
Sample records for enteritis con bacteriemia

  1. Bacteriemia en pacientes internados con celulitis

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    Juan S. Lasa


    Full Text Available La celulitis es una inflamación aguda de la dermis y tejido celular subcutáneo de causa bacteriana, que generalmente complica a heridas, úlceras y dermatosis, aunque de manera frecuente no existe sitio de entrada. Se recomienda la realización de cultivo de punción de piel y partes blandas (PPB. Los hemocultivos raramente dan resultados positivos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la prevalencia de bacteriemia en pacientes internados en nuestra institución con diagnóstico de celulitis. Se analizaron retrospectivamente los registros clínicos de los pacientes con este diagnóstico al ingreso entre junio de 2007 y marzo de 2010. Se evaluaron los datos poblacionales, presencia de comorbilidades, y resultados de los cultivos. En ese período, se internaron 140 pacientes con diagnóstico de celulitis y a todos ellos se les realizó hemocultivo y cultivos de PPB. Setenta y cuatro eran varones (52.8%. La edad promedio: 47.5 ± 19.7 años (rango 16-94. El 40% tuvo cultivos positivos de PPB, en los que el Staphylococcus aureus meticilino resistente (SAMR fue el germen más frecuentemente aislado (35.7%; la prevalencia de bacteriemia fue del 8.6%, en donde el germen más frecuente fue Streptoccocus Beta hemolítico, grupo G (33% del total de hemocultivos positivos. La bacteriemia se asoció significativamente a mayor estadía hospitalaria (10.5 ± 8.9 vs. 4.9 ± 6, p = 0.004. Se asoció con mayor riesgo de hemocultivo positivo a ser diabético, tener cultivo de PPB positivo, consumo de alcohol y/o enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica.

  2. Prevalencia de bacteriemias relacionadas con el catéter de hemodiálisis en una unidad hospitalaria

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    Patricia Arribas Cobo


    Full Text Available En la actualidad ha aumentado el uso de catéteres tunelizados como acceso vascular permanente para los pacientes en hemodiálisis a pesar de las complicaciones que tiene asociadas, como puede ser la bacteriemia relacionada con el catéter. El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar la tasa de prevalencia de bacteriemia relacionada con el catéter para hemodiálisis, obtenida con la aplicación estricta de un protocolo de cuidados del catéter tunelizado por un personal bien entrenado en la unidad de hemodiálisis del Hospital Universitario Infanta Leonor entre abril de 2008 y abril de 2013, así como describir las posibles causas de bacteriemia relacionada con el catéter, la relación con alguna de las variables y su evolución en los últimos años. Durante los 5 años de estudio tuvimos 9 episodios de bacteriemia relacionada con el catéter, lo que supone una tasa global de prevalencia de 0,25/1000 días de catéter. La tasa por cada uno de los años fue menor de 1/1000 días de catéter. Los pacientes que tuvieron una bacteriemia relacionada con el catéter tuvieron implantados mayor número de catéteres que los que no la tuvieron, siendo esta diferencia significativa (p=0,027. No se encontraron diferencias con respecto a la edad, el sexo, la diabetes mellitus, el índice de comorbilidad de Charlson y la localización de los catéteres entre los pacientes que padecieron una bacteriemia relacionada con el catéter de los que no.

  3. Enfoque terapéutico de la bacteriemia por Staphylococcus aureus

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    Diego Tibavizco


    Full Text Available Staphylococcus aureus es un patógeno importante que causa cerca de 11% a 33% de las bacteriemias hospitalarias y un porcentaje importante de las adquiridas en la comunidad, con una tasa de complicaciones cercana a 50%. En la siguiente revisión se destaca la epidemiología de la bacteriemia por S. aureus, con especial referencia a la situación de este patógeno en Colombia, la frecuencia y los mecanismos de resistencia a los medicamentos más frecuentemente usados en este contexto, y se discuten los elementos semiológicos, clínicos y de laboratorio que influyen en el enfoque diagnóstico y terapéutico de los pacientes con bacteriemia por este microorganismo.

  4. Comparación entre métodos de cultivo independientes y dependientes para la detección de bacteriemia transitoria en individuos diabéticos con periodontitis crónica


    Anna Carolina Ratto-Tespestini; Paula Juliana Pérez-Chaparro; Giuseppe Alexandre Romito; Luciene Cristina Figueiredo; Marcelo Faveri; Hilana Paula Carillo; Priscila Larcher; Magda Feres


    Introducción. Las bacteriemias de origen oral pueden ocurrir después de procedimientos odontológicos y de otros actos cotidianos. Algunas condiciones de la cavidad oral favorecen las bacteriemias como en el caso de pacientes con diabetes mellitus y periodontitis que presentan inflamación gingival exacerbada. Objetivo. Comparar la eficacia de un método independiente de cultivo (PCR cuantitativa) y otro dependiente (BacT-ALERT 3D®) en la detección de la bacteriemia. Materiales y métodos. ...

  5. Las bacteriemias relacionadas con el catéter tunelizado de hemodiálisis y cuidados de enfermería

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    María Crespo Garrido

    Full Text Available Resumen Introducción: En la actualidad, y debido a su avanzada edad y/o con comorbilidad diabética y cardiovascular asociada, un buen porcentaje de pacientes en hemodiálisis tienen que ser dializados mediante un catéter venoso central tunelizado. Objetivo: Conocer la producción científica existente sobre la bacteriemia relacionada con el catéter venoso central tunelizado de hemodiálisis. Material y Método: Se ha realizado una revisión sistemática mediante una búsqueda en las bases de datos SCOPUS, PubMed y ScieLo. Se incluyeron artículos escritos en inglés y español. Resultados: Fueron revisados 28 artículos, entre los cuáles se incluían guías de práctica clínica, revisiones y estudios de investigación. Tras el análisis de los mismos, se evidenció que la bacteriemia relacionada con el catéter afecta a un número considerable de pacientes que portan un catéter venoso central tunelizado para hemodiálisis y se encontraron diferentes actitudes terapéuticas para abordarla. En cuanto a su prevención, se encontraron numerosas publicaciones sobre la efectividad de diferentes medidas farmacológicas, y aunque fueron menos las publicaciones encontradas acerca de la profilaxis no farmacológica, estas recalcaron la importancia del estricto cumplimiento de medidas de higiene y asepsia, como herramienta principal para prevenir su aparición y situaron a enfermería como elemento fundamental para cumplirlas. Conclusiones: Las medidas de higiene y asepsia constituyen la base de la prevención de la bacteriemia relacionada con el catéter, siendo la enfermería un factor clave para que estas se cumplan; y debido a que la mayor parte de la literatura se centra en las medidas farmacológicas, son necesarios más estudios que evidencien su importancia.

  6. Bacteriemia en pacientes internados con celulitis Bacteremia in patients hospitalized with cellulitis

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    Juan S. Lasa


    Full Text Available La celulitis es una inflamación aguda de la dermis y tejido celular subcutáneo de causa bacteriana, que generalmente complica a heridas, úlceras y dermatosis, aunque de manera frecuente no existe sitio de entrada. Se recomienda la realización de cultivo de punción de piel y partes blandas (PPB. Los hemocultivos raramente dan resultados positivos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la prevalencia de bacteriemia en pacientes internados en nuestra institución con diagnóstico de celulitis. Se analizaron retrospectivamente los registros clínicos de los pacientes con este diagnóstico al ingreso entre junio de 2007 y marzo de 2010. Se evaluaron los datos poblacionales, presencia de comorbilidades, y resultados de los cultivos. En ese período, se internaron 140 pacientes con diagnóstico de celulitis y a todos ellos se les realizó hemocultivo y cultivos de PPB. Setenta y cuatro eran varones (52.8%. La edad promedio: 47.5 ± 19.7 años (rango 16-94. El 40% tuvo cultivos positivos de PPB, en los que el Staphylococcus aureus meticilino resistente (SAMR fue el germen más frecuentemente aislado (35.7%; la prevalencia de bacteriemia fue del 8.6%, en donde el germen más frecuente fue Streptoccocus Beta hemolítico, grupo G (33% del total de hemocultivos positivos. La bacteriemia se asoció significativamente a mayor estadía hospitalaria (10.5 ± 8.9 vs. 4.9 ± 6, p = 0.004. Se asoció con mayor riesgo de hemocultivo positivo a ser diabético, tener cultivo de PPB positivo, consumo de alcohol y/o enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica.Cellulitis is an acute inflammation of dermis and subcutaneous tissue, usually complicating wounds, ulcers, or dermatosis. Even though in these cases it is recommended to perform culture from skin and soft tissue samples, the utility of blood cultures remains controversial due to the low frequency of positive results. Here we report the prevalence of bacteremia in patients with cellulitis admitted in our

  7. Bacteriemia asociada a neutropenia febril en pacientes hemato-oncológicos, su espectro bacteriano y patrón de susceptibilidad antibiótica

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    Lucy Johanna Hinojosa-Andía


    Full Text Available La neutropenia febril es una de las complicaciones más frecuentes y de mayor morbilidad y mortalidad en los pacientes hematológicos. Su documentación microbiológica es una herramienta invaluable para el manejo; sin embargo, la cambiante tendencia en etiología de la bacteriemia y el patrón de susceptibilidad antimicrobiana comprometen la tasa de respuesta a los esquemas de tratamiento empírico. Objetivo: Determinar la etiología de bacteriemia en pacientes con neoplasias hematológicas y neutropenia febril, su patrón de susceptibilidad antimicrobiana y el grado de resistencia vigente a los medicamentos comúnmente utilizados en esquemas empíricos de manejo. Material y métodos: Se revisaron datos microbiológicos de las historias clínicas de pacientes hematológicos, hospitalizados en el HNERM entre diciembre 2010 y marzo 2012; que habían presentado neutropenia febril y bacteriemia concurrente. La información se analizó con el paquete estadístico STATA v. 10 y se empleó estadística descriptiva. Resultados: La bacteriemia fue predominantemente por bacterias gram negativas (75,9% y post consolidación de LMA con Ara-C por gram positivas (63,6%. La mortalidad de pacientes post reinducción con bacteriemia fue 75% y se asoció a Klebsiella pneumoniae BLEE+ en 31,2%. Conclusiones: Gérmenes gram negativos fueron la etiología más frecuente de bacteriemia en la población estudiada, particularmente en pacientes que recibieron quimioterapia de reinducción, donde se vio la mayor frecuencia de bacteriemia con mayor resistencia y asociados a mayor mortalidad. Posterior a quimioterapia de consolidación con Citarabina en altas dosis para LMA, resultó más frecuente la bacteriemia a gram positivos. Carbapenems y Amoxicilina/Clavulánico mostraron considerable menor resistencia que cefalosporinas y fluoroquinolonas.

  8. Incidencia de bacteriemia y neumonía nosocomial en una unidad de pediatría

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    Martínez-Aguilar Gerardo


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar la incidencia de bacteriemia relacionada con catéter y neumonía asociada a ventilador en niños hospitalizados. Material y métodos. Estudio prospectivo. En el servicio de Pediatría del Hospital General Regional (HGR No 1 del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS, de Durango, México, durante 18 meses, de enero de 1999 a junio del 2000, se implementó un sistema de vigilancia epidemiológica activa para identificar episodios de neumonía y bacteriemia nosocomial de acuerdo a las definiciones operacionales de la Norma Oficial Mexicana (NOM. A los pacientes hospitalizados que por su patología requirieron de ventilación mecánica o de catéter intravenoso central se les hizo seguimiento desde el primer día de exposición hasta la detección del episodio de infección o su retiro. Se efectuaron hemocultivos y cultivos de aspirado traqueal. Se calcularon tasas de incidencia para la neumonía asociada a ventilador y de bacteriemia/sepsis por 1 000 días de exposición con sus respectivos intervalos de confianza al 95%. También se presenta la tasa mensual de la infección por días de exposición por medio de gráficas de control estadístico. Resultados. Se identificaron 47 episodios de bacteriemia/sepsis relacionada con catéter y 44 de neumonía asociada a ventilador. La tasa de incidencia de neumonía fue de 28 eventos por 1 000 días de exposición a ventilador y la de bacteriemia/sepsis fue de 26 eventos por 1 000 días de exposición a catéter intravenoso central. Los microrganismos gram positivos (61.11% predominaron sobre los gram negativos (38.88%. Conclusiones. Este estudio documentó tasas de neumonía y bacteriemia en niños, sustancialmente más elevadas que en otros informes, lo que hace necesario establecer lineamientos para la prevención de infecciones en niños con catéteres intravasculares y sobre los cuidados que requieren los niños sometidos a ventilación mecánica. El texto completo en ingl

  9. Bioconectores: ¿son realmente eficaces en la reducción de las bacteriemias relacionadas con el catéter permanente para hemodiálisis?

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    Isabel Crehuet Rodríguez

    Full Text Available Uno de los mayores problemas que presentan los catéteres venosos centrales tunelizados para hemodiálisis son las infecciones, por su gravedad y los elevados costes que generan. Por ello, es importante su prevención, ya que, además, el número de catéteres ha aumentado considerablemente en los últimos años. Objetivos: Realizamos este estudio en nuestra unidad para analizar: • Eficacia de unos conectores con sistema cerrado (TEGO® en la prevención de bacteriemia relacionada con el catéter. • Incidencia de Staphylococcus aureus y gérmenes causantes más frecuentes. Material y método: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, comparativo y transversal durante 800 días, que dividimos en dos periodos iguales. En los primeros 400 se aplicó el protocolo de la unidad a 24 pacientes y en los 400 días siguientes se aplicó el mismo protocolo más los conectores anteriormente citados a 25. En ambos periodos, 19 fueron los mismos pacientes. Resultados: En el primer periodo se contabilizaron 4 infecciones en 7062 días de catéter y en el segundo 2 infecciones en 8622 días de catéter. Índice de bacteriemia en ambos periodos: 0,56/1000 y 0,23/1000 respectivamente. Ninguna infección se produjo por Staphylococcus aureus, siendo el germen más frecuente Staphylococcus coagulasa negativo. Conclusión: Nuestra conclusión es que los conectores fueron eficaces en la prevención de las bacteriemias ya que redujeron notablemente nuestros, ya bajos, índices de las mismas.

  10. Bioconectores: ¿son realmente eficaces en la reducción de las bacteriemias relacionadas con el catéter permanente para hemodiálisis?


    Crehuet Rodríguez, Isabel; Bernárdez Lemus, María Albina; Ramírez Crehuet, Marta; Méndez Briso-Montiano, Pilar; Ruiz-Zorrilla López, Carlos


    Uno de los mayores problemas que presentan los catéteres venosos centrales tunelizados para hemodiálisis son las infecciones, por su gravedad y los elevados costes que generan. Por ello, es importante su prevención, ya que, además, el número de catéteres ha aumentado considerablemente en los últimos años. Objetivos: Realizamos este estudio en nuestra unidad para analizar: • Eficacia de unos conectores con sistema cerrado (TEGO®) en la prevención de bacteriemia relacionada con el catéter. • In...

  11. Efecto del tratamiento antibiótico inicial adecuado sobre la mortalidad en pacientes en estado crítico con bacteriemia por Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Andrés Leonardo González


    Full Text Available Introducción. La bacteriemia es una de las infecciones hospitalarias de mayor mortalidad, especialmente en las unidades de cuidados intensivos, donde es más frecuente. Pseudomonas aeruginosa es uno de los causantes de bacteriemia más agresivos. Objetivo. Evaluar la asociación entre el tratamiento antibiótico inicial y la mortalidad hospitalaria en estos pacientes. Materiales y métodos. Se trata de un estudio de cohorte retrospectivo multicéntrico realizado entre 2005 y 2008. Se consideró tratamiento adecuado aquel iniciado en las primeras 48 horas del diagnóstico que incluyera, al menos, una dosis de antibiótico intravenoso al que P. aeruginosa fuera sensible y hubiera sido suministrado en la dosis y frecuencia recomendadas. El desenlace principal fue la mortalidad hospitalaria en un lapso de 30 días. Se hizo pareo según grado de exposición usando índices de propensión y, posteriormente, análisis paramétrico de supervivencia. Resultados. Se incluyeron 164 pacientes. La mediana de edad y la clasificación del APACHE II (Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II fue de 56 y 13, respectivamente. Se identificó la fuente de la bacteriemia en 68,3 % de los casos, y la más frecuente fue el tracto respiratorio; 44 % de los pacientes recibió tratamiento inadecuado, y la resistencia bacteriana fue la principal variable asociada. La proporción de incidencia de sepsis grave, choque séptico, falla orgánica múltiple y muerte en el lapso de 30 días fue de 67,7, 50, 41,5 y 43,9 %, respectivamente. El tratamiento adecuado se asoció a una prolongación del tiempo hasta el evento (razón de tiempo ajustada, 2,95, IC95%, 1,63 a 5,33. Conclusión. El tratamiento antibiótico inicial adecuado es un factor protector contra la mortalidad hospitalaria en pacientes con bacteriemia por P. aeruginosa.

  12. Bacteriemia por Ochrobactrum anthropi en paciente con obstrucción de la vía biliar Bacteraemia by Ochrobactrum anthropi in patient with biliary obstruction

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    Sigifredo Ospina


    Full Text Available Reporte de caso de bacteriemia por Ochrobactrum anthropi con probable hepatitis bacteriana asociada, en un paciente inmunocompetente, el cual ingresa por sospecha de colangitis y obstrucción biliar. O. anthropi es una bacteria emergente en infecciones intrahospitalarias con notable resistencia antimicrobiana, y es un patógeno inusual en humanos.A case report of bacteraemia by Ochrobactrum anthropi probably associated with bacterial hepatitis, in a inmuno competent patient, who was admitted to the hospital with the diagnostic impression of cholangitis and biliary obstruction. O. anthropi is an emerging bacteria in nosocomial infections with remarkable antimicrobial resistance, being an unusual pathogen in humans.

  13. Bacteriemia asociada a catéter epicutáneo en la unidad de cuidado intensivo neonatal de la Fundación Cardioinfantil


    Pinilla Reyes, Darly Rocio


    La bacteriemia asociada a catéter afecta a pacientes en las unidades de cuidado intensivo con una alta morbilidad, mortalidad y aumento de los costos al sistema de salud. Los recién nacidos son la población de más alto riesgo por el mayor uso de catéteres centrales. Objetivo: Caracterizar factores de riesgo para bacteriemia asociada a catéter en la Unidad de Cuidado Intensivo Neonatal de la Fundación Cardioinfantil entre 2005 - 2010 Materiales y método: Estudio descriptivo de corte tra...

  14. Control de bacteriemia nosocomial pediátrica mediante un programa de cultivo de soluciones parenterales en uso

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    Muñoz Juan M.


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO. Dado que Klebsiella, Enterobacter y Serratia se multiplican en soluciones parenterales y son responsables de una elevada proporción de bacteriemias en los hospitales de México, se propone una estrategia de control mediante la vigilancia microbiológica de las soluciones en uso. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Hospital de enseñanza de segundo nivel con 193 camas. Atiende principalmente pacientes de escasos recursos. En 1992 se inició la vigilancia de la esterilidad de las soluciones parenterales en los servicios pediátricos mediante cuatro estrategias: durante la primera etapa se cultivó el total de soluciones en uso. Durante la segunda se cultivaron muestras aleatoriamente elegidas. Tercera y cuarta etapas con muestreo controlado y dirigido, respectivamente. RESULTADOS. Se han cultivado 1940 infusiones. Se ha observado una reducción de la tasa de contaminación (de 29.6% en 1992 a 12.9% en 1997, p< 0.001. Asimismo se redujo la proporción de bacilos gramnegativos aislados en sangre (72.7% vs 40.85%, p< 0.001 y las bacteriemias nosocomiales primarias (BNP (3.12 vs 1.54 por 100 egresos, p< 0.0001. CONCLUSIONES. La detección de contaminantes señala posibles fallas en el manejo parenteral, áreas de riesgo y pacientes potencialmente afectados. El programa permite estudiar el nivel endémico de contaminación de infusiones y limitar los brotes de bacteriemias nosocomiales primarias a un costo bajo.

  15. Distribución de los genotipos de fimA en cepas de Porphyromonas gingivalis aisladas de placas subgingivales y de sangre durante bacteriemias

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    Martine Bonnaure-Mallet


    Conclusión. En los aislamientos de sangre y de placa subgingival de pacientes con periodontitis el fimA más frecuente fue el tipo II; no fue posible correlacionar el tipo de fimA con la bacteriemia inducida por el alisado radicular. Los resultados de la secuenciación del gen fimA no concuerdan con los obtenidos por PCR.

  16. Control de bacteriemia nosocomial pediátrica mediante un programa de cultivo de soluciones parenterales en uso


    Muñoz Juan M.; Macías Alejandro E.; Guerrero Francisco J.; Hernández Isabel; Medina Humberto; Vargas Enrique


    OBJETIVO. Dado que Klebsiella, Enterobacter y Serratia se multiplican en soluciones parenterales y son responsables de una elevada proporción de bacteriemias en los hospitales de México, se propone una estrategia de control mediante la vigilancia microbiológica de las soluciones en uso. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Hospital de enseñanza de segundo nivel con 193 camas. Atiende principalmente pacientes de escasos recursos. En 1992 se inició la vigilancia de la esterilidad de las soluciones parenterales ...

  17. Distribución de los genotipos de fimA en cepas de Porphyromonas gingivalis aisladas de placas subgingivales y de sangre durante bacteriemias


    Martine Bonnaure-Mallet; Paula Juliana Pérez-Chaparro; Patrice Gracieux; Vincent Meuric; Zohreh Tamanai-Shacoori; Jaime Eduardo Castellanos


    Introducción. Porphyromonas gingivalis es el principal agente etiológico de la periodontitis. El gen fimA ha sido relacionado con la virulencia del microorganismo, lo cual sugiere la participación de dicho gen en la capacidad del microorganismo para alcanzar el torrente sanguíneo. Objetivo. Estudiar la distribución de los tipos de fimA de P. gingivalis en muestras de placa subgingival y de sangre obtenidas durante bacteriemias después de raspaje y alisado radicular. Materiales y métodos...

  18. Mortality among critically ill patients with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia: a multicenter cohort study in Colombia Mortalidad en pacientes gravemente enfermos con bacteriemia por Staphylococcus aureus resistente a la meticilina: un estudio multicéntrico de cohortes en Colombia

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    Juan S. Castillo


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To evaluate risk factors associated with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA bacteremia emergence, its prognosis, and mortality-determining factors in critically ill patients in Colombia. METHODS: A multicenter, retrospective cohort study conducted in 2005-2008 at 16 public and private reference health care institutions in Bogotá, Colombia, that form part of a national epidemiological surveillance network and a hospital network with 4 469 beds. Methicillin-resistant emergence and mortality were analyzed using descriptive and time-to-event analysis; a multivariate Cox proportional hazard regression model was built to test the association between methicillin resistance and mortality. RESULTS: A total of 372 patients were studied: 186 with MRSA bacteremia, randomly matched with 186 with methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA bacteremia. Previous surgery, antibiotic exposure, and hospital-acquired infections were independently associated with methicillin resistance. MRSA caused longer hospital stays among survivors (median 24 versus 18 days, P = 0.014. Mortality predictors were: patient age, creatinine level over 1.21mg/dl at ICU admission, severe sepsis, and inotropic requirement. Appropriate antimicrobial therapy and antimicrobial therapy change were independent protective factors, as was male gender. CONCLUSIONS: Methicillin resistance per se was not a mortality-independent prognostic factor. Previous conditions, such as age, baseline renal impairment, severe sepsis, and inotropy demand explained the observed mortality. Appropriate antimicrobial therapy remained a protective factor. A call to improve infection control measures in Colombia is mandatory.OBJETIVO: Evaluar los factores de riesgo asociados con la aparición de bacteriemia por Staphylococcus aureus resistente a la meticilina (MRSA, su pronóstico y los factores determinantes de la mortalidad en pacientes gravemente enfermos en Colombia. M

  19. Impacto de la bacteriemia en una cohorte de pacientes con neumonía neumocócica Impact of bacteremia in a cohort of patients with pneumococcal pneumonia

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    Ileana Palma


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Bacteriemia es la forma invasiva más común de neumonía adquirida en la comunidad (NAC por Streptococcus pneumoniae. Investigamos si la bacteriemia en NAC neumocócica empeora los resultados y si ella guarda relación con la vacunación antineumocócica (VAN. MÉTODOS: Análisis secundario de una cohorte de pacientes con NAC neumocócica confirmada por cultivo de sangre o esputo o antígeno urinario. Se registraron datos demográficos, clínicos, radiográficos y de laboratorio, escores Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II y pneumonia severity index (PSI, comorbilidades y antecedente de VAN. Se compararon pacientes con NAC neumocócica bacteriémica (NNB vs. no bacteriémica (NNNB. RESULTADOS: Cuarenta y siete pacientes tenían NNB y 71 NNNB (45 por cultivo de esputo y 26 por antígeno urinario; 107 tenían alguna indicación de VAN. Ningún paciente con NNB, pero 9 con NNNB, habían recibido VAN (p = 0,043. Los pacientes con NNB eran mayores (76,4 ± 11,5 vs. 67,5 ± 20,9 años, tenían mayor APACHE II (16,4 ± 4,6 vs. 14,1 ± 6,5 y PSI (129,5 ± 36 vs. 105,2 ± 45, más frecuentemente cardiopatía e insuficiencia renal crónica e internación en UTI (42,5% vs. 22,5% y menor hematocrito (35,7 ± 5,8 vs. 38,6 ± 6,7% y sodio plasmático (133,9 ± 6,0 vs. 137,1 ± 5,5 mEq/L. La mortalidad fue similar (29,8% vs. 28,2%. CONCLUSIONES: Los niveles de VAN (8,4% en esta población con alto riesgo de NAC por S. pneumoniae fueron extremadamente bajos. Los pacientes con NNB estaban más graves, pero la mortalidad fue similar entre los dos grupos. La VAN reduce la incidencia de NNB y es razonable incrementar el nivel de vacunación de la población en riesgo.OBJECTIVE: Bacteremia is the most common presentation of invasive disease in community-acquired pneumonia (CAP due to Streptococcus pneumoniae. We investigated whether bacteremia in pneumococcal CAP worsens outcomes and whether it is related to pneumococcal

  20. Control de bacteriemia nosocomial pediátrica mediante un programa de cultivo de soluciones parenterales en uso Pediatric nosocomial bacteremia control program based on culturing in use parenteral infusions


    Juan M. Muñoz; Alejandro E. Macías; Francisco J. Guerrero; Isabel Hernández; Humberto Medina; Enrique Vargas


    OBJETIVO. Dado que Klebsiella, Enterobacter y Serratia se multiplican en soluciones parenterales y son responsables de una elevada proporción de bacteriemias en los hospitales de México, se propone una estrategia de control mediante la vigilancia microbiológica de las soluciones en uso. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Hospital de enseñanza de segundo nivel con 193 camas. Atiende principalmente pacientes de escasos recursos. En 1992 se inició la vigilancia de la esterilidad de las soluciones parenterales ...

  1. Análisis microbiológico, epidemiológico y evolución clínica de los pacientes con bacteriemia en el Hospital Zonal de Esquel en el período 2007-2009 Microbiological and epidemiological analysis, and clinical outcome of patients with bloodstream infection from an Esquel hospital in the period 2007-2009

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    J. R. Nazar


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de analizar los episodios de bacteriemia, se revisaron los informes de los hemocultivos y las historias clínicas de 867 pacientes atendidos en el Hospital Zonal de Esquel en un período de 29 meses. La incidencia de bacteriemias significativas fue de 10/1000 admisiones/año. El 47% fueron bacteriemias adquiridas en la comunidad (BAC, el 22% fueron bacteriemias nosocomiales (BNO y el 31% fueron bacteriemias asociadas al cuidado de salud (BACS. Los 5 grupos de microorganismos predominantes fueron Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus spp. y estafilococos coagulasa negativos. Los focos infecciosos más comunes fueron el respiratorio, el abdominal y desconocido. S. pneumoniae prevaleció en las BAC y S. aureus en las BNO y en las BACS. La terapia antibiótica empírica inicial inefectiva (ATBI alcanzó el 26,5% de los casos, y fue mayor en las BNO y las BACS que en las BAC (p In order to evaluate the bacteremic episodes, the blood cultures performed in 867 patients during a 29-month period were reviewed. The incidence of significant bloodstream infections was 10/1000 admissions/year. About 47% of bacteremias were community-acquired (CAB, 22% nosocomial (NB, and 31% health care-associated (HCAB. The five most common pathogens were: Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus spp. and coagulase-negative staphylococci, whereas the main sources were: respiratory, intraabdominal and unknown. The major organism in CAB was S. pneumoniae, and S. aureus in NB and HCAB. The ineffective empirical-antimicrobial-therapy [IEAT (total 26.5%] was much higher in NB and HCAB vs. CAB (p < 0.05. There was no significant difference in mortality and IEAT between known vs. unknown sources. Old age (≥ 70 yrs, previous antibiotic therapy, hospitalization in clinical medical services, Enterococcus spp. and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus isolates were more associated with

  2. Evaluación de una nueva pauta de profilaxis antimicrobiana para prevenir bacteriemas secundarias a la práctica de exodoncias


    Álvarez Álvarez, Francisco Javier


    La prevalencia de bacteriemias post-exodoncia es particularmente elevada cuando este procedimiento se efectúa bajo anestesia general. Se confirma que la administración profiláctica de amoxicilina reduce significativamente la prevalencia y la duración de las bacteriemias post-exodoncia. La quimioprofilaxis con amoxicilina-ácido clavulánico demostró una efectividad del 100 % para prevenir las bacteriemias post-exodoncia, superando de forma significativa la del régimen profiláctico clásico con a...

  3. Bacteriemia por Abiotrophia defectiva en un paciente pediátrico neutropénico febril Bacteremia due to Abiotrophia defectiva in a febrile neutropenic pediatric patient

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    H. Lopardo


    Full Text Available Un estudio reciente destacó la presencia de Granulicatella spp. en episodios de bacteriemia en pacientes neutropénicos, a diferencia de Abiotrophia defectiva, que sólo se había observado en endocarditis infecciosa. El objetivo de esta presentación es describir un caso de bacteriemia por A. defectiva en un niño leucémico, neutropénico (200 GB/mm³ y febril (40 °C. En una de las muestras de hemocultivo se obtuvo el desarrollo de A. defectiva. A pesar de que el paciente estudiado cursaba una varicela, lo que podría justificar el episodio febril, el hallazgo de A. defectiva en el hemocultivo se interpretó como perteneciente a una bacteriemia verdadera ya que esta especie, según nuestros conocimientos, no forma parte de la flora habitual de la piel. Este caso sugiere que A. defectiva también puede ser responsable de casos de bacteriemia en pacientes inmunocomprometidos.The presence of Granulicatella spp. in bacteremic episodes of neutropenic patients was recently highlighted whereas Abiotrophia defectiva, was only isolated in cases of infectious endocarditis. The aim of this study is to describe a case of A.defectiva bacteremia in a leukemic and febrile (40 °C neutropenic (200 GB/mm³ boy. A.defectiva was only isolated from one of the two processed blood samples . Although the patient was undergoing an episode of varicela which could have accounted as the possible cause of fever, A. defectiva was considered a significant finding because this species is not part of the commensal skin flora. This case suggests that both A. defectiva and Granulicatella spp. should be regarded as possible causes of bacteremia in immunocompromised patients.

  4. Brote de bacteriemia por Serratia marcescens en pacientes portadores de catéteres tunelizados en hemodiálisis secundario a colonización de la solución antiséptica. Experiencia en 4 centros

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    José L. Merino


    Conclusiones: Las bacteriemias por gérmenes no convencionales deben ponernos sobre aviso para investigar posibles brotes. La aplicación de una solución contaminada por S. marcescens en los catéteres en hemodiálisis fue la vía de bacteriemia. El tratamiento antibiótico intravenoso y el sellado de los catéteres permitió una excelente supervivencia tanto de los pacientes como de los catéteres.

  5. Absceso hepático por Klebsiella pneumoniae, asociado con bacteriemia y meningitis: Reporte de un caso


    Yucumá-Gutiérrez, Samuel; Duran-Gutiérrez, Luis F; Osorio-Pinzón, Johanna V; Álzate-Carvajal, Verónica; Mondragón-Cardona, Álvaro


    El absceso hepático, continúa siendo un importante problema de salud pública. El causado por Klebsiella pneumoniae, se ha descrito en un 29% de los casos en algunas series. Con una mortalidad hasta del 11,3%, se presenta con mayor frecuencia en pacientes con diabetes mellitus, relacionándose con complicaciones a distancia, como meningitis, absceso cerebral y afección pulmonar. Se presenta el caso de un hombre sin factores de riesgo, con síndrome de absceso hepático por Klebsiella pneumoniae c...

  6. Factores de riesgo de la resistencia a meticilina del Staphylococcus aureus causante de bacteriemia: Un estudio multicéntrico de casos y controles emparejados

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    Paola Mariana Arias-Ortiz


    Conclusiones. El uso racional de antibióticos y la vigilancia de exposiciones a procedimientos quirúrgicos o al uso de dispositivos invasivos, son intervenciones que podrían mitigar la emergencia de S. aureus meticilino resistente causante de bacteriemia.

  7. Bacteriemia during endodontic treatment in relation to the technique of biomechanical preparation: randomized clinical trial Bacteriemia durante o tratamento endodôntico em função da técnica de preparo biomecânico: ensaio clínico randomizado

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    Adriane Tenório Dourado


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: The aim of this randomized clinical trial was to evaluate the frequency of bacteriemia during endodontic treatment, with comparison between two techniques for biomechanical preparation of the root canal system. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The sample comprised 50 patients aged 16 to 52 years, of both genders, which were divided into 2 groups with 25 patients each. Group I underwent biomechanical preparation by the step-back technique, and Group II was treated by the rotary technique with nickel-titanium instruments (K3. Patients were submitted to antisepsis of the oral cavity with chlorhexidine digluconate and three samples of blood were collected for blood culture: preoperatively, immediately after the biomechanical preparation and 10 minutes later. The significance level adopted was 5.0%, and analysis was performed by descriptive and inferential statistics by means of the Fisher's exact test, Fisher-Freeman-Halton test and Student's t test. Data were analyzed on the Statexact and SPSS softwares. RESULTS: All blood cultures achieved before and immediately after preparation were negative. On the other hand, with regard to the blood cultures collected 10 minutes after preparation, one (4% positive case was found for Group I. However, this difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.50. CONCLUSION: The frequency of bacteriemia was low and observed just for Group I.OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste ensaio clínico randomizado foi avaliar a freqüência de bacteriemia durante o tratamento endodôntico comparando duas técnicas de preparo biomecânico do sistema de canais radiculares. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: A amostra constou de 50 pacientes, com idade variando entre 16 e 52 anos e de ambos os sexos, sendo dividida em 2 grupos de 25 pacientes. No Grupo I, realizou-se o preparo biomecânico através da técnica escalonada com recuo progressivo programado, e, no Grupo II, por meio técnica rotatória, empregando instrumentos de níquel-titânio (K3

  8. Impacto de la resistencia a la meticilina sobre la mortalidad y vigilancia de la sensibilidad a la vancomicina en bacteriemias causadas por Staphylococcus aureus Impact of methicillin resistance on mortality and surveillance of vancomycin susceptibility in bacteremias caused by Staphylococcus aureus

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    F. Traverso


    Full Text Available Staphylococcus aureus es uno de los principales patógenos nosocomiales y produce una alta morbimortalidad en numerosos hospitales del mundo. Además, la incidencia de bacteriemias por este microorganismo ha aumentado significativamente en las últimas décadas. Los objetivos del presente trabajo fueron identificar los factores de riesgo que favorecen la aparición de resistencia a la meticilina en aislamientos de S. aureus y los factores que afectan la mortalidad por bacteriemias asociadas a este patógeno, así como evaluar la sensibilidad a la vancomicina de las cepas resistentes a la meticilina. Se estudiaron 39 aislamientos de S. aureus provenientes de hemocultivos de pacientes internados con bacteriemia en la Nueva Clínica Chacabuco de Tandil (Pcia. de Buenos Aires, Argentina en el período 01/2006-12/2008. La mortalidad global fue del 51,3% y estuvo significativamente asociada con la resistencia a la meticilina (OR: 4,20; IC95%: 1,08-16,32; p: 0,05; aunque dicho factor no fue un predictor independiente de mortalidad. La cirugía previa (OR: 17,23; IC95%: 1,80-164,60 y la estancia previa en la unidad de cuidados intensivos (OR: 21,12; IC95%: 2,33-191,30 fueron predictores independientes de la resistencia a la meticilina y la asistencia respiratoria mecánica (OR: 15,99; IC: 3,24-78,86 fue un predictor independiente de la mortalidad. No se detectaron cepas con sensibilidad disminuida a la vancomicina. Todos los aislamientos estudiados fueron sensibles in vitro a la vancomicina, con una CIM50 y una CIM90 de 0,5 μg/ml.Staphylococcus aureus is a major nosocomial pathogen that causes severe morbidity and mortality in many hospitals worldwide. Besides, the incidence of S. aureus bacteremia has significantly increased over the past decades. The aims of this study were to detect the risk factors for methicillin resistance and mortality and to evaluate vancomycin susceptibility in methicillin-resistant isolates. Thus, 39 S. aureus isolates from

  9. Bacteriemias de origen comunitario en pacientes adultos que acuden al servicio de urgencias de un hospital universitario Community-acquired bacteremia in adult patients attending the emergency service of a teaching hospital

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    Muriel J Artico


    Full Text Available La bacteriemia es causa importante de morbimortalidad. Nuestro objetivo es describir una serie de episodios de bacteriemia de origen comunitario en adultos, registrados en el hospital de Clínicas de Córdoba. Entre enero de 2005 y diciembre de 2009 se estudiaron 271 episodios. La rentabilidad diagnóstica del hemocultivo fue 13,5 %. El 52 % de los pacientes eran varones y el 48 % mujeres, la edad promedio fue de 60 años. Las comorbilidades prevalentes fueron diabetes (21 %, neoplasia (18 %, cardiopatía (11 % e infección por HIV (8 %. Los focos que se pudieron establecer fueron el respiratorio (21 %, el urinario (15 %, el cutáneo (9 % y otros (13 %. Predominaron las bacterias gram positivas (51,4 %. Los microorganismos más frecuentes fueron Escherichia coli (25 %, Streptococcus pneumoniae (22,9 % y Staphylococcus aureus (12,3 %. La bacteriemia fue polimicrobiana en el 7 % de los casos. El 33 % de los aislamientos de E. coli presentó resistencia a la ciprofloxacina y el 6 % a la ceftacidima. El 14 % de los aislamientos de S. aureus fue resistente a la oxacilina. Solo el 7 % de los aislamientos de S. pneumoniae expresó altos niveles de resistencia a la penicilina según el criterio poblacional, con CIM = 2 ug/ml.Bacteremia is an important cause of morbimortality. This study describes the episodes of community-acquired bacteremia in adult patients registered at our hospital. Between January 2005, and December 2009, 271 episodes were studied. The diagnostic yield of blood cultures was 13.5 %. A total of 52 % of patients were male and 48 % female. The mean age was 60. The most frequent comorbidities were: diabetes (21 %, neoplasia (18 %, cardiopathy (11 %, and HIV infection (8 %. The focus was- respiratory (21 %, urinary (15 %, cutaneous (9 %, and others (13 %. Gram-positive bacteria prevailed (51.4%. The most frequent microorganisms were Escherichia coli (25 %, Streptococcus pneumoniae (22.9 %, and Staphylococcus aureus (12.3 %. Bacteremia

  10. Bacteriemia fulminante asociada a Capnocytophaga sputigena en un paciente con linfoma no Hodgkin tipo T: Diagnóstico por secuenciación genética del ARNr 16S Fatal bacteremia related to Capnocytophaga sputigena in a hematological patient with type T non- Hodgkin lymphoma: Diagnosis by 16S rRNA gene sequencing

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    Tomás García Lozano


    Full Text Available Describimos un caso de bacteriemia fulminante asociada a Capnocytophaga sputigena en un paciente hematológico. El aislamiento fue identificado mediante la secuenciación genética de la subunidad 16S del ARNr.We described a case of fatal bacteremia related to Capnocytophaga sputigena in a hematological patient. The strain was identified by 16S rRNA gene sequencing.

  11. Soporte nutricional enteral en pacientes pediátricos con insuficiencia renal crónica en hemodiálisis Enteral nutritional support in pediatric patients with chronic renal failure on hemodialysis

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    Susana Pineda Pérez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio clínico con el objetivo de evaluar la aceptabilidad, tolerancia y efecto en el estado nutricional de la nutrición enteral con Nutricomp® ADN renal de B-BRAUN. Se estudiaron 12 pacientes en edades entre los 10 y 19 años, que presentaban insuficiencia renal crónica y recibían tratamiento de hemodiálisis. Además de su alimentación habitual se indicó ADN renal (90 g, por vía oral, en la sesión de diálisis. Se evaluó cada paciente al inicio y se comparó consigo mismo a los 30 días, según parámetros antropométricos, dietéticos, bioquímicos e inmunológicos. Los datos obtenidos se procesaron con el programa SPSS, versión 8, y se emplearon para el análisis las pruebas t de Student y chi cuadrado. La tolerancia y aceptabilidad de la fórmula enteral fueron buenas. A los 30 días se registró un aumento significativo en las variables antropométricas: peso (p < 0,001, índice de masa corporal (p < 0,001 y área grasa (p < 0,001. En el área de músculo el incremento no fue signficativo (p < 0,259. No hubo modificación significativa de las restantes variables. La recuperación nutricional, expresada por el aumento de peso, el índice de masa corporal, el área de grasa y el área muscular, estuvo presente en todos los pacientes estudiados.

  12. Infecciones por Streptococcus agalactiae en un servicio de neonatología abierto Infections due to Streptococcus agalactiae at an open neonatology service

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    Manuel Díaz Álvarez


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. El objetivo del presente estudio fue conocer las características clínicas y epidemiológicas de las infecciones por estreptococo del grupo B en recién nacidos egresados de los hospitales maternos. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, que incluyó a recién nacidos consecutivos con infecciones por Streptococcus agalactiae, ingresados en el Servicio de Neonatología del Hospital Pediátrico Universitario «Juan M. Márquez» entre febrero de 1992 y diciembre del 2007. Se procesaron y analizaron distintas variables clínicas y epidemiológicas, con cálculo de tasas de incidencia y letalidad, así como relación entre variables categóricas. RESULTADOS. Hubo 76 recién nacidos con infección por Streptococcus agalactiae, lo cual constituyó una tasa promedio anual de 1,9 x 100 ingresos. Predominaron las infecciones de inicio tardío y las adquiridas en la comunidad (89,5 % y 93,4 %, respectivamente. La meningitis fue la forma clínica más frecuente, seguida de la bacteriemia aislada. Hubo 56 de 76 recién nacidos con bacteriemia (73,7 %. El Streptococcus agalactiae tuvo elevada sensibilidad ante la penicilina, la eritromicina, la vancomicina, la cefotaxima y el cloranfenicol. Hubo 7 fallecidos (9,2 % y todos fueron pacientes con infección del sistema nervioso central. CONCLUSIONES. Streptococcus agalactiae es un agente causal de infecciones que afectan al recién nacido, tanto en la comunidad como en el medio hospitalario. Estas infecciones pueden ser letales en algunos pacientes con infección del sistema nervioso central con bacteriemia o sin ella, aún manteniendo un patrón de elevada susceptibilidad a los antibióticos betalactámicos.INTRODUCCIÓN. The objective of the present study was to know the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of the infections caused by group B Streptococcus in newborns discharged from maternal hospitals. METHODS. A descriptive study that included consecutive infants with

  13. Metodología para la implementación del soporte nutricional enteral personalizado como alternativa de la nutrición enteral domiciliaria Methodology for implementation of personalized enteral nutritional support as an alternative for enteral nutrition at home

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    Rafael Jiménez García


    Full Text Available Introducción: la nutrición enteral domiciliaria se realiza en la casa del paciente, y permite que disminuyan los costos hospitalarios como consecuencia de largas estadías para lograr la recuperación o mejorar el estado nutricional y su reingreso al medio familiar. Objetivo: mostrar una metodología para la implementación del soporte nutricional enteral personalizado en el hogar con recursos centralizados, como una alternativa para la nutrición domiciliaria en pediatría. Métodos: a partir del diseño de la metodología para las Unidades de Nutrición Enteral Pediátrica con objetivos de actuación de los Grupos de Apoyo Nutricional Hospitalarios, se diseñó una metodología, que, a través de acciones concretas, logra la integración entre los niveles clínico-facultativos y gerenciales. Resultados: la metodología diseñada está basada en la integración de la atención primaria de salud con la secundaria, en una relación de carácter recíproco (desde y hacia, en la que el control centralizado de los recursos permite, no solo economizarlos, sino, a la vez, su registro para organizar la demanda por la estructura administrativa. El diseño metodológico crea, a su vez, un espacio para las funciones educativas de los padres y el control sistemático del soporte, lo cual, a su vez, le da una connotación preventiva acorde con los objetivos de la medicina comunitaria. Conclusiones: la metodología propuesta por nuestro grupo de trabajo constituye una alternativa en pediatría para el desarrollo de la nutrición enteral domiciliaria, como prestación de los servicios nutricionales, con una mayor integración entre los niveles primario y secundario de salud.Introduction: home enteral nutrition is provided at the patient's house and allows reducing the hospital costs derived from long lengths of stay at hospital to attain the recovery or the improvement of the nutritional status of the patient and his/her return to the family environment


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    Alli Muthiah


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Nutrients form the fuel for the body, which comes in the form of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. The body is intended to burn fuels in order to perform work. Starvation with malnutrition affects the postoperative patients and patients with acute pancreatitis. There is an increased risk of nosocomial infections and a delay in the wound healing may be noted. They are more prone for respiratory tract infections. Enteral Nutrition (EN delivers nutrition to the body through gastrointestinal tract. This also includes the oral feeding. This study will review the administration, rationale and assess the pros and cons associated with the early initiation of enteral feeding. The aim of this study is to evaluate if early commencement of enteral nutrition compared to traditional management (delayed enteral feeding is associated with fewer complications and improved outcome-  In patients undergoing elective/emergency gastrointestinal surgery.  In patients with acute pancreatitis. It is also used to determine whether a period of starvation (nil by mouth after gastrointestinal surgery or in the early days of acute pancreatitis is beneficial in terms of specific outcomes. MATERIALS AND METHODS A prospective cohort interventional study was conducted using 100 patients from July 2012 to November 2012. Patients satisfying the inclusion and exclusion criteria were included in the study. Patients admitted in my unit for GIT surgeries or acute pancreatitis constituted the test group, while patients admitted in other units for similar disease processes constituted the control group. RESULTS Our study concluded that early enteral feeding resulted in reduced incidence of surgical site infections. When the decreased length of stay, shorter convalescent period and the lesser post-interventional fatigue were taken into account, early enteral feeding has a definite cost benefit.CONCLUSION Early enteral feeding was beneficial associated with fewer

  15. Bacteriemia relacionada a catéter por Ochrobactrum anthropi Catheter-associated bacteremia caused by Ochrobactrum anthropi

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    Rolando Soloaga


    Full Text Available Ochrobactrum anthtropi es un bacilo gram negativo aeróbico, no fermentador de la glucosa, anteriormente conocido como Achromobacter sp o CDC grupo Vd. Ha sido aislado del medio ambiente y de infecciones en seres humanos que generalmente presentaban algún tipo de inmunocompromiso. Las infecciones por este microorganismo fueron bacteriemias relacionadas a catéteres y en ocasiones endoftalmitis, infecciones urinarias, meningitis, endocarditis, absceso hepático, osteocondritis, absceso pelviano y absceso pancreático. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de sexo masculino, de 69 años de edad, que consultó a la guardia por hipotensión sostenida y síndrome febril de cuatro días de evolución, escalofrío, sudoración profusa y deterioro del sensorio. El paciente tenía diabetes de tipo 2 y antecedente de accidente cerebrovascular. Debido a insuficiencia renal crónica presentaba un catéter de doble lumen para la diálisis. Se documentó una bacteriemia relacionada a catéter por cultivo de sangre a través de catéter y de vena periférica, utilizando el sistema automatizado de hemocultivos Bact-Alert y la metodología de tiempo diferencial (>120min. La confirmación se realizó, una vez removido el catéter, por la técnica semicuantitativa de Maki (> 15 UFC. El microorganismo fue identificado por API 20NE y Vitek 1 como Ochrobactrum anthropi.Ochrobactrum anthropi is a non-glucose fermentative, aerobic gram-negative bacillus, formerly known as Achromobacter sp or CDC group Vd. It has been isolated from the environment and from infections in usually immunocompromised human beings. The documented infections frequently involved catheter related bacteremia whereas endophthalmitis, urinary infections, meningitis, endocarditis, hepatic abscess, osteochondritis, pelvic abscess and pancreatic abscess were rarely involved. Here it is presented the case of a male patient aged 69 years with sustained hypotension, four day febrile syndrome, chill, lavish

  16. Metodología para la implementación del soporte nutricional enteral personalizado como alternativa de la nutrición enteral domiciliaria

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    Rafael Jiménez García


    Full Text Available Introducción: la nutrición enteral domiciliaria se realiza en la casa del paciente, y permite que disminuyan los costos hospitalarios como consecuencia de largas estadías para lograr la recuperación o mejorar el estado nutricional y su reingreso al medio familiar. Objetivo: mostrar una metodología para la implementación del soporte nutricional enteral personalizado en el hogar con recursos centralizados, como una alternativa para la nutrición domiciliaria en pediatría. Métodos: a partir del diseño de la metodología para las Unidades de Nutrición Enteral Pediátrica con objetivos de actuación de los Grupos de Apoyo Nutricional Hospitalarios, se diseñó una metodología, que, a través de acciones concretas, logra la integración entre los niveles clínico-facultativos y gerenciales. Resultados: la metodología diseñada está basada en la integración de la atención primaria de salud con la secundaria, en una relación de carácter recíproco (desde y hacia, en la que el control centralizado de los recursos permite, no solo economizarlos, sino, a la vez, su registro para organizar la demanda por la estructura administrativa. El diseño metodológico crea, a su vez, un espacio para las funciones educativas de los padres y el control sistemático del soporte, lo cual, a su vez, le da una connotación preventiva acorde con los objetivos de la medicina comunitaria. Conclusiones: la metodología propuesta por nuestro grupo de trabajo constituye una alternativa en pediatría para el desarrollo de la nutrición enteral domiciliaria, como prestación de los servicios nutricionales, con una mayor integración entre los niveles primario y secundario de salud.

  17. Nutrición enteral total vs. nutrición parenteral total en pacientes con pancreatitis aguda grave Total enteral nutrition vs. total parenteral nutrition in patients with severe acute pancreatitis

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    M. Casas


    Full Text Available Objetivo: comparar la eficacia de la instauración precoz de nutrición enteral total (NET frente a nutrición parenteral total (NPT en pacientes con pancreatitis aguda grave (PAG. Métodos: estudio prospectivo aleatorio. Se incluyeron consecutivamente 22 pacientes con PAG aplicando los criterios APACHE II, valores de PCR y graduación de Balthazar en la TC. El grupo I (n = 11 recibió NPT y el grupo II (n = 12 NET. Se valoró la respuesta inflamatoria (PCR, TNF-alfa, IL-6, las proteínas viscerales (pre-albúmina, albúmina, la tasa de complicaciones (síndrome de respuesta inflamatoria sistémica, fallo multiorgánico, infecciones, las intervenciones quirúrgicas, la estancia hospitalaria y la mortalidad. Resultados: no hubo diferencias significativas en los primeros 10 días entre los dos grupos en la evolución de los criterios APACHE II, en las concentraciones de PCR, TNF-alfa e IL-6 ni tampoco en los valores de pre-albúmina y albúmina. Siete pacientes del grupo I presentaron complicaciones graves frente a 4 del grupo II. Requirieron intervención quirúrgica 3 pacientes del grupo I. La estancia hospitalaria fue similar en los dos grupos. Dos pacientes del grupo I fallecieron. Conclusiones: se ha observado una tendencia a una mejor evolución de los pacientes con PAG que utilizaron NET frente a los que utilizaron NPT.Objective: to compare the efficacy of early total enteral nutrition (TEN vs. total parenteral nutrition (TPN in patients with severe acute pancreatitis (SAP. Methods: a total of 22 consecutive patients with SAP were randomized to receive TPN (group I or TEN (group II. SAP was defined applying APACHE II score, C-reactive protein (CRP measurements and/or Balthazar CT scan score. Acute inflammatory response (CRP, TNF-alpha, IL-6, visceral proteins (pre-albumin, albumin, complications (systemic inflammatory response syndrome, multiorgan failure, infections, surgical interventions, length of hospital stay and mortality were

  18. Impact of inappropriate antimicrobial therapy on patients with bacteremia in intensive care units and resistance patterns in Latin America Impacto de la terapia antimicrobiana inapropiada en pacientes con bacteriemia en unidades de cuidado intensivo y patrones de resistencia en América Latina

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    J. A. Cortés


    Full Text Available Patient care in an intensive care unit (ICU is associated with an increased risk of developing nosocomial infections. Bacteremia is responsible for a great number of cases, 23% of which have attributable mortality in developed countries and can affect up to 52% of ICU patients. The main cause of mortality is inadequate and inappropriate antimicrobial empirical therapy. The incorrect use of antimicrobials is a major risk for identifying multidrug resistant microorganisms, thereby involving increased morbidity, mortality and costs. Implementing several surveillance systems and becoming acquainted with resistance patterns represent a valuable tool for identifying, preventing and treating this infectious complication. There is paucity of data regarding antimicrobial resistance in bacteremic patients in Latin America, and the available data reveals a worrying scenario.El manejo médico en la unidad de cuidado intensivo (UCI se asocia con un mayor riesgo de infecciones intrahospitalarias. Las bacteriemias tienen una alta frecuencia en dichas unidades, se presentan hasta en el 52% de los pacientes allí asistidos y en los países desarrollados se les atribuye una mortalidad del 23%, que se debe fundamentalmente al uso de tratamiento empírico inadecuado o inapropiado. El uso incorrecto de los antimicrobianos es uno de los principales factores de riesgo para el desarrollo de la resistencia bacteriana, que conlleva la selección de microorganismos multirresistentes, el aumento de la morbilidad y la mortalidad y el incremento en los días de estancia hospitalaria y del costo por hospitalización. La implementación de diferentes sistemas de vigilancia y el conocimiento de la variabilidad en la resistencia a los antimicrobianos constituyen valiosas herramientas para identificar y prevenir la resistencia a los antibióticos y para orientar la terapéutica. En América Latina disponemos de pocos datos sobre las tasas de resistencia y aquellos disponibles

  19. Bacteriemia por Vibrio cholerae no-O1, no-O139 en un paciente en hemodiálisis crónica Non-O1, non-O139 Vibrio cholerae bacteremia in a chronic hemodialysis patient

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    Mariela S. Zárate


    Full Text Available Vibrio cholerae no-O1, no-O139 es un agente poco frecuente como causal de bacteriemias y no hay informes que documenten su presencia en pacientes en hemodiálisis crónica. Se describe el caso de una paciente en hemodiálisis crónica que presentó un cuadro de sepsis, por lo cual inició un tratamiento con vancomicina y ceftacidima. Al cabo de seis horas y media de incubación en el sistema BACT/ALERT de hemocultivo, se evidenció la presencia de bacilos curvos gram negativos, posteriormente identificados como Vibrio cholerae mediante pruebas bioquímicas convencionales y el uso de los kits API 20 NE y VITEK 2. La evaluación del serogrupo y de la presencia de factores de patogenicidad, realizada en el laboratorio de referencia, determinó que el microorganismo hallado pertenecía al serogrupo no-O1, no-O139. No se detectó la toxina de cólera, tampoco el factor de colonización ni la toxina termoestable. El aislamiento presentó sensibilidad frente a ampicilina, trimetoprima-sulfametoxazol, ciprofloxacina, tetraciclina, ceftacidima y cefotaxima por el método de difusión con discos y por VITEK 2. La paciente cumplió 14 días de tratamiento con ceftacidima endovenosa, con evolución favorable.Non-O1, and non-O139 Vibrio cholerae is an infrequent cause of bacteremia. There are no reports of such bacteremia in chronic hemodialysis patients. This work describes the case of a chronic hemodialysis patient that had an episode of septicemia associated with dialysis. Blood cultures were obtained and treatment was begun with vancomycin and ceftazidime. After 6.5 hours of incubation in the Bact/Alert system there is evidence of gram-negative curved bacilli that were identified as Vibrio cholerae by conventional biochemical tests, API 20 NE and the VITEK 2 system. This microorganism was sent to the reference laboratory for evaluation of serogroup and virulence factors and was identified as belonging to the non-O1 and non-O139 serogroup. The cholera

  20. Control de bacteriemia nosocomial pediátrica mediante un programa de cultivo de soluciones parenterales en uso Pediatric nosocomial bacteremia control program based on culturing in use parenteral infusions

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    Juan M. Muñoz


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO. Dado que Klebsiella, Enterobacter y Serratia se multiplican en soluciones parenterales y son responsables de una elevada proporción de bacteriemias en los hospitales de México, se propone una estrategia de control mediante la vigilancia microbiológica de las soluciones en uso. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Hospital de enseñanza de segundo nivel con 193 camas. Atiende principalmente pacientes de escasos recursos. En 1992 se inició la vigilancia de la esterilidad de las soluciones parenterales en los servicios pediátricos mediante cuatro estrategias: durante la primera etapa se cultivó el total de soluciones en uso. Durante la segunda se cultivaron muestras aleatoriamente elegidas. Tercera y cuarta etapas con muestreo controlado y dirigido, respectivamente. RESULTADOS. Se han cultivado 1940 infusiones. Se ha observado una reducción de la tasa de contaminación (de 29.6% en 1992 a 12.9% en 1997, pOBJECTIVES. As Klebsiella, Enterobacter and Serratia are capable of growth in IV fluids and these bacteria are commonly implicated in nosocomial bacteremia, a control strategy through microbiological surveilance of in-use parenteral solutions is proposed. MATERIAL AND METHODS. A second level general teaching hospital, serving low-income patients. Through four consecutive strategies, a continous surveillance program of IV fluids sterility in pediatric wards was stablished in 1992. During the first stage all of the in -use solutions were cultured. During the second stage randomly selected samples were studied. Third stage was designed as a case-control study. The last stage included samples drawn in convenience. Positive cultures point out eventual infusion mishandling, as well as high-risk areas and patients. RESULTS. After culturing 1940 parenteral solutions, infusion contamination rates decreased from 29.6% in 1992 to 12.9% in 1997 (p< 0.001. The proportion of Gram-negative rods isolated from blood cultures went from 72.7% to 40.85% (p< 0

  1. Enteral but not parenteral antibiotics enhance gut function and prevent necrotizing enterocollitis in forumula-fed newborn preterm pigs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Birck, Malene M; Nguyen, Duc Ninh; Cilieborg, Malene Skovsted


    , relative to CON pigs (P pigs were intermediate with few affected parameters (reduced lactic acid levels and density and adherence of Gram-positive bacteria, relative to CON pigs, P antimicrobial resistance following the treatments. We......Preterm infants are susceptible to infection and necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) and are often treated with antibiotics. Simultaneous administration of enteral and parenteral antibiotics during the first days after preterm birth prevents formula-induced NEC lesions in pigs, but it is unknown which...... administration route is most effective. We hypothesized that only enteral antibiotics suppress gut bacterial colonization and NEC progression in formula-fed preterm pigs. Caesarean-delivered preterm pigs (90–92% of gestation) were fed increasing amounts of infant formula from birth to day 5 and given saline (CON...

  2. Bacteriemia por Campylobacter fetus aislado mediante métodos convencionales de una paciente inmunocomprometida Bacteremia due to Campylobacter fetus isolated by conventional methods from an immunocompromised patient

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    G. Epifane


    Full Text Available Las bacterias del género Campylobacter son bacilos gram-negativos móviles, helicoidales, que presentan morfologías características. Estos microorganismos requieren una baja tensión de oxígeno y un nivel aumentado de CO2 para su desarrollo. Se presenta un caso de bacteriemia por Campylobacter fetus en una paciente con diagnóstico previo de cáncer de mama, metástasis en columna dorso-lumbar y leucemia promielocítica aguda M3 variante de la clasificación FAB. La paciente ingresó al Hospital Italiano de Córdoba por pérdida de conocimiento y proctorragia de 48 h de evolución. Debido a su pancitopenia severa se le realizaron sucesivas transfusiones de sangre. A los 13 días de internación presentó fiebre permanente. Se tomaron muestras para hemocultivo y urocultivo y se comenzó el tratamiento antibiótico con clindamicina y ciprofloxacina. Los hemocultivos se subcultivaron a las 48 h en agar chocolate. A las 24 h de incubación a 35 °C en atmósfera con 5% de CO2 desarrollaron colonias diminutas. La coloración de Gram reveló en ambas muestras bacilos gram-negativos espirilados, posteriormente identificados como Campylobacter fetus por medio de pruebas bioquímicas convencionales. El esquema antibiótico fue rotado a gentamicina más clindamicina. La paciente evolucionó favorablemente y los hemocultivos resultaron negativos luego de 5 días de tratamiento.The genus Campylobacter includes gram-negative, motile, curved rods that can evidence characteristic morphologies. These microorganisms require low oxygen tension and an increased level of CO2 for growing. A case of bacteremia due to Campylobacter fetus in a patient with a previous diagnosis of breast cancer with metastases in dorso-lumbar column and acute promyelocytic leukemia (FAB-M3 variant is presented. The patient was admitted to our institution due to loss of consciousness and a 2 day - history of bloody diarrhea. She received successive blood transfusions on account of

  3. Influence of SPK with Enteric Drainage on the Pancreatic Exocrine Function in Diabetic Patients with Uremia

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    Guanghui Pei


    Full Text Available Objective. This study aimed to determine the use of fecal elastase in evaluating the effect of simultaneous pancreas–kidney transplantation with enteric drainage on the pancreatic exocrine function of diabetic patients with uremia. Methods. A total of 19 patients with simultaneous pancreas–kidney transplantation (SPK with enteric drainage, 31 diabetic patients with uremia (chronic renal failure (CRF, 22 diabetic patients with uremia who underwent renal transplantation (RT, and 20 normal individuals (CON were included in the study. Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency was determined using fecal elastase. Results. The fecal pancreatic elastase level in SPK patients with enteric drainage was 479 μg/g, which was significantly higher than 229 μg/g in CRF patients and 197 μg/g in RT patients. Using 200 μg/g as the established threshold, a reduced fecal pancreatic elastase level was found in 14/31 of CRF patients, 12/22 of RT patients, 1/19 of SPK patients with enteric drainage, and 1/20 of CON patients. The correlation analysis revealed a significant association between fecal elastase and glycosylated hemoglobin. Conclusions. The present study indicated that SPK with enteric drainage improves pancreatic endocrine and exocrine functions. Fecal elastase may be a clinically relevant means to determine the therapeutic effects.

  4. En el sellado del catéter venoso central en hemodiálisis, ¿presenta el uso de citrato respecto al uso de heparina menos complicaciones de infección? Una revisión de la literatura

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    Mateu Nadal Servera

    Full Text Available Resumen Introducción: La heparina es el fármaco anticoagulante de elección y de uso habitual en los servicios de hemodiálisis, en el procedimiento de permeabilización de los catéteres venosos centrales, aunque su uso no está exento de riesgos como la hemorragia. La infección asociada al catéter, bien por colonización del catéter o por bacteriemia, es el evento más importante y la segunda causa de mortalidad tras la enfermedad cardiovascular en el paciente en hemodiálisis. En este sentido, el uso del citrato se está presentando como una alternativa para el sellado de los catéteres venosos centrales, dado que tiene propiedades tanto anticoagulantes locales como antimicrobianas y podría ser más eficiente en la prevención o la reducción de la infección asociada al catéter. Objetivos: Identificar qué anticoagulante de uso en el sellado del catéter venoso central, la heparina o el citrato, presenta menos complicaciones de bacteriemia asociada al catéter y de colonización del catéter; Material y Método: se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica a través del metabuscador EBSCOhost (Academic Search Premier, CINAHL y las bases de datos PubMed, IME, Ibecs, LILACS, CUIDEN, Scopus y Cochrane Library, con la selección final de 15 documentos tras la aplicación de los límites de búsqueda, la eliminación de duplicados y la aplicación de los criterios de inclusión/exclusión. Los resultados más relevantes y actuales disponibles en la literatura científica presentaron cierta variabilidad, tanto en las concentraciones de anticoagulante como en la incidencia de infección. Resultados y Discusión: La numerosa evidencia sobre la bacteriemia asociada al catéter, tanto en relación con la concentración como en la combinación del anticoagulante de sellado, indica que el citrato 4% podría reducir la incidencia de bacteriemia, aunque el citrato asociado a antimicrobianos es más efectivo en la prevención de ésta respecto a la

  5. Uso de plasmaféresis en pancreatitis hipertrigliceridémica

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    Fernando Jerkovich


    Full Text Available La hipertrigliceridemia es causa de 1-4% de las pancreatitis agudas. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 42 años con antecedentes de obesidad, diabetes mellitus tipo 2, hipertrigliceridemia e hipercolesterolemia (9365 mg/dl y 1822 mg/dl, respectivamente, 1 mes previo a la consulta. Concurrió a nuestro hospital por cuadro de dolor abdominal de 5 días de evolución de tipo cólico con progresión continua en las últimas 48 horas. Se realizó tomografía de abdomen que informó imágenes compatibles con pancreatitis. A las 36 horas de su ingreso se inició la primera sesión de plasmaféresis con una reducción de triglicéridos y colesterol del 25 y 30% respectivamente y una segunda sesión al día siguiente con descenso de triglicéridos a 996 mg/dl y colesterol a 238 mg/dl. Durante su internación presentó bacteriemia por Klebsiella pneumoniae, sin colección ni necrosis pancreática detectables por tomografía de abdomen, y luego neumonía intrahospitalaria, ambas infecciones con buena respuesta a antibioticoterapia. Al alta, los triglicéridos habían descendido a 652 mg/dl, el colesterol a 167 mg/dl, el dolor abdominal había cedido y la paciente presentaba buena tolerancia por vía oral. Observamos una reducción del 90% de triglicéridos y 87% de colesterol luego de dos sesiones de plasmaféresis, comparado con 70% de reducción en promedio en la mayoría de los estudios consultados. En los mismos, no hemos encontrado la presencia de bacteriemia ni neumonía hospitalaria como complicaciones.

  6. Evaluation of Gastrointestinal Leakage in Multiple Enteric Inflammation Models in Chickens. (United States)

    Kuttappan, Vivek A; Vicuña, Eduardo A; Latorre, Juan D; Wolfenden, Amanda D; Téllez, Guillermo I; Hargis, Billy M; Bielke, Lisa R


    Enteric inflammation models can help researchers' study methods to improve health and performance and evaluate various growth promoters and dietary formulations targeted to improve performance in poultry. Oral administration of fluorescein isothiocyanate-dextran (FITC-d; 3-5 kDa) and its pericellular mucosal epithelial leakage are an established marker to evaluate enteric inflammation in multiple species. The present study evaluated different methods to induce gut inflammation in poultry based on FITC-d leakage. Four independent experiments were completed with different inflammation treatment groups, and serum FITC-d and/or retention of FITC-d in GI tract were determined. In experiment 1 (n = 10 birds/treatment, broilers, processed at 14 days), groups included control (CON), dextran sodium sulfate (DSS; drinking water at 0.75%) and feed restriction (FRS; 24 h before processing). Experiment 2 (n = 14 birds/treatment, leghorns, processed at 7 days) included CON, DSS, FRS, and rye-based diet (RBD). In experiments 3 and 4 (n = 15 birds/treatment, broilers, processed at 7 days), groups were CON, DSS, high fat diet (HFD), FRS, and RBD. In all experiments, FRS and RBD treatments showed significantly higher serum FITC-d levels compared to the respective CON. This indicates that FRS and RBD results in disruption of the intact barrier of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), resulting in increased gut permeability. DSS and HFD groups showed elevation of serum FITC-d levels although the magnitude of difference from respective CON was inconsistent between experiments. FRS was the only treatment which consistently showed elevated retention of FITC-d in GIT in all experiments. The results from present studies showed that FRS and RBD, based on serum FITC-d levels, can be robust models to induce gut leakage in birds in different age and species/strains.

  7. Evaluation of gastrointestinal leakage in multiple enteric inflammation models in chickens

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    Vivek A. Kuttappan


    Full Text Available Enteric inflammation models can help researchers study methods to improve health and performance plus evaluate various growth promoters and dietary formulations targeted to improve performance in poultry. Oral administration of fluorescein isothiocyanate dextran (FITC-d; 3-5 kDa and its pericellular mucosal epithelial leakage is an established marker to evaluate enteric inflammation in multiple species. The present study evaluated different methods to induce gut inflammation in poultry based on FITC-d leakage. Four independent experiments were completed with different inflammation treatment groups; serum FITC-d and/or retention of FITC-d in GI tract was/were determined. In experiment 1 (n=10 birds/treatment; broilers; processed at 14d, groups included control (CON, Dextran sodium sulfate (DSS; drinking water at 0.75% and feed restriction (FRS; 24h before processing. Experiment 2 (n=14birds/treatment; leghorns; processed at 7d included CON, DSS, FRS, and rye based diet (RBD. In experiments 3 and 4 (n=15 birds/treatment; broilers; processed at 7d, groups were CON, DSS, high fat diet (HFD, FRS, and RBD. In all experiments, FRS and RBD treatments showed significantly higher serum FITC-d levels compared to the respective CON. This indicates that FRS and RBD results in disruption of the intact barrier of the GIT, resulting in increased gut permeability. DSS and HFD groups showed elevation of serum FITC-d levels although the magnitude of difference from respective CON were inconsistent between experiments. FRS was the only treatment which consistently showed elevated retention of FITC-d in GIT in all experiments. The results from present studies showed that FRS and RBD, based on serum FITC-d levels, can be robust models to induce gut leakage in birds in different age and species/strains.

  8. Infecciones intrahospitalarias en pacientes pediátricos con enfermedades hematológicas, 2006-2009 Nosocomial infections in pediatric patients with hematological diseases, 2006-2009

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    Librada Martell-Martorell


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en el Servicio de Pediatría del Instituto de Hematología e Inmunología, en el período comprendido entre diciembre de 2006 y marzo de 2009. Se incluyeron 36 pacientes que presentaron 60 infecciones con documentación microbiológica, lo que representó el 29 % del total. La mayoría de las infecciones se presentaron en pacientes con hemopatías malignas, de los cuales una gran parte tuvo neutropenia severa. En los episodios infecciosos las bacterias gramnegativas fueron las más frecuentes, seguidas de las grampositivas y los hongos, estos últimos siempre asociados con infecciones bacterianas. El estafilococo coagulasa negativo fue el microorganismo de mayor incidencia. Los pacientes que tuvieron colocado el catéter venoso central en región femoral tuvieron mayor riesgo de presentar bacteriemia por bacilos gramnegativos.A cross-sectional study was performed at the Pediatric Department of the Institute of Hematology and Immunology from December 2006 to March 2009. There were 36 patients who had 60 infections with microbiological documentation, which represented 29 % of the total. Most infections occurred in patients with hematological malignancies, of which a large portion had severe neutropenia. In infectious episodes Gram-negative bacteria was the most frequent, followed by Gram positive and fungi, this latter was always associated with bacterial infections. Coagulase negative staphylococcus was the organism with the highest incidence. Patients who had central venous catheter placed in the femoral region had a higher risk of negative bacilli bacteremia.

  9. Enteric glia. (United States)

    Rühl, A; Nasser, Y; Sharkey, K A


    The enteric nervous system is composed of both enteric neurones and enteric glia. Enteric glial cells were first described by Dogiel and are now known to outnumber neurones approximately 4 : 1. In the past, these cells were assumed to subserve a largely supportive role; however, recent evidence indicates that enteric glial cells may play a more active role in the control of gut function. In transgenic mouse models, where enteric glial cells are selectively ablated, the loss of glia results in intestinal inflammation and disruption of the epithelial barrier. Enteric glia are activated specifically by inflammatory insults and may contribute actively to inflammatory pathology via antigen presentation and cytokine synthesis. Enteric glia also express receptors for neurotransmitters and so may serve as intermediaries in enteric neurotransmission. Thus, enteric glia may serve as a link between the nervous and immune systems of the gut and may also have an important role in maintaining the integrity of the mucosal barrier and in other aspects of intestinal homeostasis.

  10. Streptococcus gallolyticus subsp. pasteurianus en líquido cefalorraquídeo de un paciente pediátrico

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    Liz M Vélez Balestro

    Full Text Available Hasta la fecha se han descrito casos de meningitis por Streptococcus gallolyticus subsp. pasteurianus en adultos, y de los pocos casos pediátricos, el mayor número se presentó en neonatos. En este trabajo presentamos un caso de meningitis y bacteriemia por este estreptococo en un paciente de 9 meses, con reiteradas hospitalizaciones por enfermedades respiratorias; este constituye el primer aislamiento documentado del citado microorganismo en Santa Fe.

  11. Celulitis por Acinetobacter junii-johnsonii adquirida en la comunidad: una presentación de caso

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    Andrés F. Henao-Martínez


    Full Text Available La infección de piel y tejidos blandos por Acinetobacter no relacionada con trauma es una presentación inusual. La mayoría de los casos descritos presentan enfermedades concomitantes y son causados por Acinetobacter baumanii. Se describe un caso de celulitis no traumática por A. junii-johnsonii con bacteriemia, de inicio en la comunidad y asociado con el tratamiento médico. De acuerdo con nuestro conocimiento, éste sería el primer caso reportado de infección de tejidos blandos y piel por A. juniijohnsonii.La vesícula hemorrágica podría ser una característica clínica de celulitis por Acinetobacter.   doi:

  12. Nutritional support in patients with severe acute pancreatitis Soporte nutricional en pacientes con pancreatitis aguda grave

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    Mónica Marcela Peláez Hernández


    Full Text Available Severe acute pancreatitis is associated with a systemic inflammatory response leading to a hypermetabolic, hypercatabolic condition; for those reasons, patients suffering from this disease require an excellent artificial nutritional support in order to maintain the structural integrity and the function of vital organs with minimal pancreatic secretion. Total parenteral nutrition has been the standard practice in the treatment of patients with severe acute pancreatitis because of the favorable outcomes of early nutritional support while avoiding pancreatic stimulation; however, recent evidence suggests there are potentially greater benefits with enteral as compared with parenteral nutrition, including fewer septic and metabolic complications and lesser costs. That is why present guidelines for the management of acute pancreatitis recommend that enteral instead of parenteral nutrition be used in patients with severe acute pancreatitis. La pancreatitis aguda, especialmente en su forma grave, está asociada con una respuesta inflamatoria sistémica que lleva a un estado de hipermetabolismo e hipercatabolismo, en el que se requiere un excelente soporte nutricional que permita mantener la integridad estructural y la función de los órganos vitales con un estímulo mínimo de la secreción pancreática. La nutrición parenteral total era el soporte de elección, que permitía obtener todos los beneficios de la nutrición temprana sin estimular la secreción pancreática; pero la evidencia actual muestra mayores beneficios con la nutrición enteral, porque se asocia con menos complicaciones infecciosas y metabólicas y con disminución en los costos. Por ello las guías actuales de tratamiento de la pancreatitis aguda grave recomiendan como primera elección el soporte nutricional enteral.

  13. Mecanismos de Adherencia de Pseudomonas aeruginosa a nuevos Biomateriales de uso Médico.


    Martínez Martínez, Luis


    En 1882 Gessard aisló por primera vez Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Bacillus pyoceaneus) de muestras procedentes de heridas quirúrgicas. Hasta 1947 sólo se conocían 91 casos de bacteriemia por este microorganismo, pero en la década actual, cien años después de su descripción, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, ha pasado a ser un microorganismo de creciente interés en patología humana debido a su estrecha relación con enfermos inmun...

  14. Effect Of Oligomeric Enteral Nutrition On Symptoms Of Acute Radiation Enteritis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dubinsky, P.


    Radiotherapy of abdominal and pelvic tumours is frequently associated with acute radiation enteritis. Predominant symptoms include diarrhea, watery stools, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. There are very few effective interventions available for this condition. Enteral oligomeric nutrition has been used in bowel diseases with functional failure similar to radiation enteritis. The aim of presented work was to observe occurrence of symptoms of radiation enteritis in patients undergoing abdominal or pelvic radiotherapy. Apart from diet and pharmacological therapy, oral oligomeric enteral nutrition (Peptisorb Powder Nutricia) at the dose of 1000 - 2000 ml per day was administered for minimum of 4 days. Planned period of administration was 14 days and longer. Symptoms of radiation enteritis were evaluated at the beginning and in the end of administration. Prevalence of all evaluated symptoms of radiation enteritis was decreased and difference was statistically significant for diarrhea, watery stools, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. The use of evaluated oligomeric nutritional support might, in conjunction with pharmacotherapy and diet, alleviate symptoms of acute radiation enteritis and maintain nutritional status of patients. (author)

  15. Outbread of disease in turkeys farms attributed to haemorrhagic enteritis




    Para determinar la causa específica de una elevada mortalidad en un plantel de pavos, se recibieron 5 pavos en total, provenientes de tres lotes de 6, 7 y 8 semanas de edad realizándose en ellos necropsia y se recolectó muestras para estudio histopatológico, ultraestructural y bacteriológico. En la necropsia se observaron lesiones en intestino, el que se encontraba distendido, y con contenido sanguinolento en el lumen. Histopatológicamente se observó una enteritis hemorrágica, hiperemia e in...

  16. Nitrate but not tea saponin feed additives decreased enteric methane emissions in nonlactating cows. (United States)

    Guyader, J; Eugène, M; Doreau, M; Morgavi, D P; Gérard, C; Loncke, C; Martin, C


    Tea saponin is considered a promising natural compound for reducing enteric methane emissions in ruminants. A trial was conducted to study the effect of this plant extract fed alone or in combination with nitrate on methane emissions, total tract digestive processes, and ruminal characteristics in cattle. The experiment was conducted as a 2 × 2 factorial design with 4 ruminally cannulated nonlactating dairy cows. Feed offer was restricted to 90% of voluntary intake and diets consisted of (DM basis): 1) control (CON; 50% hay and 50% pelleted concentrates), 2) CON with 0.5% tea saponin (TEA), 3) CON with 2.3% nitrate (NIT), and 4) CON with 0.5% tea saponin and 2.3% nitrate (TEA+NIT). Tea saponin and nitrate were included in pelleted concentrates. Diets contained similar amounts of CP (12.2%), starch (26.0%), and NDF (40.1%). Experimental periods lasted 5 wk including 2 wk of measurement (wk 4 and 5), during which intake was measured daily. In wk 4, daily methane emissions were quantified for 4 d using open circuit respiratory chambers. In wk 5, total tract digestibility, N balance, and urinary excretion of purine derivatives were determined from total feces and urine collected separately for 6 d. Ruminal fermentation products and protozoa concentration were analyzed from samples taken after morning feeding for 2 nonconsecutive days in wk 5. Tea saponin and nitrate supplementation decreased feed intake ( saponin did not modify methane emissions (g/kg DMI; > 0.05), whereas nitrate-containing diets (NIT and TEA+NIT) decreased methanogenesis by 28%, on average ( saponin, whereas nitrate-containing diets increased acetate proportion and decreased butyrate proportion and ammonia concentration ( saponin alone included in pelleted concentrates failed to decrease enteric methane emissions in nonlactating dairy cows.

  17. Enteric Duplication. (United States)

    Jeziorczak, Paul M; Warner, Brad W


    Enteric duplications have been described throughout the entire gastrointestinal tract. The usual perinatal presentation is an abdominal mass. Duplications associated with the foregut have associated respiratory symptoms, whereas duplications in the midgut and hindgut can present with obstructive symptoms, perforation, nausea, emesis, hemorrhage, or be asymptomatic, and identified as an incidental finding. These are differentiated from other cystic lesions by the presence of a normal gastrointestinal mucosal epithelium. Enteric duplications are located on the mesenteric side of the native structures and are often singular with tubular or cystic characteristics. Management of enteric duplications often requires operative intervention with preservation of the native blood supply and intestine. These procedures are usually very well tolerated with low morbidity.

  18. Enteral nutrition in surgery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sucha, R.; Lichvarova, I.; Duchon, R.; Dolnik, J.; Pindak, D.


    Enteral feeding provides physiologic, metabolic, safety, and cost benefits over parenteral nutrition. There are various ways enteral nutritional is administered and scheduled. The method of administration must be individualized to each patient's specific needs. Enteral nutrition is not only the supply of exogenous substrates and to prevent depletion of endogenous sources. Today the enteral nutrition becomes part of a therapeutic strategy to influence the severity of the disease to affect the function of GIT, and to modulate immune responses of the gut and the whole organism. Early enteral nutrition in the postoperative period reduces the risk of infectious complications. (author)

  19. Short-term restorative nutrition in malnourished patients: pro's and con's of intravenous and enteral alimentation using compositionally matched nutrients. (United States)

    Georgiannos, S N; Renaut, A J; Goode, A W


    In a prospective controlled clinical study 30 patients with moderate degree of malnutrition, normal liver and kidneys, and a functioning gastrointestinal tract were randomized to receive a free amino acid and small peptide enteral diet (15 patients) or an isonitrogenous isocaloric parenteral support for at least 10 days (total energy: 2900 kcal, nitrogen: 14.5 g, carbohydrates: 380 g, fat: 112 g, N/non protein calories: 1/175). The parenteral and enteral diets had the same protein/lipid/carbohydrate composition. The data indicated that both routes led to positive nitrogen balance. Nitrogen equilibrium was achieved by day 3 in the TPN group and by day 5 in the enteral group. There were no significant changes in serum albumin within either group. Serum level of transferrin reached a significant increase in both groups (p = 0.003). Thyroxine-binding prealbumin rose significantly in both groups as well (p = 0.019 and 0.004 respectively). Statistically significant rises in lymphocyte counts (p = 0.003 and 0.001 respectively), in levels of C3 (p = 0.009 and 0.001 respectively), IgA (p = 0.002), IgG (p = 0.004 and 0.003 respectively) and IgM (p = 0.004) occurred in either treatment group. There was a high incidence of negative skin tests at the start of the study in the enteral group (73.3%) and the TPN group (60%). By the end of the study the incidence of negative results for this test was 40.0% and 26.6% respectively. Despite maintenance of similar glucose levels in both groups, TPN led to significantly (p = 0.000) higher serum insulin levels. The serum insulin increased almost linearly over the study period, and eventually prevented fat mobilization and lipolysis, so that free fatty acid levels had fallen significantly (p = 0.000). A significant elevation of the liver enzymes over the study period occurred in the TPN group, but not in the enterally fed patients. The present findings provide no evidence that semi-elemental diets are in any way inferior to isonitrogenous

  20. Immediate preoperative enteral nutrition (preoperative enteral nutrition

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lađević Nebojša


    Full Text Available Nutritional support of surgical patients is a necessary part of the treatment. It alone cannot cure the disease but it significantly affects the recovery of patients and supports surgical interventions. Patients in malnutrition have shown to have significantly more postoperative infectious and non-infectious complications. This significantly prolongs treatment time and increases costs. However, there is one fact that cannot be expressed in money, which is the patient's impression of the surgical intervention. Adequate preoperative patient support, based on the intake of liquid nutritive solutions, reduces preoperative stress and deflects the metabolic response. Now, it is recommended for adults and children older than one year to drink clear liquid up to 2 hours before induction in anesthesia. Appropriate enteral nutrition has a significant place in the postoperative recovery of patients. Enteral nutrition is reducing complications, mainly infectious complications because the function of the digestive system as one large immune system is preserved. Perioperative enteral nutrition is a necessary part of the modern treatment of surgical patients. In addition to the significant effect on the occurrence of postoperative complications, it is also important that this type of diet improves the psychological status of patients.

  1. [Modular enteral nutrition in pediatrics]. (United States)

    Murillo Sanchís, S; Prenafeta Ferré, M T; Sempere Luque, M D


    Modular Enteral Nutrition may be a substitute for Parenteral Nutrition in children with different pathologies. Study of 4 children with different pathologies selected from a group of 40 admitted to the Maternal-Childrens Hospital "Valle de Hebrón" in Barcelona, who received modular enteral nutrition. They were monitored on a daily basis by the Dietician Service. Modular enteral nutrition consists of modules of proteins, peptides, lipids, glucids and mineral salts-vitamins. 1.--Craneo-encephalic traumatisms with loss of consciousness, Feeding with a combination of parenteral nutrition and modular enteral nutrition for 7 days. In view of the tolerance and good results of the modular enteral nutrition, the parenteral nutrition was suspended and modular enteral nutrition alone used up to a total of 43 days. 2.--55% burns with 36 days of hyperproteic modular enteral nutrition together with normal feeding. A more rapid recovery was achieved with an increase in total proteins and albumin. 3.--Persistent diarrhoea with 31 days of modular enteral nutrition, 5 days on parenteral nutrition alone and 8 days on combined parenteral nutrition and modular enteral nutrition. In view of the tolerance and good results of the modular enteral nutrition, the parenteral nutrition was suspended. 4.--Mucoviscidosis with a total of 19 days on modular enteral nutrition, 12 of which were exclusively on modular enteral nutrition and 7 as a night supplement to normal feeding. We administered proteic intakes of up to 20% of the total calorific intake and in concentrations of up to 1.2 calories/ml of the final preparation, always with a good tolerance. Modular enteral nutrition can and should be used as a substitute for parenteral nutrition in children with different pathologies, thus preventing the complications inherent in parenteral nutrition.

  2. Estudio de la resistencia a antibióticos [beta]-lactámicos en aislamientos clínicos de "salmonella typhimurium"


    Güerri Santos, María Luisa


    Estudiando las características de las cepas de Salmonella aisladas en el Hospital Universitario "La Paz" (Madrid) durante los últimos once años concluímos que el serogrupo más frecuente es el D9 (exceptuando el año 1996 en el que predomina el B4), la población más afectada son los niños, y los casos de bacteriemia tienen lugar en pacientes con factores predisponentes (VIH y otras enfermedades debilitantes). Se observa un aumento de la resistencia a antibióticos, especialmente llamativa para l...

  3. Combined enteral and parenteral nutrition. (United States)

    Wernerman, Jan


    To review and discuss the evidence and arguments to combine enteral nutrition and parenteral nutrition in the ICU, in particular with reference to the Early Parenteral Nutrition Completing Enteral Nutrition in Adult Critically Ill Patients (EPaNIC) study. The EPaNIC study shows an advantage in terms of discharges alive from the ICU when parenteral nutrition is delayed to day 8 as compared with combining enteral nutrition and parenteral nutrition from day 3 of ICU stay. The difference between the guidelines from the European Society of Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition in Europe and American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition/Society of Critical Care Medicine in North America concerning the combination of enteral nutrition and parenteral nutrition during the initial week of ICU stay was reviewed. The EPaNIC study clearly demonstrates that early parenteral nutrition in the ICU is not in the best interests of most patients. Exactly at what time point the combination of enteral nutrition and parenteral nutrition should be considered is still an open question.

  4. The enter-educate approach. (United States)

    Piotrow, P T; Coleman, P L


    This article describes how the Population Communication Services (PCS) has seized on the "enter-educate" approach, the blending of popular entertainment with social messages, to change reproductive health behavior. The enter-educate approach spreads its message through songs, soap operas, variety shows, and other types of popular entertainment mediums. Because they entertain, enter-educate projects can capture the attention of an audience -- such as young people -- who would otherwise scorn social messages. And the use of population mediums makes it possible to reach a variety of audiences. Funded by USAID, PCS began its first enter-educate project in response to the increasing number of teenage pregnancies in Latin America. PCS developed 2 songs and videos, which featured popular teenage singers to serve as role models, to urge abstinence. The songs became instant hits. Since then, PCS has mounted more then 80 major projects in some 40 countries. Highlights of programs range from a successful multi-media family planning campaign in Turkey to humorous television ads in Brazil promoting vasectomy. Recently, PCS initiated projects to teach AIDS awareness. At the core of the enter-educate approach is the social learning theory which holds that much behavior is learned through the observation of role-models. Health professionals work alongside entertainers to produce works that have audience appeal and factual social messages. The enter-educate approach works because it is popular, pervasive, personal, persuasive, and profitable. PCS has found that enter-educate programs pay for themselves through cost sharing and cost recovery.

  5. Meat-based enteral nutrition (United States)

    Derevitskay, O. K.; Dydykin, A. S.


    Enteral nutrition is widely used in hospitals as a means of nutritional support and therapy for different diseases. Enteral nutrition must fulfil the energy needs of the body, be balanced by the nutrient composition and meet patient’s nutritional needs. Meat is a source of full-value animal protein, vitamins and minerals. On the basis of this research, recipes and technology for a meat-based enteral nutrition product were developed. The product is a ready-to-eat sterilised mixture in the form of a liquid homogeneous mass, which is of full value in terms of composition and enriched with vitamins and minerals, consists of particles with a size of not more than 0.3 mm and has the modified fat composition and rheological characteristics that are necessary for passage through enteral feeding tubes. The study presents experimental data on the content of the main macro- and micro-nutrients in the developed product. The new product is characterised by a balanced fatty acid composition, which plays an important role in correction of lipid metabolism disorders and protein-energy deficiency, and it is capable of satisfying patients’ daily requirements for vitamins and the main macro- and microelements when consuming 1500-2000 ml. Meat-based enteral nutrition can be used in diets as a standard mixture for effective correction of the energy and anabolic requirements of the body and support of the nutritional status of patients, including those with operated stomach syndrome.

  6. Aspectos básicos de la nutrición enteral en el paciente quemado

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    Carlos Manuel Collado Hernández

    Full Text Available El tratamiento nutricional es un elemento importante en la terapia combinada de las lesiones por quemaduras severas, permitiendo un control del catabolismo en el paciente. En los pacientes quemados el hipermetabolismo estimula el aumento de las necesidades proteico calóricas, la influencia del inicio precoz de la nutrición apoya la estabilidad hemodinámica. El objetivo de esta revisión es describir los aspectos esenciales y actuales de la nutrición enteral en el paciente gran quemado como su concepto, vías de administración, importancia de su aplicación, fórmulas principales para el cálculo proteico energético, tratamiento con macronutrientes y micronutrientes para garantizar una nutrición adecuada y acorde a las necesidades. La nutrición enteral continua siendo la vía más importante y segura en el paciente gran quemado para la administración de macronutrientes y micronutrientes necesarios en los procesos metabólicos que garantizan la cicatrización y curación de los mismos.

  7. Enteral nutrition - child - managing problems (United States)

    ... page: // Enteral nutrition - child - managing problems To use the sharing features ... trouble breathing, call 911. References Mcclave SA. Enteral nutrition. In: Goldman L, Schafer AI, eds. Goldman-Cecil ...

  8. Radiation enteritis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ochsner, S.F.; Head, L.H.


    A comprehensive review of radiation enteritis is presented. Experience in clinical radiation therapy has indicated that the small bowel is the segment of the alimentary tract that is most susceptible to radiation damage. (U.S.)

  9. Enteric Methane Emission from Pigs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Henry; Theil, Peter Kappel; Knudsen, Knud Erik Bach


    per kg meat produced is increased (Fernández et al. 1983; Lekule et al. 1990). The present chapter will summarise our current knowledge concerning dietary and enteric fermentation that may influence the methane (CH4) emission in pigs. Enteric fermentation is the digestive process by which.......3 % of the worlds pig population. The main number of pigs is in Asia (59.6 %) where the main pig population stay in China (47.8 % of the worlds pig population). The objective of the chapter is therefore: To obtain a general overview of the pigs’ contribution to methane emission. Where is the pigs’ enteric gas...... produced and how is it measured. The variation in methane emission and factors affecting the emission. Possibility for reducing the enteric methane emission and the consequences....

  10. Medium-chain triglyceride-rich enteral nutrition is more effective than low-fat enteral nutrition in rat colitis, but is equal in enteritis. (United States)

    Tsujikawa, T; Ohta, N; Nakamura, T; Yasuoka, T; Satoh, J; Fukunaga, T; Itohi, A; Uda, K; Ihara, T; Andoh, A; Sasaki, M; Fujiyama, Y; Bamba, T


    Although enteral nutrition (EN) therapy for Crohn's disease has been confirmed to be as effective as steroid therapy, the precise mechanism responsible for the effects of EN remains unclear, although some of the therapeutic effects of EN are believed to be due to a low dietary fat content. In order to elucidate the influence of fat in EN, it is important to investigate not only the quantity of fat, but also the source of the fat. We compared two enteral nutritional formulae: Elental (Ajinomoto) (elemental diet; ED), which contains only 1.5% fat, provided as long-chain triglycerides (LCT), versus Twinline (Snow Brand Milk Products) (TL), which contains a high percentage of fat (20.4%), provided mainly as medium-chain triglycerides (MCT). These formulae were tested on rat enteritis and rat colitis induced by trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS). Both ED and TL reduced the manifestations of enteritis. TL had a stronger anti-inflammatory effect than ED for colitis. TL also had nutritional advantages as compared with ED, as shown by the total serum protein in the TL group being significantly higher than that in the ED group. The results indicate that intraluminal MCT is suitable as a fat energy source during intestinal inflammation in rats. We suggest that Twinline may be more useful to improve nutritional status and to reduce the mucosal inflammation in rat colitis, but that Twinline is equal in effect to Elental for rat enteritis.

  11. Duck viral enteritis in domestic muscovy ducks in Pennsylvania (United States)

    Davison, S.; Converse, K.A.; Hamir, A.N.; Eckroade, R.J.


    Duck viral enteritis (DVE) outbreaks occurred at two different locations in Pennsylvania in 1991 and 1992. In the first outbreak, four ducks died out of a group of 30 domestic ducks; in the second outbreak, 65 ducks died out of a group of 114 domestic ducks, and 15 domestic geese died as well. A variety of species of ducks were present on both premises, but only muscovy ducks (Cairina moschata) died from the disease. On necropsy, gross lesions included hepatomegaly with petechial hemorrhages, petechial hemorrhages in the abdominal fat, petechial hemorrhages on the epicardial surface of the heart, and multifocal to coalescing areas of fibrinonecrotic material over the mucosal surface of the trachea, esophagus, intestine, and cloaca. Histologically, the liver had random multifocal areas of necrosis and eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies in hepatocytes. DVE virus was isolated and identified using muscovy duck embryo fibroblast inoculation and virus neutralization. /// En dos sitios diferentes se presentaron brotes de enteritis viral de los patos en el estados de Pensilvania en los a??os 1991 y 1992. En el primer brote, cuatro de un lote de 30 patos murieron mientras que en el segundo brote murieron 65 patos de un lote de 114 patos y 15 gansos. En ambas localidades exist?-a una variedad de especies de patos, sin embargo, s??lamente los patos almizcleros (Cairina moschata) murieron. A la necropsia, las lesiones macrosc??picas incluyeron hepatomegalia con hemorragias petequiales, hemorragias petequiales en la grasa abdominal y en la superficie del epicardio, y ?!reas multifocales o coalescentes de material fibrinonecr??tico sobre la superficie de la mucosa de la tr?!quea, es??fago, intestino y cloaca. Histol??gicamente, el h?-gado mostraba ?!reas multifocales de necrosis y cuerpos de inclusi??n intranucleares eosinof?-licos en los hepatocitos. El virus de la enteritis viral de los patos fue aislado e identificado usando fibroblasto de embriones de pato almizclero

  12. Influencia de la diabetes mellitus sobre la evolución del paciente con enfermedad cerebrovascular y nutrición enteral por sonda


    Coto García, Cristina


    La Diabetes Mellitus juega un importante papel tanto en la patogenia como en el pronóstico de la enfermedad cerebrovascular. El ictus y las complicaciones que este conlleva conforman una entidad de elevada morbimortalidad. El soporte nutricional constituye un pilar importante a la hora tratar a los pacientes que han sufrido un ictus. Valorar si existe diferencia en estancia media hospitalaria, éxitus y complicaciones relacionadas con la nutrición entre aquellos pacientes con diabetes melli...


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The purpose of this document is to release, into the Hanford Document Control System, FA1/0991, Sludge Particle Separation Efficiencies for the Rectangular SCS-CON-230 Container, by M. Epstein and M. G. Plys, Fauske & Associates, LLC, June 2009. The Sludge Treatment Project (STP) will retrieve sludge from the 105-K West Integrated Water Treatment System (IWTS) Settler Tanks and transfer it to container SCS-CON-230 using the Settler Tank Retrieval System (STRS). The sludge will enter the container through two distributors. The container will have a filtration system that is designed to minimize the overflow of sludge fines from the container to the basin. FAI/09-91 was performed to quantify the effect of the STRS on sludge distribution inside of and overflow out of SCS-CON-230. Selected results of the analysis and a system description are discussed. The principal result of the analysis is that the STRS filtration system reduces the overflow of sludge from SCS-CON-230 to the basin by roughly a factor of 10. Some turbidity can be expected in the center bay where the container is located. The exact amount of overflow and subsequent turbidity is dependent on the density of the sludge (which will vary with location in the Settler Tanks) and the thermal gradient between the SCS-CON-230 and the basin. Attachment A presents the full analytical results. These results are applicable specifically to SCS-CON-230 and the STRS filtration system's expected operating duty cycles.

  14. Enteral feeding without pancreatic stimulation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kaushik, Neeraj; Pietraszewski, Marie; Holst, Jens Juul


    OBJECTIVE: All forms of commonly practiced enteral feeding techniques stimulate pancreatic secretion, and only intravenous feeding avoids it. In this study, we explored the possibility of more distal enteral infusions of tube feeds to see whether activation of the ileal brake mechanism can result...

  15. Intestinal endocrine cells in radiation enteritis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pietroletti, R.; Blaauwgeers, J.L.; Taat, C.W.; Simi, M.; Brummelkamp, W.H.; Becker, A.E.


    In this study, the intestinal endocrine cells were investigated in 13 surgical specimens affected by radiation enteritis. Endocrine cells were studied by means of Grimelius' silver staining and immunostaining for chromogranin, a general marker of endocrine cells. Positively stained cells were quantified by counting their number per unit length of muscularis mucosa. Results in radiation enteritis were compared with matched control specimens by using Student's t test. Chromogranin immunostaining showed a statistically significant increase of endocrine cells in radiation enteritis specimens compared with controls both in small and large intestine (ileum, 67.5 +/- 23.5 cells per unit length of muscularis mucosa in radiation enteritis versus 17.0 +/- 6.1 in controls; colon, 40.9 +/- 13.7 cells per unit length of muscularis mucosa in radiation enteritis versus 9.5 +/- 4.1 in controls--p less than 0.005 in both instances). Increase of endocrine cells was demonstrated also by Grimelius' staining; however, without reaching statistical significance. It is not clear whether or not the increase of endocrine cells in radiation enteritis reported in this study is caused by a hyperplastic response or by a sparing phenomenon. We should consider that increased endocrine cells, when abnormally secreting their products, may be involved in some of the clinical features of radiation enteropathy. In addition, as intestinal endocrine cells produce trophic substances to the intestine, their increase could be responsible for the raised risk of developing carcinoma of the intestine in long standing radiation enteritis

  16. Diarrhea in enterally fed patients: blame the diet? (United States)

    Chang, Sue-Joan; Huang, Hsiu-Hua


    Diarrhea has great impact on enteral nutrition. The purpose of this review is to identify the factors leading to diarrhea during enteral nutrition and to provide the published updates on diarrhea prevention through nutritional intervention. Diarrhea in enteral fed patients is attributed to multiple factors, including medications (major contributor), infections, bacterial contamination, underlying disease, and enteral feeding. Diet management can alleviate diarrhea in enteral feeding. High content of fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, and monosaccharides and polyols (FODMAPs) in enteral formula is postulated to induce diarrhea and lower FODMAPs formula may reduce the likelihood of diarrhea in enterally fed patients. Fiber-enriched formula can reduce the incidence of diarrhea and produce short-chain fatty acids for colonocytes. Ingesting prebiotics, nonviable probiotics or probiotic derivatives, and human lactoferrin may provide alternatives for reducing/preventing diarrhea. Enteral feeding is not generally considered the primary cause of diarrhea, which is frequently linked to prescribed medications. When diarrhea is apparent, healthcare members should evaluate the possible risk factors and systematically attempt to eliminate the underlying causes of diarrhea before reducing or suspending enteral feeding. Lower FODMAPs formula, prebiotics, probiotic derivatives, and lactoferrin may be used to manage enteral feeding-related diarrhea.

  17. Do enteric neurons make hypocretin? ☆ (United States)

    Baumann, Christian R.; Clark, Erika L.; Pedersen, Nigel P.; Hecht, Jonathan L.; Scammell, Thomas E.


    Hypocretins (orexins) are wake-promoting neuropeptides produced by hypothalamic neurons. These hypocretin-producing cells are lost in people with narcolepsy, possibly due to an autoimmune attack. Prior studies described hypocretin neurons in the enteric nervous system, and these cells could be an additional target of an autoimmune process. We sought to determine whether enteric hypocretin neurons are lost in narcoleptic subjects. Even though we tried several methods (including whole mounts, sectioned tissue, pre-treatment of mice with colchicine, and the use of various primary antisera), we could not identify hypocretin-producing cells in enteric nervous tissue collected from mice or normal human subjects. These results raise doubts about whether enteric neurons produce hypocretin. PMID:18191238

  18. Suplementación enteral con ácidos grasos esenciales en recién nacidos pretérmino

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    Virginia Díaz-Argüelles Ramírez-Corría


    Full Text Available La tasa de crecimiento de recién nacidos (RN de muy bajo peso al nacer es muy elevada, sobre todo hasta que alcanzan el término y la ingesta balanceada de ácidos grasos esenciales es necesaria para un desarrollo adecuado de las membranas celulares fundamentalmente de cerebro y retina. Los tejidos de animales alargan y desaturan ácidos grasos progenitores, y esta conversión a ácidos grasos poliinsaturados de cadena larga se encuentra bajo regulación activa. En el RN pretérmino estos mecanismos son inmaduros y por tanto el ácido araquidónico y el docosahexaenoico se consideran esenciales, si se tiene en cuenta que el cerebro utiliza éstos como único perfil de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados de cadena larga. La fluidez de las membranas celulares dependerá del tipo de fosfolípido de las membranas y sobre todo de la longitud y saturación de la cadena acílica. La síntesis de prostaglandinas y tromboxanos en el RN pretérmino puede variar de acuerdo con la ingesta de ácido araquidónico. A pesar de que las necesidades de ácidos grasos esenciales están estimadas en unos pocos miligramos relacionados con la ingesta energética total, es preciso que exista una proporción adecuada entre el aporte de las 2 familias de ácidos grasos. La FAO/OMS y la ESPGAN han hecho recomendaciones para el aporte de ácido linoleico y a-linolénico en fórmulas infantiles para RN pretérmino, y mantienen una relación 5/15. En estos casos es necesaria también la suplementación con antioxidantes, para prevenir la peroxidación lipídica a la que están expuestos neonatos en oxígeno y con ventilación mecánica.The growth rate of very low birth weight newborn infants is considerably high, mainly until they reach the term, and a balanced intake of essential fatty acids is necessary for an adequate development of the cellular membranes fundamentally from the brain and retina. The tissues from animals lengthen and desaturate progenitor fatty acids and this

  19. Enteral nutrition in inflammatory bowel disease. (United States)

    Gassull, M A; Abad, A; Cabré, E; González-Huix, F; Giné, J J; Dolz, C


    To assess the effect of the addition of enteral tube feeding with polymeric diets to the standard treatment of acute attacks of inflammatory bowel disease a total of 43 patients admitted to hospital (23 with Crohn's disease and 20 with ulcerative colitis) were studied retrospectively. Total enteral nutrition was given to 26 as the sole nutritional supply and to 17 in conjunction with a normal ward diet, when appropriate, according to the severity of attack (control group). Nutritional state was assessed and classified in all patients at admission and at the end of the study, by measuring the triceps skinfold thickness, mid arm muscle circumference, and serum albumin concentration as representative of body fat, muscle protein, and visceral protein, respectively. At admission the three nutritional variables were not statistically different between the groups. There was a significantly positive effect on mid arm muscle circumference in patients on total enteral nutrition compared with the control group, but there was no effect on either triceps skinfold thickness or serum albumin concentration. The percentage of subjects requiring intravenous albumin infusion, however, was significantly less in the group fed enterally than in the control group. In addition, fewer patients in the group fed enterally required surgical treatment compared with the control group, despite the fact that one of the criteria for starting enteral nutritional support was the expectancy that surgery would be needed. Total enteral nutrition was well tolerated and no major side effects arose during its use in patients with acute exacerbations of inflammatory bowel disease. PMID:3098646

  20. preescolares desnutridos con madres con obesidad y sin obesidad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Viridiana Vanessa Conzuelo-González


    Full Text Available El primer objetivo fue conocer cuántos menores de cinco años con diferentes grados de desnutrición tienen una madre con sobrepeso/obesidad/ en una comunidad indígena que vive en extrema pobreza y bajo condiciones de migración masculina internacional. El segundo fue comparar tres variables socionutricionales (ingreso familiar, educación de la madre y adecuación nutrimental de la dieta diaria entre estos hogares y los hogares con desnutrición infantil y madres sin obesidad. Se realizó un estudio transversal (2006-2007, en la comunidad mazahua de San Francisco Tepeolulco, Municipio de Temascalcingo; que incluyó a 85 hogares integrados por preescolares con desnutrición inscritos al programa Oportunidades. Se determinó el estado nutrición de los preescolares con indicadores antropométricos y se obtuvo el IMC de las madres de estos infantes. Se aplicó una encuesta socionutricional, incluida el recordatorio de 24 horas, y complementado con la observación participante (cualitativa. Se encontró que 83% de las madres mazahuas presentaron sobrepeso u obesidad. El estado de nutrición de los preescolares con madres con obesidad presentó un porcentaje mayor de desnutrición (76%. En la variable género, se encontró que 54% de los niños con madres con obesidad tenía baja talla. Al relacionar el nivel educativo de la madre, esta variable resultó ser estadísticamente significativa (p=0.015, donde el analfabetismo está más relacionado con la desnutrición infantil que tienen madres de bajo y/o peso normal. La elevada prevalencia de hogares conformados con preescolares con desnutrición y madres con obesidad, es un síntoma más de la pobreza en zonas indígenas en México, con bajo índice de desarrollo humano.

  1. Entering tennis men’s Grand Slams within the top-10 and its relationship with the fact of winning the tournament. [Acceder a los Grand Slams de tenis masculino desde el top-10 y su relación con el hecho de ganar el torneo].

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jaime Prieto-Bermejo


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to analyse the relationship between entering tennis men’s singles Grand Slams within the top-10 ranking (i.e. title favourites and the fact of winning the tournament. In order to differentiate between these players in a more powerful way than just considering the ranking number, a cluster algorithm was used to classify the players into two groups depending on their number of ranking points (i.e. higher level top-10 players vs. lower level top-10 players. The possible winners entering the tournament outside the top-10 (if any were also considered. The sample comprised all the 92 men’s singles Grand Slams played between 1990 and 2012. As was expected, the majority of Grand Slams were won by players entering the tournament ranked in the top-10. However, the main result is contrary to the hypothesis that there would be significant differences in the number of titles won in favour of the players entering the tournament from the higher positions of the top-10 when comparing to those won by the players entering from the lower positions of the top-10. Several factors that may influence whether and to what extent a player is more or less favourite to win a Grand Slam title are presented in the discussion. Resumen El propósito del estudio fue analizar la relación entre acceder a los Grand Slam de tenis masculino desde el top-10 del ranking (favoritos al título y el hecho de ganar el torneo. Con el objeto de diferenciar a estos jugadores de una forma más potente que simplemente considerando su número de ranking, se empleó un algoritmo cluster que clasificó a los jugadores en dos grupos en función del número de puntos de ranking (jugadores de mayor nivel dentro del top-10 v. jugadores de menor nivel del top-10. Los posibles ganadores del torneo accediendo al mismo desde posiciones fuera del top-10 (si los hubiera fueron también considerados. La muestra comprendió los 92 torneos de Grand Slam masculinos jugados

  2. Soporte alimentario y nutricional en niños con fibrosis quística

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aida Esplugas Montoya


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. La fibrosis quística es una enfermedad que se manifiesta en las vías respiratorias, el páncreas y el tracto intestinal. El control nutricional es un aspecto decisivo en el tratamiento de la enfermedad. El objetivo del estudio fue caracterizar un grupo de pacientes que se encontraban en fases de soporte y rehabilitación nutricional. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio prospectivo con 7 pacientes menores de 18 años, que ingresaron para su tratamiento en la unidad especializada en fibrosis quística del Hospital Pediátrico Universitario «William Soler» (La Habana. Se realizaron mediciones antropométricas al ingreso y al egreso, y se clasificó a los niños en desnutrido, de bajo peso y de peso normal. Los valores fueron comparados con las tablas de crecimiento y desarrollo de la población cubana. RESULTADOS. A 3 pacientes se les aplicó una intervención de soporte nutricional y 4 pacientes fueron tratados además con nutrición enteral suplementaria. En la evaluación nutricional se encontró que la distribución porcentual calórica que aportaron los alimentos fue de un 12 % para las proteínas, 37 % para las grasas y 51 % para los carbohidratos. La energía que aportaron los alimentos consumidos ascendió a 4 360 kcal, 134,27 g de proteínas, 177,51 g de grasas y 558,20 g de carbohidratos. CONCLUSIONES. Al aumentar la densidad calórica de los alimentos y aplicar nutrición enteral a los pacientes se obtuvo un incremento de la ganancia ponderal y mejoró el estado nutricional.

  3. [Enteral nutrition in burn patients]. (United States)

    Pereira, J L; Garrido, M; Gómez-Cía, T; Serrera, J L; Franco, A; Pumar, A; Relimpio, F; Astorga, R; García-Luna, P P


    Nutritional support plays an important role in the treatment of patients with burns. Due to the severe hypercatabolism that develops in these patients, oral support is insufficient in most cases, and this makes it essential to initiate artificial nutritional support (either enteral or parenteral). Enteral nutrition is more physiological than parenteral, and data exist which show that in patients with burns, enteral nutrition exercises a protective effect on the intestine and may even reduce the hypermetabolic response in these patients. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness and tolerance of enteral nutritional support with a hypercaloric, hyperproteic diet with a high content of branched amino acids in the nutritional support of patients suffering from burns. The study included 12 patients (8 males and 4 females), admitted to the Burns Unit. Average age was 35 +/- 17 years (range: 21-85 years). The percentage of body surface affected by the burns was 10% in two cases, between 10-30% in three cases, between 30-50% in five cases and over 50% in two cases. Initiation of the enteral nutrition was between twenty-four hours and seven days after the burn. The patients were kept in the unit until they were discharged, and the average time spent in the unit was 31.5 days (range: 17-63 days). Total energetic requirements were calculated based on Harris-Benedict, with a variable aggression factor depending on the body surface burned, which varied from 2,000 and 4,000 cal day. Nitrogenous balance was determined on a daily basis, and plasmatic levels of total proteins, albumin and prealbumin on a weekly basis. There was a significant difference between the prealbumin values at the initiation and finalization of the enteral nutrition (9.6 +/- 2.24 mg/dl compared with 19.75 +/- 5.48 mg/dl; p diet was very good, and only mild complications such as diarrhoea developed in two patients. Enteral nutrition is a suitable nutritional support method for patients with

  4. Two Contrasting Failure Modes of Enteric Coated Beads. (United States)

    Shi, Galen H; Dong, Xia; Lytle, Michelle; Kemp, Craig A J; Behme, Robert J; Hinds, Jeremy; Xiao, Zhicheng


    This study aimed to elucidate the mechanisms and kinetics of coating failure for enteric coated beads exposed to high-humidity conditions at different storage temperatures. Enteric coated beads were placed on high-humidity conditions (75 to 98% relative humidity (RH)) in the temperature range of 5 to 40°C. These stability samples of beads were tested for acid dissolution and water activity and also analyzed with SEM, X-ray CT, and DMA. Exposure of enteric coated beads to high humidity led to increased gastric release of drug which eventually failed the dissolution specification. SEM showed visible cracks on the surface of beads exposed to 5°C/high humidity and fusion of enteric beads into agglomerates at 40°C/high humidity. In a non-destructive time elapse study, X-ray CT demonstrated swelling of microcrystalline cellulose cores, crack initiation, and propagation through the API layer within days under 5°C/98% RH storage conditions and ultimately fracture through the enteric coating. DMA data showed a marked reduction in T g of the enteric coating materials after exposure to humidity. At 5°C/high humidity, the hygroscopic microcrystalline cellulose core absorbed moisture leading to core swelling and consequent fracture through the brittle API and enteric layers. At 40°C (high humidity) which is above the T g of the enteric polymer, enteric coated beads coalesced into agglomerates due to melt flow of the enteric coating. We believe it is the first report on two distinct failure models of enteric coated dosage forms.

  5. Alimentación enteral temprana en el paciente quirúrgico en servicios de terapia intensiva polivalente pediátrica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enrique Guzmán Rubín


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio prospectivo y longitudinal de 23 pacientes quirúrgicos de Terapia Intensiva, de 3 hospitales pediátricos de Cuba, en los cuales la técnica quirúrgica incluía sutura gastrointestinal a cualquier nivel y se le iniciaba la alimentación enteral temprana, independientemente de la vía que se utilizaría, con alimentación enteral líquida, a goteo continuo, en cuanto se restableciera la dinámica intestinal, y se obtuvo disminución en la utilización de la alimentación parenteral, en la estadía, en las complicaciones de la alimentación parenteral, así como de las complicaciones infecciosas nosocomiales a punto de partida de la translocación bacteriana y de la inmunomodulación enteral. De esta manera se lograba acelerar la recuperación, mejorar la evolución del peso, la calidad de vida, disminuir las secuelas y la mortalidad, todo lo cual implicaba disminución de los costos.A prospective longitudinal study of 23 surgical patients from three Cuban Pediatric Hospitals’ Intensive Care Units was carried out. The operative surgery used in these patients was gastrointestinal suture at any level and they were enterally fed. As soon as the intestinal dynamics was re-established, they were given enteral liquid feeding by continuos drip. This led to a reduction in parenteral nutrition, stay at hospital, parenteral nutrition complications, nosocomial infection complications from bacterial translocation, and in enteral inmunomodulation. In this way, quick recovery, improved weight gain, better quality of life, lower sequelae and mortality were reached, all of which resulted in lower costs.

  6. Peritonitis infecciosa felina, gastroenteritis y colangiohepatitis parasitaria (platinosomiasis) con colangiocarcinoma hepático: estudio clínico y anatomopatológico de tres casos


    Vale Echeto, Oswaldo E.; Madrigal, Karina; Admadé, María; Vale Oviedo, Oswaldo R.; Moreno, Alejandro; Simoes, David


    La Peritonitis Infecciosa Felina (PIF) es una enfermedad viral sistémica producida por un coronavirus (ARN) que ocurre con frecuencia en los felinos domésticos. Este proceso patológico ha sido referido en el felino doméstico y relacionado concurrentemente con otras enfermedades virales tales como la panleucopenia felina, leucemia felina y enteritis por coronavirus. En el presente trabajo se reportan los hallazgos clínicos y anatomopatológicos de tres casos de PIF, asociados a gastroenteritis ...

  7. Cultivos primarios de células endoteliales aisladas de cordón umbilical humano: un modelo biológico para el estudio de los mecanismos de infección por enterococos.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Andrés Chiriboga


    Full Text Available Aunque las especies de enterococos son flora normal del tracto gastrointestinal humano, se encuentran entre los tres agentes patógenos microbianos que más se asocian con infecciones intrahospitalarias. Tradicionalmente, los enterococos se han considerado bacterias extracelulares. Sin embargo, es creciente la información que reporta su ingreso a través de líneas celulares epiteliales o macrófagos. A pesar de que estos microorganismos constituyen el tercer grupo de aislamientos obtenido de pacientes con bacteriemia o endocarditis, su interacción con la célula endotelial no se ha descrito completamente. En el presente trabajo evaluamos si el aislamiento intrahospitalario de Enterococcus faecalis (Ef2880 podía penetrar en células endoteliales de la vena de cordón umbilical humano (HUVEC cultivadas in vitro. Nuestros resultados indican que los cultivos primarios HUVEC después de ser inoculados con Ef2890, incubados y tratados con antibióticos bactericidas para las bacterias extracelulares y adheridas a la cara externa de la membrana celular, exhiben bacterias intracelulares que pueden ser recuperadas vivas cuatro horas después de la inoculación. El modelo biológico desarrollado se puede constituir en una herramienta útil para el estudio de las interacciones que establecen los enterococos con el endotelio.

  8. Thermal inactivation of enteric viruses and bioaccumulation of enteric foodborne viruses in live oysters (Crassostrea virginica) (United States)

    Human enteric viruses are one of the main causative agents of shellfish associated outbreaks. In this study, the kinetics of viral bioaccumulation in live oysters and the heat stability of the most predominant enteric viruses were determined in both tissue culture and in oyster tissues. A human nor...

  9. Evaluación del desenlace y características clínicas de una serie de niños con neutropenia febril sin foco en el Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl, Medellín, Colombia, 2000-2005

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Adelaida Aristizábal Gil


    Full Text Available Introducción: la neutropenia febril (NF se asocia a infección en 48-60% de los casos y es la segunda causa de ingreso hospitalario al servicio de oncología pediátrica. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el desenlace de una serie de niños, que recibían tratamiento para neutropenia febril sin foco aparente, según un protocolo preestablecido en el Servicio de Hematooncología infantil del Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: se incluyeron retrospectivamente historias clínicas de pacientes menores de 15 años con diagnóstico nuevo de neoplasia maligna y neutropenia febril sin foco, hospitalizados en un lapso de 5 años. Los datos se registraron en un formato preestablecido. RESULTADOS: se incluyeron 103 historias clínicas con 182 episodios de NF; 34,1% fueron pacientes con leucemia linfoblástica riesgo estándar (LLA, 19,8% LLA de alto riesgo y 13,7%, linfoma no Hodking. 68,1% tuvieron NF grave y en 94,5% se había aplicado quimioterapia previa (79,7% intensiva. La infección se documentó clínicamente en 38,4% y microbiológicamente en 25,2% de los episodios; hubo bacteriemia en 15,4% de los episodios, 3,3% con urocultivo positivo y 6,5% con aislamiento del invasor en otros sitios. Los microorganismos más frecuentes fueron Escherichia coli (24% y Pseudomonas aeruginosa (13%. Hubo mayor resistencia a ceftriazona y cefatzidime tanto de gérmenes grampositivos como de gramnegativos y producción de betalactamasas en 9% durante un año de evaluación; 50% de los aislamientos de S. aureus coagulasa negativo fueron resistentes a oxacilina. En 37 episodios hubo complicaciones (20,2%, la más frecuente de las cuales fue la afectación cardiopulmonar; en 25,2% fracasó el tratamiento, en 21,4% hubo respuesta parcial y 7 pacientes (3,8% fallecieron. CONCLUSIONES: los hallazgos son similares a los reportados por otros autores; predominan en nuestra unidad los microorganismos gramnegativos como causa importante de

  10. Advantages of enteral nutrition over parenteral nutrition


    Seres, David S.; Valcarcel, Monika; Guillaume, Alexandra


    It is a strong and commonly held belief among nutrition clinicians that enteral nutrition is preferable to parenteral nutrition. We provide a narrative review of more recent studies and technical reviews comparing enteral nutrition with parenteral nutrition. Despite significant weaknesses in the existing data, current literature continues to support the use of enteral nutrition in patients requiring nutrition support, over parenteral nutrition.

  11. Laboratory Screening for Children Entering Foster Care. (United States)

    Greiner, Mary V; Beal, Sarah J; Nause, Katie; Staat, Mary Allen; Dexheimer, Judith W; Scribano, Philip V


    To determine the prevalence of medical illness detected by laboratory screening in children entering foster care in a single, urban county. All children entering foster care in a single county in Ohio were seen at a consultation foster care clinic and had laboratory screening, including testing for infectious diseases such as HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, syphilis, and tuberculosis as well as for hemoglobin and lead levels. Over a 3-year period (2012-2015), laboratory screening was performed on 1977 subjects entering foster care in a consultative foster care clinic. The prevalence of hepatitis B, hepatitis C, syphilis, and tuberculosis were all found to be <1%. There were no cases of HIV. Seven percent of teenagers entering foster care tested positive for Chlamydia . A secondary finding was that 54% of subjects were hepatitis B surface antibody-negative, indicating an absence of detected immunity to the hepatitis B virus. Routine laboratory screening for children entering foster care resulted in a low yield. Targeted, rather than routine, laboratory screening may be a more clinically meaningful approach for children entering foster care. Copyright © 2017 by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

  12. Enteral feeding pumps: efficacy, safety, and patient acceptability

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    White H


    Full Text Available Helen White, Linsey King Nutrition and Dietetic Group, School of Health and Wellbeing, Faculty Health and Social Science, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, United Kingdom Abstract: Enteral feeding is a long established practice across pediatric and adult populations, to enhance nutritional intake and prevent malnutrition. Despite recognition of the importance of nutrition within the modern health agenda, evaluation of the efficacy of how such feeds are delivered is more limited. The accuracy, safety, and consistency with which enteral feed pump systems dispense nutritional formulae are important determinants of their use and acceptability. Enteral feed pump safety has received increased interest in recent years as enteral pumps are used across hospital and home settings. Four areas of enteral feed pump safety have emerged: the consistent and accurate delivery of formula; the minimization of errors associated with tube misconnection; the impact of continuous feed delivery itself (via an enteral feed pump; and the chemical composition of the casing used in enteral feed pump manufacture. The daily use of pumps in delivery of enteral feeds in a home setting predominantly falls to the hands of parents and caregivers. Their understanding of the use and function of their pump is necessary to ensure appropriate, safe, and accurate delivery of enteral nutrition; their experience with this is important in informing clinicians and manufacturers of the emerging needs and requirements of this diverse patient population. The review highlights current practice and areas of concern and establishes our current knowledge in this field. Keywords: nutrition, perceptions, experience

  13. Coronavirus–associated enteritis in a quail farm

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    Antonio Camarda


    Full Text Available An enteric syndrome observed in semi-intensively reared quails is described. The affected birds showed depression, severe diarrhoea and dehydration. The mortality occurred particularly in young birds. At necropsy, the prominent lesion was catarrhal enteritis. Laboratory investigations demonstrated the presence of coronavirus in the gut of dead animals. No additional pathogens were detected. To our knowledge, this is the first evidence for the presence of CoVs in quail with enteritis.

  14. The Texts of the Agency's Relationship Agreements with Specialized Agencies; Texto de los Acuerdos de Relacignes del Organismo con los Organismos Especializados

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The texts of the relationship agreements which the Agency has concluded with the specialized agencies listed below, together with the respective protocols authenticating them, are reproduced in this document in the order which the agreements entered into force, for the information of all Members of the Agency [Spanish] Para conocimiento de todos los Estados Miembros del Organismo, en este documento se reproducen, en el orden en que entraron en vigor, los textos de los acuerdos de relaciones que el OIEA ha concertado con los organismos especializados que a continuacion se enumeran, junto con los respectivos protocolos que les confieren autenticidad.

  15. Comparison of the EntericBio multiplex PCR system with routine culture for detection of bacterial enteric pathogens.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    O'Leary, James


    The EntericBio system uses a multiplex PCR assay for the simultaneous detection of Campylobacter spp., Salmonella enterica, Shigella spp., and Escherichia coli O157 from feces. It combines overnight broth enrichment with PCR amplification and detection by hybridization. An evaluation of this system was conducted by comparing the results obtained with the system with those obtained by routine culture, supplemented with alternative PCR detection methods. In a study of 773 samples, routine culture and the EntericBio system yielded 94.6 and 92.4% negative results, respectively. Forty-two samples had positive results by culture, and all of these were positive with the EntericBio system. This system detected an additional 17 positive samples (Campylobacter spp., n = 12; Shigella spp., n = 1; E. coli O157, n = 4), but the results for 5 samples (Campylobacter spp., n = 2; Shigella spp., n = 1; E. coli O157, n = 2) could not be confirmed. The target for Shigella spp. detected by the EntericBio system is the ipaH gene, and the molecular indication of the presence of Shigella spp. was investigated by sequence analysis, which confirmed that the ipaH gene was present in a Klebsiella pneumoniae isolate from the patient. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value were 100%, 99.3%, 91.5%, and 100%, respectively. Turnaround times were significantly reduced with the EntericBio system, and a result was available between 24 and 32 h after receipt of the sample in the laboratory. In addition, the amount of laboratory waste was significantly reduced by use of this system. In summary, the EntericBio system proved convenient to use, more sensitive than the conventional culture used in this study, and highly specific; and it generated results significantly faster than routine culture for the pathogens tested.

  16. Enteral Nutrition and Acute Pancreatitis: A Review

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Spanier, B. W. M.; Bruno, M. J.; Mathus-Vliegen, E. M. H.


    Introduction. In patients with acute pancreatitis (AP), nutritional support is required if normal food cannot be tolerated within several days. Enteral nutrition is preferred over parenteral nutrition. We reviewed the literature about enteral nutrition in AP. Methods. A MEDLINE search of the English

  17. Vigilancia de serotipos en infecciones invasivas por Haemophilus influenzae en la Argentina en la era de la vacuna conjugada contra el serotipo b durante el período 2005-2010

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    Adriana M. Efron

    Full Text Available La introducción de la vacuna contra Haemophilus influenzae tipo b en los programas de inmunización de muchos países produjo una reducción marcada en la incidencia de enfermedad invasiva causada por este serotipo y en su portación y un incremento de otros tipos capsulares y de aislamientos no capsulados. Se estudiaron 313 aislamientos de H. influenzae recuperados de sitio estéril, provenientes de pacientes pediátricos y adultos con enfermedad invasiva atendidos en 90 hospitales de la Red Nacional de Laboratorios para Meningitis e Infecciones Respiratorias Agudas Bacterianas durante el período 2005-2010. Las patologías más frecuentes fueron neumonía, 40,3 % (n = 126, meningitis, 30,0 % (n = 94 y bacteriemia, 26,5 % (n = 83. En los pacientes pediátricos (n = 279, la mayor frecuencia de aislamientos correspondió a menores de 2 años, 74,5 % (n = 208. Con respecto a la distribución de tipos, el 61,3 %, correspondió a H. influenzae no capsulados (n = 192; el 20,1 % al b (n = 63; 11,2 % al a (n = 35; 4,8 % al f y 2,6 % a otros. En meningitis predominaron H. influenzae capsulados mientras que en neumonía y bacteriemia resultaron dominantes los tipos no capsulados. Se determinó el biotipo en 306 aislamientos. Todos los aislamientos de tipo a correspondieron al biotipo II; el 66,7 % de los tipo b pertenecieron al biotipo I. Mediante las técnicas de aglutinación en lámina y PCR se estudiaron 220 aislamientos; la concordancia entre ambas fue de 0,982 (IC: 0,92-1,00. En el último año se encontró un aumento significativo del tipo b, lo cual indica la importancia de mantener la vigilancia clínica y laboratorial de la enfermedad invasiva por H. influenzae.

  18. Understanding and controlling the enteric nervous system

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boeckxstaens, G. E.


    The enteric nervous system or the `Little Brain' of the gut controls gastrointestinal motility and secretion, and is involved in visceral sensation. In this chapter, new developments in understanding the function of the enteric nervous system are described. In particular, the interaction of this

  19. Do enteric neurons make hypocretin? ☆


    Baumann, Christian R.; Clark, Erika L.; Pedersen, Nigel P.; Hecht, Jonathan L.; Scammell, Thomas E.


    Hypocretins (orexins) are wake-promoting neuropeptides produced by hypothalamic neurons. These hypocretin-producing cells are lost in people with narcolepsy, possibly due to an autoimmune attack. Prior studies described hypocretin neurons in the enteric nervous system, and these cells could be an additional target of an autoimmune process. We sought to determine whether enteric hypocretin neurons are lost in narcoleptic subjects. Even though we tried several methods (including whole mounts, s...

  20. Infección hospitalaria en recién nacidos ingresados en un servicio de cuidados intensivos neonatales Nosocomial infection in newborns admitted in a neonatal intensive care service

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    Luis Ricardo Manet Lahera


    Full Text Available Se efectuó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de los 48 recién nacidos ingresados por infecciones hospitalarias en el Servicio de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales del Hospital General Docente "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso " de Santiago de Cuba durante el 2005. La mayoría de los pacientes (85,5 % presentó sepsis connatal y la infección más común fue la bacteriemia, seguida de las bronconeumonías. El cultivo de secreciones endotraqueales constituyó la muestra de mayor positividad y entre los microorganismos aislados con mayor frecuencia figuraron las klebsiellas y los estafilococos coagulasa positiva. Quedó confirmado que los antibióticos menos efectivos contra los gérmenes grampositivos resultaron ser la penicilina y la ceftriaxona; y contra los gramnegativos, los aminoglucósidos.A descriptive and cross-sectional study of 48 newborns admitted due to nosocomial infections in the Neonatal Intensive Care Service of "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" Teaching General Hospital in Santiago de Cuba during 2005 was carried out. Most of the patients (85,5% presented sepsis at birth and the most common infection was bacteriemia, followed by bronchopneumonias. The culture of endotracheal secretions constituted the sample of more positivity and among the isolated microorganisms with more frequency there were the Klebsiella and the positive coagulasa estaphylococcus. It was confirmed that the less effective antibiotics against the Gram-positive germs turned out to be penicillin and ceftriaxone; and against the Gram-negative, the aminoglycoside.

  1. 9 CFR 113.204 - Mink Enteritis Vaccine, Killed Virus. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Mink Enteritis Vaccine, Killed Virus..., DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE VIRUSES, SERUMS, TOXINS, AND ANALOGOUS PRODUCTS; ORGANISMS AND VECTORS STANDARD REQUIREMENTS Killed Virus Vaccines § 113.204 Mink Enteritis Vaccine, Killed Virus. Mink Enteritis Vaccine...

  2. Noncommunicating Isolated Enteric Duplication Cyst in the ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Noncommunicating isolated enteric duplications in the abdomen are an extremely rare variant of enteric duplications with their own blood supply. We report a case of a noncommunicating isolated ileal duplication in a 10-month-old boy. He was admitted because of severe abdominal distension and developed irritability ...

  3. Genetics of enteric neuropathies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brosens, Erwin; Burns, Alan J.; Brooks, Alice S.; Matera, Ivana; Borrego, Salud; Ceccherini, Isabella; Tam, Paul K.; García-Barceló, Maria-Mercè; Thapar, Nikhil; Benninga, Marc A.; Hofstra, Robert M. W.; Alves, Maria M.


    Abnormal development or disturbed functioning of the enteric nervous system (ENS), the intrinsic innervation of the gastrointestinal tract, is associated with the development of neuropathic gastrointestinal motility disorders. Here, we review the underlying molecular basis of these disorders and

  4. 30 CFR 77.1502 - Auger holes; restriction against entering. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Auger holes; restriction against entering. 77... UNDERGROUND COAL MINES Auger Mining § 77.1502 Auger holes; restriction against entering. No person shall be permitted to enter an auger hole except with the approval of the MSHA Coal Mine Safety and Health District...

  5. Dieta enteral prescrita versus dieta infundida Prescribed enteral diet versus infused diet

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    Silvana Aparecida Ribeiro Simões


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Avaliar o volume prescrito de dieta enteral versus o volume infundido, identificando as causas de interrupção da dieta e os gastos gerados por essas interrupções. Métodos: Estudo observacional, com pacientes adultos e idosos, recebendo nutrição enteral em um hospital particular de São Paulo. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de prontuário eletrônico. Resultados: O volume infundido foi significantemente menor que o volume prescrito, nos cinco dias de acompanhamento, em toda a amostra. A principal intercorrência na administração da dieta foi a diarreia. Os gastos com a não administração da dieta somam 41,4% do valor despendido para esse serviço. Conclusão: Este estudo contribui para a atuação e desempenho do nutricionista em conjunto com a Equipe Multidisciplinar em Terapia Nutricional visando a melhora do paciente.

  6. The Texts of the Agency's Co-operation Agreements with Regional Intergovernmental Organizations; Texto de los Acuerdos de Colaboracion del Organismo con las Organizaciones Intergubernamentales Regionales

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The texts of the Agency's agreements for co-operation with the regional inter-governmental organizations listed below, together with the respective protocols authenticating them, are reproduced in this document in the order in which the agreements entered into force, for the information of all Members of the Agency [Spanish] Para conocimiento de todos los Estados Miembros del Organismo, en este documento se transcriben en el orden en que entraron en vigor, los acuerdos de colaboracion que el Organismo ha concertado con las organizaciones intergubernamentales regionales que a continuacion se enumeran, junto con los respectivos protocolos de autenticacion.

  7. con dietas suplementadas con Cromo-L-metionina

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    Ram\\u00F3n Garc\\u00EDa-Castillo


    Full Text Available Un total de 48 cerdos (Sus scrofa domesticus; 24 machos castrados y 24 hembras cruzados (Yorkshire, Hampshire, Duroc y Landrace de 3,5 a 4,0 meses de edad y 60,0 ± 5,0 kg PV en finalización. Se alimentaron con dietas isoproteícas (14,5 % PC e isoenergéticas (3.400 kcal EM/kg de MS, adicionadas con Cr-L-metionina (MiCroPlex® (0, 200, 400 y 600 ppb. El experimento tuvo una duración de 45 días y se realizó de agosto a noviembre del 2002 en las instalaciones de la Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro, localizada en Saltillo, Coahuila, México. Al tener los animales aproximadamente 95 kg PV, se tomó muestra de 15 ml de sangre por cada animal para determinar la concentración de glucosa, ácido úrico, creatinina, urea, proteinas totales y colesterol. Se aplicó un diseño completamente al azar con arreglo factorial 2 x 4; dos para el factor sexo y cuatro para nivel de cromo. Los metabolitos en suero no fueron afectados (P>0,05 por el factor sexo. La glucosa en suero disminuyó (P<0,05 y el colesterol incrementó (P<0,05 con cromo en la dieta. Se concluye que el Cr incrementa el metabolismo de glucosa y disminuye el de colesterol, con lo cual puede haber energía disponible para síntesis de proteína la cual es necesaria para el crecimiento de los animales

  8. Cellular changes in the enteric nervous system during ageing. (United States)

    Saffrey, M Jill


    The intrinsic neurons of the gut, enteric neurons, have an essential role in gastrointestinal functions. The enteric nervous system is plastic and continues to undergo changes throughout life, as the gut grows and responds to dietary and other environmental changes. Detailed analysis of changes in the ENS during ageing suggests that enteric neurons are more vulnerable to age-related degeneration and cell death than neurons in other parts of the nervous system, although there is considerable variation in the extent and time course of age-related enteric neuronal loss reported in different studies. Specific neuronal subpopulations, particularly cholinergic myenteric neurons, may be more vulnerable than others to age-associated loss or damage. Enteric degeneration and other age-related neuronal changes may contribute to gastrointestinal dysfunction that is common in the elderly population. Evidence suggests that caloric restriction protects against age-associated loss of enteric neurons, but recent advances in the understanding of the effects of the microbiota and the complex interactions between enteric ganglion cells, mucosal immune system and intestinal epithelium indicate that other factors may well influence ageing of enteric neurons. Much remains to be understood about the mechanisms of neuronal loss and damage in the gut, although there is evidence that reactive oxygen species, neurotrophic factor dysregulation and/or activation of a senescence associated phenotype may be involved. To date, there is no evidence for ongoing neurogenesis that might replace dying neurons in the ageing gut, although small local sites of neurogenesis would be difficult to detect. Finally, despite the considerable evidence for enteric neurodegeneration during ageing, and evidence for some physiological changes in animal models, the ageing gut appears to maintain its function remarkably well in animals that exhibit major neuronal loss, indicating that the ENS has considerable

  9. Hypophosphatemia associated with enteral alimentation in cats. (United States)

    Justin, R B; Hohenhaus, A E


    Hypophosphatemia is uncommon in cats, but it has been reported in association with diabetes mellitus and hepatic lipidosis, where it can cause hemolysis, rhabdomyopathy, depression, seizures, and coma. The purpose of this article is to describe 9 cats that developed low serum phosphorus concentrations (alimentation. Serum biochemical analyses from more than 6,000 cats were reviewed. The medical records of all cats with hypophosphatemia were examined for history of enteral alimentation; diabetic cats were excluded from the study. Nine cats, ranging in age from 3 to 17 years, were identified. All cats had normal serum phosphorus concentrations before tube feeding began. Onset of hypophosphatemia occurred 12 to 72 hours after initiation of enteral alimentation, and the nadir for phosphorus concentrations ranged from 0.4 to 2.4 mg/dL. Hemolysis occurred in 6 of the 9 cats. Hypophosphatemia secondary to enteral alimentation is an uncommon clinical finding in cats. Cats with high alanine aminotransferase activity, hyperbilirubinemia, and weight loss should be closely monitored for hypophosphatemia during the first 72 hours of enteral alimentation.

  10. [Indications and practice of enteral nutrition]. (United States)

    Hallay, Judit; Nagy, Dániel; Fülesdi, Béla


    Malnutrition in hospitalised patients has a significant and disadvantageous impact on treatment outcome. If possible, enteral nutrition with an energy/protein-balanced nutrient should be preferred depending on the patient's condition, type of illness and risk factors. The aim of the nutrition therapy is to increase the efficacy of treatment and shorten the length of hospital stay in order to ensure rapid rehabilitation. In the present review the authors summarize the most important clinical and practical aspects of enteral nutrition therapy.

  11. Nutrición enteral


    Barrachina Bellés, Lidón; García Hernández, Misericordia; Oto Cavero, Isabel


    Este trabajo nos introduce en la administración de la nutrición enteral, haciendo una revisión de los aspectos a tener en cuenta tanto en sus indicaciones, vias, tipos, métodos, cuidados y complicaciones más importantes.

  12. Infecciones nosocomiales: tendencias seculares de un programa de control en México

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    Ponce de León Samuel


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO. Determinar la frecuencia de infecciones nosocomiales en el Instituto Nacional de la Nutrición Salvador Zubirán (INNSZ desde la instauración del programa de vigilancia hasta la actualidad y conocer su impacto en estancia hospitalaria y mortalidad. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo y retrolectivo en un hospital de referencia de tercer nivel de atención. Se obtuvieron las frecuencias, el tipo y la distribución de infecciones nosocomiales de la base de datos del Departamento de Epidemiología Hospitalaria entre 1991 y 1996. Se determinó en cada paciente el grado de gravedad de su enfermedad mediante la escala de McCabe-Jackson, así como la edad promedio y el tiempo de estancia hospitaria. Se aplicó la prueba de ji² para tendencias de los diferentes parámetros evaluados. El estudio se dividió en tres etapas: prerremodelación (1991-1993, remodelación (1994-1995 y posremodelación (1996. Se compararon los periodos prerremodelación contra posremodelación. RESULTADOS. Durante este periodo (1991-1996 la tasa de infecciones nosocomiales fue de 8.6 por 100 egresos en promedio, con una disminución de 20% en su frecuencia a lo largo del mismo (p< 0.01, comparando las tasas que se observaron durante la prerremodelación con las de la posrremodelación. El área hospitalaria con mayor frecuencia de infecciones es la Unidad de Terapia Intensiva (26.9 infecciones por 100 egresos, seguida de áreas de hospitalización con cuartos compartidos (9.47% y con cuartos privados (7.5%. El sitio de infección más frecuente fue el de vías urinarias (26.6% del total de episodios, seguido por infección de herida quirúrgica (24.4%, neumonía nosocomial (12.1% y bacteriemia primaria (9.5%. Se observó una disminución estadísticamente significativa en la frecuencia de infecciones de vías urinarias y bacteriemias primarias (p< 0.05 y p< 0.00001, respectivamente, mientras que las infecciones de herida quir

  13. Epigenetic regulation of enteric neurotransmission by gut bacteria.

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    Tor eSavidge


    Full Text Available The Human Microbiome Project defined microbial community interactions with the human host, and provided important molecular insight into how epigenetic factors can influence intestinal ecosystems. Given physiological context, changes in gut microbial community structure are increasingly found to associate with alterations in enteric neurotransmission and disease. At present, it is not known whether shifts in microbial community dynamics represent cause or consequence of disease pathogenesis. The discovery of bacterial-derived neurotransmitters suggests further studies are needed to establish their role in enteric neuropathy. This mini-review highlights recent advances in bacterial communications to the autonomic nervous system and discusses emerging epigenetic data showing that diet, probiotic and antibiotic use may regulate enteric neurotransmission through modulation of microbial communities. Because of its limited scope, a particular emphasis is placed on bacterial regulation of enteric nervous system function in the intestine.

  14. Osmolality and pH in handmade enteral diets used in domiciliary enteral nutritional therapy

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    Gilberto Simeone HENRIQUES

    Full Text Available Abstract Patients who need prolonged domiciliary enteral nutritional therapy may benefit from handmade diets. However, the preparation of such diets might cause insecurity with regard to their nutritional composition and physical-chemical properties. Current study analyzes the osmolality and Hydrogen-Ion concentration (pH on handmade enteral diets. To this purpose, six formulas and two juices, prescribed on discharge from hospital, were analyzed physically and chemically. Osmolality and pH were respectively determined by cryoscopy and potentiometry. Most formulations were classified as isosmolar (with less than 400 mOsm/kg solvent, and only one was classified as slightly hyperosmolar, with rates ranging from 356.7 to 403.5 mOsm/kg solvent. On average, the standard formula presented higher osmolality than similar ones prepared for hyperglycemia. Among the juices, only one registered hyperosmolar concentration of 595.54 mOsm/kg solvent. All formulas presented pH rates classified as low acidity, ranging between 6.1 and 6.6, while the two juices had the lowest results, 4.73 and 4.66 each. The blend of ingredients used in handmade formulas and juices studied presented acceptable osmolality and pH rates for a safe administration and absence of gastrointestinal complications. Data showed here are consistent with an appropriate and healthy diet and contributed towards success in domiciliary enteral nutritional therapy.

  15. Intestinal obstruction by eosinophilic jejunitis Aspectos quirúrgicos de la enteritis eosinofílica

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    J. M. Álamo Martínez


    Full Text Available Eosinophilic enteritis is an uncommon disease that rarely devel-ops as a surgical emergency. Although it may be associated with infestation by Ancylostoma caninum, its etiology is unknown and often related to a personal or family history of atopy. A transmural involvement may cause intestinal obstruction -more frequently in the jejunum- or even acute abdomen, which may or may not be accompanied by intestinal perforation. The latter two conditions tend to be more commonly associated with ileum disease, causing pain in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen. Patient history, eosinophil count -which may be paradoxically reduced when the disease appears in this way-, ultrasonography, and/or CT lead to the suspicion of this condition before a surgical procedure is considered. A definitive diagnosis, however, must be reached by means of an anatomopathological study. Macroscopically, intestinal loops exhibit a thickened appearance with an elastic consistency. Laparoscopic intestinal biopsy may play a major role in the diagnosis of disease.La enteritis eosinofílica es una enfermedad poco frecuente que debuta de forma extraordinaria como urgencia quirúrgica. Su etiopatogenia, aunque pudiera estar asociada a la infestación por Ancylostoma caninum, se desconoce, y en muchas ocasiones se relaciona con antecedentes personales o familiares de atopia. La afectación transmural puede ocasionar síndrome obstructivo intestinal, más frecuente a nivel yeyunal, o incluso un abdomen agudo acompañado o no de perforación entérica. Estas dos últimas entidades suelen estar asociadas más usualmente con el asentamiento de la enfermedad en íleon, provocando dolor en la fosa iliaca derecha. Los antecedentes del enfermo, el recuento de eosinófilos en sangre, que paradójicamente puede estar disminuido cuando la enfermedad debuta de esta forma, la ecografía y/o la TAC, pueden hacernos sospechar de esta patología antes de plantearse la intervención quir

  16. Surgical treatment of radiation enteritis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cross, M.J.; Frazee, R.C. (Department of General Surgery, Scott and White Memorial Hospital, Temple TX (United States))


    Radiation enteritis is a progressive, disease process that causes intestinal fibrosis and obliterative endarteritis, which results in significant morbidity and mortality. The authors' clinical experience involving 20 patients over a 22-year period from 1967 through 1989 who underwent various surgical procedures to alleviate chronic symptoms secondary to radiation enteritis is described. Eight men and 12 women with a mean age of 52 years (24 to 81 years) underwent a total of 27 procedures for complications of radiation enteritis. Radiation therapy was delivered for treatment of gynecologic malignancies (55%), colorectal cancer (20%), prostate malignancies (10%), and others (15%). The mean average dose of radiation delivered was 5,514 rads with a range of 2,613 to 7,000 rads. The interval from radiation treatment to time of surgery averaged 9 years. Operative procedures consisted of 12 resection and primary anastomosis procedures and 15 resections with stoma creation. Formation of a stoma was used in patients with more severe disease. The 30-day operative mortality was 0% and morbidity was 55%. There were no anastomotic leaks or intra-abdominal abscesses. The authors conclude that resection and primary anastomosis can safely be performed in selected patients but that judicious use of stoma formation can avoid major mortality and morbidity associated with surgery in this setting.

  17. Surgical treatment of radiation enteritis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cross, M.J.; Frazee, R.C.


    Radiation enteritis is a progressive, disease process that causes intestinal fibrosis and obliterative endarteritis, which results in significant morbidity and mortality. The authors' clinical experience involving 20 patients over a 22-year period from 1967 through 1989 who underwent various surgical procedures to alleviate chronic symptoms secondary to radiation enteritis is described. Eight men and 12 women with a mean age of 52 years (24 to 81 years) underwent a total of 27 procedures for complications of radiation enteritis. Radiation therapy was delivered for treatment of gynecologic malignancies (55%), colorectal cancer (20%), prostate malignancies (10%), and others (15%). The mean average dose of radiation delivered was 5,514 rads with a range of 2,613 to 7,000 rads. The interval from radiation treatment to time of surgery averaged 9 years. Operative procedures consisted of 12 resection and primary anastomosis procedures and 15 resections with stoma creation. Formation of a stoma was used in patients with more severe disease. The 30-day operative mortality was 0% and morbidity was 55%. There were no anastomotic leaks or intra-abdominal abscesses. The authors conclude that resection and primary anastomosis can safely be performed in selected patients but that judicious use of stoma formation can avoid major mortality and morbidity associated with surgery in this setting

  18. Enteral alimentation and gastrointestinal bleeding in mechanically ventilated patients. (United States)

    Pingleton, S K; Hadzima, S K


    The incidence of upper gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding in mechanically ventilated ICU patients receiving enteral alimentation was reviewed and compared to bleeding occurring in ventilated patients receiving prophylactic antacids or cimetidine. Of 250 patients admitted to our ICU during a 1-yr time period, 43 ventilated patients were studied. Patients in each group were comparable with respect to age, respiratory diagnosis, number of GI hemorrhage risk factors, and number of ventilator, ICU, and hospital days. Twenty-one patients had evidence of GI bleeding. Fourteen of 20 patients receiving antacids and 7 of 9 patients receiving cimetidine had evidence of GI bleeding. No bleeding occurred in 14 patients receiving enteral alimentation. Complications of enteral alimentation were few and none required discontinuation of enteral alimentation. Our preliminary data suggest the role of enteral alimentation in critically ill patients may include not only protection against malnutrition but also protection against GI bleeding.

  19. Tratamiento con implantes Leader-Nano en paciente con oligodoncia

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    Salvador Javier Santos Medina


    Full Text Available Los implantes dentales de titanio han revolucionado el mundo de la rehabilitación desde su surgimiento. De manera particular, el empleo de implantes de carga inmediata acorta el tiempo quirúrgico y protésico, con el consiguiente bienestar estético. Se presenta el caso de una paciente femenina de 32 años de edad, con antecedentes de oligodoncia de ambos incisivos laterales superiores y portadora de prótesis parcial acrílica. Fue atendida por el equipo multidisciplinario de implantes en la Clínica Estomatológica Docente “3 de Octubre” y se le realizó tratamiento de rehabilitación integral con implantes Leader-Nano y prótesis fija con corona acrílica sobre dichos implantes. La implantología fue satisfactoria en la paciente; la mejoría estética y funcional, así como la satisfacción de la paciente, fueron los principales logros obtenidos

  20. 9 CFR 302.3 - Livestock and products entering official establishments. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Livestock and products entering official establishments. 302.3 Section 302.3 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE... Livestock and products entering official establishments. All livestock and all products entering any...

  1. Experiencias de haber crecido con un padre/madre con trastorno mental severo (TMS)


    Vivanco B, Gabriela; Grandón F, Pamela


    Introducción. La experiencia de vivir con personas que presentan un Trastorno Mental Severo (TMS) es difícil para las familias, en especial para los hijos quienes han sido poco estudiados. El objetivo de la investigación fue conocer cómo la experiencia de haber vivido con un padre o madre con un trastorno mental severo influyó en la infancia, adolescencia y adultez joven de sus hijos e hijas. Método. Se analizan las experiencias de convivencia con un padre/madre con TMS en 10 hijos (6 hombres...

  2. Enteric nervous system specific deletion of Foxd3 disrupts glial cell differentiation and activates compensatory enteric progenitors. (United States)

    Mundell, Nathan A; Plank, Jennifer L; LeGrone, Alison W; Frist, Audrey Y; Zhu, Lei; Shin, Myung K; Southard-Smith, E Michelle; Labosky, Patricia A


    The enteric nervous system (ENS) arises from the coordinated migration, expansion and differentiation of vagal and sacral neural crest progenitor cells. During development, vagal neural crest cells enter the foregut and migrate in a rostro-to-caudal direction, colonizing the entire gastrointestinal tract and generating the majority of the ENS. Sacral neural crest contributes to a subset of enteric ganglia in the hindgut, colonizing the colon in a caudal-to-rostral wave. During this process, enteric neural crest-derived progenitors (ENPs) self-renew and begin expressing markers of neural and glial lineages as they populate the intestine. Our earlier work demonstrated that the transcription factor Foxd3 is required early in neural crest-derived progenitors for self-renewal, multipotency and establishment of multiple neural crest-derived cells and structures including the ENS. Here, we describe Foxd3 expression within the fetal and postnatal intestine: Foxd3 was strongly expressed in ENPs as they colonize the gastrointestinal tract and was progressively restricted to enteric glial cells. Using a novel Ednrb-iCre transgene to delete Foxd3 after vagal neural crest cells migrate into the midgut, we demonstrated a late temporal requirement for Foxd3 during ENS development. Lineage labeling of Ednrb-iCre expressing cells in Foxd3 mutant embryos revealed a reduction of ENPs throughout the gut and loss of Ednrb-iCre lineage cells in the distal colon. Although mutant mice were viable, defects in patterning and distribution of ENPs were associated with reduced proliferation and severe reduction of glial cells derived from the Ednrb-iCre lineage. Analyses of ENS-lineage and differentiation in mutant embryos suggested activation of a compensatory population of Foxd3-positive ENPs that did not express the Ednrb-iCre transgene. Our findings highlight the crucial roles played by Foxd3 during ENS development including progenitor proliferation, neural patterning, and glial

  3. Enteric pathogen modification by anaecic earthworm, Lampito Mauritii

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The biosolids from municipal wastewater treatment plant contains several enteric microbial pathogens, predominantly Salmonella and Escherichia species in the range of 15-18 x 104 CFU/g and 11-12 x 104 CFU/g respectively. The present study investigates the influence of earthworm, Lampito mauritii on enteric pathogen ...

  4. Comparison of neutral and positive enteral contrast media for MDCT enteroclysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aiyappan, Senthil Kumar; Kalra, Naveen; Sandhu, Manavjit Singh; Kochhar, Rakesh; Wig, Jai Dev; Khandelwal, Niranjan


    Objective: To compare neutral and positive enteral contrast media for MDCT enteroclysis (MDCTE) in various small bowel diseases. Materials and methods: 40 patients with suspicion of small bowel diseases were divided randomly into two equal groups. In one group, water was used as neutral enteral contrast and in other group, 2% water soluble iodinated contrast was used as positive enteral contrast. All MDCTE were done on a 16-slice multidetector row CT unit. The findings of MDCTE were compared with the standards of reference. Results: There were 12 cases of abdominal tuberculosis (30%), 5 cases of bowel masses (12%), 4 cases of Crohn's disease (10%), 3 cases of small bowel adhesions (7%), 2 cases of midgut volvulus (5%), 2 cases of segmental enteritis (5%) and 12 of all cases (30%) were normal. There was no statistically significant difference between neutral and positive enteral contrast with regards to bowel distention, contrast reflux and evaluation of duodenum. Abnormal bowel wall enhancement was appreciated only with use of neutral enteral contrast (n = 12). Evaluation of ileocaecal junction was possible in all 20 patients (100%) with positive enteral contrast but in only 17 patients (85%) with neutral enteral contrast. Overall sensitivity and specificity of MDCTE with use of neutral contrast medium (100 and 88% respectively) was greater for evaluation of small bowel diseases, when compared to MDCTE using positive enteral contrast medium (92.8 and 83.3% respectively). Conclusions: Water is a good enteral contrast medium for MDCT enteroclysis examination and allows better evaluation of abnormal bowel wall enhancement. Ileocaecal junction evaluation is better with positive enteral contrast medium.

  5. [Enteral alimentation at home: why PEG now?]. (United States)

    Suzuki, Y; Hanyu, N; Kashiwagi, H; Kubo, T; Aoki, T


    The history of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) is relatively short. In 1980, a report entitled "Gastrostomy without laparotomy: A percutaneous endoscopic technique" by Ponsky and Gaudere was first published in the Journal of Pediatric Surgery. Thereafter, PEG soon saw widespread use in Western countries because of its clinical efficacy and economy. It has been performed in about 170,000 cases annually in the US. In contrast, its spread in Japan has been extremely slow: only about 10,000 cases have undergone this procedure annually, and this number accounted for less than 5% of patients receiving enteral alimentation. The reason why PEG has not spread may be the medical insurance system in Japan and the local distaste for operation scarring. However, in consideration of the unprecedented ageing of society that is surely coming in the near future, the role of PEG in Japan must be reexamined. In this report, we presented the methodology of enteral alimentation at home by means of PEG, giving special consideration to: (1) "What points are improved by using enteral alimentation at home by means of PEG in various diseases; (2) dysphagia due to cerebral angiopathy; (3) terminal cancer; (4) otolaryngological diseases; and (5) Crohn disease. We also discussed "Why PEG is important now?" in performing enteral alimentation at home.

  6. The spectrum of radiation enteritis: surgical considerations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haddad, G.K.; Grodsinsky, C.; Allen, H.


    Radiation therapy, often used to treat gynecologic and urologic pelvic malignancies, has varying, adverse effects on the bowel. Radiation enteritis may occur from one month to 20 years after irradiation, and disabling symptoms may require surgery in 10 to 20 per cent of patients. From our experience with 20 patients who required surgery for radiation enteritis and who were followed for up to 20 years, we were able to identify three clinical groups. Patients in the first group need only medical treatment for their symptoms, and observation, whereas patients in the second group may present with acute, debilitating, life-threatening symptoms that may require emergency surgery. Patients in the third group have a long-standing history of intermittent bowel obstruction and/or enteric fistulas that are best treated with adequate nutritional support followed by timely surgical intervention

  7. Early enteral nutrition compared to outcome in critically ill trauma ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objectives: The benefit of an early enteral nutrition start in critical ill patients is widely accepted. However, limited published data focus on trauma patients. This study aimed to investigate the effect of early enteral nutrition initiation on length of stay and mortality in an intensive care unit (ICU), as well as explore if enteral ...

  8. Usefulness of enteral contrast media in MR evaluation of pelvic mass

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Hun; Kim, Jung Sik; Kim, Hong; Shon, Chul Ho; Lee, Hee Jung; Lee, Sung Moon; Woo, Sung Ku; Suh, Soo Jhi


    To assess the value of enteral contrast media for the evaluation of pelvic masses by MR imaging. Between April and July 1998, 16 women with pelvic masses were examined by MRI. The origin of the lesion was the ovary in twelve cases, the uterus in three, and the sigmoid in one. Using a 1.5T scanner(Magnetom Vision, Siemens), T1-weighted axial spin echo(SE), T2-weighted turbo spin echo(TSE), two dimensional fast low-angle shot(FLASH 2D), and half-Fourier TSE(HASTE) images were obtained in all patients after the administration of Magnevist Enteral (Shering, Berlin, Germany). In each MR imagine sequence, distinction between the lesion and adjacent bowel (1, not distinguished; 2, partly distinguished; 3, clearly distinguished), artifact (0, absent; 1, mild; 2, severe), image quality (1, poor; 2, fair; 3, good), were compared before and after the use of enteral contrast media. Changes in MRI impression after the use of enteral contrast media were also evaluated. Two radiologists reached a consensus after reviewing the images. Statistical significance was determined by Wilcoxon's signed ranked test. For distinguishing lesions, SE T1WI and FLASH 2D with enteral contrast media were significantly superior to SE T1WI without enteral contrast media (p < 0.05). With regard to image quality, FLASH 2D and HASTE, both with enteral contrast media, were significantly superior to SE T1WI and TSE T2WI, respectively, both without enteral contrast media (p < 0.05). Artefacts were more frequently found after the application of enteral contrast media in conventional sequences but were not present in breathhold sequences. In two patients, MRI impression changed after the application of enteral contrast media. In a limited number of cases, enteral contrast media improved lesion detection, image quality and diagnostic accuracy when breathhold fast MR imaging was applied

  9. Role of FODMAP content in enteral nutrition-associated diarrhea. (United States)

    Halmos, Emma P


    Gastrointestinal symptoms including diarrhea are common complications of enteral nutrition (EN); however, the cause is unclear. Mode of EN delivery that alters digestion and possibly absorption is suggested to contribute to the high incidence of diarrhea; however, enteral formula is frequently blamed. Most research has focused on fiber-supplemented EN, with a meta-analysis showing that fiber reduces the incidence of diarrhea in non-intensive care unit studies. Other hypotheses include formula osmolality and FODMAP (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols) content. FODMAPs are poorly absorbed short-chain carbohydrates that exert an osmotic effect. Dietary FODMAPs have been shown to reduce gastrointestinal symptoms, including diarrhea, in those with irritable bowel syndrome and, given a high-enough dose, will induce a laxative effect in most people. As FODMAPs are commonly added to enteral formula and EN is frequently used as the main source of nutrition, it is reasonable to hypothesize that EN provides more FODMAPs than usual dietary intake and increases risk for developing diarrhea. This hypothesis was assessed through a retrospective study showing that the standard-use enteral formula Isosource 1.5 had a protective effect of developing diarrhea. The only characteristic unique to Isosource 1.5 was the lower FODMAP content as determined through methodologies previously validated for food analysis. Methodologies for application to enteral formulas are currently undergoing formal validation. Once confirmed for application in enteral formula, future directions include FODMAP analysis of specific ingredients to increase understanding of potential problems associated with enteral formula and a randomized, controlled trial investigating the role of formula FODMAP content. © 2013 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.

  10. Enteral immunonutrition versus enteral nutrition for gastric cancer patients undergoing a total gastrectomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis


    Cheng, Ying; Zhang, Junfeng; Zhang, Liwei; Wu, Juan; Zhan, Zhen


    Background Nutrition support is a common means for patients with gastric cancer, especially for those undergoing elective surgery. Recently, enteral immunonutrition (EIN) was increasingly found to be more effective than enteral nutrition (EN) in enhancing the host immunity and eventually improving the prognosis of gastric cancer patients undergoing gastrectomy. However, the results reported were not consistent. This meta-analysis aimed to assess the impact of EIN for patients with GC on bioch...

  11. Severe back pain a cirrhotic patient : a diagnostic challenge

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ioana Stănescu


    Full Text Available Spondylodiscitis is an infection of the intervertebral disc space, involves the vertebrae, causing vertebral osteomyelitis and spread to adjacent epidural space, causing dural, radicular or spinal cord compression. Appears mainly in adult and immunocompromised patients, mainly by haematogenous inoculation from systemic infections with bacteriemia. Patients with hepatic cirrhosis have frequent bacteriemias, produced by increased gut permeability, immune dysfunction and frequent need for invasive procedures. Despite high frequency of blood stream infections, discitis and vestebral osteomyelitis are rarely reported. We present the case of a 53 years old woman, diagnosed with class B Child Pugh cirrhosis, which presents with intense back pain and cauda equina syndrome, without clinical signs of infection. Diagnosis was confirmed by spinal MRI, but very soon after treatment onset, the patient suffered a septic shock with haemodynamic instability, which leads to patient’s death. This case illustrates how an unusual complication of cirrhosis – bacteriemia - could precipitate the unfavorable evolution of the patient by producing a remote septic complication. Persistent back pain in a cirrhotic patient should also raise the hypothesis of an infectious cause, in which early management is essential. Early diagnosis in essential for successful treatment, and good prognosis after long-term antibiotic treatment can be achieved in the majority of patients.

  12. Aspectos Psicosociales Relacionados con el TEPT en Pacientes con Cáncer de Mama


    Hernández Moreno, Fresia Paloma; Landero Hernández, René


    El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la relación del estrés, la depresión y las estrategias de afrontamiento con el Trastorno de Estrés Postraumático (TEPT) en una muestra de pacientes con cáncer de mama. Se realizó con una muestra no probabilística de 52 mujeres con cáncer de mama. Se encontró una relación entre TEPT y estrés (r= .344, p= .014), TEPT y depresión (rs=.346, p= .013). El TEPT correlacionó con evitación cognitiva (r= .437, p= .001), TEPT y desesperanza (rs= .437, p= .001) y TEPT...

  13. Defining travel-associated cases of enteric fever. (United States)

    Freedman, Joanne; Lighton, Lorraine; Jones, Jane


    There is no internationally recognized case-definition for travel-associated enteric fever in non-endemic countries. This study describes the patterns of case reporting between 2007 and 2011 as travel-associated or not from the surveillance data in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (EWNI), before and after a change in the time component of the case-definition in January 2011. It examines in particular the role of a time frame based on the reported typical incubation period in defining a case of travel-associated enteric fever. The results showed no significant differences in the distribution of cases of enteric fever in regards to the interval between the onset and UK arrival in 2011 compared to 2007-2010 (p=0.98 for typhoid and paratyphoid A); the distribution for paratyphoid B was also similar in both time periods. During 2007-2010, 93% (1730/1853) of all of the cases were classified as travel-associated compared to 94% (448/477) in 2011. This difference was not statistically significant. Changing the time component of the definition of travel-associated enteric fever did not make a significant difference to the proportion of travel-associated cases reported by investigators. Our analysis suggests that time might be subordinate to other considerations when investigators classify a case as travel-associated. Crown Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Effectiveness of the herbal medicine daikenchuto for radiation-induced enteritis. (United States)

    Takeda, Takashi; Kamiura, Shouji; Kimura, Tadashi


    Radiation-induced enteritis is a serious clinical problem for which there is currently no recommended standard management. Daikenchuto (DKT) is a Japanese herbal medicine that has been used to treat adhesive bowel obstruction in Japan. This report describes a patient with radiation-induced enteritis whose clinical symptoms were much improved by treatment with DKT. The patient was administered DKT, a traditional Japanese herbal formula, orally (2.5 g 3 times daily). Abdominal distention was evaluated objectively with computed tomography. Gastrointestinal symptoms associated with radiation-induced enteritis were controlled successfully with DKT treatment. DKT treatment may be useful for the management of radiation-induced enteritis.

  15. Paciente con esquizofrenia tratado con ziprasidona + clozapina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pol Yanguas E.


    Full Text Available P es un paciente diagnosticado de esquizofrenia, sigue en un piso tutelado un programa de rehabilitación, está medicado con clozapina 500 mg/día y ziprasidona 280 mg/ día. Padece hipercolesterolemia, tabaquismo y sus hábitos alimenticios no son buenos. La medicación que utiliza desde 2007 hasta ahora se refleja en la tabla 1. El último tratamiento se le introdujo el 7 de agosto de 2012, habiendo presentado un electro cardiograma (ECG normal, pero con ligera taquicardia ventricular y prolactinemia de 44,8 ng/ml (valores normales: 2-18 ng/ml.

  16. Does C-reactive protein have a value in early detection of infection after extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy?

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    Behrouz Ghazimoghadam


    Full Text Available Introduction: Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL has produced a great revolution in the treatment of the urolithiasis. Bacteriemia, bacteriuria, and septic shock are the documented complaints for which early diagnosis and treatment can be vital. C-reactive protein (CRP, an acute phase reactant, serves as a marker of the infection before other measures. In this study, we measured the CRP value in the early detection of bacteriemia and bacteriuria after ESWL.Methods: In 2005, we sought patients who had urolithiasis and were candidates for ESWL, and we recruited such patients for this study. The inclusion criteria were sterile urine and a negative CRP test. The patients who participated in the study were requested to undergo laboratory tests on the third and seventh days after ESWL. After the resulting data were entered into the SPSS-11.5 data analysis software, the analyses were done with Chi squared test.Results: Among the studied subjects, 29 out of 97 (29.9% had a positive CRP test and 16 (15.2% had positive urine cultures. There was no significant statistical relationship between the CRP tests and the urine cultures (P value > 0.05. On the third day, the relationship between CRP and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR was significant (P value < 0.001. The positive predictive values of CRP were 0.087 and 0.214, and the negative predictive values were 0.87 and 0.963. The sensitivity and specificity of CRP were 18.2% and 74.1% (first stage, respectively, and 60% and 82.5% (second stage, respectively.Conclusions: We were unable to determine what the diagnostic value of CRP should be in the early detection of infection after ESWL. Additional studies are needed to provide greater insight into this issue.

  17. Enteric alpha defensins in norm and pathology

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    Lisitsyn Nikolai A


    Full Text Available Abstract Microbes living in the mammalian gut exist in constant contact with immunity system that prevents infection and maintains homeostasis. Enteric alpha defensins play an important role in regulation of bacterial colonization of the gut, as well as in activation of pro- and anti-inflammatory responses of the adaptive immune system cells in lamina propria. This review summarizes currently available data on functions of mammalian enteric alpha defensins in the immune defense and changes in their secretion in intestinal inflammatory diseases and cancer.

  18. Riesgo familiar total en familias con mujeres diagnosticadas con neoplasia de mama

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    Nancy Cecilia Charrys-Bravo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar el riesgo familiar total de las familias con mujeres diagnosticadas con cáncer de mama, que asisten a un centro de salud oncológico en la ciudad de Barranquilla. Materiales y Métodos: El estudio fue de tipo descriptivo, transversal con abordaje cuantitativo. Se utilizó el instrumento Riesgo Familiar Total RFT 5-33. El universo estuvo conformado por familias con mujeres diagnosticadas con cáncer en mama. La muestra fue de 41 familias que integraron a 154 miembros; se abordó el estudio de manera censal, y no por medio de una muestra, porque el acceso a la información de la totalidad de las familia fue viable. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron que las familias, en su mayoría, son de tipo 2. El 68 % de las pacientes categorizan sus familias como amenazadas, el 5 % como familias de alto riesgo y un 27 % de las familias con un bajo riesgo. Conclusiones: Los hallazgos encontrados en esta investigación son importantes para las familias, lo cual permitirá establecer acciones y actividades que logren orientar e implementar procesos de atención específicos con el propósito de cuidar a las familias para que se mantengan sanos en un nivel de bajo riesgo; además, desarrollar controles y seguimiento a aquellas familias que se encuentran en un riesgo alto de amenazas, mediante acciones de promoción y prevención de la enfermedad de una manera amplia. Por lo anterior, se deben emprender programas más agresivos de prevención y promoción, especialmente con las familias que asisten en busca de apoyo médico para este padecimiento; de esta forma, se podrán diagnosticar los casos de forma temprana y proceder al respectivo tratamiento.

  19. Kokainudløst iskaemisk enteritis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hobolth, Lise; Bendtsen, Flemming


    and a pill cam capsule endoscopy were normal. In all cases the condition normalized spontaneously. A thorough interview revealed a recreational use of cocaine, and diary recordings confirmed the association between her abdominal pain and cocaine use. Ischaemic enteritis has previously been described...


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    Enrique Alexis García Moya


    Full Text Available Se presenta un estudio sobre la reducción catalítica selectiva (RCS de NOx con metano en presencia de oxígeno en exceso con varios catalizadores a base de las zeolitas mordenita, ferrierita y ZSM-5 intercambiadas con diferentes cargas de cobalto y con las correspondientes zeolitas en forma acida. Cuando la mezcla reactiva contenía mayormente NO2 en lugar de NO, los catalizadores ácidos mostraron las más altas velocidades de formación de N2 en condiciones secas. Las mayores actividades se obtuvieron con los catalizadores Co-mordenita, siguiendo en orden de actividad los catalizadores Co-Ferrierita y Co-ZSM-5. El catalizador Co-Mordenita más activo se ensayó con una mezcla reactiva donde predominó el NO en lugar del NO2 bajo condiciones secas e hidrotérmicas y en presencia de SO2. Con la adición de 8% de agua a la mezcla de reacción se observó desactivación reversible, especialmente a bajas temperaturas. La adición de 60 ppm de SO2 disminuyó la velocidad de reacción aproximadamente a la mitad debido posiblemente al envenenamiento de algunos sitios activos.

  1. Terapias alternativas con animales para niños con necesidades especiales


    Cea-Chueca, Aihnoa


    El presente trabajo de fin de grado consiste en la realización de un análisis y descripción de la literatura acerca de las distintas terapias animales, destinadas a niños con necesidades especiales: cómo y por qué surgieron, en qué consisten las terapias, cómo podemos utilizarlas, etc. Las terapias alternativas con animales se conocen como una alternativa terapéutica, donde se utiliza a un animal como co-terapeuta para poder desarrollar diferentes capacidades de los niños con necesidades espe...

  2. Enteric Duplication Cysts in Children: A Clinicopathological Dilemma. (United States)

    Sharma, Sonam; Yadav, Amit K; Mandal, Ashish K; Zaheer, Sufian; Yadav, Devendra K; Samie, Amat


    Enteric duplication cysts are rare and uncommon congenital malformations formed during the embryonic period of the development of human digestive system and are mainly encountered during infancy or early childhood, but seldom in adults. The clinical presentation is extremely variable depending upon its size, location and type. We present six cases of enteric duplication cysts with diverse clinico-pathological features. This study was carried out in the Department of Pathology and Department of Paediatric Surgery, Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi, India for a period of 2 years (January 2013 - December 2014). We retrospectively analyzed six patients of enteric duplication cysts based on data obtained, which consisted of patient's age, sex, clinical presentation, radiological features, operative findings and histopathology report. The data collected was analyzed by descriptive statistics. Six children between age range of 3 days to 10 years had enteric duplication cysts. Two had ileal and one each were of pyloroduodenal, colonic and rectal duplication cyst. In one patient a presumptive diagnosis of enteric duplication cyst was made. Radiology played an important contributory role in diagnosis of these cysts in all the patients but histopathology proved to be gold standard for its confirmation. All these patients were managed by surgical excision. The postoperative and follow up period in all the cases was uneventful. It is important to be aware and make a definitive diagnosis of this rare congenital anomaly as they can present in various clinical forms and can cause significant morbidity and even mortality if left untreated by causing life threatening complications.

  3. [Enteral distress syndrome in surgery: definition, pathogenesis, diagnosis]. (United States)

    Vlasov, A P; Trofimov, V A; Grigorieva, T I; Shibitov, V A; Vlasov, P A


    It was performed a comprehensive experimental and clinical study of functional and metabolic status of the intestine in acute peritonitis, pancreatic necrosis, acute intestinal obstruction. We obtained objective data of impaired barrier function based on levels of toxins in arterial and mesenteric venous blood. Association of organ and organismic homeostatic changes was revealed. It was proved an important role of membrane-destabilizing processes in intestinal epithelium as a cause of enteral insufficiency. Leading trigger mechanisms of lipid metabolic disorders were determined. Enteral distress syndrome was determined as pathological response to acute abdominal surgical diseases. Enteral distress syndrome is a complex of pathological processes due to membrane-destabilizing mechanisms, impaired intestinal barrier function followed by progression of endogenous intoxication. This syndrome significantly aggravates the course of acute surgical abdominal diseases.

  4. Prevalencia de infecciones hospitalarias en un hospital peruano de nivel IV, en el año 2008.

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    Luis Francisco Hidalgo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia puntual de infecciones hospitalarias (IH en un hospital peruano de Nivel IV, en el año 2008. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. Infecciones hospitalarias fueron identificadas empleando los criterios del Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC de 1999. Resultados: En total se evaluaron 1578 pacientes: 685 varones y 893 mujeres. La prevalencia de infecciones hospitalarias por 100 pacientes hospitalizados fue de 7,54 (7,05, 6,77, 7,31, 4,55, 0,75 y 26,85, en los servicios de Medicina, Cirugía, Pediatría, Ginecología–Obstetricia, Emergencia y Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos respectivamente. El número de pacientes con infecciones hospitalarias fue 119, 62 varones y 57 mujeres. La mediana de hospitalización en los pacientes con infecciones hospitalarias fue de 22 días y 6 días en los pacientes que no presentaron IH. 127 infecciones hospitalarias diagnosticadas en los 119 pacientes: 113 con una infección hospitalaria, cuatro pacientes con dos y dos pacientes con tres. La IH más común fue neumonía (25,2%, seguida por infecciones de tracto urinario (24,4%, infección de herida quirúrgica profunda (11% y bacteriemia (6,3%. De 32 pacientes con neumonía nosocomial, 10 tenían ventilación mecánica. 61,3% de los pacientes con infección de tracto urinario hospitalario contaba con catéter urinario. Los agentes infecciosos más comunes fueron Pseudomona aeruginosa 16,1% y Staphylococcus aureus 9,7%. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de infecciones intrahospitalarias hallada se encuentra en el rango esperado para hospitales de similar complejidad. (Rev Med Hered 2011;22:76-81.

  5. Comparison of Intermittent and Bolus Enteral Feeding Methods on Enteral Feeding Intolerance of Patients with Sepsis: A Triple-blind Controlled Trial in Intensive Care Units. (United States)

    Nasiri, Morteza; Farsi, Zahra; Ahangari, Mojtaba; Dadgari, Fahimeh


    BACKGROUND Recent trials have shown controversial results on which enteral feeding methods has a lower risk of enteral feeding intolerance. Therefore, we aimed to compare two methods of bolus and intermittent feeding on enteral feeding intolerance of patients with sepsis. METHODS This triple-blind randomized controlled trial was conducted on 60 patients with sepsis, who were fed through tubes for at least 3 days. The patients were randomly assigned into bolus feeding, intermittent feeding, and control groups. Enteral feeding intolerance of all patients was recorded in 3 consecutive days by a researcher-made checklist including the data on gastric residual volume, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal distension. RESULTS There were no significant differences between the three studied groups in none of the intervention days pertaining to constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal distention, and gastric residual volume ( p > 0.05). Also, no statistically significant difference was found between all variables in the three studied groups during the 3 days ( p > 0.05). CONCLUSION As enteral feeding intolerance of patients with sepsis was similar in both bolus and intermittent feeding methods, it can be concluded that bolus method can still be used as a standard method to decrease the risk of enteral feeding intolerance if it is used properly.

  6. Variables socionutricionales de hogares mazahuas integrados por preescolares desnutridos con madres con obesidad y sin obesidad

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    Conzuelo González, Viridiana Vanessa


    Full Text Available El primer objetivo fue conocer cuántos menores de cinco años con diferentes grados de desnutrición tienen una madre con sobrepeso/obesidad/ en una comunidad indígena que vive en extrema pobreza y bajo condiciones de migración masculina internacional. El segundo fue comparar tres variables socionutricionales (ingreso familiar, educación de la madre y adecuación nutrimental de la dieta diaria entre estos hogares y los hogares con desnutrición infantil y madres sin obesidad. Se realizó un estudio transversal (2006-2007, en la comunidad mazahua de San Francisco Tepeolulco, Municipio de Temascalcingo; que incluyó a 85 hogares integrados por preescolares con desnutrición inscritos al programa Oportunidades. Se determinó el estado nutrición de los preescolares con indicadores antropométricos y se obtuvo el IMC de las madres de estos infantes. Se aplicó una encuesta socionutricional, incluida el recordatorio de 24 horas, y complementado con la observación participante (cualitativa. Se encontró que 83% de las madres mazahuas presentaron sobrepeso u obesidad. El estado de nutrición de los preescolares con madres con obesidad presentó un porcentaje mayor de desnutrición (76%. En la variable género, se encontró que 54% de los niños con madres con obesidad tenía baja talla. Al relacionar el nivel educativo de la madre, esta variable resultó ser estadísticamente significativa (p=0.015, donde el analfabetismo está más relacionado con la desnutrición infantil que tienen madres de bajo y/o peso normal. La elevada prevalencia de hogares conformados con preescolares con desnutrición y madres con obesidad, es un síntoma más de la pobreza en zonas indígenas en México, con bajo índice de desarrollo humano.

  7. Antimicrobial effect of Malaysian vegetables against enteric bacteria

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    Hassanain Al-Talib


    Conclusions: Garlic had excellent antimicrobial effects against enteric bacteria and was recommended to be given to patients with gastroenteritis. The other vegetables (pennywort, mint, parsley and celery showed no inhibitory effects on enteric bacteria but still can be used for its richness in vitamins and fibers. The performance of the well diffusion method was better than that of the disc diffusion method in detecting the antibacterial effects of green vegetables.

  8. CERN openlab enters fifth phase

    CERN Multimedia

    Andrew Purcell


    CERN openlab is a unique public-private partnership between CERN and leading ICT companies. At the start of this year, openlab officially entered its fifth phase, which will run until the end of 2017. For the first time in its history, it has extended beyond the CERN community to include other major European and international research laboratories.   Founded in 2001 to develop the innovative ICT systems needed to cope with the unprecedented computing challenges of the LHC, CERN openlab unites science and industry at the cutting edge of research and innovation. In a white paper published last year, CERN openlab set out the main ICT challenges it will tackle during its fifth phase, namely data acquisition, computing platforms, data storage architectures, computer management and provisioning, networks and connectivity, and data analytics. As it enters its fifth phase, CERN openlab is expanding to include other research laboratories. "Today, research centres in other disciplines are also st...

  9. Randomized clinical trial of arginine-supplemented enteral nutrition versus standard enteral nutrition in patients undergoing gastric cancer surgery. (United States)

    Zhao, Hongyan; Zhao, Hongying; Wang, Yu; Jing, Huang; Ding, Qian; Xue, Jun


    Significant malnutrition exists in a high percentage of patients with gastric cancer. It is, therefore, crucial to establish an effective means to provide nutrition for these patients. This prospective, randomized, double-blinded clinical trial aims to assess the long-term survival of arginine-supplementation enteral nutrition versus standard enteral nutrition in malnourished patients with gastric cancer. The control group (36 cases) received postoperative standard enteral nutrition. Meanwhile, the arginine-supplementation group (37 cases) adopted the same nutrition product but enriched with arginine (9.0 g/L). The primary study objective was overall survival (OS). Secondary endpoints were progression-free survival (PFS); serum parameters including total protein, albumin, proalbumin, and transferrin obtained on preoperative day 1, postoperative day 2, and day 12; CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells, natural killer (NK) cells, immunoglobulin M (IgM), and immunoglobulin G (IgG) obtained on preoperative day 1 and postoperative day 7. No significant differences in baseline characteristics were observed between groups. The group receiving arginine-enriched nutrition had a significantly better OS (P = 0.03, 41 vs. 30.5 months) and better PFS (P = 0.02, 18 vs. 11.5 months). On postoperative day 7, CD4(+) T cells, NK cells, IgM and IgG levels of the arginine-supplemented group increased prominently and were significantly higher than those of the control group and those on preoperative day 1. There is no significant difference in the serum total protein, albumin, proalbumin, and transferrin levels between the two arms. Arginine-supplemented enteral nutrition significantly improves long-term survival and restores immunity in malnourished gastric cancer.

  10. Complications relating to enteral and parenteral nutrition in trauma ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objectives: The aim of the study was to compare the incidence of complications in patients receiving enteral and parenteral nutrition (PN), and review how the early initiation of enteral feeding and early achievement of caloric goal would affect the incidence of complications. Design: The design was a retrospective audit of ...

  11. La nutrición enteral precoz en el enfermo grave Early enteral nutrition in the critically-ill patient


    B. García Vila; T. Grau


    La nutrición enteral se ha demostrado como un método eficaz y seguro de nutrir a los enfermos graves ingresados en una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. Aunque se desconoce cuánto tiempo puede estar un enfermo grave sin nutrición, el catabolismo acelerado y el ayuno pueden ser deletéreos en el enfermo grave y la recomendación más frecuente es la de empezar la nutrición artificial cuando se prevea un período de ayuno superior a los siete días. Las ventajas de la nutrición enteral sobre la nutrici...

  12. Terapia regenerativa con plasma rico en plaquetas en pacientes con quemaduras

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María del Carmen Franco Mora


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio comparativo, longitudinal y prospectivo de 60 adultos con quemaduras profundas, atendidos en el Hospital General docente "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" de Santiago de Cuba, desde febrero de 2013 hasta igual mes de 2014, para evaluar la efectividad de la terapia regenerativa con plasma rico en plaquetas para la cicatrización de estas lesiones. La muestra fue dividida en 2 grupos de 30 integrantes cada uno: a los del primero se les aplicó plasma rico en plaquetas y a los del segundo sulfadiazina de plata. Se utilizaron las frecuencias absolutas y el porcentaje como medidas de resumen para variables cualitativos, así como la media aritmética y la desviación estándar para las cuantitativas. Con el proceder aplicado la cicatrización se completó en un tiempo menor, de manera que se demostró la efectividad de esta alternativa terapéutica en relación con el tratamiento convencional

  13. Pediatric Enteric Feeding Techniques: Insertion, Maintenance, and Management of Problems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nijs, Els L. F.; Cahill, Anne Marie


    Enteral feeding is considered a widespread, well-accepted means of delivering nutrition to adults and children who are unable to consume food by mouth or who need support in maintaining adequate nutrition for a variety of reasons, including acute and chronic disease states. Delivery of enteral feeding to nutritionally deprived patients may be achieved by several means. In this article, the indications and insertion of enteral access in children will be reviewed. In addition, common complications and management of problems will be discussed.

  14. Genomic diversification of giant enteric symbionts reflects host dietary lifestyles

    KAUST Repository

    Ngugi, David; Miyake, Sou; Cahill, Matthew; Vinu, Manikandan; Hackmann, Timothy J.; Blom, Jochen; Tietbohl, Matthew; Berumen, Michael L.; Stingl, Ulrich


    of metabolic diversification of enteric microbiota involved in the degradation of algal biomass in these fishes. The enteric microbiota is also phylogenetically and functionally simple relative to the complex lignocellulose-degrading microbiota of terrestrial

  15. Parenteral nutrition versus enteral nutrition in severe acute pancreatitis Nutrição parenteral versus enteral em pacientes com pancreatite aguda grave

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    Josiel Paiva Vieira


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To compare the effect of parenteral versus enteral nutritional support in severe acute pancreatitis, with respect to efficacy, safety, morbidity, mortality and length of hospitalization. METHODS: The study was comprised of 31 patients, divided into a parenteral group (n=16 and an enteral group (n=15, who met severity criteria for abdominal tomography (Balthazar classes C, D, and E. The patients were compared by demographics, disease etiology, antibiotic prophylaxis, use or not of somatostatin, nutritional support, complications and disease progression. RESULTS: There was no statistical difference in the average duration of nutritional support, somatostatin, or antibiotics in the two groups. Imipenem was the drug of choice for prophylaxis of pancreatic infections in both groups. More complications occurred in the parenteral group, although the difference was not statistically significant (p=0.10. Infectious complications, such as catheter sepsis and infections of the pancreatic tissue, were significantly more frequent in the parenteral group (p=0.006. There was no difference in average length of hospitalization in the two groups. There were three deaths in the parenteral group and none in the enteral group. CONCLUSION: Enteral nutritional support is associated with fewer septic complications compared to parenteral nutritional support.OBJETIVO: Comparar o efeito do suporte nutricional parenteral versus enteral, em pancreatite aguda grave, com relação à eficácia, à segurança, à morbi-mortalidade e ao tempo de internação. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 31 pacientes distribuídos em grupo parenteral (n=16, no período de 1995 a 1998 e grupo enteral (n=15, no período de 1999 a 2002, que preencheram os critérios de gravidade pela tomografia de abdome (Balthazar C,D,E. Os pacientes foram comparados quanto aos dados demográficos, etiologia, antibioticoprofilaxia, somatostatina, suporte nutricional, complicações e evolução. RESULTADOS

  16. Parenteral and Early Enteral Feeding in Patients with Colonic Tumor

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    O. A. Malkov


    Full Text Available Objective: to provide evidence whether it is expedient to use an early enteral feeding protocol in patients with colonic malignancies in the postoperative period to prevent and to correct hemodynamic disorders, oxygen imbalance, and malnutrition. Subjects and methods. A hundred patients (61 males and 39 females aged 66.2±5.0 years, who had Stages 2—3 colonic malignancies, were examined. Two algorithms of postoperative management were analyzed using the traditional diet and early enteral feeding. Results. The early enteral feeding protocol improves central hemodynamics and oxygen and nutritional status, prevents moderate protein-energy deficiency in the early postoperative period and reduces the number of complications and fatal outcomes in patients with colonic malignancies. Key words: malignancies, malnutrition, hemo-dynamics, oxygen status, enteral feeding.

  17. Influencia de la concentración inhibitoria mínima de penicilina en la acción sinérgica de su combinación con gentamicina frente a estreptococos del grupo viridans Influence of penicillin minimal inhibitory concentration in the synergy between penicillin and gentamicin in viridans group streptococci

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    L. Vigliarolo


    Full Text Available Los porcentajes de resistencia a penicilina entre los estreptococos del grupo viridans han llegado a niveles superiores al 60% en algunos estudios realizados en la década pasada, y en recientes trabajos se los encontró asociados a un mayor índice de mortalidad en las bacteriemias. Aún no se conoce cuál es el nivel de concentración inhibitoria mínima de penicilina para el cual resulta imposible lograr un efecto sinérgico con algún aminoglucósido. Con este propósito, se estudió la sensibilidad a penicilina de 28 cepas de estreptococos del grupo viridans aisladas de materiales clínicamente significativos en el Hospital de Pediatría "Prof. Dr. Juan P. Garrahan". Se seleccionaron siete aislamientos pertenecientes al grupo mitis con distintas características de sensibilidad, y con ellos se ensayó la curva de muerte frente a penicilina, gentamicina y penicilina más gentamicina, con concentraciones de penicilina por encima y por debajo de su concentración inhibitoria mínima. En ningún caso se observó sinergia cuando la concentración de penicilina fue inferior a la concentración inhibitoria mínima, al menos en este grupo particular de estreptococos que presentaron concentraciones inhibitorias mínimas de gentamicina ³ 16 µg/ml. Se encontró sinergia en cinco de las siete cepas cuando se trabajó con concentraciones de penicilina superiores a la concentración inhibitoria mínima. En las otras dos, se detectaron enzimas modificadoras de aminoglucósidos.Penicillin resistance rates higher than 60% have been recorded in viridans group streptococci by some authors during the 90's and recently such resistance was associated with higher levels of mortality in bacteremia. The lowest minimal inhibitory concentration of penicillin for which synergy with aminoglycosides is not yet possible is still unknown. In order to try to dilucidate this puzzle, a study on the susceptibility to penicillin of 28 strains of viridans group streptococci

  18. Radiation enteritis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sato, Makoto; Sano, Masanori; Minakuchi, Naoki; Narisawa, Tomio; Takahashi, Toshio


    Radiation enteritis with severe complications including intestinal bleeding, fistula, and stenosis were treated surgically in 9 cases. These 9 cases included 7 cases of cancer of the uterine cervix and 2 single cases of seminoma and melanoma. The patients received 60 Co or Linac x-ray external irradiation with or without intracavitary irradiation by a radium needle. Radiation injury began with melena, vaginorectal fistula, and intestinal obstruction 3 to 18 months after irradiation. One patient with melena underwent colostomy and survived 2 years. One of the three patients with vaginorectal fistula who had colostomy survived 1.5 years. In intestinal obstruction, one patients had bypass operation and three patients had resection of the intestine and the other had both. Leakage was noted in one patient, but the others had favorable prognosis. (Ueda, J.)

  19. RadConEd: A Graphical Data Editor for the Radiological Consequences Model, RadCon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Crawford, J.; Domel, R.U.


    This document describes the application, RadConEd, which has been designed and implemented to enable users of the RadCon system to update these parameter files. The RadCon system is written in the Java programming language, and as such provides portability across computer platforms. The software described in this report was developed in line with the portability requirements of RadCon, thus providing a uniform user interface across computer platforms and bypassing the need of using system editors. In addition a number of data integrity measures were implemented

  20. American Society for Parenteral & Enteral Nutrition (United States)

    ... Center Advertising and Sponsorship Learn More ASPEN Enteral Nutrition by the Numbers: EN Data Across the Healthcare Continuum Learn More The ASPEN Adult Nutrition Support Core Curriculum, 3rd Edition Has Arrived! The ...

  1. Feeding nitrate and docosahexaenoic acid affects enteric methane production and milk fatty acid composition in lactating dairy cows. (United States)

    Klop, G; Hatew, B; Bannink, A; Dijkstra, J


    An experiment was conducted to study potential interaction between the effects of feeding nitrate and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; C22:6 n-3) on enteric CH4 production and performance of lactating dairy cows. Twenty-eight lactating Holstein dairy cows were grouped into 7 blocks of 4 cows. Within blocks, cows were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 treatments: control (CON; urea as alternative nonprotein N source to nitrate), NO3 [21 g of nitrate/kg of dry matter (DM)], DHA (3 g of DHA/kg of DM and urea as alternative nonprotein N source to nitrate), or NO3 + DHA (21 g of nitrate/kg of DM and 3 g of DHA/kg of DM, respectively). Cows were fed a total mixed ration consisting of 21% grass silage, 49% corn silage, and 30% concentrates on a DM basis. Feed additives were included in the concentrates. Cows assigned to a treatment including nitrate were gradually adapted to the treatment dose of nitrate over a period of 21 d during which no DHA was fed. The experimental period lasted 17 d, and CH4 production was measured during the last 5d in climate respiration chambers. Cows produced on average 363, 263, 369, and 298 g of CH4/d on CON, NO3, DHA, and NO3 + DHA treatments, respectively, and a tendency for a nitrate × DHA interaction effect was found where the CH4-mitigating effect of nitrate decreased when combined with DHA. This tendency was not obtained for CH4 production relative to dry matter intake (DMI) or to fat- and protein corrected milk (FPCM). The NO3 treatment decreased CH4 production irrespective of the unit in which it was expressed, whereas DHA did not affect CH4 production per kilogram of DMI, but resulted in a higher CH4 production per kilogram of fat- and protein-corrected milk (FPCM) production. The FPCM production (27.9, 24.7, 24.2, and 23. 8 kg/d for CON, NO3, DHA, and NO3 + DHA, respectively) was lower for DHA-fed cows because of decreased milk fat concentration. The proportion of saturated fatty acids in milk fat was decreased by DHA, and the proportion of

  2. Calidad de vida, satisfacción con el tratamiento y bienestar emocional en pacientes con diabetes LADA


    Granado Casas, Minerva


    Introducción: La calidad de vida, satisfacción con el tratamiento y bienestar emocional en pacientes con diabetes mellitus están relacionados con el control metabólico, las complicaciones y algunas variables socioeconómicas. Actualmente, no existe ningún estudio científico que analice la calidad de vida, satisfacción con el tratamiento y bienestar emocional en pacientes con diabetes LADA. Objetivos: Los objetivos principales fueron conocer la calidad de vida, satisfacción con el tratamient...

  3. Rapid diagnostic tests for typhoid and paratyphoid (enteric) fever (United States)

    Wijedoru, Lalith; Mallett, Sue; Parry, Christopher M


    Background Differentiating both typhoid (Salmonella Typhi) and paratyphoid (Salmonella Paratyphi A) infection from other causes of fever in endemic areas is a diagnostic challenge. Although commercial point-of-care rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) for enteric fever are available as alternatives to the current reference standard test of blood or bone marrow culture, or to the widely used Widal Test, their diagnostic accuracy is unclear. If accurate, they could potentially replace blood culture as the World Health Organization (WHO)-recommended main diagnostic test for enteric fever. Objectives To assess the diagnostic accuracy of commercially available rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) and prototypes for detecting Salmonella Typhi or Paratyphi A infection in symptomatic persons living in endemic areas. Search methods We searched the Cochrane Infectious Diseases Group Specialized Register, MEDLINE, Embase, Science Citation Index, IndMED, African Index Medicus, LILACS,, and the World Health Organization (WHO) International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) up to 4 March 2016. We manually searched WHO reports, and papers from international conferences on Salmonella infections. We also contacted test manufacturers to identify studies. Selection criteria We included diagnostic accuracy studies of enteric fever RDTs in patients with fever or with symptoms suggestive of enteric fever living in endemic areas. We classified the reference standard used as either Grade 1 (result from a blood culture and a bone marrow culture) or Grade 2 (result from blood culture and blood polymerase chain reaction, or from blood culture alone). Data collection and analysis Two review authors independently extracted the test result data. We used a modified QUADAS-2 extraction form to assess methodological quality. We performed a meta-analysis when there were sufficient studies for the test and heterogeneity was reasonable. Main results Thirty-seven studies met the inclusion

  4. [Biological evaluation of a protein mixture intended for enteral nutrition]. (United States)

    Meneses, J Olza; Foulquie, J Porres; Valero, G Urbano; de Victoria, E Martínez; Hernández, A Gil


    Enteral nutrition is the best way to feed or supplement the diet when gastrointestinal tract functions of patients are partially or totally preserved. Whenever total enteral nutrition is needed, it represents the only source of nutrients for patients. Thus, it is mandatory to ensure that high biological value proteins are included in enteral formulae. To assess the biological quality of a protein blend constituted by 50% potassium caseinate, 25% whey protein and 25% pea protein intended to be used in enteral nutrition products. Forty Wistar rats (20 male and 20 female), with initial body weight of 51 g, where divided into four groups and feed for 10 days with: casein (Control), experimental protein blend (Experimental), liophylized normo- and hyperproteic enteral nutrition formulae adapted to the animal nutritional requirements (Normoproteic and Hyperproteic). Protein efficiency ratio (PER), apparent digestibility coefficient (ADC), relationship between retained and absorbed nitrogen (R/A) and relationship between retained and consumed nitrogen (R/I) where calculated. Experimental and control groups had similar values for all analysed indices (PER, ADC, R/A and R/I). These indices where also similar between normo and hyperproteic groups, but lower than experimental and control groups, except in PER, where normoproteic group was either similar to control and hiperproteic group. The quality of the protein blend used in this study is high. It is a good protein source to be used in the development of new enteral nutritional products.


    Willard, Devina L; Young, Lorraine S; He, Xuemei; Braverman, Lewis E; Pearce, Elizabeth N


    Iodine is essential for thyroid hormone synthesis, and iodine deficiency may result in thyroid disorders including goiter and hypothyroidism. Patients on long-term enteral nutrition (EN) or parenteral nutrition (PN) may be at risk for micronutrient deficiencies. The recommended daily allowance for iodine intake is 150 μg for nonpregnant adults. However, there is no current consensus among scientific societies regarding the quantity of iodine to be added in adult EN and PN formulations. The objective of this study was to determine the iodine content of U.S. adult enteral and parenteral nutrition solutions. This study also aimed to determine whether adult patients in the United States who are receiving long-term artificial nutrition may be at risk for iodine deficiency. Ten enteral nutrition solutions and 4 parenteral nutrition solutions were evaluated. The iodine contents of these solutions were measured spectrophotometrically and compared to the labeled contents. Measured and labeled EN iodine contents were similar (range 131-176 μg/L and 106-160 μg/L, respectively). In contrast, PN formulas were found to contain small, unlabeled amounts of iodine, averaging 27 μg/L. Typical fluid requirements are 30 to 40 mL/kg/day for adults receiving either total EN (TEN) or total PN (TPN). Adults on long-term TEN likely consume enough servings to meet their daily iodine requirements. However, patients on long-term TPN would require on average 5.6 L PN/day to meet the recommended daily allowance of iodine. This volume of PN is far in excess of typical consumption. Thus, U.S. patients requiring long-term TPN may be at risk for iodine deficiency. EN = enteral nutrition; PN = parenteral nutrition; TEN = total enteral nutrition; TPN = total parenteral nutrition; UIC = urinary iodine concentration.

  6. Communication Skill Attributes Needed for Vocational Education enter The Workplace (United States)

    Wahyuni, L. M.; Masih, I. K.; Rejeki, I. N. Mei


    Communication skills are generic skills which need to be developed for success in the vocational education entering the workforce. This study aimed to discover the attributes of communication skill considered important in entering the workforce as perceived by vocational education students. The research was conducted by survey method using questionnaire as data collecting tool. The research population is final year student of D3 Vocational education Program and D4 Managerial Vocational education in academic year 2016/2017 who have completed field work practice in industry. The sampling technique was proportional random sampling. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and independent sampel t-test. Have ten communication skills attributes with the highest important level required to enter the workplace as perceived by the vocational education diploma. These results indicate that there was the same need related communication skills to enter the workforce

  7. Ammonia modifies enteric neuromuscular transmission through glial γ-aminobutyric acid signaling. (United States)

    Fried, David E; Watson, Ralph E; Robson, Simon C; Gulbransen, Brian D


    Impaired gut motility may contribute, at least in part, to the development of systemic hyperammonemia and systemic neurological disorders in inherited metabolic disorders, or in severe liver and renal disease. It is not known whether enteric neurotransmission regulates intestinal luminal and hence systemic ammonia levels by induced changes in motility. Here, we propose and test the hypothesis that ammonia acts through specific enteric circuits to influence gut motility. We tested our hypothesis by recording the effects of ammonia on neuromuscular transmission in tissue samples from mice, pigs, and humans and investigated specific mechanisms using novel mutant mice, selective drugs, cellular imaging, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Exogenous ammonia increased neurogenic contractions and decreased neurogenic relaxations in segments of mouse, pig, and human intestine. Enteric glial cells responded to ammonia with intracellular Ca 2+ responses. Inhibition of glutamine synthetase and the deletion of glial connexin-43 channels in hGFAP :: Cre ER T2+/- /connexin43 f/f mice potentiated the effects of ammonia on neuromuscular transmission. The effects of ammonia on neuromuscular transmission were blocked by GABA A receptor antagonists, and ammonia drove substantive GABA release as did the selective pharmacological activation of enteric glia in GFAP::hM3Dq transgenic mice. We propose a novel mechanism whereby local ammonia is operational through GABAergic glial signaling to influence enteric neuromuscular circuits that regulate intestinal motility. Therapeutic manipulation of these mechanisms may benefit a number of neurological, hepatic, and renal disorders manifesting hyperammonemia. NEW & NOTEWORTHY We propose that local circuits in the enteric nervous system sense and regulate intestinal ammonia. We show that ammonia modifies enteric neuromuscular transmission to increase motility in human, pig, and mouse intestine model systems. The mechanisms underlying the

  8. El soporte nutrimental y su relación con algunos indicadores pronósticos del niño quemado

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alejandro Torres Amaro


    Full Text Available Introducción: las quemaduras constituyen una de las principales causas de accidentes en el niño. El tamaño de estas y el estado hipercatabólico son determinantes de la dinámica del tratamiento y la supervivencia del niño con grandes quemaduras. Objetivo: buscar la posible relación entre el soporte nutrimental establecido en las primeras horas después de la reanimación, y algunos indicadores pronósticos en niños quemados. Métodos: se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, de carácter analítico, que incluyó a 252 niños que tuvieron un ingreso en el servicio de quemados del Hospital Pediátrico Docente "Juan Manuel Márquez"de Marianao, en La Habana, con estadía superior a los 7 días, durante el decenio 2000-2009. A partir de la auditoría de las historias clínicas se obtuvieron los indicadores siguientes del pronóstico del niño quemado: superficie corporal quemada, tiempo de estadía, por ciento de pérdida de peso y mortalidad. De la misma forma se obtuvo la información acerca del tipo de soporte nutrimental metabólico empleado durante el tratamiento. Resultados: el tipo de soporte nutrimental metabólico más empleado fue el mixto, en el que se combinan las modalidades enteral y parenteral periférica, que abarcó al 52 % de los pacientes tratados. Los niños con menor por ciento de pérdida de peso (inferior al 10 % recibieron la forma enteral exclusiva (53,1 % de los casos tratados; en el 37,4 % el soporte fue mixto, pero usando la modalidad periférica de uso parenteral. Conclusiones: la estrategia nutrimental empleada en el niño quemado puede modificar algunos indicadores del pronóstico y debe ser una prioridad terapéutica para prevenir el deterioro clínico de estos pacientes.

  9. Mastopexia con prótesis: técnica triplanar con colgajo en cola de pez para mamas con pobre calidad de cobertura

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Berrocal-Revueltas


    Full Text Available La mastopexia con implantes de silicona, es uno de los procedimientos más frecuentes en la práctica diaria en Cirugía Plástica. Sin embargo, la pobre calidad de la cobertura de las mamas, relacionada con piel estriada, escaso tejido subcutáneo y pérdida del parénquima mamario secundarios a la lactancia prolongada y a la pérdida masiva de peso, son causa del incremento progresivo de resultados insatisfactorios a medio y largo plazo que han sido evaluados, analizados y discutidos por los especialistas. Los resultados insatisfactorios más frecuentes en mastopexia con implantes en posición retromuscular son: doble contorno mamario, asimetrías y desplazamiento de los implantes. Los objetivos del presente estudio son: describir el nuevo método triplanar como alternativa útil para lograr mejores resultados en pacientes con mala calidad de cobertura y analizar los resultados obtenidos con el mismo. Realizamos un estudio observacional, descriptivo, prospectivo, en un grupo de 268 pacientes con diagnóstico de ptosis mamaria con hipotrofia y mala calidad de cobertura por piel estriada, escaso tejido celular subcutáneo y pérdida del parénquima mamario, secundarios a lactancia prolongada y pérdida masiva de peso, entre otros, a las que se les practicó mamoplastia de aumento con implantes de silicona mediante la aplicación del método triplanar descrito por la autora, entre enero del 2004 y enero del 2013 en el Hospital de Bocagrande de Cartagena, Colombia. El diseño de la técnica se basa en los principios de cicatriz vertical descrita por Lassus o Lejour o mediante cicatriz en "J", descrita por la autora. El método triplanar se basa en tres planos de cobertura del implante. Plano I: submuscular, para cubrir los dos tercios superiores del implante. Plano II: colgajo dermoglandular con dos prolongaciones distales triangulares de tejido adiposo, en forma de pez, para cubrir el tercio inferior del implante y el borde libre del m

  10. The radiological features of chronic radiation enteritis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mendelson, R.M.; Nolan, D.J.


    The radiological findings, using a single-contrast barium infusion technique, are described in a series of 13 patients with chronic radiation enteritis. The signs include evidence of submucosal thickening, single or multiple stenoses, adhesions and sinus or fistula formation. A combination of these signs characterises the condition. This technique is particularly suited to the investigation of radiation enteritis because of its ability to distend maximally the small intestine. A cause, stenosis and/or adhesions, was demonstrated in the eight of the 13 patients presenting with intermittent small-intestinal obstruction. Three patients had diarrhoea as their predominant complaint and a fistula was demonstrated in two. (author)

  11. Tracing enteric viruses in the European berry fruit supply chain

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Maunula, L.; Kaupke, A.; Vasickova, P.; Soderberg, K.; Kozyra, I.; Lazic, S.; Poel, van der W.H.M.; Bouwknegt, M.; Rutjes, S.; Willems, K.A.; Moloney, R.; Agostino, D' M.; Husman, A.M.D.; Bonsdorff, C.H.; Rzezutka, A.; Pavlik, I.; Petrovic, T.; Cook, N.


    In recent years, numerous foodborne outbreaks due to consumption of berry fruit contaminated by human enteric viruses have been reported. This European multinational study investigated possible contamination routes by monitoring the entire food chain for a panel of human and animal enteric viruses.

  12. Estudio comparativo del efecto del cepillado con una crema dental con propóleos rojos y de un gel con clorofila


    Estela Gispert Abreu; Elena Cantillo Estrada; Aracelys Rivero López; Berta Oramas Rodríguez


    Se analiza comparativamente el efecto de un gel dental de clorofila y de una crema dental con propóleos rojos sobre varios parámetros relacionados con la caries dental, en escolares que se cepillaron durante 21 días con dichos productos. Se obtuvieron resultados favorables principalmente en la disminución del grado de infección por Streptococcus mutans y la elevación de la capacidad individual de remineralización; salvo en este último no hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas.Author...

  13. Mining free-text medical records for companion animal enteric syndrome surveillance. (United States)

    Anholt, R M; Berezowski, J; Jamal, I; Ribble, C; Stephen, C


    Large amounts of animal health care data are present in veterinary electronic medical records (EMR) and they present an opportunity for companion animal disease surveillance. Veterinary patient records are largely in free-text without clinical coding or fixed vocabulary. Text-mining, a computer and information technology application, is needed to identify cases of interest and to add structure to the otherwise unstructured data. In this study EMR's were extracted from veterinary management programs of 12 participating veterinary practices and stored in a data warehouse. Using commercially available text-mining software (WordStat™), we developed a categorization dictionary that could be used to automatically classify and extract enteric syndrome cases from the warehoused electronic medical records. The diagnostic accuracy of the text-miner for retrieving cases of enteric syndrome was measured against human reviewers who independently categorized a random sample of 2500 cases as enteric syndrome positive or negative. Compared to the reviewers, the text-miner retrieved cases with enteric signs with a sensitivity of 87.6% (95%CI, 80.4-92.9%) and a specificity of 99.3% (95%CI, 98.9-99.6%). Automatic and accurate detection of enteric syndrome cases provides an opportunity for community surveillance of enteric pathogens in companion animals. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Enteric Diseases of Poultry with Special Attention to Clostridium perfringens

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hafez Mohamed Hafez


    Full Text Available The enteric heath of growing poultry is imperative to success of the production. The basic role of poultry production is turning feed stuffs into meat. Any changes in this turning process, due to mechanical, chemical or biological disturbance of digestive system (enteric disorders is mostly accompanied with high economic losses due to poor performance, increased mortality rates and increased medication costs. The severity of clinical signs and course of the disorders are influenced several factors such as management, nutrition and the involved agent(s. Several pathogens (viruses, bacteria and parasites are incriminated as possible cause of enteric disorders either alone (mono-causal, in synergy with other micro-organisms (multi-causal, or with non-infectious causes such as feed and /or management related factors. In addition, excessive levels of mycotoxins and biogenic amines in feed lead to enteric disorders. Also factors such as high stocking density, poor litter conditions, poor hygiene and high ammonia level and other stressful situation may reduce the resistance of the birds and increases their susceptibility to infections. Under field conditions, however, under filed conditions it is difficult to determine whether the true cause of enteric disorders, is of infectious or non-infectious origin. In recent years and since the ban of use of antimicrobial growth promoters in several countries the incidence of intestinal disorders especially those caused by clostridial infection was drastically increased. The present review described in general the several factors involved in enteric disorders and summarized the available literatures about Clostridium perfringens infection in poultry.

  15. Enteric methane emissions from German pigs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dämmgen, Ulrich; Schulz, Joachim; Klausing, Heinrich Kleine


    Methane emissions from enteric fermentation of pigs are object of emission reporting. Hitherto they were treated as part of the energy balance of pigs, in accordance with IPCC guidance documents. They were calculated from the gross energy intake rate and a constant methane conversion ratio....... Meanwhile numerous experimental data on methane emissions from enteric fermentation is available in Germany and abroad; the results are compiled in this work. These results also allow for a description of transformation processes in the hind gut and a subsequent establishment of models that relate emissions...... to feed and performance data. The model by Kirchgeßner et al. (1995) is based on German experimental data and reflects typical national diet compositions. It is used to quantify typical emissions and methane conversion ratios. The results agree with other experimental findings at home and abroad...

  16. Intestinal endocrine cells in radiation enteritis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pietroletti, R.; Blaauwgeers, J. L.; Taat, C. W.; Simi, M.; Brummelkamp, W. H.; Becker, A. E.


    In this study, the intestinal endocrine cells were investigated in 13 surgical specimens affected by radiation enteritis. Endocrine cells were studied by means of Grimelius' silver staining and immunostaining for chromogranin, a general marker of endocrine cells. Positively stained cells were


    Escortell Sánchez, Raquel; Reig García-Galbis, Manuel


    to identify what effect causes enteral nutrition on nutritional status of cancer. a search was performed using the keywords "Cancer" AND "Enteral Nutrition" AND "Supplementation" in four document databases: Pubmed, EBSCO, ProQuest, and Web of Science. age of the sample, major than 18 years; submitted to surgery for cancer; that the intervention program was including diet and employment or not of nutritional Supplementation; clinical trials published between January 2004 and December 2014, in scientific journals indexed. we analyzed 660 articles, of which only 2% has been included. 58% of intervention programs are applied outside Spain; 84% of the interventions was carried out in a hospitable ambient; 58% of the sample is formed by adults older than 54 years; 33% of the interventions were multidisciplinary and its duration ranges between 1 and 4 years. we found just a few national interventions in cancer participants and there two types of interventions: by exclusive polymeric enteral formula or mixed with immunonutrition. enteral nutrition shows against the parenteral and its introduction at an early stage, it helps to improve nutritional status of the patient; polymeric formulas next immunonutrition, it helps to reduce the time of hospitalization; the analytical parameters are shown as a measurement pattern when assessing the improvement in nutritional status in cancer. It is recommended to increase the research in this field, especially in children. Copyright AULA MEDICA EDICIONES 2014. Published by AULA MEDICA. All rights reserved.

  18. Isolated Enteric Cyst in the Neck

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amit Mahore


    Full Text Available We report an extremely rare case of isolated enteric cyst in the neck region which was diagnosed on the histopathological examination. It was suspected to be duplication cyst on radiology. We have also evaluated the differential diagnosis and management issues.

  19. Investigando con personas con dificultades de aprendizaje

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Borja González Luna


    Full Text Available El artículo muestra los orígenes de lo que Walmsley (2008 denomina «investigación inclusiva». Para comprender qué se entiende por investigación inclusiva tenemos que remontarnos a los debates epistemológicos sobre las metodologías cuantitativas y cualitativas, acontecidos en la década de los 90, en torno a la revista Disability & Society. A partir de una síntesis de dichos debates, focalizados en el ámbito de la «discapacidad intelectual y del desarrollo», se exponen dos estrategias de colaboración con dicha población: a una aproximación etnográfica (de trabajo grupal, y b una aproximación biográfica (de trabajo individual. A continuación se esboza un posible diseño de trabajo de campo que intenta superar el paradigma cualitativo «clásico» con el objetivo de incluir a dicho colectivo más allá del rol de «sujetos de la investigación». Para finalizar se recoge el debate sobre la accesibilidad de los resultados de la investigación a los participantes en dichas investigaciones, y con ello la necesaria innovación en el ámbito de las «devoluciones» de los resultados, cuando se trata de incluir a personas que presentan limitaciones para la comprensión del lenguaje abstracto oral y/o escrito.



    Johanna Stella Castellanos Arias; Leonardo Enrique Solaque Guzmán


    En este trabajo, se presenta el modelado de un Sistema de Manufactura Flexible (SMF), con procesos concurrentes y recursos compartidos mediante Sistemas a Eventos Discretos (SED), específicamente Redes de Petri (RdP), y GRAFCET. El SMF se plantea como un modelo hipotético que se modela con una RdP con el objeto de identificar su dinámica y hallar la secuencia óptima de funcionamiento del sistema. Se desarrolló un modelo matemático que permite estimar el vector de tiempo acumulado de un proces...

  1. Vaccines against enteric infections for the developing world (United States)

    Czerkinsky, Cecil; Holmgren, Jan


    Since the first licensure of the Sabin oral polio vaccine more than 50 years ago, only eight enteric vaccines have been licensed for four disease indications, and all are given orally. While mucosal vaccines offer programmatically attractive tools for facilitating vaccine deployment, their development remains hampered by several factors: —limited knowledge regarding the properties of the gut immune system during early life;—lack of mucosal adjuvants, limiting mucosal vaccine development to live-attenuated or killed whole virus and bacterial vaccines;—lack of correlates/surrogates of mucosal immune protection; and—limited knowledge of the factors contributing to oral vaccine underperformance in children from developing countries.There are now reasons to believe that the development of safe and effective mucosal adjuvants and of programmatically sound intervention strategies could enhance the efficacy of current and next-generation enteric vaccines, especially in lesser developed countries which are often co-endemic for enteric infections and malnutrition. These vaccines must be safe and affordable for the world's poorest, confer long-term protection and herd immunity, and must be able to contain epidemics. PMID:25964464

  2. Enteral versus parenteral nutrition and enteral versus a combination of enteral and parenteral nutrition for adults in the intensive care unit. (United States)

    Lewis, Sharon R; Schofield-Robinson, Oliver J; Alderson, Phil; Smith, Andrew F


    Critically ill people are at increased risk of malnutrition. Acute and chronic illness, trauma and inflammation induce stress-related catabolism, and drug-induced adverse effects may reduce appetite or increase nausea and vomiting. In addition, patient management in the intensive care unit (ICU) may also interrupt feeding routines. Methods to deliver nutritional requirements include provision of enteral nutrition (EN), or parenteral nutrition (PN), or a combination of both (EN and PN). However, each method is problematic. This review aimed to determine the route of delivery that optimizes uptake of nutrition. To compare the effects of enteral versus parenteral methods of nutrition, and the effects of enteral versus a combination of enteral and parenteral methods of nutrition, among critically ill adults, in terms of mortality, number of ICU-free days up to day 28, and adverse events. We searched CENTRAL, MEDLINE, and Embase on 3 October 2017. We searched clinical trials registries and grey literature, and handsearched reference lists of included studies and related reviews. We included randomized controlled studies (RCTs) and quasi-randomized studies comparing EN given to adults in the ICU versus PN or versus EN and PN. We included participants that were trauma, emergency, and postsurgical patients in the ICU. Two review authors independently assessed studies for inclusion, extracted data, and assessed risk of bias. We assessed the certainty of evidence with GRADE. We included 25 studies with 8816 participants; 23 studies were RCTs and two were quasi-randomized studies. All included participants were critically ill in the ICU with a wide range of diagnoses; mechanical ventilation status between study participants varied. We identified 11 studies awaiting classification for which we were unable to assess eligibility, and two ongoing studies.Seventeen studies compared EN versus PN, six compared EN versus EN and PN, two were multi-arm studies comparing EN versus PN

  3. Intestine, immunity, and parenteral nutrition in an era of preferred enteral feeding. (United States)

    Barrett, Meredith; Demehri, Farokh R; Teitelbaum, Daniel H


    To review the benefits of enteral nutrition in contrast to the inflammatory consequences of administration of parenteral nutrition and enteral deprivation. To present the most recent evidence for the mechanisms of these immunologic changes and discuss potential areas for modification to decrease infectious complications of its administration. There is significant data supporting the early initiation of enteral nutrition in both medical and surgical patients unable to meet their caloric goals via oral intake alone. Despite the preference for enteral nutrition, some patients are unable to utilize their gut for nutritious gain and therefore require parenteral nutrition administration, along with its infectious complications. The mechanisms behind these complications are multifactorial and have yet to be fully elucidated. Recent study utilizing both animal and human models has provided further information regarding parenteral nutrition's deleterious effect on intestinal epithelial barrier function along with the complications associated with enterocyte deprivation. Changes associated with parenteral nutrition administration and enteral deprivation are complex with multiple potential areas for modification to allow for safer administration. Recent discovery of the mechanisms behind these changes present exciting areas for future study as to make parenteral nutrition administration in the enterally deprived patient safer.

  4. con mala calidad de vida

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    Agustín Martín-Rodríguez


    Full Text Available En este estudio ex post facto se ha analizado si los familiares de pacientes con mala calidad de vida presentan diferencias en las variables clínicas de personalidad y relaciones familiares en función de que el paciente haya estado o no ingresado en una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. Seleccionamos dos grupos: 29 familiares de pacientes traumatizados graves transcurridos cuatro años de su ingreso en una UCI de Traumatología y con mala calidad de vida (debido a secuelas físicas y/o psicológicas tras el ingreso, tales como traumatismos craneoencefálicos, politraumatismos y tetraplejias traumáticas y 32 familiares de pacientes con mala calidad de vida con cuatro años de evolución de su enfermedad física (hipertensión, diabetes, artritis reumatoide y síndrome de intestino irritable que no han estado ingresados en la UCI. Para alcanzar nuestro objetivo empleamos una Encuesta Psicosocial y los siguientes instrumentos: Cuestionario de Análisis Clínico, Escala de Clima Social en la Familia y Escala de Adaptación Psicosocial de la Enfermedad. Los resultados mostraron que los familiares de pacientes con mala calidad de vida que estuvieron ingresados en la UCI hace cuatro años, presentan diferencias significativas en las variables agitación y expresividad comparados con los familiares de pacientes con mala calidad de vida que no han estado ingresados en la UCI.

  5. The Sensitivity Of Diazo Test In The Diagnosis Of Enteric Fevers ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    serological) test in the diagnosis of enteric fevers, blood specimens from101 patients suspected of having enteric fevers were collected. 54.5% (55) of the patients were significantly seropositive. Fifteen urine specimens from these 55 seropositive ...

  6. Genomic diversification of giant enteric symbionts reflects host dietary lifestyles

    KAUST Repository

    Ngugi, David


    Herbivorous surgeonfishes are an ecologically successful group of reef fish that rely on marine algae as their principal food source. Here, we elucidated the significance of giant enteric symbionts colonizing these fishes regarding their roles in the digestive processes of hosts feeding predominantly on polysiphonous red algae and brown Turbinaria algae, which contain different polysaccharide constituents. Using metagenomics, single-cell genomics, and metatranscriptomic analyses, we provide evidence of metabolic diversification of enteric microbiota involved in the degradation of algal biomass in these fishes. The enteric microbiota is also phylogenetically and functionally simple relative to the complex lignocellulose-degrading microbiota of terrestrial herbivores. Over 90% of the enzymes for deconstructing algal polysaccharides emanate from members of a single bacterial lineage,

  7. Soporte alimentario y nutricional en niños con fibrosis quística Nutritional support in children presenting with cystic fibrosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aida Esplugas Montoya


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. La fibrosis quística es una enfermedad que se manifiesta en las vías respiratorias, el páncreas y el tracto intestinal. El control nutricional es un aspecto decisivo en el tratamiento de la enfermedad. El objetivo del estudio fue caracterizar un grupo de pacientes que se encontraban en fases de soporte y rehabilitación nutricional. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio prospectivo con 7 pacientes menores de 18 años, que ingresaron para su tratamiento en la unidad especializada en fibrosis quística del Hospital Pediátrico Universitario «William Soler» (La Habana. Se realizaron mediciones antropométricas al ingreso y al egreso, y se clasificó a los niños en desnutrido, de bajo peso y de peso normal. Los valores fueron comparados con las tablas de crecimiento y desarrollo de la población cubana. RESULTADOS. A 3 pacientes se les aplicó una intervención de soporte nutricional y 4 pacientes fueron tratados además con nutrición enteral suplementaria. En la evaluación nutricional se encontró que la distribución porcentual calórica que aportaron los alimentos fue de un 12 % para las proteínas, 37 % para las grasas y 51 % para los carbohidratos. La energía que aportaron los alimentos consumidos ascendió a 4 360 kcal, 134,27 g de proteínas, 177,51 g de grasas y 558,20 g de carbohidratos. CONCLUSIONES. Al aumentar la densidad calórica de los alimentos y aplicar nutrición enteral a los pacientes se obtuvo un incremento de la ganancia ponderal y mejoró el estado nutricional.INTRODUCTION. Cystic fibrosis is a disease of airways, pancreas and intestinal tract. The nutritional control is a decisive feature in treatment of disease. The objective of present paper was to characterize a group of patients in nutritional support and rehabilitation phases. METHODS. A prospective study was conducted in 7 patients aged under 18 admitted for treatment in the cystic fibrosis specialized unit or the "William Soler" University Children

  8. Radiogenic enteritis in children: study in a series of 63 patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alert Silva, J.; Longchong Ramos, M.; Castillo Otero, E.; Valdes Zamora, M.


    In children, the abdominal irradiation being part of multidisciplinary therapeutical treatment for various malignant neoplasias, inferred radiogenic enteritis onset. In a group of 63 patients treated at the Institute of Oncology and Radiobiology, in Havana City, who presented intraabdominal located no Hodgkin's linfomas, Wilms' tumors, neuroblastomas, intraabdominal sarcomas and ovarium malignant neoplasias, incidence for this complication was 63,5%; in 34 children showed up during radiant treatment (early enteritis) and in eleven children after it was finished (late enteritis). Extended surgical exeresis accounted to clinical picture onset. Hygienicdietetic treatment improves patient's clinical evolution. (author)

  9. Calidad de vida relacionada con la salud del niño y del adolescente con obesidad


    Hurtado-Valenzuela, Jaime Gabriel; Álvarez-Hernández, Gerardo


    Objetivo Estimar la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS) en un grupo de niños y adolescentes con obesidad de la ciudad de Hermosillo, Sonora, México. Métodos Se realizó un estudio transversal utilizando el cuestionario PedsQL® para comparar la CVRS de 200 niños y adolescentes con obesidad al igual que a sus padres, con dos grupos de control, uno de la comunidad (n=400) y otro grupo de usuarios (n=200) del Hospital Infantil del Estado de Sonora. Las diferencias en la CVRS fueron eva...

  10. Pulpotomía con electrocauterio en pacientes con hemofilia A


    Carbonell Rodriguez, Rosario


    Rehabilita la salud oral de un niños con Hemofilia A, empleando el Electrocauterio como una alternativa en la terapia pulpar, específicamente en la pulpotomía, para lo cual se realiza un minucioso examen clínico y anamnesis, que respaldados con exámenes complementarios, permite determinar el plan de tratamiento. La rehabilitación integral se llevó a cabo, previo consentimiento informado del padre, en sala de operaciones bajo anestesia general, debido a la condición sistémica del niño. Incl...

  11. Intervención con menores con adicciones desde Proyecto Hombre


    Pardo-Esteban, Belén; Escalza-González, Amaia


    En el citado seminario informaremos del programa de atención y prevención de las toxicomanías y otras adicciones, llevado a cabo por la Asociación Proyecto hombre. A continuación, trataremos la formación en adicciones y toxicomanía con los estudiantes, mediante charla, cuestionarios sobre conocimientos básicos en prevención de toxicomanía en menores y los diferentes programas de intervención posibles aducados a los perfiles de los usuarios. Terminaremos con un debate sobre los temas tra...


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    Full Text Available Se presentan algunas ventajas y limitaciones de las narrativas conversacionales como estrategia de investigación para el trabajo con familias y docentes de niños con discapacidad. La narración realizada por muchas voces, como sucede en una conversación, privilegia la relación y el discurso entre las personas como fuente de construcción consensuada de significados. La interacción triádica entre familia, inclusión educativa y salud orientó los encuentros conversacionales con padres, acudientes y profesores de estos niños en la ciudad de Manizales (Colombia. Los participantes conformaron equipos conversacionales y equipos reflexivos y conversaron sobre preguntas propuestas, previamente elaboradas. Con este ejercicio investigativo se resalta el valor interaccional de esta estrategia desde tres ámbitos: entre los par ticipantes, con el investigador y con el contexto situacional. Se argumenta que la reflexividad está más relacionada con el hacer que con el ser y el sentir de las personas, las cuales no necesariamente se transforman en la narrativa...

  13. Principles of feeding cancer patients via enteral or parenteral nutrition during radiotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fietkau, R.


    Background: The nutritional status of cancer patients is frequently impaired already before any therapy starts and may deteriorate even more by radio(chemo)therapy. Methods: This review describes the possibilities and risks of enteral and parenteral nutrition during radiotherapy. The indications of enteral nutrition will be derived from own results. Results: Enteral nutrition is the most preferable way of artificial long-term nutrition. In a prospective non-randomized trial we demonstrated that enteral nutrition via percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) not only improves the anthropometric and biochemical parameters during radio(chemo)therapy but also the quality of life of patients with advanced cancers of the head and neck. Moreover supportive use of megestrolacetate can improve the nutritional status. Parenteral nutrition is only recommended if enteral nutrition is not possible e.g. during radio(chemo)therapy of tumors of the upper gastrointestinal tract. Conclusions: Today adequate nutritional support is feasible during intensive radio(chemo)therapy. (orig.) [de


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    Johanna Stella Castellanos Arias


    Full Text Available En este trabajo, se presenta el modelado de un Sistema de Manufactura Flexible (SMF, con procesos concurrentes y recursos compartidos mediante Sistemas a Eventos Discretos (SED, específicamente Redes de Petri (RdP, y GRAFCET. El SMF se plantea como un modelo hipotético que se modela con una RdP con el objeto de identificar su dinámica y hallar la secuencia óptima de funcionamiento del sistema. Se desarrolló un modelo matemático que permite estimar el vector de tiempo acumulado de un proceso modelado mediante una RdP, el cual constituye la base para hallar la mejor secuencia posible del sistema modelado. Por último, se realizó una implementación en el Laboratorio de Automatización de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, que simula el funcionamiento del SMF modelado por un montaje electrohidroneumático controlado con GRAFCET mediante PLC.

  15. Relación del perfil salival con el grado de inmunosupresión en pacientes infectados con VIH con y sin tratamiento antirretroviral


    Vera Cruz, Moisés; Cornejo Salaza, José; Chiyong, Teresa Evaristo; Arevalo Abanto, Jorge A.; Villanueva Vílchez, Hugo G.


    El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el perfil salival de pacientes con infección por VIH con y sin Tratamiento Antirretroviral de Gran Actividad (TARGA), por medio de la evaluación de los síntomas de hipofunción salival (Xerostomía, Disgeusia, Disfagia y Susceptibilidad de desarrollar úlceras orales), la Tasa de Flujo salival no estimulado, el pH salival y la viscosidad salival; estableciendo su relación con el Grado de Inmunosupresión, evaluado por medio del Recuento de Linfocitos CD4/μl. Se...


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    Carmen Llanos Val Jiménez


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: Al igual que en otros problemas crónicos, en el abor - daje del paciente con artrosis se tiende a un modelo de toma de decisiones compartidas, en el que el punto de vista del paciente debe ser considerado en la elección del tratamiento. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la sa - tisfacción con el tratamiento en pacientes diagnosticados de osteoartrosis y comprobar si existen diferencias entre diferentes opciones farmacológicas, así como determinar si existe asociación con el estado funcional y las carac - terísticas clínicas y sociodemográficas. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional transversal en una muestra de 487 pacientes seleccionados mediante muestreo consecutivo. La variable principal fue el nivel de satisfacción con el tratamiento (cuestionario ARTS. El estado funcional de los pacientes fue evaluado mediante la escala WO - MAC. Otras variables fueron: características del tratamiento, adherencia te - rapéutica, eventos adversos, y variables clínicas y sociodemográficas. Resultados: En el cuestionario ARTS los pacientes, en un rango entre 28 y 87, obtuvieron una puntuación media de 65,3 (DE: 9,9. La puntuación no fue significativamente diferente en consumidores de 1, 2 o más fármacos. Entre quienes consumían un solo fármaco, no hubo diferencias entre los di - ferentes tipos de fármacos. En el estado funcional se obtuvo una puntuación media de 30,2 puntos (DE: 20,8 y se observó una débil correlación negativa con el nivel de satisfacción (r= - 0,252; p<0,001. Mediante regresión lineal múltiple, se observó mayor puntuación en la escala ARTS (p<0,05 en pa - cientes con menor puntuación en la escala WOMAC, mayor edad y ausencia de eventos adversos. Conclusión : En pacientes con osteoartritis se observa un nivel mode - rado de satisfacción con el tratamiento farmacológico, condicionado por su situación funcional, sus características sociodemográficas y por la presencia de eventos

  17. Comparison of canine parvovirus with mink enteritis virus by restriction site mapping.


    McMaster, G K; Tratschin, J D; Siegl, G


    The genomes of canine parvovirus and mink enteritis virus were compared by restriction enzyme analysis of their replicative-form DNAs. Of 79 mapped sites, 68, or 86%, were found to be common for both types of DNA, indicating that canine parvovirus and mink enteritis virus are closely related viruses. Whether they evolved from a common precursor or whether canine parvovirus is derived from mink enteritis virus, however, cannot be deduced from our present data.

  18. Enteral Formula Containing Egg Yolk Lecithin Improves Diarrhea. (United States)

    Akashi, Tetsuro; Muto, Ayano; Takahashi, Yayoi; Nishiyama, Hiroshi


    Diarrhea often occurs during enteral nutrition. Recently, several reports showed that diarrhea improves by adding egg yolk lecithin, an emulsifier, in an enteral formula. Therefore, we evaluated if this combination could improve diarrhea outcomes. We retrospectively investigated the inhibitory effects on watery stools by replacing a polymeric fomula with that containing egg yolk lecithin. Then, we investigated the emulsion stability in vitro. Next, we examined the lipid absorption using different emulsifiers among bile duct-ligated rats and assessed whether egg yolk lecithin, medium-chain triglyceride, and dietary fiber can improve diarrhea outcomes in a rat model of short bowel syndrome. Stool consistency or frequency improved on the day after using the aforementioned combination in 13/14 patients. Average particle size of the egg yolk lecithin emulsifier did not change by adding artificial gastric juice, whereas that of soy lecithin and synthetic emulsifiers increased. Serum triglyceride concentrations were significantly higher in the egg yolk lecithin group compared with the soybean lecithin and synthetic emulsifier groups in bile duct-ligated rats. In rats with short bowels, the fecal consistency was a significant looser the dietary fiber (+) group than the egg yolk lecithin (+) groups from day 6 of test meal feedings. The fecal consistency was also a significant looser the egg yolk lecithin (-) group than the egg yolk lecithin (+) groups from day 4 of test meal feeding. The fecal consistency was no significant difference between the medium-chain triglycerides (-) and egg yolk lecithin (+) groups. Enteral formula emulsified with egg yolk lecithin promotes lipid absorption by preventing the destruction of emulsified substances by gastric acid. This enteral formula improved diarrhea and should reduce the burden on patients and healthcare workers.

  19. Hidroxilación de fenol con catalizadores ZSM-5 modificado con cobre

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    César Augusto Caro


    Full Text Available Se sintetizaron varios catalizadores Cu-ZSM-5 con diferentes relaciones Si/Al y Si/Cu. Usando metilamina o hidróxido de sodio como agente mineralizante. Los catalizadores se caracterizaron por DRX, IR, análisis BET, UV-VIS y análisis elemental. El desempeño catalítico de los catalizadores sintetizados se evaluó en la hidroxilación de fenol con H2O2. Se encontró que la relación catecol (CAT/(hidroquinona (HQ + p-benzoquinona (PBQ aumentó con el contenido de agua, presentó un máximo cuando la relación en peso de agua/fenol fue de 53/1 y se favoreció a altas temperaturas, con el aumento del contenido de aluminio o con la disminución en el contenido de catalizador. El contenido de cobre no fue un factor determinante para la conversión ni para la selectividad en la hidroxilación de fenol. La producción de la p-benzoquinona (PBQ, producto de oxidación de la hidroquinona, fue mínimo cuando se usaron las siguientes condiciones: 80 ºC, fenol: 1 mmol, relación molar fenol/H2O2 de 3/1, catalizador: 20 mg, agua: 5 g, tiempo de reacción: 4 h.

  20. Vaccines against enteric infections for the developing world. (United States)

    Czerkinsky, Cecil; Holmgren, Jan


    Since the first licensure of the Sabin oral polio vaccine more than 50 years ago, only eight enteric vaccines have been licensed for four disease indications, and all are given orally. While mucosal vaccines offer programmatically attractive tools for facilitating vaccine deployment, their development remains hampered by several factors: -limited knowledge regarding the properties of the gut immune system during early life; -lack of mucosal adjuvants, limiting mucosal vaccine development to live-attenuated or killed whole virus and bacterial vaccines; -lack of correlates/surrogates of mucosal immune protection; and -limited knowledge of the factors contributing to oral vaccine underperformance in children from developing countries. There are now reasons to believe that the development of safe and effective mucosal adjuvants and of programmatically sound intervention strategies could enhance the efficacy of current and next-generation enteric vaccines, especially in lesser developed countries which are often co-endemic for enteric infections and malnutrition. These vaccines must be safe and affordable for the world's poorest, confer long-term protection and herd immunity, and must be able to contain epidemics. © 2015 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.

  1. The natural history of clinically established radiation enteritis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Galland, R.B.; Spencer, J.


    70 patients presenting to a surgical unit with radiation enteritis were followed up. 11 of the 61 who underwent operations died of operation-related causes. The 51 patients who survived for more than 3 months were followed up for up to 12 years (median 12 months). 24 had no further symptoms related to their radiation enteritis. The other 27 patients had persistence of symptoms, post-operative complications, new radiation-related problems, or a combination of these. The twenty new radiation-related problems were stricture (8 patients), malabsorption (5), fistula(1), and miscellaneous(6). These developed in in 12 of 36 patients presenting initially with stricture, compared with 8 of 9 patients presenting with a perforation or fistula (p=0.007 Fisher's exact test) and none whose first symptom was bleeding (p=0.001 vs perforation and fistula combined). 10 of the 27 patients with further problems required operations and 5 of them died. Radiation enteritis is thus a progressive disease, with further complications becoming apparent in about half of those surviving the initial lesion. Perforation or fistula formation indicates a poorer prognosis than does stricture or haemorrhage. (author)


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    Mª Begoña Carretero Gómez


    Full Text Available En esta experiencia se han seleccionado una serie de actividades relacionadas con la digestión con el fin de lograr una reestructuración de ideas y cambios conceptuales, y así con la conseguir que el alumnado aprenda a construir sus propios conocimientos acerca de cómo y donde se dan los procesos de digestión necesarios para la nutrición del organismo. El trabajo se ha llevado a cabo con alumnos de 3º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, pertenecientesal programa de diversificación curricular. Hemos querido hacer la ciencia más cercana para que comprendan que algunos procesos tienen su explicación científica y que la ciencia forma parte de nuestro día a día, fomentando el interés del estudiante así como su implicación en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Por ello hemos trabajado a base de pequeñas investigaciones, donde es el alumno el que marca su ritmo de trabajo, investiga y hace sus aportaciones. Han aprendido a trabajar de una forma meticulosa donde el rigor esfundamental, contagiándose del afán investigador de manera que al realizar las experiencias se han aproximado al trabajo científico a la vez que aclaran y reestructuran conocimientos.

  3. Biomaterial-Derived Calcium Carbonate Nanoparticles for Enteric Drug Delivery

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    Diane Render


    Full Text Available Oral drug delivery systems provide the most convenient, noninvasive, readily acceptable alternatives to parenteral systems. In the current work, eggshell-derived calcium carbonate (CaCO3 nanoparticles were used to develop enteric drug delivery system in the form of tablets. CaCO3 nanoparticles were manufactured using top-down ball-milling method and characterized by X-ray diffractometry (XRD and transmission electron microscopy (TEM and loaded with 5-fluorouracil as a model drug. Tablets with varying CaCO3 core and binder compositions were fabricated and coated with Eudragit S100 or Eudragit L100. Suitability for enteric delivery of the tablets was tested by oral administration to rabbits and radiography. Radiograph images showed that the tablet remained in the stomach of the rabbit for up to 3 hours. Further modifications of these biomaterial-derived nanoparticles and the coatings will enable manufacturing of stable formulations for slow or controlled release of pharmaceuticals for enteric delivery.

  4. Management of Hyperglycemia During Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition Therapy (United States)

    Umpierrez, Guillermo E.


    Hyperglycemia is a frequent complication of enteral and parenteral nutrition in hospitalized patients. Extensive evidence from observational studies indicates that the development of hyperglycemia during parenteral and enteral nutrition is associated with an increased risk of death and infectious complications. There are no specific guidelines recommending glycemic targets and effective strategies for the management of hyperglycemia during specialized nutritional support. Managing hyperglycemia in these patients should include optimization of carbohydrate content and administration of intravenous or subcutaneous insulin therapy. The administration of continuous insulin infusion and insulin addition to nutrition bag are efficient approaches to control hyperglycemia during parenteral nutrition. Subcutaneous administration of long-acting insulin with scheduled or corrective doses of short-acting insulin is superior to the sliding scale insulin strategy in patients receiving enteral feedings. Randomized controlled studies are needed to evaluate safe and effective therapeutic strategies for the management of hyperglycemia in patients receiving nutritional support. PMID:23065369


    Human enteric viruses cause a number of diseases when individuals are exposed to contaminated drinking & recreational waters. Vaccination against poliovirus has virtually eliminated poliomyelitis from the planet. Other members of enterovirus group cause numerous diseases. Hepatit...

  6. Influence of intestinal early enteral nutrition therapy on intestinal barrier function and immune response of patients with radiation enteritis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Guohui; Kang Xin; Chen Gong; Wang Guangyi


    Objective: To investigate the influence of early enteral nutrition therapy on the intestinal barrier function and immune response of the patients with radiation enteritis (ER) so as to find a relatively simple and effective method to treat RE. Methods: Fifty-six patients with radiation enteritis (RE) diagnosed by colonoscopy, X-rays, and pathology were randomly divided into 2 equal groups: experimental group undergoing enteral nutrition therapy, and control group undergoing conventional therapy only. Peripheral blood samples were collected 1, 11, and 21 days after admission. Plasma diamine oxidase (DAO), D-lactic acid, endotoxin, and lactulose/mannitol (L/M) ratio, and levels of IgG, IgM, and IgA, and CD4/CD8 ratio were examined. Five cases from the experimental group and 5 cases from the control group underwent second-time operation because of incomplete intestinal obstruction, intestinal stenosis, or recurrent tumor respectively. The biopsy specimens of the terminal ileum or distal descending colon taken during the first and second operations underwent pathological examination. Peripheral blood samples were collected 1, 11, and 21 days after admission. Plasma diamine oxidase (DAO), D-lactic acid, endotoxin, and lactulose/mannitol (L/M) ratio, and levels of IgG, IgM, and IgA, and CD4/CD8 ratio were examined. Results: There were no significant differences in the intestinal function and blood immunological indices between these 2 groups. The levels of DAO, D-lactic acid, and endotoxin,and the L/M ratio 11 days after admission of the experiment group were all significantly lower than those of the control group (t=2.568, 2.427, 2.143, 2.443, P<0.05), and all those indices 21 days after admission of the experiment group were all much more significantly lower in comparison with the control group (t=6.019, 12.834, 7.837, 7.997, P<0.01). The levels of IgG, IgM, and IgA, and CD4/CD8 ratio 11 days after admission of the experimental group were all significantly higher than

  7. Esporotricosis cutánea diseminada con compromiso articular en una mujer con diabetes tipo 2

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    Sendy Solorzano

    Full Text Available La esporotricosis diseminada es una presentación infrecuente de esta micosis. Aunque ha sido descrita en sujetos inmunocompetentes, con frecuencia existe compromiso de la inmunidad mediada por células T. Reportamos el caso de una mujer con diabetes tipo 2 no controlada que desarrolló esporotricosis cutánea diseminada. El curso de la enfermedad presentó varias complicaciones que incluyeron hepatitis secundaria a itraconazol y artritis de la rodilla con cultivo positivo para Sporothrix schenckii durante el tratamiento con solución saturada de ioduro de potasio. La discusión del caso incluye aspectos de la patogénesis de la esporotricosis diseminada y el manejo de la infección y sus complicaciones.

  8. Rapid diagnostic tests for typhoid and paratyphoid (enteric) fever. (United States)

    Wijedoru, Lalith; Mallett, Sue; Parry, Christopher M


    Differentiating both typhoid (Salmonella Typhi) and paratyphoid (Salmonella Paratyphi A) infection from other causes of fever in endemic areas is a diagnostic challenge. Although commercial point-of-care rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) for enteric fever are available as alternatives to the current reference standard test of blood or bone marrow culture, or to the widely used Widal Test, their diagnostic accuracy is unclear. If accurate, they could potentially replace blood culture as the World Health Organization (WHO)-recommended main diagnostic test for enteric fever. To assess the diagnostic accuracy of commercially available rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) and prototypes for detecting Salmonella Typhi or Paratyphi A infection in symptomatic persons living in endemic areas. We searched the Cochrane Infectious Diseases Group Specialized Register, MEDLINE, Embase, Science Citation Index, IndMED, African Index Medicus, LILACS,, and the World Health Organization (WHO) International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) up to 4 March 2016. We manually searched WHO reports, and papers from international conferences on Salmonella infections. We also contacted test manufacturers to identify studies. We included diagnostic accuracy studies of enteric fever RDTs in patients with fever or with symptoms suggestive of enteric fever living in endemic areas. We classified the reference standard used as either Grade 1 (result from a blood culture and a bone marrow culture) or Grade 2 (result from blood culture and blood polymerase chain reaction, or from blood culture alone). Two review authors independently extracted the test result data. We used a modified QUADAS-2 extraction form to assess methodological quality. We performed a meta-analysis when there were sufficient studies for the test and heterogeneity was reasonable. Thirty-seven studies met the inclusion criteria and included a total of 5080 participants (range 50 to 1732). Enteric fever prevalence

  9. Problems experienced by women re-entering into the education profession / Melanie Beyers


    Beyers, Melanie


    This study investigated problems experienced by women re-entering into the education profession by focusing on: • The nature and scope of re-entry by women into the education profession; • the features and problems experienced by women on re-entering the education profession; • the problems women educators experience on re-entering the education profession in the North West Province. To achieve these goals, both an empirical survey and a survey of literature was conducted. The study...

  10. Human milk consumption and full enteral feeding among infants who weigh (United States)

    Sisk, Paula M; Lovelady, Cheryl A; Gruber, Kenneth J; Dillard, Robert G; O'Shea, T Michael


    Establishing enteral feeding is an important goal in the care of very low birth weight infants. In such infants, receipt of >/=50 mL/kg per day human milk during hospitalization has been associated with shorter time to full enteral feeding. The objective of this study was to determine whether high proportions (>/=50%) of human milk during feeding advancement are associated with shorter time to full enteral feeding and improved feeding tolerance. This was a prospective cohort study of very low birth weight infants (n = 127) who were grouped into low (/=50%; n = 93) human milk consumption groups according to their human milk proportion of enteral feeding during the time of feeding advancement. The primary outcomes of interest were ages at which 100 and 150 mL/kg per day enteral feedings were achieved. The high human milk group reached 100 mL/kg per day enteral feeding 4.5 days faster than the low human milk group. The high human milk group reached 150 mL/kg per day enteral feeding 5 days faster than the low human milk group. After adjustment for gestational age, gender, and respiratory distress syndrome, times to reach 100 and 150 mL/kg per day were significantly shorter for those in the high human milk group. Infants in the high human milk group had a greater number of stools per day; other indicators of feeding tolerance were not statistically different. In infants who weighed milk was associated with fewer days to full enteral feedings.

  11. Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition in the Perioperative Period: State of the Art (United States)

    Abunnaja, Salim; Cuviello, Andrea; Sanchez, Juan A.


    Nutritional support of surgical and critically ill patients has undergone significant advances since 1936 when Studley demonstrated a direct relationship between pre-operative weight loss and operative mortality. The advent of total parenteral nutrition followed by the extraordinary progress in parenteral and enteral feedings, in addition to the increased knowledge of cellular biology and biochemistry, have allowed clinicians to treat malnutrition and improve surgical patient’s outcomes. We reviewed the literature for the current status of perioperative nutrition comparing parenteral nutrition with enteral nutrition. In a surgical patient with established malnutrition, nutritional support should begin at least 7–10 days prior to surgery. Those patients in whom eating is not anticipated beyond the first five days following surgery should receive the benefits of early enteral or parenteral feeding depending on whether the gut can be used. Compared to parenteral nutrition, enteral nutrition is associated with fewer complications, a decrease in the length of hospital stay, and a favorable cost-benefit analysis. In addition, many patients may benefit from newer enteral formulations such as Immunonutrition as well as disease-specific formulations. PMID:23429491

  12. Enteral Nutrition in Dementia: A Systematic Review

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    Joanne Brooke


    Full Text Available The aim of this systematic review is to evaluate the role of enteral nutrition in dementia. The prevalence of dementia is predicted to rise worldwide partly due to an aging population. People with dementia may experience both cognitive and physical complications that impact on their nutritional intake. Malnutrition and weight loss in dementia correlates with cognitive decline and the progress of the disease. An intervention for long term eating difficulties is the provision of enteral nutrition through a Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy tube to improve both nutritional parameters and quality of life. Enteral nutrition in dementia has traditionally been discouraged, although further understanding of physical, nutritional and quality of life outcomes are required. The following electronic databases were searched: EBSCO Host, MEDLINE, PubMed, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews and Google Scholar for publications from 1st January 2008 and up to and including 1st January 2014. Inclusion criteria included the following outcomes: mortality, aspiration pneumonia, pressure sores, nutritional parameters and quality of life. Each study included separate analysis for patients with a diagnosis of dementia and/or neurological disease. Retrospective and prospective observational studies were included. No differences in mortality were found for patients with dementia, without dementia or other neurological disorders. Risk factors for poor survival included decreased or decreasing serum albumin levels, increasing age or over 80 years and male gender. Evidence regarding pneumonia was limited, although did not impact on mortality. No studies explored pressure sores or quality of life.

  13. Sequential intrahepatic metabolic effects of enteric galactose alimentation in newborn rats. (United States)

    Kliegman, R M; Morton, S


    We determined metabolic responses after enteric galactose alimentation in 5- to 7-day-old newborn rats fasted for 24 h. The glycemic response was attenuated after enteric galactose feeding compared with the response after enteric glucose-fed rat pups. 14C radioactivity in blood from galactose-fed pups was reduced as counts in blood galactose were lower than counts in blood glucose in glucose-fed pups. Nonetheless within 15 min, [14C] from galactose appeared in blood glucose suggesting rapid conversion of galactose to glucose. The plasma insulin response was also attenuated after galactose feeding compared with the insulin response after enteric glucose. Hepatic glycogen content increased rapidly after enteric galactose feeding and was higher than after glucose feeding at 60, 120, and 180 min. Significant glycogen synthesis after oral glucose was delayed and occurred at 240 min. Carbon radioactivity in glycogen was higher in galactose fed pups between 15 and 360 min of the study. Serial determination of hepatic metabolites revealed an increase of galactose-1-phosphate levels after oral galactose at 240 and 300 min and a transient decline of ATP at 15 min. Other hepatic metabolites did not demonstrate significant differences between the two groups. These data suggest that hepatic glycogen synthesis is more rapid and occurs sooner after galactose than after glucose alimentation in previously fasted newborn rats. Galactose may enter a more direct pathway for neonatal hepatic glycogen synthesis. The relatively delayed entry of glucose label into hepatic glycogen and the delay of net glycogen synthesis after oral glucose suggest that glucose entry is not direct and may require further metabolism before incorporation into glycogen.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

  14. effects of enteral glutamine supplementation on reduction

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective: To determine the effect of enteral glutamine in reducing the incidence of ... in use. These modalities include among others; topical antibacterial agents, early excision of eschar, and ... in the burns unit and plastic surgery ward 4D of.

  15. Efectos del tratamiento con litio sobre las funciones neurosicológicas de pacientes con trastorno bipolar de tipo I

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    Anabel Martínez Aran


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: determinar si el tratamiento continuo con litio influye en el desempeño cognitivo de un grupo de pacientes eutímicos con trastorno afectivo bipolar I. MÉTODO: se evaluó el desempeño cognitivo usando pruebas neurosicológicas de atención, memoria y función ejecutiva en 20 pacientes eutímicos con trastorno afectivo bipolar I que no tomaban medicación, 20 pacientes eutímicos con trastorno afectivo bipolar I quienes continuaban regularmente el tratamiento con carbonato de litio, y un tercer grupo de 20 pacientes control. RESULTADOS: no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los dos grupos de pacientes con trastorno afectivo bipolar. Sin embargo, al compararlos con el grupo control, su desempeño en términos de memoria verbal, viso-verbal y asociación semántica medida fue menor. DISCUSIÓN: los pacientes con trastorno afectivo bipolar I muestran deficiencias en términos de memoria verbal y viso-verbal que no pueden ser atribuidos al tratamiento regular con carbonato de litio. Por el contrario, estas deficiencias podrían ser consideradas como características de rasgo de este trastorno.

  16. Acne polimorfo: tratamiento con Implacen

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    Rubén Pérez Armas


    Full Text Available Se realiza el estudio de 40 pacientes con acné polimorfo, los que fueron atendidos en la Consulta de Dermatología del Hospital Provincial Clinicoquirúrgico Docente "Celia Sánchez Manduley", en el período comprendido de enero de 1988 a diciembre de 1989. Se revisa la literatura médica sobre los diversos métodos y medicamentos utilizados en la terapéutica de esta dermatosis. Se describe el esquema de tratamiento empleado con implacén en 30 pacientes; los 10 restantes se trataron con placebo; se compara dicho esquema con los tradicionales y se observan mejores resultados con nuestro estudio. Se destaca la ausencia de recaídas, así como el resultado del tratamiento de acuerdo con el sexo.A study was performed in 40 patients presenting with polymorphic acne who were attended in the Dermatology Department of "Celia Sánchez Manduley" Clinicosurgical and Teaching Hospital from January, 1988 to December, 1989. A review of the literature was made seeking for the different methods and drugs used for the treatment of this dermatosis. The treatment schedule with the use of implacen in 30 patients is described. Such therapeutic schedule was compared with traditional ones and better results were observed with the use of implacen. The fact that there were no relapses is highlighted, as well as the result of treatment according to sex.

  17. Home parenteral nutrition in treatment of severe radiation enteritis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miller, D.G.; Ivey, M.; Young, J.


    Ten patients with radiation enteritis unresponsive to conventional medical and surgical therapy were put on long-term parenteral nutrition at home. Six of the patients are alive at home; four patients died, two from recurrent cancer. Some of the patients have been able to resume oral intake, but none have been able to discontinue parenteral nutrition. Fistulas healed or had a marked decrease in output. Two patients in our series were given prednisone and sulfasalazine without significant benefit, in contrast to previously reported clinical improvement of radiation enteritis with this therapy

  18. Reducción de color con cloruro de magnesio en soluciones con colorantes comerciales

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    Mercedes Lucero Chávez


    Full Text Available Se experimentó con diferentes concentraciones de cloruro de magnesio (MgCl2 como coagulante para reducir el color en soluciones con colorantes comerciales: negro, azul y café. Los parámetros analizados fueron pH, color, demanda química de oxígeno ( dqo y sólidos suspendidos totales (sst de acuerdo con las Normas Mexicanas. Como prueba complementaria se agregó carbón activado a las muestras para reducir el color residual después de la coagulación-floculación. La reducción de los valores de color y dqo fue mayor cuando se adicionó más cantidad de MgCl2 (1.8 g/L. Los porcentajes de reducción fueron ≥90% para el color y >50% para la dqo. Los sst aumentaron con la adición de MgCl2. El carbón activado eliminó el color residual.

  19. Aprende Ajedrez con Rey - Parte 2


    ESTÉVEZ MONTERO, RAÚL; Lloret Mauri, Jaime


    Es una pieza audiovisual creada con el objeto de atraer la atención de los niños de muy corta edad con el ajedrez y familiarizarlos con todas sus piezas y movimientos. Es una animación dirigida a un público infantil presentada por dibujos animados en 2D, en la que se ha intentado respetar en todo momento el argot de la comunidad ajedredística. En este video se presenta la segunda parte. Estévez Montero, R.; Lloret Mauri, J. (2016). Aprende Ajedrez con Rey - Parte 2.

  20. Aprende Ajedrez con Rey - Parte 1


    ESTÉVEZ MONTERO, RAÚL; Lloret Mauri, Jaime


    Es una pieza audiovisual creada con el objeto de atraer la atención de los niños de muy corta edad con el ajedrez y familiarizarlos con todas sus piezas y movimientos. Es una animación dirigida a un público infantil presentada por dibujos animados en 2D, en la que se ha intentado respetar en todo momento el argot de la comunidad ajedredística. En este video se presenta la primera parte. Estévez Montero, R.; Lloret Mauri, J. (2016). Aprende Ajedrez con Rey - Parte 1.

  1. Early enteral nutrition prevents intra-abdominal hypertension and reduces the severity of severe acute pancreatitis compared with delayed enteral nutrition: a prospective pilot study. (United States)

    Sun, Jia-Kui; Li, Wei-Qin; Ke, Lu; Tong, Zhi-Hui; Ni, Hai-Bin; Li, Gang; Zhang, Lu-Yao; Nie, Yao; Wang, Xin-Ying; Ye, Xiang-Hong; Li, Ning; Li, Jie-Shou


    To investigate the effects of early enteral nutrition (EEN) on intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) and disease severity in patients with severe acute pancreatitis (SAP). Enteral nutrition (EN) was started within 48 h after admission in the EEN group and from the 8th day in the delayed enteral nutrition (DEN) group. The IAP and intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) incidence were recorded for 2 weeks. The caloric intake and feeding intolerance (FI) incidence were recorded daily after EN was started. The severity markers and clinical outcome variables were also recorded. Sixty patients were enrolled to this study. No difference about IAP was found. The IAH incidence of the EEN group was significantly lower than that of the DEN group from the 9th day (8/30 versus 18/30; P = 0.009) after admission. The FI incidence of the EEN group was higher than that of the DEN group during the initial 3 days of feeding (25/30 versus 12/30; P = 0.001; 22/30 versus 9/30; P = 0.001; 15/30 versus 4/30; P = 0.002). Patients with an IAP FI incidence than those with an IAP ≥15 mmHg on the 1st day (20/22 versus 17/38; P < 0.001), the 3rd day (11/13 versus 8/47; P < 0.001), and the 7th day (3/5 versus 3/55; P = 0.005) of feeding. The severity markers and clinical outcome variables of the EEN group were significantly improved. Early enteral nutrition did not increase IAP. In contrast, it might prevent the development of IAH. In addition, EEN might be not appropriate during the initial 3-4 days of SAP onset. Moreover, EN might be of benefit to patients with an IAP <15 mmHg. Early enteral nutrition could improve disease severity and clinical outcome, but did not decrease mortality of SAP.

  2. In Vitro Evaluation of Eslicarbazepine Delivery via Enteral Feeding Tubes. (United States)

    Reindel, Kristin; Zhao, Fang; Hughes, Susan; Dave, Vivek S


    Purpose: The feasibility of preparing an eslicarbazepine acetate suspension using Aptiom tablets for administration via enteral feeding tubes was evaluated. Methods: Eslicarbazepine acetate suspension (40 mg/mL) was prepared using Aptiom tablets after optimizing the tablet crushing methods and the vehicle composition. A stability-indicating high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method was developed to monitor the eslicarbazepine stability in the prepared suspension. Three enteric feeding tubes of various composition and dimensions were evaluated for the delivery of the suspensions. The suspension was evaluated for the physical and chemical stability for 48 hours. Results: The reproducibility and consistency of particle size reduction was found to be best with standard mortar/pestle. The viscosity analysis and physical stability studies showed that ORA-Plus:water (50:50 v/v) was optimal for suspending ability and flowability of suspension through the tubes. The developed HPLC method was found to be stability indicating and suitable for the assay of eslicarbazepine acetate in the prepared suspension. The eslicarbazepine concentrations in separately prepared suspensions were within acceptable range (±3%), indicating accuracy and reproducibility of the procedure. The eslicarbazepine concentrations in suspensions before and after delivery through the enteric feeding tubes were within acceptable range (±4%), indicating absence of any physical/chemical interactions of eslicarbazepine with the tubes and a successful delivery of eslicarbazepine dosage via enteric feeding tubes. The stability study results showed that eslicarbazepine concentration in the suspension remained unchanged when stored at room temperature for 48 hours. Conclusion: The study presents a convenient procedure for the preparation of a stable suspension of eslicarbazepine acetate (40 mg/mL) using Aptiom tablets, for administration via enteral feeding tubes.

  3. Videojuego con Realidad Virtual


    González Mora, César


    El objetivo del proyecto es el desarrollo de un videojuego deportivo que utilice realidad mixta. El videojuego se podrá utilizar con dispositivos de tipo cardboard, y utilizará realidad aumentada para la interacción del jugador con el videojuego. En el desarrollo se utilizará el motor Unity para conseguir una aplicación multiplataforma, y la librería Vuforia para implementar realidad mixta.

  4. Factores psicosociales relacionados con la rehospitalización de pacientes con psicosis orgánica

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    Cortés-Padilla María Teresa


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Conocer los factores psicosociales relacionados con la frecuente rehospitalización de pacientes con psicosis orgánica. Material y métodos. Estudio de tipo observacional descriptivo, de corte transversal. La muestra estuvo formada por 33 pacientes del Hospital Psiquiátrico Guillermo Dávila, con Unidad de Medicina Familiar Número 10 del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social de la Ciudad de México, con psicosis orgánica y quienes durante los años de 1993-1994 presentaron más de dos rehospitalizaciones. Instrumentos: Entrevista grabada, o muestra de conversación de cinco minutos, para la emoción expresada (EE, cuestionarios mixtos para la Concepción de Enfermedad y la Relación médico-paciente. La validez y confiabilidad de los datos se establecieron con las pruebas de Kappa y Alpha de Cronbach y se efectuó análisis estadístico descriptivo e inferencial. Resultados. El 60.9% de los familiares presentan alto nivel de EE, es decir, expresan crítica, hostilidad o sobreinvolucramiento emocional; el 64.3% de los sujetos de la muestra conviven más de 35 horas a la semana con familiares que presentan Alta EE. Conclusiones. Altos niveles de EE estuvieron asociados con los frecuentes reingresos a hospitalización. Existe mayor conocimiento de las características de la enfermedad por parte del familiar que del paciente. La relación médico-paciente es satisfactoria pero no forma conciencia de enfermedad ni propicia apego al tratamiento terapeútico. El texto completo en inglés de este artículo está disponible en:

  5. Neutropenia febril en el trópico: una descripción de los hallazgos clínicos y microbiológicos y el impacto de la terapia inapropiada que utilizan en un centro de referencia oncológica en Colombia

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    Jorge A. Cortés


    Full Text Available Introducción. La neutropenia febril es una complicación frecuente de la quimioterapia para las neoplasias hematológicas. Se dispone de escasa información de sus complicaciones infecciosas en nuestro medio. Objetivo. Evaluar las características clínicas y microbiológicas de pacientes con neutropenia febril, así como su resultado clínico en una institución de referencia oncológica en Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Se conformó prospectivamente una serie de casos con pacientes con enfermedad oncológica confirmada, que consultaron o presentaron neutropenia febril durante la hospitalización. Se excluyeron aquellos con enfermedad hematológica benigna. Se recolectaron datos sobre variables demográficas, microbiológicas, clínicas, de tratamiento y de resultado de los pacientes. Se llevaron a cabo un análisis univariado y uno multivariado, con la mortalidad como resultado. Resultados. Se identificaron 130 episodios de neutropenia febril en 104 pacientes, con una edad media de 19 años y 53 % masculinos. El 86 % de los episodios ocurrieron en pacientes con alteraciones hematológicas. Se demostró infección en 65 % de los casos: 41 % con un foco infeccioso localizado y 27,7 % con bacteriemia. Los principales focos infecciosos se localizaron en el torrente sanguíneo, el aparato urinario, el sistema gastrointestinal, la piel y los tejidos blandos. De los aislamientos microbiológicos, 46,4 % fueron bacilos Gram negativos, 38,4 %, cocos Gram positivos, 9 %, hongos y, 7,1%, parásitos. La mortalidad global fue de 7,7 %. En el análisis multivariado la utilización de un tratamiento empírico apropiado se correlacionó con una menor mortalidad, de forma independiente (OR=0,17; IC95% 0,034-0,9; p=0,037. Conclusiones. La tasa de mortalidad fue relativamente baja y fue comparable con lo reportado en países desarrollados. El tratamiento antimicrobiano inapropiado fue el principal factor asociado con mortalidad.   doi:

  6. Enteral Nutrition Support to Treat Malnutrition in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (United States)

    Altomare, Roberta; Damiano, Giuseppe; Abruzzo, Alida; Palumbo, Vincenzo Davide; Tomasello, Giovanni; Buscemi, Salvatore; Lo Monte, Attilio Ignazio


    Malnutrition is a common consequence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Diet has an important role in the management of IBD, as it prevents and corrects malnutrition. It is well known that diet may be implicated in the aetiology of IBD and that it plays a central role in the pathogenesis of gastrointestinal-tract disease. Often oral nutrition alone is not sufficient in the management of IBD patients, especially in children or the elderly, and must be combined with oral supplementation or replaced with tube enteral nutrition. In this review, we describe several different approaches to enteral nutrition—total parenteral, oral supplementation and enteral tube feeding—in terms of results, patients compliance, risks and and benefits. We also focus on the home entaral nutrition strategy as the future goal for treating IBD while focusing on patient wellness. PMID:25816159

  7. Descriptive study of enteric zoonoses in Ontario, Canada, from 2010 – 2012

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    Yvonne Whitfield


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Contact with animals and their environment has long been recognized as an important source of enteric zoonoses. However, there are limited data available on the burden of illness associated with specific types of animals in Canada. This study describes the overall burden of enteric zoonoses in Ontario, Canada from 2010 to 2012. Methods Confirmed cases of seven enteric zoonotic diseases (campylobacteriosis, cryptosporidiosis, giardiasis, listeriosis, salmonellosis, verotoxin-producing E. coli (VTEC infection, and yersiniosis with episode dates from 2010 to 2012 were extracted from the integrated Public Health Information System (iPHIS. Reported exposures were categorized as animal contact, foodborne, waterborne and ‘other’, with animal contact grouped into nine sub-categories based on the type of animal or transmission setting. Overall incidence rates and proportions by animal exposure categories, age and sex-specific incidence rates and hospitalization and death proportions were calculated and sex proportions compared. Results Our study found that approximately 26% of the enteric pathogens assessed during the 2010 to 2012 period reported contact with animals and their environments as the mode of transmission. Of enteric disease cases reporting animal contact, farm exposures were reported for 51.3%, dog or cat exposures for 26.3%, and reptile or amphibian exposures for 8.9%. Conclusions Contact with animals was reported more frequently during the period 2010 to 2012 in comparison to the period 1997 to 2003 when 6% or less of enteric cases were associated with animal contact. Public health professionals, stakeholders associated with animals and their related industries (e.g., pet treats, mobile zoos, abattoirs, and the public should recognize that animal contact is an important source of enteric illnesses in order to take measures to reduce the burden of illness from animal sources.

  8. Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition in the Perioperative Period: State of the Art

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    Juan A. Sanchez


    Full Text Available Nutritional support of surgical and critically ill patients has undergone significant advances since 1936 when Studley demonstrated a direct relationship between pre-operative weight loss and operative mortality. The advent of total parenteral nutrition followed by the extraordinary progress in parenteral and enteral feedings, in addition to the increased knowledge of cellular biology and biochemistry, have allowed clinicians to treat malnutrition and improve surgical patient’s outcomes. We reviewed the literature for the current status of perioperative nutrition comparing parenteral nutrition with enteral nutrition. In a surgical patient with established malnutrition, nutritional support should begin at least 7–10 days prior to surgery. Those patients in whom eating is not anticipated beyond the first five days following surgery should receive the benefits of early enteral or parenteral feeding depending on whether the gut can be used. Compared to parenteral nutrition, enteral nutrition is associated with fewer complications, a decrease in the length of hospital stay, and a favorable cost-benefit analysis. In addition, many patients may benefit from newer enteral formulations such as Immunonutrition as well as disease-specific formulations.

  9. Aspects of enteral nutrition in cancer chemotherapy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Smit, Jitske Martha


    This thesis deals with several aspects of the influences of intensive cancer chemotherapy on the nutritional status, the metabolism, and the gastrointestinal tract of the host and describes whether these results can be influenced by enteral hyperalimentation, We studied these aspects in patients

  10. Early Post Operative Enteral Versus Parenteral Feeding after Esophageal Cancer Surgery

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    Mohammadtaghi Rajabi Mashhadi


    Full Text Available Introduction: The incidence of malnutrition in hospitalized patients is reported to be high. In particular, patients with esophageal cancer are prone to malnutrition, due to preoperative digestive system dysfunctions and short-term non-oral feeding postoperatively. Selection of an appropriate method for feeding in the postoperative period is important in these patients.   Materials and Methods: In this randomized clinical trial, 40 patients with esophageal cancer who had undergone esophagectomy between September 2008 and October 2009 were randomly assigned into either enteral feeding or parenteral feeding groups, with the same calorie intake in each group. The level of serum total protein, albumin, prealbumin, transferrin, C3, C4 and hs-C-reactive protein          (hs-CRP, as well as the rate of surgical complications, restoration of bowel movements and cost was assessed in each group.   Results: Our results showed that there was no significant difference between the groups in terms of serum albumin, prealbumin or transferrin. However, C3 and C4 levels were significantly higher in the enteral feeding group compared with the parenteral group, while hs-CRP level was significantly lower in the enteral feeding group. Bowel movements were restored sooner and costs of treatment were lower in the enteral group. Postoperative complications did not differ significantly between the groups. There was one death in the parenteral group 10 days after surgery due to myocardial infarction.   Conclusion:  The results of our study showed that enteral feeding can be used effectively in the first days after surgery, with few early complications and similar nutritional outcomes compared with the parenteral method. Enteral feeding was associated with reduced inflammation and was associated with an improvement in immunological responses, quicker return of bowel movements, and reduced costs in comparison with parenteral feeding.

  11. Enteric coating of granules containing the probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus

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    Pyar Hassan


    Full Text Available In the present study, a capsule formulation composed of enteric coated granules of Lactobacillus acidophilus ATCC 4962 was developed using Eudragit L30D-55 as enteric polymer. Optimization of the capsule formulation was achieved with a maximum viable cell count after 2 h of incubation in acid medium and disintegration time of 1 h in buffer pH 6.8. The amount of Eudragit L30D-55 in the capsules correlated with gastric juice resistance. The best protective qualities against artificial gastric juice were observed when capsules were prepared from granules composed of L. acidophilus, corn starch, lactose monohydrate, polyvinylpyrrolidone and coated with 12.5 % (m/V of Eudragit L30D-55. Capsule formulation of L. acidophilus in edible broth medium suspension serves as a cheap alternative to the expensive freeze-drying procedure for preparing L. acidophilus. In addition, the enteric coating using Eudragit L30D-55 could protect probiotics from the acidic gastric environment and enhance the bioactivity of probiotics along with replacement of pathogenic microbes in human intestine

  12. Epidemiology of Enteric Disease in C-EnterNet’s Pilot Site – Waterloo Region, Ontario, 1990 to 2004

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    Victoria A Keegan


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: The objective of the present study was to describe the epidemiology of reportable enteric illness in Ontario’s Waterloo region, including comparing calculated incidence rates with published rates, and adjusting for under-reporting to determine the number of community cases, where published data were available.

  13. Quantification of gut lesions in a subclinical necrotic enteritis model

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gholamiandehkordi, Ahmad R.; Timbermont, Leen; Lanckriet, Anouk


    Currently Clostridium perfringens-induced necrotic enteritis is a major problem in broiler flocks. In the present study, broilers were inoculated with a combination of Eimeria maxima or overdose coccidial vaccine (one inoculation) with C. perfringens (repeated inoculations). Single C. perfringens...... in combination with multiple oral C. perfringens inoculations is a suitable model for necrotic enteritis without inducing mortality of the animals. C. perfringens and Eimeria act synergistically in inducing grossly visible gut damage....

  14. Análisis probabilista con caminata al azar del número de personas viviendo con VIH mundialmente

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    Javier Oswaldo Rodríguez-Velásquez


    Full Text Available Introducción: El estudio de la dinámica anual de la epidemia de VIH a partir de la caminata al azar ha mostrado ser de utilidad para llevar este fenómeno altamente variable a un comportamiento predecible Objetivo: Predecir el comportamiento de la dinámica del número de personas viviendo con VIH mediante la caminata al azar probabilista. Metodología: Se analizaron los valores anuales de personas que a nivel global viven con VIH desde el año 1990 hasta el 2009, a partir de los espacios de probabilidad generados con la caminata al azar probabilista, para posteriormente desarrollar la predicción del valor anual de personas viviendo con VIH para los años 2010, 2011 y 2012. Resultados: Se predijeron los valores anuales de personas viviendo con VIH con un porcentaje de acierto de 98,95% para el año 2010, de 98,82% para el año 2011 y de 98,99% para la predicción realizada para el año 2012. Conclusiones: Se establecieron órdenes matemáticos a partir de la caminata al azar probabilista, estableciendo predicciones prácticamente deterministas del número de personas viviendo con VIH, lo que podría ser útil para las decisiones en Salud Pública y para la evaluación de intervenciones.

  15. Predictors of Enteral Autonomy in Children with Intestinal Failure: A Multicenter Cohort Study. (United States)

    Khan, Faraz A; Squires, Robert H; Litman, Heather J; Balint, Jane; Carter, Beth A; Fisher, Jeremy G; Horslen, Simon P; Jaksic, Tom; Kocoshis, Samuel; Martinez, J Andres; Mercer, David; Rhee, Susan; Rudolph, Jeffrey A; Soden, Jason; Sudan, Debra; Superina, Riccardo A; Teitelbaum, Daniel H; Venick, Robert; Wales, Paul W; Duggan, Christopher


    In a large cohort of children with intestinal failure (IF), we sought to determine the cumulative incidence of achieving enteral autonomy and identify patient and institutional characteristics associated with enteral autonomy. A multicenter, retrospective cohort analysis from the Pediatric Intestinal Failure Consortium was performed. IF was defined as severe congenital or acquired gastrointestinal diseases during infancy with dependence on parenteral nutrition (PN) >60 days. Enteral autonomy was defined as PN discontinuation >3 months. A total of 272 infants were followed for a median (IQR) of 33.5 (16.2-51.5) months. Enteral autonomy was achieved in 118 (43%); 36 (13%) remained PN dependent and 118 (43%) patients died or underwent transplantation. Multivariable analysis identified necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC; OR 2.42, 95% CI 1.33-4.47), care at an IF site without an associated intestinal transplantation program (OR 2.73, 95% CI 1.56-4.78), and an intact ileocecal valve (OR 2.80, 95% CI 1.63-4.83) as independent risk factors for enteral autonomy. A second model (n = 144) that included only patients with intraoperatively measured residual small bowel length found NEC (OR 3.44, 95% CI 1.36-8.71), care at a nonintestinal transplantation center (OR 6.56, 95% CI 2.53-16.98), and residual small bowel length (OR 1.04 cm, 95% CI 1.02-1.06 cm) to be independently associated with enteral autonomy. A substantial proportion of infants with IF can achieve enteral autonomy. Underlying NEC, preserved ileocecal valve, and longer bowel length are associated with achieving enteral autonomy. It is likely that variations in institutional practices and referral patterns also affect outcomes in children with IF. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Fuerza manual de adultos con discapacidad intelectual

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    Ruth Cabeza Ruiz


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Presentar una descripción de la fuerza de prensión manual de hombres y mujeres con discapacidad intelectual (DI y comparar los resultados con valores de referencia de otras personas con y sin discapacidad intelectual. Método. El presente trabajo es un estudio transversal observacional, financiado por la Fundación SAMU, en el que se evaluaron a 122 personas con DI (86 hombres y 36 mujeres durante el desarrollo de unas jornadas de carácter recreativo en las que participaron varias asociaciones de atención a este colectivo. La batería de test utilizada fue el Alpaha-Fit Test Battery for Adults. Resultados. Se presentan los resultados relacionados con las variables de fuerza del miembro superior (Hand Grip Strength por grupos de edad (20-24, 25- 29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59 años. Los datos muestran valores que oscilan desde los 31 kg en los hombres más jóvenes con DI hasta los 13.3 kg del grupo más maduro de mujeres. Estos hallazgos son similares a los valores de referencia de población con DI española. Sin embargo, son muy inferiores a los obtenidos por la población sin discapacidad de la misma edad. Conclusión. Los resultados evidencian el menor rendimiento de las personas con DI en pruebas de fuerza de prensión manual por lo que se hace evidente la necesidad de llevar a cabo programas de ejercicio físico o deporte con las personas con DI.

  17. Ability of select probiotics to reduce enteric Campylobacter colonization in broiler chickens (United States)

    Campylobacter is the leading cause of foodborne enteritis worldwide and is primarily caused by consumption/mishandling of contaminated poultry. Probiotic use in poultry has been an effective strategy in reducing many enteric pathogens, but has not demonstrated consistent reduction against Campylobac...

  18. Astronaut John Glenn Enters Friendship 7 (United States)


    Astronaut John Glenn enters the Mercury spacecraft, Friendship 7, prior to the launch of MA-6 on February 20, 1961 and became the first American who orbited the Earth. The MA-6 mission was the first manned orbital flight boosted by the Mercury-Atlas vehicle, a modified Atlas ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile), lasted for five hours, and orbited the Earth three times.

  19. Abdominal and pelvic CT: is positive enteric contrast still necessary? Results of a retrospective observational study. (United States)

    Kammerer, S; Höink, A J; Wessling, J; Heinzow, H; Koch, R; Schuelke, C; Heindel, W; Buerke, B


    Evaluation of diagnostic accuracy of abdominal CT depending on the type of enteric contrast agent. Multislice CTs of 2,008 patients with different types of oral preparation (positive with barium, n = 576; neutral with water, n = 716; and no enteric contrast, n = 716) were retrospectively evaluated by two radiologists including delineation of intestinal segments and influence on diagnosis and diagnostic reliability exerted by the enteric contrast, using a three-point scale. Furthermore, diagnostic reliability of the delineation of selected enteric pathologies was noted. CT data were assigned into groups: oncology, inflammation, vascular, pathology, trauma and gastrointestinal pathology. Delineation of the bowel was clearly practicable across all segments irrespective of the type of enteric contrast, though a slight impairment was observed without enteric contrast. Although delineation of intestinal pathologies was mostly classified "clearly delimitable" more difficulties occurred without oral contrast (neutral/positive/no contrast, 0.8 %/3.8 %/6.5 %). Compared to examinations without enteric contrast, there was a significant improvement in diagnosis that was even increased regarding the reader's diagnostic reliability. Positive opacification impaired detection of mucosal enhancement or intestinal bleeding. Water can replace positive enteric contrast agents in abdominal CTs. However, selected clinical questions require individual enteric contrast preparations. Pathology detection is noticeably impaired without any enteric contrast.

  20. Recent advances in regenerative medicine to treat enteric neuropathies: use of human cells. (United States)

    Stamp, L A; Young, H M


    As current options for treating most enteric neuropathies are either non-effective or associated with significant ongoing problems, cell therapy is a potential attractive possibility to treat congenital and acquired neuropathies. Studies using animal models have shown that following transplantation of enteric neural progenitors into the bowel of recipients, the transplanted cells migrate, proliferate, and generate neurons that are electrically active and receive synaptic inputs. Recent studies have transplanted human enteric neural progenitors into the mouse colon and shown engraftment. In this article, we summarize the significance of these recent advances and discuss priorities for future research that might lead to the use of regenerative medicine to treat enteric neuropathies in the clinic. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  1. Sistemas integrados con Arduino




    Design of a robot prototype remotely controllable from Bluetooth using Arduino. Control and testing of sensors and events interacting with Arduino and Bluetooth. Diseño de un prototipo de robot controlable remotamente con Bluetooth utilizando Arduino. Control y verificación de los sensores y eventos que interactúan mediante el Arduino y el Bluetooth. El Yakouti, M. (2017). Sistemas integrados con Arduino. TFGM

  2. characterisation of gastro- enteritis-associated adenoviruses in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective. To analyse adenovirus (Ad) numbers and types associated with paediatric gastro-enteritis in South Africa. Setting. Gauteng, 1994-1996. Metfwds. A total of 234 paediatric diarrhoeal stool samples were screened for Ad using commercial enzyme-linked. iInmunosorbent assays (EUSAs). Adenoviral isolates were.

  3. Application of a PCR method for the diagnosis of ulcerative enteritis: preliminary results

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    Fabrizio Agnoletti


    Full Text Available Ulcerative enteritis or “quail disease” is an acute clostridial infection of young birds reported in many avian species, chicken and turkey included. Clostridium colinum is the causative agent of ulcerative enteritis and because of the difficulties bound to the isolation and identification of this bacterium by means of classic bacteriological techniques, its detection appears very hard and the prevalence of this disease could be underestimated. To investigate the diffusion of C. colinum in enteric disease of birds, a recently developed PCR protocol was applied to 42 cultural broths previously inoculated with organs and intestinal samples collected from diseased subjects. PCR-positive broths were cultivated to attempt the isolation of C. colinum. Samples collected from positive birds were subjected to histological examinations. 4 birds (3 broilers chickens and 1 pigeon resulted PCR-positive and, in one case, C. colinum was isolated. Gross and histological lesions of positive birds were compatible with those described in other ulcerative enteritis outbreaks. These preliminary results demonstrates that C. colinum is sporadically implicated in enteric diseases of broiler chickens (14.2%. In addition, the PCR assay proved to be an useful and reliable instrument to support the diagnosis of ulcerative enteritis and to facilitate the isolation of C. colinum.

  4. fertilizada con diferentes abonos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Alberto Elizondo-Salazar


    Full Text Available Producción y calidad de la biomasa de morera (Morus alba fertilizada con diferentes abonos. Se llevó a cabo un experimento en la Estación Experimental “Alfredo Volio Mata” de la Universidad de Costa Rica con el fi n de evaluar la aplicación de 150 kg de N/ha/año proveniente de dos abonos orgánicos: lombriabono y compostaje; y de un fertilizante químico, sobre la producción y calidad de la biomasa de morera. El periodo experimental comprendió un ciclo de 12 meses, iniciando en julio del 2003 y fi nalizando en julio del 2004. Se utilizó una plantación de morera de 12 años de establecida con una densidad de siembra de 27.777 plantas/ ha. Se empleó un diseño de bloques completos al azar con cuatro tratamientos: dos abonos orgánicos, nitrato de amonio (33,5% N y un control. Las plantas se podaron a 0,6 m sobre el nivel del suelo al inicio del ensayo. Durante el periodo experimental, las plantas fueron podadas consecutivamente cada 90 días. Las hojas y los tallos fueron separados y analizados para determinar el contenido de materia seca y proteína cruda. La producción de materia seca fue 23% superior y el contenido de proteína cruda fue signifi cativamente mayor con el nitrógeno químico, mientras que el contenido de materia seca fue menor. No se encontraron diferencias signifi cativas entre el tratamiento control y los tratamientos orgánicos.

  5. Estudio observacional prospectivo con insulina detemir en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 mal controlados que inician por primer vez tratamiento con insulina (estudio SOLVE

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    Domingo Orozco-Beltrán


    Conclusiones: En esta cohorte de pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 recientemente insulinizados, la insulina detemir (una vez al día mejoró el control glucémico, con baja incidencia de hipoglucemia y una reducción significativa del peso.

  6. Eficacia del tratamiento tópico con Vimang® en pacientes con estomatitis subprótesis

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    Laritza Coureaux Rojas


    Full Text Available Se efectuó un ensayo clínico terapéutico controlado de fase III en 120 pacientes con estomatitis subprótesis, atendidos en la Clínica Estomatológica Provincial Docente "Mártires del Moncada" de Santiago de Cuba, desde junio de 2010 hasta mayo de 2011, con vistas a evaluar la eficacia del tratamiento tópico con té de Vimang® en dichos pacientes. Se conformaron 2 grupos de 60 integrantes cada uno (de estudio y de control. Los primeros fueron tratados con enjuagatorios fríos de dicho té 4 veces al día y los segundos con el mismo tratamiento más vitaminas. Se utilizaron el porcentaje para variables cualitativas, así como la media aritmética y la desviación estándar para variables cuantitativas. Todos los integrantes del grupo de estudio se curaron y disminuyó el gasto de material, pero el costo-efectividad fue mayor por ser menor el tiempo de curación. El té de Vimang® resultó eficaz para eliminar las manifestaciones clínicas de esa lesión y no hubo reacciones adversas, de manera que se logró la curación de los afectados con ahorro de tiempo y recursos.

  7. Implementation of enteral feeding protocol in an intensive care unit

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Padar, Martin; Uusvel, Gerli; Starkopf, Liis


    AIM: To determine the effects of implementing an enteral feeding protocol on the nutritional delivery and outcomes of intensive care patients. METHODS: An uncontrolled, observational before-and-after study was performed in a tertiary mixed medical-surgical intensive care unit (ICU). In 2013......, a nurse-driven enteral feeding protocol was developed and implemented in the ICU. Nutrition and outcome-related data from patients who were treated in the study unit from 2011-2012 (the Before group) and 2014-2015 (the After group) were obtained from a local electronic database, the national Population...... the groups. Patients in the After group had a lower 90-d (P = 0.026) and 120-d (P = 0.033) mortality. In the After group, enteral nutrition was prescribed less frequently (P = 0.039) on day 1 but significantly more frequently on all days from day 3. Implementation of the feeding protocol resulted in a higher...

  8. A case of ileo-cutaneou fistula due to radiation enteritis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oyama, Tsukasa; Oguchi, Yoshiro; Nakaba, Hiroyuki [Kure National Hospital, Hiroshima (Japan); and others


    Radiation enteritis can cause late complications including stenosis, perforation, fistulization, and bleeding, which sometimes necessitate surgical treatment, but a complication of ileocutaneous fistula is rarely reported. In this paper, an excellent result of an operation for ileocutaneous fistula due to radiation enteritis is described. A 68-year-old woman had undergone extended total histerectomy and radiation therapy on uterine cervical cancer. After the operation and the radiation therapy, frequent abdominal pain bothered her and then the intestinal fistula ensued resulted in the fistulization. The fistula was located between two stenotic lesions of the intestine caused by radiation enteritis. Resection of ileum including the two stenotic lesion and the fistula and end-to-end anastomosis relieved the symptoms and the treatment course has been satisfactory. The two stenotic lesions were resected because it was suggested that the two stenotic lesions directly led the fistulization. She is now followed asymptomatically. (author).

  9. Trastornos temporomandibulares en pacientes con maloclusiones

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    Luis Soto Cantero

    Full Text Available Introducción: existe una prevalencia de trastornos oclusales en gran medida relacionados con la presencia de disfunción temporomandibular. Objetivo: determinar el grado de disfunción temporomandibular según el Índice de Maglione en correspondencia con la prevalencia de maloclusiones en el área de salud del policlínico "Turcios Lima". Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo, de corte transversal, en la consulta de ortodoncia, de junio del 2008 a junio del 2009. De un universo constituido por los 280 pacientes que acudieron al servicio de ortodoncia en el período señalado con presencia de maloclusiones, se seleccionó una muestra de 84 pacientes por muestreo aleatorio simple, teniendo en cuenta los criterios de inclusión y exclusión realizados por criterios de expertos. Resultados: presentaban disfunción temporomandibular 74 pacientes y dentro de ellos 44 (52,4 % tenían disfunción grado II (Moderada. El 97 % de los pacientes con relación molar de clase II, presentaban disfunción temporomandibular. El 42,9 % de los pacientes con una maloclusión, presentaban disfunción grado I. El 60 % de los pacientes con dos maloclusiones presentaban disfunción grado II y el 66,7 % de los pacientes con tres maloclusiones, presentaban disfunción grado III. La mayor cantidad de pacientes tuvieron disfunción grado II (Moderada. Conclusiones: el mayor por ciento de los pacientes con disfunciones presentó una clase II molar y a medida que aumentó el número de maloclusiones aumentó también la severidad de la disfunción.

  10. High-protein enteral nutrition enriched with immune-modulating nutrients vs standard high-protein enteral nutrition and nosocomial infections in the ICU: a randomized clinical trial. (United States)

    van Zanten, Arthur R H; Sztark, François; Kaisers, Udo X; Zielmann, Siegfried; Felbinger, Thomas W; Sablotzki, Armin R; De Waele, Jan J; Timsit, Jean-François; Honing, Marina L H; Keh, Didier; Vincent, Jean-Louis; Zazzo, Jean-Fabien; Fijn, Harvey B M; Petit, Laurent; Preiser, Jean-Charles; van Horssen, Peter J; Hofman, Zandrie


    Enteral administration of immune-modulating nutrients (eg, glutamine, omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, and antioxidants) has been suggested to reduce infections and improve recovery from critical illness. However, controversy exists on the use of immune-modulating enteral nutrition, reflected by lack of consensus in guidelines. To determine whether high-protein enteral nutrition enriched with immune-modulating nutrients (IMHP) reduces the incidence of infections compared with standard high-protein enteral nutrition (HP) in mechanically ventilated critically ill patients. The MetaPlus study, a randomized, double-blind, multicenter trial, was conducted from February 2010 through April 2012 including a 6-month follow-up period in 14 intensive care units (ICUs) in the Netherlands, Germany, France, and Belgium. A total of 301 adult patients who were expected to be ventilated for more than 72 hours and to require enteral nutrition for more than 72 hours were randomized to the IMHP (n = 152) or HP (n = 149) group and included in an intention-to-treat analysis, performed for the total population as well as predefined medical, surgical, and trauma subpopulations. High-protein enteral nutrition enriched with immune-modulating nutrients vs standard high-protein enteral nutrition, initiated within 48 hours of ICU admission and continued during the ICU stay for a maximum of 28 days. The primary outcome measure was incidence of new infections according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) definitions. Secondary end points included mortality, Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) scores, mechanical ventilation duration, ICU and hospital lengths of stay, and subtypes of infections according CDC definitions. There were no statistically significant differences in incidence of new infections between the groups: 53% (95% CI, 44%-61%) in the IMHP group vs 52% (95% CI, 44%-61%) in the HP group (P = .96). No statistically significant differences were

  11. Infecciones por bacterias poco comunes y oncogénesis bacteriana

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    Horacio A. Lopardo

    Full Text Available La recuperación de algunos microorganismos de aislamiento esporádico en el laboratorio de microbiología clínica podría significar la existencia de algún defecto inmunitarioespecial en el paciente. Por ejemplo, se ha descrito una importante correlación entre Clostridium septicum y carcinoma de colon, y se han visto relacionadas con leucemias y linfomas a especies que aparecen casi siempre como contaminantes (Bacillus spp., Corynebacterium spp. y a otras raramente aisladas en otros contextos (Capnocytophaga spp.. Hay bacterias que se aíslan casi exclusivamente de pacientes con sida (Rhodococcus equi. Se ha observado una mayor frecuencia de infecciones por Campylobacter spp., Aeromonas spp. y estreptococos del grupo G y del grupo mitis en individuos con algún tipo de cáncer que en el resto de los pacientes. También hay bacterias que son marcadoras de algún cáncer no detectado o que afectan más a pacientes neutropénicos que a individuos normoinmunes. La alteración de la reacción inflamatoria, la linfoproliferación mediada por antígenos bacterianos y la inducción de hormonas que aumentan la proliferación de las células epiteliales podrían ser causas de la oncogénesis bacteriana. Los ejemplos clásicos son el adenocarcinoma gástrico inducido por Helicobacter pylori, la asociación de la bacteriemia por estreptococos del grupo bovis y el cáncer de colon y los linfomas de tejido linfoide asociado a mucosas (MALT en vinculación con especies de Helicobacter (MALT gástricos y con Chlamydophila spp. (MALT oculares. El aislamiento de alguno de estos patógenos debería ser un llamado de atención para inducir al estudio de alguna enfermedad maligna.

  12. Development of a vaccine for the prevention of hemorrhagic enteritis in turkeys

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hurk, van den J.V.J.M.


    Hemorrhagic enteritis (HE) in turkeys is an acute infectious disease characterized by depression, intestinal bleeding, and death. HE occurs worldwide affecting 6 to 12 week-old turkeys and lasting 4 to 6 days. This economically important disease is caused by hemorrhagic enteritis virus (HEV), a

  13. Abdominal and pelvic CT: is positive enteric contrast still necessary? Results of a retrospective observational study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kammerer, S.; Hoeink, A.J.; Wessling, J.; Schuelke, C.; Heindel, W.; Buerke, B. [University Hospital Muenster, Department of Clinical Radiology, Muenster (Germany); Heinzow, H. [University Hospital Muenster, Department of Gastroenterology and Metabolic Diseases, Muenster (Germany); Koch, R. [University Muenster, Institute of Biostatistics and Clinical Research, Muenster (Germany)


    Evaluation of diagnostic accuracy of abdominal CT depending on the type of enteric contrast agent. Multislice CTs of 2,008 patients with different types of oral preparation (positive with barium, n = 576; neutral with water, n = 716; and no enteric contrast, n = 716) were retrospectively evaluated by two radiologists including delineation of intestinal segments and influence on diagnosis and diagnostic reliability exerted by the enteric contrast, using a three-point scale. Furthermore, diagnostic reliability of the delineation of selected enteric pathologies was noted. CT data were assigned into groups: oncology, inflammation, vascular, pathology, trauma and gastrointestinal pathology. Delineation of the bowel was clearly practicable across all segments irrespective of the type of enteric contrast, though a slight impairment was observed without enteric contrast. Although delineation of intestinal pathologies was mostly classified ''clearly delimitable'' more difficulties occurred without oral contrast (neutral/positive/no contrast, 0.8 %/3.8 %/6.5 %). Compared to examinations without enteric contrast, there was a significant improvement in diagnosis that was even increased regarding the reader's diagnostic reliability. Positive opacification impaired detection of mucosal enhancement or intestinal bleeding. Water can replace positive enteric contrast agents in abdominal CTs. However, selected clinical questions require individual enteric contrast preparations. Pathology detection is noticeably impaired without any enteric contrast. circle Neutral oral contrast ensures an equivalent delineation of the bowel. (orig.)

  14. RadCon: A Radiological Consequences Model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Crawford, J.; Domel, R.U.


    RadCon estimates the dose received by user selected groups in the population from an accidental release of radionuclides to the environment. The exposure pathways considered are external exposure from the cloud and ground and internal exposure from inhalation and ingestion of contaminated food. Atmospheric dispersion modelling is carried out externally to RadCon.Given a two dimensional time varying air and ground concentration of radioactive elements, RadCon allows the user to: view the air and ground concentration over the affected area, select optional parameters and calculate the dose to people,display the results to the user, and change the parameter values. RadCon offers two user interfaces: 1) the standard graphical user interface which is started using Java DoseApp at the command line, or by setting up a shortcut to this command (particularly when RadCon is installed on a PC) and 2) the text based interface used to generate information for the model inter-comparison exercise . This is initiated using Java BIOMASS at the command line, or an equivalent shortcut. The text based interface was developed for research purposes and is not generally available. Appendices A, B and C provide a summary of instructions on setting up RadCon. This will generally be carried out by the computer support personnel

  15. Clinical and nutritional implications of radiation enteritis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Beer, W.H.; Fan, A.; Halsted, C.H.


    The clinical and nutritional significance of radiation enteritis was assessed in eight patients with chronic diarrhea which followed curative doses of radiotherapy for pelvic malignancies. Steatorrhea, found in seven malnourished patients, was ascribed to ileal disease or previous surgery, or to bacterial contamination of the small intestine. Lactose intolerance, assessed by breath hydrogen excretion after oral lactose and by jejunal lactase levels, was found in six patients. In a subgroup of five patients, the administration of two different defined formula liquid diets by nasoduodenal infusion decreased fecal fluid and energy losses by about one-half. Compared to Vivonex-HN, the infusion of Criticare-HN was associated with greater likelihood of intestinal gas production but a three-fold greater utilization of protein. Intestinal malabsorption and malnutrition in radiation enteritis has diverse etiologies. Whereas nutritional support by liquid diet limits fecal fluid and energy losses, these diets differ significantly in clinical tolerance and biologic value.

  16. Clinical and nutritional implications of radiation enteritis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beer, W.H.; Fan, A.; Halsted, C.H.


    The clinical and nutritional significance of radiation enteritis was assessed in eight patients with chronic diarrhea which followed curative doses of radiotherapy for pelvic malignancies. Steatorrhea, found in seven malnourished patients, was ascribed to ileal disease or previous surgery, or to bacterial contamination of the small intestine. Lactose intolerance, assessed by breath hydrogen excretion after oral lactose and by jejunal lactase levels, was found in six patients. In a subgroup of five patients, the administration of two different defined formula liquid diets by nasoduodenal infusion decreased fecal fluid and energy losses by about one-half. Compared to Vivonex-HN, the infusion of Criticare-HN was associated with greater likelihood of intestinal gas production but a three-fold greater utilization of protein. Intestinal malabsorption and malnutrition in radiation enteritis has diverse etiologies. Whereas nutritional support by liquid diet limits fecal fluid and energy losses, these diets differ significantly in clinical tolerance and biologic value

  17. Enteric Virome Sensing—Its Role in Intestinal Homeostasis and Immunity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rebecca N. Metzger


    Full Text Available Pattern recognition receptors (PRRs sensing commensal microorganisms in the intestine induce tightly controlled tonic signaling in the intestinal mucosa, which is required to maintain intestinal barrier integrity and immune homeostasis. At the same time, PRR signaling pathways rapidly trigger the innate immune defense against invasive pathogens in the intestine. Intestinal epithelial cells and mononuclear phagocytes in the intestine and the gut-associated lymphoid tissues are critically involved in sensing components of the microbiome and regulating immune responses in the intestine to sustain immune tolerance against harmless antigens and to prevent inflammation. These processes have been mostly investigated in the context of the bacterial components of the microbiome so far. The impact of viruses residing in the intestine and the virus sensors, which are activated by these enteric viruses, on intestinal homeostasis and inflammation is just beginning to be unraveled. In this review, we will summarize recent findings indicating an important role of the enteric virome for intestinal homeostasis as well as pathology when the immune system fails to control the enteric virome. We will provide an overview of the virus sensors and signaling pathways, operative in the intestine and the mononuclear phagocyte subsets, which can sense viruses and shape the intestinal immune response. We will discuss how these might interact with resident enteric viruses directly or in context with the bacterial microbiome to affect intestinal homeostasis.

  18. Enteric Virome Sensing-Its Role in Intestinal Homeostasis and Immunity. (United States)

    Metzger, Rebecca N; Krug, Anne B; Eisenächer, Katharina


    Pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) sensing commensal microorganisms in the intestine induce tightly controlled tonic signaling in the intestinal mucosa, which is required to maintain intestinal barrier integrity and immune homeostasis. At the same time, PRR signaling pathways rapidly trigger the innate immune defense against invasive pathogens in the intestine. Intestinal epithelial cells and mononuclear phagocytes in the intestine and the gut-associated lymphoid tissues are critically involved in sensing components of the microbiome and regulating immune responses in the intestine to sustain immune tolerance against harmless antigens and to prevent inflammation. These processes have been mostly investigated in the context of the bacterial components of the microbiome so far. The impact of viruses residing in the intestine and the virus sensors, which are activated by these enteric viruses, on intestinal homeostasis and inflammation is just beginning to be unraveled. In this review, we will summarize recent findings indicating an important role of the enteric virome for intestinal homeostasis as well as pathology when the immune system fails to control the enteric virome. We will provide an overview of the virus sensors and signaling pathways, operative in the intestine and the mononuclear phagocyte subsets, which can sense viruses and shape the intestinal immune response. We will discuss how these might interact with resident enteric viruses directly or in context with the bacterial microbiome to affect intestinal homeostasis.

  19. The IAEA inventory databases related to radioactive material entering the marine environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rastogi, R.C.; Sjoeblom, K.L.


    Contracting Parties to the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and other Matter (LC 1972) have requested the IAEA to develop an inventory of radioactive material entering the marine environment from all sources. The rationale for developing and maintaining the inventory is related to its use as an information base with which the impact of radionuclides entering the marine environment from different sources can be assessed and compared. Five anthropogenic sources of radionuclides entering the marine environment can be identified. These sources are: radioactive waste disposal at sea; accidents and losses at sea involving radioactive material; discharge of low level liquid effluents from land-based nuclear facilities; the fallout from nuclear weapons testing; and accidental releases from land-based nuclear facilities. The first two of these sources are most closely related to the objective of the LC 1972 and its request to the IAEA. This paper deals with the Agency's work on developing a database on radioactive material entering the marine environment from these two sources. The database has the acronym RAMEM (RAdioactive Material Entering the Marine Environment). It includes two modules: inventory of radioactive waste disposal at sea and inventory of accidents and losses at sea involving radioactive material

  20. Galanin enhances systemic glucose metabolism through enteric Nitric Oxide Synthase-expressed neurons

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    Anne Abot


    Full Text Available Objective: Decreasing duodenal contraction is now considered as a major focus for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Therefore, identifying bioactive molecules able to target the enteric nervous system, which controls the motility of intestinal smooth muscle cells, represents a new therapeutic avenue. For this reason, we chose to study the impact of oral galanin on this system in diabetic mice. Methods: Enteric neurotransmission, duodenal contraction, glucose absorption, modification of gut–brain axis, and glucose metabolism (glucose tolerance, insulinemia, glucose entry in tissue, hepatic glucose metabolism were assessed. Results: We show that galanin, a neuropeptide expressed in the small intestine, decreases duodenal contraction by stimulating nitric oxide release from enteric neurons. This is associated with modification of hypothalamic nitric oxide release that favors glucose uptake in metabolic tissues such as skeletal muscle, liver, and adipose tissue. Oral chronic gavage with galanin in diabetic mice increases insulin sensitivity, which is associated with an improvement of several metabolic parameters such as glucose tolerance, fasting blood glucose, and insulin. Conclusion: Here, we demonstrate that oral galanin administration improves glucose homeostasis via the enteric nervous system and could be considered a therapeutic potential for the treatment of T2D. Keywords: Galanin, Enteric nervous system, Diabetes

  1. Enteric virus removal inactivation by coal-based media

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gupta, A.; Chaudhuri, M. [Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (India). Dept. of Civil Engineering


    Four coal-based media, viz. alum-pretreated or ferric hydroxide-impregnated Giridih bituminous coal and lignite (alum-GBC, Fe-GBC; alum-lignite and Fe-Lignite) were laboratory tested to assess their potential in removing/inactivating enteric viruses in water. Batch-sorption screening tests, employing a poliovirus-spiked canal water, indicated high poliovirus sorption by Fe-GBC and alum-GBC in a short contact time of 5 min. Based on the results of further batch-sorption tests, using silver incorporated media (alum/Ag-GBC, alum-GBC-Ag and Fe-GBC-Ag), as well as aesthetic water quality consideration and previous findings on removal of coliforms and turbidity, alum/Ag-GBC, alum-GBC and alum-GBC-AG were included in downflow column studies employing poliovirus-spiked canal water. All three media showed potential in removing/inactivating enteric viruses. In a separate column study employing a joint challenge of poliovirus and rotavirus, alum/Ag-GBC removed 59.3-86.5% of the viruses along with more than 99% reduction in indigenous heterotrophic bacteria. Alum/silver-pretreated bituminous coal medium appears promising for use in household water filters in rural areas of the developing world. However, improved medium preparation to further enhance its efficiency is needed; also, its efficacy in removing/inactivating indigenous enteric bacteria, viruses and protozoa has to be ensured and practicalities or economics of application need to be considered.

  2. La Cateterización Venosa Central en la Fundación Santafé de Bogotá.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sonia Echeverry de Pimiento


    Full Text Available

    De Seguimiento Asistencial a Indicador de Gestión.

    La introducción del catéter venoso central (CVC ha significado un gran avance en la medicina moderna y su uso generalizado ha permitido el desarrollo de nuevas técnicas diagnósticas y tratamientos especializados. La cateterización intravascular es uno de los procedimientos más comunes en la actualidad; se utiliza para la monitoria hemodinámica, hemodiálisis, el soporte metabólico y nutricional,
    la administración de líquidos, quimioterapia y antibioticoterapia prolongada, sangre y derivados, entre otros.
    A pesar de que se lleva casi 50 años de experiencia con estos accesos vasculares, se continúa buscando y aplicando nuevos métodos que permitan prevenir, diagnosticar y tratar las complicaciones relacionadas. Es de conocimiento general que la inserción de accesos venosos centrales y de lineas
    arteriales implica un riesgo reconocido de complicaciones mecánicas o técnicas (neumotórax, trombosis venosa, fístulas arteriovenosas, etc. e infecciosas locales o sistémicas, tales como tromboflebitis séptica, endocarditis, bacteriemia e infecciones metastásicas.

    Según el consenso del Hospitallnfection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC, las infecciones del torrente sanguíneo relacionadas con catéteres se asocian con incremento en las tasas de morbilidad y mortalidad del 10 al 20%, con estancias prolongadas y aumento en los costos de hospitalización, principalmente por la terapia antibiótica...

  3. Effect of pentoxifylline and tocopherol on radiation proctitis/enteritis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hille, A.; Christiansen, H.; Pradier, O.; Hermann, R.M.; Siekmeyer, B.; Weiss, E.; Hess, C.F.; Schmidberger, H.; Hilgers, R.


    Background and purpose: Chronic radiation proctitis/enteritis is a relevant complication of pelvic irradiation, which is still mainly treated by supportive measures only. There is some evidence that the combined treatment with pentoxifylline and tocopherol might alter the pathogenesis of radiation-induced fibrosis. In a retrospective analysis the clinical benefit of the treatment with pentoxifylline/tocopherol on radiation-induced proctitis/enteritis was evaluated, compared to supportive care only. Patients and methods: Of 30 patients with radiation-induced proctitis/enteritis grade I-II according to the RTOG/EORTC toxicity criteria, 21 were treated with pentoxifylline and tocopherol. Depending on physician's decision nine patients received symptomatic treatment only. Results: With pentoxifylline/tocopherol treatment 15/21 patients (71%) experienced a relief of their symptoms. A reduction from grade I/II to grade 0 toxicity was observed in seven and from grade II to grade I toxicity in eight patients. No improvement was seen in six patients. The median time to improvement with pentoxifylline and tocopherol treatment was 28 weeks. In three of nine patients who were treated supportively only, deterioration of symptoms occurred. Three patients experienced no amelioration, and three patients with grade I toxicity experienced a spontaneous relief of their symptoms (33%). Conclusion: The combination treatment with pentoxifylline and tocopherol seems to have a benefit in patients with grade I-II radiation-induced proctitis/enteritis. The optimal schedule of treatment duration is not yet clear. From the observations made in this study it is assumed the treatment should be given for 6-12 months at least. A prospective phase II study should be undertaken to evaluate optimal treatment duration. (orig.)

  4. Effect of pentoxifylline and tocopherol on radiation proctitis/enteritis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hille, A.; Christiansen, H.; Pradier, O.; Hermann, R.M.; Siekmeyer, B.; Weiss, E.; Hess, C.F.; Schmidberger, H. [Goettingen Univ. (Germany). Dept. of Radiotherapy and Radiation; Hilgers, R. [Goettingen Univ. (Germany). Dept. for Medical Statisics


    Background and purpose: Chronic radiation proctitis/enteritis is a relevant complication of pelvic irradiation, which is still mainly treated by supportive measures only. There is some evidence that the combined treatment with pentoxifylline and tocopherol might alter the pathogenesis of radiation-induced fibrosis. In a retrospective analysis the clinical benefit of the treatment with pentoxifylline/tocopherol on radiation-induced proctitis/enteritis was evaluated, compared to supportive care only. Patients and methods: Of 30 patients with radiation-induced proctitis/enteritis grade I-II according to the RTOG/EORTC toxicity criteria, 21 were treated with pentoxifylline and tocopherol. Depending on physician's decision nine patients received symptomatic treatment only. Results: With pentoxifylline/tocopherol treatment 15/21 patients (71%) experienced a relief of their symptoms. A reduction from grade I/II to grade 0 toxicity was observed in seven and from grade II to grade I toxicity in eight patients. No improvement was seen in six patients. The median time to improvement with pentoxifylline and tocopherol treatment was 28 weeks. In three of nine patients who were treated supportively only, deterioration of symptoms occurred. Three patients experienced no amelioration, and three patients with grade I toxicity experienced a spontaneous relief of their symptoms (33%). Conclusion: The combination treatment with pentoxifylline and tocopherol seems to have a benefit in patients with grade I-II radiation-induced proctitis/enteritis. The optimal schedule of treatment duration is not yet clear. From the observations made in this study it is assumed the treatment should be given for 6-12 months at least. A prospective phase II study should be undertaken to evaluate optimal treatment duration. (orig.)

  5. Enteral Feeding Set Handling Techniques. (United States)

    Lyman, Beth; Williams, Maria; Sollazzo, Janet; Hayden, Ashley; Hensley, Pam; Dai, Hongying; Roberts, Cristine


    Enteral nutrition therapy is common practice in pediatric clinical settings. Often patients will receive a pump-assisted bolus feeding over 30 minutes several times per day using the same enteral feeding set (EFS). This study aims to determine the safest and most efficacious way to handle the EFS between feedings. Three EFS handling techniques were compared through simulation for bacterial growth, nursing time, and supply costs: (1) rinsing the EFS with sterile water after each feeding, (2) refrigerating the EFS between feedings, and (3) using a ready-to-hang (RTH) product maintained at room temperature. Cultures were obtained at baseline, hour 12, and hour 21 of the 24-hour cycle. A time-in-motion analysis was conducted and reported in average number of seconds to complete each procedure. Supply costs were inventoried for 1 month comparing the actual usage to our estimated usage. Of 1080 cultures obtained, the overall bacterial growth rate was 8.7%. The rinse and refrigeration techniques displayed similar bacterial growth (11.4% vs 10.3%, P = .63). The RTH technique displayed the least bacterial growth of any method (4.4%, P = .002). The time analysis in minutes showed the rinse method was the most time-consuming (44.8 ± 2.7) vs refrigeration (35.8 ± 2.6) and RTH (31.08 ± 0.6) ( P refrigerating the EFS between uses is the next most efficacious method for handling the EFS between bolus feeds.

  6. Infection and cross-infection in a Paediatric Gastro-enteritis unit

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    Jean Bowen Jones


    Full Text Available A two month study to investigate the incidence o f nosocomial infection was conducted in a paediatric gastroenteritis ward o f a black academic hospital. Enteric pathogens were identified on admission in 61 (47,2% o f 129 patients; 56 bacterial and 25 viral. Six per cent o f patients had a combination o f bacterial and viral pathogens. Enteric pathogens most frequently identified on admission were Campylobacter jejuni in 22%, Rotavirus in 19,3%, EPEC in 10,8% and Shigella spp. in 6,9% patients. Twenty six (20% patients had more than 1 enteric pathogen. The nosocomial infection rate was recorded at 17,1%. EPEC occurred most commonly in 5,3% patients, Salmonella typhimurium in 4,6% and Shigella spp. in 2,3%. Nosocomial infections increased the mean length o f hospital stay from 7,2- 20,2 days. Contributory factors to the spread o f nosocomial infection were the unsatisfactory methods o f bathing patients and giving naso-gastric feeds.

  7. Do low-calorie drinks 'cheat' the enteral-brain axis? (United States)

    Ferreira, Adaliene V M; Generoso, Simone Vasconcelos; Teixeira, Antônio Lúcio


    The consumption of low-calorie beverages has increased worldwide, mainly because of their combination of sweet taste without adding significant calories to the diet. However, some epidemiological studies have linked the higher consumption of low-calorie beverages with increased body weight gain. Although a matter of debate, this paradoxical association between low-calorie beverages and weight gain has been attributed to their effect on the enteral-brain axis. More specifically, artificial sweeteners present in low-calorie beverages could induce appetite increase, probably due to an ambiguous psychobiological signal (uncoupling sweet taste from calorie intake) that confounds the appetite's regulatory mechanisms, promoting overeating and, ultimately, leading to weight gain. However, many studies do not support this assumption, and the mechanisms underlying the interaction between low-calorie beverages and the enteral-brain axis remain to be defined. The understanding of the effects of low-calorie drinks on the enteral-brain axis still remains in its infancy and needs to be unveiled. The consumption of low-calorie beverages reduces the calories from that drink, but compensatory phenomena may increase energy intake, and if so must be recognized and avoided.

  8. Benefits of postpyloric enteral access placement by a nutrition support dietitian. (United States)

    Jimenez, L Lee; Ramage, James E


    Although enteral nutrition is considered the preferred strategy for nutrition support, it is often precluded by nasogastric feeding intolerance or the inability to place feeding access into the postpyloric position. In an effort to improve enteral nutrition (EN) outcomes at our institution, the nutrition support dietitian (NSD) began placing postpyloric feeding tubes (PPFT) in intensive care unit patients. Intensive care unit patients who received blind, bedside PPFT placements by the NSD (n = 18) were compared with a concurrent age- and diagnosis-matched control group that received standard nutritional care without NSD intervention (n = 18). Interruption of EN infusion, appropriateness of parenteral nutrition (PN) prescription (based on American Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition guidelines), and incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), as defined by the American College of Chest Physicians practice guidelines, were determined in each group. The NSD was successful in positioning the PPFT at or distal to the third portion of the duodenum in 83% of attempts. The PPFT group demonstrated no interruption of enteral feeding compared with 56% in the control group (p VAP in the PPFT group (6% vs 28%, p = .07). Of the PN initiations in the control group, 88% were deemed to be potentially avoidable; 6 of 8 PNs were initiated because of gastric residuals. Enteral nutrition facilitated by NSD placement of postpyloric feeding access is associated with improved tube feeding tolerance and reduced PN use. Further studies are needed to evaluate a possible effect of postpyloric feeding on the incidence of VAP.

  9. Early postoperative enteral nutrition is useful for recovering gastrointestinal motility and maintaining the nutritional status. (United States)

    Kawasaki, Naruo; Suzuki, Yutaka; Nakayoshi, Tomoko; Hanyu, Nobuyoshi; Nakao, Masatoshi; Takeda, Akihiro; Furukawa, Yoshiyuki; Kashiwagi, Hideyuki


    The efficacy of enteral nutrition in postoperative nutritional management is known, but the effects on gastrointestinal motility and nutrition have not yet been elucidated. The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of enteral and parenteral nutrition soon after open abdominal surgery on gastrointestinal motility and nutritional status. A partial resection of rectum models was prepared to compare two types of nutrient administration: enteral nutrition and total parenteral nutrition. The differences between the effects of nutrition types in terms of gastrointestinal motility and nutritional status were investigated. Enteral nutrition contributed to recovery of gastrointestinal motility and maintenance of nutritional status. Enteral nutrition should therefore be initiated soon after surgery if the gastrointestinal tract is available.

  10. Estudio comparativo del efecto del cepillado con una crema dental con propóleos rojos y de un gel con clorofila

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    Estela Gispert Abreu


    Full Text Available Se analiza comparativamente el efecto de un gel dental de clorofila y de una crema dental con propóleos rojos sobre varios parámetros relacionados con la caries dental, en escolares que se cepillaron durante 21 días con dichos productos. Se obtuvieron resultados favorables principalmente en la disminución del grado de infección por Streptococcus mutans y la elevación de la capacidad individual de remineralización; salvo en este último no hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas.Authors made a comparative analysis about effect of chlorophyl dental gel and toothpaste containing red propolis, on some parameters related to dental caries in a group of students that brushed their teeth during 21 days using such products. Favourable results were obtained, mainly in decrease of infection level from Streptococcus mutans, and in increase of individual capacity of remineralization; except for this latter, there weren´t statistically significant differences.

  11. 77 FR 69650 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Holders or Containers Which Enter the United States... (United States)


    ... Activities: Holders or Containers Which Enter the United States Duty Free AGENCY: U.S. Customs and Border... information collection requirement concerning the Holders or Containers which Enter the United States Duty... concerning the following information collection: Title: Holders or Containers which Enter the United States...

  12. Tratamiento conservador en pacientes con retinoblastoma bilateral

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    Juan C. Suárez


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: comparar el tratamiento convencional del retinoblastoma bilateral, usado hasta hace algunos años, consistente en radioterapia o enucleación bilateral, con el tratamiento conservador actual que incluye termoterapia transpupilar (TTT o TTT/quimioterapia al menos en un ojo, en niños con diagnóstico de retinoblastoma bilateral. DISEÑO: estudio retrospectivo descriptivo. MUESTRA: 20 pacientes con diagnóstico de retinoblastoma bilateral que consultaron al Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl, de Medellín, Colombia, entre 1997 y 2007. MÉTODO: se hizo enucleación del ojo con el tumor de mayor tamaño. En el otro ojo se hizo tratamiento con TTT, con el láser diodo (810 nm, spot amplio, solo o combinado con otras terapias. RESULTADOS: se dividió a los pacientes en dos grupos: 16 pacientes (32 ojos en el grupo 1 tratados conservadoramente y 4 pacientes (8 ojos en el grupo 2 con tratamiento convencional. El rango de edad fue de 1-72 meses en el grupo 1 y de 1-12 meses en el grupo 2. El tiempo de seguimiento fue de 7-67 meses para el grupo 1 y de 13-73 meses para el grupo 2. En el grupo 1 se hizo enucleación de 16 ojos (50%, radioterapia externa de uno (3,1%, quimioterapia más termoterapia de 5 (15,6% y quimioterapia más termoterapia más crioterapia de 10 (31,3%. En todos los pacientes se logró preservar al menos un ojo. En el grupo 2, se enuclearon 7 ojos (87,5% y se hizo radioterapia externa más enucleación en un paciente (12.5%. Además, todos los pacientes recibieron quimioterapia. CONCLUSIÓN: la terapia conservadora actual consistente en tratamiento local (termoterapia, crioterapia o braquiterapia y quimiorreducción permite preservar al menos un ojo y en algunos casos de los dos, muchas veces con buena agudeza visual, en niños con retinoblastoma bilateral; se evitan así la enucleación bilateral y la radioterapia externa usada en el tratamiento convencional con todos sus efectos secundarios. La enucleación contin

  13. Emerging antibiotic resistant enteric bacterial flora among food ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Emerging antibiotic resistant enteric bacterial flora among food animals in Abeokuta, Nigeria. ... Nigerian Journal of Animal Production ... Bacterial resistance to antibiotic in food animals is an emerging public health concern as a result of ...

  14. Variables socionutricionales de hogares mazahuas integrados por preescolares desnutridos con madres con obesidad y sin obesidad


    Viridiana Vanessa Conzuelo-González


    El primer objetivo fue conocer cuántos menores de cinco años con diferentes grados de desnutrición tienen una madre con sobrepeso/obesidad/ en una comunidad indígena que vive en extrema pobreza y bajo condiciones de migración masculina internacional. El segundo fue comparar tres variables socionutricionales (ingreso familiar, educación de la madre y adecuación nutrimental de la dieta diaria) entre estos hogares y los hogares con desnutrición infantil y madres sin obesidad. Se realizó un estud...

  15. Terapia asistida con perros en niños con autismo revisión sistemática


    Isaza Narváez, Ana Milena; Muñoz Chilito, Doumer Adrian


    Introducción: El autismo es un trastorno temprano y masivo del desarrollo en el cual se afecta la interacción social, el desarrollo del lenguaje, se presentan rituales y estereotipias. Hay evidencia que la interacción con un perro está asociada con efectos positivos en la salud del niño, lo cual se extiende al terreno terapéutico donde la compañía del perro estimula habilidades comunicativas para conectarse con el mundo exterior y romper el aislamiento que lo hace refractario a formas convenc...

  16. Variables socionutricionales de hogares mazahuas integrados por preescolares desnutridos con madres con obesidad y sin obesidad


    Viridiana Vanessa Conzuelo-González; Ivonne Vizcarra-Bordi


    El primer objetivo fue conocer cuántos menores de cinco años con diferentes grados de desnutrición tienen una madre con sobrepeso/obesidad/ en una comunidad indígena que vive en extrema pobreza y bajo condiciones de migración masculina internacional. El segundo fue comparar tres variables socionutricionales (ingreso familiar, educación de la madre y adecuación nutrimental de la dieta diaria) entre estos hogares y los hogares con desnutrición infantil y madres sin obesidad. Se realizó un est...

  17. Effect of Calcium Ions on the Disintegration of Enteric-Coated Solid Dosage Forms. (United States)

    Al-Gousous, Jozef; Langguth, Peter


    To investigate the effect of calcium ions on the disintegration of enteric-coated dosage forms, disintegration testing was performed on enteric-coated aspirin tablets in the presence and absence of calcium in the test media. The results show that the presence of calcium ions retards the disintegration of enteric-coated dosage forms. This finding, which has not been reported in scientific literature, sheds light on the importance of conducting well-designed detailed investigations into the potential of calcium from dietary sources, calcium supplements, antacids, and/or phosphate binders affecting the absorption of drugs formulated into enteric-coated dosage forms. Moreover, it shows the necessity to investigate the potential of the occurrence of additional nutrient-excipient interactions. Copyright © 2016 American Pharmacists Association®. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Nutritional and microbiological quality of commercial and homemade blenderized whole food enteral diets for home-based enteral nutritional therapy in adults. (United States)

    Vieira, Maricy Machado Cavalca; Santos, Valdirene Francisca Neves; Bottoni, Andrea; Morais, Tania Beninga


    Serious nutritional and contamination risks may be involved in the preparation of blenderized tube-feeding diets and in the handling of commercial diets. Their nutritional and microbiological quality in home settings is unknown. The objective of this study was to assess the nutritional and microbiological quality of commercial enteral and homemade blenderized whole foods diets intended to adult patients in home nutritional therapy. In a cross sectional study, 66 samples of commercial (CD) and noncommercial (NCD) enteral diets were collected at the homes of patients in home enteral nutritional therapy, 33 of each type. Commercial diets were either powder (PCD; n = 13) or liquid (LCD; n = 20). The samples were analyzed in laboratory to assess their nutritional and microbiological quality. Anthropometric data of mid upper arm circumference (MUAC) and triceps skinfold (TST) thickness were obtained from the patients' medical records. NCD presented significantly lower values for protein, fat, fiber, carbohydrate and energy while water content was significantly higher. PCD and LCD did not show any statistically significant differences between them. In the NCD, the values measured for macronutrients and energy corresponded to less than 50% of the prescribed values (except for fat). In CD, protein value was about 20% more than the prescribed value; fat and energy values corresponded to approximately 100% of the prescription, while carbohydrate corresponded to 92%. Regardless the type of the diet, prevalence of undernutrition was high in both groups though patients of the NCD presented a higher percentage. Samples of NCD complied significantly less with the microbiological standards; only 6.0% complied with the standard for coliform bacteria. Escherichia coli was detected in 10, 2, and 2 samples of NCD, PCD and LCD, respectively. Homemade blenderized enteral diets showed low values of energy and macronutrients, delivered less than 50% of the prescribed values and had

  19. Nursing administration of medication via enteral tubes in adults: a systematic review. (United States)

    Phillips, Nicole M; Nay, Rhonda


    Background  Enteral tubes are frequently inserted as part of medical treatment in a wide range of patient situations. Patients with an enteral tube are cared for by nurses in a variety of settings, including general and specialised acute care areas, aged care facilities and at home. Regardless of the setting, nurses have the primary responsibility for administering medication through enteral tubes. Medication administration via an enteral tube is a reasonably common nursing intervention that entails a number of skills, including preparing the medication, verifying the tube position, flushing the tube and assessing for potential complications. If medications are not given effectively through an enteral tube, harmful consequences may result leading to increased morbidity, for example, tube occlusion, diarrhoea and aspiration pneumonia. There are resultant costs for the health-care system related to possible increased length of stay and increased use of equipment. Presently what is considered to be best practice to give medications through enteral tubes is unknown. Objectives  The objective of this systematic review was to determine the best available evidence on which nursing interventions are effective in minimising the complications associated with the administration of medications via enteral tubes in adults. Nursing interventions and considerations related to medication administration included form of medication, verifying tube placement before administration, methods used to give medication, methods used to flush tubes, maintenance of tube patency and specific practices to prevent possible complications related to the administration of enteral medications. Search strategy  The following databases were searched for literature reported in English only: CINAHL, MEDLINE, The Cochrane Library, Current Contents/All Editions, EMBASE, Australasian Medical Index and PsychINFO. There was no date restriction applied. In addition, the reference lists of all included

  20. Efectos del contacto piel con piel del recién nacido con su madre

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    Camila Lucchini Raies

    Full Text Available Antecedentes: el contacto piel con piel ha sido una práctica ancestral en toda cultura, que debido a la institucionalización de la atención del parto, disminuyó en occidente. Se retomó en el marco de la atención humanizada del parto. Objetivo principal: determinar los efectos del contacto piel con piel del recién nacido con su madre. Metodología: revisión bibliográfica de 26 estudios. Límites de búsqueda: new borns, humans, clinical trials, de 10 años de publicación, en bases de datos: Pubmed, ProQuest, CINHAL, Lilacs. Resultados principales: Se observaron beneficios en las variables: duración de lactancia materna, comportamiento neurosensorial, regulación de temperatura, como alternativa al cuidado estándar, disminución en días hospitalización y niveles de cortisol, favorecedor de la interacción madre-hijo y desarrollo infantil. Conclusión principal: el contacto piel con piel brinda múltiples beneficios a recién nacidos. Se presenta como alternativa de cuidado segura, factible de implementar.

  1. 9 CFR 590.26 - Egg products entering or prepared in official plants. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Egg products entering or prepared in..., DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION INSPECTION OF EGGS AND EGG PRODUCTS (EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION ACT) Scope of Inspection § 590.26 Egg products entering or prepared in official plants. Eggs and...

  2. Continuous elemental enteral alimentation in children with Crohn's disease and growth failure. (United States)

    Morin, C L; Roulet, M; Roy, C C; Weber, A


    Four children aged (11.7-13.5 yr) with protracted growth retardation related to Crohn's disease, received a 6-wk period of continuous elemental enteral alimentation with no other form of treatment. Despite drug therapy the yearly height and weight gain velocities of these children (1.7 +/- 0.3 cm and -0.8 +/- 1.4 kg, respectively) had been abnormal during the previous 2 yr. All patients experienced a complete remission of symptoms, improved nutritional status, and significant height (1.8 +/- 0.3 cm) and weight (3.8 +/- 0.5 kg) gains during the 67 wk of treatment. After cessation of elemental enteral alimentation, 3 of the 4 patients continued to grow, and over a period of 4.5 mo from the beginning of this form of nutritional therapy, they gained an average of 5.0 +/- 1.6 kg and 3.5 +/- 0.3 cm. The disease became active thereafter, and the 3 children resumed their previously abnormal growth patterns during the ensuing year. The 4th patient had surgery 2 mo after elemental enteral alimentation and experienced a subsequent second spurt of growth and pubertal changes. This study suggests that a relatively short course of elemental enteral alimentation leads to a temporary resumption of growth in children with severe growth failure and Crohn's disease. The possibility that repeated courses of elemental enteral alimentation might be beneficial needs to be explored.

  3. Larvicultura de Rhamdia quelen (Pisces, Pimelodidae con proteína vegetal y animal, suplementadas con plancton

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    Germán Castañeda A.


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar el efecto de dietas con diferentes proporciones de fuentes proteicas animales y vegetales suplementadas con plancton sobre el crecimiento y sobrevivencia en larvas de Rhamdia quelen. Materiales y métodos. Fueron formuladas dos dietas experimentales, dieta-1 con 70% de proteína de origen vegetal (torta de soya y dieta-2 con 70% de proteína proveniente de animales (corazón bovino yharina de pescado; se utilizaron cuatro protocolos de alimentación (cinco réplicas por tratamiento: dieta-1 + plancton filtrado en tamiz de 50-200 micras (T1, dieta-2 + plancton filtrado en tamiz de 50-200 micras (T2, dieta-1 (T3, dieta-2 (T4. Las larvas fueron manejadas a una densidad de 20 animales L-1 suministrando alimentohasta aparente saciedad diariamente a las 07:00, 11:00, 16:00 y 21:00 horas; la suplementación con plancton se realizó a las 11:00 y 21:00 horas. Resultados. Entre T1 y T2 no se observaron diferencias estadísticas (p>0.05 en peso final (21.89 ± 15.17mg vs 20.37 ± 10.37mg, longitud total (13.41±2.34mm vs 13.39±1.99 mm, factor de condición (K (0.80±0.13 vs 0.78±0.13 y sobrevivencia (46.6±2.68% vs36.0±7.41%; las diferencias entre T3 y T4 tampoco fueron significativas (3.35±1.40 mg vs 2.98±1.48 mg; 7.54±0.91mm vs 7.33±0.96mm; 0.75±0.13 vs 0.71±0.12; 33.6±9.07% vs 24.8±6.76%, respectivamente; hubo diferencias significativas (p<0.05 entre los grupos suplementados con plancton y los alimentados solo con ración. Conclusiones. La suplementación con plancton fue más efectiva que elofrecimiento solo de ración. La inclusión del 62.9% de torta de soya en la formulación (T1, aparentemente no afectó el crecimiento ni la sobrevivencia.

  4. Ensayo clínico con intervención educativa en mujeres perimenopáusicas con un factor de riesgo cardiovascular

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    Anxela Soto-Rodríguez


    Conclusiones: Una sencilla intervención educativa en mujeres perimenopáusicas con un factor de riesgo cardiovascular mejora aspectos relacionados con la calidad de vida y con hábitos saludables como la actividad física.

  5. Soporte social con el uso de tic’s para cuidadores familiares de personas con enfermedad crónica


    Carrillo, Gloria Mabel; Chaparro, Olivia Lorena; Barrera, Lucy; Sanchez, beatriz; Pinto, Raquel Natividad


    Objetivo Determinar la efectividad del soporte social dado con el uso de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC’S) a los cuidadores familiares de personas con enfermedad crónica.  Material y Métodos. Estudio descriptivo, exploratorio realizado en Bogotá en 2008 y 2009 con 144 cuidadores familiares de personas con enfermedad crónica  que constó de tres etapas para su desarrollo: 1. Planeación, diseño de la TIC’s,  aplicación de  prueba piloto y  selección de  población objeto;  ...

  6. Bacteriophages as indicators of faecal pollution and enteric virus removal. (United States)

    McMinn, B R; Ashbolt, N J; Korajkic, A


    Bacteriophages are an attractive alternative to faecal indicator bacteria (FIB), particularly as surrogates of enteric virus fate and transport, due to their closer morphological and biological properties. Based on a review of published data, we summarize densities of coliphages (F+ and somatic), Bacteroides spp. and enterococci bacteriophages (phages) in individual human waste, raw wastewater, ambient fresh and marine waters and removal through wastewater treatment processes utilizing traditional treatments. We also provide comparisons with FIB and enteric viruses whenever possible. Lastly, we examine fate and transport characteristics in the aquatic environment and provide an overview of the environmental factors affecting their survival. In summary, concentrations of bacteriophages in various sources were consistently lower than FIB, but more reflective of infectious enteric virus levels. Overall, our investigation indicates that bacteriophages may be adequate viral surrogates, especially in built systems, such as wastewater treatment plants. Bacteriophage are alternative fecal indicators that may be better surrogates for viral pathogens than fecal indicator bacteria (FIB). This report offers a summary of the existing literature concerning the utility of bacteriophage as indicators of viral presence (fecal sources and surface waters) and persistence (in built infrastructure and aquatic environments). Our findings indicate that bacteriophage levels in all matrices examined are consistently lower than FIB, but similar to viral pathogens. Furthermore, in built infrastructure (e.g. wastewater treatment systems) bacteriophage closely mimic viral pathogen persistence suggesting they may be adequate sentinels of enteric virus removal. © 2017 The Society for Applied Microbiology.

  7. Entering a Crack: An Encounter with Gossip (United States)

    Henderson, Linda


    In this paper, I enter a crack to think otherwise about the concept "gossip". Drawing on previous scholarship engaging with Deleuzian concepts to inform research methodologies, this paper builds on this body of work. Following Deleuze and Guattari, the paper undertakes a mapping of gossip, subsequent to an encounter with a crack.…

  8. Adolescente femenino con granulomatosis de Wegener fulminante

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    S C Scheffler-Mendoza


    Full Text Available Adolescente femenino de 13 años de edad, originaria de Guerrero, grupo étnico mixteco, padres analfabetos y con poco entendimiento del español. Sin otros antecedentes de importancia para el padecimiento. Inició un mes previo con la aparición de una pápula hipercrómica en párpado superior derecho que en los 10 días previos al ingreso aumentó de volumen generando proptosis. Al interrogatorio se negó dolor, lagrimeo, fiebre, o pérdida de peso. Ingresó con fiebre (39.0°C, palidez generalizada, proptosis derecha con exposición de córnea y conjuntiva, eritema periorbitario, movimientos oculares y agudeza visual disminuidos (i.e. contaba dedos a 1 m, pupila con tendencia a midriasis, hiperreactividad a la luz, y fondo de ojo con papila hiperémica edematosa y tortuosidad peripapilar. El resto de exploración no mostró datos relevantes. Se hospitalizó para iniciar tratamiento antimicrobiano parenteral de amplio espectro (i.e. ceftriaxona y vancomicina y abordar proptosis unilateral.

  9. Síntomas depresivos en pacientes con Trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad.

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    Diego Artemio Reátegui Villegas


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar la frecuencia de síntomas depresivos en pacientes con Trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH, así como determinar su asociación con edad, sexo y comorbilidad psiquiátrica. Material y Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. Se incluyeron pacientes con diagnóstico de TDAH del Instituto Nacional de Salud Mental Honorio Delgado Hideyo Noguchi, desde febrero del 2006 hasta completar el tamaño de la muestra. Se les aplicó a los pacientes el Children´s depression inventory (CDI. Se consideró un punto de corte de 15 para definir presencia de trastorno depresivo. Se analizaron las siguientes variables: edad, sexo, comorbilidad psiquiátrica y sintomatología depresiva. Resultados: Sesenta y cuatro (85,3% fueron varones, en 35/75 (46,7% se encontró CDI ³ 15. No se encontró asociación estadísticamente significativa entre síntomas depresivos y sexo o edad. El síntoma depresivo más frecuente fue el problema del rendimiento escolar (65,3%. Se encontraron 6 pacientes con otra comorbilidad. Conclusión: Existe una alta frecuencia de sintomatología depresiva en niños y adolescentes con diagnóstico de TDAH. (Rev Med Hered 2008;19:96-101 .

  10. Caracterización de pacientes con lesiones pigmentarias de piel con riesgo de transformación maligna

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    María Elena Izquierdo Izquierdo


    Full Text Available Fundamento: el melanoma es el más terrible y mortífero de los cánceres de piel. Se origina frecuentemente a partir de un nevo melanocítico con riesgo de transformación maligna. Estas lesiones pigmentadas se diagnostican cada vez más en edades tan tempranas como la adolescencia. Objetivo: caracterizar los pacientes en edades pediátricas con signos de lesiones pigmentarias de la piel con riesgo de transformación maligna. Métodos: se realizó un estudio prospectivo de corte transversal en un grupo de 50 pacientes en edades entre 5 y 19 años, que asistieron a la consulta de dermatología del Hospital Pediátrico de Centro Habana en el año 2010, con signos de lesiones pigmentarias de la piel con riesgo de transformación maligna. Se aplicó un instrumento de recogida de datos, con previo consentimiento informado. Se utilizó la estadística descriptiva para el procesamiento de los datos. Resultados: en la población de estudio predominó la adolescencia temprana, el grupo de riesgo con daño actínico crónico y el fototipo III. Estuvo presente el antecedente familiar de cáncer de piel no-melanoma. La lesión más frecuente fue la de nevo melanocítico displásico. Además, se reportó un caso de carcinoma basal en paciente de fototipo II, perteneciente al grupo de riesgo de xeroderma pigmentoso. Conclusiones: se evidenció la transformación maligna de lesiones pigmentarias en piel de pacientes de grupos de riesgo.

  11. disegnare con ... Alberto Pratelli

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    Roberto Mingucci


    Full Text Available Con questa breve intervista ad Alberto Pratelli, (non a caso scelto per aprire questa nuova rubrica intendia-mo inaugurare un dialogo con personalità significati-ve del Disegno di Architettura, che consenta riflessioni dedicate alle sue varie dimensioni, oggi più che mai da approfondire. La suggestione a farlo, viene da un’idea di Pablo Rodri-guez Navarro ed abbiamo quindi pensato di avviarla proprio in questo numero, che Pablo ha accettato di curare su un tema a lui particolarmente caro.

  12. Depresion en pacientes con alteraciones del tiroides


    Radanovic-Grguric´, Ljiljana; Filakovic´, Pavo; Barkic´, Jelena; Mandic´, Nikola; Karner, Ivan; Smoje, Juraj


    Nuestro estudio fue realizado en un grupo de 53 mujeres con disfunción tiroidea y 28 mujeres con depresión mayor. Empleamos la Escala de la Depresión de Hamilton, la Escala de Autoevaluación de la Depresión de Zung y la Escala sobre la Impresión Clínica Global. Los resultados del estudio demuestran que la mayoría de los pacientes con disfunción tiroidea se mostraron clínicamente significativos en cuanto al trastorno depresivo. Los episodios depresivos son más frecuentes en pacientes con hipot...

  13. New perspective for nutritional support of cancer patients: Enteral/parenteral nutrition. (United States)

    Akbulut, Gamze


    Cancer and its treatment result in severe biochemical and physiological alterations associated with a deterioration of quality of life (QoL). Cancer-related malnutrition may evolve into cancer cachexia due to complex interactions between pro-inflammatory cytokines and the host metabolism. Depending on the type of cancer treatment (either curative or palliative), the clinical condition of the patient and nutritional status, adequate and patient-tailored nutritional intervention should be prescribed (diet counseling, oral supplementation, enteral or total parenteral nutrition). Nutritional support has been widely advocated as adjunctive therapy for a variety of underlying illnesses, including surgery and medical oncotherapy (radiation or chemotherapy for cancer). Glutamine, n-3 fatty acids and probiotics/prebiotics are therapeutic factors that potentially modulate gastrointestinal toxicity related to cancer treatments. Enteral and parenteral nutrition may help improve patient survival, functional status and QoL, yet the benefits appear to be primarily limited to patients with good functional status and with gastrointestinal disease affecting nutritional intake. Parenteral nutrition offers the possibility of increased or maintenance of the nutrient intake in patients for whom normal food intake is inadequate and for whom enteral nutrition is not feasible, is contraindicated or is not accepted by the patient. This article reviews evidence on issues relevant to enteral and parenteral nutrition in patients with cancer.

  14. Enfermedad coronaria en pacientes con psoriasis

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    Walter Masson


    Full Text Available Comunicaciones previas asociaron la psoriasis con la enfermedad coronaria. Desconocemos si en nuestro país o región existe dicha asociación. Se realizó un estudio transversal analizando los datos de la historia clínica electrónica de un sistema de salud de Buenos Aires. Analizamos todos los pacientes mayores de 18 años con diagnóstico de psoriasis entre el 1 de enero de 2003 y el 31 de julio de 2011 y los comparamos con un grupo control, en una relación 2:1, obtenido en forma aleatoria del mismo sistema de salud, apareados por edad y sexo. Determinamos la prevalencia de los factores de riesgo cardiovascular y de enfermedad coronaria. Analizamos la asociación entre la enfermedad coronaria y la psoriasis mediante análisis uni y multivariado. Se incluyeron 3 833 sujetos (1 286 pacientes con psoriasis y 2 547 controles. La prevalencia de hipertensión arterial (50% vs. 38%, p < 0.001, tabaquismo (25% vs. 17%, p < 0.001, diabetes (12% vs. 8%, p < 0.001 y enfermedad coronaria (4.98% vs. 3.06%, p = 0.003 fue mayor en los sujetos con psoriasis en comparación con el grupo control. Independientemente de la edad, la presencia de diabetes, hipertensión arterial o tabaquismo, hubo una asociación significativa entre la enfermedad coronaria y la psoriasis (OR 1.48, IC95% 1.04-2.11, p = 0.03. En conclusión, en esta población de Buenos Aires, los pacientes con psoriasis tuvieron una mayor prevalencia de diabetes, hipertensión arterial, tabaquismo y enfermedad coronaria. La asociación entre la psoriasis y la enfermedad coronaria fue independiente de los factores de riesgo explorados.

  15. Mincle Signaling Promotes Con-A Hepatitis (United States)

    Greco, Stephanie H.; Torres-Hernandez, Alejandro; Kalabin, Aleksandr; Whiteman, Clint; Rokosh, Rae; Ravirala, Sushma; Ochi, Atsuo; Gutierrez, Johana; Salyana, Muhammad Atif; Mani, Vishnu R.; Nagaraj, Savitha V.; Deutsch, Michael; Seifert, Lena; Daley, Donnele; Barilla, Rocky; Hundeyin, Mautin; Nikifrov, Yuriy; Tejada, Karla; Gelb, Bruce E.; Katz, Steven C.; Miller, George


    Concanavalin-A (Con-A) hepatitis is regarded as a T cell-mediated model of acute liver injury. Mincle is a C-type lectin receptor (CLR) that is critical in the immune response to mycobacteria and fungi, but does not have a well-defined role in pre-clinical models of non-pathogen mediated inflammation. Since Mincle can ligate the cell death ligand SAP130, we postulated that Mincle signaling drives intrahepatic inflammation and liver injury in Con-A hepatitis. Acute liver injury was assessed in the murine Con-A hepatitis model using C57BL/6, Mincle−/−, and Dectin-1−/− mice. The role of C/EBPβ and HIF-1α signaling was assessed using selective inhibitors. We found that Mincle was highly expressed in hepatic innate inflammatory cells and endothelial cells in both mice and humans. Furthermore, sterile Mincle ligands and Mincle signaling intermediates were increased in the murine liver in Con-A hepatitis. Most significantly, Mincle deletion or blockade protected against Con-A hepatitis whereas Mincle ligation exacerbated disease. Bone marrow chimeric and adoptive transfer experiments suggested that Mincle signaling in infiltrating myeloid cells dictates disease phenotype. Conversely, signaling via other CLRs did not alter disease course. Mechanistically, we found that Mincle blockade decreased the NF-κβ related signaling intermediates, C/EBPβ and HIF-1α, both of which are necessary in macrophage-mediated inflammatory responses. Accordingly, Mincle deletion lowered production of nitrites in Con-A hepatitis and inhibition of both C/EBPβ and HIF1-α reduced the severity of liver disease. Our work implicates a novel innate immune driver of Con-A hepatitis and, more broadly, suggests a potential role for Mincle in diseases governed by sterile inflammation. PMID:27559045

  16. Mincle Signaling Promotes Con A Hepatitis. (United States)

    Greco, Stephanie H; Torres-Hernandez, Alejandro; Kalabin, Aleksandr; Whiteman, Clint; Rokosh, Rae; Ravirala, Sushma; Ochi, Atsuo; Gutierrez, Johana; Salyana, Muhammad Atif; Mani, Vishnu R; Nagaraj, Savitha V; Deutsch, Michael; Seifert, Lena; Daley, Donnele; Barilla, Rocky; Hundeyin, Mautin; Nikifrov, Yuriy; Tejada, Karla; Gelb, Bruce E; Katz, Steven C; Miller, George


    Con A hepatitis is regarded as a T cell-mediated model of acute liver injury. Mincle is a C-type lectin receptor that is critical in the immune response to mycobacteria and fungi but does not have a well-defined role in preclinical models of non-pathogen-mediated inflammation. Because Mincle can ligate the cell death ligand SAP130, we postulated that Mincle signaling drives intrahepatic inflammation and liver injury in Con A hepatitis. Acute liver injury was assessed in the murine Con A hepatitis model using C57BL/6, Mincle(-/-), and Dectin-1(-/-) mice. The role of C/EBPβ and hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) signaling was assessed using selective inhibitors. We found that Mincle was highly expressed in hepatic innate inflammatory cells and endothelial cells in both mice and humans. Furthermore, sterile Mincle ligands and Mincle signaling intermediates were increased in the murine liver in Con A hepatitis. Most significantly, Mincle deletion or blockade protected against Con A hepatitis, whereas Mincle ligation exacerbated disease. Bone marrow chimeric and adoptive transfer experiments suggested that Mincle signaling in infiltrating myeloid cells dictates disease phenotype. Conversely, signaling via other C-type lectin receptors did not alter disease course. Mechanistically, we found that Mincle blockade decreased the NF-κβ-related signaling intermediates C/EBPβ and HIF-1α, both of which are necessary in macrophage-mediated inflammatory responses. Accordingly, Mincle deletion lowered production of nitrites in Con A hepatitis and inhibition of both C/EBPβ and HIF-1α reduced the severity of liver disease. Our work implicates a novel innate immune driver of Con A hepatitis and, more broadly, suggests a potential role for Mincle in diseases governed by sterile inflammation. Copyright © 2016 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc.

  17. Critical analysis of the factors associated with enteral feeding in preventing VAP: a systematic review. (United States)

    Chen, Yu-Chih


    Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is a common cause of morbidity in critically ill patients. Appropriate enteral feeding is the most important factor associated with the prevention of VAP. However, the standardization of enteral feeding methods needs clarification. The purpose of this systematic review was to synthesize the factors associated with enteral feeding in order to prevent VAP and to describe the characteristics of these factors. A comprehensive search was undertaken involving all major databases from their inception to September 2008 using medical subject heading terms associated with enteral feeding in relation to VAP. The overall reference list of identified studies was audited, and eligible studies included randomized controlled trials, controlled before-and-after (pre-post) studies and meta-analyses. To generate the characteristics of the factors associated with VAP, the reported components of these trials were pinpointed and categorized. A total of 14 papers were found that had investigated the factors linking enteral feeding and VAP. For these, 11 were randomized controlled trials, 1 was a meta-analysis and 2 were case-controlled analyses. Twelve of these 14 studies were conducted at a single institute and 2 were conducted at multiple institutes. The sample sizes varied from 10 to 2,528 subjects. Three major issues were identified based on the purpose of study interventions, and these were the effects of feeding method (continuous vs. intermittent), feeding site on aspiration (gastric vs. small bowel), and the timing of enteral feeding (early vs. late). The evidence suggests that a correct choice of enteral feeding method can effectively reduce complications due to aspiration. Furthermore, intermittent enteral feeding and with a small residual volume feed can reduce gastroesophageal reflux, and increased total intake volume and early feeding can reduce ICU mortality. Nonetheless, the effects of these choices on preventing VAP still need further

  18. Critical Analysis of the Factors Associated with Enteral Feeding in Preventing VAP: A Systematic Review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yu-Chih Chen


    Full Text Available Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP is a common cause of morbidity in critically ill patients. Appropriate enteral feeding is the most important factor associated with the prevention of VAP. However, the standardization of enteral feeding methods needs clarification. The purpose of this systematic review was to synthesize the factors associated with enteral feeding in order to prevent VAP and to describe the characteristics of these factors. A comprehensive search was undertaken involving all major databases from their inception to September 2008 using medical subject heading terms associated with enteral feeding in relation to VAP. The overall reference list of identified studies was audited, and eligible studies included randomized controlled trials, controlled before-and-after (pre–post studies and meta-analyses. To generate the characteristics of the factors associated with VAP, the reported components of these trials were pinpointed and categorized. A total of 14 papers were found that had investigated the factors linking enteral feeding and VAP. For these, 11 were randomized controlled trials, 1 was a meta-analysis and 2 were case-controlled analyses. Twelve of these 14 studies were conducted at a single institute and 2 were conducted at multiple institutes. The sample sizes varied from 10 to 2,528 subjects. Three major issues were identified based on the purpose of study interventions, and these were the effects of feeding method (continuous vs. intermittent, feeding site on aspiration (gastric vs. small bowel, and the timing of enteral feeding (early vs. late. The evidence suggests that a correct choice of enteral feeding method can effectively reduce complications due to aspiration. Furthermore, intermittent enteral feeding and with a small residual volume feed can reduce gastroesophageal reflux, and increased total intake volume and early feeding can reduce ICU mortality. Nonetheless, the effects of these choices on preventing VAP

  19. Cementos con cenizas volantes

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    Ossa M., Mauricio


    additions of 20 and 30% .

    Casi la generalidad de los estudios realizados sobre cementos con adición de cenizas volantes se refieren a sus características y comportamiento en pastas, morteros y hormigones, siempre en relación con aquéllos del cemento portland. Esta vez, se desarrolló un trabajo experimental orientado a relacionar entre sí los cementos con adiciones de cenizas volantes y de puzolana natural. Para ello se fabricaron a escala de laboratorio cementos de ambos tipos, empleando como materias primas comunes clinker y yeso y, como variables, diferentes porcentajes de las dos adiciones, que cumplieron previamente los requisitos normalizados en cuanto a sus actividades puzolánicas. La calidad de los cementos fabricados resultó adecuada y concordante con la del cemento portland-puzolánico obtenido a escala industrial con los mismos clinker, yeso y puzolana natural de este estudio. Posteriormente, se determinaron las características de los cementos experimentales y se confeccionaron morteros normales para la realización de ensayos físicos y mecánicos. Los resultados de ensayos indicaron que los cementos con adición de cenizas volantes (CCV requieren menos agua para consistencia normal, presentan tiempos de fraguado mayores y expansiones en autoclave menores que los cementos con adición de puzolana (CP. Los calores de hidratación a 7 y 28 días de edad fueron aproximadamente similares para ambos tipos de cemento. En morteros normales, los cementos CCV mostraron menor retracción de secado, mayor retentividad y mayor fluidez (para igual cantidad de agua que los cementos CP. En los ensayos de exudación se observó que ésta depende más de la finura que el tipo de adición. Finalmente, los ensayos mecánicos señalaron que las resistencias a compresión y flexotracción de los morteros con cementos CCV son menores a edades inferiores que 14 días (del orden de 5 a 10% a un día de edad, pero que a partir de entonces pasan a ser mayores que las de

  20. Efecto de un tratamiento intensivo con insulina sobre la reactividad plaquetaria en pacientes con hiperglucemia que ingresan con un síndrome coronario agudo


    Vivas Balcones, Luis David


    El objetivo primario de este trabajo ha sido la valoración del efecto que produce el control estricto de la glucemia mediante un tratamiento intensivo y precoz con insulina sobre la reactividad plaquetaria durante la fase hospitalaria en pacientes que ingresan en una unidad de cuidados intensivos cardiológicos con un síndrome coronario agudo e hiperglucemia, respecto a un tratamiento convencional.

  1. Settling and survival profile of enteric pathogens in the swine effluent for water reuse purpose. (United States)

    Fongaro, G; Kunz, A; Magri, M E; Schissi, C D; Viancelli, A; Philippi, L S; Barardi, C R M


    The present study evaluated the pathogens persistence and settling profile in swine effluent. We determined the enteric pathogens settling characteristics, their survival and inactivation profile in swine effluent (for water reuse purpose) and in sludge (generated after aerobic treatment - during secondary settling process). The study was performed in laboratorial-scale and in full-scale (manure treatment plant). Enteric viruses and enteric bacteria were used as biomarkers. Results showed that these enteric pathogens were significantly reduced from swine effluent during secondary settling process, and enteric viruses removal was correlated with the suspended solids decantation. The design of secondary settlers can be adapted to improve pathogens removal, by diminishing the solids loading rate per area and time, ending in higher hydraulic retention times. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  2. Hiperalgesia asociada al tratamiento con opioides


    A. Gil Martín; M. Moreno García; J. Sánchez-Rubio Ferrández; T. Molina García


    La hiperalgesia inducida por opioides es una reacción paradójica caracterizada por una percepción intensificada de dolor relacionada con el uso de estos medicamentos en ausencia de progresión de la enfermedad o de síndrome de retirada. A diferencia de los casos de tolerancia, definida como pérdida de potencia analgésica durante el uso prolongado de opioides, no se produce mejoría con el escalado de dosis. La hiperalgesia inducida por opioides se ha manifestado en pacientes con dosis de manten...

  3. Paciente con tumor de cuerpo carotideo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mariuska Forteza Sáez

    Full Text Available Los tumores de cuerpo carotideo (paragangliomas son neoplasias altamente vascularizadas, muy poco frecuentes y generalmente benignas, originadas en los quimiorreceptores del cuerpo carotideo. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 54 años, con aumento de volumen cervical derecho, asintomático, con estudio preoperatorio y angiografía realizados por tomografía axial computarizada, que resultan compatibles con tumor de cuerpo carotideo. Se realiza disección subadventicial, informando la biopsia paraganglioma. El tumor fue completamente resecado, sin evidencia de recurrencia y sin complicaciones.

  4. Navigating Risk When Entering and Participating in a Business Ecosystem

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Derek Smith


    Full Text Available Entrepreneurs typically have limited resources during the start-up phase of a business. Business ecosystems are a strategy for entrepreneurs to access and exchange many different aspects of value, resources, and benefits. However, there may be business risks for entering a particular type of ecosystem, and further risks may be encountered after entering and participating in a business ecosystem. These risks are significant and can inhibit a startup's growth. In this article, the literature on business ecosystems is reviewed as it relates to risk to discover insights of relevance to entrepreneurs, top management teams, and business-ecosystem operators. First, the published research is organized into two streams: i risks relating to categories of business ecosystems, and ii risks relating to participating in business ecosystems. Then, the problem is abstracted to develop a potential strategy for managing these risks, which features a pre-entry inspection followed by real-time resource management. Finally, five recommendations are offered for entrepreneurs seeking to enter and participate in business ecosystems.

  5. Employee and work-related predictors for entering rehabilitation: a cohort study of civil servants. (United States)

    Lamminpää, Anne; Kuoppala, Jaana; Väänänen-Tomppo, Irma; Hinkka, Katariina


    The aim of this study was to determine how employee well-being, psychosocial factors at work, leadership and perceived occupational health services predict entering rehabilitation as modelled in the Job Well-being Pyramid. A random population of 967 civil servants participated in a survey on psychosocial factors and health at work in 2000 in Finland. A total of 147 employees entered rehabilitation during the median follow-up time of 7 years. Permanent employment, large organizations, feedback from supervisors, client violence and physically monotonous work were associated with an increased rate of entering rehabilitation, whereas physical jobs, clear aims, high appreciation, job satisfaction and job enjoyment were associated with a decreased rate of entering rehabilitation. Employee well-being in general was also associated with entering rehabilitation, and this was decreased by good work ability, good health, mental well-being and physical fitness and increased by constant musculoskeletal symptoms. On the other hand, support from supervisors, job control, work pressure, team climate at work, communication, bullying and discrimination, physical work environment, and sense of coherence appeared to have no association. Various psychosocial factors at work and job well-being predict entering rehabilitation. The association between employee health and entering rehabilitation refers to the fact that the selection process for rehabilitation works reasonably well and those in need of rehabilitation are also granted it. In general, these findings coincide well with the Job Well-being Pyramid model. Improving job conditions and well-being at work is likely to decrease the need for rehabilitation.

  6. Bacteria and Candida yeasts in inflammations of the oral mucosa in children with secondary immunodeficiency. (United States)

    Olczak-Kowalczyk, Dorota; Daszkiewicz, Marta; Krasuska-Sławińska; Dembowska-Bagińska, Bozena; Gozdowski, Dariusz; Daszkiewicz, Paweł; Fronc, Beata; Semczuk, Katarzyna


    Oral microbial flora and a damaged oral mucosa may increase the risk of bacteriemia, fungemia and complications in immunocompromised patients. Assessment of presence: bacteria and Candida spp. in different oral lesions, and the incidence of bacteremia in the case of a damaged mucosa in transplant recipients and patients receiving anti-tumour chemotherapy. Forty-five patients – 18 months to 18 years of life, were included (20 – organ recipients, 14– anti-tumour chemotherapy, 11 – control group). Clinical, oral mucosa examination focused on the type, severity and site of lesions, and microbiology assessed the presence of bacteria and fungi in the material from lesions. Blood cultures were performed in ten immunocompromised patients with manifestations of systemic infection. The control material consisted of blood cultures made prior to the onset of oral lesions and after 4–6 weeks following their remission in a diagnosed bacteremia. The statistical analysis was performed. In the subjects with secondary immunodeficiency, among other coagulase-negative Staphylococcus (CoNS), Candidia spp. were more frequent. In cancer patients, mucositis was associated with Candida spp., Streptococcus spp. Organ recipients with stomatitis exhibited the presence of CoNS, Streptococcus viridians and other. Oral lesions in the control group contained Haemophilus parainfluenzae, Neisseria spp. and Staphylococcus aureus. In 30% of immunocompromised patients, oral lesions were accompanied by bacteremia. A correlation has been found between oral lesions and the presence of S. aureus in patients without secondary immunodeficiency, and of CoNS, Enterococcus spp., Candida spp. in immunocompromised patients.

  7. Beneficios de la terapia con resistómetro inspiratorio en los pacientes con esclerosis multiple frente a terapias respiratorias convencionales


    Martín Sánchez, Carlos


    [ES] La Universidad de Salamanca (USAL) a través del programa de Doctorado en Oncología Clínica realiza un estudio con ASPRODES, la Asociación Salmantina de Esclerosis Múltiple (ASDEM) y la Asociación Zamorana de Esclerosis Múltiple (AZDEM) para llevar a cabo un estudio experimental con el fin de analizar las ventajas que la terapia respiratoria con resistómetro inspiratorio puede aportar a los pacientes con Esclerosis Múltiple frente a las técnicas de fisioterapia respiratoria convencional. ...

  8. Los adolescentes españoles y sus familias: Calidad en la comunicación con el padre y con la madre y conductas de riesgo relacionadas con el consumo de sustancias adictivas


    Moreno Rodríguez, María del Carmen; Muñoz Tinoco, María Victoria; Pérez Moreno, Pedro Juan; Sánchez Queija, María Inmaculada


    Se presenta una reflexión acerca de cómo transcurren los años de la adolescencia en el contexto de la familia, analizando las transformaciones que se producen en las relaciones con los progenitores. El trabajo empírico se centra en una de las dimensiones que definen la calidad de las relaciones en el contexto familiar -la facilidad en la comunicación entre el adolescente y sus padres- y en su relación con algunas conductas de los adolescentes relacionadas con la salud, como es el caso del con...

  9. Age most significant predictor of requiring enteral feeding in head-and-neck cancer patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sachdev, Sean; Refaat, Tamer; Bacchus, Ian D; Sathiaseelan, Vythialinga; Mittal, Bharat B


    A significant number of patients treated for head and neck squamous cell cancer (HNSCC) undergo enteral tube feeding. Data suggest that avoiding enteral feeding can prevent long-term tube dependence and disuse of the swallowing mechanism which has been linked to complications such as prolonged dysphagia and esophageal constriction. We examined detailed dosimetric and clinical parameters to better identify those at risk of requiring enteral feeding. One hundred patients with advanced stage HNSCC were retrospectively analyzed after intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) to a median dose of 70 Gy (range: 60-75 Gy) with concurrent chemotherapy in nearly all cases (97%). Patients with significant weight loss (>10%) in the setting of severely reduced oral intake were referred for placement of a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube. Detailed DVH parameters were collected for several structures. Univariate and multivariate analyses using logistic regression were used to determine clinical and dosimetric factors associated with needing enteral feeding. Dichotomous outcomes were tested using Fisher’s exact test and continuous variables between groups using the Wilcoxon rank-sum test. Thirty-three percent of patients required placement of an enteral feeding tube. The median time to tube placement was 25 days from start of treatment, after a median dose of 38 Gy. On univariate analysis, age (p = 0.0008), the DFH (Docetaxel/5-FU/Hydroxyurea) chemotherapy regimen (p = .042) and b.i.d treatment (P = 0.040) (used in limited cases on protocol) predicted need for enteral feeding. On multivariate analysis, age remained the single statistically significant factor (p = 0.003) regardless of other clinical features (e.g. BMI) and all radiation planning parameters. For patients 60 or older compared to younger adults, the odds ratio for needing enteral feeding was 4.188 (p = 0.0019). Older age was found to be the most significant risk factor for needing enteral feeding in

  10. Formation and malformation of the enteric nervous system

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    J.H.C. Meijers (Johan)


    textabstractTo clarify pathogenetic mechanisms of congenital malformations of the ENS, the formation of the ENS was investigated in chicken and murine embryos. The experimental work was concentrated on several aspects of the interaction between neural crest cells and the enteric microenvironment.

  11. Effect of bismuth citrate, lactose, and organic acid on necrotic enteritis in broilers (United States)

    Clostridium perfringens – associated necrotic enteritis causes significant losses and increased morbidity in poultry. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of bismuth citrate and acidifiers on the development of necrotic enteritis in broilers. The first study was a dose response t...

  12. Infection control in enteral feed and feeding systems in the community


    Ojo, Omorogieva; Bowden, Julie


    This article examines the infection risk to adult patients receiving home enteral nutrition (HEN) and strategies for its prevention and management. Enteral nutrition was historically associated with acute care settings owing to its invasive nature. The changing landscape of community care means that it is now likely to be administered in the patient’s home or in other community settings such as nursing homes. HEN is associated with two main routes of infection risks: the risk of gastrointesti...

  13. Santiago, una ciudad con temor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enrique Oviedo S.


    Full Text Available El objetivo general de este artículo es evaluar los efectos de la inseguridad ciudadana en el uso del espacio público. Dicha evaluación exige analizar dos relaciones que se establecen en el ámbito de la violencia: la relación entre victimización y percepción de inseguridad; y la que se establece entre actitudes sociales y resolución pacífica de conflictos nacionales. Para ello, se analizaron las variables victimización, percepción de inseguridad, uso del espacio físico, actitudes hacia el sistema institucional político y social y hacia la resolución de conflictos nacionales, y las posibles relaciones entre ellas. Los datos para realizar el estudio se obtuvieron por medio de una encuesta que se llevó a cabo con 1 200 personas de 18 y 70 años de edad residentes en la ciudad de Santiago. Los resultados indican que Santiago es una ciudad de habitantes con temor y que el aumento de la percepción de inseguridad de sus habitantes contrasta con el hecho de que las tasas de victimización se hayan mantenido, más o menos, constantes en los años que precedieron a la encuesta. El temor se relaciona con el abandono del espacio público físico y sociopolítico, así como con el refugio en los espacios y la vida privados. La actitud de resolver los conflictos por medios no pacíficos es frecuente y se asocia en mayor medida con la inseguridad, la actitud negativa hacia la democracia y la falta de expectativas sobre el futuro del país. Los resultados de este estudio respaldan la idea de que para superar el temor la gente tiende a adaptarse a la realidad adoptando una postura conformista, homogeneizando las creencias y los comportamientos, y sobreestimando la fuerza como medio para resolver las diferencias.

  14. Santiago, una ciudad con temor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oviedo S. Enrique


    Full Text Available El objetivo general de este artículo es evaluar los efectos de la inseguridad ciudadana en el uso del espacio público. Dicha evaluación exige analizar dos relaciones que se establecen en el ámbito de la violencia: la relación entre victimización y percepción de inseguridad; y la que se establece entre actitudes sociales y resolución pacífica de conflictos nacionales. Para ello, se analizaron las variables victimización, percepción de inseguridad, uso del espacio físico, actitudes hacia el sistema institucional político y social y hacia la resolución de conflictos nacionales, y las posibles relaciones entre ellas. Los datos para realizar el estudio se obtuvieron por medio de una encuesta que se llevó a cabo con 1 200 personas de 18 y 70 años de edad residentes en la ciudad de Santiago. Los resultados indican que Santiago es una ciudad de habitantes con temor y que el aumento de la percepción de inseguridad de sus habitantes contrasta con el hecho de que las tasas de victimización se hayan mantenido, más o menos, constantes en los años que precedieron a la encuesta. El temor se relaciona con el abandono del espacio público físico y sociopolítico, así como con el refugio en los espacios y la vida privados. La actitud de resolver los conflictos por medios no pacíficos es frecuente y se asocia en mayor medida con la inseguridad, la actitud negativa hacia la democracia y la falta de expectativas sobre el futuro del país. Los resultados de este estudio respaldan la idea de que para superar el temor la gente tiende a adaptarse a la realidad adoptando una postura conformista, homogeneizando las creencias y los comportamientos, y sobreestimando la fuerza como medio para resolver las diferencias.

  15. Phlegmonous enteritis in a patient with congestive heart failure and colon cancer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Namkung, Sook; Yoo, Yoon Sik; Hwang, Im Kyung; Kim, Bong Soo; Bae, Sang Hoon; Choi, Young Hee [Hallym University, Chuncheon (Korea, Republic of)


    Phlegmonous enteritis is a rare infective inflammatory disease of the intestine, predominantly involving the submucosal layer. It is difficult to diagnose and often fatal. Its association with alcoholism and various liver diseases, although rarely reported, is well documented. We report a case of phlegmonous enteritis in a male patient with congestive heart failure and colon cancer, and describe the ultrasonographic and CT findings.

  16. Síndrome disejecutivo en personas con dependencia alcohólica con/sin recidivas


    Fidalgo Martínez, Eva


    [ES]En la mayoría de las culturas el alcohol es el depresor del SNC utilizado con más frecuencia y el responsable de una morbilidad y una mortalidad considerables. En la actualidad, el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas constituye un importante problema de salud pública, especialmente en España, que es uno de los países con mayor consumo de alcohol por habitante y año. El objetivo general del estudio es determinar la existencia de diferencias significativas entre dos grupos clínicos de sujetos...

  17. Environmental change and enteric zoonoses in New Zealand: a systematic review of the evidence. (United States)

    Lal, Aparna; Lill, Adrian W T; Mcintyre, Mary; Hales, Simon; Baker, Michael G; French, Nigel P


    To review the available evidence that examines the association between climatic and agricultural land use factors and the risks of enteric zoonoses in humans and consider information needs and possible pathways of intervention. The electronic databases PubMed, Web of Science and Embase and government websites were searched systematically for published literature that investigated the association of climatic and/or agricultural exposures with the incidence of the four most common enteric zoonotic diseases in New Zealand (campylobacteriosis, salmonellosis, cryptosporidiosis and giardiasis). Results The 16 studies in the review demonstrated significant associations between climate, agricultural land use and enteric disease occurrence. The evidence suggests that enteric disease risk from environmental reservoirs is pathogen specific. In some rural regions, environmental pathogen load is considerable, with multiple opportunities for zoonotic transmission. Enteric disease occurrence in NZ is associated with climate variability and agricultural land use. However, these relationships interact with demographic factors to influence disease patterns. Improved understanding of how environmental and social factors interact can inform effective public health interventions under scenarios of projected environmental change. © 2014 Public Health Association of Australia.


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    Full Text Available La pulpa de uchuva fortificada con calcio, oligofructosa y vitamina C es un alimento funcional con grandes beneficios para la salud. Para ello se le adicionó componentes biológicamente activos, como ácidos grasos, fibra alimentaria y antioxidantes. En este trabajo se estudió la estabilidad de la pulpa enriquecida en diferentes formulaciones, teniendo en cuenta los criterios de incorporación de calcio y vitamina C (20% del valor diario recomendado VDR y para la oligofructosa (fibra dietaría en relación 1:1 con el calcio. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que la pulpa de uchuva fortificada con CMC, ologofructosa, calcio y vitamina C presentó en promedio una estabilidad de 87,7±10,0; una viscosidad de 22,8±7,9; una aw de 0,9863±0; pH de 3,3±0,1; acidez de 1,6±0,1; grados Brix de 13,3±0,7; una densidad de 1,32±0 g/mL y las mejores respuestas sensoriales en cuanto a color, aroma, fluidez y sabor.

  19. Lupus enteritis: from clinical findings to therapeutic management (United States)


    Lupus enteritis is a rare and poorly understood cause of abdominal pain in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). In this study, we report a series of 7 new patients with this rare condition who were referred to French tertiary care centers and perform a systematic literature review of SLE cases fulfilling the revised ACR criteria, with evidence for small bowel involvement, excluding those with infectious enteritis. We describe the characteristics of 143 previously published and 7 new cases. Clinical symptoms mostly included abdominal pain (97%), vomiting (42%), diarrhea (32%) and fever (20%). Laboratory features mostly reflected lupus activity: low complement levels (88%), anemia (52%), leukocytopenia or lymphocytopenia (40%) and thrombocytopenia (21%). Median CRP level was 2.0 mg/dL (range 0–8.2 mg/dL). Proteinuria was present in 47% of cases. Imaging studies revealed bowel wall edema (95%), ascites (78%), the characteristic target sign (71%), mesenteric abnormalities (71%) and bowel dilatation (24%). Only 9 patients (6%) had histologically confirmed vasculitis. All patients received corticosteroids as a first-line therapy, with additional immunosuppressants administered either from the initial episode or only in case of relapse (recurrence rate: 25%). Seven percent developed intestinal necrosis or perforation, yielding a mortality rate of 2.7%. Altogether, lupus enteritis is a poorly known cause of abdominal pain in SLE patients, with distinct clinical and therapeutic features. The disease may evolve to intestinal necrosis and perforation if untreated. Adding with this an excellent steroid responsiveness, timely diagnosis becomes primordial for the adequate management of this rare entity. PMID:23642042

  20. Intervención psicomotriz en niños con trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad


    Herguedas Esteban, María del Carmen


    El trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH) es una de las principales causas de fracaso escolar. Los niños con este trastorno deben ser atendidos en una escuela inclusiva que permita responder a las necesidades de todos los alumnos. Se ha desarrollado un trabajo de investigación cuyos objetivos eran: evaluar las alteraciones psicomotoras de los niños con TDAH; elaborar un programa educativo de intervención psicomotriz para niños con TDAH; aplicar dicho programa en un gru...

  1. Enfermedad periodontal en pacientes con discapacidad en custodia versus pacientes con discapacidad independientes

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    Fermín-Guerrero-Del Ángel


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Identificar el estado de salud periodontal en pacientes con discapacidad en custodia versus pacientes independientes en su higiene oral. Material y métodos: Se examinaron pacientes con discapacidad, ambos sexos, 3 a 19 años que acuden al Servicio de Odontopediatría del Centro de Rehabilitación Infantil Teletón (CRIT Tamaulipas mediante revisión de cavidad oral y aplicación del Índice de Higiene Oral Simplificado (IHOS, Índice Periodontal Comunitario de la Necesidad de Tratamiento (IPCNT y entrevista con su cuidador primario. Se agruparon en dos categorías: Independientes y de Custodia. Resultados: En el total de la muestra la Media y Desviación estándar (D.E. de IPCNT fue de 0.89±0.54, así como el IHOS de 1.88±0.77. El IPCNT en pacientes con discapacidad de Custodia fue 0.91±0.57 e Independientes de 0.86±0.49 (p=0.70, IHOS en pacientes de Custodia 1.89±0.78 e Independientes 1.87±.0.74 (p=.93. IPCNT en géneros masculino 1.03±0.54 y femenino 0.75±0.51 (p=.009. IHOS en pacientes que habitan área rural 2.41±1.25 y área urbana 1.83±0.68 (p=.02. Relación entre la edad y la necesidad de tratamiento periodontal (p=0.001. Frecuencia del cepillado del grupo Independientes 2.03±0.56 y de Custodia 2.00±0.75 (p=.84. Conclusiones: No existe diferencia en el estado de salud periodontal y el grado de higiene oral entre pacientes con discapacidad Independientes y de Custodia. La mayoría de los pacientes Independientes y de Custodia tienen una necesidad de tratamiento de Instrucción de Higiene Oral (TN1 y tienen Higiene Oral Regular.

  2. Demodicidosis en pacientes con rosácea

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    Edhizon Trejo Mucha


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la frecuencia de demodicidosis y sus características clínicas en pacientes con rosácea. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de casos y controles en 42 pacientes con rosácea y 42 controles para describir la presencia y densidad de D. folliculorum. El estudio se realizó en el Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia entre marzo y setiembre del 2004, utilizándose la técnica de Tello. Resultados: Demodex folliculorum fue encontrado en los 42 pacientes con rosácea (100% y en 13 (31,0% del grupo control, (p= 0,000. La exposición a gatos, la crianza de roedores y cerdos, la seborrea y el uso de corticoides tópicos fueron mas frecuentes en los pacientes con rosácea. Conclusiones: La presencia de Demodex folliculorum fue más frecuente en los pacientes con rosácea. (Rev Med Hered 2007;18:15-21.

  3. Materiales nanocumpuestos basados en LDPE relleno con nanotubos de carbono con potenciales propiedades bactericidas


    Benigno Escribano, Erika


    En este trabajo, se ha seleccionado como material de estudio polietileno de baja densidad, LDPE, ya que es un polímero con múltiples aplicaciones en diversos campos. Se busca como objetivo principal, preparar y caracterizar nuevos materiales basados en LDPE con potenciales propiedades antibacterianas. Para ello, se van a estudiar dos posibles maneras de conseguirlo: La primera de ellas, consiste en realizar un procesado mecánico sobre el polietileno, concretamente, una molienda del alta en...

  4. New perspective for nutritional support of cancer patients: Enteral/parenteral nutrition (United States)



    Cancer and its treatment result in severe biochemical and physiological alterations associated with a deterioration of quality of life (QoL). Cancer-related malnutrition may evolve into cancer cachexia due to complex interactions between pro-inflammatory cytokines and the host metabolism. Depending on the type of cancer treatment (either curative or palliative), the clinical condition of the patient and nutritional status, adequate and patient-tailored nutritional intervention should be prescribed (diet counseling, oral supplementation, enteral or total parenteral nutrition). Nutritional support has been widely advocated as adjunctive therapy for a variety of underlying illnesses, including surgery and medical oncotherapy (radiation or chemotherapy for cancer). Glutamine, n-3 fatty acids and probiotics/prebiotics are therapeutic factors that potentially modulate gastrointestinal toxicity related to cancer treatments. Enteral and parenteral nutrition may help improve patient survival, functional status and QoL, yet the benefits appear to be primarily limited to patients with good functional status and with gastrointestinal disease affecting nutritional intake. Parenteral nutrition offers the possibility of increased or maintenance of the nutrient intake in patients for whom normal food intake is inadequate and for whom enteral nutrition is not feasible, is contraindicated or is not accepted by the patient. This article reviews evidence on issues relevant to enteral and parenteral nutrition in patients with cancer. PMID:22977559


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    J. Garduño-González


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente estudio fue estimar la producción de biomasa, rendimiento y algunos de sus componentes de dos cultivares de frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L. con potencial ejotero ('Acerado' y 'Criollo', en unicultivo y asociado con dos cultivares de girasol (Helianthus annuus L. ('Sunbright' y 'Victoria'. El estudio se realizó durante el ciclo primavera verano 2006 bajo condiciones de temporal en Tenancingo, Méx. Las variables evaluadas fueron: índice de área foliar (IAF, tasa de asimilación neta (TAN, biomasa total (BT, diámetro de vaina (DV, longitud de vaina (LV, número de vainas·m-2 (NV y rendimiento de vaina·m-2 (RV; las cuales fueron analizadas en arreglo factorial, bajo un diseño de bloques completos al azar con cuatro repeticiones. Para estimar el grado de asociación, entre las variables estudiadas y el rendimiento de vainas, se realizó un análisis de correlación lineal simple. En el factor cultivares se detectaron diferencias estadísticas significativas para la TAN y DV; para el factor sistemas de siembra hubo diferencias significativas para BT, DV, NV y RV. La interacción cultivares * sistema de siembra fue significativa en todas las variables, excepto en la TAN. En ese sentido, las asociaciones 'Criollo' + 'Sunbright', 'Acerado' + 'Victoria' y 'Acerado' en unicultivo, presentaron el mayor RV. Las variables IAF, BT y NV se correlacionaron positiva y significativamente con el rendimiento de vaina. Los resultados indican que 'Criollo' y 'Acerado', asociados con 'Sunbright' y 'Victoria', respectivamente, responden positivamente a la asociación, constituyendo una buena opción para los productores de la región de Tenancingo, México.

  6. Persistence of enteric viruses within oysters (Crassostrea virginica) (United States)

    It is well known that water-borne enteric viruses are concentrated by bivalves. Why these viruses are selectively retained and remain infectious within shellfish tissues for extended periods is unknown. Our current hypothesis is that phagocytic hemocytes (blood cells) are a site of virus persiste...

  7. 9 CFR 355.21 - Products entering inspected plants. (United States)


    ... INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION CERTIFIED PRODUCTS FOR DOGS, CATS, AND OTHER CARNIVORA; INSPECTION... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Products entering inspected plants. 355.21 Section 355.21 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF...

  8. Tratamiento con trióxido de arsénico en pacientes con leucemia promielocítica aguda

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    Lidia Clara Suárez Beyríes


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal de 17 adultos con leucemia promielocítica aguda, atendidos en el Hospital General Docente "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" de Santiago de Cuba durante un quinquenio, con vistas a evaluar la eficacia del tratamiento de inducción con trióxido de arsénico. En la casuística, la remisión hematológica completa se obtuvo en 82,4 % de sus integrantes a los 42,2 días como promedio. Predominaron la hepatotoxicidad y los dolores óseos como reacciones adversas más comunes, así como también las hemorragias severas como causa principal de muerte. Con este tratamiento se logró la incorporación laboral de quienes mejoraron totalmente y la sobrevida global hasta la fecha es de 76,4 %

  9. Tratamiento de la tiroiditis de Riedel con triamcinolona

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    Germán Brito Sosa

    Full Text Available Se presenta el primer paciente con una tiroiditis de Riedel que se le aplica un tratamiento alternativo con triamcinolona creado por el profesor Juan Gualberto Vivó Núñez. Es el caso de una mujer de 48 años de edad, que acude al cuerpo de guardia por aumento de volumen de la región anterior del cuello y referir ligera disfagia. Tiene antecedente inicialmente de hipertiroidismo, a los 9 años comenzó con hipotiroidismo y hace aproximadamente un año se le diagnosticó una tiroiditis de Hashimoto, con seguimiento por endocrinología. La ecografía del tiroides muestra un aumento marcado de la glándula tiroidea y las imágenes de la biopsia por aspiración con aguja fina (BAAF son compatibles con una tiroiditis de Hashimoto. Con estos resultados se decide intervenirla quirúrgicamente eliminando así los signos compresivos. La biopsia postoperatoria describe una tiroiditis de Riedel. Por el gran tamaño de los lóbulos tiroideos, se le infiltra triamcinolona 1/2 cc en cada lóbulo, una vez al mes durante cuatro meses; logrando reducir aproximadamente el 50 % de los lóbulos tiroideos. Por lo que se puede apreciar los resultados obtenidos con el uso de la triamcinolona.

  10. Enteric neurons show a primary cilium. (United States)

    Luesma, Ma José; Cantarero, Irene; Castiella, Tomás; Soriano, Mario; Garcia-Verdugo, José Manuel; Junquera, Concepción


    The primary cilium is a non-motile cilium whose structure is 9+0. It is involved in co-ordinating cellular signal transduction pathways, developmental processes and tissue homeostasis. Defects in the structure or function of the primary cilium underlie numerous human diseases, collectively termed ciliopathies. The presence of single cilia in the central nervous system (CNS) is well documented, including some choroid plexus cells, neural stem cells, neurons and astrocytes, but the presence of primary cilia in differentiated neurons of the enteric nervous system (ENS) has not yet been described in mammals to the best of our knowledge. The enteric nervous system closely resembles the central nervous system. In fact, the ultrastructure of the ENS is more similar to the CNS ultrastructure than to the rest of the peripheral nervous system. This research work describes for the first time the ultrastructural characteristics of the single cilium in neurons of rat duodenum myenteric plexus, and reviews the cilium function in the CNS to propose the possible role of cilia in the ENS cells. © 2012 The Authors. Published by Foundation for Cellular and Molecular Medicine/Blackwell Publishing Ltd. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

  11. pacientes con falla cardiaca

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    Diana Marcela Achury Saldaña


    Full Text Available Objetivo: determinar la adherencia al tratamiento de pacientes con falla cardiaca hospitalizados, al aplicar un plan educativo quefomenta el autocuidado.Método: estudio cuasiexperimental (entrevistas enfermera-paciente realizado entre diciembre de 2004 y mayo de 2006, con unamuestra de 50 pacientes seleccionados por conveniencia. Se diseñó un instrumento para evaluar los comportamientos de los pacientes,con base en algunos resultados de la adherencia y sus respectivos indicadores de la taxonomía NOC (Nursing out comes classification. Laadherencia al tratamiento fue medida en dos momentos: el primero durante la hospitalización, seguido de la aplicación del plan educativoantes del alta, que proporcionaba información en el manejo de su enfermedad desde una dimensión física, psicológica y social quepromueve el autocuidado; y el segundo un mes después del alta en su domicilio.Resultados: diferencias estadísticamente significativas (P=0,0001 que demuestran cómo mediante la capacitación al paciente enel manejo de su tratamiento farmacológico y no farmacológico, el establecimiento de una sana relación entre el profesional de enfermeríay el paciente, y la participación de la familia, se logra una total adherencia al tratamiento.Conclusiones: para lograr una adherencia total del paciente con falla cardiaca al tratamiento es necesario un proceso educativo y unseguimiento continuo y personalizado que motive permanentemente al paciente y se le reconozca el papel protagónico en su cuidado y manejo de la enfermedad.

  12. Enteral nutrition practices in the intensive care unit: Understanding of nursing practices and perspectives

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    Babita Gupta


    Full Text Available Background: Adequate nutritional support is important for the comprehensive management of patients in intensive care units (ICUs. Aim: The study was aimed to survey prevalent enteral nutrition practices in the trauma intensive care unit, nurses′ perception, and their knowledge of enteral feeding. Study Design: The study was conducted in the ICU of a level 1 trauma center, Jai Prakash Narayan Apex Trauma Centre, AIIMS, New Delhi, India. The study design used an audit. Materials and Methods: Sixty questionnaires were distributed and the results analyzed. A database was prepared and the audit was done. Results: Forty-two (70% questionnaires were filled and returned. A majority (38 of staff nurses expressed awareness of nutrition guidelines. A large number (32 of staff nurses knew about nutrition protocols of the ICU. Almost all (40 opined enteral nutrition to be the preferred route of nutrition unless contraindicated. All staff nurses were of opinion that enteral nutrition is to be started at the earliest (within 24-48 h of the ICU stay. Everyone opined that the absence of bowel sounds is an absolute contraindication to initiate enteral feeding. Passage of flatus was considered mandatory before starting enteral nutrition by 86% of the respondents. Everyone knew that the method of Ryle′s tube feeding in their ICU is intermittent boluses. Only 4 staff nurses were unaware of any method to confirm Ryle′s tube position. The backrest elevation rate was 100%. Gastric residual volumes were always checked, but the amount of the gastric residual volume for the next feed to be withheld varied. The majority said that the unused Ryle′s tube feed is to be discarded after 6 h. The most preferred (48% method to upgrade their knowledge of enteral nutrition was from the ICU protocol manual. Conclusion: Information generated from this study can be helpful in identifying nutrition practices that are lacking and may be used to review and revise enteral feeding

  13. A Comparative Study of Recent Trends and Characteristics of Students Entering American Junior Colleges, 1968-72. (United States)

    Fenske, Robert H.; Scott, Craig S.

    Recent changes in the background characteristics and attributes of students entering American junior colleges are compared with those of students entering colleges offering baccalaureate and graduate degrees. Comparisons are also made between students entering private and public junior colleges. The characteristics and attributes are: Level of…

  14. Microbiological quality and safe handling of enteral diets in a hospital in Minas Gerais, Brazil. (United States)

    Pinto, Raquel Oliveira Medrado; Correia, Eliznara Fernades; Pereira, Keyla Carvalho; Costa Sobrinho, Paulo de Souza; da Silva, Daniele Ferreira


    Contamination of enteral diets represents a high risk of compromising the patient's medical condition. To assess the microbiological quality and aseptic conditions in the preparation and administration of handmade and industrialized enteral diets offered in a hospital in the Valley of Jequitinhonha, MG, Brazil, we performed a microbiological analysis of 50 samples of diets and 27 samples of surfaces, utensils, and water used in the preparation of the diets. In addition, we assessed the good handling practices of enteral diets according to the requirements specified by the Brazilian legislation. Both kinds of enteral diets showed contamination by coliforms and Pseudomonas spp. No sample was positive for Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella spp. On the other hand, Listeria spp. was detected in only one sample of handmade diets. Contamination was significantly higher in the handmade preparations (p Nonconformities were detected with respect to good handling practices, which may compromise the diet safety. The results indicate that the sanitary quality of the enteral diets is unsatisfactory, especially handmade diets. Contamination by Pseudomonas spp. is significant because it is often involved in infection episodes. With regard to aseptic practices, it was observed the need of implementing new procedures for handling enteral diets.

  15. Enteric glial cells and their role in gastrointestinal motor abnormalities: Introducing the neuro-gliopathies

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Gabrio Bassotti; Vincenzo Villanacci; Simona Fisogni; Elisa Rossi; Paola Baronio; Carlo Clerici; Christoph A Maurer; Gieri Cathomas; Elisabetta Antonelli


    The role of enteric glial cells has somewhat changed from that of mere mechanical support elements, gluing together the various components of the enteric nervous system, to that of active participants in the complex interrelationships of the gut motor and inflammatory events. Due to their multiple functions, spanning from supporting elements in the myenteric plexuses to neurotransmitters, to neuronal homeostasis, to antigen presenting cells, this cell population has probably more intriguing abilities than previously thought. Recently,some evidence has been accumulating that shows how these cells may be involved in the pathophysiological aspects of some diseases. This review will deal with the properties of the enteric glial cells more strictly related to gastrointestinal motor function and the human pathological conditions in which these cells may play a role, suggesting the possibility of enteric neurogliopathies.

  16. Coriocarcinoma con metástasis pulmonar

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    Vicia Sánchez Abalos


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso clínico de una fémina de 44 años de edad, con 32 semanas de embarazo, la cual fuera ingresada en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del Hospital General Docente "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" de Santiago de Cuba, por presentar insuficiencia respiratoria aguda como consecuencia de una sepsis. La paciente fue tratada con cefalosporina de tercera generación y ventilación mecánica no invasiva, pero se mantuvieron las características gasométricas de hipoxemia y una mala reacción terapéutica, por lo que se requirió instrumentación de las vías respiratorias y soporte hemodinámico, sin lograr regresión del cuadro clínico, lo cual condujo a un paro cardiorrespiratorio y, con ello, a la muerte. La necropsia mostró un coriocarcinoma del endometrio con metástasis pulmonar

  17. Giochiamo con i robot

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    Andrea Bonarini


    Full Text Available "Giochiamo con i robot" e' un laboratorio interattivo per grandi e piccini realizzato per l'edizione 2007 del Festival della Scienza di Genova. Lungo un percorso che va dalla telerobotica alla robotica evolutiva, il laboratorio sviluppa il tema di dare intelligenza ai robot. Questo percorso, le cui tappe sono le varie installazioni, si conclude nella "bottega" dove e' possibile costruire e programmare i propri robot o smontare e modificare quelli esposti durante il percorso didattico. I visitatori sono coinvolti in attivita' ludiche grazie alle quali possonoentrare in contatto con alcune delle idee potenti della robotica,

  18. Intubación de paciente despierto con fibroscopio rígido bajo sedación con remifentanil


    Bocanegra, Juan Carlos; Ríos Medina, Ángela María; Aguirre Ospina, Óscar David


    Introducción. Al elegir el manejo de un paciente con vía aérea difícil, conocida o sospechada, es importante plantearse alternativas de intervención. Varios algoritmos de manejo, recomiendan la intubación con paciente despierto, con laringoscopia directa o instrumentos ópticos. Los estiletes rígidos y semirrígidos son dispositivos ópticos desarrollados para el manejo de la vía aérea difícil, que han mostrado ser rápidos, atraumáti-cos y confiables. Objetivos. Describir el uso de diferentes es...

  19. Tumor germinal mixto con componentes de disgerminoma y coriocarcinoma de ovario en mujer adolescente con ataxiatelangiectasia

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    Eduardo Augusto Gálvez-Cuitiva


    días. Se suspendió la quimioterapia porque desarrolló choque séptico que puso en riesgo su vida. Por su enfermedad de base permaneció bajo vigilancia. Actualmente, 17 meses después, la paciente vive sin actividad tumoral.  Conclusión: existe asociación entre ataxia-telangiectasia, leucemia y linfomas. Se describe el caso clínico de una paciente con ataxia-telangiectasia y tumor germinal mixto con componente de disgerminoma y coriocarcinoma de ovario. Se propone establecer un tratamiento especial para estos pacientes inmunocomprometidos, con alto riesgo de cáncer pero, a la vez, de no tolerar los esquemas habituales.

  20. [Croatian guidelines for perioperative enteral nutrition of surgical patients]. (United States)

    Zelić, Marko; Bender, Darija Vranesić; Kelecić, Dina Ljubas; Zupan, Zeljko; Cicvarić, Tedi; Maldini, Branka; Durut, Iva; Rahelić, Velimir; Skegro, Mate; Majerović, Mate; Perko, Zdravko; Sustić, Alan; Madzar, Tomislav; Kovacić, Borna; Kekez, Tihomir; Krznarić, Zeljko


    Nutritional status of patients significantly affects the outcome of surgical treatment, whether it's about being obese or malnutrition with loss of muscle mass. Inadequate nutritional support in the perioperative period compromises surgical procedures even in patients who are adequately nourished. In this paper, particular attention was paid to malnourished patients, and their incidence in population hospitalized in surgical wards can be high up to 30%. Special emphasis was paid to the appropriateness of preoperative fasting and to the acceptance of new knowledge in this area of treatment. The aim of this working group was to make guidelines for perioperative nutritional support with different modalities of enteral nutrition. The development of these guidelines was attended by representatives of Croatian Medical Association: Croatian Society for Digestive Surgery, Croatian Society for Clinical Nutrition, Croatian Society of Surgery, Croatian Society for Endoscopic Surgery, Croatian Trauma Society and the Croatian Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care. The guidelines are designed as a set of questions that arise daily in clinical practice when preparing patients for surgery and after the surgical treatment, which relate to the assessment of nutritional status, perioperative nutritional support, duration of preoperative fasting period and the selection of food intake route. Assessment of nutritional status and the use of different modes of enteral nutrition should enter into standard protocols of diagnosis and treatment in the Croatian hospitals.

  1. Can wheat bran mitigate malnutrition and enteric pathogens? (United States)

    Child malnutrition is a complex global problem, of which lack of food is only one component. Enteric pathogens and malnutrition work in a cyclic manner to depress a child’s intestinal immunity, while decreasing nutrient absorption. This cycle leads to stunting, wasting, and death. Often malnourished...

  2. Síndrome coronario agudo con supradesnivel del ST asociado al feocromocitoma con las catecolaminas inicialmente normales

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    Jorge M. Pacheco


    Full Text Available Los feocromocitomas son tumores secretores de catecolaminas que cursan con paroxismos de hipertensión o hipotensión arterial y palpitaciones. Son una causa rara del síndrome coronario agudo. Presentamos el caso de una paciente con síndrome coronario agudo secundario a feocromocitoma que inicialmente tenía valores normales de catecolaminas.

  3. Síndrome coronario agudo con supradesnivel del ST asociado al feocromocitoma con las catecolaminas inicialmente normales


    Pacheco, Jorge M.; Pérez Baztarrica, Gabriel; Díaz Bozio, Fernando; Jiménez, Andrés; Porcile, Rafael


    Los feocromocitomas son tumores secretores de catecolaminas que cursan con paroxismos de hipertensión o hipotensión arterial y palpitaciones. Son una causa rara del síndrome coronario agudo. Presentamos el caso de una paciente con síndrome coronario agudo secundario a feocromocitoma que inicialmente tenía valores normales de catecolaminas.


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    Victoria Rey Niño


    Full Text Available La Clasificación Internacional del Funcionamiento, de la Discapacidad y de la Salud (CIF define la discapacidad como un término genérico que abarca deficiencias, limitaciones de la actividad y restricciones a la participación. En este caso hablamos de personas con discapacidad física e intelectual por parálisis cerebral, lo que significa que su acceso al mundo de la actividad física se encuentra en la mayoría de los casos muy restringido. Pero existe una modalidad de la orientación llamada Orientación de Precisión u O-Trail que, según la Federación Deportiva de Orientación (FEDO, ha sido adaptada para ofrecer a todos, independientemente de su sexo, edad, capacidad o discapacidad física, la oportunidad de participar en igualdad de condiciones en una típica competición de orientación. Como sugiere Arribas y Sánchez (1998: “En la actividad física podemos encontrar recursos y herramientas de intervención adecuadas a cada contexto y etapa de ciclo vital además, a través de su práctica pueden verse satisfechas determinadas necesidades e intereses personales y grupales, que pueden ser tratados desde un planteamiento educativo” . Este proyecto tiene la intención de ir más allá y pretende utilizar la Orientación de precisión como una herramienta para implementar una alternativa metodológica de trabajo a las actividades que se llevan a cabo con un colectivo de personas con discapacidad física e intelectual en la Asociación Cultural y rehabilitadora de Discapacitados Físicos de Palencia, desarrollando y estimulando sus aspectos intelectuales y sociales mediante una disciplina deportiva desconocida para ellos, con la intención de que aumente su motivación por participar.Objetivo: Implementar la O-Precisión como alternativa metodológica de trabajo con personas con discapacidad física e intelectual con el fin de desarrollar sus capacidades cognitivas y aumentar su autoestima.

  5. Enteral versus parenteral nutrition in cancer patients: evidences and controversies. (United States)

    Cotogni, Paolo


    The debate over the use of enteral nutrition (EN) and parenteral nutrition (PN) is an old but evergreen and hot topic. Since many years, studies comparing EN and PN have been a pivotal 'leitmotif' in the published literature on artificial nutrition (AN). Actually, there is a background misunderstanding in this debate; specifically, that EN and PN are competitors in the choice of the route for delivering nutrition support in cancer patients. Conversely, EN and PN have specific indications and contraindications. This review has the purpose to discuss the indications and complications as well as pros and cons of EN and PN in cancer patients, the crucial role of nutrition support in oncology patients during anticancer treatments and throughout the course of disease, and, finally, the role of AN in advanced cancer patients. In summary, we have no evidence-based data able to definitively indicate the optimal method for delivering AN in cancer patients. EN and PN have to be considered equally effective in maintaining or improving nutritional status in cancer patients. Besides, this review strongly supports the recommendation that a baseline nutritional assessment should be carried out by a healthcare professional expert in AN for all cancer patients at the time of diagnosis or anticancer treatment plan, taking the nutritional status, estimated duration of AN, AN-related potential benefits and possible complications into consideration on an individual basis. Moreover, the patient symptoms, performance status, estimated life expectancy, and mainly, will or preferences have to be evaluated and incorporated into the nutrition support plan before the definitive choice of the route for delivering nutrients is decided. Finally, applying a decision-making process tailored to patient needs-regardless of whether receiving or not anticancer treatment-allows to choose reasonably the optimal nutritional support strategy.

  6. Entering adulthood in a recession tempers later narcissism. (United States)

    Bianchi, Emily C


    Despite widespread interest in narcissism, relatively little is known about the conditions that encourage or dampen it. Drawing on research showing that macroenvironmental conditions in emerging adulthood can leave a lasting imprint on attitudes and behaviors, I argue that people who enter adulthood during recessions are less likely to be narcissistic later in life than those who come of age in more prosperous times. Using large samples of American adults, Studies 1 and 2 showed that people who entered adulthood during worse economic times endorsed fewer narcissistic items as older adults. Study 3 extended these findings to a behavioral manifestation of narcissism: the relative pay of CEOs. CEOs who came of age in worse economic times paid themselves less relative to other top executives in their firms. These findings suggest that macroenvironmental experiences at a critical life stage can have lasting implications for how unique, special, and deserving people believe themselves to be. © The Author(s) 2014.

  7. Retinitis por citomegalovirus en un paciente con VIH

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    Alena de los Ángeles Vejerano Duany

    Full Text Available La retinitis por citomegalovirus es la infección ocular más frecuente en pacientes con un recuento de linfocitos CD4 inferior a 200 por µL. El aspecto oftalmoscópico de las lesiones se caracteriza, en la mayoría de los casos, por infiltrados retinianos resultados de la necrosis retiniana producida por citomegalovirus y el edema en asociación con hemorragias. Estas lesiones se disponen, por lo general, siguiendo las arcadas vasculares temporales con invasión hacia la mácula. Se presentó una paciente de 24 años de edad, femenina, blanca, ama de casa, con antecedentes patológicos personales oculares sin datos de interés, y antecedentes patológicos personales generales de ser diagnosticadas con VIH. Hace cuatro años que comenzó con tratamiento antirretroviral, y tuvo cambios de tratamiento en dos ocasiones. El último fue impuesto en mayo del año 2011, con el cual presentó mala adherencia terapéutica, y comenzó desde entonces a presentar disminución de su peso corporal de forma marcada en breve período de tiempo. Refiere que desde hace unos meses comenzó a presentar una disminución progresiva de la agudeza visual en el ojo derecho, acompañado de visión borrosa. Adquiere gran importancia este caso, ya que ante la supervivencia de los pacientes con sida, va a ser cada vez más frecuente la aparición de las afecciones oculares relacionadas con esta enfermedad. Dentro de ellas se encuentran las infecciones oportunistas mayores como la retinitis por citomegalovirus.

  8. Enteral feeding via jejunostomy as a cause of intestinal perforation and necrosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Victoria Vieiro-Medina

    Full Text Available Background: Jejunostomy for enteral feeding is excellent for patients who cannot manage oral intake, with a low complication rate. A Foley catheter, Ryle tube, Kerh tube or needle-catheter (Jejuno-Cath® are commonly used. It is a safe procedure but it can lead to severe complications. Case report: We present two cases: firstly, an 80 year old male who was admitted to the Emergency Room with a bowel perforation secondary to Jejuno-Cath® for enteral feeding after a subtotal gastrectomy with Roux-en-Y reconstruction; and secondly, a 53 year old male who was admitted to the Emergency Room due to gastric perforation developing multiple complications, including bowel necrosis and enteral feeding impaction. Discussion: We have reviewed the recent literature with regard to this rare complication.

  9. Glucose, epithelium, and enteric nervous system: dialogue in the dark. (United States)

    Pfannkuche, H; Gäbel, G


    The gastrointestinal epithelium is in close contact with the various components of the chymus, including nutrients, bacteria and toxins. The epithelial barrier has to decide which components are effectively absorbed and which components are extruded. In the small intestine, a nutrient like glucose is mainly absorbed by the sodium linked glucose cotransporter 1 (SGLT1) and the glucose transporter 2 (GLUT2). The expression and activity of both transport proteins is directly linked to the amount of intraluminal glucose. Besides the direct interaction between glucose and the enterocytes, glucose also stimulates different sensory mechanisms within the intestinal wall. The most important types of cells involved in the sensing of intraluminal contents are enteroendocrine cells and neurones of the enteric nervous system. Regarding glucosensing, a distinct type of enteroendocrine cells, the enterochromaffine (EC) cells are involved. Excitation of EC cells by intraluminal glucose results in the release of serotonin (5-HT), which modulates epithelial functions and activates enteric secretomotorneurones. Enteric neurones are not only activated by 5-HT, but also directly by glucose. The activation of different cell types and the subsequent crosstalk between these cells may trigger appropriate absorptive and secretory processes within the intestine.

  10. Nurses' Competency and Challenges in Enteral feeding in the ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Studies have emphasised the role of nurses in nutritional support. .... Ethical consideration. The study was ... Mann-Whitney U test was applied to make associations ..... based guidelines and critical care nurses knowledge of enteral feeding.

  11. Patient needs and research priorities in the enteral nutrition market - a quantitative prioritization analysis. (United States)

    Weenen, T C; Jentink, A; Pronker, E S; Commandeur, H R; Claassen, E; Boirie, Y; Singer, P


    A quantitative systematic identification and prioritization of unmet needs and research opportunities in relation to enteral nutrition was conducted by means of a tailor-made health research prioritization process. The research objectives were reached by conducting qualitative interviews followed by quantitative questionnaires targeting enteral nutrition key opinion leaders (KOLs). (1) Define disease areas that deserve more research attention; (2) Rank importance of product characteristics of tube feeding (TF) and oral nutritional supplements (ONS); (3) Assess involvement of KOLs in enteral nutrition R&D process. KOLs ranked three product characteristics and three disease areas that deserve additional research attention. From these, overall priority scores were calculated by multiplying ranks for both product characteristics and disease areas. 17 qualitative interviews were conducted and 77 questionnaires (response rate 35%) were completed and returned. (1) Disease areas in ONS and TF with highest priorities are: ONS: general malnutrition & geriatrics, TF: intensive care. (2) TF product characteristics with highest priorities are: composition and clinical evidence from a KOL perspective; tolerance and ease of use from a patient perspective. ONS product characteristics with highest priorities are: composition, clinical evidence and taste from a KOL perspective; taste from a patient perspective. We find a high discrepancy between product characteristic prioritization from a KOL and patient perspective. (3) Although 62% of all KOLs give advice to enteral nutrition companies on patient needs, they under-influence the setting of research priorities by enteral nutrition companies. This study provides a systematic approach to achieve research prioritization in enteral nutrition. In addition to providing new directions for enteral nutrition research and development, this study highlights the relevance of involving KOLs in the identification of research priorities as they

  12. Equinoterapia en niños con autismo


    Martinez Alvernia, Carlos Francisco


    Introducción: Autismo es un trastorno del desarrollo caracterizado por compromiso en interacción social, habilidades de lenguaje, presentando rituales con estereotipias. Sin tratamientos curativos, actualmente se buscan terapias alternativas. Un incremento de la literatura científica de terapias asistidas con animales se ha evidenciado, demostrando mejoría en pacientes autistas con la equinoterapia. Objetivo: Realizar una revisión sistemática de la literatura para evaluar efectividad de la eq...

  13. Glutamine-enriched enteral diet increases renal arginine production

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Houdijk, A. P.; van Leeuwen, P. A.; Teerlink, T.; FLINKERBUSCH, E. L.; Boermeester, M. A.; Sauerwein, H. P.; Wesdorp, R. I.


    Arginine (Arg) is generated in the kidney by the conversion of circulating citrulline. The most important source for circulating citrulline is the metabolism of glutamine (Gln) by the gut. In this study, we investigated the influence of an enteral diet enriched with Gln on renal Arg synthesis in the

  14. Plasma rico en plaquetas en pacientes con gonartrosis


    Álvarez López, Alejandro; Ortega González, Carlos; García Lorenzo, Yenima; Arias Sifontes, Joanka; Ruiz de Villa Suárez, Abel


    Fundamento: la aplicación del plasma rico en plaquetas se ha convertido en una modalidad de tratamiento para pacientes con gonartrosis, tanto de forma aislada como en combinación con otros procedimientos. Objetivo: actualizar al personal médico sobre aspectos esenciales relacionados con la aplicación del plasma rico en plaquetas en pacientes con gonartrosis. Método: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de un total de 300 artículos originales publicados en Pubmed, Hinari y Medline, mediante e...

  15. Antibiotic-Resistant Enteric Bacteria in Environmental Waters


    Lisa M. Casanova; Mark D. Sobsey


    Sources of antibiotic resistant organisms, including concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), may lead to environmental surface and groundwater contamination with resistant enteric bacteria of public health concern. The objective of this research is to determine whether Salmonella, Escherichia coli, Yersinia enterocolitica, and enterococci resistant to clinically relevant antibiotics are present in surface and groundwater sources in two eastern North Carolina counties, Craven and Wayne...

  16. Re-entering fast ion effects on NBI heating power in high-beta plasmas of the Large Helical Device

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seki, Ryosuke; Watanabe, Kiyomasa; Funaba, Hisamichi; Suzuki, Yasuhiro; Sakakibara, Satoru; Ohdachi, Satoshi; Matsumoto, Yutaka; Hamamatsu, Kiyotaka


    We calculate the heating power of the neutral beam injection (NBI) in the = 4.8% high-beta discharge achieved in the Large Helical Device (LHD). We investigate the difference of the heating efficiency and the heating power profile between with and without the re-entering fast ion effects. When the re-entering fast ion effects are taken into account, the heating efficiency in the co injection of the NBI (co-NBI case) is improved and it is about 1.8 times larger than that without the re-entering effects. In contrast, the heating efficiency with the re-entering effects in the counter injection of the NBI (ctr-NBI case) rarely differs from that without the re-entering ones. We also study the re-entering fast ion effects on the transport properties in the LHD high beta discharges. It is found that the tendency of the thermal conductivities on the beta value is not so much sensitive with and without the re-entering effects. In addition, we investigate the difference in the re-entering fast ion effects caused by the field strength and the magnetic configuration. In the co-NBI case, the re-entering fast ion effects on the heating efficiency increases with the decrease of the field strength. In the contrast, the re-entering fast ion effects in the ctr-NBI case rarely differs by changing the field strength. (author)

  17. Estudio de viabilidad de cajones marítimos con hormigón con fibras


    Ramos Marquès, Òscar Gonçal


    En este TFM se estudia la viabilidad de sustituir la armadura pasiva por fibras metálicas o plásticas en cajones para obras portuarias. Para ello, en primer lugar, se estudia el procedimiento constructivo de un cajón y las propiedades de los hormigones con fibras. Una vez analizado el estado del conocimiento se procede a escoger un cajón representativo, ya construido con armadura pasiva. El cajón escogido es el cajón tipo 3 del dique est...

  18. Drug Resistance and Pseudoresistance: An Unintended Consequence of Enteric Coating Aspirin (United States)

    Grosser, Tilo; Fries, Susanne; Lawson, John A.; Kapoor, Shiv C.; Grant, Gregory R.; FitzGerald, Garret A.


    Background Low dose aspirin reduces the secondary incidence of myocardial infarction and stroke. Drug resistance to aspirin might result in treatment failure. Despite this concern, no clear definition of “aspirin resistance” has emerged and estimates of its incidence have varied remarkably. We aimed to determine the commonality of a mechanistically consistent, stable and specific phenotype of true pharmacological resistance to aspirin – such as might be explained by genetic causes. Methods and Results Healthy volunteers (n=400) were screened for their response to a single oral dose of 325 mg immediate release or enteric coated aspirin. Response parameters reflected the activity of aspirin's molecular target, cyclooxygenase-1. Individuals who appeared “aspirin resistant” on one occasion underwent repeat testing and if still “resistant” were exposed to low dose enteric coated aspirin (81 mg) and clopidogrel (75 mg) for one week each. Variable absorption caused a high frequency of apparent resistance to a single dose of 325 mg enteric coated aspirin (up to 49%) but not to immediate release aspirin (0%). All individuals responded to aspirin upon repeated exposure, extension of the post dosing interval or addition of aspirin to their platelets ex vivo. Conclusions Pharmacological resistance to aspirin is rare; this study failed to identify a single case of true drug resistance. Pseudoresistance, reflecting delayed and reduced drug absorption, complicates enteric coated but not immediate release aspirin administration. Clinical Trial Registration Information Identifier: NCT00948987. PMID:23212718

  19. Transmesocolic double gastro-enteric fistulas due to ingestion of 28 magnets

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    Adrian Surd


    Full Text Available Introduction: Accidental ingestion of magnetic foreign bodies has become more common due to increased availability of objects and toys with magnetic elements. The majority of them traverse the gastrointestinal system spontaneously without complication. However, ingestion of multiple magnets may require surgical resolution. Magnet ingestion usually does not cause serious complications, but in case of multiple magnet ingestion or ingestion of magnet and a metal object, it could cause intestinal obstruction, fistula formation or even perforation. Case report: We report case of a transmesocolic double gastro-enteric fistula formation following ingestion of 28 small magnets in a 17 months old boy. No history of foreign body ingestion could be obtained from parents therefore the patient was treated conservatively in a pediatric clinic for vomiting, dehydration, upper respiratory tract infection and suspicion of upper digestive tract bleeding. After 48 h he was sent in our clinic for surgical evaluation. Intraoperatively double transmesocolic gastro-enteric fistula was found. After separation of de gastric and enteral walls, resection of gastric wall and intestinal segment containing the two perforations was performed, followed by gastric suture in two layers and entero-enteric anastomosis. A total of 28 magnets were removed from the stomach and small intestine. Conclusion: Single magnet ingestion is treated as non-magnetic foreign body. Multiple magnet ingestion should be closely monitored and surgical approach could be the best option to prevent or to cure its complications. Keywords: Ingestion, Magnetic foreign body, Multiple magnets, Intestinal fistula, Children

  20. Transgastrostomy jejunal intubation for enteric alimentation. (United States)

    McLean, G K; Rombeau, J L; Caldwell, M D; Ring, E J; Freiman, D B


    Malnourished patients who cannot maintain an adequate oral intake but have normal intestinal absorption and motility are candidates for enteric alimentation. When impaired gastric peristalsis or an increased risk for aspiration makes gastrostomy feeding unsafe, direct jejunal infusion is the preferred route of alimentation. Angiographic techniques were used to convert previously placed, simple gastrostomies to combined gastrostomy-jejunostomies in 14 patients. In 17 additional patients, a combined gastrostomy-jejunal tube was placed under local anesthesia; angiographic techniques assisted in the placement of 11 of these tubes.

  1. Bases tratadas con cemento, en California

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    Chinchilla, M.


    Full Text Available El uso de bases tratadas con cemento para autopistas se inició en el Estado de California en 1938, empleándose para carreteras con determinadas condiciones de tráfico. Inicialmente, se especificó el uso obligatorio de plantas mezcladoras para asegurar el debido control de las proporciones adecuadas.

  2. Microbiological quality and safe handling of enteral diets in a hospital in Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Raquel Oliveira Medrado Pinto


    Full Text Available Contamination of enteral diets represents a high risk of compromising the patient's medical condition. To assess the microbiological quality and aseptic conditions in the preparation and administration of handmade and industrialized enteral diets offered in a hospital in the Valley of Jequitinhonha, MG, Brazil, we performed a microbiological analysis of 50 samples of diets and 27 samples of surfaces, utensils, and water used in the preparation of the diets. In addition, we assessed the good handling practices of enteral diets according to the requirements specified by the Brazilian legislation. Both kinds of enteral diets showed contamination by coliforms and Pseudomonas spp. No sample was positive for Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella spp. On the other hand, Listeria spp. was detected in only one sample of handmade diets. Contamination was significantly higher in the handmade preparations (p < 0.05. Nonconformities were detected with respect to good handling practices, which may compromise the diet safety. The results indicate that the sanitary quality of the enteral diets is unsatisfactory, especially handmade diets. Contamination by Pseudomonas spp. is significant because it is often involved in infection episodes. With regard to aseptic practices, it was observed the need of implementing new procedures for handling enteral diets.

  3. Pharmaceutical assistance in the enteral administration of drugs: choosing the appropriate pharmaceutical formulation

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    Gisele de Lima


    Full Text Available Objective: To study solid medications for oral delivery on the formulary of Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein (HIAE, investigating the  possibility of using these drugs through enteral feeding tubes, and recommending appropriate administration. Methods: Study carried out through survey of solid medications for oral delivery included on the formulary of HIAE, literature review, and analysis of medication monographs, manufacturer information and pharmacotechnical data of active ingredients and excipients. It was observed the factors that might hinder or complicate the administration of these drugs though enteral tubes, and was drawn an information chart with recommendations about drug administration in this context. Rresults: The study evaluated 234 medications; and the main problems of administering these drugs through enteral feeding tubes were as follows: changes in drug pharmacokinetics (38; gastrointestinal damage (9; risk of obstruction (40, drug-nutrient interactions (7; biological hazards (5 and no information (33. Cconclusions: Compiling this information helps the healthcare team to choose the appropriate pharmaceutical formulation for medications administered through enteral tubes, and may help identify adverse events related to this technique.

  4. DR Con o:

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    which could fall under the Ugandan influence. The con-. flict in the ..... The Congolese people and international community within SADC, the AU ..... ments and make peace among themselves. However, one ... friends overnight.There is a great ...

  5. Preparation and evaluation of enteric coated tablets of hot-melt extruded lansoprazole. (United States)

    Alsulays, Bader B; Kulkarni, Vijay; Alshehri, Sultan M; Almutairy, Bjad K; Ashour, Eman A; Morott, Joseph T; Alshetaili, Abdullah S; Park, Jun-Bom; Tiwari, Roshan V; Repka, Michael A


    The objective of this work was to use hot-melt extrusion (HME) technology to improve the physiochemical properties of lansoprazole (LNS) to prepare stable enteric coated LNS tablets. For the extrusion process, we chose Kollidon ® 12 PF (K12) polymeric matrix. Lutrol ® F 68 was selected as the plasticizer and magnesium oxide (MgO) as the alkalizer. With or without the alkalizer, LNS at 10% drug load was extruded with K12 and F68. LNS changed to the amorphous phase and showed better release compared to that of the pure crystalline drug. Inclusion of MgO improved LNS extrudability and release and resulted in over 80% drug release in the buffer stage. Hot-melt extruded LNS was physically and chemically stable after 12 months of storage. Both formulations were studied for compatibility with Eudragit ® L100-55. The optimized formulation was compressed into a tablet followed by coating process utilizing a pan coater using L100-55 as an enteric coating polymer. In a two-step dissolution study, the release profile of the enteric coated LNS tablets in the acidic stage was less than 10% of the LNS, while that in the buffer stage was more than 80%. Drug content analysis revealed the LNS content to be 97%, indicating the chemical stability of the enteric coated tablet after storage for six months. HME, which has not been previously used for LNS, is a valuable technique to reduce processing time in the manufacture of enteric coated formulations of an acid-sensitive active pharmaceutical ingredient as compared to the existing methods.

  6. Critical Analysis of the Factors Associated with Enteral Feeding in Preventing VAP: A Systematic Review


    Yu-Chih Chen


    Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is a common cause of morbidity in critically ill patients. Appropriate enteral feeding is the most important factor associated with the prevention of VAP. However, the standardization of enteral feeding methods needs clarification. The purpose of this systematic review was to synthesize the factors associated with enteral feeding in order to prevent VAP and to describe the characteristics of these factors. A comprehensive search was undertaken involving a...

  7. Eosinophilic enteritis – A diagnostic dilemma | Clegg-Lamptey ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    It may mimic peptic ulcer, subacute (or chronic) intestinal obstruction, gastroenteritis, irritable bowel syndrome, and inflammatory bowel disease. The diagnosis is often ... Finalement laparotomy a revele des segments enflames de petit intestin, une biopsie de qui a montré Eosinophilic enteritis. Le malade a été traite par la ...

  8. Experiencia con Nexobrid® para el desbridamiento enzimático de quemaduras faciales seguido de tratamiento conservador con Medihoney®

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    José-Manuel Sampietro-De-Luis

    Full Text Available Introducción y Objetivos. El desbridamiento enzimático de las quemaduras ha sido objeto de estudio durante décadas; en este terreno, NexoBrid® (MediWound Ltd., Israel se postula como una prometedora alternativa al desbridamiento quirúrgico clásico. Por otra parte, las propiedades antibacterianas y promotoras de la cicatrización de la miel también se han evaluado recientemente con buenos resultados clínicos. Describimos nuestra experiencia preliminar con el empleo de NexoBrid® para el tratamiento de quemaduras faciales, seguido de curas tópicas con Medihoney® Wound Gel (Derma Sciences Ltd., EE.UU.. Material y Método. Incluimos en el estudio todos los pacientes atendidos en nuestra Unidad de Quemados con quemaduras faciales dérmicas o subdérmicas que afectaban a 2 o más subunidades estéticas. Realizamos desbridamiento enzimático con NexoBrid® en las primeras 24 horas. Posteriormente, llevamos a cabo tratamiento conservador con curas tópicas con Medihoney® Wound Gel. Recogimos todos los datos de calidad del desbridamiento, necesidad de desbridamiento quirúrgico, tiempo hasta epitelización completa, presencia de infección y necesidad de cirugía correctora de secuelas. Resultados. Tratamos 10 pacientes con quemaduras faciales de etiología diversa (llama, flash eléctrico, deflagración, escaldadura y química. El desbridamiento inicial fue completo en todos los pacientes. Se alcanzó la epitelización completa en una media de 13.88 días (10-20 días. Ningún paciente presentó infección clínicamente manifiesta ni precisó desbridamiento quirúrgico, cobertura mediante autoinjertos o cirugía de secuelas. Conclusiones. Nuestra experiencia preliminar indica que parece factible la aplicación de NexoBrid® y su combinación con Medihoney® para el tratamiento conservador de las quemaduras faciales.

  9. Toxin-mediated effects on the innate mucosal defenses: implications for enteric vaccines

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Glenn, Gregory M; Francis, David H; Danielsen, E Michael


    mucosal barrier as a key step in enteric pathogen survival. We review key observations relevant to the roles of LT and cholera toxin in protective immunity and the effects of these toxins on innate mucosal defenses. We suggest either that toxin-mediated fluid secretion mechanically disrupts the mucus...... layer or that toxins interfere with innate mucosal defenses by other means. Such a breach gives pathogens access to the enterocyte, leading to binding and pathogenicity by enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) and other organisms. Given the common exposure to LT(+) ETEC by humans visiting or residing...... unexpectedly broad protective effects against LT(+) ETEC and mixed infections when using a toxin-based enteric vaccine. If toxins truly exert barrier-disruptive effects as a key step in pathogenesis, then a return to classic toxin-based vaccine strategies for enteric disease is warranted and can be expected...

  10. Fitness levels and physical activity among class A drug users entering prison. (United States)

    Fischer, Jan; Butt, Christine; Dawes, Helen; Foster, Charlie; Neale, Joanne; Plugge, Emma; Wheeler, Carly; Wright, Nat


    Physical activity could benefit drug users' physiological and mental health. Previous research has suggested that physical activity levels change when drug users enter prison. Twenty-five class A drug users who were new to prison answered physical activity and drug use cross-sectional questionnaires, took a submaximal fitness test and wore a pedometer for 1 week. Participants' mean aerobic capacity was estimated as 49 mls O2/kg/min (±12 SD). Their mean self-reported walking distance outside of prison was 4.67 miles on an average day (±4.14 SD). Pedometer data suggest they walked a mean of 1.8 miles/day in prison. Many class A drug users entering prison had high levels of fitness and physical activity before admission, often gained from walking. Walking activity reduced when they entered prison, posing a challenge to maintaining healthy activity levels.

  11. Enteral peptide formulas inhibit radiation induced enteritis and apoptosis in intestinal epithelial cells and suppress the expression and function of Alzheimer's and cell division control gene products

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cope, F.O.; Issinger, O.G.; McArdle, A.H.; Shapiro, J.; Tomei, L.D.


    Studies have shown that patients receiving enteral peptide formulas prior to irradiation have a significantly reduced incidence of enteritis and express a profound increase in intestinal cellularity. Two conceptual approaches were taken to describe this response. First was the evaluation in changes in programmed intestinal cell death and secondly the evaluation of a gene product controlling cell division cycling. This study provided a relationship between the ratio of cell death to cell formulations. The results indicate that in the canine and murine models, irradiation induces expression of the Alzheimer's gene in intestinal crypt cells, while the incidence of apoptosis in apical cells is significantly increased. The use of peptide enteral formulations suppresses the expression of the Alzheimer's gene in crypt cells, while apoptosis is eliminated in the apical cells of the intestine. Concomitantly, enteral peptide formulations suppress the function of the CK-II gene product in the basal and baso-lateral cells of the intestine. These data indicate that although the mitotic index is significantly reduced in enterocytes, this phenomenon alone is not sufficient to account for the peptide-induced radio-resistance of the intestine. The data also indicate a significant reduction of normal apoptosis in the upper lateral and apical cells of the intestinal villi. Thus, the ratio of cell death to cell replacement is significantly decreased resulting in an increase in villus height and hypertrophy of the apical villus cells. Thus, peptide solutions should be considered as an adjunct treatment both in radio- and chemotherapy

  12. Conversazioni autobiografiche con Albino Sacco-Casamassima

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    Orazio Maria Valastro


    Full Text Available Nel 1948 venne Olivetti a Matera. Olivetti venne a Matera con un certo ambasciatore americano che praticamente aveva preparato o stava dando una mano per il piano Marschall, venne a Matera e mi vollero incontrare. Io sono stato chiamato dalla piazza, stavo nella piazza, era il mese di luglio, una cosa di questo genere, e andai in un bar, un bar ad angolo mi ricordo in Via Don Minzioni, dove questo Olivetti mi disse 'ma lei che cosa fa coi sassi?' 'Che cos'è questa storia?' Gli raccontai un po' che cosa facevo io con questi amici, avevamo fatto questo, insomma tutto quello che avevamo fatto nei sassi e che volevamo preparare ancora per presentare a qualcuno un piano di revisionamento dei sassi. Mi ricordo, era la prima volta che avevo visto Adriano Olivetti, ne avevo sentito parlare però non avevo mai visto quest'uomo con gli occhi celesti, minuto, coi capelli bianchi, riccioluto, con una cravatta bianca, cosa che mi fece impressione, una specie di angelo.

  13. Peso y talla en niños con retinoblastoma

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    Cecilia Ridaura-Sanz


    Full Text Available Introducción: la talla baja se ha descrito como característica clínica de niños con retinoblastoma. Esta particularidad puede estar relacionada directamente con la enfermedad de base o con factores externos.  Objetivo: el propósito de esta investigación fue conocer la frecuencia de talla y peso bajos en niños mexicanos con retinoblastoma y correlacionar los valores antropométricos con variables de la enfermedad y ambientales. Materiales y métodos: se analizaron expedientes clínicos de 346 pacientes con retinoblastoma. Se obtuvieron los datos de peso y talla referidos al ingreso; antes del tratamiento. Se comparó el valor de Z con las referencias de la distribución normal de la población mexicana. La asociación de las medidas antropométricas con las variables clínicas, sociales y genéticas se estableció con la prueba de c2. Resultados: la talla y el peso promedio de los niños con retinoblastoma fueron significativamente más bajos que los de la población general (p < 0.001 y p = 0.013, respectivamente. La talla y peso bajos fueron más frecuentes en niños con enfermedad avanzada, provenientes de medio rural y de bajo nivel socioeconómico. Conclusiones: los déficits en peso y talla en niños con retinoblastoma se deben a factores relacionados con enfermedad avanzada al momento del diagnóstico, lo cual a su vez es consecuencia de la situación de marginación de la población rural mexicana. Dado que la mayoría de las variables sociales y ambientales están muy relacionadas y que no podemos descartar posibles factores genéticos, las conclusiones de este estudio deben verificarse analizando las medidas de los padres y hermanos y establecer grupos comparativos para controlar las variables confusas.

  14. Problems experienced by women re-entering the education profession

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Problems experienced by women re-entering the education profession: a South ... in maternity benefits, as well as the introduction of paternity and childcare leave, should be introduced to assist women educators to combine work and family ...

  15. Comparing Entering Freshmen's Perceptions of Campus Marijuana and Alcohol Use to Reported Use (United States)

    Gold, Gregg J.; Nguyen, Alyssa T.


    Use of marijuana and alcohol among current college students (N = 1101) was compared to the perceptions and use of entering freshmen (N = 481) surveyed before the start of classes. Entering freshmen significantly misperceived campus norms for marijuana use, over-estimating that almost every student used in the last 30 days, p less than 0.001.…

  16. Neonatal enteral feeding tubes as loci for colonisation by members of the Enterobacteriaceae

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    Smith Craig


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The objective of this study was to determine whether neonatal nasogastric enteral feeding tubes are colonised by the opportunistic pathogen Cronobacter spp. (Enterobacter sakazakii and other Enterobacteriaceae, and whether their presence was influenced by the feeding regime. Methods One hundred and twenty-nine tubes were collected from two neonatal intensive care units (NICU. A questionnaire on feeding regime was completed with each sample. Enterobacteriaceae present in the tubes were identified using conventional and molecular methods, and their antibiograms determined. Results The neonates were fed breast milk (16%, fortified breast milk (28%, ready to feed formula (20%, reconstituted powdered infant formula (PIF, 6%, or a mixture of these (21%. Eight percent of tubes were received from neonates who were 'nil by mouth'. Organisms were isolated from 76% of enteral feeding tubes as a biofilm (up to 107 cfu/tube from neonates fed fortified breast milk and reconstituted PIF and in the residual lumen liquid (up to 107 Enterobacteriaceae cfu/ml, average volume 250 μl. The most common isolates were Enterobacter cancerogenus (41%, Serratia marcescens (36%, E. hormaechei (33%, Escherichia coli (29%, Klebsiella pneumoniae (25%, Raoultella terrigena (10%, and S. liquefaciens (12%. Other organisms isolated included C. sakazakii (2%,Yersinia enterocolitica (1%,Citrobacter freundii (1%, E. vulneris (1%, Pseudomonas fluorescens (1%, and P. luteola (1%. The enteral feeding tubes were in place between 48 h (13%. All the S. marcescens isolates from the enteral feeding tubes were resistant to amoxicillin and co-amoxiclav. Of additional importance was that a quarter of E. hormaechei isolates were resistant to the 3rd generation cephalosporins ceftazidime and cefotaxime. During the period of the study, K. pneumoniae and S. marcescens caused infections in the two NICUs. Conclusion This study shows that neonatal enteral feeding tubes

  17. Enteral Nutrition for Feeding Severely Underfed Patients with Anorexia Nervosa

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    Maria Gabriella Gentile


    Full Text Available Severe undernutrition nearly always leads to marked changes in body spaces (e.g., alterations of intra-extracellular water and in body masses and composition (e.g., overall and compartmental stores of phosphate, potassium, and magnesium. In patients with severe undernutrition it is almost always necessary to use oral nutrition support and/or artificial nutrition, besides ordinary food; enteral nutrition should be a preferred route of feeding if there is a functional accessible gastrointestinal tract. Refeeding of severely malnourished patients represents two very complex and conflicting tasks: (1 to avoid “refeeding syndrome” caused by a too fast correction of malnutrition; (2 to avoid “underfeeding” caused by a too cautious rate of refeeding. The aim of this paper is to discuss the modality of refeeding severely underfed patients and to present our experience with the use of enteral tube feeding for gradual correction of very severe undernutrition whilst avoiding refeeding syndrome, in 10 patients aged 22 ± 11.4 years and with mean initial body mass index (BMI of 11.2 ± 0.7 kg/m2. The mean BMI increased from 11.2 ± 0.7 kg/m2 to 17.3 ± 1.6 kg/m2 and the mean body weight from 27.9 ± 3.3 to 43.0 ± 5.7 kg after 90 days of intensive in-patient treatment (p < 0.0001. Caloric intake levels were established after measuring resting energy expenditure by indirect calorimetry, and nutritional support was performed with enteral feeding. Vitamins, phosphate, and potassium supplements were administered during refeeding. All patients achieved a significant modification of BMI; none developed refeeding syndrome. In conclusion, our findings show that, even in cases of extreme undernutrition, enteral feeding may be a well-tolerated way of feeding.

  18. Incidencia y factores asociados con las reacciones adversas del tratamiento antirretroviral inicial en pacientes con VIH

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    Juan Astuvilca


    Full Text Available La alta incidencia de reacciones adversas medicamentosas (RAMA al tratamiento antirretroviral de gran actividad (TARGA en pacientes con VIH/SIDA puede afectar la calidad de vida y adherencia al tratamiento. Objetivos: Determinar la incidencia de RAMA del TARGA inicial e identificar los factores asociados con la ocurrencia de RAMA al recibir dicha terapia. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de cohorte histórica con todos los pacientes VIH (+ mayores de 18 años que recibieron TARGA por primera vez en el Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza, con un seguimiento de 360 días desde la primera prescripción. Se recabó las RAMA de las historias clínicas y tarjetas de control. Resultados: Se incluyeron 353 pacientes, se encontró una incidencia acumulada de 66,7% de efectos adversos al TARGA inicial y una densidad de incidencia de 9,1 eventos de RAMA por 10 personas año de seguimiento (IC95%: 8,1-10,1. Anemia (23,4%, náuseas (20,6% y rash (17,2% fueron las RAMA más frecuentes. El uso de drogas (OR 2,40; IC95% 1,01-5,67; consumo de alcohol (OR 0.32; IC95%: 0,19-0,55 y estadio SIDA (OR 0,20; IC95%: 0,04-0,95 estuvieron asociadas con la presencia de RAMA. Conclusiones: Existe un alta incidencia de RAMA, siendo la anemia la más frecuente. El uso de drogas es un factor de riesgo para presentar RAMA.

  19. Indicadores de enfermedades mentales en pacientes mexicanos con VIH/SIDA y su relación con la adherencia terapéutica

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    Ismael García-Cedillo


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Se analiza la relación entre algunos indicadores de enfermedades mentales y la adherencia terapéutica en pacientes con VIH/SIDA. Participantes. Muestra de 76 pacientes mexicanos infectados por VIH/SIDA. Procedimiento. Entrevista a profundidad a pacientes de un hospital público de la ciudad de San Luis Potosí, México. Resultados. 80% de los participantes presentó indicadores de enfermedades mentales correspondientes a: 28% conducta antisocial; 20% depresión clínica; 13% síndrome de estrés postraumático, 12% psicosis orgánica y 8% discapacidad intelectual. El porcentaje de pacientes infectados con VIH/SIDA con indicadores de enfermedad mental concuerda con los resultados de investigaciones realizadas en otros países. Solamente 7% de los participantes mostró un nivel de adherencia apropiado. La adherencia no guarda una relación lineal con la presencia de indicadores de enfermedad mental. La adherencia se relaciona con la escolaridad, la utilización de estrategias para recordar la toma del medicamento, confiar el estatus a los familiares y apoyo familiar.

  20. Interaction of Human Enterochromaffin Cells with Human Enteric Adenovirus 41 Leads to Serotonin Release and Subsequent Activation of Enteric Glia Cells. (United States)

    Westerberg, Sonja; Hagbom, Marie; Rajan, Anandi; Loitto, Vesa; Persson, B David; Allard, Annika; Nordgren, Johan; Sharma, Sumit; Magnusson, Karl-Eric; Arnberg, Niklas; Svensson, Lennart


    Human adenovirus 41 (HAdV-41) causes acute gastroenteritis in young children. The main characteristics of HAdV-41 infection are diarrhea and vomiting. Nevertheless, the precise mechanism of HAdV-41-induced diarrhea is unknown, as a suitable small-animal model has not been described. In this study, we used the human midgut carcinoid cell line GOT1 to investigate the effect of HAdV-41 infection and the individual HAdV-41 capsid proteins on serotonin release by enterochromaffin cells and on enteric glia cell (EGC) activation. We first determined that HAdV-41 could infect the enterochromaffin cells. Immunofluorescence staining revealed that the cells expressed HAdV-41-specific coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor (CAR); flow cytometry analysis supported these findings. HAdV-41 infection of the enterochromaffin cells induced serotonin secretion dose dependently. In contrast, control infection with HAdV-5 did not induce serotonin secretion in the cells. Confocal microscopy studies of enterochromaffin cells infected with HAdV-41 revealed decreased serotonin immunofluorescence compared to that in uninfected cells. Incubation of the enterochromaffin cells with purified HAdV-41 short fiber knob and hexon proteins increased the serotonin levels in the harvested cell supernatant significantly. HAdV-41 infection could also activate EGCs, as shown in the significantly altered expression of glia fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in EGCs incubated with HAdV-41. The EGCs were also activated by serotonin alone, as shown in the significantly increased GFAP staining intensity. Likewise, EGCs were activated by the cell supernatant of HAdV-41-infected enterochromaffin cells. IMPORTANCE The nonenveloped human adenovirus 41 causes diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration, and low-grade fever mainly in children under 2 years of age. Even though acute gastroenteritis is well described, how human adenovirus 41 causes diarrhea is unknown. In our study, we analyzed the effect of human adenovirus 41

  1. Enteric Viruses in Raw Vegetables and Groundwater Used for Irrigation in South Korea▿ (United States)

    Cheong, Sooryun; Lee, Cheonghoon; Song, Sung Won; Choi, Weon Cheon; Lee, Chan Hee; Kim, Sang-Jong


    Raw vegetables irrigated with groundwater that may contain enteric viruses can be associated with food-borne viral disease outbreaks. In this study, we performed reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) and cell culture-PCR to monitor the occurrence of enteric viruses in groundwater samples and in raw vegetables that were cultivated using that groundwater in South Korea. Samples were collected 10 times from three farms located in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea. RT-PCR and cell culture-PCR were performed to detect adenoviruses (AdVs), enteroviruses (EVs), noroviruses (NoVs), and rotaviruses, followed by sequence analyses of the detected strains. Of the 29 groundwater samples and the 30 vegetable samples, five (17%) and three (10%) were positive for enteric viruses, respectively. AdVs were the most frequently detected viruses in four groundwater and three vegetable samples. EVs and NoVs were detected in only one groundwater sample and one spinach sample, respectively. The occurrence of enteric viruses in groundwater and vegetable samples was not correlated with the water temperature and the levels of indicator bacteria, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that most of the detected AdVs were temporally distributed, irrespective of sample type. Our results indicate that raw vegetables may be contaminated with a broad range of enteric viruses, which may originate from virus-infected farmers and virus-contaminated irrigation water, and these vegetables may act as a potential vector of food-borne viral transmission. PMID:19854919

  2. Enteral Stomas: Impact on the Child and the Family Impacto del estoma enteral en el niño y la familia Impacto do estoma enteral na criança e sua família

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    Full Text Available

    The consequences at the family level of having a child with enteric stoma have been a matter of deep concern in the nursing practice. This type of stoma is performed in children as an adjunctive procedure in the treatment of a congenital, pathological and traumatic problem but there is evidence to suggest that this functional change has an impact on different aspects of everyday family life.

    Objective: To identify evidence in the literature on the impact of enteric stoma (ileostomy and colostomy for the child and for his family.

    Method: A literature review of 14 research projects which address the experiences of the Family and the child with ostomy located in the Cinahl, Medline, Ovid, Proquest, Lilacs, and Dedalus databases.

    Result: through the analysis it may be concluded that, although health professionals believe that stomata are a technology of low complexity, for child and family they do not have the same meaning, because they alter the lifestyle and the family’s dynamics.

    Conclusions: test results indicated there is need for understanding the subject, in order to contribute in building knowledge, aimed at implementing interventions that consider the impact of stoma on the child and on his family.

    Las consecuencias para la familia de tener un hijo con estoma entérico han sido objeto de numerosas inquietudes en la práctica de enfermería. Este tipo de estoma se realiza en los niños como un procedimiento coadyuvante en el tratamiento de un problema de origen congénito, patológico o traumático, pero hay evidencias que indican que esta modificación funcional tiene impacto en diferentes aspectos de la vida cotidiana de la familia.

    Objetivo: identificar las evidencias en la literatura médica sobre el impacto de un estoma entérico (ileostomía y colostomía para el niño y su

  3. Impacto del estoma enteral en el niño y la familia Impacto do estoma enteral na criança e sua família Enteral Stomas: Impact on the Child and the Family

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    Full Text Available Las consecuencias para la familia de tener un hijo con estoma entérico han sido objeto de numerosas inquietudes en la práctica de enfermería. Este tipo de estoma se realiza en los niños como un procedimiento coadyuvante en el tratamiento de un problema de origen congénito, patológico o traumático, pero hay evidencias que indican que esta modificación funcional tiene impacto en diferentes aspectos de la vida cotidiana de la familia. Objetivo: identificar las evidencias en la literatura médica sobre el impacto de un estoma entérico (ileostomía y colostomía para el niño y su familia. Método: revisión bibliográfica de 14 investigaciones que abordan las vivencias de la familia y el niño ostomizado, localizadas en las bases de datos Cinahl, Medline, Ovid, Proquest, Lilacs y Dedalus. Resultados: mediante el análisis realizado se puede concluir que, pese a que los profesionales de la salud consideran que los estomas son una tecnología de baja complejidad, para el niño y la familia no tienen el mismo significado ya que alteran el estilo de vida y la dinámica familiar. Conclusiones: los resultados del análisis indicaron que hay necesidad de comprensión sobre el tema, con el fin de contribuir a la construcción del conocimiento, dirigido a la implementación de intervenciones que consideren el impacto del estoma sobre el niño y su familia.As conseqüências para a família de ter um filho com estoma entérico são objeto de numerosas inquietudes na prática da enfermagem. Este tipo de estoma é realizado nas crianças como um procedimento coadjuvante no tratamento de um problema de origem congênita, patológica ou traumática, mas existem evidências que indicam que essa modificação funcional impacta em diferentes aspectos da vida cotidiana da família. Objetivo: identificar as evidências na literatura médica sobre o impacto de um estoma entérico (ileostomia e colostomia para a criança e sua família. Método: revis

  4. Scheme for Entering Binary Data Into a Quantum Computer (United States)

    Williams, Colin


    A quantum algorithm provides for the encoding of an exponentially large number of classical data bits by use of a smaller (polynomially large) number of quantum bits (qubits). The development of this algorithm was prompted by the need, heretofore not satisfied, for a means of entering real-world binary data into a quantum computer. The data format provided by this algorithm is suitable for subsequent ultrafast quantum processing of the entered data. Potential applications lie in disciplines (e.g., genomics) in which one needs to search for matches between parts of very long sequences of data. For example, the algorithm could be used to encode the N-bit-long human genome in only log2N qubits. The resulting log2N-qubit state could then be used for subsequent quantum data processing - for example, to perform rapid comparisons of sequences.


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    Juan Manuel Anaya


    Full Text Available La siguiente investigación presenta los resultados de un estudio desarrollado en Colombia sobre la evaluación de la calidad de vida y sus relaciones con la depresión, ansiedad y optimismo disposicional en 32 pacientes con diagnóstico de lupus eritematoso sistémico de la Clínica Universitaria Bolivariana de la ciudad de Medellín, Colombia. Para evaluar la calidad de vida se utilizó el Cuestionario SF36, la ansiedaddepresión fue evaluada mediante el Cuestionario HAD, y se trabajó con el Cuestionario DIOP para medir optimismo. El estudio evidenció que los pacientes perciben una calidad de vida favorable en todas las dimensiones que conforman el cuestionario SF36, no se encontraron niveles clínicamente significativos de ansiedad-depresión, y por último se encontró alta predisposición hacia el optimismo.

  6. Study on the relationship between infant rotavirus enteritis and breast feeding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Yanping; Liu Hui; Sun Xuerong; Wei Tao; Wang Bin


    Objective: To study the relationship between infant rotavirus enteritis and breast feeding, with emphasis on early immuno-protection provided by breast feeding as well as later possible hazards with rotavirus carrier mothers. Methods: Stool specimens from 520 infants with diarrhea were screened for rotavirus with colloid gold method. Positive specimens were confirmed with RT-PCR. Results: In local (Qingdao) infants with enteritis, the over-all incidence of rotavirus infection was 31.2%. Positive rate in breast-feeding infants was only 26.8%, being significantly lower than that in bottle-feeding ones (45.2%). The virus infectivity rate in both groups of breast- feeding infants (below 6 months and 7-12 months) was lower than the corresponding rate in the bottle feeding group. However, infant fed from rotavirus carriers had significantly higher fecal positive rate of rotavirus than that in infants fed from non-carriers. Conclusion: (1) At beginning, especially below 6 months, breast-feeding provided important protection again rotavirus enteritis in the infants. (2) certain infections could be transmitted through breast feedings, which deserved closer observation. (authors)

  7. Clinical review: optimizing enteral nutrition for critically ill patients - a simple data-driven formula (United States)


    In modern critical care, the paradigm of 'therapeutic nutrition' is replacing traditional 'supportive nutrition'. Standard enteral formulas meet basic macro- and micronutrient needs; therapeutic enteral formulas meet these basic needs and also contain specific pharmaconutrients that may attenuate hyperinflammatory responses, enhance the immune responses to infection, or improve gastrointestinal tolerance. Choosing the right enteral feeding formula may positively affect a patient's outcome; targeted use of therapeutic formulas can reduce the incidence of infectious complications, shorten lengths of stay in the ICU and in the hospital, and lower risk for mortality. In this paper, we review principles of how to feed (enteral, parenteral, or both) and when to feed (early versus delayed start) patients who are critically ill. We discuss what to feed these patients in the context of specific pharmaconutrients in specialized feeding formulations, that is, arginine, glutamine, antioxidants, certain ω-3 and ω-6 fatty acids, hydrolyzed proteins, and medium-chain triglycerides. We summarize current expert guidelines for nutrition in patients with critical illness, and we present specific clinical evidence on the use of enteral formulas supplemented with anti-inflammatory or immune-modulating nutrients, and gastrointestinal tolerance-promoting nutritional formulas. Finally, we introduce an algorithm to help bedside clinicians make data-driven feeding decisions for patients with critical illness. PMID:22136305

  8. Enteric Protozoa in the Developed World: a Public Health Perspective (United States)

    Fletcher, Stephanie M.; Stark, Damien; Harkness, John


    Summary: Several enteric protozoa cause severe morbidity and mortality in both humans and animals worldwide. In developed settings, enteric protozoa are often ignored as a cause of diarrheal illness due to better hygiene conditions, and as such, very little effort is used toward laboratory diagnosis. Although these protozoa contribute to the high burden of infectious diseases, estimates of their true prevalence are sometimes affected by the lack of sensitive diagnostic techniques to detect them in clinical and environmental specimens. Despite recent advances in the epidemiology, molecular biology, and treatment of protozoan illnesses, gaps in knowledge still exist, requiring further research. There is evidence that climate-related changes will contribute to their burden due to displacement of ecosystems and human and animal populations, increases in atmospheric temperature, flooding and other environmental conditions suitable for transmission, and the need for the reuse of alternative water sources to meet growing population needs. This review discusses the common enteric protozoa from a public health perspective, highlighting their epidemiology, modes of transmission, prevention, and control. It also discusses the potential impact of climate changes on their epidemiology and the issues surrounding waterborne transmission and suggests a multidisciplinary approach to their prevention and control. PMID:22763633

  9. Planificación Neuroquirúrgica con Software Osirix (United States)

    Jaimovich, Sebastián Gastón; Guevara, Martin; Pampin, Sergio; Jaimovich, Roberto; Gardella, Javier Luis


    Introducción: La individualidad anatómica es clave para reducir el trauma quirúrgico y obtener un mejor resultado. Actualmente, el avance en las neuroimágenes ha permitido objetivar esa individualidad anatómica, permitiendo planificar la intervención quirúrgica. Con este objetivo, presentamos nuestra experiencia con el software Osirix. Descripción de la técnica: Se presentan 3 casos ejemplificadores de 40 realizados. Caso 1: Paciente con meningioma de la convexidad parasagital izquierda en área premotora; Caso 2: Paciente con macroadenoma hipofisario, operada previamente por vía transeptoesfenoidal en otra institución con una resección parcial; Caso 3: Paciente con lesiones en pedúnculo cerebeloso medio bilateral. Se realizó la planificación prequirúrgica con el software OsiriX, fusionando y reconstruyendo en 3D las imágenes de TC e IRM, para analizar relaciones anatómicas, medir distancias, coordenadas y trayectorias, entre otras funciones. Discusión: El software OsiriX de acceso libre y gratuito permite al cirujano, mediante la fusión y reconstrucción en 3D de imágenes, analizar la anatomía individual del paciente y planificar de forma rápida, simple, segura y económica cirugías de alta complejidad. En el Caso 1 se pudo analizar las relaciones del tumor con las estructuras adyacentes para minimizar el abordaje. En el Caso 2 permitió comprender la anatomía post-operatoria previa del paciente, para determinar la trayectoria del abordaje transnasal endoscópico y la necesidad de ampliar su exposición, logrando la resección tumoral completa. En el Caso 3 permitió obtener las coordenadas estereotáxicas y trayectoria de una lesión sin representación tomográfica. Conclusión: En casos de no contar con costosos sistemas de neuronavegación o estereotáxia el software OsiriX es una alternativa a la hora de planificar la cirugía, con el objetivo de disminuir el trauma y la morbilidad operatoria. PMID:25165617

  10. El maltrato en las personas con discapacidad


    Revuelta, Lucerga


    El maltrato no solo se realiza por acción sino también por omisión, la indiferencia hacia la persona con discapacidad es una forma de maltrato muy frecuente. Por ejemplo, ignorar y desatender las necesidades de la persona con discapacidad o, al contrario, la sobreprotección son maneras de maltrato. Cuando a un niño con discapacidad el padre o cuidador le hace todo, el niño se siente agredido pues le están incapacitando más de lo que su enfermedad ya lo hace.

  11. Entering the lesbian world in Japan: debut stories. (United States)

    Kamano, Saori


    Conceiving of a "lesbian community" as the process and/or the end product of a lesbian's going outside herself or her intimate relationship to connect with other lesbians, this paper explores the experiences of lesbians in entering the community in Tokyo, Japan, which lesbians refer to as "community debut." Based on the personal accounts gathered through interviewing 24 women in 2002 in the Tokyo area, this paper examines the personal contexts in which the women entered a lesbian community, which included searching for and defining themselves, accepting themselves, and acting out the new identity to make changes in their lives. Some of the women interviewed were prompted by a need to understand themselves as lesbians. Others with a lesbian identity searched for further affirmation through connecting with "the world of lesbians" beyond their immediate contexts. For some other women interviewed, entering the community was a way to help them start their lives anew by getting out of their previous (married) lives. The paper also specifically touches on the significance of the Internet as a source of information for individual women and as a way of creating a lesbian community, identifying both positive and negative aspects. Although the research reported in this paper leaves for further exploration how boundaries of the communities are negotiated and drawn, the norms of the communities, and conflicts and negotiations among individuals and groups, it has provided one piece of the mosaic of lesbian communities in Japan. The communities, while still largely invisible in the mainstream society, are nonetheless an important part of life, albeit in different ways, of many lesbians. The research process leads the author to anticipate greater visibility of lesbians and lesbian communities in Japan in the not too distant future.

  12. Enteric Micromotor Can Selectively Position and Spontaneously Propel in the Gastrointestinal Tract. (United States)

    Li, Jinxing; Thamphiwatana, Soracha; Liu, Wenjuan; Esteban-Fernández de Ávila, Berta; Angsantikul, Pavimol; Sandraz, Elodie; Wang, Jianxing; Xu, Tailin; Soto, Fernando; Ramez, Valentin; Wang, Xiaolei; Gao, Weiwei; Zhang, Liangfang; Wang, Joseph


    The gastrointestinal (GI) tract, which hosts hundreds of bacteria species, becomes the most exciting organ for the emerging microbiome research. Some of these GI microbes are hostile and cause a variety of diseases. These bacteria colonize in different segments of the GI tract dependent on the local physicochemical and biological factors. Therefore, selectively locating therapeutic or imaging agents to specific GI segments is of significant importance for studying gut microbiome and treating various GI-related diseases. Herein, we demonstrate an enteric micromotor system capable of precise positioning and controllable retention in desired segments of the GI tract. These motors, consisting of magnesium-based tubular micromotors coated with an enteric polymer layer, act as a robust nanobiotechnology tool for site-specific GI delivery. The micromotors can deliver payload to a particular location via dissolution of their enteric coating to activate their propulsion at the target site toward localized tissue penetration and retention.

  13. Actitud de universitarios hacia las personas con discapacidad

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    Alexis Araya-Cortés


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue describir y comparar la actitud hacia las personas con discapacidad de estudiantes de pedagogía, con estudiantes de otras profesiones y en distintos niveles de formación. Se utilizó un diseño descriptivo y correlacional en el que participaron 260 estudiantes de ambos sexos de una universidad privada de la cuidad de La Serena, Chile. Como instrumento se aplicó la Escala de Actitudes hacia las Personas con Discapacidad de Verdugo, Jenaro y Arias. Los resultados mostraron que la totalidad del alumnado presenta actitudes positivas. En relación con el tipo de carrera y nivel de estudio no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Se puede inferir que los estudiantes presentan una predisposición favorable a comportarse de manera efectiva frente a personas con discapacidad, valorando positivamente sus capacidades y reconociendo sus derechos fundamentales.

  14. Insuficiencia renal aguda relacionada con medicamentos en pacientes hospitalizados

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    Lujan Iavecchia


    Conclusiones: La mitad de los episodios de IRA intrahospitalaria se relacionaron con medicamentos. Los pacientes con IRA relacionada con medicamentos presentaron más antecedentes patológicos cardiovasculares, pero menos factores de riesgo de IRA y una menor mortalidad.

  15. Principles of feeding cancer patients via enteral or parenteral nutrition during radiotherapy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fietkau, R. [Strahlentherapeutische Klinik und Poliklinik, Rostock Univ. (Germany)]|[Strahlentherapeutische Klinik und Poliklinik, Erlangen Univ. (Germany)


    Background: The nutritional status of cancer patients is frequently impaired already before any therapy starts and may deteriorate even more by radio(chemo)therapy. Methods: This review describes the possibilities and risks of enteral and parenteral nutrition during radiotherapy. The indications of enteral nutrition will be derived from own results. Results: Enteral nutrition is the most preferable way of artificial long-term nutrition. In a prospective non-randomized trial we demonstrated that enteral nutrition via percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) not only improves the anthropometric and biochemical parameters during radio(chemo)therapy but also the quality of life of patients with advanced cancers of the head and neck. Moreover supportive use of megestrolacetate can improve the nutritional status. Parenteral nutrition is only recommended if enteral nutrition is not possible e.g. during radio(chemo)therapy of tumors of the upper gastrointestinal tract. Conclusions: Today adequate nutritional support is feasible during intensive radio(chemo)therapy. (orig.) [Deutsch] Hintergrund: Der Ernaehrungsstatus von Tumorpatienten ist haeufig bereits vor jeder antitumoroesen Therapie reduziert und kann sich durch die notwendige Radio(chemo)therapie weiter verschlechtern. Methode: Im Rahmen dieses Uebersichtsartikels werden die Moeglichkeiten und Risiken der enteralen und parenteralen Ernaehrung waehrend einer Radiotherapie besprochen. Die Indikationen der enteralen Ernaehrung werden anhand von eigenen Ergebnissen begruendet. Ergebnisse: Die Langzeiternaehrung wird am besten ueber einen enteralen Zugang durchgefuehrt. In einer prospektiven, nichtrandomisierten Studie konnten wir zeigen, dass eine enterale Ernaehrung mittels perkutaner endoskopisch kontrollierter Gastrostomie (PEG) nicht nur die anthropometrischen und biochemischen Parameter waehrend einer Radio(chemo)therapie verbessert, sondern auch die Lebensqualitaet. Eine weitere Moeglichkeit besteht in der


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    William Espinoza-Domínguez


    Full Text Available El presente estudio se realizó con el objetivo de estimar el almacén de carbono en sistemas agroforestales (SAF con base en café en la región de Huatusco, zona de mayor producción de café (Coffea arabiga L. en el estado de Veracruz, México, a fin de obtener información cuantitativa sobre el potencial de mitigación de carbono en los SAF de la región. Para ello, se estimaron los reservorios de carbono en biomasa vegetal y la materia orgánica edáfica existentes en sistemas agroforestales de café-plátano, café-macadamia, café-cedro rosado, café-ganado ovino y café-chalahuite, y como referencia de una condición no agroforestal se incluyeron un bosque primario y un potrero con pradera natural. La recolección de muestras se hizo en parcelas de 4 x 25 m (100 m2, donde se colectó biomasa de vegetación herbácea y mantillo, y para el suelo la profundidad de muestreo fue de 0 a 30 cm. El sistema agroforestal que presentó la mayor cantidad de carbono aéreo, estimado con modelos alelométricos, fue café-cedro rosado (Ca + Ce, con 114 Mg C·ha-1, seguido de los sistemas café - macadamia (Ca + Ma, con 34 Mg C·ha-1; café-chalahuite (Ca + Ch, con 29 Mg C·ha-1; café-plátano velillo (Ca + Pl, con 27 Mg C·ha-1; y por último el sistema silvopastoril (Sp, con 2 Mg C·ha-1. Para el caso del carbono orgánico del suelo, el tratamiento (Ca + Ce fue el que presentó mayor contenido de carbono fácilmente oxidable en el suelo, con 58 Mg C·ha-1, y el menor fue el tratamiento potrero (P, con 50 Mg C·ha-1. Del carbono orgánico total entre los SAF el tratamiento Ca + Ce fue el que tuvo el mayor valor, con 172 Mg C·ha-1, y el tratamiento silvopastoril (Sp presentó el menor, con 65 Mg C·ha-1. De los sistemas evaluados se concluye que, en promedio, los SAF almacenan 102 Mg C·ha-1, mientras que el potrero almacena 52 t C·ha-1, y el bosque primario es el sistema que más almacena carbono total, con un valor de 355 Mg C·ha-1.

  17. Effects of entering adulthood during a recession


    Dettling, Lisa


    Current cohorts of young adults entered adulthood during an international labor and housing market crisis of a severity not experienced since the Great Depression. Concerns have arisen over the impacts on young adults’ employment, income, wealth, and living arrangements, and about whether these young adults constitute a “scarred generation” that will suffer permanent contractions in financial well-being. If true, knowing the mechanisms through which young adults’ finances have been affected h...

  18. Ageing of enteric neurons: oxidative stress, neurotrophic factors and antioxidant enzymes

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    Korsak Kris


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Ageing is associated with gastrointestinal dysfunction, which can have a major impact on quality of life of the elderly. A number of changes in the innervation of the gut during ageing have been reported, including neuronal loss and degenerative changes. Evidence indicates that reactive oxygen species (ROS are elevated in ageing enteric neurons, but that neurotrophic factors may reduce generation of neuronal ROS. Two such factors, glial cell line derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3 have also been found to protect enteric neurons against oxidative stress induced cell death of enteric ganglion cells in vitro. We have investigated the possible roles of neurotrophic factors further, by examining their expression in the gut during ageing, and by analysing their effects on antioxidant enzyme production in cultures of enteric ganglion cells. Results Analysis of the expression of GDNF and its receptors c-Ret and GFR α − 1 in rat gut by RT-PCR showed that expression continues throughout life and into ageing, in both ad libitum(AL and calorically-restricted (CR animals. Levels of expression of GDNF and GFR α − 1 were elevated in 24 month AL animals compared to 24 month CR animals, and to 24 CR and 6 month control animals respectively. The related factor Neurturin and its receptor GFR α − 2 were also expressed throughout life, the levels of the GFR – α-2(b isoform were reduced in 24 m AL animals. Immunolabelling showed that c-Ret and GFR α − 1 proteins were expressed by myenteric neurons in ageing animals. GDNF, but not NT-3, was found to increase expression of Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase and catalase by cultured enteric ganglion cells. Conclusions The neurotrophic factors GDNF and neurturin and their receptors continue to be expressed in the ageing gut. Changes in the levels of expression of GDNF , GFR α-1 and GFR α-2(b isoform occurred in 24 m AL animals. GDNF, but not

  19. Design and evaluation of enteric-coated tablets for rifampicin and isoniazid combinations. (United States)

    Wang, Yongjun; Liu, Hongzhuo; Liu, Kai; Sun, Jin; He, Zhonggui


    In order to improve the bioavailability of rifampicin (RIF) from rifampicin and isoniazid (INH) combination formulations, the physicochemical characteristics of RIF, stability of RIF in different pH buffers in the presence of INH, as well as the effect of particle size of RIF materials on the dissolution rate were investigated. On the basis of the above examinations, enteric-coated tablets for RIF and INH combinations were designed and prepared. RIF showed low solubility and high apparent distribution coefficient in the intestinal pH (pH 4.0-7.4). With the decrease in pH, the degradation of RIF increase and the presence of INH deepen the degradation. Enteric-coated tablets were prepared after grinding the RIF materials by dry granulation technique. The pharmacokinetics of RIF and INH of self-made enteric-coated tablets in dogs were studied by comparing with the reference tablets. The AUC(0-48) of RIF in both reference and test tablets were 304.77 ± 42.27 and 353.79 ± 31.63 µg·h·mL(-1), respectively. The AUC(0-48) of INH in both reference and test tablets were 17.14 ± 8.59 and 19.62 ± 10.57 µg·h·mL(-1), respectively. Enteric-coated tablets may minimize the decomposition of RIF in gastrointestinal tract and improve the bioavailability.


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    Américo José Hossne García


    Full Text Available La determinación de la tracción de los tractores agrícolas acredita su empleo eficiente, por ejemplo en: disminución del tiempo oportuno de operación, reducción de daños físicos y terramecánicos, adecuadas característica ingenieriles, tipo y número de neumáticos tractivos y reducción de los costos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue la utilización de las ecuaciones de Micklethwaite, Bekker, Janosi-Hanomoto, y Brixius adaptadas al campo agrícola analizadas con el lenguaje de programación Visual Basic. En la metodología se utilizaron los procedimientos de aplicación de las ecuaciones, las relaciones algebraicas y procedimientos programáticos en Visual Basic 6, diagrama de flujo y el análisis en la tracción sencilla, doble, aperos de tiro y montados; todos, con transferencia de peso y análisis de inestabilidad. El programa desarrollado con sus códigos proporciona una interfaz de usuario intuitiva mediante la vinculación de bases de datos con especificaciones del equipo agrícola, características del neumático, datos del suelo, datos del apero y los coeficientes de las ecuaciones para predecir el rendimiento de un tractor y modelo seleccionados. El programa demostró ser accesible, con mecanismos de uso sin instalación, eficiente y versátil. Las ecuaciones se emplearon con un número de parámetros representativos del área, que pueden ser reemplazados o ampliados y aplicables al agro involucrando la humedad del suelo.

  1. Investigation of the effects of oleuropein rich diet on rat enteric bacterial flora. (United States)

    Kiraz, A; Simsek, T; Tekin, S Z; Elmas, S; Tekin, M; Sahin, H; Altinisik, H B; Pala, C


    Oleuropein is a phenolic compound of olive leaves. Enteric bacterial flora is very important for human health and diet is a directly affecting factor of enteric bacterial flora composition. In this study, it was hypothesized that oleuropein could reduce total aerobic bacterial count in rat caecal flora. Twenty adult, male, Wistar albino rats were randomly divided into two groups. Group C (n=10) was fed with standard rat chow and water for 30 days. Group O (n=10) received olive leaf extract 20 mg/kg/day by intragastric gavage in addition to standard rat chow and water for 30 days. One gram of caecal content was collected from each rat and then consecutive 10-fold serial dilutions were prepared with a final concentration of 10-8. Then 0.1 ml of each dilution were spread onto the surfaces of Plate Count Agar and Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar to enumerate the aerobic enteric bacteria. Total aerobic bacterial counts of Group O were significantly lower than of Group C in all agar plates inoculated with ceacal samples for every dilution (pbacterial translocation by reducing enteric bacterial counts (Tab. 1, Ref. 32).

  2. en personas con el VIH/SIDA

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    Ximena Palacios Espinosa


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue hallar la relación de la intención e ideación suicida con algunas variables sociodemográficas, las características de la enfermedad, el tratamiento antirretroviral y los aspectos piscoafectivos en personas con el VIH/SIDA que residen en Bogotá (Colombia y pertenecientes a una fundación. Para ello, se tomó una muestra de 75 pacientes con VIH positivo a quienes se evaluó a través de una entrevista semiestructurada y dos instrumentos: el inventario de depresión de Beck (IBD y la escala de Ideación Suicida (SSI. Los resultados mostraron que solo 29 personas tenían ideación suicida y 10 intención suicida: De los 10 solo 2 sujetos tenían intención después del diagnóstico. Se encontró una relación estadística significativa para ideación suicida e intención suicida con edad, estrato socioeconómico, estado civil, orientación sexual, las características de la enfermedad, el tratamiento antirretroviral y los aspectos piscoafectivos.

  3. Natural history and surgical management of radiation enteritis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Galland, R.B.; Spencer, J.


    The natural history and surgical management of radio enteritis is reviewed. Predisposing factors include the dose of radiation patients build, combination with chemotherapy, previous operations and vascular disease. Management is related to the stage of disease at presentation, and tailored to the clinical problem. Surgical management must take into account the poor healing associated with irradiated intestine. (author)

  4. Carcinoma tricofolicular con capacidad metastásica

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    C.B. Pinilla-Martínez


    Full Text Available El carcinoma folicular es un tumor maligno derivado del folículo piloso. La mayor parte de los tumores foliculares son benignos, pero en los últimos años se han publicado casos aislados de tumores anexiales con características de malignidad y con una gran agresividad local siendo en principio tumores que se consideraban benignos. Creemos que este tumor está siendo infradiagnosticado, y como consecuencia, infratratado al ser confundido con otros tumores malignos originados en la piel, como el carcinoma basocelular y sobre todo con el carcinoma epidermoide, en parte por poca documentación y por la dificultad para su diagnóstico anatomopatológico. Presentamos un caso de carcinoma tricofolicular en cuero cabelludo en una mujer de 51 años de edad que rápidamente invade sistema nervioso central y que en solo 3 meses metastatiza a pulmón.

  5. Experiencias y recursos con las tics para la atención al alumnado con necesidades educativas especiales

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    Eladio Sebastian Heredero


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tiene como objetivo levantar algunas experiencias llevadas a cabo en centros educativos en los que se ponen de manifiesto buenas prácticas con el uso de las tecnologías para la atención al alumnado con necesidades educativas. Se ha realizado a través de una metodología mixta que alterna el trabajo de investigación de campo con el análisis documental, para finalmente llegar a presentar algunos ejemplos clarificadores y eficaces de prácticas educativas concretas. Los ejemplos aquí aportados, tienen como innovación, que nos presentan prácticas de aula, testadas y aplicadas, y a partir de ellas poder establecer algunas conclusiones e ideas para su mejora.

  6. Radiation enteritis. A rare complication of the transverse colon in uterine cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoshimura, Kenji; Hirata, Ichiro; Maemura, Kentaro; Sugi, Kazunori; Tahara, Tetsuo


    Radiation therapy is a powerful method for the control of cancer. The utilization of abdominal or pelvic radiation has been extended, and the incidence of radiation enteritis appears to be increasing. The majority of the induced lesions is in the distal ileum, sigmoid colon, or rectum. Reported here is an unusual case of radiation enteritis which caused a severe sequelae of stricture in the transverse colon as a long-term effect of therapeutic irradiation for uterine cancer, and required a surgical resection. (author)

  7. Radiation enteritis. A rare complication of the transverse colon in uterine cancer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yoshimura, Kenji [Kodama Hospital, Takarazuka, Hyogo (Japan); Hirata, Ichiro; Maemura, Kentaro; Sugi, Kazunori; Tahara, Tetsuo


    Radiation therapy is a powerful method for the control of cancer. The utilization of abdominal or pelvic radiation has been extended, and the incidence of radiation enteritis appears to be increasing. The majority of the induced lesions is in the distal ileum, sigmoid colon, or rectum. Reported here is an unusual case of radiation enteritis which caused a severe sequelae of stricture in the transverse colon as a long-term effect of therapeutic irradiation for uterine cancer, and required a surgical resection. (author)

  8. Multidrug resistance in enteric and other gram-negative bacteria. (United States)

    George, A M


    In Gram-negative bacteria, multidrug resistance is a term that is used to describe mechanisms of resistance by chromosomal genes that are activated by induction or mutation caused by the stress of exposure to antibiotics in natural and clinical environments. Unlike plasmid-borne resistance genes, there is no alteration or degradation of drugs or need for genetic transfer. Exposure to a single drug leads to cross-resistance to many other structurally and functionally unrelated drugs. The only mechanism identified for multidrug resistance in bacteria is drug efflux by membrane transporters, even though many of these transporters remain to be identified. The enteric bacteria exhibit mostly complex multidrug resistance systems which are often regulated by operons or regulons. The purpose of this review is to survey molecular mechanisms of multidrug resistance in enteric and other Gram-negative bacteria, and to speculate on the origins and natural physiological functions of the genes involved.

  9. Adolescentes con autolesiones e ideación suicida: un grupo con mayor comorbilidad y adversidad psicosocial


    Mayer Villa, Pablo Adolfo; Morales Gordillo, Nadia; Victoria Figueroa, Gamaliel; Ulloa Flores, Rosa Elena


    La creciente prevalencia de conductas suicidas en adolescentes se ha convertido en un problema de salud pública. Existen varios factores asociados con este tipo de conductas, tales como: síntomas depresivos y ansiosos, consumo de sustancias nocivas, trastornos de conducta, violencia familiar, negligencia y abuso sexual en la infancia. Otro factor importante que se asocia con la presencia del comportamiento suicida son las autolesiones, las cuales pueden definirse como conductas deliberadas de...

  10. Sintomatología depresiva en pacientes con fibromialgia

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    Vanessa Moreno


    Full Text Available Introducción: La fibromialgia es una entidad frecuente en la práctica clínica y se ha considerado que está asociada con desórdenes psiquiátricos, en particular con depresión, lo cual podría tener un impacto en el tratamiento de esta entidad. Objetivo: Evaluar la prevalencia de síntomas depresivos en pacientes con fibromialgia. Diseño: Estudio observacional y de tipo transversal. Lugar: Servicio de Reumatología, Hospital Departamental María Auxiliadora. Participantes: Pacientes de ambos sexos con diagnóstico de fibromialgia. Intervenciones: Se utilizó la escala de Hamilton para la depresión (HDRS y el recuento de puntos dolorosos para fibromialgia. Principales medidas de resultados: Porcentaje de pacientes con síntomas depresivos. Puntaje total de la HDRS en relación al recuento de puntos dolorosos. Resultados: La edad promedio fue 54,9 ± 14 años, 80% fue del sexo femenino y el número promedio de puntos dolorosos, 14,4 ± 1,5. El 32,7% de pacientes no tenía síntomas de ánimo depresivo, en 27,7% los síntomas fueron leves, en 30,9% moderados y solo en 9% severos. Ningún paciente presentó síntomas compatibles con ánimo depresivo muy severo. Encontramos una correlación significativa entre el número de puntos dolorosos y el puntaje de la escala HDRS (r= 0,740, p< 0,001. Conclusiones: Los síntomas depresivos severos se encuentran en una proporción baja en pacientes con fibromialgia y parecen estar directamente asociados con el número de puntos dolorosos.

  11. Aprendizajes en sincronía con la vida

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    Flor Abarca-Alpízar


    Full Text Available Como humanidad sufrimos la desconexión y separación con la vida toda. Esta ruptura impuesta por el paradigma mecanicista predominante en los últimos cuatrocientos años, nos ha llevado a olvidar la visión holista promovida por las culturas originarias y ancestrales. Esta situación prevalece también en los sistemas educativos dominados por la enseñanza memorística y fragmentada, alejada de la vida, del ser y sentir de las personas aprendientes. Para la superación de la crisis planetaria actual es urgente recuperar la visión holista de la vida y del aprendizaje, para lo cual los procesos docentes universitarios son claves para la formación de personas profesionales comprometidas con la plenitud de la vida sobre la tierra. El sentido de este ensayo es reflexionar sobre la importancia que tiene para la superación de la crisis planetaria actual la recuperación de nuestra conectividad con la vida del planeta tierra en sincronicidad con los aprendizajes, porque los procesos vitales y los procesos de aprendizaje son la misma cosa. Este ensayo está organizado en tres momentos. El primero parte del intercambio de seres, saberes, sentires y experiencias para recuperar nuestra conexión perdida con la vida en nuestro planeta tierra. Un segundo momento donde presentamos reflexiones y conceptualización por medio de la construcción colectiva de conocimientos, con apoyo de personas especialistas en la visión holista y los procesos de interaprendizaje, necesarios para salvar la vida toda. El tercer momento de este ensayo está elaborado con propuestas, claves, signos y señales para la conexión de los procesos vitales en sincronía con los procesos de aprendizaje necesarios en los tiempos actuales.

  12. A systematic review of zoonotic enteric parasitic diseases among nomadic and pastoral people.

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    Amber N Barnes

    Full Text Available Zoonotic enteric parasites are ubiquitous and remain a public health threat to humans due to our close relationship with domestic animals and wildlife, inadequate water, sanitation, and hygiene practices and diet. While most communities are now sedentary, nomadic and pastoral populations still exist and experience unique exposure risks for acquiring zoonotic enteric parasites. Through this systematic review we sought to summarize published research regarding pathogens present in nomadic populations and to identify the risk factors for their infection.Using systematic review guidelines set forth by PRISMA, research articles were identified, screened and summarized based on exclusion criteria for the documented presence of zoonotic enteric parasites within nomadic or pastoral human populations. A total of 54 articles published between 1956 and 2016 were reviewed to determine the pathogens and exposure risks associated with the global transhumance lifestyle.The included articles reported more than twenty different zoonotic enteric parasite species and illustrated several risk factors for nomadic and pastoralist populations to acquire infection including; a animal contact, b food preparation and diet, and c household characteristics. The most common parasite studied was Echinococcosis spp. and contact with dogs was recognized as a leading risk factor for zoonotic enteric parasites followed by contact with livestock and/or wildlife, water, sanitation, and hygiene barriers, home slaughter of animals, environmental water exposures, household member age and sex, and consumption of unwashed produce or raw, unprocessed, or undercooked milk or meat.Nomadic and pastoral communities are at risk of infection with a variety of zoonotic enteric parasites due to their living environment, cultural and dietary traditions, and close relationship to animals. Global health efforts aimed at reducing the transmission of these animal-to-human pathogens must incorporate

  13. Clinical Efficacy and Residue Depletion of 10% Enrofloxacin Enteric-Coated Granules in Pigs. (United States)

    Lei, Zhixin; Liu, Qianying; Yang, Bing; Xiong, Jincheng; Li, Kun; Ahmed, Saeed; Hong, Liping; Chen, Pin; He, Qigai; Cao, Jiyue


    A new, more palatable formulation of 10% enrofloxacin enteric-coated granules was investigated to evaluate the pharmacokinetic effect in plasma, the residue elimination in tissues and the clinical efficacy against Actinobacillus pleuropneumonia (APP) and Mycoplasam suis (MS) in pigs. In this study, the enrofloxacin concentrations in plasma and tissues were detected using high-performance liquid chromatography with phosphate buffer (pH = 3) and acetonitrile. The pharmacokinetics and elimination of enrofloxacin enteric-coated granules were performed after oral administration at a single dose of 10 mg/kg body weight (bw) and 5 mg/kg twice per day for 5 consecutive days, respectively. The in vivo antibacterial efficacy and clinical effectiveness of enrofloxacin enteric-coated granules against APP and MS were assayed at 2.5, 5, 10 mg/kg, compared with tiamulin (8 mg/kg) based on establishment of APP and MS infection models. 56 APP strains were selected and tested for in vitro antibacterial activity of enrofloxacin enteric-coated granules. The main parameters of elimination half-life (t 1/2β ), T max , and area under the curve (AUC) were 14.99 ± 4.19, 3.99 ± 0.10, and 38.93 ± 1.52 μg h/ml, respectively, revealing that the enrofloxacin concentration remained high and with a sustainable distribution in plasma. Moreover, the analysis on the evaluation of enrofloxacin and ciprofloxacin in muscle, fat, liver and kidney showed that the recovery were more than 84% recovery in accordance with the veterinary drug residue guidelines of United States pharmacopeia, and the withdrawal periods were 4.28, 3.81, 4.84, and 3.51 days, respectively, suggesting that the withdrawal period was 5 d after oral administration of 5 mg/kg twice per day. The optimal dosage of enrofloxacin enteric-coated granules against APP and MS was 5 mg/kg, with over 90% efficacy, which was significantly different ( p enrofloxacin enteric-coated granules had significant potential for treating APP and MS

  14. Necrotizing enterocolitis is associated with earlier achievement of enteral autonomy in children with short bowel syndrome. (United States)

    Sparks, Eric A; Khan, Faraz A; Fisher, Jeremy G; Fullerton, Brenna S; Hall, Amber; Raphael, Bram P; Duggan, Christopher; Modi, Biren P; Jaksic, Tom


    Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) remains one of the most common underlying diagnoses of short bowel syndrome (SBS) in children. The relationship between the etiology of SBS and ultimate enteral autonomy has not been well studied. This investigation sought to evaluate the rate of achievement of enteral autonomy in SBS patients with and without NEC. Following IRB approval, 109 patients (2002-2014) at a multidisciplinary intestinal rehabilitation program were reviewed. The primary outcome evaluated was achievement of enteral autonomy (i.e. fully weaning from parenteral nutrition). Patient demographics, primary diagnosis, residual small bowel length, percent expected small bowel length, median serum citrulline level, number of abdominal operations, status of the ileocecal valve (ICV), presence of ileostomy, liver function tests, and treatment for bacterial overgrowth were recorded for each patient. Median age at PN onset was 0 weeks [IQR 0-0]. Median residual small bowel length was 33.5 cm [IQR 20-70]. NEC was present in 37 of 109 (33.9%) of patients. 45 patients (41%) achieved enteral autonomy after a median PN duration of 15.3 [IQR 7.2-38.4]months. Overall, 64.9% of patients with NEC achieved enteral autonomy compared to 29.2% of patients with a different primary diagnosis (p=0.001, Fig. 1). Patients with NEC remained more likely than those without NEC to achieve enteral autonomy after two (45.5% vs. 12.0%) and four (35.7% vs. 6.3%) years on PN (Fig. 1). Logistic regression analysis demonstrated the following parameters as independent predictors of enteral autonomy: diagnosis of NEC (pChildren with SBS because of NEC have a significantly higher likelihood of fully weaning from parenteral nutrition compared to children with other causes of SBS. Additionally, patients with NEC may attain enteral autonomy even after long durations of parenteral support. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. In vivo transplantation of enteric neural crest cells into mouse gut; Engraftment, functional integration and long-term safety

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    J.E. Cooper (Julie E.); C. Mccann; D. Natarajan (Dipa); S. Choudhury; W. Boesmans (Werend); J.-M. Delalande (Jean-Marie); P.V. Berghe (Pieter Vanden); A.J. Burns (Alan); N. Thapar (Nikhil)


    textabstractObjectives: Enteric neuropathies are severe gastrointestinal disorders with unsatisfactory outcomes. We aimed to investigate the potential of enteric neural stem cell therapy approaches for such disorders by transplanting mouse enteric neural crest cells (ENCCs) into ganglionic and

  16. Potential virulence of Klebsiella sp. isolates from enteral diets

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    S.C.L. Pereira


    Full Text Available We aimed to evaluate the potential virulence of Klebsiella isolates from enteral diets in hospitals, to support nosocomial infection control measures, especially among critical-care patients. Phenotypic determination of virulence factors, such as capsular expression on the external membrane, production of aerobactin siderophore, synthesis of capsular polysaccharide, hemolytic and phospholipase activity, and resistance to antibiotics, which are used therapeutically, were investigated in strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae and K. oxytoca. Modular industrialized enteral diets (30 samples as used in two public hospitals were analyzed, and Klebsiella isolates were obtained from six (20% of them. The hypermucoviscous phenotype was observed in one of the K. pneumoniae isolates (6.7%. Capsular serotypes K1 to K6 were present, namely K5 and K4. Under the conditions of this study, no aerobactin production, hemolytic activity or lecithinase activity was observed in the isolates. All isolates were resistant to amoxicillin and ampicillin and sensitive to cefetamet, imipenem, chloramphenicol, gentamicin and sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim. Most K. pneumoniae isolates (6/7, 85.7% from hospital B presented with a higher frequency of resistance to the antibiotics tested in this study, and multiple resistance to at least four antibiotics (3/8; 37.5% compared with isolates from Hospital A. The variations observed in the antibiotic resistance profiles allowed us to classify the Klebsiella isolates as eight antibiotypes. No production of broad-spectrum β-lactamases was observed among the isolates. Our data favor the hypothesis that Klebsiella isolates from enteral diets are potential pathogens for nosocomial infections.

  17. Changes and clinical significance of liver function and myocardial zymogram in children with rotavirus enteritis

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    Lan-Ping Yang


    Full Text Available Objective: To explore the changes and clinical significance of liver function and myocardial zymogram in children with rotavirus (RV enteritis. Methods: A total of 70 children with RV enteritis who were admitted in our hospital were included in the study and served as the observation group. The liver function and myocardial zymogram before and after treatment were detected. The proportion of RV enteritis children with liver and myocardial damage was calculated. The effect of dehydration on the liver function and myocardial zymogram in children with RV enteritis was analyzed. A total of 65 children with non-RV enteritis who were admitted in our hospital at the same stage were served as the control group. Results: The serum ALT, AST, CK, CK-MB, LDH, and α-HBDH levels, and liver myocardial damage children proportion in the observation group were significantly higher than those in the control group (P<0.05. The serum ALT, AST, CK, CK-MB, LDH, and α-HBDH levels in the observation group were significantly elevated with the acceleration of dehydration degree (P<0.05. In the observation group, 45 children had liver and myocardial damage, whose ALT, AST, CK, CKMB, LDH, and α-HBDH levels after treatment were significantly reduced when compared with before treatment (P<0.05. Conclusions: Early detection of liver function and myocardial zymogram can accurately reflect the condition in children with RV enteritis, which can provide an evidence for the formulation of clinical treatment protocol.

  18. Infliximab en pacientes con enfermedad ocular inflamatoria, refractarios a DARMES

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    Elmer R. García-Salazar


    Full Text Available Se describe la experiencia con infliximab (anticuerpo monoclonal con una potente acción antiinflamatoria en el tratamiento de enfermedades oculares inflamatorias secundarias a patologías reumáticas y refractarias a drogas antirreumáticas modificadoras de la enfermedad (DARMES. Se evaluó el caso de una paciente de 50 años con artritis reumatoide (AR de fondo activo y una paciente de 37 años con vasculitis anticuerpos anticitoplasma de neutrófilos especifico para mieloperoxidasa (ANCA MPO sin compromiso de órgano noble, ambas con escleritis bilateral y perforación con prolapso de iris del ojo izquierdo. Ellas recibieron infliximab EV en dosis de 3 a 5 mg/kg/dosis, según el esquema, a las 0, 2, 6 y 8 semanas. Infliximab resultó eficaz y seguro para el tratamiento de escleritis asociada a AR y vasculitis ANCA MPO positivo, refractaria a tratamiento con DARMES y corticoides en dosis altas. Los injertos de tejido esclerocorneal evolucionaron favorablemente con infliximab.

  19. Programas de Salud y Género. Mujeres con VIH/SIDA

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    Graciela Enria


    Full Text Available La proliferación de trabajos biológicos sobre el proceso del VIH/Sida contrasta con el abordaje de la problemática desde la experiencia de los que lo viven. De entre los involucrados, la mujer se vio implicada desde el comienzo como una de las poblaciones de riesgo de contagiar y de enfermarse. La embarazada, objeto privilegiado de la salud pública, contó con programas especiales y normativas estrictas a través de los programas de salud, que dejaron fuera lo que pasaba con ellas en las relaciones con los compañeros y con ellas mismas; sus experiencias, sus perspectivas, sus nociones de futuro; así como su relación con el sistema de salud y con los médicos. En este trabajo se aplicó una metodología cualitativa basada en entrevistas abiertas a mujeres con VIH de la ciudad de Rosario, Argentina. Los hallazgos remiten a una serie de experiencias que relatan sus estrategias y contradicciones, abriendo puentes hacia la comprensión.

  20. Enteric disease surveillance under the AFHSC-GEIS: Current efforts, landscape analysis and vision forward

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    Kasper Matthew R


    Full Text Available Abstract The mission of the Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center, Division of Global Emerging Infections Surveillance and Response System (AFHSC-GEIS is to support global public health and to counter infectious disease threats to the United States Armed Forces, including newly identified agents or those increasing in incidence. Enteric diseases are a growing threat to U.S. forces, which must be ready to deploy to austere environments where the risk of exposure to enteropathogens may be significant and where routine prevention efforts may be impractical. In this report, the authors review the recent activities of AFHSC-GEIS partner laboratories in regards to enteric disease surveillance, prevention and response. Each partner identified recent accomplishments, including support for regional networks. AFHSC/GEIS partners also completed a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT survey as part of a landscape analysis of global enteric surveillance efforts. The current strengths of this network include excellent laboratory infrastructure, equipment and personnel that provide the opportunity for high-quality epidemiological studies and test platforms for point-of-care diagnostics. Weaknesses include inconsistent guidance and a splintered reporting system that hampers the comparison of data across regions or longitudinally. The newly chartered Enterics Surveillance Steering Committee (ESSC is intended to provide clear mission guidance, a structured project review process, and central data management and analysis in support of rationally directed enteric disease surveillance efforts.

  1. "Sonríe con salud"

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    Rosa María González Ramos

    Full Text Available Introducción: los programas educativos juegan un papel importante ya que permiten modificar hábitos y conductas perjudiciales para la salud. Las personas de la tercera edad deben adquirir los conocimientos necesarios para realizar el auto cuidado de la salud bucal mejorando así su calidad de vida. Objetivo: evaluar los resultados del programa "Sonríe con salud". Métodos: se realizó una investigación descriptiva de corte transversal, con un universo de 74 personas de 60 años y más. Las variables estudiadas fueron: la edad, sexo. Se aplicó una encuesta. Las respuestas se agruparon atendiendo a si poseían o no, conocimientos acerca de la relación entre salud bucal y salud general, las principales enfermedades buco-dentales, realización del autoexamen bucal, efecto del tabaquismo y alcoholismo, ingestión de los alimentos azucarados, calientes, picantes y la importancia de la higiene bucal. La recolección de la información, la realizaron los autores empleando como fuente primaria el cuestionario aplicado en la primera etapa de la investigación. Se utilizaron los valores absolutos y el porcentaje en el análisis de los resultados. Resultados: el grupo de edad de 70 a 79 años fueron los más representados (36,5 % y el sexo femenino con un 59,5 %. Se elevaron los conocimientos relacionados con el efecto perjudicial del alcoholismo al 91,9 % y el tabaquismo al 95,9 %; acerca de la ingestión de alimentos azucarados se elevan al 97,7 % al igual que los alimentos calientes y picantes en un 90,5 %, relativo al autoexamen bucal se superan los conocimientos de su realización al 78,4 % y referente a la higiene bucal se elevan al 91,9 %. Conclusiones: el programa educativo "sonríe con salud" resultó eficaz, al elevar el nivel de conocimientos de los ancianos que recibieron las actividades previstas en el programa.

  2. Minimal Enteral Nutrition to Improve Adaptation After Intestinal Resection in Piglets and Infants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aunsholt, Lise; Qvist, Niels; Sangild, Per Torp


    BACKGROUND: Minimal enteral nutrition (MEN) may induce a diet-dependent stimulation of gut adaptation following intestinal resection. Bovine colostrum is rich in growth factors, and we hypothesized that MEN with colostrum would stimulate intestinal adaptation, compared with formula, and would...... be well tolerated in patients with short bowel syndrome. METHODS: In experiment 1, 3-day-old piglets with 50% distal small intestinal resection were fed parenteral nutrition (PN, n = 10) or PN plus MEN given as either colostrum (PN-COL, n = 5) or formula (PN-FORM, n = 9) for 7 days. Intestinal nutrient......, enteral colostrum supplementation was well tolerated, and no infants developed clinical signs of cow's milk allergy. CONCLUSION: Minimal enteral nutrition feeding with bovine colostrum and formula induced similar intestinal adaptation after resection in piglets. Colostrum was well tolerated by newly...

  3. Tratamiento con inmunoterapia específica en niños con Rinitis Alérgica y/o Asma Bronquial. Área Norte. 2005 - 2007.


    Matilde Iraida Morera Franco; Rigoberto Antonio García Chang; María Mercedes Gómez Paz


    Se realizó un estudio descriptivo longitudinal durante el período Enero 2005_ Enero 2007 en el Policlínico Norte del municipio Sancti Spíritus. El universo estuvo constituido por el total de niños con edades de 2_15 años con enfermedades alérgicas, a los que se realizó pruebas de alergia e indicó tratamiento con inmunoterapia específica por vía subcutánea, la muestra estuvo formada por 75 pacientes con asma bronquial, rinitis alérgica y/o ambas enfermedades, con el objetivo de determinar ...

  4. High enteric bacterial contamination of drinking water in Jigjiga city ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Key words: Contamination, drinking water, households, enteric bacteria, Jigjiga. Introduction. Water safety ... regular sanitary checks for un-chlorinated water (9). Because of this ... 238, considering 5% non-response rate. All kebeles have.

  5. Silla multipropósito con medios auxiliares

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    René Ramón Toledo González


    Full Text Available Nuestro país no cuenta con la cantidad de sillones de rueda necesario para suplir las necesites de la población con diferentes tipos de discapacidades, en nuestro municipio existen muchos discapacitados que no pueden trasladarse a los servicios de rehabilitación, ni cuenta con medio de traslado en sus propios hogares lo que entorpecen su evolución y los hace mas dependientes; otro grupo de pacientes poseen sillón de ruedas útil para su traslado pero no para realizar  otras  actividades  de  la  vida  diaria  y  tienen  que  valerse  de  otras personas para realizar las mismas. La silla que hemos creado se hace con recursos y materias primas propias de nuestro país sin tener necesidad de compras de accesorios en el exterior; lo que nos permite a la vez que se resuelva un gran problema económico al país.

  6. Procesamiento de argumentos en personas con afasia

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    Luis Martínez


    Full Text Available En las personas con afasia se alteran diversos procesos lingüísticos. Entre las alteraciones más comunes tenemos aquellas que se producen en el procesamiento sintáctico, lo cual es evidente en el procesamiento de los argumentos. Investigaciones previas realizadas a sujetos con afasia reflejan un procesamientodeficiente de argumentos, lo cual se hace más evidente a medida que el número de argumentos aumenta. Se ha encontrado que mientras mayor es la complejidad en la estructura de la oración, los sujetos afásicos manifiestan mayores dificultades en el procesamiento de la misma. El presente estudio indaga en las dificultades que presentan los sujetos adultos con trastornos afásicos hablantes de español en el procesamiento de argumentos durante tareas de descripción. Este trabajo corrobora la evidencia de que los sujetos con afasia manifiestan un manejo deficiente en el procesamiento de argumentos en las tareas señaladas.

  7. Entering Chinese market for Finnish fashion jewellery company : case: Ninja Finland Oy


    Wang, Yujue


    As one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, China is expected to become the largest fashion market in the world in a few years. As a result, more and more foreign companies have entered the Chinese market and the market has been more competitive than ever. This requires any fashion company to adopt a strategic development plan when entering the Chinese market. Ninja Finland Oy is a fashion jewellery company which offers a wide range of fashion jewellery and accessories. The comp...

  8. Effect of minimal enteral feeding on recovery in a methotrexate-induced gastrointestinal mucositis rat model

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kuiken, Nicoline S. S.; Rings, Edmond H. H. M.; Havinga, Rick; Groen, Albert K.; Tissing, Wim J. E.

    Patients suffering from gastrointestinal mucositis often receive parenteral nutrition as nutritional support. However, the absence of enteral nutrition might not be beneficial for the intestine. We aimed to determine the feasibility of minimal enteral feeding (MEF) administration in a methotrexate

  9. Enteric neurospheres are not specific to neural crest cultures : Implications for neural stem cell therapies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Binder, E. (Ellen); D. Natarajan (Dipa); J.E. Cooper (Julie E.); Kronfli, R. (Rania); Cananzi, M. (Mara); J.-M. Delalande (Jean-Marie); C. Mccann; A.J. Burns (Alan); N. Thapar (Nikhil)


    textabstractObjectives Enteric neural stem cells provide hope of curative treatment for enteric neuropathies. Current protocols for their harvesting from humans focus on the generation of 'neurospheres' from cultures of dissociated gut tissue. The study aims to better understand the derivation,

  10. The Challenges of Home Enteral Tube Feeding: A Global Perspective

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    Omorogieva Ojo


    Full Text Available The aim of this review is to provide a global perspective of Home Enteral Tube Feeding (HETF and to outline some of the challenges of home enteral nutrition (HEN provisions. It is well established that the number of patients on HETF is on the increase worldwide due to advances in technology, development of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy techniques, and the shift in care provisions from acute to community settings. While the significance of home enteral nutrition in meeting the nutritional requirements of patients with poor swallowing reflexes and those with poor nutritional status is not in doubt, differences exist in terms of funding, standards, management approaches and the level of infrastructural development across the world. Strategies for alleviating some of the challenges militating against the effective delivery of HETF including the development of national and international standards, guidelines and policies for HETF, increased awareness and funding by government at all levels were discussed. Others, including development of HEN services, which should create the enabling environment for multidisciplinary team work, clinical audit and research, recruitment and retention of specialist staff, and improvement in patient outcomes have been outlined. However, more research is required to fully establish the cost effectiveness of the HEN service especially in developing countries and to compare the organization of HEN service between developing and developed countries.

  11. Efficacy of zinc as an antibacterial agent against enteric bacterial pathogens

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Faiz, U.; Butt, T.; Hussain, W.; Hanif, F.


    Background: Diarrhoea is a serious threat all over the world with great economic implications especially evident in the developing world. This study was aimed at determining in vitro efficacy of Zinc (Zn) against common enteric bacterial pathogens. Method: A total of 100 bacterial enteric pathogens: Salmonellae (n=16), enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) (n=26), Shigellae (n=28) and Vibrio cholerae (n=30) were isolated from diarrhoeal stool specimens at Department of Microbiology, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Rawalpindi during April 2009 to Jan 2010. These isolates were tested against various concentrations of Zn supplemented in Mueller Hinton (MH) agar using a multipoint inoculator. A minimum inhibitory concentration of active Zn in ZnSO/sub 4/.7H/sub 2/O ranging from 0.03 mg/ml to 1 mg/ml was used. Results: Zn completely inhibited the growth of all the tested pathogens and most of them were inhibited at a concentration of 0.06 mg/ml to 0.5 mg/ml of Zn. Conclusions: Zinc has an excellent antibacterial activity against enteric bacterial pathogens common in our setup which may provide basis for treatment of diarrhoea. Clinical study based on these findings is recommended. (author)

  12. Adolescentes con autolesiones e ideación suicida: un grupo con mayor comorbilidad y adversidad psicosocial

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    Pablo Adolfo Mayer Villa


    Full Text Available La creciente prevalencia de conductas suicidas en adolescentes se ha convertido en un problema de salud pública. Existen varios factores asociados con este tipo de conductas, tales como: síntomas depresivos y ansiosos, consumo de sustancias nocivas, trastornos de conducta, violencia familiar, negligencia y abuso sexual en la infancia. Otro factor importante que se asocia con la presencia del comportamiento suicida son las autolesiones, las cuales pueden definirse como conductas deliberadas destinadas a producir daño físico sin la intención de provocar la muerte. En adolescentes mexicanos, se ha reportado una frecuencia de autolesiones de 17.1%, con una relación mujer-hombre de 2:1; este problema es tan grave que las clasificaciones diagnósticas psiquiátricas internacionales han propuesto incluir las conductas autolesivas no suicidas como una categoría independiente...

  13. Clinical and microbiological profile of a retrospective cohort of enteric fever in 2 Spanish tertiary hospitals. (United States)

    Sánchez-Montalvá, Adrián; Martínez-Pérez, Ángela; Pérez-Molina, José Antonio; González-López, Juan José; Lopez-Vélez, Rogelio; Salvador, Fernando; Sánchez, Irene; Planes, Anna M; Molina, Israel


    Enteric fever in high-income countries is diagnosed mainly in patients returning from endemic countries. We assess the clinical, microbiological, and prognosis aspects of enteric fever in 2 Spanish tertiary hospitals. A retrospective observational study was conducted at Vall d'Hebron University Hospital and Ramón y Cajal University Hospital in Spain. We reviewed medical records of all patients who were diagnosed with enteric fever from January 2000 to January 2014 at these hospitals. We identified 47 patients with enteric fever episodes. According to their travel history, 35 (74.5%) patients had travelled to highly endemic countries. Imported enteric fever was acquired mainly in Asia (70.3%). Imported infections were implicated in travelers (48.6%), visiting friends and relatives (40%) and immigrants (11.4%). We found that 12 patients were diagnosed with enteric fever without a travel history (autochthonous infection). The resistance profile of the isolates showed decreased ciprofloxacin susceptibility in 66.7% of the imported group and 8.3% of the autochthonous group (P = 0.001). Salmonella strains from patients returning from Asia had an increased risk of having decreased ciprofloxacin susceptibility (odds ratio, 52.25; 95% confidence interval: 8.6-317.7). Patients with imported enteric fever are at higher risk for having a Salmonella strain with decreased ciprofloxacin susceptibility, especially in patients returning from Asia. Initial treatment with third-generation cephalosporin or azithromycin is strongly recommended until a drug-susceptibility test is available. Prevention strategies such as pretravel counseling and immunization before travel may be beneficial.

  14. Obliteración de fracturas de seno frontal con colgajos pediculados

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    J. Pefaure


    Full Text Available El compromiso del seno frontal con fractura de sus paredes es un tipo de lesión infrecuente, en torno al 5-12% de todas las fracturas faciales. Suele asociarse a lesiones intracraneales, oftalmológicas y a otras fracturas máxilofaciales y cuando conlleva fractura de la pared posterior de seno frontal requiere tratamiento inmediato, siendo necesaria la obliteración del seno frontal debido a la comunicación con meninges y lóbulo frontal, con el riesgo infeccioso que ello representa. Tratamos 18 pacientes con traumatismos craneofaciales y fracturas del seno frontal con compromiso de su pared posterior en el periodo comprendido entre 2007 y 2011; 8 mujeres y 10 varones con edades comprendidas entre los 15 y los 64 años. Todos los casos fueron tratados con reducción y osteosíntesis por vía abierta con distintos abordajes y realizamos en todos colgajos pediculados de vecindad. La vitalidad de los colgajos fue del 100% . Certificamos el posicionamiento correcto mediante tomografía axial computarizada. El tratamiento de las fracturas del seno frontal con compromiso de su pared posterior o del conducto nasofrontal requiere obliteración con tejido vascularizado para evitar comunicaciones con la cavidad nasal.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Esquivel, A.; Raga, A. C.; RodrIguez-Gonzalez, A.; Lopez-Camara, D.; Velazquez, P. F.; Canto, J.; De Colle, F.


    We model the cometary structure around Mira as the interaction of an asymptotic giant branch stellar wind from Mira A with a streaming environment. Our simulations introduce the following new element: we assume that after 200 kyr of evolution in a dense environment, Mira entered the Local Bubble (low-density coronal gas). As Mira enters the bubble, the head of the comet expands quite rapidly, while the tail remains well collimated for a >100 kyr timescale. The result is a broad-head/narrow-tail structure that resembles the observed morphology of Mira's comet. The simulations were carried out with our new adaptive grid code WALICXE, which is described in detail.


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    Full Text Available A proctocolectomia total com reservatório enteral é a principal técnica utilizada para o tratamento operatório de algumas doenças do intestino grosso. Com o objetivo de estudar as características da mucosa enteral de reservatórios em J, foram operados 36 cães. Após a ressecção de 5 cm do jejunum caudalis, para estudo-controle, os cães foram separados em dois grupos (GI e GII. No GI, foi realizada anastomose êntero-enteral término-terminal; no GII, foi feito um reservatório na forma de "J" no segmento cranialis, que foi anastomosado ao segmento caudalis da mesma forma que no GI. Aos 21, 42 e 63 dias de pós-operatório, foi realizada eutanásia de 6 cães de cada grupo para estudos macroscópico e microscópico, incluindo-se contagens celulares e medidas da lâmina própria da mucosa enteral. Os resultados revelaram, aos 21 dias, edema e enantema, à macroscopia, e necrose à microscopia, em freqüências semelhantes nos dois grupos. Aos 42 e 63 dias, essas alterações diminuiram ou desapareceram no GI e persistiram no GII. Somente neste último foram observadas úlceras à macroscopia aos 21 dias (2 cães e 42 dias (1 cão. Não houve diferença significante à presença de abscesso, à microscopia, nos dois grupos. Na contagem celular, já aos 21 dias houve aumento da densidade volumétrica de neutrófilos, macrófagos, eosinófilos, plasmócitos e linfócitos nos dois grupos. Todas as células, exceto eosinófilos, apresentavam-se com densidade volumétrica significantemente maior no GII, aos 63 dias. O diâmetro transversal da lâmina própria, excluindo a altura dos vilos, apresentou-se significantemente maior no GII aos 63 dias de pós-operatório. Concluiu-se que a mucosa enteral de reservatórios em J, em cães, apresenta modificações do padrão de normalidade macroscópica e microscópica, entre as quais o aumento da densidade volumétrica de células inflamatórias.Total proctocolectomy with enteral reservoir is, at

  17. Diferencias conductuales y cognitivas en dos grupos de escolares con TDAH intervenidos con Arteterapia -vsMetilfenidato y un grupo control


    M. Aurora G. Gallardo Saavedra; Ana Lucía Padrón García; M. del Consuelo Martínez-Wbaldo


    Introducción: El trastorno de défcit de atención e hiperactividad TDAH es una entidad neuropsiquiátrica, con prevalencia en la infancia entre 2% y 20%, su tratamiento actual asocia medicamentos y psicoterapia. El arteterapia en salud mental ha sido utilizado para tratar de cambiar el comportamiento y potenciar la cognición. Objetivo: comparar los cambios cognitivo-conductuales en escolares con TDAH tratados con arteterapia-vs-metilfenidato y un grupo control. Método: Ensayo clínico aleatoriza...

  18. Anestesia para cesárea en paciente con acondroplasia


    Osorio Rudas, Walter; Socha García, Nury Isabel; Upegui, Alejandro; Ríos Medina, Ángela; Moran, Adrian; Aguirre Ospina, Oscar; Rivera, Carlos


    Introducción: En gestantes acondroplásicas se recomienda el parto por cesárea con anestesia general; sin embargo, recientemente se ha reportado el uso de técnicas conductivas con resultados adecuados. Objetivo:Describir el manejo anestésico de una paciente con acondroplasia programada para cesárea utilizando anestesia combinada espinal-epidural. Métodos y resultados:Mostramos el caso de una primigestante acondroplásica con 110 cm de estatura y embarazo de 37 semanas, en quien se realizó cesár...

  19. Single-layer closure of typhoid enteric perforation: Our experience ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Materials and Methods: We retrospectively studied the effects of single versus double layer intestinal closure after typhoid enteric perforation with peritonitis in 902 pediatric patients from September 2007 to April 2012. All the patients underwent laparotomy after resuscitation and antibiotic cover. The patients were divided ...

  20. Regional enteritis and gluten-free diet. A clinical study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Merwe, Christiaan Frederik van der


    The purpose of this clinical study was to determine whether the use of a gluten-free diet influenced the course and prognosis of regional enteritis. Following a few clinical communications in the Dutch medical literature reporting favourable results obtained with the gluten-free diet in the

  1. Enteral feeding practices in preterm infants in South Africa

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background. Optimal feeding regimens in babies weighing <1 000 g have not been established, and wide variations occur. In South Africa. (SA) this situation is complicated by varied resource constraints. Objective. To determine the preterm enteral feeding practices of paediatricians in SA. Methods. We invited 288 ...

  2. Heritability for enteric methane emission from Danish Holstein cows using a non-invasive FTIR method

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lassen, Jan; Løvendahl, Peter


    Enteric methane emission from ruminants contributes substantially to the greenhouse effect. Few studies have focused on the genetic variation in enteric methane emission from dairy cattle. One reason for that is the limited number of methods appropriate for large scale phenotyping to measure...

  3. Trends in MD/PhD Graduates Entering Psychiatry: Assessing the Physician-Scientist Pipeline. (United States)

    Arbuckle, Melissa R; Luo, Sean X; Pincus, Harold Alan; Gordon, Joshua A; Chung, Joyce Y; Chavez, Mark; Oquendo, Maria A


    The goal of this study was to identify trends in MD/PhD graduates entering psychiatry, to compare these trends with other specialties, and to review strategies for enhancing the physician-scientist pipeline. Data on 226,588 medical students graduating from Liaison Committee on Medical Education accredited programs between 1999 and 2012 (6626 MD/PhDs) were used to evaluate the number, percentage, and proportion of MD/PhDs entering psychiatry in comparison with other specialties (neurology, neurosurgery, internal medicine, family medicine, and radiation oncology). Linear regression and multiple linear regression determined whether these values increased over time and varied by sex. Over 14 years, an average of 18 MD/PhDs (range 13-29) enrolled in psychiatry each year. The number of MD/PhDs going into psychiatry significantly increased, although these gains were modest (less than one additional MD/PhD per year). The proportion of students entering psychiatry who were MD/PhDs varied between 2.9 and 5.9 per 100 residents, with no significant change over time. There was also no change in the percentage of MD/PhDs entering psychiatry from among all MD/PhD graduates. The rate of increase in the number of MD/PhDs going into psychiatry did not differ significantly from other specialties except for family medicine, which is decreasing. The rate of MD/PhDs going into psychiatry was higher for women, suggesting closure of the sex gap in 17 years. Despite the increase in the number of MD/PhDs entering psychiatry, these numbers remain low. Expanding the cohort of physician-scientists dedicated to translational research in psychiatry will require a multipronged approach.

  4. Permissive or Trophic Enteral Nutrition and Full Enteral Nutrition Had Similar Effects on Clinical Outcomes in Intensive Care: A Systematic Review of Randomized Clinical Trials. (United States)

    Silva, Camila F A; de Vasconcelos, Simone G; da Silva, Thales A; Silva, Flávia M


    The aim of this study was to systematically review the effect of permissive underfeeding/trophic feeding on the clinical outcomes of critically ill patients. A systematic review of randomized clinical trials to evaluate the mortality, length of stay, and mechanical ventilation duration in patients randomized to either hypocaloric or full-energy enteral nutrition was performed. Data sources included PubMed and Scopus and the reference lists of the articles retrieved. Two independent reviewers participated in all phases of this systematic review as proposed by the Cochrane Handbook, and the review was reported according to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. A total of 7 randomized clinical trials that included a total of 1,717 patients were reviewed. Intensive care unit length of stay and mechanical ventilation duration were not statistically different between the intervention and control groups in all randomized clinical trials, and mortality rate was also not different between the groups. In conclusion, hypocaloric enteral nutrition had no significantly different effects on morbidity and mortality in critically ill patients when compared with full-energy nutrition. It is still necessary to determine the safety of this intervention in this group of patients, the optimal amount of energy provided, and the duration of this therapy. © 2018 American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.

  5. L’incontro di Bruno Munari con la didattica attiva. I fondamenti pedagogici dei laboratori "Giocare con l’arte".

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    Laura Panizza


    Full Text Available Il saggio affronta il tema: quali idee pedagogiche hanno influenzato la progettazione dei laboratori "Giocare con l’arte", ideati da Bruni Munari negli anni Settanta e destinati a trasformare profondamente il modo d’intendere la didattica museale e l’educazione estetico-artistica. L’ipotesi dell’autrice è che questi laboratori riprendano alcuni principi dell’attivismo pedagogico, a cui Munari non fa però esplicito riferimento nei suoi scritti. Per questo motivo, il saggio cerca di ricostruire gli incontri più significativi che possono aver mediato l’approccio alla didattica attiva, soffermandosi in particolare sui rapporti di collaborazione intessuti da Munari con lo scrittore Gianni Rodari e con il pedagogista Giovanni Belgrano. Sia Rodari, sia Belgrano erano legati – seppure con diverse modalità – al Movimento di Cooperazione Educativa, che si proponeva di rinnovare la scuola italiana ispirandosi alla pedagogia deweyana. Attraverso la loro mediazione, Munari può essersi avvicinato all’attivismo, di cui condivideva peraltro molteplici assunti: dall’esigenza di promuovere la creatività del bambino, mediante la sperimentazione di materiali e tecniche, alla concezione dell’educatore come animatore delle attività volte alla padronanza dei saperi. In tal senso, il saggio si propone anche di mostrare la continuità esistente tra questa linea teorica e la riflessione sulla democratizzazione dell’arte intrapresa da Munari già nel 1948, con la fondazione – insieme ad altri artisti – del Movimento Arte Concreta.

  6. 9 CFR 319.301 - Chili con carne with beans. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Chili con carne with beans. 319.301 Section 319.301 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE... Dehydrated Meat Food Products § 319.301 Chili con carne with beans. Chili con carne with beans shall contain...

  7. Conversion of choledochojejunostomy stents to jejunal feeding tubes for postoperative enteral alimentation. (United States)

    Burke, D R; Torosian, M H; McLean, G K; Meranze, S G; Rosato, E F


    The problem of protein calorie malnutrition following major gastrointestinal surgery can be treated with central venous or enteric alimentation, with the latter being preferred. The authors describe a simple technique for the conversion of biliary stents placed after pancreaticoduodenal surgery into jejunal feeding tubes when the stenting function is no longer needed. Three illustrative cases are presented. In each case, the procedure took less than 30 min and had no associated morbidity. This technique allows early conversion from central venous to enteric alimentation without the need to create a second surgical enterostomy.

  8. Linfoma hepático primario: Evolución favorable con quimioterapia combinada con rituximab Primary hepatic lymphoma: favorable outcome with chemotherapy plus rituximab

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    I. Serrano-Navarro


    Full Text Available Comunicamos el caso de una paciente con un linfoma hepático primario tratado con éxito con quimioterapia combinada con rituximab. Utilizando los "encabezamientos estándar para búsquedas bibliográficas informatizadas" (Medical Subject Heading revisamos los casos publicados hasta la fecha de esta infrecuente entidad.This article describes the case of a patient with a non-Hodgkin primary hepatic lymphoma who was successfully treated with chemotherapy combined with rituximab. Using the Medical Subject Headings the published reports of this rare entity were reviewed.

  9. Efectos adversos del tratamiento con interferón alfa-2b humano recombinante y rivabirina en pacientes con hepatitis crónica C


    Mulet Pérez, Agustín; Pullés Labadié, Menelio; Gámez Escalona, Martha; Mulet Gámez, Agustín; Díaz Santos, Oscar; Infante Velázquez, Mirtha


    INTRODUCCIÓN: el tratamiento de la hepatitis crónica C continúa siendo un reto. La combinación que mejores resultados ha demostrado, es la de interferón con ribavirina, pero puede originar efectos adversos con dificultades para la adherencia al tratamiento que en ocasiones, incluso, obligan a suspenderlo. OBJETIVO: identificar las reacciones adversas del tratamiento de la combinación de interferón con ribavirina. MÉTODOS: se realizó un estudio de una serie de 13 pacientes con hepatitis crónic...

  10. Systematic review of the global epidemiology, clinical and laboratory profile of enteric fever

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    Asma Azmatullah


    Full Text Available Children suffer the highest burden of enteric fever among populations in South Asian countries. The clinical features are non–specific, vary in populations, and are often difficult to distinguish clinically from other febrile illnesses, leading to delayed or inappropriate diagnosis and treatment. We undertook a systematic review to assess the clinical profile and laboratory features of enteric fever across age groups, economic regions, level of care and antibiotic susceptibility patterns.

  11. Adenocarcinoma pulmonar metastásico con evolución favorable al tratamiento con ITK-EGFR en un paciente fumador

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    Joseph Jesús Exebio Jara


    Full Text Available Introducción: El cáncer de pulmón es el cáncer con mayor mortalidad en ambos sexos. El esquema de manejo actual del adenocarcinoma pulmonar incluye determinar el estado mutacional del receptor del factor de crecimiento epidérmico (EGFR, por ser la diana para el erlotinib, una terapia biológica. Caso clínico: Varón de 62 años, con hábito tabáquico de alto riesgo oncológico, que debuta con un cuadro de cefalea de un mes de evolución, objetivándose por resonancia magnética tumor cerebral. El diagnóstico inmunohistoquímico post quirúrgico fue adenocarcinoma pulmonar metastásico (TTF-1 (+. La tomografía identificó una lesión en el lóbulo superior derecho del pulmón; no presentaba clínica respiratoria. Al ser positivo para la mutación en el exón 21 del gen EGFR, se inició terapia con erlotinib, siendo bien tolerada por el paciente y manteniendo su estabilidad clínica. El paciente sobrevivió por el lapso de 31 meses posterior a su diagnóstico. Discusión: El tratamiento con erlotinib fue inicialmente indicado en el perfil de una paciente mujer, asiática y no fumadora. La eficacia en los estudios en pacientes con cáncer de pulmón de células no pequeñas evidencia que la sobrevida global es 15,9 meses, muy por debajo del visto en el presente caso.

  12. Role of central nervous system glucagon-like Peptide-1 receptors in enteric glucose sensing. (United States)

    Knauf, Claude; Cani, Patrice D; Kim, Dong-Hoon; Iglesias, Miguel A; Chabo, Chantal; Waget, Aurélie; Colom, André; Rastrelli, Sophie; Delzenne, Nathalie M; Drucker, Daniel J; Seeley, Randy J; Burcelin, Remy


    Ingested glucose is detected by specialized sensors in the enteric/hepatoportal vein, which send neural signals to the brain, which in turn regulates key peripheral tissues. Hence, impairment in the control of enteric-neural glucose sensing could contribute to disordered glucose homeostasis. The aim of this study was to determine the cells in the brain targeted by the activation of the enteric glucose-sensing system. We selectively activated the axis in mice using a low-rate intragastric glucose infusion in wild-type and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor knockout mice, neuropeptide Y-and proopiomelanocortin-green fluorescent protein-expressing mice, and high-fat diet diabetic mice. We quantified the whole-body glucose utilization rate and the pattern of c-Fos positive in the brain. Enteric glucose increased muscle glycogen synthesis by 30% and regulates c-Fos expression in the brainstem and the hypothalamus. Moreover, the synthesis of muscle glycogen was diminished after central infusion of the GLP-1 receptor (GLP-1Rc) antagonist Exendin 9-39 and abolished in GLP-1Rc knockout mice. Gut-glucose-sensitive c-Fos-positive cells of the arcuate nucleus colocalized with neuropeptide Y-positive neurons but not with proopiomelanocortin-positive neurons. Furthermore, high-fat feeding prevented the enteric activation of c-Fos expression. We conclude that the gut-glucose sensor modulates peripheral glucose metabolism through a nutrient-sensitive mechanism, which requires brain GLP-1Rc signaling and is impaired during diabetes.

  13. Risk Factors Associated With Canine Parvovirus Enteritis In Vom ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Risk Factors Associated With Canine Parvovirus Enteritis In Vom And Environs. J G Mohammed, AO Ogbe, NJ Zwandor, JU Umoh. Abstract. No Abstract. Animal Research International Vol. 2 (3) 2005 pp. 366-368. Full Text: EMAIL FULL TEXT EMAIL FULL TEXT · DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT.

  14. Barriers and strategies for innovations entering BoP markets

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kamp, L.M.; Ortt, J.R.; Harahap, B.


    Companies that bring a new product to the market or enter a new market with an existing product, come across a number of barriers that prevent large?scale diffusion. In order to circumvent or remove these barriers, they can adopt alternative strategies. This paper looks into these barriers and

  15. Genetic aspects of enteric methane emission in ruminants livestock

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    Martino Cassandro


    Full Text Available This review summarizes the importance of enteric methane (CH4 emission in ruminants and relevant to the current on knowledge relevant to genetic aspects of enteric CH4 production, highlighting future research needs and directions. Global average temperature has increased by about 0.7°C in the last century. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC reported that anthropogenic greenhouse gases (GHG, including carbon dioxide (CO2, CH4, nitrous oxide (N2O and halocarbons, have been responsible for most of the observed temperature increase since the middle of the twentieth century. Agriculture, particularly livestock, is increasingly being recognized as both a contributor to the process and a potential victim of it. Policy interventions and technical solutions are required to address both the impact of livestock production on climate change and the effects of climate change on livestock production. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO, declared that in the next 50 years, the world’s farmers will be called upon to produce more food than has been produced in the past 10,000 years, and to do so in environmentally sustainable ways. Therefore, the GHG reduction should be treated as a public good. The United States congress is prospecting to define a price on GHG emissions. Limiting the concentration of CO2 and other GHG in Earth’s atmosphere requires a technological and economic revolution. A cost-effective way could be the genetic improvement of livestock, which produces permanent and cumulative changes in performance. Animal variation in enteric CH4 emission has been reported in the literature, providing potential for improvement through genetic selection. 

  16. 77 FR 63221 - Waiver of Requirement To Enter Into a Reciprocal Waiver of Claims Agreement With All Customers (United States)


    ... To Enter Into a Reciprocal Waiver of Claims Agreement With All Customers AGENCY: Federal Aviation... a launch operator enter into a reciprocal waiver of claims with each customer. The FAA grants the... enter into a reciprocal waiver of claims (a ``cross-waiver'') with each of its customers. The FAA...

  17. Beneficios de la relajación en pacientes con patología cardiovascular y su relación con el patrón de conducta


    Pérez Alonso, Verónica


    El objetivo de este estudio fue examinar los posibles efectos que producen las terapias de relajación con respecto a la frecuencia cardíaca, depresión, ansiedad y estrés, en pacientes con patología cardiovascular y su relación con el tipo de personalidad A. Este estudio cuenta con 16 pacientes (6 mujeres y 10 hombres) con edades comprendidas entre 40 y 82 años, todos participantes en el programa de rehabilitación cardíaca. La terapia de relajación se lleva a cabo una vez a la semana utiliz...

  18. Suprimento de micronutrientes, adequação energética e progressão da dieta enteral em adultos hospitalizados Adequacy of energy and micronutrient supply and progression of enteral diet in hospitalized adult patients

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    Vivian Cristine Luft


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a adequação da dieta enteral, em termos de micronutrientes e energia e identificar fatores interferentes na progressão da dieta enteral prescrita a adultos hospitalizados em um hospital geral de alta complexidade. MÉTODOS: Entre junho de 2004 e maio de 2005, adultos internados em um hospital de alta complexidade do sul do Brasil foram avaliados quanto às suas características clínicas e da prescrição da nutrição enteral. As características da nutrição enteral foram avaliadas e comparadas às recomendações diárias de ingestão, obtendo-se o percentual de adequação de nutrientes prescritos na dieta enteral em relação aos valores de recomendação para cada paciente. Os fatores associados à prescrição de energia foram identificados por meio de Regressão Linear Múltipla. RESULTADOS: Foram acompanhados 230 pacientes em uso de nutrição enteral. As recomendações diárias foram alcançadas satisfatoriamente para vitaminas hidrossolúveis (exceto ácido fólico, lipossolúveis (exceto vitamina D e minerais (exceto cálcio. Em média, as prescrições iniciais de nutrição enteral ofereceram 24,0kcal/kg/dia (desvio-padrão=10,8, e valores mínimo e máximo de 4,3 a 69,2, e progrediram até 28,4kcal/kg/dia (desvio-padrão=11,8, valores mínimo e máximo de 1,4 a 69,2. A recomendação de 25 a 35kcal/kg/dia foi prescrita para 32,6% dos pacientes. Para 15,7% dos pacientes foram prescritas acima de 40kcal/kg/dia. Somente o índice de massa corporal e o número de dias de hospitalização, ajustados para a quantidade de energia já inicialmente prescrita, associaram-se de forma independente à prescrição energética final. CONCLUSÃO: Pequena proporção das prescrições esteve adequada em relação à quantidade de energia, e a progressão da dieta enteral ocorreu independentemente das características clínicas dos pacientes.OBJECTIVE: To asses the adequacy of enteral diet, in terms of micronutrients and

  19. Size distribution of air bubbles entering the brain during cardiac surgery.

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    Emma M L Chung

    Full Text Available Thousands of air bubbles enter the cerebral circulation during cardiac surgery, but whether high numbers of bubbles explain post-operative cognitive decline is currently controversial. This study estimates the size distribution of air bubbles and volume of air entering the cerebral arteries intra-operatively based on analysis of transcranial Doppler ultrasound data.Transcranial Doppler ultrasound recordings from ten patients undergoing heart surgery were analysed for the presence of embolic signals. The backscattered intensity of each embolic signal was modelled based on ultrasound scattering theory to provide an estimate of bubble diameter. The impact of showers of bubbles on cerebral blood-flow was then investigated using patient-specific Monte-Carlo simulations to model the accumulation and clearance of bubbles within a model vasculature.Analysis of Doppler ultrasound recordings revealed a minimum of 371 and maximum of 6476 bubbles entering the middle cerebral artery territories during surgery. This was estimated to correspond to a total volume of air ranging between 0.003 and 0.12 mL. Based on analysis of a total of 18667 embolic signals, the median diameter of bubbles entering the cerebral arteries was 33 μm (IQR: 18 to 69 μm. Although bubble diameters ranged from ~5 μm to 3.5 mm, the majority (85% were less than 100 μm. Numerous small bubbles detected during cardiopulmonary bypass were estimated by Monte-Carlo simulation to be benign. However, during weaning from bypass, showers containing large macro-bubbles were observed, which were estimated to transiently affect up to 2.2% of arterioles.Detailed analysis of Doppler ultrasound data can be used to provide an estimate of bubble diameter, total volume of air, and the likely impact of embolic showers on cerebral blood flow. Although bubbles are alarmingly numerous during surgery, our simulations suggest that the majority of bubbles are too small to be harmful.



    Gruythuysen, Rene J.M.; Weerheijm, Karín L.


    El hidróxido de calcio entre otros han sido usados por mucho tiempo en la odontología debido a sus propiedades antibacterianas y a su favorable biocompatibilidad cuando se compara con otros agentes antibacteriales. El hidróxido de calcio entre otros han sido usados por mucho tiempo en la odontología debido a sus propiedades antibacterianas y a su favorable biocompatibilidad cuando se compara con otros agentes antibacteriales.

  1. Terapia con metformina y embarazo en pacientes con síndrome de ovario poliquístico


    Arias E.,María C.; Reid S. de O.,Iván; Acuña S.M.,Margot; Muster O.,Hugo


    Estudio prospectivo de seguimiento de 15 pacientes con síndrome de ovario poliquístico (SOP) e hiperinsulinemia que se embarazaron con el uso de metformina, y que se siguieron hasta el parto. Diez continuaron metformina durante el embarazo, hasta las 14 semanas y cinco hasta las 32 semanas. Las 5 pacientes que usaron más tiempo el medicamento no desarrollaron diabetes gestacional a diferencia de las que lo tomaron hasta las 14 semanas que presentaron diabetes gestacional en tres de diez. No e...

  2. Clinical Efficacy and Residue Depletion of 10% Enrofloxacin Enteric-Coated Granules in Pigs

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    Zhixin Lei


    Full Text Available A new, more palatable formulation of 10% enrofloxacin enteric-coated granules was investigated to evaluate the pharmacokinetic effect in plasma, the residue elimination in tissues and the clinical efficacy against Actinobacillus pleuropneumonia (APP and Mycoplasam suis (MS in pigs. In this study, the enrofloxacin concentrations in plasma and tissues were detected using high-performance liquid chromatography with phosphate buffer (pH = 3 and acetonitrile. The pharmacokinetics and elimination of enrofloxacin enteric-coated granules were performed after oral administration at a single dose of 10 mg/kg body weight (bw and 5 mg/kg twice per day for 5 consecutive days, respectively. The in vivo antibacterial efficacy and clinical effectiveness of enrofloxacin enteric-coated granules against APP and MS were assayed at 2.5, 5, 10 mg/kg, compared with tiamulin (8 mg/kg based on establishment of APP and MS infection models. 56 APP strains were selected and tested for in vitro antibacterial activity of enrofloxacin enteric-coated granules. The main parameters of elimination half-life (t1/2β, Tmax, and area under the curve (AUC were 14.99 ± 4.19, 3.99 ± 0.10, and 38.93 ± 1.52 μg h/ml, respectively, revealing that the enrofloxacin concentration remained high and with a sustainable distribution in plasma. Moreover, the analysis on the evaluation of enrofloxacin and ciprofloxacin in muscle, fat, liver and kidney showed that the recovery were more than 84% recovery in accordance with the veterinary drug residue guidelines of United States pharmacopeia, and the withdrawal periods were 4.28, 3.81, 4.84, and 3.51 days, respectively, suggesting that the withdrawal period was 5 d after oral administration of 5 mg/kg twice per day. The optimal dosage of enrofloxacin enteric-coated granules against APP and MS was 5 mg/kg, with over 90% efficacy, which was significantly different (p < 0.05 to the 2.5 mg/kg group, but not to the 10 mg/kg group or the positive

  3. Sarcoma de Kaposi en paciente con SIDA

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    Jesús Ramón León Polanco


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de un paciente masculino de 33 años de edad, con antecedentes de VIH-SIDA desde hace 10 años, que se mantiene en tratamiento con antirretrovirales. Durante todo este tiempo ha presentado varios episodios de infecciones respiratorias, incluyendo tuberculosis pulmonar 5 años atrás. Acude a consulta refiriendo edemas en miembros inferiores acompañado de lesiones en piel de color violáceo de un año de evolución, previamente interpretado como linfangitis rebelde al tratamiento y que se extendió a la cara interna de los muslos y a los miembros inferiores. Con pérdida de peso, no prurito en las lesiones, fiebre, lesiones en la mucosa oral. Se determinó hemoglobina 89 g/L, leucocitos 4,5 x 109 /L, se estudiaron las funciones hepática y renales resultando normales. Radiografías de tórax y ultrasonido abdominal normales. Se realizó estudio anatomopatológico de piel que informó Sarcoma de Kaposi. Se impuso tratamiento con quimioterapia



    Valdés R.,Enrique; Pilasi M.,Carlos; Núñez U.,Tatiana


    Se presenta un caso clínico con diagnóstico final de Tirotoxicosis gestacional que debuta con una complicación excepcional, insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva e hipertensión pulmonar severa. Se presenta la experiencia del Hospital Clínico de la Universidad de Chile, proponiendo que su diagnóstico y tratamiento oportunos son la base del pronóstico de esta patología de riesgo vital para el binomio madre-hijo

  5. Presa con revestimiento asfáltico

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    Proudfit, D. P.


    Full Text Available La presa denominada Montgomery se halla situada sobre el río South Platte River, a unos 8 km aguas arriba de la ciudad de Alma, del Estado de Colorado (EE. UU., y en la ladera oriental de la cordillera Continental Divide. El cuerpo o dique de esta presa está constituido por piedra, revestida con una capa de hormigón asfáltico en el paramento de contacto con el agua.

  6. Therapeutic effects of Glucagon-Like Peptide-2 on experimental radiation enteritis in rat

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Torres, S.


    Radiation enteritis in patients treated by abdominal and pelvic radiotherapy is characterized by acute mucosal disruption and chronic intestinal fibrosis. Using a model of localized intestinal irradiation in the rat, we showed remote intestinal dysfunction outside the irradiation field along the whole gut, probably associated with perturbations in the systems regulating intestinal functions. Based on the hypothesis of consequential late effects, acute administration of Glucagon-Like Peptide-2, a growth factor with specific trophic effect on the intestinal mucosa, limited the apparition of both acute and chronic radiation enteritis. This suggests that therapeutic strategies targeting the severity of acute tissue damage may also limit chronic sequelae. The study of GLP-2 effects on epithelial cells in co-culture with either subepithelial myo-fibroblasts or enteric nervous system emphasized the problem of the modelization of complex systems in vitro, and suggested a synergic action from these different actors in vivo. (author)

  7. 78 FR 9720 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Holders or Containers Which Enter the United States... (United States)


    ... Activities: Holders or Containers Which Enter the United States Duty Free AGENCY: U.S. Customs and Border... or Containers which enter the United States Duty Free. This is a proposed extension of an information..., or other technological techniques or other forms of information. Title: Holders or Containers which...

  8. Prediction of enteric methane production, yield, and intensity in dairy cattle using an intercontinental database

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Niu, Mutian; Kebreab, Ermias; Hristov, Alexander N


    data from animals under different management systems worldwide. The objectives of this study were to (1) collate a global database of enteric CH4production from individual lactating dairy cattle; (2) determine the availability of key variables for predicting enteric CH4production (g/day per cow), yield...

  9. Pemberian makanan enteral berformulasi bahan pangan lokal terhadap kadar zat besi dan hemoglobin pada tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus

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    Dini Ariani


    Full Text Available Background: Enteral nutrition is nutrition used to fulfill the needs of nutrition entirely and as the supplement for malnutrition patient. In a certain condition of a patient, this nutrition is usually given in the form of liquid. Local material foods such as tempeh, rice, mung bean, and ganyong have adequate nutrition, therefore they are suitable for being used as main raw materials in the making of enteral nutrition. Objective: To know the influence of feeding enteral nutrition formulated with local food material toward malnutrition white rats (Rattus norvegicus of which the parameters are iron (Fe, hemoglobin (Hb level and weight. Method: This research used Completely Random Design (CRD. Twenty-seven of malnutrition male white rats were divided into 3 groups of treatment with 9 repetitions for each group of the treatment. Group A was given enteral nutrition diet of formula A (tempeh, rice, and mung bean as the main raw material, group B was given enteral nutrition diet of formula B (tempeh, rice, mung bean, and ganyong as the main raw material, and group C (as the positive control was given commercial enteral nutrition. The daily giving of enteral nutrition is 20 g/day during 30 days. The analysis of Fe and Hb level and the measurement of weight firstly were done before the treatment is given. The next measurement was conducted in 15th day and 31st day. Statistical analysis used ANOVA test dan DMRT of significance 5%. Results: The result showed that the treatment of the enteral nutrition feeding of formula B was more optimal than formula A in terms of the way to increase the level of Hb and Fe. Those two components will give positive effect toward the increasing of the weight of malnutrition white rats (Rattus norvegicus. Conclusion: The enteral nutrition of formula B is more proper to be developed as the main material of making enteral food in order to treat the malnutrition.

  10. Colaboración con empresa de tasaciones




    Convenios con empresas de tasaciones y valoraciones. El objeto del proyecto es conseguir aprender y dominar el proceso de valoración de los distintos tipos de inmuebles urbanos mediante el cumplimiento de la Orden ministerial ECO/805/2003 Castillo Morcillo, J. (2011). Colaboración con empresa de tasaciones. Archivo delegado

  11. Celulitis orbitaria bilateral con endoftalmitis en una paciente con reciente diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus tipo 2

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    Lesley Farrell González


    Full Text Available Se presentó una mujer de 74 años al servicio de urgencias del HRAEBI, ISSSTE, el día 2 de septiembre de 2010 con datos de desequilibrio hidroelectrolítico, hipotensión y conjuntivitis bilateral. Sus signos vitales durante su estancia en urgencias fueron: tensión arterial, 80/40 mmHg; temperatura, 38.5 °C; frecuencia respiratoria, 22 rpm; frecuencia cardíaca 89 lpm Se interconsulta al servicio de Oftalmología quienes diagnosticaron celulitis orbitaria bilateral, con no percepción de luz en ambos ojos e igualmente ausencia de reflejos pupilares. Se inició tratamiento con antibióticos intravenosos y se solicitó tomografía computarizada de órbitas y cerebro. Se internó para estabilizar su estado general; durante su estancia se diagnosticó diabetes mellitus y estado inmunosupresivo por datos de candidiasis oral y otros síntomas. La tomografía mostró celulitis orbitaria bilateral con formación de abscesos orbitarios, sin datos de proceso infeccioso a nivel bucal o de senos paranasales. La evolución de la celulitis fue tórpida a pesar de la terapia antibiótica cuádruple (cefotaxima, vancomicina, metronidazol y clindamicina; posteriormente imipenem, clindamicina y vancomicina con desarrollo de endoftalmitis bilateral por lo cual fue necesario eviscerar ambos ojos. Se tomó cultivo directo del vítreo y 3 días después se encontró como germen causal Klebsiella pneumoniae.

  12. Antral localization worsens the efficacy of enteral stents in malignant digestive tumors. (United States)

    Dolz, Carlos; Vilella, Àngels; González Carro, Pedro; González Huix, Ferran; Espinós, Juan Carlos; Santolaria, Santos; Pérez Roldán, Francisco; Figa, Montserrat; Loras, Carmen; Andreu, Hernán


    Malignant gastric outlet obstruction can be treated by means of enteral stenting or surgical gastrojejunalanatomosis. We evaluated in a prospective and multicentre study the efficacy of the enteral stent on food intake, the quality of life impact, and the relationship between efficacy and determined clinical and technical parameters. Seventy one patients affected by symptoms arising from gastroduodenal obstruction due to malignant tumors, with criteria of irresecability, metastatic disease or very high surgical risk, were treated by means of self expanding metal stents. We used the GOOSS index to evaluate efficacy, and the Euro Qol-5D index to evaluate quality of life. Before stenting patients with GOOSS 0 and 1 were 68 (98.5%). After stenting patients with GOOSS 2 and 3 (semisolid and solid food) were 58 (84,1%) (P<.0001). The Euro Qol-5D index measured before and a month after stenting were 10.17 and 10.04 respectively (P=.6). The median survival was 91 days (9-552). The enteral stents for localised tumors in the duodenum and the gastrojejunalanastomosis were effective in 26 patients (70.2%) and 13 patients respectively (86.6%), while the enteral stents of tumors in the antrum were effective in only 5 patients (29.4%). The palliative treatment of malignant gastric outlet obstruction with a uncovered metal stent produces a significant improvement of oral food intake and maintains the overall quality of life index. The antral localization is associated with a lower efficacy of the procedure. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier España, S.L. All rights reserved.

  13. Fisioterapia asistida con perros en adolescentes con parálisis cerebral y dificultades en la motricidad fina. Un ensayo clinico


    Ayarza Viadero, Adrián


    RESUMEN: Introducción: la parálisis cerebral (PC) se considera como un grupo de trastornos del desarrollo del movimiento y la postura, causantes de la limitación de la actividad. La espasticidad es una de las secuelas más frecuentes, cuya alteración interfiere en la rehabilitación y en las actividades de la vida diaria de estos niños. Una de las terapias alternativas con las que se trata es la terapia con perros. Su principio de aplicación se basa en que la interacción con los perros a la hor...

  14. Factors related to nursing students' readiness to enter working life - A scoping literature review. (United States)

    Järvinen, Tiina; Eklöf, Niina; Salminen, Leena


    The aim of this scoping literature review was to identify the factors related to nursing students' readiness to enter working life. The literature search was carried out in autumn 2017 in PubMed and CINAHL databases. The studies selected for this review (n = 17) were analyzed thematically with inductive content analysis. Four subthemes that were combined into two main factors related to nursing students' readiness to enter working life were found. The main factors found were 1) educational factors and 2) personal factors. Educational factors consisted of professional competence and clinical practice, while personal factors consisted of nursing students' background and feelings. Some nursing students tend to feel insecure about entering working life as a newly graduated nurse. This literature review also supports the importance of clinical practice periods in nursing education and for readiness for working life. Nurse education needs to ensure clinical practice periods which support nursing students' professional growth. Further research is needed on how the factors related to nursing students' readiness to enter working life correlate with each other. Particularly, the association between competence, readiness and positive feelings towards graduation needs further investigation. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Epilepsia de la infancia con paroxismos occipitales

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    Albia Pozo Alonso


    Full Text Available Se reporta que la epilepsia de la infancia con paroxismos occipitales constituye un síndrome epiléptico muy bien definido; se incluye en el grupo de las epilepsias idiopáticas relacionadas con localización. Los ataques comienzan habitualmente con síntomas visuales, en ocasiones seguidos por ataques hemiclónicos, parciales complejos y tónicoclónicos generalizados. El electroencefalograma interictal muestra complejos de puntaonda de localización occipital y temporal posterior que desaparecen con la apertura de los ojos. Se presenta una paciente de 8 años de edad que reúne los criterios clínicos y electroencefalográficos de la epilepsia de la infancia con paroxismos occipitales y se enfatiza en la evolución supuestamente benigna de dicho síndrome.Is is reported that epilepsy of childhood with occipital paroxysms is an epileptic syndrome that is well defined. It is included in the group of related idiopathic epilepsies with localization. Seizures habitually begin with visual symptoms, which are ocassionally followed by hemiclonic, complex partial, and generalized tonicclonic seizures. The interictal EEG shows spike-wave complexes of occipital and temporal posterior localization that are suppressed by eye opening. A patient aged 8 in whom the clinical and electroencephalographic criteria of epilepsy of childhood with occipital paroxysms are present is studied in this paper. Emphasis is made on the apparently benign evolution of this syndrome.

  16. Mi palabra favorita. Una actividad con vídeo

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    Susana Cañuelo Carrión


    Full Text Available Mi palabra favorita es un actividad que surge a partir de la propuesta que realizael Instituto Cervantes con la web El día E ( Este portal fue creado enconmemoración del día del español, que se celebra desde 2009 el último sábado dejunio. Para festejar la vitalidad de la lengua y el interés mundial que despierta, hablantesy aprendientes de todo el mundo pueden explicar en dicho portal cuál es su palabrafavorita. Y pueden hacerlo con un texto, con un pictograma o con un vídeo.

  17. Mi palabra favorita. Una actividad con vídeo

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    Susana Cañuelo Carrión


    Full Text Available Mi palabra favorita es un actividad que surge a partir de la propuesta que realiza el Instituto Cervantes con la web El día E ( Este portal fue creado en conmemoración del día del español, que se celebra desde 2009 el último sábado de junio. Para festejar la vitalidad de la lengua y el interés mundial que despierta, hablantes y aprendientes de todo el mundo pueden explicar en dicho portal cuál es su palabra favorita. Y pueden hacerlo con un texto, con un pictograma o con un vídeo.

  18. Envasado de Carne de Vacuno con Hueso y Grasa en Atmósfera Modificada con CO2 y CO


    Aspé, Estrella R; Roeckel, Marlene D; Martí, Cristina; Jiménez, Romel


    Se evaluó el efecto de envasado en atmósfera modificada (MAP) con bajo contenido de CO (0.1% y 0.4%) y presencia de CO2 sobre el color rojo y la vida útil de carne de vacuno. Se determinaron características microbiológicas, fisicoquímicas, organolépticas-sensoriales y de color del músculo y se compararon los resultados con el MAP de 70%O2+30%CO2. La vida útil de las muestras con O2 fue de 30 días mientras que para las muestras en MAP la vida útil fue de 40 a 45 días y no dependió de la concen...

  19. Composiciones conservantes de aceitunas con actividad antifúngica


    Bautista-Gallego, J.; Arroyo López, Francisco Noé; Garrido Fernández, A.; García García, Pedro; López-López, Antonio; Rodríguez-Gómez, Francisco J.


    [ES] La presente invención se refiere a nuevas composiciones conservantes de aceitunas con actividad antiñmgica que comprenden: a. cloruro sódico; b. al menos un ácido con propiedades conservantes; y c. al menos una sal de cinc. Además la presente invención se refiere al procedimiento para la conservación de alimentos mediante dichas composiciones con actividad antiñmgica y al uso de la composición para la conservación de aceitunas frente a microorganismos del reino fungí.

  20. Perceived and real barriers for men entering nursing: implications for gender diversity. (United States)

    Roth, Jay E; Coleman, Christopher Lance


    The objective of this literature review is to describe the perceived or real barriers to men seeking a career in nursing, and to suggest strategies for ameliorating barriers. A literature search exploring barriers existing for men pursuing nursing was conducted. Although the literature underscored the structure of nursing has changed substantially over the last fifty years, these changes have not always provoked a change in the public's perception of nursing. Barriers for men entering nursing still exist. Implications for gender diversity in nursing are discussed. Strategies for decreasing barriers experienced by males entering nursing are warranted.

  1. The effect of commonly used anticoccidials and antibiotics in a subclinical necrotic enteritis model


    Lanckriet , Anouk; Timbermont , Leen; De Gussem , Maarten; Marien , Maja; Vancraeynest , Dieter; Haesebrouck , Freddy; Ducatelle , Richard; Van Immerseel , Filip


    Abstract Necrotic enteritis poses an important health risk to broilers. The ionophore anticoccidials lasalocid, salinomycin, maduramicin, narasin and a combination of narasin and nicarbazin were tested in feed for their prophylactic effect on the incidence of necrotic enteritis in a subclinical experimental infection model that uses coccidia as predisposing factor. In addition, drinking water medication with the antibiotics amoxicillin, tylosin and lincomycin was evaluated as curat...

  2. Galaxias australes con núcleo doble (United States)

    Gimeno, G.; Díaz, R.; Carranza, G.

    Se estudia una muestra de galaxias australes con núcleo doble a partir de una búsqueda extensiva en la literatura. Se analizan las características morfológicas, fotométricas y espectroscópicas de la muestra. Para algunas galaxias se han realizado observaciones con el espectrógrafo multifunción (EMF) de la Estación Astrofísica de Bosque Alegre a partir de las cuales se determinaron parámetros cinemáticos.

  3. Haemorrhagic enteritis seroconversion in turkey breeders: field observations

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    Raffaella Ceruti


    Full Text Available Seroconversion to viral haemorrhagic enteritis (HE was studied in seven flocks of turkey breeders (17.974 birds in total, after 20 weeks of the onset of egg production. They showed no clinical signs, and mortality rate was normal. However, the infection caused a drop in egg production lasting about five weeks (-2.32 eggs laid during this period, but had no effect on hatching parameters.

  4. Factores asociados con la irregularidad de la ingesta de Dapsona en pacientes con lepra: Dapsona en pacientes con lepra

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    Luis Carlos Orozco Vargas


    Full Text Available Introducción: Conocer los factores asociados al cumplimiento del tratamiento en pacientes con lepra, es muy importante para prevenir la resistencia del Mycobacterium leprae y garantizar la cura bacteriológica de estas personas. La prueba de orina para Dapsona, presente en el régimen autoadministrado, es un método sencillo para establecer la regularidad del tratamiento. Objetivo: Explorar los factores asociados a la irregularidad de la ingesta del tratamiento antileproso. Métodos: Estudio de corte transversal de los enfermos que recibieron tratamiento antileproso en un centro dermatológico. La irregularidad se estableció con la prueba de dapsonuria. Se consideró irregular el que presentó la prueba negativa. Las variables sospechosas de influir en la irregularidad se analizaron con regresión logística exacta. Resultados: En el modelo final del análisis multivariado se encontraron cinco variables asociadas, entre éstas sobresalen como factores de riesgo, la ausencia de discapacidad, OR 28.56 (IC90% 1.2-2.1 y la entrega de tratamiento para tiempos mayores a un mes, por cada mes OR 3.41 (IC90% 1.4-9.2 y como factor protector, la aceptación familiar de la enfermedad OR 0.008 (IC90% 0.001-0.24. Conclusión: Aunque es posible que el pequeño tamaño de muestra no haya permitido detectar algunos factores de riesgo informados en otras investigaciones, la mayoría de esos estudios no han realizado análisis multivariado por lo cual es posible que muchos de los factores informados en la literatura no tengan importancia. Salud UIS 2013; 45 (1: 7-14

  5. Environmental enteric dysfunction is associated with altered bile acid metabolism (United States)

    Environmental enteric dysfunction (EED), a clinically asymptomatic condition characterized by inflammation of the small bowel mucosa, villous atrophy, and increased gut permeability, is common among children in developing countries. Because of abnormal gut mucosa and altered gut microbiome, EED coul...

  6. Human enteric pathogen internalization by root uptake into food crops (United States)

    With an increasing number of outbreaks and illnesses associated with pre-harvest contaminated produce, understanding the potential and mechanisms of produce contamination by enteric pathogens can aid in the development of preventative measures and post-harvest processing to reduce microbial populati...

  7. Home Enteral Nutrition therapy: Difficulties, satisfactions and support needs of caregivers assisting older patients. (United States)

    Jukic P, Nikolina; Gagliardi, Cristina; Fagnani, Donata; Venturini, Claudia; Orlandoni, Paolo


    The purpose of this study was to comprehend and describe the views, experiences and adaptations of caregivers who assist older patients treated with Home Enteral Nutrition. The objective was to gather empirical evidence to improve the delivery of Home Enteral Nutrition for old patients taking into account the caregivers' support needs. A qualitative methodology with focus groups as data collection method was used to collect the testimonies of 30 informal and formal caregivers of older patients treated with Home Enteral Nutrition by the Clinical Nutrition Service of INRCA (Ancona) during 2014. Quantitative methodology was used to collect socio-demographic data. Partially modified Silver's "Home Enteral Nutrition Caregiver Task Checklist" was used to identify training needs. The constant comparison method was used to code and categorize data and to develop themes of focus groups. Simple descriptive statistics were used to summarize questionnaires. Five main themes were identified from focus groups: acceptance of the therapy, skill acquisition process, need for psychological and practical support at home from healthcare professionals, lifestyle adaptation, affirmation of life and family. All caregivers testified the initial fear and refusal to manage the nutrition pump and the therapy. They expressed the need to be trained gradually, starting during a patient's hospitalization, and continuing in the community. With reference to their overall QoL, it emerged that informal caregivers suffered mostly from the reduction of their free time while formal caregivers suffered social isolation and psychological burden. For both groups the monthly home visit was the most important element of the HEN service. Informal caregivers highlighted the importance of having their loved ones at home. Unsatisfied training needs were identified by the modified Silver's "Home Enteral Nutrition Caregiver Task Checklist". This qualitative study underlined the challenges and adaptations of

  8. [Not Available]. (United States)

    Germán Díaz, Marta; Moreno Villares, José Manuel; Gomis Muñoz, Pilar


    Introducción: la nutrición parenteral domiciliaria se ha convertido en un punto clave en el tratamiento de pacientes con fracaso intestinal crónico. A pesar de los importantes avances que se han producido en las últimas décadas, tanto en los accesos vasculares, como en las soluciones empleadas, las infecciones asociadas a catéter venoso central siguen constituyendo una de las complicaciones más importantes. Dentro de las estrategias para la prevención o el tratamiento de estas infecciones se encuentra el empleo de sellados con antisépticos, como el etanol o la taurolidina, o de antibióticos.Objetivo: el objetivo de este artículo es revisar la evidencia disponible sobre el empleo de sellados con antisépticos o antibióticos en el manejo de pacientes pediátricos con nutrición parenteral domiciliaria.Material y métodos: el uso de sellados con etanol o taurolidina para prevenir el desarrollo de infecciones asociadas a catéter central estaría indicado en pacientes con nutrición parenteral domiciliaria que hayan tenido más de una infección en el año anterior o que se consideren pacientes de riesgo. Los sellados con antibióticos están indicados en el tratamiento de bacteriemias asociadas a catéter central producidas por S. coagulasa-negativo o gramnegativos, asociados a un tratamiento sistémico, siempre que sea posible, con el fin de salvar el catéter. Se debería llevar a cabo la retirada del mismo cuando existan signos de infección del punto de entrada o del trayecto subcutáneo, o cuando el germen responsable de la infección sea S. aureus o Cándida.Conclusión: a pesar de que la fuerza de la evidencia sobre la eficacia del sellado en la prevención o el tratamiento de infecciones asociadas al catéter es limitada, tanto en el niño como en el adulto, cada vez existen más datos a usar esta alternativa en pacientes con nutrición parenteral domiciliaria en los que la atención y salvaguarda de los catéteres es primordial.

  9. Prevalencia de infecciones nosocomiales en niños: encuesta de 21 hospitales en México Nosocomial infections in children: Prevalence survey in 21 public hospitals in Mexico

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    Carlos Avila-Figueroa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO. Determinar la prevalencia de infecciones nosocomiales, los factores de riesgo, su microbiología, la prevalencia de uso de antibióticos y la mortalidad asociada en niños hospitalizados. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio transversal en 21 hospitales públicos que atienden a niños. Se incluyeron pacientes desde recién nacidos hasta de 17 años de edad. Los riesgos ajustados se estimaron mediante regresión logística múltiple. RESULTADOS. En 1 183 niños estudiados se identificaron 116 pacientes con infección nosocomial, con una prevalencia de 9.8% (IC95% 8.1-11.6. Los sitios de infección más frecuentes fueron: neumonía (25%, sepsis/bacteriemia (19% e infección del tracto urinario (5%. El principal microrganismo identificado en hemocultivo fue Klebsiella pneumoniae (31%. La prevalencia de uso de antibióticos fue de 49% con una variación de entre 3 y 83%. Mediante regresión logística múltiple se encontraron cuatro factores independientemente asociados con el desarrollo de infección nosocomial: exposición a catéteres intravenosos (RM 3.3, IC95% 1.9-5.9, alimentación parenteral (RM 2.1, IC95% 1.0-4.5, ventilación mecánica (RM 2.3, IC95% 1.2-4.1 y ser recién nacido de bajo peso (RM 2.6, IC95% 1.0-6.8. La mortalidad general fue de 4.8%; sin embargo, el riesgo de morir en pacientes con infección nosocomial fue del doble comparado con los no infectados (RM 2.6, IC95% 1.3-5.1. CONCLUSIONES. Esta evaluación rápida, usando una metodología estándar, ha permitido caracterizar la epidemiología de las infecciones nosocomiales en niños. Los resultados dieron lugar a programas preventivos dirigidos específicamente al cuidado de catéteres intravasculares y al uso de ventilación asistida, a fin de reducir la ocurrencia de sepsis/bacteriemia y neumonías, infecciones nosocomiales de alta prevalencia y mortalidad.OBJECTIVES. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of nosocomial infections

  10. Tratamiento con inmunoterapia específica en niños con Rinitis Alérgica y/o Asma Bronquial. Área Norte. 2005 - 2007.

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    Matilde Iraida Morera Franco


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo longitudinal durante el período Enero 2005_ Enero 2007 en el Policlínico Norte del municipio Sancti Spíritus. El universo estuvo constituido por el total de niños con edades de 2_15 años con enfermedades alérgicas, a los que se realizó pruebas de alergia e indicó tratamiento con inmunoterapia específica por vía subcutánea, la muestra estuvo formada por 75 pacientes con asma bronquial, rinitis alérgica y/o ambas enfermedades, con el objetivo de determinar el comportamiento del tratamiento con inmunoterapia específica se aplicó el método porcentual para el análisis de resultados, donde el grupo etáreo que predominó fue de 2 _5 años, más del 65 % de los pacientes tratados refirieron mejoría de los síntomas las causas más frecuentes de abandono de tratamiento fue la aparición de infecciones intercurrentes, no ocurrió reacción anafiláctica en ninguno de los casos estudiados, el tratamiento con inmunoterapia puede reducir el uso de otros tratamientos asociados como Intal, antihistamínicos, broncodilatadores y esteroides.


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    Miguel Ángel Capó-Juan


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: El Servicio de Promoción de la Autonomía Personal pretende ofrecer atención a sujetos con discapacidad física y/o físico-psíquica grave, entre ellos, a personas con lesión medular. Estas personas se encuentran en una fase crónica y por ello requieren medidas fisioterápicas educativo–terapéuticas. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la satisfacción de las personas con lesión medular que acuden a este servicio. Métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo, transversal, cuantitativo después de un seguimiento terapéutico de dieciséis meses que se inició en marzo de 2015. La muestra final del estudio fue de 25 personas con lesión medular (17 hombres y 8 mujeres que supusieron el 83% del total de las atendidas. Al finalizar la intervención terapéutica, estas personas respondieron al cuestionario SERVQHOS que consta de diecinueve preguntas y pretende medir la calidad asistencial de los servicios prestados. Se llevó a cabo un análisis estadístico a través Microsoft Office Excel 2013 y SPSS 23, calculando medias y desviaciones estándar o frecuencias y porcentajes. Resultados: El factor externo mejor valorado fue la apariencia del personal con un 4,5 de media y el peor valorado la accesibilidad y/o señalización con un 2,6 de media. El factor interno mejor valorado fue la amabilidad del personal con un 4,8 de media y el peor valorado la rapidez con la que se consigue lo que se solicita, con un 4,2 de media. Conclusiones: Tras el estudio se concluye que la calidad ofrecida está determinada por los factores internos (amabilidad, confianza y disposición de ayudar y que las debilidades vienen relacionadas con factores externos estructurales del centro.

  12. Introducing enteral feeding induces intestinal subclinical inflammation and respective chromatin changes in preterm pigs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Willems, Rhea; Krych, Lukasz; Rybicki, Verena


    AIM: To analyze how enteral food introduction affects intestinal gene regulation and chromatin structure in preterm pigs. MATERIALS & METHODS: Preterm pigs were fed parenteral nutrition plus/minus slowly increasing volumes of enteral nutrition. Intestinal gene-expression and chromatin structure......; no significant differences for colostrum) with corresponding decondensed chromatin configurations. On histology this correlated with mild mucosal lesions, particularly in formula-fed pigs. In CaCo-2 cells, histone hyperacetylation led to a marked increase in TLR4 mRNA and increased IL8 expression upon...... stimulation with lipopolysaccharide (median: 7.0; interquartile range: 5.63-8.85) compared with naive cells (median 4.2; interquartile range: 2.45-6.33; p = 0.03). CONCLUSION: Enteral feeding, particular with formula, induces subclinical inflammation in the premature intestine and more open chromatin...

  13. Enteric and indicator virus removal by surface flow wetlands. (United States)

    Rachmadi, Andri T; Kitajima, Masaaki; Pepper, Ian L; Gerba, Charles P


    We investigated the occurrence and attenuation of several human enteric viruses (i.e., norovirus, adenovirus, Aichi virus 1, polyomaviruses, and enterovirus) as well as a plant virus, pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV), at two surface flow wetlands in Arizona. The retention time in one of the wetlands was seven days, whereas in the other wetland it could not be defined. Water samples were collected at the inlet and outlet from the wetlands over nine months, and concentration of viral genomes was determined by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Of the human enteric viruses tested, adenovirus and Aichi virus 1 were found in the greatest prevalence in treated wastewater (i.e., inlet of the wetlands). Reduction efficiencies of enteric viruses by the wetlands ranged from 1 to 3 log10. Polyomaviruses were generally removed to below detection limit, indicating at least 2 to 4 log10 removal. PMMoV was detected in a greater concentration in the inlet of both wetlands for all the viruses tested (10(4) to 10(7) genome copies/L), but exhibited little or no removal (1 log10 or less). To determine the factors associated with virus genome attenuation (as determined by qPCR), the persistence of PMMoV and poliovirus type 1 (an enterovirus) was studied in autoclaved and natural wetland water, and deionized water incubated under three different temperatures for 21 days. A combination of elevated water temperature and biological activities reduced poliovirus by 1 to 4 log10, while PMMoV was not significantly reduced during this time period. Overall, PMMoV showed much greater persistence than human viruses in the wetland treatment. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Tuberculosis congénita asociada con tuberculosis materna miliar diseminada

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    Luis Miguel Sosa


    Se presenta el caso de una mujer primigestante con tuberculosis miliar diseminada, con inicio de las manifestaciones en el puerperio inmediato, diagnóstico en el segundo mes del puerperio y desenlace fatal. Además, se presenta el caso de su hijo prematuro con manifestaciones desde el nacimiento, evidencia de complejo pulmonar primario, atelectasia persistente por obstrucción bronquial por las adenopatías e infección por citomegalovirus; recibió tratamiento estándar con mejoría.


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    Gloria L. Gil R.


    Full Text Available En este estudio se evaluó el efecto de la inclusión de aceite de langostilla roja (Pleuroncodes planipes sobre el crecimiento, supervivencia y pigmentación del tegumento de crías de carpa koi (Cyprinus carpio var. haematopterus. El estudio consistió en tres experimentos: experimento 1, con fotoperiodo de 4 h L / 20 h O y aguas claras; experimento 2, con fotoperiodo 12 h L/ 12 h O y aguas claras, y, experimento 3, cuyo fotoperiodo fue de 12 h L /12 O y aguas con algas. En estos experimentos, dos variedades de crías de carpa koi -naranjas y con manchas oscuras- fueron alimentadas con dietas adicionadas con aceite de langostilla a diferentes porcentajes de inclusión (0, 1, 2 y 3 %, con el 5% de alimento con relación a la biomasa de cada unidad experimental. Al final de cada uno de los experimentos se tomaron fotografías de los organismos y se analizó la coloración con el modelo de matiz-saturación-brillantez de cuatro regiones anatómicas en ambas variedades de crías y en los experimentos 1 y 2 se evaluaron parámetros biológicos: supervivencia, ganancia en longitud y en peso, y porcentaje de incremento en peso y en longitud. Las dietas adicionadas con aceite de langostilla roja no fueron rechazadas por los organismos, y no se observaron efectos negativos en las variables evaluadas. En general, la inclusión de aceite influyó en la pigmentación de las crías de color naranja y en el crecimiento y la coloración de los organismos con manchas oscuras, particularmente cuando el fotoperiodo fue de 12 L/ 12 O.

  16. Plexo nervioso subbasal y su relación con la magnitud de la ametropía en cirugía refractiva con láser excimer


    Rojas Álvarez, Eduardo; González Sotero, Janet; Pérez Ruiz, Ariadna


    Objetivo: describir los cambios del plexo nervioso subbasal durante un año, posterior a tratamiento con láser excímer y relacionar estos cambios con la magnitud de la ametropía tratada. Métodos: estudio prospectivo y longitudinal en 78 pacientes (151 ojos) que cumplieron con los criterios de selección establecidos. La técnica quirúrgica empleada fue LASIK con microquerátomo pendular. Las imágenes se obtuvieron por microscopia confocal de la córnea con el microscopio ConfoScan 4. El análisis s...

  17. Empiema por Fusobacterium necrophorum

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    ML. Valle Feijoo


    Systemic infection by Fusobacerium necrophorum is characterized by the classic triad of thrombosis of the jugular internal vein, bacteriemia and metastatic spread and it is known as Lemiere syndrome (LS, post-amigdalitis sepsis or necrobacillosis. Pulmonary impairement due to septic embolism is very common in LS, but Fusobacterium necrophorum is hardly ever found in empyemas without LS. We report a new case.

  18. Personas con Trastorno del Espectro del Autismo con necesidades intensas y generalizadas de apoyo: estrategias para mejorar su calidad de vida

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    Ruth Vidriales Fernández


    Full Text Available Vidriales, R. et al. (2015: “Personas con Trastorno del Espectro del Autismo con necesidades intensas y generalizadas de apoyo: estrategias para mejorar su calidad de vida”, Revista Española de Discapacidad, 3 (2: 101-115.

  19. Helical CT defecography; La defecografia con Tomografia Computerizzata spirale

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ferrando, R.; Fiorini, G.; Beghello, A.; Cicio, G.R.; Derchi, L.E.; Consigliere, M.; Resasco, M. [Genua Univ., Genua (Italy). Ist. di Radiologia, Cattedra R; Tornago, S. [Genua Univ. Genua (Italy). 2 Clinica Ortopedica


    The purpose of this work is to investigate the possible role of Helical CT defecography in pelvic floor disorders by comparing the results of the investigations with those of conventional defecography. The series analyzed consisted of 90 patients, namely 62 women and 28 men, ranging in age 24-82 years. They were all submitted to conventional defecography, and 18 questionable cases were also studied with Helical CT defecography. The conventional examination was performed during the 4 standard phases of resting, squeezing, Valsalva and straining; it is used a remote-control unit. The parameters for Helical CT defecography were: 5 mm beam collimation, pitch 2, 120 KV, 250 m As and 18-20 degrees gantry inclination to acquire coronal images of the pelvic floor. The rectal ampulla was distended with a bolus of 300 mL nonionic iodinated contrast agent (dilution: 3g/cc). The patient wore a napkin and was seated on the table, except for those who could not hold the position and were thus examined supine. Twenty-second helical scans were performed at rest and during evacuation; multiplanar reconstructions were obtained especially on the sagittal plane for comparison with conventional defecographic images. Coronal Helical CT defecography images permitted to map the perineal floor muscles, while sagittal reconstructions provided information on the ampulla and the levator ani. To conclude, Helical CT defecography performed well in study of pelvic floor disorders and can follow conventional defecography especially in questionable cases. [Italian] Scopo di questo lavoro e' ricercare un ruolo per la defeco-TC con apparecchiatura elicoidale nello studio delle malattie del pavimento pelvico confrontandola con i risultati consolidati della defecografia tradizionale. Si sono visionati 90 pazienti, 62 femmine e 28 maschi, con eta' compresa tra 24 e 82 anni, con defecografia tradizionale; di questi, 18 casi con diagnosi dubbia sono stati studiati anche con defeco-TC spirale

  20. Mycophenolic acid agents: is enteric coating the answer?

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    Manitpisitkul W


    Full Text Available Wana Manitpisitkul1, Sabrina Lee2, Matthew Cooper31Department of Pharmacy, University of Maryland Medical Center, Baltimore, MD, USA; 2Solid Organ Transplant Program, University of Utah Health Care, Salt Lake City, UT, USA; 3Department of Surgery, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USAAbstract: Addition of mycophenolate mofetil (MMF to calcineurin-based immunosuppressive therapy has led to a significant improvement in graft survival and reduction of acute rejection in renal transplant recipients. However, in clinical practice, MMF dose reduction, interruption, or discontinuation due to hematological and gastrointestinal (GI side-effects occurred in up to 50% of the patients. Large retrospective analyses have demonstrated that patients requiring MMF dose manipulation due to adverse events experienced a higher rate of rejection and graft loss. Enteric-coated mycophenolate sodium (EC-MPS was developed with the goal of improving upper GI side-effects. Here, we review the efficacy and safety of EC-MPS in de novo kidney transplant recipient, and in stable renal transplant patients who were converted from MMF. The changes in GI-related adverse events using patient-reported outcome instruments are also reviewed.Keywords: enteric-coated mycophenolate sodium, mycophenolate mofetil, kidney transplant, efficacy, gastrointestinal tolerability