
Sample records for endurance sobre componentes


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    Gustavo Adolfo García Arango


    Full Text Available El comercio de componentes humanos, como todo en el comercio, nace de una oferta y una demanda, las cuales son publicitadas para lograr su efectividad. En la investigación se revisó la normativa relacionada con órganos y trasplantes en varios países latinoamericanos. Sin embargo, no en todos los países las normas hacen alusión expresa a la publicidad de órganos u otros componentes anatómicos como el caso de México. En otras ni siquiera se menciona el término publicidad, como en Guatemala, Honduras, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Bolivia o Chile. Sólo en Colombia, Perú, Paraguay, Argentina, Brasil y España hay una alusión directa a la publicidad de órganos y trasplantes. En general, las normas apuntan a restringir la publicidad sobre componentes humanos sea desde el anunciante o desde el anuncio mismo.

  2. Efecto generacional de la desnutrición sobre el crecimiento de los componentes craneo-funcionales

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    Cesani Rossi, María Florencia


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar, desde un criterio funcional, el crecimiento craneano en dos generaciones de ratas subnutridas. Los animales de la generación parental (P fueron alimentados con dieta control ad libitum. Las generaciones filiales (F1 y F2 recibieron el 75% del alimento consumido por un animal P de su misma edad y sexo. Cada animal fue radiografiado periódicamente entre los 20 y 100 días de edad. Sobre cada radiografía se relevaron longitud, ancho y altura de los componentes funcionales mayores (neurocráneo y esplacnocráneo y menores (neural anterior, medio y posterior, ótico, masticatorio, respiratorio y alveolar. Los cambios de tamaño de cada componente fueron evaluados por medio de índices volumétricos. Los datos se procesaron mediante pruebas de Kruskal-Wallis y Kolmogorov-Smirnov para k muestras. La desnutrición provocó retardo significativo del crecimiento de los componentes craneanos mayores y menores. El tamaño neurocraneano y esplacnocraneano asi como el de algunos componentes menores fue mayor en F1 que en F2, evidenciando un retardo acumulativo del crecimiento. La variación morfológica (tamaño y forma entre generaciones refleja una tendencia secular negativa.


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    José Manuel Suárez Riveiro


    Full Text Available El principal propósito de este trabajo fue el de proponer un modelo sobre cómo las estrategias motivacionales relacionadas al componente de afectividad inciden sobre la utilización de las estrategias cognitivas y metacognitivas. La muestra utilizada fue de 500 estudiantes de Secundaria. Se asumió que el efecto de las estrategias motivacionales sobre las estrategias cognitivas estaría mediado por el uso de las estrategias metacognitivas. Para estudiar estas estrategias y su relación se realizaron análisis descriptivos y se elaboró un diagrama de senderos. Los resultados mostraron que la estrategia motivacional más utilizada es la de autorrefuerzo y que se establecen relaciones significativas desde algunas estrategias motivacionales, pero no desde todas, con las estrategias cognitivas aunque únicamente la estrategia de autorrefuerzo establece relaciones significativas con la autorregulación metacognitiva.

  4. Reflexiones sobre la influencia de los componentes religiosos en el asociacionismo inmigrante

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    Mata Romeu, Anna


    Full Text Available The text reflects on the importance (real and symbolic religious component in the birth and consolidation of the associations of immigrants from the Maghreb and sub-Saharan Africa. The analysis focuses exclusively on the Islamic religion, as is most common in people from this source. The field work was developed in three Autonomous Communities: Catalonia, Community Valencia and Navarra, between 2009 and 2010. Research shows, among others, shared religious beliefs of the members of the association are important (in some cases decisive to understand both the birth of the partnership, including joint and internal cohesion. As will be seen also throughout the text, the religious component is also useful to understand the relations that these associations together, with those considered similar and the different public administrations.El texto reflexiona sobre la importancia (real y simbólica de los componentes religiosos en el nacimiento y consolidación de las asociaciones de personas inmigrantes procedentes de el Magreb y el África subsahariana. El análisis se centra de forma exclusiva en la religión islámica, dado que es la mayoritaria en las personas de esta procedencia. El trabajo de campo se ha desarrollado en tres comunidades autónomas: Cataluña, Comunidad Valenciana y Navarra, entre los años 2009 y 2010. De la investigación se desprende, entre otras, que las creencias religiosas compartidas de los miembros de la asociación resultan importantes (incluso en algunos casos determinantes para entender tanto el nacimiento de la asociación, como su articulación y cohesión interna. Como se verá también a lo largo del texto, el componente religioso será también de utilidad para comprender las relaciones que sostienen estas asociaciones entre sí, con aquellas consideradas análogas y con las distintas administraciones públicas.

  5. Influência da contagem de células somáticas sobre os componentes do leite

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    Maike Taís Maziero Montanhini


    Full Text Available mastite é uma inflamação da glândula mamária caracterizada por alterações do tecido glandular, causando distúrbios funcionais no quarto mamário afetado. Por sua vez, estes distúrbios induzem a diminuição na produção do leite e alterações em sua composição centesimal, suas propriedades físico-químicas, bacteriológicas e sensoriais.O objetivo foi avaliar a influência da contagem de células somáticas (CCS sobre os componentes do leite. Foram avaliados os resultados de 156.465 amostras analisadas pelo laboratório da Associação Paranaense de Criadores de Bovinos da Raça Holandesa, durante o período de julho a setembro de 2012. Foram determinadas a CCS e os teores de proteína, gordura, lactose, sólidos totais, caseína e extrato seco desengordurado (ESD. A gordura apresentou maior coeficiente de variação, seguida pelos teores de caseína, proteína, sólidos totais, ESD e, finalmente, o componente que apresentou menor variação foi a lactose. Entre as amostras avaliadas, 47,4% apresentaram ao menos um resultado em desacordo com os limites estipulados pela legislação brasileira. Para a CCS, 21,8% das amostras apresentaram resultados acima do padrão. O teor de gordura apresentou correlação positiva com a CCS. Por outro lado, o teor lactose e o ESD apresentaram correlação negativa com a CCS. O teor de proteína total não sofreu influência da CCS, no entanto, a caseína apresentou correlação positiva com a CCS. A mastite afeta a qualidade do leite, uma vez que promove alterações significativas nos seus componentes, principalmente gordura, lactose e caseína.

  6. Sobre la concepcion del sindrome piramidal y del componente yuxtapiramidal despues de 21 años

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    Luis Barraquer-Bordas


    Full Text Available Tal como hemos venido manteniendo desde 1952, nos parece justo distinguir dentro del todo del sndrome piramidal un aspecto, diferenciado con suficiente claridad, al que propusimos llamar "yuxtapiramidal". Una nomenclatura científica es, ante todo, un sistema de convenciones — lo más fundamentadas que sea posible — sobre las que es necesario mantener un acuerdo para extraer de ella una utilidad operativa. El término "piramidal" no es mucho más inexacto que muchos otros empleados en Medicina. Ciertamente, si queremos tomar por referencia la palabra ecológicamente originaria, que en este caso es la pirámide bulbar, las dificultades aparecen como serias y considerables. Pero si tenemos en cuenta que a la proyección piramidal pura u ortopiramidal o córtico-espinal directa, va estrechamente aparejado el sistema anátomo-funcional que parece ser crucial en la inhibición del reflejo miotático o de tracción, esto es, la proyección córtico-bulbo(retículo-espinal, que nosotros venimos calificando (desde 1952 de "proyección yuxtapiramidal", facilmente nos daremos cuenta que ambos forman un todo, dispuesto longitudinalmente a lo largo del neuroeje, que mantiene una indudable unidad funcional, sobre todo una "unidad de afectación ante los procesos morbosos que los atañen". La dificultad de la nomenclatura proviene, en gran parte, del hecho de haber querido denominar un "sistema longitudinal" por el nombre de un "accidente casi-transversal" interpuesto en un punto determinado y concreto de su curso: la pirámide bulbar, la cual parece abarcar solamente el "componente mayor" de aquel sistema, con exclusión del otro, del yuxtapiramidal". Las aportaciones experimentales recientes de Asbhy y col. y del grupo de Lance, al confirmar lo esencial de las viejas experiencias de Magoun e col., otorgan, a nuestro juicio, una validez renovada a nuestra concepción de un "sistema yuxtapiramidal", inhibidor del reflejo de tracción. De la afectación de

  7. Componentes do cuidado de enfermagem no processo de parto

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    Ariane Thaise Frello


    Full Text Available O cuidar é necessário durante todo o processo do parto, e conhecer o que as mulheres têm a dizer sobre suas experiências permite que as práticas sejam repensadas. Assim, este estudo teve como objetivo identificar como se apresentam os Componentes do Cuidado de Enfermagem nas falas das puérperas acerca do seu processo de parto. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa envolvendo três instituições públicas de cada um dos estados da Região Sul do Brasil no período de agosto a dezembro de 2006, tendo como sujeitos 28 puérperas, entrevistadas no alojamento conjunto por meio de entrevista semi-estruturada. Os dados foram analisados conforme passos propostos por Creswell. O referencial teórico utilizado para sustentar a coleta e análise de dados foram os Componentes do Cuidado de Enfermagem propostos por Carraro, baseados em Nightingale e Semmelweis. Os resultados apontam os aspectos relativos ao cuidado da mulher no processo do parto, possibilitando ter clareza sobre suas necessidades de forma a qualificar o cuidado prestado. Desta forma, seus depoimentos contribuem para promover a reflexão e futuras mudanças nos cuidados prestados pela Enfermagem e toda a Equipe de Saúde.

  8. El componente cultural en los cursos de ELE para estudiantes universitarios en Corea del Sur


    Song, Yerim


    [ES]La tesis investiga el tratamiento del componente cultural en los cursos de ELE para estudiantes universitarios, en Corea del Sur. En primer lugar, se reflexiona sobre el cambio cualitativo del componente cultural a lo largo de la evolución metodológica, para elegir un enfoque adecuado al ámbito universitario de ese país, a fin de llevar a cabo una enseñanza integrada de la lengua y la cultura en el aula, que en este caso sería el enfoque orientado a la acción adoptado por el Marco común e...

  9. El triple componente cromático de las experiencias: memoria, emoción y sistema nervioso autónomo

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    Hernán Darío Delgado Rico, MD, MSc*


    Full Text Available La memoria y la emoción son temas de extenso e intenso estudio dentro de la comunidad científica mundial pues impactan directamente en la construcción del historial de las comunidades sobre el que se fundamenta la preservación de la especie, los repertorios de interacción entre individuos de una comunidad y en el caso de los humanos sirven de fundamento para la construcción de la sociedad y sus diferentes áreas de progreso. Desde hace algún tiempo surgieron dos teorías contrapuestas sobre el origen de las emociones y debido al auge histórico del momento tuvo mayor preponderancia la que daba preferencia al cerebro como el órgano que generaba las distintas experiencias que podían establecer una emoción; no obstante, experiencias recientes han demostrado que el componente periférico del sistema nervioso autónomo tiene una fuerte influencia sobre las emociones y que las intervenciones sobre dicho sistema pueden interferir de forma deletérea o no en la creación de memoria de dichos eventos, es decir en la memoria emocional. [Delgado HD. El triple componente cromático de las experiencias: memoria, emoción y sistema nervioso autónomo. MedUNAB 2009; 12:52-61].

  10. Respuesta modular de los componentes craneanos por acción hormonal en el retardo prenatal de crecimiento

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    Quintero, Fabián


    Full Text Available La plasticidad fenotípica es producto de la interacción dinámica entre la información genética y el ambiente, constituyendo el sistema endocrino un intermediario entre ambos. La desnutrición, en el período prenatal y postnatal temprano, puede retrasar el crecimiento. El Catch-up resulta de un período de aceleración del crecimiento que permite a los organismos recuperar su tamaño corporal. Sin embargo, las respuestas son heterogéneas y dependen de condiciones externas y factores intrínsecos vinculados al eje somatotrópico. El presente trabajo analiza el efecto de la hormona de crecimiento (GH sobre las trayectorias de crecimiento de los componentes craneanos neural y facial de animales con retardo prenatal de crecimiento (RPC. Ratas Wistar constituyeron los grupos: Control, RPC y RPC+GH. El RPC se indujo por obstrucción de arterias uterinas. La GH se administró entre 21-60 días de edad. A 1os 1, 21, 42, 63 y 84 días se midieron sobre Rx longitud, ancho y altura del neuro y esplacnocráneo. Se realizó análisis de componentes principales y se calcularon los volúmenes neural y facial ajustados por curvas de regresión. Se concluye que los componentes craneanos facial y neural presentan diferentes estrategias de recuperación en respuesta a la GH, mostrando comportamiento modular.

  11. Estudio sobre el fraccionamiento del peso corporal en sus componentes, en luchadores de la categoría 10-11 años del estilo libre en Pinar del Río

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    Full Text Available La lucha es un deporte en el cual los atletas para competir se agrupan por divisiones de peso corporal esto trae consigo que muchos entrenadores y atletas tratando de buscar resultados deportivos vayan al uso indiscriminado de su peso corporal sin tener en cuenta lo perjudicial que esto resulta para la salud del ser humano. El fraccionamiento del peso corporal en diferentes componentes es un método del cual nos podemos valer para el control y ajuste de cada atleta a la división más idónea.Por la importancia que este tema reviste nos propusimos en esta investigación realizar un estudio por varios años en la lucha deportiva en las edades de 10-11 años para determinar los rangos en cada división, los componentes musculares, óseo, grasa y residual que nos permitan observar con gran interés las modificaciones realizadas por el entrenamiento sobre todo en el peso graso y muscular evitando con ello cometer violaciones en las etapas de evolución de los talentos y pérdidas prematuras de estos.

  12. Componentes sociales y espaciales de la movilidad residencial en Bogotá.

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    Daniel Delaunay


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar cuatro componentes de la movilidad residencial intraurbana de los residentes de la ciudad de Bogotá (Colombia: la elección de la vivienda, de su localización, del tipo de tenencia, y la decisión de lograr una autonomía residencial. Cada una de ellas tiene su propia lógica, y ésta se analiza para cada individuo por medio de las trayectorias biográficas recabadas en 1993. Las diferenciaciones sociales cambian de un componente a otro, se agregan o se combinan, provocando variaciones en la movilidad residencial. En una ciudad en rápida expansión, con una notable segregación residencial, el interés por la localización es fundamental, a pesar de que poco se le ha considerado en la literatura que trata sobre el tema. El significado que confieren los individuos a la ubicación de su vivienda dentro de la ciudad rebasa la simple consideración de los recursos con que cuenta el barrio; atañe también a las historias familiares y a la historia de la ciudad.

  13. Suplementação de carboidrato não reverte o efeito deletério do exercício de endurance sobre o subseqüente desempenho de força Suministrar carbohidratos no revierte el efecto destructivo del ejercicio de endurance sobre el subsiguiente desempeño de fuerza Carbohydrate supplementation fails to revert the deleterious effects of endurance exercise upon subsequent strength performance

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    Marcelo Saldanha Aoki


    Full Text Available Estudos disponíveis na literatura demonstram que a realização prévia de um exercício de endurance afeta de modo adverso o desempenho no exercício de força subseqüente. Tal ocorrência pode estar relacionada a mudanças metabólicas induzidas pelo exercício de endurance. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar se a ingestão de carboidrato (CHO pode atenuar os efeitos de uma sessão aguda de exercício de endurance sobre o desempenho de força. A fim de testar essa hipótese, seis estudantes universitárias (164 ± 5,9cm; 64,9 ± 7,2kg, com experiência em treinamento de força, foram submetidas a um teste para a determinação do VO2pico (44 ± 4,3ml.min-1 e um teste de 1-RM para o leg press (186 ± 22,5kg seguido de um teste de repetições máximas (duas séries de leg press realizado a 70% de 1-RM até exaustão 1ª série 21 ± 2,6 e 2ª série 11 ± 1,9 repetições em dias diferentes. Seguindo um protocolo duplo-cego, os sujeitos foram submetidos a duas condições experimentais, recebendo uma bebida placebo (P ou outra contendo carboidrato (6% - maltodextrina, antes (500ml e durante (500ml a realização de uma sessão de exercício de endurance (corrida em esteira 70% do VO2pico por 45 minutos. Em seguida ao exercício de endurance, os indivíduos realizaram um teste de 1-RM seguido pelo teste de repetições máximas. Não foram observadas mudanças no teste de 1-RM e na concentração plasmática de glicose entre as condições experimentais (P x CHO. O número de repetições máximas a 70%-1RM apresentou decréscimo nas duas situações (P 1ª série 13 ± 2,9 repetições e 2ª série 6 ± 2,1 repetições; CHO 1ª série 15 ± 2,5 repetições e 2ª série 7 ± 1,7 repetições, p Los estudios disponibles en la literatura demuestran que la realización previa de un ejercicio de endurance afecta de modo adverso el desempeño en el ejercicio de fuerza subsiguiente. Tal ocurrencia puede estar relacionada a cambios metab

  14. Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of each component in Grossman’s sealer Avaliação da atividade antimicrobiana de cada um dos componentes do cimento de Grossman

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    Ricardo Novak Savioli


    Full Text Available The antimicrobial activity of Grossman’s sealer and its components was evaluated on 13 different strains using the double layer well-diffusion method. Results revealed that Grossman’s sealer presented antimicrobial activity against all the tested strains. Among the components of the cement, sodium tetraborate presented the greatest antimicrobial activity, both in type and diameter of the halo and ring of inhibition. Sealer powder, rosin, and eugenol presented similar activity, with no effect on P. aeruginosa and C. albicans. Among these, only eugenol had an effect on E. coli. Zinc oxide was only active against S. sobrinus and E. coli. Barium sulfate and bismuth subcarbonate did not show any antimicrobial effect.Os autores estudaram a atividade antimicrobiana do cimento de Grossman e de seus componentes sobre 13 diferentes cepas pelo método de difusão de poço em camada dupla. Os resultados revelaram que o cimento de Grossman apresentou atividade antimicrobiana contra todas as cepas utilizadas. Dos componentes do cimento, o tetraborato de sódio foi o que apresentou maior atividade antimicrobiana, tanto por tipo como por tamanho do halo e aro de inibição. O pó do cimento, o breu e o eugenol apresentaram atividades semelhantes, sendo que eles não tiveram ação sobre P. aeruginosa e C. albicans e, dos três componentes, somente o eugenol teve ação sobre E coli. O óxido de zinco somente teve ação sobre S. sobrinus e E. coli. O sulfato de bário e o subcarbonato de bismuto não tiveram nenhuma ação antimicrobiana.

  15. Effects of a strength endurance training program on endurance levels Efectos de un programa de entrenamiento de la fuerza-resistencia sobre los niveles de resistencia

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    J. C. Redondo


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    The purpose of the current study was to determine whether a strength endurance training program of lower limbs isolate can increase endurance levels, both aerobic capacity and aerobic power, in order to adapt the strength training for endurance races. 20 phisically active men participated in the study. They were divided into two groups: control group (GC (n=10 and experimental group (GE (n=10. GE carried out a strength endurance training program for ten weeks. Results obtained showed that this type of training regime was useful to improve the performance in an aerobic endurance test. This could be due to an improvement in aerobic capacity, maximal dynamic strength, explosive strength and reactive strength. Moreover, there was a decrease in fat mass without increase in muscle mass.
    Key Words:  Training, strength endurance, aerobic capacity, anthropometry.


    El presente estudio pretende comprobar que el trabajo aislado de la fuerza resistencia en miembros inferiores produce una mejora de los niveles de resistencia, en términos tanto de potencia como de capacidad aeróbica, optimizando así el entrenamiento de la fuerza para pruebas de resistencia de media y larga duración. Para ello, veinte sujetos participaron en el estudio, dividiéndose de forma aleatoria en dos grupos: grupo control (GC (n=10 y grupo experimental (GE (n=10 el cual llevó a cabo un entrenamiento de fuerza resistencia extensivo por intervalos, de diez semanas de duración. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que este tipo de entrenamiento es efectivo para mejorar el rendimiento en una prueba de resistencia aeróbica para sujetos físicamente activos, gracias a la mejora de la capacidad aeróbica, de la fuerza máxima dinámica, elástico explosiva y elástico explosivo reactiva y a la disminución de los niveles de grasa

  16. Conocimientos sobre derechos y deberes en salud en profesionales de medicina y enfermería, Bucaramanga, Colombia: Conocimientos sobre derechos-deberes en salud

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    Ludivia Esther Montaño Villalba


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir el nivel de conocimientos que profesionales en medicina y enfermería, que laboran en instituciones de salud públicas y privadas de la ciudad de Bucaramanga (Santander-Colombia, tienen sobre derechos y deberes en salud establecidos en la Constitución Política y en el Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud, 2010. Método: Estudio descriptivo, exploratorio, transversal. Se seleccionaron aleatoriamente instituciones, servicios y profesionales participantes. Se indagaron los conocimientos en cinco componentes que cobijaron temas sobre derechos y deberes en salud inscritos en la Constitución Política, en el Sistema General de Seguridad Social colombiano y en la jurisprudencia constitucional; igualmente, se indagó sobre el conocimiento de mecanismos jurídicos para acceder al derecho a la salud en el territorio nacional. Se construyeron promedios en términos de porcentaje total y por componente. Resultados: El promedio global de conocimientos fue 57,7 %, el de conocimientos generales sobre Constitución Política 39,4 % y el de conocimientos sobre el SGSSS 55,1 %. Los profesionales que reportaron mayores niveles de conocimientos fueron: hombres, especialistas administrativos, médicos, personas con mayor experiencia laboral y trabajadores del sector privado. Los egresados menores a cinco años obtuvieron menores promedios de conocimientos. Conclusiones: El nivel de conocimientos en derechos y deberes en salud entre los profesionales de medicina y enfermería en Bucaramanga fue deficiente.A pesar de que el conocimiento de estos temas es central en el desempeño de los profesionales del sector salud, se evidencia a partir de estos resultados, carencia de procesos de formación o educación continuada en el tema de derechos. Salud UIS 2013; 45 (1: 15-22

  17. Lo moreno es bello. Componentes identitarios de las mujeres jóvenes evangélicas aymaras

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    Miguel Ángel Mansilla


    Full Text Available En este artículo de investigación científica son descritas las concepciones sobre identidad cultural que expresan las jóvenes evangélicas aymaras de la región de Tarapacá en Chile, por medio de las cuales se enfrenta el vacío en el conocimiento sobre los procesos identitarios en poblaciones de jóvenes pentecostales aymaras, que incluyen sistemáticamente distinciones de género. El material forma parte de un estudio mayor que incluyó 25 entrevistas en profundidad a hombres y mujeres aymaras de sectores rurales y urbanos, entre enero y septiembre del 2013. Serán consideradas las entrevistas correspondientes a 8 jóvenes evangélicas estudiantes universitarias de entre 18 y 29 años de edad y se resaltarán tres componentes identitarios significativos: su relación con la masculinidad, la lengua como recurso de identificación, y el territorio como referente identitario. Por último, se concluirá analizando la importancia de la reflexividad sobre los propios supuestos en investigación como factores que invisibilizan los procesos de ciertos grupos sociales.

  18. Urticaria papular: revisión sobre los agentes causales en Colombia, un país tropical

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    Ana Milena Lozano


    La urticaria papular es una condición frecuente en Latinoamérica que debe investigarse a profundidad. La caracterización inmunológica de los componentes moleculares que causan esta condición puede resolver interrogantes sobre su etiopatogenia.


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    Sabitha Eunice Regima


    Full Text Available Background: Recently the exercises and fitness professionals have adopted water as an alternative medium for delivering programs to improve fitness and health. When exercise on dry land our skeletal muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory and other body systems are greatly affected by the forces of gravity. When exercise in water, the effects created by the gravitational pull on the body are attenuated. Therefore the aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of land based endurance training and aquatic based endurance training for enhancing endurance in normal individuals. Methods: An experimental study design with 30 subjects healthy individuals between 20-30 years of both sexes currently were divided equally into 2 groups. Group A underwent land based exercises while Group B underwent aquatic based exercises. The outcome measures consist of RPP (rate pressure product, REC HR (recovery heart rate, RHR (resting heart rate and 6MWD (6 minute walking distance was measured before (pre-training and after four weeks of endurance training. Results: In this study, the mean improvement between the 2 groups of land and aquatic based endurance exercises were tested for significance using a dependent t test. The calculated t value were 43.550, 4.583, 16, 5.870 for RPP, REC HR, RHR, 6MWD for group A respectively. For group B 25.922, 12.762, 27.495,19.236 for RPP, REC HR, RHR, 6MWD for group A respectively with p<0.05. This clearly indicated that both land based exercises and aquatic based exercises will improve cardiovascular endurance significantly and there is no significant difference between land based exercises and aquatic based exercises for enhancing endurance in normal individuals. Conclusion: It is concluded that both land based and aquatic based endurance exercises methods produce equivalent, if not same effect on the enhancement of aerobic endurance. There was no significant difference between these two exercising mediums. Nonetheless

  20. La calidad y salud del suelo influyen sobre la naturaleza y la sociedad

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    Hernán Burbano Orjuela


    Full Text Available La preservación del suelo resulta prioritaria para todos los sectores de la sociedad, porque su deterioro repercute adversamente sobre otros componentes de la naturaleza y sobre los grupos sociales que necesitan del suelo. Por eso, es importante mantener la calidad y salud del suelo, para que la sociedad pueda garantizar su seguridad alimentaria y disfrutar de los servicios ecosistémicos que presta este recurso natural. En este artículo se revisan los conceptos centrales que buscan explicar las relaciones del suelo con la naturaleza y con las personas.

  1. Los componentes subjetivos de la ética de Hannah Arendt

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    Bueno Gómez, Noelia


    Full Text Available The objective of this paper is to show the primacy of subjective (and not inter subjective components in the ethics of Hannah Arendt, as against the primacy of inter subjective components in her politics. This is not an obstacle to discovering a subjective component in the political realm as well, and an inter subjective component in the realm of ethics, since both are absolutely necessary in both spheres.

    El objetivo de este estudio es poner de manifiesto el primado de los componentes subjetivos (no los intersubjetivos en la ética de Hannah Arendt, frente al primado de los componentes intersubjetivos de su política. Esto no es obstáculo para que encontremos también un componente subjetivo en el ámbito político, y un componente intersubjetivo en el ámbito de la ética, ambos imprescindibles en cada una de ellas.

  2. Papel de la vitamina C y los β-glucanos sobre el sistema inmunitario: revisión


    Ismael San Mauro-Martín; Elena Garicano Vilar


    Existe un creciente interés en conocer herramientas nutricionales al alcance de profesionales para el manejo de la modulación del sistema inmunitario del humano. Esta revisión bibliográfica se centra en los potenciales efectos beneficiosos sobre el sistema inmune atribuidos a productos alimenticios compuestos por β-glucanos de Pleurotus ostreatus, y/o Vitamina C. Este trabajo muestra el resultado obtenido en diferentes estudios con la ingesta de estos componentes sobre el sistema inmunitario,...

  3. Papel de la vitamina C y los β-glucanos sobre el sistema inmunitario: revisión


    San Mauro-Martín, Ismael; Garicano-Vilar, Elena


    Existe un creciente interés en conocer herramientas nutricionales al alcance de profesionales para el manejo de la modulación del sistema inmunitario del humano. Esta revisión bibliográfica se centra en los potenciales efectos beneficiosos sobre el sistema inmune atribuidos a productos alimenticios compuestos por β-glucanos de Pleurotus ostreatus, y/o Vitamina C. Este trabajo muestra el resultado obtenido en diferentes estudios con la ingesta de estos componentes sobre el sistema inmunitario,...

  4. Propiedades beneficiosas de los terpenos iridoides sobre la salud


    López-Carreras, Noemi; Miguel, Marta; Aleixandre, Amaya


    [ES]: Algunos componentes de los alimentos presentan actividad biológica y pueden producir un efecto beneficioso sobre la salud. Aquellos que provienen de las plantas se conocen con el nombre de fitoquímicos. Muchos de estos compuestos proceden de la condensación del isopreno y presentan la estructura propia de los terpenos. Entre ellos, destacan algunos monoterpenos bicíclicos derivados del geraniol, que se denominan iridoides. Los iridoides pueden encontrarse como estructuras abiertas...

  5. Componentes volátiles libres y glicosídicamente enlazados del aroma de la piña (ananas comosus l.) variedad perolera


    Sinuco, Diana C.; Morales, Alicia L.; Duque, Carmenza


    Los componentes volátiles del aroma de la piña perolera fueron obtenidos mediante extracción L-L y analizados por CGAR, CGAR-EM (IE, IQP) y CGAR-O. En esta forma se identificaron 67 compuestos, siendo 2-metilbutanoato de metilo, hexanoatode metilo, 4- acetoxi-hexanoato de metilo, 5-acetoxi-hexanoato de metilo y 3-metiltiopropanoato de metilo los componentesmayoritarios. Mediante el análisis por CGAR-O no se detectaron compuestos impacto.La fracción glicosídica se obtuvo por adsorción sobre Am...

  6. Effects of strength training on endurance capacity in top-level endurance athletes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aagaard, Per; Andersen, Jesper L


    The effect of concurrent strength (S) and endurance (E) training on adaptive changes in aerobic capacity, endurance performance, maximal muscle strength and muscle morphology is equivocal. Some data suggest an attenuated cardiovascular and musculoskeletal response to combined E and S training......, while other data show unimpaired or even superior adaptation compared with either training regime alone. However, the effect of concurrent S and E training only rarely has been examined in top-level endurance athletes. This review describes the effect of concurrent SE training on short-term and long......-term endurance performance in endurance-trained subjects, ranging from moderately trained individuals to elite top-level athletes. It is concluded that strength training can lead to enhanced long-term (>30 min) and short-term (...

  7. Percepção da vitrine e influência social : um estudo sobre o comportamento da consumidora de moda


    Gomes, Mônica Severo Pereira


    O presente trabalho é caracterizado como um estudo exploratório sobre o comportamento de compra de produtos de vestuário e acessórios de moda. Testou-se um modelo teórico baseado na Teoria do Comportamento Planejado (TCP) com modificações, onde incluíu-se um componente ambiental (percepção da vitrine), além das outras variáveis do modelo (componentes atitudinais, normativos e de controle percebido). Em tal adaptação, utilizou-se como variável dependente o comportamento passado de compra, ao i...

  8. Efectos del fMLP y de los antioxidantes sobre funciones inducidas por lipopolisacáridos bacterianos


    Vulcano, Marisa


    En el presente tabajo de Tesis se evaluaron las consecuencias de las interacciones de los lipopolisacáridos (LPS) y de los péptidos formilados de las bacterias Gram negativas sobre la activación de distintas funciones celulares involucradas en el desencadenamiento de la respuesta inflamatoria a la infección. En particular, se analizaron los efectos de estos dos componentes bacterianos sobre la activación del estallido respiratorio y la producción de TNF-α en células fagocíticas humanas. Los r...

  9. Estado del arte del conocimiento sobre perifiton en Colombia

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    Yimmy Montoya Moreno


    Full Text Available El perifiton es un componente de las comunidades bióticas acuáticas, su estudio es importante tanto desde la perspectiva ecológica, para comprender el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas acuáticos, como desde el punto de vista ambiental, pues su composición y estructura pueden servir como indicadores de la calidad del agua y de procesos que como la contaminación puedan estar afectando a los ecosistemas. La investigación sobre el perifiton es compleja; la definición misma de perifiton aún genera controversias. Sumado a esto, la variedad de metodologías para su estudio integral, la diversidad de arquitecturas de la matriz perifítica, la gran diversidad de ecosistemas y la ausencia de escuelas taxonómicas en el país, contribuyen a que sean pocos los trabajos que se publican sobre el tema, lo que incrementa el valor e importancia de los estudios reseñados en esta revisión. El objetivo de este artículo es dar a conocer el estado del arte en la investigación sobre el perifiton en Colombia, mediante el análisis de diferentes líneas de investigación que se han desarrollado y su grado de avance. Con este fin, se examinaron 84 trabajos a los que los autores tuvieron acceso. La mayoría de investigaciones consultadas en este trabajo (90%, corresponden al estudio de ficoperifiton, el 10% restante incluyó ambos componentes del perifiton y se encontró una dedicada exclusivamente al zooperifiton. Sólo el 10,5% de las investigaciones (8 trabajos se han dedicado al estudio taxonómico detallado, el resto de publicaciones se orientan al estudio de la estructura y dinámica de la comunidad perifítica.

  10. Effects of endurance training only versus same-session combined endurance and strength training on physical performance and serum hormone concentrations in recreational endurance runners. (United States)

    Schumann, Moritz; Mykkänen, Olli-Pekka; Doma, Kenji; Mazzolari, Raffaele; Nyman, Kai; Häkkinen, Keijo


    This study investigated the effects of endurance training only (E, n = 14) and same-session combined training, when strength training is repeatedly preceded by endurance loading (endurance and strength training (E+S), n = 13) on endurance (1000-m running time during incremental field test) and strength performance (1-repetition maximum (1RM) in dynamic leg press), basal serum hormone concentrations, and endurance loading-induced force and hormone responses in recreationally endurance-trained men. E was identical in the 2 groups and consisted of steady-state and interval running, 4-6 times per week for 24 weeks. E+S performed additional mixed-maximal and explosive-strength training (2 times per week) immediately following an incremental running session (35-45 min, 65%-85% maximal heart rate). E and E+S decreased running time at week 12 (-8% ± 5%, p = 0.001 and -7% ± 3%, p force (-5% to -9%, p = 0.032 to 0.001) and testosterone and cortisol responses (18%-47%, p = 0.013 to p benefits when strength training was performed repeatedly after endurance training compared with endurance training only. This was supported by similar acute responses in force and hormonal measures immediately post-endurance loading after the training with sustained 1RM strength in E+S.

  11. Testing of badminton specific endurance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Christian Møller; Højlyng, Mads; Nybo, Lars


    In the present study, a novel intermittent badminton endurance test (B-ENDURANCE) was developed and tested in elite (n=17) and skilled (n=9) badminton players as well as in age-matched physically active men (non-badminton players; n=8). In addition, B-ENDURANCE test-retest reproducibility...... was evaluated in nine badminton players.B-ENDURANCE is an incremental test where each level consists of repeated sequences of badminton specific actions towards the four corners on the court. The subject starts in the center of the court in front of a computer screen and within each sequence he must...... decreases until the subjects cannot follow the dictated tempo.B-ENDURANCE performance for elite players was better (Pbadminton players. In addition, B-ENDURANCE performance correlated (r=0.8; P

  12. Componentes volátiles de mamey (mammea americana L.

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    Alicia Lucía Morales


    Full Text Available Los componentes volátiles del aroma de mamey (Mammea americana L, fueron extraídos utilizando el método de destilación por arrastre con vapor-extracción simultánea con solvente orgánico. El extracto fue prefraccionado por cromatografía en columna en silica gel con gradiente discontinuo Pentano: Éter etílico para obtener tres fracciones que fueron analizadas por CGAR y CGAR-EM. Se detectaron 34 compuestos, de los cuales fueron identificados 22, siendo los componentes mayoritarios: Furfural (7281 ^ig/kg y E-Famesol (2145 ng/kg

  13. Un estudio sobre los componentes pedagógicos de los cursos online masivos

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    Manuela Raposo Rivas


    Full Text Available A finales de la primera década del siglo XXI, el rápido aumento de cursos MOOC dibuja un nuevo panorama educativo planteando nuevos retos a la enseñanza y al aprendizaje debido, fundamentalmente, a sus características de masividad, ubicuidad y gratuidad. En estos cursos se da una confluencia de mediaciones tecnológicas y pedagógicas aún por explorar en todas sus dimensiones. Este trabajo, utilizando un instrumento de indicadores educativos e interactivos en un MOOC (INdiMOOC-EdI de elaboración propia, se centra en averiguar qué componentes pedagógicos posee la actual oferta de MOOC en lengua hispana, para poder dirimir aquellos elementos dependientes de las plataformas que los soportan. Para ello se realiza una investigación mixta de tipo exploratoria y secuencial que analiza un total de 117 cursos ubicados en 10 plataformas diferentes, utilizando el instrumento creado y validado a tal efecto. Con la información obtenida se lleva a cabo un análisis de contenido en su vertiente cualitativa, mientras que con la cuantitativa se efectúan análisis estadísticos complementados con algoritmos propios de la minería de datos. Los resultados muestran que las diferentes plataformas condicionan los diseños pedagógicos del MOOC en cinco aspectos fundamentales: el aprendizaje, las actividades y tareas, los medios y recursos, la interactividad y la evaluación. Se concluye con una serie de indicadores de tipo descriptivo, formativo e interactivo que pueden orientar la pedagogía de futuros Cursos Online Masivos Abiertos.

  14. Estimación de Armónicos sobre FPGA Aplicando Estadística de Orden Superior y Convolución


    Miguel Enrique Iglesias Martínez; Bárbaro Maykel López-Portilla Vigil; Fidel Ernesto Hernández Montero


    En este trabajo se propone la implementación sobre FPGA de un modelo conjunto que aplica las características estadísticas (cumulantes) de orden superior, combinadas a un proceso de convolución, lo cual permite obtener las componentes espectrales con su amplitud, frecuencia y fase originales, contaminadas por un proceso de ruido de distribución normal, aún desconociendo la señal de entrada. El aporte fundamental del mismo radica en la implementación del modelo propuesto sobre una arquitectura ...

  15. Heart rate variability in prediction of individual adaptation to endurance training in recreational endurance runners. (United States)

    Vesterinen, V; Häkkinen, K; Hynynen, E; Mikkola, J; Hokka, L; Nummela, A


    The aim of this study was to investigate whether nocturnal heart rate variability (HRV) can be used to predict changes in endurance performance during 28 weeks of endurance training. The training was divided into 14 weeks of basic training (BTP) and 14 weeks of intensive training periods (ITP). Endurance performance characteristics, nocturnal HRV, and serum hormone concentrations were measured before and after both training periods in 28 recreational endurance runners. During the study peak treadmill running speed (Vpeak ) improved by 7.5 ± 4.5%. No changes were observed in HRV indices after BTP, but after ITP, these indices increased significantly (HFP: 1.9%, P=0.026; TP: 1.7%, P=0.007). Significant correlations were observed between the change of Vpeak and HRV indices (TP: r=0.75, PHRV among recreational endurance runners, it seems that moderate- and high-intensity training are needed. This study showed that recreational endurance runners with a high HRV at baseline improved their endurance running performance after ITP more than runners with low baseline HRV. © 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

  16. El componente social en los sistemas de monitoreo ambiental: hacia un manejo integrado de la actividad portuaria

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    Montoya Arango Vladimir


    Full Text Available El artículo describe la construcción transdisciplinar de indicadores sociales para el sistema de monitoreo ambiental para puertos de gran calado propuesto al Ministerio de Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial de Colombia. Para la definición de nueve indicadores, distribuidos en tres dimensiones, se llevó a cabo el siguiente procedimiento: primero, identificación de riesgos, amenazas y vulnerabilidad social sobre las poblaciones vecinas y ligadas a la actividad portuaria; segundo, definición de los impactos de esta actividad de acuerdo a su carácter: presión, estado y/o respuesta; y tercero, resumen de una lista amplia de indicadores vinculándolos a cada una de las dimensiones. Los indicadores aportan información complementaria y corelacionada necesaria para la medición de cada dimensión de los impactos sociales de los puertos. La integración transdisciplinar del componente social al sistema de monitoreo permite un efectivo seguimiento al comportamiento de los puertos respecto a su entorno socioambiental, teniendo en cuenta que las afectaciones sobre el ambiente y sobre los grupos humanos que puedan ocasionar, no están aisladas entre sí y pueden, a su vez, incidir en el desempeño del puerto mismo. Los indicadores además de ser una herramienta de medición, constituyen una ruta para acciones dirigidas hacia un comportamiento socioambientalmente responsable.

  17. Actividad citotóxica de aceites esenciales de Lippia origanoides H.B.K. y componentes mayoritarios Cytotoxic activity of essencial oils of Lippia origanoides H.B.K and its major constituents

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    Bibiana Zapata


    Full Text Available Introducción: Lippia origanoides H.B.K. (Verbenacea, es una planta aromática conocida comúnmente como "orégano". Los aceites esenciales de 8 muestras de L. origanoides y algunos de sus componentes mayoritarios fueron evaluados in vitro sobre la línea tumoral HeLa y la línea no tumoral Vero para identificar su potencial citotóxico. Materiales y métodos: la concentración inhibitoria cincuenta (IC50 se determinó mediante la técnica fotocolorimétrica del MTT (3-(4,5-Dimetiltiazol-2-il-2,5-bromuro difeniltetrazolio y los valores de IC50 se obtuvieron por análisis estadístico mediante regresión lineal simple. El índice de selectividad (IS, definido como la IC50 en células Vero sobre IC50 en células HeLa, fue calculado con el fin de encontrar aceites o componentes con potencial citotóxico selectivo hacia líneas celulares tumorales. Resultados y conclusiones: se determinó por cromatografía de gases y espectrometría de masas GC/MS la composición química de los aceites más citotóxicos. El aceite de L. origanoides que presentó la mayor actividad citotóxica sobre células HeLa con un valor de IC50 de 9,1 ± 1 μg/mL e índice de selectividad de 7,1, fue identificado como quimiotipo trans-β-cariofileno/ρ-cimeno. Los componentes mayoritarios del aceite quimiotipo trans-β-cariofileno/ρ-cimeno fueron: trans-β-cariofileno (11,3%, ρ-cimeno (11,2%, α-felandreno (9,9%, limoneno (7,2%, 1,8-cineol (6,5% y α-humuleno (6,0%. Los componentes mayoritarios evaluados no mostraron actividad citotóxica relevante sobre células HeLa, sólo el limoneno y β-mirceno presentaron valores de IS, respectivamente, de 6,97 y 3,01. Sin embargo, los valores de IC50 fueron más altos que el del aceite activo. Estos resultados sugieren que la actividad citotóxica de los aceites no se debe sólo a sus componentes mayoritarios, sino a un sinergismo entre sus componentes. Salud UIS 2009; 41: 215-222Introduction: Lippia origanoides H.B.K. (Verbenaceae

  18. Factores limitantes en el acceso y utilización del componente de crecimiento y desarrollo en niños de 0 a 5 años, ESSALUD, Huancayo, 2014

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    Cesar Reyes Lujan


    Full Text Available Se estableció como objetivo determinar los factores limitantes y su asociación con el acceso y utilización del componente de crecimiento y desarrollo en niños de 0 a 5 años en el Centro de Atención Primaria II, Chilca, ESSALUD 2014, en la provincia de Huancayo. Investigación de alcance correlacional, diseño transversal y retrospectivo. La población fue de 3 806 niños menores de 5 años asegurados, la muestra fue de 350 niños. Se utilizaron estadísticos descriptivos, distribución de frecuencias, tablas de contingencia y Chi cuadrado. Se tiene como resultados que el 10 % de los niños no utilizan muy frecuentemente el componente; 12,5 % de nivel socioeconómico medio asisten poco frecuente en relación al nivel socioeconómico alto que es 2,3 %; 77,3 % de las madres que viven lejos asisten muy frecuentemente a diferencia de los que viven cerca que es del 93,2 %; 22 % de los que asisten menos frecuentemente consideran que no es suficiente el número de profesionales a diferencia del 7 % que dicen que si es suficiente. Algunas conclusiones indican que los factores limitantes asociados con el acceso y utilización del componente de Crecimiento y Desarrollo son: La inadecuada e insuficiente promoción del componente, la percepción de la calidad de atención, características socioeconómicas del usuario, creencias sobre la salud del niño, desconocimiento del usuario del significado real del componente, las características de la organización interna del establecimiento y la accesibilidad geográfica.

  19. Marketing de Relacionamento e Customer Relationship Management: uma análise da produção científica nacional à luz do componente “recursos humanos”

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    Wesley Ricardo Souza Freitas


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa procurou verificar se a componente “recursos humanos” está sendo considerada na produção acadêmica brasileira sobre Marketing de Relacionamento e Customer Relationship Management (CRM. Foram analisados artigos publicados nas revistas de Administração, com Qualis A2 a B1, incluindo apenas um B2, no período de 2008 a 2013. Por meio da pesquisa bibliográfica e da análise de conteúdo dos artigos, constatou-se que ainda é embrionário o esforço nesta temática. Dos 23 artigos que trataram sobre Marketing de Relacionamento e CRM, apenas sete mencionaram o papel das pessoas nessas iniciativas organizacionais.


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    Aline Inacio Alves


    Full Text Available Com este trabalho se objetivou avaliar a potencialidade da análise de componentes principais para a interpretação de resultados de um experimento com microencapsulamento de pequi. O experimento foi realizado no laboratório de Tecnologia de Frutas e Hortaliças do Departamento de Engenharia de Alimentos da Universidade Federal de Viçosa. As variáveis utilizadas neste trabalho foram extraídas de um estudo físico-químico e morfológico obtidos a partir de extrato de pequi. A análise de componentes foi realizada com base na matriz de correlação existente entre as componentes e as variáveis reais transformadas, de forma a identificar novas variáveis que explicam a maior parte da variabilidade, gerando-se novos valores para cada parcela experimental correspondente às componentes principais. Para cada temperatura utilizada no trabalho foram ajustadas apenas duas componentes capazes de explicar mais de 90% da variância dos dados originais. A análise de componentes principais foi eficiente neste estudo, gerando componentes interpretáveis reduzindo a dimensionalidade do problema se a perda de informações.

  1. Testing of Badminton-Specific Endurance. (United States)

    Madsen, Christian M; Højlyng, Mads; Nybo, Lars


    Madsen, CM, Højlyng, M, and Nybo, L. Testing of badminton-specific endurance. J Strength Cond Res 30(9): 2582-2590, 2016-In the present study, a novel intermittent badminton endurance (B-ENDURANCE) test was developed and tested in elite (n = 17) and skilled (n = 9) badminton players and in age-matched physically active men (nonbadminton players; n = 8). In addition, B-ENDURANCE test-retest reproducibility was evaluated in 9 badminton players. The B-ENDURANCE test is an incremental test where each level consists of repeated sequences of badminton-specific actions toward the 4 corners of the court. The subject starts in the center of the court in front of a computer screen and within each sequence, he must, in a randomized order, complete 8 actions as dictated by the computer, providing the audiovisual input and verifying that the appropriate sensor is activated within the allocated time. Recovery time between each sequence is 10 seconds throughout the test, but the time to complete each sequence is gradually decreased until the subjects cannot follow the dictated tempo. The B-ENDURANCE test performance for elite players was better (p ≤ 0.05) compared with the skilled players and nonbadminton players. In addition, the B-ENDURANCE test performance correlated (r = 0.8 and p badminton-specific endurance but at least 1 familiarization trial is recommended if the test is used for evaluation of longitudinal changes, e.g., tracking training effects.

  2. Endurance Training - Science and Practice

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    I have always had an interest in endurance sports and have been fortunate enough to work with endurance athletes while completing my PhD. Professor Mujika is a well-respected scientist who, apart from his research work, consults with many elite endurance athletes. I was surprised at how excited I was to review.

  3. Papel de la vitamina C y los β-glucanos sobre el sistema inmunitario: revisión

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    Ismael San Mauro-Martín


    Full Text Available Existe un creciente interés en conocer herramientas nutricionales al alcance de profesionales para el manejo de la modulación del sistema inmunitario del humano. Esta revisión bibliográfica se centra en los potenciales efectos beneficiosos sobre el sistema inmune atribuidos a productos alimenticios compuestos por β-glucanos de Pleurotus ostreatus, y/o Vitamina C. Este trabajo muestra el resultado obtenido en diferentes estudios con la ingesta de estos componentes sobre el sistema inmunitario, así como el efecto específico sobre marcadores inmunitarios como las interleuquinas, los linfocitos, células Natural Killer y los leucocitos, no sólo atendiendo a los mecanismos, sino a las experiencias en modelos in vitro e in vivo (animal y humano. Tanto la vitamina C como los β-glucanos parecen mostrar eficacia sobre el sistema inmune en diversos estudios, especialmente de forma conjunta, pero son necesarios más estudios.

  4. Training modalities: impact on endurance capacity. (United States)

    Flueck, Martin; Eilers, Wouter


    Endurance athletes demonstrate an exceptional resistance to fatigue when exercising at high intensity. Much research has been devoted to the contribution of aerobic capacity for the economy of endurance performance. Important aspects of the fine-tuning of metabolic processes and power output in the endurance athlete have been overlooked. This review addresses how training paradigms exploit bioenergetic pathways in recruited muscle groups to promote the endurance phenotype. A special focus is laid on the genome-mediated mechanisms that underlie the conditioning of fatigue resistance and aerobic performance by training macrocycles and complements. The available data on work-induced muscle plasticity implies that different biologic strategies are exploited in athletic and untrained populations to boost endurance capacity. Olympic champions are probably endowed with a unique constitution that renders the conditioning of endurance capacity for competition particularly efficient. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Caracterización de unidades de acción facial combinando métodos kernel y análisis de componentes independientes

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    Damián Alberto Álvarez


    Full Text Available El trabajo descrito en este documento presenta una metodología para la caracterización de unidades de acción facial (AUs, que representan cambios sutiles de las expresiones faciales. La metodología se basa en métodos Kernel, para realizar un mapeo no lineal de los datos y buscar las direcciones de las proyecciones de los datos en el espacio característico mediante análisis de componentes independientes (ICA. La validación se realiza sobre la base de datos Cohn-Kanade. Se hace un preprocesamiento de las imágenes a través de ecualización del histograma, un blanqueamiento de los datos con análisis de componentes principales basado en Kernel (KPCA, de esta forma el mapeo en el espacio característico busca una estructura lineal de los datos de entrada, finalmente se aplica ICA para hacer que la distribución de los datos proyectados sea lo menos Gaussiana posible. El desempeño alcanzado fue del 96.64% ±0.54 de exactitud para el reconocimiento promedio de tres combinaciones de AUs del rostro entero más rostros neutrales, se detectan principalmente cambios que ocurren entre transiciones rápidas de AUs que se manifiestan de forma instantánea. Adicionalmente la metodología planteada permite reducir el tamaño del espacio característico ya que se representan los datos en términos únicamente de sus componentes independientes (ICs de tal manera que se utilizan tan solo las variables que aportan mayor información, lo que permite disminuir la complejidad del clasificador.

  6. Redes neuronales artificiales para el análisis de componentes principales. La red de OJA

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    Piedad Tolmos Rodríguez-Piñero


    Full Text Available El análisis de componentes principales es una herramienta estadísticomatemática de gran utilidad en multitud de campos, especialmente en el de la compresión de datos. En este artículo se estudia el proceso de la extracción de componentes principales, y se detalla una Red Neuronal Artificial, la red de Oja, diseñada específicamente para el cálculo de la primera componente principal de la matriz de momentos de segundo orden asociada al vector de datos. Se concluye exponiendo algunas redes que generalizan la red de Oja, y permiten extraer el número deseado de componentes principales. Finalmente se explican algunas aplicaciones, fundamentalmente la del procesamiento de imágenes, y la compresión de datos.

  7. Effect of speed endurance and strength training on performance, running economy and muscular adaptations in endurance-trained runners

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vorup Petersen, Jacob; Tybirk, Jonas; Gunnarsson, Thomas Petursson


    PURPOSE: To investigate the effects of combined strength and speed endurance (SE) training along with a reduced training volume on performance, running economy and muscular adaptations in endurance-trained runners. METHODS: Sixteen male endurance runners (VO2-max: ~60 ml kg(-1) min(-1)) were rand...... and speed endurance training, along with a reduced training volume, can improve short-term exercise capacity and induce muscular adaptations related to anaerobic capacity in endurance-trained runners.......PURPOSE: To investigate the effects of combined strength and speed endurance (SE) training along with a reduced training volume on performance, running economy and muscular adaptations in endurance-trained runners. METHODS: Sixteen male endurance runners (VO2-max: ~60 ml kg(-1) min(-1)) were...... randomly assigned to either a combined strength and SE training (CSS; n = 9) or a control (CON; n = 7) group. For 8 weeks, CSS replaced their normal moderate-intensity training (~63 km week(-1)) with SE (2 × week(-1)) and strength training (2 × week(-1)) as well as aerobic high (1 × week(-1)) and moderate...

  8. Triacilglicerol intramuscular: um importante substrato energético para o exercício de endurance Triacilglicerol intramuscular: un importante substrato energético para el ejercicio de endurance Intramuscular triacylglycerol: an important energetic substrate for endurance exercise

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    Mônica Aparecida Belmonte


    Full Text Available Os ácidos graxos são uma importante fonte de energia para exercício de endurance. Os ácidos graxos plasmáticos encontram-se disponíveis para as fibras musculares sob a forma de ácidos graxos associados à albumina ou agregados à molécula de triacilglicerol (TAG encontrada nas lipoproteínas. Entretanto, além dessas fontes plasmáticas, a hidrólise do TAG encontrado no músculo também pode contribuir com a oferta de ácidos graxos durante o exercício de endurance. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi realizar uma extensa revisão da literatura sobre a importância do TAG intramuscular como substrato energético. A revisão da literatura sugere que a contribuição dos estoques endógenos de TAG durante a realização do exercício de endurance é bastante relevante. Além disso, pode-se concluir que uma adaptação induzida pelo treinamento de endurance é o aumento dos estoques intramusculares de TAG. Após o treinamento de endurance, também é observado aumento na capacidade de utilização desses estoques. Apesar de parecer importante, a contribuição do TAG intramuscular ainda é motivo de controvérsia na literatura. Essa discrepância de resultados está relacionada às metodologias empregadas para estimar a sua oxidação no exercício. A fim de esgotar este assunto de maneira apropriada, mais pesquisas, com novos métodos (ex.: utilização de isótopos, ressonância magnética nuclear e microscopia eletrônica, precisam ser conduzidas.Los ácidos grasos son una fuente importante de energía para el ejercicio de endurance. Los ácidos grasos plasmáticos se encuentran disponibles en las fibras musculares bajo la forma de ácido graso asociado a la albúmina o agregados a la molécula del triacilglicerol (TAG encontrados en las lipoproteínas. Sin embargo, además de estos fuentes plasmáticas, la hidrólisis de los TAG encontrados en el músculo pueden contribuir también con la oferta de ácidos grasos durante el ejercicio

  9. Estudio de las componentes galácticas en el entorno solar


    Masana Fresno, Eduard


    En el entorno solar encontramos estrellas de características físicas muy diferentes, pertenecientes a dos de las componentes estelares que forman la Galaxia: el disco (delgado y grueso) y el halo. Los datos astrométricos del catálogo Hipparcos de estrellas enanas FGK combinados con la fotometría infrarroja del catálogo 2MASS han permitido la determinación de los parámetros (cinemática, metalicidad, edad y luminosidad) de cada una de estas componentes en el entorno solar y establecer las posib...

  10. Consumo de aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada não afeta o desempenho de endurance Branched-chain amino acids ingestion does not affect endurance performance

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    Marco Carlos Uchida


    Full Text Available A suplementação com aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada (BCAA é uma das manipulações dietéticas mais populares entre atletas engajados em atividades de endurance. Entretanto, o papel ergogênico destes aminoácidos ainda não está totalmente estabelecido. Portanto, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do consumo de BCAA sobre o exercício de endurance realizado até a exaustão. A fim de provocar redução do estoque de glicogênio muscular e, por conseguinte, maximizar a utilização dos BCAA, os sujeitos (n=17 foram submetidos a uma sessão prévia de exercício (corrida realizada a 75% do VO2max por 40 min seguida por 2 tiros a 90% do VO2max por 10 min cada um. Subseqüentemente, após o consumo aleatório de BCAA (77 ou placebo, seguindo modelo duplo cego cruzado, os participantes executaram um teste para determinação da capacidade de endurance (corrida a 90% do Limiar anaeróbio até a exaustão. Ambos os experimentos, BCAA e placebo, foram separados por uma semana. Com relação ao tempo até a exaustão e a distância percorrida, nenhuma diferença foi detectada entre as condições experimentais. (Placebo: 50,1±8,9 vs BCAA: 52,4±4,5 min, respectivamente (Placebo: 8,8±1,3 vs BCAA: 9,1±0,6 km, respectivamente. Além disto, também não foi evidenciada diferença na concentração plasmática de glicose, de lactato e de amônia entre ambas condições experimentais. Em conclusão, a suplementação de BCAA não afetou o desempenho de endurance em um teste de corrida até a exaustão.Branched-chain amino acids (BCAA supplementation is one of the most popular dietary manipulations used by endurance athletes. However, the ergogenic role of these amino acids in endurance exercise is not well established yet. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of BCAA supplementation upon endurance exercise performed until exhaustion. In order to induce glycogen supply reduction, and thus maximize BCAA

  11. Considerações sobre a toxicocinética da Cannabis sativa L. ou maconha, com enfase no homem

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    Luiz Marques de Sá

    Full Text Available O presente artigo consiste em uma análise sobre a origem da Cannabis no Brasil, suas principais substâncias químicas, realçando o Δ9 tetrahidrocanabinol como responsável pelos efeitos farmacológicos. é citado também o fato de existirem duas formas de numeração dos carbonos do ∆THC. Para melhor entender a toxicocinética foram feitas considerações sobre as doses de maconha, que vão variar de acordo com o usuário, e origem do vegetal. Finalmente é feito urn estudo detalhado sobre, absorção, distribuição, armazenamento, biotransformação e eliminação dos diversos componentes químicos da maconha.

  12. Bruxismo : revisión sobre el papel del estrés psicosocial y la ansiedad en la génesis del fenómeno


    Camani, Edgardo; Prado, Marcela; Vargas, Horacio; Motuca, Mariano; Páez, Silvia


    El presente trabajo consiste en una revisión actualizada sobre el bruxismo, tanto en la bibliografía como en artículos científicos, debido a la complejidad que amerita este tema y según lo descripto hasta la actualidad sobre este trastorno orofacial, cuyo propósito es brindar una información más amplia respecto al conocimiento de sus componentes más relevantes entre ellos el estrés y la ansiedad para una mejor comprensión d...


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    Felipe Rafael Garcés Fiallos


    Full Text Available Atualmente não existem estudos sobre os danos ocasionados por Rhizoctonia solani Khun [teleomorfo Thanatephorus cucumeris (Frank Donk] nos componentes de rendimento do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L., pelo que o objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar a redução no rendimento de grãos e seus componentes de rendimento causados pela infecção natural de mela, em diferentes materiais genéticos de feijão, na safra agrícola de verão 2011, no município de Quevedo, Los Rios, Equador. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com sete tratamentos e quatro repetições. Utilizou-se as linhas Cf4 0-0-2-1, Cf6 0-0-4-9, Cf6 0-0-4-8, SER 03 e SER 08, e duas variedades estrangeiras FTS Soberano e BRS Valente. Foram quantificadas a incidência (% e severidade em percentagem e número de lesões folíolo-1, sendo esses valores obtidos integralizados na área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença (AACPD. Também foi quantificado o número de lesões folíolo-1 durante os estágios reprodutivos R7 e R8. Após a colheita, foi quantificado o número de nós, vagens e grãos por planta e de grãos por vagem por planta, assim como rendimento (kg ha-1. Para estimar os danos causados pela doença foram utilizados os modelos de ponto crítico e integral, realizando a análise de regressão entre a intensidade da doença (variáveis independentes, e o rendimento de grãos e seus componentes (variáveis dependentes, obtendo-se as equações da função de dano. Os resultados da presente pesquisa mostraram que os modelos de ponto crítico e integral são uma ferramenta importante para estimar danos pela mela nos componentes de rendimento, sendo mais evidente no número de grãos por plantas (p<0.01.

  14. Reflexiones sobre la evaluación de los portales de gobierno en Internet


    Luis Felipe Luna Reyes


    Las estrategias de gobierno digital se han convertido en un componente clave para la reforma administrativa en los gobiernos alrededor del mundo. Desafortunadamente, entendemos aún poco del impacto real de estas estrategias en la creación de valor público. En el presente artículo proponemos un modelo de evaluación integral que considera los determinantes, las características y los resultados de las aplicaciones de gobierno digital, invitando a una reflexión sobre lo que se debe medir y evalua...

  15. 14 CFR 33.49 - Endurance test. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Endurance test. 33.49 Section 33.49... STANDARDS: AIRCRAFT ENGINES Block Tests; Reciprocating Aircraft Engines § 33.49 Endurance test. (a) General. Each engine must be subjected to an endurance test that includes a total of 150 hours of operation...

  16. 14 CFR 33.87 - Endurance test. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Endurance test. 33.87 Section 33.87... STANDARDS: AIRCRAFT ENGINES Block Tests; Turbine Aircraft Engines § 33.87 Endurance test. (a) General. Each engine must be subjected to an endurance test that includes a total of at least 150 hours of operation...

  17. Diseño de un modelo de red domótica libre basada en componentes OpenDomo para aplicación a un pequeño hotel


    López Torres, Valeriano


    El objeto de este proyecto es crear un diseño tipo de instalación domótica para un hotel de hasta 100 habitaciones, basada en componentes OpenDomo y fundamentalmente en el controlador ODControl. El modelo de instalación propuesto está orientado principalmente al ahorro energético y, por tanto, al control de los principales elementos que tienen impacto sobre el ahorro, esto es: la iluminación y la climatización del hotel. L'objecte d'aquest projecte és crear un disseny tipus d'instal·lació ...

  18. Avaliação clinico-quantitativa da ação do Ciba 34.647-Ba sobre a espasticidade

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    Israel Roitman


    Full Text Available Utilizando a quantificação clínica da sintomatologia neurológica os autores fizeram observações sobre o Ciba 34.647-Ba e avaliaram pacientes com espasticidade e incapacidade motora devidas a lesões da medula espinal. São relatados os resultados, salientando os efeitos do medicamento sobre os principais componentes da espasticidade (hipertonia, hiperreflexia, clono e automatismos. As teorias propostas para explicar o mecanismo de ação da droga são mencionadas. São também referidas as doses utiizadas, duração da ação músculo- relaxante, tolerância e efeitos colaterais.

  19. 14 CFR 35.39 - Endurance test. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Endurance test. 35.39 Section 35.39... STANDARDS: PROPELLERS Tests and Inspections § 35.39 Endurance test. Endurance tests on the propeller system... propellers must be subjected to one of the following tests: (1) A 50-hour flight test in level flight or in...

  20. Marco de Componentes con soporte para reemplazo dinámico y seguro en sistemas de tiempo real

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    Julio Cano


    Full Text Available Resumen: En las últimas décadas se han aportado soluciones para el desarrollo de sistemas de tiempo real basados en componentes como base para aumentar la productividad y la fiabilidad de su desarrollo así como su posterior mantenimiento. De modo más reciente están apareciendo soluciones que permiten cierta flexibilidad en estos sistemas con miras a soportar ejecución dinámica a través de reemplazos de componentes en tiempo de ejecución. Para ello se adaptan los modelos de componentes intentando minimizar los conflictos que aparecen al integrar tiempo real y comportamiento dinámico y conseguir reemplazos de componentes en un tiempo acotado. Uno de los principales retos para esto es el cálculo de los tiempos requeridos por las diferentes operaciones necesarias para realizar un reemplazo de componente. El otro gran obstáculo es conocer los tiempos de operación de los componentes del sistema cuando la implementación de éstos puede cambiar durante la vida del sistema. En este trabajo se describe la implementación de un marco de componentes que aporta una solución parcial a estos problemas. Se proporciona un modelo de componentes junto con sus correspondientes algoritmos para asegurar que los componentes pueden ser cargados y reemplazados en tiempo de ejecución sin interferir en el cumplimiento de sus plazos de ejecución. El modelo está diseñado para evitar fallos en los reemplazos de componente. Finalmente se aporta la validación de los conceptos presentados. Abstract: In the last decades solutions have been provided for the real- time component-based systems development as a base to increase productivity and reliability of their development as well as their maintenance. Solutions are increasingly appearing that allow controlled flexibility in these systems, aiming to support dynamic execution through the component replacement at run-time. So, component models are adapted trying to minimize conflicts integrating real-time and

  1. Um sistema de processamento escalável de consultas analíticas sobre data warehouses criptografados e armazenados na nuvem

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    Claudivan Cruz Lopes


    Full Text Available Sistemas de processamento de consultas para bancos de dados criptografados têm sido propostos como uma solução para proteger a confidencialidade de dados armazenados em servidores não confiáveis, tais como provedores de computação em nuvem, e para reduzir o impacto da criptografia no desempenho de consultas sobre dados criptografados. Pouca atenção, no entanto, tem sido dedicada em determinar como a escalabilidade provida pela computação em nuvem pode ser usada para melhorar o desempenho de consultas analíticas sobre Data Warehouses (DW criptografados. Nesse sentido, este artigo descreve um sistema de processamento escalável de consultas analíticas sobre DW criptografados armazenados na nuvem, em que são especificados os componentes arquiteturais que dão suporte a esta escalabilidade.

  2. Static and Dynamic Handgrip Strength Endurance: Test-Retest Reproducibility. (United States)

    Gerodimos, Vassilis; Karatrantou, Konstantina; Psychou, Dimitra; Vasilopoulou, Theodora; Zafeiridis, Andreas


    This study investigated the reliability of static and dynamic handgrip strength endurance using different protocols and indicators for the assessment of strength endurance. Forty young, healthy men and women (age, 18-22 years) performed 2 handgrip strength endurance protocols: a static protocol (sustained submaximal contraction at 50% of maximal voluntary contraction) and a dynamic one (8, 10, and 12 maximal repetitions). The participants executed each protocol twice to assess the test-retest reproducibility. Total work and total time were used as indicators of strength endurance in the static protocol; the strength recorded at each maximal repetition, the percentage change, and fatigue index were used as indicators of strength endurance in the dynamic protocol. The static protocol showed high reliability irrespective of sex and hand for total time and work. The 12-repetition dynamic protocol exhibited moderate-high reliability for repeated maximal repetitions and percentage change; the 8- and 10-repetition protocols demonstrated lower reliability irrespective of sex and hand. The fatigue index was not a reliable indicator for the assessment of dynamic handgrip endurance. Static handgrip endurance can be measured reliably using the total time and total work as indicators of strength endurance. For the evaluation of dynamic handgrip endurance, the 12-repetition protocol is recommended, using the repeated maximal repetitions and percentage change as indicators of strength endurance. Practitioners should consider the static (50% maximal voluntary contraction) and dynamic (12 repeated maximal repetitions) protocols as reliable for the assessment of handgrip strength endurance. The evaluation of static endurance in conjunction with dynamic endurance would provide more complete information about hand function. Copyright © 2017 American Society for Surgery of the Hand. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Componentes Principales (C.P. de los sistemas de calculo del IPC base 92 y sistema IPC base 2001

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    Julio Pallas González


    Full Text Available Nueve años después de que se adoptara un cambio de base en el cálculo del IPC para el Estado Español, asistimos a un cambio de sistema en el cálculo del mismo, naciendo el sistema de índices de precios, base 2001. A lo largo de este trabajo y utilizando el programa estadístico SPSS, se tratará de realizar un análisis multivariante, sobre las distintas variables que componen el IPC base 92, del estado español, y las del índice, atendiendo al nuevo sistema base 2001, que entró en vigor en enero de 2002. De todas las técnicas multivariantes susceptibles de ser aplicadas en este trabajo, se utilizaran el análisis de componentes principales y el análisis factorial, con el fin de obtener factores no observables que permitan explicar, perdiendo la mínima información, las variables originales que representan.

  4. Políticas públicas de comunicación sobre salud de la mujer : acciones comunicacionales sobre salud materna, sexual y reproductiva. Un abordaje desde la perspectiva de género


    Lois, Ianina Paula


    Este trabajo tiene por objetivo explorar e identificar los componentes de género presentes en los mensajes dirigidos a mujeres en relación a su salud, elaborados por la Dirección Nacional de Maternidad e Infancia y el Programa Nacional de Salud Sexual y Procreación Responsable del Ministerio de Salud de Argentina entre 2005 y 2010. Se busca responder a la pregunta de cómo interviene el orden de género en la elaboración de mensajes sobre salud materna, sexual y reproductiva; cómo se comunica d...

  5. Um metodo para modelagem de exceções em desenvolvimento baseado em componentes


    Patrick Henrique da Silva Brito


    Resumo: Devido a grande popularização do Desenvolvimento Baseado em Componentes (DBC), ele vem sendo empregado inclusive no desenvolvimento de sistemas computacionais críticos. O emprego do DBC na construção de sistemas confiáveis evidencia a necessidade de se desenvolver componentes de software que sejam robustos e que possuam uma garantia maior do seu funcionamento correto. Tratamento de exceções é uma técnica bastante conhecida para a verificação e tratamento de erros em sistemas de softwa...

  6. Las estrategias de aprendizaje a través del componente lúdico

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    Sánchez Benítez, Gema


    Full Text Available Suplemento del número 11 de marcoELE (julio – diciembre de 2010 Las estrategias de aprendizaje permiten que estudiantes con mayor o menor capacidad intelectual puedan lograr por igual un mismo objetivo. La tarea del profesor es, en la medida de lo posible, hacer que todos ellos desarrollen sus propias estrategias y obtengan un mayor y mejor rendimiento durante el proceso. Una fuente de recursos estratégicos es el componente lúdico, el cual ofrece numerosas ventajas en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. El componente lúdico puede servirnos de estrategia afectiva, comunicativa, cognitiva o de memorización. Este trabajo de investigación se estructura en una parte teórica, centrada, por un lado, en la revisión del concepto de estrategia de aprendizaje, clasificación y papel en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y, por otro, en las ventajas que ofrece el componente lúdico y cómo puede convertirse en un recurso estratégico fundamental. Por último, se ofrece una serie de actividades lúdicas con las que poner en práctica las estrategias de aprendizaje en el aula ELE.

  7. Effects of Endurance and Endurance Strength Training on Body Composition and Physical Capacity in Women with Abdominal Obesity (United States)

    Skrypnik, Damian; Bogdański, Paweł; Mądry, Edyta; Karolkiewicz, Joanna; Ratajczak, Marzena; Kryściak, Jakub; Pupek-Musialik, Danuta; Walkowiak, Jarosław


    Aims To compare the effects of endurance training with endurance strength training on the anthropometric, body composition, physical capacity, and circulatory parameters in obese women. Methods 44 women with abdominal obesity were randomized into groups A and B, and asked to perform endurance (A) and endurance strength training (B) for 3 months, 3 times/week, for 60 min. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and Graded Exercise Test were performed before and after training. Results Significant decreases in body mass, BMI, total body fat, total body fat mass, and waist and hip circumference were observed after both types of intervention. Marked increases in total body lean and total body fat-free mass were documented in group B. In both groups, significant increases in peak oxygen uptake, time to exhaustion, maximal work rate, and work rate at ventilatory threshold were accompanied by noticeably decreased resting heart rate, resting systolic blood pressure, and resting and exercise diastolic blood pressure. No significant differences were noticed between groups for the investigated parameters. Conclusion Our findings demonstrate evidence for a favorable and comparable effect of 3-month endurance and endurance strength training on anthropometric parameters, body composition, physical capacity, and circulatory system function in women with abdominal obesity. PMID:25968470


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    Noel Fuentes Ramírez


    Full Text Available


    La arquitectura de componentes genéricos permite chequear la consistencia interna de sus elementos arquitectónicos (componentes y conectores a partir de las relaciones internas en sus respectivas estructuras, que pueden ser de inclusión y transformación. También permite verificar la conexión entre componentes y conectores a partir de las relaciones de transformación entre sus interfaces respectivas. Las ideas que se presentan aquí constituyen una propuesta para la automatización de la descripción de esta arquitectura usando el lenguaje de modelado unificado (UML a partir de la descripción formal de sus diagramas de clases y de secuencia, así como para el chequeo de la consistencia. En este artículo se muestra la aplicación de esta propuesta mediante una extensión de la herramienta Visual Paradigm, por medio de un módulo de software conectable.

  9. Influencia de la composici??n del medio de cultivo sobre la producci??n de pigmento por Streptococcus agalactiae


    Carazo Carazo, Concepci??n


    Se ha estudiado la influencia de la composici??n del medio de cultivo sobre la producci??n de pigmento por s. agalactiae partiendo de un medio de cultivo dise??ado para tal finalidad (new granada medium), eliminando uno a uno los componentes incluidos en su formulaci??n original. Almid??n, proteosa peptona (difco), suero, fosfatos y metrotexato influyen de forma importante en la formaci??n y/o visualizaci??n del pigmento producido por este microorganismo. Se ha determinado que la fracci??n de...

  10. Nutritional Supplements for Endurance Athletes (United States)

    Rasmussen, Christopher J.

    Athletes engaged in heavy endurance training often seek additional nutritional strategies to help maximize performance. Specific nutritional supplements exist to combat certain factors that limit performance beginning with a sound everyday diet. Research has further demonstrated that safe, effective, legal supplements are in fact available for today's endurance athletes. Several of these supplements are marketed not only to aid performance but also to combat the immunosuppressive effects of intense endurance training. It is imperative for each athlete to research the legality of certain supplements for their specific sport or event. Once the legality has been established, it is often up to each individual athlete to decipher the ethics involved with ingesting nutritional supplements with the sole intent of improving performance.

  11. Rotational accuracy of all-ceramic restorations on ceraone components = Liberdade rotacional de restaurações totalmente cerâmicas sobre componentes ceraone

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    Webster, Jacqueline


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Este estudo avaliou a desadaptação interna de sistemas cerâmicos em prótese sobre implantes em relação à liberdade rotacional das restaurações após várias cocções da porcelana. Materiais e métodos: Foram analisados três sistemas cerâmicos: Procera AllCeram, In-Ceram e CeraOne sobre análogo e intermediário CeraOne. A liberdade rotacional foi medida com um dispositivo acoplado a um relógio comparador em quatro tempos: fase de coifa, após aplicação do corpo da porcelana e glaze, e após duas queimas adicionais. Os dados foram analisados por testes de Friedman, de Kruskal-Wallis e de Wilcoxon, a = 0,01. Resultados: As médias de liberdade rotacional em graus foram: 0,08 para In-Ceram/Análogo; 1,64 para Procera/ Intermediário; 1,72 para CeraOne/Intermediário; 1,88 para CeraOne/Análogo e 1,97 para Procera/Análogo. O sistema In-Ceram sobre o análogo apresentou níveis de liberdade rotacional dez a vinte vezes menores que CeraOne e Procera. Não houve diferença entre as fases de confecção da restauração para In-Ceram. O comportamento de CeraOne e Procera foi similar, com aumento da liberdade rotacional sobre intermediário e análogo com a progressão da confecção da restauração. A liberdade rotacional sobre intermediário foi menor que sobre análogo. Conclusão: A liberdade rotacional variou em função da etapa do processo de fabricação dependendo do sistema totalmente cerâmico

  12. Characterisation of baroreflex sensitivity of recreational ultra-endurance athletes. (United States)

    Foulds, Heather J A; Cote, Anita T; Phillips, Aaron A; Charlesworth, Sarah A; Bredin, Shannon S D; Burr, Jamie F; Drury, Chipman Taylor; Ngai, Shirley; Fougere, Renee J; Ivey, Adam C; Warburton, Darren E R


    Altered autonomic function has been identified following ultra-endurance event participation among elite world-class athletes. Despite dramatic increases in recreational athlete participation in these ultra-endurance events, the physiological effects on these athletes are less known. This investigation sought to characterise changes in surrogate measures of autonomic function: heart rate variability (HRV), blood pressure variability (BPV) and baroreceptor sensitivity (BRS) following ultra-endurance race participation. Further, we sought to compare baseline measures among ultra-endurance athletes and recreationally active controls not participating in the ultra-endurance race. Recreational ultra-endurance athletes (n = 25, 44.6 ± 8.2 years, 8 females) and recreationally active age, sex and body mass index matched controls (n = 25) were evaluated. Measurements of HRV, BPV and BRS were collected pre- and post-race for recreational ultra-endurance athletes and at baseline, for recreationally active controls. Post-race, ultra-endurance athletes demonstrated significantly greater sympathetic modulation [low frequency (LF) power HRV: 50.3 ± 21.6 normalised units (n.u.) to 65.9 ± 20.4 n.u., p = 0.01] and significantly lower parasympathetic modulation [high frequency (HF) power HRV: 45.0 ± 22.4 n.u. to 23.9 ± 13.1 n.u., p HRV and BPV measures. Recreational ultra-endurance athletes experienced increased sympathetic tone and declines in BRS post-race, similar to previously reported elite world-class ultra-endurance athletes, though still within normal population ranges.

  13. Componente alimentario nutricional del análisis de situación de salud


    Jiménez, Sandra; Chinnock, Anne


    El análisis de situación de salud es la primera etapa en el proceso de planificación estratégica en las áreas de salud. Dado que el modelo de análisis de situación de salud no incluye variables e indicadores que describan y expliquen la situación alimentaria nutricional de la población, es importante incorporar el Componente Alimentario-nutricional como un insumo importante en el proceso de planificación. El presente artículo tiene como propósito presentar la propuesta del componente alimenta...

  14. Strength Training Prior to Endurance Exercise: Impact on the Neuromuscular System, Endurance Performance and Cardiorespiratory Responses

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    Conceição Matheus


    Full Text Available This study aimed to investigate the acute effects of two strength-training protocols on the neuromuscular and cardiorespiratory responses during endurance exercise. Thirteen young males (23.2 ± 1.6 years old participated in this study. The hypertrophic strength-training protocol was composed of 6 sets of 8 squats at 75% of maximal dynamic strength. The plyometric strength-training protocol was composed of 6 sets of 8 jumps performed with the body weight as the workload. Endurance exercise was performed on a cycle ergometer at a power corresponding to the second ventilatory threshold until exhaustion. Before and after each protocol, a maximal voluntary contraction was performed, and the rate of force development and electromyographic parameters were assessed. After the hypertrophic strengthtraining and plyometric strength-training protocol, significant decreases were observed in the maximal voluntary contraction and rate of force development, whereas no changes were observed in the electromyographic parameters. Oxygen uptake and a heart rate during endurance exercise were not significantly different among the protocols. However, the time-to-exhaustion was significantly higher during endurance exercise alone than when performed after hypertrophic strength-training or plyometric strength-training (p <0.05. These results suggest that endurance performance may be impaired when preceded by strength-training, with no oxygen uptake or heart rate changes during the exercise.

  15. Life-long endurance exercise in humans

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mikkelsen, U R; Couppé, C; Karlsen, A


    Human aging is associated with a loss of skeletal muscle and an increase in circulating inflammatory markers. It is unknown whether endurance training (Tr) can prevent these changes. Therefore we studied 15 old trained (O-Tr) healthy males and, for comparison, 12 old untrained (O-Un), 10 Young.......05). Most importantly, life-long endurance exercise was associated with a lower level of the inflammatory markers CRP and IL-6 (p... physical endurance activity may play a role in reducing some markers of systemic inflammation, even within the normal range, and in maintaining muscle mass with aging....

  16. Uzobo, Endurance

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Uzobo, Endurance. Vol 11, No 1 (2016) - Articles Population and development in Nigeria: An assesment of the National Policy on Population and Sustainable Development Abstract PDF · Vol 12, No 1 (2017) - Articles Kin networks and migration in Sagbama Local Government Area of Bayelsa State Abstract PDF.

  17. Similaridade entre Adultos e Regenerantes do Componente Arbóreo em Floresta com Araucária

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    Manoela Drews de Aguiar


    Full Text Available RESUMO O estudo objetivou inventariar o componente arbóreo regenerante em uma floresta no Planalto Sul de Santa Catarina e compará-lo ao componente adulto da mesma área. Foram alocadas 25 parcelas, onde os regenerantes e adultos foram identificados e quantificados. Foi calculado o Índice de Regeneração Natural Total (RNT de cada espécie. Para verificar a similaridade entre os componentes, foi utilizada a Análise de Similaridade e o índice de Jaccard. Foram amostrados 503 regenerantes, pertencentes a 58 espécies e 29 famílias. Myrtaceae foi a família de maior riqueza (13. Leandra regnelli (Triana Cogn., Myrcia splendens (Sw. DC. e Miconia cinerascens Miq. apresentaram os maiores valores de RNT. Houve elevada dissimilaridade entre regenerantes e adultos, sendo que 37,5% das espécies do componente adulto não tiveram representantes na regeneração natural. Conclui-se que existe uma baixa capacidade regenerativa da maior parte das espécies, o que pode estar associado à presença de gado na área.

  18. Percepción de estudiantes y docentes de la Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga (UNAB sobre el curso en línea de inducción a la modalidad virtual

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    Lina Maria Osorio Valdès


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene como objetivo describir y reflexionar sobre la percepción de los estudiantes y docentes del curso en línea: “Inducción a la modalidad virtual”, ofrecido a los nuevos estudiantes de los diferentes programas de UNAB Tecnológica (Colombia. Para ello se realizó un estudio cuantitativo, con un diseño de investigación no experimental transversal que incluyó una muestra de 37 estudiantes y 3 docentes; a quienes se aplicaron diferentes instrumentos de recolección de información diseñados para esta investigación (2 encuestas y 1 guía de análisis del curso. Los resultados indican que la mayoría de estudiantes y docentes encuentran dentro del curso el cumplimiento de aspectos relacionados con los componentes pedagógico, tecnológico y organizativo; y ubican algunos aspectos susceptibles de mejora relacionados con el diseño del curso (componente pedagógico, duración y espacio de tiempo en el que es implementado (componente organizativo y servicio de consejería (componente tecnológico.

  19. Study of speed endurance middle distance runners

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    R.V. Golovaschenko


    Full Text Available Purpose : To investigate the boost performance speed endurance runners who specialize in middle-distance running . Material and methods : The study involved team members Vinnytsia region in an amount of 44 people, whose average age was 20,2 ± 2,1 years. Classes are held during the 21-day mesocycle, 5 times a week, twice a day. Things were aimed at enhancing the development of indicators of special speed endurance. Results : The dynamics of the running speed of the model segments that characterize speed endurance athletes. Proved that the improved running 400 meter intervals helps reduce travel time competitive distance of 1500 meters. Conclusion : The use of the program contributes to higher speed endurance, which determines the result in the women's 1,500 meters.

  20. Veterinary problems of endurance horses in England and Wales. (United States)

    Nagy, A; Dyson, S J; Murray, J K


    Several studies have shown that a considerable proportion of horses are eliminated from endurance rides due to lameness and metabolic problems. Limited information is available on specific veterinary issues in endurance horses and there are no descriptive data on veterinary problems in a large population of endurance horses. The aim of this study was to describe veterinary problems occurring in endurance horses in England and Wales, the regions of the United Kingdom where endurance rides are organised and regulated by Endurance Great Britain (Endurance GB). A comprehensive online self-completed questionnaire was used for data collection (30th December 2015-29th February 2016) All members of Endurance GB who were the main rider of one or more endurance horses were eligible to participate. From the target population of 1209 horses, 190 questionnaires were completed by riders, resulting in a 15.7% response rate. The most common rider-reported veterinary problem was lameness, affecting 152/190 (80.0%) of endurance horses at some point during their careers and 101/190 (53.2%) of horses in the previous 12 months. Detailed information on the most recent episode of lameness was available for 147 horses. Seventy-six percent of these lameness episodes (112/147) had been initially identified by a veterinarian, but only 52% of these lameness episodes were investigated further by a veterinarian, despite the high proportion of horses affected by lameness and the proportion of horses with recurrent lameness episodes. The second most common veterinary problem was thoracolumbar region pain, followed by non-specific cough, skin disease and colic. Education of endurance riders may improve the number, quality and timing of veterinary investigations, especially for lameness and thoracolumbar region pain. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Efecto de la adición de hidrocoloides sobre la calidad y el envejecimiento de pan recalentado en horno de microondas y sobre las propiedades de los componentes del pan


    De la O Keller, Jessica


    Se evaluó el efecto del uso de hidrocoloides sobre la calidad (volumen específico, relación ancho/alto, dureza y fracturabilidad) y la migración de agua de pan recalentado con microondas, así como sobre algunas propiedades del gluten y el almidón. Para realizar la primera parte del estudio, se fabricaron panes adicionando hidroxipropilmetilcelulosa (HPMC), goma arábiga o pectina en polvo en alguna de las siguientes concentraciones: 0.1%, 0.3% o 0.5% (p/p). Los panes fuero...


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    Fabricio Bolaños Guerrero


    Full Text Available Este artículo es producto de un proyecto de investigación realizado en colaboración con profesores de la Escuela de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR, para dar a conocer una opción de software estadístico llamado R Project. Con este paquete es posible hacer Análisis en Componentes Principales (ACP y representar los resultados usando el Plano Principal y el Círculo de Correlaciones, como herramientas para poder realizar una mejor interpretación de los datos de la tabla (individuos y variables. El software R es de distribución libre, su implementación es sencilla y no requiere de mayores recursos informáticos. Dentro de sus diversas aplicaciones está el ACP, que es una herramienta que se utiliza para la interpretación de la información presentada en una tabla de datos cuantitativos; por lo tanto, las personas investigadoras de diferentes áreas tienen una opción económica y sencilla para realizar Análisis de Datos. Se llevan a cabo dos ejemplos de ACP, donde se muestra un posible uso de la herramienta y se dan las instrucciones sobre cómo realizarlo paso a paso.

  3. Estado del arte sobre el concepto de bienestar, su evoluci?n y alcance en la psicolog?a comunitaria


    Bustamante Echeverry, Leidy Katherine


    Hist?ricamente, el concepto de bienestar ha sido un tema complejo de definir. Aunque la literatura cuenta con un n?mero considerable de aportes conceptuales y emp?ricos sobre el mismo, no se encuentra un consenso entre los autores que defina de forma clara el bienestar. As? mismo, se ha encontrado que el concepto de salud tiene una relaci?n importante con el tema de bienestar al contemplarse esta como un componente del bienestar y la calidad de vida. A partir de lo anterior, el presente traba...

  4. Tendência das taxas de mortalidade infantil e de seus componentes em Guarulhos-SP, no período de 1996 a 2011

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    Daniel Hideki Bando

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: analisar as tendências das taxas de mortalidade infantil (TMI e seus componentes em Guarulhos-SP, no período 1996-2011. MÉTODOS: regressão linear segmentada, para estimar as variações percentuais anuais (VPA. RESULTADOS: em 1996, a TMI e de seus componentes neonatal precoce, neonatal tardio e pós-neonatal foram, respectivamente, de 31,6, 16,7, 3,4 e 11,6 por 1000 nascidos vivos; em 2011, essas taxas foram de 12,6, 5,9, 1,6 e 5,1 respectivamente; houve diminuição significativa das TMI em todo o período; de 1996 a 2002, a VPA foi de -9,9, e de 2002 a 2011, foi de -3,7; o componente neonatal apresentou igual padrão; o componente neonatal precoce apresentou diminuição de 1996 a 2002 (VPA: -12,8, permanecendo estável até 2011; verificou-se diminuição do componente neonatal tardio de 1996 a 2009 (VPA: -2,8; o componente pós-neonatal apresentou redução em todo o período (VPA: -5,7. CONCLUSÃO: observou-se tendência de diminuição das TMI e de seus componentes.

  5. Efectos de un programa de promoción de actividad física sobre el fitness de mujeres adolescentes de dos colegios de Bogotá, D.C.

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    Diana Marcela Ramos-Caballero


    Full Text Available Introducción. La inactividad física actualmente predomina en toda la población, en particular la adolescente, lo que genera consecuencias sobre la salud. A su vez, el ámbito escolar provee un ambiente propicio para intervenciones de promoción de hábitos de vida saludables. Este estudio propone implementar y evaluar el impacto de un modelo de promoción de actividad física, con el propósito de modificar comportamientos individuales y colectivos hacia la práctica regular de actividad física. Objetivo. Evaluar los efectos de un programa de promoción de actividad física sobre los componentes del fitness relacionado con la salud en mujeres adolescentes de dos colegios de Bogotá. Materiales y métodos. Este es un estudio longitudinal, descriptivo, exploratorio, con mediciones pre-post de los componentes del fitness relacionado con la salud. 49 mujeres sanas estudiantes de dos colegios de Bogotá (edad: 15.33±1.36 años participaron en el programa de 12 semanas. El paquete estadístico SPSS 20 fue utilizado para el análisis. Resultados. Después de la intervención, se encontraron cambios significativos en la fuerza de abdominales y de miembros inferiores de las adolescentes participantes. Las demás variables medidas mostraron cambios positivos, pero no significativos. Conclusiones. El programa propuesto genera cambios positivos en la mayoría de componentes del fitness relacionado con la salud en mujeres adolescentes.

  6. Efecto de la intensidad del contramovimiento sobre el rendimiento del salto vertical

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    Marcos Gutiérrez-Dávila


    Full Text Available El propósito de esta investigación ha sido comprobar el efecto de la intensidad del contramovimiento sobre el rendimiento del salto vertical. Para el control de la intensidad se han utilizado tres protocolos de saltos verticales con participación de brazos: a saltos verticales partiendo desde la posición de erguidos (CMJ + S; b partiendo de un salto previo donde la altura de caída estaba regulada por el participante (DJ-AR, y c partiendo de un salto previo máximo (DJ-M. Han participado 28 deportistas practicantes de modalidades deportivas donde el salto vertical constituye una habilidad básica. Se ha utilizado una plataforma de fuerza, operando a 500 Hz, sincronizada temporalmente a una cámara de vídeo, que registraba a 210 Hz el plano sagital de los saltos realizados sobre la plataforma. La aceleración vertical del CM se determinó a partir de la fuerza neta vertical y la masa del saltador. A continuación, los sucesivos registros de la velocidad vertical y las posiciones de componente vertical adoptadas por el CM se determinaron mediante integración de las componentes verticales de las funciones de aceleración-tiempo y velocidad-tiempo, respectivamente. Las constantes de integración se determinaron mediante imágenes de vídeo (2D. Los resultados han puesto de manifiesto que, cuando se realizan saltos con alturas de caída superiores a 0,39 ± 0,05 m, el pico de potencia durante la fase propulsiva (PP(propulsiva, el impulso vertical de propulsión (Iv(propulsión., y la altura de salto (Ycm vuelo, se reducen de forma significativa (p < 0,001, lo que nos permite afirmar que se reduce el rendimiento durante la fase propulsiva.

  7. Componente Cultura del Agua del PMGRH: plan de trabajo


    Autoridad Nacional del Agua; Proyecto de Modernización de la Gestión de Recursos Hídricos


    Describe el plan de trabajo del Componente Cultura del Agua del Proyecto de Modernización de la Gestión de Recursos Hídricos (PMGRH) en relacion a dos aspectos estructurales del proyecto: 1. Mejora de la capacidad de la Gestión Integrada de Recursos Hídricos (GIRH) a nivel nacional y 2. Fortalecimiento de las capacidades de GIRH en las cuencas.

  8. Metodología de modelado de aplicaciones web móviles basada en componentes


    Vera, Pablo Martín; Pons, Claudia; González González, Carina Soledad; Giulianelli, Daniel Alberto; Rodríguez, Rocío Andrea


    Esta línea de investigación busca crear una metodología de modelado utilizando una extensión conservativa de UML (Lenguaje Unificado de Modelado) que permita diseñar aplicaciones web móviles centrándose en el modelado de la interfaz de usuario mediante la utilización de componente configurables. El objetivo final es la generación automática del código fuente completo de la aplicación. Para lograr tal fin se extienden los diagramas de clases y componentes de UML. El diagrama de clases es exten...

  9. Combined speed endurance and endurance exercise amplify the exercise-induced PGC-1α and PDK4 mRNA response in trained human muscle

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skovgaard, Casper; Brandt, Nina; Pilegaard, Henriette


    The aim of this study was to investigate the mRNA response related to mitochondrial biogenesis, metabolism, angiogenesis, and myogenesis in trained human skeletal muscle to speed endurance exercise (S), endurance exercise (E), and speed endurance followed by endurance exercise (S + E). Seventeen...... trained male subjects (maximum oxygen uptake (VO2-max): 57.2 ± 3.7 (mean ± SD) mL·min(-1)·kg(-1)) performed S (6 × 30 sec all-out), E (60 min ~60% VO2-max), and S + E on a cycle ergometer on separate occasions. Muscle biopsies were obtained at rest and 1, 2, and 3 h after the speed endurance exercise (S...... and S + E) and at rest, 0, 1, and 2 h after exercise in E In S and S + E, muscle peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator-1 (PGC-1α) and pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase-4 (PDK4) mRNA were higher (P endurance exercise than at rest. Muscle PGC-1α and PDK4 m...

  10. Incidencia del componente cultural en la ense??anza de las lenguas extranjeras para fines espec??ficos


    Ruiz Moreno, Jos??


    El reconocimiento de la presencia del componente cultural en las lenguas constituye en nuestros d??as una obviedad. No obstante, la ense??anza de las lenguas extranjeras en general, as?? como la de los registros especializados de ??stas en particular, no concede la relevancia necesaria a dicho componente. Intentaremos con nuestro estudio responder a problemas que afectan, a nuestro juicio, a los fundamentos mismos de las ense??anzas de los discursos de especialidad. Primero, entendemos que es...

  11. COMPONENTES QUÍMICOS PRINCIPALES DE LA MADERA DE Dalbergia granadillo Pittier Y DE Platymiscium lasiocarpum Sandw

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    J. G. Rutiaga-Quiñones


    Full Text Available Se realizó un análisis químico de la madera (duramen, zona de transición y albura de dos especies tropicales (Dalbergia granadillo y Platymiscium lasiocarpum de acuerdo a las normas ASTM. Los componentes químicos determinados fueron: cenizas, extraíbles (etanol-benceno, agua caliente y agua a temperatura ambiente, lignina y holocelulosa. Las cantidades de componentes químicos encontrados en las muestras de madera variaron de la siguiente manera: cenizas (0.62 a 1.84 %, solubilidad total (10.19 a 33.35 %, lignina (25.24 a 27.24 % y holocelulosa (49.24 a 55.25 %. El análisis estadístico de varianza de los resultados indicó que la cantidad de componentes químicos es diferente estadísticamente (P<0.05 entre las dos especies y los tres tipos de madera.

  12. Effects of endurance and endurance-strength exercise on biochemical parameters of liver function in women with abdominal obesity. (United States)

    Skrypnik, Damian; Ratajczak, Marzena; Karolkiewicz, Joanna; Mądry, Edyta; Pupek-Musialik, Danuta; Hansdorfer-Korzon, Rita; Walkowiak, Jarosław; Jakubowski, Hieronim; Bogdański, Paweł


    Obesity is a risk factor of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Although the standard therapy for obesity involves physical exercise, well-planned studies of the changes in liver function in response to different exercise intensities in obese subjects are scarce. The aim of the present study was to examine a question of how does exercise mode affect the liver function. 44 women with abdominal obesity were randomized into two exercise groups: endurance (group A) and endurance-strength (group B). Women in each group exercised for 60min 3 times/week for a 3-month period. Markers of liver function: serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), γ-glutamyltranspeptidase (GGT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activities, and bilirubin levels were quantified. We found significant differences in ALT (pexercise. Blood ALT and AST tended to decrease in group B, increase in group A. Significant reduction in serum GGT level after exercise in both groups was observed (pexercise led to changes in serum ALP activity and total or direct bilirubin level. However, endurance-strength training resulted in significant decreases in serum indirect bilirubin (pexercise (group B). The mode of exercise does matter: endurance-strength exercise led to a greater improvement, compared to endurance exercise, in the liver function in women with abdominal obesity. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  13. Filtrado Adaptativo de Componentes Involuntarias en Marcha Asistida por Andador para Detección de Intenciones

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    A. Frizera


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este trabajo, se presenta un método de filtrado adaptativo para la eliminación de las componentes involuntarias de las fuerzas de interacción entre el usuario y el andador por el apoyo de sus miembros superiores. Este proceso se basa en la atenuación selectiva de componentes relacionadas con las oscilaciones del tronco del sujeto durante la marcha. Para ello, se hace la estimación de la cadencia de marcha en tiempo real procesando las señales de distancia obtenidas por un subsistema ultrasónico mediante el algoritmo Weighted-Frequency Fourier Linear Combiner (WFLC. Este subsistema suministra la distancia entre los pies del usuario y el andador en tiempo real. La cadencia a su vez es usada para el ajuste de un filtro notch adaptativo construido a partir del algoritmo Fourier Linear Combiner (FLC que realiza el filtrado en tiempo real de las señales obtenidas del subsistema de medición de fuerzas de apoyo de antebrazos. El método propuesto ofrece una cancelación robusta y en tiempo real de cerca del 80% de la amplitud de las componentes indeseadas de frecuencia. La salida del algoritmo de filtrado propuesto permite así evidenciar componentes de fuerzas de bajo nivel pero muy importantes ya que están generadas por acciones intencionales y naturales asociadas a las intenciones de guiado del andador. Estas componentes serán utilizadas en el control de los motores del andador basándose en una arquitectura de control clásico que será desarrollada posteriormente. Palabras clave: Robótica de rehabilitación, interfaz hombre-máquina, filtrado adaptativo, detección de intenciones, marcha humana

  14. Diseño mediante elementos finitos de componentes estructurales de un cuadricóptero para impresión 3D




    El trabajo tiene como objetivo diseñar componentes estructurales, mediante el método de elementos finitos, que serán utilizados en un dron de cuatro rotores (cuadricóptero). Una característica particular de este proyecto es que los componentes estructurales a diseñar serán fabricados mediante impresión 3D. Pardo Aparisi, I. (2016). Diseño mediante elementos finitos de componentes estructurales de un cuadricóptero para impresión 3D. TFGM

  15. High-intensity lower limb endurance training in chronic respiratory disease


    Tanaka, Takako; Arizono, Shinichi; Hanada, Masatoshi; Senjyu, Hideaki


    High-intensity endurance training is mainly undertaken during pulmonary rehabilitation for patients with chronic respiratory disease. High-intensity endurance training is recommended in many clinical management guidelines. High-intensity endurance training involves training generally at an intensity of at 60-80% of the patient’s peak work capacity or higher. The effects of high-intensity lower limb endurance training have mostly been investigated in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD...

  16. Aproximación al modelado del componente conceptual básico del Dispositivo Hipermedial Dinámico

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    Rodríguez, Guillermo L.


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo interdisciplinario, propone una primera aproximación conceptual y de uso al modelado descriptivo y de simulación para el análisis del Dispositivo Hipermedial Dinámico con la finalidad de avanzar hacia la generación de configuraciones más efectivas que posibiliten desarrollos e implementaciones tanto de tecnologías sociales como digitales para la construcción de variadas alternativas de integración responsable de las TIC. Se plantea la utilización del formalismo DEVS (Discrete EVents dynamic Systems que propone una teoría de modelado de sistemas a tiempo continuo usando modelado de eventos discretos. En ese sentido, se presenta el modelado y simulación del denominado "Paquete Hipermedial", como componente conceptual básico del DHD. Lo expuesto aporta un posible camino hacia el análisis evaluativo sobre cómo se desarrollan o se podrían implementar procesos de participación responsable a través de redes sociotécnicas que tengan por objeto investigar, educar y producir en actual contexto físico-virtual.

  17. Gestión sistemática de la calidad de la información en los procesos de selección de componentes de software


    Ayala Martínez, Claudia Patricia; Franch Gutiérrez, Javier


    La selección de componentes de software desarrollados por terceros juega un papel primordial en el desarrollo de sistemas de software basados en componentes. Uno de los problemas que incrementa potencialmente el riesgo de elegir componentes no apropiados es basar las decisiones en información de poca calidad. La información relacionada con los componentes se caracteriza por estar disgregada, crecer de forma continuada, cambiar con frecuencia, provenir de múltiples y variadas fuentes (no si...

  18. Generación Automática de Software para Sistemas de Tiempo Real: Un Enfoque basado en Componentes, Modelos y Frameworks

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    Diego Alonso


    Full Text Available Resumen: Los Sistemas de Tiempo-Real poseen características que los hacen particularmente sensibles a las decisiones arquitectónicas que se adopten. El uso de Frameworks y Componentes ha demostrado ser eficaz en la mejora de la productividad y calidad del software, sobre todo si se combina con enfoques de Líneas de Productos. Sin embargo, los resultados en cuanto a reutilización y estandarización dejan patente la ausencia de portabilidad tanto de los diseños como las implementaciones basadas en componentes. Este artículo, fundamentado en el Desarrollo de Software Dirigido por Modelos, presenta un enfoque que separa la descripción de aplicaciones de tiempo–real basadas en componentes de sus posibles implementaciones para distintas plataformas. Esta separación viene soportada por la integración automática del código obtenido a partir de los modelos de entrada en frameworks implementados usando tecnología orientada a objetos. Asimismo, se detallan las decisiones arquitectónicas adoptadas en la implementación de uno de estos frameworks, que se utilizará como caso de estudio para ilustrar los beneficios derivados del enfoque propuesto. Por último, se realiza una comparativa en términos de coste de desarrollo con otros enfoques alternativos. Abstract: Real-Time Systems have some characteristics that make them particularly sensitive to architectural decisions. The use of Frameworks and Components has proven effective in improving productivity and software quality, especially when combined with Software Product Line approaches. However, the results in terms of software reuse and standardization make the lack of portability of both the design and componentbased implementations clear. This article, based on the Model- Driven Software Development paradigm, presents an approach that separates the component-based description of real-time applications from their possible implementations on different

  19. Tres afirmaciones sobre pobreza, ciclo económico y desigualdad social desde los años noventa en Colombia

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    Alcides Gómez Jiménez


    Full Text Available Se plantea que desde el último cuarto del siglo pasado la transicióndemográfica creó condiciones para el aumento del ingreso per cápita, perono hubo reducción de la pobreza, porque para una disminución significativade ésta es preciso actuar sobre las desigualdades para atenuarlas. Finalmente, se argumenta que en Colombia nunca se ha intentado la reducción de las desigualdades y, en su lugar, la ortodoxia siempre ha propuesto como remedio a la pobreza y la desigualdad, el crecimiento económico. Se demuestra que el ciclo económico, aún en su fase expansiva, no está en capacidad de actuar sobre el componente estructural que reproduce la pobreza, y tan sólo lo hace de manera marginal en la coyuntura de crecimiento.

  20. Endurance training and GH administration in elderly women

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lange, K H; Lorentsen, J; Isaksson, F


    and after completion of the training program. Similarly, no effect on subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue lipolysis was observed when combining endurance training with rhGH administration. However, in both the placebo and the GH groups, fat oxidation was significantly increased during exercise performed......In the present study, the effect of endurance training alone and endurance training combined with recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) administration on subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue lipolysis was investigated. Sixteen healthy women [age 75 +/- 2 yr (mean +/- SE)] underwent a 12-wk...... endurance training program on a cycle ergometer. rhGH was administered in a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled design in addition to the training program. Subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue lipolysis was estimated by means of microdialysis combined with measurements of subcutaneous abdominal...

  1. Dos hipótesis sobre el presidencialismo autoritario

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    Soledad Loaeza


    Full Text Available El presidencialismo autoritario mexicano ha sido objeto de muchas reflexiones y opiniones. No obstante, se ha impuesto un paradigma presidencialista que privilegia la perspectiva personalizada e idiosincrática del ejercicio del poder, con un importante componente cultu- ralista. Aquí se propone, por una parte, una perspectiva histórica que contextualiza las accio- nes presidenciales en el período 1944-1970; por la otra, se parte de dos presupuestos generales. Uno, sostiene que los presidentes mexicanos actuaban bajo importantes restricciones y según los ritmos de un proceso que avanzó en episodios, más que en forma lineal o acumulativa; el otro destaca la limitación geopolítica que se deriva de la vecindad con Estados Unidos que incidió sobre las acciones presidenciales, pero también sobre el desarrollo institucional del país. La evolución del presidencialismo autoritario lleva la huella de esta influencia. Este artículo introduce elementos para la discusión de las hipótesis. La primera parte hace una revisión crítica del paradigma presidencialista; la segunda expone las restricciones que se derivaban de la vecindad con Estados Unidos. La tercera y última está dedicada a la descripción del tipo de episodios que Pueden servir para ilustrar la evolución del presidencialismo autoritario. Las dos hipótesis que aquí se presentan han guiado una investigación más amplia sobre el impacto de la Guerra Fría en México y el desarrollo del presidencialismo.

  2. Nutritional habits among high-performance endurance athletes

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    Marius Baranauskas


    Conclusions: The diet of highly trained endurance athletes does not fully meet their requirements and in this situation cannot ensure maximum adaptation to very intense and/or long-duration physical loads. The diet of highly trained endurance athletes must be optimized, adjusted and individualized. Particular attention should be focused on female athletes.

  3. Influencia de la composición del medio de cultivo sobre la producción de pigmento por Streptococcus agalactiae


    Carazo Carazo, Concepción


    Se ha estudiado la influencia de la composición del medio de cultivo sobre la producción de pigmento por s. agalactiae partiendo de un medio de cultivo diseñado para tal finalidad (new granada medium), eliminando uno a uno los componentes incluidos en su formulación original. Almidón, proteosa peptona (difco), suero, fosfatos y metrotexato influyen de forma importante en la formación y/o visualización del pigmento producido por este microorganismo. Se ha determinado que la fracción de proteos...

  4. Suplementos nutricionales como modificadores del riesgo cardiovascular en componentes del síndrome metabólico en adultos

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    Stefano Tassinari


    Conclusión: El uso de suplementos nutricionales con ácidos grasos de cadena larga y antioxidante podría tener efectos benéficos en la disminución de riesgo cardiovascular en pacientes con diagnóstico de síndrome metabólico o alguno de sus componentes. El uso de suplementos con otros componentes debe estudiarse a mayor profundidad para efectuar recomendaciones.

  5. Nuevas tecnologías desarrolladas para el aprovechamiento de las cactáceas en la elaboración de alimentos. Componentes funcionales y propiedades antioxidantes

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    Mónica Azucena Nazareno


    Full Text Available Las cactáceas han sido consideradas por nuestros ancestros y contemporáneos una fuente de alimento y también de medicinas. La mayoría presenta frutos y cladodios comestibles que a su vez pueden ser procesados a una amplia variedad de nuevos productos. Se ha demostrado que su consumo ofrece beneficios nutricionales y promueve la salud, y debido a esto existe un marcado interés en el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías y la adquisición de nuevos conocimientos sobre su naturaleza química y propiedades para un mejor aprovechamiento, lo que genera nuevos estudios. En tal sentido, en este trabajo se recopiló información de la literatura que fue revisada, con el propósito de aportar una visión general sobre las nuevas tecnologías desarrolladas para el aprovechamiento de los cactus en la elaboración de alimentos con énfasis en sus componentes bioactivos y propiedades antioxidantes. Se concluye que un amplio espectro de nuevas tecnologías está siendo explorado a fin de obtener alimentos cuya función no sea solamente un aporte nutricional sino también que represente un beneficio para la salud de los consumidores.

  6. Nuevas tecnologías desarrolladas para el aprovechamiento de las cactáceas en la elaboración de alimentos. Componentes funcionales y propiedades antioxidantes

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    Mónica Azucena Nazareno


    Full Text Available Las cactáceas han sido consideradas por nuestros ancestros y contemporáneos una fuente de alimento y también de medicinas. La mayoría presenta frutos y cladodios comestibles que a su vez pueden ser procesados a una amplia variedad de nuevos productos. Se ha demostrado que su consumo ofrece beneficios nutricionales y promueve la salud, y debido a esto existe un marcado interés en el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías y la adquisición de nuevos conocimientos sobre su naturaleza química y propiedades para un mejor aprovechamiento, lo que genera nuevos estudios. En tal sentido, en este trabajo se recopiló información de la literatura que fue revisada, con el propósito de aportar una visión general sobre las nuevas tecnologías desarrolladas para el aprovechamiento de los cactus en la elaboración de alimentos con énfasis en sus componentes bioactivos y propiedades antioxidantes. Se concluye que un amplio espectro de nuevas tecnologías está siendo explorado a fin de obtener alimentos cuya función no sea solamente un aporte nutricional sino también que represente un beneficio para la salud de los consumidores.


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    Fernando Orejas Valdés


    Full Text Available

    El lenguaje unificado de modelado (Unified Modeling Language, UML es un lenguaje de modelado estándar para problemas generales, sin embargo, es necesario extenderlo para dominios específicos como puede ser el caso de determinadas arquitecturas. Aquí se presenta una extensión mediante un perfil para una arquitectura de componentes y conectores genéricos.

  8. El componente suelo dentro de los estudios de impacto ambiental para la construcción de carreteras


    Álvarez Castrillón, Doralba Adiela


    Resumen: En el desarrollo e implementación de obras nuevas de infraestructura vial es fundamental incluir el recurso suelo como un componente relevante en los Estudios de Impacto Ambiental (EIA) debido a la importancia que tiene caracterizarlo acertadamente y conocer su capacidad de uso y manejo. Para cumplir con lo anterior es necesario que exista una normatividad ambiental que considere el suelo como un componente determinante en planes de manejo ambiental coherentes. Con el objetivo de hac...


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    Miguelangelo Ziegler Arboitte


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste experimento foi avaliar a relação entre os vários componentes das partes do corpo não-integrantes da carcaça com os rendimentos de carcaça quente (RCQ e fria (RCF expressos em relação ao peso de abate (PAB ou de corpo vazio (PCV de novilhos de corte. Foram utilizados 24 animais mestiços Charolês – Nelore,terminados em confinamento. Nenhum componente do corpo vazio, bem como os conjuntos dos componentes apresentaram relação significativa com os RCQ e RCF quando ajustados para PAB. Quando avaliados em relação ao PCV, o RCQ correlacionou-se positivamente com coração (r=0,41 e negativamente com as gorduras internas: inguinal (r=-0,62, renal (r=-0,48, toalete (r=-0,51 e ruminal+intestinal (r=-0,57. E o RCF apresentou relação positiva com cabeça (r=0,42, coração (r=0,45 e omaso (r=0,49, e negativa com couro (r=-0,45, abomaso (r=-0,52 e gorduras internas:inguinal (r=-0,46, renal (r=-0,43, toalete (r=-0,68 e ruminal+intestinal (r=-0,72. Para os conjuntos dos componentes, apenas as gorduras internas correlacionaram-se significativamente com os RCQ (r=-0,68 e RCF (r=-0,76 expressos em relação ao PCV. Correlação significativa foi verificada entre os conjuntos gorduras internas com componentes externos (r=0,50 e entre os conjuntos trato digestivo vazio com órgãos vitais (r=0,74. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Bos indicus, Bos taurus, couro, cruzamento, gordura interna.

  10. Incidencia de las estrategias motivacionales de valor sobre las estrategias cognitivas y metacognitivas en estudiantes de secundaria

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    José Manuel SUÁREZ RIVEIRO


    Full Text Available El principal propósito de este estudio fue el de proponer un modelo sobre cómo las estrategias de autorregulación motivacional relacionadas con el componente de valor afectan a la utilización de las estrategias cognitivas y metacognitivas del aprendizaje. La muestra utilizada fue de 1103 estudiantes de Secundaria. Se asumió que el efecto de las estrategias motivacionales sobre las estrategias cognitivas puede estar mediado por las estrategias metacognitivas. Los resultados muestran, por un lado, los efectos significativos desde algunas de las estrategias motivacionales, pero no desde todas, hacia la autorregulación y hacia las estrategias cognitivas. Y por otro lado, los efectos significativos desde las estrategias metacognitivas del aprendizaje sobre todas las estrategias cognitivas. A modo de conclusión se plantea la conveniencia de que los estudiantes no adopten sólo estrategias cognitivas y metacognitivas sino que también adopten otro tipo de estrategias, algunas de las estrategias de automotivación, las cuales les permitirán gestionar su propia motivación y por tanto mejorar su aprendizaje.


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    Rosario Román Pérez


    Full Text Available En este artículo se analizan los resultados de la evaluación de un instrumento sobre cultura institucional de género, utilizando el método de componentes principales. Se describen la estructura y parámetros de su validez y confiabilidad, al igual que las diferencias obtenidas por sexo. La muestra fue de 1,144 personas, de los sectores: educativo, de salud y de investigación en el noroeste de México. Los resultados arrojaron cuatro componentes: procesos administrativos, equidad laboral, prestaciones, clima laboral y autoritarismo, que explicaron el 40.90 de la varianza con un Alfa de Cronbach de .88. Una vez obtenidos estos valores, el instrumento es válido y confiable para evaluar la cultura institucional e identificar los sesgos de género. La metodología puede ser replicada para adaptar el instrumento en otras regiones.

  12. Should Body Size Categories Be More Common in Endurance Running Events? (United States)

    Buresh, Robert


    Thousands of endurance running events are held each year in the United States, and most of them use age and sex categories to account for documented effects of those factors on running performance. However, most running events do not provide categories of body mass, despite abundant evidence that it, too, dramatically influences endurance running performance. The purposes of this article are to (1) discuss how body mass affects endurance running performance, (2) explain several mechanisms through which body mass influences endurance running performance, and (3) suggest possible ways in which body mass might be categorized in endurance running events.

  13. Aerobic endurance in HIV-positive young adults and HIV-negative ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Aerobic endurance is an important aspect of physical fitness that enables individuals living with HIV to endure in the work place as well as in agricultural operations in order to earn a living and improve their quality of life. However, despite high HIV prevalence rates, the aerobic endurance status of young ...

  14. Hypertension in master endurance athletes. (United States)

    Hernelahti, M; Kujala, U M; Kaprio, J; Karjalainen, J; Sarna, S


    To determine whether long-term very vigorous endurance training prevents hypertension. Cohort study of master orienteering runners and controls. Finland. In 1995, a health questionnaire was completed by 264 male orienteering runners (response rate 90.4%) who had been top-ranked in competitions among men aged 35-59 years in 1984, and by 388 similarly aged male controls (response rate 87.1%) who were healthy at the age of 20 years and free of overt ischemic heart disease in 1985. Self-report of medication for hypertension. In the endurance athlete group, the crude prevalence (8.7%) of subjects who had used medication for hypertension was less than a third of that in the control group (27.8%). Even after adjusting for age and body mass index, the difference between the groups was still significant (odds ratio for athletes 0.43, 95% confidence interval 0.25-0.76). Long-term vigorous endurance training is associated with a low prevalence of hypertension. Some of the effect can be explained by a lower body mass, but exercise seems to induce a lower rate of hypertension by other mechanisms than by decreasing body weight

  15. Influencia del sustrato utilizado para el crecimiento de hongos comestibles sobre sus características nutraceúticas

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    Ivonne Jeannette Nieto


    Full Text Available Siendo Colombia un país en el cual hay un gran desarrollo de la actividad agraria, generadora de cantidades apreciables de desechos que dan lugar a un problema ambiental, el cultivo de los hongos presenta un potencial en aplicaciones biotecnológicas que derivan de la diversidad metabólica de los mismos. Dicho potencial está tanto en la producción de los hongos como alimentos con óptimas calidades nutricionales, como en la obtención a partir de las setas de productos bioactivos que permitirían en un futuro no muy lejano contribuir a la economía del país y a la descontaminación ambiental. Dentro del reino fungi, las especies de Pleurotus pueden crecer sobre una amplia variedad de sustratos y tienen especiales propiedades para degradar los componentes lignocelulósicos presentes en mayor proporción en los residuos de la agroindustria. El objetivo del presente estudio fue el de evaluar el efecto del sustrato sobre las propiedades nutricionales o nutriceúticas de hongos del género Pleurotus. Como resultado se determinó que efectivamente la composición de los hongos en cuanto al contenido de proteínas netas, fibra, humedad, cenizas, carbohidratos y grasas totales varía con el sustrato empleado, lo que incide directamente en las propiedades antes anotadas, si se tiene en cuenta que dentro de los componentes determinados se encuentran metabolitos como polisacáridos y esteroles con bioacciones previamente reportadas. De igual manera, se encontró que estas variaciones son diferentes dependiendo de la especie.


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    Ratko Pavlović


    Full Text Available Endurance as human capability is treated in two ways. Some authors define it as mobility capability, while others deny this theory. The denying of this theory lies in attitude that endurance is saturated with psychological factors (motivation and cardio- vascular factors as well and is often identified with aero power, typical dimension of fun- ctional diagnostics. Having that in mind this research enabled the obtaining of necessary informations which could contribute to the clearing up of these uncoordinated opinions. The research included 110 student of the III year Phisical Education in East Sarajevo, male gender. Nine (9 predictors has been applied (4 variables for mobility space estima- te, 5 variables for morphology and functional space estimate and variable used for the estimate of endurance race 1500m. Obtained results confirmed statistical significance of two functional capability variable of Harvard step test, Margarija test and mobility variable race 4x15 meters with the race results.

  17. Physical fitness differences of students with different cardiorespiratory endurance levels

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    Stojanović Darko


    Full Text Available In order to determine physical fitness differences in students with different cardiorespiratory endurance levels, a study was conducted on a sample of students of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education at the University of Nis. The sample was divided into two subsamples, where the first subsample comprised 27 female students and the other 35 male students. Physical fitness was assessed using eight tests from the Eurofit battery of tests: the single-leg balance test - for the assessment of general balance, plate tapping - for the assessment of speed of movement, sit-and-reach - for the assessment of flexibility, the standing broad jump - for the assessment of explosive strength, the handgrip test - for the assessment of static strength, sit-ups - for the assessment of repetitive trunk strength, the bent arm hang - for the assessment of muscular endurance and the 10x5 meter shuttle run - for the assessment of the speed/agility. Cardiorespiratory endurance was estimated with the aid of 20 m endurance shuttle-run test. Based on the level of cardiorespiratory endurance, the participants in each subsample, were divided into three groups using a cluster analysis: high (VKRI, average (PKRI and low level (NKRI. The physical fitness differences of students with different cardiorespiratory endurance levels were calculated using the one-way analysis of variance. The results showed that there were no differences in physical fitness of students with different cardiorespiratory endurance levels. Based on the results it can be concluded that the level of cardiorespiratory endurance does not affect the components of physical fitness among students of both sexes.

  18. Endurance training enhances skeletal muscle interleukin-15 in human male subjects

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rinnov, Anders; Yfanti, Christina; Nielsen, Søren


    Regular endurance exercise promotes metabolic and oxidative changes in skeletal muscle. Overexpression of interleukin-15 (IL-15) in mice exerts similar metabolic changes in muscle as seen with endurance exercise. Muscular IL-15 production has been shown to increase in mice after weeks of regular...... endurance running. With the present study we aimed to determine if muscular IL-15 production would increase in human male subjects following 12 weeks of endurance training. In two different studies we obtained plasma and muscle biopsies from young healthy subjects performing: (1) 12 weeks of ergometer...... weeks of regular endurance training induced a 40% increase in basal skeletal muscle IL-15 protein content (p...

  19. Aerobic endurance in young female athletes in respect to sexual maturation, age and growth

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    Maria Tereza Silveira Böhme


    Full Text Available The aims of this study were, in young female athletes: a to describe the development of aerobic endurance in relation to different sexual maturation stages by each chronological age; b to verify the existence of significant differences among the sexual maturation stages in each age; c to describe the development of aerobic endurance in relation to different ages by each sexual stage; d to verify the existence of significant differences among the ages by each sexual stage; e to verify the influence of chronological age, sexual maturation, adiposity, muscularity, physical growth and kind of sport on aerobic endurance. The sample comprised 305 female young athletes from 10 to 17 years of age, of basketball, handball, soccer and track and field, who were measured for their physical growth, adiposity, muscularity, sexual maturation stage and aerobic endurance. The variance and multiple regression analyses indicated that sexual maturation had no significant influence on the aerobic endurance of these female young athletes. RESUMO Este trabalho de pesquisa teve por objetivos, com relação a jovens atletas do sexo feminino: a descrever o desenvolvimento da resistência geral aeróbia considerando-se os diferentes níveis de maturação biológica em cada idade cronológica; b verificar a existência de diferenças significativas entre os níveis de maturação em cada idade cronológica; c descrever o desenvolvimento da resistência geral aeróbia considerando-se as diferentes idades cronológicas em cada nível de maturação biológica; d verificar a existência de diferenças significativas entre as idades cronológicas de mesmo estágio maturacional; e verificar a influência da maturação biológica, crescimento físico, adiposidade subcutânea, muscularidade, idade cronológica e o tipo de modalidade esportiva praticada sobre a resistência geral aeróbia. Para isso, uma amostra de 305 jovens atletas mulheres na faixa etária de 10 a 17 anos das

  20. Reflexiones sobre el aprendizaje de la histología en biología y en ciencias de la salud


    Juan Herrero, Joaquín de; Pérez-Cañaveras, Rosa M.; Girela, Jose L.; Martínez Ruiz, Noemi; Soto, José Luis; Castillejo, Adela; Soto Sánchez, Cristina; Torrús Tendero, Diego; Romero, Alejandro; Herrero Santacruz, Josefa; Martínez Lorente, Antonio; Ten Morro, Jorge


    El conocimiento de la estructura, composición y función del organismo es fundamental en la formación de los graduados de Ciencias Biomédicas y de Ciencias de la Salud. Las células y los tejidos son los componentes básicos para comprender el normal funcionamiento del organismo y sus procesos patológicos. Por otra parte, la Histología es una de las disciplinas básicas con mayor cantidad de publicaciones sobre temas relacionados con su docencia. Sin embargo, a pesar de la abrumadora literatura e...

  1. The human endurance athlete: heterogeneity and adaptability of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In human subjects, large variations between individuals (up to 3-fold) exist in the capacity for endurance exercise performance. In a heterogeneous population, endurance performance is strongly related to whole body maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max). This is in part genotype dependent (~25%) but is adaptable with ...


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    Diana C. Sinuco


    Full Text Available Los componentes volátiles del aroma de la piña perolera fueron obtenidos mediante extracción L-L y analizados por CGAR, CGAR-EM (IE, IQP y CGAR-O. En esta forma se identificaron 67 compuestos, siendo 2-metilbutanoato de metilo, hexanoatode metilo, 4- acetoxi-hexanoato de metilo, 5-acetoxi-hexanoato de metilo y 3-metiltiopropanoato de metilo los componentesmayoritarios. Mediante el análisis por CGAR-O no se detectaron compuestos impacto.La fracción glicosídica se obtuvo por adsorción sobre Amberlita XAD-2 y posterior elución con metanol. La composición de la fracción glicosídica se estableció por medio del análisis por CGAR y CGAR-EM de los compuestos volátiles liberados por hidrólisis enzimática. Así se identificaron 17 agliconas, las que principalmente se agrupan en compuestos fenólicos, ácidos carboxílicos y compuestos furánicos, siendo alcohol coniferílico, ácido hexadecanoico, furaneol y 4-vinilguayacol los constituyentes mayoritarios.

  3. Endurance training increases the efficiency of rat skeletal muscle mitochondria. (United States)

    Zoladz, Jerzy A; Koziel, Agnieszka; Woyda-Ploszczyca, Andrzej; Celichowski, Jan; Jarmuszkiewicz, Wieslawa


    Endurance training enhances mitochondrial oxidative capacity, but its effect on mitochondria functioning is poorly understood. In the present study, the influence of an 8-week endurance training on the bioenergetic functioning of rat skeletal muscle mitochondria under different assay temperatures (25, 35, and 42 °C) was investigated. The study was performed on 24 adult 4-month-old male Wistar rats, which were randomly assigned to either a treadmill training group (n = 12) or a sedentary control group (n = 12). In skeletal muscles, endurance training stimulated mitochondrial biogenesis and oxidative capacity. In isolated mitochondria, endurance training increased the phosphorylation rate and elevated levels of coenzyme Q. Moreover, a decrease in mitochondrial uncoupling, including uncoupling protein-mediated proton leak, was observed after training, which could explain the increased reactive oxygen species production (in nonphosphorylating mitochondria) and enhanced oxidative phosphorylation efficiency. At all studied temperatures, endurance training significantly augmented H2O2 production (and coenzyme Q reduction level) in nonphosphorylating mitochondria and decreased H2O2 production (and coenzyme Q reduction level) in phosphorylating mitochondria. Endurance training magnified the hyperthermia-induced increase in oxidative capacity and attenuated the hyperthermia-induced decline in oxidative phosphorylation efficiency and reactive oxygen species formation of nonphosphorylating mitochondria via proton leak enhancement. Thus, endurance training induces both quantitative and qualitative changes in muscle mitochondria that are important for cell signaling as well as for maintaining muscle energy homeostasis, especially at high temperatures.

  4. Mental toughness latent profiles in endurance athletes.

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    Joanna S Zeiger

    Full Text Available Mental toughness in endurance athletes, while an important factor for success, has been scarcely studied. An online survey was used to examine eight mental toughness factors in endurance athletes. The study aim was to determine mental toughness profiles via latent profile analysis in endurance athletes and whether associations exist between the latent profiles and demographics and sports characteristics. Endurance athletes >18 years of age were recruited via social media outlets (n = 1245, 53% female. Mental toughness was measured using the Sports Mental Toughness Questionnaire (SMTQ, Psychological Performance Inventory-Alternative (PPI-A, and self-esteem was measured using the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE. A three-class solution emerged, designated as high mental toughness (High MT, moderate mental toughness (Moderate MT and low mental toughness (Low MT. ANOVA tests showed significant differences between all three classes on all 8 factors derived from the SMTQ, PPI-A and the RSE. There was an increased odds of being in the High MT class compared to the Low MT class for males (OR = 1.99; 95% CI, 1.39, 2.83; P<0.001, athletes who were over 55 compared to those who were 18-34 (OR = 2.52; 95% CI, 1.37, 4.62; P<0.01, high sports satisfaction (OR = 8.17; 95% CI, 5.63, 11.87; P<0.001, and high division placement (OR = 2.18; 95% CI, 1.46,3.26; P<0.001. The data showed that mental toughness latent profiles exist in endurance athletes. High MT is associated with demographics and sports characteristics. Mental toughness screening in athletes may help direct practitioners with mental skills training.

  5. Carbohydrate Dependence During Prolonged, Intense Endurance Exercise. (United States)

    Hawley, John A; Leckey, Jill J


    A major goal of training to improve the performance of prolonged, continuous, endurance events lasting up to 3 h is to promote a range of physiological and metabolic adaptations that permit an athlete to work at both higher absolute and relative power outputs/speeds and delay the onset of fatigue (i.e., a decline in exercise intensity). To meet these goals, competitive endurance athletes undertake a prodigious volume of training, with a large proportion performed at intensities that are close to or faster than race pace and highly dependent on carbohydrate (CHO)-based fuels to sustain rates of muscle energy production [i.e., match rates of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) hydrolysis with rates of resynthesis]. Consequently, to sustain muscle energy reserves and meet the daily demands of training sessions, competitive athletes freely select CHO-rich diets. Despite renewed interest in high-fat, low-CHO diets for endurance sport, fat-rich diets do not improve training capacity or performance, but directly impair rates of muscle glycogenolysis and energy flux, limiting high-intensity ATP production. When highly trained athletes compete in endurance events lasting up to 3 h, CHO-, not fat-based fuels are the predominant fuel for the working muscles and CHO, not fat, availability becomes rate limiting for performance.

  6. Nutrition for endurance sports: marathon, triathlon, and road cycling. (United States)

    Jeukendrup, Asker E


    Endurance sports are increasing in popularity and athletes at all levels are looking for ways to optimize their performance by training and nutrition. For endurance exercise lasting 30 min or more, the most likely contributors to fatigue are dehydration and carbohydrate depletion, whereas gastrointestinal problems, hyperthermia, and hyponatraemia can reduce endurance exercise performance and are potentially health threatening, especially in longer events (>4 h). Although high muscle glycogen concentrations at the start may be beneficial for endurance exercise, this does not necessarily have to be achieved by the traditional supercompensation protocol. An individualized nutritional strategy can be developed that aims to deliver carbohydrate to the working muscle at a rate that is dependent on the absolute exercise intensity as well as the duration of the event. Endurance athletes should attempt to minimize dehydration and limit body mass losses through sweating to 2-3% of body mass. Gastrointestinal problems occur frequently, especially in long-distance races. Problems seem to be highly individual and perhaps genetically determined but may also be related to the intake of highly concentrated carbohydrate solutions, hyperosmotic drinks, as well as the intake of fibre, fat, and protein. Hyponatraemia has occasionally been reported, especially among slower competitors with very high intakes of water or other low sodium drinks. Here I provide a comprehensive overview of recent research findings and suggest several new guidelines for the endurance athlete on the basis of this. These guidelines are more detailed and allow a more individualized approach.

  7. Master athletes are extending the limits of human endurance

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    Romuald Lepers


    Full Text Available The increased participation of master athletes (i.e. > 40 years old in endurance and ultra-endurance events (> 6h duration over the past few decades has been accompanied by an improvement in their performances at a much faster rate than their younger counterparts. Ageing does however result in a decrease in overall endurance performance. Such age-related declines in performance depend upon the modes of locomotion, event duration and gender of the participant. For example, smaller age-related declines in cycling performance than in running and swimming have been documented. The relative stability of gender differences observed across the ages suggests that the age-related declines in physiological function did not differ between males and females. Among the main physiological determinants of endurance performance, the maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max appears to be the parameter that is most altered by age. Exercise economy and the exercise intensity at which a high fraction of VO2max can be sustained (i.e. lactate threshold, seem to decline to a lesser extent with advancing age. The ability to maintain a high exercise-training stimulus with advancing age is emerging as the single most important means of limiting the rate of decline in endurance performance. By constantly extending the limits of (ultra-endurance, master athletes therefore represent an important insight into the ability of humans to maintain physical performance and physiological function with advancing age.

  8. Peculiarities of endurance development for first year students

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    A.G. Pochernina


    Full Text Available Purpose: to determine the dynamics of the specific endurance first-year students in the classroom of physical education. Material : the study involved 20 students. Conducted educational testing: seed of lifting in supine position, hang on bent arms, jumping from sitting up with the stop, run 30m, bending and straightening the arms in emphasis lying, tilt forward from a sitting position, shuttle run, broad jump start. Results : found that the passage of the training module volleyball observed development of specific endurance and all motor abilities. Established that the manifestation and development of motor skills are interrelated. Since force is a functional foundation for the development of other skills, flexibility - the foundation of all mechanical movements. Without the development of strength, speed, coordination abilities impossible to develop endurance. Therefore, it is inappropriate and incorrect receipt of unidirectional only specific endurance (dynamic power and static, speed-power. Conclusions: indicated the need to achieve functional specialization of the body in the direction which is necessary for high-level manifestation of certain motor skills.

  9. Componentes principais como preditores no mapeamento digital de classes de solos Principal components as predictor variables in digital mapping of soil classes

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    Alexandre ten Caten


    Full Text Available Tecnologias disponíveis para a observação da Terra oferecem uma grande gama de informações sobre componentes ambientais que, por estarem relacionadas com a formação dos solos, podem ser usadas como variáveis preditoras no Mapeamento Digital de Solos (MDS. No entanto, modelos com um grande número de preditores, bem como a existência de multicolinearidade entre os dados, podem ser ineficazes no mapeamento de classes e propriedades do solo. O objetivo deste estudo foi empregar a Análise de Componentes Principais (ACP visando a selecionar e diminuir o número de preditores na regressão logística múltipla multinomial (RLMM utilizada no mapeamento de classes de solos. Nove covariáveis ambientais, ligadas ao fator de formação relevo, foram derivadas de um Modelo Digital de Elevação e denominadas variáveis originais, estas foram submetidas à ACP e transformadas em Componentes Principais (CP. As RLMM foram desenvolvidas utilizando-se atributos de terreno e as CP como variáveis explicativas. O mapa de solos gerado a partir de três CP (65,6% da variância original obteve um índice kappa de 37,3%, inferior aos 48,5% alcançado pelo mapa de solos gerado a partir de todas as nove variáveis originais.Available technologies for Earth observation offer a wide range of predictors relevant to Digital Soil Mapping (DSM. However, models with a large number of predictors, as well as, the existence of multicollinearity among the data, may be ineffective in the mapping of classes and soil properties. The aim of this study was to use the Principal Component Analysis (PCA to reduce the number of predictors in the multinomial logistic regression (MLR used in soil mapping. Nine environmental covariates, related to the relief factor of soil formation, were derived from a digital elevation model and named the original variables, which were submitted to PCA and transformed into principal components (PC. The MLR were developed using the terrain

  10. Competencias soft sobre competencias hard: análisis de la capacidad para innovar en los chefs de la alta cocina española


    Galindo Reyes, Fuensanta Carmen; De la Varga Salto, José María


    El presente trabajo persigue analizar la influencia que ejercen los componentes de las competencias directivas, competencias hard (conocimientos y habilidades) y competencias soft (actitud), sobre la capacidad para innovar de la organización, siendo la alta cocina española el contexto empírico elegido. La población está integrada por los 146 restaurantes españoles con estrellas Michelín en 2013. La medición de las variables se basa en una escala validada por expertos vinculados al sector y la...

  11. Energy requirements for racing endurance sled dogs*


    Loftus, John P.; Yazwinski, Molly; Milizio, Justin G.; Wakshlag, Joseph J.


    Endurance sled dogs have unique dietary energy requirements. At present, there is disparity in the literature regarding energy expenditure and thus energy requirements of these dogs. We sought to further elucidate energy requirements for endurance sled dogs under field conditions. Three sled dog teams completing the 2011 Yukon Quest volunteered to provide diet history. Nutritional content was evaluated and a mock meal was analysed for each team. Race data were obtained from

  12. Sobre el angel t-101, el exterminador t-1000, el salvador, la mujer y el dragon de celuloide

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    Martha Marín C.


    Full Text Available Sobre una de las películas preferidas por el público receptor de cine de Bogotá, el ensayo que sigue es un ejemplo del análisis semiotextual que intenta integrar los componentes cinematográficos, de representación, las estructuras narrativas y de comunicación presentes en el film. Su propósito es descubrir una matriz de lectura como universo o eje de sentido -en este caso denominada apocalíptica/tecnológica- y acercarse al mundo simbólico-imaginario allí objetivado, para realizar una caracterización del espectador «previsto por la película».

  13. Aproximación a un estudio sobre las lesiones del bahareque en el estado Zulia, Venezuela. Algunas recomendaciones para su intervención

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    Henneberg de León, A.


    Full Text Available The bahareque is a constructive technique made by four components of different materials: wood colums, canning, illing and mud-cover. These components suffer different damages, therefore when repairing these walls different solutions are required for each component. This article presents the first results of a field research, that studied the more frequent damages that undergo these components, and it proposes some recommendations for its repair, based on rehabilitations done in the Zulia State and in the construction of a baharequewall. It was possible to establish that the greater amount of damages was physical and mechanical and they occurred in the mud-cover, component exposed to the environment. The other components only deteriorate when they are uncovered. This study try to offer a source for future researches about the pathology of the bahareque; besides, it can contribute to revalue this technique, being even considered as a technical option for the construction of houses.

    El bahareque es una técnica constructiva formada por cuatro componentes hechos de materiales diversos: horconadura, enlatado, relleno y empanetado. Estos componentes sufren diferentes lesiones, por lo que para su intervención son requeridas distintas soluciones para cada uno. Este artículo presenta los primeros resultados de una investigación de campo que estudió las lesiones más frecuentes que sufren dichos componentes, al igual que propone recomendaciones para su intervención, basadas en rehabilitaciones hechas en el Estado Zulia y en la construcción de una pared de bahareque. Se pudo determinar que la mayor cantidad de lesiones son físicas y mecánicas y se producen en el empanetado, componente expuesto al ambiente. Los otros componentes, se lesionan solo cuando quedan al descubierto. Este estudio intenta servir de base para futuros estudios sobre la patología del bahareque; además, de contribuir a la revalorización de esta técnica, pudiendo ser

  14. Dinámica de los componentes demográficos en Baja California, durante el periodo 1985-1990

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    Gabriel Estrella Valenzuela


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se identifican los rangos predominantes en la dinámica de los componentes demográficos del estado de Baja California y sus municipios, durante el período 1985-1990. Para ello, se utilizan y combinan datos de estadísticas vitales, censales y de las Encuestas Demográficas de Baja California de 1986 y 1990. A partir del análisis de la mortalidad y la fecundidad, se logra determinar una tendencia de estabilidad en el componente natural de la dinámica demográfica del estado, con variaciones marginales a nivel municipal. En el rubro de crecimiento social, sin embargo, se observa un notable y claro incremento en la movilidad de la población que se sustenta en dos componentes: un incremento en la tasa de emigración desde el estado en su conjunto y una más elevada y consistente tendencia al incremento en las tasas de inmigración hacia Baja California, que revierte la tendencia decreciente del peso del crecimiento social en la entidad

  15. Effect of Nitrogen Rates and Split Nitrogen Fertilization on Grain Yield and its Components in Flooded Rice Efecto de Dosis de Nitrógeno y Parcialización de la Fertilización Nitrogenada sobre el Rendimiento de Grano y Componentes de Rendimiento en Arroz

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    Juan Hirzel


    sus componentes, evaluando 5 dosis de N y 5 estrategias de parcialización. Las localidades fueron Parral (36º2’ S; 72º08’ W, Vertisol y San Carlos (36º19’ S; 71º59’ W, Inceptisol, con dosis de N de 80, 100, 120, 140 y 160 kg ha-1 aplicadas en diferentes estados de desarrollo como siembra, macolla, inicio de panícula y estado de bota. Los resultados indican efecto de la temporada sobre el rendimiento de grano, y un rendimiento maximizado con dosis de 120 y 140 kg N ha-1 en San Carlos y Parral, respectivamente. La mayor productividad asociada a la parcialización del N se obtuvo con (1 33% de N a la siembra, 33% al momento de macolla y 34% al inicio de panícula (2 50% del N a la siembra y 50% al inicio de panícula. Los componentes de rendimiento con mayor efecto sobre la productividad fueron afectados por la estrategia de parcialización de N. Las mayores dosis de N incrementaron el porcentaje de granos manchados y estériles por panícula.

  16. Endurance capacity of mice selectively bred for high voluntary wheel running. (United States)

    Meek, Thomas H; Lonquich, Brian P; Hannon, Robert M; Garland, Theodore


    Mice from four lines bred for high voluntary wheel activity run approximately 3-fold more revolutions per day and have elevated maximal oxygen consumption during forced treadmill exercise, as compared with four unselected control (C) lines. We hypothesized that these high runner (HR) lines would have greater treadmill endurance-running capacity. Ninety-six mice from generation 49 were familiarized with running on a motorized treadmill for 3 days. On days 4 and 5, mice were given an incremental speed test (starting at 20 m min(-1), increased 1.5 m min(-1) every 2 min) and endurance was measured as the total time or distance run to exhaustion. Blood samples were taken to measure glucose and lactate concentrations at rest during the photophase, during peak nightly wheel running, and immediately following the second endurance test. Individual differences in endurance time were highly repeatable between days (r=0.79), and mice tended to run longer on the second day (paired t-test, Pwheel running and treadmill endurance differed between the sexes, reinforcing previous studies that indicate sex-specific responses to selective breeding. HR mice appear to have a higher endurance capacity than reported in the literature for inbred strains of mice or transgenics intended to enhance endurance.

  17. Relevancia valorativa del resultado global y sus Componentes frente al resultado neto

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    Núria Arimany Serrat


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tiene como objeto verificar si el resultado global presenta mayor relevancia valorativa respecto al resultado tradicional, y si es así cuáles son los componentes del resultado global que explican las diferencias. El estudio muestra que el resultado global es una variable relevante tanto para explicar el valor intrínseco de la empresa como para explicar su rentabilidad. Sin embargo, sólo al explicar la rentabilidad el resultado global y su incremento aumentan la relevancia valorativa del resultado neto y su incremento. De los componentes analizados del resultado global, tan sólo los resultados por diferencias de conversión de la moneda extranjera a la moneda de presentación añaden poder explicativo adicional al del resultado neto, aunque sólo en los modelos de rentabilidad. Ni los resultados por valoración de instrumentos financieros a valor razonable con cambios en patrimonio ni los resultados por coberturas de flujos de efectivo aportan un mayor poder explicativo al del resultado neto.

  18. Passion and Pacing in Endurance Performance. (United States)

    Schiphof-Godart, Lieke; Hettinga, Florentina J


    Endurance sports are booming, with sports passionates of varying skills and expertise battering city streets and back roads on their weekly or daily exercise rounds. The investments required for performing in endurance exercise are nevertheless considerable, and passion for their sport might explain the efforts endurance athletes are willing to make. Passion may be defined as a strong motivational force and as such might be related to the neurophysiological basis underlying the drive to exercise. A complex relationship between the brain and other systems is responsible for athletes' exercise behavior and thus performance in sports. We anticipate important consequences of athletes' short term choices, for example concerning risk taking actions, on long term outcomes, such as injuries, overtraining and burnout. We propose to consider athletes' type of passion, in combination with neurophysiological parameters, as an explanatory factor inunderstanding the apparent disparity in the regulation of exercise intensity during endurance sports. Previous research has demonstrated that athletes can be passionate toward their sport in either a harmonious or an obsessive way. Although both lead to considerable investments and therefore often to successful performances, obsessive passion may affect athlete well-being and performance on the long run, due to the corresponding inflexible exercise behavior. In this perspective we will thus examine the influence of passion in sport on athletes' short term and long term decision-making and exercise behavior, in particular related to the regulation of exercise intensity, and discuss the expected long term effects of both types of passion for sport.

  19. Consideraciones sobre granulometrías discontinuas de máxima compactación

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    Olaya, Manuel


    Full Text Available Los materiales conglomerados que se presentan en la naturaleza deben su génesis estructural a la acomodación geométrica de unos y otros componentes. Tras un proceso de "cimentación", este acomodo, según sea la disposición particular, conlleva por parte del material una respuesta resistente frente a las acciones exteriores impuestas. Sobre esta idea cabe suponer que los conglomerados más resistentes serán aquellos que tengan su estructura fundamentada en los interapoyos de los granos más duros y resistentes. ya que de por sí el material cementante proviene en la mayoría de los casos de otros previamente meteorizados a los que la evolución geológica ha colocado entre los primeros.

  20. Bone health in endurance athletes: runners, cyclists, and swimmers. (United States)

    Scofield, Kirk L; Hecht, Suzanne


    Weight-bearing exercise has been recognized widely to be beneficial for long-term bone health. However inherent differences in bone-loading characteristics and energy expenditure during participation in endurance sports place many endurance athletes at a relative disadvantage with regard to bone health compared with other athletes. Adolescents and adults who participate in endurance sports, such as running, and non-weight-bearing sports, such as biking and swimming, often have lower bone mineral density (BMD) than athletes participating in ball and power sports, and sometimes their BMD is lower than their inactive peers. Low BMD increases the risk of stress and fragility fractures, both while an athlete is actively competing and later in life. This article reviews the variable effects of distance running, cycling, swimming, and triathlons on bone health; the evaluation of stress and fragility fractures; and the diagnosis, management, and prevention of low BMD in endurance athletes.

  1. Acción Socio-Política sobre Cuestiones Socio-Científicas: Reconstruyendo la Formación Docente y el Currículo


    Reis, Pedro


    En este artículo se discuten resultados del proyecto “We Act”, que pretende fomentar el desarrollo, la aplicación y estudio de materiales y metodologías destinados a apoyar a los profesores y estudiantes en la realización de acciones informadas y negociadas sobre controversias sociales y ambientales asociadas a la ciencia y la tecnología. Este proyecto combina componentes de desarrollo, acción y investigación y cruza tres áreas diferentes: 1) la promoción de un aprendizaje activo basado en la...

  2. Mental toughness latent profiles in endurance athletes. (United States)

    Zeiger, Joanna S; Zeiger, Robert S


    Mental toughness in endurance athletes, while an important factor for success, has been scarcely studied. An online survey was used to examine eight mental toughness factors in endurance athletes. The study aim was to determine mental toughness profiles via latent profile analysis in endurance athletes and whether associations exist between the latent profiles and demographics and sports characteristics. Endurance athletes >18 years of age were recruited via social media outlets (n = 1245, 53% female). Mental toughness was measured using the Sports Mental Toughness Questionnaire (SMTQ), Psychological Performance Inventory-Alternative (PPI-A), and self-esteem was measured using the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE). A three-class solution emerged, designated as high mental toughness (High MT), moderate mental toughness (Moderate MT) and low mental toughness (Low MT). ANOVA tests showed significant differences between all three classes on all 8 factors derived from the SMTQ, PPI-A and the RSE. There was an increased odds of being in the High MT class compared to the Low MT class for males (OR = 1.99; 95% CI, 1.39, 2.83; Pathletes who were over 55 compared to those who were 18-34 (OR = 2.52; 95% CI, 1.37, 4.62; Pathletes. High MT is associated with demographics and sports characteristics. Mental toughness screening in athletes may help direct practitioners with mental skills training.

  3. Componentes do modelo teórico de Roy em pacientes submetidos à hemodiálise

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    Cecília Maria Farias de Queiroz Frazão

    Full Text Available Estudo transversal, objetivando identificar os componentes do modelo teórico de Roy em pacientes submetidos à hemodiálise em um centro de diálise. Participaram 178 pacientes de um centro dialítico no Nordeste do Brasil. A coleta de dados ocorreu de outubro/2011 a fevereiro/2012, por entrevista e exame físico. Os componentes identificados foram: problemas adaptativos, comportamentos e estímulos. Os principais problemas adaptativos foram: retenção de líquido intracelular, hipercalemia, hipotermia, edema, intolerância à atividade. Os comportamentos foram: anúria, desequilíbrio hidroeletrolítico, aumento de peso em curto período, aumento do potássio sérico, temperatura corporal abaixo de 36°C, retenção de líquidos, fadiga, dificuldade em realizar atividades de vida diária. Os estímulos foram: lesão renal, circulação extracorpórea, hemodiálise, não seguimento da restrição hídrica, distúrbio eletrolítico, ambiente frio, efeitos adversos relacionados ao tratamento. Conclui-se que a identificação desses componentes, enquadrados no modo fisiológico, contribui para o planejamento de intervenções de enfermagem específicas e voltadas para a adaptação da clientela.

  4. Influence of stress and recovery on endurance performance indicators

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Otter, Ruby; Brink, Michel; Lemmink, Koen


    Endurance athletes seek for the optimal balance in stress and recovery so that they can perform at their best. However, it is still largely unknown how psychosocial stress and recovery influence performance indicators of endurance athletes. Therefore, the aim of the study was to investigate how

  5. CEPRAM: Compression for Endurance in PCM RAM


    González Alberquilla, Rodrigo; Castro Rodríguez, Fernando; Piñuel Moreno, Luis; Tirado Fernández, Francisco


    We deal with the endurance problem of Phase Change Memories (PCM) by proposing Compression for Endurance in PCM RAM (CEPRAM), a technique to elongate the lifespan of PCM-based main memory through compression. We introduce a total of three compression schemes based on already existent schemes, but targeting compression for PCM-based systems. We do a two-level evaluation. First, we quantify the performance of the compression, in terms of compressed size, bit-flips and how they are affected by e...

  6. Endurance training at altitude. (United States)

    Saunders, Philo U; Pyne, David B; Gore, Christopher J


    Since the 1968 Olympic Games when the effects of altitude on endurance performance became evident, moderate altitude training ( approximately 2000 to 3000 m) has become popular to improve competition performance both at altitude and sea level. When endurance athletes are exposed acutely to moderate altitude, a number of physiological responses occur that can comprise performance at altitude; these include increased ventilation, increased heart rate, decreased stroke volume, reduced plasma volume, and lower maximal aerobic power ((.)Vo(2max)) by approximately 15% to 20%. Over a period of several weeks, one primary acclimatization response is an increase in the volume of red blood cells and consequently of (.)Vo(2max). Altitudes > approximately 2000 m for >3 weeks and adequate iron stores are required to elicit these responses. However, the primacy of more red blood cells for superior sea-level performance is not clear-cut since the best endurance athletes in the world, from Ethiopia (approximately 2000 to 3000 m), have only marginally elevated hemoglobin concentrations. The substantial reduction in (.)Vo(2max) of athletes at moderate altitude implies that their training should include adequate short-duration (approximately 1 to 2 min), high-intensity efforts with long recoveries to avoid a reduction in race-specific fitness. At the elite level, athlete performance is not dependent solely on (.)Vo(2max), and the "smallest worthwhile change" in performance for improving race results is as little as 0.5%. Consequently, contemporary statistical approaches that utilize the concept of the smallest worthwhile change are likely to be more appropriate than conventional statistical methods when attempting to understand the potential benefits and mechanisms of altitude training.

  7. Individual responses to combined endurance and strength training in older adults. (United States)

    Karavirta, Laura; Häkkinen, Keijo; Kauhanen, Antti; Arija-Blázquez, Alfredo; Sillanpää, Elina; Rinkinen, Niina; Häkkinen, Arja


    A combination of endurance and strength training is generally used to seek further health benefits or enhanced physical performance in older adults compared with either of the training modes alone. The mean change within a training group, however, may conceal a wide range of individual differences in the responses. The purpose, therefore, was to examine the individual trainability of aerobic capacity and maximal strength, when endurance and strength training are performed separately or concurrently. For this study, 175 previously untrained volunteers, 89 men and 86 women between the ages of 40 and 67 yr, completed a 21-wk period of either strength training (S) twice a week, endurance training (E) twice a week, combined training (ES) four times per week, or served as controls. Training adaptations were quantified as peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) in a bicycle ergometer test to exhaustion and maximal isometric bilateral leg extension force (MVC) in a dynamometer. A large range in training responses, similar to endurance or strength training alone, was also observed with combined endurance and strength training in both ΔVO2peak (from -8% to 42%) and ΔMVC (from -12% to 87%). There were no significant correlations between the training responses in VO2peak and MVC in the E, S, or especially in the ES group, suggesting that the same subjects did not systematically increase both aerobic capacity and maximal strength. The goal of combined endurance and strength training--increasing both aerobic capacity and maximal strength simultaneously--was only achieved by some of the older subjects. New means are needed to personalize endurance, strength, and especially combined endurance and strength training programs for optimal individual adaptations.

  8. Endurance test of DUPIC irradiation test rig-003

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moon, J.S; Yang, M.S.; Lee, C.Y.; Ryu, J.S.; Jeon, H.G


    This report presents the pressure drop, vibration and endurance test results for DUPIC Irradiation Test Rig-003 which was design and fabricated by KAERI. From the pressure drop and vibration test results, it is verified that DUPIC Irradiation Test Rig-003 satisfied the limit conditions of HANARO. And, remarkable wear is not observed in DUPIC Irradiation Test Rig-003 during 40 endurance test days.

  9. Endurance test for DUPIC capsule

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chung, Heung June; Bae, K. K.; Lee, C. Y.; Park, J. M.; Ryu, J. S.


    This report presents the pressure drop, vibration and endurance test results for mini-plate fuel rig which were designed fabricately by KAERI. From the pressure drop test results, it is noted that the flow rate across the capsule corresponding to the pressure drop of 200 kPa is measured to be about 9.632 kg/sec. Vibration frequency for the capsule ranges from 14 to 18.5 Hz. RMS (Root Mean Square) displacement for the fuel rig is less than 14 μm, and the maximum displacement is less than 54 μm. Based on the endurance test results, the appreciable fretting wear for the DUPIC capsule was not detected. Oxidation on the support tube is observed, also tiny trace of wear between contact points observed. (author). 4 refs., 10 tabs., 45 figs

  10. Skin autofluorescence is associated with arterial stiffness and insulin level in endurance runners and healthy controls - Effects of aging and endurance exercise. (United States)

    Couppé, Christian; Dall, Christian Have; Svensson, Rene Brüggebusch; Olsen, Rasmus Huan; Karlsen, Anders; Praet, Stephan; Prescott, Eva; Magnusson, S Peter


    Life-long regular endurance exercise yields positive effects on cardiovascular and metabolic function, disease and mortality rate. Glycation may be a major mechanism behind age-related diseases. However, it remains unknown if skin autofluorescence (SAF), which reflects glycation, is related to arterial and metabolic function in life-long endurance runners and sedentary controls. Healthy elderly men: 15 life-long endurance runners (OT) (64±4years) and 12 old untrained (OU) (66±4years), and healthy young men; ten young athletes (YT) (26±4years) matched to OT for running distance, and 12 young untrained (YU) (24±3years) were recruited. Endothelial function (reactive hyperemia index, RHI) and arterial stiffness (augmentation index, AI@75 and AI) were measured by an operator-independent PAT 2000. SAF was non-invasively determined using an autofluorescence spectrometer. For AI@75 there was an effect of age (page correction (both r 2 =0.19, paging and pathology). Surprisingly, endurance running only had modest effects on cardiovascular function compared to lean healthy controls. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Impacto ambiental de la actividad langostinera, extractiva y agrícola sobre el ecosistema de manglar en el litoral de la región tumbes


    Hidalgo Mogollón, Auberto


    Con el propósito de determinar el impacto de la actividad langostinera, extractiva y agrícola sobre el ecosistema de manglar de Tumbes (Perú), se evaluó sus componentes más importantes, en los canales de marea el Bendito, Jelí, Puerto Rico y estero Corrales ubicados en la Región Tumbes. Se tomaron muestras de agua y sedimento, se hicieron entrevistas, observaciones in situ y acopio de información en instituciones públicas y privadas, comprometidas con el ecosistema de manglar. Los valores de...

  12. Reflexiones sobre el libro de texto, "Psicomotricidad. Juego y movimiento", su uso e interés educativo en un aula de cinco años.


    Sastre Villacorta, Sandra


    Reflejar mi propia experiencia en un aula con niños y niñas de 5 años, en el ámbito de la Educación Corporal, realizando un análisis crítico de su uso e interés educativo sobre el libro de texto“Psicomotricidad. Juego y Movimiento”. Los temas a tratar son la Educación Corporal, la Psicomotricidad; sus componentes y la importancia del juego, dentro del ámbito educativo en la Educación Infantil. Grado en Educación Infantil

  13. Shoulder muscle endurance: the development of a standardized and reliable protocol

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    Roy Jean-Sébastien


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Shoulder muscle fatigue has been proposed as a possible link to explain the association between repetitive arm use and the development of rotator cuff disorders. To our knowledge, no standardized clinical endurance protocol has been developed to evaluate the effects of muscle fatigue on shoulder function. Such a test could improve clinical examination of individuals with shoulder disorders. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to establish a reliable protocol for objective assessment of shoulder muscle endurance. Methods An endurance protocol was developed on a stationary dynamometer (Biodex System 3. The endurance protocol was performed in isotonic mode with the resistance set at 50% of each subject's peak torque as measured for shoulder external (ER and internal rotation (IR. Each subject performed 60 continuous repetitions of IR/ER rotation. The endurance protocol was performed by 36 healthy individuals on two separate occasions at least two days apart. Maximal isometric shoulder strength tests were performed before and after the fatigue protocol to evaluate the effects of the endurance protocol and its reliability. Paired t-tests were used to evaluate the reduction in shoulder strength due to the protocol, while intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC and minimal detectable change (MDC were used to evaluate its reliability. Results Maximal isometric strength was significantly decreased after the endurance protocol (P 0.84. Conclusions Changes in muscular performance observed during and after the muscular endurance protocol suggests that the protocol did result in muscular fatigue. Furthermore, this study established that the resultant effects of fatigue of the proposed isotonic protocol were reproducible over time. The protocol was performed without difficulty by all volunteers and took less than 10 minutes to perform, suggesting that it might be feasible for clinical practice. This protocol could be used to induce

  14. Upper Body Muscular Endurance Among Children 2-5 Years. (United States)

    Gabbard, Carl P.; And Others

    The upper body muscular endurance of males and females 2-5 years of age was assessed, and relationships relative to sex, age, endurance and selected anthropometric measures were investigated. None of the relationships were found to be of practical predicative value; while upper body muscular strength increased with age, no significant differences…

  15. Componentes da teoria social de aprendizagem numa ferramenta para ensino na Enfermagem

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    Marcia Regina Cubas


    Full Text Available RESUMOObjetivo:identificar componentes fundamentais da teoria social de aprendizagem numa ferramenta computacional para auxílio ao ensino do processo de raciocínio para elaboração do diagnóstico de enfermagem.Método:estudo qualitativo que analisou o discurso, coletado por meio de grupo focal, de 18 professores e estudantes de duas escolas de enfermagem brasileiras.Resultados:os temas foram agrupados em quatro categorias relacionadas aos componentes da teoria e em 13 subcategorias.Conclusão: o significado da aprendizagem pode ser ampliado pela didática do professor e evidenciado pela relação entre a sistematização e o raciocínio; para aprender fazendo são necessários pré-requisitos e um processo de motivação e capacitação, que também é inerente à aprendizagem pela formação de identidade no grupo; no sentimento de pertencimento a um determinado grupo tornaram-se visíveis aspectos relacionados à profissão em detrimento do pertencimento a uma comunidade de prática de aprendizagem.

  16. Papel protector de la dieta Mediterránea sobre el Índice de Hígado Graso. Estudio PREDIMED-Málaga


    Cueto Galán, Raquel


    ANTECEDENTES La dieta Mediterránea está asociada con una disminución en la prevalencia del síndrome metabólico donde el hígado graso es el componente hepático. No obstante, los efectos de esta dieta sobre las enzimas hepáticas y el hígado graso apenas están explorados, es más, los mecanismos subyacentes en relación con el hígado graso y una dieta Mediterránea enriquecida con aceite de oliva o frutos secos no han sido aún estudiados. El Índice de Hígado Graso (FLI, Fatty Liver Index), ha si...

  17. [Supplementary device for a dynamometer to evaluate and register muscular endurance indices]. (United States)

    Timoshenko, D A; Bokser, O Ia


    In practice of psychophysiologic research muscular endurance index is used for estimation of CNS function. Muscular endurance index is defined as relative time needed for maintaining the preset muscular effort. The described device widens the possibilities of a digital dynamometer for automatic estimation and recording of muscular endurance index in real time.

  18. The Enduring Value of the Physical Examination. (United States)

    Zaman, Junaid A B


    This article focuses exclusively on physical examination (PE) in the context of clinical medicine, that is, the interaction between a health care provider and patient. In essence, there is not only benefit (value) to PE but also that it will last (endure) for some time. Both "enduring" and "value" are explored in more depth with respect to the future integration of PE into the clinical assessment of a patient and how its value extends well beyond current diagnostic/cost-based metrics. Crown Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Sesgos en estimación, tamaño y potencia de una prueba sobre el parámetro de memoria larga en modelos ARFIMA

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    Elkin Castaño


    Full Text Available Castaño et al. (2008 proponen una prueba para investigar la existencia de memoria larga, basada en el parámetro de diferenciación fraccional de un modelo ARFIMA (p, d, q; se muestra que al usar una aproximación autorregresiva de orden igual al entero más próximo a p* = T1/3 para la componente de memoria corta, la prueba de la hipótesis nula de memoria corta contra la alternativa de memoria larga tiene, en general, mayor potencia que algunas otras pruebas conservando un tamaño adecuado. Este estudio muestra los sesgos generados en la estimación del parámetro d y su efecto sobre la potencia y tamaño de la prueba, cuando se ignora la componente de corto plazo y cuando se emplean modelos que no la aproximan adecuadamente. Adicionalmente, se analiza si los resultados obtenidos por Castaño et al. (2008 pueden mejorarse empleando una aproximación autorregresiva diferente.

  20. 76 FR 58565 - Proposed Information Collection (Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom Seriously... (United States)


    ... (Operation Enduring Freedom/ Operation Iraqi Freedom Seriously Injured/Ill Service Member Veteran Worksheet... solicits comments on information provided to Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom veterans... information technology. Title: Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom Seriously Injured/Ill...

  1. Shoulder Girdle Muscles Endurance in Subjects with and without Impingement Syndrome

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    Afsoun Nodehi-Moghadam


    Full Text Available Objective: Any minimal alteration in performance and coordination of scapular and glenohumeral muscles has the potential to lead to shoulder joint dysfunction. The impingement syndrome has been reported as is the most common diagnosis of shoulder pain. The purpose of this study was to determine whether endurance deficits could be detected in patients with shoulder impingement. Materials & Methods: By convenient sampling 15 patients with impingement syndrome at average of 45.3 years of age and 15 healthy persons (age 45.8 years through a case–control design participated in the study. Endurance of glenohumeral and scapulothoracic muscles were tested with a hand held dynamometer. Independent t–test was used to statistically analyze different groups. Results: Compared to non–impaired subjects, those with impingement syndrome demonstrated a significantly lower endurance of external rotation, scaption and scapular abduction and upward rotation movements (P<0.05. In impingement syndrome patients, the external–to–internal rotator muscles endurance ratio was significantly lower than the control group (P<0.05. Conclusion: The result of the study suggests that endurance deficit of rotator cuff and scapular upward rotator muscles may be an important aspect of the impingement syndrome. Shoulder girdle muscles endurance should be considered in evaluation and physical therapy of impingement syndrome patients.

  2. Endurance running performance in athletes with asthma. (United States)

    Freeman, W; Williams, C; Nute, M G


    Laboratory assessment was made during maximal and submaximal exercise on 16 endurance trained male runners with asthma (aged 35 +/- 9 years) (mean +/- S.D.). Eleven of these asthmatic athletes had recent performance times over a half-marathon, which were examined in light of the results from the laboratory tests. The maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max) of the group was 61.8 +/- 6.3 ml kg-1 min-1 and the maximum ventilation (VEmax) was 138.7 +/- 24.7 l min-1. These maximum cardio-respiratory responses to exercise were positively correlated to the degree of airflow obstruction, defined as the forced expiratory volume in 1 s (expressed as a percentage of predicted normal). The half-marathon performance times of 11 of the athletes ranged from those of recreational to elite runners (82.4 +/- 8.8 min, range 69-94). Race pace was correlated with VO2max (r = 0.863, P less than 0.01) but the highest correlation was with the running velocity at a blood lactate concentration of 2 mmol l-1 (r = 0.971, P less than 0.01). The asthmatic athletes utilized 82 +/- 4% VO2max during the half-marathon, which was correlated with the %VO2max at 2 mmol l-1 blood lactate (r = 0.817, P less than 0.01). The results of this study suggest that athletes with mild to moderate asthma can possess high VO2max values and can develop a high degree of endurance fitness, as defined by their ability to sustain a high percentage of VO2max over an endurance race. In athletes with more severe airflow obstruction, the maximum ventilation rate may be reduced and so VO2max may be impaired. The athletes in the present study have adapted to this limitation by being able to sustain a higher %VO2max before the accumulation of blood lactate, which is an advantage during an endurance race. Therefore, with appropriate training and medication, asthmatics can successfully participate in endurance running at a competitive level.

  3. Los sistemas de dos componentes: circuitos moleculares versátiles


    Carlos A. Barba-Ostria


    Para sobrevivir, los organismos deben adaptarse a cambios ambientales repentinos que ejercen una presión selectiva y por lo tanto sus posibilidades de supervivencia, dependen de su capacidad para responder en forma rápida y precisa. La adaptación a estos cambios está estrechamente ligada a la correcta percepción y transmisión de los estímulos, así como a la generación de respuestas apropiadas. En diferentes bacterias, hongos, plantas y mohos mucilaginosos, los sistemas de dos componentes (SDC...

  4. Carbohydrate mouth rinse: does it improve endurance exercise performance?

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    Painelli Vitor


    Full Text Available Abstract It is well known that carbohydrate (CHO supplementation can improve performance in endurance exercises through several mechanisms such as maintenance of glycemia and sparing endogenous glycogen as well as the possibility of a central nervous-system action. Some studies have emerged in recent years in order to test the hypothesis of ergogenic action via central nervous system. Recent studies have demonstrated that CHO mouth rinse can lead to improved performance of cyclists, and this may be associated with the activation of brain areas linked to motivation and reward. These findings have already been replicated in other endurance modalities, such as running. This alternative seems to be an attractive nutritional tool to improve endurance exercise performance.

  5. 76 FR 72243 - Proposed Information Collection (Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom Veterans... (United States)


    ... (Operation Enduring Freedom/ Operation Iraqi Freedom Veterans Health Needs Assessment) Activity; Comment... Operation Enduring Freedom/ Operation Iraqi Freedom veterans and their families. DATES: Written comments and...: Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom Veterans Health Needs Assessment, VA Form 10-21091. OMB...

  6. 76 FR 73022 - Agency Information Collection (Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom Seriously... (United States)


    ... (Operation Enduring Freedom/ Operation Iraqi Freedom Seriously Injured/Ill Service Member Veteran Worksheet... No. 2900-0720.'' SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Title: Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom... used VA Form 21-0773 as a checklist to ensure they provided Operation Enduring Freedom or Operation...

  7. Baroreflex buffering in sedentary and endurance exercise-trained healthy men. (United States)

    Christou, Demetra D; Jones, Pamela Parker; Seals, Douglas R


    Baroreflex buffering plays an important role in arterial blood pressure control. Previous reports suggest that baroreflex sensitivity may be altered in endurance exercise-trained compared with untrained subjects. It is unknown, however, if in vivo baroreflex buffering is altered in the endurance exercise-trained state in humans. Baroreflex buffering was determined in 36 healthy normotensive men (18 endurance exercise-trained, 41+/-5 [SEM] years; 18 untrained, 41+/-4 years) by measuring the potentiation of the systolic blood pressure responses to a phenylephrine bolus and to incremental phenylephrine infusion during compared with before ganglionic blockade with trimethaphan. The exercise-trained men had a lower resting heart rate and higher maximal oxygen consumption and heart rate variability than the sedentary control subjects (all P=0.01). Mean levels and variability of blood pressure, cardiovagal baroreflex sensitivity (change in heart rate/change in systolic blood pressure), and basal muscle sympathetic nerve activity were not different in the two groups. The systolic blood pressure responses to phenylephrine were not different in the endurance-trained and untrained men before or during ganglionic blockade (P>0.6). Measures of baroreflex buffering with the use of a phenylephrine bolus (3.9+/-0.8 versus 4.0+/-0.7, trained versus untrained, P=0.85) and incremental infusion (2.8+/-0.4 versus 2.5+/-0.6, P=0.67) were similar in the two groups. Baroreflex buffering does not differ in endurance exercise-trained compared with untrained healthy men. These results support the concept that habitual vigorous endurance exercise does not modulate in vivo baroreflex buffering in healthy humans.

  8. Sobre el ángel t-101, el exterminador t-1000, el salvador, la mujer y el dragón de celuloide

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    Martha Marín C.


    Full Text Available Sobre una de las películas preferidas por el público receptor de cine de Bogotá, el ensayo que sigue es un ejemplo del análisis semiotextual que intenta integrar los componentes cinematográficos, de representación, las estructuras narrativas y de comunicación presentes en el film. Su propósito es descubrir una matriz de lectura como universo o eje de sentido -en este caso denominada apocalíptica/tecnológica- y acercarse al mundo simbólico-imaginario allí objetivado, para realizar una caracterización del espectador “previsto por la película”.

  9. Considerações Sobre a Reciclagem de Embalagens Plásticas

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    Forlin Flávio J.


    Full Text Available Este artigo aborda considerações atualizadas sobre a reciclagem de embalagens plásticas com foco no setor de alimentos. No contexto mundial é avaliado o crescente volume de utilização de embalagens plásticas na preservação de alimentos e levantados os componentes sanitários, mercadológicos, sócio-econômicos e ambientais associados. São avaliadas como potenciais vias de reciclagem a transformação mecânica de embalagens plásticas em novos materiais ou produtos, a recuperação de resinas, a transformação térmica, a reutilização de embalagens e a degradação ambiental. O contexto brasileiro mostra potenciais características de viabilidade sócio-econômica e empresarial para a reciclagem de embalagens plásticas, exigindo, todavia, maior conjunção de ações governamentais, empresariais e de pesquisa no setor.

  10. Endurance Factors Improve Hippocampal Neurogenesis and Spatial Memory in Mice (United States)

    Kobilo, Tali; Yuan, Chunyan; van Praag, Henriette


    Physical activity improves learning and hippocampal neurogenesis. It is unknown whether compounds that increase endurance in muscle also enhance cognition. We investigated the effects of endurance factors, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor [delta] agonist GW501516 and AICAR, activator of AMP-activated protein kinase on memory and…

  11. Effects of a 12-Week Hatha Yoga Intervention on Cardiorespiratory Endurance, Muscular Strength and Endurance, and Flexibility in Hong Kong Chinese Adults: A Controlled Clinical Trial

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    Caren Lau


    Full Text Available Objective. To examine the effects of a 12-week Hatha yoga intervention on cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility in Chinese adults. Methods. 173 adults (aged 52.0 ± 7.5 years were assigned to either the yoga intervention group (n=87 or the waitlist control group (n=86. 19 dropped out from the study. Primary outcomes were changes in cardiorespiratory endurance (resting heart rate (HR and maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max, muscular strength and endurance (curl-up and push-up tests, and lower back and hamstring flexibility (the modified back-saver sit-and-reach (MBS test. Results. Compared to controls, the yoga group achieved significant improvements in VO2max (P<0.01, curl-up (P<0.05 and push-up (P<0.001 tests, and the MBS left and right leg tests (both P<0.001 in both genders. Significant change was also found for resting HR between groups in women (P<0.05 but not in men. Further analysis comparing participants between younger and older subgroups yielded similar findings, except that the older participants in the yoga group failed to improve resting HR or the curl-up test versus control. Adherence (89% and attendance (94% were high. No serious adverse events occurred. Conclusion. A 12-week Hatha yoga intervention has favorable effects on cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility in Chinese adults.

  12. Comparison of midterm results for the Talent and Endurant stent graft. (United States)

    't Mannetje, Yannick W; Cuypers, Philippe W M; Saleem, Ben R; Bode, Aron S; Teijink, Joep A W; van Sambeek, Marc R H M


    Stent graft evolution is often addressed as a cause for improved outcomes of endovascular aneurysm repair for patients with an abdominal aortic aneurysm. In this study, we directly compared the midterm result of Endurant stent graft with its predecessor, the Talent stent graft (both Medtronic, Santa Rosa, Calif). Patient treated from January 2005 to December 2010 in a single tertiary center in The Netherlands with a Talent or Endurant stent graft were eligible for inclusion. Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms or patients with previous aortic surgery were excluded. The primary end point was the Kaplan-Meier estimated freedom from secondary interventions. Secondary end points were perioperative outcomes and indications for secondary interventions. In total, 221 patients were included (131 Endurant and 90 Talent). At baseline, the median aortic bifurcation was narrower for the Endurant (30 mm vs 39 mm; P Talent and Endurant, respectively. The estimated freedom from secondary interventions at 30 days, 1 year, 5 years, and 7 years was 94.3%, 89.4%, 72.2%, and 64.1% for Talent and 96.8%, 89.3%, 75.2%, and 69.2% for Endurant (P = .528). The indication for secondary interventions does differ; more patients required an intervention for a proximal neck-related complication (type Ia endoleak or migration) in the Talent group (18.2% vs 4.8%; P = .001), whereas more interventions for iliac limb stenosis were seen in the Endurant group (0.0% vs 4.8%; P = .044). In a binomial regression analysis, suprarenal angulation, infrarenal neck length, and type of stent graft were independent predictors of neck-related complications. Evolution from the Talent stent graft into the Endurant has resulted in significant reduction of infrarenal neck-related complications; on the other hand, iliac interventions increased. The overall midterm secondary intervention rate was comparable. Copyright © 2017 Society for Vascular Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Aplicación de Pulsos Eléctricos de Alta Intensidad en una bebida mezcla de zumo de naranja y leche: Efectos sobre Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, componentes nutricionales y calidad




    Los Pulsos Eléctricos de Alta Intensidad (PEAI) es una tecnología no térmica de conservación de alimentos que se está siendo evaluada como alternativa a las tecnologías convencionales de conservación basadas en el calor. Esta tecnología se caracteriza por permitir obtener un producto seguro microbiológicamente, con un mayor respeto de los componentes nutricionales que el tratamiento térmico convencional. Los trabajos que componen la presente tesis doctoral tratan de evaluar la idoneidad de...

  14. Soccer Endurance Development in Professionals

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Roescher, C. R.; Elferink-Gemser, M. T.; Huijgen, B. C. H.; Visscher, C.

    The development of intermittent endurance capacity, its underlying mechanisms and role in reaching professional level in soccer was investigated. The sample included 130 talented youth soccer players aged 14-18, who became professional (n = 53) or non-professional (n = 77) players in adulthood. In

  15. Mixed maximal and explosive strength training in recreational endurance runners. (United States)

    Taipale, Ritva S; Mikkola, Jussi; Salo, Tiina; Hokka, Laura; Vesterinen, Ville; Kraemer, William J; Nummela, Ari; Häkkinen, Keijo


    Supervised periodized mixed maximal and explosive strength training added to endurance training in recreational endurance runners was examined during an 8-week intervention preceded by an 8-week preparatory strength training period. Thirty-four subjects (21-45 years) were divided into experimental groups: men (M, n = 9), women (W, n = 9), and control groups: men (MC, n = 7), women (WC, n = 9). The experimental groups performed mixed maximal and explosive exercises, whereas control subjects performed circuit training with body weight. Endurance training included running at an intensity below lactate threshold. Strength, power, endurance performance characteristics, and hormones were monitored throughout the study. Significance was set at p ≤ 0.05. Increases were observed in both experimental groups that were more systematic than in the control groups in explosive strength (12 and 13% in men and women, respectively), muscle activation, maximal strength (6 and 13%), and peak running speed (14.9 ± 1.2 to 15.6 ± 1.2 and 12.9 ± 0.9 to 13.5 ± 0.8 km Ł h). The control groups showed significant improvements in maximal and explosive strength, but Speak increased only in MC. Submaximal running characteristics (blood lactate and heart rate) improved in all groups. Serum hormones fluctuated significantly in men (testosterone) and in women (thyroid stimulating hormone) but returned to baseline by the end of the study. Mixed strength training combined with endurance training may be more effective than circuit training in recreational endurance runners to benefit overall fitness that may be important for other adaptive processes and larger training loads associated with, e.g., marathon training.

  16. Naturaleza, religión y cultura tradicional: Un ensayo sobre el pensamiento rústico

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    Calavia Sáez, Óscar


    Full Text Available This study focuses on the natural elements in the religious lore of La Rioja, in northern Spain: mainly trees, bulls and bees in myth and ritual. It stresses their sociological and cosmological meanings: patterns of kinship, marriage and group identity, ideas about gender, body and ultimately «nature». Furthermore, it this study proposes on implicit «rustic mind», contemporary wilt but apart from Christian taught (not a mere survival of the past and discusses the role of this «mind» in the history of Spanish Catholicism.Los elementos naturales presentes en el folklore religioso de La Rioja, en el norte de España, árboles, toros y abejas, en primer plano, son analizados en este estudio en sus componentes sociológicos (las ideas que reflejan sobre consanguinidad, alianza e identidad de grupo y organizados en una sucinta cosmología, que incluye nociones sobre el cuerpo, los géneros y la propia «naturaleza». Se explora la virtualidad de un «pensamiento rústico», diferente del cristianismo pero contemporáneo suyo (no una mera supervivencia del pasado y el lugar que ocupa en la historia del catolicismo español.

  17. Reliability of hydroelectric generation components, systems and units; Confiabilidad de componentes, sistemas y unidades de generacion hidroelectrica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sanchez Sanchez, Ramon; Torres Toledano, Gerardo; Franco Nava, Jose Manuel [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    This article presents a methodology for the calculation of the reliability of components, systems and hydroelectric generating units, as well as the scope of a computational system for the evaluation of such reliability. In the case of the reliability calculation of components and systems, the computer programs is not limited to hydro stations and can be used in other type of systems. [Espanol] En este articulo se presenta una metodologia para calcular la confiabilidad de componentes, sistemas y unidades de generacion hidroelectrica, asi como el alcance de un sistema computacional para evaluar dicha confiabilidad. En el caso del calculo de confiabilidad de componentes y sistemas, el programa de computo no se limita a centrales hidroelectricas y puede utilizarse en otro tipo de sistemas.

  18. Reliability of hydroelectric generation components, systems and units; Confiabilidad de componentes, sistemas y unidades de generacion hidroelectrica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sanchez Sanchez, Ramon; Torres Toledano, Gerardo; Franco Nava, Jose Manuel [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    This article presents a methodology for the calculation of the reliability of components, systems and hydroelectric generating units, as well as the scope of a computational system for the evaluation of such reliability. In the case of the reliability calculation of components and systems, the computer programs is not limited to hydro stations and can be used in other type of systems. [Espanol] En este articulo se presenta una metodologia para calcular la confiabilidad de componentes, sistemas y unidades de generacion hidroelectrica, asi como el alcance de un sistema computacional para evaluar dicha confiabilidad. En el caso del calculo de confiabilidad de componentes y sistemas, el programa de computo no se limita a centrales hidroelectricas y puede utilizarse en otro tipo de sistemas.

  19. Revisión acetabular con conservación del componente metálico osteointegrado y cementado de un componente de poliestireno. Reporte de una serie de 40 casos. [Acetabular revision cementing a liner into a stable acetabular shell

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    Fernando Manuel Bidolegui


    Full Text Available In­tro­duc­ción: Un escenario cada vez más frecuente en la cirugía de revisión protésica de la cadera es hallar un cotilo no cementado fijo con una falla del componente modular de polietileno. Una completa revisión acetabular se presenta como demasiado agresiva cuando el componente metálico es salvable. Cementar un nuevo inserto de polietileno dentro del componente acetabular metálico os-teointegrado es una alternativa. Comunicamos los resultados con esta técnica, y sus indicaciones, el modo de realización y las posibles limitaciones. Materiales­y­Métodos: Entre 2001 y 2011, se cementaron 40 componentes de polietileno dentro de copas no cementadas. Se evaluó radiológicamente y clínicamente a todos los pacientes. El motivo por el que se cementó un inserto fue falla o rotura de mecanismo de captura (11 casos; 27,5%, ganar estabilidad (18 casos; 45% y falta de disponibilidad del inserto correspondiente (11 casos, 27,5%. Resultados:­ La tasa de duración del implante sin reoperación a 46 meses de seguimiento fue del 92%. Un paciente (2,4% sufrió una infección, y dos presentaron inestabilidad (4,8%. No se presentaron aflojamientos hasta el último seguimiento. El puntaje preoperatorio y posoperatorio en la escala de Harris fue de 59 y 80, respectivamente. Conclusiones: Los datos técnicos por considerar para tener éxito son: utilizar un inserto de menor tamaño que el de la copa, cementar insertos texturizados y dejar siempre como mínimo un manto de cemento uniforme de 2 mm. Nuestros resultados preliminares cementando un inserto de polietileno dentro de una copa acetabular osteointegrada parecerían justificar esta técnica de revisión en pos de prevenir la pérdida de capital óseo asociada a la necesidad de recambio de copas osteointegradas.

  20. Comparability and repeatability of three commonly used methods for measuring endurance capacity. (United States)

    Baxter-Gilbert, James; Mühlenhaupt, Max; Whiting, Martin J


    Measures of endurance (time to exhaustion) have been used to address a wide range of questions in ecomorphological and physiological research, as well as being used as a proxy for survival and fitness. Swimming, stationary (circular) track running, and treadmill running are all commonly used methods for measuring endurance. Despite the use of these methods across a broad range of taxa, how comparable these methods are to one another, and whether they are biologically relevant, is rarely examined. We used Australian water dragons (Intellagama lesueurii), a species that is morphologically adept at climbing, swimming, and running, to compare these three methods of endurance and examined if there is repeatability within and between trial methods. We found that time to exhaustion was not highly repeatable within a method, suggesting that single measures or a mean time to exhaustion across trials are not appropriate. Furthermore, we compared mean maximal endurance times among the three methods, and found that the two running methods (i.e., stationary track and treadmill) were similar, but swimming was distinctly different, resulting in lower mean maximal endurance times. Finally, an individual's endurance rank was not repeatable across methods, suggesting that the three endurance trial methods are not providing similar information about an individual's performance capacity. Overall, these results highlight the need to carefully match a measure of performance capacity with the study species and the research questions being asked so that the methods being used are behaviorally, ecologically, and physiologically relevant. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  1. Masked hypertension and cardiac remodeling in middle-aged endurance athletes


    Trachsel, Lukas; Carlen, Frederic; Brugger, Nicolas Jacques; Seiler, Christian; Wilhelm, Matthias


    OBJECTIVES: Extensive endurance training and arterial hypertension are established risk factors for atrial fibrillation. We aimed to assess the proportion of masked hypertension in endurance athletes and the impact on cardiac remodeling, mechanics, and supraventricular tachycardias (SVT). METHODS: Male participants of a 10-mile race were recruited and included if office blood pressure was normal (

  2. No Evidence of a Common DNA Variant Profile Specific to World Class Endurance Athletes (United States)

    Wolfarth, Bernd; Wang, Guan; Sarzynski, Mark A.; Alexeev, Dmitry G.; Ahmetov, Ildus I.; Boulay, Marcel R.; Cieszczyk, Pawel; Eynon, Nir; Filipenko, Maxim L.; Garton, Fleur C.; Generozov, Edward V.; Govorun, Vadim M.; Houweling, Peter J.; Kawahara, Takashi; Kostryukova, Elena S.; Kulemin, Nickolay A.; Larin, Andrey K.; Maciejewska-Karłowska, Agnieszka; Miyachi, Motohiko; Muniesa, Carlos A.; Murakami, Haruka; Ospanova, Elena A.; Padmanabhan, Sandosh; Pavlenko, Alexander V.; Pyankova, Olga N.; Santiago, Catalina; Sawczuk, Marek; Scott, Robert A.; Uyba, Vladimir V.; Yvert, Thomas; Perusse, Louis; Ghosh, Sujoy; Rauramaa, Rainer; North, Kathryn N.; Lucia, Alejandro; Pitsiladis, Yannis; Bouchard, Claude


    There are strong genetic components to cardiorespiratory fitness and its response to exercise training. It would be useful to understand the differences in the genomic profile of highly trained endurance athletes of world class caliber and sedentary controls. An international consortium (GAMES) was established in order to compare elite endurance athletes and ethnicity-matched controls in a case-control study design. Genome-wide association studies were undertaken on two cohorts of elite endurance athletes and controls (GENATHLETE and Japanese endurance runners), from which a panel of 45 promising markers was identified. These markers were tested for replication in seven additional cohorts of endurance athletes and controls: from Australia, Ethiopia, Japan, Kenya, Poland, Russia and Spain. The study is based on a total of 1520 endurance athletes (835 who took part in endurance events in World Championships and/or Olympic Games) and 2760 controls. We hypothesized that world-class athletes are likely to be characterized by an even higher concentration of endurance performance alleles and we performed separate analyses on this subsample. The meta-analysis of all available studies revealed one statistically significant marker (rs558129 at GALNTL6 locus, p = 0.0002), even after correcting for multiple testing. As shown by the low heterogeneity index (I2 = 0), all eight cohorts showed the same direction of association with rs558129, even though p-values varied across the individual studies. In summary, this study did not identify a panel of genomic variants common to these elite endurance athlete groups. Since GAMES was underpowered to identify alleles with small effect sizes, some of the suggestive leads identified should be explored in expanded comparisons of world-class endurance athletes and sedentary controls and in tightly controlled exercise training studies. Such studies have the potential to illuminate the biology not only of world class endurance performance but

  3. No Evidence of a Common DNA Variant Profile Specific to World Class Endurance Athletes.

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    Tuomo Rankinen

    Full Text Available There are strong genetic components to cardiorespiratory fitness and its response to exercise training. It would be useful to understand the differences in the genomic profile of highly trained endurance athletes of world class caliber and sedentary controls. An international consortium (GAMES was established in order to compare elite endurance athletes and ethnicity-matched controls in a case-control study design. Genome-wide association studies were undertaken on two cohorts of elite endurance athletes and controls (GENATHLETE and Japanese endurance runners, from which a panel of 45 promising markers was identified. These markers were tested for replication in seven additional cohorts of endurance athletes and controls: from Australia, Ethiopia, Japan, Kenya, Poland, Russia and Spain. The study is based on a total of 1520 endurance athletes (835 who took part in endurance events in World Championships and/or Olympic Games and 2760 controls. We hypothesized that world-class athletes are likely to be characterized by an even higher concentration of endurance performance alleles and we performed separate analyses on this subsample. The meta-analysis of all available studies revealed one statistically significant marker (rs558129 at GALNTL6 locus, p = 0.0002, even after correcting for multiple testing. As shown by the low heterogeneity index (I2 = 0, all eight cohorts showed the same direction of association with rs558129, even though p-values varied across the individual studies. In summary, this study did not identify a panel of genomic variants common to these elite endurance athlete groups. Since GAMES was underpowered to identify alleles with small effect sizes, some of the suggestive leads identified should be explored in expanded comparisons of world-class endurance athletes and sedentary controls and in tightly controlled exercise training studies. Such studies have the potential to illuminate the biology not only of world class endurance

  4. Efectos de la suplementación con testosterona sobre el rendimiento en resistencia

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    P. Fernández-Díaz


    Full Text Available El dopaje en el deporte tiene su origen en la Grecia Clásica. Sin embargo, a lo largo del siglo pasado y hasta la actualidad, la utilización de este tipo de prácticas fraudulentas en el deporte ha ido en aumento. Entre las sustancias dopantes más utilizadas destacan la testosterona y sus derivados sintéticos, los anabolizantes sintéticos. A pesar de que estas sustancias prohibidas se han utilizado para la mejora del rendimiento en pruebas de fuerza y potencia, frecuentemente se detectan positivos en deportistas de resistencia. Los objetivos del presente estudio han sido informar acerca de los efectos ergogénicos de la suplementación con testosterona y anabolizantes sintéticos sobre el rendimiento en resistencia, a través de cambios sobre parámetros sanguíneos, así como los efectos secundarios que tienen sobre la salud. Para ello, se ha realizado una revisión en bases de datos como Elsevier, Medline, Pubmed y Web of Science incluyendo términos como testosterone, anemia, doping, endurance, erythropoietin, hepcidin e iron. La hepcidina se ha propuesto la principal reguladora de las reservas corporales de hierro y la suplementación con testosterona puede afectar a la síntesis de dicha hormona. Los efectos de la testosterona sobre la hepcidina podrían hacer mejorar tanto la capacidad de transporte como de difusión de oxígeno. De este modo, el dopaje con testosterona podría tener un potencial efecto ergogénico en modalidades de resistencia. Sin embargo, dichas mejoras pueden tener efectos negativos sobre el estado de salud del deportista, entre los que se encuentran trastornos metabólicos, orgánicos, psicológicos e inmunosupresión.

  5. Endurance training in mild hypertension - effects on ambulatory blood pressure and neural circulatory control. (United States)

    Narkiewicz; Somers


    This review examines the effects of a single bout of exercise and of endurance training on blood pressure in patients with hypertension. Possible autonomic mechanisms that mediate these changes in blood pressure are reviewed briefly. Blood pressure rises during exercise. During the second half hour after exercise blood pressure is lower. This p;ost-exercise reduction in blood pressure is associated with a decrease in muscle sympathetic nerve activity, an increase in baroreflex gain and a reduction in the level of blood pressure (set point) at which baroreflex activation occurs. The post-exercise fall in blood pressure appears to be limited to several hours and is not likely to explain any chronic reduction in blood pressure from endurance training. Endurance training elicits modest (approximately 4-5 mmHg) reductions in blood pressure. Because of the intrinsic variability of blood pressure, the decreases in blood pressure after endurance training is evident, especially when multiple measurements of blood pressure are obtained. Studies using 24 h blood pressure measurements suggest that, although endurance training lowers daytime blood pressure, blood pressure during sleep remains unchanged. The mechanism underlying the reduction in blood pressure in endurance training is not known. Although physical fitness is known to attenuate the sympathetic response to acute exercise, whether resting sympathetic drive is decreased with endurance training remains controversial. The slowing of heart rate that accompanies endurance training is also associated with an increase in variability of heart rate. The slower heart rate, increased variability of heart rate and lower blood pressure after endurance training are accompanied by an increase in baroreflex sensitivity. Even though the antihypertensive effect of endurance training is modest, the favourable effects of physical fitness on other risk factors for cardiovascular disease make exercise training an important approach in

  6. Comparison between two types of anaerobic speed endurance training in competitive soccer players

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mohr, Magni; Krustrup, Peter


    The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of additional in-season speed endurance production versus speed endurance maintenance training regimes on performance in competitive male soccer players. In a randomised controlled trial 18 male sub-elite players were exposed to additional...... during training were higher (psoccer players with superior...... speed endurance production (SEP) or speed endurance maintenance (SEM) training (two additional sessions/wk for 4 weeks) during the competitive season. Players performed the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery level 2 test (YYIR2) and a repeated sprint test (RST) pre- and postintervention. Yo-Yo IR2 performance...

  7. Ampliando o conhecimento sobre a flora fanerogâmica do Ceará

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    Iracema Bezerra Loiola


    Full Text Available A pesquisa teve como objetivo geral conhecer, descrever e atualizar a distribuição geográfica dos representantes de Cactaceae, Capparaceae, Combretaceae e Erythroxylaceae ocorrentes no estado do Ceará. Para a coleta de amostras botânicas foram realizadas, no período de 2011 a 2013, quatro expedições de campo em 24 municípios pré-selecionados. Cada expedição teve duração de cinco dias e a participação de cinco componentes. As coleções foram depositadas no herbário EAC e duplicatas distribuídas a herbários nacionais. Os principais resultados obtidos foram: ampliação do número de coleções georreferenciadas e identificadas corretamente; produção de artigos sobre a flora cearense e descrição de uma nova espécie de Erythroxylum (Erythroxylaceae.

  8. Paramentação cirúrgica: avaliação de sua adequação para a prevenção de riscos biológicos em cirurgias - parte II: os componentes da paramentação Surgical scrub: evaluating its adequation for preventing Biological risks in surgeries. part II: the components of the surgical scrub

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    Cibele Estanislau da C. Monteiro


    Full Text Available O estudo elaborou critérios de avaliação dos componentes da paramentação cirúrgica de hospitais do município de São Paulo. A maior dificuldade nessa elaboração deveu-se à inexistência de normas e consenso sobre a porosidade dos tecidos como barreira microbiológica e de contato com sangue e outros fluidos. Contudo, foi possível reconhecer aspectos positivos e problemáticos. Observou-se que existe semelhanças dos componentes entre os hospitais, no que se refere a modelo e tipo de tecido. As luvas foram os componentes com maior índice de adequação e os propés, os de maior índice de inadequação. O aspecto mais problemático referiu-se aos controles de aquisição e de reprocessamento dos componentes re-utilizáveis.The study elaborated evaluation patterns of the components of the surgical scrub in hospitals of the district of São Paulo. The most important difficulty was the lack of rules and consent on the types of the fabrics, as a microbiological and contact with blood and other fluids barrier. However, it was possible to identify positive and problematic aspects. It was observed that the components are similar among the hospitals, considering the design and the way of fabrics production. Gloves were the ones with the best quality results, while shootweares were the worst. The most problematic aspect was referred to the acquisition controls and the re-use process of the components.

  9. A Typology of Marital Quality of Enduring Marriages in Israel (United States)

    Cohen, Orna; Geron, Yael; Farchi, Alva


    This article presents a typology of enduring marriages of Israeli couples married for at least 40 years. Based on the view that marital quality is a multidimensional phenomenon, the typology is derived from a cluster analysis of responses of husbands and wives in 51 couples to the ENRICH scale items. Three types of enduring marriages were found:…

  10. Comparative analysis of endurance of not hearing and hearing students

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    Iwańska Dagmara


    Full Text Available Study aim: Sport participation is important for deaf children, as participants experience physical, psychological and social benefits [23]. This study is a summary of four year’s researches on the endurance level of deaf and well hearing girls and boys. The aim of this study was to compare endurance of not hearing and hearing students.

  11. Combined strength and endurance training in competitive swimmers. (United States)

    Aspenes, Stian; Kjendlie, Per-Ludvik; Hoff, Jan; Helgerud, Jan


    A combined intervention of strength and endurance training is common practice in elite swimming training, but the scientific evidence is scarce. The influences between strength and endurance training have been investigated in other sports but the findings are scattered. Some state the interventions are negative to each other, some state there is no negative relationship and some find bisected and supplementary benefits from the combination when training is applied appropriately. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of a combined intervention among competitive swimmers. 20 subjects assigned to a training intervention group (n = 11) or a control group (n = 9) from two different teams completed the study. Anthropometrical data, tethered swimming force, land strength, performance in 50m, 100m and 400m, work economy, peak oxygen uptake, stroke length and stroke rate were investigated in all subjects at pre- and post-test. A combined intervention of maximal strength and high aerobic intensity interval endurance training 2 sessions per week over 11 weeks in addition to regular training were used, while the control group continued regular practice with their respective teams. The intervention group improved land strength, tethered swimming force and 400m freestyle performance more than the control group. The improvement of the 400m was correlated with the improvement of tethered swimming force in the female part of the intervention group. No change occurred in stroke length, stroke rate, performance in 50m or 100m, swimming economy or peak oxygen uptake during swimming. Two weekly dry-land strength training sessions for 11 weeks increase tethered swimming force in competitive swimmers. This increment further improves middle distance swimming performance. 2 weekly sessions of high- intensity interval training does not improve peak oxygen uptake compared with other competitive swimmers. Key pointsTwo weekly sessions of dry land strength training improves the


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    Karthikeyan Selvaganapathy


    Full Text Available Background: The most important trunk stabilizers are the trunk flexors and extensors. The isometric endurance of the trunk muscles is an essential element for mechanical support of the spine in all positions. The study objectives were to find out the trunk flexors and extensors endurance, its relationship with normal BMI and to find out the ratio of trunk flexors to extensors endurance. Methods: In this correlation study, 50 subjects were selected by convenience sampling method on the basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria from Asia metropolitan university, Malaysia. The trunk flexors and extensors endurance were assessed by Kraus- Weber and Sorenson test respectively. Paired 't' test and Spearman correlation test were used for data analysis. Results: There was a significant difference (p 0.01 and TEE, rs (50 = -0.162, p >0.01 but there was a significant strong positive relationship between TFE and TEE, rs (50 = 0.68, p < 0.01. The ratio of trunk flexors to extensors was 0.61. Conclusion: The trunk extensors endurance is higher than trunk flexors endurance and BMI has no relationship with trunk flexors and extensors muscle endurance. The ratio of trunk flexors to extensors endurance value is low

  13. Autonomous Soaring for Improved Endurance of a Small Uninhabited Air Vehicle (United States)

    Allen, Michael J.


    A relatively unexplored method to improve the endurance of an autonomous aircraft is to use buoyant plumes of air found in the lower atmosphere called thermals or updrafts. Glider pilots and birds commonly use updrafts to improve range, endurance, or cross-country speed. This report presents a quantitative analysis of a small electric-powered uninhabited air vehicle using updrafts to extend its endurance over a target location. A three-degree-of-freedom simulation of the uninhabited air vehicle was used to determine the yearly effect of updrafts on performance. Surface radiation and rawinsonde balloon measurements taken at Desert Rock, Nevada, were used to determine updraft size, strength, spacing, shape, and maximum height for the simulation. A fixed-width spiral path was used to search for updrafts at the same time as maintaining line-of-sight to the surface target position. Power was used only when the aircraft was flying at the lower-altitude limit in search of updrafts. Results show that an uninhabited air vehicle with a nominal endurance of 2 hours can fly a maximum of 14 hours using updrafts during the summer and a maximum of 8 hours during the winter. The performance benefit and the chance of finding updrafts both depend on what time of day the uninhabited air vehicle is launched. Good endurance and probability of finding updrafts during the year was obtained when the uninhabited air vehicle was launched 30 percent into the daylight hours after sunrise each day. Yearly average endurance was found to be 8.6 hours with these launch times.

  14. Principales componentes del clima laboral en el servicio de urgencias de una organización sanitaria: un abordaje cualitativo

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    J. Antonio Lozano Lozano


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo ofrece un modelo estructural de los principales componentes del "clima laboral" a partir de una construcción de categorías realizadas mediante el registro de información no estructurada aportada por 7 informantes clave del servicio de urgencias de una organización sanitaria. Para el registro de la información se utilizaron entrevistas en profundidad. Con la intención de organizar y sistematizar la información, se realizó un análisis de contenido de la documentación aportada, transformándola a formato de texto siguiendo el método denominado "Teoría Fundamentada" (Strauss y Glaser, 1980. Como resultado, se obtuvo un modelo del concepto basado en 5 componentes principales: "productividad", "relación laboral", "trabajo individual", "satisfacción laboral" y "características del servicio". A diferencia de otros procedimientos de obtención de componentes principales de un concepto, éste permitió dar cuenta del proceso de construcción emergente de las distintas categorías para poder explicitar procesos de construcción del cuerpo substantivo del concepto.

  15. Influencia de la formación inicial al inicio del módulo sobre enseñanza de las ciencias en el pensamiento docente de un grupo de futuros profesores de secundaria


    Membiela Iglesia, Pedro


    Se ha investigado el pensamiento docente de un grupo de profesores de secundaria durante la formación inicial. Mediante un cuestionario de preguntas abiertas, se han recogido datos sobre los componentes principales del pensamiento docente. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la influencia de la formación inicial recibida ha sido limitada en la conformación del pensamiento como futuros profesores de secundaria, al inicio de la específica en enseñanza de las ciencias y prácticamente sin exper...

  16. Estudo de Caso de um Distúrbio Ondulatório de Leste sobre o Estado do Rio Grande do Norte - Brasil

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    Danielson Jorge Delgado Neves

    Full Text Available Resumo Distúrbios ondulatórios de leste (DOL são sistemas atmosféricos presentes na região tropical, preferencialmente sobre áreas dos oceanos Atlântico e Pacífico. Sobre o Atlântico são identificados, inicialmente, próximos à costa oeste do continente Africano e se propagam embebidos no fluxo dos Alíseos, em forma de ondas que se deslocam de leste para oeste. No Atlântico tropical sul, os DOL atuam, preferencialmente sobre o leste do Nordeste do Brasil (NEB contribuindo significativamente para os totais anuais de chuva. O presente trabalho analisa um caso de ocorrência de um DOL sobre o NEB, no estado do Rio Grande do Norte, no dia 13 de Junho de 2014, fazendo o uso de dados de reanálise da componente meridional do vento e vorticidade relativa nos níveis de 850 hPa, água precipitável e dados observados de chuva. Observa-se que o DOL se intensifica entre os dias 12 e 13 de Junho, com valores de vorticidade negativa e água precipitável significativos, próximo à costa do NEB, e se apresenta inicialmente como uma extensão da atividade convectiva presente na ZCIT, desde o Oeste Africano. O DOL causou valores significativos de chuva, gerando deslizamentos de terra, alagamentos e problemas no trânsito de Natal, durante copa do mundo de futebol.

  17. Effect of resistance training regimens on treadmill running and neuromuscular performance in recreational endurance runners. (United States)

    Mikkola, Jussi; Vesterinen, Ville; Taipale, Ritva; Capostagno, Benoit; Häkkinen, Keijo; Nummela, Ari


    The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of heavy resistance, explosive resistance, and muscle endurance training on neuromuscular, endurance, and high-intensity running performance in recreational endurance runners. Twenty-seven male runners were divided into one of three groups: heavy resistance, explosive resistance or muscle endurance training. After 6 weeks of preparatory training, the groups underwent an 8-week resistance training programme as a supplement to endurance training. Before and after the 8-week training period, maximal strength (one-repetition maximum), electromyographic activity of the leg extensors, countermovement jump height, maximal speed in the maximal anaerobic running test, maximal endurance performance, maximal oxygen uptake ([V·]O(₂max)), and running economy were assessed. Maximal strength improved in the heavy (P = 0.034, effect size ES = 0.38) and explosive resistance training groups (P = 0.003, ES = 0.67) with increases in leg muscle activation (heavy: P = 0.032, ES = 0.38; explosive: P = 0.002, ES = 0.77). Only the heavy resistance training group improved maximal running speed in the maximal anaerobic running test (P = 0.012, ES = 0.52) and jump height (P = 0.006, ES = 0.59). Maximal endurance running performance was improved in all groups (heavy: P = 0.005, ES = 0.56; explosive: P = 0.034, ES = 0.39; muscle endurance: P = 0.001, ES = 0.94), with small though not statistically significant improvements in [V·]O(₂max) (heavy: ES = 0.08; explosive: ES = 0.29; muscle endurance: ES = 0.65) and running economy (ES in all groups running endurance performance. However, both heavy and explosive strength training were beneficial in improving neuromuscular characteristics, and heavy resistance training in particular contributed to improvements in high-intensity running characteristics. Thus, endurance runners should include heavy resistance training in their training programmes to enhance endurance performance, such as

  18. Age, sex and (the) race: gender and geriatrics in the ultra-endurance age. (United States)

    Whyte, Greg


    Ultra-endurance challenges were once the stuff of legend isolated to the daring few who were driven to take on some of the greatest physical endurance challenges on the planet. With a growing fascination for major physical challenges during the nineteenth century, the end of the Victorian era witnessed probably the greatest ultra-endurance race of all time; Scott and Amundsen's ill-fated race to the South Pole. Ultra-endurance races continued through the twentieth century; however, these events were isolated to the elite few. In the twenty-first century, mass participation ultra-endurance races have grown in popularity. Endurance races once believed to be at the limit of human durability, i.e. marathon running, are now viewed as middle-distance races with the accolade of true endurance going to those willing to travel significantly further in a single effort or over multiple days. The recent series of papers in Extreme Physiology & Medicine highlights the burgeoning research data from mass participation ultra-endurance events. In support of a true 'mass participation' ethos Knetchtle et al. reported age-related changes in Triple and Deca Iron-ultra-triathlon with an upper age of 69 years! Unlike their shorter siblings, the ultra-endurance races appear to present larger gender differences in the region of 20% to 30% across distance and modality. It would appear that these gender differences remain for multi-day events including the 'Marathon des Sables'; however, this gap may be narrower in some events, particularly those that require less load bearing (i.e. swimming and cycling), as evidenced from the 'Ultraman Hawaii' and 'Swiss Cycling Marathon', and shorter (a term I used advisedly!) distances including the Ironman Triathlon where differences are similar to those of sprint and endurance distances i.e. c. 10%. The theme running through this series of papers is a continual rise in participation to the point where major events now require selection races to remain

  19. Plutonium in an enduring fuel cycle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pillay, K.K.S.


    Nuclear fuel cycles evolved over the past five decades have allowed many nations of the world to enjoy the benefits of nuclear energy, while contributing to the sustainable consumption of the world's energy resources. The nuclear fuel cycle for energy production suffered many traumas since the 1970s because of perceived risks of proliferation of nuclear weapons. However, the experience of the past five decades has shown that the world community is committed to safeguarding all fissile materials and continuing the use of nuclear energy resources. Decisions of a few nations to discard spent nuclear fuels in geologic formations are contrary to the goals of an enduring nuclear fuel cycle and sustainable development being pursued by the world community. The maintenance of an enduring nuclear fuel cycle is dependent on sensible management of all the resources of the fuel cycle, including spent fuels

  20. (Deconstruyendo los significados de viviendas gestionadas por el estado: aproximación psicosocial y de derechos humanos = (Desconstruindo os significados da moradia gestionada pelo estado: aproximação psicossocial e de direitos humanos = (Deconstructing meanings of housing managed by the state: psychosocial and human rights approach

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    Kleiner, Esther Wiesenfeld


    Full Text Available A abordagem da problemática da moradia na Venezuela, costuma omitir os componentes de uma moradia adequada, segundo os preceitos internacionais. Este vazio motivou a presente pesquisa, orientada a compreender os significados que residentes de moradias promovidas pelo Estado constroem sobre estas, conhecer e refletir sobre os componentes da moraria desde a perspectiva dos direitos humanos, e derivar recomendações para a incorporação deste enfoque nas politicas publicas. O estudo se fundamentou teoricamente no construcionismo social, e metodologicamente na pesquisa qualitativa: a informação obteve-se por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e um grupo focal, e analisou-se a partir da teoria fundamentada. Os resultados aportam múltipla significados sobre a moradia; os residentes revelam desconhecimento desta como direito, mas logo de conhecer ou foco, identificaram vulnerabilidade nos componentes das suas moradias e propuseram gestões reivindicativas para sua adequação

  1. [Association between speed and endurance performance with sleep duration in children and adolescents]. (United States)

    Chen, T Q; Dong, B; Zhang, W J; Gao, D S; Dong, Y H; Ma, J; Ma, Y H


    To analyze the association between sleep duration and athletic performance, and provide scientific basis to improve the 50 m and endurance performance in children and adolescents. All the 119 462 subjects aged 9-15 years in both genders were sampled from 2014 National Physical Fitness and Health Surveillance by using stratified random cluster sampling method, to measure the height, weight, 50 meters and endurance performance and investigate sleep duration with questionnaire. Their body mass indexes (BMI) were calculated and the students' 50 m, endurance run scores and sleep durations were assessed. Binary Logistic regression was used to analyze the difference between the different sleep groups, and multifactor Logistic regression was used to analyze the relationship between the sleep condition and athletic performance. The prevalence of insufficient sleep was 94.67% in the total subjects, the prevalence was higher among the girls (95.26%)than the boys (94.09%, χ 2 =80.99, Pchildren with sufficient sleep had better performance in 50 m and endurance run scores( χ 2 50 m =10.10, P 50 m <0.01; χ 2 endurance run =21.76, Pchildren with adequate sleep showed better results(OR 50 m =1.14, 95%CI 50 m =1.05-1.23, P 50 m endurance run =1.21, 95%CI endurance run =1.11-1.31, P endurance run endurance run scores in the boys with adequate sleep were higher (Pendurance run excellent rates in the girls of different sleep conditions. The excellent rates of 50 m and endurance run in the urban children and the endurance rate in the rural children and adolescents with adequate sleep were higher than those with insufficient sleep (Psleep groups in rural areas. The 50 m and endurance run excellent rates of the children and adolescents with adequate sleep in each grade were higher than those of the children in the same grade with insufficient sleep (P primary students' endurance performance Children and adolescents with normal BMI and overweight who slept well had better

  2. El componente educativo en el abordaje integral del asma bronquial The educational component in an integrated approach to bronchial asthma

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    María Paola Fasciglione


    Full Text Available El asma bronquial es una enfermedad inflamatoria crónica de las vías respiratorias cuya prevalencia está aumentando en el mundo. Actualmente no se dispone de un tratamiento curativo, y el objetivo principal de todo abordaje es el control de la enfermedad y la optimización de la calidad de vida de los pacientes. En este sentido, durante las últimas décadas se han estado implementando y evaluando programas de intervención complementarios a los tratamientos médicos convencionales. Gran parte de éstos consisten en intervenciones educativas o incluyen algún tipo de componente educativo. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar las características y el impacto de las intervenciones educativas en el asma, a través de: a revisión actualizada sobre los diferentes tipos de intervenciones educativas desarrolladas e implementadas para el asma; b identificación de aspectos comunes a todas estas intervenciones; c análisis de los hallazgos de la investigación referidos a su impacto sobre la salud y la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Se concluye que las intervenciones educativas son efectivas para mejorar la salud y la calidad de vida de los pacientes con asma, y para reducir el uso y el costo de recursos sanitarios. Estos hallazgos señalan la importancia de incluir el componente educativo como parte esencial del abordaje integral de esta población clínica. Asimismo, la complejidad inherente al proceso educativo pone de manifiesto la necesidad del trabajo conjunto y complementario entre diferentes profesionales de la salud.Bronchial asthma is an inflammatory chronic disease of the respiratory tract whose prevalence is increasing worldwide. Since there is no curative treatment available, the principal objective of every approach is to control the disease and to improve the quality of life of patients. Over the last few decades, intervention programs supplementing conventional medical treatments have been tested and implemented. The

  3. Altitude training for elite endurance performance: a 2012 update. (United States)

    Fudge, Barry W; Pringle, Jamie S M; Maxwell, Neil S; Turner, Gareth; Ingham, Stephen A; Jones, Andrew M


    Altitude training is commonly used by endurance athletes and coaches in pursuit of enhancement of performance on return to sea level. The purpose of the current review article was to update and evaluate recent literature relevant to the practical application of altitude training for endurance athletes. Consequently, the literature can be considered in either of two categories: performance-led investigations or mechanistic advancements/insights. Each section discusses the relevant literature and proposes future directions where appropriate.

  4. Contribuições de componentes da licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas na constituição do educador ambiental

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    Gabriela de Vargas de Rosa


    Full Text Available A educação ambiental é uma construção histórica de valores e responsabilidades, num processo de mudanças de atitudes quanto a relação ser humano e natureza, considerando a vida em sociedade. O objetivo do trabalho é verificar a contribuição da formação profissional na Licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas para a constituição do educador ambiental, numa perspectiva interdisciplinar do conhecimento. Para tanto, foram realizadas as análises das ementas e referências dos componentes curriculares Ecologia, Prática de Ensino I: Fundamentos teóricos e práticos em ciências e Prática de ensino VI: Prática de Pesquisa Biológica inscritos no Projeto Pedagógico do Curso de Ciências Biológicas da Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (UNIJUI, implantado em 2009. As discussões propiciadas a partir deste conhecimento, em sala de aula, proporcionam espaços de reflexão sobre a responsabilidade individual e coletiva na mudança de atitude quanto a relação com o ambiente.

  5. Caracterización de los componentes genéticos y ambientales implicados en el envejecimiento de las levaduras vínicas


    Orozco Valverde, María Elena


    La mayor parte de la fermentación vínica discurre cuando las células de la levadura Saccharomyces cerevisiae han dejado de dividirse. Así pues, la viabilidad en fase estacionaria, llamada longevidad cronológica (LC), es esencial para que la vinificación se lleve a buen término. En este trabajo de tesis doctoral, se han caracterizado diversos componentes ambientales y genéticos que influyen en la longevidad cronológica de las levaduras vínicas. En cuanto a los componentes ambientales, el incre...

  6. Grupo de psicoeducação no transtorno afetivo bipolar: reflexão sobre o modo asilar e o modo psicossocial

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    Sarita Lopes Menezes


    Full Text Available O Transtorno Afetivo Bipolar (TAB, conhecido por sua cronicidade, complexidade e altos índices de morbidade e mortalidade, é uma das principais causas de incapacitação no mundo. Há evidências crescentes de que seu curso pode ser modificado por abordagens psicoterápicas como a psicoeducação, que promove o aumento do funcionamento social e ocupacional, bem como da capacidade de manejarem situações estressantes. Trata-se de um relato de experiência sobre um grupo de psicoeducação para familiares e portadores de TAB, sendo esse pautado pela reflexão dos componentes do paradigma das práticas em saúde mental. A reflexão sobre os modos asilar e psicossocial quanto às concepções de objeto e modo de trabalho, possibilitou situar o grupo no modo psicossocial, pois o conhecimento e a vivência experimentados favorecem a autonomia dos sujeitos, que têm maiores chances de se posicionarem frente às dificuldades que lhes sobrevêm na sua existência-sofrimento.

  7. Speed endurance training is a powerful stimulus for physiological adaptations and performance improvements of athletes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Iaia, F. M.; Bangsbo, Jens


    the oxidative capacity and improve intense short-duration/repeated high-intensity exercise performance lasting 30 s to 4 min, as it occurs in a number of sports. When combined with a basic volume of training including some aerobic high-intensity sessions, speed endurance training is also useful in enhancing......The present article reviews the physiological and performance effects of speed endurance training consisting of exercise bouts at near maximal intensities in already trained subjects. Despite a reduction in training volume, speed endurance training of endurance-trained athletes can maintain...... performance during longer events, e.g. 40 K cycling and 10 K running. Athletes in team sports involving intense exercise actions and endurance aspects can also benefit from performing speed endurance training. These improvements don't appear to depend on changes in maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max), muscle...

  8. Effects of moderate and heavy endurance exercise on nocturnal HRV. (United States)

    Hynynen, E; Vesterinen, V; Rusko, H; Nummela, A


    This study examined the effects of endurance exercise on nocturnal autonomic modulation. Nocturnal R-R intervals were collected after a rest day, after a moderate endurance exercise and after a marathon run in ten healthy, physically active men. Heart rate variability (HRV) was analyzed as a continuous four-hour period starting 30 min after going to bed for sleep. In relation to average nocturnal heart rate after rest day, increases to 109+/-6% and 130+/-11% of baseline were found after moderate endurance exercise and marathon, respectively. Standard deviation of R-R intervals decreased to 90+/-9% and 64+/-10%, root-mean-square of differences between adjacent R-R intervals to 87+/-10% and 55+/-16%, and high frequency power to 77+/-19% and 34+/-19% of baseline after moderate endurance exercise and marathon, respectively. Also nocturnal low frequency power decreased to 56+/-26% of baseline after the marathon. Changes in nocturnal heart rate and HRV suggest prolonged dose-response effects on autonomic modulation after exercises, which may give useful information on the extent of exercise-induced nocturnal autonomic modulation and disturbance to the homeostasis.

  9. Desarrollo del conocimiento didáctico del contenido en el caso de la enseñanza de la carga eléctrica en Bachillerato desde la práctica de aula

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lina Viviana Melo Niño


    Full Text Available La intención de este artículo es abordar las aportaciones más significativas sobre el desarrollo del conocimiento didáctico del contenido (CDC para la enseñanza de las ciencias y de la física. Presentamos resultados generales de un estudio descriptivo de tipo cualitativo, en el que analizamos a través de un estudio de caso, el desarrollo del CDC sobre la carga eléctrica de un profesor de física colombiano de bachillerato con formación inicial en didáctica de la física. Las categorías consideradas fueron: orientaciones hacia la enseñanza de las ciencias, conocimiento sobre el currículo, conocimiento sobre los estudiantes, conocimiento sobre la evaluación y conocimiento sobre las estrategias de enseñanza. Para la caracterización de cada componente se consideraron los datos analizados a través de Nvivo-10, y las descripciones dadas a estas componentes desde los modelos de enseñanza en didáctica de las ciencias experimentales. Los resultados que presentamos, muestran que a diferencia de las orientaciones sobre la enseñanza de las ciencias, en sus categorías idea de física y carga eléctrica, las tendencias que describen mayoritariamente el resto de componente del CDC no evidencia cambios significativos después de la intervención.

  10. Galectin-3 increase in endurance athletes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Haettasch, Robert; Spethmann, Sebastian; de Boer, Rudolf A.; Ruifrok, Willem P. T.; Schattke, Sebastian; Wagner, Moritz; Schroeckh, Sabrina; Durmus, Tahir; Schimke, Ingolf; Sanad, Wasiem; Baumann, Gert; Borges, Adrian C.; Knebel, Fabian


    Background Galectin-3 is a new and promising biomarker for heart failure and myocardial fibrosis. Although endurance exercise is a crucial element in cardiovascular disease prevention, the relationship between exercise and plasma levels of galectin-3 is still unknown. To date, the relationship

  11. The value of enduring environmental surrogates as predictors of estuarine benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages (United States)

    Wildsmith, Michelle D.; Valesini, Fiona J.; Robinson, Samuel F.


    This study tested the extent to which spatial differences in the benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages of a temperate microtidal estuary were 'explained' by the enduring (biophysical) vs non-enduring (water and sediment quality) environmental attributes of a diverse range of habitats, and thus the potential of those environmental surrogates to support faunal prediction. Species composition differed significantly among habitats in each season, with the greatest differences occurring in winter and spring and the least in summer. The pattern of habitat differences, as defined by their enduring environmental characteristics, was significantly and well matched with that in the fauna in each season. In contrast, significant matches between the non-enduring environmental and faunal data were only detected in winter and/or spring, and to a lesser extent. Field validation of the faunal prediction capacity of the biophysical surrogate framework at various 'test' sites throughout the estuary showed good agreement between the actual vs predicted key species. These findings demonstrate that enduring environmental criteria, which can be readily measured from mapped data, provide a better and more cost-effective surrogate for explaining spatial differences in the invertebrate fauna of this system than non-enduring criteria, and are thus a promising basis for faunal prediction. The approaches developed in this study are also readily adapted to any estuary worldwide.

  12. Effect of glucose infusion on endurance performance after beta-adrenoceptor blocker administration

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Baak, M.A.; Mooij, J.M.


    Effect of glucose infusion on endurance performance after beta-adrenoceptor blocker administration. Van Baak MA, Mooij JM. Department of Human Biology, University of Limburg, Maastricht, The Netherlands. To investigate the effect of glucose (Glc) infusion on endurance performance after

  13. Pedalling rate affects endurance performance during high-intensity cycling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Jens Steen; Hansen, Ernst Albin; Sjøgaard, Gisela


    The purpose of this study into high-intensity cycling was to: (1) test the hypothesis that endurance time is longest at a freely chosen pedalling rate (FCPR), compared to pedalling rates 25% lower (FCPR-25) and higher (FCPR+25) than FCPR, and (2) investigate how physiological variables......, and endurance time at W90 with FCPR-25, FCPR, and FCPR+25. Power reserve was calculated as the difference between applied power output at a given pedalling rate and peak crank power at this same pedalling rate. W90 was 325 (47) W. FCPR at W90 was 78 (11) rpm, resulting in FCPR-25 being 59 (8) rpm and FCPR+25...... time was negatively related to VO(2max), W90 and % MHC I, while positively related to power reserve. In conclusion, at group level, endurance time was longer at FCPR and at a pedalling rate 25% lower compared to a pedalling rate 25% higher than FCPR. Further, inter-individual physiological variables...

  14. Endurance training enhances BDNF release from the human brain

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Seifert, Thomas; Brassard, Patrice; Wissenberg, Mads


    The circulating level of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is reduced in patients with major depression and type-2 diabetes. Because acute exercise increases BDNF production in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex, we hypothesized that endurance training would enhance the release of BDNF from...... the human brain as detected from arterial and internal jugular venous blood samples. In a randomized controlled study, 12 healthy sedentary males carried out 3 mo of endurance training (n = 7) or served as controls (n = 5). Before and after the intervention, blood samples were obtained at rest and during...... exercise. At baseline, the training group (58 + or - 106 ng x 100 g(-1) x min(-1), means + or - SD) and the control group (12 + or - 17 ng x 100 g(-1) x min(-1)) had a similar release of BDNF from the brain at rest. Three months of endurance training enhanced the resting release of BDNF to 206 + or - 108...

  15. Compost de ave de corral como componente de sustratos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lorena Alejandra Barbaro¹


    Full Text Available El sustrato para cultivo es un material que colocado en un contenedor permite el anclaje del sistema radicular, proporcionando agua y nutrientes. Entre los materiales empleados para formular sustratos se encuentran los compost. Entre ellos el compost de cama de ave de corral (CAC, elaborado en base al estiércol de aves mezclado con los materiales que forman su lecho. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar dos compost de CAC como componente de sustrato, mediante el desarrollo de plantas de Coral (Salvia splendens. Uno de los compost contenía cama de stud (CAC+S durante su compostaje. Se formularon sustratos con diferentes proporciones de compost de CAC, compost de corteza de pino y pinocha, luego fueron analizados física y químicamente. A las plantas cultivadas en cada sustrato se midió la longitud y el diámetro del tallo, peso fresco y seco de la parte aérea y radicular. La densidad, porosidad y capacidad de retención de agua de todos los sustratos fueron aceptables. El pH de ambos compost de CAC fue mayor a 6,3, y los valores de las mezclas se encontraron dentro del rango aceptable. Todos los sustratos superaron 1 dS m-1 (1+5 v/v, principalmente los formulados con compost de CAC+S, cuyo material puro contenía altos niveles salinos. Al disminuir el porcentaje de CAC en las mezclas, diminuyó la concentración de cada nutriente. Las plantas cultivadas en el sustrato comercial y en las mezclas con 20% de CAC fueron las que lograron los mayores pesos aéreos y radiculares, diámetro y longitud del tallo. Por lo tanto, el compost de ave de corral podría ser una alternativa viable como componente de sustrato si se lo utiliza hasta un 20%.

  16. Arctigenin Efficiently Enhanced Sedentary Mice Treadmill Endurance (United States)

    Chen, Jing; Yu, Liang; Hu, Lihong; Jiang, Hualiang; Shen, Xu


    Physical inactivity is considered as one of the potential risk factors for the development of type 2 diabetes and other metabolic diseases, while endurance exercise training could enhance fat oxidation that is associated with insulin sensitivity improvement in obesity. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) as an energy sensor plays pivotal roles in the regulation of energy homeostasis, and its activation could improve glucose uptake, promote mitochondrial biogenesis and increase glycolysis. Recent research has even suggested that AMPK activation contributed to endurance enhancement without exercise. Here we report that the natural product arctigenin from the traditional herb Arctium lappa L. (Compositae) strongly increased AMPK phosphorylation and subsequently up-regulated its downstream pathway in both H9C2 and C2C12 cells. It was discovered that arctigenin phosphorylated AMPK via calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase (CaMKK) and serine/threonine kinase 11(LKB1)-dependent pathways. Mice treadmill based in vivo assay further indicated that administration of arctigenin improved efficiently mice endurance as reflected by the increased fatigue time and distance, and potently enhanced mitochondrial biogenesis and fatty acid oxidation (FAO) related genes expression in muscle tissues. Our results thus suggested that arctigenin might be used as a potential lead compound for the discovery of the agents with mimic exercise training effects to treat metabolic diseases. PMID:21887385

  17. Arctigenin efficiently enhanced sedentary mice treadmill endurance.

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    Xuan Tang

    Full Text Available Physical inactivity is considered as one of the potential risk factors for the development of type 2 diabetes and other metabolic diseases, while endurance exercise training could enhance fat oxidation that is associated with insulin sensitivity improvement in obesity. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK as an energy sensor plays pivotal roles in the regulation of energy homeostasis, and its activation could improve glucose uptake, promote mitochondrial biogenesis and increase glycolysis. Recent research has even suggested that AMPK activation contributed to endurance enhancement without exercise. Here we report that the natural product arctigenin from the traditional herb Arctium lappa L. (Compositae strongly increased AMPK phosphorylation and subsequently up-regulated its downstream pathway in both H9C2 and C2C12 cells. It was discovered that arctigenin phosphorylated AMPK via calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase (CaMKK and serine/threonine kinase 11(LKB1-dependent pathways. Mice treadmill based in vivo assay further indicated that administration of arctigenin improved efficiently mice endurance as reflected by the increased fatigue time and distance, and potently enhanced mitochondrial biogenesis and fatty acid oxidation (FAO related genes expression in muscle tissues. Our results thus suggested that arctigenin might be used as a potential lead compound for the discovery of the agents with mimic exercise training effects to treat metabolic diseases.

  18. Consideraciones sobre el hormigón impermeable y el aspecto de su garantía

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    Safránez, Carlos


    Full Text Available Conditions to be met by fresh concrete, including Its setting process, to obtain waterproof concrete, are set down. The proportioning method, in terms of the interaction of the various components, are defined in terms of the necessary mix water to obtain a given consistency, and in relation to the aggregate proportioning. The action of the plastifying, fluidifying air entraining and waterproofing additives is described. These additives constitute the fourth component of concrete. Their influence adds the above mentioned properties to concrete, and corrects certain deficiencies of this medium. The author also emphasizes the need to control carefully the placing of the concrete at the site, as well as the mixing process. Curing and handling of the concrete are equally important, and should be precisely supervised. Reference is also made to the question of guaranteeing the quality of the concrete, when treated with waterproofing additives. This involves certain difficulties, and the author indicates possible ways of over coming them.Se definen las condiciones que tienen que cumplir el hormigón fresco y el fraguado para obtener un hormigón impermeable. Se indica el procedimiento a seguir para determinar su dosificación de acuerdo con la interrelación que existe entre sus distintos componentes, partiendo de la cantidad necesaria de agua de amasado en relación con la consistencia requerida y la composición granulométrica de los áridos. Se aclara la acción de los aditivos plastifícantes-fluidificadores, aireantes e impermeabilizantes, que forman el cuarto componente del hormigón, debido a cuyos efectos se facilita el cumplimiento de las citadas condiciones y se corrigen ciertas deficiencias inevitables. Se insiste sobre la importancia de un control efectivo de la ejecución de la obra, sobre todo en lo referente a la preparación del hormigón, de su puesta en obra y curado. Finalmente se expone el aspecto de la garantía, problema de cierta

  19. Efectos de la contaminación acústica sobre la salud

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    Serafín Sánchez Gómez


    Full Text Available Los parámetros físicos del sonido: amplitud, frecuencia y fase, se reciben en el ser humano como variables sensoriales de sonoridad, altura, timbre y duración subjetiva. El interés se centra en determinar el umbral entre la utilización de los sonidos como herramienta de comunicación y disfrute y su conversión en elemento de agresión. Las ondas de presión sonora del contaminante acústico impactan en el oído cuando su intensidad supera sus mecanismos defensivos y causa hipoacusia (típicamente afectando los 4.000 Hz. Pero también siguen unas vías extraauditivas dirigidas al hipocampo y sistema reticuloendotelial, responsables de los demás efectos del ruido físicos-somáticos (cardiovasculares, hormonales, respiratorios, sobre el sueño, gastrointestinales, emocionales, psicológicos (malestar, alteraciones en el aprendizaje y el rendimiento y psiquiátricos. El componente vibratorio de las bajas frecuencias sonoras también es causa de malestar y enfermedades.

  20. Effects of resistance training on endurance capacity and muscle fiber composition in young top-level cyclists

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aagaard, P; Andersen, J L; Bennekou, M


    Equivocal findings exist on the effect of concurrent strength (S) and endurance (E) training on endurance performance and muscle morphology. Further, the influence of concurrent SE training on muscle fiber-type composition, vascularization and endurance capacity remains unknown in top......-level endurance athletes. The present study examined the effect of 16 weeks of concurrent SE training on maximal muscle strength (MVC), contractile rate of force development (RFD), muscle fiber morphology and composition, capillarization, aerobic power (VO(2max) ), cycling economy (CE) and long....../short-term endurance capacity in young elite competitive cyclists (n=14). MVC and RFD increased 12-20% with SE (P...

  1. Effects of resistance training on endurance capacity and muscle fiber composition in young top-level cyclists

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aagaard, P; Andersen, J L; Bennekou, M


    Equivocal findings exist on the effect of concurrent strength (S) and endurance (E) training on endurance performance and muscle morphology. Further, the influence of concurrent SE training on muscle fiber-type composition, vascularization and endurance capacity remains unknown in top......-level endurance athletes. The present study examined the effect of 16 weeks of concurrent SE training on maximal muscle strength (MVC), contractile rate of force development (RFD), muscle fiber morphology and composition, capillarization, aerobic power (VO2max), cycling economy (CE) and long/short-term endurance...... capacity in young elite competitive cyclists (n=14). MVC and RFD increased 12-20% with SE (P...

  2. Vibration test and endurance test for HANARO 36-element fuel assembly

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ryu, Jeong Soo; Kim, Heon ll; Chung, Heung June


    Vibration test and endurance test for HANARO DU (depleted uranium) 36-element fuel assembly which was fabricated by KAERI were carried out based on the HANARO operation conditions. The endurance test of 22 days was added to the previous 18 days test. The vibration test was performed at various flow rates. Vibration frequency for the 36-element fuel assembly is between 11 to 14.5 Hz. And the maximum vibration displacement is less than 100 μm. From the endurance test result, it can be concluded that the appreciable fretting wear for the 36-element fuel assembly and the hexagonal flow tube was not observed. (author). 4 refs., 5 tabs., 29 figs

  3. Intelligence Community Programs, Management, and Enduring Issues (United States)


    books, journal papers, conference presentations, working papers, and other electronic and print publications. Intelligence Community Programs... Intelligence Community Programs, Management, and Enduring Issues Anne Daugherty Miles Analyst in Intelligence and National Security Policy...

  4. 'Endurance' Courtesy of Mars Express (United States)


    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its panoramic camera to capture this false-color image of the interior of 'Endurance Crater' on the rover's 188th martian day (Aug. 4, 2004). The image data were relayed to Earth by the European Space Agency's Mars Express orbiter. The image was generated from separate frames using the cameras 750-, 530- and 480-nanometer filters.

  5. Effect of salbutamol on neuromuscular function in endurance athletes. (United States)

    Decorte, Nicolas; Bachasson, Damien; Guinot, Michel; Flore, Patrice; Levy, Patrick; Verges, Samuel; Wuyam, Bernard


    The potential ergogenic effects of therapeutic inhaled salbutamol doses in endurance athletes have been controversially discussed for decades. We hypothesized that salbutamol inhalation may increase peripheral muscle contractility, reduce fatigability, and improve force recovery after a localized exercise in endurance athletes. Eleven healthy, nonasthmatic male athletes with high aerobic capacities were recruited to be compared in a double-blinded, randomized crossover study of two dose levels of salbutamol (200 and 800 μg) and a placebo administered by inhalation before a quadriceps fatigue test. Subjects performed an incremental exercise protocol consisting in sets of 10 intermittent isometric contractions starting at 20% of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) with 10% MVC increment until exhaustion. Femoral nerve magnetic stimulation was used during and after MVC to evaluate neuromuscular fatigue after each set, at task failure, and after 10 and 30 min of recovery. Initial MVC and evoked muscular responses were not modified with salbutamol (P > 0.05). The total number of submaximal contractions until task failure significantly differed between treatments (placebo, 72 ± 7; 200 µg, 78 ± 8; and 800 µg, 82 ± 7; P 0.05). Voluntary activation was unaffected by the fatiguing task and treatments (P > 0.05). Supratherapeutic inhaled doses of β2-agonists increased quadriceps endurance during an incremental and localized fatiguing task in healthy endurance-trained athletes without significant effect on neuromuscular fatigue. Further studies are needed to clarify the underlying mechanisms.

  6. Endurance time method for Seismic analysis and design of structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Estekanchi, H.E.; Vafai, A.; Sadeghazar, M.


    In this paper, a new method for performance based earthquake analysis and design has been introduced. In this method, the structure is subjected to accelerograms that impose increasing dynamic demand on the structure with time. Specified damage indexes are monitored up to the collapse level or other performance limit that defines the endurance limit point for the structure. Also, a method for generating standard intensifying accelerograms has been described. Three accelerograms have been generated using this method. Furthermore, the concept of Endurance Time has been described by applying these accelerograms to single and multi degree of freedom linear systems. The application of this method for analysis of complex nonlinear systems has been explained. Endurance Time method provides a uniform approach to seismic analysis and design of complex structures that can be applied in numerical and experimental investigations

  7. Adaptations to speed endurance training in highly trained soccer players

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nyberg, Michael Permin; Fiorenza, Matteo; Lund, Anders


    PURPOSE: The present study examined whether a period of additional speed endurance training would improve intense intermittent exercise performance in highly trained soccer players during the season and whether the training changed aerobic metabolism and the level of oxidative enzymes in type I...... and II muscle fibers. METHODS: During the last nine weeks of the season, thirteen semi-professional soccer players performed additional speed endurance training sessions consisting of 2-3 sets of 8 - 10 repetitions of 30 m sprints with 10 s of passive recovery (SET). Before and after SET, subjects...... in type I and II fibers did not change. CONCLUSION: In highly trained soccer players, additional speed endurance training is associated with an improved ability to perform repeated high-intensity work. To what extent the training-induced changes in V˙O2 kinetics and mechanical efficiency in type I fibers...

  8. Influência da atividade física nos componentes psicomotores em idosos


    Patricia Espíndola Mota Venâncio; Kesia da Rocha Mendes; Lorena Cristina Castilho; Grassyara Pinho Tolentino


    Objetivo: analisar a influência da atividade física nos componentes psicomotores em idosos participantes do UNIATI-UniEvangélica. Método: tratou-se de um estudo de natureza descritiva com abordagem qualitativa, transversal, realizado com 80 idosos, de ambos os sexos, sendo que 60 praticam atividades físicas, 20 musculação, 20 hidroginástica, 20 ritmos, regularmente em um projeto na faculdade UniEvangélica (UNIATI), na cidade de Anápolis-GO e outros 20 sedentários. As informações foram coletad...

  9. Establecimientos incas en el subtramo Lampas – Pueblo Viejo en la región Ancash


    Bernabé Romero, Joseph A.


    Artículo sobre el registro de 5 asentamientos con componentes netamente Inca asociados al camino longitudinal de la sierra en el subtramo Lampas-Pueblo Viejo en Ancash. Entre los cuales destaca Pueblo Viejo (el de mayor extensión), pues presenta componentes del patrón de centros administrativos Inca.

  10. Neck muscle endurance and head posture: A comparison between adolescents with and without neck pain. (United States)

    Oliveira, Ana Carolina; Silva, Anabela G


    The main aims of this study were to compare the neck flexor and extensor endurance and forward head posture between adolescents with and without neck pain. The secondary aims were to explore potential associations between muscles endurance, head posture and neck pain characteristics and to assess intra-rater reliability of the measurements used. Adolescents with neck pain (n = 35) and age-matched asymptomatic adolescents (n = 35) had their forward head posture, neck flexor endurance and neck extensor endurance measured using clinical tests. Intra-rater reliability was also assessed. Forward head posture and neck flexor and extensor endurance tests showed moderate to almost perfect intra-rater reliability (ICC between 0.58 and 0.88). Adolescents with neck pain showed significantly less forward head posture (neck pain = 46.62 ± 4.92; asymptomatic = 44.18°± 3.64°, p > 0.05) and less neck flexor (neck pain = 24.50 ± 23.03s; asymptomatic = 35.89 ± 21.53s, p > 0.05) and extensor endurance (neck pain = 12.6.64 ± 77.94s; asymptomatic = 168.66 ± 74.77s, p > 0.05) than asymptomatic adolescents. Results suggest that changes in posture and neck muscle endurance are a feature of adolescents with neck pain. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Concurrent Development of Endurance Capacity and Explosiveness: Training Characteristics of World-Class Nordic-Combined Athletes. (United States)

    Tønnessen, Espen; Rasdal, Vegard; Svendsen, Ida S; Haugen, Thomas A; Hem, Erlend; Sandbakk, Øyvind


    Performing at an elite level in Nordic combined (NC) requires both the explosiveness required for ski jumping performance and the endurance capacity required for cross-country skiing. To describe the characteristics of world-class NC athletes' training and determine how endurance and non-endurance (ie, strength, power, and ski jumping) training is periodized. Annual training characteristics and the periodization of endurance and non-endurance training were determined by analyzing the training diaries of 6 world-class NC athletes. Of 846 ± 72 annual training hours, 540 ± 37 h were endurance training, with 88.6% being low-, 5.9% moderate-, and 5.5% high-intensity training. While training frequency remained relatively constant, the total training volume was reduced from the general preparatory to the competition phase, primarily due to less low- and moderate-intensity training (P ski-jump-specific training (908 ± 165 ski jumps and ski-jump imitations). The proportion of non-endurance training increased significantly toward the competition phase (P ski-jump training. These data provide novel insight on how successful athletes execute their training and may facilitate more-precise coaching of future athletes in this sport. In addition, this information is of high relevance for the training organization of other sports that require optimization of 2 fundamentally different physical capacities.

  12. Identificación molecular y actividad sobre sustratos cromogénicos de la venombina A del veneno de la serpiente peruana Bothrops atrox

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gustavo A. Sandoval


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se ha realizado la identificación molecular de la enzima similar a trombina (EST del veneno de Bothrops atrox y se ha evaluado su actividad enzimática sobre diversos sustratos sintéticos. La enzima fue purificada utilizando tres pasos cromatrográficos, sobre Sephadex G-75, CM-Sephadex C-50 y Agarosa-PAB, determinándose su peso molecular por PAGE-SDS. La identificación molecular de la enzima aislada se realizó por la técnica de peptide mass fingerprinting basada en espectrometría de masas MALDI-TOF y posterior análisis in silico. Las actividades fibrinocoagulante y amidolítica fueron ensayadas sobre fibrinó- geno bovino y BApNA, respectivamente, así como la hidrólisis sobre los sustratos cromogénicos específicos S-2238, S-2251 y S-2266. Como resultado de los ensayos bioquímicos y estructurales, la EST del veneno de B. atrox, presentó un peso molecular de 29,6 kDa. El análisis mediante espectrometría de masas de los péptidos obtenidos, permitió identificar a esta enzima como una venombina A, presentando una identidad del 75%. Del análisis de actividad enzimática, se obtuvo que la EST de B. atrox produjo coagulación del fibrinógeno bovino y presentó actividad sobre BApNA, S-2238 y S-2266, siendo incapaz de hidrolizar el sustrato S-2251. El empleo de estas aproximaciones estructurales y funcionales ha permitido lograr la identificación molecular del principal componente del veneno de B. atrox relacionado con su acción coagulante, así como evaluar en detalle la naturaleza de su actividad enzimática sobre diversos sustratos.


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    Victor Alves Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Busca-se cultivares cada vez mais adaptadas e que expressem maiores níveis de produtividade, trazendo assim um melhor aproveitamento de áreas produtivas. Os componentes produtivos estão ligados à produtividade das cultivares de soja e são importantes no seu processo de seleção. Assim, este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar duas cultivares de soja RR, com ciclos de maturação, precoce e superprecoce em sua adaptação a região central de Goiás. O delineamento foi conduzido em blocos casualizados com seis repetições. Os componentes de produção avaliados foram: Altura de plantas, número de grãos por planta, número de grãos por vagem, número de hastes, número de nós reprodutivos, número de vagens, número de vagens chochas, peso de grãos por planta, massa de mil grãos e produtividade. Os dados foram submetidos ao software Assistat para análises estatísticas e foi realizado o teste Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. As cultivares testadas apresentam variações nos caracteres produtivos avaliados e foram influenciados pelo hábito de crescimento. Através do número de nos reprodutivos foi possível identificar cultivares mais responsiva. A cultivar de hábito de crescimento determinado proporcionou maior rendimento de grãos.   A cultivar de com hábito de crescimento indeterminado foi desfavorecida pela variação pluviométrica durante o estádio fenológico R5.

  14. The Effect of Acute Endurance Exercise on Plasma Myostastin in Healthy Elderly Men

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    Meysam Gholamali


    Conclusion Plasma Myostatin decreased significantly in the response to endurance exercise, in healthy elderly men. Presumably, according to the results of this study, prescription of endurance exercise may decrease Myostatin and subsequently sarcopenia in elderly people.

  15. 77 FR 7243 - Proposed Information Collection (Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom Veterans... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS [OMB Control No. 2900-0728] Proposed Information Collection (Operation Enduring Freedom/ Operation Iraqi Freedom Veterans Health Needs Assessment) Activities Under OMB....'' SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Title: Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom Veterans Health Needs...

  16. Componentes C3 e C4 do sistema complemento como biomarcadores no diagnóstico de asma atópica intermitente

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    Tainá Mosca


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar os componentes séricos C3 e C4 do sistema complemento como possíveis biomarcadores de asma atópica intermitente. MÉTODOS: Determinação dos níveis séricos dos componentes C3 e C4 do complemento em 70 crianças com história de "chiado no peito” entre 3 e 14 anos. Após 2 anos de acompanhamento ambulatorial, seguindo-se critérios de inclusão e exclusão, as crianças foram divididas em 2 grupos: 40 crianças com asma atópica intermitente e 30 crianças sem asma. Não houve uso de corticosteroides inalatórios ou sistêmicos ou de broncodilatadores de ação prolongada em nenhum dos grupos. Os dois grupos apresentaram faixas etárias semelhantes, comparadas pelo teste t de Student. Os resultados dos componentes C3 e C4 mostraram distribuição normal e foram então comparados utilizando-se o teste t de Student, considerando-se significante quando p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: Os valores observados no grupo de crianças portadoras de asma atópica intermitente mostraram aumentos significativos para: C3 em 85,0% das crianças; C4 em 87,5%; C3 e C4 em 72,5%; C3 ou C4 em 97,5%, quando comparados aos valores observados das crianças sem asma e da mesma faixa etária. CONCLUSÃO: Observamos um aumento dos valores séricos dos componentes C3 e/ou C4 do sistema complemento na maioria das crianças estudadas portadoras de asma atópica intermitente, em comparação aos valores de crianças sem asma, da mesma faixa etária. Concluímos que a presença de valores aumentados dos componentes C3 e/ou C4 do complemento possa representar um biomarcador no diagnóstico de asma atópica intermitente.

  17. Comparison between two types of anaerobic speed endurance training in competitive soccer players

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    Mohr Magni


    Full Text Available The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of additional in-season speed endurance production versus speed endurance maintenance training regimes on performance in competitive male soccer players. In a randomised controlled trial 18 male sub-elite players were exposed to additional speed endurance production (SEP or speed endurance maintenance (SEM training (two additional sessions/wk for 4 weeks during the competitive season. Players performed the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery level 2 test (YYIR2 and a repeated sprint test (RST pre- and post-intervention. Yo-Yo IR2 performance increased (p<0.001 by 50 ± 8% and 26 ± 5% in SEP and SEM, respectively, with greater (p=0.03 improvement in SEP. RST performance improved by 2.1 ± 0.3% and 1.3 ± 0.4% in SEP and SEM, respectively, while the RST fatigue index decreased (4.4 ± 0.8 to 3.4 ± 0.5%; p<0.04 in SEP only. Peak and average speed during training were higher (p<0.001 in SEP than in SEM (24.5 ± 0.3 vs 19.2 ± 0.3 and 15.5 ± 0.1 km·h-1 vs 9.4 ± 0.1 km·h-1. Additional in-season anaerobic speed endurance production and maintenance training improves high-intensity exercise performance in competitive soccer players with superior effects of speed endurance production training.

  18. Measurement of quadriceps endurance by fNIRS (United States)

    Erdem, Devrim; Şayli, Ömer; Karahan, Mustafa; Akin, A.


    In this paper, the changes in muscle deoxygenation trends during a sustained isometric quadriceps (chair squat/half squat) endurance exercise were evaluated among twelve male subjects and the relationship between muscle oxygenation and endurance times was investigated by means of functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). Neuromuscular activation and predictions of muscle performance decrements during extended fatiguing task was investigated by means of surface electromyography (sEMG). The results of the study showed that in the subjects who maintained exercise longer than five minutes (group 1), mean Hb recovery time (33 [sec.]) was 37.4% less than the others (group 2, 52.7 [sec.]). Also mean HbO II decline amplitude (2.53 [a.u.] in group 1 and 2.07 [a.u.] in group 2) and oxy decline amplitude (8.4 [a.u.] in group 1 and 3.04 [a.u.] in group 2) in the beginning of squat exercise are found to be 22.6% and 176.9% bigger in these group. For the EMG parameters, mean slope of MNF and MDF decline are found to be 57.5% and 42.2% bigger in magnitude in group 2 which indicates higher degree of decrement in mean and median frequencies although their mean squat duration time is less. This indicates higher index of fatigue for this group. It is concluded that training leads to altered oxygenation and oxygen extraction capability in the exercising muscle and investigated fNIRS parameters could be used for endurance evaluation.

  19. Estudos sobre a toxicologia da ε-caprolactama

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    Marcus Vinicius Justo Bomfim


    Full Text Available A ε-caprolactama (CAP é um monômero precursor de polímeros denominados nylon 6. Esses polímeros destinam-se à produção de tapetes, vestuário e materiais plásticos tais como equipamentos, sistemas e componentes automotivos, conectores, além de embalagens plásticas. Resíduos de CAP podem migrar de embalagens plásticas de nylon 6 para os alimentos. Diante disso, foi de interesse realizar uma revisão dos efeitos relativos à exposição à CAP e o seu impacto sobre a saúde humana. Estudos epidemiológicos indicam a possibilidade da CAP causar inflamações oculares e cutâneas, além de irritações no sistema respiratório. Pode ocorrer ainda hipotensão, taquicardia, palpitações, rinorréia, ressecamento nasal, efeitos geniturinários e sobre a reprodução como distúrbios nas funções menstrual e ovariana, e complicações no parto; além de problemas neurológicos e hematológicos. Estudos com animais são consistentes com tais relatos. Os estudos de genotoxicidade in vitro e in vivo por via oral e intraperitoneal mostram em sua grande maioria, resultados negativos, bem como ausência de efeitos carcinogênicos em ratos e camundongos e sobre o desenvolvimento e reprodução em ratos e coelhos.ε -Caprolactam (CAP is a precursor monomer of nylon 6 polymers. Nylon 6 is used in the manufacture of carpets, clothes and plastic materials, such as equipment, systems and automotive components, connectors and plastic packaging. CAP residues can migrate from nylon 6 plastic packaging to foods. Given this fact, this review was realized concerning the effects of CAP exposure and its impact on human health. Epidemiological studies indicate that CAP could cause ocular, cutaneous and respiratory irritations, as well as hypotension, tachycardia, palpitations, rhinorrhea, nose dryness, neurological and blood problems, and genitourinary and reproductive effects, such as alterations in ovarian-menstrual functions and pregnancy

  20. Impact of a supervised worksite exercise program on back and core muscular endurance in firefighters. (United States)

    Mayer, John M; Quillen, William S; Verna, Joe L; Chen, Ren; Lunseth, Paul; Dagenais, Simon


    Low back pain is a leading cause of disability in firefighters and is related to poor muscular endurance. This study examined the impact of supervised worksite exercise on back and core muscular endurance in firefighters. A cluster randomized controlled trial was used for this study. The study occurred in fire stations of a municipal fire department (Tampa, Florida). Subjects were 96 full-duty career firefighters who were randomly assigned by fire station to exercise (n = 54) or control (n = 42) groups. Exercise group participants completed a supervised exercise targeting the back and core muscles while on duty, two times per week for 24 weeks, in addition to their usual fitness regimen. Control group participants continued their usual fitness regimen. Back and core muscular endurance was assessed with the Biering-Sorensen test and plank test, respectively. Changes in back and core muscular endurance from baseline to 24 weeks were compared between groups using analysis of covariance and linear mixed effects models. After 24 weeks, the exercise group had 12% greater (p = .021) back muscular endurance and 21% greater (p = .0006) core muscular endurance than did the control group. The exercise intervention did not disrupt operations or job performance. A supervised worksite exercise program was safe and effective in improving back and core muscular endurance in firefighters, which could protect against future low back pain.

  1. Glucose ingestion during endurance training does not alter adaptation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Åkerström, Thorbjörn; Fischer, Christian P; Plomgaard, Peter


    , 2) lower citrate synthase (CS) and beta-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (beta-HAD) activity and glycogen content in skeletal muscle, and 3) attenuated endurance performance enhancement in the trained state. To investigate this we studied nine male subjects who performed 10 wk of one-legged knee...... extensor training. They trained one leg while ingesting a 6% glucose solution (Glc) and ingested a sweetened placebo while training the other leg (Plc). The subjects trained their respective legs 2 h at a time on alternate days 5 days a week. Endurance training increased peak power (P(max)) and time...

  2. Análise de componentes da tecnologia de Business Process Management System (BPMS) sob a perspectiva de um caso prático


    Sordi, José Osvaldo De; Spelta, Andrea Giovanni


    A tecnologia da informação que corrobora com a implementação da abordagem administrativa da gestão por processos denomina-se Business Process Management System (BPMS). Os principais componentes do framework da solução BPMS são: repositório de definição do processo, repositório de instâncias do processo, gerenciador de transação, framework de conectores, motor do processo e middleware. Neste artigo, são definidos e caracterizados os componentes que constituem o framework da solução tecnológica...

  3. Conceptos básicos sobre terremotos y las causas que lo originan, proyecto de prevención y mitigación del riesgo en el colegio Nicolás Gómez Dávila I.E.D


    Hernández Ortiz, Gerardo


    El presente trabajo, es un estudio del conocimiento que tienen los estudiantes de ciclo III en el Colegio Nicolás Gómez Dávila, sobre el concepto de terremoto y las causas que lo producen, lo que permitió fortalecer el Plan Escolar de Gestión del Riesgo institucional. El proceso se desarrolló en tres fases: En la primera se realizó la fundamentación teórica partiendo desde los componentes legales, los cuales establecen la importancia de los planes de gestión de riesgo en Colombia, seguido...

  4. Functional connectivity between core and shoulder muscles increases during isometric endurance contractions in judo competitors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kawczyński, Adam; Samani, Afshin; Mroczek, Dariusz


    endurance contraction consisting of bilateral arm abduction at 90°. The normalized mutual information (NMI) was computed between muscle pairs as an index indicating functional connectivity. Results: The NMIs increased significantly during endurance test for 10 of the 15 muscle pairs (P ... : We concluded that the increases in NMIs highlighted functional changes in the interplay between core and shoulder muscles during an endurance contraction in elite judokas....

  5. Influence of nitrate supplementation on VO(2) kinetics and endurance of elite cyclists

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Peter Møller; Nyberg, Michael Permin; Bangsbo, Jens


    The present study examined if an elevated nitrate intake would improve VO(2) kinetics, endurance, and repeated sprint capacity in elite endurance athletes. Ten highly trained cyclists (72¿±¿4¿mL O(2) /kg/min, mean¿±¿standard deviation) underwent testing for VO(2) kinetics (3¿×¿6¿min at 298¿±¿28¿W...... juice. Plasma NOx (nitrate¿+¿nitrite) levels were higher (P¿......The present study examined if an elevated nitrate intake would improve VO(2) kinetics, endurance, and repeated sprint capacity in elite endurance athletes. Ten highly trained cyclists (72¿±¿4¿mL O(2) /kg/min, mean¿±¿standard deviation) underwent testing for VO(2) kinetics (3¿×¿6¿min at 298¿±¿28¿W......), endurance (120¿min preload followed by a 400-kcal time trial), and repeated sprint capacity (6¿×¿20¿s sprints, recovery 100¿s) during two 6-day periods in randomized order with a daily ingestion of either 0.5¿L beetroot (BR) juice to increase nitrate levels or a 0.5¿L placebo (PLA) drink with blackcurrant...

  6. Among-Individual Variation in Desert Iguanas (Squamata: Dipsosaurus dorsalis): Endurance Capacity Is Positively Related to Home Range Size. (United States)

    Singleton, Jennifer M; Garland, Theodore

    Among species of lizards, endurance capacity measured on a motorized treadmill is positively related to daily movement distance and time spent moving, but few studies have addressed such relationships at the level of individual variation within a sex and age category in a single population. Both endurance capacity and home range size show substantial individual variation in lizards, rendering them suitable for such studies. We predicted that these traits would be positively related because endurance capacity is one of the factors that has the potential to limit home range size. We measured the endurance capacity and home range size of adult male desert iguanas (Dipsosaurus dorsalis). Lizards were field captured for measurements of endurance, and home range data were gathered using visual identification of previously marked individuals. Endurance was significantly repeatable between replicate trials, conducted 1-17 d apart ([Formula: see text] for log-transformed values, [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text]). The log of the higher of two endurance trials was positively but not significantly related to log body mass. The log of home range area was positively but not significantly related to log body mass, the number of sightings, or the time span from first to last sighting. As predicted, log endurance was positively correlated with log home range area ([Formula: see text], [Formula: see text], one-tailed [Formula: see text]; for body-mass residual endurance values: [Formula: see text], one-tailed [Formula: see text]). These results suggest that endurance capacity may have a permissive effect on home range size. Alternatively, individuals with larger home ranges may experience training effects (phenotypic plasticity) that increase their endurance.

  7. Resistência insulínica e sua relação com os componentes da síndrome metabólica

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    Carla Campos Muniz Medeiros


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Os portadores de resistência à insulina apresentam maior predisposição para desenvolver posteriormente Síndrome Metabólica (SM, Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 e Doença Cardiovascular (DCV. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a associação entre resistência insulínica (RI e os componentes da síndrome metabólica. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal envolvendo 196 indivíduos entre 2 e 18 anos, usuários do sistema único de saúde. A associação da RI com os componentes da SM foi avaliada pelo teste do qui-quadrado, adotando-se o valor do índice da homeostase glicêmica (HOMA-RI > 2,5, e pelo teste de variância (ANOVA e Tukey, por meio da comparação das médias dos componentes nos quartis do HOMA-RI. A análise estatística foi realizada através do SPSS 17.0, com a adoção do nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: RI foi observada em 41,3% da população estudada e esteve associada à faixa etária entre 10-18 anos (p = 0,002 RP = 3,2, à SM em ambos os sexos [Masculino (p = 0,022 RP = 3,7 e Feminino (p = 0,007 RP = 2,7] e ao triglicerídeo alterado (p = 0,005 RP = 2,9 no sexo feminino. Os valores médios dos componentes da SM diferiram significativamente entre os quartis do HOMA-RI (p < 0,01, com exceção do HDL-colesterol. CONCLUSÃO: A resistência insulínica pode ser considerada um marcador de risco cardiovascular.

  8. A phenomenological model of muscle fatigue and the power-endurance relationship. (United States)

    James, A; Green, S


    The relationship between power output and the time that it can be sustained during exercise (i.e., endurance) at high intensities is curvilinear. Although fatigue is implicit in this relationship, there is little evidence pertaining to it. To address this, we developed a phenomenological model that predicts the temporal response of muscle power during submaximal and maximal exercise and which was based on the type, contractile properties (e.g., fatiguability), and recruitment of motor units (MUs) during exercise. The model was first used to predict power outputs during all-out exercise when fatigue is clearly manifest and for several distributions of MU type. The model was then used to predict times that different submaximal power outputs could be sustained for several MU distributions, from which several power-endurance curves were obtained. The model was simultaneously fitted to two sets of human data pertaining to all-out exercise (power-time profile) and submaximal exercise (power-endurance relationship), yielding a high goodness of fit (R(2) = 0.96-0.97). This suggested that this simple model provides an accurate description of human power output during submaximal and maximal exercise and that fatigue-related processes inherent in it account for the curvilinearity of the power-endurance relationship.

  9. Genome-wide association study identifies three novel genetic markers associated with elite endurance performance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ahmetov, Ii; Kulemin, Na; Popov, Dv


    To investigate the association between multiple single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), aerobic performance and elite endurance athlete status in Russians. By using GWAS approach, we examined the association between 1,140,419 SNPs and relative maximal oxygen consumption rate ([Formula: see text]O2......max) in 80 international-level Russian endurance athletes (46 males and 34 females). To validate obtained results, we further performed case-control studies by comparing the frequencies of the most significant SNPs (with P endurance athletes and opposite cohorts (192...... Russian controls, 1367 European controls, and 230 Russian power athletes). Initially, six 'endurance alleles' were identified showing discrete associations with [Formula: see text]O2max both in males and females. Next, case-control studies resulted in remaining three SNPs (NFIA-AS2 rs1572312, TSHR rs...

  10. The effects of elevated pain inhibition on endurance exercise performance

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    Andrew Flood


    Full Text Available Background The ergogenic effects of analgesic substances suggest that pain perception is an important regulator of work-rate during fatiguing exercise. Recent research has shown that endogenous inhibitory responses, which act to attenuate nociceptive input and reduce perceived pain, can be increased following transcranial direct current stimulation of the hand motor cortex. Using high-definition transcranial direct current stimulation (HD-tDCS; 2 mA, 20 min, the current study aimed to examine the effects of elevated pain inhibitory capacity on endurance exercise performance. It was hypothesised that HD-tDCS would enhance the efficiency of the endogenous pain inhibitory response and improve endurance exercise performance. Methods Twelve healthy males between 18 and 40 years of age (M = 24.42 ± 3.85 were recruited for participation. Endogenous pain inhibitory capacity and exercise performance were assessed before and after both active and sham (placebo stimulation. The conditioned pain modulation protocol was used for the measurement of pain inhibition. Exercise performance assessment consisted of both maximal voluntary contraction (MVC and submaximal muscular endurance performance trials using isometric contractions of the non-dominant leg extensors. Results Active HD-tDCS (pre-tDCS, −.32 ± 1.33 kg; post-tDCS, −1.23 ± 1.21 kg significantly increased pain inhibitory responses relative to the effects of sham HD-tDCS (pre-tDCS, −.91 ± .92 kg; post-tDCS, −.26 ± .92 kg; p = .046. Irrespective of condition, peak MVC force and muscular endurance was reduced from pre- to post-stimulation. HD-tDCS did not significantly influence this reduction in maximal force (active: pre-tDCS, 264.89 ± 66.87 Nm; post-tDCS, 236.33 ± 66.51 Nm; sham: pre-tDCS, 249.25 ± 88.56 Nm; post-tDCS, 239.63 ± 67.53 Nm or muscular endurance (active: pre-tDCS, 104.65 ± 42.36 s; post-tDCS, 93.07 ± 33.73 s; sham: pre-tDCS, 123.42 ± 72.48 s; post

  11. Respiratory Muscle Training and Exercise Endurance at Altitude. (United States)

    Helfer, Samuel; Quackenbush, Joseph; Fletcher, Michael; Pendergast, David R


    Climbing and trekking at altitude are common recreational and military activities. Physiological effects of altitude are hypoxia and hyperventilation. The hyperventilatory response to altitude may cause respiratory muscle fatigue and reduce sustained submaximal exercise. Voluntary isocapnic hyperpnea respiratory muscle training (VIHT) improves exercise endurance at sea level and at depth. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that VIHT would improve exercise time at altitude [3600 m (11,811 ft)] compared to control and placebo groups. Subjects pedaled an ergometer until exhaustion at simulated altitude in a hypobaric chamber while noninvasive arterial saturation (Sao2), ventilation (VE), and oxygen consumption (Vo2) were measured. As expected, Sao2 decreased to 88 ± 4% saturation at rest and to 81 ± 2% during exercise, and was not affected by VIHT. VIHT resulted in a 40% increase in maximal training VE compared to pre-VIHT. Exercise endurance significantly increased 44% after VIHT (P = altitude post-VIHT increased more (49%) for longer (21 min) and decreased less (11% at 25.4 ± 6.7 min). VIHT improved exercise time at altitude and sustained VE. This suggests that VIHT reduced respiratory muscle fatigue and would be useful to trekkers and military personnel working at altitude. Helfer S, Quackenbush J, Fletcher M, Pendergast DR. Respiratory muscle training and exercise endurance at altitutde. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2016; 87(8):704-711.


    Myers, Natalie L; Toonstra, Jenny L; Smith, Jacob S; Padgett, Cooper A; Uhl, Tim L


    The Advanced Throwers Ten Exercise Program incorporates sustained isometric contractions in conjunction with dynamic shoulder movements. It has been suggested that incorporating isometric holds may facilitate greater increases in muscular strength and endurance. However, no objective evidence currently exists to support this claim. The purpose of this research was to compare the effects of a sustained muscle contraction resistive training program (Advanced Throwers Ten Program) to a more traditional exercise training protocol to determine if increases in shoulder muscular strength and endurance occur in an otherwise healthy population. It was hypothesized that utilizing a sustained isometric hold during a shoulder scaption exercise from the Advanced Throwers Ten would produce greater increases in shoulder strength and endurance as compared to a traditional training program incorporating a isotonic scapular plane abduction (scaption) exercise. Randomized Clinical Trial. Fifty healthy participants were enrolled in this study, of which 25 were randomized into the traditional training group (age: 26 ± 8, height:172 ± 10 cm, weight: 73 ± 13 kg, Marx Activity Scale: 11 ± 4) and 25 were randomized to the Advanced Throwers Ten group (age: 28 ± 9, height: 169 ± 23 cm, weight: 74 ± 16 kg, Marx Activity Scale: 11 ± 5). No pre-intervention differences existed between the groups (P>0.05). Arm endurance and strength data were collected pre and post intervention using a portable load cell (BTE Evaluator, Hanover, MD). Both within and between group analyses were done in order to investigate average torque (strength) and angular impulse (endurance) changes. The traditional and Advanced Throwers Ten groups both significantly improved torque and angular impulse on both the dominant and non-dominant arms by 10-14%. There were no differences in strength or endurance following the interventions between the two training groups (p>0


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    Cecilia Pescatore Alves


    Full Text Available Resumo Este estudo parte da psicologia social crítica e ressalta que a política educacional constitui uma política de identidade. Considerou-se que a escola se revela como uma instituição de socialização (em que se processam identidades e um lugar em que ocorre a intersecção de várias culturas. Nesse contexto, consideraram-se como pilares fundamentais de reflexão um levantamento bibliográfico sobre as políticas públicas de educação vividas cotidianamente no contexto da instituição escolar e as concepções sobre o sintagma “Identidade-metamorfose-emancipação” e “políticas de identidade e identidades políticas”. A discussão contemplou uma dimensão política da educação em um suporte epistemológico associado a um componente político-ético. O debate originou uma posição crítica de como a escola, enquanto instituição educativa, tem se posicionado com relação à constituição de identidades. Defende-se que as configurações do ideário neoliberal e as políticas impostas à educação impossibilitam ao indivíduo ações comunicativas na direção da emancipação.

  14. Effects of order and sequence of resistance and endurance training on body fat in elementary school-aged girls

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    Ana R. Alves


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to analyse the effects of order and sequence of concurrent resistance and endurance training on body fat percentage (BFP in a large sample of elementary school-aged girls. One hundred and twenty-six healthy girls, aged 10-11 years (10.95 ± 0.48 years, were randomly assigned to six groups to perform different training protocols per week for 8 weeks: Resistance-only (R, Endurance-only (E, Concurrent Distinct Endurance-Resistance (CDER, Concurrent Parallel Endurance-Resistance (CPER, Concurrent Parallel Resistance-Endurance (CPRE, and a Control group (C. In R and E, the subjects performed single sessions of resistance or endurance exercises, respectively (two days per week. In CDER, resistance-endurance training was performed on different days each week (four days per week. CPER and CPRE performed single-session combined endurance-resistance training or combined resistance-endurance training, respectively, each week (two days per week. After an 8-week training period, BFP decreased in all experimental groups (CPER: 13.3%, p0.05; and CDER: 5.6%, p>0.05. However, a significant difference was found in CPER and CPRE when compared to CDER, E, and R, indicating that training sequence may influence BFP. All programmes were effective, but CPER and CPRE obtained better results for BFP than CDER, E, or R. The effects of concurrent resistance and endurance training on body fat percentage can be mediated by order and sequence of exercise. These results provide insight into optimization of school-based fat loss exercise programmes in childhood.

  15. Isokinetic Strength and Endurance Tests used Pre- and Post-Spaceflight: Test-Retest Reliability (United States)

    Laughlin, Mitzi S.; Lee, Stuart M. C.; Loehr, James A.; Amonette, William E.


    To assess changes in muscular strength and endurance after microgravity exposure, NASA measures isokinetic strength and endurance across multiple sessions before and after long-duration space flight. Accurate interpretation of pre- and post-flight measures depends upon the reliability of each measure. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the test-retest reliability of the NASA International Space Station (ISS) isokinetic protocol. Twenty-four healthy subjects (12 M/12 F, 32.0 +/- 5.6 years) volunteered to participate. Isokinetic knee, ankle, and trunk flexion and extension strength as well as endurance of the knee flexors and extensors were measured using a Cybex NORM isokinetic dynamometer. The first weekly session was considered a familiarization session. Data were collected and analyzed for weeks 2-4. Repeated measures analysis of variance (alpha=0.05) was used to identify weekly differences in isokinetic measures. Test-retest reliability was evaluated by intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) (3,1). No significant differences were found between weeks in any of the strength measures and the reliability of the strength measures were all considered excellent (ICC greater than 0.9), except for concentric ankle dorsi-flexion (ICC=0.67). Although a significant difference was noted in weekly endurance measures of knee extension (p less than 0.01), the reliability of endurance measure by week were considered excellent for knee flexion (ICC=0.97) and knee extension (ICC=0.96). Except for concentric ankle dorsi-flexion, the isokinetic strength and endurance measures are highly reliable when following the NASA ISS protocol. This protocol should allow accurate interpretation isokinetic data even with a small number of crew members.

  16. Effects of Beetroot Juice Supplementation on Cardiorespiratory Endurance in Athletes. A Systematic Review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raúl Domínguez


    Full Text Available Athletes use nutritional supplementation to enhance the effects of training and achieve improvements in their athletic performance. Beetroot juice increases levels of nitric oxide (NO, which serves multiple functions related to increased blood flow, gas exchange, mitochondrial biogenesis and efficiency, and strengthening of muscle contraction. These biomarker improvements indicate that supplementation with beetroot juice could have ergogenic effects on cardiorespiratory endurance that would benefit athletic performance. The aim of this literature review was to determine the effects of beetroot juice supplementation and the combination of beetroot juice with other supplements on cardiorespiratory endurance in athletes. A keyword search of DialNet, MedLine, PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science databases covered publications from 2010 to 2016. After excluding reviews/meta-analyses, animal studies, inaccessible full-text, and studies that did not supplement with beetroot juice and adequately assess cardiorespiratory endurance, 23 articles were selected for analysis. The available results suggest that supplementation with beetroot juice can improve cardiorespiratory endurance in athletes by increasing efficiency, which improves performance at various distances, increases time to exhaustion at submaximal intensities, and may improve the cardiorespiratory performance at anaerobic threshold intensities and maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max. Although the literature shows contradictory data, the findings of other studies lead us to hypothesize that supplementing with beetroot juice could mitigate the ergolytic effects of hypoxia on cardiorespiratory endurance in athletes. It cannot be stated that the combination of beetroot juice with other supplements has a positive or negative effect on cardiorespiratory endurance, but it is possible that the effects of supplementation with beetroot juice can be undermined by interaction with other supplements such as caffeine.

  17. Tapering strategies in elite British endurance runners. (United States)

    Spilsbury, Kate L; Fudge, Barry W; Ingham, Stephen A; Faulkner, Steve H; Nimmo, Myra A


    The aim of the study was to explore pre-competition training practices of elite endurance runners. Training details from elite British middle distance (MD; 800 m and 1500 m), long distance (LD; 3000 m steeplechase to 10,000 m) and marathon (MAR) runners were collected by survey for 7 days in a regular training (RT) phase and throughout a pre-competition taper. Taper duration was [median (interquartile range)] 6 (3) days in MD, 6 (1) days in LD and 14 (8) days in MAR runners. Continuous running volume was reduced to 70 (16)%, 71 (24)% and 53 (12)% of regular levels in MD, LD and MAR runners, respectively (P training (MD; 53 (45)%, LD; 67 (23)%, MAR; 64 (34)%, P training intensity was above race speed in LD and MAR runners (112 (27)% and 114 (3)%, respectively, P training undertaken prior to the taper in elite endurance runners is predictive of the tapering strategy implemented before competition.

  18. Mucosal immunity and upper respiratory tract symptoms in recreational endurance runners. (United States)

    Ihalainen, Johanna K; Schumann, Moritz; Häkkinen, Keijo; Mero, Antti A


    The present study investigated the effects of a 12-week endurance-training intervention on salivary proteins and upper respiratory tract symptoms (URS) in 25 young men. Saliva samples of 25 recreational male endurance runners (age 34.6 years, body mass index = 23.8 kg·m(-2), peak aerobic capacity = 47.2 mL·kg(-1)·min(-1)) were collected before (PRE) and after (POST) the training intervention, in a fasting state, as well as both before and after a maximal incremental treadmill run. The training consisted of both continuous and interval training sessions, 4-6 times per week based on the polarized training approach. Participants filled in Wisconsin Upper Respiratory Symptom Survey-21 and were retrospectively divided into 2 groups according to whether they reported URS (URS group, n = 13) or not (HEALTHY group, n = 12). Basal salivary immunoglobulin A (sa-sIgA) levels were significantly higher (+70%, p < 0.05) in the HEALTHY group both at PRE and POST whereas no significant differences were observed in salivary immunoglobulin M, salivary immunoglobulin G, lysozyme, or salivary α-amylase activity (sAA). Sa-sIgA concentration at PRE significantly correlated with the number of sick-days (R = -0.755, p < 0.001) in all subjects. The incremental treadmill run acutely increased sAA significantly (p < 0.05) at PRE (200%) and POST (166%) in the HEALTHY group but not in the URS group. This study demonstrated that subjects, who experienced URS during the 12 weeks of progressive endurance training intervention, had significantly lower basal sa-sIgA levels both before and after the experimental endurance training period. In addition to sa-sIgA, acute sAA response to exercise might be a possible determinant of susceptibility to URS in endurance runners.

  19. Endurance Capacity Is Not Correlated with Endothelial Function in Male University Students (United States)

    Wu, Fang; Su, Chen; Fan, Zhen-guo; Zhu, Zhu; Tao, Jun; Huang, Yi-jun


    Background Endurance capacity, assessed by 1000-meter (1000 m) run of male university students, is an indicator of cardiovascular fitness in Chinese students physical fitness surveillance. Although cardiovascular fitness is related to endothelial function closely in patients with cardiovascular diseases, it remains unclear whether endurance capacity correlates with endothelial function, especially with circulating endothelial microparticles (EMPs), a new sensitive marker of endothelial dysfunction in young students. The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between endurance capacity and endothelial function in male university students. Methods Forty-seven healthy male university students (mean age, 20.1±0.6 years; mean height, 172.4±6.3 cm; and mean weight, 60.0±8.2 kg) were recruited in this study. The measurement procedure of 1000 m run time was followed to Chinese national students Constitutional Health Criterion. Endothelium function was assessed by flow-mediated vasodilation (FMD) in the brachial artery measured by ultrasonic imaging, and the level of circulating EMPs was measured by flow cytometry. Cardiovascular fitness indicator - maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) - was also measured on a cycle ergometer using a portable gas analyzer. Results 1000 m run time was correlated with VO2max (r = −0.399, p0.05). Conclusion The correlations between endurance capacity or cardiovascular fitness and endothelial function were not found in healthy Chinese male university students. These results suggest that endurance capacity may not reflect endothelial function in healthy young adults with well preserved FMD and low level of circulating CD31+/CD42-EMPs. PMID:25101975

  20. Acute and Post-Exercise Physiological Responses to High-Intensity Interval Training in Endurance and Sprint Athletes (United States)

    Cipryan, Lukas; Tschakert, Gerhard; Hofmann, Peter


    The purpose of the presented study was to compare acute and post-exercise differences in cardiorespiratory, metabolic, cardiac autonomic, inflammatory and muscle damage responses to high-intensity interval exercise (HIIT) between endurance and sprint athletes. The study group consisted of sixteen highly-trained males (age 22.1 ± 2.5 years) participating in endurance (n = 8) or sprint (n = 8) sporting events. All the participants underwent three exercise sessions: short HIIT (work interval duration 30s), long HIIT (3min) and constant load exercise (CE). The exercise interventions were matched for mean power, total time and in case of HIIT interventions also for work-to-relief ratio. The acute cardiorespiratory (HR, V̇O2, RER) and metabolic (lactate) variables as well as the post-exercise changes (up to 3 h) in the heart rate variability, inflammation (interleukin-6, leucocytes) and muscle damage (creatine kinase, myoglobin) were monitored. Endurance athletes performed exercise interventions with moderately (CE) or largely (both HIIT modes) higher mean V̇O2. These differences were trivial/small when V̇O2 was expressed as a percentage of V̇O2max. Moderately to largely lower RER and lactate values were found in endurance athletes. Markers of cardiac autonomic regulation, inflammation and muscle damage did not reveal any considerable differences between endurance and sprint athletes. In conclusions, endurance athletes were able to perform both HIIT formats with increased reliance on aerobic metabolic pathways although exercise intensity was identical in relative terms for all the participants. However, other markers of the acute and early post-exercise physiological response to these HIIT interventions indicated similarities between endurance and sprint athletes. Key points The manner in which each training background (endurance vs. sprint) influences the response to HIIT is not well known. Despite the identical exercise intensity in relative terms, endurance


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    Jesús Enrique Ek Mex


    Full Text Available El objetivo de esta revisión fue describir algunos factores ambientales que influyen sobre los componentes de producción y productividad durante la estancia de las cerdas en el hato. La productividad de la cerda puede ser medida como el número o kilogramos de cerdos nacidos vivos o destetados por camada, por año o durante la estancia en el hato. El efecto de año y granja son importantes fuentes de variación, se deben principalmente a los cambios climatológicos y diferencias en el manejo. El efecto de época en las regiones tropicales es debido al estrés calórico y la alta humedad en la época de calor. Las cerdas de primer parto tienen intervalo entre partos e intervalo destete a la concepción mayor y camadas pequeñas en comparación con las cerdas multíparas. La productividad durante la vida productiva es afectada por el manejo particular de cada unidad de producción, la edad y el número de lechones nacidos al primer parto y la causa de desecho. La mayoría de los estudios son en zonas templadas. En conclusión, la productividad de las cerdas es afectada por las diferentes condiciones climáticas de cada región y a diferencias de manejo entre granjas en diferentes años y épocas, así como por el número de parto, por lo que es importante realizar la caracterización de las condiciones específicas de cada granja o región.


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    Vinícius Jardel Szareski


    Full Text Available O objetivo foi avaliar a resposta de diferentes fertilizantes foliares aplicados na cultura da soja e as associações lineares entre os componentes do rendimento de grãos, nas condições edafoclimáticas da Região do Alto Uruguai, RS. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento de blocos casualizados, com três repetições. Os tratamentos testados foram: T1: sem aplicação de bioestimulantes; T2: aplicação de NITAMIN®; T3: aplicação de BIOZIME®; T4: aplicação de Bioamino Extra®; T5: Aplicação de NIPHOKAN®, onde avaliou-se os componentes do rendimento de grãos da soja. A aplicação de micronutrientes e bioestimulantes via foliar não acarreta em aumento no rendimento de grãos da soja, para as condições edafoclimáticas da Região do Alto Uruguai. O rendimento de grãos apresenta correlação positiva com o número de ramificações, número de legumes nas ramificações, número total de legumes, número de grãos por planta e massa de mil grãos.

  3. Adaptive characteristics of main muscular groups’ static endurance in 6 years children in initial school period

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    S.V. Bondarenko


    Full Text Available Purpose: to study adaptation of 6 years children’s muscular skeletal apparatus to learning work by indicators of static endurance dynamic. Material: in the research 6 years children participated (n=64, boys - n=36, girls- n=28. Indicators of main muscular groups’ static endurance were studied. Results: we determined comparative topography of 13 muscular groups’ static endurance and substantial sex dimorphism was found. In 9 muscular groups the boys advantage was 11.7 - 50.2% (р < 0.05 ÷ 0.01. The level and correlation of muscles-antagonists’ static endurance from the point of evolutionary and ontogeny development of muscular-skeletal apparatus were substantiated. At the end of semester we found significant (р < 0.001 reduction of static endurance indicators as well as the fact that torso muscles were the most sensitive to influence of learning work’s static component. The level of static endurance weakening, under which syndrome of static over-tension appears, was determined. Conclusions: the research results permit to balance the volumes of learning load at initial stage of school work. Organizational-methodic principles of learning and physical education system for children shall be oriented on overcoming muscular-skeletal apparatus’s dysfunctions.

  4. The Personal Meaning of Participation: Enduring Involvement. (United States)

    McIntyre, N.


    Examines the personal meaning of participation, discussing recreation and consumer behavior literature, the development of an instrument to measure the concept, and the relationship between commitment to camping and choice of campground setting. Personal meaning of participation seems to be best represented by the concept of enduring involvement.…

  5. Endothelial function in highly endurance-trained and sedentary, healthy young women. (United States)

    Moe, Ingvild T; Hoven, Heidi; Hetland, Eva V; Rognmo, Oivind; Slørdahl, Stig A


    Endothelial function is reduced by age, chronic heart failure, coronary artery disease, hypertension or type 2 diabetes, and it is shown that aerobic exercise may reverse this trend. The effect of a high aerobic training status on endothelial function in young, healthy subjects is however less clear. The present study was designed to determine whether endothelial function is improved in highly endurance-trained young women compared to sedentary, healthy controls. Brachial artery diameter was measured in 16 endurance-trained (age: 23.7 +/- 2.5 years, maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max): 60.6 +/- 4.5 ml/kg per min) and 14 sedentary females (age: 23.7 +/- 2.1 years, VO2max: 40.5 +/- 5.6 ml/kg per min) at rest, during flow-mediated dilation (FMD) and after sublingual glycerol trinitrate administration, using high-resolution ultrasound. FMD did not differ between the endurance-trained and the sedentary females (14.8% vs 16.4%, p = NS), despite a substantial difference in VO2max of 50% (p endurance-trained group possessed however, a 9% larger resting brachial artery diameter when adjusted for body surface area. The results of the present study suggest that endothelial function is well preserved in young, healthy women, and that a high aerobic training status due to long term aerobic training does not improve the dilating capacity any further.

  6. Endurance exercise training increases peripheral vascular response in human fingers. (United States)

    Katayama, K; Shimoda, M; Maeda, J; Takemiya, T


    The purpose of this study was to clarify whether peripheral vascular response to alteration of transmural pressure is changed by endurance exercise training. The healthy male subjects (training group; n = 6) performed endurance exercise training that consisted of cycle ergometer exercise 5 d.week-1 and 30 min.d-1 for a period of 8 weeks. Changes in the peripheral vascular response to alteration of transmural pressure in the human finger were measured by a differential digital photoplethysmogram (DeltaDPG) and blood pressure during passive movement of the arm to different vertical hand positions relative to heart level. Following 8 weeks of endurance training, percent changes in DeltaDPG from heart level in the training group increased significantly (mean +/- SD, -48.1 +/- 7. 3 to -58.7 +/- 9.3% at the lowered position, 46.1 +/- 13.4 to 84.6 +/- 8.8% at the elevated position, ppressure, also significantly changed in the training group over the 8 weeks (5.6 +/- 1.3 to 2.7 +/- 1.6 mV. V-1.s-1.mmHg-1 at the lowered position, 30.0 +/- 12.4 to 54.4 +/- 18. 9 mV.V-1.s-1.mmHg-1 at the elevated position ). Maximal oxygen uptake (V.O2 max) was significantly increased in the training group. On the other hand, the control group (n = 6) showed no significant changes in all parameters for 8 weeks. Therefore these results suggest that endurance exercise training induces an increase in peripheral vascular response to alteration of transmural pressure in the human finger.

  7. Moderate-intensity endurance training improves endothelial glycocalyx layer integrity in healthy young men. (United States)

    Majerczak, Joanna; Grandys, Marcin; Duda, Krzysztof; Zakrzewska, Agnieszka; Balcerczyk, Aneta; Kolodziejski, Leszek; Szymoniak-Chochol, Dorota; Smolenski, Ryszard T; Bartosz, Grzegorz; Chlopicki, Stefan; Zoladz, Jerzy A


    What is the central question of this study? The main aim of the present study was to determine the effect of prolonged moderate-intensity endurance training on the endothelial glycocalyx layer integrity in relationship to the training-induced changes in oxidative stress and antioxidant defence in humans. What is the main finding and its importance? We have shown, for the first time, a protective effect of prolonged moderate-intensity endurance training on endothelial glycocalyx layer integrity, as judged by significantly lower basal and end-exercise serum concentrations of glycocalyx damage markers, i.e. syndecan-1 and heparan sulfate, accompanied by attenuation of oxidative stress and enhancement of antioxidant defence after training in previously untrained healthy young men. In this study, we evaluated the effect of 20 weeks of moderate-intensity endurance training (ET) on the endothelial glycocalyx layer integrity in relationship to the training-induced changes in antioxidant defence. Eleven healthy young, untrained men performed an incremental cycling exercise bout until exhaustion before and after 20 weeks of ET. Endurance training consisted of 40 min sessions, mainly of moderate intensity (∼50% of maximal oxygen uptake), performed four times per week. Venous blood samples were taken at rest and at the end of the maximal exercise test. Muscle biopsies from vastus lateralis were taken before and after the training. Endurance training resulted in a significant increase in physical capacity (P  0.05). Moderate-intensity ET exerts a pronounced protective effect on endothelial glycocalyx integrity at rest and during exercise, probably through an improvement of antioxidant defence that may represent the vasoprotective mechanisms highly responsive to moderate-intensity endurance training. © 2016 The Authors. Experimental Physiology © 2016 The Physiological Society.

  8. Principales componentes del sistema renina-angiotensina-aldosterona: historia, modulación farmacológica e impacto clínico

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    David Benavente, Dr.


    Full Text Available La existencia del sistema Renina-Angiotensina-Aldosterona (RAA fue postulada hace más de 100 años. Posterior al descubrimiento de sus principales componentes se inició una etapa en la que se estableció su rol patogénico en enfermedades cardiovasculares y renales. El desarrollo de fármacos capaces de inhibir la producción o bloquear la acción de los diferentes componentes de este sistema ha revolucionado la forma en la que manejamos la patología cardiovascular y renal. La identificación de nuevos elementos constituyentes de este sistema promete mejorar nuestra comprensión del funcionamiento del mismo y la posibilidad de desarrollar nuevos fármacos más selectivos en sus efectos. Todo ello garantiza que el sistema RAA continúe siendo centro de nuestra atención por muchos años.

  9. Muscle specific microRNAs are regulated by endurance exercise in human skeletal muscle

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Søren; Scheele, Camilla; Yfanti, Christina


    Muscle specific miRNAs, myomiRs, have been shown to control muscle development in vitro and are differentially expressed at rest in diabetic skeletal muscle. Therefore, we investigated the expression of these myomiRs, including miR-1, miR-133a, miR-133b and miR-206 in muscle biopsies from vastus...... lateralis of healthy young males (n = 10) in relation to a hyperinsulinaemic–euglycaemic clamp as well as acute endurance exercise before and after 12 weeks of endurance training. The subjects increased their endurance capacity, VO2max (l min-1) by 17.4% (P improved insulin sensitivity by 19......, but their role in regulating human skeletal muscle adaptation remains unknown....

  10. Lutas de representações sobre o desenvolvimento de uma prática: a educação física escolar brasileira em revista (1976-1979

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    Bruno Duarte Rei


    Full Text Available RESUMO: O artigo analisa as tensões, de 1976 a 1979, entre as concepções de educação física escolar expressas nas edições da Revista de Educação Física - publicação editada, desde 1932, pela Escola de Educação Física do Exército - e nos documentos oficiais referentes ao ensino desse componente curricular. Defende-se a hipótese de que, mais do que uma porta-voz do regime militar, a Revista de Educação Física tenha se caracterizado, potencialmente, como um elemento dificultador da implementação das estratégias oficiais de conformação da Educação Física escolar no Brasil (1976-1979. Demonstra-se que, ao pôr em circulação percepções alternativas sobre o componente curricular em destaque, esse impresso gerou, contraditoriamente, condições para que os profissionais da área pudessem se apropriar de fundamentos distintos dos contidos no modelo propagado pela ditadura militar por meio da "Política" e do "Plano Nacional de Educação Física e Desportos".

  11. Endurance test on IR rig for RI production

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chung, Heung June; Youn, Y. J.; Han, H. S.; Hong, S. B.; Cho, Y. G.; Ryu, J. S.


    This report presents the pressure drop, vibration and endurance test results for IR rig for RI production which were desigened and fabricated by KAERI. From the pressure drop test results, it is noted that the flow rate through the IR rig corresponding to the pressure drop of 200 kPa is measured to be about 3.12 kg/sec. Vibration frequency for the IR rig ranges from 13 to 17 Hz. RMS(Root Mean Square) displacement for the IR rig is less than 30 μm, and the maximum displacement is less than 110μm. These experimental results show that the design criteria of IR rig meet the HANARO limit conditions. Endurance test results show that the appreciable fretting wear for the IR rig does not occur, however tiny trace of wear between contact points is observed

  12. Survival of the Fittest: Why Terrorist Groups Endure

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    Joseph K. Young


    Full Text Available Why do terrorist groups endure? This question is relevant to scholars and policy makers alike. In the past, this issue was not been addressed in a systematic fashion. Recent work investigates this question using data on transnational groups and finds that factors associated with the home country can influence the duration the group endures. Applying the theory of outbidding to terrorist group survival, we argue that strategic competition among groups predicts group duration. Using the Global Terrorism Database, we develop a dataset using the terrorist group as the unit of analysis to model the duration of group activity and thus include the largest sample of groups yet. Controlling for previous explanations of both group duration and terrorism, we find a robust effect for the impact that group competition has on terrorist group survival.

  13. Efeito da alteração ambiental sobre componentes psicológicos e parâmetros fisiológicos durante corrida em atletas


    Rocha, Priscila Garcia Marques da; Lopes, José Luiz; Moraes, Solange Marta Franzói de


    Avaliou-se o efeito da alteração ambiental no afeto, percepção subjetiva do esforço e em parâmetros fisiológicos durante a corrida em atletas. Dezoito atletas de andebol atenderam a quatro sessões experimentais de corrida na esteira (linha de base, fragmentada, superestimada e indefinida) de 20 minutos. Foram avaliados: afeto, percepção subjetiva do esforço, frequência cardíaca e cortisol. Manipulou-se a informação sobre a duração da corrida. Verificou-se um aumento estatisticamente significa...

  14. Algo sobre ortografía de azoemia

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    Roberto Restrepo


    Full Text Available -Le faltó una h. Así exclamó un colega cuando en su presencia escribí azoemia y como nada cuesta dar la razón a los demás cuando otros están en su presencia (aunque luégo en privado se la quitemos, accedí a su corrección. Pero luégo, apartándome del corrillo, le pregunté: -¿ y por qué escribe usted azohemia? -Porque en su componente entra una palabra griega que significa sangre, que es la misma que entra en la voz hemorragia. -No colega -le contesté-o Esa creencia errada debe abandonarse. Aunque ciertamente la voz griega haima (sangre entra como componente en la voz azoemia, debe tenerse en cuenta que dicho componente no pide la h sino cuando es inicial, como hemorragia, hemofilia, hematemesis, etc., pero no en los demás casos. Así, usted escribe anemia, leucemia, toxemia, glicemia, etc.; y nadie ha tenido la ocurrencia de ponerles h. intermedia a estos vocablos. Pero si esta razón dejare alguna duda, téngase en cuenta que la e intermedia de azoemia no es la hai de hoima, sino la e de ázoe, y así tendremos que escribir azoe-mia, ya que a nadie se le ha ocurrido escribir aeohe para llamar al nitrógeno.

  15. Componentes fitoplanctónicos y zoobentónicos en el lago Zempoala, Morelos, México Componentes fitoplanctónicos y zoobentónicos en el lago Zempoala, Morelos, México

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    Migdalia Díaz Vargas


    Full Text Available   This paper describes an investigation of the density and distribution of phytoplankton and zoobenthic organisms carried out in the Zempoala Lake from 1998 to 1999. The data showed that the flora is made up of 29 species, distributed in eight categories. Of these the category of Bacillariophyceae showed the highest density and was also dominant in time and space as well. With regards to phytoplankton, the highest densities were found during spring, and according to the distribution of species, a seasonal succession was observed. With regards to benthic organisms, results showed that the abundance of these organisms during Fall and Winter was higher than during Spring and Summer, with a peak abundance of 10,612 org/m2, Oligoquetos were dominant along the coastline during almost all the year, while cladoceros were dominant in the deeper water, through the largest part of the time that sampling took place. The largest number of organism were found at sampling points seven and eight.  El presente trabajo se llevó a cabo en el Lago Zempoala durante el periodo 1998-1999, efectuándose un estudio sobre la densidad y la distribución de los componentes fitoplanctónicos y zoobentónicos de este lago. Los datos muestran que la flora está integrada por 29 especies, incluidas en 8 clases, de éstas, la clase Bacillariophyceae presentó las densidades más altas y dominó en cuanto a su presencia en el espacio y tiempo. Las densidades mayores del fitoplancton se registraron durante la primavera, de acuerdo a la distribución de las especies se observó una sucesión estacional. Con respecto a los organismos bénticos, los resultados indicaron que durante el período otoño-invierno la abundancia fue mayor que en la época primavera-verano, registrándose una abundancia total de 10,612 org/m2, dominando los oligoquetos en la zona litoral durante casi todos los meses de muestreo y los cladóceros en la zona profunda. Respecto a las zonas de colecta las

  16. Acute short-term dim light exposure can lower muscle strength endurance


    Arnold G. Nelson; Joke Kokkonen; Megan Mickenberg


    Background: Since it has been shown that spending 18 h under dim light conditions can result in reduced handgrip endurance, it was questioned whether or not a shorter exposure to dim light (i.e., 1 h) would have similar influence upon muscular endurance. Therefore this study compared the number of weighted knee extension lifts that could be done after spending 1 h in either dim or bright light. Methods: Participants (5 women, 11 men, college students 19–26 years) performed knee extension l...

  17. High-intensity endurance training increases nocturnal heart rate variability in sedentary participants

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    A Nummela


    Full Text Available The effects of endurance training on endurance performance characteristics and cardiac autonomic modulation during night sleep were investigated during two 4-week training periods. After the first 4-week training period (3 x 40 min per week, at 75% of HRR the subjects were divided into HIGH group (n = 7, who performed three high-intensity endurance training sessions per week; and CONTROL group (n = 8 who did not change their training. An incremental treadmill test was performed before and after the two 4-weektraining periods. Furthermore, nocturnal RR-intervals were recorded after each training day. In the second 4-weektraining period HIGH group increased their V0Zmax (P = 0.005 more than CONTROL group. At the same time, nocturnal HR decreased (P = 0.039 and high-frequency power (HFP increased (P = 0.003 in HIGH group while no changes were observed in CONTROL group. Furthermore, a correlation was observed between the changes in nocturnal HFP and changes in V0Zmax during the second 4-week training period (r = 0.90, P < 0.001. The present study showed that the increased HFP is related to improved VO2max in sedentary subjects suggesting that nocturnal HFP can provide a useful method in monitoring individual responses to endurance training.

  18. Appetite regulation in overweight, sedentary men after different amounts of endurance exercise

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Mads Rosenkilde; Reichkendler, Michala Holm; Auerbach, Pernille


    Weight loss induced by endurance exercise is often disappointing, possibly due to an increase in energy intake mediated through greater appetite. The aim of this study was to evaluate fasting, postprandial, and postexercise appetite regulation after an intervention prescribing two amounts...... of endurance exercise. Sixty-four sedentary, overweight, healthy young men were randomized to control (CON), moderate-dose (MOD: ≈ 30 min/day), or high-dose (HIGH: ≈ 60 min/day) endurance exercise for 12 wk. Along with subjective appetite ratings, plasma ghrelin, glucagon, insulin, peptide YY3-36, glucose...... similar amounts of fat mass (MOD: 4.2 ± 0.5 kg; HIGH: 3.7 ± 0.5 kg). Fasting and postprandial insulin decreased ≈ 20% in both exercise groups (P Appetite measurements were not upregulated in the fasting and postprandial states. On the contrary, fasting and postprandial ratings of fullness...

  19. Hybrid Control of Long-Endurance Aerial Robotic Vehicles for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Deok-Jin Lee


    Full Text Available This paper presents an effective hybrid control approach for building stable wireless sensor networks between heterogeneous unmanned vehicles using long‐ endurance aerial robotic vehicles. For optimal deployment of the aerial vehicles in communication networks, a gradient climbing based self‐estimating control algorithm is utilized to locate the aerial platforms to maintain maximum communication throughputs between distributed multiple nodes. The autonomous aerial robots, which function as communication relay nodes, extract and harvest thermal energy from the atmospheric environment to improve their flight endurance within specified communication coverage areas. The rapidly‐deployable sensor networks with the high‐endurance aerial vehicles can be used for various application areas including environment monitoring, surveillance, tracking, and decision‐making support. Flight test and simulation studies are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed hybrid control technique for robust communication networks.

  20. Neuromuscular function and fatigue resistance of the plantar flexors following short-term cycling endurance training

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    Martin eBehrens


    Full Text Available Previously published studies on the effect of short-term endurance training on the neuromuscular function of the plantar flexors have shown that the H-reflex elicited at rest and during weak voluntary contractions was increased following the training regime. However, these studies did not test H-reflex modulation during isometric maximum voluntary contraction (iMVC and did not incorporate a control group in their study design to compare the results of the endurance training group to individuals without the endurance training stimulus. Therefore, this randomized controlled study was directed to investigate the neuromuscular function of the plantar flexors at rest and during iMVC before and after eight weeks of cycling endurance training. Twenty-two young adults were randomly assigned to an intervention group and a control group. During neuromuscular testing, rate of torque development, isometric maximum voluntary torque and muscle activation were measured. Triceps surae muscle activation and tibialis anterior muscle co-activation were assessed by normalized root mean square of the EMG signal during the initial phase of contraction (0-100, 100-200 ms and isometric maximum voluntary contraction of the plantar flexors. Furthermore, evoked spinal reflex responses of the soleus muscle (H-reflex evoked at rest and during iMVC, V-wave, peak twitch torques induced by electrical stimulation of the posterior tibial nerve at rest and fatigue resistance were evaluated. The results indicate that the endurance training did not lead to a significant change in any variable of interest. Data of the present study conflict with the outcome of previously published studies that have found an increase in H-reflex excitability after endurance training. However, these studies had not included a control group in their study design as was the case here. It is concluded that short-term cycling endurance training does not necessarily enhance H-reflex responses and fatigue

  1. Venous hemogasometry of equines finalists in 90 km endurance races

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    Cinthia B.S. Dumont


    Full Text Available Front of exercise, the organic systems may suffer water-electrolyte and acid-base imbalances, particularly in the case of blood gases, demonstrating variations from different causes, whether respiratory and/or metabolic. Understanding the physiological adaptations to exercise is essential in the search for the optimum performance. In this way, this study measured the venous blood gases (pO2, pCO2, as well as the oxygen saturation (SatO2 in healthy equines, Arabian horses finalists in 90km endurance races. A total of fourteen Arabian horses were evaluated, nine males and five females, between six and 12 years old, finalists in 90km endurance races. There was a significant reduction in pO2, pCO2 and SatO2 after the exercise, however, the values remained within the normality range, and did not change the athletic performance of the animals, indicating a temporary alteration, assuming thus a character of physiological response to the exercise performed. The equines, finalists in 90 Km endurance races, demonstrated efficient ventilatory process, without any alterations in the athletic performance, being adapted to the type of exercise imposed.

  2. Relevancia valorativa del resultado global y sus componentes frente al resultado neto

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    Núria Arimany Serrat


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tiene como objeto verificar si el resultado global presenta mayor relevancia valorativa respecto al resultado tradicional, y si es así cuáles son los componentes del resultado global que explican las diferencias. El estudio muestra que el resultado global es una variable relevante tanto para explicar el valor intrínseco de la empresa como para explicar su rentabilidad. Sin embargo, sólo al explicar la rentabilidad el resultado global y su incremento aumentan la relevancia valorativa del resultado neto y su incremento. De los componentes analizados del resultado global, tan sólo los resultados por diferencias de conversión de la moneda extranjera a la moneda de presentación añaden poder explicativo adicional al del resultado neto, aunque sólo en los modelos de rentabilidad. Ni los resultados por valoración de instrumentos financieros a valor razonable con cambios en patrimonio ni los resultados por coberturas de flujos de efectivo aportan un mayor poder explicativo al del resultado neto.This study analyses if comprehensive income is more value relevant than the net income and, if that is the case, what are the elements of the comprehensive income explaining the difference. Our study shows that comprehensive income is a relevant variable both to explain the value of the company and also to explain its return. However, comprehensive income and its variation show to be more relevant than the net income and its variation only when explaining return. As for the components of the comprehensive income, foreign currency adjustments increase usefulness in the return models but cash flow hedges and adjustments due to fair value valuation do not add value relevance to the net income.

  3. Physiological benefits of a prolonged moderate intensity endurance ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objectives. To assess the physiological changes that take place in patients with coronary artery disease after 6 and 18 months of moderate-intensity endurance training. Design. Prospective non-randomised controlled study. Setting. Joharmesburg Cardiac Rehabilitation Centre, a community-based phase ill cardiac ...

  4. Endurance test for IR rig for RI production assembly (test procedure)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chung, Heung June; Ryu, Jeong Soo


    This test procedure details the test loop, test method, and test procedure for pressure drop, vibration and endurance test of IR Rig for RI production. From the pressure drop test, the hydraulic design requirements of the capsule are verified. HANARO limit condition is checked and the compatibility with HANARO core is verified. From flow induced vibration test vibration frequency and displacement are investigated. The wear of IR Rig is investigated through endurance test, and these data are used to evaluate the expected wear at maximum resident time of the IR Rig for RI production

  5. Back end of an enduring fuel cycle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pillay, K.K.S.


    An enduring nuclear fuel cycle is an essential part of sustainable consumption, the process whereby world's riches are consumed in a responsible manner so that future generations can continue to enjoy at least some of them. In many countries, the goal of sustainable development has focused attention on the benefits of nuclear technologies. However, sustenance of the nuclear fuel cycle is dependent on sensible management of all the resources of the fuel cycle, including energy, spent fuels, and all of its side streams. The nuclear fuel cycle for energy production has suffered many traumas since the mid seventies. The common basis of technologies producing nuclear explosives and consumable nuclear energy has been a preoccupation for some, predicament for others, and a perception problem for many. It is essential to reestablish a reliable back end of the nuclear fuel cycle that can sustain the resource requirements of an enduring full cycle. This paper identifies some pragmatic steps necessary to reverse the trend and to maintain a necessary fuel cycle option for the future

  6. Reflexiones sobre los sistemas silvopastoriles

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    R. O Russo

    Full Text Available El objetivo de este análisis es reflexionar acerca de modelos integrados de producción ganadera familiar y extensiva, más estables y sustentables, en los que se integre el componente leñoso, que contribuye a la reducción de gases con efecto invernadero y favorece la mitigación del cambio climático. Para ello se hizo una revisión de conceptos referentes a la integración de la actividad forestal en la ganadería, como alternativa viable de sistema de producción. Se parte del criterio de que los sistemas silvopastoriles (SSP, dentro de los agroforestales, son agroecosistemas en los que se asocia un componente arbóreo con uno herbáceo (pasturas naturales o mejoradas y otro pecuario (ganado en un mismo sitio, donde existen interacciones biológicas entre estos y se maximiza el uso de la tierra. También se describe cómo se agrupan los SSP; sus oportunidades desde los puntos de vista económico, productivo, social y ambiental; y los efectos de la interacción entre sus componentes. Este análisis permite plantear que los SSP son producto de la relación entre la biología, la sociedad y la cultura, y en ellos existe una enorme diversidad; asimismo, permiten la reconversión de la ganadería extensiva de muy baja productividad en sistemas más productivos y sostenibles en el tiempo, así como la rehabilitación de las áreas degradadas por ese tipo de ganadería, por la deforestación y por el agotamiento de los suelos.


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    Mustafa Atalay


    Full Text Available Regular physical exercise beneficially influences cardiac antioxidant defenses in normal rats. The aim of this study was to test whether endurance training can strengthen glutathione-dependent antioxidant defense mechanism and decrease lipid peroxidation in heart of the streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Redox status of glutathione in blood of diabetic rats in response to training and acute exercise was also examined. Eight weeks of treadmill training increased the endurance in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. It did not affect glutathione level in heart tissue at rest and also after exercise. On the other hand, endurance training decreased glutathione peroxidase activity in heart, while glutathione reductase and glutathione S-transferase activities were not affected either by acute exhaustive exercise or endurance training. Reduced and oxidized glutathione levels in blood were not affected by either training or acute exercise. Conjugated dienes levels in heart tissue were increased by acute exhaustive exercise and also 8 weeks treadmill training. Longer duration of exhaustion in trained group may have contributed to the increased conjugated dienes levels in heart after acute exercise. Our results suggest that endurance type exercise may make heart more susceptible to oxidative stress. Therefore it may be wise to combine aerobic exercise with insulin treatment to prevent its adverse effects on antioxidant defense in heart in patients with diabetes mellitus

  8. Reassessing the structure of enduring leisure involvement (United States)

    Jinhee Jun; Gerard T. Kyle; Symeon P. Vlachopoulos; Nicholas D. Theodorakis; James D. Absher; William E. Hammitt


    Using data collected from U.S. and Greek respondents, we tested an alternate conceptualization of enduring leisure involvement where identity was considered a key driver of other affective and conative outcomes. Rather than existing on the same temporal plane, as has been the tradition in the leisure literature, we observed that identity was an antecedent of the other...

  9. Endurance performance and nocturnal HRV indices. (United States)

    Nummela, A; Hynynen, E; Kaikkonen, P; Rusko, H


    The effects of endurance training on endurance performance characteristics and cardiac autonomic modulation during night sleep were investigated. Twenty-four sedentary subjects trained over four weeks two hours per week at an average running intensity of 76+/-4% of their heart rate reserve. The R to R ECG-intervals were recorded and heart rate variability indices including high frequency power (HFP) were calculated for the nights following the training days every week. The subjects were divided into responders and non-responders according to the improvements in the maximal velocity of the incremental treadmill test (v(max)). The responders improved their v(max) by 10.9+/-46 % (p < 0.001) while no changes were observed in the non-responders (1.6+/-3.0%), although there were no differences in any training load variables between the groups. In the responders nocturnal HFP was significantly higher during the fourth training week compared to the first training week (p=0.036). Furthermore, a significant correlation was observed between the change in v(max) and the change in nocturnal HFP (r=0.482, p=0.042). It was concluded that after similar training, an increase in cardiac vagal modulation was related to improved v(max) in the sedentary subjects. Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart.New York.

  10. Do Running Kinematic Characteristics Change over a Typical HIIT for Endurance Runners? (United States)

    García-Pinillos, Felipe; Soto-Hermoso, Víctor M; Latorre-Román, Pedro Á


    García-Pinillos, F, Soto-Hermoso, VM, and Latorre-Román, PÁ. Do running kinematic characteristics change over a typical HIIT for endurance runners?. J Strength Cond Res 30(10): 2907-2917, 2016-The purpose of this study was to describe kinematic changes that occur during a common high-intensity intermittent training (HIIT) session for endurance runners. Twenty-eight male endurance runners participated in this study. A high-speed camera was used to measure sagittal-plane kinematics at the first and the last run during a HIIT (4 × 3 × 400 m). The dependent variables were spatial-temporal variables, joint angles during support and swing, and foot strike pattern. Physiological variables, rate of perceived exertion, and athletic performance were also recorded. No significant changes (p ≥ 0.05) in kinematic variables were found during the HIIT session. Two cluster analyses were performed, according to the average running pace-faster vs. slower, and according to exhaustion level reached-exhausted group vs. nonexhausted group (NEG). At first run, no significant differences were found between groups. As for the changes induced by the running protocol, significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) were found between faster and slower athletes at toe-off in θhip and θknee, whereas some changes were found in NEG in θhip during toe-off (+4.3°) and θknee at toe-off (-5.2°) during swing. The results show that a common HIIT session for endurance runners did not consistently or substantially perturb the running kinematics of trained male runners. Additionally, although some differences between groups have been found, neither athletic performance nor exhaustion level reached seems to be determinant in the kinematic response during a HIIT, at least for this group of moderately trained endurance runners.

  11. Electrocardiographic patterns in African University strength and endurance athletes of Zulu descent. (United States)

    Grace, J; Duvenage, E; Jordaan, J P


    There is concern over the effect of training on heart function of athletes as recorded by 12-lead electrocardiography (ECG). Although ECG abnormalities with respect to ethnic origin of black athletes from the Caribbean, West Africa and East Africa have been reported, black athletes from southern Africa, specifically participating in different sports, have never been investigated before. The purpose of this study was to analyze the ECG patterns in South African students of Zulu descent, who represented our university in boxing (endurance modality) and body building (resistance modality) at a regional level. Fifteen subjects each were assigned to an endurance (E), resistance (R) or control (C) group, respectively. ECG patterns were recorded with a 12-lead ECG. Our subjects indicated no significant differences in ECG patterns in relation to whether they participate in strength or endurance related sport. However, 80% of the endurance group and 67% of the resistance displayed ECG criteria indicative of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), group E displays higher R5/S1-wave voltages (E=43.3 mm; R=36.8 mm; C=37.1 mm) as well distinctly abnormal ECG patterns (E=87%; R=73%; C=53%), raising clinical suspicion of structural heart disease. Our cohort presented with non-significant, marked ST-segment elevation (53% of both the E and R groups) and inverted T-waves in 27% of the E group. Similar to findings in other ethnic Africans, a large proportion of our Zulu study population displayed ECG criteria indicative of LVH on the evidence of a marked increase of R5/S1-wave voltage and ST/T-segment changes with no differences in relation to whether they participate in strength or endurance related sport.

  12. Increase in swimming endurance capacity of mice by capsaicin-induced adrenal catecholamine secretion. (United States)

    Kim, K M; Kawada, T; Ishihara, K; Inoue, K; Fushiki, T


    Increase in endurance swimming capacity caused by capsaicin (CAP), a pungent component of red pepper, -induced increase of fat metabolism in mice was investigated using an adjustable-current water pool. The mice administered CAP via a stomach tube, showed longer swimming time until exhaustion than the control group of mice, in a dose-dependent manner. The maximal effect was observed at a dose of 10 mg/kg while more than 15 mg/kg had no effect. The increase of endurance was observed only when CAP was administered two hours before swimming. After the administration of CAP, the serum glucose concentration rapidly increased and then decreased within 60 min, while the concentration of serum-free fatty acids gradually increased through 3 hours. The residual glycogen concentration of the gastrocnemius muscle after 30 min of swimming was significantly higher in the CAP-administered mice than in control mice, suggesting that use of the serum free fatty acids spared muscle glycogen consumption. The serum adrenaline concentration significantly increased with twin peaks at 30 min and two hours after administration of CAP. An experiment using adrenalectomized mice was done to confirm that the effect of CAP is due to increased energy metabolism through the secretion of adrenaline from the adrenal gland. The swimming endurance capacity of the adrenalectomized mice was not increased by CAP administration, although adrenaline injection induced a 58% increase in the endurance time. These results suggest that the increase of swimming endurance induced by CAP in mice is caused by an increase in fatty acid utilization due to CAP-induced adrenal catecholamine secretion.

  13. Effects of Heavy Strength Training on Running Performance and Determinants of Running Performance in Female Endurance Athletes (United States)

    Vikmoen, Olav; Raastad, Truls; Seynnes, Olivier; Bergstrøm, Kristoffer; Ellefsen, Stian; Rønnestad, Bent R.


    Purpose The purpose of the current study was to investigate the effects of adding strength training to normal endurance training on running performance and running economy in well-trained female athletes. We hypothesized that the added strength training would improve performance and running economy through altered stiffness of the muscle-tendon complex of leg extensors. Methods Nineteen female endurance athletes [maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max): 53±3 ml∙kg-1∙min-1, 5.8 h weekly endurance training] were randomly assigned to either normal endurance training (E, n = 8) or normal endurance training combined with strength training (E+S, n = 11). The strength training consisted of four leg exercises [3 x 4–10 repetition maximum (RM)], twice a week for 11 weeks. Muscle strength, 40 min all-out running distance, running performance determinants and patellar tendon stiffness were measured before and after the intervention. Results E+S increased 1RM in leg exercises (40 ± 15%) and maximal jumping height in counter movement jump (6 ± 6%) and squat jump (9 ± 7%, p running economy, fractional utilization of VO2max or VO2max. There were also no change in running distance during a 40 min all-out running test in neither of the groups. Conclusion Adding heavy strength training to endurance training did not affect 40 min all-out running performance or running economy compared to endurance training only. PMID:26953893


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    Marta Quaglino


    Full Text Available Los estudios de repetibilidad y reproducibilidad fueron diseñados con el propósito de analizar la bondad de los sistemas de medición, análisis cuya importancia radica en el hecho que un sistema inadecuado introducirá variabilidad adicional ocasionando que las mediciones no reflejen el verdadero comportamiento del proceso. El análisis se basa en la cuantificación de la variabilidad asociada al sistema de medición y su posterior comparación con la variabilidad total observada, siendo requerimiento fundamental para ello que resulte factible obtener mediciones repetidas de una misma unidad bajo las mismas condiciones experimentales, de lo contrario, la variabilidad en las mediciones estará confundida con la variabilidad propia de las partes medidas. Tal es el caso en que los ensayos de medición son “destructivos”, esto es, las unidades no son robustas frente al proceso de medición, o bien, las unidades no son temporalmente estables.En este trabajo se exponen diversas alternativas para el caso de estudios R&R con ensayos destructivos y una aplicación particular en un problema real sobre estimación de tiempos de producción en una empresa metalúrgica. El empleo de Modelos Lineales Generalizados permitió obtener estimaciones adecuadas de ciertas Componentes de Variancia, que advirtieron sobre características importantes a mejorar en el proceso de medición.

  15. Estudo de crianças na reprodução dos componentes gráficos da escrita

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    Liana Gonçalves Pontes Sodré

    Full Text Available Trata-se de um estudo do desenvolvimento motor, no domínio da reprodução dos 16 componentes gráficos responsáveis pela grafia da escrita manuscrita do mundo ocidental. Para tanto, foram observados e registrados os desempenhos de 256 crianças, de ambos os sexos, de dois níveis socioeconômicos (nse, de 3 anos e meio a 7 anos. Elas foram distribuídas em 8 faixas etárias, em intervalos de seis meses, de modo que, em cada faixa etária, ficasse assegurado o mesmo número de meninas e meninos, dos dois nse estudados (médio-alto e baixo. Os resultados indicam que a reprodução da forma dos componentes gráficos é possível desde os 3 anos e meio, porém, a precisão e a firmeza parecem depender de mais exercícios com instrumentos gráficos, como o lápis. Sugestões são feitas para, em estudos posteriores, avaliar melhor a influência da prática no domínio destas habilidades.

  16. The training intensity distribution among well-trained and elite endurance athletes (United States)

    Stöggl, Thomas L.; Sperlich, Billy


    Researchers have retrospectively analyzed the training intensity distribution (TID) of nationally and internationally competitive athletes in different endurance disciplines to determine the optimal volume and intensity for maximal adaptation. The majority of studies present a “pyramidal” TID with a high proportion of high volume, low intensity training (HVLIT). Some world-class athletes appear to adopt a so-called “polarized” TID (i.e., significant % of HVLIT and high-intensity training) during certain phases of the season. However, emerging prospective randomized controlled studies have demonstrated superior responses of variables related to endurance when applying a polarized TID in well-trained and recreational individuals when compared with a TID that emphasizes HVLIT or threshold training. The aims of the present review are to: (1) summarize the main responses of retrospective and prospective studies exploring TID; (2) provide a systematic overview on TIDs during preparation, pre-competition, and competition phases in different endurance disciplines and performance levels; (3) address whether one TID has demonstrated greater efficacy than another; and (4) highlight research gaps in an effort to direct future scientific studies. PMID:26578968

  17. U.S. Coast Guard Guide for the Management of Crew Endurance Risk Factors - Version 1.0

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Comperatore, Carlos


    .... This Guide will show you how to identify and manage crew endurance risk factors. The step-by-step process will guide you in selecting and implementing the controls necessary to improve crew endurance...

  18. Acute and Post-Exercise Physiological Responses to High-Intensity Interval Training in Endurance and Sprint Athletes. (United States)

    Cipryan, Lukas; Tschakert, Gerhard; Hofmann, Peter


    The purpose of the presented study was to compare acute and post-exercise differences in cardiorespiratory, metabolic, cardiac autonomic, inflammatory and muscle damage responses to high-intensity interval exercise (HIIT) between endurance and sprint athletes. The study group consisted of sixteen highly-trained males (age 22.1 ± 2.5 years) participating in endurance (n = 8) or sprint (n = 8) sporting events. All the participants underwent three exercise sessions: short HIIT (work interval duration 30s), long HIIT (3min) and constant load exercise (CE). The exercise interventions were matched for mean power, total time and in case of HIIT interventions also for work-to-relief ratio. The acute cardiorespiratory (HR, V̇ O 2 , RER) and metabolic (lactate) variables as well as the post-exercise changes (up to 3 h) in the heart rate variability, inflammation (interleukin-6, leucocytes) and muscle damage (creatine kinase, myoglobin) were monitored. Endurance athletes performed exercise interventions with moderately (CE) or largely (both HIIT modes) higher mean V̇ O 2 . These differences were trivial/small when V̇ O 2 was expressed as a percentage of V̇ O 2max . Moderately to largely lower RER and lactate values were found in endurance athletes. Markers of cardiac autonomic regulation, inflammation and muscle damage did not reveal any considerable differences between endurance and sprint athletes. In conclusions, endurance athletes were able to perform both HIIT formats with increased reliance on aerobic metabolic pathways although exercise intensity was identical in relative terms for all the participants. However, other markers of the acute and early post-exercise physiological response to these HIIT interventions indicated similarities between endurance and sprint athletes.

  19. Acute and Post-Exercise Physiological Responses to High-Intensity Interval Training in Endurance and Sprint Athletes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lukas Cipryan, Gerhard Tschakert, Peter Hofmann


    Full Text Available The purpose of the presented study was to compare acute and post-exercise differences in cardiorespiratory, metabolic, cardiac autonomic, inflammatory and muscle damage responses to high-intensity interval exercise (HIIT between endurance and sprint athletes. The study group consisted of sixteen highly-trained males (age 22.1 ± 2.5 years participating in endurance (n = 8 or sprint (n = 8 sporting events. All the participants underwent three exercise sessions: short HIIT (work interval duration 30s, long HIIT (3min and constant load exercise (CE. The exercise interventions were matched for mean power, total time and in case of HIIT interventions also for work-to-relief ratio. The acute cardiorespiratory (HR, V̇O2, RER and metabolic (lactate variables as well as the post-exercise changes (up to 3 h in the heart rate variability, inflammation (interleukin-6, leucocytes and muscle damage (creatine kinase, myoglobin were monitored. Endurance athletes performed exercise interventions with moderately (CE or largely (both HIIT modes higher mean V̇O2. These differences were trivial/small when V̇O2 was expressed as a percentage of V̇O2max. Moderately to largely lower RER and lactate values were found in endurance athletes. Markers of cardiac autonomic regulation, inflammation and muscle damage did not reveal any considerable differences between endurance and sprint athletes. In conclusions, endurance athletes were able to perform both HIIT formats with increased reliance on aerobic metabolic pathways although exercise intensity was identical in relative terms for all the participants. However, other markers of the acute and early post-exercise physiological response to these HIIT interventions indicated similarities between endurance and sprint athletes.

  20. The sit up test to exhaustion as a test for muscular endurance evaluation. (United States)

    Bianco, Antonino; Lupo, Corrado; Alesi, Marianna; Spina, Serena; Raccuglia, Margherita; Thomas, Ewan; Paoli, Antonio; Palma, Antonio


    The aim of this study was to examine the sit up test to exhaustion as a field test for muscular endurance evaluation in a sample of sedentary people of both sexes. A cross-sectional study was performed. Three-hundred-eighty-one participants volunteered for the study (28.5 ± 10.0 years; 168.2 ± 8.9 cm; 65.1 ± 11.1 kg), of which 194 males (27.5 ± 10.2 years; 173.6 ± 7.0 cm; 71.2 ± 5.2 kg) and 187 females (29.6 ± 10.1 years; 162.6 ± 7.1 cm; 58.7 ± 8.9 kg). Each subject voluntarily and randomly performed: a sit up test (SUT), a push up test (PUT), and a free weight squat test (ST), all till exhaustion. A multiple regression analysis was adopted for data analysis. Subsequently a percentile model for muscle endurance was developed. The 25th, 50th, and 75th percentile were identified as upper limit for low muscular endurance, average muscular endurance, and lower limit for high muscular endurance, respectively. Considering the sit up test as the dependent variable, the coefficients (R(2) = 0.23; r = 0.49; p squat test, respectively. Gender stratification showed regression coefficients of (R(2) = 0.19; r = 0.44; p < 0.001) for SUT vs. PUT, and (R(2) = 0.30; r = 0.56; p < 0.001) for SUT vs. ST in male; and (R(2) = 0.23; r = 0.49; p < 0.001) for SUT vs. PUT, and (R(2) = 0.34; r = 0.59; p < 0.001) for SUT vs. ST in female. The SUT showed low inter-relation with the other proposed tests indicating that the adoption of a single test for the global evaluation of muscle endurance is not the optimal approach. Moreover, the SUT was found to be inexpensive, safe, and appropriate for core muscle endurance measurement for both male and female.

  1. Sport-specific endurance plank test for evaluation of global core muscle function. (United States)

    Tong, Tom K; Wu, Shing; Nie, Jinlei


    To examine the validity and reliability of a sports-specific endurance plank test for the evaluation of global core muscle function. Repeated-measures study. Laboratory environment. Twenty-eight male and eight female young athletes. Surface electromyography (sEMG) of selected trunk flexors and extensors, and an intervention of pre-fatigue core workout were applied for test validation. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), coefficient of variation (CV), and the measurement bias ratio */÷ ratio limits of agreement (LOA) were calculated to assess reliability and measurement error. Test validity was shown by the sEMG of selected core muscles, which indicated >50% increase in muscle activation during the test; and the definite discrimination of the ∼30% reduction in global core muscle endurance subsequent to a pre-fatigue core workout. For test-retest reliability, when the first attempt of three repeated trials was considered as familiarisation, the ICC was 0.99 (95% CI: 0.98-0.99), CV was 2.0 ± 1.56% and the measurement bias ratio */÷ ratio LOA was 0.99 */÷ 1.07. The findings suggest that the sport-specific endurance plank test is a valid, reliable and practical method for assessing global core muscle endurance in athletes given that at least one familiarisation trial takes place prior to measurement. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. [Comparison of cardiopulmonary endurance and muscular fitness in teenagers between Hong Kong and inland cities]. (United States)

    Hong, Y; Chan, K; Wang, Y


    A study on the data of the physique investigated in teenagers was carried out between Hong Kong and inland cities to compare their cardiopulmonary endurance and muscular fitness. Results revealed that cardiopulmonary endurance in school teenagers of both sex at different ages in inland cities was better than that in Hong Kong. Muscular strength and endurance of sports performance of teenagers, except for standing long jump, in Hong Kong were weaker than that in inland cities. It suggests that attention should be paid to the involvement of teenagers in physical education with the increase of people's living standard.

  3. Endurance- and Resistance-Trained Men Exhibit Lower Cardiovascular Responses to Psychosocial Stress Than Untrained Men. (United States)

    Gröpel, Peter; Urner, Maren; Pruessner, Jens C; Quirin, Markus


    Evidence shows that regular physical exercise reduces physiological reactivity to psychosocial stress. However, previous research mainly focused on the effect of endurance exercise, with only a few studies looking at the effect of resistance exercise. The current study tested whether individuals who regularly participate in either endurance or resistance training differ from untrained individuals in adrenal and cardiovascular reactivity to psychosocial stress. Twelve endurance-trained men, 10 resistance-trained men, and 12 healthy but untrained men were exposed to a standardized psychosocial stressor, the Trier Social Stress Test. Measurements of heart rate, free salivary cortisol levels, and mood were obtained throughout the test and compared among the three groups. Overall, both endurance- and resistance-trained men had lower heart rate levels than untrained men, indicating higher cardiac performance of the trained groups. Trained men also exhibited lower heart rate responses to psychosocial stress compared with untrained men. There were no significant group differences in either cortisol responses or mood responses to the stressor. The heart rate results are consistent with previous studies indicating reduced cardiovascular reactivity to psychosocial stress in trained individuals. These findings suggest that long-term endurance and resistance trainings may be related to the same cardiovascular benefits, without exhibiting strong effects on the cortisol reactivity to stress.


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    Dr Dragan Martinović


    Full Text Available At the sample of 80 handball cadet contestants aged between 16-17, there has been done an endurance testing in the discipline of running on a track of total of 12 and 6 minutes. The endurance was estimated in meters of the distance run. The aim of this task was to determine coorelation of the results in running on 12 and 6 minutes. The outcome is a total coorelation between the two. Running of the du- ration of 6 minutes is recommended for the trainer`s practice. Testing is more rational. With the application of the regressive analyses it has been determined that there is depenndance between running time and variables: weight, height and BMI

  5. A power recirculating test rig for ball screw endurance tests

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    Giberti Hermes


    Full Text Available A conceptual design of an innovative test rig for endurance tests of ball screws is presented in this paper. The test rig layout is based on the power recirculating principle and it also allows to overtake the main critical issues of the ball screw endurance tests. Among these there are the high power required to make the test, the lengthy duration of the same and the high loads between the screw and the frame that holds it. The article describes the test rig designed scheme, the kinematic expedients to be adopted in order to obtain the required performance and functionality and the sizing procedure to choose the actuation system.


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    Gustavo Adolfo García Arango


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta un trabajo de revisión jurídica sobre la normatividad relacionada con la exportación de órganos y tejidos humanos en varios países latinoamericanos, en tres bloques complementarios: primero, se hace un estudio general de algunos aspectos de la industria del trasplante de órganos; segundo, se realiza un comentario sobre la visión antropológica del comercio del cuerpo humano; y tercero, se exponen los resultados del rastreo jurídico a México, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Colombia, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Perú y Argentina respecto al tema en análisis.

  7. Defense Forensics: Additional Planning and Oversight Needed to Establish an Enduring Expeditionary Forensic Capability (United States)


    forensic pathology, forensic anthropology, and forensic toxicology . 13DOD’s forensic directive defines DOD components as the Office of the...DEFENSE FORENSICS Additional Planning and Oversight Needed to Establish an Enduring Expeditionary Forensic ...COVERED 00-00-2013 to 00-00-2013 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Defense Forensics : Additional Planning and Oversight Needed to Establish an Enduring

  8. Muscle Glycogen Content Modifies SR Ca2 + Release Rate in Elite Endurance Athletes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gejl, Kasper Degn; Hvid, Lars G; Frandsen, Ulrik


    The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of muscle glycogen content on sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) function and peak power output (Wpeak) in elite endurance athletes.......The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of muscle glycogen content on sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) function and peak power output (Wpeak) in elite endurance athletes....

  9. Percepciones de altos directivos universitarios españoles sobre sus necesidades formativas en competencias directivas

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    Fernando Casani


    Full Text Available Las épocas dominadas por profundos cambios resultan ideales para poner a prueba los conocimientos convencionales. Por ejemplo, en la educación superior las prescripciones simplistas para lograr la excelencia en el liderazgo ya no sirven, y los líderes deben disponer de una nueva cartera de competencias. Con el objetivo de comprender mejor las percepciones que directivos de universidades españolas tienen sobre las principales competencias necesarias en su trabajo, se plantea recoger información mediante cuestionarios a dichos directivos para efectuar un análisis factorial exploratorio con estudio de componentes principales. Como resultado esencial se identifican las seis competencias que actualmente registran una mayor relevancia para la dirección universitaria en España: transformación organizativa, liderazgo firme, gestión de los recursos humanos, resultados persistentes en las personas, reflexión teórica previa a la acción y gestión del cambio. Por tanto, tales competencias podrían ser el objetivo de los programas formativos específicos orientados a esos profesionales.

  10. Testing the efficacy of existing force-endurance models to account for the prevalence of obesity in the workforce. (United States)

    Pajoutan, Mojdeh; Cavuoto, Lora A; Mehta, Ranjana K


    This study evaluates whether the existing force-endurance relationship models are predictive of endurance time for overweight and obese individuals, and if not, provide revised models that can be applied for ergonomics practice. Data was collected from 141 participants (49 normal weight, 50 overweight, 42 obese) who each performed isometric endurance tasks of hand grip, shoulder flexion, and trunk extension at four levels of relative workload. Subject-specific fatigue rates and a general model of the force-endurance relationship were determined and compared to two fatigue models from the literature. There was a lack of fit between previous models and the current data for the grip (ICC = 0.8), with a shift toward lower endurance times for the new data. Application of the revised models can facilitate improved workplace design and job evaluation to accommodate the capacities of the current workforce.

  11. Debates: sobre el rol de la escuela y de los educadores de adultos en las cárceles

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    Francisco José Scarfó

    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Cuando se realiza una caracterización mínima del ejercicio del rol docente en la educación pública en las cárceles, importa basarse en el rol profesional pedagógico emergente y en particular sobre la adaptabilidad y/o contextualidad de la educación en tanto derecho humano que constituye la clave para pensar a la formación y la selección de los/as educadores en una articulación de una serie de componentes fundamentales, destacando dos de éstos: las condiciones de su apropiación desde la perspectiva de quien aprende (en nuestro caso jóvenes o adultos privados de su libertad y las características de las situaciones específicas en que tendrá lugar la enseñanza, en función de los contextos concretos de actuación (o sea en la cárcel.

  12. Effect of additional speed endurance training on performance and muscle adaptations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gunnarsson, Thomas; Christensen, Peter Møller; Holse, Kris


    PURPOSE: The present study examined the effect of additional speed-endurance training during the season on muscle adaptations and performance of trained soccer players. METHODS: Eighteen sub-elite soccer players performed one session with 6-9 30-s intervals at an intensity of 90-95 % ofmaximal...... intensity (speed endurance training; SET) a week for 5 weeks (SET-intervention). Before and after the SET-intervention the players carried out the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery level 2 (Yo- Yo IR2) test, a sprint test (10- and 30-m) and an agility test. In addition, seven of the players had a resting muscle...

  13. Development of the interval endurance capacity in elite and sub-elite youth field hockey players

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elferink-Gemser, MT; Visscher, C; van Duijn, MAJ; Lemmink, KAPM

    Objectives: To gain more insight into the mechanisms that underlie the development of interval endurance capacity in talented youth field hockey players in the 12-19 age band. Methods: A total of 377 measurements were taken over three years. A longitudinal model for interval endurance capacity was

  14. Naciones mediáticas. Los marcos informativos de la consulta sobre la independencia de Cataluña (9-N

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    Carlos A. Ballesteros Herencia


    Full Text Available La propuesta de celebrar un referéndum sobre la independencia de Cataluña ha recibido una intensa representación informativa en los medios españoles, como correlato de la continua actividad política que ha supuesto. Para contrastar la hipótesis de que los medios catalanes y madrileños realizaran un tratamiento diferente de esta cuestión, se planteó describir los componentes esenciales de los marcos mediáticos utilizados por los principales periódicos sobre este hecho informativo: fuentes, actores protagonistas, acciones descritas y evaluación. Para ello, esta investigación se propuso aplicar la metodología propia de la teoría del framing o enmarcado informativo, realizando un estudio cuantitativo apoyado en la aplicación de la estadística, sobre una muestra de los diarios El País, El Mundo, ABC, La Vanguardia, El Periódico y El Punt Avui. Junto al cálculo de estadísticos descriptivos, se halló también la existencia o no de asociación significativa entre variables. Este tema apareció en portada todos los días en la mitad o más de los medios analizados, con una importancia formal entre alta y máxima. Las principales fuentes y protagonistas fueron las instituciones y los políticos, realizando acciones de tipo político. La prensa madrileña y la catalana evaluaron de modo contrario las noticias protagonizadas por las instituciones catalanas y españolas.

  15. Cortical thickness and low insight into symptoms in enduring schizophrenia. (United States)

    Emami, Seema; Guimond, Synthia; Mallar Chakravarty, M; Lepage, Martin


    Poor insight is a common, multidimensional phenomenon in patients with schizophrenia, associated with poorer outcomes and treatment non-adherence. Yet scant research has investigated the neuronal correlates of insight into symptoms (IS), a dimension of insight that may be particularly significant in enduring schizophrenia. Sixty-six patients with enduring schizophrenia (duration >4years) and 33 healthy controls completed MRI scanning and IQ, depression, and anxiety assessments. The Scale to Assess Insight-Expanded (SAI-E) measured insight into patients' four most prominent symptoms and patients were classified into two groups: low IS (0-2; n=33), and high IS (>2; n=33). We evaluated the association between cortical thickness (CT) and insight into symptoms using two methods: (1) a between-patients region-of-interest analysis in the insula, superior temporal gyrus (STG) and frontal lobe; and (2) a whole-brain exploratory regression between patient and controls. Brain regions were segmented using a neuroanatomical atlas and vertex-wise CT analyses were conducted with CIVET, covaried for age and sex. ROI analysis revealed thinner insula cortex in patients with low IS (pinsight-related differences in CT that has been previously unexplored in enduring schizophrenia. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Instrument development in the measurement of unsupported arm exercise endurance in normal adult subjects. (United States)

    Breslin, E H; Adams, E; Lutz, A; Roy, C


    Many daily activities, from basic grooming to employment tasks, require adequate unsupported arm endurance (UAE). We developed an electromechanical device to measure UAE endurance. The purpose of this study was to standardize the instrument for two rates of arm motion, moderate and slow, in 18 normal adult subjects (FEVI = 3.7L +/- .78, FVC = 4.2L +/- .74, FEV1/FVC = 1.1 +/- .08). Exercise endurance limits, and the following metabolic, ventilatory, and sensation responses were determined at rest prior to exercise and at end-exercise limits for both rates of UAE:minute ventilation (Ve), tidal volume (VT), respiratory rate (RR), duty cycle (Ti/Ttot), oxygen uptake (VO2), carbon dioxide production (VCO2), inspiratory flow (VT/Ti), heart rate (HR), and visual analog scale measurements (VAS) of dyspnea (D), respiratory effort (RE), and arm fatigue (AF). Significance increases from baseline rest were shown at the endurance limits for both rates of UAE in: VO2, VCO2, Ve, VT, RR, VT/Ti, HR, VAS-D, VAS-RE, and VAS-AF. There were no changes in Ti/Ttot and SaO2 with UAE. Peak VO2, RR, Ve, VT/Ti, and VAS-D with moderate exercise were significantly greater than slow UAE; and there was a trend increase in peak HR for moderate as opposed to slow rate UAE. Despite these differences, the endurance time between the two rates of UAE were similar. These data provide standards against which UAE in COPD can be evaluated.

  17. Four weeks of speed endurance training reduces energy expenditure during exercise and maintains muscle oxidative capacity despite a reduction in training volume

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Iaia, F. Marcello; Hellsten, Ylva; Nielsen, Jens Jung


    We studied the effect of an alteration from regular endurance to speed endurance training on muscle oxidative capacity, capillarization, as well as energy expenditure during submaximal exercise and its relationship to mitochondrial uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3) in humans. Seventeen endurance...... by lowered mitochondrial UCP3 expression. Furthermore, speed endurance training can maintain muscle oxidative capacity, capillarization, and endurance performance in already trained individuals despite significant reduction in the amount of training....

  18. Tests for predicting endurance kayak performance | Olivier | South ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Methods : The following variables were measured on 23 competitive endurance kayakers, who provided written informed consent : Arm crank VO2 peak; 1 minute dips; armspan; modified sit-and-reach; grip strength; body mass; height. These were selected on the basis of their being identified as possibly contributing to ...

  19. Interval endurance capacity of talented youth soccer players

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Visscher, C; Elferink-Gemser, MT; Lemmink, KAPM

    The purpose of this study, in which 113 talented Youth soccer players (M = 16.0 yr., SD = 15), selected by their age and level of performance participated, was to investigate interval endurance capacity needed to play at the highest level of competition in the age-category 12 through 18.

  20. Non-allergic activation of eosinophils after strenuous endurance ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective. To determine the effect of prolonged endurance exercise on the serum concentrations of eosinophil cationic protein (ECP), immunoglobulin E (IgE) and upper respiratory tract symptoms (URTS). Design. In 11 healthy, experienced volunteers (6 males, 5 females, age 43 ± 9.8 years) the serum concentrations of ...






  2. Muscular strength and endurance and cardio-metabolic health in disadvantaged Hispanic children from the U.S.

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    Ryan D. Burns


    Full Text Available The predictive relationship between muscular strength and endurance and cardio-metabolic health, independent from aerobic fitness, is not clear in disadvantaged Hispanic children. The purpose of this study was to examine the predictive relationship between muscular strength and endurance and clustered cardio-metabolic risk, controlling for aerobic fitness, in Hispanic children from low-income schools. Participants were 320 Hispanic children (Mean age = 10.1 ± 1.1 years; 164 girls, 156 boys recruited during the 2014–2015 and 2015–2016 academic years from five low-income schools from the state of Utah in the U.S. Muscular strength and endurance was assessed using the push-up and curl-up tests and estimated VO2 Peak was calculated from the Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run. A clustered metabolic syndrome composite score (MetS was calculated from cardio-metabolic health measurements consisting of HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, waist circumference, blood glucose, and mean arterial pressure (MAP. Multi-level general linear mixed effects models were used to examine the predictive relationship between muscular strength and endurance and MetS, controlling for the effect of aerobic fitness and the clustering of children within classrooms and schools. Children who were in the middle and upper tertiles for muscular strength and endurance associated with a lower (more favorable MetS score (middle tertile: β = −2.59, 95% C.I. [−4.23, −0.95], p < 0.05; upper tertile: β = −1.57, 95% C.I. [−3.20, −0.16], p < 0.05. The results suggest that higher levels of muscular strength and endurance relate to lower cardio-metabolic risk, independent of aerobic fitness, in Hispanic children from low-income schools.

  3. Development of A Sensor For Measuring Endurance Athletes While Doing A Kick in Tae Kwon Do

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    Muhamad Faozan


    Full Text Available The purpose of this research is to design and know the effectiveness of tools developed to measure endurance athletes when kicking in Taekwondo. The approach used in this research is Research and Development (R & D method. Research subjects were athletes and coach. The subjects of the study were athletes and experts. Taekwondo expert validation results are good with a total score above 83, Expert validation Electro one is good with a total score of 86, For the two Electro experts stated both with a total score of 85. And also from the results of small-scale trials I obtained data that the product has not been effectively used. In large-scale trials the product is declared effective and can be used to measure the endurance of the athlete when kicking. The conclusions of this study resulted in an athlete endurance sensor product during a kick in Taekwondo, And also this product can be used for measuring endurance athletes when kicking. For trainers and athletes it is recommended to try the product as a tool to measure the endurance of the athlete while kicking in Taekwondo.

  4. COMPONENTES QUÍMICOS DEL DURAMEN DE Andira inermis (W. Wright DC. (Leguminosae

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    C. Téllez-Sánchez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un análisis químico del duramen de Andira inermis para determinar los principales componentes químicos. Los resultados encontrados fueron: pH de 5.9, 0.71 % de sustancias inorgánicas, 19.1 % de sustancias extraíbles, 34.2 % de lignina y 65.78 % de polisacáridos. En las cenizas se detectó la presencia de calcio, magnesio, azufre y silicio. Las sustancias fueron obtenidas mediante extracción sucesiva con ciclohexano, cloroformo, acetona y metanol en equipo Soxhlet y finalmente con agua caliente bajo reflujo. La solubilidad del duramen fue mayor en acetona (8.6 % y en metanol (5.3 %; el contenido total de sustancias extraíbles fue de 19.1 %.

  5. Propuesta sobre el papel del profesional de enfermería en salud ocupacional

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    Useche Mora Luz Graciela


    Full Text Available

    El presente artículo sobre el papel del profesional de enfermería en salud ocupacional, constituye un intento de formulación de una propuesta, que aporte a la construcción de un modelo de intervención de enfermería en salud ocupacional en Colombia. La importancia de este estudio se basa en la necesidad de proporcionar a profesionales y estudiantes un marco de referencia que oriente la práctica de enfermería en salud ocupacional, ya que los estudios y escritos sobre el tema son extremadamente escasos en nuestro país. En este artículo se explica el significado, los objetivos, el sujeto de atención y la metodología de trabajo del profesional en este campo, en forma sistemática se organizan los componentes de la práctica, explicitando los factores del ambiente externo e interno que intervienen en la salud del trabajador. Así mismo se describen las áreas de acción de enfermería, en las cuales el profesional interviene de diferentes maneras, para contribuir a la promoción y mantenimiento de la salud del trabajador. Se espera que el presente artículo, motive a los lectores a una reflexión crítica que redunde en la búsqueda de caminos apropiados en el logro de los objetivos de atención de enfermería en salud ocupacional, como es el bienestar del trabajador, requisito esencial para el desarrollo del país.


  6. Satellite cell response to erythropoietin treatment and endurance training in healthy young men

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hoedt, Andrea; Christensen, Britt; Nellemann, Birgitte


    KEY POINT: Erythropoietin (Epo) treatment may induce myogenic differentiation factor (MyoD) expression and prevent apoptosis in satellite cells (SCs) in murine and in vitro models. Endurance training stimulates SC proliferation in vivo in murine and human skeletal muscle. In the present study, we......-receptor interaction. Moreover, endurance training, but not Epo treatment, increases the SC content in type II myofibres, as well as the content of MyoD(+) SCs. Collectively, our results suggest that Epo treatment can regulate human SCs in vivo, supported by Epo receptor mRNA expression in human SCs. In effect, long......-term Epo treatment during disease conditions involving anaemia may impact SCs and warrants further investigation. Satellite cell (SC) proliferation is observed following erythropoitin treatment in vitro in murine myoblasts and endurance training in vivo in human skeletal muscle. The present study aimed...

  7. Rasgos del componente ético en el cumplimiento de la gestión empresarial social de la pequeña y mediana empresa de la región Paraguaná

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    Mercy Narváez


    Full Text Available Para ser una empresa de avanzada no sólo es necesario poseer capacidades distintivas y hacer el mejor uso de los recursos disponibles, sino se hace imprescindible construir la empresa sobre la base de una mayor solidaridad y cooperación social. Bajo esta premisa se plantea el presente artículo, el cual tiene como propósito analizar los rasgos del componente ético en la gestión empresarial del sector de las PyME´s proveedor de servicios a la industria petrolera nacional. En tal sentido, se elaboró un estudio de tipo descriptivo, no experimental transeccional; estableciéndose un censo poblacional de doce (12 empresas ubicadas en la Península de Paraguaná. Los resultados de la investigación muestran una alta presencia en las empresas de los rasgos: calidad, confianza y credibilidad, los cuales son considerados necesarios para funcionar sobre la base de ser organizaciones socialmente admisibles. Sin embargo, se destaca la poca valoración otorgada a los rasgos de innovación y responsabilidad social. Se concluye que es necesario fortalecer las relaciones de las empresas objeto de estudio en su dimensión interna - externa; legitimar la imagen de las mismas por su vinculación con los empleados, su entorno social-ambiental; difundir sus logros económicos y sociales. De esta manera, las acciones que emprendan las distinguirán de sus competidores, generando así un patrón de prestación de servicios que las harán más atractivas a los clientes.

  8. Componentes de condução da luz natural em edifícios multifamiliares: análise de um código de obras

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    Guilherme Nóbrega de Castro

    Full Text Available O uso da luz natural como fonte de iluminação, além dos impactos positivos no bem-estar físico e mental do homem, possui vantagens econômicas. Estas, contudo, dependem da obtenção do nível de iluminação requerido para a tarefa. Neste estudo, o potencial de aproveitamento da luz natural foi analisado considerando-se as dimensões mínimas de sistemas de iluminação natural permitidas para ambientes residenciais, tendo como critério o Código de Obras da cidade de João Pessoa. Os sistemas de iluminação natural analisados consistem em componentes de passagem com componentes de condução. Simulação computacional feita com o software Daysim foi adotada para analisar o comportamento da luz natural. Realizaram-se 480 simulações para cinco ambientes, associando três variáveis no componente de condução: peitoril transparente e opaco (i, componente de condução saliente e encravado (ii, cinco profundidades (iii a três variáveis do entorno: máxima ocupação do solo (i, duas alturas de pavimento (ii, quatro orientações (iii. Os parâmetros de análise foram: iluminância natural útil (INU e autonomia da luz natural (ALN. Com os resultados, percebe-se que os limites mínimos dos critérios do Código não favorecem o aproveitamento da iluminação natural: 40% dos modelos simulados apresentam iluminação natural insuficiente. Os ambientes iluminados através de janelas altas têm os piores resultados.


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    Fernando Orejas Valdés


    Full Text Available



    UML es un lenguaje de modelado estándar para problemas generales, sin embargo, es necesario extenderlo para dominios específicos como puede ser el caso de determinadas arquitecturas. En este caso se presenta una extensión de su metamodelo mediante la creación de nuevas metaclases y metaasociaciones para una arquitectura de componentes y conectores genéricos.

  10. Are Ultrasonographic Measures of Cervical Flexor Muscles Correlated With Flexion Endurance in Chronic Neck Pain and Asymptomatic Participants? (United States)

    Ghamkhar, Leila; Kahlaee, Amir Hossein


    This study compared the relationship between some clinical factors and the size of neck flexors in participants with or without chronic neck pain. In this case-control study, the correlation between flexor endurance capacity as well as thickness, cross-section area, and shape ratio of longus colli/capitis and sternocleidomastoid muscles were examined in 30 patients with chronic neck pain and 30 asymptomatic participants. The patients showed lower flexor endurance (P = 0.02), smaller thickness (P = 0.03), and cross-section area (P pain. In the control group, flexor endurance was negatively correlated with longus colli shape ratio (r = -0.45, P = 0.01) but positively correlated with longus capitis thickness (r = 0.45, P = 0.01) and cross-section area (r = 0.38, P = 0.03). Neck disability and pain intensity indices were not significantly correlated with either flexor muscles endurance or size. The ultrasonographic measures of the deep neck flexor muscles and the flexor endurance test, being associated with each other, could successfully differentiate patients with chronic neck pain from asymptomatic participants. However, the endurance test scores were not correlated with self-reported disability or pain intensity indices.

  11. La abstención electoral en las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo de 2014: análisis estructural de sus componentes

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    Ángel Cazorla Martín


    Full Text Available La abstención electoral en comicios de segundo orden ha sido un asunto de relativo interés en los estudios de ciencia política, especialmente en el caso de las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo. Sin embargo, este tipo de consulta presenta una serie de rasgos específicos relacionados con las motivaciones para la abstención. A las clásicas interpretaciones relacionadas con los elementos contextuales y sociodemográficos debemos añadir una serie de componentes de carácter actitudinal, relacionados con castigo o la experimentación electoral, fruto de la desafección política. Con el objeto de indagar en estos aspectos, el presente trabajo pretende construir un modelo estructural (SEM que describa y explique los efectos específicos de cada uno de estos componentes en la participación de los españoles para las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo de mayo de 2014.

  12. Urine concentrations of oral salbutamol in samples collected after intense exercise in endurance athletes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hostrup, Morten; Kalsen, Anders; Auchenberg, Michael


    Our objective was to investigate urine concentrations of 8 mg oral salbutamol in samples collected after intense exercise in endurance athletes. Nine male endurance athletes with a VO2max of 70.2 ± 5.9 mL/min/kg (mean ± SD) took part in the study. Two hours after administration of 8 mg oral...

  13. Endurance Exercise Ability in the Horse: A Trait with Complex Polygenic Determinism. (United States)

    Ricard, Anne; Robert, Céline; Blouin, Christine; Baste, Fanny; Torquet, Gwendoline; Morgenthaler, Caroline; Rivière, Julie; Mach, Nuria; Mata, Xavier; Schibler, Laurent; Barrey, Eric


    Endurance horses are able to run at more than 20 km/h for 160 km (in bouts of 30-40 km). This level of performance is based on intense aerobic metabolism, effective body heat dissipation and the ability to endure painful exercise. The known heritabilities of endurance performance and exercise-related physiological traits in Arabian horses suggest that adaptation to extreme endurance exercise is influenced by genetic factors. The objective of the present genome-wide association study (GWAS) was to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) related to endurance racing performance in 597 Arabian horses. The performance traits studied were the total race distance, average race speed and finishing status (qualified, eliminated or retired). We used three mixed models that included a fixed allele or genotype effect and a random, polygenic effect. Quantile-quantile plots were acceptable, and the regression coefficients for actual vs. expected log 10 p -values ranged from 0.865 to 1.055. The GWAS revealed five significant quantitative trait loci (QTL) corresponding to 6 SNPs on chromosomes 6, 1, 7, 16, and 29 (two SNPs) with corrected p -values from 1.7 × 10 -6 to 1.8 × 10 -5 . Annotation of these 5 QTL revealed two genes: sortilin-related VPS10-domain-containing receptor 3 ( SORCS3 ) on chromosome 1 is involved in protein trafficking, and solute carrier family 39 member 12 ( SLC39A12 ) on chromosome 29 is active in zinc transport and cell homeostasis. These two coding genes could be involved in neuronal tissues (CNS). The other QTL on chromosomes 6, 7, and 16 may be involved in the regulation of the gene expression through non-coding RNAs, CpG islands and transcription factor binding sites. On chromosome 6, a new candidate equine long non-coding RNA ( KCNQ1OT1 ortholog: opposite antisense transcript 1 of potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily Q member 1 gene) was predicted in silico and validated by RT-qPCR in primary cultures of equine myoblasts and fibroblasts

  14. Endurance Exercise Ability in the Horse: A Trait with Complex Polygenic Determinism

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    Anne Ricard


    Full Text Available Endurance horses are able to run at more than 20 km/h for 160 km (in bouts of 30–40 km. This level of performance is based on intense aerobic metabolism, effective body heat dissipation and the ability to endure painful exercise. The known heritabilities of endurance performance and exercise-related physiological traits in Arabian horses suggest that adaptation to extreme endurance exercise is influenced by genetic factors. The objective of the present genome-wide association study (GWAS was to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs related to endurance racing performance in 597 Arabian horses. The performance traits studied were the total race distance, average race speed and finishing status (qualified, eliminated or retired. We used three mixed models that included a fixed allele or genotype effect and a random, polygenic effect. Quantile-quantile plots were acceptable, and the regression coefficients for actual vs. expected log10p-values ranged from 0.865 to 1.055. The GWAS revealed five significant quantitative trait loci (QTL corresponding to 6 SNPs on chromosomes 6, 1, 7, 16, and 29 (two SNPs with corrected p-values from 1.7 × 10−6 to 1.8 × 10−5. Annotation of these 5 QTL revealed two genes: sortilin-related VPS10-domain-containing receptor 3 (SORCS3 on chromosome 1 is involved in protein trafficking, and solute carrier family 39 member 12 (SLC39A12 on chromosome 29 is active in zinc transport and cell homeostasis. These two coding genes could be involved in neuronal tissues (CNS. The other QTL on chromosomes 6, 7, and 16 may be involved in the regulation of the gene expression through non-coding RNAs, CpG islands and transcription factor binding sites. On chromosome 6, a new candidate equine long non-coding RNA (KCNQ1OT1 ortholog: opposite antisense transcript 1 of potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily Q member 1 gene was predicted in silico and validated by RT-qPCR in primary cultures of equine myoblasts and

  15. Endurance training facilitates myoglobin desaturation during muscle contraction in rat skeletal muscle. (United States)

    Takakura, Hisashi; Furuichi, Yasuro; Yamada, Tatsuya; Jue, Thomas; Ojino, Minoru; Hashimoto, Takeshi; Iwase, Satoshi; Hojo, Tatsuya; Izawa, Tetsuya; Masuda, Kazumi


    At onset of muscle contraction, myoglobin (Mb) immediately releases its bound O2 to the mitochondria. Accordingly, intracellular O2 tension (PmbO2) markedly declines in order to increase muscle O2 uptake (mVO2). However, whether the change in PmbO2 during muscle contraction modulates mVO2 and whether the O2 release rate from Mb increases in endurance-trained muscles remain unclear. The purpose of this study was, therefore, to determine the effect of endurance training on O2 saturation of Mb (SmbO2) and PmbO2 kinetics during muscle contraction. Male Wistar rats were subjected to a 4-week swimming training (Tr group; 6 days per week, 30 min × 4 sets per day) with a weight load of 2% body mass. After the training period, deoxygenated Mb kinetics during muscle contraction were measured using near-infrared spectroscopy under hemoglobin-free medium perfusion. In the Tr group, the VmO2peak significantly increased by 32%. Although the PmbO2 during muscle contraction did not affect the increased mVO2 in endurance-trained muscle, the O2 release rate from Mb increased because of the increased Mb concentration and faster decremental rate in SmbO2 at the maximal twitch tension. These results suggest that the Mb dynamics during muscle contraction are contributing factors to faster VO2 kinetics in endurance-trained muscle.

  16. Endurance testing with Li/Na electrolyte

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ong, E.T.; Remick, R.J.; Sishtla, C.I. [Institute of Gas Technology, Des Plaines, IL (United States)


    The Institute of Gas Technology (IGT), under subcontract to M-C Power Corporation under DOE funding, has been operating bench-scale fuel cells to investigate the performance and endurance issues of the Li/Na electrolyte because it offers higher ionic conductivity, higher exchange current densities, lower vapor pressures, and lower cathode dissolution rates than the Li/K electrolyte. These cells have continued to show higher performance and lower decay rates than the Li/K cells since the publication of our two previous papers in 1994. In this paper, test results of two long-term 100-cm{sup 2} bench scale cells are discussed. One cell operated continuously at 160 mA/cm{sup 2} for 17,000 hours with reference gases (60H{sub 2}/20CO{sub 2}/20H{sub 2}O fuel at 75% utilization and 30CO{sub 2}/70 air oxidant humidified at room temperature at 50% utilization). The other cell operated at 160 mA/cm{sup 2} for 6900 hours at 3 atm with system gases (64H{sub 2}/16CO{sub 2}/20H{sub 2}O at 75% utilization and an M-C Power system-defined oxidant at 40% utilization). Both cells have shown the highest performance and longest endurance among IGT cells operated to date.

  17. Polarized training has greater impact on key endurance variables than threshold, high intensity or high volume training

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    Thomas eStöggl


    Full Text Available Endurance athletes integrate four conditioning concepts in their training programs: high-volume training (HVT, ‘threshold-training’ (THR, high-intensity interval training (HIIT and a combination of these aforementioned concepts known as polarized training (POL. The purpose of this study was to explore which of these four training concepts provides the greatest response on key components of endurance performance in well-trained endurance athletes. Methods: Forty eight runners, cyclists, triathletes and cross-country skiers (peak oxygen uptake: (VO2peak: 62.6±7.1 mL∙min-1∙kg-1 were randomly assigned to one of four groups performing over nine weeks. An incremental test, work economy and a VO2peak tests were performed. Training intensity was heart rate controlled. Results: POL demonstrated the greatest increase in VO2peak (+6.8 ml∙min∙kg-1 or 11.7%, P0.05. Conclusion: POL resulted in the greatest improvements in most key variables of endurance performance in well-trained endurance athletes. THR or HVT did not lead to further improvements in performance related variables.

  18. Influencia de los componentes minoritarios de los carbones en la fabricación de cementos

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    Soria Santamaría, Francisco


    Full Text Available As a consequence of the reconversion of coal in the cement industry, it is considered important to analyze the incorporation and transcendence of certain components in the clinkerisation process. Given in detail are the circuits of gases and volatile materials used in the baking process, emphasizing the interest of sulphur, alkalis, chlorides and fluorides. Emphasized are the conditions and limits imposed in practice to certain components and the possibilities of application of the carbons in this sense. Finally, a brief comment is made to the emission of dusts and contaminating gases, emphasizing the incidence in this field with the use of solid fuels in the furnaces to manufacture cement.

    Como consecuencia de la reconversión al carbón en la industria cementera, se considera importante analizar la incorporación y trascendencia de ciertos componentes en el proceso de clinkerización. Se expone con detalle los circuitos de gases y materias volátiles en el proceso de cocción, destacando el interés del azufre, álcalis, cloruros y fluoruros. Se destacan las condiciones y límites impuestos por la práctica a ciertos componentes y las posibilidades de aplicación de los carbones en este sentido. Finalmente, se hace un breve comentario a la emisión de polvo y gases contaminantes, precisando la incidencia en este campo con el empleo de combustibles sólidos en los hornos para fabricar cemento.

  19. Thermal endurance tests on silicone rubber specimens

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Warburton, C.


    Thermal endurance tests have been performed on a range of silicone rubber specimens at temperature above 300 0 C. It is suggested that the rubber mix A2426, the compound from which Wylfa sealing rings are manufactured, will fail at temperatures above 300 0 C within weeks. Hardness measurements show that this particular rubber performs in a similar manner to Walker's S.I.L./60. (author)

  20. Diez pasos para el aprendizaje complejo: Un acercamiento sistemático al diseňo instruccional de los cuatro componentes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Van Merriënboer, Jeroen; Kirschner, Paul A.


    Van Merriënboer, J. J. G., & Kirschner, P. A. (2010). Diez pasos para el aprendizaje complejo: Un acercamiento sistemático al diseňo instruccional de los cuatro componentes (translation from English). Cuajimalpa, México: Aseguramiento de la Calidad en la Educacion y en el Trabajo.

  1. Efecto de los componentes del agua de mar durante el fenómeno de corrosión por picaduras del cobre

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    García, E.


    Full Text Available Copper is the main component in Cu-Ni alloys recommended for sea water applications. This work presents the electrochemical behaviour of copper in presence of different sea water components and its influence on the corrosion attack. The combined action of chloride and sulphate ions are the main responsible factor for the localized corrosion attack in the form of pitting. A significant parabolic relation exists between the critical pitting potential (Ep and the weight ratio of chloride to sulphate (Cl-/SO42- ions. Therefore sulphate ions are an important component for pitting corrosion of copper.

    El cobre es el elemento principal de las aleaciones Cu-Ni recomendadas para aplicaciones marinas. En este trabajo se presenta el comportamiento electroquímico del cobre con los diferentes componentes del agua de mar y el efecto de estos sobre la forma de ataque del cobre. Se observó que los iones cloruro, en unión con los iones sulfato, son los principales causantes del fenómeno de corrosión por picaduras, existiendo, además, una relación significativa entre el potencial crítico de picado (Ep y la relación (Cl-/SO42- de tipo parabólico, lo cual pone de manifiesto la importancia del ion sulfato en el fenómeno de corrosión por picaduras como promotor de este tipo de mecanismo.

  2. Análisis de componentes principales funcionales en series de tiempo económicas (Analysis of principal functional components in economic time series

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    Cristina O. Chávez Chong


    Full Text Available Spanis abstract. El análisis de datos funcionales ha cobrado gran relevancia en los últimos años, convirtiéndose en un importante campo de investigación en la Estadística. El primer método considerado para procesar este tipo de datos fue el de las componentes principales. En este trabajo se considera la extensión del método de las componentes principales clásicas (ACP al caso funcional (ACPF, algunas propiedades interesantes que aparecen y otras que se conservan al realizar dicha extensión, así como su aplicación el procesamiento de datos reales económicos y una breve explicación de algunas bibliotecas que realizan el análisis de componentes principales funcionales. English abstract. The functional data analysis has gained relevance over the last years becoming an important statistics investigation field. The first method used to process this data type was the principal components analysis (PCA. In this paper, an extension of the classical principal components analysis (PCA to the functional method (FPCA is considered, as well as some interesting properties that appear and others that remain with it. Furthermore, its application in the processing of real economic data and some previous work that analyze functional principal components are explained.

  3. Generación automática de aplicaciones web móviles mediante componentes configurables


    Vera, Pablo Martín; Pons, Claudia; González, Carina; Rodríguez, Rocío Andrea; Giulianelli, Daniel Alberto


    Teniendo como objetivo final la generación completa del código fuente de una aplicación, se ha desarrollado CBDHM (Metodología de Modelado Hipermedia Basada en Componentes). Esta metodología está basada en UML (Lenguaje Unificado de Modelado) y permite diseñar y construir aplicaciones web móviles utilizando dos modelos: el modelo de datos y el modelo de interfaz de usuario. El modelo de datos está basado en el diagrama de clases UML extendido para poder generar la base de datos y sus relacion...

  4. Effect of antioxidant supplementation on insulin sensitivity in response to endurance exercise training

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Yfanti, Christina; Nielsen, Anders R; Åkerström, Thorbjörn


    While production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) is associated with some of the beneficial adaptations to regular physical exercise, it is not established whether RONS play a role in the improved insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in skeletal muscle obtained by endurance training....... To assess the effect of antioxidant supplementation during endurance training on insulin-stimulated glucose uptake, twenty-one young healthy (age 29±1 y; BMI 25±3 Kg m(-2)) men were randomly assigned into either an antioxidant (AO; 500 mg vitamin C and 400 IU vitamin E (a-tocopherol) daily) or a placebo (PL......) group that both underwent a supervised intense endurance-training program, 5 times per week for 12 weeks. A 3-hour euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp, a maximal oxygen consumption (VO(2max)) and maximal power output (P(max)) test, and body composition measurements (fat mass, fat-free mass) were performed...

  5. La percepción del riesgo como componente de la Educación Ambiental en las instituciones escolares.

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    Osmel Jiménez Denis


    Full Text Available En el sistema educativo cubano se desarrollan transformaciones dirigidas a fortalecer la labor educativa en los diferentes niveles educativos. En consecuencia, se reconoce a la educación ambiental como componente del proceso formativo que tiene lugar en cada uno de ellos. Investigaciones realizadas en Cuba reflejan que un elemento importante en esta dirección lo constituye la baja percepción de riesgo en la sociedad cubana en la prevención de desastres naturales, fundamentalmente en la etapa de la adolescencia. La presente investigación, tuvo lugar en tres secundarias básicas del territorio espirituano, seleccionando un grupo de 30 estudiantes en cada una para buscar información. Como resultado se sistematizaron los referentes teóricos-metodológicos que sustentan la percepción de riesgos como componente de la Educación Ambiental para el Desarrollo Sostenible. Además, derivado de un estudio preliminar, se presentan procedimientos que permiten contribuir a la educación de la percepción de riesgos en los adolescentes, tomando como referencia la situación ambiental comunitaria y el modelo actual de escuela Secundaria Básica.


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    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Physical inactivity has become a serious problem all over the world. Handgrip Strength (a form of isometric static contraction test, is an important test to evaluate the physical fitness and nutritional status of an individua l. A number of factors like a ge, gender, body size, effort, skeletal muscle bulk and contractility may affect the handgrip strength (HGS and handgrip endurance (HGE. AIM: This study was conducted to establish the possible correlation (if any between body mass index and handgrip str ength and endurance among young healthy adults. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A population based cross - sectional study comprising of 200 students (both male and female, age group - 18 - 22 yrs was carried out in the Department of Physiology, Jorhat Medical College. Anthropometric parameters like height and weight were taken to evaluate the BMI and handgrip strength and handgrip endurance were taken by using handgrip dynamometer. According to WHO classification of BMI, subjects were categorized into three groups as un derweight BMI ≤18.5 kg/m 2 , normal weight BMI 18.5 - 24.9 kg/m 2 and overweight BMI≥ 24.9 kg/m 2 . Gender wise difference was analyzed by unpaired t test. Statistical analysis for correlation was done by using Karl Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient denoted by(r. RESULT: Males had higher handgrip strength and handgrip endurance than females. Statistic ally significant correlation was found between BMI and handgrip strength & endurance in underweight & overweight subjects. Gender differences in correlation were observed in correlation between BMI & HGS and HGE. CONCLUSION: The observed influence of BMI a nd gender differences in correlation between BMI and HGS and HGE indicate that besides BMI several other factors like effort, strength, muscular contractility etc . affect muscular strength & endurance in young males and females.

  7. Endurance exercise rescues progeroid aging and induces systemic mitochondrial rejuvenation in mtDNA mutator mice (United States)

    Safdar, Adeel; Bourgeois, Jacqueline M.; Ogborn, Daniel I.; Little, Jonathan P.; Hettinga, Bart P.; Akhtar, Mahmood; Thompson, James E.; Melov, Simon; Mocellin, Nicholas J.; Kujoth, Gregory C.; Prolla, Tomas A.; Tarnopolsky, Mark A.


    A causal role for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutagenesis in mammalian aging is supported by recent studies demonstrating that the mtDNA mutator mouse, harboring a defect in the proofreading-exonuclease activity of mitochondrial polymerase gamma, exhibits accelerated aging phenotypes characteristic of human aging, systemic mitochondrial dysfunction, multisystem pathology, and reduced lifespan. Epidemiologic studies in humans have demonstrated that endurance training reduces the risk of chronic diseases and extends life expectancy. Whether endurance exercise can attenuate the cumulative systemic decline observed in aging remains elusive. Here we show that 5 mo of endurance exercise induced systemic mitochondrial biogenesis, prevented mtDNA depletion and mutations, increased mitochondrial oxidative capacity and respiratory chain assembly, restored mitochondrial morphology, and blunted pathological levels of apoptosis in multiple tissues of mtDNA mutator mice. These adaptations conferred complete phenotypic protection, reduced multisystem pathology, and prevented premature mortality in these mice. The systemic mitochondrial rejuvenation through endurance exercise promises to be an effective therapeutic approach to mitigating mitochondrial dysfunction in aging and related comorbidities. PMID:21368114

  8. Analysis of Tests Evaluating Sport Climbers’ Strength and Isometric Endurance

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    Ozimek Mariusz


    Full Text Available The present study was designed to determine which types of specific tests provide an effective evaluation of strength and endurance in highly trained competitive sport climbers. The research process consisted of three basic components: the measurement of selected somatic characteristics of the climbers, the assessment of their physical conditioning, and a search for correlations between the anthropometric and “conditioning” variables on the one hand, and climber’s performance on the other. The sample of subjects consisted of 14 experienced volunteer climbers capable of handling 7a- 8a+/b on-sight rock climbing grades. The strongest correlations (Spearman’s rank were found between climber’s competence and the relative results of the finger strength test (r = 0.7; much lower, but still statistically significant coefficients were found between the level of competence and the results of the muscle endurance tests (r = 0.53 – 0.57. Climbers aspiring to attain an elite level must have strong finger and forearm muscles, but most of all, they must be capable of releasing their potential during specific motor capability tests engaging these parts of the body. The forearm muscles of elite climbers must also be very resistant to fatigue. Since highly trained athletes vary only slightly in body mass, this variable does not have a major effect on their performance during strength and endurance tests.


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    Marjan Marinkovic


    Full Text Available Cardiorespiratory or aerobic endurance is the ability of the whole body to sustain physical activity for an extended period of time, involving relatively large groups of muscles. The attitudes on the possible impact of training on cardiorespiratory endurance in preadolescents are contradictory. Our study enrolled 195 boys aged 11 to 12 years. Experimental group (n=92 consisted of the children who had been involved with planned and programmed water polo training for at least two years. Control group (n=103 consisted of schoolchildren who only had had regular physical education in schools. Our investigation protocol included standardized anthropometric measurements and tests, performed respecting the appropriate protocols. Statistical analysis of the results demonstrated that there were no significant differences in age and relative values of oxygen consumption (VO2peak. Body height and mass, as well as the skinfold thickness, were significantly higher in experimental group subjects. The values of absolute VO2peak, FVC and FEV1.0 were also significantly higher in the examinees involved with water polo training. These findings stress the importance of a systematic training process even in this early period of growth and development in order for the trainees to acquire important functional advantages. We believe that a properly planned and programmed physical training can significantly contribute to the development of cardiorespiratory endurance even as early as preadolescent age.

  10. Specific balance training included in an endurance-resistance exercise program improves postural balance in elderly patients undergoing haemodialysis. (United States)

    Frih, Bechir; Mkacher, Wajdi; Jaafar, Hamdi; Frih, Ameur; Ben Salah, Zohra; El May, Mezry; Hammami, Mohamed


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of 6 months of specific balance training included in endurance-resistance program on postural balance in haemodialysis (HD) patients. Forty-nine male patients undergoing HD were randomly assigned to an intervention group (balance training included in an endurance-resistance training, n = 26) or a control group (resistance-endurance training only, n = 23). Postural control was assessed using six clinical tests; Timed Up and Go test, Tinetti Mobility Test, Berg Balance Scale, Unipodal Stance test, Mini-Balance Evaluation Systems Test and Activities Balance Confidence scale. All balance measures increased significantly after the period of rehabilitation training in the intervention group. Only the Timed Up and Go, Berg Balance Scale, Mini-Balance Evaluation Systems Test and Activities Balance Confidence scores were improved in the control group. The ranges of change in these tests were greater in the balance training group. In HD patients, specific balance training included in a usual endurance-resistance training program improves static and dynamic balance better than endurance-resistance training only. Implications for rehabilitation Rehabilitation using exercise in haemodialysis patients improved global mobility and functional abilities. Specific balance training included in usual endurance resistance training program could lead to improved static and dynamic balance.

  11. Individual Endurance Training Prescription with Heart Rate Variability. (United States)

    Vesterinen, Ville; Nummela, Ari; Heikura, Ida; Laine, Tanja; Hynynen, Esa; Botella, Javier; Häkkinen, Keijo


    Measures of HR variability (HRV) have shown potential to be of use in training prescription. The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of using HRV in endurance training prescription. Forty recreational endurance runners were divided into the HRV-guided experimental training group (EXP) and traditional predefined training group (TRAD). After a 4-wk preparation training period, TRAD trained according to a predefined training program including two to three moderate- (MOD) and high-intensity training (HIT) sessions per week during an 8-wk intensive training period. The timing of MOD and HIT sessions in EXP was based on HRV, measured every morning. The MOD/HIT session was programmed if HRV was within an individually determined smallest worthwhile change. Otherwise, low-intensity training was performed. Maximal oxygen consumption (V˙O2max) and 3000-m running performance (RS3000m) were measured before and after both training periods. The number of MOD and HIT sessions was significantly lower (P = 0.021, effect size = 0.98) in EXP (13.2 ± 6.0 sessions) compared with TRAD (17.7 ± 2.5 sessions). No other differences in training were found between the groups. RS3000m improved in EXP (2.1% ± 2.0%, P = 0.004) but not in TRAD (1.1% ± 2.7%, P = 0.118) during the intensive training period. A small between-group difference (effect size = 0.42) was found in the change in RS3000m. V˙O2max improved in both groups (EXP: 3.7% ± 4.6%, P = 0.027; TRAD: 5.0% ± 5.2%, P = 0.002). The results of the present study suggest the potential of resting HRV to prescribe endurance training by individualizing the timing of vigorous training sessions.


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    Stian Aspenes


    Full Text Available A combined intervention of strength and endurance training is common practice in elite swimming training, but the scientific evidence is scarce. The influences between strength and endurance training have been investigated in other sports but the findings are scattered. Some state the interventions are negative to each other, some state there is no negative relationship and some find bisected and supplementary benefits from the combination when training is applied appropriately. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of a combined intervention among competitive swimmers. 20 subjects assigned to a training intervention group (n = 11 or a control group (n = 9 from two different teams completed the study. Anthropometrical data, tethered swimming force, land strength, performance in 50m, 100m and 400m, work economy, peak oxygen uptake, stroke length and stroke rate were investigated in all subjects at pre- and post-test. A combined intervention of maximal strength and high aerobic intensity interval endurance training 2 sessions per week over 11 weeks in addition to regular training were used, while the control group continued regular practice with their respective teams. The intervention group improved land strength, tethered swimming force and 400m freestyle performance more than the control group. The improvement of the 400m was correlated with the improvement of tethered swimming force in the female part of the intervention group. No change occurred in stroke length, stroke rate, performance in 50m or 100m, swimming economy or peak oxygen uptake during swimming. Two weekly dry-land strength training sessions for 11 weeks increase tethered swimming force in competitive swimmers. This increment further improves middle distance swimming performance. 2 weekly sessions of high- intensity interval training does not improve peak oxygen uptake compared with other competitive swimmers

  13. Solution-Space Screening of a Hypersonic Endurance Demonstrator (United States)

    Chudoba, Bernd; Coleman, Gary; Oza, Amit; Gonzalez, Lex; Czysz, Paul


    This report documents a parametric sizing study performed to develop a program strategy for research and development and procurement of a feasible next-generation hypersonic air-breathing endurance demonstrator. Overall project focus has been on complementing technical and managerial decision-making during the earliest conceptual design phase towards minimization of operational, technical, and managerial risks.

  14. Endurance exercise beneficially affects ambulatory blood pressure: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (United States)

    Cornelissen, Véronique A; Buys, Roselien; Smart, Neil A


    Exercise is widely recommended as one of the key preventive lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of hypertension and to manage high blood pressure (BP), but individual studies investigating the effect of exercise on ambulatory BP have remained inconclusive. Therefore, the primary purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to determine the effect of aerobic endurance training on daytime and night-time BP in healthy adults. A systematic literature search was conducted using PubMed and Cochrane Controlled Clinical trial registry from their inception to May 2012. Randomized controlled trials of at least 4 weeks investigating the effects of aerobic endurance training on ambulatory BP in healthy adults were included. Inverse weighted random effects models were used for analyses, with data reported as weighted means and 95% confidence limits. We included 15 randomized controlled trials, involving 17 study groups and 633 participants (394 exercise participants and 239 control participants). Overall, endurance training induced a significant reduction in daytime SBP [-3.2 mmHg, 95% confidence interval (CI), -5.0 to-1.3] and daytime DBP (-2.7 mmHg, 95% CI, -3.9 to -1.5). No effect was observed on night-time BP. The findings from this meta-analysis suggest that aerobic endurance exercise significantly decreases daytime, but not night-time, ambulatory BP.

  15. Development of bacoside enriched date syrup juice and its evaluation for physical endurance. (United States)

    Anand, T; Prakash, K Bhanu; Pandareesh, M D; Khanum, Farhath


    Bacoside rich juice (BRJ) was developed using date syrup as base. BRJ was evaluated for physicochemical, sensory attributes and its effect on physical endurance. Overall acceptability of BRJ and date syrup juice (DSJ) was good according to hedonic scale/ratings. Twenty four adult male Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups (n = 6). Sedentary (Group I) and control (Group II) group rats were allowed to drink water whereas DSJ and BRJ group rats were provided free access to drink DSJ (Group III) and BRJ (Group IV) for 14 days and were subjected to weight-loaded forced swim test (WFST) for every alternate day in order to evaluate the physical endurance. Both BRJ and DSJ group rats swimming efficiency was improved by 3 and 2 folds respectively in comparison with control group on day- 15. Improved physical endurance in BRJ group is due to reduced malondialdehyde levels in brain, liver and muscle tissues by 16.50 %, 17.88 % and 30.20 %, respectively, compared to DSJ group (p < 0.01). In addition, administration of BRJ significantly protected the hepatic and muscle glycogen levels and reduced the levels of lactic acid in comparison to DSJ group. Hence, the present study clearly indicates that BRJ is an effective anti-fatigue drink ameliorates the various impairments associated with physical endurance.

  16. gubernamentales sobre salud y nutrición en México

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    Monserrat Salas-Valenzuela


    Full Text Available Se revisa la inclusión del término género en siete documentos gubernamentales sobre salud y nutrición en México. Se interpreta la racionalidad subyacente a su uso, para concluir que se asiste a un complejo y desigual proceso de sensibilización de funcionarios/ as e investigadores/as respecto al tema. Se hace un llamado a revisar cuidadosamente su aplicación, para identificar si se utiliza como sinónimo de mujeres, como comparativo entre mujeres y hombres o como herramienta para el análisis relacional de las jerarquías que establecen diferenciales sociales entre los sexos. Se documentan los casos en que se utiliza erróneamente como sustitución del término sexo, ya que mientras éste es una categoría descriptiva de los componentes biológicos, fisiológicos, genéticos y hormonales (datos mensurables, aquella es una categoría analítica que da cuenta de la subordinación, de las diferencias en el ejercicio del poder y su efecto en las condiciones de salud de las personas (categoría analítica relacional; es decir, permite analizar la dialéctica de las relaciones entre la biología y la sociedad.

  17. Componentes funcionais da teoria de Peplau e sua confluência com o referencial de grupo Componentes funcionales de la teoría de Peplau y su confluencia con el referencial de grupo Analysis of the Functional components of the Peplau's theory and its confluence with the group reference

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    Leila Memória Paiva Moraes


    Full Text Available As teorias de enfermagem precisam ser analisadas para que possamos acessar o real significado das idéias explicitadas pelas teóricas e, com isso, possibilitar que os enfermeiros as considerem e as incorporem na prática profissional. Este estudo objetivou analisar os componentes funcionais da teoria de Hildegard Elizabeth Peplau, com base no modelo proposto por Meleis e sua confluência com o referencial de grupo utilizado no trabalho com dependentes químicos. A construção deste estudo proporcionou, não apenas conhecer os componentes funcionais desta teoria, onde os mesmos foram identificados, mas, principalmente, sua adequação e utilização a grupos no âmbito da cotidianidade da prática de cuidar do dependente químico.Las teorías de enfermería necesitan ser analizadas para que podamos acceder al real significado de las ideas explicitadas por las teóricas y, con eso, posibilitar que los enfermeros las consideren e incorporen en su práctica profesional. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar los componentes funcionales de la teoría de Hildegard Elizabeth Peplau, con base en el modelo propuesto por Meleis y su confluencia con el referencial de grupo utilizado en el trabajo con dependientes químicos. La construcción de este estudio permitió, no sólo conocer los componentes funcionales de esta teoría, donde los mismos fueron identificados, sino, principalmente, su adecuación y utilización a grupos en el ámbito cotidiano de la práctica de cuidar del dependiente químico.To facilitate nurses' application of nursing theories, theories must be analyzed and disseminated. This study aimed to analyze the functional components of Paplau's Theory of Nursing among chemical dependent participants. The analysis of the theory was based on Meleis's model. The results of this analysis provided more than an understanding of the functional components of this theory; the results included the appropriateness and utilization of Paplau

  18. Getting it Right: The Endurance of Improvised Explosive Device Education in the US Army (United States)


    NCO leadership and education was critical to success. This was especially true in divisional engineer units where squad operations in support of...Getting it Right: The Endurance of Improvised Explosive Device Education in the US Army A Monograph by MAJ Christian R. Johnson United States...Endurance of Improvised Explosive Device Education in the US Army 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S

  19. Instructions to Adopt an External Focus Enhance Muscular Endurance (United States)

    Marchant, David C.; Greig, Matt; Bullough, Jonathan; Hitchen, Daniel


    The influence of internal (movement focus) and external (outcome focus) attentional-focusing instructions on muscular endurance were investigated using three exercise protocols with experienced exercisers. Twenty-three participants completed a maximal repetition, assisted bench-press test on a Smith's machine. An external focus of attention…

  20. NSAID and other analgesic use by endurance runners during ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background. An increasing popularity of ultra-endurance events coupled with excessive or inappropriate non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) use during such events could pose considerable potential risks to runners' health. Objective. To evaluate the incidence of NSAID and other analgesic use in distance ...

  1. Relación del síndrome metabólico y sus componentes con la presión del pulso en personas sin enfermedad aparente

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    Antonio J. Paragano


    Full Text Available RESUMENIntroducciónLa presión del pulso depende en gran medida de la rigidez arterial. Varios estudios se hancentrado en el hecho de que diversos factores, entre ellos el síndrome metabólico o suscomponentes, intermedian cambios que afectan en forma adversa las propiedades elásticasde las grandes arterias, acentuando su rigidez.ObjetivoEl propósito de este trabajo de investigación fue evaluar la influencia del síndrome metabólicoy sus componentes sobre la presión del pulso en personas sin enfermedad aparente.Material y métodosSe seleccionaron al azar 1.155 individuos sin enfermedad demostrable. Se registraron lasvariables que definen el síndrome metabólico (ATP III: en mg/dl y en ayunas, colesterolHDL ≤ 40/50 (hombres/mujeres, triglicéridos ≥ 150, glucemia ≥ 100, perímetro de la cintura(cm ≥ 102/88 (hombres/mujeres y presión arterial sistólica/diastólica ≥ 130/85 mm Hg.Se compararon los valores de la presión del pulso obtenidos al agrupar a los participantespor sexo y edad. Se estableció la frecuencia de los factores que definen el síndrome metabólicoy mediante regresión lineal se ajustó la presión del pulso por sexo, edad y por el conjunto deellos. A continuación se determinó el valor ajustado de la presión del pulso correspondientea cada factor del síndrome metabólico y se comparó con el de sujetos normales. Finalmente,se calculó la presión del pulso ajustada de acuerdo con las posibles combinaciones de tres omás factores (criterio diagnóstico de síndrome metabólico y se comparó con la de individuosen los que no se hallaba presente ningún componente del síndrome.ResultadosCaracterísticas generales de los 1.155 individuos: hombres 62%, edad 38 ± 9 años (rango20-66, perímetro de la cintura 89 ± 13 cm, triglicéridos 107 ± 74 mg/dl, glucemia 82 ± 16mg/dl, colesterol HDL 48 ± 13 mg/dl, presión arterial sistólica 124 ± 14 mm Hg, diastólica78 ± 9 mm Hg, presión del pulso 46 ± 9 mm Hg

  2. Telomere length and long-term endurance exercise: does exercise training affect biological age? A pilot study.

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    Ida Beate Ø Østhus

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Telomeres are potential markers of mitotic cellular age and are associated with physical ageing process. Long-term endurance training and higher aerobic exercise capacity (VO(2max are associated with improved survival, and dynamic effects of exercise are evident with ageing. However, the association of telomere length with exercise training and VO(2max has so far been inconsistent. Our aim was to assess whether muscle telomere length is associated with endurance exercise training and VO(2max in younger and older people. METHODS: Twenty men; 10 young (22-27 years and 10 old (66-77 years, were studied in this cross-sectional study. Five out of 10 young adults and 5 out of 10 older were endurance athletes, while other halves were exercising at a medium level of activity. Mean telomere length was measured as telomere/single copy gene-ratio (T/S-ratio using quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction. VO(2max was measured directly running on a treadmill. RESULTS: Older endurance trained athletes had longer telomere length compared with older people with medium activity levels (T/S ratio 1.12±0.1 vs. 0.92±0.2, p = 0.04. Telomere length of young endurance trained athletes was not different than young non-athletes (1.47±0.2 vs. 1.33±0.1, p = 0.12. Overall, there was a positive association between T/S ratio and VO(2max (r = 0.70, p = 0.001. Among endurance trained athletes, we found a strong correlation between VO(2max and T/S ratio (r = 0.78, p = 0.02. However, corresponding association among non-athlete participants was relatively weak (r = 0.58, p = 0.09. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that VO(2max is positively associated with telomere length, and we found that long-term endurance exercise training may provide a protective effect on muscle telomere length in older people.

  3. Changes in mitochondrial perilipin 3 and perilipin 5 protein content in rat skeletal muscle following endurance training and acute stimulated contraction. (United States)

    Ramos, S V; Turnbull, P C; MacPherson, R E K; LeBlanc, P J; Ward, W E; Peters, S J


    What is the central question of this study? The aim was to determine whether mitochondrial protein content of perilipin 3 (PLIN3) and perilipin 5 (PLIN5) is increased following endurance training and whether mitochondrial PLIN5 protein is increased to a greater extent in endurance-trained rats when compared with sedentary rats following acute contraction. What is the main finding and its importance? Mitochondrial PLIN3 but not PLIN5 protein was increased in endurance-trained compared with sedentary rats, suggesting a mitochondrial role for PLIN3 due to chronic exercise. Contrary to our hypothesis, acute mitochondrial PLIN5 protein was similar in both sedentary and endurance-trained rats. Endurance training results in an increased association between skeletal muscle lipid droplets and mitochondria. This association is likely to be important for the expected increase in intramuscular fatty acid oxidation that occurs with endurance training. The perilipin family of lipid droplet proteins, PLIN(2-5), are thought to play a role in skeletal muscle lipolysis. Recently, results from our laboratory demonstrated that skeletal muscle mitochondria contain PLIN3 and PLIN5 protein. Furthermore, 30 min of stimulated contraction induces an increased mitochondrial PLIN5 content. To determine whether mitochondrial content of PLIN3 and PLIN5 is altered with endurance training, Sprague-Dawley rats were randomized into sedentary or endurance-trained groups for 8 weeks of treadmill running followed by an acute (30 min) sciatic nerve stimulation to induce lipolysis. Mitochondrial PLIN3 protein was ∼1.5-fold higher in red gastrocnemius of endurance-trained rats compared with sedentary animals, with no change in mitochondrial PLIN5 protein. In addition, there was an increase in plantaris intramuscular lipid storage. Acute electrically stimulated contraction in red gastrocnemius from sedentary and endurance-trained rats resulted in a similar increase of mitochondrial PLIN5 between

  4. The Impact of Listening to Music During a High-Intensity Exercise Endurance Test in People With COPD. (United States)

    Lee, Annemarie L; Dolmage, Thomas E; Rhim, Matthew; Goldstein, Roger S; Brooks, Dina


    In people with COPD, dyspnea is the primary symptom limiting exercise tolerance. One approach to reducing dyspnea during exercise is through music listening. A constant speed endurance test reflects a high-intensity aerobic exercise training session, but whether listening to music affects endurance time is unknown. This study aimed to determine the effects of listening to music during a constant speed endurance test in COPD. Participants with COPD completed two endurance walk tests, one with and one without listening to self-selected music throughout the test. The primary outcome was the difference in endurance time between the two conditions. Heart rate, percutaneous oxygen saturation, dyspnea, and rate of perceived exertion were measured before and after each test. Nineteen participants (mean [SD]: age, 71 [8] years; FEV 1 , 47 [19] % predicted) completed the study. Endurance time was greater (1.10 [95% CI, 0.41-1.78] min) while listening to music (7.0 [3.1] min) than without (5.9 [2.6] min), and reduced end-test dyspnea (1.0 [95% CI, -2.80 to -1.80] units) (with music, 4.6 [1.7] units; vs without music, 5.6 [1.4] units, respectively). There was not a significant difference in heart rate, percutaneous oxygen saturation, or leg fatigue. There were no adverse events under either condition. In COPD, dyspnea was less while listening to music and was accompanied by an increased tolerance of high-intensity exercise demonstrated by greater endurance time. Practically, the effect was modest but may represent an aid for exercise training of these patients. Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry; No. ACTRN12617001217392. Copyright © 2017 American College of Chest Physicians. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Comparison of Site-Specific Bone Mineral Densities between Endurance Runners and Sprinters in Adolescent Women

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    Aoi Ikedo


    Full Text Available We aimed to compare site-specific bone mineral densities (BMDs between adolescent endurance runners and sprinters and examine the relationship of fat-free mass (FFM and nutrient intake on BMD. In this cross-sectional study, 37 adolescent female endurance runners and sprinters (16.1 ± 0.8 years were recruited. BMD and FFM were assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Nutrient intake and menstrual state were evaluated by questionnaires. After adjusting for covariates, spine and total bone less head (TBLH BMDs were significantly higher in sprinters than endurance runners (TBLH, 1.02 ± 0.05 vs. 0.98 ± 0.06 g/cm2; spine, 0.99 ± 0.06 vs. 0.94 ± 0.06 g/cm2; p < 0.05. There was no significant difference between groups in other sites. The rate of menstrual abnormality was higher in endurance runners compared with sprinters (56.3% vs. 23.8%; p < 0.05. FFM was a significant covariate for BMD on all sites except the spine (p < 0.05. Dietary intake of vitamin D was identified as a significant covariate only for pelvic BMD (p < 0.05. The BMDs of different sites among endurance runners and sprinters were strongly related to FFM. However, the association of FFM with spine BMD cannot be explained by FFM alone. Other factors, including nutrition and/or mechanical loading, may affect the spine BMD.


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    Edgar Ricardo Schöffel


    Full Text Available O cultivo da soja em solos hidromórficos do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul vem sendo utilizado como opção em rotação com arroz e pastagens. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos determinar o comportamento dos componentes do rendimento de quatro cultivares de soja, para as condições dos solos hidromórficos, e verificar as variações de comportamento em função do estádio de desenvolvimento em que ocorre o estresse por excesso hídrico. O experimento foi conduzido em uma estrutura com cobertura plástica, em vasos de PVC, no ano agrícola de 1995/96, no Departamento de Fitotecnia da UFSM, em Santa Maria, RS. O solo utilizado foi um planossolo pertencente à unidade de mapeamento Vacacaí. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, fatorial (4 x 5 com três repetições. As cultivares Ocepar 14, FT Saray, IAS 5 e CEP 16 foram submetidas a tratamentos de saturação hídrica do solo por um período de 15 dias a partir dos estádios de desenvolvimento V2 e V6; e por um período de 10 dias a partir dos estádios R2, R3 e R4. Os resultados indicaram que as quatro cultivares de soja utilizadas apresentaram boa tolerância à saturação hídrica no solo e que, em termos de duração desse estresse, a tolerância à saturação hídrica no solo é maior no subperíodo vegetativo do que no subperíodo reprodutivo.Soybean cultivars in rotation with rice and pastures in hydromorphic soils in Rio Grande do Sul, has been used as an agricultural option. The present report had as main objective to determine the performance on the yield component of soybeans cultivars under hydromorphic soil conditions, and in the verification of the crop responses to excess of water in the soil at different stages of growth. The study was conducted during the crop year of 1995/96, bellow extructure covered, at the Plant Sciences Departament of the Federal University of Santa Maria, RS, Brazil (29º 41' S latitude, 58º 48' W longitude, 95 m above

  7. Análisis de la normativa tributaria en el impuesto sobre la renta como incentivos en la incorporación de la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial en Personas Jurí­dicas De Colombia

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    Análisis de la normativa tributaria en el impuesto sobre la renta como incentivos en la incorporación de la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial en Personas Jurí­dicas De Colombia


    Full Text Available Este artí­culo tiene como objetivo explicar la relación de los beneficios tributarios referidos al impuesto sobre la renta y las categorí­as incorporadas en los informes sobre RSE a partir de la guí­a G4 de la Iniciativa de Reporte Global GRI - reportados por las personas jurí­dicas en Colombia por el año 2014. La investigación parte de un enfoque mixto, el cual consta de dos fases: una cualitativa y otra cuantitativa, pues es de tipo descriptivo y el método de investigación utilizado es el deductivo. De su desarrollo puede concluirse la existencia de un importante componente que permite a las empresas obtener beneficios económicos ví­a reducción de impuestos y ser socialmente responsables; sin embargo, es necesaria su aplicación y revisión estratégica a nivel organizacional puesto que los distintos beneficios otorgados por la norma tributaria considerados de forma independiente no generan mayor aporte a la RSE.

  8. VO(2peak), myocardial hypertrophy, and myocardial blood flow in endurance-trained men. (United States)

    Laaksonen, Marko S; Heinonen, Ilkka; Luotolahti, Matti; Knuuti, Juhani; Kalliokoski, Kari K


    Endurance training induces cardiovascular and metabolic adaptations, leading to enhanced endurance capacity and exercise performance. Previous human studies have shown contradictory results in functional myocardial vascular adaptations to exercise training, and we hypothesized that this may be related to different degrees of hypertrophy in the trained heart. We studied the interrelationships between peak aerobic power (V˙O2peak), myocardial blood flow (MBF) at rest and during adenosine-induced vasodilation, and parameters of myocardial hypertrophy in endurance-trained (ET, n = 31) and untrained (n = 17) subjects. MBF and myocardial hypertrophy were studied using positron emission tomography and echocardiography, respectively. Both V˙O2peak (P negatively with adenosine-stimulated MBF, but when LV mass was taken into account as a partial correlate, this correlation disappeared. The present results show that increased LV mass in ET subjects explains the reduced hyperemic myocardial perfusion in this subject population and suggests that excessive LV hypertrophy has negative effect on cardiac blood flow capacity.

  9. Avaliação da suplementação concentrada em pastagem de Tifton-85 sobre os componentes não carcaça de cordeiros Evaluation of concentrated supplementation in Tifton-85 pasture on the components other then carcass of lambs

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    Sérgio Carvalho


    Full Text Available Este estudo objetivou realizar uma análise dos componentes não carcaça ("quinto quarto" de cordeiros submetidos a diferentes níveis de suplementação concentrada em pastagem de Tifton-85. Utilizaram-se 25 cordeiros, machos castrados, sem raça definida, os quais receberam em condição de pastejo, diferentes níveis de suplementação: 0%, 1,0%, 1,5%, 2,0% ou 2,5% do peso vivo. O alimento concentrado utilizado foi fornecido pela empresa BÜNGE alimentos, ração Sano Vitosan, com o nome comercial de ovino criador. Após cada abate, os componentes corporais dos animais foram pesados individualmente. Posteriormente, calculou-se a percentagem dos componentes corporais em relação ao peso vivo. Os pesos de sangue, pele, patas, coração, pulmão + traquéia e de gordura interna aumentaram linearmente com o aumento do nível de suplemento concentrado oferecido. Por outro lado, verificou-se efeito linear decrescente do nível de suplementação sobre as proporções de cabeça e de rins. Os valores médios obtidos foram: sangue = 1,208kg e 3,68%; pele = 2,958kg e 8,98%; patas = 0,643kg e 1,97%; cabeça = 1,184kg e 3,64%; coração = 0,124kg e 0,38%; rins = 0,088kg e 0,27%; fígado = 0,507kg e 1,55%; pulmão + traquéia = 0,573kg e 1,75%; baço = 0,047kg e 0,14%; gordura interna = 0,202kg e 0,61% e gordura renal = 0,150kg e 0,46%. Os pesos de vísceras verdes cheias e de conteúdo gastrintestinal, quando expressos em kg, as proporções de vísceras verdes cheias, vísceras verdes vazias e de conteúdo gastrintestinal diminuíram linearmente com o aumento do nível de suplementação concentrada. Os valores médios verificados foram: vísceras verdes cheias = 8,42kg e 25,99%; vísceras verdes vazias = 2,71kg e 8,29% e conteúdo gastrintestinal = 5,71kg e 17,69%.This study aimed to perform an analysis of the weight of live components ("fifth quarter" of lambs subjected to different levels of concentrated supplementation in Tifton-85 pasture

  10. Specific descriptions of functional providing of the special endurance of boxers

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    S.B. Kiprich


    Full Text Available Purpose: to determine the specific characteristics of functional and metabolic support of special endurance of qualified boxers. Material: in research took part 16 boxers of high qualification at the age of 19-26 years. To estimate special endurance is used technique of detection the basic parameters of performance boxers "Spuderg-10." To estimate the response of cardiorespiratory system during the test "3x3" is used portable ergo-spirometry complex «Meta Max 3B» (Cortex, Germany. Results: It is shown that the range of individual distinctions of indexes of capacity and functional providing of the special endurance increased in every round under act of accumulation of fatigue. It is related to distinctions of kinetics of the cardiorespiratory system (by the increase of pulmonary ventilation in the first round, by the consumption of О 2 (by a capacity for the achievement of VO 2 max - in the second and by power of reaction of respiratory indemnification of metabolic acidosis - in the third. These distinctions are registered in default of reliable distinctions of quantitative descriptions of acidemic changes in an organism, increasing in the process of the test job processing. Conclusions: in different periods (rounds in boxers high grade found differences of manifestation and combinations of properties features of functional readiness.

  11. Menstrual Cycle Effects on Anaerobic Power, Muscular Strength, and Muscular Endurance in Trained and Untrained Females. (United States)

    Rosenburg, Beth S.; And Others

    A study determined if anaerobic power, isometric strength, and isometric endurance are affected by the menstrual cycle and if endurance trained females and untrained females are affected in the same manner on these performance parameters. Subjects were healthy, normally menstruating females, ages 18-34 years who were classified as either trained…

  12. Survey study of challenging experiences after ingesting psilocybin mushrooms: Acute and enduring positive and negative consequences. (United States)

    Carbonaro, Theresa M; Bradstreet, Matthew P; Barrett, Frederick S; MacLean, Katherine A; Jesse, Robert; Johnson, Matthew W; Griffiths, Roland R


    Acute and enduring adverse effects of psilocybin have been reported anecdotally, but have not been well characterized. For this study, 1993 individuals (mean age 30 yrs; 78% male) completed an online survey about their single most psychologically difficult or challenging experience (worst "bad trip") after consuming psilocybin mushrooms. Thirty-nine percent rated it among the top five most challenging experiences of his/her lifetime. Eleven percent put self or others at risk of physical harm; factors increasing the likelihood of risk included estimated dose, duration and difficulty of the experience, and absence of physical comfort and social support. Of the respondents, 2.6% behaved in a physically aggressive or violent manner and 2.7% received medical help. Of those whose experience occurred >1 year before, 7.6% sought treatment for enduring psychological symptoms. Three cases appeared associated with onset of enduring psychotic symptoms and three cases with attempted suicide. Multiple regression analysis showed degree of difficulty was positively associated, and duration was negatively associated, with enduring increases in well-being. Difficulty of experience was positively associated with dose. Despite difficulties, 84% endorsed benefiting from the experience. The incidence of risky behavior or enduring psychological distress is extremely low when psilocybin is given in laboratory studies to screened, prepared, and supported participants. © The Author(s) 2016.

  13. Alterations in redox homeostasis in the elite endurance athlete. (United States)

    Lewis, Nathan A; Howatson, Glyn; Morton, Katie; Hill, Jessica; Pedlar, Charles R


    The production of reactive oxygen (ROS) and nitrogen species (RNS) is a fundamental feature of mammalian physiology, cellular respiration and cell signalling, and essential for muscle function and training adaptation. Aerobic and anaerobic exercise results in alterations in redox homeostasis (ARH) in untrained, trained and well trained athletes. Low to moderate doses of ROS and RNS play a role in muscle adaptation to endurance training, but an overwhelming increase in RNS and ROS may lead to increased cell apoptosis and immunosuppression, fatigued states and underperformance. The objectives of this systematic review are: (a) to test the hypotheses that ARH occur in elite endurance athletes; following an acute exercise bout, in an endurance race or competition; across a micro-, meso- or macro-training cycle; following a training taper; before, during and after altitude training; in females with amenorrhoea versus eumenorrhoea; and in non-functional over-reaching (NFOR) and overtraining states (OTS); (b) to report any relationship between ARH and training load and ARH and performance; and (c) to apply critical difference values for measures of oxidative stress/ARH to address whether there is any evidence of ARH being of physiological significance (not just statistical) and thus relevant to health and performance in the elite athlete. Electronic databases, Embase, MEDLINE, and SPORTDiscus were searched for relevant articles. Only studies that were observational articles of cross-sectional or longitudinal design, and included elite athletes competing at national or international level in endurance sports were included. Studies had to include biomarkers of ARH; oxidative damage, antioxidant enzymes, antioxidant capacity, and antioxidant vitamins and nutrients in urine, serum, plasma, whole blood, red blood cells (RBCs) and white blood cells (WBCs). A total of 3,057 articles were identified from the electronic searches. Twenty-eight articles met the inclusion criteria

  14. Amplitude e cadência do passo e componentes da aptidão muscular em idosos: um estudo correlacional multivariado Amplitud y cadencia del paso y componentes de la capacidad muscular en personas de edad avanzada: un estudio correlativo multivariado A multivariate analysis of the correlation between step length-pacing and muscular fitness components in elder subjects

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    Paulo de Tarso Veras Farinatti


    Full Text Available O estudo teve por objetivo verificar a associação de amplitude e cadência do passo com componentes da aptidão muscular (CAM (flexibilidade, força e resistência muscular de membros inferiores, em 25 mulheres de 60 a 86 anos de idade (média = 79 ± 7 anos, fisicamente independentes e cujas condições clínicas não contra-indicassem a realização dos testes propostos. As seguintes variáveis foram estudadas: a amplitude e cadência do passo (AMP e CAP; b peso, estatura e altura sentada em um banco com medida padronizada (44cm; c marcha estacionária de dois minutos (número de repetições (RESISR; d força máxima relativa de extensão de joelhos (carga/peso corporal (FORCAR; e flexibilidade de tornozelo e quadril (graus (FLEXT e FLEXQ. A AMP e CAP foram comparadas com as variáveis dos CAM por meio de técnicas de correlação simples e multivariada. Os resultados indicaram que: a AMP e CAP associaram-se significativamente com o conjunto das variáveis de força e flexibilidade, conforme sugerido pela boa correlação canônica (r can = 0,79; p Este estudio tiene por objetivo verificar la asociación entre la amplitud y cadencia del paso y los componentes de la capacidad muscular (CAM (flexibilidad, fuerza y resistencia muscular de miembros inferiores, en 25 mujeres de 60 a 86 años de edad (promedio = 79 ± 7 anos, físicamente independientes y cuyas condiciones clínicas no impusieron restricciones a la realización de las pruebas sugeridas. Se estudiaron las siguientes variables: a amplitud y cadencia del paso (AMP y CAP; b peso, estatura y altura sentada en un banco con medida estandarizada (44cm; c marcha estacionaria de dos minutos (número de repeticiones (RESISR; d fuerza máxima relativa de extensión de las rodillas (carga / peso corporal (FORCAR; e flexibilidad del tobillo y cuadril (grados (FLEXT y FLEXQ. La AMP y CAP se compararon a las variables de los CAM por medio de técnicas de correlación simple y multivariada. Los

  15. Impairments of postural stability, core endurance, fall index and functional mobility skills in patients with patello femoral pain syndrome. (United States)

    Yilmaz Yelvar, Gul Deniz; Çirak, Yasemin; Dalkilinç, Murat; Demir, Yasemin Parlak; Baltaci, Gul; Kömürcü, Mahmut; Yelvar, Gul Deniz Yilmaz


    Postural control allows performance of daily and sports activities. The previous studies show that postural sway inceases in orthopaedic injuries such as osteoarthritis and total knee arthroplasty. To compare postural sway, risk of falling and function between individuals with and without patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFS). This study included 22 subjects with patellofemoral pain syndrome, age-matched pain-free 22 females serving as a control group. Visual anolog scale and Kujala were used to evaluate the pain. Posturographic assesment was performed by Tetrax posturographic device. Biering Modified Sorenson test for extensor endurance and sit-up test for flexor endurance were used for the evaluation of trunk endurance. Timed get-up and go test was used for lower extremity function. The Student's t Test was used to compare variables between the groups. The Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated to examine correlation between the quantitative variables. Postural sway included eyes open without pillow, eyes open on pillow, eyes closed on pillow, risk of falling, function and postural stabilization included flexor endurance, extansor endurance are impared in patient with patellofemoral pain syndrome when compare to controls. In subjects with PFPS increased postural sway significantly associated with body mass index (r= 0.52), pain duration (r= 0.43), postural control (extansor endurance) (r= -0.50) and risk of falling (r= 0.62) on pillow with open eyes. In addition we found function significantly related with postural control (extansor endurance and flexor endurance) (r= -0.59 and r= -0.59) and risk of falling (r= 0.77)CONCLUSIONS: Decreased neuromuscular control of the trunk core and increased postural sway and falling risk were found in patients with PFPS. Patients may be evaluated for deficits in postural control and falling risk before treatment.

  16. Determinación del desgaste del componente acetabular en prótesis totales de cadera. // Wear determination of acetabular component in total hip prosthesis.

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    G. García del Pino


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se realiza un estudio a través del Método de los Elementos Finitos “MEF” sobre el desgaste del componenteacetabular durante el ciclo de marcha y considerando algunos casos extremos de cargas como subir y bajar escaleras,levantarse de una silla, etc. Utilizando el MEF fueron modelados independientemente los componentes acetabular yfemoral de la prótesis total de cadera y puestos en contacto posteriormente. Fueron estudiadas varias posiciones delacetábulo así como diferentes casos de carga simulando pacientes con diferente peso corporal y actividades físicas. Paraevaluar los resultados se crearon rutinas en lenguaje C que organizaron los mismos para un tratamiento estadísticoposterior.Palabras claves: biomecánica, ortopedia, elementos finitos, modelación, desgaste, prótesis de cadera.___________________________________________________________________________Abstract.A wear study of acetabular component during the marching cycle, considering some extreme loads cases as: ascend anddescend stairways, get up from a seat, etc , by means of Finite Elements Method ( FEM , is carried out. The acetabular andfemoral component of the total hip prosthesis were independently modeled and placed in contact lastly. Several acetabulpositions were studied as well as different load cases, simulating patients with different body weight and different physicalactivities. To evaluate the results routines in C language were created in order to organized the same ones for a laterstatistical treatment.Key words. biomechanics, ortophedy, finite elements, modelation, wear, hip bone prosthesis.

  17. [Endurance capabilities of triathlon competitors with type 1 diabetes mellitus]. (United States)

    Boehncke, S; Poettgen, K; Maser-Gluth, C; Reusch, J; Boehncke, W-H; Badenhoop, K


    Treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM) aims to prevent complications by strictly optimizing blood glucose levels. Although physical exercise is an important part of metabolic control, endurance sports are considered hazardous for patients with type 1 diabetes because of the extreme physiological stress they represent. To further elucidate the metabolic challenge this form of exercise presented we investigated the performance of triathlon competitors with type 1 diabetes. Ten patients (32-61 years) with type 1 diabetes (disease duration 2-35 years) were followed for three years, during which each year they participated in one triathlon long-distance competitions (2.4 miles swimming, 26.2 miles running and 112 miles cycling; Ironman Germany 2005-2007). Glucose, cortisol, aldosterone, renin, thyroid hormones, testosterone, growth hormone and catecholamines were measured in blood and saliva. Five non-diabetic competitors served as controls. The performance equalled those of age-matched healthy athletes. Several participants experienced hyperglycemia early in the bike leg, whereas all of them developed low blood glucose levels during the marathon leg. Basal insulin supply was reduced up to 50 % on race day. Hormone levels in athletes with type 1 DM and healthy controls were similar. Patients with type 1 DM can successfully sustain extreme endurance challenges. Physiological alterations of the metabolic state complicated by type 1 DM can readily be compensated by adapting intensified insulin therapy and nutritional modifications. Thus 1 DM should not be regarded a contraindication to participating in high endurance sports.

  18. Deshidratación de etanol mediante destilación azeotrópica con hidrocarburos componentes de la gasolina: estudio de la viabilidad del proceso a escala semi-planta piloto


    Pedraza Berenguer, Ricardo


    En el presente estudio se pretende realizar un estudio experimental de la viabilidad de la deshidratación de etanol en una columna de destilación azeotrópica en continuo a escala semi-planta piloto empleando distintas mezclas de hidrocarburos componentes de la gasolina con el fin de obtener una mezcla etanol - gasolina directamente utilizable como combustible. Se llega a la conclusión de que la deshidratación de etanol mediante destilación azeotrópica con gasolina o sus componentes para obten...

  19. Refração e seus componentes em anisometropia Refraction and its components in anisometropia

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    David Tayah


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Em anisométropes comparar os valores médios individuais dos componentes oculares de ambos os olhos, correlacionar as diferenças dos componentes com as diferenças de refração; e identificar o menor número de fatores que contenham o mesmo grau de informações expressas no conjunto de variáveis que influenciam a diferença refrativa. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se estudo transversal analítico em população de 77 anisométropes de 2 D ou mais, atendida no ambulatório de Oftalmologia do Hospital Universitário da Faculdade de Medicina Nilton Lins, Manaus. RESULTADOS: Os anisométropes foram submetidos à refração estática objetiva e subjetiva, ceratometria e biometria ultrassônica A-scan. A análise dos dados foi feita por meio dos seguintes modelos estatísticos: análise univariada, multivariada, de regressão múltipla e fatorial. CONCLUSÕES: Não houve diferenças significativas na comparação dos valores médios individuais dos componentes oculares entre os olhos. Houve correlação negativa média entre a diferença refrativa e a diferença de comprimento axial (r= -0,64 (pPURPOSE: To compare the individual means of ocular components of both eyes in patients with anisometropia; to correlate the differences of the components with refractive differences; and to identify the smallest number of factors that contain the same level of information expressed in the set of variables that influence refractive difference. METHODS: An analytical transversal study was carried out in 77 patients with anisometropia of two or more dioptres seen at the Ophthalmologic Clinic, University Hospital, Nilton Lins Medical School, Manaus. RESULTS: All participants were submitted to ophthalmologic examination which included objective and subjective cycloplegic refractometry, keratometry and ultrasound biometry. Data analysis comprised the following statistical models: univariate, multivariate, multiple and factorial regression analyses. CONCLUSIONS

  20. Free-piston Stirling engine/linear alternator 1000-hour endurance test (United States)

    Rauch, J.; Dochat, G.


    The Free Piston Stirling Engine (FPSE) has the potential to be a long lived, highly reliable, power conversion device attractive for many product applications such as space, residential or remote site power. The purpose of endurance testing the FPSE was to demonstrate its potential for long life. The endurance program was directed at obtaining 1000 operational hours under various test conditions: low power, full stroke, duty cycle and stop/start. Critical performance parameters were measured to note any change and/or trend. Inspections were conducted to measure and compare critical seal/bearing clearances. The engine performed well throughout the program, completing more than 1100 hours. Hardware inspection, including the critical clearances, showed no significant change in hardware or clearance dimensions. The performance parameters did not exhibit any increasing or decreasing trends. The test program confirms the potential for long life FPSE applications.

  1. Efficacy of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera [L.] Dunal) in improving cardiorespiratory endurance in healthy athletic adults. (United States)

    Choudhary, Bakhtiar; Shetty, A; Langade, Deepak G


    Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera [L.] Dunal) has been traditionally used for various actions ranging from vitalizer, improve endurance and stamina, promote longevity, improve immunity, and male and female fertility. However, clinical studies are needed to prove the clinical efficacy of this herb, especially in cardiovascular endurance and physical performance. This prospective, double-blind, randomized, and placebo-controlled study evaluated the efficacy of Ashwagandha roots extract in enhancing cardiorespiratory endurance and improving the quality of life (QOL) in 50 healthy male/female athletic adults. Cardiorespiratory endurance was assessed by measuring the oxygen consumption at peak physical exertion (VO2 max) levels during a 20 m shuttle run test. The World Health Organization self-reported QOL questionnaire (physical health, psychological health, social relationships, and environmental factors) was used to assess the QOL. Student's t-test was used to compare the differences in a mean and change from baseline VO2 max levels, whereas Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to assess changes in QOL scores from baseline in the two groups. There was a greater increase from baseline (P < 0.0001) in the mean VO2 max with KSM-66 Ashwagandha (n = 24) compared to placebo (n = 25) at 8 weeks (4.91 and 1.42, respectively) and at 12 weeks (5.67 and 1.86 respectively). The QOL scores for all subdomains significantly improved to a greater extent in the Ashwagandha group at 12 weeks compared to placebo (P < 0.05). The findings suggest that Ashwagandha root extract enhances the cardiorespiratory endurance and improves QOL in healthy athletic adults.

  2. Effects of respiratory muscle endurance training on wheelchair racing performance in athletes with paraplegia: a pilot study.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Muller, G.; Perret, C.; Hopman, M.T.E.


    OBJECTIVE: Respiratory muscle endurance training (RMET) has been shown to improve both respiratory muscle and cycling exercise endurance in able-bodied subjects. Since effects of RMET on upper extremity exercise performance have not yet been investigated, we evaluated the effects of RMET on 10-km

  3. The Influence of Creatine Monohydrate on Strength and Endurance After Doing Physical Exercise With Maximum Intensity

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    Asrofi Shicas Nabawi


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was: (1 to analyze the effect of creatine monohydrate to give strength after doing physical exercise with maximum intensity, towards endurance after doing physical exercise with maximum intensity, (2 to analyze the effect of non creatine monohydrate to give strength after doing physical exercise with maximum intensity, towards endurance after doing physical exercise with maximum intensity, (3 to analyze the results of the difference by administering creatine and non creatine on strength and endurance after exercise with maximum intensity. This type of research used in this research was quantitative with quasi experimental research methods. The design of this study was using pretest and posttest control group design, and data analysis was using a paired sample t-test. The process of data collection was done with the test leg muscle strength using a strength test with back and leg dynamometer, sit ups test with 1 minute sit ups, push ups test with push ups and 30 seconds with a VO2max test cosmed quart CPET during the pretest and posttest. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using SPSS 22.0 series. The results showed: (1 There was the influence of creatine administration against the strength after doing exercise with maximum intensity; (2 There was the influence of creatine administration against the group endurance after doing exercise with maximum intensity; (3 There was the influence of non creatine against the force after exercise maximum intensity; (4 There was the influence of non creatine against the group after endurance exercise maximum intensity; (5 The significant difference with the provision of non creatine and creatine from creatine group difference delta at higher against the increased strength and endurance after exercise maximum intensity. Based on the above analysis, it can be concluded that the increased strength and durability for each of the groups after being given a workout.

  4. Non-conscious visual cues related to affect and action alter perception of effort and endurance performance

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    Anthony William Blanchfield


    Full Text Available The psychobiological model of endurance performance proposes that endurance performance is determined by a decision-making process based on perception of effort and potential motivation. Recent research has reported that effort-based decision-making during cognitive tasks can be altered by non-conscious visual cues relating to affect and action. The effect of these non-conscious visual cues on effort and performance during physical tasks is however unknown. We report two experiments investigating the effect of subliminal priming with visual cues related to affect and action on perception of effort and endurance performance. In Experiment 1 thirteen individuals were subliminally primed with happy or sad faces as they cycled to exhaustion in a counterbalanced and randomized crossover design. A paired t-test (happy vs. sad faces revealed that individuals cycled for significantly longer (178 s, p = .04 when subliminally primed with happy faces. A 2 x 5 (condition x iso-time ANOVA also revealed a significant main effect of condition on rating of perceived exertion (RPE during the time to exhaustion (TTE test with lower RPE when subjects were subliminally primed with happy faces (p = .04. In Experiment 2, a single-subject randomization tests design found that subliminal priming with action words facilitated a significantly longer (399 s, p = .04 TTE in comparison to inaction words (p = .04. Like Experiment 1, this greater TTE was accompanied by a significantly lower RPE (p = .03. These experiments are the first to show that subliminal visual cues relating to affect and action can alter perception of effort and endurance performance. Non-conscious visual cues may therefore influence the effort-based decision-making process that is proposed to determine endurance performance. Accordingly, the findings raise notable implications for individuals who may encounter such visual cues during endurance competitions, training, or health related exercise.

  5. Momentary Work Happiness as a Function of Enduring Burnout and Work Engagement. (United States)

    Bakker, Arnold B; Oerlemans, Wido G M


    The present study (N = 136) combined global measures with specific, experience-based measures to investigate how enduring job burnout and engagement influence the impact of daily work activities on momentary need satisfaction and happiness. We used the day reconstruction method (DRM) to ask employees from various occupations to reconstruct their working days. On the basis of employee work engagement and self-determination theories, we hypothesized that time spent on (a) core work tasks; (b) administrative work tasks; (c) client interactions; (d) interactions with colleagues; and (e) meetings would be negatively related to need satisfaction on the task level for employees high (vs. low) in enduring burnout; and positively related to need satisfaction on the task level for employees high (vs. low) in enduring work engagement. In addition, we predicted that psychological need satisfaction would mediate the relationships between time spent on work tasks and happiness during the tasks. The results of multilevel analyses largely supported these hypotheses. Our findings contribute to the literature by showing how those with high levels of burnout do not manage to satisfy their basic needs through their work, whereas those with high levels of work engagement satisfy their daily needs and stay happy.

  6. Diseño y validación de una escala para medir la percepción sobre el trabajo en el primer nivel de atención en estudiantes de medicina de Latinoamérica

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    Percy Mayta-Tristán

    Full Text Available Objetivos. Diseñar y validar una escala para evaluar la percepción sobre el primer nivel de atención (PNA en estudiantes de medicina latinoamericanos. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio multicéntrico, observacional, en dos fases: i Se diseñó un cuestionario autoaplicado referente a la percepción sobre la labor del médico en el PNA, y ii Se aplicó el cuestionario en estudiantes de medicina de 18 universidades de ocho países hispanohablantes latinoamericanos. Se desarrolló un análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE por medio de un análisis de componentes principales con rotación ortogonal varimax. Se evaluó la adecuación y el ajuste de la muestra. La extracción de factores fue hecha en base a los criterios de Kaiser, la pendiente de Catell y la varianza explicada (>5%. La consistencia interna fue medida con el alfa de Cronbach. Resultados. Se incluyeron 423 estudiantes, el 53,4% pertenecían a universidades peruanas. Tras el AFE el cuestionario quedo constituido por 11 ítems, los cuales se distribuyen en tres dominios que, en su conjunto, explican el 55,47% de la varianza total. i Percepciones sobre el médico que trabaja en PNA, ii Percepciones sobre el trabajo asistencial en PNA y iii Percepciones sobre las consecuencias económicas de trabajar en PNA. Conclusiones. La escala presenta tres dominios y constituye un instrumento que puede ser usado para medir las percepciones sobre el trabajo médico en el primer nivel de atención en estudiantes de medicina latinoamericanos de habla hispana.

  7. Prevalence of exertional rhabdomyolysis in endurance horses in the Pacific Northwestern United States. (United States)

    Wilberger, M S; McKenzie, E C; Payton, M E; Rigas, J D; Valberg, S J


    Exertional rhabdomyolysis (ER) is a reported syndrome in competing endurance horses; however, the prevalence and cause of ER in this population have not been defined. To determine the prevalence of ER in a sample of endurance racing horses and investigate factors, including relevant genetic defects, contributing to the occurrence of rhabdomyolysis in this group. Prospective clinical study. Riders of 101 horses participating in one of four 50-mile (80.5 km) distance races completed a comprehensive questionnaire regarding the medical history, management and performance of their horse. Serum creatine kinase activity (CK) was measured before and 4 h after completion of exercise. Hair samples were analysed by PCR for the R309H mutation in the glycogen synthase gene (GYS1) responsible for type 1 polysaccharide storage myopathy (PSSM) and the C7360G mutation in the ryanodine receptor 1 (RYR1) gene causing malignant hyperthermia (MH). Samples were obtained from 68 Arabians, 20 half-Arabians and 13 horses of other breeds. Serum CK was above the resting reference interval (145-633 u/l) in 38 horses after racing (median 883 u/l, range 658-3739) but was compatible with values previously reported in apparently healthy endurance horses. Pathological ER was suspected to occur in 4 horses with serum CK activities exceeding 10,000 u/l 4 h after racing (median 84,825 u/l; range 10,846-381,790) including 3 Arabians and one half-Arabian horse. GYS1 and RYR1 mutations were not present in hair samples from any horses. Exertional rhabdomyolysis occurred at a prevalence of 4.0% in a sample of horses participating in 50 mile distance events and all affected horses were Arabian or half-Arabian. The cause of ER in the endurance horse population remains unknown; however, ER in competing Arabian endurance horses is unlikely to be due to type 1 PSSM or MH. © 2014 EVJ Ltd.

  8. Maximal power output during incremental exercise by resistance and endurance trained athletes. (United States)

    Sakthivelavan, D S; Sumathilatha, S


    This study was aimed at comparing the maximal power output by resistance trained and endurance trained athletes during incremental exercise. Thirty male athletes who received resistance training (Group I) and thirty male athletes of similar age group who received endurance training (Group II) for a period of more than 1 year were chosen for the study. Physical parameters were measured and exercise stress testing was done on a cycle ergometer with a portable gas analyzing system. The maximal progressive incremental cycle ergometer power output at peak exercise and carbon dioxide production at VO2max were measured. Highly significant (P biofeedback and perk up the athlete's performance.

  9. Componentes cognitivos y afectivos en la configuración de la personalidad moral de los adolescentes


    Palma Cortés, Javier


    La presente tesis doctoral se ha diseñado con el objetivo de analizar cómo se comportan determinados aspectos cognitivos y afectivos en el desarrollo moral y en la configuración de la personalidad moral de los adolescentes. En relación a los aspectos cognitivos se centra la investigación en la preferencia y jerarquización de los valores humanos, y en el pensamiento prosocial. Los procesos empáticos, desde su vertiente afectiva, han sido analizados como expresión del componente afectivo de la ...

  10. Increasing Endurance by Building Fluency: Precision Teaching Attention Span. (United States)

    Binder, Carl; And Others


    Precision teaching techniques can be used to chart students' attention span or endurance. Individual differences in attention span can then be better understood and dealt with effectively. The effects of performance duration on performance level, on error rates, and on learning rates are discussed. Implications for classroom practice are noted.…

  11. Análisis de los componentes del tiempo de reacción


    Malapeira Gas, Joan Ma. (Joan Maria), 1951-2015; Honrubia Serrano, Ma. Luisa; Viader Junyent, Manel; Cosculluela Mas, Antonio; Viadé Sanzano, Albert; Ferrer Puig, Ramon


    En el presente trabajo se hacen una serie de consideraciones sobre la utilización de la técnica de los tiempos de reacción en diferentes campos de investigación, ejemplijicándose con experimentos en el campo de la percepción auditiva, en el estudio de los anteperiodos y en el establecimiento de la relación entre diferencias individuales, inteligencia y personalidad, y tiempos de reacción. A lo largo del trabajo se realizan varios comentarios sobre la necesidad de utilizar la información compl...

  12. Effects of Submaximal Endurance Training and Vitamin D3 Supplementation on Pain Threshold in Diabetic Rats

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    S. Jalal Taherabadi


    Full Text Available Background: According to beneficial effects of endurance training and vitamin D3 in diabetes mellitus, purpose of this study is effects submaximal endurance training and vitamin D3 supplementation on pain threshold in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats.Materials and Methods: Male Wistar rats (250±20 g, N=40 were made diabetic by streptozotocin (60 mg/kg, subcutaneously. 72 h after injection diabetes induction was confirmed by tail vein blood glucose concentration (>300 mg/dl. Then animals were divided to five groups: diabetic control (DC, diabetic trained (DT, diabetic -vitamin D (DD, diabetic trained and vitamin D (DTD, and control (C. Animals were submitted to endurance training by treadmill and vitamin D3 treatment (twice aweek, intrapretonally for 4 weeks. 48 h after at the end of exercise and treatment protocol, we used tail-flick to assess the effects of training and vitamin D3 on thermal pain threshold. We used one way ANOVA statistical analysis to compare differences between groups, significance level of p<0.05 was considered.Results: Diabetic induced hyperalgesia were decreased significantly by vitamin D but not 4 weeks endurance exercise training. Concurrent effects of training and vitamin D on thermal pain threshold were not significantly higher than vitamin D effects alone.Conclusion: It is concluded that vitamin D administration given at the time of diabetes induction may be able to restore thermal hyperalgesia. But effects of endurance exercise training needs to more investigation in diabetic rats.

  13. Change in the level of strength and endurance development of 5-6 grades pupils under cheerleading exercises influence

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    Tetyana Bala


    Full Text Available Purpose: determine the degree of change in the level of strength and endurance development of 5-6 grades pupils under cheerleading exercises influence. Material and Methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature, pedagogical testing, pedagogical experiment and mathematical statistics methods. Results: parameters of strength and endurance development level are presented with their degree of change under cheerleading exercises influence for 5-6 grades pupils of secondary school. Conclusions: cheerleading exercises usage has positive influence on demonstrated strength and endurance degree of secondary school children by all investigated parameters.

  14. Los Conceptos en Evolución sobre Diabetes Los Conceptos en Evolución sobre Diabetes

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    Juan Manuel Malacara


    Full Text Available Important concepts on diabetes Mellitus have evolved recently. The concepts and practical applications on the metabolic syndrome have been questioned, yet the importance of its components is unchanged. The actual definition of prediabetes is also under scrutiny, and its utility for the identification of the preclinical stage of diabetes seems of limited utility. Insulin resistance is no longer considered the principal factor underlying diabetes, however non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is identified as frequent and important associated pathology. Deficient insulin secretion is now considered a sine qua non condition for the installation of diabetes, but the main cause of it is yet to be recognized. In recent months about fifteen genes associated to type 2 diabetes have been identified, but they can only account for about fifteen percent of the variability on the installation of disease. The importance of perinatal imprinting and the influence of early alimentary experiences for the future appearance of diabetes and the cardiovascular risk are now under reconsideration. The importance of feeding on the appearance of metabolic alterations, now focus attention on the food content of advanced glycosilation end products (AGEs and the trans- fatty acids. These factors may also be significant for the physiopathology and clinical course of diabetes mellitus. Los conceptos sobre la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 han evolucionado rápidamente. Actualmente se cuestionan las bases conceptuales y la utilidad práctica del síndrome metabólico, aunque la importancia de sus componentes sigue vigente. La defi nición actual de la prediabetes también parece endeble, como un medio para identifi car la etapa preclínica de la enfermedad. La resistencia a la insulina aunque ya no se identifi ca como la causa principal de la diabetes mellitus, tiene un componente muy importante que debe ser considerado, que es el hígado graso no alcohólico. Por otra parte la defi

  15. Evaluacion del componente central y periferico de fatiga muscular en pacientes neuropaticos y miopaticos

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    L. G. Cohen


    Full Text Available Utilizando un método de cuantificación del electromiograma, se investigaron parte de los mecanismos centrales y periféricos responsables de la fatiga muscular en enfermos crónicamente denervados y en pacientes con compromiso muscular primitivo. Se observó en los denervados que los mecanismos de fatiga muscular, no difieren mayormente de los observados en el grupo de sujetos sanos, por el contrario, en los miopáticos a más del componente central, existen otros de orden periférico, tales como la pérdida de unidades motoras funcionantes durante el esfuerzo y el bloqueo temporario de la transmisión neuromuscular, que contribuye al desarrollo de la fatiga.

  16. A Clinician Guide to Altitude Training for Optimal Endurance Exercise Performance at Sea Level. (United States)

    Constantini, Keren; Wilhite, Daniel P; Chapman, Robert F


    Constantini, Keren, Daniel P. Wilhite, and Robert F. Chapman. A clinician guide to altitude training for optimal endurance exercise performance at sea level. High Alt Med Biol. 18:93-101, 2017.-For well over 50 years, endurance athletes have been utilizing altitude training in an effort to enhance performance in sea level competition. This brief review will offer the clinician a series of evidence-based best-practice guidelines on prealtitude and altitude training considerations, which can ultimately maximize performance improvement outcomes.

  17. Endurance and age : evidence from long-distance running data

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sterken, Elmer


    This paper analyzes the impact of aging on long-run endurance. We analyze the determinants of running speed on distances from 5K to the marathon. We model running speed as a function of distance, age, and sex. We find evidence for interaction between age and sex, but not between distance and sex.

  18. Influence of Endurance Training During Childhood on Total Hemoglobin Mass. (United States)

    Prommer, Nicole; Wachsmuth, Nadine; Thieme, Ina; Wachsmuth, Christian; Mancera-Soto, Erica M; Hohmann, Andreas; Schmidt, Walter F J


    Elite endurance athletes are characterized by markedly increased hemoglobin mass (Hbmass). It has been hypothesized that this adaptation may occur as a response to training at a very young age. Therefore, the aim of this study was to monitor changes in Hbmass in children aged 8-14 years following systematic endurance training. In the first study, Hbmass, VO2max, and lean body mass (LBM) were measured in 17 endurance-trained children (13 boys and 4 girls; aged 9.7 ± 1.3 years; training history 1.5±1.8 years; training volume 3.5 ± 1.6 h) twice a year for up to 3.5 years. The same parameters were measured once in a control group of 18 age-matched untrained children. Hbmass and blood volume (BV) were measured using the optimized CO-rebreathing technique, VO2max by an incremental test on a treadmill, and LBM by skin-fold measurements. In the second pilot study, the same parameters were measured in 9 young soccer athletes (aged 7.8 ± 0.2 years), and results were assessed in relation to soccer performance 2.5 years later. The increase in mean Hbmass during the period of study was 50% which was closely related to changes in LBM ( r = 0.959). A significant impact of endurance training on Hbmass was observed in athletes exercising more than 4 h/week [+25.4 g compared to the group with low training volume (LBM (11.4 g·kg -1 LBM) and overlapped with the effects of age. A strong relationship was present between absolute Hbmass and VO2max ( r = 0.939), showing that an increase of 1 g hemoglobin increases VO2max by 3.6 ml·min -1 . Study 2 showed a positive correlation between Hbmass and soccer performance 2.5 years later at age 10.3 ± 0.3 years ( r = 0.627, p = 0.035). In conclusion, children with a weekly training volume of more than 4 h show a 7% higher Hbmass than untrained children. Although this training effect is significant and independent of changes in LBM, the major factor driving the increase in Hbmass is still LBM.

  19. Mental skills comparison between elite sprint and endurance track and field runners according to their genetic polymorphism: a pilot study. (United States)

    Znazen, Hela; Slimani, Maamer; Miarka, Bianca; Butovskaya, Marina; Siala, Hajer; Messaoud, Taieb; Chamari, Karim; Souissi, Nizar


    Achieving excellence in track and field athletes requires specific mental skills. The aim of the present study was to compare the mental skills between elite sprint and endurance athletes. Forty elite athletes (age 20.55±2.22 years, body mass 74.8±7.9 kg, height 1.70±0.1 m) participated in the present study. The athletes were classified into two groups according to their genetic polymorphism to physical activity: Endurance group (allele I, N.=20) and power group (allele D, N.=20). The mental skills were assessed by means of Ottawa Mental Skill Assessment Tool-3 inventory (OMSAT-3: based in foundation mental skills, psychosomatic skills, and cognitive skills subscales) before the competition period. Furthermore, genetic data were also collected. Sprint and endurance runners were participating in Tunisian National championship. The results showed a significant difference between elite sprint and endurance runners in the foundation mental and psychosomatic skills subscales (all, Pstudy revealed that goal setting, commitment, stress reactions, fear control, imagery, competition planning and mental practice were significantly higher among the elite sprint runners compared to the endurance runners (all, Pstudy could confirm the widely acclaimed research assumption that mental skills, such as goal setting, commitment and mental practice, are the predictor variables of power performances, while endurance performances are associated with different mental skills components. Finally, the results may inform applied practitioners regarding the differences in mental skill demands between power and endurance athletes and the genetic predisposition of practitioners.

  20. Increased trunk extension endurance is associated with meaningful improvement in balance among older adults with mobility problems. (United States)

    Suri, Pradeep; Kiely, Dan K; Leveille, Suzanne G; Frontera, Walter R; Bean, Jonathan F


    To determine whether trunk extension endurance changes with training are associated with clinically meaningful improvements in balance among mobility-limited older adults. Longitudinal data from a randomized controlled trial. Outpatient rehabilitation research center. Community-dwelling older adults (N=64; mean age, 75.9y) with mobility limitations as defined by a score of 4 to 10 on the Short Physical Performance Battery. Sixteen weeks of progressive resistance training. Outcomes were the Berg Balance Scale (BBS) and the Unipedal Stance Time (UST). Predictors included leg strength, leg power, trunk extension endurance, and the product of heart rate and blood pressure (RPP) at the final stage of an exercise tolerance test. We performed an analysis of data from participants who completed 16 weeks of training by using binary outcomes defined by a clinically meaningful change (CMC) from baseline to completion of the intervention (BBS=4 units; UST=5s). The association of predictor variables with balance outcomes was examined separately and together in multivariate adjusted logistic regression models. Trunk extension endurance in seconds (1.04 [1.00-1.09]) was independently associated with CMC on the BBS. Trunk extension endurance (1.02 [1.00-1.03]) was independently associated with CMC on the UST. Other physical attributes were not associated with meaningful change in balance. Improvements in trunk extension endurance were independently associated with CMCs in balance in older adults. Leg strength, leg power, and RPP were not associated with CMC in balance. Poor trunk extension endurance may be a rehabilitative impairment worthy of further study as a modifiable factor linked to balance among older adults. Copyright © 2011 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Are There Deleterious Cardiac Effects of Acute and Chronic Endurance Exercise? (United States)

    Eijsvogels, Thijs M. H.; Fernandez, Antonio B.; Thompson, Paul D.


    Multiple epidemiological studies document that habitual physical activity reduces the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), and most demonstrate progressively lower rates of ASCVD with progressively more physical activity. Few studies have included individuals performing high-intensity, lifelong endurance exercise, however, and recent reports suggest that prodigious amounts of exercise may increase markers for, and even the incidence of, cardiovascular disease. This review examines the evidence that extremes of endurance exercise may increase cardiovascular disease risk by reviewing the causes and incidence of exercise-related cardiac events, and the acute effects of exercise on cardiovascular function, the effect of exercise on cardiac biomarkers, including “myocardial” creatine kinase, cardiac troponins, and cardiac natriuretic peptides. This review also examines the effect of exercise on coronary atherosclerosis and calcification, the frequency of atrial fibrillation in aging athletes, and the possibility that exercise may be deleterious in individuals genetically predisposed to such cardiac abnormalities as long QT syndrome, right ventricular cardiomyopathy, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. This review is to our knowledge unique because it addresses all known potentially adverse cardiovascular effects of endurance exercise. The best evidence remains that physical activity and exercise training benefit the population, but it is possible that prolonged exercise and exercise training can adversely affect cardiac function in some individuals. This hypothesis warrants further examination. PMID:26607287

  2. Waiting Endurance Time Estimation of Electric Two-Wheelers at Signalized Intersections

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    Mei Huan


    Full Text Available The paper proposed a model for estimating waiting endurance times of electric two-wheelers at signalized intersections using survival analysis method. Waiting duration times were collected by video cameras and they were assigned as censored and uncensored data to distinguish between normal crossing and red-light running behavior. A Cox proportional hazard model was introduced, and variables revealing personal characteristics and traffic conditions were defined as covariates to describe the effects of internal and external factors. Empirical results show that riders do not want to wait too long to cross intersections. As signal waiting time increases, electric two-wheelers get impatient and violate the traffic signal. There are 12.8% of electric two-wheelers with negligible wait time. 25.0% of electric two-wheelers are generally nonrisk takers who can obey the traffic rules after waiting for 100 seconds. Half of electric two-wheelers cannot endure 49.0 seconds or longer at red-light phase. Red phase time, motor vehicle volume, and conformity behavior have important effects on riders’ waiting times. Waiting endurance times would decrease with the longer red-phase time, the lower traffic volume, or the bigger number of other riders who run against the red light. The proposed model may be applicable in the design, management and control of signalized intersections in other developing cities.

  3. Waiting endurance time estimation of electric two-wheelers at signalized intersections. (United States)

    Huan, Mei; Yang, Xiao-bao


    The paper proposed a model for estimating waiting endurance times of electric two-wheelers at signalized intersections using survival analysis method. Waiting duration times were collected by video cameras and they were assigned as censored and uncensored data to distinguish between normal crossing and red-light running behavior. A Cox proportional hazard model was introduced, and variables revealing personal characteristics and traffic conditions were defined as covariates to describe the effects of internal and external factors. Empirical results show that riders do not want to wait too long to cross intersections. As signal waiting time increases, electric two-wheelers get impatient and violate the traffic signal. There are 12.8% of electric two-wheelers with negligible wait time. 25.0% of electric two-wheelers are generally nonrisk takers who can obey the traffic rules after waiting for 100 seconds. Half of electric two-wheelers cannot endure 49.0 seconds or longer at red-light phase. Red phase time, motor vehicle volume, and conformity behavior have important effects on riders' waiting times. Waiting endurance times would decrease with the longer red-phase time, the lower traffic volume, or the bigger number of other riders who run against the red light. The proposed model may be applicable in the design, management and control of signalized intersections in other developing cities.

  4. Reliability and fatigue characteristics of a standing hip isometric endurance protocol. (United States)

    Mutchler, Jessica A; Weinhandl, Joshua T; Hoch, Matthew C; Van Lunen, Bonnie L


    Muscle fatigue is a common consideration when evaluating and rehabilitating athletic injuries. The presence of muscular fatigue has been previously determined by quantifying median frequency (MF) through a power spectral analysis on EMG signals collected throughout an endurance task. Research has not yet determined if a prolonged isometric test in a standing position generates muscular fatigue of the hip. The purpose of this study was to determine the reliability and fatigue characteristics of a standing hip isometric endurance test. Twenty healthy participants completed one 60-s Maximum Voluntary Isometric Contraction of standing hip flexion, extension, adduction, and abduction. MF of the participants' dominant limb rectus femoris (RF), biceps femoris (BF), gluteus maximus (GMax), gluteus medius (GMed) and adductor longus (ADD) was determined via surface electromyography during two sessions, 30-min apart. Reliability values (ICC2,1) were moderate-to-excellent for all time intervals of each action (FlexionRF: >0.80; ExtensionBF: >0.89; ExtensionGMax: >0.60; AdductionADD: >0.78; AbductionGMed: >0.60) and MF significantly decreased over time for all actions. Results suggest the endurance test is a reliable technique to generate muscular fatigue for hip flexion, extension, adduction and abduction. It can be used as a time efficient fatigue protocol specific to the RF, BF, GMax, ADD and GMed. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. The effects of endurance and resistance training on blood pressure. (United States)

    Schwartz, R S; Hirth, V A


    There now exists substantial clinical data supporting a blood pressure lowering effect of endurance training. Though the effect is modest (5-10 mmHg), epidemiologic studies indicate the possibility of protection against the development of hypertension and also indicate significantly reduced cardiovascular mortality and increased longevity associated with chronic endurance exercise. The data for blood pressure lowering effects of resistive training are much less compelling, and this area requires additional investigation. However, it appears that resistance training is not associated with chronic elevations in blood pressure. Future studies need to focus on: 1) the relative efficacy of low-, moderate- and high-intensity training on lowering blood pressure; 2) the effect of training on ambulatory blood pressure; 3) targeting of at risk and high responding populations; and 4) the importance of insulinemia, SNS tone and central adiposity in the mechanism of any blood pressure lowering effect of training.

  6. Vascular characteristics in young women-Effect of extensive endurance training or a sedentary lifestyle. (United States)

    Bjarnegård, N; Länne, T; Cinthio, M; Ekstrand, J; Hedman, K; Nylander, E; Henriksson, J


    To explore whether high-level endurance training in early age has an influence on the arterial wall properties in young women. Forty-seven athletes (ATH) and 52 controls (CTR), all 17-25 years of age, were further divided into runners (RUN), whole-body endurance athletes (WBA), sedentary controls (SC) and normally active controls (AC). Two-dimensional ultrasound scanning of the carotid arteries was conducted to determine local common carotid artery (CCA) geometry and wall distensibility. Pulse waves were recorded with a tonometer to determine regional pulse wave velocity (PWV) and pulse pressure waveform. Carotid-radial PWV was lower in WBA than in RUN (P sedentary lifestyle. On the other hand, our data suggest that long-term endurance training is associated with potentially favourable peripheral artery adaptation, especially in sports where upper body work is added. This adaptation, if persisting later in life, could contribute to lower cardiovascular risk. © 2018 Scandinavian Physiological Society. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  7. Apuntes sobre esporotricosis


    Londoño, Fabio


    Se hace una breve reseña histórica de las primeras comunicaciones sobre esporotricosis. Se destaca la amplia difusión de la enfermedad en nuestro país. 3. Se hace notar la no existencia de datos bibliográficos sobre formas extracutáneas. 4. Se llama la atención sobre la eficaz ayuda de la intradermo-reacción con esporotriquina en el diagnóstico de la enfermedad. 5- Se comunica un caso de esporotricosis verrugosa tratado con anfotericin B, con excelentes resultados

  8. Apuntes sobre esporotricosis

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    Fabio Londoño


    Full Text Available Se hace una breve reseña histórica de las primeras comunicaciones sobre esporotricosis. Se destaca la amplia difusión de la enfermedad en nuestro país. 3. Se hace notar la no existencia de datos bibliográficos sobre formas extracutáneas. 4. Se llama la atención sobre la eficaz ayuda de la intradermo-reacción con esporotriquina en el diagnóstico de la enfermedad. 5- Se comunica un caso de esporotricosis verrugosa tratado con anfotericin B, con excelentes resultados

  9. Influência da atividade física nos componentes psicomotores em idosos

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    Patricia Espíndola Mota Venâncio


    Full Text Available Objetivo: analisar a influência da atividade física nos componentes psicomotores em idosos participantes do UNIATI-UniEvangélica. Método: tratou-se de um estudo de natureza descritiva com abordagem qualitativa, transversal, realizado com 80 idosos, de ambos os sexos, sendo que 60 praticam atividades físicas, 20 musculação, 20 hidroginástica, 20 ritmos, regularmente em um projeto na faculdade UniEvangélica (UNIATI, na cidade de Anápolis-GO e outros 20 sedentários. As informações foram coletadas a partir de testes da ficha de avaliação psicomotora de Rosa Neto,22 os quais avaliam alterações de comportamento mental psicológico e neurológico, controle evolutivo nas áreas da motricidade fina, coordenação global, equilíbrio, esquema corporal, organização espacial e temporal. Resultados: os idosos praticantes de atividades físicas obtiveram melhor desempenho em todos os testes, com diferenças significativas, comparando aos idosos não praticantes, tendo a grande maioria classificado em muito inferior na coordenação global, normal médio no equilíbrio, muito superior na classificação do esquema corporal, normal médio na organização espacial, muito superior na estruturação temporal e normal médio na classificação geral dos aspectos psicomotores, mostrando assim que os idosos praticantes de atividades físicas tem maior desenvoltura em relação às valências físicas e motoras, controle da postura, percepção e manutenção da imagem corporal, um bom equilíbrio, melhor domínio de si próprio fisicamente, socialmente e psicologicamente. Considerações finais: a prática de musculação, hidroginástica e ritmos influencia na melhora e manutenção dos componentes psicomotores, obtendo assim uma maior desenvoltura da coordenação global, esquema corporal, equilíbrio, organização espacial e temporal, na qual os idosos sedentários não obtiveram bons resultados.

  10. Increased Blood Lactate Level Deteriorates Running Economy in World Class Endurance Athletes. (United States)

    Hoff, Jan; Støren, Øyvind; Finstad, Arnstein; Wang, Eivind; Helgerud, Jan


    Blood lactate accumulation is associated with development of muscle fatigue and negatively correlated to endurance performance. No research has quantified the effects of lactate presence at moderate levels of lactate accumulation. The purpose of this study was to test whether 2 moderate blood lactate concentration levels affect running economy (RE) when running at the individual lactate threshold (LT). Seven male world class endurance athletes with an average V[Combining Dot Above]O2max of 80.7 ± 2.7 ml·kg·min or 5.8 ± 0.5 L·min participated in this study. After the V[Combining Dot Above]O2max test, the subjects were resting or walking and in a random order tested for RE at their LT velocity when the blood lactate level reached either 3 mmol·L or 5 mmol·L. After a new 5-minute exercising period at maximal aerobic velocity, the crossover lactate value RE testing was performed. Running economy was significantly (p ≤ 0.05) deteriorated from 0.668 ± 0.044 to 0.705 ± 0.056 ml·kg·m or 5.5% (p ≤ 0.05) for blood lactate level of 3 mmol·L compared with 5 mmol·L, respectively. Increased lactate level from 3 to 5 mmol·L is thus accompanied by deteriorated RE at LT running velocity. The deteriorated RE at moderate levels of lactate concentration emphasizes the importance of avoiding intensities above LT in the early parts of a dominantly aerobic endurance competition. It also emphasizes the importance of a high V[Combining Dot Above]O2max for aerobic endurance athletes and may partly explain the V[Combining Dot Above]O2 slow component as impaired RE.

  11. Solar Cell to Support Perpetual Flight of High Altitude Long Endurance UAV ITB (United States)

    Luqmanul Hakim, Muhammad; Silitonga, Faber Y.; Rosid, Nurhayyan H.; Mochammad Agoes Moelyadi, Ing., Dr.


    Research on a High Altitude Long Endurance (HALE) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is currently being conducted at Bandung Institute of Technology to reach the flight duration needed and to get the solution of today’s challenges, minimizing pollution. Besides the good aerodynamic efficiency needed, energy resource is now becoming important. The energy resource must have a good endurance, easy to get, and of course, less pollution. Discussion in this paper is about the analysis of power needed by HALE UAV while takeoff and cruise flight conditions, and then determine the amount of solar cell and battery needed by the UAV.

  12. Relation between body mass index percentile and muscle strength and endurance

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    Noha Abdel Kader Abdel Kader Hasan


    Conclusion: The study shows that the BMI of children had a positive correlation with the muscle strength of quadriceps, triceps, and abdominal muscles while a negative correlation with the endurance time of these muscles.

  13. A Field Test for Upper Body Strength and Endurance. (United States)

    Nelson, Jack K.; And Others


    Researchers studied the reliability of the modified push-up test in measuring upper body strength and endurance in elementary through college students. It also examined the accuracy of partner scoring. The test proved much easier to administer than the regular floor push-up. It was valid and reliable for all students and suitable for partner…

  14. Molecular responses to moderate endurance exercise in skeletal muscle (United States)

    This study examined alterations in skeletal-muscle growth and atrophy-related molecular events after a single bout of moderate-intensity endurance exercise. Muscle biopsies were obtained from 10 men (23 +/- 1 yr, body mass 80 +/- 2 kg, and VO(2peak) 45 +/- 1 ml x kg'¹ x min'¹) immediately (0 hr) and...

  15. Differences in muscle mechanical properties between elite power and endurance athletes: a comparative study. (United States)

    Loturco, Irineu; Gil, Saulo; Laurino, Cristiano Frota de Souza; Roschel, Hamilton; Kobal, Ronaldo; Cal Abad, Cesar C; Nakamura, Fabio Y


    The aim of this study was to compare muscle mechanical properties (using tensiomyography-TMG) and jumping performance of endurance and power athletes and to quantify the associations between TMG parameters and jumping performance indices. Forty-one high-level track and field athletes from power (n = 22; mean ± SD age, height, and weight were 27.2 ± 3.6 years; 180.2 ± 5.4 cm; and 79.4 ± 8.6 kg, respectively) and endurance (endurance runners and triathletes; n = 19; mean ± SD age, height, and weight were 27.1 ± 6.9 years; 169.6 ± 9.8 cm; 62.2 ± 13.1 kg, respectively) specialties had the mechanical properties of their rectus femoris (RF) and biceps femoris (BF) assessed by TMG. Muscle displacement (Dm), contraction time (Tc), and delay time (Td) were retained for analyses. Furthermore, they performed squat jumps (SJs), countermovement jumps (CMJs), and drop jumps to assess reactive strength index (RSI), using a contact platform. Comparisons between groups were performed using differences based on magnitudes, and associations were quantified by the Spearman's ρ correlation. Power athletes showed almost certain higher performance in all jumping performance indices when compared with endurance athletes (SJ = 44.9 ± 4.1 vs. 30.7 ± 6.8 cm; CMJ = 48.9 ± 4.5 vs. 33.6 ± 7.2 cm; RSI = 2.19 ± 0.58 vs. 0.84 ± 0.39, for power and endurance athletes, mean ± SD, respectively; 00/00/100, almost certain, p ≤ 0.05), along with better contractile indices reflected by lower Dm, Tc, and Td (Tc BF = 14.3 ± 2.3 vs. 19.4 ± 3.3 milliseconds; Dm BF = 1.67 ± 1.05 vs. 4.23 ± 1.75 mm; Td BF = 16.8 ± 1.6 vs. 19.6 ± 1.3 milliseconds; Tc RF = 18.3 ± 2.8 vs. 22.9 ± 4.0 milliseconds; Dm RF = 4.98 ± 3.71 vs. 8.88 ± 3.45 mm; Td RF = 17.5 ± 1.0 vs. 20.9 ± 1.6 milliseconds, for power and endurance athletes, mean ± SD, respectively; 00/00/100, almost certain, p ≤ 0.05). Moderate correlations (Spearman's ρ between -0.61 and -0.72) were found between TMG and jumping

  16. Formación docente y representaciones sobre Salud: caminos para la Educación en Salud desde una mirada crítica

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    Fernando Garelli


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Con el objetivo de realizar un aporte a la formación docente, presentamos un análisis de representaciones sobre salud a partir de definiciones y producciones gráficas en el marco de una experiencia pedagógica para docentes en ejercicio del nivel inicial, realizada entre 2012 y 2014. Las definiciones permitieron reconocer las ontologías subyacentes, mientras que las producciones gráficas desplegaron variados componentes y dimensiones, enriqueciendo a las definiciones. Identificamos una lectura de la salud centrada en el individuo, que relacionamos con categorías de trabajos anteriores como la salud como estilo de vida, la salud como equilibrio y el enfoque educativo comportamental. La reflexión crítica respecto de las prácticas asociadas a esta mirada fue, en nuestra experiencia, una de las puertas de entrada para desnaturalizar lo existente y fomentar perspectivas más complejas, multidimensionales y críticas.

  17. O ensino do esporte para crianças e jovens: considerações sobre uma fase do processo de desenvolvimento motor esquecida La enseñanza del deporte para niños y jóvenes: consideraciones sobre una etapa olvidada del desarrollo motor The teaching of sport to chidren and youth: considerations about a forgotten phase of motor development

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    Go Tani


    Full Text Available O processo ensino-aprendizagem pode ser visto como um sistema constituído pela interação de três componentes - professor, aluno e matéria - que tem por meta promover mudanças efetivas nos comportamentos, capacidades e competências do aluno. Como numa visão sistêmica do processo ensino-aprendizagem, a função de um determinado componente implica sempre o estabelecimento de relação entre os dois componentes que restam, o papel principal do professor é estabelecer relação entre o aluno e a matéria. Neste contexto, a questão central é saber em que se basear para estabelecer essa relação. O presente ensaio parte da assunção de que o conhecimento sobre o desenvolvimento motor constitui um elemento fundamental quando a matéria de ensino é o esporte, discute uma fase desse processo que tem sido sistematicamente esquecida procurando identificar as suas possíveis causas e consequências e apresenta algumas sugestões para trabalhar com essa fase.The teaching-learning process can be viewed as a system constituted by the interaction of three components - teacher, learner and subject matter - whose goal is to promote the effective changes in the learner´s behaviors, capacities and competences. In a systemic view of the teaching-learning process the role played by a given component always implies the establishment of relations between the two remaining components. Thus, the role of the teacher is to establish relations between learner and subject matter. The main question to the teacher is on what to rely upon to establish these relations. The present essay departs from the assumption that knowledge about motor development constitutes a fundamental element when sport is the subject matter. It discusses a phase of that process that has been systematically forgotten in the teaching of sports trying to identify possible causes and consequences, and presents some suggestions of procedures to work with that phase.

  18. Muscle connective tissue content of endurance-trained and inactive individuals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mackey, Abigail; Donnelly, A E; Roper, H P


    Although it is known that exercise exerts a positive regulatory effect on collagen synthesis, the effects of endurance training on muscle endomysial connective tissue in man are not so well documented. To investigate this, a single muscle biopsy was collected from two groups of volunteers...

  19. Compliance in doing Senam Kesegaran Jasmani 1988 exercise improves cardiorespiratory endurance of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder children

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    Listya T. Mirtha


    Full Text Available Background: Physical exercise was hypothesized to be able to improve the behavior of children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD by improving attention and concentration. Several studies mentioned that physical exercise could make ADHD children calmer, not only as a supportive therapy, but also as a therapeutic therapy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of physical exercise to the behavior of ADHD patients and to analyze the effects of Senam Kesegaran Jasmani 1988 (SKJ 88 exercise compliance to the cardiorespiratory endurance in ADHD children.Methods: This study was an experimental study with 40 subjects from a special needs school in Tangerang, Indonesia. Subjects were given SKJ 88 exercise for 8 weeks, and the level of cardiorespiratory endurance was assessed with 600 m run before and after intervention.Results: 21 subjects (52.5% were compliant, and the rest were very compliant. Although statistical analysis showed that there was no significant difference in cardiorespiratory endurance before and after intervention, the mean results of cardiorespiratory endurance test before intervention was higher than after. Mean time spent in the 600-m run before intervention was 497.9 seconds (SD 73.53, and after intervention was 313.7 seconds (SD 43.28.Conclusion: Based on the statistical test, we concluded that there was significant decrease of time spent for cardiorespiratory endurance test (p<0.001. The reduction of time taken to run 600 m by 184.3 seconds (SD 73.33 showed the improvement of cardiorespiratory endurance after the treatment.

  20. Swift Ultra Long Endurance (SULE) Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV), Phase II (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — Swift proposes to design, fabricate, and fly a Swift Ultra Long Endurance (SULE) 30-day mission HALE UAS with flight tests including: 24-hrs, 48-hrs, and 7-days...

  1. Correlation between maximum voluntary contraction and endurance measured by digital palpation and manometry: An observational study

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    Fátima Faní Fitz

    Full Text Available Summary Introduction: Digital palpation and manometry are methods that can provide information regarding maximum voluntary contraction (MVC and endurance of the pelvic floor muscles (PFM, and a strong correlation between these variables can be expected. Objective: To investigate the correlation between MVC and endurance, measured by digital palpation and manometry. Method: Forty-two women, with mean age of 58.1 years (±10.2, and predominant symptoms of stress urinary incontinence (SUI, were included. Examination was firstly conducted by digital palpation and subsequently using a Peritron manometer. MVC was measured using a 0-5 score, based on the Oxford Grading Scale. Endurance was assessed based on the PERFECT scheme. Results: We found a significant positive correlation between the MVC measured by digital palpation and the peak manometric pressure (r=0.579, p<0.001, and between the measurements of the endurance by Peritron manometer and the PERFECT assessment scheme (r=0.559, P<0.001. Conclusion: Our results revealed a positive and significant correlation between the capacity and maintenance of PFM contraction using digital and manometer evaluations in women with predominant symptoms of SUI.

  2. Endurance exercise and gut microbiota: a systematic review


    Fuster-Botella, Dolors


    The physiological and biochemical demands of intense exercise elicit both muscle-based and systemic responses. The main adaptations to endurance exercise include the correction of electrolyte imbalance, a decrease in glycogen storage and the increase of oxidative stress, intestinal permeability, muscle damage, and systemic inflammatory response. Adaptations to exercise might be influenced by the gut microbiota, which plays an important role in the production, storage, and expenditure of energ...

  3. Antioxidant supplementation does not alter endurance training adaptation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Yfanti, Christina; Åkerström, Thorbjörn; Nielsen, Søren


    ) production, which may cause cell damage. However, RONS production may also activate redox sensitive signaling pathways and transcription factors, which subsequently may promote training adaptation. PURPOSE: Our aim was to investigate the effects of combined vitamin C and E supplementation to healthy...... measured. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that administration of vitamins C and E to individuals with no prior vitamin deficiencies has no effect on physical adaptations to strenuous endurance training....

  4. Iron Supplementation during Three Consecutive Days of Endurance Training Augmented Hepcidin Levels

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    Aya Ishibashi


    Full Text Available Iron supplementation contributes an effort to improving iron status among athletes, but it does not always prevent iron deficiency. In the present study, we explored the effect of three consecutive days of endurance training (twice daily on the hepcidin-25 (hepcidin level. The effect of iron supplementation during this period was also determined. Fourteen male endurance athletes were enrolled and randomly assigned to either an iron-treated condition (Fe condition, n = 7 or a placebo condition (Control condition; CON, n = 7. They engaged in two 75-min sessions of treadmill running at 75% of maximal oxygen uptake on three consecutive days (days 1–3. The Fe condition took 12 mg of iron twice daily (24 mg/day, and the CON condition did not. On day 1, both conditions exhibited significant increases in serum hepcidin and plasma interleukin-6 levels after exercise (p < 0.05. In the CON condition, the hepcidin level did not change significantly throughout the training period. However, in the Fe condition, the serum hepcidin level on day 4 was significantly higher than that of the CON condition (p < 0.05. In conclusion, the hepcidin level was significantly elevated following three consecutive days of endurance training when moderate doses of iron were taken.

  5. Iron Supplementation during Three Consecutive Days of Endurance Training Augmented Hepcidin Levels. (United States)

    Ishibashi, Aya; Maeda, Naho; Kamei, Akiko; Goto, Kazushige


    Iron supplementation contributes an effort to improving iron status among athletes, but it does not always prevent iron deficiency. In the present study, we explored the effect of three consecutive days of endurance training (twice daily) on the hepcidin-25 (hepcidin) level. The effect of iron supplementation during this period was also determined. Fourteen male endurance athletes were enrolled and randomly assigned to either an iron-treated condition (Fe condition, n = 7) or a placebo condition (Control condition; CON, n = 7). They engaged in two 75-min sessions of treadmill running at 75% of maximal oxygen uptake on three consecutive days (days 1-3). The Fe condition took 12 mg of iron twice daily (24 mg/day), and the CON condition did not. On day 1, both conditions exhibited significant increases in serum hepcidin and plasma interleukin-6 levels after exercise ( p < 0.05). In the CON condition, the hepcidin level did not change significantly throughout the training period. However, in the Fe condition, the serum hepcidin level on day 4 was significantly higher than that of the CON condition ( p < 0.05). In conclusion, the hepcidin level was significantly elevated following three consecutive days of endurance training when moderate doses of iron were taken.

  6. Breath holding endurance: stability over time and relationship with self-assessed persistence

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    Daisy G.Y. Thompson-Lake


    Full Text Available Breath holding (BH endurance has been suggested as a measure of the distress tolerance that could predict the outcome of attempts to implement behavior changes, such as stopping smoking or illicit substance use. It is not known however, to what degree BH endurance is a variable trait that may vary depending on situational context, or a stable state characteristic. We measured BH in two groups of participants at baseline and 22 and 89 days (N = 62 and N = 41 post-baseline and in a third group at multiple times points across a 5-week period (N = 44. Participants also filled out a questionnaire created to assess their perceived persistence compared to peers. Correlations were found between baseline and final BH measures (r’s > 0.67, p’s < 0.0001 at all time points. When groups were combined, regardless of time point, Spearman’s rank correlation showed a strong positive correlation (rs = 0.66, p < 0.0001. Self-assessed persistence was not related to BH endurance. This study provides evidence of the stability of BH across time when tested under the same conditions in young adults. Further research is needed to clarify whether BH is linked to behavioral outcomes.

  7. Spin-trappers and vitamin E prolong endurance to muscle fatigue in mice

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Novelli, G.P.; Bracciotti, G.; Falsini, S. (Univ. of Florence (Italy))


    The involvement of free radicals in endurance to muscle effort is suggested by experimental and clinical data. Therefore, experiments have been performed to observe the effect of trapping free radicals on endurance to swimming in mice. Animals were injected intraperitoneally with each of three spin-trappers (N-tert-Butyl-alpha-Phenyl-Nitrone (PBN),alpha-4-Pyridyil-1-Oxide-N-tert-Butyl-Nitrone (POBN) and 5,5-Dimethyl-1-Pirrolyn-N-Oxide (DMPO): 0.2 ml of 10(-1) molar solution). Each mouse was submitted to a swimming test to control resistance to exhaustion (a) without any treatment, (b) after administration of each spin-trapper in a random order (c) after saline. Control experiments were performed with saline and with vitamin E. Endurance to swimming was greatly prolonged by pretreatment with all the spin-trappers (DMPO less than 0.0001; POBN less than 0.0001; PBN less than 0.001) and with Vitamin E. Experiments state that compared to treatment with spin-trappers or Vitamin E, administration of saline alone did not enhance time to exhaustion so that the increase in time to exhaustion with the various free radical scavengers was not the effect of training. Therefore, free radicals could be considered as one of the factors terminating muscle effort in mice.

  8. Effect of endurance swimming on rat cardiac myofibrillar ATPase with experimental diabetes. (United States)

    Belcastro, A N; Maybank, P; Rossiter, M; Secord, D


    Diabetes is characterized by depressed cardiac functional properties attributed to Ca2+-activated ATPase activity. In contrast, endurance swimming enhances the cardiac functional properties and Ca2+-activated myofibril ATPase. Thus, the purpose of this study was to observe if the changes associated with experimental diabetes can be ameliorated with training. Diabetes was induced with a single i.v. injection of streptozotocin (60 mg/kg). Blood and urine glucose concentrations were 802 +/- 44 and 6965 +/- 617 mg/dL, respectively. The training control and training diabetic animals were made to swim (+/- 2% body weight) 4 days/week for 8 weeks. Cardiac myofibril, at 10 microM free Ca2+ concentration was reduced by 54% in the sedentary diabetics compared with sedentary control animals (p less than 0.05). Swim training enhanced the Ca2+-activated myofibril ATPase activities for the normal animals. The diabetic animals, which swam for 8 weeks, had further reduced their Ca2+-activated myofibril ATPase activity when compared with sedentary diabetics (p less than 0.05). Similarly, the Mg2+-stimulated myofibril ATPase activity was depressed by 31% in diabetics following endurance swimming. It is concluded that the depressed Ca2+-activated myofibril ATPase activity of diabetic hearts is not reversible with endurance swimming.

  9. Estudio de los componentes antioxidantes y actividad antioxidante en tomates

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    Luz M. Zapata


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar la concentración de los componentes antioxidantes presentes en el tomate y la actividad antioxidante total durante su crecimiento, almacenamiento, maduración y comercialización. Los antioxidantes analizados fueron: licopeno, β-caroteno, ácido L-ascórbico y fenoles totales. La actividad antioxidante se midió utilizando los métodos: "Ferric reducing/antioxidant power" (FRAP y decoloración del β-caroteno. Los antioxidantes ácido L-ascórbico, licopeno y β-caroteno fueron 2,6 veces mayor en la comercialización respecto de los valores iniciales, mientras que la actividad antioxidante en la última etapa fue 2,1 y 3,5 veces más alta que en el crecimiento para los métodos FRAP y decoloración de b-caroteno, respectivamente. En consecuencia, el consumidor dispone de un fruto rico en antioxidantes, lo que le atribuye la capacidad de captación de los radicales libres presentes en nuestro cuerpo que podrían disminuir los riesgos que contraer enfermedades crónicas.

  10. Influence of mental workload on muscle endurance, fatigue, and recovery during intermittent static work. (United States)

    Mehta, Ranjana K; Agnew, Michael J


    Most occupational tasks involve some level of mental/cognitive processing in addition to physical work; however, the etiology of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) due to these demands remains unclear. The aim of this study was to quantify the interactive effects of physical and mental workload on muscle endurance, fatigue, and recovery during intermittent work. Twelve participants, balanced by gender, performed intermittent static shoulder abductions to exhaustion at 15, 35, and 55% of individual maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), in the absence (control) and presence (concurrent) of a mental arithmetic task. Changes in muscular capacity were determined using endurance time, strength decline, electromyographic (EMG) fatigue indicators, muscle oxygenation, and heart rate measures. Muscular recovery was quantified through changes in strength and physiological responses. Mental workload was associated with shorter endurance times, specifically at 35% MVC, and greater strength decline. EMG and oxygenation measures showed similar changes during fatigue manifestation during concurrent conditions compared to the control, despite shorter endurance times. Moreover, decreased heart rate variability during concurrent demand conditions indicated increased mental stress. Although strength recovery was not influenced by mental workload, a slower heart rate recovery was observed after concurrent demand conditions. The findings from this study provide fundamental evidence that physical capacity (fatigability and recovery) is adversely affected by mental workload. Thus, it is critical to determine or evaluate occupational demands based on modified muscular capacity (due to mental workload) to reduce risk of WMSD development.

  11. Reliability of ultrasound thickness measurement of the abdominal muscles during clinical isometric endurance tests. (United States)

    ShahAli, Shabnam; Arab, Amir Massoud; Talebian, Saeed; Ebrahimi, Esmaeil; Bahmani, Andia; Karimi, Noureddin; Nabavi, Hoda


    The study was designed to evaluate the intra-examiner reliability of ultrasound (US) thickness measurement of abdominal muscles activity when supine lying and during two isometric endurance tests in subjects with and without Low back pain (LBP). A total of 19 women (9 with LBP, 10 without LBP) participated in the study. Within-day reliability of the US thickness measurements at supine lying and the two isometric endurance tests were assessed in all subjects. The intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) was used to assess the relative reliability of thickness measurement. The standard error of measurement (SEM), minimal detectable change (MDC) and the coefficient of variation (CV) were used to evaluate the absolute reliability. Results indicated high ICC scores (0.73-0.99) and also small SEM and MDC scores for within-day reliability assessment. The Bland-Altman plots of agreement in US measurement of the abdominal muscles during the two isometric endurance tests demonstrated that 95% of the observations fall between the limits of agreement for test and retest measurements. Together the results indicate high intra-tester reliability for the US measurement of the thickness of abdominal muscles in all the positions tested. According to the study's findings, US imaging can be used as a reliable method for assessment of abdominal muscles activity in supine lying and the two isometric endurance tests employed, in participants with and without LBP. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Maximal fat oxidation rates in endurance trained and untrained women

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stisen, A.B.; Stougaard, O.; Langfort, J.


    The aim of the present study was to examine the differences in fat oxidation between endurance trained (ET) and untrained (UT) women. Eight ET and nine UT women performed a progressive cycle ergometer test until exhaustion. The rate of fat oxidation was similar at low work rates (...

  13. Impactos dos nomes nas propriedades de redes sociais: um estudo em rede de coautoria sobre sustentabilidade

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    Rafael Garcia Barbastefano

    Full Text Available A identificação correta dos autores é fator crítico em estudos de Análise de Redes Sociais (ARS que envolvem redes de coautoria. O objetivo do trabalho é apresentar as diferenças de propriedades entre três redes de coautoria geradas com formas distintas de considerar o nome dos autores. Foi adotado o método bibliométrico. As redes foram construídas com base em 28.916 artigos sobre sustentabilidade, indexados no ISI/Web of Science, fazendo uso do software Pajek. Na análise, foram comparadas as seguintes propriedades: densidade, grau médio, componente gigante, distribuição dos graus, distância média, diâmetro da rede e coeficiente de clusterização de Watts-Strogatz. Os resultados indicaram grandes diferenças entre as redes, sugerindo que estudos de coautoria, fazendo uso de ARS, podem ter resultados comprometidos, caso não haja o tratamento adequado dos nomes dos autores. Diante do crescimento das aplicações de ARS, faz-se necessário o desenvolvimento de estudos e ferramentas voltados para mitigar a ocorrência desses erros.

  14. Jogo (indica-sus: estratégia lúdica na aprendizagem sobre o sistema único de saude

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    Maria Raquel Gomes Maia Pires


    Full Text Available Es cuestionable que tecnología lúdico-educativa en el aprendizaje acerca de SUS favorece la imaginación, relajación, espontaneidad y reflexión en la formación de los profesionales de la salud. Los objetivos fueram desarrollar el juego (INDICA-SUS centrado en diálogo sobre políticas de salud con los juguetones; analizar componentes de relajación, placer, aspectos formativos, emociones y tácticas del desarrollo del (INDICA-SUS; identificar las variables indicativas de lo lúdico en tecnologías educativas para la salud. Enfoque exploratorio, descriptivo, cuantitativo y cualitativo, estudio de caso. Las pruebas se realizaron con partidas testes de 180 participantes, cuestionarios, observación participante, análisis de contenido y prueba estadística de Pearson. Las variables indicativas de ludicidad de tecnologías de educación para la salud incluyen placer y tensión en el juego. El (INDICA-SUS integra carácter inventivo, imaginativo e de intercambio como potencial para la formación; contemplase aprendizaje múltiple y el enseño del SUS, a partir de él.

  15. Protective Effect of Curcumin Supplementation and Light Resistance Exercises on Superoxide Dismutase Enzyme Activity and Malondialdehyde Levels in a Severe Endurance Training Period in Male Wistar Rats

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    A Gorzi


    Background and aim: Extreme endurance exercises lead to oxidative stress in athletes. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of curcumin supplement supplementation and light resistance training on the activity of SOD and MDA levels of male Wistar rats during a 8-week endurance training. Methods: In the present experimental study, 36 male Wistar rats were randomly assigned into one of six control groups, curcumin, endurance training, exercise, after one week of information (age 9 weeks and weight 255.62 ± 19.69 grams. Endurance + resistance, endurance training + curcumin and endurance training + curcumin + resistance. Incremental endurance training (8 weeks, 5 sessions per week was performed on a special treadmill. Speed ​​and running time in the last week reached 35 m / min and 70 minutes. Resistance training (8 weeks, 2 sessions per week was performed on vertical ladder by closing the rat's weight to the tail. Rats received supplemental curcumin by intraperitoneal injection (8 weeks, 3 sessions per week, 30 mg / kg body weight. SOD activity of the muscle was measured using ELISA kits and serum MDA levels using Tobartic acid (TBARS method. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA (ANOVA.   Results: The antioxidant enzyme activity of SOD in the endometrial muscle of endurance group (1.08 ± 0.222 μg / ml was significantly lower than control group (22.2 ± 0.481 kg (P = 0.043, and SOD activity in the endurance + resistance group (1.87 ± 0.172, p = 0.44, endurance + curcumin (2.24 ± 0.222; P = 0.039, and endurance + curcumin + resistance (0.202 ± 0.15, p = 0.029 was significantly higher than endurance group. The levels of malondialdehyde in the endurance group (4.27 ± 0.438 nmol / ml protein were significantly higher in comparison with the control group (3.42 ± 0.350 (0.331 and Also, serum MDA levels in endurance + resistance groups (± 3.03 ± 0.342, p = 0.003, endurance + curcumin (p = 0.001, p <0.001, and endurance + curcumin

  16. Glycogen availability and skeletal muscle adaptations with endurance and resistance exercise

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Knuiman, Pim; Hopman, Maria T.E.; Mensink, Marco


    It is well established that glycogen depletion affects endurance exercise performance negatively. Moreover, numerous studies have demonstrated that post-exercise carbohydrate ingestion improves exercise recovery by increasing glycogen resynthesis. However, recent research into the effects of


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    Julio Gil


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo, mediante el estudio de las isotermas de sorción a 25ºC, analiza la influencia sobre la actividad de agua (aw, de las diferentes composiciones de leche en polvo entera, descremada y reducida en lactosa. Justamente la incorporación de esta última a trabajos anteriores permite ampliar el comportamiento diferencial de los distintos componentes. E l trabajo permite establecer la relación entre el contenido de humedad de las leches en polvo estudiadas, con su actividad de agua (aw. Los resultados experimentales son evaluados con el modelo referencial de GAB , observando que el trazado de las isotermas y los parámetros del modelo se ajustan satisfactoriamente a los valores obtenidos . Se obser va la clara influencia de la presencia de los monosacáridos (glucosa y galactosa en la leche reducida en lactosa, que disminuyen la actividad a valores mayores a 0 . 4, debido a la mayor solubilidad de estos. El contenido graso en la leche entera, al no ser adsorbente se manifiesta en valores mayores para la actividad de agua.

  18. Acetabular stress fractures in military endurance athletes and recruits: incidence and MRI and scintigraphic findings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Williams, T.R.; Puckett, M.L.; Shin, A.Y.; Gorman, J.D.; Denison, G.


    Objective: To evaluate the incidence and the MRI and scintigraphic appearance of acetabular stress (fatigue) fractures in military endurance athletes and recruits. Design and patients: One hundred and seventy-eight active duty military endurance trainees with a history of activity-related hip pain were evaluated by both MRI and bone scan over a 2-year period. Patients in the study ranged in age from 17 to 45 years. They had hip pain related to activity and had plain radiographs of the hip and pelvis that were interpreted as normal or equivocal. The study was originally designed to evaluate the MRI and scintigraphic appearance of femoral neck stress fractures. Patients had scintigraphy and a limited MRI examination (coronal imaging only) within 48 h of the bone scan. Twelve patients demonstrated imaging findings compatible with acetabular stress fractures. Results: Stress fractures are common in endurance athletes and in military populations; however, stress fracture of the acetabulum is uncommon. Twelve of 178 patients (6.7%) in our study had imaging findings consistent with acetabular stress fractures. Two patterns were identified. Seven of the 12 (58%) patients had acetabular roof stress fractures. In this group, two cases of bilateral acetabular roof stress fractures were identified, one with a synchronous tensile sided femoral neck stress fracture. The remaining five of 12 (42%) patients had anterior column stress fractures, rarely occurring in isolation, and almost always occurring with inferior pubic ramus stress fracture (4 of 5, or 80%). One case of bilateral anterior column stress fractures was identified without additional sites of injury. Conclusions: Stress fractures are commonplace in military populations, especially endurance trainees. Acetabular stress fractures are rare and therefore unrecognized, but do occur and may be a cause for activity-related hip pain in a small percentage of military endurance athletes and recruits. (orig.)

  19. Endurance race equines performance fed diets with oil levels Desempenho de equinos submetidos a enduro alimentados com níveis de óleo de soja na dieta

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    José Correa de Lacerda Neto


    Full Text Available In order to study the endurance equine performance, experimental diets composed by five increasing soybean oil levels (control, 6, 12, 18, 24% of the concentrate were given. The following variables were analyzed: lactate concentration (LA, Glucose (GL, Cardiac frequency (FC and rectal temperature (TR. Twenty Arabian horses were used, 9.5 ±5.5 years old, weight 400 ± 30 kg, undergone to an 80 Km endurance race simulation in a treadmill. The endurance was divided in four rings (phases with 20 km each. There was no effect (p>0.05 of the oil addition but there was an effect (P<0.05 of distance on the LA, TR, GL variables. For the FC variable, we observed the effect (p<0.05 of the soybean addition and the distance. The soybean oil addition upper than 6% in the concentrate maintained lower the cardiac frequency, favoring the endurance horse performance. This lower cardiac frequency could suggest that animal lasted longer time in aerobic metabolism, situation that was confirmed by the non exponential increase in the lactate concentration and the increase in the glucose concentration. The oil favored the endurance horse performance.Com o objetivo de estudar o desempenho de cavalos de enduro, foram fornecidas dietas compostas por cinco níveis crescentes de óleo de soja (controle – sem adição de óleo, 6, 12, 18 e 24% do concentrado. As seguintes variáveis foram analisadas: concentração de lactato sangüíneo (LA, glicemia (GL, freqüência cardíaca (FC e temperatura retal (TR. Foram utilizados 20 eqüinos da raça Árabe, idades 9,5 ±5,5 anos, pesos de 400 ± 30 kg, submetidos à simulação de prova de enduro de 80 km em esteira rolante. O enduro foi dividido em quatro anéis (fases de 20 km cada. Não foi observado efeito (p>0,05 da adição de óleo de soja, porém observou-se efeito (p<0,05 da distância percorrida sobre as variáveis LA, TR e GL. Para a variável FC foi observado efeito (p<0,05 da distância percorrida bem como da adi

  20. Sensing Athletes: Sensory Dimensions of Recreational Endurance Sports

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    Stefan Groth


    Full Text Available Sport has become increasingly popular with recreational athletes over the last couple of decades. This has only gained minimal attention so far from scholars interested in the relations between recreational sports and everyday culture. With this paper, we seek to contribute to this field by scrutinising the sensory dimensions of recreational sport. Rather than probing into or highlighting isolated senses, we look at sensory dimensions understood as a combination of different, non-separable sensory experiences featured in recreational endurance sports. We are interested in how senses play a role for recreational endurance athletes in running, triathlon and cycling both in training and competition. We start by examining how cultural and social dimensions are inextricably linked to doing sports. Secondly, we show how different configurations of the senses and their communicative mediation are contingent on sport disciplines, specific settings, technology, development and change as sensory careers over time. Thirdly, we discuss the kinaesthetic dimensions of doing sports in relation to the senses and the role of atmospheres. We conclude by arguing that highlighting specific senses by athletes is a cultural practice that calls for a holistic analysis of senses in sport, and outline some methodological implications for research on the senses.

  1. How does high-intensity intermittent training affect recreational endurance runners? Acute and chronic adaptations: A systematic review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Felipe García-Pinillos


    Conclusion: HIIT-based running plans (2 to 3 HIIT sessions per week, combining HIIT and CR runs show athletic performance improvements in endurance runners by improving maximal oxygen uptake and running economy along with muscular and metabolic adaptations. To maximize the adaptations to training, both HIIT and CR must be part of training programs for endurance runners.

  2. Arctigenin enhances swimming endurance of sedentary rats partially by regulation of antioxidant pathways. (United States)

    Wu, Ruo-ming; Sun, Yan-yan; Zhou, Ting-ting; Zhu, Zhi-yuan; Zhuang, Jing-jing; Tang, Xuan; Chen, Jing; Hu, Li-hong; Shen, Xu


    Arctigenin, a phenylpropanoid dibenzylbutyrolactone lignan found in traditional Chinese herbs, has been determined to exhibit a variety of pharmacological activities, including anti-tumor, anti-inflammation, neuroprotection, and endurance enhancement. In the present study, we investigated the antioxidation and anti-fatigue effects of arctigenin in rats. Rat L6 skeletal muscle cell line was exposed to H2O2 (700 μmol/L), and ROS level was assayed using DCFH-DA as a probe. Male SD rats were injected with arctigenin (15 mg·kg(-1)·d(-1), ip) for 6 weeks, and then the weight-loaded forced swimming test (WFST) was performed to evaluate their endurance. The levels of antioxidant-related genes in L6 cells and the skeletal muscles of rats were analyzed using real-time RT-PCR and Western blotting. Incubation of L6 cells with arctigenin (1, 5, 20 μmol/L) dose-dependently decreased the H2O2-induced ROS production. WFST results demonstrated that chronic administration of arctigenin significantly enhanced the endurance of rats. Furthermore, molecular biology studies on L6 cells and skeletal muscles of the rats showed that arctigenin effectively increased the expression of the antioxidant-related genes, including superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione reductase (Gsr), glutathione peroxidase (GPX1), thioredoxin (Txn) and uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2), through regulation of two potential antioxidant pathways: AMPK/PGC-1α/PPARα in mitochondria and AMPK/p53/Nrf2 in the cell nucleus. Arctigenin efficiently enhances rat swimming endurance by elevation of the antioxidant capacity of the skeletal muscles, which has thereby highlighted the potential of this natural product as an antioxidant in the treatment of fatigue and related diseases.

  3. Two-agent cooperative search using game models with endurance-time constraints (United States)

    Sujit, P. B.; Ghose, Debasish


    In this article, the problem of two Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) cooperatively searching an unknown region is addressed. The search region is discretized into hexagonal cells and each cell is assumed to possess an uncertainty value. The UAVs have to cooperatively search these cells taking limited endurance, sensor and communication range constraints into account. Due to limited endurance, the UAVs need to return to the base station for refuelling and also need to select a base station when multiple base stations are present. This article proposes a route planning algorithm that takes endurance time constraints into account and uses game theoretical strategies to reduce the uncertainty. The route planning algorithm selects only those cells that ensure the agent will return to any one of the available bases. A set of paths are formed using these cells which the game theoretical strategies use to select a path that yields maximum uncertainty reduction. We explore non-cooperative Nash, cooperative and security strategies from game theory to enhance the search effectiveness. Monte-Carlo simulations are carried out which show the superiority of the game theoretical strategies over greedy strategy for different look ahead step length paths. Within the game theoretical strategies, non-cooperative Nash and cooperative strategy perform similarly in an ideal case, but Nash strategy performs better than the cooperative strategy when the perceived information is different. We also propose a heuristic based on partitioning of the search space into sectors to reduce computational overhead without performance degradation.

  4. El desarrollo humano como proceso probabilístico : lecciones de treinta años de estudios sobre el desarrollo infantil en el tercer mundo

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    Ernesto Pollitt


    Full Text Available La tesis de este trabajo es que las predicciones sobre la dirección del desarrollo humano basándose en un solo evento ocurrido durante los primeros años de la vida generalmente tienen una débil validez interna. Las limitaciones de dichas predicciones no se deben a las limitaciones inherentes a los estudios que han puesto a prueba la validez de la predicción sino a una conceptualización errada sobre la naturaleza misma del desarrollo. Este no está determinado por efectos principales sino por complejas relaciones recíprocas entre los diferentes componentes del organismo y entre este y el ambiente físico y social. Se propone que hay que modelar el desarrollo como un proceso probabilístico cuya trayectoria se va forjando gradualmente. The thesis of this paper is that the predictions of later human development based on a single event during early life generally have a weak internal validity. These limitations are not due to problems of study design but to un erroneous conceptualization of the very nature of development. This is not determined by main effects but by the complex relationships among domains within the organism and between the organism and the physical and the social environment. The propasal is to model human development as a probabilistic process that gradually shapes its developmental trajectory.


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    Elina Bastos Caramão


    Full Text Available O óleo extraído de sementes de Ricinnus communis L., conhecida como mamona, foi analisado neste trabalho quanto a presença decomponentes minoritários extraídos na fase insaponificável. A extração de insaponificáveis foi realizada conforme o método AOCS(Ca 6a-40 e a análise das amostras de óleo foi realizada por Cromatografia gasosa acoplada a espectrometria de massas (CG-DEMapós derivatização com BSA. Entre as substâncias identificadas encontrou-se o D-tocoferol, g- tocoferol, D5-ergostenol, stigmasterol,obtusifoliol, g-sitosterol, fucosterol e cicloartenol. As amostras de óleo de diferentes variedades de mamona, obtidas por prensagem afrio e por solvente em extrator soxhlet apresentaram diferenças quanto as substâncias separadas. O método empregado para extração eanálise foi apropriado para identificar a presença de componentes minoritários no óleo de mamona.

  6. Long-term low-calorie low-protein vegan diet and endurance exercise are associated with low cardiometabolic risk. (United States)

    Fontana, Luigi; Meyer, Timothy E; Klein, Samuel; Holloszy, John O


    Western diets, which typically contain large amounts of energy-dense processed foods, together with a sedentary lifestyle are associated with increased cardiometabolic risk. We evaluated the long-term effects of consuming a low-calorie low-protein vegan diet or performing regular endurance exercise on cardiometabolic risk factors. In this cross-sectional study, cardiometabolic risk factors were evaluated in 21 sedentary subjects, who had been on a low-calorie low-protein raw vegan diet for 4.4 +/- 2.8 years, (mean age, 53.1 +/- 11 yrs), 21 body mass index (BMI)-matched endurance runners consuming Western diets, and 21 age- and gender-matched sedentary subjects, consuming Western diets. BMI was lower in the low-calorie low-protein vegan diet (21.3 +/- 3.1 kg/m(2)) and endurance runner (21.1 +/- 1.6 kg/m(2)) groups than in the sedentary Western diet group (26.5 +/- 2.7 kg/m(2)) (p vegan diet and runner groups than in the Western diet group (all p vegan diet group (104 +/- 15 and 62 +/- 11 mm Hg) than in BMI-matched endurance runners (122 +/- 13 and 72 +/- 9 mmHg) and Western diet group (132 +/- 14 and 79 +/- 8 mm Hg) (p vegan diet or regular endurance exercise training is associated with low cardiometabolic risk. Moreover, our data suggest that specific components of a low-calorie low-protein vegan diet provide additional beneficial effects on blood pressure.

  7. Relations between muscle endurance and subjectively reported fatigue, walking capacity, and participation in mildly affected adolescents with cerebral palsy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Eken, Maaike M.; Houdijk, Han; Doorenbosch, Caroline A. M.; Kiezebrink, Francisca E. M.; van Bennekom, Coen A. M.; Harlaar, Jaap; Dallmeijer, Annet J.


    To investigate the relation between muscle endurance and subjectively reported fatigue, walking capacity, and participation in mildly affected adolescents with cerebral palsy (CP) and peers with typical development. In this case-control study, knee extensor muscle endurance was estimated from

  8. Relations between muscle endurance and subjectively reported fatigue, walking capacity, and participation in mildly affected adolescents with cerebral palsy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Eken, Maaike M; Houdijk, Han; Doorenbosch, Caroline A M; Kiezebrink, Francisca E.M.; van Bennekom, Coen A.M.; Harlaar, Jaap; Dallmeijer, Annet J.


    Aim: To investigate the relation between muscle endurance and subjectively reported fatigue, walking capacity, and participation in mildly affected adolescents with cerebral palsy (CP) and peers with typical development. Method: In this case–control study, knee extensor muscle endurance was

  9. Valoración de la presencia de dimensiones éticas en el estudio de la Calidad de Vida Relativa a la Salud

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    Ubaldo González Pérez


    y muerte digna en relación con CVRS. Existió acuerdo sobre la importancia de incluir componentes éticos de condiciones estresantes de la vida cotidiana, aspectos socioeconómicos, justicia distributiva y sustentabilidad medioambiental.

  10. The Endurance of Family Businesses. A Global Overview


    P., Fernandez Perez; Colli, Andrea


    The Endurance of Family Businesses is a collection of essays offering an overview of the importance and resilience of family-controlled large businesses. Much of economic and business history research neglects family businesses, considering them an inefficient form of business organisation. These essays discuss the strengths of family businesses: the ways family firms have managed, financed and governed their corporations, as well as the way in which they structure their relationship with the...

  11. Measuring Ucrit and endurance: equipment choice influences estimates of fish swimming performance. (United States)

    Kern, P; Cramp, R L; Gordos, M A; Watson, J R; Franklin, C E


    This study compared the critical swimming speed (U crit ) and endurance performance of three Australian freshwater fish species in different swim-test apparatus. Estimates of U crit measured in a large recirculating flume were greater for all species compared with estimates from a smaller model of the same recirculating flume. Large differences were also observed for estimates of endurance swimming performance between these recirculating flumes and a free-surface swim tunnel. Differences in estimates of performance may be attributable to variation in flow conditions within different types of swim chambers. Variation in estimates of swimming performance between different types of flumes complicates the application of laboratory-based measures to the design of fish passage infrastructure. © 2017 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.

  12. Endurance exercise training in orthostatic intolerance: a randomized, controlled trial. (United States)

    Winker, Robert; Barth, Alfred; Bidmon, Daniela; Ponocny, Ivo; Weber, Michael; Mayr, Otmar; Robertson, David; Diedrich, André; Maier, Richard; Pilger, Alex; Haber, Paul; Rüdiger, Hugo W


    Orthostatic intolerance is a syndrome characterized by chronic orthostatic symptoms of light-headedness, fatigue, nausea, orthostatic tachycardia, and aggravated norepinephrine levels while standing. The aim of this study was to assess the protective effect of exercise endurance training on orthostatic symptoms and to examine its usefulness in the treatment of orthostatic intolerance. 2768 military recruits were screened for orthostatic intolerance by questionnaire. Tilt-table testing identified 36 cases of orthostatic intolerance out of the 2768 soldiers. Subsequently, 31 of these subjects with orthostatic intolerance entered a randomized, controlled trial. The patients were allocated randomly to either a "training" (3 months jogging) or a "control" group. The influence of exercise training on orthostatic intolerance was assessed by determination of questionnaire scores and tilt-table testing before and after intervention. After training, only 6 individuals of 16 still had orthostatic intolerance compared with 10 of 11 in the control group. The Fisher exact test showed a highly significant difference in diagnosis between the 2 groups (P=0.008) at the end of the study. Analysis of the questionnaire-score showed significant interaction between time and group (P=0.001). The trained subjects showed an improvement in the average symptom score from 1.79+/-0.4 to 1.04+/-0.4, whereas the control subjects showed no significant change in average symptom score (2.09+/-0.6 and 2.14+/-0.5, respectively). Our data demonstrate that endurance exercise training leads to an improvement of symptoms in the majority of patients with orthostatic intolerance. Therefore, we suggest that endurance training should be considered in the treatment of orthostatic intolerance patients.

  13. Life prediction methods for the combined creep-fatigue endurance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wareing, J.; Lloyd, G.J.


    The basis and current status of development of the various approaches to the prediction of the combined creep-fatigue endurance are reviewed. It is concluded that an inadequate materials data base makes it difficult to draw sensible conclusions about the prediction capabilities of each of the available methods. Correlation with data for stainless steel 304 and 316 is presented. (U.K.)


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    Pacheco González G


    Full Text Available El arsénico es un metaloide tóxico, ampliamente distribuido en ambientes terrestres y acuáticos. La biotransformación bacteriana juega un rol importante en el ciclo biogeoquímico de este metaloide, interviniendo en su movilidad, distribución y biodisponibilidad. Los mecanismos de resistencia bacteriana a arsénico, se encuentran asociados a determinantes genéticos, que les otorgan la capacidad de realizar principalmente transformaciones de oxidación y/o reducción. En esta revisión, se describe el mecanismo de resistencia bacteriana al arsénico por la Arsenito oxidasa (AOX y el control transcripcional mediado por un sistema de dos componentes (aoxSR, que regulan la expresión de genes clave implicados en la oxidación de arsenito (AsIII

  15. Merlin C. Wittrock's Enduring Contributions to the Science of Learning (United States)

    Mayer, Richard E.


    Among his many accomplishments in educational psychology, Merlin C. Wittrock is perhaps best remembered for his enduring contributions to the science of learning. His vision of how learning works is best explicated in articles published in "Educational Psychologist" (Wittrock, 1974, 1978, 1989, 1991, 1992), beginning with his classic 1974 article,…

  16. Short term endurance results on a single cylinder diesel engine fueled with upgraded bio oil biodiesel emulsion (United States)

    Prakash, R.; Murugan, S.


    This paper deliberates the endurance test outcomes obtained from a single cylinder, diesel engine fueled with an upgraded bio oil biodiesel emulsion. In this investigation a bio oil obtained by pyrolysis of woody biomass was upgraded with acid treatment. The resulted bio oil was emulsified with addition of biodiesel and suitable surfactant which is termed as ATJOE15. The main objective of the endurance test was to evaluate the wear characteristics of the engine components and lubrication oil properties, when the engine is fueled with the ATJOE15 emulsion. The photographic views taken before and after the end of 100 hrs endurance test, and visual inspection of the engine components, wear and carbon deposit results, are discussed in this paper.

  17. Physiological and bodily changes associated with endurance athletic activities and challenges during peri-operative period

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    Umesh K Dash


    Full Text Available Endurance athletic activities, which requires top level cardio respiratory system fitness are recently becoming popular in the various parts of the country. Armed Forces are forefront in participation of those sporting activities, like marathon running, prolonged swimming or cycling. It has been found to have various long term beneficial effect in body function as a result of prolonged endurance activities, but it has also found that there are various bodily changes which may affect in anaesthetising the individual during emergency and elective surgeries. Literature review of various journals related to endurance sporting activities has described those bodily changes and effects of anaesthesia and pain on those changes. Based upon the available literature a guideline has been formulated for perioperative management of those patients. Most of those available literatures are from countries other than our country. The time has come for venturing in for carrying out further studies in our scenario, especially in Armed Forces in this new horizon of anaesthesia and critical care

  18. Life-long endurance running is associated with reduced glycation and mechanical stress in connective tissue

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Couppé, Christian; Svensson, René B; Grosset, Jean-Francois


    ) that is associated with aging and lifestyle-related diseases. We therefore examined two groups of healthy elderly men: 15 master athletes (64 ± 4 years) who had been engaged in life-long endurance running and 12 old untrained (66 ± 4 years) together with two groups of healthy young men; ten young athletes matched...... for running distance (26 ± 4 years), and 12 young untrained (24 ± 3 years). AGE cross-links (pentosidine) of the patellar tendon were measured biochemically, and in the skin, it was assessed by a fluorometric method. In addition, we determined mechanical properties and microstructure of the patellar tendon....... Life-long regular endurance runners (master athletes) had a 21 % lower AGE cross-link density compared to old untrained. Furthermore, both master athletes and young athletes displayed a thicker patellar tendon. These cross-sectional data suggest that life-long regular endurance running can partly...

  19. Fatigue crack growth and endurance data on 9% Cr 1% Mo steels for AGR applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Priddle, E.K.


    Experimental investigations have been carried out on 9%Cr 1%Mo steels to examine: (1) The significance of carburisation on the fatigue endurance of plain and welded boiler tubes, and tube spacer strip; (2) the high cycle fatigue endurance of spacer strip and spacer weld metal; (3) fatigue crack growth rates in spacer strip and spacer weld metal. This report summarises the results of these investigations and where necessary compares the data to that in current data sheets. The effects of carburisation are variable depending on the structure and type of carburisation. The fatigue endurance properties of spacer strip and spacer weld metal are also similar and need not be considered separately for assessment or design purposes. Fatigue crack growth rates in spacer strip and space weld metal are similar and are influenced by both stress ratio and temperature. A design curve from a fast reactor data sheet may be used as an upper bound to these fatigue crack growth results. (author)

  20. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Progress Toward Meeting High Altitude Endurance Aircraft Price Goals

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library


    ...) High Altitude Endurance (HAE) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) program to determine whether the average flyaway cost for the Global Hawk and DarkStar HAE alr vehicles will be within DOD's cost goal...

  1. Acute and Post-Exercise Physiological Responses to High-Intensity Interval Training in Endurance and Sprint Athletes


    Cipryan, Lukas; Tschakert, Gerhard; Hofmann, Peter


    The purpose of the presented study was to compare acute and post-exercise differences in cardiorespiratory, metabolic, cardiac autonomic, inflammatory and muscle damage responses to high-intensity interval exercise (HIIT) between endurance and sprint athletes. The study group consisted of sixteen highly-trained males (age 22.1 �� 2.5 years) participating in endurance (n = 8) or sprint (n = 8) sporting events. All the participants underwent three exercise sessions: short HIIT (work interval du...

  2. Acute and Post-Exercise Physiological Responses to High-Intensity Interval Training in Endurance and Sprint Athletes


    Lukas Cipryan, Gerhard Tschakert, Peter Hofmann


    The purpose of the presented study was to compare acute and post-exercise differences in cardiorespiratory, metabolic, cardiac autonomic, inflammatory and muscle damage responses to high-intensity interval exercise (HIIT) between endurance and sprint athletes. The study group consisted of sixteen highly-trained males (age 22.1 ± 2.5 years) participating in endurance (n = 8) or sprint (n = 8) sporting events. All the participants underwent three exercise sessions: short HIIT (work interval dur...


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    Bevilaqua Gilberto Antonio Peripolli


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de cálcio (Ca e boro (B, aplicados em pulverização foliar, nas fases vegetativa e reprodutiva da cultura de soja (Glycine max L. Merril, cvs. FT Cometa e BR 16, nos componentes de rendimento e na qualidade fisiológica de sementes. O trabalho foi conduzido em casa-de-vegetação. O solo usado foi um Planossolo, com as seguintes caracteristicas físico-químicas: K: 1,67 mmoc dm-3, P: 3,5mg dm-3, matéria orgânica: 16,6g dm-3; teores de Ca+Mg: 18mmoc dm-3 de solo, pH: 4,7 e argila: 11%. As unidades experimentais foram bandejas com capacidade para 20kg de solo, mantidas com umidade próxima da capacidade de campo (20%, durante o experimento. Os tratamentos consistiram da aplicação da solução em quatro épocas: pré-floração, floração, pós-floração, pré-colheita, e com uma testemunha não tratada. A solução foi preparada com cloreto de cálcio (0,5% de Ca e borato de sódio (0,25% de B, corrigido para pH 7,0, usando-se volume de calda de 100 ha-1 Os componentes de rendimento avaliados foram: número de vagens e peso de grãos /planta e número de grãos/vagem. As sementes foram avaliadas através de emergência no campo, velocidade de emergência e peso da matéria seca de plântulas. Com base nos resultados, conclui-se que: a a aplicação de Ca e B aumentou o peso de grãos por planta; b Ca e B não afetaram a qualidade fisiológica de sementes; c as maiores respostas de Ca e B nos componentes de rendimento foram verificadas nas fases de floração e pós-floração.

  4. Propuesta Metodológica del Entrenamiento de la Resistencia en Baloncesto mediante la Modificación de Factores Formales y Estructurales del Juego. [Methodological Proposals for Endurance Training in Basketball by Modifying Structural and Formal Aspects of the Game].

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    Arnau Sacot


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente artículo fue plantear una propuesta metodológica para equipos técnicos en relación a la utilización y modificación de los diferentes parámetros del juego para el trabajo de la resistencia específica en baloncesto desde una perspectiva integrada. Para ello, se elaboró una revisión en relación al estado actual sobre los juegos en espacio reducido en baloncesto, estudiando el efecto de las distintas variables del juego sobre la frecuencia cardíaca y la intensidad de juego. Durante el proceso de selección de artículos de la revisión, se consultaron diversas palabras claves como conditioning y basketball en bases de datos como Pubmed y ISI web of knowledge. Finalmente, se incluyeron en la revisión 12 artículos que evidenciaron que la modificación de parámetros de juego como el número de jugadores, el espacio, el tiempo y las normas, pueden condicionar la orientación del trabajo de la resistencia. En base a estas conclusiones, se formuló una propuesta metodológica sobre cómo utilizar los distintos parámetros de juego con el fin de planificar y/o controlar las cargas de resistencia específica en baloncesto de forma integrada en el juego. Sin embargo, se debe tener presente que los estudios en los que se ha fundamentado la propuesta, únicamente han analizado efectos simples de los diferentes parámetros. De éste modo, futuros estudios deberían estudiar los efectos de interacción entre los diferentes parámetros para validar la propuesta. Aun así, creemos que ésta propuesta puede ayudar a integrar el entrenamiento de la resistencia con la técnica y la táctica. Abstract The aim of the present study was to create a methodological proposal for coaching staff, which consist in using the game parameters during small sided games in order to integrate endurance training with technical and tactical drills in basketball. For this reason, a systematic review was carried out so as to study the changes in

  5. Observations of in-reactor endurance and rupture life for fueled and unfueled FTR cladding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lovell, A.J.; Christensen, B.Y.; Chin, B.A.


    Reactor component endurance limits are important to nuclear experimenters and operators. This paper investigates endurance limits of 316 CW fuel pin cladding. The objective of this paper is to compare and analyze two different sets of FTR fuel pin cladding data. The first data set is from unfueled pressurized cladding irradiated in the Experimental Breeder Reactor No. II (EBR-II). This data set was generated in an assembly in which the temperature was monitored and controlled. The second data set contains observations of breached and unbreached EBR-II test fuel pins covering a large range of temperature, power and burnup conditions



    segovia miranda, fabian josue


    El potencial patogénico de los auto-anticuerpos en las disfunciones del sistema nervioso central ha atraído gran interés en los últimos años. La identificación de autoanticuerpos neuropatogénicos dirigidos contra componentes de la superficie neuronal ayuda a entender la influencia que el sistema inmune puede ejercer sobre procesos que involucran memoria, cognición y comportamiento. También provee herramientas para entender mejor la función de componentes ya conocidos, o de nuevos com...

  7. Análisis de la percepción del uso de tecnología de productores pecuarios en Sinaloa, México.


    Cuevas Reyes, Venancio; Astengo López, Enrique; Loaiza Meza, Alfredo; Antengo Cazares, Herlyn; Reyes Jimenez, Juan Esteban; González Gonzáles, Daniel; Moreno Gallegos, Tomas


    Resumen El objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar a través de la capacitación en campo, la percepción y conocimiento sobre componentes tecnológicos relacionados con la alimentación pecuaria que tienen diferentes tipos de productores en el norte de Sinaloa. Tres grupos de productores de Ahome, El Fuerte y Guasave fueron seleccionados por muestreo no probabilístico. Los productores entrevistados cuentan con conocimiento diferenciado respecto a la utilización de componentes relacionados ...

  8. Análisis de la percepción del uso de tecnología de productores pecuarios en Sinaloa, México.


    Venancio Cuevas Reyes; Enrique Astengo López; Alfredo Loaiza Meza; Herlyn Antengo Cazares; Juan Esteban Reyes Jimenez; Daniel González Gonzáles; Tomas Moreno Gallegos


    El objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar a través de la capacitación en campo, la percepción y conocimiento sobre componentes tecnológicos relacionados con la alimentación pecuaria que tienen diferentes tipos de productores en el norte de Sinaloa. Tres grupos de productores de Ahome, El Fuerte y Guasave fueron seleccionados por muestreo no probabilístico. Los productores entrevistados cuentan con conocimiento diferenciado respecto a la utilización de componentes relacionados con la a...

  9. Representações sobre uso racional de medicamentos em equipes da Estratégia Saúde da Família

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kamila Onose Araujo Cunha


    Full Text Available Pesquisa qualitativa, descritiva e exploratória, cujo objetivo foi conhecer e compreender as representações sobre o uso racional de medicamentos em três equipes da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF da zona urbana do município de Dourados-MS, tendo como aporte teórico o conceito de representações de Stuart Hall. Como técnica utilizaram-se os grupos focais, e a avaliação de dados deu-se a partir da análise temática, modalidade da análise de conteúdo. Participaram da pesquisa 26 componentes. Verificou-se que os profissionais destacaram papel curativo e aspectos negativos dos medicamentos. Também apresentaram representações acerca dos pacientes, relatando que não compreendem o uso correto dos medicamentos, não aderem ao tratamento e se automedicam. Nota-se a necessidade de implantação de práticas educativas em saúde para promoção do uso racional de medicamentos.

  10. Arctigenin enhances swimming endurance of sedentary rats partially by regulation of antioxidant pathways (United States)

    Wu, Ruo-ming; Sun, Yan-yan; Zhou, Ting-ting; Zhu, Zhi-yuan; Zhuang, Jing-jing; Tang, Xuan; Chen, Jing; Hu, Li-hong; Shen, Xu


    Aim: Arctigenin, a phenylpropanoid dibenzylbutyrolactone lignan found in traditional Chinese herbs, has been determined to exhibit a variety of pharmacological activities, including anti-tumor, anti-inflammation, neuroprotection, and endurance enhancement. In the present study, we investigated the antioxidation and anti-fatigue effects of arctigenin in rats. Methods: Rat L6 skeletal muscle cell line was exposed to H2O2 (700 μmol/L), and ROS level was assayed using DCFH-DA as a probe. Male SD rats were injected with arctigenin (15 mg·kg−1·d−1, ip) for 6 weeks, and then the weight-loaded forced swimming test (WFST) was performed to evaluate their endurance. The levels of antioxidant-related genes in L6 cells and the skeletal muscles of rats were analyzed using real-time RT-PCR and Western blotting. Results: Incubation of L6 cells with arctigenin (1, 5, 20 μmol/L) dose-dependently decreased the H2O2-induced ROS production. WFST results demonstrated that chronic administration of arctigenin significantly enhanced the endurance of rats. Furthermore, molecular biology studies on L6 cells and skeletal muscles of the rats showed that arctigenin effectively increased the expression of the antioxidant-related genes, including superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione reductase (Gsr), glutathione peroxidase (GPX1), thioredoxin (Txn) and uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2), through regulation of two potential antioxidant pathways: AMPK/PGC-1α/PPARα in mitochondria and AMPK/p53/Nrf2 in the cell nucleus. Conclusion: Arctigenin efficiently enhances rat swimming endurance by elevation of the antioxidant capacity of the skeletal muscles, which has thereby highlighted the potential of this natural product as an antioxidant in the treatment of fatigue and related diseases. PMID:25152028

  11. Componentes oculares em anisometropia The ocular components in anisometropia

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    David Tayah


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar as correlações dos componentes oculares (comprimento axial, comprimento do segmento anterior, poder médio da córnea, profundidade da câmara vítrea e poder refrativo equivalente com o erro refrativo total do olho portador da menor e da maior ametropia em anisométropes. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um "survey" analítico conduzido em população de 68 anisométropes de duas ou mais dioptrias atendida no Ambulatório da Clinica Oftalmológica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo Os anisométropes foram submetidos à refração estática objetiva e subjetiva, ceratometria e biometria ultra-sônica. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença significativa entre os valores dos componentes oculares medidos dos olhos portadores da menor e da maior ametropia. Os olhos portadores da menor ametropia apresentaram as mesmas correlações significantes observadas em olhos emétropes, ou seja, correlação da refração com comprimento do segmento anterior e comprimento axial, e correlação do comprimento axial com poder corneano e profundidade da câmara vítrea. Os olhos portadores da maior ametropia apresentaram correlação significante da refração com o comprimento axial e do comprimento axial com a profundidade da câmara vítrea. Ainda em ambos os olhos observou-se correlação significante do poder do cristalino com a profundidade da câmara anterior. CONCLUSÃO: Os olhos portadores da menor ametropia desenvolveram as correlações mais freqüentemente observadas nos olhos emétropes. Os olhos portadores da maior ametropia não desenvolveram as mesmas correlações dos emétropes.PURPOSE: To asses the correlation between ocular components (axial length, anterior segment length, corneal power, vitreous length and equivalent power of the eye and refractive error in eyes with higher and lower ametropia of subjects with anisometropia. METHODS: An analytical survey was carried out in 68 patients




  13. Behind Closed Doors: Listening to the Voices of Women enduring ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Statistics reveal that there are large numbers of women, including those in marital unions or partnerships, who are enduring violence and abuse. Most of this abuse is at the hands of intimate partners and loved ones. The present study sought to develop insight into the reasons why Vha-Venda women in Thohoyandou ...

  14. Suplementos nutricionales como modificadores del riesgo cardiovascular en componentes del síndrome metabólico en adultos


    Tassinari, Stefano; Azuero, Andrés; Arreaza, Dan; Rueda-Rodríguez, María C.; Castañeda-Cardona, Camilo; Rosselli, Diego


    Objetivo: analizar los suplementos nutricionales con ácidos grasos de cadena larga, micronutrientes y antioxidantes en la población adulta, como posibles modificadores del riesgo cardiovascular en pacientes con diagnóstico de síndrome metabólico, o alguno de sus componentes. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión de la literatura en las bases de datos Medline y Embase, utilizando los términos “Metabolic Syndrome” AND “Dietary supplements” y ‘Metabolic Syndrome’/exp AND ‘Dietary supplement’/exp, ...

  15. Modificación de conocimientos sobre su dieta alimenticia en madres de lactantes Modification to knowledge on nourishing diet of infant mothers

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    Adriana Sarda Prada


    Full Text Available Se realizó una intervención educativa sobre aspectos relacionados con la alimentación, dirigida a 25 madres de lactantes que pertenecían a un consultorio médico del Policlínico Universitario "30 de Noviembre" de Santiago de Cuba, desde junio de 2008 hasta octubre de 2009, para lo cual se desarrolló un programa de clases durante 3 meses. Los encuentros sistemáticos garantizaron modificar positivamente los conocimientos de la mayoría de las progenitoras sobre la adecuada selección de los componentes de su dieta para alimentar y nutrir a sus neonatos a través de la lactancia materna. Se recomendó efectuar a largo plazo una investigación para evaluar el impacto de ese adiestramiento en el crecimiento y desarrollo de sus hijos.An educational intervention on aspects related to nourishment addressed to 25 infant mothers belonging to a doctor's office at "30 de noviembre" University Polyclinic in Santiago de Cuba was carried out from June, 2008 to October, 2009, in which case a class program was performed during 3 months. Systematic encounters guaranteed the positive modification to knowledge of most mothers about the appropriate selection of their diet components to feed and nourish their neonates through breastfeeding. It was recommended to perform a long-term research to assess the impact of that training for the growth and development of their children.

  16. Endurance Pump Test with MIL-PRF-83282 Hydraulic Fluid, Purified with Malabar Purifier

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Sharma, Shashi


    .... Endurance aircraft hydraulic pump tests under carefully controlled conditions were previously conducted using hydraulic fluid purified with a rotating-disk and vacuum type purifier, the portable...

  17. The effect of endurance training on muscle strength in young, healthy men in relation to hormonal status. (United States)

    Grandys, M; Majerczak, J; Duda, K; Zapart-Bukowska, J; Sztefko, K; Zoladz, J A


    The objective of this study was to establish the effect of moderate intensity endurance training on muscle strength in relation to hormonal changes in the body. Fifteen young, healthy men took part in 5 week endurance training performed on a cycloergometer. Before and after training program, exercise testing sessions were performed involving all participants. Training program significantly increased V(O2 max) (P<0.05) and time to fatigue at 50% of maximal voluntary isometric contraction (TTF 50% MVC), P<0.03, but it did not affect maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVC). This was accompanied by an increase (P<0.001) in total plasma testosterone (T) and free testosterone (fT) concentrations, whereas a decrease in sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) (P<0.02), growth hormone (P<0.05), free triiodothyronine (P<0.001) and free thyroxine (P<0.02) concentrations was observed. No changes were found in plasma cortisol (C) and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) concentrations. Additionally, MVC was positively correlated to T/C, fT/C and IGF-I/C ratios after the training, whereas time to fatigue at 50% of MVC was closely positively correlated to the SHBG concentration, both before and after endurance training. We have concluded that moderate intensity endurance training resulting in a significant increase in V(O2 max), did not affect the MVC, but it significantly increased time to fatigue at 50% of MVC. This index of local muscular endurance was greater in subjects with higher concentration of SHBG, both before and after the training.

  18. Endurance Pump Tests With Fresh and Purified MIL-PRF-83282 Hydraulic Fluid

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Sharma, Shashi


    .... Two endurance pump tests were conducted with F-16 aircraft hydraulic pumps, using both fresh and purified MIL-PRF-83282 hydraulic fluid, to determine if fluid purification had any adverse effect on pump life...

  19. Effects of Adolescent Sport Practice on Health Outcomes of Adult Amateur Endurance Cyclists: Adulthood Is Not Too Late to Start. (United States)

    Munguia-Izquierdo, Diego; Mayolas-Pi, Carmen; Peñarrubia-Lozano, Carlos; Paris-Garcia, Federico; Bueno-Antequera, Javier; Oviedo-Caro, Miguel Angel; Legaz-Arrese, Alejandro


    We investigated the effects of adolescent sport practice on the training, performance, and health outcomes of adult amateur endurance cyclists and compared health outcomes of 3 adult groups: amateur endurance cyclists who practiced sports during adolescence, amateur endurance cyclists who did not practice sports during adolescence, and inactive individuals. In 859 (751 men and 108 women) adult cyclists and 718 inactive subjects (307 men and 411 women), we examined adolescent sport practice, current training status, quality of life, quality of sleep, anxiety and depression, and cardiometabolic risk: body mass index, physical activity, physical fitness, adherence to Mediterranean diet, and alcohol and tobacco consumption. Independent of gender, no significant differences in training, performance, or health outcomes were observed between amateur endurance cyclists who practiced sports during adolescence and those who did not. Independent of gender, cyclists reported significantly better health outcomes than inactive individuals in all variables, except depression. Training, performance, and health outcomes did not differ between adult amateur endurance cyclists who practiced sports during adolescence and those who did not, but their health outcomes were significantly improved compared with inactive individuals, except for depression.

  20. Disruption of BCAA metabolism in mice impairs exercise metabolism and endurance. (United States)

    She, Pengxiang; Zhou, Yingsheng; Zhang, Zhiyou; Griffin, Kathleen; Gowda, Kavitha; Lynch, Christopher J


    Exercise enhances branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) catabolism, and BCAA supplementation influences exercise metabolism. However, it remains controversial whether BCAA supplementation improves exercise endurance, and unknown whether the exercise endurance effect of BCAA supplementation requires catabolism of these amino acids. Therefore, we examined exercise capacity and intermediary metabolism in skeletal muscle of knockout (KO) mice of mitochondrial branched-chain aminotransferase (BCATm), which catalyzes the first step of BCAA catabolism. We found that BCATm KO mice were exercise intolerant with markedly decreased endurance to exhaustion. Their plasma lactate and lactate-to-pyruvate ratio in skeletal muscle during exercise and lactate release from hindlimb perfused with high concentrations of insulin and glucose were significantly higher in KO than wild-type (WT) mice. Plasma and muscle ammonia concentrations were also markedly higher in KO than WT mice during a brief bout of exercise. BCATm KO mice exhibited 43-79% declines in the muscle concentration of alanine, glutamine, aspartate, and glutamate at rest and during exercise. In response to exercise, the increments in muscle malate and alpha-ketoglutarate were greater in KO than WT mice. While muscle ATP concentration tended to be lower, muscle IMP concentration was sevenfold higher in KO compared with WT mice after a brief bout of exercise, suggesting elevated ammonia in KO is derived from the purine nucleotide cycle. These data suggest that disruption of BCAA transamination causes impaired malate/aspartate shuttle, thereby resulting in decreased alanine and glutamine formation, as well as increases in lactate-to-pyruvate ratio and ammonia in skeletal muscle. Thus BCAA metabolism may regulate exercise capacity in mice.

  1. Lactate Transporters Expression in Tumor of Balb/c Mice Bearing Breast Cancer after Endurance Training

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    M Aveseh


    Full Text Available Background & aim: Changes in the metabolism of cancer cells plays a major role in the survival and their expansion. The aim of this study was to determine expression of lactate transmitters in Balb/c mice with breast cancer after endurance training. Methods: In this experimental study twenty-five Balb C mice were randomly divided into two groups of breast cancer control (N=13 and breast cancer training (N=12. Breast cancer was induced in mammary fat pad by injection of cancer cells (MC4L2 in mice and endurance training protocol was applied for 7 weeks in the experimental group. Tumor volume and MCT1, MCT4, and CD147 expression were measured by micro digital caliper and western blotting technique respectively. Data were analyzed statistically using Student t and Pearson. Results: Significant decreases was found in weight and CD147 expression of tumor after 7 weeks of endurance training in the exercise group compared to the control group. No significant differences were seen in MCT4 expression and tumor volume between the groups (05 / 0p>0.05. Significant correlation was found between tumor MCT1 and CD147 expression (P < 0.05, while the relationship between MCT4 and CD147 expression in tumors was not statistically significant. Conclusion: Endurance training can reduce lactate metabolism in cancer cells through suppression of lactate transporters expression and provides a useful tool in breast cancer treatment or prevention.

  2. Manejo do dossel vegetativo e seu efeito nos componentes de produção da videira Merlot

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    Alberto Miele


    Full Text Available A poda verde é uma prática cultural utilizada para melhorar as condições do dossel vegetativo dos vinhedos, visando a favorecer a qualidade da uva e do vinho. Nesse sentido, realizou-se este experimento entre as safras de 1993/1994 e 1996/1997, com diferentes modalidades de poda verde, num vinhedo do cv. Merlot conduzido em latada. Houve 12 tratamentos e três repetições, sendo o delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados. Os tratamentos constituíram-se da testemunha e de 11 diferentes modalidades de poda verde, ou seja, desbrota, desponta e desfolha, algumas delas em diferentes épocas do ciclo vegetativo da videira. O componente principal 1, da análise de componentes principais (ACP feita em cada ano, separadamente, mostra que o tratamento 10 (desbrota + desponta + desfolha realizada no início da floração, eliminando-se as folhas abaixo dos cachos discriminou-se nos quatro anos, e os tratamentos 7 (desfolha realizada 21 dias antes da colheita, eliminando-se metade das folhas abaixo dos cachos e 6 (desfolha realizada 21 dias antes da colheita, eliminando-se as folhas abaixo dos cachos, em três deles; a ACP da média dos quatro anos também evidencia essa discriminação entre eles. Constata-se que o tratamento 10 foi um dos que tiveram intensidade de poda verde mais intensa, caracterizando-se por variáveis indicativas de plantas com vigor e produtividade mais baixos que os demais.

  3. The role of fluid temperature and form on endurance performance in the heat. (United States)

    Tan, P M S; Lee, J K W


    Exercising in the heat often results in an excessive increase in body core temperature, which can be detrimental to health and endurance performance. Research in recent years has shifted toward the optimum temperature at which drinks should be ingested. The ingestion of cold drinks can reduce body core temperature before exercise but less so during exercise. Temperature of drinks does not seem to have an effect on the rate of gastric emptying and intestinal absorption. Manipulating the specific heat capacity of a solution can further induce a greater heat sink. Ingestion of ice slurry exploits the additional energy required to convert the solution from ice to water (enthalpy of fusion). Body core temperature is occasionally observed to be higher at the point of exhaustion with the ingestion of ice slurry. There is growing evidence to suggest that ingesting ice slurry is an effective and practical strategy to prevent excessive rise of body core temperature and improve endurance performance. This information is especially important when only a fixed amount of fluid is allowed to be carried, often seen in some ultra-endurance events and military operations. Future studies should evaluate the efficacy of ice slurry in various exercise and environmental conditions. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  4. Investigation of Cardiovascular Endurance Levels of Sedentary High School Students (United States)

    Akyol, Betül; Sögüt, Kayhan


    The aim of our study is to examine the cardiovascular endurance systems of sedentary high school students. The 112 sedentary individual was taken to the 1600 meter walking test run, and the 120 sedentary individual Harward step test. While both individuals were participating in the same test, weight, height, oxygen saturation, and heart rate of…

  5. Independent effects of endurance training and weight loss on peak fat oxidation in moderately overweight men

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nordby, Pernille; Rosenkilde, Mads; Ploug, Thorkil


    Endurance training increases peak fat oxidation (PFO) during exercise, but whether this is independent of changes in body weight is not known. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of endurance training with or without weight loss or a diet-induced weight loss on PFO...... and on key skeletal muscle mitochondrial proteins involved in fat oxidation. Sixty moderately overweight, sedentary but otherwise healthy men were randomized to 12 wk of training (T), diet (D), training and increased caloric intake (T-iD), or continuous sedentary control (C). Isoenergetic deficits...... corresponding to 600 kcal/day were comprised of endurance exercise for T and caloric restriction for D. T-iD completed similar training but was not in 600 kcal deficit because of dietary replacement. PFO and the exercise intensity at which this occurred (FatMax) were measured by a submaximal exercise test...

  6. Efecto in vitro de aceites esenciales de tres especies de Lippia sobre Moniliophthora roreri (Cif. y Par. Evans et al., agente causante de la moniliasis del cacao (Theobroma cacao L.

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    Betty Stefany Lozada


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el efecto antifúngico in vitro de cinco aceites esenciales (AEs (AE1, AE2, AE3, AE4 y AE5 extraídos de Lippia origanoides, L. citriodora y L. alba sobre aislados de monilia (Moniliophthora roreri obtenidos de frutos de cacao infectados provenientes de San Vicente de Chucurí, Santander, Colombia. Las plantas de Lippia fueron colectadas en cinco localidades colombianas. Los aislados de monilia (M1, M2, M3, M4 y M5 fueron caracterizados por su morfología, germinación y crecimiento en medios de cultivo. La actividad antifúngica de diferentes concentraciones de los AEs fue evaluada contra el aislado M2 y la cepa de M. roreri (ATCC 64239, para determinar su efecto sobre la germinación y la inhibición del crecimiento micelial. Los AEs estudiados inhibieron 100% de la germinación y del crecimiento micelial cuando fueron utilizados en concentraciones de 800 - 1000 µg/ml. Concentraciones de 200 µg/ml también mostraron efecto sobre los aislamientos fúngicos, siendo los AEs obtenidos de L. origanoides (AE2 y AE3 los más activos. Estos estaban compuestos principalmente por timol, p-cimeno, g-terpineno, acetato de timilo, carvacrol, b-mirceno, trans-b-cariofileno. Diferencias significativas (P < 0.05 sobre la susceptibilidad se observaron entre las dos cepas fúngicas estudiadas, siendo en general más susceptible el aislado M2 que la cepa ATCC. Los AEs de L. origanoides son candidatos para ser usados como posibles biofungicidas en el control de la moniliasis. Son necesarios estudios futuros orientados a determinar la actividad in vivo antifúngica de estos AEs y sus principales componentes.

  7. Estudo fatorial dos componentes da leitura: velocidade, compreensão e reconhecimento de palavras Estudio factorial de los componentes de la lectura: velocidad, comprensión y reconocimiento de palabras Factorial study of reading components: speed, comprehension and word recognition

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    Alessandra Gotuzo Seabra


    Full Text Available Modelos de processamento de informação têm identificado diferentes processos envolvidos na leitura, incluindo reconhecimento de palavras, compreensão e velocidade, podendo o reconhecimento ocorrer por três diferentes estratégias, logográfica, alfabética e ortográfica. De modo a identificar tais componentes na leitura, foram avaliados 443 estudantes da 1ª à 4ª série do ensino fundamental, em testes de reconhecimento de palavras, compreensão oral/auditiva, compreensão de leitura, processamento ortográfico e velocidade de leitura. Foi conduzida análise fatorial por componentes principais e rotação oblimin, derivando quatro fatores. O fator 1 incluiu reconhecimento de palavras familiares e compreensão linguística oral e escrita; o fator 2 compreendeu as estratégias logográfica e alfabética de reconhecimento de palavras; o fator 3, a estratégia ortográfica; e o fator 4 referiu-se à velocidade leitora. Os achados, bastante próximos ao esperado teoricamente, podem auxiliar na compreensão dos processos cognitivos envolvidos na leitura de crianças no início do ensino fundamental.Modelos de procesamiento de información han identificado diferentes procesos abarcados en la lectura, incluyendo reconocimiento de palabras, comprensión y velocidad, siendo que el reconocimiento puede ocurrir por tres diferentes estrategias, logográfica, alfabética y ortográfica. Con el fin de identificar tales componentes en la lectura, fueron evaluados 443 estudiantes del primer al cuarto año de la enseñanza básica, en testes de reconocimiento de palabras, comprensión oral/auditiva, comprensión de lectura, procesamiento ortográfico y velocidad de lectura. Fue conducida análisis factorial por componentes principales y rotación oblimin, derivando cuatro factores. El factor 1 incluyó reconocimiento de palabras familiares y comprensión lingüística oral y escrita; el factor 2 comprendió las estrategias logográfica y alfabética de


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    Humberto Marrero Silva


    comunicativa, es decir, que los escolares aprendan a utilizar correctamente el lenguaje oral y escrito, y puedan establecer una comunicación efectiva en diferentes situaciones comunicativas. En el trabajo se presentan consideraciones metodológicas sobre cómo abordar la evaluación del aprendizaje de la asignatura Lengua Española desde la integración de sus componentes lingüísticos, como un proceso que debe estar orientado a evaluar el nivel de desarrollo de la competencia cognitivo, comunicativa y sociocultural de los escolares, teniendo en cuenta la especificidad de los del grado, lo cual se basa en las concepciones de la Escuela Histórico Cultural y la Lingüística Discursiva.

  9. Effects of Plyometric Training and Beta-Alanine Supplementation on Maximal-Intensity Exercise and Endurance in Female Soccer Players

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    Rosas Fabián


    Full Text Available Plyometric training and beta-alanine supplementation are common among soccer players, although its combined use had never been tested. Therefore, a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was conducted to compare the effects of a plyometric training program, with or without beta-alanine supplementation, on maximal-intensity and endurance performance in female soccer players during an in-season training period. Athletes (23.7 ± 2.4 years were assigned to either a plyometric training group receiving a placebo (PLACEBO, n = 8, a plyometric training group receiving beta-alanine supplementation (BA, n = 8, or a control group receiving placebo without following a plyometric training program (CONTROL, n = 9. Athletes were evaluated for single and repeated jumps and sprints, endurance, and change-of-direction speed performance before and after the intervention. Both plyometric training groups improved in explosive jumping (ES = 0.27 to 1.0, sprinting (ES = 0.31 to 0.78, repeated sprinting (ES = 0.39 to 0.91, 60 s repeated jumping (ES = 0.32 to 0.45, endurance (ES = 0.35 to 0.37, and change-of-direction speed performance (ES = 0.36 to 0.58, whereas no significant changes were observed for the CONTROL group. Nevertheless, compared to the CONTROL group, only the BA group showed greater improvements in endurance, repeated sprinting and repeated jumping performances. It was concluded that beta-alanine supplementation during plyometric training may add further adaptive changes related to endurance, repeated sprinting and jumping ability.

  10. Effects of Plyometric Training and Beta-Alanine Supplementation on Maximal-Intensity Exercise and Endurance in Female Soccer Players. (United States)

    Rosas, Fabián; Ramírez-Campillo, Rodrigo; Martínez, Cristian; Caniuqueo, Alexis; Cañas-Jamet, Rodrigo; McCrudden, Emma; Meylan, Cesar; Moran, Jason; Nakamura, Fábio Y; Pereira, Lucas A; Loturco, Irineu; Diaz, Daniela; Izquierdo, Mikel


    Plyometric training and beta-alanine supplementation are common among soccer players, although its combined use had never been tested. Therefore, a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was conducted to compare the effects of a plyometric training program, with or without beta-alanine supplementation, on maximal-intensity and endurance performance in female soccer players during an in-season training period. Athletes (23.7 ± 2.4 years) were assigned to either a plyometric training group receiving a placebo (PLACEBO, n = 8), a plyometric training group receiving beta-alanine supplementation (BA, n = 8), or a control group receiving placebo without following a plyometric training program (CONTROL, n = 9). Athletes were evaluated for single and repeated jumps and sprints, endurance, and change-of-direction speed performance before and after the intervention. Both plyometric training groups improved in explosive jumping (ES = 0.27 to 1.0), sprinting (ES = 0.31 to 0.78), repeated sprinting (ES = 0.39 to 0.91), 60 s repeated jumping (ES = 0.32 to 0.45), endurance (ES = 0.35 to 0.37), and change-of-direction speed performance (ES = 0.36 to 0.58), whereas no significant changes were observed for the CONTROL group. Nevertheless, compared to the CONTROL group, only the BA group showed greater improvements in endurance, repeated sprinting and repeated jumping performances. It was concluded that beta-alanine supplementation during plyometric training may add further adaptive changes related to endurance, repeated sprinting and jumping ability.

  11. Response of Estrogen-related Receptor Alpha (ERRα to Endurance Training and its Participation in Endurance Training-induced Adaptations in Lipid Metabolism in Skeletal Muscle of Male Wistar rats

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    Soheil Aminizadeh


    Conclusion: In sum, expression of ERRα is a trainable factor and its changes are parallel with the increase in expression of lipid metabolism indexes; so, it could have a direct role in endurance training-induced adaptation in fat metabolism.

  12. Air Force Research Laboratory Spacecraft Cryocooler Endurance Evaluation Update: FY98-99

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Tomlinson, B


    The need for long term endurance evaluation data on space cryocoolers has long been an issue due to the 10-year plus design life of this technology and the absence of any accepted accelerated testing methodology...

  13. Medicinal clays improve the endurance of loaded inspiratory muscles in COPD: a randomized clinical trial of nonpharmacological treatment

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    Baldi S


    Full Text Available Simonetta Baldi,1 Gian Domenico Pinna,2 Claudio Bruschi,1 Fabrizio Caldara,3 Roberto Maestri,2 Elena Dacosto,1 Antonella Rezzani,1 Ermanno Popovich,1 Ezio Bellinzona,1 Paola Crotti,1 Silvia Montemartini,1 Claudio Fracchia1 1Department of Pneumology, 2Department of Biomedical Engineering, Scientific Institute of Montescano, Salvatore Maugeri Foundation, Istituto Di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, Montescano (Pavia, 3Center of Thermal Studies Pietro d’Abano, AbanoTerme, Padua, Italy Background: Inspiratory resistive breathing (IRB challenges affect respiratory muscle endurance in healthy individuals, which is considered to be an interleukin 6 (IL-6–dependent mechanism. Whether nonpharmacological thermal therapies promote the endurance of loaded inspiratory muscles in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD is unclear. The objectives of this study were to compare the effects of two thermal interventions on endurance time (ET and plasma IL-6 concentration following an IRB challenge.Methods: This study was a randomized, parallel-group, unblinded clinical trial in a single-center setting. Forty-two patients (aged 42–76 years suffering from mild to severe COPD participated in this study. Both groups completed 12 sessions of the mud bath therapy (MBT (n=22 or leisure thermal activity (LTA (n=19 in a thermal spa center in Italy. Pre- and postintervention spirometry, maximum inspiratory pressure, and plasma mediators were obtained and ET and endurance oxygen expenditure (VO2Endur were measured following IRB challenge at 40% of maximum inspiratory pressure.Results: There was no difference in ΔIL-6 between the intervention groups. But, IRB challenge increased cytokine IL-6 plasma levels systematically. The effect size was small. A statistically significant treatment by IRB challenge effect existed in ET, which significantly increased in the MBT group (P=0.003. In analysis of covariance treatment by IRB challenge analysis with LnVO2

  14. Short-term moderate intensive high volume training program provides aerobic endurance benefit in wheelchair basketball players. (United States)

    Skucas, Kestutis; Pokvytyte, Vaida


    The aim of this paper was to investigate the effect of short-term period, moderate intensity and high volume endurance training on physiological variables in elite wheelchair basketball players. Eight wheelchair basketball players were examined. The subjects participated in a two-week intervention program of mainly two training types: wheelchair basketball and wheelchair driving endurance training. The subjects performed the continuously increasing cycling exercise (CCE) at the constant 60 rpm arm cranking speed at the beginning of the program and after two weeks of the program. The initial workload was 20 W, then the workload was increased by 2 W every 5 seconds until fatigue. The post training of the wheelchair basketball group in the study showed a significant improvement in the peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) and the peak power output (POpeak). VO2peak increased by 9% from 2.32±0.16 L/min to 2.53±0.2 L/min (Pbasketball squad had relatively high levels of aerobic fitness prior to participating in the endurance training program. Nevertheless, the high-volume, moderate-intensity, short-term training program, which evolved over the two-weeks period, resulted in the improvement of the athlete's aerobic endurance. The ventilatory threshold (VT) and the second ventilatory threshold (VT2) are good markers for aerobic capacity of wheelchair athletes.

  15. Differential effects of endurance training and weight loss on plasma adiponectin multimers and adipose tissue macrophages in younger, moderately overweight men

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Auerbach, Pernille; Nordby, Pernille; Bendtsen, Line Quist


    in obese subjects which may be due to modulations of inflammatory pathways. In this randomized clinical trial we investigated the separate effects of endurance training-induced weight loss, diet-induced weight loss and endurance training per se (without weight loss) on plasma adiponectin multimer...... composition (Western blotting) and adipose tissue macrophage content (immunohistochemistry) in young, moderately overweight men. Weight loss and endurance training per se decreased whole body fat percentage in an additive manner. No intervention-induced changes were observed for plasma total adiponectin....... Surprisingly, endurance training, irrespectively of any associated weight loss, shifted the adiponectin multimer distribution towards a lower molecular weight (21% decrease in HMW/LMW, P=0.015) whereas diet-induced weight loss shifted the distribution towards a higher molecular weight (42% increase in HMW...

  16. Impact of Short-Term Training Camp on Aortic Blood Pressure in Collegiate Endurance Runners

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    Tsubasa Tomoto


    Full Text Available To investigate the influence of short-term vigorous endurance training on aortic blood pressure (BP, pulse wave analysis was performed in 36 highly trained elite collegiate endurance runners before and after a 7-day intense training camp. Subjects participated three training sessions per day, which mainly consisted of long distance running and sprint training to reach the daily target distance of 26 km. After the camp, they were divided into two groups based on whether the target training was achieved. Aortic systolic BP, pulse pressure, and tension-time index (TTI, a surrogate index of the myocardial oxygen demand were significantly elevated after the camp in the accomplished group but not in the unaccomplished group, whereas the brachial BP remained unchanged in both groups. The average daily training distance was significantly correlated with the changes in aortic systolic BP (r = 0.608, p = 0.0002, pulse pressure (r = 0.415, p = 0.016, and TTI (r = 0.438, p = 0.011. These results suggest that aortic BP is affected by a short-term vigorous training camp even in highly trained elite endurance athletes presumably due to a greater training volume compared to usual.

  17. Playground Apparatus Experience and Muscular Endurance among Children 4-6. (United States)

    Gabbard, Carl

    The effects of specific play apparatus experience on a test of upper body muscular endurance was investigated among a group of children 4-6 years old. Both the control and experimental group consisted of 45 subjects randomly selected on the basis of age from two private day care centers situated in the same community. The two groups were of…



    Diana C. Sinuco; Alicia L. Morales; Carmenza Duque


    Los componentes volátiles del aroma de la piña perolera fueron obtenidos mediante extracción L-L y analizados por CGAR, CGAR-EM (IE, IQP) y CGAR-O. En esta forma se identificaron 67 compuestos, siendo 2-metilbutanoato de metilo, hexanoatode metilo, 4- acetoxi-hexanoato de metilo, 5-acetoxi-hexanoato de metilo y 3-metiltiopropanoato de metilo los componentesmayoritarios. Mediante el análisis por CGAR-O no se detectaron compuestos impacto.La fracción glicos&ia...

  19. La olfacción: otro componente importante del examen físico Olfaction: another important component of physical examination

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    Marco Antonio Montano Díaz


    Full Text Available Se presenta un trabajo donde se revisa la literatura disponible, y se aporta la experiencia personal de los autores sobre la utilidad de la olfacción para realizar un correcto diagnóstico clínico, así como las posibilidades técnicas con que contamos hoy para detectar y medir diversas substancias emanadas del cuerpo humano. Los objetivos propuestos son: cómo promover la idea de incluir la enseñanza organizada y sistemática de la olfacción como un componente importante del examen físico del paciente, y motivar a los tecnólogos para que produzcan y desarrollen instrumentos con los fines expresados. La literatura y la práctica diaria demuestran la abundante y útil información que brinda la olfacción bien realizada. Se expone lo referido sobre la olfacción por varios clásicos de la medicina y por jóvenes especialistas de nuestro tiempo y se concluye que la olfacción debe incluirse junto con la inspección, palpación, percusión y auscultación como otro elemento del examen físico que debe ser enseñado sistemáticamente en nuestras universidades, así como la conveniencia de desarrollar una tecnología que permita detectar substancias volátiles en el aliento y otras emanaciones humanas. No se trata aquí de la utilidad de los olores con fines terapéuticos o de otro tipo que no sea diagnóstico.A study where available medical literature is revised and personal experience of the authors about the usefulness of olfaction is taken in order to carry out a proper clinical diagnosis, as well as the technical possibilities in present days to detect and measure several substances that emanate from the human body. The objectives proposed are: the promotion of the idea to include an organized and systematic teaching of olfaction as an important component of physical examination in patients, and to encourage the technologists to produce and develop instruments with this purpose. Medical literature and daily practice show the abundant and

  20. Emociones que emergen durante el análisis del conocimiento didáctico del contenido sobre el campo eléctrico

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    Lina Melo

    Full Text Available Resumen El dominio afectivo integrado con la historia personal y social de los profesores, sus creencias y representaciones cognitivas, configura el gran espectro de conocimiento didáctico del contenido (CDC. El estudio que presentamos analiza las emociones declaradas de forma explícita, por dos profesores de bachillerato, dentro de un estudio de carácter cualitativo sobre el desarrollo del CDC en el caso de la enseñanza del campo eléctrico. La presencia de emociones es un indicador de las coincidencias o discrepancias entre los distintos componentes de su CDC e influyen en las decisiones que el profesor toma en el aula. Los contenidos más conflictivos, en términos emocionales, resultan ser la enseñanza de la superposición de campos y fuerzas eléctricas y la relación electrostática-electrocinética. Finalmente, las causas tanto de las emociones positivas como de las negativas están mayoritariamente relacionadas con el conocimiento curricular y el contenido que se enseña.