
Sample records for enfants seuls survivants

  1. ÉTUDE DE CAS : L'enfant vu dans sa globalité | IDRC - International ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    12 janv. 2011 ... Les graphiques incitent le praticien à adopter une approche « syndromique » de la classification des problèmes de santé des jeunes patients -- afin de prendre en compte l'enfant dans sa globalité plutôt que d'essayer de ne cerner qu'une seule cause. Cette approche est spécialement utile dans des pays ...

  2. Enfants du soleil histoire de nos origines

    CERN Document Server

    Brahic, André


    D'où venons-nous ? Comment le Soleil et la Terre sont-ils apparus ? Nous avons enfin atteint le moment où la science peut apporter des réponses de plus en plus précises, de plus en plus étonnantes. La Nature a décidément plus d'imagination que les hommes ! Depuis l'exploration spatiale, nous en avons plus appris sur notre système solaire et son origine en une génération qu'en quarante siècles. Là où l'on attendait l'uniformité, on a trouvé la plus grande diversité. André Brahic, qui a découvert les anneaux de Neptune, nous présente les multiples facettes du système solaire et nous raconte quatre milliards et demi d'années de son histoire. Les planètes sont les soeurs du Soleil. Nous sommes les enfants du temps et des étoiles. Sommes-nous seuls dans l'Univers ? Les astronomes commencent à apercevoir d'autres planètes autour de quelques soleils proches, Ils espèrent bientôt trouver d'autres Terres...

  3. La valeur de la stimulation lumineuse intermittente en tant qu'épreuve d'activation dans l'électroencéphalographie de l'enfant

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    P. Laget


    Full Text Available L'électroencéphalographie de l'enfant, surtout lorsqu'il est très jeune, présente de sérieuses difficultés, à la fois de technique et d'interprétation. Les épreuves d'activation sont, en conséquence, de grande utilité. Une de cellesci nous paraît de tout particulier intérêt: il s'agit de la stimulation lumineuse intermittente seule, sans injection de substances convulsivantes. Utilisée systématiquement suivant certaines régies précises, elle a permis de révéler dans un important pourcentage de cas, des altérations de type paroxystique apportant ainsi une aide précieuse au diagnostic, principalement dans les crises convulsives de l'enfance, les retards psychomoteurs et les troubles du caractère. Quelques exemples empruntés à ces différentes catégories d'affections font ressortir le pouvoir activant de la photostimulation. Les méchanismes de ce pouvoir sont très délicats à interpréter et font intervenir probablement à la fois l'immaturation des structures thalamocortical existant chez l'enfant et les méchanismes neurophysiologiques déjà connus de l'activation photocardiazolique étudiée chez l'adulte. Quoiqu'il en soit, cette méthode apparaît du plus haut intérêt dans la pratique de l'électroencéphalographie de l'enfant.

  4. Comment scolariser les enfants Roms? Les enfants Roms dans les dispositifs mis en place à Bordeaux Métropole.


    Øhlund, Ida


    Dans ce mémoire, je m intéresse à la scolarisation des enfants Roms en France. Je présente la place des enfants Roms dans la scolarisation en Europe et en France. Je discute les efforts qu on fait en France pour scolariser ces enfants, et je prends comme exemple les mesures d intégration prises par les autorités de Bordeaux Métropole en expliquant les rôles des différents acteurs locaux. Dans la première partie, j essaye de présenter le groupe minoritaire européen appelé « Rom ». J aborde l h...

  5. Enfants travailleurs domestiques a cotonou : Entre contraintes ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le décalage de perception sur le travail des enfants résulte d'abord de la définition du concept d'enfant perçu différemment selon qu'il s'agit des normes juridiques ou des codes sociaux ou communautaires. ... Par conséquent, la domesticité enfantine ressemble davantage à un projet élaboré par un ensemble d'acteurs.

  6. bacteriologie de l'otite moyenne suppuree chronique de l'enfant au ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Conclusion : Ainsi le rôle pathogène de staphylococcus aureus est prépondérant dans les otites moyennes suppurées chroniques de l'enfant dans notre unité. Mots-clés : bactériologie - otite moyenne suppurée chronique - enfant. Introduction: L'otite moyenne suppurée chronique est une affection fréquente chez l'enfant.

  7. Tuberculose lymphonodale cervicale chez les enfants vaccines par ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    La tuberculose ganglionnaire cervicale est une localisation extrapulmonaire relativement fréquente chez l'enfant. Elle pose essentiellement des difficultés de prévention. L'objectif de ce travail est d'étudier les particularités diagnostiques et thérapeutiques chez des enfants vaccinés par le BCG. Matériel et méthodes: Nôtre ...


    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    des jeunes. Tanzaniens sont sans emploi. 7 enfants sur 10qui entament leur. 3e année du primaire ne savent pas lire le swahili, la langue nationale. Seul 1 enfant sur 5 arrive à faire des mathématiques de base. Les jeunes citadins sont presque 5 fois plus susceptibles de détenir un diplôme universitaire que les jeunes.

  9. Prevention de la transmission mere enfant du VIH/SIDA au Chu de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    La transmission Mère Enfant du VIH/SIDA est le mode de contamination essentielle des enfants dans les pays en développement. Objectif : Evaluer les résultats de la Prévention de la Transmission Mère-Enfant (PTME) du VIH au CHU-Kara. Méthode: Il s'est agi d'une étude rétrospective descriptive de juillet 2005 à Juin ...

  10. La canterina og L'Enfant et les Sortilèges

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schneider, Magnus Tessing


    Prgramartikel til Det Kongelige Teaters opsætning af Haydns La canterina og Ravels L'Enfant et les Sortilèges. Udgivelsesdato: Januar......Prgramartikel til Det Kongelige Teaters opsætning af Haydns La canterina og Ravels L'Enfant et les Sortilèges. Udgivelsesdato: Januar...

  11. Enfants, chercheurs et citoyens

    CERN Document Server

    Lederman, Leon


    J'ai consacré ma vie à la physique. J'aimerais que tous les enfants aient la chance de satisfaire leur goût pour la recherche et de développer leur intelligence. J'ai découvert à Chicago, chez mon ami Leon Lederman, une méthode d'enseignement des sciences à l'école qui m'a subjugué. J'ai vu, à tous les niveaux, en physique, en chimie, en sciences naturelles et en mathématiques, des enfants qui expérimentaient avec joie, apprenaient les concepts fondamentaux à leur rythme, réfléchissant et discutant. Je voyais en gestation des êtres libres, capables de rechercher une vérité qui ne leur était pas assenée. J'ai voulu confronter des enseignants français du primaire et du secondaire à ces recherches qui ne se limitent pas à l'enseignement primaire. C'est leur regard critique et surtout leurs idées pour notre enseignement que j'ai rassemblés dans ce livre.

  12. « Un seul oiseau en cage / La liberté est en deuil »

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    Concours Twittérature service culturel de l’Ambassade de France au Canada


    Full Text Available « Un seul oiseau en cage / La liberté est en deuil » (Jacques Prévert Concours de twittérature (Semaine de la Francophonie 2017 Pour célébrer la Semaine de la Francophonie 2017, le service culturel de l’Ambassade de France au Canada a lancé en mars dernier un concours de twittérature, autour de la figure du poète et artiste français Jacques Prévert, disparu il y a tout juste quarante ans. En 140 signes maximum – incluant le mot dièse #Prévert et le tag @francetoronto – élèves, enseignants, parents, poètes en herbe comme poètes confirmés, ont pu laisser libre cours à leur imagination en répondant au vers de la plume de Prévert – « Un seul oiseau en cage / La liberté est en deuil » – à partir de leur compte Twitter.

  13. Discours repris, discours emprunte, Discours habite chez l'enfant entre 1 et 3 ans

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    Aliyah Morgenstern


    Full Text Available L'enfant entre dans le langage en reprenant des formes entendues dans le langage adulte, en manipulant les mots, les structures, et vajusqu'àjouer avec les places énonciatives afim de s'approprier pleinement toutes les fonctions du langage. Cet article retrace le parcours de l'enfant à travers trois moments des de son appropriation du langage: ses premiers pointages, ses premières negations et des renversements pronominaux dans le récit. Les formes sont reprises dans le dialogue; mais l'enfant peut aussi les manipuler ensuite dans des jeux monolgiques puis les remettre de nouveau en circulation dans le dialogue. On montre ainsi combine les reprises, la repetitions du discours entendu, les empruntspeuvent &re "internalises" (VYGOTSKY, 1934 et devenir ainsi habitds par l' enfant qui les fait siens.

  14. Japanese Visit CERN's Jardin d'Enfants

    CERN Multimedia


    On 1 November twenty four Japanese teachers from the Association of Private Kindergartens in Osaka visited CERN’s Jardin d’Enfants to exchange experience and learn more about the Swiss educational system. The delegation was lead by Mrs. Nobuko Shirae, President of the Association, and Mr. Takeshi Kakimoto from the Japan Travel Bureau.

  15. Profils des enfants infectes par le vih en debut du traitement ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    But : Décrire les profils des enfants infectés par le VIH au début du traitement antirétroviral. Matériels et méthode: Les dossiers des enfants infectés par le VIH dans la région maritime ont été analysés de mai 2008 à février 2010 par le comité thérapeutique. Résultats: Parmi les 96 dossiers analysés, 66,67% venaient du ...

  16. Enfants mendiants dans la région de Dakar




    L’objet du présent rapport est de préciser le profil et la situation des enfants qui mendient dans la région de Dakar. Le rapport a pour point de départ une enquête menée auprès des enfants mendiant dans les rues de Dakar, laquelle a fourni un premier état des lieux, assorti d’une vue d’ensemble des actions entreprises à l’échelle nationale, face à ce problème. L’enquête a également permis de proposer diverses options stratégiques visant à accélérer et renforcer la réponse nationale contre la...

  17. Enfants conçus avec une aide médicale dans la cohorte Elfe


    Poulalhon, Claire


    Objectif : étudier les conditions entourant la naissance des enfants conçus avec une aide médicale, et explorer le rôle des facteurs sociaux et médicaux dans la prématurité et l’hypotrophie.Méthodes : l'analyse porte sur 9495 enfants de la cohorte Elfe, de terme supérieur à 33 semaines d'aménorrhée, singletons ou jumeaux, répartis en trois groupes selon leur contexte de conception, "traitement", "infertiles non traités" et "fertiles" (790, 1044 et 7661 enfants). Cinq champs ont été décrits (c...

  18. Épidémiologie des accidents domestiques graves de l'enfant admis en réanimation pédiatrique polyvalente à l'hôpital d'enfants de Rabat-Maroc (United States)

    Rafai, Mostafa; Mekaoui, Nour; Chouaib, Naoufal; Bakkali, Hicham; Belyamani, Lahcen; El Koraichi, Alae; El Kettani, Salma Ech-Cherif


    Introduction Les accidents domestiques de l'enfant représentent un vrai problème de santé publique dans les pays industrialisés. Au Maroc, la priorité en santé publique est toujours donnée aux pathologies infectieuses, et bien qu'elle soit très peu décrite, la pathologie accidentelle de l'enfant devient de plus en plus fréquente dans notre pays avec une mortalité importante. L'objectif est de mettre le point sur la prévalence, la gravité, les aspects étiologiques, les facteurs de risque et les circonstances de survenue de ces accidents, ainsi que les moyens de prévention active et passive. Méthodes Enquête rétrospective descriptive sur une période de douze mois portant sur tous les enfants pris en charge pour accident domestique grave au service de réanimation pédiatrique polyvalente de l'hôpital universitaire d'enfants de Rabat. Résultats Parmi 698 admissions, 108 cas d'accidents domestiques graves ont étaient colligés (soit 15,5%), L’âge moyen des enfants était de 04ans tout accident confondu, avec un sex-ratio de 1,08 en faveur des garçons. L’évolution générale était marquée par le décès de 16 enfants (soit 14,8%) parmi 164 décès toute pathologie confondue au cours de la même période d’étude (soit 9,75% des décès) avec une durée moyenne d'hospitalisation de 04jours. les brûlures constituaient le premier accident dans notre série par 37cas, et elles étaient la première cause de mortalité par huit cas; par ailleurs, la population la plus à risque de brûlure était les nourrissons (67,6%). L'inhalation intrabronchique d’épingle à foulard (accident particulier dans notre contexte islamique) à été retrouvée chez six cas. Conclusion Les accidents domestiques de l'enfant constituent rarement une préoccupation de premier plan dans la population alors qu'ils sont parfois très graves et source d'une mortalité importante. Le meilleur traitement reste la prévention active et passive. PMID:26015848

  19. Profil épidémiologique des pathologies respiratoires chez l’enfant à l’Hôpital d’Enfants de Rabat, Maroc (United States)

    Benchekroun, Ilham; Boubkraoui, Mohamed El Mahdi; Mekaoui, Nour; Karboubi, Lamia; Mahraoui, Chafiq; Dakhama, Badr Sououd Benjelloun


    Introduction Les pathologies respiratoires représentent un motif fréquent d'hospitalisation en pédiatrie. L'objectif de cette étude était d'évaluer le profil épidémiologique des pathologies respiratoires chez l'enfant à l'hôpital d'enfants de Rabat, Maroc. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une étude observationnelle transversale qui a concerné tous les cas d'enfants âgés de 3 mois à 15 ans hospitalisés pour une pathologie respiratoire au service de pneumoallergologie et infectiologie pédiatriques de l'hôpital d'enfants de Rabat sur une période d'une année, du 1 janvier 2014 au 31 décembre 2014. Résultats Sur 3537 patients hospitalisés, 2493 (70,5%) l'ont été pour une pathologie respiratoire. Les hospitalisations pour exacerbation d'asthme (p < 0,001), bronchiolite aigüe (p < 0,001) et dyspnée laryngée (p = 0,004) étaient plus fréquentes chez le garçon alors que les hospitalisations pour pneumopathie aigüe (p = 0,005), pour inhalation de corps étranger (p = 0,007) et pour coqueluche (p = 0,020) étaient plus fréquentes chez la fille. Les hospitalisations pour pneumopathie aigüe (p < 0,001), exacerbation de séquelles graves de virose (p < 0,001) et pour coqueluche (p < 0,001) étaient plus fréquentes chez le nourrisson. Les hospitalisations pour pneumopathie aigüe (p < 0,001) et pour coqueluche (p = 0,015) étaient plus fréquentes en période automnohivernale. Conclusion Les motifs d'hospitalisation étaient dominés par les exacerbations d'asthme et la bronchiolite aigüe, lesquelles étaient plus fréquentes chez le garçon. Les infections respiratoires, représentées par les pneumopathies aigües et la coqueluche, étaient plus fréquentes en période automnohivernale et touchaient plus le nourrisson. PMID:29675122

  20. Compréhension de la violence à l'encontre des enfants au Rwanda ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Toutes les formes de violence (physique, émotionnelle et sexuelle) à l'encontre des enfants constituent une grave violation des droits de la personne et entraînent de profondes séquelles sur le plan mental et physique à court et à long terme (Étude du Secrétaire général des Nations Unies sur la violence contre les enfants).

  1. Profil épidémiologique et prise en charge des exacerbations d'asthme chez l'enfant à l'hôpital d'enfants de Rabat au Maroc (United States)

    Boubkraoui, Mohamed El Mahdi; Benbrahim, Fadoua; Assermouh, Abdellah; El Hafidi, Naima; Benchekroun, Soumia; Mahraoui, Chafiq


    Introduction L'exacerbation d'asthme est un phénomène paroxystique qui peut mettre en jeu le pronostic vital. Le but de l’étude est d’évaluer le profil épidémiologique et les modalités de prise en charge de l'exacerbation d'asthme chez les enfants âgés de 2 à 15 ans dans l'unité de pneumoallergologie pédiatrique de l'hôpital d'enfants de Rabat au Maroc. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective qui a concerné 1461 enfants hospitalisés pour exacerbation d'asthme modérée à sévère durant une période d'un an allant de décembre 2011 à novembre 2012, les exacerbations légères étant traitées en ambulatoire. Résultats Les hospitalisations pour exacerbation d'asthme chez les enfants ont représenté 34% de l'ensemble des hospitalisations avec trois pics en mai, septembre et décembre. L’âge moyen de survenue était de 3 ans et demi avec une prédominance masculine nette. L'exacerbation d'asthme était inaugurale dans 22% des cas. Les infections respiratoires virales dominaient les facteurs déclenchants des exacerbations d'asthme. Le séjour hospitalier était en moyenne de 3 jours. Un transfert en réanimation a été nécessaire dans 2% des cas. L’évolution sous traitement a toujours été favorable et la mortalité a été nulle. Conclusion La prévalence des hospitalisations pour exacerbation d'asthme suit un profil saisonnier lié aux effets environnementaux. La plupart de ces hospitalisations pourraient cependant être évitées grâce à un meilleur contrôle de l'asthme et à l'amélioration de l’éducation thérapeutique de l'enfant asthmatique et de son entourage. PMID:26090031

  2. La moindre performance scolaire des enfants de couples mixtes en France


    Unterreiner, Anne


    Rares sont les études portant spécifiquement sur les enfants de couples mixtes en France. Cette population est souvent confondue avec les descendants d’immigrés dans l’étude des performances scolaires de ceux-ci. Or, la socialisation intrafamiliale et le rapport au pays de résidence des enfants de couples mixtes divergent de ceux des descendants de Français et de ceux des descendants d’immigrés. Se pose alors la question de savoir si la définition de leur univers normatif et leur degré de sti...

  3. Doppler transcranien au cours de la drépanocytose chez l'enfant Malagasy (United States)

    Herinirina, Nicolas Fanantenana; Rajaonarison, Lova Hasina Ny Ony Narindra; Herijoelison, Andry Roussel; Rakoto, Olivat Aimée Alson; Ahmad, Ahmad


    Introduction Le doppler transcrânien est un outil efficace permettant de dépister les enfants drépanocytaires à risque d'AVC. Méthodes Nous avons réalisé une étude descriptive transversale sur des enfants Malagasy âgés entre 24 mois et 15 ans (groupe 1: 57 drépanocytaires, groupe 2: 43 témoins) afin d’évaluer le profil vélocimétrique des artères cérébrales chez les drépanocytaires. Un examen Doppler transcrânien a été réalisé avec étude des flux sanguins cérébraux chez les enfants des deux groupes. Résultats Pour les sujets drépanocytaires, la vitesse moyenne (VM) de l'artère cérébrale moyenne était de 100,9 ± 26,8 cm/s, l'indice de pulsatilité (IP) de 0,73 ± 0,20, la différence entre les artères cérébrales moyennes droite et gauche (ACMr) de 19,8 ± 21,5 cm/s, le rapport des vitesses de l'artère cérébrale antérieure/artère cérébrale moyenne (ACA/ACM) de 0,7 ± 0,2. Pour les enfants non drépanocytaires, VM: 80,6 ± 19,3 cm/s, IP: 0,79 ± 0,14, ACMr: 17 ± 20,1 cm/s, ACA/ACM: 0,8 ± 0,2. La vélocité des enfants drépanocytaires était supérieure au groupe contrôle. Les vitesses ont été corrélées avec le taux d'hémoglobine et l’âge et non pas avec le sexe et le volume globulaire moyen. Conclusion Les vitesses circulatoires cérébrales sont élevées chez les drépanocytaires que les enfants non drépanocytaires et sont influencées par le taux d'hémoglobine et l’âge. PMID:27516829

  4. Améliorer le traitement de la douleur chez les enfants en Thaïlande ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    21 avr. 2016 ... FLIKR/ROSS POLLOCK. Des lignes directrices sur la gestion de la douleur dans les hôpitaux thaïlandais aident à prévenir ou à traiter la douleur chez les enfants. Global Health Research Initiative. Les enfants sont plus susceptibles que les adultes de souffrir de l'absence de traitement ou de traitement ...

  5. Caractéristiques anthropométriques et prévalence de l’anémie chez des enfants scolarisés à Tébessa en 2014

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    Salima TALEB


    instruction de la mère, la taille du ménage et l’âge de l’enfant. Conclusion. Les taux de malnutrition sont inquiétants. Les résultats suggèrent que la carence en fer demeure la cause principale mais pas la seule déterminante de l’anémie chez les enfants scolarisés. [Abstract. Introduction. In Algeria, children malnutrition is a phenomenon associated with nutrition transition as in all developing countries. Objective. This study aimed to determine the height-of-weight status of scholar children in Tebessa and to determine the prevalence of anemia and its explanatory factors. Material and methods. Two hundred middle-aged children (G/B, 111/89 aged 8.55 ± 1.8 years were recruited in 8 schools in 2014. A questionnaire has been developed for the survey, concerning anthropometric measurements: weight, height, body mass index (BMI, head circumference and Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC, consumption frequency of meat products, fruits and vegetables, and foods rich in vitamin C. A blood test was performed for each child to determine blood count and serum iron. Results. For the both genders, the BMI-to-age index curve was significantly shifted to the right compared to the reference population. The same observation was noted for the weight-to-age curve. Forty eight % of children were overweight. According to the size-for-age index, 23% of children were stunted. The prevalence of anemia in relation to the hemoglobin level was 21.5%, whereas the iron deficiency anemia was 22%. Children who consumed vegetables and fruits, and foods rich in vitamin C, more than twice a week, were significantly less affected by anemia than children who consumed them once or twice a week (OR 4.9 and 5.05 , (p = 0.006 and p <0.0007, respectively. Regression logistic analysis showed no significant association between anemia prevalence and sibling rank, mother education level, household size, and age of child. Conclusion. Malnutrition rates are worrying. The results suggest that iron deficiency

  6. Le syndrome de rosai dorfman de l'enfant (a propos d'un cas) | Rada ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le syndrome de rOSaï DOrFman ou histiocytose sinusale avec lymphadénopathie massive est une maladie rare d'étiologie inconnue, peut se voir à tout âge, l'enfant n'étant pas épargné. nous rapportons le cas d'un enfant de 4 ans avec multiples adénopathies cervicales bilatérales. Le diagnostic a été confirmé par la ...

  7. Parole de l’enfant et parole à l’enfant en justice Children speaking in Justice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jean-Pierre Durif-Varembont


    Full Text Available La parole de l’enfant a pris d’autant plus d’importance que dans les affaires d’agressions sexuelles intrafamiliales, il n’y a le plus souvent ni preuves ni aveu mais des versions contradictoires. L’auteur montre comment, dans l’affaire d’Outreau, la parole des enfants n’a pas été vraiment écoutée parce que les conditions n’étaient pas réunies pour un discernement des adultes, professionnels de la justice ou non. L’analyse du traitement de cette parole permet ici de mettre en évidence la nécessité de prendre en compte un ensemble de données comme les circonstances du dévoilement des faits, le contexte familial, les caractéristiques du récit et l’évolution des éventuels symptômes. Mais la notion controversée de la crédibilité, révélatrice de l’ambivalence sociale et de la difficulté de l’exercice du doute, doit rester à la charge des juges et non à celle des experts cliniciens. Ceux-ci sont appelés, à partir d’éléments recueillis dans une relation singulière, à rendre compte des processus psychiques à l’œuvre chez un enfant, entre fantasme et réalité.The children’s “words” have acquired inasmuch importance as, in judicial affairs of intra-family sexual abuse, there are, most of the time, neither evidence nor confession but instead contradictory versions. The author shows how, in the Outreau case, the children’s words have not been really listened to because conditions for a real understanding by adults – laymen or justice professionals – were missing. In this article, analysing the treatment of these words allows to emphasize the necessary consideration of numerous data such as the circumstances of disclosing the facts, the family context, the characteristics of the narrative and the evolution of potential symptoms. But the controversial concept of credibility, revealing the social ambivalence and the difficulty of applying the doubt, must remain the responsibility of

  8. Innovation pour la santé des mères et des enfants d'Afrique | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    L'initiative Innovation pour la santé des mères et des enfants d'Afrique (ISMEA) cherche à améliorer la santé des mères, des nouveau-nés et des enfants en ... Cette initiative de 36 millions de dollars sur sept ans – financée conjointement par les Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada, Affaires mondiales Canada et le ...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Elles sont extrêmement rares chez l'enfant. Leur diagnostic est souvent tardif devant l'absence de symptômes spécifiques. La chirurgie nasosi- nusienne et les traumatismes faciaux constituent les princi- paux facteurs favorisant leur survenue. Des troubles oculo- moteurs et neurologiques par extension ou par compression.

  10. La place des enfants dans l'économie nationale | IDRC ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    2 févr. 2011 ... La place des enfants dans l'économie nationale .... en œuvre « plusieurs politiques de protection sociale » destinées à mettre ces groupes à ... health service provision and the monitoring of pregnant women, new mothers, chi.

  11. L'otite moyenne chronique cholestéatomateuse de l'enfant: à propos de 30 cas (United States)

    Touati, Mohamed Mliha; Darouassi, Youssef; Chihani, Mehdi; Bouaity, Brahim; Ammar, Haddou


    Le cholstéatome de l'oreille moyenne est une otite chronique qualifiée de dangereuse en raison de ses risques évolutifs et de ses complications potentiellement graves pouvant mettre en jeu le pronostic vital. L’évolution du cholestèatome est sensiblement différente entre l'adulte et l'enfant, avec une agressivité particulière des cholestèatomes pédiatriques nécessitant ainsi une prise en charge adéquate. Le but de notre travail est d'analyser à travers une revue bibliographique les particularités des otites moyennes chroniques cholestèatomateuses chez 30 enfants pris en charge dans le service d'oto-rhino-laryngologie de l'hôpital militaire Avicenne de Marrakech. Le traitement est exclusivement chirurgical, actuellement, la plupart des auteurs optent pour l'utilisation d'une technique fermée en première intention chez l'enfant PMID:26401218

  12. Enfants en santé Ouganda - Healthy Children Uganda (HCU) | IDRC ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Depuis 2003, le partenariat canado-ougandais Enfants en santé Ouganda - Healthy Children Uganda (HCU) a mis en oeuvre un programme de bénévolat en santé dans 175 villages. ... A new website and resource library will help improve developing country registration and information systems for vital events.

  13. Échecs thérapeutiques chez les enfants infectés par le VIH en suivi ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Introduction: L'objectif de cette étude était de déterminer les facteurs associés aux échecs thérapeutiques chez les enfants infectés par le VIH à l'Hôpital Laquintinie de Douala. Méthodes: Une étude transversale rétrospective a été menée sur une période de 5 mois en 2010, recrutant 222 enfants âgés de 1 à 18 ans et sous ...

  14. Caractérisation de l'alimentation des jeunes enfants âgés de 6 à 36 ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objectif: La période d'alimentation complémentaire est une période critique pour la croissance de l'enfant. Cette étude vise à décrire l'alimentation des jeunes enfants âgés de 6 à 36 mois en milieu rural et urbain du Sud-Bénin. Méthodologie et Résultats: Une enquête transversale a été menée sur 600 mères ayant des ...

  15. Pratiques Matrimoniales Et Transmission Mere-Enfant Du Vih Au Togo

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Mots clés : Pratiques matrimoniales, transmission mère-enfant, VIH, Togo. Purpose: To study the influence of customs and marriage practices on the mode of sexual transmission and mother-to-child transmission of HIV/AIDS in Togo, to make suggestions to the location of populations and public authorities to avoid customs ...

  16. Profils clinique, biologique et therapeutique des enfants infectes par ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Introduction : La prise en charge du VIH pédiatrique reste un maillon faible de la riposte au Togo. Le but de notre travail est de décrire les caractéristiques cliniques, immunologiques et thérapeutiques des enfants infectés au Centre Hospitalier Régional de Lomé-Commune (CHR-LC). Matériels et méthode : Cette étude ...

  17. L'haptoglobine chez les enfants atteints de paludisme grave a ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    30 avr. 2014 ... 1- Professeur Titulaire d'Immunologie, UFR Sciences Médicales UFHB Cocody, Chef du Service d'Immunologie et d'Hématologie, CHU Cocody. 2- Attaché de ... milliers d'enfants de moins de 5 ans par an, l'haptoglobine pourrait être un excellent marqueur pour le suivi des états inflammatoires et de la ...

  18. Quand le jugement médical met à l'épreuve le rapport des parents à leur enfant: le cas de l'autisme.


    Borelle , Céline


    Cette communication s'appuie sur un travail de recherche portant sur les parcours de diagnostic et de prise en charge d'enfants pour lesquels sont évoqués les troubles envahissants du développement (TED) ou l'autisme à un moment donné de leur trajectoire. L'objectif de cette recherche est de saisir le parcours de ces enfants comme un processus non linéaire, marqué par l'implication de personnes ayant des positionnements différents par rapport à l'enfant (parents, proches, professionnels de la...

  19. Bacteriologie de l'otite moyenne suppuree chronique de l'enfant au ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Introduction: L'otite moyenne suppurée chronique est une affection fréquente chez l'enfant. Plusieurs facteurs peuvent favoriser l'installation d'un tel processus infectieux (rhinopharyngites, otites mal traitées …). L'identification du germe causal de l'otite est une étape essentielle pour mener un traitement adéquat.

  20. Les cardiopathies de l'enfant au CHU Souro Sanou de Bobo ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    échocardiographies réalisées chez les enfants de moins de 15 ans dans le laboratoire d'échocardiographie du CHUSS et de leurs dossiers de suivi thérapeutique. Durant la période d'étude, 184 examens écho-cardiographiques avaient été réalisés et ...

  1. Comparaison des conduites discursives de mères et d’enseignants dans la co-construction de récits avec des enfants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vinel Elise


    Full Text Available Cette communication s’intéresse aux conduites discursives produites par des mères et des enseignants au cours de deux lectures conjointes d’album avec des enfants. Elle s’inscrit dans une approche dialogique et interactionniste du langage. Dans la suite des travaux de Florin (1991, Grossmann (1996, analysant les styles d’interaction des enseignants et de réception des enfants en cours de lecture, mais aussi de ceux de Vygotski (1984, Bruner (1994 ou encore Salazar Orvig et De Weck (2014, nous cherchons à comprendre de quelles manières les adultes racontent des histoires aux enfants et à quelles expériences spécifiques des récits ceux-ci sont confrontés. Dix enfants âgés de 3 à 5 ans ont été filmés au cours de ces séances de lectures d’albums, sans texte et avec texte, avec un de leur parent à leur domicile et avec des pairs et des enseignants à l’école.

  2. Compliments, motivation et estime de soi : l'effet paradoxal de féliciter les capacités des enfants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Mikkel


    motivation may suffer when given feedback that evaluates their person. We discuss links between different types of feedback and children’s motivational frameworks, including their self-esteem. // RÉSUMÉ L’objectif de compliments tels que « T’es très fort, très intelligent » est d’encourager les enfants, mais...... des recherches récentes montrent que de telles propositions en feedback peuvent dissuader les enfants de s’engager dans des tâches difficiles, réduisant ainsi leurs apprentissages. Nous exposerons les travaux de Dweck (e.g., 2000) qui démontrent comment les compliments centrés sur l’évaluation de la...... personne influent négativement sur la motivation intrinsèque du sujet. Nous discuterons des liens existant entre différents types de feedback et les cadres motivationnels où évoluent les enfants, ainsi que de leur estime de soi....

  3. Uchronies et nostalgies dans le livre de guerre pour enfants en France

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    Anne Guibert-Lassalle


    Full Text Available Résumé :La théorie des cadres de l’expérience du sociologue Erving Goffman permet de saisir le rythme des temporalités dans le livre de guerre pour enfants. L’inscription littéraire à l’attention des plus jeunes d’une actualité horrifiante ou déconcertante incite l’auteur à céder à trois formes possibles de nostalgies. La nostalgie de l’enfance le pousse à recourir aux cadres de sa propre expérience enfantine. Le refus d’une actualité trop lourde l’encourage à se réfugier dans une nostalgie par procuration, volontiers familiale. Cette dernière prend volontiers la forme d’une uchronie qui prive le fait guerrier de repères temporels. Mais surtout, l’auteur et l’illustrateur pour enfants sont sujets, lorsqu’ils traitent de la guerre, à une “nostalgie du conteur » qui coule leur production dans les schémas de récits hérités. Les acteurs du livre pour enfants en France à la fin du XXe siècle se sont montrés incapables de rendre compte de la guerre froide et des conflits de décolonisation. Les trois formes de nostalgie ont convergé pour faire de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale le modèle mental de toute représentation de la guerre dans l’édition pour la jeunesse. Cette situation semble vouloir évoluer avec les auteurs nés après 1980.

  4. La mobilité des enfants et l'autosuffisance économique des femmes dans le milieu patriarcal africain


    Frank, Odile


    Les formes de domination de la femme en Afrique au Sud du Sahara relèvent très essentiellement des régimes familiaux et sociaux. Dans cette articulation subtile des rôles économiques et familiaux de la femme africaine, l'auteur montre que la mobilité des enfants est à la base d'un mécanisme important de rééquilibrage. Le présent article cherche à cerner les structures familiales, les facteurs économiques, et les exigences de l'éducation des enfants auxquelles les femmes répondent à travers le...

  5. Delphine Serre, Les coulisses de l'Etat social. Enquête sur les signalements d'enfant en danger


    Giraud, Frédérique


    A partir de l'analyse de la manière dont les assistantes sociales réalisent leur mission de protection de l'enfance, par le signalement à la justice des enfants « en danger », Delphine Serre souhaite explorer les coulisses de l'Etat social, en prenant pour objet d'étude central, les assistantes sociales. Le signalement d'enfants en danger est ici pris comme point d'entrée pour étudier le « fonctionnement réel de l'Etat social aujourd'hui » (p 13), en centrant le regard sur un mode d'intervent...

  6. Le pouvoir des services de garde d'enfants | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    1 mai 2017 ... L'une des premières évaluations officielles d'un programme de services de garde d'enfants pour les ménages à faible revenu en Inde pourrait fournir des données empiriques permettant d'améliorer l'égalité des sexes au pays et au-delà de ses frontières.

  7. L'otite moyenne chronique cholestéatomateuse de l'enfant: à propos ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le but de notre travail est d'analyser à travers une revue bibliographique les particularités des otites moyennes chroniques cholestèatomateuses chez 30 enfants pris en charge dans le service d'oto-rhino-laryngologie de l'hôpital militaire Avicenne de Marrakech. Le traitement est exclusivement chirurgical, actuellement, ...

  8. Publicité alimentaire destinée aux enfants : examen de la portée de l’exposition, du pouvoir et des répercussions selon le contexte

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    Rachel Prowse


    Full Text Available Introduction : La publicité alimentaire a des répercussions sur les connaissances et les comportements alimentaires des enfants ainsi que sur leur santé. La réglementation actuelle au Canada est axée sur la restriction des aspects promotionnels de la publicité alimentaire, mais elle accorde peu d’attention, voire aucune, à l’endroit où se fait l’expérience alimentaire des enfants. Il est essentiel de comprendre où s’inscrit la publicité alimentaire dans le quotidien des enfants pour pouvoir les protéger. Notre étude fait état de la littérature sur la publicité alimentaire destinée aux enfants au Canada en fonction du contexte. Méthodologie : L’auteure a consulté des bases de données pour trouver des travaux de recherche canadiens portant sur l’exposition des enfants et des jeunes (de 2 à 17 ans à la publicité alimentaire, sur le pouvoir et les répercussions que celle-ci peut avoir sur les enfants dans différents contextes et sur la façon dont la réglementation actuelle peut en atténuer l'effet sur les enfants. Ont été sélectionnées les études en anglais, examinées par des pairs et publiées entre 2000 et 2016. Résultats : Vingt-cinq études se sont intéressées à l’exposition des enfants à la publicité alimentaire et au pouvoir ou aux répercussions qu’elle peut avoir sur ceux-ci à la maison (par la télévision ou Internet (n = 12, dans les écoles publiques (n = 1, dans les épiceries (n = 8, dans les restaurants rapides (n = 2 et en général (n = 2. Les tendances de la recherche révèlent que les aliments malsains ciblent les enfants par différentes techniques promotionnelles, qui se chevauchent selon les contextes. Il existe plusieurs lacunes en matière de recherche dans ce domaine, ce qui donne un portrait incomplet et potentiellement sous-estimé de la publicité alimentaire destinée aux enfants au Canada. Les données probantes disponibles indiquent que les approches canadiennes

  9. Piqures massives par un essaim d�abeilles chez un enfant

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    Mohamed Adnane Berdai


    Full Text Available Les piqures multiples d�abeilles sont responsables d�envenimation severe. Nous rapportons un cas d�une attaque massive par un essaim d�abeilles chez un enfant de sept ans. Sa gravite est liee a la localisation cephalique et au nombre important des piqures qui etait d�environ 270. Ses complications etaient l�insuffisance renale, l�anemie et une conjonctivite. La prise en charge etait symptomatique avec bonne evolution clinique et biologique.

  10. Gradients socioéconomiques du risque cardiovasculaire chez les enfants et les adolescents canadiens

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    Y. Shi


    Full Text Available Introduction : Les maladies cardiovasculaires (MCV et leurs facteurs de risque présentent des gradients socioéconomiques clairs chez les adultes canadiens, mais présentent des ambiguïtés chez les enfants. L'objectif de cette étude est de vérifier l'existence ou non de gradients socioéconomiques dans les marqueurs physiologiques du risque de MCV chez les enfants et les adolescents canadiens. Méthodologie : À partir des données transversales combinées de l'Enquête canadienne sur les mesures de la santé 2007-2011, nous avons étudié, chez 2 149 enfants (6 à 11 ans et 2 073 adolescents (12 à 17 ans et selon le sexe, les marqueurs de risque cardiovasculaire suivants : excès de poids (y compris l'obésité, score de capacité aérobique (SCA, pression artérielle (PA, lipides sanguins (totaux, cholestérol LDL et HDL, triglycérides, métabolisme du glucose et protéine C réactive (CRP. Des analyses de régression logistique et de régression linéaire multidimensionnelles ont permis de dégager les tendances relatives au risque cardiovasculaire en fonction de la suffisance du revenu du ménage et du niveau de scolarité des parents, après ajustement en fonction de l'âge et de l'origine ethnique, et après stratification par groupe d'âge et par sexe. Résultats : La prévalence de l'obésité était sensiblement plus élevée chez les jeunes garçons que chez les jeunes filles (prévalence de 18,5 %, intervalle de confiance [IC] à 95 % : 15,6 à 21,5 contre 7,7 %, IC à 95 % : 5,2 à 10,3. Toutefois, des gradients socioéconomiques négatifs ont été observés en ce qui concerne le risque d'adiposité chez les jeunes filles et les adolescentes, et non chez les garçons. Parmi les enfants et les adolescents, les garçons étaient en meilleure condition physique que les filles (SCA moyen de 541, IC à 95 % : 534 à 546 contre 501, IC à 95 % : 498 à 505 chez les enfants; 522, IC à 95 % : 514 à 529 contre 460, IC à 95 % : 454

  11. Simon Harel, Nellie Hogikyan, Michel Peterson, dirs, La survivance en héritage. Pa


    Le Cornec Ubertini, Anne-Hélène


    La survivance en héritage. Passages de Janine Altounian au Québec est un livre-hommage à Janine Altounian, essayiste française d’origine arménienne, traductrice connue de Sigmund Freud et auteure d’ouvrages sur la transmission de l’héritage traumatique pour les enfants de survivants du génocide arménien. Le livre permet la rencontre sur le papier de douze auteurs dont chacun prolonge une réflexion sur un sujet abordé lors de conférences et tables rondes au Québec autour des écrits de Janine A...

  12. Les accidents de la vie courante chez l'enfant à Dakar: à propos de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les accidents de la vie courante chez l'enfant à Dakar: à propos de 201 cas. Azhar Salim Mohamed, Aloïse Sagna, Mbaye Fall, Ndeye Aby Ndoye, Papa Alassane Mbaye, Aimé Lakh Fall, Alou Diaby, Oumar Ndour, Gabriel Ngom ...

  13. Jeux de rôles pour enfants : une nouvelle forme de fiction ludique

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    Sébastien Kapp


    Full Text Available Comment ethnographier la place de la création fictionnelle chez l’enfant ? Nous proposons ici une étude de cas d’une pratique à la croisée du jeu de rôle enfantin spontané et du jeu de rôle grandeur nature pour adulte. Menée sous la forme d’un stage estival, cette activité nous permet de comprendre comment adultes et enfants peuvent ponctuellement participer ensemble à l’écriture d’un récit qui prendra la forme d’un jeu en actes et en paroles. Une des caractéristiques principales de cette forme hybride est que l’enfant est placé dans une position d’auteur, d’acteur et de spectateur. Mais contrairement à ses propres jeux, il est en permanence sous la surveillance et la conduite d’adultes qui supervisent le développement du récit et la conformité des actions par rapport aux règles. Le jeune joueur est donc dans une posture originale : il produit une partie du contenu narratif du jeu dont il n’est pas l’acteur unique (en créant par exemple son personnage. Lui aussi veut raconter une histoire, mettre en place un scénario, créer des règles et faire jouer les adultes, comme dans son jeu enfantin. Mais les règles changent, il n’est plus omnipotent et doit jouer dans des cadres de simulation qu’il contribue à définir.

  14. Etude comparative de la mortalite hospitaliere des enfants de 0-5 ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objectifs: Comparer les caractéristiques de la mortalité infantojuvénile au CHR - Tsévié en 2003 et en 2008. Méthodologie: Il s'agit d'une étude ... L'équipement en matériels de réanimation, de même que le recrutement de personnel qualifié s'imposent pour réduire cette mortalité. Mots clés: Mortalité, enfants, Togo.

  15. Épidémiologie de l'intoxication par envenimation chez les enfants ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Introduction: L'intoxication par envenimation est l'ensemble des manifestations locales et générales induites par la pénétration dans l'organisme d'une substance toxique produite par un animal venimeux. Le but de notre travail était d'étudier les signes cliniques des intoxications par envenimation chez les enfants de 0 à 15 ...

  16. Le symptôme dans la psychothérapie d'un enfant dysphasique: analyse de sa fonction dynamique dans une perspective psychanalytique

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julio C. Guillén


    Full Text Available Dans cet article, à partir d'un cas clinique, nous analysons la spécificité de la prise en charge psychothérapeutique de l'enfant dysphasique. Notre objectif principal est de montrer comment la succession de moments logiques donne une place à chaque fois nouvelle au symptôme. L'étude du déroulement de la séquence clinique, permet d'interroger la valeur du symptôme et son lien indissociable à la parole, dans la relation transférentielle, pour rendre compte du processus de subjectivation à l'œuvre chez cet enfant. En outre, ce travail amène à préciser la particularité de la démarche psychothérapeutique par rapport à celles des autres professionnels intervenant auprès des enfants dysphasiques.

  17. Les fractures supra-condyliennes de l'humérus de l'enfant au Centre ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    condyliennes de l'humérus de l'enfant dans le service de chirurgie pédiatrique du CHU Pédiatrique Charles De Gaulle, au Burkina Faso. Nous nous sommes intéressés aux facteurs épidémiologiques, aux aspects anatomo-pathologiques, aux ...

  18. Les accidents de la vie courante chez l’enfant à Dakar: à propos de 201 cas (United States)

    Mohamed, Azhar Salim; Sagna, Aloïse; Fall, Mbaye; Ndoye, Ndeye Aby; Mbaye, Papa Alassane; Fall, Aimé Lakh; Diaby, Alou; Ndour, Oumar; Ngom, Gabriel


    Les accidents de la vie courante (AcVC) sont fréquents chez l’enfant et peuvent être à l’origine de lésions handicapantes et de décès. L’objectif de notre travail était d’étudier les aspects épidémiologiques et lésionnels des AcVC à Dakar. C’est une étude transversale descriptive menée du 1er Janvier 2013 au 30 juin 2013. Les enfants victimes d’accidents domestiques, d’accidents de sport et de loisirs ou d’accidents scolaires ont été inclus. Nous avons étudié des paramètres généraux et des paramètres ayant trait à chaque type d’AcVC. Deux cent et un enfants ont été inclus, ce qui représentait 27% des consultations aux urgences. Il y avait 148 garçons et 53 filles. Les enfants de moins de 5 ans étaient les plus touchés (37,8%). Le football et le jeu de lutte étaient les grands pourvoyeurs d’AcVC. Les AcVC survenaient principalement à domicile (58,2%) et dans les aires de sport et de loisirs (31,8%). Les fractures prédominaient dans les différents types d’AcVC: 54,9% des accidents domestiques, 68,8% des accidents de sport et de loisirs et 40% des accidents scolaires. Au plan épidémiologique, nos résultats sont superposables à la littérature. Les fractures prédominent à l’opposé de la littérature où les contusions sont prépondérantes. Le jeu de lutte est le plus grand pourvoyeur de ces fractures après le football. La connaissance des aspects épidémiologiques et lésionnels permet de mener des campagnes de prévention des AcVC à Dakar. PMID:29187941

  19. Échecs thérapeutiques chez les enfants infectés par le VIH en suivi de routine dans un contexte à ressources limitées au Cameroun (United States)

    Penda, Calixte Ida; Bebey, Francine Same; Mangamba, Danielle Kedy; Moukoko, Else Carole Eboumbou; Ngwa, Victoria; Makouet, Nicaise; Bissek, Anne-Cécile; Minkemdefo, Blaise Dupont; Tetanye, Ekoe; Ndombo, Paul Koki


    Introduction L'objectif de cette étude était de déterminer les facteurs associés aux échecs thérapeutiques chez les enfants infectés par le VIH à l'Hôpital Laquintinie de Douala. Méthodes Une étude transversale rétrospective a été menée sur une période de 5 mois en 2010, recrutant 222 enfants âgés de 1 à 18 ans et sous TARV depuis au moins 24 semaines. Les données sociodémographiques, cliniques, biologiques et de l'observance thérapeutique des patients ont été collectés à partir des dossiers des patients, et analysées avec le logiciel SPSS (version 16). Résultats 39 (17,6%) des enfants étaient en échec thérapeutique (délai moyen de survenue 26,8 mois) et 73,4% d'entre eux sont passés en seconde ligne. Les garçons avaient en moyenne un risque 5 fois plus élevé de faire un échec thérapeutique que les filles (OR=3,9; p=0,035). 94,4% des enfants suivis avaient un faible taux de CD4 à l'initiation (‘ 25%) associé au risque élevé d’échec thérapeutique (OR=5,2; p=0,007). Les enfants issus de famille monoparentale représentaient près de la moitié des cas d’échecs thérapeutiques. Sur 39 cas en échec thérapeutique, 41% des enfants étaient des orphelins. Parmi les enfants sous TARV, 46% prenaient leur trithérapie sous forme de médicaments séparés parmi lesquels 52,1% étaient en échec thérapeutique. Conclusion Les échecs thérapeutiques et le passage en seconde ligne dépendaient du contexte familial des enfants, de leur statut immunologique à l'initiation du traitement, de leur sexe et de la forme galénique du TARV. PMID:24171063

  20. Evaluation de la prise en charge du paludisme chez les enfants de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Devant l'ampleur du paludisme en pays intertropicaux le rôle du personnel soignant dans la réduction de la fréquence des cas de paludisme grave et de son taux de létalité devient évident. Nous avons alors voulu évaluer la qualité de la prise en charge de cette affection chez l'enfant de moins de cinq ans dans un hôpital ...

  1. Le soi et l’estime de soi chez l’enfant: Une revue systématique de la littérature


    Pinto, Alexandra Maria Pereira Inácio Sequeira; Gatinho, Ana Rita dos Santos; Tereno, Susana; Veríssimo, Manuela


    Cette étude vise : a) à analyser les différentes méthodes utilisées pour l’étude du Soi et chez les enfants, en ce que concerne sa qualité et son potentiel et b) à synthétiser les résultats déjà obtenus en termes de Soi/d’estime de soi/d’autoconcept, pour les enfants en âge préscolaire. Après avoir établi des critères rigoureux d’inclusion et d’exclusion, 33 articles ont été sélectionnés, dans plusieurs bases de données, nationales et international...

  2. La prévention et le traitement des infections bactériennes chez les enfants aspléniques ou hypospléniques (United States)


    L’asplénie, qu’elle soit fonctionnelle ou anatomique, s’associe à un accroissement du risque d’infection potentiellement fatale ou constituant un danger de septicémie postsplénectomie (SPS). En raison du risque accru de bactériémie par des bactéries encapsulées chez les enfants aspléniques, la vaccination visant à prévenir une infection au Streptococcus pneumoniae, à l’Haemophilus influenzae de type b (Hib) et au Neiserria meningitidis est recommandée. Malgré la prévalence croissante de S pneumoniae pénicillinorésistant, on recommande aussi l’usage de pénicilline prophylactique chez les enfants aspléniques de moins de cinq ans, et pendant au moins un an après une splénectomie. La poursuite de la prophylaxie antibiotique après cette période dépend de la situation clinique de chaque enfant et de la prévalence de S pneumoniae pénicillinorésistant au sein de la collectivité. Lorsque des enfants aspléniques font de la fièvre ou présentent des symptômes non spécifiques, ils devraient faire l’objet d’une évaluation immédiate. Si on présume la présence de septicémie bactérienne, il faut procéder à une analyse du sang et des autres liquides organiques pertinents et entreprendre sur-le-champ une antibiothérapie à large spectre par voie parentérale, laquelle doit agir également contre les souches de S pneumoniae présentes dans la collectivité. Chez les enfants aspléniques souffrant d’une septicémie foudroyante à S pneumoniae, le taux de mortalité est élevé, malgré l’utilisation rapide d’une antibiothérapie convenable, d’où l’importance des mesures préventives.

  3. Consommation des produits lactés chez l’enfant et l’adolescent marocain de 2 à 16 ans: une étude monocentrique Consumption of milk products among Moroccan children and adolescents aged 2-16 years: a monocentric study (United States)

    Berrani, Hajar; Alaoui, Asmae Mdaghri; Ettair, Said; Mouane, Nezha; Izgua, Amal Thimou


    Introduction Evaluer la consommation quotidienne des produits laitiers dans une population d’enfants marocains et déterminer les facteurs associés pouvant influencer cette consommation. Méthodes Etude prospective du 1er octobre 2013 au 31 avril 2014. Les enfants âgés entre 2 et 16 ans ont été inclus. Le recrutement a eu lieu dans la ville de Fès. Le recueil des données s’est fait à l’aide d’un questionnaire fréquentiel. Les parents et les enfants inclus ont été interrogés sur la consommation des produits laitiers et les facteurs socio-démographiques avec une évaluation anthropométrique des enfants. L’association des variables à la consommation des produits laitiers a été analysée en analyse univariée et multivariée par un modèle de régression logistique. Résultats L’enquête alimentaire avait intéressé 286 enfants dont 151 filles (52,8 %) et 131 garçons (45,8%). Les enfants âgés de 2 à 3 ans représentaient 26,4 %, ceux âgés de 4 à 7 ans 28,9 %, ceux âgés de 7 à 9 ans 18,3 % et les adolescents âgés de 10 à 16 ans 26,4 %. Les enfants consommaient en moyenne 2.5±1 produits laitiers par jour. Les enfants consommaient au moins 3 produits laitiers par jour dans 57,8% chez les enfants âgés de 2 à 3 ans, 53,6% chez les enfants âgés de 4 à 6 ans, 40% chez les enfants âgés de 7 à 9 ans et 41.2% chez les enfants âgés de 10 à 16 ans. Les facteurs associés à la consommation de trois produits laitiers minimum par jour en analyse univariée étaient le niveau d’instruction maternel analphabète p 90° percentiles p 90° percentiles p = 0.01 OR = 3.9 est et la quantité consommée des produits laitiers et négatif avec le faible niveau de scolarité maternel analphabète p = 0.008 OR = 0.1 et primaire p = 0.009 OR = 0.1. Conclusion La consommation du lait et des autres produits laitiers était inappropriée en particulier chez l’enfant âgé de 7 à 9 ans et l’adolescent de 10 à 16 ans. Le faible niveau d

  4. Etiologies et pronostic des comas non-traumatiques de l'enfant a l ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objectif. Déterminer la fréquence, le profil clinique, l'étiologie et l'évolution du coma non traumatique de l'enfant de un mois à 16 ans. Méthode. Tous les cas consécutifs de coma identifiés dans les services de pédiatrie du CHU de Lomé ont fait l'objet d'une étude prospective à partir d'une fiche d'enquête préétablie.

  5. Amélioration de l'état nutritionnel des enfants au Ghana, au Kenya ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les chercheurs ont déterminé que les changements sur le plan de la nutrition en Afrique sont l'une des principales causes de l'épidémie croissante de maladies non transmissibles (MNT). Ce projet de recherche évaluera les habitudes alimentaires et l'état nutritionnel des enfants pour jeter les bases d'un projet de ...

  6. Une contribution historique a l' acquisition du lexique par l'enfant. L'exemple de Louis XIII (*1601 aa l'age de 3 a 9 ans*

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    Gerhard Ernst


    Full Text Available Les études qui concernent le lang.age des enfants .ont une tendance naturelle à déborder les limites d'une langue particulière, à chercher les universaux conditionnant l'acquisition du langage. La question, par exemple, de la naissance de la formation des structures sémantiques lors de l'apprentissage du langage fait certainement par­ tie de la linguistiqua générale. elle ne peut pas se ramener 6 !'acquisition du français (de l'allemand, du slovène .... Il y a bien des études qui s'attachent dès le commencement, à la recherche des universaux dans le langage des enfants. Mais les études. concernant le langage d'un enfant particulier - parlant done une langue déter­ minée - peuvent également apporter une contribution utile.

  7. Cerebral Scintigraphy in the Child and Nursing Infant; La Scintigraphie Cerebrale chez l'Enfant et le Nourrisson

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Akerman, M.; Rougerie, J.; Guiot, G. [INSERM, Hopital Foch, Suresnes (France)


    overall results of cerebral scintigraphy are less favourable in the case of cerebral tumours in children than in that of adults. The reason for this is the high frequency in children of tumours of the brain stem, the pituitary and the third ventricle, the detectability of which is low. However, very good results were obtained in the case of 35 tumours of the cerebellum and the fourth ventricle as a result of using very rigorous techniques. Excellent results have also been obtained with other surgical lesions, such as chronic subdural haematoma in the nursing infant and vascular malformations. In conditions not amenable to neurosurgery definitely false results were the exception. Lastly, the authors present the initial results of a study of the cerebral cisterns and ventricles. They emphasize the abundance of information supplied by these scintigraphic methods and their great utility for the neurosurgeon. (author) [French] La scintigraphie cerebrale chez l' enfant a fait l'objet de peu de travaux publies. Une etude separee chez l' enfant se justifie cependant par les particularites de la pathologie neurochirurgicale infantile. L' exploration de l' enfant et du nourrisson conduit a discuter les donnees dosimetriques et a poser le probleme de la detectabilite des tumeurs de la fosse posterieure, des tumeurs medianes de la base du crane, et des astrocytomes, qui sont justement les tumeurs les plus frequentes en pathologie infantile. Enfin, l' enfant et le nourrisson sont les sujets d'application privilegies des techniques de scintigraphie apres injection locale de composes radioactifs, par voie sous- arachno'idienne, intra-ventriculaire, ou intra-cavitaire, pour 1' etude des hydrocephalies communicantes ou par stenose, des malformations meningo-encephaliques et des hematomes sous-duraux chroniques. En cinq ans ont ete explores 400 enfants et nourrissons ages de 2 mois a 16 ans, soit 10% des 4000 explorations craniennes effectuees dans le laboratoire des auteurs. Parmi ces

  8. Epidémiologie de l'infection urinaire chez l'enfant au CHU-Campus ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Titre : Epidémiologie de l'infection urinaire chez l'enfant au CHU-Campus de Lomé. Objectif : Evaluer la prévalence et étudier l'épidémiologie des infections urinaires. Méthodologie : Il s'agit d'une étude prospective qui s'est déroulée du 1er janvier au 31décembre 2009, dans le service de pédiatrie du CHU-Campus de ...

  9. Infection respiratoire aigüe et statut nutritionnel chez les enfants de 0-5 ans: cas des cliniques universitaires de Lubumbashi, République Démocratique du Congo (United States)

    Ngombe, Léon Kabamba; Mbombo-Ditunga; Kameya, Nduwa; Malingo, Aimé Abasiko; Kayomb, Nathalie Kaj; ea Ngolomba, Jean Ngolomba; Nday, David Kakez; Numbi, Luboya


    Les auteurs rapportent les données d'une étude rétrospective de 153 dossiers d'enfants hospitalisés dans le service de pédiatrie des Cliniques Universitaires de Lubumbashi/RD Congo pour IRA. En ce qui nous concerne, les IRA chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans représentent 26,11% de l'effectif, dont 17,75% âgés de moins d'un an. Le sexe masculin est légèrement prédominant (85 contre 68) et près de 70% des enfants ont un statut nutritionnel précaire. La répartition mensuelle connaît des pics en mars et octobre. Les diagnostiques notifiés sont: rhinite(16,3%),Amygdalite(5,9%),Otite Moyenne Aigue(0,7%),Laryngite (3,3%), Rhinopharyngite (39,2%), Pharyngite (6,5%), Bronchite (7,2%), Bronchopneumonie (5,9%), Pneumonie(2,6%) et Bronchiolite (12,4%).Tous les cas ont bien évolués sous traitement. Le but de ce travail est de déterminer la fréquence des IRA et le statut nutritionnel des enfants ayant été admis dans le service des pédiatries aux C.U.L. PMID:25995789

  10. Les bienfaits pour la santé et la prédominance du sucre dans les céréales pour déjeuner destinées aux enfants au Canada

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    Monique Potvin Kent


    Full Text Available Introduction : Cette étude vise à comparer le contenu nutritionnel et les bienfaits pour la santé des céréales pour déjeuner destinées aux enfants et celles non destinées aux enfants et à évaluer la prédominance du sucre ajouté dans ces produits. Méthodologie : Nous avons recueilli des données sur le contenu nutritionnel de 262 céréales pour déjeuner vendues dans les cinq principales chaînes d’alimentation à Ottawa (Ontario et à Gatineau (Québec. Pour chaque céréale, nous avons pris en note les cinq premiers ingrédients et la quantité de sucres ajoutés indiqués sur la liste des ingrédients. Les diverses marques de céréales ont été ensuite classées en deux catégories, soit « plus saines » ou « moins saines », à l’aide du modèle de profil nutritionnel du Royaume-Uni. Nous avons évalué chaque céréale en fonction de divers critères afin de déterminer si elle était destinée ou non aux enfants. Des comparaisons statistiques ont été établies entre les céréales destinées aux enfants et les autres. Résultats : Sur l'ensemble des céréales pour déjeuner, 19,8 % étaient destinées aux enfants et contenaient beaucoup moins de gras et de gras saturés. Ces céréales avaient une teneur en sodium et en sucre significativement plus élevée et une teneur en fibres et en protéines plus faible, et elles étaient trois fois plus susceptibles d’être classées comme « moins saines » par rapport aux céréales non destinées aux enfants. Aucune des céréales destinées aux enfants n’était sans sucre et, pour 75 % d’entre elles, le sucre occupait le deuxième rang dans la liste des ingrédients. Six entreprises de céréales pour déjeuner possédaient une gamme de produits destinés aux enfants composée entièrement de céréales « moins saines ». Conclusion : Il est nécessaire d’adopter un règlement qui limite le marketing alimentaire ciblant les enfants et les jeunes de moins de 17

  11. Rôle des verbes de base dans l'acquisition de la L1 par les enfants ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Tout enfant biologiquement normal mis dans les conditions sociales requises acquiert sans heurts sa langue maternelle (L1) (Klein 1989). Cependant, cette forme d'acquisition apparemment facile, relève d'un travail cognitif complexe et sélectif (Afola-Amey, 2006). Certes, les noms s'acquièrent plus vite mais les verbes ...

  12. Les enfants de la guerre : Le Grand Cahier d’Agota Kristof

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    Carine Trevisan


    Full Text Available On examine, à partir de l’étude du Grand Cahier, d’Agota Kristof, la façon dont l’état de guerre expulse souvent brutalement l’enfant de sa position d’enfant, lui assignant une place problématique, notamment dans la succession des générations. Non seulement témoin mais aussi souvent victime de la sauvagerie des adultes, il peut néanmoins s’« identifier à l’agresseur » et devenir à son tour meurtrier. Donnant fictivement la parole à des enfants qui font l’épreuve de la brutalisation des comportements des hommes et femmes en état de guerre, Le Grand Cahier, par le choix d’une écriture glacée – on a qualifié ce livre d’« exercice de cruauté » –, conduit à son extrême limite cette représentation de l’enfance dévastée, au point qu’elle en devient inquiétante : abolition de toute faculté à rêver, à imaginer, anesthésie de la vie émotive, destruction de tout ce qui peut faire lien avec autrui, d’où insensibilité à la mort, reçue ou donnée. Cette chute hors de l’humain peut cependant être considérée comme une technique, certes mutilante, de survie.En el estudio de El gran cuaderno de Agota Kristof se analiza cómo el estado de guerra expulsa, a menudo brutalmente, al niño de su posición de niño y le asigna una plaza problemática, en particular en la sucesión de las generaciones. A pesar de que el niño no sea solamente testigo sino también víctima de la bestialidad de los adultos, puede sin embargo «identificarse con el agresor» y convertirse en un asesino. Al dar de manera ficticia la palabra a niños que han sufrido la brutalidad de los comportamientos de los hombres y mujeres en tiempos de guerra, El gran cuaderno, a través de una escritura insensible – se ha utilizado para hablar de este libro la expresión «ejercicio de crueldad» –, representa con todas sus consecuencias una niñez destrozada, hasta el punto de convertirla en algo inquietante: eliminaci

  13. Mortalite liee au VIH chez les enfants aux Chu campus et tokoin de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Introduction. Le but de ce travail était d'étudier la mortalité liée au VIH chez les enfants séropositifs aux CHU-Campus et Tokoin de Lomé. Patients et méthode. Il s'est agi d'une étude prospective qui s'est déroulée dans les services de pédiatrie des CHU-Campus et Tokoin de Lomé et qui a couvert une période de 6 mois ...

  14. Les enfants et familles de coupables : le genre du roman familial

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    Franziska Georgii


    Full Text Available Dans cet article seront passées en revue quelques œuvres littéraires contemporaines françaises et allemandes, écrites par les enfants de la génération de guerre dite coupable. Il s'agit pour la plupart d'enfants de nazis, de collaborateurs plus ou moins actifs, de suiveurs impliqués à des degrés différents dans la machinerie du Troisième Reich durant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale. Il sera question d'explorer la manière dont les deux nations se confrontent au passé obscur de leurs parents et grands-parents et d'étudier le discours intergénérationnel en-deçà d'une pensée purement nationale, en proposant une étude comparative qui tienne compte des ressemblances et des divergences dans le travail de mémoire sur l'histoire familiale. L'imaginaire y représente un outil primordial dans la confrontation au passé, capable de donner voix au vide, aux non-dits, à la douleur, à l'ineffable, tout en proposant un éclairage nouveau sur une époque très étudiée par l'historiographie et arrivant à un certain degré de saturation. A partir d'une étude du genre du « roman familial » et des sous-genres qui s'y rapportent il sera question de penser l'intrication, la synergie entre autobiographie, mémoire et imaginaire dans la mise en œuvre d'un véritable travail de mémoire littéraire.

  15. Le droit des enfants à l’éducation au Burkina-Faso


    Kabore Konkobo, Madeleine


    Le droit à l’éducation est une question importante qui concerne toutes les sociétés humaines. Le Burkina,Faso, pays en voie de développement, veut faire du droit des enfants à l’éducation une priorité. Des plans d’actions sont élaborés et appliqués à tous les niveaux du système éducatif et à toutes les échelles de la vie courante tels la gratuité de l’éducation jusqu’à seize ans, l’égalité de chance à l’éducation sans discrimination. L’application de ces droits bute sur divers obstacles socio...

  16. Etat nutritionnel des enfants âgés de 6 à 59 mois infectés par le VIH mais non traités aux ARV à Lubumbashi (United States)

    Mwadianvita, Costa Kazadi; Kanyenze, Faustin Ngoy; Wembonyama, Cecile Watu; Mutomb, Florence Mujing A; Mupoya, Kalombo; Nkoy, Albert Mwembo–Tambwe A; Mwenze, Prosper Kalenga


    Introduction L'infection par le VIH provoque et/ou aggrave les déficits nutritionnels de l'enfant. Ce travail avait pour objectif d'analyser l’état nutritionnel des enfants infectés par le VIH à Lubumbashi. Méthodes Une étude transversale portant sur 83 enfants âgés de 6 à 60 mois s'est déroulée de mai 2010 à mai 2011 dans trois(3) centres de prise en charge des Personnes Vivant avec le VIH(PVV), notamment le Centre d'Excellence(CE) de l'hôpital Sendwe, le Centre Amo-Congo de la Kenya et le Centre de Référence de la Kenya. Les statistiques descriptives usuelles ont été utilisées. Résultats La prévalence de la malnutrition globale était de 60,2% (n = 50) dont 8,4% de malnutrition sévère. Le poids moyen était de 11,6±4,1 kg avec un minimum de 5 kg et un maximum de 22 kg. Le taux d'hémoglobine moyen était d'environ 9,8± 2,0 g/dl avec une prévalence globale de l'anémie (hémoglobine VIH. La survenue de l'anémie n’était pas associée au déficit nutritionnel (p = 0,6). Conclusion Ces résultats révèlent que l'infection à VIH modifie l’état nutritionnel des enfants à Lubumbashi avec 60,2% de malnutrition globale et 8,4% de retard de croissance. Les enfants au stade avancé de l'infection à VIH en sont plus affectés. PMID:25574336

  17. Innova on pour la santé des mères et des enfants d'Afrique

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    19 janv. 2018 ... Les conclusions révèlent des similitudes parmi les cas de divers contextes na onaux, fournissant une riche base de preuves afin d'inspirer des ini a ves visant à améliorer l'équité en ma ère de santé. OUVRIR LE PDF | COMMANDER LE LIVRE. Innova on pour la santé des mères et des enfants d'Afrique.

  18. Ensembles de donnees nationales : sources d'information sur la garde des enfants au Canada


    Forer, Barry; Hertzman, Clyde; Kohen, Dafna


    La presente etude fournit une description des differents ensembles de donnees canadiennes qui pourraient etre utilises pour examiner des questions relatives au recours aux services de garde. Les ensembles de donnees nationales qui traitent des tendances de l'emploi, de l'emploi du temps, des revenus familiaux, du soutien social ainsi que des mesures de la sante des enfants, des adolescents et des adultes ont ete inclus. On a conclu que de nombreuses questions demeurent sans reponse en ce qui ...

  19. Etude du faible poids de naissance associé à l’âge maternel et la parité dans une population couple mère-enfant suivi à Lubumbashi (United States)

    Luhete, Prosper Kakudji; Mukuku, Olivier; Kayamba, Prosper Kalenga Muenze


    Introduction Evaluer l'influence de l’âge maternel et de la parité sur la naissance d'un faible poids de naissance (FPN) à Lubumbashi. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une étude basée sur une analyse documentaire des dossiers médicaux des accouchées enregistrées dans les maternités des 10 hôpitaux généraux de référence (HGR) de la ville de Lubumbashi en République Démocratique du Congo entre le 1er décembre 2013 et le 31 mars 2014. Ces accouchées ont été réparties en deux groupes, en fonction du poids de naissance de leurs enfants: groupe I (femmes ayant accouché de nouveau-nés vivants dont le poids était inférieur à 2500 grammes) et groupe II (femmes ayant accouché de nouveau-nés vivants dont le poids était supérieur ou égal à 2500 grammes). Il s'agissait dans tous les cas de grossesses monofoetales âgées de 28 semaines ou plus. L’âge maternel et la parité ont été étudiés et comparés dans les deux groupes. Les données ont été analysées à l'aide des logiciels Épi info version 7.0 et SPSS version 19. Les différences étaient jugées significatives pour un seuil p < 0,05. Résultats La prévalence du FPN chez les nouveau-nés issus de ces accouchées était ainsi de 6,4% (71/1112). En analyse univariée, les femmes d’âge < 20 ans présentent un risque multiplié par 2,47 fois d'avoir un nouveau-né de FPN comparativement à celles de ≥20 ans (OR = 2,47; IC95%: 1,26-4,78) et celui pour les primipares d'avoir un enfant de FPN est 2,3 fois supérieur à celui de multipares (OR = 2,32; IC95%: 1,34-3,99). En faisant la régression logistique, nous avons observé que seule la parité est significativement corrélée au poids de naissance (OR ajusté = 2,61; IC95%: 1,43-4,74). Conclusion L’étude que nous avons menée montre que le taux de FPN diminue considérablement avec l’âge de la mère à partir de 20 ans et la multiparité. PMID:26161169

  20. Nécrose drépanocytaire de la tête fémorale chez l'enfant et l ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... sociaux de la méthode ambulatoire méritent d'en faire un protocole codifié qui pourrait faire l'objet d'une étude multicentrique régionale. Mots clés : Drépanocytose, hanche, enfant, traitement ambulatoire. Objective: The taking care of avascular necrosis of femoral head on sickle cell disease young patients is very difficult.

  1. Contribution des laits de croissance et des compléments à l’adéquation nutritionnelle de régimes alimentaires d’enfants en bas âge. [Role of Young Child Formulae and Supplements to Ensure Nutritional Adequacy in Young Children [1

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    Chloé M.C. BROUZES


    Full Text Available Introduction. L’autorité européenne de sécurité des aliments (AESA assure que les laits de croissance « n’apportent pas de valeur supplémentaire à une alimentation équilibrée pour répondre aux besoins nutritionnels des enfants en bas âge ». Objectifs. Cette étude quantifie les modifications alimentaires minimales nécessaires pour atteindre l’adéquation nutritionnelle chez des enfants en bas âge selon leur consommation ou non de laits de croissance et/ou de compléments. Méthodologie. L’application de modèles de programmation linéaire aux données de l’enquête alimentaire nationale au Royaume Uni sur les consommations alimentaires de 1147 enfants de 12-18 mois a permis d’identifier les modifications alimentaires minimales nécessaires, d’abord en changeant uniquement les quantités des aliments déjà consommés par chaque enfant (répertoire alimentaire, puis en autorisant l’introduction de nouveaux aliments. Résultats. Le groupe d’enfants ne consommant ni laits de croissance ni compléments était majoritaire (61,6 %. Pour seulement 1% de ces enfants, il était possible d’atteindre l’adéquation nutritionnelle à partir des aliments de leur répertoire alimentaire, contre 74,4% des enfants du groupe consommant des laits de croissance et des compléments. Lorsque l’introduction de nouveaux aliments était autorisée, les changements alimentaires requis étaient moindres lorsque les laits de croissance et les compléments faisaient initialement partie du répertoire de l’enfant. Dans l’échantillon total, les principales modifications alimentaires requises étaient une augmentation du lait de croissance et une diminution du lait de vache (respectivement +226 et −181 g/jour. Conclusions. Augmenter la consommation de lait de croissance et/ou des compléments constitue la voie la plus simple de couverture des recommandations nutritionnelles de l’AESA.

  2. De la ferme à la fourchette – lutte contre l'obésité chez les enfants ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    26 avr. 2016 ... ... but de combattre l'obésité chez les enfants. La démarche repose sur trois piliers, à savoir augmenter la proportion de fruits et de légumes frais dans les repas servis à l'école, faciliter l'approvisionnement en produits auprès des agriculteurs locaux et favoriser l'augmentation de la production maraîchère.

  3. « L’obscurité entre nous ». Menace et fécondité du silence chez Laurent Mauvignier

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    Julie Crohas Commans


    Full Text Available Dans Loin d’eux et Seuls, Laurent Mauvignier explore un huis clos familial où enfants et parents sont torturés par une transmission à laquelle manquent les mots. Tour à tour, les protagonistes témoignent à bout de souffle de leur malaise. Le silence envahit les discours et mutile le texte et les corps. Menacées par l’obscurité, les voix du récit luttent pour imposer leurs présences et leurs identités. Elles ne trouvent d’issue que dans leur unification, seul moyen de révéler le passage, testament silencieux d’une littérature en quête d’elle-même, au détour des dits et des non-dits de l’écriture de Laurent Mauvignier. In Loin d’eux and Seuls, Laurent Mauvignier explores a familial “huis clos” in which both children and their parents are tortured by wordless communication. In turn, the protagonists breathlessly express their malaise. Silence invades their discourse and mutilates both the text and the bodies. Threatened with falling into obscurity, the voices of the story struggle to establish their presence and their identity. Their only way out is through unification, the sole means of revealing the path, a silent testament of a literature in search of itself through both the spoken and unspoken words of Laurent Mauvignier’s writing.

  4. Le scoutisme: une éducation au service des droits de l'enfant


    Namani, Lirija; Darbellay, Frédéric


    Le scoutisme est apparu, en 1907, à une époque caractérisée par l’industrialisation et des problématiques propres à celle-ci ; à une époque où l’enfant n’avait aucun droit, mais qui néanmoins était présent et actif au sein de la société. Il était tantôt travailleur, écolier, propriété du père et discriminé. Son statut a toutefois évolué vers une meilleure reconnaissance. Celle-ci résulte des changements sociaux, politiques, économiques et juridiques apparus au sein de la société. À l’origine,...

  5. Méthodologie de conception de motifs dirigée par la distance de Hamming : application à la reconstruction de surfaces à partir d'une seule image


    Maurice , Xavier; Doignon , Christophe


    Session "Articles"; National audience; En vision artificielle par lumière structurée, la projection d'un motif sur un objet permet de capturer la forme de sa surface à un instant donné, en effectuant plusieurs acquisitions. Cette technique peut cependant s'avérer inefficace lorsque l'objet est en mouvement. Il devient alors nécessaire de ne faire appel qu'à une seule prise d'images pour analyser la forme d'une région d'intérêt en mouvement et des motifs intégrant des propriétés intrinsèques d...

  6. Evaluation du traitement antirétroviral chez les femmes enceintes VIH-1 positif, sur la transmission de l'infection de la mère à l'enfant: cas du Centre Médical Saint Camille de Ouagadougou, au Burkina Faso (United States)

    Soubeiga, Serge Theophile; Compaore, Rebecca; Djigma, Florencia; Zagre, Nicaise; Assengone, Elsa; Traore, Lassina; Diarra, Birama; Bisseye, Cyrille; Ouermi, Djeneba; Sagna, Tani; Karou, Simplice; Pietra, Virginio; Simpore, Jacques


    Introduction L'infection au VIH chez les nouveau-nés par leur mère peut être réduite grâce à des programmes de prévention de transmission mère-enfant du VIH (PTME). L'objectif dans cette étude était d’évaluer le traitement antirétroviral chez les femmes enceintes VIH-1 positif sur la transmission mère-enfant de l'infection au Centre Médical Saint Camille de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Méthodes Des échantillons de spot de sang total ont été collectés chez 160 enfants âgés de 6 semaines, nés de mères VIH-1 positif et chez 40 enfants âgés de 2 à 13 mois provenant d'orphelinats et dont les mères étaient inconnues. Ces échantillons ont été testés avec le kit Abbott Real Time HIV-1 Qualitative. Un questionnaire a permis de connaitre les âges et les fonctions des femmes enceintes. Résultats Les femmes enceintes avaient un âge moyen global de 29,50±5,19 ans. Au total, 50,5% (101/200) ont été mises sous combinaison AZT/3TC/NVP et 29,5% (59/200) étaient sous prophylaxie (AZT/3TC). Le taux de transmission verticale du VIH-1 était de 0,0% (0/160) (p VIH-1 de la mère à l'enfant. De plus, le dépistage par PCR, des enfants orphelins infectés verticalement par le VIH, permet leur prise en charge thérapeutique précoce. PMID:26301003

  7. Une genese du «parler de soi » du deja-la a l’evocation de l’absent dans l’activite dialogique du tout jeune enfant

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    Amina Bensalah


    Full Text Available

    L’analyse porte sur des productions langagières verbales et non-verbales les plus ordinaires entre des adultes et de très jeunes enfants âgés de moins de deux ans. En articulant les notions de l’évocation de l’absent et du déjà-là, notions qui mettent en avant le processus d’une «temporalité-spatialisée», je problématise la genèse d’un soi comme objet qui se donne à voir dans et par l’activité discursive. Mon hypothèse est que, s’agissant du tout jeune enfant qui ne peut donc s’auto-thématiser ni référer à lui-même de façon explicite, c’est bien dans l’évocation d’autrui et d’autres objets du monde qu’indirectement, il nous «parle» de lui. Trois éléments viennent étayer ma réfl exion pour répondre à la problématique posée : les notions de temporalité, de spatialité et d’affect. Elles sont clairement présentes dans les initiatives de demande, dans les mouvements des échanges et dans les séquences «pré-narratives» produites par l’enfant. Au vu des corpus, ces trois notions m’ont paru inséparables du lieu même où elles font ancrage, à savoir : l’interaction et le dialogue avec l’autre. L’approche adoptée dans l’analyse pour argumenter l’idée de l’expression d’un «parler de soi» chez le tout jeune enfant n’est pas tant, au sens strict, de type linguistique que de type pragmatique. Aussi, j’analyse les effets réciproques entre l’interaction et les échanges qui la modèlent.

  8. Evaluation des explorations hématologiques dans le service de pédiatrie et aux UMCp de 1'EHS (mère-enfant) de Tlemcen.




    Le but de cette étude était d'évaluer les explorations hématologiques dans le service de pédiatrie générale de l'EHS (mère et enfant) Tlemcen. La taille de l'échantillon était de 418. Les données ont été collectées à l'aide d'un questionnaire. L'hémogramme était l'examen hématologique le plus réalisé (chez 99% des malades). Cette étude nous a révélé la forte prévalence des anémies surtout chez les enfants de l'âge préscolaire, et parmi ces anémies, l'anémie microcytaire hypochr...

  9. Différences de sexe et rôle de l'internalisation des règles sur la propension des enfants à prendre des risques à vélo


    GRANIE, Marie-Axelle


    L'objectif de cette étude est d'explorer les différences de sexe et l'effet de l'internalisation des règles routières sur la propension des enfants à prendre des risques à vélo. La perception du risque accidentel pour soi, l'internalisation des règles routières relatives aux comportements cyclistes et la propension à prendre des risques à vélo de 145 enfants (86 garçons et 59 filles) de 9 à 12 ans ont été mesurés par un autoquestionnaire. Les résultats montrent des différences de sexe sur l'i...

  10. Les compétences infirmières mobilisées dans un service d'oncologie pédiatrique pour répondre aux besoins de l'enfant et sa famille: travail de Bachelor


    Alemanno, Gaëtan; Lorency, Vincent; Morf, Benjamin; Delajoux, Annie


    Dans ce travail de bachelor, nous nous intéressons aux compétences infirmières en onco-hématologie pédiatrique. En faisant cette recherche, nous mettons en évidences le vécu des parents dont l’enfant est malade, ainsi que leurs différents besoins ressentis, que ce soit de l’enfant ou des proches aidants. Nous identifions ces compétences en comparant, les actions et pratiques infirmières, avec le modèle de Calgary.

  11. L’enfant pauvre et la naissance de la photographie sociale aux États-Unis au XIXe siècle

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    Anne LESME


    Full Text Available À la fin du XIXe siècle, le journaliste et photographe Jacob Riis révèle les conditions de vie déplorables des familles d’immigrants à New York. C’est le début de la photographie sociale aux États-Unis où la représentation de l’enfant pauvre tiendra une place majeure. Ses photographies, projetées au cours de conférences faites par l’auteur et reproduites dans des publications, contribueront à un changement de mentalité. Si le regard de ce photographe reste celui d’un membre de la classe moyenne sur les enfants du Lower East Side, ses images apportent une nouvelle vision de la pauvreté, en phase avec un enfant désormais perçu comme innocent par la société. Par ailleurs, cet usage particulier du rôle probant de la photographie en soutien du texte inaugure un nouveau mode de communication dont les réformateurs useront afin d’émouvoir et de faire réagir le public des classes moyennes et aisées.At the end of the 19th century, Jacob Riis, journalist and photographer, brought to light the appalling conditions of the slums in New York; it was the beginning of the social documentary photography in the United States. The representation of destitute children was to become central in this genre. His photographs, used during stereopticon slides projections and published in books and articles, contributed to a change of mentality. However influenced by a middle-class vision of the Lower East Side’s children, Jacob Riis’s photographs contributed to bring a new perception of poverty in line with a child who was from that time perceived as innocent by a large part of society. This particular use of photography as a convincing and reliable medium added to the text initiated a new means of communication used by the reformers to move and provoke reactions from a middle and upper-class public.

  12. Etude de l'anémie chez les enfants séropositifs au VIH naïfs au traitement antirétroviral à Lubumbashi, République Démocratique du Congo (United States)

    Mwadianvita, Costa Kazadi; Ilunga, Eric Kasamba; Djouma, Jackson; Wembonyama, Cecile Watu; Mutomb, Florence Mujing A; Ekwalanga, Michel Balaka; Kabongo, Joe; Mundongo, Henri; Mupoya, Kalombo; Wembonyama, Stanis; Kalenga Mwenze, Prosper; Nkoy, Albert Mwembo-Tambwe A


    Introduction Beaucoup d'enfants infectés par le VIH arrivent à la consultation dans un état d'anémie. Notre objectif était d’évaluer la prévalence et le typage de l'anémie chez ces enfants. Méthodes C'est une étude transversale réalisée dans 3 centres de prise en charge des Personnes Vivant avec le VIH à Lubumbashi de Mai 2010 à Mai 2011. La population d’étude était de 152 enfants, âgés de 6 à 180 mois, naïfs au traitement antirétroviral. Les statistiques descriptives usuelles ont été utilisées. Résultats La prévalence globale de l'anémie (définie comme l'hémoglobine < 11g/dl) était de 69,1% (n=105) et 11,4% avaient une anémie sévère (Hg < 7,0 g/dl). Parmi eux, 16% ont été transfusés au moins 1 fois. L'anémie sévère était positivement associée au stade clinique de la maladie (p=0,02). L'anémie microcytaire était majoritaire dans les deux tranches d’âge. Elle était plus hypochrome chez les enfants en âge préscolaire soit 9,5% et plus normochrome en âge scolaire soit 15,2%. L'anémie normocytaire était plus normochrome dans les deux tranches d’âge soit 12,4% en âge préscolaire et 6,7% en âge scolaire. L'anémie macrocytaire était rare. Conclusion Environ sept enfants sur dix, âgés de moins de 15 ans infectés par le VIH naïfs au traitement antirétroviral dans notre milieu sont anémiques. L'anémie est corrélée à la sévérité de la maladie. Il est important d'associer une prise en charge nutritionnelle et corriger l'anémie avant une trithérapie antirétrovirale. PMID:25018796

  13. Des recommandations probantes pour surveiller l’innocuité des antipsychotiques de deuxième génération chez les enfants et les adolescents (United States)

    Pringsheim, Tamara; Panagiotopoulos, Constadina; Davidson, Jana; Ho, Josephine


    HISTORIQUE : Au Canada, l’utilisation d’antipsychotiques, notamment les antipsychotiques de deuxième génération (ADG), a augmenté de façon considérable depuis cinq ans chez les enfants ayant des troubles de santé mentale. Ces médicaments ont le potentiel de causer de graves complications métaboliques et neurologiques lorsqu’on les utilise de manière chronique. OBJECTIF : Synthétiser les données probantes relatives aux effets secondaires métaboliques et neurologiques précis associés à l’usage d’ADG chez les enfants et fournir des recommandations probantes sur la surveillance de ces effets secondaires. MÉTHODOLOGIE : Les auteurs ont procédé à une analyse systématique des essais cliniques contrôlés des ADG auprès d’enfants. Ils ont fait des recommandations à l’égard de la surveillance de l’innocuité des ADG d’après un modèle de classification fondé sur le système GRADE (système de notation de l’évaluation et de l’élaboration des recommandations). Lorsque les données probantes n’étaient pas suffisantes, ils fondaient leurs recommandations sur le consensus et l’avis d’experts. Un groupe consensuel multidisciplinaire a analysé toutes les données probantes pertinentes et est parvenu à un consensus à l’égard des recommandations. RÉSULTATS : Les recommandations probantes portant sur la surveillance de l’innocuité des ADG figurent dans les présentes lignes directrices. Les auteurs indiquent la qualité des recommandations relatives à des examens physiques et tests de laboratoire précis à l’égard de chaque ADG à des moments déterminés. CONCLUSION : De multiples essais aléatoires et contrôlés ont permis d’évaluer l’efficacité de bon nombre des ADG utilisés pour traiter les troubles de santé mentale en pédiatrie. Toutefois, leurs avantages ne sont pas sans risques : on observe à la fois des effets secondaires métaboliques et neurologiques chez les enfants traités au moyen d

  14. La Relativité restreinte expliquée aux enfants (de 7 à 107 ans)


    Marle , Charles-Michel


    Ce texte est la version française de l'article "Relativity, the Special Theory, explained to Children (from 7 to 107 years old)". Il est un peu plus détaillé que la version anglaise: il comporte deux figures de plus et la démonstration détaillée du point le plus délicat.; L'auteur pense qu'il est possible d'expliquer aux enfants de 15 a 16 ans les idées essentielles de la théorie de la Relativité, sans aucun calcul compliqué, en n'utilisant que quelques notions très simples de géométrie affin...

  15. Les femmes et les enfants, prisonniers politiques ou déportés à titre préventif pendant la guerre civile grecque

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    Christina Alexopoulos


    Full Text Available Les conditions et stratégies de survie des milliers de femmes condamnées ou déportées de la guerre civile grecque permettent d'établir une typologie.Pendant la guerre civile grecque (1946-1949 des milliers de personnes sont emprisonnées, déportées dans des camps de concentration ou exilées dans des îles, une population hétéroclite d’hommes et de femmes, persécutés pour leurs idées, leurs origines ou même des liens de parenté avec les communistes. Dans la présente étude, nous nous intéresserons à un groupe lui-même peu homogène, les femmes et les enfants, prisonniers politiques ou déportés à titre préventif pendant le conflit. Après un bref rappel de la pratique de la déportation et une esquisse de typologie de la réclusion, nous étudierons les conditions de détention et les stratégies de survie des femmes, souvent emprisonnées avec leurs enfants, leur statut au sein des prisonniers politiques ainsi que le sens de l'engagement politique dans leur système de valeurs.During the Greek Civil War (1946-1949 thousands of persons were imprisoned, deported to concentration camps or exiled on the islands, a heteroclite population of men and women, persecuted for their ideas, their origins or even their association with the Communists. In the present study, we are interested in a not particularly homogeneous group of women and children, political prisoners or deportees who had been detained for preventive reasons during the conflict. Following a brief summary of the practice of deportation and a typological sketch of the imprisonment, we shall study the detention conditions and the survival strategies of the women, often imprisoned with their children, their status vis-à-vis the political prisoners as well as the meaning of political commitment in their value system.

  16. Corrélats des enquêtes conjointes des services de protection de l'enfance et des services de police sur les abus sexuels d'enfants : résultats de l'Étude canadienne sur l'incidence des signalements de cas de violence et de négligence envers les enfants 2008

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    L. Tonmyr


    Full Text Available Introduction : Dans cette étude, nous examinons la fréquence des enquêtes conjointes menées par les services de protection de l'enfance et les services de police dans les cas d'abus sexuels en comparaison des autres types de maltraitance. Nous examinons également les associations, dans les enquêtes conjointes, entre les caractéristiques relatives à l'enfant, celles relatives au pourvoyeur de soins de l'enfant, celles relatives aux mauvais traitements eux-mêmes et celles relatives à l'enquête, en nous intéressant plus particulièrement aux enquêtes sur les abus sexuels. Méthodologie : Nous avons analysé par régression logistique les données de l'Étude canadienne sur l'incidence des signalements de cas de violence et de négligence envers les enfants 2008. Résultats : D'après les données, les enquêtes conjointes portent en premier lieu sur les abus sexuels (55 %, puis sur la violence physique, la négligence et la violence psychologique. La corroboration des mauvais traitements, les mauvais traitements graves, le placement, l'intervention des tribunaux de la jeunesse et l'orientation d'un membre de la famille vers des services spécialisés sont plus fréquents quand les services de police participent à l'enquête. Conclusion : Cette étude vient bonifier l'information limitée dont on dispose sur les corrélats des enquêtes conjointes menées par les agences de protection de l'enfance et les services de police. D'autres recherches devront être effectuées pour déterminer l'efficacité de ces enquêtes conjointes.

  17. Illustrer des données d’entretiens sur cartes sémantiques pour examiner le développement du vocabulaire de jeunes enfants

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    Catherine Turcotte


    Full Text Available Abstract Résumé L’évaluation du vocabulaire auprès de jeunes enfants est un défi puisque peu d’instruments tiennent compte des processus d’apprentissage du vocabulaire. S’appuyant sur les connaissances relatives au développement des champs lexicaux, cet article propose d’organiser et de présenter, sous forme de cartes sémantiques, des données recueillies à partir d’entretiens. Afin de présenter la contribution d’une telle démarche, deux de ces cartes sont exposées, illustrant le vocabulaire expressif de deux enfants de 4 et 6 ans interrogés à trois reprises, avant et après une activité portant sur les quatre saisons. Les avantages et les limites de cette démarche sont décrits et discutés, puisque cet article a comme visée de contribuer à la création de nouveaux instruments et de nouvelles méthodes, complémentaires aux instruments déjà existants afin d’évaluer le vocabulaire de jeunes enfants. Abstract The evaluation of young children’s vocabulary is a challenge because few instruments reflect the vocabulary learning process. Based on knowledge about the development of lexical fields, this article proposes to organize and present data collected from interviews with the help of semantic maps. In order to describe the contribution of such an approach, two of these semantic maps are exposed, showing the expressive vocabulary of two children of 4 and 6 years of age before and after a learning activity on the four seasons. The advantages and limits of this approach are described and discussed, since this article intends to contribute to the creation of new instruments and new methods, complementary to existing instruments assessing the vocabulary of young children.

  18. Fréquence des anémies sévères chez les enfants âgés de 2 mois à ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... Centre Mère et Enfant de la Fondation Chantal Biya, Yaoundé, Cameroun. Félicitée Nguefack, David Chelo, Mathurin Cyrille Tejiokem, Angèle Pondy, Mina Julie Njiki kinkela, Roger Dongmo, Hubert Désiré Mbassi Awa, Jean Taguebue, Georgette Guemkam, Clémence Vougmo Meguejio Njua, Paul Olivier Koki Ndombo ...

  19. L’évaluation du risque cardiaque avant l’utilisation de stimulants chez les enfants et les adolescents (United States)

    Bélanger, SA; Warren, AE; Hamilton, RM; Gray, C; Gow, RM; Sanatani, S; Côté, J-M; Lougheed, J; LeBlanc, J; Martin, S; Miles, B; Mitchell, C; Gorman, DA; Weiss, M; Schachar, R


    Les décisions en matière de réglementation et les documents scientifiques au sujet de la prise en charge du trouble de déficit de l’attention avec hyperactivité (TDAH) soulèvent des questions quant à l’innocuité des médicaments et à l’évaluation convenable à effectuer avant le traitement afin de déterminer la pertinence d’une pharmacothérapie. Ce constat est particulièrement vrai en présence de cardiopathies structurelles ou fonctionnelles. Le présent article contient l’analyse des données disponibles, y compris les publications révisées par des pairs, des données tirées du site Web de la Food and Drug Administration des États-Unis au sujet des réactions indésirables déclarées chez des enfants qui prennent des stimulants, ainsi que des données de Santé Canada sur le même problème. Des lignes directrices consensuelles sur l’évaluation pertinente sont proposées d’après l’apport des membres de la Société canadienne de pédiatrie, de la Société canadienne de cardiologie et de l’Académie canadienne de psychiatrie de l’enfant et de l’adolescent, qui possèdent notamment des compétences et des connaissances précises tant dans le secteur du TDAH que de la cardiologie pédiatrique. Le présent document de principes prône une anamnèse et un examen physique détaillés avant la prescription de stimulants et s’attarde sur le dépistage des facteurs de risque de mort subite, mais il ne contient pas de recommandations systématiques de dépistage électrocardiographique ou de consultations avec un spécialiste en cardiologie, à moins que les antécédents ou que l’examen physique ne le justifient. Le document contient un questionnaire pour repérer les enfants potentiellement vulnérables à une mort subite (quel que soit le type de TDAH ou les médicaments utilisés pour le traiter). Même si les recommandations dépendent des meilleures données probantes disponibles, le comité s’entend pour affirmer que

  20. L’intégration scolaire des enfants handicapés en France: Etat du problème


    Tomkiewicz, Stanislaw


    Le principe de l’intégration scolaire des enfants handicapés, posé en 1975, a fait naître de grands espoirs et de grandes craintes surtout après 1982. J’ai examiné ici l’état de l’intégration en 1989, ses avantages et ses dangers, les résistances des différents groupes intéressés et les limites de la politique intégrative. RESUMO: O principio da integraçâo escolar das crianças com di ficuldades, colocada em 1975, fez aparecer grandes esperanças e grandes crenças, so...

  1. Etude du strabisme chez des enfants de 0 à 15 ans suivis a Lubumbashi, République Démocratique du Congo: analyse des aspects épidémiologiques et cliniques (United States)

    Bienvenu, Yogolelo Asani; Angel, Musau Nkola; Sebastien, Mbuyi Musanzayi; Philippe, Cilundika Mulenga; Léon, Kabamba Ngombe; Eugene, Twite Kabange; Chami, Cham Lubamba; Prosper, Kalenga Muenze Kayamba; Claude, Speeg-Schatz; Gaby, Chenge Borasisi


    Introduction Le strabisme est défini comme un syndrome à double composante: motrice et sensorielle. Le but de ce travail est de décrire les aspects épidémiologiques et cliniques du strabisme chez l'enfant congolais de 0 à 15 ans dans la ville de Lubumbashi. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une étude descriptive longitudinale sur les aspects épidémiologiques et cliniques du strabisme chez l'enfant congolais de 0 à 15 ans dans la ville de Lubumbashi entre Décembre 2012 à Décembre 2013. Nous avons recueilli l’âge des patients, leur sexe, leur provenance, le type de strabisme, la réfraction, le fond d'oeil, les antécédents (hérédité) ainsi que le type de la déviation strabique observé sur 70 patients. Résultats Nous avons observé 70 cas de strabisme manifeste dont 31 cas (44,28%) étaient dans la tranche d’âge comprise entre 0 et 5 ans. L’âge moyen de nos patients était de 6,7 ans avec une prédominance du sexe féminin, soit 51,42%. Le strabisme était convergent dans 65,71%, divergent dans 30%, et vertical dans 4,28%. Les ésotropies représentaient 65 cas (92,85%), quatre cas (5,71%) avaient un antécédent familial de strabisme au premier degré de parenté, 21 cas (30%) au second degré de parenté, 45 cas (64,28%) n'avaient pas cet antécédent. L'oeil gauche était le plus dominé dans 30% des cas. Les facteurs favorisant le strabisme étaient inconnus dans 54 cas (77,14%). Le strabisme était secondaire à l'hypermétropie chez 32 patients (42,71%). Conclusion La fréquence du strabisme dans la ville de Lubumbashi chez les enfants âgés de 0 à 15 ans est de 0,50%. Comme dans la plupart des études sur le strabisme de l'enfant, c'est l’ésotropie qui est la déviation la plus commune. PMID:26834919

  2. L’acquisition du schwa en français L1 : analyse de corpus denses d’interactions parents – enfant


    Liégeois, Loïc; Saddour, Inès; Chabanal, Damien


    Cet article se propose d’étudier, à partir d’un corpus d’interactions parents-enfant recueillies en situation naturelle et issues du projet ALIPE, l’acquisition de la variation phonologique entre réalisation et élision du schwa dans les monosyllabiques. Il a aussi pour objectif de comparer le discours parental et enfantin pour observer l’influence de l’input sur l’acquisition de la variable phonologique. Les analyses révèlent que l’évolution de l’acquisition de la variable phonologique serait...

  3. Acquisition des constructions syntaxiques complexes chez l’enfant français entre 2 et 6 ans

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    Canut Emmanuelle


    L’étude développementale réalisée en fonction de l’âge et du type de discours montre une évolution dans la verbalisation des complexités syntaxiques, qui s’avère significative pour certaines d’entre elles à 4 et 5 ans. De plus, la narration dialoguée - c’est-à-dire le récit par l’enfant d’une histoire qui lui a été lue, avec le support des illustrations, dans un cadre interactif – joue un rôle majeur dans cette évolution puisqu’elle permet une augmentation significative de la production de constructions complexes à 5 ans, ce qui n’est pas le cas dans les conversations ordinaires.

  4. Les séquelles de brûlures cervicocéphaliques chez l’enfant (United States)

    Sankale, A.A.; Ndiaye, A.; Ndoye, A.; Ndiaye, L.; Ndoye, M.


    Summary La peau, barrière protectrice de l’organisme, est très exposée aux agressions et donc aux brûlures. Le but de ce travail est d’apprécier les particularités des séquelles de brûlure cervicofaciales chez l’enfant en milieu sub-saharien et d’évaluer leur prise en charge. Il s’agit d’une étude rétrospective réalisée dans le service de Chirurgie Pédiatrique du Centre Hospitalo-universitaire Aristide Le Dantec de Dakar (Sénégal). Vingt-sept dossiers de patients ont été colligés entre mai 2001 et avril 2008. L’âge moyen lors de la consultation était de 6,7 ans et le sex ratio m:f de 1,7:1. La topographie des séquelles se répartit ainsi: la face (66,7%), le cou (29,6%) et le cuir chevelu (11,1%). Concernant le type de séquelles, les brides prédominaient (33,3%), suivies des cicatrices chéloïdiennes ou hypertrophiques (25,9%), des ectropions de paupières (18,5%), des alopécies du cuir chevelu (11,1%), des ulcérations chroniques (7,4%) et de dyschromie (3,7%). Le traitement a été chirurgical dans 55,7% des cas: plasties en Z suivies ou non d’une greffe de peau pour les brides et libération de bride suivie d’une greffe pour les ectropions de paupières. Pour ce qui concerne les patients opérés, la morbidité opératoire a été de 20% et la mortalité opératoire nulle. Les cicatrices chéloïdiennes ont fait l’objet d’un traitement médical par infiltrations de dermocorticoïdes. Au-delà de l’urgence, les brûlures cervicofaciales de l’enfant entraînent un préjudice esthétique et fonctionnel important. L’amélioration de leur pronostic passe par la qualité des premiers soins et par la sensibilisation des parents aux risques d’accidents domestiques. PMID:21991239

  5. Acceptabilité du test VIH proposé aux nourrissons dans les services pédiatriques, en Côte d'Ivoire, Significations pour la couverture du diagnostic pédiatrique (United States)

    Oga, Maxime; Brou, Hermann; Dago-Akribi, Hortense; Coffie, Patrick; Amani-Bossé, Clarisse; Ékouévi, Didier; Yapo, Vincent; Menan, Hervé; Ndondoki, Camille; Timité-Konan, M.; Leroy, Valériane


    Résumé Problème: Le dépistage VIH chez les enfants a rarement été au centre des préoccupations des chercheurs. Quand le dépistage pédiatrique a retenu l'attention, cela a été pour éclairer seulement sur les performances diagnostiques en ignorant même que le test pédiatrique comme bien d'autres peut s'accepter ou se refuser. Cet article met au cœur de son analyse les raisons qui peuvent expliquer qu'on accepte ou qu'on refuse de faire dépister son enfant. Objectif: Etudier chez les parents, les mères, les facteurs explicatifs de l'acceptabilité du test VIH des nourrissons de moins de six mois. Méthodes: Entretien semi-directif à passages répétés avec les parents de nourrissons de moins de six mois dans les formations sanitaires pour la pesée/vaccination et les consultations pédiatriques avec proposition systématique d'un test VIH pour leur nourrisson. Résultats: Nous retenons que la réalisation effective du test pédiatrique du VIH chez le nourrisson repose sur trois éléments. Primo, le personnel de santé par son discours (qui dénote de ses connaissances et perceptions même sur l'infection) orienté vers les mères influence leur acceptation ou non du test. Secundo, la mère qui par ses connaissances et perceptions même sur le VIH, dont le statut particulier, l'impression de bien-être chez elle et son enfant influence toute réalisation du test pédiatrique VIH. Tertio, l'environnement conjugal de la mère, particulièrement caractérisé par les rapports au sein du couple, sur la facilité de parler du test VIH et sa réalisation chez les deux parents ou chez la mère seulement sont autant de facteurs qui influencent la réalisation effective du dépistage du VIH chez l'enfant. Le principe préventif du VIH, et le désir de faire tester l'enfant ne suffisent pas à eux seuls pour aboutir à sa réalisation effective, selon certaines mères confrontées au refus du conjoint. A l'opposé, les autres mères refusant la r

  6. The Literary Representation of Children in the 19th Century: from Demons to Angels and Rebels La représentation de l’enfant au XIXe siècle : de la démonisation à l’angélisation et à la subversion

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    Françoise Dupeyron-Lafay


    Full Text Available Cet article évoque la tradition religieuse (biblique et celle d’Augustin qui influença la perception de l’enfance (entachée par le péché originel jusque dans les années 1830 au moins, notamment dans les écrits évangéliques pour la jeunesse (The History of the Fairchild Family (1818 de Mary Sherwood. Mais la philosophie des Lumières (Rousseau et les Romantiques anglais (Wordsworth et sa célèbre Ode, Thomas De Quincey marquent le début d’une nouvelle approche de l’enfance, considérée comme innocente, voire visionnaire. En témoigne la fiction de Dickens, qui abonde en personnages d’enfants occupant un rôle de premier plan, qui permit de dénoncer les mauvais traitements qui leur étaient infligés et d’y remédier. Dans certains de ses romans, l’enfant est cependant « angélisé » au point de frôler la caricature mais mon propos est surtout de mettre en lumière une veine plus subversive chez Dickens (comme chez Elizabeth Gaskell dans Wives and Daughters, 1866 qui fait de l’enfant, à travers une utilisation novatrice du concept de nature, l’instrument d’une contestation de l’autorité parentale inconditionnelle (et donc de certains préceptes religieux et qui, pour la première fois, met en avant les devoirs et obligations envers les enfants.

  7. La prise en charge à long terme de l’asthme chez les enfants inuits et des Premières nations : un outil de transfert du savoir fondé sur les lignes directrices canadiennes pour l’asthme pédiatrique, conçu pour être utilisé par les professionnels de la santé de première ligne qui travaillent dans des communautés isolées (United States)

    Kovesi, Tom; Giles, Brenda Louise; Pasterkamp, Hans

    L’asthme est un grave problème de santé pour les enfants inuits et des Premières nations. Chez les enfants de moins d’un an, il faut distinguer l’asthme de la bronchiolite virale, anormalement fréquente chez les enfants autochtones du Canada. Chez les enfants de moins de six ans, le diagnostic dépend de la présence de symptômes classiques, de l’absence de caractéristiques atypiques et de la consignation de la réponse au traitement, notamment la réponse rapide et transitoire aux bronchodilatateurs. Chez les enfants plus âgés, il faut, dans la mesure du possible, déterminer la présence d’une obstruction réversible des voies aériennes par spirométrie afin de confirmer le diagnostic, ainsi qu’évaluer et corriger les déclencheurs environnementaux. L’utilisation régulière de corticoïdes en aérosol est la principale mesure à prendre pour maintenir un bon contrôle de l’asthme chez les enfants asthmatiques. Les clients et leur famille devraient recevoir une formation sur l’asthme. Il faut réévaluer régulièrement le contrôle aux visites de suivi dans des centres de santé et rajuster le traitement à la dose la plus basse possible pour le maintien de ce contrôle.

  8. Des colonies à l’Empire fasciste. La conquête de l’Afrique racontée aux enfants italiens

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    Mariella Colin


    Full Text Available En Italie, la conquête et la colonisation de l’Afrique se sont inscrites dans la littérature pour l’enfance au fur et à mesure de l’occupation des territoires, en correspondance avec l’évolution idéologique qui l’accompagna. Dans les dernières décennies du XIXe siècle, lorsque l’Italie libérale entreprend l’occupation de la corne de l’Afrique, en Érythrée puis en Somalie, la colonisation trouve quelques échos dans les romans de Salgari. On trouve aussi des textes qui célèbrent l’héroïsme des soldats tombés au combat en affrontant des indigènes barbares et cruels, et d’autres qui critiquent la politique coloniale de l’État. Au début du XXe siècle, les ambitions coloniales semblent avoir été mises entre parenthèses ; des romans africains d’aventures, écrits sur le mode de la parodie, tournent en ridicule les Africains pour faire rire les plus petits. Ensuite la guerre de Libye (1911-1912 marque un tournant, et dans les ouvrages publiés au moment de la campagne perce la nouvelle idéologie nationaliste. Après la Grande Guerre, le fascisme au pouvoir veut créer la « conscience coloniale » des Italiens, en y associant la littérature pour l’enfance. Lors de la guerre d’Éthiopie paraissent de nombreux contes et romans qui racontent la campagne militaire sous diverses formes fictionnelles, allant du conte au roman. Cette production présentera la conquête éthiopienne comme une aventure enthousiasmante pour les enfants italiens, et la colonisation comme un immense bienfait pour les enfants indigènes.

  9. Le syndrome néphrotique idiopathique (SNI) de l’enfant à Dakar: à propos de 40 cas (United States)

    Keita, Younoussa; Lemrabott, Ahmed Tall; Sylla, Assane; Niang, Babacar; Ka, El Hadji Fary; Dial, Chérif Mohamed; Ndongo, Aliou Abdoulaye; Sow, Amadou; Moreira, Claude; Niang, Abdou; Ndiaye, Ousmane; Diouf, Boucar; Sall, Mouhamadou Guélaye


    Introduction L’objectif de ce travail était d’analyser les caractéristiques diagnostiques, thérapeutiques et évolutives de l’enfant atteint de néphrose dans un service de pédiatrie de Dakar. Méthodes L’étude était réalisée au service de pédiatrie de l’hôpital Aristide Le Dantec. Il s’agissait d’une étude rétrospective sur une période de 03 ans allant du 1er janvier 2012 au 31 décembre 2014. Ont été inclus tous les patients âgés de 02 ans à 12 ans présentant un tableau de Syndrome néphrotique idiopathique. Résultats Quarante cas de néphrose étaient colligés soit une prévalence de 23% parmi les néphropathies prises en charge dans le service. L’âge moyen était de 7,11± 3,14 ans. Le syndrome néphrotique était pur chez 72,5% (n=29) des patients. Les œdèmes des membres inférieurs étaient présents chez 100% des patients, l’oligurie dans 55% (n=22) et l’HTA dans 5% (n=2) des cas. La protéinurie moyenne était de 145,05 ± 85,54 mg/kg/24heures. La protidémie moyenne était de 46,42 ±7,88 g/L et l’albuminémie moyenne de 17,90 ± 7,15 g/L. Trente-neuf patients avaient reçu une corticothérapie à base de prednisone. La corticosensibilité était retenue chez 77% (n=30) des patients et la corticorésistance chez 13% (n=5) des cas. Le facteur de mauvaise réponse à la corticothérapie était un niveau de protéinurie initiale supérieure à 150 mg/kg/jour (p = 0,024). La biopsie rénale était réalisée chez 18% (n=7) des patients et retrouvait dans 57,2% (n=4) des cas une hyalinose segmentaire et focale. Le cyclophosphamide et l’azathioprine étaient associés aux corticoïdes dans 10% (n=4) des cas chacun. Le taux de rémission globale était de 89,8%. L’évolution vers l’insuffisance rénale chronique était notée chez trois (03) des patients. Conclusion La néphrose représentait près du quart des néphropathies prises en charge dans notre service. Le taux de rémission globale était élevé. Le

  10. Épidémiologie des brûlures de la main chez les enfants vus dans le Centre National des Brûlés et de Chirurgie Plastique de Casablanca, Maroc (United States)

    Rafik, A.; Lahlou, M.; Diouri, M.; Bahechar, N.; Chlihi, A.


    Summary Les brûlures de la main chez l’enfant constituent une source de séquelles invalidantes. A cet régard, la conservation et la restauration complète de la fonction de la main demeurent le but primordial de la prise en charge. Afin de répertorier les caractéristiques épidémiologiques, cliniques et évolutives des mains brûlées, nous avons réalisé une étude rétrospective étalée sur 4 ans, de janvier 2011 à janvier 2015. Cette étude a permis de colliger les cas de 313 enfants atteints de brûlure de la main vus dans le Centre National des Brulés et de Chirurgie Plastique du CHU Ibn Rochd de Casablanca. La majorité des brûlures touche les enfants de 3 à 6 ans (70% des cas), avec une légère prédominance masculine. La principale cause des brûlures survenant à cet âge est l’ébouillantement. Les brûlures par flamme représentent 33% des cas, celles par électricité 4,5%. Les brûlures chimiques et par contact sont anecdotiques (1 cas chacune). L’accident survient le plus souvent à domicile. Soixante douze pour cent des brûlures ont guéri spontanément. Afin de diminuer l’incidence de ces accidents, une approche préventive faite de sensibilisation et d’éducation devrait faire partie du cursus scolaire. PMID:27777543

  11. São Cosme e Damião, carnaval e semana da criança: olhares e vozes das crianças em registros fotográficos / Saint Côme et Saint Damien, le carnaval et la semaine de l'enfance: des regardes et des enfants dans les docukents photographies

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    Ana Cristina Coll Delgado


    Full Text Available Nesse artigo apresentamos uma pesquisa com crianças que focalizou a participação infantil em festas populares e datas comemorativas. Analisamos os olhares e vozes das crianças acerca das festas de São Cosme e São Damião, Carnaval e Semana da Criança. No estudo da problemática dialogamos com a sociologia da infância e com outras áreas das ciências humanas.. O material empírico constituiu-se de anotações em diários de campo, entrevistas e fotografias produzidas pelas crianças. A análise com base nas fotografias e nos comentários das crianças possibilitou selecionar as principais categorias que denominamos “composições fotográficas das crianças”. São elas: as ações e comportamentos dos adultos nas festas e na pesquisa, ações que envolvem consumo, diversão, brinquedos e brincadeiras e a participação das crianças nas festas e na pesquisa. As fotografias e vozes das crianças expressam as diferenças de suas histórias pessoais, das suas culturas e experiências e relações com seus contextos.Percebemos o quanto sua participação nas festas foi facilitada ou inibida pelas condições econômicas e sociais, pelas ideologias, pelo nível de desenvolvimento social e o bem-estar delas próprias e de seus familiares.Resumé Dans cet article, nous présentons une enquête auprès des enfants qui portent sur la participation des enfants dans les fêtes populaires et les dates commémoratives. Nous avons analysé les points de vue et les voix des enfants au sujet de la fête de Saint Côme et Saint Damien, le Carnaval et la Semaine de l'enfance. Dans cet étude nous avons dialogué avec la sociologie de l'enfance et d'autres domaines des sciences humaines. Les données empiriques se composent de l'observation participante avec des notes sur le terrain et des interviews pour débattre avec les enfants sur leurs photographies. L'analyse, fondée sur les photographies et les commentaires des enfants ont permis de s

  12. Séroprévalence et facteurs associés à l’acceptation du Conseil et Dépistage Volontaire du VIH chez l’enfant à Lubumbashi, République Démocratique du Congo (United States)

    Ngwej, Dieudonné Tshikwej; Mukuku, Olivier; Malonga, Françoise Kaj; Luboya, Oscar Numbi; Kakoma, Jean-Baptiste Sakatolo; Wembonyama, Stanis Okitotsho


    Résumé Introduction Malgré le dépistage du VIH proposé lors de la naissance ou au cours des consultations préscolaires, la proportion des enfants qui croissent ou décèdent sous statut sérologique au VIH inconnu est importante en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC). L’objectif de cette étude était de déterminer la séroprévalence au cours d’un dépistage volontaire et d’identifier les facteurs associés à l’acceptation du conseil et dépistage du VIH (CDV) en dehors de la maladie ou de toute exposition au VIH dans une population pédiatrique à Lubumbashi, RDC. Méthodes Il s’agissait d’une étude prospective transversale à visée analytique menée du 1er août 2006 au 31 septembre 2007. Elle avait été réalisée dans 4 centres communautaires de CDV répartis dans 4 zones de santé de la ville de Lubumbashi en RDC (Lubumbashi, Ruashi, Kampemba et de Kenya). L’étude avait consisté à faire le dépistage volontaire du VIH chez les enfants de moins de 15 ans. Les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et les paramètres relatifs au conseil et dépistage volontaire ont été étudiés. Les analyses statistiques descriptives usuelles et une régression logistique ont été réalisées. Résultats Sur 463 enfants dépistés du VIH, 41 (8,9%; IC 95%: 6,5%-11,9%) ont été testés positifs. L’acceptation du conseil et dépistage volontaire du VIH en dehors de la maladie ou de l’exposition au VIH était significativement plus élevée lorsque l’enfant était âgé de plus de 2 ans (Odds ratio ajusté (ORa) = 3,6 [IC 95%: 1,1-12,2]), lorsque le statut sérologique du VIH des parents était négatif ou inconnu (ORa = 27,4 [IC 95%: 9,4-80,0]), lorsque l’un ou l’autre ou les deux parents biologiques étaient en vie (ORa = 24,9 [IC 95%: 2,4-250,8]) et lorsque la connaissance du lieu de dépistage était fait par des moyens autres que le professionnel de santé (ORa = 2,9 [IC 95%: 1,0-7,9]). Conclusion Notre étude montre une forte

  13. Respect par les Canadiens de 10 à 17 ans des Directives canadiennes en matière de mouvement sur 24 heures pour les enfants et les jeunes

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    Ian Janssen


    Full Text Available Introduction : Le document Directives canadiennes en matière de mouvement sur 24 heures pour les enfants et les jeunes publié en 2016 contient des recommandations quant à l’activité physique quotidienne d’intensité moyenne à élevée, au temps de loisir passé devant un écran et au sommeil chez les jeunes de 5 à 17 ans. Cette étude a pour objectif d’estimer le pourcentage de Canadiens de 10 à 17 ans qui respectent ces recommandations. Méthodologie : Nous avons analysé un échantillon national représentatif de 22 115 jeunes. Les données sur le comportement actif ont été autodéclarées. Le respect des recommandations des Directives repose sur les éléments suivants : accumulation d’au moins 60 minutes par jour d’activité physique d’intensité moyenne à élevée, pas plus de 2 heures par jour de temps de loisir passé devant un écran et de 9 à 11 heures de sommeil continu par nuit pour les jeunes de 10 à 13 ans ou de 8 à 10 heures de sommeil continu par nuit pour les jeunes de 14 à 17 ans. Résultats : Seulement 3 % des jeunes de l’échantillon respectaient les trois recommandations clés. Vingt-cinq pour cent respectaient deux recommandations, 51 % en respectaient une et 21 % n’en respectaient aucune. La recommandation en matière de sommeil était la plus respectée par les enfants et les jeunes (66 %, suivie de celle en matière d’activité physique d’intensité moyenne à élevée (35 % et de celle relative au temps passé devant un écran (8 %. Conclusion : Une faible proportion (moins de 3 % de Canadiens de 10 à 17 ans respectent les trois principales recommandations des Directives canadiennes en matière de mouvement sur 24 heures pour les enfants et les jeunes.

  14. “Pour un Sourire d'Enfant” (PSE [For a child’s smile] association's actions to help scavenging women and children in Phnom Penh L'action de l'association Pour un Sourire d'Enfant(PSE en faveur des femmes et des enfants chiffonniers de Phnom Penh Acciones de la asociación para ayudar a mujeres y niños basureros de Phnom Penh

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    Marie-Annick Maspoli


    Full Text Available Founded 15 years ago, the association “Pour un Sourire d’Enfant” (PSE [For a Child’s Smile] is a private initiative with the primary objective of educating scavenging children in Phnom Penh to enable them to find a place in society and live in dignity. In pursuing this goal, PSE adapts its actions to meet needs as they arise and thus has considerable influence on the health of mothers and children.To give these children access to education and quality professional training, PSE’s first task was to feed them and provide healthcare. Education and training in health issues, the medical monitoring of the children and their mothers, as well as the residential care of the most severe cases, today accounts for a large part of the association’s administrative activities. It has of course been necessary to build more than just classrooms: sanitary facilities, dispensaries, childcare centers, etc, were also necessary. In addition, in view of the country’s historical context, the combat against domestic violence is necessarily given serious attention. The precarious balance thus obtained is consolidated by paying the mothers to compensate for the children stopping work.Step by step, PSE is making progress by taking into account the Khmer culture, working in collaboration with other solutions locally, and encouraging Cambodians themselves to become involved. The association, working to improve the physical and mental health of the children and their mothers, is recognized by Cambodian businesses and authorities.Fondée il y a 15 ans, l’association Pour un Sourire d’Enfant (PSE est une initiative privée dont le premier objectif est d’éduquer les enfants chiffonniers de Phnom Penh afin qu’ils trouvent leur place dans la société et vivent dans la dignité. Tout en poursuivant ce but, PSE a adapté son action en fonction des besoins rencontrés et c’est ainsi qu’elle a une influence considérable sur la santé des mères et des

  15. Le « signalement d’enfant en danger ». Une problématique de l’événement


    Collinot, André


    L’analyse proposée met en relation la pratique de signalement d’enfant en danger d’une institution, l’Aide Sociale à l’Enfance, et le terme d’événement pris dans son usage épistémique en analyse du discours. Aux étapes du signalement correspondent diverses instances « mettant en récit » des événements mondains, selon deux processus discursifs distincts, établissant ainsi interaction entre une appréhension d’un événement qui a eu lieu et sa compréhension en tant qu’événement discursif. La noti...

  16. Gender inequality in the family setting

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    Roderic Beaujot


    Full Text Available Now that human capital increases the propensity to be in union for both men and women, the gender differences in the patterns of entry and exit from relationships have decreased. However, there are still strong gender differences in living with children, with women at younger ages and women not in couples being more likely than men to be living with children. Women are more likely to be lone parents while men are more likely to be living as part of a couple. While the employment rate of women in unions is no longer suppressed if they are living with children, their average work hours remain lower, while men have the highest employment rate and highest average work hours if they are living with children. For both men and women, parents do more unpaid work than persons without children though parenthood increases women’s more than men’s unpaid work. In the context of diverse and less stable families, a more equal division of both earning and caring activities would benefit gender equality. Maintenant que le capital humain augmente la propension à être en union pour les hommes et les femmes, les différences entre les sexes dans les modèles d’entrée et de sortie de relations ont diminué. Cependant, il y a encore de fortes différences entre les sexes dans la propension à vivre avec les enfants : les plus jeunes femmes et les femmes qui ne sont pas en couple sont plus susceptibles que les hommes de vivre avec les enfants. Les femmes sont plus susceptibles d’être des parents seuls alors que les hommes sont plus susceptibles de vivre dans le cadre d’un couple. Alors que le taux d’emploi des femmes en union n’est plus réduit si elles vivent avec des enfants, leurs heures moyennes de travail restent inférieure, tandis que les hommes ont le taux d’emploi et les heures moyennes de travail les plus élevés si ils vivent avec des enfants. Pour les hommes et les femmes, les parents font plus de travail non-payé que les personnes

  17. Les recommandations relatives aux vaccins antigrippaux administrés aux enfants et aux adolescents pour la saison 2017-2018. (United States)

    Moore, Dorothy L


    La Société canadienne de pédiatrie continue d'encourager la vaccination antigrippale annuelle de TOUS les enfants et les adolescents, dès l'âge de six mois. Les recommandations du Comité consultatif national de l'immunisation (CCNI) pour la saison 2017-2018 n'ont pas subi de changements importants par rapport à la saison précédente. Le CCNI a analysé toutes les données sur l'efficacité du vaccin vivant atténué contre l'influenza (VVAI) sur le marché et conclut qu'elles en appuient l'utilisation au Canada, même si les États-Unis ne le recommandent pas en raison de doutes quant à son efficacité.

  18. La femme écrivain hébraïque narre aux enfants Israeli Women Writing for Children: Devora Omer an Author of Young Literature ספרות נוער כתובה על ידי נשים : דבורה עומר

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    Dorit Shilo


    Full Text Available Les auteurs de la littérature israélienne pour enfants. Dans la première partie de l'article, j'explore les premiers jours de la littérature hébraïque pour enfants (XIXe siècle. Je tiens à souligner que ce sont les auteurs masculins qui ont régné sur ce genre littéraire et qu’à travers le XXe siècle un phénomène intriguant apparaît: les femmes commencent à écrire des oeuvres littéraires pour les enfants, et deviennent professionnelles dans ce domaine.La deuxième partie de l'article est dédiée à Devora Omer (né en 1932 qui est l'une des romancières les plus populaires et appréciées chez les enfants dans la littérature israélienne contemporaine. En particulier, j'examine le protagoniste féminin, Zohara, dans son œuvre Le’eov ad mavet (Aimer jusqu'à la mort, 1980, par rapport à la représentation de son apparence physique et à son monologue intérieur. Je suggère que même si elle est intégrée dans l'armée et donc « égale » aux hommes, le personnage principal du roman entretient la conception de l'auteur de la féminité, c'est-à-dire être physiquement attractive, même dans la bataille, pendant qu’elle est obligée d'accomplir les tâches ménagères, traditionnellement considérées comme le travail des femmes. En conclusion, la représentation de Zohara renvoie aux conflits entre les sexes dans la société israélienne contemporaine.In the first part of the article, I explore the early days of Hebrew children’s literature (19th century. I emphasize that it was male authors who ruled this literary genre and throughout the 20th century an intriguing phenomenon appears: women start writing literary works for children, becoming professionals in the domain. The second part of the article is dedicated to Devora Omer (born 1932 who is one of the most popular and well-appreciated children’s novelists in contemporary Israeli literature. In particular, I examine the female protagonist, Zohara, in

  19. L'acquisition et la construction de la notion de temps chez les enfants de 5 à 9 ans: perspective développementale


    De Coster, Lotta


    Cette recherche porte sur l’acquisition et la construction de la notion de temps chez les enfants de 5 à 9 ans, c’est-à-dire ceux qui fréquentent des classes allant de la 3e maternelle à la 3e année primaire. Dans la partie théorique nous analysons les différentes notions constitutives qui caractérisent le temps :l’ordre de succession, la durée, le cycle, l’irréversibilité, l’horizon temporel. Nous nous intéressons également aux notions linguistiques ainsi qu’aux notions associées telles que ...

  20. Maltraitance envers les enfants déclarée par les jeunes eux-mêmes à l'occasion d'enquêtes représentatives de la population : revue systématique

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    Jessica Laurin


    Full Text Available Introduction : Cette revue systématique a permis de recenser des enquêtes sur les jeunes représentatives de la population et comportant des questions sur la maltraitance envers les enfants déclarée par ces derniers. Nous avons également examiné la qualité des données et les questions d’ordre éthique pertinentes pour la collecte de données sur la maltraitance. Méthodologie : Nous avons effectué une recherche dans diverses bases de données en ligne pour sélectionner les articles publiés entre janvier 2000 et mars 2016 qui contenaient des données représentatives de la population mesurant la maltraitance envers les enfants. Les critères d’inclusion ont été établis a priori et deux examinateurs ont évalué indépendamment l'un de l'autre les articles pour s’assurer que les critères étaient respectés et pour vérifier l’exactitude des données extraites. Résultats : Au total, 73 articles portant sur 71 enquêtes ont répondu aux critères d’inclusion. Nous avons relevé diverses stratégies visant à assurer l’exactitude des renseignements et à atténuer la détresse des participants à l’enquête. Conclusion : L'ampleur des efforts déployés pour mesurer la prévalence de la maltraitance envers les enfants est le reflet de l'importance accordée à cette dernière à l'échelle de la planète. Malgré des connaissances incomplètes en matière de pratiques exemplaires liées à l’éthique et de qualité des données, il est possible de recueillir efficacement auprès des jeunes eux-mêmes des données sur la maltraitance dont ils font l'objet.

  1. Éléments pour une analyse de la fraternité d’accueil dans un contexte de circulation des enfants Elements for an Analysis of Host Foster Families in a Context of Circulation of Children. An Illustration from the ‘île de La Réunion’

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    Didier Le Gall


    Full Text Available Si la famille d’accueil apparaît bien comme un dispositif de protection de l’enfance, elle peut être aussi appréhendée comme une forme particulière de recomposition familiale : les enfants placés maintiennent des liens avec leur famille d’origine et tissent des liens avec l’assistante maternelle, son conjoint et ses enfants. Cette manière de “faire famille” diffère des recompositions à la suite d’une rupture d’union féconde, puisque ce sont des enfants qui s’adjoignent à une autre famille, et non un beau-parent. Il n’en reste pas moins que les enfants placés se trouvent, vis-à-vis des enfants de la famille d’accueil, dans une situation qui s’apparente à celle des quasi-frères et sœurs des familles recomposées en ce sens qu’ils ne partagent pas de sang commun. Il est dès lors possible d’analyser les liens qu’ils peuvent tisser comme relevant du fraternel, ce d’autant plus qu’ils co-résident ensemble au quotidien, ce qui est rarement le cas des quasi-frères et sœurs. S’adossant aux travaux récents sur la pluriparentalité et la fraternité recomposée, l’auteur se propose de porter un autre regard sur le placement familial en privilégiant l’angle de la fraternité d’accueil, et ce, dans un contexte qui présente la particularité d’avoir une tradition de circulation des enfants : la société réunionnaise.If the host family indeed seems to be a protective device for children, it can also be understood as a particular form of family recomposition: the children placed there maintain ties with their family of origin and establish ties with the maternal assistant, her spouse and his children. This way “of forming a family” differs from recompositions following the breakup of a fecund union, since it is the children who are joined to another family, and not an in-law. Vis-à-vis the host family, it nonetheless remains true that with respect to the host family’s children, the

  2. Apport de la biopsie radioguidée dans le diagnostic histopathologique des tumeurs de l'enfant: expérience de l'Hôpital d'Enfant de Rabat (United States)

    El Ochi, Mohamed Réda; Bellarbi, Salma; Rouas, Lamiae; Lamalmi, Najat; Malihy, Abderrahmane; Alhamany, Zaitouna; Cherradi, Nadia


    La biopsie radioguidée constitue une alternative à la biopsie chirurgicale invasive et à la cytologie pour le diagnostic des tumeurs pédiatriques. L'intérêt de notre étude est d’évaluer la valeur diagnostique des biopsies radioguidées examinées au laboratoire d'anatomopathologie de l'hôpital d'Enfants de Rabat (HER). L’étude a porté sur 78 biopsies radioguidées recueillies dans notre laboratoire entre janvier 2008 et décembre 2011. l’âge moyen des patients était de 5 ans et 10 mois avec une prédominance masculine (65,4%). La tumeur était abdominale dans 80% des cas, thoracique dans 15% cas, thoracique et abdominale dans 2,5% et sacrée dans 1,2%. Les biopsies étaient écho-guidées dans 90% des cas et scannoguidées dans 10% des cas. Le diagnostic histopathologique était posé dans 89% des cas. L'immuno-histochimie a été indiquée dans 35% des cas. Les diagnostics les plus fréquents étaient: tumeurs neuroblastiques (42 cas), lymphomes non hodgkiniens (10 cas), rhabdomyosarcomes (6 cas), autres (sarcome d'Ewing, néphroblastomes, tumeur myofibroblastique inflammatoire, maladies de Hodgkin, leucémie aiguë, hépatoblastome et ostéosarcome). Dans notre série, la biopsie radioguidée a permis un diagnostic histopathologique certain dans 89% des cas. Elle nécessite une étroite collaboration entre clinicien, radiologue et anatomopathologiste pour discuter son indication, afin de diminuer le nombre de biopsies peu ou non représentatives. PMID:26587165

  3. Les Cicatrices Retractiles Post-Brulures Du Membre Inferieur Chez L’Enfant (United States)

    Sankale, A.A.; Manyacka Ma Nyemb, P.; Coulibaly, N.F.; Ndiaye, A.; Ndoye, M.


    Summary Il s'agit d'une étude faisant ressortir les aspects épidémiologiques, cliniques et thérapeutiques des séquelles de brûlures du membre inférieur chez l'enfant, à propos de 42 cas colligés au service de chirurgie infantile de l'Hôpital Aristide Le Dantec (Sénégal). L'âge moyen retrouvé est de 5 ans et 3 mois, et le sex-ratio garçons/filles de 1,8/1. La brûlure thermique est causée par une flamme dans 33% des cas, par un liquide chaud dans 21% des cas, et par des braises dans 21% des cas. Les cicatrices rétractiles intéressent le genou et le creux poplité dans 47% des cas et le pied dans 45% des cas. Elles sont bilatérales dans 21% des cas, et concernent une autre localisation associée dans 21% des cas. Quant aux brides, 21% ont bénéficié d'une chirurgie, avec un délai moyen de 3 ans et 2 mois après la brûlure. Cette procédure chirurgicale consiste en une plastie en Z dans 91% des cas, à laquelle est associée une greffe de peau dans 54% des cas. Une rééducation fonctionnelle est pratiquée chez 54% des opérés. Parallèlement aux données de la littérature, nos résultats montrent que l'optimisation de la prise en charge passe par une meilleure prévention des accidents domestiques et une bonne codification thérapeutique. PMID:21991202

  4. Using Tablet Computers with Elementary School Students with Special Needs: The Practices and Perceptions of Special Education Teachers and Teacher Assistants / Utilisation des tablettes électroniques avec des enfants d’école primaire à besoins spéciaux

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    Genevieve Marie Johnson


    Full Text Available Twelve special education teachers and teacher assistants who have instructional experience using iPads with children with special needs completed a survey that queried their practices and perceptions. In general, teachers and assistants were extremely positive about the value of iPads for children with special needs, particularly for children with autism, attention deficits and limitations of fine motor control. Special education teachers and teacher assistants reported most frequently using iPads to promote student language and literacy skills, although mathematics learning activities were also commonly reported. Enhanced student motivation was the most frequently reported benefit of using tablet computers in school followed by instructional planning advantages. Tablet computers appear to have the potential to be an essential aspect of individual program plans. Teaching tasks might reasonably include downloading and organizing specific applications on specific children’s tablets and professional development might increasingly focus of evaluation of tablet applications. Douze professeurs en éducation spéciale et aides-enseignants utilisant les iPads dans leur enseignement avec des enfants à besoins spéciaux ont rempli un questionnaire relatif à leurs pratiques et à leurs perceptions. En général, les enseignants et les aides-enseignants se sont révélés extrêmement positifs quant à la valeur des iPads pour les enfants à besoins spéciaux, en particulier pour les enfants avec autisme, avec un déficit d’attention et avec un contrôle limité de la motricité fine. Le plus souvent, les enseignants en éducation spéciale et les aides-enseignants ont indiqué avoir utilisé les iPads pour améliorer les compétences linguistiques et de littératie des élèves, bien que des activités d'apprentissage des mathématiques aient aussi été mentionnées fréquemment. Le renforcement de la motivation des élèves constituait l

  5. Evaluation en protection de l'enfance. Elaboration d'un jugement du risque de carences éducatives d'un enfant en échec scolaire et vivant dans une famille pauvre


    Michalot , Thierry


    Atelier 22 : Travail social et bénévolat; L'objectif de cette recherche est de comprendre comment les travailleurs sociaux et les étudiants élaborent cognitivement une évaluation du risque de carences éducatives à partir de situations d'enfants rencontrant de graves difficultés scolaires. Plus particulièrement nous souhaitons vérifier de manière expérimentale si la formation professionnelle permet aux étudiants de construire une évaluation différente des professionnels et de mesurer l'importa...

  6. Profil infectieux et mortalité des enfants âgés de 0 à 5 ans admis pour malnutrition aiguë sévère: étude de cohorte rétrospective au Centre Nutritionnel et Thérapeutique de Bukavu, République Démocratique du Congo (United States)

    Kambale, Richard Mbusa; Kasengi, Joe Bwija; Kivukuto, John Mutendela; Cubaka, Liévin Murhula; Mungo, Bruno Masumbuko; Balaluka, Ghislain Bisimwa


    Introduction La malnutrition constitue une toile de fond sur laquelle se greffent plusieurs infections. L'objectif de ce travail est de déterminer les infections les plus létales, la durée médiane de séjour et le gain pondéral médian journalier des enfants malnutris. Méthodes Étude de cohorte rétrospective des enfants malnutris de 0 à 59 mois hospitalisés au Centre Nutritionnel et Thérapeutique de Bukavu du 1er janvier 2011 au 31 décembre 2013. L’évaluation du risque de survenue de décès par complication infectieuse a été faite par la mesure du risque relatif. Nous avons utilisé le test de Mann-Whitney pour comparer les médianes. Les Odd ratio ajustés par régression logistique et leurs intervalles de confiance à 95% du risque de mortalité ont été donnés pour chaque cause infectieuse. Résultats Au total, 574 enfants avaient été inclus. Cinq cent vingt et un (90.8%) enfants étaient sortis guéris, 10 (1.7%) avaient abandonné le traitement et 43 (7.5%) étaient décédés. La durée médiane de séjour était de 19 (13-26) jours et le gain pondéral médian journalier était de 7 (3-13) g/kg/j. Il existait une association statistiquement significative entre la mortalité et le sepsis / choc septique (p = 0,0004), la méningite (p = 0,00001), et l'infection à VIH (p = 0,02). Conclusion Une meilleure prise en charge de la malnutrition aigüe dans notre région devrait se baser sur la mise en place des unités spécialisées et bien équipées pour la prise en charge de la malnutrition associées aux infections sévères. PMID:27279964

  7. Profil étiologique des surdités neurosensorielle sévère et profonde de l'enfant dans la région du centre-nord du Maroc (United States)

    Ridal, Mohammed; Outtasi, Naouar; Taybi, Zainab; Boulouiz, Redouan; Chaouki, Sanae; Boubou, Meryem; Maaroufi, Mustapha; Benmansour, Najib; Zaki, Zouheir; Ouldim, Karim; Barakat, Hamid; Hida, Mustapha; Tizniti, Siham; El Alami, Mohamed Noreddine


    Introduction Le diagnostic d'une surdité profonde est possible dès les premiers jours de vie. Or, le développement du langage et l'intégration scolaire et professionnelle ne sont pas possible que si la surdité est prise en charge précocement. L’établissement d'un diagnostc étiologique a des implications pronostiques et thérapeutiques. Méthodes C'est une étude rétrospective allant de Juin 2009 au mois de Janvier 2012 ayant recensé 250 cas d'enfants porteurs d'une surdité sévère et profonde. Résultats La moyenne d’âge au moment de l'annonce du diagnostic est de 3.7 ans. Les étiologies prédominantes sont les surdités génétiques dans 35.6% suivies des surdités acquises dans 30.8% des cas. Dans 34.4% des cas aucune étiologie n'a pu être retrouvée. Conclusion Cette étude met en évidence la prédominance éventuelle de causes génétiques de la surdité neurosensorielle de l'enfant au Maroc, et souligne la nécessité d'améliorer les politiques de prévention des maladies infectieuses et de dépistage de la surdité néonatale. Cependant, des analyses moléculaires plus ciblées et la réalisation d'un scanner des rochers systématiques sont nécessaires pour évaluer plus précisément la contribution des étiologies génétiques. PMID:25018837

  8. Examen d'analyses récentes portant sur l'Étude canadienne sur l'incidence des signalements de cas de violence et de négligence envers les enfants (ECI

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    D. Potter


    Full Text Available Introduction : Cette analyse a comme objectif de rassembler les articles évalués par les pairs utilisant des données tirées de l'Étude canadienne sur l'incidence des signalements de cas de violence et de négligence envers les enfants (ECI publiées depuis novembre 2011 ainsi que des suréchantillons provinciaux de l'ECI, d'évaluer la qualité de leurs conclusions, de les synthétiser et de faire le bilan des variations dans l'utilisation de ces données. Méthodologie : Nous avons sélectionné les articles au moyen du suivi des demandes d'accès aux données de l'ECI effectué par l'Agence de la santé publique du Canada et au suivi des publications produites au moyen de ces données. Deux évaluateurs au moins ont examiné de façon indépendante les articles et en ont évalué la qualité. Résultats : Nous avons conservé 32 articles. Leurs points forts étaient en général les suivants : objectifs de recherche clairement établis, variables de contrôle appropriées, analyses pertinentes, taille de l'échantillon suffisante, conclusions pertinentes et utilité pour les pratiques et politiques. Leur point problématique était le plus souvent une définition floue des variables et des critères d'inclusion des cas. La plupart du temps, les articles mesuraient les associations entre les caractéristiques des mauvais traitements et celles des enfants, des pourvoyeurs de soins, du ménage et de l'organisme ou de la personne à l'origine du signalement et ils s'intéressaient aux conséquences des signalements, par exemple l'ouverture d'un dossier pour une prestation continue de services ou le placement. Conclusion : Les articles utilisant des données de l'ECI ont obtenu des scores positifs pour la plupart des indicateurs de qualité. Dans leurs analyses les plus récentes, les chercheurs se sont concentrés sur les catégories de maltraitance insuffisamment étudiées jusqu'ici (exposition à la violence conjugale, négligence et

  9. Liaison, élision et enchaînement : le rôle de la phonologie et du lexique chez les enfants au début de l’école primaire

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    Ruvoletto Samantha


    Dans cette étude nous cherchons d'évaluer de manière détaillée l’importance relative de la phonologie et des connaissances lexicales de 43 enfants français à l’entrée du CP et d'analyser les problématiques causées par les phénomènes consonantiques de liaison, d’élision et d’enchaînement dans cette phase d'acquisition. Les résultats d'une tâche de dénomination guidée montrent que les enfants de 6 ans et demi ont encore des problèmes avec le calcul des frontières des mots en français au début de l'école primaire. De plus dans nos données, la fréquence lexicale des mots tests ne résulte pas corrélée au nombre d'erreurs. Les fautes résiduelles dans la tâche sont donc consécutives à un problème phonologique et pas exclusivement lexical. Le rôle prioritaire de la phonologie à l'entrée de l'école primaire est en accord avec les conclusions de Sprenger-Charolles (1994 qui proposent que la première phase d’apprentissage de la lecture et de l'écriture repose essentiellement sur une analyse phonologique indépendante de la fréquence lexicale.

  10. Léz-ards plastiques: en arts plastiques, quels sont les éléments nécessaires au développement des enfants de un à cinq ans


    Vianin, Mégane; Rosell-Curty, Catherine


    Afin de rédiger ce travail de mémoire sur la thématique des arts plastiques dont la question de départ était formulée ainsi : « En arts plastiques, quels sont les éléments nécessaires au développement des enfants de un à cinq ans ? », deux entretiens ont été menés. À travers cette recherche, il en est ressorti qu’en arts plastiques, les conditions idéales pour parvenir au succès d’une activité ou d’un projet sont les suivantes : préparer le lieu, tenir compte de l’heure, instaurer des ro...

  11. Révision systématique des effets de la fréquence des repas en famille sur les résultats psychosociaux chez les jeunes (United States)

    Harrison, Megan E.; Norris, Mark L.; Obeid, Nicole; Fu, Maeghan; Weinstangel, Hannah; Sampson, Margaret


    Résumé Objectif Effectuer une révision systématique des effets de repas en famille fréquents sur les résultats psychosociaux chez les enfants et les adolescents et examiner s’il existe des différences dans les résultats selon le sexe. Sources des données Des études ont été cernées à la suite d’une recherche dans MEDLINE (de 1948 à la dernière semaine de juin 2011) et dans PsycINFO (de 1806 à la première semaine de juillet 2011) à l’aide de l’interface Ovide. Les expressions et mots clés MeSH utilisés seuls ou en combinaisons étaient les suivants : family, meal, food intake, nutrition, diets, body weight, adolescent attitudes, eating behaviour, feeding behaviour et eating disorders. Les bibliographies des articles jugés pertinents ont aussi été passées en revus. Sélection des études La recherche initiale a produit 1783 articles. Pour être incluses dans l’analyse, les études devaient répondre aux critères suivants : être publiées en anglais dans une revue révisée par des pairs; porter sur des enfants ou des adolescents; traiter de l’influence des repas en famille sur les paramètres psychosociaux (p. ex. consommation de drogues et autres substances, troubles de l’alimentation, dépression) chez les enfants ou les adolescents; avoir une conception d’étude appropriée, notamment des méthodes statistiques acceptables pour l’analyse des paramètres. Quatorze articles satisfaisaient aux critères d’inclusion. Deux examinateurs indépendants ont étudié et analysé les articles. Synthèse Dans l’ensemble, les résultats font valoir que la fréquence des repas en famille est inversement proportionnelle aux troubles de l’alimentation, à la consommation d’alcool et de drogues, aux comportements violents, aux sentiments de dépression ou aux pensées suicidaires chez les adolescents. Il existe une relation positive entre de fréquents repas en famille, une bonne estime de soi et la réussite scolaire. Les

  12. Le cancer différencié de la thyroïde chez l’enfant et l’adolescent: à propos de 22 cas (United States)

    Anajar, Said; Tatari, Mohammed; Lakhbal, Adil; Abada, Reda; Rouadi, Sami; Roubal, Mohammed; Mahtar, Mohammed


    L’obectif était de mettre en relief les particularités du cancer de la thyroïde chez l’enfant et l’adolescent, et d’évaluer nos résultats par rapport à la littérature internationale a travers une série de cas la plus représentatif au Maroc: 22 cas. C'est une étude rétrospective descriptive des patients atteints de cancer différencié de la thyroïde, hospitalisés au service d’ORL et de Chirurgie Cervico-faciale de L’hopital 20 Août de Casablanca-Maroc, sur la période qui s’étend de Janvier 1995 à Mars 2015. Nous avons recueilli les données relatives à 22 cas, qui répondaient à nos critères d’inclusion. L’âge moyen de nos patients était de 14 ans, avec une sex-ratio 3,4, la plupart de nos patients ont consulté pour un nodule thyroïdien, associé dans 22,7% des cas à une adénopathie cervicale, et dans 9,1% à des signes de compression. L’ensemble des patients ont bénéficié d’une thyroïdectomie totale, suivie d’un curage ganglionnaire dans 31,82%. Le diagnostic de cancer thyroïdien a reposé sur l’examen anatomopathologique de la pièce opératoire, qui a objectivé un carcinome papillaire dans 95,4% des cas, et un carcinome vésiculaire dans 4,5%. Le traitement par l’iode radioactif 131 a été réalisé dans 100% des cas. Par la suite tous nos patients ont été mis sous hormonothérapie thyroïdienne. Une surveillance étroite et régulière a permis de détecter des métastases ganglionnaires chez 3 patients, et les métastases à distance chez 4 patients. Le cancer différencié de la thyroïde de l’enfant et l’adolescent est une entité rare mais agressive, son traitement se base sur la chirurgie, associée à l’irathérapie donnant un pronostic excellent. PMID:29255541

  13. Peut-on rapprocher la gestation pour autrui de l’adoption ? Can we Compare Surrogate Motherhood and Adoption? From Extended Mothering to Plural Mothering

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    Anne Cadoret


    Full Text Available Les configurations familiales que nous constatons aujourd’hui dans nos sociétés s’organisent encore à partir des grands éléments essentiels à un système de parenté : l’alliance, la filiation et la germanité. Toutefois, leur mode d’agencement a changé et ces trois éléments qui se recoupaient les uns et les autres deviennent maintenant autonomes. Ce changement de modèle entraînerait un changement de position de tous les personnages inclus dans la construction d’une parenté. À partir des travaux de David Schneider montrant l’importance de la loi pour dire la “bonne” parenté et de la remarque de Godelier affirmant qu’un homme et une femme ne suffisent jamais à faire un enfant, je lirai les rapports parus récemment sur la procréation assistée et l’adoption au Québec et en France pour réfléchir à ces deux manières d’entrer en parenté. Ces rapports nous révèlent la place particulière que tient la femme dans le modèle de parenté occidental d’un seul père et d’une seule mère. Cette place est en train de bouger, et la mère n’est plus si “certaine” que cela ; d’autres figures maternelles apparaissent, dont l’existence même de l’enfant témoigne.The family configurations we observe in our societies today are still organized based on the major elements essential to a system of family relations : alliance, filiation and sib. However, their mode of arrangement has changed and these three elements, crisscrossing one another, have now become autonomous. This change of model results in a change of position for all persons included in the construction of a family relation. Starting from the works of David Schneider, showing the importance of law in declaring “the good” family relation and Godelier’s remark to the effect that a man and a woman are never enough to make a child, I will study the reports published recently on assisted procreation and adoption in Québec and in France in

  14. Liaison, élision et enchaînement : le rôle de la phonologie et du lexique chez les enfants au début de l’école primaire


    Ruvoletto Samantha


    Dans l'acquisition du français, l’enfant reçoit comme input une langue orale où les frontières entre les mots sont masquées par des phénomènes consonantiques comme la liaison (les [le] + ours [uʁs] => [le.zuʁs]), l’élision (le [lə] + ours [uʁs] => [luʁs]) et l’enchaînement (la [la] + petite [pə.tit] + orange [] => [la-pe.ti.t). Cet effet de masquage donne lieu à des erreurs de mauvaises segmentations à partir de l'âge de 2 ans (p.ex. de(s)[n]éléphants [ɑ̃] po...

  15. Parcours d’un roman postcolonial francophone en France et en Allemagne : Le Cœur des enfants léopards, de Wilfried N’Sondé

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    Myriam Louviot


    Full Text Available En 2007, Wilfried N’Sondé, Franco-congolais vivant à Berlin, publie en France son premier roman, Le Cœur des enfants léopards. Le livre rencontre un certain succès. Un an plus tard, la traduction allemande, Das Herz der Leopardenkinder semble faire une carrière comparable en Allemagne. On serait donc tenté de conclure qu’il n’y a pas tant de différence entre le lectorat français et le lectorat allemand. Un bon roman est un bon roman et il semble normal qu’il trouve son public des deux côtés du Rhin... Mais à y regarder de plus près, il apparaît que la réception du roman de Wilfried N’Sondé en France et en Allemagne suit des voies bien différentes. En France, les littératures postcoloniales sont essentiellement considérées à l’intérieur du cadre conceptuel de la francophonie et le roman de N’Sondé apparaît effectivement d’abord comme un roman francophone ; en Allemagne, il est plutôt rattaché à la littérature de la migration et est compris en fonction des traditions d’analyse qui s’y rattachent.2007 veröffentlicht der in Berlin lebende und aus Kongo stammende Franzose Wilfried N’Sondé, seinen ersten Roman, Le cœur des enfants léopards. Das Buch erfreut sich in Frankreich einer regen Aufmerksamkeit. Ein Jahr später scheint die deutsche Übersetzung, Das Herz der Leopardenkinder, am französischen Erfolg anzuknüpfen : ein guter Roman bleibt ein guter Roman und so scheint es nur normal dass, er auf beiden Seiten des Rheins sein Publikum findet. Dennoch wäre es falsch, daraus auf eine sehr ähnliche Leserschaft in den beiden Sprachräumen zu schließen. Bei genauerem Hinsehen zeigt sich, dass die Rezeption von Wilfried N’Sondés Roman in Frankreich und in Deutschland sehr unterschiedlich verläuft. Während der Roman in Frankreich im Kontext der postkolonialen Literatur in erster Linie als frankophones Werk rezipiert wird, konzentriert sich die deutsche Rezeption vornehmlich auf den

  16. Apprendre ensemble à écrire tout seul

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    Nawal Boudechiche


    Full Text Available Comme la didactique est un domaine de réflexions sur les pratiques d’enseignement/apprentissage et en raison de la difficulté des scripteurs à se représenter un équilibre entre les connaissances et les attentes des lecteurs potentiels de leur écrit, nous analysons les effets d’une variante du travail collaboratif sur les procédés de réécriture mis en œuvre en situation de production écrite individuelle, et par hypothèse, sur les capacités cognitives de prise en charge du lecteur différé du message. Il s'agit précisément d’analyser les développements du contenu sémantique d'un texte descriptif en français langue étrangère, écrit et réécrit en situation individuelle, par des apprenants de première année licence de français, suite aux annotations mentionnées par les pairs. Le socioconstructivisme (Vygotsky; Jonnaert prône le rôle majeur des interactions sociales dans la construction et la reconstruction des connaissances. Les recherches sur la cognition soulignent le besoin de développer la responsabilité individuelle au niveau de la construction des connaissances.

  17. Made in Narva ili nashi v Seule

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Hiigelsuure titaanskulptuuri "Post-Mapping" valmistamisest saksa firma Trinon Titanium Narva tehases ja selle paigaldamisest tehnoloogiainstituudi hoone fuajeesse Soulis. Skulptuuri autor on arhitekt Lawrence Wallen

  18. Exposure to magnetic fields and long term survival among children having a leukemia; Exposition aux champs magnetiques et survie a long terme chez les enfants ayant une leucemie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Souques, M


    A study, the first one, bearing on the survival of children reached by acute lymphoblastic leukemia finds an association between mortality and the highest class of exposure ( over .3 {mu}T). The authors relativize the level of their results because the study has been made on a small number of cases, this illness staying rare. However, the relapse rate is not increased in a significant way for the children of the highest exposure category. (N.C.)

  19. 77 FR 23810 - Joint Biomedical Laboratory Research and Development and Clinical Science Research and... (United States)


    ....... Sheraton Suites--Old Town Alexandria. Neurobiology-C June 14-15, 2012.... L'Enfant Plaza Hotel. Oncology-A... addresses of the hotel and VA Central Office are: L'Enfant Plaza Hotel, 480 L'Enfant Plaza SW., Washington... Board is to provide advice on the scientific quality, budget, safety and mission relevance of...

  20. Survival analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Badwe, R.A.


    The primary endpoint in the majority of the studies has been either disease recurrence or death. This kind of analysis requires a special method since all patients in the study experience the endpoint. The standard method for estimating such survival distribution is Kaplan Meier method. The survival function is defined as the proportion of individuals who survive beyond certain time. Multi-variate comparison for survival has been carried out with Cox's proportional hazard model


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Varvara Licuta Coman


    Full Text Available Le long de l’histoire, l’enfant a été vu comme étant la propriété des parents et des tuteurs, ceux-cipouvant disposer de l’enfant à leur gré, sans être faits coupables de quelque chose. Les dernières décennies, uneévolution évidente des valeurs, des normes et des standards juridiques réglementant la situation de l’enfant estarrivée.A présent, toutes les sociétés civilisées acceptent l’idée conformément à laquelle l’enfant n’appartient nià la famille, ni à l’Etat, mais à soi-même et il se trouve sous la protection de ses parents.Un problème d'une importance particulière en ce qui concerne la protection juridique des enfants estcelui mis par les abus faits sur les enfants sur l'Internet. Dans les lignes suivantes on essayera d'analyserquelques aspects de ce type de criminalité.

  2. Network survivability performance (United States)


    This technical report has been developed to address the survivability of telecommunications networks including services. It responds to the need for a common understanding of, and assessment techniques for network survivability, availability, integrity, and reliability. It provides a basis for designing and operating telecommunications networks to user expectations for network survivability and a foundation for continuing industry activities in the subject area. This report focuses on the survivability of both public and private networks and covers a wide range of users. Two frameworks are established for quantifying and categorizing service outages, and for classifying network survivability techniques and measures. The performance of the network survivability techniques is considered; however, recommended objectives are not established for network survivability performance.

  3. Prévalence du syndrome métabolique et de ses facteurs de risque chez les enfants et les adolescents canadiens : Enquête canadienne sur les mesures de la santé, cycle 1 (2007-2009 et cycle 2 (2009-2011

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. MacPherson


    Full Text Available Introduction : Nous avons étudié la prévalence du syndrome métabolique (SMet et de ses facteurs de risque ainsi que l'influence du statut socioéconomique chez les enfants et les adolescents canadiens. Méthodologie : Nous avons inclus dans notre étude les 1228 répondants de l'Enquête canadienne sur les mesures de la santé, cycle 1 (2007-2009 et cycle 2 (2009-2011, âgés de 10 à 18 ans et ayant fourni un échantillon de sang à jeun. Nous avons utilisé les définitions consensuelles du SMet proposées par la Fédération internationale du diabète (FID pour les enfants et adolescents (10 à 15 ans et pour les adultes (16 ans et plus. Nous avons mesuré la prévalence du SMet et de ses facteurs de risque ainsi que les différences en fonction du statut socioéconomique au moyen de tests du x2. Résultats : La prévalence du SMet était de 2,1 %. Le tiers (37,7 % des répondants présentaient au moins un facteur de risque, les plus répandus étant l'obésité abdominale (21,6 %, un faible taux de C-HDL (19,1 % et un taux de triglycérides élevé (7,9 %. Cette combinaison d'obésité abdominale, de faible taux de C-HDL et de taux élevé de triglycérides correspondait à 61,5 % des cas de SMet. Les participants des ménages de la tranche supérieure de revenu et bénéficiant d'un niveau de scolarité élevé présentaient la plus faible prévalence d'un ou de plusieurs facteurs de risque du SMet, d'obésité abdominale et de faible taux de C-HDL. Conclusion :La prévalence du SMet (2,1 % s'est révélée inférieure à celle mesurée auparavant pour le Canada (3,5 % et les États-Unis (4,2 % à 9,2 %, sans doute en raison de l'application stricte des critères de la FID pour l'étude du SMet. Le tiers des enfants et des adolescents canadiens présentaient au moins un facteur de risque de SMet. Comme le risque de SMet augmente avec l'âge, ces estimations de la prévalence, couplées à une prévalence nationale de l'obésité d

  4. Effect of cotrimoxazole prophylaxis on malaria occurrence in HIV-infected patients on antiretroviral therapy in sub-Saharan Africa* (United States)

    Kasirye, R; Baisley, K; Munderi, P; Grosskurth, H


    utilisant des termes pour paludisme, VIH et CTX. Les études répondant aux critères d'inclusion ont été examinées et évaluées pour les biais et les facteurs confusionnels. Résultats Six études (en Ouganda, Kenya, Malawi, Zambie et Zimbabwe) avaient des données pertinentes sur l'effet du CTX sur le paludisme chez les patients sous ART; 4 étaient des études de cohortes d'observation (ECO) et deux des essais contrôlés randomisés (ECR). Deux études étaient sur des enfants et une sur des femmes seulement. La taille des échantillons variait de 265 à 2200 patients. Quatre études ont comparé des patients sous ARV et CTX avec des patients sous ART seul. Deux ECR ont constaté une augmentation significative de cas de paludisme à frottis positifs chez les individus sous ART seul: (IRR= 32,5; IC: 8,6 à 275,0 et HR = 1,5; IC: 3,3 – 2,21) et deux ECO ont rapporté moins d’épisodes de parasitémie chez les individus sous CTX et ART (OR 0,85; IC: 0,65 à 1,11 et de 3,6% contre 2,4% des échantillons, P = 0,14). Une ECO a trouvé une réduction de 76% (IC95%: 63-84%) contre 83% (IC 95% = 74-89%) de l'incidence du paludisme chez les enfants sous CTX et ART que chez ceux sous CTX seul, lorsque les deux groupes étaient comparés à des enfants VIH négatifs. L'autre étude fait état d'une réduction de 64% de l'incidence du paludisme après l'ajout de l’ART au CTX (RR = 0,36, IC95%: 0,18 à 0,74). Les deux ECR n’étaient pas réalisées en aveugle. Seule une étude a rapporté l'adhésion au CTX et à l’ART, et seule 2 études ont effectué des ajustements pour la numération des CD4 initiale. Conclusion Peu d’études ont évalué l'effet du CTX sur le paludisme chez les patients sous ART. Leurs résultats suggèrent que le CTX est protecteur contre le paludisme, même chez les patients sous ARV. Objetivo Revisar de forma sistemática la evidencia del efecto del cotrimoxazol (CTX) sobre la malaria en individuos VIH positivos recibiendo terapia

  5. Les médicaments à libération prolongée pour les enfants et les adolescents ayant un trouble de déficit de l’attention avec hyperactivité (United States)

    Feldman, M; Bélanger, S


    Le trouble de déficit de l’attention avec hyperactivité (TDAH) touche un enfant canadien sur 20 et s’associe à un dossier scolaire et à un registre d’emploi défavorables, à des taux élevés de blessures et de consommation de drogues ou d’alcool, à des relations interpersonnelles médiocres, à de mauvaises issues en santé mentale et à une qualité de vie insatisfaisante. Des essais contrôlés démontrent que les médica-ments sont efficaces pour traiter les symptômes de TDAH tandis que des études d’observation indiquent qu’ils s’associent à de meilleures issues sociales et de santé. De nombreuses familles, ainsi que leur médecin traitant, préfèrent les médicaments à libération prolongée (LP) contre le TDAH aux médicaments à libération immédiate (LI) et à action brève. Toutefois, les préparations à LP sont souvent inabor-dables pour les familles, dont un nombre disproportionné fait partie de la strate à faible statut socioéconomique. Le présent document de principes vise à proposer une évaluation critique des données probantes sur l’efficacité relative des médicaments à LP par rapport aux médicaments à LI ainsi que des recommandations au sujet de leur utilisation convenable dans le traitement du TDAH. Lorsque les médicaments sont indiqués, il faut envisager d’utiliser des préparations à LP comme traitement de première intention contre le TDAH parce qu’elles sont plus efficaces et moins susceptibles d’être détournées. Les futures recherches et les analyses coûts-avantages doivent tenir compte à la fois de l’efficacité de médicaments dans des études contrôlées et de leur efficacité clinique en situation réelle ainsi que du potentiel de détournement et de mésusage de ces médicaments. L’industrie, les sociétés d’assurance et le gouvernement doivent collaborer pour rendre ces médicaments accessibles à tous les enfants et adolescents ayant un TDAH.

  6. Facteurs de risque dans le trouble déficitaire de l’attention et de l’hyperactivité: étude familiale (United States)

    Poissant, Hélène; Rapin, Lucile


    Résumé Objectif: Notre étude a pour but d’évaluer les facteurs de risque associés au trouble déficitaire de l’attention et de l’hyperactivité (TDAH) en termes de comorbidités et de facteurs d’adversité à l’intérieur des familles avec un TDAH. Méthodologie: 137 parents de 104 enfants avec un TDAH et 40 parents de 34 enfants contrôles ont répondu aux items d’un questionnaire. Des tests Chi-carrés et des tests de Student ont mesuré l’association de chaque item avec les groupes et les différences entre les groupes. Résultats: Les enfants avec un TDAH avaient des performances scolaires plus faibles et une plus forte prévalence des troubles d’apprentissage, oppositionnel, des conduites et anxieux que celle des enfants contrôles. Des difficultés d’apprentissage étaient plus souvent rapportées chez les pères d’enfants avec un TDAH. Par ailleurs, l’isolement social et les accidents de la route étaient davantage présents chez les mères d’enfants avec un TDAH. Ces dernières souffraient plus de dépression et de trouble anxieux et prenaient davantage de médicaments que les mères contrôles. Conclusion: L’étude de facteurs de risque révèle un lien entre les parents et les enfants, spécifiquement la présence de dépression parmi les mères d’enfants avec un TDAH et de difficultés d’apprentissage chez les pères, suggérant une composante familiale dans le trouble. La sous-représentation du TDAH chez les pères d’enfants avec un TDAH est discutée. PMID:23133459

  7. La perception d’aliments croquants chez des enfants de 6 à 12 ans : le pain et les pommes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marie-Odile Monneuse


    Full Text Available Les facteurs organoleptiques des aliments conditionnent la prise alimentaire. L’aspect croquant, une de ces qualités sensorielles qui peut être définie comme la sonorité en bouche, est encore peu étudié. Comment ce critère intervient-il dans le choix de variétés de pain et de pomme, couramment consommées en France, leur appréciation et leur consommation ? Une étude a été menée auprès d’enfants de la région parisienne, 162 pour le pain, 132 pour la pomme, garçons et filles de 6 à 12 ans. Ils ont participé à un test de dégustation (perception et appréciation de deux sortes de pain, baguette et pain de seigle, ou de deux variétés de pomme, Granny Smith et Red Chief, et ils ont répondu à un questionnaire portant sur leur consommation de pains ou de pommes et sur diverses attitudes sensorielles. Les réponses obtenues ont été homogènes, ne variant pas en fonction de l’âge et du sexe. Les enfants se reconnaissent sensibles à la sonorité croquante du pain ou des pommes. Ils disent que l’aspect croquant fait partie des critères d’appréciation des pains ou des pommes, au même titre que d’autres critères, la couleur, la forme, la prise en main, le goût et l’odeur mais ils ne le situent pas tout à fait au même rang, ce qui témoigne de la particularité sensorielle de chacun de ces aliments. L’aspect croquant pourrait participer à l’évaluation de l’appréciation globale d’un morceau de pain, lors de cette dégustation au moins, alors qu’il ne semble pas intervenir pour l’appréciation des pommes dont les saveurs légèrement sucré ou acide sont immédiatement reconnues. Pour le pain, particulièrement la baguette, à la différence de la pomme, semble intervenir un aspect « craquant » correspondant à la sonorité obtenue lorsqu’il est touché à la main ou rompu avant d’être mordu et mastiqué.Among the organoleptic factors involved in food intake, "crunchiness" is a sensory

  8. “L’homme qui n’élève pas ses enfants ne devrait pas être appelé un père” ? Les tendances du discours sur la paternité et le dilemme paternel au Japon “The Man who Doesn’t Raise his Child Shouldn’t Be Called a Father”? The Trends of Discourse on Fatherhood and Father’s Dilemma in Japan

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Futoshi Taga


    Full Text Available La paternité japonaise a longtemps été caractérisée par un engagement professionnel exacerbé et une absence marquée au niveau familial. Cependant, le contexte économique et politique récent a induit certains changements dans la manière d’appréhender la paternité. Il est ainsi possible d’identifier trois types de positionnements dans les discours récents relatifs à la paternité au Japon : 1 le père “pourvoyeur”, garantissant les ressources économiques nécessaires aux besoins des enfants, 2 le père “socialisateur”, encadrant ses enfants dans l’apprentissage des normes sociales, 3 le père “soigneur”, aidant ses enfants pour ce qu’ils ne peuvent faire. Il n’est pas facile pour les pères de trouver un équilibre par rapport aux responsabilités que ces trois approches supposent. Les codes professionnels valorisant “l’homme dominant” et les carences du système d’encadrement des enfants obligent de nombreux pères à s’investir énormément dans leur vie professionnelle tandis que de nombreuses mères restent à la maison. Les réactions des pères face à cette situation sont variées. Certains valorisent une division genrée des responsabilités parentales et se consacrent pleinement à leur travail. D’autres articulent travail et famille tandis que l’épouse reste à la maison. D’autres, enfin, optent pour une articulation travail/famille impliquant les deux membres du couple, redéfinissant ainsi la signification de la masculinité.Japanese fatherhood has been characterized as preoccupation with work and alienation from family. However, Japan’s recent political and economic conditions have brought about changes and diversification in fatherhood. We can recognize three types of father’s responsibilities in recent discourses on fatherhood in Japan : 1 “provider,” supplying necessary economic resources for the growth of children, 2 “socializer,” supporting children to learn

  9. Tuberculose pulmonaire révélée par un purpura thrombopénique chez l'enfant-à propos d'un cas clinique observé au service de pédiatrie des Cliniques Universitaires de Lubumbashi (United States)

    Lubala, Toni Kasole; Mutombo, Augustin Mulangu; Munkana, Arthur Ndundula; Manika, Michel Muteya


    Nous rapportons le cas d'un enfant de 7 ans, de sexe masculin ayant présenté un purpura thrombopénique avec épistaxis, hématémèse, otorragies et pétéchies généralisées. Durant la même hospitalisation, nous avons mis en évidence une tuberculose pulmonaire documentée par la présence de bacilles acido-alcoolo résistants à l'examen des crachats. Nous avons observé une majoration du taux de plaquettes en une semaine de corticothérapie intraveineuse à haute dose, avant l'instauration d'une poly chimiothérapie antituberculeuse. Nous rappelons également la controverse que suscite la prise en charge de cette association rarement rapportée. PMID:23077696

  10. Perception de la chimioprévention du paludisme saisonnier au ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    3 Centre de Recherche Médicale et Sanitaire de Niamey, Niger. 4 Direction de la Surveillance et de la Riposte aux .... d'enfants en raison de. 40 enfants par CSI. La collecte des données a été faite à l'aide de questionnaire aux mères des enfants de 3 à 59 mois. Les outils de collecte sont constitués par des questionnaires.

  11. Modelling survival

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ashauer, Roman; Albert, Carlo; Augustine, Starrlight


    The General Unified Threshold model for Survival (GUTS) integrates previously published toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic models and estimates survival with explicitly defined assumptions. Importantly, GUTS accounts for time-variable exposure to the stressor. We performed three studies to test...

  12. Challenges in the estimation of Net SURvival: The CENSUR working survival group. (United States)

    Giorgi, R


    Net survival, the survival probability that would be observed, in a hypothetical world, where the cancer of interest would be the only possible cause of death, is a key indicator in population-based cancer studies. Accounting for mortality due to other causes, it allows cross-country comparisons or trends analysis and provides a useful indicator for public health decision-making. The objective of this study was to show how the creation and formalization of a network comprising established research teams, which already had substantial and complementary experience in both cancer survival analysis and methodological development, make it possible to meet challenges and thus provide more adequate tools, to improve the quality and the comparability of cancer survival data, and to promote methodological transfers in areas of emerging interest. The Challenges in the Estimation of Net SURvival (CENSUR) working survival group is composed of international researchers highly skilled in biostatistics, methodology, and epidemiology, from different research organizations in France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Slovenia, and Canada, and involved in French (FRANCIM) and European (EUROCARE) cancer registry networks. The expected advantages are an interdisciplinary, international, synergistic network capable of addressing problems in public health, for decision-makers at different levels; tools for those in charge of net survival analyses; a common methodology that makes unbiased cross-national comparisons of cancer survival feasible; transfer of methods for net survival estimations to other specific applications (clinical research, occupational epidemiology); and dissemination of results during an international training course. The formalization of the international CENSUR working survival group was motivated by a need felt by scientists conducting population-based cancer research to discuss, develop, and monitor implementation of a common methodology to analyze net survival in order

  13. Survival in common cancers defined by risk and survival of family members

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jianguang Ji


    Full Text Available Studies on survival between familial and sporadic cancers have been inconclusive and only recent data on a limited number of cancers are available on the concordance of survival between family members. In this review, we address these questions by evaluating the published and unpublished data from the nation-wide Swedish Family-Cancer Database and a total of 13 cancer sites were assessed. Using sporadic cancer as reference, HRs were close to 1.0 for most of the familial cancers in both the offspring and parental generations, which suggested that survival in patients with familial and sporadic cancers was equal, with an exception for ovarian cancer with a worse prognosis. Compared to offspring whose parents had a poor survival, those with a good parental survival had a decreased risk of death for most cancers and HR was significantly decreased for cancers in the breast, prostate, bladder, and kidney. For colorectal and nervous system cancers, favorable survival between the generations showed a borderline significance. These data are consistent in showing that both good and poor survival in certain cancers aggregate in families. Genetic factors are likely to contribute to the results. These observations call for intensified efforts to consider heritability in survival as one mechanism regulating prognosis in cancer patients.

  14. 76 FR 51375 - Dialogues in Diversifying Clinical Trials: Successful Strategies for Engaging Women and... (United States)


    ... implementation within a broad research community--industry, academia, and government. Date and Time: The meeting... will be held at L'Enfant Plaza Hotel, 480 L'Enfant Plaza, SW., Washington, DC 20024. Contact: Deborah...

  15. Interfon

    CERN Multimedia


    2013-01-01   Rendez-vous sur notre site pour toutes les « News » Interfon « News » En partenariat avec Vitam’ « Offre promotionnelle » pour les sociétaires Interfon du 20 au 28 juin 2013 Cumulez les avantages (En plus du tarif préférentiel habituel). Billets achetés  = Billets offerts.   1 billet aquatique adulte acheté = 1 billet aquatique enfant offert   1 billet escalade adulte acheté = 1 billet escalade adulte ou enfant offert        1 billet escalade enfant acheté = 1 billet escalade enfant offert     (Limite de validité des billets offerts, 31 août 2013)   « Gagnez encore plus » Par tranche de 5 billets aquatiques « en...

  16. Multinationals and plant survival

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bandick, Roger


    The aim of this paper is twofold: first, to investigate how different ownership structures affect plant survival, and second, to analyze how the presence of foreign multinational enterprises (MNEs) affects domestic plants’ survival. Using a unique and detailed data set on the Swedish manufacturing...... sector, I am able to separate plants into those owned by foreign MNEs, domestic MNEs, exporting non-MNEs, and purely domestic firms. In line with previous findings, the result, when conditioned on other factors affecting survival, shows that foreign MNE plants have lower survival rates than non......-MNE plants. However, separating the non-MNEs into exporters and non-exporters, the result shows that foreign MNE plants have higher survival rates than non-exporting non-MNEs, while the survival rates of foreign MNE plants and exporting non-MNE plants do not seem to differ. Moreover, the simple non...

  17. Survival analysis models and applications

    CERN Document Server

    Liu, Xian


    Survival analysis concerns sequential occurrences of events governed by probabilistic laws.  Recent decades have witnessed many applications of survival analysis in various disciplines. This book introduces both classic survival models and theories along with newly developed techniques. Readers will learn how to perform analysis of survival data by following numerous empirical illustrations in SAS. Survival Analysis: Models and Applications: Presents basic techniques before leading onto some of the most advanced topics in survival analysis.Assumes only a minimal knowledge of SAS whilst enablin

  18. Fledgling survival increases with development time and adult survival across north and south temperate zones (United States)

    Lloyd, Penn; Martin, Thomas E.


    Slow life histories are characterized by high adult survival and few offspring, which are thought to allow increased investment per offspring to increase juvenile survival. Consistent with this pattern, south temperate zone birds are commonly longer-lived and have fewer young than north temperate zone species. However, comparative analyses of juvenile survival, including during the first few weeks of the post-fledging period when most juvenile mortality occurs, are largely lacking. We combined our measurements of fledgling survival for eight passerines in South Africa with estimates from published studies of 57 north and south temperate zone songbird species to test three predictions: (1) fledgling survival increases with length of development time in the nest; (2) fledgling survival increases with adult survival and reduced brood size controlled for development time; and (3) south temperate zone species, with their higher adult survival and smaller brood sizes, exhibit higher fledgling survival than north temperate zone species controlled for development time. We found that fledgling survival was higher among south temperate zone species and generally increased with development time and adult survival within and between latitudinal regions. Clutch size did not explain additional variation, but was confounded with adult survival. Given the importance of age-specific mortality to life history evolution, understanding the causes of these geographical patterns of mortality is important.

  19. Le Dominique Interactif

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Valérie Ouellette


    Full Text Available Cet article présente le Dominique Interactif, une bande dessinée interactive et multimédia unique, servant à évaluer sept troubles de la santé mentale chez les jeunes. La version pour les six à onze ans est adaptée aux limites cognitives des enfants et comporte plusieurs avantages. Malgré quelques limites, cet instrument permet d’obtenir des informations fiables de la part de l’enfant sur sa santé mentale. La fidélité et la validité de cet outil sont meilleures que celles des autres instruments traditionnels servant à mesurer la santé mentale des enfants. En combinant les résultats de ce questionnaire avec les informations des parents, professionnels et enseignants, le Dominique Interactif permet aussi d’effectuer une évaluation complète de la santé mentale de l’enfant. Enfin, son utilisation simple et rapide facilite l’évaluation clinique des enfants par les professionnels, permet l’évaluation de programmes d’intervention et favorise l’intervention précoce (Valla et al., 2000.

  20. L'interdépendance entre les sous-systèmes conjugal et parental: une analyse personne-processus-contexte

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bigras Marc


    Full Text Available Dans le présent article nous étudions les mécanismes de transmission des difficultés socioaffectives entre les systèmes conjugal et parental sous l'effet d'une part de stress contextuels comme la pauvreté des familles et, d'autre part, des caractéristiques personnelles des membres de ces familles comme le sexe et l'âge de l'enfant. Un échantillon de couples avec ou sans enfant permet dans une première étude d'estimer l'impact de la présence de l'enfant sur le couple alors que deux autres études posent la question complémentaire de l'impact du couple sur l'enfant. Les résultats de ces études contribuent à démontrer l'interdépendance entre le couple et l'enfant alors que chaque membre de la famille peut-être une source d'influence sur les autres. Nous argumentons qu'une réponse aversive à des problèmes extrafamiliaux favorise des stress intrafamiliaux mais que cela se révèle surtout selon les caractéristiques des membres de la famille.

  1. Retention of Radionuclides by Infants: I. Study Techniques and Error Evaluation; Retention des Radionucleides chez les Enfants en bas Age: I. Methodes de Recherche et Evaluation des Erreurs; 0417 0410 0414 ; Retencion de Radionuclidos en los Ninos de Pecho: I. Tecnicas de Estudio y Calculo del Error

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Straub, C. P.; Kahn, B.; Wellman, H. N.; Telles, N. C.; Seltzer, R. A. [Radiological Health Research Activities, Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center, US Public Health Service, Department Of Health, Education and Welfare, Cincinnati, OH (United States)


    checked by comparing ''phantom meals'' with computed amounts based on aliquots. A special paper diaper with a low. stable strontium, concentration was developed and utilized. Calcium and phosphorus retention values were computed.and are now available for 30 infants. Strontium-90 retention relative to calcium was found to be higher in infants than in adults. (author) [French] Les auteurs ont mesure-depuis 1960 la retention de radionucleides et d'elements stables chez des enfants ages de 1 a 11 mois. Ils ont choisi les sujets apres consultation du pediatre de famille et du medecin de l'etablissement, parmi des enfants en bas age mis benevolement a leur disposition par des membres du personnel, en vue d'une etude dans le milieu familial. Ces enfants ont{sup e}te nourris selon leurs besoins et leurs gouts avec des preparations alimentaires conditionnees du commerce. Ces preparations renfermaient, avec l'air respire et l'eau consommee directement ou utilisee pour La confection des repas, toutes les quantites absorbees des radionucleides et des elements stables etudies. Les auteurs ont analyse des parties aliquotes des aliments, de l'eau, des couches et des serviettes en papier utilises. Ils ont recueilli les excreta dans des couches non reutilisables en separant celles qui contenaient l'urine de celles qui contenaient les feces. Ils ont determine ou determineront la retention des radionucleides et elements stables suivants: strontium 90, strontium 89, cesium 137, radium 226, calcium, strontium, phosphore et potassium. Cette etude differe en plusieurs points des etudes precedentes. Les radionucleides et elements stables se trouvaient a leur taux de concentration normal et dans leurs combinaisons chimiques habituelles. L'air et l'eau dont le taux de contamination etait le taux normal du milieu et les produits alimentaires du commerce ont. ete les seules sources d'absorption, aucun radionucleide ni element stable n ayant ete ajoute au regime. Les enfants en bas age observes

  2. Applied survival analysis using R

    CERN Document Server

    Moore, Dirk F


    Applied Survival Analysis Using R covers the main principles of survival analysis, gives examples of how it is applied, and teaches how to put those principles to use to analyze data using R as a vehicle. Survival data, where the primary outcome is time to a specific event, arise in many areas of biomedical research, including clinical trials, epidemiological studies, and studies of animals. Many survival methods are extensions of techniques used in linear regression and categorical data, while other aspects of this field are unique to survival data. This text employs numerous actual examples to illustrate survival curve estimation, comparison of survivals of different groups, proper accounting for censoring and truncation, model variable selection, and residual analysis. Because explaining survival analysis requires more advanced mathematics than many other statistical topics, this book is organized with basic concepts and most frequently used procedures covered in earlier chapters, with more advanced topics...

  3. L’utilisation d’internet par les parents d’enfants ayant un trouble du spectre de l’autisme / Internet use by parents of children with autism spectrum disorders

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Georgette Goupil


    Full Text Available Le WEB représente une source importante d’information en matière de santé ou de déficience. Toutefois, peu d'études décrivent la fréquence d'utilisation d'Internet et les données consultées par les parents d’enfants qui ont un ont trouble du spectre de l’autisme (TSA. Cette étude a pour objectif de décrire la fréquence et la durée des recherches de ces parents sur Internet, les sites et le type d'information consultée en ligne, leurs perceptions de l'utilité de l'information et de son effet sur l’anxiété. Cent vingt-trois parents d'enfants ayant un TSA ont rempli un questionnaire d'enquête. Parmi les participants, 90% utilisent Internet pour recueillir des informations sur les TSA. Les données indiquent une fréquence d’utilisation élevée, plus grande que celle en général observée auprès de la population en matière de santé. Les mères consultent plus que les pères et il y a une relation positive entre la récence du diagnostic et la fréquence des consultations. Il y a peu de différence dans les perceptions des parents sur l’utilité entre les sites, tous étant jugés utiles ou très utiles. La discussion soulève la question de la discrimination par les parents de la qualité de l’information et des effets des recherches sur leurs choix d’intervention. The Web is an important source of information on health and disability; however, few studies describe the frequency of Internet use and the data accessed by the parents of children who have autism spectrum disorders (ASD. The objective of this study is to describe the frequency and duration of the online research conducted by these parents, the Internet sites and the type of information available online, parents’ perceptions of the usefulness of the information and its effect on anxiety. 123 parents of children with ASD completed a questionnaire. Among the participants, 90% used the Internet to find information about ASD. The data indicate higher

  4. Radiology of AIDS in children; Imagerie du sida chez l`enfant

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Geoffray, A.; Chami, M.; Bosson, N.; Deville, A. [Fondation Bergonie, 33 - Bordeaux (France); Spehl, M.; Toppet, V. [Hopital Universitaire Saint-Pierre, Brussels (Belgium)


    In children, AIDS is mainly related to maternal-foetal transmission. Due to antiviral therapy and prevention of infections, the initially very poor prognosis has improved and the length of survival has increased. There are two groups of children: the first (25 %) in which the disease occurs early and is very severe, a second one in which the disease develops later after an asymptomatic period which can last several years. Manifestations of AIDS in children are mainly pulmonary and digestive infections, central nervous system infections are much rarer than in adults, neurologic disorders are mainly due to the HIV itself. Tumors are also rarer than in adults but may occur, including lymphomas and smooth muscle tumors. (authors)

  5. Author Details

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    cia) chez l'enfant au Togo: Aspects epidemiologiques, diagnostiques et prise en charge. Abstract · Vol 8, No 1 (2006): Serie D - Articles Etiologies et evolution des comas non-traumatiques de l'enfant au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lome

  6. Le janissariat ou Au nom de l’Empire, au nom de la Nation, au nom du Parti, au nom de la Race ! The Janizariat: in the name of the Empire, in the name of the Nation, in the name of the Party, in the name of the Race! 

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Frosa Pejoska-Bouchereau


    Full Text Available Le janissariat, corps d’élite de l’Empire ottoman, trouve une évocation récurrente dans les littératures balkaniques. Des Prétoriens romains aux janissaires ottomans, en passant par les mamelouks d’Égypte, une seule et même idée anime les empires : constituer un corps de groupes militaires spécialement sélectionnés et formés qui puisse devenir la garde des empereurs et, plus largement, participer à la sauvegarde de l’Empire.Dans les littératures balkaniques, ce phénomène occupe une place prépondérante par la récurrence de son traitement. À travers deux écrivains macédoniens : Luan Starova et Stale Popov, nous questionnerons les raisons de l’importance de cette thématique.Loin de se limiter au seul homo balkanicus, nous tenterons de montrer, – à travers la théorie inédite d’Ernest Gellner fondée sur le janissariat et le concept de castration dans son ouvrage Nations et Nationalisme, ainsi qu’avec Georges Orwell et sa magistrale fable antitotalitaire : La ferme des animaux, et, enfin, avec Clarissa Henry, Marc Hillel et Léon Poliakov traitant du rapt des enfants et la naissance des « janissaires du IIIe Reich » –, que ce sujet concerne l’humain dans son humanité.From the Roman Praetorians to the Ottoman janizaries, through the mamelukes of Egypt, one single idea animated the empires: to constitute a corps of military groups specially selected and formed which could become the emperors guard and, more widely, participate in safeguarding the Empire.  In Balkan literature this phenomenon occupies a preponderant place by the recurrence of its treatment. Through two Macedonian writers, Luan Starova and Stale Popov, we will question the reasons for the importance of this thematic. Far from limiting ourselves to the only "homo balkanicus", we will attempt to show, through the original theory of Ernest Gellner founded in the janizariat and the concept of castration in his work Nations and

  7. L'enfant et le terroir. La construction de l'identité paysanne dans une communauté des Andes péruviennes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available Cet article propose quelques pistes de travail sur l'identité et la notion de personne à partir de l'étude du statut de l'enfant. L'auteur montre notamment comment le lieu de naissance établit les bases de l'identité paysanne andine en inscrivant le nouveau-né dans un triple environnement (social, familial, mythique qui définit son appartenance à la lignée paternelle ou maternelle et, au-delà du groupe lignager, à la communauté. EL NIÑO Y LA TIERRA. LA CONSTRUCCIÓN DE LA IDENTITAD CAMPESINA EN UNA COMUNIDAD DE LOS ANDES PERUANOS. Este artículo propone algunas pistas de investigación sobre la identidad y la noción de persona a partir del estudio del estatus del niño. La autora muestra en particular cómo el lugar de nacimiento establece las bases de la identidad campesina andina al ubicar al recién nacido en un triple entorno (el grupo social, la familia y los mitos que define su pertenencia a la rama paterna y, más allá del linaje a la comunidad. THE CHILD AND THE LAND. THE CONSTRUCTION OF PEASANT’S IDENTITY IN A COMMUNITY OF THE PERUVIAN ANDES. This paper proposes a few lines of research about identity and the notion of the human being based on the study of the status of the infant. The author shows how birth-place establishes the basis of Andean peasant's identity by allowing the infant to fit into a triple environment (the social group, the extended family and the myths. This environment defines if infant belongs to the paternal or maternal line and, beyond the lineage, to the community.

  8. Dying to remember, remembering to survive: mortality salience and survival processing. (United States)

    Burns, Daniel J; Hart, Joshua; Kramer, Melanie E; Burns, Amy D


    Processing items for their relevance to survival improves recall for those items relative to numerous other deep processing encoding techniques. Perhaps related, placing individuals in a mortality salient state has also been shown to enhance retention of items encoded after the morality salience manipulation (e.g., in a pleasantness rating task), a phenomenon we dubbed the "dying-to-remember" (DTR) effect. The experiments reported here further explored the effect and tested the possibility that the DTR effect is related to survival processing. Experiment 1 replicated the effect using different encoding tasks, demonstrating that the effect is not dependent on the pleasantness task. In Experiment 2 the DTR effect was associated with increases in item-specific processing, not relational processing, according to several indices. Experiment 3 replicated the main results of Experiment 2, and tested the effects of mortality salience and survival processing within the same experiment. The DTR effect and its associated difference in item-specific processing were completely eliminated when the encoding task required survival processing. These results are consistent with the interpretation that the mechanisms responsible for survival processing and DTR effects are overlapping.

  9. Etude de facteurs de risque de la transmission du VIH de la mère à l'enfant dans la stratégie « option A » à Lubumbashi, République Démocratique du Congo (United States)

    Ngwej, Dieudonné Tshikwej; Mukuku, Olivier; Mudekereza, Rachel; Karaj, Eugénie; Odimba, Etienne Bwana Fwamba; Luboya, Oscar Numbi; Kakoma, Jean-Baptiste Sakatolo; Wembonyama, Stanis Okitotshio


    Introduction L'infection à VIH chez la femme enceinte a pour principal risque la contamination du nouveau-né. L'objectif est de déterminer le taux de transmission du VIH de la mère à l'enfant (TME) dans la ville de Lubumbashi et en évaluer les facteurs de risque. Méthodes Il s'agissait d'une étude prospective transversale à visée analytique de 157 accouchées séropositives au VIH et de leurs enfants dans 12 structures sanitaires de Lubumbashi (RDCongo) du 1er octobre 2012 au 31 décembre 2013. Les paramètres sociodémographiques, cliniques et les données relatives aux activités de PTME du VIH ont été étudiés. Les statistiques usuelles ont été utilisées pour analyser les résultats. Le seuil de significativité a été fixé à une valeur de p VIH était de 12,7% (20/157). Il n'y avait pas d'association significative entre les caractéristiques sociodémographiques maternelles telles que l’âge, la parité, le niveau d’étude, la profession et l’état-civil et la TME (p>0,05). La transmission verticale du VIH était significativement associée aux facteurs suivants: le stade clinique 3 de l'OMS (OR=5,18 (1,5-18,1)), la présence d'infection opportuniste (OR=8,7 (2,7-27,8)), le dépistage lors de l'accouchement (OR=6,3 (1,0-39,0)) ou au cours de l'allaitement (OR=7,1 (1,1-76,7)), au taux de CD4 maternel VIH (p>0,05). Conclusion Le taux de TME du VIH demeure fort élevé à Lubumbashi comme dans la plupart de pays en développement où les nouveau-nés continuent d’être infectés par le VIH de manière verticale alors que certains facteurs de transmission sont tout à fait souvent évitables. La réduction de cette transmission passe par une amélioration du système de suivi des grossesses dans notre milieu. PMID:26600917

  10. : tous les projets | Page 465 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Sujet: CHILDREN, RECRUITMENT, MILITARY SERVICE, PEACE RESEARCH, CONFLICT RESOLUTION. Région: North of Sahara, South of Sahara, Central Asia, Far East Asia, South Asia. Programme: Gouvernance et justice. Financement total : CA$ 100,000.00. Enfants soldats. Projet. La participation des enfants aux ...

  11. 2468-IJBCS-Article-Charles Fokunang N

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    3 Centre Mères et Enfants, Fondation Chantal Biya, L'Hôpital Central, Yaoundé, Cameroun, ... mortality of this disease are majored in low-income countries of South - Asia and sub - Saharan .... de l'enfant, la présence d'autres pathologies.

  12. Repair models of cell survival and corresponding computer program for survival curve fitting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shen Xun; Hu Yiwei


    Some basic concepts and formulations of two repair models of survival, the incomplete repair (IR) model and the lethal-potentially lethal (LPL) model, are introduced. An IBM-PC computer program for survival curve fitting with these models was developed and applied to fit the survivals of human melanoma cells HX118 irradiated at different dose rates. Comparison was made between the repair models and two non-repair models, the multitar get-single hit model and the linear-quadratic model, in the fitting and analysis of the survival-dose curves. It was shown that either IR model or LPL model can fit a set of survival curves of different dose rates with same parameters and provide information on the repair capacity of cells. These two mathematical models could be very useful in quantitative study on the radiosensitivity and repair capacity of cells

  13. Depression and Liver Transplant Survival. (United States)

    Meller, William; Welle, Nicole; Sutley, Kristen; Thurber, Steven

    Patients who underwent liver transplantation and experienced clinical depression have heretofore evinced lower survival rates when compared to nondepressed counterparts. To investigate the hypothesis that transplant patients who seek and obtain medical treatment for depression would circumvent the prior reduced survival findings. A total of 765 patients with liver transplants were scrutinized for complications following transplantation. Further, 104 patients experienced posttransplant depression as manifested by diagnosis and treatment by medical personnel. Survival analyses were conducted comparing hazard and survival curves for these selected individuals and the remainder of transplant patients. Contrary to prior data and consistent with the aforementioned hypothesis, median survival durations, survival curves, and hazard functions (controlling for age and prolonged posttransplant survival for the depressed patients were better. The improved survival for the depressed patients may simply be related to an amelioration of depressed symptoms via antidepressant medications. However, this interpretation would only be congruent with reduced hazard, not elevated survival, beyond the norm (median) for other transplant participants. Assuming the reliability and generalization of our findings, perhaps a reasonable and compelling interpretation is that combined with the effectiveness of antidepressant medications, the seeking and receiving treatment for depression is a type of proxy measure of a more global pattern of adherence to recommended posttransplant medical regimens. Copyright © 2017 The Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. La meilleure politique : une recherche en télécommunication dans ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    2 févr. 2011 ... ... et les grands-parents parlent à leurs enfants et petits-enfants qui vivent à des ... dans le village où il a grandi, et cela rendait la communication difficile. .... innovative research on improving maternal and child health in Africa.

  15. ACT NOW: Kindergarten children, eco citizens at its best - Pilot project in Algeria : Green Buds (Eco Bourgeons); AGIR MAINTENANT : Les enfants de la maternelle, eco citoyens par excellence -- Projet pilote en Algerie : Eco Bourgeons

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zahid, Fatima Djalila; Stambouli, Amine Boudghene; Youcef, Reda Dali


    Based on originality, reproducibility, impact, duration and consistence of action, the Green Buds pilot program (Eco Bourgeons) in Algeria under the wings of the 'El Baraim' association has for slogan: 'Consume adequately, live better' ('Consommons juste, vivons mieux'). The long term objective: Introduce the ED as a subject in the national education program. [French] Inculquer des eco gestes a 672 enfants de la maternelle dans le sens de la ME a travers un programme educatif riche et adequat, c'est eduquer nos futurs citoyens (industriels, dirigeants, etc.) au respect de nos ressources energetiques et de l'environnement. Se basant sur les criteres de l'originalite, la reproductibilite, l'impact, la duree et la ''consistance'' de l'action, le projet 'Eco Bourgeons' pilote en Algerie sous tutelle de l'association 'El Baraim' a pour slogan : 'Consommons juste, vivons mieux'. L'objectif a long terme: Introduire la ME comme matiere dans le Programme de l'Education Nationale.

  16. Profil épidémiologique et prise en charge des exacerbations d ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    enfant à l'hôpital d'enfants de Rabat au Maroc. ... The PDF file you selected should load here if your Web browser has a PDF reader plug-in installed (for example, a recent version of Adobe Acrobat Reader). If you would like more information ...

  17. 1325-IJBCS-Article-Warda Karima

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    enfants d'origine urbaine et chez 58,9% d'enfants ayant reçus un allaitement de moins de deux mois (Bouskraoui et al., 2011). Différents facteurs jouent ainsi un rôle important comme facteurs favorisant le portage des souches de S. pneumoniae.

  18. Case series

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    2015 ... une étape fondamentale dans le traitement du cancer de l'enfant, elle doit être évaluée dès l'étape diagnostique et surveillée tout au long du traitement. Pan African ..... Mémoire et douleur chez l'enfant. Douleurs. 2004;.

  19. Conditional survival is greater than overall survival at diagnosis in patients with osteosarcoma and Ewing's sarcoma. (United States)

    Miller, Benjamin J; Lynch, Charles F; Buckwalter, Joseph A


    Conditional survival is a measure of the risk of mortality given that a patient has survived a defined period of time. These estimates are clinically helpful, but have not been reported previously for osteosarcoma or Ewing's sarcoma. We determined the conditional survival of patients with osteosarcoma and Ewing's sarcoma given survival of 1 or more years. We used the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program database to investigate cases of osteosarcoma and Ewing's sarcoma in patients younger than 40 years from 1973 to 2009. The SEER Program is managed by the National Cancer Institute and provides survival data gathered from population-based cancer registries. We used an actuarial life table analysis to determine any cancer cause-specific 5-year survival estimates conditional on 1 to 5 years of survival after diagnosis. We performed a similar analysis to determine 20-year survival from the time of diagnosis. The estimated 5-year survival improved each year after diagnosis. For local/regional osteosarcoma, the 5-year survival improved from 74.8% at baseline to 91.4% at 5 years-meaning that if a patient with localized osteosarcoma lives for 5 years, the chance of living for another 5 years is 91.4%. Similarly, the 5-year survivals for local/regional Ewing's sarcoma improved from 72.9% at baseline to 92.5% at 5 years, for metastatic osteosarcoma 35.5% at baseline to 85.4% at 5 years, and for metastatic Ewing's sarcoma 31.7% at baseline to 83.6% at 5 years. The likelihood of 20-year cause-specific survival from the time of diagnosis in osteosarcoma and Ewing's sarcoma was almost 90% or greater after 10 years of survival, suggesting that while most patients will remain disease-free indefinitely, some experience cancer-related complications years after presumed eradication. The 5-year survival estimates of osteosarcoma and Ewing's sarcoma improve with each additional year of patient survival. Knowledge of a changing risk profile is useful in counseling

  20. éphémérides ou biographie sommaire de Savinien de Cyrano de Bergerac

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Madeleine Alcover


    Full Text Available Biographie15519 avril : mariage, à Paris, des grands-parents paternels de l’écrivain, Savinien I de Cyrano et Anne Le Maire : celle-ci est la petite-fille d’Étienne Cardon, marchand parisien. À ce jour, l’origine du grand-père paternel n’est pas résolue (sarde ? descendant d’un marchand bourrelier de Sens ?.1555Le couple signe une donation entre vifs qui, en cas de décès, fait du survivant son légataire universel. Quatre enfants leur survivront : Abel, Samuel, Pierre et Anne.1555-1560Savinie...

  1. Annales des Sciences Agronomiques: Submissions

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Seules les illustrations au laser seront acceptées dans le cas de celles dessinées à l'ordinateur, autrement, les illustrations seront faites sur du papier calque à l'encre de Chine. Les tableaux et figures originaux seront envoyés avec deux photocopies. Seules les photographies en noir et blanc et de bonne qualité sont ...

  2. Survival curves for irradiated cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gibson, D.K.


    The subject of the lecture is the probability of survival of biological cells which have been subjected to ionising radiation. The basic mathematical theories of cell survival as a function of radiation dose are developed. A brief comparison with observed survival curves is made. (author)

  3. Sénégal : tous les projets | Page 2 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    initiative de Bajenu Gox à l'amélioration de la santé des mères et des enfants dans tout le Sénégal. Sujet: Gender. Région: Senegal, Canada. Programme: Santé des mères et des enfants. Financement total : CA$ 852,400.00.

  4. Survival pathways under stress

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    First page Back Continue Last page Graphics. Survival pathways under stress. Bacteria survive by changing gene expression. pattern. Three important pathways will be discussed: Stringent response. Quorum sensing. Proteins performing function to control oxidative damage.

  5. Publications | Page 17 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Publication du rapport de BSR sur le travail des enfants en Birmanie. Le CRDI finance plusieurs projets de recherche sur les facteurs expliquant le travail des enfants, incluant le rapport intitulé 'Child labor in Myanmar's Garment Sector' écrit récemment par l'organisme Business for Social Responsibility (BSR).

  6. 77 FR 20489 - Joint Biomedical Laboratory Research and Development and Clinical Science Research and... (United States)


    ..., 2012. L'Enfant Plaza Hotel. Oncology-A June 14-15, 2012. Sheraton Suites--Old Town Alexandria... Suites--Old Town Alexandria. The addresses of the hotel and VA Central Office are: L'Enfant Plaza Hotel... purpose of the Board is to provide advice on the scientific quality, budget, safety and mission relevance...

  7. Survival rates and predictors of survival among colorectal cancer patients in a Malaysian tertiary hospital. (United States)

    Magaji, Bello Arkilla; Moy, Foong Ming; Roslani, April Camilla; Law, Chee Wei


    Colorectal cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed malignancy and the fourth leading cause of cancer-related death globally. It is the second most common cancer among both males and females in Malaysia. The economic burden of colorectal cancer is likely to increase over time owing to its current trend and aging population. Cancer survival analysis is an essential indicator for early detection and improvement in cancer treatment. However, there was a scarcity of studies concerning survival of colorectal cancer patients as well as its predictors. Therefore, we aimed to determine the 1-, 3- and 5-year survival rates, compare survival rates among ethnic groups and determine the predictors of survival among colorectal cancer patients. This was an ambidirectional cohort study conducted at the University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. All Malaysian citizens or permanent residents with histologically confirmed diagnosis of colorectal cancer seen at UMMC from 1 January 2001 to 31 December 2010 were included in the study. Demographic and clinical characteristics were extracted from the medical records. Patients were followed-up until death or censored at the end of the study (31st December 2010). Censored patients' vital status (whether alive or dead) were cross checked with the National Registration Department. Survival analyses at 1-, 3- and 5-year intervals were performed using the Kaplan-Meier method. Log-rank test was used to compare the survival rates, while Cox proportional hazard regression analysis was carried out to determine the predictors of 5-year colorectal cancer survival. Among 1212 patients, the median survival for colorectal, colon and rectal cancers were 42.0, 42.0 and 41.0 months respectively; while the 1-, 3-, and 5-year relative survival rates ranged from 73.8 to 76.0%, 52.1 to 53.7% and 40.4 to 45.4% respectively. The Chinese patients had the lowest 5-year survival compared to Malay and Indian patients. Based on the 814

  8. Author Details

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Guemkam, Georgette. Vol 12, No 1 (2012) - Articles Fréquence des anémies sévères chez les enfants âgés de 2 mois à 15 ans au Centre Mère et Enfant de la Fondation Chantal Biya, Yaoundé, Cameroun Abstract PDF. ISSN: 1937-8688.

  9. Survival rates of birds of tropical and temperate forests: will the dogma survive? (United States)

    Karr, J.R.; Nichols, J.D.; Klimkiewicz, M.K.; Brawn, J.D.


    Survival rates of tropical forest birds are widely assumed to be high relative to the survival rates of temperate forest birds. Much life-history theory is based on this assumption despite the lack of empirical data to support it. We provide the first detailed comparison of survival rates of tropical and temperate forest birds based on extensive data bases and modern capture-recapture models. We find no support for the conventional wisdom. Because clutch size is only one component of reproductive rate, the frequently assumed, simple association between clutch size and adult survival rates should not necessarily be expected. Our results emphasize the need to consider components of fecundity in addition to clutch size when comparing the life histories of tropical and temperate birds and suggest similar considerations in the development of vertebrate life-history theory.

  10. Survival of falling robots (United States)

    Cameron, Jonathan M.; Arkin, Ronald C.


    As mobile robots are used in more uncertain and dangerous environments, it will become important to design them so that they can survive falls. In this paper, we examine a number of mechanisms and strategies that animals use to withstand these potentially catastrophic events and extend them to the design of robots. A brief survey of several aspects of how common cats survive falls provides an understanding of the issues involved in preventing traumatic injury during a falling event. After outlining situations in which robots might fall, a number of factors affecting their survival are described. From this background, several robot design guidelines are derived. These include recommendations for the physical structure of the robot as well as requirements for the robot control architecture. A control architecture is proposed based on reactive control techniques and action-oriented perception that is geared to support this form of survival behavior.

  11. Network ties and survival

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Acheampong, George; Narteh, Bedman; Rand, John


    Poultry farming has been touted as one of the major ways by which poverty can be reduced in low-income economies like Ghana. Yet, anecdotally there is a high failure rate among these poultry farms. This current study seeks to understand the relationship between network ties and survival chances...... of small commercial poultry farms (SCPFs). We utilize data from a 2-year network survey of SCPFs in rural Ghana. The survival of these poultry farms are modelled using a lagged probit model of farms that persisted from 2014 into 2015. We find that network ties are important to the survival chances...... but this probability reduces as the number of industry ties increases but moderation with dynamic capability of the firm reverses this trend. Our findings show that not all network ties aid survival and therefore small commercial poultry farmers need to be circumspect in the network ties they cultivate and develop....

  12. Survival of falling robots (United States)

    Cameron, Jonathan M.; Arkin, Ronald C.


    As mobile robots are used in more uncertain and dangerous environments, it will become important to design them so that they can survive falls. In this paper, we examine a number of mechanisms and strategies that animals use to withstand these potentially catastrophic events and extend them to the design of robots. A brief survey of several aspects of how common cats survive falls provides an understanding of the issues involved in preventing traumatic injury during a falling event. After outlining situations in which robots might fall, a number of factors affecting their survival are described. From this background, several robot design guidelines are derived. These include recommendations for the physical structure of the robot as well as requirements for the robot control architecture. A control architecture is proposed based on reactive control techniques and action-oriented perception that is geared to support this form of survival behavior.

  13. Survival during the Breeding Season: Nest Stage, Parental Sex, and Season Advancement Affect Reed Warbler Survival.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kaja Wierucka

    Full Text Available Avian annual survival has received much attention, yet little is known about seasonal patterns in survival, especially of migratory passerines. In order to evaluate survival rates and timing of mortality within the breeding season of adult reed warblers (Acrocephalus scirpaceus, mark-recapture data were collected in southwest Poland, between 2006 and 2012. A total of 612 individuals (304 females and 308 males were monitored throughout the entire breeding season, and their capture-recapture histories were used to model survival rates. Males showed higher survival during the breeding season (0.985, 95% CI: 0.941-0.996 than females (0.869, 95% CI: 0.727-0.937. Survival rates of females declined with the progression of the breeding season (from May to August, while males showed constant survival during this period. We also found a clear pattern within the female (but not male nesting cycle: survival was significantly lower during the laying, incubation, and nestling periods (0.934, 95% CI: 0.898-0.958, when birds spent much time on the nest, compared to the nest building and fledgling periods (1.000, 95% CI: 1.00-1.000, when we did not record any female mortality. These data (coupled with some direct evidence, like bird corpses or blood remains found next to/on the nest may suggest that the main cause of adult mortality was on-nest predation. The calculated survival rates for both sexes during the breeding season were high compared to annual rates reported for this species, suggesting that a majority of mortality occurs at other times of the year, during migration or wintering. These results have implications for understanding survival variation within the reproductive period as well as general trends of avian mortality.

  14. Cancer survival among Alaska Native people. (United States)

    Nash, Sarah H; Meisner, Angela L W; Zimpelman, Garrett L; Barry, Marc; Wiggins, Charles L


    Recent cancer survival trends among American Indian and Alaska Native (AN) people are not well understood; survival has not been reported among AN people since 2001. This study examined cause-specific survival among AN cancer patients for lung, colorectal, female breast, prostate, and kidney cancers. It evaluated whether survival differed between cancers diagnosed in 1992-2002 (the earlier period) and cancers diagnosed in 2003-2013 (the later period) and by the age at diagnosis (<65 vs ≥65 years), stage at diagnosis (local or regional/distant/unknown), and sex. Kaplan-Meier and Cox proportional hazards models were used to estimate univariate and multivariate-adjusted cause-specific survival for each cancer. An improvement was observed in 5-year survival over time from lung cancer (hazard ratio [HR] for the later period vs the earlier period, 0.83; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.72-0.97), and a marginally nonsignificant improvement was observed for colorectal cancer (HR, 0.81; 95% CI, 0.66-1.01). Site-specific differences in survival were observed by age and stage at diagnosis. This study presents the first data on cancer survival among AN people in almost 2 decades. During this time, AN people have experienced improvements in survival from lung and colorectal cancers. The reasons for these improvements may include increased access to care (including screening) as well as improvements in treatment. Improving cancer survival should be a priority for reducing the burden of cancer among AN people and eliminating cancer disparities. Cancer 2018. © 2018 American Cancer Society. © 2018 American Cancer Society.

  15. 46 CFR 117.200 - Survival craft-general. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Survival craft-general. 117.200 Section 117.200 Shipping... Number and Type of Survival Craft § 117.200 Survival craft—general. (a) Each survival craft required on a... craft they replace. (c) A summary of survival craft requirements is provided in Table 117.200(c). Table...

  16. Overall survival and disease-free survival in endometrial cancer: prognostic factors in 276 patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tejerizo-García A


    Full Text Available Álvaro Tejerizo-García,1 Jesús S Jiménez-López,1 José L Muñoz-González,1 Sara Bartolomé-Sotillos,1 Laura Marqueta-Marqués,1 Gregorio López-González,1 José F Pérez-Regadera Gómez21Service of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2Radiation Oncology Service, Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, SpainObjective: The aim of the study reported here was to assess the disease-free survival and overall survival of patients with endometrial cancer and to determine independent factors affecting the prognosis.Materials and methods: This was a retrospective study of a single-center clinical series of 276 patients (mean age 64 years with histologically confirmed cancer of the corpus uteri. The standard treatments were extrafascial total hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy with selective pelvic/para-aortic node dissection, according to risk for recurrence. Actuarial overall survival and disease-free survival were estimated according to the Kaplan–Meier method. Univariate and multivariate Cox proportional hazards analyses were used to assess the prognostic significance of the different variables.Results: The estimated median follow-up, determined using the inverse Kaplan–Meier method, was 45 months (95% confidence interval [CI] 41.2–48.8 for disease-free survival and 46 months (95% CI 43.0–49.0 for overall survival. The statistically significant variables affecting disease-free survival and overall survival were age, serous-papillary and clear-cell histological types, outer-half myometrial invasion, advanced International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO stage, tumor grades G2 and G3, incomplete surgical resection, positive lymph nodes, lymphovascular space invasion, tumor remnants of >1 cm after surgery, and high-risk group. In the multivariate Cox regression model, predictors of tumor recurrence included advanced FIGO stage (hazard ratio [HR] 4.90, 95% CI 2.57–9.36, P < 0.001 and tumor grades G2 (HR 4.79, 95

  17. Survival Patterns Among Newcomers To Franchising


    Timothy Bates


    This study analyzes survival patterns among franchisee firms and establishments that began operations in 1986 and 1987. Differing methodologies and data bases are utilized to demonstrate that 1) franchises have higher survival rates than independents, and 2) franchises have lower survival rates than independent business formations. Analyses of corporate establishment data generate high franchisee survival rates relative to independents, while analyses of young firm data generate the opposite ...

  18. Author Details

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Yessoufou, GA. Vol 16, No 3 (2014) - Articles Prevalence de la malnutrition aigue chez les enfants de moins de cinq ans dans la plaine de Pendjari au nordouest du Benin Abstract · Vol 17, No 1 (2015) - Articles Evaluation anthropometrique de l'etat nutritionnel des enfants de 0-59 mois recus a l'unite de vaccination du chr ...

  19. Résultats de recherche | Page 44 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    31 juil. 2017 ... Freiner le penchant pour les sucreries des enfants bangladais. Si l'on se fie à la recherche de Parnali Chowdury, les enfants bangladais n'abandonneront pas leurs boissons sucrées facilement. ... Le rôle de la recherche dans la mise en œuvre de la Politique d'aide internationale féministe du Canada.

  20. numb one

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    c) Les douleurs articulaires pures, sont l'apa- nage de l'enfant et l'adulte. Elles touchent une ou plusieurs articulations (les grosses articula- tions telles les coudes, les genoux et les che- villes). L'enfant présente une tuméfaction chaude et douloureuse et la mobilisation est dif- ficile. d) Les crises douloureuses abdominales ...

  1. Résultats de recherche | Page 450 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Changements climatiques (403) Apply Changements climatiques filter · Gouvernance et justice (373) Apply Gouvernance et justice filter · Emploi et croissance (329) Apply Emploi et croissance filter · Santé des mères et des enfants (312) Apply Santé des mères et des enfants filter · Alimentation, environnement et santé ...

  2. Résultats de recherche | Page 13 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les appels à propositions de recherche sur la mise en œuvre s'inscrivent dans le cadre des objectifs du programme Santé des mères et des enfants du CRDI, qui contribue à améliorer la vie des femmes, des enfants et des adolescents en soutenant des rec. Deadline. 23 mai 2017. Grants and Awards ...

  3. Author Details

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Gnamey, DK. Vol 7, No 2 (2005): Serie D - Articles Reseau de chiari et cariopathie congenitale chez un enfant. Abstract · Vol 10, No 1 (2008): Serie D - Articles Mutations du gene de la filamine et syndromes malformatifs. Abstract · Vol 11, No 2 (2009): Serie D - Articles Profils épidémiologiques et cliniques des enfants ...

  4. ASURV: Astronomical SURVival Statistics (United States)

    Feigelson, E. D.; Nelson, P. I.; Isobe, T.; LaValley, M.


    ASURV (Astronomical SURVival Statistics) provides astronomy survival analysis for right- and left-censored data including the maximum-likelihood Kaplan-Meier estimator and several univariate two-sample tests, bivariate correlation measures, and linear regressions. ASURV is written in FORTRAN 77, and is stand-alone and does not call any specialized libraries.

  5. Network survivability performance (computer diskette) (United States)


    File characteristics: Data file; 1 file. Physical description: 1 computer diskette; 3 1/2 in.; high density; 2.0MB. System requirements: Mac; Word. This technical report has been developed to address the survivability of telecommunications networks including services. It responds to the need for a common understanding of, and assessment techniques for network survivability, availability, integrity, and reliability. It provides a basis for designing and operating telecommunication networks to user expectations for network survivability.

  6. Meta-analysis of single-arm survival studies: a distribution-free approach for estimating summary survival curves with random effects. (United States)

    Combescure, Christophe; Foucher, Yohann; Jackson, Daniel


    In epidemiologic studies and clinical trials with time-dependent outcome (for instance death or disease progression), survival curves are used to describe the risk of the event over time. In meta-analyses of studies reporting a survival curve, the most informative finding is a summary survival curve. In this paper, we propose a method to obtain a distribution-free summary survival curve by expanding the product-limit estimator of survival for aggregated survival data. The extension of DerSimonian and Laird's methodology for multiple outcomes is applied to account for the between-study heterogeneity. Statistics I(2)  and H(2) are used to quantify the impact of the heterogeneity in the published survival curves. A statistical test for between-strata comparison is proposed, with the aim to explore study-level factors potentially associated with survival. The performance of the proposed approach is evaluated in a simulation study. Our approach is also applied to synthesize the survival of untreated patients with hepatocellular carcinoma from aggregate data of 27 studies and synthesize the graft survival of kidney transplant recipients from individual data from six hospitals. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  7. Attributing death to cancer: cause-specific survival estimation.

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    Mathew A


    Full Text Available Cancer survival estimation is an important part of assessing the overall strength of cancer care in a region. Generally, the death of a patient is taken as the end point in estimation of overall survival. When calculating the overall survival, the cause of death is not taken into account. With increasing demand for better survival of cancer patients it is important for clinicians and researchers to know about survival statistics due to disease of interest, i.e. net survival. It is also important to choose the best method for estimating net survival. Increase in the use of computer programmes has made it possible to carry out statistical analysis without guidance from a bio-statistician. This is of prime importance in third- world countries as there are a few trained bio-statisticians to guide clinicians and researchers. The present communication describes current methods used to estimate net survival such as cause-specific survival and relative survival. The limitation of estimation of cause-specific survival particularly in India and the usefulness of relative survival are discussed. The various sources for estimating cancer survival are also discussed. As survival-estimates are to be projected on to the population at large, it becomes important to measure the variation of the estimates, and thus confidence intervals are used. Rothman′s confidence interval gives the most satisfactory result for survival estimate.

  8. Prognostic Factors for Survival in Patients with Gastric Cancer using a Random Survival Forest (United States)

    Adham, Davoud; Abbasgholizadeh, Nategh; Abazari, Malek


    Background: Gastric cancer is the fifth most common cancer and the third top cause of cancer related death with about 1 million new cases and 700,000 deaths in 2012. The aim of this investigation was to identify important factors for outcome using a random survival forest (RSF) approach. Materials and Methods: Data were collected from 128 gastric cancer patients through a historical cohort study in Hamedan-Iran from 2007 to 2013. The event under consideration was death due to gastric cancer. The random survival forest model in R software was applied to determine the key factors affecting survival. Four split criteria were used to determine importance of the variables in the model including log-rank, conversation?? of events, log-rank score, and randomization. Efficiency of the model was confirmed in terms of Harrell’s concordance index. Results: The mean age of diagnosis was 63 ±12.57 and mean and median survival times were 15.2 (95%CI: 13.3, 17.0) and 12.3 (95%CI: 11.0, 13.4) months, respectively. The one-year, two-year, and three-year rates for survival were 51%, 13%, and 5%, respectively. Each RSF approach showed a slightly different ranking order. Very important covariates in nearly all the 4 RSF approaches were metastatic status, age at diagnosis and tumor size. The performance of each RSF approach was in the range of 0.29-0.32 and the best error rate was obtained by the log-rank splitting rule; second, third, and fourth ranks were log-rank score, conservation of events, and the random splitting rule, respectively. Conclusion: Low survival rate of gastric cancer patients is an indication of absence of a screening program for early diagnosis of the disease. Timely diagnosis in early phases increases survival and decreases mortality. Creative Commons Attribution License

  9. Survival Processing and the Stroop Task

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stephanie A. Kazanas


    Full Text Available This study was designed to investigate the impact of survival processing with a novel task for this paradigm: the Stroop color-naming task. As the literature is mixed with regard to task generalizability, with survival processing promoting better memory for words, but not better memory for faces or paired associates, these types of task investigations are important to a growing field of research. Using the Stroop task provides a unique contribution, as identifying items by color is an important evolutionary adaptation and not specific to humans as is the case with word recall. Our results indicate that survival processing, with its accompanying survival-relevance rating task, remains the best mnemonic strategy for word memory. However, our results also indicate that presenting the survival passage does not motivate better color-naming performance than color-naming alone. In addition, survival processing led to a larger amount of Stroop interference, though not significantly larger than the other conditions. Together, these findings suggest that considering one’s survival when performing memory and attention-based tasks does not enhance cognitive performance generally, although greater allocation of attentional resources to color-incongruent concrete objects could be considered adaptive. These findings support the notion that engaging in deeper processing via survival-relevance ratings may preserve these words across a variety of experimental manipulations.

  10. IPO survival in a reputational market


    Espenlaub, Susanne; Khurshed, Arif; Mohamed, Abdulkadir


    We examine IPO survival in a 'reputational' market, the Alternative Investment Market (AIM), where principle-based regulation pivots on the role of a regulatory agent, the nominated advisor (Nomad) to the IPO company. We find that Nomad reputation has a significant impact on IPO survival. IPOs backed by reputable Nomads 'survive longer (by about two years) than those backed by other Nomads. We also find that survival rates of AIM IPOs are broadly comparable to those of North American IPOs. Wh...

  11. Estimation of age- and stage-specific Catalan breast cancer survival functions using US and Catalan survival data (United States)


    Background During the last part of the 1990s the chance of surviving breast cancer increased. Changes in survival functions reflect a mixture of effects. Both, the introduction of adjuvant treatments and early screening with mammography played a role in the decline in mortality. Evaluating the contribution of these interventions using mathematical models requires survival functions before and after their introduction. Furthermore, required survival functions may be different by age groups and are related to disease stage at diagnosis. Sometimes detailed information is not available, as was the case for the region of Catalonia (Spain). Then one may derive the functions using information from other geographical areas. This work presents the methodology used to estimate age- and stage-specific Catalan breast cancer survival functions from scarce Catalan survival data by adapting the age- and stage-specific US functions. Methods Cubic splines were used to smooth data and obtain continuous hazard rate functions. After, we fitted a Poisson model to derive hazard ratios. The model included time as a covariate. Then the hazard ratios were applied to US survival functions detailed by age and stage to obtain Catalan estimations. Results We started estimating the hazard ratios for Catalonia versus the USA before and after the introduction of screening. The hazard ratios were then multiplied by the age- and stage-specific breast cancer hazard rates from the USA to obtain the Catalan hazard rates. We also compared breast cancer survival in Catalonia and the USA in two time periods, before cancer control interventions (USA 1975–79, Catalonia 1980–89) and after (USA and Catalonia 1990–2001). Survival in Catalonia in the 1980–89 period was worse than in the USA during 1975–79, but the differences disappeared in 1990–2001. Conclusion Our results suggest that access to better treatments and quality of care contributed to large improvements in survival in Catalonia. On

  12. 46 CFR 180.175 - Survival craft equipment. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Survival craft equipment. 180.175 Section 180.175... TONS) LIFESAVING EQUIPMENT AND ARRANGEMENTS Survival Craft Arrangements and Equipment § 180.175 Survival craft equipment. (a) General. Each item of survival craft equipment must be of good quality, and...

  13. 46 CFR 133.105 - Survival craft. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Survival craft. 133.105 Section 133.105 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) OFFSHORE SUPPLY VESSELS LIFESAVING SYSTEMS Requirements for All OSVs § 133.105 Survival craft. (a) Each survival craft must be approved and equipped as...

  14. Clustered survival data with left-truncation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eriksson, Frank; Martinussen, Torben; Scheike, Thomas H.


    Left-truncation occurs frequently in survival studies, and it is well known how to deal with this for univariate survival times. However, there are few results on how to estimate dependence parameters and regression effects in semiparametric models for clustered survival data with delayed entry....... Surprisingly, existing methods only deal with special cases. In this paper, we clarify different kinds of left-truncation and suggest estimators for semiparametric survival models under specific truncation schemes. The large-sample properties of the estimators are established. Small-sample properties...

  15. 46 CFR 117.175 - Survival craft equipment. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Survival craft equipment. 117.175 Section 117.175... AND ARRANGEMENTS Survival Craft Arrangements and Equipment § 117.175 Survival craft equipment. (a) General. Each item of survival craft equipment must be of good quality, and efficient for the purpose it...

  16. La mediazione familiare nei casi di affido dei figli/e e violenza domestica: contesto legale, pratiche dei servizi ed esperienze delle donne in Italia / Family mediation in child custody cases and domestic violence: legal context, logic of services and women's experiences in Italy / La médiation familiale dans les cas de garde d’enfants et la violence conjugale : le contexte juridique, les pratiques au sein des services et les expériences des femmes en Italie

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    Mariachiara Feresin


    Full Text Available L’applicabilità della mediazione familiare in contesto di violenza domestica (VD è oggetto di discussione. Scopo della ricerca è esplorare il ruolo della mediazione familiare nella gestione degli affidi dei figli in situazione di VD, analizzando le esperienze, conoscenze e significati di differenti attori sociali, quali avvocati, assistenti sociali e donne separate con figli, vittime di VD, e la documentazione inerente. I risultati mostrano che la VD viene occultata durante la mediazione. I professionisti spesso ignorano la VD e di conseguenza applicano la mediazione; ex-coniugi e genitori vengono presentati come distinti; i pattern di potere e controllo agiti dal partner violento durante la relazione continuano in queste occasioni. La mediazione, che dovrebbe essere centrata sul miglior interesse del bambino, si focalizza sul miglior interesse dei padri. I professionisti non conoscono la Convenzione di Istanbul. La sicurezza di donne e bambini/e viene messa a rischio. Le recours à la médiation familiale dans le domaine de la violence conjugale (VC fait l’objet de débats. Cette recherche a pour but d’examiner le rôle de la médiation familiale dans les cas de garde d’enfants en situation de VC, analysant les expériences, les connaissances, les valeurs de différents acteurs sociaux (par exemple, avocats, travailleurs sociaux, femmes séparées avec enfants, victimes de VC ainsi que des documents ad hoc. Les résultats montrent que la VC est dissimulée pendant la médiation. Les professionnels souvent ignorent la VC et par conséquent utilisent la médiation ; ex-conjoints et parents sont par ailleurs présentés sous la forme de deux entités distinctes ; les modèles de pouvoir et de contrôle appliqués par le conjoint violent dans la vie familiale continuent d’être utilisés durant ces occasions. La médiation, qui devrait protéger avant tout l'intérêt de l'enfant, s’adresse au contraire à l’intérêt des p

  17. Pattern of chronic liver disease in Omani children – A ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objectif: Déterminer la tendance de la maladie du culin foie chronique chez des enfants Omani. Plan d'étude: Soixante quartoze enfant (43M:33F)âgés entre 4 jours et 10 ans envoyés au service de la Pédiatrie gastroentrologie de centre hospitalier universitaire du Sultant Qaboos, Muscat, Oman entre 1995 -2000. Pour une ...

  18. 2269-IJBCS-Article-Dr Yessouf Abdou G

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    2008. Cours de Formation sur l'Evaluation de la Croissance de l'Enfant. Genève : kit documentaire de. 13 modules, OMS. Pasricha SR, Noir J, Muthayya S, Shet A,. Bhat V, Nagaraj S, Prashanth NS. 2010. Les déterminants de l'anémie chez les jeunes enfants dans l'inde rurale: Pediatries, 26: 40-149. UNICEF/OMS. 2011.

  19. Author Details

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Afola-Amey, UA. Vol 11, No 2 (2009): Serie B - Articles Rôle des verbes de base dans l'acquisition de la L1 par les enfants : cas des enfants akposso et gen-mina du Togo Abstract. ISSN: 2413-354X. AJOL African Journals Online. HOW TO USE AJOL... for Researchers · for Librarians · for Authors · FAQ's · More about AJOL ...

  20. Résultats de recherche | Page 33 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Diffuser à grande échelle l'apprentissage numérique au Kenya. Dans les pays en développement, des millions d'enfants n'ont pas accès à une éducation de base de qualité. À titre d'exemple, en 2012, seulement un tiers des enfants de pays à faible revenu terminaient l'école primaire. Projet.

  1. Une réforme du droit de la famille pour remettre en question la ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Souvent, de telles interprétations engendrent et servent à justifier des pratiques telles que le mariage de jeunes enfants et le mariage forcé, la perte de la garde des enfants par la mère, l'interdiction aux femmes de demander le divorce, la pratique des crimes d'honneur, et le droit des parents et des membres de la famille ...

  2. Global variations in cancer survival. Study Group on Cancer Survival in Developing Countries. (United States)

    Sankaranarayanan, R; Swaminathan, R; Black, R J


    Population-based cancer registries from Algeria, China, Costa Rica, Cuba, India, the Philippines, and Thailand are collaborating with the International Agency for Research on Cancer in a study of cancer survival in developing countries. Comparisons with the SEER program results of the National Cancer Institute in the United States, and the EUROCARE study of survival in European countries revealed considerable differences in the survival of patients with certain tumors associated with intensive chemotherapeutic treatment regimes (Hodgkin's disease and testicular tumors), more modest differences in the survival of patients with tumors for which early diagnosis and treatment confer an improved prognosis (carcinomas of the large bowel, breast, and cervix), and only slight differences for tumors associated with poor prognosis (carcinomas of the stomach, pancreas, and lung). With limited resources to meet the challenge of the increasing incidence of cancer expected in the next few decades, health authorities in developing countries should be aware of the importance of investing in a range of cancer control activities, including primary prevention and early detection programs as well as treatment.

  3. Conference B.Bettelheim

    CERN Multimedia



    Le Dr.Bruno Bettelheim, psychologue américain, d'origine viennoise, a passé son doctorat en psychologie à l'université de Vienne. Il émigra aux Etats-Unis et enseigna la psychologie au Rockford College en Illinois et la psychologie de l'éducation à L'université de Chicago, où il dirigea également l'institut orthogénique Sonia-Shankman pour le traitement des enfants psychotiques. Cet homme a bouleversé la compréhension des relations parents et enfants en y introduisant la psychanalyse. Basé sur ses expériences aux Etats-Unis,il nous parle des changements dans la structure de la famille et ses conséquences pour la relation entre enfants et parents.

  4. Cancer survival for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians: a national study of survival rates and excess mortality. (United States)

    Condon, John R; Zhang, Xiaohua; Baade, Peter; Griffiths, Kalinda; Cunningham, Joan; Roder, David M; Coory, Michael; Jelfs, Paul L; Threlfall, Tim


    National cancer survival statistics are available for the total Australian population but not Indigenous Australians, although their cancer mortality rates are known to be higher than those of other Australians. We aimed to validate analysis methods and report cancer survival rates for Indigenous Australians as the basis for regular national reporting. We used national cancer registrations data to calculate all-cancer and site-specific relative survival for Indigenous Australians (compared with non-Indigenous Australians) diagnosed in 2001-2005. Because of limited availability of Indigenous life tables, we validated and used cause-specific survival (rather than relative survival) for proportional hazards regression to analyze time trends and regional variation in all-cancer survival between 1991 and 2005. Survival was lower for Indigenous than non-Indigenous Australians for all cancers combined and for many cancer sites. The excess mortality of Indigenous people with cancer was restricted to the first three years after diagnosis, and greatest in the first year. Survival was lower for rural and remote than urban residents; this disparity was much greater for Indigenous people. Survival improved between 1991 and 2005 for non-Indigenous people (mortality decreased by 28%), but to a much lesser extent for Indigenous people (11%) and only for those in remote areas; cancer survival did not improve for urban Indigenous residents. Cancer survival is lower for Indigenous than other Australians, for all cancers combined and many individual cancer sites, although more accurate recording of Indigenous status by cancer registers is required before the extent of this disadvantage can be known with certainty. Cancer care for Indigenous Australians needs to be considerably improved; cancer diagnosis, treatment, and support services need to be redesigned specifically to be accessible and acceptable to Indigenous people.

  5. Le problème des limites à la procréation assistée dans les lois des principaux pays européens The issue of the limits to medical assistance to procreation in the main European countries’legislation

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    Paolo Zatti


    Full Text Available A travers l’étude des limites à la procréation assistée dans les législations des principaux pays européens, l’article soulève différentes questions. Tout d’abord celle de savoir si la procréation assistée doit être un choix des individus ou si elle doit être réservée à des fins thérapeutiques. Ensuite celle de savoir si la femme seule peut accéder à la procréation assistée. Enfin la question de l’autorisation ou de l’interdiction de la fécondation post mortem, de la maternité de substitution et de la fécondation hétérologue. Ces questions doivent être abordées en tenant compte de la liberté de gérer son corps, de l’intérêt de l’enfant à naître et des limites de la compétence de l’Etat.This study of assisted reproduction limits in legislation of the main European countries raises various issues. The first one is to know whether assisted reproduction should be an individual choice or be reserved for therapeutic purpose. Then, there is the question whether a single woman can access to assisted reproduction. Finally the issue of allowance or prohibition of post mortem fertilization, of biological pregnancy and of hétérological fertilization. These issues must be analysed taking into account the freedom to control one’s body, the protection of the unborn child and the limits of State power.

  6. L'arabe marocain en « sous-France » : Statuts sociolinguistique et culturel des personnes issues de l'immigration marocaine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abourahim Bouaissi Maha


    Full Text Available L’arabe marocain serait de moins en moins parlé dans les familles issues de l’immigration marocaine en France, et par là-même, la pratique du bilinguisme mêlant français et arabe marocain serait en péril. Afin de pouvoir confirmer ou infirmer une telle hypothèse, j’ai donc mené un travail d’enquête de terrain s’étalant sur 7 années auprès de deux familles afin de constituer mon travail de thèse. L’étude comparative de deux profils de familles distinctes était nécessaire. L’une, dans laquelle les parents avaient été scolarisés au Maroc et avaient donc emporté avec eux un minimum de bagages linguistiques leur permettant de pouvoir communiquer en français et en arabe marocain avec leurs enfants, la famille B. L’autre, dans laquelle les parents n’avaient pas été scolarisés et auraient donc été amenés à utiliser seulement l’arabe marocain au sein du foyer, la famille A. L’étude des parcours de migration, les statuts des langues en question, et les représentations linguistiques aideront donc, dans un premier temps, à mieux comprendre les comportements langagiers de chacun. Ceux-ci seront ensuite présentés et analysés afin de mettre en lumière les paramètres susceptibles d’intervenir sur la transmission de l’arabe marocain en France, seule garante de la pérennité du code switching maroco-français.

  7. The history and development of NASA survival equipment. (United States)

    Radnofsky, M. I.


    A research and development program on survival equipment was begun in early 1960 with the Mercury Program. The Mercury survival kit is discussed together with Gemini survival equipment, and Apollo I survival equipment. A study program is conducted to assess potential survival problems that may be associated with future space flights landing in polar waters. Survival kit requirements for applications on the Skylab program are also considered. Other investigations are concerned with the design of a global survival kit in connection with Space Shuttle missions.

  8. Coyote removal, understory cover, and survival of white-tailed deer neonates: Coyote Control and Fawn Survival

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kilgo, John C. [USDA Forest Service; Southern Research Station, New Ellenton, SC (United States); Vukovich, Mark [USDA Forest Service; Southern Research Station, New Ellenton, SC (United States); Ray, H. Scott [USDA Forest Service, Savannah River; New Ellenton, SC (United States); Shaw, Christopher E. [USDA Forest Service; Southern Research Station, New Ellenton, SC (United States); Ruth, Charles [South Carolina Dept. of Natural Resources, Columbia, SC (United States)


    Predation by coyotes (Canis latrans) on white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) neonates has led to reduced recruitment in many deer populations in southeastern North America. This low recruitment combined with liberal antlerless deer harvest has resulted in declines in some deer populations, and consequently, increased interest in coyote population control. We investigated whether neonate survival increased after coyote removal, whether coyote predation on neonates was additive to other mortality sources, and whether understory vegetation density affected neonate survival. We monitored neonate survival for 4 years prior to (2006–2009) and 3 years during (2010–2012) intensive coyote removal on 3 32-km2 units on the United States Department of Energy’s Savannah River Site, South Carolina. We removed 474 coyotes (1.63 coyotes/km2 per unit per year), reducing coyote abundance by 78% from pre-removal levels. The best model (wi = 0.927) describing survival probability among 216 radio-collared neonates included a within-year quadratic time trend variable, date of birth, removal treatment, and a varying removal year effect. Under this model, survival differed between pre-treatment and removal periods and it differed among years during the removal period, being >100% greater than pre-treatment survival (0.228) during the first removal year (0.513), similar to pre-treatment survival during the second removal year (0.202), and intermediate during the third removal year (0.431). Despite an initial increase, the overall effect of coyote removal on neonate survival was modest. Mortality rate attributable to coyote predation was lowest during the first removal year (0.357) when survival was greatest, but the mortality rate from all other causes did not differ between the pretreatment period and any year during removals, indicating that coyote predation acted as an additive source of mortality. Survival probability was not related to

  9. 46 CFR 180.200 - Survival craft-general. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Survival craft-general. 180.200 Section 180.200 Shipping...) LIFESAVING EQUIPMENT AND ARRANGEMENTS Number and Type of Survival Craft § 180.200 Survival craft—general. (a) Each survival craft required on a vessel by this part must meet one of the following: (1) For an...

  10. 46 CFR 199.201 - Survival craft. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Survival craft. 199.201 Section 199.201 Shipping COAST... craft. (a) Each survival craft must be approved and equipped as follows: (1) Each lifeboat must be... addition to the survival craft required in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, additional liferafts must be...

  11. 46 CFR 199.261 - Survival craft. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Survival craft. 199.261 Section 199.261 Shipping COAST... SYSTEMS FOR CERTAIN INSPECTED VESSELS Additional Requirements for Cargo Vessels § 199.261 Survival craft. (a) Each survival craft must be approved and equipped as follows: (1) Each lifeboat must be a totally...

  12. Multivariate survival analysis and competing risks

    CERN Document Server

    Crowder, Martin J


    Multivariate Survival Analysis and Competing Risks introduces univariate survival analysis and extends it to the multivariate case. It covers competing risks and counting processes and provides many real-world examples, exercises, and R code. The text discusses survival data, survival distributions, frailty models, parametric methods, multivariate data and distributions, copulas, continuous failure, parametric likelihood inference, and non- and semi-parametric methods. There are many books covering survival analysis, but very few that cover the multivariate case in any depth. Written for a graduate-level audience in statistics/biostatistics, this book includes practical exercises and R code for the examples. The author is renowned for his clear writing style, and this book continues that trend. It is an excellent reference for graduate students and researchers looking for grounding in this burgeoning field of research.

  13. Cardiovascular disease incidence and survival

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Byberg, Stine; Agyemang, Charles; Zwisler, Ann Dorthe


    Studies on cardiovascular disease (CVD) incidence and survival show varying results between different ethnic groups. Our aim was to add a new dimension by exploring the role of migrant status in combination with ethnic background on incidence of-and survival from-CVD and more specifically acute...... of some types of cardiovascular disease compared to Danish-born. Family-reunified migrants on the other hand had lower rates of CVD. All migrants had better survival than Danish-born indicating that migrants may not always be disadvantaged in health....

  14. 46 CFR 28.120 - Survival craft. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Survival craft. 28.120 Section 28.120 Shipping COAST... VESSELS Requirements for All Vessels § 28.120 Survival craft. (a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b) through (h) of this section and 28.305, each vessel must carry the survival craft specified in Table 28...

  15. Starvation-survival of subsurface bacteria

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Magill, N.G.


    The ability of four subsurface isolates to survive starvation was examined and the results were compared to survival curves obtained for Escherichia coli B and Serratia marcescens. To examine the starvation-survival phenomenon further, several experimental parameters including nutritional history, initial cell density, growth phase, temperature of growth and starvation, and aeration. Nutritional history, initial cell density, and growth phases of the cells had some effect on the ability of these bacteria to survive whereas temperature and limited aeration had no effect under the conditions tested. No conditions were found where E. coli B or Serratia marcescens died rapidly or where less than 10% of the original cell number of viable cells remained. Because the apparent survival of these bacteria may be due to cryptic growth, cross-feeding experiments with 14 C-labeled cells and unlabeled cells were carried out with E. coli B and Pseudomonas Lula V. Leaked extracellular 14 C-compounds were not used for growth or maintenance energy, and were not taken up by either bacterium. Cryptic growth did not occur; the cells were truly starving under the experimental conditions used

  16. Stimulated human fibroblast cell survival

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, B.P.; Gale, K.L.; Einspenner, M.; Greenstock, C.L.; Gentner, N.E.


    Techniques for cloning cultured mammalian cells have supported the most universally-accepted method for measuring the induction of lethality by geno-toxicants such as ionizing radiation: the 'survival of colony-forming ability (CFA)' assay. Since most cultured human cell lines exhibit plating efficiency (i.e. the percentage of cells that are capable of reproductively surviving and dividing to form visible colonies) well below 100%, such assays are in essence 'survival of plating efficiency' assays, since they are referred to the plating (or cloning) efficiency of control (i.e. unirradiated) cells. (author). 8 refs., 2 figs

  17. Conditional Melanoma Cancer Survival in the United States

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ray M. Merrill


    Full Text Available Beyond relative survival, which indicates the likelihood that patients will not die from causes associated with their cancer, conditional relative survival probabilities provide further useful prognostic information to cancer patients, tailored to the time already survived from diagnosis. This study presents conditional relative survival for melanoma patients in the United States, diagnosed during 2000–2008 and followed through 2012. Analyses are based on 62,803 male and 50,261 female cases in population-based cancer registries in the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program of the National Cancer Institute. Five-year relative survival estimates are presented for melanoma patients who have already survived one, two, three, four, or five years after the initial diagnosis. Five- and ten-year relative survival decreases with age, stage at diagnosis, and is lower among males, Blacks, and Hispanics. Five-year conditional relative survival improves with each year already survived. The potential for improvement in five-year conditional relative survival is greatest for older age, males, Blacks, Hispanics, and in later staged cases. For local disease, five-year conditional relative survival was significantly lower in ages greater than 65 years and in Blacks. It was significantly higher in females, non-Hispanics, and married individuals. Age had a greater inverse relationship with five-year survival in later staged disease. A similar result occurred for females and married individuals. In contrast, non-Hispanics had better five-year survival if diagnosed with local or regional disease, but not distant disease.

  18. Democratic survival in Latin America (1945-2005

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aníbal PÉREZ-LIÑÁN


    Full Text Available Why do democracies survive or break down? In this paper, it returns to this classic question with an empirical focus on Latin America from 1945 to 2005. The argument deviates from the quantitative literature and a good part of the qualitative literature on democratic survival and breakdown. It is argued that structural variables such as the level of development and inequalities have not shaped prospects for democratic survival in Latin America. Nor, contrary to findings in some of the literature, has economic performance affected the survival of competitive regimes. Instead, it is focused on the regional political environment and on actors’ normative preferences about democracy and dictatorship and their policy radicalism or moderation. It is argued that 1 a higher level of development did not increase the likelihood of democratic survival in Latin America over this long time; 2 if actors have a normative preference for democracy, it is more likely to survive; and 3 policy moderation facilitates democratic survival.

  19. Photovaporisation prostatique au laser chez les patients à haut ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    infection urinaire chez 5 patients (10.6%), une dysurie chez 4 patients et une hémorragie retardée chez 4 autres (8.5%). Un seul de ces patients a nécessité une transfusion sanguine et aucun patient n'a nécessité une réintervention. En 3 mois de suivi un seul patient a nécessité une incision du col vésical pour sclérose du ...

  20. Early survival factor deprivation in the olfactory epithelium enhances activity-dependent survival

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adrien eFrançois


    Full Text Available The neuronal olfactory epithelium undergoes permanent renewal because of environmental aggression. This renewal is partly regulated by factors modulating the level of neuronal apoptosis. Among them, we had previously characterized endothelin as neuroprotective. In this study, we explored the effect of cell survival factor deprivation in the olfactory epithelium by intranasal delivery of endothelin receptors antagonists to rat pups. This treatment induced an overall increase of apoptosis in the olfactory epithelium. The responses to odorants recorded by electroolfactogram were decreased in treated animal, a result consistent with a loss of olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs. However, the treated animal performed better in an olfactory orientation test based on maternal odor compared to non-treated littermates. This improved performance could be due to activity-dependent neuronal survival of OSNs in the context of increased apoptosis level. In order to demonstrate it, we odorized pups with octanal, a known ligand for the rI7 olfactory receptor (Olr226. We quantified the number of OSN expressing rI7 by RT-qPCR and whole mount in situ hybridization. While this number was reduced by the survival factor removal treatment, this reduction was abolished by the presence of its ligand. This improved survival was optimal for low concentration of odorant and was specific for rI7-expressing OSNs. Meanwhile, the number of rI7-expressing OSNs was not affected by the odorization in non-treated littermates; showing that the activity-dependant survival of OSNs did not affect the OSN population during the 10 days of odorization in control conditions. Overall, our study shows that when apoptosis is promoted in the olfactory mucosa, the activity-dependent neuronal plasticity allows faster tuning of the olfactory sensory neuron population towards detection of environmental odorants.

  1. Cartes infographiques du Symposium Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    VILLES SÛRES ET INCLUSIVES | AFRIQUE DE L'OUEST ET DU CENTRE. Spécificités de violence, d'exclusion, et de lutte contre la criminalité. République démocratique du Congo: Taux de natalité par femme, en moyenne 10 enfants, très élevé. Exclusion sociale exacerbée : des jeunes enfants accusés de sorcellerie.

  2. 76 FR 20336 - Meeting of Federal Advisory Committee (United States)


    ... Committee Act of 1972 (5 U.S.C., Appendix, as amended), the Government in the Sunshine Act of 1976 (5 U.S.C...: 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 4. Location: L'Enfant Plaza Hotel, 480 L'Enfant Plaza, SW., Washington, DC 20024. 5... 102- 3.140, and section 10(a)(3) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972, the public or...

  3. Résultats de recherche | Page 14 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Systèmes d'information sanitaire ou santé sexuelle et reproductive des adolescents en Afrique de l'Ouest. Les appels à propositions de recherche sur la mise en œuvre s'inscrivent dans le cadre des objectifs du programme Santé des mères et des enfants du CRDI, qui contribue à améliorer la vie des femmes, des enfants ...

  4. Voir tous les projets | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Région(s): India, Canada, Germany, United Kingdom. Financement total : CA$ 1,000,000.00. Améliorer l'état nutritionnel des enfants. Projet. En Afrique subsaharienne, les systèmes de santé font face à trois défis considérables : la prévalence élevée de la malnutrition chez les enfants, la hausse des maladies chroniques ...

  5. Radionuclide blood cell survival studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bentley, S.A.; Miller, D.T.


    Platelet and red cell survival studies are reviewed. The use of 51 Cr and di-isopropylfluoridate labelled with tritium or 32 P is discussed for red cell survival study and 51 Cr and 111 In-oxine are considered as platelet labels. (UK)

  6. Biostatistics series module 9: Survival analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Avijit Hazra


    Full Text Available Survival analysis is concerned with “time to event“ data. Conventionally, it dealt with cancer death as the event in question, but it can handle any event occurring over a time frame, and this need not be always adverse in nature. When the outcome of a study is the time to an event, it is often not possible to wait until the event in question has happened to all the subjects, for example, until all are dead. In addition, subjects may leave the study prematurely. Such situations lead to what is called censored observations as complete information is not available for these subjects. The data set is thus an assemblage of times to the event in question and times after which no more information on the individual is available. Survival analysis methods are the only techniques capable of handling censored observations without treating them as missing data. They also make no assumption regarding normal distribution of time to event data. Descriptive methods for exploring survival times in a sample include life table and Kaplan–Meier techniques as well as various kinds of distribution fitting as advanced modeling techniques. The Kaplan–Meier cumulative survival probability over time plot has become the signature plot for biomedical survival analysis. Several techniques are available for comparing the survival experience in two or more groups – the log-rank test is popularly used. This test can also be used to produce an odds ratio as an estimate of risk of the event in the test group; this is called hazard ratio (HR. Limitations of the traditional log-rank test have led to various modifications and enhancements. Finally, survival analysis offers different regression models for estimating the impact of multiple predictors on survival. Cox's proportional hazard model is the most general of the regression methods that allows the hazard function to be modeled on a set of explanatory variables without making restrictive assumptions concerning the

  7. Microbial survival and odor in laundry

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jepsen, Signe Munk; Johansen, Charlotte; Stahnke, Louise Heller


    The survival and distribution of microflora during laundering at 30 or 40 degreesC in commercial U.S. and European Union (E.U.) detergents were determined in laboratory wash experiments. Four test strains-Staphylococcus epidermidis, S. aureus, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa-were eva......The survival and distribution of microflora during laundering at 30 or 40 degreesC in commercial U.S. and European Union (E.U.) detergents were determined in laboratory wash experiments. Four test strains-Staphylococcus epidermidis, S. aureus, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa......-were evaluated on cotton textile. A significant survival and transfer between textiles were found for all four test strains washed in E.U. and U.S. color detergents (without bleach), whereas no survival was observed in bleach-containing detergents. Gram-negative strains generally survived in greater numbers than...... Gram-positive strains. A greater survival was observed in U.S. detergents at U.S. conditions (30 degreesC, 12 min) than in E.U. detergents at E.U. conditions (40 degreesC, 30 min). The adhesion of odorants to cotton and polyester textiles during washing and drying was studied using six previously...

  8. Survival Processing Enhances Visual Search Efficiency. (United States)

    Cho, Kit W


    Words rated for their survival relevance are remembered better than when rated using other well-known memory mnemonics. This finding, which is known as the survival advantage effect and has been replicated in many studies, suggests that our memory systems are molded by natural selection pressures. In two experiments, the present study used a visual search task to examine whether there is likewise a survival advantage for our visual systems. Participants rated words for their survival relevance or for their pleasantness before locating that object's picture in a search array with 8 or 16 objects. Although there was no difference in search times among the two rating scenarios when set size was 8, survival processing reduced visual search times when set size was 16. These findings reflect a search efficiency effect and suggest that similar to our memory systems, our visual systems are also tuned toward self-preservation.

  9. Survival after stereotactic biopsy of malignant gliomas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coffey, R.J.; Lunsford, L.D.; Taylor, F.H.


    For many patients with malignant gliomas in inaccessible or functionally important locations, stereotactic biopsy followed by radiation therapy (RT) may be a more appropriate initial treatment than craniotomy and tumor resection. We studied the long term survival in 91 consecutive patients with malignant gliomas diagnosed by stereotactic biopsy: 64 had glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) and 27 had anaplastic astrocytoma (AA). Sixty-four per cent of the GBMs and 33% of the AAs involved deep or midline cerebral structures. The treatment prescribed after biopsy, the tumor location, the histological findings, and the patient's age at presentation (for AAs) were statistically important factors determining patient survival. If adequate RT (tumor dose of 5000 to 6000 cGy) was not prescribed, the median survival was less than or equal to 11 weeks regardless of tumor histology or location. The median survival for patients with deep or midline tumors who completed RT was similar in AA (19.4 weeks) and GBM (27 weeks) cases. Histology was an important predictor of survival only for patients with adequately treated lobar tumors. The median survival in lobar GBM patients who completed RT was 46.9 weeks, and that in lobar AA patients who completed RT was 129 weeks. Cytoreductive surgery had no statistically significant effect on survival. Among the clinical factors examined, age of less than 40 years at presentation was associated with prolonged survival only in AA patients. Constellations of clinical features, tumor location, histological diagnosis, and treatment prescribed were related to survival time

  10. How can survival processing improve memory encoding? (United States)

    Luo, Meng; Geng, Haiyan


    We investigated the psychological mechanism of survival processing advantage from the perspective of false memory in two experiments. Using a DRM paradigm in combination with analysis based on signal detection theory, we were able to separately examine participants' utilization of verbatim representation and gist representation. Specifically, in Experiment 1, participants rated semantically related words in a survival scenario for a survival condition but rated pleasantness of words in the same DRM lists for a non-survival control condition. The results showed that participants demonstrated more gist processing in the survival condition than in the pleasantness condition; however, the degree of item-specific processing in the two encoding conditions did not significantly differ. In Experiment 2, the control task was changed to a category rating task, in which participants were asked to make category ratings of words in the category lists. We found that the survival condition involved more item-specific processing than did the category condition, but we found no significant difference between the two encoding conditions at the level of gist processing. Overall, our study demonstrates that survival processing can simultaneously promote gist and item-specific representations. When the control tasks only promoted either item-specific representation or gist representation, memory advantages of survival processing occurred.

  11. Probabilistic Survivability Versus Time Modeling (United States)

    Joyner, James J., Sr.


    This presentation documents Kennedy Space Center's Independent Assessment work completed on three assessments for the Ground Systems Development and Operations (GSDO) Program to assist the Chief Safety and Mission Assurance Officer during key programmatic reviews and provided the GSDO Program with analyses of how egress time affects the likelihood of astronaut and ground worker survival during an emergency. For each assessment, a team developed probability distributions for hazard scenarios to address statistical uncertainty, resulting in survivability plots over time. The first assessment developed a mathematical model of probabilistic survivability versus time to reach a safe location using an ideal Emergency Egress System at Launch Complex 39B (LC-39B); the second used the first model to evaluate and compare various egress systems under consideration at LC-39B. The third used a modified LC-39B model to determine if a specific hazard decreased survivability more rapidly than other events during flight hardware processing in Kennedy's Vehicle Assembly Building.

  12. Does biological relatedness affect child survival?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available Objective: We studied child survival in Rakai, Uganda where many children are fostered out or orphaned. Methods: Biological relatedness is measured as the average of the Wright's coefficients between each household member and the child. Instrumental variables for fostering include proportion of adult males in household, age and gender of household head. Control variables include SES, religion, polygyny, household size, child age, child birth size, and child HIV status. Results: Presence of both parents in the household increased the odds of survival by 28%. After controlling for the endogeneity of child placement decisions in a multivariate model we found that lower biological relatedness of a child was associated with statistically significant reductions in child survival. The effects of biological relatedness on child survival tend to be stronger for both HIV- and HIV+ children of HIV+ mothers. Conclusions: Reductions in the numbers of close relatives caring for children of HIV+ mothers reduce child survival.

  13. Survival of influenza virus on banknotes. (United States)

    Thomas, Yves; Vogel, Guido; Wunderli, Werner; Suter, Patricia; Witschi, Mark; Koch, Daniel; Tapparel, Caroline; Kaiser, Laurent


    Successful control of a viral disease requires knowledge of the different vectors that could promote its transmission among hosts. We assessed the survival of human influenza viruses on banknotes given that billions of these notes are exchanged daily worldwide. Banknotes were experimentally contaminated with representative influenza virus subtypes at various concentrations, and survival was tested after different time periods. Influenza A viruses tested by cell culture survived up to 3 days when they were inoculated at high concentrations. The same inoculum in the presence of respiratory mucus showed a striking increase in survival time (up to 17 days). Similarly, B/Hong Kong/335/2001 virus was still infectious after 1 day when it was mixed with respiratory mucus. When nasopharyngeal secretions of naturally infected children were used, influenza virus survived for at least 48 h in one-third of the cases. The unexpected stability of influenza virus in this nonbiological environment suggests that unusual environmental contamination should be considered in the setting of pandemic preparedness.

  14. Survival of Influenza Virus on Banknotes▿ (United States)

    Thomas, Yves; Vogel, Guido; Wunderli, Werner; Suter, Patricia; Witschi, Mark; Koch, Daniel; Tapparel, Caroline; Kaiser, Laurent


    Successful control of a viral disease requires knowledge of the different vectors that could promote its transmission among hosts. We assessed the survival of human influenza viruses on banknotes given that billions of these notes are exchanged daily worldwide. Banknotes were experimentally contaminated with representative influenza virus subtypes at various concentrations, and survival was tested after different time periods. Influenza A viruses tested by cell culture survived up to 3 days when they were inoculated at high concentrations. The same inoculum in the presence of respiratory mucus showed a striking increase in survival time (up to 17 days). Similarly, B/Hong Kong/335/2001 virus was still infectious after 1 day when it was mixed with respiratory mucus. When nasopharyngeal secretions of naturally infected children were used, influenza virus survived for at least 48 h in one-third of the cases. The unexpected stability of influenza virus in this nonbiological environment suggests that unusual environmental contamination should be considered in the setting of pandemic preparedness. PMID:18359825

  15. Working memory load eliminates the survival processing effect. (United States)

    Kroneisen, Meike; Rummel, Jan; Erdfelder, Edgar


    In a series of experiments, Nairne, Thompson, and Pandeirada (2007) demonstrated that words judged for their relevance to a survival scenario are remembered better than words judged for a scenario not relevant on a survival dimension. They explained this survival-processing effect by arguing that nature "tuned" our memory systems to process and remember fitness-relevant information. Kroneisen and Erdfelder (2011) proposed that it may not be survival processing per se that facilitates recall but the richness and distinctiveness with which information is encoded. To further test this account, we investigated how the survival processing effect is affected by cognitive load. If the survival processing effect is due to automatic processes or, alternatively, if survival processing is routinely prioritized in dual-task contexts, we would expect this effect to persist under cognitive load conditions. If the effect relies on cognitively demanding processes like richness and distinctiveness of encoding, however, the survival processing benefit should be hampered by increased cognitive load during encoding. Results were in line with the latter prediction, that is, the survival processing effect vanished under dual-task conditions.

  16. Survival and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes among Periviable Infants. (United States)

    Younge, Noelle; Goldstein, Ricki F; Bann, Carla M; Hintz, Susan R; Patel, Ravi M; Smith, P Brian; Bell, Edward F; Rysavy, Matthew A; Duncan, Andrea F; Vohr, Betty R; Das, Abhik; Goldberg, Ronald N; Higgins, Rosemary D; Cotten, C Michael


    Data reported during the past 5 years indicate that rates of survival have increased among infants born at the borderline of viability, but less is known about how increased rates of survival among these infants relate to early childhood neurodevelopmental outcomes. We compared survival and neurodevelopmental outcomes among infants born at 22 to 24 weeks of gestation, as assessed at 18 to 22 months of corrected age, across three consecutive birth-year epochs (2000-2003 [epoch 1], 2004-2007 [epoch 2], and 2008-2011 [epoch 3]). The infants were born at 11 centers that participated in the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research Network. The primary outcome measure was a three-level outcome - survival without neurodevelopmental impairment, survival with neurodevelopmental impairment, or death. After accounting for differences in infant characteristics, including birth center, we used multinomial generalized logit models to compare the relative risk of survival without neurodevelopmental impairment, survival with neurodevelopmental impairment, and death. Data on the primary outcome were available for 4274 of 4458 infants (96%) born at the 11 centers. The percentage of infants who survived increased from 30% (424 of 1391 infants) in epoch 1 to 36% (487 of 1348 infants) in epoch 3 (Pneurodevelopmental impairment increased from 16% (217 of 1391) in epoch 1 to 20% (276 of 1348) in epoch 3 (P=0.001), whereas the percentage of infants who survived with neurodevelopmental impairment did not change significantly (15% [207 of 1391] in epoch 1 and 16% [211 of 1348] in epoch 3, P=0.29). After adjustment for changes in the baseline characteristics of the infants over time, both the rate of survival with neurodevelopmental impairment (as compared with death) and the rate of survival without neurodevelopmental impairment (as compared with death) increased over time (adjusted relative risks, 1.27 [95% confidence interval {CI}, 1.01 to 1.59] and 1

  17. Survival chance in papillary thyroid cancer in Hungary: individual survival probability estimation using the Markov method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Esik, Olga; Tusnady, Gabor; Daubner, Kornel; Nemeth, Gyoergy; Fuezy, Marton; Szentirmay, Zoltan


    Purpose: The typically benign, but occasionally rapidly fatal clinical course of papillary thyroid cancer has raised the need for individual survival probability estimation, to tailor the treatment strategy exclusively to a given patient. Materials and methods: A retrospective study was performed on 400 papillary thyroid cancer patients with a median follow-up time of 7.1 years to establish a clinical database for uni- and multivariate analysis of the prognostic factors related to survival (Kaplan-Meier product limit method and Cox regression). For a more precise prognosis estimation, the effect of the most important clinical events were then investigated on the basis of a Markov renewal model. The basic concept of this approach is that each patient has an individual disease course which (besides the initial clinical categories) is affected by special events, e.g. internal covariates (local/regional/distant relapses). On the supposition that these events and the cause-specific death are influenced by the same biological processes, the parameters of transient survival probability characterizing the speed of the course of the disease for each clinical event and their sequence were determined. The individual survival curves for each patient were calculated by using these parameters and the independent significant clinical variables selected from multivariate studies, summation of which resulted in a mean cause-specific survival function valid for the entire group. On the basis of this Markov model, prediction of the cause-specific survival probability is possible for extrastudy cases, if it is supposed that the clinical events occur within new patients in the same manner and with the similar probability as within the study population. Results: The patient's age, a distant metastasis at presentation, the extent of the surgical intervention, the primary tumor size and extent (pT), the external irradiation dosage and the degree of TSH suppression proved to be

  18. Global Activities and Plant Survival

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bandick, Roger


    the highest exit rates. Moreover, the exit rates of globally engaged plants seem to be unaffected by increased foreign presence, whereas there appears to be a negative impact on the survival rates of non-exporting non-MNE plants. Finally, the result reveals that the survival ratio of plants of acquired...

  19. Résultats de recherche | Page 26 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Améliorer l'état nutritionnel des enfants. En Afrique subsaharienne, les systèmes de santé font face à trois défis considérables : la prévalence élevée de la malnutrition chez les enfants, la hausse des maladies chroniques reliées à un régime alimentaire déficient et l'épidémie de VIH qui. Projet ...

  20. Research

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    22 janv. 2014 ... et le typage de l'anémie chez ces enfants. Méthodes: C'est une étude transversale réalisée ... Ce travail avait pour objectif d'évaluer la prévalence et le typage de l'anémie chez les enfants séropositifs du VIH/SIDA à ... (Hct), Globules Rouges, Réticulocytes, Volume Globulaire. Moyen(VGM), Concentration ...

  1. African Journal of Neurological Sciences - 2009 Vol. 28 No 1

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    L'objectif de ce travail est d'étudier les aspects épidémiologiques, phénotypiques et évolutifs de la maladie épileptique dans une cohorte d'enfants au Sénégal. 2. .... paradoxal mais s'explique par un double fait: les conditions de recrutement de notre série étaient que les enfants soient régulièrement suivis depuis au moins ...

  2. Health | Page 13 | IDRC - International Development Research Centre

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    L'une des premières évaluations officielles d'un programme de services de garde d'enfants pour les ménages à faible revenu en Inde pourrait fournir des données empiriques permettant d'améliorer l'égalité des sexes au pays et au-delà de ses frontières. Read more about Le pouvoir des services de garde d'enfants.

  3. Prévalence du VIH chez la Femme Enceinte et Transmission Mère ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Mère-Enfant du VIH à la Maternité de l'Hôpital Général de. Douala, Cameroun. K. J. Tsingaing,1 O. T. Egbe,1 G. ... Mots Clés prévalence du VIH ; femme enceinte ; transmis- sion mère-enfant du VIH. 1 Introduction .... HIV test to rescreen women in the third trimester of pregnancy,. J Midwifery Womens Health, 54 (2009), ...


    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    et des enfants d'Afrique. INITIATIVE CONCERTÉE. Innovation pour la santé des mères et des enfants d'Afrique. Centre de recherches pour le développement international. CP Box 8500 Ottawa ON Canada K1G 3H9. Téléphone : +1 613 236 6163 • Télécopieur : +1 613 657 7749 |

  5. Understanding survival analysis: Kaplan-Meier estimate. (United States)

    Goel, Manish Kumar; Khanna, Pardeep; Kishore, Jugal


    Kaplan-Meier estimate is one of the best options to be used to measure the fraction of subjects living for a certain amount of time after treatment. In clinical trials or community trials, the effect of an intervention is assessed by measuring the number of subjects survived or saved after that intervention over a period of time. The time starting from a defined point to the occurrence of a given event, for example death is called as survival time and the analysis of group data as survival analysis. This can be affected by subjects under study that are uncooperative and refused to be remained in the study or when some of the subjects may not experience the event or death before the end of the study, although they would have experienced or died if observation continued, or we lose touch with them midway in the study. We label these situations as censored observations. The Kaplan-Meier estimate is the simplest way of computing the survival over time in spite of all these difficulties associated with subjects or situations. The survival curve can be created assuming various situations. It involves computing of probabilities of occurrence of event at a certain point of time and multiplying these successive probabilities by any earlier computed probabilities to get the final estimate. This can be calculated for two groups of subjects and also their statistical difference in the survivals. This can be used in Ayurveda research when they are comparing two drugs and looking for survival of subjects.

  6. Surviving severe traumatic brain injury in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Odgaard, Lene; Poulsen, Ingrid; Kammersgaard, Lars Peter


    PURPOSE: To identify all hospitalized patients surviving severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) in Denmark and to compare these patients to TBI patients admitted to highly specialized rehabilitation (HS-rehabilitation). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients surviving severe TBI were identified from...... severe TBI were admitted to HS-rehabilitation. Female sex, older age, and non-working status pre-injury were independent predictors of no HS-rehabilitation among patients surviving severe TBI. CONCLUSION: The incidence rate of hospitalized patients surviving severe TBI was stable in Denmark...

  7. Survival Analysis

    CERN Document Server

    Miller, Rupert G


    A concise summary of the statistical methods used in the analysis of survival data with censoring. Emphasizes recently developed nonparametric techniques. Outlines methods in detail and illustrates them with actual data. Discusses the theory behind each method. Includes numerous worked problems and numerical exercises.

  8. 46 CFR 117.150 - Survival craft embarkation arrangements. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Survival craft embarkation arrangements. 117.150 Section... EQUIPMENT AND ARRANGEMENTS Survival Craft Arrangements and Equipment § 117.150 Survival craft embarkation... apparatus when either— (1) The embarkation station for the survival craft is on a deck more than 4.5 meters...

  9. Life-Cycle Models for Survivable Systems

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Linger, Richard


    .... Current software development life-cycle models are not focused on creating survivable systems, and exhibit shortcomings when the goal is to develop systems with a high degree of assurance of survivability...

  10. 46 CFR 117.130 - Stowage of survival craft. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Stowage of survival craft. 117.130 Section 117.130... AND ARRANGEMENTS Survival Craft Arrangements and Equipment § 117.130 Stowage of survival craft. (a) Each survival craft must be: (1) Secured to the vessel by a painter with a float-free link permanently...

  11. 46 CFR 180.130 - Stowage of survival craft. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Stowage of survival craft. 180.130 Section 180.130... TONS) LIFESAVING EQUIPMENT AND ARRANGEMENTS Survival Craft Arrangements and Equipment § 180.130 Stowage of survival craft. (a) Each survival craft must be: (1) Secured to the vessel by a painter with a...

  12. Survival of Sami cancer patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leena Soininen


    Full Text Available Objectives. The incidence of cancer among the indigenous Sami people of Northern Finland is lower than among the Finnish general population. The survival of Sami cancer patients is not known, and therefore it is the object of this study. Study design. The cohort consisted of 2,091 Sami and 4,161 non-Sami who lived on 31 December 1978 in the two Sami municipalities of Inari and Utsjoki, which are located in Northern Finland and are 300–500 km away from the nearest central hospital. The survival experience of Sami and non-Sami cancer patients diagnosed in this cohort during 1979–2009 was compared with that of the Finnish patients outside the cohort. Methods. The Sami and non-Sami cancer patients were matched to other Finnish cancer patients for gender, age and year of diagnosis and for the site of cancer. An additional matching was done for the stage at diagnosis. Cancer-specific survival analyses were made using the Kaplan–Meier method and Cox regression modelling. Results. There were 204 Sami and 391 non-Sami cancer cases in the cohort, 20,181 matched controls without matching with stage, and 7,874 stage-matched controls. In the cancer-specific analysis without stage variable, the hazard ratio for Sami was 1.05 (95% confidence interval 0.85–1.30 and for non-Sami 1.02 (0.86–1.20, indicating no difference between the survival of those groups and other patients in Finland. Likewise, when the same was done by also matching the stage, there was no difference in cancer survival. Conclusion. Long distances to medical care or Sami ethnicity have no influence on the cancer patient survival in Northern Finland.

  13. 46 CFR 133.130 - Stowage of survival craft. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Stowage of survival craft. 133.130 Section 133.130... SYSTEMS Requirements for All OSVs § 133.130 Stowage of survival craft. (a) General. Each survival craft must be stowed as follows: (1) Each survival craft must be as close to the accommodation and service...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Masoud Asgharian


    Full Text Available When survival data are colleted as part of a prevalent cohort study, the recruited cases have already experienced their initiating event. These prevalent cases are then followed for a fixed period of time at the end of which the subjects will either have failed or have been censored. When interests lies in estimating the survival distribution, from onset, of subjects with the disease, one must take into account that the survival times of the cases in a prevalent cohort study are left truncated. When it is possible to assume that there has not been any epidemic of the disease over the past period of time that covers the onset times of the subjects, one may assume that the underlying incidence process that generates the initiating event times is a stationary Poisson process. Under such assumption, the survival times of the recruited subjects are called “lengthbiased”. I discuss the challenges one is faced with in analyzing these type of data. To address the theoretical aspects of the work, I present asymptotic results for the NPMLE of the length-biased as well as the unbiased survival distribution. I also discuss estimating the unbiased survival function using only the follow-up time. This addresses the case that the onset times are either unknown or known with uncertainty. Some of our most recent work and open questions will be presented. These include some aspects of analysis of covariates, strong approximation, functional LIL and density estimation under length-biased sampling with right censoring. The results will be illustrated with survival data from patients with dementia, collected as part of the Canadian Study of Health and Aging (CSHA.

  15. In-hospital resuscitation: opioids and other factors influencing survival

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karamarie Fecho


    Full Text Available Karamarie Fecho1, Freeman Jackson1, Frances Smith1, Frank J Overdyk21Department of Anesthesiology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA; 2Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina, USAPurpose: “Code Blue” is a standard term used to alertt hospital staff that a patient requires resuscitation. This study determined rates of survival from Code Blue events and the role of opioids and other factors on survival.Methods: Data derived from medical records and the Code Blue and Pharmacy databases were analyzed for factors affecting survival.Results: During 2006, rates of survival from the code only and to discharge were 25.9% and 26.4%, respectively, for Code Blue events involving cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR; N = 216. Survival rates for events not ultimately requiring CPR (N = 77 were higher, with 32.5% surviving the code only and 62.3% surviving to discharge. For CPR events, rates of survival to discharge correlated inversely with time to chest compressions and defibrillation, precipitating event, need for airway management, location and age. Time of week, witnessing, postoperative status, gender and opioid use did not influence survival rates. For non-CPR events, opioid use was associated with decreased survival. Survival rates were lowest for patients receiving continuous infusions (P < 0.01 or iv boluses of opioids (P < 0.05.Conclusions: One-quarter of patients survive to discharge after a CPR Code Blue event and two-thirds survive to discharge after a non-CPR event. Opioids may influence survival from non-CPR events.Keywords: code blue, survival, opioids, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, cardiac arrest, patient safety

  16. 46 CFR 28.310 - Launching of survival craft. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Launching of survival craft. 28.310 Section 28.310... Operate With More Than 16 Individuals on Board § 28.310 Launching of survival craft. A gate or other... each survival craft which weighs more than 110 pounds (489 Newtons), to allow the survival craft to be...

  17. Survivability Assessment: Modeling A Recovery Process


    Paputungan, Irving Vitra; Abdullah, Azween


    Survivability is the ability of a system to continue operating, in a timely manner, in the presence ofattacks, failures, or accidents. Recovery in survivability is a process of a system to heal or recover from damageas early as possible to fulfill its mission as condition permit. In this paper, we show a preliminary recoverymodel to enhance the system survivability. The model focuses on how we preserve the system and resumes itscritical service under attacks as soon as possible.Keywords: surv...

  18. Linking age, survival, and transit time distributions (United States)

    Calabrese, Salvatore; Porporato, Amilcare


    Although the concepts of age, survival, and transit time have been widely used in many fields, including population dynamics, chemical engineering, and hydrology, a comprehensive mathematical framework is still missing. Here we discuss several relationships among these quantities by starting from the evolution equation for the joint distribution of age and survival, from which the equations for age and survival time readily follow. It also becomes apparent how the statistical dependence between age and survival is directly related to either the age dependence of the loss function or the survival-time dependence of the input function. The solution of the joint distribution equation also allows us to obtain the relationships between the age at exit (or death) and the survival time at input (or birth), as well as to stress the symmetries of the various distributions under time reversal. The transit time is then obtained as a sum of the age and survival time, and its properties are discussed along with the general relationships between their mean values. The special case of steady state case is analyzed in detail. Some examples, inspired by hydrologic applications, are presented to illustrate the theory with the specific results. This article was corrected on 11 Nov 2015. See the end of the full text for details.

  19. Survival of adult martens in Northern Wisconsin (United States)

    Nicholas P. McCann; Patrick A. Zollner; Jonathan H. Gilbert


    Low adult marten (Martes americana) survival may be one factor limiting their population growth >30 yr after their reintroduction in Wisconsin, USA. We estimated annual adult marten survival at 0.81 in northern Wisconsin, with lower survival during winter (0.87) than summer-fall (1.00). Fisher (Martes pennanti) and raptor kills...

  20. 47 CFR 80.1095 - Survival craft equipment. (United States)


    ... 47 Telecommunication 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Survival craft equipment. 80.1095 Section 80... for Ship Stations § 80.1095 Survival craft equipment. (a) At least three two-way VHF radiotelephone... they can be rapidly placed in any survival craft other than life rafts required by Regulation III/26.1...

  1. Probability of Survival Decision Aid (PSDA)

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Xu, Xiaojiang; Amin, Mitesh; Santee, William R


    A Probability of Survival Decision Aid (PSDA) is developed to predict survival time for hypothermia and dehydration during prolonged exposure at sea in both air and water for a wide range of environmental conditions...

  2. Management of Meloidogyne incognita race 3 and Macrophomina phaseolina by fungus culture filtrates and Bacillus subtilis on chickpea


    Siddiqui, Z.A.; Mahmood, I.


    #Bacillus subtilis$ et des filtrats de culture des champignons #Aspergillus niger, Curvularia tuberculata$ et #Penicillium coryophilum$ ont été utilisés, seuls ou en combinaison, comme traitement de semences pour protéger le pois chiche contre une maladie racinaire complexe associant le nématode "Meloidogyne incognita$ race 3 et le champignon #Macrophomina phaseolina$. D'une manière générale, les traitements à l'aide de ces quatre agents, seuls ou en combinaison, accroissent le poids sec et l...

  3. A track-event theory of cell survival

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Besserer, Juergen; Schneider, Uwe [Zuerich Univ. (Switzerland). Inst. of Physics; Radiotherapy Hirslanden, Zuerich (Switzerland)


    When fractionation schemes for hypofractionation and stereotactic body radiotherapy are considered, a reliable cell survival model at high dose is needed for calculating doses of similar biological effectiveness. In this work a simple model for cell survival which is valid also at high dose is developed from Poisson statistics. An event is defined by two double strand breaks (DSB) on the same or different chromosomes. An event is always lethal due to direct lethal damage or lethal binary misrepair by the formation of chromosome aberrations. Two different mechanisms can produce events: one-track events (OTE) or two-track-events (TTE). The target for an OTE is always a lethal event, the target for an TTE is one DSB. At least two TTEs on the same or different chromosomes are necessary to produce an event. Both, the OTE and the TTE are statistically independent. From the stochastic nature of cell kill which is described by the Poisson distribution the cell survival probability was derived. It was shown that a solution based on Poisson statistics exists for cell survival. It exhibits exponential cell survival at high dose and a finite gradient of cell survival at vanishing dose, which is in agreement with experimental cell studies. The model fits the experimental data nearly as well as the three-parameter formula of Hug-Kellerer and is only based on two free parameters. It is shown that the LQ formalism is an approximation of the model derived in this work. It could be also shown that the derived model predicts a fractionated cell survival experiment better than the LQ-model. It was shown that cell survival can be described with a simple analytical formula on the basis of Poisson statistics. This solution represents in the limit of large dose the typical exponential behavior and predicts cell survival after fractionated dose application better than the LQ-model.

  4. A track-event theory of cell survival

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Besserer, Juergen; Schneider, Uwe


    When fractionation schemes for hypofractionation and stereotactic body radiotherapy are considered, a reliable cell survival model at high dose is needed for calculating doses of similar biological effectiveness. In this work a simple model for cell survival which is valid also at high dose is developed from Poisson statistics. An event is defined by two double strand breaks (DSB) on the same or different chromosomes. An event is always lethal due to direct lethal damage or lethal binary misrepair by the formation of chromosome aberrations. Two different mechanisms can produce events: one-track events (OTE) or two-track-events (TTE). The target for an OTE is always a lethal event, the target for an TTE is one DSB. At least two TTEs on the same or different chromosomes are necessary to produce an event. Both, the OTE and the TTE are statistically independent. From the stochastic nature of cell kill which is described by the Poisson distribution the cell survival probability was derived. It was shown that a solution based on Poisson statistics exists for cell survival. It exhibits exponential cell survival at high dose and a finite gradient of cell survival at vanishing dose, which is in agreement with experimental cell studies. The model fits the experimental data nearly as well as the three-parameter formula of Hug-Kellerer and is only based on two free parameters. It is shown that the LQ formalism is an approximation of the model derived in this work. It could be also shown that the derived model predicts a fractionated cell survival experiment better than the LQ-model. It was shown that cell survival can be described with a simple analytical formula on the basis of Poisson statistics. This solution represents in the limit of large dose the typical exponential behavior and predicts cell survival after fractionated dose application better than the LQ-model.

  5. 46 CFR 28.130 - Survival craft equipment. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Survival craft equipment. 28.130 Section 28.130 Shipping... INDUSTRY VESSELS Requirements for All Vessels § 28.130 Survival craft equipment. (a) General. Each item of survival craft equipment must be of good quality, effective for the purpose it is intended to serve, and...

  6. Estimation de l'impact en santé publique de la chimioprévention du ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ménage a permis d'échantillonner 482 enfants dont 241 cas et 241 témoins. La CPS réduit le .... l'incidence du paludisme entre les deux zones. (P<0,05). Distribution du nombre d'épisodes de paludisme par enfant. Il y a eu 234 épisodes de paludisme dans la zone témoin .... joueraient un important rôle. La CPS réduit ...

  7. International Journal of Arts and Humanities (IJAH) Bahir Dar- Ethiopia

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Dieu est bon. C'est pour indiquer la bonne volonté de. Dieu. 9. Nneoma. Bonne mère. Pour apprécier le rôle important que joue la mère pour ses enfants. 10 Chinasaokwu. La vengeance appartient à Dieu. 3. Une enfant née après une longue période d'attente pour indiquer que c'est Dieu qui peut répondre aux insolences.

  8. Dehydration survival of crop plants and its measurement. (United States)

    Blum, Abraham; Tuberosa, Roberto


    Dehydration survival under drought stress is defined in this review as the transition from plant activity into a quiescent state of life preservation, which will be terminated by either recovery or death, depending on the stress regime and the plant's resilience. Dehydration survival is a popular phenotype by which functional genomics attempts to test gene function in drought resistance and survival. The available reports on phenotyping and genotyping of dehydration survival in genomic studies indicate that the measurement of this trait is often biased to the extent that misguided interpretations are likely to occur. This review briefly discusses the physiological basis of dehydration survival in resurrection plants and crop plants, and concludes that in phenotyping dehydration survival there is a need to distinguish between dehydration avoidance and dehydration tolerance (also termed desiccation tolerance) in affecting survival and recovery. Without this distinction, functional genomics studies of the trait might be biased. Survival due to dehydration avoidance is expressed by the capacity to maintain a relatively high plant water status as the plant is desiccated. Survival due to dehydration tolerance is expressed by delayed mortality (mortality at a relatively low plant water status) as affected by the resilience of plant metabolism. The common test of dehydration survival, using the relative recovery after a given number of stress days, is therefore insufficient because it is mainly driven by dehydration avoidance and so ignores a possible role for dehydration tolerance. Conceivable methods for more accurate phenotyping of the two components of dehydration survival are proposed and discussed. © The Author(s) 2018. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Experimental Biology. All rights reserved. For permissions, please email:

  9. Family Models for Earning and Caring: Implications for Child Care and for Family Policy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ravanera, Zenaida


    Full Text Available AbstractCanadian families have changed, in part due to an economy that provides more work opportunities for women, and a cultural orientation that values equal opportunity and diversity infamilies. In spite of the change, both quantitative and qualitative evidence suggest a continued preference for mothers to spend considerable time with children, especially in the infant andtoddler years. Thus, in an average couple, the presence of young children in the home brings wives to reduce their paid work and husbands to increase their paid work. Our reading of parentalpreferences suggests an interest in more services for young children in the form of early childhood education and child care, but also an interest in policies that would allow parents to spend more time with children through parental leaves, part-time work with good benefits, and subsidies that supplement market income. Many options available to two-parent families are often less feasible for lone parents, giving a higher priority to child care.RésuméLa famille canadiennes a changé, dû en partie à une économie qui offre plus de possibilités d’emploi pour les femmes, et à une tendance culturelle qui valorise l’égalité des chances et la diversité dans les familles. En dépit de ces changements, les preuves quantitatives et qualitatives suggèrent une préférence continue pour les mères de passer plus de temps avec les enfants, particulièrement quand il s’agit de nouveau-nés ou d’enfants en bas âge. Donc, pour un couple moyen, la présence de jeunes enfants au foyer pousse les femmes à réduire leurs emplois rémunérés et les maris à augmenter les leurs. Notre étude des préférences parentales suggère un intérêt pour un accroissement des services pour jeunes enfants sous la forme d’éducation préscolaire et de garde d’enfants, et aussi un intérêt pour des politiques qui permettraient aux parents de passer plus de temps avec leurs enfants tels que cong

  10. The survival of Coxiella burnetii in soils (United States)

    Evstigneeva, A. S.; Ul'Yanova, T. Yu.; Tarasevich, I. V.


    Coxiella burnetii is a pathogen of Q-fever—a widespread zoonosis. The effective adaptation of C. burnetii to intracellular existence is in contrast with its ability to survive in the environment outside the host cells and its resistance to chemical and physical agents. Its mechanism of survival remains unknown. However, its survival appears to be related to the developmental cycle of the microorganism itself, i.e., to the formation of its dormant forms. The survival of Coxiella burnetii was studied for the first time. The pathogenic microorganism was inoculated into different types of soil and cultivated under different temperatures. The survival of the pathogen was verified using a model with laboratory animals (mice). Viable C. burnetii were found in the soil even 20 days after their inoculation. The relationship between the organic carbon content in the soils and the survival of C. burnetii was revealed. Thus, the results obtained were the first to demonstrate that the soil may serve as a reservoir for the preservation and further spreading of the Q-fever pathogen in the environment, on the one hand, and reduce the risk of epidemics, on the other.

  11. Changing Pattern in Malignant Mesothelioma Survival

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jennifer Faig


    Full Text Available Survival for mesothelioma has been shown to be poor, with marginal improvement over time. Recent advances in the understanding of pathophysiology and treatment of mesothelioma may impact therapy to improve survival that may not be evident from available clinical trials that are often small and not randomized. Therapies may affect survival differently based on mesothelioma location (pleural vs peritoneal. Data are conflicting regarding the effect of asbestos exposure on mesothelioma location. OBJECTIVES: We examined survival in a large cohort of mesothelioma subjects analyzed by tumor location and presence and mode of asbestos exposure. METHODS: Data were analyzed from cases (n = 380 diagnosed with mesothelioma from 1992 to 2012. Cases were either drawn from treatment referrals, independent medical evaluation for medical legal purposes, or volunteers who were diagnosed with mesothelioma. Subjects completed an occupational medical questionnaire, personal interview with the examining physician, and physician review of the medical record. RESULTS: This study reports better survival for mesothelioma than historical reports. Survival for peritoneal mesothelioma was longer than that for pleural mesothelioma (hazard ratio = 0.36, 95% confidence interval = 0.24-0.54, P < .001 after adjusting for gender and age at diagnosis. Non-occupational cases were more likely to be 1 diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma, 2 female, 3 exposed, and 4 diagnosed at a younger age and to have a 5 shorter latency compared to occupational cases (P < .001. CONCLUSION: Peritoneal mesothelioma was more likely associated with non-occupational exposure, thus emphasizing the importance of exposure history in enhancing early diagnosis and treatment impact.

  12. Survivability and Hope (United States)

    ... Current Issue Past Issues Special Section Survivability and Hope Past Issues / Spring 2007 Table of Contents For ... cure or long-term survivorship." This message of hope is a hallmark of the latest advances in ...

  13. Enhanced secondary analysis of survival data: reconstructing the data from published Kaplan-Meier survival curves. (United States)

    Guyot, Patricia; Ades, A E; Ouwens, Mario J N M; Welton, Nicky J


    The results of Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) on time-to-event outcomes that are usually reported are median time to events and Cox Hazard Ratio. These do not constitute the sufficient statistics required for meta-analysis or cost-effectiveness analysis, and their use in secondary analyses requires strong assumptions that may not have been adequately tested. In order to enhance the quality of secondary data analyses, we propose a method which derives from the published Kaplan Meier survival curves a close approximation to the original individual patient time-to-event data from which they were generated. We develop an algorithm that maps from digitised curves back to KM data by finding numerical solutions to the inverted KM equations, using where available information on number of events and numbers at risk. The reproducibility and accuracy of survival probabilities, median survival times and hazard ratios based on reconstructed KM data was assessed by comparing published statistics (survival probabilities, medians and hazard ratios) with statistics based on repeated reconstructions by multiple observers. The validation exercise established there was no material systematic error and that there was a high degree of reproducibility for all statistics. Accuracy was excellent for survival probabilities and medians, for hazard ratios reasonable accuracy can only be obtained if at least numbers at risk or total number of events are reported. The algorithm is a reliable tool for meta-analysis and cost-effectiveness analyses of RCTs reporting time-to-event data. It is recommended that all RCTs should report information on numbers at risk and total number of events alongside KM curves.

  14. Résultats de recherche | Page 29 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Création d'une formation par la simulation pour améliorer la santé des mères, des enfants, et des nouveau-nés où les ressources sont limitées. En Ouganda, le plus fort taux de mortalité des enfants de moins de cinq ans est observé durant la période prénatale; les principales causes de décès étant l'asphyxie et les ...

  15. Création d'un centre en Afrique pour soutenir l'examen systématique ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Création d'une formation par la simulation pour améliorer la santé des mères, des enfants, et des nouveau-nés où les ressources sont limitées. En Ouganda, le plus fort taux de mortalité des enfants de moins de cinq ans est observé durant la période prénatale; les principales causes de décès étant l'asphyxie et les ...

  16. Résultats de recherche | Page 98 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Infodivertissement vidéo : incidence sur les résultats en matière de santé des mères et des jeunes enfants à Toro, au Nigéria (IMCHA). Aux prises avec l'un des taux de mortalité maternelle parmi les plus élevés au monde, le Nigéria a déterminé que la santé des mères et des enfants est un enjeu prioritaire. Projet.

  17. 7TH Annual Anesthesia and Critical Care Symposium (7th) Held in Paris (France) on 22-24 April 1994, (United States)


    Amphitheatre Poincare DIMANCHE 24 AVRIL / SUNDAY APRIL 24th TRAUMATISME CRANIEN CHEZ L’ENFANT HEAD TRA UMA IN CHILDREN Mod6rateurs : J. BERMAN (Winston...Salem, Etats-Unis), Ph. MEYER (Paris, France) 08h30 Epid6miologie et physio-pathologie des traumatismes craniens chez 1’enfant Epidemiology and...pathophysiology of head injuries in children P. OAKLEY (Staffordshire, Royaume-Uni) 09h00 R6animation pr6-hospitali~re du traumatisme cranien grave

  18. Transformer en politiques les données probantes sur la santé des ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Transformer en politiques les données probantes sur la santé des mères, des nouveau-nés et des enfants en Afrique de l'Est. Ce projet regroupe les résultats de la recherche en matière de santé des mères et des enfants en Afrique de l'Est et appuie leur intégration dans les politiques et les pratiques. Le projet fait partie du ...


    CERN Multimedia



    La période de rentrée des classes coïncide également avec la reprise des activités sportives de nos enfants. L’Ecole de Rugby du CMSG Rugby Club, une des plus grandes de Suisse avec près d’une de licenciés de 6 à 18 ans, profite de cette période pour vous informer sur la réelle alternative que représente le Rugby. Pourquoi le rugby pour mon enfant ? Parce qu’il contribue à l’épanouissement harmonieux des enfants et des jeunes, ainsi qu’à la formation de leur personnalité. C’est même le ‘Sport Collectif par Excellence’ selon le Manuel des Castor Juniors ! Le rugby est un sport complet qui sollicite et développe les capacités motrices, intellectuelles, sociales et affectives de celui qui l’exerce. Le rugby...

  20. Adaptive memory: the comparative value of survival processing. (United States)

    Nairne, James S; Pandeirada, Josefa N S; Thompson, Sarah R


    We recently proposed that human memory systems are "tuned" to remember information that is processed for survival, perhaps as a result of fitness advantages accrued in the ancestral past. This proposal was supported by experiments in which participants showed superior memory when words were rated for survival relevance, at least relative to when words received other forms of deep processing. The current experiments tested the mettle of survival memory by pitting survival processing against conditions that are universally accepted as producing excellent retention, including conditions in which participants rated words for imagery, pleasantness, and self-reference; participants also generated words, studied words with the intention of learning them, or rated words for relevance to a contextually rich (but non-survival-related) scenario. Survival processing yielded the best retention, which suggests that it may be one of the best encoding procedures yet discovered in the memory field.

  1. Benign meningiomas: primary treatment selection affects survival

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Condra, Kellie S.; Buatti, John M.; Mendenhall, William M.; Friedman, William A.; Marcus, Robert B.; Rhoton, Albert L.


    Purpose: To examine the effect of primary treatment selection on outcomes for benign intracranial meningiomas at the University of Florida. Methods and Materials: For 262 patients, the impact of age, Karnofsky performance status, pathologic features, tumor size, tumor location, and treatment modality on local control and cause-specific survival was analyzed (minimum potential follow-up, 2 years; median follow-up, 8.2 years). Extent of surgery was classified by Simpson grade. Treatment groups: surgery alone (n = 229), surgery and postoperative radiotherapy (RT) (n = 21), RT alone (n = 7), radiosurgery alone (n = 5). Survival analysis: Kaplan-Meier method with univariate and multivariate analysis. Results: At 15 years, local control was 76% after total excision (TE) and 87% after subtotal excision plus RT (SE+RT), both significantly better (p = 0.0001) than after SE alone (30%). Cause-specific survival at 15 years was reduced after treatment with SE alone (51%), compared with TE (88%) or SE+RT (86%) (p = 0.0003). Recurrence after primary treatment portended decreased survival, independent of initial treatment group or salvage treatment selection (p = 0.001). Atypical pathologic features predicted reduced 15-year local control (54 vs. 71%) and cause-specific survival rates (57 vs. 86%). Multivariate analysis for cause-specific survival revealed treatment group (SE vs. others; p = 0.0001), pathologic features (atypical vs. typical; p = 0.0056), and Karnofsky performance status (≥80 vs. <80; p = 0.0153) as significant variables. Conclusion: Benign meningiomas are well managed by TE or SE+RT. SE alone is inadequate therapy and adversely affects cause-specific survival. Atypical pathologic features predict a poorer outcome, suggesting possible benefit from more aggressive treatment. Because local recurrence portends lower survival rates, primary treatment choice is important

  2. 46 CFR 180.150 - Survival craft embarkation arrangements. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Survival craft embarkation arrangements. 180.150 Section... (UNDER 100 GROSS TONS) LIFESAVING EQUIPMENT AND ARRANGEMENTS Survival Craft Arrangements and Equipment § 180.150 Survival craft embarkation arrangements. (a) A launching appliance approved under approval...

  3. Equity and child-survival strategies. (United States)

    Mulholland, Ek; Smith, L; Carneiro, I; Becher, H; Lehmann, D


    Recent advances in child survival have often been at the expense of increasing inequity. Successive interventions are applied to the same population sectors, while the same children in other sectors consistently miss out, leading to a trend towards increasing inequity in child survival. This is particularly important in the case of pneumonia, the leading cause of child death, which is closely linked to poverty and malnutrition, and for which effective community-based case management is more difficult to achieve than for other causes of child death. The key strategies for the prevention of childhood pneumonia are case management, mainly through Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI), and immunization, particularly the newer vaccines against Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) and pneumococcus. There is a tendency to introduce both interventions into communities that already have access to basic health care and preventive services, thereby increasing the relative disadvantage experienced by those children without such access. Both strategies can be implemented in such a way as to decrease rather than increase inequity. It is important to monitor equity when introducing child-survival interventions. Economic poverty, as measured by analyses based on wealth quintiles, is an important determinant of inequity in health outcomes but in some settings other factors may be of greater importance. Geography and ethnicity can both lead to failed access to health care, and therefore inequity in child survival. Poorly functioning health facilities are also of major importance. Countries need to be aware of the main determinants of inequity in their communities so that measures can be taken to ensure that IMCI, new vaccine implementation and other child-survival strategies are introduced in an equitable manner.

  4. Environmental pollution has sex-dependent effects on local survival (United States)

    Eeva, Tapio; Hakkarainen, Harri; Laaksonen, Toni; Lehikoinen, Esa


    Environmental pollutants cause a potential hazard for survival in free-living animal populations. We modelled local survival (including emigration) by using individual mark–recapture histories of males and females in a population of a small insectivorous passerine bird, the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) living around a point source of heavy metals (copper smelter). Local survival of F. hypoleuca females did not differ between polluted and unpolluted environments. Males, however, showed a one-third higher local-survival probability in the polluted area. Low fledgling production was generally associated with decreased local survival, but males in the polluted area showed relatively high local survival, irrespective of their fledgling number. A possible explanation of higher local survival of males in the polluted area could be a pollution-induced change in hormone (e.g. corticosterone or testosterone) levels of males. It could make them to invest more on their own survival or affect the hormonal control of breeding dispersal. The local survival of males decreased in the polluted area over the study period along with the simultaneous decrease in heavy metal emissions. This temporal trend is in agreement with the stress hormone hypothesis. PMID:17148387

  5. Determinants of IPO survival on the Johannesburg securities exchange

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brownhilder Ngek Neneh


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper was to establish the determinants of IPO survival on the Johannesburg Securities Exchange (JSE. Using the Kaplan-Meier test, this study established that firms less than five years prior to listing on the JSE have a significant smaller mean survival time; firms with a gross proceed less than the median have a significant shorter mean survival time; overpriced IPOs have a significant higher survival time; IPOs listed during the hot market period on the JSE have a significant smaller mean survival time and IPOs with return on asset, operating profit margin, and return on equity less than or equal to zero have a low mean survival time. Also, being in the internet industry significantly shortens the mean survival time of an IPO. Moreover, based on the Cox Proportional Hazard model, it was established that the determinants of IPO survivability on the JSE are the firms’ age, size, market period, return on equity and operating profit margin are. These findings provide investors and companies in the JSE with empirical evidence of the determinants of IPO survivability of the JSE. As such, investors are advised to consider these factors when selecting their portfolios

  6. Foreign Ownership and Long-term Survival

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kronborg, Dorte; Thomsen, Steen


    probability. On average exit risk for domestic companies is 2.3 times higher than for foreign companies. First movers like Siemens, Philips, Kodak, Ford, GM or Goodyear have been active in the country for almost a century. Relative foreign survival increases with company age. However, the foreign survival...

  7. 46 CFR 185.518 - Inflatable survival craft placards. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Inflatable survival craft placards. 185.518 Section 185... 100 GROSS TONS) OPERATIONS Preparations for Emergencies § 185.518 Inflatable survival craft placards. (a) Every vessel equipped with an inflatable survival craft must have approved placards or other...

  8. Prolongation of islet allograft survival

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lacy, P.E.; Davie, J.M.; Finke, E.H.; Scharp, D.W.


    Pretreatment of donor rats with irradiation and silica followed by in vitro culture of the islets for 1 to 2 days prolonged survival of allografts across a minor histocompatibility barrier if hand-picked, clean islets were used for transplantation. Pretreatment of donor rats with irradiation and silica in conjunction with a single injection of antilymphocyte serum (ALS) into the recipient produced a prolongation of survival of hand-picked islets transplanted across a major histocompatibility barrier

  9. Avaliação de Impacto das condicionalidades de educação do Programa Bolsa Família (2005 e 2009

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ernesto Friedrich de Lima Amaral


    Full Text Available Dans cet article, on examine les impacts des conditionnalités de l'éducation dans le Programme Bolsa Família sur l'absentéisme scolaire d'enfants qui bénéficient de ce programme. L'hypothèse principale est que l'enfant qui habite dans un foyer recevant cette aide a moins de chances d'abandonner l'école. On se sert de données de l'Étude de l'impact du Programme Bolsa Família (AIBF de 2005 à 2009 du Ministère du Développement Social et de la Lutte contre la Faim (MDS. Des modèles logistiques ont estimé les chances d'abandon scolaire de 2005 à 2009, à partir de trois niveaux de revenu domiciliaire par habitant, compte tenu des caractéristiques du foyer, de la mère et de l'enfant. Les enfants habitant dans des foyers bénéficiaires du Programme Bolsa Família ont révélé une nette réduction du taux d'abandon scolaire en 2005. Les données pour 2009 n'ont pas été statistiquement significatives, bien que montrant une diminution de l'abandon scolaire comme résultat de l'aide reçue du Bolsa Família.

  10. Implant survival after total elbow arthroplasty

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Plaschke, Hans Christian; Thillemann, Theis M; Brorson, Stig


    in 234 patients at a mean follow-up of 8.7 years (range, 0-27 years). The overall 5-year survival was 90% (95% confidence interval [CI], 88%-94%), and 10-year survival was 81% (95% CI, 76%-86%). TEAs performed with the unlinked design had a relative risk of revision of 1.9 (95% CI, 1.1-3.2) compared...... was to evaluate implant survival and risk factors for revision of TEAs inserted in patients in the eastern part of Denmark in the period from 1980 until 2008. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The Danish National Patient Register provided personal identification numbers for patients who underwent TEA procedures from 1980...

  11. Enhanced secondary analysis of survival data: reconstructing the data from published Kaplan-Meier survival curves

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guyot Patricia


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The results of Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs on time-to-event outcomes that are usually reported are median time to events and Cox Hazard Ratio. These do not constitute the sufficient statistics required for meta-analysis or cost-effectiveness analysis, and their use in secondary analyses requires strong assumptions that may not have been adequately tested. In order to enhance the quality of secondary data analyses, we propose a method which derives from the published Kaplan Meier survival curves a close approximation to the original individual patient time-to-event data from which they were generated. Methods We develop an algorithm that maps from digitised curves back to KM data by finding numerical solutions to the inverted KM equations, using where available information on number of events and numbers at risk. The reproducibility and accuracy of survival probabilities, median survival times and hazard ratios based on reconstructed KM data was assessed by comparing published statistics (survival probabilities, medians and hazard ratios with statistics based on repeated reconstructions by multiple observers. Results The validation exercise established there was no material systematic error and that there was a high degree of reproducibility for all statistics. Accuracy was excellent for survival probabilities and medians, for hazard ratios reasonable accuracy can only be obtained if at least numbers at risk or total number of events are reported. Conclusion The algorithm is a reliable tool for meta-analysis and cost-effectiveness analyses of RCTs reporting time-to-event data. It is recommended that all RCTs should report information on numbers at risk and total number of events alongside KM curves.

  12. 46 CFR 122.518 - Inflatable survival craft placards. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Inflatable survival craft placards. 122.518 Section 122... Preparations for Emergencies § 122.518 Inflatable survival craft placards. (a) Every vessel equipped with an inflatable survival craft must have approved placards or other cards containing instructions for launching...

  13. Stage at diagnosis and ovarian cancer survival

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Maringe, Camille; Walters, Sarah; Butler, John


    We investigate what role stage at diagnosis bears in international differences in ovarian cancer survival.......We investigate what role stage at diagnosis bears in international differences in ovarian cancer survival....

  14. Landscape‐level patterns in fawn survival across North America (United States)

    Gingery, Tess M.; Diefenbach, Duane R.; Wallingford, Bret D.; Rosenberry, Christopher S.


    A landscape‐level meta‐analysis approach to examining early survival of ungulates may elucidate patterns in survival not evident from individual studies. Despite numerous efforts, the relationship between fawn survival and habitat characteristics remains unclear and there has been no attempt to examine trends in survival across landscape types with adequate replication. In 2015–2016, we radiomarked 98 white‐tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) fawns in 2 study areas in Pennsylvania. By using a meta‐analysis approach, we compared fawn survival estimates from across North America using published data from 29 populations in 16 states to identify patterns in survival and cause‐specific mortality related to landscape characteristics, predator communities, and deer population density. We modeled fawn survival relative to percentage of agricultural land cover and deer density. Estimated average survival to 3–6 months of age was 0.414 ± 0.062 (SE) in contiguous forest landscapes (no agriculture) and for every 10% increase in land area in agriculture, fawn survival increased 0.049 ± 0.014. We classified cause‐specific mortality as human‐caused, natural (excluding predation), and predation according to agriculturally dominated, forested, and mixed (i.e., both agricultural and forest cover) landscapes. Predation was the greatest source of mortality in all landscapes. Landscapes with mixed forest and agricultural cover had greater proportions and rates of human‐caused mortalities, and lower proportions and rates of mortality due to predators, when compared to forested landscapes. Proportion and rate of natural deaths did not differ among landscapes. We failed to detect any relationship between fawn survival and deer density. The results highlight the need to consider multiple spatial scales when accounting for factors that influence fawn survival. Furthermore, variation in mortality sources and rates among landscapes indicate the potential for

  15. Chronic consequences of acute injuries: worse survival after discharge. (United States)

    Shafi, Shahid; Renfro, Lindsay A; Barnes, Sunni; Rayan, Nadine; Gentilello, Larry M; Fleming, Neil; Ballard, David


    The Trauma Quality Improvement Program uses inhospital mortality to measure quality of care, which assumes patients who survive injury are not likely to suffer higher mortality after discharge. We hypothesized that survival rates in trauma patients who survive to discharge remain stable afterward. Patients treated at an urban Level I trauma center (2006-2008) were linked with the Social Security Administration Death Master File. Survival rates were measured at 30, 90, and 180 days and 1 and 2 years from injury among two groups of trauma patients who survived to discharge: major trauma (Abbreviated Injury Scale score ≥ 3 injuries, n = 2,238) and minor trauma (Abbreviated Injury Scale score ≤ 2 injuries, n = 1,171). Control groups matched to each trauma group by age and sex were simulated from the US general population using annual survival probabilities from census data. Kaplan-Meier and log-rank analyses conditional upon survival to each time point were used to determine changes in risk of mortality after discharge. Cox proportional hazards models with left truncation at the time of discharge were used to determine independent predictors of mortality after discharge. The survival rate in trauma patients with major injuries was 92% at 30 days posttrauma and declined to 84% by 3 years (p > 0.05 compared with general population). Minor trauma patients experienced a survival rate similar to the general population. Age and injury severity were the only independent predictors of long-term mortality given survival to discharge. Log-rank tests conditional on survival to each time point showed that mortality risk in patients with major injuries remained significantly higher than the general population for up to 6 months after injury. The survival rate of trauma patients with major injuries remains significantly lower than survival for minor trauma patients and the general population for several months postdischarge. Surveillance for early identification and treatment of

  16. Survival and reproduction of radio-marked adult spotted owls. (United States)

    C.C. Foster; E.D. Forsman; E.C. Meslow; G.S. Miller; J.A. Reid; F.F. Wagner; A.B. Carey; J.B. Lint


    We compared survival, reproduction, and body mass of radio-marked and non radio-marked spotted owls (Strix occidentalis) to determine if backpack radios influenced reproduction or survival. In most study areas and years, there were no differences (P > 0.05) in survival of males and females or in survival of radio-marked versus banded owls. There...

  17. 46 CFR 108.530 - Stowage of survival craft. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Stowage of survival craft. 108.530 Section 108.530... AND EQUIPMENT Lifesaving Equipment § 108.530 Stowage of survival craft. (a) General. Each survival craft required to be served by a launching appliance or marine evacuation system must be stowed as...

  18. Adaptive Memory: Is Survival Processing Special? (United States)

    Nairne, James S.; Pandeirada, Josefa N. S.


    Do the operating characteristics of memory continue to bear the imprints of ancestral selection pressures? Previous work in our laboratory has shown that human memory may be specially tuned to retain information processed in terms of its survival relevance. A few seconds of survival processing in an incidental learning context can produce recall…

  19. Demisability and survivability sensitivity to design-for-demise techniques (United States)

    Trisolini, Mirko; Lewis, Hugh G.; Colombo, Camilla


    The paper is concerned with examining the effects that design-for-demise solutions can have not only on the demisability of components, but also on their survivability that is their capability to withstand impacts from space debris. First two models are introduced. A demisability model to predict the behaviour of spacecraft components during the atmospheric re-entry and a survivability model to assess the vulnerability of spacecraft structures against space debris impacts. Two indices that evaluate the level of demisability and survivability are also proposed. The two models are then used to study the sensitivity of the demisability and of the survivability indices as a function of typical design-for-demise options. The demisability and the survivability can in fact be influenced by the same design parameters in a competing fashion that is while the demisability is improved, the survivability is worsened and vice versa. The analysis shows how the design-for-demise solutions influence the demisability and the survivability independently. In addition, the effect that a solution has simultaneously on the two criteria is assessed. Results shows which, among the design-for-demise parameters mostly influence the demisability and the survivability. For such design parameters maps are presented, describing their influence on the demisability and survivability indices. These maps represent a useful tool to quickly assess the level of demisability and survivability that can be expected from a component, when specific design parameters are changed.

  20. Operational slack and venture survival


    Azadegan, Arash; Patel, Pankaj; Parida, Vinit


    Slack can act as a double-edged sword. While it can buffer against environmental threats to help ensure business continuity, slack canalso be costly and reduce profitability. In this study, we focus on operational slack, the form related to the firm’s production processes. We investigate the role of operational slack on firm survival during its venture stage, when its survival is significantly challenged by environmental threats. Specifically, we explore how change in three types of environme...

  1. Résultats de recherche | Page 85 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Amélioration de la santé des mères et des enfants dans les régions rurales mal desservies du Nigeria grâce à la recherche visant la mise en oeuvre. La santé des mères et des enfants est une priorité pour le Nigeria, mais d'importants défis et possibilités à l'échelon des États influencent les efforts déployés pour réduire les ...

  2. 46 CFR 199.130 - Stowage of survival craft. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Stowage of survival craft. 199.130 Section 199.130... craft. (a) General. Each survival craft must be stowed— (1) As close to the accommodation and service spaces as possible; (2) So that neither the survival craft nor its stowage arrangements will interfere...

  3. Survival of Alzheimer's disease patients in Korea. (United States)

    Go, Seok Min; Lee, Kang Soo; Seo, Sang Won; Chin, Juhee; Kang, Sue J; Moon, So Young; Na, Duk L; Cheong, Hae-Kwan


    The natural history of Alzheimer's disease (AD) has rarely been studied in the Korean population. Our study on survival analyses in Korean AD patients potentially provides a basis for cross-cultural comparisons. We studied 724 consecutive patients from a memory disorder clinic in a tertiary hospital in Seoul, who were diagnosed as having AD between April 1995 and December 2005. Deaths were identified by the Statistics Korea database. The Kaplan-Meier method was used for survival analysis, and a Cox proportional hazard model was used to assess factors related to patient survival. The overall median survival from the onset of first symptoms and from the time of diagnosis was 12.6 years (95% confidence interval 11.7-13.4) and 9.3 years (95% confidence interval 8.7-9.9), respectively. The age of onset, male gender, history of diabetes mellitus, lower Mini-Mental State Examination score, and higher Clinical Dementia Rating score were negatively associated with survival. There was a reversal of risk of AD between early-onset and later-onset AD, 9.1 years after onset. The results of our study show a different pattern of survival compared to those studies carried out with western AD populations. Mortality risk of early-onset AD varied depending on the duration of follow-up. Copyright © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  4. Gender Inequality in Survival at Older Ages


    Sanderson, W.; Scherbov, S.


    Gender gaps are typically measured by subtracting the survival rates for women from that of men. In most countries and at most ages, these gender gaps indicate a survival rate disadvantage for men. This method is not informative because it is unclear whether larger or smaller gaps would be more equitable. Here we reconceptualize the gender gap in survival based on differences from gender-specific best practice rates and express those gender gaps in the metric years of age. If the age-specific...

  5. Multiple neoplasms, single primaries, and patient survival

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amer MH


    Full Text Available Magid H Amer Department of Medicine, St Rita's Medical Center, Lima, OH, USA Background: Multiple primary neoplasms in surviving cancer patients are relatively common, with an increasing incidence. Their impact on survival has not been clearly defined. Methods: This was a retrospective review of clinical data for all consecutive patients with histologically confirmed cancer, with emphasis on single versus multiple primary neoplasms. Second primaries discovered at the workup of the index (first primary were termed simultaneous, if discovered within 6 months of the index primary were called synchronous, and if discovered after 6 months were termed metachronous. Results: Between 2005 and 2012, of 1,873 cancer patients, 322 developed second malignancies; these included two primaries (n=284, and three or more primaries (n=38. Forty-seven patients had synchronous primaries and 275 had metachronous primaries. Patients with multiple primaries were predominantly of Caucasian ancestry (91.0%, with a tendency to develop thrombosis (20.2%, had a strong family history of similar cancer (22.3%, and usually presented with earlier stage 0 through stage II disease (78.9%. When compared with 1,551 patients with a single primary, these figures were 8.9%, 15.6%, 18.3%, and 50.9%, respectively (P≤0.001. Five-year survival rates were higher for metachronous cancers (95% than for synchronous primaries (59% and single primaries (59%. The worst survival rate was for simultaneous concomitant multiple primaries, being a median of 1.9 years. The best survival was for patients with three or more primaries (median 10.9 years and was similar to the expected survival for the age-matched and sex-matched general population (P=0.06991. Conclusion: Patients with multiple primaries are usually of Caucasian ancestry, have less aggressive malignancies, present at earlier stages, frequently have a strong family history of similar cancer, and their cancers tend to have indolent

  6. 46 CFR 28.805 - Launching of survival craft. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Launching of survival craft. 28.805 Section 28.805... FISHING INDUSTRY VESSELS Aleutian Trade Act Vessels § 28.805 Launching of survival craft. In addition to the survival craft requirements in subpart B, each vessel must have a gate or other opening in the...

  7. Obesity adversely affects survival in pancreatic cancer patients. (United States)

    McWilliams, Robert R; Matsumoto, Martha E; Burch, Patrick A; Kim, George P; Halfdanarson, Thorvardur R; de Andrade, Mariza; Reid-Lombardo, Kaye; Bamlet, William R


    Higher body-mass index (BMI) has been implicated as a risk factor for developing pancreatic cancer, but its effect on survival has not been thoroughly investigated. The authors assessed the association of BMI with survival in a sample of pancreatic cancer patients and used epidemiologic and clinical information to understand the contribution of diabetes and hyperglycemia. A survival analysis using Cox proportional hazards by usual adult BMI was performed on 1861 unselected patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma; analyses were adjusted for covariates that included clinical stage, age, and sex. Secondary analyses incorporated self-reported diabetes and fasting blood glucose in the survival model. BMI as a continuous variable was inversely associated with survival from pancreatic adenocarcinoma (hazard ratio [HR], 1.019 for each increased unit of BMI [kg/m2], PFasting blood glucose and diabetes did not affect the results. Higher BMI is associated with decreased survival in pancreatic cancer. Although the mechanism of this association remains undetermined, diabetes and hyperglycemia do not appear to account for the observed association. Copyright © 2010 American Cancer Society.

  8. Contrasting patterns of nest survival and postfledging survival in ovenbirds and Acadian flycatchers in Missouri forest fragments (United States)

    Julianna M. A. Jenkins; Frank R. Thompson; John Faaborg


    We can improve our ability to assess population viability and forecast population growth under different scenarios by understanding factors that limit population parameters in each stage of the annual cycle. Postfledging mortality rates may be as variable as nest survival across regions and fragmentation gradients, although factors that negatively impact nest survival...

  9. EVE et École

    CERN Multimedia

    Staff Association


    Il reste des places disponibles ! La structure Espace de vie enfantine (EVE) et École de l’Association du personnel du CERN vous informe qu’il reste quelques places pour la rentrée scolaire 2017-2018 : à la crèche (2-3 ans) (accueil sur 2, 3 ou 5 jours) ; au jardin d’enfants (2-4 ans) (accueil à la matinée) ; en classe de 1ère primaire (1P) (4-5 ans). N’hésitez pas à rapidement nous contacter si vous êtes intéressés ; nous sommes à votre disposition pour répondre à toutes vos questions : L’EVE et École de l’Association du personnel du CERN est ouverte non seulement aux enfants des personnels du CERN (MPE, MPA) mais également aux enfants des personnes ne travaillant pas sur le domaine du CERN. ...

  10. Rugby Club

    CERN Multimedia

    Rugby Club


    L’école de rugby du Rugby Club CERN Meyrin Saint Genis Pouilly organise son tournoi le Dimanche 30 Avril 2017 de 12h à 16h au terrain de rugby situé proche du Golf des Serves à Saint Genis Pouilly. Ne manquez pas de venir encourager nos jeunes rugby(wo)men. C’est également l’occasion de faire découvrir ce sport à votre enfant ! Le reste de l’année, les entraînements des enfants (de 4 à 16 ans) ont lieu le mercredi de 17h30 à 19h au terrain de rugby de Meyrin situé avenue Louis Rendu (jouxtant le parking de la piscine de Meyrin). Après trois séances d’essais offertes, vos enfants pourront alors décider de transformer l’essai en s’inscrivant.    Le Rugby Club CERN Meyrin St Genis c'est aussi une section Masculine et une section F&...

  11. Developing a scalable modeling architecture for studying survivability technologies (United States)

    Mohammad, Syed; Bounker, Paul; Mason, James; Brister, Jason; Shady, Dan; Tucker, David


    To facilitate interoperability of models in a scalable environment, and provide a relevant virtual environment in which Survivability technologies can be evaluated, the US Army Research Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM) Modeling Architecture for Technology Research and Experimentation (MATREX) Science and Technology Objective (STO) program has initiated the Survivability Thread which will seek to address some of the many technical and programmatic challenges associated with the effort. In coordination with different Thread customers, such as the Survivability branches of various Army labs, a collaborative group has been formed to define the requirements for the simulation environment that would in turn provide them a value-added tool for assessing models and gauge system-level performance relevant to Future Combat Systems (FCS) and the Survivability requirements of other burgeoning programs. An initial set of customer requirements has been generated in coordination with the RDECOM Survivability IPT lead, through the Survivability Technology Area at RDECOM Tank-automotive Research Development and Engineering Center (TARDEC, Warren, MI). The results of this project are aimed at a culminating experiment and demonstration scheduled for September, 2006, which will include a multitude of components from within RDECOM and provide the framework for future experiments to support Survivability research. This paper details the components with which the MATREX Survivability Thread was created and executed, and provides insight into the capabilities currently demanded by the Survivability faculty within RDECOM.

  12. Aircraft Survivability: Survivability in The Low Altitude Regime, Summer 2009 (United States)


    elevation, sun location, temperature, humidity, ozone level, visibility, cloud coverage, and wind speed and direction. Survivability in the Low Altitude...JASP Summer PMSG 14–16 July 2009 Key West, FL AUG 45th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit 2–5 August 2009 Denver, CO

  13. Customer service skills for survival. (United States)

    McAtee, L F


    As APICS practitioners, we all must share a common goal. How can we contribute to our company's success? Success can be measured in positive terms of market share, growth, profitability, return on investment, or some combination thereof. Each company must establish its own definition of success. For the purposes of this article, success will be equated to one word that we can all readily identify with: survival. What skills do we need to survive in the marketplace of the next millennium?

  14. Long-term survival in small-cell lung cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lassen, U; Osterlind, K; Hansen, M


    PURPOSE: To describe in patients with small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) the characteristics of those who survive for > or = 5 years, to identify long-term prognostic factors, to analyze survival data of 5-year survivors, and to study 10-year survival in patients entered before 1981. PATIENTS......, especially tobacco-related cancers and other tobacco-related diseases....

  15. 46 CFR 199.230 - Stowage of survival craft. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Stowage of survival craft. 199.230 Section 199.230... Stowage of survival craft. (a) To meet the requirements of § 199.130(b)(1), each lifeboat on a passenger... height of a survival craft must take into account the vessel's escape provisions, the vessel's size, and...

  16. 46 CFR 199.290 - Stowage of survival craft. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Stowage of survival craft. 199.290 Section 199.290... of survival craft. (a) To meet the requirements of § 199.130(b)(1), each lifeboat— (1) On a cargo... required under § 199.261(e), no stowage position or muster and embarkation station for a survival craft on...

  17. Conditional survival of cancer patients: an Australian perspective

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yu Xue


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Estimated conditional survival for cancer patients diagnosed at different ages and disease stage provides important information for cancer patients and clinicians in planning follow-up, surveillance and ongoing management. Methods Using population-based cancer registry data for New South Wales Australia, we estimated conditional 5-year relative survival for 11 major cancers diagnosed 1972–2006 by time since diagnosis and age and stage at diagnosis. Results 193,182 cases were included, with the most common cancers being prostate (39,851, female breast (36,585 and colorectal (35,455. Five-year relative survival tended to increase with increasing years already survived and improvement was greatest for cancers with poor prognosis at diagnosis (lung or pancreas and for those with advanced stage or older age at diagnosis. After surviving 10 years, conditional 5-year survival was over 95% for 6 localised, 6 regional, 3 distant and 3 unknown stage cancers. For the remaining patient groups, conditional 5-year survival ranged from 74% (for distant stage bladder cancer to 94% (for 4 cancers at different stages, indicating that they continue to have excess mortality 10–15 years after diagnosis. Conclusion These data provide important information for cancer patients, based on age and stage at diagnosis, as they continue on their cancer journey. This information may also be used by clinicians as a tool to make more evidence-based decisions regarding follow-up, surveillance, or ongoing management according to patients' changing survival expectations over time.

  18. Partitioning of excess mortality in population-based cancer patient survival studies using flexible parametric survival models

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eloranta Sandra


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Relative survival is commonly used for studying survival of cancer patients as it captures both the direct and indirect contribution of a cancer diagnosis on mortality by comparing the observed survival of the patients to the expected survival in a comparable cancer-free population. However, existing methods do not allow estimation of the impact of isolated conditions (e.g., excess cardiovascular mortality on the total excess mortality. For this purpose we extend flexible parametric survival models for relative survival, which use restricted cubic splines for the baseline cumulative excess hazard and for any time-dependent effects. Methods In the extended model we partition the excess mortality associated with a diagnosis of cancer through estimating a separate baseline excess hazard function for the outcomes under investigation. This is done by incorporating mutually exclusive background mortality rates, stratified by the underlying causes of death reported in the Swedish population, and by introducing cause of death as a time-dependent effect in the extended model. This approach thereby enables modeling of temporal trends in e.g., excess cardiovascular mortality and remaining cancer excess mortality simultaneously. Furthermore, we illustrate how the results from the proposed model can be used to derive crude probabilities of death due to the component parts, i.e., probabilities estimated in the presence of competing causes of death. Results The method is illustrated with examples where the total excess mortality experienced by patients diagnosed with breast cancer is partitioned into excess cardiovascular mortality and remaining cancer excess mortality. Conclusions The proposed method can be used to simultaneously study disease patterns and temporal trends for various causes of cancer-consequent deaths. Such information should be of interest for patients and clinicians as one way of improving prognosis after cancer is

  19. Marital Status and Survival in Patients with Carcinoid Tumors. (United States)

    Greenleaf, Erin K; Cooper, Amanda B; Hollenbeak, Christopher S


    Marital status is a known prognostic factor in overall and disease-specific survival in several types of cancer. The impact of marital status on survival in patients with carcinoid tumors remains unknown. We hypothesized that married patients have higher rates of survival than similar unmarried patients with carcinoid tumors. Using the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results database, we identified 23,126 people diagnosed with a carcinoid tumor between 2000 and 2011 and stratified them according to marital status. Univariate and multivariable analyses were performed to compare the characteristics and outcomes between patient cohorts. Overall and cancer-related survival were analyzed using the Kaplan-Meier method. Multivariable survival analyses were performed using Cox proportional hazards models (hazards ratio [HR]), controlling for demographics and tumor-related and treatment-related variables. Propensity score analysis was performed to determine surgical intervention distributions among married and unmarried (ie, single, separated, divorced, widowed) patients. Marital status was significantly related to both overall and cancer-related survival in patients with carcinoid tumors. Divorced and widowed patients had worse overall survival (HR, 1.33 [95% confidence interval {CI}, 1.08-1.33] and 1.34 [95% CI, 1.22-1.46], respectively) and cancer-related survival (HR, 1.15 [95% CI, 1.00-1.31] and 1.15 [95% CI, 1.03-1.29], respectively) than married patients over five years. Single and separated patients had worse overall survival (HR, 1.20 [95% CI, 1.08-1.33] and 1.62 [95% CI, 1.25-2.11], respectively) than married patients over five years, but not worse cancer-related survival. Unmarried patients were more likely than matched married patients to undergo definitive surgical intervention (62.67% vs 53.11%, respectively, P married patients have a survival advantage after diagnosis of any carcinoid tumor, potentially reflecting better social support and financial means

  20. Breast cancer data analysis for survivability studies and prediction. (United States)

    Shukla, Nagesh; Hagenbuchner, Markus; Win, Khin Than; Yang, Jack


    Breast cancer is the most common cancer affecting females worldwide. Breast cancer survivability prediction is challenging and a complex research task. Existing approaches engage statistical methods or supervised machine learning to assess/predict the survival prospects of patients. The main objectives of this paper is to develop a robust data analytical model which can assist in (i) a better understanding of breast cancer survivability in presence of missing data, (ii) providing better insights into factors associated with patient survivability, and (iii) establishing cohorts of patients that share similar properties. Unsupervised data mining methods viz. the self-organising map (SOM) and density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) is used to create patient cohort clusters. These clusters, with associated patterns, were used to train multilayer perceptron (MLP) model for improved patient survivability analysis. A large dataset available from SEER program is used in this study to identify patterns associated with the survivability of breast cancer patients. Information gain was computed for the purpose of variable selection. All of these methods are data-driven and require little (if any) input from users or experts. SOM consolidated patients into cohorts of patients with similar properties. From this, DBSCAN identified and extracted nine cohorts (clusters). It is found that patients in each of the nine clusters have different survivability time. The separation of patients into clusters improved the overall survival prediction accuracy based on MLP and revealed intricate conditions that affect the accuracy of a prediction. A new, entirely data driven approach based on unsupervised learning methods improves understanding and helps identify patterns associated with the survivability of patient. The results of the analysis can be used to segment the historical patient data into clusters or subsets, which share common variable values and

  1. Cell Survival Signaling in Neuroblastoma (United States)

    Megison, Michael L.; Gillory, Lauren A.; Beierle, Elizabeth A.


    Neuroblastoma is the most common extracranial solid tumor of childhood and is responsible for over 15% of pediatric cancer deaths. Neuroblastoma tumorigenesis and malignant transformation is driven by overexpression and dominance of cell survival pathways and a lack of normal cellular senescence or apoptosis. Therefore, manipulation of cell survival pathways may decrease the malignant potential of these tumors and provide avenues for the development of novel therapeutics. This review focuses on several facets of cell survival pathways including protein kinases (PI3K, AKT, ALK, and FAK), transcription factors (NF-κB, MYCN and p53), and growth factors (IGF, EGF, PDGF, and VEGF). Modulation of each of these factors decreases the growth or otherwise hinders the malignant potential of neuroblastoma, and many therapeutics targeting these pathways are already in the clinical trial phase of development. Continued research and discovery of effective modulators of these pathways will revolutionize the treatment of neuroblastoma. PMID:22934706

  2. Surviving After Suicide (United States)

    ... fewer tools for communicating their feelings. Surviving After Suicide Fact Sheet 3 Children are especially vulnerable to feelings of guilt and ... to take care of them. Secrecy about the suicide in the hopes of protecting children may cause further complications. Explain the situation and ...

  3. Stage-specific predictive models for breast cancer survivability. (United States)

    Kate, Rohit J; Nadig, Ramya


    Survivability rates vary widely among various stages of breast cancer. Although machine learning models built in past to predict breast cancer survivability were given stage as one of the features, they were not trained or evaluated separately for each stage. To investigate whether there are differences in performance of machine learning models trained and evaluated across different stages for predicting breast cancer survivability. Using three different machine learning methods we built models to predict breast cancer survivability separately for each stage and compared them with the traditional joint models built for all the stages. We also evaluated the models separately for each stage and together for all the stages. Our results show that the most suitable model to predict survivability for a specific stage is the model trained for that particular stage. In our experiments, using additional examples of other stages during training did not help, in fact, it made it worse in some cases. The most important features for predicting survivability were also found to be different for different stages. By evaluating the models separately on different stages we found that the performance widely varied across them. We also demonstrate that evaluating predictive models for survivability on all the stages together, as was done in the past, is misleading because it overestimates performance. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Multiple neoplasms, single primaries, and patient survival

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Amer, Magid H


    Multiple primary neoplasms in surviving cancer patients are relatively common, with an increasing incidence. Their impact on survival has not been clearly defined. This was a retrospective review of clinical data for all consecutive patients with histologically confirmed cancer, with emphasis on single versus multiple primary neoplasms. Second primaries discovered at the workup of the index (first) primary were termed simultaneous, if discovered within 6 months of the index primary were called synchronous, and if discovered after 6 months were termed metachronous. Between 2005 and 2012, of 1,873 cancer patients, 322 developed second malignancies; these included two primaries (n=284), and three or more primaries (n=38). Forty-seven patients had synchronous primaries and 275 had metachronous primaries. Patients with multiple primaries were predominantly of Caucasian ancestry (91.0%), with a tendency to develop thrombosis (20.2%), had a strong family history of similar cancer (22.3%), and usually presented with earlier stage 0 through stage II disease (78.9%). When compared with 1,551 patients with a single primary, these figures were 8.9%, 15.6%, 18.3%, and 50.9%, respectively (P≤0.001). Five-year survival rates were higher for metachronous cancers (95%) than for synchronous primaries (59%) and single primaries (59%). The worst survival rate was for simultaneous concomitant multiple primaries, being a median of 1.9 years. The best survival was for patients with three or more primaries (median 10.9 years) and was similar to the expected survival for the age-matched and sex-matched general population (P=0.06991). Patients with multiple primaries are usually of Caucasian ancestry, have less aggressive malignancies, present at earlier stages, frequently have a strong family history of similar cancer, and their cancers tend to have indolent clinical behavior with longer survival rates, possibly related to genetic predisposition

  5. Classical and anaplastic seminoma: Difference in survival

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bobba, V.S.; Mittal, B.B.; Hoover, S.V.; Kepka, A.


    The authors undertook a retrospective study of seminoma patients treated with radiation therapy between 1961 and 1985. The classical group consisted of 66 patients, of whom 47 were stage I and 19 were stage II. The anaplastic group consisted of 21 patients, of whom 11 were stage I, nine were stage II, and one was stage III. The median follow-up was 66 months. The five-year crude survival rate for the entire group was 92%, for classical 96%, and for anaplastic 78% (P<.005). Similarly, there was a significant difference (P<.005) in actuarial relapse-free survival at 5 years between classical and anaplastic seminoma. For classical stage I, the relapse-free actuarial 5-year survival rate was 96; for classical stage II, 84%. For anaplastic stage I the relapse-free actuarial 5-year survival rate was 82%, and for stage II 75%. Six patients in the classical group (9%) failed treatment. In the anaplastic group, five patients or 24 failed treatment. Therefore, the authors' data suggest a difference in survival and failure rate between classical and anaplastic seminoma. Extratesticular seminoma with anaplastic histology has an even worse prognosis

  6. Body mass index and breast cancer survival

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Guo, Qi; Burgess, Stephen; Turman, Constance


    Background: There is increasing evidence that elevated body mass index (BMI) is associated with reduced survival for women with breast cancer. However, the underlying reasons remain unclear. We conducted a Mendelian randomization analysis to investigate a possible causal role of BMI in survival...... from breast cancer. Methods: We used individual-level data from six large breast cancer case-cohorts including a total of 36 210 individuals (2475 events) of European ancestry. We created a BMI genetic risk score (GRS) based on genotypes at 94 known BMI-associated genetic variants. Association between...... the BMI genetic score and breast cancer survival was analysed by Cox regression for each study separately. Study-specific hazard ratios were pooled using fixed-effect meta-analysis. Results: BMI genetic score was found to be associated with reduced breast cancer-specific survival for estrogen receptor (ER...

  7. Conditional survival of patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Michael Boe; Pedersen, Niels Tinggaard; Christensen, Bjarne E


    BACKGROUND: Prognosis of lymphoma patients is usually estimated at the time of diagnosis and the estimates are guided by the International Prognostic Index (IPI). However, conditional survival estimates are more informative clinically, as they consider those patients only who have already survive...... survival probability provides more accurate prognostic information than the conventional survival rate estimated from the time of diagnosis.......BACKGROUND: Prognosis of lymphoma patients is usually estimated at the time of diagnosis and the estimates are guided by the International Prognostic Index (IPI). However, conditional survival estimates are more informative clinically, as they consider those patients only who have already survived...... a period of time after treatment. Conditional survival data have not been reported for lymphoma patients. METHODS: Conditional survival was estimated for 1209 patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) from the population-based LYFO registry of the Danish Lymphoma Group. The Kaplan-Meier method...

  8. Survival of patients with Ewing's sarcoma in Yazd-Iran. (United States)

    Akhavan, Ali; Binesh, Fariba; Shamshiri, Hadi; Ghanadi, Fazllolah


    The Ewing's sarcoma family is a group of small round cell tumors which accounts for 10-15% of all primary bone neoplasms. The aim of this study was to evaluate the survival of Ewing's sarcoma patients in our province and to determine of influencing factors. All patients with documented Ewing's sarcoma/ primitive neuroectodermal tumor(PNET) family pathology were enrolled in this study during a period of eight years. For all of them local and systemic therapy were carried out. Overall and event free survival and prognostic factors were evaluated. Thirty two patients were enrolled in the study. The median age was 17.5 years. Twenty (65.2%) were male and 9 (28.1%) were aged 14 years or less. Mean disease free survival was 26.8 (95%CI; 13.8-39.9) months and five year disease free survival was 26%. Mean overall survival was 38.7 months (95%CI; 25.9-50.6) and median overall survival was 24 months. Five year overall survival was 25%. From the variables evaluated , only presence of metastatic disease at presentation (p value=0. 028) and complete response (p value =0. 006) had significant relations to overall survival. Survival of Ewing's sarcoma in our province is disappointing. It seems to be mostly due to less effective treatment. Administration of adequate chemotherapy dosage, resection of tumor with negative margins and precise assessment of irradiation volume may prove helpful.

  9. Étude communautaire sur les causes de décès, liée au programme ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Bien que l'Éthiopie soit arrivée à réduire les taux de mortalité des enfants de moins de cinq ans, les progrès ont été plus lents en matière de réduction des taux de mortalité néonatale (nouveau-nés) et maternelle. Environ 220 000 enfants et mères meurent chaque année en Éthiopie. Les causes de la plupart de ces décès ...

  10. Cra negatively regulates acid survival in Yersinia pseudotuberculosis. (United States)

    Hu, Yangbo; Lu, Pei; Zhang, Yong; Li, Yunlong; Li, Lamei; Huang, Li; Chen, Shiyun


    Survival in acidic environments is important for successful infection of gastrointestinal pathogens. Many bacteria have evolved elaborate mechanisms by inducing or repressing gene expression, which subsequently provide pH homeostasis and enable acid survival. In this study, we employed comparative proteomic analysis to identify the acid-responsive proteins of a food-borne enteric bacterium, Yersinia pseudotuberculosis. The expression level of eight proteins involved in carbohydrate metabolism was up- or downregulated over twofold at pH 4.5 compared with pH 7.0. The role of a global transcriptional regulator catabolite repressor/activator Cra was further studied in this acid survival process. lacZ-fusion analysis showed that expression of cra was repressed under acidic pH. Deletion of the cra gene increased acid survival by 10-fold, whereas complementation restored the wild-type phenotype. These results lead us to propose that, in response to acidic pH, the expression of cra gene is downregulated to increase acid survival. This is the first study to demonstrate the regulatory role of Cra in acid survival in an enteric bacterium. © 2011 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Social class and survival on the S.S. Titanic. (United States)

    Hall, W


    Passengers' chances of surviving the sinking of the S.S. Titanic were related to their sex and their social class: females were more likely to survive than males, and the chances of survival declined with social class as measured by the class in which the passenger travelled. The probable reasons for these differences in rates of survival are discussed as are the reasons accepted by the Mersey Committee of Inquiry into the sinking.

  12. Young patients with colorectal cancer have poor survival in the first twenty months after operation and predictable survival in the medium and long-term: Analysis of survival and prognostic markers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wickramarachchi RE


    Full Text Available Abstract Objectives This study compares clinico-pathological features in young (50 years with colorectal cancer, survival in the young and the influence of pre-operative clinical and histological factors on survival. Materials and methods A twelve year prospective database of colorectal cancer was analysed. Fifty-three young patients were compared with forty seven consecutive older patients over fifty years old. An analysis of survival was undertaken in young patients using Kaplan Meier graphs, non parametric methods, Cox's Proportional Hazard Ratios and Weibull Hazard models. Results Young patients comprised 13.4 percent of 397 with colorectal cancer. Duration of symptoms and presentation in the young was similar to older patients (median, range; young patients; 6 months, 2 weeks to 2 years, older patients; 4 months, 4 weeks to 3 years, p > 0.05. In both groups, the majority presented without bowel obstruction (young - 81%, older - 94%. Cancer proximal to the splenic flexure was present more in young than in older patients. Synchronous cancers were found exclusively in the young. Mucinous tumours were seen in 16% of young and 4% of older patients (p Conclusion If patients, who are less than 40 years old with colorectal cancer, survive twenty months after operation, the prognosis improves and their survival becomes predictable.

  13. Escherichia coli survival in waters: Temperature dependence (United States)

    Knowing the survival rates of water-borne Escherichia coli is important in evaluating microbial contamination and making appropriate management decisions. E. coli survival rates are dependent on temperature, a dependency that is routinely expressed using an analogue of the Q10 mo...

  14. Assessing survivability to support power grid investment decisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koziolek, Anne; Avritzer, Alberto; Suresh, Sindhu; Menasché, Daniel S.; Diniz, Morganna; Souza e Silva, Edmundo de; Leão, Rosa M.; Trivedi, Kishor; Happe, Lucia


    The reliability of power grids has been subject of study for the past few decades. Traditionally, detailed models are used to assess how the system behaves after failures. Such models, based on power flow analysis and detailed simulations, yield accurate characterizations of the system under study. However, they fall short on scalability. In this paper, we propose an efficient and scalable approach to assess the survivability of power systems. Our approach takes into account the phased-recovery of the system after a failure occurs. The proposed phased-recovery model yields metrics such as the expected accumulated energy not supplied between failure and full recovery. Leveraging the predictive power of the model, we use it as part of an optimization framework to assist in investment decisions. Given a budget and an initial circuit to be upgraded, we propose heuristics to sample the solution space in a principled way accounting for survivability-related metrics. We have evaluated the feasibility of this approach by applying it to the design of a benchmark distribution automation circuit. Our empirical results indicate that the combination of survivability and power flow analysis can provide meaningful investment decision support for power systems engineers. - Highlights: • We propose metrics and models for scalable survivability analysis of power systems. • The survivability model captures the system phased-recovery, from failure to repair. • The survivability model is used as a building block of an optimization framework. • Heuristics assist in investment options accounting for survivability-related metrics.

  15. Marital Status and Survival in Patients with Carcinoid Tumors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Erin K. Greenleaf


    Full Text Available Background Marital status is a known prognostic factor in overall and disease-specific survival in several types of cancer. The impact of marital status on survival in patients with carcinoid tumors remains unknown. We hypothesized that married patients have higher rates of survival than similar unmarried patients with carcinoid tumors. Methods Using the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results database, we identified 23,126 people diagnosed with a carcinoid tumor between 2000 and 2011 and stratified them according to marital status. Univariate and multivariable analyses were performed to compare the characteristics and outcomes between patient cohorts. Overall and cancer-related survival were analyzed using the Kaplan–Meier method. Multivariable survival analyses were performed using Cox proportional hazards models (hazards ratio [HR], controlling for demographics and tumor-related and treatment-related variables. Propensity score analysis was performed to determine surgical intervention distributions among married and unmarried (ie, single, separated, divorced, widowed patients. Results Marital status was significantly related to both overall and cancer-related survival in patients with carcinoid tumors. Divorced and widowed patients had worse overall survival (HR, 1.33 [95% confidence interval {CI}, 1.08–1.33] and 1.34 [95% CI, 1.22–1.46], respectively and cancer-related survival (HR, 1.15 [95% CI, 1.00–1.31] and 1.15 [95% CI, 1.03–1.29], respectively than married patients over five years. Single and separated patients had worse overall survival (HR, 1.20 [95% CI, 1.08–1.33] and 1.62 [95% CI, 1.25–2.11], respectively than married patients over five years, but not worse cancer-related survival. Unmarried patients were more likely than matched married patients to undergo definitive surgical intervention (62.67% vs 53.11%, respectively, P < 0.0001. Conclusions Even after controlling for other prognostic factors, married patients

  16. Camouflage predicts survival in ground-nesting birds. (United States)

    Troscianko, Jolyon; Wilson-Aggarwal, Jared; Stevens, Martin; Spottiswoode, Claire N


    Evading detection by predators is crucial for survival. Camouflage is therefore a widespread adaptation, but despite substantial research effort our understanding of different camouflage strategies has relied predominantly on artificial systems and on experiments disregarding how camouflage is perceived by predators. Here we show for the first time in a natural system, that survival probability of wild animals is directly related to their level of camouflage as perceived by the visual systems of their main predators. Ground-nesting plovers and coursers flee as threats approach, and their clutches were more likely to survive when their egg contrast matched their surrounds. In nightjars - which remain motionless as threats approach - clutch survival depended on plumage pattern matching between the incubating bird and its surrounds. Our findings highlight the importance of pattern and luminance based camouflage properties, and the effectiveness of modern techniques in capturing the adaptive properties of visual phenotypes.

  17. Survival and clinical outcome of dogs with ischaemic stroke

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gredal, Hanne Birgit; Toft, Nils; Westrup, Ulrik


    The objectives of the present study were to investigate survival time, possible predictors of survival and clinical outcome in dogs with ischaemic stroke. A retrospective study of dogs with a previous diagnosis of ischaemic stroke diagnosed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed....... The association between survival and the hypothesised risk factors was examined using univariable exact logistic regression. Survival was examined using Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression. Twenty-two dogs were identified. Five dogs (23%) died within the first 30days of the stroke event. Median survival in 30-day...... survivors was 505days. Four dogs (18%) were still alive by the end of the study. Right-sided lesions posed a significantly increased risk of mortality with a median survival time in dogs with right-sided lesions of 24days vs. 602days in dogs with left sided lesions (P=0.006). Clinical outcome was considered...

  18. Survival period after tube feeding in bedridden older patients. (United States)

    Kosaka, Yoichi; Nakagawa-Satoh, Takuma; Ohrui, Takashi; Fujii, Masahiko; Arai, Hiroyuki; Sasaki, Hidetada


    We prospectively studied survival periods after tube feeding. Participants were 163 bedridden older patients suffering from dysphagia. A wide range of survival periods after tube feeding were observed within half a year without tube feeding after being bedridden. After this initial period, survival periods after tube feeding were limited to approximately half a year. Survival periods after tube feeding were positively proportional to the length of time patients were free from pneumonia after tube feeding. After tube feeding, patients died from pneumonia within half a year, and the frequency of pneumonia was 3.1 ± 2.7 times (mean ± SD) before death. Survival periods after tube feeding for less than 1 year were primarily determined by being bedridden for more than half a year without tube feeding and once pneumonia occurred; patients who were tube fed did not survive for more than half a year. © 2012 Japan Geriatrics Society.

  19. Disparities in cervical cancer survival among Asian American women (United States)

    Nghiem, Van T.; Davies, Kalatu R.; Chan, Wenyaw; Mulla, Zuber D.; Cantor, Scott B.


    Purpose We compared overall survival and influencing factors between Asian American women as a whole and by subgroup with white women with cervical cancer. Methods Cervical cancer data were from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results registry; socioeconomic information was from the Area Health Resource File. We used standard tests to compare characteristics between groups; the Kaplan-Meier method with log-rank test to assess overall survival and compare it between groups; and Cox proportional hazards models to determine the effect of race and other covariates on overall survival (with/without age-stratification). Results Being 3.3 years older than white women at diagnosis (pAsian American women were more likely to be in a spousal relationship, had more progressive disease, and were better off socioeconomically. Women of Filipino, Japanese, and Korean origin had similar clinical characteristics compared with white women. Asian American women had higher 36- and 60-month survival rates (p=0.004 and p=0.013, respectively), higher overall survival rates (p=0.049), and longer overall survival durations after adjusting for age and other covariates (hazard ratio=0.77, 95% confidence interval: 0.68–0.86). Overall survival differed across age strata between the two racial groups. With the exception of women of Japanese or Korean origin, Asian American women grouped by geographic origin had better overall survival than white women. Conclusions Although Asian American women, except those of Japanese or Korean origin, had better overall survival than white women, their older age at cervical cancer diagnosis suggests that they have less access to screening programs. PMID:26552330

  20. Disparities in cervical cancer survival among Asian-American women. (United States)

    Nghiem, Van T; Davies, Kalatu R; Chan, Wenyaw; Mulla, Zuber D; Cantor, Scott B


    We compared overall survival and influencing factors between Asian-American women as a whole and by subgroup with white women with cervical cancer. Cervical cancer data were from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results registry; socioeconomic information was from the Area Health Resource File. We used standard tests to compare characteristics between groups; the Kaplan-Meier method with log-rank test to assess overall survival and compare it between groups; and Cox proportional hazards models to determine the effect of race and other covariates on overall survival (with and/or without age stratification). Being 3.3 years older than white women at diagnosis (P Asian-American women were more likely to be in a spousal relationship, had more progressive disease, and were better off socioeconomically. Women of Filipino, Japanese, and Korean origin had similar clinical characteristics compared to white women. Asian-American women had higher 36- and 60-month survival rates (P = .004 and P = .013, respectively), higher overall survival rates (P = .049), and longer overall survival durations after adjusting for age and other covariates (hazard ratio = 0.77, 95% confidence interval: 0.68-0.86). Overall survival differed across age strata between the two racial groups. With the exception of women of Japanese or Korean origin, Asian-American women grouped by geographic origin had better overall survival than white women. Although Asian-American women, except those of Japanese or Korean origin, had better overall survival than white women, their older age at cervical cancer diagnosis suggests that they have less access to screening programs. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Work Values of Surviving and Non-surviving Managers During Economic Recession

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Selmer, Jan; Waldstrøm, Christian


    attached more importance to independence in work and to have influence in the organisation than the non-survivors. On the other hand, non-surviving managers attached more importance to responsibility and to have an opportunity to meet people and interact with them than survivors. Research limitations...

  2. Le survivant sans le syndrome Schreber

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Richard Figuier


    Full Text Available On a pensé la catastrophe, mais a-t-on suffisamment pensé la survivance et la figure du survivant ? Ce n'est pas un hasard si celle-ci est au centre de Masse et puissance, oeuvre dans laquelle Canetti interroge la « mauvaise » survivance responsable de la poursuite de la logique de guerre. Mais où trouver la « bonne » ? Revenir de la catastrophe ne suffit pas pour être un « survivant authentique », selon l'expression de Kafka. Il faut avoir dépassé, avec Primo Levi et Robert Antelme, l'opposition de la vie comme croissance continue et de la mort comme son horrible contraire, par le don, dans la pauvreté solidaire, de cette vie retrouvée.Hemos reflexionado acerca de la catástrofe, pero ¿hemos meditado lo suficiente sobre la supervivencia y el superviviente? No es una coincidencia si el superviviente es el tema principal de Masse et puissance, obra en la cual Canetti analiza la «mala» supervivencia responsable de la persistencia de la lógica de guerra ¿Dónde sin embargo podemos encontrar la «buena» supervivencia? Superar la catástrofe no es suficiente para ser un «auténtico superviviente», según Kafka. Es fundamental ir más allá, con Primo Levi y Robert Antelme, de la oposición entre la vida, como crecimiento continuo, y la muerte, como su espantoso contrario, mediante la donación de forma solidaria de esta vida reencontrada.Disaster is the theme of many studies, but what about survival and of the figure of the survivor? This issue is central in Mass and power, work in which Canetti questions the “bad” survival, responsible for the continuation of the logic of war. But is there any “good” survival? Coming back from the catastrophe is not enough to be an “authentic survivor”, according to Kafka’s expression. To achieve this, it is necessary to have exceeded, with PrimoLevi and Robert Antelme, the opposition of life as a continuous growth and of death as its horrible opposite, by the gift, in a

  3. 20 CFR 725.215 - Determination of dependency; surviving spouse. (United States)


    ... 20 Employees' Benefits 3 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Determination of dependency; surviving spouse. 725.215 Section 725.215 Employees' Benefits EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR...) § 725.215 Determination of dependency; surviving spouse. An individual who is the miner's surviving...

  4. Genetic introgression and the survival of Florida panther kittens (United States)

    Hostetler, Jeffrey A.; Onorato, David P.; Nichols, James D.; Johnson, Warren E.; Roelke, Melody E.; O'Brien, Stephen J.; Jansen, Deborah; Oli, Madan K.


    Estimates of survival for the young of a species are critical for population models. These models can often be improved by determining the effects of management actions and population abundance on this demographic parameter. We used multiple sources of data collected during 1982–2008 and a live-recapture dead-recovery modeling framework to estimate and model survival of Florida panther (Puma concolor coryi) kittens (age 0–1 year). Overall, annual survival of Florida panther kittens was 0.323 ± 0.071 (SE), which was lower than estimates used in previous population models. In 1995, female pumas from Texas (P. c. stanleyana) were released into occupied panther range as part of an intentional introgression program to restore genetic variability. We found that kitten survival generally increased with degree of admixture: F1 admixed and backcrossed to Texas kittens survived better than canonical Florida panther and backcrossed to canonical kittens. Average heterozygosity positively influenced kitten and older panther survival, whereas index of panther abundance negatively influenced kitten survival. Our results provide strong evidence for the positive population-level impact of genetic introgression on Florida panthers. Our approach to integrate data from multiple sources was effective at improving robustness as well as precision of estimates of Florida panther kitten survival, and can be useful in estimating vital rates for other elusive species with sparse data.

  5. Modification of bacterial cell survival by postirradiation hypoxia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vexler, F B; Eidus, L Kh


    It is shown that postirradiation hypoxia affects the survival of E.coli. Hypoxic conditions immediately after a single-dose irradiation diminish cell survival in nutrient medium. Increasing time intervals between irradiation and hypoxia decrease the efficiency of the latter, while 1 h after irradiation hypoxia does not modify the survival of irradiated cells. These findings reveal that the mechanisms of action of postirradiation hypoxia on eu- and prokaryotic cells are similar.

  6. Nematode survival in relation to soil moisture

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Simons, W.R.


    Established nematode populations are very persistent in the soil. It is known that they need sufficient soil moisture for movement, feeding and reproduction (fig. 5), and that there are adverse soil moisture conditions which they cannot survive. The influence of soil moisture on survival

  7. Controlling chaotic transients: Yorke's game of survival

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aguirre, Jacobo; D'ovidio, Francesco; Sanjuán, Miguel A. F.


    . This problem is focused as a two-person, mathematical game between two players called "the protagonist" and "the adversary." The protagonist's goal is to survive. He can lose but cannot win; the best he can do is survive to play another round, struggling ad infinitum. In the absence of actions by either player...... knows the action of the adversary in choosing his response and is permitted to choose the initial point x(0) of the game. We use the "slope 3" tent map in an example of this problem. We show that it is possible for the protagonist to survive....

  8. Progression-free survival: gaining on overall survival as a gold standard and accelerating drug development. (United States)

    Lebwohl, David; Kay, Andrea; Berg, William; Baladi, Jean Francois; Zheng, Ji


    In clinical trials of oncology drugs, overall survival (OS) is a direct measure of clinical efficacy and is considered the gold standard primary efficacy end point. The purpose of this study was to discuss the difficulties in using OS as a primary efficacy end point in the setting of evolving cancer therapies. We suggest that progression-free survival is an appropriate efficacy end point in many types of cancer, specifically those for which OS is expected to be prolonged and for which subsequent treatments are expected to affect OS.

  9. Comparison of survival of patients with metastases from known versus unknown primaries: survival in metastatic cancer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Riihimäki Matias


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Cancer of unknown primary site (CUP is considered an aggressive metastatic disease but whether the prognosis differs from metastatic cancers of known primary site is not known. Such data may give insight into the biology of CUP and the metastatic process in general. Methods 6,745 cancer patients, with primary metastatic cancer at diagnosis, were identified from the Swedish Cancer Registry, and were compared with 2,881 patients with CUP. Patients were diagnosed and died between 2002 and 2008. The influence of the primary site, known or unknown, on survival in patients with metastases at specific locations was investigated. Hazard ratios (HRs of death were estimated for several sites of metastasis, where patients with known primary sites were compared with CUP patients. Results Overall, patients with metastatic cancers with known primary sites had decreased hazards of death compared to CUP patients (HR = 0.69 [95% CI = 0.66–0.72]. The exceptions were cancer of the pancreas (1.71 [1.54–1.90], liver (1.58 [1.36–1.85], and stomach (1.16 [1.02–1.31]. For individual metastatic sites, patients with liver or bone metastases of known origin had better survival than those with CUP of the liver and bone. Patients with liver metastases of pancreatic origin had an increased risk of death compared with patients with CUP of the liver (1.25 [1.06–1.46]. The median survival time of CUP patients was three months. Conclusions Patients with CUP have poorer survival than patients with known primaries, except those with brain and respiratory system metastases. Of CUP sites, liver metastases had the worst prognosis. Survival in CUP was comparable to that in metastatic lung cancer. The aggressive behavior of CUP may be due to initial immunosuppression and immunoediting which may allow accumulation of mutations. Upon escape from the suppressed state an unstoppable tumor spread ensues. These novel data on the epidemiology of the


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Moira Yip


    Full Text Available When laterals are the targets of phonological processes, laterality may or may not survive. In a fixed feature geometry, [lateral] should be lost if its superordinate node is eliminated by either the spreading of a neighbouring node, or by coda neutralization. So if [lateral] is under Coronal (Blevins 1994, it should be lost under Place assimilation, and if [lateral] is under Sonorant Voicing (Rice & Avery 1991 it should be lost by rules that spread voicing. Yet in some languages lateral survives such spreading intact. Facts like these argue against a universal attachment of [lateral] under either Coronal or Sonorant Voicing, and in favour of an account in terms of markedness constraints on feature-co-occurrence (Padgett 2000. The core of an OT account is that IFIDENTLAT is ranked above whatever causes neutralization, such as SHARE-F or *CODAF. laterality will survive. If these rankings are reversed, we derive languages in which laterality is lost. The other significant factor is markedness. High-ranked feature co-occurrence constraints like *LATDORSAL can block spreading from affecting laterals at all.

  11. The Survival Advantage: Underlying Mechanisms and Extant Limitations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stephanie A. Kazanas


    Full Text Available Recently, researchers have begun to investigate the function of memory in our evolutionary history. According to Nairne and colleagues (e.g., Nairne, Pandeirada, and Thompson, 2008; Nairne, Thompson, and Pandeirada, 2007, the best mnemonic strategy for learning lists of unrelated words may be one that addresses the same problems that our Pleistocene ancestors faced: fitness-relevant problems including securing food and water, as well as protecting themselves from predators. Survival processing has been shown to promote better recall and recognition memory than many well-known mnemonic strategies (e.g., pleasantness ratings, imagery, generation, etc.. However, the survival advantage does not extend to all types of stimuli and tasks. The current review presents research that has replicated Nairne et al.'s (2007 original findings, in addition to the research designs that fail to replicate the survival advantage. In other words, there are specific manipulations in which survival processing does not appear to benefit memory any more than other strategies. Potential mechanisms for the survival advantage are described, with an emphasis on those that are the most plausible. These proximate mechanisms outline the memory processes that may contribute to the advantage, although the ultimate mechanism may be the congruity between the survival scenario and Pleistocene problem-solving.

  12. Survival of Patients with Oral Cavity Cancer in Germany (United States)

    Listl, Stefan; Jansen, Lina; Stenzinger, Albrecht; Freier, Kolja; Emrich, Katharina; Holleczek, Bernd; Katalinic, Alexander; Gondos, Adam; Brenner, Hermann


    The purpose of the present study was to describe the survival of patients diagnosed with oral cavity cancer in Germany. The analyses relied on data from eleven population-based cancer registries in Germany covering a population of 33 million inhabitants. Patients with a diagnosis of oral cavity cancer (ICD-10: C00-06) between 1997 and 2006 are included. Period analysis for 2002–2006 was applied to estimate five-year age-standardized relative survival, taking into account patients' sex as well as grade and tumor stage. Overall five-year relative survival for oral cavity cancer patients was 54.6%. According to tumor localization, five-year survival was 86.5% for lip cancer, 48.1% for tongue cancer and 51.7% for other regions of the oral cavity. Differences in survival were identified with respect to age, sex, tumor grade and stage. The present study is the first to provide a comprehensive overview on survival of oral cavity cancer patients in Germany. PMID:23349710

  13. 47 CFR 80.223 - Special requirements for survival craft stations. (United States)


    ... 47 Telecommunication 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Special requirements for survival craft... requirements for survival craft stations. (a) Survival craft stations capable of transmitting on: (1) 2182 kHz... operate with A3E or A3N emission. (b) Survival craft stations must be able to receive the frequency and...

  14. A unified survival theory of the functioning of the hypocretinergic system. (United States)

    Chase, Michael H


    This article advances the theory that the hypocretinergic (orexinergic) system initiates, coordinates, and maintains survival behaviors and survival-related processes (i.e., the Unified Survival Theory of the Functioning of the Hypocretinergic System or "Unified Hypocretinergic Survival Theory"). A priori presumptive support for the Unified Hypocretinergic Survival Theory emanates from the fact that neurons that contain hypocretin are located in the key executive central nervous system (CNS) site, the lateral hypothalamus, that for decades has been well-documented to govern core survival behaviors such as fight, flight, and food consumption. In addition, the hypocretinergic system exhibits the requisite morphological and electrophysiological capabilities to control survival behaviors and related processes. Complementary behavioral data demonstrate that all facets of "survival" are coordinated by the hypocretinergic system and that hypocretinergic directives are not promulgated except during survival behaviors. Importantly, it has been shown that survival behaviors are selectively impacted when the hypocretinergic system is impaired or rendered nonfunctional, whereas other behaviors are relatively unaffected. The Unified Hypocretinergic Survival Theory resolves the disparate, perplexing, and often paradoxical-appearing results of previous studies; it also provides a foundation for future hypothesis-driven basic science and clinical explorations of the hypocretinergic system.

  15. Atrial fibrillation and survival in colorectal cancer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Justin Timothy A


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Survival in colorectal cancer may correlate with the degree of systemic inflammatory response to the tumour. Atrial fibrillation may be regarded as an inflammatory complication. We aimed to determine if atrial fibrillation is a prognostic factor in colorectal cancer. Patients and methods A prospective colorectal cancer patient database was cross-referenced with the hospital clinical-coding database to identify patients who had underwent colorectal cancer surgery and were in atrial fibrillation pre- or postoperatively. Results A total of 175 patients underwent surgery for colorectal cancer over a two-year period. Of these, 13 patients had atrial fibrillation pre- or postoperatively. Atrial fibrillation correlated with worse two-year survival (p = 0.04; log-rank test. However, in a Cox regression analysis, atrial fibrillation was not significantly associated with survival. Conclusion The presence or development of atrial fibrillation in patients undergoing surgery for colorectal cancer is associated with worse overall survival, however it was not found to be an independent factor in multivariate analysis.

  16. Carbonaceous Survivability on Impact (United States)

    Bunch, T. E.; Becker, Luann; Morrison, David (Technical Monitor)


    In order to gain knowledge about the potential contributions of comets and cosmic dust to the origin of life on Earth, we need to explore the survivability of their potential organic compounds on impact and the formation of secondary products that may have arisen from the chaotic events sustained by the carriers as they fell to Earth. We have performed a series of hypervelocity impact experiments using carbon-bearing impactors (diamond, graphite, kerogens, PAH crystals, and Murchison and Nogoya meteorites) into Al plate targets at velocities - 6 km/s. Estimated peak shock pressures probably did not exceed 120 GPa and peak shock temperatures were probably less than 4000 K for times of nano- to microsecs. Nominal crater dia. are less than one mm. The most significant results of these experiments are the preservation of the higher mass PAHs (e. g., pyrene relative to napthalene) and the formation of additional alkylated PAHs. We have also examined the residues of polystyrene projectiles impacted by a microparticle accelerator into targets at velocities up to 15 km/s. This talk will discuss the results of these experiments and their implications with respect to the survival of carbonaceous deliverables to early Earth. The prospects of survivability of organic molecules on "intact" capture of cosmic dust in space via soft: and hard cosmic dust collectors will also be discussed.

  17. 46 CFR 108.525 - Survival craft number and arrangement. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Survival craft number and arrangement. 108.525 Section... UNITS DESIGN AND EQUIPMENT Lifesaving Equipment § 108.525 Survival craft number and arrangement. (a... arrangement of survival craft: (1) Lifeboats with an aggregate capacity to accommodate the total number of...

  18. Born in Auschwitz and Survived: A Triumph Over Murderers. (United States)

    Weisz, George M; Kwiet, Konrad


    The discovery of Jewish babies who were born in Nazi concentration camps and survived seems miraculous, but this phenomenon did occur toward the end of World War II. The lives of a small group of mothers and surviving children are of both historical and medical interests. Their survival shows additional support for the hypothesis that maternal nutrition can induce metabolic syndrome and bone demineralization in their offspring. Information obtained through direct contact with some of the surviving children is the basis for this article.

  19. A gene expression signature associated with survival in metastatic melanoma (United States)

    Mandruzzato, Susanna; Callegaro, Andrea; Turcatel, Gianluca; Francescato, Samuela; Montesco, Maria C; Chiarion-Sileni, Vanna; Mocellin, Simone; Rossi, Carlo R; Bicciato, Silvio; Wang, Ena; Marincola, Francesco M; Zanovello, Paola


    Background Current clinical and histopathological criteria used to define the prognosis of melanoma patients are inadequate for accurate prediction of clinical outcome. We investigated whether genome screening by means of high-throughput gene microarray might provide clinically useful information on patient survival. Methods Forty-three tumor tissues from 38 patients with stage III and stage IV melanoma were profiled with a 17,500 element cDNA microarray. Expression data were analyzed using significance analysis of microarrays (SAM) to identify genes associated with patient survival, and supervised principal components (SPC) to determine survival prediction. Results SAM analysis revealed a set of 80 probes, corresponding to 70 genes, associated with survival, i.e. 45 probes characterizing longer and 35 shorter survival times, respectively. These transcripts were included in a survival prediction model designed using SPC and cross-validation which allowed identifying 30 predicting probes out of the 80 associated with survival. Conclusion The longer-survival group of genes included those expressed in immune cells, both innate and acquired, confirming the interplay between immunological mechanisms and the natural history of melanoma. Genes linked to immune cells were totally lacking in the poor-survival group, which was instead associated with a number of genes related to highly proliferative and invasive tumor cells. PMID:17129373

  20. A gene expression signature associated with survival in metastatic melanoma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rossi Carlo R


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Current clinical and histopathological criteria used to define the prognosis of melanoma patients are inadequate for accurate prediction of clinical outcome. We investigated whether genome screening by means of high-throughput gene microarray might provide clinically useful information on patient survival. Methods Forty-three tumor tissues from 38 patients with stage III and stage IV melanoma were profiled with a 17,500 element cDNA microarray. Expression data were analyzed using significance analysis of microarrays (SAM to identify genes associated with patient survival, and supervised principal components (SPC to determine survival prediction. Results SAM analysis revealed a set of 80 probes, corresponding to 70 genes, associated with survival, i.e. 45 probes characterizing longer and 35 shorter survival times, respectively. These transcripts were included in a survival prediction model designed using SPC and cross-validation which allowed identifying 30 predicting probes out of the 80 associated with survival. Conclusion The longer-survival group of genes included those expressed in immune cells, both innate and acquired, confirming the interplay between immunological mechanisms and the natural history of melanoma. Genes linked to immune cells were totally lacking in the poor-survival group, which was instead associated with a number of genes related to highly proliferative and invasive tumor cells.

  1. O realismo mágico - uma dimensão da literatura francesa do Século XX


    Pereira, Maria Eugénia Tavares


    Pierre Mac Orlan, Jules Supervielle, Alain-Fournier, Jean Cocteau, Jean Giono, Marcel Aymé, André Dhôtel, Julien Green, Julien Gracq, Yves Bonnefoy, Michel Tournier foram os autores do século XX que elegemos, de entre muitos outros, para, através da releitura das suas obras – Le Quai des brumes, L’Enfant de la haute mer, Le Grand Meaulnes, Les Enfants terribles, Mort d’un personnage, Le Passe-muraille, Le Pays où l’on n’arrive jamais, Le Visionnaire, Au Château d’Argol, L’Ar...

  2. Pattern of Primary Nocturnal Enuresis in Primary School Children ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objectifs: Apprécier la prévalence de l'énurésie nocturne chez des enfants élèves à l'école primaire (âgés de 6 à 7 ans) dans la ville d'Assiut et d'apprécier ses caractères et ses facteurs de risque. Patients et Méthodes: Une étude randomisée incluant 1519 enfants a été réalisée dans 10 écoles primaires de la ville d'Assiut ...

  3. Sonic 2: bigger than Madonna


    Hillman-Steven, Catherine


    Les jeux vidéo sont un danger potentiel pour l’enfant qui en devient dépendant. Ils ont dépassé en popularité les loisirs plus bénins pour enfants, comme le sport et la musique pop, à cause des frissons et des expériences de type adulte qu’ils garantissent. Video games can be a danger to the child who becomes addicted to them. They have surpassed the popularity of tamer entertainment for children, like sports and pop music, because of the thrills and adult experiences they guarantee....

  4. Comparison of cancer survival in New Zealand and Australia, 2006-2010. (United States)

    Aye, Phyu S; Elwood, J Mark; Stevanovic, Vladimir


    Previous studies have shown substantially higher mortality rates from cancer in New Zealand compared to Australia, but these studies have not included data on patient survival. This study compares the survival of cancer patients diagnosed in 2006-10 in the whole populations of New Zealand and Australia. Identical period survival methods were used to calculate relative survival ratios for all cancers combined, and for 18 cancers each accounting for more than 50 deaths per year in New Zealand, from 1 to 10 years from diagnosis. Cancer survival was lower in New Zealand, with 5-year relative survival being 4.2% lower in women, and 3.8% lower in men for all cancers combined. Of 18 cancers, 14 showed lower survival in New Zealand; the exceptions, with similar survival in each country, being melanoma, myeloma, mesothelioma, and cervical cancer. For most cancers, the differences in survival were maximum at 1 year after diagnosis, becoming smaller later; however, for breast cancer, the survival difference increased with time after diagnosis. The lower survival in New Zealand, and the higher mortality rates shown earlier, suggest that further improvements in recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer in New Zealand should be possible. As the survival differences are seen soon after diagnosis, issues of early management in primary care and time intervals to diagnosis and treatment may be particularly important.

  5. Survival of the endangered Pima pineapple cactus: Does clearing before prescribed fire alter survival postfire? (United States)

    Thomas, Kathryn A.; Jarchow, Christopher; Crawford, Julie A.


    Federal land managers and ranchers often use prescribed fire as a tool to reduce invading woody plants within desert grasslands of the arid southwestern United States. Managers must evaluate the threat of the burn toward the health and survival of plants of concern including how preemptive clearing before prescribed fire might benefit these species. One example is the endangered Pima pineapple cactus (Coryphantha scheeri var. robustispina), a small hemispheric cactus of desert scrublands and grasslands of south-central Arizona and northern Sonora, Mexico. In 2014, we examined survival of Pima pineapple cactus documented in 2009 or 2010 within grasslands of Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge in Arizona. Of the 72 sites observed, 35 had no burn after documentation and 37 experienced prescribed fire. Refuge staff removed vegetation between 0.3 and 3.0 m from the cactus preburn. We found that Pima pineapple cacti in areas subjected to prescribed fire and with preemptive clearing had the same survival statistically as cacti from sites that were not burned.

  6. Nesting success and survival rates of suburban Olive Thrushes ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Reproductive rate, clutch size, nesting success and survival rate of dependent fledglings were estimated from breeding records in the Eastern Cape. These data were used to estimate survival rate of independent fledglings. The estimated adult survival rate in this region was high and the clutch size was small, compared to ...

  7. Radiobilogical cell survival models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zackrisson, B.


    A central issue in clinical radiobiological research is the prediction of responses to different radiation qualities. The choice of cell survival and dose-response model greatly influences the results. In this context the relationship between theory and model is emphasized. Generally, the interpretations of experimental data depend on the model. Cell survival models are systematized with respect to their relations to radiobiological theories of cell kill. The growing knowlegde of biological, physical, and chemical mechanisms is reflected in the formulation of new models. The present overview shows that recent modelling has been more oriented towards the stochastic fluctuations connected to radiation energy deposition. This implies that the traditional cell surivival models ought to be complemented by models of stochastic energy deposition processes and repair processes at the intracellular level. (orig.)

  8. Helping mothers survive bleeding after birth

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nelissen, Ellen; Ersdal, Hege; Ostergaard, Doris


    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate "Helping Mothers Survive Bleeding After Birth" (HMS BAB) simulation-based training in a low-resource setting. DESIGN: Educational intervention study. SETTING: Rural referral hospital in Northern Tanzania. POPULATION: Clinicians, nurse-midwives, medical attendants, and ambul......OBJECTIVE: To evaluate "Helping Mothers Survive Bleeding After Birth" (HMS BAB) simulation-based training in a low-resource setting. DESIGN: Educational intervention study. SETTING: Rural referral hospital in Northern Tanzania. POPULATION: Clinicians, nurse-midwives, medical attendants...

  9. Education for Survival. (United States)

    Allen, James E., Jr.

    In this address, James E. Allen, Jr., Assistant Secretary for Education and U.S. Commissioner of Education, discusses the relationship of education to the problem of ecological destruction. He states that the solutions to the problems of air, water, and soil pollution may be found in redirected education. This "education for survival" can serve to…

  10. Cross-Validation of Survival Bump Hunting by Recursive Peeling Methods. (United States)

    Dazard, Jean-Eudes; Choe, Michael; LeBlanc, Michael; Rao, J Sunil


    We introduce a survival/risk bump hunting framework to build a bump hunting model with a possibly censored time-to-event type of response and to validate model estimates. First, we describe the use of adequate survival peeling criteria to build a survival/risk bump hunting model based on recursive peeling methods. Our method called "Patient Recursive Survival Peeling" is a rule-induction method that makes use of specific peeling criteria such as hazard ratio or log-rank statistics. Second, to validate our model estimates and improve survival prediction accuracy, we describe a resampling-based validation technique specifically designed for the joint task of decision rule making by recursive peeling (i.e. decision-box) and survival estimation. This alternative technique, called "combined" cross-validation is done by combining test samples over the cross-validation loops, a design allowing for bump hunting by recursive peeling in a survival setting. We provide empirical results showing the importance of cross-validation and replication.

  11. Soluble L-selectin levels predict survival in sepsis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Seidelin, Jakob B; Nielsen, Ole H; Strøm, Jens


    To evaluate serum soluble L-selectin as a prognostic factor for survival in patients with sepsis.......To evaluate serum soluble L-selectin as a prognostic factor for survival in patients with sepsis....

  12. Association of collagen architecture with glioblastoma patient survival. (United States)

    Pointer, Kelli B; Clark, Paul A; Schroeder, Alexandra B; Salamat, M Shahriar; Eliceiri, Kevin W; Kuo, John S


    OBJECTIVE Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most malignant primary brain tumor. Collagen is present in low amounts in normal brain, but in GBMs, collagen gene expression is reportedly upregulated. However, to the authors' knowledge, direct visualization of collagen architecture has not been reported. The authors sought to perform the first direct visualization of GBM collagen architecture, identify clinically relevant collagen signatures, and link them to differential patient survival. METHODS Second-harmonic generation microscopy was used to detect collagen in a GBM patient tissue microarray. Focal and invasive GBM mouse xenografts were stained with Picrosirius red. Quantitation of collagen fibers was performed using custom software. Multivariate survival analysis was done to determine if collagen is a survival marker for patients. RESULTS In focal xenografts, collagen was observed at tumor brain boundaries. For invasive xenografts, collagen was intercalated with tumor cells. Quantitative analysis showed significant differences in collagen fibers for focal and invasive xenografts. The authors also found that GBM patients with more organized collagen had a longer median survival than those with less organized collagen. CONCLUSIONS Collagen architecture can be directly visualized and is different in focal versus invasive GBMs. The authors also demonstrate that collagen signature is associated with patient survival. These findings suggest that there are collagen differences in focal versus invasive GBMs and that collagen is a survival marker for GBM.

  13. Biofilm formation enhances Helicobacter pylori survivability in vegetables. (United States)

    Ng, Chow Goon; Loke, Mun Fai; Goh, Khean Lee; Vadivelu, Jamuna; Ho, Bow


    To date, the exact route and mode of transmission of Helicobacter pylori remains elusive. The detection of H. pylori in food using molecular approaches has led us to postulate that the gastric pathogen may survive in the extragastric environment for an extended period. In this study, we show that H. pylori prolongs its survival by forming biofilm and micro-colonies on vegetables. The biofilm forming capability of H. pylori is both strain and vegetable dependent. H. pylori strains were classified into high and low biofilm formers based on their highest relative biofilm units (BU). High biofilm formers survived longer on vegetables compared to low biofilm formers. The bacteria survived better on cabbage compared to other vegetables tested. In addition, images captured on scanning electron and confocal laser scanning microscopes revealed that the bacteria were able to form biofilm and reside as micro-colonies on vegetable surfaces, strengthening the notion of possible survival of H. pylori on vegetables for an extended period of time. Taken together, the ability of H. pylori to form biofilm on vegetables (a common food source for human) potentially plays an important role in its survival, serving as a mode of transmission of H. pylori in the extragastric environment. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Malformations associated with congenital diaphragmatic hernia: Impact on survival. (United States)

    Bojanić, Katarina; Pritišanac, Ena; Luetić, Tomislav; Vuković, Jurica; Sprung, Juraj; Weingarten, Toby N; Schroeder, Darrell R; Grizelj, Ruža


    Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is associated with high mortality. Survival is influenced by the extent of pulmonary hypoplasia and additional congenital defects. The purpose of this study was to assess the association of congenital anomalies and admission capillary carbon dioxide levels (PcCO2), as a measure of extent of pulmonary hypoplasia, on survival in neonates with CDH. This is a retrospective review of neonates with CDH admitted to a tertiary neonatal intensive care unit between 1990 and 2014. Logistic regression was used to assess whether hospital survival was associated with admission PcCO2 or associated anomalies (isolated CDH, CDH with cardiovascular anomalies, and CDH with noncardiac anomalies). The probabilities of survival (POS) score, based on birth weight and 5-min Apgar as defined by the Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Study Group were included as a covariate. Of 97 patients, 55 had additional malformations (cardiovascular n=12, noncardiac anomalies n=43). POS was lower in CDH with other anomalies compared to isolated CDH. Survival rate was 61.9%, 53.5% and 41.7% in isolated CDH, CDH with noncardiac anomalies and CDH with cardiovascular anomalies, respectively. After adjusting for POS score the likelihood of survival in CDH groups with additional anomalies was similar to isolated CDH (OR 0.95, 95% CI 0.22-4.15, and 1.10, 0.39-3.08, for CDH with and without cardiovascular anomalies, respectively). After adjusting for POS score, lower PcCO2 levels (OR=1.25 per 5mmHg decrease, P=0.003) were associated with better survival. Neonates with CDH have a high prevalence of congenital malformations. However, after adjusting for POS score the presence of additional anomalies was not associated with survival. The POS score and admission PcCO2 were important prognosticating factors for survival. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy Improves Survival in Patients With Hypopharyngeal Cancer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Paximadis, Peter, E-mail: [Department of Radiation Oncology, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI (United States); Yoo, George; Lin, Ho-Sheng; Jacobs, John [Department of Otolaryngology, Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute, Detroit, MI (United States); Sukari, Ammar [Department of Medical Oncology, Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute, Detroit, MI (United States); Dyson, Greg [Department of Oncology, Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute, Detroit, MI (United States); Christensen, Michael; Kim, Harold [Department of Radiation Oncology, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI (United States)


    Purpose: To retrospectively review our institutional experience with hypopharyngeal carcinoma with respect to treatment modality. Methods and Materials: A total of 70 patients with hypopharyngeal cancer treated between 1999 and 2009 were analyzed for functional and survival outcomes. The treatments included surgery alone (n = 5), surgery followed by radiotherapy (RT) (n = 3), surgery followed by chemoradiotherapy (CRT) (n = 13), RT alone (n = 2), CRT alone (n = 22), induction chemotherapy followed by RT (n = 3), and induction chemotherapy followed by CRT (n = 22). Results: The median follow-up was 18 months. The median overall survival and disease-free survival for all patients was 28.3 and 17.6 months, respectively. The 1- and 2-year local control rate for all patients was 87.1% and 80%. CRT, given either as primary therapy or in the adjuvant setting, improved overall survival and disease-free survival compared with patients not receiving CRT. The median overall survival and disease-free survival for patients treated with CRT was 36.7 and 17.6 months vs. 14.0 and 8.0 months, respectively (p < .01). Of the patients initially treated with an organ-preserving approach, 4 (8.2%) required salvage laryngectomy for local recurrence or persistent disease; 8 (16.3%) and 12 (24.5%) patients were dependent on a percutaneous gastrostomy and tracheostomy tube, respectively. The 2-year laryngoesophageal dysfunction-free survival rate for patients treated with an organ-preserving approach was estimated at 31.7%. Conclusions: Concurrent CRT improves survival in patients with hypopharyngeal cancer. CRT given with conventional radiation techniques yields poor functional outcomes, and future efforts should be directed at determining the feasibility of pharyngeal-sparing intensity-modulated radiotherapy in patients with hypopharyngeal tumors.

  16. The effect of donor gender on renal allograft survival. (United States)

    Neugarten, J; Srinivas, T; Tellis, V; Silbiger, S; Greenstein, S


    Donor gender plays a role in the outcome of renal transplantation, but the mechanisms responsible for this effect are unclear. In this study, actuarial graft survival in 1049 recipients transplanted at Montefiore Medical Center between 1979 and 1994 was examined. It was found that donor gender had no influence on graft survival in recipients treated with precyclosporine immunosuppressive agents. In contrast, graft survival time was greater in cyclosporine-treated recipients of male donor kidneys compared with female kidneys (p demand results in hyperfiltration-mediated glomerular injury and that this is responsible for reduced survival time of female allografts. Any hypothesis purporting to explain gender-related differences in graft survival time must take into account this study's observations that the donor-gender effect was observed only in cyclosporine-treated recipients, was not seen in African-American donors, appeared soon after renal transplantation, and did not increase progressively with time. These observations are most consistent with the hypothesis that gender-related differences in graft survival time may reflect differences in susceptibility to cyclosporine nephrotoxicity or differences in the therapeutic response to cyclosporine.

  17. Predicting long-term graft survival in adult kidney transplant recipients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brett W Pinsky


    Full Text Available The ability to accurately predict a population′s long-term survival has important implications for quantifying the benefits of transplantation. To identify a model that can accurately predict a kidney transplant population′s long-term graft survival, we retrospectively studied the United Network of Organ Sharing data from 13,111 kidney-only transplants completed in 1988- 1989. Nineteen-year death-censored graft survival (DCGS projections were calculated and com-pared with the population′s actual graft survival. The projection curves were created using a two-part estimation model that (1 fits a Kaplan-Meier survival curve immediately after transplant (Part A and (2 uses truncated observational data to model a survival function for long-term projection (Part B. Projection curves were examined using varying amounts of time to fit both parts of the model. The accuracy of the projection curve was determined by examining whether predicted sur-vival fell within the 95% confidence interval for the 19-year Kaplan-Meier survival, and the sample size needed to detect the difference in projected versus observed survival in a clinical trial. The 19-year DCGS was 40.7% (39.8-41.6%. Excellent predictability (41.3% can be achieved when Part A is fit for three years and Part B is projected using two additional years of data. Using less than five total years of data tended to overestimate the population′s long-term survival, accurate prediction of long-term DCGS is possible, but requires attention to the quantity data used in the projection method.

  18. Do American dippers obtain a survival benefit from altitudinal migration? (United States)

    Green, David J; Whitehorne, Ivy B J; Middleton, Holly A; Morrissey, Christy A


    Studies of partial migrants provide an opportunity to assess the cost and benefits of migration. Previous work has demonstrated that sedentary American dippers (residents) have higher annual productivity than altitudinal migrants that move to higher elevations to breed. Here we use a ten-year (30 period) mark-recapture dataset to evaluate whether migrants offset their lower productivity with higher survival during the migration-breeding period when they occupy different habitat, or early and late-winter periods when they coexist with residents. Mark-recapture models provide no evidence that apparent monthly survival of migrants is higher than that of residents at any time of the year. The best-supported model suggests that monthly survival is higher in the migration-breeding period than winter periods. Another well-supported model suggested that residency conferred a survival benefit, and annual apparent survival (calculated from model weighted monthly apparent survival estimates using the Delta method) of residents (0.511 ± 0.038SE) was slightly higher than that of migrants (0.487 ± 0.032). Winter survival of American dippers was influenced by environmental conditions; monthly apparent survival increased as maximum daily flow rates increased and declined as winter temperatures became colder. However, we found no evidence that environmental conditions altered differences in winter survival of residents and migrants. Since migratory American dippers have lower productivity and slightly lower survival than residents our data suggests that partial migration is likely an outcome of competition for limited nest sites at low elevations, with less competitive individuals being forced to migrate to higher elevations in order to breed.

  19. Socioeconomic position and survival after cervical cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ibfelt, E H; Kjær, S K; Høgdall, C


    In an attempt to decrease social disparities in cancer survival, it is important to consider the mechanisms by which socioeconomic position influences cancer prognosis. We aimed to investigate whether any associations between socioeconomic factors and survival after cervical cancer could...... be explained by socioeconomic differences in cancer stage, comorbidity, lifestyle factors or treatment....

  20. Adjuvant Medications That Improve Survival after Locoregional Therapy. (United States)

    Boas, F Edward; Ziv, Etay; Yarmohammadi, Hooman; Brown, Karen T; Erinjeri, Joseph P; Sofocleous, Constantinos T; Harding, James J; Solomon, Stephen B


    To determine if outpatient medications taken at the time of liver tumor embolization or ablation affect survival. A retrospective review was done of 2,032 liver tumor embolization, radioembolization, and ablation procedures performed in 1,092 patients from June 2009 to April 2016. Pathology, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) stage (American Joint Committee on Cancer), neuroendocrine tumor (NET) grade, initial locoregional therapy, overall survival after initial locoregional therapy, Child-Pugh score, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status, Charlson Comorbidity Index, and outpatient medications taken at the time of locoregional therapy were analyzed for each patient. Kaplan-Meier survival curves were calculated for patients taking 29 medications or medication classes (including prescription and nonprescription medications) for reasons unrelated to their primary cancer diagnosis. Kaplan-Meier curves were compared using the log-rank test. For patients with HCC initially treated with embolization (n = 304 patients), the following medications were associated with improved survival when taken at the time of embolization: beta-blockers (P = .0007), aspirin (P = .0008) and other nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (P = .009), proton pump inhibitors (P = .004), and antivirals for hepatitis B or C (P = .01). For colorectal liver metastases initially treated with ablation (n = 172 patients), beta-blockers were associated with improved survival when taken at the time of ablation (P = .02). Aspirin and beta-blockers are associated with significantly improved survival when taken at the time of embolization for HCC. Aspirin was not associated with survival differences after locoregional therapy for NET or colorectal liver metastases, suggesting an HCC-specific effect. Copyright © 2017 SIR. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Predictors of survival in surgically treated patients of spinal metastasis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pravin Padalkar


    Full Text Available Background: The spinal metastasis occurs in up to 40% of cancer patient. We compared the Tokuhashi and Tomita scoring systems, two commonly used scoring systems for prognosis in spinal metastases. We also assessed the different variables separately with respect to their value in predicting postsurgical life expectancy. Finally, we suggest criteria for selecting patients for surgery based on the postoperative survival pattern. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 102 patients who had been operated for metastatic disease of the spine. Predictive scoring was done according to the scoring systems proposed by Tokuhashi and Tomita. Overall survival was assessed using Kaplan-Meier survival analysis. Using the log rank test and Cox regression model we assessed the value of the individual components of each scoring system for predicting survival in these patients. Result: The factors that were most significantly associated with survival were the general condition score (Karnofsky Performance Scale (P=.000, log rank test, metastasis to internal organs (P=.0002 log rank test, and number of extraspinal bone metastases (P=.0058. Type of primary tumor was not found to be significantly associated with survival according to the revised Tokuhashi scoring system (P=.9131, log rank test. Stepwise logistic regression revealed that the Tomita score correlated more closely with survival than the Tokuhashi score. Conclusion: The patient′s performance status, extent of visceral metastasis, and extent of bone metastases are significant predictors of survival in patients with metastatic disease. Both revised Tokuhashi and Tomita scores were significantly correlated with survival. A revised Tokuhashi score of 7 or more and a Tomita score of 6 or less indicated >50% chance of surviving 6 months postoperatively. We recommend that the Tomita score be used for prognostication in patients who are contemplating surgery, as it is simpler to score and has a higher

  2. Direct Survival Analysis: a new stock assessment method

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eduardo Ferrandis


    Full Text Available In this work, a new stock assessment method, Direct Survival Analysis, is proposed and described. The parameter estimation of the Weibull survival model proposed by Ferrandis (2007 is obtained using trawl survey data. This estimation is used to establish a baseline survival function, which is in turn used to estimate the specific survival functions in the different cohorts considered through an adaptation of the separable model of the fishing mortality rates introduced by Pope and Shepherd (1982. It is thus possible to test hypotheses on the evolution of survival during the period studied and to identify trends in recruitment. A link is established between the preceding analysis of trawl survey data and the commercial catch-at-age data that are generally obtained to evaluate the population using analytical models. The estimated baseline survival, with the proposed versions of the stock and catch equations and the adaptation of the Separable Model, may be applied to commercial catch-at-age data. This makes it possible to estimate the survival corresponding to the landing data, the initial size of the cohort and finally, an effective age of first capture, in order to complete the parameter model estimation and consequently the estimation of the whole survival and mortality, along with the reference parameters that are useful for management purposes. Alternatively, this estimation of an effective age of first capture may be obtained by adapting the demographic structure of trawl survey data to that of the commercial fleet through suitable selectivity models of the commercial gears. The complete model provides the evaluation of the stock at any age. The coherence (and hence the mutual “calibration” between the two kinds of information may be analysed and compared with results obtained by other methods, such as virtual population analysis (VPA, in order to improve the diagnosis of the state of exploitation of the population. The model may be

  3. Survival of Columbian white-tailed deer in western Oregon (United States)

    Ricca, Mark A.; Anthony, Robert G.; Jackson, Dewaine H.; Wolfe, Scott A.


    Columbian white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus leucurus; CWTD) are an endangered subspecies on which little demographic information exists. We determined survival rates and causes of mortality for 64 radiocol- lared adults from 1996 to 1998, and for 63 radiocollared neonatal fawns during the summer and fall months of 1996-2001 in Douglas County, Oregon, USA. Annual adult survival rates averaged 0.74 over 3 years, and most mor- tality (73%) occurred between fall and winter. Seasonal survival was lowest (0.75) for the fall-winter 1997-1998, and was 20.90 during all spring-summer periods. Annual and seasonal survival rates did not differ by gender. Average annual survival was 0.77 for deer in wildland areas compared with 0.66 for deer in suburban areas, but these dif- ferences were not consistent between years and seasons. Survival over the entire 3-year study was low (0.38). Eight deer died from a combination of emaciation and disease, and almost all (92%) necropsied deer were in poor body condition. Fawn survival to 7 months was low (0.14, 95% CI = 0.02-0.26) and declined most rapidly during the first 1.5 months of life. Predation (n = 21) and abandonment (n = 6) were the most frequent known causes of death for fawns. Our results suggest that CWTD may have responded to density-dependent factors during this short-term study, although the effects of other environmental or intrinsic factors cannot be ignored. Fawn survival may be insufficient to produce enough recruits for population growth and eventual range expansion.

  4. Survival Processing and the Stroop Task


    Stephanie A. Kazanas; Kendra M. Van Valkenburg; Jeanette Altarriba


    This study was designed to investigate the impact of survival processing with a novel task for this paradigm: the Stroop color-naming task. As the literature is mixed with regard to task generalizability, with survival processing promoting better memory for words, but not better memory for faces or paired associates, these types of task investigations are important to a growing field of research. Using the Stroop task provides a unique contribution, as identifying items by color is an importa...

  5. The tao of survival skills to keep you alive

    CERN Document Server

    Ayres, James Morgan


    The Tao of Survival focuses on real-world, core survival skills that can save your life anytime and anyplace, in any emergency situation. It delves into fundamental concepts that most survival books don't cover, including how to deal with fear, developing mind/body skills, and fully engaging your senses to be aware of your surroundings. James Morgan Ayres has worked as a consultant for various U.S. government agencies and private corporations, founded four companies, and lived and worked all over the world. He's written seven books, taught seminars on the tao of survival and related

  6. Use of common analgesic medications and ovarian cancer survival

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dixon, Suzanne C; Nagle, Christina M; Wentzensen, Nicolas


    BACKGROUND: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have been associated with improved survival in some cancers, but evidence for ovarian cancer is limited. METHODS: Pooling individual-level data from 12 Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium studies, we evaluated the association between self......-reported, pre-diagnosis use of common analgesics and overall/progression-free/disease-specific survival among 7694 women with invasive epithelial ovarian cancer (4273 deaths). RESULTS: Regular analgesic use (at least once per week) was not associated with overall survival (pooled hazard ratios, pHRs (95......% confidence intervals): aspirin 0.96 (0.88-1.04); non-aspirin NSAIDs 0.97 (0.89-1.05); acetaminophen 1.01 (0.93-1.10)), nor with progression-free/disease-specific survival. There was however a survival advantage for users of any NSAIDs in studies clearly defining non-use as less than once per week (pHR=0...

  7. Survival Rate of Limb Replantation in Different Age Groups. (United States)

    Tatebe, Masahiro; Urata, Shiro; Tanaka, Kenji; Kurahashi, Toshikazu; Takeda, Shinsuke; Hirata, Hitoshi


    Revascularization of damaged limbs/digits is technically feasible, but indications for surgical replantation remain controversial. The authors analyzed the survival rate of upper limb amputations and the associated factors in different age groups. They grouped 371 limb/digit amputees (average age, 44 years; range, 2-85 years) treated in their hospital during the past 10 years into three groups based on age (young, ≤ 15 years, n  = 12; adult, 16-64 years, n  = 302; elderly, ≥ 65 years, n  = 57) and analyzed their injury type (extent of injury and stump status), operation method, presence of medical complications (Charlson comorbidity index), and survival rate. There were 168 replantations, and the overall replantation survival rate was 93%. The Charlson comorbidity index of the replantation patients was 0 in 124 cases; 1 in 32; 2 in 9; and 3 in 3, but it did not show any significant difference in survival rate after replantation. Eight elderly patients (14%) did not opt for replantation. Younger patients tended to undergo replantation, but they had lower success rates due to their severe injury status. The results of this study show that the survival rate of replantation in elderly patients is equal to that in adults. Stump evaluation is important for survival, but the presence of medical complications is not associated with the overall survival rate.

  8. Key factors influencing lung cancer survival in northern Italy. (United States)

    Mangone, Lucia; Minicozzi, Pamela; Vicentini, Massimo; Giacomin, Adriano; Caldarella, Adele; Cirilli, Claudia; Falcini, Fabio; Giorgi Rossi, Paolo; Sant, Milena


    Lung cancer is a major cause of cancer death worldwide. The aims of this study were to analyze presentation, treatment and survival for lung cancer in northern Italy, and identify factors influencing survival. A total of 1180 lung cancer cases diagnosed in four north Italian cancer registries (Biella, Modena, Reggio Emilia, Romagna) in 2003-2005 were analyzed. Information on morphology, stage, diagnostic examinations, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgical treatment was collected from clinical records. Three-year relative survival and relative excess risks of death were estimated. Overall, 10% of cases were stage I, 50% stage IV, and 12% stage unknown. Romagna - where sophisticated diagnostic examinations were performed more often - had proportionately more microscopically verified cases and resected cases than Biella. Romagna had also high proportions of cases given chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Three-year survival was 14%, range 10% (Biella) to 19% (Romagna); 69% for stage I, 3% for stage IV. Stage I survival was higher in Romagna (82%) than Reggio Emilia and Biella (60-61%) but for operated stage I cases, survival was similar (88%) in Romagna and Biella. The fully adjusted model showed a higher risk of death in Biella (1.23, 95%CI 1.02-1.48) than Modena (reference). Stage and surgery are key factors influencing survival. Centralizing lung cancer treatment to improve diagnostic work-up may improve outcomes. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Offer

    CERN Multimedia

    Staff Association


    Le parc ouvre ses portes le samedi 4 avril 2015!   La Chasse aux Oeufs du 4 au 26 avril En plus de ses 25 attractions et spectacles, le parc proposera aux enfants de 3 à 12 ans de relever le challenge d’une course aux oeufs dans un jardin de Pâques reconstitué ! Autant de petits oeufs à trouver dans un temps limite ; tout cela au milieu de lapins, poules, fleurs et autres oeufs géants pour repartir avec des gourmandises en chocolat de la marque Revillon Chocolatier.   Profitez de notre offre spéciale pour nos membres : Tarif unique Adulte/Enfant Entrée Zone terrestre 21,50 euros au lieu de 27 euros Accès à l’Aqualibi : 5 euros au lieu de 8 euros sur présentation du billet d’entrée au tarif membre AP. Entrée gratuite pour les enfants de moins de 3 ans, avec accès limité aux attractions. Les billet...

  10. Do American dippers obtain a survival benefit from altitudinal migration?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David J Green

    Full Text Available Studies of partial migrants provide an opportunity to assess the cost and benefits of migration. Previous work has demonstrated that sedentary American dippers (residents have higher annual productivity than altitudinal migrants that move to higher elevations to breed. Here we use a ten-year (30 period mark-recapture dataset to evaluate whether migrants offset their lower productivity with higher survival during the migration-breeding period when they occupy different habitat, or early and late-winter periods when they coexist with residents. Mark-recapture models provide no evidence that apparent monthly survival of migrants is higher than that of residents at any time of the year. The best-supported model suggests that monthly survival is higher in the migration-breeding period than winter periods. Another well-supported model suggested that residency conferred a survival benefit, and annual apparent survival (calculated from model weighted monthly apparent survival estimates using the Delta method of residents (0.511 ± 0.038SE was slightly higher than that of migrants (0.487 ± 0.032. Winter survival of American dippers was influenced by environmental conditions; monthly apparent survival increased as maximum daily flow rates increased and declined as winter temperatures became colder. However, we found no evidence that environmental conditions altered differences in winter survival of residents and migrants. Since migratory American dippers have lower productivity and slightly lower survival than residents our data suggests that partial migration is likely an outcome of competition for limited nest sites at low elevations, with less competitive individuals being forced to migrate to higher elevations in order to breed.

  11. Tracking plasma cell differentiation and survival. (United States)

    Roth, Katrin; Oehme, Laura; Zehentmeier, Sandra; Zhang, Yang; Niesner, Raluca; Hauser, Anja E


    Plasma cells play a crucial role for the humoral immune response as they represent the body's factories for antibody production. The differentiation from a B cell into a plasma cell is controlled by a complex transcriptional network and happens within secondary lymphoid organs. Based on their lifetime, two types of antibody secreting cells can be distinguished: Short-lived plasma cells are located in extrafollicular sites of secondary lymphoid organs such as lymph node medullary cords and the splenic red pulp. A fraction of plasmablasts migrate from secondary lymphoid organs to the bone marrow where they can become long-lived plasma cells. Bone marrow plasma cells reside in special microanatomical environments termed survival niches, which provide factors promoting their longevity. Reticular stromal cells producing the chemokine CXCL12, which is known to attract plasmablasts to the bone marrow but also to promote plasma cell survival, play a crucial role in the maintenance of these niches. In addition, hematopoietic cells are contributing to the niches by providing other soluble survival factors. Here, we review the current knowledge on the factors involved in plasma cell differentiation, their localization and migration. We also give an overview on what is known regarding the maintenance of long lived plasma cells in survival niches of the bone marrow. © 2013 International Society for Advancement of Cytometry.

  12. Survival of microorganisms in smectite clays: Implications for Martian exobiology (United States)

    Moll, Deborah M.; Vestal, J. Robie


    Manned exploration of Mars may result in the contamination of that planet with terrestrial microbes, a situation requiring assessment of the survival potential of possible contaminating organisms. In this study, the survival of Bacillus subtilis, Azotobacter chroococcum, and the enteric bacteriophage MS2 was examined in clays representing terrestrial (Wyoming type montmorillonite) or Martian (Fe 3+-montmorillonite) soils exposed to terrestrial and Martian environmental conditions of temperature and atmospheric pressure and composition, but not to UV flux or oxidizing conditions. Survival of bacteria was determined by standard plate counts and biochemical and physiological measurements over 112 days. Extractable lipid phosphate was used to measure microbial biomass, and the rate of 14C-acetate incorporation into microbial lipids was used to determine physiological activity. MS2 survival was assayed by plaque counts. Both bacterial types survived terrestrial or Martian conditions in Wyoming montmorillonite better than Martian conditions in Fe 3+-montmorillonite. Decreased survival may have been caused by the lower pH of the Fe 3+-montmorillonite compared to Wyoming montmorillonite. MS2 survived simulated Mars conditions better than the terrestrial environment, likely due to stabilization of the virus caused by the cold and dry conditions of the simulated Martian environment. The survival of MS2 in the simulated Martian environment is the first published indication that viruses may be able to survive in Martian type soils. This work may have implications for planetary protection for future Mars missions.

  13. Multidimensional Poverty and Child Survival in India (United States)

    Mohanty, Sanjay K.


    Background Though the concept of multidimensional poverty has been acknowledged cutting across the disciplines (among economists, public health professionals, development thinkers, social scientists, policy makers and international organizations) and included in the development agenda, its measurement and application are still limited. Objectives and Methodology Using unit data from the National Family and Health Survey 3, India, this paper measures poverty in multidimensional space and examine the linkages of multidimensional poverty with child survival. The multidimensional poverty is measured in the dimension of knowledge, health and wealth and the child survival is measured with respect to infant mortality and under-five mortality. Descriptive statistics, principal component analyses and the life table methods are used in the analyses. Results The estimates of multidimensional poverty are robust and the inter-state differentials are large. While infant mortality rate and under-five mortality rate are disproportionately higher among the abject poor compared to the non-poor, there are no significant differences in child survival among educationally, economically and health poor at the national level. State pattern in child survival among the education, economical and health poor are mixed. Conclusion Use of multidimensional poverty measures help to identify abject poor who are unlikely to come out of poverty trap. The child survival is significantly lower among abject poor compared to moderate poor and non-poor. We urge to popularize the concept of multiple deprivations in research and program so as to reduce poverty and inequality in the population. PMID:22046384

  14. Multidimensional poverty and child survival in India.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sanjay K Mohanty

    Full Text Available Though the concept of multidimensional poverty has been acknowledged cutting across the disciplines (among economists, public health professionals, development thinkers, social scientists, policy makers and international organizations and included in the development agenda, its measurement and application are still limited. OBJECTIVES AND METHODOLOGY: Using unit data from the National Family and Health Survey 3, India, this paper measures poverty in multidimensional space and examine the linkages of multidimensional poverty with child survival. The multidimensional poverty is measured in the dimension of knowledge, health and wealth and the child survival is measured with respect to infant mortality and under-five mortality. Descriptive statistics, principal component analyses and the life table methods are used in the analyses.The estimates of multidimensional poverty are robust and the inter-state differentials are large. While infant mortality rate and under-five mortality rate are disproportionately higher among the abject poor compared to the non-poor, there are no significant differences in child survival among educationally, economically and health poor at the national level. State pattern in child survival among the education, economical and health poor are mixed.Use of multidimensional poverty measures help to identify abject poor who are unlikely to come out of poverty trap. The child survival is significantly lower among abject poor compared to moderate poor and non-poor. We urge to popularize the concept of multiple deprivations in research and program so as to reduce poverty and inequality in the population.

  15. Multidimensional poverty and child survival in India. (United States)

    Mohanty, Sanjay K


    Though the concept of multidimensional poverty has been acknowledged cutting across the disciplines (among economists, public health professionals, development thinkers, social scientists, policy makers and international organizations) and included in the development agenda, its measurement and application are still limited. OBJECTIVES AND METHODOLOGY: Using unit data from the National Family and Health Survey 3, India, this paper measures poverty in multidimensional space and examine the linkages of multidimensional poverty with child survival. The multidimensional poverty is measured in the dimension of knowledge, health and wealth and the child survival is measured with respect to infant mortality and under-five mortality. Descriptive statistics, principal component analyses and the life table methods are used in the analyses. The estimates of multidimensional poverty are robust and the inter-state differentials are large. While infant mortality rate and under-five mortality rate are disproportionately higher among the abject poor compared to the non-poor, there are no significant differences in child survival among educationally, economically and health poor at the national level. State pattern in child survival among the education, economical and health poor are mixed. Use of multidimensional poverty measures help to identify abject poor who are unlikely to come out of poverty trap. The child survival is significantly lower among abject poor compared to moderate poor and non-poor. We urge to popularize the concept of multiple deprivations in research and program so as to reduce poverty and inequality in the population.

  16. Male microchimerism and survival among women

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kamper-Jørgensen, Mads; Hjalgrim, Henrik; Andersen, Anne-Marie Nybo


    During pregnancy, woman and fetus exchange small quantities of cells, and their persistence at later times is termed microchimerism. Microchimerism is known to substantially impact on women's later health. This study examined the survival of women according to male microchimerism status.......During pregnancy, woman and fetus exchange small quantities of cells, and their persistence at later times is termed microchimerism. Microchimerism is known to substantially impact on women's later health. This study examined the survival of women according to male microchimerism status....

  17. Does HPV status influence survival after vulvar cancer?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Christina Louise; Sand, Freja Laerke; Hoffmann Frederiksen, Marie


    High-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is essential in the carcinogenesis of a substantial part of anogenital and oropharyngeal cancers and has additionally been shown to be a possible predictive marker for survival, especially in oropharyngeal cancer. Studies examining the influence of HPV...... status on survival after vulvar cancer have been conflicting and limited by small study populations. Therefore, the aim of this review and meta-analysis was to examine whether HPV status influences survival after vulvar cancer, which, to our knowledge, has not been done before. We conducted a systematic...... search of PubMed, Cochrane Library and Embase to identify studies examining survival after histologically verified and HPV tested vulvar cancer. A total of 18 studies were eligible for inclusion. Study-specific and pooled HRs of the 5-year OS and DFS were calculated using a fixed effects model. The I2...

  18. Effect of blood transfusions on canine renal allograft survival

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van Der Linden, C.J.; Buurman, W.A.; Vegt, P.A.; Greep, J.M.; Jeekel, J.


    In this study significantly prolonged canine renal allograft survival has been demonstrated after transfusion of 100 ml of third-party whole blood given peroperatively. Peroperative transfusions of third-party leukocyte-free blood or pure lymphocyte cell suspensions did not influence graft survival. Futhermore, no improvement in graft survival has been found after a peroperative transfuson of irradiated whole blood (2500 rad). These data suggest that delayed graft rejection after blood transfusions can only be expected after the administration of whole blood. The role of competent lymphocytes in whole blood is questionable, since a transfusion of irradiated whole blood in combination with nonirradiated lymphocytes did not lead to prolonged graft survival. Immunosuppression of the recipient directly after transfusion seems to be essential to induce the beneficial effect of blood transfusions. This has been demonstrated for a transfusion of whole blood 14 days before transplantation. A single transfusion of 100 ml of whole blood 14 days before transplantation could effectively prolong graft survival if immunosuppression with azathioprine and prednisone was started on the day of transfusion. No improvement in graft survival has been found with such a transfusion if preoperative immunosuppression has been omitted

  19. Effect of blood transfusions on canine renal allograft survival

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    van der Linden, C.J.; Buurman, W.A.; Vegt, P.A.; Greep, J.M.; Jeekel, J.


    In this study significantly prolonged canine renal allograft survival has been demonstrated after transfusion of 100 ml of third-party whole blood given peroperatively. Peroperative transfusions of third-party leukocyte-free blood or pure lymphocyte cell suspensions did not influence graft survival. Furthermore, no improvement in graft survival has been found after a peroperative transfusion of irradiated whole blood (2500 rad). These data suggest that delayed graft rejection after blood transfusions can only be expected after the administration of whole blood. The role of competent lymphocytes in whole blood is questionable, since a transfusion or irradiated whole blood in combination with nonirradiated lymphocytes did not lead to prolonged graft survival. Immunosuppression of the recipient directly after transfusion seems to be essential to induce the beneficial effect of blood transfusions. This has been demonstrated for a transfusion of whole blood 14 days before transplantation. A single transfusion of 100 ml of whole blood 14 days before transplantation could effectively prolong graft survival if immunosuppression with azathioprine and prednisone was started on the day of transfusion. No improvement in graft survival has been found with such a transfusion if preoperative immunosuppression has been omitted

  20. 46 CFR 117.202 - Survival craft-vessels operating on oceans routes. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Survival craft-vessels operating on oceans routes. 117... LIFESAVING EQUIPMENT AND ARRANGEMENTS Number and Type of Survival Craft § 117.202 Survival craft—vessels... number of overnight persons allowed, the survival craft requirements contained in paragraph (e) of this...

  1. 46 CFR 117.204 - Survival craft-vessels operating on coastwise routes. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Survival craft-vessels operating on coastwise routes... PASSENGERS LIFESAVING EQUIPMENT AND ARRANGEMENTS Number and Type of Survival Craft § 117.204 Survival craft... allowed, the following survival craft requirements apply when not engaged in an overnight voyage: (1...

  2. CASAS: Cancer Survival Analysis Suite, a web based application. (United States)

    Rupji, Manali; Zhang, Xinyan; Kowalski, Jeanne


    We present CASAS, a shiny R based tool for interactive survival analysis and visualization of results. The tool provides a web-based one stop shop to perform the following types of survival analysis:  quantile, landmark and competing risks, in addition to standard survival analysis.  The interface makes it easy to perform such survival analyses and obtain results using the interactive Kaplan-Meier and cumulative incidence plots.  Univariate analysis can be performed on one or several user specified variable(s) simultaneously, the results of which are displayed in a single table that includes log rank p-values and hazard ratios along with their significance. For several quantile survival analyses from multiple cancer types, a single summary grid is constructed. The CASAS package has been implemented in R and is available via The developmental repository is available at

  3. Estimating true instead of apparent survival using spatial Cormack-Jolly-Seber models (United States)

    Schaub, Michael; Royle, J. Andrew


    Survival is often estimated from capture–recapture data using Cormack–Jolly–Seber (CJS) models, where mortality and emigration cannot be distinguished, and the estimated apparent survival probability is the product of the probabilities of true survival and of study area fidelity. Consequently, apparent survival is lower than true survival unless study area fidelity equals one. Underestimation of true survival from capture–recapture data is a main limitation of the method.

  4. Genetic architecture of rainbow trout survival from egg to adult

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vehvilainen, H.; Kause, A.; Quiton, C.; Kuukka-Anttila, H.; Koskinen, H.; Paananen, T.


    Survival from birth to a reproductive adult is a challenge that only robust individuals resistant to a variety of mortality factors will overcome. To assess whether survival traits share genetic architecture throughout the life cycle, we estimated genetic correlations for survival within fingerling

  5. Progression-free survival, post-progression survival, and tumor response as surrogate markers for overall survival in patients with extensive small cell lung cancer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hisao Imai


    Full Text Available Objectives: The effects of first-line chemotherapy on overall survival (OS might be confounded by subsequent therapies in patients with small cell lung cancer (SCLC. We examined whether progression-free survival (PFS, post-progression survival (PPS, and tumor response could be valid surrogate endpoints for OS after first-line chemotherapies for patients with extensive SCLC using individual-level data. Methods: Between September 2002 and November 2012, we analyzed 49 cases of patients with extensive SCLC who were treated with cisplatin and irinotecan as first-line chemotherapy. The relationships of PFS, PPS, and tumor response with OS were analyzed at the individual level. Results: Spearman rank correlation analysis and linear regression analysis showed that PPS was strongly correlated with OS (r = 0.97, p < 0.05, R 2 = 0.94, PFS was moderately correlated with OS (r = 0.58, p < 0.05, R 2 = 0.24, and tumor shrinkage was weakly correlated with OS (r = 0.37, p < 0.05, R 2 = 0.13. The best response to second-line treatment, and the number of regimens employed after progression beyond first-line chemotherapy were both significantly associated with PPS ( p ≤ 0.05. Conclusion: PPS is a potential surrogate for OS in patients with extensive SCLC. Our findings also suggest that subsequent treatment after disease progression following first-line chemotherapy may greatly influence OS.

  6. Ship Systems Survivability Test Site (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — Area for testing survivability of shipboard systems to include electrical, communications, and fire suppression. Multipurpose test range for supporting gun firing,...

  7. Association of MTHFR gene polymorphisms with breast cancer survival

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martin, Damali N; Boersma, Brenda J; Howe, Tiffany M; Goodman, Julie E; Mechanic, Leah E; Chanock, Stephen J; Ambs, Stefan


    Two functional single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene, C677T and A1298C, lead to decreased enzyme activity and affect chemosensitivity of tumor cells. We investigated whether these MTHFR SNPs were associated with breast cancer survival in African-American and Caucasian women. African-American (n = 143) and Caucasian (n = 105) women, who had incident breast cancer with surgery, were recruited between 1993 and 2003 from the greater Baltimore area, Maryland, USA. Kaplan-Meier survival and multivariate Cox proportional hazards regression analyses were used to examine the relationship between MTHFR SNPs and disease-specific survival. We observed opposite effects of the MTHFR polymorphisms A1298C and C677T on breast cancer survival. Carriers of the variant allele at codon 1298 (A/C or C/C) had reduced survival when compared to homozygous carriers of the common A allele [Hazard ratio (HR) = 2.05; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.05–4.00]. In contrast, breast cancer patients with the variant allele at codon 677 (C/T or T/T) had improved survival, albeit not statistically significant, when compared to individuals with the common C/C genotype (HR = 0.65; 95% CI, 0.31–1.35). The effects were stronger in patients with estrogen receptor-negative tumors (HR = 2.70; 95% CI, 1.17–6.23 for A/C or C/C versus A/A at codon 1298; HR = 0.36; 95% CI, 0.12–1.04 for C/T or T/T versus C/C at codon 677). Interactions between the two MTHFR genotypes and race/ethnicity on breast cancer survival were also observed (A1298C, p interaction = 0.088; C677T, p interaction = 0.026). We found that the MTHFR SNPs, C677T and A1298C, were associated with breast cancer survival. The variant alleles had opposite effects on disease outcome in the study population. Race/ethnicity modified the association between the two SNPs and breast cancer survival

  8. Multiple Weather Factors Affect Apparent Survival of European Passerine Birds (United States)

    Salewski, Volker; Hochachka, Wesley M.; Fiedler, Wolfgang


    Weather affects the demography of animals and thus climate change will cause local changes in demographic rates. In birds numerous studies have correlated demographic factors with weather but few of those examined variation in the impacts of weather in different seasons and, in the case of migrants, in different regions. Using capture-recapture models we correlated weather with apparent survival of seven passerine bird species with different migration strategies to assess the importance of selected facets of weather throughout the year on apparent survival. Contrary to our expectations weather experienced during the breeding season did not affect apparent survival of the target species. However, measures for winter severity were associated with apparent survival of a resident species, two short-distance/partial migrants and a long-distance migrant. Apparent survival of two short distance migrants as well as two long-distance migrants was further correlated with conditions experienced during the non-breeding season in Spain. Conditions in Africa had statistically significant but relatively minor effects on the apparent survival of the two long-distance migrants but also of a presumably short-distance migrant and a short-distance/partial migrant. In general several weather effects independently explained similar amounts of variation in apparent survival for the majority of species and single factors explained only relatively low amounts of temporal variation of apparent survival. Although the directions of the effects on apparent survival mostly met our expectations and there are clear predictions for effects of future climate we caution against simple extrapolations of present conditions to predict future population dynamics. Not only did weather explains limited amounts of variation in apparent survival, but future demographics will likely be affected by changing interspecific interactions, opposing effects of weather in different seasons, and the potential for

  9. Survival of Lactobacillus rhamnosus strains in the upper gastrointestinal tract. (United States)

    Pitino, Iole; Randazzo, Cinzia Lucia; Mandalari, Giuseppina; Lo Curto, Alberto; Faulks, Richard Martin; Le Marc, Yvan; Bisignano, Carlo; Caggia, Cinzia; Wickham, Martin Sean John


    In the present study six probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus strains were investigated for their ability to survive in the human upper gastrointestinal tract through a dynamic gastric model of digestion. MRS broth was used as delivery vehicle and survival was investigated during in vitro gastric and gastric plus duodenal digestion. Results highlighted that all tested strains showed good survival rate during both gastric and duodenal digestion. In particular, three strains exhibited a great survival showing a recovery percentage in the range between 117 and 276%. In agreement with survival data, high lactic acid production was detected for all strains, confirming their metabolic activity during digestion. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. 46 CFR 117.208 - Survival craft-vessels operating on rivers routes. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Survival craft-vessels operating on rivers routes. 117... LIFESAVING EQUIPMENT AND ARRANGEMENTS Number and Type of Survival Craft § 117.208 Survival craft—vessels... vessel certificated to operate on a rivers route in warm water is not required to carry survival craft...

  11. Cell survival and radiation induced chromosome aberrations. Pt. 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bauchinger, M.; Schmid, E.; Braselmann, H.


    Human peripheral lymphocytes were irradiated in whole blood with 0.5-4.0 Gy of 220 kVp X-rays and the frequency of chromosome aberrations was determined in 1st or 2nd division metaphases discriminated by fluorescence plus giemsa staining. Using the empirical distributions of aberrations among cells, cell survival and transmission of aberrations were investigated. Considering both daughter cells, we found that 20% of fragments and 55% of dicentrics or ring chromosomes are lost during the 1st cell division; i.e. cell survival rate from 1st to 2nd generation is mainly influenced by anaphase bridging of these two-hit aberrations. Cell survival to 2nd mitosis was calculated considering this situation and compared with the survival derived from the fraction of M1 cells without unstable aberrations. The resulting shouldered survival curves showed significantly different slopes, indicating that cell reproductive death is overestimated in the latter approach. (orig.)

  12. A Framework for RFID Survivability Requirement Analysis and Specification (United States)

    Zuo, Yanjun; Pimple, Malvika; Lande, Suhas

    Many industries are becoming dependent on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology for inventory management and asset tracking. The data collected about tagged objects though RFID is used in various high level business operations. The RFID system should hence be highly available, reliable, and dependable and secure. In addition, this system should be able to resist attacks and perform recovery in case of security incidents. Together these requirements give rise to the notion of a survivable RFID system. The main goal of this paper is to analyze and specify the requirements for an RFID system to become survivable. These requirements, if utilized, can assist the system in resisting against devastating attacks and recovering quickly from damages. This paper proposes the techniques and approaches for RFID survivability requirements analysis and specification. From the perspective of system acquisition and engineering, survivability requirement is the important first step in survivability specification, compliance formulation, and proof verification.

  13. Survival after bone metastasis by primary cancer type

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Svensson, Elisabeth; Christiansen, Christian F; Ulrichsen, Sinna P


    OBJECTIVE: In the 10 most common primary types with bone metastases, we aimed to examine survival, further stratifying on bone metastases only or with additional synchronous metastases. METHODS: We included all patients aged 18 years and older with incident hospital diagnosis of solid cancer...... between 1994 and 2010, subsequently diagnosed with BM until 2012. We followed patients from date of bone metastasis diagnosis until death, emigration or 31 December 2012, whichever came first. We computed 1-year, 3-year and 5-year survival (%) and the corresponding 95% CIs stratified on primary cancer...... prostate (34%), breast (22%) and lung (20%). One-year survival after bone metastasis diagnosis was lowest in patients with lung cancer (10%, 95% CI 9% to 11%) and highest in patients with breast cancer (51%, 50% to 53%). At 5 years of follow-up, only patients with breast cancer had over 10% survival (13...

  14. Trends in scale and shape of survival curves. (United States)

    Weon, Byung Mook; Je, Jung Ho


    The ageing of the population is an issue in wealthy countries worldwide because of increasing costs for health care and welfare. Survival curves taken from demographic life tables may help shed light on the hypotheses that humans are living longer and that human populations are growing older. We describe a methodology that enables us to obtain separate measurements of scale and shape variances in survival curves. Specifically, 'living longer' is associated with the scale variance of survival curves, whereas 'growing older' is associated with the shape variance. We show how the scale and shape of survival curves have changed over time during recent decades, based on period and cohort female life tables for selected wealthy countries. Our methodology will be useful for performing better tracking of ageing statistics and it is possible that this methodology can help identify the causes of current trends in human ageing.

  15. Craniotomy and Survival for Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma. (United States)

    Rae, Ali I; Mehta, Amol; Cloney, Michael; Kinslow, Connor J; Wang, Tony J C; Bhagat, Govind; Canoll, Peter D; Zanazzi, George J; Sisti, Michael B; Sheth, Sameer A; Connolly, E Sander; McKhann, Guy M; Bruce, Jeffrey N; Iwamoto, Fabio M; Sonabend, Adam M


    Cytoreductive surgery is considered controversial for primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL). To investigate survival following craniotomy or biopsy for PCNSL. The National Cancer Database-Participant User File (NCDB, n = 8936), Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program (SEER, n = 4636), and an institutional series (IS, n = 132) were used. We retrospectively investigated the relationship between craniotomy, prognostic factors, and survival for PCNSL using case-control design.  In NCDB, craniotomy was associated with increased median survival over biopsy (19.5 vs 11.0 mo), independent of subsequent radiation and chemotherapy (hazard ratio [HR] 0.80, P < .001). We found a similar trend with survival for craniotomy vs biopsy in the IS (HR 0.68, P = .15). In SEER, gross total resection was associated with increased median survival over biopsy (29 vs 10 mo, HR 0.68, P < .001). The survival benefit associated with craniotomy was greater within recursive partitioning analysis (RPA) class 1 group in NCDB (95.1 vs 29.1 mo, HR 0.66, P < .001), but was smaller for RPA 2-3 (14.9 vs 10.0 mo, HR 0.86, P < .001). A surgical risk category (RC) considering lesion location and number, age, and frailty was developed. Craniotomy was associated with increased survival vs biopsy for patients with low RC (133.4 vs 41.0 mo, HR 0.33, P = .01), but not high RC in the IS. Craniotomy is associated with increased survival over biopsy for PCNSL in 3 retrospective datasets. Prospective studies are necessary to adequately evaluate this relationship. Such studies should evaluate patients most likely to benefit from cytoreductive surgery, ie, those with favorable RPA and RC.

  16. Italian regional health system structure and expected cancer survival. (United States)

    Vercelli, Marina; Lillini, Roberto; Quaglia, Alberto; Capocaccia, Riccardo


    Few studies deal with the association of socioeconomic and health system resource variables with cancer survival at the Italian regional level, where the greatest number of decisions about social and health policies and resource allocations are taken. The present study aimed to describe the causal relationships between socioeconomic and health system resource factors and regional cancer survival and to compute the expected cancer survival at provincial, regional and area levels. Age-standardized relative survival at 5 years from diagnosis of cases incident in 1995-1998 and followed up to 2004 were derived by gender for 11 sites from the Italian Association of Cancer Registries data bank. The socioeconomic and health system resource variables, describing at a regional level the macro-economy, demography, labor market, and health resources for 1995-2005, came from the Health for All database. A principal components factor analysis was applied to the socioeconomic and health system resource variables. For every site, linear regression models were computed considering the relative survival at 5 years as a dependent variable and the principal components factor analysis factors as independent variables. The factors described the socioeconomic and health-related features of the regional systems and were causally related to the characteristics of the patient taken in charge. The models built by the factors allowed computation of the expected relative survival at 5 years with very good concordance with those observed at regional, macro-regional and national levels. In the regions without any cancer registry, survival was coherent with that of neighboring regions with similar socioeconomic and health system resources characteristics. The models highlighted the causal correlations between socioeconomic and health system resources and cancer survival, suggesting that they could be good evaluation tools for the efficiency of the resources allocation and use.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. V. Seriogin


    Full Text Available The purpose of the study was to reveal the independent anatomic, histological, and clinical factors of cancer-specific survival in patients with renal-cell carcinoma (RCC. For this, the authors retrospectively analyzed their experience with radical surgical treatments in 73 RCC patients operated on at the Department of Urology and Surgical Andrology, Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, from January 1, 1999 to December 31, 2004; their outcomes have become known by the present time. There was a statistically significant correlation of cancer-specific survival with its parameters, such as pathological stage of a tumor, its maximum pathological size, differentiation grade, involvement of regional lymph nodes, venous tumor thrombosis, level of thrombocytosis, and degree of the clinical symptoms of the disease. Multivariate analysis of survival in RCC in relation to the prognostic factors could reveal odd ratios for the limit values of significant prognostic factors. The statistically significant prognostic values established in the present study, as well as the molecular factors the implication of which is being now investigated can become in future an effective addition to the TNM staging system to define indications for certain treatments and to predict survival in RCC  


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. V. Seriogin


    Full Text Available The purpose of the study was to reveal the independent anatomic, histological, and clinical factors of cancer-specific survival in patients with renal-cell carcinoma (RCC. For this, the authors retrospectively analyzed their experience with radical surgical treatments in 73 RCC patients operated on at the Department of Urology and Surgical Andrology, Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, from January 1, 1999 to December 31, 2004; their outcomes have become known by the present time. There was a statistically significant correlation of cancer-specific survival with its parameters, such as pathological stage of a tumor, its maximum pathological size, differentiation grade, involvement of regional lymph nodes, venous tumor thrombosis, level of thrombocytosis, and degree of the clinical symptoms of the disease. Multivariate analysis of survival in RCC in relation to the prognostic factors could reveal odd ratios for the limit values of significant prognostic factors. The statistically significant prognostic values established in the present study, as well as the molecular factors the implication of which is being now investigated can become in future an effective addition to the TNM staging system to define indications for certain treatments and to predict survival in RCC  

  19. Revisiting the Survival Mnemonic Effect in Children

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Josefa N. S. Pand Eirada


    Full Text Available The survival processing paradigm is designed to explore the adaptive nature of memory functioning. The mnemonic advantage of processing information in fitness-relevant contexts, as has been demonstrated using this paradigm, is now well established, particularly in young adults; this phenomenon is often referred to as the “survival processing effect.” In the current experiment, we revisited the investigation of this effect in children and tested it in a new cultural group, using a procedure that differs from the existing studies with children. A group of 40 Portuguese children rated the relevance of unrelated words to a survival and a new moving scenario. This encoding task was followed by a surprise free-recall task. Akin to what is typically found, survival processing produced better memory performance than the control condition (moving. These data put on firmer ground the idea that a mnemonic tuning to fitness-relevant encodings is present early in development. The theoretical importance of this result to the adaptive memory literature is discussed, as well as potential practical implications of this kind of approach to the study of memory in children.

  20. 46 CFR 133.110 - Survival craft muster and embarkation arrangements. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Survival craft muster and embarkation arrangements. 133... VESSELS LIFESAVING SYSTEMS Requirements for All OSVs § 133.110 Survival craft muster and embarkation... lighting supplied from the emergency source of electrical power. (e) Each davit-launched survival craft...

  1. 20 CFR 410.361 - Determination of dependency; surviving divorced wife. (United States)


    ... 20 Employees' Benefits 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Determination of dependency; surviving... HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT OF 1969, TITLE IV-BLACK LUNG BENEFITS (1969- ) Relationship and Dependency § 410.361 Determination of dependency; surviving divorced wife. An individual who is the miner's surviving...

  2. Survival probability of a local excitation in a non-Markovian environment: Survival collapse, Zeno and anti-Zeno effects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rufeil-Fiori, E.; Pastawski, H.M.


    The decay dynamics of a local excitation interacting with a non-Markovian environment, modeled by a semi-infinite tight-binding chain, is exactly evaluated. We identify distinctive regimes for the dynamics. Sequentially: (i) early quadratic decay of the initial-state survival probability, up to a spreading time t S , (ii) exponential decay described by a self-consistent Fermi Golden Rule, and (iii) asymptotic behavior governed by quantum diffusion through the return processes, leading to an inverse power law decay. At this last cross-over time t R a survival collapse becomes possible. This could reduce the survival probability by several orders of magnitude. The cross-over times t S and t R allow to assess the range of applicability of the Fermi Golden Rule and give the conditions for the observation of the Zeno and anti-Zeno effect.

  3. Clay mineral type effect on bacterial enteropathogen survival in soil. (United States)

    Brennan, Fiona P; Moynihan, Emma; Griffiths, Bryan S; Hillier, Stephen; Owen, Jason; Pendlowski, Helen; Avery, Lisa M


    Enteropathogens released into the environment can represent a serious risk to public health. Soil clay content has long been known to have an important effect on enteropathogen survival in soil, generally enhancing survival. However, clay mineral composition in soils varies, and different clay minerals have specific physiochemical properties that would be expected to impact differentially on survival. This work investigated the effect of clay materials, with a predominance of a particular mineral type (montmorillonite, kaolinite, or illite), on the survival in soil microcosms over 96 days of Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella Dublin, and Escherichia coli O157. Clay mineral addition was found to alter a number of physicochemical parameters in soil, including cation exchange capacity and surface area, and this was specific to the mineral type. Clay mineral addition enhanced enteropathogen survival in soil. The type of clay mineral was found to differentially affect enteropathogen survival and the effect was enteropathogen-specific. © 2013.

  4. Trends in colorectal cancer survival in northern Denmark: 1985-2004

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Iversen, Lene Hjerrild; Nørgaard, Mette; Jepsen, Peter


    OBJECTIVE: The prognosis for colorectal cancer (CRC) is less favourable in Denmark than in neighbouring countries. To improve cancer treatment in Denmark, a National Cancer Plan was proposed in 2000. We conducted this population-based study to monitor recent trends in CRC survival and mortality...... for age and gender. A total of 19,515 CRC patients were identified and linked with the Central Office of Civil Registration to ascertain survival through January 2005. Results: From 1985 to 2004, 1-year and 5-year survival improved both for patients with colon and rectal cancer. From 1995-1999 to 2000......-2004, overall 1-year survival of 65% for colon cancer did not improve, and some age groups experienced a decreasing 1-year survival probability. For rectal cancer, overall 1-year survival increased from 71% in 1995-1999 to 74% in 2000-2004. Using 1985-1989 as reference period, 30-day mortality did not decrease...

  5. Les temps de la vieillesse au Sénégal : le malentendu intergénérationnel


    Gning, Sadio-Ba


    L’efficacité de la prise en charge des personnes âgées semble être remise en cause par le malentendu qui existe entre les enfants et les parents sur la façon de gérer la vieillesse. Ce malentendu semble traduire un décalage temporel entre les enfants qui pensent bien s’occuper de leurs parents en les accueillant chez eux – tandis que ceux-ci entendent rester dans leur sociabilité habituelle. L’accès aux soins, l’occupation professionnelle et la situation résidentielle des personnes âgées sont...

  6. Dying scenarios improve recall as much as survival scenarios. (United States)

    Burns, Daniel J; Hart, Joshua; Kramer, Melanie E


    Merely contemplating one's death improves retention for entirely unrelated material learned subsequently. This "dying to remember" effect seems conceptually related to the survival processing effect, whereby processing items for their relevance to being stranded in the grasslands leads to recall superior to that of other deep processing control conditions. The present experiments directly compared survival processing scenarios with "death processing" scenarios. Results showed that when the survival and dying scenarios are closely matched on key dimensions, and possible congruency effects are controlled, the dying and survival scenarios produced equivalently high recall levels. We conclude that the available evidence (cf. Bell, Roer, & Buchner, 2013; Klein, 2012), while not definitive, is consistent with the possibility of overlapping mechanisms.

  7. Neyman, Markov processes and survival analysis. (United States)

    Yang, Grace


    J. Neyman used stochastic processes extensively in his applied work. One example is the Fix and Neyman (F-N) competing risks model (1951) that uses finite homogeneous Markov processes to analyse clinical trials with breast cancer patients. We revisit the F-N model, and compare it with the Kaplan-Meier (K-M) formulation for right censored data. The comparison offers a way to generalize the K-M formulation to include risks of recovery and relapses in the calculation of a patient's survival probability. The generalization is to extend the F-N model to a nonhomogeneous Markov process. Closed-form solutions of the survival probability are available in special cases of the nonhomogeneous processes, like the popular multiple decrement model (including the K-M model) and Chiang's staging model, but these models do not consider recovery and relapses while the F-N model does. An analysis of sero-epidemiology current status data with recurrent events is illustrated. Fix and Neyman used Neyman's RBAN (regular best asymptotic normal) estimates for the risks, and provided a numerical example showing the importance of considering both the survival probability and the length of time of a patient living a normal life in the evaluation of clinical trials. The said extension would result in a complicated model and it is unlikely to find analytical closed-form solutions for survival analysis. With ever increasing computing power, numerical methods offer a viable way of investigating the problem.

  8. Hepatic retransplantation in New England--a regional experience and survival model. (United States)

    Powelson, J A; Cosimi, A B; Lewis, W D; Rohrer, R J; Freeman, R B; Vacanti, J P; Jonas, M; Lorber, M I; Marks, W H; Bradley, J


    Hepatic retransplantation (reTx) offers the only alternative to death for patients who have failed primary hepatic transplantation (PTx). Assuming a finite number of donor organs, reTx also denies the chance of survival for some patients awaiting PTx. The impact of reTx on overall survival (i.e., the survival of all candidates for transplantation) must therefore be clarified. Between 1983 and 1991, 651 patients from the New England Organ Bank underwent liver transplantation, and 73 reTx were performed in 71 patients (11% reTx rate). The 1-year actuarial survival for reTx (48%) was significantly less than for PTx (70%, P 365 days, 83%). Patients on the regional waiting list had an 18% mortality rate while awaiting transplantation. These results were incorporated into a mathematical model describing survival as a function of reTx rate, assuming a limited supply of donor livers. ReTx improves the 1-year survival rate for patients undergoing PTx but decreases overall survival (survival of all candidates) for liver transplantation. In the current era of persistently insufficient donor numbers, strategies based on minimizing the use of reTx, especially in the case of patients in whom chances of success are minimal, will result in the best overall rate of patient survival.

  9. Artists’ Survival Rate

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bille, Trine; Jensen, Søren


    The literature of cultural economics generally finds that an artistic education has no significant impact on artists’ income and careers in the arts. In our research, we have readdressed this question by looking at the artists’ survival in the arts occupations. The results show that an artistic...... education has a significant impact on artists’ careers in the arts and we find important industry differences....

  10. Survival and death causes in differentiated thyroid carcinoma

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Eustatia-Rutten, Carmen F. A.; Corssmit, Eleonora P. M.; Biermasz, Nienke R.; Pereira, Alberto M.; Romijn, Johannes A.; Smit, Johannes W.


    Survival studies in differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC) may be biased because they have been performed in heterogeneous populations. In addition, specific death causes in DTC have not been documented well in the literature. The aim of our study was to investigate survival and specific death

  11. Medical Aspects of Survival: Training for Aircrew (United States)


    injuries. External antiseptics ( benzalkonium chloride tincture, etc.) are best used for cleaning abrasions, scratches and the skin areas adjacent to...the stump. The reduction of fractures is normally considered beyond the scope of first-aid ; how- ever^ in the prolonged survival situation, the... reduction to ensure the proper alignment of the bones. L _-., J Improvised Casts. As plaster casts are not available in the survival situation, the

  12. Serum albumin predicts survival in patients with hilar cholangiocarcinoma. (United States)

    Waghray, Abhijeet; Sobotka, Anastasia; Marrero, Carlos Romero; Estfan, Bassam; Aucejo, Federico; Narayanan Menon, K V


    Hilar cholangiocarcinoma is a devastating malignancy with incidence varying by geography and other risk factors. Rapid progression of disease and delays in diagnosis restrict the number of patients eligible for curative therapy. The objective of this study was to determine prognostic factors of overall survival in all patients presenting with hilar cholangiocarcinoma. All adult patients with histologically confirmed hilar cholangiocarcinoma from 2003 to 2013 were evaluated for predictors of survival using demographic factors, laboratory data, symptoms and radiological characteristics at presentation. A total of 116 patients were identified to have pathological diagnosis of hilar cholangiocarcinoma and were included in the analysis. Patients with a serum albumin level >3.0 g/dL (P 3.0 g/dL was identified as an independent predictor of overall survival (hazard ratio 0.31; 95% confidence interval 0.14-0.70) with a survival benefit of 44 weeks. This study was the largest analysis to date of prognostic factors in patients with hilar cholangiocarcinoma. A serum albumin level >3.0 g/dL conferred an independent survival advantage with a significantly greater length of survival. © The Author(s) 2016. Published by Oxford University Press and Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University.

  13. 46 CFR 199.110 - Survival craft muster and embarkation arrangements. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Survival craft muster and embarkation arrangements. 199... § 199.110 Survival craft muster and embarkation arrangements. (a) Each muster station must have... emergency source of electrical power. (e) Each davit-launched and free-fall survival craft muster station...

  14. 46 CFR 199.245 - Survival craft embarkation and launching arrangements. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Survival craft embarkation and launching arrangements... Passenger Vessels § 199.245 Survival craft embarkation and launching arrangements. (a) Each davit-launched liferaft must be arranged to be rapidly boarded by its full complement of persons. (b) All survival craft...

  15. 46 CFR 199.280 - Survival craft embarkation and launching arrangements. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Survival craft embarkation and launching arrangements... Cargo Vessels § 199.280 Survival craft embarkation and launching arrangements. (a) Each lifeboat must be.... (d) All survival craft required for abandonment by the total number of persons on board must be...

  16. 46 CFR 108.540 - Survival craft muster and embarkation arrangements. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Survival craft muster and embarkation arrangements. 108... OFFSHORE DRILLING UNITS DESIGN AND EQUIPMENT Lifesaving Equipment § 108.540 Survival craft muster and... craft muster station and embarkation station for a survival craft which is boarded before it is launched...

  17. Gender, social norms, and survival in maritime disasters (United States)

    Elinder, Mikael; Erixson, Oscar


    Since the sinking of the Titanic, there has been a widespread belief that the social norm of “women and children first” (WCF) gives women a survival advantage over men in maritime disasters, and that captains and crew members give priority to passengers. We analyze a database of 18 maritime disasters spanning three centuries, covering the fate of over 15,000 individuals of more than 30 nationalities. Our results provide a unique picture of maritime disasters. Women have a distinct survival disadvantage compared with men. Captains and crew survive at a significantly higher rate than passengers. We also find that: the captain has the power to enforce normative behavior; there seems to be no association between duration of a disaster and the impact of social norms; women fare no better when they constitute a small share of the ship’s complement; the length of the voyage before the disaster appears to have no impact on women’s relative survival rate; the sex gap in survival rates has declined since World War I; and women have a larger disadvantage in British shipwrecks. Taken together, our findings show that human behavior in life-and-death situations is best captured by the expression “every man for himself.” PMID:22847426

  18. Lung cancer: Incidence and survival in Rabat, Morocco. (United States)

    Lachgar, A; Tazi, M A; Afif, M; Er-Raki, A; Kebdani, T; Benjaafar, N


    Lung cancer is the most common cancer worldwide, but epidemiologic data from developing countries are lacking. This article reports lung cancer incidence and survival in Rabat, the capital of Morocco. All lung cancer cases diagnosed between 2005 and 2008 were analyzed using data provided by the Rabat Cancer Registry. The standardized rate was reported using age adjustment with respect to the world standard population, and the observed survival rates were calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method. Three hundred fifty-one cases were registered (314 males and 37 females), aged 27-90 years (median, 59 years). The most common pathological type was adenocarcinoma (40.2%) followed by squamous cell carcinoma (31.9%); the majority of cases were diagnosed at stage IV (52%). The age-standardized incidence rate was 25.1 and 2.7 per 100,000 for males and females, respectively, and the overall observed survival rates at 1 and 5 years were 31.7% and 3.4%, respectively. The clinical stage of disease was the only independent predictor of survival. The survival rate of lung cancer in Rabat is very poor. This finding explains the need for measures to reduce the prevalence of tobacco and to improve diagnostic and therapeutic facilities for lung cancer. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.

  19. Modelling survival: exposure pattern, species sensitivity and uncertainty. (United States)

    Ashauer, Roman; Albert, Carlo; Augustine, Starrlight; Cedergreen, Nina; Charles, Sandrine; Ducrot, Virginie; Focks, Andreas; Gabsi, Faten; Gergs, André; Goussen, Benoit; Jager, Tjalling; Kramer, Nynke I; Nyman, Anna-Maija; Poulsen, Veronique; Reichenberger, Stefan; Schäfer, Ralf B; Van den Brink, Paul J; Veltman, Karin; Vogel, Sören; Zimmer, Elke I; Preuss, Thomas G


    The General Unified Threshold model for Survival (GUTS) integrates previously published toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic models and estimates survival with explicitly defined assumptions. Importantly, GUTS accounts for time-variable exposure to the stressor. We performed three studies to test the ability of GUTS to predict survival of aquatic organisms across different pesticide exposure patterns, time scales and species. Firstly, using synthetic data, we identified experimental data requirements which allow for the estimation of all parameters of the GUTS proper model. Secondly, we assessed how well GUTS, calibrated with short-term survival data of Gammarus pulex exposed to four pesticides, can forecast effects of longer-term pulsed exposures. Thirdly, we tested the ability of GUTS to estimate 14-day median effect concentrations of malathion for a range of species and use these estimates to build species sensitivity distributions for different exposure patterns. We find that GUTS adequately predicts survival across exposure patterns that vary over time. When toxicity is assessed for time-variable concentrations species may differ in their responses depending on the exposure profile. This can result in different species sensitivity rankings and safe levels. The interplay of exposure pattern and species sensitivity deserves systematic investigation in order to better understand how organisms respond to stress, including humans.

  20. Design for Survivability: An Approach to Assured Autonomy (United States)

    Alexandrov, Natalia M.; Ozoroski, Thomas A.


    Rapidly expanding unmanned air traffic includes and will continue to include non-cooperative participants. Non-cooperative behavior may be due to technical failure, a lack of appropriate equipment, a careless or malicious operator. Regardless of the cause, the outcome remains: growing density of non-cooperative traffic will increase the risk of collision between unmanned vehicles and aircraft carrying humans. As a result, the degraded safety of airspace may limit access to airspace, with adverse consequences for the traveling public and the economy. Because encounters with small non-cooperative objects, such as birds or wayward drones, can happen too rapidly for an external control system to mitigate them, it is imperative that the aircraft that carry humans survive encounters with non-cooperative vehicles. To-date, design for survivability has been practiced explicitly in the military domain. Survivability against collisions in civil aviation has been limited to tolerances against bird strikes; and these tolerances have proved inadequate on occasion. The growing risk of collision with unmanned vehicles now requires the development of survivability discipline for civilian transport aircraft. The new discipline must be infused into multidisciplinary design methods, on par with traditional disciplines. In this paper, we report on a preliminary study of survivability considerations for the civil aviation domain.

  1. Outcome of cardiopulmonary resuscitation - predictors of survival

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishtiaq, O.; Iqbal, M.; Zubair, M.; Qayyum, R.; Adil, M.


    To assess the outcomes of patients undergoing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Data were collected retrospectively of all adult patients who underwent CPR. Clinical outcomes of interest were survival at the end of CPR and survival at discharge from hospital. Factors associated with survival were evaluated using logistic regression analysis. Of the 159 patients included, 55 (35%) were alive at the end of CPR and 17 (11%) were discharged alive from the hospital. At the end of CPR, univariate logistic regression analysis found the following factors associated with survival: cardiac arrest within hospital as compared to outside the hospital (odds ratio = 2.8, 95% CI = 1.27-6.20, p-value = 0.01), both cardiac and pulmonary arrest as compared to either cardiac or pulmonary arrest (odds ratio = 0.37, 95% CI = 0.19- 0.73, p-value = 0.004), asystole as cardiac rhythm at presentation (odds ratio = 0.47, 95% CI = 0.24-0.93, p-value = 0.03), and total atropine dose given during CPR (odds ratio = 0.78, 95% CI = 0.62-0.97, p-value = 0.02). In multivariate logistic regression, cardiac arrest within hospital (odds ratio = 2.52, 95% CI = 1.06-5.99, p-value = 0.04) and both cardiac and pulmonary arrest as compared to cardiac or pulmonary arrest (odds ratio = 0.44, 95% CI = 0.21-0.91, p-value = 0.03) were associated with survival at the end of CPR. At the time of discharge from hospital, univariate logistic regression analysis found following factors that were associated with survival: cardiac arrest within hospital (odds ratio = 8.4, 95% CI = 1.09-65.64, p-value = 0.04), duration of CPR (odds ratio = 0.91, 95% CI = 0.85-0.96, p-value = 0.001), and total atropine dose given during CPR (odds ratio = 0.68, 95% CI = 0.47-0.99, p-value = 0.05). In multivariate logistic regression analysis cardiac arrest within hospital (odds ratio 8.69, 95% CI = 1.01-74.6, p-value = 0.05) and duration of CPR (odds ratio 0.92, 95% CI = 0.87-0.98, p-value = 0.01) were associated with survival at

  2. Survival of Patients With Cervical Cancer in Rural India


    Vinoda Thulaseedharan, Jissa; Malila, Nea; Swaminathan, Rajaraman; Esmy Pulikottil, Okuru; Hakama, Matti; Muwonge, Richard; Sankaranarayanan, Rengaswamy


    Background: Patients’ survival after diagnosis of cervical cancer is indirectly influenced by socio-economic factors. We evaluated this survival and its socio-economic determinants in a rural population in south India. Methods: We assessed 165 women diagnosed with cervical cancer from the routine care control arm of a randomized screening trial conducted in rural south India. Kaplan-Meier curves were plotted to illustrate the observed survival of cancer patients. The effect of socio-econom...

  3. Survivability of systems under multiple factor impact

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Korczak, Edward; Levitin, Gregory


    The paper considers vulnerable multi-state series-parallel systems operating under influence of external impacts. Both the external impacts and internal failures affect system survivability, which is determined as the probability of meeting a given demand. The external impacts are characterized by several destructive factors affecting the system or its parts simultaneously. In order to increase the system's survivability a multilevel protection against the destructive factors can be applied to its subsystems. In such systems, the protected subsystems can be destroyed only if all of the levels of their protection are destroyed. The paper presents an algorithm for evaluating the survivability of series-parallel systems with arbitrary configuration of multilevel protection against multiple destructive factor impacts. The algorithm is based on a composition of Boolean and the Universal Generating Function techniques. Illustrative examples are presented

  4. Stability of alert survivable forces during reductions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Canavan, G.H.


    The stability of current and projected strategic forces are discussed within a framework that contains elements of current US and Russian analyses. For current force levels and high alert, stability levels are high, as are the levels of potential strikes, due to the large forces deployed. As force levels drop towards those of current value target sets, the analysis becomes linear, concern shifts from stability to reconstitution, and survivable forces drop out. Adverse marginal costs generally provide disincentives for the reduction of vulnerable weapons, but the exchange of vulnerable for survivable weapons could reduce cost while increasing stability even for aggressive participants. Exchanges between effective vulnerable and survivable missile forces are studied with an aggregated, probabilistic model, which optimizes each sides` first and determines each sides` second strikes and costs by minimizing first strike costs.

  5. Increasing incidence and survival in oral cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Karnov, Kirstine Kim Schmidt; Grønhøj, Christian; Jensen, David Hebbelstrup


    Background: Oral carcinomas (OCs) make up a significant proportion of head and neck carcinomas (HNCs) and are an important cause of morbidity and mortality globally. The purpose of this population-based study was to determine trends in incidence and survival in OC in the Danish population from 1980...... to 2014. Material and methods: This study covered all patients registered in the nationwide Danish cancer registry (DCR) in the period 1980–2014. Age-adjusted incidence rate (AAIR) per 100,000 and annual percentage change (APC) were evaluated. Also, 5-year overall survival (OS) was calculated with Cox......-standardized incidence of OC during the last 30 years in Denmark, and also an improvement in survival. The 5-year OS was significantly better in recent years even when we adjusted the analysis for relevant covariates....

  6. Physical activity and survival in breast cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ammitzbøll, Gunn; Søgaard, Karen; Karlsen, Randi V


    PURPOSE: Knowledge about lifestyle factors possibly influencing survival after breast cancer (BC) is paramount. We examined associations between two types of postdiagnosis physical activity (PA) and overall survival after BC. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We used prospective data on 959 BC survivors from...... the Diet, Cancer, and Health cohort, all enrolled before diagnosis. Self-reported PA was measured as time per activity, and estimated metabolic equivalent task (MET)-hours per week were summed for each activity. We constructed measures for household, exercise, and total PA. The association between...... from all causes during the study period. In adjusted analyses, exercise PA above eight MET h/week compared to lower levels of activity was significantly associated with improved overall survival (HR, 0.68; confidence interval [CI]: 0.47-0.99). When comparing participation in exercise to non...

  7. Survival and clinical outcome of dogs with ischaemic stroke. (United States)

    Gredal, H; Toft, N; Westrup, U; Motta, L; Gideon, P; Arlien-Søborg, P; Skerritt, G C; Berendt, M


    The objectives of the present study were to investigate survival time, possible predictors of survival and clinical outcome in dogs with ischaemic stroke. A retrospective study of dogs with a previous diagnosis of ischaemic stroke diagnosed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed. The association between survival and the hypothesised risk factors was examined using univariable exact logistic regression. Survival was examined using Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression. Twenty-two dogs were identified. Five dogs (23%) died within the first 30days of the stroke event. Median survival in 30-day survivors was 505days. Four dogs (18%) were still alive by the end of the study. Right-sided lesions posed a significantly increased risk of mortality with a median survival time in dogs with right-sided lesions of 24days vs. 602days in dogs with left sided lesions (P=0.006). Clinical outcome was considered excellent in seven of 17 (41%) 30-day survivors. Another seven 30-day survivors experienced new acute neurological signs within 6-17months of the initial stroke event; in two of those cases a new ischaemic stroke was confirmed by MRI. In conclusion, dogs with ischaemic stroke have a fair to good prognosis in terms of survival and clinical outcome. However, owners should be informed of the risk of acute death within 30days and of the possibility of new neurological events in survivors. Mortality was increased in dogs with right-sided lesions in this study. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Poor survival of treatment-related acute nonlymphocytic leukemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Neugut, A.I.; Nieves, J.; Murray, T.; Tsai, Weiyann; Robinson, E.


    Population-based data on more than 1 million patients registered in the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End-Results Program of the National Cancer Institute, 1973-1984, were analyzed to determine the survival of patients with de novo acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (ANLL) and following a first primary tumor treated (with chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy) or untreated. Cases that occurred within 12 months of the first malignant neoplasm were excluded. Survival was estimated using Cox proportional-hazards modeling, with age, sex, and specific type of ANLL as covariates. The 6,271 patients with de novo ANLL had an estimated 12-month survival of 30%, while the 107 patients with treatment-related ANLL had an estimated 12-month survival of 10%. The authors conclude that ANLL that occurs after chemotherapy or radiation therapy is biologically more aggressive and/or resistant to therapy than spontaneous ANLL. This provides a rationale for current studies on treatment-induced cellular changes and on more aggressive therapy for these patients

  9. Optimism and survival: does an optimistic outlook predict better survival at advanced ages? A twelve-year follow-up of Danish nonagenarians

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Engberg, Henriette; Jeune, Bernard; Andersen-Ranberg, Karen


    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Studies examining predictors of survival among the oldest-old have primarily focused on objective measures, such as physical function and health status. Only a few studies have examined the effect of personality traits on survival, such as optimism. The aim of this study...... physical and cognitive functioning and disease were taken into account the association between optimism and survival weakened in both sexes, but the general pattern persisted. Optimistic women were still at lower risk of death compared to neutral women [HR 0.85, 95 % CI (0.74-0.97)]. The risk of death...

  10. Factors predicting survival following noninvasive ventilation in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. (United States)

    Peysson, S; Vandenberghe, N; Philit, F; Vial, C; Petitjean, T; Bouhour, F; Bayle, J Y; Broussolle, E


    The involvement of respiratory muscles is a major predicting factor for survival in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Recent studies show that noninvasive ventilation (NIV) can relieve symptoms of alveolar hypoventilation. However, factors predicting survival in ALS patients when treated with NIV need to be clarified. We conducted a retrospective study of 33 consecutive ALS patients receiving NIV. Ten patients had bulbar onset. We determined the median survivals from onset, diagnosis and initiation of NIV and factors predicting survival. Statistical analysis was performed using the Kaplan-Meier test and Cox proportional hazard models. The median initial and maximal total uses of NIV were 10 and 14 h/24h. The overall median survival from ALS onset was 34.2 months and worsened with increasing age and bulbar onset of the disease. The median survival from initiation of NIV was 8.4 months and was significantly poorer in patients with advanced age or with airway mucus accumulation. Survival from initiation of NIV was not influenced by respiratory parameters or bulbar symptoms. Advanced age at diagnosis and airway mucus accumulation represent poorer prognostic factors of ALS patients treated with NIV. NIV is a helpful treatment of sleep-disordered breathing, including patients with bulbar involvement. Copyright 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  11. Henslow's sparrow winter-survival estimates and response to prescribed burning (United States)

    Thatcher, B.S.; Krementz, D.G.; Woodrey, M.S.


    Wintering Henslow's sparrow (Ammodramus henslowii) populations rely on lands managed with prescribed burning, but the effects of various burn regimes on their overwinter survival are unknown. We studied wintering Henslow's sparrows in coastal pine savannas at the Mississippi Sandhill Crane National Wildlife Refuge, Jackson County, Mississippi, USA, during January and February 2001 and 2002. We used the known-fate modeling procedure in program MARK to evaluate the effects of burn age (1 or 2 growing seasons elapsed), burn season (growing, dormant), and calendar year on the survival rates of 83 radiomarked Henslow's sparrows. We found strong evidence that Henslow's sparrow survival rates differed by burn age (with higher survival in recently burned sites) and by year (with lower survival rates in 2001 likely because of drought conditions). We found some evidence that survival rates also differed by bum season (with higher survival in growing-season sites), although the effects of burn season were only apparent in recently burned sites. Avian predation was the suspected major cause of mortality (causing 6 of 14 deaths) with 1 confirmed loggerhead shrike (Lanius ludovicianus) depredation. Our results indicated that recently burned savannas provide high-quality wintering habitats and suggested that managers can improve conditions for wintering Henslow's sparrows by burning a large percentage of savannas each year.

  12. 46 CFR 109.323 - Manning of survival craft and supervision. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Manning of survival craft and supervision. 109.323... DRILLING UNITS OPERATIONS Operation and Stowage of Safety Equipment § 109.323 Manning of survival craft and supervision. (a) There must be a sufficient number of trained persons on board the survival craft for...

  13. Survival of Salmonella enterica in poultry feed is strain dependent. (United States)

    Andino, Ana; Pendleton, Sean; Zhang, Nan; Chen, Wei; Critzer, Faith; Hanning, Irene


    Feed components have low water activity, making bacterial survival difficult. The mechanisms of Salmonella survival in feed and subsequent colonization of poultry are unknown. The purpose of this research was to compare the ability of Salmonella serovars and strains to survive in broiler feed and to evaluate molecular mechanisms associated with survival and colonization by measuring the expression of genes associated with colonization (hilA, invA) and survival via fatty acid synthesis (cfa, fabA, fabB, fabD). Feed was inoculated with 1 of 15 strains of Salmonella enterica consisting of 11 serovars (Typhimurium, Enteriditis, Kentucky, Seftenburg, Heidelberg, Mbandanka, Newport, Bairely, Javiana, Montevideo, and Infantis). To inoculate feed, cultures were suspended in PBS and survival was evaluated by plating samples onto XLT4 agar plates at specific time points (0 h, 4 h, 8 h, 24 h, 4 d, and 7 d). To evaluate gene expression, RNA was extracted from the samples at the specific time points (0, 4, 8, and 24 h) and gene expression measured with real-time PCR. The largest reduction in Salmonella occurred at the first and third sampling time points (4 h and 4 d) with the average reductions being 1.9 and 1.6 log cfu per g, respectively. For the remaining time points (8 h, 24 h, and 7 d), the average reduction was less than 1 log cfu per g (0.6, 0.4, and 0.6, respectively). Most strains upregulated cfa (cyclopropane fatty acid synthesis) within 8 h, which would modify the fluidity of the cell wall to aid in survival. There was a weak negative correlation between survival and virulence gene expression indicating downregulation to focus energy on other gene expression efforts such as survival-related genes. These data indicate the ability of strains to survive over time in poultry feed was strain dependent and that upregulation of cyclopropane fatty acid synthesis and downregulation of virulence genes were associated with a response to desiccation stress.

  14. A generalized additive regression model for survival times

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Scheike, Thomas H.


    Additive Aalen model; counting process; disability model; illness-death model; generalized additive models; multiple time-scales; non-parametric estimation; survival data; varying-coefficient models......Additive Aalen model; counting process; disability model; illness-death model; generalized additive models; multiple time-scales; non-parametric estimation; survival data; varying-coefficient models...

  15. Saudi sands, SCUDS, and survival. (United States)

    Glendon, M P


    SCUD attacks were one of many challenges this pediatric nurse practitioner (NP) and Air Force Reserve flight nurse faced daily during Desert Shield and Desert Storm. Providing nursing care to sick and injured patients on board a C141 transport plane en route from Saudi Arabia to Germany was her primary responsibility. Additionally, many hours were spent filling sandbags, attending in-service classes, and practicing putting on a gas mask and protective suit. Although the war has been over for almost 3 years, the effects are long lasting. The author was able to use her wartime experience positively to gain insight into survival in today's violent society. As violence increases, NPs must reshape their focus and educate their clients about survival.

  16. Canada goose nest survival at rural wetlands in north-central Iowa (United States)

    Ness, Brenna N.; Klaver, Robert W.


    The last comprehensive nest survival study of the breeding giant Canada goose (Branta canadensis maxima) population in Iowa, USA, was conducted >30 years ago during a period of population recovery, during which available nesting habitat consisted primarily of artificial nest structures. Currently, Iowa's resident goose population is stable and nests in a variety of habitats. We analyzed the effects of available habitat on nest survival and how nest survival rates compared with those of the expanding goose population studied previously to better understand how to maintain a sustainable Canada goose population in Iowa. We documented Canada goose nest survival at rural wetland sites in north-central Iowa. We monitored 121 nests in 2013 and 149 nests in 2014 at 5 Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) with various nesting habitats, including islands, muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) houses, and elevated nest structures. We estimated daily nest-survival rate using the nest survival model in Program MARK. Survival was influenced by year, site, stage, presence of a camera, nest age, and an interaction between nest age and stage. Nest success rates for the 28-day incubation period by site and year combination ranged from 0.10 to 0.84. Nest survival was greatest at sites with nest structures (β = 17.34). Nest survival was negatively affected by lowered water levels at Rice Lake WMA (2013 β = −0.77, nest age β = −0.07). Timing of water-level drawdowns for shallow lake restorations may influence nest survival rates.

  17. Improving survival of culture bacteria in frozen desserts by microentrapment. (United States)

    Sheu, T Y; Marshall, R T; Heymann, H


    Lactobacillus bulgaricus cells were entrapped in beads of calcium alginate and evaluated for their ability to survive freezing processes. Cells survived freezing (without agitation) in ice milk mix much better than in distilled water, and more entrapped cells survived than did cells that were not entrapped. Glycerol and mannitol were cryoprotective, but glucose was not, when each was added (6%) separately to the beads. Entrapment protected the lactobacilli in batch frozen and continuously frozen ice milk mixes. The percentage of survival for entrapped and unentrapped cells in continuously frozen ice milk approximated 90 and 40%, respectively. Lactobacilli survived better in beads with mean diameters > 30 microns than in those averaging 15 microns. Addition of entrapped lactobacilli had no measurable effect on the sensory characteristics of the ice milk.

  18. The survival advantage of olfaction in a competitive environment. (United States)

    Asahina, Kenta; Pavlenkovich, Viktoryia; Vosshall, Leslie B


    Olfaction is generally assumed to be critical for survival because this sense allows animals to detect food and pheromonal cues. Although the ability to sense sex pheromones [1, 2, 3] is likely to be important for insects, the contribution of general odor detection to survival is unknown. We investigated the extent to which the olfactory system confers a survival advantage on Drosophila larvae foraging for food under conditions of limited resources and competition from other larvae.

  19. Survival of the scarcer in space

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dos Santos, Renato Vieira; Dickman, Ronald


    The dynamics leading to extinction or coexistence of competing species is of great interest in ecology and related fields. Recently a model of intra- and interspecific competition between two species was proposed by Gabel et al, in which the scarcer species (i.e., with smaller stationary population size) can be more resistant to extinction when it holds a competitive advantage; the latter study considered populations without spatial variation. Here we verify this phenomenon in populations distributed in space. We extend the model of Gabel et al to a d-dimensional lattice, and study its population dynamics both analytically and numerically. Survival of the scarcer in space is verified for situations in which the more competitive species is closer to the threshold for extinction than is the less competitive species, when considered in isolation. The conditions for survival of the scarcer species, as obtained applying renormalization group analysis and Monte Carlo simulation, differ in detail from those found in the spatially homogeneous case. Simulations highlight the speed of invasion waves in determining the survival times of the competing species. (paper)

  20. Long-Term Survival, Quality of Life, and Quality-Adjusted Survival in Critically Ill Patients With Cancer. (United States)

    Normilio-Silva, Karina; de Figueiredo, Adelaide Cristina; Pedroso-de-Lima, Antonio Carlos; Tunes-da-Silva, Gisela; Nunes da Silva, Adriana; Delgado Dias Levites, Andresa; de-Simone, Ana Tereza; Lopes Safra, Patrícia; Zancani, Roberta; Tonini, Paula Camilla; Vasconcelos de Andrade E Silva, Ulysses; Buosi Silva, Thiago; Martins Giorgi, Juliana; Eluf-Neto, José; Costa, Anderson; Abrahão Hajjar, Ludhmila; Biasi Cavalcanti, Alexandre


    To assess the long-term survival, health-related quality of life, and quality-adjusted life years of cancer patients admitted to ICUs. Prospective cohort. Two cancer specialized ICUs in Brazil. A total of 792 participants. None. The health-related quality of life before ICU admission; at 15 days; and at 3, 6, 12, and 18 months was assessed with the EQ-5D-3L. In addition, the vital status was assessed at 24 months. The mean age of the subjects was 61.6 ± 14.3 years, 42.5% were female subjects and half were admitted after elective surgery. The mean Simplified Acute Physiology Score 3 was 47.4 ± 15.6. Survival at 12 and 18 months was 42.4% and 38.1%, respectively. The mean EQ-5D-3L utility measure before admission to the ICU was 0.47 ± 0.43, at 15 days it was 0.41 ± 0.44, at 90 days 0.56 ± 0.42, at 6 months 0.60 ± 0.41, at 12 months 0.67 ± 0.35, and at 18 months 0.67 ± 0.35. The probabilities for attaining 12 and 18 months of quality-adjusted survival were 30.1% and 19.1%, respectively. There were statistically significant differences in survival time and quality-adjusted life years according to all assessed baseline characteristics (ICU admission after elective surgery, emergency surgery, or medical admission; Simplified Acute Physiology Score 3; cancer extension; cancer status; previous surgery; previous chemotherapy; previous radiotherapy; performance status; and previous health-related quality of life). Only the previous health-related quality of life and performance status were associated with the health-related quality of life during the 18-month follow-up. Long-term survival, health-related quality of life, and quality-adjusted life year expectancy of cancer patients admitted to the ICU are limited. Nevertheless, these clinical outcomes exhibit wide variability among patients and are associated with simple characteristics present at the time of ICU admission, which may help healthcare professionals estimate patients

  1. Incorporating movement patterns to improve survival estimates for juvenile bull trout (United States)

    Bowerman, Tracy; Budy, Phaedra


    Populations of many fish species are sensitive to changes in vital rates during early life stages, but our understanding of the factors affecting growth, survival, and movement patterns is often extremely limited for juvenile fish. These critical information gaps are particularly evident for bull trout Salvelinus confluentus, a threatened Pacific Northwest char. We combined several active and passive mark–recapture and resight techniques to assess migration rates and estimate survival for juvenile bull trout (70–170 mm total length). We evaluated the relative performance of multiple survival estimation techniques by comparing results from a common Cormack–Jolly–Seber (CJS) model, the less widely used Barker model, and a simple return rate (an index of survival). Juvenile bull trout of all sizes emigrated from their natal habitat throughout the year, and thereafter migrated up to 50 km downstream. With the CJS model, high emigration rates led to an extreme underestimate of apparent survival, a combined estimate of site fidelity and survival. In contrast, the Barker model, which allows survival and emigration to be modeled as separate parameters, produced estimates of survival that were much less biased than the return rate. Estimates of age-class-specific annual survival from the Barker model based on all available data were 0.218±0.028 (estimate±SE) for age-1 bull trout and 0.231±0.065 for age-2 bull trout. This research demonstrates the importance of incorporating movement patterns into survival analyses, and we provide one of the first field-based estimates of juvenile bull trout annual survival in relatively pristine rearing conditions. These estimates can provide a baseline for comparison with future studies in more impacted systems and will help managers develop reliable stage-structured population models to evaluate future recovery strategies.

  2. Survival of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts through a hydropower complex. (United States)

    Stich, D S; Bailey, M M; Zydlewski, J D


    This study evaluated Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolt survival through the lower Penobscot River, Maine, U.S.A., and characterized relative differences in proportional use and survival through the main-stem of the river and an alternative migration route, the Stillwater Branch. The work was conducted prior to removal of two main-stem dams and operational changes in hydropower facilities in the Stillwater Branch. Survival and proportional use of migration routes in the lower Penobscot were estimated from multistate (MS) models based on 6 years of acoustic telemetry data from 1669 smolts and 2 years of radio-telemetry data from 190 fish. A small proportion (0·12, 95% c.i. = 0·06-0·25) of smolts used the Stillwater Branch, and mean survival through the two operational dams in this part of the river was relatively high (1·00 and 0·97). Survival at Milford Dam, the dam that will remain in the main-stem of the Penobscot River, was relatively low (0·91), whereas survival through two dams that were removed was relatively high (0·99 and 0·98). Smolt survival could decrease in the Stillwater Branch with the addition of two new powerhouses while continuing to meet fish passage standards. The effects of removing two dams in the main-stem are expected to be negligible for smolt survival based on high survival observed from 2005 to 2012 at those locations. Survival through Milford Dam was been well below current regulatory standards, and thus improvement of passage at this location offers the best opportunity for improving overall smolt survival in the lower river. © 2014 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.

  3. Local-scale drivers of tree survival in a temperate forest. (United States)

    Wang, Xugao; Comita, Liza S; Hao, Zhanqing; Davies, Stuart J; Ye, Ji; Lin, Fei; Yuan, Zuoqiang


    Tree survival plays a central role in forest ecosystems. Although many factors such as tree size, abiotic and biotic neighborhoods have been proposed as being important in explaining patterns of tree survival, their contributions are still subject to debate. We used generalized linear mixed models to examine the relative importance of tree size, local abiotic conditions and the density and identity of neighbors on tree survival in an old-growth temperate forest in northeastern China at three levels (community, guild and species). Tree size and both abiotic and biotic neighborhood variables influenced tree survival under current forest conditions, but their relative importance varied dramatically within and among the community, guild and species levels. Of the variables tested, tree size was typically the most important predictor of tree survival, followed by biotic and then abiotic variables. The effect of tree size on survival varied from strongly positive for small trees (1-20 cm dbh) and medium trees (20-40 cm dbh), to slightly negative for large trees (>40 cm dbh). Among the biotic factors, we found strong evidence for negative density and frequency dependence in this temperate forest, as indicated by negative effects of both total basal area of neighbors and the frequency of conspecific neighbors. Among the abiotic factors tested, soil nutrients tended to be more important in affecting tree survival than topographic variables. Abiotic factors generally influenced survival for species with relatively high abundance, for individuals in smaller size classes and for shade-tolerant species. Our study demonstrates that the relative importance of variables driving patterns of tree survival differs greatly among size classes, species guilds and abundance classes in temperate forest, which can further understanding of forest dynamics and offer important insights into forest management.

  4. 33 CFR 149.313 - How must survival craft be arranged? (United States)


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false How must survival craft be... Equipment Manned Deepwater Port Requirements § 149.313 How must survival craft be arranged? The operator must arrange survival craft so that they meet the requirements of 46 CFR 108.525 (a) and § 108.530 and...

  5. [Survival pronostic factors in Mexican patients with multiforme glioblastoma]. (United States)

    Hernández-Reyna, Ricardo; Medellín-Sánchez, Roberto; Cerda-Flores, Ricardo M; Calderón-Garcidueñas, Ana Laura


    To study the pre- and transoperative factors that influence patients' survival with GM. Clinical and pathological records of all confirmed cases of GM diagnosed between 2000 and 2006 were included. Postoperative survival was divided in less or more than 8 months. χ2 test was used. One hundred and twenty patients (45 women and 75 men) were studied. Age range was from 7 to 85 years, 3.3% were 16 years old or younger and 12.5% were 70 years old or older. Headache was the most frequent complain, 40 patients developed hemiparesia and 6 had parestesias. Predominance of white matter hemispheric lesions was observed: right hemispheric tumors 65 (54%), left lesions 30 (25%) and bilateral tumors 7%. Histologically, 1.6% of GM had a sarcomatous component; 35% of patients survived less than 8 months. A difference between patients survival was the preoperative Karnofsky Performance Scale Score and the degree of cerebral edema during the surgical procedure. Pre-operative Karnofsky evaluation and edema during the surgical procedure were significant prognostic factors for survival.

  6. Individual survival curves comparing subjective and observed mortality risks. (United States)

    Bissonnette, Luc; Hurd, Michael D; Michaud, Pierre-Carl


    We compare individual survival curves constructed from objective (actual mortality) and elicited subjective information (probability of survival to a given target age). We develop a methodology to estimate jointly subjective and objective individual survival curves accounting for rounding on subjective reports of perceived survival. We make use of the long follow-up period in the Health and Retirement Study and the high quality of mortality data to estimate individual survival curves that feature both observed and unobserved heterogeneity. This allows us to compare objective and subjective estimates of remaining life expectancy for various groups and compare welfare effects of objective and subjective mortality risk using the life cycle model of consumption. We find that subjective and objective hazards are not the same. The median welfare loss from misperceptions of mortality risk when annuities are not available is 7% of current wealth at age 65 whereas more than 25% of respondents have losses larger than 60% of wealth. When annuities are available and exogenously given, the welfare loss is substantially lower. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  7. Significant prolongation of segmental pancreatic allograft survival in two species

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Du Toit, D.F.; Heydenrych, J.J.


    A study was conducted to assess the suppression of segmental pancreatic allograft rejection by cyclosporine (CSA) alone in baboons and dogs, and subtotal marrow irradiation (TL1) alone and TL 1 in combination with CSA in baboons. Total pancreatectomy in the dog and primate provided a reliable diabetic model, induced an absolute deficiency of insulin and was uniformly lethal if not treated. Continuous administration of CSA in baboons resulted in modest allograft survival. As in baboons, dogs receiving CSA 25 mg/kg/d rendered moderate graft prolongation but a dose of 40 mg/kg/d resulted in significant graft survival (greater than 100 days) in 5 of 8 allograft recipients. Irradiation alone resulted in minimal baboon pancreatic allograft survival of 20 baboons receiving TL1 1,000 rad and CSA, 3 had graft survival greater than of 100 days. Of 15 baboons receiving TL1 800 rad and CSA, 6 had graft survival of greater than 100 days. In conclusion, CSA administration in dogs and TL1 in combination with CSA in baboons resulted in highly significant segmental pancreatic allograft survival.

  8. Significant prolongation of segmental pancreatic allograft survival in two species

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Du Toit, D.F.; Heydenrych, J.J.


    A study was conducted to assess the suppression of segmental pancreatic allograft rejection by cyclosporine (CSA) alone in baboons and dogs, and subtotal marrow irradiation (TL1) alone and TL 1 in combination with CSA in baboons. Total pancreatectomy in the dog and primate provided a reliable diabetic model, induced an absolute deficiency of insulin and was uniformly lethal if not treated. Continuous administration of CSA in baboons resulted in modest allograft survival. As in baboons, dogs receiving CSA 25 mg/kg/d rendered moderate graft prolongation but a dose of 40 mg/kg/d resulted in significant graft survival (greater than 100 days) in 5 of 8 allograft recipients. Irradiation alone resulted in minimal baboon pancreatic allograft survival of 20 baboons receiving TL1 1,000 rad and CSA, 3 had graft survival greater than of 100 days. Of 15 baboons receiving TL1 800 rad and CSA, 6 had graft survival of greater than 100 days. In conclusion, CSA administration in dogs and TL1 in combination with CSA in baboons resulted in highly significant segmental pancreatic allograft survival

  9. Survivability via Control Objectives

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Control objectives open an additional front in the survivability battle. A given set of control objectives is valuable if it represents good practices, it is complete (it covers all the necessary areas), and it is auditable. CobiT and BS 7799 are two examples of control objective sets.

  10. The Female Stroke Survival Advantage: Relation to Age

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, Tom Skyhøj; Dehlendorff, Christian; Andersen, Klaus Kaae


    Background: Age-related hormonal factors are thought to be related to the gender gap in longevity. Testing the hypothesis that survival is best in young premenopausal women we studied the effect of age on 1-week mortality in stroke patients. Methods: A registry was started in 2001 with the aim...... in women. While mortality increased almost linearly in women over the entire age range, it increased steeply in men from the age of 50 and at the age of 80 years survival was 80% better in women. Conclusion: The female stroke survival advantage applies to all ages. It increases with age due to a steeply...

  11. Survival benefits of remote ischemic conditioning in sepsis. (United States)

    Joseph, Bellal; Khalil, Mazhar; Hashmi, Ammar; Hecker, Louise; Kulvatunyou, Narong; Tang, Andrew; Friese, Randall S; Rhee, Peter


    Sepsis remains the leading cause of death in the surgical intensive care unit. Prior studies have demonstrated a survival benefit of remote ischemic conditioning (RIC) in many disease states. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of RIC on survival in sepsis in an animal model and to assess alterations in inflammatory biochemical profiles. We hypothesized that RIC alters inflammatory biochemical profiles resulting in decreased mortality in a septic mouse model. Eight to 12 week C57BL/6 mice received intra-peritoneal injection of 12.5-mg/kg lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Septic animals in the experimental group underwent RIC at 0, 2, and 6 h after LPS by surgical exploration and alternate clamping of the femoral artery. Six 4-min cycles of ischemia-reperfusion were performed. Primary outcome was survival at 5-d after LPS injection. Secondary outcome was to assess the following serum cytokine levels: interferon-γ (IFN-γ), interleukin (IL)-10, IL-1β, and tumor necrosis factoralpha (TNFα) at the baseline before LPS injection, 0 hour after LPS injection, and at 2, 4, 24 hours after induction of sepsis (RIC was performed at 2 h after LPS injection). Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and log-rank test were used. ANOVA test was used to compare cytokine measurements. We performed experiments on 44 mice: 14 sham and 30 RIC mice (10 at each time point). Overall survival was higher in the experimental group compared to the sham group (57% versus 21%; P = 0.02), with the highest survival rate observed in the 2-hour post-RIC group (70%). On Kaplan-Meier analysis, 2-h post-RIC group had increased survival at 5 days after LPS (P = 0.04) with hazard ratio of 0.3 (95% confidence interval = 0.09-0.98). In the RIC group, serum concentrations of IFN-γ, IL-10, IL-1β, and TNFα peaked at 2 h after LPS and then decreased significantly over 24 hours (P sepsis and has the potential for implementation in the clinical practice. Early implementation of RIC may play an


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. L. Choynzonov


    Full Text Available A 10-year survival of 3482 lung cancer patients residing in Tomsk region was studied. Based on the populationbased cancer registry data, the observed, corrected and relative survival rates were calculated by the actuarial method taking into consideration age, sex, disease stage and place of residence of the patients. Survival rates were lower in males than in females: the difference in the overall observed survival (OS rate was from 5.1 % (8-year OS to 7.3 % (2-year OS. An inverse relationship between survival and cancer spread was observed. Survival rates were higher for urban populations than for rural populations. The analysis indicated that most lung cancer cases were diagnosed at an advanced stage. Survival rates demonstrated relatively equal levels of cancer care in different regions of Russia. When comparing survival rates in Tomsk region with those in Europe and the USA, it was shown that one-year survival was lower in Tomsk region than in Europe and the USA, thus indicating more effective cancer screening programs in European countries and the USA.

  13. Prehospital cardiac arrest survival and neurologic recovery. (United States)

    Hillis, M; Sinclair, D; Butler, G; Cain, E


    Many studies of prehospital defibrillation have been conducted but the effects of airway intervention are unknown and neurologic follow-up has been incomplete. A non-randomized cohort prospective study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of defibrillation in prehospital cardiac arrest. Two ambulance companies in the study area developed a defibrillation protocol and they formed the experimental group. A subgroup of these patients received airway management with an esophageal obturator airway (EOA) or endotracheal intubation (ETT). The control group was composed of patients who suffered a prehospital cardiac arrest and did not receive prehospital defibrillation. All survivors were assessed for residual deficits using the Sickness Impact Profile (SIP) and the Dementia Rating Scale (DRS). A total of 221 patients were studied over a 32-month period. Both the experimental group (N = 161) and the control group (N = 60) were comparable with respect to age, sex distribution, and ambulance response time. Survival to hospital discharge was 2/60 (3.3%) in the control group and 12/161 (6.3%) in the experimental group. This difference is not statistically significant. Survival in the experimental group by airway management technique was basic airway support (3/76 3.9%), EOA (3/67 4.5%), and ETT (6/48 12.5%). The improved effect on survival by ETT management was statistically significant. Survivors had minor differences in memory, work, and recreation as compared to ischemic heart disease patients as measured by the SIP and DRS. No effect of defibrillation was found on survival to hospital discharge. However, endotracheal intubation improved survival in defibrillated patients. Survivors had a good functional outcome.

  14. 46 CFR 28.125 - Stowage of survival craft. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Stowage of survival craft. 28.125 Section 28.125... FISHING INDUSTRY VESSELS Requirements for All Vessels § 28.125 Stowage of survival craft. (a) Each..., inflatable buoyant apparatus, and any auxiliary craft used in their place, must be kept readily accessible...

  15. Nerve Growth Factor in Cancer Cell Death and Survival

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Molloy, Niamh H.; Read, Danielle E.; Gorman, Adrienne M.


    One of the major challenges for cancer therapeutics is the resistance of many tumor cells to induction of cell death due to pro-survival signaling in the cancer cells. Here we review the growing literature which shows that neurotrophins contribute to pro-survival signaling in many different types of cancer. In particular, nerve growth factor, the archetypal neurotrophin, has been shown to play a role in tumorigenesis over the past decade. Nerve growth factor mediates its effects through its two cognate receptors, TrkA, a receptor tyrosine kinase and p75 NTR , a member of the death receptor superfamily. Depending on the tumor origin, pro-survival signaling can be mediated by TrkA receptors or by p75 NTR . For example, in breast cancer the aberrant expression of nerve growth factor stimulates proliferative signaling through TrkA and pro-survival signaling through p75 NTR . This latter signaling through p75 NTR promotes increased resistance to the induction of cell death by chemotherapeutic treatments. In contrast, in prostate cells the p75 NTR mediates cell death and prevents metastasis. In prostate cancer, expression of this receptor is lost, which contributes to tumor progression by allowing cells to survive, proliferate and metastasize. This review focuses on our current knowledge of neurotrophin signaling in cancer, with a particular emphasis on nerve growth factor regulation of cell death and survival in cancer

  16. Pretension Strategy in the Surviving Game

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrejs JAUNZEMS


    Full Text Available Till the nowadays we cannot find the scientific analysis that clearly explains the deepest roots of global economical and moral crisis. Because of that many famous politicians, economists, sociologists denote the understanding of current situation as the most valuable attainment. Under traditional influence of the doctrine of spontaneous harmony of egoistic individual behavior many economists believe that competition and private property rights through the markets' price mechanism leads in the long run to the Pareto efficient equilibrium. In the same time the social and economic reality categorically asks for ascertain the market failure and for revision the classical statements of microeconomics. The perfect competition market has lost its attributes due to dialectics of interactions of agents. The investigation of the strategies interactions of the individuals are based on the game theory, what helps to understand also the role of asymmetric information as specific market failure factor. In present paper the Martin Shubik classical surviving game is analyzed and some statements of Herbert Gintis concerning this game are critically appraised. The solution of Martin Shubik game in the original geometrical form is offered. The problem of Martin Shubik "does the fittest necessary survive?" is transformed according the case of asymmetric information in problem "does the pretender survive?", for which the answer "if the agent is not the weakest, but he pretends to be the weakest, than this agent survives with high probability" is offered. The results of the present paper appear to be innovative, not discussed in literature available to the author of the present paper.

  17. Trends in colorectal cancer survival in northern Denmark: 1985-2004. (United States)

    Iversen, L H; Nørgaard, M; Jepsen, P; Jacobsen, J; Christensen, M M; Gandrup, P; Madsen, M R; Laurberg, S; Wogelius, P; Sørensen, H T


    The prognosis for colorectal cancer (CRC) is less favourable in Denmark than in neighbouring countries. To improve cancer treatment in Denmark, a National Cancer Plan was proposed in 2000. We conducted this population-based study to monitor recent trends in CRC survival and mortality in four Danish counties. We used hospital discharge registry data for the period January 1985-March 2004 in the counties of north Jutland, Ringkjøbing, Viborg and Aarhus. We computed crude survival and used Cox proportional hazards regression analysis to compare mortality over time, adjusted for age and gender. A total of 19,515 CRC patients were identified and linked with the Central Office of Civil Registration to ascertain survival through January 2005. From 1985 to 2004, 1-year and 5-year survival improved both for patients with colon and rectal cancer. From 1995-1999 to 2000-2004, overall 1-year survival of 65% for colon cancer did not improve, and some age groups experienced a decreasing 1-year survival probability. For rectal cancer, overall 1-year survival increased from 71% in 1995-1999 to 74% in 2000-2004. Using 1985-1989 as reference period, 30-day mortality did not decrease after implementation of the National Cancer Plan in 2000, neither for patients with colon nor rectal cancer. However, 1-year mortality for patients with rectal cancer did decline after its implementation. Survival and mortality from colon and rectal cancer improved before the National Cancer Plan was proposed; after its implementation, however, improvement has been observed for rectal cancer only.

  18. Predictive model for survival in patients with gastric cancer. (United States)

    Goshayeshi, Ladan; Hoseini, Benyamin; Yousefli, Zahra; Khooie, Alireza; Etminani, Kobra; Esmaeilzadeh, Abbas; Golabpour, Amin


    Gastric cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers in the world. Characterized by poor prognosis, it is a frequent cause of cancer in Iran. The aim of the study was to design a predictive model of survival time for patients suffering from gastric cancer. This was a historical cohort conducted between 2011 and 2016. Study population were 277 patients suffering from gastric cancer. Data were gathered from the Iranian Cancer Registry and the laboratory of Emam Reza Hospital in Mashhad, Iran. Patients or their relatives underwent interviews where it was needed. Missing values were imputed by data mining techniques. Fifteen factors were analyzed. Survival was addressed as a dependent variable. Then, the predictive model was designed by combining both genetic algorithm and logistic regression. Matlab 2014 software was used to combine them. Of the 277 patients, only survival of 80 patients was available whose data were used for designing the predictive model. Mean ?SD of missing values for each patient was 4.43?.41 combined predictive model achieved 72.57% accuracy. Sex, birth year, age at diagnosis time, age at diagnosis time of patients' family, family history of gastric cancer, and family history of other gastrointestinal cancers were six parameters associated with patient survival. The study revealed that imputing missing values by data mining techniques have a good accuracy. And it also revealed six parameters extracted by genetic algorithm effect on the survival of patients with gastric cancer. Our combined predictive model, with a good accuracy, is appropriate to forecast the survival of patients suffering from Gastric cancer. So, we suggest policy makers and specialists to apply it for prediction of patients' survival.

  19. Improved survival in HIV treatment programs in Asia (United States)

    De La Mata, Nicole L; Kumarasamy, Nagalingeswaran; Khol, Vohith; Ng, Oon Tek; Van Nguyen, Kinh; Merati, Tuti Parwati; Pham, Thuy Thanh; Lee, Man Po; Durier, Nicolas; Law, Matthew


    Background Antiretroviral treatment (ART) for HIV-positive patients has expanded rapidly in Asia over the last ten years. Our study aimed to describe the time trends and risk factors for overall survival in patients receiving first-line ART in Asia. Methods We included HIV-positive adult patients who initiated ART between 2003–2013 (n=16 546), from seven sites across six Asia-Pacific countries. Patient follow-up was to May 2014. We compared survival for each country and overall by time period of ART initiation using Kaplan-Meier curves. Factors associated with mortality were assessed using Cox regression, stratified by site. We also summarized first-line ART regimens, CD4 count at ART initiation, and CD4 and HIV viral load testing frequencies. Results There were 880 deaths observed over 54 532 person-years of follow-up, a crude rate of 1.61 (1.51, 1.72) per 100 person-years. Survival significantly improved in more recent years of ART initiation. The survival probabilities at 4 years follow-up for those initiating ART in 2003–05 was 92.1%, 2006–09 was 94.3% and 2010–2013 was 94.5% (pAsia have improved survival in more recent years of ART initiation. This is likely a consequence of improvements in treatment and, patient management and monitoring over time. PMID:26961354

  20. Survival following salvage abdominoperineal resection for persistent and recurrent squamous cell carcinoma of the anus: do these disease categories affect survival? (United States)

    Severino, N P; Chadi, S A; Rosen, L; Coiro, S; Choman, E; Berho, M; Wexner, S D


    This study aimed to investigate the results of salvage abdominoperineal excision (APR) in patients with persistent or recurrent squamous cell carcinoma of the anus (SCCA). Patients with anal neoplasia were identified from a prospective database. Patients with invasive SCCA with demonstrated failure of chemoradiation therapy (CRT) who underwent salvage APR for one of three disease categories (persistent,  24 months post-CRT) were included. The primary outcome was overall survival after salvage APR. Tumour size, metastatic lymph nodes (LN), circumferential resection margin positivity (CRM) and neurolymphovascular invasion (NLVI) were correlated with the outcome. Thirty-six patients with a median 3-year overall survival of 46% (median follow-up 24 months) underwent salvage APR due to persistent or recurrent SCCA (14 men, mean age 59 years). Eleven (31%) patients were diagnosed with persistent disease, 17 (47%) with early and 8 (22%) with late recurrence. Two-year overall survival of Stage 0/I/II and III/IV disease was 81.5% and 33.74%, respectively (P = 0.022). Overall disease stage was associated with disease categorization (P = 0.009): patients with persistent disease or early recurrence had a significantly higher disease stage than patients with late recurrence (OR = 20.9 and 17.2). Despite apparently improved survival in patients with late disease recurrence on live table analysis, no significant difference was identified in overall survival when stratified by disease category on log-rank test analysis. Persistent and recurrent disease does not show any significant difference in survival, but patients with late recurrence may have a better prognosis. Colorectal Disease © 2016 The Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland.