ER stress manipulation may restore ER morphology in Rab7a silenced cells. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. Vandrensning på Dambrug

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grønborg, Ole; Skjølstrup, Jens; Riis-Vestergaard, Jørgen

    uden undtagelse at tromlesigten er i stand til at fjerne stort set alle partikler større end 70-100 mikrometer. Da disse partikler oftest udgør den væsentligste del af partikelmassen er det ofte et vigtigt filter. Sammenholdt med målingerne af organisk stof fra kapitel 3 må det dog konstateres...... forbedret hydraulisk design af bundfældningszonen ved slamkeglerne. På Døstrup Dambrug er der R-8 umiddelbart bag slamkeglerne en overfaldstærskel, som tvinger vandstrømmen opad, med negativ effekt på bundfældningen. Stof-fjernelsen fra kontaktfiltrene vil være afhængig af måden der returskylles på...... nitrifikationen på dette grundlag er usikker. I projektet blev med gode resultater anvendt en forsøgsteknik, hvor det enkelte filter kobles ud af den generelle recirkulering, hvorefter der etableres et lukket kredsløb over filteret. Ved tilsætning af ekstra ammonium kan man fastlægge både den dagsaktuelle...

  4. Evaluering af en sygeplejestyret hjertesvigtsklinik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Streym, Súsanna við


    den helbredsrelaterede livskvalitet målt ved hjælp af Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire (MLHF) ved baseline og efter der minimum var gået 10 uger. Genindlæggelseshyppigheden og gennemsnitsindlæggelsestiden, blev målt ved at sammenligne alle førstegangsindlæggelser fra 1. marts 2006 til...... tilbuddet om fysisk træning, ville have taget imod det (n=18). Konklusion: Den helbredsrelaterede livskvalitet var signifikant forbedret efter opfølgende undersøgelse. Dog kan dette studie ikke påvise, eksakt hvilke interventioner der har haft indflydelse på forbedringen. Der er ingen forskel på...

  5. Thermodynamic assessments of the Ag-Er and Er-Y systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, S.L.; Wang, C.P.; Liu, X.J.; Tang, A.T.; Pan, F.S.; Ishida, K.


    The phase diagrams and thermodynamic properties in the Ag-Er and Er-Y binary systems have been assessed by using the CALPHAD (Calculation of Phase Diagrams) method on the basis of the experimental data including the thermodynamic properties and phase equilibria. The Gibbs free energies of the liquid, bcc, fcc, and hcp phases were described by the subregular solution model with the Redlich-Kister equation, and those of intermetallic compounds (Ag 2 Er and AgEr phases) were treated as stoichiometric compounds, and Ag 51 Er 14 phase was modeled by the sublattice model in the Ag-Er binary system. The thermodynamic parameters of the Ag-Er and Er-Y binary systems were obtained, and an agreement between the calculated results and experimental data was obtained for each binary system.

  6. Organic acid production by Aspergillus niger

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jongh, Wian de


    . Specielt Aspergillus niger er interessant i forbindelse med produktion af organiske syrer, idet denne organisme tolerer lavt pH, kan give høje produktudbytter, og kan give høje produktiviteter som allerede illustreret i anvendelsen af denne organisme i produktionen af citronsyre. Disse faktorer gør A....... niger til en ideel kandidat for metabolic engineering, men anvendelsen af metabolic engineering til at udvikle en A. niger cellefabrik der producerer forskellige organiske syrer har været begrænset af vores kendskab til metabolismen og dens regulering i denne organisme. Formålet med dette Ph.D. stadium...... intracellulære metabolitter samt kontinuert fermentering af A. niger. Ved anvendelse af metabolic engieering lykkedes det at udvikle nogle stammer af A. niger der havde forbedret produktion af citrat. Mekanismerne bag de forbedrede produktiviteter blev undersøgt og resultaterne heraf er diskuteret i afhandlingen...

  7. DNA sekventering af bakterier i renseanlæg

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Albertsen, Mads; Nierychlo, Marta; Nielsen, Per Halkjær

    nye muligheder, som vi ikke har turde drømme om indtil nu. Siden 2006 har vi i samarbejde med 54 danske renseanlæg, rådgivere (Krüger, Kemira) og Dansk Spildevandsteknisk Forening indsamlet prøver til MiDAS (Den Mikrobielle Database for Aktivt Slam) for at undersøge mikrobiologien og dens relation til...... drift og design af anlæggene. Vi kan nu f.eks. se hvilke bakteriearter, som findes i de danske anlæg, hvilke der er hyppige, hvilke anlægsparametre der er vigtige for artssammensætningen, og hvor lang tid det tager at få en stabil proces efter ændringer af drift eller procesdesign. Desuden giver de MiDAS...... karakterisering af mikrobiologien bliver brugt til, og hvordan den nye viden, der er indsamlet i MiDAS over de sidste 10 år, begynder at udmønte sig i konkrete værktøjer til trouble-shooting på de enkelte renseanlæg. Disse vil bl.a. omfatte forbedret identifikation og kontrol af visse trådformede bakterier samt...

  8. Low Estrogen Receptor (ER)-Positive Breast Cancer and Neoadjuvant Systemic Chemotherapy: Is Response Similar to Typical ER-Positive or ER-Negative Disease? (United States)

    Landmann, Alessandra; Farrugia, Daniel J; Zhu, Li; Diego, Emilia J; Johnson, Ronald R; Soran, Atilla; Dabbs, David J; Clark, Beth Z; Puhalla, Shannon L; Jankowitz, Rachel C; Brufsky, Adam M; Ahrendt, Gretchen M; McAuliffe, Priscilla F; Bhargava, Rohit


    Pathologic complete response (pCR) rate after neoadjuvant chemotherapy was compared between 141 estrogen receptor (ER)-negative (43%), 41 low ER+ (13%), 47 moderate ER+ (14%), and 98 high ER+ (30%) tumors. Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive cases, cases without semiquantitative ER score, and patients treated with neoadjuvant endocrine therapy alone were excluded. The pCR rate of low ER+ tumors was similar to the pCR rate of ER- tumors (37% and 26% for low ER and ER- respectively, P = .1722) but significantly different from the pCR rate of moderately ER+ (11%, P = .0049) and high ER+ tumors (4%, P < .0001). Patients with pCR had an excellent prognosis regardless of the ER status. In patients with residual disease (no pCR), the recurrence and death rate were higher in ER- and low ER+ cases compared with moderate and high ER+ cases. Low ER+ breast cancers are biologically similar to ER- tumors. Semiquantitative ER H-score is an important determinant of response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy.

  9. Forundersøgelser og teknologiafprøvning til forbedret vandkvalitet og indeklima for svømmebade og badelande

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Rasmus Lund; Nørgaard, Jesper

    Lalandia er med sine 25.000 m2 Danmarks største feriecenter. Det er samtidig yderst moderne med 2 biografsale, en skøjtehal, stort legeland, et væld af restauranter og ikke mindst et stort, tropisk badeland. Denne rapport omhandler udelukkende målinger i badelandets 1. sal. Rapporten indeholder u...

  10. Hvis en kartoffel er forkert, hvad er en Mars-bar så?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lichtenstein, Mia Beck; Thomsen, Freja; Hinze, Cecilie


    Danske unge er de slankeste af 41 europæiske unge, men de føler sig ofte tykke og går på slankekur. Hvad er årsagen, og hvorfor er det et problem?......Danske unge er de slankeste af 41 europæiske unge, men de føler sig ofte tykke og går på slankekur. Hvad er årsagen, og hvorfor er det et problem?...

  11. Integrating climatic information in water resources modelling and optimisation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gelati, Emiliano

    . I det andet eksempel simuleres og forudsiges månedlig afstrømning i det vestlige Ecuador ved udnyttelse af El Niño information. El Niño forårsager høj nedbør i de kystnære egne af Ecuador, hviket er en konsekvens af positive temperatur-anomalier i det østlige Stillehav. Nyhedsværdien består i en...... kombination af flere tidssvarende modeller i en ikke-stationær beskrivelse af afstrømningen, hvorunder El Niño-betingede regimeskift tages i regning. Potentielle anvendelsesmuligheder omfatter udnyttelse af observerede og forudsagte storskala klimatiske data til simulering og forudsigelse af afstrømningen....... Optimeringsmetoderne er udviklet med henblik på at benytte output fra afstrømningsmodellerne til at opnå en forbedret reservoirstyring. Lang- og korttidsoptimeringer for to reserviorer (Daule Peripa og Baba) i det vestlige Ecuador viser, at der kan opnås betydelige forbedringer af reservoirstyringen, når El Niño...

  12. ER-to-plasma membrane tethering proteins regulate cell signaling and ER morphology. (United States)

    Manford, Andrew G; Stefan, Christopher J; Yuan, Helen L; Macgurn, Jason A; Emr, Scott D


    Endoplasmic reticulum-plasma membrane (ER-PM) junctions are conserved structures defined as regions of the ER that tightly associate with the plasma membrane. However, little is known about the mechanisms that tether these organelles together and why such connections are maintained. Using a quantitative proteomic approach, we identified three families of ER-PM tethering proteins in yeast: Ist2 (related to mammalian TMEM16 ion channels), the tricalbins (Tcb1/2/3, orthologs of the extended synaptotagmins), and Scs2 and Scs22 (vesicle-associated membrane protein-associated proteins). Loss of all six tethering proteins results in the separation of the ER from the PM and the accumulation of cytoplasmic ER. Importantly, we find that phosphoinositide signaling is misregulated at the PM, and the unfolded protein response is constitutively activated in the ER in cells lacking ER-PM tether proteins. These results reveal critical roles for ER-PM contacts in cell signaling, organelle morphology, and ER function. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Dannelse som basis for udvikling af moderne matematikundervisning

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julie Marie Isager


    Full Text Available I denne artikel omtales ambitionerne, opbygningen og resultaterne af et nyt pædagogisk projekt om forbedring af undervisningen i matematik for førsteårsstuderende på Økonomisk Institut ved Københavns Universitet. Initiativet er siden efteråret 2007 blevet udbygget og har hentet væsentlige elementer fra klassisk Kant-Humboldtsk dannelsesteori og moderne universitetspædagogik. Efter at initiativet er iværksat, har de studerende ændret studieadfærd: De er blevet mere aktive og engagerede, og eksamensresultaterne er væsentligt forbedret. Initiativet er ikke fagspecifikt, så andre fag vil kunne lade sig inspirere af vores tanker og metoder.   This article considers the ambitions, design, and results of a new education project intended to improve the teaching of mathematics to first-year students in the Department of Economics at the University of Copenhagen. The initiative, which has been in development since 2007, was inspired by the classical Kantian-Humboldtian theory of Bildung and by modern theories of tertiary teaching methodology. Observations made following the intervention reveal that the students have changed their behaviour; they have become increasingly active and engaged, and the examination results have improved considerably. The initiative is not subject specific and other fields of study may find inspiration in our thoughts and methods.

  14. Characterization of the ER-Targeted Low Affinity Ca2+ Probe D4ER

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elisa Greotti


    Full Text Available Calcium ion (Ca2+ is a ubiquitous intracellular messenger and changes in its concentration impact on nearly every aspect of cell life. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER represents the major intracellular Ca2+ store and the free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+] within its lumen ([Ca2+]ER can reach levels higher than 1 mM. Several genetically-encoded ER-targeted Ca2+ sensors have been developed over the last years. However, most of them are non-ratiometric and, thus, their signal is difficult to calibrate in live cells and is affected by shifts in the focal plane and artifactual movements of the sample. On the other hand, existing ratiometric Ca2+ probes are plagued by different drawbacks, such as a double dissociation constant (Kd for Ca2+, low dynamic range, and an affinity for the cation that is too high for the levels of [Ca2+] in the ER lumen. Here, we report the characterization of a recently generated ER-targeted, Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET-based, Cameleon probe, named D4ER, characterized by suitable Ca2+ affinity and dynamic range for monitoring [Ca2+] variations within the ER. As an example, resting [Ca2+]ER have been evaluated in a known paradigm of altered ER Ca2+ homeostasis, i.e., in cells expressing a mutated form of the familial Alzheimer’s Disease-linked protein Presenilin 2 (PS2. The lower Ca2+ affinity of the D4ER probe, compared to that of the previously generated D1ER, allowed the detection of a conspicuous, more clear-cut, reduction in ER Ca2+ content in cells expressing mutated PS2, compared to controls.

  15. Politik er ikke lykken

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Steenbuch, Johannes Aakjær


    Der er ikke længere nogen højere sandhed i livet end den, flertallet bestemmer sig for – og dermed ingen del af livet, der ikke er politisk. Højre- og venstrefløjen er i bund og grund enige - enige om, at det er politikernes opgave at forære os det gode liv. Dermed bliver demokratiet totalitært. ...

  16. Vreden er over os

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mehlsen, Camilla


    Urolige elever, cyklister - der giver fuck-finger, aggressive demonstranter. Samtiden er på vej ind i en æra domineret af vrede, siger rektor Lars-Henrik Schmidt, der er aktuel med bogen 'Om vreden'. Udgivelsesdato: Juni......Urolige elever, cyklister - der giver fuck-finger, aggressive demonstranter. Samtiden er på vej ind i en æra domineret af vrede, siger rektor Lars-Henrik Schmidt, der er aktuel med bogen 'Om vreden'. Udgivelsesdato: Juni...

  17. COPII-Dependent ER Export: A Critical Component of Insulin Biogenesis and β-Cell ER Homeostasis. (United States)

    Fang, Jingye; Liu, Ming; Zhang, Xuebao; Sakamoto, Takeshi; Taatjes, Douglas J; Jena, Bhanu P; Sun, Fei; Woods, James; Bryson, Tim; Kowluru, Anjaneyulu; Zhang, Kezhong; Chen, Xuequn


    Pancreatic β-cells possess a highly active protein synthetic and export machinery in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to accommodate the massive production of proinsulin. ER homeostasis is vital for β-cell functions and is maintained by the delicate balance between protein synthesis, folding, export, and degradation. Disruption of ER homeostasis by diabetes-causing factors leads to β-cell death. Among the 4 components to maintain ER homeostasis in β-cells, the role of ER export in insulin biogenesis is the least understood. To address this knowledge gap, the present study investigated the molecular mechanism of proinsulin ER export in MIN6 cells and primary islets. Two inhibitory mutants of the secretion-associated RAS-related protein (Sar)1 small GTPase, known to specifically block coat protein complex II (COPII)-dependent ER export, were overexpressed in β-cells using recombinant adenoviruses. Results from this approach, as well as small interfering RNA-mediated Sar1 knockdown, demonstrated that defective Sar1 function blocked proinsulin ER export and abolished its conversion to mature insulin in MIN6 cells, isolated mouse, and human islets. It is further revealed, using an in vitro vesicle formation assay, that proinsulin was packaged into COPII vesicles in a GTP- and Sar1-dependent manner. Blockage of COPII-dependent ER exit by Sar1 mutants strongly induced ER morphology change, ER stress response, and β-cell apoptosis. These responses were mediated by the PKR (double-stranded RNA-dependent kinase)-like ER kinase (PERK)/eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2α (p-eIF2α) and inositol-requiring protein 1 (IRE1)/x-box binding protein 1 (Xbp1) pathways but not via activating transcription factor 6 (ATF6). Collectively, results from the study demonstrate that COPII-dependent ER export plays a vital role in insulin biogenesis, ER homeostasis, and β-cell survival.

  18. Effects of material growth technique and Mg doping on Er3+ photoluminescence in Er-implanted GaN

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, S.; Henry, R. L.; Wickenden, A. E.; Koleske, D. D.; Rhee, S. J.; White, J. O.; Myoung, J. M.; Kim, K.; Li, X.; Coleman, J. J.


    Photoluminescence (PL) and photoluminescence excitation (PLE) spectroscopies have been carried out at 6 K on the ∼1540 nm 4 I 13/2 - 4 I 15/2 emissions of Er 3+ in Er-implanted and annealed GaN. These studies revealed the existence of multiple Er 3+ centers and associated PL spectra in Er-implanted GaN films grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition, hydride vapor phase epitaxy, and molecular beam epitaxy. The results demonstrate that the multiple Er 3+ PL centers and below-gap defect-related absorption bands by which they are selectively excited are universal features of Er-implanted GaN grown by different techniques. It is suggested that implantation-induced defects common to all the GaN samples are responsible for the Er site distortions that give rise to the distinctive, selectively excited Er 3+ PL spectra. The investigations of selectively excited Er 3+ PL and PLE spectra have also been extended to Er-implanted samples of Mg-doped GaN grown by various techniques. In each of these samples, the so-called violet-pumped Er 3+ PL band and its associated broad violet PLE band are significantly enhanced relative to the PL and PLE of the other selectively excited Er 3+ PL centers. More importantly, the violet-pumped Er 3+ PL spectrum dominates the above-gap excited Er 3+ PL spectrum of Er-implanted Mg-doped GaN, whereas it was unobservable under above-gap excitation in Er-implanted undoped GaN. These results confirm the hypothesis that appropriate codopants can increase the efficiency of trap-mediated above-gap excitation of Er 3+ emission in Er-implanted GaN. [copyright] 2001 American Institute of Physics

  19. Man er aldrig alene

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hoffmeyer, Jesper


    Nu ved vi, at der er mange slags DNA i vores krop, og at samarbejdet mellem de organismer, som bærer alt dette DNA, er essentielt for vores overlevelse" … "Kroppen er en slags økosystem, hvor alle slags samarbejde hen ad vejen bliver afprøvet"...

  20. Er danskerne racister

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bech, Henning; Necef, Mehmet Ümit

    Igennem de seneste årtier er det blevet almindeligt at tale om, at der er en udbredt racisme i Danmark. Påstande om danskernes racisme, fremmedhad og diskrimination optræder dagligt i offentligheden og i medierne, og der henvises ofte til, hvad ’forskerne’ og de ’videnskabelige undersøgelser’ siger...... om emnet. Der kan da næppe heller være tvivl om, at der forekommer racistiske holdninger hos nogle danskere. Men er problemet så stort, som det gøres til i den offentlige debat? Bogen ønsker at afklare, hvorvidt der er videnskabelig dokumentation for påstandene om danskernes racisme. Den går i dybden...... med en række forskeres og eksperters udtalelser på området og præsenterer en grundig analyse af deres fremstilling af dansk racisme i forhold til emner som kultur, seksualitet, kriminalitet og arbejdsmarked....

  1. Den sproglige leg er super fly

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Just, Sine Nørholm


    Man kan rappe om alt. I hvert fald hvis man er Marvelous Mosell. I spændingsfeltet mellem fiktion og virkelighed skaber Mosell sin persona i et forjættende 80' er-univers der på en og samme tid er vildt overdrevet og helt autentisk.......Man kan rappe om alt. I hvert fald hvis man er Marvelous Mosell. I spændingsfeltet mellem fiktion og virkelighed skaber Mosell sin persona i et forjættende 80' er-univers der på en og samme tid er vildt overdrevet og helt autentisk....

  2. SYP73 Anchors the ER to the Actin Cytoskeleton for Maintenance of ER Integrity and Streaming in Arabidopsis. (United States)

    Cao, Pengfei; Renna, Luciana; Stefano, Giovanni; Brandizzi, Federica


    The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is an essential organelle that spreads throughout the cytoplasm as one interconnected network of narrow tubules and dilated cisternae that enclose a single lumen. The ER network undergoes extensive remodeling, which critically depends on membrane-cytoskeleton interactions [1]. In plants, the ER is also highly mobile, and its streaming contributes significantly to the movement of other organelles [2, 3]. The remodeling and motility of the plant ER rely mainly on actin [4] and to a minor extent on microtubules [5]. Although a three-way interaction between the ER, cytosolic myosin-XI, and F-actin mediates the plant ER streaming [6], the mechanisms underlying stable interaction of the ER membrane with actin are unknown. Early electron microscopy studies suggested a direct attachment of the plant ER with actin filaments [7, 8], but it is plausible that yet-unknown proteins facilitate anchoring of the ER membrane with the cytoskeleton. We demonstrate here that SYP73, a member of the plant Syp7 subgroup of SNARE proteins [9] containing actin-binding domains, is a novel ER membrane-associated actin-binding protein. We show that overexpression of SYP73 causes a striking rearrangement of the ER over actin and that, similar to mutations of myosin-XI [4, 10, 11], loss of SYP73 reduces ER streaming and affects overall ER network morphology and plant growth. We propose a model for plant ER remodeling whereby the dynamic rearrangement and streaming of the ER network depend on the propelling action of myosin-XI over actin coupled with a SYP73-mediated bridging, which dynamically anchors the ER membrane with actin filaments. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Site of Er ions in silica layers codoped with Si nanoclusters and Er

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pellegrino, P.; Garrido, B.; Arbiol, J.; Garcia, C.; Lebour, Y.; Morante, J.R.


    Silica layers implanted with Si and Er ions to various doses and annealed at 950 deg. C have been investigated by means of energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy (EFTEM) and high annular angle dark field (HAADF). EFTEM analysis reveals Si nanoclusters (Si-nc) with an average size around 3 nm for high Si content (15 at. %) whereas no clusters can be imaged for the lowest Si excess (5 at. %). Raman scattering supports that amorphous Si precipitates are present in all the samples. Moreover, the filtered images show that Er ions appear preferentially located outside the Si-nc. HAADF analysis confirms that the Er atoms form agglomerations of 5-10 nm size when the Er concentration exceeds 1x10 20 cm -3 . This observation correlates well with the reduction of the Er population excitable by Si nanoclusters, in the best case corresponding to 10% of the total. A suitable tuning of the annealing drastically reduces this deleterious effect

  4. A Comparative Study of Er3+, Er3+-Eu3+, Er3+-Tb3+, and Er3+-Eu3+-Tb3+ Codoped Y2O3 Nanoparticles as Optical Heaters

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G. A. Sobral


    Full Text Available Fluorescence intensity ratio (FIR technique, based on the thermal coupling of H11/22 and S3/24 energy levels of erbium ions, was used to study the optical heating behavior of rare earth doped yttrium oxide nanophosphors (Y2O3:Er3+, Y2O3:Er3+-Eu3+, Y2O3:Er3+-Tb3+, and Y2O3:Er3+-Eu3+-Tb3+ synthesized via PVA-assisted sol-gel route. The samples were optically heated by an 800 nm CW diode laser, while the upconverted green emissions were used to measure their temperatures in real time. The experimental results indicate that the studied nanoparticles are promising candidates to applications such as photothermal treatments and hyperthermia.

  5. Fluxus-øer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    van der Meijden, Peter Alexander


    "Fluxus-øer" er en introduktion til Fluxus med udgangspunkt i den tyske galleri-ejer René Blocks samling, som udstillingen "Food for Thought" i Sukkerfabrikken i Stege (Møn) præsenterede et udvalg af. Artiklen beskriver Fluxus som et heterotopi som beskrevet af Michel Foucault i "Of Other Spaces"...

  6. Effect of the unfolded protein response on ER protein export: a potential new mechanism to relieve ER stress. (United States)

    Shaheen, Alaa


    The unfolded protein response (UPR) is an adaptive cellular response that aims to relieve endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress via several mechanisms, including inhibition of protein synthesis and enhancement of protein folding and degradation. There is a controversy over the effect of the UPR on ER protein export. While some investigators suggested that ER export is inhibited during ER stress, others suggested the opposite. In this article, their conflicting studies are analyzed and compared in attempt to solve this controversy. The UPR appears indeed to enhance ER export, possibly via multiple mechanisms. However, another factor, which is the integrity of the folding machinery/environment inside ER, determines whether ER export will appear increased or decreased during experimentation. Also, different methods of stress induction appear to have different effects on ER export. Thus, improvement of ER export may represent a new mechanism by which the UPR alleviates ER stress. This may help researchers to understand how the UPR works inside cells and how to manipulate it to alter cell fate during stress, either to promote cell survival or death. This may open up new approaches for the treatment of ER stress-related diseases.

  7. Supervision og de tre k´er

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schilling, Benedicte; Jacobsen, Claus Haugaard; Nielsen, Jan


    Kontrol, kontrakt og kontekst er supervisionens tre k'er. Men hvad er supervision i det hele taget for en størrelse, der spillerså central en rolle for den psykologfaglige profession?......Kontrol, kontrakt og kontekst er supervisionens tre k'er. Men hvad er supervision i det hele taget for en størrelse, der spillerså central en rolle for den psykologfaglige profession?...

  8. Coronavirus infection, ER stress and Apoptosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available The replication of coronavirus, a family of important animal and human pathogens, is closely associated with the cellular membrane compartments, especially the endoplasmic reticulum (ER. Coronavirus infection of cultured cells was previously shown to cause ER stress and induce the unfolded protein response (UPR, a process that aims to restore the ER homeostasis by global translation shutdown and increasing the ER folding capacity. However under prolonged ER stress, UPR can also induce apoptotic cell death. Accumulating evidence from recent studies has shown that induction of ER stress and UPR may constitute a major aspect of coronavirus-host interaction. Activation of the three branches of UPR modulates a wide variety of signaling pathways, such as mitogen-activated protein (MAP kinases activation, autophagy, apoptosis and innate immune response. ER stress and UPR activation may therefore contribute significantly to the viral replication and pathogenesis during coronavirus infection. In this review, we summarize current knowledge on coronavirus-induced ER stress and UPR activation, with emphasis on their cross-talking to apoptotic signaling.

  9. Er HR ude i tovene?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulfelt, Flemming


    HR: Er der behov for nytænkning i HR-land? Artikler i Harvard Business Review - bakket op af en dansk undersøgelse - konkluderer, at HR stadig mangler gennemslagskraft i virksomhederne. Er HR ude i tovene? ... For i undersøgelsen "Ny Dansk Ledelse" (maj 2015), som er baseret på danske lederes...

  10. Metabolomics er fremtiden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersern, Birger


    Forskningen i fødevarer har fået et potent redskab i hånden. Metabolomics er vejen frem, mener professor Søren Balling Engelsen fra Københavns Universitet......Forskningen i fødevarer har fået et potent redskab i hånden. Metabolomics er vejen frem, mener professor Søren Balling Engelsen fra Københavns Universitet...

  11. Innovation er brugerdreven!

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Helms, Niels Henrik


    Brugerdreven innovation er blevet svaret på mange af de udfordringer, som vores moderne samfund står overfor.Det er skrevet ind i såvel regeringsgrundlaget som i de forskellige tiltag, som skal ruste Danmark i forhold til globaliseringen. Vi har ifølge argumentationen her enrække særlige forudsæt....... Udgivelsesdato: marts 2008...

  12. er 2000

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, J. P.; Søndergaard, M.; Jeppesen, E.

    styrke det fagli-ge grundlag for de mil-jøpolitiske prioriteringer og beslut-ninger. En væsentlig del af denne opgave er overvågning af miljø og natur. Det er derfor et naturligt led i Danmarks Miljø-undersø-gelsers opgave at forestå den landsdækkende rapportering af overvågnings-program-met inden...

  13. Jeg Er blevet FRANKofil

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersson, Lasse


    afhængig af Frank Underwood fra serien House of Cards på den fremadstormende TV-streamingstjenesten Netflix. Jeg har opdaget et nyt internetbaseret datingforhold. Et surrealt, fedt miks af det kyniske og joviale personificeret i karakteren Frank Underwood, som er helt igennem ubehagelig, men fantastisk...... spillet af Kevin Spacey. Og tak til Spacey der for en tid har forladt teateret ’The Old Vic’ i London for at begejstre mig. Der er generelt to årsager til mine FRANKofile tilbøjeligheder. For det første er Netflix’s remake af den tyve år gamle BBC serie House of Cards efter min menig et stykke tv...... anden grund, til at jeg er blevet Frankofil, er, at jeg ikke skal sidde og vente på næste søndag efter søndag efter søndag for at få lov at se næste afsnit. Netflix lagde alle tretten timer af sæson 2 ud på nettet. Jeg afgør selv, hvornår jeg skal have mere Frank! Men på trods af mit narkomanlignende...

  14. Hvornår er man ung?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gundelach, Peter; Nørregård-Nielsen, Esther C.


    Hvornår er man ung, og hvornår er man voksen? Er der forskelle i befolkningens værdier i forhold til arbejde og politik, når det undersøges ud fra henholdsvis et alders- eller generationsperspektiv? Baseret på data fra den danske del af den internationale værdiundersøgelse vises at der er så store...

  15. er 1999

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, J. P.; Søndergaard, M.; Jeppesen, E.

    små cladoceer og hjuldyr, og især er maksimumsforekom-sterne af calanoide vandlopper og de små og store cladoceer og daf-nier gået tilbage. Den gennemsnitlige biomasse af dafnier er derimod øget især p.g.a. stigning i de 25 % af søerne med størst forekomster. Dyreplanktons græsning Betragtet under et...

  16. The role of the AR/ER ratio in ER-positive breast cancer patients. (United States)

    Rangel, Nelson; Rondon-Lagos, Milena; Annaratone, Laura; Osella-Abate, Simona; Metovic, Jasna; Mano, Maria Piera; Bertero, Luca; Cassoni, Paola; Sapino, Anna; Castellano, Isabella


    The significance of androgen receptor (AR) in breast cancer (BC) management is not fully defined, and it is still ambiguous how the level of AR expression influences oestrogen receptor-positive (ER+) tumours. The aim of the present study was to analyse the prognostic impact of AR/ER ratio, evaluated by immunohistochemistry (IHC), correlating this value with clinical, pathological and molecular characteristics. We retrospectively selected a cohort of 402 ER+BC patients. On each tumour, IHC analyses for AR, ER, PgR, HER2 and Ki67 were performed and AR+ cases were used to calculate the AR/ER value. A cut-off of ≥2 was selected using receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curve analyses. RNA from 19 cases with AR/ER≥2 was extracted and used for Prosigna-PAM50 assays. Tumours with AR/ER≥2 (6%) showed more frequent metastatic lymph nodes, larger size, higher histological grade and lower PgR levels than cases with AR/ERAR/ER≥2 had worse disease-free interval (DFI) and disease-specific survival (DSS) (hazard ratios (HR) = 4.96 for DFI and HR = 8.69 for DSS, both P  ≤ 0.004). According to the Prosigna-PAM50 assay, 63% (12/19) of these cases resulted in intermediate or high risk of recurrence categories. Additionally, although all samples were positive for ER assessed by IHC, the molecular test assigned 47.4% (9/19) of BCs to intrinsic non-luminal subtypes. In conclusion, the AR/ER ratio ≥2 identifies a subgroup of patients with aggressive biological features and may represent an additional independent marker of worse BC prognosis. Moreover, the Prosigna-PAM50 results indicate that a significant number of cases with AR/ER≥2 could be non-luminal tumours. © 2018 Society for Endocrinology.

  17. GR and ER co-activation alters the expression of differentiation genes and associates with improved ER+ breast cancer outcome (United States)

    West, Diana C.; Pan, Deng; Tonsing-Carter, Eva Y.; Hernandez, Kyle M.; Pierce, Charles F.; Styke, Sarah C.; Bowie, Kathleen R.; Garcia, Tzintzuni I.; Kocherginsky, Masha; Conzen, Suzanne D.


    In estrogen receptor (ER)-negative breast cancer (BC), high tumor glucocorticoid receptor (GR) expression has been associated with a relatively poor outcome. In contrast, using a meta-analysis of several genomic datasets, here we find that tumor GR mRNA expression is associated with improved ER+ relapse-free survival (RFS) (independently of progesterone receptor (PR) expression). To understand the mechanism by which GR expression is associated with a better ER+ BC outcome, the global effect of GR-mediated transcriptional activation in ER+ BC cells was studied. Analysis of GR chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by high-throughput sequencing (ChIP-seq) in ER+/GR+ MCF-7 cells revealed that upon co-activation of GR and ER, GR chromatin association became enriched at proximal promoter regions. Furthermore, following ER activation, increased GR chromatin association was observed at ER, FOXO, and AP1 response elements. In addition, ER associated with GR response elements, suggesting that ER and GR interact in a complex. Co-activation of GR and ER resulted in increased expression (relative to ER activation alone) of transcripts that encode proteins promoting cellular differentiation (e.g. KDM4B, VDR) and inhibiting the Wnt-signaling pathway (IGFBP4). Finally, expression of these individual pro-differentiation genes was associated with significantly improved RFS in ER+ BC patients. Together, these data suggest that the co-expression and subsequent activity of tumor cell GR and ER contribute to the less aggressive natural history of early-stage BC by coordinating the altered expression of genes favoring differentiation. Implications The interaction between estrogen and glucocorticoid receptor activity highlights the importance of context-dependent nuclear receptor function in cancer. PMID:27141101

  18. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER Stress and Endocrine Disorders

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daisuke Ariyasu


    Full Text Available The endoplasmic reticulum (ER is the organelle where secretory and membrane proteins are synthesized and folded. Unfolded proteins that are retained within the ER can cause ER stress. Eukaryotic cells have a defense system called the “unfolded protein response” (UPR, which protects cells from ER stress. Cells undergo apoptosis when ER stress exceeds the capacity of the UPR, which has been revealed to cause human diseases. Although neurodegenerative diseases are well-known ER stress-related diseases, it has been discovered that endocrine diseases are also related to ER stress. In this review, we focus on ER stress-related human endocrine disorders. In addition to diabetes mellitus, which is well characterized, several relatively rare genetic disorders such as familial neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus (FNDI, Wolfram syndrome, and isolated growth hormone deficiency type II (IGHD2 are discussed in this article.

  19. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) Stress and Endocrine Disorders (United States)

    Ariyasu, Daisuke; Yoshida, Hiderou; Hasegawa, Yukihiro


    The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is the organelle where secretory and membrane proteins are synthesized and folded. Unfolded proteins that are retained within the ER can cause ER stress. Eukaryotic cells have a defense system called the “unfolded protein response” (UPR), which protects cells from ER stress. Cells undergo apoptosis when ER stress exceeds the capacity of the UPR, which has been revealed to cause human diseases. Although neurodegenerative diseases are well-known ER stress-related diseases, it has been discovered that endocrine diseases are also related to ER stress. In this review, we focus on ER stress-related human endocrine disorders. In addition to diabetes mellitus, which is well characterized, several relatively rare genetic disorders such as familial neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus (FNDI), Wolfram syndrome, and isolated growth hormone deficiency type II (IGHD2) are discussed in this article. PMID:28208663

  20. The structure of the 168Er nucleus and the 166Er(t,p) 168 Er reaction in terms of the sdg interacting boson model (United States)

    Akiyama, Y.; Heyde, K.; Arima, A.; Yoshinaga, N.


    Extending the interacting boson model by incorporating besides s and d, also the g-boson, we can describe the population of positive parity states of 168Er in the 166Er(t,P) 168Er reaction rather well. In particular, the excitation of I,Kπi = 4,3 +1; 2,2 +2; 0,0 +3 and 0,0 +4 states is much improved over the sd-IBM approach.

  1. De 9 P’er

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rennison, Betina Wolfgang


    Ledere skal i dag selv skabe deres eget rum til ledelse, men hvad er med til at sætte det, hvilke betingelser og udfordringer er der, og hvordan kan lederne skabe sig selv i et hav af forventninger? Dette katalog inviterer til refleksion herom....

  2. Effect of Er3+ Concentration on Upconversion in Hexagonal-Phase NaYF4:Er3+ Nanocrystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luo, X J; Yuminami, R; Sakurai, T; Akimoto, K


    A facile synthesis method was developed to produce hexagonal-phase of NaYF 4 nanocrystals (NCs) doped with Er 3+ in different concentration, which showed upconversion (UC) emission from infrared to visible spectral region. This proposed method is simple and less toxic compared with generally used method so far. It was found that up-conversion emission spectra of NaYF 4 :Er 3+ NCs, excited at 1550 nm, included four peaks at about 980 nm, 800 nm, 660 nm and 540 nm. The effect of Er 3+ concentration on UC in β-phase NaYF 4 :Er 3+ NCs were discussed based on the excitation power dependence. The optimum Er 3+ concentration for 2-step and 3-step UC was found to be around 10∼30%.

  3. Hvor anvendelig er PKI?


    Nielsen, Jon Magne


    Denne oppgaven ser på bruken av elektronisk ID i statlige etater i Norge i dag. Det ses spesielt på om bruken av tekologien PKI er en god løsning på etatenes behov på dette området. Som utgangspunkt for analysen er det sett spesielt på to statlige etater. Disse etatenes behov og bruk av elektronisk ID generelt og PKI spesielt blir undersøkt. Det er videre gjort rede for hvilke lover, forskrifter og andre førende dokumenter som danner de formelle rammebetingelsene for etaters bruk av PKI. ...

  4. Hvad f er meningen?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rydén, Pernille; Ringberg, Torsten; Wilke, Ricky

    En forskningsrapport fra CBS om danske lederes opfattelse af sociale medier i detail- og servicebranchen. Rapporten er udarbejdet i regi af Service Platform.......En forskningsrapport fra CBS om danske lederes opfattelse af sociale medier i detail- og servicebranchen. Rapporten er udarbejdet i regi af Service Platform....

  5. Investigating the evolution of local structure around Er and Yb in ZnO:Er and ZnO:Er, Yb on annealing using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (United States)

    Anjana, R.; Jayaraj, M. K.; Yadav, A. K.; Jha, S. N.; Bhattacharyya, D.


    The local structure around Er and Yb centre in ZnO favouring upconversion luminescence was studied using EXAFS (Extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy). Due to the ionic radii difference between Zn and Er, Yb ions, the dopants cannot replace Zn in the ZnO lattice properly. Er2O3 and Yb2O3 impurity phases are formed at the grain boundaries of ZnO. It is found that the local structure around the Er centre in ZnO is modified on annealing in air. The symmetry around both erbium and ytterbium reduces with increase in annealing temperature. Symmetry reduction will favour the intra-4f transition and the energy transitions causing upconversion luminescence. By fitting the EXAFS data with theoretically simulated data, it is found that the Er centre forms a local structure similar to C4ν symmetry which is a distorted octahedron. On annealing the sample to 1200 °C, all the erbium centres are transformed to C4ν symmetry causing enhanced upconversion emission. Yb centre has also been modified on annealing. The decrease in co-ordination number with annealing temperature will decrease the symmetry and increase the near infrared absorption cross section. The decrease in symmetry around both the erbium and ytterbium centre and formation of C4ν symmetry around Er centre is the reason behind the activation of upconversion luminescence with high temperature annealing in both Er doped and Er, Yb co-doped ZnO samples. The study will be useful for the synthesis of high efficiency upconversion materials.

  6. ER signaling is activated to protect human HaCaT keratinocytes from ER stress induced by environmental doses of UVB

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mera, Kentaro; Kawahara, Ko-ichi; Tada, Ko-ichi; Kawai, Kazuhiro; Hashiguchi, Teruto; Maruyama, Ikuro; Kanekura, Takuro


    Proteins are folded properly in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Various stress such as hypoxia, ischemia and starvation interfere with the ER function, causing ER stress, which is defined by the accumulation of unfolded protein (UP) in the ER. ER stress is prevented by the UP response (UPR) and ER-associated degradation (ERAD). These signaling pathways are activated by three major ER molecules, ATF6, IRE-1 and PERK. Using HaCaT cells, we investigated ER signaling in human keratinocytes irradiated by environmental doses of ultraviolet B (UVB). The expression of Ero1-Lα, an upstream signaling molecule of ER stress, decreased at 1-4 h after 10 mJ/cm 2 irradiation, indicating that the environmental dose of UVB-induced ER stress in HaCaT cells, without growth retardation. Furthermore, expression of intact ATF6 was decreased and it was translocated to the nuclei. The expression of XBP-1, a downstream molecule of IRE-1, which is an ER chaperone whose expression is regulated by XBP-1, and UP ubiquitination were induced by 10 mJ/cm 2 UVB at 4 h. PERK, which regulates apoptosis, was not phosphorylated. Our results demonstrate that UVB irradiation generates UP in HaCaT cells and that the UPR and ERAD systems are activated to protect cells from UVB-induced ER stress. This is the first report to show ER signaling in UVB-irradiated keratinocytes.

  7. ER Stress: A Therapeutic Target in Rheumatoid Arthritis? (United States)

    Rahmati, Marveh; Moosavi, Mohammad Amin; McDermott, Michael F


    Diverse physiological and pathological conditions that impact on protein folding of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) cause ER stress. The unfolded protein response (UPR) and the ER-associated degradation (ERAD) pathway are activated to cope with ER stress. In rheumatoid arthritis (RA), inflammation and ER stress work in parallel by driving inflammatory cells to release cytokines that induce chronic ER stress pathways. This chronic ER stress may contribute to the pathogenesis of RA through synoviocyte proliferation and proinflammatory cytokine production. Therefore, ER stress pathways and their constituent elements are attractive targets for RA drug development. In this review, we integrate current knowledge of the contribution of ER stress to the overall pathogenesis of RA, and suggest some therapeutic implications of these discoveries. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Fremtidens undervisningsmiljøer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Som oplægget til dette temanummer af LOM også indikerede, så sætter vi fokus på fremtidens undervisningsmiljøer på universiteter og UCer. Fremtidens undervisningsmiljøer har mange facetter, hvilket samlingen af artikler også illustrerer. “Fremtidens Undervisningsmiljø” handler om eksisterende erf...

  9. Suppression of concentration quenching of Er-related luminescence in Er-doped GaN

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Shaoqiang; Tomita, Shigeo; Kudo, Hiroshi; Akimoto, Katsuhiro; Dierre, Benjamin; Lee, Woong; Sekiguchi, Takashi


    Erbium-doped GaN with different doping concentrations were grown by ammonia-source molecular beam epitaxy. The intra-4f-shell transitions related green luminescence were observed by both photoluminescence (PL) and cathodoluminescence (CL) measurements. It was found that concentration quenching of Er-related luminescence was observed in PL measurements while not in CL measurements. The different excitation and relaxation processes are suggested as the cause of the concentration quenching characteristics between PL and CL. The strong Er-related CL intensity in highly doped GaN demonstrates that high energy excitation is a promising approach to suppress the concentration quenching in Er-doped GaN.

  10. Er moral bare noget vi leger?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, Frej Klem


    Hvis man er skeptiker, så er moral nemlig altid kun et udtryk for psykologi og kultur, også når det handler om for eksempel misbrug af børn i Tønder-sagen eller terror-angreb i Madrid, London og Mumbai .......Hvis man er skeptiker, så er moral nemlig altid kun et udtryk for psykologi og kultur, også når det handler om for eksempel misbrug af børn i Tønder-sagen eller terror-angreb i Madrid, London og Mumbai ....

  11. Self-diffusion of Er and Hf inpure and HfO2-doped polycrystalline Er2O3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Scheidecker, R.W.


    Using a tracer technique, self-diffusion of Er and Hf was measured over the approximate temperature interval of 1600 to 1970 0 C in pure and HfO 2 -doped polycryatalline Er 2 O 3 . Up to about 10 m/o HfO 2 dopant level, the Er self-diffusion coefficients followed a relationship based on cation vacancies. Above 10 m/o HfO 2 , deviation from this relationship occurred, apparently due to clustering of cation vacancies and oxygen interstitials around the dopant hafnia ion. The activation energy for the self-diffusion of Er in pure Er 2 O 3 was 82.2 Kcal/mole and increased with the HfO 2 dopant level present. Self-diffusion of Hf was measured in pure Er 2 O 3 having two impurity levels, and a separation of the grain boundary. The volume diffusion of Hf showed both extrinsic and intrinsic behavior with the transition temperature increasing with the impurity level present in Er 2 O 3 . The activation energy for Hf volume diffusion in the intrinsic region was high, i.e. 235 -+ 9.5 Kcal/mole. The grain boundary diffusion was apparently extrinsic over the entire temperature interval Very low Hf self diffusion rates were found in both pure and HfO 2 doped Er 2 O 3 compositions. Despite a clustering effect, the HfO 2 dopant increased the Hf volume diffusion coefficients

  12. Sigma-1 receptor chaperone at the ER-mitochondrion interface mediates the mitochondrion-ER-nucleus signaling for cellular survival.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tomohisa Mori

    Full Text Available The membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER of a cell forms contacts directly with mitochondria whereby the contact is referred to as the mitochondrion-associated ER membrane or the MAM. Here we found that the MAM regulates cellular survival via an MAM-residing ER chaperone the sigma-1 receptor (Sig-1R in that the Sig-1R chaperones the ER stress sensor IRE1 to facilitate inter-organelle signaling for survival. IRE1 is found in this study to be enriched at the MAM in CHO cells. We found that IRE1 is stabilized at the MAM by Sig-1Rs when cells are under ER stress. Sig-1Rs stabilize IRE1 and thus allow for conformationally correct IRE1 to dimerize into the long-lasting, activated endonuclease. The IRE1 at the MAM also responds to reactive oxygen species derived from mitochondria. Therefore, the ER-mitochondrion interface serves as an important subcellular entity in the regulation of cellular survival by enhancing the stress-responding signaling between mitochondria, ER, and nucleus.

  13. Sigma-1 receptor chaperone at the ER-mitochondrion interface mediates the mitochondrion-ER-nucleus signaling for cellular survival. (United States)

    Mori, Tomohisa; Hayashi, Teruo; Hayashi, Eri; Su, Tsung-Ping


    The membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of a cell forms contacts directly with mitochondria whereby the contact is referred to as the mitochondrion-associated ER membrane or the MAM. Here we found that the MAM regulates cellular survival via an MAM-residing ER chaperone the sigma-1 receptor (Sig-1R) in that the Sig-1R chaperones the ER stress sensor IRE1 to facilitate inter-organelle signaling for survival. IRE1 is found in this study to be enriched at the MAM in CHO cells. We found that IRE1 is stabilized at the MAM by Sig-1Rs when cells are under ER stress. Sig-1Rs stabilize IRE1 and thus allow for conformationally correct IRE1 to dimerize into the long-lasting, activated endonuclease. The IRE1 at the MAM also responds to reactive oxygen species derived from mitochondria. Therefore, the ER-mitochondrion interface serves as an important subcellular entity in the regulation of cellular survival by enhancing the stress-responding signaling between mitochondria, ER, and nucleus.

  14. Endoplasmic reticulum: ER stress regulates mitochondrial bioenergetics (United States)

    Bravo, Roberto; Gutierrez, Tomás; Paredes, Felipe; Gatica, Damián; Rodriguez, Andrea E.; Pedrozo, Zully; Chiong, Mario; Parra, Valentina; Quest, Andrew F.G.; Rothermel, Beverly A.; Lavandero, Sergio


    Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress activates an adaptive unfolded protein response (UPR) that facilitates cellular repair, however, under prolonged ER stress, the UPR can ultimately trigger apoptosis thereby terminating damaged cells. The molecular mechanisms responsible for execution of the cell death program are relatively well characterized, but the metabolic events taking place during the adaptive phase of ER stress remain largely undefined. Here we discuss emerging evidence regarding the metabolic changes that occur during the onset of ER stress and how ER influences mitochondrial function through mechanisms involving calcium transfer, thereby facilitating cellular adaptation. Finally, we highlight how dysregulation of ER–mitochondrial calcium homeostasis during prolonged ER stress is emerging as a novel mechanism implicated in the onset of metabolic disorders. PMID:22064245

  15. Er jeres ledere 'likeable'?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Rikke Kristine


    Færdigheder: Oftest er lederne langtfra de første til at kaste sig over ny teknologi. It-kundskaberne på chefgangen trænger til en opgradering.......Færdigheder: Oftest er lederne langtfra de første til at kaste sig over ny teknologi. It-kundskaberne på chefgangen trænger til en opgradering....

  16. Synthesis of Er and Er : Yb doped sol–gel derived silica glass and ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Materials Science Centre, †Central Research Facility, Optical Fibre Unit, Indian Institute of Technology,. Kharagpur 721 302, India. MS received 1 March 2004; revised 4 July 2004. Abstract. Er3+ and Er3+ : Yb3+ doped optical quality, crack and bubble free glasses for possible use in mak- ing laser material have been ...

  17. Vidensledelse er også en social praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauring, Jakob; Waldstrøm, Christian


    lys er det utroligt vigtigt at personalefunktionen i virksomheden er klar over de processer der udspiller sig, og aktivt tager fat om problemerne der ligger i disse barrierer. Vores egne undersøgelser viser, at på trods af opstillingen af teknologiske systemer til vidensdeling, er der stadig...... væsentlige ledelsesmæssige opgaver i forhold til sociale aspekter ved arbejdet i en organisation, som skal varetages hvis vidensdelingen skal fremmes succesfuldt. Det er væsentligt at forstå, at vidensledelse ikke blot handler om cirkulering af information, men også er forbundet mere generelt til ledelse som...

  18. Forenklingens fire F'er

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bentzen, Tina Øllgaard


    At fjerne styring er det, man ofte forbinder med afbureaukratisering, men det er ikke tilstrækkeligt, når man vil gå fra flotte ambitioner til en styring, som reelt opleves enklere. For at forenkle må man også forandre, forankre og fastholde styring, og det må ske i et samspil mellem de aktører, ...

  19. ER Consolidated Quarterly Report October 2014

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cochran, John R. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States)


    This Environmental Restoration Operations (ER) Consolidated Quarterly Report (ER Quarterly Report) provides the status of ongoing corrective actions and related Long- Term Stewardship (LTS) activities being implemented by Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico (SNL/NM) ER for the April, May, and June 2014 quarterly reporting period. Section 2.0 provides the status of ER Operations activities including closure activities for the Mixed Waste Landfill (MWL), project management and site closure, and hydrogeologic characterizations. Section 3.0 provides the status of LTS activities that relate to the Chemical Waste Landfill (CWL) and the associated Corrective Action Management Unit (CAMU). Section 4.0 provides the references noted in Section I of this report.

  20. Optimal fodring af goldkøer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjerre-Harpøth, Vibeke; Damgaard, Birthe Marie


    Et forsøg har vist, at køer på lavt energiniveau i goldperioden var fysiologisk sundere og havde mindre risiko for at udvikle stofskiftesygdomme end køer på et højt energiniveau. Forsøget viste også, at køer på et normalt energiniveau i senlaktationen gav mere mælk i den efterfølgende laktation e...

  1. Er KU et mobbeuniversitet?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olden-Jørgensen, Sebastian


    Ansatte på KU mobber hverken mere eller mindre end på andre danske arbejdspladser. Mediernes dækning af APV-undersøgelsens resultater mht. mobning er sensationalistisk og delvis vildledende.......Ansatte på KU mobber hverken mere eller mindre end på andre danske arbejdspladser. Mediernes dækning af APV-undersøgelsens resultater mht. mobning er sensationalistisk og delvis vildledende....

  2. Spectral-converting behaviors of Er{sup 3+} and Er{sup 3+}–Yb{sup 3+} doped YOCl phosphors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Sangmoon, E-mail: [Center for Green Fusion Technology and Department of Engineering in Energy and Applied Chemistry, Silla University, Busan 617-736 (Korea, Republic of); Cho, So-Hye [Center for Materials Architecturing, Institute of Multidisciplinary Convergence of Materials, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul 130-650 (Korea, Republic of)


    Highlights: • Luminescent materials of YOCl:Er,Yb were prepared using NH{sub 4}Cl flux. • Interesting spectral-converting behaviors were observed in the phosphors. • 980 or 1550 nm diode laser was irradiated for up-converting study. • A multi-photon process in the phosphors was calculated. -- Abstract: Luminescent materials composed of Y{sub 1−m−n}Er{sub m}Yb{sub n}OCl (m = 0.001–0.1, n = 0.005–0.1) were prepared via a solid-state reaction using NH{sub 4}Cl flux. Photoluminescence spectra, the dependence of the luminescent intensity as a function of Er{sup 3+} content, and their CIE coordinates of the Er{sup 3+}-doped layered YOCl compounds were also investigated under near-ultraviolet (NUV) and visible lights. The spectral up-converting properties of Er{sup 3+} and Er{sup 3+}–Yb{sup 3+} in YOCl phosphors were elucidated under 980 and 1550 nm diode laser irradiations. This up-conversion emission spectra and the pump power dependence versus emission intensity observed in the Y{sub 0.9}Er{sub 0.1}OCl up-conversion phosphors gave rise to one- and two-photon processes. The up-conversion mechanism of Er{sup 3+} and Yb{sup 3+} ions in YOCl was described by a schematic energy-level diagram. Through the use of these up-conversion luminescent materials, the desired emitting lights throughout the orange and red regions of the spectra were achieved.

  3. ER stress-induced protein, VIGG, disturbs plant cation homeostasis, which is correlated with growth retardation and robustness to ER stress

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Katoh, Hironori; Fujita, Keiko; Takuhara, Yuki; Ogawa, Atsushi; Suzuki, Shunji


    Highlights: → VIGG is an ER stress-induced protein in plant. → We examine the characteristics of VIGG-overexpressing Arabidopsis plants. → VIGG-overexpressing plants reveal growth retardation and robustness to ER stress. → VIGG disturbs cation homeostasis in plant. -- Abstract: VIGG is a putative endoplasmic reticulum (ER) resident protein induced by virus infection and ER stress, and is correlated with fruit quality in grapevine. The present study was undertaken to determine the biological function of VIGG in grapevine. Experiments using fluorescent protein-VIGG fusion protein demonstrated that VIGG is localized in ER and the ER targeting sequence is in the N-terminus. The overexpression of VIGG in Arabidopsis plant led to growth retardation. The rosette leaves of VIGG-overexpressing plants were smaller than those of the control plants and rolled at 42 days after seeding. VIGG-overexpressing plants revealed robustness to ER stress as well as the low expression of ER stress marker proteins, such as the luminal binding proteins. These characteristics of VIGG-overexpressing plants were supported by a microarray experiment that demonstrated the disruption of genes related to ER stress response and flowering, as well as cation mobility, in the plants. Finally, cation homeostasis in the plants was disturbed by the overexpression of VIGG. Taken together, these results suggest that VIGG may disturb cation homeostasis in plant, which is correlated with the robustness to ER stress and growth retardation.

  4. ER stress-induced protein, VIGG, disturbs plant cation homeostasis, which is correlated with growth retardation and robustness to ER stress

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Katoh, Hironori; Fujita, Keiko; Takuhara, Yuki [Laboratory of Fruit Genetic Engineering, The Institute of Enology and Viticulture, University of Yamanashi, Kofu, Yamanashi 400-0005 (Japan); Ogawa, Atsushi [Department of Biological Production, Akita Prefectural University, Shimosinjyou-nakano 241-438, Akita 010-0195 (Japan); Suzuki, Shunji, E-mail: [Laboratory of Fruit Genetic Engineering, The Institute of Enology and Viticulture, University of Yamanashi, Kofu, Yamanashi 400-0005 (Japan)


    Highlights: {yields} VIGG is an ER stress-induced protein in plant. {yields} We examine the characteristics of VIGG-overexpressing Arabidopsis plants. {yields} VIGG-overexpressing plants reveal growth retardation and robustness to ER stress. {yields} VIGG disturbs cation homeostasis in plant. -- Abstract: VIGG is a putative endoplasmic reticulum (ER) resident protein induced by virus infection and ER stress, and is correlated with fruit quality in grapevine. The present study was undertaken to determine the biological function of VIGG in grapevine. Experiments using fluorescent protein-VIGG fusion protein demonstrated that VIGG is localized in ER and the ER targeting sequence is in the N-terminus. The overexpression of VIGG in Arabidopsis plant led to growth retardation. The rosette leaves of VIGG-overexpressing plants were smaller than those of the control plants and rolled at 42 days after seeding. VIGG-overexpressing plants revealed robustness to ER stress as well as the low expression of ER stress marker proteins, such as the luminal binding proteins. These characteristics of VIGG-overexpressing plants were supported by a microarray experiment that demonstrated the disruption of genes related to ER stress response and flowering, as well as cation mobility, in the plants. Finally, cation homeostasis in the plants was disturbed by the overexpression of VIGG. Taken together, these results suggest that VIGG may disturb cation homeostasis in plant, which is correlated with the robustness to ER stress and growth retardation.

  5. Structure of the /sup 168/Er nucleus and the /sup 166/Er(t,p)/sup 168/Er reaction in terms of the sdg interacting boson model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Akiyama, Y.; Heyde, K.; Arima, A.; Yoshinaga, N.


    Extending the interacting boson model by incorporating besides s and d, also the g-boson, we can describe the population of positive parity states of /sup 168/Er in the /sup 166/Er(t,P)/sup 168/Er reaction rather well. In particular, the excitation of I,Ksub(i)sup(..pi..) = 4,3/sub 1//sup +/; 2,2/sub 2//sup +/; 0,0/sub 3//sup +/ and 0,0/sub 4//sup +/ states is much improved over the sd-IBM appraoch.

  6. Pæren er faldet langt fra stammen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Haarder, Jon Helt


    Roman: Hassan Preislers vellykkede debutroman udleverer ikke bare multikulti-industrien. Den er også en rablende diagnosticering af det moderne menneskes livsvilkår HASSAN PREISLER BRUN MANDS BYRDE 224 sider, 249,95 Lindhardt og Ringhof Er udkommet 4......Roman: Hassan Preislers vellykkede debutroman udleverer ikke bare multikulti-industrien. Den er også en rablende diagnosticering af det moderne menneskes livsvilkår HASSAN PREISLER BRUN MANDS BYRDE 224 sider, 249,95 Lindhardt og Ringhof Er udkommet 4...

  7. Er Web 2.0 klar til mainstream?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ivang, Reimer


    BLOG: Spørgsmålene der relateres til Web 2.0 er mange. Men en af de mest signifikante er om netop din virksomhed skal anvende Web 2.0 teknologier? Hvad kan I få ud af det?......BLOG: Spørgsmålene der relateres til Web 2.0 er mange. Men en af de mest signifikante er om netop din virksomhed skal anvende Web 2.0 teknologier? Hvad kan I få ud af det?...


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Høst, Jeppe Engset


    Ideen om at arbejde med det man kalder de stedbundne ressourcer på en ny måde, er relevant på Bornholm hvor events som blandt andet festivalen ’Wonderfestiwall’, strandfesten ’Vang Pier Beach Party’, karnevallet ’Svaneke Beach Party, kokkekonkurrencen ’Sol over Gudhjem’ og filmfestivalen ’Bornsho...

  9. An ER protein functionally couples neutral lipid metabolism on lipid droplets to membrane lipid synthesis in the ER. (United States)

    Markgraf, Daniel F; Klemm, Robin W; Junker, Mirco; Hannibal-Bach, Hans K; Ejsing, Christer S; Rapoport, Tom A


    Eukaryotic cells store neutral lipids such as triacylglycerol (TAG) in lipid droplets (LDs). Here, we have addressed how LDs are functionally linked to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). We show that, in S. cerevisiae, LD growth is sustained by LD-localized enzymes. When LDs grow in early stationary phase, the diacylglycerol acyl-transferase Dga1p moves from the ER to LDs and is responsible for all TAG synthesis from diacylglycerol (DAG). During LD breakdown in early exponential phase, an ER membrane protein (Ice2p) facilitates TAG utilization for membrane-lipid synthesis. Ice2p has a cytosolic domain with affinity for LDs and is required for the efficient utilization of LD-derived DAG in the ER. Ice2p breaks a futile cycle on LDs between TAG degradation and synthesis, promoting the rapid relocalization of Dga1p to the ER. Our results show that Ice2p functionally links LDs with the ER and explain how cells switch neutral lipid metabolism from storage to consumption. Copyright © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. An ER Protein Functionally Couples Neutral Lipid Metabolism on Lipid Droplets to Membrane Lipid Synthesis in the ER

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel F. Markgraf


    Full Text Available Eukaryotic cells store neutral lipids such as triacylglycerol (TAG in lipid droplets (LDs. Here, we have addressed how LDs are functionally linked to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER. We show that, in S. cerevisiae, LD growth is sustained by LD-localized enzymes. When LDs grow in early stationary phase, the diacylglycerol acyl-transferase Dga1p moves from the ER to LDs and is responsible for all TAG synthesis from diacylglycerol (DAG. During LD breakdown in early exponential phase, an ER membrane protein (Ice2p facilitates TAG utilization for membrane-lipid synthesis. Ice2p has a cytosolic domain with affinity for LDs and is required for the efficient utilization of LD-derived DAG in the ER. Ice2p breaks a futile cycle on LDs between TAG degradation and synthesis, promoting the rapid relocalization of Dga1p to the ER. Our results show that Ice2p functionally links LDs with the ER and explain how cells switch neutral lipid metabolism from storage to consumption.

  11. ER Stress and Lipid Metabolism in Adipocytes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Beth S. Zha


    Full Text Available The role of endoplasmic reticulum (ER stress is a rapidly emerging field of interest in the pathogenesis of metabolic diseases. Recent studies have shown that chronic activation of ER stress is closely linked to dysregulation of lipid metabolism in several metabolically important cells including hepatocytes, macrophages, β-cells, and adipocytes. Adipocytes are one of the major cell types involved in the pathogenesis of the metabolic syndrome. Recent advances in dissecting the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the regulation of adipogenesis and lipid metabolism indicate that activation of ER stress plays a central role in regulating adipocyte function. In this paper, we discuss the current understanding of the potential role of ER stress in lipid metabolism in adipocytes. In addition, we touch upon the interaction of ER stress and autophagy as well as inflammation. Inhibition of ER stress has the potential of decreasing the pathology in adipose tissue that is seen with energy overbalance.

  12. Ondskaben er fortryllende

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schubart, Rikke


    Indlæg om tv-serien Once Upon a Time (2011-), der hører til genren fairytale fantasy, der blander eventyr og fantasy. Her bliver alle eventyr brugt i en fortælling om alle beboere i en lille by, der ikke ved, at de i virkeligheden er eventyr-karakterer.......Indlæg om tv-serien Once Upon a Time (2011-), der hører til genren fairytale fantasy, der blander eventyr og fantasy. Her bliver alle eventyr brugt i en fortælling om alle beboere i en lille by, der ikke ved, at de i virkeligheden er eventyr-karakterer....

  13. AFM observation of OMVPE-grown ErP on InP substrates using a new organometal tris(ethylcyclopentadienyl)erbium (Er(EtCp)3)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akane, T.; Jinno, S.; Yang, Y.; Kuno, T.; Hirata, T.; Isogai, Y.; Watanabe, N.; Fujiwara, Y.; Nakamura, A.; Takeda, Y.


    ErP has been grown on InP(0 0 1) substrates by organometallic vapor phase epitaxy (OMVPE) using a new liquid organic Er source: tris(ethylcyclopentadienyl)erbium (Er(EtCp) 3 ). Morphological change of an ErP layer on InP(0 0 1) is investigated together with that of an overgrown capping InP layer. Optimum growth condition of InP causes islanding on over-monolayer-ErP. A relatively low overgrowth temperature of InP is a key factor for attaining complete capping coverage on ErP

  14. Streaming video - grundlæggende genrer i læringsomgivelser

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bo Fibiger


    Full Text Available Første gang publiceret i UNEV nr. 1: Undervisningsformer på nettet, november 2003, red. Simon Heilesen og Helle Bækkelund Jensen. ISSN 1603-5518. Anvendelsen af internettet som platform for IKT-baseret læring har i høj grad været med til at lægge fokus på den skriftlige kommunikationsform – et forhold der bl.a. har været bestemt af den smalle båndbredde og mangel på komprimeringsværktøjer. Gennem de seneste år er komprimeringsteknologierne imidlertid blevet standardiseret og forbedret, netopkoblingen sker med en større båndbredde end tidligere (også de private opkoblinger, og udviklingen af såkaldte buffering-teknikker er med til at gøre distributionen af levende billeder til en naturlig del af netkommunikationen. Det må naturligvis få os, der arbejder med virtuelle læreprocesser, til at forholde os til, hvordan disse nye muligheder kan frugtbargøres i læringssammenhænge – uden at erfaringerne fra CSCL-traditionen dermed negligeres. Artiklen præsenterer tre typer af videobaserede læringsressourcer og giver eksempler på konkret anvendelse af disse.

  15. Hvorfor er sygeplejersker usynlige i offentlige medier?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Joensen, Annemi Lund; Hall, Elisabeth


    Når der er sygeplejerelevante emner til debat i de offentlige medier på Færøerne, bærer debatten præg af sygeplejerskers manglende deltagelse. Sygeplejerskerne er usynlige. Et eksempel på dette er en debat om besparelser inden for ældreomsorgen. Til trods for at besparelsen fik omfattende konsekv...

  16. Brandulykker er et socialt problem

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Leth, Peter Mygind


    Det er de gamle, de syge, de handicappede og alkoholikerne, der brænder inde. Typisk har de tabt en cigaret eller tændstik på tøjet. En del af disse brandulykker opstår på plejehjem og andre institutioner, hvor det ofte er plejepersonalet, der opdager og slukker branden....

  17. Ferske vandområder - Søer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, J. P.; Jeppesen, E.; Søndergaard, M.

    Forord: Denne rapport er udarbej-det af Danmarks Mil-jøunder-søgelser som et led i den lands-dæk-ken-de rapportering af Vand-miljøpla-nens Over-vågningspro-gram. Over-vågningsprogram-met blev iværksat efteråret 1988. Hensigten med Vand-miljøplanens over-vågningsprogram er at undersøge effekten af......-miljøet med nærings-salte. Danmarks Miljøundersø-gelser har som sektor-forskningsinstitu-tion i Miljø- og Energiministeriet til opgave at forbedre og styrke det fagli-ge grundlag for de mil-jøpolitiske prioriteringer og beslut-ninger. En væsentlig del af denne opgave er overvågning af miljø og natur. Det er...

  18. Arctigenin alleviates ER stress via activating AMPK (United States)

    Gu, Yuan; Sun, Xiao-xiao; Ye, Ji-ming; He, Li; Yan, Shou-sheng; Zhang, Hao-hao; Hu, Li-hong; Yuan, Jun-ying; Yu, Qiang


    Aim: To investigate the protective effects of arctigenin (ATG), a phenylpropanoid dibenzylbutyrolactone lignan from Arctium lappa L (Compositae), against ER stress in vitro and the underlying mechanisms. Methods: A cell-based screening assay for ER stress regulators was established. Cell viability was measured using MTT assay. PCR and Western blotting were used to analyze gene and protein expression. Silencing of the CaMKKβ, LKB1, and AMPKα1 genes was achieved by RNA interference (RNAi). An ATP bioluminescent assay kit was employed to measure the intracellular ATP levels. Results: ATG (2.5, 5 and 10 μmol/L) inhibited cell death and unfolded protein response (UPR) in a concentration-dependent manner in cells treated with the ER stress inducer brefeldin A (100 nmol/L). ATG (1, 5 and 10 μmol/L) significantly attenuated protein synthesis in cells through inhibiting mTOR-p70S6K signaling and eEF2 activity, which were partially reversed by silencing AMPKα1 with RNAi. ATG (1-50 μmol/L) reduced intracellular ATP level and activated AMPK through inhibiting complex I-mediated respiration. Pretreatment of cells with the AMPK inhibitor compound C (25 μmol/L) rescued the inhibitory effects of ATG on ER stress. Furthermore, ATG (2.5 and 5 μmol/L) efficiently activated AMPK and reduced the ER stress and cell death induced by palmitate (2 mmol/L) in INS-1 β cells. Conclusion: ATG is an effective ER stress alleviator, which protects cells against ER stress through activating AMPK, thus attenuating protein translation and reducing ER load. PMID:22705729

  19. Hvad er ledelse af brugerinddragelse?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm-Petersen, Christina; Navne, Laura Emdal


    Brugerinddragelse i det danske sundhedsvæsen står højt på den politiske dagsorden, men det er stadig en udfordring at implementere visionen i klinisk praksis. Ledelse af brugerinddragelse bliver aktuelt udpeget som en central nøgle til at føre visionen ud i livet. Samtidig er der kun relativt lidt......, at brugerinddragelse skal implementeres i en verden, hvor der allerede er en række andre mål tilstede. En central ledelsesudfordring er derfor, at nogle af målene med brugerinddragelse forudsætter nye måder at organisere ikke bare arbejdet og kompetencer på, men også relationer til patienter og pårørende. En væsentlig...... that organize relations Patient involvement in the health services in Denmark is high on the political agenda, though continues to be a challenge to implement. It is increasingly said that leadership is crucial to the implementation process. However, research into the role of leaders in patient involvement...

  20. Er3+ infrared fluorescence affected by spatial distribution synchronicity of Ba2+ and Er3+ in Er3+-doped BaO–SiO2 glasses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Atsunobu Masuno


    Full Text Available Glasses with the composition xBaO–(99.9 − xSiO2–0.1ErO3/2 (0 ≤x ≤ 34.9 were fabricated by a levitation technique. The glasses in the immiscibility region were opaque due to chemical inhomogeneity, while the other glasses were colorless and transparent. The scanning electron microscope observations and electron probe microanalysis scan profiles revealed that more Er3+ ions were preferentially distributed in the regions where more Ba2+ ions existed in the chemically inhomogeneous glasses. The synchronicity of the spatial distributions of the two ions initially increased with increasing x and then decreased when the Ba2+ concentration exceeded a certain value. The peak shape and lifetime of the fluorescence at 1.55 μm depended on x as well as the spatial distribution of both ions. These results indicate that although ErOn polyhedra are preferentially coordinated with Ba2+ ions and their local structure is affected by the coordination of Ba2+, there is a maximum in the amount of Ba2+ ions that can coordinate ErOn polyhedra since the available space for Ba2+ ions is limited. These findings provide us with efficient ways to design the chemical composition of glasses with superior Er3+ fluorescence properties for optical communication network systems.

  1. Den rige personlighed er livsduelig

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Claus


    For omtrent 160 år siden formulerede Karl Marx forestillingen om en rig individualitet som det kommunistiske samfunds individideal. I dag får forestillingen relevans. Lyder det lidt besynderligt, er det ikke mærkeligt. For de fleste af os går næppe rundt og tror, at vi er lige på trapperne til...

  2. Hvilke Dødehavstekster er "sekteriske"?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holst, Søren


    Skønt Dødehavsrullerne antageligt tilhørte en gruppering, der boede i Qumran, tyder alt på, at mange af teksterne er forfattet andre steder. Artiklen undersøger den særlige sprogbrug, som antageligt er typisk for Qumran-samfundet, og som præger forbavsende få af tekserne. En meget stor del af...

  3. Humor er en alvorlig sag

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Søltoft, Pia


    I modsætning til ironi er humor for Kierkegaard fællesskabsgivende – ironikeren hævder sig selv, men humoristen har sympati med den, man ler med. Humor er hos Kierkegaard udtryk for, at humoristen forliger sig med tilværelsen og dens luner, og dermed grænser humoren hos Kierkegaard op til det...

  4. Employer branding er også intern kommunikation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Heidi


    I videnssamfundet og serviceøkonomien er medarbejderne virksomhedens vigtigste ressource, men milleniumgenerationen er ikke trofaste overfor deres arbejdsplads – de har typisk 15-20 jobs i løbet af deres livstid. Et stærkt employer brand bidrager til at fastholde medarbejdere – og dermed...... kompetencer – i virksomheden, og medarbejderne er dermed en central målgruppe for employer branding....

  5. Hvorfor er danske fødevarer dyre?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Henning Otte


    De danske fødevarepriser er generelt høje set i forhold til resten af EU og også i forhold til lande uden for EU. Overordnet set er der en række forklaringer på internationale prisforskelle, og der er også flere mulige årsager til de høje danske fødevarepriser. Forskelle i moms, kvalitet...

  6. Ytringsfriheden er ikke nødvendig

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauritzen, Pia


    nemlig godt konstatere, at ytringsfriheden ikke er nødvendig uden dermed at give afkald på frihed og demokrati.Vi kan oven i købet mene, at ytringsfriheden ophører med at være frihed, når vi betragter den som nødvendig. Og det er lige nøjagtig det, jeg efterlyser: at vi bruger filosoffer som Immanuel...... Kant og Luigi Pareyson til at forstå, at friheden er betydelig mere kompleks, end vi gør den til i øjeblikket....

  7. TCSP ER-2 DOPPLER RADAR (EDOP) V1 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The TCSP ER-2 DOPPLER RADAR (EDOP) dataset was collected by the ER-2 Doppler radar (EDOP), which is an X-band (9.6 GHz) Doppler radar mounted in the nose of the ER-2...

  8. CAMEX-4 ER-2 DOPPLER RADAR V1 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The CAMEX-4 ER-2 Doppler Radar dataset was collected by the ER-2 Doppler radar (EDOP), which is an X-band (9.6 GHz) Doppler radar mounted in the nose of ER-2. The...

  9. Håndbold er en praksis!

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, Poul Bitsch


    Dansk håndbold er en kæmpemæssig succeshistorie. Ser man snævert på den udvikling, elitedelen af sporten har gennemlevet de seneste 15 år, viser stort set alle tænkelige parametre fremgang. De internationale resultater for lands og klubhold er med få udfald blevet stadigt bedre, omsætningen i klu...

  10. Crystal and molecular structure of the coordination compounds of Er3+ with 1-(methoxydiphenylphosphoryl)-2-diphenylphosphorylbenzene [ErL21(NO3)2]2[Er(NO3)2(H2O)5]0.333(NO3)2.333 · 2.833H2O and its ethyl substituted derivative [ErL22(NO3)2][Er(NO3)5]0.5 · 0.5H2O

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Polyakova, I. N.; Baulin, V. E.; Ivanova, I. S.; Pyatova, E. N.; Sergienko, V. S.; Tsivadze, A. Yu.


    The coordination compounds of Er 3+ with 1-(methoxydiphenylphosphoryl)-2-diphenylphosphorylbenzene [ErL 2 1 (NO 3 ) 2 ] 2 [Er(NO 3 ) 2 (H 2 O) 5 ] 0.333 (NO 3 ) 2.333 · 2.833H 2 O (I) and its ethyl substituted derivative [ErL 2 2 (NO 3 ) 2 ][Er(NO 3 ) 5 ] 0.5 · 0.5H 2 O (II) are synthesized and their crystal structures are studied. I and II contain [ErL 2 (NO 3 ) 2 ] + complex cations of identical composition and close structure. The eight-vertex polyhedron of the Er atom in the shape of a distorted octahedron with two split trans vertices is formed by the O atoms of the phosphoryl groups of L ligands and nitrate anions. L ligands close nine-membered metallocycles. The structures contain spacious channels which are populated differently, namely, by disordered [Er(NO 3 ) 2 (H 2 O) 5 ] + complex cations, NO 3 − anions, and crystallization water molecules in I and disordered [Er(NO 3 ) 5 ] 2− complex anions and crystallization water molecules in II. The IR spectra of I and II are studied

  11. Dietary toxins, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and diabetes. (United States)

    Hettiarachchi, Kalindi D; Zimmet, Paul Z; Myers, Mark A


    The incidence of Type 1 diabetes has been increasing at a rate too rapid to be due to changes in genetic risk. Instead changes in environmental factors are the likely culprit. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) plays an important role in the production of newly synthesized proteins and interference with these processes leads to ER stress. The insulin-producing beta cells are particularly prone to ER stress as a result of their heavy engagement in insulin production. Increasing evidence suggests ER stress is central to initiation and progression of Type 1 diabetes. An early environmental exposure, such as toxins and viral infections, can impart a significant physiological load on beta cells to initiate abnormal processing of proinsulin, ER stress and insulin secretory defects. Release of altered proinsulin from the beta cells early in life may trigger autoimmunity in those with genetic susceptibility leading to cytokine-induced nitric oxide production and so exacerbating ER stress in beta cells, ultimately leading to apoptosis of beta cells and diabetes. Here we suggest that ER stress is an inherent cause of beta cell dysfunction and environmental factors, in particular dietary toxins derived from Streptomyces in infected root vegetables, can impart additional stress that aggravates beta cell death and progression to diabetes. Furthermore, we propose that the increasing incidence of Type 1 diabetes may be accounted for by increased dietary exposure to ER-stress-inducing Streptomyces toxins.

  12. Ikon. iPod er kongen over mp3. Hvad er hemmeligheden?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dickson, Thomas


    iPod er blevet ikonet for det 21. århundrede. Men iPod var hverken den første mp3-afspiller eller den første veldesignede af slagsen. Før iPod så dagens lys var Bang & Olufsen på banen med sin næsten lige så lækre BeoSound2.......iPod er blevet ikonet for det 21. århundrede. Men iPod var hverken den første mp3-afspiller eller den første veldesignede af slagsen. Før iPod så dagens lys var Bang & Olufsen på banen med sin næsten lige så lækre BeoSound2....

  13. Bæredygtighed hos SMV'er

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Valg af materiale/medie/form: YouTube Valg af arbejdsform: Videoerne kan bruges som caseundervisning Begrundelse for valg af materiale/medie/form/arbejdsform: Caseundervisning er velegnet til at lære om praksis......Valg af materiale/medie/form: YouTube Valg af arbejdsform: Videoerne kan bruges som caseundervisning Begrundelse for valg af materiale/medie/form/arbejdsform: Caseundervisning er velegnet til at lære om praksis...

  14. Oroxin B selectively induces tumor-suppressive ER stress and concurrently inhibits tumor-adaptive ER stress in B-lymphoma cells for effective anti-lymphoma therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Ping; Fu, Shilong; Cao, Zhifei; Liao, Huaidong; Huo, Zihe; Pan, Yanyan; Zhang, Gaochuan; Gao, Aidi; Zhou, Quansheng


    Cancer cells have both tumor-adaptive and -suppressive endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress machineries that determine cell fate. In malignant tumors including lymphoma, constant activation of tumor-adaptive ER stress and concurrent reduction of tumor-suppressive ER stress favors cancer cell proliferation and tumor growth. Current ER stress-based anti-tumor drugs typically activate both tumor-adaptive and -suppressive ER stresses, resulting in low anti-cancer efficacy; hence, selective induction of tumor-suppressive ER stress and inhibition of tumor-adaptive ER stress are new strategies for novel anti-cancer drug discovery. Thus far, specific tumor-suppressive ER stress therapeutics have remained absent in clinical settings. In this study, we explored unique tumor-suppressive ER stress agents from the traditional Chinese medicinal herb Oroxylum indicum, and found that a small molecule oroxin B selectively induced tumor-suppressive ER stress in malignant lymphoma cells, but not in normal cells, effectively inhibited lymphoma growth in vivo, and significantly prolonged overall survival of lymphoma-xenografted mice without obvious toxicity. Mechanistic studies have revealed that the expression of key tumor-adaptive ER-stress gene GRP78 was notably suppressed by oroxin B via down-regulation of up-stream key signaling protein ATF6, while tumor-suppressive ER stress master gene DDIT3 was strikingly activated through activating the MKK3-p38 signaling pathway, correcting the imbalance between tumor-suppressive DDIT3 and tumor-adaptive GRP78 in lymphoma. Together, selective induction of unique tumor-suppressive ER stress and concurrent inhibition of tumor-adaptive ER stress in malignant lymphoma are new and feasible approaches for novel anti-lymphoma drug discovery and anti-lymphoma therapy. - Highlights: • Oroxin B selectively induces tumor-suppressive ER stress in B-lymphoma cells. • Oroxin B significantly prolonged overall survival of lymphoma-xenografted mice.

  15. Oroxin B selectively induces tumor-suppressive ER stress and concurrently inhibits tumor-adaptive ER stress in B-lymphoma cells for effective anti-lymphoma therapy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yang, Ping; Fu, Shilong; Cao, Zhifei; Liao, Huaidong; Huo, Zihe; Pan, Yanyan; Zhang, Gaochuan; Gao, Aidi; Zhou, Quansheng, E-mail:


    Cancer cells have both tumor-adaptive and -suppressive endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress machineries that determine cell fate. In malignant tumors including lymphoma, constant activation of tumor-adaptive ER stress and concurrent reduction of tumor-suppressive ER stress favors cancer cell proliferation and tumor growth. Current ER stress-based anti-tumor drugs typically activate both tumor-adaptive and -suppressive ER stresses, resulting in low anti-cancer efficacy; hence, selective induction of tumor-suppressive ER stress and inhibition of tumor-adaptive ER stress are new strategies for novel anti-cancer drug discovery. Thus far, specific tumor-suppressive ER stress therapeutics have remained absent in clinical settings. In this study, we explored unique tumor-suppressive ER stress agents from the traditional Chinese medicinal herb Oroxylum indicum, and found that a small molecule oroxin B selectively induced tumor-suppressive ER stress in malignant lymphoma cells, but not in normal cells, effectively inhibited lymphoma growth in vivo, and significantly prolonged overall survival of lymphoma-xenografted mice without obvious toxicity. Mechanistic studies have revealed that the expression of key tumor-adaptive ER-stress gene GRP78 was notably suppressed by oroxin B via down-regulation of up-stream key signaling protein ATF6, while tumor-suppressive ER stress master gene DDIT3 was strikingly activated through activating the MKK3-p38 signaling pathway, correcting the imbalance between tumor-suppressive DDIT3 and tumor-adaptive GRP78 in lymphoma. Together, selective induction of unique tumor-suppressive ER stress and concurrent inhibition of tumor-adaptive ER stress in malignant lymphoma are new and feasible approaches for novel anti-lymphoma drug discovery and anti-lymphoma therapy. - Highlights: • Oroxin B selectively induces tumor-suppressive ER stress in B-lymphoma cells. • Oroxin B significantly prolonged overall survival of lymphoma-xenografted mice.

  16. ER and PR expression and survival after endometrial cancer. (United States)

    Smith, Deborah; Stewart, Colin J R; Clarke, Edward M; Lose, Felicity; Davies, Claire; Armes, Jane; Obermair, Andreas; Brennan, Donal; Webb, Penelope M; Nagle, Christina M; Spurdle, Amanda B


    To measure association between endometrial carcinoma ER and PR status and endometrial cancer (EC) survival, accounting for inter-observer variation. The intensity and proportion of tumor cell expression of ER and PR in ECs were assessed independently and semi-quantitatively by two pathologists using digital images of duplicate tumor tissue microarrays (TMAs). Cases with inconsistent initial assessment were reviewed and final scoring agreed. The association between overall and EC-specific survival and hormone receptor expression (intensity, proportion and combined) was assessed using Cox regression analysis. The C-index was used to evaluate model discrimination with addition of ER and PR status. Tumor ER and PR analysis was possible in 659 TMAs from 255 patients, and in 459 TMAs from 243 patients, respectively. Initial ER and PR scoring was consistent in 82% and 80% of cases, respectively. In multivariate analyses decreased ER and PR expression was associated with increased tumor-related mortality. Associations reached statistical significance for ER proportion score (P=0.05), ER intensity score (P=0.003), and PR combined score (P=0.04). Decreased expression of combined ER/PR expression was associated with poorer EC-specific survival than decreased expression of either hormone receptor alone (P=0.005). However, hormone receptor status did not significantly improve mortality prediction in individual cases. ER and PR expression combined, using cut-points that capture variation in scoring and across cores, is significantly associated with EC-specific survival in analyses adjusting for known prognostic factors. However, at the individual level, ER and PR expression does not improve mortality prediction. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Er nogen mere lige end andre?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møberg, Rasmus Juul

    normativ fordring. Kohlis (2007) formulering af normalbiografien er en tredeling af livsforløbet (uddannelse – arbejdsliv - pension). En tredeling der bliver kritiseret for at være køns- og familieblind, hvorfor linked lives-begrebet bliver introduceret. Begrebet har den teoretiske implikation...... analyser tager højde for afhængighed over tid i den afhængige variabel. Overordnet set er det tre aspekter af datas karakteristika, der fordrer specielle metoder. Det er censurering af data, tidsmæssig variation i de uafhængige variable samt potentiel korrelation mellem målingerne af den afhængige variabel...... for disse ændringer, hvorved risikoen for en given transition beregnes mere præcist. Afhandlingens empiriske grundlag er registerdata for alle personer i Danmark, der tilhører fødselskohorterne 1968, 1972 og 1976. Data dækker over personlige, familiære forhold og oplysninger på arbejdspladsniveau, hvor den...

  18. ER2OWL: Generating OWL Ontology from ER Diagram (United States)

    Fahad, Muhammad

    Ontology is the fundamental part of Semantic Web. The goal of W3C is to bring the web into (its full potential) a semantic web with reusing previous systems and artifacts. Most legacy systems have been documented in structural analysis and structured design (SASD), especially in simple or Extended ER Diagram (ERD). Such systems need up-gradation to become the part of semantic web. In this paper, we present ERD to OWL-DL ontology transformation rules at concrete level. These rules facilitate an easy and understandable transformation from ERD to OWL. The set of rules for transformation is tested on a structured analysis and design example. The framework provides OWL ontology for semantic web fundamental. This framework helps software engineers in upgrading the structured analysis and design artifact ERD, to components of semantic web. Moreover our transformation tool, ER2OWL, reduces the cost and time for building OWL ontologies with the reuse of existing entity relationship models.

  19. Synthesis, crystal structure and electrical properties of A-site cation ordered BaErMn2O5 and BaErMn2O6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Świerczek, Konrad; Klimkowicz, Alicja; Zheng, Kun; Dabrowski, Bogdan


    In this paper, we report on a synthesis procedure, structural and electrical properties of BaErMn 2 O 5 and BaErMn 2 O 6 , A-site double perovskites having layered arrangement of Ba and Er cations. These materials belong to a family of BaLnMn 2 O 5+δ oxides, which up to now were successfully synthesized for Ln=Y and La–Ho lanthanides. Up to our knowledge, this is the first report on the successful synthesis of BaErMn 2 O 5 and BaErMn 2 O 6 , yielding>95 wt% of the considered compounds. Structural characterization of the materials is given at room temperature, together with in situ XRD studies, performed during oxidation of BaErMn 2 O 5 in air, at elevated temperatures up to 500 °C. A complex structural behavior was observed, with oxidation process of BaErMn 2 O 5 occurring at around 300 °C. The oxidized BaErMn 2 O 6 shows a structural phase transition at about 225 °C. Results of structural studies are supported by thermogravimetric measurements of the oxidation process, performed in air, as well as reduction process, preformed in 5 vol% of H 2 in Ar. Additionally, isothermal oxidation/reduction cycles were measured at 500 °C, showing interesting properties of BaErMn 2 O 5+δ , from a point of view of oxygen storage technology. Electrical conductivity of BaErMn 2 O 5 is of the order of 10 −4 S cm −1 at room temperature and shows activated character on temperature with activation energy E a =0.30(1) eV. Positive sign of Seebeck coefficient for this material indicates holes as dominant charge carriers. Oxidized BaErMn 2 O 6 possesses much higher electrical conductivity, almost 0.2 S cm −1 at room temperature. Additional, about 10-fold increase of electrical conductivity, occurring in the vicinity of 225 °C for this material, can be associated with phase transition from charge/orbital-ordered insulator COI(CE) to paramagnetic metal PM phase. The highest conductivity for BaErMn 2 O 6 was measured near 500 °C and is almost equal to 40 S cm −1 , while

  20. Multiple band structure in 156Er

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sunyar, A.W.; Der Mateosian, E.; Kistner, O.C.; Johnson, A.; Lumpkin, A.H.; Thieberger, P.


    The 142 Nd( 18 O,4n) 156 Er reaction at 90-95 MeV was used to study 156 Er high-spin states to spin 24. In addition to the background ground-state band, two well developed off-spin side bands, one of each parity, were observed. (Auth.)

  1. Er formen blevet vigtigst i politik?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Etemadi, Maziar Haghpaidar


    RETORIK: Retorikken er kunsten at tage ordet - skriftligt eller mundtligt - og udtrykke sig smukt og velformuleret. Gorgias (ca. 490-ca. 390 f. Kr.) fra Leontinoi på Sicilien betragtes som ophavsmanden til den første endelige formulering af retorikkens virke og muligheder: "Talen er en mægtig...

  2. Led strategisk med 3 F'er

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klausen, Kurt Klaudi


    Artiklen gennemgår kort de tre F'er: at fremskrive, forudse og forestille som strategiske værktøjer til strategic forecast......Artiklen gennemgår kort de tre F'er: at fremskrive, forudse og forestille som strategiske værktøjer til strategic forecast...

  3. Hva er Digital Valuta? Hva slags formuerettslig produkt er digital valuta? Omfattes slike finansielle produkter av gjeldende finansreguleringer og hvordan burde de reguleres?


    Heggen, Vilde Stuvøy


    Det er kanskje ingen overraskelse at man i internettalderen har funnet på en valuta som kun eksisterer på nett. Per i dag eksisterer det flere slike nettvalutaer, med varierende grad av oppslutning. Spørsmålet som stilles i oppgaven er hva slags formuerettslig objekt digital valuta er. Jeg regner digital valuta som alle valutaer som hovedsakelig er å finne på nett og som ikke utstedes av eller på vegne av en statsmakt. Definisjonen omfatter både kryptovalutaer som Bitcoin, som nok er mest kje...

  4. MicroRNAs meet calcium: joint venture in ER proteostasis. (United States)

    Finger, Fabian; Hoppe, Thorsten


    The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a cellular compartment that has a key function in protein translation and folding. Maintaining its integrity is of fundamental importance for organism's physiology and viability. The dynamic regulation of intraluminal ER Ca(2+) concentration directly influences the activity of ER-resident chaperones and stress response pathways that balance protein load and folding capacity. We review the emerging evidence that microRNAs play important roles in adjusting these processes to frequently changing intracellular and environmental conditions to modify ER Ca(2+) handling and storage and maintain ER homeostasis. Copyright © 2014, American Association for the Advancement of Science.

  5. Er iPad digital udeskole?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schilhab, Theresa


    Hvor ’konkret’ skal en oplevelse være, for at intuitionen om, at det selvoplevede styrker læringen, holder? Er brug af tablets (e.g. iPads) et ligebyrdigt alternativ til den konkrete oplevelse?......Hvor ’konkret’ skal en oplevelse være, for at intuitionen om, at det selvoplevede styrker læringen, holder? Er brug af tablets (e.g. iPads) et ligebyrdigt alternativ til den konkrete oplevelse?...

  6. En hat er vel en hat ... eller?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bøilerehauge, Dorrit


    Mens vi kører i høj fart på "the information highway" - i den helt store bus midt på vejen - glemmer vi ofte noget meget vigtigt i vores glæde over, at verden tilsyneladende åbner sig for os, og vi kan kommunikere med hele verden med ét klik. Vi glemmer, at selvom trafikskilte som oftest er ens -...... - så er selve trafikken og forventningerne blandt medtrafikanterne helt forskellige fra det, vi er vant til. Udgivelsesdato: Februar...

  7. Interlayer exchange coupling in Er|Tb superlattices mediated by short range incommensurate Er order

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pfuhl, E; Brueckel, T; Voigt, J; Mattauch, S; Korolkov, D


    We study the magnetic correlations in Er|Tb superlattices by means of off-specular scattering of polarized neutrons. We show here the co-existence of inhomogeneous magnetic states: i) ferromagnetic order of moments within the Tb layers below 230 K (FM), correlation length of about 10 bilayer, ii) an incommensurate modulated magnetic order, restricted to single Er layers and iii) antiferromagnetic coupling of ferromagnetic layers below 70K (AFC). Polarised off-specular neutron scattering under grazing incidence reveals that i) magnetic fluctuations appear when the sample is cooled below 70 K, ii) these fluctuations lead to AFC, when the sample is cooled to 10 K, which iii) persists, when the sample is subsequently heated up to 45 K, while the order is not present during the cooling cycle. Also the short range incommensurate order changes accordingly, implying that the magnetic order in the Er layers mediates the interlayer coupling between ferromagnetic Tb layers.

  8. Er frygten for Kina vores eneste håb?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mehlsen, Camilla


    Man siger, at håbet er lysegrønt, men i det 21. århundrede er håbet rødt som riget i midten. Mens optimismen vinder frem i Asien med Kina som bannerfører, er Vesten ramt af frygt, og det forplanter sig negativt til uddannelsessystemet. Er positive følelser hemmeligheden bag, at asiatiske lande st...... stormer frem i internationale undersøgelser som PISA?...

  9. QSAR of estrogen receptor modulators: exploring selectivity requirements for ER(alpha) versus ER(beta) binding of tetrahydroisoquinoline derivatives using E-state and physicochemical parameters. (United States)

    Mukherjee, Subhendu; Saha, Achintya; Roy, Kunal


    Considering importance of developing selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs), the present paper explores selectivity requirements of tetrahydroisoquinoline derivatives for binding with ER(alpha) versus ER(beta) receptors using E-state index and physicochemical parameters. The best model [n=21, Q(2)=0.512, R(a)(2)=0.613, R=0.819, F=11.6 (df 3,17)] for ER(alpha) binding data obtained from radioligand binding assay showed importance of C(1), C(15) and lipophilicity (logP) while the best model [n=21, Q(2)=0.768, R(a)(2)=0.796, R=0.904, F=40.1 (df 2,18)] for ER(beta) binding data showed importance of C(1) and molar refractivity (MR). While modeling ER(alpha)/ER(beta) selectivity [n=21, Q(2)=0.695, R(a)(2)=0.739, R=0.882, F=19.8 (df 3,17)], C(1), C(15) and molar refractivity were found to be significant contributors. The data obtained from cellular transcription assay were also modeled. In case of ER(alpha), the best equation involving E-state values of C(1) and C(14) and logP explained 62.1% of the variance while the best equation for ER(beta) involving E-state values of C(1) and C(15) and MR explained 64.6% of the variance of the response variable. In case of ER(alpha)/ER(beta) selectivity, the best equation involving E-state values of O(8), C(14) and N(27) showed 48.3% explained variance, which increased to 63.5% on deletion of single outlier. From the analysis it appears that the nitrogen atom of the aminoethoxyphenyl substituent and 6-hydroxy substituent of the tetrahydroisoquinoline nucleus play important roles for ER(alpha)/ER(beta) selectivity in addition to R(1) and R(2) substituents.

  10. Operational durability of a giant ER valve for Braille display (United States)

    Luning, Xu; Han, Li; Yufei, Li; Shen, Rong; Kunquan, Lu


    The compact configuration of giant ER (electrorheological) valves provides the possibility of realizing a full-page Braille display. The operational durability of ER valves is a key issue in fulfilling a Braille display. A giant ER valve was used to investigate the variations in pressure drops and critical pressure drops of the valves over a long period under some typical operational parameters. The results indicate that neither the pressure drops nor critical pressure drops of giant ER valves show apparent deterioration over a long period. Without ER fluid exchange, a blockage appears in the channel of the valve because the ER structures induced by an external electric field cannot be broken by the Brownian motion of hydraulic oil molecules when the external electric field is removed. Forcing ER fluid flow is an effective and necessary method to keep the channel of the valve unblocked. Thus the operational durability of the valve using giant ER fluids is able to meet the demands of Braille display.

  11. Hvordan er det å leve med CRPS?


    Hovind, Thomas


    Hensikten med denne studien er å se på hvordan pasienter med komplekst regionalt smertesyndrom (CRPS) opplever å leve med tilstanden og hvordan disse pasientene har opplevd å bli møtt i helsevesenet. CRPS er en langvarig tilstand med sterke smerter som kan medføre økt smerterespons, redusert funksjon og nedsatt livskvalitet hos pasientene. Studien er en kvalitativ undersøkelse basert på dybdeintervju av fire pasienter med CRPS. Pasientene ble rekruttert fra en smerteavdeling i Nord-Norge og u...

  12. Branding er ikke til at komme udenom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hermansen, Judy


    Søren Askegaard definerer branding som "et iscenesat og afkodet symbolunivers". Det vil sige, at vi på den ene side har virksomhedens strategiske profilering, hvor den forsøger at skabe sig en særlig differentieret og positioneret profil, som adskiller den fra andre virksomheder. "Og det er denne...... strategiske kommunikation, der gør at branding er et ledelsesbegreb og ikke kun et markedsføringsbegreb. Det er ikke staffage, men værdier, som skal gennemsyre alle organisationens aktiviteter." Udgivelsesdato: maj...

  13. Er der en underviser til stede?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christiansen, René Boyer; Nortvig, Anne-Mette; Rosenlund, Lea Tilde


    I de senere år er MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) blevet en faktor på uddannelsesområdet. MOOC-forskning er et forholdsvist nyt felt, men har inden for de seneste 2-3 år udviklet sig med hastige skridt (Liyanagunawardena et al. 2013, Bayne & Ross 2014). En stor del af denne forskning har haft...

  14. "Det man siger er man selv..."

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Næsby, Torben; Nørgaard, Britta; Uddholm, Mats

    forhold, der er hermeneutisk, strukturelt og relationelt bestemt. Praksisviden kan ikke være objektiv i gængs forstand, men det behøver ikke at diskvalificere denne viden. Forståelse er altid knyttet til den sag og bundet til den situation man står overfor og i som professionel og som menneske....

  15. Two endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane proteins that facilitate ER-to-Golgi transport of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins. (United States)

    Barz, W P; Walter, P


    Many eukaryotic cell surface proteins are anchored in the lipid bilayer through glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI). GPI anchors are covalently attached in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The modified proteins are then transported through the secretory pathway to the cell surface. We have identified two genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, LAG1 and a novel gene termed DGT1 (for "delayed GPI-anchored protein transport"), encoding structurally related proteins with multiple membrane-spanning domains. Both proteins are localized to the ER, as demonstrated by immunofluorescence microscopy. Deletion of either gene caused no detectable phenotype, whereas lag1Delta dgt1Delta cells displayed growth defects and a significant delay in ER-to-Golgi transport of GPI-anchored proteins, suggesting that LAG1 and DGT1 encode functionally redundant or overlapping proteins. The rate of GPI anchor attachment was not affected, nor was the transport rate of several non-GPI-anchored proteins. Consistent with a role of Lag1p and Dgt1p in GPI-anchored protein transport, lag1Delta dgt1Delta cells deposit abnormal, multilayered cell walls. Both proteins have significant sequence similarity to TRAM, a mammalian membrane protein thought to be involved in protein translocation across the ER membrane. In vivo translocation studies, however, did not detect any defects in protein translocation in lag1Delta dgt1Delta cells, suggesting that neither yeast gene plays a role in this process. Instead, we propose that Lag1p and Dgt1p facilitate efficient ER-to-Golgi transport of GPI-anchored proteins.

  16. Die HECT-Ligase Hul5, eine neue Komponente der ER-assoziierten Proteindegradation


    Kohlmann, Sonja


    Die meisten sekretorischen Proteine der eukaryontischen Zellen erreichen durch das endoplasmatische Retikulum (ER) den sekretorischen Signalweg. Sie gelangen vom Zytoplasma durch einen Kanal in der ER-Membran in das ER, wo sie ihre native Konformation erhalten. Das ER enthält ein strenges Qualitätskontrollsystem, welches fehlgefaltete Proteine erkennt, im ER zurückhält und letztendlich der ER-assoziierten Degradation (ERAD) zuführt. Die ER-Qualitätskontrolle und die ER-assoziierte Degradation...

  17. Vejen til helvede er brolagt med frelste intentioner

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vestenskov, David


    Det åbenlyse spørgsmål omkring, hvorfor vi er i Afghanistan (eller hvorfor vi bliver?) er bestemt et relevant spørgsmål, men at klæbe et prædikat på om krigens manglende moralske troværdighed kræver mere end blot sure opstød. Er vi netop ikke blevet i Afghanistan grundet moralske principper?...

  18. Mechanisms of ER Stress-Mediated Mitochondrial Membrane Permeabilization.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Gupta, Sanjeev


    During apoptosis, the process of mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization (MOMP) represents a point-of-no-return as it commits the cell to death. Here we have assessed the role of caspases, Bcl-2 family members and the mitochondrial permeability transition pore on ER stress-induced MOMP and subsequent cell death. Induction of ER stress leads to upregulation of several genes such as Grp78, Edem1, Erp72, Atf4, Wars, Herp, p58ipk, and ERdj4 and leads to caspase activation, release of mitochondrial intermembrane proteins and dissipation of mitochondrial transmembrane potential (DeltaPsim). Mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) from caspase-9, -2 and, -3 knock-out mice were resistant to ER stress-induced apoptosis which correlated with decreased processing of pro-caspase-3 and -9. Furthermore, pretreatment of cells with caspase inhibitors (Boc-D.fmk and DEVD.fmk) attenuated ER stress-induced loss of DeltaPsim. However, only deficiency of caspase-9 and -2 could prevent ER stress-mediated loss of DeltaPsim. Bcl-2 overexpression or pretreatment of cells with the cell permeable BH4 domain (BH4-Tat) or the mitochondrial permeability transition pore inhibitors, bongkrekic acid or cyclosporine A, attenuated the ER stress-induced loss of DeltaPsim. These data suggest a role for caspase-9 and -2, Bcl-2 family members and the mitochondrial permeability transition pore in loss of mitochondrial membrane potential during ER stress-induced apoptosis.

  19. The new ternary pnictides Er12Ni30P21 and Er13Ni25As19: Crystal structures and magnetic properties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oryshchyn, Stepan; Babizhetskyy, Volodymyr; Zhak, Olga; Zelinska, Mariya; Pivan, Jean-Yves; Duppel, Viola; Simon, Arndt; Kienle, Lorenz


    The new ternary pnictides Er 12 Ni 30 P 21 and Er 13 Ni 25 As 19 have been synthesized from the elements. They crystallize with hexagonal structures determined from single-crystal X-ray data for Er 12 Ni 30 P 21 (space group P6 3 /m, a=1.63900(3) nm, c=0.37573(1) nm, Z=1, R F =0.062 for 1574 F-values and 74 variable parameters), and for Er 13 Ni 25 As 19 (Tm 13 Ni 25 As 19 -type structure, space group P6-bar , a=1.6208(1) nm, c=0.38847(2) nm, Z=1, R F =0.026 for 1549 F-values and 116 variable parameters). These compounds belong to a large family of hexagonal structures with a metal-metalloid ratio of 2:1. HRTEM investigations were conducted to probe for local ordering of the disordered structure at the nanoscale. The magnetic properties of the phosphide Er 12 Ni 30 P 21 have been studied in the temperature of range 2 eff =9.59 μ B corresponds to the theoretical value of Er 3+ . - Graphical abstract: The new ternary pnictides Er 12 Ni 30 P 21 and Er 13 Ni 25 As 19 have been synthesized from the elements. They crystallize with hexagonal structures determined from single-crystal X-ray data. The compounds belong to a large family of structures with a metal-metalloid ratio of 2:1. HRTEM investigations were conducted to probe for local ordering of the disordered structure at the nanoscale. Display Omitted

  20. Overvågning af orkidéer 2000

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wind, P.

    resultaterne af orkidéovervågningen (Wind 2001). Hertil kommer præsentationen af projektet og dets resultater efter forløbet af de første tre år (Løjtnant 1991a) og en bearbejdning af projektets resultater for årene 1987-1995 (Wind 1997). I nærværende rapport undersøges skov-hullæbe for en eventuel sammenhæng...... mellem skudanlæggelsen udtrykt ved antallet af blomstrende og vegetative skud i et givet år og nedbørsmængder i august og september året før. Det er en udbredt antagelse at der er en sammenhæng mellem skudanlæggelse og mængden af nedbør det foregående år. Undersøgelser af skov-hullæbe populationer i...... truet og sårbar samt de to arter der er omfattet af Habitatdirektivets bilag 2. I 2000 kan det i forhold til 1999 konstateres at der i 15 bestande er optalt et øget antal skud. I 11 bestande er der noteret en nedgang i antallet af skud sammenlignet med optællingerne i 1999. Af disse er der 2 be...

  1. Et kors er ikke bare et kors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bach-Nielsen, Carsten


    Om et kors, der er rejst uden for den danske kirke i Bruxelles; formodentlig en afledning af det såkaldte Brabanterkors.......Om et kors, der er rejst uden for den danske kirke i Bruxelles; formodentlig en afledning af det såkaldte Brabanterkors....

  2. Design Program in Graphic User Interface Environment for Automobile ER Devices (United States)

    Lim, S. C.; Park, J. S.; Sohn, J. W.; Choi, S. B.

    This work presents a design and analysis program for vehicle devices utilizing an electrorheological (ER) fluid. The program is operated in graphic user interface (GUI) environment and the initial window is consisted of four subprogram modules which are related to ER shock absorber, ER seat damper, ER engine mount, and ER anti-lock brake system (ABS), respectively. In order to execute each module, both material properties and design parameters are to be chosen by the user. Then, the output display window shows the field-dependent performance characteristics to be considered as design criteria. In addition, control performances of the vehicle system equipped with ER devices are displayed in time and frequency domain. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed program, ER shock absorber and ER ABS are designed and manufactured and their performance characteristics are evaluated.

  3. Structural and electronic properties of Er-monopnictides under high pressure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pandit, Premlata; Srivastava, Vipul; Rajagopalan, M.; Sanyal, Sankar P.


    We present the results of theoretical calculations on the structural, magnetic and electronic properties of Er-monopnictides using self-consistent first principles tight-binding linear-muffin-tin-orbital (TB-LMTO) method within the atomic-sphere approximation (ASA). Both spin-polarized and non-spin-polarized calculations are performed to check the magnetic stability of these compounds. We find that ErN, ErP and ErAs are metallic in ferromagnetic (FM) phase in both the spin channels and stable in NaCl-type (B 1 ) structure at ambient pressure. We predict NaCl-type (B 1 ) to CsCl-type (B 2 ) structural phase transition in ErN, ErP and ErAs at pressures of 146.1, 60.2 and 53.2 GPa, respectively and remain metallic ferromagnetic at high pressure. We calculate equilibrium lattice constants (a), bulk modulus (B), magnetic moments (μ B ) and electronic properties of these compounds in B 1 and B 2 phases and compare with available experimental and theoretical results.

  4. Bifunctional behavior of Er3+ ions as the sintering additive and the fluorescent agent in Er3+ single doped γ-AlON transparent ceramics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Ying; Xie, Xiumin; Qi, Jianqi; Wang, Shanshan; Wei, Nian; Lu, Zhongwen; Chen, Xingtao; Lu, Tiecheng


    We report on the sintering promoting and fluorescent activator roles of Er 3+ in AlON:Er 3+ transparent ceramics prepared by pressureless sintering with Er 2 O 3 and AlON powder. There shows that the transparency of samples varied with the content of Er 2 O 3 additive. The AlON:Er 3+ ceramics showed upconversion luminescence peaking at 546 nm, 662 nm and 840 nm under the 980 nm excitation due to transition of 4 S 3/2 / 2 H 11/2 → 4 I 15/2 , 4 F 9/2 → 4 I 15/2 and 4 S 3/2 / 2 H 11/2 → 4 I 13/2 of Er 3+ ions, respectively. The infrared spectra exhibited strong emission at 1534 nm corresponds to 4 I 13/2 → 4 I 15/2 transition. The mechanism of the IR and visible emission bands in AlON:Er 3+ ceramics are discussed, which suggest it should be attractive for lighting and display devices applications.

  5. Facebook er internettet nu

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tække, Jesper


    Den store vision for world wide web var, at alle kunne få ubegrænset adgang til alverdens information. www var mangfoldigt og anarkistisk. I dag er der rigtig mange, der kun bruger nettet til at være på Facebook. Hvad bruger Facebook det til? Og hvad gør det ved vores udsyn?......Den store vision for world wide web var, at alle kunne få ubegrænset adgang til alverdens information. www var mangfoldigt og anarkistisk. I dag er der rigtig mange, der kun bruger nettet til at være på Facebook. Hvad bruger Facebook det til? Og hvad gør det ved vores udsyn?...

  6. Trump er godt nyt for verdensfreden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jakobsen, Peter Viggo


    Trumps uberegnelighed øger ikke risikoen for krig. Den mindsker den ved at få de allierede til at gøre mere og modstanderne til at forhandle. Det er godt for verdensfreden......Trumps uberegnelighed øger ikke risikoen for krig. Den mindsker den ved at få de allierede til at gøre mere og modstanderne til at forhandle. Det er godt for verdensfreden...

  7. Optical energy gaps and photoluminescence peaks of BaGa2S4:Er3+ and BaGa2Se4:Er3+ single crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choe, Sung-Hyu; Jin, Moon-Seog; Kim, Wha-Tek


    BaGa 2 S 4 :Er 3+ and BaGa 2 Se 4 :Er 3+ single crystals were grown by using the chemical transport reaction method. The optical energy gaps of the BaGa 2 S 4 :Er 3+ and the BaGa 2 Se 4 :Er 3+ single crystals were found to be 4.045 eV and 3.073 eV, respectively, at 11 K. The temperature dependence of the optical energy gap was well fitted by the Varshni equation. Sharp emission peaks were observed in the photoluminescence spectra of the single crystals and assigned to radiation recombination between split Stark levels of the Er 3+ ion.

  8. Er{sup 3+} Doping conditions of planar porous silicon waveguides

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Najar, A. [Laboratoire d' Optronique UMR 6082-FOTON, Universite de Rennes 1, 6 rue de Kerampont, B. P. 80518, 22305 Lannion Cedex (France); Laboratoire de Spectroscopie Raman, Faculte des Sciences de Tunis, 2092 El Manar, Tunis (Tunisia); Lorrain, N., E-mail: [Laboratoire d' Optronique UMR 6082-FOTON, Universite de Rennes 1, 6 rue de Kerampont, B. P. 80518, 22305 Lannion Cedex (France); Ajlani, H. [Laboratoire de Spectroscopie Raman, Faculte des Sciences de Tunis, 2092 El Manar, Tunis (Tunisia); Charrier, J. [Laboratoire d' Optronique UMR 6082-FOTON, Universite de Rennes 1, 6 rue de Kerampont, B. P. 80518, 22305 Lannion Cedex (France); Oueslati, M. [Laboratoire de Spectroscopie Raman, Faculte des Sciences de Tunis, 2092 El Manar, Tunis (Tunisia); Haji, L. [Laboratoire d' Optronique UMR 6082-FOTON, Universite de Rennes 1, 6 rue de Kerampont, B. P. 80518, 22305 Lannion Cedex (France)


    EDX and infrared photoluminescence (IR PL) analyses performed on erbium-doped porous silicon waveguides (PSWG) were studied using different doping conditions. Both parameters of the cathodisation electrochemical method used for Er incorporation and parameters of thermal treatments required for Er optical activation were taken into consideration. Firstly, by varying the current density and the time of cathodisation, we have shown that a current density of 0.1 mA/cm{sup 2} for 10 min allows homogeneous Er doping to be achieved throughout the depth of the guiding layer. Then, the PL intensity at 1.53 {mu}m was studied as a function of the oxidation time at 900 deg. C and Er diffusion temperature for 60 min. Increasing the oxidation time up to 1 h allows PL to be enhanced due to active Si-O-Er complex formation whereas an oxidation time of 2 h induces a decrease in PL because of Er segregation. Moreover, an increase in the diffusion temperature induces an optimal distribution of optically active Si-Er-O complexes inside the crystallites. When the temperature is too high, a PSWG densification and Er segregation occurs inducing a decrease in PL due to energy transfer phenomena.

  9. Forbruget af træer og buske i Danmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Jan Svejgaard; Laursen, Allan Bach; Kjær, Erik Dahl

    Træer og buske er vigtige elementer i byen og landskabet, og i Danmark bruges der mellem 60 og 80 millioner vedplanter hvert år. Forbruget har været konstant stigende og der er sket store forskydninger i forbrugsmønstret i retning af større fokus på mangfoldighed og autencitet. Undersøgelsen...... klarlægger forbrugsmønstret for træer og buske og undersøger, hvad brugerne lægger vægt på i deres valg af planter....

  10. Preparation of Erbium-169 (169Er) Using Natural Erbium Target

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Azmairit Aziz; Nana Suherman


    The therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals which is labelled by β-particle emission are now increasingly used in nuclear medicine. Erbium-169 ('1 69 Er) is one of radioisotopes that can be used for radiation synovectomy (radio synovectomy) in the treatment of inflammatory joint diseases (arthritis) due to its β- particle emission (T 1/2 =9.4 days, E β maximum =0.34 MeV). The preliminary study on preparation of 169 Er by using natural erbium oxide (Er 2 O 3 ) target irradiated at TRIGA 2000 Bandung reactor has been carried out. The irradiated target was dissolved in hydrochloric acid solution and gentle warming. The optimum condition of 169 Er preparation was obtained by dissolution of 169 Er 2 O 3 by using 1N HCl solution. The radiochemical purity of 169 ErCl 3 was determined by paper chromatography, thin layer chromatography and paper electrophoresis techniques. The solution of 169 ErCl 3 formed was obtained with the pH of 1.5 – 2, clear, with the specific activity of 0.48 – 0.71 MBq/mg Er. The solution has the radiochemical purity of 98.32 ± 1.28% and the radionuclide purity of 99.98%. Study on the stability of 169 ErCl 3 solution showed that the solution was still stable for 4 days at room temperature with the radiochemical purity more than 95%. (author)

  11. Gingival melanin depigmentation by Er:YAG laser: A literature review. (United States)

    Pavlic, Verica; Brkic, Zlata; Marin, Sasa; Cicmil, Smiljka; Gojkov-Vukelic, Mirjana; Aoki, Akira


    Laser ablation is recently suggested as a most effective and reliable technique for depigmentation of melanin hyperpigmented gingiva. To date, different lasers have been used for gingival depigmentation (CO 2 , diode, Nd:YAG, Er:YAG and Er,Cr:YSGG lasers). The use of Er:YAG laser for depigmentation of melanin hyperpigmented gingiva has gained increasing importance in recent years. The purpose of this study was to report removal of gingival melanin pigmentation using an Er:YAG laser in a literature review. The main outcomes, such as improvement of signs (clinical parameters of bleeding, erythema, swelling and wound healing), symptoms (pain) and melanin recurrence/repigmentation were measured. The literature demonstrated that depigmentation of gingival melanin pigmentation can be performed safely and effectively by Er:YAG laser resulting in healing and an esthetically significant improvement of gingival discoloration. Thus, Er:YAG laser seems to be safe and useful in melanin depigmentation procedure. However, the main issue in giving the final conclusion of the optimal Er:YAG laser use in melanin depigmentation is that, to date, studies are offering completely discrepant Er:YAG laser procedure protocols (complex settings of laser parameters), and different criteria for the assessment of depigmentation and repigmentation (recurrence), thus hampering the comparison of the results. Therefore, further studies are necessary to give an optimal recommendation on the use of Er:YAG laser in gingival melanin hyperpigmentation.

  12. Growth process and structure of Er/Si(100) thin film

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujii, S.; Michishita, Y.; Miyamae, N.; Suto, H.; Honda, S.; Okado, H.; Oura, K.; Katayama, M.


    The solid-phase reactive epitaxial growth processes and structures of Er/Si(100) thin films were investigated by coaxial impact-collision ion scattering spectroscopy (CAICISS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The as-deposited Er film grown at room temperature was transformed into crystalline rectangular-shaped islands after annealing at 900 deg. C. These islands have a hexagonal AlB 2 -type structure and the epitaxial relationship is determined to be ErSi 2 (011-bar0)[0001]//Si(100)[011-bar]. It has been revealed that the surface of the Er silicide island is terminated with an Er plane

  13. Krigens første offer er også truet i fredstid

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Serritzlev, Jeanette


    Sandheden er krigens første offer, lyder det. Men informationskrig finder også sted i fredstid, og også her er sandheden jaget vildt. ’Fake News’ er det nye modeord, selv om det ikke er nyt. Det behøver ikke at være værre, end vi selv gør det. Det farlige opstår først, når vi er ligeglade....

  14. Biocompatible Er:(Na,K)NbO3 nanofibers (United States)

    Markova, N. P.; Grishin, A. M.


    Dense homogeneous fabric composed from continuous bead-free erbium-doped sodium potassium niobate (Er:NKN) 100 μm long and 100-200 nm in diameter nanofibers was sintered by sol-gel calcination assisted electrospinning technique. Er doping with the concentration of 2 at.% provides readily detectable room-temperature broad-band photoluminescence (PL) centered at λPL = 0.55 and 0.98 μm being pumped, respectively, with 532 and 785 nm lasers. Electric field induced resistance switching and strong electric rectification effect were found in nanoporous sandwich Au/Er:NKN/Pt capacitive cell. Memristor-type current-voltage I-V characteristics originate from the electrochemical migration of oxygen vacancies at the n-type Er:NKN oxide/high work function Pt cathode junction interface.

  15. Æstetik er tilbage som nøgle til at forstå samtiden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sharma, Devika


    Casper Christensen er gakket, Hello Kitty er nuttet og konceptkunsten er interessant. Her er tre nye kategorier at forstå senkapitalismen med. I anledning af Sianne Ngais bog "Our aesthetic categories: zany, cute, interesting" .......Casper Christensen er gakket, Hello Kitty er nuttet og konceptkunsten er interessant. Her er tre nye kategorier at forstå senkapitalismen med. I anledning af Sianne Ngais bog "Our aesthetic categories: zany, cute, interesting" ....

  16. Når mindset er nøglen til succes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Jeppe Agger; Karlsmose, Jens; Kortnum, Allan


    Hvordan skaber man en arbejdspladskultur, hvor medarbejderne trives med forandringer, er udholdende og indstillede på at lære nyt? Det er for mange virksomheder et af de helt store aktuelle spørgsmål, og i flere af dem er svaret ledelse med mindsetbaserede principper. Læs her om mindset-tanketank...

  17. Lace plant ethylene receptors, AmERS1a and AmERS1c, regulate ethylene-induced programmed cell death during leaf morphogenesis. (United States)

    Rantong, Gaolathe; Evans, Rodger; Gunawardena, Arunika H L A N


    The lace plant, Aponogeton madagascariensis, is an aquatic monocot that forms perforations in its leaves as part of normal leaf development. Perforation formation occurs through developmentally regulated programmed cell death (PCD). The molecular basis of PCD regulation in the lace plant is unknown, however ethylene has been shown to play a significant role. In this study, we examined the role of ethylene receptors during perforation formation. We isolated three lace plant ethylene receptors AmERS1a, AmERS1b and AmERS1c. Using quantitative PCR, we examined their transcript levels at seven stages of leaf development. Through laser-capture microscopy, transcript levels were also determined in cells undergoing PCD and cells not undergoing PCD (NPCD cells). AmERS1a transcript levels were significantly lower in window stage leaves (in which perforation formation and PCD are occurring) as compared to all other leaf developmental stages. AmERS1a and AmERS1c (the most abundant among the three receptors) had the highest transcript levels in mature stage leaves, where PCD is not occurring. Their transcript levels decreased significantly during senescence-associated PCD. AmERS1c had significantly higher transcript levels in NPCD compared to PCD cells. Despite being significantly low in window stage leaves, AmERS1a transcripts were not differentially expressed between PCD and NPCD cells. The results suggested that ethylene receptors negatively regulate ethylene-controlled PCD in the lace plant. A combination of ethylene and receptor levels determines cell fate during perforation formation and leaf senescence. A new model for ethylene emission and receptor expression during lace plant perforation formation and senescence is proposed.

  18. Herp enhances ER-associated protein degradation by recruiting ubiquilins

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Tae-Yeon; Kim, Eunmin; Yoon, Sungjoo Kim; Yoon, Jong-Bok


    ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD) is a protein quality control system of ER, which eliminates misfolded proteins by proteasome-dependent degradation and ensures export of only properly folded proteins from ER. Herp, an ER membrane protein upregulated by ER stress, is implicated in regulation of ERAD. In the present study, we show that Herp interacts with members of the ubiquilin family, which function as a shuttle factor to deliver ubiquitinated substrates to the proteasome for degradation. Knockdown of ubiquilin expression by small interfering RNA stabilized the ERAD substrate CD3δ, whereas it did not alter or increased degradation of non-ERAD substrates tested. CD3δ was stabilized by overexpressed Herp mutants which were capable of binding to ubiquilins but were impaired in ER membrane targeting by deletion of the transmembrane domain. Our data suggest that Herp binding to ubiquilin proteins plays an important role in the ERAD pathway and that ubiquilins are specifically involved in degradation of only a subset of ubiquitinated targets, including Herp-dependent ERAD substrates

  19. An ER Protein Functionally Couples Neutral Lipid Metabolism on Lipid Droplets to Membrane Lipid Synthesis in the ER

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Markgraf, Daniel F; Klemm, Robin W; Junker, Mirco


    Eukaryotic cells store neutral lipids such as triacylglycerol (TAG) in lipid droplets (LDs). Here, we have addressed how LDs are functionally linked to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). We show that, in S. cerevisiae, LD growth is sustained by LD-localized enzymes. When LDs grow in early stationary...... phase, the diacylglycerol acyl-transferase Dga1p moves from the ER to LDs and is responsible for all TAG synthesis from diacylglycerol (DAG). During LD breakdown in early exponential phase, an ER membrane protein (Ice2p) facilitates TAG utilization for membrane-lipid synthesis. Ice2p has a cytosolic...... and explain how cells switch neutral lipid metabolism from storage to consumption....

  20. Development of microstructured large area magnetic calorimeters with Au:Er- and Ag:Er-sensors for the detection of x-ray quanta and high energetic particles; Entwicklung grossflaechiger mikrostrukturierter magnetischer Kalorimeter mit Au:Er- und Ag:Er-Sensoren fuer den energieaufgeloesten Nachweis von Roentgenquanten und hochenergetischen Teilchen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Burck, Andreas


    This thesis describes the development of large-area magnetic calorimeters which could for example be used for the investigation of the dissociative recombination or the measurement of the Lamb-shift for hydrogenlike heavy ions. The detectors consist of two meandershaped niobium thin film pickup coils and a paramagnetic sensor. The deposition of energy in the sensor results in a temperature change and therefore in a change of magnetisation of the sensor, which can be measured by a SQUID-magnetometer with high precision. As sensormaterials a dilute alloy of gold-erbium (Au:Er) as well as silver-erbium (Ag:Er) were used. Whereas the Ag:Er-sensor was glued on the pickup coil the Au:Er-sensor was for the first time microstructured by a novel microstructuring process established in this thesis. For the characterisation of the detectors and the sensormaterials a fluorescence source and a {sup 55}Fe source were used. The thermodynamic properties of the Au:Er-sensors thereby show promising results, as the magnetisation shows bulk properties down to 20 mK. The measurements of the signalize and the magnetisation with the detector which was equipped with a Ag:Er-sensor showed that the thermodynamic properties of the Ag:Eralloy could be fully described. Furthermore the shape of the pulses, the noise and the energy resolution of both detectors will be discussed. (orig.)

  1. Snip snap snude - dobbelthagerne er ude

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Malene Charlotte; Kofoed, Jette


    Det handler om at være grim. Det står i skarp kontrast til det pæne og polerede på Instagram. Det er flygtigt, useriøst og ligegyldigt. Og så forsvinder det heldigvis igen, så man behøver kun at forholde sig til det i de få sekunder, det foregår. Snapchat vokser i popularitet og er nu det...

  2. Spectral variations and energy transfer processes on both Er 3+ ion concentration and excitation densities in Yb 3+-Er 3+ codoped LaF3 materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Jisen; Qin Weiping; Zhao Dan; Degejihu; Zhang Jishuang; Wang Yan; Cao Chunyan


    In comparison with the up-conversion spectra of Yb 3+ -Er 3+ codopded systems reported previously, the interesting intensity changes of up-conversion luminescence between the violet, the blue, the green and the red on the both Er 3+ ion concentration and excitation density with 978 nm laser diodes as an excitation source were observed in Yb 3+ -Er 3+ codopded LaF 3 powders. In order to clarify the change mechanisms, the up-conversion spectra of LaF 3 : 10 mol% Yb 3+ , 0.5 mol% Er 3+ and LaF 3 : 10 mol% Yb 3+ , 1 mol% Er 3+ were investigated and the results indicated that the cross-relaxation processes between Er 3+ ions and the thermal population of the 2 H 11/2 level play significant roles

  3. DNA as a component of ER materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Minagawa, K; Aoki, Y; Berber, M R; Mori, T; Tanaka, M


    Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which is known as a typical biopolymer, has been utilized for a few types of ER materials. Suspensions were prepared with the particles of DNA, DNA/lipid complexes, and LDH (layered double hydroxide)/DNA composites. The purified DNA showed larger ER effect than the others, but this particle tended to absorb water, which caused less stability. Preliminary experiments of preparing composite with LDH indicated that this inorganic material would be useful for hydrophobic modification of DNA particles, although further optimization of composite preparation is needed. In addition, the LDH/DNA suspensions showed interesting behaviours under some conditions, which indicated possibility for controlling ER property in a wide range.

  4. DNA as a component of ER materials

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Minagawa, K; Aoki, Y; Berber, M R [Institute of Technology and Science, University of Tokushima, Tokushima 770-8506 (Japan); Mori, T [Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University, Fukuoka 819-0395 (Japan); Tanaka, M [Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, Tokushima Bunri University, Tokushima 770-8514 (Japan)], E-mail:


    Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which is known as a typical biopolymer, has been utilized for a few types of ER materials. Suspensions were prepared with the particles of DNA, DNA/lipid complexes, and LDH (layered double hydroxide)/DNA composites. The purified DNA showed larger ER effect than the others, but this particle tended to absorb water, which caused less stability. Preliminary experiments of preparing composite with LDH indicated that this inorganic material would be useful for hydrophobic modification of DNA particles, although further optimization of composite preparation is needed. In addition, the LDH/DNA suspensions showed interesting behaviours under some conditions, which indicated possibility for controlling ER property in a wide range.

  5. Evaluating the potential bioactivity of a novel compound ER1626. (United States)

    Wang, Lijun; Zeng, Yanyan; Wang, Tianling; Liu, Hongyi; Xiao, Hong; Xiang, Hua


    ER1626, a novel compound, is a derivate of indeno-isoquinoline ketone. This study was designed to evaluate the biological activity and potential anti-tumor mechanism of ER1626. MTT assay, scratch assay and flow cytometry were used to determine cell proliferation, cell migration and cell cycle distribution as well as cell apoptosis on human breast cancer MCF-7 cells and endometrial cancer Ishikawa cells. We also explored the antiangiogenic effect of ER1626 on HUVEC cells and chicken embryos. The expression of estrogen receptor protein was investigated with western-blot analysis. ER1626 down-regulated the expression of estrogen receptor α protein and up-regulated β protein in MCF-7 and Ishikawa cells. The value of IC50 of ER1626 on MCF-7 and Ishikawa cells were respectively 8.52 and 3.08 µmol/L. Meanwhile, ER1626 decreased VEGF secretion of MCF-7 and Ishikawa cells, disturbed the formation of VEGF-stimulated tubular structure in HUVEC cells, and inhibited the angiogenesis on the chicken chorioallantoic membrane. Scratch assay revealed that ER1626 suppressed the migration of MCF-7, Ishikawa and HUVEC cells. In addition to induction tumor cell apoptosis, ER1626 arrested cell cycle in G1/G0 phase in MCF-7 cells and G2/M phase in Ishikawa cells. In conclusion, our results demonstrated that ER1626 has favorable bioactivities to be a potential candidate against breast cancer and angiogenesis.

  6. Evaluating the potential bioactivity of a novel compound ER1626.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lijun Wang

    Full Text Available ER1626, a novel compound, is a derivate of indeno-isoquinoline ketone. This study was designed to evaluate the biological activity and potential anti-tumor mechanism of ER1626.MTT assay, scratch assay and flow cytometry were used to determine cell proliferation, cell migration and cell cycle distribution as well as cell apoptosis on human breast cancer MCF-7 cells and endometrial cancer Ishikawa cells. We also explored the antiangiogenic effect of ER1626 on HUVEC cells and chicken embryos. The expression of estrogen receptor protein was investigated with western-blot analysis.ER1626 down-regulated the expression of estrogen receptor α protein and up-regulated β protein in MCF-7 and Ishikawa cells. The value of IC50 of ER1626 on MCF-7 and Ishikawa cells were respectively 8.52 and 3.08 µmol/L. Meanwhile, ER1626 decreased VEGF secretion of MCF-7 and Ishikawa cells, disturbed the formation of VEGF-stimulated tubular structure in HUVEC cells, and inhibited the angiogenesis on the chicken chorioallantoic membrane. Scratch assay revealed that ER1626 suppressed the migration of MCF-7, Ishikawa and HUVEC cells. In addition to induction tumor cell apoptosis, ER1626 arrested cell cycle in G1/G0 phase in MCF-7 cells and G2/M phase in Ishikawa cells.In conclusion, our results demonstrated that ER1626 has favorable bioactivities to be a potential candidate against breast cancer and angiogenesis.

  7. Structural and electronic properties of Er-monopnictides under high pressure

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pandit, Premlata, E-mail: [Department of Physics, Barkatullah University, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 462026 (India); Srivastava, Vipul [Department of Physics, Oriental Institute of Science and Technology, Thakral Nagar, Bhopal (India); Rajagopalan, M. [Crystal Growth Centre, Anna University, Chennai 600 025 (India); Sanyal, Sankar P. [Department of Physics, Barkatullah University, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 462026 (India)


    We present the results of theoretical calculations on the structural, magnetic and electronic properties of Er-monopnictides using self-consistent first principles tight-binding linear-muffin-tin-orbital (TB-LMTO) method within the atomic-sphere approximation (ASA). Both spin-polarized and non-spin-polarized calculations are performed to check the magnetic stability of these compounds. We find that ErN, ErP and ErAs are metallic in ferromagnetic (FM) phase in both the spin channels and stable in NaCl-type (B{sub 1}) structure at ambient pressure. We predict NaCl-type (B{sub 1}) to CsCl-type (B{sub 2}) structural phase transition in ErN, ErP and ErAs at pressures of 146.1, 60.2 and 53.2 GPa, respectively and remain metallic ferromagnetic at high pressure. We calculate equilibrium lattice constants (a), bulk modulus (B), magnetic moments (mu{sub B}) and electronic properties of these compounds in B{sub 1} and B{sub 2} phases and compare with available experimental and theoretical results.

  8. Isothermal section of the Er-Cu-Ga ternary system at 973 K

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Belgacem, B. [Unite de Recherche de Chimie des Materiaux et de l' Environnement (UR11ES25), ISSBAT, Universite de Tunis ElManar, 9 Avenue Dr. Zoheir Safi, 1006 Tunis (Tunisia); Pasturel, M., E-mail: [Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes, Chimie du Solide et Materiaux, UMR CNRS 6226, Universite de Rennes 1, Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes (France); Tougait, O. [Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes, Chimie du Solide et Materiaux, UMR CNRS 6226, Universite de Rennes 1, Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes (France); Nouri, S. [Unite de Recherche de Chimie des Materiaux et de l' Environnement (UR11ES25), ISSBAT, Universite de Tunis ElManar, 9 Avenue Dr. Zoheir Safi, 1006 Tunis (Tunisia); Bekkachi, H. El; Peron, I. [Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes, Chimie du Solide et Materiaux, UMR CNRS 6226, Universite de Rennes 1, Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes (France); Hassen, R. Ben [Unite de Recherche de Chimie des Materiaux et de l' Environnement (UR11ES25), ISSBAT, Universite de Tunis ElManar, 9 Avenue Dr. Zoheir Safi, 1006 Tunis (Tunisia); Noeel, H. [Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes, Chimie du Solide et Materiaux, UMR CNRS 6226, Universite de Rennes 1, Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes (France)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The isothermal section at 973 K of the Er-Cu-Ga ternary phase diagram has been established for the first time. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Eight extensions of binary compounds in the ternary domain have been identified, as well as six ternary intermediate solid solutions characterized by an important Cu/Ga mutual substitution. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Magnetic properties of Er{sub 3}(Cu,Ga){sub 11} are reported for the first time and confirms the paramagnetic Curie-Weiss behavior of all the six intermediate intermetallics. - Abstract: Phase relations in the Er-Cu-Ga ternary system have been established at 973 K by means of powder X-ray diffraction complemented by energy dispersive spectroscopy coupled to scanning electron microscopy. The isothermal section of the phase diagram comprises eight extensions of binaries into the ternary system, ErCu{sub 1-x}Ga{sub x} (x {<=} 0.5), ErCu{sub 2-x}Ga{sub x} (x {<=} 1.1), ErCu{sub 5-x}Ga{sub x} (x {<=} 0.5), Er{sub 5}Cu{sub x}Ga{sub 3-x} (x {<=} 0.60), Er{sub 3}Cu{sub x}Ga{sub 2-x} (x {<=} 0.24), ErCu{sub x}Ga{sub 1-x} (x {<=} 0.10), ErCu{sub x}Ga{sub 2-x} (x {<=} 0.30) and ErCu{sub x}Ga{sub 3-x} (x {<=} 0.35), as well as six ternary intermediate phases, ErCu{sub x}Ga{sub 2-x} (0.4 {<=} x {<=} 0.7), Er{sub 14}Cu{sub 51-x}Ga{sub x} (5.5 {<=} x {<=} 11.0), ErCu{sub 5-x}Ga{sub x} (0.8 {<=} x {<=} 2.3), Er{sub 2}Cu{sub 17-x}Ga{sub x} (4.9 {<=} x {<=} 8.0), ErCu{sub 12-x}Ga{sub x} (5.7 {<=} x {<=} 6.7) and Er{sub 3}Cu{sub x}Ga{sub 11-x} (1.5 {<=} x {<=} 4.4), all deriving from binary structure-types.

  9. Senior Sport er læring i virkeligheden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Meyer, Erna Rosenlund


    Samarbejde mellem fysioterapeutudddannelsen på UCN og Aalborg senior Sport er givende for alle parter, inklusiv studerende.......Samarbejde mellem fysioterapeutudddannelsen på UCN og Aalborg senior Sport er givende for alle parter, inklusiv studerende....

  10. Zebrafisken er et vigtigt forsøgsdyr

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjær-Sørensen, Kasper; Alstrup, Aage Kristian Olsen


    Det kan ved første øjekast undre, at en almindelig dansk akvariefisk er blevet forskernes favorit. Ikke desto mindre er det tilfældet for den lille zebrafisk (Danio rerio), som i disse år anvendes til at undersøge funktionen af gener, til at lave dyremodeller for menneskets sygdomme og til...

  11. Impact of incoherent pumping field and Er3+ ion concentration on group velocity and index of refraction in an Er3+-doped YAG crystal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jafarzadeh, Hossein; Asadpour, Seyyed Hossein; Soleimani, H Rahimpour


    The effect of Er 3+ ion concentration and incoherent pumping field on the refractive index and group index in an Er 3+ : YAG crystal is investigated. It is shown that under different concentrations of Er 3+ ion in the crystal, the index of refraction and absorption can be changed and a high index of refraction is accompanied by amplification in the medium. Also, it is shown that with the switching from subluminal to superluminal, or vice versa, light propagation can be obtained by different concentrations of Er 3+ ions in the crystal. (paper)

  12. Er{sub 1.33}Pt{sub 3}Ga{sub 8}: A modulated variant of the Er{sub 4}Pt{sub 9}Al{sub 24}-structure type

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oswald, Iain W.H. [Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75080 (United States); Gourdon, Olivier [Research and Development, ZS Pharma, Coppell, TX 75109 (United States); Bekins, Amy; Evans, Jess [Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX 76019 (United States); Treadwell, LaRico J. [Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75080 (United States); Chan, Julia Y., E-mail: [Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75080 (United States); Macaluso, Robin T., E-mail: [Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX 76019 (United States); Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO 80639 (United States)


    Single crystals of Er{sub 1.33}Pt{sub 3}Ga{sub 8} were synthesized in a molten Ga flux. Er{sub 1.33}Pt{sub 3}Ga{sub 8} can be considered to be a modulated variant of the Er{sub 4}Pt{sub 9}Al{sub 24}-structure type, where the partial occupancies are ordered. Indeed, the presence of weak satellite reflections indicates a complex organization and distribution of the Er and Ga atoms within the [ErGa] slabs. The structure has been solved based on single crystal X-ray diffraction data in the monoclinic superspace group X2/m(0β0)00 with a commensurate modulated vector q=1/3b*. Precession images also indicate diffusion in the perpendicular direction indicating a partial disorder of this arrangement from layer to layer. In addition, Er{sub 1.33}Pt{sub 3}Ga{sub 8} shows antiferromagnetic ordering at T{sub N}~5 K. - Graphical abstract: A precession image of the hk0 zone showing weak, periodic, unindexed reflections indicating modulation and representation of the commensurate [ErGa] layer showing the waving modulated occupation. - Highlights: • Single crystals of Er{sub 1.33}Pt{sub 3}Ga{sub 8} were grown from gallium flux. • The structure of Er{sub 1.33}Pt{sub 3}Ga{sub 8} is compared to Er{sub 4}Pt{sub 9}Al{sub 24}. • Structure has been solved in the monoclinic superspace group X2/m(0β0)00 with a commensurate modulated vector q=1/3b*.

  13. ER stress proteins in autoimmune and inflammatory diseases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daisuke eMorito


    Full Text Available Over the past two decades, heat shock proteins (HSPs have been implicated in inflammatory responses and autoimmunity. HSPs were originally believed to maintain protein quality control in the cytosol. However, they also exist extracellularly and appear to act as inflammatory factors. Recently, a growing body of evidence suggested that the other class of stress proteins such as, endoplasmic reticulum (ER stress proteins, which originally act as protein quality control factors in the secretory pathway and are induced by ER stress in inflammatory lesions, also participate in inflammation and autoimmunity. The immunoglobulin heavy-chain binding protein (Bip/glucose-regulated protein 78 (Grp78, homocysteine-induced ER protein (Herp, calnexin, calreticulin, glucose-regulated protein 94 (Grp94/gp96, oxygen-regulated protein 150 (ORP150 and heat shock protein 47 (Hsp47/Serpin H1, which are expressed not only in the ER but also occasionally at the cell surface play pathophysiological roles in autoimmune and inflammatory diseases as pro- or anti-inflammatory factors. Here we describe the accumulating evidence of the participation of ER stress proteins in autoimmunity and inflammation and discuss the critical differences between the two classes of stress proteins.

  14. On the Use of an ER-213 Detonator to Establish a Baseline for the ER-486

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thomas, Keith A. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Liechty, Gary H. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Jaramillo, Dennis C. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Munger, Alan C. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); McHugh, Douglas C. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Kennedy, James E. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    This report documents a series of tests using a TSD-115 fireset coupled with an ER-213, a gold exploding bridgewire (EBW) detonator. These tests were designed to fire this EBW with a smaller fireset to obtain current and voltage data as well as timing information at voltage levels below, above, and throughout the threshold firing region. This study could then create a database for comparison to our current ER-486 EBW development, which is designed to be a lower voltage (<500V) device.

  15. Er det økologisk madordninger ofte sundere?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    He, Chen

    Det europæiske skolemad system er under forandring, en forandring der er blevet kaldt den europæiske skolemad revolution af Morgan & Sonnino (2008). Forandringen består af to afgørende søjler/indsatsområder; 1) Krav til sundere kostvaner; 2) Flere økologiske fødevarer. Denne forskning harundersøg...

  16. Danskhed er pizza, kebab og flæskesteg

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mehlsen, Camilla


    Dannebrog. Kongehuset. Flæskesteg. Folkeskolen. Fodbold og øl. En lang række symboler og fortællinger kendetegner danskhed, men det er en myte, at danskerne er en homogen gruppe, fortæller professor Richard Jenkins....

  17. SEC16 in COPII coat dynamics at ER exit sites

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sprangers, Joep; Rabouille, Catherine

    Protein export from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), the first step in protein transport through the secretory pathway, is mediated by coatomer protein II (COPII)-coated vesicles at ER exit sites. COPII coat assembly on the ER is well understood and the conserved large hydrophilic protein Sec16

  18. Æstetiseringen af forbruget: En undersøgelse af to udstillinger, hvor branding er kunst - og kunst er branding

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hermansen, Judy


    Æstetiseringen af hverdagen er ét af de helt centrale træk ved det postmoderne forbrugersamfund. Og denne nedbrydning af grænserne mellem kunst og forbrug er det også vigtigt for marketingteorien at udforske. Artiklen analyserer to (kunst?)udstillinger i England, som på hver sin måde tematiserer,...

  19. Behaviour of Er/sup 3 +/ ion in tetragonal crystalline field

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kumar, V; Dass, N; Chandra, K [Roorkee Univ. (India). Dept. of Physics


    Crystal field parameters for ErGaG and Er/sup 3 +/ YAlG are used to compute the temperature dependence of Schottky specific heat, paramagnetic susceptibility, magnetic anisotropy, sup( and quadrupole splitting in the range 10-400 K. The hyperfine interaction parameters A and B for /sup 16/ /sup 166/Er and /sup 167/Er in both the systems are also obtained and in turn used to estimate the nuclear specific heat contribution. The studied parameters compare well with the available experimental results.

  20. Self-assembled infrared-luminescent Er-Si-O crystallites on silicon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Isshiki, H.; Dood, M.J.A. de; Polman, A.; Kimura, T.


    Optically active and electrically excitable erbium complexes on silicon are made by wet-chemical synthesis. The single-crystalline Er-Si-O compound is formed by coating a Si(100) substrate with an ErCl 3 /ethanol solution, followed by rapid thermal oxidation and annealing. Room-temperature Er-related 1.53 μm photoluminescence is observed with a peak linewidth as small as 4 meV. The complexes can be excited directly into the Er intra-4f states, or indirectly, through photocarriers. Er concentrations as high as 14 at. % are achieved, incorporated in a crystalline lattice with a 0.9 nm periodicity. Thermal quenching at room temperature is only a factor 5, and the lifetime at 1.535 μm is 200 μs

  1. The ER in 3D: a multifunctional dynamic membrane network. (United States)

    Friedman, Jonathan R; Voeltz, Gia K


    The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a large, singular, membrane-bound organelle that has an elaborate 3D structure with a diversity of structural domains. It contains regions that are flat and cisternal, ones that are highly curved and tubular, and others adapted to form contacts with nearly every other organelle and with the plasma membrane. The 3D structure of the ER is determined by both integral ER membrane proteins and by interactions with the cytoskeleton. In this review, we describe some of the factors that are known to regulate ER structure and discuss how this structural organization and the dynamic nature of the ER membrane network allow it to perform its many different functions. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Magnetocaloric effect in textured rare earth intermetallic compound ErNi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aparna Sankar


    Full Text Available Melt-spun ErNi crystallizes in orthorhombic FeB-type structure (Space group Pnma, no. 62 similar to the arc-melted ErNi compound. Room temperature X-ray diffraction (XRD experiments reveal the presence of texture and preferred crystal orientation in the melt-spun ErNi. The XRD data obtained from the free surface of the melt-spun ErNi show large intensity enhancement for (1 0 2 Bragg reflection. The scanning electron microscopy image of the free surface depicts a granular microstructure with grains of ∼1 μm size. The arc-melted and the melt-spun ErNi compounds order ferromagnetically at 11 K and 10 K (TC respectively. Field dependent magnetization (M-H at 2 K shows saturation behaviour and the saturation magnetization value is 7.2 μB/f.u. for the arc-melted ErNi and 7.4 μB/f.u. for the melt-spun ErNi. The isothermal magnetic entropy change (ΔSm close to TC has been calculated from the M-H data. The maximum isothermal magnetic entropy change, -ΔSmmax, is ∼27 Jkg-1K-1 and ∼24 Jkg-1K-1 for the arc-melted and melt-spun ErNi for 50 kOe field change, near TC. The corresponding relative cooling power values are ∼440 J/kg and ∼432 J/kg respectively. Although a part of ΔSm is lost to crystalline electric field (CEF effects, the magnetocaloric effect is substantially large at 10 K, thus rendering melt-spun ErNi to be useful in low temperature magnetic refrigeration applications such as helium gas liquefaction.

  3. Magnetocaloric effect in textured rare earth intermetallic compound ErNi (United States)

    Sankar, Aparna; Chelvane, J. Arout; Morozkin, A. V.; Nigam, A. K.; Quezado, S.; Malik, S. K.; Nirmala, R.


    Melt-spun ErNi crystallizes in orthorhombic FeB-type structure (Space group Pnma, no. 62) similar to the arc-melted ErNi compound. Room temperature X-ray diffraction (XRD) experiments reveal the presence of texture and preferred crystal orientation in the melt-spun ErNi. The XRD data obtained from the free surface of the melt-spun ErNi show large intensity enhancement for (1 0 2) Bragg reflection. The scanning electron microscopy image of the free surface depicts a granular microstructure with grains of ˜1 μm size. The arc-melted and the melt-spun ErNi compounds order ferromagnetically at 11 K and 10 K (TC) respectively. Field dependent magnetization (M-H) at 2 K shows saturation behaviour and the saturation magnetization value is 7.2 μB/f.u. for the arc-melted ErNi and 7.4 μB/f.u. for the melt-spun ErNi. The isothermal magnetic entropy change (ΔSm) close to TC has been calculated from the M-H data. The maximum isothermal magnetic entropy change, -ΔSmmax, is ˜27 Jkg-1K-1 and ˜24 Jkg-1K-1 for the arc-melted and melt-spun ErNi for 50 kOe field change, near TC. The corresponding relative cooling power values are ˜440 J/kg and ˜432 J/kg respectively. Although a part of ΔSm is lost to crystalline electric field (CEF) effects, the magnetocaloric effect is substantially large at 10 K, thus rendering melt-spun ErNi to be useful in low temperature magnetic refrigeration applications such as helium gas liquefaction.

  4. Potential mechanisms underlying estrogen-induced expression of the molluscan estrogen receptor (ER) gene

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tran, Thi Kim Anh [School of Environmental and Life Sciences, The University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW 2308 (Australia); Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Vinh University, 182 Le Duan St., Vinh City, Nghe An (Viet Nam); MacFarlane, Geoff R. [School of Environmental and Life Sciences, The University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW 2308 (Australia); Kong, Richard Yuen Chong [Department of Biology and Chemistry, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (China); O’Connor, Wayne A. [New South Wales Department of Primary Industries, Port Stephens Fisheries Institute, Taylors Beach, NSW 2316 (Australia); Yu, Richard Man Kit, E-mail: [School of Environmental and Life Sciences, The University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW 2308 (Australia)


    Highlights: • This is the first report on the putative promoter sequence of a molluscan ER gene. • The gene promoter contains putative binding sites for direct and indirect interaction with ER. • E2 upregulates ER gene expression in the ovary in vitro and in vivo. • E2-induced gene expression may require a novel ligand-dependent receptor. • The ER proximal promoter is hypomethylated regardless of gene expression levels. - Abstract: In vertebrates, estrogens and estrogen mimicking chemicals modulate gene expression mainly through a genomic pathway mediated by the estrogen receptors (ERs). Although the existence of an ER orthologue in the mollusc genome has been known for some time, its role in estrogen signalling has yet to be deciphered. This is largely due to its constitutive (ligand-independent) activation and a limited mechanistic understanding of its regulation. To fill this knowledge gap, we cloned and characterised an ER cDNA (sgER) and the 5′-flanking region of the gene from the Sydney rock oyster Saccostrea glomerata. The sgER cDNA is predicted to encode a 477-amino acid protein that contains a DNA-binding domain (DBD) and a ligand-binding domain (LBD) typically conserved among both vertebrate and invertebrate ERs. A comparison of the sgER LBD sequence with those of other ligand-dependent ERs revealed that the sgER LBD is variable at several conserved residues known to be critical for ligand binding and receptor activation. Ligand binding assays using fluorescent-labelled E2 and purified sgER protein confirmed that sgER is devoid of estrogen binding. In silico analysis of the sgER 5′-flanking sequence indicated the presence of three putative estrogen responsive element (ERE) half-sites and several putative sites for ER-interacting transcription factors, suggesting that the sgER promoter may be autoregulated by its own gene product. sgER mRNA is ubiquitously expressed in adult oyster tissues, with the highest expression found in the ovary

  5. Structural and electrical characteristics of high-κ Er2O3 and Er2TiO5 gate dielectrics for a-IGZO thin-film transistors. (United States)

    Chen, Fa-Hsyang; Her, Jim-Long; Shao, Yu-Hsuan; Matsuda, Yasuhiro H; Pan, Tung-Ming


    In this letter, we investigated the structural and electrical characteristics of high-κ Er2O3 and Er2TiO5 gate dielectrics on the amorphous indium-gallium-zinc-oxide (a-IGZO) thin-film transistor (TFT) devices. Compared with the Er2O3 dielectric, the a-IGZO TFT device incorporating an Er2TiO5 gate dielectric exhibited a low threshold voltage of 0.39 V, a high field-effect mobility of 8.8 cm2/Vs, a small subthreshold swing of 143 mV/decade, and a high Ion/Ioff current ratio of 4.23 × 107, presumably because of the reduction in the oxygen vacancies and the formation of the smooth surface roughness as a result of the incorporation of Ti into the Er2TiO5 film. Furthermore, the reliability of voltage stress can be improved using an Er2TiO5 gate dielectric.

  6. Gensidig livskvalitet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Warming, Hanne


    har medvirket til forbedret livskvalitet for både beboere og medarbejdere gennem udvikling af - styrkelse af eksisterende - positive dynamikker i samspillet mellem medarbejder og beboere, såvel som kollegaer imellem. Derfor projektets titel: Gensidig livskvalitet. Erfaringen af, hvor stor en forskel...

  7. Analysis of erythema after Er:YAG laser skin resurfacing. (United States)

    Ko, Na Young; Ahn, Hyo-Hyun; Kim, Soo-Nam; Kye, Young-Chul


    Postoperative erythema can be expected to occur in every patient after laser resurfacing, and pigmentary disturbances may be related to the intensity and the duration of erythema. This study was undertaken to assess the clinical features of erythema, the factors that influence its duration, and the relation between the duration of erythema and the incidence of hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation in skin of Asian persons after Er:YAG laser resurfacing. A total of 218 patients (skin phototypes III to V) were recruited and treated with a short-pulsed Er:YAG laser, a variable-pulsed Er:YAG laser, or a dual-mode Er:YAG laser for skin resurfacing. Clinical assessments were performed retrospectively using medical charts and serial photographs. Postoperative erythema was observed in all patients after Er:YAG laser resurfacing with a mean duration of 4.72 months. In 98.2% of patients, erythema faded completely within 12 months. Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation was observed in 38.1% of patients after Er:YAG laser resurfacing. Skin phototype, level of ablation, and depth of thermal damage caused by a long-pulsed laser appear to be important factors that affect the duration of erythema. Moreover, prolonged erythema was related to the risk of postinflammatory hyperpigmentation.

  8. Psyken er en grænseflade

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hoffmeyer, Jesper


    En computer er i sig selv blot et stykke mekanik. Det afgørende sker i mødet mellem maskinen, mennesker og fællesskaber: på grænsefladen. Præcis som hos levende væsner......En computer er i sig selv blot et stykke mekanik. Det afgørende sker i mødet mellem maskinen, mennesker og fællesskaber: på grænsefladen. Præcis som hos levende væsner...

  9. Outdoor Adventure er mulighedernes læringslandskab

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Sune Ib Schou


    Global Nutrition and Health er en ny international uddannelse for ernærings- og sundhedsstuderende ved Professionshøjskolen Metropol. De tilbydes Outdoor Adventure, som bryder de vante rammer for undervisning.......Global Nutrition and Health er en ny international uddannelse for ernærings- og sundhedsstuderende ved Professionshøjskolen Metropol. De tilbydes Outdoor Adventure, som bryder de vante rammer for undervisning....

  10. Outdoor Adventure er mulighedernes læringslandskab

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Sune


    Global Nutrition and Health er en ny international uddannelse for ernærings- og sundhedsstuderende ved Professionshøjskolen Metropol. De tilbydes Outdoor Adventure, som bryder de vante rammer for undervisning.......Global Nutrition and Health er en ny international uddannelse for ernærings- og sundhedsstuderende ved Professionshøjskolen Metropol. De tilbydes Outdoor Adventure, som bryder de vante rammer for undervisning....

  11. En isoleret verden er en bedre verden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Enrum, Nils


    Man skal ikke kaste med sten, hvis man bor i et hus med energimærke D ... Men problemet med varmetab fra danske boliger er til at løse......Man skal ikke kaste med sten, hvis man bor i et hus med energimærke D ... Men problemet med varmetab fra danske boliger er til at løse...

  12. Fluorescence lifetime imaging of microviscosity changes during ER autophagy in live cells (United States)

    He, Ying; Samanta, Soham; Gong, Wanjun; Liu, Wufan; Pan, Wenhui; Yang, Zhigang; Qu, Junle


    Unfolded or misfolded protein accumulation inside Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) will cause ER stress and subsequently will activate cellular autophagy to release ER stress, which would ultimately result in microviscosity changes. However, even though, it is highly significant to gain a quantitative assessment of microviscosity changes during ER autophagy to study ER stress and autophagy behaviors related diseases, it has rarely been reported yet. In this work, we have reported a BODIPY based fluorescent molecular rotor that can covalently bind with vicinal dithiols containing nascent proteins in ER and hence can result in ER stress through the inhibition of the folding of nascent proteins. The change in local viscosity, caused by the release of the stress in cells through autophagy, was quantified by the probe using fluorescence lifetime imaging. This work basically demonstrates the possibility of introducing synthetic chemical probe as a promising tool to diagnose ER-viscosity-related diseases.

  13. Hvordan kan jeg ane det jeg gør er rigtigt?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Anders


    Dømmekraft er i vælten. Men hvad er dømmekraft, og hvordan er det muligt at udvikle sin dømmekraft i en virkelighed, hvor målstyring fylder stadigt mere? Artiklen tager med dømmekraftbegrebet afsæt i den nye pædagoguddannelse. Bekendtgørelsen er præget af en opfordring til at have mere opmærksomh...

  14. Det man hører, er man selv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Svømmekjær, Heidi Frank


    Katalog til udstillingen "Det man hører, er man selv" på Mediemuseet i Odense 7. september 2012 - 15. januar 2013.......Katalog til udstillingen "Det man hører, er man selv" på Mediemuseet i Odense 7. september 2012 - 15. januar 2013....

  15. Optimum Er concentration for in situ doped GaN visible and infrared luminescence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, D. S.; Heikenfeld, J.; Steckl, A. J.; Hommerich, U.; Seo, J. T.; Braud, A.; Zavada, J.


    GaN thin films have been doped with varying Er concentrations (0.01--10 at.%) during molecular-beam-epitaxy growth. As expected, the visible and infrared (IR) emissions, from photoluminescence (PL) and electroluminescence (EL), are a strong function of Er concentration. We report on the determination of an optimum Er doping level for PL and EL intensity. Secondary ion mass spectroscopy and Rutherford backscattering measurements showed that the Er concentration in GaN increased exponentially with Er cell temperature. PL and EL intensity of green emission at 537 and 558 nm, due to Er 4f--4f inner shell transitions, exhibited a maximum at ∼1 at.% Er. IR PL intensity at 1.54 μm, due to another Er transition, revealed the same maximum for ∼1 at.% Er concentration. PL lifetime measurements at 537 nm showed that samples with Er concentration <1 at.% had a lifetime of ∼5 μs. For Er concentration ≥1 at.%, the lifetime decreased rapidly to values below 1 μs. This concentration quenching is believed to be due to a combination of Er cross relaxation and energy transfer to GaN defects, eventually followed by precipitation. This conclusion is supported by x-ray diffraction measurements. As a result, we have determined that the optimum Er doping concentration into GaN is ∼1 at.%. Copyright 2001 American Institute of Physics

  16. Isothermal section of the Er-Fe-Al ternary system at 800 oC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jemmali, M.; Walha, S.; Pasturel, M.; Tougait, O.; Ben Hassen, R.; Noel, H.


    Physico-chemical analysis techniques, including X-ray diffraction and Scanning Electron Microscope-Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy, were employed to construct the isothermal section of the Er-Fe-Al system at 800 o C. At this temperature, the phase diagram is characterized by the formation of five intermediate phases, ErFe 12-x Al x with 5 ≤ x ≤ 8 (ThMn 12 -type), ErFe 1+x Al 1-x with -0.2 ≤ x ≤ 0.75 (MgZn 2 -type), ErFe 3-x Al x with 0.5 2 Al-type), Er 2 Fe 17-x Al x with 4.74 ≤ x ≤ 5.7 (TbCu 7 -type) and Er 2 Fe 17-x Al x with 5.7 2 Zn 17 -type), seven extensions of binaries into the ternary system; ErFe x Al 3-x with x 3 Cu-type), ErFe x Al 2-x with x ≤ 0.68 (MgCu 2 -type), Er 2 Fe x Al 1-x with x ≤ 0.25 (Co 2 Si-type), ErFe 2-x Al x with x ≤ 0.5 (MgCu 2 -type), ErFe 3-x Al x with x ≤ 0.5 (Be 3 Nb-type), Er 6 Fe 23-x Al x with x ≤ 8 (Th 6 Mn 23 -type), and Er 2 Fe 17-x Al x with x ≤ 4.75 (Th 2 Ni 17 -type) and one intermetallic compound; the ErFe 2 Al 10 (YbFe 2 Al 10 -type).

  17. Er Native Advertising en gråzone?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Lars Pynt


    Native advertising ser ud til at være den perfekte syntese mellem læsernes ønske om interessant indhold og annoncørers ønske om at komme tættere på kunderne. Men native advertising er også anklaget for at være fundamentalt uetisk i sin virkemåde, og måske er de gode oplevelser faktisk netop et...

  18. Measuring the Digital Divide with PingER

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cottrell, L.


    We introduce the PingER project/toolkit and show its relevance to monitoring sites in developing countries. We then show results from PingER that illustrate the extent of the Digital Divide in terms of Internet performance between developed and developing regions, which developing regions are catching up, keeping up, or falling behind and the magnitude of the differences in performance between developed regions and developing regions.

  19. Temperature Effects of Dielectric Properties of ER Fluids (United States)

    Qiu, Z. Y.; Hu, L.; Liu, M. W.; Bao, H. X.; Jiang, Y. G.; Zhou, L. W.; Tang, Y.; Gao, Z.; Sun, M.; Korobko, E. V.

    Under the consideration of the role that energy transfer and dissipation play in ER effect, an improved theory frame for ER effects, polarization-dissipation-structure-rheology, is suggested. The theory frame is substantiated by the basic physical laws and certain critical experimental facts. The dielectric response of a diatomite ER fluid to temperature is measured in the temperature range of 140 K to 400 K. By comparison of the DC conductivity with the AC effective conductivity of the sample, we found that the AC dielectric loss consists of two parts. One part comes from the DC conductivity, the other from the response of the bound charges in scope of particle to AC field. It is suggested that the response of bound charges is very important to ER effects. Besides, the effect of temperature on shear stress is measured, and interpreted based on the dielectric measurements. The source of two loss peaks in the curve of the dielectric loss versus temperature is not clear.

  20. On the enhancement of Er{sup 3+} diffusion in LiNbO{sub 3} crystals by Er{sup 3+}/Ti{sup 4+} co-diffusion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Almeida, José Manuel Marques Martins de, E-mail: [INESC-TEC, Rua do Campo Alegre, 687, Porto 4169-007 (Portugal); Department of Physics, School of Science and Technology, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, PO. Box 1013, 5001-801 Vila Real (Portugal); Sada, Cinzia [Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia G. Galilei, Università di Padova, Via Marzolo 8, 35131 Padova (Italy)


    Highlights: • Enhancement of the diffusion of erbium ions (Er{sup 3+}) in lithium niobate crystals. • Incoherence on published results lead to need for systematic revision of literature. • Further insight into the topic of co-diffusion of Er{sup 3+}/Ti{sup 4+} ions into LiNbO{sub 3}. - Abstract: After carrying out a revision of the literature on the enhancement of Er{sup 3+} diffusion in LiNbO{sub 3} crystals by Er{sup 3+}/Ti{sup 4+} co-diffusion and analyzing our own experimental results, we conclude that no reproducible results were reported, meaning that further research on this subject is necessary.

  1. Enhanced magnetodielectric and multiferroic properties of Er-doped bismuth ferrite nanoparticles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mukherjee, A.; Banerjee, M. [Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology, Durgapur 713209 (India); Basu, S., E-mail: [Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology, Durgapur 713209 (India); Mukadam, M.D.; Yusuf, S.M. [Solid State Physics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai 400085 (India); Pal, M. [CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute, Kolkata 700032 (India)


    An enhancement in multiferroic properties has been achieved for chemically prepared BFO nanoparticles by doping with erbium (Er). XRD along with electron microscopy study reveals the phase purity and nanocrystalline nature of BFO. Enhancement of both the magnetic moment and resistivity is observed by virtue of Er doping. The observed enhanced magnetic moment is considered to be associated with smaller crystallite whereas increase of resistivity may be attributed to a decrease of oxygen vacancies. Doping also display an improvement of leakage behaviour and dielectric constant in nanocrystalline BFO, reflected in well-developed P-E loop. In addition, large enhancement in magnetodielectric coefficient is observed because of Er doping. Therefore, the results provide interesting approaches to improve the multiferroic properties of BFO, which has great implication towards its applications. - Highlights: • Synthesis of pure Er-doped BFO nanoparticles by chemical route. • Large increase in magnetic moment and resistivity due to Er doping. • Er doping produce well developed P-E loop and enhance polarization. • Drastic increase in dielectric constant as well as magnetodielectric coefficient observes because of Er doping.

  2. Aging induced ER stress alters sleep and sleep homeostasis (United States)

    Brown, Marishka K.; Chan, May T.; Zimmerman, John E.; Pack, Allan I.; Jackson, Nicholas E.; Naidoo, Nirinjini


    Alterations in the quality, quantity and architecture of baseline and recovery sleep have been shown to occur during aging. Sleep deprivation induces endoplasmic reticular (ER) stress and upregulates a protective signaling pathway termed the unfolded protein response (UPR). The effectiveness of the adaptive UPR is diminished by age. Previously, we showed that endogenous chaperone levels altered recovery sleep in Drosophila melanogaster. We now report that acute administration of the chemical chaperone sodium 4-phenylbutyrate (PBA) reduces ER stress and ameliorates age-associated sleep changes in Drosophila. PBA consolidates both baseline and recovery sleep in aging flies. The behavioral modifications of PBA are linked to its suppression of ER stress. PBA decreased splicing of x-box binding protein 1 (XBP1) and upregulation of phosphorylated elongation initiation factor 2 α (p-eIF2α), in flies that were subjected to sleep deprivation. We also demonstrate that directly activating ER stress in young flies fragments baseline sleep and alters recovery sleep. Alleviating prolonged/sustained ER stress during aging contributes to sleep consolidation and improves recovery sleep/ sleep debt discharge. PMID:24444805


    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The CAMEX-4 ER-2 High Altitude Dropsonde dataset was collected by the ER-2 High Altitude Dropsonde System (EHAD), which used dropwinsondes fitted with Global...

  4. ER-12-1 completion report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Russell, C.E.; Gillespie, D.; Cole, J.C.; Drellack, S.L.


    The objective of drillhole ER-12-1 was to determine the hydrogeology of paleozoic carbonate rocks and of the Eleana Formation, a regional aquitard, in an area potentially downgradient from underground nuclear testing conducted in nearby Rainier Mesa. This objective was addressed through the drilling of well ER-12-1 at N886,640.26 E640,538.85 Nevada Central Coordinates. Drilling of the 1094 m (3588 ft) well began on July 19, 1991 and was completed on October 17, 1991. Drilling problems included hole deviation and hole instability that prevented the timely completion of this borehole. Drilling methods used include rotary tri-cone and rotary hammer drilling with conventional and reverse circulation using air/water, air/foam (Davis mix), and bentonite mud. Geologic cuttings and geophysical logs were obtained from the well. The rocks penetrated by the ER-12-1 drillhole are a complex assemblage of Silurian, Devonian, and Mississippian sedimentary rocks that are bounded by numerous faults that show substantial stratigraphic offset. The final 7.3 m (24 ft) of this hole penetrated an unusual intrusive rock of Cretaceous age. The geology of this borehole was substantially different from that expected, with the Tongue Wash Fault encountered at a much shallower depth, paleozoic rocks shuffled out of stratigraphic sequence, and the presence of an altered biotite-rich microporphyritic igneous rock at the bottom of the borehole. Conodont CAI analyses and rock pyrolysis analyses indicate that the carbonate rocks in ER-12-1, as well as the intervening sheets of Eleana siltstone, have been thermally overprinted following movement on the faults that separate them. The probable source of heat for this thermal disturbance is the microporphyritic intrusion encountered at the bottom of the hole, and its age establishes that the major fault activity must have occurred prior to 102.3+0.5 Ma (middle Cretaceous)

  5. Induction of ER stress in macrophages of tuberculosis granulomas.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tracie A Seimon


    Full Text Available The endoplasmic reticulum (ER stress pathway known as the Unfolded Protein Response (UPR is an adaptive survival pathway that protects cells from the buildup of misfolded proteins, but under certain circumstances it can lead to apoptosis. ER stress has been causally associated with macrophage apoptosis in advanced atherosclerosis of mice and humans. Because atherosclerosis shares certain features with tuberculosis (TB with regard to lesional macrophage accumulation, foam cell formation, and apoptosis, we investigated if the ER stress pathway is activated during TB infection.Here we show that ER stress markers such as C/EBP homologous protein (CHOP; also known as GADD153, phosphorylated inositol-requiring enzyme 1 alpha (Ire1α and eukaryotic initiation factor 2 alpha (eIF2α, and activating transcription factor 3 (ATF3 are expressed in macrophage-rich areas of granulomas in lungs of mice infected with virulent Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb. These areas were also positive for numerous apoptotic cells as assayed by TUNEL. Microarray analysis of human caseous TB granulomas isolated by laser capture microdissection reveal that 73% of genes involved in the UPR are upregulated at the mRNA transcript level. The expression of two ER stress markers, ATF3 and CHOP, were also increased in macrophages of human TB granulomas when assayed by immunohistochemistry. CHOP has been causally associated with ER stress-induced macrophage apoptosis. We found that apoptosis was more abundant in granulomas as compared to non-granulomatous tissue isolated from patients with pulmonary TB, and apoptosis correlated with CHOP expression in areas surrounding the centralized areas of caseation.In summary, ER stress is induced in macrophages of TB granulomas in areas where apoptotic cells accumulate in mice and humans. Although macrophage apoptosis is generally thought to be beneficial in initially protecting the host from Mtb infection, death of infected macrophages in


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gerald Heymsfield


    Data was taken with the NASA ER-2 aircraft with the Cloud Radar System and other instruments in conjunction with the DOE ARM CLASIC field campaign. The flights were near the SGP site in north Central Oklahoma and targeted small developing convection. The CRS is a 94 GHz nadir pointing Doppler radar. Also on board the ER-2 was the Cloud Physics Lidar (CPL). Seven science flights were conducted but the weather conditions did not cooperate in that there was neither developing convection, or there was heavy rain.

  7. Harvard ER-2 OH laser-induced fluorescence instrument (United States)

    Wennberg, Paul O.; Anderson, James G.


    The Harvard ER-2 OH instrument is scheduled to be integrated into the NASA ER-2 high altitude aircraft ozone payload in August 1992. Design and fabrication is presently underway. This experiment is a descendant of a balloon borne instrument designed and built in the mid-1980s. The ER-2 instrument is being designed to measure OH and HO2 as part of the NASA ozone payload for the investigation of processes controlling the concentration of stratospheric ozone. Although not specifically designed to do so, it is hoped that valid measurements of OH and HO2 can be made in the remote free troposphere with this instrument.

  8. Computational modelling of Er(3+): Garnet laser materials (United States)

    Spangler, Lee H.


    The Er(3+) ion has attracted a lot of interest for four reasons: (1) Its (4)I(sub 13/2) yields (4)I(sub 15/2) transition lases in the eyesafe region near 1.5 micron; (2) the (4)I(sub 13/2) transition lases near 2.8 micron, an important wavelength for surgical purposes; (3) it displays surprisingly efficient upconversion with lasing observed at 1.7, 1.2, 0.85, 0.56, 0.55, and 0.47 micron following 1.5 micron pumping; and (4) it has absorption bands at 0.96 and 0.81 micron and thus can be diode pumped. However, properties desirable for upconversion reduce the efficiency of 1.5 and 3 micron laser operation and vice versa. Since all of the processes are influenced by the host via the crystal field induced stark splittings in the Er levels, this project undertook modelling of the host influence on the Er lasinng behavior. While growth and measurement of all ten Er(3+) doped garnets is the surest way of identifying hosts which maximize upconversion (or conversly, 1.5 and 3 micron performance), it is also expensive - costing approximately $10,000/material or approximately $100,000 for the materials computationally investigated here. The calculations were performed using a quantum mechanical point charge model developed by Clyde Morrison at Harry Diamond Laboratories. The programs were used to fit the Er:YAG experimental energy levels so that the crystal field parameters, B(sub nm) could be extracted. From these radial factors, rho (sub n) were determined for Er(3+) in garnets. These, in combination with crystal field components, Anm, available from X-ray data, were used to predict energy levels for Er in the other nine garnet hosts. The levels in Er:YAG were fit with an rms error of 12.2/cm over a 22,000/cm range. Predicted levels for two other garnets for which literature values were available had rms errors of less than 17/cm , showing the calculations to be reliable. Based on resonances between pairs of calculated stark levels, the model predicts GSGG as the best host

  9. Danske hæmatologer er foran de amerikanske.

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hokland, Peter


    Amerikanske hæmatologer og hæmatopatologer har udarbejdet en ny guideline, der skal forbedre diagnosticeringen og dermed behandlingen af akut anæmi, De er på linje med, hvad de hæmatologiske afdelinger allerede gør i Danmark, hvor man arbejder tæt sammen og følger samme protokol. Og kvaliteten er...

  10. Hvad litteraturen kan, er ofte det rigtige ..

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bundsgaard, Jeppe; Kühn, Lisbet


    Læsning i dansk handler i første omgang om at blive god til at læse, men på mellemtrinnet er det ved at være tiden til også at bruge skønlitteraturen til det, den er god til, nemlig til at få indsigt i menneskelivets kompleksitet. I dette kapitel anbefales det at gøre noget med litteraturen, fx f...

  11. Modeller forudsiger klimarespons hos træer og buske

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Meilby, Henrik


    Modeller baseret på målinger af træer og buskes årringe afslører, hvilke klimatiske faktorer der lokalt er afgørende for deres vækst. Det kan hjælpe os med at forstå nogle af de ændringer, der sker i vegetationen, for eksempel i Grønland og i alpine områder. Med udgangspunkt i klimafrem- skrivnin......Modeller baseret på målinger af træer og buskes årringe afslører, hvilke klimatiske faktorer der lokalt er afgørende for deres vækst. Det kan hjælpe os med at forstå nogle af de ændringer, der sker i vegetationen, for eksempel i Grønland og i alpine områder. Med udgangspunkt i klimafrem...

  12. Visible and infrared photoluminescence from Er-doped SiOx

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wan, J.; Sheng, C.; Lu, F.; Yuan, S.; Gong, D.W.; Liao, L.S.; Fang, Y.L.; Lin, F.; Wang, X.


    The annealing behaviors of photoluminescence of SiO x and Er-doped SiO x grown by molecular beam epitaxy in the wavelength range of visible and infrared light are studied. For SiO x , four PL bands located at 510, 600, 716 and 810 nm, respectively, are observed. For Er-doped SiO x , the 716 nm band, which is believed to be originated from the electron-hole recombination at the interface between crystalline Si and amorphous SiO 2 , disappears in the annealing temperature range of 500-900C. It is suggested the enhancement of Er luminescence is partially due to the energy transfer from the recombination at the interface between crystalline Si and SiO 2 to Er ions. (Copyright (c) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. All rights reserved.)

  13. Excitation mechanism of Er{sup 3+} in a-Si:H; Anregungsmechanismus von Er{sup 3+} in a-Si:H

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kuehne, H.


    The aim of this work is the examination of the optoelectronical material a-Si:H (Er). It is characterised in the good electronic properties of the a-Si:H and the emission wavelength of 1.5 micrometer of erbium which coincides with the absorbtion minimum of glasfibres. Photoluminescence measurements confirm the assumption that oxigen is necessary for the optical activation of Er{sup 3+} in addition to the symmetrical breaking of the crystal field. The flexible lattice of a-Si:H enables a high concentration of Erbium up to 5.10{sup 21}/cm{sup 3} with a quantum efficiency of the luminescence of 0.5-1.5.10{sup -4} at room temperature. Photoluminescence excitation and absorption measurements of a-Si:H (Er) show, that there is no direct excitation of the erbium ions because the absorption of the Er{sup 3+} ions is two orders of magnitude below the absorption of silicon. The excitation or the Er{sup 3+} ions takes place through the absorption in silicon with additional energy transfer to Erbium. Photoluminescence measurements are done in order to differentiate between the possible excitation channels, the intrinsic bond-bond channel and the excitation through defects. The different temperature dependence of the intensity of the intrinsic luminescence (77 K - 300 K >3 orders of magnitude) in comparison with the defect luminescence and the Erbium luminescence (both 1-1.5 orders of magnitude) shows that the energy transfer takes place over defects. Luminescence and absorption measurements with boron doped a-Si:H (Er) show no dependence of the Erbium luminescence in dependence of defect density or the electrical charge of the defects. The luminescence spectra show a break in the defect luminescence at 0.84 eV. This agrees with the first excited state of the Er{sup 3+} ion combined with a clearly smaller line width of the defect luminescence (0.18 eV in comparision with >0.3 eV in erbium free a-Si:H). This result shows the resonance of the energy transfer. The resonance is

  14. ACBD5 and VAPB mediate membrane associations between peroxisomes and the ER. (United States)

    Costello, Joseph L; Castro, Inês G; Hacker, Christian; Schrader, Tina A; Metz, Jeremy; Zeuschner, Dagmar; Azadi, Afsoon S; Godinho, Luis F; Costina, Victor; Findeisen, Peter; Manner, Andreas; Islinger, Markus; Schrader, Michael


    Peroxisomes (POs) and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) cooperate in cellular lipid metabolism and form tight structural associations, which were first observed in ultrastructural studies decades ago. PO-ER associations have been suggested to impact on a diverse number of physiological processes, including lipid metabolism, phospholipid exchange, metabolite transport, signaling, and PO biogenesis. Despite their fundamental importance to cell metabolism, the mechanisms by which regions of the ER become tethered to POs are unknown, in particular in mammalian cells. Here, we identify the PO membrane protein acyl-coenzyme A-binding domain protein 5 (ACBD5) as a binding partner for the resident ER protein vesicle-associated membrane protein-associated protein B (VAPB). We show that ACBD5-VAPB interaction regulates PO-ER associations. Moreover, we demonstrate that loss of PO-ER association perturbs PO membrane expansion and increases PO movement. Our findings reveal the first molecular mechanism for establishing PO-ER associations in mammalian cells and report a new function for ACBD5 in PO-ER tethering. © 2017 Costello et al.

  15. Enhancement of Er optical efficiency through bismuth sensitization in yttrium oxide

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Scarangella, Adriana [CNR IMM-MATIS, Via S. Sofia 64, 95123 Catania (Italy); Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Catania, Via S. Sofia 64, 95123 Catania (Italy); Reitano, Riccardo [Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Catania, Via S. Sofia 64, 95123 Catania (Italy); Franzò, Giorgia; Miritello, Maria, E-mail: [CNR IMM-MATIS, Via S. Sofia 64, 95123 Catania (Italy); Priolo, Francesco [CNR IMM-MATIS, Via S. Sofia 64, 95123 Catania (Italy); Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Catania, Via S. Sofia 64, 95123 Catania (Italy); Scuola Superiore di Catania, Università di Catania, Via Valdisavoia 9, 95123 Catania (Italy)


    The process of energy transfer (ET) between optically active ions has been widely studied to improve the optical efficiency of a system for different applications, from lighting and photovoltaics to silicon microphotonics. In this work, we report the influence of Bi on the Er optical emission in erbium-yttrium oxide thin films synthesized by magnetron co-sputtering. We demonstrate that this host permits to well dissolve Er and Bi ions, avoiding their clustering, and thus to stabilize the optically active Er{sup 3+} and Bi{sup 3+} valence states. In addition, we establish the ET occurrence from Bi{sup 3+} to Er{sup 3+} by the observed Bi{sup 3+} PL emission decrease and the simultaneous Er{sup 3+} photoluminescence (PL) emission increase. This was further confirmed by the coincidence of the Er{sup 3+} and Bi{sup 3+} excitation bands, analyzed by PL excitation spectroscopy. By increasing the Bi content of two orders of magnitude inside the host, though the occurrence of Bi-Bi interactions becomes deleterious for Bi{sup 3+} optical efficiency, the ET process between Bi{sup 3+} and Er{sup 3+} is still prevalent. We estimate ET efficiency of 70% for the optimized Bi:Er ratio equal to 1:3. Moreover, we have demonstrated to enhance the Er{sup 3+} effective excitation cross section by more than three orders of magnitude with respect to the direct one, estimating a value of 5.3 × 10{sup −18} cm{sup 2}, similar to the expected Bi{sup 3+} excitation cross section. This value is one of the highest obtained for Er in Si compatible hosts. These results make this material very promising as an efficient emitter for Si-compatible photonics devices.

  16. A model for the generation and interconversion of ER morphologies. (United States)

    Shemesh, Tom; Klemm, Robin W; Romano, Fabian B; Wang, Songyu; Vaughan, Joshua; Zhuang, Xiaowei; Tukachinsky, Hanna; Kozlov, Michael M; Rapoport, Tom A


    The peripheral endoplasmic reticulum (ER) forms different morphologies composed of tubules and sheets. Proteins such as the reticulons shape the ER by stabilizing the high membrane curvature in cross-sections of tubules and sheet edges. Here, we show that membrane curvature along the edge lines is also critical for ER shaping. We describe a theoretical model that explains virtually all observed ER morphologies. The model is based on two types of curvature-stabilizing proteins that generate either straight or negatively curved edge lines (R- and S-type proteins). Dependent on the concentrations of R- and S-type proteins, membrane morphologies can be generated that consist of tubules, sheets, sheet fenestrations, and sheet stacks with helicoidal connections. We propose that reticulons 4a/b are representatives of R-type proteins that favor tubules and outer edges of sheets. Lunapark is an example of S-type proteins that promote junctions between tubules and sheets. In a tubular ER network, lunapark stabilizes three-way junctions, i.e., small triangular sheets with concave edges. The model agrees with experimental observations and explains how curvature-stabilizing proteins determine ER morphology.

  17. Fabrication of Gamma Detectors Based on Magnetic Ag:Er Microcalorimeters

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Friedrich, Stephan [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Boyd, Stephen [Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM (United States); Cantor, Robin [STAR Cryoelectronics, Santa Fe, NM (United States)


    This report discusses the photolithographic fabrication of ultra-high resolution gamma-ray detectors based on magnetic microcalorimeters (MMCs). The MMC uses a novel Er-doped silver sensor (Ag:Er) that is expected to have higher sensitivity than the Er-doped gold (Au:Er) sensors currently in use. The MMC also integrates the first-stage SQUID preamplifier on the same chip as the MMC gamma detector to increase its signal-to-noise ratio. In addition, the MMC uses a passive Ta-Nb heat switch to replace one of the common long-term failure points in earlier detectors. This report discusses the fabrication process we have developed to implement the proposed improvements.

  18. Fabrication of Gamma Detectors Based on Magnetic Ag:Er Microcalorimeters

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Friedrich, Stephan [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Boyd, Stephen [Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM (United States); Cantor, Robin [STAR Cryoelectronics, Santa Fe, NM (United States)


    This report discusses the photolithographic fabrication of ultra-high resolution gamma-ray detectors based on magnetic microcalorimeters (MMCs). The MMC uses a novel Er-doped silver sensor (Ag:Er) that is expected to have higher sensitivity than the Er-doped gold (Au:Er) sensors currently in use. The MMC also integrates the first-stage SQUID preamplifier on the same chip as the MMC gamma detector to increase its signal-to-noise ratio. In addition, the MMC uses a passive Ta-Nb heat switch to replace one of the common long-term failure points in earlier detectors. This report discusses the fabrication process we have developed to implement the proposed improvements.

  19. Fabrication of Gamma Detectors Based on Magnetic Ag:Er Microcalorimeters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Friedrich, Stephan; Boyd, Stephen; Cantor, Robin


    This report discusses the photolithographic fabrication of ultra-high resolution gamma-ray detectors based on magnetic microcalorimeters (MMCs). The MMC uses a novel Er-doped silver sensor (Ag:Er) that is expected to have higher sensitivity than the Er-doped gold (Au:Er) sensors currently in use. The MMC also integrates the first-stage SQUID preamplifier on the same chip as the MMC gamma detector to increase its signal-to-noise ratio. In addition, the MMC uses a passive Ta-Nb heat switch to replace one of the common long-term failure points in earlier detectors. This report discusses the fabrication process we have developed to implement the proposed improvements.

  20. Fabrication of Gamma Detectors Based on Magnetic Ag:Er Microcalorimeters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Friedrich, Stephan; Boyd, Stephen; Cantor, Robin


    This report discusses the photolithographic fabrication of ultra-high resolution gamma-ray detectors based on magnetic microcalorimeters (MMCs). The MMC uses a novel Er-doped silver sensor (Ag:Er) that is expected to have higher sensitivity than the Er-doped gold (Au:Er) sensors currently in use. The MMC also integrates the first-stage SQUID preamplifier on the same chip as the MMC gamma detector to increase its signal-to-noise ratio. In addition, the MMC uses a passive Ta-Nb heat switch to replace one of the common long-term failure points in earlier detectors. This report discusses the fabrication process we have developed to implement the proposed improvements.

  1. ER Consolidated Qtrly Rpt_April thru June 2015_October 2015

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cochran, John [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States)


    This Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico Environmental Restoration Operations (ER) Consolidated Quarterly Report (ER Quarterly Report) fulfills all quarterly reporting requirements set forth in the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Facility Operating Permit, and the Compliance Order on Consent. The 13 sites in the Corrective Action process are listed in Table I-1. Because the status of any Long-Term Stewardship (LTS) activity is detailed in other reports, Section I.3.0 (titled Long-Term Stewardship Work Completed) will not be presented in future ER Quarterly Reports. Section I.3.0 of this ER Quarterly Report identifies the other reports that detail LTS activities.

  2. Genome-wide association studies identify four ER negative-specific breast cancer risk loci. (United States)

    Garcia-Closas, Montserrat; Couch, Fergus J; Lindstrom, Sara; Michailidou, Kyriaki; Schmidt, Marjanka K; Brook, Mark N; Orr, Nick; Rhie, Suhn Kyong; Riboli, Elio; Feigelson, Heather S; Le Marchand, Loic; Buring, Julie E; Eccles, Diana; Miron, Penelope; Fasching, Peter A; Brauch, Hiltrud; Chang-Claude, Jenny; Carpenter, Jane; Godwin, Andrew K; Nevanlinna, Heli; Giles, Graham G; Cox, Angela; Hopper, John L; Bolla, Manjeet K; Wang, Qin; Dennis, Joe; Dicks, Ed; Howat, Will J; Schoof, Nils; Bojesen, Stig E; Lambrechts, Diether; Broeks, Annegien; Andrulis, Irene L; Guénel, Pascal; Burwinkel, Barbara; Sawyer, Elinor J; Hollestelle, Antoinette; Fletcher, Olivia; Winqvist, Robert; Brenner, Hermann; Mannermaa, Arto; Hamann, Ute; Meindl, Alfons; Lindblom, Annika; Zheng, Wei; Devillee, Peter; Goldberg, Mark S; Lubinski, Jan; Kristensen, Vessela; Swerdlow, Anthony; Anton-Culver, Hoda; Dörk, Thilo; Muir, Kenneth; Matsuo, Keitaro; Wu, Anna H; Radice, Paolo; Teo, Soo Hwang; Shu, Xiao-Ou; Blot, William; Kang, Daehee; Hartman, Mikael; Sangrajrang, Suleeporn; Shen, Chen-Yang; Southey, Melissa C; Park, Daniel J; Hammet, Fleur; Stone, Jennifer; Veer, Laura J Van't; Rutgers, Emiel J; Lophatananon, Artitaya; Stewart-Brown, Sarah; Siriwanarangsan, Pornthep; Peto, Julian; Schrauder, Michael G; Ekici, Arif B; Beckmann, Matthias W; Dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Johnson, Nichola; Warren, Helen; Tomlinson, Ian; Kerin, Michael J; Miller, Nicola; Marme, Federick; Schneeweiss, Andreas; Sohn, Christof; Truong, Therese; Laurent-Puig, Pierre; Kerbrat, Pierre; Nordestgaard, Børge G; Nielsen, Sune F; Flyger, Henrik; Milne, Roger L; Perez, Jose Ignacio Arias; Menéndez, Primitiva; Müller, Heiko; Arndt, Volker; Stegmaier, Christa; Lichtner, Peter; Lochmann, Magdalena; Justenhoven, Christina; Ko, Yon-Dschun; Muranen, Taru A; Aittomäki, Kristiina; Blomqvist, Carl; Greco, Dario; Heikkinen, Tuomas; Ito, Hidemi; Iwata, Hiroji; Yatabe, Yasushi; Antonenkova, Natalia N; Margolin, Sara; Kataja, Vesa; Kosma, Veli-Matti; Hartikainen, Jaana M; Balleine, Rosemary; Tseng, Chiu-Chen; Berg, David Van Den; Stram, Daniel O; Neven, Patrick; Dieudonné, Anne-Sophie; Leunen, Karin; Rudolph, Anja; Nickels, Stefan; Flesch-Janys, Dieter; Peterlongo, Paolo; Peissel, Bernard; Bernard, Loris; Olson, Janet E; Wang, Xianshu; Stevens, Kristen; Severi, Gianluca; Baglietto, Laura; McLean, Catriona; Coetzee, Gerhard A; Feng, Ye; Henderson, Brian E; Schumacher, Fredrick; Bogdanova, Natalia V; Labrèche, France; Dumont, Martine; Yip, Cheng Har; Taib, Nur Aishah Mohd; Cheng, Ching-Yu; Shrubsole, Martha; Long, Jirong; Pylkäs, Katri; Jukkola-Vuorinen, Arja; Kauppila, Saila; Knight, Julia A; Glendon, Gord; Mulligan, Anna Marie; Tollenaar, Robertus A E M; Seynaeve, Caroline M; Kriege, Mieke; Hooning, Maartje J; van den Ouweland, Ans M W; van Deurzen, Carolien H M; Lu, Wei; Gao, Yu-Tang; Cai, Hui; Balasubramanian, Sabapathy P; Cross, Simon S; Reed, Malcolm W R; Signorello, Lisa; Cai, Qiuyin; Shah, Mitul; Miao, Hui; Chan, Ching Wan; Chia, Kee Seng; Jakubowska, Anna; Jaworska, Katarzyna; Durda, Katarzyna; Hsiung, Chia-Ni; Wu, Pei-Ei; Yu, Jyh-Cherng; Ashworth, Alan; Jones, Michael; Tessier, Daniel C; González-Neira, Anna; Pita, Guillermo; Alonso, M Rosario; Vincent, Daniel; Bacot, Francois; Ambrosone, Christine B; Bandera, Elisa V; John, Esther M; Chen, Gary K; Hu, Jennifer J; Rodriguez-Gil, Jorge L; Bernstein, Leslie; Press, Michael F; Ziegler, Regina G; Millikan, Robert M; Deming-Halverson, Sandra L; Nyante, Sarah; Ingles, Sue A; Waisfisz, Quinten; Tsimiklis, Helen; Makalic, Enes; Schmidt, Daniel; Bui, Minh; Gibson, Lorna; Müller-Myhsok, Bertram; Schmutzler, Rita K; Hein, Rebecca; Dahmen, Norbert; Beckmann, Lars; Aaltonen, Kirsimari; Czene, Kamila; Irwanto, Astrid; Liu, Jianjun; Turnbull, Clare; Rahman, Nazneen; Meijers-Heijboer, Hanne; Uitterlinden, Andre G; Rivadeneira, Fernando; Olswold, Curtis; Slager, Susan; Pilarski, Robert; Ademuyiwa, Foluso; Konstantopoulou, Irene; Martin, Nicholas G; Montgomery, Grant W; Slamon, Dennis J; Rauh, Claudia; Lux, Michael P; Jud, Sebastian M; Bruning, Thomas; Weaver, Joellen; Sharma, Priyanka; Pathak, Harsh; Tapper, Will; Gerty, Sue; Durcan, Lorraine; Trichopoulos, Dimitrios; Tumino, Rosario; Peeters, Petra H; Kaaks, Rudolf; Campa, Daniele; Canzian, Federico; Weiderpass, Elisabete; Johansson, Mattias; Khaw, Kay-Tee; Travis, Ruth; Clavel-Chapelon, Françoise; Kolonel, Laurence N; Chen, Constance; Beck, Andy; Hankinson, Susan E; Berg, Christine D; Hoover, Robert N; Lissowska, Jolanta; Figueroa, Jonine D; Chasman, Daniel I; Gaudet, Mia M; Diver, W Ryan; Willett, Walter C; Hunter, David J; Simard, Jacques; Benitez, Javier; Dunning, Alison M; Sherman, Mark E; Chenevix-Trench, Georgia; Chanock, Stephen J; Hall, Per; Pharoah, Paul D P; Vachon, Celine; Easton, Douglas F; Haiman, Christopher A; Kraft, Peter


    Estrogen receptor (ER)-negative tumors represent 20-30% of all breast cancers, with a higher proportion occurring in younger women and women of African ancestry. The etiology and clinical behavior of ER-negative tumors are different from those of tumors expressing ER (ER positive), including differences in genetic predisposition. To identify susceptibility loci specific to ER-negative disease, we combined in a meta-analysis 3 genome-wide association studies of 4,193 ER-negative breast cancer cases and 35,194 controls with a series of 40 follow-up studies (6,514 cases and 41,455 controls), genotyped using a custom Illumina array, iCOGS, developed by the Collaborative Oncological Gene-environment Study (COGS). SNPs at four loci, 1q32.1 (MDM4, P = 2.1 × 10(-12) and LGR6, P = 1.4 × 10(-8)), 2p24.1 (P = 4.6 × 10(-8)) and 16q12.2 (FTO, P = 4.0 × 10(-8)), were associated with ER-negative but not ER-positive breast cancer (P > 0.05). These findings provide further evidence for distinct etiological pathways associated with invasive ER-positive and ER-negative breast cancers.

  3. Hvem er mest fornøyd med samlivet? : samlivskvalitet blant samboere og gifte


    Wiik, Kenneth Aarskaug; Noack, Turid


    Artiklene i Samfunnsspeilet er tilgjengelige fra SSBs nettsider: Norge og Sverige er land der samboerskap har en lang historie, og der denne samlivsformen er mest utbredt. I dag er et av fire samliv her til lands samboerskap. Men også her er det forskjeller mellom samboere og gifte. Hvis vi sammenlikner samlivskvaliteten blant samboere og gifte, finner vi at unge samboere i alderen 25 til 35 år er minst fornøyd med samlivet sitt. Samboere med planer om å gifte seg me...

  4. Er3+-Al2O3 nanoparticles doping of borosilicate glass

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Massera, Jonathan; Petit, Laeticia; Hupa, Leena; Hupa, Mikko; Koponen, Joona; Glorieux, Benoit


    Novel borosilicate glasses were developed by adding in the glass batch Er 3+ -Al 2 O 3 nanoparticles synthetized by using a soft chemical method. A similar nanoparticle doping with modified chemical vapour deposition (MCVD) process was developed to increase the efficiency of the amplifying silica fibre in comparison to using MCVD and solution doping. It was shown that with the melt quench technique, a Er 3+ -Al 2 O 3 nanoparticle doping neither leads to an increase in the Er 3+ luminescence properties nor allows one to control the rare-earth chemical environment in a borosilicate glass. The site of Er 3+ in the Er 3+ -Al 2 O 3 nanoparticle containing glass seems to be similar as in glasses with the same composition prepared using standard raw materials. We suspect the Er 3+ ions to diffuse from the nanoparticles into the glass matrix. There was no clear evidence of the presence of Al 2 O 3 nanoparticles in the glasses after melting. (author)

  5. N-ov-emb-er

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    " to. Andrew Z Fire - Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford, CA, USA. Craig C Mello - University of Massachusetts Medical School Worcester, MA, USA. -96----------------------------~~--------R-ES-O-N-A-N-C-E--1 -N-ov-e-m-b-er--2-oo-6.

  6. Er der forskel på grinder og grise?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heðinsdóttir, Katla; Gjerris, Mickey


    Når det gælder grindedrab, burde man måske spørge, om en tradition, som involverer smerte, angst og andre negative følelser for dyr, er værd at holde fast i, og om det ikke er muligt at fastholde en færøsk identitet uden grindefangst....

  7. Hvilke planter er hjemmehørende i Danmark?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Erik, Buchwald,; Wind, Peter; Bruun, Hans Henrik


    Der har i de senere år været debat om, hvorvidt konkrete plantearter - fx Ær (Acer pseudoplatanus) og Gyvel (Cytisus scoparius) - er hjemmehørende arter i Danmark eller indførte fremmede (Buchwald 2008, 20110: Friis 2010: Møller 2011; Bruun2011). En medvirkende årsag til diskussionerne er, at derr...

  8. Din tandbørste og pejsen er online

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Damsgaard, Jan


    Det er snart definitivt slut med de store mysterier om flys forsvinden og massive eftersøgninger efter overlevende. Danske Naviair er i disse år med til at sende 66 satellitter i kredsløb om Jorden. Så kan alle kommercielle fly følges, uanset hvor på jordkloden de befinder sig....

  9. Phase relationships in the Er-Mn-Ti ternary system at 773 K

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Jingqi; Wang Xina; Tang Mengqi; Su Kunpeng; Yang Xiaomao; Li Chunhui; Li Xueqiang


    The Phase relationship in the Er-Mn-Ti ternary system at 773 K has been investigated by X-ray powder diffraction analysis with the aid of differential thermal analysis and optical microanalysis techniques in this work. The existence of eight binary compounds Mn 15 Ti 85, αMnTi, βMnTi, Mn 2 Ti, Mn 5 Ti, ErMn 12, Er 6 Mn 23 and ErMn 2 has been confirmed at 773 K in this system. The maximum solid solubility of Ti in Mn is about 8 at%Ti. The homogeneity range of Mn 2 Ti extends from about 31 at% to 39 at% Ti. The maximum solid solubility of Er in Mn 2 Ti phase is about less than 1 at% Er. No ternary compounds were found in this ternary system at 773K. At 773 K, the isothermal section of phase diagram of Er-Mn-Ti ternary system consists of 11 single-phase regions, 19 two-phase regions and 9 three-phase regions.

  10. Min mentor er min voksenven

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kaiser, Birte


    En artikel i bogen: 6 belysninger af vejledning, brydninger, forståelser & praksis. Artiklen er et sammendrag af en diskursanalyse fra 2008 fra projetrapporten: Ind under huden,

  11. ER Consolidated Qtrly Rpt_April-June 2016_October 2016

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cochran, John R. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States)


    This Environmental Restoration Operations (ER) Consolidated Quarterly Report (ER Quarterly Report) provides the status of ongoing corrective action activities being implemented by Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico (SNL/NM) for the April, May, and June 2016 quarterly reporting period.

  12. Reduced α-MSH Underlies Hypothalamic ER-Stress-Induced Hepatic Gluconeogenesis. (United States)

    Schneeberger, Marc; Gómez-Valadés, Alicia G; Altirriba, Jordi; Sebastián, David; Ramírez, Sara; Garcia, Ainhoa; Esteban, Yaiza; Drougard, Anne; Ferrés-Coy, Albert; Bortolozzi, Analía; Garcia-Roves, Pablo M; Jones, John G; Manadas, Bruno; Zorzano, Antonio; Gomis, Ramon; Claret, Marc


    Alterations in ER homeostasis have been implicated in the pathophysiology of obesity and type-2 diabetes (T2D). Acute ER stress induction in the hypothalamus produces glucose metabolism perturbations. However, the neurobiological basis linking hypothalamic ER stress with abnormal glucose metabolism remains unknown. Here, we report that genetic and induced models of hypothalamic ER stress are associated with alterations in systemic glucose homeostasis due to increased gluconeogenesis (GNG) independent of body weight changes. Defective alpha melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α-MSH) production underlies this metabolic phenotype, as pharmacological strategies aimed at rescuing hypothalamic α-MSH content reversed this phenotype at metabolic and molecular level. Collectively, our results posit defective α-MSH processing as a fundamental mediator of enhanced GNG in the context of hypothalamic ER stress and establish α-MSH deficiency in proopiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons as a potential contributor to the pathophysiology of T2D. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. ER stress affects processing of MHC class I-associated peptides

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Meloche Sylvain


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Viral infection and neoplastic transformation trigger endoplasmic reticulum (ER stress. Thus, a large proportion of the cells that must be recognized by the immune system are stressed cells. Cells respond to ER stress by launching the unfolded protein response (UPR. The UPR regulates the two key processes that control major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC I-peptide presentation: protein synthesis and degradation. We therefore asked whether and how the UPR impinges on MHC I-peptide presentation. Results We evaluated the impact of the UPR on global MHC I expression and on presentation of the H2Kb-associated SIINFEKL peptide. EL4 cells stably transfected with vectors coding hen egg lysozyme (HEL-SIINFEKL protein variants were stressed with palmitate or exposed to glucose deprivation. UPR decreased surface expression of MHC I but did not affect MHC I mRNA level nor the total amount of intracellular MHC I proteins. Impaired MHC I-peptide presentation was due mainly to reduced supply of peptides owing to an inhibition of overall protein synthesis. Consequently, generation of H2Kb-SIINFEKL complexes was curtailed during ER stress, illustrating how generation of MHC I peptide ligands is tightly coupled to ongoing protein synthesis. Notably, the UPR-induced decline of MHC I-peptide presentation was more severe when the protein source of peptides was localized in the cytosol than in the ER. This difference was not due to changes in the translation rates of the precursor proteins but to increased stability of the cytosolic protein during ER stress. Conclusion Our results demonstrate that ER stress impairs MHC I-peptide presentation, and that it differentially regulates expression of ER- vs. cytosol-derived peptides. Furthermore, this work illustrates how ER stress, a typical feature of infected and malignant cells, can impinge on cues for adaptive immune recognition.

  14. Facets of operational performance in an emergency room (ER)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Vaart, Taco; Vastag, Gyula; Wijngaard, Jacob

    This paper, using detailed time measurements of patients complemented by interviews with hospital management and staff, examines three facets of an emergency room's (ER) operational performance: (1) effectiveness of the triage system in rationing patient treatment; (2) factors influencing ER's

  15. Genome-wide association studies identify four ER negative-specific breast cancer risk loci

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Garcia-Closas, Montserrat; Couch, Fergus J.; Lindstrom, Sara; Michailidou, Kyriaki; Schmidt, Marjanka K.; Brook, Mark N.; Orr, Nick; Rhie, Suhn Kyong; Riboli, Elio; Feigelson, Heather S.; Le Marchand, Loic; Buring, Julie E.; Eccles, Diana; Miron, Penelope; Fasching, Peter A.; Brauch, Hiltrud; Chang-Claude, Jenny; Carpenter, Jane; Godwin, Andrew K.; Nevanlinna, Heli; Giles, Graham G.; Cox, Angela; Hopper, John L.; Bolla, Manjeet K.; Wang, Qin; Dennis, Joe; Dicks, Ed; Howat, Will J.; Schoof, Nils; Bojesen, Stig E.; Lambrechts, Diether; Broeks, Annegien; Andrulis, Irene L.; Guénel, Pascal; Burwinkel, Barbara; Sawyer, Elinor J.; Hollestelle, Antoinette; Fletcher, Olivia; Winqvist, Robert; Brenner, Hermann; Mannermaa, Arto; Hamann, Ute; Meindl, Alfons; Lindblom, Annika; Zheng, Wei; Devillee, Peter; Goldberg, Mark S.; Lubinski, Jan; Kristensen, Vessela; Swerdlow, Anthony; Anton-Culver, Hoda; Dörk, Thilo; Muir, Kenneth; Matsuo, Keitaro; Wu, Anna H.; Radice, Paolo; teo, Soo Hwang; Shu, Xiao-Ou; Blot, William; Kang, Daehee; Hartman, Mikael; Sangrajrang, Suleeporn; Shen, Chen-Yang; Southey, Melissa C.; Park, Daniel J.; Hammet, Fleur; Stone, Jennifer; Veer, Laura J. Van't; Rutgers, Emiel J.; Lophatananon, Artitaya; Stewart-Brown, Sarah; Siriwanarangsan, Pornthep; Peto, Julian; Schrauder, Michael G.; Ekici, Arif B.; Beckmann, Matthias W.; dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Johnson, Nichola; Warren, Helen; Tomlinson, Ian; Kerin, Michael J.; Miller, Nicola; Marme, Federick; Schneeweiss, Andreas; Sohn, Christof; Truong, Therese; Laurent-Puig, Pierre; Kerbrat, Pierre; Nordestgaard, Børge G.; Nielsen, Sune F.; Flyger, Henrik; Milne, Roger L.; Perez, Jose Ignacio Arias; Menéndez, Primitiva; Müller, Heiko; Arndt, Volker; Stegmaier, Christa; Lichtner, Peter; Lochmann, Magdalena; Justenhoven, Christina; Ko, Yon-Dschun; Muranen, Taru A.; Aittomäki, Kristiina; Blomqvist, Carl; Greco, Dario; Heikkinen, Tuomas; Ito, Hidemi; Iwata, Hiroji; Yatabe, Yasushi; Antonenkova, Natalia N.; Margolin, Sara; Kataja, Vesa; Kosma, Veli-Matti; Hartikainen, Jaana M.; Balleine, Rosemary; Tseng, Chiu-Chen; Berg, David Van Den; Stram, Daniel O.; Neven, Patrick; Dieudonné, Anne-Sophie; Leunen, Karin; Rudolph, Anja; Nickels, Stefan; Flesch-Janys, Dieter; Peterlongo, Paolo; Peissel, Bernard; Bernard, Loris; Olson, Janet E.; Wang, Xianshu; Stevens, Kristen; Severi, Gianluca; Baglietto, Laura; McLean, Catriona; Coetzee, Gerhard A.; Feng, Ye; Henderson, Brian E.; Schumacher, Fredrick; Bogdanova, Natalia V.; Labrèche, France; Dumont, Martine; Yip, Cheng Har; Taib, Nur Aishah Mohd; Cheng, Ching-Yu; Shrubsole, Martha; Long, Jirong; Pylkäs, Katri; Jukkola-Vuorinen, Arja; Kauppila, Saila; Knight, Julia A.; Glendon, Gord; Mulligan, Anna Marie; Tollenaar, Robertus A. E. M.; Seynaeve, Caroline M.; Kriege, Mieke; Hooning, Maartje J.; van den Ouweland, Ans M. W.; van Deurzen, Carolien H. M.; Lu, Wei; Gao, Yu-Tang; Cai, Hui; Balasubramanian, Sabapathy P.; Cross, Simon S.; Reed, Malcolm W. R.; Signorello, Lisa; Cai, Qiuyin; Shah, Mitul; Miao, Hui; Chan, Ching Wan; Chia, Kee Seng; Jakubowska, Anna; Jaworska, Katarzyna; Durda, Katarzyna; Hsiung, Chia-Ni; Wu, Pei-Ei; Yu, Jyh-Cherng; Ashworth, Alan; Jones, Michael; Tessier, Daniel C.; González-Neira, Anna; Pita, Guillermo; Alonso, M. Rosario; Vincent, Daniel; Bacot, Francois; Ambrosone, Christine B.; Bandera, Elisa V.; John, Esther M.; Chen, Gary K.; Hu, Jennifer J.; Rodriguez-Gil, Jorge L.; Bernstein, Leslie; Press, Michael F.; Ziegler, Regina G.; Millikan, Robert M.; Deming-Halverson, Sandra L.; Nyante, Sarah; Ingles, Sue A.; Waisfisz, Quinten; Tsimiklis, Helen; Makalic, Enes; Schmidt, Daniel; Bui, Minh; Gibson, Lorna; Müller-Myhsok, Bertram; Schmutzler, Rita K.; Hein, Rebecca; Dahmen, Norbert; Beckmann, Lars; Aaltonen, Kirsimari; Czene, Kamila; Irwanto, Astrid; Liu, Jianjun; Turnbull, Clare; Rahman, Nazneen; Meijers-Heijboer, Hanne; Uitterlinden, Andre G.; Rivadeneira, Fernando; Olswold, Curtis; Slager, Susan; Pilarski, Robert; Ademuyiwa, Foluso; Konstantopoulou, Irene; Martin, Nicholas G.; Montgomery, Grant W.; Slamon, Dennis J.; Rauh, Claudia; Lux, Michael P.; Jud, Sebastian M.; Bruning, Thomas; Weaver, Joellen; Sharma, Priyanka; Pathak, Harsh; Tapper, Will; Gerty, Sue; Durcan, Lorraine; Trichopoulos, Dimitrios; Tumino, Rosario; Peeters, Petra H.; Kaaks, Rudolf; Campa, Daniele; Canzian, Federico; Weiderpass, Elisabete; Johansson, Mattias; Khaw, Kay-Tee; Travis, Ruth; Clavel-Chapelon, Françoise; Kolonel, Laurence N.; Chen, Constance; Beck, Andy; Hankinson, Susan E.; Berg, Christine D.; Hoover, Robert N.; Lissowska, Jolanta; Figueroa, Jonine D.; Chasman, Daniel I.; Gaudet, Mia M.; Diver, W. Ryan; Willett, Walter C.; Hunter, David J.; Simard, Jacques; Benitez, Javier; Dunning, Alison M.; Sherman, Mark E.; Chenevix-Trench, Georgia; Chanock, Stephen J.; Hall, Per; Pharoah, Paul D. P.; Vachon, Celine; Easton, Douglas F.; Haiman, Christopher A.; Kraft, Peter


    Estrogen receptor (ER)-negative tumors represent 20-30% of all breast cancers, with a higher proportion occurring in younger women and women of African ancestry. The etiology and clinical behavior of ER-negative tumors are different from those of tumors expressing ER (ER positive), including

  16. Derfor er zoner en god idé for naturen og pengepungen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Anne Merrild; Dahl, Hjalmar


    I rapporten ”Til Gavn for Grønland” var en zoneinddeling af landet et tema. I den offentlige debat er zoneringstanken blevet opfattet, som en (urealistisk) friholdelse af arealer for industri-aktivitet. Men ideen bag zonerne er også til fordel for erhvervslivet og økonomien. Det er en prioriterin...

  17. Genome-wide association studies identify four ER negative–specific breast cancer risk loci (United States)

    Garcia-Closas, Montserrat; Couch, Fergus J; Lindstrom, Sara; Michailidou, Kyriaki; Schmidt, Marjanka K; Brook, Mark N; orr, Nick; Rhie, Suhn Kyong; Riboli, Elio; Feigelson, Heather s; Le Marchand, Loic; Buring, Julie E; Eccles, Diana; Miron, Penelope; Fasching, Peter A; Brauch, Hiltrud; Chang-Claude, Jenny; Carpenter, Jane; Godwin, Andrew K; Nevanlinna, Heli; Giles, Graham G; Cox, Angela; Hopper, John L; Bolla, Manjeet K; Wang, Qin; Dennis, Joe; Dicks, Ed; Howat, Will J; Schoof, Nils; Bojesen, Stig E; Lambrechts, Diether; Broeks, Annegien; Andrulis, Irene L; Guénel, Pascal; Burwinkel, Barbara; Sawyer, Elinor J; Hollestelle, Antoinette; Fletcher, Olivia; Winqvist, Robert; Brenner, Hermann; Mannermaa, Arto; Hamann, Ute; Meindl, Alfons; Lindblom, Annika; Zheng, Wei; Devillee, Peter; Goldberg, Mark S; Lubinski, Jan; Kristensen, Vessela; Swerdlow, Anthony; Anton-Culver, Hoda; Dörk, Thilo; Muir, Kenneth; Matsuo, Keitaro; Wu, Anna H; Radice, Paolo; Teo, Soo Hwang; Shu, Xiao-Ou; Blot, William; Kang, Daehee; Hartman, Mikael; Sangrajrang, Suleeporn; Shen, Chen-Yang; Southey, Melissa C; Park, Daniel J; Hammet, Fleur; Stone, Jennifer; Veer, Laura J Van’t; Rutgers, Emiel J; Lophatananon, Artitaya; Stewart-Brown, Sarah; Siriwanarangsan, Pornthep; Peto, Julian; Schrauder, Michael G; Ekici, Arif B; Beckmann, Matthias W; Silva, Isabel dos Santos; Johnson, Nichola; Warren, Helen; Tomlinson, Ian; Kerin, Michael J; Miller, Nicola; Marme, Federick; Schneeweiss, Andreas; Sohn, Christof; Truong, Therese; Laurent-Puig, Pierre; Kerbrat, Pierre; Nordestgaard, Børge G; Nielsen, Sune F; Flyger, Henrik; Milne, Roger L; Perez, Jose Ignacio Arias; Menéndez, Primitiva; Müller, Heiko; Arndt, Volker; Stegmaier, Christa; Lichtner, Peter; Lochmann, Magdalena; Justenhoven, Christina; Ko, Yon-Dschun; Muranen, Taru A; Aittomäki, Kristiina; Blomqvist, Carl; Greco, Dario; Heikkinen, Tuomas; Ito, Hidemi; Iwata, Hiroji; Yatabe, Yasushi; Antonenkova, Natalia N; Margolin, Sara; Kataja, Vesa; Kosma, Veli-Matti; Hartikainen, Jaana M; Balleine, Rosemary; Tseng, Chiu-Chen; Van Den Berg, David; Stram, Daniel O; Neven, Patrick; Dieudonné, Anne-Sophie; Leunen, Karin; Rudolph, Anja; Nickels, Stefan; Flesch-Janys, Dieter; Peterlongo, Paolo; Peissel, Bernard; Bernard, Loris; Olson, Janet E; Wang, Xianshu; Stevens, Kristen; Severi, Gianluca; Baglietto, Laura; Mclean, Catriona; Coetzee, Gerhard A; Feng, Ye; Henderson, Brian E; Schumacher, Fredrick; Bogdanova, Natalia V; Labrèche, France; Dumont, Martine; Yip, Cheng Har; Taib, Nur Aishah Mohd; Cheng, Ching-Yu; Shrubsole, Martha; Long, Jirong; Pylkäs, Katri; Jukkola-Vuorinen, Arja; Kauppila, Saila; knight, Julia A; Glendon, Gord; Mulligan, Anna Marie; Tollenaar, Robertus A E M; Seynaeve, Caroline M; Kriege, Mieke; Hooning, Maartje J; Van den Ouweland, Ans M W; Van Deurzen, Carolien H M; Lu, Wei; Gao, Yu-Tang; Cai, Hui; Balasubramanian, Sabapathy P; Cross, Simon S; Reed, Malcolm W R; Signorello, Lisa; Cai, Qiuyin; Shah, Mitul; Miao, Hui; Chan, Ching Wan; Chia, Kee Seng; Jakubowska, Anna; Jaworska, Katarzyna; Durda, Katarzyna; Hsiung, Chia-Ni; Wu, Pei-Ei; Yu, Jyh-Cherng; Ashworth, Alan; Jones, Michael; Tessier, Daniel C; González-Neira, Anna; Pita, Guillermo; Alonso, M Rosario; Vincent, Daniel; Bacot, Francois; Ambrosone, Christine B; Bandera, Elisa V; John, Esther M; Chen, Gary K; Hu, Jennifer J; Rodriguez-gil, Jorge L; Bernstein, Leslie; Press, Michael F; Ziegler, Regina G; Millikan, Robert M; Deming-Halverson, Sandra L; Nyante, Sarah; Ingles, Sue A; Waisfisz, Quinten; Tsimiklis, Helen; Makalic, Enes; Schmidt, Daniel; Bui, Minh; Gibson, Lorna; Müller-Myhsok, Bertram; Schmutzler, Rita K; Hein, Rebecca; Dahmen, Norbert; Beckmann, Lars; Aaltonen, Kirsimari; Czene, Kamila; Irwanto, Astrid; Liu, Jianjun; Turnbull, Clare; Rahman, Nazneen; Meijers-Heijboer, Hanne; Uitterlinden, Andre G; Rivadeneira, Fernando; Olswold, Curtis; Slager, Susan; Pilarski, Robert; Ademuyiwa, Foluso; Konstantopoulou, Irene; Martin, Nicholas G; Montgomery, Grant W; Slamon, Dennis J; Rauh, Claudia; Lux, Michael P; Jud, Sebastian M; Bruning, Thomas; Weaver, Joellen; Sharma, Priyanka; Pathak, Harsh; Tapper, Will; Gerty, Sue; Durcan, Lorraine; Trichopoulos, Dimitrios; Tumino, Rosario; Peeters, Petra H; Kaaks, Rudolf; Campa, Daniele; Canzian, Federico; Weiderpass, Elisabete; Johansson, Mattias; Khaw, Kay-Tee; Travis, Ruth; Clavel-Chapelon, Françoise; Kolonel, Laurence N; Chen, Constance; Beck, Andy; Hankinson, Susan E; Berg, Christine D; Hoover, Robert N; Lissowska, Jolanta; Figueroa, Jonine D; Chasman, Daniel I; Gaudet, Mia M; Diver, W Ryan; Willett, Walter C; Hunter, David J; Simard, Jacques; Benitez, Javier; Dunning, Alison M; Sherman, Mark E; Chenevix-Trench, Georgia; Chanock, Stephen J; Hall, Per; Pharoah, Paul D P; Vachon, Celine; Easton, Douglas F; Haiman, Christopher A; Kraft, Peter


    Estrogen receptor (ER)-negative tumors represent 20–30% of all breast cancers, with a higher proportion occurring in younger women and women of African ancestry1. The etiology2 and clinical behavior3 of ER-negative tumors are different from those of tumors expressing ER (ER positive), including differences in genetic predisposition4. To identify susceptibility loci specific to ER-negative disease, we combined in a meta-analysis 3 genome-wide association studies of 4,193 ER-negative breast cancer cases and 35,194 controls with a series of 40 follow-up studies (6,514 cases and 41,455 controls), genotyped using a custom Illumina array, iCOGS, developed by the Collaborative Oncological Gene-environment Study (COGS). SNPs at four loci, 1q32.1 (MDM4, P = 2.1 × 10−12 and LGR6, P = 1.4 × 10−8), 2p24.1 (P = 4.6 × 10−8) and 16q12.2 (FTO, P = 4.0 × 10−8), were associated with ER-negative but not ER-positive breast cancer (P > 0.05). These findings provide further evidence for distinct etiological pathways associated with invasive ER-positive and ER-negative breast cancers. PMID:23535733


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Purpose: The objective of the present study is to evaluate the effects of Er:YAG laser debonding of ceramic brackets on the bond strength and the amount of adhesive resin remnant. Materials and Methods: Twenty human mandibular incisors were randomly divided into two groups of 10 and polycrystalline ceramic brackets (Transcend series 6000, 3M Unitek, Monrovia, CA, USA were bonded on enamel surfaces. Group 1 was the control group in which no laser application was performed prior to the shear bond strength (SBS testing. In Group 2, Er:YAG was applied in 3W power for 6 seconds using the scanning method. The brackets were tested for SBS with an Instron universal testing machine and results were expressed in megapascals (MPa. The amount of adhesive remnant was evaluated with Adhesive Remnant Index (ARI. One-way analysis of variance and Tukey’s post-hoc tests were used for statistical analysis. Results: Mean ± standard deviation of SBS values in the control group was 13.42 ±1.23 MPa and 8.47 ±0.71 MPa in the Er:YAG group and this difference was statistically significant (p<0.05. The evaluation of ARI scores demonstrated more adhesive was left on the enamel surface with Er:YAG group. Conclusion: 3W power Er:YAG laser application with the scanning method to polycrystalline ceramic brackets demonstrated lower bond strengths and higher ARI scores during the debonding procedure.

  19. Regulation of ER-Golgi Transport Dynamics by GTPases in Budding Yeast

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yasuyuki Suda


    Full Text Available A large number of proteins are synthesized de novo in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER. They are transported through the Golgi apparatus and then delivered to their proper destinations. The ER and the Golgi play a central role in protein processing and sorting and show dynamic features in their forms. Ras super family small GTPases mediate the protein transport through and between these organelles. The ER-localized GTPase, Sar1, facilitates the formation of COPII transport carriers at the ER exit sites (ERES on the ER for the transport of cargo proteins from the ER to the Golgi. The Golgi-localized GTPase, Arf1, controls intra-Golgi, and Golgi-to-ER transport of cargo proteins by the formation of COPI carriers. Rab GTPases localized at the Golgi, which are responsible for fusion of membranes, are thought to establish the identities of compartments. Recent evidence suggests that these small GTPases regulate not only discrete sites for generation/fusion of transport carriers, but also membrane dynamics of the organelles where they locate to ensure the integrity of transport. Here we summarize the current understandings about the membrane traffic between these organelles and highlight the cutting-edge advances from super-resolution live imaging of budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

  20. Hvad er smag, og hvordan underviser man i og med smag?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Qvortrup, Lars; Wistoft, Karen


    Hvad er smag, og hvordan underviser man i smag som undervisningens genstand eller med smag som et virkemiddel i undervisningen? Det er denne artikels to hovedspørgsmål. Formålet er at præsentere det, der kaldes en smagsdidaktisk refleksionsteori, dvs. en teori der reflekterer over, hvordan man un...

  1. Compressive characteristics of closed-cell aluminum foams with different percentages of Er element

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wei-min Zhao


    Full Text Available In the present study, closed-cell aluminum foams with different percentages of erbium (Er element were successfully prepared. The distribution and existence form of erbium (Er element and its effect on the compressive properties of the foams were investigated. Results show that Er uniformly distributes in the cell walls in the forms of Al3Er intermetallic compound and Al-Er solid solutions. Compared with commercially pure aluminum foam, Er-containing foams possess higher micro-hardness, compressive strength and energy absorption capacity due to solid solution strengthening and second phase strengthening effects. Additionally, the amount of Er element should be controlled in the range of 0.10wt.%-0.50wt.% in order to obtain a good combination of compressive strength and energy absorption properties.

  2. Observation of large magnetocaloric effect in equiatomic binary compound ErZn

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lingwei Li


    Full Text Available The magnetism, magnetocaloric effect and universal behaviour in rare earth Zinc binary compound of ErZn have been studied. The ErZn compound undergoes a second order paramagnetic (PM to ferromagnetic (FM transition at Curie temperature of TC ∼ 20 K. The ErZn compound exhibits a large reversible magnetocaloric effect (MCE around its own TC. The rescaled magnetic entropy change curves overlap with each other under various magnetic field changes, further confirming the ErZn with the second order phase transition. For the magnetic field change of 0-7 T, the maximum values of the magnetic entropy change (−ΔSMmax, relative cooling power (RCP and refrigerant capacity (RC for ErZn are 23.3 J/kg K, 581 J/kg and 437 J/kg, respectively.

  3. Riget - alt er tilladt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Riget indtager en nøglestilling, når overgangen mellem faser i Triers produktion skal karakteriseres. Riget danner bro mellem den billedfascination og de radikale stileksperimenter, der præger Triers tidlige produktion, og den genre- og plotbevidsthed, der er typisk for film som Breaking the Waves...

  4. Hvad er tidligt sprog

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skriver Jensen, Anders


    Forfatteren argumenterer for at "early literacy" kan oversættes til "tidligt sprog"; særligt når der er tale om en helhedsorienteret tilgang med vægt på sprog som et alsidigt medie for kommunikation- og betydningsskabelse. Med inspiration fra Jerome Bruners kulturpsykologi diskuteres mulige...

  5. Monitoring sea level and sea surface temperature trends from ERS satellites

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Ole Baltazar; Knudsen, Per; Beckley, B.


    Data from the two ESA satellites ERS-1 and ERS-2 are used in global and regional analysis of sea level and sea surface temperature trends over the last, 7.8 years. T he ERS satellites and in the future the ENVISAT satellite provide unique opportunity for monitoring both changes in sea level and sea...

  6. TaER Expression Is Associated with Transpiration Efficiency Traits and Yield in Bread Wheat. (United States)

    Zheng, Jiacheng; Yang, Zhiyuan; Madgwick, Pippa J; Carmo-Silva, Elizabete; Parry, Martin A J; Hu, Yin-Gang


    ERECTA encodes a receptor-like kinase and is proposed as a candidate for determining transpiration efficiency of plants. Two genes homologous to ERECTA in Arabidopsis were identified on chromosomes 6 (TaER2) and 7 (TaER1) of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), with copies of each gene on the A, B and D genomes of wheat. Similar expression patterns were observed for TaER1 and TaER2 with relatively higher expression of TaER1 in flag leaves of wheat at heading (Z55) and grain-filling (Z73) stages. Significant variations were found in the expression levels of both TaER1 and TaER2 in the flag leaves at both growth stages among 48 diverse bread wheat varieties. Based on the expression of TaER1 and TaER2, the 48 wheat varieties could be classified into three groups having high (5 varieties), medium (27 varieties) and low (16 varieties) levels of TaER expression. Significant differences were also observed between the three groups varying for TaER expression for several transpiration efficiency (TE)- related traits, including stomatal density (SD), transpiration rate, photosynthetic rate (A), instant water use efficiency (WUEi) and carbon isotope discrimination (CID), and yield traits of biomass production plant-1 (BYPP) and grain yield plant-1 (GYPP). Correlation analysis revealed that the expression of TaER1 and TaER2 at the two growth stages was significantly and negatively associated with SD (Ptranspiration rate (Ptranspiration efficiency -related traits and yield in bread wheat, implying a function for TaER in regulating leaf development of bread wheat and contributing to expression of these traits. Moreover, the results indicate that TaER could be exploitable for manipulating important agronomical traits in wheat improvement.

  7. "Det man hører, er man selv"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bonde, Lars Ole


    ”Det man hører, er man selv” er Danmarks Radios P3s yderst velkendte slogan. Det dukkede op i begyndelsen af (20)00erne som opfindsom og populær afspejling af en moderne forståelse af den rolle musik og medieforbrug spiller for den voksne dansker. Denne artikel handler ikke om P3 som musikkanal...

  8. Det man tænker er man selv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rosenbaum, Philip


    I en tid, hvor ”det postfaktuelle samfund” er det mest populære udtryk øst for Valby bakke, er det vigtigt for de profaktuelle fanebærere at forstå, at fakta og evidens ikke i sig selv ændrer på folks opfattelse og holdninger. For at evidensbaserede argumenter skal få en vigtig position i samfund...

  9. 20 CFR 222.24 - Relationship as remarried widow(er). (United States)


    ... 20 Employees' Benefits 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Relationship as remarried widow(er). 222.24 Section 222.24 Employees' Benefits RAILROAD RETIREMENT BOARD REGULATIONS UNDER THE RAILROAD RETIREMENT ACT FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS Relationship as Divorced Spouse, Surviving Divorced Spouse, or Remarried Widow(er...

  10. Internationale medier: Når sproget er den eneste forskel

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Rune Saugmann


    forhandlingerne som formålet med dem. Det gør der ikke mere. Efter tusindvis af historier i dusinvis af førende aviser verden over ser det ud til at der kun er én historie tilbage: Det neo-liberale udviklingseventyr. For i perioden 2001-2006 – hvor jeg har analyseret pressedækningen i USA, Spanien, England......, Indien og Argentina – er der sket en bemærkelsesværdig ensretning af presseomtalen af forhandlingerne – i øvrigt sideløbende med at forhandlingerne er blevet stadig mere fastlåste. ...

  11. Environmental, Social og Governance og aktivt ejerskab

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bechmann, Ken L.


    Den første artikel i dette nummer af Finans/Invest diskuterer Environmental, Social og Governance (ESG) i forhold til at skabe forbedret aktieafkast. Den tredje artikel går i dybden med udviklingen i danske børsnoterede bankers corporate governance karakteristika hen over bankkrisen. ESG og...

  12. Long afterglow property of Er"3"+ doped Ca_2SnO_4 phosphor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Dongyun; Shi, Mingming; Sun, Yiwen; Guo, Yunyun; Chang, Chengkang


    A novel green emitting long afterglow phosphor, Er"3"+ -doped Ca_2SnO_4 (Ca_2SnO_4:Er"3"+), was prepared successfully via a traditional high temperature solid–state reaction method. Its properties have been characterized and analyzed by utilizing x-ray diffraction (XRD), photoluminescence spectroscope (PLS), afterglow decay curve (ADC) and thermal luminescence spectroscope (TLS). Three main emission peaks of PLS locate at 524, 550 and 668 nm, corresponding to CIE chromaticity coordinates of x = 0.326, y = 0.6592. An optimal doping concentration of Er"3"+ of 2% was determined. The Ca_2SnO_4:Er"3"+ phosphors showed a typical triple-exponential afterglow decay behavior when the UV source was switched off. Thermal simulated luminescence study indicated that the persistent afterglow of Ca_2SnO_4:2 mol% Er"3"+ phosphors was generated by the suitable electron or hole traps which were resulted from the doping the Ca_2SnO_4 host with rare-earth ions (Er"3"+). - Highlights: • A novel green emitting long afterglow phosphor, Ca_2SnO_4:Er"3"+, was prepared. • An optimal doping concentration of Er"3"+ of 2% was determined. • After the UV source was turned off, the Ca_2SnO_4:Er"3"+ showed a typical triple-exponential afterglow decay behavior. • CIE chromaticity coordinates results confirmed a green light emitting of the Ca_2SnO_4:Er"3"+. • The persistent afterglow of the Ca_2SnO_4:Er"3"+ was attributed to suitable electron or hole traps.

  13. Continuously tunable cw lasing near 2.75 μm in diode-pumped Er3+ : SrF2 and Er3+ : CaF2 crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Basiev, Tasoltan T; Orlovskii, Yu V; Polyachenkova, M V; Fedorov, Pavel P; Kuznetsov, S V; Konyushkin, V A; Osiko, Vyacheslav V; Alimov, Olimkhon K; Dergachev, Alexey Yu


    CW lasing is obtained in Er 3+ (5%) : CaF 2 and Er 3+ (5%) : SrF 2 crystals near 2.75 μm with 0.4 and 2 W of output powers, respectively, upon transverse diode laser pumping into the upper 4 I 11/2 laser level of erbium ions at 980 nm. Continuous tuning of the laser wavelength between 2720 and 2760 nm is realised in the Er 3+ : SrF 2 crystal. (special issue devoted to the 90th anniversary of a.m. prokhorov)

  14. Overexpressed cyclophilin B suppresses apoptosis associated with ROS and Ca2+ homeostasis after ER stress. (United States)

    Kim, Jinhwan; Choi, Tae Gyu; Ding, Yan; Kim, Yeonghwan; Ha, Kwon Soo; Lee, Kyung Ho; Kang, Insug; Ha, Joohun; Kaufman, Randal J; Lee, Jinhwa; Choe, Wonchae; Kim, Sung Soo


    Prolonged accumulation of misfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) results in ER stress-mediated apoptosis. Cyclophilins are protein chaperones that accelerate the rate of protein folding through their peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (PPIase) activity. In this study, we demonstrated that ER stress activates the expression of the ER-localized cyclophilin B (CypB) gene through a novel ER stress response element. Overexpression of wild-type CypB attenuated ER stress-induced cell death, whereas overexpression of an isomerase activity-defective mutant, CypB/R62A, not only increased Ca(2+) leakage from the ER and ROS generation, but also decreased mitochondrial membrane potential, resulting in cell death following exposure to ER stress-inducing agents. siRNA-mediated inhibition of CypB expression rendered cells more vulnerable to ER stress. Finally, CypB interacted with the ER stress-related chaperones, Bip and Grp94. Taken together, we concluded that CypB performs a crucial function in protecting cells against ER stress via its PPIase activity.

  15. Sund livsstil er mere end fysik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nybo, Lars; Thing, Lone Friis; Astrup, Arne


    . I virkeligheden hænger tingene sammen, og i et holistisk sundhedsbillede er de psykiske og sociale dimensioner mindst lige så vigtige som de fysiske. Fællesskabet under og efter fodboldtræningen kan for eksempel være en lige så vigtig del af at være aktiv som selve træningen. Og selv om nogle...... begynder på en aktiv livsstil ud fra en ydre motivation om det fysiske aspekt af ’mere sundhed’, så er der meget, som tyder på, at den indre motivation overtager, og at de i stedet bliver drevet af glæden ved den øgede livskvalitet. Nogle mennesker fascineres af at følge en fast træningsplan og have et...... behandling af inaktivitetsrelaterede lidelser bør dog ikke være det vigtigste argument for at oplyse om og opfordre til en sund livsstil. Livskvalitetsaspektet skal være i højsædet, og det er for så vidt en legitim bekymring, at der kommer et overdrevet fokus på samfundsøkonomi og forebyggelse af somatisk...

  16. Excitation mechanisms of Er optical centers in GaN epilayers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    George, D. K.; Hawkins, M. D.; McLaren, M.; Vinh, N. Q.; Jiang, H. X.; Lin, J. Y.; Zavada, J. M.


    We report direct evidence of two mechanisms responsible for the excitation of optically active Er 3+ ions in GaN epilayers grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. These mechanisms, resonant excitation via the higher-lying inner 4f shell transitions and band-to-band excitation of the semiconductor host, lead to narrow emission lines from isolated and the defect-related Er optical centers. However, these centers have different photoluminescence spectra, local defect environments, decay dynamics, and excitation cross sections. The photoluminescence at 1.54 μm from the isolated Er optical center which can be excited by either mechanism has the same decay dynamics, but possesses a much higher excitation cross-section under band-to-band excitation. In contrast, the photoluminescence at 1.54 μm from the defect-related Er optical center can only be observed through band-to-band excitation but has the largest excitation cross-section. These results explain the difficulty in achieving gain in Er doped GaN and indicate approaches for realization of optical amplification, and possibly lasing, at room temperature

  17. Tamoxifen-independent recombination in the RIP-CreER mouse.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yanmei Liu

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The inducible Cre-lox system is a valuable tool to study gene function in a spatial and time restricted fashion in mouse models. This strategy relies on the limited background activity of the modified Cre recombinase (CreER in the absence of its inducer, the competitive estrogen receptor ligand, tamoxifen. The RIP-CreER mouse (Tg (Ins2-cre/Esr1 1Dam is among the few available β-cell specific CreER mouse lines and thus it has been often used to manipulate gene expression in the insulin-producing cells of the endocrine pancreas. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here, we report the detection of tamoxifen-independent Cre activity as early as 2 months of age in RIP-CreER mice crossed with three distinct reporter strains. SIGNIFICANCE: Evidence of Cre-mediated recombination of floxed alleles even in the absence of tamoxifen administration should warrant cautious use of this mouse for the study of pancreatic β-cells.

  18. GPM Ground Validation Navigation Data ER-2 OLYMPEX V1 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The GPM Ground Validation NASA ER-2 Navigation Data OLYMPEX dataset supplies navigation data collected by the NASA ER-2 aircraft for flights that occurred during...

  19. Stress sensing in plants by the ER stress sensor/transducer, bZIP28

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Renu eSrivastava


    Full Text Available Two classes of ER stress sensors are known in plants, membrane associated bZIP transcription factors and RNA splicing factors. ER stress occurs under adverse environmental conditions and results from the accumulation of misfolded or unfolded proteins in the ER lumen. One of the membrane-associated transcription factors activated by heat and ER stress agents is bZIP28. In its inactive form, bZIP28 is a type II protein with a single pass transmembrane domain, residing in the ER. bZIP28’s N-terminus, containing a transcriptional activation domain, is oriented towards the cytoplasm and its C-terminal tail is inserted into the ER lumen. In response to stress, bZIP28 exits the ER and moves to the Golgi where it is proteolytically processed, liberating its cytosolic component which relocates to the nucleus to upregulate stress-response genes. bZIP28 is thought to sense stress through its interaction with the major ER chaperone, BIP. BiP binds to bZIP28’s lumenal domain under unstressed conditions and retains it in the ER. BIP binds to the intrinsically disordered regions on bZIP28’s lumen-facing tail. A truncated form of bZIP28, without its C-terminal tail is not retained in the ER but migrates constitutively to the nucleus. Upon stress, BiP releases bZIP28 allowing it to exit the ER. One model to account for the release of bZIP28 by BiP is that BiP is competed away from bZIP28 by the accumulation of misfolded proteins in the ER. However, other forces such as changes in energy charge levels, redox conditions or interaction with DNAJ proteins may also promote release of bZIP28 from BiP. Movement of bZIP28 from the ER to the Golgi is assisted by the interaction of elements of the COPII machinery with the cytoplasmic domain of bZIP28. Thus, the mobilization of bZIP28 in response to stress involves the dissociation of factors that retain it in the ER and the association of factors that mediate its further organelle-to-organelle movement.

  20. Hvad er fantastisk ved HBO-serien Game of Thrones?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schubart, Rikke


    Blogindlæg på, kaldt "Hvad er fantastisk ved HBO-serien Game of Thrones?" om HBO tv-serien Game of Thrones......Blogindlæg på, kaldt "Hvad er fantastisk ved HBO-serien Game of Thrones?" om HBO tv-serien Game of Thrones...

  1. The ER in 3-D: a multifunctional dynamic membrane network


    Friedman, Jonathan R.; Voeltz, Gia K.


    The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a large, singular, membrane-bound organelle that has an elaborate 3-D structure with a diversity of structural domains. It contains regions that are flat and cisternal, ones that are highly curved and tubular, and others adapted to form contact with nearly every other organelle and with the plasma membrane. ER 3-D structure is determined by both integral ER membrane proteins and by interactions with the cytoskeleton. Here, we describe some of the factors that...

  2. Evaluating the Potential Bioactivity of a Novel Compound ER1626


    Wang, Lijun; Zeng, Yanyan; Wang, Tianling; Liu, Hongyi; Xiao, Hong; Xiang, Hua


    Background ER1626, a novel compound, is a derivate of indeno-isoquinoline ketone. This study was designed to evaluate the biological activity and potential anti-tumor mechanism of ER1626. Method MTT assay, scratch assay and flow cytometry were used to determine cell proliferation, cell migration and cell cycle distribution as well as cell apoptosis on human breast cancer MCF-7 cells and endometrial cancer Ishikawa cells. We also explored the antiangiogenic effect of ER1626 on HUVEC cells and ...

  3. Scenen er blevet din

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Helms, Niels Henrik


    Verden kan betragtes som en skueplads med mange forskellige scener. I bidrgaet vil læseren kunne stifte bekendtskab med forskellige refleksioner over netop denne metaforik som analyseoptik i forhold til begrebet innovation. Afsættet er ønsket om at finde en måde at analysere og begrebsliggøre inn...

  4. Er tang fremtidens superfood?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holdt, Susan Løvstad

    seneste år fået øjnene op for tang indenfor områderne: biokemikalier og bioaktive stoffer, ekstraktion, gastronomi, produktudvikling, foder, bioraffinaderier, dyrkning osv. Men hvad er det tang kan? Dette foredrag vil vise at vi med tangdyrkning kan rykke mere bæredygtig fødevareproduktion ud på havet...

  5. Development of microstructured large area magnetic calorimeters with Au:Er- and Ag:Er-sensors for the detection of x-ray quanta and high energetic particles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burck, Andreas


    This thesis describes the development of large-area magnetic calorimeters which could for example be used for the investigation of the dissociative recombination or the measurement of the Lamb-shift for hydrogenlike heavy ions. The detectors consist of two meandershaped niobium thin film pickup coils and a paramagnetic sensor. The deposition of energy in the sensor results in a temperature change and therefore in a change of magnetisation of the sensor, which can be measured by a SQUID-magnetometer with high precision. As sensormaterials a dilute alloy of gold-erbium (Au:Er) as well as silver-erbium (Ag:Er) were used. Whereas the Ag:Er-sensor was glued on the pickup coil the Au:Er-sensor was for the first time microstructured by a novel microstructuring process established in this thesis. For the characterisation of the detectors and the sensormaterials a fluorescence source and a 55 Fe source were used. The thermodynamic properties of the Au:Er-sensors thereby show promising results, as the magnetisation shows bulk properties down to 20 mK. The measurements of the signalize and the magnetisation with the detector which was equipped with a Ag:Er-sensor showed that the thermodynamic properties of the Ag:Eralloy could be fully described. Furthermore the shape of the pulses, the noise and the energy resolution of both detectors will be discussed. (orig.)

  6. Altered methylation and expression of ER-associated degradation factors in long-term alcohol and constitutive ER stress-induced murine hepatic tumors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hui eHan


    Full Text Available Mortality from liver cancer in humans is increasingly attributable to heavy or long-term alcohol consumption. The mechanisms by which alcohol exerts its carcinogenic effect are not well understood. In this study, the role of alcohol-induced endoplasmic reticulum (ER stress response in liver cancer development was investigated using an animal model with a liver knockout of the chaperone BiP and under constitutive hepatic ER stress. Long-term alcohol and high fat diet (HFD feeding resulted in higher levels of serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT, impaired ER stress response, and higher incidence of liver tumor in older (aged 16 months knockout females than in either middle-aged (6 months knockouts or older (aged 16 months wild type females. In the older knockout females, stronger effects of the alcohol on methylation of CpG islands at promoter regions of genes involved in the ER associated degradation (ERAD were also detected. Altered expression of ERAD factors including derlin 3, Creld2 (cysteine-rich with EGF-like domains 2, Herpud1 (ubiquitin-like domain member, Wfs1 (wolfram syndrome gene, and Yod1 (deubiquinating enzyme 1 was co-present with decreased proteasome activities, increased estrogen receptor alpha variant (ERa36, and enhanced phosphorylations of ERK1/2 (extracellular signal-regulated protein kinases 1 and 2 and STAT3 (the signal transducers and activators of transcription in the older knockout female fed alcohol. Our results suggest that long-term alcohol consumption and ageing may promote liver tumorigenesis in females through interfering with DNA methylation and expression of genes involved in the ER associated degradation.

  7. High multi-photon visible upconversion emissions of Er3+ singly doped BiOCl microcrystals: A photon avalanche of Er3+ induced by 980 nm excitation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Yongjin; Song, Zhiguo; Li, Chen; Wan, Ronghua; Qiu, Jianbei; Yang, Zhengwen; Yin, Zhaoyi; Yang, Yong; Zhou, Dacheng; Wang, Qi


    Under 980 nm excitation, high multi-photon upconversion (UC) emission from the 2 H 11/2 / 4 S 3/2 (green) and 4 F 9/2 (red) levels of Er 3+ ions were observed from Er 3+ singly doped BiOCl microcrystals. These high-energy excited states were populated by a three to ten photon UC process conditionally, which depended on the pump power density and the Er 3+ ion doping concentration, characterizing as a hetero-looping enhanced energy transfer avalanche UC process. UC emission lifetime and Raman analysis suggest that the unusual UC phenomena are initiated by the new and intense phonon vibration modes of BiOCl lattices due to Er 3+ ions doping

  8. Synthesis and cathodoluminescence characterization of ZrO2:Er3+ films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martínez-Hernández, A.; Guzmán-Mendoza, J.; Rivera-Montalvo, T.; Sánchez-Guzmán, D.; Guzmán-Olguín, J.C.; García-Hipólito, M.; Falcony, C.


    Trivalent erbium doped zirconium oxide films were deposited by the ultrasonic spray pyrolysis technique. Films were deposited using zirconium tetrachloride octahydrate (ZrCl 4 O·8H 2 O) and erbium nitrate hexahydrate ((NO 3 ) 3 Er·6H 2 O) as precursors and deionized water as solvent. The dopant concentrations in the spray solution were 1, 3, 5, 10 and 15 at% in ratio to zirconium content. The films were deposited on corning glass substrates at different temperatures from 400 up to 550 °C. Films deposited at temperatures lower than 400 °C were amorphous, however, as substrate temperatures are increased, the ZrO 2 films presented a better crystallinity and showed a tetragonal phase. Cathodoluminescence (CL) emission spectra showed bands centred at 524, 544 and 655 nm associated with the electronic transition of Er 3+ . - Highlights: • The films of ZrO 2 :Er 3+ were obtained by spray pyrolysis. • Emission spectra of ZrO 2 :Er 3+ films were reported. • Cathodoluminescence of ZrO 2 :Er 3+ films was analyzed. • Cathodoluminescence of ZrO 2 :Er 3+ films showed strong dependence on substrate temperature and electron voltage

  9. A family of membrane-shaping proteins at ER subdomains regulates pre-peroxisomal vesicle biogenesis. (United States)

    Joshi, Amit S; Huang, Xiaofang; Choudhary, Vineet; Levine, Tim P; Hu, Junjie; Prinz, William A


    Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains three conserved reticulon and reticulon-like proteins that help maintain ER structure by stabilizing high membrane curvature in ER tubules and the edges of ER sheets. A mutant lacking all three proteins has dramatically altered ER morphology. We found that ER shape is restored in this mutant when Pex30p or its homologue Pex31p is overexpressed. Pex30p can tubulate membranes both in cells and when reconstituted into proteoliposomes, indicating that Pex30p is a novel ER-shaping protein. In contrast to the reticulons, Pex30p is low abundance, and we found that it localizes to subdomains in the ER. We show that these ER subdomains are the sites where most preperoxisomal vesicles (PPVs) are generated. In addition, overproduction or deletion of Pex30p or Pex31p alters the size, shape, and number of PPVs. Our findings suggest that Pex30p and Pex31p help shape and generate regions of the ER where PPV biogenesis occurs.

  10. Lattice sites and stability of implanted Er in FZ and CZ Si

    CERN Document Server

    Wahl, U; Langouche, G; Vantomme, A


    We report on the lattice location of $^{167}$Er in Si measured by conversion electron emission channeling. In both FZ and CZ Si, a high fraction of Er (>65%) occupies near-tetrahedral interstitial (T) sites directly following 60 keV room temperature implantation at doses of 6 $\\times 10^{12}$ cm$^{-2}$. For higher doses, the as-implanted near-T fractions of Er visible by emission channeling are smaller, due to the beginning of amorphization. Following the recovery of implantation damage at 600°C, more than 70% of Er is found on near-T sites in both FZ and CZ Si. In FZ Si, Er exhibits a remarkable thermal stability and only prolonged annealing for several hours reduces the near-T fraction. On the other hand, annealing of CZ Si at 900°C for more than 10 minutes results in the majority of Er probes in sites of very low symmetry or disordered surroundings.

  11. ER-mediated stress induces mitochondrial-dependent caspases activation in NT2 neuron-like cells. (United States)

    Arduino, Daniela M; Esteves, A Raquel; Domingues, A Filipa; Pereira, Claudia M F; Cardoso, Sandra M; Oliveira, Catarina R


    Recent studies have revealed that endoplasmic reticulum (ER) disturbance is involved in the pathophysiology of neurodegenerative disorders, contributing to the activation of the ER stress-mediated apoptotic pathway. Therefore, we investigated here the molecular mechanisms underlying the ER-mitochondria axis, focusing on calcium as a potential mediator of cell death signals. Using NT2 cells treated with brefeldin A or tunicamycin, we observed that ER stress induces changes in the mitochondrial function, impairing mitochondrial membrane potential and distressing mitochondrial respiratory chain complex Moreover, stress stimuli at ER level evoked calcium fluxes between ER and mitochondria. Under these conditions, ER stress activated the unfolded protein response by an overexpression of GRP78, and also caspase-4 and-2, both involved upstream of caspase-9. Our findings show that ER and mitochondria interconnection plays a prominent role in the induction of neuronal cell death under particular stress circumstances.


    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The CAMEX-4 ER-2 Lightning Instrument Package (LIP) dataset was collected by the ER-2 LIP, which allows the vector components of the electric field (i.e, Ex, Ey, Ez...

  13. Purple perilla extracts allay ER stress in lipid-laden macrophages.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sin-Hye Park

    Full Text Available There is a growing body of evidence that excess lipids, hypoxic stress and other inflammatory signals can stimulate endoplasmic reticulum (ER stress in metabolic diseases. However, the pathophysiological importance and the underlying mechanisms of this phenomenon remain unknown. The current study investigated that 50 ng/ml oxidized LDL promoted unfolded protein response (UPR and ER stress in J774A1 murine macrophages, which was blocked by extracts (PPE of purple Perilla frutescens, a plant of the mint family Lamiaceae. The ER stressor tunicamycin was employed as a positive control. Treating 1-10 µg/ml oxidized LDL for 24 h elicited lipotoxic apoptosis in macrophages with obvious nuclear condensation and DNA fragmentation, which was inhibited by PPE. Tunicamycin and oxidized LDL activated and induced the UPR components of activating transcription factor 6 and ER resident chaperone BiP/Grp78 in temporal manners and such effects were blocked by ≥5 µg/ml PPE. In addition, PPE suppressed the enhanced mRNA transcription and splicing of X-box binding protein 1 (XBP1 by tunicamycin and oxidized LDL. The protein induction and nuclear translocation of XBP1 were deterred in PPE-treated macrophages under ER stress. The induction of ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1, scavenger receptor-B1 (SR-B1 and intracellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1 was abolished by the ER stressor in activated macrophages. The protein induction of ABCA1 and ICAM1 but not SR-B1 was retrieved by adding 10 µg/ml PPE to cells. These results demonstrate that PPE inhibited lipotoxic apoptosis and demoted the induction and activation of UPR components in macrophages. PPE restored normal proteostasis in activated macrophages oxidized LDL. Therefore, PPE was a potent agent antagonizing macrophage ER stress due to lipotoxic signals associated with atherosclerosis.

  14. ER phospholipid composition modulates lipogenesis during feeding and in obesity. (United States)

    Rong, Xin; Wang, Bo; Palladino, Elisa Nd; de Aguiar Vallim, Thomas Q; Ford, David A; Tontonoz, Peter


    Sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1c (SREBP-1c) is a central regulator of lipogenesis whose activity is controlled by proteolytic cleavage. The metabolic factors that affect its processing are incompletely understood. Here, we show that dynamic changes in the acyl chain composition of ER phospholipids affect SREBP-1c maturation in physiology and disease. The abundance of polyunsaturated phosphatidylcholine in liver ER is selectively increased in response to feeding and in the setting of obesity-linked insulin resistance. Exogenous delivery of polyunsaturated phosphatidylcholine to ER accelerated SREBP-1c processing through a mechanism that required an intact SREBP cleavage-activating protein (SCAP) pathway. Furthermore, induction of the phospholipid-remodeling enzyme LPCAT3 in response to liver X receptor (LXR) activation promoted SREBP-1c processing by driving the incorporation of polyunsaturated fatty acids into ER. Conversely, LPCAT3 deficiency increased membrane saturation, reduced nuclear SREBP-1c abundance, and blunted the lipogenic response to feeding, LXR agonist treatment, or obesity-linked insulin resistance. Desaturation of the ER membrane may serve as an auxiliary signal of the fed state that promotes lipid synthesis in response to nutrient availability.

  15. Time response model of ER fluids for precision control of motors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koyanagi, Ken' ichi [Toyama Prefectural University, 5180 Kurokawa, Imizu, Toyama (Japan)], E-mail:


    For improvement of control performance or new control demands of mechatronics devices using particle type ER fluids, it will be needed to further investigate a response time of the fluids. It is commonly said around 5-mili seconds, however, the formula structure of that delay has not been clear. This study aims to develop a functional damper (attenuators), that can control its viscous characteristics in real time using ER fluids as its working fluid. ER dampers are useful to accomplish high precision positioning not to prevent high speed movement of the motor. To realize the functional damper that can be manipulated according to situations or tasks, the modeling and control of ER fluids are necessary. This paper investigates time delay affects of ER fluids and makes an in-depth dynamic model of the fluid by utilizing simulation and experiment. The mathematical model has a dead-time and first ordered delays of the fluid and the high voltage amplifier for the fluid.

  16. Spectral properties of Er3+/Yb3+ codoped tungsten-tellurite glasses. (United States)

    Shen, Xiang; Nie, QiuHua; Xu, TieFeng; Gao, Yuan


    The spectral properties of Er3+/Yb3+ codoped tungsten-tellurite (WT) glasses have been investigated. The measured absorption spectra are analyzed by Judd-Ofelt theory. The compositional change of intensity parameter omega2 is attributed to the change in the covalency between the Er3+ and oxygen ions, the asymmetry in the local structures around the Er3+ ions can be neglected. The lifetimes of 4I(13/2) level of Er3+ in WT glasses are measured and comparable with other TeO2-based glasses. The stimulated emission cross-section is calculated based on McCumber theory. The fluorescence full width at half maximum (FWHM) and the emission cross-section (sigma(peak)) of the 4I(13/2) --> 4I(15/2) transition of Er3+ in different glass hosts have been compared. The suitability of such WT glasses as host materials for 1.5 microm broadband amplification is discussed.

  17. Optical characterization of Er-implanted ZnO films formed by sol-gel method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fukudome, T.; Kaminaka, A.; Isshiki, H.; Saito, R.; Yugo, S.; Kimura, T.


    In this paper, we report on the 1.54 μm photoluminescence (PL) of Er-implanted ZnO thin films formed by a sol-gel method on Si substrates. In spite of the polycrystalline structure of the sol-gel ZnO thin films, they showed strong PL emissions due to the near band edge recombination at 375 nm as well as the Er-related luminescence at 1.54 μm. The Er-related luminescence showed no decrease (quench) in the intensity up to the Er concentration of 1.5 x 10 21 cm -3 . The PL intensity of Er-implanted ZnO at 1.54 μm was found to be as strong as Er-doped PS (porous Si) at 20 K, and the intensity reduced to 1/3 at room temperature

  18. Ideologi er noget bras

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Brian Benjamin; Bjerre, Henrik Jøker

    fra den slovenske filosof Slavoj Zizek stilles imidlertid det spørgsmål i bogen, om ideologien idag ikke blot har taget en anden form. Vi lever i dag ikke i post-ideologiske tider. Snarere er braset selv – X Factor, forbrugsobjekter, underholdning, følelser og balloner – blevet den næsten usynlige...

  19. Giv Kejseren hvad Kejserens er - på langt sigt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sestoft, Carsten


    Fra OECD over EU til det danske videnskabsministerium er der en mængde magtfulde instanser, som i det seneste årti har stillet en række nye krav til universiteterne. Kravene kan i korthed sammenfattes som en fordring om samfundsmæssig og økonomisk relevans. Artiklen argumenterer for, at det er le...

  20. Improving the photoluminescence response of Er-Tm: Al2O3 films by Yb codoping

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xiao Zhisong; Serna, R.; Afonso, C.N.; Cheng Guoan; Vickridge, I.


    Amorphous Al 2 O 3 films doped with Er, Tm and Yb have been prepared by pulsed laser deposition. A broadband emission in the range 1400-1700 nm with two peaks around 1540 and 1640 nm has been observed, both in the Er-Tm and Er-Tm-Yb codoped films. The Tm-related photoluminescence (PL) intensity at 1640 nm is enhanced when codoping with Yb thus suggesting the existence of multiple energy transfer processes from Yb to Er and Er to Tm. The Er-Tm-Yb codoped film exhibits a broadband emission with a full-width half-maximum of 184 nm similar to that of the film codoped with Tm and Er but having higher Tm to Er concentration ratio and higher PL lifetime values

  1. Bekæmpelse af social dumping er også en kommunal opgave

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Baadsgaard, Kelvin; Jørgensen, Henning


    Kommunal indsats mod social dumping er en væsentlig del af den samlede indsats, og en evaluering af Københavns Kommunes indsats har givet indsigt i nogle af betingelserne for at få effektiviseret en sådan. Dette er også fulgt op politisk.......Kommunal indsats mod social dumping er en væsentlig del af den samlede indsats, og en evaluering af Københavns Kommunes indsats har givet indsigt i nogle af betingelserne for at få effektiviseret en sådan. Dette er også fulgt op politisk....

  2. ER stress, autophagy, and RNA viruses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jia-Rong eJheng


    Full Text Available Endoplasmic reticulum (ER stress is a general term for representing the pathway by which various stimuli affect ER functions. ER stress induces the evolutionarily conserved signaling pathways, called the unfolded protein response (UPR, which compromises the stimulus and then determines whether the cell survives or dies. In recent years, ongoing research has suggested that these pathways may be linked to the autophagic response, which plays a key role in the cell’s response to various stressors. Autophagy performs a self-digestion function, and its activation protects cells against certain pathogens. However, the link between the UPR and autophagy may be more complicated. These two systems may act dependently, or the induction of one system may interfere with the other. Experimental studies have found that different viruses modulate these mechanisms to allow them to escape the host immune response or, worse, to exploit the host’s defense to their advantage; thus, this topic is a critical area in antiviral research. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge about how RNA viruses, including influenza virus, poliovirus, coxsackievirus, enterovirus 71, Japanese encephalitis virus, hepatitis C virus, and dengue virus, regulate these processes. We also discuss recent discoveries and how these will produce novel strategies for antiviral treatment.

  3. IRE1: ER stress sensor and cell fate executor. (United States)

    Chen, Yani; Brandizzi, Federica


    Cells operate a signaling network termed the unfolded protein response (UPR) to monitor protein-folding capacity in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Inositol-requiring enzyme 1 (IRE1) is an ER transmembrane sensor that activates the UPR to maintain the ER and cellular function. Although mammalian IRE1 promotes cell survival, it can initiate apoptosis via decay of antiapoptotic miRNAs. Convergent and divergent IRE1 characteristics between plants and animals underscore its significance in cellular homeostasis. This review provides an updated scenario of the IRE1 signaling model, discusses emerging IRE1 sensing mechanisms, compares IRE1 features among species, and outlines exciting future directions in UPR research. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Vækstplan DK er en snuptagsløsning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Boje Rasmussen, Martin Møller


    Med Vækstplan DK har Helle Thorning-Schmidt glemt en socialdemokratisk kongstanke i ambitionen om at skyde hurtig genvej til genvalg. Planen er først og fremmest udtryk for kortsigtet finanspolitik og ikke langsigtet konkurrenceevnepolitik.......Med Vækstplan DK har Helle Thorning-Schmidt glemt en socialdemokratisk kongstanke i ambitionen om at skyde hurtig genvej til genvalg. Planen er først og fremmest udtryk for kortsigtet finanspolitik og ikke langsigtet konkurrenceevnepolitik....

  5. Er:YAG Laser Dental Treatment of Patients Affected by Epidermolysis Bullosa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Angela Galeotti


    Full Text Available Aim. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of Er:YAG laser used for treating hard dental tissue in patients with epidermolysis bullosa (EB. Methods. We report two cases of EB in which an Er:YAG laser was used for conservative treatments. In the first case, the Er:YAG laser (2,940 μm, 265 mJ, 25 Hz was used to treat caries on a deciduous maxillary canine in an 8-year-old male patient affected by dystrophic EB. In the second case, we treated a 26-year-old female patient, affected by junctional EB, with generalized enamel hypoplasia, and an Er:YAG laser (2,940 μm, 265 mJ, 25 Hz was used to remove the damaged enamel on maxillary incisors. Results. The use of the Er:YAG laser, with the appropriate energy, was effective in the selective removal of carious tissue and enamel hypoplasia. During dental treatment with the Er:YAG laser, patients required only a few interruptions due to the absence of pain, vibration, and noise. Conclusions. Laser treatment of hard dental tissues is a valuable choice for patients affected by EB since it is less invasive compared to conventional treatment, resulting in improved patient compliance.

  6. BP1 Homeoprotein Enhances Metastatic Potential in ER-negative Breast Cancer (United States)

    Fu, Yebo; Lian, Yi; Kim, Kyung Soon; Zhang, Lei; Hindle, A. Katharine; Brody, Fred; Siegel, Robert S.; McCaffrey, Timothy A.; Fu, Sidney W.


    Tumor invasion and metastasis remain a major cause of mortality in breast cancer patients. It was reported that BP1, a homeobox isoform of DLX4, is overexpressed in 80% of breast cancer patients and in 100% of estrogen receptor negative (ER-) tumors. The prevalence of BP1 positive cells and the intensity of BP1 immunoreactivity increased with the extent of ductal proliferation and tumorigenesis. These findings imply that BP1 may play an important role in ER- breast cancer. We sought to determine the effects and mechanisms of BP1 on cell proliferation and metastasis using ER- Hs578T cells as a model. Cells were transfected with either pcDNA3.2 plasmid containing BP1 gene, or pcDNA3.2 vector, then selected and cloned. Overexpression of BP1 increased cell proliferation rate by 2-5 fold (p=2.0. Of those genes, 49 were up-regulated and 22 were down-regulated. Significant pathways were identified involving cell proliferation and metastasis. These data demonstrated that overexpression of BP1 significantly enhanced cell proliferation and metastatic potential in ER- Hs578T cells. Further analysis with more ER- cell lines and patient samples is warranted to establish BP1 as a therapeutic target for ER- breast cancer. PMID:20842225

  7. Spin rotation in ErGa{sub 3}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Murasik, A. E-mail:; Czopnik, A. E-mail:; Keller, L. E-mail:; Fischer, P. E-mail:


    The magnetic phase diagram of ErGa{sub 3}, built up from bulk magnetisation data, shows in zero-applied magnetic field two successive transitions at T{sub 1}=2.6 and T{sub 2} congruent with 2.8 K, respectively. The magnetic ordering of ErGa{sub 3} examined by neutron diffraction, can be derived from the so-called {l_brace}((1)/(2)), ((1)/(2)), 0{r_brace} structure, i.e. one in which the successive antiparallel (1 1 0) sheets of spins have additionally superimposed on them a sinusoidal modulation parallel to the [1 0 0] axis. The temperature dependence of neutron diffraction diagrams studied on the single crystal, revealed in the range of (2.6-2.78) K an abrupt reorientation of the Er{sup 3+} spins from the nearly [1 1 0] direction, towards the [1 0 0] axis. In this way previously observed effect on the polycrystalline sample has been confirmed. This rotation can be attributed to the T{sub 1} transition found in the H-T magnetic phase diagram.

  8. Ny vaccine mod ledbetændelse er ikke effektiv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Elisabeth Okholm; Lauritsen, Klara Tølbøll


    En ny mulighed for at vaccinere mod mykoplasma-ledbetændelse er undersøgt hos en slagtesvineproducent. Vaccinen kunne desværre ikke forebygge halthed eff ektivt.......En ny mulighed for at vaccinere mod mykoplasma-ledbetændelse er undersøgt hos en slagtesvineproducent. Vaccinen kunne desværre ikke forebygge halthed eff ektivt....

  9. Hydrothermal synthesis and characteristic photoluminescence of Er-doped SnO{sub 2} nanoparticles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tuan, Pham Van; Hieu, Le Trung; Nga, La Quynh [International Training Institute for Materials Science, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, No.1, Dai Co Viet, Hanoi (Viet Nam); Dung, Nguyen Duc [Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, No.1, Dai Co Viet, Hanoi (Viet Nam); Ha, Ngo Ngoc [International Training Institute for Materials Science, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, No.1, Dai Co Viet, Hanoi (Viet Nam); Khiem, Tran Ngoc, E-mail: [International Training Institute for Materials Science, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, No.1, Dai Co Viet, Hanoi (Viet Nam)


    We report the characteristic photoluminescence (PL) spectra of erbium ion (Er{sup 3+})-doped tin dioxide (SnO{sub 2})nanoparticles. The materials were prepared via hydrothermal method at 180 °C with in 20 h by using various Er{sup 3+} ion concentrations ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 at%. After the synthesis, the materials were characterized through X-ray diffraction and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. Crystallite SnO{sub 2} and its average particle diameter of approximately 5 nm did not change with Er{sup 3+} ion dopant concentration. Photoluminescence spectra showed the characteristic light emission from the Er{sup 3+} ions. The PL excitation spectra referred to an efficient energy transfer to Er{sup 3+} ions in the presence of SnO{sub 2}nanoparticles. The most intense Er-related emission of SnO{sub 2}:Er{sup 3+} nanoparticles in near infrared region was found in samples containing an Er{sup 3+} ion concentration of 0.25 at%. Although the absorption bandgaps of the materials were identified at approximately 3.8 eV, we found that efficient excitation comes with low excitation energy band edge. Excitation is possibly involved in shallow defects in SnO{sub 2} nanoparticles.

  10. Small molecule proteostasis regulators that reprogram the ER to reduce extracellular protein aggregation (United States)

    Plate, Lars; Cooley, Christina B; Chen, John J; Paxman, Ryan J; Gallagher, Ciara M; Madoux, Franck; Genereux, Joseph C; Dobbs, Wesley; Garza, Dan; Spicer, Timothy P; Scampavia, Louis; Brown, Steven J; Rosen, Hugh; Powers, Evan T; Walter, Peter; Hodder, Peter; Wiseman, R Luke; Kelly, Jeffery W


    Imbalances in endoplasmic reticulum (ER) proteostasis are associated with etiologically-diverse degenerative diseases linked to excessive extracellular protein misfolding and aggregation. Reprogramming of the ER proteostasis environment through genetic activation of the Unfolded Protein Response (UPR)-associated transcription factor ATF6 attenuates secretion and extracellular aggregation of amyloidogenic proteins. Here, we employed a screening approach that included complementary arm-specific UPR reporters and medium-throughput transcriptional profiling to identify non-toxic small molecules that phenocopy the ATF6-mediated reprogramming of the ER proteostasis environment. The ER reprogramming afforded by our molecules requires activation of endogenous ATF6 and occurs independent of global ER stress. Furthermore, our molecules phenocopy the ability of genetic ATF6 activation to selectively reduce secretion and extracellular aggregation of amyloidogenic proteins. These results show that small molecule-dependent ER reprogramming, achieved through preferential activation of the ATF6 transcriptional program, is a promising strategy to ameliorate imbalances in ER function associated with degenerative protein aggregation diseases. DOI: PMID:27435961

  11. Er internethandel kommet for at blive? Eller er det bare krisen som kradser?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ivang, Reimer


    I de seneste dage har Jyllandsposten sat fokus på, at omsætningen i den danske detailhandel falder, der fyres, der spares, og det bliver endnu værre i de kommende måneder og år. I artiklen udråbes finanskrisen, som den store skurk, men er det nu den fulde sandhed?...

  12. Luminescence properties and energy transfer processes in YAG:Yb,Er single crystalline films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zorenko, Yu.; Gorbenko, V.; Savchyn, V.; Batentschuk, M.; Osvet, A.; Brabec, C.


    The paper is dedicated to the study of the optical properties of YAG:Yb,Er single-crystalline films (SCF) grown by liquid phase epitaxy. The absorption, cathodoluminescence and time-resolved photoluminescence spectra and photoluminescence decay curves were measured for the SCFs with different doping levels of Er 3+ (from 0.6 to 4.2 at.%) and Yb 3+ (from 0.1 to 0.6 at.%). The spectra, excited by synchrotron radiation in the fundamental absorption range of the YAG and in the intraionic absorption bands of both dopants, reveal energy transfer from the YAG host to the Er 3+ and Yb 3+ ions and between these ions. -- Highlights: •Growth of YAG:Yb,Er single crystalline films by LPE method. •Peculiarities of luminescence of YAG:Yb,Er films with different Er–Yb content. •Yb–Er energy transfer processes in YAG hosts

  13. Optical excitation of Er centers in GaN epilayers grown by MOCVD (United States)

    George, D. K.; Hawkins, M. D.; Jiang, H. X.; Lin, J. Y.; Zavada, J. M.; Vinh, N. Q.


    In this paper we present results of photoluminescence (PL), photoluminescence excitation (PLE), and time resolved PL spectroscopy of the 4I13/2 → 4I15/2 transition in Er optical centers in GaN epilayers grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. Under resonance excitation via the higher-lying inner 4f shell transitions and band-to-band excitation of the semiconductor host, the PL and PLE spectra reveal an existence of two types of Er optical centers from isolated and the defect-related Er centers in GaN epilayers. These centers have different PL spectra, local defect environments, decay dynamics, and excitation cross-sections. The isolated Er optical center, which can be excited by either excitation mechanism, has the same decay dynamics, but possesses a much higher cross-section under band-to-band excitation. In contrast, the defect-related Er center can only be observed through band-to-band excitation but has the largest crosssection. Our results indicate pathways for efficient optical excitation of Er-doped GaN semiconductors.

  14. Generation of ER{alpha}-floxed and knockout mice using the Cre/LoxP system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Antonson, P., E-mail: [Department of Biosciences and Nutrition, Karolinska Institutet, Novum, SE-141 83 Huddinge (Sweden); Omoto, Y.; Humire, P. [Department of Biosciences and Nutrition, Karolinska Institutet, Novum, SE-141 83 Huddinge (Sweden); Gustafsson, J.-A. [Department of Biosciences and Nutrition, Karolinska Institutet, Novum, SE-141 83 Huddinge (Sweden); Center for Nuclear Receptors and Cell Signaling, Department of Biology and Biochemistry, University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204 (United States)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer ER{alpha} floxed and knockout mice were generated. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Disruption of the ER{alpha} gene results in sterility in both male and female mice. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer ER{alpha}{sup -/-} mice have ovaries with hemorrhagic follicles and hypoplastic uterus. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Female ER{alpha}{sup -/-} mice develop obesity. -- Abstract: Estrogen receptor alpha (ER{alpha}) is a nuclear receptor that regulates a range of physiological processes in response to estrogens. In order to study its biological role, we generated a floxed ER{alpha} mouse line that can be used to knock out ER{alpha} in selected tissues by using the Cre/LoxP system. In this study, we established a new ER{alpha} knockout mouse line by crossing the floxed ER{alpha} mice with Cre deleter mice. Here we show that genetic disruption of the ER{alpha} gene in all tissues results in sterility in both male and female mice. Histological examination of uterus and ovaries revealed a dramatically atrophic uterus and hemorrhagic cysts in the ovary. These results suggest that infertility in female mice is the result of functional defects of the reproductive tract. Moreover, female knockout mice are hyperglycemic, develop obesity and at the age of 4 months the body weight of these mice was more than 20% higher compared to wild type littermates and this difference increased over time. Our results demonstrate that ER{alpha} is necessary for reproductive tract development and has important functions as a regulator of metabolism in females.

  15. Inflation er en af finanskrisens løsninger

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Boje Rasmussen, Martin Møller


    Med en lille anekdote om børnepasning illustrerer den amerikanske stjerneøkonom Paul Krugman, hvorfor økonomiske recessioner opstår, og hvad vi bør stille op over for dem. Inflation er et af svarene.......Med en lille anekdote om børnepasning illustrerer den amerikanske stjerneøkonom Paul Krugman, hvorfor økonomiske recessioner opstår, og hvad vi bør stille op over for dem. Inflation er et af svarene....

  16. Planar waveguide laser in Er/Al-doped germanosilicate

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Guldberg-Kjær, Søren Andreas; Hübner, Jörg; Kristensen, Martin


    A singlemode DBR laser is demonstrated in an Er/Al-doped germanosilicate planar waveguide. 0.4 mW of output power has been obtained at 1.553 mu m using internal Bragg reflectors produced by UV-induced index modulations.......A singlemode DBR laser is demonstrated in an Er/Al-doped germanosilicate planar waveguide. 0.4 mW of output power has been obtained at 1.553 mu m using internal Bragg reflectors produced by UV-induced index modulations....

  17. Next generation Er:YAG fractional ablative laser (United States)

    Heinrich, A.; Vizhanyo, A.; Krammer, P.; Summer, S.; Gross, S.; Bragagna, T.; Böhler, C.


    Pantec Biosolutions AG presents a portable fractional ablative laser system based on a miniaturized diode pumped Er:YAG laser. The system can operate at repetition rates up to 500 Hz and has an incorporated beam deflection unit. It is smaller, lighter and cost efficient compared to systems based on lamp pumped Er:YAG lasers and incorporates a skin layer detection to guarantee precise control of the microporation process. The pulse parameters enable a variety of applications in dermatology and in general medicine, as demonstrated by first results on transdermal drug delivery of FSH (follicle stimulating hormone).

  18. Sodahvede og glycerol til malkekøer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hvelplund, Torben; Weisbjerg, Martin Riis


    Et fodringsforsøg på Kvægbrugets Forsøgscenter har vist, at glycerol kan anvendes som et alternativt fodermiddel til højtydende malkekøer. De anvendte mængder gav dog en lavere EKM ydelse end sodahvede, men øgede samtidigt mælkens proteinindhold.......Et fodringsforsøg på Kvægbrugets Forsøgscenter har vist, at glycerol kan anvendes som et alternativt fodermiddel til højtydende malkekøer. De anvendte mængder gav dog en lavere EKM ydelse end sodahvede, men øgede samtidigt mælkens proteinindhold....

  19. Jordkvalitetskriterier for PAH'er

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Carlsen, Lars


    For to år siden forhøjede Miljøstyrelsen den administrativt fastsatte grænseværdi for polycycliske hydrocarboner (PAH’er) i jord med en faktor 3, hvilket i praksis betød at en række grunde, der tidligere var klassifi ceret som forurenede, nu ikke klassifi ceres sådan. Den hidtidige og den nye met...

  20. Study of thermal treated a-Si implanted with Er and O ions

    CERN Document Server

    Plugaru, R; Piqueras, J; Tate, T J


    Visible luminescence of amorphous silicon layers either implanted with Er or co-implanted with Er and O and subsequently annealed in nitrogen has been investigated by cathodoluminescence (CL) in a scanning electron microscope. Co-implanted samples show a more intense luminescence, which is revealed by annealing at lower temperatures than the samples implanted only with erbium. Thermal treatments cause the formation of erbium oxide as well as Er-Si complexes or precipitates. Violet-blue luminescence has been found from CL images and spectra to be related to Er-Si precipitates. Emission in the green-red range is attributed to oxide species.

  1. Kommunen er død - længe leve den digitale disruption

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Kim Normann


    "New Public Management is Dead. Long Live the Digital Era." Sådan proklamerede Patrick Donleavy digitaliseringens muligheder i en banebrydende artikel fra 2005. Med en omskrivning af dette citat til "Kommunen er død, længe leve den digitale disruption", er ballet åbnet for denne artikel......."New Public Management is Dead. Long Live the Digital Era." Sådan proklamerede Patrick Donleavy digitaliseringens muligheder i en banebrydende artikel fra 2005. Med en omskrivning af dette citat til "Kommunen er død, længe leve den digitale disruption", er ballet åbnet for denne artikel....

  2. Expression profiling on soybean leaves reveals integration of ER- and osmotic-stress pathways

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dewey Ralph E


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Despite the potential of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER stress response to accommodate adaptive pathways, its integration with other environmental-induced responses is poorly understood in plants. We have previously demonstrated that the ER-stress sensor binding protein (BiP from soybean exhibits an unusual response to drought. The members of the soybean BiP gene family are differentially regulated by osmotic stress and soybean BiP confers tolerance to drought. While these results may reflect crosstalk between the osmotic and ER-stress signaling pathways, the lack of mutants, transcriptional response profiles to stresses and genome sequence information of this relevant crop has limited our attempts to identify integrated networks between osmotic and ER stress-induced adaptive responses. As a fundamental step towards this goal, we performed global expression profiling on soybean leaves exposed to polyethylene glycol treatment (osmotic stress or to ER stress inducers. Results The up-regulated stress-specific changes unmasked the major branches of the ER-stress response, which include enhancing protein folding and degradation in the ER, as well as specific osmotically regulated changes linked to cellular responses induced by dehydration. However, a small proportion (5.5% of total up-regulated genes represented a shared response that seemed to integrate the two signaling pathways. These co-regulated genes were considered downstream targets based on similar induction kinetics and a synergistic response to the combination of osmotic- and ER-stress-inducing treatments. Genes in this integrated pathway with the strongest synergistic induction encoded proteins with diverse roles, such as plant-specific development and cell death (DCD domain-containing proteins, an ubiquitin-associated (UBA protein homolog and NAC domain-containing proteins. This integrated pathway diverged further from characterized specific branches of ER-stress as

  3. Hvad er tekstfiktion?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Widell, Peter


    artiklen er et bidrag til belysningen af genteori og bygger på ideen om at karakterisere skønlitteratur som et restringeret sæt af universelle tekstparametre. Artiklen fokuserer især på parametren tekstfiktion, hvor jeg forsvarer den position, at en fiktiv tekst hverken kan karakteriseres som en ...... intentioner. Det betyder dog ikke, at sandhed og mening ikke spiller noget rolle ved identifikationen af fiktion, sådan som det hævdes af Walsh og andre....

  4. Tunable eye-safe Er:YAG laser

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Němec, M; Šulc, J; Indra, L; Fibrich, M; Jelínková, H


    Er:YAG crystal was investigated as the gain medium in a diode (1452 nm) pumped tunable laser. The tunability was reached in an eye-safe region by an intracavity birefringent filter. The four tuning bands were obtained peaking at wavelengths 1616, 1632, 1645, and 1656 nm. The broadest continuous tunability was 6 nm wide peaking at 1616 nm. The laser was operating in a pulsed regime (10 ms pulse length, 10 Hz repetition rate). The maximum mean output power was 26.5 mW at 1645 nm. The constructed system demonstrated the tunability of a resonantly diode-pumped Er:YAG laser which could be useful in the development of compact diode-pumped lasers for spectroscopic applications. (paper)

  5. Optical energy gaps and photoluminescence peaks of BaGa{sub 2}S{sub 4}:Er{sup 3+} and BaGa{sub 2}Se{sub 4}:Er{sup 3+} single crystals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Choe, Sung-Hyu [Chosun University, Kwangju (Korea, Republic of); Jin, Moon-Seog [Dongshin University, Naju (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Wha-Tek [Chonnam National University, Kwangju (Korea, Republic of)


    BaGa{sub 2}S{sub 4}:Er{sup 3+} and BaGa{sub 2}Se{sub 4}:Er{sup 3+} single crystals were grown by using the chemical transport reaction method. The optical energy gaps of the BaGa{sub 2}S{sub 4}:Er{sup 3+} and the BaGa{sub 2}Se{sub 4}:Er{sup 3+} single crystals were found to be 4.045 eV and 3.073 eV, respectively, at 11 K. The temperature dependence of the optical energy gap was well fitted by the Varshni equation. Sharp emission peaks were observed in the photoluminescence spectra of the single crystals and assigned to radiation recombination between split Stark levels of the Er{sup 3+} ion.

  6. ER network homeostasis is critical for plant endosome streaming and endocytosis (United States)

    Stefano, Giovanni; Renna, Luciana; Lai, YaShiuan; Slabaugh, Erin; Mannino, Nicole; Buono, Rafael A; Otegui, Marisa S; Brandizzi, Federica


    Eukaryotic cells internalize cargo at the plasma membrane via endocytosis, a vital process that is accomplished through a complex network of endosomal organelles. In mammalian cells, the ER is in close association with endosomes and regulates their fission. Nonetheless, the physiological role of such interaction on endocytosis is yet unexplored. Here, we probed the existence of ER–endosome association in plant cells and assayed its physiological role in endocytosis. Through live-cell imaging and electron microscopy studies, we established that endosomes are extensively associated with the plant ER, supporting conservation of interaction between heterotypic organelles in evolutionarily distant kingdoms. Furthermore, by analyzing ER–endosome dynamics in genetic backgrounds with defects in ER structure and movement, we also established that the ER network integrity is necessary for homeostasis of the distribution and streaming of various endosome populations as well as for efficient endocytosis. These results support a novel model that endocytosis homeostasis depends on a spatiotemporal control of the endosome dynamics dictated by the ER membrane network. PMID:27462431

  7. Wealth of information derivable from Evaporation Residue (ER) angular momentum distributions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Madhavan, N.


    Understanding fusion-fission dynamics is possible by studying the fission process, or, alternatively, by studying the complementary fusion-evaporation process. Though the latter method is difficult to implement, requiring sophisticated recoil separators/spectrometers for selecting the ERs in the direction of the primary beam, it provides more clarity with better accuracy and is indispensible for probing the pre-saddle region in heavy nuclei. Super Heavy Element (SHE) search crucially depends on understanding the fusion-fission process, the choice of entrance channel and excitation energy of the Compound Nucleus (CN), ER cross-section and, more importantly, the angular momenta populated in ERs which survive fission. The measurement of ER angular momentum distributions, through coincidence technique involving large gamma multiplicity detector array and recoil separator, throws up a wealth of information such as, nuclear viscosity effects, limits of stability of ERs, shape changes at high spins, snapshot of frozen set of barriers using a single-shot experiment and indirect information about onset of quasi-fission processes. There is a paucity of experimental data with regard to angular momentum distributions in heavy nuclei due to experimental constraints. In this talk, the variety of information which could be derived through experimental ER angular momentum distributions will be elaborated with examples from work carried out at IUAC using advanced experimental facilities. (author)

  8. Scintillation properties of Er-doped Y3Al5O12 single crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamaji, Akihiro; Ogino, Hiraku; Fujimoto, Yutaka; Suzuki, Akira; Yanagida, Takayuki; Yokota, Yuui; Kurosawa, Shunsuke; Yoshikawa, Akira


    Er-doped Y 3 Al 5 O 12 single crystals with different Er concentrations of 0.1, 1.0, 10, 30, and 50% were grown by the micro-pulling down method. There were several absorption lines due to the Er 3+ 4f-4f transitions in the transmittance spectra and these lines correspond to the transitions from the ground state of 4 I 15/2 to the excited states. The photo- and radio-luminescence spectra showed Er 3+ 4f-4f emissions. Relative light yield under 5.5 MeV alpha-ray irradiation of Er 0.1%:Y 3 Al 5 O 12 was estimated to be 63% of that of Bi 4 Ge 3 O 12 . -- Highlights: •Er doped Y 3 Al 5 O 12 single crystal scintillators were grown with different Er concentrations. •Optical properties associated with 4f-4f transition were evaluated. •Radio luminescence spectra measurements were performed under 5.5 MeV alpha-ray irradiation. •The highest light yield was estimated to be 63% of that of Bi 4 Ge 3 O 12 under 5.5 MeV alpha-ray irradiation

  9. Structural and Functional Impacts of ER Coactivator Sequential Recruitment. (United States)

    Yi, Ping; Wang, Zhao; Feng, Qin; Chou, Chao-Kai; Pintilie, Grigore D; Shen, Hong; Foulds, Charles E; Fan, Guizhen; Serysheva, Irina; Ludtke, Steven J; Schmid, Michael F; Hung, Mien-Chie; Chiu, Wah; O'Malley, Bert W


    Nuclear receptors recruit multiple coactivators sequentially to activate transcription. This "ordered" recruitment allows different coactivator activities to engage the nuclear receptor complex at different steps of transcription. Estrogen receptor (ER) recruits steroid receptor coactivator-3 (SRC-3) primary coactivator and secondary coactivators, p300/CBP and CARM1. CARM1 recruitment lags behind the binding of SRC-3 and p300 to ER. Combining cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) structure analysis and biochemical approaches, we demonstrate that there is a close crosstalk between early- and late-recruited coactivators. The sequential recruitment of CARM1 not only adds a protein arginine methyltransferase activity to the ER-coactivator complex, it also alters the structural organization of the pre-existing ERE/ERα/SRC-3/p300 complex. It induces a p300 conformational change and significantly increases p300 HAT activity on histone H3K18 residues, which, in turn, promotes CARM1 methylation activity on H3R17 residues to enhance transcriptional activity. This study reveals a structural role for a coactivator sequential recruitment and biochemical process in ER-mediated transcription. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Up-conversion luminescence of Er3+/Yb3+/Nd3+-codoped tellurite glasses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lu Longjun; Nie Qiuhua; Xu Tiefeng; Dai Shixun; Shen Xiang; Zhang Xianghua


    Up-conversion luminescence and energy transfer (ET) processes in Nd 3+ -Yb 3+ -Er 3+ triply doped TeO 2 -ZnO-Na 2 O glasses have been studied under 800 nm excitation. Intense green up-conversion emissions around 549 nm, which can be attributed to the Er 3+ : 4 S 3/2 →4 I 15/2 transition, are observed in triply doped samples. In contrast, the green emissions are hardly observed in Er 3+ singly doped and Er 3+ -Yb 3+ codoped samples under the same condition. Up-conversion luminescence intensity exhibits dependence of Yb 2 O 3 -concentration and Nd 2 O 3 -concentration. Up-conversion mechanism in the triply doped glasses under 800 nm pump is discussed by analyzing the ET among Nd 3+ , Yb 3+ and Er 3+ . And a possible up-conversion mechanism based on sequential ET from Nd 3+ to Er 3+ through Yb 3+ is proposed for green and red up-conversion emission processes

  11. Hvad er inklusion, og hvordan leder man det?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Næsby, Torben; Qvortrup, Lars


    En fundamental forudsætning for at inklusion både kan gøres til et centralt tema og at medarbejdernes kompetencer kan styrkes, er, at alle medarbejdere ved, hvad man snakker om, og at man har en fælles, operationaliserbar forståelse af, hvad inklusion er. Der skal formuleres en definition af...... definition, som både er bredt, præcist og operationaliserbart. Derefter fremlægges forslag til, hvad man kan gøre som ledelse for at få inklusionsindsatsen til at lykkes....... inklusion i det enkelte dagtilbud, der både kan anerkendes af alle, så den gøres til et fælles anliggende, og kan operationaliseres, så alle kan se, hvad de skal gøre for at få indsatsen til at lykkes. Artiklen indledes med at diskutere de gængse definitioner af inklusion og præsentere et nyt forslag til en...

  12. Heat effect of pulsed Er:YAG laser radiation (United States)

    Hibst, Raimund; Keller, Ulrich


    Pulsed Er:YAG laser radiation has been found to be effective for dental enamel and dentin removal. Damage to the surrounding hard tissue is little, but before testing the Er:YAG laser clinically for the preparation of cavities, possible effects on the soft tissue of the pulp must be known. In order to estimate pulp damage , temperature rise in dentin caused by the laser radiation was measured by a thermocouple. Additionally, temperature distributions were observed by means of a thermal imaging system. The heat effect of a single Er:YAG laser pulse is little and limited to the vicinity of the impact side. Because heat energy is added with each additional pulse , the temperature distribution depends not only on the radiant energy, but also on the number of pulses and the repetition rate. Both irradiation conditions can be found , making irreversible pulp damage either likely or unlikely. The experimental observations can be explained qualitatively by a simple model of the ablation process.

  13. At rejse er også at læse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Davidsen-Nielsen, Niels


    Eftertanken. En rejse til Portugal og mødet med forfatteren Fernando Pessoa bestyrker den rejsende i troen på, at det altid er godt at snuse til den lokale skønlitteratur.......Eftertanken. En rejse til Portugal og mødet med forfatteren Fernando Pessoa bestyrker den rejsende i troen på, at det altid er godt at snuse til den lokale skønlitteratur....

  14. Hvad er en by?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Parby, Jakob; Thelle, Mikkel


    Nytænkning. Med de moderne megabyer er det slut med at forestille sig byen som noget, man planlægger og giver form. Vi skal lære at se dem som vildtvoksende urbane landskaber. Artikel om megabyer, byudvikling og forestillingen om byen gennem tiderne. Skrevet delvist i anledning af åbningen af...... udstillingen Citambulos på Københavns Museum, der handlede om Mexico City....

  15. Marginal microleakage in vitro study on class V cavities prepared with Er:YAG laser and etched with acid or etched with Er:YAG laser and acid; Estudo in vitro da microinfiltracao marginal em cavidades classe V preparadas com laser de Er:YAG e condicionadas com acido ou com laser de Er:YAG e acido

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tavares, Henrique Dutra Simoes


    Microleakage at the interface between the teeth and the restorative materials remains a problem with composite resin restorations. Microleakage at the gingival margins of class V cavities restorations still challenge as they are usually placed in dentin and/or cementum. Previous studies have shown that the cavity preparation with Er:YAG laser is possible. It has been reported that Er:YAG laser has ability to create irregular surface providing micromechanical retention for adhesive dental restorative materials and to improve marginal sealing. The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the marginal microleakage on class V cavities prepared with Er:YAG laser and etched with acid or with Er:YAG laser and acid, in compared to those prepared and etched conventionally. Thirty human molars were divided into three groups, namely: group I - prepared with Er:YAG laser (KaVo KEY Laser II - Germany) and etched with 37% phosphoric acid; group II - prepared with Er:YAG laser and etched with Er:YAG laser and 37% phosphoric acid; group III (control group) - prepared with high speed drill and etched with 37% phosphoric acid. All cavities were treated with same adhesive system (Single Bond - 3M) and restored with the composite resin (Z100 - 3M), according to the manufacturer's instructions. The specimens were stored at 37 deg C in water for 24 hours, polished with Sof-Lex discs (3M), thermally stressed, sealed with a nail polish coating except for the area of the restoration and 1 mm around it, and immersed in a 50% aqueous solution of silver nitrate for 24 hours. After that, the specimens were rinsed in water, soaked in a photodeveloping solution and exposed to a fluorescent light for 8 hours. The teeth were embedded in an autopolymerizing resin and sectioned longitudinally using a diamond saw microtome under running water. The sections were photographed. The microleakage at the occlusal cavity and at the gingival margins of each specimen was evaluated with scores (0-3) by

  16. Marginal microleakage in vitro study on class V cavities prepared with Er:YAG laser and etched with acid or etched with Er:YAG laser and acid; Estudo in vitro da microinfiltracao marginal em cavidades classe V preparadas com laser de Er:YAG e condicionadas com acido ou com laser de Er:YAG e acido

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tavares, Henrique Dutra Simoes


    Microleakage at the interface between the teeth and the restorative materials remains a problem with composite resin restorations. Microleakage at the gingival margins of class V cavities restorations still challenge as they are usually placed in dentin and/or cementum. Previous studies have shown that the cavity preparation with Er:YAG laser is possible. It has been reported that Er:YAG laser has ability to create irregular surface providing micromechanical retention for adhesive dental restorative materials and to improve marginal sealing. The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the marginal microleakage on class V cavities prepared with Er:YAG laser and etched with acid or with Er:YAG laser and acid, in compared to those prepared and etched conventionally. Thirty human molars were divided into three groups, namely: group I - prepared with Er:YAG laser (KaVo KEY Laser II - Germany) and etched with 37% phosphoric acid; group II - prepared with Er:YAG laser and etched with Er:YAG laser and 37% phosphoric acid; group III (control group) - prepared with high speed drill and etched with 37% phosphoric acid. All cavities were treated with same adhesive system (Single Bond - 3M) and restored with the composite resin (Z100 - 3M), according to the manufacturer's instructions. The specimens were stored at 37 deg C in water for 24 hours, polished with Sof-Lex discs (3M), thermally stressed, sealed with a nail polish coating except for the area of the restoration and 1 mm around it, and immersed in a 50% aqueous solution of silver nitrate for 24 hours. After that, the specimens were rinsed in water, soaked in a photodeveloping solution and exposed to a fluorescent light for 8 hours. The teeth were embedded in an autopolymerizing resin and sectioned longitudinally using a diamond saw microtome under running water. The sections were photographed. The microleakage at the occlusal cavity and at the gingival margins of each specimen was evaluated with scores (0

  17. Spectroscopic analysis of LiHoF4 and LiErF4

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, H.P.


    The polarized absorption spectra for Ho3+ and Er3+ in LiHoF4 and LiErF4, respectively, have been recorded in the spectral interval 4000-26 000 cm-1 at 2 K. Parts of the spectra were examined at higher temperatures. The experimental levels for Ho3+ and Er3+ in LiRF4 were close to those found in Li...

  18. Direct Imaging of ER Calcium with Targeted-Esterase Induced Dye Loading (TED) (United States)

    Samtleben, Samira; Jaepel, Juliane; Fecher, Caroline; Andreska, Thomas; Rehberg, Markus; Blum, Robert


    Visualization of calcium dynamics is important to understand the role of calcium in cell physiology. To examine calcium dynamics, synthetic fluorescent Ca2+ indictors have become popular. Here we demonstrate TED (= targeted-esterase induced dye loading), a method to improve the release of Ca2+ indicator dyes in the ER lumen of different cell types. To date, TED was used in cell lines, glial cells, and neurons in vitro. TED bases on efficient, recombinant targeting of a high carboxylesterase activity to the ER lumen using vector-constructs that express Carboxylesterases (CES). The latest TED vectors contain a core element of CES2 fused to a red fluorescent protein, thus enabling simultaneous two-color imaging. The dynamics of free calcium in the ER are imaged in one color, while the corresponding ER structure appears in red. At the beginning of the procedure, cells are transduced with a lentivirus. Subsequently, the infected cells are seeded on coverslips to finally enable live cell imaging. Then, living cells are incubated with the acetoxymethyl ester (AM-ester) form of low-affinity Ca2+ indicators, for instance Fluo5N-AM, Mag-Fluo4-AM, or Mag-Fura2-AM. The esterase activity in the ER cleaves off hydrophobic side chains from the AM form of the Ca2+ indicator and a hydrophilic fluorescent dye/Ca2+ complex is formed and trapped in the ER lumen. After dye loading, the cells are analyzed at an inverted confocal laser scanning microscope. Cells are continuously perfused with Ringer-like solutions and the ER calcium dynamics are directly visualized by time-lapse imaging. Calcium release from the ER is identified by a decrease in fluorescence intensity in regions of interest, whereas the refilling of the ER calcium store produces an increase in fluorescence intensity. Finally, the change in fluorescent intensity over time is determined by calculation of ΔF/F0. PMID:23685703

  19. Direct imaging of ER calcium with targeted-esterase induced dye loading (TED). (United States)

    Samtleben, Samira; Jaepel, Juliane; Fecher, Caroline; Andreska, Thomas; Rehberg, Markus; Blum, Robert


    Visualization of calcium dynamics is important to understand the role of calcium in cell physiology. To examine calcium dynamics, synthetic fluorescent Ca(2+) indictors have become popular. Here we demonstrate TED (= targeted-esterase induced dye loading), a method to improve the release of Ca(2+) indicator dyes in the ER lumen of different cell types. To date, TED was used in cell lines, glial cells, and neurons in vitro. TED bases on efficient, recombinant targeting of a high carboxylesterase activity to the ER lumen using vector-constructs that express Carboxylesterases (CES). The latest TED vectors contain a core element of CES2 fused to a red fluorescent protein, thus enabling simultaneous two-color imaging. The dynamics of free calcium in the ER are imaged in one color, while the corresponding ER structure appears in red. At the beginning of the procedure, cells are transduced with a lentivirus. Subsequently, the infected cells are seeded on coverslips to finally enable live cell imaging. Then, living cells are incubated with the acetoxymethyl ester (AM-ester) form of low-affinity Ca(2+) indicators, for instance Fluo5N-AM, Mag-Fluo4-AM, or Mag-Fura2-AM. The esterase activity in the ER cleaves off hydrophobic side chains from the AM form of the Ca(2+) indicator and a hydrophilic fluorescent dye/Ca(2+) complex is formed and trapped in the ER lumen. After dye loading, the cells are analyzed at an inverted confocal laser scanning microscope. Cells are continuously perfused with Ringer-like solutions and the ER calcium dynamics are directly visualized by time-lapse imaging. Calcium release from the ER is identified by a decrease in fluorescence intensity in regions of interest, whereas the refilling of the ER calcium store produces an increase in fluorescence intensity. Finally, the change in fluorescent intensity over time is determined by calculation of ΔF/F0.

  20. Efficient 1.54-μm emission through Eu2+ sensitization of Er3+ in thin films of Eu2+/Er3+ codoped barium strontium silicate under broad ultraviolet light excitation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Leliang; Zheng, Jun; Zuo, Yuhua; Cheng, Buwen; Wang, Qiming


    Thin films of Eu 2+ /Er 3+ codoped barium strontium silicate were deposited on a thermal oxide Si substrate by magnetron sputtering. Optical properties suggest that after a rapid annealing process, these films can lead to efficient Er 3+ emission at 1.54 μm with a lifetime of about 7.9 ms. Intense 1.54-μm light emission was achieved under broad ultraviolet light excitation through efficient energy transfer from Eu 2+ to Er 3+ . These results indicate that the Eu 2+ /Er 3+ thin films have potential applications as low cost and compact erbium doped waveguide amplifiers pumped by LEDs. - Highlights: • The Er 0.07 Eu 0.14 Sr 1.14 Ba 0.79 SiO 4 films are fabricated by magnetron sputtering. • Efficient energy transfer from Eu 2+ to Er 3+ ions by the dipole–dipole interaction. • Intense 1.54 μm emission is achieved under broad excitation spectrum. • The films have potential applications as low cost and compact EDWAs

  1. Phase relationships in the Al-rich region of the Al-Cu-Er system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Ligang; Masset, Patrick J.; Cao Fuyong; Meng Fangui; Liu Libin; Jin Zhanpeng


    Research highlights: → One ternary phase τ 1 -Al 8 Cu 4 Er in Al-rich region with a composition of 59.4-60.4 at.% Al, 32.2-33.8 at.% Cu, and 6.4-7.7 at.% Er is observed in both as-cast and annealed alloys. At 673 K, the binary Al 3 Er phase dissolves about 3.51 at.% Cu. → The calculated solidification paths (based on the CALPHAD method) of as-cast alloys are in agreement with the experimental results. → It can be found that the resultant thermodynamic database can be applied to case studies of as-cast alloys, showing that the literature thermodynamic description of the Al-Cu-Er system is reliable as a working basis for computer-assisted alloy design. - Abstract: The Al-rich region of the ternary Al-Cu-Er system is investigated using the method of X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Phase equilibria in the Al-rich region of the Al-Cu-Er system at 673 K have been obtained, and the microstructures of as-cast alloys in the Al-rich region are also investigated. One ternary phase τ 1 -Al 8 Cu 4 Er with a composition of 59.4-60.4 at.% Al, 32.2-33.8 at.% Cu, and 6.4-7.7 at.% Er is observed in both as-cast and annealed alloys. At 673 K, the binary Al 3 Er phase dissolves about 3.51 at.% Cu. The calculated solidification paths (based on the CALPHAD method) of as-cast alloys are in agreement with the experimental results.

  2. DoSSiER: Database of Scientific Simulation and Experimental Results

    CERN Document Server

    Wenzel, Hans; Genser, Krzysztof; Elvira, Daniel; Pokorski, Witold; Carminati, Federico; Konstantinov, Dmitri; Ribon, Alberto; Folger, Gunter; Dotti, Andrea


    The Geant4, GeantV and GENIE collaborations regularly perform validation and regression tests for simulation results. DoSSiER (Database of Scientific Simulation and Experimental Results) is being developed as a central repository to store the simulation results as well as the experimental data used for validation. DoSSiER can be easily accessed via a web application. In addition, a web service allows for programmatic access to the repository to extract records in json or xml exchange formats. In this article, we describe the functionality and the current status of various components of DoSSiER as well as the technology choices we made.

  3. Hvad er kildekritik?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olden-Jørgensen, Sebastian


    Hvad er Kildekritik? I stedet for at forstå kildekritik som et stringent system, grundlagt af Leopold von Ranke og i Danmark kanoniseret af Kristian Erslev, kunne man med større historiografisk ret og faglig frugtbarhed opfatte kildekritikken som en faglig tradition med tre lag afsat (sedimentere...

  4. Hvad er hjemkundskabslæreren?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Benn, Jette


        En appetizer: De praktisk-musiske fag på dagsordenen Temaet for denne artikel er hjemkundskabsfaget, -professionen og dens praktisering belyst gennem et interviewstudie fra 2008 af lærerstuderende og deres lærere. Dette studie relateres til forfatterens tidligere studie af fag og profession i...

  5. “Når man er tvunget ud i det, er det egentlig meget godt”

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christiansen, René Boyer; Lilius, Karin Marianne; Petersen, Jørgen Haagen


    , er en nødvendighed for kompetenceudvikling understøttet af metoden lektionsstudier samt relevante stilladseringsværktøjer der kan rammesætte udviklingen af undervisningskompeten-cer – i dette tilfælde et såkaldt P-CKema. Desuden peger projektets empiri på at projekter der søger at udvikle...

  6. I dag er eleven altid måske-egnet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hamre, Bjørn


    "Måske-egnet" er i nutiden blevet ophøjet til et pædagogisk ideal, som elever inkluderes og ekskluderes efter. Det ses i de helt særlige forestillinger, der er knyttet til at manifestere sig som lærerende i skolen i dag. Forestillingen om læring ses ikke alene i skolen, men afspejles i en...... samfundsdiskurs, hvor livslang læring er blevet et bærende ideal. Elever i skolen fikseres i en måske-egnethed, der betyder at de aldrig for alvor dømmes ude, men heller aldrig kan føles sig sikre på at være indenfor. Hvor elever tidligere blev dømt ude på grund af manglende evner, omfattes elever i dag af et...

  7. Metformin enhances tamoxifen-mediated tumor growth inhibition in ER-positive breast carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ma, Ji; Zhang, Jian; Liu, Wenchao; Guo, Yan; Chen, Suning; Zhong, Cuiping; Xue, Yan; Zhang, Yuan; Lai, Xiaofeng; Wei, Yifang; Yu, Shentong


    Tamoxifen, an endocrine therapy drug used to treat breast cancer, is designed to interrupt estrogen signaling by blocking the estrogen receptor (ER). However, many ER-positive patients are low reactive or resistant to tamoxifen. Metformin is a widely used anti-diabetic drug with noteworthy anti-cancer effects. We investigated whether metformin has the additive effects with tamoxifen in ER-positive breast cancer therapy. The efficacy of metformin alone and in combination with tamoxifen against ER-positive breast cancer was analyzed by cell survival, DNA replication activity, plate colony formation, soft-agar, flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, and nude mice model assays. The involved signaling pathways were detected by western blot assay. When metformin was combined with tamoxifen, the concentration of tamoxifen required for growth inhibition was substantially reduced. Moreover, metformin enhanced tamoxifen-mediated inhibition of proliferation, DNA replication activity, colony formation, soft-agar colony formation, and induction of apoptosis in ER-positive breast cancer cells. In addition, these tamoxifen-induced effects that were enhanced by metformin may be involved in the bax/bcl-2 apoptotic pathway and the AMPK/mTOR/p70S6 growth pathway. Finally, two-drug combination therapy significantly inhibited tumor growth in vivo. The present work shows that metformin and tamoxifen additively inhibited the growth and augmented the apoptosis of ER-positive breast cancer cells. It provides leads for future research on this drug combination for the treatment of ER-positive breast cancer

  8. Magnetic phase transitions in Er7Rh3 studied on single crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsutaoka, Takanori; Obata, Keisuke; Cheyvuth, Seng; Koyama, Keiichi


    Highlights: • Magnetic and electrical properties of Er 7 Rh 3 were studied on single crystals. • The magnetic phase diagram along the c-axis was constructed. • The field-induced magnetic transitions in Er 7 Rh 3 can be explained by the magnetic structure with two magnetic propagation vectors. • The anomalies of electrical resistivity can also be described by the magnetic structure in Er 7 Rh 3 . - Abstract: Magnetic phase transitions in Er 7 Rh 3 with the Th 7 Fe 3 type hexagonal structure have been studied on single crystals by measuring magnetization, magnetic susceptibility and electrical resistivity. Er 7 Rh 3 possesses antiferromagnetic state below T N = 13 K. In the ordered state, the two successive magnetic transitions at T t1 = 6.2 K and T t2 = 4.5 K were observed. Several field-induced magnetic transitions were also observed along the a- and c-axes below T N ; magnetic field H – temperature T phase diagram along the c-axis was constructed. The field-induced magnetic transitions in Er 7 Rh 3 can be explained by the magnetic structure with two magnetic propagation vectors which were derived by the previous neutron diffraction studies. Electrical resistivity shows humps just below the magnetic transition temperatures, T N and T t1 due to the super-zone gap formation at the Fermi level; these anomalies can also be described by the magnetic structure changes in Er 7 Rh 3

  9. Sigma-1 receptor chaperones at the ER-mitochondrion interface regulate Ca(2+) signaling and cell survival. (United States)

    Hayashi, Teruo; Su, Tsung-Ping


    Communication between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondrion is important for bioenergetics and cellular survival. The ER supplies Ca(2+) directly to mitochondria via inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors (IP3Rs) at close contacts between the two organelles referred to as mitochondrion-associated ER membrane (MAM). We found here that the ER protein sigma-1 receptor (Sig-1R), which is implicated in neuroprotection, carcinogenesis, and neuroplasticity, is a Ca(2+)-sensitive and ligand-operated receptor chaperone at MAM. Normally, Sig-1Rs form a complex at MAM with another chaperone, BiP. Upon ER Ca(2+) depletion or via ligand stimulation, Sig-1Rs dissociate from BiP, leading to a prolonged Ca(2+) signaling into mitochondria via IP3Rs. Sig-1Rs can translocate under chronic ER stress. Increasing Sig-1Rs in cells counteracts ER stress response, whereas decreasing them enhances apoptosis. These results reveal that the orchestrated ER chaperone machinery at MAM, by sensing ER Ca(2+) concentrations, regulates ER-mitochondrial interorganellar Ca(2+) signaling and cell survival.

  10. ApoER2 Function in the Establishment and Maintenance of Retinal Synaptic Connectivity (United States)

    Trotter, Justin H.; Klein, Martin; Jinwal, Umesh K.; Abisambra, Jose F.; Dickey, Chad A.; Tharkur, Jeremy; Masiulis, Irene; Ding, Jindong; Locke, Kirstin G.; Rickman, Catherine Bowes; Birch, David G.; Weeber, Edwin J.; Herz, Joachim


    The cellular and molecular mechanisms responsible for the development of inner retinal circuitry are poorly understood. Reelin and apolipoprotein E (apoE), ligands of apoE receptor 2 (ApoER2), are involved in retinal development and degeneration, respectively. Here we describe the function of ApoER2 in the developing and adult retina. ApoER2 expression was highest during postnatal inner retinal synaptic development and was considerably lower in the mature retina. Both during development and in the adult ApoER2 was expressed by A-II amacrine cells. ApoER2 knockout (KO) mice had rod bipolar morphogenic defects, altered A-II amacrine dendritic development, and impaired rod-driven retinal responses. The presence of an intact ApoER2 NPxY motif, necessary for binding disabled-1 (Dab1) and transducing the Reelin signal, was also necessary for development of the rod bipolar pathway while the alternatively-spliced exon19 was not. Mice deficient in another Reelin receptor, very low-density lipoprotein receptor (VLDLR), had normal rod bipolar morphology but altered A-II amacrine dendritic development. VLDLR KO mice also had reductions in oscillatory potentials and delayed synaptic response intervals. Interestingly, age-related reductions in rod and cone function were observed in both ApoER2 and VLDLR KOs. These results support a pivotal role for ApoER2 in the establishment and maintenance of normal retinal synaptic connectivity. PMID:21976526

  11. 20 CFR 218.44 - When a remarried widow(er) annuity ends. (United States)


    ...(er)— (1) Dies; (2) Becomes entitled to an old age benefit under the Social Security Act that is equal...) remarries unless the marriage is to an individual entitled to a retirement, disability, widow(er)'s, father...

  12. Med sjefen på Facebook: En studie av ledere som er "venner" med sine ansatte


    Jensen, Anita


    MR690 Masteroppgave i organisasjon og ledelse - utdanningsledelse Formålet med studien er å belyse hvordan aktiv bruk av sosiale medier, i dette tilfellet Facebook, påvirker relasjoner mellom mennesker. Hva skjer når en tar i bruk en websjanger som i utgangspunktet er umiddelbar og uformell, til jobbrelatert og mer formell kommunikasjon? Er det sjangeren eller relasjonen som endres? Søkelyset rettes mot ledere som er “venner” med sine medarbeidere, og problemstillingen er...

  13. "Kven er det som skriv?" Skriveren i romanen Naustet av Jon Fosse

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Natascha Reinhoff


    Full Text Available Når det gjelder romanen Naustet av Jon Fosse er det ikke tvil om at det blant annet – og kanskje hovedsaklig – er „dette noko / skrifta berettar om“. Det er derfor denne romanen også kan kalles for en metaroman. Tematiseringen av skriveren og skriveprosessen i romanen tar ikke bare mye plass på historienivå: Den gjennomsyrer romanen. Nært forbundet med denne tematikken er et fenomen jeg ville kalle for „dobbeltperspektivet i romanen“, og det er dette jeg vil se litt nærmere på her. Selv om romanen Naustet – i god postmoderne tradisjon – i siste – og kanskje allerede i første – instans unndrar seg en fast og entydig tilskrivning av betydning – og slik bevarer sin magi – skal jeg prøve å nærme meg skriveren og dobbeltperspektivet „eit stykke på veg“. Men først et par ord om begrepet skriver.

  14. Synthesis and upconversion luminescence properties of YF{sub 3}:Yb{sup 3+}/Er{sup 3+} hollow nanofibers derived from Y{sub 2}O{sub 3}:Yb{sup 3+}/Er{sup 3+} hollow nanofibers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li Dan; Dong Xiangting, E-mail:; Yu Wensheng; Wang Jinxian; Liu Guixia [Changchun University of Science and Technology, Key Laboratory of Applied Chemistry and Nanotechnology at Universities of Jilin Province (China)


    YF{sub 3}:Yb{sup 3+}/Er{sup 3+} hollow nanofibers were successfully fabricated via fluorination of the relevant Y{sub 2}O{sub 3}:Yb{sup 3+}/Er{sup 3+} hollow nanofibers which were obtained by calcining the electrospun PVP/[Y(NO{sub 3}){sub 3} + Yb(NO{sub 3}){sub 3} + Er(NO{sub 3}){sub 3}] composite nanofibers. The morphology and properties of the products were investigated in detail by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope, transmission electron microscope, and fluorescence spectrometer. YF{sub 3}:Yb{sup 3+}/Er{sup 3+} hollow nanofibers were pure orthorhombic phase with space group Pnma and were hollow-centered structure with mean diameter of 174 {+-} 22 nm, and YF{sub 3}:Yb{sup 3+}/Er{sup 3+} hollow nanofibers are composed of nanoparticles with size in the range of 30-60 nm. Upconversion emission spectrum analysis manifested that YF{sub 3}:Yb{sup 3+}/Er{sup 3+} hollow nanofibers emitted strong green and weak red upconversion emissions centering at 523, 545, and 654 nm, respectively. The green and red emissions were, respectively, originated from {sup 2}H{sub 11/2}/{sup 4}S{sub 3/2} {yields} {sup 4}I{sub 15/2} and {sup 4}F{sub 9/2} {yields} {sup 4}I{sub l5/2} energy levels transitions of the Er{sup 3+} ions. Moreover, the emitting colors of YF{sub 3}:Yb{sup 3+}/Er{sup 3+} hollow nanofibers were located in the green region in CIE chromaticity coordinates diagram. This preparation technique could be applied to prepare other rare earth fluoride upconversion luminescence hollow nanofibers.Graphical AbstractYF{sub 3}:Yb{sup 3+}/Er{sup 3+} hollow nanofibers with orthorhombic structure were synthesized by fluorination of the electrospun Y{sub 2}O{sub 3}:Yb{sup 3+}/Er{sup 3+} hollow nanofibers via a double-crucible method using NH{sub 4}HF{sub 2} as fluorinating agent. The mean diameter of YF{sub 3}:Yb{sup 3+}/Er{sup 3+} hollow nanofibers was 174 {+-} 22 nm. The fluorination method we proposed here has been proved to be an important method, as it can not only

  15. Thermodynamic assessment of the Bi–Er and the Bi–Dy systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Jinsan; Li, Changrong; Guo, Cuiping; Du, Zhenmin; Wu, Bo


    Highlights: • The Bi–Er and Bi–Dy binary systems were optimized. • The first-principles method was used to calculate formation enthalpies of compounds. • A self-consistent set of thermodynamic parameters were obtained. • The experimental and calculated data were well reproduced by the optimized results. - Abstract: Based on the available experimental data, the Bi–Er and the Bi–Dy binary systems have been assessed thermodynamically using the CALPHAD (CALculaton of PHAse Diagram) technique. The formation enthalpies at 0 K of the compounds, Bi 3 Er 5 , BiEr, Bi 3 Dy 5 and BiDy, were calculated by the first-principles method and Birch–Murnaghan equation of state, and the calculated results were used in the present thermodynamic optimization. All these compounds in the Bi–Er and the Bi–Dy systems were treated as stoichiometric compounds. The liquid phase was modeled as a substitutional solution phase based on random mixing of the constituent atoms and the excess Gibbs energy was formulated with the Redlich–Kister polynomial. Good agreements were obtained between the calculated results and the experimental data for both the thermochemical properties and the phase equilibrium relations

  16. Er gulvet grim og skummel, så ring til Hummel

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brügger, Niels

    for at komme med et bud på. Bogen bygger på over 300 slogans, som forfatteren har indsamlet gennem flere år. Niels Brügger er lektor i medievidenskab ved Institut for Informations- og Medievidenskab, Aarhus Universitet. Til daglig forsker han i internettets historie — de sjove slogans er en hobby....

  17. High multi-photon visible upconversion emissions of Er{sup 3+} singly doped BiOCl microcrystals: A photon avalanche of Er{sup 3+} induced by 980 nm excitation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Yongjin; Song, Zhiguo, E-mail:; Li, Chen; Wan, Ronghua; Qiu, Jianbei; Yang, Zhengwen; Yin, Zhaoyi; Yang, Yong; Zhou, Dacheng; Wang, Qi [School of Materials Science and Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650093 (China)


    Under 980 nm excitation, high multi-photon upconversion (UC) emission from the {sup 2}H{sub 11/2}/{sup 4}S{sub 3/2} (green) and {sup 4}F{sub 9/2} (red) levels of Er{sup 3+} ions were observed from Er{sup 3+} singly doped BiOCl microcrystals. These high-energy excited states were populated by a three to ten photon UC process conditionally, which depended on the pump power density and the Er{sup 3+} ion doping concentration, characterizing as a hetero-looping enhanced energy transfer avalanche UC process. UC emission lifetime and Raman analysis suggest that the unusual UC phenomena are initiated by the new and intense phonon vibration modes of BiOCl lattices due to Er{sup 3+} ions doping.

  18. Using Informal Articles in Extensive Reading (ER Program: A Personal Experience

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chothibul Umam


    Full Text Available In this digital age, informal articles which contain some valuable informations and extensive input to develop the learners’ language proficiency are easily found on internet or other reading sources. Unfortunately most literature shows that informal articles are not widely used in extensive reading (henceforth ER program. For this reason, the paper introduces steps procedure in using informal articles as authentic material in one semester ER program for Indonesian EFL college learners. The procedure is developed on the basis of my great interest in creating innovative way in teaching ER at one of the State Institute for Islamic Studies in Indonesia. The proposed steps are expected to be an alternative pathway in teaching ER for English teachers particularly at a college-university level. Keywords: Extensive Reading, informal article.Copyright © 2015 by Al-Ta'lim All right reserved

  19. Viking Link er en risikofyldt investering af broget kulør

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mathiesen, Brian Vad; Lund, Henrik; Djørup, Søren Roth


    Danmark har planer om at bygge en kabelforbindelse til England ved navn Viking Link. Dette er et investeringsprojekt til 11 mia. kroner. Vi har tidligere forholdt os kritisk til ikke blot selve investeringen, men også processen bag investeringsbeslutningen, der er foregået uden, at offentligheden...... har kunnet få indblik i beslutningsgrundlaget. Tilbage står, at Viking Link er en risikofri investering for de danske elproducenter, som får alle fordelene, men er særdeles risikofyldt for de danske elforbrugere, som står tilbage med regningen, hvis forudsætningerne ikke holder. Desuden findes...... alternativer, hvor vi som samfund får mere for pengene, men økonomien i disse alternativer forringes, hvis vi bygger Viking Link. Vi anbefaler, at man som minimum udskyder Viking Link, til vi har realiseret de bedre alternativer....

  20. Completion report for Well Cluster ER-20-6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Well Cluster ER-20-6 drilling and completion project was conducted during February, March, and April of 1996 in support of the Nevada Environmental Restoration Project at the Nevada Test Site (NTS), Nye County, Nevada. This project is part of the DOE's Underground Test Area (UGTA) subproject at the NTS. The primary UGTA tasks include collecting geological, geophysical, and hydrological data from new and existing wells to define groundwater quality as well as pathways and rates of groundwater migration at the NTS. A program of drilling wells near the sites of selected underground nuclear tests (near-field drilling) was implemented as part of the UGTA subproject to obtain site-specific data on the nature and extent of migration of radionuclides produced by an underground nuclear explosion. The ER-20-6 near-field drilling project was originally planned to be very similar to that recently conducted at Well Cluster ER-20-5, which was designed to obtain data on the existing hydrologic regime near the site of an underground nuclear explosion (IT, 1995; IT, 1996a). However, after further consideration of the goals of the near-field drilling program and the characteristics of the BULLION site, the TWG recommended that the ER-20-6 project be redesigned to accommodate a forced-gradient experiment. This proposed experiment is expected to yield more realistic estimates of transport parameters than can be deduced from sampling and testing natural groundwater flow systems

  1. Completion report for Well Cluster ER-20-6

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Well Cluster ER-20-6 drilling and completion project was conducted during February, March, and April of 1996 in support of the Nevada Environmental Restoration Project at the Nevada Test Site (NTS), Nye County, Nevada. This project is part of the DOE`s Underground Test Area (UGTA) subproject at the NTS. The primary UGTA tasks include collecting geological, geophysical, and hydrological data from new and existing wells to define groundwater quality as well as pathways and rates of groundwater migration at the NTS. A program of drilling wells near the sites of selected underground nuclear tests (near-field drilling) was implemented as part of the UGTA subproject to obtain site-specific data on the nature and extent of migration of radionuclides produced by an underground nuclear explosion. The ER-20-6 near-field drilling project was originally planned to be very similar to that recently conducted at Well Cluster ER-20-5, which was designed to obtain data on the existing hydrologic regime near the site of an underground nuclear explosion (IT, 1995; IT, 1996a). However, after further consideration of the goals of the near-field drilling program and the characteristics of the BULLION site, the TWG recommended that the ER-20-6 project be redesigned to accommodate a forced-gradient experiment. This proposed experiment is expected to yield more realistic estimates of transport parameters than can be deduced from sampling and testing natural groundwater flow systems.

  2. Highly scalable, resonantly cladding-pumped, Er-doped fiber laser with record efficiency. (United States)

    Dubinskii, M; Zhang, J; Ter-Mikirtychev, V


    We report the performance of a resonantly cladding-pumped, Yb-free, Er-doped fiber laser. We believe this is the first reported resonantly cladding-pumped fiber-Bragg-grating-based, Er-doped, large-mode-area (LMA) fiber laser. The laser, pumped by fiber-coupled InGaAsP/InP laser diode modules at 1,532.5 nm, delivers approximately 48 W of cw output at 1,590 nm. It is believed to be the highest power ever reported from a Yb-free Er-doped LMA fiber. This fully integrated laser also has the optical-to-optical efficiency of approximately 57%, to the best of our knowledge, the highest efficiency reported for cladding-pumped unidirectionally emitting Er-doped laser.

  3. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER Chaperones and Oxidoreductases: Critical Regulators of Tumor Cell Survival and Immunorecognition

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas eSimmen


    Full Text Available Endoplasmic reticulum (ER chaperones and oxidoreductases are abundant enzymes that mediate the production of fully folded secretory and transmembrane proteins. Resisting the Golgi and plasma membrane-directed bulk flow, ER chaperones and oxidoreductases enter retrograde trafficking whenever they are pulled outside of the ER. However, solid tumors are characterized by the increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS, combined with reduced blood flow that leads to low oxygen supply and ER stress. Under these conditions, hypoxia and the unfolded protein response (UPR upregulate ER chaperones and oxidoreductases. When this occurs, ER oxidoreductases and chaperones become important regulators of tumor growth. However, under these conditions, these proteins not only promote the production of proteins, but also alter the properties of the plasma membrane and hence modulate tumor immune recognition. For instance, high levels of calreticulin serve as an eat-me signal on the surface of tumor cells. Conversely, both intracellular and surface BiP/GRP78 promotes tumor growth. Other ER folding assistants able to modulate the properties of tumor tissue include protein disulfide isomerase (PDI, Ero1α and GRP94. Understanding the roles and mechanisms of ER chaperones in regulating tumor cell functions and immunorecognition will lead to important insight for the development of novel cancer therapies.

  4. ER Stress and β-Cell Pathogenesis of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes and Islet Transplantation


    Kataoka, Hitomi Usui; Noguchi, Hirofumi


    Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress affects the pathogenesis of diabetes. ER stress plays important roles, both in type 1 and type 2 diabetes, because pancreatic β-cells possess highly developed ER for insulin secretion. This review summarizes the relationship between ER stress and the pathogenesis of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. In addition, the association between islet transplantation and ER stress is discussed.

  5. Analysis of the Glass-Forming Ability of Fe-Er Alloys, Based on Thermodynamic Modeling (United States)

    Arutyunyan, N. A.; Zaitsev, A. I.; Dunaev, S. F.; Kalmykov, K. B.; El'nyakov, D. D.; Shaposhnikov, N. G.


    The Fe-Er phase diagram and thermodynamic properties of all its phases are assessed by means of self-consistent analysis. To refine the data on phase equilibria in the Fe-Er system, an investigation is performed in the 10-40 at % range of Er concentrations. The temperature-concentration dependences of the thermodynamic properties of a melt are presented using the model of ideal associated solutions. Thermodynamic parameters of each phase are obtained, and the calculated results are in agreement with available experimental data. The correlation between the thermodynamic properties of liquid Fe-Er alloys and their tendency toward amorphization are studied. It is shown that compositions of amorphous alloys prepared by melt quenching coincide with the ranges of concentration with the predominance of Fe3Er and FeEr2 associative groups that have large negative entropies of formation.

  6. Cocaine induces astrocytosis through ER stress-mediated activation of autophagy (United States)

    Periyasamy, Palsamy; Guo, Ming-Lei; Buch, Shilpa


    ABSTRACT Cocaine is known to induce inflammation, thereby contributing in part, to the pathogenesis of neurodegeneration. A recent study from our lab has revealed a link between macroautophagy/autophagy and microglial activation. The current study was aimed at investigating whether cocaine could also mediate activation of astrocytes and, whether this process involved induction of autophagy. Our findings demonstrated that cocaine mediated the activation of astrocytes by altering the levels of autophagy markers, such as BECN1, ATG5, MAP1LC3B-II, and SQSTM1 in both human A172 astrocytoma cells and primary human astrocytes. Furthermore, cocaine treatment resulted in increased formation of endogenous MAP1LC3B puncta in human astrocytes. Additionally, astrocytes transfected with the GFP-MAP1LC3B plasmid also demonstrated cocaine-mediated upregulation of the green fluorescent MAP1LC3B puncta. Cocaine-mediated induction of autophagy involved upstream activation of ER stress proteins such as EIF2AK3, ERN1, ATF6 since blockage of autophagy using either pharmacological or gene-silencing approaches, had no effect on cocaine-mediated induction of ER stress. Using both pharmacological and gene-silencing approaches to block either ER stress or autophagy, our findings demonstrated that cocaine-induced activation of astrocytes (measured by increased levels of GFAP) involved sequential activation of ER stress and autophagy. Cocaine-mediated-increased upregulation of GFAP correlated with increased expression of proinflammatory mediators such as TNF, IL1B, and IL6. In conclusion, these findings reveal an association between ER stress-mediated autophagy and astrogliosis in cocaine-treated astrocytes. Intervention of ER stress and/or autophagy signaling would thus be promising therapeutic targets for abrogating cocaine-mediated neuroinflammation. PMID:27337297

  7. Link mellem autisme og MFR-vaccine er dårlig videnskab

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ramsøy, Thomas Z.


    En meget omdiskuteret frygt for en sammenhæng mellem MFR-vaccinen og autisme er for nylig manet til jorden......En meget omdiskuteret frygt for en sammenhæng mellem MFR-vaccinen og autisme er for nylig manet til jorden...

  8. Universitetet er også for pædagoger og sygeplejersker

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Kristian


    -teoretiske opgaveforløb, er det en fordel at have kontakter til f.eks. institutioner (skoler, børnehaver, hospitaler etc.), når der skal foretages observationsstudier, interview med videre. Professionsbachelorerne vil ofte have let ved at gennemføre f.eks. observationer og interview, der kræver direkte kontakt med...... liv, institutionerne og professionerne indefra, og samtidig formår at objektivere og kigge på det kendte udefra. De har mødt hjemløshed som lugt, afsavn, smerte, kulde og afmagt, og teorier bliver nu relevante som redskaber til at beskrive, forstå og forklare fænomenerne. Vi påberåber os at være et...... videnssamfund, at alle er entreprenører i eget liv, at vi skal være livslangt under uddannelse. At kreativitet, mobilitet og udvikling er væsentligt for individ og samfund. Der er godt med plads til professionsbachelorerne på universiteterne, og de har masser at komme med, men det går ikke af sig selv – det...

  9. Spectroscopic properties of Er{sup 3+}-doped antimony oxide glass

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ouannes, K.; Soltani, M.T. [Laboratoire de Physique Photonique et Nanomatériaux Multifonctionnels, Université de Biskra, BP 145 RP, 07000 Biskra (Algeria); Poulain, M. [UMR 6226 – Verres et Céramiques – Campus de Beaulieu, Université' de Rennes 1, 35042 Rennes (France); Boulon, G.; Alombert-Goget, G.; Guyot, Y.; Pillonnet, A. [Institut Lumière Matière, UMR 5306 Université Lyon 1-CNRS, Université de Lyon, 69622 Villeurbanne (France); Lebbou, K., E-mail: [Institut Lumière Matière, UMR 5306 Université Lyon 1-CNRS, Université de Lyon, 69622 Villeurbanne (France)


    Highlight: • As a function of Er concentration, glasses corresponding to the 60Sb{sub 2}O{sub 3}–20WO{sub 3}–(19 − x) Na{sub 2}O–1Bi{sub 2}O{sub 3}, xEr{sub 2}O{sub 3} formula were prepared. The quantum efficiency shows that this glass could be promised for laser devices. - Abstract: Spectroscopic properties of Er{sup 3+} ions have been studied in the 60Sb{sub 2}O{sub 3}–20WO{sub 3}–19Na{sub 2}O–1Bi{sub 2}O{sub 3} (SWNB) glasses doped with 0.25 and 0.50 mol% Er{sub 2}O{sub 3} respectively. The Judd–Ofelt parameters measured from the absorption spectra have been used to calculate the radiative life-time (τ{sub r}) and the stimulated emission cross section. The low phonon energy, a reduced quenching effect and a high quantum efficiency of 90% for the 1.53 μm expected laser emission into pumping at 980 nm are in favor of promising material laser application.

  10. MappERS-C and MappERS-V. The crowd source for prevention and crisis support (United States)

    Frigerio, Simone; Schenato, Luca; Bianchizza, Chiara; Del Bianco, Daniele


    The responsibilities within natural hazards at local/regional levels involve citizens and volunteers as first actors of civil protection and territorial management. The prevention implicates the capacities of professional operators and technical volunteers, but the priority implies now the involvement and awareness of the citizens over the territory they inhabit. The involvement of population creates context-specific strategies of territorial surveillance and management, skipping the limit to face risks only when they have to bear impacts on their lives. MAppERS (Mobile Application for Emergency Response and Support) is a EU project (funded under programme 2013-2015 Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection, ECHO A5) which empowers "crowd-sourced mappers" through smart phone applications and sensors, with geo-tagged information, detailed gathered parameters, field-check survey in a contest of geospatial response. The process of development includes feedback from citizens, involving them in training courses on the monitoring as long term objective (raising public awareness and participation). The project deals with the development and testing of the smart phone applications (module MAppERS-V for volunteers, module MAppERS-C for citizens) according to Android SDK environment. A first research described a desk-based investigation on consequences of disasters impacts and costs of prevention strategies in pilot countries. Furthermore a review of state-of-the-art of database management systems (DBMS) in pilot countries and involvement of volunteers/citizens in data collection/monitoring collected basic info on data structure for the development. A desk-based research proposed communication methods/graphic solutions within mobile technologies for disaster management in pilot countries and available smartphone applications linked to centralized web/server database. A technical review is compulsory for a useful design-line for MappERS development, and it is linked with on

  11. Spectroscopic properties of Er/Nd co-doped yttrium lanthanum oxide transparent ceramics pumped at 980 nm

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shao, Yingjie; Yang, Qiuhong, E-mail:; Gui, Yan; Yuan, Ye; Lu, Qing


    (Er{sub 0.01}Nd{sub x}Y{sub 0.89-x}La{sub 0.1}){sub 2}O{sub 3} (x = 0, 0.001, 0.002, 0.005, 0.01) transparent ceramics were prepared by conventional ceramic processing. The Nd{sup 3+} content dependencies of mid-infrared, near infrared and up-conversion emission of Er{sup 3+} pumped at 980 nm were fully presented. Mechanism of energy transfer between Er{sup 3+} and Nd{sup 3+} was also demonstrated. The results showed that co-doping 0.1 at% Nd{sup 3+} into 1 at% Er{sup 3+} doped yttrium lanthanum oxide transparent ceramic enhanced the 2.7 μm emission significantly and meanwhile suppressed the 1.5 μm emission effectively which indicated an improvement in population inversion between Er:{sup 4}I{sub 11/2} and Er:{sup 4}I{sub 13/2}. Moreover, green up-conversion emission of Er{sup 3+} ion also showed a great improvement by co-doping 0.1 at% Nd{sup 3+}. Those great results were attributed to energy recycle from Er:{sup 4}I{sub 13/2} to Er:{sup 4}I{sub 11/2}. The energy recycle was mainly built by the two energy transfer between Er{sup 3+} and Nd{sup 3+} (one is from Er to Nd, another is in opposite way). So, Er/Nd co-doped yttrium lanthanum oxide transparent ceramic with Nd in low concentration can be considered as a promising laser material for ∼3 μm and up-conversion laser application. - Highlights: • (Er{sub 0.01}Nd{sub x}Y{sub 0.89-x}La{sub 0.1}){sub 2}O{sub 3} transparent ceramics were prepared. • The emission of 2.7 μm of Er{sup 3+} ion was significantly enhanced as x was 0.001. • The emission of 1.5 μm of Er{sup 3+} ion was suppressed greatly by co-doping Nd{sup 3+} ion. • Mechanism of Er–Nd energy transfer was discussed by the energy sketch.

  12. Experimental and thermodynamic study of the Er-H-Zr ternary system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mascaro, A.


    This work at CEA is being achieved in the framework of the development of an innovating concept including the neutronic solid burnable poison, such as erbium, inside the cladding of pressurized water reactors. These new claddings are constituted by a liner of a zirconium base alloy slightly enriched in erbium between two liners of industrial zirconium alloys. Into the reactor core, the water dissociates at the surface of the cladding. So it is interesting to evaluate the interactions between the hydrogen released and the Zr-Er alloy. To do so, the Er-H-Zr ternary system has to be determined such similarly to its associated binaries. This can be done by experimental determination and by thermodynamic modelling. Both techniques were used in this work. Er-Zr and H-Zr have already been studied experimentally and modelled, but the Er-H binary system is almost unknown. So, we studied it experimentally. Then, it has been modelled using the Calphad method. We obtain a new evaluation of the Er-H binary system with phases limits rather different than what has been proposed in the literature. In order to determine the phase limits and, the potential existence of a ternary compound in the Er-H-Zr ternary system, an experimental study has been carried out. An original technique has been used to obtain the chemical compositions: ERDA combined with RBS. In this study, we propose a new isothermal section at 350 C of the Er-H-Zr ternary system. About the modelling, the compatibility of the three modelled binaries has been checked in order to optimize the ternary system by the projection of the three binaries. The calculation obtained is in good agreement with the experimental isothermal section at 350 C determined in our work. Finally, uniaxial tensile test campaigns have been conducted to evaluate the impact of erbium and/or hydrogen on the mechanical properties of an industrial zirconium pure alloy. We evidenced a hardening effect of erbium and hydrogen but these effects are not

  13. Carsten Jensens Afghanistan er en øvelse i kreativ kildebrug

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vestenskov, David


    Carsten Jensen ophøjer det værst tænkelige til et generelt billede på tingenes ringe tilstand i Afghanistan. Det bringer Jensens Afghanistan-fortælling op på siden af Lars Hedegaards argumentation om, at æresdrab og voldtægter blandt muslimer er et generelt problem. Det er uredeligt, usagligt og...

  14. Pre-emptive Quality Control Protects the ER from Protein Overload via the Proximity of ERAD Components and SRP

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hisae Kadowaki


    Full Text Available Cells possess ER quality control systems to adapt to ER stress and maintain their function. ER-stress-induced pre-emptive quality control (ER pQC selectively degrades ER proteins via translocational attenuation during ER stress. However, the molecular mechanism underlying this process remains unclear. Here, we find that most newly synthesized endogenous transthyretin proteins are rerouted to the cytosol without cleavage of the signal peptide, resulting in proteasomal degradation in hepatocytes during ER stress. Derlin family proteins (Derlins, which are ER-associated degradation components, reroute specific ER proteins, but not ER chaperones, from the translocon to the proteasome through interactions with the signal recognition particle (SRP. Moreover, the cytosolic chaperone Bag6 and the AAA-ATPase p97 contribute to the degradation of ER pQC substrates. These findings demonstrate that Derlins-mediated substrate-specific rerouting and Bag6- and p97-mediated effective degradation contribute to the maintenance of ER homeostasis without the need for translocation.

  15. CBS-institutleder: Der er masser af muligheder i blockchain

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Damsgaard, Jan


    Flere virksomheder fokuserer på blockchain, ligesom flere iværksættere og uddannelsesinstitutioner også gør. Derfor er der masser af muligheder i blockchain, der venter på at blive taget i brug......Flere virksomheder fokuserer på blockchain, ligesom flere iværksættere og uddannelsesinstitutioner også gør. Derfor er der masser af muligheder i blockchain, der venter på at blive taget i brug...

  16. Radonsikring af boliger er et overset forretningsområde

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kirkeskov, Jesper


    I mange boliger er der for meget radon i luften og dermed øget risiko for lungekræft. Men kun få af byggeriets virksomheder har øje på radonsikring som forretningsområde.......I mange boliger er der for meget radon i luften og dermed øget risiko for lungekræft. Men kun få af byggeriets virksomheder har øje på radonsikring som forretningsområde....

  17. I CAT bliver high-tech idéer til holdbare forretninger

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sønderberg Petersen, L.


    CAT er en kompetent og risikovillig medspiller når højteknologisk forskning skal omsættes til holdbar forretning.......CAT er en kompetent og risikovillig medspiller når højteknologisk forskning skal omsættes til holdbar forretning....

  18. Magnetic properties of ErGa3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murasik, A.; Czopnik, A.; Keller, L.; Fischer, P.


    Bulk magnetization measurements and magnetic phase diagram for ErGa 3 show that zero-external magnetic field it undergoes two successive transitions at T 1 = 2.6 K and T 2 = 2.8 K, respectively. Its magnetic ordering examined by neutron diffraction, can be derived from the so-called [1/2, 1/2, 0] structure, i.e. one in which the successive antiparallel (110) sheets of spins have additionally superimposed on them a sinusoidal modulation parallel to the [100] axis. The temperature dependence of neutron diffraction diagrams studied with powder and single crystal samples revealed, that in the range of (2.6 - 2.78) k there occurs an abrupt reorientation of the Er 3+ spins from the [110]-type direction, towards the [100] axis. This rotation can be attributed to the T 1 transition found in the magnetic phase diagram. (author)

  19. Epitaxial growth of Er, Ti doped LiNbO3 films prepared by sol-gel method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takahashi, Makoto; Yoshiga, Tsuyoshi; Kajitani, Naofumi; Takeda, Yuki; Sato, Shoji; Wakita, Koichi; Ohnishi, Naoyuki; Hotta, Kazutoshi; Kurachi, Masato


    Erbium (Er 3+ ) doped lithium niobate (LiNbO 3 ) thick films were deposited on z-cut congruent LiNbO 3 (LN) substrate by the sol-gel method from the 0.20 mol/dm 3 precursor solution containing various Er 3+ concentration and 0.10 mol/dm 3 poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA), and their crystal characteristics were evaluated. The Er 3+ concentration in the LN film was controlled by the Er 3+ concentration in the starting solution. The orientation relationships between Er doped LN films and substrates were determined by X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, and transmission electron microscopy, and (006) oriented Er doped LN epitaxial layers with parallel epitaxial relationships could be grown on the z-cut LN wafer. Moreover, it was made clear from the electron beam diffraction measurements that the film came to be polycrystalline, when the Er concentration was over 3 mol%. The refractive index of Er-doped LN films decreased with increasing Er concentration. 1.5 mol% Ti: 1.0 mol% Er LN films, which acted as a waveguide, were prepared by our so-gel method. It showed the 1530 nm emission by 980 nm excitation, which was considered to be due to the Er 3+ corresponding to the 4 I 13/2 → 4 I 15/2 transition. (author)

  20. COPI-mediated retrograde trafficking from the Golgi to the ER regulates EGFR nuclear transport

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Ying-Nai; Wang, Hongmei; Yamaguchi, Hirohito; Lee, Hong-Jen; Lee, Heng-Huan; Hung, Mien-Chie


    Research highlights: → ARF1 activation is involved in the EGFR transport to the ER and the nucleus. → Assembly of γ-COP coatomer mediates EGFR transport to the ER and the nucleus. → Golgi-to-ER retrograde trafficking regulates nuclear transport of EGFR. -- Abstract: Emerging evidence indicates that cell surface receptors, such as the entire epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) family, have been shown to localize in the nucleus. A retrograde route from the Golgi to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is postulated to be involved in the EGFR trafficking to the nucleus; however, the molecular mechanism in this proposed model remains unexplored. Here, we demonstrate that membrane-embedded vesicular trafficking is involved in the nuclear transport of EGFR. Confocal immunofluorescence reveals that in response to EGF, a portion of EGFR redistributes to the Golgi and the ER, where its NH 2 -terminus resides within the lumen of Golgi/ER and COOH-terminus is exposed to the cytoplasm. Blockage of the Golgi-to-ER retrograde trafficking by brefeldin A or dominant mutants of the small GTPase ADP-ribosylation factor, which both resulted in the disassembly of the coat protein complex I (COPI) coat to the Golgi, inhibit EGFR transport to the ER and the nucleus. We further find that EGF-dependent nuclear transport of EGFR is regulated by retrograde trafficking from the Golgi to the ER involving an association of EGFR with γ-COP, one of the subunits of the COPI coatomer. Our findings experimentally provide a comprehensive pathway that nuclear transport of EGFR is regulated by COPI-mediated vesicular trafficking from the Golgi to the ER, and may serve as a general mechanism in regulating the nuclear transport of other cell surface receptors.

  1. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and cAMP/PKA pathway mediated Zn-induced hepatic lipolysis. (United States)

    Song, Yu-Feng; Hogstrand, Christer; Wei, Chuan-Chuan; Wu, Kun; Pan, Ya-Xiong; Luo, Zhi


    The present study was performed to determine the effect of Zn exposure influencing endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, explore the underlying molecular mechanism of Zn-induced hepatic lipolysis in a fish species of significance for aquaculture, yellow catfish Pelteobagrus fulvidraco. We found that waterborne Zn exposure evoked ER stress and unfolded protein response (UPR), and activated cAMP/PKA pathway, and up-regulated hepatic lipolysis. The increase in ER stress and lipolysis were associated with activation of cAMP/PKA signaling pathway. Zn also induced an increase in intracellular Ca 2+ level, which could be partially prevented by dantrolene (RyR receptor inhibitor) and 2-APB (IP3 receptor inhibitor), demonstrating that the disturbed Ca 2+ homeostasis in ER contributed to ER stress and dysregulation of lipolysis. Inhibition of ER stress by PBA attenuated UPR, inhibited the activation of cAMP/PKA pathway and resulted in down-regulation of lipolysis. Inhibition of protein kinase RNA-activated-like ER kinase (PERK) by GSK2656157 and inositol-requiring enzyme (IRE) by STF-083010 differentially influenced Zn-induced changes of lipid metabolism, indicating that PERK and IRE pathways played different regulatory roles in Zn-induced lipolysis. Inhibition of PKA by H89 blocked the Zn-induced activation of cAMP/PKA pathway with a concomitant inhibition of ER stress-mediated lipolysis. Taken together, our findings highlight the importance of the ER stress-cAMP/PKA axis in Zn-induced lipolysis, which provides new insights into Zn toxicology in fish and probably in other vertebrates. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Vibronic intensities for Er3+ in Cs2 NaErCl6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Acevedo, R.; Navarro, G.; Meruane, T.


    In this current study, we have undertaken vibronic intensity calculations for the absorptions (( 4 I 15/2 ) Γ k ) → (( 4 I 13/2 ) Γ l ) of the Er 3+ in the Cs 2 NaErCl 6 elpasolite type system. This system is extremely complicated to handle from both a theoretical and an experimental viewpoints. This theoretical work shows that over an energy range of about 400 cm -1 , a substantial amount of transitions are likely to take place (about 100 transitions; twenty five of them are magnetic dipole allowed and seventy five are vibronically allowed). It is then a formidable task to identify and assign all of these transitions in a non-ambiguous way. Also the experimental evidence available for these absorptions is related to a total of about twenty lines in the luminescence spectrum of this system. The spectrum itself is very challenging and the superposition of spectral features is most likely to occur. A careful analysis of the calculated vibronic intensities and overall oscillator strengths for the various transitions indicates that the current model used is both flexible and appropriate to deal with this kind of systems. In a forthcoming paper, we will examine the rather unusual high intensity associated with the (( 4 I 15/2 ) Γ k ) → (( 4 S 3/2 ) Γ l ) excitations. (Author)

  3. Von Zetteln und Apparaten. Subjektivierung in bundesdeutschen und britischen Arbeitsämtern der 1970er- und 1980er-Jahre

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wiebke Wiede


    Full Text Available The article examines the governance of unemployment by employment offices inthe Federal Republic of Germany and the United Kingdom in the 1970s and 1980s, which were times of persisting mass unemployment in both countries, focusing on social meanings encoded into the social space of employment offices. Applying concepts from actor-network theory, the article investigates the agency of things in the administration of unemployment, e.g. folders of files, queue numbers or vacancy notices. In particular, the article considers the mechanisation and increasing use of machines and IT systems in German and British employment offices. With regard to processes of subjectivisation, it investigates how the unemployed experienced things and objects in employment offices. While the newly designed British Jobcentre offered jobs as part of a self-service concept, the German employment offices remained in the bureaucratic tradition whereby the unemployed primarily waited for employment counselling and placement. Der Beitrag untersucht Arbeitsämter in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Großbritannien während der 1970er- und 1980er-Jahre, einer Zeit deutlich gestiegener Arbeitslosenzahlen. Im Fokus stehen die Verwaltungsvorgänge, begriffen als soziale Praktiken und Mensch-Ding-Verhältnisse. Mit der Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie fragt der Aufsatz nach der Agency der Verwaltungsdinge im Arbeitsamt: den Bürogestaltungen, Aktenordnern, Wartenummern oder Stellenaushängen. Problematisiert wird besonders die in den 1970er- und 1980er-Jahren durchgesetzte Technisierung der administrativen Vorgänge, also der vermehrte Einsatz von Apparaten und EDV-Systemen in bundesdeutschen und britischen Arbeitsverwaltungen. In beiden Ländern wurde »Selbstbedienung« zu einem neuen Verhaltensdispositiv, das sich in den neu eingerichteten britischen Jobcentres jedoch schneller durchsetzte als im traditionellen deutschen Arbeitsamt, wo das passive Warten weiterhin eine vorherrschende

  4. Completion Report for Well Cluster ER-6-1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bechtel Nevada


    Well Cluster ER-6-1 was constructed for the U.S. Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration Nevada Site Office in support of the Nevada Environmental Restoration Division at the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada. This work was initiated as part of the Groundwater Characterization Project, now known as the Underground Test Area Project. The well cluster is located in southeastern Yucca Flat. Detailed lithologic descriptions with stratigraphic assignments for Well Cluster ER-6-1 are included in this report. These are based on composite drill cuttings collected every 3 meters and conventional core samples taken below 639 meters, supplemented by geophysical log data. Detailed petrographic, chemical, and mineralogical studies of rock samples were conducted on 11 samples to resolve complex interrelationships between several of the Tertiary tuff units. Additionally, paleontological analyses by the U.S. Geological Survey confirmed the stratigraphic assignments below 539 meters within the Paleozoic sedimentary section. All three wells in the Well ER-6-1 cluster were drilled within the Quaternary and Tertiary alluvium section, the Tertiary volcanic section, and into the Paleozoic sedimentary section.

  5. Wolfram syndrome 1 gene negatively regulates ER stress signaling in rodent and human cells. (United States)

    Fonseca, Sonya G; Ishigaki, Shinsuke; Oslowski, Christine M; Lu, Simin; Lipson, Kathryn L; Ghosh, Rajarshi; Hayashi, Emiko; Ishihara, Hisamitsu; Oka, Yoshitomo; Permutt, M Alan; Urano, Fumihiko


    Wolfram syndrome is an autosomal-recessive disorder characterized by insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, caused by nonautoimmune loss of beta cells, and neurological dysfunctions. We have previously shown that mutations in the Wolfram syndrome 1 (WFS1) gene cause Wolfram syndrome and that WFS1 has a protective function against ER stress. However, it remained to be determined how WFS1 mitigates ER stress. Here we have shown in rodent and human cell lines that WFS1 negatively regulates a key transcription factor involved in ER stress signaling, activating transcription factor 6alpha (ATF6alpha), through the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. WFS1 suppressed expression of ATF6alpha target genes and repressed ATF6alpha-mediated activation of the ER stress response element (ERSE) promoter. Moreover, WFS1 stabilized the E3 ubiquitin ligase HRD1, brought ATF6alpha to the proteasome, and enhanced its ubiquitination and proteasome-mediated degradation, leading to suppression of ER stress signaling. Consistent with these data, beta cells from WFS1-deficient mice and lymphocytes from patients with Wolfram syndrome exhibited dysregulated ER stress signaling through upregulation of ATF6alpha and downregulation of HRD1. These results reveal a role for WFS1 in the negative regulation of ER stress signaling and in the pathogenesis of diseases involving chronic, unresolvable ER stress, such as pancreatic beta cell death in diabetes.

  6. Root canal preparation with Er:YSGG laser (United States)

    Benthin, Hartmut; Ertl, Thomas P.; Onal, B.; Schruender, Stephan; Mueller, Gerhard J.


    The high level of efficiency of hard tissue ablation with Er:YAG and Er:YSGG lasers is well known. Of these lasers it is possible only to transmit Er:YSGG laser radiation with OH reduced quartz fibers. Most of the fibers we use in this study were prepared as hemispherical fiber tips. Fifty single rooted teeth were divided into ten groups (n equals 5). After conventional opening of the pulp chamber, root canal preparation was performed in five groups under water only using the laser. In the other five groups preparation with K-files to size 35 was performed before treatment with laser radiation. All teeth were axially separated with direct access to the root canal and examined in SEM investigations. The groups were compared by measuring the areas with patent dentin tubules. Representative areas were examined by TEM. The temperature at the root surface was measured during laser irradiation with thermocouples positioned at several points. The in-vitro study of the effect of the high delivered energy (50 - 100 mJ per pulse) in the root canal showed a good ablation effect. Most of the dentin tubules were opened. The increase in temperature at the root surface was tolerable.

  7. The unpaired spectroscopy of sup 161,162 Er at spins up to 50 Dirac h

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Riley, M.A.; Roberts, J.W.; Alderson, A.; Ali, I.; Cullen, D.M.; Fallon, P.; Forsyth, P.D.; Sharpey-Schafer, J.F. (Liverpool Univ. (UK). Oliver Lodge Lab.); Simpson, J.; Bentley, M.A.; Bruce, A.M. (Science and Engineering Research Council, Daresbury (UK). Daresbury Lab.); Chapman, R.; Lisle, J.C.; Mo, J.N. (Manchester Univ. (UK). Schuster Lab.)


    High spin states in {sup 161}Er and {sup 162}Er have been populated using the {sup 130}Te+{sup 36}S reaction at a bombarding energy of 170 MeV. In {sup 161}Er, three rotational bands were extended from I {approx equal} 35{Dirac h} to I {approx equal} 50{Dirac h}. In {sup 162}Er the positive parity yrast band was observed to I=44{Dirac h}. These rotational sequences are compared to a simple unpaired model which was successful in predicting the behaviour of similar high spin data on {sup 159,160}Er. These studies of the light Er isotopes constitute the highest spins observed in normal deformed nuclei and yield direct and specific information on the single-neutron spectrum of states. (orig.).

  8. Enhanced ~2.7 µm emission investigation of Er{sup 3+}:{sup 4}I{sub 11/2}→{sup 4}I{sub 13/2} transition in Yb,Er,Pr:SrLaGa{sub 3}O{sub 7} crystal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Yan [Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials Chemistry and Physics, Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fuzhou, Fujian 350002 (China); Zhang, Baotong [Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials Chemistry and Physics, Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fuzhou, Fujian 350002 (China); College of Materials Science and Engineering, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou, Fujian 350007 (China); Li, Jianfu; Zhu, Zhaojie; You, Zhenyu [Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials Chemistry and Physics, Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fuzhou, Fujian 350002 (China); Tu, Chaoyang, E-mail: [Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials Chemistry and Physics, Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fuzhou, Fujian 350002 (China)


    The bulk crystal of 5at% Yb{sup 3+}, 20 at% Er{sup 3+} and 0.2 at% Pr{sup 3+} triply doped SrLaGa{sub 3}O{sub 7} (abbr. as Yb,Er,Pr:SLGO) was grown by the Czochralski method. The effects of co-dopant Yb{sup 3+} and Pr{sup 3+} on the spectroscopic properties and the mutual energy transfer mechanism were investigated, via the measurements of its absorption, near-infrared and mid-infrared fluorescence spectra, as well as the fluorescence decay curves of Er{sup 3+}:{sup 4}I{sub 13/2} and {sup 4}I{sub 11/2} levels at room temperature. As compared with 20at% Er{sup 3+} singly doped SrLaGa{sub 3}O{sub 7} crystal, ~2.7 µm emission intensity corresponding to Er{sup 3+}:{sup 4}I{sub 11/2}→{sup 4}I{sub 13/2} transition is enhanced greatly in the Yb,Er,Pr:SLGO crystal. Spectral analyses indicate that the sensitization of Yb{sup 3+} to Er{sup 3+} improves the ~2.7 µm emission in Yb,Er,Pr:SLGO crystal, meanwhile, the depopulation of Pr{sup 3+} from Er{sup 3+} decreases the ~1.5 µm emission and inhibits the self-termination effect. The energy transfer efficiencies of Yb{sup 3+}→Er{sup 3+} (ET1), Er{sup 3+}→Pr{sup 3+} (ET2) and Er{sup 3+}→Pr{sup 3+} (ET3) were estimated and discussed. The above results conclude that Yb,Er,Pr:SLGO crystal is a good candidate for LD pumped mid-infrared laser. - Graphical abstract: As compared with Er: SrLaGa{sub 3}O{sub 7} crystal, ~2.7 µm MIR emissions corresponding to Er{sup 3+}:{sup 4}I{sub 11/2}→{sup 4}I{sub 13/2} transition were enhanced in Yb{sup 3+}, Er{sup 3+} and Pr{sup 3+} triply doped SrLaGa{sub 3}O{sub 7} crystal owing to the sensitization of co-dopant Yb{sup 3+} via ET1, at the same time, ~1.5 µm NIR emissions were weakened owing to the depopulation of co-dopant Pr{sup 3+} via ET3.

  9. Synergism between a half-site and an imperfect estrogen-responsive element, and cooperation with COUP-TFI are required for estrogen receptor (ER) to achieve a maximal estrogen-stimulation of rainbow trout ER gene. (United States)

    Petit, F G; Métivier, R; Valotaire, Y; Pakdel, F


    In all oviparous, liver represents one of the main E2-target tissues where estrogen receptor (ER) constitutes the key mediator of estrogen action. The rainbow trout estrogen receptor (rtER) gene expression is markedly up-regulated by estrogens and the sequences responsible for this autoregulation have been located in a 0.2 kb upstream transcription start site within - 40/- 248 enhancer region. Absence of interference with steroid hormone receptors and tissue-specific factors and a conserved basal transcriptional machinery between yeast and higher eukaryotes, make yeast a simple assay system that will enable determination of important cis-acting regulatory sequences within rtER gene promoter and identification of transcription factors implicated in the regulation of this gene. Deletion analysis allowed to show a synergistic effect between an imperfect estrogen-responsive element (ERE) and a consensus half-ERE to achieve a high hormone-dependent transcriptional activation of the rtER gene promoter in the presence of stably expressed rtER. As in mammalian cells, here we observed a positive regulation of the rtER gene promoter by the chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter-transcription factor I (COUP-TFI) through enhancing autoregulation. Using a point mutation COUP-TFI mutant unable to bind DNA demonstrates that enhancement of rtER gene autoregulation requires the interaction of COUP-TFI to the DNA. Moreover, this enhancement of transcriptional activation by COUP-TFI requires specifically the AF-1 transactivation function of ER and can be observed in the presence of E2 or 4-hydroxytamoxifen but not ICI 164384. Thus, this paper describes the reconstitution of a hormone-responsive transcription unit in yeast in which the regulation of rtER gene promoter could be enhanced by the participation of cis-elements and/or trans-acting factors, such as ER itself or COUP-TF.

  10. Consultation on the implementation of Engineering Recommendation ER G77. Volume 1: Summary report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thornycroft, J; Cotterell, M; Collinson, A


    The paper is a summary report on consultation inside the Electricity and PV Industry leading to publication of ER G77/1: 'Connection of Single-Phase Inverter Connected Photovoltaic (PV) Generating Equipment of up to 5kVA in Parallel with a Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) Distribution System'. Technical work on ETSU/S/P2/0040 is also reported. The project is a continuation of ETSU/S/P2/00215 which set-up the 'ER G77 Working Group' in order to (i) continue consultation with DNOs and the PV industry; (ii) monitor and make use of experience resulting from implementation of ER G77; (iii) act as a forum for discussion of improvements to ER G77; (iv) assist projects like the DTI supported Domestic Field Trial; (v) provide a link to BSI Standards Work in the field; (vi) provide a link with sub-projects investigating questions related to ER G77. Overall, the goal is to develop a final version of ER G77/1 acceptable to both the electricity supply industry and the PV industry. A revised version of ER G/771 is included.

  11. Marginal microleakage in vitro study on class V cavities prepared with Er:YAG laser and etched with acid or etched with Er:YAG laser and acid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tavares, Henrique Dutra Simoes


    Microleakage at the interface between the teeth and the restorative materials remains a problem with composite resin restorations. Microleakage at the gingival margins of class V cavities restorations still challenge as they are usually placed in dentin and/or cementum. Previous studies have shown that the cavity preparation with Er:YAG laser is possible. It has been reported that Er:YAG laser has ability to create irregular surface providing micromechanical retention for adhesive dental restorative materials and to improve marginal sealing. The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the marginal microleakage on class V cavities prepared with Er:YAG laser and etched with acid or with Er:YAG laser and acid, in compared to those prepared and etched conventionally. Thirty human molars were divided into three groups, namely: group I - prepared with Er:YAG laser (KaVo KEY Laser II - Germany) and etched with 37% phosphoric acid; group II - prepared with Er:YAG laser and etched with Er:YAG laser and 37% phosphoric acid; group III (control group) - prepared with high speed drill and etched with 37% phosphoric acid. All cavities were treated with same adhesive system (Single Bond - 3M) and restored with the composite resin (Z100 - 3M), according to the manufacturer's instructions. The specimens were stored at 37 deg C in water for 24 hours, polished with Sof-Lex discs (3M), thermally stressed, sealed with a nail polish coating except for the area of the restoration and 1 mm around it, and immersed in a 50% aqueous solution of silver nitrate for 24 hours. After that, the specimens were rinsed in water, soaked in a photodeveloping solution and exposed to a fluorescent light for 8 hours. The teeth were embedded in an autopolymerizing resin and sectioned longitudinally using a diamond saw microtome under running water. The sections were photographed. The microleakage at the occlusal cavity and at the gingival margins of each specimen was evaluated with scores (0-3) by

  12. Lycopene Protects against Hypoxia/Reoxygenation Injury by Alleviating ER Stress Induced Apoptosis in Neonatal Mouse Cardiomyocytes (United States)

    Xu, Jiqian; Hu, Houxiang; Chen, Bin; Yue, Rongchuan; Zhou, Zhou; Liu, Yin; Zhang, Shuang; Xu, Lei; Wang, Huan; Yu, Zhengping


    Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress induced apoptosis plays a pivotal role in myocardial ischemia/reperfusion (I/R)-injury. Inhibiting ER stress is a major therapeutic target/strategy in treating cardiovascular diseases. Our previous studies revealed that lycopene exhibits great pharmacological potential in protecting against the I/R-injury in vitro and vivo, but whether attenuation of ER stress (and) or ER stress-induced apoptosis contributes to the effects remains unclear. In the present study, using neonatal mouse cardiomyocytes to establish an in vitro model of hypoxia/reoxygenation (H/R) to mimic myocardium I/R in vivo, we aimed to explore the hypothesis that lycopene could alleviate the ER stress and ER stress-induced apoptosis in H/R-injury. We observed that lycopene alleviated the H/R injury as revealed by improving cell viability and reducing apoptosis, suppressed reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and improved the phosphorylated AMPK expression, attenuated ER stress as evidenced by decreasing the expression of GRP78, ATF6 mRNA, sXbp-1 mRNA, eIF2α mRNA and eIF2α phosphorylation, alleviated ER stress-induced apoptosis as manifested by reducing CHOP/GADD153 expression, the ratio of Bax/Bcl-2, caspase-12 and caspase-3 activity in H/R-treated cardiomyocytes. Thapsigargin (TG) is a potent ER stress inducer and used to elicit ER stress of cardiomyocytes. Our results showed that lycopene was able to prevent TG-induced ER stress as reflected by attenuating the protein expression of GRP78 and CHOP/GADD153 compared to TG group, significantly improve TG-caused a loss of cell viability and decrease apoptosis in TG-treated cardiomyocytes. These results suggest that the protective effects of lycopene on H/R-injury are, at least in part, through alleviating ER stress and ER stress-induced apoptosis in neonatal mouse cardiomyocytes. PMID:26291709

  13. Influence of Er3+/Yb3+ concentration ratio on the down-conversion and up-conversion luminescence and lifetime in GdVO4:Er3+/Yb3+ microcrystals

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gavrilović T.V.


    Full Text Available In this paper, we studied the effects of Er3+/Yb3+ concentration ratio on structural, morphological and luminescence properties of GdVO4:Er3+/Yb3+ green phosphors prepared by a high-temperature solid state method. The samples with different concentrations (between 0.5 to 2 mol% of dopant Er3+ emitting ions and different concentrations (between 5 to 20 mol% of sensitizer ions (Yb3+ were studied. The phosphors were characterized by the X-ray diffraction (XRD, scanning electron microscopy (SEM and photoluminescence spectroscopy. For all samples, XRD diffraction patterns confirmed a formation of a pure GdVO4 phase, while the SEM showed that the materials are comprised of chunks of deformed particles with an average diameter ranging from approximately 2 μm to 8 μm. Both, down-conversion and up-conversion emission spectra of GdVO4:Er3+/Yb3+ samples, under near UV and IR excitations, exhibit two strong emission bands in the green spectral region at 525 nm and 552 nm wavelengths corresponding to 2H11/2 →4I15/2 and 4S3/2 → 4I15/2 electronic transitions of Er3+ ions. The intensity of the green emission was changed by changing the Er3+/Yb3+ concentration ratio. This dual-mode luminescence makes these materials ideal as green phosphors for a wide variety of applications in the fields of bioanalysis and biomedical. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 45020 i br. 172056

  14. ER Stress-Mediated Signaling: Action Potential and Ca(2+) as Key Players. (United States)

    Bahar, Entaz; Kim, Hyongsuk; Yoon, Hyonok


    The proper functioning of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is crucial for multiple cellular activities and survival. Disturbances in the normal ER functions lead to the accumulation and aggregation of unfolded proteins, which initiates an adaptive response, the unfolded protein response (UPR), in order to regain normal ER functions. Failure to activate the adaptive response initiates the process of programmed cell death or apoptosis. Apoptosis plays an important role in cell elimination, which is essential for embryogenesis, development, and tissue homeostasis. Impaired apoptosis can lead to the development of various pathological conditions, such as neurodegenerative and autoimmune diseases, cancer, or acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Calcium (Ca(2+)) is one of the key regulators of cell survival and it can induce ER stress-mediated apoptosis in response to various conditions. Ca(2+) regulates cell death both at the early and late stages of apoptosis. Severe Ca(2+) dysregulation can promote cell death through apoptosis. Action potential, an electrical signal transmitted along the neurons and muscle fibers, is important for conveying information to, from, and within the brain. Upon the initiation of the action potential, increased levels of cytosolic Ca(2+) (depolarization) lead to the activation of the ER stress response involved in the initiation of apoptosis. In this review, we discuss the involvement of Ca(2+) and action potential in ER stress-mediated apoptosis.

  15. SIRT7 Represses Myc Activity to Suppress ER Stress and Prevent Fatty Liver Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jiyung Shin


    Full Text Available Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is the most common chronic liver disorder in developed countries. Its pathogenesis is poorly understood, and therapeutic options are limited. Here, we show that SIRT7, an NAD+-dependent H3K18Ac deacetylase, functions at chromatin to suppress ER stress and prevent the development of fatty liver disease. SIRT7 is induced upon ER stress and is stabilized at the promoters of ribosomal proteins through its interaction with the transcription factor Myc to silence gene expression and to relieve ER stress. SIRT7-deficient mice develop chronic hepatosteatosis resembling human fatty liver disease. Myc inactivation or pharmacological suppression of ER stress alleviates fatty liver caused by SIRT7 deficiency. Importantly, SIRT7 suppresses ER stress and reverts the fatty liver disease in diet-induced obese mice. Our study identifies SIRT7 as a cofactor of Myc for transcriptional repression and delineates a druggable regulatory branch of the ER stress response that prevents and reverts fatty liver disease.

  16. Epitaxial growth of matched metallic ErP0.6As0.4 layers on GaAs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guivarc'h, A.; Le Corre, A.; Gaulet, J.; Guenais, B.; Minier, M.; Ropars, G.; Badoz, P.A.; Duboz, J.Y.


    Successful growth of (001)ErP 0.6 As 0.4 single crystal film on (001) GaAs has been demonstrated. The epitaxial metallic layers reproducibly showed lattice mismatch below 5 10 -4 . This is, to the authors' knowledge, the first report of a stable, epitaxial and lattice-matched metal/compound semiconductor heterostructure. The ErP 0.6 As 0.4 /n-GaAs diodes yielded excellent I-V characteristics with an ideality factor of 1.1 and barrier height of 0.88 eV. For a 240 Angstrom- thick film, metallic behavior was observed with resistivities of 25 and 86 μΩcm at 1.5 K and room temperature, respectively. As the other Er compounds ErP, ErAs, ErSb and ErSi 2 , ErP 0.6 As 0.4 presents an abrupt drop in resistivity in the vicinity of the liquid helium temperature, due to a paramagnetic to antiferromagnetic phase transition

  17. Trump er godt nyt for USA’s alliancer og verdensfreden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jakobsen, Peter Viggo


    Trump skræmmer venner til at styrke deres forsvar og fjender til at lade være med at udfordre USA militært. Det er godt for verdensfreden.......Trump skræmmer venner til at styrke deres forsvar og fjender til at lade være med at udfordre USA militært. Det er godt for verdensfreden....

  18. Er der sammenhæng mellem foderudnyttelse, aktivitet og sundhed?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Damgaard, Birthe Marie; Hansen, Steffen W


    Gennem de senere år er minken blevet tungere år efter år, og undersøgelser har vist, at det er muligt at øge foderudnyttelsen gennem avl. Formålet med denne undersøgelse var at belyse aktivitet, kropsvægt og immunstatus hos mink med høj og lav residual foderindtag (RFI) ved restriktiv og ad libit...

  19. Familial CJD Associated PrP Mutants within Transmembrane Region Induced Ctm-PrP Retention in ER and Triggered Apoptosis by ER Stress in SH-SY5Y Cells (United States)

    Wang, Xin; Shi, Qi; Xu, Kun; Gao, Chen; Chen, Cao; Li, Xiao-Li; Wang, Gui-Rong; Tian, Chan; Han, Jun; Dong, Xiao-Ping


    Background Genetic prion diseases are linked to point and inserted mutations in the prion protein (PrP) gene that are presumed to favor conversion of the cellular isoform of PrP (PrPC) to the pathogenic one (PrPSc). The pathogenic mechanisms and the subcellular sites of the conversion are not completely understood. Here we introduce several PRNP gene mutations (such as, PrP-KDEL, PrP-3AV, PrP-A117V, PrP-G114V, PrP-P102L and PrP-E200K) into the cultured cells in order to explore the pathogenic mechanism of familial prion disease. Methodology/Principal Findings To address the roles of aberrant retention of PrP in endoplasmic reticulum (ER), the recombinant plasmids expressing full-length human PrP tailed with an ER signal peptide at the COOH-terminal (PrP-KDEL) and PrP with three amino acids exchange in transmembrane region (PrP-3AV) were constructed. In the preparations of transient transfections, 18-kD COOH-terminal proteolytic resistant fragments (Ctm-PrP) were detected in the cells expressing PrP-KDEL and PrP-3AV. Analyses of the cell viabilities in the presences of tunicamycin and brefeldin A revealed that expressions of PrP-KDEL and PrP-3AV sensitized the transfected cells to ER stress stimuli. Western blots and RT-PCR identified the clear alternations of ER stress associated events in the cells expressing PrP-KDEL and PrP-3AV that induced ER mediated apoptosis by CHOP and capase-12 apoptosis pathway. Moreover, several familial CJD related PrP mutants were transiently introduced into the cultured cells. Only the mutants within the transmembrane region (G114V and A117V) induced the formation of Ctm-PrP and caused the ER stress, while the mutants outside the transmembrane region (P102L and E200K) failed. Conclusions/Significance The data indicate that the retention of PrP in ER through formation of Ctm-PrP results in ER stress and cell apoptosis. The cytopathic activities caused by different familial CJD associated PrP mutants may vary, among them the mutants

  20. Familial CJD associated PrP mutants within transmembrane region induced Ctm-PrP retention in ER and triggered apoptosis by ER stress in SH-SY5Y cells.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xin Wang

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Genetic prion diseases are linked to point and inserted mutations in the prion protein (PrP gene that are presumed to favor conversion of the cellular isoform of PrP (PrP(C to the pathogenic one (PrP(Sc. The pathogenic mechanisms and the subcellular sites of the conversion are not completely understood. Here we introduce several PRNP gene mutations (such as, PrP-KDEL, PrP-3AV, PrP-A117V, PrP-G114V, PrP-P102L and PrP-E200K into the cultured cells in order to explore the pathogenic mechanism of familial prion disease. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To address the roles of aberrant retention of PrP in endoplasmic reticulum (ER, the recombinant plasmids expressing full-length human PrP tailed with an ER signal peptide at the COOH-terminal (PrP-KDEL and PrP with three amino acids exchange in transmembrane region (PrP-3AV were constructed. In the preparations of transient transfections, 18-kD COOH-terminal proteolytic resistant fragments (Ctm-PrP were detected in the cells expressing PrP-KDEL and PrP-3AV. Analyses of the cell viabilities in the presences of tunicamycin and brefeldin A revealed that expressions of PrP-KDEL and PrP-3AV sensitized the transfected cells to ER stress stimuli. Western blots and RT-PCR identified the clear alternations of ER stress associated events in the cells expressing PrP-KDEL and PrP-3AV that induced ER mediated apoptosis by CHOP and caspase-12 apoptosis pathway. Moreover, several familial CJD related PrP mutants were transiently introduced into the cultured cells. Only the mutants within the transmembrane region (G114V and A117V induced the formation of Ctm-PrP and caused the ER stress, while the mutants outside the transmembrane region (P102L and E200K failed. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The data indicate that the retention of PrP in ER through formation of Ctm-PrP results in ER stress and cell apoptosis. The cytopathic activities caused by different familial CJD associated PrP mutants may vary, among them

  1. Spectroscopic properties of Yb3+ and Er3+ ions in heavy metal glasses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pisarski, Wojciech A.; Grobelny, Lukasz; Pisarska, Joanna; Lisiecki, Radoslaw; Ryba-Romanowski, Witold


    Highlights: → Heavy metal glasses doubly doped with Yb 3+ and Er 3+ were examined. → NIR luminescence at about 1530 nm and green and red up-conversion spectra were detected. → The unusual large spectral linewidth nearly close to 110 nm for 4 I 13/2 - 4 I 15/2 transition of Er 3+ ions in Yb-Er co-doped lead borate glass was obtained. → Long-lived NIR luminescence was detected in lead germanate glass. → The NIR luminescence and up-conversion phenomena strongly depend on stretching vibrations of glass host. - Abstract: Selected heavy metal glasses containing Yb 3+ and Er 3+ ions have been studied. Near-infrared luminescence spectra at 1.53 μm and up-conversion spectra of Er 3+ ions were registered under excitation of Yb 3+ ions by 975 nm diode laser line. The luminescence bands correspond to 4 I 13/2 - 4 I 15/2 (NIR), 4 S 3/2 - 4 I 15/2 (green) and 4 F 9/2 - 4 I 15/2 (red) transitions of Er 3+ , respectively. The optical transitions of rare earth ions have been examined as a function of glass host. The unusual large spectral linewidth nearly close to 110 nm for 4 I 13/2 - 4 I 15/2 transition of Er 3+ ions in Yb-Er co-doped lead borate glass was obtained, whereas long-lived NIR luminescence at 1.53 μm was detected in lead germanate glass. The NIR luminescence and up-conversion phenomena strongly depend on stretching vibrations of glass host, which was confirmed by FT-IR spectroscopy.

  2. ER=EPR, GHZ, and the consistency of quantum measurements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Susskind, Leonard


    This paper illustrates various aspects of the ER=EPR conjecture. It begins with a brief heuristic argument, using the Ryu-Takayanagi correspondence, for why entanglement between black holes implies the existence of Einstein-Rosen bridges. The main part of the paper addresses a fundamental question: Is ER=EPR consistent with the standard postulates of quantum mechanics? Naively it seems to lead to an inconsistency between observations made on entangled systems by different observers. The resolution of the paradox lies in the properties of multiple black holes, entangled in the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger pattern. The last part of the paper is about entanglement as a resource for quantum communication. ER=EPR provides a way to visualize protocols like quantum teleportation. In some sense teleportation takes place through the wormhole, but as usual, classical communication is necessary to complete the protocol. (copyright 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  3. Hydrogeology of the Umm Er Radhuma Aquifer (Arabian peninsula) (United States)

    Dirks, Heiko; Al Ajmi, Hussain; Kienast, Peter; Rausch, Randolf


    The aim of this article is to enhance the understanding of the Umm Er Radhuma aquifer's genesis, and its hydraulic and hydrochemical development over time. This is a prerequisite for wise use of the fossil groundwater resources contained within. The Umm Er Radhuma is a karstified limestone aquifer, extending over 1.6 Mio. km2 in the eastern part of the Arabian Peninsula. Both epigene and hypogene karstification contributed to the genesis of what is today the most prolific aquifer in the region. Besides man-made abstractions, even the natural outflows are higher than the small recharge (natural storage depletion). The Umm Er Radhuma shows that large aquifers in arid regions are never in "steady state" (where inflows equal outflows), considering Quaternary climate history. The aquifer's adaption to climate changes (precipitation, sea level) can be traced even after thousands of years, and is slower than the climate changes themselves.

  4. ER=EPR, GHZ, and the consistency of quantum measurements

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Susskind, Leonard [Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics and Department of Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA (United States)


    This paper illustrates various aspects of the ER=EPR conjecture. It begins with a brief heuristic argument, using the Ryu-Takayanagi correspondence, for why entanglement between black holes implies the existence of Einstein-Rosen bridges. The main part of the paper addresses a fundamental question: Is ER=EPR consistent with the standard postulates of quantum mechanics? Naively it seems to lead to an inconsistency between observations made on entangled systems by different observers. The resolution of the paradox lies in the properties of multiple black holes, entangled in the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger pattern. The last part of the paper is about entanglement as a resource for quantum communication. ER=EPR provides a way to visualize protocols like quantum teleportation. In some sense teleportation takes place through the wormhole, but as usual, classical communication is necessary to complete the protocol. (copyright 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  5. ER, p53 and MIB-1 are significantly associated with malignant phyllodes tumor. (United States)

    Munawer, Nurhayati H; Md Zin, Reena; Md Ali, Siti-Aishah; Muhammad, Rohaizak; Ali, Jasmi; Das, Srijit


    Fibroadenomas (FA) are common while phyllodes tumors (PT) are rare and both tumors are composed of epithelial and stromal components. We evaluated the expression status of ER, Bc12, p53, and MIB-1 protein in these tumors. One hundred and ninety-three tumors comprising of 117 FAs and 76 PTs were examined using immunohistochemistry on tissue microarray. The mean age of patients with FA was 28.5 years while the mean ages of patients with benign, borderline and malignant PTs were 41.7, 48.6 and 42.1 years, respectively. Also all types of PTs were large (>Scm). ER showed a strong nuclear staining in the epithelial component of all tumors while ER/3 immunoreactivity was detected in both the epithelial and stromal components ofF A and PT. ER/β (pcomponent were associated with tumor size. p53 expression was significantly associated with both the epithelial and stromal components of malignant PTs (pcomponent (p=0.000). In addition, MIB-1 was also found to be associated with ER and ER/3 in the stromal component (p=0.000). The expression of p53 with tumor size and histological grade in PT may increase the risk for malignancy.

  6. Friluftsinstallationer i træer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skov, Simon; Thomsen, Iben Margrete


    Abebaner, treetop walking, high rope adventure, slackline, træhuse og parkour-baner er alle installationer, som bruger træerne som støtte, enten midlertidigt eller permanent. Den nye sport, turistattraktionen eller team building-redskabet sætter i alle tilfælde træerne på prøve. Der følger positiv...

  7. Decoherence and absorption of Er3+:KTiOPO4 (KTP) at 1.5 μm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Böttger, Thomas; Thiel, C.W.; Sun, Y.; Macfarlane, R.M.; Cone, R.L.


    We present results of laser absorption spectroscopy and two-pulse photon echo decoherence measurements on the lowest 4 I 15/2 to lowest 4 I 13/2 transition in Er 3+ : KTiOPO 4 (KTP—potassium titanyl phosphate) for the optical transition located at 1537.238 nm. This transition was found to have an inhomogeneous absorption linewidth of 950 MHz and pronounced polarization dependence. Two-pulse photon echo decay measurements as a function of applied magnetic field strength at 1.9 K revealed a narrow homogeneous linewidth of 2.5 kHz at 0.2 T that increased to 5.8 kHz at 1.2 T and then decreased to 1.6 kHz at 4.5 T. This behavior was successfully described by decoherence due to Er 3+ –Er 3+ magnetic dipole interactions. Significant superhyperfine coupling of Er 3+ spins to the nuclear moments of ions in the host lattice was observed, modulating the photon echo decay at low magnetic fields and limiting the effective homogenous linewidth at high fields. Combined with the well-established potential of KTP for fabrication of high-quality optical waveguides and integrated non-linear frequency conversion, our results suggest that Er 3+ :KTP is a promising material system for practical spectral hole burning, signal processing, and quantum information applications. - Highlights: • Bulk Er 3+ :KTP has dominant Er 3+ site at 1537.238 nm with Γ inh of 950 MHz and T 1 of 16.9 ms. • Two-pulse photon echoes revealed magnetic field dependent kHz-wide homogeneous linewidth. • Decoherence modeled using direct-phonon driven Er 3+ –Er 3+ magnetic dipole-dipole interactions. • Evidence of superhyperfine coupling of Er 3+ spins to nuclear moments of host ions. • Er 3+ :KTP is a promising material system for quantum memory and signal processing applications.

  8. Study of 162Er via the (p , t) and (p ,p') reactions (United States)

    Kisliuk, D.; Garrett, P. E.; Finlay, A.; Bianco, L.; Bildstein, V.; Burbadge, C.; Chagnon-Lessard, S.; Diaz Varela, A.; Dunlop, M. R.; Dunlop, R.; Finlay, P.; Jamieson, D.; Jigmeddorj, B.; Maclean, A. D.; Michetti-Wilson, J.; Leach, K. G.; Radich, A. J.; Rand, E.; Svensson, C. E.; Wong, J.; Ball, G. C.; Triambak, S.; Faestermann, T.; Hertenberger, R.; Wirth, H.-F.


    The nature of excited states in well-deformed nuclei pose a challenge in nuclear structure. In light of this, the study of 162Er via the 164Er (p , t) and 162Er (p ,p') reactions has been initiated to shed light on the structure of these excited states. The experiments were performed at the Maier-Leibnitz Laboratory using a 22 MeV proton beam on highly-enriched targets of 162,164Er and the reaction was analyzed with the Q3D spectrograph. Strong population in the (p , t) reaction of the 02+ state, far greater than other 0+ states, has been observed. Transition matrix elements for population of low-lying states in the (p ,p') reaction have also been extracted. Initial results from these experiments will be presented.

  9. Minimising Immunohistochemical False Negative ER Classification Using a Complementary 23 Gene Expression Signature of ER Status

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Li, Qiyuan; Eklund, Aron Charles; Birkbak, Nicolai Juul


    with clinical outcome. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Firstly, ER status was discriminated by fitting the bimodal expression of ESR1 to a mixed Gaussian model. The discriminative power of ESR1 suggested bimodal expression as an efficient way to stratify breast cancer; therefore we identified a set of genes...

  10. Svimlende direktørlønninger er vor tids afguderi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Meier Sørensen, Bent


    Det er en ofte gentaget pointe at se valget af Donald Trump til USA's præsident og briternes nej til EUmedlemskabet som den lille mands forsøg på at forsvare sine nationale følelser og sit lokale tilhørsforhold, men man glemmer ofte belejligt, at den lille mands reaktion i lige så høj grad er imod...

  11. Large rotating magnetocaloric effect in ErAlO3 single crystal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    X. Q. Zhang


    Full Text Available Magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of ErAlO3 single crystal were investigated. Magnetization of ErAlO3 shows obvious anisotropy when magnetic field is applied along the a, b and c axes, which leads to large anisotropic magnetic entropy change. In particular, large rotating field entropy change from the b to c axis within the bc plane is obtained and reaches 9.7 J/kg K at 14 K in a field of 5 T. This suggests the possibility of using ErAlO3 single crystal for magnetic refrigerators by rotating its magnetization vector rather than moving it in and out of the magnet.

  12. ER stress is the initial response to polyglutamine toxicity in PC12 cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakayama, Hitoshi; Hamada, Masashi; Fujikake, Nobuhiro; Nagai, Yoshitaka; Zhao, Jing; Hatano, Osamu; Shimoke, Koji; Isosaki, Minoru; Yoshizumi, Masanori; Ikeuchi, Toshihiko


    Persistent endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and impairment of the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) cause neuronal cell death. However, the relationship between these two phenomena remains controversial. In our current study, we have utilized an expanded polyglutamine fusion protein (polyQ81) expression system in PC12 cells to further examine the involvement of ER stress and UPS impairment in cell death. The expression of polyQ81-induced ER stress and cell death. PolyQ81 also induced the activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and caspase-3 and an increase in polyubiquitin immunoreactivity, suggesting UPS impairment. ER stress was induced prior to the accumulation of polyubiquitinated proteins. Low doses of lactacystin had almost similar effects on cell viability and on the activation of JNK and caspase-3 between normal cells and polyQ81-expressing cells. These results suggest that ER stress mediates polyglutamine toxicity prior to UPS impairment during the initial stages of these toxic effects.

  13. ER-α36 mediates estrogen-stimulated MAPK/ERK activation and regulates migration, invasion, proliferation in cervical cancer cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun, Qing; Liang, Ying; Zhang, Tianli; Wang, Kun; Yang, Xingsheng


    Objective: Estrogen receptor alpha 36 (ER-α36), a truncated variant of ER-α, is different from other nuclear receptors of the ER-α family. Previous findings indicate that ER-α36 might be involved in cell growth, proliferation, and differentiation in carcinomas and primarily mediates non-genomic estrogen signaling. However, studies on ER-α36 and cervical cancer are rare. This study aimed to detect the expression of ER-α36 in cervical cancer; the role of ER-α36 in 17-β-estradiol (E2)-induced invasion, migration and proliferation of cervical cancer; and their probable molecular mechanisms. Methods: Immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence were used to determine the location of ER-α36 in cervical cancer tissues and cervical cell lines. CaSki and HeLa cell lines were transfected with lentiviruses to establish stable cell lines with knockdown and overexpression of ER-α36. Wound healing assay, transwell invasion assay, and EdU incorporation proliferation assay were performed to evaluate the migration, invasion, and proliferation ability. The phosphorylation levels of mitogen-activated protein kinases/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (MAPK/ERK) signaling molecules were examined with western blot analysis. Results: ER-α36 expression was detected in both cervical cell lines and cervical cancer tissues. Downregulation of ER-α36 significantly inhibited cell invasion, migration, and proliferation. Moreover, upregulation of ER-α36 increased the invasion, migration, and proliferation ability of CaSki and HeLa cell lines. ER-α36 mediates estrogen-stimulated MAPK/ERK activation. Conclusion: ER-α36 is localized on the plasma membrane and cytoplasm in both cervical cancer tissues and cell lines. ER-α36 mediates estrogen-stimulated MAPK/ERK activation and regulates migration, invasion, proliferation in cervical cancer cells. - Highlights: • ER-α36 is expressed on both cervical cell lines and cervical cancer tissues. • ER-α36 mediates estrogen

  14. 159Ho levels excited by 159 Er EC/β+ decay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kallinnikov, V.G.; Ibraheem, Y.S.; Vaganov, Yu.A.; Stegailov, V.I.; Sereeter, Zh.; Chaloun, P.


    Full text: The present study of the EC/β + decay of 159 Er to the levels in 159 Ho was completed at the ISOL complex of YASNAPP-2 at JINR, Dubna. Single γ-ray and γ- γ-coincidence spectra were recorded with HPGe-detectors. Conversion electron spectra were measured by using magnetic spectrometer 'mini-orange' with Si(Li) detector. Results of γ-ray and ICE measurements previously reported by Boutet [1] and in our laboratory [2] have been investigated very accurately. It was shown, that a number of week γ-transitions does not belong to the isotope 159 Er. The special attention was given to high-energy part of a γ-spectrum where in ref. [3] 50 γ -transitions were attributed to the decay of 159 Er with E γ ≥1838.5 keV. We shall point out, that some of them were attributed to this nuclide unreasonably, as their energies E γ exceed the energy of β-decay of 159 Er (2768.5 keV). The most of transitions which have been listed in [3] according to our analysis belong to impurities. In addition to the results [1,2] multipolarities of several γ-transitions with E γ >500 keV were determined, that allowed to establish quantum characteristics of separate levels in 159 Ho. The existence of transition with admixture of E0-component indicates that β-vibrational states in daughter nucleus are excited. We observed this E0-component in the γ- transition (939.5 keV) in the case of 159 Er decay to the levels in 159 Ho. As in the case of 161 Er decay, it was not possible for us to find out three-quasiparticle states in 159 Ho, predicted by superfluid model at excitation energies E γ ≥ 1.5 MeV by observation of the fast au- β- transitions. This work was supported by RFBR (grant No. 03-02-17395)

  15. Big Data er en meningsskabelsesproces, der tager afsæt i dit mindset

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rydén, Pernille


    flere perspektiver, der ikke er begrænset af dit vante – og ofte lukkede - mindset. Det du ved, og det du har lært/erfaret gennem årene, sætter rammen for, hvordan du ser og fortolker nye inputs, men den gode nyhed er, at når du først forstår dette, er det nemmere at ændre dine tankemønstre og mindset....

  16. Vi snakker jo mye om det, hva er det du kjenner på nå, hvor er det det oppstår?


    Meek, Nina Persson


    Bakgrunn og formål Forskning har vist at ungdom som stammer opplever i stor grad negative følelser og tanker omkring egen stamming (Menzies, Onslow, Packman and O´Brian, 2009; Helliesen, 2006). Ettersom det er en bred enighet på feltet om at en individuell oppfølging og tilrettelegging er viktig for å møte de utfordringene ungdommene som stammer har (Manning & DiLollo, 2007; Howie, 2011; Hearne, Packman, Onslow & Quine, 2008), var det av interesse å undersøke om ungdom opplever at behandling ...

  17. Effect of ultrasmall Au–Ag aggregates formed by ion implantation in Er-implanted silica on the 1.54 μm Er{sup 3+} luminescence

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maurizio, C., E-mail: [Physics and Astronomy Department, University of Padova, Via Marzolo 8, 35131 Padova (Italy); Cesca, T. [Physics and Astronomy Department, University of Padova, Via Marzolo 8, 35131 Padova (Italy); Trapananti, A. [CNR-IOM c/o European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, B.P. 220, F-38043 Grenoble (France); Kalinic, B.; Scian, C.; Mazzoldi, P. [Physics and Astronomy Department, University of Padova, Via Marzolo 8, 35131 Padova (Italy); Battaglin, G. [Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Dorsoduro 2137, I-30123 Venice (Italy); Mattei, G. [Physics and Astronomy Department, University of Padova, Via Marzolo 8, 35131 Padova (Italy)


    Multiple implantations of Au and Ag ions in pure silica and Er-doped silica matrices have been performed to promote the formation of small Au–Ag alloy clusters. Upon annealing in N{sub 2} atmosphere at 600 °C the structural investigation based on X-ray absorption spectroscopy at Au L{sub 3}-edge detected for both cases the formation of Au–Ag alloy clusters, whose size is likely below 1 nm. The alloy composition is rich in Au; a minor part of Au atoms remains dispersed into the matrix and oxidized. In the Er-doped silica, the presence of these small alloy aggregates promotes a strong enhancement of the Er{sup 3+} luminescence at 1.54 μm, that is more marked with respect to similarly produced layers where only pure Au sub-nanometer clusters were present.

  18. The ERS role on Tobacco Control Policy in Europe

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christina Gratziou


    Full Text Available The European Respiratory Society is an international medical organisation that brings together physicians, healthcare professionals, scientists and other experts working in respiratory medicine. Its aim is to alleviate suffering from respiratory diseases and promote lung health globally through science, education and advocacy. ERS has since its founding in 1990 demonstrated strong commitment to tobacco control. Through scientific assemblies, education courses, various alliances and collaboration (Framework Convention Alliance, European Chronic Disease Alliance, World Health Organisation etc. As well as a Tobacco Control Committee (TCC dedicated to advocacy, ERS constantly strives to promote strong and evidence-based policies to reduce the burden of tobacco related diseases. One of the main outcome of the TCC is the creation of Smokehaz, a website aimed at providing policy-makers with scientific information on the Health hazards associated with smoking. Recently, ERS created the Latin-America Working Group which aims at strengthening tobacco control activities in Spain, Portugal and Latin-American countries.

  19. Når det er svært at være ung i DK

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Jens Christian; Sørensen, Niels Ulrik

    Når det er svært at være ung i DK – viden og råd om unges trivsel og mistrivsel er afslutningen på et større forskningsprojekt om unges trivsel og mistrivsel. Hæftet præsenterer forskningsprojektets hovedkonklusioner og giver desuden en række råd og ideer til, hvordan voksne kan hjælpe unge med...... at håndtere mistrivsel. Hæftet er udarbejdet af forskerne Jens Christian Nielsen og Niels Ulrik Sørensen fra Center for Ungdomsforskning. Det er den sidste publikation i forskningsprojektet Når det er svært at være ung i DK, der fra 2008-2011 har belyst unges trivsel og mistrivsel. Projektet bygger både på en...

  20. Wormhole and entanglement (non-)detection in the ER=EPR correspondence

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bao, Ning [Institute for Quantum Information and Matter, California Institute of Technology,Pasadena, CA 91125 (United States); Walter Burke Institute for Theoretical Physics, California Institute of Technology,Pasadena, CA 91125 (United States); Pollack, Jason; Remmen, Grant N. [Walter Burke Institute for Theoretical Physics, California Institute of Technology,Pasadena, CA 91125 (United States)


    The recently proposed ER=EPR correspondence postulates the existence of wormholes (Einstein-Rosen bridges) between entangled states (such as EPR pairs). Entanglement is famously known to be unobservable in quantum mechanics, in that there exists no observable (or, equivalently, projector) that can accurately pick out whether a generic state is entangled. Many features of the geometry of spacetime, however, are observables, so one might worry that the presence or absence of a wormhole could identify an entangled state in ER=EPR, violating quantum mechanics, specifically, the property of state-independence of observables. In this note, we establish that this cannot occur: there is no measurement in general relativity that unambiguously detects the presence of a generic wormhole geometry. This statement is the ER=EPR dual of the undetectability of entanglement.

  1. Wormhole and entanglement (non-)detection in the ER=EPR correspondence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bao, Ning; Pollack, Jason; Remmen, Grant N.


    The recently proposed ER=EPR correspondence postulates the existence of wormholes (Einstein-Rosen bridges) between entangled states (such as EPR pairs). Entanglement is famously known to be unobservable in quantum mechanics, in that there exists no observable (or, equivalently, projector) that can accurately pick out whether a generic state is entangled. Many features of the geometry of spacetime, however, are observables, so one might worry that the presence or absence of a wormhole could identify an entangled state in ER=EPR, violating quantum mechanics, specifically, the property of state-independence of observables. In this note, we establish that this cannot occur: there is no measurement in general relativity that unambiguously detects the presence of a generic wormhole geometry. This statement is the ER=EPR dual of the undetectability of entanglement.

  2. Identification of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I Receptor (IGF-IR) Gene Promoter-Binding Proteins in Estrogen Receptor (ER)-Positive and ER-Depleted Breast Cancer Cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sarfstein, Rive; Belfiore, Antonino; Werner, Haim


    The insulin-like growth factor I receptor (IGF-IR) has been implicated in the etiology of breast cancer. Overexpression of the IGF-IR gene is a typical feature of most primary breast cancers, whereas low IGF-IR levels are seen at advanced stages. Hence, evaluation of IGF-IR levels might be important for assessing prognosis. In the present study, we employed a proteomic approach based on DNA affinity chromatography followed either by mass spectroscopy (MS) or Western blot analysis to identify transcription factors that may associate with the IGF-IR promoter in estrogen receptor (ER)-positive and ER-depleted breast cancer cells. A biotinylated IGF-IR promoter fragment was bound to streptavidin magnetic beads and incubated with nuclear extracts of breast cancer cells. IGF-IR promoter-binding proteins were eluted with high salt and analyzed by MS and Western blots. Among the proteins that were found to bind to the IGF-IR promoter we identified zinc finger transcription factors Sp1 and KLF6, ER-α, p53, c-jun, and poly (ADP-ribosylation) polymerase. Furthermore, chromatin immune-precipitation (ChIP) analysis confirmed the direct in vivo binding of some of these transcription factors to IGF-IR promoter DNA. The functional relevance of binding data was assessed by cotransfection experiments with specific expression vectors along with an IGF-IR promoter reporter. In summary, we identified nuclear proteins that are potentially responsible for the differential expression of the IGF-IR gene in ER-positive and ER-depleted breast cancer cells

  3. Identification of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I Receptor (IGF-IR) Gene Promoter-Binding Proteins in Estrogen Receptor (ER)-Positive and ER-Depleted Breast Cancer Cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sarfstein, Rive [Department of Human Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry, Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978 (Israel); Belfiore, Antonino [Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro, Catanzaro 88100 (Italy); Werner, Haim, E-mail: [Department of Human Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry, Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978 (Israel)


    The insulin-like growth factor I receptor (IGF-IR) has been implicated in the etiology of breast cancer. Overexpression of the IGF-IR gene is a typical feature of most primary breast cancers, whereas low IGF-IR levels are seen at advanced stages. Hence, evaluation of IGF-IR levels might be important for assessing prognosis. In the present study, we employed a proteomic approach based on DNA affinity chromatography followed either by mass spectroscopy (MS) or Western blot analysis to identify transcription factors that may associate with the IGF-IR promoter in estrogen receptor (ER)-positive and ER-depleted breast cancer cells. A biotinylated IGF-IR promoter fragment was bound to streptavidin magnetic beads and incubated with nuclear extracts of breast cancer cells. IGF-IR promoter-binding proteins were eluted with high salt and analyzed by MS and Western blots. Among the proteins that were found to bind to the IGF-IR promoter we identified zinc finger transcription factors Sp1 and KLF6, ER-α, p53, c-jun, and poly (ADP-ribosylation) polymerase. Furthermore, chromatin immune-precipitation (ChIP) analysis confirmed the direct in vivo binding of some of these transcription factors to IGF-IR promoter DNA. The functional relevance of binding data was assessed by cotransfection experiments with specific expression vectors along with an IGF-IR promoter reporter. In summary, we identified nuclear proteins that are potentially responsible for the differential expression of the IGF-IR gene in ER-positive and ER-depleted breast cancer cells.

  4. Transcription regulator TRIP-Br2 mediates ER stress-induced brown adipocytes dysfunction. (United States)

    Qiang, Guifen; Whang Kong, Hyerim; Gil, Victoria; Liew, Chong Wee


    In contrast to white adipose tissue, brown adipose tissue (BAT) is known to play critical roles for both basal and inducible energy expenditure. Obesity is associated with reduction of BAT function; however, it is not well understood how obesity promotes BAT dysfunction, especially at the molecular level. Here we show that the transcription regulator TRIP-Br2 mediates ER stress-induced inhibition of lipolysis and thermogenesis in BAT. Using in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo approaches, we demonstrate that obesity-induced inflammation upregulates brown adipocytes TRIP-Br2 expression via the ER stress pathway and amelioration of ER stress in mice completely abolishes high fat diet-induced upregulation of TRIP-Br2 in BAT. We find that increased TRIP-Br2 significantly inhibits brown adipocytes thermogenesis. Finally, we show that ablation of TRIP-Br2 ameliorates ER stress-induced inhibition on lipolysis, fatty acid oxidation, oxidative metabolism, and thermogenesis in brown adipocytes. Taken together, our current study demonstrates a role for TRIP-Br2 in ER stress-induced BAT dysfunction, and inhibiting TRIP-Br2 could be a potential approach for counteracting obesity-induced BAT dysfunction.

  5. Tunable, diode side-pumped Er:YAG laser (United States)

    Hamilton, C.E.; Furu, L.H.


    A discrete-element Er:YAG laser, side pumped by a 220 Watt peak-power InGaAs diode array, generates >500 mWatts at 2.94 {micro}m, and is tunable over a 6 nm range near about 2.936 {micro}m. The oscillator is a plano-concave resonator consisting of a concave high reflector, a flat output coupler, a Er:YAG crystal and a YAG intracavity etalon, which serves as the tuning element. The cavity length is variable from 3 cm to 4 cm. The oscillator uses total internal reflection in the Er:YAG crystal to allow efficient coupling of the diode emission into the resonating modes of the oscillator. With the tuning element removed, the oscillator produces up to 1.3 Watts of average power at 2.94 {micro}m. The duty factor of the laser is 6.5% and the repetition rate is variable up to 1 kHz. This laser is useful for tuning to an atmospheric transmission window at 2.935 {micro}m (air wavelength). The laser is also useful as a spectroscopic tool because it can access several infrared water vapor transitions, as well as transitions in organic compounds. Other uses include medical applications (e.g., for tissue ablation and uses with fiber optic laser scalpels) and as part of industrial effluent monitoring systems. 4 figs.

  6. Er3+ impurities in KTiOPO4 studied by electron paramagnetic resonance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bravo, D; MartIn, A; Carvajal, J J; Aguilo, M; DIaz, F; Lopez, F J


    An electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) study of Er 3+ ions in single crystals of KTiOPO 4 (KTP) is presented. The EPR spectra show the existence of eight different Er 3+ centres. The g-matrix has been determined for all eight centres from the analysis of the angular dependences of the spectrum in three planes of the crystal. This study provides strong evidence about incorporation of erbium in the low-symmetry K + sites of KTP. Possible reasons for the appearance of such a large number of Er 3+ centres are discussed

  7. ESR evidence of octahedral site occupation in ScH/sub x/:Er

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Venturini, E.L.


    The Er 3+ electron spin resonance spectrum at low temperatures in powdered Sc 9988 Er 0012 H 1 91 contains a GAMMA 7 doublet and associated hyperfine components with cubic site symmetry plus four additinal resonances arising from two distinct transitions with axial site symmetry. The axial lines are attributed to octahedral site occupation by protons in the vicinity of some Er 3+ impurities. The two axial transitions may be associated with two different types of distortions of the GAMMA 7 wave functions or possibly a GAMMA 8 1 quartet state

  8. Ellipsometric studies of ErMnO3 single crystals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Babonas, G.-J.; Grivel, Jean-Claude; Reza, A.


    Ellipsometric studies of ErMnO3 single crystals have been carried out in the spectral range of 1-5 eV by means of photometric ellipsometers. Experimental ellipsometric data were analysed in the uniaxial crystal model. For the first time, the components of dielectric function of ErMnO3 were...

  9. Observation of the pain's elimination during the caries treatment usi ng Er:YAG laser%Er:YAG激光在龋病治疗时消除疼痛疗效观察

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    王威; 刘翠凤; 杜德顺


    目的 探讨Er:YAG激光在龋病治疗中的止痛效果。方法 使用Er:YAG激光治疗9例龋齿,观察临床效果及疼痛情况。结果 治疗过程中实验组患者疼痛得分平均为0.22且均未麻醉,而牙钻组疼痛得分平均为1.6,且2例进行麻醉。结论 Er:YAG激光可以较好地解决龋齿治疗中的疼痛问题。%Objective.To observe the effect of Er:YAG laser in caries treatment.Methods.9 cases of caries teeth treated by Er:YAG laser were reviewed,investigate the patients' response.Results.All cases of laser treatment did not need anesthesia .The average scale of pain was 0.22.The 2 of 9 cases of dental drill group treated with anesthetic.The average scale of pain was 1.6.Conclusion.Er:YAG laser may reduce pain in caries treatment.

  10. Investigation of thermal stability and spectroscopic properties in Er3+ doped bismuth-boron-germanium glasses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nie Qiuhua; Lu Longjun; Dai Shixun; Xu Tiefeng; Shen Xiang; Zhang Xudong; Liang Xiaowei; Zhang Xianghua


    A series of Er 3+ -doped 50Bi 2 O 3 -(50-x)B 2 O 3 -xGeO 2 +0.5 wt% Er 2 O 3 (x=0, 5, 10, 15, 20 mol%) glasses were prepared. The thermal stability, absorption spectra, emission spectra and lifetime of the 4 I 13 / 2 level of Er 3+ ions were measured and studied. It is found that the absorption cross-section of Er 3+ , emission intensity and lifetime of the 4 I 13 / 2 level of Er 3+ increase with increasing GeO 2 content in the glass composition, while the fluorescence full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) at 1.5 μm of Er 3+ is about 79 nm in x=20 mol% glass sample under 970 nm pump. The obtained data suggest that this system glass can be used as a candidate host material for potential broadband optical amplifiers

  11. Experimental investigation and crystal-field modeling of Er{sup 3+} energy levels in GSGG crystal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gao, J.Y., E-mail: [Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031 (China); Sun, D.L.; Zhang, Q.L. [Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031 (China); Wang, X.F. [Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031 (China); Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049 (China); Liu, W.P.; Luo, J.Q.; Sun, G.H.; Yin, S.T. [Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031 (China)


    The Er{sup 3+}-doped Gd{sub 3}Sc{sub 2}Ga{sub 3}O{sub 12} (Er{sup 3+}:GSGG) single crystal, a excellent medium of the mid-infrared and anti-radiation solid state laser pumped by laser diode, was grown by Czochralski method successfully. The absorption spectra were measured and analyzed in a wider spectral wavelength range of 350–1700 nm at different temperatures of 7.6, 77, 200 and 300 K. The free-ions and crystal-field parameters were fitted to the experimental energy levels with the root mean square deviation of 9.86 cm{sup −1}. According to the crystal-field calculations, 124 degenerate energy levels of Er{sup 3+} in GSGG host crystals were assigned. The fitting results of free-ions and crystal-field parameters were compared with those already reported of Er{sup 3+}:YSGG. The results indicated that the free-ions parameters for Er{sup 3+} in GSGG host are similar to those in YSGG host crystals, and the crystal-field interaction of GSGG is weaker than that of YSGG, which may result in the better laser characterization of Er{sup 3+}:GSGG crystal. - Highlights: • The efficient diode-end-pumped laser crystal Er:GSGG has been grown successfully. • The absorption spectra of Er:GSGG have been measured in range of 350–1700 nm. • The fitting result is very well for the root mean square deviation is 9.86 cm{sup −1}. • The 124 levels of Er:GSGG have been assigned from the crystal-field calculations.

  12. Radiation hardening in sol-gel derived Er3+-doped silica glasses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hari Babu, B.; León Pichel, Mónica; Ollier, Nadège; El Hamzaoui, Hicham; Bigot, Laurent; Savelii, Inna; Bouazaoui, Mohamed; Poumellec, Bertrand; Lancry, Matthieu; Ibarra, Angel


    The aim of the present paper is to report the effect of radiation on the Er 3+ -doped sol-gel silica glasses. A possible application of these sol-gel glasses could be their use in harsh radiation environments. The sol-gel glasses are fabricated by densification of erbium salt-soaked nanoporous silica xerogels through polymeric sol-gel technique. The radiation-induced attenuation of Er 3+ -doped sol-gel silica is found to increase with erbium content. Electron paramagnetic resonance studies reveal the presence of E′ δ point defects. This happens in the sol-gel aluminum-silica glass after an exposure to γ-rays (kGy) and in sol-gel silica glass after an exposure to electrons (MGy). The concentration levels of these point defects are much lower in γ-ray irradiated sol-gel silica glasses. When the samples are co-doped with Al, the exposure to γ-ray radiation causes a possible reduction of the erbium valence from Er 3+ to Er 2+ ions. This process occurs in association with the formation of aluminum oxygen hole centers and different intrinsic point defects

  13. Up-conversion mechanisms in Er{sup 3+} doped YbAG crystals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kaczkan, Marcin; Borowska, Maja [Institute of Microelectronics and Optoelectronics PW, Warsaw (Poland); Malinowski, Michal [Institute of Microelectronics and Optoelectronics PW, Warsaw (Poland); Institute of Electronic Materials Technology, Warsaw (Poland); Lukasiewicz, Tadeusz; Kolodziejak, Katarzyna [Institute of Electronic Materials Technology, Warsaw (Poland)


    Up-conversion phenomena leading to the red, green and violet emissions in erbium doped ytterbium-aluminum garnet (YbAG) are investigated. Absorption and emission spectra and luminescence dynamics from various excited states of YbAG:Er{sup 3+} were registered. The low temperature absorption spectra were used to determine Stark levels energies of Er{sup 3+} ion in the investigated host. Emissions from the high lying excited states {sup 2}G{sub 9/2}, {sup 4}S{sub 3/2} and {sup 4}F{sub 9/2} of Er{sup 3+} were characterized under pulsed multi-photon IR excitation in the region of wavelength corresponding to the strong {sup 2}F{sub 7/2} {yields} {sup 2}F{sub 5/2} absorption transition of Yb{sup 3+} ions. Using the rate equations formalism the dynamics of the observed emissions were modeled. From the comparison of the measured and calculated decays the energy transfer rates between Yb{sup 3+} and Er{sup 3+} ions were evaluated. (copyright 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  14. Re-Appraisal of Estrogen Receptor Negative/Progesterone Receptor Positive (ER-/PR+) Breast Cancer Phenotype: True Subtype or Technical Artefact? (United States)

    Foley, Niamh M; Coll, J M; Lowery, A J; Hynes, S O; Kerin, M J; Sheehan, M; Brodie, C; Sweeney, K J


    Expression of the ER and PR receptors is routinely quantified in breast cancer as a predictive marker of response to hormonal therapy. Accurate determination of ER and PR status is critical to the optimal selection of patients for targeted therapy. The existence of an ER-/PR+ subtype is controversial, with debate centred on whether this represents a true phenotype or a technical artefact on immunohistochemistry (IHC). The aim of this study was to investigate the true incidence and clinico-pathological features of ER-/PR+ breast cancers in a tertiary referral symptomatic breast unit. Clinico-pathological data were collected on invasive breast cancers diagnosed between 1995 and 2005. IHC for ER and PR receptors was repeated on all cases which were ER-/PR+, with the same paraffin block used for the initial diagnostic testing. Concordance between the diagnostic and repeat IHC was determined using validated testing. Complete data, including ER and PR status were available for 697 patients diagnosed during the study period. On diagnostic IHC, the immunophenotype of the breast tumours was: ER+/PR+ in 396 (57%), ER-/PR- in 157 (23%), ER+/PR- in 88 (12%) and ER-/PR+ in 56 (8.6%) patients. On repeat IHC of 48/56 ER-/PR+ tumours 45.8% were ER+/PR+, 6% were ER+/PR- and 43.7% were ER-/PR- None of the cases were confirmed to be ER-/PR+. The ER-/PR+ phenotypic breast cancer is likely to be the result of technical artefact. Prompt reassessment of patients originally assigned to this subtype who re-present with symptoms should be considered to ensure appropriate clinical management.

  15. Optical bistability in Er-Yb codoped phosphate glass microspheres at room temperature

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Warda, Jonathan M.; O'Shea, Danny G.; Shortt, Brian J.; Chormaic, Sile Nic


    We experimentally demonstrate optical bistability in Er(3+)-Yb(3+) phosphate glass microspheres at 295 K. Bistability is associated with both Er(3+) fluorescence and lasing behavior, and chromatic switching. The chromatic switching results from an intrinsic mechanism exploiting the thermal coupling

  16. Genome-wide association studies identify four ER negative-specific breast cancer risk loci

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Garcia-Closas, Montserrat; Couch, Fergus J; Lindstrom, Sara


    differences in genetic predisposition. To identify susceptibility loci specific to ER-negative disease, we combined in a meta-analysis 3 genome-wide association studies of 4,193 ER-negative breast cancer cases and 35,194 controls with a series of 40 follow-up studies (6,514 cases and 41,455 controls......), genotyped using a custom Illumina array, iCOGS, developed by the Collaborative Oncological Gene-environment Study (COGS). SNPs at four loci, 1q32.1 (MDM4, P = 2.1 × 10(-12) and LGR6, P = 1.4 × 10(-8)), 2p24.1 (P = 4.6 × 10(-8)) and 16q12.2 (FTO, P = 4.0 × 10(-8)), were associated with ER-negative but not ER...

  17. Et brand er en samtale, men hvem råber højest?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Heidi


    I samtalen om brandet kan der være mange stakeholdere på banen. Spørgsmålet er, hvem der formår at sætte dagsordenen? Det skorter ikke på gode råd og how-to-do-it bøger i marketing branchen, og mange af disse råd er kloge og indsigtsfulde, men ligegyldigt hvilken opskrift man følger, kan man aldr...... kontrollere et brands betydning. Man kan blot forsøge at påvirke det i en bestemt retning. Et brand er nemlig ikke en fast størrelse, det er en social konstruktion, og virksomheden styrer ikke selv, hvilken brandværdi de tillægges af forbrugerne....

  18. [Receptor status (ER and PgR) determined with histochemical and biochemical methods in breast carcinoma]. (United States)

    Simone, G; Paradiso, A; Cirillo, R; Mangia, A; Rella, G; Wiesel, S; Petroni, S; De Benedictis, G; De Lena, M


    Recently, a method similar to ER.ICA has been proposed for the progesterone receptor (PgR) using two monoclonal antibodies, JZB39 and KD68, specific for human PgR and characterized by a molecular weight of 95 and 120 Kd, respectively. A series of 73 breast cancer patients was studied with regards to ER and PgR using both immunocytochemical (ICA) and biochemical (DCC) assays. Results showed no substantial differences between the two methods when considering common clinical-pathological parameters. Overall agreement between ICA and DCC methods was found: 79% for PgR and 78% for ER. A slight quantitative correlation was also observed between the "score values" of the ICA method and the Fmol content of ER and PgR using the Brave-Pearson test (r = 0.49 for PgR; r = 0.43 for ER). Specificity of PgR.ICA method was 77% for PgR and 72% for ER; sensitivity was 82% and 83%, respectively. The ICA method is a reliable technique to assess PgR presence as well as ER. Further studies are necessary to evaluate the prognostic role of nuclear PgR.

  19. Hvad er PET og fMRI?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    B. Paulson, Olaf; Balslev, Daniela; Gerlach, Christian


    Hvilken rolle spiller følelserne for vores tankeliv, og hvorfor har vi overhovedet følelser? I kraft af avancerede hjerneskanningsteknikker er den moderne hjernevidenskab blevet i stand til at besvare disse spørgsmål. Gennem artiklerne i denne antologi, skrevet af ledende danske forskere, bliver ...

  20. Hvad nu hvis sommerfuglen er ekshibitionist?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rösing, Lilian Munk


    Groft sagt vil denne artikel, ved at aflæse hvad hhv. Inger Christensen, Sigmund Freud og Jacques Lacan har at sige om sommerfugle, argumentere for at der er et afgørende skel mellem naturvidenskab og litteraturvidenskab; mellem naturen, dyret, sommerfuglen på den ene side og bevidstheden...

  1. ApoER2 Function in the Establishment and Maintenance of Retinal Synaptic Connectivity


    Trotter, Justin H.; Klein, Martin; Jinwal, Umesh K.; Abisambra, Jose F.; Dickey, Chad A.; Tharkur, Jeremy; Masiulis, Irene; Ding, Jindong; Locke, Kirstin G.; Rickman, Catherine Bowes; Birch, David G.; Weeber, Edwin J.; Herz, Joachim


    The cellular and molecular mechanisms responsible for the development of inner retinal circuitry are poorly understood. Reelin and apolipoprotein E (apoE), ligands of apoE receptor 2 (ApoER2), are involved in retinal development and degeneration, respectively. Here we describe the function of ApoER2 in the developing and adult retina. ApoER2 expression was highest during postnatal inner retinal synaptic development and was considerably lower in the mature retina. Both during development and i...

  2. A conserved endoplasmic reticulum membrane protein complex (EMC facilitates phospholipid transfer from the ER to mitochondria.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sujoy Lahiri


    Full Text Available Mitochondrial membrane biogenesis and lipid metabolism require phospholipid transfer from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER to mitochondria. Transfer is thought to occur at regions of close contact of these organelles and to be nonvesicular, but the mechanism is not known. Here we used a novel genetic screen in S. cerevisiae to identify mutants with defects in lipid exchange between the ER and mitochondria. We show that a strain missing multiple components of the conserved ER membrane protein complex (EMC has decreased phosphatidylserine (PS transfer from the ER to mitochondria. Mitochondria from this strain have significantly reduced levels of PS and its derivative phosphatidylethanolamine (PE. Cells lacking EMC proteins and the ER-mitochondria tethering complex called ERMES (the ER-mitochondria encounter structure are inviable, suggesting that the EMC also functions as a tether. These defects are corrected by expression of an engineered ER-mitochondrial tethering protein that artificially tethers the ER to mitochondria. EMC mutants have a significant reduction in the amount of ER tethered to mitochondria even though ERMES remained intact in these mutants, suggesting that the EMC performs an additional tethering function to ERMES. We find that all Emc proteins interact with the mitochondrial translocase of the outer membrane (TOM complex protein Tom5 and this interaction is important for PS transfer and cell growth, suggesting that the EMC forms a tether by associating with the TOM complex. Together, our findings support that the EMC tethers ER to mitochondria, which is required for phospholipid synthesis and cell growth.

  3. Long afterglow property of Er{sup 3+} doped Ca{sub 2}SnO{sub 4} phosphor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang, Dongyun, E-mail:; Shi, Mingming; Sun, Yiwen; Guo, Yunyun; Chang, Chengkang


    A novel green emitting long afterglow phosphor, Er{sup 3+} -doped Ca{sub 2}SnO{sub 4} (Ca{sub 2}SnO{sub 4}:Er{sup 3+}), was prepared successfully via a traditional high temperature solid–state reaction method. Its properties have been characterized and analyzed by utilizing x-ray diffraction (XRD), photoluminescence spectroscope (PLS), afterglow decay curve (ADC) and thermal luminescence spectroscope (TLS). Three main emission peaks of PLS locate at 524, 550 and 668 nm, corresponding to CIE chromaticity coordinates of x = 0.326, y = 0.6592. An optimal doping concentration of Er{sup 3+} of 2% was determined. The Ca{sub 2}SnO{sub 4}:Er{sup 3+} phosphors showed a typical triple-exponential afterglow decay behavior when the UV source was switched off. Thermal simulated luminescence study indicated that the persistent afterglow of Ca{sub 2}SnO{sub 4}:2 mol% Er{sup 3+} phosphors was generated by the suitable electron or hole traps which were resulted from the doping the Ca{sub 2}SnO{sub 4} host with rare-earth ions (Er{sup 3+}). - Highlights: • A novel green emitting long afterglow phosphor, Ca{sub 2}SnO{sub 4}:Er{sup 3+}, was prepared. • An optimal doping concentration of Er{sup 3+} of 2% was determined. • After the UV source was turned off, the Ca{sub 2}SnO{sub 4}:Er{sup 3+} showed a typical triple-exponential afterglow decay behavior. • CIE chromaticity coordinates results confirmed a green light emitting of the Ca{sub 2}SnO{sub 4}:Er{sup 3+}. • The persistent afterglow of the Ca{sub 2}SnO{sub 4}:Er{sup 3+} was attributed to suitable electron or hole traps.

  4. A sphingolipid-dependent diffusion barrier confines ER stress to the yeast mother cell (United States)

    Clay, Lori; Caudron, Fabrice; Denoth-Lippuner, Annina; Boettcher, Barbara; Buvelot Frei, Stéphanie; Snapp, Erik Lee; Barral, Yves


    In many cell types, lateral diffusion barriers compartmentalize the plasma membrane and, at least in budding yeast, the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). However, the molecular nature of these barriers, their mode of action and their cellular functions are unclear. Here, we show that misfolded proteins of the ER remain confined into the mother compartment of budding yeast cells. Confinement required the formation of a lateral diffusion barrier in the form of a distinct domain of the ER-membrane at the bud neck, in a septin-, Bud1 GTPase- and sphingolipid-dependent manner. The sphingolipids, but not Bud1, also contributed to barrier formation in the outer membrane of the dividing nucleus. Barrier-dependent confinement of ER stress into the mother cell promoted aging. Together, our data clarify the physical nature of lateral diffusion barriers in the ER and establish the role of such barriers in the asymmetric segregation of proteotoxic misfolded proteins during cell division and aging. DOI: PMID:24843009

  5. Hamster endogenous retrovirus (HaER) - distinct properties of structural proteins and DNA polymerase

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goldschmied-Reouven, A.; Yaniv, A.


    The structural proteins as well as some features of the RNA-dependent DNA polymerase of the hamster endogenous retrovirus (HaER) were examined. The polypeptide pattern of this virus is substantially different from that of other known retroviruses in containing major polypeptides with molecular weights of 68000, 59000, 27000, 24000 daltons. Double antibody competitive radioimmunoassays showed that the HaER particles do not share any detectable antigenic relatedness with the murine viruses' p30, but manifest a considerable relatedness with the feline leukemia virus p27 and a slight cross-reactivity with the rat virus major protein. The RNA-dependent DNA polymerase of HaER virus has a molecular size of approximately 73000 daltons and in contrast to other mammalian retroviruses shows no significant preference for Mn 2+ over Mg 2+ . Apart from the lack of antigenic relatedness between the HaER virus proteins and the p30 protein of murine viruses, there is also no antigenic relatedness between HaER and murine viruses insofar as their DNA polymerase is concerned. (Author)

  6. NRF1 Is an ER Membrane Sensor that Is Central to Cholesterol Homeostasis. (United States)

    Widenmaier, Scott B; Snyder, Nicole A; Nguyen, Truc B; Arduini, Alessandro; Lee, Grace Y; Arruda, Ana Paula; Saksi, Jani; Bartelt, Alexander; Hotamisligil, Gökhan S


    Cholesterol is a critical nutrient requiring tight constraint in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) due to its uniquely challenging biophysical properties. While the mechanisms by which the ER defends against cholesterol insufficiency are well described, it remains unclear how the ER senses and effectively defends against cholesterol excess. Here, we identify the ER-bound transcription factor nuclear factor erythroid 2 related factor-1, Nrf1/Nfe2L1, as a critical mediator of this process. We show that Nrf1 directly binds to and specifically senses cholesterol in the ER through a defined domain and that cholesterol regulates Nrf1 turnover, processing, localization, and activity. In Nrf1 deficiency, in vivo cholesterol challenges induce massive hepatic cholesterol accumulation and damage, which is rescued by replacing Nrf1 exogenously. This Nrf1-mediated mechanism involves the suppression of CD36-driven inflammatory signaling and derepression of liver X receptor activity. These findings reveal Nrf1 as a guardian of cholesterol homeostasis and a core component of adaptive responses to excess cellular cholesterol. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  7. A model for the generation and interconversion of ER morphologies


    Shemesh, Tom; Klemm, Robin W.; Romano, Fabian B.; Wang, Songyu; Vaughan, Joshua; Zhuang, Xiaowei; Tukachinsky, Hanna; Kozlov, Michael M.; Rapoport, Tom A.


    The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is an important membrane-bound organelle in all eukaryotic cells. Depending on cell type and functional state, the ER membrane can adopt different morphologies, including a network of interconnected tubules, and sheets that can contain fenestrations or be stacked on top of each other. How these different morphologies are generated is unclear. Here, we present a comprehensive theoretical model that explains the formation and interconversion of virtually all known...

  8. Er:YAG Laser and Fractured Incisor Restorations: An In Vitro Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C. Fornaini


    Full Text Available Introduction. The aim of this study was to analyse the effects of an Er:YAG laser on enamel and dentine in cases of dental restorations involving fractured teeth, utilizing the dental fragment. Materials and Methods. Seventy-two freshly extracted bovine incisors were fractured at the coronal level by using a hammer applied with a standardized method, and the fragment was reattached by using three different methods: Er:YAG laser, orthophosphoric acid, and laser plus acid. The different groups were evaluated by a test realized with the dynamometer to know the force required to successfully detach the reattached fragment and by a microinfiltration test by using a 0.5% methylene blue solution followed by the optic microscope observation. Results. The compression test showed only a slight difference between the three groups, without any statistical significance. The infiltration test used to evaluate the marginal seal between the fracture fragment and the tooth demonstrated that etching with Er:YAG laser alone or in combination with orthophosphoric acid gives better results than orthophosphoric acid alone, with a highly significant statistical result. Discussion. Reattaching a tooth fragment represents a clinically proven methodology, in terms of achieving resistance to detachment, and the aim of this work was to demonstrate the advantages of Er:YAG laser on this procedure. Conclusion. This “in vitro” study confirms that Er:YAG laser can be employed in dental traumatology to restore frontal teeth after coronal fracture.

  9. Energy transfer upconversion in Er3+-Tm3+ codoped sodium silicate glass (United States)

    Kumar, Vinod; Pandey, Anurag; Ntwaeaborwa, O. M.; Swart, H. C.


    Er3+/Tm3+ doped and codoped Na2O-SiO2-ZnO (NSZO) glasses were prepared by the conventional melt-quenching method. The amorphous nature of the prepared glasses was confirmed by the X-ray diffraction analysis. The optical absorption spectrum displayed several peaks, which correspond to Er3+ and Tm3+ dopant ions embedded into the NSZO glass. Both dopants experienced upconversion emission under 980 nm excitation. Efficient energy transfer from Er3+ to Tm3+ was observed in the co-doped samples to enhance the near infrared emission of the Tm3+ ions.

  10. Structure, optical properties and thermal stability of HfErO films deposited by simultaneous RF and VHF magnetron sputtering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, H.Y.; He, H.J.; Zhang, Z.; Jin, C.G.; Yang, Y.; Wang, Y.Y.; Ye, C.; Zhuge, L.J.; Wu, X.M.


    HfErO films are deposited on Si substrates by simultaneous radio frequency (RF) and very high frequency (VHF) magnetron sputtering technique. The content of the doped ingredient of Er and the body composition of HfO x are, respectively, controlled through the VHF and RF powers. Low content of Er doping in the HfErO films can be achieved, because the VHF source of 27.12 MHz has higher ion energy and lower ion flux than the RF source resulting in low sputtering rate in the magnetron sputtering system. The structure, optical properties and thermal stability of the HfErO films are investigated in this work. Results show that the doped content of Er is independently controlled by the VHF power. The oxygen vacancies are created by the Er incorporation. The hafnium in the HfErO films forms mixed valence of Hf 2+ and Hf 4+ . The HfErO films are composed with the structures of HfO 2 , HfO and ErO x , which can be optimized through the VHF power. At high VHF power, the Hf-Er-O bonds are formed, which demonstrates that the Er atoms are doped into the lattice of HfO 2 in the HfErO films. The HfErO films have bad thermal stability as the crystallization temperature decreases from 900 to 800 C. After thermal annealing, cubic phase of HfO 2 are stabilized, which is ascribed to the oxygen vacancies creation by the Er incorporation. The optical properties such as the refractive index and the optical band gap of the HfErO films are optimized by the VHF power. (orig.)

  11. Chironomus plumosus' påvirkning af næringsstofflukse i restaurerede søer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, T. B.; Reitzel, K.; Andersen, F. Ø.

    Den interne næringsstofbelastning af en række danske søer har betydet at disse søer er forblevet i en uklar, algedomineret tilstand til trods for reduktioner i mængden af tilførte næringsstoffer. I mange tilfælde er der derfor efterfølgende lavet et eller flere restaureringsindgreb for at skabe e....... plumosus efter længere tid vil øge bindingen af fosfor.   Andersen,F.Ø.; Jørgensen,M.; Jensen, H.S. (2006). The influence of Chironomus plumosus larvae on nutrient fluxes and phosphorus fractions in aluminum treated lake sediment. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution: Focus....

  12. Functional analysis of CYP6ER1, a P450 gene associated with imidacloprid resistance in Nilaparvata lugens. (United States)

    Pang, Rui; Chen, Meng; Liang, Zhikun; Yue, Xiangzhao; Ge, Hu; Zhang, Wenqing


    The cytochrome P450 CYP6ER1 has been reported to play an important role in imidacloprid resistance of the brown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens, and is overexpressed in most resistant populations. In the present study, we confirmed that CYP6ER1 expression can be induced by certain levels of imidacloprid. Developmental expression analysis revealed that CYP6ER1 was expressed highly in the adult stage, and tissue distribution analysis showed that CYP6ER1 was expressed mainly in the fat body and midgut. RNA interference (RNAi) of CYP6ER1 and transgenic expression of CYP6ER1 in Drosophila melanogaster both suggested that the expression of CYP6ER1 is sufficient to confer imidacloprid resistance. Furthermore, we analyzed the interaction of imidacloprid and CYP6ER1 monooxygenase by using dynamic simulations and molecular docking. We found that Nitrogen atoms in the heterocycle of the imidacloprid molecule may bind to iron atoms in the center of the homology model of CYP6ER1 via 4,5-dihedro-1H-imidazole. This finding contributes to a better understanding of how CYP6ER1 takes part in the insecticide metabolism.

  13. The effects of energy transfer on the Er{sup 3+} 1.54 {mu}m luminescence in nanostructured Y{sub 2}O{sub 3} thin films with heterogeneously distributed Yb{sup 3+} and Er{sup 3+} codopants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hoang, J.; Chang, J. P. [Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, California 90095 (United States); Schwartz, Robert N.; Wang, Kang L. [Department of Electrical Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, California 90095 (United States)


    We report the effects of heterogeneous Yb{sup 3+} and Er{sup 3+} codoping in Y{sub 2}O{sub 3} thin films on the 1535 nm luminescence. Yb{sup 3+}:Er{sup 3+}:Y{sub 2}O{sub 3} thin films were deposited using sequential radical enhanced atomic layer deposition. The Yb{sup 3+} energy transfer was investigated for indirect and direct excitation of the Yb {sup 2}F{sub 7/2} state using 488 nm and 976 nm sources, respectively, and the trends were described in terms of Forster and Dexter's resonant energy transfer theory and a macroscopic rate equation formalism. The addition of 11 at. % Yb resulted in an increase in the effective Er{sup 3+} photoluminescence (PL) yield at 1535 nm by a factor of 14 and 42 under 488 nm and 976 nm excitations, respectively. As the Er{sub 2}O{sub 3} local thickness was increased to greater than 1.1 A, PL quenching occurred due to strong local Er{sup 3+}{r_reversible} Er{sup 3+} excitation migration leading to impurity quenching centers. In contrast, an increase in the local Yb{sub 2}O{sub 3} thickness generally resulted in an increase in the effective Er{sup 3+} PL yield, except when the Er{sub 2}O{sub 3} and Yb{sub 2}O{sub 3} layers were separated by more than 2.3 A or were adjacent, where weak Yb{sup 3+}{r_reversible} Er{sup 3+} coupling or strong Yb{sup 3+}{r_reversible} Yb{sup 3+} interlayer migration occurred, respectively. Finally, it is suggested that enhanced luminescence at steady state was observed under 488 nm excitation as a result of Er{sup 3+}{yields} Yb{sup 3+} energy back transfer coupled with strong Yb{sup 3+}{r_reversible} Yb{sup 3+} energy migration.

  14. Energy Transfer between Er3+ and Pr3+ for 2.7 μm Fiber Laser Material

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiangtan Li


    Full Text Available Energy transfer mechanisms between Er3+ and Pr3+ in Er3+/Pr3+ codoped germinate glass are investigated in detail. Under 980 nm LD pumping, 2.7 μm fluorescence intensity enhanced greatly. Meanwhile, 1.5 μm lifetime and fluorescence were suppressed deeply due to the efficient energy transfer from Er3+:4I13/2 to Pr3+:3F3,4, which depopulates the 4I13/2 level and promotes the 2.7 μm transition effectively. The obvious change in J-O parameters indicates that Pr3+ influences the local environment of Er3+ significantly. The increased spontaneous radiative probability in Er3+/Pr3+ glass is further evidence for enhanced 4I11/2 → 4I13/2 transition. The Er3+:4I11/2→Pr3+:1G4 process is harmful to the population accumulation on 4I11/2 level, which inhibits the 2.7 μm emission. The microscopic energy transfer coefficient of Er3+:4I13/2→Pr3+:3F3,4 is 42.25 × 10−40 cm6/s, which is 11.5 times larger than that of Er3+:4I11/2→Pr3+:1G4. Both processes prefer to be non-phonon assisted, which is the main reason why Pr3+ is so efficient in Er3+:2.7 μm emission.

  15. Structure, optical properties and thermal stability of HfErO films deposited by simultaneous RF and VHF magnetron sputtering

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang, H.Y. [Soochow University, College of Physics, Optoelectronics and Energy and Collaborative Innovation Center of Suzhou Nano Science and Technology, Suzhou (China); Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, School of Tongda, Nanjing (China); Soochow University, Key Lab of Advanced Optical Manufacturing Technologies of Jiangsu Province and Key Lab of Modern Optical Technologies of Education Ministry of China, Suzhou (China); He, H.J.; Zhang, Z.; Jin, C.G.; Yang, Y.; Wang, Y.Y.; Ye, C. [Soochow University, College of Physics, Optoelectronics and Energy and Collaborative Innovation Center of Suzhou Nano Science and Technology, Suzhou (China); Soochow University, Key Lab of Advanced Optical Manufacturing Technologies of Jiangsu Province and Key Lab of Modern Optical Technologies of Education Ministry of China, Suzhou (China); Zhuge, L.J. [Soochow University, Key Lab of Advanced Optical Manufacturing Technologies of Jiangsu Province and Key Lab of Modern Optical Technologies of Education Ministry of China, Suzhou (China); Soochow University, Analysis and Testing Center, Suzhou (China); Wu, X.M. [Soochow University, College of Physics, Optoelectronics and Energy and Collaborative Innovation Center of Suzhou Nano Science and Technology, Suzhou (China); Soochow University, Key Lab of Advanced Optical Manufacturing Technologies of Jiangsu Province and Key Lab of Modern Optical Technologies of Education Ministry of China, Suzhou (China); Chinese Academy of Sciences, State Key Laboratory of Functional Materials for Informatics, Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Shanghai (China)


    HfErO films are deposited on Si substrates by simultaneous radio frequency (RF) and very high frequency (VHF) magnetron sputtering technique. The content of the doped ingredient of Er and the body composition of HfO{sub x} are, respectively, controlled through the VHF and RF powers. Low content of Er doping in the HfErO films can be achieved, because the VHF source of 27.12 MHz has higher ion energy and lower ion flux than the RF source resulting in low sputtering rate in the magnetron sputtering system. The structure, optical properties and thermal stability of the HfErO films are investigated in this work. Results show that the doped content of Er is independently controlled by the VHF power. The oxygen vacancies are created by the Er incorporation. The hafnium in the HfErO films forms mixed valence of Hf{sup 2+} and Hf{sup 4+}. The HfErO films are composed with the structures of HfO{sub 2}, HfO and ErO{sub x}, which can be optimized through the VHF power. At high VHF power, the Hf-Er-O bonds are formed, which demonstrates that the Er atoms are doped into the lattice of HfO{sub 2} in the HfErO films. The HfErO films have bad thermal stability as the crystallization temperature decreases from 900 to 800 C. After thermal annealing, cubic phase of HfO{sub 2} are stabilized, which is ascribed to the oxygen vacancies creation by the Er incorporation. The optical properties such as the refractive index and the optical band gap of the HfErO films are optimized by the VHF power. (orig.)

  16. Er Storm P. en hardcore vagabond?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sortkær, Allan


    Den vagabond, som vi kender som Storm P.s, er ikke en figur, der kom fra en guddommelig inspiration eller deslige. Den var en allerede velkendt figur, før Storm P. tog den til sig, og figuren gennemgik radikale forandringer gennem Storm P.s liv: Krads social satire, hypervoldelig eller hyggelig...

  17. Effect of Er doping on optical transmission and EL spectra of (Zn, Cd)S:Cu phosphors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Patil, P.K.; Nandgave, J.K.; Lawangar Pawar, R.D.


    Powder phosphors((Znsub(0.4)Cdsub(0.6))S)doped with Cu and Er have been prepared under the inert atmosphere of argon. The optical transmission spectra of Cu doped phosphors have been investigated and explained on the basis of copper associated defect states. The improvement of optical transmission of the phosphors due to Er doping has been reported and explained. The EL emission spectrum of (Znsub(0.4)Cdsub(0.6))S:Cu:Er phosphors exhibits two broad bands characteristic of Cu. The absence of characteristic Er bands has been explained as an effect of thermal quenching of Er donor levels. (author). 9 refs., 2 figs

  18. Development of low-cost open source 3D gel printer "RepRap SWIM-ER" (United States)

    Sato, Kei; Basher, Samiul; Ota, Takafumi; Tase, Taishi; Takamatsu, Kyuichiro; Saito, Azusa; Khosla, Ajit; Kawakami, Masaru; Furuawa, Hidemitsu


    Gels are soft and wet materials having low friction, good biocompatibility, and material permeability. It is expected that gel materials will be used as new kinds of industrial materials in the engineering and medical applications. But it cannot build a complicated shape. Soft & Wet Matter Engineering Laboratory developed a 3D gel Printer "SWIM-ER", has enabled modeling of complex shapes of the gel. However, this is expensive. Therefore not all of the gel researchers and the companies have such a device. To solve this problem, we manufacture a low-cost open-source 3D gel printer "RepRap SWIM-ER" from the RepRap. We made the components required to manufacture the "RepRap SWIM-ER" from the 3D printer and chose a light source. In addition, we produced the P-DN gel for RepRap SWIM-ER and conducted the molding test to confirm whether RepRap SWIM-ER can used it.

  19. Photoluminescence of Er-doped Si-SiO2 and Al-Si-SiO2 sputtered thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rozo, C.; Fonseca, L.F.; Jaque, D.; Sole, J.Garcia


    Er-doped Si-SiO 2 and Al-Si-SiO 2 films have been deposited by rf-sputtering being annealed afterwards. Annealing behavior of the Er 3+ : 4 I 13/2 → 4 I 15/2 emission of Er-doped Si-SiO 2 yields a maximum intensity for annealing at 700-800 deg. C. 4 I 13/2 → 4 I 15/2 peak emission for Er-doped Al-Si-SiO 2 at 1525 nm is shifted from that for Er-doped Si-SiO 2 at 1530 nm and the bandwidth increases from 29 to 42 nm. 4 I 13/2 → 4 I 15/2 emission decays present a fast decaying component related to Er ions coupled to Si nanoparticles, defects, or other ions, and a slow decaying component related to isolated Er ions. Excitation wavelength dependence and excitation power dependence for the 4 I 13/2 → 4 I 15/2 emission correspond with energy transfer from Si nanoparticles. Populating of the 4 I 11/2 level in Er-doped Si-SiO 2 involves branching and energy transfer upconversion involving two or more Er ions. Addition of Al reduces the populating of this level to an energy transfer upconversion involving two ions

  20. Spectroscopic properties of Er3+ and Yb3+ co-doped glass ceramics containing SrF2 nanocrystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qiao Xvsheng; Fan Xianping; Wang Minquan; Zhang Xianghua


    The spectroscopic properties of Er 3+ /Yb 3+ co-doped 50SiO 2 -10Al 2 O 3 -20ZnF 2 -20SrF 2 glass and glass ceramic containing SrF 2 nanocrystals were investigated. The formation of SrF 2 nanocrystals in the glass ceramic was confirmed by XRD. The oscillator strengths for several transitions of the Er 3+ ions in the glass ceramic have been obtained and the Judd-Ofelt parameters were then determined. The XRD result and Judd-Ofelt parameters suggested that Er 3+ and Yb 3+ ions had efficiently enriched in the SrF 2 nanocrystals in the glass ceramic. The lifetime of excited states has been used to reveal the surroundings of luminescent Er 3+ and Yb 3+ and energy transfer (ET) mechanism between Er 3+ and Yb 3+ . Much stronger upconversion luminescence and longer lifetime of the Er 3+ /Yb 3+ co-doped glass ceramic were observed in comparison with the Er 3+ /Yb 3+ co-doped glass, which could be ascribed to more efficient ET from Yb 3+ to Er 3+ due to the enrichment of Yb 3+ and Er 3+ and the shortening of the distance between lanthanide ions in the precipitated SrF 2 nanocrystals.

  1. ZmbZIP60 mRNA is spliced in maize in response to ER stress

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Li Yanjie


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Adverse environmental conditions produce ER stress and elicit the unfolded protein response (UPR in plants. Plants are reported to have two "arms" of the ER stress signaling pathway-one arm involving membrane-bound transcription factors and the other involving a membrane-associated RNA splicing factor, IRE1. IRE1 in yeast to mammals recognizes a conserved twin loop structure in the target RNA. Results A segment of the mRNA encoding ZmbZIP60 in maize can be folded into a twin loop structure, and in response to ER stress this mRNA is spliced, excising a 20b intron. Splicing converts the predicted protein from a membrane-associated transcription factor to one that is targeted to the nucleus. Splicing of ZmbZIP60 can be elicited in maize seedlings by ER stress agents such as dithiothreitol (DTT or tunicamycin (TM or by heat treatment. Younger, rather than older seedlings display a more robust splicing response as do younger parts of leaf, along a developmental gradient in a leaf. The molecular signature of an ER stress response in plants includes the upregulation of Binding Protein (BIP genes. Maize has numerous BIP-like genes, and ER stress was found to upregulate one of these, ZmBIPb. Conclusions The splicing of ZmbZIP60 mRNA is an indicator of ER stress in maize seedlings resulting from adverse environmental conditions such as heat stress. ZmbZIP60 mRNA splicing in maize leads predictively to the formation of active bZIP transcription factor targeted to the nucleus to upregulate stress response genes. Among the genes upregulated by ER stress in maize is one of 22 BIP-like genes, ZmBIPb.

  2. Curious resistivity behaviour of vacuum evaporated Er, Dy and Gd films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saxena, U.; Kaul, V.K.; Bist, B.M.; Srivastava, O.N.


    The thickness dependence of electrical resistivity of Er, Dy and Gd thin films at room temperature has been studied. The electrical resistivity of these films does not show the usual behaviour expected on the basis of the size affected conduction i.e. Fuchs Sondheimer theory, which always leads to an increase in the resistivity with decreasing film thickness. Instead, the observed resistivity behaviour is characterised mainly by (i) a decrease in resistivity with decreasing film thickness (between 1600-1000 deg A) for Er films and below about 500 deg A for Gd and Dy films), (ii) a thickness independent resistivity behaviour for Er films from 1000-600 deg A, (iii) increase in resistivity of Er films in the thickness region 600-200 deg A, (iv) the resistivity values in certain thickness regions, which are even less than the corresponding bulk value. Analysis reveals that those curious rho-t characteristics arise due to three effects namely, the increase resistivity due to surface scattering the suppression of resistivity due to thickness dependence of structural phase and spin disorder scattering. All the effects are dominant in thickness regions, different in different metals giving rise to the observed characteristics. (author)

  3. Neutron diffraction study of single crystalline ErCo10Mo2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Janssen, Y.; De Boer, F.R.; Brueck, E.; Tegus, O.; Ma, L.; Buschow, K.H.J.; Reehuis, M.


    Complete text of publication follows. The ferrimagnetic intermetallic compound ErCo 10 Mo 2 (Tc = 600 K) crystallizes in the tetragonal ThMn 12 -type structure (space group 14/mmm). The Co and Mo atoms may share three crystallographic sites (8f, 8i and 8j). Earlier neutron powder diffraction experiments show that Mo has a strong preference for the 8i-site and that the magnetic ordering at low temperature is planar. Furthermore ErCo 10 Mo 2 has been reported to show one [2] or more [3] spin-reorientation transitions from planar to axial magnetic ordering. Recently we succeeded in growing a single-crystalline sample of ErCo 10 Mo 2 . Magnetic measurements in 1T show one spin-reorientation transition at about 135 K. Neutron diffraction experiments were performed to investigate a possible link between the magnetic properties and the site occupation by Mo. Our results show that our sample has the Mo atoms exclusively occupying half the 8i-sites. There is no evidence for a crystallographic superstructure. Furthermore, below 150 K some reflections strongly increase due to the growing Er magnetic moment. (author)

  4. Geometric calibration of ERS satellite SAR images

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mohr, Johan Jacob; Madsen, Søren Nørvang


    Geometric calibration of the European Remote Sensing (ERS) Satellite synthetic aperture radar (SAR) slant range images is important in relation to mapping areas without ground reference points and also in relation to automated processing. The relevant SAR system parameters are discussed...

  5. Comparison of diode laser and Er:YAG lasers in the treatment of ankyloglossia. (United States)

    Aras, Mutan Hamdi; Göregen, Mustafa; Güngörmüş, Metin; Akgül, Hayati Murat


    The purpose of this study was to compare the tolerance of lingual frenectomy with regard to a local anesthesia requirement and comparison of postsurgical discomfort experienced by patients operated on with both diode and erbium:yttrium-aluminium-garnet (Er:YAG) lasers. Ankyloglossia, commonly known as tongue-tie, is a congenital oral anomaly characterized by a short lingual frenulum. A short lingual frenulum may contribute to feeding, speech, and mechanical tongue problems. Sixteen referred patients with tongue mobility complaints were included in this study. A GaAlAs laser device with a continuous wavelength of 808 nm was used in the diode group. Frenulums were incised by applying 2 W of laser power. The Er:YAG laser device with a continuous wavelength of 2940 nm was used in the Er:YAG group. Frenulums were incised by applying 1 W of laser power. The acceptability of the lingual frenectomy without local anesthesia and the degree of the postsurgical discomfort were evaluated. Although the majority of patients (six) could be operated on without local anesthesia in the Er:YAG group, all patients could not be operated on without local anesthetic agent in the diode group. There were no differences between the two groups with regard to pain, chewing, and speaking on the first or seventh day after surgery, whereas patients had more pain in the Er:YAG group than in the diode group the first 3 h after surgery. The results indicate that only the Er:YAG laser can be used for lingual frenectomy without local anesthesia, and there was no difference between the two groups regarding the degree of the postsurgical discomfort except in the first 3 h. In conclusion, these results indicate that the Er:YAG laser is more advantageous than the diode laser in minor soft-tissue surgery because it can be performed without local anesthesia and with only topical anesthesia.

  6. BP1 Homeoprotein Enhances Metastatic Potential in Er-Negative Breast Cancer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yebo Fu, Yi Lian, Kyung Soon Kim, Lei Zhang, A. Katharine Hindle, Fred Brody, Robert S. Siegel, Timothy A. McCaffrey, Sidney W. Fu


    Full Text Available Tumor invasion and metastasis remain a major cause of mortality in breast cancer patients. It was reported that BP1, a homeobox isoform of DLX4, is overexpressed in 80% of breast cancer patients and in 100% of estrogen receptor negative (ER- tumors. The prevalence of BP1 positive cells and the intensity of BP1 immunoreactivity increased with the extent of ductal proliferation and tumorigenesis. These findings imply that BP1 may play an important role in ER- breast cancer. I sought to determine the effects and mechanisms of BP1 on cell proliferation and metastasis using ER- Hs578T cells as a model. Cells were transfected with either pcDNA3.2 plasmid containing BP1 gene, or pcDNA3.2 vector, then selected and cloned. Overexpression of BP1 increased cell proliferation rate by 2-5 fold (p<0.005, and enhanced the in vitro invasive activity by 25-65 fold (p<0.001. Microarray experiments were performed to identify differentially expressed genes when BP1 is overexpressed. The gene expression profile of the transfected cell lines were compared, resulting in 71 differentially expressed genes with a fold-change of >=2.0. Of those genes, 49 were up-regulated and 22 were down-regulated. Significant pathways were identified involving cell proliferation and metastasis. These data demonstrated that overexpression of BP1 significantly enhanced cell proliferation and metastatic potential in ER- Hs578T cells. Further analysis with more ER- cell lines and patient samples is warranted to establish BP1 as a therapeutic target.

  7. Photoluminescence study of Er-doped zinc–sodium–antimonite glasses

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zavadil, J., E-mail: [Institute of Photonics and Electronics AS CR, Prague (Czech Republic); Ivanova, Z.G. [Institute of Solid State Physics Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia (Bulgaria); Kostka, P. [Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics AS CR, Prague (Czech Republic); Hamzaoui, M.; Soltani, M.T. [Laboratoire de Physique Photonique et Nanomatériaux, Universite de Biskra (Algeria)


    Highlights: • Optical gap found at around 3.1 eV and its compositional tendency was deduced. • Emission spectra are overwhelmed by narrow 4f–4f emission bands of Er{sup 3+}. • Fine structure of emission bands at 980 and 1530 nm measured at 300 and 4 K. • Schematic energy diagram of Stark levels for 3 lowest manifolds of Er{sup 3+} is proposed. • A nature of temperature broadening of 4f–4f PL bands was discussed. - Abstract: Bulk samples of Er-doped zinc–sodium–antimonite glasses have been investigated by transmission and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. Two series of compositions, (Sb{sub 2}O{sub 3}){sub 90−x}(Na{sub 2}O){sub 10}(ZnO){sub x} and (Sb{sub 2}O{sub 3}){sub 80−x}(Na{sub 2}O){sub 20}(ZnO){sub x}, doped with 0.25 mol% Er{sub 2}O{sub 3}, have been chosen for this study. Transmission spectra exhibit sharp absorption bands centred at 450, 489, 521, 545, 652, 795, 975 and 1530 nm, which correspond to absorption of Er{sup 3+} ions and they are attributed to the optical transitions from the ground state {sup 4}I{sub 15/2} to the excited states {sup 4}F{sub 5/2}, {sup 4}F{sub 7/2}, {sup 2}H{sub 11/2}, {sup 4}S{sub 3/2}, {sup 4}F{sub 9/2}, {sup 4}I{sub 9/2}, {sup 4}I{sub 11/2} and {sup 4}I{sub 13/2}, respectively. The optical gap has been found to vary from 3.09 to 3.15 eV with a tendency to decrease at higher Na{sub 2}O and/or ZnO contents. Four extrinsic bands due to OH{sup −}, Si–O, CO{sub 2}, and (CO{sub 3}){sup 2−} carbonate group vibrations have been identified in the infrared region. Emission spectra are overwhelmed by narrow 4f–4f emission bands. Fine structure of emission bands at 980 and 1530 nm, corresponding to radiative transitions from two lowest excited states of Er{sup 3+} ions to the ground state manifold have been investigated at room temperature and at 4 K. A schematic energy diagram of Stark levels splitting for the three lowest manifolds {sup 4}I{sub 11/2}, {sup 4}I{sub 13/2} and {sup 4}I{sub 15/2} has been

  8. Finanskrisen - er den markedsorienterede regulering skurken?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grosen, Anders


    markedsorienterede opgørelse tilsyneladende skyld i bankernes dårlige resultater. I hvert fald er standardsætteren inden for international regnskabsregulering, IASB, i efteråret 2008 på rekordtid kommet de betrængte virksomheder - herunder bankerne - til undsætning med en regnskabsmæssig hjælpepakke som supplement...

  9. Thermodynamic assessment and the composition prediction of amorphous alloy in the Fe–B–Er alloy system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, S.L.; Han, J.J.; Wang, C.P.; Kou, S.Z.; Liu, X.J.


    Highlights: ► The thermodynamic parameters of each phase in the Fe–Er and B–Er binary systems were obtained. ► An agreement between the calculated results and experimental data was obtained in each binary system. ► The liquidus surface of Fe–B–Er system has been calculated by means of CALPHAD. ► The investigation of GFA in Fe-rich alloys in the context of Fe–B–Er liquidus surface proves the significance of calculated phase diagram in the composition design of Fe-based metallic glass. - Abstract: The phase diagrams and thermodynamic properties in the Fe–Er and B–Er binary systems have been assessed by using the CALPHAD (Calculation of Phase Diagrams) method on the basis of the experimental data including the thermodynamic properties and phase equilibria. The thermodynamic parameters of each phase in the Fe–Er and B–Er binary systems were obtained, and an agreement between the calculated results and experimental data was obtained in each binary system. The isothermal sections at different temperatures and liquidus surface in the Fe–B–Er system have been calculated based on the binary thermodynamic data assessed in the present work. In addition, by considering that the glass formation composition of amorphous alloy is closely relative to the eutectic point in corresponding phase diagram, the investigation of glass-forming ability (GFA) in Fe-rich alloys in the Fe–B–Er liquidus surface has also been implemented in this work. The experimental result indicates that the GFA of a certain alloy is intimately relative to its location in the phase diagram, which proves that the phase diagram is an efficient tool for the composition design of Fe-based amorphous alloy.

  10. Highly spatially resolved structural and optical investigation of Bi nanoparticles in Y-Er disilicate thin films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Scarangella, A. [CNR IMM-MATIS, Via S. Sofia 64, 95123 Catania (Italy); Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Catania, Via S. Sofia 64, 95123 Catania (Italy); Amiard, G.; Boninelli, S., E-mail:; Miritello, M. [CNR IMM-MATIS, Via S. Sofia 64, 95123 Catania (Italy); Reitano, R. [Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Catania, Via S. Sofia 64, 95123 Catania (Italy); Priolo, F. [CNR IMM-MATIS, Via S. Sofia 64, 95123 Catania (Italy); Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Catania, Via S. Sofia 64, 95123 Catania (Italy); Scuola Superiore di Catania, Università di Catania, Via Valdisavoia 9, 95123 Catania (Italy)


    Er-containing silicon compatible materials have been widely used as infrared emitters for microphotonics application. In this field, the additional introduction of a proper sensitizer permits to increase the Er excitation cross sections, thus increasing its optical efficiency. This work aims to investigate the influence of a post-transition metal, bismuth, on the optical properties of erbium-yttrium disilicate thin films synthesized by magnetron co-sputtering. After thermal treatments at 1000 °C in O{sub 2} or N{sub 2} environment, the presence of small precipitates, about 6 nm in diameter, was evidenced by transmission electron microscopy analyses. The spatially resolved chemical nature of the nanoparticles was discerned in the Si and O rich environments by means of scanning transmission electron microscopy–energy dispersive X-ray and scanning transmission electron microscopy–electron energy loss spectroscopy analyses performed with nanometric resolution. In particular, metallic Bi nanoparticles were stabilized in the N{sub 2} environment, being strongly detrimental for the Er emission. A different scenario was instead observed in O{sub 2}, where the formation of Bi silicate nanoparticles was demonstrated with the support of photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy. In particular, a broad band peaked at 255 nm, correlated to the excitation band of Bi silicate nanoparticles, was identified in Er excitation spectrum. Thus Bi silicate clusters act as sensitizer for Er ions, permitting to improve Er emission up to 250 times with respect to the resonant condition. Moreover, the Er decay time increases in the presence of the Bi silicate nanoparticles that act as cages for Er ions. These last results permit to further increase Er optical efficiency in the infrared range, suggesting (Bi + Er)-Y disilicate as a good candidate for applications in microphotonics.

  11. Synaptotagmin SYTA forms ER-plasma membrane junctions that are recruited to plasmodesmata for plant virus movement. (United States)

    Levy, Amit; Zheng, Judy Y; Lazarowitz, Sondra G


    Metazoan synaptotagmins are Ca(2+) sensors that regulate exocytosis and endocytosis in various cell types, notably in nerve and neuroendocrine cells [1, 2]. Recently, the structurally related extended synaptotagmins were shown to tether the cortical ER to the plasma membrane in human and yeast cells to maintain ER morphology and stabilize ER-plasma membrane (ER-PM) contact sites for intracellular lipid and Ca(2+) signaling [3, 4]. The Arabidopsis synaptotagmin SYTA regulates endocytosis and the ability of plant virus movement proteins (MPs) to alter plasmodesmata to promote virus cell-to-cell transport [5, 6]. Yet how MPs modify plasmodesmata, the cellular functions of SYTA and how these aid MP activity, and the proteins essential to form plant cell ER-PM contact sites remain unknown. We addressed these questions using an Arabidopsis SYTA knockdown line syta-1 and a Tobamovirus movement protein MP(TVCV) [5, 7]. We report here that SYTA localized to ER-PM contact sites. These sites were depleted and the ER network collapsed in syta-1, and both reformed upon rescue with SYTA. MP(TVCV) accumulation in plasmodesmata, but not secretory trafficking, was also inhibited in syta-1. During infection, MP(TVCV) recruited SYTA to plasmodesmata, and SYTA and the cortical ER were subsequently remodeled to form viral replication sites adjacent to plasmodesmata in which MP(TVCV) and SYTA directly interacted caged within ER membrane. SYTA also accumulated in plasmodesmata active in MP(TVCV) transport. Our findings show that SYTA is essential to form ER-PM contact sites and suggest that MPs interact with SYTA to recruit these sites to alter plasmodesmata for virus cell-to-cell movement. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Er:YAG delamination of immersed biological membranes using sealed flexible hollow waveguides (United States)

    Sagi-Dolev, A. M.; Dror, Jacob; Inberg, Alexandra; Ferencz, J. R.; Croitoru, Nathan I.


    The radiation of Er-YAG laser ((lambda) equals 2.94 micrometer) gives selective interaction with tissues. The extinction in soft tissues is only a few micrometers and in hard tissues is of the order of hundreds of micrometers. This makes this type of laser very suitable for treatments in dentistry, orthopedy, or ophthalmology. Because the usual silica fibers are not transmitting the radiation at lambda equals 2.94 micrometer of this laser, many applications cannot be presently performed. Fused silica hollow fibers for Er-YAG radiation were developed in our laboratory and several possible applications in dentistry, orthopedy and ophthalmology were indicated. Hole opening and implantation preparation of teeth were experimented, using Er-YAG laser and hollow plastic waveguide delivery systems. Hole drilling in cow bones was demonstrated for applications in orthopedy. A new procedure of delivering Er-YAG radiation on fibrotic membranes of inner eggshell as a model of the membranes in eyes was developed employing silica hollow waveguides of 0.5 and 0.7 mm ID or a plastic waveguide of 1.0 mm ID. For this purpose waveguides with sealed distal tip were employed to enable us to approach the delivery system through liquid media near to the membrane. This experiment demonstrates the possibility of surgical applications in vitectomy in ophthalmology using Er-YAG laser and silica hollow waveguides.

  13. Manipulation of the magnetic properties in Er{sub 1−x}Co{sub 2} compounds by atomic vacancies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zou, Jun-Ding, E-mail: [School of Materials Science and Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Silicon Materials, Key Laboratory of Novel Materials for Information Technology of Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310027 (China); Yan, Mi, E-mail: [School of Materials Science and Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Silicon Materials, Key Laboratory of Novel Materials for Information Technology of Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310027 (China); Yao, Jin-Lei [Research Center for Solid State Physics and Materials, School of Mathematics and Physics, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou 215009 (China)


    Highlights: • The nonstoichiometric Er{sub 1−x}Co{sub 2} compounds are identified. • Er atomic vacancies lead to the volume contracting by 0.37% and enhance T{sub C} by 44%. • The anomalous susceptibility behavior is not exact the same with the Griffiths phase. • The refrigerant capacity of Er{sub 0.97}Co{sub 2} increases from 152 J/kg to 158 J/kg. - Abstract: ErCo{sub 2} compound is a well-known magnetocaloric material which shows giant magnetocaloric effect in the vicinity of first-order phase transition. We demonstrate a new way of fine tuning its crystal structure and magnetic properties. Er atomic vacancies are introduced in order to manipulate the local atomic environment, the phase transition characteristics, and the magnetocaloric effect as well. Er{sub 1−x}Co{sub 2} can be stable over a narrow homogenous range, and maintain the cubic structure. The Bragg peaks shift upward to higher angles, and the unit cell volume contracts with reduction of the Er content. The Curie temperatures in low magnetic field increase from 32 K (ErCo{sub 2}) to 46 K (Er{sub 0.97}Co{sub 2}), and linearly change with the magnetic field in nearly same slope. Er{sub 1−x}Co{sub 2} compounds exhibit anomalous susceptibility behaviors in the paramagnetic state, and deviate from the Curie–Weiss law at around 100 K. The temperature range of anomalous susceptibility behaviors also move upward to higher temperature with reduction of Er content. Er{sub 1−x}Co{sub 2} compounds also show anomalous coercivity behavior in the vicinity of phase transition. Er{sub 1−x}Co{sub 2} compounds exhibit large magnetocaloric effect and good refrigerant capacity in the vicinity of ferrimagnetic–paramagnetic phase transition.

  14. Mangfoldighedsledelse i internationale forretningsmiljøer - fem parametre for anvendelsen af kulturel mangfoldighed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauring, Jakob


    Mangfoldighedsledelse er per definition et bredt begreb. Man kan tale om mangfoldighed baseret på nationalitet, etnicitet, religion, alder, køn, seksuel orientering, handicap, uddannelse og meget mere. Som regel vil flere typer af mangfoldighed være til stede i en organisation. Denne mangfoldighed...... nationaliteter og etnisk oprindelse i virksomheder - hvad jeg kalder kulturel mangfoldighed. En type af mangfoldighed man ofte finder i internationale forretningsmiljøer, og som ofte er rekrutteret udelukkende ud fra et motiv om at skabe forretningsmæssige fordele. Som forudsætning for min analyse antager jeg...

  15. Pahute Mesa Well Development and Testing Analyses for Wells ER-20-8 and ER-20-4, Nevada National Security Site, Nye County, Nevada, Revision 0

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Greg Ruskauff and Sam Marutzky


    Wells ER-20-4 and ER-20-8 were drilled during fiscal year (FY) 2009 and FY 2010 (NNSA/NSO, 2011a and b). The closest underground nuclear test detonations to the area of investigation are TYBO (U-20y), BELMONT (U-20as), MOLBO (U-20ag), BENHAM (U-20c), and HOYA (U-20 be) (Figure 1-1). The TYBO, MOLBO, and BENHAM detonations had working points located below the regional water table. The BELMONT and HOYA detonation working points were located just above the water table, and the cavity for these detonations are calculated to extend below the water table (Pawloski et al., 2002). The broad purpose of Wells ER-20-4 and ER-20-8 is to determine the extent of radionuclide-contaminated groundwater, the geologic formations, groundwater geochemistry as an indicator of age and origin, and the water-bearing properties and hydraulic conditions that influence radionuclide migration. Well development and testing is performed to determine the hydraulic properties at the well and between other wells, and to obtain groundwater samples at the well that are representative of the formation at the well. The area location, wells, underground nuclear detonations, and other features are shown in Figure 1-1. Hydrostratigraphic cross sections A-A’, B-B’, C-C’, and D-D’ are shown in Figures 1-2 through 1-5, respectively.

  16. Inhibition of the sarco/endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Ca2+-ATPase by thapsigargin analogs induces cell death via ER Ca2+ depletion and the unfolded protein response

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sehgal, Pankaj; Szalai, Paula; Olesen, Claus


    Calcium (Ca2+) is a fundamental regulator of cell signaling and function. Thapsigargin (Tg) blocks the sarco/endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA), disrupts Ca2+ homeostasis, and causes cell death. However, the exact mechanisms whereby SERCA-inhibition induces cell death are incompletely...... extensive drainage of the ER Ca2+ stores. This Ca2+ depletion was followed by markedly reduced cell proliferation rates and morphological changes that developed over 2–4 days and culminated in cell death. Interestingly, these changes were not accompanied by bulk increases in cytosolic Ca2+ levels. Moreover...... and their detrimental effects on cell viability. Furthermore, caspase activation and cell death were associated with a sustained unfolded protein response (UPR). We conclude that ER Ca2+ drainage and sustained UPR activation are key for initiation of apoptosis at low concentrations of Tg and Tg analogs, whereas high...

  17. Investigation of the touch sensitivity of ER fluid based tactile display (United States)

    Liu, Yanju; Davidson, Rob; Taylor, Paul


    A tactile display is programmable device whose controlled surface is intended to be investigated by human touch. It has a great number of potential applications in the field of virtual reality and elsewhere. In this research, a 5x5 touch sensitive tactile display array including electrorheological (ER) fluid has been developed and investigated. Experimental results show that the sensed surface information could be controlled effectively by adjusting the voltage activation pattern imposed on the tactels. In the meantime, it is possible to sense the touching force normal to the display"s surface by monitoring the change of current passing through the ER fluid. These encouraging results are helpful for constructing a new type of tactile display based on ER fluid which can act as both sensor and actuator at the same time.

  18. [Study on the relationship between ER Rsa I gene polymorphism and children's dental fluorosis]. (United States)

    Ba, Yue; Li, Hai-Xia; Yin, Gong-Ju; Wu, Wei-Hua; Yu, Bo; Cheng, Xue-Min; Cui, Liu-Xin


    To explore the distribution of ER Rsa I genotype in children who lived in the areas with or without high fluoride, and evaluate the relationship between ER Rsa I gene polymorphism and children's dental fluorosis. Children aged 8 to 12 years, born and raised in high fluoride areas and control areas in two counties of Henan Province were recruited. The Rsa I marker of ER gene was genotyped in 237 children composed of both dental fluorosis cases and controls by PCR-RFLP procedure. Urine fluoride was detected with fluoride ion selective electrode method. The frequency distribution of ER Rsa I genotype was rr 60.81% (45/74), Rr 27.02% (20/74), RR 12.16% (9/74) in children with fluorosis; rr 73.91% (51/69), Rr 20.29% (14/69), RR 5.80% (4/69) in children without fluorosis from high fluoride areas, and rr 63.83% (60/94), Rr 34.04% (32/94), RR 2.13% (2/94) in the children without fluorosis from control areas respectively. There were no significant differences in the three groups (P>0.05), but children carrying allele R of ER Rsa I had a significantly increased risk of dental fluorosis (OR=1.821, 95% CI: 1.013-3.274) compared to children carrying the allele r in endemic fluorosis areas. Although no significant difference was found in ER Rsa I genotype between cases and non-dental fluorosis in endemic fluorosis areas, children carrying R allele of ER Rsa I had a higher risk compared to children carrying r allele, and the further study is needed.

  19. A Hands-On Approach to Teaching Protein Translation & Translocation into the ER (United States)

    LaBonte, Michelle L.


    The process of protein translation and translocation into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) can often be challenging for introductory college biology students to visualize. To help them understand how proteins become oriented in the ER membrane, I developed a hands-on activity in which students use Play-Doh to simulate the process of protein…

  20. Survival of Er(a+) red cells in a patient with allo-anti-Era

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thompson, H.W.; Skradski, K.J.; Thoreson, J.R.; Polesky, H.F.


    51 Chromium-labeled Er(a+) red cells survived nearly normally (T1/2 of 21 days) in a patient with allo-anti-Era. Transfusion of Er(a+) blood was without significant reaction and did not affect the anti-Era titer

  1. Crystal field in ErGa3 - a neutron spectroscopy study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murasik, A.; Czopnik, A.; Clementyev, E.; Schefer, J.


    The splitting of the J = 15/2 multiplet of Er in a cubic crystal field has been determined by inelastic scattering from a polycrystalline sample of ErGa 3 . On the base of observed intensities and their temperature variation we have been able to determine two crystal electric fields (CEF) parameters required for cubic symmetry. Least-squares fits of calculated crystal field transitions of the observed neutron inelastic scattering spectra taken at 12, 24, 32, 40, 50 and 80 K, gave the crystal field parameters: B 4 (7.15±0.05) x 10 -5 and B 6 = (1.28±0.05) x 1- -6 MeV yielding the Γ 7 doublet as a ground level with the overall splitting of 10.92 MeV. The results are used to calculate the temperature-depended zero field magnetization and the Schottky anomaly of the heat capacity of the ErGa 3 which yield reasonable agreement with experimental data obtained earlier. (author)

  2. A molecular ensemble in the rER for procollagen maturation. (United States)

    Ishikawa, Yoshihiro; Bächinger, Hans Peter


    Extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins create structural frameworks in tissues such as bone, skin, tendon and cartilage etc. These connective tissues play important roles in the development and homeostasis of organs. Collagen is the most abundant ECM protein and represents one third of all proteins in humans. The biosynthesis of ECM proteins occurs in the rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER). This review describes the current understanding of the biosynthesis and folding of procollagens, which are the precursor molecules of collagens, in the rER. Multiple folding enzymes and molecular chaperones are required for procollagen to establish specific posttranslational modifications, and facilitate folding and transport to the cell surface. Thus, this molecular ensemble in the rER contributes to ECM maturation and to the development and homeostasis of tissues. Mutations in this ensemble are likely candidates for connective tissue disorders. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Functional and structural diversity of endoplasmic reticulum. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. Involvement of TR3/Nur77 translocation to the endoplasmic reticulum in ER stress-induced apoptosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liang Bin; Song Xuhong; Liu Gefei; Li Rui; Xie Jianping; Xiao Lifeng; Du Mudan; Zhang Qiaoxia; Xu Xiaoyuan; Gan Xueqiong; Huang Dongyang


    Nuclear orphan receptor TR3/Nur77/NGFI-B is a novel apoptotic effector protein that initiates apoptosis largely by translocating from the nucleus to the mitochondria, causing the release of cytochrome c. However, it is possible that TR3 translocates to other organelles. The present study was designed to determine the intracellular localization of TR3 following CD437-induced nucleocytoplasmic translocation and the mechanisms involved in TR3-induced apoptosis. In human neuroblastoma SK-N-SH cells and human esophageal squamous carcinoma EC109 and EC9706 cells, 5 μM CD437 induced translocation of TR3 to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). This distribution was confirmed by immunofluorescence analysis, subcellular fractionation analysis and coimmunoprecipitation analysis. The translocated TR3 interacted with ER-targeting Bcl-2; initiated an early release of Ca 2+ from ER; resulted in ER stress and induced apoptosis through ER-specific caspase-4 activation, together with induction of mitochondrial stress and subsequent activation of caspase-9. Our results identified a novel distribution of TR3 in the ER and defined two parallel mitochondrial- and ER-based pathways that ultimately result in apoptotic cell death

  4. Creating Smart-er Cities: An Overview (United States)

    Allwinkle, Sam; Cruickshank, Peter


    The following offers an overview of what it means for cities to be "smart." It draws the supporting definitions and critical insights into smart cities from a series of papers presented at the 2009 Trans-national Conference on Creating Smart(er) Cities. What the papers all have in common is their desire to overcome the all too often…

  5. Hvad er militær ledelse?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Barfod, Jakob Rømer

    militær ledelse unik og derved muliggøre en opdeling, således at Forsvarets skoler kun underviser i den del af ledelse, som andre civile uddannelsesinstitutioner ikke menes at kunne undervise i. Men er det muligt at adskille begreber og praksis på den måde? Dette brief undersøger nogle betydninger af...

  6. Promoter and Cofactor Requirements for SERM-ER Activity

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Carroll, Jason S


    .... We originally planned to develop a methodology for specifically isolating chromatin to assess associated proteins but due to technical limitations we developed the ChiP-on-chip technique to map ER...

  7. ERS-1 - Our new window on the oceans for the 1990s (United States)

    Llewellyn-Jones, D. T.


    ESA's First Remote Sensing Satellite (ERS-1) due for launch in 1989 will monitor a carefully selected set of geophysical parameters in an effort to describe the state of the sea-surface. The payload instruments of ERS-1, how they make their measurements, and how the data will be dealt with, are described and discussed. The payload consists of three microwave radars: (1) a wind and wave scatterometer, (2) a synthetic aperture radar, and (3) a radar altimeter. These instruments are complemented by an Along Track Scanning Radiometer and a Precise Range and Range-Rate Experiment. The concept of fast delivery data products is an essential element of the ERS-1 system, meaning that the processed ERS-1 data will be distributed to designated points of contact within three hours of being obtained by the spacecraft. It is concluded that these measurements will lead to a better scientific understanding of ocean-atmosphere interactions; moreover, they will pave the way to the application of such data products to a large range of commercial activities.

  8. Electroplating of erbium on steel surface in ErCl3 doped LiCl-KCl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kondo, Masatoshi; Tanaka, Teruya; Muroga, Takeo; Tsujimura, Hiroyuki; Ito, Yasuhiko


    The electroplating of Er metal on the reduced activation ferritic martensitic steel, JLF-1 (Fe-9Cr-2W-0.1C), in a molten salt was studied. The specimen was immersed in the molten ErCl 3 doped LiCl-KCl electrolyte. The electroplating was carried out by a constant potential electrolysis method and a pulsed current electrolysis method. It was found that the Er metal was deposited on the specimen surface due to the electrochemical reaction. (author)

  9. Preparation of Rare Earth Doped Alumina-Siloxane Gel and Its ER Effect

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    李幼荣; 张明; 周兰香; 邱关明; 井上真一; 冈本宏


    Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) was used to wrap alumina-siloxane sol through emulsion polymerization. A kind of suspensions with notable ER effect was produced by fully mixing the prepared microcapsule with silicon oil. Meanwhile a series of PMMA wrapped alumina-siloxane gel doped with rare earths was obtained and its ER effect was tested, like viscosity of different rare earth ion doped samples in different powder concentrations and at different temperatures, at the same time, leak current density and dielectric constant were measured. Results show that the ER effect of this suspension is remarkable, and its stability is much better. The condition of emulsion polymerization and the mechanism of effect are discussed.

  10. Magnetic instabilities in Er1-xYxCo3 studied by NMR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Niki, H.; Fukumura, T.; Kinjou, H.; Kinjou, T.; Pieper, M.W.; Gratz, E.; Paul-Boncour, V.; Markosyan, A.S.


    The field dependence of 59 Co NMR in ferrimagnetic Er 1-x Y x Co 3 was measured up to 8T at 4.2K. For pure ErCo 3 in fields perpendicular to the c axis the resonance frequencies change discontinuously between 2 and 3T due to a field induced metamagnetic transition. The transition is characterized by rotations of Er and Co magnetic moments away from the easy c-axis. The angles between the Co moments and the c axis at x=0.1 are obtained. The easy axis is found to be along the c axis for x=0 and 0.1, and inclined from the c axis for x=0.3 and 0.5

  11. Controlling the Er content of porous silicon using the doping current intensity

    KAUST Repository

    Mula, Guido


    The results of an investigation on the Er doping of porous silicon are presented. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, optical reflectivity, and spatially resolved energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) coupled to scanning electron microscopy measurements were used to investigate on the transient during the first stages of constant current Er doping. Depending on the applied current intensity, the voltage transient displays two very different behaviors, signature of two different chemical processes. The measurements show that, for equal transferred charge and identical porous silicon (PSi) layers, the applied current intensity also influences the final Er content. An interpretative model is proposed in order to describe the two distinct chemical processes. The results can be useful for a better control over the doping process.

  12. Structural phase transformations in KYF4:Er3+ nanoparticles synthesized by hydrothermal method for upconversion applications (United States)

    Yamini, S.; Priya, P. Sakthi; Gunaseelan, M.; Senthilselvan, J.


    KYF4:10%Er3+ upconversion nanoparticles was synthesized by hydrothermal method with potassium hydroxides (KOH) as precursor. Prepared samples were calcined at 600 °C using double crucible method. XRD patterns of as prepared KYF4 and KYF4:Er3+ samples confirm the tetragonal structure, which is well matched with the standard data. Surface morphology is recorded for 600 °C calcined samples using High resolution scanning electron microscopy (HRSEM) shows spheroidal shape with particle sizes of ˜80 nm. From UV-Visible and EDX spectroscopy presence of Er3+ in KYF4:10%Er3+ is confirmed. The prepared KYF4:10%Er3+ can be used to improve efficiency of solar cells, display devices and fiber optical telecommunication applications.

  13. Er:YAG laser-assisted hair transplantation in cicatricial alopecia. (United States)

    Podda, M; Spieth, K; Kaufmann, R


    Autologous hair transplantation and its combination with flap or reduction procedures is a common surgical approach to cover defects in cicatricial alopecias. Due to the poor recipient conditions present in scar tissue, it is crucial to minimize the trauma exerted on implantation holes in order to achieve good transplantation results. We sought to evaluate the "cold"-ablative properties of the Er:YAG laser for the generation of recipient holes in cicatricial alopecia. Patients with cicatricial alopecia of diverse etiology were treated with Er:YAG laser-assisted hair transplantation. Mini- or micrografts were inserted into recipient holes ablated with a pulse energy of 900-1200 mJ and a spot size of 1.0-1.6 mm. A fluence of 80-120 J/cm2 and 8-12 pulses gave an almost ideal combination of minimal thermal damage and tissue ablation down to the subcutis. With an apparent mini- and micrograft survival of 95% we achieved good cosmetic results after two to five transplant sessions in all patients. The Er:YAG laser is a novel effective tool to ablate recipient holes for autologous hair transplantation in cicatricial alopecia.

  14. Isotopic ratios in outbursting comet C/2015 ER61 (United States)

    Yang, Bin; Hutsemékers, Damien; Shinnaka, Yoshiharu; Opitom, Cyrielle; Manfroid, Jean; Jehin, Emmanuël; Meech, Karen J.; Hainaut, Olivier R.; Keane, Jacqueline V.; Gillon, Michaël


    Isotopic ratios in comets are critical to understanding the origin of cometary material and the physical and chemical conditions in the early solar nebula. Comet C/2015 ER61 (PANSTARRS) underwent an outburst with a total brightness increase of 2 magnitudes on the night of 2017 April 4. The sharp increase in brightness offered a rare opportunity to measure the isotopic ratios of the light elements in the coma of this comet. We obtained two high-resolution spectra of C/2015 ER61 with UVES/VLT on the nights of 2017 April 13 and 17. At the time of our observations, the comet was fading gradually following the outburst. We measured the nitrogen and carbon isotopic ratios from the CN violet (0, 0) band and found that 12C/13C = 100 ± 15, 14N/15N = 130 ± 15. In addition, we determined the 14N/15N ratio from four pairs of NH2 isotopolog lines and measured 14N/15N = 140 ± 28. The measured isotopic ratios of C/2015 ER61 do not deviate significantly from those of other comets.

  15. Danske 4. klasseelever er bedre end gennemsnittet til matematik og natur/teknologi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Middelboe, Vibe Abildtrup


    En ny undersøgelse af 4. klasseelevers præstationer i fagene matematik og natur/teknologi viser, at danske elever klarer sig godt internationalt set, og at vi i Danmark har mange elever, der er meget dygtige til matematik. Men den negative sociale arv er fortsat stærk, og lærerne oplever mere stø...

  16. Zoonoser er andet og mere end fødevarebårne sygdomme

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Guardabassi, Luca; Bisgaard, Magne


    Ingen af de bedst kendte zoonoser i historien er fødevarebårne - reelt har det vist sig, at mange nye infektionssygdomme hos mennesker stammer fra dyr.......Ingen af de bedst kendte zoonoser i historien er fødevarebårne - reelt har det vist sig, at mange nye infektionssygdomme hos mennesker stammer fra dyr....

  17. Effects of Er:YAG laser irradiation on human cartilage (United States)

    Glinkowski, Wojciech; Brzozowska, Malgorzata; Ciszek, Bogdan; Rowinski, Jan; Strek, Wieslaw


    Irradiation of the hyaline or fibrous cartilage excised from the body of a human cadaver with Er:YAG laser beam, single pulse with a dose of 1 J, produces a crater with a depth of approximately 500 micrometers and a diameter varying from 5 to 300 micrometers. Histological examination has revealed that the laser-made craters were surrounded by a thin rim (2-10 micrometer) of charred and coagulated tissue. No damage was observed in the cartilage surrounding the rim. The presence of sharp demarcation between the tissue areas ablated by laser energy and the undamaged areas argues for the potential usefulness of the Er:YAG laser in surgery of cartilages.

  18. Issues in environmental control data used in DD ampersand ER worker dose exposures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    White, M.G.


    Sites for decontamination and decommissioning (DD) or environmental remediation (ER) are often from US DOE operations that began during and shortly after World War II. This paper discusses selected problems in the use of environmental data for DD and ER worker dose exposure calculations

  19. FAM20A mutations can cause enamel-renal syndrome (ERS.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shih-Kai Wang

    Full Text Available Enamel-renal syndrome (ERS is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by severe enamel hypoplasia, failed tooth eruption, intrapulpal calcifications, enlarged gingiva, and nephrocalcinosis. Recently, mutations in FAM20A were reported to cause amelogenesis imperfecta and gingival fibromatosis syndrome (AIGFS, which closely resembles ERS except for the renal calcifications. We characterized three families with AIGFS and identified, in each case, recessive FAM20A mutations: family 1 (c.992G>A; g.63853G>A; p.Gly331Asp, family 2 (c.720-2A>G; g.62232A>G; p.Gln241_Arg271del, and family 3 (c.406C>T; g.50213C>T; p.Arg136* and c.1432C>T; g.68284C>T; p.Arg478*. Significantly, a kidney ultrasound of the family 2 proband revealed nephrocalcinosis, revising the diagnosis from AIGFS to ERS. By characterizing teeth extracted from the family 3 proband, we demonstrated that FAM20A(-/- molars lacked true enamel, showed extensive crown and root resorption, hypercementosis, and partial replacement of resorbed mineral with bone or coalesced mineral spheres. Supported by the observation of severe ectopic calcifications in the kidneys of Fam20a null mice, we conclude that FAM20A, which has a kinase homology domain and localizes to the Golgi, is a putative Golgi kinase that plays a significant role in the regulation of biomineralization processes, and that mutations in FAM20A cause both AIGFS and ERS.

  20. Pharmacological reduction of ER stress protects against TDP-43 neuronal toxicity in vivo. (United States)

    Vaccaro, Alexandra; Patten, Shunmoogum A; Aggad, Dina; Julien, Carl; Maios, Claudia; Kabashi, Edor; Drapeau, Pierre; Parker, J Alex


    C. elegans and D. rerio expressing mutant TAR DNA Binding Protein 43 (TDP-43) are powerful in vivo animal models for the genetics and pharmacology of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Using these small-animal models of ALS, we previously identified methylene blue (MB) as a potent suppressor of TDP-43 toxicity. Consequently here we investigated how MB might exert its neuroprotective properties and found that it acts through reduction of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress response. We tested other compounds known to be active in the ER unfolded protein response in worms and zebrafish expressing mutant human TDP-43 (mTDP-43). We identified three compounds: salubrinal, guanabenz and a new structurally related compound phenazine, which also reduced paralysis, neurodegeneration and oxidative stress in our mTDP-43 models. Using C. elegans genetics, we showed that all four compounds act as potent suppressors of mTDP-43 toxicity through reduction of the ER stress response. Interestingly, these compounds operate through different branches of the ER unfolded protein pathway to achieve a common neuroprotective action. Our results indicate that protein-folding homeostasis in the ER is an important target for therapeutic development in ALS and other TDP-43-related neurodegenerative diseases. Crown Copyright © 2013. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Optical properties of silica-coated Y2O3:Er,Yb nanoparticles in the presence of polyvinylpyrrolidone

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujii, Kunio; Kitamoto, Yoshitaka; Hara, Masahiko; Odawara, Osamu; Wada, Hiroyuki


    The optical properties of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)-adsorbed and silica-coated Y 2 O 3 :Er,Yb nanoparticles produced by using PVP were studied for potential bio-applications of upconversion nanoparticles. We utilized PVP to better disperse Y 2 O 3 :Er,Yb nanoparticles in solution and to prepare silica-coated Y 2 O 3 :Er,Yb nanoparticles. The fluorescent intensity of PVP-adsorbed Y 2 O 3 :Er,Yb nanoparticles was 1.25 times higher than non-adsorbed Y 2 O 3 :Er,Yb nanoparticles, which was probably due to surface defects in Y 2 O 3 :Er,Yb nanoparticles being covered by the PVP. However, the fluorescent intensity of silica-coated Y 2 O 3 :Er,Yb nanoparticles decreased as silica layer thickness increased. This could be ascribed to the higher vibrational energy of PVP than that of the silica structure. Therefore, the optimum silica layer thickness is important in bio-applications to avoid deterioration of the optical properties of Y 2 O 3 :Er,Yb nanoparticles. - Highlights: • We prepared the silica-coated upconversion nanoparticles by using PVP. • We showed that PVP played an important role in coating nanoparticles. • PL intensity of silica-coated nanoparticles decreased as silica layer thickness increased

  2. Mammalian knock out cells reveal prominent roles for atlastin GTPases in ER network morphology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhao, Guohua; Zhu, Peng-Peng; Renvoisé, Benoît; Maldonado-Báez, Lymarie; Park, Seong Hee; Blackstone, Craig, E-mail:


    Atlastins are large, membrane-bound GTPases that participate in the fusion of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) tubules to generate the polygonal ER network in eukaryotes. They also regulate lipid droplet size and inhibit bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling, though mechanisms remain unclear. Humans have three atlastins (ATL1, ATL2, and ATL3), and ATL1 and ATL3 are mutated in autosomal dominant hereditary spastic paraplegia and hereditary sensory neuropathies. Cellular investigations of atlastin orthologs in most yeast, plants, flies and worms are facilitated by the presence of a single or predominant isoform, but loss-of-function studies in mammalian cells are complicated by multiple, broadly-expressed paralogs. We have generated mouse NIH-3T3 cells lacking all three mammalian atlastins (Atl1/2/3) using CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene knockout (KO). ER morphology is markedly disrupted in these triple KO cells, with prominent impairment in formation of three-way ER tubule junctions. This phenotype can be rescued by expression of distant orthologs from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sey1p) and Arabidopsis (ROOT HAIR DEFECTIVE3) as well as any one of the three human atlastins. Minimal, if any, changes are observed in the morphology of mitochondria and the Golgi apparatus. Alterations in BMP signaling and increased sensitivity to ER stress are also noted, though effects appear more modest. Finally, atlastins appear required for the proper differentiation of NIH-3T3 cells into an adipocyte-like phenotype. These findings have important implications for the pathogenesis of hereditary spastic paraplegias and sensory neuropathies associated with atlastin mutations. - Highlights: • NIH-3T3 cells lacking all three atlastin paralogs were generated using CRISPR/Cas9. • Cells lacking all atlastin GTPases exhibit far fewer 3-way ER tubule junctions. • ER morphology defects in atlastin knockout cells are rescued by distant plant and yeast orthologs. • Atlastin knock out cells also

  3. Mammalian knock out cells reveal prominent roles for atlastin GTPases in ER network morphology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao, Guohua; Zhu, Peng-Peng; Renvoisé, Benoît; Maldonado-Báez, Lymarie; Park, Seong Hee; Blackstone, Craig


    Atlastins are large, membrane-bound GTPases that participate in the fusion of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) tubules to generate the polygonal ER network in eukaryotes. They also regulate lipid droplet size and inhibit bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling, though mechanisms remain unclear. Humans have three atlastins (ATL1, ATL2, and ATL3), and ATL1 and ATL3 are mutated in autosomal dominant hereditary spastic paraplegia and hereditary sensory neuropathies. Cellular investigations of atlastin orthologs in most yeast, plants, flies and worms are facilitated by the presence of a single or predominant isoform, but loss-of-function studies in mammalian cells are complicated by multiple, broadly-expressed paralogs. We have generated mouse NIH-3T3 cells lacking all three mammalian atlastins (Atl1/2/3) using CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene knockout (KO). ER morphology is markedly disrupted in these triple KO cells, with prominent impairment in formation of three-way ER tubule junctions. This phenotype can be rescued by expression of distant orthologs from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sey1p) and Arabidopsis (ROOT HAIR DEFECTIVE3) as well as any one of the three human atlastins. Minimal, if any, changes are observed in the morphology of mitochondria and the Golgi apparatus. Alterations in BMP signaling and increased sensitivity to ER stress are also noted, though effects appear more modest. Finally, atlastins appear required for the proper differentiation of NIH-3T3 cells into an adipocyte-like phenotype. These findings have important implications for the pathogenesis of hereditary spastic paraplegias and sensory neuropathies associated with atlastin mutations. - Highlights: • NIH-3T3 cells lacking all three atlastin paralogs were generated using CRISPR/Cas9. • Cells lacking all atlastin GTPases exhibit far fewer 3-way ER tubule junctions. • ER morphology defects in atlastin knockout cells are rescued by distant plant and yeast orthologs. • Atlastin knock out cells also

  4. Rouw mag er zijn

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marlieke Moors


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTGrieving is allowedGrief is a human experience. Every form of loss shapes you into the human being you are today. Contrary to what earlier, unproven grief models postulate, grief does not have an end point. That is, bereavement does not have to be completely processed, but it should be integrated into someone’s life. The outdated grief models were often interpreted and used in a normative way, which led to a normative standard model. This portraits the belief that every mourner would experience similar symptoms and would go through a fixed pattern of phases. However, the updated vision emphasizes the individual and unique process of coping with loss: norms concerning grief should be banned. By means of literature research, interviews with professionals and personal experiences, it became clear that finding an equilibrium between restoration-orientated and loss-orientated coping styles is most beneficial. An important aspect in finding this balance is meaningfulness. Furthermore, the ability to bear a loss and to adapt accordingly are important components. Lastly, attaching significance to a loss is a constructive way of integrating the loss into one’s life. The death of a loved one should therefore not be forgotten or tucked away. After all, grief is the price we pay for love. SAMENVATTINGRouw mag er zijnRouw is een menselijke ervaring en elk verlies vormt je als mens. Rouw heeft, in tegenstelling tot wat de verouderde, niet bewezen rouwmodellen beweren, geen eindpunt. Verlies hoeft namelijk niet verwerkt te worden, maar moet juist geïntegreerd worden in iemands leven. De verouderde rouwmodellen zijn vaak normatief opgevat en toegepast, waaruit een normatief standaardmodel is ontstaan. Daarbij werd gedacht dat elke rouwende dezelfde symptomen zou vertonen en het rouwproces volgens vaste fasen zou verlopen. Binnen de vernieuwde visie wordt er juist van uitgegaan dat elk individu een unieke manier van reageren op rouw heeft. Er zou

  5. Selskaberne er en del af staten

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hein Jessen, Mathias


    Lækket af Panama Papers fremhæver endnu engang den paradoksale rolle, ikke mindst multinationale selskaber spiller i politik og økonomi: De er både skabt af staten, og fremstår stadig som uden for og i opposition til staten. Hvis vi vil gøre noget ved problemet, må vi forstå, hvordan stat og...

  6. TCSP ER-2 DOPPLER RADAR (EDOP) V1 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The EDOP provides vertically profiled reflectivity and Doppler velocity at aircraft nadir along the flight track. The ER-2 Doppler radar (EDOP) is an X-band (9.6...

  7. Completion Report for Wells ER-20-8 and ER-20-8#2 Corrective Action Units 101 and 102: Central and Western Pahute Mesa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    NSTec Environmental Management


    Wells ER-20-8 and ER-20-8#2 were drilled for the U.S. Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration Nevada Site Office in support of the Nevada Environmental Restoration Project at the Nevada National Security Site (formerly Nevada Test Site), Nye County, Nevada. The holes were drilled in July and August 2009, as part of the Pahute Mesa Phase II drilling program. The primary purpose of these wells was to provide detailed hydrogeologic information in the Tertiary volcanic section that will help address uncertainties within the Pahute Mesa–Oasis Valley hydrostratigraphic framework model. They may also be used as long-term monitoring wells.

  8. Arabidopsis senescence-associated protein DMP1 is involved in membrane remodeling of the ER and tonoplast

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kasaras Alexis


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Arabidopsis DMP1 was discovered in a genome-wide screen for senescence-associated membrane proteins. DMP1 is a member of a novel plant-specific membrane protein family of unknown function. In rosette leaves DMP1 expression increases from very low background level several 100fold during senescence progression. Results Expression of AtDMP1 fused to eGFP in Nicotiana benthamiana triggers a complex process of succeeding membrane remodeling events affecting the structure of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER and the vacuole. Induction of spherical structures (“bulbs”, changes in the architecture of the ER from tubular to cisternal elements, expansion of smooth ER, formation of crystalloid ER, and emergence of vacuolar membrane sheets and foamy membrane structures inside the vacuole are proceeding in this order. In some cells it can be observed that the process culminates in cell death after breakdown of the entire ER network and the vacuole. The integrity of the plasma membrane, nucleus and Golgi vesicles are retained until this stage. In Arabidopsis thaliana plants expressing AtDMP1-eGFP by the 35S promoter massive ER and vacuole vesiculation is observed during the latest steps of leaf senescence, whereas earlier in development ER and vacuole morphology are not perturbed. Expression by the native DMP1 promoter visualizes formation of aggregates termed “boluses” in the ER membranes and vesiculation of the entire ER network, which precedes disintegration of the central vacuole during the latest stage of senescence in siliques, rosette and cauline leaves and in darkened rosette leaves. In roots tips, DMP1 is strongly expressed in the cortex undergoing vacuole biogenesis. Conclusions Our data suggest that DMP1 is directly or indirectly involved in membrane fission during breakdown of the ER and the tonoplast during leaf senescence and in membrane fusion during vacuole biogenesis in roots. We propose that these properties of DMP1

  9. Structural, thermal and spectroscopic properties of highly Er3+-doped novel oxyfluoride glasses for photonic application

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kesavulu, C.R. [Department of Physics, Changwon National University, Changwon 641-773 (Korea, Republic of); Sreedhar, V.B.; Jayasankar, C.K. [Department of Physics, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati 517502 (India); Jang, Kiwan [Department of Physics, Changwon National University, Changwon 641-773 (Korea, Republic of); Shin, Dong-Soo [Department of Chemistry, Changwon National University, Changwon 641-773 (Korea, Republic of); Yi, Soung Soo, E-mail: [Department of Electronic Materials Engineering, Silla University, Busan 617-736 (Korea, Republic of)


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • Er{sup 3+}-doped novel oxyfluoride glasses have been prepared by melt quenching technique. • Structural, thermal and spectroscopic properties have been carried out. • SALSFEr glasses exhibit intense green and weak red emissions at 365 nm excitation. • Major laser transition for Er{sup 3+} ion in SALSFEr glasses is {sup 4}I{sub 13/2} → {sup 4}I{sub 15/2} (1.53 μm). • These results suggest the possibility of using SALSFEr glasses as photonic devices. - Abstract: The Er{sup 3+}-doped novel oxyfluoride glasses of composition (43 − x)SiO{sub 2}–10Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}–24LiF–23SrF{sub 2}–xEr{sub 2}O{sub 3}, where x = 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 and 6.0 mol%, have been prepared by conventional melt quenching technique and are characterized through X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential thermal analysis (DTA), Raman, Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) analysis, optical absorption spectra, visible (vis) and near-infrared (NIR) emission spectra measurements. Judd–Ofelt (JO) intensity parameters (Ω{sub λ}, λ = 2, 4 and 6) have been derived from the absorption spectrum of 1.0 mol% Er{sub 2}O{sub 3} doped glass and are in turn used to calculate radiative properties for the important luminescent levels of Er{sup 3+} ions. The studied glasses show intense green and weak red visible emissions under 365 nm excitation. The decrease in visible emission intensities with concentration of Er{sup 3+} ions has been explained due to energy transfer processes between Er{sup 3+} ions. Upon excitation at 980 nm laser diode, an intense 1.53 μm NIR emission has been observed with the maximum full width at half maximum (FWHM) for Er{sup 3+}-doped oxyfluoride glasses. The higher Er{sup 3+} ion doping capability and relatively high gain and broad emission at 1.5 μm are the most notable features of these glasses to realize efficient short-length optical amplifiers.

  10. Upconversion properties of Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped TeO2-TiO2-K2O glasses. (United States)

    Su, Fangning; Deng, Zaide


    The Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped TeO2-TiO2-K2O glasses were prepared by conventional melting procedures, and their upconversion spectra were performed. The dependence of luminescence intensity on the ratio of Yb3+/Er3+ was studied, and the relationship between green upconversion luminescence intensity and Er3+ concentration is discussed in detail. The 546 nm green upconversion luminescence intensity is optimised in the studied glasses either when the Yb3+/Er3+ ratio is 25/1 and Er3+ concentration is 0.1 mol%, or when the Yb3+/Er3+ ratio is 10/1 and Er3+ concentration is 0.15 mol%. These glasses could be one of the potential candidates for LD pumping microchip solid-state lasers.

  11. Den der ser, er den, der ses

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjerrum, Troels


    Udgangspunktet for afhandlingen er at undersøge, hvordan unge udsatte mennesker kan opnå personlig forandring ved hjælp af åndedrætstræning og meditation. Afhandlingen indleder med at beskrive de unges liv i en globalisering. Mange unge mennesker uden en social ansvarlig baggrund har ikke lært...... at foretage sig nødvendige samfundsmæssige valg. På grund af nederlag i hjem, skole, uddannelse og erhverv søger unge fællesskaber i ligestillede miljøer svarende til egen negative forventningspraksis. Den unge praktiserer en vanedannende negativ livsførelse, som eskalerer til yderligere socialt forfald. Unge......, der har levet i kriminalitet, misbrug og medmisbrug i lang tid, vil ikke være i stand til at realisere sig positivt pga. en personlig indgroet diskvalificerende forestilling. Afhandlingen forklarer, hvorledes negative oplevelser forbliver spændinger i menneskers krop. Teorier af Maurice Merleau...

  12. Fredom and Responsibility in the Myth of Er

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marina Berzons McCoy


    Full Text Available Plato uses the myth of Er in the Republic in order to carve out space for political freedom and responsibility for human freedom in the ordinary polis. While much of the Republic concentrates on the development of an ideal city in speech, that city is fundamentally a mythos presented in order for Socrates and his friends to learn something about political and individual virtue. The city in which Socrates and his friends exist is an imperfect city and myth of Er is intended for those audience members. Its emphasis on the necessity for personal responsibility in the midst of freedom can be understood as a political claim about the place of individual choice in a world that is constrained by both political and cosmic "necessity".

  13. Atmospheric Ionizing Radiation (AIR) ER-2 Preflight Analysis (United States)

    Tai, Hsiang; Wilson, John W.; Maiden, D. L.


    Atmospheric ionizing radiation (AIR) produces chemically active radicals in biological tissues that alter the cell function or result in cell death. The AIR ER-2 flight measurements will enable scientists to study the radiation risk associated with the high-altitude operation of a commercial supersonic transport. The ER-2 radiation measurement flights will follow predetermined, carefully chosen courses to provide an appropriate database matrix which will enable the evaluation of predictive modeling techniques. Explicit scientific results such as dose rate, dose equivalent rate, magnetic cutoff, neutron flux, and air ionization rate associated with those flights are predicted by using the AIR model. Through these flight experiments, we will further increase our knowledge and understanding of the AIR environment and our ability to assess the risk from the associated hazard.

  14. The integrative epigenomic-transcriptomic landscape of ER positive breast cancer. (United States)

    Gao, Yang; Jones, Allison; Fasching, Peter A; Ruebner, Matthias; Beckmann, Matthias W; Widschwendter, Martin; Teschendorff, Andrew E


    While recent integrative analyses of copy number and gene expression data in breast cancer have revealed a complex molecular landscape with multiple subtypes and many oncogenic/tumour suppressor driver events, much less is known about the role of DNA methylation in shaping breast cancer taxonomy and defining driver events. Here, we applied a powerful integrative network algorithm to matched DNA methylation and RNA-Seq data for 724 estrogen receptor (ER)-positive (ER+) breast cancers and 111 normal adjacent tissue specimens from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) project, in order to identify putative epigenetic driver events and to explore the resulting molecular taxonomy. This revealed the existence of nine functionally deregulated epigenetic hotspots encompassing a total of 146 genes, which we were able to validate in independent data sets encompassing over 1000 ER+ breast cancers. Integrative clustering of the matched messenger RNA (mRNA) and DNA methylation data over these genes resulted in only two clusters, which correlated very strongly with the luminal-A and luminal B subtypes. Overall, luminal-A and luminal-B breast cancers shared the same epigenetically deregulated hotspots but with luminal-B cancers exhibiting increased aberrant DNA methylation patterns relative to normal tissue. We show that increased levels of DNA methylation and mRNA expression deviation from the normal state define a marker of poor prognosis. Our data further implicates epigenetic silencing of WNT signalling antagonists and bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) as key events underlying both luminal subtypes but specially of luminal-B breast cancer. Finally, we show that DNA methylation changes within the identified epigenetic interactome hotspots do not exhibit mutually exclusive patterns within the same cancer sample, instead exhibiting coordinated changes within the sample. Our results indicate that the integrative DNA methylation and transcriptomic landscape of ER+ breast cancer is

  15. Crystal growth and scintillation properties of Er-doped Lu3Al5O12 single crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sugiyama, Makoto; Fujimoto, Yutaka; Yanagida, Takayuki; Totsuka, Daisuke; Kurosawa, Shunsuke; Futami, Yoshisuke; Yokota, Yuui; Chani, Valery; Yoshikawa, Akira


    Er-doped Lu 3 Al 5 O 12 (Er:LuAG) single crystalline scintillators with different Er concentrations of 0.1, 0.5, 1, and 3% were grown by the micro-pulling-down (μ-PD) method. The grown crystals were composed of single-phase material, as demonstrated by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD). The radioluminescence spectra measured under 241 Am α-ray excitation indicated host emission at approximately 350 nm and Er 3+ 4f-4f emissions. According to the pulse height spectra recorded under γ-ray irradiation, the 0.5% Er:LuAG exhibited the highest peak channel among the samples. The γ-ray excited decay time profiles were well fitted by the two-component exponential approximation (0.8 μs and 6-10 μs).

  16. Local microstructure and photoluminescence of Er-doped 12CaO·7Al2O3 powder

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    WANG Dan; LIU Yuxue; XU Changshan; LIU Yichun; WANG Guorui; LI Xinghua


    Er-doped 12CaO·7Al2O3 (C12A7:Er) powders were prepared using the sol-gel method followed by annealing inorganic precursors. X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman and absorption spectra revealed that Er ions existed and substituted Ca2+ lattice site in C12A7. The photoluminescence of C12A7:Er at room temperature was observed in the visible and infrared region using 488 nm (2.54 eV) Ar+ line as excitation source, respectively. The sharp and intense green emission bands with multi-peaks around 520 nm and 550 nm correspond to the transitions from the excited states 2H11/2 and 4S3/2 to the ground state 4I15/2, respectively. Furthermore, red emission band around 650 nm was also observed. It was attributed to the electronic transition from excited states 4F9/2 to the ground state 4I15/2 inside 4f-shell of Er3+ ions. The intensive infrared emission at 1.54μm was attributed to the transition from the first excited states of 4I13/2 to the ground state (4I15/2). The temperature dependent photoluminescence of infrared emission showed that the integrated intensity reached a maximum value at near room temperature. The forbidden transitions of intra-4f shell electrons in free Er3+ ions were allowed in C12A7 owing to lack of the inversion symmetry in the Er3+ position in C12A7 crystal field. Our results suggested that C12A7:Er was a candidate for applications in Er-doped laser materials, and full color display.

  17. Crystallographic and magnetic structure of the novel compound ErGe 1.83 (United States)

    Oleksyn, O.; Schobinger-Papamantellos, P.; Ritter, C.; de Groot, C. H.; Buschow, K. H. J.


    The crystal structure and the magnetic ordering of the novel orthorhombic compound ErGe 2-x has been studied by neutron powder diffraction and magnetic measurements. The crystal structure belongs to the DyGe 1.85-type (space group Cmc2 1)·ErGe 2-x ( x = 0.17 (2)) orders antiferromagnetically below TN = 6 K and displays a metamagnetic behaviour. The magnetic cell has the same size as the chemical unit cell ( q = 0 ). The magnetic space group is Cmc2 1 (Sh 36173). At T = 1.5 K the magnetic moments of the two erbium sites have the same ordered magnetic moment values of 7.63 (6) μB/Er and are antiferromagnetically coupled leading to an uniaxial structure along the a direction.

  18. Decoherence and absorption of Er{sup 3+}:KTiOPO{sub 4} (KTP) at 1.5 μm

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Böttger, Thomas, E-mail: [Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of San Francisco, 2130 Fulton St., San Francisco, CA 94117 (United States); Thiel, C.W. [Department of Physics, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717 (United States); Sun, Y. [Deptartment of Physics, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD 57069 (United States); Macfarlane, R.M. [Department of Physics, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717 (United States); IBM Almaden Research Center, 650 Harry Road, San Jose, CA 95120 (United States); Cone, R.L. [Department of Physics, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717 (United States)


    We present results of laser absorption spectroscopy and two-pulse photon echo decoherence measurements on the lowest {sup 4}I{sub 15/2} to lowest {sup 4}I{sub 13/2} transition in Er{sup 3+}: KTiOPO{sub 4} (KTP—potassium titanyl phosphate) for the optical transition located at 1537.238 nm. This transition was found to have an inhomogeneous absorption linewidth of 950 MHz and pronounced polarization dependence. Two-pulse photon echo decay measurements as a function of applied magnetic field strength at 1.9 K revealed a narrow homogeneous linewidth of 2.5 kHz at 0.2 T that increased to 5.8 kHz at 1.2 T and then decreased to 1.6 kHz at 4.5 T. This behavior was successfully described by decoherence due to Er{sup 3+}–Er{sup 3+} magnetic dipole interactions. Significant superhyperfine coupling of Er{sup 3+} spins to the nuclear moments of ions in the host lattice was observed, modulating the photon echo decay at low magnetic fields and limiting the effective homogenous linewidth at high fields. Combined with the well-established potential of KTP for fabrication of high-quality optical waveguides and integrated non-linear frequency conversion, our results suggest that Er{sup 3+}:KTP is a promising material system for practical spectral hole burning, signal processing, and quantum information applications. - Highlights: • Bulk Er{sup 3+}:KTP has dominant Er{sup 3+} site at 1537.238 nm with Γ{sub inh} of 950 MHz and T{sub 1} of 16.9 ms. • Two-pulse photon echoes revealed magnetic field dependent kHz-wide homogeneous linewidth. • Decoherence modeled using direct-phonon driven Er{sup 3+}–Er{sup 3+} magnetic dipole-dipole interactions. • Evidence of superhyperfine coupling of Er{sup 3+} spins to nuclear moments of host ions. • Er{sup 3+}:KTP is a promising material system for quantum memory and signal processing applications.

  19. Filosoffer og etikere er enige: Alle børn bør reddes i land

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Lasse


    Vi står over for en af vores største fælles etiske udfordringer nogensinde: At nå til enighed om, hvordan vi tackler problemet med, at flygtninge i desperation banker på vores dør. Men filosoffer og etikere er ikke i tvivl: Vi er forpligtigede til at hjælpe......Vi står over for en af vores største fælles etiske udfordringer nogensinde: At nå til enighed om, hvordan vi tackler problemet med, at flygtninge i desperation banker på vores dør. Men filosoffer og etikere er ikke i tvivl: Vi er forpligtigede til at hjælpe...

  20. Theoretical investigations on magnetocaloric effect in Er{sub 1−y}Tb{sub y}Al{sub 2} series

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ribeiro, P.O., E-mail: [Instituto de Física, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – UERJ, Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524, 20550-013 RJ (Brazil); Alho, B.P.; Alvarenga, T.S.T.; Nóbrega, E.P.; Sousa, V.S.R. de [Instituto de Física, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – UERJ, Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524, 20550-013 RJ (Brazil); Carvalho, A. Magnus G. [Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron, CNPEM, 13083-970 Campinas, SP (Brazil); Caldas, A. [Sociedade Unificada de Ensino Superior e Cultura, SUESC, 20211-351 Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Oliveira, N.A. de; Ranke, P.J. von [Instituto de Física, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – UERJ, Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524, 20550-013 RJ (Brazil)


    We report on the magnetic and magnetocaloric effect calculations in rare earth Er{sub 1−y}Tb{sub y}Al{sub 2} compounds (y=0.00, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1.00). Our model Hamiltonian has contributions of the crystalline electrical field anisotropy in both Er and Tb magnetic sublattices, disorder in exchange interactions among Er–Er, Tb–Tb and Er–Tb magnetic ions and the Zeeman effect. The magnetization, the isothermal entropy change (ΔS{sub T}) and the adiabatic temperature change (ΔT{sub ad}) dependence on temperature were simulated and, compared with the experimental data available. - Highlights: • Modeling Er{sub (1−y)}Tb{sub y}Al{sub 2} intermetallic compounds. • Magnetic entropy changes in Er{sub (1−y)}Tb{sub y}Al{sub 2}. • Adiabatic temperature changes in Er{sub 0.75}Tb{sub 0.25}Al{sub 2} and Er{sub 0.65}Tb{sub 0.35}Al{sub 2} compounds.