
Sample records for energy metody izmereniya

  1. Implementace metody Balanced Scorecard


    Neuwirth, Pavel


    Diplomová práce je zaměřena na hodnocení výkonnosti společnosti pomocí metody Balanced Scorecard. Teoretická část práce popisuje východiska měření výkonnosti, metody Balanced Scorecard a postup při její implementaci. Analytická část vychází z teoretických poznatků z první části a hodnotí situaci společnosti finanční analýzou poměrových ukazatelů, strategickou analýzou a následným sestavením návrhu implementace metody Balanced Scorecard v konkrétní společnosti. Thesis is focused on evaluati...

  2. Metodi matematici della fisica

    CERN Document Server

    Cicogna, Giampaolo


    Questo libro trae la sua origine dagli appunti preparati per le lezioni di Metodi Matematici della Fisica tenute al Dipartimento di Fisica dell'Università di Pisa, e via via sistemati, raffinati e aggiornati nel corso di molti anni di insegnamento. L'intento generale è di fornire una presentazione per quanto possibile semplice e diretta dei metodi matematici basilari e rilevanti per la Fisica. Anche allo scopo di mantenere questo testo entro i limiti di un manuale di dimensioni contenute e di agevole consultazione, sono stati spesso sacrificati i dettagli tecnici delle dimostrazioni matematiche (o anzi le dimostrazioni per intero) e anche i formalismi eccessivi, che tendono a nascondere la vera natura dei problemi. Al contrario, si è cercato di evidenziare – per quanto possibile – le idee sottostanti e le motivazioni che conducono ai diversi procedimenti. L'obiettivo principale e quello di mettere in condizione chi ha letto questo libro di acquisire gli strumenti adatti e le conoscenze di base che gli ...

  3. Moderní metody elektro-erozivního obrábění, navazující dokončovací metody


    Kalenda, Jan


    - Základní metody elektroerozivního obrábění. - Oblasti použití elektroerozivního obrábění. - Používané dokončovací metody. - Příklady využití. - Zhodnocení vybraných metod, včetně technickoekonomického využití. - Srovnání metod a předpoklady do budoucna. - Basic method electroerosion machining cutting - Areas using electroerosion machining cutting - Used completing method - Instances usage - Estimation method, technical economic usage - Juxtaposition methods B...

  4. Wybór najskuteczniejszej metody rekultywacji zbiorników wodnych z wykorzystaniem metody AHP


    Joanna Chmist; Mateusz Hämmerling


    Problem z jakością wód w zamkniętych zbiornikach jest znany od lat. Poprawa parametrów jakości wody w jeziorze zwiększa możliwości jego wykorzystania. Obecnie istnieje wiele metod rekultywacji zbiorników wodnych. Wybór odpowiedniej uwarunkowany jest zarówno oddziaływaniem różnorodnych czynników powodujących stopniową degradację jezior, jak i kosztami rekultywacji czy typem zbiornika. W artykule zaprezentowano praktyczne zastosowanie metody AHP w rozwiązaniu wielokryterialnych problemów rekult...

  5. Wybór najskuteczniejszej metody rekultywacji zbiorników wodnych z wykorzystaniem metody AHP

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    Joanna Chmist


    Full Text Available Problem z jakością wód w zamkniętych zbiornikach jest znany od lat. Poprawa parametrów jakości wody w jeziorze zwiększa możliwości jego wykorzystania. Obecnie istnieje wiele metod rekultywacji zbiorników wodnych. Wybór odpowiedniej uwarunkowany jest zarówno oddziaływaniem różnorodnych czynników powodujących stopniową degradację jezior, jak i kosztami rekultywacji czy typem zbiornika. W artykule zaprezentowano praktyczne zastosowanie metody AHP w rozwiązaniu wielokryterialnych problemów rekultywacji zbiorników wodnych. Metoda ta umożliwia uwzględnienie wielu aspektów dotyczących danego problemu i znalezienie poszukiwanego rozwiązania zarówno na podstawie parametrów mierzalnych, jak i ocen ekspertów.

  6. Equazioni a derivate parziali metodi, modelli e applicazioni

    CERN Document Server

    Salsa, Sandro


    Il testo costituisce una introduzione alla teoria delle equazioni a derivate parziali, strutturata in modo da abituare il lettore ad una sinergia tra modellistica e aspetti teorici. La prima parte riguarda le più note equazioni della fisica-matematica, idealmente raggruppate nelle tre macro-aree diffusione, propagazione e trasporto, onde e vibrazioni. Nella seconda parte si presenta la formulazione variazionale dei principali problemi iniziali e/o al bordo e la loro analisi con i metodi dell'Analisi Funzionale negli spazi di Hilbert.

  7. Le prime sensazioni al pianoforte restano per sempre? Indagine sui metodi pianistici per principianti

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    Giuseppe Sellari


    Full Text Available I metodi d’insegnamento del pianoforte utilizzati in Italia sono caratterizzati da percorsi basati su differenti ipotesi teoriche e indicazioni pratiche. Il primo libro di pianoforte, qualunque sia il suo valore, stabilisce il primo contatto con lo strumento, lasciando una forte impressione e tracciando il profilo delle competenze inizialmente sviluppate. Una più profonda comprensione di questi testi può mostrare quali sono le capacità e le strategie di apprendimento proposte dai metodi adottati e conseguentemente dagli insegnanti. L'obiettivo di questo studio è quello di identificare quali sono le scelte metodologiche più rappresentative nella didattica pianistica italiana degli ultimi 50 anni. I risultati sono basati sui dati raccolti dai questionari somministrati a 200 pianisti, di età compresa tra 20 e 60, ai quali è stato chiesto, insieme a informazioni generiche, quale fosse stato il loro primo libro pianoforte, quali aspetti positivi o negativi ricordavano maggiormente e quali ritenevano essere più utili. I dati suggeriscono una preferenza rilevante di cinque metodi, che sono stati analizzati secondo una serie di criteri metodologici e analitici. I risultati indicano un panorama metodologico concentrato principalmente sul rapporto iniziale con lo strumento e sulla lettura musicale. Questo studio contribuisce alla riflessione su due aspetti metodologici: lo sviluppo di nuovi repertori e la proposta di metodologie in grado di rispettare il mondo emotivo e cognitivo dei principianti.

  8. Methods of censusing Red fox (Vulpes vulpes populations / Metodi di censimento della Volpe (Vulpes vulpes

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    Juan Francisco Beltrán


    Full Text Available Abstract Estimating absolute or relative numbers in red fox populations is not an easy task. Although a range of methods has been described, neither an optimal nor a universally accepted technique has been found. Moreover, none has been tested on populations of known size. We reviewed the efficiency of fourteen indices of fox abundance classified into two groups: (a methods where individuals are captured and marked, which include ear tagging or similar conspicuous markings, toe clipping, radioactive tagging of faeces, radio-tracking, and statistics from hunting and trapping; (b methods not requiring capture, which include both direct methods (nocturnal counts, unsystematic observations, and drive censuses, and indirect methods (den counts, transects for track, scat counts, and scent stations. As a rule, statistics are rarely applicable to populations estimates. Methods involving capture are expensive but provide more accurate estimates than the second group of indices, which are not suitable for paired comparisons from one year to another. Management and wildlife specialists should have in mind such restrictions when considering their goals and the required level of accuracy. Finally, we recommend the simultaneous utilization and comparison of several methods (one from each group, as proposed in a double sampling strategy for optimum evaluations. Riassunto La valutazione della consistenza di una popolazione di Volpe, mediante censimenti assoluti o relativi, è di difficile soluzione. Tra i diversi metodi di conteggio impiegati, nessuno si è rivelato ottimale e universale. Tuttavia nessuno è stato utilizzato per popolazioni di consistenza nota. Qui esaminiamo la validità di 14 metodi impiegati per il calcolo di indici di abbondanza, ripartendoli in due gruppi: (a metodi che implicano la cattura e il marcamento degli animali mediante marche auricolari o contrassegni similari, amputazione delle falangi

  9. Neutron Tests at the Start-Up of EDF1; Les essais neutroniques au demarrage du reacteur EDF1; Nejtronnye izmereniya pri puske reaktora EDF1; Ensayos neutronicos efectuados durante la puesta en marcha del reactor EDF1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Teste du Bailler, A. [Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay (France); Janin, R. [Electricite de France, Paris (France)


    ehksperimental'nykh metodov, razrabotannykh na reaktorakh v Markule, byla provedena vo vremya puska reaktora EDF.1. Izmereniya kasalis' glavnym obrazom ehffektivnosti upravlyayushchikh sterzhnej pri razlichnykh p ogruzh eniyakh. Opredelyaetsya skhema pod''ema s terzhnej, kotoraya pozvolyaet poluchat' polnuyu moshchnost' prk soblyudenii opredelennykh ogranichenij v temperature obolochek i gaza. Parallel'no byli provedeny izmereniya potoka pri razlichnykh polozheniyakh kompensiruyushchikh sterzhnej i pri razlichnykh zagruzkakh poglotitelej v opredelennykh kanalakh, v zavisimosti ot predvaritel'nykh raschetov v dvukhraehmernom izmerenii. Ehti izmereniya byli polucheny putem aktivatsii tochechnykh detektorov s primeneniem obychnogo metoda otravleniya vozdukha. Pri nekotorykh urovnyakh temperatury (do 140{sup o}C) byli provedeny izmereniya koehffitsientov reaktivnosti i ehffektivnosti reguliruyushchikh sterzhnej. V to zhe vremya putem aktivatsii sootvetstvuyushchikh detektorov (uran, plutonij, lyutetsij, marganets, indij, zoloto) byli provedeny izmereniya koehffitsientov spektra. Dlya izmereniya ehffektivnosti nekotorykh kompensiruyushchikh sterzhnej byl ispol'zovan ostsillyatsionnyj metod. Nakonets, s tselyakh izucheniya zashchity i povrezhdeniya grafita byli provedeny izmereniya potoka bystrykh nejtronov. (author)

  10. Chirurgiczne metody leczenia padaczki

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    Beata Kaczorowska


    Full Text Available U około 6–10% chorych z padaczką, u których stosowano różne kombinacje leków przeciwpadaczkowych, mimo systematycznego leczenia nadal występują napady. Są to chorzy z tzw. padaczką lekooporną. Autorzy przedstawiają możliwości chirurgicznego leczenia takich osób. Potencjalnymi kandydatami do takiego leczenia padaczki są też chorzy z napadami częściowymi prostymi z precyzyjnie określonym ogniskiem padaczkorodnym, którego usunięcie jest możliwe i nie spowoduje powstania u pacjenta tzw. ubytków neurologicznych. W pracy omówiono techniki diagnostyczne pozwalające zlokalizować ognisko padaczkowe w mózgu (EEG z możliwościami długotrwałego monitorowania: Holter, wideometria, telemetria; cyfrowe EEG: rezonans magnetyczny, SPECT, PET, elektrokortykografia. Przedstawiono także rodzaje zabiegów neurochirurgicznych wykonywanych w celu leczenia padaczki: zabiegi resekcyjne (lobektomia, lezjonektomia, hemisferektomia, rozległa resekcja wielopłatowa, zabiegi rozłączeniowe (kallozotomia oraz zabiegi neurostymulacyjne (stymulacja nerwu błędnego, głęboka stymulacja mózgu. Autorzy uważają, że w pewnych określonych przypadkach chorych z padaczką niepoddającą się leczeniu farmakologicznemu są to skuteczne metody leczenia.

  11. Použití erozní potenciální metody v České republice


    Hloušek, Jakub


    V rámci bakalářské práce bylo provedeno vyhodnocení ztráty půdy pro zájmové území nacházející se v severozápadní části povodí Němčického potoka, v okresu Blansko. Výpočet byl stanoven dvěma metodami, a to erozně potenciální metodou EPM, využívanou v Srbsku a metodou universální rovnice Wischmeiera a Smithe - USLE, využívanou pro podmínky v ČR. Nakonec byly obě tyto metody vzájemně porovnány. Obě metody využívají jiný způsob výpočtu. Metoda USLE využívá univerzální rovnici pro výpočet průměrné...

  12. Metody fizykalne w terapii odleżyn = Physical methods for the treatment of bedsores

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    Agnieszka Radzimińska


    • 5.      Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy, Bydgoszcz, Polska   Adres do korespondencji: dr n. med. Agnieszka Radzimińska Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu Collegium Medicum im. Ludwika Rydygiera w Bydgoszczy Katedra Fizjoterapii ul. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie 9, 85-094 Bydgoszcz e-mail:   Streszczenie Odleżyny (obok zakażeń szpitalnych to najpoważniejsze powikłania występujące u pacjentów hospitalizowanych. Od lat poszukuje się najskuteczniejszych metod leczenia zachowawczego odleżyn. Wśród tych metod należy zwrócić uwagę na metody leczenia fizykalnego, a wśród nich: fototerapię, elektroterapię, magnetoterapię i sonoterapię.   Summary Pressure ulcers (next to nosocomial infections are the most serious complications occurring in hospitalized patients. For years he sought the most effective methods of conservative treatment of pressure ulcers. Among these methods, you must pay attention to the methods of physical treatment, among them: phototherapy, electrotherapy, magnetic fields and sonotherapy.   Słowa kluczowe: metody fizykalne; terapia; odleżyny. Keywords: physical methods; therapy; bedsores.

  13. USSR and Eastern Europe Scientific Abstracts Physics and Mathematics No. 35 (United States)


    OF AN ISOCHRONOUS CYCLOTRON Dubna POLUAVTOMATICHESKAYA SISTEMA IZMERENIYA MAGNITNOGO POLYA IZOKHRONNOGO TSIKLOTRONA in Russian, Joint Institute of...field of the U-200 accel- erator. 146 USSR UDC 539.1.08 RADIANT EMITTANCE MEASUREMENT SYSTEM FOR THE VEPP-3 Novosibirsk SISTEMA IZMERENIYA...within the limits of a truncated cone that models the region of the solar chromosphere occupied by a flare. It is assumed that the energy is released

  14. Analysis of Soft Soil Consolidation with the Application of Prefabricated Vertical Drains with Preloading Method Using Fem / Analiza Konsolidacji Słabych Gruntów Przy Uzyciu Metody Elementów Skonczonych

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    Binder K.


    Full Text Available W artykule przedstawiono zastosowanie metody elementów skonczonych przy przewidywaniu osiadan nasypów drogowych posadowionych na podłozu wzmacnianym przy uzyciu nasypu przeciazajacego i drenazu pionowego. Idea metody było przejscie z analitycznego rozwiazania jednowymiarowej konsolidacji do rozwiazania w Płaskim Stanie Odkształcenia z zachowaniem ekwiwalentnego czasu konsolidacji oraz porównanie z wynikami uzyskanymi z bezposrednich pomiarów osiadan nasypu drogowego bedacego czescia Obwodnicy Południowej Gdanska, zlokalizowanego w okolicach miejscowosci Przejazdowo.



    Gemzik-Salwach, Agata


    Celem niniejszego artykułu była ocena potencjału rozwojowego firm start-up w Polsce. W artykule przedstawione zostały metody oceny przedsiębiorstw start-up oraz wyniki badań własnych poświęconych potencjałowi firm start-up w Polsce. Pierwszą część artykułu stanowi opis cech charakterystycznych młodych spółek i możliwych sposobów ich wyceny. Kolejna cześć artykułu obejmuje szczegółowe omówienie wyników przeprowadzonych badań. W badaniach wykorzystano powstałą na bazie doświadczeń amerykańskieg...

  16. Criteri e metodi per l’adeguamento prestazionale del patrimonio architettonico degli anni trenta del Novecento. La Facoltà di Ingegneria di Bologna

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    Riccardo Gulli


    Full Text Available La riflessione su criteri e metodi idonei per il recupero del patrimonio architettonico esistente richiede di incentrare la tematica su azioni che sappiano coniugare l’istanza storica ed estetica con quella dell’innovazione tecnologica; il presente contributo intende mostrare come l’integrazione di componenti impiantistici ed edilizi, unitamente all’adozione di sistemi domotici di controllo e gestione del comfort interno, possa favorire l’adeguamento agli standard attuali pur preservando i caratteri originari.

  17. Kopuły historyczne a metody konserwacji drewna

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    Barbara Misztal


    Full Text Available W artykule zestawiono różne rozwiązania systemów konstrukcyjnych historycznych kopuł z drewna litego układając je w typologiczny szereg obejmujący kopuły o rozpiętości od kilku do 67,0 metrów średnicy rzutu poziomego. Wiele z nich uległo zniszczeniu w pożarach wywołanych wojnami lub przez ludzką ignorancję. O trwałości drewna w konstrukcji decydują również metody konserwacji, w które coraz częściej wkraczają współczesne materiały i technologie. Wykorzystując analogię budowy drewna do kompozytów włóknistych omówiono zmniejszenie nośności ściskanych prętów z drewna z powodu uszkodzenia komórek miękiszowych (jako lepko-sprężystej matrycy na skutek zastosowania niewłaściwych metod i preparatów w konserwacji. Sformułowano kryterium wyboru materiałów termoizolacyjnych wbudowywanych w bliskim sąsiedztwie drewna. Zarekomendowano materiały o stałym współczynniku  w przedziale naturalnych zmian wilgotności stropów i dachów. Materiały o pełnych, nie nasiąkliwych włóknach, takie jak wełna mineralna i wata szklana nie spełniają tego kryterium.

  18. Hodnocení výkonnosti podniku prostřednictvím implementace metody BSC


    Musilová, Lucie


    Diplomová práce je zaměřena na měření výkonnosti podniku DSB EURO, s. r. o. pomocí metody Balanced Scorecard. Teoretická část práce popisuje koncept Balanced Scorecard a postup při jeho implementaci. Praktická část vychází z teorie popsané v diplomové práci a hodnotí současnou situaci podniku nejen za pomocí finančních ale i nefinančních měřítek. Z výsledků analýz je vytvořen návrh implementace konceptu do zvoleného podniku. Závěrečná část je zaměřena na shrnutí možných rizik, předpokládané p...

  19. Návrh změny metody konsolidace u vybraného konsolidovaného celku


    Čadová, Michaela


    Téma diplomové práce je konsolidace účetní závěrky. Práce obsahuje teoretická východiska, která se týkají problematiky konsolidace účetní závěrky, a tyto poznatky jsou potom zúročeny v části praktické. Analytická část se zaobírá zhodnocením současného stavu, obsahuje tedy původní konsolidaci účetní závěrky zvolené společnosti. V návrhové části je aplikována nová metoda konsolidace účetní závěrky. Následně je zhodnocen dopad změny konsolidační metody na ekonomickou situaci konsolidačního celku...

  20. Problematika předpovědi výroby elektrické energie z fotovoltaických farem

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Pelikán, Emil; Juruš, Pavel

    -, č. 2 (2010), s. 47-49 ISSN 1338-0524 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA205/09/1079 Grant - others:GA AV ČR(CZ) M100300904 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10300504 Keywords : fotovoltaická energie * predikční metody * krátkodobá předpověď * numerický model počasí Subject RIV: JE - Non-nuclear Energetics, Energy Consumption ; Use

  1. Metody urgentního mapování v krizových situacích s využitím komunitních a participativních nástrojů GIS

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Trojan, Jakub


    Roč. 2, č. 2 (2015), s. 1-6 ISSN 1804-1795 Institutional support: RVO:68145535 Keywords : crisis mapping * participative GIS * geoinformatics * crisis management * Ushahidi Subject RIV: DE - Earth Magnetism, Geodesy, Geography

  2. Analiza porównawcza wyników badania oczopląsu w teście kalorycznym uzyskanych przy użyciu metody ENG i VNG u osób zdrowych

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    Renata Pepaś


    Full Text Available Wprowadzenie: Najważniejszą obiektywną metodą oceny zaburzeń układu równowagi jest badanie oczopląsu. Badanie kaloryczne jako jedyny test obrazuje pobudliwość poszczególnych błędników, umożliwiając ocenę każdego z nich osobno. Cel pracy: Celem pracy jest analiza porównawcza wyników badania oczopląsu kalorycznego uzyskanych przy użyciu metody ENG i VNG u osób zdrowych. Materiał i metody: Badaniami objęto grupę 20 osób zdrowych, w tym 10 kobiet i 10 mężczyzn w wieku 22-26 lat. U wszystkich chorych przeprowadzono badanie podmiotowe oraz badanie przedmiotowe otoneurologiczne, badanie ENG i w odstępie 7-dniowym badanie VNG z kalibracją, oceną oczopląsu samoistnego oraz próbami kalorycznymi wg Hallpike’a. Test kaloryczny wykonano kalorymetrem powietrznym firmy HOMOTH, używając temperatury powietrza 30°C oraz 44°C, podawanych przez 40 s do ucha. Wyniki: W teście kalorycznym u żadnej osoby nie stwierdzono deficytu kanałowego wykraczającego poza granice przyjętych norm. Zaobserwowano niższe wartości średnie maksymalnej prędkości wolnej fazy oczopląsów w badaniu ENG niż VNG. Ponadto badanie VNG dodatkowo umożliwiło wyznaczenie wartości przewagi kierunkowej bezwzględnej oraz średniej pobudliwości błędników. Wnioski: Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, iż badanie VNG w stosunku do badania ENG jest bardziej precyzyjne i umożliwia dokładniejsze opisanie próby kalorycznej wg Hallpike’a. W badaniu VNG analiza parametru przewagi kierunkowej bezwzględnej znacznie podnosi wartość próby kalorycznej wg Hallpike’a.

  3. Egzemplifikacja Tomograficznej Metody Do Oceny Jakości Połączeń Spawanych Ze Stopu EN 5754 H22

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    Błachnio Józef


    Full Text Available Jakość połączeń spawanych zależna jest od wielu czynników. Przedmiotowe normy określają warunki techniczne oceny jakościowej spawów, co stanowi podstawę do uznania połączenia za zgodne z wymaganiami lub wadliwe. W praktyce wykonanie połączenia spawanego całkowicie pozbawionego wad jest trudne. Do kontroli wewnętrznej struktury połączenia wykorzystać można nieniszczącą metodę z zastosowaniem przemysłowego tomografu komputerowego. Ta nowoczesna metoda diagnozowania łączy badanie rentgenowskie z zaawansowaną technologią komputerową. Podstawową zaletą tomografii komputerowej jest badanie obiektów w trzech wymiarach oraz możliwość wykonania rekonstrukcji przestrzennych. Celem artykułu jest omówienie wykorzystania tej metody do oceny jakości połączeń spawanych stopów aluminium. Możliwości tomografii komputerowej przedstawiono na przykładzie próbek spawalniczych wykonanych metodą TIG przy różnych parametrach procesu. Dokonano analizy jakości próbek wykazujących najmniejsze i największe zewnętrzne, jak również wewnętrzne wady spawalnicze.

  4. A Comparison of Radioisotope Methods for River Flow Measurement; Comparaison de methodes radioisotopiques de mesure du debit des cours d'eau; Sravnenie radioizotopnykh metodov izmereniya rechnykh stokov; Comparacion de los metodos radioisotopicos para medir el caudal de los rios

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Clayton, C. G.; Smith, D. B. [Wantage Research Laboratory Atomic Energy Research Establishment Wantage, Berks (United Kingdom)


    del lecho del rio. Desde este punto de vista, el tritio posee excelentes propiedades, puesto que no es absorbido, pero es dificil de medir y no es posible seguir directamente su desplazamiento en el rio. Otros indicadores resultan mas convenientes, pero pueden sufrir adsorcion. Los autores han estudiado los grados de adsorcion del {sup 24}Na, {sup 82}Br y {sup 32}P en forma de NaHC0{sub 3}, NH{sub 4}Br y NaH{sub 2}PO{sub 3} respectivamente, que introdujeron en un mismo punto del rio junto con agua tritiada (HTO), para comparar despues las mediciones realizadas en varios lugares situados aguas abajo. Se ha visto que el EP, para el que se esperaban grandes perdidas por quimisorcion, no sirve para medir el caudal de rios cuando se emplea sin portador, aunque el error disminuye notablemente cuando se trabaj a con portador. En el caso del {sup 24}Na y del {sup 32}Br, no se observa adsorcion a distancias mucho mayores que la requerida para que la mezcla lateral sea satisfactoria si bien a una distancia de 660 m en el rio de corriente mas lenta se observo que parte del {sup 24}Na habia desaparecido. Los autores formulan algunas observaciones sobre el grado de dispersion lateral y longitudinal que tienen importancia para la aplicacion de tecnicas radioisotopicas en general a la medicion del caudal de rios. Llegan a la conclusion de que los tres metodos pueden dar resultados satisfactorios. En definitiva, los autores dan preferencia al metodo de muestreo continuo, ya que permite alcanzar una mayor precision para un consumo minimo de indicador. (author) [Russian] Metody razbavleniya, nepreryvnogo otbora prob i polnogo scheta primenyayutsya pri sravnitel'nom izuchenii radioindikatornykh metodov izmereniya stokov v rekakh Ajbehrton Bruk v Gluchestershire i Usvej Bern i Alvin Rivers - v Nortamberlehnde. EHto - tri reki s razlichnymi geologicheskimi kharakteristikami i skorostyami stokov, izmenyayushchikhsya v diagyuzone ot 2,5 l/sek do 3 m{sup 3}/sek. Pri ispol'zovanii lyubykh

  5. Problems caused by dioxins and furans. Pt. 2. Controls and degradation methods; `I problemi causati da diossine e furani. Pt. 2. Metodi di contenimento e di degradazione

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gervasini, A.; Vezzoli, G.C.; Ragaini, V. [Milan Univ. (Italy). Dip. di Chimica Fisica ed Elettrochimica


    The environmental effects and the toxicity towards human health caused by polychlorodibenzodioxins and furans (PCDD/F) is related to the peculiar properties of the various isomers and to the geographic and climatic characteristics of the emission sources. The different methods and techniques of control and degradation introduced in the last years have to take into account the type and the location of the source. A survey of the principal methods of degradation of PCDD/F, thermal, chemical, photochemical, and catalytic decomposition, with their advantages and limits is presented. [Italiano] L`impatto che policlorodibenzodiossine e furani (PCDD/F) provocano sull`ambiente e sulla salute dell`uomo e` legato oltre che alle proprieta` peculiari dei vari congeneri alle caratteristiche geografiche e climatologiche del luogo in cui vengono emesse. Le metodologie di contenimento e le tecniche di degradazione messe a punto negli ultimi anni devono tenere in considerazione anche l`ubicazione e il tipo di sorgente dell`emissione. Viene fornita una panoramica sui principali metodi di degradazione di PCDD/F discutendo vantaggi e limiti delle varie tecniche: decomposizione termica, chimica, fotochimica e catalitica.

  6. Metody badania spontanicznych i spowodowanych lekami przeciwpsychotycznymi zaburzeń ruchowych w schizofrenii

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    Olga Kałużyńska


    Full Text Available Od dawna wiadomo, że przynajmniej niektóre zaburzenia motoryczne występują u chorych na schizofrenię jeszcze przed podjęciem leczenia lekami przeciwpsychotycznymi istotnie statystycznie częściej niż w populacji ogólnej. Wpro‑ wadzenie leków przeciwpsychotycznych zahamowało jednak ten nurt badań, bowiem od tej pory koncentrowano się wyłącznie na objawach zaburzeń ruchowych powstałych w wyniku stosowania neuroleptyków. W kilku pracach wy‑ kazano również, że niektóre zaburzenia ruchowe są częstsze i bardziej nasilone u krewnych I stopnia osób chorych, lecz rzadsze i mniej nasilone niż u chorych na schizofrenię. Obecnie istnieje wiele narzędzi – skal klinicznych, używa‑ nych w praktyce i badaniach, opartych na obserwacji klinicznej, służących do oceny występowania i nasilenia zabu‑ rzeń motorycznych zarówno spontanicznych, jak i związanych z leczeniem lekami przeciwpsychotycznymi. Najczęściej przy pomocy tych skal ocenia się i monitoruje objawy parkinsonizmu, dystonie oraz akatyzję. Uważa się, że wszyst‑ kie te narzędzia mają jednak wiele wad i nie pozwalają na wykrycie i obiektywny pomiar subklinicznych objawów za‑ burzeń motorycznych. Instrumentalne metody oceny zaburzeń ruchowych (spontanicznych i spowodowanych leka‑ mi przeciwpsychotycznymi pozwalają na wykrycie właśnie subtelnych, słabo nasilonych objawów i dlatego mogą być przydatne przy identyfikacji osób z tzw. stanem wysokiego ryzyka rozwoju psychozy, ocenie występowania dysfunkcji motorycznych u krewnych osób chorych na schizofrenię, a także określaniu stopnia i rodzaju odpowiedzi na leczenie lekami przeciwpsychotycznymi. Większość tych metod wymaga jednak skomplikowanej aparatury i procedury analizy uzyskanych wyników. Jedną z interesujących i stosunkowo łatwych do realizacji metod instrumentalnych wydaje się wieloaspektowa ocena pisma. Zastosowanie nowych metod oceny zaburzeń motorycznych konieczne

  7. On Absolute Measurements of {beta}-Emitting Radionuclides; Mesures absolues d'emetteurs {beta}; Absolyutnye izmereniya {beta} izluchayushchikh radioizotopov; Sobre la medicion absoluta de los emisores {beta}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baptista, A M [Centro de Estudos de Fisica, Comisao de Estudos de Energia Nuclear, Instituto Portugues de Oncologia, Lisboa (Portugal)


    {sup 210} (RaE). La memoria termina con una nota sobre el problema de las perdidas por absorcion en las hojas en el recuento absoluto por centelleo. (author) [Russian] Daetsya opisanie detektorov 4 {pi} G. M. i privodyatsya nekotorye ikh kharakteristiki. Otsutstvie lozhnykh impul'sov pokazano putem izmereniya vozrastaniya intervalov mezhdu impul'sami. Rassmatrivayuts ya nekotorye problemy, otnosyashchiesya k pogloshcheniyu fol'gi i istochnika pri pomoshchi Sr{sup 90} i Y{sup 90}. Predstavlen takzhe ehksperimental'ny j metod s ispol'zovaniem parnykh istochnikov, napravlennyj na popravku ischislyaemykh poter' v fol'ge i do nekotoroj stepeni v istochnike pogloshcheniya. Daetsya opisanie podgotovki standartov Bi{sup 210} (RaE). Predstavleno primechanie o probleme poter' fol'gi ot pogloshcheniya pri stsintillyatsionno m absolyutnom schete. (author)

  8. Niewirusowy transfer genów do komórek skóry – wybrane metody = Non-viral gene transfer into skin cells – selected methods

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    Ewelina Wędrowska


    3Department of Pathobiochemistry and Clinical Chemistry, Nicolaus Copernicus University Collegium Medicum, Bydgoszcz, Poland       Streszczenie   Wprowadzenie: Skóra jako największy i najłatwiej dostępny narząd stanowi atrakcyjny cel dla terapii genowej, która od wielu lat budzi ogromne nadzieje środowiska naukowego. Jednakże, próby terapii przeprowadzone z wykorzystaniem wektorów wirusowych wykazały szereg wad i ograniczeń obserwowano indukcję odpowiedzi immunologicznej, losową integrację transgenu z genomem gospodarza i/lub niską wydajność jego ekspresji. Dlatego, wciąż poszukuje się alternatywnych, skuteczniejszych i jednocześnie bezpieczniejszych metod transferu genów. Atrakcyjnej alternatywy upatruje się w metodach niewirusowych. Cel pracy: Przedstawienie wybranych metod niewirusowego transferu genów wykorzystywanych w terapii genowej chorób skóry. Skrócony opis stanu wiedzy: Terapia genowa chorób skóry obejmuje wykorzystanie wektorów plazmidowych jako nośnika genów terapeutycznych, a także metod ich dostarczania do komórek takich jak: elektroporacja, mikroiniekcja, sonikacja, wykorzystanie nośników lipidowych i polimerów kationowych. Podsumowanie: Niewirusowe metody transferu genów oferują pewne zalety włączając niską toksyczność, brak infekcyjności oraz łatwość i niskie koszty produkcji w porównaniu z technikami wirusowymi. Niewirusowe metody wydają się być obiecującym narzędziem terapii genowej chorób skóry w szczególności nowotworów tego narządu.   Słowa kluczowe: plazmid, transfer genów, skóra, wirus, terapia genowa.     Summary Introduction: Skin, the largest and most accessible organ of the human body is considered as an ideal gene therapy target. However, various types of viral vectors used in classical gene therapy have a number of disadvantages, such as possibility of immune response induction, random integration of inserts into the host genome or low expression efficiency

  9. Posouzení metody stanovení průtoku jímáním kapaliny do odměrné nebo vážicí nádoby


    Valdová, Klára


    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá posouzením dvou metod měření průtoku používaných v oblasti úředního měření v profilech s volnou hladinou. A to metodou jímání kapaliny do odměrné nádoby a metodou jímání kapaliny do vážicí nádoby (vaku). Hlavním cílem práce bylo v rámci řešení Plánu rozvoje metrologie ÚNMZ zpřesnění nejistot určených způsobem A a B pro tyto dvě metody měření průtoku, protože v dřívější době byly tyto nejistoty stanoveny dle starších metodik a s etalony průtoku s nižší přesností....

  10. Ocena zastosowania wybranych metod taksonomicznych do klasyfikacji zjawisk społeczno-gospodarczych

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    Barbara Prus


    Full Text Available Metody taksonomiczne służą do opisu i klasyfikacji złożonych zjawisk społeczno-gospodarczych wyrażonych przy pomocy licznego zestawu zmiennych. Metody te dają różne wyniki, pomimo przyjętego jednakowego zestawu wyjściowych cech badawczych. Celem pracy było przedstawienie wyników klasyfikacji wielocechowej powiatów województwa małopolskiego przy użyciu trzech metod taksonomicznych oraz dokonanie oceny przeprowadzonego podziału. Do badań przyjęto zestaw zmiennych definiujących warunki rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego. Ocenie poddano trzy metody taksonomiczne – taksonomii przestrzennej, aglomeracyjną metodę Warda oraz metodę Czekanowskiego. Do oceny wykorzystano mierniki oceny klasyfikacji jednostek: indywidualne, homogeniczności oraz heterogeniczności, obliczone dla wydzielonych w wyniku analizy skupień, a także mierniki poprawności skupień. Obliczenia wykonano w programie Taksonomia Numeryczna. W pracy posłużono się metodą opisowo-porównawczą oraz analizą logiczną. Najlepsze wskaźniki homogeniczności świadczące o poprawności wykonania klasyfikacji otrzymano w przypadku metody Warda. Warunek heterogeniczności został najlepiej spełniony w przypadku metody taksonomii przestrzennej. Najsłabsze mierniki klasyfikacji, zarówno te świadczące o homogeniczności, jak i heterogeniczności, otrzymano po zastosowaniu metody Czekanowskiego. Przeprowadzone badania potwierdziły najlepszą skuteczność w przypadku metody Warda.



    Lenart, Tomaž


    Teoretična izhodišča: Korupcija, porast gospodarskega kriminala, samovolja v poslovnem življenju itd. so simptomi moralne krize v današnji družbi. Namen magistrske naloge je pokazati pomen morale in etike prek vrednot v odnosu do poslovnega odločanja. V ospredje vrednot postavljamo, kot temelj, moralno držo človeka oz. posameznika, vodje, managerja. Metode: Raziskava je temeljila na naslednjih raziskovalnih metodah: metodi analize, metodi deskripcije ter metodi dedukcije. Z osnovnimi sta...

  12. Some possible uses of radioisotopes in the rubber industry; Certaines possibilites d'emploi des radioisotopes dans l'industrie du caoutchouc; Nekotorye vozmozhnosti ispol'zovaniya radioaktivnykh izotopov v rezinovoj promyshlennosti; Algunas posibilidades de utilizacion de los radioisotopos en la industria del caucho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shimorda, J; Mozhishek, M; Klimanek, L; Staroba, J [Nauchno-Issledovatel' skij Institut Tekhnologii Reziny i Plastmass (NIITRP), Gorod Gotval' dov, Chekhoslovatskaya Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika (Czech Republic)


    A method is described for using beta-emitters (Tl{sup 204} and S{sup 35}) for measuring the wearing qualities of motor-vehicle tyres, checking the homogeneity of tyre rubber, and non-contact thickness-gauging of rubberized fabrics. (author) [French] Le memoire expose une methode permettant d'employer des emetteurs beta ({sup 204}Tl et {sup 35}S) pour la mesure de la resistance des pneumatiques d'automobiles, le controle de l'uniformite du caoutchouc des pneus et la mesure sans contact de l'epaisseur des tissus caoutchoutes. (author) [Spanish] Los autores describen un metodo de utilizacion de emisores {beta} ({sup 204}Tl y {sup 35}S) para la medicion de la resistencia al desgaste de los neumaticos de automovil para la verificacion de la homogeneidad del caucho destinado a la fabricacion de neumaticos y para la medicion a distancia del espesor de las telas cauchutadas. (author) [Russian] Opisana metodika ispol'zovaniya beta-izluchatelej (Tl{sup 204} i S{sup 35}) dlya izmereniya velichiny iznosostojkosti avtomobil'nykh shin, dlya kontrolya gomogennosti shinnykh rezin i dlya beskontaktnogo izmereniya tolshchiny obrezinennykh tkanej. (author)

  13. Improved method for lifetime measurements; Methode perfectionnee de mesure de la duree de vie; Usovershenstvovannyj metod izmereniya vremeni zhizni; Metodo perfeccionado para medir la vida media de los estados de excitacion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Weinzierl, P; Bartl, W [Oesterreichische Studiengesellschaft fuer Atomenergie, Seibersdorf (Austria)


    The measurement of the lifetime of excited states of nuclei is mostly based on the measurement of the delay of a {gamma}-ray (II) in respect to another {gamma}-ray (I) or a {beta}-particle. Organic scintillators allow the best time resolution for the measurement of this decay time, but for complicated decay schemes the identification of {gamma}-energy is important and best achieved by NaI(Tl) scintillators. To combine the merits of both detectors the {gamma}-ray (II) is at first scattered in an organic crystal (stilbene) and the scattered quantum is detected in a Nal(Tl) crystal. In order to allow large acceptance angles between the two scintillators, the measurement of the {gamma}-energy is achieved after adding the pulse heights of both scintillation pulses. To allow a reliable function of the adding unit the pulses from the organic crystal pass first through a gate circuit which is triggered by coincidence between the two scintillators. The pulse spectrum from the adding unit is fed to a single-channel analyser for energy selection. {gamma}-ray (I) is detected in another organic crystal. Fast pulses from both organic scintillators go to a time-to-pulse-height converter and multichannel analyser. This analyser is gated by a slow coincidence between the pulse-height discriminators. (author) [French] La mesure de la duree de vie des etats excites des noyaux repose essentiellement sur celle du retard d'un rayon gamma (II) par rapport a un autre rayon gamma (I) ou a une particule beta. Les scintillateurs organiques permettent de mesurer cette duree de vie avec la meilleure resolution en temps; toutefois, pour les processus des excitations complexes, il est important de determiner l'energie gamma; les scintillateurs a NaI(Tl) sont les plus indiques a cette fin. Pour combiner les avantages de ces deux types de detecteurs, les rayons gamma (II) sont d'abord diffuses dans un cristal organique (stilbene); le quantum emergeant est ensuite detecte dans un cristal de Nal

  14. Modellistica numerica per problemi differenziali

    CERN Document Server

    Quarteroni, Alfio


    In questo testo si introducono i concetti di base per la modellistica numerica di problemi differenziali alle derivate parziali. Si considerano le classiche equazioni lineari ellittiche, paraboliche ed iperboliche, ma anche altre equazioni, quali quelle di diffusione e trasporto, di Navier-Stokes e le leggi di conservazione. Si forniscono inoltre numerosi esempi fisici che stanno alla base di tali equazioni. Quindi si analizzano metodi di risoluzione numerica basati su elementi finiti (continui e discontinui), differenze finite, volumi finiti, metodi spettrali (continui e discontinui), nonché strategie di approssimazione più avanzate basate sui metodi di decomposizione di domini, i metodi a basi ridotte o quelli di risoluzione di problemi di controllo ottimale. In particolare vengono discussi gli aspetti algoritmici e di implementazione al calcolatore e si forniscono diversi programmi di semplice utilizzo. Il testo non presuppone una approfondita conoscenza matematica delle equazioni alle derivate parziali:...

  15. Męska depresja – koncepcja, metody pomiaru i związki z zachowaniami samobójczymi

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    Jan Chodkiewicz


    Full Text Available W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję atypowych objawów depresji występujących u mężczyzn. Ważnym źródłem tej koncepcji były doświadczenia wyniesione z programu diagnozowania i leczenia depresji wprowadzonego na Gotlandii (Szwecja w latach 80. ubiegłego stulecia. Program, skierowany do lekarzy rodzinnych, zmniejszył liczbę zachowań samobójczych wśród kobiet, ale nie wśród mężczyzn. Przyjęto, że jedną z przyczyn takiego stanu rzeczy może być odmienny obraz depresji u obu płci. Różnice między płciami mogą odpowiadać za to, że depresja u mężczyzn znacznie częściej niż u kobiet pozostaje nierozpoznana i nieleczona, co prowadzi do zwiększenia liczby samobójstw. Wśród dominujących objawów depresji u mężczyzn wyróżniono wzrost impulsywności i zachowań agresywnych, nadużywanie substancji psychoaktywnych (alkohol, narkotyki, nikotyna, podejmowanie zachowań ryzykownych (jazda samochodem pod wpływem alkoholu, przypadkowe kontakty seksualne oraz tłumienie emocji. Jako przyczyna występowania atypowej depresji u mężczyzn najczęściej wymieniane jest rygorystyczne podporządkowywanie się tradycyjnym męskim normom kulturowym. Normy te dotyczą odporności, wytrzymałości, konkurowania, opanowania i tłumienia uczuć oraz konieczności zapewnienia bytu rodzinie. W pracy omówiono najbardziej znane metody badania męskiej depresji – Gotland Male Depression Scale (GMDS Rutza, Male Depression Risk Scale (MDRS-22 Rice’a i współpracowników oraz Masculine Depression Scale (MDS Magovcevic i Addisa – a także przedstawiono wyniki badań prowadzonych z użyciem wspomnianych metod. Artykuł kończą refleksje dotyczące dalszych kierunków badań nad problemem męskiej depresji i opis kontrowersji związanych z omawianą koncepcją.

  16. Wstępna ocena ryzyka zawodowego fizjoterapeuty za pomocą metody SWP = Preliminary evaluation of occupational risk for physiotherapists using the SWP method

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    Kinga Dorota Kulczycka


      Wstępna ocena ryzyka zawodowego fizjoterapeuty za pomocą metody SWP Preliminary evaluation of occupational risk for physiotherapists using the SWP method   Kinga Kulczycka, Marcin Domagała, Ewa Stychno   Katedra i Zakład Zarządzania w  Pielęgniarstwie Wydział Nauk o  Zdrowiu Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie Chair and Department of Management in Nursing Faculty Health Sciences Medical University of Lublin   Słowa kluczowe: Narażenie zawodowe, Fizjoterapeuci, Obciążenie pracą Key words: Occupational exposure, Physical therapists, Workload       Dr n. med. Kinga Kulczycka, mgr. Marcin Domagała, dr Ewa Stychno   Doctor of Medical Sciences Kinga Kulczycka, Holder of University Degree Marcin Domagała, Doctor of Medical Sciences Ewa Stychno     Streszczenie  Sposób wykonywania pracy, w warunkach znacznego obciążenia  ma wielkie znaczenie w profilaktyce zaburzeń układu mięśniowo-szkieletowego. Praca fizjoterapeutów często wiąże się z koniecznością przyjmowania niefizjologicznych  pozycji ciała, w trakcie których może dojść do urazów. Celem badania jest rozpoznanie pozycji ciała przyjmowanych przez fizjoterapeutów podczas pracy, które mogą stanowić  czynniki ryzyka związane ze  sposobem wykonywania pracy fizjoterapeuty. Materiał i metody  Badania przeprowadzono w 2014 r. z udziałem 100 fizjoterapeutów pracujących na oddziałach rehabilitacji, na terenie województwa Świętokrzyskiego. Wyniki Respondenci oceniali jako niewłaściwe przyjmowane  pozycje ciała, które zaobserwowali podczas wykonywania czynności zawodowych związane są z  pochylaniem podczas wykonywania czynności,  zgięcie odcinka lędźwiowego kręgosłupa i częste rotacje. Jako dodatkowe obciążenia w pracy uważali zginanie głowy do przodu lub skręcenie karku. Ruchy ramion stanowią znaczną uciążliwość dla fizjoterapeutów i występują podczas podnoszenia rąk do przodu i przesuwaniu ich w kierunku klatki piersiowej

  17. Influence of Boiler Pipe Cladding Techniques on their Microstructure and Properties

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    Rozmus-Górnikowska M.


    Full Text Available Celem pracy była ocena wpływ u metody napawania Inconelem 625 rur kotłowych ze stali P235GH i 16Mo3 na mikrostruk- turę i własności podłoża i napoiny. Badania prowadzono na odcinkach rur kotłowych napawanych stopem niklu Inconel 625. Rury zostały dostarczone do Fabryki Kotłów SEFAKO S.A. przez czterech dostawców, stosujących różne metody napawania, a mianowicie CMT, GMAW i GTAW. Badania wykazały, że mikrostruktura i własności mechaniczne rur napawanych istotnie zależą od zastosowanej metody napawania oraz od składu chemicznego materiału podłoża.

  18. A Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method for Dynamic of Fully Saturated Soil / Rzwiazanie Zadania Dynamiki Całkowicie Nawodnionego Gruntu Przy Zastosowaniu Mes Z Nieciagłym Sformułowaniem Galerkina W Czasie

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    Wrana B.


    Full Text Available Artykuł podejmuje zagadnienie analizy rozchodzenia sie fal naprezeniowych w gruncie w ujeciu metody elementów skonczonych bazujac na sformułowaniu rozwiazania ciagłego w przestrzeni i nieciagłego w dziedzinie czasu Galerkina (space and time-discontinous Galerkin TDG finite element method. W tym sformułowaniu zarówno przemieszczenia jak i predkosci sa wielkosciami nieznanymi wzajemnie niezaleznymi aproksymowanymi ciagłymi funkcjami kształtu w przestrzeni i nieciagłymi funkcjami kształtu w czasie. Do opisu zachowania sie gruntu w pełni nasyconego woda zastosowano sformułowanie u-p w ujeciu metody elementów skonczonych. Grunt traktowany jest, jako osrodek dwufazowy składajacy sie ze szkieletu i wody w porach. Zastosowane sformułowanie uwzglednia tłumienie osrodka przez uwzglednienie dyssypacji energii proporcjonalnej do predkosci wody wzgledem szkieletu. W artykule przedstawiono porównanie proponowanej metody rozwiazania numerycznego w dziedzinie czasu do metod obecnie stosowanych, takich jak: metoda róznicy centralnej, metoda Houbolta, Wilsona θ, HHT-α oraz najczesciej stosowanej metody Newmarka. Z porównania wynika, ze proponowana metoda jest metoda stabilna o małym błedzie numerycznego rozwiazania.

  19. A Quick Method of Measuring and Analyzing {beta} Emitters in Solution of Very Low-Level Specific Activity; Remarques sur une technique rapide de mesure et d'analyse d'emetteurs {beta} en solution de tres faible activite specifique; Zamechaniya o bystroj tekhnike izmereniya i analize izluchatelej {beta}-chastits v rastvore s ochen' slaboj spetsificheskoj aktivnost'yu; Observaciones sobre un metodo rapido de medicion y analisis de emisores {beta} en soluciones de muy baja actividad especifica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Le Gallic, Y; Grinberg, B; Thenard, M [Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay (France)


    vaina de contadores conectados en anticoincidencia con los primeros. 2. Ademas enumeran las posibilidades y campos de utilizacion del metodo que: a) especialmente en el caso de los emisores {beta} blandos, permite medir actividades especificas mucho mas bajas que cuando se utilizan contadores para liquidos; b) permite descubrir las sustancias radiactivas presentes como impurezas en determinados radioelementos (por ejemplo, 2/10 000 de P{sup 32} en S{sup 35}); c) para la mayor parte de los radioelementos permite medir, sin necesidad de proceder a una concentracion previa, actividades especificas de igual orden de magnitud que los limites de tolerancia actualmente admitidos. (author) [Russian] 1. Opisanie mekhanizma izmereniya so slabym fonom prednaznachennog o dlya izmereniya radioaktivnykh produktov v zhidkom sostoyanii, kotoryj sostoit v osnovnom iz dvukh ploskikh schetchikov s odnim oknom i odnogo ploskogo schetchika s dvumya oknami, raspolozhenny kh parallel'no drug k DRUGU i izolirovanny kh vnutri zashchitnoj obolochkoj schetchikov, vstavlen- nykh takim obrazom, chtoby oni ne sovpadali s pervymi. 2. Vozmozhnosti i oblasti ispol'zovaniya metoda: a) ehtot metod pozvolyaet izmerit' gorazdo bolee slabuyu spetsificheskuyu aktivnost', chem ehto vozmozhno s zhidkotnymi schetchikami, v chastnosti s izluchatelyami ne zhestkikh {beta}-chastits; b) ehtot metod pozvolyaet obnaruzhivat' radioaktivnye primesi vnutri radioehlementa (napr. 2/10 OOO R{sup 32} v S{sup 35}); s) ehtot metod pozvolyaet dlya bol'shinstva radioehlemento v izmeryat' bez predvaritel'no j kontsentratsii spetsificheskuyu aktivnost' sootvetstvenno ravnuyu prinyatym v nastoyashchee v nastoyashchee vremya predel'nym dopuskam. (author)

  20. Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations

    CERN Document Server

    Lions, Jacques-Louis


    S. Albertoni: Alcuni metodi di calcolo nella teoria della diffusione dei neutroni.- I. Babuska: Optimization and numerical stability in computations.- J.H. Bramble: Error estimates in elliptic boundary value problems.- G. Capriz: The numerical approach to hydrodynamic problems.- A. Dou: Energy inequalities in an elastic cylinder.- T. Doupont: On the existence of an iterative method for the solution of elliptic difference equation with an improved work estimate.- J. Douglas, J.R. Cannon: The approximation of harmonic and parabolic functions of half-spaces from interior data.- B.E. Hubbard: Erro

  1. A review of the methods for monitoring roe deer European populations with particular reference to Italy

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    Alberto Meriggi


    Full Text Available Abstract Throughout the last century, deer populations have shown a remarkable increase both in North America and Europe. As a consequence, the estimate of roe deer density has become a matter of interest. We reviewed the available literature on the methods used for monitoring roe deer populations in Europe from 1950 to 2004, with the aim of detecting the trend of papers and distribution of census techniques by years, countries and habitat types. Particular attention was paid to the census and monitoring methods adopted in Italy and Tuscany, which is the region where the roe deer is more carefully managed. Published papers showed an increasing trend, as did the number of methods used and their complexity. France, Italy, UK and Spain were the countries with the richest literature and the largest variety of methods applied. Eleven census methods have been applied in woods - particularly line transects, pellet group counts, CMR and IKA - with only 6 in open country, mainly pellet group counts. In Europe vantage points are more commonly used for planning culling programs, whilst in Italy, and particularly in Tuscany, the drive census and spotlight counts are mainly used. Unfortunately, in Europe, harvesting programs are still too much based on hunter knowledge and traditions. However the countries where the management of roe deer hunting is of more recent tradition make an exception to this rule. In Italy and Tuscany the methods of monitoring roe deer populations should be improved towards less expensive and more accurate methods. Riassunto Revisione dei metodi di monitoraggio delle popolazioni di capriolo in Europa con particolare riferimento all'Italia Le popolazioni di Cervidi hanno avuto nell'ultimo secolo un notevole incremento sia in America settentrionale, sia in Europa. Di conseguenza la densità delle popolazioni di capriolo è diventata oggetto di interessi diversi e la sua stima


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    Adam ZOFKA


    Full Text Available W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję nowej metody badania próbek z mieszanki mineralno-asfaltowej w warunkach ścinania z ciśnieniem bocznym. Dotychczas stosowane metody badawcze ścinania z obciążeniem bocznym opierają się na ocenie właściwości mieszanki mineralno-asfaltowej przy ścinaniu w warunkach stałej siły wzdłużnej lub stałej objętości badanej próbki. Nowa metoda badawcza pozwala na badanie ścinania przy stałej sztywności wzdłużnej. Aby możliwe było badanie według tej metody, zaprojektowano i wykonano specjalną przystawkę o nazwie AST (ang. Advanced Shear Tester. W artykule przedstawiono zarówno opis procesu twórczego podczas projektowania przystawki, jak wykonane urządzenie. Zaprezentowano pierwsze wyniki badań walidacyjnych uzyskanych przy użyciu przystawki na próbkach UHMW-PE oraz z mieszanki mineralno-asfaltowej.

  3. Fare ricerca, apprendere e condividere in biblioteca

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    Ilaria Moroni


    Full Text Available Il contributo presenta due articoli che riguardano ricerche sulle percezioni degli utenti della biblioteca, l'uno con approccio quantitativo e l'altro con approccio qualitativo: "Use and Awareness of Electronic Information Sources at IIT Roorkee, India: A Case Study" e "L'identità percepita: applicare la grounded theory in biblioteca". Si sottolinea l'importanza di condividere teorie e pratiche relative alle indagini sugli utenti, al fine di acquisire maggiori competenze sui metodi di ricerca e di allargare i propri orizzonti. In ambito bibliotecario si tende infatti ad adottare principalmente i metodi quantitativi della ricerca sociale quando si svolgono indagini di customer satisfaction, privilegiando quindi l'uso del questionario a discapito dell'intervista o del focus group, strumenti propri dei metodi qualitativi. Si sintetizza poi il contenuto dei due articoli, mettendone in evidenza gli aspetti più significativi: l'indagine quantitativa sull'uso delle risorse elettroniche nella biblioteca universitaria indiana fa riflettere sui bisogni informativi differenti di studenti, ricercatori e docenti; l'indagine qualitativa sulle percezioni della biblioteca nel contesto delle biblioteche pubbliche perugine è invece centrata sull'illustrazione della Grounded Theory, un approccio efficace per esplorare le rappresentazioni soggettive e comprendere a fondo un fenomeno complesso.

  4. Metody vizualizace učiva


    Lomnický, Matouš


    Program orgpad is used for sorting, sharing and "brightening" own ideas. Orgpad is the program, which was designed based on Herbart's psychology, respectively Herbart's knowledge of his own mind. This work is an introduction program pi-mind.js, which is the allocation of orgpad. The thesis discuss the status of the program pi-mind.js in the context of the current "brain mapping" and the program is put into the context of the educational process and its possible use in this field, in particula...

  5. Učenje po metodi AVS

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    Karmen Špilek Štumberger


    Full Text Available Ker se učimo vse življenje, so učne metode in. pristopi zelo pomembni. Osrednja tema članka je sugestopedija in njen pomen za učenje odraslih. Georgie Lozanov je sugestopedijo utemeljil že leta 1960 kot del sugestologije, ki je temeljila na uporabi hetero- in avtosugestije v izobraževanju. Temelj sugestopedije je, da se mora posameznik znebiti svojih notanjih zavor in doživeti popuščanje napetosti. Sugestopedija ponuja različne tehnike za aktiviranje neizkoriščenih možganskih in telesnih sposobnosti. Pomembno je tudi vplivanje na podzavest z zvokom, besedami, recitacijo ali opazovanjem barv. Vse to naj bi povečevalo sposobnost pomnenja in izboljšalo koncentracijo. Metoda A VS je kombinacija tradicionalnih in avdiovizualnih metod in tehnik ter sprostitvenih tehnik, izpeljanih iz sugestopedije.

  6. Some Measurements of Thermal Neutron Spectra; Mesure de Spectres de Neutrons Thermiques; Nekotorye izmereniya spektrov teplovykh nejtronov; Algunas Mediciones de Espectros de Neutrones Termicos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Poole, M. J.; Schofield, P.; Sinclair, R. N. [United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Research Group, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell (United Kingdom)


    Complementary programmes to determine moderator scattering law and to test its validity through spectrum measurements have been initiated at Harwell. The scattering-law experiments have been largely carried out at Chalk River, while the data processing is done at the Argonne National Laboratory and the analysis and necessary extrapolation from the measurements performed at Harwell. The spectrum measurements fall naturally into two parts. Using time-of-flight spectroscopy a wide range of measurements has been made of thermal neutron spectra in homogeneous poisoned moderators. This work parallels and extends the earlier work of the author and of Beyster et al. and serves to check the validity of energy transfer cross-sections o(E -> E) derived from the scattering law in use. However such an experiment is completely insensitive to the angular dependence of scattering and to that part of the scattering cross-section involving no energy change of the scattered neutron, both of which are important in any spatially dependent problem. Accordingly other experiments have been undertaken in which spatial or thermal discontinuities were deliberately introduced to make the spectrum depend on the complete scattering law. The first such is the so-called ''two block experiment'' in which thermal neutrons are allowed to diffuse from a block of graphite at room temperature into a second block whose temperature may be raised to 400 Degree-Sign C. Neutron spectra are measured at various positions near to the temperature discontinuity by extracting a beam of neutrons from each position and passing this into a chopper time-of-flight spectrometer. As a preliminary analysis ''rethermalization cross-sections'' have been derived from the experiment which may be compared with those of Bennet et al. who perfomved a similar experiment using energy sensitive detectors. In order to obtain a more detailed comparison, multigroup diffusion-theory calculations are being carried out, using the Chalk

  7. Valutazione dell'appropriatezza dei ricoveri in un Policlinico Universitario: analisi mediante l'uso comparativo dei sistemi di classificazione isogravitá APR-DRG e Disease Staging e del PRUO

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    M. Volpe


    Full Text Available

    Obiettivi: valutare l’appropriatezza organizzativa dei ricoveri effettuati in un Policlinico Universitario attraverso la comparazione di due metodi, dei quali uno basato sui dati della scheda di dimissione ospedaliera ed utilizza, rispettivamente, i sistemi di classificazione iso-gravità APR-DRG e Disease Staging e l’altro sulla revisione delle cartelle cliniche mediante il PRUO.

    Metodi: oggetto di analisi sono i ricoveri ordinari effettuati nell’anno 2001 ed afferenti ai DRG inclusi nella delibera della Giunta Regionale del Lazio 864/2002 che recepisce il D.P.C.M. 29/11/2001 sui livelli essenziali di assistenza.

    Risultati: i risultati evidenziano che le due varianti del
    metodo basato sulla SDO (metodo APPRO mostrano quote di ricoveri inappropriati sovrapponibili rispetto al complesso dei ricoveri oggetto di analisi, ma con differenze anche rilevanti tra APR-DRG e Disease Staging in relazione ai singoli DRG considerati, riconducibili ai diversi algoritmi di attribuzione del livello di severità utilizzati dai due sistemi. L’analisi campionaria effettuata con il metodo PRUO su casi afferenti ai DRG della DGR 864/2002 caratterizzati da livelli di severità minimi evidenzia una proporzione di ricoveri inappropriati superiore a quella determinata tramite i metodi basati sulla SDO. Tale differenza è verosimilmente dovuta al ruolo del valore delle soglie percentuali di accettabilità individuate dalla Regione Lazio per ciascun DRG: le quote di ricoveri che eccedono tali soglie sono considerate inappropriate.

    Conclusioni: sulla base dei risultati ottenuti gli autori
    descrivono gli interventi organizzativi adottati per ottimizzare il contesto di erogazione delle prestazioni
    oggetto di analisi, discutono vantaggi e limiti dei metodi SDO-based e del metodo analitico PRUObased e ne propongono l

  8. Podejście psychologiczne w terapii jąkania

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    Agata Błachnio


    Full Text Available Praca omawia różne metody stosowane w terapii jąkania z uwzględnieniem podejścia psychologicznego. Jąkanie jest nie tylko zaburzeniem płynności mówienia, objawy występują bowiem na kilku płaszczyznach: neurofizjologicznej, społecznej i psychologicznej. Terapia jąkania ze względu na złożoność tego zaburzenia wymaga podejścia interdyscy‑ plinarnego, w tym szczególnie koncentracji na radzeniu sobie z emocjami pacjenta i obniżeniu związanych z tym za‑ burzeniem patologicznych reakcji lękowych – logofobii. Celem artykułu jest omówienie metod stosowanych w terapii jąkania oraz ocena ich skuteczności. Główny podział metod zakłada istnienie dwóch podejść: pośrednie i bezpośred‑ nie metody. Metody bezpośrednie oddziałują na akt mowy i mają na celu zmniejszenie niepłynności mowy. Wśród nich można wymienić: rytmizację mówienia, wspomaganie wypowiedzi ruchem ręki czy wydłużenie wypowiedzi. Natomiast metody pośrednie stanowią ich uzupełnienie i koncentrują się na obniżeniu lęku oraz redukcji napięcia po‑ jawiającego się u osoby jąkającej się. Należą do nich różnego rodzaju techniki relaksacyjne, metody oparte na wizu‑ alizacji czy treningi autogenne. Zwracają one uwagę na emocje przeżywane przez osoby jąkające się. Ponadto tech‑ niki takie jak muzykoterapia, psychodrama, hipoterapia, desentyzacja i desensybilizacja są skutecznymi sposobami polepszenia funkcjonowania psychospołecznego osób jąkających się. Prezentowany artykuł ma charakter przeglądo‑ wy, może zatem służyć jako podstawa do opracowania i wdrożenia programów terapeutycznych z udziałem logope‑ dy i psychologa.

  9. Telematics in distance learning: two approaches compared

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    Stefania Manca


    Full Text Available Il rapido sviluppo delle tecnologie della comunicazione ha considerevolmente mutato, in questo scorcio di fine millennio, il panorama dei metodi e delle tecniche di formazione a distanza.

  10. Determination of the tritium content in the reactor heavy water, Phase II; Odredjivanje porasta kolicine tritijuma u reaktorskoj teskoj vodi, II faza

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ribnikar, S [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    Measurement results of the {sup 3}H activity in non-irradiated water and after reactor operation are presented. Methods were developed for sampling and radiochemical water purification by ion exchange and multiple distillation. Methods for absolute measurement of soft beta radiation of tritium were established. Migration of tritium through the heavy water RA reactor system was monitored. Results were compared with other measured reactor parameters. Prikazani su rezultati merenja aktivnosti {sup 3}H u nezracenoj vodi i posle rada reaktora; razradjeni su metodi za uzimanje i radiohemijsko preciscavanje vode putem jonske izmene i visestepene destilacije; postavljeni metodi za apsolutno merenje mekog beta-zracenja tritijuma; pracene su migracije tritijuma kroz teskovodni sistem reaktora; takodje su interpretirani i poredjeni rezultati sa drugim merenim parametrima reaktora.

  11. Some Non-Destructive Testing Methods Applicable to Sintered Materials; Quelques Methodes d'Essais Non Destructifs Applicables aux Materiaux Frittes; Nekotorye metody nedestruktivnykh ispytanii, primenimye k spechennym materialam; Algunos Metodos de Ensayo No Destructivo Aplicables a los Materiales Sinterizados

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Labusca, Elena; Mirion, I.; Andreescu, N.; Alecu, M.; Biscoveanu, I. [Institut de Physique Atomique, Bucarest (Romania)


    y orientacion de los granos, la presencia de defectos diversos (inclusiones, poros), y tambien la evolucion misma del proceso de sinterizacion, incluyendo la formacion de los cristales, el crecimiento granular, etc. En algunos casos, el examen microscopico se puede combinar con ensayos de microdureza. Este examen de la estructura micro- cristalina representa uno de los principales metodos de control cualitativo de los materiales sinterizados, y ningun otro medio de investigacion puede reemplazarlo. 2. El grado de consolidacion, factor esencial que determina la calidad de los materiales sinterizados, se verifica tambien midiendo algunas propiedades, por ejemplo la conductividad electrica y termica, en funcion de la densidad, teniendo presente que en el caso de los materiales sinterizados, la conductividad es directamente proporcional al grado de sinterizacion. Tambien se ha ensayado un metodo adecuado para verificar la porosidad, obteniendose datos experimentales interesantes, sobre todo desde el punto de vista de la porosidad libre, que es afectada por las inclusiones gaseosas. La memoria contiene datos experimentales sobre la aplicacion de estos metodos de control a algunos materiales sinterizados, de interes para la tecnologia nuclear. (author) [Russian] S uchetom specifichnoj zernistoj struktury spechennyh materialov, razrabotannyh na osnove poroshkov, dlja kotoryh process uplotnenija zavisit ot spekanija, ispol'zovalis' metody kontrolja za stepen'ju spekanija i za nekotorymi svojstvami. Ispol'zovalis' sledujushhie metody bez razrushenija: 1. Izuchenie kristallicheskoj struktury spechennyh tverdyh tel s pomoshh'ju metallo- grafik i jelektronnoj mikroskopii. Jeti metody pozvoljajut obnaruzhit' odnorodnost' struktury, razmery i orientaciju zeren, nalichie razlichnyh defektov (vkraplenija, pustoty), a takzhe razvitie processa spekanija, vkljuchaja obrazovanie kristallov, uvelichenie zeren i pr. V nekotoryh sluchajah mozhno sovmeshhat' mikroskopicheskoe issledovanie

  12. Aquaculture and Fish Welfare: Are the Rights of Fish Compromised?/ Akwakultura I Dobrostan Ryb: Czy Prawa Ryb Są Szanowane?

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    Mustapha Moshood K.


    Full Text Available Zagadnienie dobrostanu ryb w akwakulturze jest aktualne przez cały proces produkcyjny, a jego właściwa realizacja, z poszanowaniem praw ryb i humanitarnym ubojem, jest korzystana dla producenta i konsumenta. Poszanowanie praw ryb odnosi się do różnorodnych aspektów hodowli uwzględniając takie jak: baseny i stawy hodowlane, zagęszczenie obsady, jakość wody, pokarm i reżim żywienia, zarażenie chorobami i pasożytami, metody leczenia ryb zarażonych, manipulacja ciałem ryby, odłowy sieciowe, metody pozyskiwania ryb przed ubojem, metody uboju, metody oczyszczania z pokarmu, sztuczny fotoperiod, selekcja w kierunku szybkiego wzrostu, selektywny i indukowany rozród, manipulacje genetyczne, ekspozycja na drapieżnictwo, hodowla w polikulturach, znakowanie, stłaczanie ryb, sortowanie, transport, rybie atraktory, przypadkowe bądź celowe introdukcje ryb modyfikowanych genetycznie do akwakultury. Najbardziej rekomendowaną metodą utrzymywania ryb w pożądanym dobrostanie, która zapewni też korzyści dla hodowcy jest zachowywanie tzw. „pięciu wolności” w odniesieniu do hodowanych zwierząt. Sposoby realizacji takiego prowadzenia hodowli są przedstawione i dyskutowane w niniejszej pracy. Stan ryb w niewoli powinien uwzględniać czynniki etyczne, produkcyjne, ekonomiczne i handlowe. Jest to coraz ważniejsze ze względu na rosnącą potrzebę konsumenta do zapoznania się z technikami stosowanymi w produkcji pożywienia pochodzenia zwierzęcego i akceptacji tych praktyk. Polepszenie dobrostanu produkowanych ryb w akwakulturze skutkuje zwiększeniem korzyści produkcyjnej: ryby będą przyrastać lepiej, a jakość mięsa będzie wyższa. Wzrasta też poziom akceptacji u konsumentów tak wyprodukowanego mięsa w powiązaniu z humani- tarnym ubojem.

  13. Caos, statistica e metodi di ricampionamento

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    Simone Giannerini


    Full Text Available Chaos theory offers to the statistician new perspectives for time series analysis as well as concepts and ideas that have a through contribution to statistics. On the other hand, statistical methodology has shown to play a crucial role for the comprehension of nonlinear and chaotic phenomena. From this standpoint we present some essential notions for the analysis of chaotic time series. Particular attention is given to the problem of estimating Lyapunov exponents, together with the derivation of confidence intervals for estimates. For this latter problem we propose a solution based on resampling by means of spline interpolation. We show from simulations that the distribution of the maximal Lyapunov exponent obtained by way of resampling a single series with our method, agrees with the true distribution obtained from series with different initial conditions.

  14. Metody ujmowania etyki biznesu w Polsce


    Zadroga, Adam


    From the beginning of the 1990s, a considerable interest in business ethics has been observed in Poland. It seems that the heritage of Polish researchers concerned with this academic discipline is already rich enough, and at the same time so diverse that it is worth making an attempt to systematize it, deepening and naming appropriate principle methods of grasping business ethics in Poland. The carried-out analyses allowed determining the following leading methods in the formal aspect:...

  15. Results of the Promethee Method Application in Selecting the Technological System at the Majdan III Open Pit Mine / Wyniki Zastosowania Metody Promethee do Wyboru Systemu Technologicznego W Kopalni Odkrywkowej Majdan III (United States)

    Vujić, Slobodan; Hudej, Marjan; Miljanović, Igor


    This paper discusses the application of the PROMETHEE model and the results achieved in practice, following the example of the multi-criteria selection of the technological system at the Majdan III clay mineral raw material open pit mine of the Potisje Company, Republic of Serbia. After the introduction comments, reasons are explained for selecting the new technological system, conditions and limitations for the seven alternative solutions considered are described, mathematical foundation for the PROMETHEE method and a multi-criteria model of the problem in question are presented. The solution with the following structure was ranked first and accepted by the Company management as the best: Bucket chain excavator - Conveyor belts - Spreader (ECS), alongside a decision is made on the acquisition of machinery and system construction. The system was put into operation in 2000. The experience and the data accumulated in the previous twelve years confirm that the decision made on the application of the ECS technology was just, and the conclusion lists the benefits achieved. W artykule omówiono zastosowanie modelu Promethee i przedyskutowano uzyskane w ten sposób wyniki na przykładzie wielokryterialnego wyboru systemu technologicznego do zastosowania w kopalni odkrywkowej minerałów ilastych Majdan III, należącej do przedsiębiorstwa górniczego Potisje (Republika Serbii). Po uwagach wprowadzających przedstawiono powody wyboru nowego ciągu technologicznego, omówiono warunki oraz ograniczenia dla siedmiu alternatywnych rozwiązań, podstawy matematyczne metody Promethee oraz wielokryterialny model zagadnienia. Rozwiązanie uznane za najlepsze i zaaprobowane przez zarząd przedsiębiorstwa zakłada zastosowanie następującego ciągu technologicznego: koparka łancuchowa jednonaczyniowa - przenośniki taśmowe - rozkładarka(system ECS). Podjęto także decyzje odnośnie zakupu sprzętu i instalacji systemu, który uruchomiony został w 2000 roku. Doświadczenia i

  16. Note critiche sui rapporti tra diritto ed economia


    Tuzet, Giovanni


    Il saggio inquadra teoricamente i principali rapporti fra diritto ed economia e analizza i vari metodi e approcci dell'analisi economica del diritto, rilvandone gli aspetti critici e discutendo infine gli approcci comportamentali e la "nudge theory".

  17. Badania jakości regeneratu ze zużytych mas ze spoiwem organicznym

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. Dańko


    Full Text Available W publikacji przedstawiono uzupełniające metody badań oraz aparaturę do oceny jakości regeneratu i tych właściwości masformierskich ze spoiwami utwardzanymi chemicznie, przygotowywanych z regeneratem, które są istotne dla kompleksowej oceny procesurecyklingu osnowy. Nowoczesne systemy oceny mas formierskich wymagają bardziej wnikliwego podejścia do czynników decydującychzarówno o ich przydatności technologicznej jak również o wpływie na otaczające środowisko naturalne. W tym kontekście pełna ocenajakości zregenerowanej osnowy wykracza poza zwyczajowo stosowane metody instrumentalne i wymaga ich uzupełnienia o bardziejzaawansowane aparaturowo metody badawcze. Pozwala to szerzej spojrzeć na ocenę zregenerowanej osnowy, zarówno w aspekcie jejużycia do sporządzania mas formierskich, jako substytutu świeżego piasku, ale także pod kątem ochrony środowiska. Do takichnowoczesnych metod można zaliczyć między innymi analizę ziarnową regeneratu za pomocą dyfrakcji laserowej, a także ocenęgazotwórczości masy formierskiej oraz identyfikację rodzaju emitowanych gazów i zawartości w nich gazów z grupy BTEX, które sąszczególnie niebezpieczne z punktu widzenia BHP.

  18. Non-Destructive Methods for Determining Burn-Up in Nuclear Fuel; Methodes Non Destructives d'Evaluation du Taux de Combustion dans le Combustible Nucleaire; Metody opredeleniya vygoraniya v yadernom toplive bez razrusheniya obraztsa; Metodos No Destructivos para Determinai el Grado de Combustion de los Elementos Combustibles Nucleares

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McGonnagle, W. J. [Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL (United States)


    repercute en los calculos que pueden efectuarse. Otra de las dificultades de la determinacion no destructiva consiste en la presencia de intensos campos de radiaciones que contribuyen al 'ruido' defondo dela medicion. La preparacion de patrones eficaces es dificil. Aunque en el estado actual de la tecnica carezcan de la precision deseada, los metodos no destructivos para determinar el grado de combustion resultan utiles sobre todo cuando es preciso obtener rapidamente valores aproximados sin que el costo de la operacion resulte excesivo. Para determinar el grado de combustion se han empleado, se estan estudiando o se han propuesto diversos metodos no destructivos. Se han empleado varios tipos de espectrometro -el de cristal curvo, el magnetico de Compton, el de coincidencia de Compton y el de centelleo- para analizar la radiacion gamma proveniente del material radiactivo formado durante el proceso de fision. Entre otros metodos no destructivos cabe mencionar la activacion de laminas, la transmision neutronica, el analisis por activacion, la medicion de rayos gamma de captura y la medicion de neutrones rapidos y retardados. En la memoria se exponen los principios basicos de cada uno de los instrumentos y de los metodos mencionados y se formulan observaciones sobre su sensibilidad y sus inconvenientes. . El autor propone metodos no destructivos basados en el empleo de isotopos estables producidos durante el proceso de fision. Con el empleo de esos isotopos los datos relativos a las irradiaciones precedentes tienen una importancia secundaria y los relativos al tiempo de enfriamiento no tienen ninguna. Ademas, para los productos estables de fision se dispone de datos nucleares mas precisos. Entre los isotopos estables producidos durante el proceso de fision, los mas utiles parecen ser el circonio, el molibdeno, el rutenio y el neodimio. En la memoria se analizan todos los metodos propuestos. (author) [Russian] Metody kolichestvennogo izmerenija vygoranija toplivnyh jelementov v

  19. I capricci del caso Introduzione alla statistica, al calcolo delle probabilità e alla teoria degli errori

    CERN Document Server

    Piazza, Roberto


    I metodi probabilistici e statistici giocano un ruolo di primo piano sia nella scienza teorica e sperimentale che nelle applicazioni ingegneristiche, costituendo pertanto un elemento essenziale del bagaglio culturale che uno studente deve acquisire fin dai primi anni di apprendimento universitario. Questo libro, che nasce dall’esperienza didattica accumulata dall’autore nell’insegnamento dei metodi sperimentali, si propone di fornire un’introduzione al calcolo delle probabilità e alla teoria degli errori facendo uso di uno stile di presentazione volutamente informale e traendo spunto da concrete applicazioni sperimentali, spesso attraverso esempi di notevole importanza storica. Così, per esempio, argomenti quali il moto browniano, la diffusione di luce, il decadimento radioattivo, la fisiologia della visione, le statistiche quantistiche e di fotorivelazione, vengono utilizzati per delucidare concetti chiave dell’analisi statistica e probabilistica. Un'enfasi particolare è posta sull’origine e l...

  20. Analisi dell’utilizzo di Twitter nella costruzione di un seminario sperimentale

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wolfgang Reinhardt


    Full Text Available Nonostante i massicci cambiamenti sociali e tecnologici che si sono verificati a causa del Web negli ultimi anni, i corsi universitari spesso enfatizzano metodi di insegnamento da tempo consolidati e basati su strumenti di apprendimento e risorse tradizionali. Durante tali corsi gli studenti spesso acquisiscono una conoscenza che non è aggiornata e che è lontana da un apprendimento realistico, basato su problemi. L'uso di strumenti e metodi più recenti spesso rimane fuori dalla padronanza degli studenti. In questo contributo si descrive brevemente l’impostazione sperimentale di un seminario in due università tedesche dove l’uso di Social Media per la comunicazione e la collaborazione è stato saldamente integrato alla progettazione di un percorso di apprendimento formale. Si illustra, inoltre, l'utilizzo di Twitter durante il seminario, usando metodologie riprese dalla Social Network Analysis.

  1. Correlation of Risk Analysis Method Results with Numerical and Limit Equilibrium Methods in Overall Slope Stability Analysis of Southern Wall of Chadormalu Iron Open Pit Mine-Iran / Korelacja wyników analizy ryzyka z wynikami obliczeń numerycznych oraz wynikami uzyskanymi w oparciu o metodę równowagi granicznej zastosowanych do badania stabilności wyrobiska pochyłego na południowej ścianie odkrywkowej kopalni rud żelaza w chadormalu w Iranie (United States)

    Ahangari, Kaveh; Paji, Arman Gholinezhad; Behdani, Alireza Siami


    Slope stability analysis is one of the most important factors in designing open pit mines. Therefore an optimal slope design that supports both aspects of economy and safety is very significant. There are many different methods in slope stability analysis including empirical, limit equilibrium, block theory, numerical, and probabilistic methods. In this study, to analyze the overall slope stability of southern wall of Chadormalu iron open pit mine three numerical, limit equilibrium and probabilistic methods have been used. Software and methods that is used for analytical investigation in this study are FLAC software for numerical analysis, SLIDE software and circuit failure chart for limit equilibrium analysis and qualitative fault tree and semi-quantitative risk matrix for probabilistic analysis. The results of all above mentioned methods, was a circular failure occurrence in Metasomatite rock zone between 1405 to 1525 m levels. The main factors of failure occurrence in this range were heavily jointing and existing of faults. Safety factors resulted from numerical method; Circular chart method and SLIDE software are 1.16, 1.25 and 1.27 respectively. Regarding instability and safety factors in Metasomatite rock zone, in order to stabilize the given zone, some considerations such as bench angle and height reduction should be planned. In results of risk matrix method this zone was mentioned too as a high risk zone that numerical and limit equilibrium methods confirmed this. Badanie stabilności wyrobiska pochyłego jest jednym z najważniejszych czynników uwzględnianych przy projektowaniu kopalni odkrywkowych. Optymalne zaprojektowanie wyrobiska pochyłego z uwzględnieniem czynników ekonomicznych oraz bezpieczeństwa jest niezmiernie ważne. Istnieje wiele metod badania stabilności wyrobiska pochyłego, między innymi metody empiryczne, metoda równowagi granicznej, teoria bloków oraz metody numeryczne i probabilistyczne. W pracy tej omówiono zastosowanie

  2. Radioactive Metrology Methods in the USSR; Methodes de metrologie de la radioactivite en URSS; Metody metrologii radioaktivnosti v SSSR; Metodos de Metrologia de la Radiactividad Aplicados en la Union de Republicas Socialistas Sovieticas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aglintsev, K K; Bochkarev, V V; Grablevskij, V N; Karavaev, F M


    actividad de estos patrones son 10{sup -11} y 5 equivalentes gramo del Ra, respectivamente . Las fuentes {gamma} de control se preparan partiendo de los mismos radionuclidos que las fuentes y modelo. Sus actividades abarcan un intervalo muy amplio y las fuentes presentan formas y dimensiones sumamente diversas. Por ultimo, se utilizan dos clases de fuentes neutronicas modelo Ra-{alpha}-Be (con un contenido de 1 a 1000 mg de Ra) y Pu-{alpha}-Be (conteniendo de 0.01 a 15 g de Pu). Las fuentes Ra-{alpha}-Be consisten en una mezcla comprimida de RaBr{sub 2} y de Be en polvo, siendo la razon ponderal Ra/Be igual a 1/6. En cuanto a las fuentes Pu-{alpha}-Be, se preparan con una aleacion (PuBe{sub 13}) de estos dos metales. (author) [Russian] Avtory opisyvayut metody, primenyaemye v SSSR, i, v chastnosti, v institute metrologii im. Mendeleeva (Leningrad) dlya vosproizvodstv a pri pomoshchi standartnykh apparatov edinits izmereniya, ispol'zuemykh v radioaktivnosti (kyuri, gramm-ehkvivalen t radiya, rentgen, rad). Dlya radionuklido v v Sovetskom Soyuze proizvodyatsya istochnikiehtalony dvukh vidov: 1. Model'nye istochniki dlya sravnitel'nog o ehtalonirovani ya drugikh radioaktivnykh preparatov, a takzhe dlya kalibrovki radiometricheski kh priborov i kontrol'nykh priborov za izlucheniem; 2. Kontrol'nye istochniki, sluzhashchie isklyuchitel'n o dlya proverki raboty i kontrolya za vosproizvodimost' yu ukazanij izmeritel'ny kh priborov. Model'nye a-istochniki prigotovlyayuts ya pri pomoshchi ehlektrolitiche - skogo osazhdeniya na platine dolzhnym obrazom vybrannykh izluchatelej (estestvennyj uran, uran-233, plutonij-239, ameritsij-241). EHti istochniki mogut obespechivat' aktivnost' ot do 10{sup 6} raspadov v minutu. Kontrol'nye {alpha}-istochniki prigotovlyayuts ya putem ehlektroliticheskog o osazhdeniya plutoniya-239 v vide sloya s plotnost'yu ot 3 X 10-{sup 9} do 0,7 mg/em2, chto sootvetstvuet aktivnosti ot 10 do 10{sup 8} raspadov v minutu. Model'nye {beta

  3. LDPC kódy


    Hrouza, Ondřej


    Práce se zabývá problematikou LDPC kódů. Jsou zde popsány metody vytváření paritní matice, kde je kladen důraz především na strukturované vytváření této matice za použití konečné geometrie: Euklidovské geometrie a projektivní geometrie. Další oblastí, které se práce věnuje je dekódování LDPC kódů. Práce porovnává čtyři dekódovací metody: Hard-Decision algoritmus, Bit-Flipping algoritmus, The Sum-Product algoritmus a Log Likelihood algoritmus, při kterých je kladen důraz především na iterativn...

  4. Konsolidovaná účetní závěrka


    Lungová, Monika


    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou konsolidované účetní závěrky. Práce je zaměřena na zahrnutí nové, přidružené jednotky do konsolidace, při použití ekvivalenční metody a následné posouzení výkonosti nově vzniklé skupiny oproti původnímu konsolidačnímu celku. V jednotlivých kapitolách diplomové práce jsou popsány a rozebrány zejména principy, postupy a metody konsolidace účetní závěrky. V praktické části jsou interpretovány a analyzovány výsledky konsolidované účetní závěrky. Posled...

  5. Manuale di ottica

    CERN Document Server

    Giusfredi, Giovanni


    Questo libro costituisce un fondamento solido per la conoscenza dell’Ottica Fisica, presentando vari modi di trattare la propagazione di onde elettromagnetiche e indicando quali siano i metodi utili a specifici casi. Iniziando dall’elettromagnetismo, la riflessione, la rifrazione e la dispersione delle onde, espone argomenti quali l’Ottica Geometrica, l’Interferenza, la Diffrazione, la Coerenza, i fasci Laser, la Polarizzazione, la Cristallografia e l’Anisotropia. Tratta componenti ottici come lenti, specchi, prismi, interferometri classici, Fabry-Perot e cavità risonanti, multistrati dielettrici, filtri interferenziali e spaziali, reticoli di diffrazione, polarizzatori e lamine birifrangenti. Vi sono inoltre argomenti poco reperibili, come il metodo delle matrici 4x4 per lo studio di fronti d’onda generalmente astigmatici, i metodi numerici tramite FFT per il calcolo della diffrazione, e la Bi-anisotropia, che tratta relativisticamente l’attività ottica e gli effetti Faraday e Fresnel-Fizeau....

  6. Badania nieinwazyjne Ostrowa Lednickiego

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Křivánek, Roman; Tabaka, A.


    Roč. 50, č. 2 (2014), s. 99-111 ISSN 0071-6863. [Metody geofizyczne w archeologii polskiej. Poznań, 22.11.2012-23.11.2012] Institutional support: RVO:67985912 Keywords : hillfort * geophysical prospection * non-destructive archaeology * Lednica * geophysical survey Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

  7. Metodi matematici per la teoria dell’evoluzione

    CERN Document Server

    Bazzani, Armando; Freguglia, Paolo


    Esistono ormai da tempo molti articoli, in particolar modo su riviste di biomatematica, di (bio)fisica e di biologia, che presentano proposte e risultati di modellistica matematica relativi direttamente ed indirettamente alla teoria dell’evoluzione. Sicuramente questi studi sono da considerarsi cruciali per l’istituzione della biologia teorica. I temi da prendere in esame sono dapprima le convinzioni che i biologi hanno in merito. Quindi un’analisi dei precedenti tentativi di formulare una teoria matematica dell’evoluzione, nonché i relativi sviluppi e insuccessi a cui abbiamo assistito nell’ambito della "teoria della complessità". La nostra proposta consiste dunque nel realizzare una teoria matematicamente formulata e biologicamente ben fondata dell’evoluzione con specifico e giustificato riferimento a quella fenotipica. Quindi su questa base costruiamo sia di un modello geometrico sia un modello dinamico stocastico. In questo modo, pur tenendo presente l’intrinseca insufficienza dell’appro...

  8. Metody stanovení transferových cen


    Jurčíková, Kateřina


    Following thesis focuses on analysis of using five basic transfer pricing methods mentioned in the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines in the conditions of the Czech Republic (comparable uncontrolled method, resale-price method, cost plus method, profit split method, transactional net margin method). There are mentioned the problems connected with application of these methods and also suggestions how to fix them. In this respect thesis contains comparable, functional and economic analysis. As a ...

  9. Marx, Althusser a problém metody

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kužel, Petr


    Roč. 63, č. 3 (2015), s. 379-396 ISSN 0015-1831 Institutional support: RVO:67985955 Keywords : Karl Marx * Louis Althusser * epistemological rupture * epistemological obstacles * over-determination * structural causality * ideology Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy ; Religion

  10. La profondità ipocentrale con metodi macrosismici

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. C. SPADEA


    Full Text Available Aim of the present work is to determine the hypocentral depth of
    an earthquake by macroseismic methods.
    A short hystorical review of the main relations between macroseismic
    intensity, acceleration and hypocentral depth from Cancani to the present time has been carried out. Particular care has been pointed out to
    Kovesligethy and Blake works. Being the Blake's relation the basis of
    all modern methods the y experimental value has been investigated to
    apply in Italy in the formula
    (/„ _ /„ = y log (Dn/h
    using some earthquakes with analitical depth known. There are singled
    of two intermediate values of y; one (y valid for Italy in general
    Y, = 4.382 ± 2.282
    another (yc more specific for central Italy
    Y„ = 3.989 ± 1.344
    From the investigation the AA. deem that the macroseismic method
    cannot anyhow be applied, hence the AA. suggest the following application
    1 for the isoseismals to be used (not more than three around the epic.
    2 for the hypocentral depths (only within the crust: h < 33 km
    3 for the y value (y < 7.0
    To determine quickly the depth (h + 5h, when the intermediate radii rc
    of the circles equivalent to the I, II, III isoseismal areas of an earthquake
    are been calculated (or measured, a table 3 has been calculated.
    In table 4 both the macroseismic and the analitical depths relating
    to untilized earthquakes, are compared.
    The results obtained in the present work can be improved when the
    researchers will have access to a greater lot of earthquakes with known
    analitical depth and will be able to associate to a general intermediate
    value Y, specific values of ± 5y; for each homogeneous structural unit.
    In any case, the results obtained by that, as well by different macroseismic
    methods, have always to retain approximate, even if the AA.
    tried to furnish a range of indétermination to h values.

  11. Methods of medical sterilization; Metody sterylizacji medycznej

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stachowicz, W [Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warsaw (Poland)


    Broad review of different (physical, chemical and mechanical) methods commonly used for medical materials sterilization have been performed. Among them the special attention have been played on radiosterilization. The advantages and weaknesses each of the presented method have been pointed out. 1 fig.

  12. Analysis of the Selected Firm


    Šesták, Ján


    Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na analýzu vybrané firmy. Práce je rozdělena na teoretickou a praktickou část. V teoretické části jsou popsány metody, které byly použity pro analyzování firmy. V praktické části jsou aplikovány jednotlivé metody, Pro analýzu vnějšího prostředí byla použita analýza SLEPTE, pro analýzu odvětví byl použit Porterův model pěti konkurenčních sil, v další části se práce zabývá identifikací silných a slabých stránek firmy. V závěru práce jsou zhodnoceny výsledky analýz a...

  13. Návrh pracoviště obrábění hřídelí elektromotorů


    Knobloch, Martin


    Cílem práce na téma „Návrh pracoviště obrábění hřídelí elektromotorů“ je zavedení nové technologie do výroby hřídelí v odštěpném závodě Siemens s.r.o., o.z. Elektromotory Mohelnice. Na začátku je popsána teorie přípravy výroby a metody vedoucí ke stanovení nejvhodnější metody výroby a její zavedení do praxe. V další kapitole se práce zaměřuje na popis stávajícího procesu a vyhodnocení největších úskalí procesu. Následuje variantní návrh nového pracoviště včetně posouzení z hlediska technologi...

  14. Návrh strategie pro vybudování ziskového víceúrovňového podnikání


    Mokrý, Martin


    Předložená diplomová práce se zabývá tématem víceúrovňového marketingu jako oboru pro samostatné podnikání jednotlivce. Posuzuje pozitiva a negativa této metody podnikání a rozdílnost od podvodných modelů. Diplomová práce se zaměřuje zejména na navržení konkrétních postupů vedoucích k vybudování stabilního příjmu v tomto odvětví a k tomu využívá současné poznatky o víceúrovňovém marketingu, základní metody určování kompetencí, kompetenčních modelů a koučování. This diploma thesis deals wit...

  15. New developments in the analysis and measurement of thicknesses by {beta}-particle excitation of X fluorescent rays; Nouveaux developpements de l'analyse et de la mesure des epaisseurs par excitation des raies de fluorescence X au moyen de particules {beta}; Novye usovershenstvovaniya analiza i izmereniya plotnosti putem vozbuzhdeniya fluorestsiruyushchikh spektrov rentgenovskogo lucha beta-chastitsami; Nuevos adelantos en el analisis y la medicion de espesores mediante la excitacion de rayos X por particulas beta

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martinelli, P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France); Seibel, G [Institut de Recherches de la Siderurgie, St-Germain-en-Laye (France)


    The method of analysing and measuring the thickness of deposits by {beta}-X fluorescence which we previously described has been further developed. Using Pm{sup 147} and Kr{sup 85} sources, it is possible to reduce the background observed with Sr{sup 90}. We quote the results obtained for various thickness measurements of metal deposits, an analysis of the solutions, and the continuous measurement of calcium and iron in core samples. We describe experiments made for analysis of the X-radiation by crystal. (author) [French] Le procede d'analyse et de mesure des epaisseurs de depots par fluorescence {beta}-X que nous avons precedemment decrit a fait l'objet de nouveaux developpements. L'emploi de sources de {sup 147}Pm et de {sup 85}Kr permet de reduire le bruit de fond que l'on observe avec le {sup 90}Sr. Nous donnons les resultats obtenus pour diverses mesures d'epaisseurs de depots metalliques, l'analyse des solutions et la mesure en continu du calcium et du fer dans les carottes de minerais. Nous decrivons les essais effectues en vue d'analyser le rayonnement X au moyen d'un cristal. (author) [Spanish] Los autores han introducido nuevos perfeccionamientos en su procedimiento de analisis y de medicion de espesores de depositos por fluorescencia de rayos X excitada por particulas beta. La utilizacion de fuentes de {sup 147}Pm y de {sup 85}Kr permite reducir la actividad de fondo que se observa empleando {sup 90}Sr. Los autores exponen los resultados obtenidos en materia de mediciones de espesores de depositos metalicos, analisis de soluciones y medicion continua del calcio y del hierro en muestras de minerales extraidas por sondeo. Tambien describen los ensayos realizados con miras a analizar los rayos X por medio de un cristal. (author) [Russian] Protsess analiza i izmereniya plotnosti sloev putem fluorestsiruyushchikh beta- i rentgenovskikh luchej, kotoryj opisyvalsya nami ran'she, byl predmetom novykh usovershenstvovanij. Ispol'zovanie istochnikov prometeya-147 i

  16. Modified Stability Charts for Rock Slopes Based on the Hoek-Brown Failure Criterion / Zmodyfikowane Diagramy Stabilności Skalistych Zboczy Otrzymane W Oparciu O Warunek Wytrzymałości Hoeka-Browna (United States)

    Nekouei, Mahdi; Ahangari, Kaveh


    Only an article rendered by Lia et al. in 2008 has represented charts based on Hoek-Brown criterion for rock slopes, however, these charts are not precise and efficient. Because of this problem, a modification is suggested for the mentioned charts in this study. The new charts are calculated according to four methods. Among the methods, one relates to finite element method using Phase2 software. The other three methods are Janbu, Bishop and Fellenius that belong to limit equilibrium method by using Slide software. For each slope angle, the method having high correlation coefficient is selected as the best one. Then, final charts are rendered according to the selected method and its specific equations. Among forty equations, twenty-five ones or 62.5% relate to numerical method and Phase2 software, six ones or 15% belong to Fellenius limit equilibrium, six ones or 15% relate to Bishop limit equilibrium, and three ones or 7.5% belong to Janbu limit equilibrium. In order to validate new charts, slope stability analysis is carried out for several sections of Chadormalu iron ore open pit mine, Iran. The error percentage of new charts in limit equilibrium method using Slide software and in Bishop method for slopes of Chadormalu iron ore mine are rendered and compared. The charts on a basis of Hoek-Brown failure criterion for rock slopes show less than ±4% error. This indicates that these charts are appropriate tools and their safety factor is optimal for rock slopes. Diagramy stabilności skalistych zboczy otrzymane w oparciu o warunek wytrzymałości Hoeka- Browna znaleźć można jedynie w pracy Lia et al. (2008), choć wykresy te nie są absolutnie dokładne i jasne. Dlatego też w niniejszym artykule zaproponowano pewną modyfikację diagramów. Nowe wykresu sporządzono w oparciu o cztery metody. Jedna z metod opiera się na metodzie elementów skończonych i wykorzystuje oprogramowanie Phase2. Pozostałe trzy podejścia to metody Janbu, Bishopa i Felleniusa bazuj

  17. Use of alpha-radiation for the industrial measurement of surface weight; Utilisation du rayonnement alpha pour les mesures industrielles de poids superficiel; Primenenie al'fa-oblucheniya dlya promyshlennogo izmereniya vesa naruzhnogo pokrova; Empleo industrial de los rayos alfa para la medicion de pesos por unidad de superficie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perette, J; Maugest, J [Compagnie d' Applications et Recherches Atomiques, Saint-Denis (France)


    los rayos alfa para llevar a cabo mediciones industriales del peso por unidad de superficie de materiales de espesor reducido. El aprovechamiento industrial de estas tecnicas pudo desarrollarse gracias al perfeccionamiento de nuevos aparatos que, si bien aplican tecnicas tradicionales, fueron especialmente disenados para el empleo de rayos alfa. Para compensar las variaciones de la capacidad de absorcion en el intervalo que media entre la fuente y el detector, es indispensable emplear un metodo diferencial de dos recorridos. La alimentacion de las camaras de ionizacion con corriente alterna permite utilizar circuitos de amplificacion y de deteccion alternos sin necesidad de transformar previamente la corriente de ionizacion. El intervalo de medicion abarca de 6 a 55 gramos por metro cuadrado, con una aproximacion del 1 por ciento en condiciones de perfecta estabilidad. Los autores describen el dispositivo completo utilizado para efectuar mediciones continuas en las maquinas industriales. La tecnica descrita puede adaptarse igualmente a los rayos beta. (author) [Russian] Vozmozhnosti ispol'zovaniya al'fa-oblucheniya dlya promyshlennogo izmereniya vesa naruzhnogo pokrova tonkikh materialov uzhe neodnokratno izlagalis'. Primenenie ehtikh metodov v promyshlennosti stalo vozmozhno blagodarya issledovaniyam, proizvedennym s pomoshch'yu novoj apparatury, kotoraya naryadu s ispol'zovaniem ee v obychnykh usloviyakh spetsial'no prisposoblena dlya primeneniya al'fa-oblucheniya. Primenenie differentsial'nogo metoda s dvumya kanalami neobkhodimo dlya uravnoveshivaniya kolebanij, kotorye mogut byt' pogloshcheny rasstoyaniem mezhdu istochnikom i detektorom. Peremennoe snabzhenie ionizatsionnykh kamer pozvolyaet ispol'zovat' pere- mennye usilitel'nye kontury i provodit' obnaruzhenie bez predvaritel'nogo prevrashcheniya ionizatsionnogo toka. Izmerenie provoditsya shkaloj s deleniem ot shesti do 55 grammov na kvadratnyj metr s tochnost'yu do odnogo protsenta v usloviyakh khoroshej

  18. Probability distribution of atmospheric pollutants: comparison among four methods for the determination of the log-normal distribution parameters; La distribuzione di probabilita` degli inquinanti atmosferici: confronto tra quattro metodi per la determinazione dei parametri della distribuzione log-normale

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bellasio, R [Enviroware s.r.l., Agrate Brianza, Milan (Italy). Centro Direzionale Colleoni; Lanzani, G; Ripamonti, M; Valore, M [Amministrazione Provinciale, Como (Italy)


    This work illustrates the possibility to interpolate the measured concentrations of CO, NO, NO{sub 2}, O{sub 3}, SO{sub 2} during one year (1995) at the 13 stations of the air quality monitoring station network of the Provinces of Como and Lecco (Italy) by means of a log-normal distribution. Particular attention was given in choosing the method for the determination of the log-normal distribution parameters among four possible methods: I natural, II percentiles, III moments, IV maximum likelihood. In order to evaluate the goodness of fit a ranking procedure was carried out over the values of four indices: absolute deviation, weighted absolute deviation, Kolmogorov-Smirnov index and Cramer-von Mises-Smirnov index. The capability of the log-normal distribution to fit the measured data is then discussed as a function of the pollutant and of the monitoring station. Finally an example of application is given: the effect of an emission reduction strategy in Lombardy Region (the so called `bollino blu`) is evaluated using a log-normal distribution. [Italiano] In questo lavoro si discute la possibilita` di interpolare le concentrazioni misurate di CO, NO, NO{sub 2}, O{sub 3}, SO{sub 2} durante un anno solare (il 1995) nelle 13 stazioni della Rete di Rilevamento della qualita` dell`aria delle Provincie di Como e di Lecco mediante una funzione log-normale. In particolare si discute quale metodo e` meglio usare per l`individuazione dei 2 parametri caratteristici della log-normale, tra 4 teoreticamente possibili: I naturale, II dei percentili, III dei momenti, IV della massima verosimiglianza. Per valutare i risultati ottenuti si usano: la deviazione assoluta, la deviazione pesata, il parametro di Kolmogorov-Smirnov e quello di Cramer-von Mises-Smirnov effettuando un ranking tra i metodi in funzione degli inquinanti e della stazione di misura. Ancora in funzione degli inquinanti e delle diverse stazioni di misura si discute poi la capacita` della funzione log-normale di

  19. Dislocation structures, effective and internal stresses of cyclic stained ferritic stainless steel

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Petrenec, Martin; Polák, Jaroslav


    Roč. 72, č. 279 (2001), s. 129-133 ISSN 1429-6055. [Medzynarodowe Sympozjum - Metody oceny struktury oraz wlasnosci materialów i wyrobów /16./. Komorní Lhotka, 11.12.2001-13.12.2001] Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z2041904 Keywords : dislocation * cyclicling * stresses Subject RIV: JL - Materials Fatigue, Friction Mechanics

  20. Algoritmus detekující změny průběhu experimentálních dat

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Zezulka, Petr


    Roč. 72, č. 279 (2001), s. 97-100 ISSN 1429-6055. [Międzynarodowe Sympozjum - Metody oceny struktury oraz własnosci materiałow i wyroboów /16./. Komorní Lhotka, 11.12.2001-13.12.2001] Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z2041904 Keywords : algorithm Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics

  1. Predikční systém ELVÍRA pro predikci spotřeby zemního plynu

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Pelikán, Emil; Eben, Kryštof; Šimůnek, Milan; Kolman, M.; Hais, J.


    Roč. 80, č. 11 (2000), s. 253-255 ISSN 0032-1761 Institutional research plan: AV0Z1030915 Keywords : predikční modely * systémy pro podporu rozhodování * regresní metody * umělé neuronové sítě Subject RIV: BB - Applied Statistics, Operational Research

  2. Metoda nabycia a metoda łączenia udziałóww procesie łączenia jednostek gospodarczych– rozwiązania krajowe i międzynarodowe

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    Marzena Remlein


    Full Text Available Celem artykułu jest prezentacja metod i sposobów bilansowego rozliczania procesu łączenia się jednostek gospodarczych przewidzianych przepisami polskiego prawa bilansowego i rozwiązaniami MSSF, oraz ukazanie różnic między tymi regulacjami w zakresie rozliczania procesu połączeń. W poszczególnych częściach opracowania przedstawiono istotę i procedury postępowania zgodnie z polski prawem bilansowym w przypadku zastosowania metody nabycia i metody łączenia udziałów. Dokonano porównania obowiązujących metod oraz zaprezentowano istotne różnice między obowiązującymi w Polsce metodami. Zaprezentowano również rozwiązania przewidziane w MSSF 3. Omówiono etapy postępowania w metodzie nabycia oraz zwrócono uwagę na rozbieżności między rozwiązaniami krajowymi a Międzynarodowymi Standardami Sprawozdawczości Finansowej.

  3. Orientamenti emergenti nella ricerca educativa: i metodi misti

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    Patrizia Picci


    Full Text Available In the debate about the quantitative and qualitative methodologies, that marked for many years the research, nowadays there is a new orientation, amenable to the formula of “mixed methods”. It’s not clear if the expression is only an label that masks a generic eclecticism of if it’s a epistemologically founded way to overcome the traditional dichotomy. The actual debate is an occasion to increase awareness and transparency about the researcher’s methodological choice. This text present a brief panoramic of diffusion of mixed methods in the international scenery, hinting some attempts of systematisation of the different and complex types of inquiry.

  4. Metody zápisu nanostruktur rastrovací sondou

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Urbánek, Michal; Krátký, Stanislav; Matějka, Milan; Kolařík, Vladimír; Horáček, Miroslav


    Roč. 108, č. 10 (2014), s. 937-941 ISSN 0009-2770 R&D Projects: GA MŠk(CZ) LO1212 Keywords : scanning probe lithography * local anodic oxidation * nanoscratching * atomic force microscopy Subject RIV: JA - Electronics ; Optoelectronics, Electrical Engineering Impact factor: 0.272, year: 2014

  5. Regresní metody ve statistickém softwaru


    Volchenkova, Irina


    b;g;igpiipu.txt[24.05.2013 12:17:27] Title: Regression methods in statistical software Author: Irina Volchenkova Department: Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics Supervisor: Mgr. David Legát, Ph.D., Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics Abstract: Regression analysis is a useful instrument for data mining. This thesis contains detailed information about linear regression especially about the mean least squares method. The theoretical part is divided into two pa...

  6. La struttura degli algoritmi

    CERN Document Server

    Luccio, Fabrizio


    Protagonista di questo libro è l'algoritmo, cioè la successione dei passi in cui consiste la risoluzione di un problema. Si cercano le direttrici principali che guidano la fase dell'organizzazione e del progetto di un algoritmo, i metodi per valutarne l'efficienza, i criteri di scelta di un algoritmo fra i tanti che risolvono lo stesso problema.


    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Petrenec, Martin; Man, Jiří; Obrtlík, Karel; Polák, Jaroslav

    308/2005, č. 86 (2005), s. 269-274 ISSN 1429-6055. [Metody oceny struktury oraz wlasności materialów i wyrobów. Ustroń-Jaszowiec, 07.12.2005-09.12.2005] Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20410507 Keywords : low cycle fatigue * superalloy * cyclic strain localization Subject RIV: JL - Materials Fatigue, Friction Mechanics

  8. Robustní mnohorozměrná statistika v genetických aplikacích

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kalina, Jan


    Roč. 22, č. 1 (2011), s. 13-19 ISSN 1210-8022 R&D Projects: GA MŠk(CZ) 1M06014 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10300504 Keywords : robustní metody * vícerozměrná statistika * genetický výzkum * metoda MWCD * sekvence Subject RIV: BB - Applied Statistics , Operational Research

  9. New Instruments and Principles for the Dimensional Measurement and Measurement of Spacing of Reactor Components; Nouveaux Instruments et Procedes de Mesure des Dimensions et de l'Espacement des Elements d'un Reacteur; Novye pribory i printsipy izmereniya razmerov i raspolozheniya komponentov reaktora; Nuevos Instrumentos y Principios para Medir las Dimensiones y la Separacion Entre Componentes de Reactor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mueller, P. [Institut Dr. Foerster, Reutlingen, Federal Republic of Germany (Germany)


    vihrevyh tokov dlja izmerenija tolshhiny listov i kontejnerov iz cvetnyh i austenitnyh metallov s pomoshh'ju perehodnyh katushek; b) metod vihrevyh tokov dlja izmerenija tolshhiny stenok trub s pomoshh'ju prohodnyh katushek. Opisyvajutsja prigodnye dlja jetogo pribory i ih primenenie. Izmerenie tolshhiny stenok uzlov reaktora iz cvetnyh metallov po 'metodu magnitnogo sharai . Ob'jasnjaetsja princip jetogo novogo vida izmerenij, oblast' ego primenenija (osobenno dlja tochechnyh izmerenij) i opisyvaetsja primenjaemyj na praktike pribor. Izmerenie materialov nemagnitnyh pokrytij na magnitnoj osnove. Ob'jasnjajutsja principy izmerenij (metody magnitnogo polja postojannogo toka i peremennogo toka) i opisyvajutsja pribory dlja izmerenija nemagnitnyh pokrytij tolshhinoj ot 3 mikron do 20 mm. Osobo rassmatrivaetsja problema otlozhenija stellita na ferritnyh stenkah korpusov reaktorov. Izmerenie pokrytij, neprovodjashhih jelektrichestvo,-na materialah iz cvetnyh metallov. Ob'jasnjaetsja princip takogo izmerenija (vihrevye toki). Opisyvaetsja pribor dlja .takih izmerenij i tipichnye primery izmerenij. Privodjatsja beskontaktnye tehnologicheskie izmerenija fizicheskih razmerov metallicheskih komponentov reaktora. Ob{sup j}asnjajutsja razlichnye metody izmerenija chernyh i cvetnyh metallov (metod magnitnogo polja postojannogo toka i peremennogo toka, metody vihrevyh tokov). Opisyvajutsja pribory i primery distancionnogo izmerenija diametra oval'nosti, iskazhenija i t.d. komponentov reaktora. Opisyvajutsja metody opredelenija raspolozhenija takih komponentov v 'gorjachej' zone reaktora. ' Opisyvaetsja pribor dlja registracii profilja poverhnosti i neposredstvennogo opredelenija haraktera nerovnosti (''Rauhtiefe'', ''Glaettungstiefe'', GLA value i RMS value). Rassmatrivajutsja tipichnye primery ispol'zovanija jetogo pribora opredelenija nerovnostej komponentov reaktora. Osoboe vnimanie udeljaetsja vozmozhnosti ispol'zovanija nebol'shogo universal'nogo datchika v ''gorjachih'' zonah i

  10. Classification methods of sonar signal. Part One: State of the art; Metodi di classificazione dei segnali Sonar. Parte prima: stato dell'arte

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Colao, F [Dipartimento Tecnologie Fisiche e Nuovi Materiali, ENEA, Centro Ricerche Frascati, Roma (Italy); Dell' Erba, R [Dipartimento Tecnologie Fisiche e Nuovi Materiali, ENEA, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Roma (Italy)


    tipiche date dalla telecamera che e a nostra disposizione. Centrale in questo lavoro e il tema del riuso di tecnologie robuste di analisi dati da settori di ricerca quali il telerilevamento o l'imaging ottico (metodi PCA, SAM, SCM, ecc). In questo caso, assumendo che le specificita del mezzo trasmissivo e dell'interazione abbiano leggi di scala formalmente simili sia nel caso acustico che in quello ottico, si trasferiscono all'ambito acustico i paradigmi e gli algoritmi originalmente sviluppati in ambiti diversi per range e per interazione quali ad esempio lo spettro di frequenza di dati ottici.

  11. Estimation of the Cost of Equity for Mining Companies Using the P-Lefac Method (United States)

    Ranosz, Robert


    This article describes one of the methods of estimating the cost of equity, namely the LEFAC method. The name of the method is an acronym of the names of individual financial categories: L - Liquidity, E - Earnings, F - Franchise, A - Assets, C - Capital. It is a scoring method similar to the way used by ING Financial Markets to estimate share prices. A review of literature shows that this method is not widely known and used by enterprises, but it has certain advantages which justify its use. Its main advantages include its easy use and the stability of the results obtained: the calculated cost of equity is never lower than the adopted risk-free rate. The method is particularly useful for companies (enterprises) not listed on stock exchanges. This article is divided into five parts: an introduction, the LEFAC method, the parameterization of the LEFAC method (P-LEFAC), an example calculation and a summary. The second part of this article characterises the LEFAC method. In the third part, the method is parameterized to obtain a function described by formula 22. The following section contains an example calculation for KGHM S.A. and also presents results which mining companies would achieve if they used the discussed method to calculate the cost of their equity. The calculations were performed for mining companies listed on the Warsaw Stocks Exchange and unlisted ones. This part of the article also contains a short comparison of results obtained using the CAPM method and the discussed model. The last section consists of a summary presenting final conclusions. The article ends in a list of the literature referred to. Niniejszy artykuł został poświęcony jednej z metod szacowania kosztu kapitału własnego, a mianowicie metodzie LEFAC. Nazwa metody pochodzi od pierwszych liter wyrazów z języka angielskiego, które określają poszczególne kategorie finansowe: L - Liquidity (płynność), E - Earnings (zyski), F - Franchise (strategia), A - Assets (aktywa), C

  12. Evolution of Opf techniques; Evoluzione delle procedure di Opf

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Berizzi, A. [Sistemi Elettrici per l' Energia, Milan (Italy); Bovo, C.; Delfanti, M. [Milan Politecnico, Milan (Italy). Dipt. di Elettrotecnica


    The paper analyses some possible applications of Opf techniques to the new market scenario of electric systems. New control tools (the adoption of Facts devices, or the use of correct economical signals related to nodal prices) are introduced. As the technical and economic requirements of the market could give rise to mutual conflict, the use of Multi objective Optimisation (MO) is envisaged. MO allows the management of different objectives and makes it easier to take a decision, as it gives indications on the consequences of the choice with respect to all the objective functions considered. [Italian] A partire dai criteri di ottimizzazione applicati alla pianificazione e all'esercizio dei sistemi elettrici gestiti in maniera tradizionale, l'articolo illustra alcune proposte di Optimal Power Flow (Opf) per il nuovo regime di mercato. Sono presentate due possibili evoluzioni dei metodi tradizionali di Opf, che considerano la presenza di carichi elastici o di dispositivi per la gestione flessibile della rete di trasmissione (Facts). Si riportano anche alcuni risultati ottenuti applicando al problema di Opf metodi di multiobiettivo, utili per contemperare le necessita' dei diversi attori del mercato.

  13. Dwucyfrowe kodowanie zadań z matematyki

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    Agnieszka Sułowska


    Full Text Available Różne stosowane na świecie sposoby oceniania zadań na egzaminach końcowych dają informacje o osiągnięciach uczniów, pozwalają porównywać wyniki szkół, nie pozwalają jednak na formułowanie wniosków o koniecznych modyfikacjach metod nauczania. Istnieją jednak metody oceniania zadań, które pozwalają nie tylko opisać osiągnięcia i niepowodzenia uczniów, ale także umożliwiają ocenę przyczyn tych niepowodzeń. Jedną z takich metod oceniania zadań otwartych rozbudowanej odpowiedzi jest kodowanie dwucyfrowe (double-digit coding. Stosowana jest ona w niektórych międzynarodowych badaniach edukacyjnych. W artykule przedstawiamy pierwsze Polskie doświadczenia związane z zastosowaniem tej metody: zadanie z matematyki oraz klucz kodowy, na podstawie którego odbywało się jego ocenianie. Przedstawiamy również doświadczenia zdobyte podczas przygotowywania klucza kodowego i podczas jego zastosowania w procesie oceniania oraz płynące stąd wnioski.

  14. La trasmissione di audio-video in diretta su larga scala: una breve rassegna

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    Franco Tommasi


    Full Text Available ItIn quanti modi è possibile trasmettere audio e video in diretta a un gran numero di destinatari? Se da una parte il grosso pubblico può ritenere banale il problema, uno sguardo più attento rivela senza difficoltà che è vero l'esatto opposto. L'articolo passa in rassegna i principali metodi attualmente usati ed evidenzia i problemi che essi comportano. Infine viene brevemente presentata una proposta sviluppata nel laboratorio dell'autore che cerca di sfruttare Internet ed il satellite per aggirare le difficoltà dei metodi passati in rassegna.EnHow many ways to transmit live audio and video to a very large audience are available?While the layman may consider such problem a trivial one, the exact opposite is true. A short review of the answers to the question is given in the following, together with a brief description of the drawbacks associated with each of them. The article ends with a short presentation of a proposal developed in the author's lab which puts to work the Internet and the satellite to get around the difficulties of the reviewed methods.

  15. A Concept of a Ship Domain for the Use of Navigational Safety Assessment / Analiza Bezpieczeństwa Morskiego z Wykorzystaniem Domeny Wokół Statku

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    Marcjan Krzysztof


    Full Text Available Jedną z ważniejszych koncepcji dotyczącej bezpieczeństwa nawigacji jest domena statku. Koncepcja morskiej domeny jest jedną z najstarszych domen, albowiem poprzedziła domeny stosowane w lotnictwie, branży kolejowej, przemyśle chemicznym oraz medycznym. Poprzez pojęcie domeny statku należy rozumieć pewien obszar wokół statku, który nawigator chciałby utrzymać wolnym od innych obiektów stałych i ruchomych. Sytuację nawigacyjną można uznać za bezpieczną tak długo, jak żaden inny statek lub przeszkoda nawigacyjna nie przekroczy tego obszaru. W celu budowy i rozwinięcia metody oceny bezpieczeństwa nawigacyjnego wyznaczono probabilistyczne domeny statku na podstawie danych z monitoringu AIS dla trzech typów sytuacji spotkaniowych między statkami. Celem pracy jest zaprezentowanie metody identyfikacji incydentów nawigacyjnych na podstawie domeny probabilistycznej, która może posłużyć do oceny bezpieczeństwa nawigacyjnego oraz odnajdywania miejsc potencjalnie niebezpiecznych na wybranych obszarach Morza Bałtyckiego.

  16. La ristorazione nelle case di cura convenzionate di una ASL romana. Verifica dell'adeguatezza nutrizionale


    Cairella, G.; Marchetti, A.; Rebella, V.; Sonni, L.; Ciaralli, F.


    Obiettivi: valutazione dell’adeguatezza nutrizionale dei menù di case di cura convenzionate e formulazione di raccomandazioni finalizzate al raggiungimento della sicurezza nutrizionale dell’utente ricoverato.

    Metodi: alle Direzioni Sanitarie delle case di cura convenzionate sono stati richiesti i menu invernali ed estivi del vitto comune e speciale. La valutazione giornaliera media dell’energia totale, l’appo...

  17. Prospettive educative per generare e ri-generare le rappresentazioni di genere. Riflessioni da una ricerca.

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    Stefano Benini


    Full Text Available Lo scritto segue gli esiti di una ricerca qualitativa “rappresentazione di genere” su  172 adolescenti di Bologna e Rimini.  I dati raccolti sono letti da un punto di vista pedagogico al fine di delineare tracce e metodi per facilitare le ragazze e i ragazzi alla scoperta di sé e a progettarsi nel proprio essere e divenire femmine e maschi.

  18. p-Learning’s unwelcome legacy

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    Jon Dron


    dell’e-learning verso un apprendimento intenzionalmente informale, sebbene metodi, retaggio dei confini fisici, in realtà poco adeguati ai media utilizzati, prevalgono ancora nell’e-learning istituzionale. Questo articolo vuole essere un’esplorazione sulle implicazioni insite nella rimozione di tali confini fisici dalle pedagogie online, molte delle quali sfidano le fondamenta e i presupposti educativi a cui siamo in genere più affezionati.

  19. Neutron activation analysis of ancient silver coins; Analyse d'anciennes pieces d'argent par activation neutronique; Nejtronozyj aktivatsionnyj analiz starinnykh serebryanykh monet; Analisis de antiguas monedas de plata por activacion neutronica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aitken, Martin J; Emeleus, Vera M; Hall, Edward T [Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art, University of Oxford (United Kingdom); Kraay, Colin M [Heberden Coin Room, Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford (United Kingdom)


    ehry bylo opredeleno pri pomoshchi gamma-spektrometra posle nejtronnoj aktivatsii monet. Byli izucheny monety vos'mi gorodov i korolevstv. V razlichnykh gruppakh monet v srednem soderzhalos' zolota ot 0,02 % do 0,3 % i medi 0,1 % do 10 %. Byli polucheny dokazatel'stva torgovykh svyazej, prednamerennogo obestsenivaniya monet, a takzhe bylo obnaruzheno neskol'ko poserebrennykh monet, o chem ranee ne podozrevali. Soderzhanie zolota v monetakh opredelyalos' posredstvom izmereniya intensivnosti gamma-luchej (0,411 mehv) ot zolota-198 (2,96 dnej), soderzhanie medi - s pomoshch'yu izmereniya izlucheniya pozitronnoj annigilyatsii (0,511 mehv) ot medi-64 (12,8 chasov), a soderzhanie serebra - posredstvom izmereniya intensivnosti gamma-luchej (0,884 mehv) ot serebra- 110t (253 dnya). Dlya proverki identichnosti provodilis' izmereniya radioaktivnogo raspada. Metod ispol'zovaniya krivykh obshchego gamma-aktivnogo raspada sam po sebe yavlyaetsya nedostatochno chuvstvitel'nym. Dlya bolee tochnoj raboty podcherkivaetsya vazhnost' primeneniya priblizitel'no tochnykh standartov. (author)

  20. Batteryless {gamma}-Ray Dosimeter; Dosimetre de rayons {gamma}, sans batteries; {gamma}-dozimetr bez batarei; Dosimetro a rayos {gamma} sin bateria

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gross, Bernhard [National Institute of Technology, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)


    The Compton current produced by X-rays and {gamma}-rays in the 0.3 to 3 MeV range is proportional to the radiant energy flux. Therefore the intensity of the current can be used as a measure of radiation dose. The present paper describes a radiation receiver and electrical measuring system suitable for Compton current measurements and results obtained with this device under irradiation from a 2000 curie Co{sup 60} source. (author) [French] Le courant de Compton produit par des rayons X et {gamma} dans le domaine d'energies compris entre 0,3 et 3 MeV est proportionnel au flux d'energie rayonnante. C'est pourquoi l'intensite du courant peut servir de mesure de la dose de rayonnements. Le memoire decrit un ensemble, appareil recepteur de rayonnements et appareil de mesure electrique, permettant de mesurer le courant de Compton et il expose les resultats obtenus, au moyen de ce dispositif, sous irradiation par une source de Co{sup 60} de 2000 curies. (author) [Spanish] La corriente de Compton producida por rayos X y rayos {gamma} de energia comprendida entre 0,3 y 3 MeV es proporcional al flujo de energia radiante. Por consiguiente, la intensidad de la corriente puede servir para medir la dosis de radiacion. En este trabajo se describen un receptor de radiaciones y un sistema de medicion electrica apropiados para determinar la intensidad de la corriente de Compton, asi como los resultados obtenidos mediante este dis- positivo cuando se irradia con una fuente de Co{sup 60} de 2000 curies. (author) [Russian] Komptonovskij potok, obrazuemyj rentgenovskim i luchami i {gamma}-luchami v predelakh ot 0,3 do 3 mehv, proportsionale n potoku luchistoj ehnergii. Poehtomu intensivnost' potoka mozhet byt' ispol'zovana dlya izmereniya dozy radiatsii. V nastoyashchem dokumente opisyvayutsya radiatsionny j priemnik i ehlektricheskaya izmeritel'naya sistema, prigodnye dlya izmerenij s pomoshch'yu komptonovskog o potoka, i rezul'taty, poluchennye s pomoshch'yu ehtogo ustrojstva v khode

  1. Optimalizace HPLC metody pro separaci tetracyklinových antibiotik


    Kučerová, Gabriela


    The aim of this work is to develop and to optimize HPLC method for separation of a set of four tetracycline antibiotics - tetracycline, chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline, and doxycycline. Four different reversed octadecyl-silica stationary phases in various mobile phase compositions were examined in isocratic elution. The baseline resolution of all the analytes was obtained by using two columns - Astec C18 and Atlantis C18 I. The optimized separation system consisted of Atlantis C18 I. colum...

  2. Nové marketingové metody v knihovnách


    Steklá, Zuzana


    In last few years marketing become one of the key processes in libraries. Marketing is used as an efficient tool of competitive struggle and means for defining the identity of the library, it is also new way of communication with library users. Libraries could use tools of classic marketing, which are primarly intended for profit organizations, but they have to be aware of differences between profit and nonprofite sector. These differences are goals of the organization, its directions and man...

  3. Kometový Test: Princip metody a klinické aplikace

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Novotná, Božena; Neuwirtová, R.; Blažková, V.; Šišková, M.


    Roč. 140, č. 24 (2001), s. 761-766 ISSN 0008-7335 R&D Projects: GA MZd IZ4119 Grant - others:GA VZP(XC) 021/97 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z5039906 Keywords : comet assay * apoptosis Subject RIV: FE - Other Internal Medicine Disciplines

  4. Basic methods of isotope analysis; Osnovnye metody analiza izotopov

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ochkin, A V; Rozenkevich, M B


    The bases of the most applied methods of the isotope analysis are briefly presented. The possibilities and analytical characteristics of the mass-spectrometric, spectral, radiochemical and special methods of the isotope analysis, including application of the magnetic resonance, chromatography and refractometry, are considered.

  5. Vliv povrchové vrstvy Al-Si na nízkocyklovou únavu superslitiny in 713LC pri teplotě 800°C

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Juliš, M.; Obrtlík, Karel; Podrábský, T.


    Roč. 327, - (2008), s. 197-202 ISSN 1429-6055. [Metody oceny struktury oraz wlasności materiálow i wyrobow. Svratka, 01.10.2008-03.10.2008] R&D Projects: GA AV ČR 1QS200410502; GA ČR GA106/07/1507 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20410507 Keywords : low cycle fatigue * Inconel 713LC * surface treatment Subject RIV: JL - Materials Fatigue, Friction Mechanics

  6. Indagini su conoscenze e comportamenti dei medici in tema di prevenzione delle neoplasie del cavo orale: primi risultati


    G. Nicotera; A. Di Stasio; F. Angelillo


    Obiettivi: l’indagine si propone di valutare il livello di conoscenze ed i comportamenti dei medici italiani in merito alla prevenzione delle neoplasie del cavo orale.

    Metodi: lo studio è stato effettuato mediante l’invio postale ad un campione casuale di 500 di medici di medicina generale della regione Calabria di un questionario con 38 domande strutturate in 3 sezioni: caratteristiche anagrafiche e lavorati...

  7. Educazione all'igiene orale ed eradicazione della carie dentale nellíinfanzia. Risultati finali di uno studio in un campione di popolazione infantile di Ferrara


    M. Bergamini; P. Simioli; A. Stefanati; A. Grilli; P. Gregorio


    Introduzione: poichè nel 1985 l’O.M.S. collocò l’eradicazione della carie infantile fra gli obiettivi epidemiologici da raggiungere nella regione europea entro l’anno 2000, è stato effettuato uno screening microbiologico finalizzato all’isolamento di germi cariogeni nel cavo orale dei bambini.

    Materiali e metodi: secondo le procedure correnti, sono stati eseguiti tamponi gengivo-coronali in 476 bambini delle ...

  8. Taoistický pohled na trénování ve fotbalu a triatlonu


    Skála, Tomáš


    Nazev: Taoisticky pohled na trenovani ve fotbalu a triatlonu Cile prace: Objasnit pojmy taoismus a Tao, pomoci jejich charakteristiky osvetlit taoisticke vnimani sebe sama, okolniho sveta a pohybove aktivity, s naslednou aplikaci na konkretni sporty fotbal a triatlon. Metody: Deskripce, analyza, spekulace Klicova slova: Taoismus, Tao, Cchi, Jin a Jang, Wu-Wej, fotbal, triatlon, zacatecnicka mysl SUMMARY Title: The taoistic view in the football and triatlon training Objective: To explain terms...

  9. Transportation Energy - Sandia Energy (United States)

    Energy Energy Secure & Sustainable Energy Future Search Icon Sandia Home Locations Contact Us Employee Locator Menu Stationary Power solar Energy Conversion Efficiency Increasing the amount of electricity produced from a given thermal energy input. Solar Energy Wind Energy Water Power Supercritical CO2

  10. Energy Research - Sandia Energy (United States)

    Energy Energy Secure & Sustainable Energy Future Search Icon Sandia Home Locations Contact Us Employee Locator Menu Stationary Power solar Energy Conversion Efficiency Increasing the amount of electricity produced from a given thermal energy input. Solar Energy Wind Energy Water Power Supercritical CO2

  11. Inventory Methods in a Conversion Plant; Methodes d'Inventaire dans un Etablissement de Transformation; Metody inventarizatsij na predpriyatii po pererabotke yadernykh materialov; Metodos de Inventario en una Planta de Transformacion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Billy, G. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Paris (France)


    inventarios es la de salvaguardar los intereses de la Comision, evaluar la cuantia de las perdidas y controlar las medidas adoptadas para el almacenaje de los desechos. Para el recuento de las existencias el inspector puede efectuar materialmente el inventario, participar en el o comprobarlo. Este ultimo procedimiento es el que da mejores resultados. Las operaciones de recuento, precedidas de una reunion preparatoria para fijar las modalidades, se efectuan en dos tiempos: la comprobacion del inventario ponderal y la comprobacion de la contabilidad fisica. Las cuestiones que pueden plantearse durante el inventario se refieren a las discrepancias en el peso y el contenido, la eleccion del equipo de pesada, los residuos y la evaluacion de las perdidas. Los metodos de inventario no deben diferir de un pais a otro. Parece preferible subrayar las dificultades que se presentan durante las operaciones y estudiar en comun los medios para evitarlas. (author) [Russian] Osnovnymi zadachami inventarizacii javljajutsja: sobljudenie interesov Komissariata; opredelenie razmerov poter'; kontrol' mer, prinimaemyh dlja hranenija othodov. Inspektirujushhee lico mozhet provodit' fakticheskuju inventarizaciju, uchastvovat' v nej ili proverjat' ee. Jetot poslednij metod daet nailuchshie rezul'taty. Operacii po uchetu, kotorym predshestvuet podgotovitel'noe soveshhanie dlja opredelenija sposobov ucheta, provodjatsjav dva jetapa: snachala proverjaetsja nalichie po vesu, azatemdoku mentacija. Voprosy, voznikajushhie v svjazi s inventarizaciej i kasajushhiesja vesa, soderzhanija poko- vok, vybora vesov dlja vzveshivanija, normy othodov i ocenki poter', razreshajutsja otpravite- lem i poluchatelem. Metody inventarizacii v odnom gosudarstve ne dolzhny sil'no otlichat'sja ot takovyh v drugom gosudarstve. Neobhodimo podcherknut' trudnosti, voznikajushhie v processe inven- tarizacii, i zhelatel'nost' otyskanija sovmestnyh putej ih preodolenija. (author)

  12. Energy: nuclear energy; Energies: l'energie nucleaire

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lung, M. [Societe Generale pour les Techniques Nouvelles (SGN), 78 - Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (France)


    Convinced that the nuclear energy will be the cleaner, safer, more economical and more respectful of the environment energy of the future, the author preconizes to study the way it can be implemented, to continue to improve its production, to understand its virtues and to better inform the public. He develops this opinion in the presentation of the principal characteristics of the nuclear energy: technology, radioactive wastes, radiation protection, the plutonium, the nuclear accidents, the proliferation risks, the economics and nuclear energy and competitiveness, development and sustainability. (A.L.B.)

  13. New energy technologies 4. Energy management and energy efficiency

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sabonnadiere, J.C.; Caire, R.; Raison, B.; Quenard, D.; Verneau, G.; Zissis, G.


    This forth tome of the new energy technologies handbook is devoted to energy management and to the improvement of energy efficiency. The energy management by decentralized generation insertion and network-driven load control, analyzes the insertion and management means of small power generation in distribution networks and the means for load management by the network with the aim of saving energy and limiting peak loads. The second part, devoted to energy efficiency presents in a detailed way the technologies allowing an optimal management of energy in buildings and leading to the implementation of positive energy buildings. A special chapter treats of energy saving using new lighting technologies in the private and public sectors. Content: 1 - decentralized power generation - impacts and solutions: threat or opportunity; deregulation; emerging generation means; impact of decentralized generation on power networks; elements of solution; 2 - mastery of energy demand - loads control by the network: stakes of loads control; choice of loads to be controlled; communication needs; measurements and controls for loads control; model and algorithm needs for loads control. A better energy efficiency: 3 - towards positive energy buildings: key data for Europe; how to convert fossil energy consuming buildings into low-energy consuming and even energy generating buildings; the Minergie brand; the PassivHaus or 'passive house' label; the zero-energy house/zero-energy home (ZEH); the zero-energy building (ZEB); the positive energy house; comparison between the three Minergie/PassivHaus/ZEH types of houses; beyond the positive energy building; 4 - light sources and lighting systems - from technology to energy saving: lighting yesterday and today; light sources and energy conversion; energy saving in the domain of lighting: study of some type-cases; what future for light sources. (J.S.)

  14. Plant Measurement, Sampling and Analysis for Accountancy Purposes with Particular Reference to Separation Plants at Windscale; Mesures, Echantillonnages et Analyses en Usine a des Fins Comptables, Notamment dans les Installations de Separation de Windscale; Izmereniya, vzyatie obraztsov i analizy v tselyakh ucheta na opyte ustanovki razdeleniya radioizotopov v uindskejle; Medicion, Muestreo y Analisis para Fines Contables, Especialmente en las Plantas de Separacion de Windscale

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Davidson, A. S.; Elliott, F.; Powell, R.; Swinburn, K. A. [United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Windscale and Calder Works, Cumberland (United Kingdom)


    ). La precision requerida del metodo de analisis quimico depende del numero de determinaciones que se efectuen en cada periodo contable. Asi, para un metodo minucioso pero impreciso es necesario proceder a un gran numero de analisis. Puede resultar mas economico efectuar menos determinaciones con un metodo mas preciso. En la memoria se exponen detalladamente los metodos para la determinacion del plutonio: a) radioquimicos, b) colorimetricos, con toronol, c) separacion del plutonio, formacion del complejo con exceso de EDTA y retrovaloracion del reactivo, d) volumetria, e) dilucion isotopica seguida de espectrometria de masas, y f) espectrometria diferencial. Tambien se resenan los metodos de determinacion del uranio: a) gravimetria en forma de U{sub 3}O{sub 8}, b) extraccion con eter seguida de gravimetria o calorimetria, c) volumetria, d) dilucion isotopica seguida de espectrometria de masas y e) determinacion del enriquecimiento por espectrometria de masas o por espectrografia del desplazamiento de las lineas de un espectro de emision. En todos los procedimientos contables se emplean patrones para controlar los analisis y descubrir las inexactidudes que deben corregirse. En la memoria se dan precisiones sobre todos los metodos y se indica cuales de ellos se emplean en la nueva planta de separacion. (author) [Russian] Vse cifry dlja podscheta kolichestva special'nyh materialov vkljuchajut odin ili bolee iz treh osnovnyh parametrov, a imenno: izmerenija na ustanovke, vzjatie obrazcov i vzjatie analizov. Chto kasaetsja izmerenij, provodimyh na ustanovke, to luchshe vsego ispol'zovat' vzveshivanie tam, gde jeto vozmozhno, naprimer, kolichestvo plutonija pri zagruzke v novuju ustanovku razdelenija izotopov opredeljaetsja na osnove vesa zagruzhennyh uranovyh sterzhnej. Podrobno obsuzhdajutsja metody izmerenija velichin, naprimer a) pnevmaticheskogo merkatora i b) indikatornogo metoda s ispol'zovaniem radioaktivnogo cezija. Privodjatsja proverennye vykladki kazhdogo metoda

  15. Energies; Energies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cotard, E.


    A review is made about the consequences of the European directive on energy that entered into application in august 2000. It appears that most countries are opening their electricity and gas markets at a faster pace than required by the E.U. directive. European gas imports reached 480 Gm{sup 3} in 2000 and are expected to be over 700 Gm{sup 3} in 2015, so the question of the reliability of the gas suppliers has to be answered at the European level. The current time is marked by an increase of the complexity of the energy market that is due to different factors: 1) the delay in the implementation of European energy directives in France, 2) new arrangement is occurring in United-Kingdom in the energy sector, 3) the lack of a regulating authority in Germany, and 4) the difficulty of inter-connecting the different European energy networks. This transitory period may generate some economic imbalances and competition disturbances by allowing some enterprises to benefit from lower energy prices before others. (A.C.)

  16. Predikce rozložení uhlíku ve svarových spojích ocelí

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Řeháčková, L.; Dobrovská, J.; Dobrovská, V.; Pilous, V.; Million, Bořivoj; Stránský, K.


    Roč. 86, č. 308 (2005), s. 175-180 ISSN 1429-6055. [20. mezinárodní sympozium Metody hodnocení stuktury a vlastností materiálů. 051207-051209, Ustroň-Jaszowiec] R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/04/1006; GA ČR(CZ) GA106/04/0949; GA ČR(CZ) GA106/03/0271 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20410507 Keywords : carbon diffusion * steel weldments

  17. Analisi matematica del problema dello spazio

    CERN Document Server

    Weyl, Hermann


    Al fine di rendere concettualmente evidente il privilegio posseduto dalla metrica pitagorico-riemanniana, e dalle varie metriche riemanniane "indefinite", rispetto alle altre metriche possibili, nel 1921 Weyl, stimolato dagli sviluppi della relatività einsteiniana (sulla quale aveva scritto il mirabile "Raum-Zeit-Materie"), intraprese un profondo studio del problema giovandosi dei metodi della teoria dei gruppi di Lie, studio che egli portò a conclusione con la monografia del 1923 intitolata "Mathematische Analyse des Raumproblems".

  18. Ricerca clinico-epidemiologica sullo stato di salute del cavo orale nei pazienti tossicodipendenti


    Bromo, Francesco


    Obiettivo: Lo scopo della ricerca è stato quello di mettere in evidenza la presenza di patologie del cavo orale in soggetti tossicodipendenti Materiali e Metodi: Sono stati reclutati 71 pazienti in terapia di recupero presso la Comunità Incontro di Amelia. I soggetti sono stati sottoposti a visite clinico-anamnestiche adottando una cartella clinica da noi stessi costruita. Risultati: Dei 71 soggetti tossicodipendenti, 42 facevano uso di eroina e 39 assumevano droghe per v...

  19. Příběhy rekonstrukčních řezů historickým nadložím Pražského hradu

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Boháčová, Ivana


    Roč. 10, č. 2 (2017), s. 108-124 ISSN 1803-1749. [Archeologie ve městě. Strategie, metodika, metody výzkumu, prezentace a ochrany archeologických památek. Mělník, 01.06.2016-03.06.2016] R&D Projects: GA MK(CZ) DF13P01OVV014 Keywords : archaeology * methodology * central site * Early Middle Ages Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology OBOR OECD: Archaeology



    Žižek, Marko


    Diplomska naloga pokriva problematiko geodetskih kontrolnih meritev (monitoringa) med gradnjo. Glavni cilj diplomske naloge je prikazati metode monitoringa in različne metode geodetskega merjenja. Podrobno sta opisani merski metodi niveliranja in tahimetrije, kot tudi instrumenti, ki jih uporabljamo. Predstavljena je metoda niveliranja na konkretnem primeru in sicer gra za objekt garažne hiše v centru mesta Maribor. V nalogi je tudi predstavljen terminski plan samih meritev. Plan je prikazan ...

  1. Funzionalizzazione della mandibola dopo ricostruzione con lembo libero rivascolarizzato di fibula "single strut". Al di là del deficit di verticalità.


    Gessaroli, Manlio


    Obiettivi: Valutare la modalità  più efficace per la riabilitazione funzionale del limbo libero di fibula "single strut", dopo ampie resezioni per patologia neoplastica maligna del cavo orale. Metodi: Da una casistica di 62 ricostruzioni microvascolari con limbo libero di fibula, 11 casi sono stati selezionati per essere riabilitati mediante protesi dentale a supporto implantare. 6 casi sono stati trattati senza ulteriori procedure chirurgiche ad eccezione dell'implantologia (gruppo 1), a...

  2. Espressione genica e proteica dell’albumina negli adipociti umani maturi. Relazione tra albuminemia e tessuto adiposo nei pazienti in trattamento dialitico.


    Sirico, Maria Luisa


    Scopo: Lo scopo di questo lavoro era quello di indagare l’espressione genica dell’albumina negli adipociti umani maturi, la regolazione di tale espressione da parte dell’infiammazione e il contributo del tessuto adiposo ai livelli circolanti di albumina. Metodi: Campioni di tessuto adiposo sono stati prelevati da soggetti sani e infiammati. Sono state effettuate analisi di espressione genica (RT-PCR e Real-Time PCR) e proteica (Western Blot ) sugli adipociti e preadipociti estratti. Inoltr...

  3. Energies; Energies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In the framework of the National Debate on the energies in a context of a sustainable development some associations for the environment organized a debate on the nuclear interest facing the renewable energies. The first part presents the nuclear energy as a possible solution to fight against the greenhouse effect and the associated problem of the wastes management. The second part gives information on the solar energy and the possibilities of heat and electric power production. A presentation of the FEE (French wind power association) on the situation and the development of the wind power in France, is also provided. (A.L.B.)

  4. Energy sustainability through green energy

    CERN Document Server

    Sharma, Atul


    This book shares the latest developments and advances in materials and processes involved in the energy generation, transmission, distribution and storage. Chapters are written by researchers in the energy and materials field. Topics include, but are not limited to, energy from biomass, bio-gas and bio-fuels; solar, wind, geothermal, hydro power, wave energy; energy-transmission, distribution and storage; energy-efficient lighting buildings; energy sustainability; hydrogen and fuel cells; energy policy for new and renewable energy technologies and education for sustainable energy development

  5. Weather-power station. Solar energy, wind energy, water energy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schatta, M


    A combined power station is described, which enables one to convert solar energy and wind energy into other forms of energy. The plant consists of a water-filled boiler, in which solar energy heats the water by concentration, solar cells, and finally wind rotors, which transform wind energy into electrical energy. The transformed energy is partly available as steam heat, partly as mechanical or electrical energy. The plant can be used for supplying heating systems or electrolysis equipment. Finally, by incorporating suitable motors, a mobile version of the system can be produced.

  6. Soft energy vs nuclear energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ando, Yoshio


    During the early 1960s, a plentiful, inexpensive supply of petroleum enabled Japanese industry to progress rapidly; however, almost all of this petroleum was imported. Even after the first oil crisis of 1973, the recent annual energy consumption of Japan is calculated to be about 360 million tons in terms of petroleum, and actual petroleum forms 73% of total energy. It is necessary for Japan to reduce reliance on petroleum and to diversify energy resources. The use of other fossil fuels, such as coal, LNG and LPG, and hydraulic energy, is considered as an established alternative. In this presentation, the author deals with new energy, namely soft energy and nuclear energy, and discusses their characteristics and problems. The following kinds of energy are dealt with: a) Solar energy, b) Geothermal energy, c) Ocean energy (tidal, thermal, wave), d) Wind energy, e) Biomass energy, f) Hydrogen, g) Nuclear (thermal, fast, fusion). To solve the energy problem in future, assiduous efforts should be made to develop new energy systems. Among them, the most promising alternative energy is nuclear energy, and various kinds of thermal reactor systems have been developed for practical application. As a solution to the long-term future energy problem, research on and development of fast breeder reactors and fusion reactors are going on. (author)

  7. Energy Fact Sheets - Sandia Energy (United States)

    Energy Energy Secure & Sustainable Energy Future Search Icon Sandia Home Locations Contact Us Employee Locator Menu Stationary Power solar Energy Conversion Efficiency Increasing the amount of electricity produced from a given thermal energy input. Solar Energy Wind Energy Water Power Supercritical CO2

  8. Energy efficiency through energy audit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Esan, A. A.


    Energy is an essential factor to economic and social development and improved standards of living in developing countries. Nigeria in particular. There is a strong need for greater energy efficiency in every sector of economy in order to reduce costs. enhance competitiveness, conserve energy resources and reduce environmental impacts associated with production, distribution and use of energy. Energy auditing and monitoring has a significant role in any energy management and conservation project. Energy auditing as an important part of industrial energy management on plant level, represents a complex of activities aiming at the efficient use of energy. The activities are undertaken by a team of experts who use a set of measuring instruments to monitor and evaluate all the necessary data to elaborate a package of recommendations on improvements in the field of energy efficiency and possible product quality. The inefficient conversion and use of energy have been identified as a central problem for all developing countries, Nigeria inclusive, since they all consume significantly higher amounts of energy per unit of GDP than OECD countries. This aggravates energy-related environmental problems and is also a burden on domestic resources and foreign exchange. Energy prices have risen drastically in many developing countries, while energy intensities remain high. Price changes alone are not rapidly translating energy efficiency improvements. Identifying and removing the obstacles to greater energy efficiency should be priority for government in developing countries. This is why the Energy Commission, an apex organ of government on Energy matters in all its ramifications is out to encourage relatively low-cost energy audits for the Textile industries - such audits can identify ''good house-keeping's' measures, such as simply process improvements, that reduce energy consumption and operating costs. This will be followed by the training of plant workers/energy managers

  9. Energy Mix between Renewable Energy and Nuclear Energy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yousry E. M. Abushady


    Full Text Available  Energy is the backbone of any development in any State. Renewable Energy (wind, solar and biomass appears currently as a major strategic energy source for a sustainable development particularly for developing or under developing societies. Use of renewable Energy will challenge major technological changes, by achieving energy production and saving. In particular by replacing fossil fuel, a significant cut of environmental impact and green house gas emission (GHG could be achieved. In addition Renewable Energy could offer a sustainable development for different societies particularly those in rural area (e.g. desert or isolated islands. The significant technical renewable energy tool developments in developed States could be much easier to be transferred to or copied in developing States .

  10. Energy consumption and energy prices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bentzen, J.


    Data are presented on energy consumption and energy prices related to a number of OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) lands covering the period 1951-1990. The information sources are described and the development of energy consumption and prices in Denmark are illustrated in relation to these other countries. The energy intensity (the relation between energy consumption and the gross national product) is dealt with. Here it is possible to follow development during the whole post-war period. It is generally understood that Denmark saved large amounts of energy after 1973-74 but, taken over the whole post-war period, savings and decline in energy-gross national product relations are less dramatic compared to conditions in other OECD countries. Energy coefficients or elasticities show the relative rise in consumption compared to the relative rise in gross national product (growth rate). This is shown to be typically unstable and an eventual connection with the amount of energy price increase and/or the growth rate of the national economy is considered. Results of Granger causuality tests on energy consumption, national income and energy prices are presented. Effective energy prices were very low in Denmark up to 1970 when they suddenly began to increase. Since the oil crisis Denmark's energy consumption has fallen whereas the other countries have used rather more energy than before. Effective promotion of energy savings must be seen in relation to the fact that the 1970 basis level of energy consumption and intensity was unusually high. The high effective energy prices have also encouraged energy savings in Denmark. (AB)

  11. Nuclear energy and renewable energies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The nuclear energy and the renewable energies namely: solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy and biomass are complementary. They are not polluting and they are expected to develop in the future to replace the fossil fuels

  12. Nuclear energy and energy security

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mamasakhlisi, J.


    Do Georgia needs nuclear energy? Nuclear energy is high technology and application of such technology needs definite level of industry, science and society development. Nuclear energy is not only source of electricity production - application of nuclear energy increases year-by-year for medical, science and industrial use. As an energy source Georgia has priority to extend hydro-power capacity by reasonable use of all available water resources. In parallel regime the application of energy efficiency and energy conservation measures should be considered but currently this is not prioritized by Government. Meanwhile this should be taken into consideration that attempts to reduce energy consumption by increasing energy efficiency would simply raise demand for energy in the economy as a whole. The Nuclear energy application needs routine calculation and investigation. For this reason Government Commission is already established. But it seems in advance that regional nuclear power plant for South-Caucasus region would be much more attractive for future

  13. Příklad predikce rozložení uhlíku ve svarových spojích ocelí

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Řeháčková, L.; Dobrovská, J.; Dobrovská, V.; Pilous, V.; Million, Bořivoj; Stránský, K.


    Roč. 86, č. 308 (2005), s. 181-186 ISSN 1429-6055. [20. mezinárodní sympozium Metody hodnocení stuktury a vlastností materiálů. 051207-051209, Ustroň-Jaszowiec] R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/04/1006; GA ČR(CZ) GA106/04/0949; GA ČR(CZ) GA106/03/0264 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20410507 Keywords : prediction * carbon redistribution * steel weldments Subject RIV: JG - Metallurgy

  14. Příspěvek k modelování teplotní závislosti difuzních koeficientů ve svarovém spoji ocelí

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Řeháčková, L.; Million, Bořivoj; Dobrovská, J.; Stránský, K.


    Roč. 78, č. 298 (2004), s. 119-124 ISSN 1429-6055. [Metody hodnocení struktury a vlastností materiálů /19./. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, 30.11.2004-02.12.2004] R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/04/0949; GA ČR(CZ) GA106/04/1006 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z2041904 Keywords : carbon diffusion coefficient * steel weldments Subject RIV: JG - Metallurgy

  15. E tu onore di pianti Aiace avrai. La scelta di Aiace: spunti per un confronto fra modelli psicoanalitici e neurocognitivi nell'analisi del testo e dei personaggi letterari

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Darwine Delvecchio


    Prendendo le mosse dalla questione del rapporto tra emozioni e letteratura, in questo articolo offriamo alcuni spunti per confrontare i metodi e alcuni strumenti per l'interpretazione delle opere letterarie elaborati dalla psicoanalisi e dalle scienze neurocognitive. Per chiarire le differenze e per giustificare l'inassimilabilità delle prospettive indagate, abbiamo scelto di proporre una lettura dell'Aiace di Sofocle, alla quale fanno da contrappunto le riflessioni dell'estetica conflittuale nicciana elaborate in particolare nel Crepuscolo degli Idoli.

  16. New Materials for Sample Treatment, MS-Based Methods and Clinical Applications


    Riboni, Nicolò


    Lo sviluppo e l’utilizzo di nuovi materiali per scopi analitici è un campo di grande interesse per la ricerca scientifica. I progressi ottenuti nell’ambito della chimica dei materiali hanno permesso lo sviluppo di nuovi metodi analitici e tecniche di estrazione caratterizzati da alte performance in termini di selettività e sensibilità. In particolare sono stati incrementati nuovi dispositivi in grado di operare in-situ e in tempo reale tramite controllo remoto, interfacciandosi con smartphone...

  17. Značilnosti pedagogov montessori v Sloveniji


    Uštević, Maja


    V diplomskem delu je predstavljena pedagogika montessori, s poudarkom na značilnostih pedagogov montessori in izobraževanjih montessori v Sloveniji. Predstavljen je razvoj pedagogike montessori in življenje Marie Montessori, povezano z vzgojo in izobraževanjem ter razvoj ustanov, ki delujejo po principu pedagogike montessori, po svetu in v Sloveniji. Opisana je vloga pedagoga montessori ter njegove obveznosti in dolžnosti v procesu vzgoje in izobraževanja po metodi pedagogike montessori. Pred...

  18. Solid Propellant Subscale Burning Rate Analysis Methods for US and Selected NATO Facilities (United States)


    impossibility of the center of a particle lying closer than its radius from a solid boundary, * Due to surface tension and sedimentation (tends to level...34 effect (for bottom cast or bayonet cast grains) may consist of sedimentation of larger particles against the walls during casting flow, with the...February 2000. 91 Ratti A., "Metodi di Riduzione Dati Balistici per i Boosters a Propellente Solido di Ariane-4 e di Ariane-5," M.Sc. Thesis in Aerospace

  19. Fistole retto-vaginali Crohn-relate trattate mediante trasposizione del muscolo gracile: risultati a lungo termine e qualità della vita


    Tassone, Daniela


    OBIETTIVO: Le fistole retto-vaginali Crohn-relate hanno un impatto significativo sulla qualità della vita. Quando il canale anale è alterato da ulcerazioni e stenosi o in pazienti con difetti estesi del perineo, la chirurgia locale produce risultati insoddisfacenti. Lo scopo di questo studio è quello di valutare l'efficacia della trasposizione del muscolo gracile nelle fistole retto-vaginali Crohn-relate e determinare i suoi effetti sulla qualità della vita. MATERIALI E METODI: Da gennaio...

  20. Uwarunkowania sektorowe i perspektywy rozwoju firmy "Litwiński - Transport - Sprzęt - Budownictwo"


    Pociecha, Bernadeta


    Streszczenie Analiza otoczenia konkurencyjnego, w którym działa przedsiębiorstwo, dostarcza wielu istotnych informacji o zmieniających się warunkach jego funkcjonowania. Do opracowania adekwatnych koncepcji, podejść i narzędzi zarządzania wykorzystywane są podstawowe etapy procesu zarządzania strategicznego, czyli: analiza strategiczna, projektowanie strategii i jej realizacja. W części empirycznej pracy przeprowadzono, za pomocą metody SWOT, analizę firmy "Litwiński- Tra...

  1. Energy infrastructure: hydrogen energy system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Veziroglu, T N


    In a hydrogen system, hydrogen is not a primary source of energy, but an intermediary, an energy carrier between the primary energy sources and the user. The new unconventional energy sources, such as nuclear breeder reactors, fusion reactors, direct solar radiation, wind energy, ocean thermal energy, and geothermal energy have their shortcomings. These shortcomings of the new sources point out to the need for an intermediary energy system to form the link between the primary energy sources and the user. In such a system, the intermediary energy form must be transportable and storable; economical to produce; and if possible renewable and pollution-free. The above prerequisites are best met by hydrogen. Hydrogen is plentiful in the form of water. It is the cheapest synthetic fuel to manufacture per unit of energy stored in it. It is the least polluting of all of the fuels, and is the lightest and recyclable. In the proposed system, hydrogen would be produced in large plants located away from the consumption centers at the sites where primary new energy sources and water are available. Hydrogen would then be transported to energy consumption centers where it would be used in every application where fossil fuels are being used today. Once such a system is established, it will never be necessary to change to any other energy system.

  2. An information filtering system prototype for world wide web; Prototipo di sistema di information filtering per world wide web

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bordoni, L [ENEA Centro Ricerche Casaccia, S. Maria di Galeria, RM (Italy). Funzione Centrale Studi


    In this report the architecture of an information filtering system for world wide web, developed by the Rome Third University (Italy) for ENEA (National Agency for New Technology, Energy and the Environment), is described. This prototype allows for selecting documents in text/HTML format from the web according to the interests of users. A user modeling shell allows ro build a model of user's interests, obtained during the interaction. The experimental results support the choice of embedding methods for this kind of application. [Italian] In questo rapporto viene descritta l'architettura di un sistema adattivo di information filtering su world wide web, sviluppato dall'universita' di Roma III in collaborazione con l'ENEA. Il prototipo descritto e' in grado di selezionare documenti in formato testo/html, raccolti dal web, in accordo con le caratteristiche e gli interessi degli utenti. Una shell di modellazione utente consente di costruire un modello degli interessi dell'utente, ottenuto nel corso dell'interazione. I risultati sperimentali rafforzano la scelta di usare metodi di modellazione utente per questo genere di applicazioni.

  3. Energy audit and energy security

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Beata Agnieszka Kulessa


    Full Text Available In article, we present the issue of energy security. This article to answer the questions concerning the future of energy in Poland. These activities are directly related to energy security and the reduction of CO2 emissions. One element of this plan is the introduction in the EU energy certification of buildings. The energy certificates in Poland launched on 01.01.2009 and implements the objectives adopted by the European Union and contribute to energy security, increasing energy efficiency in construction and environmental protection.

  4. Energy: nuclear energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lung, M.


    Convinced that the nuclear energy will be the cleaner, safer, more economical and more respectful of the environment energy of the future, the author preconizes to study the way it can be implemented, to continue to improve its production, to understand its virtues and to better inform the public. He develops this opinion in the presentation of the principal characteristics of the nuclear energy: technology, radioactive wastes, radiation protection, the plutonium, the nuclear accidents, the proliferation risks, the economics and nuclear energy and competitiveness, development and sustainability. (A.L.B.)

  5. Renewable energy sources: Energy Efficiency Agency

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bulgarensky, Mihael


    The paper presents the activities of the Energy Efficiency Agency, its main functions, as well as the new legislation stimulating the use of RES, stipulated in the new Energy Law of Bulgaria. The second part of the paper describes the potential of renewable energy in i.e. wind energy; solar energy; biomass energy; hydro energy; geothermal energy; draft of a National Program on RES 2005-2015. The third part describes the main issues of the new ENERGY EFFICIENCY LAW and the established Energy efficiency fund. (Author)

  6. Energy catastrophes and energy consumption

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Davis, G.


    The possibility of energy catastrophes in the production of energy serves to make estimation of the true social costs of energy production difficult. As a result, there is a distinct possibility that the private marginal cost curve of energy producers lies to the left or right of the true cost curve. If so, social welfare will not be maximized, and underconsumption or overconsumption of fuels will exist. The occurrence of energy catastrophes and observance of the market reaction to these occurrences indicates that overconsumption of energy has been the case in the past. Postulations as to market reactions to further energy catastrophes lead to the presumption that energy consumption levels remain above those that are socially optimal

  7. Clean energy, renewable energies; Energie propre, energies renouvelables

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document is the compilation of the 4 issues of the 'energie propre - energie renouvelables' newsletter published by the regional energy agency of Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur region (ARENE). Each issue is a technical file presenting a particular facility or installation: the pico-hydraulic power plant of the Allos lake (Mercantour, French Alps), the 'Chute de la Guerche' and 'Chute de Chastillon' hydraulic power plant exploited by the Isola town; the pico-hydraulic power plant of the drinkable water network of Hameau des Agnielles village, the direct solar thermal floor. (J.S.)

  8. Nuovi Metodi di visualizzazione geografica: l'approccio Focus+Glue+Context

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    Flavio Lupia


    Full Text Available New cartographic visualization methods: the Focus+Glue+Context approach Focus+Glue+Context is a new cartographic visualization method specifically designed to solve the fruition problems connected with the use of mobile devices and web mapping services. The objective of the F+G+C approach is to reduce users cognitive efforts when reading a map: to do so, the area of interest is ‘highlighted’ in a lower and more detailed scale through a fisheye lens effect, while the sorrouding context, useful to the user to determine the items relationships in a map, is maintained on a higher scale.

  9. Imitation modelling in metallography; Imitatsionnye metody issledovania v radiatsionnom metallovedenii

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pechenyakov, I; Georgiev, J [Bylgarska Akademiya na Naukite, Sofia (Bulgaria). Inst. po Metaloznanie i Tekhnologiya na Metalite


    A brief review of investigations made in the Institute of Metallography at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences applying modern imitation methods is presented. Radiation damage in metals and alloys after ion implantation, H{sub 2} or He glow discharge exposure and electrolytic hydrogenation has been used to study crystal lattice changes and their effect on physical properties. Surface modification of steel samples of various composition have been studied. An apparatus for quantitative H{sub 2} determination has been constructed and methods for measurement of H{sub 2} permeability and H{sub 2} diffusion coefficients in metal alloys have been proposed. The correlation between H{sub 2} concentration, mechanical characteristics and physical properties of construction steel samples has been studied.

  10. Nuovi Metodi di visualizzazione geografica: l'approccio Focus+Glue+Context

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Flavio Lupia


    Full Text Available New cartographic visualization methods:the Focus+Glue+Context approachFocus+Glue+Context is a new cartographic visualization method specifically designed to solve the fruition problems connected with the use of mobile devices and web mapping services. The objective of the F+G+C approach is to reduce users cognitive efforts when reading a map: to do so, the area of interest is ‘highlighted’ in a lower and more detailed scale through a fisheye lens effect, while the sorrouding context, useful to the user to determine the items relationships in a map, is maintained on a higher scale.

  11. Choroba Creutzfeldta-Jakoba − współczesne metody diagnostyki

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marianna Makowska


    Full Text Available Choroba Creutzfeldta-Jakoba (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, CJD należy do chorób wywoływanych przez priony (encefalopatii gąbczastych. Jest to postępująca, śmiertelna i nieuleczalna choroba o charakterze neurozwyrodnieniowym. Jej przyczyną jest akumulacja patologicznego białka prionu (scrapie, PrPSc w ośrodkowym układzie nerwowym. Choroba objawia się postępującym otępieniem, zaburzeniami mowy i wzroku oraz motoryki pod postacią mioklonii, ataksji oraz niedowładu kończyn i zaburzeń równowagi. Bezpośrednią przyczyną zgonu jest najczęściej odoskrzelowe zapalenie płuc. Okres inkubacji choroby wynosi zazwyczaj od kilku do kilkunastu lat, a zgon następuje najczęściej od kilku do kilkunastu miesięcy od wystąpienia pierwszych objawów klinicznych. Trudności w przyżyciowym rozpoznawaniu choroby Creutzfeldta-Jakoba wynikają z braku swoistego markera umożliwiającego pewną identyfikację czynnika infekcyjnego oraz nie zawsze charakterystycznego obrazu klinicznego wymagającego różnicowania z innymi chorobami o charakterze otępiennym. Aktualnie jedyną pewną metodą rozpoznania jest przeprowadzenie badania neuropatologicznego. Klasyczna triada objawów neuropatologicznych występujących w przebiegu chorób wywoływanych przez priony obejmuje zmiany gąbczaste, rozplem astrogleju oraz utratę neuronów. Publikacja jest przeglądem aktualnych informacji na temat najnowszych metod diagnostycznych, w tym EEG, badań neuroobrazowych oraz laboratoryjnych, które znacznie poprawiły możliwość rozpoznania.

  12. Remote methods in geological studies. Distantsionnyye metody v geologicheskikh issldovaniyakh

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The article cover the use of aerial and space photographic, scanner, radar and thermal photographs in geomorphological and geological study of platform and folded regions, specialized processing of lineaments of a photo image, predicting the quality of images of linear objects, photogrammetry of scanner images and questions of photogrametric processing of aerial photographic materials. The collection is designed for a broad circle of specialists using materials of remote photographs in geological studies and investgation of natural resources.

  13. Točnyje metody v češskom stichovedenii

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Plecháč, Petr; Kolár, Robert


    Roč. 11, č. 2017 (2017), s. 31-43 ISSN 2311-150X R&D Projects: GA ČR GAP406/11/1825 Institutional support: RVO:68378068 Keywords : versification * corpus linguistics * natural language processing * Czech poetry * verse corpora Subject RIV: AJ - Letters, Mass-media, Audiovision OBOR OECD: Specific literatures

  14. Energy memento; Memento sur l'energie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This memento about energy provides a series of tables with numerical data relative to energy resources and uses in France, in the European Union and in the rest of the world: energy consumption (primary energy, forecasting, CO{sub 2} emissions, energy independence, supplies, uses and imports, demand scenarios, energy savings..), power production (production, forecasting, loads, consumption, hydro-power, thermal equipment, exports), nuclear power (production, forecasting, reactors population, characteristics of French PWRs, uranium needs and fuel cycle), energy resources (renewable energies, fossil fuels and uranium reserves and production), economic data (gross national product, economic and energy indicators, prices and cost estimations), energy units and conversion factors (counting, calorific value of coals, production costs, energy units). (J.S.)

  15. Electronic measuring system for a multipurpose neutron detection; Ehlektronnaya sistema dlya izmereniya s mnogotselevym nejtronnym detektorom

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Panteleev, Ts; Minkova, V; Drazhev, A; Kozhukharov, I [Inst. Yadernykh Issledovanij i Yadernoj Ehnergetiki Bolgarskoj Akademii Nauk, Sofiya (Bulgaria)


    Paper studies highly-efficient facility designed for recording of neutron multiple origination acts in different nuclear reactions and at spontaneous fission of {sup 252}Cf. The scale of channels for both coders reads to 0.5-64 mks. Minimal duration of delay constitutes 30 mcs. 4 refs.; 3 figs.

  16. Energy for sustainable development in Malaysia: Energy policy and alternative energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rahman Mohamed, Abdul; Lee, Keat Teong


    Energy is often known as the catalyst for development. Globally, the per capita consumption of energy is often used as a barometer to measure the level of economic development in a particular country. Realizing the importance of energy as a vital component in economic and social development, the government of Malaysia has been continuously reviewing its energy policy to ensure long-term reliability and security of energy supply. Concentrated efforts are being undertaken to ensure the sustainability of energy resources, both depletable and renewable. The aim of this paper is to describe the various energy policies adopted in Malaysia to ensure long-term reliability and security of energy supply. The role of both, non-renewable and renewable sources of energy in the current Five-Fuel Diversification Strategy energy mix will also be discussed. Apart from that, this paper will also describe the various alternative energy and the implementation of energy efficiency program in Malaysia

  17. Interwencje redukujące zagrożenia stereotypem w środowisku edukacyjnym

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dariusz Drążkowski


    Full Text Available Zagrożenie stereotypem wpływa na osiąganie gorszych wyników w nauce przez uczniów należących do grup negatywnie stereotypizowanych. U uczniów z mniejszości etnicznych lub rasowych wpływa ono destrukcyjnie nie tylko na osiągnięcia szkolne, ale także na poziom szczęścia czy stan zdrowia. Istnieje więc uzasadnione zapotrzebowanie na metody walki z tym zjawiskiem, które w ostatnich latach intensywnie starają się zaspokoić badania prowadzone przez psychologów społecznych. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie i systematyzacja wyników badań na temat interwencji redukujących zagrożenie stereotypem w środowisku edukacyjnym. Badania te uporządkowano wokół interwencji ukierunkowanych na społeczeństwo i szkołę, interwencji związanych z zachowaniem nauczycieli i z warunkami przeprowadzania egzaminów testowych oraz skoncentrowanych na uczniu. Wyniki omówionych badań nasuwają efektywne i często łatwe do zastosowania metody zmniejszające zagrożenie stereotypem wśród uczniów. Interwencje oparte na tych metodach mogą wspierać tworzenie wyrównanych warunków nauki dla każdego ucznia.

  18. Solar energy in the context of energy use, energy transportation and energy storage. (United States)

    MacKay, David J C


    Taking the UK as a case study, this paper describes current energy use and a range of sustainable energy options for the future, including solar power and other renewables. I focus on the area involved in collecting, converting and delivering sustainable energy, looking in particular detail at the potential role of solar power. Britain consumes energy at a rate of about 5000 watts per person, and its population density is about 250 people per square kilometre. If we multiply the per capita energy consumption by the population density, then we obtain the average primary energy consumption per unit area, which for the UK is 1.25 watts per square metre. This areal power density is uncomfortably similar to the average power density that could be supplied by many renewables: the gravitational potential energy of rainfall in the Scottish highlands has a raw power per unit area of roughly 0.24 watts per square metre; energy crops in Europe deliver about 0.5 watts per square metre; wind farms deliver roughly 2.5 watts per square metre; solar photovoltaic farms in Bavaria, Germany, and Vermont, USA, deliver 4 watts per square metre; in sunnier locations, solar photovoltaic farms can deliver 10 watts per square metre; concentrating solar power stations in deserts might deliver 20 watts per square metre. In a decarbonized world that is renewable-powered, the land area required to maintain today's British energy consumption would have to be similar to the area of Britain. Several other high-density, high-consuming countries are in the same boat as Britain, and many other countries are rushing to join us. Decarbonizing such countries will only be possible through some combination of the following options: the embracing of country-sized renewable power-generation facilities; large-scale energy imports from country-sized renewable facilities in other countries; population reduction; radical efficiency improvements and lifestyle changes; and the growth of non-renewable low

  19. Energy audit for energy conservation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kanetkar, V.V.


    Energy audit is a very effective management tool for betterment of plant performance. The energy audit has a problem solving approach rather than a fault finding technique. The energy conservation is a rational use of energy. It has been the experience of the developed countries that energy is one issue which results into cost savings with relatively much less efforts/cost in comparison with other resources used in production, development and adoption of energy efficiency equipment and practices in most of production process has been the result of same technique. (author). 1 tab

  20. The energy; L'energie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In order to inform the public on the stakes bonded to the energy, the french government developed seven days of information on the energy. Visits of energy facilities (production, transport, storage, distribution) are proposed. Colloquium, exhibitions and debates on the energy questions are also offered to the public. This paper summarizes the activities and the concerned addresses of these energy days. (A.L.B.)

  1. Pocket dictionary of energy. Taschenlexikon Energie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ahlhaus, O; Boldt, G; Gonsior, B; Klein, K; Ziburske, H


    The pocket dictionary of energy does not only address the interested amateur but also students, pupils, teachers, scientists, technicians, and polititcians in like manner. The dictionary contains ca. 900 key-words from the fields of energy, consumption, energy types, energy deposits, energy programmes, energy industry, thermal insulation, governmental aids for energy conservation measures, heating cost calculation, energy utilization and energy conservation. The problems of the costs and efficiency of energy conversion, energy pricing, the promotion of research projects, the rentability of heating devices or insulation, the sanitation of old buildings, governmental aids by subsidies or tax abatement according to the modernization and energy conservation law etc., as well as the problem of pollution and the endangering of the environment by exhaust air, waste heat, ash and litter are emphasized particularly. Considering the space available the criterion for the selection of the key-words was not a scientific completeness but the provision of a fundamental understanding of the matter.

  2. Clean energy : nuclear energy world

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This book explains the nuclear engineering to kids with easy way. There are explanations of birth of nuclear energy such as discover of nuclear and application of modern technology of nuclear energy, principles and structure of nuclear power plant, fuel, nuclear waste management, use of radiation for medical treatment, food supplies, industry, utilization of neutron. It indicates the future of nuclear energy as integral nuclear energy and nuclear fusion energy.

  3. Energy Trends 2012; Energie Trends 2012

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van Dril, T. (ed.); Gerdes, J. (ed.) [ECN Beleidsstudies, Petten (Netherlands); Marbus, S. (ed.) [Energie-Nederland, Den Haag (Netherlands); Boelhouwer, M. (ed.) [Netbeheer Nederland, Arnhem (Netherlands)


    In Energy Trends 2012, all figures and developments in the field of energy in the Netherlands are presented in conjunction. The book provides information on energy use by consumers and businesses, provides insight into the international energy trade, energy production and development of energy networks [Dutch] In Energie Trends 2012 staan alle cijfers en ontwikkelingen op het gebied van energie in Nederland in samenhang gepresenteerd. Het boek biedt informatie over energiegebruik door consumenten en bedrijven, geeft inzage in de internationale energiehandel en energieproductie en biedt inzicht in de ontwikkeling van de energienetten.

  4. The hydro energy; Energie hydraulique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vachey, C.


    This paper is a first approach of the hydro energy energy. It presents the principle and the applications of this energy source. It proposes recommendations on the sizing and the cost estimation of an installation and the environmental impacts of this energy. (A.L.B.)

  5. Contribution to determination of coal grindability using Hardgrove method


    Tichánek, František


    The paper deals with determination of grindability of coal using Hardgrove method. Some non-availabilities of determination are mentioned as well as factors affecting grindability and relations for conversion of Hardgrove Grindability Index (HGI) values to Bond Work Index (Wi). Paper also provides information on utilization of Hardgrove method in Czech Republic and indicates HGI values for coal from OKD-Karvina region. Příspěvek se zabývá stanovením melitelnosti uhlí pomocí metody Hardgrov...



    Habijanić, Helena-Ena


    Mješoviti sustavi, točnije sustavi armiranobetonskih zidova i nearmiranih zidanih zidova, javljaju se kad se kod već postojećih zgrada nearmirani zidani zidovi, koji ne zadovoljavaju zahtjeve seizmičkog projektiranja, zamjenjuju s armiranobetonskima. Potresno ponašanje takvih konstrukcija još uvijek nije u potpunosti razjašnjeno i velika je razlika u odgovoru konstrukcije s pojedinačnim i kombiniranim sustavom. Kada bi se prema pojednostavljenoj metodi zanemarili nearmirani zidani zidovi i sv...

  7. Opas projektien pariin digitaalisessa maailmassa


    Aalto, Joni


    Insinöörityön aiheena oli projektityö digitaalisessa maailmassa. Sen tavoitteena oli luoda opas projektien parissa työskentelyyn ohjelmistotuotannossa ja selkeyttää ajatusta projektinhallinnasta. Insinöörityössä perehdyttiin ohjelmistojen kehittämisen projektinhallintaan yleisesti ottaen sekä pohdittiin muutamia projektinhallintamalleja. Käsittelyssä olivat Scrum-malli, Kanban-menetelmä, vesiputousmalli, RUP-malli ja Extreme Programming -metodi. Työssä etsittiin yhtäläisyyksiä näistä mall...

  8. Marketing plan for online surfing magazine


    Michna, Jakub


    Název: Marketing plan for online surfing magazine Cíle: The main aim of this thesis is to design a marketing plan for launching new online surfing magazine. This project would emerge from present online media, which adverse situation is going to be analyzed. Metody: Author used interviewing and personal survey as methods. Secondary data collection, PEST analysis and Google Analytics tool served as framework for resulting SWOT analysis. Výsledky: The marketing plan for one ye...

  9. Colorimetry applied to the field of cultural heritage: examples of study cases


    Salvatore Lorusso; Andrea Natali; Chiara Matteucci


    For a few years now, the Dipartimento di Storie e Metodi per la Conservazione dei Beni Culturali of the Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna (sede di Ravenna) has been creating a Diagnostic Laboratory for the study on the “system: cultural heritage/conservation environment”. In the present paper the results of different surveys concerning the use of colorimetry on different typologies of art works are reported: graphic documents (fig. 1); oil painting on board and canvas (fig. 2); wall ...

  10. Energy modeling: nuclear energy as China's main energy after 2040

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo Xingqu


    According to the energy modeling and the strategic forecast of China's economic development and population, the energy demand in China in the coming century has been calculated yearly by computer simulation. It is shown by the calculation results that the primary energy consumption in 2050 will be 3.37-4.25 times as that of 2000. The fossil energy will still be the main energy during the early stage of 21st century, but it will be cut down rapidly since 2020s as its annual consumption is increased to 1.656-2.044 x 10 9 tce/a. Because the fossil fuel ressources in China are limited, more and more fossil fuel will be mainly turned to chemical products, and the environmental pollution will be serious if we still use the fossil as a main fuel widely. The amount of renewable energy will be increasing, but its share in the primary energy consumption will be cut down from 36% to about 20% during the first half of next century and then will maintain this portion. In this case, the nuclear energy will be developed rapidly during the early stage of next century and will become the main energy since 2040. The methodology of energy forecast has also been reviewed

  11. Future energy, exotic energy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dumon, R


    The Detroit Energy Conference has highlighted the declining oil reserves, estimated worldwide at 95 billion tons vs. an annual rate of consumption of over 3 billion tons. The present problem is one of price; also, petroleum seems too valuable to be simply burned. New sources must come into action before 1985. The most abundant is coal, with 600 billion tons of easily recoverable reserves; then comes oil shale with a potential of 400 billion tons of oil. Exploitation at the rate of 55 go 140 million tons/yr is planned in the U.S. after 1985. More exotic and impossible to estimate quantitatively are such sources as wind, tides, and the thermal energy of the oceans--these are probably far in the future. The same is true of solar and geothermal energy in large amounts. The only other realistic energy source is nuclear energy: the European Economic Community looks forward to covering 60% of its energy needs from nuclear energy in the year 2000. Even today, from 400 mw upward, a nuclear generating plant is more economical than a fossil fueled one. Conservation will become the byword, and profound changes in society are to be expected.

  12. Energy efficiency, renewable energy and sustainable development

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ervin, C.A.


    The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EE) is part of the U.S. Department of Energy that is specifically charged with encouraging the more efficient use of energy resources, and the use of renewable energy resources - such as solar power, wind power, biomass energy and geothermal energy. In the past several years, EE has increased its emphasis on technology deployment through partnerships with states, local governments and private companies. Partnerships move new discoveries more quickly into the marketplace, where they can create jobs, prevent pollution, save resources, and produce many other benefits. The author then emphasizes the importance of this effort in a number of different sections of the paper: energy consumption pervades everything we do; U.S. energy imports are rising to record levels; transportation energy demand is increasing; U.S. energy use is increasing; population growth increases world energy demand; total costs of energy consumption aren`t always counted; world energy markets offer incredible potential; cost of renewables is decreasing; clean energy is essential to sustainable development; sustainable energy policy; sustainable energy initiatives: utilities, buildings, and transportation.

  13. Energy efficiency, renewable energy and sustainable development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ervin, C.A.


    The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EE) is part of the U.S. Department of Energy that is specifically charged with encouraging the more efficient use of energy resources, and the use of renewable energy resources - such as solar power, wind power, biomass energy and geothermal energy. In the past several years, EE has increased its emphasis on technology deployment through partnerships with states, local governments and private companies. Partnerships move new discoveries more quickly into the marketplace, where they can create jobs, prevent pollution, save resources, and produce many other benefits. The author then emphasizes the importance of this effort in a number of different sections of the paper: energy consumption pervades everything we do; U.S. energy imports are rising to record levels; transportation energy demand is increasing; U.S. energy use is increasing; population growth increases world energy demand; total costs of energy consumption aren't always counted; world energy markets offer incredible potential; cost of renewables is decreasing; clean energy is essential to sustainable development; sustainable energy policy; sustainable energy initiatives: utilities, buildings, and transportation

  14. Energy Consumption vs. Energy Requirement (United States)

    Fan, L. T.; Zhang, Tengyan; Schlup, John R.


    Energy is necessary for any phenomenon to occur or any process to proceed. Nevertheless, energy is never consumed; instead, it is conserved. What is consumed is available energy, or exergy, accompanied by an increase in entropy. Obviously, the terminology, "energy consumption" is indeed a misnomer although it is ubiquitous in the…

  15. Energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meister, F.; Ott, F.


    This chapter gives an overview of the current energy economy in Austria. The Austrian political aims of sustainable development and climate protection imply a reorientation of the Austrian energy policy as a whole. Energy consumption trends (1993-1998), final energy consumption by energy carrier (indexed data 1993-1999), comparative analysis of useful energy demand (1993 and 1999) and final energy consumption of renewable energy sources by sector (1996-1999) in Austria are given. The necessary measures to be taken in order to reduce the energy demand and increased the use of renewable energy are briefly mentioned. Figs. 5. (nevyjel)

  16. Bio energy: Bio energy in the Energy System of the Future

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Finden, Per; Soerensen, Heidi; Wilhelmsen, Gunnar


    This is Chapter 7, the final chapter, of the book ''Bio energy - Environment, technique and market''. Its main sections are: (1) Factors leading to changes in the energy systems, (2) The energy systems of the future, globally, (3) The future energy system in Norway and (4) Norwegian energy policy at the crossroads

  17. The renewable energies; Les energies renouvelables

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The renewable energies are everywhere but also irregular. Thus they need savings in our energy consumptions. This document provides information, such as economics, capacity and implementation, on the following renewable energies: the wind power, the solar energy, the photovoltaic energy, the biogas, the geothermal energy, the hydroelectricity, the wood. It also presents a state of the art and examples of bio-climatic architecture. (A.L.B.)

  18. To understand the new world of energy - Energy saving and energy efficiency: the world of energy 2.0

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maestroni, Myriam; Chevalier, J.M.; Derdevet, Michel


    This bibliographical note contains the table of contents and a brief presentation of a book which proposes a general overview of the world of modern energy, focuses on the main associated political and climatic stakes and challenges. It also addresses the crucial issue of energy efficiency and energy savings which are the pillars of the current energy transition. The chapters address the world energy stakes and challenges, the emergence of a new energetic paradigm, the issues of energy efficiency and energy savings, the main sources of energy savings to be exploited and valorised, the situation in Europe and in the World regarding energy efficiency, the relationship between energy transition and local territories, the necessary continuous innovation

  19. Energy-Water Nexus | Energy Analysis | NREL (United States)

    Nexus Energy-Water Nexus Water is required to produce energy. Energy is required to pump, treat , and transport water. The energy-water nexus examines the interactions between these two inextricably linked sectors. A cartoon showing the nexus of water and energy using red and blue arrows to indicate the

  20. Dutch Energy Investment Allowance (EIA). Energy and Companies. Energy List for 2007; Energie-Investeringsaftrek. Energie en Bedrijven. Energielijst 2007

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The EIA scheme (Energy Investment Allowance) offers a fiscal advantage when investing in energy-saving company assets and sustainable energy. In addition to the usual depreciation rate, 44% of the investment costs of these assets are deductible from the fiscal profit. The Dutch government uses the EIA scheme to promote a sustainable energy management that, in the long term, results in clean, available and affordable energy. Section 1 of this brochure lists the changes compared to 2006. Section 2 explains how the EIA scheme works. Section 3 explains how to apply for the allowance. Section 4 provides additional information concerning the Energy List. Section 5 includes an overview, with descriptions and examples, of energy investments (Energy List). Section 6 explains how to submit a proposal for additions or changes to the scheme for 2008, compared to 2007. Section 7 contains an application form for EIA, along with an authorisation form. [Dutch] De Energie-investeringsaftrek (EIA) biedt ondernemers een belastingvoordeel als er wordt geinvesteerd in energiebesparende bedrijfsmiddelen en duurzame energie. Naast de gebruikelijke afschrijving is 44% van de investeringskosten van deze bedrijfsmiddelen aftrekbaar van de fiscale winst. In deel 1 van deze brochure vindt u de wijzigingen ten opzichte van het jaar 2006. In deel 2 treft u een uitleg aan over de werking van de EIA. In deel 3 leest u hoe u gebruik kunt maken van deze regeling. In deel 4 staat de toelichting op de energielijst. In deel 5 is een overzicht opgenomen met omschrijvingen en voorbeelden van energie-investeringen, de zogenoemde Energielijst. In deel 6 is aangegeven hoe u een voorstel kunt doen om de Energielijst van 2007 aan te vullen of te wijzigen voor 2008. Het meldingsformulier om EIA aan te vragen en het machtigingsformulier zijn opgenomen bij deel 7.

  1. Hydrogen energy based on nuclear energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A concept to produce hydrogen of an energy carrier using nuclear energy was proposed since 1970s, and a number of process based on thermochemical method has been investigated after petroleum shock. As this method is used high temperature based on nuclear reactors, these researches are mainly carried out as a part of application of high temperature reactors, which has been carried out at an aim of the high temperature reactor application in the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute. On October, 2000, the 'First International Conference for Information Exchange on Hydrogen Production based on Nuclear Energy' was held by auspice of OECD/NEA, where hydrogen energy at energy view in the 21st Century, technology on hydrogen production using nuclear energy, and so on, were published. This commentary was summarized surveys and researches on hydrogen production using nuclear energy carried out by the Nuclear Hydrogen Research Group established on January, 2001 for one year. They contains, views on energy and hydrogen/nuclear energy, hydrogen production using nuclear energy and already finished researches, methods of hydrogen production using nuclear energy and their present conditions, concepts on production plants of nuclear hydrogen, resources on nuclear hydrogen production and effect on global environment, requests from market and acceptability of society, and its future process. (G.K.)

  2. Renewable energy worldwide outlooks: solar energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Darnell, J.R.


    Solar energy yield is weak because it is very diffuse. The solar energy depends on the weather. The collectors need the beam radiation. Wavelength is important for some applications that include not only the visible spectrum but also infrared and ultraviolet radiation. The areas of the greatest future population growth are high on solar energy resources. We have different types of conversion systems where energy can be converted from solar to electric or thermal energy. Photovoltaic cells are made of silicone or gallium arsenide, this latter for the space use. For the solar energy applications there is a storage problem: electric batteries or superconducting magnets. Today, the highest use of solar energy is in the low temperature thermal category with over 90% of the world contribution from this energy. The penetration of solar energy will be higher in rural areas than in urban regions. But there are technical, institutional, economic constraints. In spite of that the use of solar energy would be increasing and will go on to increase thereafter. The decreasing costs over time are a real phenomenon and there is a broad public support for increased use of that energy. 15 figs

  3. Energy memento; Memento sur l'energie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This memento about energy provides a series of tables with numerical data relative to energy resources and uses in France, in the European Union and in the rest of the world: energy consumption (primary energy, forecasting, CO{sub 2} emissions, energy independence, supplies, uses and imports, demand scenarios, energy savings..), power production (production, forecasting, loads, consumption, hydro-power, thermal equipment, exports), nuclear power (production, forecasting, reactors population, characteristics of French PWRs, uranium needs and fuel cycle), energy resources (renewable energies, fossil fuels and uranium reserves and production), economic data (gross national product, economic and energy indicators, prices and cost estimations), energy units and conversion factors (counting, calorific value of coals, production costs, energy units). (J.S.)

  4. Energy awareness luncheon and energy seminar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    A separate abstract was prepared for each of the following: the luncheon address, energy-growth-freedom by Kenneth A. Randall; the keynote commentary, by F.S. Patton, program chairman; and four current-awareness papers on the future of oil and gas, coal, nuclear energy, and solar energy. In addition, in a section, Speaking of Energy, very brief statements by eight professional engineers on the energy challenge are included. Also, the NSPE position paper on energy policy is included.

  5. Architecture and energy; Arkitektur og energi

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marsh, R.; Grupe Larsen, V.; Lauring, M.; Christensen, Morten


    The aim of this book is to illustrate the interaction between architecture and energy in an overall perspective starting from the new energy requirements. Architects make a lot of form related outlines early in the design process, and these have significant consequences for the energy consumption. Furthermore, the new energy requirements start from an overall evaluation, during which the architectural form is of decisive importance to minimization of the energy consumption. The book focuses on four themes: a) day lighting, which plays a decisive part in relation to our health and wellness inside buildings, b) solar heating; passive solar heating has traditionally been playing an important part in low-energy architecture, c) rough house; choice of materials can both increase and decrease buildings' energy consumption, and d) technology; modern buildings use a number of energy demanding installations, therefore the interaction between technology and energy is examined. (BA)

  6. Energy in Croatia 2009, Annual Energy Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    With the eighteenth edition of the Review Energy in Croatia, Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship continues the practice of informing domestic and foreign public on relations and trends within the Croatian energy sector. This Review gives, in a recognizable and comprehensible way, data and characteristic values relevant to the Croatian energy sector, providing an overview on energy production and consumption at all levels. There is a detailed analysis of the trends present in the energy sector as well as a number of information on capacities, reserves, prices and energy balances for crude oil, all petroleum products, natural gas, electricity, heat energy, coal and renewable energy sources. The Review also brings the main economic and financial indicators, data on air pollutant emissions and main energy efficiancy indicators. It also gives the ODEX energy efficiancy index, which is determined according to the methodology used in the European Union. This indicator monitors the energy efficiancy trends over a period of time in the sectors of industry, transport, households and in total consumption. Finally, the Review brings the energy balances of the Republic of Croatia for the years 2008 and 2009, made following the EUROSTAT and IEA methodologies. In 2009 total energy demand in Croatia was 1.6 percent lower than the year before. At the same time, gross domestic product fell by 5.8 percent, which as a result gave a 4.4 percent higher level of energy intensity in total energy consumption. When compared to the average energy intensity level in the EU (EU27), the energy intensity in Croatia was 6.8 percent higher. The primary energy production in 2009 was 7.1 percent higher form the previous year. Also, due to favorable hydrological situation the hydropower utilization grew by 31 percent. The energy from renewable sources increased by 29.8 percent and the energy from fuel wood increased by 5.6 percent. The production of crude oil in 2009 decreased by 6

  7. Energy in Croatia 2011, Annual Energy Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    With the twentieth edition of the Review Energy in Croatia, Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship continues the practice of informing domestic and foreign public on relations and trends within the Croatian energy sector. This Review gives, in a recognizable and comprehensible way, data and characteristic values relevant to the Croatian energy sector, providing an overview on energy production and consumption at all levels. There is a detailed analysis of the trends present in the energy sector as well as a number of information on capacities, reserves, prices and energy balances for crude oil, all petroleum products, natural gas, electricity, heat energy, coal and renewable energy sources. The Review also brings the main economic and financial indicators, data on air pollutant emissions and main energy efficiancy indicators. It also gives the ODEX energy efficiency index, which is determined according to the methodology used in the European Union. This indicator monitors the energy efficiancy trends over a period of time in the sectors of industry, transport, households and in total consumption. Finally, the Review brings the energy balances of the Republic of Croatia for the years 2010 and 2011, made following the EUROSTAT and IEA methodologies. In 2011 total primary energy supply in Croatia was 6.8 percent lower than the year before. At the same time, gross domestic product slightly decreased by 0.01 percent, which resulted in lowering energy intensity of total energy consumption by a 6.8 percent. When compared to the average energy intensity level in the EU (EU27), the energy intensity in Croatia was only 1.2 percent higher. The primary energy production in 2011 decreased by 18 percent from the previous year. Also, due to unfavorable hydrological situation the hydropower utilization was as much as 46.6 percent lower than in 2010. The energy from renewable sources increased by 13.3 percent and the energy from fuel wood, ondustrial waste wood, energy

  8. 78 FR 13869 - Puget Sound Energy, Inc.; Puget Sound Energy, Inc.; Puget Sound Energy, Inc.; Puget Sound Energy... (United States)


    ...-123-LNG; 12-128-NG; 12-148-NG; 12- 158-NG] Puget Sound Energy, Inc.; Puget Sound Energy, Inc.; Puget Sound Energy, Inc.; Puget Sound Energy, Inc.; Puget Sound Energy, Inc.; CE FLNG, LLC; Consolidated...-NG Puget Sound Energy, Inc Order granting long- term authority to import/export natural gas from/to...

  9. The Energy Factory; EnergieFabriek

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van den Boomen, M.; Van den Dungen, G.J.; Elias, T.; Jansen, M. [Universiteit van Amsterdam UvA, Amsterdam (Netherlands)


    The Energy Factory is a collaboration of 26 Dutch local water boards in which options for energy saving and energy production are examined. According to the authors, the initiative of the Energy Factory will lead to a reframing of the role of the water boards. Moreover, they explain how the PPP concept (People, Planet, Profit) may act as platform for negotiations between actors who are involved in the Energy Factory. In addition, the PPP concept is used to demonstrate that the Energy Factory will lead to larger social involvement, social entrepreneurship and growing profits [Dutch] De Energiefabriek is een samenwerkingsverband van 26 waterschappen in Nederland waarin wordt gezocht naar mogelijkheden om energie te besparen en zelf energie te produceren. Volgens de auteurs van deze notitie leidt het initiatief van de Energiefabriek tot een reframing van de rol van waterschappen. Daarnaast leggen ze uit hoe het PPP-concept (People, Profit, Planet) kan fungeren als platform voor onderhandelingen tussen de actoren die betrokken zijn bij de Energiefabriek. Verder wordt met het PPP-concept aangetoond dat de Energiefabriek leidt tot ruimere maatschappelijke betrokkenheid, maatschappelijk ondernemen en winstvergroting.

  10. The Energy Crisis and Solar Energy (United States)

    Bockris, J. O'M.


    Examines the status of the energy crisis in Australia. Outlines energy alternatives for the 1990's and describes the present status of solar energy research and the economics of solar energy systems. (GS)

  11. Energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meister, F.


    This chapter of the environmental control report deals with the environmental impact of energy production, energy conversion, atomic energy and renewable energy. The development of the energy consumption in Austria for the years 1993 to 1999 is given for the different energy types. The development of the use of renewable energy sources in Austria is given, different domestic heat-systems are compared, life cycles and environmental balance are outlined. (a.n.)

  12. Industry and energy; Industrie et energie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Birules y Bertran, A.M. [Ministere des Sciences et de la Technologie (Spain); Folgado Blanco, J. [Secretariat d' Etat a l' Economie, a l' Energie et aux PME du Royaume d' Espagne (Spain)


    This document is the provisional version of the summary of the debates of the 2433. session of the European Union Council about various topics relative to the industry and the energy. The energy-related topics that have been debated concern: the government helps in coal industry, the internal electricity and gas market, the trans-European energy networks, the bio-fuels in transportation systems, the energy charter, the pluri-annual energy program, and the green book on the security of energy supplies. (J.S.)

  13. Energy in Croatia 2012, Annual Energy Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    With the twenty-first edition of the Review Energy in Croatia, Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship continues the practice of informing domestic and foreign public on relations and trends within the Croatian energy sector. This Review gives, in a recognizable and comprehensible way, data and characteristic values relevant to the Croatian energy sector, providing an overview on energy production and consumption at all levels. There is a detailed analysis of the trends present in the energy sector as well as a number of information on capacities, reserves, prices and energy balances for crude oil, all petroleum products, natural gas, electricity, heat energy, coal and renewable energy sources. The Review also brings the main economic and financial indicators, data on air pollutant emissions and main energy efficiancy indicators. It also gives the ODEX energy efficiency index, which is determined according to the methodology used in the European Union. This indicator monitors the energy efficiancy trends over a period of time in the sectors of industry, transport, households and in total consumption. Finally, the Review brings the energy balances of the Republic of Croatia for the years 2011 and 2012, made following the EUROSTAT and IEA methodologies. In 2012 total energy demand in Croatia was 4.7 percent lower than the year before. At the same time, gross domestic product fell by 2 percent, which resulted in a decrease in a total primary energy supply intensity by 2.8 percent. When compared to the average energy intensity level in the EU (EU27), the energy intensity in Croatia was 6.9 percent higher. The primary energy production in 2012 decreased by 5.6 compared to the previous year. Also, due to hydrological situation the hydropower utilization grew by 6.7 percent. The energy from renewable sources increased by 29.8 percent and the energy from fuel wood increased by 5.6 percent. The production of crude oil in 2012 decreased by 9.7 percent and of natural

  14. French people, energy transition, and energy savings. IFOP for Energie Perspective

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fourquet, Jerome; Chasles-Parot, Marion


    After a presentation of the adopted methodology, this report presents under the form of tables, and comments the results of a survey performed on the perception and relationship French people have on and with energy transition and energy savings. Different aspects have been addressed and assessed by this survey: confidence in local authorities, recognition of energy transition, sensitivity of the issue of energy transition, an example of a local authority communication about energy issues, notoriety of subsidies and primes awarded by the local authority for energy-related works, assessment of well-being in housing, housing occupation status, intention to perform energy-related renovation works in the housing, choice between a large national group or a local company to perform these works

  15. Energy

    CERN Document Server

    Robertson, William C


    Confounded by kinetic energy? Suspect that teaching about simple machines isn t really so simple? Exasperated by electricity? If you fear the study of energy is beyond you, this entertaining book will do more than introduce you to the topic. It will help you actually understand it. At the book s heart are easy-to-grasp explanations of energy basics work, kinetic energy, potential energy, and the transformation of energy and energy as it relates to simple machines, heat energy, temperature, and heat transfer. Irreverent author Bill Robertson suggests activities that bring the basic concepts of energy to life with common household objects. Each chapter ends with a summary and an applications section that uses practical examples such as roller coasters and home heating systems to explain energy transformations and convection cells. The final chapter brings together key concepts in an easy-to-grasp explanation of how electricity is generated. Energy is the second book in the Stop Faking It! series published by NS...

  16. Western Energy Corridor -- Energy Resource Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leslie Roberts; Michael Hagood


    The world is facing significant growth in energy demand over the next several decades. Strategic in meeting this demand are the world-class energy resources concentrated along the Rocky Mountains and northern plains in Canada and the U.S., informally referred to as the Western Energy Corridor (WEC). The fossil energy resources in this region are rivaled only in a very few places in the world, and the proven uranium reserves are among the world's largest. Also concentrated in this region are renewable resources contributing to wind power, hydro power, bioenergy, geothermal energy, and solar energy. Substantial existing and planned energy infrastructure, including refineries, pipelines, electrical transmission lines, and rail lines provide access to these resources.

  17. Western Energy Corridor -- Energy Resource Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roberts, Leslie; Hagood, Michael


    The world is facing significant growth in energy demand over the next several decades. Strategic in meeting this demand are the world-class energy resources concentrated along the Rocky Mountains and northern plains in Canada and the U.S., informally referred to as the Western Energy Corridor (WEC). The fossil energy resources in this region are rivaled only in a very few places in the world, and the proven uranium reserves are among the world's largest. Also concentrated in this region are renewable resources contributing to wind power, hydro power, bioenergy, geothermal energy, and solar energy. Substantial existing and planned energy infrastructure, including refineries, pipelines, electrical transmission lines, and rail lines provide access to these resources.

  18. Analisi sui pigmenti di ceramica neolitica tramite tecniche Raman e LIBS

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristina Fabbri


    Full Text Available I dati presentati in questo breve contributo provengono da uno studio condotto in collaborazione dal Dipartimento di Scienze Archeologiche dell’Università di Pisa e dall’Istituto per i Processi Chimico-Fisici di Fisica molecolare del CNR di Pisa. Le metodologie applicate sono basate sull’analisi integrata delle tecniche spettroscopiche Raman e LIBS già ampiamente utilizzate nel campo dei Beni Culturali; i metodi sono infatti essenzialmente non distruttivi, non richiedono di un pre trattamento del campione e l’acquisizione delle misure è immediata.

  19. Acicular Ferrite in Micro Welding Technologies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Węgrzyn T.


    Full Text Available Laser jest szeroko stosowany w mikro-spawaniu. Oprócz tej metody, spawanie z chłodzeniem mikrojetowym powinno być traktowane jako ważna metoda spawania cienkościennych konstrukcji. W artykule przedstawiono innowacyjną technologię spawania z chłodzeniem mikrojetowym w porównaniu do spawania laserowego. Uzyskano informacje o wpływie obu metod na strukturę metalograficzną stalowych cienkościennych konstrukcji. Zawartość ferrytu AF była porównana w obu przypadkach.

  20. Tutoring nauczycielski – tutoring rówieśniczy: aspekty etyczne


    Brzezińska, Anna Izabela; Appelt, Karolina


    W artykule autorki wskazują na różnorodne aspekty etyczne stosowania w edukacji metody tutoringu zarówno nauczycielskiego, jak i rówieśniczego. Podstawowym wg nich warunkiem etycznej, a zarazem efektywnej relacji tutorskiej jest – zgodnie z koncepcją samostanowienia Ryana i Deci’ego – zaspokojenie podstawowych, uniwersalnych potrzeb wszystkich partnerów interakcji: potrzeby więzi i bezpieczeństwa, potrzeby autonomii i potrzeby kompetencji. Uświadomienie sobie i uwzględnienie w działaniu tych ...

  1. Korelacija izoenzimske aktivnosti LDH sadržaja radikularnih cista s citološkom i mikrobiološkom analizom


    Sulejmanagić, Halid; Galić, Miroslav; Jadrić, Stjepko


    Cilj ovoga rada bio je metodom elektroforeze na poliakrilamidnom gelu izdiferencirati pojedine izoenzime laktatdehidrogenaze iz uzoraka sadržaja radikularnih cista te pri tome ispitati postojanje korelacije između izoenzimatskog spektra sadržaja sa citološkom i mikrobiološkom analizom istog. Cjelokupna istraživanja su urađena na 9 uzoraka. Biokemijski dio uređen je na Institutu za biohemiju po metodi Bloemendaala, citološki na Institutu za patologiju, a mikrobiološki u specijalističkom labora...

  2. Improving energy efficiency in industrial energy systems an interdisciplinary perspective on barriers, energy audits, energy management, policies, and programs

    CERN Document Server

    Thollander, Patrik


    Industrial energy efficiency is one of the most important means of reducing the threat of increased global warming. Research however states that despite the existence of numerous technical energy efficiency measures, its deployment is hindered by the existence of various barriers to energy efficiency. The complexity of increasing energy efficiency in manufacturing industry calls for an interdisciplinary approach to the issue. Improving energy efficiency in industrial energy systems applies an interdisciplinary perspective in examining energy efficiency in industrial energy systems, and discuss

  3. Energy in Croatia 2007, Annual Energy Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    With a great deal of pleasure we present the sixteenth edition of the review Energy in Croatia. With this Review the Ministry of Economy, Labor and Entrepreneurship continues the practice of informing domestic and foreign public on relations and trends within the Croatian energy sector. This Review gives data and characteristic values relevant to the Croatian energy sector, providing an overview on energy production and consumption at all levels. There is a detailed analysis of the trends present in the energy sector as well as a number of information on capacities, reserves, prices and energy balances for crude oil, all petroleum products, natural gas, electricity, heat energy, coal and renewable energy sources. The Review also brings the main economic and financial indicators, data on air pollutant emissions and main energy efficiency indicators. It also gives the ODEX energy efficiency index, which is determined according to the methodology used in the European Union. This indicator monitors the energy efficiency trends over a period of time in the sectors of industry, transport, households and in total consumption. Finally, the Review brings the energy balances of the Republic of Croatia for the years 2006 and 2007, made following the EUROSTAT and IEA methodologies. Total annual energy consumption in Croatia in 2007 increased by 1.5 percent from the previous year. At the same time gross domestic product increased by 5.6 percent, which resulted in a continuing energy intensity reduction, by 3.8 percent. In relation the European Union (EU 27), energy intensity in Croatia was 16.5 percent above the European average. In 2007 the Croatian production of primary energy decreased by 6.4 percent. The production decrease was recorded in most of primary energy forms. The only energy forms with growing production in 2007 were natural gas production and energy from renewable sources. Due to unfavorable hydrology in 2007, hydro power utilization decreased by 27.4 percent

  4. Energy in 1996; L`energie en 1996

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Six charts are presented and discussed concerning energy utilization in France during the 1970-1996 period: national energy bill, energy intensity ratios, imported crude oil costs, energy-induced carbon dioxide emissions, operating ability ratios of EDF nuclear plants, France`s energy independence ratios. 1996 has seen an strong increase (+31%) in the energy bill, reaching 77 billions Francs, combining an increase in energy consumption and dollar exchange rate and a decline in energy conservation; carbon dioxide emission are taking up again after a strong decrease in the 80`s

  5. Pocket dictionary of energy. BI-Taschenlexikon Energie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Conrad, W


    This dictionary explains all important concepts of the field of energy conversion, energy use, energy sources, energy transfer, and energy distribution. The explanations are given in popular form so as to be generally intelligible.

  6. The wind energy, a clean and renewable energy; L'energie eolienne, une energie propre et renouvelable

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Facing the context of greenhouse gases reduction, the France began a national program of fight against the climatic change, in which the development of the renewable energies plays a major part. Among the renewable energy sources, the wind energy is the only one which is cheap and easily used. After a presentation of the leader of the wind energy in Europe (Germany, Spain and Denmark) and the position of the France, the document details the economical and environmental advantages of the wind energy, as the public opinion concerning this energy source. (A.L.B.)

  7. Solar energy versus nuclear energy as energy sources at the transition period

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sastroamidjojo, MSA.

    Technical aspects and social aspects of nuclear power plants and solar energy system as energy sources, were comparatively evaluated. The evaluation proves that solar energy is better than nuclear energy. (SMN)

  8. Energy supply and energy saving in Ukraine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    V.M. Ilchenko


    Full Text Available The article examines the main problems and solutions of energy saving and energy supply in Ukraine. Low energy efficiency has become one of the main factors of the crisis in the Ukrainian economy. The most relevant scientific and methodical approaches to assessment of the level of energy consumption and saving are indicated. The comparative analysis of annual energy use has been made. A potential to solve energy supply problems is strongly correlated with the ability to ensure the innovative development of economy for efficient and economical use of existing and imported energy resources. The ways for reducing of energy resource consumption have been suggested. Creation of technological conditions for the use of alternative energy sources is considered to be rational also. The development of renewable sources of energy (alternative and renewable energy sources will provide a significant effect in reducing the use of traditional energy sources, harmful emissions and greenhouse gas. Under these conditions, increasing of energy efficiency of economy and its competitiveness can be real. Improvement of environmental and social conditions of citizens of the country will mark a positive step towards the EU, and also will cancel some problems of the future generation.

  9. Effect of energy taxes on energy consumption

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johnsen, T.A.


    The energy consumption and taxation in Norway is described in addition to some of the consequences of this taxation on the energy market. Modelling of energy demand is dealt with. It is concluded that the influence of energy taxation on energy consumption is dependent on market conditions for individual energy products. This thesis is elaborated. (AB)

  10. Energy Information Augmented Community-Based Energy Reduction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mark Rembert


    Full Text Available More than one-half of all U.S. states have instituted energy efficiency mandates requiring utilities to reduce energy use. To achieve these goals, utilities have been permitted rate structures to help them incentivize energy reduction projects. This strategy is proving to be only modestly successful in stemming energy consumption growth. By the same token, community energy reduction programs have achieved moderate to very significant energy reduction. The research described here offers an important tool to strengthen the community energy reduction efforts—by providing such efforts energy information tailored to the energy use patterns of each building occupant. The information provided most importantly helps each individual energy customer understand their potential for energy savings and what reduction measures are most important to them. This information can be leveraged by the leading community organization to prompt greater action in its community. A number of case studies of this model are shown. Early results are promising.

  11. Energy in Croatia 2004, Annual Energy Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Report represents a continuous information source for both national and international public on relations and trends in the Croatian energy system. This edition brings certain changes in the energy topics' outline and broader scope of information compared to the previous editions. However, the representative features of the Croatian energy sector, related to supply and demand of energy at all levels, kept the familiar outlook of presentation.Besides the detailed analysis of energy trends, this edition provides numerous information on capacity, reserves and prices of energy as well as individual energy sources' balances - crude oil and oil derivates, natural gas, electricity, heat, coal and renewable energy sources. In addition, Croatian basic and economic and financial indicators, emission of air pollutants plus basic energy efficiency indicators were presented in order to give better understanding of the Croatian energy sector environment. Finally, there is a special novelty of representing energy balances of the Republic of Croatia made in the compliance with EUROSTAT and IEA methodology for years 2003 and 2004. Total primary energy supply in the Republic of Croatia in 2004 was 4.1 percent higher compared to the previous year. The gross domestic product increased by 3.8 percent over the same period. This means that energy intensity, primary energy supply per unit of gross domestic product, increased by 0.3 percent. Compared to the European Union average Croatian energy intensity was approximately 24 percent higher. Total primary energy production, on the other hand, increased by 11.2 percent due to extremely favourable hydrological conditions. The raise i n hydropower by 48.5 percent improved Croatian primary energy self-supply to 49.6 percent. In the structure of total primary energy supply for 2004, the losses of transmission and distribution of energy were reduced only while the rest of the categories of energy consumption increased. The 3.3 percent increase

  12. Energy consumption: energy consumption in mainland Norway

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Magnussen, Inger Helene; Killingland, Magnus; Spilde, Dag


    The purpose of this report is to describe trends in energy consumption in mainland Norway, with an emphasis on key trends within the largest consumer groups. We also explain common terms and concepts in the field of energy consumption. Finally, we look at forecasts for future energy consumption, produced by bodies outside NVE. Total final energy consumption in mainland Norway in 2009 was 207 TWh. The most important end-user groups are households, service industries, manufacturing industry and transport. In addition, the energy sector in mainland Norway consumed 15 TWh. Energy consumed in the energy sector is not considered as final consumption, as the energy is used to produce new energy products. The long-term trend in energy consumption in mainland Norway is that fuel in the transport sector and electricity for the energy sector increases, while energy consumption in other sectors flattens out. The main reason for an increased use of fuel in the transport sector is the rise in the number of motorised machinery and vehicles in mainland Norway. This has caused a rise in gasoline and diesel consumption of 75 per cent since 1976. The petroleum sector is the largest consumer of energy within the energy sector in mainland Norway, and electricity from onshore to platforms in the North Sea and to new shore side installations has led to a rise in electricity consumption from 1 TWh in 1995 to 5 TWh in 2009. The energy consumption in households showed flat trend from 1996 to 2009, after many years of growth. The main reasons are a warmer climate, higher energy prices, the use of heats pumps and more energy-efficient buildings. In the service industries, the growth in energy consumptions has slightly decreased since the late 1990s, for much the same reasons as for households. In manufacturing industries the energy consumption have flatten out mainly due to the closure of energy-intensive businesses and the establishment of new more energy-efficient businesses. Electricity is

  13. Domestic energy use and householders' energy behaviour

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yohanis, Yigzaw Goshu


    This paper discusses domestic energy use and energy behaviour. It shows some improvement in domestic energy consumption and adoption of good energy practice. The survey conducted indicated that 35% of homes could improve their energy efficiency by improved tank insulation. In the last 5 years condensing boilers have been installed only in 3% of homes, indicating that householders are unaware of their advantages. Although 88% of surveyed homes had purchased a major appliance in the last 2 years, only 16% had any idea of the energy rating of their new appliances. Use of energy saving light bulbs is predominant in kitchens compared to other rooms. 70–80% of householders undertook some kind of day-to-day energy efficiency measures. 20–35% of householders would like to invest in energy-saving measures but found cost to be a key barrier. Approximately 84% of those surveyed were unaware of the energy rating of their household appliances. Price and brand were the most important factors determining the purchase of a new appliance. Significant energy-saving could be achieved by providing appropriate information to the general public regarding temperature control, efficiency of appliances and energy-saving heating systems. - Highlights: ▶ Good practice in household energy use is being adopted but actual use is rising. ▶ Cost is dominant in energy related decisions purchasing of household appliances. ▶ Energy behaviour is improving but level of awareness needs more work.

  14. Energy in Croatia 2003. Annual Energy Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Reports have kept domestic and international audience continuously informed about the latest relations and developments in the Croatian energy system. Annual report presents all characteristic indicators of the Croatian energy system in 2003, outlines their development over a longer past period, and suggests a future course of development of basic energy system indicators. Total primary energy supply in the Republic of Croatia in 2003 was 5.2 percent higher compared to the previous year. The gross domestic product increased by 4.3 percent over the same period. This means that energy intensity, primary energy supply per unit of gross domestic product, increased by 0.9 percent. Compared to the european Union average Croatian energy intensity was approximately 32 percent higher. Total primary energy production, on the other hand, decreased by 1.1 percent compared to 2002. This means that primary energy self-supply, which fell to 46.4 percent, reached its lowest level to-date in the observed period. The remaining energy needs were met by imports, which increased by 1.7 percent. In the structure of total primary energy supply, decrease has been observed only in energy conversion losses, while all other categories increased. Final energy demand increased by 6.7 percent in 2003, with the levels recorded in different sectors ranging from 2.5 percent in industry to 7.5 and 8 percent in transport and other sectors, respectively. In terms of final energy demand, an increase has been recorded in all energy forms except natural gas, whose consumption showed stagnation. This is due to lower consumption in the energy transformation sector and a significant 9.2 percent increase in its final energy demand. A continuous increase in electricity consumption - which reached 4.8 percent in the observed period - is worth nothing. Energy forms which recorded highest consumption increase levels in 2003 are coal (16 percent) and diesel fuel (15 percent). In contrast to the fast increase in

  15. Studies on energy system for an energy-saving society; Sho energy gata shakai ni okeru energy system kento

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The system to which new energy technology and energy saving technology were introduced was constructed for case studies of urban areas including core cities and the peripheral areas, and the quantitative analysis was conducted on environmental effects, etc. In the energy supply system model, the following element technologies were all considered: cogeneration system, sewage water heat, river water heat, the photovoltaic power generation, energy storage/heat storage/cold heat storage, adsorption type refrigerator, etc. Also considered were power interchange between clusters, system power buying/power selling, heat interchange or no heat interchange, etc. As a result, it was found that when constructing the energy system which synthetically takes into account thermoelectric ratios, rates of simultaneous loads, ratios of daytime/nighttime in the energy supply and demand in the urban area, the energy saving effect multiplicatively increases, and the energy system using cogeneration and unused energy such as refuse and sewage in the urban area and river water brings an energy saving effect of 32% especially in the concentrated cluster. 83 figs., 45 tabs.

  16. Who puts the most energy into energy conservation? A segmentation of energy consumers based on energy-related behavioral characteristics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sütterlin, Bernadette; Brunner, Thomas A.; Siegrist, Michael


    The present paper aims to identify and describe different types of energy consumers in a more comprehensive way than previous segmentation studies using cluster analysis. Energy consumers were segmented based on their energy-related behavioral characteristics. In addition to purchase- and curtailment-related energy-saving behavior, consumer classification was also based on acceptance of policy measures and energy-related psychosocial factors, so the used behavioral segmentation base was more comprehensive compared to other studies. Furthermore, differentiation between the energy-saving purchase of daily products, such as food, and of energy efficient appliances allowed a more differentiated characterization of the energy consumer segments. The cluster analysis revealed six energy consumer segments: the idealistic, the selfless inconsequent, the thrifty, the materialistic, the convenience-oriented indifferent, and the problem-aware well-being-oriented energy consumer. Findings emphasize that using a broader and more distinct behavioral base is crucial for an adequate and differentiated description of energy consumer types. The paper concludes by highlighting the most promising energy consumer segments and discussing possible segment-specific marketing and policy strategies. - Highlights: ► By applying a cluster-analytic approach, new energy consumer segments are identified. ► A comprehensive, differentiated description of the different energy consumer types is provided. ► A distinction between purchase of daily products and energy efficient appliances is essential. ► Behavioral variables are a more suitable base for segmentation than general characteristics.

  17. Wiedza studentów na temat odnawialnych źródeł energii = Knowledge of students about renewable energy sources

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mateusz Babula


    2Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie     Słowa kluczowe: odnawialne źródła energii, energia odnawialna. Key words: renewable sources of energy, renewable energy.     Streszczenie   Wstęp: W dzisiejszych czasach do pracy wielu urządzeń potrzebna jest energia elektryczna. Obecnie około 90% energii elektrycznej powstaje w elektrowniach cieplnych, których paliwem jest węgiel kamienny lub brunatny. Poprzez produkcję energii elektrycznej w sposób konwencjonalny wzrasta zawartość w powietrzu dwutlenku węgla. Przyczynia się to do zwiększenia efektu cieplarnianego oraz do rosnącego zagrożenia związanego ze zmianami klimatycznymi. Dlatego ważne jest wykorzystanie odnawialnych źródeł energii. Cel pracy: Celem naszej pracy jest przedstawienie wiedzy studentów na temat OŹE. Badanie to ma na celu sprawdzenie znajomości definicji i podziału odnawialnych źródeł energii, korzyści oraz wad jakie wynikają z ich użytkowania oraz podstaw prawnych funkcjonowania OŹE w Polsce. Prowadzone badanie ma na celu przedstawienie wiedzy studentów na temat udziału OŹE w produkcji energii elektrycznej w Polsce. Materiał i metody badawcze: W badaniu zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego. Narzędziem badawczym był kwestionariusz ankiety własnego autorstwa złożony z 10 pytań. Dotyczą one wiedzy na temat Odnawialnych Źródeł Energii, znajomości definicji i podziału odnawialnych źródeł energii, korzyści oraz wad jakie wynikają z ich użytkowania oraz podstaw prawnych funkcjonowania OŹE w Polsce. Badania odbywały się na zasadzie anonimowości. Ankiety zostały wysyłane do respondentów za pomocą Internetu. Wyniki  i wnioski: Większość studentów określa swoją wiedzę na temat Odnawialnych Źródeł Energii na poziomie dostatecznym. Zaś po przeprowadzeniu badań wykazano, że studenci potrafią zdefiniować pojęcie odnawialnych źródeł energii oraz poprawnie wymieniają jej źródła.  Natomiast stwierdzono znaczne trudności w

  18. Second Strategic Energy Review. Securing our Energy Future

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Europe has agreed a forward-looking political agenda to achieve its core energy objectives of sustainability, competitiveness and security of supply. This agenda means substantial change in Europe's energy system over the next years, with public authorities, energy regulators, infrastructure operators, the energy industry and citizens all actively involved. It means choices and investments during a time of much change in global energy markets and international relations. The European Commission has therefore proposed a wide-ranging energy package which gives a new boost to energy security in Europe, i.e. putting forward a new strategy to build up energy solidarity among Member States and a new policy on energy networks to stimulate investment in more efficient, low-carbon energy networks; proposing a Energy Security and Solidarity Action Plan to secure sustainable energy supplies in the EU and looking at the challenges that Europe will face between 2020 and 2050; adopting a package of energy efficiency proposals aims to make energy savings in key areas, such as reinforcing energy efficiency legislation on buildings and energy-using products. All relevant and related documents with regard to the Second Strategic Energy Review can be found through this site

  19. An Energy Integrated Dispatching Strategy of Multi- energy Based on Energy Internet (United States)

    Jin, Weixia; Han, Jun


    Energy internet is a new way of energy use. Energy internet achieves energy efficiency and low cost by scheduling a variety of different forms of energy. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is an advanced algorithm with few parameters, high computational precision and fast convergence speed. By improving the parameters ω, c1 and c2, PSO can improve the convergence speed and calculation accuracy. The objective of optimizing model is lowest cost of fuel, which can meet the load of electricity, heat and cold after all the renewable energy is received. Due to the different energy structure and price in different regions, the optimization strategy needs to be determined according to the algorithm and model.

  20. Energies-climate review (Panorama energies-climate) - issue 2013

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goubet, Cecile; Beriot, Nicolas; Daurian, Aurelien; Vieillefosse, Alice; Ducastelle, Julien; Le Guen, Solenn; Strang, Axel; Courtois, Sophie; Brender, Pierre; Guibert, Olivier de; Croquette, Gilles; Simiu, Diane; Venturini, Isabelle; Hesske, Philip; Oriol, Louise; Louati, Sami; Cadin, Didier; Korman, Bernard; Defays, Julien; Balian, Armelle; Guichaoua, Sabine; Isoard, Vivien; Lamy, Jean-michel; Pelce, Frederic; Fondeville, Louis; Baumont, Thierry; Triquet, Olivier; Mouloudi, Fadwa; Quintaine, Thierry; Reizine, Stanislas; Pertuiset, Thomas; Caron, Antoine; Blanchard, Sidonie; Timsit, Isabelle; Lewis, Florian; Ducouret, Melanie; Leclercq, Martine; Derville, Isabelle; Grenon, Georgina; Thomas, Julien; Oeser, Christian; Thouin, Catherine; Dumiot, Jacques-Emmanuel; Rondeau, Claudine; Menager, Yann; Barber, Nicolas; Weill, Jonathan; Furois, Timothee; Thomines, Marie; Brunet-Lecomte, Helene; Boutot, Romary; Strang, Axel; Giraud, Jean; Thomas, Julien; Oeser, Christian; Perrette, Lionel; Breda, Willy; Panetier, Vincent; Miraval, Bruno; Delaugerre, Frederique; Leinekugel Le Cocq, Thibaut; Lemaire, Yves; Thabet, Soraya


    This issue first analyses what is at stake with energy transition: struggle against climate change, management of energy demand and promotion of energy efficiency, struggle against energy poverty, development of technologies for tomorrow's energy system. It discusses France's position within its European and international environment: European energy-climate objectives, world context of oil and gas markets, European electricity markets, imports and exports, energy bill. It presents and analyses the situation of the oil and gas sector in France: hydrocarbon exploration and production in France, refining activities, substitution fuels, oil infrastructures, oil product retailing, and gas infrastructures. It then presents the French electric system (electricity production, electricity transport and distribution grids and networks, electric system safety) and the industrial sectors involved in de-carbonated energy production: biomass, wind energy, sea energy, geothermal energy, hydroelectricity, nuclear energy, photovoltaic and thermodynamic solar energy. It addresses the industrial sectors involved in a better use of energy: dynamic control of smart energy systems (smart grids, hydrogen, energy storage), CO 2 capture and storage, de-carbonated vehicle and its ecosystem. The last part addresses oil product prices, gas prices, electricity prices, the energy tax system, and the arrangements and costs of the support to renewable energy production

  1. Energy contracting. Energy-related services and decentral energy supply. 2. ed.; Energie-Contracting. Energiedienstleistungen und dezentrale Energieversorgung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hack, Martin


    According to the author, the intended German energy turnaround cannot be achieved solely on the basis of power from renewables and by constructing new passive buildings. Also required are decentral energy services if the energy saving and efficiency goals are to be achieved. In spite of many variations, the basic structure of these is the following: A contractor providing energy services does not only supply energy but also carries the risk and responsibility for efficient supply. This will relieve energy users, whether industrial or trade enterprises, public administration or home owners from this task; also, this integrated approach will open up undeveloped efficiency potentials. The book discusses current legal issues in a clear and practice-oriented manner and also provides a check list for energy contracting and an exemplary contract. (orig./RHM)

  2. Energy Storage and Smart Energy Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lund, Henrik; Østergaard, Poul Alberg; Connolly, David


    It is often highlighted how the transition to renewable energy supply calls for significant electricity storage. However, one has to move beyond the electricity-only focus and take a holistic energy system view to identify optimal solutions for integrating renewable energy. In this paper......, an integrated cross-sector approach is used to determine the most efficient and least-cost storage options for the entire renewable energy system concluding that the best storage solutions cannot be found through analyses focusing on the individual sub-sectors. Electricity storage is not the optimum solution...... to integrate large inflows of fluctuating renewable energy, since more efficient and cheaper options can be found by integrating the electricity sector with other parts of the energy system and by this creating a Smart Energy System. Nevertheless, this does not imply that electricity storage should...

  3. Energy in Croatia, Annual Energy Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Ministry of Economic Affairs continues its task of observing and informing about the Croatian energy system. The review consists of the most recent and classified data on 1997 and the previous four years. Compared to previous year, in 1997 the total primary energy supply decreased by 1,3 percent. At the same time the gross domestic product increased by 6,5 percent, thus the energy intensity dropped, which is a positive trend. The energy intensity, the value showing the total energy consumed per unit of gross domestic product, exceeds the level realised by the Western European countries, but it is at the same time more favourable related to the transition economy countries. On the other hand, 1997 saw a decrease in the primary energy production by 8,9 percent, resulting from the decline in the production of natural gas, oil and coal, and naturally, unfavourable hydrological conditions. Thus, own supply dropped to 57 percent, the lowest recorded in the past five years. In 1997 the losses and operational consumption of energy decreased more than the non-energy consumption increased, but despite the decrease of the total primary energy supply there occurred an increase of final energy demand by total of 4,4 percent, 2,1 of which in general consumption, 5,5 in transport and 7,8 percent in industry. Apart from these data, the review considers all other relevant indicators showing a positive shift but leaving space for further improvements with the aim of achieving higher energy system efficiency

  4. Wind energy renewable energy and the environment

    CERN Document Server

    Nelson, Vaughn; Nelson, Vaughn


    Due to the mounting demand for energy and increasing population of the world, switching from nonrenewable fossil fuels to other energy sources is not an option-it is a necessity. Focusing on a cost-effective option for the generation of electricity, Wind Energy: Renewable Energy and the Environment covers all facets of wind energy and wind turbines. The book begins by outlining the history of wind energy, before providing reasons to shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy. After examining the characteristics of wind, such as shear, power potential, and turbulence, it discusses the measur

  5. Energy. Economics - politics - technology. Energie. Wirtschaft - Politik - Technik

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kruppa, A; Mielenhausen, E; Kallweit, J H; Schlueter, H; Schenkel, J; Vohwinkel, F; Streckel, S; Brockmann, H W


    The themes of the various aspects of the energy sector collected in this volume and discussed by different authors are: Energy policy, energy demand-research and forecasts, energy supplies, new technologies for future energy supply, generation of electrical energy by nuclear power stations, effect on the environment of energy plants, legal problems of site planning, and the authorisation of energy plants.

  6. Energy models for commercial energy prediction and substitution of renewable energy sources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iniyan, S.; Suganthi, L.; Samuel, Anand A.


    In this paper, three models have been projected namely Modified Econometric Mathematical (MEM) model, Mathematical Programming Energy-Economy-Environment (MPEEE) model, and Optimal Renewable Energy Mathematical (OREM) model. The actual demand for coal, oil and electricity is predicted using the MEM model based on economic, technological and environmental factors. The results were used in the MPEEE model, which determines the optimum allocation of commercial energy sources based on environmental limitations. The gap between the actual energy demand from the MEM model and optimal energy use from the MPEEE model, has to be met by the renewable energy sources. The study develops an OREM model that would facilitate effective utilization of renewable energy sources in India, based on cost, efficiency, social acceptance, reliability, potential and demand. The economic variations in solar energy systems and inclusion of environmental constraint are also analyzed with OREM model. The OREM model will help policy makers in the formulation and implementation of strategies concerning renewable energy sources in India for the next two decades

  7. The application of Monte Carlo method to electron and photon beams transport; Zastosowanie metody Monte Carlo do analizy transportu elektronow i fotonow

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zychor, I. [Soltan Inst. for Nuclear Studies, Otwock-Swierk (Poland)


    The application of a Monte Carlo method to study a transport in matter of electron and photon beams is presented, especially for electrons with energies up to 18 MeV. The SHOWME Monte Carlo code, a modified version of GEANT3 code, was used on the CONVEX C3210 computer at Swierk. It was assumed that an electron beam is mono directional and monoenergetic. Arbitrary user-defined, complex geometries made of any element or material can be used in calculation. All principal phenomena occurring when electron beam penetrates the matter are taken into account. The use of calculation for a therapeutic electron beam collimation is presented. (author). 20 refs, 29 figs.

  8. Nove metody hospodarrneho dimenzovany systemu s tepelnym cerpadlem a svislymi zemnimi vrty = New methods for optimized system design of heat pumps with borehole heat exchangers

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Krainer, R.


    The aim of this thesis is to optimize heat pump systems with borehole heat exchanger in terms of energy consumption. The research is dealing with different configurations of system and suitable control strategy. In regards to a great number of system configurations, only four basic of them were

  9. Dutch Energy Investment Allowance (EIA). Energy and Companies. Energy List for 2008; Energie-Investeringsaftrek. Energie en Bedrijven. Energielijst 2008

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This tax relief programme gives a direct financial advantage to dutch companies that invest in energy-saving equipment and sustainable energy. 44 percent of the annual investment costs of such equipment (purchase costs and production costs) are deductible from the fiscal profit over the calendar year in which the equipment was procured, subject to a maximum of EUR 111 million. The Energy List determines which types of equipment qualify for this programme. The programme includes the costs of obtaining energy advice, provided that the advice results in an investment in energy-saving equipment. Within three months of entering into obligations one must report the investment to the Investment Schemes and Arbitrary Depreciation Office in Breda, Netherlands. [Dutch] De Energie-investeringsaftrek (EIA) biedt ondernemers een belastingvoordeel voor investeringen in energiebesparende bedrijfsmiddelen en duurzame energie. Naast de gebruikelijke afschrijving is 44% van de investeringskosten van deze bedrijfsmiddelen aftrekbaar van de fiscale winst. In deel 1 van deze brochure vindt men de wijzigingen ten opzichte van het jaar 2007. In deel 2 wordt de werking van de EIA uitgelegd en in deel 3 hoe van deze regeling gebruik kan worden gemaakt. In deel 4 staat de toelichting op de energielijst en in deel 5 is een overzicht opgenomen met omschrijvingen en voorbeelden van energie-investeringen, de zogenoemde Energielijst. In deel 6 is aangegeven hoe men een voorstel kan doen om de Energielijst van 2008 aan te vullen of te wijzigen voor 2009. Het meldingsformulier om EIA aan te vragen en het machtigingsformulier zijn opgenomen bij deel 7.

  10. Contemporary energy storage sources. Energy saving

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Manev, Veselin


    The development of renewable energy system for electricity production is impede because of needs to be stabilized with nearly equivalent installed power of energy storage devices. The development of more electrical energy storage facilities will be extremely important for electricity generation in the future. Using hydro pumping, combined with a long life and fast charge/discharge rate, highly efficient contemporary power energy storage as Altairnano lithium ion battery, currently is seems to be the best solution for fast penetration rate of wind and solar energy systems

  11. Waste energy harvesting mechanical and thermal energies

    CERN Document Server

    Ling Bing, Kong; Hng, Huey Hoon; Boey, Freddy; Zhang, Tianshu


    Waste Energy Harvesting overviews the latest progress in waste energy harvesting technologies, with specific focusing on waste thermal mechanical energies. Thermal energy harvesting technologies include thermoelectric effect, storage through phase change materials and pyroelectric effect. Waste mechanical energy harvesting technologies include piezoelectric (ferroelectric) effect with ferroelectric materials and nanogenerators. The book aims to strengthen the syllabus in energy, materials and physics and is well suitable for students and professionals in the fields.

  12. The perspectives of fusion energy: The roadmap towards energy production and fusion energy in a distributed energy system

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Naulin, Volker; Juul Rasmussen, Jens; Korsholm, Søren Bang


    at very high temperature where all matter is in the plasma state as the involved energies are orders of magnitude higher than typical chemical binding energies. It is one of the great science and engineering challenges to construct a viable power plant based on fusion energy. Fusion research is a world...... The presentation will discuss the present status of the fusion energy research and review the EU Roadmap towards a fusion power plant. Further the cost of fusion energy is assessed as well as how it can be integrated in the distributed energy system......Controlled thermonuclear fusion has the potential of providing an environmentally friendly and inexhaustible energy source for mankind. Fusion energy, which powers our sun and the stars, is released when light elements, such as the hydrogen isotopes deuterium and tritium, fuse together. This occurs...

  13. Energy planning and energy efficiency assistance

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Markel, L. [Electrotek Concepts, Inc., Knoxville, TN (United States)


    Electrotek is an engineering services company specializing in energy-related programs. Clients are most utilities, large energy users, and the U.S. Electric Power Research Institute. Electrotek has directed energy projects for the U.S. Agency for International Development and the U.S. Department of Energy in Poland and other countries of Central Europe. The objective is to assist the host country organizations to identify and implement appropriate energy efficiency and pollution reduction technologies, to transfer technical and organizational knowledge, so that further implementations are market-driven, without needed continuing foreign investment. Electrotek has worked with the Silesian Power Distribution Company to design an energy efficiency program for industrial customers that has proven to be profitable for the company and for its customers. The program has both saved energy and costs, and reduced pollution. The program is expanding to include additional customers, without needing more funding from the U.S. government.

  14. Energy for Germany 2010. US energy policy; Energie fuer Deutschland 2010. Energiepolitik der USA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This is a publication of the Weltenergierat-Deutschland e.V. (World Energy Council), Berlin, dealing with US energy policy. In particular, it presents the energy-political boundary conditions and challenges, the energy policy of the USA and an outlook to the future: While Obama's energy policy is giving room for transatlantic cooperations, obstacles will remain. There is a chapter on energy and the world, which goes into the following issues: World Energy Outlook 2009 of the International Energy Agency (IEA); Copenhagen from thew view of the World Energy Council; Desertec; CCS implementation worldwide; ''Yasun: ITT'' - Ecuador. The chapter on energy in Europe discusses the following subjects: Priorities of the energy policy of the new EU Commission; EEX and coupling points; the third EU energy package for the internal market; Green power certificates (EWI study); Nuclear power: New power plant construction projects and operating times of existing powerplants in Europe; EU directive on gas supply reliability; Regional cooperations for assuring reliability of supply. The final chapter informs on energy in Germany: Long-term geological storage of CO2 in Germany; Electromobility; Vulnerability and reliability of supply as indicators of assured energy supply. (orig./RHM)

  15. Energy for Germany 2010. US energy policy; Energie fuer Deutschland 2010. Energiepolitik der USA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This is a publication of the Weltenergierat-Deutschland e.V. (World Energy Council), Berlin, dealing with US energy policy. In particular, it presents the energy-political boundary conditions and challenges, the energy policy of the USA and an outlook to the future: While Obama's energy policy is giving room for transatlantic cooperations, obstacles will remain. There is a chapter on energy and the world, which goes into the following issues: World Energy Outlook 2009 of the International Energy Agency (IEA); Copenhagen from thew view of the World Energy Council; Desertec; CCS implementation worldwide; ''Yasun: ITT'' - Ecuador. The chapter on energy in Europe discusses the following subjects: Priorities of the energy policy of the new EU Commission; EEX and coupling points; the third EU energy package for the internal market; Green power certificates (EWI study); Nuclear power: New power plant construction projects and operating times of existing powerplants in Europe; EU directive on gas supply reliability; Regional cooperations for assuring reliability of supply. The final chapter informs on energy in Germany: Long-term geological storage of CO2 in Germany; Electromobility; Vulnerability and reliability of supply as indicators of assured energy supply. (orig./RHM)

  16. Energy revolution: From a fossil energy era to a new energy era

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Caineng Zou


    Full Text Available This paper aims to predict the future situation of global energy development. In view of this, we reviewed the history of energy use and understood that new energy sources will usher in a new era following oil & gas, coal and wood one after another in the past time. Although the fossil energy sources are still plenty in the world, great breakthroughs made in some key technologies and the increasing demand for ecological environmental protection both impel the third time of transformation from oil & gas to new energy sources. Sooner or later, oil, gas, coal and new energy sources will each account for a quarter of global energy consumption in the new era, specifically speaking, accounting for 32.6%, 23.7%, 30.0% and 13.7% respectively. As one of the largest coal consumer, China will inevitably face up to the situation of tripartite confrontation of the coal, oil & gas and new energy. The following forecasting results were achieved. First, the oil will be in a stable period and its annual production peak will be around 2040, reaching up to 45 × 108 t. Second, the natural gas will enter the heyday period and its annual production peak will be around 2060, reaching up to 4.5 × 1012 m3, which will play a pivotal role in the future energy sustainable development. Third, the coal has entered a high-to-low-carbon transition period, and its direct use and the discharged pollutants will be significantly reduced. In 2050, the coal will be dropped to 25% of the primary energy mix. Last, the development and utilization of new energy sources has been getting into the golden age and its proportion in the primary energy mix will be substantially enhanced. On this basis, we presented some proposals for the future energy development in China. At first, we should understand well that China's energy production and consumption has its own characteristics. Under the present situation, we should strengthen the clean and efficient use of coal resources, which

  17. Dissolve energy obesity by energy diet

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Jung Heum [Sunmoon University, Asan (Korea)


    Every organism takes needed materials or energy from outside and excretes unessential things to outside. This is called a metabolism or energy metabolism. Calculating the amount of energy consumed by human in the world by converting to the amount of metabolism of an animal to survive, the weight of a human being is corresponding to an animal with a weigh of 40 ton. Human beings can find a solution to dissolve energy obesity or can maintain a massive status by finding a new energy source in the universe.

  18. Energy in Croatia 2005, Annual Energy Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Report presents the latest information on relations and trends in the Croatian energy sector. The reports gives a familiar overview of comprehensive data about and representative features of the Croatian energy sector, related to the supply and demand of energy at all levels. It produces a detailed analysis of energy trends and provides extensive data on capacity, reserves and prices as well as balances of individual energy sources - crude oil, petroleum products, natural gas, electricity, heat, coal and renewable source of energy. Basic economic and financial indicators, emissions of air pollutants and basic energy efficiency indicators for Croatia are also presented. In 2005, total primary energy supply in Croatia decreased slightly by 0.1 per cent with respect to the previous year. At the same time, GDP rose by 4.3 per cent, resulting in a drop in energy intensity of the total primary energy supply of 4.2 per cent. The energy intensity in Croatia was 20.1 per cent higher than the average energy intensity in the European Union, but a positive decreasing trend was noted during the past period. In 2005 the total primary energy production in Croatia fell by 3.5 per cent with respect to the previous year. The highest decrease was recorded in harnessing hydro power, and the production of crude oil and fuel wood also declined. Only the production of natural gas showed a growth of 3.5 per cent. Due to the decrease in the primary energy production, energy self-supply was also reduced to 47.9 per cent. A less value was achieved only in the year 2003. A continuing trend towards a gradual decline in energy self-supply was present throughout the past several years. Final energy demand increased by 3 per cent while demands in other sectors decreased. Energy transformation losses were reduced by 7 per cent, non-energy use declined by 5.6 per cent and energy transmission and distribution losses by 5.5 per cent, and there was a slight drop of 0.2 per cent in demand in energy

  19. Mobile Energy Laboratory energy-efficiency testing programs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Parker, G.B.; Currie, J.W.


    This report summarizes energy-efficiency testing activities applying the Mobile Energy Laboratory (MEL) testing capabilities during the third and fourth quarters of fiscal year (FY) 1991. The MELs, developed by the US Department of Energy (DOE) Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP), are administered by Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) and the Naval Energy and Environmental Support Activity (NEESA) for energy testing and energy conservation program support functions at federal facilities. The using agencies principally fund MEL applications, while DOE/FEMP funds program administration and capability enhancement activities. This report fulfills the requirements established in Section 8 of the MEL Use Plan (PNL-6861) for semi-annual reporting on energy-efficiency testing activities using the MEL capabilities. The MEL Use Committee, formally established in 1989, developed the MEL Use Plan and meets semi-annually to establish priorities for energy-efficient testing applications using the MEL capabilities. The MEL Use Committee is composed of one representative each of the US Department of Energy, US Army, US Air Force, US Navy, and other federal agencies

  20. Mobile Energy Laboratory energy-efficiency testing programs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Parker, G B; Currie, J W


    This report summarizes energy-efficiency testing activities applying the Mobile Energy Laboratory (MEL) testing capabilities during the third and fourth quarters of fiscal year (FY) 1991. The MELs, developed by the US Department of Energy (DOE) Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP), are administered by Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) and the Naval Energy and Environmental Support Activity (NEESA) for energy testing and energy conservation program support functions at federal facilities. The using agencies principally fund MEL applications, while DOE/FEMP funds program administration and capability enhancement activities. This report fulfills the requirements established in Section 8 of the MEL Use Plan (PNL-6861) for semi-annual reporting on energy-efficiency testing activities using the MEL capabilities. The MEL Use Committee, formally established in 1989, developed the MEL Use Plan and meets semi-annually to establish priorities for energy-efficient testing applications using the MEL capabilities. The MEL Use Committee is composed of one representative each of the US Department of Energy, US Army, US Air Force, US Navy, and other federal agencies.

  1. Energy Storage and Smart Energy Systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Poul Alberg Østergaard


    Full Text Available It is often highlighted how the transition to renewable energy supply calls for significant electricity storage. However, one has to move beyond the electricity-only focus and take a holistic energy system view to identify optimal solutions for integrating renewable energy. In this paper, an integrated cross-sector approach is used to determine the most efficient and least-cost storage options for the entire renewable energy system concluding that the best storage solutions cannot be found through analyses focusing on the individual sub-sectors. Electricity storage is not the optimum solution to integrate large inflows of fluctuating renewable energy, since more efficient and cheaper options can be found by integrating the electricity sector with other parts of the energy system and by this creating a Smart Energy System. Nevertheless, this does not imply that electricity storage should be disregarded but that it will be needed for other purposes in the future.

  2. Energy intensity ratios as net energy measures of United States energy production and expenditures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    King, C W


    In this letter I compare two measures of energy quality, energy return on energy invested (EROI) and energy intensity ratio (EIR) for the fossil fuel consumption and production of the United States. All other characteristics being equal, a fuel or energy system with a higher EROI or EIR is of better quality because more energy is provided to society. I define and calculate the EIR for oil, natural gas, coal, and electricity as measures of the energy intensity (units of energy divided by money) of the energy resource relative to the energy intensity of the overall economy. EIR measures based upon various unit prices for energy (e.g. $/Btu of a barrel of oil) as well as total expenditures on energy supplies (e.g. total dollars spent on petroleum) indicate net energy at different points in the supply chain of the overall energy system. The results indicate that EIR is an easily calculated and effective proxy for EROI for US oil, gas, coal, and electricity. The EIR correlates well with previous EROI calculations, but adds additional information on energy resource quality within the supply chain. Furthermore, the EIR and EROI of oil and gas as well as coal were all in decline for two time periods within the last 40 years, and both time periods preceded economic recessions.

  3. Energy situation - Forth quarter 2016. Energy situation October 2016; Energy situation November 2016; Energy situation December 2016

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guggemos, Fabien; Misak, Evelyne; Mombel, David; Moreau, Sylvain


    This publication presents, first, a quarterly report of the French energy situation: primary energy consumption, energy independence and CO_2 emissions, national production, imports, exports, energy costs, average and spot prices. Data are presented separately for solid mineral fuels, petroleum products, natural gas and electricity. Month-to-month details are summarized in a second part, in the form of tables and graphs

  4. Energy situation - First quarter 2017. Energy situation January 2017; Energy situation February 2017; Energy situation March 2017

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guggemos, Fabien; Misak, Evelyne; Mombel, David; Moreau, Sylvain


    This publication presents, first, a quarterly report of the French energy situation: primary energy consumption, energy independence and CO_2 emissions, national production, imports, exports, energy costs, average and spot prices. Data are presented separately for solid mineral fuels, petroleum products, natural gas and electricity. Month-to-month details are summarized in a second part, in the form of tables and graphs

  5. Energy

    CERN Document Server

    Foland, Andrew Dean


    Energy is the central concept of physics. Unable to be created or destroyed but transformable from one form to another, energy ultimately determines what is and isn''t possible in our universe. This book gives readers an appreciation for the limits of energy and the quantities of energy in the world around them. This fascinating book explores the major forms of energy: kinetic, potential, electrical, chemical, thermal, and nuclear.

  6. Energy in Croatia, Annual Energy Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The review consists of the most recent and settled data for the year 2000 as well as data for the five-years period. In 2000 total energy consumption decreased by 2.8 percent compared to the previous year. As at the same time the gross domestic product increased by 3.7 percent, energy intensity grew, thus presenting a positive change of trend . The energy intensity, the measurement showing the total energy consumption per unit of gross domestic product, exceeded the level realised by the Western European countries, but was still more favourable than in most transition countries. At the same time 2000 saw an decrease of primary energy generation by 1.7 percent but, as a consequence of extremely favourable hydrological conditions, with a decreased production of natural gas and oil. The supply from own sources remained 51 percent but the trend is expected to be negative in the following few years bearing in mind the condition of the gas and oil reserves, i.e. cessation of coal production in Istria. Only partly will the process be slowed down by the production of natural gas from the Northern Adriatic. Natural gas production grew by 6.8 percent compared to the previous year, causing the share of natural gas in energy production to exceed 32 percent. In 2000 the transformation losses fell by 11 percent, transportation and distribution losses fell by 6.7 percent and non-energy consumption by 2.4 percent, while energy sector own use rose by 1.4 percent.. The result of this was that, despite the increase of total energy production by 2.8 percent, final energy demand fell by only 0.2 percent, i.e. 1.5 percent in other sectors and transport, and 2.9 percent increase in industry. Apart from these data, the publication includes all other relevant indicators about our energy system, i.e. system capacities, energy source prices, environmental influence, etc

  7. Alternative Energy Development and China's Energy Future

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zheng, Nina; Fridley, David


    In addition to promoting energy efficiency, China has actively pursued alternative energy development as a strategy to reduce its energy demand and carbon emissions. One area of particular focus has been to raise the share of alternative energy in China’s rapidly growing electricity generation with a 2020 target of 15% share of total primary energy. Over the last ten years, China has established several major renewable energy regulations along with programs and subsidies to encourage the growth of non-fossil alternative energy including solar, wind, nuclear, hydro, geothermal and biomass power as well as biofuels and coal alternatives. This study thus seeks to examine China’s alternative energy in terms of what has and will continue to drive alternative energy development in China as well as analyze in depth the growth potential and challenges facing each specific technology. This study found that despite recent policies enabling extraordinary capacity and investment growth, alternative energy technologies face constraints and barriers to growth. For relatively new technologies that have not achieved commercialization such as concentrated solar thermal, geothermal and biomass power, China faces technological limitations to expanding the scale of installed capacity. While some alternative technologies such as hydropower and coal alternatives have been slowed by uneven and often changing market and policy support, others such as wind and solar PV have encountered physical and institutional barriers to grid integration. Lastly, all alternative energy technologies face constraints in human resources and raw material resources including land and water, with some facing supply limitations in critical elements such as uranium for nuclear, neodymium for wind and rare earth metals for advanced solar PV. In light of China’s potential for and barriers to growth, the resource and energy requirement for alternative energy technologies were modeled and scenario analysis

  8. The energy yield of nuclear energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, Ph.B.


    In this paper, a comparison is made between the energy produced in a nuclear cycle in a light-water reactor without recycling of plutonium or uranium on the one hand and the energy stored into the system to realize this energy production on the other. Only empirical data are used, which means that some energy costs are omitted because no empirical data were available (e.g. energy needed to waste processing and waste disposal). The following steps are taken into account: production and processing of ores, conversion and enrichment of fuels, construction and shutdown of the reactor itself. (Auth.)

  9. Primerjava učinkovitosti različnih kombinacij herbicidov in njihov vpliv na plevelno združbo v vinogradu


    Arnečič, Suzana


    V letih 2008 in 2009 smo na Univerzitetnem centru Meranovo Fakultete za kmetijstvo in biosistemske vede v vinogradu sorte 'Renski rizling' ugotavljali učinkovitost enajstih herbicidov oziroma njihovih kombinacij za zatiranje plevelne združbe pod trtami. Poskus je bil zastavljen po metodi naključnih blokov v treh ponovitvah. Ocenjevali smo učinkovitost herbicidov in pokrovnost tal s plevelno združbo. V letu 2008 je bila statistično značilna najmanjša pokrovnost tal s plevelno združbo pri obrav...

  10. Sviluppo e utilizzo di un sistema per l’archiviazione, la revisione e il deposito di tesi elettroniche e dissertazioni destinato alle Università

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David Edelman


    Full Text Available La North Carolina State University ha sviluppato un sistema completamente automatizzato per il deposito, la revisione e l’archiviazione digitale delle tesi di laurea e delle dissertazioni, chiamato ETD (Electronic Thesis and Dissertation. Il sistema ETD migliora l’accessibilità e sostanzialmente riduce i tempi richiesti per sottoporre i lavori, se paragonato ai metodi di deposito cartacei, da parte dei gruppi coinvolti nella valutazione e nel processo di approvazione delle tesi / dissertazioni: studenti, membri del comitato di valutazione, diplomati, curatori di tesi, archivisti (per esempio bibliotecari universitari e ricercatori.

  11. EEG biofeedback


    Dvořáček, Michael


    Vznik EEG aktivity v mozku, rozdělení EEG vln podle frekvence, způsob měření EEG, přístroje pro měření EEG. Dále popis biofeedback metody, její možnosti a návrh biofeedback her. Popis zpracování naměřených EEG signálů. EEG generation, brain rhythms, methods of recording EEG, EEG recorder. Description of biofeedback, potentialities of biofeedback, proposal of biofeedback games. Description of processing measured EEG signals. B

  12. Tutoring szkolny jako koncepcja i metoda wsparcia rozwoju ucznia


    Drozd, Ewa; Zembrzuska, Agnieszka


    Celem artykułu jest dokonanie opisu koncepcji i metody tutoringu szkolnego w odniesieniu do kilkuletnich doświadczeń programu Kolegium Tutorów realizowanego przy wsparciu lokalnych władz oświatowych. Tutoring ma korzenie akademickie jako zindywidualizowana metoda pracy studenta z profesorem, jego istotą jest otwarcie na potrzeby drugiego człowieka i wspieranie w rozwoju. Można wskazać kilka źródeł filozoficznych, które dookreślają czym współcześnie jest tutoring (sokratejski dialog, filozofia...

  13. Igra s simetrijo v vrtcu


    šebjan, Valentina


    Diplomsko delo z naslovom Igra s simetrijo v vrtcu teoretično, praktično in empirično predstavlja področje simetrije v vrtcu oz. sistematično vpeljevanje simetrije v vrtec. Namen diplomskega dela je bil raziskati pridobivanje pojma simetrija in pripraviti gradiva in model oz. metodične postopke za razvijanje pojma v vrtcu ter izmeriti učinkovitost pridobljenih spoznanj o simetriji pri predšolskih otrocih. V teoretičnem delu je bila uporabljena metoda študija pisnih virov. Slednja pa je ...

  14. La questione della verità filosofia, scienze, teologia

    CERN Document Server


    Verità: tema ineludibile, crocevia e chiave essenziale dell'essere uomini. Che cosa è la verità, quali metodi e atteggiamenti richiede la sua ricerca in filosofia, scienze, teologia? Nell'epoca del disincanto e della scepsi è ancora possibile che questi grandi ambiti riescano a dialogare nella ricerca del vero? Oppure sono destinati a non comprendersi e separarsi? In queste pagine si dispiega un'aereopago intellettuale della postmodernità: biologi, fisici, epistemologi, antropologi, filosofi, teologi, biblisti avanzano una lettura affascinante delle grandi opzioni epistemologiche con i loro guadagni, esitazioni, possibili chiusure.

  15. Teorijska i eksperimentalna analiza dinamičkog ponašanja jezgra visokih zgrada


    Varju, Đerđ


    U ovoj disertaciji, izvršena su teorijska i eksperimentalna istraživanja dinamičkog onašanja jezgra visokih zgrada. Model je zasnovan na Vlasovoj teoriji tankozidnih nosača, kao i na metodi prenosnih matrica. Jezgro se tretira kao tankozidni nosač otvorenog poprečnog preseka, koji je na dnu uklješten u temeljnu ploču, dok je na vrhu  slobodan.  Duž  ose  smicanja,  jezgro  je  podeljeno  na  čvorove  u  nivoima spratova  u  koji...

  16. Energy transition, a new French energy model. Future energies, green growth, sustainable jobs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Royal, Segolene


    This publication introduces the new French energy policy for energy transition. It presents and comments the main orientations defined for this policy and which are at the base of the French law on energy transition for a green growth. Thus, it addresses the following topics: to define common objectives for a successful energy transition, to strengthen France's energy independence and to struggle against climate change; to better insulate buildings to save energy, to reduce energy bills and to create jobs; to develop clean transports to improve air quality and to protect the health of French people; to promote renewable energies to diversify energies and to valorise resources of French territories; to struggle against wastage and to promote circular economy from product design to product recycling; to simplify and clarify procedures aimed at improving efficiency and competitiveness; to strengthen nuclear safety and citizen information; and to provide citizen, enterprises, territories and the State with the power to act together

  17. Energy Statistics Manual; Manual Statistik Energi

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Detailed, complete, timely and reliable statistics are essential to monitor the energy situation at a country level as well as at an international level. Energy statistics on supply, trade, stocks, transformation and demand are indeed the basis for any sound energy policy decision. For instance, the market of oil -- which is the largest traded commodity worldwide -- needs to be closely monitored in order for all market players to know at any time what is produced, traded, stocked and consumed and by whom. In view of the role and importance of energy in world development, one would expect that basic energy information to be readily available and reliable. This is not always the case and one can even observe a decline in the quality, coverage and timeliness of energy statistics over the last few years.

  18. Energy Sharing and Energy Feedback: Affective and Behavioral Reactions to Communal Energy Displays

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leygue, Caroline, E-mail: [Horizon Digital Economy Research, University of Nottingham, Nottingham (United Kingdom); Ferguson, Eamonn [School of Psychology, University of Nottingham, Nottingham (United Kingdom); Skatova, Anya [Horizon Digital Economy Research, University of Nottingham, Nottingham (United Kingdom); Spence, Alexa [Horizon Digital Economy Research, University of Nottingham, Nottingham (United Kingdom); School of Psychology, University of Nottingham, Nottingham (United Kingdom)


    Smart meters and energy displays are being rolled out in many countries to help individuals monitor and reduce their energy usage. However, to date, there is little in depth understanding of how they may change behavior. While there is currently a great deal of technical research into developing smart metering, little research has been conducted on how this affects the energy user. This research addresses this gap and explores the user perspective of energy displays when energy is considered as a shared resource. We report an online experiment conducted across the UK examining affective and behavioral responses to energy sharing situations incorporating different types of energy displays. Reactions differed depending on the type of display. In a situation where one person used more than their fair share of energy, displays showing the average amount of usage in the house were associated with feelings of guilt and fear and a decrease in intention to use energy. Displays that identified the person who overused the resource were associated with anger, and direct sanction intentions on those who were overusing energy. Findings are discussed in terms of the smart meter rollout and the potential utility of detailed energy monitoring technologies for behavior change.

  19. Energy sharing and energy feedback: Affective and behavioral reactions to communal energy displays.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Caroline eLeygue


    Full Text Available Smart meters and energy displays are being rolled out in many countries to help individuals monitor and reduce their energy usage. However, to date there is little in depth understanding of how they may change behavior. While there is currently a great deal of technical research into developing smart metering, little research has been conducted on how this affects the energy user. This research addresses this gap and explores the user perspective of energy displays when energy is considered as a shared resource. We report an online experiment conducted across the UK examining affective and behavioral responses to energy sharing situations incorporating different types of energy displays. Reactions differed depending on the type of display. In a situation where one person used more than their fair share of energy, displays showing the average amount of usage in the house were associated with feelings of guilt and fear and a decrease in intention to use energy. Displays that identified the person who overused the resource were associated with anger, and direct sanction intentions on those who were overusing energy. Findings are discussed in terms of the smart meter rollout and the potential utility of detailed energy monitoring technologies for behavior change.

  20. Energy Sharing and Energy Feedback: Affective and Behavioral Reactions to Communal Energy Displays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leygue, Caroline; Ferguson, Eamonn; Skatova, Anya; Spence, Alexa


    Smart meters and energy displays are being rolled out in many countries to help individuals monitor and reduce their energy usage. However, to date, there is little in depth understanding of how they may change behavior. While there is currently a great deal of technical research into developing smart metering, little research has been conducted on how this affects the energy user. This research addresses this gap and explores the user perspective of energy displays when energy is considered as a shared resource. We report an online experiment conducted across the UK examining affective and behavioral responses to energy sharing situations incorporating different types of energy displays. Reactions differed depending on the type of display. In a situation where one person used more than their fair share of energy, displays showing the average amount of usage in the house were associated with feelings of guilt and fear and a decrease in intention to use energy. Displays that identified the person who overused the resource were associated with anger, and direct sanction intentions on those who were overusing energy. Findings are discussed in terms of the smart meter rollout and the potential utility of detailed energy monitoring technologies for behavior change.

  1. Energy fluxes and their relations within energy plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grazzini, Giuseppe; Milazzo, Adriano


    Analysing how energy is delivered from its primary sources to final users, it may be seen that the evolution of technology, driven by economic considerations, has mainly rewarded those systems that have intense energy fluxes through their main sections. On the other hand, renewable energy sources are prevented from being widespread by their low energy density. If a high energy flux is a recognized target for energy use, one may try to characterise the various devices encountered along the energy path according to the concentration obtained of the energy flow. In this way, apart from measuring the energy loss suffered within a given device, it can be decided if this loss is adequate with respect to the gain in terms of energy density

  2. Introducing wave energy into the renewable energy marketplace

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Petroncini, S.; Yemm, R.W.


    The energy sector in Europe is going through a dynamic evolution that sees the introduction and development of renewable energy and the re-emergence of a wave energy industry. Although wave energy is currently not economically competitive with mature technologies such as wind energy, the wave energy world-wide resource of 2 TW has a potential contribution in the electricity market of 2000TWh/year. Denmark, Ireland, Portugal, Norway and the UK have been analysed in terms of wave energy resources, renewable energy market structure and political and economic support for the introduction of wave energy into the marketplace. The results have been used together with Ocean Power Delivery Ltd to develop an initial market survey for the wave energy converter Pelamis. (au)

  3. Energy saving synergies in national energy systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thellufsen, Jakob Zinck; Lund, Henrik


    In the transition towards a 100% renewable energy system, energy savings are essential. The possibility of energy savings through conservation or efficiency increases can be identified in, for instance, the heating and electricity sectors, in industry, and in transport. Several studies point...... to various optimal levels of savings in the different sectors of the energy system. However, these studies do not investigate the idea of energy savings being system dependent. This paper argues that such system dependency is critical to understand, as it does not make sense to analyse an energy saving...... without taking into account the actual benefit of the saving in relation to the energy system. The study therefore identifies a need to understand how saving methods may interact with each other and the system in which they are conducted. By using energy system analysis to do hourly simulation...

  4. Metodi di ottimizzazione morfologica nel progetto preliminare di propulsori aeronautici avanzati


    Renzi, Cristina


    The aim of this Doctoral Thesis is to develop a genetic algorithm based optimization methods to find the best conceptual design architecture of an aero-piston-engine, for given design specifications. Nowadays, the conceptual design of turbine airplanes starts with the aircraft specifications, then the most suited turbofan or turbo propeller for the specific application is chosen. In the aeronautical piston engines field, which has been dormant for several decades, as interest shifted towards ...

  5. Historia przeciw teorii: komentarz do Marksowskiej metody z Kapitału

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David Harvey


    Full Text Available Między teoretycznymi pismami Marksa z zakresu ekonomii politycznej (takimi jak, na przykład, trzy księgi Kapitału a jego pismami historycznymi (jak Osiemnasty Brumaire’a czy Wojna domowa we Francji istnieje pewna luka, wynikająca z ograniczeń, jakie Marks narzucił swoim badaniom polityczno-ekonomicznym. Ograniczenia te zostały naszkicowane w Zarysie krytyki ekonomii politycznej, gdzie Marks czyni rozróżnienie pomiędzy a uniwersalnością metabolicznej relacji ze światem natury, b ogólnym charakterem praw rządzących ruchem kapitału, c szczególnością podziału i wymiany, a d jednostkowością procesów konsumpcji. Analiza zawartości Kapitału pokazuje, że Marks zasadniczo ograniczył swoje wysiłki do wykazania, że istnieją prawa, którymi rządzi się proces produkcji. Optyka ta pozwoliła mu na identyfikację pewnych prawidłowości w zakresie ruchów kapitału, właściwych każdemu kapitalistycznemu sposobowi produkcji. Zarazem jednak wykluczała ona pozostałe czynniki, przez co nie mogła ustanowić kompletnej teorii kapitalistycznego sposobu produkcji. Lepsze zrozumienie tego, w czym Marks może nam pomóc dzięki swojemu rozpoznaniu ogólnych zasad ruchu prowadzi do znacznie lepszego zrozumienia, co my sami musimy zrobić, jeśli chcemy, by wyniki jego badań dały się zastosować w konkretnych okolicznościach. Takich jak te, które zaistniały w trakcie kryzysu ekonomicznego towarzyszącego nam od 2007 roku.

  6. Patologie ledvin a jejich vyšetřovací metody


    Špiková, Andrea


    Spikova Andrea Renal pathology and diagnostic methods Bachelor thesis Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Field of study: Medical Laboratory Technician This thesis is focused on diagnostic methods in various renal diseases. The first part is devoted to the anatomy and physiology of the kidney, where is outlined how look and operate various parts of kidneys and also the whole organ. Next part si composed of analysis of the urine, where is described chemical anal...

  7. Radioisotopic methods of investigation in endocrinology. Radioizotopnye metody issledovaniya v endokrinologii

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Malenchenko, A F; Matveenko, E G; Livshits, I B; Seregin, V V; Spesivtseva, V G


    A description is given of research on iodine metabolism both under normal and pathological conditions employing the method of clinical dynamic radiometry. Possible uses of radioisotopes are indicated for evaluating the function of the parathyroid glands, the pancreas, and the pituitary-adrenal system. Data are given on the practical use of radio-immune, radio-receptor methods as well as the competitive bonding method for determining a number of hormonal and other biologically active metabolites and substances with low antigen activity in various pathological states both clinically and in experiments. The use of neutron-activation methods in biology and medicine is demonstrated. The book is intended for endocrinologists, biologists, and scientific associates interested in the study of the functional state of endocrine glands by radioisotopic methods. 46 figures, 16 tables.

  8. Widening energy access in Africa: Towards energy transition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sokona, Youba; Mulugetta, Yacob; Gujba, Haruna


    The discussion to widen access to modern energy services has been influential in shaping some of the discussions on energy at the international level. The practice of widening modern energy services access to the poor in Africa is complex, and exacerbated by the dual nature of the energy system across Sub-Saharan Africa where traditional and modern energy systems and practices co-exist. This presents major challenges for policy makers who have to contend with a fragmented energy system, which requires the mobilisation of an array of actors at cross-sectoral levels in order to develop effective institutions and implement innovative policy frameworks. This paper further argues that, the ‘energy access’ discussion needs to take place in the context of energy transitions, giving due consideration to the productive sector as an important vehicle for change. As the link between energy and development is context specific, each African country needs to chart its own energy transition pathway into the future, and there are ample lessons that they can draw from previous energy transitions. - Highlights: ► Lack of access to modern energy services in Africa is an impediment to socio-economic development. ► Widening modern energy services access to the poor in Africa is complex. ► A broader approach to address the ‘energy access’ discourse is required. ► Each African country needs to chart its own energy transition pathway. ► Both fossil and renewable energy systems would be needed for a transition to modern energy sources.

  9. Energy in Italian regions. Energy balance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Catoni, P. G.; Perrella, G.


    This paper reports the syntheses of regional energy balance and the elaboration of the most important energy index from 1990 to 1996 at this scope a specific methodology. Pentec (territorial energy planning ecompatible) is pointed [it

  10. China Energy Group - Sustainable Growth Through EnergyEfficiency

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Levine, Mark; Fridley, David; Lin, Jiang; Sinton, Jonathan; Zhou,Nan; Aden, Nathaniel; Huang, Joe; Price, Lynn; McKane, Aimee T.


    China is fueling its phenomenal economic growth with huge quantities of coal. The environmental consequences reach far beyond its borders--China is second only to the United States in greenhouse gas emissions. Expanding its supply of other energy sources, like nuclear power and imported oil, raises trade and security issues. Soaring electricity demand necessitates the construction of 40-70 GW of new capacity per year, creating sustained financing challenges. While daunting, the challenge of meeting China's energy needs presents a wealth of opportunities, particularly in meeting demand through improved energy efficiency and other clean energy technologies. The China Energy Group at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) is committed to understanding these opportunities, and to exploring their implications for policy and business. We work collaboratively with energy researchers, suppliers, regulators, and consumers in China and elsewhere to: better understand the dynamics of energy use in China. Our Research Focus Encompasses Three Major Areas: Buildings, Industry, and Cross-Cutting Activities. Buildings--working to promote energy-efficient buildings and energy-efficient equipment used in buildings. Current work includes promoting the design and use of minimum energy efficiency standards and energy labeling for appliances, and assisting in the development and implementation of building codes for energy-efficient residential and commercial/public buildings. Past work has included a China Residential Energy Consumption Survey and a study of the health impacts of rural household energy use. Industry--understanding China's industrial sector, responsible for the majority of energy consumption in China. Current work includes benchmarking China's major energy-consuming industries to world best practice, examining energy efficiency trends in China's steel and cement industries, implementing voluntary energy efficiency agreements in various

  11. Renewable energy. (United States)

    Destouni, Georgia; Frank, Harry


    The Energy Committee of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has in a series of projects gathered information and knowledge on renewable energy from various sources, both within and outside the academic world. In this article, we synthesize and summarize some of the main points on renewable energy from the various Energy Committee projects and the Committee's Energy 2050 symposium, regarding energy from water and wind, bioenergy, and solar energy. We further summarize the Energy Committee's scenario estimates of future renewable energy contributions to the global energy system, and other presentations given at the Energy 2050 symposium. In general, international coordination and investment in energy research and development is crucial to enable future reliance on renewable energy sources with minimal fossil fuel use.

  12. Learning energy literacy concepts from energy-efficient homes (United States)

    Paige, Frederick Eugene

    The purpose of this study is to understand ways that occupants' and visitors' interaction with energy efficient home design affects Energy Literacy. Using a case study approach including interviews, surveys, and observations, I examined the potential for affordable energy efficient homes in the Greenville South Carolina area to "teach" concepts from an Energy Literacy framework developed by dozens of educational partners and federal agencies that comprise the U.S. Global Change Research Program Partners. I paid particular attention to concepts from the framework that are transferable to energy decisions beyond a home's walls. My research reveals ways that interaction with high efficiency homes can effect understanding of the following Energy Literacy concepts: human use of energy is subject to limits and constraints, conservation is one way to manage energy resources, electricity is generated in multiple ways, social and technological innovations effect the amount of energy used by society, and energy use can be calculated and monitored. Examples from my case studies show how the at-home examples can make lessons on energy more personally relevant, easy to understand, and applicable. Specifically, I found that: • Home occupants learn the limits of energy in relation to the concrete and constricting costs associated with their consumption. • Heating and cooling techniques showcase the limits and constraints on different sources of energy. • Relatable systems make it easier to understand energy's limits and constraints. • Indistinct and distant power utilities allow consumers to overlook the root of electricity sources. • Visible examples of electricity generation systems make it clear that electricity is generated in multiple ways. • Small and interactive may mean inefficient electricity generation, but efficient energy education. • Perceptions of expense and complexity create a disconnect between residential energy consumers and renewable electricity

  13. Energy Choices. A North European Energy Map; Vaegval Energi. Nordeuropeisk Energikarta

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Groenkvist, Stefan; Stenkvist, Maria; Paradis, Hanna


    Oil, coal and natural gas dominate the energy consumption in Northern Europe, as well as in the world at large. The energy supply mix varies between the countries of the region. For example, a large proportion of biomass and waste in Finland and Latvia (Norway) and Sweden use a high proportion of hydroelectric power, while Poland has a very high proportion of coal in their energy mix. Energy use per person in Northern Europe is more than twice as high compared with the average global - but lower than the average in the OECD. In Northern Europe, there are three separate networks for energy transfer: natural gas, electricity and heating. The expansion of the natural gas network has been strong since 1970. Gas pipelines today covers large parts of Europe and new pipelines are planned. The electricity grids and their transmission capacity has grown. Electricity began to be transferred between the Nordic countries during the 1960s. Today, the North European countries are linked with a number of high capacity cables. While the networks for district heating has grown, these systems are separate for individual cities. In recent years, the region's net imports of oil rose, as (Norway's oil production has declined since the early 2000s. On the other hand, the North European countries in 2007 became, for the first time, net exporters of natural gas. As the energy systems expand, trade in energy increases - both within the region and with the rest of Europe and the rest of the world. Several new energy projects are planned in Northern Europe for expanded capacity in oil refineries and new pipelines for natural gas and transmission lines for electricity. The energy integration in the region is therefore expected to increase further. In the long term, climate policy will be of greater importance, both for the region's use of primary energy and for the look of the region's future energy map

  14. An information filtering system prototype for world wide web; Prototipo di sistema di information filtering per world wide web

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bordoni, L. [ENEA Centro Ricerche Casaccia, S. Maria di Galeria, RM (Italy). Funzione Centrale Studi


    In this report the architecture of an information filtering system for world wide web, developed by the Rome Third University (Italy) for ENEA (National Agency for New Technology, Energy and the Environment), is described. This prototype allows for selecting documents in text/HTML format from the web according to the interests of users. A user modeling shell allows ro build a model of user's interests, obtained during the interaction. The experimental results support the choice of embedding methods for this kind of application. [Italian] In questo rapporto viene descritta l'architettura di un sistema adattivo di information filtering su world wide web, sviluppato dall'universita' di Roma III in collaborazione con l'ENEA. Il prototipo descritto e' in grado di selezionare documenti in formato testo/html, raccolti dal web, in accordo con le caratteristiche e gli interessi degli utenti. Una shell di modellazione utente consente di costruire un modello degli interessi dell'utente, ottenuto nel corso dell'interazione. I risultati sperimentali rafforzano la scelta di usare metodi di modellazione utente per questo genere di applicazioni.

  15. DTU international energy report 2013. Energy storage options for future sustainable energy systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hvidtfeldt Larsen, H.; Soenderberg Petersen, L. (eds.)


    One of the great challenges in the transition to a non-fossil energy system with a high share of fluctuating renewable energy sources such as solar and wind is to align consumption and production in an economically satisfactory manner. Energy storage could provide the necessary balancing power to make this possible. This energy report addresses energy storage from a broad perspective: It analyses smaller stores that can be used locally in for example heat storage in the individual home or vehicle, such as electric cars or hydrogen cars. The report also addresses decentralized storage as flywheels and batteries linked to decentralized energy systems. In addition it addresses large central storages as pumped hydro storage and compressed air energy storage and analyse this in connection with international transmission and trading over long distances. The report addresses electrical storage, thermal storage and other forms of energy storage, for example conversion of biomass to liquid fuel and conversion of solar energy directly into hydrogen, as well as storage in transmission, grid storage etc. Finally, the report covers research, innovation and the future prospects and addresses the societal challenges and benefits of the use of energy storage. (Author)

  16. Policies and programs for sustainable energy innovations renewable energy and energy efficiency

    CERN Document Server

    Kim, Jisun; Iskin, Ibrahim; Taha, Rimal; Blommestein, Kevin


    This volume features research and case studies across a variety of industries to showcase technological innovations and policy initiatives designed to promote renewable energy and sustainable economic development. The first section focuses on policies for the adoption of renewable energy technologies, the second section covers the evaluation of energy efficiency programs, and the final section provides evaluations of energy technology innovations. Environmental concerns, energy availability, and political pressure have prompted governments to look for alternative energy resources that can minimize the undesirable effects for current energy systems.  For example, shifting away from conventional fuel resources and increasing the percentage of electricity generated from renewable resources, such as solar and wind power, is an opportunity to guarantee lower CO2 emissions and to create better economic opportunities for citizens in the long run.  Including discussions of such of timely topics and issues as global...

  17. Proceedings of V International Conference of Renewable Energy, Energy Saving and Energy Education. CIER 2007. International Workshop of Eolic Energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The CD-ROM presents papers submitted to the International Conference of Renewable Energy, Energy Saving and Energy Education. CIER 2007, held in Havana, Cuba, on May 22-25, 2007. The purpose of the CIER 2007 are to offer an opportunity to engineers, investigators, academic, makers and specialists in the energy topic from all over the world to exchange experiences, to share their successes and to discuss their focuses to future in the topic of the energy renewable, the energy saving, the energy efficiency and the energy education. The objective of the International Workshop of Eolic Energy is in advancing in the dialogue international on the systems in question and their applications around the world, you they analyzed the perspectives of possible programs of cooperation in this field and their use in Cuba

  18. New energy technologies 3 - Geothermal and biomass energies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sabonnadiere, J.C.; Alazard-Toux, N.; His, S.; Douard, F.; Duplan, J.L.; Monot, F.; Jaudin, F.; Le Bel, L.; Labeyrie, P.


    This third tome of the new energy technologies handbook is devoted to two energy sources today in strong development: geothermal energy and biomass fuels. It gives an exhaustive overview of the exploitation of both energy sources. Geothermal energy is presented under its most common aspects. First, the heat pumps which encounter a revival of interest in the present-day context, and the use of geothermal energy in collective space heating applications. Finally, the power generation of geothermal origin for which big projects exist today. The biomass energies are presented through their three complementary aspects which are: the biofuels, in the hypothesis of a substitutes to fossil fuels, the biogas, mainly produced in agricultural-type facilities, and finally the wood-fuel which is an essential part of biomass energy. Content: Forewords; geothermal energy: 1 - geothermal energy generation, heat pumps, direct heat generation, power generation. Biomass: 2 - biofuels: share of biofuels in the energy context, present and future industries, economic and environmental status of biofuel production industries; 3 - biogas: renewable natural gas, involuntary bio-gases, man-controlled biogas generation, history of methanation, anaerobic digestion facilities or biogas units, biogas uses, stakes of renewable natural gas; 4 - energy generation from wood: overview of wood fuels, principles of wood-energy conversion, wood-fueled thermal energy generators. (J.S.)

  19. The energy report - Energy-climate preservation - 100% Renewable energy by 2050

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singer, Stephan; Denruyter, Jean-Philippe; Jeffries, Barney; Gibbons, Owen; Hendrix, Ellen; Hiller, Martin; McLellan, Richard; Pols, Donald; Allott, Keith; Anderson, Jason; Baker, Bryn; Battle, Jessica; Blom, Esther; Caught, Kellie; Clough, Kirsty; Chatterjee, Keya; Duveau, Thomas; Elliott, Wendy; Emfel, Magnus; Englum, Lynn; Fabbri, Mariangiola; Geneen, Bart; Gray, Ian; Gritsevich, Inna; Van de Gronden, Johan; Guerraoui, May; Hart, Piers; Hartmann, Joerg; Hofstetter, Patrick; Holland, Richard; Hou, Yanli; Ibrahim, Nora; Kaszewski, Andrea; Kiianmaa, Sampsa; Kokorin, Alexey; Lifeng, Li; Lockley, Pete; Maassen, Paul; Masako, Yosuke; McLaughlin, David; Mathe, Laszlo; McLellan, Elisabeth; Von Mirbach, Martin; Ogorzalek, Kevin; Orr, Stuart; Perrin, Mireille; Pollard, Duncan; Randriambola, Voahirana; Rast, Georg; Roberntz, Peter; Senga, Rafael; Sinha, Shirish; Steindlegger, Gerald; Taylor, Rod; Valencia, Ivan; Vitali, Arianna; Willstedt, Heikki; Woul, Mattias de; Worthington, Richard; Yamagishi, Naoyuki; Boufflers, Jean-Philippe; Gilbert, Olivier; Marsily, Anne de; Graaf, Reinier de; Baird, Laura; Merkeley, Tanner; D'Amico, Federico; Christensen, Vilhelm; McPhee, Amelia


    WWF has a vision of a world that is powered by 100 per cent renewable energy sources by the middle of this century. Unless we make this transition, the world is most unlikely to avoid predicted escalating impacts of climate change. But is it possible to achieve 100 per cent renewable energy supplies for everyone on the planet by 2050? WWF called upon the expertise of respected energy consultancy Ecofys to provide an answer to this question. In response, Ecofys has produced a bold and ambitious scenario - which demonstrates that it is technically possible to achieve almost 100 per cent renewable energy sources within the next four decades. The Ecofys scenario raises a number of significant issues and challenges. The Energy Report investigates the most critically important political, economic, environmental and social choices and challenges, and encourages their further debate. How are we going to provide for all of the world's future needs, on energy, food, fibre, water and others, without running into such huge issues as: conflicting demands on land/water availability and use; rising, and in some cases, unsustainable consumption of commodities; nuclear waste; and regionally appropriate and adequate energy mixes? The world needs to seriously consider what will be required to transition to a sustainable energy future, and to find solutions to the dilemmas raised in this report. Answering these challenges - the solutions to the energy needs of current and future generations is one of the most important, challenging and urgent political tasks ahead

  20. Energy and energy policy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clerici, A.


    Energy has taken with his reflections on the environment, the geopolitical aspects and its pervasive use in all activities a crucial role for sustainable development of our planet. The energy in the future will be increasingly a global problem [it

  1. Energy efficiency in the British housing stock: Energy demand and the Homes Energy Efficiency Database

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hamilton, Ian G.; Steadman, Philip J.; Bruhns, Harry; Summerfield, Alex J.; Lowe, Robert


    The UK Government has unveiled an ambitious retrofit programme that seeks significant improvement to the energy efficiency of the housing stock. High quality data on the energy efficiency of buildings and their related energy demand is critical to supporting and targeting investment in energy efficiency. Using existing home improvement programmes over the past 15 years, the UK Government has brought together data on energy efficiency retrofits in approximately 13 million homes into the Homes Energy Efficiency Database (HEED), along with annual metered gas and electricity use for the period of 2004–2007. This paper describes the HEED sample and assesses its representativeness in terms of dwelling characteristics, the energy demand of different energy performance levels using linked gas and electricity meter data, along with an analysis of the impact retrofit measures has on energy demand. Energy savings are shown to be associated with the installation of loft and cavity insulation, and glazing and boiler replacement. The analysis illustrates this source of ‘in-action’ data can be used to provide empirical estimates of impacts of energy efficiency retrofit on energy demand and provides a source of empirical data from which to support the development of national housing energy efficiency retrofit policies. - Highlights: • The energy efficiency level for 50% of the British housing stock is described. • Energy demand is influenced by size and age and energy performance. • Housing retrofits (e.g. cavity insulation, glazing and boiler replacements) save energy. • Historic differences in energy performance show persistent long-term energy savings

  2. Energy storage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    After having outlined the importance of energy storage in the present context, this document outlines that it is an answer to economic, environmental and technological issues. It proposes a brief overview of the various techniques of energy storage: under the form of chemical energy (hydrocarbons, biomass, hydrogen production), thermal energy (sensitive or latent heat storage), mechanical energy (potential energy by hydraulic or compressed air storage, kinetic energy with flywheels), electrochemical energy (in batteries), electric energy (super-capacitors, superconductor magnetic energy storage). Perspectives are briefly evoked

  3. Energy-Water System Solutions | Energy Analysis | NREL (United States)

    System Solutions Energy-Water System Solutions NREL has been a pioneer in the development of energy -water system solutions that explicitly address and optimize energy-water tradeoffs. NREL has evaluated energy-water system solutions for Department of Defense bases, islands, communities recovering from

  4. Nuclear energy: a vital energy choice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pecqueur, Michel


    Speaking from the platform of the XIIIth annual session of the International Atomic Energy Agency, at New Delhi, AEC managing director Michel Pecqueur made a solemn appeal to the world community for the decisions which are needed on energy. The present energy crisis can lead the world to a recession and be a factor in grave troubles for peace and balance in the world. The crisis cannot be resolved without accrued recourse to the use of nuclear energy. Two essential themes were outlined: the development of nuclear energy in the world, and the increased reduction of proliferation risks. In concluding, he expressed the hop that with a greater effort in information media, the nuclear fact-of-life would be better accepted by the general public in future, for it is there that lies a brake which may hinder nuclear energy development [fr

  5. The International Energy Agency's world energy outlook

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    O'Dell, S.


    The 1996 edition of the World Energy Outlook to 2010 was reviewed. An overview of the energy projections was provided based on assumptions about economic growth and energy prices, geological potential, technological developments, the availability of traditional fuels outside the OECD and the future preferences of energy users. Demand vs. price movements were modelled, based on 'capacity constraints' and 'energy saving ' scenarios. Three major conclusions derived from the projections were: (1) world primary energy demand will grow steadily as it has over the past two decades, (2) fossil fuels will account for 90 per cent of total primary energy demand in 2010, and (3) a structural shift in the shares of different regions in world energy demand is likely to occur, i.e., the OECD share will fall in favor of the share of the ROW (rest of the world). 4 tabs., 9 figs

  6. Nuclear Power, Energy Economics and Energy Security

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Economic development requires reliable, affordable electricity that is provided in sufficient quantities to satisfy the minimum energy requirements at a local, regional or national level. As simple as this recipe for economic development appears, technological, infrastructural, financial and developmental considerations must be analysed and balanced to produce a national energy strategy. Complicating that task is the historic fact that energy at the desired price and in the desired quantities can be neither taken for granted nor guaranteed. Energy economics and energy security determine the options available to nations working to establish a sustainable energy strategy for the future.

  7. Proceedings of the 8. Brazilian congress on energy: energy policy, regulation and sustainable development. v. 1: energy, environment and energy sector regulation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The theme energy policy, regulation and sustainable development chosen for the 8. Brazilian congress on energy to be held in Rio de Janeiro from 30 November of 1999 to 02 December of 1999, specifically means the contribution of energy to a satisfactory quality of life for everyone. Within such a context, the congress technical programme theme has been structured around six different divisions: energy, environment and development; energy sector regulation; energy policy and planning; technology innovation; energy conservation; and renewable energy sources and rural areas energy supply

  8. Energy performance contracting - energy saving potential of selected energy conservation measures (ECM)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Johansson, M. (Dansk Energi Analyse A/S, Frederiksberg (Denmark)); Langkilde, G.; Olesen, Bjarne W. (Technical Univ. of Denmark, ICIEE, Kgs. Lyngby (Denmark)); Moerck, O. (Cenergia Energy Consultants, Herlev (Denmark)); Sundman, O. (DONG Energy, Copenhagen (Denmark)); Engelund Thomsen, K. (Aalborg Univ., SBi, Hoersholm (Denmark))


    This report has been developed under the research project 'Etablering af grundlag for energitjenester i Danmark' (project number: ENS-33031-0185) under the Danish research programme - EFP. The objective of this project has been to contribute to the utilisation of the large potential for energy conservations in the building sector within the public, industry and service sectors through the development of a better basis for decision making for both the Energy Service Companies (ESCOes) and the building owners. The EU directive on Energy Service Contracting points at the buildings as the area where the biggest potential market for energy services and energy efficiency improvements are. The EFP-project has two parts: (1) A Danish part and (2) participation in the international cooperation project 'Holistic Assesment Tool-Kit on Energy Efficient Retrofit Measures for Government Buildings (EnERGo)', Annex 46 under the IEA R and D program 'Energy Conservation In Buildings And Community Systems' (ECBCS). This report describes the Danish contributions to the IEA projects subtask B, which has a primary objective to develop a database of energy conservation measures (ECM) with descriptions and performance characteristics of these. (au)

  9. Energy performance contracting - energy saving potential of selected energy conservation measures (ECM)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Johansson, M [Dansk Energi Analyse A/S, Frederiksberg (Denmark); Langkilde, G; Olesen, Bjarne W [Technical Univ. of Denmark, ICIEE, Kgs. Lyngby (Denmark); Moerck, O [Cenergia Energy Consultants, Herlev (Denmark); Sundman, O [DONG Energy, Copenhagen (Denmark); Engelund Thomsen, K [Aalborg Univ., SBi, Hoersholm (Denmark)


    This report has been developed under the research project 'Etablering af grundlag for energitjenester i Danmark' (project number: ENS-33031-0185) under the Danish research programme - EFP. The objective of this project has been to contribute to the utilisation of the large potential for energy conservations in the building sector within the public, industry and service sectors through the development of a better basis for decision making for both the Energy Service Companies (ESCOes) and the building owners. The EU directive on Energy Service Contracting points at the buildings as the area where the biggest potential market for energy services and energy efficiency improvements are. The EFP-project has two parts: (1) A Danish part and (2) participation in the international cooperation project 'Holistic Assesment Tool-Kit on Energy Efficient Retrofit Measures for Government Buildings (EnERGo)', Annex 46 under the IEA R and D program 'Energy Conservation In Buildings And Community Systems' (ECBCS). This report describes the Danish contributions to the IEA projects subtask B, which has a primary objective to develop a database of energy conservation measures (ECM) with descriptions and performance characteristics of these. (au)

  10. Energy in Croatia, Annual Energy Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The publication creates a condensed review of the state of affairs within our energy system. It includes the latest data for 1996, which were at the same time compared to the situations from the previous four years in order to achieve a more accurate insight into all the related problems. The relation of the gross domestic product (GDP) and the electric energy consumption illustrates the fact that the economic conditions are closely connected to the development of the energy sector. In 1996 the gross domestic product was 4.2% higher than in the year before and the electric energy consumption increased by approximately the same figure. It rose from the consumed 12958.0 GWh in 1995 to 12877.9 GWh in 1996, i.e. 4.2%. The total energy consumption in 1996 increased by entire 10.8%, amounting to 352.56 PJ, this predominantly being a result of growing hydro power and natural gas consumption. The immediate energy consumption grew by 8.3%, from 185.96 PJ in 1995 to 201.35 PJ in 1996. Apart from the data included in the review, there are also other presentations referring to the energy generation and consumption in Croatia. A special chapter comprises an analysis of oil and gas system, i.e. hydrocarbon and coal reserves as well as the capacities required for oil and gas processing and transportation. The attention was directed to positive environmental incentives, as the energy sector is responsible for more than 90% of all polluting substances. Apart from the economic and financial indices, the publication includes the prices for electric energy, natural gas and oil derivations as well as maps showing the route of the gas and JANAF systems and the transmission electric energy network. The review puts forward some positive achievements in the development of our energy sector, which create the basis for continued efforts in order to bring about the desired objectives. This will be realized by defining the legislation system and the institutions ensuring high-quality market

  11. Energy Systems Integration Facility News | Energy Systems Integration (United States)

    Facility | NREL Energy Systems Integration Facility News Energy Systems Integration Facility Energy Dataset A massive amount of wind data was recently made accessible online, greatly expanding the Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has completed technology validation testing for Go

  12. Energy flow modeling and optimal operation analysis of the micro energy grid based on energy hub

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ma, Tengfei; Wu, Junyong; Hao, Liangliang


    Highlights: • Design a novel architecture for energy hub integrating power hub, cooling hub and heating hub. • The micro energy grid based on energy hub is introduced and its advantages are discussed. • Propose a generic modeling method for the energy flow of micro energy grid. • Propose an optimal operation model for micro energy grid with considering demand response. • The roles of renewable energy, energy storage devices and demand response are discussed separately. - Abstract: The energy security and environmental problems impel people to explore a more efficient, environment friendly and economical energy utilization pattern. In this paper, the coordinated operation and optimal dispatch strategies for multiple energy system are studied at the whole Micro Energy Grid level. To augment the operation flexibility of energy hub, the innovation sub-energy hub structure including power hub, heating hub and cooling hub is put forward. Basing on it, a generic energy hub architecture integrating renewable energy, combined cooling heating and power, and energy storage devices is developed. Moreover, a generic modeling method for the energy flow of micro energy grid is proposed. To minimize the daily operation cost, a day-ahead dynamic optimal operation model is formulated as a mixed integer linear programming optimization problem with considering the demand response. Case studies are undertaken on a community Micro Energy Grid in four different scenarios on a typical summer day and the roles of renewable energy, energy storage devices and demand response are discussed separately. Numerical simulation results indicate that the proposed energy flow modeling and optimal operation method are universal and effective over the entire energy dispatching horizon.

  13. Energy in Croatia, Annual Energy Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The review, in its own recognisable way, consists of the most recent and settled data for the year 2001, i.e. for the period from 1996 until 2001. We have, however, added data appertaining to a longer time period together with future expectations with the aim of an easier insight into long-term prospects. In 2001 total primary energy supply increased by 3.3 percent compared to the preceding year. Owing to the simultaneous growth of the gross domestic product by 4.1 percent, energy intensity decreased and consequently a positive trend continues. Energy intensity, which expressed the total energy consumed per unit of gross domestic product, exceeds the realised level of the developed European countries, but it is still more favourable than in the majority of transition countries. We would particularly like to stress the fact about the recorded growth of primary energy production by 7 percent, which in 2001 occurred partly as the consequence of favourable hydrological conditions and partly of a considerable increase in natural gas production. Supply from own sources grew to 52.8 percent. In 2001, natural gas production in the structure of the domestic production amounted to more than 36 percent. Energy import recorded an increase of 2.2 percent, whereby the portion of the imported crude oil was 65 percent. In 2001 transformation losses increased by 15.9 percent, transportation and distribution losses by 22.6 percent, energy sector own use by 10.3 percent, while non-energy consumption decreased by 15 percent. This brought about the situation that, together with the above mentioned growth of the total energy consumed of 3.3 percent, final demand grew by 2.6 percent - 2.3 percent in other sectors, 1.1 percent in traffic with the simultaneous increase in industry of 5.1 percent. Apart from these data, the publication comprises other interesting facts about our energy system, its capacities, energy source prices and environmental impact

  14. Tidal energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lochte, H.G.


    Together with wave energy, ocean thermal energy, and the often overlooked energy from ocean curents tidal energy belongs to those renewable energy sources that can be subsumed under the generic term of ocean energy. All that these energy sources have in common, however, is that they are found in the ocean. The present article discusses tidal energy with respect to the four principal factors determining the scope of a renewable energy source, namely global, technical, and economic availability and ecological acceptability. (orig.) [de

  15. Energy paper II: Nuclear energy revival

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    ESI Energy paper is called 'Issue Paper' awarded by think-tank Energy Security Institute. The second issue focuses on the energy security of countries from the perspective of Renaissance of construction of nuclear power plants. Topicality is documented by fluctuations in fossil fuel prices on the world commodity markets and by extortionate potential, disposed by their main producers. The Slovak Republic is actively engaged into international dialogue on the need for the development of nuclear energy.

  16. Deciphering energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dessus, Benjamin


    In this book, the author aims at giving some explanations about the various terms regarding energy which are present in our everyday life, in speeches, in papers and magazines, on the air, in our energy bills, for instance: energy poverty, price of a barrel of oil, resources and proved reserves, intermittency and energy storage, fossil and renewable energies, and so on. In a first part, the author addresses issues ranging from the development needs of a society to the energy assessment of a country, i.e.: nature and quantity of needs in services provided by energy, analysis of the required quantity of energy products needed to satisfy these needs, stages between primary resources and service delivery, description of the French consumption of available final energy products (per product and per economic sector). In the second part, he addresses energy supply, energy sectors and environmental issues, thus focusing on the front end of the energy system, i.e. ways of production from primary energy resources to final energy products: main physical characteristics and description of the different fissile, fossil and renewable energies, description of the main sectors of production of final energy products (fuels, electricity, heat) with a specific attention to electricity. In this part, local, regional and global environmental issues related to the exploitation of these energy sectors are discussed: sources of atmospheric pollution related to energy, relationship between energy and global warming, role of the different greenhouse gases emitted by these sectors, and quantitative analysis of these emissions. The third part addresses the economy of energy systems. The author proposes a cost assessment method which can be used for the production analysis as well as the economic analysis of a specific energy product. He also described external costs and profits, and methods to take those hidden costs and profits into account. Other economic tools are discussed and compared

  17. Role and potential of renewable energy and energy efficiency for global energy supply

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krewitt, Wolfram; Nienhaus, Kristina [German Aerospace Center e.V. (DLR), Stuttgart (Germany); Klessmann, Corinna; Capone, Carolin; Stricker, Eva [Ecofys Germany GmbH, Berlin (Germany); Graus, Wina; Hoogwijk, Monique [Ecofys Netherlands BV, Utrecht (Netherlands); Supersberger, Nikolaus; Winterfeld, Uta von; Samadi, Sascha [Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy GmbH, Wuppertal (Germany)


    The analysis of different global energy scenarios in part I of the report confirms that the exploitation of energy efficiency potentials and the use of renewable energies play a key role in reaching global CO2 reduction targets. An assessment on the basis of a broad literature research in part II shows that the technical potentials of renewable energy technologies are a multiple of today's global final energy consumption. The analysis of cost estimates for renewable electricity generation technologies and even long term cost projections across the key studies in part III demonstrates that assumptions are in reasonable agreement. In part IV it is shown that by implementing technical potentials for energy efficiency improvements in demand and supply sectors by 2050 can be limited to 48% of primary energy supply in IEA's ''Energy Technology Perspectives'' baseline scenario. It was found that a large potential for cost-effective measures exists, equivalent to around 55-60% of energy savings of all included efficiency measures (part V). The results of the analysis on behavioural changes in part VI show that behavioural dimensions are not sufficiently included in energy scenarios. Accordingly major research challenges are revealed. (orig.)

  18. Energy audit at Russian dairies. Energy guidance

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Draborg, S [Dansk Energi Analyse A/S, Vanloese (Denmark); Sheina, L S; Kolesnikov, A I [RDIEE, Moscow (Russian Federation)


    The project encompassed following activities: Elaboration of a description of the Russian dairy sector including a mapping of the entire sector in respect of production capacity, actual production, products, production technologies and energy consumption; Energy audits at twelve selected dairies with different typical productions; Elaboration of an `Energy Audit Guidance` which describes how to perform energy audits in dairies and where to expect energy saving possibilities. The energy savings possibilities are often due to the same kind of problems, e.g. low production, inefficient equipment or manually control of the process equipment. The main problems that Russian dairies faces can be divided into the following categories: Old and inefficient technological equipment which is operated at low capacity with very low energy efficiency; Lack of knowledge about new energy efficient technologies; Financial problems which causes low interest and few possibilities for using funds for investment in energy efficient equipment; Energy savings do not lead to personal gains for the persons in the dairy management or other employees which causes low interest in energy savings. At some dairies it seemd to be a problem for the management to adapt to the new and very different conditions for enterprises in Russian today, where sales, production, production capacity and raw milk available are interconnected. With respect to energy matters it was often a wish to replace existing oversized equipment with new equipment of the same size no matter that it is unlikely that the production will increase considerable in the future. The project has discovered that there is a need for demonstrating energy saving measures by implementation because it was in many ways hard for the dairy management`s to believe that, the energy consumption could be reduced dramatically without affecting the production or the processes. Furthermore, the project has discovered a need for transferring to the

  19. Energy audit at Russian dairies. Energy guidance

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Draborg, S. [Dansk Energi Analyse A/S, Vanloese (Denmark); Sheina, L.S.; Kolesnikov, A.I. [RDIEE, Moscow (Russian Federation)


    The project encompassed following activities: Elaboration of a description of the Russian dairy sector including a mapping of the entire sector in respect of production capacity, actual production, products, production technologies and energy consumption; Energy audits at twelve selected dairies with different typical productions; Elaboration of an `Energy Audit Guidance` which describes how to perform energy audits in dairies and where to expect energy saving possibilities. The energy savings possibilities are often due to the same kind of problems, e.g. low production, inefficient equipment or manually control of the process equipment. The main problems that Russian dairies faces can be divided into the following categories: Old and inefficient technological equipment which is operated at low capacity with very low energy efficiency; Lack of knowledge about new energy efficient technologies; Financial problems which causes low interest and few possibilities for using funds for investment in energy efficient equipment; Energy savings do not lead to personal gains for the persons in the dairy management or other employees which causes low interest in energy savings. At some dairies it seemd to be a problem for the management to adapt to the new and very different conditions for enterprises in Russian today, where sales, production, production capacity and raw milk available are interconnected. With respect to energy matters it was often a wish to replace existing oversized equipment with new equipment of the same size no matter that it is unlikely that the production will increase considerable in the future. The project has discovered that there is a need for demonstrating energy saving measures by implementation because it was in many ways hard for the dairy management`s to believe that, the energy consumption could be reduced dramatically without affecting the production or the processes. Furthermore, the project has discovered a need for transferring to the

  20. Metody badań jakościowych czy metody pisania swobodnych esejów? Refleksje w obronie „świętej krowy oświecenia” - obiektywnej nauki


    Budzicz, Łukasz


    Article critically examines the philosophy of science presented in the recently published postmodern The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research (Denzin, Lincoln, 2009). In particular discussed are the assumptions that there is no objective knowledge, knowledge is constituted ideologically and politically, and a demand, that all social research should serve only practical purposes. The author attempts to demonstrate that adoption of postmodern philosophy of science leads to many abs...

  1. Pakistan energy consumption scenario and some alternate energy option

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maher, M.J.


    Pakistan with its energy-deficient resources is highly dependent on import-oriented energy affected the economy because of repeated energy price hike on international horizon. The energy consumption pattern in Pakistan comprises about two-third in commercial energy and one-third in non-commercial forms. Most of the country's energy requirements are met by oil, gas hydro power, coal, nuclear energy and thermal power. Pakistan meets it's commercial energy requirements indigenously up to 64%. The balance of deficit of 35-40% is met through import. The consumption of various agro-residues and wood as fuel also plays a vital role. The analysis shows that emphasis needs to be placed on new and renewable resources of energy besides adopting technologies for energy conservation. Renewable energy depends on energy income and constitutes the development process. The are several renewable energy options such as biogas technology, micro-hydro power generation, direct solar energy and biomass energy conservation etc. By improving the conservation techniques as designs of solar converters, pre treating the biomass fuel, increasing the effectiveness of carbonization and pyrolysis increases the energy production. (A.B.)

  2. Energy demand and supply, energy policies, and energy security in the Republic of Korea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Hoseok; Shin, Eui-soon; Chung, Woo-jin


    The Republic of Korea (ROK) has enjoyed rapid economic growth and development over the last 30 years. Rapid increases in energy use-especially petroleum, natural gas, and electricity, and especially in the industrial and transport sectors-have fueled the ROK's economic growth, but with limited fossil fuel resources of its own, the result has been that the ROK is almost entirely dependent on energy imports. The article that follows summarizes the recent trends in the ROK energy sector, including trends in energy demand and supply, and trends in economic, demographic, and other activities that underlie trends in energy use. The ROK has been experiencing drastic changes in its energy system, mainly induced by industrial, supply security, and environmental concerns, and energy policies in the ROK have evolved over the years to address such challenges through measures such as privatization of energy-sector activities, emphases on enhancing energy security through development of energy efficiency, nuclear power, and renewable energy, and a related focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The assembly of a model for evaluating energy futures in the ROK (ROK2010 LEAP) is described, and results of several policy-based scenarios focused on different levels of nuclear energy utilization are described, and their impacts on of energy supply and demand in the ROK through the year 2030 are explored, along with their implications for national energy security and long-term policy plans. Nuclear power continues to hold a crucial position in the ROK's energy policy, but aggressive expansion of nuclear power alone, even if possible given post-Fukushima global concerns, will not be sufficient to attain the ROK's 'green economy' and greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals. - Research highlights: →Rapid industrialization caused ROK energy use to increase over 10-fold during 1970-2000, with dramatic structural changes. → Growth in energy use after 2000 slowed to under 5%/yr, and

  3. International Congress on Energy Efficiency and Energy Related Materials

    CERN Document Server

    Bahsi, Zehra; Ozer, Mehmet; ENEFM2013


    The International Congress on Energy Efficiency and Energy Related Materials (ENEFM2013) was held on 9-12 October, 2013. This three-day congress focused on the latest developments of sustainable energy technologies, materials for sustainable energy applications and environmental & economic perspectives of energy. These proceedings include 63 peer reviewed technical papers, submitted from leading academic and research institutions from over 23 countries, representing some of the most cutting edge research available. The papers included were presented at the congress in the following sessions: General Issues Wind Energy Solar Energy Nuclear Energy Biofuels and Bioenergy Energy Storage Energy Conservation and Efficiency Energy in Buildings   Economical and Environmental Issues Environment Energy Requirements Economic Development   Materials for Sustainable Energy Hydrogen Production and Storage Photovoltaic Cells Thermionic Converters Batteries and Superconductors Phase Change Materials Fuel Cells Supercon...

  4. Energy crisis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    From energy policy to the problem of public acceptance of nuclear power, problems like energy supply, energy strategies, the race of industrial countries for the short energy reserves, the West German energy demand until the year 2.000, energy conservation, and the controversy over increased use of nuclear energy are reviewed. (GL) [de

  5. Energy efficiency and energy management: an abundance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coullet-Demaiziere, Corinne; Barthet, Marie-Claire; Tourneur, Jean-Claude; Mirguet, Olivier


    As France has just published a decree on the energy audit for large companies, and has thus been among the first countries to comply with an article of the European directive on energy efficiency, a set of articles discusses various aspects of these issues of energy efficiency and energy management. A first one presents this mandatory energy audit as a tool for a better energy efficiency, and illustrates the relationship between this commitment and the ISO 50001 standard for French large companies. A second article outlines the tools and standards of application of this energy audit in different legal texts. A third one comments the introduction of four new European arrangements on the labelling of products (indication of energy performance by retailers, objective of reduction of energy consumption, information displayed on site and on-line for various household appliances, current legislation). The next article comments the new German legislation on renewable energies which implements environmental requirements higher than European objectives, and tries to boost the carbon market. The presence of the ISO 50001 certification in the German law is also briefly addressed. Then, an article proposes an overview of a bill project, opinions of experts, and way to go for the new arrangement for energy saving certificates (CEE, certificat d'economie d'energie) launched by the French ministry of Ecology, and which aims at a 700 TWh saving. The content of each article of the bill project is presented and explained, and the relationship between certificate application and some standards is highlighted. The last article comments the decision of the European Court of Justice on the compatibility of Flemish Green Certificates with the European law

  6. Energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bobin, J.L.


    Object of sciences and technologies, energy plays a major part in economics and relations between nations. Jean-Louis Bobin, physicist, analyses the relations between man and energy and wonders about fears that delivers nowadays technologies bound to nuclear energy and about the fear of a possible shortage of energy resources. (N.C.). 17 refs., 14 figs., 2 tabs

  7. Energy entanglement relation for quantum energy teleportation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hotta, Masahiro, E-mail: [Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8578 (Japan)


    Protocols of quantum energy teleportation (QET), while retaining causality and local energy conservation, enable the transportation of energy from a subsystem of a many-body quantum system to a distant subsystem by local operations and classical communication through ground-state entanglement. We prove two energy-entanglement inequalities for a minimal QET model. These relations help us to gain a profound understanding of entanglement itself as a physical resource by relating entanglement to energy as an evident physical resource.

  8. Energy Policy is Technology Politics The Hydrogen Energy Case

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carl-Jochen Winter


    Germany's energy supply status shows both an accumulation of unsatisfactory sustainabilities putting the nation's energy security at risk, and a hopeful sign: The nation's supply dependency on foreign sources and the accordingly unavoidable price dictate the nation suffers under is almost life risking; the technological skill, however, of the nation's researchers, engineers, and industry materializes in a good percentage of the indigenous and the world's energy conversion technology market. Exemplified with the up and coming hydrogen energy economy this paper tries to advocate the 21. century energy credo: energy policy is energy technology politics! Energy source thinking and acting is 19. and 20. century, energy efficient conversion technology thinking and acting is 21. century. Hydrogen energy is on the verge of becoming the centre-field of world energy interest. Hydrogen energy is key for the de-carbonization and, thus, sustainabilization of fossil fuels, and as a storage and transport means for the introduction of so far un-operational huge renewable sources into the world energy market. - What is most important is hydrogen's thermodynamic ability to exergize the energy scheme: hydrogen makes more technical work (exergy) out of less primary energy! Hydrogen adds value. Hydrogen energy and, in particular, hydrogen energy technologies, are to become part of Germany's national energy identity; accordingly, national energy policy as energy technology politics needs to grow in the nation's awareness as common sense! Otherwise Germany seems ill-equipped energetically, and its well-being hangs in the balance. (author)

  9. Energy resources

    CERN Document Server

    Simon, Andrew L


    Energy Resources mainly focuses on energy, including its definition, historical perspective, sources, utilization, and conservation. This text first explains what energy is and what its uses are. This book then explains coal, oil, and natural gas, which are some of the common energy sources used by various industries. Other energy sources such as wind, solar, geothermal, water, and nuclear energy sources are also tackled. This text also looks into fusion energy and techniques of energy conversion. This book concludes by explaining the energy allocation and utilization crisis. This publ

  10. Proceedings of VI International Conference for Renewable Energy, Energy Saving and Energy Education (CIER 2009)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The CD-ROM presents papers submitted to the International Conference of Renewable Energy, Energy Saving and Energy Education. CIER 2009, held in Havana, Cuba, on Jun 9-13, 2009 May. The purpose of the CIER 2009 are to offer an opportunity to engineers, investigators, academic, makers and specialists in the energy topic from all over the world to exchange experiences, to share their successes and to discuss their focuses to future in the topic of the energy renewable, the energy saving, the energy efficiency and the energy education

  11. Energy Efficiency Resources to Support State Energy Planning

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Office of Strategic Programs, Strategic Priorities and Impact Analysis Team


    An early step for most energy efficiency planning is to identify and quantify energy savings opportunities, and then to understand how to access this potential. The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy offers resources that can help with both of these steps. This fact sheet presents those resources. The resources are also available on the DOE State and Local Solution Center on the "Energy Efficiency: Savings Opportunities and Benefits" page:

  12. Distributed energy resources for a zero-energy neighbhourhood

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Morales Gonzalez, R.M.D.G.; Asare-Bediako, B.; Cobben, J.F.G.; Kling, W.L.; Scharrenberg, G.R.; Dijkstra, D.


    Zero energy buildings are on the increasing trend. They are perceived as appropriate technology to reducing CO2 emissions, improving energy efficiency and alleviating energy poverty. The main goal is that a grid-connected building produces enough energy on site to equal or exceed its annual energy

  13. Exploration of energy conservation opportunities through energy audit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Swain, R.K.; Swain, A.K.; Subudhi, B.


    Developing countries like India, has to cater the imbalance of energy between the supply and demand in almost all the sectors, so as to devise energy conservation strategies. Electricity is one of the most convenient form of energy gifted to the mankind. The raising cost of electricity and the need to raise large resources to meet the required demand is only at the most of other important assets of the country. This gap between demand and supply can be partially met by appropriate energy conservation schemes through energy audit- a scientific approach for balancing the supply and demand. India has to go a long way ahead in it, therefore, energy audit has been initiated at vulnerable energy consuming places. This paper presents the effectiveness of energy audit strategy in achieving energy conservation. The energy audit of Shrama Shakti Bhavan, an office complex at New Delhi, has been taken as a case study for this work. (author). 2 refs., 12 tabs

  14. Exploration of energy conservation opportunities through energy audit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Swain, R.K.; Swain, A.K.; Subudhi, B.


    Developing countries like India, has to cater to the imbalance of energy between the supply and demand in almost all the sectors, so as to devise energy conservation strategies. Electricity is one of the most convenient form of energy gifted to the mankind. The raising cost of electricity and the need to raise large resources to meet the required demand is only at the cost of other important assets of the country. This gap between demand and supply can be partially met by appropriate energy conservation schemes through energy audit- a scientific approach for balancing the supply and demand. India has to go a long way ahead in it, therefore, energy audit has been initiated at vulnerable energy consuming places. This paper presents the effectiveness of energy audit strategy in achieving energy conservation. The energy audit of Shrama Shakti Bhavan, an office complex at New Delhi, has been taken as a case study. (author). 2 refs., 12 tabs

  15. Energy at what price? Energy markets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Favennec, J.P.; Amic, E.; Darmois, G.


    In 2005, the whole world had to stand a real energy shock due to the rise of oil, gas and electricity prices. The perspective of a possible shortage, even at the prospect of several decades, has led to a deep change of the world energy market. In this context, this book supplies a clear and didactical presentation of the mechanisms of petroleum, gas and electricity markets, with their advantages and limitations. At the time of a globalization of economy, the book analyzes the consequences of markets deregulation on the energy prices and tries to answer several main questions: why such a price volatility? Who will take the risk of investing now? Will the energy actors of the present day concentration be in a dominating position? Content: 1 - energy, markets and energy markets; 2 - crude oil and petroleum product markets; 3 - gas markets; 4 - electric power markets; 5 - perspectives. Glossary. Index. (J.S.)

  16. For a rational energy transition based on nuclear energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chalmin, Philippe


    After having recalled the meaning of the concept of energy transition, and stated that this concept is a fuzzy one, this paper addresses the issue of the future of energy through the concept of Energy returned on Energy invested (EROI). It discusses this approach by outlining that energy is the initial driver of economy, and by showing that only hydroelectricity, coal, nuclear and wind energy have a sufficient return rate, and that shale gas is an energy source for the short and medium term. Then, based on data related to world energy resources and consumption, to electric power production from various sources, to pollution health impacts, to electricity prices for industries and for households, it discusses the sustainability of the energy mix regarding energy reserves, health issues, and economic issues. Some examples (Spain, Germany) illustrate economic problems faced by some renewable energies. Finally, the authors outline that, thanks to its nuclear policy, France is the western country which is the most committed in energy transition. Some proposals are made to support nuclear energy, to reduce the use of fossil energies, to launch an ambitious research policy (on energy storage, on photovoltaic energy, on CO 2 hydrogenation, on hydrogen as a fuel), in favour of energy mixes decided at national levels in Europe

  17. ECOWAS renewable energy and energy efficiency status report - 2014

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Auth, Katie; Musolino, Evan; Thomas, Tristram; Adebiyi, Adeola; Reiss, Karin; Semedo, Eder; Williamson, Laura E.; Chawla, Kanika; Diarra, Charles


    In recent years, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), comprising 15 Member States, it has emerged as one of the most active and dynamic regional economic communities on the African continent. Expanding access to modern, reliable, and affordable energy services is a key priority, prompting inter-state cooperation in crucial areas including capacity building, policy development and implementation, and investment. Recognising the critical role that sustainable energy plays in catalysing social, economic, and industrial development across the region, ECOWAS Member States formally inaugurated the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) in 2010 to 'contribute to the sustainable economic, social and environmental development of West Africa by improving access to modern, reliable and affordable energy services, energy security and reduction of energy related externalities'. Drawing on data from the ECOWAS Observatory for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECOWREX) and a network of contributors and researchers across the region, the ECOWAS Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Status Report supports ECREEE's efforts to increase the deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency in West Africa by providing a comprehensive regional review of renewable energy and energy efficiency developments, evolving policy landscapes, market trends and related activities, investments in renewable energy and off-grid energy solutions, and the crucial nexus between energy access and gender

  18. Energy researchers - 1. Energy efficiency: Energy efficiency is driving innovation; No economic crisis for energy efficiency; How can we change our energy habits?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Minster, Jean-Francois; Appert, Olivier; Moisan, Francois; Salha, Bernard; Tardieu, Bernard; Ghidaglia, Jean-Michel; Viterbo, Jerome


    A first article comments how the race to achieve energy efficiency is driving the emergence of new technologies in transportation and construction (hybrid cars, phase change material, digital mock-ups, and so on). The example of the AGV is evoked, a new version of the TGV developed by Alstom which will run faster and consume less energy. A second article outlines that, due to the support from public authorities and to an increased awareness of energy costs and environmental challenges, the energy savings market is booming. Then, in an interview, a sociologist of the ADEME comments the difficulty of changing habits in terms of energy savings

  19. Energy Technology. (United States)

    Eaton, William W.

    Reviewed are technological problems faced in energy production including locating, recovering, developing, storing, and distributing energy in clean, convenient, economical, and environmentally satisfactory manners. The energy resources of coal, oil, natural gas, hydroelectric power, nuclear energy, solar energy, geothermal energy, winds, tides,…

  20. Collecting Solar Energy. Solar Energy Education Project. (United States)

    O'Brien, Alexander

    This solar energy learning module for use with junior high school students offers a list of activities, a pre-post test, job titles, basic solar energy vocabulary, and diagrams of solar energy collectors and installations. The purpose is to familiarize students with applications of solar energy and titles of jobs where this knowledge could be…

  1. Australian energy statistics - Australian energy update 2005

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Donaldson, K.


    ABARE's energy statistics include comprehensive coverage of Australian energy consumption, by state, by industry and by fuel. Australian Energy Update 2005 provides an overview of recent trends and description of the full coverage of the dataset. There are 14 Australian energy statistical tables available as free downloads (product codes 13172 to 13185).

  2. Energy efficiency. Lever for the German energy transition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Persem, Melanie; Roesner, Sven


    This document provides some key data on energy consumption in housing and public buildings, indicates the national German objectives in terms of reduction of energy consumption, of reduction of electricity consumption, of energy efficiency, and of evolution of energy consumption in housing and public buildings and in the transport sector. It gives some data related to energy saving and achievements: energy efficiency of the German economy, improvements in housing energy efficiency and insulation, financial support for low income households, reduction of energy consumption within small-medium enterprises, the public sector, the data processing sector and public lighting, and energy saving potential by renewal of public buildings. It indicates the main measures and arrangements: information, support programs for enterprises, local communities and individuals. A graph illustrates a comparison of shares of household power consumption in France and in Germany

  3. Multiple Energy System Analysis of Smart Energy Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thellufsen, Jakob Zinck


    thermal grids and smart gas grids, Smart Energy Systems moves the flexibility away from the fuel as is the case in current energy systems and into the system itself. However, most studies applying a Smart Energy System approach deals with analyses for either single countries or whole continents......To eliminate the use of fossil fuels in the energy sector it is necessary to transition to future 100% renewable energy systems. One approach for this radical change in our energy systems is Smart Energy Systems. With a focus on development and interaction between smart electricity grids, smart......, but it is unclear how regions, municipalities, and communities should deal with these national targets. It is necessary to be able to provide this information since Smart Energy Systems utilize energy resources and initiatives that have strong relations to local authorities and communities, such as onshore wind...

  4. Non conventional energy sources and energy conservation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bueno M, F.


    Geographically speaking, Mexico is in an enviable position. Sun, water, biomass and geothermal fields main non conventional energy sources with commercial applications, are presents and in some cases plentiful in national territory. Moreover the coastal tidal power which is in research stage in several countries. Non conventional energy sources are an alternative which allow us to reduce the consumption of hydrocarbons or any other type of primary energetic, are not by oneself choices for the energy conservation, but energy replacements. At the beginning of this year, CONAE created the Direction of Non conventional Energy Sources, which main objective is to promote and impulse programs inclined towards the application of systems based in renewable energy sources. The research centers represent a technological and consultative support for the CONAE. They have an infrastructure developed along several years of continuous work. The non conventional energy sources will be a reality at the same time that their cost be equal or lower than the cost for the traditional generating systems. CONAE (National Commission for Energy Conservation). (Author)

  5. Geothermal energy in the world energy scenario

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barbier, E.


    This paper reports on the world energy consumption between 1960 and 1984 from primary energy sources (coal, natural gas, oil, hydropower, nuclear energy) and the same in percentages from 1925. This highlights the diminishing role of coal and the increased consumption of gas and oil. The latter has stabilized around 42% of the total after the drop in demand resulting from the oil crisis of 1973. The world energy consumption has then been divided into industrialized and developing countries. It appears that the latter, with a population equal to 68% of the total world population, consumed 23% of the world energy in 1982. Furthermore, the consumption figures show that the demand for domestic energy is much smaller in developing countries, and it is well-known that domestic energy consumed is one of the parameters used to assess standard of living. The total installed electric capacity throughout the world is then reported, divided between developed and developing countries, showing that the latter consumed 11% of all the electricity generated in the world in 1981. The world installed electric power of geothermal origin at the end of 1985 is shown, along with estimates for 1990. Geothermal energy represents 0.2% of the world electric power. This is obviously a small figure and indicates that geothermal energy plays a minor role on the world energy scene. However, if we distinguish between industrialized and developing countries, we can observe that, with their currently limited electrical consumption but good geothermal prospects, the developing countries could achieve quite a significant contribution to their total electric energy from that of geothermal origin, increasing at the moment from 3 to 19%. Finally, a comparison is made between electricity generating costs of different sources, showing that geothermal energy is competitive. A table illustrates the world evolution in installed geothermal capacity from 1950 to 1985. The non-electric uses of geothermal energy

  6. Energy conservation, energy efficiency and energy savings regulatory hypotheses - taxation, subsidies and underlying economics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Trumpy, T. [International Legal Counsel, Brussels (Belgium)


    More efficient use of energy resources can be promoted by various regulatory means, i.e., taxation, subsidies, and pricing. Various incentives can be provided by income and revenue tax breaks-deductible energy audit fees, energy saving investment credits, breaks for energy saving entrepreneurs, and energy savings accounts run through utility accounts. Value added and excise taxes can also be adjusted to reward energy saving investments and energy saving entrepreneurial activity. Incentives can be provided in the form of cash refunds, including trade-in-and-scrap programs and reimbursements or subsidies on audit costs and liability insurance. Pricing incentives include lower rates for less energy use, prepayment of deposit related to peak load use, electronically dispatched multiple tariffs, savings credits based on prior peak use, and subsidized {open_quotes}leasing{close_quotes} of more efficient appliances and lights. Credits, with an emphasis on pooling small loans, and 5-year energy savings contracts are also discussed.

  7. Energy and durable development: the place of the renewable energies; Energie et developpement durable: la place des energies renouvelables

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The 29 may 2000, took place at the UNESCO, a colloquium on the place of the renewable energies facing the economic development. This document presents the opening presentation of A. Antolini and L. Jospin and the colloquium papers and debates in the following four domains: the energy challenges of the durable development, the renewable energies sources facing the european directive, the thermal renewable energies (solar, geothermics and biomass) and the greenhouse effect, the world market of the renewable energies. (A.L.B.)

  8. Energy, the engine for progress? 120 keys to understand energies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mathis, Paul


    Through 120 issues or questions, the author proposes an overview of issues related to energy. He first addresses general issues (definition of energy, relationship between heat and temperature, between energy and climate change, types of energy), discusses the relationship between life and energy (our energy need, energy in food, use and consumption of energy by living materials), proposes an history of the use of energy resources by mankind, gives an overview of energy resources (origins, primary and final energies, energy mix, fossil energies, oil producers, peak oil, shale gases, coal is back, nuclear energy and accidents, renewable energies, biomass and biofuel production, the issue of energy storage, and so on). He discusses the various aspects and issues of energy transition, and the role of energy in the society (prices, technological perspectives, risks, accidents and their consequences, the strategic role of energy). He finally comments the perspectives: the interest of using scenarios, the use of hydrogen, future biofuels, micro-algae, thermal solar power plants, sea energies, etc.

  9. Energy conservation. Federal shared energy savings contracting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fultz, Keith O.; Milans, Flora H.; Kirk, Roy J.; Welker, Robert A.; Sparling, William J.; Butler, Sharon E.; Irwin, Susan W.


    A number of impediments have discouraged federal agencies from using shared energy savings contracts. As of November 30, 1988, only two federal agencies - the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) and the Department of the Army -had awarded such contracts even though they can yield significant energy and cost savings. The three major impediments we identified were uncertainty about the applicability of a particular procurement policy and practice, lack of management incentives, and difficulty in measuring energy and cost savings. To address the first impediment, the Department of Energy (DOE) developed a manual on shared energy savings contracting. The second impediment was addressed when the 100th Congress authorized incentives for federal agencies to enter into shared savings contracts. DOE addressed the third impediment by developing a methodology for calculating energy consumption and cost savings. However, because of differing methodological preferences, this issue will need to be addressed on a contract-by-contract basis. Some state governments and private sector firms are using performance contracts to reduce energy costs in their buildings and facilities. We were able to identify six states that were using performance contracts. Five have established programs, and all six states have projects under contract. The seven energy service companies we contacted indicated interest in federal shared energy savings contracting

  10. Dossier Energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weijer, H.; Holwerda, B.; Schrauwers, A.; Van de Graaf, A.; Van Gelder, T.


    Several aspects with respect to energy are discussed in a special section of this magazine: the security of energy supply in a liberalized market, saving energy by outsourcing (e.g. compressed air contracting), the profits of a liberalized energy market for businesses, incentives for energy saving projects and innovations, an energy efficiency project at Ineos Silicas (producer of zeolites), and energy efficient electronic equipment [nl

  11. Renewable energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoon, Cheon Seok


    This book tells of renewable energy giving description of environment problem, market of renewable energy and vision and economics of renewable energy. It also deals with solar light like solar cell, materials performance, system and merit of solar cell, solar thermal power such as solar cooker and solar collector, wind energy, geothermal energy, ocean energy like tidal power and ocean thermal energy conversion, fuel cell and biomass.

  12. Resolving society's energy trilemma through the Energy Justice Metric

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heffron, Raphael J.; McCauley, Darren; Sovacool, Benjamin K.


    Carbon dioxide emissions continue to increase to the detriment of society in many forms. One of the difficulties faced is the imbalance between the competing aims of economics, politics and the environment which form the trilemma of energy policy. This article advances that this energy trilemma can be resolved through energy justice. Energy justice develops the debate on energy policy to one that highlights cosmopolitanism, progresses thinking beyond economics and incorporates a new futuristic perspective. To capture these dynamics of energy justice, this research developed an Energy Justice Metric (EJM) that involves the calculation of several metrics: (1) a country (national) EJM; (2) an EJM for different energy infrastructure; and (3) an EJM which is incorporated into economic models that derive costs for energy infrastructure projects. An EJM is modeled for China, the European Union and the United States, and for different energy infrastructure in the United Kingdom. The EJM is plotted on a Ternary Phase Diagram which is used in the sciences for analyzing the relationship (trilemma) of three forms of matter. The development of an EJM can provide a tool for decision-making on energy policy and one that solves the energy trilemma with a just and equitable approach. - Highlights: • Energy justice advances energy policy with cosmopolitanism and new economic-thinking. • An Energy Justice Metric is developed and captures the dynamics of energy justice. • The Energy Justice Metric (EJM) compares countries, and energy infrastructure. • EJM provides an energy policy decision-making tool that is just and equitable.

  13. NANA Strategic Energy Plan & Energy Options Analysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jay Hermanson; Brian Yanity


    NANA Strategic Energy Plan summary NRC, as an Alaska Native Corporation, has committed to addressing the energy needs for its shareholders. The project framework calls for implicit involvement of the IRA Councils in the Steering Committee. Tribal Members, from the NRC to individual communities, will be involved in development of the NANA Energy Plan. NRC, as the lead tribal entity, will serve as the project director of the proposed effort. The NRC team has communicated with various governmental and policy stakeholders via meetings and discussions, including Denali Commission, Alaska Energy Authority, and other governmental stakeholders. Work sessions have been initiated with the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, the NW Arctic Borough, and Kotzebue Electric Association. The NRC Strategic Energy Plan (SEP) Steering committee met monthly through April and May and weekly starting in June 2008 in preparation of the energy summit that was held from July 29-31, 2008. During preparations for the energy summit and afterwards, there was follow through and development of project concepts for consideration. The NANA regional energy summit was held from July 29-31, 2008, and brought together people from all communities of the Northwest Arctic Borough. The effort was planned in conjunction with the Alaska Energy Authority’s state-wide energy planning efforts. Over $80,000 in cash contributions was collected from various donors to assist with travel from communities and to develop the summit project. Available funding resources have been identified and requirements reviewed, including the Denali Commission, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, and the Alaska Energy Authority. A component of the overall plan will be a discussion of energy funding and financing. There are current project concepts submitted, or are ready for submittal, in the region for the following areas: • Wind-diesel in Deering, Buckland, Noorik, and Kiana areas; potential development around Red Dog mine.

  14. Ultimate Choice for Energy: The Nuclear Energy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Metin Yıldırım*


    Full Text Available Increases in the prices of oil, hard coal and natural gas, emergence of Russia as a not reliable resource for the natural and the developments in the security of the energy supply again have been started the nuclear energy as a hotly debated issue in the world. This is also a sensitive topic among the opponents and proponents of the nuclear energy in Turkey. Nuclear energy is very important since it provides about 17 % of the electric energy in the world and is used in industry and medical area. However, Turkey has not declared any policy about this yet, because of the worries about the environmental reasons and has not gained any progress about nuclear energy. First of all, Turkey must use her geothermal, hydropower, hard coal, solar and wind energies. Otherwise, Turkey may find herself in a competition with her neighboring countries

  15. The energy sector in Israel: The renewable energies place

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The energy production, in Israel, is not sufficient to satisfy the country needs, that is perpetually growing. Today 96% of the energy consumption is imported, essentially with petroleum and coal. To reduce this energy dependence, the government encourages the scientific researches and innovations in the field of clean and renewable energies. The paper presents political and economical aspects of the management and the exploitation of the following energy resources, developed in Israel: fossil fuels with oil shales; solar energy; biomass; wind energy; geothermal energy and hydraulic energy. (A.L.B.)

  16. Robinson Rancheria Strategic Energy Plan; Middletown Rancheria Strategic Energy Plan, Scotts Valley Rancheria Strategic Energy Plan, Elem Indian Colony Strategic Energy Plan, Upperlake Rancheria Strategic Energy Plan, Big Valley Rancheria Strategic Energy Plan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McGinnis and Associates LLC


    The Scotts Valley Band of Pomo Indians is located in Lake County in Northern California. Similar to the other five federally recognized Indian Tribes in Lake County participating in this project, Scotts Valley Band of Pomo Indians members are challenged by generally increasing energy costs and undeveloped local energy resources. Currently, Tribal decision makers lack sufficient information to make informed decisions about potential renewable energy resources. To meet this challenge efficiently, the Tribes have committed to the Lake County Tribal Energy Program, a multi Tribal program to be based at the Robinson Rancheria and including The Elem Indian Colony, Big Valley Rancheria, Middletown Rancheria, Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake and the Scotts Valley Pomo Tribe. The mission of this program is to promote Tribal energy efficiency and create employment opportunities and economic opportunities on Tribal Lands through energy resource and energy efficiency development. This program will establish a comprehensive energy strategic plan for the Tribes based on Tribal specific plans that capture economic and environmental benefits while continuing to respect Tribal cultural practices and traditions. The goal is to understand current and future energy consumption and develop both regional and Tribe specific strategic energy plans, including action plans, to clearly identify the energy options for each Tribe.

  17. Energy needs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chateau, Bertrand


    The author first discusses the various concepts and definitions associated with energy needs, and then the difference between actual needs and energy needs by distinguishing personal needs, needs of the productive sector, energetic needs and services. In the next part, he discusses how energy needs are assessed. He discusses the relationship between energy needs and energy consumption, how energy consumptions can be analysed and interpreted. He comments how energy needs can be assessed and analysed in time and in space. He notices and explains why economy and climate are the main causes of spatial differences for energy needs per habitant, and comments the evolution of energy consumption over long periods

  18. Energy assessments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Unruh, T.D.


    Energy industry initiatives during the 1970s and during the 1990s are compared. During the 1970s, the objective was to reduce energy consumption and to reduce dependency on foreign fuel. Today, the emphasis is on reducing energy costs and to improve net operating income. The challenges posed by the drive to reduce energy costs are discussed. As a tool in the drive to reduce energy cost, the energy assessment process was described. The process entails a detailed analysis of energy consumption, an investigation of energy rates and an assessment of site conditions and equipment, with a view towards an optimum combination that will lead to energy cost reductions

  19. Wind energy renewable energy and the environment

    CERN Document Server

    Nelson, Vaughn


    As the demand for energy increases, and fossil fuels continue to decrease, Wind Energy: Renewable Energy and the Environment, Second Edition considers the viability of wind as an alternative renewable energy source. This book examines the wind industry from its start in the 1970s until now, and introduces all aspects of wind energy. The phenomenal growth of wind power for utilities is covered along with applications such as wind-diesel, village power, telecommunications, and street lighting.. It covers the characteristics of wind, such as shear, power potential, turbulence, wind resource, wind

  20. Fostering sustained energy behavior change and increasing energy literacy in a student housing energy challenge (United States)

    Brewer, Robert Stephen

    We designed the Kukui Cup challenge to foster energy conservation and increase energy literacy. Based on a review of the literature, the challenge combined a variety of elements into an overall game experience, including: real-time energy feedback, goals, commitments, competition, and prizes. We designed a software system called Makahiki to provide the online portion of the Kukui Cup challenge. Energy use was monitored by smart meters installed on each floor of the Hale Aloha residence halls on the University of Hawai'i at Manoa campus. In October 2011, we ran the UH Kukui Cup challenge for the over 1000 residents of the Hale Aloha towers. To evaluate the Kukui Cup challenge, I conducted three experiments: challenge participation, energy literacy, and energy use. Many residents participated in the challenge, as measured by points earned and actions completed through the challenge website. I measured the energy literacy of a random sample of Hale Aloha residents using an online energy literacy questionnaire administered before and after the challenge. I found that challenge participants' energy knowledge increased significantly compared to non-challenge participants. Positive self-reported energy behaviors increased after the challenge for both challenge participants and non-participants, leading to the possibility of passive participation by the non-challenge participants. I found that energy use varied substantially between and within lounges over time. Variations in energy use over time complicated the selection of a baseline of energy use to compare the levels during and after the challenge. The best team reduced its energy use during the challenge by 16%. However, team energy conservation did not appear to correlate to participation in the challenge, and there was no evidence of sustained energy conservation after the challenge. The problems inherent in assessing energy conservation using a baseline call into question this common practice. My research has

  1. Energy from biomass. Energie uit biomassa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van Doorn, J [Business Unit ESC-Energy Studies, Netherlands Energy Research Foundation, Petten (Netherlands)


    A brief overview is given of the options to use biomass as an energy source. Attention is paid to processing techniques, energy yields from crops, production costs in comparison with other renewable sources and fossil fuels, and the Dutch energy policy for this matter. 1 fig., 1 ill., 2 tabs., 3 refs.

  2. Science Activities in Energy: Electrical Energy. (United States)

    Oak Ridge Associated Universities, TN.

    Presented is a science activities in energy package which includes 16 activities relating to electrical energy. Activities are simple, concrete experiments for fourth, fifth and sixth grades which illustrate principles and problems relating to energy. Each activity is outlined in a single card which is introduced by a question. A teacher's…

  3. Energy research and energy technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Research and development in the field of energy technologies was and still is a rational necessity of our time. However, the current point of main effort has shifted from security of supply to environmental compatibility and safety of the technological processes used. Nuclear fusion is not expected to provide an extension of currently available energy resources until the middle of the next century. Its technological translation will be measured by the same conditions and issues of political acceptance that are relevant to nuclear technology today. Approaches in the major research establishments to studies of regenerative energy systems as elements of modern energy management have led to research and development programs on solar and hydrogen technologies as well as energy storage. The percentage these systems might achieve in a secured energy supply of European national economies is controversial yet today. In the future, the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Grossforschungseinrichtungen (AGF) (Cooperative of Major Research Establishments) will predominantly focus on nuclear safety research and on areas of nuclear waste disposal, which will continue to be a national task even after a reorganization of cooperation in Europe. In addition, they will above all assume tasks of nuclear plant safety research within international cooperation programs based on government agreements, in order to maintain access for the Federal Republic of Germany to an advancing development of nuclear technology in a concurrent partnership with other countries. (orig./HSCH) [de

  4. Energy, ecology and unreason; Energie, Oekologie und Unvernunft

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hurtado, Antonio [Technische Univ. Dresden (Germany); Unger, Jochem


    The contribution deals with the following issues: the civil use of nuclear power in Germany, the development of nuclear power plants and the actual status of reactor technology in Germany, nuclear waste management, future nuclear reactors, thermonuclear fusion, radioactivity and environments, energy policy - exit from nuclear and fossil-fuel energy, renewable energies for electricity production, infrastructure for renewable energies, objective sight on the exit from nuclear and fossil-fuel energy, futuristic large energy concepts, other civilization threatening hazards, conclusions and hopes.

  5. What Is Energy Systems Integration? | Energy Systems Integration Facility | (United States)

    NREL What Is Energy Systems Integration? What Is Energy Systems Integration? Energy systems integration (ESI) is an approach to solving big energy challenges that explores ways for energy systems to Research Community NREL is a founding member of the International Institute for Energy Systems Integration

  6. Energy storage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This chapter discusses the role that energy storage may have on the energy future of the US. The topics discussed in the chapter include historical aspects of energy storage, thermal energy storage including sensible heat storage, latent heat storage, thermochemical heat storage, and seasonal heat storage, electricity storage including batteries, pumped hydroelectric storage, compressed air energy storage, and superconducting magnetic energy storage, and production and combustion of hydrogen as an energy storage option

  7. Energy policy and renewable energy sources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    According to Shell, by 2050, renewable energy sources may supply over 50% of the energy, worldwide. This concentration on renewable energy sources is primarily due to the intensified environmental demands. The UN climate panel has estimated that to avoid irreversible climate change it is necessary to reduce the global emissions of CO2 by 50 to 60% during the next 100 years. Biomass energy includes a number of biological raw materials from forestry and agriculture. The forests provide wood, wood chips, bark, branches and treetops, and from agriculture, straw. Although biomass energy is not entirely pollution-free, it is renewable and CO2-neutral as long as growth and consumption are in balance. In Norway, the total annual growth of available biomass corresponds to about 80 TWh. The technical potential is estimated to 30 TWh per year, allowing for operationally reasonable ways of producing the biomass. However, there is competition for the biomass since it is used by the wood processing industry. The use of biomass and waste for energy generation varies considerably among the Nordic countries. In Denmark, agriculture dominates and large quantities of straw are burned in cogeneration plants. Sweden and Finland have well-developed forest industries, and the wood processing industry in these countries uses much more biomass fuel (bark, fibre mud, black liquor) than the Norwegian wood processing industry. In Norway, more energy can be obtained by retrofitting old hydroelectric plants such as by installing a flexible liner in existing tunnels. This improves energy flexibility and increases energy production without negative environmental consequences. The potential for wind power is larger in Norway than in Denmark and Germany. The cost of wind power has fallen considerably as a consequence of the technological development of the sector

  8. Energy savings potential from energy-conserving irrigation systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wilfert, G.L.; Patton, W.P.; Harrer, B.J.; Clark, M.A.


    This report systematically compares, within a consistent framework, the technical and economic characteristics of energy-conserving irrigation systems with those of conventional irrigation systems and to determine total energy savings. Levelized annual costs of owning and operating both energy-conserving and conventional irrigation systems have been developed and compared for all 17 states to account for the differences in energy costs and irrigation conditions in each state. Market penetration of energy-conserving systems is assessed for those systems having lower levelized annual costs than conventional systems performing the same function. Annual energy savings were computed by matching the energy savings per system with an assumed maximum market penetration of 100 percent in those markets where the levelized annual costs of energy-conserving systems are lower than the levelized annual costs of conventional systems.

  9. U.S. energy outlook and future energy impacts (United States)

    Hamburger, Randolph John


    Energy markets were not immune to the 2007 financial crisis. Growth in the Indian and Chinese economies is placing strains on global energy supplies that could force a repeat of the 2008 price spike of $145/bbl for crude oil. Emerging market growth coupled with inefficiencies, frictions, and speculation in the energy markets has the potential to create drastic economic shocks throughout the world. The 2007 economic crisis has pushed back investment in energy projects where a low-growth scenario in world GDP could create drastic price increases in world energy prices. Without a long-term energy supply plan, the U.S. is destined to see growth reduced and its trade imbalances continue to deteriorate with increasing energy costs. Analysis of the U.S. natural gas futures markets and the impact of financial speculation on natural gas market pricing determined that financial speculation adds to price movements in the energy markets, which could cause violent swings in energy prices.

  10. Energy technologies and energy efficiency in economic modelling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klinge Jacobsen, Henrik


    This paper discusses different approaches to incorporating energy technologies and technological development in energy-economic models. Technological development is a very important issue in long-term energy demand projections and in environmental analyses. Different assumptions on technological ...... of renewable energy and especially wind power will increase the rate of efficiency improvement. A technologically based model in this case indirectly makes the energy efficiency endogenous in the aggregate energy-economy model....... technological development. This paper examines the effect on aggregate energy efficiency of using technological models to describe a number of specific technologies and of incorporating these models in an economic model. Different effects from the technology representation are illustrated. Vintage effects...... illustrates the dependence of average efficiencies and productivity on capacity utilisation rates. In the long run regulation induced by environmental policies are also very important for the improvement of aggregate energy efficiency in the energy supply sector. A Danish policy to increase the share...

  11. Energy. Against the current; Energie. Gegen den Strom

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stellpflug, Juergen (comp.)


    This is a special issue 'Oeko-Test Spezial Energie' of Oeko-Test journal of 15 December 2008. It contains information on the following subjects: Builder-owners over 50: Passive buildings, the best way to prepare for old age; Floor heating systems: Floors that give you a good feeling; CO2 check: How to check a home from the basement to the roof; Insulating materials; Energy certificates - none is perfect; Energy consulting: detecting leaks; Energy saving with thermal insulation; Heating with wood; Radiators and radiator design; Internal thermal insulation: Better than nothing; Tiled stoves for thermal comfort; Combined heat and power generation for energy autonomy; New laws and ordinances: Energy conservation becomes obligatory; Solar energy: Big is beautiful; Solar energy: Public funding: Solar energy technology; Solar power generation: High yields but impending obstacles; Wall heating systems: Thermal comfort out of the wall; Integrated thermal insulation systems: Nothing to fear from the cold; Heat pumps: Getting heat into the house; Thermal engineering: High efficiency is advantageous. (orig.)

  12. Renewable energy outlook in Iran and World's energy structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Azarm, D.; Adl, M.


    Limited fossil fuel resources and environmental impact of energy production technologies causing Global Warming have encouraged wide spread used of renewable energies. This article reviews the characteristics of renewable energy sources as well as their status within IR of Iran and pro-countries. According to the mentioned Information and Status, currently 22% of world electricity is produced through conversion of various renewable energies and expected to grow even further. This trend has been a main factor in reduction of end-used renewable energy prices. Consideration of social and environmental costs of fossil fuel use will help to reveal compatibility of renewable energies. Utilization of renewable energy potentials apart from proven environmental advantages and job creation effects may conserve country's conventional fossil fuel resources. In general, growth of renewable energy in a country is direct result of existing energy policies with respect to increasing the share of clean energies in the energy basket. Nevertheless in Iran yearly demand hikes for energy and considering the fact the fossil fuel reservoirs are limited, utilization of renewable energy potentials is inevitable

  13. VT Renewable Energy Sites - Renewable Energy Professionals (United States)

    Vermont Center for Geographic Information — (Link to Metadata) The Renewable Energy Atlas of Vermont and this dataset were created to assist town energy committees, the Clean Energy Development Fund and other...

  14. Energy Vulnerability and EU-Russia Energy Relations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edward Hunter Christie


    Full Text Available The concept of energy vulnerability is reviewed and discussed with a focus on Russia’s foreign energy relations, in particular those with European countries. A definition and a conceptual framework for quantifying energy vulnerability are proposed in the context of a review of recent research on energy vulnerability indices. In particular it is suggested that source country diversification should be reflected using the expected shortfall measure used in financial economics, rather than the Herfindahl-Hirschman or Shannon-Wiener indices, and that the former should then enter a calibrated function in order to yield expected economic loss. The issues of asymmetric failure probabilities and accidental versus intentional supply disruptions are then discussed with examples of recent Russian actions. Energy vulnerability measurement and modelling should ultimately inform policy. In particular, member states should legislate that no energy infrastructure project by one or more member states may increase the energy vulnerability of another member state. Additionally, European environmental policies, notably the EU ETS, should be amended so as to account for induced changes in energy vulnerability. Finally, member states should increase the level of transparency and disclosure with respect to gas import statistics and gas supply contracts.

  15. Managing Your Energy: An ENERGY STAR(R) Guide for Identifying Energy Savings in Manufacturing Plants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Worrell, Ernst; Angelini, Tana; Masanet, Eric


    In the United States, industry spends over $100 billion annually to power its manufacturing plants. Companies also spend on maintenance, capital outlay, and energy services. Improving energy efficiency is vital to reduce these costs and increase earnings. Many cost-effective opportunities to reduce energy consumption are available, and this Energy Guide discusses energy-efficiency practices and energy-efficient technologies that can be applied over a broad spectrum of companies. Strategies in the guide address hot water and steam, compressed air, pumps, motors, fans, lighting, refrigeration, and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. This guide includes descriptions of expected energy and cost savings, based on real-world applications, typical payback periods, and references to more detailed information. The information in this Energy Guide is intended to help energy and plant managers achieve cost-effective energy reductions while maintaining product quality. Further research on the economics of all measures--as well as on their applicability to different production practices?is needed to assess their cost effectiveness at individual plants.

  16. DTU International Energy Report 2012: Energy efficiency improvements

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Increased energy efficiency can reduce global CO2 emissions over the period to 2050 with up to 25%. On the top of that large profits can be gained for very little investment. Energy efficiency improvements can save investment in new energy infrastructure, cut fuel costs, increase competitiveness...... and increase consumer welfare. Thus, it is natural for DTU International Energy Report 2012 to take up this issue and analyze the global, regional and national challenges in exploiting energy efficiency and promote research and development in energy efficiency....

  17. East European energy. Romania's energy needs persist

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, Elliott C.; Denman, Sara B.; Kutnick, Bruce; Schultz, John R.; Foley Hinnen, Patricia; Bylsma, Peter J.


    Romania's economic growth and development have been hampered by declining domestic energy production and disrupted fuel imports, creating an energy shortage. Consequently, homes and businesses lack sufficient light and heat, and industrial output has fallen. In order to ensure sufficient energy supplies in the future, Romania is taking steps to decentralize its state-owned energy industries, modernize its outdated facilities and equipment, diversify its fuel sources, and eliminate its inefficient production practices. To accomplish these objectives, Romania needs substantial foreign trade and investment, according to Romanian officials. However, despite government efforts to reform the energy sector and improve the business climate, impediments to U.S. trade with and investment in Romania persist. These barriers include lack of a comprehensive energy strategy, underdeveloped legal and business infrastructures, uncertain economic and political conditions, and the absence of U.S. most-favored-nation trade status. Recent efforts by the Romanian and U.S. governments to overcome the barriers to most-favored-nation status have led to progress in this area. U.S. government and international agencies have initiated a variety of efforts to assist Romania's energy sector. For example, the Agency for International Development (AID) funded an Emergency Energy Program; the U.S. Trade and Development Program is evaluating requests to fund several feasibility studies in the power generation sector; and the Department of Commerce offers energy-related information exchanges and trade missions to Romania. International organizations such as the World Bank and the European Investment Bank have also granted loans for energy sector development projects in Romania

  18. Energy intermittency

    CERN Document Server

    Sorensen, Bent


    The first book to consider intermittency as a key point of an energy system, Energy Intermittency describes different levels of variability for traditional and renewable energy sources, presenting detailed solutions for handling energy intermittency through trade, collaboration, demand management, and active energy storage. Addressing energy supply intermittency systematically, this practical text:Analyzes typical time-distributions and intervals between episodes of demand-supply mismatch and explores their dependence on system layouts and energy source characteristicsSimulates scenarios regar

  19. Energy Assurance: Essential Energy Technologies for Climate Protection and Energy Security

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Greene, David L [ORNL; Boudreaux, Philip R [ORNL; Dean, David Jarvis [ORNL; Fulkerson, William [University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK); Gaddis, Abigail [University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK); Graham, Robin Lambert [ORNL; Graves, Ronald L [ORNL; Hopson, Dr Janet L [University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK); Hughes, Patrick [ORNL; Lapsa, Melissa Voss [ORNL; Mason, Thom [ORNL; Standaert, Robert F [ORNL; Wilbanks, Thomas J [ORNL; Zucker, Alexander [ORNL


    We present and apply a new method for analyzing the significance of advanced technology for achieving two important national energy goals: climate protection and energy security. Quantitative metrics for U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in 2050 and oil independence in 2030 are specified, and the impacts of 11 sets of energy technologies are analyzed using a model that employs the Kaya identity and incorporates the uncertainty of technological breakthroughs. The goals examined are a 50% to 80% reduction in CO2 emissions from energy use by 2050 and increased domestic hydrocarbon fuels supply and decreased demand that sum to 11 mmbd by 2030. The latter is intended to insure that the economic costs of oil dependence are not more than 1% of U.S. GDP with 95% probability by 2030. Perhaps the most important implication of the analysis is that meeting both energy goals requires a high probability of success (much greater than even odds) for all 11 technologies. Two technologies appear to be indispensable for accomplishment of both goals: carbon capture and storage, and advanced fossil liquid fuels. For reducing CO2 by more than 50% by 2050, biomass energy and electric drive (fuel cell or battery powered) vehicles also appear to be necessary. Every one of the 11 technologies has a powerful influence on the probability of achieving national energy goals. From the perspective of technology policy, conflict between the CO2 mitigation and energy security is negligible. These general results appear to be robust to a wide range of technology impact estimates; they are substantially unchanged by a Monte Carlo simulation that allows the impacts of technologies to vary by 20%.

  20. Nuclear energy + solar energy, why not?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hernandez C, I.; Nelson E, P.


    Clean energies such as nuclear and solar are part of the solution to the energy dependence that we face today and also help us to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions, thus avoiding a global average temperature increase that is irreversible and harmful to all living beings on the planet. Independently the nuclear and solar energies have had a great development in recent years, so in this work we set ourselves the task of creating a synergy between them. First, we conducted a survey of different people involved in the area of energy (energy efficiency, clean energy and renewable sources) in order to know if the area of which they are part influences with respect to the impression that they have of safety in terms of supply, return on investment and safety to the health and environment of another energy source for which we use a correlation analysis. With the results obtained we propose to use photo thermic solar energy as a support to reduce the frequency of accidents by station blackout and we perform the analysis of the combination using the methodology of Probabilistic Analysis of Security with the help of SAPHIRE 7 software to realize the event trees by station blackout of a nuclear power plant and faults for a photo-thermal solar plant. Finally, the decrease in the probability of station blackout from the proposed combination is quantified. The results were favorable to indicate that the probability of station blackout is reduced in half and that is why is suggested to continue studying the combination. (Author)

  1. Energy in Croatia 2002. Annual Energy Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The review, in its own recognisable way, consists of the most recent and settled data on the Croatian energy system for the period up to and including the year 2002. Some data appertain to a longer time period with the aim of an easier insight into long-term prospects. In 2002 total primary energy supply exceeded the year before by 1.3 percent. Owing to the simultaneous growth of the gross domestic product by 5.2 percent, energy intensity decreased thus marking the third year of a positive trend. However, it has to be mentioned that energy intensity, which expresses the total energy consumed per unit of gross domestic product, exceeded the level of the developed European countries by 33 percent, although it was still more favourable than in the majority of transition countries. Supply from own sources fell to the less than 50 percent, and energy import, with oil in the leading position, recorded an average annual increase of 4.7 percent. In 2002 transformation losses as well as transportation and distribution losses decreased thus bringing about the already mentioned total energy consumption growth of 1.3 percent and final demand increase by 2.3 percent - this means that the energy system was more efficient. The year 2002 recorded a consumption increase in traffic by 6.2 percent, in other sectors by 3 percent, while industry realised a decrease by 3.9 percent. It should be emphasised that diesel fuel recorded a major increase and in the whole structure almost reached the level of the motor gasoline. From 1995 till the end of the period observed the gas distribution network was doubled in length. The report includes other interesting information about our energy system, i.e. capacities, energy, source prices, as well as environmental impact from the energy sector

  2. Energy efficiency: Lever for the Energy Transition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Eco-electric industry group (FFIE, FGME, Gimelec, IGNES, SERCE) has conducted a study to evaluate the energy saving potential of active energy efficiency solutions in the residential and commercial building sectors. Based on field implementations and demonstrators, it has been demonstrated that active energy efficiency can sustainably achieve substantial savings for households, companies and public authorities. Energy Efficiency - Lever for the energy transition presents the results and conclusions of that study, alongside with recommendations for public authority in terms of building retrofit policy for putting France on the best possible 'trajectory' from a budgetary and environmental point of view. (author)

  3. Energy policy and energy market performance: The Argentinean case

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Recalde, Marina


    In the early 1990s Argentina liberalized and privatized the energy system, trending to a total market oriented system and abandoning the use of energy policy. Since 2004, as a result of a boom in energy demand and constrains in energy supply, Argentina has gone through an energy problem mainly related to natural gas and electricity, which derived in energy shutdowns. In this frame, this study explores the role of energy policy and institutions in Argentina, with the aim of discussing whether it has been properly used to contrast the observed lack of coordination between fossil energy reserves management and the demand of fuels in power generation. The results of the analysis enhance the relevance of regulatory and control authorities, as well as the active use of long run energy policy for the energy system performance in order to avoid coordination failures between subsectors of the system. The relevance of energy consumption for the development process, and the particular characteristics of energy systems require a wide planning perspective. - Highlights: → This paper examines some aspects of the performance of the Argentinean energy system and energy policy. → There is a lack of coordination between fossil energy reserves management and electricity demand. → It is required an improvement of the regulatory framework, and an active role of the regulatory authorities. → A better planning for electricity supply and strengthening aspects related to the linking with other energy chains. → Promoting a systematic exploitation of NG and oil reserves' and increasing the share of RETs in the energy mix.

  4. Sustainable-energy managment practices in an energy economy (United States)

    Darkwa, K.


    The economic survival of any nation depends upon its ability to produce and manage sufficient supplies of low-cost safe energy. The world's consumption of fossil fuel resources currently increasing at 3% per annum is found to be unsustainable. Projections of this trend show that mankind will exhaust all known reserves in the second half of the coming century. Governments, industrialists, commercial organizations, public sector departments and the general public have now become aware of the urgent requirements for the efficient management of resources and energy-consuming activities. Most organizations in the materials, manufacturing and retail sectors and in the service industries have also created energy management departments, or have employed consultants, to monitor energy consumption and to reduce wastage. Conversely, any sustained attempt to reduce rates of energy consumption even by as little as 0.1% per annum ensures relatively an eternal future supply as well as reduction on environmental and ecological effect. Thus, there is no long- term solution to energy flow problem other than systematic and effective energy management and the continuous application of the techniques of energy management. Essential energy management strategies in support of a sustainable energy- economy are discussed.

  5. Proceedings of IX International Conference for Renewable Energy, Energy Saving and Energy Education (CIER 2017)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Study Centre for Renewable Energy Technologies (CETER) located at the Technological University of Havana Jose Antonio Echeverria (CUJAE) Cuba hosted the IX International Renewable Energy Conference, Energy Saving and Energy Education (CIER 2017). The current focus on Cuba's renewable energy sector is ambitious with the Government proposing to boost investment by USD 3.5 billion in order to reach its goal of generating 24 per cent of its power from renewable energy by 2030. CIER 2017 brought together hundreds of scientist, engineers, manufactures, investors, policy makers, energy users and other specialists from across the entire international renewable energy spectrum to exchange knowledge, debate and analyze the global efforts currently being carried out in the field. This is all with the objective of intensifying the introduction of renewable energy technologies and promoting the sustainable energetic development in Cuba and the Caribe.

  6. Energy Investment Allowance. Energy List 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The title regulation (EIA, abbreviated in Dutch) offers entrepreneurs in the Netherlands financial incentives to invest in energy efficient capital equipment and renewable energy. Minimal 40% of the investment costs with a maximum of 208 million Dutch guilders can be deducted from fiscal profits. For one or more years less income tax or corporation taxes have to be paid. In this brochure it is outlined what the EIA means and how it can be used. The Energy List contains brief descriptions of examples of different energy efficient options that can be applied to qualify for the EIA

  7. The relationship among energy prices and energy consumption in China

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yuan, Chaoqing; Liu, Sifeng; Wu, Junlong


    The pricing mechanism for energy is not in line with the international standards, because the energy prices are controlled by the government partly or completely in China. Chinese government made a lot of efforts to improve the pricing mechanism for energy. The relations between Chinese energy prices and energy consumption are the foundations to reform the mechanism. In this paper, the relations between Chinese energy consumption and energy prices are researched by cointegration equations, impulse response functions, granger causality and variance decomposition. The cointegration relations among energy prices, energy consumption and economic outputs show that higher energy price will decrease energy consumption in Chinese industrial sectors but will not reduce the economic output in the long run. The cointegration relation between energy price and household energy consumption shows that higher energy price will decrease household energy consumption in the long run and increase it in the short run. So Chinese government should deepen the reform of pricing mechanism for energy, and increase the energy prices reasonably to save energy. (author)

  8. China's energy security: The perspective of energy users

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bambawale, Malavika Jain; Sovacool, Benjamin K.


    The article explores the energy security concerns faced by China from the point of view of energy users working in government, university, civil society and business sectors. The authors first derive a set of seven hypotheses related to Chinese energy security drawn from a review of the recent academic literature. We then explain each of these seven hypotheses, relating to (1) security of energy supply, (2) geopolitics, (3) climate change, (4) decentralization, (5) energy efficiency, (6) research and innovation of new energy technologies, and (7) self sufficiency and trade. Lastly, the article tests these hypotheses through a survey distributed in English and Mandarin completed by 312 Chinese participants. The conclusion presents insights for policymakers and energy scholars.

  9. Blazing the energy trail: The Municipal Energy Management Program

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The Urban Consortium Energy Task Force pioneers energy and environmental solutions for US cities and counties. When local officials participate in the task force, they open the door to many resources for their communities. The US is entering a period of renewed interest in energy management. Improvements in municipal energy management allow communities to free up energy operating funds to meet other needs. These improvements can even keep energy dollars in the community through the purchase of services and products used to save energy. With this idea in mind, the US Department of Energy Municipal Energy Management Program has funded more than 250 projects that demonstrate innovative energy technologies and management tools in cities and counties through the Urban Consortium Energy Task Force (UCETF). UCETF helps the US Department of Energy foster municipal energy management through networks with cities and urbanized counties and through links with three national associations of local governments. UCETF provides funding for projects that demonstrate innovative and realistic technologies, strategies, and methods that help urban America become more energy efficient and environmentally responsible. The task force provides technical support to local jurisdictions selected for projects. UCETF also shares information about successful energy management projects with cities and counties throughout the country via technical reports and project papers. The descriptions included here capsulize a sample of UCETF`s demonstration projects around the country.

  10. Smart energy and smart energy systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lund, Henrik; Østergaard, Poul Alberg; Connolly, David


    In recent years, the terms “Smart Energy” and “Smart Energy Systems” have been used to express an approach that reaches broader than the term “Smart grid”. Where Smart Grids focus primarily on the electricity sector, Smart Energy Systems take an integrated holistic focus on the inclusion of more...... sectors (electricity, heating, cooling, industry, buildings and transportation) and allows for the identification of more achievable and affordable solutions to the transformation into future renewable and sustainable energy solutions. This paper first makes a review of the scientific literature within...... the field. Thereafter it discusses the term Smart Energy Systems with regard to the issues of definition, identification of solu- tions, modelling, and integration of storage. The conclusion is that the Smart Energy System concept represents a scientific shift in paradigms away from single-sector thinking...

  11. Municipal energy managers; Responsables energie municipaux

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    On 1 and 2 July, municipal energy managers from all over Europe met in Stuttgart, Germany. On these two days, more the 150 participants form 22 countries listened to presentations, took part in excursions to cutting-edge energy conservation projects in Stuttgart and, above all, participated in a broad array of workshops presented by experts firmly grounded in local practice. 27 experts drawn from 11 European countries showcased their projects and imparted their experience. The event has been accompanied by an exhibition of companies and service providers offering energy-conservation products and planning services. The first workshop dealt with energy management in Europe and examples from different active municipalities; the second one with energy management in Germany and best practice in the leading cities; the third one with non-municipal and European projects. (A.L.B.)

  12. 77 FR 50489 - Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Wind and Water Power Program AGENCY: Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Department of Energy. ACTION: Notice of public... FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Hoyt Battey, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S...

  13. Does energy labelling on residential housing cause energy savings?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kjaerbye, V.H.


    Danish households use more than 30% of the total amount of energy being used in Denmark. More than 80% of this energy is dedicated to space heating. The same relation is seen in many OECD countries. The corresponding energy savings potential was recently estimated at 30% of the energy used in buildings. Energy labelling is seen as an important instrument to target these potential energy savings. This paper evaluates the effects of the Danish Energy Labelling Scheme on energy consumption in existing single-family houses with propensity score matching using real metered natural gas consumption and a very wide range of register data describing the houses and households. The study did not find significant energy savings due to the Danish Energy Labelling Scheme, but more research would be needed to complement this conclusion

  14. Energy Choices. Energy markets; Vaegval Energi. Energimarknader

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Damsgaard, Niclas (Econ Poeyry AB, Stockholm (Sweden))


    Each of the major energy markets for oil, coal, natural gas, biofuels and electricity has its own character. But markets are dependent on each other in an often complicated way. This interconnection has become even more complex since the market for emissions trading began in Europe in 2005. This report describes the current situation of the different energy markets but also the relationships between them, and some possible future scenarios. The oil market is global, but is dominated by a few producing countries. Coal is traded on the international market with good competition and over time probably a stable price. Other markets are more regional or even local. One example is the natural gas market. In the current situation of natural gas is not particularly important for Sweden's energy supply, but very much so in a European perspective. There may be repercussions also in Sweden. The gas price ups and downs are important for the price of emission rights and electricity. Biofuel markets ranging from global markets, such as ethanol, to regional or local markets, depending on processing. Only with the creation of a single trading venue, Nordpool was a common pricing of electricity possible in the Nordic region. In the near future we will have a common electricity market covering at least the Nordic region and northwestern Europe. This does not mean that prices will become equalized, for that further expansion of the transmission capacity is needed. It is possible to imagine several scenarios for future energy markets, but the interaction between the different markets will persist. To develop appropriate instruments is of great importance to achieve the political objectives in the energy field the next decade

  15. Energy 93, energy in Israel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shilo, D.; Bar Mashiah, D.; Er-El, J.


    For the first time this report includes a chapter entitles 'energy and peace'. Following is an overview of israel's energy economy and some principal initiatives in its various sectors during 1992/93 period. 46 figs, 13 tabs

  16. Advantage Energy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Increased focus has been placed on the issues of energy access and energy poverty over the last number of years, most notably indicated by the United Nations (UN) declaring 2012 as the 'International Year of Sustainable Energy for All'. Although attention in these topics has increased, incorrect assumptions and misunderstandings still arise in both the literature and dialogues. Access to energy does not only include electricity, does not only include cook stoves, but must include access to all types of energy that form the overall energy system. This paper chooses to examine this energy system using a typology that breaks it into 3 primary energy subsystems: heat energy, electricity and transportation. Describing the global energy system using these three subsystems provides a way to articulate the differences and similarities for each system's required investments needs by the private and public sectors.

  17. Energy trading and pricing in microgrids with uncertain energy supply

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ma, Kai; Hu, Shubing; Yang, Jie


    This paper studies an energy trading and pricing problem for microgrids with uncertain energy supply. The energy provider with the renewable energy (RE) generation (wind power) determines the energy purchase from the electricity markets and the pricing strategy for consumers to maximize its profi....... In particular, the uncertainty of the energy supply from the energy provider is considered. Simulation results show that the energy provider can obtain more profit using the proposed decision-making scheme.......This paper studies an energy trading and pricing problem for microgrids with uncertain energy supply. The energy provider with the renewable energy (RE) generation (wind power) determines the energy purchase from the electricity markets and the pricing strategy for consumers to maximize its profit...

  18. Research progress about chemical energy storage of solar energy (United States)

    Wu, Haifeng; Xie, Gengxin; Jie, Zheng; Hui, Xiong; Yang, Duan; Du, Chaojun


    In recent years, the application of solar energy has been shown obvious advantages. Solar energy is being discontinuity and inhomogeneity, so energy storage technology becomes the key to the popularization and utilization of solar energy. Chemical storage is the most efficient way to store and transport solar energy. In the first and the second section of this paper, we discuss two aspects about the solar energy collector / reactor, and solar energy storage technology by hydrogen production, respectively. The third section describes the basic application of solar energy storage system, and proposes an association system by combining solar energy storage and power equipment. The fourth section briefly describes several research directions which need to be strengthened.

  19. Synergies in the Asian energy system: Climate change, energy security, energy access and air pollution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vliet, Oscar van; Krey, Volker; McCollum, David; Pachauri, Shonali; Nagai, Yu; Rao, Shilpa; Riahi, Keywan


    We use the MESSAGE model to examine multiple dimensions of sustainable development for three Asian regions in a set of scenarios developed for the Asian Modelling Exercise. Using climate change mitigation as a starting point for the analysis, we focus on the interaction of climate and energy with technology choice, energy security, energy access, and air pollution, which often have higher policy priority than climate change. Stringent climate policies drive the future energy supply in Asia from being dominated by coal and oil to a more diversified system based mostly on natural gas, coal with CCS, nuclear and renewable energy. The increase in diversity helps to improve the energy security of individual countries and regions. Combining air pollution control policies and universal energy access policies with climate policy can further help to reduce both outdoor and indoor air pollution related health impacts. Investments into the energy system must double by 2030 to achieve stringent climate goals, but are largely offset by lower costs for O and M and air pollution abatement. Strong focus on end-use efficiency also helps lowering overall total costs and allows for limiting or excluding supply side technologies from the mitigation portfolio. Costs of additional energy access policies and measures are a small fraction of total energy system costs. - Highlights: ► Half of added investments in energy offset by lower costs for O and M and air pollution. ► Costs for achieving universal energy access much smaller than energy system costs. ► Combined emissions and access policies further reduce air pollution impacts on health. ► Strong focus on end-use efficiency allows for more flexibility on energy sources. ► Stringent climate policy can improve energy security of Asian regions.

  20. Translating EU renewable energy policy for insular energy systems: Reunion Island's quest for energy autonomy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matthew Sawatzky


    Full Text Available Recognition of the negative impacts of climate change has led to agreement on the need to decarbonise energy systems through the employment of renewable energy. With many national and transnational policies in place, the options available to insular energy systems (IES differ from those of interconnected areas due to fragility in their production and distribution networks. Based on the concepts of policy mobility and translation, this study examines the interplay of EU renewable energy policy and insular governance processes aimed at achieving energy autonomy through renewable energy development. Reunion Island, a French Overseas Department and Region, is used as a case study to examine local energy governance processes, aspects that shape regional translation of national and EU policy, and the potential effects that create structures and pathways of energy transition. The study shows that Reunion Island’s regional Energy Governance Committee has significant application potential as a governance tool in other IES and small islands within the EU, but that renewable energy development is restricted due to national policy measures and path dependent governance structural constraints.

  1. What energies for tomorrow?; Quelles energies pour demain?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document gathers the transparencies presented at the occasion of the jubilee day on nuclear engineering. The main theme was the energies of the future. Four presentations were given, dealing with: the long-term wold energy perspectives (C. Mandil); the nuclear and renewable energies in a development perspective (B. Barre); the new energy technologies (C. Ngo); and the energy situation and problem in China (transparencies and article, D. Chavardes). (J.S.)

  2. New technologies of the energy 1. The renewable energies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sabonnadiere, J.C.


    This book, devoted to the renewable energies, is the first of three volumes taking stock on the new technologies of the energy situation. The first part presents the solar energy (thermal photovoltaic and thermodynamic), completed by a chapter on the wind energy. An important part is devoted to new hydraulic energies with the sea energies and the very little hydroelectricity and in particular the exploitation of the energy of the drinking water and wastes water pipelines. (A.L.B.)

  3. Engineered Geothermal Systems Energy Return On Energy Investment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mansure, A J


    Energy Return On Investment (EROI) is an important figure of merit for assessing the viability of energy alternatives. Too often comparisons of energy systems use efficiency when EROI would be more appropriate. For geothermal electric power generation, EROI is determined by the electricity delivered to the consumer compared to the energy consumed to construct, operate, and decommission the facility. Critical factors in determining the EROI of Engineered Geothermal Systems (EGS) are examined in this work. These include the input energy embodied into the system. Embodied energy includes the energy contained in the materials, as well as, that consumed in each stage of manufacturing from mining the raw materials to assembling the finished system. Also critical are the system boundaries and value of the energy heat is not as valuable as electrical energy. The EROI of an EGS depends upon a number of factors that are currently unknown, for example what will be typical EGS well productivity, as well as, reservoir depth, temperature, and temperature decline rate. Thus the approach developed is to consider these factors as parameters determining EROI as a function of number of wells needed. Since the energy needed to construct a geothermal well is a function of depth, results are provided as a function of well depth. Parametric determination of EGS EROI is calculated using existing information on EGS and US Department of Energy (DOE) targets and is compared to the minimum EROI an energy production system should have to be an asset rather than a liability.

  4. Energy policy formulation and energy administration in South Africa

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Du Plessis, S.J.P.


    The evolvement of the governmental energy administrative mechanisms is discussed. Energy policy formulation and the role of the Department of Mineral and Energy Affairs in this regard are outlined. The energy administrative process, with reference to various energy carriers and specific spheres of the South African energy economy is discussed. It is indicated that close co-operation between the public and private energy sectors should result in mutual understanding of each others' practical problems and objectives, and should contribute towards the process of judicious energy policy formulation and administration in the interests of the national well-being

  5. Energy education; Education a l'energie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The aim of this forum is to analyze the role of local and regional energy agencies in promoting low energy consuming technologies and in the information and education of the general public about energy mastery and conservation. (J.S.)

  6. Nuclear energy and its synergies with renewable energies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carre, F.; Mermilliod, N.; Devezeaux De Lavergne, J.G.; Durand, S.


    France has the ambition to become a world leader in both nuclear industry and in renewable energies. 3 types of synergies between nuclear power and renewable energies are highlighted. First, nuclear power can be used as a low-carbon energy to produce the equipment required to renewable energy production for instance photovoltaic cells. Secondly, to benefit from the complementary features of both energies: continuous/intermittency of the production, centralized/local production. The future development of smart grids will help to do that. Thirdly, to use nuclear energy to produce massively hydrogen from water and synthetic fuels from biomass. (A.C.)

  7. Myth of energy competitiveness in energy producing countries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watanabe, Chihiro; Widayanti, Tjahya


    This paper examines the relative comparative advantage, focusing on energy prices, of an energy producing developing country (Indonesia) and a non-energy producing developed country (Japan). For energy producing developing countries, it is strategically important to increase the competitiveness of energy dependent industries, and encourage the development of value-added industries. Much work has been done on relative advantage analysis, but the effects of the energy price formation mechanisms on price competitiveness have not been analysed. In this paper a comprehensive approach, using production and cost functions and synchronized price formation by means of principal component analysis, is introduced. (Author)

  8. Energy, tourism


    Frantál, B. (Bohumil)


    The chapter provides a general definition of energy and resume the role and environmental impacts of tourism as one of the largest global industries and energy consumers.Then the energy tourism nexus is conceptualized from three perspectives: The first is energy as a driver of tourism. The second is energy as a constraint of tourism. The third is energy as an attraction and object of tourists´interests.

  9. Centrifugal potential energy : an astounding renewable energy concept

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oduniyi, I.A. [Aled Conglomerate Nigeria Ltd., Lagos (Nigeria)


    A new energy concept known as centrifugal potential energy was discussed. This new energy concept is capable of increasing the pressure, temperature and enthalpy of a fluid, without having to apply work or heat transfer to the fluid. It occurs through a change in the centrifugal potential energy of the flowing fluid in a rotating frame of reference or a centrifugal force field, where work is performed internally by the centrifugal weight of the fluid. This energy concept has resulted in new energy equations, such as the Rotational Frame Bernoulli's Equation for liquids and the Rotational Frame Steady-Flow Energy Equation for gases. Applications of these equations have been incorporated into the design of centrifugal field pumps and compressors. Rather than compressing a fluid with a physical load transfer, these devices can compress a fluid via the effect of centrifugal force applied to the object. A large amount of energy is therefore produced when this high pressure compressed working fluid expands in a turbine. When water is used as the working fluid, it could reach renewable energy densities in the range of 25-100 kJ/kg of water. When atmospheric air is used, it could reach energy densities in the range of 500-1,500 kJ/kg of air.

  10. 78 FR 20896 - Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency... of an Open Meeting. SUMMARY: The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee (RE&EEAC... industry-specific teams--renewable energy, energy efficiency, energy storage and transmission, and biofuels...

  11. 78 FR 48855 - Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee (United States)


    ... Administration Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee AGENCY: International Trade... the international competitiveness of the U.S. renewable energy and energy efficiency industries. The... Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee, Attention: Ryan Mulholland, Office of Energy and...

  12. Energy Management. Special. Magazine for energy supply and energy management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van Mil, R.


    The special Energy Management was issued in cooperation with many participating businesses in the Netherlands which provided articles on recent developments and new services and products with respect to the liberalized energy market in the Netherlands and Europe

  13. 75 FR 70214 - Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency... of an open meeting. SUMMARY: The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee (RE&EEAC... submitted to the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee, Office of Energy and...

  14. Energy prices and the promotion of energy conservation. A background study for energy conservation programme

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The prices of fuels in the international markets affect the development of consumer prices of energy in Finland. In the near future no factors can be foreseen, which would cause major increases in the prices of oil, coal or gas. It can thus not be expected that increased fuel prices would motivate more efficient energy conservation. In international comparison, consumer prices of energy have been relatively low in Finland. This applies especially to electricity. After the removal of price controls, energy prices have been determined by the markets. The influence of the public authorities in energy pricing is put into effect through taxation. The price of energy has a fairly small effect on energy consumption in a short term, but longer term effects are more significant. Energy products are faxed in all western countries. (orig.)

  15. Energy - environment - nutrition. Energie - Umwelt - Ernaehrung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The special edition contains contributions made by different authors on the array of problems presented by the environment, energy, and nutrition, biosphere and man, economic growth and energy supplies for future security, new environmental awareness, - the end of market economy., power plant safety, conditions for the evolution of mankind, policy and criminal law demonstrated by means of environmental protection. The concept of ecology and the development of world energy supplies are documented. The bibliography report goes into detail as far as studies are concerned which deal with the hazards of nuclear power plants, related pros and cons, with the energy crisis in general, and with nuclear weapons.

  16. Energy policy, the energy price fallacy and the role of nuclear energy in the UK

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brookes, L.G.


    The widely held belief that the world energy problem will be solved by rising prices - closing the energy gap by reducing demand and bringing in new, large, previously overcostly energy sources is rejected by the author who feels that high prices are the problem and not the solution. It is argued that supply and demand will be brought into balance at some price, and the objective of energy policy should be to make it as low as possible, by concentrating on the exploitation of large, low-cost energy sources. The role of nuclear energy in this discussion is considered with respect to three specific points: the currently identified reserves of low-cost uranium, if used in fast reactors, represent an energy source greater than all other energy sources put together; nuclear power is the cheapest, safest and cleanest way of producing electricity; and electricity production accounts for a very large part of total primary energy consumption. (U.K.)

  17. Dutch Energy Investment Allowance (EIA). Energy List for 2013; Energie-investeringsaftrek (EIA). Energielijst 2013

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Energy Investment Allowance (EIA) is a tax system by means of which the Dutch government supports companies with investments in energy-saving equipment and renewable energy. This brochure explains the assets eligible for EIA and how the scheme works [Dutch] De Energie-investeringsaftrek (EIA) is een fiscale regeling waarmee de overheid ondersteuning biedt voor bedrijven bij investeringen in energiebesparende bedrijfsmiddelen en duurzame energie. In deze brochure wordt uitgelegd welke bedrijfsmiddelen in aanmerking komen voor EIA en hoe de regeling werkt.

  18. An Energy Aware Adaptive Sampling Algorithm for Energy Harvesting WSN with Energy Hungry Sensors (United States)

    Srbinovski, Bruno; Magno, Michele; Edwards-Murphy, Fiona; Pakrashi, Vikram; Popovici, Emanuel


    Wireless sensor nodes have a limited power budget, though they are often expected to be functional in the field once deployed for extended periods of time. Therefore, minimization of energy consumption and energy harvesting technology in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are key tools for maximizing network lifetime, and achieving self-sustainability. This paper proposes an energy aware Adaptive Sampling Algorithm (ASA) for WSN with power hungry sensors and harvesting capabilities, an energy management technique that can be implemented on any WSN platform with enough processing power to execute the proposed algorithm. An existing state-of-the-art ASA developed for wireless sensor networks with power hungry sensors is optimized and enhanced to adapt the sampling frequency according to the available energy of the node. The proposed algorithm is evaluated using two in-field testbeds that are supplied by two different energy harvesting sources (solar and wind). Simulation and comparison between the state-of-the-art ASA and the proposed energy aware ASA (EASA) in terms of energy durability are carried out using in-field measured harvested energy (using both wind and solar sources) and power hungry sensors (ultrasonic wind sensor and gas sensors). The simulation results demonstrate that using ASA in combination with an energy aware function on the nodes can drastically increase the lifetime of a WSN node and enable self-sustainability. In fact, the proposed EASA in conjunction with energy harvesting capability can lead towards perpetual WSN operation and significantly outperform the state-of-the-art ASA. PMID:27043559

  19. An Energy Aware Adaptive Sampling Algorithm for Energy Harvesting WSN with Energy Hungry Sensors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bruno Srbinovski


    Full Text Available Wireless sensor nodes have a limited power budget, though they are often expected to be functional in the field once deployed for extended periods of time. Therefore, minimization of energy consumption and energy harvesting technology in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN are key tools for maximizing network lifetime, and achieving self-sustainability. This paper proposes an energy aware Adaptive Sampling Algorithm (ASA for WSN with power hungry sensors and harvesting capabilities, an energy management technique that can be implemented on any WSN platform with enough processing power to execute the proposed algorithm. An existing state-of-the-art ASA developed for wireless sensor networks with power hungry sensors is optimized and enhanced to adapt the sampling frequency according to the available energy of the node. The proposed algorithm is evaluated using two in-field testbeds that are supplied by two different energy harvesting sources (solar and wind. Simulation and comparison between the state-of-the-art ASA and the proposed energy aware ASA (EASA in terms of energy durability are carried out using in-field measured harvested energy (using both wind and solar sources and power hungry sensors (ultrasonic wind sensor and gas sensors. The simulation results demonstrate that using ASA in combination with an energy aware function on the nodes can drastically increase the lifetime of a WSN node and enable self-sustainability. In fact, the proposed EASA in conjunction with energy harvesting capability can lead towards perpetual WSN operation and significantly outperform the state-of-the-art ASA.

  20. Hydro-energy; Energie hydraulique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bacher, P. [Electricite de France (EDF), 75 - Paris (France); Tardieu, B. [Coyne et Bellier, 92 - Gennevilliers (France)


    The first part of this study concerns the different type of hydraulic works. The second part presents the big hydro-energy, its advantages and disadvantages, the industrial risks, the electric power transport network, the economy and the development perspectives. The third part presents the little hydro-energy, its advantages and disadvantages, the decentralized production and the development perspectives. (A.L.B.)

  1. Energy options?; Energie opties?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van Sark, W. (ed.)


    March 2006 the so-called Options Document was published by the Energy research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) and the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (MNP). The document is an overview of technical options to reduce energy consumption and emission of greenhouse gases up to 2020. Next to a brief summary of the document a few reactions and comments on the contents of the document are given. [Dutch] Maart 2006 publiceerde het Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland (ECN) en het Milieu- en Natuurplanbureau (MNP) het zogenaamde Optiedocument energie en emissies 2010-2020. Daarin wordt een overzicht gegeven van de technische mogelijkheden voor vermindering van het energieverbruik en de uitstoot van broeikasgassen en luchtverontreinigende stoffen tot 2020. Naast een korte samenvatting van het document worden enkele reacties gegeven op de inhoud.

  2. Energy Choices. Efficient Energy Use - possibilities and barriers; Vaegval Energi. Energieffektivisering - moejligheter och hinder

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jagemar, Lennart (CIT Energy Management AB, Goeteborg (Sweden)); Pettersson, Bertil (Chalmers EnergiCentrum, CEC, Chalmers Univ. of Technology, Goeteborg (Sweden))


    Sweden's total energy supply in 2006 amounted to a total of 624 TWh and was dominated by crude oil, nuclear fuels, biofuels and hydropower. Different types of losses in the system accounts for one third of the energy. The final energy consumption, i.e. delivery minus losses, was divided in the following way: industry 157 TWh, the habitat of 145 TWh (of which 19 TWh relates to Agriculture, Forestry, Fishery and other service and secondary homes) and transport of 101 TWh. For the transport sector, studies show that combinations of various efficiency measures ideally can achieve an reduction in energy use by between 60 and 75 percent. The Governmental Energy Efficiency Inquiry (EnEff - 2008) estimated that the domestic transport techno-economic efficiency potential up to 2016 is 13 TWh (mainly fuel) of the total delivered energy is 87 TWh under EnEff. The potential about 5 TWh is expected to be completed by current instruments. The study assesses that despite the increased need for transport in 2016 the sector's energy use can remain at the same level or even be reduced. Buildings have a large technical and economic energy efficiency potential. According to EnEff's assessment, the streamlining potential is 33 TWh of which 8 TWh can implemented in 2016 with today's instruments. This compares with the total delivered energy is 151 TWh under EnEff. The total energy efficiency potential for buildings by 2020 is considered to be substantially higher, about 41 TWh, and affect the use of district heating, fuel and electricity. New powerful tools must be implemented for the building sector in order to realize the potential energy efficiency measures. Industry's total energy potential is assessed to be around 13 TWh by 2016. Industry's total energy use is 155 TWh according to EnEff. Only 2 TWh can realistically be saved up to 2016 taking into account a reasonable acceptance factor. The beneficiaries of the carbon emissions trade account for about

  3. Guidebook for using unused energy; Miriyo energy katsuyo guidebook

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Unused energy is the temperature difference energy such as seawater, river water and sewage heat, waste heat from building, refuse incineration waste heat energy, etc. These have not been very much used because of the technical or economic restraints. There exists a large amount of unused energy around cities. If these unused energy is used well by appropriate technology such as heat pump, heat storage tank, etc., the energy used for heating/cooling and hot water supply in cities are expected to be greatly reduced. For further promotion of the use of unused energy, this guidebook was aimed at being used as a guidebook in studying the introduction of unused energy for new urban plans and architectural plans, re-development plans on existing buildings and regions, etc. The guidebook introduced the energy situation in Japan, utilization technology of unused energy and examples of the introduction, the system construction method in introducing unused energy and the evaluation method of effects, procedures to be taken to study heat supply business, and the most up-to-date R and D of the utilization technology of unused energy. (NEDO)

  4. Energy systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Haefele, W [Nuclear Research Centre, Applied Systems Analysis and Reactor Physics, Karlsruhe (Germany); International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg (Austria)


    Up to the present the production, transmission and distribution of energy has been considered mostly as a fragmented problem; at best only subsystems have been considered. Today the scale of energy utilization is increasing rapidly, and correspondingly, the reliance of societies on energy. Such strong quantitative increases influence the qualitative nature of energy utilization in most of its aspects. Resources, reserves, reliability and environment are among the key words that may characterize the change in the nature of the energy utilization problem. Energy can no longer be considered an isolated technical and economical problem, rather it is embedded in the ecosphere and the society-technology complex. Restraints and boundary conditions have to be taken into account with the same degree of attention as in traditional technical problems, for example a steam turbine. This results in a strong degree of interweaving. Further, the purpose of providing energy becomes more visible, that is, to make survival possible in a civilized and highly populated world on a finite globe. Because of such interweaving and finiteness it is felt that energy should be considered as a system and therefore the term 'energy systems' is used. The production of energy is only one component of such a system; the handling of energy and the embedding of energy into the global and social complex in terms of ecology, economy, risks and resources are of similar importance. he systems approach to the energy problem needs more explanation. This paper is meant to give an outline of the underlying problems and it is hoped that by so doing the wide range of sometimes confusing voices about energy can be better understood. Such confusion starts already with the term 'energy crisis'. Is there an energy crisis or not? Much future work is required to tackle the problems of energy systems. This paper can only marginally help in that respect. But it is hoped that it will help understand the scope of the

  5. Energy systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haefele, W.


    Up to the present the production, transmission and distribution of energy has been considered mostly as a fragmented problem; at best only subsystems have been considered. Today the scale of energy utilization is increasing rapidly, and correspondingly, the reliance of societies on energy. Such strong quantitative increases influence the qualitative nature of energy utilization in most of its aspects. Resources, reserves, reliability and environment are among the key words that may characterize the change in the nature of the energy utilization problem. Energy can no longer be considered an isolated technical and economical problem, rather it is embedded in the ecosphere and the society-technology complex. Restraints and boundary conditions have to be taken into account with the same degree of attention as in traditional technical problems, for example a steam turbine. This results in a strong degree of interweaving. Further, the purpose of providing energy becomes more visible, that is, to make survival possible in a civilized and highly populated world on a finite globe. Because of such interweaving and finiteness it is felt that energy should be considered as a system and therefore the term 'energy systems' is used. The production of energy is only one component of such a system; the handling of energy and the embedding of energy into the global and social complex in terms of ecology, economy, risks and resources are of similar importance. he systems approach to the energy problem needs more explanation. This paper is meant to give an outline of the underlying problems and it is hoped that by so doing the wide range of sometimes confusing voices about energy can be better understood. Such confusion starts already with the term 'energy crisis'. Is there an energy crisis or not? Much future work is required to tackle the problems of energy systems. This paper can only marginally help in that respect. But it is hoped that it will help understand the scope of the

  6. Solar Energy. (United States)

    Eaton, William W.

    Presented is the utilization of solar radiation as an energy resource principally for the production of electricity. Included are discussions of solar thermal conversion, photovoltic conversion, wind energy, and energy from ocean temperature differences. Future solar energy plans, the role of solar energy in plant and fossil fuel production, and…

  7. Effective energy planning for improving the enterprise’s energy performance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Păunescu Carmen


    Full Text Available The global pressing need to protect the environment, save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions worldwide has prompted the enterprises to implementing both individual energy saving measures and a more systematic approach to improve the overall enterprise’s energy performance. Energy management is becoming a priority as enterprises strive to reduce energy costs, conform to regulatory requirements, and improve their corporate image. As such, enterprises are encouraged to manage their energy related matters in a systematic manner and a more harmonized way, to ensure continual improvement on their energy efficiency. Despite the increasing interest in energy management standards, a gap persists between energy management literature and current implementation practices. The release of the ISO 50001 international standard was meant to help the organizations develop sound energy management systems and effective process-based energy management structures that could be recognized through third-party certification. Building on the energy management literature and energy management standards, the current paper presents the essential steps the enterprises should take to practically design a sustainable energy management system. Also, by using multiple case studies of enterprises that have implemented an ISO 50001 energy management system, it introduces a structured approach that companies can use to effectively develop their energy planning and improve energy performance. The key components of the enterprise’s energy planning are discussed, as well as practical examples of energy objectives and performance indicators from various industries are offered. The paper shows that by establishing an effective energy planning system, this will efficiently meet demands for achieving energy performance indicators and international certification.

  8. A study on energy security and nuclear energy role

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ujita, Hiroshi


    Energy security was a major concern for OECD governments in the early 1970s. Since then, successive oil crises, volatility of hydrocarbon prices, as well as terrorist risks and natural disasters, have brought the issue back to the centre stage of policy agendas. Here, an energy security concept has been proposed, which is defined by time frame and space frame as well. Wide-meaning energy security is divided broadly into two categories. One is short-term (∼10 y) energy crisis, which is narrow-meaning energy security. Short-term energy crisis is further divided into contingent crisis, such as energy supply chain (sealane) interruption due to conflict, accident, terrorism, etc., and structural crisis, such as price fluctuations, supply shortage, energy demand increase in Asia, technology development stagnation, etc. The other is long-term (∼100 y) energy crisis and global energy problems, such as fossil fuel exhaustion and global warming. (author)

  9. Museum theriological collections for the study of genetic diversity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ettore Randi


    Full Text Available Abstract Molecular methods to analyse DNA variability are opening new perspectives in the role played by museums in biodiversity research. DNA can be extracted from specific tissue collections, as well as from traditional voucher specimens. Ancient and museum DNA research produce valuable information for defining the phylogenetic positions of extinct taxa, the reconstruction of molecular and organismal evolution in extinct species, the characterization of extinct populations, including animal diets or microbial infections. Historical DNA samples are important sources of information also for conservation and evolutionary studies. In this paper, the methods used for ancient DNA analysis and the main results reported in published studies are reviewed. Riassunto Le collezioni teriologiche museali e lo studio della variabilità genetica. I metodi di analisi del DNA aprono nuove prospettive per il ruolo dei musei nello studio della biodiversità. Il DNA può essere estratto da collezioni di tessuti, oppure dai tradizionali materiali museali. Le ricerche che utilizzano DNA antico e museale possono produrre informazioni utili per definire la posizione filogenetica di taxa, la ricostruzione dell’evoluzione molecolare e fenotipica di specie e la caratterizzazione di popolazioni estinte, incluse l’identificazione della dieta e la presenza di malattie infettive. L’analisi del DNA estratto da campioni storici può fornire informazioni importanti anche per ricerche di biologia della conservazione. Si analizzano i metodi utilizzati per l’analisi del DNA antico, corredati da un breve excursus dei risultati delle principali ricerche disponibili in letteratura.

  10. Zysk na jedną akcję i jego determinanty w publicznych spółkach produkcyjnych w wybranych państwach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcin Kędzior


    Full Text Available Celem artykułu jest próba oceny kształtowania się wartości wskaźnika EPS oraz jego determinantów w giełdowych spółkach produkcyjnych w wybranych państwach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, w tym Polski. Badania empiryczne przeprowadzono na podstawie 110 publicznych spółek produkcyjnych z Polski, Litwy, Łotwy, Słowacji i Słowenii. Zaobserwowano istotne statystycznie różnice między wartościami wskaźnika EPS w przedsiębiorstwach z wybranych państw Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Analizowano wpływ płynności finansowej, intensywności kapitałowej, obrotowości aktywów, zadłużenia, ryzyka, stoso- wania MSSF, wielkości jednostki gospodarczej, wieku przedsiębiorstwa, możliwości wzrostu, działalno- ści międzynarodowej, koncentracji udziałów rynkowych oraz udziałów rynkowych na wskaźnik EPS. Za najważniejsze czynniki uznano wielkość przedsiębiorstwa, działalność międzynarodową, stosowanie MSSF i zadłużenie. W pracy wykorzystywano metody statystyki opisowej: analizę struktury, analizę korelacji i regresji oraz metody statystyki matematycznej: wybrane testy nieparametryczne. W artykule przedsta- wiono jedne z pierwszych wyników empirycznych dotyczących wartości wskaźnika EPS i jego czynni- ków w wybranych państwach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej.

  11. [National epidemiological surveillance systems of mesothelioma cases]. (United States)

    Ferrante, Pierpaolo; Binazzi, Alessandra; Branchi, Claudia; Marinaccio, Alessandro


    INTRODUZIONE: sebbene la relazione causale tra esposizione ad amianto e malattie neoplastiche sia ben nota, in molti Paesi il consumo del materiale è ancora rilevante e crescente. A causa della lunga latenza, nei Paesi dove è stato bandito (come in Italia) è oggi in corso un'epidemia di malattie correlate ad amianto. OBIETTIVI: descrivere i sistemi di sorveglianza dei mesoteliomi attivi nel mondo mediante un'analisi comparativa. è stata condotta una revisione bibliografica della letteratura disponibile sui sistemi di sorveglianza epidemiologica dei mesoteliomi attivi nel mondo, comparando metodi e risultati disponibili. RISULTATI: sistemi di ricerca dei casi incidenti e di analisi anamnestica dei soggetti ammalati sono attivi solo in Italia, Francia e Corea del Sud. I Paesi presso i quali sono attivi sistemi di rilevazione e controllo dei casi incidenti di mesotelioma sono quelli in cui vige il bando dell'amianto e che hanno sperimentato consumi rilevanti in passato. Non sono stati istituiti sistemi epidemiologici di sorveglianza in molti Paesi dove il consumo di amianto è ancora importante (inclusi Russia, Cina, India e Brasile). CONCLUSIONI: si conferma l'importanza dei sistemi di sorveglianza epidemiologica dei mesoteliomi per la sanità pubblica, il sostegno alle politiche di welfare e la prevenzione dei rischi. Lo sviluppo di progetti per tendere a una maggiore uniformità nei metodi di ricerca dei casi, di classificazione delle diagnosi e dell'esposizione e nelle tecniche di analisi dei dati potrebbe consentire una maggiore fruibilità dei dati aggregati. La disponibilità di dati internazionali confrontabili può essere di stimolo all'adozione di provvedimenti di bando internazionale.

  12. Energy and environment policies. International Energy Agency

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    An analysis is made of how energy policies can be adapted to environmental concerns. The efficiency of measures solving environmental problems is investigated, in particular measures substituting energy carriers, improving energy efficiency rates, postfitting pollution control devices, and applying clean energy technologies. In connection with methods of state control the report deals with questions of taxation and regularization which are to induce the private sector to actively to something for the protection of the environment. (orig.) [de

  13. Energy Choices. The energy markets and the energy policy choices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bergman, Lars; Lindh, Hampus


    Well-functioning energy markets are in society's interests whatever the circumstances. Furthermore, supply, demand and the competitive situation in the various energy markets influence the effect of energy and climate change policy measures. There are therefore good reasons to examine and evaluate how the energy markets operate. In this report we specifically focus on the energy markets. The analysis has been carried out against the background of the overall objectives for energy and climate change policy in Sweden and the EU. However, for these goals to be attainable a number of concrete energy and climate change policy decisions will have to be taken in the coming years. Some of these are key issues that will prove decisive for the formulation of energy and climate change policy, and we therefore also discuss these. The first of these concerns which policy instruments should be chosen to influence the energy markets. The second key issue concerns the power companies' prospects for using nuclear power even in the future. We will also focus on the extent to which energy and climate change policy chooses to prioritise measures which mean that climate change policy objectives can be achieved at the lowest possible cost. We can briefly summarize our results in the following conclusions: The cost of achieving the climate change policy objectives set by Sweden and the EU will probably be very high. It is therefore important that the choices made ensure that climate change policy objectives are achieved at the lowest possible cost. Focusing on keeping costs to a minimum may in actual fact be the very thing that makes it at all possible to achieve these goals. The best solution then is as far as possible to base energy and climate change policy on so-called market-based instruments, such as emission charges and tradable emission permits. Emissions of carbon dioxide are easy to measure and the siting of emission sources is irrelevant in terms of the effect of the emissions

  14. The energy-efficiency business - Energy utility strategies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Loebbe, S.


    This article takes a look at the energy-efficiency business and the advantages it offers. The author quotes that energy-efficiency can contribute to making savings in primary energy, minimise the economic impact of global warming, improve reliability of supply and protect the gross national product. The advantages of new products for the efficient use of energy are reviewed and the resulting advantages for power customers are noted. Also, possibilities for the positioning of electricity suppliers in the environmental niche is noted. The partial markets involved and estimates concerning the impact of energy-efficiency measures are reviewed. Climate protection, co-operation with energy agencies, consulting services and public relations aspects are also discussed. The prerequisites for successful marketing by the utilities are examined and new business models are discussed along with the clear strategies needed. The development from an electricity utility to a system-competence partner is reviewed

  15. Energy conservation and energy prices: the Hungarian experience

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Molnar, L.


    The main sources of emissions into the outdoor air are from the energy sector (e.g. power plants), industry, the transport sector and the residential sector (buildings). The danger from most of these emissions is the fact that heat plants and boilers of residential buildings in particular, are usually in the areas where people live and work and therefore their emissions may have a direct effect on health. The best way to improve this situation - to diminish emissions and to improve air quality - is to increase the efficiency of both energy production and use. This also has important consequences for the economic use of the national energy carrier stock and diminishes the need to import energy which increases the competitiveness of goods produced. The Hungarian government has set out an Energy Saving Programme to address, among other things the fact that the Hungarian average energy consumption per capita is less than the EU average but the energy intensity (the necessary energy to produce 1 USD GDP) is 3.5-4.0 times higher than the EU average. It has been shown that the best way to save energy is to invest in energy-conscious behaviour and training. Recent studies in public and residential buildings have shown that there is a potential for high energy saving in Hungarian buildings which is independent from the building technology used. Also, the pay-back times of investment in the building envelope are significantly higher than the pay-back times of investment in heating-ventilating or control systems, while the energy saved was of the same magnitude. (author) 5 figs., 5 tabs., 6 refs

  16. Energy Capture Optimization for an Adaptive Wave Energy Converter

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Barradas Berglind, Jose de Jesus; Meijer, Harmen; van Rooij, Marijn; Clemente Pinol, Silvia; Galvan Garcia, Bruno; Prins, Wouter; Vakis, Antonis I.; Jayawardhana, Bayu


    Wave energy has great potential as a renewable energy source, and can therefore contribute significantly to the proportion of renewable energy in the global energy mix. This is especially important since energy mixes with high renewable penetration have become a worldwide priority. One solution to

  17. Energy Education Incentives: Evaluating the Impact of Consumer Energy Kits (United States)

    Kirby, Sarah D.; Guin, Autumn; Langham, Laura


    Measuring the energy and environmental impact of residential energy education efforts is difficult. The E-Conservation residential energy management program uses consumer energy kits to document the impact of energy-efficient improvements. The consumer energy kit provides an incentive for individuals attending energy education workshop, helps…

  18. Fusion energy - an abundant energy source for the future

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fusion energy is the fundamental energy source of the Universe, as the energy of the Sun and the stars are produced by fusion of e.g. hydrogen to helium. Fusion energy research is a strongly international endeavor aiming at realizing fusion energy production in power plants on Earth. Reaching...... this goal, mankind will have a sustainable base load energy source with abundant resources, having no CO2 release, and with no longlived radioactive waste. This presentation will describe the basics of fusion energy production and the status and future prospects of the research. Considerations...... of integration into the future electricity system and socio-economic studies of fusion energy will be presented, referring to the programme of Socio-Economic Research on Fusion (SERF) under the European Fusion Energy Agreement (EFDA)....

  19. Energy accountancy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boer, G.A. de.


    G.A. de Boer reacts to recently published criticism of his contribution to a report entitled 'Commentaar op het boek 'Tussen Kernenergie en Kolen. Een Analyse' van ir. J.W. Storm van Leeuwen' (Commentary on the book 'Nuclear Energy versus Coal. An Analysis by ir. J.W. Storm van Leeuwen), published by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs. The contribution (Appendix B) deals with energy analyses. He justifies his arguments for using energy accountancy for assessing different methods of producing electricity, and explains that it is simply an alternative to purely economic methods. The energy conversion yield (ratio of energy produced to energy required) is tabulated for different sources. De Boer emphasises that his article purposely discusses among other things, definitions, forms of energy, the limits of the systems, the conversion of money into energy and the definition of the energy yield at length, in order to prevent misunderstandings. (C.F.)

  20. Survey report on establishing a new energy and energy saving vision in Fukui Prefecture; Fukuiken shin energy sho energy vision sakutei chosa hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Surveys and discussions were given on establishing a new energy and energy saving vision in Fukui Prefecture. The energy consumption in Fukui Prefecture for fiscal 1996 was 25242 x 1 billion kcal, being 0.7% of the nation's total consumption. The per capita energy consumption is about a little greater than the national average. The energy consumption structure is characterized by large consumption in the transportation department, especially in automotive consumption. Carbon dioxide discharge is as little as being ranked 13th among all the prefectures in Japan. The availability and usable quantity of new energies in Fukui Prefecture is estimated as 1659939 x 10{sup 3} kWh/year as electric power, 9436 x 10{sup 6} kcal/year as gas, and 3536720 x 10{sup 6} kcal/year as heat. Energies could be saved most greatly by enhancing automotive fuel consumption rate, followed by effects of energy saving activities based on spontaneous action plans established by the industrial departments. New energies selected to be worked on importantly include: solar energy power generation, wind power generation, clean energy fueled automobiles, wastes energy, co-generation and solar heat. (NEDO)

  1. Auditing energy use -a systematic approach for enhancing energy efficiency

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ardhapnrkar, P.M.; Mahalle, A.M.


    Energy management is a critical activity in the developing as well as developed countries owing to constraints in the availability of primary energy resources and the increasing demand for energy from the industrial and non-industrial users. Energy consumption is a vital parameter that determines the economic growth of any country. An energy management system (EMS) can save money by allowing greater control over energy consuming equipment. The foundation for the energy program is the energy audit, which is the systematic study of factory or building to determine where and how well energy is being used. It is the nucleus of any successful energy saving program -it is tool, not a solution. Conventional energy conservation methods are mostly sporadic and lack a coordinated plan of action. Consequently only apparent systems are treated without the analysis of system interaction. Energy audit on the other hand, involves total system approach and aims at optimizing energy use efficiently for the entire plant. In the present paper a new approach to pursue energy conservation techniques is being discussed. The focus is mainly on the methodology of energy audit, energy use analysis, relating energy with the production, and reducing energy losses, etc. It is observe that with this systematic approach, if adopted, which consists of three essential segments namely capacity utilization fine-tuning of the equipment and technology up-gradation can result in phenomenal savings in the energy, building competitive edge for the industry. This approach along with commitment can provide the right impetus to reap the benefits of energy conservation on a sustained basis. (author)

  2. Renewable energy: key factor of China’s energy revolution (United States)

    Shen, Wan


    To realize the sustainable development of China’s energy industry, it is necessary to speed up the transformation of energy development mode and deepen the reform of the energy system in an all-round way so as to establish a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient modern energy system. This paper analysed the opportunities and challenges in energy sectors to promote the energy mix update in China. Fossil energy, especially coal, has brought great progress to the world as well as a great deal of negative effects. In recent years, China’s greenhouse gas emissions continued to grow rapidly, and has become the world’s largest greenhouse gas emitter. To deal with the challenge, the Chinese government has promised that renewable energy will account for 15% of total energy consumption in 2020 and 20% in 2030. This goal requires China to add 800 to 1000 GW of wind, solar and other clean energy.

  3. Energy security, energy modelling and uncertainty

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Markandya, Anil [Basque Centre for Climate Change (Spain); University of Bath (United Kingdom); Pemberton, Malcolm [University College London (United Kingdom)


    The paper develops a framework to analyze energy security in an expected utility framework, where there is a risk of disruption of imported energy. The analysis shows the importance of an energy tax as a tool in maximizing expected utility, and how the level of that tax varies according to the key parameters of the system: risk aversion, probability of disruption, demand elasticity and cost of disruption. (author)

  4. Energy security, energy modelling and uncertainty

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Markandya, Anil; Pemberton, Malcolm


    The paper develops a framework to analyze energy security in an expected utility framework, where there is a risk of disruption of imported energy. The analysis shows the importance of an energy tax as a tool in maximizing expected utility, and how the level of that tax varies according to the key parameters of the system: risk aversion, probability of disruption, demand elasticity and cost of disruption. (author)

  5. Synergistic energy conversion process using nuclear energy and fossil fuels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hori, Masao


    Because primary energies such as fossil fuels, nuclear energy and renewable energy are limited in quantity of supply, it is necessary to use available energies effectively for the increase of energy demand that is inevitable this century while keeping environment in good condition. For this purpose, an efficient synergistic energy conversion process using nuclear energy and fossil fuels together converted to energy carriers such are electricity, hydrogen, and synthetic fuels seems to be effective. Synergistic energy conversion processes containing nuclear energy were surveyed and effects of these processes on resource saving and the CO 2 emission reduction were discussed. (T.T.)

  6. Energy research 2002 - Overview; Energie-Forschung 2002 / Recherche energetique 2002

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This publication issued by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy presents an overview of advances made in energy research in Switzerland in 2002. In the report, the heads of various programmes present projects and summarise the results of research in four main areas: Efficient use of energy, renewable energy sources, nuclear energy and energy policy fundamentals. Energy-efficiency is illustrated by examples from the areas of building, traffic, electricity, ambient heat and combined heat and power, fuel cells and combustion. In the renewable energy area, projects concerning energy storage, photovoltaics, solar chemistry and hydrogen, biomass, geothermal energy, wind energy and small-scale hydro are presented. Nuclear safety and controlled thermonuclear fusion are discussed.

  7. Energy Choices. Choices for the future energy use; Vaegval Energi. Vaegval foer framtidens energianvaendning

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eriksson, Kenneth; Fjaellman, Ted; Sjoegren, Helena (eds.)


    The primary objective of this energy project is to prepare data for decision-makers to show what practical measures can be taken to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. Energy users play a key role in this task. It is the users who pay for and directly or indirectly choose how much and which energy we are using. We should be using energy in an efficient way in order to develop both our society and our industry. With regard to transport we see great potential for increased efficiency in plug-in hybrids and electric cars. But logistics also play an important role. In this area there is, among other things, a need for purchasers and sellers to jointly plan their requirements and deliveries. This would mean that more energy efficient forms of goods transport, such as the railways, could be used to a greater extent than is currently the case. In order to achieve increased efficiency in industry with high energy consumption, we are proposing that the Programme for Energy Efficiency be expanded to also include heating and new policy instruments that target the most energy-consuming processes. Low-energy buildings constitute systems of different technical solutions which have to work in unison to ensure that the effects of the energy saving subsystems are not lost. At the same time, a low-energy building has to function together with energy systems to supply surplus power to the electricity network. Private individuals, too, need to widen their system boundaries in their everyday life when it comes to choosing the services or products they buy, so that greater consideration is given to total energy consumption during the manufacture and active lifetime of the product or service in question. For society to become more energy efficient, analyses and measures need to take an overarching approach and ensure that subsystems work together to avoid sub optimisations. More than individual technical solutions are required to meet future challenges concerning the energy sector. It

  8. Optimum energies for dual-energy computed tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Talbert, A.J.; Brooks, R.A.; Morgenthaler, D.G.


    By performing a dual-energy scan, separate information can be obtained on the Compton and photoelectric components of attenuation for an unknown material. This procedure has been analysed for the optimum energies, and for the optimum dose distribution between the two scans. It was found that an equal dose at both energies was a good compromise, compared with optimising the dose distributing for either the Compton or photoelectric components individually. For monoenergetic beams, it was found that low energy of 40 keV produced minimum noise when using high-energy beams of 80 to 100 keV. This was true whether one maintained constant integral dose or constant surface dose. A low energy of 50 keV which is more nearly attainable in practice, produced almost as good a degree of accuracy. The analysis can be extended to polyenergetic beams by the inclusion of a noise factor. The above results were qualitatively unchanged, although the noise was increased by about 20% with integral dose equivalence and 50% with surface dose equivalence. It is very important to make the spectra as narrow as possible, especially at the low energy, in order to minimise the noise. (author)

  9. 75 FR 69655 - Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Advisory Committee (ERAC) (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Advisory Committee (ERAC) AGENCY: Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and... Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Advisory [[Page 69656

  10. Understanding Energy (United States)

    Menon, Deepika; Shelby, Blake; Mattingly, Christine


    "Energy" is a term often used in everyday language. Even young children associate energy with the food they eat, feeling tired after playing soccer, or when asked to turn the lights off to save light energy. However, they may not have the scientific conceptual understanding of energy at this age. Teaching energy and matter could be…

  11. Biomass living energy; Biomasse l'energie vivante

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Any energy source originating from organic matter is biomass, which even today is the basic source of energy for more than a quarter of humanity. Best known for its combustible properties, biomass is also used to produce biofuels. This information sheet provides also information on the electricity storage from micro-condensers to hydroelectric dams, how to save energy facing the increasing of oil prices and supply uncertainties, the renewable energies initiatives of Cork (Ireland) and the Switzerland european energy hub. (A.L.B.)

  12. Energy from biomass. Energie uit biomassa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Spaa, J H


    In view of the disadvantages of the use of fossil fuels in producing energy it is worth-while to reconsider the possibilities of biomass to produce energy. Therefore it is necessary to pay attention to production methods, production costs and the consequences of the use of biomass energy for the consumer. Also agreements have to be formulated by governments to control the production and the prices of biomass. Some possibilities to develop biomass production techniques in the Netherlands are mentioned. The results of these developments can be used by developing countries to produce energy from biomass in a more effective and cheaper way than is the case now. 16 refs., 2 ills.

  13. SwissEnergy - new energy for everybody

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This is a richly illustrated general document on the Swiss programme 'SwissEnergy' aiming at promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in Switzerland, especially as a part of efforts made to reach the target set by the Kyoto Protocol for the emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Compared to 1990 figures, CO 2 emissions in Switzerland have to be reduced by 10% until 2010. SwissEnergy is supported by the national and regional governments and by the economy as well. The document lists the main issues addressed by the programme and the proposed actions, all of them related to large dissemination of already known technologies. The document is designed as a motivation tool for ordinary people

  14. Energy efficiency benchmarking of energy-intensive industries in Taiwan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chan, David Yih-Liang; Huang, Chi-Feng; Lin, Wei-Chun; Hong, Gui-Bing


    Highlights: • Analytical tool was applied to estimate the energy efficiency indicator of energy intensive industries in Taiwan. • The carbon dioxide emission intensity in selected energy-intensive industries is also evaluated in this study. • The obtained energy efficiency indicator can serve as a base case for comparison to the other regions in the world. • This analysis results can serve as a benchmark for selected energy-intensive industries. - Abstract: Taiwan imports approximately 97.9% of its primary energy as rapid economic development has significantly increased energy and electricity demands. Increased energy efficiency is necessary for industry to comply with energy-efficiency indicators and benchmarking. Benchmarking is applied in this work as an analytical tool to estimate the energy-efficiency indicators of major energy-intensive industries in Taiwan and then compare them to other regions of the world. In addition, the carbon dioxide emission intensity in the iron and steel, chemical, cement, textile and pulp and paper industries are evaluated in this study. In the iron and steel industry, the energy improvement potential of blast furnace–basic oxygen furnace (BF–BOF) based on BPT (best practice technology) is about 28%. Between 2007 and 2011, the average specific energy consumption (SEC) of styrene monomer (SM), purified terephthalic acid (PTA) and low-density polyethylene (LDPE) was 9.6 GJ/ton, 5.3 GJ/ton and 9.1 GJ/ton, respectively. The energy efficiency of pulping would be improved by 33% if BAT (best available technology) were applied. The analysis results can serve as a benchmark for these industries and as a base case for stimulating changes aimed at more efficient energy utilization

  15. Electric ignition energy evaluation and the energy distribution structure of energy released in electrostatic discharge process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Qingming; Huang Jinxiang; Shao Huige; Zhang Yunming


    Ignition energy is one of the important parameters of flammable materials, and evaluating ignition energy precisely is essential to the safety of process industry and combustion science and technology. By using electric spark discharge test system, a series of electric spark discharge experiments were conducted with the capacitor-stored energy in the range of 10 J, 100 J, and 1000 J, respectively. The evaluation method for energy consumed by electric spark, wire, and switch during capacitor discharge process has been studied respectively. The resistance of wire, switch, and plasma between electrodes has been evaluated by different methods and an optimized evaluation method has been obtained. The electric energy consumed by wire, electric switch, and electric spark-induced plasma between electrodes were obtained and the energy structure of capacitor-released energy was analyzed. The dynamic process and the characteristic parameters (the maximum power, duration of discharge process) of electric spark discharge process have been analyzed. Experimental results showed that, electric spark-consumed energy only accounts for 8%–14% of the capacitor-released energy. With the increase of capacitor-released energy, the duration of discharge process becomes longer, and the energy of plasma accounts for more in the capacitor-released energy. The power of electric spark varies with time as a damped sinusoids function and the period and the maximum value increase with the capacitor-released energy. (paper)

  16. Commercial Building Energy Saver: An energy retrofit analysis toolkit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hong, Tianzhen; Piette, Mary Ann; Chen, Yixing; Lee, Sang Hoon; Taylor-Lange, Sarah C.; Zhang, Rongpeng; Sun, Kaiyu; Price, Phillip


    Highlights: • Commercial Building Energy Saver is a powerful toolkit for energy retrofit analysis. • CBES provides benchmarking, load shape analysis, and model-based retrofit assessment. • CBES covers 7 building types, 6 vintages, 16 climates, and 100 energy measures. • CBES includes a web app, API, and a database of energy efficiency performance. • CBES API can be extended and integrated with third party energy software tools. - Abstract: Small commercial buildings in the United States consume 47% of the total primary energy of the buildings sector. Retrofitting small and medium commercial buildings poses a huge challenge for owners because they usually lack the expertise and resources to identify and evaluate cost-effective energy retrofit strategies. This paper presents the Commercial Building Energy Saver (CBES), an energy retrofit analysis toolkit, which calculates the energy use of a building, identifies and evaluates retrofit measures in terms of energy savings, energy cost savings and payback. The CBES Toolkit includes a web app (APP) for end users and the CBES Application Programming Interface (API) for integrating CBES with other energy software tools. The toolkit provides a rich set of features including: (1) Energy Benchmarking providing an Energy Star score, (2) Load Shape Analysis to identify potential building operation improvements, (3) Preliminary Retrofit Analysis which uses a custom developed pre-simulated database and, (4) Detailed Retrofit Analysis which utilizes real-time EnergyPlus simulations. CBES includes 100 configurable energy conservation measures (ECMs) that encompass IAQ, technical performance and cost data, for assessing 7 different prototype buildings in 16 climate zones in California and 6 vintages. A case study of a small office building demonstrates the use of the toolkit for retrofit analysis. The development of CBES provides a new contribution to the field by providing a straightforward and uncomplicated decision

  17. Calorimeter energy calibration using the energy conservation law

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    A new calorimeter energy calibration method was developed for the proposed ILC detectors. The method uses the center-of-mass energy of the accelerator as the reference. It has been shown that using the energy conservation law it is possible to make ECAL and HCAL cross calibration to reach a good energy resolution ...

  18. Measuring energy efficiency: Is energy intensity a good evidence base?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Proskuryakova, L.; Kovalev, A.


    Highlights: • Energy intensity measure reflects consumption, not energy efficiency. • Thermodynamic indicators should describe energy efficiency at all levels. • These indicators should have no reference to economic or financial parameters. • A set of energy efficiency indicators should satisfy several basic principles. • There are trade-offs between energy efficiency, power and costs. - Abstract: There is a widespread assumption in energy statistics and econometrics that energy intensity and energy efficiency are equivalent measures of energy performance of economies. The paper points to the discrepancy between the engineering concept of energy efficiency and the energy intensity as it is understood in macroeconomic statistics. This double discrepancy concerns definitions (while engineering concept of energy efficiency is based on the thermodynamic definition, energy intensity includes economic measures) and use. With regard to the latter, the authors conclude that energy intensity can only provide indirect and delayed evidence of technological and engineering energy efficiency of energy conversion processes, which entails shortcomings for management and policymaking. Therefore, we suggest to stop considering subsectoral, sectoral and other levels of energy intensities as aggregates of lower-level energy efficiency. It is suggested that the insufficiency of energy intensity indicators can be compensated with the introduction of thermodynamic indicators describing energy efficiency at the physical, technological, enterprise, sub-sector, sectoral and national levels without references to any economic or financial parameters. Structured statistical data on thermodynamic efficiency is offered as a better option for identifying break-through technologies and technological bottle-necks that constrain efficiency advancements. It is also suggested that macro-level thermodynamic indicators should be based on the thermodynamic first law efficiency and the energy

  19. 2002 energy statistics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report has 12 chapters. The first chapter includes world energy reserves, the second chapter is about world primary energy production and consumption condition. Other chapters include; world energy prices, energy reserves in Turkey, Turkey primary energy production and consumption condition, Turkey energy balance tables, Turkey primary energy reserves production, consumption, imports and exports conditions, sectoral energy consumptions, Turkey secondary electricity plants, Turkey energy investments, Turkey energy prices.This report gives world and Turkey statistics on energy

  20. Tidal energy, a renewable energy within hand reach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Danielo, O.


    Tide energy and oceanic current energy represent a strong potentiality for a few countries in the world including France. In the domain of tidal energy there are 2 strategies. The first one is based on the search for the lowest power production cost in order to contribute efficiently to the country's energy mix. Generally this strategy leads to the construction of tidal dams. The second strategy is based on the search for the lowest environmental impact. This strategy is economically competitive only in places where electrical power is expensive like isolated islands. This strategy is illustrated by the tidal power station of the Alderney island. In fact the amount of energy delivered by a tidal power station depends on the rise of the tide and on the surface of the dam. It appears that tidal dams require less surface that hydroelectric power plants. The energy of oceanic currents like Gulf Stream or the thermal energy of oceans or wave power are very little exploited now but represent a potentiality higher by several orders of magnitude than tidal energy. (A.C.)

  1. Treatment of Radioactive Waste at Japan's Atomic Energy Research Institute; Traitement des Dechets Radioactifs a l'Institut Japonais de Recherches sur l'Energie Atomique; 041e 0411 0420 0410 0411 041e 0422 041a 0410 0420 0410 0414 ; Tratamiento de los Desechos Radiactivos en el Instituto de Investigaciones sobre Energia Atomica del Japon

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yamamoto, Yutaka [University of Toyko (Japan); Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (Japan); Ito, Masukuni F.; Ishihara, Takehiko; Mitsuishi, Nobuo [Sadahiro Sakata, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (Japan)


    The paper describes the origin, nature and treatment of the radioactive wastes. The very low-level liquid waste is diluted and released to the sea, while the low- and medium-level liquid waste is treated by flocculation, evaporation and ion-exchange methods. The solid waste is collected and the combustible waste incinerated. (author) [French] Le present memoire decrit l'origine, la nature et le traitement des dechets radioactifs. Les dechets liquides de tres faible activite sont dilues et evacues dans la mer, tandis que les dechets liquides d'activite faible et moyenne sont traites par des methodes de floculation, d'evaporation et d'echange d'ions. Les dechets solides sont rassembles et les dechets combustibles sont incineres. (author) [Spanish] Los aiutores describen el origen y la naturaleza de los desechos radiactivos, asi como los metodos seguidos para su tratamiento. Los desechos liquidos de muy bajo nivel de actividad se diluyen primero y luego se descargan en el mar, en tanto que los desechos liquidos de bajo y mediano nivel se tratan mediante procedimientos de floculacion, evaporacion e intercambio ionico. Los residuos solidos se acopian y los residuos combustibles se incineran. (author) [Russian] V dokumente opisyvajutsja priroda i harakter radioaktivnyh othodov i metody ih obrabotki. Zhidkie othody ochen' nizkoj aktivnosti razbavljajutsja i otvodjatsja v morja, a zhidkie othody nizkoj i srednej aktivnosti obrabatyvajutsja metodami flokkuljacii, vyparivanija i ionnogo obmena. Tverdye othody sobirajutsja i po vozmozhnosti szhigajutsja. (author)

  2. Energy [R]evolution 2008-a sustainable world energy perspective

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krewitt, Wolfram; Teske, Sven; Simon, Sonja; Pregger, Thomas; Graus, Wina; Blomen, Eliane; Schmid, Stephan; Schaefer, Oliver


    The Energy [R]evolution 2008 scenario is an update of the Energy [R]evolution scenario published in 2007. It takes up recent trends in global socio-economic developments, and analyses to which extent they affect chances for achieving global climate protection targets. The main target is to reduce global CO 2 emissions to 10 Gt per year in 2050, thus limiting global average temperature increase to 2 deg. C and preventing dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. A review of sector and region specific energy efficiency measures resulted in the specification of a global energy demand scenario incorporating strong energy efficiency measures. The corresponding energy supply scenario has been developed in an iterative process in close cooperation with stakeholders and regional counterparts from academia, NGOs and the renewable energy industry. The Energy [R]evolution scenario shows that renewable energy can provide more than half of the world's energy needs by 2050. Developing countries can virtually stabilise their CO 2 emissions, whilst at the same time increasing energy consumption through economic growth. OECD countries will be able to reduce their emissions by up to 80%.

  3. Renewable energy policy and wind energy development in Germany

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zitzer, Suzanne E [UFZ - Umweltforschungszentrum Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Leipzig (Germany). Department Urban Ecology, Environmental Planing and Transport


    The author of the contribution under consideration reports on the renewable energy policy and wind energy development in the Federal Republic of Germany. First of all, the author describes the historical development of the renewable energy policy since the 1970ies. Then, the environmental policies of the Red-Green Coalition (till to 2005) and of the Grand Coalition (since 2005) as well as the Renewable Energy Sources Act are described. The next section of this contribution is concern to the development of wind energy in the Federal Republic of Germany under consideration of onshore wind energy and offshore wind energy.

  4. Wind energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This chapter discusses the role wind energy may have in the energy future of the US. The topics discussed in the chapter include historical aspects of wind energy use, the wind energy resource, wind energy technology including intermediate-size and small wind turbines and intermittency of wind power, public attitudes toward wind power, and environmental, siting and land use issues

  5. Energy policy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Forrester, J.W.


    The author places the energy problem in the context of world economy. The various obstacles encountered in the United States to spell out a viable national energy policy are cited. A certain number of practical proposals is given to lead to an 'effective policy' which would allow energy economy at the same time as energy development, that is, including nuclear energy [fr

  6. Energy economics; Economie de l'energie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Babusiaux, D. [Institut Francais du Petrole (IFP), 92 - Rueil-Malmaison (France)


    The energy demand is strongly conditioned by the consuming equipments. Depending on the uses, some energy sources can be substituted, while for some others the choice is limited or impossible. The energy offer comes mainly from non-renewable resources, and taking into consideration the geographical localization of these resources, economics are geopolitics are indissociable despite the development of markets. Necessary for the economic development, energy cannot be consumed without impact on the environment, which raises some worrying questions, like the one of global warming. (J.S.)

  7. 76 FR 6605 - Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Advisory Committee (ERAC) (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Advisory Committee (ERAC) AGENCY: Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and... within the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy. The Federal Advisory Committee Act, Public...

  8. 76 FR 7815 - Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency... of an open meeting. SUMMARY: The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee (RE&EEAC... programs support the competitiveness of U.S. renewable energy and energy efficiency companies, to review...

  9. 76 FR 54431 - Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency... of an Open Meeting. SUMMARY: The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee (RE&EEAC... competitiveness of the U.S. renewable energy and energy efficiency industries, including specific challenges...

  10. 78 FR 78340 - Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency... of an Open Meeting. SUMMARY: The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee (RE&EEAC... affecting U.S. competitiveness in exporting renewable energy and energy efficiency (RE&EE) products and...

  11. Energy Systems Analysis of Waste to Energy Technologies by use of EnergyPLAN

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Münster, Marie

    Even when policies of waste prevention, re-use and recycling are prioritised, a fraction of waste will still be left which can be used for energy recovery. This report asks the question: How to utilise waste for energy in the best way seen from an energy system perspective? Eight different Waste......-to-Energy technologies are compared with a focus on fuel efficiency, CO2 reductions and costs. The comparison is made by conducting detailed energy system analyses of the present system as well as a potential future Danish energy system with a large share of combined heat and power and wind power. The study shows...... the potential of using waste for the production of transport fuels such as upgraded biogas and petrol made from syngas. Biogas and thermal gasification technologies are interesting alternatives to waste incineration and it is recommended to support the use of biogas based on manure and organic waste. It is also...

  12. 21st century's energy: hydrogen energy system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Veziroglu, T. N.


    Fossil fuels (i.e., petroleum, natural gas and coal), which meet most of the world's energy demand today, are being depleted fast. Also, their combustion products are causing the global problems, such as the greenhouse effect, ozone layer depletion, acid rains and pollution, which are posing great danger for our environment and eventually for the life in our planet. Many engineers and scientists agree that the solution to these global problems would be to replace the existing fossil fuel system by the Hydrogen Energy System. Hydrogen is a very efficient and clean fuel. Its combustion will produce no greenhouse gases, no ozone layer depleting chemicals, little or no acid rain ingredients and pollution. Hydrogen, produced from renewable energy (e.g., solar) sources, would result in a permanent energy system, which we would never have to change. However, there are other energy systems proposed for the post-petroleum era, such as a synthetic fossil fuel system. In this system, synthetic gasoline and synthetic natural gas will be produced using abundant deposits of coal. In a way, this will ensure the continuation of the present fossil fuel system. The two possible energy systems for the post-fossil fuel era (i.e., the solar hydrogen energy system and the synthetic fossil fuel system) are compared with the present fossil fuel system by taking into consideration production costs, environmental damages and utilization efficiencies. The results indicate that the solar hydrogen energy system is the best energy system to ascertain a sustainable future, and it should replace the fossil fuel system before the end of the 21st Century

  13. 21st Century's energy: Hydrogen energy system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Veziroglu, T. Nejat; Sahin, Suemer


    Fossil fuels (i.e., petroleum, natural gas and coal), which meet most of the world's energy demand today, are being depleted fast. Also, their combustion products are causing the global problems, such as the greenhouse effect, ozone layer depletion, acid rains and pollution, which are posing great danger for our environment and eventually for the life in our planet. Many engineers and scientists agree that the solution to these global problems would be to replace the existing fossil fuel system by the hydrogen energy system. Hydrogen is a very efficient and clean fuel. Its combustion will produce no greenhouse gases, no ozone layer depleting chemicals, little or no acid rain ingredients and pollution. Hydrogen, produced from renewable energy (e.g., solar) sources, would result in a permanent energy system, which we would never have to change. However, there are other energy systems proposed for the post-petroleum era, such as a synthetic fossil fuel system. In this system, synthetic gasoline and synthetic natural gas will be produced using abundant deposits of coal. In a way, this will ensure the continuation of the present fossil fuel system. The two possible energy systems for the post-fossil fuel era (i.e., the solar-hydrogen energy system and the synthetic fossil fuel system) are compared with the present fossil fuel system by taking into consideration production costs, environmental damages and utilization efficiencies. The results indicate that the solar-hydrogen energy system is the best energy system to ascertain a sustainable future, and it should replace the fossil fuel system before the end of the 21st century

  14. Recent energy studies and energy policies in Turkey

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gullu, D.; Caglar, A.; Akdeniz, F. [Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon (Turkey). Faculty of Education


    Currently, considerable attention has been focused on the energy sources and energy studies in Turkey. Indigenous energy consumption accounts for 37% of total energy consumption. The Turkish government's investment needs in the energy sector for the period 2000-2010 will be around 55 billion US dollars. Of this, about 81% is total planning investments. Conventional financing of major infrastructure projects would only increase the amount of foreign credit, thus the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (MENR) has conceived other options for financing projects. One option is the so-called Build, Operate, and Transfer (BOT) model, where private investors build and operate private sector generation for certain number of years, at which point they transfer ownership to the state. In June 1996, MENR introduced the Build, Own, and Operate (BOO) financing model. A major dilemma now faced by Turkey is how to invest in new electric power capacity while at the same time adhering to foreign debt ceilings to under lending rules set by the International Monetary Fund. Turkey has to adopt new long-term energy strategies to reduce the share of fossil fuels in the primary energy consumption. Recently, the development of alternative energy sources has been a major focus of the research effort in Turkey.

  15. World energy resources. International Geohydroscience and Energy Research Institute

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brown, C.E.


    World Energy Resources is an explanatory energy survey of the countries and major regions of the world, their geographic and economic settings, and significant inter-relationships. This book attempts to combine several interacting energy themes that encompass a historical development, energy issues and forecasts, economic geography, environmental programs, and world energy use. The main thrust of this book -World Energy Resources - is based on principles of energy science, applied geology, geophysics, and other environmental sciences as they relate to the exploration, exploitation, and production of resources in this country and throughout the world. This work is an analysis of the United States (USA) and world oil, gas, coal, and alternative energy resources and their associated issues, forecasts, and related policy. This book could not have been attempted without a broad geological exposure and international geographic awareness. Much information is scattered among federal and state agencies, schools, and other institutions, and this book has attempted to combine some of the vast information base. This attempt can only skim the information surface at best, but its regional and topical coverage is broad in scope. Part I introduces conventional energy resources and their historical developments, and includes chapters 1 to 7. The basic concepts and supporting facts on energy sources are presented here for the general education of energy analysts, policy makers, and scientists that desire a brief review of advanced technologies and history. Part II includes chapters 8 to 14 and provides discussions of the renewable energy sources and the available alternative energy sources and technologies to oil, gas, coal, and nuclear sources. Part III includes chapters 15 to 20 and provides an analysis of United States energy markets and forecasts through the first quarter of the 21st century, while including some world energy data. Widely-used energy forecasting models are

  16. Proceedings of the 8. Brazilian congress on energy: energy policy, regulation and sustainable development. v. 2: energy planning and policy, energy conservation and rational use

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The theme energy policy, regulation and sustainable development chosen for the 8. Brazilian congress on energy to be held in Rio de Janeiro from 30 November of 1999 to 02 December of 1999, specifically means the contribution of energy to a satisfactory quality of life for everyone. Within such a context, the congress technical programme theme has been structured around six different divisions: energy, environment and development; energy sector regulation; energy policy and planning; technology innovation; energy conservation; and renewable energy sources and rural areas energy supply

  17. Energy upgrades as financial or strategic investment? Energy Star property owners and managers improving building energy performance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gliedt, Travis; Hoicka, Christina E.


    Highlights: • Energy Star property owners/managers view energy as strategic or financial investments. • Energy performance improvements and motivations differ by property type. • Energy projects are most often funded by internal cash reserves. • Motivations and funding sources differ by type of energy project. • Environmental sustainability is an important criterion in many energy projects. - Abstract: Due to its significant carbon footprint and cost-effectiveness for upgrades, the commercial property sector is important for climate change mitigation. Although barriers to energy system changes, such as funding, financing and information, are well recognized, Energy Star property owners and managers are successfully overcoming these barriers and instigating energy efficiency upgrades, renewable energy installations, and behavior and management programs. To examine the decision-making process that leads to energy performance improvements, a national survey of property owners and management organizations of buildings that earned an Energy Star score of 75 or higher was conducted. The extent to which energy upgrades were considered strategic investments motivated by environmental sustainability or corporate social responsibility, or financial investments motivated by payback period or return-on-investment criteria, was contingent upon the property type and type of energy project. Environmental sustainability was found to be an important motivation for energy projects in office spaces in general, but in the case of smaller office spaces was often combined with motivations for corporate social responsibility. Energy projects on education properties were motivated by financial investment. Building envelope and mechanical efficiency upgrades were considered financial investments, while renewable energy, green roofs, and water conservation technologies were considered environmental sustainability initiatives

  18. Energy harvesting solar, wind, and ocean energy conversion systems

    CERN Document Server

    Khaligh, Alireza


    Also called energy scavenging, energy harvesting captures, stores, and uses ""clean"" energy sources by employing interfaces, storage devices, and other units. Unlike conventional electric power generation systems, renewable energy harvesting does not use fossil fuels and the generation units can be decentralized, thereby significantly reducing transmission and distribution losses. But advanced technical methods must be developed to increase the efficiency of devices in harvesting energy from environmentally friendly, ""green"" resources and converting them into electrical energy.Recognizing t

  19. Energy Analytics for Development : Big Data for Energy Access, Energy Efficiency, and Renewable Energy


    Energy Sector Management Assistance Program


    With unprecedented speed and scale, digital transformation is affecting multiple industries, including energy. A combination of technologies, and a more complex world demanding greater agility and new competences impact all aspects of the energy sector and manifest themselves in changing patterns of consumption, new ways of asset optimization, and cross-industry partnerships. 'Smart soluti...

  20. Proceedings of VI International Conference for Renewable Energy, Energy Saving and Energy Education (CIER 2009)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In this work scientists, engineers, manufactures, investors, policy makers, energy users and other specialists present their professional experiences and commercial samples with view to reach common objectives in a climate of friendship and solidarity. Within the conference's framework there will be multiple workshops in Renewable Energy, Energy Saving and Energy Education and related fields. CIER provides an excellent platform to share experiences and promote synergies towards the challenge of achieving a sustainable energy culture

  1. Proceedings of VII International Conference for Renewable Energy, Energy Saving and Energy Education (CIER 2011)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In this work scientists, engineers, manufactures, investors, policy makers, energy users, businessmen and other specialists present their professional experiences and commercial samples with view to reach common objectives in a climate of friendship and solidarity. Within the conference's framework there will be multiple workshops in Renewable Energy, Energy Saving and Energy Education and related fields. CIER provides an excellent platform to share experiences and promote synergies towards the challenge of achieving a sustainable energy culture

  2. Energy poverty: A special focus on energy poverty in India and renewable energy technologies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bhide, Anjali; Monroy, Carlos Rodriguez [Department of Business Administration, School of Industrial Engineering, Technical University of Madrid, Jose Gutierrez Abascal, 2, 28006 Madrid (Spain)


    As a large percentage of the world's poor come from India, development in India is a key issue. After the establishment of how access to energy enhances development and the achievement of the millennium development goals, energy poverty has become a major issue. In India there is a great interest in addressing the subject of energy poverty, in order to reach development goals set by the Government. This will imply an increase in India's energy needs. In a climate of change and environmental consciousness, sustainable alternatives must be considered to address these issues. Renewable energy technologies could provide a solution to this problem. The Government of India has been focussing in implementing electricity policies as well as on promoting renewable energy technologies. The focus of this article is to bring to light the problems faced in India in terms of energy consumption as well as the hindrances faced by renewable-based electrification networks. Government policies aimed at addressing these issues, as well as the current state of renewable energy technologies in India are discussed, so as to analyse the possibility of a solution to the problems of finding a sustainable method to eradicate energy poverty in India. The research reveals that the Government of India has been unable to meet some of its unrealistic development goals, and in order to achieve the remaining goals it will have to take drastic steps. The Government will have to be more aggressive in the promotion of renewable energy technologies in order to achieve sustainable development in India. (author)

  3. Energy Blocks--A Physical Model for Teaching Energy Concepts (United States)

    Hertting, Scott


    Most physics educators would agree that energy is a very useful, albeit abstract topic. It is therefore important to use various methods to help the student internalize the concept of energy itself and its related ideas. These methods include using representations such as energy bar graphs, energy pie charts, or energy tracking diagrams.…

  4. International Energy Agency Ocean Energy Systems Task 10 Wave Energy Converter Modeling Verification and Validation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wendt, Fabian F.; Yu, Yi-Hsiang; Nielsen, Kim


    This is the first joint reference paper for the Ocean Energy Systems (OES) Task 10 Wave Energy Converter modeling verification and validation group. The group is established under the OES Energy Technology Network program under the International Energy Agency. OES was founded in 2001 and Task 10 ...

  5. 77 FR 23224 - Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency... of an open meeting. SUMMARY: The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee (RE&EEAC.... competitiveness in exporting renewable energy and energy efficiency (RE&EE) products and services, such as access...

  6. 78 FR 69370 - Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency... of an open meeting. SUMMARY: The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee (RE&EEAC....S. renewable energy and energy efficiency industries. The December 3, 2013 meeting of the RE&EEAC...

  7. 77 FR 32531 - Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency... of an Open Meeting. SUMMARY: The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee (RE&EEAC... new capital for investment in the U.S. renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors, increasing the...

  8. 76 FR 44576 - Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency... of an Open Meeting. SUMMARY: The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee (RE&EEAC.... renewable energy and energy efficiency industries. The RE&EEAC held its first meeting on December 7, 2010...

  9. Web Quest mācību modeļa izmantošana ķīmijas mācību priekšmeta apguvē


    Blumberga, Arta


    Diplomdarbā apkopota un analizēta informācija par WebQuest mācību modeli, kas ir uz izziņu balstīts, projekt- un problēmorientēts mācību modelis, kurā skolēni izmanto galvenokārt interneta informāciju. Balstoties uz apkopoto informāciju, tika izveidots WebQuest darba apraksts ķīmijā, kas aprobēts Rīgas 46. vidusskolā. Izmantojot anketēšanas metodi, veikta izveidotā projekta darba novērtēšana.

  10. Sprawozdawczość finansowa i kapitał intelektualny

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Artur Paździor


    Full Text Available Tradycyjna sprawozdawczość finansowa spełnia w gospodarce rynkowej niezwykle ważną rolę. Nie zawsze jest ona jednak w stanie uporać się z najnowszymi zjawiskami, widocznymi zwłaszcza w sferze zasobów niematerialnych. W artykule zostały zaprezentowane najbardziej znane metody wyceny kapitału intelektualnego. Przedstawiono ich zalety oraz główne wady. Zwrócono również uwagę na możliwość praktycznej implementacji tych metod, szczególnie w warunkach zawirowań na rynkach finansowych.

  11. Porównanie wpływu stosowania kompleksu lipidowego PCSO-524™ z Perna canaliculus oraz oleju z ryb na intensywność bólu odczuwanego przez pacjentów z chorobą zwyrodnieniową stawów kolanowych i/lub biodrowych


    Marek Zawadzki; Jacek Szechiński


    Cel: Porównanie wpływu zażywania opatentowanego, stabilizowanego CO2 oleju z nowozelandzkich małży zielonych Perna canaliculus(PCSO-524™) oraz oleju z ryb [zawierającego standaryzowanąmieszaninę kwasu eikozapentaenowego (eicosapentaenoicacid – EPA) – 18%, i kwasu dokozaheksaenowego (docosahexaenoicacid – DHA) – 12%] na łagodzenie bólu, zmiany w wyznacznikachjakości życia i bezpieczeństwo u pacjentów z chorobą zwyrodnieniowąstawów kolanowych i/lub biodrowych.Materiały i metody: U 50 pacjentów ...

  12. Aquaculture and Fish Welfare: Are the Rights of Fish Compromised?/ Akwakultura I Dobrostan Ryb: Czy Prawa Ryb Są Szanowane?


    Mustapha Moshood K.


    Zagadnienie dobrostanu ryb w akwakulturze jest aktualne przez cały proces produkcyjny, a jego właściwa realizacja, z poszanowaniem praw ryb i humanitarnym ubojem, jest korzystana dla producenta i konsumenta. Poszanowanie praw ryb odnosi się do różnorodnych aspektów hodowli uwzględniając takie jak: baseny i stawy hodowlane, zagęszczenie obsady, jakość wody, pokarm i reżim żywienia, zarażenie chorobami i pasożytami, metody leczenia ryb zarażonych, manipulacja ciałem ryby, odłowy sieciowe, metod...

  13. Rational Unified Process jako metodika vývoje softwaru


    Rytíř, Vladimír


    Cílem této práce je seznámit se s procesem vývoje softwaru dle vybraných metodik s hlavním zaměřením na metodiku Rational Unified Process od firmy IBM. Incepční a elaborační fáze této metody také aplikuji na praktickém  příkladě. Goal of my work is to introduce software development process metods specialized to Rational Unified Process metod from IBM. I aplicate inception and elaboration phases of RUP on practical example. B

  14. Energy economics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Develi, Abdulkadir; Kaynak, Selahattin (eds.)


    Energy resources, the basic input in every area of the economy, have a fundamental function for society's welfare. Traditional energy resources are, however, rapidly decreasing. Energy supply has been falling behind in meeting global demand, and is causing increased focus on efficiency and economy concepts in recent energy policies. Since the existing energy resources are not spread evenly among the countries, but instead are concentrated in certain regions and countries, a monopolistic situation arises. Equally, supply assurance is an issue, since the energy supply is held by certain regions and countries who have monopolistic pricing power. Both the EU and many other countries are studying how to marketize energy. This book focuses on the importance of energy and the problems posed by it. It will be useful for the academic community, related sectors and decision makers.

  15. Energy storage

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The papers on energy storage problems, given to the United Nations Conference on New Sources of Energy, Rome, 1961, are reviewed. Many aspects of the subject are discussed: comparisons between the costs of storing energy in batteries and in fuel cells; the use, efficiency and expected improvement of fuel cells; the principles involved in the chemical conversion of solar energy to chemical energy; the use of metal hydride fuel cells; the chemical conversion and storage of concentrated solar energy for which the solar furnace is used for photochemical reactions. Finally, the general costs of storing energy in any form and delivering it are analyzed with particular reference to storage batteries and fuel cells.

  16. Non-Destructive Testing Methods Applied to Multi-Finned SAP Tubing for Nuclear-Fuel Elements; Essais Non Destructifs de Gaines a Ailettes, en Poudre d'Aluminium Frittee, pour Elements Combustibles; Nedestruktivnye metody ispytaniya rebristykh trub iz spechennogo alyuminikiog'o poroshka dlya yadernykh toplivnykh ehlementov; Metodos de Ensayo No Destructivo Aplicados a Tubos de SAP con Aletas Multiples Destinados a Elementos Combustibles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lund, S. A. [Danish Central Welding Institution, Copenhagen (Denmark); Knudsen, P. [Danish Atomic Energy Commission, Research Establishment, Risoe (Denmark)


    The Danish Atomic Energy Commission has undertaken a design study oi an organic-cooled, heavy- water-moderated power reactor. The fuel element for the reactor is a 19-rod bundle; the fuel rods contain sintered uranium-dioxide pellets canned in 2-m long, helically-finned tubes of Sintered Aluminium Product (SAP). A very high quality of the canning tubes is necessary to obtain the optimum heat-transfer conditions and to maintain the integrity of the fuel element during reactor service. Two examples of tube design illustrate the narrow dimensional tolerances. In order to ensure an adequate quality of the canning tubes, a stringent quality control has been established, to a wide extent based upon non-destructive methods. An account is presented of the non-destructive techniques developed for measuring wall thickness and diameters and for detecting defects. The complex 24-finned cross-section prevents the application of ultrasonic or eddy-current methods for wall-thickness measurements. Therefore, a special recording beta-gauge has been developed, based upon the attenuation of beta radiation from a Sr{sup 90} source placed inside the tube. An ultrasonic immersion resonance method is used for the continuous recording of the wall thickness of the more simple 12-finned tube design. Inner and outer (across fin tips) diameters are continuously recorded by rapid air-gauge systems. Flaw detection is carried out by the ultrasonic pulse-echo immersion technique and by eddy-current inspection.. Transverse cracks can easily be detected by the ultrasonic method whereas inspection for longitudinal flaws has not appeared feasible with this method. Therefore, eddy-current inspection is applied in addition to the ultrasonic testing. (author) [French] La Commission de l'energie atomique danoise a entrepris l'etude d'un reacteur de puissance refroidi par un fluide organique et ralenti a l'eau lourde. L'element combustible est constitue par un assemblage de 19 barreaux; chaque barreau

  17. Advances in energy and environment. Vol. 1: Energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    El-Sharkawy, A.L.; Kummler, R.H.


    The 5th conference of energy and environment was held on 3-6 June 1996 in Cairo. The specialists discussed the effects of advances in energy and environment. The applications of solar energy, heat transfer, thermal application, storage and bio-conversion, fuels, energy and development. Studies were discussed at the meeting and more than 1000 papers were presented. This first volume covers papers presented on the following topics: solar thermal, heat transfer and thermal applications, storage and bio-conversion, refrigeration and iar conditioning, combustion, fuels and engines, energy and development. tabs., figs

  18. 78 FR 2952 - Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency... of an open meeting. SUMMARY: The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee (RE&EEAC... competitiveness of U.S. renewable energy and energy efficiency exports. The meeting is open to the public and the...

  19. Low-energy district heating in energy-efficient building areas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dalla Rosa, A.; Christensen, J.E.


    This paper presents an innovative low-energy district heating (DH) concept based on low-temperature operation. The decreased heating demand from low-energy buildings affects the cost-effectiveness of traditionally-designed DH systems, so we carried out a case study of the annual energy performance of a low-energy network for low-energy houses in Denmark. We took into account the effect of human behaviour on energy demand, the effect of the number of buildings connected to the network, a socio-economic comparison with ground source heat pumps, and opportunities for the optimization of the network design, and operational temperature and pressure. In the north-European climate, we found that human behaviour can lead to 50% higher heating demand and 60% higher heating power than those anticipated in the reference values in the standard calculations for energy demand patterns in energy-efficient buildings. This considerable impact of human behaviour should clearly be included in energy simulations. We also showed that low-energy DH systems are robust systems that ensure security of supply for each customer in a cost-effective and environmentally friendly way in areas with linear heat density down to 0.20 MWh/(m year), and that the levelized cost of energy in low-energy DH supply is competitive with a scenario based on ground source heat pumps. The investment costs represent up to three quarters of the overall expenditure, over a time horizon of 30 years; so, the implementation of an energy system that fully relies on renewable energy needs substantial capital investment, but in the long term this is sustainable from the environmental and socio-economic points of view. Having demonstrated the value of the low-energy DH concept, we evaluated various possible designs with the aim of finding the optimal solution with regard to economic and energy efficiency issues. Here we showed the advantage of low supply and return temperatures, their effect on energy efficiency and that

  20. Using energy scenarios to explore alternative energy pathways in California

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ghanadan, Rebecca; Koomey, J.G.


    This paper develops and analyzes four energy scenarios for California that are both exploratory and quantitative. The business-as-usual scenario represents a pathway guided by outcomes and expectations emerging from California's energy crisis. Three alternative scenarios represent contexts where clean energy plays a greater role in California's energy system: Split Public is driven by local and individual activities; Golden State gives importance to integrated state planning; Patriotic Energy represents a national drive to increase energy independence. Future energy consumption, composition of electricity generation, energy diversity, and greenhouse gas emissions are analyzed for each scenario through 2035. Energy savings, renewable energy, and transportation activities are identified as promising opportunities for achieving alternative energy pathways in California. A combined approach that brings together individual and community activities with state and national policies leads to the largest energy savings, increases in energy diversity, and reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. Critical challenges in California's energy pathway over the next decades identified by the scenario analysis include dominance of the transportation sector, dependence on fossil fuels, emissions of greenhouse gases, accounting for electricity imports, and diversity of the electricity sector. The paper concludes with a set of policy lessons revealed from the California energy scenarios

  1. Energies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In the framework of the National Debate on the energies in a context of a sustainable development some associations for the environment organized a debate on the nuclear interest facing the renewable energies. The first part presents the nuclear energy as a possible solution to fight against the greenhouse effect and the associated problem of the wastes management. The second part gives information on the solar energy and the possibilities of heat and electric power production. A presentation of the FEE (French wind power association) on the situation and the development of the wind power in France, is also provided. (A.L.B.)

  2. Energy intensities of food products. Energie-intensiteiten van voedingsmiddelen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kok, R.; Biesiot, W.; Wilting, H.C.


    The energy intensity of a product is the amount of primary energy used per Dutch guilder spent on consumer goods. The energy intensity can differ for each spending and varies from household to household. The aim of this study is to calculate the energy intensities and to provide an overview of the total package of consumer goods, including sociological categories and lifestyles, and the related use of primary energy to produce these goods. Use is made of the Energy Analysis Program (EAP) to calculate the energy intensities. EAP is based on the hybrid method: both the process analysis and the input-output analysis are applied in the model. The data input of the model consists of data from the Budget Survey 1990 of the Dutch Central Bureau of Statistics, which holds data of consumptions from 2767 households. In the chapters 4 to 10 energy intensities are given of the categories bread, pastry and groceries (chapter four), potatoes, vegetables and fruits (chapter five), sugary products and beverages (chapter six), oils and fats (chapter seven), meat, meat products and fish (chapter eight), dairy products (chapter nine), and other food products (chapter ten). The highest energy intensity is found for oils and fats (13.5 MJ per Dutch guilder). The energy intensities for the other products vary from 4.0 to 6.6 MJ/gld. It appears that most of the energy intensive products are products which do not use a large part of the primary energy, mainly because the consumption of these products is low. On the other hand many of the products that consume much of the primary energy (i.e. are consumed much themselves) are relatively energy extensive. The products that show a high consumption rate have relatively low energy intensities. Some of the options to shift towards a more energy extensive food package are the use of fresh products and outside grown products instead of treated products or greenhouse products and a more balanced diet. 5 figs., 18 tabs., 2 appendices, 52 refs.

  3. Bio-energy. Innovators talking; Bio-energie. Innovators aan het woord

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Qualitative studies have been conducted of the results of completed projects focused on energy innovation, spread over the seven themes of the top sector Energy: Energy saving in industry, Energy conservation in the built environment, Gas, Bio-energy, Smart grids, Offshore Wind, Solar PV. This provides insight into the follow-up activities and lessons of some EOS (Energy Research Subsidy) completed projects with the aim to inspire, connect and strengthen the TKIs (Topconsortia for Knowledge and Innovation) and individual companies and researchers working on energy innovation. This report concerns the research on bio-energy [Dutch] Er is een kwalitatief onderzoek uitgevoerd naar de resultaten van afgeronde projecten gericht op energie-innovatie, verdeeld over de zeven thema's van de topsector Energie: Energiebesparing in de industrie; Energiebesparing in de gebouwde omgeving; Gas; Bio-energie; Smart grids; Wind op zee; Zon-pv. Daarmee wordt inzicht gegeven in de vervolgactiviteiten en lessen van een aantal afgesloten EOS-projecten (Energie Onderzoek Subsidie) met het oog op het inspireren, verbinden en versterken van de TKI's (Topconsortia voor Kennis en Innovatie) en individuele bedrijven en onderzoekers die werken aan energie-innovatie. Dit rapport betreft het onderzoek naar bio-energie.

  4. Bio-energy. Innovators talking; Bio-energie. Innovators aan het woord

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Qualitative studies have been conducted of the results of completed projects focused on energy innovation, spread over the seven themes of the top sector Energy: Energy saving in industry, Energy conservation in the built environment, Gas, Bio-energy, Smart grids, Offshore Wind, Solar PV. This provides insight into the follow-up activities and lessons of some EOS (Energy Research Subsidy) completed projects with the aim to inspire, connect and strengthen the TKIs (Topconsortia for Knowledge and Innovation) and individual companies and researchers working on energy innovation. This report concerns the research on bio-energy [Dutch] Er is een kwalitatief onderzoek uitgevoerd naar de resultaten van afgeronde projecten gericht op energie-innovatie, verdeeld over de zeven thema's van de topsector Energie: Energiebesparing in de industrie; Energiebesparing in de gebouwde omgeving; Gas; Bio-energie; Smart grids; Wind op zee; Zon-pv. Daarmee wordt inzicht gegeven in de vervolgactiviteiten en lessen van een aantal afgesloten EOS-projecten (Energie Onderzoek Subsidie) met het oog op het inspireren, verbinden en versterken van de TKI's (Topconsortia voor Kennis en Innovatie) en individuele bedrijven en onderzoekers die werken aan energie-innovatie. Dit rapport betreft het onderzoek naar bio-energie.

  5. Nuclear energy, energy of the future or bad solution?; Energie nucleaire, energie d'avenir ou fausse solution?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The document presents the speeches of the debate on the nuclear energy solution for the future, presented during the meeting of the 6 may in Rennes, in the framework of the National Debate on the energies. The debate concerns the risks assessment and control, the solutions for the radioactive wastes, the foreign examples and the future of the nuclear energy. (A.L.B.)

  6. Baden-Wuerttemberg. Energy report `94; Baden-Wuerttemberg. Energie-Bericht `94

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The energy report reviews the energy policy of the Land Baden-Wuerttemberg in the light of the national and international situation in the year under report. Tables and diagrams present data and information on the worldwide energy consumption, the energy consumption in the European Union and in the Federal Republic of Germany as well as on the energy supplies of the Land Baden-Wuerttemberg; Energy consumption; primary energy consumption; end-use energy consumption; rational use of energy; mineral oil; coal; electricity; natural gas; district heating; renewable energy sources; energy supply structures; the energy balance of Baden-Wuerttemberg for the past year; and more. (orig./HS) [Deutsch] Der Energiebericht gibt einen Ueberblick ueber die Energiepolitik Baden-Wuerttembergs im nationalen und internationalen Rahmen fuer das Berichtsjahr. Tabellen und Graphiken informieren ueber die wichtigsten Daten zum Energieverbrauch weltweit, in der Europaeischen Union und in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland sowie zur Energieversorgung des Landes Baden-Wuerttemberg: Energieverbrauch; Primaerenergieverbrauch; Endenergieverbrauch; rationelle Nutzung von Energie; Mineraloel; Kohle; Strom; Erdgas; Fernwaerme; erneuerbare Energien; Versorgungsstrukturen; energiebedingte Emissionen; Energiebilanz Baden-Wuerttemberg fuer das Vorjahr; und mehr. (orig./HS)

  7. Baden-Wuerttemberg. Energy report 97; Baden-Wuerttemberg. Energie-Bericht 97

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The energy report reviews the energy policy of the Land Baden-Wuerttemberg in the light of the national and international situation in the year under report. Tables and diagrams present data and information on the worldwide energy consumption, the energy consumption in the European Union and in the Federal Republic of Germany as well as on the energy supplies of the Land Baden-Wuerttemberg: energy consumption; primary energy consumption; end-use energy consumption; rational use of energy; mineral oil; coal; electricity; natural gas; district heating; renewable energy sources; energy supply structures; the energy balance of Baden-Wuerttemberg for the past year; and more. (orig.) [Deutsch] Der Energiebericht gibt einen Ueberblick ueber die Energiepolitik Baden-Wuerttembergs im nationalen und internationalen Rahmen fuer das Berichtsjahr. Tabellen und Graphiken informieren ueber die wichtigsten Daten zum Energieverbrauch weltweit, in der Europaeischen Union und in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland sowie zur Energieversorgung des Landes Baden-Wuerttemberg: Energieverbrauch; Primaerenergieverbrauch; Endenergieverbrauch; rationelle Nutzung von Energie; Mineraloel; Kohle; Strom; Erdgas; Fernwaerme; Erneuerbare Energien; Versorgungsstrukturen; Energiebedingte Emissionen; Energiebilanz Baden-Wuerttemberg fuer das Vorjahr; und mehr. (orig.)

  8. The wood, renewable energy; Le bois, energie renouvelable

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Acket, C


    This document evaluates the french forest situation and its future. Indeed, the wood energy constitutes in France the first renewable energy after the hydraulic. It presents the today situation of the french forest providing statistical data, evaluation of the energy estimation, the carbon fixation, the resources, the perspectives wood energy for 2050, the biofuels and an economic analysis. (A.L.B.)

  9. Economic modelling of energy services: Rectifying misspecified energy demand functions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hunt, Lester C.; Ryan, David L.


    Although it is well known that energy demand is derived, since energy is required not for its own sake but for the energy services it produces – such as heating, lighting, and motive power – energy demand models, both theoretical and empirical, often fail to take account of this feature. In this paper, we highlight the misspecification that results from ignoring this aspect, and its empirical implications – biased estimates of price elasticities and other measures – and provide a relatively simple and empirically practicable way to rectify it, which has a strong theoretical grounding. To do so, we develop an explicit model of consumer behaviour in which utility derives from consumption of energy services rather than from the energy sources that are used to produce them. As we discuss, this approach opens up the possibility of examining many aspects of energy demand in a theoretically sound way that have not previously been considered on a widespread basis, although some existing empirical work could be interpreted as being consistent with this type of specification. While this formulation yields demand equations for energy services rather than for energy or particular energy sources, these are shown to be readily converted, without added complexity, into the standard type of energy demand equation(s) that is (are) typically estimated. The additional terms that the resulting energy demand equations include, compared to those that are typically estimated, highlight the misspecification that is implicit when typical energy demand equations are estimated. A simple solution for dealing with an apparent drawback of this formulation for empirical purposes, namely that information is required on typically unobserved energy efficiency, indicates how energy efficiency can be captured in the model, such as by including exogenous trends and/or including its possible dependence on past energy prices. The approach is illustrated using an empirical example that involves

  10. 77 FR 64112 - Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Nationwide Categorical Waivers of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act AGENCY: Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable... Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy. [FR Doc. 2012-25636 Filed 10-17-12; 8:45 am...

  11. Comparing energy storage options for renewable energy integration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østergaard, Poul Alberg

    -inclusive 100% renewable energy scenario developed for the Danish city Aalborg based on wind power, bio-resources and low-temperature geothermal heat. The paper investigates the system impact of different types of energy storage systems including district heating storage, biogas storage and electricity storage......Increasing penetrations of fluctuating energy sources for electricity generation, heating, cooling and transportation increase the need for flexibility of the energy system to accommodate the fluctuations of these energy sources. Controlling production, controlling demand and utilizing storage...... options are the three general categories of measures that may be applied for ensuring balance between production and demand, however with fluctuating energy sources, options are limited, and flexible demand has also demonstrated limited perspective. This paper takes its point of departure in an all...

  12. Geothermal Energy as source or energy production

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lozano, E.


    This article shows the use and utilization of geothermal energy. This calorific energy can be used, through the wells perforation, in generation of electricity and many other tasks. In Colombia is possible the utilization of this energy in the electrical production due to the volcanic presence in the Western and Central mountain chains

  13. La trasparenza scientifica in archeologia virtuale: una lettura critica al principio N.7 della Carta di Siviglia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francesco Gabellone


    Full Text Available ItAnalogamente per quanto avvenne nell’ambito del restauro, i Principi di Siviglia sull'Archeologia Virtuale hanno il valore di una carta, che non definisce un sistema di norme, di leggi, ma gli orientamenti di una vasta comunità scientifica che si propone di dare impulso all’archeologia virtuale come disciplina matura, la quale viva nel rispetto di queste regole e si fondi su metodi scientificamente validi ed ampiamente condivisi. Una piena trasparenza dei metodi, delle tecniche e della documentazione a corredo di un progetto di archeologia virtuale, è necessaria al fine di definire standard di qualità che innalzino il valore scientifico di una disciplina che promette di informare, stupire e affascinare con sempre maggiore efficacia e rigore. Il principio N. 7 della Carta di Siviglia, ribadisce la necessità di predisporre una base documentaria esauriente, che riguardi tutto il processo di ricerca legato alla creazione di contenuti digitali in progetti di archeologia virtuale. In Archeologia Virtuale i metodi di analisi, le tecniche di rilevamento e le interpretazioni devono essere tutti dichiarati, comprensibili e riutilizzabili. Solo l’analisi dei dati preliminari potrà validare gli esiti di uno studio ricostruttivo e garantire alle nuove generazioni una revisione dei risultati senza necessariamente ricominciare il lavoro dall’inizio.EnAnalogous to what has happened in the field of restoration, the Seville Principles of Virtual Archaeology have the value of a charter. They do not define a system of norms or laws, but rather the orientation of a broad scientific community that seeks to promote virtual archaeology as a mature discipline, one guided by respect for these rules and founded on scientifically valid and widely shared methods. The full transparency of the methods, techniques and accompanying documentation of a virtual archaeology project, is necessary in order to define standards of quality that raise the scientific value

  14. Zastosowanie QEEG w psychiatrii z uwzględnieniem populacji rozwojowej

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    Martyna Wiśniewska


    Full Text Available Celem pracy jest omówienie metody QEEG w kontekście jej przydatności w stawianiu diagnozy psychiatrycznej oraz monitorowaniu skutków oddziaływań psychologicznych i/lub psychofarmakologicznych na podstawie przeglądu dostępnego piśmiennictwa. Autorki starały się określić zastosowania omawianej metody w psychiatrii dzieci i młodzieży. QEEG polega na ilościowej analizie zapisu EEG za pomocą obróbki statystycznej sygnału. Metoda ta jest powszechnie wykorzystywana w celu przygotowania zaleceń terapeutycznych do treningu neurofeedback. Za granicą coraz częściej pisze się o próbach wdrażania QEEG w diagnostyce różnych chorób – także psychicznych. Większość doniesień nadal dotyczy zagadnień nadpobudliwości psychoruchowej z deficytem uwagi (porównanie skutków neurofeedbacku i oddziaływań farmakologicznych, odróżnianie podtypów choroby. Inne analizy odnoszą się do diagnozowania chorób psychicznych, różnicowania ich podtypów, przewidywania skutków leczenia farmakologicznego, porównania skuteczności poszczególnych metod leczenia. Popularne stają się badania nad pacjentami z depresją i schizofrenią. QEEG okazało się przydatne w ocenie skuteczności farmakoterapii depresji, według badaczy umożliwia też przewidywanie zachorowania na schizofrenię, różnicowanie jej podtypów i określanie skuteczności leczenia. Istnieją badania poświęcone analizie zmian w zapisie QEEG charakterystycznych dla uzależnienia od metamfetaminy i dla zaburzeń odżywiania. Mało jest natomiast analiz na temat użycia tej metody w psychiatrii dzieci i młodzieży – z wyjątkiem badań, które odnoszą się do roli QEEG w terapii neurofeedback pacjentów z zespołem nadpobudliwości psychoruchowej z deficytem uwagi czy skuteczności typów leków używanych w terapii tej choroby. Znaleziono jedną pracę poruszającą problematykę dzieci z autyzmem (w odniesieniu do treningu EEG biofeedback

  15. Ocena czynności nerek u dzieci leczonych metodę ESWL - doniesienie wstępne

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ewa Straż-Żebrowska


    Full Text Available Kamica układu moczowego jest chorobą polegającą na tworzeniu się złogów w drogach moczowych w momencie zaburzenia równowagi pomiędzy promotorami i inhibitorami krystalizacji. Obecnie obserwuje się narastanie częstości występowania kamicy w społeczeństwach krajów wysoko uprzemysłowionych, w tym również w populacji dziecięcej. Problem ten dotyczy nawet 5% tej populacji, a coraz większą grupę stanowią dzieci w okresie niemowlęcym. Wśród metod leczenia wyróżniamy postępowanie zachowawcze lub zabiegowe. Leczeniu zachowawczemu najczęściej poddaje się złogi o średnicy do 5 mm, większe wymagają zastosowania metod inwazyjnych. Wśród metod zabiegowych wyróżniamy metody stosunkowo mało inwazyjne, takie jak: ESWL (kruszenie złogów falą generowaną pozaustrojowo, PCNL (przezskóma nefrolitotrypsja, LTRSL (endoskopowa litotrypsja. Obecnie znacznie rzadziej stosowane jest leczenie operacyjne. Zabieg ESWL poprzez działanie fali uderzeniowej powoduje dezintegrację złogu. Cel: Ocena bezpieczeństwa metody w aspekcie funkcji nerek u dzieci leczonych z powodu kamicy układu moczowego metodą ESWL. Materia! i metody: Badaniem objęto 16 dzieci (7 chłopców i 9 dziewczynek w wieku od 2,5 do 17,5 roku (średni wiek 9,5 roku. W ciągu 48 godzin przed wykonaniem zabiegu ESWL oznaczano morfologię krwi, wykładniki stanu zapalnego, stężenie parametrów nerkowych w surowicy (kreatynina, mocznik, cystatyna C, koagulogram. Wyliczano klirensy dla kreatyniny oraz cystatyny C. Mierzono wartości ciśnienia tętniczego. Ponownej oceny czynności nerek w oparciu o te same parametry dokonano w okresie od 1 do 5 miesięcy (średni czas 2,8 miesiąca po zabiegu. Wyniki: Średnie stężenia cystatyny C i kreatyniny oraz wartości klirensów kreatyniny i cystatyny C, mocznika, wartości ciśnienia skurczowego i rozkurczowego nie wykazały istotnych statystycznie różnic przed i po zabiegu ESWL. Stwierdzono statystycznie znamienne

  16. Who governs energy? The challenges facing global energy governance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Florini, Ann; Sovacool, Benjamin K.


    This article conceptualizes the energy problems facing society from a global governance perspective. It argues that a notion of 'global energy governance,' taken to mean international collective action efforts undertaken to manage and distribute energy resources and provide energy services, offers a meaningful and useful framework for assessing energy-related challenges. The article begins by exploring the concepts of governance, global governance, and global energy governance. It then examines some of the existing institutions in place to establish and carry out rules and norms governing global energy problems and describes the range of institutional design options available to policymakers. It briefly traces the role of a selection of these institutions, from inter-governmental organizations to summit processes to multilateral development banks to global action networks, in responding to energy issues, and points out their strengths and weaknesses. The article concludes by analyzing how the various approaches to global governance differ in their applicability to addressing the conundrums of global energy problems.

  17. Who governs energy? The challenges facing global energy governance

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Florini, Ann; Sovacool, Benjamin K. [Centre on Asia and Globalisation, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, Singapore 259772 (Singapore)


    This article conceptualizes the energy problems facing society from a global governance perspective. It argues that a notion of 'global energy governance,' taken to mean international collective action efforts undertaken to manage and distribute energy resources and provide energy services, offers a meaningful and useful framework for assessing energy-related challenges. The article begins by exploring the concepts of governance, global governance, and global energy governance. It then examines some of the existing institutions in place to establish and carry out rules and norms governing global energy problems and describes the range of institutional design options available to policymakers. It briefly traces the role of a selection of these institutions, from inter-governmental organizations to summit processes to multilateral development banks to global action networks, in responding to energy issues, and points out their strengths and weaknesses. The article concludes by analyzing how the various approaches to global governance differ in their applicability to addressing the conundrums of global energy problems. (author)

  18. Energy conservation on Nova Scotia farms: Baseline energy data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bailey, J.A.; Gordon, R.; Burton, D.; Yiridoe, E.K.


    Direct energy use is a small but essential component of the farm greenhouse gas (GHG) budget. Improvements in energy efficiency and renewable energy can help reduce farm operating costs, improve air quality and reduce GHG emission levels. Energy conservation is especially important in Nova Scotia (NS), Canada, where fossil fuels, particularly coal, remain the primary source of electrical generation. Responses from mail surveys were used to establish baseline data on a cross-section of NS farms with respect to direct energy costs and usage to demonstrate differences in farm type and size. A 32% (N=224) response rate was achieved. Based on this survey, the average energy bill for a NS farm in 2004 was $11,228, with most (61.7%) of their energy cost attributable to the purchase of petroleum products. Almost all farmers (96.4%) indicated that their energy cost was a primary concern. Farmers identified the operation of vehicles and mobile equipment, as well as lighting and heating as having the greatest energy requirements in their operations. Energy usage varied with farm type and size. NS farms consumed 1.2 petajoules of energy equivalent to 127 kilotonnes of CO 2 with 52.7% of emissions from electricity use in 2004

  19. Our global energy future and the role of nuclear energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Foster, J.S.


    An extension in the use of energy, on even a fairly moderate basis, will, for several decades at least, require the use of all our present energy sources at rates that are a natural extension of historical rates, trending toward maximum practicable exploitation for all but nuclear energy. Regardless of what happens with the fossil hydrocarbons nuclear energy will play a major role in the supply of energy. When the fossil hydrocarbons have run their course nuclear and possibly some solar energy, through the media of electricity, hydrogen and synthetic hydrocarbons, will provide the bulk of the world's controlled energy and in sufficient quantity to provide ample energy for all. The burning question, however, is what will happen in the next few decades. There is a wonderful opportunity for nuclear energy, as the world requirement for energy, and particularly electrical energy, grows

  20. Geothermal energy in Denmark. The Committee for Geothermal Energy of the Danish Energy Agency

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Danish Energy Agency has prepared a report on the Danish geothermal resources and their contribution to the national energy potential.Environmental and socio-economic consequences of geothermal power systems implementation are reviewed. Organizational models and financing of geothermal-seismic research are discussed, and the Committee of the Energy Agency for Geothermal Energy recommends financing of a pilot plant as well as a prompt elucidation of concession/licensing problems. (EG)