
Sample records for energipolitisk virkemiddel slutrapport

  1. Quota regulation as energy political tool. Feasibility study; Kvoteregulering som energipolitisk virkemiddel. Konsekevensanalysen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The overall aim of the project was to determine what effect the energy policy introduced through the law on CO{sub 2}-quotas would have on the development the energy sector in Denmark. The energy policy is a market-based approach where the individual stakeholders choose how they will react within the boundaries of the allocated quotas. Options include the purchasing of quotas on the open market, investment in CDM/JI activities, the implementation of energy efficiency initiatives or fuel substitution. The focus of the study was on how the affected companies reacted to the implementation of a CO{sub 2}-quota. This was done by undertaking a series of interviews that resulted in a stakeholder analysis of companies encompassed by the CO2-quota law. A series of national consequences of the law on CO{sub 2}-quotas were then determined based on the stakeholder analysis. According to the results of the stakeholder analysis the following consequences were determined for the periods 2005-2007 and 2008-2012 as a result of quota regulation: 1) In the electricity sector no additional investments will be made in energy efficiency initiatives or fuel substitution projects than were already planned before quota regulation was introduced. 2) The heating sector will carry out isolated energy efficiency projects, but generally these are not socio-economically viable. 3) Industry will carry out isolated energy efficiency initiatives and renewable energy projects. Only 1.2 million tonnes of CO{sub 2} will be reduced annually through these initiatives compared to the estimated annual shortfall of 8 13 million tonnes CO{sub 2}. The shortfall will be made up through the purchase of quotas on the open market. This study indicates, therefore, that quota regulation will make a limited contribution to further initiatives in energy efficiency and renewable energy. If further energy efficiency initiatives are desired it will be necessary to implement other regulatory incentives. With regards to the industrial sector the study shows that a quota price greater than EURO 7.5/tonne will result in energy efficiency initiatives being socio-economically feasible. Interviews with international concerns that own Danish companies indicated that quota regulation may, in the long-term, have a negative effect on foreign-owned companies in Denmark if these companies have stricter quotas than their competitors in the EU or if they are in competition with companies based outside the EU. In the short-term quota regulation could mean that there will be no expansion of production in Denmark. (au)

  2. Slutrapport - utökad samordning av landskapsövervakning och uppföljning av Natura 2000


    Ståhl, Göran; Gardfjell, Hans; Glimskär, Anders; Hagner, Åsa; Holm, Sören; Walheim, Mats


    I denna kortversion av 2006 års slutrapport från projektet ”utökad samordning av landskaps- övervakning och uppföljning av Natura 2000” redovisas de viktigaste resultaten på ett sätt som gör dem enklare tillgängliga för inriktningsbeslut om ambitionsnivå för uppföljnings- arbetet. Nuvarande målsättning är att Naturamoment införlivas i Nationell Inventering av Landskapet i Sverige (NILS) och Riksinventeringen av Skog (RIS) från och med 2008; under 2009 beräknas kompletteran...

  3. Overvågning af influenza A virus i svin - Slutrapport 2015

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krog, Jesper Schak; Hjulsager, Charlotte Kristiane; Larsen, Lars Erik

    Denne rapport beskriver resultaterne af overvågning af influenza i svin i Danmark i 2015 og sammenholder resultaterne med dem fra de foregående år og udenlandske studier. Laboratorieundersøgelser og databehandling er udført på DTU Veterinærinstituttet. Indledende screening af prøver for tilstedev......Denne rapport beskriver resultaterne af overvågning af influenza i svin i Danmark i 2015 og sammenholder resultaterne med dem fra de foregående år og udenlandske studier. Laboratorieundersøgelser og databehandling er udført på DTU Veterinærinstituttet. Indledende screening af prøver...... for tilstedeværelsen af influenza A virus er betalt af indsenderne, mens de øvrige analyser er finansieret af FVST’s overvågningsprogram. Slutrapporten er den endelige opgørelse af analyserede indsendelser for det pågældende år. Der kan være mindre afvigelser mellem slutrapport og kvartalsrapporterne....

  4. E-Læring som pedagogisk virkemiddel for innlæring av anatomi, fysiologi og biokjemi i sykepleierutdanningen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mona Elisabeth Meyer


    Full Text Available Utgangspunktet for studien er at naturvitenskaplige fag, særlig anatomi, fysiologi og biokjemi (AFB, oppleves som vanskelig for sykepleierstudentene. Hensikten var å undersøke om læringsverktøyet e-læring, i form av nettester, kan være et effektivt virkemiddel til innlæring av og påvirke læringsutbyttet i AFB.Førsteårsstudentene i bachelorutdanningen i sykepleie ved Høgskolen i Akershus fikk et spørreskjema med 23 spørsmål som ble besvart anonymt.Resultatet av studentundersøkelsen viste at nettoppgavene ble mye brukt, og at studentene mente de ga et godt læringsutbytte. Nettoppgaver med umiddelbar feedback gir stor studentaktivitet og «time-on-task». Testene kan tette hullet mellom det studentene forventes å kunne og det de faktisk kan, og egner seg til faktafag som m å pugges og forstås. E-læring kan gi god hjelp til studenters strukturering av tid, læringsstrategier og selvregulering.Læringsutbyttet av nettester diskuteres i lys av nytten av umiddelbar feedback i et pedagogisk perspektiv.AbstractThe starting point of the study is that the natural sciences, particularly anatomy, physiology and biochemistry (collectively known as APB, are often difficult subjects for nursing students. The aim was to investigate whether e-learning tools, in terms of web services, can be an effective educational tool and affect learning outcomes in APB.First year students in the Bachelor's degree program in nursing at Akershus University College of Applied Sciences received a questionnaire with 23 questions, which were answered anonymously.The results of the student survey showed that online tasks were widely used, and that students felt they resulted in good learning outcomes. Online training with immediate feedback shows great student activity and “time-on-task.” These tests can close the gap between what the students are expected to know and what they actually do, and is suitable for factual subjects requiring both memorization and

  5. Intelligent styring af dynamisk LED belysning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thorseth, Anders; Corell, Dennis Dan; Hansen, Søren Stentoft

    Denne slutrapport giver en kort beskrivelse af arbejdet, der er udført af DTU Fotonik i projektet ”Intelligent styring af dynamisk LED belysning” støttet af EUDP. Arbejdet er udført i perioden 2011‐2012 i samarbejde med Lighten.......Denne slutrapport giver en kort beskrivelse af arbejdet, der er udført af DTU Fotonik i projektet ”Intelligent styring af dynamisk LED belysning” støttet af EUDP. Arbejdet er udført i perioden 2011‐2012 i samarbejde med Lighten....

  6. Talent for at samarbejde

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Beck, Anne-Marie Tyroll


    I Danmark er der generelt gode traditioner for at samarbejde i byggebranchen, og byggeprojekter er generelt præget af åbenhed, dialog og respekt for hinandens arbejde. I forbindelse med de skærpede energipolitiske mål, er der fokus på et yderligere integreret samarbejde mellem alle udførende i en...

  7. Behandlingen af økonomisk magt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Søndergaard, Peter


    I oktober 2003 udkom Magtudredningens Slutrapport med overvejende gode nyheder om det danske demokratis tilstand: Det danske folkestyre er overraskende sundt. I denne antologi stiller politikere, embedsmænd, forskere og journalister kritiske spørgsmål til Magtudredningen: • Hvor tæt går udredning...

  8. ØG-DDB teknisk rapport

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vestergaard, Flemming; Karlshøj, Jan; Hauch, Peter

    Nærværende rapport er den tekniske slutrapport for projektet Måling af økonomiske gevinster ved Det Digitale Byggeri (byggeriets digitalisering). Projektet er finansieret af Klima-, Energi og Bygningsstyrelsen og har haft en projektperiode fra medio 2009 til primo 2012. Projektet er udført på DTU...

  9. Brands savner fotostil

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Risager Rasmussen, Ulla


    Logo, typografi, det 5. element og farver repræsenterer det visuelle udtryk for et brand, det ved vi. Vi ved også at billeder er et uhyre vigtigt virkemiddel i markeds- føringen af produkter, oplevelser og services. Alligevel mangler mange brand guidelines en definition af billedkoncept og fotostil....

  10. Hvad er smag, og hvordan underviser man i og med smag?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Qvortrup, Lars; Wistoft, Karen


    Hvad er smag, og hvordan underviser man i smag som undervisningens genstand eller med smag som et virkemiddel i undervisningen? Det er denne artikels to hovedspørgsmål. Formålet er at præsentere det, der kaldes en smagsdidaktisk refleksionsteori, dvs. en teori der reflekterer over, hvordan man un...

  11. Slutrapport september 2017

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lund, Lea; Lyneborg Lund, Rolf

    , særligt i forhold til udviklingen af det kvantitative element, hvortil Rolf Lyneborg Lund har udviklet et program til Stata, som kan håndtere og operationalisere processen med udviklingen af data fraSurveyXact fra et todimensionalt koordinatsystem til en læsevenlig roset, som samtaleværktøj for læreren...

  12. VirtuelGalathea 3. Slutrapport

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hasager, Charlotte Bay

    Galathea cooperate with skilled teachers in order to provide educational material across several disciplines with focus on the physical sciences. The homepage contains material which includes 54 new projects developed in 2007-2011 in VirtuelGalathea3 and 40 developed in the Satellite Eye project...

  13. Personaliseret storytelling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jantzen, Christian


    Følelsesmarkedet er både nyt og gammelt. Nyt, fordi mikroøkonomien først i det seneste årti har fået øjnene op for følelsers rolle i almindelige beslutningsprocesser. Ældgammelt, fordi markedsføring i mere end hundrede år har handlet om at kommunikere og iscenesætte, så det appellerer til følelse...... følelserne. Artiklen forklarer, hvordan denne velkendte appel kan få et nyt virkemiddel: nemlig ved at spille ind på forbrugeres ønske om at være medproducent af ikke kun mening, men også varen. Der gives et eksempel på "personlig storytelling".    ...

  14. Energy forecast. Final report; Energiudsigten. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    A number of instruments, i.e. Internet, media campaigns, boxes displaying electricity prices (SEE1) and spot contract has been tested for households to shift their electricity consumption to times when prices are low. Of the implemented media campaigns, only the daily viewing of Energy forecast on TV had an impact. Consumers gained greater knowledge of electricity prices and electricity consumption loads, but only showed little interest in shifting electricity consumption. However, a measurable effect appeared at night with the group that had both concluded a spot contract and received an SEE1. These factors increase the awareness of the price of electricity and the possibility of shifting electricity consumption. (Energy 10)

  15. Fair nok, vi kalder det hiphop og retfærdiggør det med en anmeldelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krogh, Mads


    kritikkens diskurs fra en forståelse af genren som en ny og eksotisk modedille og et virkemiddel i fx rock og jazz; til en forståelse af hiphop som en selvfølgelig side af populærmusikkulturen og af begrebet som samlebetegnelse for et stigende antal 'undergenrer'. Disse processer afdækkes gennem...... hiphop i den på det tidspunkt etablerede rock og jazzkritik; mens 'anden bølge' (perioden 1987-94) ser ansættelsen af de første kritikere med et personligt forhold til og en specialviden om hiphopkulturen i kritikken (insidere) - i modsætning til en gruppe af kritikere, som på det tidspunkt viderefører...... informerede. Kapitlet diskuterer i forlængelse heraf forskellige former for intertekstualitet, hvor i særdeleshed 'lokalitetsbestemt' og såkaldt institutionaliseret intertekstualitet spiller en betydelig rolle som begrundelse for insidernes status i hiphopkritikkens felt. I læsningen af kritikkens forhandling...

  16. Tilpasset opplæring: politisk dragkamp om pedagogisk praksis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eirik S. Jenssen


    Full Text Available Tilpasset opplæring er et populært politisk virkemiddel når skolen skal reformeres og gjøres i stand til å møte endrede betingelser. Det er et begrep som hentes frem når politikerne skal nå mål som inkludering, sosial utjevning eller økt læringsutbytte. Evalueringer viser at skoler opplever tilpasset opplæring som et uklart og problematisk begrep. Vi viser i denne artikkelen at lærerne har god grunn til å synes at tilpasset opplæring er vanskelig å praktisere. Dette gjør vi ved å vise hvordan tilpasset opplæring har skiftet meningsinnhold med skiftende regjeringer i perioden 1975 og frem til i dag. Vi har identifisere fire ulike epoker i tilpasset opplæring som hver fremhever ulike sider ved opplæringen og forfekter ulike løsninger.

  17. Slutrapport: GNU- Grænseoverskridenden nordisk undervisning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gynther, Karsten


    education that formally and mentally can motivate Nordic students to continue their studies and / or work in another Nordic country. The development of cross-border parallel teaching forms supported by new technologies in primary education is seen as a pioneering project that can inspire others to develop......The GNU project has establishes cross-border cooperation between Nordic schools and school classes. More than 1000 students and their teachers have planned and carried out joint cross-border education in the subjects of language, science, history /social studies and mathematics supported by new...... technologies. Specifically, a series of virtual "Nordic classes", have been established, where Swedish, Norwegian and Danish students have been taught simultaneously by a common group of Nordic teachers. The project has establishes a cooperation between educational institutions and students from the ÖKS...

  18. Nye oplysninger om effekter af Bt-majs på sommerfugle. MON810, BT11. Brev fra Greenpeace til Miljøministeren. Modtaget 17-12-2004, deadline 22-12-2004, svar 22-12-2004

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Strandberg, Morten Tune; Kjellsson, Gøsta; Damgaard, Christian


    "De nye oplysninger medfører ingen væsentlige ændringer af DMUs tidligere risikovurdering af Bt-11 majsen (C/F/96.05.10, mail pr. 28-08-2003). Dog har vi en tilføjelse vedrørende behov for specifik overvågning (se nedenfor). Vi har ikke tidligere foretaget nogen konkret risikovurdering af MON810...... arters fortsatte forekomst. Derfor har DMU ved tidligere risikovurdering af Bt-majslinier til dyrkning (majslinie 1507 og Bt-11) foreslået at der indføres en 5 m dyrkningsfri bufferzone til naturhabitater hvor larver af truede/sjældne sommerfugle findes. En andet virkemiddel kunne være at omgive randen...... af Bt-majsmarker med et værnebælte af konventionel majs. På grund af den usikkerhed der findes på området vil det indtil der foreligger et bedre vidensgrundlag være relevant med en specifik overvågning af truede eller sjældne sommerfuglearter hvor der er habitater for disse i nærheden af Bt...

  19. Pilot project Uljabuouda. Final report; Pilotprojekt Uljabuouda. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    During the period of 2007-2010 Skellefteaa Kraft AB erected a wind farm comprising 10 3 MW wind turbines on the mountain Uljabuouda in the municipality of Arjeplog. The turbines are of the type WWD-3 with a hub height of 80 meters and a rotor diameter of 90 meters. The Uljabuouda wind farm is one of the first erected above the treeline in the Swedish mountains. The wind turbines are adapted to cold climate equipped with an ice prevention system for the blades. The process of obtaining the necessary permits for the erection of the wind farm was lengthy and lasted during the period of 2000 to 2008. Also the procurement process took longer than expected. During the period of 2006-2008 when the procurement was performed it was difficult to find a supplier who could offer wind turbines equipped with a deicing system. In December 2006 the Uljabuouda project was granted a subsidy from the Swedish Energy Agency, the maximum of 35 million Swedish crowns. The final investment costs of the project will be higher than previously estimated. The main reason for this was the prevailing market conditions during the procurement period. The Uljabuouda wind farm is in full operation since the winter of 2010/2011 and so far our experiences are that the ice prevention system is working well even at harsh icing conditions

  20. Preliminary study Malaa. Final report; Foerstudie Malaa. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Factors of importance for a possible localization of a deep nuclear waste repository at Malaa in northern Sweden are mapped in this study. The geologic structures in the area have been reviewed, mostly from already existing knowledge. Existing infrastructure and necessary improvements are discussed, as well as land use and environment, employment and other social effects. 47 refs, 41 figs, 8 tabs.

  1. Local village heating. Final rapport; Landsby Naervarme. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bojesen, C.


    Local Village Heating project relates to smaller villages which are located outside existing or planned district heating areas in Denmark. The analysis phase of Local Village Heating has shown that the concept can be the most feasible common heating system for villages that: 1. has a high building density - the buildings must be placed close together; 2. at least one large heat consumer, school, elder home or company is present in the village; 3. the number of buildings/households in the village is less than approx. 100. The analysis has shown that it is theoretical possible to establish a controlling system for the combined supplier/consumer option and an overall system for prioritizing the primary heat suppliers. A feasible Local Village Heating organisation could be a cooperative similar to other supply systems, such as common water supply and waste water cooperative. (Author)

  2. Experience with agreements as an instrument in the climate policy; Erfaringer med avtaler som klimapolitisk virkemiddel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report discusses the experience with the use of agreements between industry and authorities in the climate and energy conservation policies in selected countries. The main purpose is to survey agreements in selected OECD countries and to evaluate the experience gained with this political instrument. Special emphasis is placed on Denmark and the Netherlands. The agreements are mainly aiming at energy conservation. In Norway, the agreements are at present primarily of relevance for emissions from the processing industries. But the experience gained in other countries on the practical realization of the agreements are relevant to Norway. 5 refs.

  3. Slutrapport for betonelementbyggeri i jordskælvsområder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rathkjen, Arne


    Denne rapport beskriver forløbet af ovennævnte program, idet der i nærværende kapitel 1 gøres rede for projektoplægget, herunder beskrivelser af de enkelte projekter, således som disse blev beskrevet ved programmets start i 1993.......Denne rapport beskriver forløbet af ovennævnte program, idet der i nærværende kapitel 1 gøres rede for projektoplægget, herunder beskrivelser af de enkelte projekter, således som disse blev beskrevet ved programmets start i 1993....

  4. Multi-fuel furnace. Demonstration project. Final rapport; Multibraendselsovn - Demonstrationsprojekt. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dall Bentzen, J.


    It has been verified that the Dall Energy Furnace have unique features: - The furnace will accept biomass fuel with moisture content in range 20% to 60% and still keep the flue gas temperature within +-10 deg. Celsius (for pre-set temperature 900 to 975 deg. Celsius); - The ash quality from the furnace is very good with no excessive sintering and without carbon in the ash; - Flue gas dust content at the furnace exit is below 50 mg/Nm3, while the content of NO{sub x} and CO is below 175 mg/Nm3 and 20 mg/Nm3, respectively. The Dall Energy biomass furnace consists of two separate stages which are combined in a single aggregate: an updraft gasification process and a gas combustion process. As the furnace is refractory lined and as the furnace can operate at low excess air it is possible to burn biomass with water content above 60%. No mechanical parts are used at temperatures above 200 deg. Celsius. This provides a very rugged system. In the gasifier section a combustible gas is produced with a low velocity at the top of the gasifier bed. This gas is combusted to a flue gas with extremely low dust content. Also, the NO{sub x} and CO content is very low. The temperature of the flue gas at the exit is kept low by injecting water spray together with the secondary air. (Author)

  5. Statement on energy policy 1988. Statement by the Ministry of Energy on laws concerning energy policy measures and Danish Oil and Natural Gas A/S. [Denmark]. Energipolitisk redegoerelse 1988. Energiministeriets redegoerelse til lov om energipolitiske foranstaltninger samt lov om Dansk Olie og Naturgas A/S

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    A brief statement by the Danish Ministry of Energy on the present situation in Denmark and its effect on future policy in the field of energy. The importance of environmental protection, and the lowering of prices, is emphasized in relation to the European Communities' single market. With regard to electric power, it is stated that production must increase in the 1990's, but it will be necessary to reduce costs. There are present economical problems where the natural gas heating project is concerned, and, also because of concern for pollution abatement, it will become more important to use collective heating systems. The statement describes principles and policy in relation to energy consumption, renewable energy, research activities, and oil and natural gas. Lastly, the statement describes the present situation situation and (briefly) future policy with regard to Danish oil and/or natural gas companies, ie. DANGAS, DOPAS, DOFAS, and DORAS. (AB).

  6. Experience with agreements as instruments in climate policies - phase II; Erfaringer med avtaler som klimapolitisk virkemiddel - fase II

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In Norway, a project has been done to study the use of agreements as an environmental instrument. The subjects discussed in this report are (1) a mapping and assessment of the recently established system for agreements in Germany between the authorities and the industry on reduced CO{sub 2} emission, (2) a mapping and assessment of the status of agreements in the European Community, (3) an updating of the development of the agreements in New Zealand and Denmark and (4) an assessment of issues in the agreement between the Dutch authorities and the Sep group of electricity companies on reduced SO{sub 2} and NOx emissions that are relevant for Norway. The emphasis is on the new German agreement system. Attention is also given to the agreement system in New Zealand because it comprises some of the sectors that are relevant for agreements in Norway. 7 refs.

  7. Overvågning af influenza A virus i svin - Slutrapport 2016

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krog, Jesper Schak; Hjulsager, Charlotte Kristiane; Larsen, Lars Erik

    influenza (sæson 2015/16), hvor vi tidligere kun harpåvist H3hu fra sæson 2004/05. Det interessante ved dette virus er, at det er en triplereassortment, hvor alle de interne gener stammer fra H1N1pdm09 subtypen, mens N2 stammer fra H3N2/H1N2 fra svin, og H3 er af human oprindelse. Da det humane H3 gen har...... subtypet vha. real time RT-PCR. Disse analyser viste, at de to mest almindelige subtyper i danske svin i 2016 var den danske variant af H1N2 og H1N1pdm09. Prævalensen af det almindelige svineinfluenzavirus ”avian-likeswine” H1N1 var ligesom i 2014 og 2015 meget lav. Det influenzavirus af subtypen H3N2, der...... har cirkuleret i Danmark siden 1990, men med meget lav prævalens de senere år, blev ligesom i 2015 ikke påvist i 2016. Den centraleuropæiske variant af H1N2, der har et human-like HAgen, er stadig ikke påvist i danske svin. Virus med subtypen H1pdm09 blev påvist i 52 indsendelser fra 48 besætninger og...

  8. AMTEC thermo-electric conversion. Final report; AMTEC termo-elektrisk konvertering. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Christensen, H


    The aim was to gain experience on how to produce Alkali Metal Thermo-Electric-Converter (AMTEC) cells, for the demonstration of their principles and potentials, as a basis for future commercialization. These cells should be able to present an efficient and direct conversion of thermal energy to electric energy. The system is based on an electro-chemical concentration cell built around a {beta}`` aluminium oxide membrane that separates the two chambers. This material is a good conductor of sodium and a bad conductor of electrons, and it is this property which is taken advantage of. In the two chambers of the cell is found saturated sodium vapour at two temperatures. The motive power is the expansion over the membrane where the sodium ions are transported through it whilst the electrons are forced through the outer cycle. This concept is described in detail in addition to the choice of materials, performance testing and results. It was found possible to produce AMTEC electrodes via serigraphic feeding. The strengths and weaknesses of the finished product are illuminated. (AB) (10 refs.)

  9. District Heating at Power Failures - Final Report; Fjaerrvaerme vid Elavbrott - Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lauenburg, Patrick; Johansson, Per-Olof


    Our society is vulnerable to prolonged power cuts. In cold weather interrupted heating is one of the most serious threats. District heating is available at most locations in Sweden and if heat can be transferred to the connected buildings at a power failure, it is of great importance for securing energy supply. In this work it was found that there are good opportunities for upholding heat supply at a power failure through self-circulation in connected radiator system, which has previously been overlooked. Self Circulation occurs when there is a sufficiently large temperature difference between forward and return line in the radiator system. The control and circulation in radiator systems will fail, but if the district heating water can continue to pass through the heat exchangers of the radiator systems self-circulation can occur. A prerequisite for self-circulation in the individual buildings to work is therefore to district heating network can operate at a power failure. District heating supply must have back to maintain the production and distribution of district heating, which is not always the case. Our studies show that there is every reason to this. Moreover there are customers that have their own reserve aggregates, such as hospitals, which are dependent on the district heating network function. In an extensive power failure, it may be desirable to establish a smaller grid, separate from backbone, using local electricity generation. The establishment of such a network requires there is local production which can start to loose voltage networks and has necessary control equipment for the frequency approach. In Malmoe, it is now possible to establish a such a network with the help of local production units. A prerequisite is that there are consumption of heating. It is not unusual for power plants (which produce both electricity and heat) is dependent on the pipe system for cooling the production of electricity. One can from the results also argue that every district should have cogeneration for a security of supply. The results show that the vast majority of buildings can be self-circulation in a power failure equivalent to 40-80 percent of the warming effect. Hot water systems covered primarily not of this, even if some hot water production can be possible. Self-circulation works better the higher the ambient temperature is. However, most buildings, possibly after some modifications, have at least 50 percent of the warming impact at a very low ambient temperature, which means that you normally do for several days before a possible evacuation becomes necessary. The studies have enabled a number of recommendations have been compiled. The recommendations are designed to increase opportunities for self-circulation of different systems and is addressed to all parties concerned, i.e. from authorities and district heating companies to manufacturers, building owners, operators and residents, and includes both preparatory steps and these actions can be taken when a power failure has been occurred. Finally, we note that there should be a value in the form of the presented results are a selling point for the district and the societal costs of example, reserve units and possible evacuations can be reduced

  10. LED lighting for greenhouses. Final report; LED belysning til vaeksthuse. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    OEstergaard, J.E. (Syddansk Univ. (SDU). Erhvervsinnovation og Teknologi, Odense (Denmark))


    The project had 3 main objectives: 1) To develop a prototype of a LED-based luminaire that can replace the existing glasshouse horticultural lighting. The project have developed a working prototype and experimentally replaced the traditional HPS luminaires in a controlled growing area. The project succeeded in producing plants of comparable quality. However, the project shows that the prototype can be improved by: x) being further integrated into the existing horticultural production technology (eg climate computers and purchase of electricity) x) adapting configuration of luminaires specifically to each plant variety x) adapting different cooling technologies to match specific customer needs x) In some cases being combined with heat input to optimize the overall economy. 2) To achieve an effective electricity savings of 50-80% - equivalent to a value of approx. DKK 5 million for a medium sized nursery. The verified electricity savings was 40%. In test setups and in well defined and controllable production areas the prototypes achieved electricity savings of > 50%. It is expected that a new generation of LEDs (Q3 2010) will allow for greater power savings. 3) To continue prototype development and initiate commercialization of the project through the company Fionia Lighting A/S. The shareholders of the company have allocated capital to the company to allow us to address the main challenges in commercializing the technology. It is expected that the company will enter a strategic alliance with a major industrial player in the beginning of 2011. (Author)

  11. Udvikling af LED lyskilder og lamper. Slutrapport for PSO 337-068

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dam-Hansen, Carsten; Petersen, Paul Michael; Thestrup Nielsen, Birgitte

    This report is the final and concluding report on the research and development project “Development of LED light sources and lamps” PSO no. 337-068 supported by Dansk Energi – Net. The project was a collaboration between Risø National laboratory, Louis Poulsen Lighting, Dong Energy, Laboratoriet...

  12. Systems for apartment buildings heat pumps. Final report; System foer fastighetsvaermepumpar. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aakervall, Daniel (WSP Environmental, Stockholm (Sweden)); Rogstam, Joergen; Grotherus, Maarten (Sveriges Energi- och Kylcentrum, Katrineholm (Sweden))


    A fast growing segment of the heat pump business is the apartment building applications. Historically the experience base related to such installations is limited. However, this application is more complex than the much more widely spread domestic applications. The core idea of the project was to generate and collect information to avoid mistakes and to encourage the heat pump technology. By interviewing the 'market' and compiling the information good recommendations has been achieved. It is of great importance to convey the best available recommendations to the installers on the market to avoid pit holes and highlight the opportunities for installers and end consumers. A website has been design and built,, which contains useful tools for installers and potential system customers. A number of calculation tools to estimate heat requirement, cost of different heating systems, primary energy need, LCC, etc. are all available. The core of the site is the database containing heat pump installations with related data of importance. The data available is such key data as performance figures, cost of installation, etc. Today 104 system installations are collected in the database and these are marked in a colour coding to indicate the quality of the input data. Installations verified with measurement are given higher significance. It has been an unexpected challenge to find documented systems, so one of the conclusions of the project is that there is a great need for further measurement on the field. More information should be directed to the customers to request such equipment when systems are installed. The database enables statistical analysis of the key figures and it can be seen that the average seasonal COP is 3.2 and there are small differences between exhaust air and ground source heat pumps. It should be emphasised that the number of installations do not give statistical confidence for all kinds of analysis yet. Field measurements in apartment buildings have shown good agreement between the installations. In the specific case 5 exhaust air heat pumps were analysed and the average seasonal COP was about 3 and the energy coverage was 60% on a yearly basis. These heat pumps replaced district heating but kept that source as supplementary heat source

  13. Experiences of disturbance from wind power. Final report; Stoerningsupplevelser fraan vindkraft. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pedersen, Eja [Halmstad Univ. (Sweden). School of Business and Engineering


    Wind power generates electricity at low environmental costs, but local residents sometimes have had complains. To support further development of wind farms, it is important to find out if people are annoyed and if so, in what way. This is a preliminary study that will be followed by an extensive survey in Laholm, a municipality in the South of Sweden with 44 wind power turbines. A survey based on cases of complaints in Laholm shows that outdoor noise is the most common annoyance. Others are indoor noise, shadow flicker and visual impact. Residents in one nearby location, Falkenberg, that resembles the landscape in Laholm, were interviewed. The most common source of annoyance was traffic noise. The turbines annoyed no respondent, even thought the estimated noise levels in some cases exceeded the 40-dBA limit. Also in another location outside Halmstad people that lived close to the wind turbines experienced no problems. The number of people actually indicating annoyance by wind turbines is probably fairly small. The most common annoyance is that from wind turbine noise. People who are annoyed of noise could eater be exposed to higher noise levels than estimated or of certain discomforting type of noise. Several other factors of individual nature could also affect the annoyance. These are assumed to be the general attitude towards wind power, if you are in the possession of a turbine, if you are raised in the countryside or in a city, and the general attitude towards the authorities. Following these assumptions, several hypotheses for the main survey are discussed and described.

  14. Methane from landfills in Sweden. Final report; Metan fraan avfallsupplag i Sverige. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Samuelsson, Jerker [Chalmers Univ. of Technology, Goeteborg (Sweden); Galle, Bo; Boerjesson, Gunnar [Linkoeping Univ. (Sweden). Dept. of Water and Environmental Studies


    Three years of measurements has been conducted at seven Swedish landfills, quantifying methane emission, methane oxidation and methane production. The measurements reveal a large span between the sites in terms of gas recovery efficiency, 29-78% during normal operation. The fraction of the totally produced methane that is eventually leaking out to the atmosphere, was found to vary between 21-68%. Regarding methane oxidation, the study shows that of the methane going from the landfill interior towards the atmosphere, 6-43% is oxidised to CO{sub 2} in the different landfill cover soils. The highest methane oxidation was found in closed landfills during summertime, and the lowest at active landfills during wintertime, due to the strong temperature dependence of the oxidation. The equipment developed for methane emission measurements is based on time resolved concentration measurements with FTIR spectroscopy in combination with tracer gas releases from the surface of the landfill. The method has proven to be able to state the methane emission from the landfills with high accuracy, {+-}18% of the emission estimate (95% confidence interval). This is in line with what has been achieved in the literature for fugitive emission sources. The system has also proven to be useful for on site leak search. The precision for the methane production measurement was demonstrated to be high, down to {+-}4.2%. This enables trend studies and verification of improvement measures taken at the landfill sites. In terms of absolute accuracy for the production estimate, a 95%-confidence interval of down to (-6.0%, +6.2%) has been achieved. At times of strong methane oxidation the uncertainties increase, particularly if the emission is high. The gas production at the landfill site is therefore preferably measured during autumn-winter-spring when the temperature and the methane oxidation are low. The methane oxidation has been measured by carbon isotope technique, utilising the enrichment in {sup 13}CH4 compared to {sup 12}CH4 that takes part as the landfill gas is transported through the landfill cover soil. The measurement procedure is complex and 95%-confidence intervals in the range of (-50%, +200%) of the measurement value are not unusual. A comparison between measurement data and model calculations, using the IPCC-model applied in the national climate gas reporting of methane from landfills, shows that the model overestimates the methane production in most cases. A linear model of methane production dependent on the amount of landfilled municipal solid waste, gave a good fit to measurement data (R{sup 2}=0.94). This model was applied to Swedish landfill statistics from 1990 and onward. The resulting Swedish budget for landfill methane emissions became 95{+-}21 k tonnes/year, assuming 10% methane oxidation over all. The IPCC-model arrived at a value 41% higher. Adjusting the IPCC model parameter called DOCf, from 0.7 to 0.54 according to a fit against measurement data, the IPCC-model arrived at yearly methane emission 9% higher than the linear model discussed. The DOCf factor describes the fraction of the gas potential that is converted into methane.

  15. Intelligent control of dynamic LED lighting; Intelligent styring af dynamisk LED belysning. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thorseth, A.; Corell, D.; Hansen, Soeren S.; Dam-Hansen, C.; Petersen, Paul Michael


    The project has resulted in a prototype of a new intelligent lighting control system. The control system enables the end user to control his or her own local lighting environment (lighting zone) according to individual preferences and needs. The report provides a description of how the developed intelligent lighting system is composed and functions. The system is designed as a work lamp that enables dynamic change of the light color scheme according to a number of light control algorithms. It is specifically designed in relation to user tests of the intelligent lighting system, which is carried out in the final part of the project. An intelligent and advanced control of LED lighting was developed, which enables optimization of the user's light conditions in a given situation. Based on a number of known parameters, the system can control lighting so that at any time optimal light conditions are created, using a minimum of electric power. (LN)

  16. High voltage BMS for Li-ion nano-batteries for automotive purposes. Slutrapport 2009

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Loncarevic, I.


    The purpose of the project is to develop and prepare for mass production a scalable 260-400V Battery Management System (BMS) for controlling large Li-ion nano-batteries used in transportation vehicles - including passanger vehicles (up to 2 tonnes) and smaller trucks (up to 6 tonnes). This purpose has been fulfilled, as a scalable system has been developed in the project, consisting of two main components. The local monitoring unit is able to monitor 3-8 battery cells for voltages and temperature, and to balance the cells to achieve a uniform voltage level. The central control unit is capable of collecting data from and managing up to 32 local monitoring units, which means that the complete battery pack can contain between 3 and 256 battery cells connected in series. The central control unit also manages charger and load, and it has several input and output options. It supports both analogue and digital signals as well as communication via CAN-BUS protocol, the automotive standard. The complete system was run into production in the last part of the project and xternal certification tests where performed. In 2010 the product won the Frost and Sullivan Automotive Product Innovation Award. The originally planned pilot projects with foreign clients were not conducted, but the system has been implemented successfully in a number of pilot projects with clients in both the automotive and other sectors instead. The system was launched to the market for the first time on the electric vehicle show EVS24 in Stavanger in May 2009. The project was finally concluded in September 2009 with a 4 month delay due to high demand from potential customers during the project, who wanted to test the system in pilot projects. These customer projects were given priority, as they were perceived as an opportunity to obtain valuable experiences with the developed system and implement improvements before the final version was put into production, which then happened with a delay compared to the original project plan. (Author)

  17. Demonstration of hydrogen society in Nakskov. Final report; Denmark; Demonstratorium - Brintsamfundet i Nakskov. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bech-Madsen, J. (IRD Fuel Cell Technology, Svendborg (DK)); Krogh Jensen, J. (Baltic Sea Solutions, Bass, Holeby (DK))


    This report summarizes results from the 'Demonstration of hydrogen in Nakskov' project. The project has established a demonstration of the Hydrogen Community in Nakskov. The demonstration facility is located at the entrance to Nakskov Genbrugsplads which has a lot of visitors. At this location information boards help visitors get acquainted with the technology and the function of the plant. It is likely that the majority of the citizens of West Lolland has visited the demonstration plant. The demonstration plant includes the following elements: 1) Container buildings for control and monitoring as well as housing of the process equipment. The containers are fully equipped with electricity, water and water treatment systems, drains, ventilation, cooling and heating systems and extensive safety systems. 2) Two fully automated PEM-CHP fuel cell units of 2 kW and 7.5 kW. 3) Two PEM-electrolysers for hydrogen and oxygen production for use in fuel cells and stimulation of aerobe processes in a waste water treatment system. 4) Low pressure storage steel tanks for oxygen and hydrogen. 5) Gas distribution grid for transporting oxygen and hydrogen from the electrolysers to the storage tanks and back to the fuel cells. 6) Official Authority approvals of the total demonstration facility comprising municipal building permission. Approval of zone classification and storage of hydrogen and oxygen, by the Lolland fire chief, February 1. 2007. Environmental evaluation and Environmental Impact assesment screening of the project performed by the regional county (Storstroms Amt), November 13. 2006. Project approval of hydrogen production and fuel cell plant by the Danish Safety Technology Authority, May 2. 2007. (au)

  18. Slutrapport for ELFORSK projekt nr. 341-009, Den CO2 neutrale arbejdsplads – hovedprojekt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Peter Behrensdorff; Bentzen, Barbara; Holm, Kristian Bartholin


    As the world develops, the requirement for more electrical equipment in everyday life is increasing rapidly. The power consumption of electrical appliances both in operation and in standby mode therefore greatly contributes to our total energy consumption. When regarding the energy lifetime of an...... of the flexibility in light spectrum and intensity made available by the LED setup. The system has been tested on several solar cells and panels for IV characterization and obtaining the spectral response of cells at different levels of irradiation........ To integrate solar cells into a design object has proved to be challenging. Throughout the development process it has been extremely important with the coherence between technology and design in a close dialogue between all parties. The project team has made three distinctive designs, where design solutions...... and nationally. A LED based solar simulator has been build and follows the IEC904-9 requirements for a Class A solar simulator though at an irradiation level of about 100 W/m2. It is more advanced and flexible than traditional artificial sun simulators based on a Xenon light source since because...

  19. Price sensitive electric power consumption in households. Final report; Prisfoelsomt elforbrug i husholdninger. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Togeby, M.; Hay, C. (Ea Energianalyse A/S, Copenhagen (Denmark))


    To gain experience with electric power consumption in households based on demand response a demonstration project was carried out for households with electric heating. More than 500 households with high power consumption (over 15,000 kWh / yr) participated. Participating households were divided into four groups: 1) a group with automation equipment ('Devi') installed, which automatically controls the electric heating in relation to electricity price signals based on pre-defined standards, 2) a group with electronics equipment ('Electronic House Keeper') installed which can show price signals so that the participant himself can control the electric heating in relation thereto, 3) a group who daily received an e-mail or a text message indicating the fluctuations in electricity prices, so that the participant can control the electric heating in relation to the received information, 4) a control group who did not have knowledge of or participated in the experiment. The main results of the project are that consumption must be controlled through automation. A real impact of the experiment can only be seen for the Devi group, which had automation equipment installed, and not for the email / text message group who had to manually respond to price signals. There must be opportunities for higher degree of differentiation. The automatics should be coupled to multiple thermostats, and the control should be detailed, for example, with control based on the individual thermostat in each room. The thermal comfort is essential. The participants want to manage and move their electricity consumption directly via 'Electronic House Keeper'. They would welcome the opportunity to have all household appliances connected to the solution, making it possible to turn on / off these depending on prices. Good information and communication are crucial to participants' motivation. (ln)

  20. Advanced storage concepts for solar and low energy buildings, IEA-SHC Task 32. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schultz, J.M.; Andersen, Elsa; Furbo, S.


    This report reports on the results of the activities carried through in connection with the Danish part of the IEA SHC Task 32 project: Advanced Storage Concepts for Solar and Low Energy Buildings. The Danish involvement has focused on Subtask C: Storage Concepts Based on Phase Change Materials and Subtask D: Storage Concepts Based on Advanced Water Tanks and Special Devices. The report describes activities concerning heat-of-fusion storage and advanced water storage. (BA)

  1. Socio-economic evaluation of energy crops as a means for a better environment; Samfundsoekonomisk vurdering af energiafgroeder som virkemiddel for et bedre miljoe

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jacobsen, Brian H.; Dubgaard, A.


    The purpose of the economic analysis is to describe the economy by growing willow compared to alternative rotations in order to assess whether there would be an economic interest, to grow willow on selected soil types. The goal of the socio-economic analysis is to assess whether the price to reduce N leaching or emissions of greenhouse gases is cost-effective compared to other instruments. The analysis shows that it is economically attractive to grow energy crops on moist marginal soils (+1.800 Kr. / hectare / year) and in some cases also on sandy soil (600 kr. / hectare / year). A low grain prices will make energy crops attractive to all soil types, while a high grain prices would mean that it is only economically viable on marginal soils. There is some uncertainty about yields and prices for energy crops. Generally, a decrease in yield of two tonnes per year per hectare means a reduction in the contribution margin of almost 1,200 Kr. per hectare. Conversely, an increase in price from 42 to 45 Kr. per GJ will mean an increase in the contribution margin of DKK 400 per hectare. The welfare economic analyses show that there are negative costs (= gain) associated with energy crops, both in relation to the reduction of greenhouse gases and compared to N leaching from agricultural land. The assessment also includes the effect of reduced ammonia volatilization. It is estimated that willow cultivation reduces pesticide use calculated as the frequency of treatment of 50-97% and the load index of 19-89% compared to cereals cultivation. There is therefore a significant reduction of pesticide use. Compared to the cost of alternative measures, 23 DKK. per. kg N or 140 DKK per. tonnes of CO{sub 2}, it is therefore a cost-effective instrument under specified conditions. (LN)

  2. Final report of the drive of the TASS-tunnel; Slutrapport fraan drivningen av TASS-tunneln

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Karlzen, Rickard; Johansson, Emmeli (Svensk Kaernbraenslehantering AB (Sweden))


    When building the Final repository for spent Nuclear Fuel it is of importance for Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co (SKB) to be able to show that long term safety can be obtained by the three barriers that are included in the KBS-3 final repository. The backfill refers to the material that will be installed in deposition tunnels in order to backfill them and its purpose is to maintain the multiple barrier function by keeping the buffer at place and minimize the water inflow to the tunnel. This means that it is of importance to achieve good contour with minimal dispersal of excavation damaged zone (EDZ). The hydrological properties of the backfill and the EDZ will affect the large scale hydrological conductivity of the deposition tunnels. From the end of 2007 to the end of 2008 SKB excavated an approximately 90 m long and 19 m2 cross cut tunnel named TASS at the Aespoe Hard rock laboratory. The excavation of the tunnel was made by the project 'Sealing of tunnel at great depth'. The ambition in the two subprojects that controlled the excavation of the tunnel was to excavate a tunnel in the best possible way. Earlier research and experiences in tunnel excavation has been used to place demands on performance and how it should be documented. By doing so it has been possible to ensure that the excavation of the tunnel was done in a controlled and traceable way so it can be repeatable and that it has been possible to estimate contour and minimize EDZ. The system that was developed during the excavation of the tunnel to maintain motivation, ensure traceability within the documentation and quality of performed work has worked well and are recommended to be used in future projects. The parameters that are important for the performance should be follow-up with short intervals and the feedback shall be fast and precise, which will increase the motivation at the same time as mistakes won't be systematic in the production. The administrative work with controlling documents has given continuous improvements. The knowledge of the aim for the project and the achievements of those involved have played an important role in detecting, documenting and handling of aberrations. In the purchasing of the contractor a strong emphasis were placed on the knowledge and skills of the management and workers together with the quality of equipment and machinery for tunnelling. This has given good dividends and improved the quality of work performed considerably. The contract in its entirety, including how its aim has been passed on into the practical work, gave the client the ability to control the execution and the contractor the opportunity to complete a quality-assured work without conflicts regarding compensation. This has been a major contributing factor to the good cooperation. When the client takes a more distinct performance responsibility, the role of the entire organization is changing. Among other things are the demands increasing on the availability in quickly maintaining the communication between the client and the contactor in the field and that all understand and accept the client's intentions in the instructions given. The work to achieve a good tunnel contour has been very successful and the contour encounters the controlling requirements of the production line of the backfilling method. The average over break in the tunnel was approximately 16% with small amounts of under break. The area variations of the tunnel shows that the tunnel area never reaches the theoretical area and the largest area is reached approximately 0,7 m before the border of the next round. The introduction of electronic detonators improved the tunnel contour and increased the proportion of visible drill holes. The average amount of visible drill holes identified in the tunnel contour was 78%. With the drilling pattern that were used and the introduction of electronic detonators it has been possible to use contour explosives in the tunnel floor, with good result of visible drill holes. The introduction of electronic detonators also took care of the problem of cut-off holes, which pretty much disappeared and re-blasting was minimized. The EDZ was evaluated in /Olsson et al. 2009/ and shows that no continuous EDZ was found. The performed drilling has been evaluated by looking at the drilling accuracy and precision. Geodetic surveying was performed of the collaring of 15-20 evenly distributed drill holes in the contour; all the drill holes in the floor and a varying amount of helpers and stope holes in each round. Afterwards the endpoints were calculated. The resulting data has then been evaluated and even compared with obtained data of the location of collaring and endpoints from the jumbo

  3. Catalytic reduction of NO{sub x}. Final report; Katalytisk Reduktion av NO{sub x}. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Khodayari, Raziyeh; Odenbrand, Ingemar [Lund Univ. (Sweden). Chemical Engineering II


    This report is intended to show the work regarding the SCR technique performed at Chemical Engineering II, Lund Inst. of Tech. since the start in 1982. The emphasis is on work performed the last 7 years which deals with deactivation and regeneration of SCR catalysts. In chapter 1 a short general introduction to the SCR technique is given. Chapter 2 describes the work performed up to 1995. It shows the kinetics for the reaction between NO and NH{sub 3}, reactions between NO{sub 2} and NH{sub 3} as well as patents for a new process for cleaning flue gases based on our research results. Later work on using zeolites as catalysts for the reduction and for the oxidation of NO was presented. Then a series of characterisations were performed on model catalysts consisting of 2-30 wt.% V{sub 2}O{sub 5} on a coprecipitated silica-titania support. The formation of nitrous oxide was studied and found to be noticeable when water is not present in the gas and on a catalyst which contains large amounts of crystallites of V{sub 2}O{sub 5}. Chapter 3 deals with international research in the area of deactivation of SCR catalysts in i.e. biofuelled applications. Material from a literature search from December 2001 is presented. It contains general material on the deactivation with alkali metals and SO{sub 2}. Chapter 4 deals with our studies of deactivated SCR catalysts. During 1995-2001 we have studied the deactivation of catalysts in a number of Swedish plants. The sensitivity of zeolites to poisoning in waste combustion (GRAAB) was tested by artificial poisoning with 2 wt.% metal of the elements; Na, K, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu, Al, Ni and Cr. The combustion of waste at SYSAV gave high contents of Na, Y, Ca, Pb and Zn on the catalyst after 2000 hours on stream. Activity measurements showed that low concentrations of ammonium sulphate, 1-5 vol.%, promotes the SCR reaction. A maximal activity is obtained at around 5 vol.%. There exists an optimal content of ammonium sulphate on the catalyst and this is reached during operation at above 350 deg C as a consequence of the volatility of the salt. Zinc chloride is suspected to be a poison when burning domestic waste and high contents have been measured in samples from SYSAV. Activity measurements showed that the deactivation was severe even at low concentrations. A complete deactivation was not reached even at 4 wt.% Zn. The zinc chloride seems to block the pores by capillary condensation. The main effect on activity is chemical though. A simulated poisoning by lead was performed through impregnation with Pb(NO{sub 3}){sub 2}. A similar appearance as for ZnCl{sub 2} was seen. An almost linear correlation between chemisorbed ammonia and the lead content was obtained. The deactivation of a catalysts used on a diesel power station in Oskarshamn has been followed from 1993 to 1997. The activities on samples taken from the outlet of every monolith layer show an expected decay of activity by around 50 % after 5 years on stream. In all there is a good correlation between the total amount of alkali metals and the catalyst activity. The SCR catalyst of Handeloeverket in Norrkoeping was studied and found to deactivate rapidly in a relatively short time. 2 wt.% K was found on the catalyst surface and explains the rapid deactivation. The following tendencies were found, 1) a correlation between the amounts of K, Na and Ca and the decrease in activity, 2) a correlation between the amounts of K, Na and Ca and the amount of S and 3) a correlation between catalytic activity and the BET surface area. In a Vaermeforsk project the deactivation of SCR catalysts in biomass fuelled power stations was studied. Chapter 5 treats the modeling of deactivation by computer programs. We developed a computer program with which it is possible to predict the influence of the deactivation on reactors on stream. Chapter 7 is dealing with the regeneration of catalysts used in biofuelled applications. Washing was performed on special catalysts for bio applications as well as on conventional catalyst by water and sulphuric acid. A catalyst produced for biofuelled applications was studied regarding the stability of its sulphate groups. Treatment with SCR reactants after regeneration lowered its activity only slightly for all washing solutions. Long time tests are necessary to ascertain the effects at times above 200 hours.

  4. Proposal for an multi-sectoral biogas strategy. Final report; Foerslag till en sektorsoevergripande biogasstrategi. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    Compared with other forms of energy, biogas from anaerobic digestion of waste has a special value. No other form of bioenergy can close the natural cycle and thus provide the same unique environmental benefits of nutrient recycling and climate change mitigation. All ways to produce biogas do not create the same environmental benefits. Biogas Production, which involves collecting methane produced in manure piles, waste water treatment plants or landfill gives a large climate benefit. From other facilities - but also in connection with the distribution of methane - there can be a problem in climate respects from leakages. A recycling-oriented waste management is the most competitive form for biogas production. Several of the most attractive substrates are already utilized. An important task is therefore to exploit smaller assets of these substrates, and raise the efficiency of existing biogas production. In order to encourage greater use of less viable substrates, specific measures to increase the biogas production from manure are suggested. For other substrates, mainly crops for biogas production from agricultural sources, the conditions are less favorable. Crops for biogas production can, in general, be a efficient use of land but does not justifies further economic support. In a multi sectoral approach is important to consider and highlight biogas- specific environmental benefits and the complex of issues linked to the cycle of plant nutrients. There are additional opportunities to produce biogas from waste and sludge and to increase the yield from existing landfills. - Anaerobic digestion of manure provides great climate and environmental benefits that justify an economic assistance to improve private profitability. - It is more important to stimulate production than demand. - For larger plants for biogas production, upgrading to automotive fuel is given priority over other uses, where upgrading is economically justified. - Biogas makes the greatest environmental benefit when used in heavy traffic in urban areas. It is particularly suitable for bus fleets in inner city traffic, which has an even and high demand for fuel and where the alternative is diesel and where health effects of particulate matter reduction is greatest. - The volumes of biogas in the near future are too small to justify large-scale investments in gas pipelines and distribution systems. - The collection of household waste should be developed to strengthen biogas development. In municipalities where food waste collected for composting there are reasons to switch to anaerobic digestion. - The goal of 35% biological treatment of waste has been important for that municipalities should prioritize digestion to incineration. - It is important that knowledge about different digestion processes, optimization of digestate processes and nutrient value of digestates are developed and brought out to biogas producers, farmers and others

  5. Operation of the Hoenoe wind power test station. Final report; Drift av Hoenoe provstation. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ellsen, Magnus; Carlson, Ola [Chalmers Univ. of Tech., Goeteborg (Sweden). Dept. of Electric Power Engineering


    This project has made it possible to have autonomous operation of the Chalmers experimental wind turbine. By development of the optimal speed and stall control the energy production is good. The test station has been put in good order and is well prepared to been shown to visitors. The proposed research will focus on series capacitors for increasing the power output and better control of the damping valves to reduce vibrations.

  6. Final report for EDI energy conservation with diode light; Slutrapport for EDI energibesparelser med diodelys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The aim of this project has been to develop technological knowledge and a competence platform for utilization of new light emitting diode technology for general lighting purposes. Furthermore the project has aimed at developing a 3 W light diode bulb to replace 15-20 W filament bulbs and halogen spotlights, and thereby demonstrating a large energy conservation potential in the use of LED technology for lighting purposes. (BA)

  7. APRI - Accident Phenomena of Risk Importance. Final Report; APRI - Accident Phenomena of Risk Importance. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Frid, W. [Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate, Stockholm (Sweden); Hammar, L.; Soederman, E. [ES-konsult, Stockholm (Sweden)


    The APRI-project started in 1992 with participation of the Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate (SKI) and the Swedish utilities. The Finnish utility TVO joined the project in 1993. The aim of the project has been to work with phenomenological questions in severe accidents, concentrating on the risk-dominating issues. The work is reported in separate sub-project reports, the present is the final report of the methodological studies as well as a final report for the total project. The research has led to clarifications of the risk complex, and ameliorated the basis for advanced probabilistic safety analyses, specially for the emission risks (PSA level 2) which are being studied at the Swedish plants. A new method has been tried for analysis of complicated accident courses, giving a possibility for systematic evaluation of the impact of different important phenomena (e.g. melt-through, high pressure melt-through with direct heating of the containment atmosphere, steam explosions). In this method, the phenomena are looked upon as top events of a `phenomena-tree`, illustrating how various conditions must be met before the top-event can happen. This method has been useful, in particular for applying `expert estimates`. 47 refs.

  8. DanDan. Final report. [PEM fuel cells for back-up power and UPS]; DanDan. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The project has provided valuable results for the partners involved, and has resulted in the construction and demonstration of a modular UPS system that can be used with fuel cells. Dantherm Power has provided a 5 kW fuel cell module, based on LT-pem technology, for use in the demonstration and testing facility. The function of the unit is verified by both internal testing and demonstrations from at third parties were it currently is set up to perform tests regarding lifetime. The development of a DC / DC converter, was made. The module has been tested under various conditions, and the development process has resulted in detailed specs of both technique and test process. The module has been tested both in laboratory environment and demonstrated at third parties. The module is part of the systems described in connection with initial test runs - performed at strategic partners - and in connection with the demonstration of the systems both in Japan and in South Africa. The modules are presently in a stage of demonstration, while subjected to substantial service life tests. The purchased reformers are part of the systems used for demonstration in the project and as such they will supply valuable data trough the comprehensive test and verification program initiated. (LN)

  9. Development of floating cover constructions for pond heat storage; Udvikling af flydende laagkonstruktioner til damvarmelagre. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duer, K. (ed.)


    The purpose of the project was to carry out a sketch project of the new cover designs for heat storage in ponds that were developed in phase II of the project. In parallel to the sketch project minor laboratory tests were carried out in order to investigate critical details of the floating cover designs. Two types of floating covers were investigated: One of plastics and two versions based on steel. (EHS)

  10. Efficient district heating in the future energy system. Final report; Effektiv fjernvarme i fremtidens energisystem. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The purpose of this project is to illustrate how district heating can develop its role in the future Danish energy system, for example by reducing energy losses and the dynamic use of common technologies such as cogeneration and heat storage, and less widespread technologies such as heat pumps, geothermal heating, and cooling. The aim is also to analyse how electricity and district heating can interact more effectively, and to point out how framework conditions are important for district heating's continued development and efficiency. In the project, a linear optimization model is developed and applied as to analyse the interaction between district heating supply on the one hand, and energy savings, CO{sub 2} targets, wind power and the international electricity market on the other hand. Furthermore, more close-case operational analyses of district heating systems have been made in Ringkoebing and the metropolitan area, based on data from the district heating companies. Finally, a wide range of challenges for district heating in the long term were discussed and analysed during meetings with the project's reference group, including the need for development and demonstration projects. (ln)

  11. Standard house with integrated solar cell system. Technical final report; Typehus med integreret solcelleanlaeg. Faglig slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The interest in solar cell technology among Danish house owners is increasing, but there are many considerations to be made before the house owner choose to install solar cells on the house. Major barriers are the solar cell systems' price and appearance. This interdisciplinary development project will show that both aesthetic and economic advantages can be derived from integrating solar cells already when the first sketches of the house are being made. In order to promote utilization of solar cells in Denmark the solutions must be attractive, both economically and aesthetically. Therefore the solar cell solutions in this project are developed in preparation for marketing both as an aesthetic expression and a high-technological, green and prestigious element. (BA)

  12. Staged air biomass gasification. Operation experiences and process optimisation. Final report; Trinopdelt forgasning. Erfaringsindhentning og optimering. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Houmann Jakobsen, H.; Kyster, L.


    The project's aim was to optimize the drying plant for wood chips, and to accumulate operating experience from the entire facility through a half year of operation. Based on theoretical considerations the potential for improving the drying process was evaluated. Possibilities to take into the flue gas humidity as a control parameter was studied, but after a few simple measurements it was concluded that the most relevant change was to seal of the plant to minimize the risk of ingress of cold air into the fuel. After finding the cause of the leaking a new fuel inlet to the dryer has been constructed, and the original, leaky rotary valve has been replaced. Both changes have led to a significant improvement of the drying plant. Operational experience from plant operation showed with clarity that the energy loss from charcoal in the ashes was significantly higher than desirable. The volume meant that the handling and disposal of charcoal in itself constituted a major operational cost. At the end of the project, promising experiments with incorporation of an extra step in the gasification process were carried out. It seems to be an effective method to convert the remaining carbon matter to flammable gas and increase gas generator efficiency. Work on reducing charcoal production now continues in a new project. (ln)

  13. Studies of wood fuel systems with raw material from young forest stands. Final report; Systemstudier ungskogsbraensle. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liss, J.E. [Dalarna Univ., Falun (Sweden)


    The three-year project 'Studies of wood fuel systems with raw material from young forest stands' has been carried out during the period March 1998 to February 2001. New technology for harvesting small trees has created a possibility to develop efficient wood fuel systems using raw material from young forest stands. This possibility coincides with a great demand for tending of young stands from a silvicultural point of view. The main aim of the project has been to analyse and assess wood fuel systems based on this concept. The spectrum of criteria for assessment has been broad, including productivity, profitability, safety and health aspects, employment and environmental impact. As an example of a new technology which has been developed and studied during the project period can be mentioned a new felling head which can be used for cutting and handling several trees at the same time. The weight of the felling head is only about 270 kg, which has done it possible to use it on smaller base-machines as well as larger machines. The productivity has shown to be about 150-250 trees/hour in stands with a diameter of 5-10 cm. The productivity, expressed as biomass, is about 2-3 tonnes dry substance/hour. In the design of production system, bundling of trees early in the process is considered to be especially promising. The development of such a system is ongoing, but is not at the market yet. Some experimental studies have been done on transportation, storing and chipping of such bundles with varying size and varying tree-species. The calculated cost of this system will be lower then for traditional chipping-systems, because of the higher density for the handle units. It is much easier to handle bundles than small non-bundled trees, the chipping-productivity will be high and the transportation can be done with regular timber trucks. The calculation cost for the bundle-system will be about 120-130 SEK/MWh in stands with a diameter of some 7-10 cm, which can be compared with 140-160 SEK/MWh in a chipping system. That cost includes all work from the stand to the heating-plant. The productivity and the costs are, of course, depending on many factors such as numbers of trees/hectare, terrain, operator experience and transportation distance etc.

  14. Graetzel solar cell modules for outdoor applications, phase 2. Final report; Graetzel-solcellsmoduler foer utomhusapplikationer, fas 2. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pettersson, Henrik [IVF Industriforskning och utveckling AB, Moelndal (Sweden)


    The project 'Monolithic Dye PV Modules for Outdoor Applications' has been performed at IVF Industrial Research and Development Corporation in Moelndal over the period June 2003 to December 2004. The possibility of the dye-sensitised solar cell technology compared to other PV technologies is to realise PV products with low cost/W{sub peak} in combination with a low investment cost for setting up a production unit. The latter is important since it opens for production by smaller companies and reduces the risk related to commercialisation. The technical efforts of the project have resulted in monolithic dye PV cells with efficiencies up to 7 %. The module preparation has been scaled up to module sizes of 200 cm{sup 2} using industrial manufacturing methods. These devices will be further developed in 2005 in the project 'Flexible Solar Cells'.

  15. SUNSTORE 3. Phase 1. Project design and tender. Final report; SUNSTORE 3. Fase 1. Projektering og udbud. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Soerensen, P.A. (PlanEnergi, Skoerping (Denmark)); Moeller Nielsen, C. (Dronninglund Fjernvarme, Dronninglund (Denmark)); Baunwall, M. (NIRAS Aalborg (Denmark)); Munkholt, H. (GG-Construction, Aalborg (Denmark)); Paaske, B. (Teknologisk Institut, AArhus (Denmark)); Schmidt, T. (SOLITES, Stuttgart (Germany))


    The objective of the project has been to carry out detailed design and tendering for a heat production plant consisting of: - 35.000 m{sub 2} solar thermal collectors, - 60.000 m{sub 3} pit heat storage, - 3 MW{sub heat} heat pump, covering app. 50% of the heat production at Dronninglund district heating plant (Denmark). The final report for the project includes detailed design of the pit heat storage (a further development of a 10.000 m{sub 3} storage implemented in Marstal) and simulation of the total production system in the simulation software TRNSYS. (ln)

  16. Price-elastic electricity consumption and electricity production in industry. Final report; Priselastisk elforbrug og elproduktion i industrien. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Johansson, M. (Dansk Energi Analyse A/S, Frederiksberg (Denmark)); Weel, M. (Weel and Sandvig ApS, Kgs. Lyngby (Denmark))


    The project has shown that there is potential for particularly demand response energy consumption within the industry. If businesses offer this potential on markets it is required that the payment is good. This has according to corporate perception only been the case on the reserve market and not on the regulating market and the spot market. To realize the potential it is also required that the responsible balance controller takes on the task to form some robust pools in order that the 10 MW requirement can be met. A study of frequency controlled reserves shows that the technical requirements can be met by the waste incinerator plants and by the industry's gas turbines and gas engines, but not by small steam turbines. (ln)

  17. Light and energy - solar cells in transparent facades. Final report; Lys og energi - solceller i transparente facader. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The overall purpose with the project 'LIGHT AND ENERGY - solar cells in transparent facades' is to demonstrate and disseminate the potentials for the application of light-filtering solar cells as multi-functional components, which meets the architectural objectives while contributing to a good indoor climate, a suitable quality of lighting indoor and at the same time produces electricity. The project was divided into six activities. The first activity 'zooms in' on the light-filtering solar cells on the market today. The following activities gradually 'zoom out' from the solar cell itself to the building component and ends up in the facade and the room behind. This order - which largely reflects the chronological development of the project - is repeated in the final project report to ensure the best possible overview. The characterisation in the different activities has been a combination of technical measurements, simulations, calculations and a thorough architectural evaluation of solar cell component, facade and room for attain an overall, interprofessional evaluation of the solar cell panels. It is important to stress that the basis of the project is the solar cell products available on the market today and In the near future. The possibilities and ideas have been evaluated and documented using mock-ups in 1:1 scale since the individual components have completely other qualities when they are integrated in a facade - the platform of this project. These models in full scale are a possibility to register and experience the character of the light inside out and under different light settings. It has been important to think of the solar cell filter as a part of the architecture instead of a replacement for windows and actively use the light-filtering features as a possibility in new facade designs - a filter which in combination with the completely transparent glass and completely light-blocking materials opens up for new possibilities in facade design. (au)

  18. Fuel cell processor with low-temperature PEM fuel cell - testing. Final report; Naturgasreformersystem med lavtgemperatur-PEM braendselsceller - TEST. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bech-Madsen, J.


    The purpose of the project is to further develop a Danish natural gas reformer system including optimisation of subsystems and the overall system consisting of a natural gas reformer and fuel cell CHP generator. This will contribute to the evaluation of to what extend Denmark shall develop small reformer units for PEM fuel Cells. In the project a reformer system with a high degree of automatic control has been build that fulfils the CHP requirements to operation time, dynamics etc. This work, with a FP05 reformer unit, has given valuable results concerning the possibilities and limitations of the reformer technology for CHP usage. It is important that the reformer and fuel cell units are designed with matching yields to optimise efficiency, turn-down start-up time etc. The burner that delivers heat for the steam reaction shall be able to use natural gas as fuel. This gives the possibility of using existing burner technology. In addition this will improve the efficiency since it will not be necessary to reform natural gas to feed the burner. The large number of BoP components in the FP05 unit is primarily used for achieving good regulation dynamics and accuracy. To reduce the number of components, a CHP unit with few or only one operational point should be considered. A single point of operation will reduce the number of valves as well as the requirements to the control and regulation of the system. A large part of the reformer size is needed to meet the high demands for CO purification of the reformat. This purification results in a very narrow window of operation for the reformer system. By using more CO tolerant fuel cells this part of the system can be reduced or even eliminated. To test the developed automatic control it was planned to integrate the FP05 reformer with a 10kW CHP unit that was being build by IRD in a separate project. This unit was perfect in size for testing with the reformer. However due to a number of reasons it was not possible during the project period to fully integrate the two units. (au)

  19. DK-SOFCa. Development of solid oxide fuel cells. Technical final report; DK-SOFCa, udvikling af fastoxid braendselsceller. Teknisk slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Larsen, P.H.


    This project is part of the Danish strategy for solid oxide fuel cells. The main purpose with the project was to upgrade Danish fuel cell technology within the SOFC area from established laboratory production techniques to pre-pilot scale. This target has been reached, as a 400m{sup 2} production area with equipment capable of producing up to 500 homogeneous, batch-size cells with a low rejection rate has been established. The production processes are described, analysed and optimised systematically in order to create a basis for a future upgrading to industrial production. A number of non-destructive evaluation methods have been developed for quality control of the produced cells. A reproducibility study of the established production process has contributed to identifying reasons for variations in the yield of the cells, and has enabled a continuous quality improvement. The cells produced on the pre-pilot plant are globally competitive as to mechanical strength, service life and electrical yield. Thus, the project has opened an opportunity for a demonstration of Danish fuel cell technology. (BA)

  20. SOL-IND. Photovoltaics integrated in an industrialised building process. Final report; SOL-IND. Solceller integreret i industrielt byggeri. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Frederiksen, K.H.B.; Vestersager Engdal, J. (EnergiMidt A/S, Silkeborg (Denmark))


    The purpose of the project, EFP06 - Photovoltaics integrated in an industrialised building process (SOLIND), has been to examine the possibilities for PV (photovoltaics) in an industrialized building process. The project is an information gathering and development project with basis in knowledge about the possibilities for PV in relation to specific housing projects in Skanska Bolig A/S, including BoKlok, developed in cooperation with IKEA. During the project a workshop with participating architectural students has been carried through resulting in detailed concepts. The concepts have in general terms been introduced nationally to the press and were invited to a poster presentation at the world's largest PV conference. In addition to this, a number of prototypes are produced together with other presentation material. The projects has been divided into three phases. The report is divided into these three phases. 1) Knowledge gathering and unravelling 2) Analysis, development and evaluation, workshop for students. 3) Promotion and demonstration of results The main results are: 4) The project has resulted in increased knowledge about the possibilities with photovoltaics in industrialized building processes. 5) A number of concepts have been developed to fit PV in the project phase of an industrialized building process. 6) The most promising concepts has been demonstrated as prototypes in different scale together with other presentation materials The project continues in SOL-IND2, with the purpose to prepare and carry out an integration of a PV system in an industrialized building process. A subsidy is granted in 2008 from the EFP to prepare the construction. (au)

  1. Process integration of the new blast furnace - Project Prima. Final report; Processintegration av den nya masugnen - Projekt Prima. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ryman, Christer; Niemi, Tommi [Metallurgical Research Inst. AB, Luleaa (Sweden); Larsson, Mikael [Luleaa Technical Univ. (Sweden); Gyllenram, Rutger [Kobolde and Partners AB, Stockholm (Sweden)


    An one-dimensional static blast furnace model consisting of a mass balance and a heat balance model with an user friendly web interface has been developed. The model can be used for process optimisation and to compare different operating modes, but can also be used as a sub model for total analysis of the production site by means of process integration. It is also possible to use the model for planning of trials at an industrial or an experimental, blast furnace. The project has been executed by MEFOS (BF model development), Kobolde and Partners AB (system development) and Luleaa University of Technology (system integration). This report contains a brief model description, discussion of possible sources of errors, and examples of optimisation calculations. The project has been active from 2001 to 2003.

  2. Voltage conditions in the grid in modern wind turbine farms. Final report; Spaendingsforhold i mellemspaendingsnettet i moderne vindmoelleparker. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Svinth Christensen, L. (DELTA Dansk Elektronik, Lys og Akustik, Hoersholm (Denmark)); Soerensen, Troels (Dong Energy A/S, Copenhagen (Denmark)); Soerensen, Poul, Risoe DTU, Vindenergi div., Roskilde (Denmark)); Olsen, Torben; Nielsen, Henny K. (Vattenfall A/S, Copenhagen (Denmark))


    The voltage conditions in modern wind farms have been documented by measurements in three of the worlds largest offshore wind farms. In the project there are developed and built three measuring systems, which are synchronized by GPS with accuracy within a sample at a samplings frequency of 2.5 MHz. Emission of voltage transients caused by switching was measured. Power quality both on a single windturbine and for the entire park has been documented by measurements. To use the measured data for the verification of the simulation models of the parks has appeared to be very difficult because of difficulties to get all parameters for the components (cables, transformers and switch-gears) in the parks correctly. The normal simulations are only valid for 50 Hz and so are the models. Details and parameters are missing, in order to be able to simulate the measured transients correctly. There can be doubt about how the program handles the transients, and how the geometrical models are used. A significant conclusion is isolation that coordination study can not be based on simulations with standard models only. The summarisation rules for power quality parameters pointed out in IEC 61400-2, are tested and compared with the measurements. (author)

  3. Design and optimization of wing tips for wind turbines. Final report; Design og optimering af vingetipper for vindmoeller. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Soerensen, J.N.; Shen, W.Z.; Zhu, W.J.; Borbye, J.; Okulov, V.L.; Mikkelsen, R. (DTU Mekanik, Kgs. Lyngby (Denmark)); Gaunaa, M.; Rethore, P.-E.; Soerensen, N.N. (Danmarks Tekniske Univ. Risoe DTU, Afd. for Vindenergi, Roskilde (Denmark))


    The aim of the project was to suggest and analyse new shapes of wing tips for wind turbines to optimize their performance. Several simple wing tips and their flow topology were analysed, and the impact of different design variables was determined in order to establish which design has the best effect for the performance. For the numerical flow calculations, primarily the Navier-Stokes code EllipSys was used. As a supplement to the viscous Navier-Stokes calculations, in-viscous calculations were made using a lifting-line theory. This is a simple technique to determine the load distribution along the wing tip in those cases where viscous effects can be neglected. A large part of the project has focused on improving accuracy of the lifting-line method. Besides forming the basis for improved tip configurations, the calculations were also used to improve the so-called tip correction. Based on the numerical results from CFD calculations an improved tip correction was developed. (ln)

  4. Development of integrated DMFC and PEM fuel cell units. Final report; Udvikling af integrerede DMFC og PEM braendselscelle enheder. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Odgaard, M. (IRD Fuel Cell Technology, Svendborg (DK))


    The 36-month long project 'Development of integrated DMFC and PEM fuel cell units' has been completed. The project goal was to develop a completely new MEA concept for integrated PEM and DMFC unit cells with enhanced power density and in this way obtain a price reduction. The integrated unit cell consists of a MEA, a gas diffusion layer with flow fields completed with bipolar plates and seals. The main focus of the present project was to: 1) Develop new catalyst materials fabricated by the use of FSD (flame spray deposition method). 2) Optimisation of the state-of-the-art MEA materials and electrode structure. 3) Implementation of a model to account for the CO poisoning of PEM fuel cells. Results and progress obtained in the project established that the individual unit cell components were able to meet and follow the road map of LT-PEM FC regarding electrode catalyst loading and fulfilled the targets for Year 2006. The project has resulted in some important successes. The highlights are as follows: The project has resulted in some important successes. The highlights are as follows: 1) MEA structure knowledge acquired in the project provide a sound basis for further progress. 2) A novel method for the synthesis of electrode by using flame spray synthesis was explored. 3) Electrochemical and catalytic behaviours of catalysts activity for CH{sub 3}OH explored. 4) Implementation of a sub model to account for the CO poisoning of PEM FC has been developed. 5) Numerical study of the flow distribution in FC manifolds was developed and completed with experimental data. 6) The electrode catalyst loading targets for year 2006 achieved. 7) The DMFC MEA performance has been improved by 35%. 8) Optimisation of the MEAs fabrication process has been successfully developed. 9) A new simple flow field design has been designed. 10) A procedure for integrated seals has been developed (au)

  5. Modulating ventilation - low cost VAV for office buildings. [Variable Air Volume]; Modulerende ventilation - low cost VAV til kontor-bygninger. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hoej Christensen, A.; Olsen, Hans; Drivsholm, C.


    The report describes a concept for renovating older existing Constant Air Volume (CAV) ventilation systems to modulating low-cost Variable Air Volume (VAV) systems. The concept is based on the total ventilated area being divided into appropriate indoor climate zones, which can cover from one to several offices with similar climate needs. For this initial climate assessment two relatively ''simple'' tools were developed that can estimate the temperature level in one room from the ventilation airflow, heat loads, etc.: - BSimFast (24-hour mean temperature calculation according to SBI-196, 2000); - BSimLight (Temperature simulation based on Danvak Textbook of Heat and Climate Technology). The concept of 'one room' can also be extended to 'one zone' with appropriate assumptions. However, only one mean room temperature is calculated. The different climate zones were equipped with Halton HFB control unit at the air supply and exhaust side. The project the following feedback options were used: - HFB unit's damper opening degree (0 to 90 degrees); - HFB unit's current flow; - HFB unit's exhaust temperature; and feedback from: - Frequency transformer (fan speed); - The central static duct pressure at the ventilation unit. In the project a control algorithm is developed that ensures a robust control of the entire ventilation system without adverse cyclic variations, based among other things on the exhaust temperature for each climate zone, and with the requirement that at least one throttle valve is always at least 80% open. It turned out that information on the current partial air volumes was necessary in addition to the individual throttle settings. Otherwise, a cyclic variations could not be controlled..Thus, it was the exhaust temperature from individual climate zones that defined the respective volumes of air. The concept was implemented on a complete CAV system and on part of a large CAV system, respectively. (LN)

  6. Oil from peat and biomass. Final report of the seventh stage. Olja ur torv och biomassa. Slutrapport foer sjunde etappen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Karlsson, O


    The production of automitive fuels from domestic sources can be produced according to different schemes for direct liquefaction. Experimental studies have been made concerning the problems connected with high pressure liquefaction, focused on composition and production of the contemplated recirculated solvent for dissolution. Special importance has been given to a fundamental study for the choice of raw materials, especially peat. Deactivation of catalysts for hydrotreatment has been initiated and analytical methods for the characterization of products have also been further developed. (G.B.).

  7. DMFC Module for non-road transport and mobile applications. Final report; DMFC Modul for intern transport og mobile anlaeg. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The objective of the project has been to develop a compact fuel cell generator using methanol as fuel. The DMFC module will be tested as power generator for internal transport using a Mini Crosser electric wheelchair for elderly and disabled people. The main advantage is the potential enhanced operation time (enhanced range) and the abbreviated recharge time compared with rechargeable batteries. The project approach was to use a hybrid system comprising a DMFC and a battery. The Hybrid system enables the usage of the battery to cover the dynamic power requirements while operating the DMFC generator at a constant load charging the battery. The project result is a functioning vehicle with a 600W DMFC system installed. The DMFC system has been tested independently and together with the vehicle where test results have been gathered. It was not possible within the project to make a compact installation in the existing battery box of the vehicle, but it is illustrated that it will be possible to make the full installation of a 2nd generation system in the vehicle. On the commercial side it is concluded that there can be a potential market entry opportunity if the DMFC system can meet commercialisation targets. It is also concluded that usage of a DMFC system in a closed wheel chair would give the possibility to use the produced heat from the fuel cell and thereby eliminate the requirement for an additional heater on the vehicle. (au)

  8. Development of a carbon neutral luminaire for the urban environment. Final report; Udvikling af CO{sub 2} neutralt byrumsarmatur. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Behrensdorff Poulsen, P. et al.


    This project has the focus of incorporating solar and wind produced energy to the energy consuming service of street lighting by integration into the mast creating a hybrid system. Hybrid systems for lighting is definitely going to have a place in the future urban environment and in the modern energy system of the future. The very high cost of cable digging reaching above 5000 DKK pr. meter in Copenhagen city center and being 1000 DKK pr. meter in general makes it attractive to save this cost. Furthermore the energy prices are going just one way - up. And since these systems ''saves'' energy that should be bought inclusive high taxes the savings is about 2 DKK pr. kWh. The future seems to work positively for the hybrid systems since the LEDs are still doubling its efficiency in lm/W each 3{sup rd} year for some time ahead and therefore the energy system size can be reduced on the pole making it more and more cost effective as the other technologies are developing. Also battery technology are having a positive development towards more energy compact and long lasting systems with many cycles so battery change can be cut down to maybe every 10 years. In the project at mathematical model for simulation of the energy system in hybrid system under different urban environment setups over a normal year based on data from weather stations. This tool showed to be very relevant in both the evaluation process of commercial systems for use on a given site but also in the dimensioning process of new hybrid lighting systems tailored to use in a given environment. The modelling tool easily finds week spots in the energy chain so the individual parameters such as solar panel size, orientation, wind turbine height, projected area, battery capacity can be optimized to fit the energy consumption of the lighting technology. By filling in lighting strategies to dim the light at specific clock times during the night etc. makes it possible to tweak the parameters even more to make an at least plausible energy system for an addressed use. Design is a very subjective thing but to the project group representing the whole value chain the thing everybody agreed on was that the hybrid systems on the marked did lack good design. A suggestion for a hybrid system for Denmark called ''CopenHybrid'' was created based on full filling the lighting requirements for E2 street class roads on a yearly basis. By use of the mathematical model and a simulation of a ''standardized'' E2 road having only 2 storey buildings it was possible to make a system that at least fitted mathematically to be self sufficient all over a Danish year and supply enough power. It was though assumed that state of the art electronics for optimized harvesting energy from the solar panels is used and generator system can be created harvesting energy at higher efficiency and having a cut in speed below 1.5 m/s can be developed. (LN)

  9. Energy and water saving measures at the Arloev sugar mill. Final report; Energi- och vattenbesparande aatgaerder vid Arloevs Sockerbruk. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wamsler, M. [AAF-Processdesign AB, Malmoe (Sweden)


    The project comprised several, mutually dependent, sub-projects; mapping, investigation of ways to reduce water consumption, membrane tests aiming to find ways to recover sugar, and pinch analysis to evaluate the possibilities for improved process integration. This final report deals with the overall project results. Identified savings opportunities and savings potentials are presented. The presented measures represent an overall optimisation based on the results of all the project parts. Already during the project, measures have been implemented that are calculated to save 65 000 m{sup 3} water annually, corresponding to 10 % of the total water consumption. This saving is in level with the goals for the project. In the table below, these and additional measures are presented with a total savings potential at approximately 200 000 m{sup 3} /year water. The project will then achieve a saving of just below 35 % of present water consumption. Also in the membrane study the results surpassed the expectations. It was found that with nano filtering a sugar concentration of more than 10 %(W) could be reached in the retentate at a flux 50al/m{sup 2}h. The total sugar losses were less than 5 %, i.e. 95 % should be possible to recover. In total, a savings potential of more than 300 tonnes sugar per year is indicated. The Energy savings in the project are calculated to 7,4 GWh/year, of which 0,2 GWh/year by reduced water consumption, 0,6 GWh/year by water recovery, 1,4 GWh/year by membrane technology and 5,2aGWh/year as a result of process integration. This should be compared to the target 2,5 GWh/year. Hence, the results are almost three times the expected. The savings in monetary terms are estimated at just under SEK 5 million per year. The investment is roughly estimated at between SEK 5 and 6 million, of which SEK 4 million for the membrane equipment and SEK 0,5 million for a process water buffer tank. The remaining investment costs cover heat exchangers, control equipment and piping. This means that the total package will have a payback time of approximately one year. The environmental benefits of this project are mainly a result of the reduced energy consumption. This leads to a 1 600 tonne reduction of carbon dioxide emissions annually from reduced natural gas firing. Furthermore, the results indicate possibilities for a profitable reduction of oxygen depleting substances by over 300 tonnes sugar annually. In addition, the reduction of water consumption by 200 000 cubic meters per year results in reduced electricity and chemicals consumption in both water and sewage treatment plants.

  10. LT-CFB. Further development and commercialization. Final report. [Low Temperature Circulating Fluid Bed gasifier]; LT-CFB. Videreudvikling og kommercialisering. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stoholm, P. [DFBT, Roskilde (Denmark); Birk Henriksen, U.; Ahrentfeldt, J. [Technical Univ. of Denmark. DTU Chemical Engineering, CHEC Research Centre, Roskilde (Denmark); Cramer, J.; Dietrich, J.; Christiansen, Knud [FORCE Technology, Kgs. Lyngby (Denmark); Krogh, J. [Anhydro A/S, Soeborg (Denmark)


    The starting point for the project was the good results achieved in a previous project, in which a series of experiments were carried out with a 500 kW pilot plant at teh Technical University of Denmark. The main task was then to find a way forward towards further scale-up, demonstration and commercialization. The project's partners chose to study three possible sites for demonstration. However, during the project both framework conditions as well as DONG Energy's strategy changed, which resulted in the company taking over the LT-CFB technology in December 2009. As a first step a 6 MW demonstration plant will now be set up at the Asnaes power plant expected to start in spring 2011. The project has also been buit a new mobile 100 kW LT-CFB plant for the further optimization of the process and for short-term trials of new fuels. At the new plant a number of successful trials were performed with straw and residual fibers. Furthermore, it is experimentally demonstrated that it is possible to cool the tar-containing gas to approx. 300 degrees C and purify the gas in a bag filter, so it can be used in natural gas-fired power plant boilers. With the new mobile system, it will now be easier to perform experiments with a number of new fuels such as unsorted municipal waste, bone meal and dried sewage sludge. (LN)

  11. Analysis of transaction costs for the supply and demand for wood fuels; Transaktionskostnadsanalys av utbud och efterfraagan paa traedbraenslen. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roos, A.; Bohlin, F.; Hektor, B.; Hillring, B.; Parikka, M. [Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala (Sweden). Dept. of Forest Management and Products


    The objective of the project was to analyse the importance of transaction costs for the supply and demand for woodfuels in Sweden. The project covered the period of great expansion of woodfuel use in the district heating sector, from 1980 until present. It uses literature studies, case studies and surveys. New institutional theory and transaction cost theory was applied. Several transaction costs have influenced both supply from the forest owners and demand from the main users, the district heating plants. Many of these transaction costs have been reduced by the market players, through learning, technical improvements and institutional innovations. Actions to reduce transaction costs have accompanied technical improvements of handling and transport. Strategies for woodfuel procurement have also been analysed. Important conclusions of the project for a change in the energy system are presented.

  12. Energy city Frederikshavn. 100% balanced renewable energy supply. [Denmark]; Energibyen Frederikshavn. ''100% VE-forsyning uden ubalancer''. Slutrapportering

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dehghan, B.


    For the Energy City, the target is to become a 100 % renewable energy city in 2015, also with regard to the power balance. A tool has been developed which can calculate various power parameters so that a balanced system with 100 % energy supply can be optimized without preventing surrounding towns and municipalities from establishing renewable energy supply, too. The scenarios have been delivered by Aalborg University and are outputs from the Energy City model. It is the total realization of the mentioned energy scenarios that makes it possible that the Energy City can reach its actual target of 100 % conversion to renewable energy. (LN)

  13. Development and testing of mini heat pump for low-energy houses. Final report; Udvikling og test af minivarmepumpe til lavenergihuse. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pedersen, Per Henrik; Madsen, Claus; Frederiksen, Klaus; Andreasen, Marcin Blazniak (Teknologisk Institut, Koele- og Varmepumpeteknik, Taastrup (Denmark))


    New residential houses are better insulated, and this reduces the need for heat during the winter period. In addition to this many new houses have floor heating systems. This combination is favourable for small heat pumps which can produce heat to central water systems with low water temperatures in the area 25 to 35 C. 4 prototypes of mini heat pumps of the brine/water type was build and tested in the refrigeration laboratory at the Danish Technological Institute (DTI). The prototypes are using a variable speed compressor (Danfoss SLV12) which originally is developed for plug-in supermarket cabinets. The heating capacity of the prototypes can vary between 1.0 and 2.1 kW. The refrigerant charge is 150 grams of R290 (propane). Two prototypes are charged with 375 grams of R134a. Tests were conducted following EN14511 at 0/+35 C and COP was measured to between 3.2 and 3.6 depending of the compressor speed and the type of plate heat exchangers used. This is quite good for such small machines. One of the prototypes was installed in the Energy Flex House which is a new highly insulated test house build at the DTI. The house was equipped with two heat pumps: 1. An exhaust air heat pump taking energy from exhaust air and producing hot tap water and heating the intake air; 2. A mini heat pump for floor heating taking energy from ground source outside the house. A family with four persons lives in the house. During the cold winter 2009/2010 the mini heat pump showed good performance and the COP varies between 2.0 and 4.0. The lower value was caused by a fault in the floor heating hoses, which made it necessary to increase the temperature of the central heating water, which decreased the efficiency of the heat pump during the coldest winter period. The floor heating system has been repaired, and a new prototype heat pump with a slightly bigger compressor has been installed for the heating season 2010/2011. A heat pump manufacturer is now producing this combination of exhaust air heat pump and mini heat pump for floor heating and several systems have been installed in Northern Europe. (Author)

  14. Energy savings by implementation of light quality LED lighting. Final report; Implementering af energibesparelser ved benyttelse af hoejkvalitets LED belysning. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dam-Hansen, C.; Thorseth, A.; Poulsen, Peter


    The project developed two new LED light sources and systems, emphasising the potential of LED technology for energy savings and lighting quality. A LED light source for display case lighting, replacing incandescent lamps, was successfully installed in the Treasury at Rosenborg Castle in Copenhagen, Denmark, and it was decided to extend the solution in 2010. Electricity savings of 74% were achieved. LED light sources replacing halogen bulbs in cooker hoods reduce electricity consumption by 69% and ensure even lighting of the entire working surface with about 500 lux at all cooking areas. Furthermore, a new LED optics system was patented. (ln)

  15. Research program in reactor core diagnostics with neutron noise methods: Stage 3. Final report; Forskningsprogram angaaende haerddiagnostik med neutronbrusmetoder. Etapp 3. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pazsit, I.; Garis, N.S.; Karlsson, J.; Racz, A. [Chalmers Univ. of Technology, Goeteborg (Sweden). Dept. of Reactor Physics


    Stage 3 of the program has been executed 96-04-12. The long term goal is to develop noise methods for identification and localization of perturbations in reactor cores. The main parts of the program consist of modelling the noise source, calculation of the space- and frequency dependent transfer function, calculation of the neutron noise via a convolution of the transfer function of the system and the noise source, i.e. the perturbation, and finally finding an inversion or unfolding procedure to determine noise source parameters from the neutron noise. Most previous work is based on very simple (analytical) reactor models for the calculation of the transfer function as well as analytical unfolding methods. The purpose of this project is to calculate the transfer function in a more realistic model as well as elaborating powerful inversion methods that do not require analytical transfer functions. The work in stage 3 is described under the following headlines: Further investigation of simplified models for the calculation of the neutron noise; Further investigation of methods based on neural networks; Further investigation of methods for detecting the vibrations and impacting of detectors; Application of static codes for determination of the neutron noise using the adiabatic approximation. 12 refs, 18 figs.

  16. Storage of hydrogen in advanced high pressure container. Final report for PSO projekt; Lagring af brint i avancerede hoejtryksbeholdere. Slutrapport for PSO-projekt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Christiansen, Jens


    The objective of the project has been to study barriers for a production of advanced high pressure containers especially suitable for hydrogen, in order to create a basis for a container production in Denmark. The project has primarily focused on future Danish need for hydrogen storage in the MWh area. One task has been to examine requirement specifications for pressure tanks that can be expected in connection with these stores. Six potential storage needs have been identified: (1) Buffer in connection with start-up/regulation on the power grid. (2) Hydrogen and oxygen production. (3) Buffer store in connection with VEnzin vision. (4) Storage tanks on hydrogen filling stations. (5) Hydrogen for the transport sector from 1 TWh surplus power. (6) Tanker transport of hydrogen. Requirements for pressure containers for the above mentioned use have been examined. The connection between stored energy amount, pressure and volume compared to liquid hydrogen and oil has been stated in tables. As starting point for production technological considerations and economic calculations of various container concepts, an estimation of laminate thickness in glass-fibre reinforced containers with different diameters and design print has been made, for a 'pure' fibre composite container and a metal/fibre composite container respectively. (BA)

  17. Large wind farms in the electric power systems. Voltage quality and power dynamics. Final report; Store vindmoelleparker i elsystemet. Spaendingskvalitet og effektdynamik. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The aim of the project has partly been to compare practical measurements with theoretical calculations in order to make quantitative evaluations of the consequences for the power system when large offshore wind farms are connected and partly to develop a regulation algorithm for control of offshore wind farm's power production meeting the demands of the connection conditions. A comparison between calculated flicker emissions and measured flicker emissions has shown that the IEC standard for calculation of flicker emissions from wind farms is conservative as the counterbalancing is underestimated. The calculated flicker emissions are approx. twice as big as the measured flicker emissions. A comparison between theoretical simulations of grid faults and measurement tests has shown satisfying correspondence. This has validated the newly developed theoretical models of offshore wind turbines for simulation of stability conditions in the power system. The validation has been an important element during evaluations of offshore wind turbines' effect on the operating stability of the power system and hereby the reliability of supply. A failsafe regulation algorithm for control of offshore wind farms maximum (instantaneous)production has been developed. The algorithm has been implemented and tested in practice and has proven to work satisfactory. (BA)

  18. Energy efficient refrigeration. Efficient control, supervision and system solutions. Project 1. Final report; Energieffektivare kyla - effektivare styrning, oevervakning och systemloesningar. Etapp 1. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Claesson, Joachim [Royal Inst. of Technology, Stockholm (Sweden). Dept. of Energy Technology


    The present report collects and summarizes phase 1 of the project Efficient Supermarket Refrigeration - Project 1: Efficient Control, Supervision, and System solutions. At the very beginning of the project a survey were carried out, in order to establish the current state of supermarket refrigeration, the industry representatives view of a typical Swedish supermarket, and what problems they felt important to solve. Mainly two specific points emerged; Defrost issues and Optimization of Refrigerant system and its component, either remotely and/or automatically. The typical Swedish supermarket solution obtained from the survey was then used in order to design and construct an experimental 'supermarket' mockup. This experimental facility was built in the laboratory of IUC in Katrineholm, Sweden. The test facility was constructed as to deviate as little as possible from a real installation in a supermarket. Some extra features were added in order to being able to evaluate different solutions on the the key issues identified in the survey. Available literature concerning defrost, methods for defrost, and the impact of climate on the defrost cycle; have been collected and reported in a separate report. The major part of that report is included also in the present report. It may be concluded that the climate has a significant impact on the energy consumption of the refrigeration system and defrost demand. It is shown in the literature that it is a good idea to decrease the water content of the air in the supermarket, using the air supply unit, rather than having the cabinets drying the air. It may be recommended to decrease the relative humidity in the store to the lowest allowable. The need for demand initiated defrost sequence is apparent in the literature, but no single acceptable technique have been identified. In addition, demand terminating defrost sequence is an important issue to resolve. In the literature survey, several defrost alternative is described, as found in the literature. The test facility in IUC will be able to identify differences between several of these described defrost techniques. A number of defrost methods, laboratory as wells as in real installations, have been analyzed and are presented in the present report. Typical temperature profiles (15 seconds interval) of an electrically defrosted freezer cabinet have been identified. The freezer cabinet in the test facility has also been running under a long period of time in order to observe the temperature profile as water (ice) accumulates on the heat exchanger. The decrease of performance of the freezer cabinet was clearly visible.

  19. Beskytter røyking mot Parkinsons sykdom

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Trond Peder Flaten


    Full Text Available  SAMMENDRAGDen negative sammenhengen mellom røyking og Parkinsons sykdom i epidemiologiske studier er robust.Det er prosentvis færre røykere og eks-røykere blant Parkinson-pasienter enn blant kontrollpersoner.Videre har røykere en lavere insidens og en lavere dødelighet enn andre av Parkinsons sykdom. Det er etåpent spørsmål om dette skyldes en beskyttende virkning av nikotin eller andre stoffer i tobakksrøyk somhydrazin eller karbonmonoksid, eller om det skyldes andre, underliggende faktorer. De mest aktuelle slikefaktorer er (1 selektiv dødelighet, altså at mange røykere ikke overlever lenge nok til å utvikleParkinsons sykdom, og (2 at personer som utvikler Parkinsons sykdom ofte har karaktertrekk som gjørdet mindre sannsynlig at de begynner å røyke. Det vitenskapelige grunnlaget er i alle fall for tynt for åanbefale røyking som et forebyggende virkemiddel mot Parkinsons sykdom. Og selv om det skulle viseseg at røyking virkelig beskytter mot sykdommen, veier de negative helsevirkningene av røyking myetyngre i folkehelsesammenheng. Allikevel bør denne assosiasjonen forfølges videre, ikke minst forpotensialet for en bedret forståelse av de underliggende patofysiologiske mekanismene bak sykdommen.Flaten TP. Does smoking protect against Parkinson’s disease? Nor J Epidemiol 1995; 5 (2: 145-150. ENGLISH SUMMARYIt is epidemiologically well established that Parkinson's disease is about twice as common among nonsmokers as among smokers. Whether this is due to a protective effect of nicotine or other compounds in cigarette smoke like hydrazine or carbon monoxide, or whether it is due to some other, confounding factor(s, remains to be established. The most relevant confounding factors are (1 selective mortality, that is, many smokers do not survive long enough to develop Parkinson's disease, and (2 that persons who eventually develop Parkinson's disease tend to have a preclinical personality type that makes them less likely

  20. Combined daylight and intelligent LED lighting - getting the daylight into the buildings; Kombineret dagslys og intelligent LED belysning - fae dagslys ind i bygningerne. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dam-Hansen, C.; Corell, D.D.; Thorseth, A.; Behrensdorff Poulsen, P. [Technical Univ. of Denmark, DTU Fotonik, DTU Risoe Campus, Roskilde (Denmark); Markvart, J.; Iversen, A.; Logadottir, A. [Aalborg Univ., Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut (SBi), Koebenhavn (Denmark)


    The main result of the project is the construction of the new intelligent and dynamic LED lighting system for demonstration and research purposes, and a number of extensive user testing is completed. The LED lighting system is a total system for office lighting with ceiling fixtures and desk lamps, which has made it possible to create a general and workplace lighting in two offices each with two work places. The system is installed in a day light laboratory for such two office spaces. All lamps can be controlled via a developed computer interface, and the desk lamps are further manually controllable by a user via two buttons for color temperature and brightness, respectively. The new intelligent and dynamic lighting system is based on color mixing LED technology and makes it possible to control the color composition, color coordinates and thus the color temperature of the light. Control-wise, the system is pre-programmed to produce white light with a correlated color temperature from 2700 K to 7000 K. The color composition is optimized from the desire for a very good color given at a general CRI value of 92-97 over the area. The system can be dimmed 20-100 %, with no significant change in the light's color properties. A mini-spectrometer is calibrated and built-in in the system and provides the current estimate of daylight brightness and color temperature through measurement of daylight color scheme in the visible range. The system uses daylight properties to control the light from the LED lighting system. The results of user tests show, that the developed possibility to automatically control of light in the office depending on the daylight color temperature is considered to be equally preferred and results in equally satisfied users as a traditional lighting system with even lighting in the room. On the other hand, user results showed that there were both energy savings and more satisfied users to be gained by providing users the opportunity to self-adjust either light levels or the correlated color temperature of the workspace and reduce general lighting in the room. (LN)

  1. CanDan 2, phase 2. Final report. [Fuel cell systems for back-up power and materials handling applications]; CanDan 2, fase 2. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    CanDan 2 Phase 2 is the second phase of a research and demonstration project for fuel cell backup power systems and fuel cell powered material handling equipment. In the Backup Power segment the fuel cell units have been developed, certified and delivered. A total of 32 fuel cell backup power systems have been delivered for EnergiMidt and in operation since early 2011. Following this project EnergiMidt has purchased another 31 systems in order to make a full transition from battery backup to fuel cell backup in their entire broadband network. In the material handling segment a 10 kW fuel cell system has been fully integrated in the fork lift truck, Dantruck 3000 Power Hydrogen. The result was a much more commercially mature product than expected from the beginning of the project. The result is a finished 2,5T fork lift truck which was presented at the CE-mat fair in April 2011. (LN)

  2. Price elastic power consumption as reserve power - a demonstration in the horticultural sector. Final report; Priselastisk elforbrug som reservekraft - et demonstrationsprojekt i gartneribranchen. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Danish greenhouses have a relatively high level of electricity consumption for plant growth lighting. Part of the electricity consumption is flexible, and the main purpose of the project was to find out if the plant growth lighting of the greenhouses is fit for the market for reserve power. The greenhouses' total potential for delivery of upgrading services was up to 80 MW for a short period in spring 2007. Four greenhouses participated in practise on the regulating power market with a flexible consumption. The upscaling of the demonstration was not carried through because e.g. the price development on the regulating power market reduced the gain considerably, and the investments for installation of on-line metering at the greenhouses did not measure up with the earnings. (Author)

  3. HyLIFT-0. 'Development and benchmarking of a 1st gen. HT-PEM/Li-lon hybrid motive power system for forklifts'. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Poulsen, Karsten (H2 Logic A/S, Herning (Denmark)); Elkjaer Toennesen, A. (Teknologisk Institut, AArhus (Denmark)); Torrendrup, C. (Lithium Balance A/S, Ishoej (Denmark)); Sangers, A. (Grundfos DK A/S, Bjerringbro (Denmark)); Junge, S. (Atlet Danmark A/S, Engesvang (Denmark))


    In the HyLIFT-0 project a HT-PEM/Li-Ion hybrid system for a forklift was developed and built. The system has been benchmark'et and tested both at H2 Logic, in a test bench at the Teknologisk Institut and by an end user, Grene A/S, who already has a hydrogen hybrid vehicle in service with LT-PEM system. The HT-PEM/Li-Ion system is based on a 1 kW SerEnergy fuel cell, with a 2.5 kWh Li-Ion battery pack and the newly developed BMS. Both Fuel cell systems were measured in the test bench at Teknologisk Institut. The conclusions are not fully accurate because there are many factors influencing such as the HT-PEM system not being fully optimized. The benchmark at Grene, showed that the heat up time is critical for the vehicle, but once it is in operation, there are no difference to the LT-PEM system, either in experienced performance or in user experience. The purpose of HyLIFT-0 project is met since the measurements and the benchmark has revealed the technology's advantages and disadvantages. Above all the conclusion is that HT-PEM/Li-Ion hybrid fuel cell system at the present stage of development is not a disruptive technology compared to known LT-PEM systems. There are numerous advantages of the system, but there are also some disadvantages, doing that, overall, it is not a usable technology in forklifts - it is especially the long start-up time of up to 45 minutes that is unacceptable for the fork lifter user; the user wants to have immediate maximum output and the battery cannot handle this during the time it lasts until the HT-PEM fuel cell is warm and producing power. The HT-PEM/Li-Ion system is relatively simple to build and it saves a number of components compared to the LT-PEM system, but the economic advantage of this is counterbalanced by the fuel cell being rather expensive and furthermore it has a relatively low efficiency. This will probably change over time when the technology completed development and volume increase. (LN)

  4. Development of tools for furthering of energy efficient use of sun screening. Final report; Udvikling af vaerktoejer til at fremme energieffektiv anvendelse af solafskaermninger. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Birck Laustsen, J.; Johnsen, K.


    The report describes methods for characterizing sun shades and determining their energy related and optical properties. In connection with the project two calculation tools have been developed for evaluation of sun shades' impact on indoor climate, daylight conditions and energy consumption in buildings. One calculation tool works during the early draft phase, while the other is used during the detailed design of buildings. Combined they form a solid planning basis which will further energy efficient use of sun shades. (BA)

  5. Slutrapport for Implementering af energibesparelser ved benyttelse af  højkvalitets LED belysning PSO 339‐025

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dam-Hansen, Carsten; Thorseth, Anders; Poulsen, Peter Behrensdorff


    Denne rapport indeholder en beskrivelse af forsknings og udviklingsprojektet ”Implementering af energibesparelser ved benyttelse af højkvalitets LED belysning”. Projektet er udført i et samarbejde imellem DTU Fotonik, Teknologisk Institut, De Danske Kongers Kronologiske Samling (DKKS), Lumodan, Osram, Thermex og DONG Energy under ledelse af Carsten Dam-Hansen, DTU Fotonik. Projektet er finansieret af Dansk Energi under Elforsk’s PSO...... program, indsatsområde 3a. LED belysning. Projektet har projekt nr. PSO 339‐025 og blev startet i februar 2007 og er afsluttet i marts 2010.   I...

  6. Partial county development plans as a means for preserving wild reindeer habitats in Norway

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hans Olav Bråtå


    Full Text Available Norwegian wild reindeer habitats are threatened by human intervention. Wild reindeer habitats are joint region wide common pool resources (CPR. Municipalities may be free-riders to that resource if they prefer investments boosting municipal economy despite negative consequences for wild reindeer as a regional resource. Partial county development plans, following the rules of the Planning and Building Act (PBA, are a means that may combine preservation of habitats and development. In order to analyze such plans, theory on CPR management is applied to spatial development planning in the Rondane and Hardangervidda wild reindeer areas. It is shown that the nested system is in accordance with most of Ostrom’s principles. Still, a joint Planning Board ought to be established at Hardangervidda and a partial county plan for the whole wild reindeer area there ought to be established. It is recommended that regular monitoring of interventions and planning is established. Finally, a system or mechanism for low cost conflict resolution is needed; but is not easily included into a system based on official actors at different levels, the planning and building act and public anticipation on equal management. The last point is important for mutual acceptance of restrictions on own activity. Abstract in Norwegian / Sammendrag:Kunnskap om forvaltning av fellesressurer øker forståelsen av regionale planer for villreinområderNorske villreinområder er truet av menneskelige inngrep. Villreinområdene er en regional fellesressurs, men kommunene kan bli gratispassasjerer i forhold til utnytting av denne ressursen ettersom de kan bli fristet til å vektlegge utbygging som gir lokaløkonomiske effekter, på tross av negative konsekvenser for villreinen som en regional ressurs. Fylkesdelplaner, som er basert på plan- og bygningsloven, er et virkemiddel som kan kombinere bevaring og utvikling. For å forstå slike planers muligheter og begrensninger analyses her

  7. Test and approval center for fuel cell and hydrogen technologies: Phase I. Initiation. Final report; Test- og godkendelsescenter for braendselscelle- og brintteknologier. Fase 1. Opstart. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hagen, A. [Technical Univ. of Denmark. DTU Energy Conversion, DTU Risoe Campus, Roskilde (Denmark)


    The aim of the present project was to initialize a Test and Approval Center for Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Technologies at the sites of the project partners Risoe DTU (Fuel Cells and Solid State Chemistry Division), and DGC (work package 1). The project furthermore included start-up of first activities with focus on the development of accelerated life-time tests of fuel cell systems, preparations for standardization of these methods, and advising in relation to certification and approval of fuel cell systems (work package 2). The main achievements of the project were: Work package 1: 1) A large national and international network was established comprising of important commercial players, research institutions, and other test centers; 2) The test center is known in large part of the international Fuel Cell and Hydrogen community due to substantial efforts in 'marketing'; 3) New national and international projects have been successfully applied for, with significant roles of the test center, which secure the further establishment and development of the center. Work package 2: 1) Testing equipment was installed and commissioned at DTU (Risoe Campus); 2) A comprehensive survey among international players regarding activities on accelerated SOFC testing was carried out; 3) A test procedure for 'compressed' testing of SOFC in relation to {mu} CHP application was developed and used for one-cell stack and 50-cell-stack testing; 4) Guidelines for Danish authority handling were formulated. (Author)

  8. Genetic variation for characters of importance for growth in Salix viminalis L. Final report; Genetisk variation foer karaktaerer av betydelse foer tillvaext hos Salix viminalis L. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roennberg-Waestljung, Ann Christin; Gullberg, Urban [Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala (Sweden). Dept. of Plant Biology


    The overall goal for this project was to study the genetic variation and the genetic relationships for different growth characters and for water use efficiency (WUE) in Salix viminalis and also to use this knowledge to formulate breeding goals for Salix. Two factorial crossings with Swedish and Polish origin, each with 320 families have been used. Part of the Polish material was used to study the genetic variation for carbon isotope quota. Carbon isotope quota gives a measure of the WUE for the plant. Crossings have been made to change and improve the WUE in Salix viminalis. Construction of a genetic linkage map has started and the map can be used to identify genetic markers for WUE. The results show that most of the growth characters have both additive genetic variation and also a high degree of dominance genetic variation. A strategy in the breeding where both additive and dominance variation can be utilized should be adopted. WUE show mainly additive genetic variation but also a high heritability. This gives great opportunities to improve Salix material for WUE through recurrent selection.

  9. Regional monitoring of deposition and effects of air pollution; Regional oevervakning av nedfall och effekter av luftfoeroreningar. Sammanfattande slutrapport fraan ett samarbetsprojekt mellan IVL, laenen och Naturvaardsverket

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Akselsson, Cecilia; Ferm, Martin; Hallgren Larsson, Eva; Knulst, Johan; Loevblad, Gun; Malm, Gunnar; Westling, Olle


    Regional programmes in Sweden focused on deposition and effects of air pollutants have been evaluated by IVL, Swedish Environmental Research Institute. Various air quality protection associations and regional environmental authorities initiated the monitoring programmes during the period 1985 to 1990. The result of the evaluation is a revised and coordinated programme with improved methods. The new regional programme combines collection of field data with national model calculations of deposition of air pollutants. The new programme involves collection of deposition on open field (bulk) and in forest stands (throughfall), and soil solution, according to national and international standards. Improved methods for monitoring of base cation and nitrogen deposition have been developed. Ambient air concentrations are measured at some locations. The purpose is to describe environmental conditions, regional differences, and temporal changes. Data on forest stands, such as needle loss, growth, and soil chemistry, are available since most locations are permanent forest plots, established for scientific forest observations. Regional dispersion and deposition of air pollutants will be calculated with a model (SMHI-MATCH), developed for simulating the dispersion and deposition of Swedish emissions in relation to the long-range transport on a relatively fine scale (grid square 11 km). The programme also includes developed methods for data handling, interpretation, evaluation, quality assurance and demonstration of results in written reports and via Internet.

  10. Final report on the Swedish participation in Annex 37 of the International Energy Agency (IEA), 2010 - 2012; Slutrapport oever svensk medverkan i Internationella energiraadets (IEA) Annex 37, 2010 - 2012

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Persson, Tobias


    The National Team Leader within the International Energy Agency (IEA) task 37 during 2010 - 2012 has been Anneli Petersson and Tobias Persson from Swedish Gas Technology Center (SGC). In total 14 countries and the EU have been members within the task. The following countries have been members in Task 37 during 2010 - 2012: Brazil, Denmark, Ireland, Canada, France, Finland, The Netherlands, Norway, Turkey, Germany, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Sweden, Austria. The meetings within the task have been situated in the new member countries to get insight into the biogas situation and biogas development in these countries. The work within the group has been focused on eight areas: Substrates for biogas production, Optimisation of digestion processes, Biogas upgrading and pipeline injection, Digestate processing and quality, Emissions from biogas installations, Information and education, Workshops and seminars, Joint projects with other IEA Bioenergy tasks. All presentations from the meetings and workshops and other published material can be downloaded from the home page of task 37 During the period 2010 - 2012 has the following brochures been published: 1. Biogas from crop digestion. 2. Utilisation of digestate from biogas plants as bio fertiliser. 3. Quality management of digestate from biogas plants used as fertiliser.

  11. Large-scale staged low-far gasification, phase 1c. Continuous tests and dry gas cleaning. Final report; Storskala trinopdelt lavtjaereforgasning, fase 1c. Kontinuerte forsoeg og toer gasrensning. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dall Bentzen, J.; Hummelshoej, R.M. (COWI A/S (DK)); Henriksen, Ulrik (Danmarks Tekniske Univ., DTU-MEK (DK)); Geest, C. (Babcock and Wilcox Voelund (DK))


    On basis of successful process verification at the laboratory plant during the project's Phase 1a, a gas cleaning system has been designed, established and commissioned during this Phase 1c project, with the objective of demonstrating that the gas from the LT-BIG gasifier can be cleaned by means of bag filter, in order for the gas to become suitable for motor operation and possibly other purposes. It has further been a purpose of the project to document continuous operation of the laboratory plant. Thus, 3 tests have been made during the project with a duration of 12 hours, 66 hours and 211 hours, respectively, in total ca. 100 hours' operation. In total, the pilot plant has now been operating for 150-200 hours. During the tests, tar measurements have been made before bag filter, after bag filter and after the activated carbon filter. The gas cleaning system is designed so that a partial current of the gas can be led to a cooler and a bag filter, where the temperature and speed over the filter can be adjusted. Particles are caught in the bag filter, and the vaporous tar materials near the bag filter are caught in a following activated carbon filter. (au)

  12. LINK2009 Phase 1: Development of 2. generation fuel cell vehicles and hydrogen refueling station. Final report; LINK2009 fase 1: Udvikling af 2. gen. braendselscelle koeretoejer og brinttankstation. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    LINK2009 project was to develop 2nd gen. technologies fuel cell systems for vehicles and 350bar hydrogen refueling stations. Also the LINK2009 project were to ensure a continuously positioning of Denmark and the Scandinavian Region within hydrogen for transport and continue to attract international car manufacturers to conduct demonstration and later market introduction in the region. The LINK2009 project is divided in two phases where this first phase only deals with the development of the 2nd generation technologies, whereas the following phase 2 will include the demonstration hereof as well as additional research activities. This Report describes the results of the phase 1 that was commenced in summer 2008 and ended in late 2009. Phase 1 has resulted in the development of new 2nd generation fuel cell technology for use in a city car and a service vehicle. Stated targets for price and efficiency have been reached and the following demonstration in Phase 2 is to confirm reaching of life time targets. The efficiency of the fuel cell system for the city car has been measured to be 42-48% at a power delivery of respectively 10kW and 2kW, which is significantly above the target of >40%. System simplifications and selection of new components have enabled a 50% reduction in the kW price for the fuel cell system, including 700bar hydrogen storage, now totalling Euro 4.500/kW. This creates sufficient basis for conducting demonstration of the system in vehicles. 9 vehicles are planned to be demonstrated in the following phase 2. Additional 8 vehicles were put in operation in Copenhagen in November 2009. Phase 1 has conducted development of 2nd gen. hydrogen refuelling technology that has resulted in concepts for both 350bar and 700bar refuelling as well as a concept for onsite hydrogen production at refuelling stations. In separate projects the developed 350bar technology has been brought to use in a newly established hydrogen station in Copenhagen, and the hydrogen production technology for a Renewable Energy Storage system installed in Greenland. (ln)

  13. Growth effects after whole-tree harvest in final cut of Scots pine and Norway spruce forest. Final report; Tillvaexteffekternas storlek och uthaallighet efter skogsbraensleuttag i slutavverkning av tall och gran. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Valinger, E. [Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Umeaa (Sweden). Dept. of Silviculture


    A great concern in forestry today is whether whole-tree harvesting influence site productivity and whether it is consistent with the principle of sustainable use of forest resources. To evaluate this a randomised field experiment established 24 years ago in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Southern Sweden was used. The field experiment was established in fall 1975 as a naturally regenerated mixed forest with Scots pine and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) with a growing stock of 305 m{sup 3}/ha was clear-cut near Kosta (56 deg 52' N, 15 deg 50' E, 240 m.a.s.l.). The site was a mesic dwarf-shrub type of medium fertility, with an average precipitation of 600 mm yr-1 and the soil was an orthic podzol. Treatments were conventional stem harvest (CH), whole-tree harvest (WTH), and branch and stem harvest (BSH). Scots pine seedlings of local provenance were planted in spring 1977 at the beginning of the second growing season following the harvest. The seedlings were planted in exposed mineral soil in manually scarified patches (40 x 40 cm) at 1.7 m spacing (144 seedlings per assessment plot, i.e. 3 600 seedlings/ha). Based on calliper data, the diameter for the mean basal area per tree (db) was calculated for each plot after 24 years using the formula: db = ({sigma} b{sup 3}/{sigma} b{sup 2}), where b is basal area at breast height for each tree. Three undamaged sample trees with a diameter equal or close to the diameter of the mean basal area per tree were selected on each plot giving 36 stems that were felled for destructive measurements in 2000. Total tree height ({+-} 0.01 m) was measured on every tree felled. Stem biomass was estimated by sampling of stem discs, 2 cm thick, at stump height (1 % of tree height), breast height (1.3 m), and at every meter along the bole. Crown biomass was estimated by sampling live and dead branches on the felled trees. From every whorl of branches one living branch was sampled and all branches were counted. Stem discs and branch material were weighed in the field to the nearest 0.1 g using a mechanical field scale. At the laboratory, the annual ring widths were measured along a transect using the WinDENDRO software. The arithmetic mean of the two corresponding annual ring widths was used in the further calculations to obtain diameters under bark for the successive years 1977-2000. After drying all sampled material was weighed to the nearest 0.1 g. When weighted, total dry weight of crown fractions and wood was calculated according to Albrektson, where the relation between dry and fresh weight of sample from each fraction was multiplied with total fresh weight of fraction. Treatment effects on survival and basal area growth on bark/ha after 24 years were analysed by using Tukey's studentized test on all main effect means. Multiple pair wise comparisons between treatments on single trees to establish the effects of treatment on the depending variables: dry weight of wood, needles, shoot axes and dead branches and in radial, height, and basal area and volume under bark increments were also made using Tukey's studentized test on all main effect means. Seedling survival was unaffected by treatments. Total basal area on bark (m{sup 2}/ha) was significantly reduced following WTH from the 15th year after planting. Trees on CH produced 20% more wood biomass, while biomass produced within the crown was unaffected by treatment. Height growth for trees after CH was higher the last year evaluated, while basal area and volume under bark were larger since the 12th year in comparison with WTH. BSH showed a decreased basal area growth under bark during the two four-year-periods 13-20 years after planting, and a decreased volume growth under bark since year 9 in comparison with CH. Radial growth was increased for CH up to 3 m of the stems during the 9-12 year period and at 3 m during the 13-16 year period. The study indicated a negative effect on stem growth following WTH and BSH during the 24-years period. There was a clear indication of positive influence of slash left after clear-cutting, i.e. tops, branches, and needles, on future biomass growth. The positive response in volume growth can be between 20% during a whole rotation period and a gain of just 3 years growth. When whole-tree harvesting techniques are used, some kind of replacement of removed nutrients, e.g. fertilisation, must take place to maintain site productivity on sites like the presented.

  14. Scenarios for total utilisation of hydrogen as an energy carrier in the future Danish energy system. Final report; Scenarier for samlet udnyttelse af brint som energibaerer i Danmarks fremtidige energisystem. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hauge Petersen, A; Engberg Pedersen, T; Joergensen, K [and others


    This is the final report from a project performed for the Danish Energy Agency under its Hydrogen Programme. The project, which within the project group goes by the abbreviated title 'Hydrogen as an energy carrier', constructs and analyses different total energy scenarios for introducing hydrogen as an energy carrier, as energy storage medium and as a fuel in the future Danish energy system. The primary aim of the project is to study ways of handling the large deficits and surpluses of electricity from wind energy expected in the future Danish energy system. System-wide aspects of the choice of hydrogen production technologies, distribution methods, infrastructure requirements and conversion technologies are studied. Particularly, the possibility of using in the future the existing Danish natural gas distribution grid for carrying hydrogen will be assessed. For the year 2030, two scenarios are constructed: One using hydrogen primarily in the transportation sector, the other using it as a storage option for the centralised power plants still in operation by this year. For the year 2050, where the existing fossil power plants are expected to have been phased out completely, the scenarios for two possible developments are investigated: Either, there is a complete decentralisation of the use of hydrogen, converting and storing electricity surpluses into hydrogen in individual buildings, for later use in vehicles or regeneration of power and heat. Or, some centralised infrastructure is retained, such as hydrogen cavern stores and a network of vehicle hydrogen filling stations. The analysis is used to identify the components in an implementation strategy, for the most interesting scenarios, including a time sequence of necessary decisions and technology readiness. The report is in Danish, because it is part of the dissemination effort of the Hydrogen Committee, directed at the Danish population in general and the Danish professional community in particular. (au)

  15. Scenarios for total utilisation of hydrogen as an energy carrier in the future Danish energy system. Final report; Scenarier for samlet udnyttelse af brint som energibaerer i Danmarks fremtidige energisystem. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hauge Petersen, A.; Engberg Pedersen, T.; Joergensen, K. (and others)


    This is the final report from a project performed for the Danish Energy Agency under its Hydrogen Programme. The project, which within the project group goes by the abbreviated title 'Hydrogen as an energy carrier', constructs and analyses different total energy scenarios for introducing hydrogen as an energy carrier, as energy storage medium and as a fuel in the future Danish energy system. The primary aim of the project is to study ways of handling the large deficits and surpluses of electricity from wind energy expected in the future Danish energy system. System-wide aspects of the choice of hydrogen production technologies, distribution methods, infrastructure requirements and conversion technologies are studied. Particularly, the possibility of using in the future the existing Danish natural gas distribution grid for carrying hydrogen will be assessed. For the year 2030, two scenarios are constructed: One using hydrogen primarily in the transportation sector, the other using it as a storage option for the centralised power plants still in operation by this year. For the year 2050, where the existing fossil power plants are expected to have been phased out completely, the scenarios for two possible developments are investigated: Either, there is a complete decentralisation of the use of hydrogen, converting and storing electricity surpluses into hydrogen in individual buildings, for later use in vehicles or regeneration of power and heat. Or, some centralised infrastructure is retained, such as hydrogen cavern stores and a network of vehicle hydrogen filling stations. The analysis is used to identify the components in an implementation strategy, for the most interesting scenarios, including a time sequence of necessary decisions and technology readiness. The report is in Danish, because it is part of the dissemination effort of the Hydrogen Committee, directed at the Danish population in general and the Danish professional community in particular. (au)

  16. District heating operated adsorption heat pump with soil deposit for multistorey housing, office and institutional buildings - phase 1. Final report; Fjernvarmedrevne adsorptionsvarmepumper med jordlager til etageboliger, kontor- og institutionsbyggeri - fase 1. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The main idea of the concept was to show new ways to improve the use of district heating used as driving energy in an adsorption heat pump. This can take free heat from borehole storage to heat the building. By this the borehole stor-age is cooled and can be used for cooling the following summer, either directly or by using the adsorption machine as a cooling machine. This will heat the borehole storage (regenerate it) and it is ready to use as heat pump the follow-ing winter. It was shown that with this concept, compared with the traditional solution, a reduction of CO{sub 2} emission of 29% ca be realised with a payback time of approx. 14 years. It was assumed that the concept could only be used under special circumstances (limestone in the grounds, large plants), but analysis has shown that modifications of the original concept makes it more generally applicable. It is assumed however that there is a cooling demand of at least half of the heat demand and it is assumed that low-temperature heating at max 35 degrees C and preferably lower can be used. The report contains a thorough analysis of the importance of various parameters for performance of systems using the concept. The market for adsorption machines has evolved during the project, such that on completion of the project better and cheaper machines are available. The concept is presently (August 2009) being implemented in two buildings, Green Light House and Viborg New City Hall. In Viborg City Hall a combination of heat and electrical heating / cooling is used, so that the heating (with heat pump) and cooling can be made with electricity or with district heating. This fits well into the future flexible energy with varying heat and electricity prices and availability. (author)

  17. Effects of wood-ash addition on nitrogen turnover in a highly nitrogen loaded spruce site. Final project report; Effekter av askaaterfoering paa kvaeveomsaettningen i ett kvaeverikt granbestaand i Halland. Slutrapport foer projektet

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nohrstedt, H.Oe.; Hoegbom, Lars; Nordlund, Sten [Forestry Research Inst. of Sweden, Uppsala (Sweden)


    During two consecutive years, it was studied how a fertilization with 4.2 tonnes pelleted bark ash per ha, made six-seven years earlier, affected soil chemistry, nitrogen turnover and soil-water chemistry on a Norway spruce site in SW Sweden. The actual site has a very acidic soil. At the same time, the supply of inorganic N is rich. Measures against soil acidification, e. g. addition of ash or lime, may significantly influence the turnover of N with a subsequent risk for increased leaching. Thus, there is a potential conflict between two urgent environmental goals, i. e. to decrease acidification and to decrease the N load on aquatic ecosystems. In the humus layer and the upper 5 cm of the mineral soil, pH(H{sub 2}O) had increased with at the most 0.2 units because of the ash addition. The easily extractable amounts of Mg, P and nitrate were slightly increased. The potential nitrification in the humus layer was generally higher in the ash treatment, but the difference. was not statistically significant. The soil water at 50 cm depth was 0.1-0.2 pH-units more acidic where ash had been applied. Simultaneously, there were tendencies for higher concentrations of nitrate, Al and K. This is the first time in Sweden that ash fertilization of a closed forest has given clear indications of an increased N leaching. As expected, the ash fertilization decreased the acidity of the top soil. On the contrary, the runoff became more acidic and more rich in Al. Thus, the ash fertilization has counteracted one of its primary goals, i. e. to produce a runoff less toxic to aquatic life. The acidification of the runoff may partially be because of acid production during nitrification.

  18. Cast iron components for the wind power industry. Development of resource saving products and processes in global competition. Final report; Gjutgods till vindkraftsindustrin. Utveckling av resurssnaala produkter och processer i global konkurrens. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gustavsson, Conny; Gustafsson, Ingela; Petku, Damir [Swedish Foundry Association, Joenkoeping (SE)] [and others


    The demand for large cast components in ductile iron for wind power plants has increased strongly. As wind power plants become larger, today up to 4-5 MW, the components grow with them. Weights around 20 tons become common, and are demanded in growing numbers. For most Swedish foundries production of such size components is impossible, but for a few, accustomed to large castings a new growing market has opened. Higher prices for scrap and electricity is however a menace to profit. This project concentrates on factors that may optimize the flow in production, reduce rejections, reduce the consumption of new sand, and to reduce energy consumption in all processes. The project has resulted in ten separate reports, that are included in this publication.

  19. DESIK final report. Energy wise design and regulation of the secondary side of indirect cooling systems with natural coolants; DESIK slutrapportering. Energirigtig design og regulering af sekundaersiden pae indirekte koeleanlaeg med naturlige koelemidler

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jakobsen, Arne


    The project's aim was to produce knowledge and tools to facilitate the process of implementing energy efficient secondary cooling systems, or merely to avoid overconsumption of energy on account of insufficient relevant professional background. The project has been communicated as a PC tool, which can be ordered from aj(commercial at) Project focus has been on some general aspects of secondary systems as well as two scopes of application: supermarket cooling systems and air conditioning of office buildings. (BA)

  20. Development and demonstration of Denmark's first low-energy class 1 office building with focus on electricity consumption. Final report; Udvikling og demonstration af Danmarks foerste lavenergiklasse 1 kontorbyggeri med fokus pae elforbrug. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stephansen, C. [En2tech, Skanderborg (Denmark); Nellemose Knudsen, H. [Aalborg Univ., Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut (SBi), Koebenhavn (Denmark); Busk Rohde, T. [EnergiMidt, Silkeborg (Denmark); Nielsen, Allan [Insight Building Automation, Silkeborg (Denmark)


    The company EnergiMidt's new office building is established as a low-energy class 1 building, and although it has shown a significantly higher consumption than expected in the first 1.5 years of operation, extensive experience and knowledge of the development and implementation of a low-energy class 1 building was provided, as well as of the possibilities for improvements so that low energy requirements can realistically be achieved. Employees' expectations for the new systems and indoor climate are largely met, but considerable experience is also gained about how to introduce and adapt new technology in the workplace for the employees. (LN)

  1. Towards the methane society? Use of hydrogen for upgrading biogas and synthetic methane production. Phase 1. Final report; Pae vej mod metansamfundet? - anvendelse af brint til opgradering af biogas og kunstig metanfremstilling. Fase 1. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mortensen, Claus [Agro Business Park, Tjele (Denmark)


    Biogas consists of methane (CH4) and CO{sub 2}. If you react hydrogen produced with wind power with CO{sub 2} in sulfur purified biogas you get biogas upgraded to pure methane, ie. to natural gas quality. The pure methane can for example be sold via the natural gas grid or pressurized and sold for transport. The purpose of the present project is to contribute to the development of a concept and a technology that can store wind energy into the existing natural gas network through the upgrading of CO{sub 2} in biogas. Overall the project combines the technique and concept of electrolysis, biogas upgrading and natural gas network, so that: - electrolysis creates hydrogen and heat from wind turbines; - CO{sub 2} in biogas reacts with H2 from the electrolysis and produces CH4 and high-value steam by biogas reacting directly with H2 in a catalyst ; - The natural gas network is used as distribution and storage of the produced methane. The following main results are achieved in the first phase: - Design and construction of a pilot plant for the purification of biogas, which allows a Sabatier reaction later in the methanization process; - Sensitivity analyses have been carried out of methane prices, which have proven to be competitive compared to other upgrading technologies in the market; - A business plan is developed for a demonstration plant, which among other things will be used in phase 2: demonstration plant. The competitor analysis shows, among other things, a higher efficiency rate of the Danish technology than on the methanization plants being developed in Germany. (LN)

  2. Reduced energy use for ventilation of buildings through selection of low-polluting building materials and furniture. Final Report; Reduceret energiforbrug til ventilation af bygninger hvori der systematisk er valgt lav-forurenende materialer og inventar. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The main objective of the research project was to study the potential of reducing energy used for ventilating buildings by using low-polluting building materials and thereby ensuring that indoor air quality will not be compromised. To quantify this potential, the exposure-response relationships, i.e. the relationships between ventilation rate and the perceived indoor air quality (indoor air quality perceived by humans as opposed to indoor air quality evaluated by chemical measurements), were established for rooms furnished with different more or less polluting materials. Based on these results simulations of energy used for ventilation were carried out for selected building scenarios. The exposure-response relationships were established by summarizing existing data reported in the literature and by a series of new experiments. The data summarized by reviewing the literature included data for building materials and furnishing tested in a laboratory setting in small-scale ventilated glass chambers, and in full-scale in ventilated climate chambers, test rooms or normal offices. Relevant low-polluting building materials were selected based on the literature review and a series of new experiments performed in ventilated small-scale glass chambers. Then the final experiments in which the effects of using low-polluting materials on perceived air quality were carried out in ventilated small-scale glass chambers and in full-scale test rooms ventilated with different outdoor air supply rates. Simulations of energy used for ventilation were carried out using BSim software. During simulations the ventilation rate was varied to obtain different levels of air quality when low-polluting building materials had been used, and it was examined how these changes influence the energy use. The results show that the exposure-response relationships vary between different building materials and thus the ventilation requirement to achieve a certain level of perceived indoor air quality vary depending on which building materials are used. Furthermore, the results show that the perceived air quality in rooms can be considerably improved when low-polluting building materials are selected and that the improvement is higher than a realistic increase of the ventilation rate. The energy simulations show that selecting low-polluting materials will result in a considerable energy saving as a result of reducing the ventilation rates required to achieve acceptable indoor air quality - halving the ventilation rate, which seem to be realistic when low-polluting building materials are used, can reduce the energy used for ventilation by up to 50%. In conclusion, the selection of low-polluting building materials makes it possible to reduce ventilation requirements significantly without compromising the perceived indoor air quality, thereby reducing the energy required to run ventilation systems. The energy savings of using low-polluting building materials are however limited by the extent to which ventilation is used to control the thermal environment, i.e. heating and/or cooling the supplied outdoor air. Future studies should validate the present results in the field, e.g. in office buildings. Furthermore it should be investigated how emissions from humans affect ventilation requirements, and the corresponding energy use. It is also recommended to study how other low or non energy consuming methods for improving the indoor air quality, e.g. air cleaners or air-cleaning building materials can reduce ventilation requirements and thereby reduce the energy used for ventilation of buildings. (au)

  3. Bio-based fuels: an analysis of potential, conditions, market, instruments and risks. Opportunities and risks - the BIODRIV project. Final Report; Biobaserade drivmedel: analys av potential, foerutsaettningar, marknad, styrmedel och risker. Moejligheter och risker - projektet BIODRIV. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rydberg, Tomas (IVL Svenska Miljoeinstitutet, Stockholm (Sweden)); Gaardfeldt, Katarina; Ahlbaeck, Anders (Goeteborgs Miljoevetenskapliga Centrum, Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskola och Goeteborgs Universitet (Sweden)) (and others)


    The BIODRIV project is a study of the conditions, opportunities, constraints and risks in the short and long term for the Swedish production of biofuels, with specific focus on the production opportunities offered by the Swedish refineries. The study was conducted at Chalmers Univ. of Technology and IVL Swedish Environmental Research Inst. with support from Preem Environment Foundation and the Foundation of IVL. Researchers in the disciplines of environmental economics, chemical engineering and environmental system analysis have been working collectively to illustrate various technology tracks for bio-based fuel production. A total of six technology tracks for biofuel production have been identified in the long run, in whole or in part, which can replace today's fossil-based fuels in the transport sector. The six technology tracks are: methane from gas networks, decentralized pyrolysis/gasification, different resource bases to fat, hydrogen, methanol, electricity

  4. Noise annoyances from wind power: Survey of the population living close to a wind power plant. Final report: Part 3 Main study; Stoerningar fraan vindkraft: undersoekning bland maenniskor boende i naerheten av vindkraftverk. Slutrapport: Del 3 Huvudstudie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pedersen, Eja [Halmstad Univ., Halmstad (Sweden). School of Business and Engineering; Persson-Waye, K. [Goeteborg Univ., Goeteborg (Sweden). Dept. of Environmental Medicine


    To evaluate the occurrence of annoyance from wind turbines, a study was performed in Laholm in May 2000. The aim was to obtain dose response relationships between calculated sound levels and noise annoyance and appropriate sound description as well as analysing the influence of other variables on noise annoyance. A questionnaire survey was performed in 6 areas comprising 16 wind turbines, of which 14 had an effect of 600 kW. The purpose of the study was masked. Among questions on living conditions in the countryside, questions directly related to wind turbines were included. The study population (n=518) comprised one randomly selected subject between the ages of 18 to 75 years in each household living within a calculated wind turbine sound level of 25 to 40 dBA. The response rate was 68.7% (n=356). Calculated distributions of A-weighted sound level were performed for each area and plotted on geographical maps in 2.5 dBA steps. Each dwelling could thus be given a sound level within an interval of 2.5 dBA. The most frequently occurring source of noise annoyance was noise from rotor blades. The proportions of respondents annoyed by noise increased with calculated sound level. Among respondents exposed to sound levels of 35.0-37.5 dBA, 43% responded themselves to be rather or much annoyed. A-weighted sound level was only one variable explaining annoyance. Annoyance was correlated to a larger extent by the intrusiveness of the sound character swishing. Noise annoyance was interrelated to the respondents' opinion of the visual impact of wind turbines, while attitude towards wind power in general had no greater influence. Disturbance of spoilt view was reported to a similar degree as noise disturbance. Further investigations are needed to clarify factors of importance for the disturbance of view. All the wind turbines in the study had constant rotation speed. The greater wind turbines that are now erected often have variable speed, which may lead to a sound comprising other characteristics. The influence of this on noise annoyance is not known. Topography as well as type of ground surface probably has an impact on noise annoyance and visual disturbance, and the study should therefore be repeated in other areas with broken ground.

  5. Noise annoyances from wind power: Survey of the population living close to a wind power plant. Final report: Part 3 Main study; Stoerningar fraan vindkraft: undersoekning bland maenniskor boende i naerheten av vindkraftverk. Slutrapport: Del 3 Huvudstudie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pedersen, Eja [Halmstad Univ., Halmstad (Sweden). School of Business and Engineering; Persson-Waye, K [Goeteborg Univ., Goeteborg (Sweden). Dept. of Environmental Medicine


    To evaluate the occurrence of annoyance from wind turbines, a study was performed in Laholm in May 2000. The aim was to obtain dose response relationships between calculated sound levels and noise annoyance and appropriate sound description as well as analysing the influence of other variables on noise annoyance. A questionnaire survey was performed in 6 areas comprising 16 wind turbines, of which 14 had an effect of 600 kW. The purpose of the study was masked. Among questions on living conditions in the countryside, questions directly related to wind turbines were included. The study population (n=518) comprised one randomly selected subject between the ages of 18 to 75 years in each household living within a calculated wind turbine sound level of 25 to 40 dBA. The response rate was 68.7% (n=356). Calculated distributions of A-weighted sound level were performed for each area and plotted on geographical maps in 2.5 dBA steps. Each dwelling could thus be given a sound level within an interval of 2.5 dBA. The most frequently occurring source of noise annoyance was noise from rotor blades. The proportions of respondents annoyed by noise increased with calculated sound level. Among respondents exposed to sound levels of 35.0-37.5 dBA, 43% responded themselves to be rather or much annoyed. A-weighted sound level was only one variable explaining annoyance. Annoyance was correlated to a larger extent by the intrusiveness of the sound character swishing. Noise annoyance was interrelated to the respondents' opinion of the visual impact of wind turbines, while attitude towards wind power in general had no greater influence. Disturbance of spoilt view was reported to a similar degree as noise disturbance. Further investigations are needed to clarify factors of importance for the disturbance of view. All the wind turbines in the study had constant rotation speed. The greater wind turbines that are now erected often have variable speed, which may lead to a sound comprising other characteristics. The influence of this on noise annoyance is not known. Topography as well as type of ground surface probably has an impact on noise annoyance and visual disturbance, and the study should therefore be repeated in other areas with broken ground.

  6. Low temperature absorption chiller - Report from a project in the programs Climate 21 and 'More efficient refrigeration and heat pump systems. Final report; Laagtemperaturdriven absorptionskylmaskin - Rapport oever ett projekt inom programmen Klimat 21 och Effektivare Kyl- och Vaermepumpssystem. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fredrik Setterwall [Fredrik Setterwall Konsult AB, Sollentuna (Sweden); Andersson, Mikael [AB Berglunds Rostfria, Boden (Sweden); Glebov, Dmitrey; Martin, Viktoria [Royal Inst. of Technology, Stockholm (Sweden). Dept. of Chemical Technology


    An absorption chiller with a 1.15 MW cooling effect has been designed in a collaboration project comprising university, industry and end-user. This chiller is designed to run on district heating (70-90 deg C), and its layout and function differs from conventional absorption chillers as outlined below. The chiller's heat transfer surfaces may be installed horizontally or vertically, resulting in flexibility in system design. In a conventional absorption chiller, these surfaces are always horizontally aligned. The high-pressure and low-pressure parts of the chiller may be placed independently of each other. In a conventional chiller, the high-pressure part must always be placed on top of the low-pressure part. To enable the flexibility in design and system layout, this chiller is equipped with four internal pumps instead of only two in conventional design. The increased number of pumps leads to an increase of the installed electrical power for internal pumps. The electrical power for the internal pumps is however only a small fraction of the totally installed electrical power. The main part is utilized for pumping of cooling water and coolant. This low temperature driven, single-effect chiller has a high coefficient of performance (COP). The 'first generation machine' installed at Chalmers University of Technology has a COP equal to 0.75 at full load. Through the control strategy used, the chiller can maintain a high COP even at part load. Because of the high COP, the electricity consumption of the cooling water pump is kept low. To lower the size of the absorber and generator, the chiller is equipped with extra plate heat exchangers to cool the strong solution before the absorber, and preheat the weak solution before the generator. To increase the heat transfer rate, a new additive (2-methyl-penthanol) has been tested. As compared to the conventional heat transfer additive (2-ethyl-hexanol), the heat transfer enhancement was 20% higher with the new additive. During the summer of 2003, the low temperature driven absorption chiller installed at Chalmers University of Technology has continuously delivered cooling. On average, the cooling has amounted to 10 MWh/day, with a COP between 0.7 and 0.8. One remaining problem of the machine is that the pressure rises with 2 mbar/day, and hence vacuum pumping is required to remove inert gases. The probable cause of this pressure increase is corrosion. Thus, this problem will be eliminated once the proper composition of corrosion inhibitors has been found. Work on this is presently ongoing. A simulation Excel-programme derived within the project enables calculation of the sizes of the heat transfer surfaces of the chiller for a given cooling power, COP and temperatures of the cooling water and the driving energy. The programme could also be used for calculation of the influence of changing temperatures of the cooling water and of the driving energy as well as part load properties of an existing chiller. It can be concluded that with energy researchers, utility companies, and decision makers, the interest in heat driven cooling has increased during the years of the project. This is due to the increased cooling demand in Sweden, and the world, while global efforts towards a sustainable energy system put demands on managing the need for power, and increased used of renewables. The lower the driving temperature, the greater the potential for generating environmentally sound cooling by way of solar, geothermal, industrial waste heat and district heating based on waste heat.

  7. Long term effects on water streams of wood ash recycling to a forest plantation; Laangtidsverkan paa avrinnande vatten av askaaterfoering till plantskog. Slutrapport foer en delstudie inom det av Energimyndigheten finansierade projektet 'Skogliga aatgaerder - effekter paa kol-, naering- och tungmetallfloeden'

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eriksson, Hillevi; Nilsson, Torbjoern [Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala (Sweden). Dept. of Forest Soils


    The chemical composition of runoff from a wood ash fertilized catchment in central Sweden have been studied during eight years after the treatment. The effects of the ash treatment was compared with a 12ayear long reference period and a reference catchment close to the ash treated catchment. The ash treated area was earlier (winter 1980/81) whole-tree-harvested to 90 %. At the same time the reference area was stemwood harvested on 60 % of the area. Both areas were planted with spruce and pine. Granulated ash was spread on the whole-tree-harvested area, by helicopter, on two occasions (1aton per hectare in May 1989 and 2 tonnes per hectare in October 1991). During the first ash application a marked peak in K concentration was observed. The second ash application caused a high peak in K concentration. Short-lived peaks was also observed for pH, electric conductivity, ANC, Mg, Na and Cl. Significant increases of pH, electric conductivity, Ca, K and Cl was observed in runoff water from the ash treated area during the 8-year-period after the last ash spreading. However, during the same period concentrations of NH4-N, N03-N and total N have shown a relative decrease in runoff water from the ash treated area, compared to the reference area.

  8. Regional Focus on Small-scale wind power (<50kW) in southeastern Sweden within the Network for wind farms. Final Report, Project No. 31852-1. ; Regional Satsning paa Smaaskalig vindkraft (<50kW) i sydoestra Sverige inom Naetverket foer vindbruk. Slutrapport, projekt nr 31852-1.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tyrberg, Lennart (ed.)


    Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden AB, the Swedish Network for wind farming and the EU project RuralRES have collaborated in this project. The project has resulted in a competence buildup and dissemination of small-scale wind power knowledge. The project has, among other things documented good practices and performs feasibility studies for establishment of small scale wind power. This work has led to an understanding of preconditions for a successful investment in small-scale wind power. The dissemination of this knowledge here in the region, in other parts of Sweden and to other partners in the EU project has contributed to a more realistic level of expectations on small-scale wind power, something that is very important for the industry's continued development. A good wind location is the most important prerequisite for a successful wind power project; this applies to small as well as large-scale wind power. Availability of reliable wind turbines with good performance is important for the development of the industry. Further, it should be reasonably easy to get building permits and permits for electricity connection. The growth might be stimulated by the introduction of net charging and an adaptation of the electricity certificate system for small producers.

  9. New CO{sub 2} neutral city area with integrated district heating system of the future in Hoeje Taastrup - Phase 1: Preparation of demonstration. Final report; Denmark; Ny CO{sub 2}-neutral bydel med fremtidens integrerede fjernvarmesystem i Hoeje Taastrup - Fase 1: Forberedelse af demonstration. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kaarup Olsen, P.; Hummelshoej, R.M. (Cowi A/S (Denmark))


    The project has contributed considerably to developing and maturing many climate initiatives in Hoeje Taastrup municipality - including particularly having made an effort to develop and develop the plans for a CO{sub 2}-neutral quarter called 'Vision Gammelsa'. In this context, the project has involved relevant actors in the development of an energy concept for the quarter. The concept was later used as basis for an EU application to the CONCERTO programme, for which Hoeje Taastrup achieved final grant agreement in December 2009. In this way, the municipality obtained funding for a 6-year project 'ECO-Life' which will focus on energy measures in Hedehusene, Floeng and the Gammelsoe region. The project will be carried out in cooperation with a municipality in Lithuania (Birstonas) and Belgium (Kortrijk). In addition, the project supported the development of a climate plan and policy in the municipality. During the life of the project, the council has carried out a wide range of ambitious initiatives which to a great extent stems from the project and in particularly the cooperation that the project has brought along. Based on a preliminary draft proposal for the district, a number of energy concepts have been assessed that can make the district CO{sub 2}-neutral. Primary focus has been on the heat supply. It is recommended to establish a low-temperature heating network, since such a solution provides the best possibility of using surplus heat and renewable energy sources, and in the future, perhaps already in 15 years, district heating from VEKS will be CO{sub 2}-neutral. Three energy efficient and CO{sub 2} efficient district heating solutions have been investigated in more detail: 1) Local low-temperature district heating network with ground heat and solar heat. 2) Low-temperature district heating network based on return heat from the HTF/VEKS system. 3) Low-temperature district heating network with heat driven heat pumps and solar heat. All three options are interesting. The 'return heat the solution' has less CO{sub 2} displacement potential, but will require a minimal investment cost compared to a regular connection to the HTF/VEKS district heating network. With the assumptions used, the solution with heat-powered pumps and a central solar heating plant provides t a considerably lower CO{sub 2} displacement price than a solution with central ground and solar heating. It is therefore recommended to further analyse the solution with a heat driven heat pump. To make the energy supply of the district CO{sub 2} neutral in the short term, it will be necessary to install wind turbines with a total capacity of approx. 6 MW, which for that particular area at this time would be the most cost-effective solution, i.e. will have the lowest CO{sub 2} displacement price. (LN)

  10. Tool for economic and environmental analysis of hybrid plants for district cooling and district heating - 'District cooling 2.0'. Final report and user guide; Vaerktoej til oekonomisk og miljoemaessig analyse af hybridanlaeg til fjernkoeling og fjernvarme. Fjernkoel 2.0. Slutrapport og brugermanual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The purpose of the tool is to help bring district cooling solutions into consideration by facilitating rapid technical / economic and environmental analysis of district cooling solutions - also with heat pump operation. The tool is a screening tool intended for specific cases with actual data from reality. The tool can analyze the simultaneous production of heat and cooling, and use of storage can make district cooling even more profitable. It is also possible to analyze the importance of flexible electricity and heating prices and see how they can be utilized, including the calculation of the probable prices on heating and cooling, and investments. The tool can make calculations on the following plant types: - Systems with only cooling without cold storage; - Systems with only cooling with cold storage; - Systems with cooling and heating controlled by cooling - with heat storage; - Systems with heating and cooling controlled by heating - with heating and cooling storage; - Systems with cooling and heating with optimized management - with heat storage. The tool can also be used to make general assessments, for example, to analyze the importance of flexible electricity and heating prices of typical district cooling systems, and for that matter, heat pump systems. (LN)

  11. Ash and sludge covering of mine waste - Final report. Benefits and/or risks using ash and sludge for covering of weathered mine waste; Aska och roetslam som taet- och taeckskikt foer vittrat gruvavfall - Slutrapport. Foerdelar och/eller risker med att anvaenda aska och slam som taet- och taeckskikt foer vittrat gruvavfall

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baeckstroem, Mattias; Karlsson, Ulrika [Oerebro Univ. (Sweden). Man-Technology-Environment Research Centre


    One of the main sources for metal pollution in Sweden is mine waste. One way to decrease the leaching of metals from mine waste areas are covering which decreases the volume of acid drainage. There is a shortage of appropriate materials to use for covering and excavation of till and clay from the environment might cause damages on the landscape. Previous studies have demonstrated that sludge and ashes are suitable materials for covering of waste deposits. When covering mine waste with ash and sludge various positive effects would arise, since the production of drainage water decreases as well as the pH increases due to the high buffer capacity of the ash. In Ervalla outside Oerebro an area with mine waste (tailings) has been covered with ash and sludge. This area gives a unique possibility to study benefits and/or risks with the covering of mine waste with ash and sludge. Unfortunately, the covering was not, from the start, carried out in a way that made it possible to evaluate the data. For instance, data about the surface and groundwater quality prior to the covering is lacking. Sulphidic minerals are also very common in the area, giving rise to acidic groundwater from other parts of the area, which haven't been remediated. This report is a final report where all phases are presented (phase 1 and 2). Focus in phase 1 has been on characterization of the material that has been used for covering and initiation of a monitoring program. In phase 2 focus has been on evaluation of monitoring data and the pros and cons of the deposit regarding the environment. Preliminary findings indicate that that the covering increases the leaching of some metals whereas the leaching of some metals decreases. An increase was observed for pH, calcium, potassium, sodium, arsenic, barium, chromium and copper. A decrease in the concentration of iron, nickel, cobalt, lead and zinc was observed. Other benefits with the remediation is also discussed (increased plant growth and an area for storing timber). From the results an approach towards future covering of weathered mine waste with ash and sludge is presented.

  12. Long-time effects of run-off water from ash recycling to a planted forest. Final report for a partial study in the project 'Forestry measures - effects on carbon-, nutrients and heavy metal flows' financed by the Swedish Energy Agency; Laangtidsverkan paa avrinnande vatten av askaaterfoering till plantskog. Slutrapport foer en delstudie inom det av Energimyndigheten finansierade projektet 'Skogliga aatgaerder - effekter paa kol-, naering och tungmetalIfloeden'

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nilsson, Torbjoern; Eriksson, Hillevi


    The chemical composition of runoff from a wood ash fertilized catchment in central Sweden has been studied during eight years after the treatment. The effects of the ash treatment was compared with a 12 year long reference period and a reference catchment close to the ash treated area was earlier (winter 1980/81) whole-tree-harvested to 90 %. At the same time the reference area was stemwood harvested on 60 % of the area. Both areas were planted with spruce and pine. Granulated ash was spread on the whole-tree-harvested area, by helicopter, on two occasions (1 ton per hectare in May 1989 and 2 tonnes per hectare in October 1991). During the first ash application a marked peak in K concentration was observed. The second ash application caused a high peak in K concentration. Short-lived peaks was also observed for pH, electric conductivity, ANC, Mg, Na and Cl. Significant increases of pH, electric conductivity, Ca, K and Cl was observed in runoff water from the ash treated area during the 8-year-period after the last ash spreading. However, during the same period concentrations of NH{sub 4}-N, NO{sub 3}-N and total N have shown a relative decrease in runoff water from the ash treated area, compared to the reference area.