
Sample records for endiselt kui sm

  1. Russkije idut, no eto skoreje G7, a ne G8 / Brian Love

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Love, Brian


    Venemaa ületab takistuse maailma suurriigina tunnustamises 2006. a. jaanuaris, kui ta aastaks saab G8 eesistujaameti. Vaatamata toimunud muutustele on Venemaa endiselt külaline, kui kohtuvad G7 rahandusministrid ja keskpankade juhid

  2. "Da Vinci kood" endiselt lahti muukimata / Riho Laurisaar, Eda Post

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laurisaar, Riho


    Dan Browni samanimelise menuromaani järgi valminud põnevusfilm "Da Vinci kood" (režissöör Ron Howard, produtsent Brian Greiser) on tekitanud aktiivset vastukaja kristlaste ringkondades. Lisatud : "Kirjanik. Dan Brown : usklikust koolipoisist sai väidetav usurüvetaja", "Raamat. Raamatut müüakse endiselt miljonites", "Vastasseis. Usklikud ühinevad "Da Vinci koodi vastu", "Kirjastus. Kohus vabastas Dan Browni plagiaadisüüdistusest", "Reisid. Turismifirmad võtavad graalihulluselt matti"

  3. HIV-nakkus võib olla igal sajandal Eesti täiskasvanud elanikul / Kärt Anvelt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Anvelt, Kärt, 1973-


    Vt. ka Vesti Dnja 24. sept., lk. 3. Maailma Terviseorganisatsiooni (WHO) andmetel on Eestis HIV-nakatunuid kaks korda rohkem kui registreeritud. Endiselt on kõige probleemsemaks grupiks süstivad narkomaanid ja nende seksuaalpartnerid

  4. Juuni automüük tähelepanuväärne mitmeti / Tõnu Tramm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tramm, Tõnu, 1968-


    Tänavu juunis osteti 48% rohkem autosid kui 2004. aastal, müüduimaks margiks oli Opel Astra. Tabelid: Juunikuu automüük ligi poole võrra mullusest suurem; Opel Astra juuni müüduim auto; Poolaasta kokkuvõttes juhib endiselt Toyota

  5. Dialog vmesto ugroz / Margarita Tshernogorova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tšernogorova, Margarita, 1933-


    Vaatamata juba 14 aasta möödumisest Baltimaade iseseisvumisest jätkuvad endiselt vabanduste ja kompensatsioonide nõudmised Venemaa aadressil. Tagasivaade ajalukku. Autori arvates peaksid Baltimaad Venemaaga läbirääkimistel arvestama nii Venemaa rahvaste kui Balti riikides elavate põlisrahvuste, venelaste ja vähemusrahvuste huvidega

  6. Financial Times näeb abiprogrammides ülemaailmset ohtu / Mikk Salu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Salu, Mikk, 1975-


    Financial Timesi kolumnisti Martin Wolfe'i hinnangul sünniks katastroof siis, kui USA valitsus kaks aastat küll pingutaks ja stimuleeriks majandust, kuid, tööpuudus oleks endiselt suur ja defitsiit kasvaks. Majandusprofessor Willem Buiter arvab, et lähima kahe aasta jooksul kukuvad maailmas kokku dollaris hinnatud varad

  7. [Max Weber. Poliitika kui elukutse ja kutsumus. Teadus kui elukutse ja kutsumus] / Hermo Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Hermo, 1976-


    Tutvustus: Weber, Max. Poliitika kui elukutse ja kutsumus ; Teadus kui elukutse ja kutsumus / tõlkijad: Jaan Isotamm, Henn Käärik, Kaia Sisask. Tallinn : TLU Press, 2010. (Bibliotheca controversiarum)

  8. Peek ja Lepik soovisid varade aresti alt vabastamist

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    LHV endine töötaja Oliver Peek väidab, et tema vastu esitatud süüdistused on alusetud ja tõendamata ning nõuab oma varade aresti alt vabastamist. Kristjan Lepingu kohtuasja arutamine lükati edasi 21. detsembrile. Endiselt käib uurimine, kui palju väidetavalt teabevargusega raha teeniti

  9. Kui õppimine ei edene / Tiia Lister

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lister, Tiia


    Soome Instituudis toimus 27. veebruaril õppepäev "Kui õppimine ei edene", et tutvustada, kuidas Soomes on nii riiklikul kui ka koolisisesel tasandil liigutud õpilasele kõige sobivama ja kasulikuma abistamisvormi otsingul

  10. "Astronaudid võivad rääkida, kui raske on seistes magada, ja kinnitatult ..." : [luuletused] / Silje Vethal ; tlk. norra keelest Eha Vain

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vethal, Silje


    Sisu: "Astronaudid võivad rääkida, kui raske on seistes magada, ja kinnitatult ..." = "Astronauter kan fortalle hvor vanskelig det er åsove stående, og dessuten ..."; "Filosoof võib jutustada et ta kahlas kord teatud liiki lestakalade vahel kel ..." = "Filosofen kan fortelle at han en gang vasset blant en type små flyndrer som ..."; "Suvi veedetakse magades ..." = "En sommer tilbringes sovende ..."

  11. Haridus kui investeering / Silver Meikar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Meikar, Silver, 1978-


    Ilmunud ka: Vali Uudised, 3. märts 2004, lk. 2; Põhjarannik, 3. märts 2004, lk. 2; Severnoje Poberezhje, 3. märts 2004, lk. 2; Sakala, 3. märts 2004, lk. 2; Meie Maa, 4. märts 2004, lk. 2; Koit, 4. märts 2004, lk. 6; Harjumaa, 5. märts 2004, lk. 2; Narvskaja Nedelja, 13. märts 2004, lk. 4; Pärnu Postimees, 17. märts 2004, lk. 15. Autor arutleb küsimuse üle, kui palju peaks haridusest kinni maksma maksumaksja ja kui palju hariduse omandaja

  12. Teadlase elukutse kui missioon ja pühendumine / Rein Ruutsoo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ruutsoo, Rein, 1947-


    Tutvustus: Weber, Max. Poliitika kui elukutse ja kutsumus ; Teadus kui elukutse ja kutsumus / tõlkijad: Jaan Isotamm, Henn Käärik, Kaia Sisask. Tallinn : TLU Press, 2010. (Bibliotheca controversiarum)

  13. "Suveöö kui kiisu vagalt ..." : [luuletused] / Aleksandr Martõnov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Martõnov, Aleksandr


    Sisu: "Suveöö kui kiisu vagalt ..." ; "Teede ääres lumehanged ..." ; Kui hea ... ; Las ma lähen ... ; "Võtsin põlluteed ma minna ..." ; "Ei valgus mulle taevast tule ..." ; Tõsta mind, elu! .... Andmeid autori kohta lk. 39. Luuletused paralleelselt eesti ja ersa keeles

  14. Aidsiennetus kui kõlblusprobleem / Valdar Parve

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parve, Valdar, 1948-


    Aafrika aidsisurmade statistika ekstrapoleerimine Eesti oludesse on väärtegu; neid andmeid paisutatakse arutluslikult, nii mujal maailmas kui ka Eestis - ametliku aidsiennetuse tähtsaimaks vormiks on seni hirmu eskaleerimine

  15. "kui see päike nyyd niimoodi paistab..." : [luuletused] / [Mesikepp, Indrek] fs

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    fs, pseud., 1971-


    Sisu: "kui see päike nyyd niimoodi paistab..." ; Kodus ; "naha- ja suguhaiguste haigla..." ; "vaipadega kaetud..." ; "need vaiksed eraldatud paigad..." ; "kui ykskord lubatakse väsinud olla..." ; "jaamahoone külmal pingil..."

  16. Looduslikud pühapaigad kui muistised : arheoloogia vaatenurk / Heiki Valk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Valk, Heiki, 1959-


    Looduslikest pühapaikadest kui arheoloogiamälestistest, nende uurimisloost ja hoiakutest. Rahvaluuleteaduse huvist looduslike pühapaikade vastu. Looduslike pühapaikade pühapaiga omandamise tähendusest ajas. Pühakohtade liikidest, tähendusest ja otstarbest. Asustuslikest seostest ja kohtadest rituaalsel maastikul. Pühapaigast kui osast võrgustikust, tema tähtsusastmetest ja hierarhiast. Pühapaikade kohavaliku põhjustest. Lühidalt autorist lk. 317

  17. Kristjan Lepik : Olympic puhul on käive olulisem kui kasum / Enn Tosso

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tosso, Enn, 1976-


    Kasiinoketi Olympic Entertainment Group esimese poolaasta kasum oli 97,4 miljonit krooni, mis on 48,4 protsenti vähem kui mullu samal perioodil. Käive kasvas aastaga rohkem kui kolmandiku. Lisa: Tulemused

  18. Kui silmus tõmbus koomale / Ants Juske

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Juske, Ants, 1956-2016


    Adamson-Ericu autoporteest ja 1949. aastal alanud rünnakutest kunstniku "kui formalisti ja kodanliku natsionalisti" vastu. Illustratsiooniks "Autoportree II (Autoportree silmusega)". Õli, lõuend, 1929. Adamson-Ericu muuseum

  19. Tühi galerii kui kunstiteos / Ants Juske

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Juske, Ants, 1956-2016


    Soome kunstnikegrupi "Forest Camp" minimalistlik näitus "King kong" Tallinna Linnagaleriis - tühi galerii kui installatsioon. Kunstnikud Juha van Ingen, Pasi Karjula, Antti Keitilä, Markku Kivinen ja Marko Vuokala

  20. Kui kõik on tsitaat, siis pole miski tsitaat : kolm case'i / Anders Härm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Härm, Anders, 1977-


    Inglise popkultuuri ja kunsti vahelistest suhetest, 1960-1970-ndate kontseptualistliku ja minimalistliku kunsti mõjutustest, Gustav Metzgerist kui autodestruktiivse kunsti loojast ja ansamblist The Who, kes teostas eelmise ideid muusikas pillide igaõhtuse purustamisega, bänd oli kui performance, kui kontseptuaalne kunstiteos, mis toimis muusikatööstuse paroodiana, testides kuulajate taluvuse piire. Samas võtmes ka ansamblitest Throbbing Gristle ja Martin Creede loodud Owadast (1994)

  1. Structure–function analysis and genetic interactions of the SmG, SmE, and SmF subunits of the yeast Sm protein ring (United States)

    Schwer, Beate; Kruchten, Joshua; Shuman, Stewart


    A seven-subunit Sm protein ring forms a core scaffold of the U1, U2, U4, and U5 snRNPs that direct pre-mRNA splicing. Using human snRNP structures to guide mutagenesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we gained new insights into structure–function relationships of the SmG, SmE, and SmF subunits. An alanine scan of 19 conserved amino acids of these three proteins, comprising the Sm RNA binding sites or inter-subunit interfaces, revealed that, with the exception of Arg74 in SmF, none are essential for yeast growth. Yet, for SmG, SmE, and SmF, as for many components of the yeast spliceosome, the effects of perturbing protein–RNA and protein–protein interactions are masked by built-in functional redundancies of the splicing machine. For example, tests for genetic interactions with non-Sm splicing factors showed that many benign mutations of SmG, SmE, and SmF (and of SmB and SmD3) were synthetically lethal with null alleles of U2 snRNP subunits Lea1 and Msl1. Tests of pairwise combinations of SmG, SmE, SmF, SmB, and SmD3 alleles highlighted the inherent redundancies within the Sm ring, whereby simultaneous mutations of the RNA binding sites of any two of the Sm subunits are lethal. Our results suggest that six intact RNA binding sites in the Sm ring suffice for function but five sites may not. PMID:27417296

  2. Structure-function analysis and genetic interactions of the SmG, SmE, and SmF subunits of the yeast Sm protein ring. (United States)

    Schwer, Beate; Kruchten, Joshua; Shuman, Stewart


    A seven-subunit Sm protein ring forms a core scaffold of the U1, U2, U4, and U5 snRNPs that direct pre-mRNA splicing. Using human snRNP structures to guide mutagenesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we gained new insights into structure-function relationships of the SmG, SmE, and SmF subunits. An alanine scan of 19 conserved amino acids of these three proteins, comprising the Sm RNA binding sites or inter-subunit interfaces, revealed that, with the exception of Arg74 in SmF, none are essential for yeast growth. Yet, for SmG, SmE, and SmF, as for many components of the yeast spliceosome, the effects of perturbing protein-RNA and protein-protein interactions are masked by built-in functional redundancies of the splicing machine. For example, tests for genetic interactions with non-Sm splicing factors showed that many benign mutations of SmG, SmE, and SmF (and of SmB and SmD3) were synthetically lethal with null alleles of U2 snRNP subunits Lea1 and Msl1. Tests of pairwise combinations of SmG, SmE, SmF, SmB, and SmD3 alleles highlighted the inherent redundancies within the Sm ring, whereby simultaneous mutations of the RNA binding sites of any two of the Sm subunits are lethal. Our results suggest that six intact RNA binding sites in the Sm ring suffice for function but five sites may not. © 2016 Schwer et al.; Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press for the RNA Society.

  3. Gaas on paksem kui veri / Andrei Hvostov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hvostov, Andrei, 1963-


    Muutustest rahvusvahelisel gaasiturul. Poola energeetikaettevõte PGNiG on loomas koos Gazpromiga konsortsiumi maagaasi ühiseks tootmiseks Siberis. Poola hakkab saama maagaasi odavamalt kui ülejäänud Euroopa riigid, Gazprom saab arvatavasti vastutasuks juurdepääsu Poola torutranspordile

  4. Realism tagab rahu paremini kui ideoloogia / Jarmo Virmavirta

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Virmavirta, Jarmo


    Gruusia-Venemaa sõjalisest konfliktist, väikeriikide poliitikast, Soome kui OSCE eesistujamaa rahvusvahelisest positsioonist ning suhetest Venemaaga. Gruusia näitab, et rahvusvahelised suhted vajavad rohkem realismi, kirjutab autor

  5. Kool kui kasvukeskkond 10-13-aastaste õpilaste hinnanguis / Leida Talts

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Talts, Leida


    Kirjutis tugineb artikli autori - TPÜ kasvatusteaduste teaduskonna algõpetuse õppetooli professori Leida Taltsi ja algõpetuse eriala üliõpilaste poolt 1998-2000.a. kogutud lapse kasvukeskkonda puudutavatel materjalidel. Artikli eesmärgiks on analüüsida 10-13-aastaste hinnanguid koolile ja iseendale kui õpilasele. Analüüs tugineb 1999.a. 10-13-aastaste õpilaste arenguvõimaluste võrdlevaks analüüsimiseks korraldatud üle-eestilisel ankeetküsitlusel, milles käsitleti õpilaste hinnanguid oma kasvukeskkonna tingimustele perekonnas, koolis ja mujal. Küsitluse üheks tervikplokiks oli kool kui kasvukeskkond

  6. Sotsialistlik realism kui modernsuse projekt / Rein Veidemann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Veidemann, Rein, 1946-


    Artikkel põhineb 19. mail 2001 Tartus peetud konverentsiettekandel ja seda võib vaadelda ka kui üht järjekordset lüli viimastel aastatel modernismi ja postmodernismi ning eesti sõjajärgse kirjandussituatsiooni üle käivast dialoogist

  7. Organisatsiooni rolli mõõtmine kui vahend organisatsiooni potentsiaali määramiseks / Heinrich Ausmees

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ausmees, Heinrich, 1941-


    Kasut. kirj. lk. 102. - Kokkuvõte ingl. k. lk. 103. Organisatsiooni kui vahendi kvaliteedi määramise probleemiks on see, mida, kuidas ja kes mõõdab organisatsiooni kui vahendi sobilikkust kasumi saamisele kaasaaitamises

  8. Narr kui ajastu metafoor / Kärt Hellerma

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hellerma, Kärt, 1956-


    William Shakespeare'i "Kuningas Lear" (lav. Priit Pedajas) ja Pedro Calder̤n de la Barca "Elu on unenägu" (lav. Ingo Normet) Eesti Draamateatris. Ilmunud ka kogumikus : Hellerma, Kärt. Avanenud ruum. Tallinn : Eesti Keele Sihtasutus, 2006, lk. 213-216. Pealk. Narr kui meie aja kangelane

  9. Kus oli sinu firma, kui revolutsioon algas? / Andres Kask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kask, Andres


    EXPO 2015, Milanos. Maailmanäitus kui üks suuremaid riikidevahelisi kommunikatsiooniüritusi, eesmärgiks jagada konkurentidele ja partneritele teavet olulise kohte osaleva riigi arenguetapis. Eesti paviljonist EXPO-l

  10. Kui tasuta peab olema tasuta kohustuslik haridus? / Nele Parrest

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parrest, Nele, 1978-


    Põhiõiguse saada tasuta kohustuslikku haridust ja koolikohustuse kui põhikohustuse seostest. Põhiseaduse §-s 37 sätestatud tasuta kohustusliku hariduse piiridest ja sisust. Hariduspõhiõiguse rahvusvahelisest ja põhiseaduslikust taustast

  11. Alliksaar: rohkem kui legend / Paul-Eerik Rummo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rummo, Paul-Eerik, 1942-


    Artur Alliksaare avaldusest, mis pärineb tema toimikust (NSVL Justiitsministeeriumi parandusliku töö laagrite režiimi- ja operatiivosakonna toimik nr. 5348). Avalduses annab Artur Alliksaar end üles kui Saksa sõjaväe vabatahtliku. Vt ka Paul-Eerik Rummo artiklit "Artur Alliksaare dokumenteeritud legend" ajakirjas Keel ja Kirjandus, 2003, nr. 4.

  12. Huvi Eesti kui puhkusesihtkoha vastu Hollandi elanikkonna hulgas / Piret Kallas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kallas, Piret


    EASi tellimusel 2011. aasta veebruaris Hollandi uuringufirma Right Marktonderzoek en Advies B. V korraldusel toimunud 18-74-aastaste Hollandi elanike online-arvamusuuringust Eestist kui puhkusesihtkohast

  13. Üle 21 aasta eraettevõtluses vastu pidanud / Väinu Rozental

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rozental, Väinu, 1957-


    Üle 21 aasta tagasi registreeritud teenindus-tootmiskooperatiividest, mis toimivad edukalt tänaseni. Vt. samas: Audio-Video firma väntab edasi; Giga omanik ja eestööline Tiit Veeber: mul ei ole kuskil mujal olla kui kraavis - see on mu elu; Helko asutaja tegutseb endiselt helide ja võimendamise maailmas; Ilves-Extra orienteerub rõivaste tootmise ja müügi maailmas hästi. Lisad: OÜ Audio-Video; AS Giga; FIE Mart Jallai Helko Helivõimendustehnika; AS Ilves-Extra. Küsimusele, mis on aidanud vastu pidada ja mis saab edasi, vastavad OÜ Audio-Video ainuomanik Jaan Kalmus, ASi Giga omanik Tiit Veeber, OÜ Helimees omanik Mart Jallai ning ASi Ilves-Extra põhiomanik Arvo Kivikas

  14. Radiation damage in SmS, SmSsub(1-x)Psub(x) and SmB6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morillo, J.; Bordier, G.; de Novion, C.H.; Senateur, J.P.; Jun, J.


    Large conductivity increases under 21 K electron or neutron irradiations are observed in SmS and SmSsub(1-x)Psub(x). It is shown that they are related to Sm defects. A possible mechanism is 4f electron delocalization around radiation defects. In SmB 6 , the low temperature resistivity increase desappears under 21 K irradiation. The thermal stability of the defects is also investigated up to room temperature

  15. Aasta rosina sai "Kui Arno isaga koolimajja jõudis..."

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti Lastekirjanduse Keskus andis 2007. a. Rosina auhinna Oskar Lutsu "Kevade" kommenteeritud kooliväljaandele: "Kui Arno isaga koolimajja jõudis... " / [Oskar Lutsu "Kevade" 14. trüki põhjal koostanud Aili Kalavus, Mare Müürsepp]. Tallinn : Ilo, 2007

  16. "Ma vannun tema niuete kui paleuse nimel ..." : [luuletused] / tlk. Andres Ehin, tlk. Ly Seppel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Sisu: "Ma vannun tema niuete kui paleuse nimel ..." ; "Ta on nagu kuu, kelle kuma kõik kummuli kukutab ..." ; "Kuu südaöösel ennustab me jäävat lahkujääma ..." ; "Ei hinda naisterahvas kasinuse mulli ..." ; "Ta nõtket kaela kutsun ligemale ..." ; "Meid ühte heitma tõmbab armuköis ..." ; "Meil kahel pole mõtet lahku minna ..." ; "Ei kuuga saa võrrelda sind, sest et kuu läheb looja ..." ; "Allah ise su ilude hoob on ja kang ..." ; "Kui meesterahvale läeb korda meesterahvas ..." ; "Ja kuis ka kiremöll tal südames ei hulla ..." ; "Teie jaoks ei ole minu võlurohke kallike ..." ; "Oli see vast poisike, nägu ilu täis ..." ; "Aeg tagasi kalli las toob, et mind suisa salvata ...". Tundmatute autorite kirjutatud luuletused jutukogust "1001 ööd" (9. - 10. saj)

  17. Juhtimiskonsultant: Q Vara saneerimiskava kui õudusunenägu / Anne Oja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Oja, Anne, 1970-


    Võlgades Q Vara küsib võlakirjainvestoritelt nelja-aastast armuaega ning õigust maksta laenud tagasi siis, kui neile kinnisvara müügist raha laekub. Vt. samas: Q Vara võlausaldajad kannavad kaotusi

  18. Parem teine kui viimane / Andreas Kaju

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaju, Andreas


    Internet peaks olema kõikidele Eesti inimestele tagatud põhiõigus. Sama ka Võrumaa Teataja 25. mai 2006, lk. 2 ; Põhjarannik 25. mai 2006, lk. 2 ; Koit 25. mai 2006, lk. 6 ; Meie Maa 25. mai 2006, lk. 2 ; Sakala 26. mai lk. 2 ; Vooremaa 30. mai 2006, lk. 2 ; Hiiu Leht 30. mai 2006, lk. 2 ; Elva Postipoiss 3. juuni 2006, lk. 4 : Lääne Elu 30. mai 2006, lk. 2, pealkiri kujul : Tasuta internet etrvele riigile - parem teine kui viimane

  19. Riik kui kodu = The state as home / Tiit Sild

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sild, Tiit, 1977-


    Arhitektuurikonverentsist "Riik kui kodu". Pikemalt Euroopa Komisjoni asepresidendi Siim Kallase ettekandest Brüsseli Euroopa kvartali planeerimiskonkursist, Euroopa Komisjonil valmivast arhitektuuripoliitika teatmikust. Regionaalminister Siim Valmar Kiisleri, kultuuriminister Laine Jänese, vandeadvokaat Jüri Raidla ja arhitekt Andres Alveri ettekannetest. Linnakeskkonna kvaliteedi tõstmisest Tartus

  20. Eesti kui Belgia : viimane baltlane Hermann Keyserling / Jaan Undusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Undusk, Jaan, 1958-


    H. Keyserlingi (1880-1946) "Balti filosoofia" käsitlusest, belgiseerimise plaanist ning Baltikumist kui multikulturalismi taimelavast. Lisad: "Balti küsimus", "Eesti poliitiline tähendus. Suhtumine bolshevismi", "Balti ühisrinne", "Vastus krahv Hermann Keyserlingile tema Balti ühisrinde asjus", "Meie baltlased" lk. 71-78

  1. Kui too suvi poleks olnud nii vihmane / Theodore K. Rabb

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rabb, Theodore K.


    1520. aastatest, mil olid rängad ilmastiku tingimused, mis takistasid Osmanite sultani Süleyman Toreda sissetungi Euroopasse. Samal teemal : Pierson, Peter. Kui püha liiga poleks kõikuma löönud, lk. 128

  2. Kui suudab Steve, suudab ka Apple / Tarvo Vaarmets

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vaarmets, Tarvo


    Ehkki Apple'i kolmanda kvartali kasum kasvas kolmandiku võrra ja oli oodatust kümnendiku jagu suurem, langes ettevõtte aktsia hind börsil. Investoreid teeb rahutuks nii ettevõtte juhi Steve Jobsi tervis kui ka Apple'i majandusprognoos neljandaks kvartaliks. Lisa: Analüütikud on aktsia suhtes üksmeelel. Diagramm: Aktsia hinnal taas suund alla

  3. "Kui seisan kodus..." : [luuletused] / Lucille Clifton ; tõlk. Jüri Talvet

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Clifton, Lucille


    Sisu: "Kui seisan kodus..." ; Juured ; Hämarale Moosesele ; Testament ; Pihtimus ; Oma puusade austuseks ; Luuletus oma üsale ; Pähklipuuistanduse kalmistul Lõuna-Carolinas, 1989. Elu- ja loomeloolisi andmeid autori kohta lk. 505

  4. Eesti kui usuasi / Jaan Kaplinski

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaplinski, Jaan, 1941-


    Eesti on ühtaegu riik ja riigiusk, mille dogmad määrab president. Ilmunud ka: Molodjozh Estonii, 14. mai 1999, lk. 2. Vastukajad : Vahtre, Lauri. Mäss kui usuasi // Eesti Ekspress (1999) 21. mai, lk. 7; Mutt, Mihkel. Kosmopoliitiline euroskeptitsism // Eesti Ekspress (1999) 27. mai, lk. B7; Langemets, Andres. Meie identiteedi kriitiline eelarve // Postimees (1999) 5. juuni, lk. 7; Ivask, Peeter. Kirjake Kaplinskile, Mutile ja teistele // Eesti Ekspress (1999) 10. juuni, lk. A6; Liiv, Peeter. Veel Eesti Paavstiriigist // Sirp (1999) 18. juuni, lk. 2; Ehin, Andres. Eestlus mahub eurooplusse küll : oleme ühtaegu õhtumaalased, soomeugrilased ja postsovetid // Postimees (1999) 3. juuli, lk. 7

  5. Personaliotsinguteenust tasub kasutada siis, kui rahaline kokkuhoid pole esmane / Merike Lees

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lees, Merike, 1976-


    Ilmunud ka: Delovõje Vedomosti 1. veebr. lk. 13. Personaliotsinguteenuse kasutamine on õigustatud siis, kui ettevõttes pole personalispetsialisti ning rahaline kokkuhoid pole esmatähtis. Kommenteerivad: Eero Erastus, Madis Sander ja Marti Rehemaa

  6. Kuldlõige kui esteetikamõte ja empiiriline tõik / Vladimir J. Konecni

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Konecni, Vladimir J.


    Kuldlõike kui esteetikamõtte tutvustus, tähtsus Lääne maalikunsti struktuuris ja kompositsioonis ning olemuse tunnetatavus esteetikas. Ettekanne XV rahvusvahelisel esteetikakongressil Tokios 2001. aastal

  7. Kui panga president end maha laseb... / Aarne Ruben

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ruben, Aarne, 1971-


    Autor vaatleb kriise USA majanduses alates Iseseisvussõjast ning järeldab, et USA majanduses vaheldusid depressioonid perioodilises tempos, nagu 1921. aastal väitis Lev Trotski. Autor leiab, et inimnäoline sotsialism ei ole võimalik, kui impeerium ei ava oma piire ega lase soovijaid impeeriumist välja, inimnäoline kapitalism on aga võimalik majandustõusude ja -languste hinnaga

  8. Kotler : teiste inimeste arvamust usutakse enam kui meediat / Philip Kotler

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kotler, Philip


    Philip Kotler vastab küsimustele, millised faktorid mõjutasid tänapäevase turunduse kujundamist, millised vahendid on kasulikud tarbijate leidmiseks, meelitamiseks ja hoidmiseks ning milline on tema arvamus selle kohta, et internetti ja sotsiaalseid võrgustikke nähakse kui tuleviku turundusvahendeid

  9. Eesti keele kui teise keele oskuse riiklik standard üldhariduses / Silvi Vare

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vare, Silvi, 1939-


    Eesti keele kui teise keele riikliku standardiga seotud probleemidest, eesti keeleõpetuse tegelikust tasemest Eesti üldhariduskoolides. Vene gümnaasiumi lõpetajate eesti keele oskusest. Sisaldab tabeleid

  10. Evaluation of Radioisotope Production Process of 153Sm and 153Sm-EDTMP Radiopharmaceuticals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kadarisman; Sri Hastini; Yayan Tahyan; Abidin; Dadang Hafid; Enny Lestari


    Experiments on the process of 153 Sm radioisotope and labeling of 153 Sm-EDTMP radiopharmaceuticals were carried out. This experiments included preparation of Sm 2 O 3 target, dissolution of post irradiation, determination of radioactivity concentration of 153 Sm radioisotope, radionuclide purity, EDTMP labeling, determination of radiochemical purity and pH. In these experiments the total radioactivity 153 Sm product is round about 2845.83 mCi to 36963.31 mCi, or with the radioactivity concentration between 474 mCi/ml to 6160.55 mCi/ml in the SmCl 3 solution form, each its volume is 6.0 ml, and the samarium content is 5.76 mg/ml, and the radionuclide purity of 153 Sm is 100 %. All of the 153 Sm- EDTMP radiopharmaceuticals product are fulfilled requirements the radioactivity concentration, Sm content, radiochemical purity and pH. The radioactivity concentration of 153 Sm-EDTMP radiopharmaceuticals is 37.50 mCi/ml (minimum) to 283.50 mCi/ml (highest). The pH 7.5 were 8 products, and the rest are pH 8.5. Radiochemical purity of 153 Sm-EDTMP are round about 90.00 % to 99.44 %. (author)

  11. Nervous Cowboys ja Eesti kui märk Prahas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    16. XI toimus Tšehhi pealinna Praha Karli sillal Eesti Taassünnipäevale pühendatud performance 'Eesti kui märk', mille viis läbi kunstirühmitus Nervous Cowboys koosseisus Kiwa ja Jasper Zoova. Eesti Suursaatkonnas avati näitus, kus eksponeeritakse xerox-tehnikas graafilisi lehti ja performance'i videdokumentatsiooni.

  12. Suitsunurgas sosistatakse siis, kui avalikult öelda ei saa / Anneli Salk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Salk, Anneli


    Kuulujutte saab vältida, andes töötajale ettevõttes toimuvast laiemat infot kui ainult tema kitsast töölõiku puudutav. Kommenteerib Anna Tammerik. Vt. samas: Suhete kujunemisel saab esile tuua nelja etappi

  13. "Kevad uhkelt sammub mal kui jumalanna..." : [luuletused] / Ljubov Dergatshova ; tlk. Arvo Valton

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Dergatshova, Ljubov


    Sisu: "Kevad uhkelt sammub mal kui jumalanna..." ; "Maga, pojake, maga mu päike..." ; "Mis kaunis õhtu! Lumi tahke..." ; "Raskel tunnil sirutab kes käe...". Luuletused paralleelselt ersa ja eesti keeles

  14. Minu isamajakene linnupesa sarnane ehk kui kaua kestab kodu? / Oliver Orro

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Orro, Oliver, 1982-


    Arhitektuuriteadlane Oliver Orro kirjutab: "Vahel tundub, et isegi anonüümsele nõukogude inimesele mõeldud, rangelt standardiseeritud hruštsovkad ja paneelikad oma näilises jäikuses on tegelikult võimalusterohkemad kui paljud praegu kavandatud majad ja korterid"

  15. Palk kui tööjõuturu tasakaalu tingimus / Olev Raju

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raju, Olev, 1948-


    Autori vaatluse all on kaks probleemi - turu tasakaal kui majanduse parim seisund antud situatsioonis ja tööjõuturu tasakaal Eestis. Joonis: Turutasakaalu ja defitsiidi kujunemine. Tabel 1: Keskmine tunnipalk EL-is 2004 ja 2005; Tabel 2: SKP per capita PPS, Eu25 = 100

  16. Distinguishing a SM-like MSSM Higgs boson from SM Higgs boson ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    We explore the possibility of distinguishing the SM-like MSSM Higgs boson from the SM Higgs boson via Higgs boson pair production at future muon collider. We study the behavior of the production cross-section in SM and MSSM with Higgs boson mass for various MSSM parameters tan and A. We observe that at fixed ...

  17. New AMS method to measure the atom ratio {sup 146}Sm/{sup 147}Sm for a half-life determination of {sup 146}Sm

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kinoshita, N. [Tandem Accelerator Complex, Research Facility Center for Science and Technology, University of Tsukuba (Japan); Paul, M., E-mail: [Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University, Jerusalem 91904 (Israel); Alcorta, M. [Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439 (United States); Bowers, M.; Collon, P. [Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556-5670 (United States); Deibel, C.M. [Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439 (United States); Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 46624 (United States); DiGiovine, B. [Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439 (United States); Goriely, S. [Universite Libre de Bruxelles, CP-226, Brussels 1050 (Belgium); Greene, J.P.; Henderson, D.J.; Jiang, C.L. [Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439 (United States); Kashiv, Y. [Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556-5670 (United States); Kay, B.P.; Lee, H.Y.; Marley, S.T. [Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439 (United States); Nakanishi, T. [Faculty of Chemistry, Institute of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University (Japan); Pardo, R.C.; Patel, N.; Rehm, K.E. [Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439 (United States); Robertson, D. [Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556-5670 (United States); and others


    The extinct p-process nuclide {sup 146}Sm (t{sub 1/2} = 103 {+-} 5 Myr) is known to have been present in the Early-Solar System and has been proposed as an astrophysical chronometer. {sup 146}Sm is also intensely used to date meteorite and planetary differentiation processes, enhancing the importance of an accurate knowledge of the {sup 146}Sm half-life. We are engaged in a new determination of the {sup 146}Sm half-life in which the {sup 146}Sm/{sup 147}Sm atom ratio is determined by accelerator mass spectrometry at the ATLAS facility of Argonne National Laboratory. In order to reduce systematic errors in the AMS determination of the {sup 146}Sm/{sup 147}Sm ratios (in the range of 10{sup -7}-10{sup -9}), {sup 146}Sm and {sup 147}Sm ions were alternately counted in the same detector in the focal plane of a gas-filled magnet, respectively in continuous-wave and attenuated mode. Quantitative attenuation is obtained with the 12 MHz pulsed and ns-bunched ATLAS beam by chopping beam pulses with an RF sweeper in a ratio (digitally determined) down to 1:10{sup 6}. The experiments and preliminary results are discussed.

  18. Reisikott kui isikupärane reisikaaslane / Karoli Saar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saar, Karoli


    Uurimuse eesmärgiks oli vaadelda reisikottide liike ja kujundusvõtteid nii ajaloos kui ka tänapäeval, pöörates tähelepanu kottidel kasutatavale dekoorile ja funktsionaalsuse ning mustri koosmõjule. Eraldi on välja toodud reisimise ja meene omavaheline seos, Eesti sümboolika kasutamine suveniiridel ning ülevaade Eestis tegutsevatest ettevõtetest ja konkurssidest. Praktilise tööna valmis reisikottide kollektsioon, mis kajastab eestlaste tasakaalukat ja looduslähedast elutunnetust

  19. 24/7 SM slavery. (United States)

    Dancer, Peter L; Kleinplatz, Peggy J; Moser, Charles


    This study describes the nature of 24/7 SM slavery as practiced within the SM (sadomasochistic) community. These SM participants, who attempt to live full-time in owner-slave roles, represent a small proportion of those with SM interests. SM slaves have not been studied systematically to determine if and how they differ from other SM practitioners. An online questionnaire was used to obtain responses from individuals who self-identified as slaves. A total of 146 respondents participated, 53% female and 47% male, ranging in age from 18 to 72. We explored the depth of their relationships, how well they approximated "slavery," and how their relationships were structured to maintain distinct roles. Data showed that in long-term SM slave relationships, a power differential exists which extends beyond time-limited SM or sexual interactions. Owners and slaves often use common, daily life experiences or situations, such as the completion of household chores, money management, and morning or evening routines, to distinguish and maintain their respective roles. In addition, contrary to the perception of total submission, results revealed that slaves exercise free will when it is in their best interests to do so. These relationships were long-lasting and satisfying to the respondents.

  20. Ametnike teenistuslehed kui ajalooallikas Eestimaa kubermanguvalitsuse arhiivifondi näitel / Ilja Davõdov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Davõdov, Ilja


    Teenistulehed kui ametnikkonna arvestuse peamine dokument. Teenistuslehe formularist. Kubermanguvalitsusest ja ametnikkonna struktuurist. Isikutoimikute kogumist Eestimaa kubermanguvalitsuse fondis (nimistu nr 13). Isikutoimikute süstematiseerimisest kronoloogiliselt ja ametkondliku kuuluvuse järgi. Isikutoimikute representatiivsusest

  1. Distinguishing a SM-like MSSM Higgs boson from SM Higgs boson at muon collider

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singhal, Jai Kumar; Singh, Sardar; Nagawat, Ashok K.


    We explore the possibility of distinguishing the SM-like MSSM Higgs boson from the SM Higgs boson via Higgs boson pair production at future muon collider. We study the behavior of the production cross-section in SM and MSSM with Higgs boson mass for various MSSM parameters tanβ and m A . We observe that at fixed CM energy, in the SM, the total cross-section increases with the increase in Higgs boson mass whereas this trend is reversed for the MSSM. The changes that occur for the MSSM in comparison to the SM predictions are quantified in terms of the relative percentage deviation in cross-section. The observed deviations in cross-section for different choices of Higgs boson masses suggest that the measurements of the cross-section could possibly distinguish the SM-like MSSM Higgs boson from the SM Higgs boson. (author)

  2. Siis, kui lõpeb lähiminevik ja algab retro / Andreas Trossek

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Trossek, Andreas, 1980-


    2006. aasta presidendivalimiste kampaania kajastamine meedias. Kunstiteosed Arnold Rüütlist. 2006. a. presidendikampaaniat kajastav ja kujundav meedia ei kontsentreerunud mitte niivõrd tulevase presidendi maailmavaadetele, vaid puudutas läbi kandidaatide isikukesksuse kogu eesti kui niinimetatud postkommunistliku rahva lähimineviku problemaatikat

  3. Iisrael paneb ise piirid paika, kui vaja / Yitzhak ben Israel ; interv. Sten A. Hankewitz

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Israel, Yitzhak ben


    Iisraeli partei Kadima kandidaat parlamendivalimistel Yitzhak ben Israel selgitab, milline on programm, kui peaministriks saab Ehud Olmert. Tema sõnul Hamas ilmselt ei nõustu Teekaardi-nimelise rahuplaaniga

  4. Tuleviku-uuringud kui teadmiste valdkond = Futures studies as a field of knowledge / Anita Rubin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rubin, Anita


    Tuleviku-uuringute algpunktid. Tuleviku-uuringud kui teaduslik distsipliin. Tuleviku moodustamine olevikust. Bibliograafia lk. 34. Artikli kommentaariks Panu Lehtovuori tuleviku-uuringute meetodite kasutamisest linnauuringutes ja teadusuuringutel põhinevast kavandamisest/disainist

  5. Calorimetric investigation on the Pb-Sm and Sn-Sm alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berrada, A.-E.-A.; Claire, Y.; Chafik el Idrissi, M.; Castanet, R.


    The integral enthalpy of formation of the Sm-Pb and Sm-Sn melts at 1203 K, h f , was determined by direct reaction calorimetry (drop method) in the Pb and Sn rich sides with the help of a high-temperature Tian-Calvet calorimeter. The results can be fitted respectively with reference to the mole fraction of samarium, x, as follows: f /kJmol -1 =x(1-x)(-109.8 -372.0.7x) with 0 Sm f /kJmol -1 =x(1- x)(-277.0+105.4x) with 0 Sm -1 respectively. Such negative values suggest the existence of a strong short-range order in the liquid state. The stoichiometry and the thermal stability of these associations needs additional thermodynamic determinations concerning mainly the free enthalpy of formation. It will be determined by Knudsen-effusion combined with mass spetrometry in a further work. (orig.)

  6. Evaluation of the exothermicity of the chemi-ionization reaction Sm + O → SmO+ + e−

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cox, Richard M; Kim, JungSoo; Armentrout, P. B.; Bartlett, Joshua; VanGundy, Robert A.; Heaven, Michael C.; Ard, Shaun G.; Shuman, Nicholas S.; Viggiano, Albert A.; Melko, Joshua J.


    The exothermicity of the chemi-ionization reaction Sm + O → SmO + + e − has been re-evaluated through the combination of several experimental methods. The thermal reactivity (300–650 K) of Sm + and SmO + with a range of species measured using a selected ion flow tube-mass spectrometer apparatus is reported and provides limits for the bond strength of SmO + , 5.661 eV ≤ D 0 (Sm + -O) ≤ 6.500 eV. A more precise value is measured to be 5.72 5 ± 0.07 eV, bracketed by the observed reactivity of Sm + and SmO + with several species using a guided ion beam tandem mass spectrometer (GIBMS). Combined with the established Sm ionization energy (IE), this value indicates an exothermicity of the title reaction of 0.08 ± 0.07 eV, ∼0.2 eV smaller than previous determinations. In addition, the ionization energy of SmO has been measured by resonantly enhanced two-photon ionization and pulsed-field ionization zero kinetic energy photoelectron spectroscopy to be 5.7427 ± 0.0006 eV, significantly higher than the literature value. Combined with literature bond energies of SmO, this value indicates an exothermicity of the title reaction of 0.14 ± 0.17 eV, independent from and in agreement with the GIBMS result presented here. The evaluated thermochemistry also suggests that D 0 (SmO) = 5.83 ± 0.07 eV, consistent with but more precise than the literature values. Implications of these results for interpretation of chemical release experiments in the thermosphere are discussed

  7. Optimism lubab uut kasvu. Kui kõrgelt lennatakse logistikas sel aastal? / Rivo Sarapik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sarapik, Rivo, 1981-


    2010. aastal kasvas tarbeautode müük kolmandiku võrra, Tallinna Sadam käitles kaupu 16% võrra enam kui aasta varem. Transiidikeskus loodab konteinerkäibe ja ro-ro kaupade 20-protsendilist kasvu. Graafikud, diagrammid

  8. Postsotsialistlik Eesti filmikunst kui rahvusülene kino / Ewa Mazierska

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mazierska, Ewa


    Käsitletakse Nõukogude Liidu lagunemise järel valminud Eesti filme, võrreldes neid mujal ja teisel ajal loodud linateostega. Võrdluse tulemusena selgub, et Eesti film on pidevas dialoogis Euroopa ja maailma kinoga, ent suudab rääkida ka oma häälega, et ta on nii rahvuslik kui ka rahvusülene nähtus, suutes ka ise midagi teistele pakkuda

  9. Strategisch management (SM)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nagel, A.P.; Vercouteren, W.J.J.C.; Hoek, van der N.; Lohman, T.A.M.; Vermeulen, N.


    Kernbegrippen die bij de discussie van strategisch management (SM) aan de orde komen, zijn productinnovatie op ondernemingsniveau (oftewel strategische productinnovatie, SPI) en technologiestrategie. In dit artikel wordt een raamwerk van SM geintroduceerd. Daartoe worden de verschillende fasen van

  10. Loeb või ei loe : IT on olulisem kui eales varem / James Champy

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Champy, James


    Vastukajad ajakirja Think! 2003. aasta 2. numbris avaldatud Nicholas Carr'i artiklile "IT ei loe". Autori sõnul näitab kogemus, et infotehnoloogia (IT) on oluline, kui seda kasutatakse innovaatiliste lahenduste loomiseks ja ettevõtte konkurentsivõime muutmiseks

  11. Ökoloogilised vaatenurgad ja laste internetikasutus: sissevaade mikro- ja makrotasandi analüüsi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brian O’Neill


    Full Text Available Igivanad arutelud, milles käsitletakse laste kokkupuudet meediatehnoloogiaga, toovad kommunikatsiooni ja meediauuringute suunal esile erimeelsusi ja vaidlusi põhjustanud pikaajalise traditsiooni. Olgugi et meediatarbimise mõju lastele on uuritud juba ringhäälingu algusaegadest peale, on selle üle endiselt vähe teoretiseeritud ja seda on kirjanduses harva käsitletud, samuti on see meediapoliitika debattides pälvinud vaid vähest mõistmist. Laste ja internetiuuringute puhul on vanad vaidlused süvenenud. Lähtudes ühelt poolt hoiatavatest teadetest riskide, ülemäärase arvutikasutuse ja selle kahjuliku mõju kohta ning teiselt poolt kiidu laulust "digimaailma päriselanikele" ja tehnoloogia võimele muuta maailma, seadis EU Kids Online endale eesmärgiks koguda andmeid, mis aitavad luua terviklikumat pilti veebikeskkonnast, milles noored tegutsevad. Siinses artiklis paigutan selle valdkonna tööd ökoloogilisse raamistikku, lähtudes nii Bronfenbrenneri bioökoloogilisest käsitlusviisist, mis on olnud tähtsal kohal uutes lapsepõlve sotsioloogilistes käsitlustes, kui ka üldisemalt defineeritud meediaökoloogia teoreetilisest raamistikust. Viimast seostatakse peamiselt McLuhani ja hiljem Postmani töödega, kus kirjeldatakse meediakeskkonda kui keerulise vastastikuse mõjutamise süsteemi tehnoloogia ja ühiskonna vahel, kus mitmesugused suhtlusviisid ja vahendatud vastastikune mõjutamine kujundavad oluliselt inimkäitumist ja ühiskondlikku elu. Selline vaatenurk on mõningate põletavate probleemidega tegelemisel väga vajalik, kui kõne all on teadusuuringutel põhinev poliitikakujundamine, mis on seotud interneti haldamise ja reguleerimisega ning noorte kaitsmisega internetikeskkonnas.  Full text

  12. Detection of antifungal properties in Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei SM20, SM29, and SM63 and molecular typing of the strains. (United States)

    Schwenninger, Susanne Miescher; von Ah, Ueli; Niederer, Brigitte; Teuber, Michael; Meile, Leo


    Lactobacilli isolated from different food and feed samples such as raw milk, cheese, yoghurt, olives, sour dough, as well as corn and grass silage, were screened for their antifungal activities. Out of 1,424 isolates tested, 82 were shown to be inhibitory to different yeasts (Candida spp. and Zygosaccharomyces bailii) and a Penicillium sp., which were previously isolated from spoiled yoghurt and fruits. Carbohydrate fermentation patterns suggested that a substantial portion, 25%, belonged to the Lactobacillus casei group, including L. casei, L. paracasei, and L. rhamnosus. The isolates SM20 (DSM14514), SM29 (DSM14515), and SM63 (DSM14516) were classified by PCR using species-specific primers to target the corresponding type strains (L. casei, L. paracasei, and L. rhamnosus) as controls. Further molecular typing methods such as randomly amplified polymorphic DNA, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, and sequencing analysis of the 16S rRNA gene allowed classifying strains SM20, SM29, and SM63 as L. paracasei subsp. paracasei in accordance with the new reclassification of the L. casei group proposed by Collins et al.

  13. Kui kõik on tsitaat, siis pole miski tsitaat / Anders Härm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Härm, Anders, 1977-


    Tsitaatidest, nihetest kujutava kunsti ja popkultuuri suhetes, bändist kui kontseptuaalsest kunstiteosest. Saksa kunstnikust Gustav Metzgerist (sünd. 1926), ansamblist The Who, performance'i rühmitusest COUM Transmissions, kellest sai bänd Throbbing Gristle, shoti kunstniku Martin Creedi loodud bändist Owada (1994)

  14. Coercivity Recovery Effect of Sm-Fe-Cu-Al Alloy on Sm2Fe17N3 Magnet (United States)

    Otogawa, Kohei; Asahi, Toru; Jinno, Miho; Yamaguchi, Wataru; Takagi, Kenta; Kwon, Hansang


    The potential of a Sm-Fe-Cu-Al binder for improvement of the magnetic properties of Sm2Fe17N3 was examined. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) observation of a Sm-Fe-Cu-Al alloy-bonded Sm2Fe17N3 magnet which showed high coercivity revealed that the Sm-Fe-Cu-Al alloy had an effect of removing the surface oxide layer of the Sm2 Fe17N3 grains. However, the Sm-Fe-Cu-Al binder was contaminated by carbon and nitrogen, which originated from the organic solvent used as the milling medium during pulverization. To prevent carbon and nitrogen contamination, the Sm-Fe- Cu-Al alloy was added directly on the surface of the Sm2Fe17N3 grains by sputtering. Comparing the recovered coercivity per unit amount of the added binder the uncontaminated binder-coated sample had a higher coercivity recovery effect than the milled binder-added sample. These results suggested that sufficient addition of the contamination-free Sm-Fe-Cu-Al binder has the possibility to reduce the amount of binder necessary to produce a high coercive Sm2Fe17N3 magnet.

  15. Mälu ja liikumine kui ruumipraktikad = Memory and motion as spatial practices / Morten Lund

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lund, Morten, 1972-


    Artiklis on käsitletud nelja uurimust ruumist, mis illustreerivad võimalusi, kuidas sisearhitektuur võib kaasata mälu ja liikumise kui ruumilised praktikad läbi ruumilise kunsti ning 1:1 eksperimentide

  16. Menea kui keskaegse slaavi-kreeka teksti üks tüüpidest / Dimitri Mironov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mironov, Dimitri


    25. apr. 2000 toimus Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikoolis slaavi filoloogia osakonna vene keele õppetooli dotsendi Natalja Netšunajeva doktoritöö "Menea kui keskaegse slaavi-kreeka teksti üks tüüpidest" kaitsmine

  17. Kui hästi või halvasti ... / Jaak Aaviksoo, Piret Hartman, Heli Aru

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aaviksoo, Jaak, 1954-


    TÜ rektor J. Aaviksoo, Üliõpilaskondade Liidu juhatuse esimees P. Hartman ja Haridus- ja Teadusministeeriumi kõrghariduse talituse juhataja H. Aru vastavad küsimusele, kui hästi või halvasti on end õigustanud kõrghariduses aasta toiminud 3+2 süsteem

  18. EL toetab piirilepingutülis Venega nii Eestit kui Lätit / Ahto Lobjakas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lobjakas, Ahto, 1970-


    Suurbritannia välisministri Jack Straw sõnul on nii Eestil kui ka Lätil piirilepingu küsimuses EL-i tugi. Eesti Päevalehe andmeil nõudis Tšehhi esindaja, et Venemaa peab ratifitseerima lepingu koos preambuliga. Lisa: Paet: vaja sama mudeli jätkamist

  19. Kui sõnadest enam ei piisa, siis - muusika / Kadri Mälk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mälk, Kadri, 1958-


    Rahvusvahelisest ehtekunstisündmusest "Schmuckszene" (peakorraldaja Wolfgang Lösche) Münchenis, peanäitusest (kuraator Ralph Turner) Müncheni messikeskuses, satelliitnäitustest. Eestist pääses peanäitusele Maarja Niinemägi, peapreemia sai Jantje Fleischhut. Kaasaegse ehtekunsti toetajate ühenduse (Die Fördergesellschaft Neuer Schmuck) aastapreemia sai Peter Chang. Võrdluseks Tanel Veenre näitusest "Kui sõnadest ei piisa" Hop-galeriis

  20. Temperature dependence of spin and orbital magnetic moments of Sm 4f electrons in (Sm, Gd)Al2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qiao, S.; Kimura, A.; Adachi, H.; Iori, K.; Miyamoto, K.; Xie, T.; Namatame, H.; Taniguchi, M.; Tanaka, A.; Muro, T.; Imada, S.; Suga, S.


    X-ray magnetic circular dichroism studies were carried out on (Sm, Gd)Al 2 , a ferromagnet without net magnetization at a certain compensation temperature. For Sm 4f electrons, the following understandings were obtained: the magnitude of expectation value of orbital magnetic moment (m L Sm ) is always larger than that of spin one (m S Sm ), so the cancellation of total spin and orbital magnetic moments cannot be achieved only by Sm 4f electrons and the contributions from Gd ions and conduction electrons are important; when the temperature decreases, the magnitude of both m L Sm and m S Sm increases and the gross magnetic moment due to the Sm 4f electrons monotonically deviates from zero. These results tell us that the temperature dependence of magnetic moments related with the electrons other than Sm 4f ones may play important roles in the subtle adjustment of the total spin and orbital magnetic moments to the zero magnetization at the compensation temperature

  1. Dielectric spectroscopy of the SmQ* phase (United States)

    Perkowski, P.; Bubnov, A.; Piecek, W.; Ogrodnik, K.; Hamplová, V.; Kašpar, M.


    Liquid crystal possessing two biphenyl moieties in the molecular core and lateral chlorine substitution far from the chiral chain has been studied by dielectric spectroscopy. On cooling from the isotropic phase, the material possesses the frustrated smectic Q* (SmQ*) and SmCA* phases. It has been confirmed by dielectric spectroscopy that the SmQ* phase can be related to the SmCA* anti-ferroelectric phase. However, only one relaxation process has been observed in the SmQ* phase, while in the SmCA*, two relaxations are clearly detectable. It seems that the mode found in the SmQ* can be connected with high-frequency anti-phase mode observed in the SmCA* phase. Its relaxation frequency is similar to PH relaxation frequency, but is weaker. The same relaxation has been observed even a few degrees above the SmQ*-Iso phase transition. Another explanation for the mode detected in SmQ* and isotropic phases can be molecular motions around short molecular axis.

  2. Optical isotype shifts of 146Sm and 151Sm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eastham, D.A.; Walker, P.M.; Griffith, J.A.R.; Evans, D.E.; England, J.G.; Grant, I.S.


    We have measured the optical isotope shifts of 146 Sm and 151 Sm by laser resonance fluorescence. From these measurements the changes in the mean square nuclear radii are: delta 2 > (A=144 to 146)=0.266(10) fm 2 , and delta 2 > (A=151 to 152)=0.262(10) fm 2 . These results, together with those of the stable isotopes, show that the average nuclear expansion of samarium can be accounted for by the liquid drop model with deformations. (orig.)

  3. SM18 Visits and Access

    CERN Multimedia


      VISITS The rules and conditions to be followed for visits in the SM18 Hall are laid out in the EDMS 1205328 document. No visit is allowed without prior reservation.   ACCESS Special access right is needed ONLY from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. and during week-ends. From 1 December, the current SM18 access database will be closed and a new one “SM18-OWH outside normal hours” started from scratch. Requests, via EDH SM18-OWH, will have to be duly justified.   For further information, please contact Evelyne Delucinge.

  4. HDDR in Sm-Co alloys - a new method for magnetic hardening of Sm-Co permanent magnets

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kubis, M.; Handstein, A.; Gebel, B.; Mueller, K.-H.; Schultz, L. [Institut fuer Festkoerper- und Werkstofforschung Dresden e.V. (Germany). Inst. fuer Metallische Werkstoffe; Gutfleisch, O. [Institut fuer Festkoerper- und Werkstofforschung Dresden e.V. (Germany). Inst. fuer Metallische Werkstoffe]|[Birmingham Univ. (United Kingdom). School of Metallurgy and Materials


    Investigations on the hydrogen absorption behavior of different Sm-Co alloys with 1:5 and 2:17 structure by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) at enhanced hydrogen pressures between 1 MPa and 7 MPa indicated different hydrogen absorption events. X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies and microstructural investigations showed clearly the disproportionation of the Sm-Co phases into Sm hydride and Co or Co-rich phases for hydrogen pressures above 0.5 MPa. The favourable effect of high hydrogen pressures can be explained in terms of a decrease of the free enthalpy of the samarium hydride for increasing hydrogen pressures. Additionally, Sm-Co alloys of both types were reactively milled under hydrogen at enhanced temperatures. The reactively milled powders showed again the products of the disproportionation reaction. A recombination of Sm-Co phases by removing the hydrogen in a second heat treatment was successful for both methods. Investigations of the magnetic properties showed coercivities {mu}{sub OJ}H{sub C} of up to 2.1 T for high pressure HDDR powders of SmCo{sub 5} material, demonstrating clearly the positive effect of the hydrogen treatment on the coercivity. The reactively milled powders showed for recombination temperatures {<=}700 C a remanence enhancement which could be attributed to the exchange coupling of the nanoscaled grains. A maximum coercivity {mu}{sub OJ}H{sub C} of 3.7 T was achieved for SmCo{sub 5} and a maximum energy product (BH){sub max} of 82 kJ/m{sup 3} was measured for an Sm-rich Sm{sub 2}Co{sub 17} sample. (orig.)

  5. HDDR in Sm-Co alloys - a new method for magnetic hardening of Sm-Co permanent magnets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kubis, M.; Handstein, A.; Gebel, B.; Mueller, K.-H.; Schultz, L.; Gutfleisch, O.; Birmingham Univ.


    Investigations on the hydrogen absorption behavior of different Sm-Co alloys with 1:5 and 2:17 structure by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) at enhanced hydrogen pressures between 1 MPa and 7 MPa indicated different hydrogen absorption events. X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies and microstructural investigations showed clearly the disproportionation of the Sm-Co phases into Sm hydride and Co or Co-rich phases for hydrogen pressures above 0.5 MPa. The favourable effect of high hydrogen pressures can be explained in terms of a decrease of the free enthalpy of the samarium hydride for increasing hydrogen pressures. Additionally, Sm-Co alloys of both types were reactively milled under hydrogen at enhanced temperatures. The reactively milled powders showed again the products of the disproportionation reaction. A recombination of Sm-Co phases by removing the hydrogen in a second heat treatment was successful for both methods. Investigations of the magnetic properties showed coercivities μ OJ H C of up to 2.1 T for high pressure HDDR powders of SmCo 5 material, demonstrating clearly the positive effect of the hydrogen treatment on the coercivity. The reactively milled powders showed for recombination temperatures ≤700 C a remanence enhancement which could be attributed to the exchange coupling of the nanoscaled grains. A maximum coercivity μ OJ H C of 3.7 T was achieved for SmCo 5 and a maximum energy product (BH) max of 82 kJ/m 3 was measured for an Sm-rich Sm 2 Co 17 sample. (orig.)

  6. Püsiva andmekandja olemus ja veebilehe kui püsiva andmekandja määratlemine : [magistritöö] / Merili Truup ; Tartu Ülikool, õigusteaduskond ; juhendaja: Kadri Siibak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Truup, Merili


    Püsiva andmekandja kasutusvaldkondadest ja kohaldamisalast, sidevahendi abil sõlmitud lepingu regulatsioonist ja eesmärkidest, lepingu eripärast. Püsiva andmekandja olemusest, veebilehe kui püsiva andmekandja olemusest, püsiv andmekandja kui vorminõue

  7. The Protein Kinase SmSnRK2.6 Positively Regulates Phenolic Acid Biosynthesis in Salvia miltiorrhiza by Interacting with SmAREB1. (United States)

    Jia, Yanyan; Bai, Zhenqing; Pei, Tianlin; Ding, Kai; Liang, Zongsuo; Gong, Yuehua


    Subclass III members of the sucrose non-fermenting-1-related protein kinase 2 (SnRK2) play essential roles in both the abscisic acid signaling and abiotic stress responses of plants by phosphorylating the downstream ABA-responsive element (ABRE)-binding proteins (AREB/ABFs). This comprehensive study investigated the function of new candidate genes, namely SmSnRK2.3 , SmSnRK2.6 , and SmAREB1 , with a view to breeding novel varieties of Salvia miltiorrhiza with improved stress tolerance stresses and more content of bioactive ingredients. Exogenous ABA strongly induced the expression of these genes. PlantCARE predicted several hormones and stress response cis -elements in their promoters. SmSnRK2.6 and SmAREB1 showed the highest expression levels in the leaves of S. miltiorrhiza seedlings, while SmSnRK2.3 exhibited a steady expression in their roots, stems, and leaves. A subcellular localization assay revealed that both SmSnRK2.3 and SmSnRK2.6 were located in the cell membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus, whereas SmAREB1 was exclusive to the nucleus. Overexpressing SmSnRK2.3 did not significantly promote the accumulation of rosmarinic acid (RA) and salvianolic acid B (Sal B) in the transgenic S. miltiorrhiza hairy roots. However, overexpressing SmSnRK2.6 and SmAREB1 increased the contents of RA and Sal B, and regulated the expression levels of structural genes participating in the phenolic acid-branched and side-branched pathways, including SmPAL1 , SmC4H , Sm4CL1 , SmTAT , SmHPPR , SmRAS , SmCHS , SmCCR , SmCOMT , and SmHPPD . Furthermore, SmSnRK2.3 and SmSnRK2.6 interacted physically with SmAREB1. In summary, our results indicate that SmSnRK2.6 is involved in stress responses and can regulate structural gene transcripts to promote greater metabolic flux to the phenolic acid-branched pathway, via its interaction with SmAREB1 , a transcription factor. In this way, SmSnRK2.6 contributes to the positive regulation of phenolic acids in S. miltiorrhiza hairy roots.

  8. The Protein Kinase SmSnRK2.6 Positively Regulates Phenolic Acid Biosynthesis in Salvia miltiorrhiza by Interacting with SmAREB1

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yanyan Jia


    Full Text Available Subclass III members of the sucrose non-fermenting-1-related protein kinase 2 (SnRK2 play essential roles in both the abscisic acid signaling and abiotic stress responses of plants by phosphorylating the downstream ABA-responsive element (ABRE-binding proteins (AREB/ABFs. This comprehensive study investigated the function of new candidate genes, namely SmSnRK2.3, SmSnRK2.6, and SmAREB1, with a view to breeding novel varieties of Salvia miltiorrhiza with improved stress tolerance stresses and more content of bioactive ingredients. Exogenous ABA strongly induced the expression of these genes. PlantCARE predicted several hormones and stress response cis-elements in their promoters. SmSnRK2.6 and SmAREB1 showed the highest expression levels in the leaves of S. miltiorrhiza seedlings, while SmSnRK2.3 exhibited a steady expression in their roots, stems, and leaves. A subcellular localization assay revealed that both SmSnRK2.3 and SmSnRK2.6 were located in the cell membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus, whereas SmAREB1 was exclusive to the nucleus. Overexpressing SmSnRK2.3 did not significantly promote the accumulation of rosmarinic acid (RA and salvianolic acid B (Sal B in the transgenic S. miltiorrhiza hairy roots. However, overexpressing SmSnRK2.6 and SmAREB1 increased the contents of RA and Sal B, and regulated the expression levels of structural genes participating in the phenolic acid-branched and side-branched pathways, including SmPAL1, SmC4H, Sm4CL1, SmTAT, SmHPPR, SmRAS, SmCHS, SmCCR, SmCOMT, and SmHPPD. Furthermore, SmSnRK2.3 and SmSnRK2.6 interacted physically with SmAREB1. In summary, our results indicate that SmSnRK2.6 is involved in stress responses and can regulate structural gene transcripts to promote greater metabolic flux to the phenolic acid-branched pathway, via its interaction with SmAREB1, a transcription factor. In this way, SmSnRK2.6 contributes to the positive regulation of phenolic acids in S. miltiorrhiza hairy roots.

  9. Eesti jääb tugevaks, kui jätkab valitud teel / Irene Mia

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mia, Irene


    Maailma Majandusfoorumi analüütiku hinnangul jääb Eesti ka järgmistel aastatel maailma kõige konkurentsivõimelisemate riikide hulka, kui ta jätkab sama teed. Väla on toodud ka parandamist vajavad valdkonnad. Lisa: Eesti koht 2004. aastal majanduskasvu indeksis

  10. Kannatanu nõusolek kui õigusvastasust välistav asjaolu vägivallategude kontekstis / Allar Nisu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nisu, Allar, 1987-


    Kannatanu nõusolekust kui õigusvastasust välistavast asjaolust ja nõusoleku kehtivuse eeldustest. Kannatanu nõusolekust kehalise väärkohtlemise (KarS § 121), raske tervisekahjustuse tekitamise (KarS § 118) ja tapmise (KarS § 113) valguses

  11. SM-1420 computer conjugation with the ES-5017 magnetic tape storage device and the SM-6313 printer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhurkin, V.V.; Safonov, A.A.; Troitskij, A.N.


    The flow sheets are given and the methods of the technical implementation of expansion units of SM 5002.4 controllers to connect NML ES-5017 and analogue-digital printer ATsPU SM-6818, respectively, to SM-1420 computer are described

  12. Småhuse: Indretning og funktion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Ernst Jan de Place; Sigbrand, Lone; Frandsen, Anne Kathrine

    Denne anvisning omhandler generelle krav og anbefalinger til indretning og funktion af nybyggede småhuse i henhold til bestemmelserne i Bygningsreglement 2010 (BR10). Småhuse - Indretning og funktionSmåhuse omfatter fritliggende og sammenbyggede enfamiliehuse med lodret lejlighedsskel i indtil...

  13. Ilves näitas Iirile Eestit kui luulelembest mõttekaaslast / Anneli Ammas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ammas, Anneli, 1962-


    Vabariigi President riigivisiidil Iirimaal 13.-16.04.2008. Ametlike kohtumiste kõrval viidi Eesti riigipea iiri luuletaja William Butler Yeats'i näitusele ning James Joyce'i keskusse, proua Evelin Ilves külastas Iiri rahvuslikku muuseumi. President T. H. Ilves nimetas Iirimaad Euroopa Liidu kontekstis Eestile isegi lähedasemaks naabriks kui Soomet. Juuresoleval fotol Eesti presidendipaar koos Iirimaa presidendi Mary McAleese'iga

  14. Excited states in 146Sm and 147Sm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kownacki, J.; Sujkowski, Z.; Hammaren, E.; Liukkonen, E.; Piiparinen, M.; Lindblad, Th.; Ryde, H.


    The sup(144,146)Nd(α,xn) and sup(146,148)Nd( 3 He,xn) reactions with Esub(α) = 20 - 43 MeV and E 3 sub(He) = 19 - 27 MeV are used to investigate excited states in the isotopes 146 Sm and 147 Sm. The experiments involve measurements of singles γ-ray spectra and conversion electron spectra, γ-ray angular distributions and three parameter (E sub(γ)E sub(γ) time) coincidences. From these experiments information is obtained for states with spin up to I = 13 + and I = 27/2 - , respectively, These states are interpeted within the framework of the cluster-vibration model (CVM) as well as the shell model. (author)

  15. Kool kui kasvukeskkond erineva sotsiaalse tausta ja akadeemilise edukusega laste jaoks / Leida Talts

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Talts, Leida


    Artiklis sisalduv analüüs tugineb TPÜ algõpetuse õppetooli uurimisgrupi poolt 1999.a. 10-13-aastaste õpilaste arenguvõimaluste võrdlevaks analüüsimiseks korraldatud üle-eestilisel ankeetküsitlusel, milles käsitleti õpilaste hinnanguid oma kasvukeskkonna tingimustele perekonnas, koolis ja mujal. Küsitluse üheks tervikplokiks oli kool kui kasvukeskkond

  16. Director murrab pead : Kui sul on haamer, siis meenutavad kõik asjad naelu / Anni Hartikainen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hartikainen, Anni


    Mida teha, kui ettevõtte on langenud rutiini ning edasiminekuks oleks vaja kollektiivset ärkamist. Küsimusele otsivad vastust Ragn-Sells AS ärijuht Agu Remmelg. Siin ongi vaja kollektiivset obadust! ja Nixor Eesti AS arendusspetsialist Toomas Arula. Õppimise võlu ja valu

  17. Mass of the 158Sm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao Kui; Guo Jiyu; Lu Xiuqin; Cheng Yehao; Huang Xiaolin; Ma Yong; Li Shuyuan; Ruan Ming; Li Zhichang; Jiang Chenglie


    A preliminary result was reported for the experiment to determine the mass of the heavier neutron-rich nucleus 158 Sm using the 160 Gd( 18 O, 20 Ne) two proton transfer reaction in last progress report. The average Q-value of (4.046 +- 0.102) MeV for the 160 Gd( 18 O, 20 Ne) 158 Sm reaction is given. A mass excess for 158 Sm of (-65.738 +- 0.102) MeV was derived. This is the first experimentally measured value of the mass of 158 Sm which is about 450 keV higher than the evaluation value from systematic trends listed in the 1993 atomic mass table. The new prediction shows better agreement with the measured values and a significant improvement over the earlier FRDM (finite-range droplet model) value

  18. Pühakoda kui tempel ja korrastatud struktuur : A.W. Hupel arhitektuurihindajana / Krista Kodres ; tõlk. Tiina Randviir

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kodres, Krista, 1957-


    August Wilhelm Hupeli arhitektuuriideaalidest, "arhitektuuriteoloogiast", korrast (order) kirikuruumide ülesehituses ja Vaivara kirikust kui ajastu teoloogilisest sümbolist, esimesest omalaadsest luteri kirikust ja ideaalsest kirikuarhitektuurist - ehitati aastatel 1775-1777, hävis 1944

  19. Preparation and quality control of {sup 153}Sm radiopharmaceuticals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Swasono, R Tamat; Widyastuti, W; Purwadi, B; Laksmi, I [Radioisotope Production Center - BATAN, Jakarta (Indonesia)


    The paper summarizes the preparation and quality control of {sup 153}Sm-EDTMP and three {sup 153}Sm-radiosynovectomy agents. Natural and enriched Sm{sub 2}O{sub 3} (98.7% {sup 152}Sm) irradiated in RSG-GAS 30 MW reactor yielded pure and high specific activity {sup 153}Sm. Labeling of EDTMP with {sup 153}Sm was carried out by mixing {sup 153}SmCl{sub 3} solution of pH 4.0 to an EDTMP solution at room temperature then pH adjustment to 8. The {sup 153}Sm-EDTMP complex was separated from the free {sup 153}Sm{sup +3} on a Chelex 100 column. Radiochemical purity was determined by thin layer chromatography using Cellulose sheets and pyridine: ethanol: water (1: 2: 4) mixture as solvent. The {sup 153}Sm-EDTMP has been shown to be stable for two weeks. Three particulate preparations of {sup 153}Sm used for the irradiation of chronic synovitis have been studied. They are hydroxyapatite particles, human serum albumin microspheres and ferric hydroxide macroaggregates. The {sup 153}Sm-ferric hydroxide macroaggregates were prepared in a single step by coprecipitation of {sup 153}Sm in the formation of Fe(OH){sub 3}. Preparation of {sup 153}Sm-labelled hydroxyapatite particles and {sup 153}Sm-labelled albumin microspheres were carried out by {sup 153}Sm labelling of previously prepared particles. Radiolabelling efficiency were greater than 95% for hydroxyapatite particles and macroaggregates and was lower than 20% for albumin microspheres. The particle sizes were inspected using an optical microscope with a haemocytometer and micrometric ocular. (author)

  20. Orange and reddish-orange light emitting phosphors: Sm{sup 3+} and Sm{sup 3+}/Eu{sup 3+} doped zinc phosphate glasses

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Meza-Rocha, A.N., E-mail: [Departamento de Física, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, P.O. Box 55-534, 09340 México D.F., México (Mexico); Speghini, A. [Dipartimento di Biotecnologie, Universita di Verona and INSTM, UdR Verona, Strada Le Grazie 15, I-37314 Verona (Italy); IFAC CNR, Nello Carrara Institute of Applied Physics, MDF Lab, I-50019 Sesto Fiorentino, FI (Italy); Bettinelli, M. [Dipartimento di Biotecnologie, Universita di Verona and INSTM, UdR Verona, Strada Le Grazie 15, I-37314 Verona (Italy); Caldiño, U. [Departamento de Física, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, P.O. Box 55-534, 09340 México D.F., México (Mexico)


    A spectroscopy study of Sm{sup 3+} and Sm{sup 3+}/Eu{sup 3+} doped zinc phosphate glasses is performed through photoluminescence spectra and decay time profile measurements. Under Sm{sup 3+} excitation at 344 nm, the Sm{sup 3+} singly doped glass shows an orange global emission with x=0.579 and y=0.414 CIE1931 chromaticity coordinates, whereas the Sm{sup 3+}/Eu{sup 3+} co-doped sample exhibits orange overall emissions (x=0.581 and y=0.398, and x=0.595 and y=0.387) and reddish-orange overall emission (x=0.634 and y=0.355) upon excitations at 344, 360 and 393 nm, respectively. Such luminescence from the co-doped sample is originated by the simultaneous emission of Sm{sup 3+} and Eu{sup 3+}. Under Sm{sup 3+} excitation at 344 and 360 nm, the Eu{sup 3+} emission is sensitized and enhanced by Sm{sup 3+} through a non-radiative energy transfer process. The non-radiative nature was inferred from the shortening of the Sm{sup 3+} lifetime observed in the Sm{sup 3+}/Eu{sup 3+} co-doped sample. An analysis of the Sm{sup 3+} emission decay time profiles using the Inokuti–Hirayama model suggests that an electric quadrupole–quadrupole interaction into Sm–Eu clusters might dominate the energy transfer process, with an efficiency of 0.17. - Highlights: • Zinc phosphate glasses are optically activated with Sm{sup 3+}/Eu{sup 3+} (ZPOSmEu). • Non-radiative energy transfer Sm{sup 3+}→Eu{sup 3+} takes place in ZPOSmEu. • ZPOSmEu overall emission can be modulated with the excitation wavelength. • ZPOSmEu might be useful as orange/reddish-orange phosphor for UV-white LEDs.

  1. Probing metastable Sm2+ and optically stimulated tunnelling emission in YPO4: Ce, Sm

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Prasad, Amit Kumar; Kook, Myung Ho; Jain, Mayank


    When the model dosimetry system YPO4: Ce3+, Sm3+ is exposed to X-rays, the charge state of the dopants changes, becoming Ce4+ and Sm2+ via hole and electron trapping, respectively which are metastable; the original charge states can be achieved through electron transfer back from Sm2+ to Ce4+ via......) and its temperature dependence to provide insights into thermal quenching, and c) the kinetics of localised recombination from Sm2+ to Ce4+ on nanoseconds to seconds time scales using sub-band-edge excitation....

  2. Luminescence properties of the Sm-doped borate glasses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kindrat, I.I.; Padlyak, B.V.; Drzewiecki, A.


    The optical absorption and photoluminescence (emission and excitation) spectra as well as decay kinetics of a series of the Sm-doped glasses with Li 2 B 4 O 7 , LiKB 4 O 7 , CaB 4 O 7 , and LiCaBO 3 compositions were investigated and analysed. The Li 2 B 4 O 7 :Sm, LiKB 4 O 7 :Sm, CaB 4 O 7 :Sm, and LiCaBO 3 :Sm glasses of high optical quality have been obtained from the corresponding polycrystalline compounds in the air atmosphere, using a standard glass technology. On the basis of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and optical spectra analysis it was shown that the samarium impurity is incorporated into the glass network as Sm 3+ (4f 5 , 6 H 5/2 ) ions, exclusively. All observed 4f – 4f transitions of the Sm 3+ centres in the optical absorption and luminescence spectra of the investigated glasses are identified. Most intense emission band of the Sm 3+ ions peaked about 598 nm ( 4 G 5/2 → 6 H 7/2 transition) is characterised by a single exponential decay with typical lifetime values, which depend on the basic glass composition as well as concentration and local structure of the Sm 3+ luminescence centres. The quantum efficiency has been evaluated for observed transitions of the Sm 3+ centres using obtained experimental lifetimes and radiative lifetimes calculated by Judd–Ofelt theory. The calculated high quantum efficiencies and measured quantum yields of luminescence show that the investigated borate glasses are perspective luminescence materials. Energy transfer from the Ce 3+ non-controlled impurity and intrinsic luminescence centres to the Sm 3+ centres has been observed. Peculiarities of the Sm 3+ local structure in the network of investigated glasses have been discussed based on the obtained spectroscopic results and structural data. - Highlights: • The Sm-doped Li 2 B 4 O 7 , LiKB 4 O 7 , CaB 4 O 7 , and LiCaBO 3 glasses of high quality were obtained. • EPR, optical absorption and luminescence spectra of Sm 3+ ions in obtained glasses were

  3. Acute toxicity of injection of 153Sm-EDTMP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Baiwei; Chai Xuehong


    Sm-153 has several distinct advantages as a radiopharmaceutical for the treat of patients with bone to skeletal metastasis. Sm-153 shows high skeletal uptake and rapid blood and nonosseous tissue clearance. Several paper have considered the toxicity of 153Sm-EDTMP. We report the acute toxicity in mice and rats after injection of 153Sm-EDTMP or unlabeled EDTMP. The EDTMP was injected to mice by 9.76, 7.8, 6.25, 5, 4 mg/Kg. The logarithmic dose of EDTMP were given to mice to determine LD50. The LD50 of EDTMP in mice is 7.1 mg/Kg. The decay of 153Sm-EDTMP for 4 months were injected to mice at dose of 225 mg/Kg. 153Sm-EDTMP were given at 4 difference dosage to rats by 74 MBq/Kg, 370 MBq/Kg, 1110 MBq/Kg, 1850 MBq/Kg. The LD50 of 153Sm-EDTMP in rats is more than 370 MBq/Kg. Although the cold EDTMP LD50 was low, chelated with Sm can decrease it's toxicity. The decay 153Sm-EDTMP can be safe at dose of 225 mg/Kg. The clinical dose will be used at 37 MBq/Kg. So there is no need to consider to acute toxicity in clinical used 153Sm-EDTMP in designated regimen because the safe range is wide enough to cover clinical used. (authors)

  4. Cross-species prophylactic efficacy of Sm-p80-based vaccine and intracellular localization of Sm-p80/Sm-p80 ortholog proteins during development in Schistosoma mansoni, Schistosoma japonicum, and Schistosoma haematobium. (United States)

    Molehin, Adebayo J; Sennoune, Souad R; Zhang, Weidong; Rojo, Juan U; Siddiqui, Arif J; Herrera, Karlie A; Johnson, Laura; Sudduth, Justin; May, Jordan; Siddiqui, Afzal A


    Schistosomiasis remains a major global health problem. Despite large-scale schistosomiasis control efforts, clear limitations such as possible emergence of drug resistance and reinfection rates highlight the need for an effective schistosomiasis vaccine. Schistosoma mansoni large subunit of calpain (Sm-p80)-based vaccine formulations have shown remarkable efficacy in protecting against S. mansoni challenge infections in mice and baboons. In this study, we evaluated the cross-species protective efficacy of Sm-p80 vaccine against S. japonicum and S. haematobium challenge infections in rodent models. We also elucidated the expression of Sm-p80 and Sm-p80 ortholog proteins in different developmental stages of S. mansoni, S. haematobium, and S. japonicum. Immunization with Sm-p80 vaccine reduced worm burden by 46.75% against S. japonicum challenge infection in mice. DNA prime/protein boost (1 + 1 dose administered on a single day) resulted in 26.95% reduction in worm burden in S. haematobium-hamster infection/challenge model. A balanced Th1 (IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-2, and IL-12) and Th2 (IL-4, IgG1) type of responses were observed following vaccination in both S. japonicum and S. haematobium challenge trials and these are associated with the prophylactic efficacy of Sm-p80 vaccine. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated that Sm-p80/Sm-p80 ortholog proteins are expressed in different life cycle stages of the three major human species of schistosomes studied. The data presented in this study reinforce the potential of Sm-p80-based vaccine for both hepatic/intestinal and urogenital schistosomiasis occurring in different geographical areas of the world. Differential expression of Sm-p80/Sm-p80 protein orthologs in different life cycle makes this vaccine potentially useful in targeting different levels of infection, disease, and transmission.

  5. Maksude tõstmine lööb nii ettevõtlust kui ka tavalist inimest / Mirko Ojakivi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ojakivi, Mirko


    Konjunktuuriinstituudi direktori Marje Josingu sõnul halvendaks maksutõus nii ettevõtluse konkurentsivõimet kui ka inimeste võimet eluga toime tulla, ka maksumaksjate liidu esimees Lasse Lehis peab maksude tõstmist valeks, eriti vale oleks tema väitel tõsta käibemaksu

  6. Study of fuel element characteristic of SM and SMP (SM-PRIMA) fuel assemblies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klinov, A.V.; Kuprienko, V.A.; Lebedev, V.A.; Makhin, V.M.; Tuchnin, L.M.; Tsykanov, V.A.


    The paper discusses the techniques and results of reactor tests and post-reactor investigations of the SM reactor fuel elements and fuel elements developed in the process of designing the specialized PRIMA test reactor with the SM reactor fuel elements used as a prototype and which are referred to as the SMP fuel elements. The behavior of fuel elements under normal operating conditions and under deviation from normal operating conditions was studied to verify the calculation techniques, to check the calculation results during preparation of the SM reactor safety substantiation report and to estimate the possibility of using such fuel elements in other projects. During tests of fuel rods under deviation from normal operating conditions their advantages were shown over fuel elements, the components of which were produced using the Al-based alloys. (author)

  7. Luminescence properties of the Sm-doped borate glasses

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kindrat, I.I. [University of Zielona Góra, Institute of Physics, Division of Spectroscopy of Functional Materials, 4a Szafrana Street, 65-516 Zielona Góra (Poland); Padlyak, B.V., E-mail: [University of Zielona Góra, Institute of Physics, Division of Spectroscopy of Functional Materials, 4a Szafrana Street, 65-516 Zielona Góra (Poland); Vlokh Institute of Physical Optics, 23 Dragomanov Street, 79-005 Lviv (Ukraine); Drzewiecki, A. [University of Zielona Góra, Institute of Physics, Division of Spectroscopy of Functional Materials, 4a Szafrana Street, 65-516 Zielona Góra (Poland)


    The optical absorption and photoluminescence (emission and excitation) spectra as well as decay kinetics of a series of the Sm-doped glasses with Li{sub 2}B{sub 4}O{sub 7}, LiKB{sub 4}O{sub 7}, CaB{sub 4}O{sub 7}, and LiCaBO{sub 3} compositions were investigated and analysed. The Li{sub 2}B{sub 4}O{sub 7}:Sm, LiKB{sub 4}O{sub 7}:Sm, CaB{sub 4}O{sub 7}:Sm, and LiCaBO{sub 3}:Sm glasses of high optical quality have been obtained from the corresponding polycrystalline compounds in the air atmosphere, using a standard glass technology. On the basis of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and optical spectra analysis it was shown that the samarium impurity is incorporated into the glass network as Sm{sup 3+} (4f{sup 5}, {sup 6}H{sub 5/2}) ions, exclusively. All observed 4f – 4f transitions of the Sm{sup 3+} centres in the optical absorption and luminescence spectra of the investigated glasses are identified. Most intense emission band of the Sm{sup 3+} ions peaked about 598 nm ({sup 4}G{sub 5/2} → {sup 6}H{sub 7/2} transition) is characterised by a single exponential decay with typical lifetime values, which depend on the basic glass composition as well as concentration and local structure of the Sm{sup 3+} luminescence centres. The quantum efficiency has been evaluated for observed transitions of the Sm{sup 3+} centres using obtained experimental lifetimes and radiative lifetimes calculated by Judd–Ofelt theory. The calculated high quantum efficiencies and measured quantum yields of luminescence show that the investigated borate glasses are perspective luminescence materials. Energy transfer from the Ce{sup 3+} non-controlled impurity and intrinsic luminescence centres to the Sm{sup 3+} centres has been observed. Peculiarities of the Sm{sup 3+} local structure in the network of investigated glasses have been discussed based on the obtained spectroscopic results and structural data. - Highlights: • The Sm-doped Li{sub 2}B{sub 4}O{sub 7}, LiKB{sub 4}O{sub 7}, Ca

  8. "Kui Eesti ütleb gaasitorule ei, võib ka Rootsi öelda ei" / Carl B. Hamilton ; interv. Argo Ideon

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hamilton, Carl B.


    Nord Stream on avaldanud soovi gaasijuhtme teenindusplatvormi rajamiseks Gotlandi juurde. Parlamendiliikme hinnangul peaks Rootsi valitsus ütlema ei nii teenindusplatvormile kui ka gaasitorule. Gaasijuhe on tema sõnul Venemaa projekt

  9. Kampen om det sibiriske smør

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Inge Marie


    Afhandlingen følger opbygningen af og udviklingen i den vestsibiriske smørsektor og den internationale handel med sibirisk smør. Hvordan gik det til, at Rusland blev verdens næststørste smøreksportør? Indfaldsvinkelen er lokal sibirisk, national russisk og global, idet danske og engelske firmaers...

  10. Curie temperature rising by fluorination for Sm2Fe17

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matahiro Komuro


    Full Text Available Fluorine atoms can be introduced to Sm2Fe17 using XeF2 below 423 K. The resulting fluorinated Sm2Fe17 powders have ferromagnetic phases containing Sm2Fe17FY1(0Sm2Fe17FY2 (1Sm2Fe17, and α-Fe. The unit cell for Sm2Fe17 is elongated by the fluorination. The largest unit cell volume among the rhombohedral Sm2Fe17 compounds is 83.8 nm3, which is 5.8% larger than Sm2Fe17. The rhombohedral Sm2Fe17 with the largest unit cell volume is dissociated above 873 K, and fluorination increases Curie temperature from 403 K for Sm2Fe17 to 675 K. This increase can be explained by the magneto-volume effect.

  11. DNA Vaccine Encoding the Chimeric Form of Schistosoma mansoni Sm-TSP2 and Sm29 Confers Partial Protection against Challenge Infection.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Natan Raimundo Gonçalves de Assis

    Full Text Available Schistosomiasis is an important parasitic disease worldwide that affects more than 207 million people in 76 countries and causes approximately 250,000 deaths per year. The best long-term strategy to control schistosomiasis is through immunization combined with drug treatment. Due to the ability of DNA vaccines to generate humoral and cellular immune responses, such vaccines are considered a promising approach against schistosomiasis. Sm29 and tetraspanin-2 (Sm-TSP2 are two proteins that are located in the S. mansoni tegument of adult worms and schistosomula and induce high levels of protection through recombinant protein immunization. In this study, we transfected BHK-21 cells with plasmids encoding Sm29, Sm-TSP2 or a chimera containing both genes. Using RT-PCR analysis and western blot, we confirmed that the DNA vaccine constructs were transcribed and translated, respectively, in BHK-21 cells. After immunization of mice, we evaluated the reduction in worm burden. We observed worm burden reductions of 17-22%, 22%, 31-32% and 24-32% in animals immunized with the pUMVC3/Sm29, pUMVC3/SmTSP-2, pUMVC3/Chimera and pUMVC3/Sm29 + pUMVC3/SmTSP-2 plasmids, respectively. We evaluated the humoral response elicited by DNA vaccines, and animals immunized with pUMVC3/Sm29 and pUMVC3/Sm29 + pUMVC3/SmTSP-2 showed higher titers of anti-Sm29 antibodies. The cytokine profile produced by the spleen cells of immunized mice was then evaluated. We observed higher production of Th1 cytokines, such as TNF-α and IFN-γ, in vaccinated mice and no significant production of IL-4 and IL-5. The DNA vaccines tested in this study showed the ability to generate a protective immune response against schistosomiasis, probably through the production of Th1 cytokines. However, future strategies aiming to optimize the protective response induced by a chimeric DNA construct need to be developed.

  12. DNA Vaccine Encoding the Chimeric Form of Schistosoma mansoni Sm-TSP2 and Sm29 Confers Partial Protection against Challenge Infection (United States)

    Gonçalves de Assis, Natan Raimundo; Batistoni de Morais, Suellen; Figueiredo, Bárbara Castro Pimentel; Ricci, Natasha Delaqua; de Almeida, Leonardo Augusto; da Silva Pinheiro, Carina; Martins, Vicente de Paulo; Oliveira, Sergio Costa


    Schistosomiasis is an important parasitic disease worldwide that affects more than 207 million people in 76 countries and causes approximately 250,000 deaths per year. The best long-term strategy to control schistosomiasis is through immunization combined with drug treatment. Due to the ability of DNA vaccines to generate humoral and cellular immune responses, such vaccines are considered a promising approach against schistosomiasis. Sm29 and tetraspanin-2 (Sm-TSP2) are two proteins that are located in the S. mansoni tegument of adult worms and schistosomula and induce high levels of protection through recombinant protein immunization. In this study, we transfected BHK-21 cells with plasmids encoding Sm29, Sm-TSP2 or a chimera containing both genes. Using RT-PCR analysis and western blot, we confirmed that the DNA vaccine constructs were transcribed and translated, respectively, in BHK-21 cells. After immunization of mice, we evaluated the reduction in worm burden. We observed worm burden reductions of 17-22%, 22%, 31-32% and 24-32% in animals immunized with the pUMVC3/Sm29, pUMVC3/SmTSP-2, pUMVC3/Chimera and pUMVC3/Sm29 + pUMVC3/SmTSP-2 plasmids, respectively. We evaluated the humoral response elicited by DNA vaccines, and animals immunized with pUMVC3/Sm29 and pUMVC3/Sm29 + pUMVC3/SmTSP-2 showed higher titers of anti-Sm29 antibodies. The cytokine profile produced by the spleen cells of immunized mice was then evaluated. We observed higher production of Th1 cytokines, such as TNF-α and IFN-γ, in vaccinated mice and no significant production of IL-4 and IL-5. The DNA vaccines tested in this study showed the ability to generate a protective immune response against schistosomiasis, probably through the production of Th1 cytokines. However, future strategies aiming to optimize the protective response induced by a chimeric DNA construct need to be developed. PMID:25942636

  13. Magnetic properties of Sm-based filled skutterudite phosphides

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Giri, R.; Sekine, C.; Shimaya, Y.; Shirotani, I.; Matsuhira, K.; Doi, Y.; Hinatsu, Y.; Yokoyama, M.; Amitsuka, H


    Filled skutterudites SmFe{sub 4}P{sub 12} and SmOs{sub 4}P{sub 12} have been prepared at high temperature and high pressure. The temperature dependence of electrical resistivity in both compounds shows metallic behavior. The magnetic susceptibility and specific heat measurements indicate that SmFe{sub 4}P{sub 12} shows a ferromagnetic ordering at 1.5 K, whereas SmOs{sub 4}P{sub 12} is an antiferromagnet with a T{sub N} of 4.6 K.

  14. Veel enne kui ehitatakse konkreetseid ruume : arhitektuuri ja kunsti suhtest Tallinna kooli arhitektide praktikas = Before the spaces are constructed : concerning the relationship between architecture and art in the practice of the Tallinn school arc

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laanemets, Mari, 1975-


    Kunsti kaasamisest arhitektuuripraktikasse ja -projektidesse. Keskkonna kujundamisest: värvimisest tehismaastikeni. Kui uuslinnadest saavad varemed. Kunstnik-arhitekt: kunstniku-müüdi kultiveerimine arhitektuuris. "Ka mina olen maalija". Näitus kui vahend ja manifest. Bibliograafia lk. 82-85

  15. Arterial injury promotes medial chondrogenesis in Sm22 knockout mice. (United States)

    Shen, Jianbin; Yang, Maozhou; Jiang, Hong; Ju, Donghong; Zheng, Jian-Pu; Xu, Zhonghui; Liao, Tang-Dong; Li, Li


    Expression of SM22 (also known as SM22alpha and transgelin), a vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) marker, is down-regulated in arterial diseases involving medial osteochondrogenesis. We investigated the effect of SM22 deficiency in a mouse artery injury model to determine the role of SM22 in arterial chondrogenesis. Sm22 knockout (Sm22(-/-)) mice developed prominent medial chondrogenesis 2 weeks after carotid denudation as evidenced by the enhanced expression of chondrogenic markers including type II collagen, aggrecan, osteopontin, bone morphogenetic protein 2, and SRY-box containing gene 9 (SOX9). This was concomitant with suppression of VSMC key transcription factor myocardin and of VSMC markers such as SM α-actin and myosin heavy chain. The conversion tendency from myogenesis to chondrogenesis was also observed in primary Sm22(-/-) VSMCs and in a VSMC line after Sm22 knockdown: SM22 deficiency altered VSMC morphology with compromised stress fibre formation and increased actin dynamics. Meanwhile, the expression level of Sox9 mRNA was up-regulated while the mRNA levels of myocardin and VSMC markers were down-regulated, indicating a pro-chondrogenic transcriptional switch in SM22-deficient VSMCs. Furthermore, the increased expression of SOX9 was mediated by enhanced reactive oxygen species production and nuclear factor-κB pathway activation. These findings suggest that disruption of SM22 alters the actin cytoskeleton and promotes chondrogenic conversion of VSMCs.

  16. Laste seksuaalne väärkohtlemine kui moraalipaanika tekitaja : [magistritöö] / Sirli Urvet ; Tartu Ülikool, õigusteaduskond ; juhendaja: Silvia Kaugia

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Urvet, Sirli, 1987-


    Pedofiiliast ja laste seksuaalse väärkohtlemise mõistest, moraalipaanika olemusest ja selle tekkimise põhjustest, laste seksuaalne väärkohtlemine kui moraalipaanika tekitaja Eestis: empiiriline uuring

  17. Assessment of microseeds biodegradability of Sm and Sm:Ba splenic implants in rabbits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Siqueira, Savio Lana; Barroso, Thiago Vinicius Villar; Campos, Tarcisio P.R.


    The radioactive interstitial implants have applications in controlling neoplasm in several regions of the human body. Currently the permanent brachytherapy seeds implanted in the spleen and other organs are made of I-125 seeds. After the total emission of radiation, the metal encapsulated seed remains inert in the implanted area. Seeds of bioactive ceramics have been prepared with Sm-152 incorporation to be activated in Sm-153. This study aimed to develop surgical technique for implanting biodegradable micro-seeds in the spleen of the rabbit. Three micro-seeds were introduced by hypodermic needle in the spleen in eight rabbits by median laparotomy. Subsequently, there were clinical and functional reactions of the animal to the implanted foreign body. The other objective was to perform the animal monitoring by radiography, produced in time sequence, and pathological studies of a fragment of the spleens of rabbits. The results show the effectiveness of surgery, the identification of the implanted material by radiography in vivo, and the biocompatibility of micro-seeds most of Sm and Sm:Ba. These seeds of reduced volume, 0.3x 1.6 mm, could be monitored for radiological studies in 2 periods: early and later implant. On the later studies, radiography was taken at 60d post-implant. Biopsies were taken and radiographs of the samples were also performed for evidencing the degradation state of the seeds. The results of the two groups of four rabbits are presented. They show partial degradation of the seed verified by radiographic contrast which is related to the atomic number of the elements and mass density in the seed. The biopsy showed that the ceramic is clearly absorbed by the spleen tissue and form tissue-implant interface. The histological slides showed an inflammatory reaction with presence of fibrosis of the giant cell foreign body. In conclusion, the radiograph shows a suitable noninvasive technique for monitoring the degradation of micro-seed ceramics in vivo

  18. Assessment of microseeds biodegradability of Sm and Sm:Ba splenic implants in rabbits

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Siqueira, Savio Lana; Barroso, Thiago Vinicius Villar [Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil). Dept. de Anatomia; Campos, Tarcisio P.R., E-mail: campos@nuclear.ufmg.b [Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil). Programa de Ciencias e Tecnicas Nucleares


    The radioactive interstitial implants have applications in controlling neoplasm in several regions of the human body. Currently the permanent brachytherapy seeds implanted in the spleen and other organs are made of I-125 seeds. After the total emission of radiation, the metal encapsulated seed remains inert in the implanted area. Seeds of bioactive ceramics have been prepared with Sm-152 incorporation to be activated in Sm-153. This study aimed to develop surgical technique for implanting biodegradable micro-seeds in the spleen of the rabbit. Three micro-seeds were introduced by hypodermic needle in the spleen in eight rabbits by median laparotomy. Subsequently, there were clinical and functional reactions of the animal to the implanted foreign body. The other objective was to perform the animal monitoring by radiography, produced in time sequence, and pathological studies of a fragment of the spleens of rabbits. The results show the effectiveness of surgery, the identification of the implanted material by radiography in vivo, and the biocompatibility of micro-seeds most of Sm and Sm:Ba. These seeds of reduced volume, 0.3x 1.6 mm, could be monitored for radiological studies in 2 periods: early and later implant. On the later studies, radiography was taken at 60d post-implant. Biopsies were taken and radiographs of the samples were also performed for evidencing the degradation state of the seeds. The results of the two groups of four rabbits are presented. They show partial degradation of the seed verified by radiographic contrast which is related to the atomic number of the elements and mass density in the seed. The biopsy showed that the ceramic is clearly absorbed by the spleen tissue and form tissue-implant interface. The histological slides showed an inflammatory reaction with presence of fibrosis of the giant cell foreign body. In conclusion, the radiograph shows a suitable noninvasive technique for monitoring the degradation of micro-seed ceramics in vivo

  19. Islandi Jalgpalliliidu meedia- ja turundusjuht Ómar Smárason: Island pole riigina kunagi varem olnud sedavõrd tuntud kui nüüd, mil võitsime Inglismaad! / intervjueerinud Kairi Oja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Smárason, Ómar


    Intervjuu Islandi Jalgpalliliidu meedia- ja turundusjuhi Ómar Smárasoniga tema tööst kommunikatsioonispetsialistina, osalemisest Europa League 2016 liigamängudel, Islandi rahvustiimi võidust Inglismaa üle ning võidule järgnenud kommunikatsioonist, spordi- ja jalgpallikommunikatsioonist

  20. Degeneracy lifting due to thermal fluctuations around the frustration point between anticlinic antiferroelectric SmC(A)* and synclinic ferroelectric SmC*. (United States)

    Sandhya, K L; Chandani, A D L; Fukuda, Atsuo; Vij, Jagdish K; Emelyanenko, A V; Ishikawa, Ken


    In the binary mixture phase diagram of MC881 and MC452, the borderline between anticlinic antiferroelectric SmC(A)(*) and synclinic ferroelectric SmC(*) becomes apparently parallel to the temperature ordinate axis at the critical concentration r(c). The free energy difference between SmC(A)(*) and SmC^{*} is extremely small in a wide temperature range near r(c). In such circumstances, by observing Bragg reflection spectra due to the director helical structure and electric-field-induced birefringence, we have observed the continuous change from SmC(A)(*) to SmC(*) for r/~r(c). These intriguing phenomena have been explained, successfully at least in the high-temperature region, by a thermal equilibrium between the synclinic and anticlinic orderings and the resulting Boltzmann distribution for the ratio between them; the thermal equilibrium is considered to be attained in a nonuniform defect-assisted way through solitary waves moving around dynamically. We have also discussed qualitatively an important role played by the effective long-range interlayer interactions in the low-temperature region.

  1. Synthesis and bio-evaluation of nano-hydroxyapatite trapped by 153Sm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bing Wenzeng; Luo Shunzhong; Wen Guanghua; Jiang Shubin; Xiong Xiaoling; Liu Guoping


    After nanoHA was synthesized, 153 Sm-EDTMP-nanoHA and 153 Sm-citrate-nanoHA were prepared and proved stable in vitro. ECT images of New Zealand rabbits injected with 153 Sm-EDTMP-nanoHA had better contrast, skeletal figure visible, liver and spleen clear. The images of 153 Sm-citrate-nanoHA showed a similar results but kidney invisible, which meant 153 Sm-citrate-nanoHA showed a similar results but kidney invisible, which meant 153 Sm-citrate-nanoHA was mainly excreted through liver and gall. 153 Sm-EDTMP-nanoHA's half effective inhibition concentrations to SMMC-7721 and MCF-7 cells were 1.98 g/L and 0.075 g/L respectively and 153 Sm-citrate-nanoHA's were 1.89 g/L and 0.094 g/L proportionally. 153 Sm-EDTMP-nanoHA and 153 Sm-citrate-nanoHA were worthy of a further research because their half effective inhibition concentrations were much lower than ones of the single nanoHA. (authors)

  2. checkCIF/PLATON report Datablock: Sm

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Moiety formula C59 H45 N2 O6 Sm. Sm (C14 H12 N2) ... 4.0 Ratio. PLAT234_ALERT_4_C Large Hirshfeld Difference O4 -- C24 .. 0.16 Ang. ... outliers and unusual parameters, but every test has its limitations and alerts that are not important.

  3. Nanocrystallization in Cu-Zr-Al-Sm Bulk Metallic Glasses (United States)

    Sikan, Fatih; Yasar, Bengisu; Kalay, Ilkay


    The effect of rare-earth element (Sm) microalloying on the thermal stability and crystallization kinetics of melt-spun ribbons and suction-cast rods of Zr48Cu38.4Al9.6Sm4 alloy were investigated using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and atom probe tomography (APT). The XRD results of constant heating rate annealing indicated that amorphous Zr48Cu38.4Al9.6Sm4 melt-spun ribbons devitrifies into Cu2Sm at 673 K (400 °C). The sequence continues with the precipitation of Cu10Zr7 and then these two phases coexist. XRD and TEM studies on 1 mm diameter as suction-cast rods indicated the precipitation of 30-nm-mean size Cu2Sm crystals during solidification. TEM investigation of the isothermal crystallization sequence of melt-spun ribbons and 1-mm-diameter suction-cast rods revealed the precipitation of Cu2Sm nanocrystals at the onset of crystallization and the restriction of the growth of these nanocrystals up to 10 nm diameter with further annealing. APT analysis of 1-mm-diameter suction-cast rods showed that the limited growth of Cu2Sm nanocrystals is due to sluggish diffusion of Sm and Al-Zr pile up at the interface.

  4. Laps kui põhiõiguste kandja Eesti õiguses : [bakalaureusetöö] / Külli Pilv ; Tartu Ülikool, õigusteaduskond ; juhendaja: Gaabriel Tavits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pilv, Külli


    Lastekaitsest ja lapse õigustest üldse, lapse õiguslik staatus, lapse õiguste konventsioon kui lapse põhiõiguste üldgarantii, selle rakendusmehhanismi meetmed ja rahvusvaheline praktika, lapse põhiõiguste rakendamine Eestis

  5. "Kohtuniku ees seisab kaks jumalat, kaks õigust ja kibe tarvidus ühte kui teist ehk mõlemaid korraga teenida." / Olja Kivistik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kivistik, Olja, 1989-


    20. saj. alguses kohaldatud kriminaalseadustikest Tsaari-Venemaal (ka Eestis), nendes sätestatud usuvastaste süütegude koosseisude rakendamisest. Tsaariaegse Tallinna Ringkonnakohtu lahenditest ajal, kui kehtisid samaaegselt vana ja uus nuhtlusseadustik

  6. Riigisaladus kui informatsioonivabaduse piirang ja sellele juurdepääs : [bakalaureusetöö] / Ene Lehiste ; Tartu Ülikool, õigusteaduskond ; juhendaja: Kalle Merusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lehiste, Ene


    Salastatud info kui infovabaduse piirang, riigisaladuse mõiste kehtivas õiguses, salastatud teabe kaitse meetodid, riigisaladuse juurdepääsu alused, julgeolekukontrolli läbiviimine (NATO-s, WEU-s)

  7. Gamma ray irradiation characteristics of SM fibers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ito, Ryuichi; Okano, Hiroaki; Hashiba, Keichi; Nakai, Hisanori


    1.3 μm range single mode (SM) optical fibers have been used for wide application of mainly long distance communication. At present, in order to realize the larger capacity and longer distance between relay points, the development of 1.5 μm range SM fibers of low dispersion and small loss has been actively promoted. As for the radiation withstanding property of SM fibers, report is scarce. The authors reported on the gamma ray irradiation characteristics of 1.3 μm range SM fibers, but since 1.5 μm range SM fibers are designed with the different structure from that of 1.3 μm fibers, it is necessary to evaluate from new viewpoint. In this report, mainly on the structure having triangular distribution, the effect that the manufacturing condition and the structural defects of glass exert on the gamma ray irradiation characteristics is described. The specimens were mainly dispersion shift type fibers (DSF), and for comparison, single window, double window and 1.3 μm SM fibers were examined. Co-60 gamma ray was irradiated, and the optical loss and electron spin resonance were measured. By low temperature and low speed drawing, the good result in the optical loss was obtained. The presence of oxygen at the time of sintering materials had no effect. The dependence of the ESR on the drawing condition was not very remarkable. (Kako, I.)

  8. Studies concerning the preparation of the 153Sm complex with EDTMP (ethylenediaminetetra methylenephosphonic acid) and other 153Sm complexes with other phosphonates, at room temperature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gasiglia, Haroldo Taurian


    This work presents a study on the preparation of the complexes 1 53S m - EDTMP, 153 Sm - HEDP, 153 Sm - NTMP, 153 Sm - DTPMP and 153 Sm - HDTMP at room temperature. The preparation of the complex 153 Sm - HDTMP, under heating (70 - 72 deg C), was also studied. Several factors affecting the 153 Sm - EDTMP complexing yields were studied, due to its importance for use in Nuclear Medicine. These factors were: the molar ratio [ligand] / [metal], the ligand concentration and the incubation time of the mixture ligand-metal. The preparation of this complex, in low molar ratios, was also investigated. A study of the 153 Sm - EDTMP concerning the 'in vitro' stability, when this complex was prepared in low radioactive concentrations was performed. A study on the temperature influence on its degradation, when this complex was obtained in higher radioactive concentrations, was also performed. The preparation of the complexes 153 Sm - HEDP, 153 Sm - NTMP, 153 Sm - DTPMP and 153 Sm - HDTMP was investigated by preparing the complexes in two situations: high molar ratio and ligand concentration and low molar ratio and ligand concentration. The 'in vitro' stability of each complex, obtained in low radioactive concentration was studied. In the specific case of the complex 153 Sm - HDTMP, its biological distribution in mice was performed. All the complexes were investigated by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and its complexing yields were determined by other three chromatographic processes: ionic exchange, thin layer chromatography (TLC - SG) and paper chromatography. The chromatographic processes were performed by association with specific radiochemical techniques. This work also presents a comparative study on the chromatograms obtained by thin layer chromatography (TLC - SG) and paper chromatography, when evaluated by the technique of cutting the strips into pieces and the chromatograms performed directly on a radiochromatography. The shape of the chromatograms and R

  9. Structural and Magnetic Properties of Sm Implanted GaN

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li-Juan, Jiang; Xiao-Liang, Wang; Hong-Ling, Xiao; Zhan-Guo, Wang; Chun, Feng; Ming-Lan, Zhang; Jian, Tang


    The structural and magnetic properties of Sm ion-implanted GaN with different Sm concentrations are investigated. XRD results do not show any peaks associated with second phase formation. Magnetic investigations performed by superconducting quantum interference device reveal ferromagnetic behavior with an ordering temperature above room temperature in all the implanted samples, while the effective magnetic moment per Sm obtained from saturation magnetization gives a much higher value than the atomic moment of Sm. These results could be explained by the phenomenological model proposed by Dhar et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 94(2005)037205, Phys. Rev. B 72(2005)245203] in terms of a long-range spin polarization of the GaN matrix by the Sm atoms. (condensed matter: electronicstructure, electrical, magnetic, and opticalproperties)

  10. Emission properties of Sm(III) complex having ten-coordination structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hasegawa, Yasuchika; Tsuruoka, Shin-ichi; Yoshida, Takahiko; Kawai, Hideki; Kawai, Tsuyoshi


    Sammarium(III) complex having ten-coordination structure, bis-(1,10-phenanthroline)tris-(hexafluoroacetylacetonato)samarium(III) (Sm(hfa) 3 (phen) 2 ) was prepared by chelation of tris-(hexafluoroacetylacetonato) samarium(III) (Sm(hfa) 3 (H 2 O) 2 ) with 1,10-phenantroline (phen). The characteristic ten-coordination structure of Sm(hfa) 3 (phen) 2 was determined by 1 H NMR and elemental analyses. Strong deep-red emission (λ max =643 nm) and narrow emission band (FWHM=5 nm) of Sm(hfa) 3 (phen) 2 originated from electronic allowed transition from characteristics ten coordinate structure. The emission quantum yields Sm(hfa) 3 (phen) 2 excited at absorption bands of ligands and Sm(III) ion were found to be 0.36 and 1.4%, respectively

  11. Phase formation and crystallization behavior of melt spun Sm-Fe-based alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shield, J.E.


    The phase formation and microstructures of Sm-Fe alloys have been investigated at Sm levels of 11 and 17 atomic percent and with alloying additions of Ti and C. At lower Sm content, virtually phase pure SmFe 7 formed, while higher Sm content resulted in the formation of SmFe 7 , SmFe 2 and amorphous phases. The addition of Ti and C resulted in greater stability and a larger volume fraction of the amorphous phase. The binary Sm-Fe alloys at both Sm levels had tremendously variable microstructures, with large discrepancies in grain size and phase distribution from region to region. The addition of Ti and C tended to result in a more homogeneous microstructure, as well as a refinement in the microstructural scale. (orig.)

  12. In vivo and in vitro binding assay of 153Sm-EDTMP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Daming; Wang Yuqing; Jin Xiaohai; Fan Hongqiang; Bai Hongsheng; Jia Bin; Zhang Jingming


    With the waters ultra hydrogel TM 120 μm hplc column (7.7 mm x 300 mm), several experiments have been finished, including the in vitro binding assay of 153 Sm-EDTMP, 153 SmCl 3 with the Cys, BSA, mouse plasma; HPLC analysis of the urine and the extracting solution of liver homogenate after having injected the 153 Sm-EDTMP and 153 SmCl 3 2h; HPLC analysis of the production ( 153 Sm-EDTMP) radiation self-decomposition with large dose. For the HPLC analysis, the condition is the mobile phase of 0.85 mol/mL PBS (pH7.5), flow rate of 0.5 mL/min, sampling of 15 μL. The results are following: (1) The 153 SmCl 3 not only is able to bind with the mouse plasma in vitro, but also is able to be absorbed by liver in vivo; (2) 153 Sm-EDTMP is not bind with the mouse plasma, the Cys and BSA in vitro and vivo; 153 Sm-EDTMP is not found in the extracted solution of liver homogenate at n(EDTMP): n(Sm) ≥ 5:1; 153 Sm-EDTMP is not decomposed in the urine, 1 53 Sm-EDTMP is stable in vivo; (3) 153 Sm-EDTMP radiation self-decomposition is not detected with large dose in the term of validity (6 d), but two small degradation peaks have been found in the production solution after 60 d, the radiochemistry purity of production is always great than 98% during the period

  13. High coercivity Sm-Co thin films from elemental Sm/Co multilayer deposition and their microstructural aspects

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krishnan, M. [Surface Engineering Division, CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore 560 017 (India); Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology Calicut, Calicut 673601 (India); Predeep, P. [Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology Calicut, Calicut 673601 (India); Sridhara Rao, D.V. [Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratories, Hyderabad 500058 (India); Prajapat, C.L.; Singh, M.R. [Technical Physics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai 400085 (India); Barshilia, Harish C. [Surface Engineering Division, CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore 560 017 (India); Chowdhury, P., E-mail: [Surface Engineering Division, CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore 560 017 (India)


    Hard magnetic thin films with high coercivity were fabricated by magnetron sputtering on MgO(100) and quartz substrates. The films were grown by depositing sequentially Sm and Co layers at an elevated substrate temperature of 500 °C. Subsequent post-annealing was carried out at various temperatures in range of 500–700 °C to form Sm-Co hard magnetic thin films. X-ray diffraction studies revealed the formation of randomly oriented SmCo{sub 5} crystallites on quartz substrate, whereas, a textured growth of Sm{sub 2}Co{sub 7} with strong (110) crystalline phases was observed on MgO substrate. Microstructural analyses were carried out using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) for samples grown on MgO substrate at 650 °C and inferred the presence of high density planar defects along with large grain boundaries. Further microdiffraction studies confirmed the presence of SmCo{sub 3} as an impurity phase in the films. Magnetic hysteresis measurements indicate the square hysteresis behaviors with high coercivity value of 3.1 T and 2.7 T for 650 °C annealed samples on both MgO and quartz substrates, respectively. The origin of such high coercivity value was then correlated with pinning type of spin reversal mechanism as confirmed through the analyses of demagnetization curves. The magnetic force microscopy images for films on MgO substrate, annealed at 650 °C, revealed the presence of magnetic domains with size higher than 1 µm. The formed magnetic domains lacked well defined boundaries indicating an enhanced exchange coupling between the grain clusters. - Highlights: • Ewald technique in micromagnetic simulations with periodic boundary conditions. • Effect of micromagnetic parameters on hysteresis in exchange spring magnets. • Importance of the interface exchange coupling for hard-soft nanocomposites. • Geometry dependence of the optimal soft phase size in exchange spring magnets.

  14. Sm29, but not Sm22.6 retains its ability to induce a protective immune response in mice previously exposed to a Schistosoma mansoni infection.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Clarice Carvalho Alves


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: A vaccine against schistosomiasis would have a great impact in disease elimination. Sm29 and Sm22.6 are two parasite tegument proteins which represent promising antigens to compose a vaccine. These antigens have been associated with resistance to infection and reinfection in individuals living in endemic area for the disease and induced partial protection when evaluated in immunization trials using naïve mice. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPALS FINDINGS: In this study we evaluated rSm29 and rSm22.6 ability to induce protection in Balb/c mice that had been previously infected with S. mansoni and further treated with Praziquantel. Our results demonstrate that three doses of the vaccine containing rSm29 were necessary to elicit significant protection (26%-48%. Immunization of mice with rSm29 induced a significant production of IL-2, IFN-γ, IL-17, IL-4; significant production of specific antibodies; increased percentage of CD4+ central memory cells in comparison with infected and treated saline group and increased percentage of CD4+ effector memory cells in comparison with naïve Balb/c mice immunized with rSm29. On the other hand, although immunization with Sm22.6 induced a robust immune response, it failed to induce protection. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results demonstrate that rSm29 retains its ability to induce protection in previously infected animals, reinforcing its potential as a vaccine candidate.

  15. Hydrogen-induced amorphization of SmFe{sub 3}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kubis, M.; Handstein, A.; Gebel, B.; Gutfleisch, O.; Mueller, K.-H.; Schultz, L. [Institut fuer Festkoerper- und Werkstofforschung Dresden e.V. (Germany). Inst. fuer Metallische Werkstoffe


    The hydrogen absorption behavior of SmFe{sub 3} (PuNi{sub 3}-type structure) was observed in the range from 0.05 to 4 MPa by differential scanning calorimetry. The structural changes were observed by X-ray diffraction measurements. For pressures below 0.8 MPa two exothermic reactions were found which are attributed (i) to the interstitial absorption and (ii) to the disproportionation into SmH{sub 2} and {alpha}-Fe. For higher hydrogen pressures, the second exothermic peak occured at significantly lower temperatures and splitted into two peaks. The first one was identified as the exothermic signal of the hydrogen-induced amorphization of the SmFe{sub 3} hydride. The second peak is caused by the precipitation of SmH{sub 2} and {alpha}-Fe from the amorphous material. (orig.)

  16. Preferential removal of Sm by evaporation from Nd-Sm mixture and its application in direct burn-up determination of spent nuclear fuel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sajimol, R.; Bera, S.; Nalini, S.; Sivaraman, N.; Joseph, M.; Kumar, T.


    Rate of evaporation of Sm and Nd from their mixture was studied based on their ion intensities using thermal ionization mass spectrometry. Because of the comparatively larger evaporation rate of Sm, it was found possible to get the isotopic composition of Nd (fission product monitor) free from isobaric interference of Sm isotopes. The decrease in ion intensity of Sm was studied as a function of time and filament temperature. Based on this study, an easy and time effective method for the determination of burn-up of spent nuclear fuel was examined and the results are compared with that obtained by the conventional method. Typical burn-up value obtained for a pressurized heavy water reactor fuel dissolver solution using the direct method by preferential evaporation of Sm is: 0.84 at.%, whereas the one obtained by the use of conventional method is 0.82 at.%. In both the cases, Nd was employed as the fission product monitor. (author)

  17. High spin states in 143Sm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Raut, R.; Ganguly, S.; Kshetri, R.; Banerjee, P.; Bhattacharya, S.; Dasmahapatra, B.; Mukherjee, A.; Mukherjee, G.; Sarkar, M. Saha; Goswami, A.; Gangopadhyay, G.; Mukhopadhyay, S.; Krishichayan,; Chakraborty, A.; Ghughre, S. S.; Bhattacharjee, T.; Basu, S. K.


    The high spin states of 143 Sm have been studied by in-beam γ-spectroscopy following the reaction 130 Te( 20 Ne,7n) 143 Sm at E lab =137 MeV, using a Clover detector array. More than 50 new gamma transitions have been placed above the previously known J π =23/2 - , 30 ms isomer at 2795 keV. The level scheme of 143 Sm has been extended up to 12 MeV and spin-parity assignments have been made to most of the newly proposed level. Theoretical calculation with the relativistic mean field approach using blocked BCS method, has been performed. A sequence of levels connected by M1 transitions have been observed at an excitation energy ∼8.6 MeV. The sequence appears to be a magnetic rotational band from systematics

  18. Chemical methods for Sm-Nd separation and its application in isotopic geological dating

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo Qifeng.


    Three chemical methods for Sm-Nd separation are mainly desribed: low chromatography of butamone-ammonium thiocyanate for hight concentration Sm and Nd separation, P 240 column chromatography for medium concentration Sm-Nd separation, and pressure ion exchange for low concentration Sm-Nd. The first Sm-Nd synchrone obtained in China with Sm-Nd methods is introduced and Sm-Nd isotopic geological dating in Early Archaean rocks in eastern Hebei has been determined

  19. Smáčivost povrchových úprav DPS


    Minář, Jan


    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá měřením smáčecích charakteristik pomocí metody smáčecích vah u vzorků různých povrchových úprav od firmy Gatema. Věnuje se vlivu izotermálního stárnutí a přetavovacích procesů na smáčecí charakteristiky povrchových úprav ENIG, bezolovnatý HAL a imerzní cín. U povrchové úpravy imerzním cínem je sledován vliv intermetalické vrstvy na celkovou smáčivost. Dále se zabývá smáčivostí vrstvy niklu, po odstripování zlata, u povrchové úpravy ENIG. This bachelor’s thes...

  20. VUV light induced valence degeneration in Sm over-layer on HOPG

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kutluk, G; Nakatake, M; Arita, M; Namatame, H; Taniguchi, M; Ishitobi, Y; Sumida, H


    Systematic investigation of the influence of vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) irradiation on the valence degeneration in a Sm over-layer on a HOPG substrate was performed using in-situ photoemission spectroscopy (XPS, UPS, and ARPES) for the Sm coverage regime of 0.05-3.6 Å. This investigation confirmed that VUV irradiation-induced degeneration of divalent Sm exerts a more profound effect than Sm contamination during photoemission spectroscopy even under UHV. We found that the charge transfer occurs mainly from divalent Sm to the HOPG surface.

  1. β-decay spectroscopy of neutron-rich 160,161,162Sm isotopes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patel Z.


    Full Text Available Neutron-rich 160,161,162Sm isotopes have been populated at the RIBF, RIKEN via β first time. β-coincident γ rays were observed in all three isotopes including γ rays from the isomeric decay of 160Sm and 162Sm. The isomers in 160Sm and 162Sm have previously been observed but have been populated via β decay for the first time. The isomeric state in 162Sm is assigned a 4−v72+[ 633 ]⊗v12−[ 521 ]${4^ - }v{{7 \\over 2}^ + }\\left[ {633} \\right] \\otimes v{{1 \\over 2}^ - }\\left[ {521} \\right]$ configuration based on the decay pattern. The level schemes of 160Sm and 162Sm are presented. The ground states in the parent nuclei 160Pm and 162Pm are both assigned a 6−v72+[633]⊗π52−[532]${6^ - }v{{7 \\over 2}^ + }\\left[ {633} \\right] \\otimes \\pi {{5 \\over 2}^ - }\\left[ {532} \\right]$ configuration based on the population of states in the daughter nuclei. Blocked BCS calculations were performed to further investigate the spin-parities of the ground states in 160Pm, 161Pm, and 162Pm, and the isomeric state in 162Sm

  2. Euroopa vahistamismääruse täitmisest keeldumine kui õigusprobleem : [magistritöö] / Joanna Paabumets ; Tartu Ülikool, õigusteaduskond ; juhendaja: Lauri Mälksoo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paabumets, Joanna, 1989-


    Väljaandmisest kui rahvusvahelise õiguse instrumendist, liikmesriikide konstitutsioonikohtute ja EL Kohtu praktikast raamotsuse 002/584/JSK tõlgendamisel, Eesti praktikast loovutamismääruste rahuldamata jätmisel

  3. Higher-order scalar interactions and SM vacuum stability

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lalak, Zygmunt; Lewicki, Marek; Olszewski, Paweł [Institute of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsawul. Hoża 69, Warsaw (Poland)


    Investigation of the structure of the Standard Model effective potential at very large field strengths opens a window towards new phenomena and can reveal properties of the UV completion of the SM. The map of the lifetimes of the vacua of the SM enhanced by nonrenormalizable scalar couplings has been compiled to show how new interactions modify stability of the electroweak vacuum. Whereas it is possible to stabilize the SM by adding Planck scale suppressed interactions and taking into account running of the new couplings, the generic effect is shortening the lifetime and hence further destabilisation of the SM electroweak vacuum. These findings have been illustrated with phase diagrams of modified SM-like models. It has been demonstrated that stabilisation can be achieved by lowering the suppression scale of higher order operators while picking up such combinations of new couplings, which do not deepen the new minima of the potential. Our results show the dependence of the lifetime of the electroweak minimum on the magnitude of the new couplings, including cases with very small couplings (which means very large effective suppression scale) and couplings vastly different in magnitude (which corresponds to two different suppression scales)

  4. Synthesis and magnetic properties of SmOOH crystals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Samata, Hiroaki, E-mail: [Graduate School of Maritime Sciences, Kobe University, Fukaeminami, Higashinada, Kobe, Hyogo 658-0022 (Japan); Hanioka, Masashi [Graduate School of Maritime Sciences, Kobe University, Fukaeminami, Higashinada, Kobe, Hyogo 658-0022 (Japan); Ozawa, Tadashi C. [Materials Development Group, Superconducting Properties Unit, National Institute for Materials Science, Sengen, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0047 (Japan)


    Samarium oxyhydroxide (SmOOH) crystals were synthesized using a flux method. The as-grown crystals were yellowish, transparent, and elongated with a maximum length of approximately 1.0 mm. SmOOH adopts a monoclinic structure in the space group P2{sub 1}/m with a=0.4356 nm, b=0.3766 nm, c=0.6139 nm, and β=108.464°. The magnetic susceptibility of the SmOOH crystals exhibited typical Van Vleck paramagnetism, and the experimental data at temperatures above 200 K were in close agreement with the calculated results using a spin-orbit coupling constant λ=443 K (308 cm{sup −1}). - Highlights: • SmOOH crystals were synthesized via flux method and characterized. • Magnetic susceptibilities above 200 K agreed with theoretical Van Vleck values. • Discrepancies were observed at lower temperatures based on the crystalline field.

  5. Kui seda mammit seal jalus ei oleks... / Indrek Pajo, Heiti Riisberg, Jaana Liigand... [jt.

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Küsimusele, mida peaks noor keskjuht juhtimise osas tegema kui tunneb pärast paarikuist töötamist üha rohkem, et mõned tema alluvad, kes on temast oluliselt vanemad, töötavad talle vastu, vastavad endine Cleaner Ehitus vanemobjektijuht Indrek Pajo, Trigon Kapital pensioni- ja aktsiafondide eest hoolitsev Heiti Riisberg, konsultatsioonifirma Arikano omanik ja juht Jaana Liigand, Pharmadule OÜ personali- ja büroojuht Helen Neeve, Saku Õlletehase brändide Rock ja Carlsberg juht Karin Golubev ning Kaamos Kinnisvara juht Priit Uustulnd

  6. Sm2, a paralog of the Trichoderma cerato-platanin elicitor Sm1, is also highly important for plant protection conferred by the fungal-root interaction of Trichoderma with maize. (United States)

    Gaderer, Romana; Lamdan, Netta L; Frischmann, Alexa; Sulyok, Michael; Krska, Rudolf; Horwitz, Benjamin A; Seidl-Seiboth, Verena


    The proteins Sm1 and Sm2 from the biocontrol fungus Trichoderma virens belong to the cerato-platanin protein family. Members of this family are small, secreted proteins that are abundantly produced by filamentous fungi with all types of life-styles. Some species of the fungal genus Trichoderma are considered as biocontrol fungi because they are mycoparasites and are also able to directly interact with plants, thereby stimulating plant defense responses. It was previously shown that the cerato-platanin protein Sm1 from T. virens - and to a lesser extent its homologue Epl1 from Trichoderma atroviride - induce plant defense responses. The plant protection potential of other members of the cerato-platanin protein family in Trichoderma, however, has not yet been investigated. In order to analyze the function of the cerato-platanin protein Sm2, sm1 and sm2 knockout strains were generated and characterized. The effect of the lack of Sm1 and Sm2 in T. virens on inducing systemic resistance in maize seedlings, challenged with the plant pathogen Cochliobolus heterostrophus, was tested. These plant experiments were also performed with T. atroviride epl1 and epl2 knockout strains. In our plant-pathogen system T. virens was a more effective plant protectant than T. atroviride and the results with both Trichoderma species showed concordantly that the level of plant protection was more strongly reduced in plants treated with the sm2/epl2 knockout strains than with sm1/epl1 knockout strains. Although the cerato-platanin genes sm1/epl1 are more abundantly expressed than sm2/epl2 during fungal growth, Sm2/Epl2 are, interestingly, more important than Sm1/Epl1 for the promotion of plant protection conferred by Trichoderma in the maize-C. heterostrophus pathosystem.

  7. The ternary systems Sc-Sm(Dy)-Si at 870 K

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kotur, B.Ya.; Mokra, I.Ya.; Toporinskij, A.Ya.


    Isothermal cross sections of the ternary systems Sc-Sm-Si and Sc-Dy-Si at 870 K have been plotted. Investigation of scandium and disprosium in ternary systems have been examined by X-ray diffraction and microstructure analysis. Besides literary data on binary systems Sc-Si, Sm-Si, Dy-Si have been used. Formation of limited (Sc-Sm-Si, Sc-Dy-Si) and continuous (Sc-Dy-Si) solid solutions based on bisilicides of Sc and Sm(Dy) is discovered. Two and five ternary compounds in Sc-Sm-Si and Sc-Dy-Si systems have been determined and their crystal structure has been established. When investigating of Sc-(rare earth element)-Si ternary systems and should take into account the specific interaction of scandium and samarium with REE

  8. Klimaforsøg med fravænnede smågrise

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Feenstra, A.

    Publikationen belyser betydningen af luftfugtighed og ventilationsluftmængder for smågrise. Undersøgelsen var led i bestræbelserne på at nedbringe energiforbruget i smågrisestalde, og resultaterne viser at ventilationsmængden kan formindskes uden skadelige virkninger for dyrene.......Publikationen belyser betydningen af luftfugtighed og ventilationsluftmængder for smågrise. Undersøgelsen var led i bestræbelserne på at nedbringe energiforbruget i smågrisestalde, og resultaterne viser at ventilationsmængden kan formindskes uden skadelige virkninger for dyrene....

  9. Purification of the spliced leader ribonucleoprotein particle from Leptomonas collosoma revealed the existence of an Sm protein in trypanosomes. Cloning the SmE homologue. (United States)

    Goncharov, I; Palfi, Z; Bindereif, A; Michaeli, S


    Trans-splicing in trypanosomes involves the addition of a common spliced leader (SL) sequence, which is derived from a small RNA, the SL RNA, to all mRNA precursors. The SL RNA is present in the cell in the form of a ribonucleoprotein, the SL RNP. Using conventional chromatography and affinity selection with 2'-O-methylated RNA oligonucleotides at high ionic strength, five proteins of 70, 16, 13, 12, and 8 kDa were co-selected with the SL RNA from Leptomonas collosoma, representing the SL RNP core particle. Under conditions of lower ionic strength, additional proteins of 28 and 20 kDa were revealed. On the basis of peptide sequences, the gene coding for a protein with a predicted molecular weight of 11.9 kDa was cloned and identified as homologue of the cis-spliceosomal SmE. The protein carries the Sm motifs 1 and 2 characteristic of Sm antigens that bind to all known cis-spliceosomal uridylic acid-rich small nuclear RNAs (U snRNAs), suggesting the existence of Sm proteins in trypanosomes. This finding is of special interest because trypanosome snRNPs are the only snRNPs examined to date that are not recognized by anti-Sm antibodies. Because of the early divergence of trypanosomes from the eukaryotic lineage, the trypanosome SmE protein represents one of the primordial Sm proteins in nature.

  10. Solid-solid synthesis and structural phase transition process of SmF3 (United States)

    Yan, Qi-Cao; Guo, Xing-Min


    Mazes of contradictory conclusions have been obtained by previous researches about structural phase transition process of SmF3. In this paper, the single crystals of SmF3 (hexagonal and orthorhombic) were prepared by solid-solid synthesis, which have shown gradual changes in crystal growth modes with the increase temperature and holding time. Furthermore, we propose the phase transition process of in SmF3. Hexagonal symmetry of SmF3 (space group Pnma) was prepared firstly by heating Sm2O3 and NH4HF2 over 40 min at 270 °C. And then orthorhombic symmetry of SmF3 (space group P63mc) was obtained by heating hexagonal symmetry over 10 h at 650 °C. The reaction of SmF3 (hexagonal) = SmF3 (orthorhombic) is extremely sluggish at a low temperature (less than 650 °C), which was seen as a Mixed Grown Region.

  11. Synthesis and photoluminescence properties of Sm3+-doped CaWO4 nanoparticles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xiao Qi; Zhou Qitao; Li Ming


    The Sm 3+ -doped CaWO 4 nanoparticles were synthesized by hydrothermal method. The room temperature photoluminescence (PL) spectra of Sm 3+ -doped CaWO 4 nanoparticles doped with different Sm 3+ concentrations under 405 nm excitation have been investigated. The PL spectra showed four strong emission peaks at 460, 571, 609, and 653 nm. The first emission peak at 460 nm could be due to a structural defect of the lattice, an oxygen-deficient WO 3 complex. The other three emissions at 571, 609, and 653 nm were due to the f-f forbidden transitions of the 4f electrons of Sm 3+ , corresponding to 4 G 5/2 → 6 H 5/2 (571 nm), 6 H 7/2 (609 nm), and 6 H 9/2 (653 nm), respectively. In addition, the optimum Sm 3+ concentration in CaWO 4 nanoparticles for optical emission was determined to be 1.0%. The Sm 3+4 G 5/2 → 6 H 7/2 (609 nm) emission intensity of Sm 3+ -doped CaWO 4 nanoparticles significantly increased with the increase of Sm 3+ concentration, and showed a maximum when Sm 3+ doping content was 1.0%. If Sm 3+ concentration continued to increase, namely more than 1.0%, the Sm 3+4 G 5/2 → 6 H 7/2 emission intensity would decrease. The present materials might be a promising phosphor for white-light LED applications.

  12. Sorption of samarium in soils: influence of soil properties and Sm concentration

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ramirez-Guinart, Oriol; Salaberria, Aitor; Rigol, Anna; Vidal, Miquel [Analytical Chemistry department, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Barcelona, Marti i Franques 1-11, 08028, Barcelona (Spain)


    Due to the fact that barriers of Deep Geological Repositories (DGR) may lose efficiency before the radioisotopes present in the High Level Radioactive Waste (HLRW) completely decay, it is possible that, in the long-term, radioactive leachates may escape from the DGR and reach the soil and water compartments in the biosphere. Therefore, it is required to examine the interaction and mobility of radionuclides present in the HLRW, or their chemical analogues, to predict the impact of their eventual incorporation in the biosphere and to assess the derived risk. Although relevant data have been recently obtained for a few radionuclides in soils, there are still some important gaps for some radionuclides, such us for samarium (Sm). Sm is a lanthanide that, besides being considered as a natural analogue of actinides, may also be present in HLRW in the form of the radioactive isotope {sup 151}Sm. The main objective of this work was to obtain sorption data (K{sub d}) of {sup 151}Sm gathered from a set of soil samples physicochemical fully-characterized (pH, texture, cationic exchange capacity, soil solution cationic composition, organic matter, carbonate and metallic oxides content, etc.). Additionally, as an alternative for testing sorption capacity of radionuclides in soils is the use of the corresponding stable isotope or a chemical analogue, the influence of Sm concentration was also checked. To evaluate {sup 151}Sm sorption, batch assays were carried out for each soil sample, which consisted in a pre-equilibration step of 2 g of each soil with 50 ml of double deionised water, and a subsequent equilibration step with the same solution, but labelled with {sup 151}Sm. The activity of {sup 151}Sm in initial and final solutions was measured by liquid scintillation and K{sub d} ({sup 151}Sm) data were calculated. The reversibly sorbed fraction was estimated by the application of a single extraction test, with double deionised water, to soil residues coming from the previous

  13. Determination of the {sup 151}Sm half-life

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Be, Marie-Martine; Cassette, Philippe [CEA, LIST, Gif sur Yvette (France). LNE-Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel; Isnard, Helene [CEA-LANIE, Gif sur Yvette (France); and others


    New measurements have been undertaken to determine the half-life of {sup 151}Sm. A pure {sup 151}Sm solution was obtained after chemical separation from a samarium solution resulting from the dissolution of an irradiated samarium sample. The concentration of {sup 151}Sm in the solution was measured by mass spectrometry, combined with the isotope dilution technique. The activity of the solution was measured by liquid scintillation counting by six European laboratories as part of an international comparison. These combined results lead to a half-life of T{sub 1/2} = 94.6(6)a.

  14. Anti-skin-aging benefits of exopolymers from Aureobasidium pullulans SM2001. (United States)

    Kim, Kyung Hu; Park, Soo Jin; Lee, Ji Eun; Lee, Young Joon; Song, Chang Hyun; Choi, Seong Hun; Ku, Sae Kwang; Kang, Su Jin


    There have been many attempts to search for affordable and effective functional cosmetic ingredients, especially from natural sources. As research into developing a functional cosmetic ingredient, we investigated whether exopolymers from Aureobasidium pullulans SM2001 (E-AP-SM2001) exert antioxidant, antiwrinkle, whitening, and skin moisturizing effects. Antioxidant effects of E-AP-SM2001 were determined by measuring free radical scavenging capacity and superoxide dismutase (SOD)-like activity. Antiwrinkle effects were assessed through the inhibition of hyaluronidase, elastase, collagenase, and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-1. Whitening effects were measured by tyrosinase inhibition assay, and by melanin formation test in B16/F10 melanoma cells. Skin moisturizing effects were detected by mouse skin water content test. E-AP-SM2001 showed potent DPPH radical scavenging activity and SOD-like effects. Additionally, hyaluronidase, elastase, collagenase, and MMP-1 activities were significantly inhibited by E-AP-SM2001. We also observed that E-AP-SM2001 effectively reduced melanin production by B16/F10 melanoma cells and mushroom tyrosinase activities. Furthermore, significant increases in skin water content were detected in E-AP-SM2001- treated mouse skin, as compared with vehicle-treated control skin. Notably, a mask pack containing E-AP-SM2001 showed a >twofold more extensive moisturizing effect compared with one containing Saccharomycopsis ferment filtrate. Our results suggest that E-AP-SM2001 has adequate antiaging, antiwrinkle, and whitening benefits and skin moisturizing effect. These effects involve reducing hyaluronidase, elastase, collagenase, and MMP-1 activities, as well as inhibition of melanin production and tyrosinase activities. Therefore, the antioxidant E-AP-SM2001 may serve as a predictable functional ingredient.

  15. Electrochemical preparation of Al–Sm intermetallic compound whisker in LiCl–KCl Eutectic Melts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ji, De−Bin; Yan, Yong−De; Zhang, Mi−Lin; Li, Xing; Jing, Xiao−Yan; Han, Wei; Xue, Yun; Zhang, Zhi−Jian; Hartmann, Thomas


    Highlights: • The reduction process of Sm(III) was investigated in LiCl–KCl melt on an aluminum electrode at 773 K. • Al–Sm alloy with different phase structure (Al 2 Sm and Al 3 Sm) was prepared by potentiostatic electrolysis on an aluminum electrode with the change of electrolytic potentials and time in LiCl–KCl–SmCl 3 melts. • Al − Sm alloy containing whiskers (Al 4 Sm) was obtained by potentiostatic electrolysis (−2.10 V) on an aluminum electrode for 7 hours with the change of electrolytic temperature and cooling rate in LiCl–KCl–SmCl 3 (16.5 wt. %) melts. The results from micro–hardness test and potentiodynamic polarization test show the micro hardness and corrosion property are remarkably improved with the help of Al–Sm intermetallic compound whiskers. - Abstract: This work presents the electrochemical study of Sm(III) on an aluminum electrode in LiCl–KCl melts at 773 K by different electrochemical methods. Three electrochemical signals in cyclic voltammetry, square wave voltammetry, open circuit chronopotentiometry, and cathode polarization curve are attributed to different kinds of Al–Sm intermetallic compounds, Al 2 Sm, Al 3 Sm, and Al 4 Sm, respectively. Al–Sm alloy with different phase structure (Al 2 Sm and Al 3 Sm) could be obtained by the potentiostatic electrolysis with the change of electrolytic potentials and time. Al–Sm alloy containing whiskers (Al 4 Sm) was obtained by potentiostatic electrolysis (−2.10 V) on an aluminum electrode for 7 hours with the change of electrolytic temperature and cooling rate in LiCl–KCl–SmCl 3 (16.5 wt. %) melts. The XRD and SEM&EDS were employed to investigate the phase composition and microstructure of Al–Sm alloy. SEM analysis shows that lots of needle−like precipitates formed in Al–Sm alloy, and their ratios of length to diameter are found to be greater than 10 to 1. The TEM and electron diffraction pattern were performed to investigate the crystal structure of the

  16. Isotope shifts and hyperfine splittings in 144-154Sm I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    England, J.G.; Grant, I.S.; Newton, G.W.A.; Walker, P.M.


    The isotope shifts and hyperfine splittings have been measured in 144-154 Sm I using the crossed-beam laser fluorescence method. Transitions at 598.98 nm and 570.68 nm were investigated for all isotopes except 146 Sm and 153 Sm, in which measurements were only obtained at 570.68 nm. Laser-induced fluorescence has not previously been reported for 145 Sm. The magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments of the odd isotopes and the changes in mean square radii of the even ones are shown to be consistent with the information obtained from nuclear spectroscopy. (author)

  17. Guided ion beam and theoretical studies of the bond energy of SmS+ (United States)

    Armentrout, P. B.; Demireva, Maria; Peterson, Kirk A.


    Previous work has shown that atomic samarium cations react with carbonyl sulfide to form SmS+ + CO in an exothermic and barrierless process. To characterize this reaction further, the bond energy of SmS+ is determined in the present study using guided ion beam tandem mass spectrometry. Reactions of SmS+ with Xe, CO, and O2 are examined. Results for collision-induced dissociation processes with all three molecules along with the endothermicity of the SmS+ + CO → Sm+ + COS exchange reaction are combined to yield D0(Sm+-S) = 3.37 ± 0.20 eV. The CO and O2 reactions also yield a SmSO+ product, with measured endothermicities that indicate D0(SSm+-O) = 3.73 ± 0.16 eV and D0(OSm+-S) = 1.38 ± 0.27 eV. The SmS+ bond energy is compared with theoretical values characterized at several levels of theory, including CCSD(T) complete basis set extrapolations using all-electron basis sets. Multireference configuration interaction calculations with explicit spin-orbit calculations along with composite thermochemistry using the Feller-Peterson-Dixon method and all-electron basis sets were also explored for SmS+, and for comparison, SmO, SmO+, and EuO.

  18. Prediction of the new efficient permanent magnet SmCoNiFe3 (United States)

    Söderlind, P.; Landa, A.; Locht, I. L. M.; Åberg, D.; Kvashnin, Y.; Pereiro, M.; Däne, M.; Turchi, P. E. A.; Antropov, V. P.; Eriksson, O.


    We propose a new efficient permanent magnet, SmCoNiFe3, which is a development of the well-known SmCo5 prototype. More modern neodymium magnets of the Nd-Fe-B type have an advantage over SmCo5 because of their greater maximum energy products due to their iron-rich stoichiometry. Our new magnet, however, removes most of this disadvantage of SmCo5 while preserving its superior high-temperature efficiency over the neodymium magnets. We show by means of first-principles electronic-structure calculations that SmCoNiFe3 has very favorable magnetic properties and could therefore potentially replace SmCo5 or Nd-Fe-B types in various applications.

  19. Superconductivity in Sm-doped CaFe2As2 single crystals (United States)

    Dong-Yun, Chen; Bin-Bin, Ruan; Jia, Yu; Qi, Guo; Xiao-Chuan, Wang; Qing-Ge, Mu; Bo-Jin, Pan; Tong, Liu; Gen-Fu, Chen; Zhi-An, Ren


    In this article, the Sm-doping single crystals Ca1 - x Sm x Fe2As2 (x = 0 ˜ 0.2) were prepared by the CaAs flux method, and followed by a rapid quenching treatment after the high temperature growth. The samples were characterized by structural, resistive, and magnetic measurements. The successful Sm-substitution was revealed by the reduction of the lattice parameter c, due to the smaller ionic radius of Sm3+ than Ca2+. Superconductivity was observed in all samples with onset T c varying from 27 K to 44 K upon Sm-doping. The coexistence of a collapsed phase transition and the superconducting transition was found for the lower Sm-doping samples. Zero resistivity and substantial superconducting volume fraction only happen in higher Sm-doping crystals with the nominal x > 0.10. The doping dependences of the c-axis length and onset T c were summarized. The high-T c observed in these quenched crystals may be attributed to simultaneous tuning of electron carriers doping and strain effect caused by lattice reduction of Sm-substitution. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11474339), the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant Nos. 2010CB923000 and 2011CBA00100), and the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. XDB07020100).

  20. Evaluation the homogenisation behaviour of Sm-Fe-Nb materials by Moessbauer spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sinan, S. A.; Muryaed, Y.; Alhweg, F. A.


    The microstructure of cast and annealed Sm-Fe-Nb materials were investigated by Moessbauer spectroscopy. The aim of the present work is to study the effect of Nb additions upon the microstructure of Sm 2 Fe 17 material and evaluation the homogenisation behaviour of different Sm-Fe-Nb materials. The niobium free cast material consisting of the Sm 2 Fe 17 phase and significant amounts of the free iron (α -Fe). Therefore, the homogenisation process is necessary to eliminate the free iron and produce a single Sm 2 Fe 17 phase material. This process takes long annealing time, up to seven days. The Sm 9 .5 Fe 8 7.5 Nb 3 alloy contains the lowest amount of α-Fe among, the Sm-Fe-Nb materials. Thus the homogenisation step was carried out with treatment time (12 hours) smaller than the reported annealing time of Nb-free material (Sm 2 Fe 17 ). Therefore, the addition of at 3% Nb reduces the manufacturing cost of the Sm 2 Fe 17 and makes this based material for permanent magnets, more industrially desirable, due to elimination the free iron with lowest treatment time. Also it was found that the existence of the paramagnetic NbFe 2 phase becomes higher after the homogenisation process, which can be explained due to the diffusion of Nb from Sm 2 Fe 17 phase to paramagnetic NbFe 2 phase, during the annealing process. (authors)

  1. The SM and MIR reactors operation experience

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuprienko, V.A.; Klinov, A.V.; Svyatkin, M.N.; Shamardin, V.K.


    The SM and MIR operation experience show that continuous work on the problem of ageing, in all its aspects, allows for prolongation of the research plant life cycle by several folds as compared to the initial project. The redesigned SM-3 reactor will operate for another 20 years. The similar result is expected from the MIR planned reconstruction which scope will be the topic of future presentations. (orig.)

  2. Aligned, plasma sprayed SmCo5 deposits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kumar, K.; Das, D.


    Highly aligned SmCo 5 deposits were produced using plasma spraying. c-axis alignment, normal to the plane of the deposit, was achieved by depositing the Sm-Co alloys on steel substrates maintained at high temperatures. The substrates were heated by the plasma flame to obtain the high temperatures. The attainment of a range of substrate temperatures was made possible through control over the geometry of the substrate

  3. The electrodeposition of 149Sm targets for (n,α) studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ingelbrecht, C.; Ambeck-Madsen, J.; Teipel, K.; Robouch, P.; Arana, G.; Pomme, S.


    A method of electrodeposition from ethanol was developed for the production of 149 Sm targets of area 50x60 mm 2 to be used for (n,α) experiments. Targets of 60 μg cm -2 Sm were obtained with a Sm yield of 50% and a Sm mass fraction of 35% after calcination of the layers at 450 deg. C. Target substrates were 20 μm aluminium foils mounted on brass frames. A water cooling jig was constructed to protect the glue used for mounting during the calcination process. The layers were characterized by inductively coupled plasma source mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and by neutron activation analysis (NAA)

  4. Role of SM22 in the differential regulation of phasic vs. tonic smooth muscle (United States)

    Ali, Mehboob


    Preliminary proteomics studies between tonic vs. phasic smooth muscles identified three distinct protein spots identified to be those of transgelin (SM22). The latter was found to be distinctly downregulated in the internal anal sphincter (IAS) vs. rectal smooth muscle (RSM) SMC. The major focus of the present studies was to examine the differential molecular control mechanisms by SM22 in the functionality of truly tonic smooth muscle of the IAS vs. the adjoining phasic smooth muscle of the RSM. We monitored SMC lengths before and after incubation with pFLAG-SM22 (for SM22 overexpression), and SM22 small-interfering RNA. pFLAG-SM22 caused concentration-dependent and significantly greater relaxation in the IAS vs. the RSM SMCs. Conversely, temporary silencing of SM22 caused contraction in both types of the SMCs. Further studies revealed a significant reverse relationship between the levels of SM22 phosphorylation and the amount of SM22-actin binding in the IAS and RSM SMC. Data showed higher phospho-SM22 levels and decreased SM22-actin binding in the IAS, and reverse to be the case in the RSM SMCs. Experiments determining the mechanism for SM22 phosphorylation in these smooth muscles revealed that Y-27632 (Rho kinase inhibitor) but not Gö-6850 (protein kinase C inhibitor) caused concentration-dependent decreased phosphorylation of SM22. We speculate that SM22 plays an important role in the regulation of basal tone via Rho kinase-induced phosphorylation of SM22. PMID:25617350

  5. A metastable Mg11Sm phase obtained by rapid solidification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Budurov, S.


    Molten Mg-Sm alloys with a Sm concentration of 4.93, 6.86, and 8.35 at.% were rapidly soldified with the aid of a shock wave gun device. Investigations of the obtained splats were performed with the aid of DSC, X-ray analysis, and metallography. Rapid soldification of the eutectic MgSm 8.35 alloy forms a new Im3m-type phase. (orig.)

  6. "Kuis sa nii võimsalt tuled minu üle..." : [luuletused] / Marie Under

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Under, Marie, 1883-1980


    Sisu: "Kuis sa nii võimsalt tuled minu üle..." ; Sügesemaru ; Talvel ; Sinine terrass ; Õnne ootel ; Ekstaas ; Unistus ; Üllatus ; Ehtides ; Ma armastan su armastust ; Valge värav ; Meeletus ; On siiski kurb ; Verivalla ; Surnute rongkäik ; A rebours ; Luukambris ; Kiusaja ; Hingetund ; Inimene ; Koduotsimine ; Surelik ; Saladus ; Memento mori ; Kontvõõras ; Ahastaja ; Ummikus ; Hommikupalve ; Suudlus ; Kutse ; Raismik. Mets ; Valge lind ; Rändav järv ; Porkuni preili ; Lapsehukkaja ; Maarja leid ; Surmamõrsjad ; Taevaminek ; Laul eimillestki ; Õnnevaras ; Puhastus ; Soolaul ; Lõikuspühaks ; "Üksteisest pimesi me mööda käime..." ; Loomine ; Muutus ; Selgus ; Haige unistus ; Jõulutervitus 1941 ; Mõrane hommik ; Pärast ema surma ; Kutse ; Kes? ; Hääl tuulde ; Mine! ; Nägemus ; Veel mitte ; Visioon ; Langes üks täht

  7. Low temperature preparation and superconductivity of F-doped SmFeAsO

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, Y.L.; Cui, Y.J. [Key Laboratory of Magnetic Levitation Technologies and Maglev Trains (Ministry of Education of China), Superconductivity R and D Center (SRDC), Mail Stop 165, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031 (China); Cheng, C.H. [School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, 2052 NSW (Australia); Yang, Y.; Wang, L.; Li, Y.C.; Zhang, Y. [Key Laboratory of Magnetic Levitation Technologies and Maglev Trains (Ministry of Education of China), Superconductivity R and D Center (SRDC), Mail Stop 165, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031 (China); Zhao, Y., E-mail: [Key Laboratory of Magnetic Levitation Technologies and Maglev Trains (Ministry of Education of China), Superconductivity R and D Center (SRDC), Mail Stop 165, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031 (China); School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, 2052 NSW (Australia)


    A low temperature (1100 deg. C) process of preparing F-doped SmFeAsO samples has been developed using SmF{sub 3} with nanometer scale as the source of fluorine. A series of the SmFeAsO{sub 1-x}F{sub x} (x = 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3) samples have been prepared using the present method. Compared with previous reports, the present SmF{sub 3} is more effective to introduce F into SmFeAsO system in which a transition temperature of 39 K can be observed when x = 0.05. The superconductivity is definitely enhanced with the increasing F-doping level. All the samples presented to be layered structure and the crystal particle size is about three times larger with sintering time increasing from 36 h to 48 h. Except for the nanometer scale of SmF{sub 3}, the flux effect of SmF{sub 3} is recognized to be another reason for the decrease of the sintering temperature. Further more, a relatively large amount of SmF{sub 3} was also employed in the raw materials to introduce excessive F and this has induced higher T{sub c} (55 K) in SmFeAsO{sub 0.8}F{sub 0.2+{delta}}system.

  8. The glomerular parietal epithelial cell's responses are influenced by SM22 alpha levels. (United States)

    Naito, Shokichi; Pippin, Jeffrey W; Shankland, Stuart J


    Studies have shown in several diseases initially affecting podocytes, that the neighboring glomerular parietal epithelial cells (PECs) are secondarily involved. The PEC response might be reparative under certain circumstances, yet injurious under others. The factors governing these are not well understood. We have shown that SM22α, an actin-binding protein considered a marker of smooth muscle differentiation, is upregulated in podocytes and PECs in several models of podocyte disease. However, the impact of SM22α levels on PECs is not known. Experimental glomerular disease, characterized by primary podocyte injury, was induced in aged-matched SM22α+/+ and SM22α-/-mice by intraperitoneal injection of sheep anti-rabbit glomeruli antibody. Immunostaining methods were employed on days 7 and 14 of disease. The number of PEC transition cells, defined as cells co-expressing a PEC protein (PAX2) and podocyte protein (Synaptopodin) was higher in diseased SM22α-/-mice compared with SM22α+/+mice. WT1 staining along Bowman's capsule is higher in diseased SM22α-/-mice. This was accompanied by increased PEC proliferation (measured by ki-67 staining), and an increase in immunostaining for the progenitor marker NCAM, in a subpopulation of PECs in diseased SM22α-/-mice. In addition, immunostaining for vimentin and alpha smooth muscle actin, markers of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT), was lower in diseased SM22α-/-mice compared to diseased SM22α+/+mice. SM22α levels may impact how PECs respond following a primary podocyte injury in experimental glomerular disease. Absent/lower levels favor an increase in PEC transition cells and PECs expressing a progenitor marker, and a lower EMT rate compared to SM22α+/+mice, where SM22 levels are markedly increased in PECs.

  9. Thermogravimetric and Magnetic Studies of the Oxidation and Reduction Reaction of SmCoO3 to Nanostructured Sm2O3 and Co (United States)

    Kelly, Brian; Cichocki, Ronald; Poirier, Gerald; Unruh, Karl

    The SmCoO3 to nanostructured Sm2O3 and Co oxidation and reduction reaction has been studied by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) measurements in forming gas (FG) and inert N2 atmospheres, x-ray diffraction (XRD) and vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM). The TGA measurements showed two clearly resolvable reduction processes when heating in FG, from the initial SmCoO3 phase through an intermediate nanostructured mixture of Sm2O3 and CoO when heated to 330°C for several minutes, and then the conversion of CoO to metallic Co when heated above 500°C. These phases were confirmed by XRD and VSM. Similar measurements in N2 yielded little mass change below 900°C and coupled reduction processes at higher temperatures. Isoconversional measurements of the CoO to Co reduction reaction in FG yielded activation energies above 2eV/atom in the nanostructured system. This value is several times larger than those reported in the literature or obtained by similar measurements of bulk mixtures of Sm2O3 and CoO, suggesting the nanostructuring was the source of the large increase in activation energy.

  10. Synthesis and physicochemical analysis of Sm (II, III) acetylacetone chelate complexes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kostyuk, N.N.; Dik, T.A.; Trebnikov, A.G.


    Sm (II, III) acetylacetone chelate complexes were synthesized by electrochemical method. It was shown that anode dissolution of the metal samarium over acetylacetone leads to formation of the Sm (II, III) chelate complexes: xSm(acac)2 · ySm(acac)3 · zH(acac). Factors x, y and z depend on quantity of the electricity, which flew through the electrolysis cell. The compositions of the obtained substances were confirmed by the physicochemical analysis (ultimate analysis, IR-, mass spectroscopy and thermal analysis (thermogravimetric, isothermal warming-up and differential scanning colorimetry). (Authors)

  11. Study on cellular survival adaptive response induced by low dose irradiation of 153Sm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhu Shoupeng; Xiao Dong


    The present study engages in determining whether low dose irradiation of 153 Sm could cut down the responsiveness of cellular survival to subsequent high dose exposure of 153 Sm so as to make an inquiry into approach the protective action of adaptive response by second irradiation of 153 Sm. Experimental results indicate that for inductive low dose of radionuclide 153 Sm 3.7 kBq/ml irradiated beforehand to cells has obvious resistant effect in succession after high dose irradiation of 153 Sm 3.7 x 10 2 kBq/ml was observed. Cells exposed to low dose irradiation of 153 Sm become adapted and therefore the subsequent cellular survival rate induced by high dose of 153 Sm is sufficiently higher than high dose of 153 Sm merely. It is evident that cellular survival adaptive response could be induced by pure low dose irradiation of 153 Sm only

  12. PVD Ti coatings on Sm-Co magnets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bovda, O.M.; Bovda, V.O.; Garkusha, I.E.; Leonov, S.O.; Onishchenko, L.V.; Tereshin, V.I.; Totrika, O.S.; Chen, C.H.


    The combination of conventional ion-plasma deposition (PVD) and pulsed plasma technologies (PPT) has been applied for rare-earth Sm-Co based magnets, to provide them with enhanced corrosion resistance. The influence of pulsed plasma treatment on Sm-Co magnets with deposited titanium PVD coatings has been investigated. It was revealed that thickness of modified layer significantly depends on the thickness of initial titanium film and plasma treatment regimes. As a result of plasma treatment with energy density of 30 J/cm 2 and pulse duration of ∼ 5 μs fine-grained layer with the thickness of 70 microns has been formed on the Sm-Co magnet with pure titanium film of 50 micron. According to SEM analyses considerable diffusion of titanium to the bulk of the magnet, on the depth of 20 microns, took place. Such reaction enhances strong bonding between the coating and the magnet

  13. Magnetic anisotropies in SmCo thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, K.


    A systemic study of the deposition processes and magnetic properties for the Sm-Co film system has been carried out. Films of Sm-Co system with various magnetic anisotropies have been synthesized through sputter deposition in both crystalline and amorphous phases. The origins of various anisotropies have been studied. Thermalized sputter deposition process control was used to synthesize Fe enriched Sm-Co films with rhombohedral Th 2 Zn 17 type structure. The film exhibited unusually strong textures with the crystallographic c axes of the crystallites aligned in the film plane. A large anisotropy was resulted with easy axis in the film plane. A well defined and large in-the-film-plane anisotropy of exceptionally high value of 3.3 x 10 6 erg/cm 3 has been obtained in the amorphous SmCo films by applying a magnetic field in the film plane during deposition. It was found that the in-the-film-plane anisotropy depended essentially on the applied field and Sm concentration. For films not synthesized through thermallized sputtering, the easy axis of the film could reoriented. A perpendicular anisotropy was also presented in the film synthesized through thermallized sputtering deposition. A large in-plane anisotropy was obtained in films deposited above ambient temperatures. It was concluded that the surface induced short range ordering was the origin of the in-the-film-phase anisotropy observed in amorphous film deposited in the presence of a magnetic field. The formation mechanism was different from that of the short range ordering induced by field annealing. The perpendicular anisotropy was shown to be growth induced. Large in-plane anisotropy in amorphous films was resulted form partial crystallization in the film. Both the formation of growth induced structure and partial crystallization in the film prevented the formation of the pair ordering and decreased in-the-film-plane anisotropy

  14. Mixed Messages from Garnet Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd Geochronology (United States)

    Vervoort, J. D.; Wang, D.; Johnson, T. A.


    Garnet geochronology provides important information on the timing and conditions of metamorphism. As a major indicator mineral formed during metamorphism, its direct dating can not only help establish the timing of metamorphism, provide the "t" for P-T-t paths, but also, if the dated garnet can be placed in a textural context, can provide information on the timing of deformational features. With advances in chemistry and mass spectrometry, garnet Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd geochronology has become an important geochronological tool and we can now reliably (if not routinely) date a wide variety of garnet compositions formed under diverse conditions. In the course of dating a variety of lithologies using both Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd isotope systems, however, some intriguing results have emerged. Although there are many examples where the Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd systems give the same date within uncertainty, there are also many cases where these systems yield significantly different dates, and the differences between these dates can be considerable—many 10's of Ma of and even 100's of Ma. For example, in garnet-bearing Mesoproterozoic gneisses from across the Blue Ridge Province in Virginia, both Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd analyses (determined on the same solutions) define narrow time spans, but with the Sm-Nd dates systematically younger (for orthogneisses Lu-Hf dates are 1032 to 1019 Ma whereas Sm-Nd dates are 965 to 949 Ma—a difference of 67 to 80 Ma). There are many other examples of systematically younger Sm-Nd garnet dates in both the literature and with our ongoing research. Potential explanations for these differences include: 1) strong partitioning of Lu into garnet during growth yielding ages weighted toward the beginning of growth; 2) faster Lu diffusion from high Lu regions after garnet formation, potentially leading to isochron rotation and anomalously old Lu-Hf dates; and 3) differences in closure temperatures of the two isotope systems. We will review several examples of divergent Lu

  15. Füüsilisest isikust ettevõtja kui ettevõtlusvorm, rõhuasetusega varalise vastutuse problemaatikal : [bakalaureusetöö] / Katri Tomson ; Tartu Ülikool, õigusteaduskond ; juhendaja: Peeter Jerofejev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tomson, Katri, 1981-


    FIE kui ettevõtlusvorm - lihtne, aga vastutusrikas, varalise vastutuse problemaatika (vastutusele allutatud vara, abielulised suhted FIE varalist vastutust mõjutava asjaoluna, vara, millele ei või pöörata sissenõuet)

  16. Crystal growth of Sm0.3Tb0.7FeO3 and spin reorientation transition in Sm1−xTbxFeO3 orthoferrite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu, Anhua; Wang, Bo; Zhao, Xiangyang; Xie, Tao; Man, Peiwen; Su, Liangbi; Kalashnikova, A.M.; Pisarev, R.V.


    In this work, Sm 0.3 Tb 0.7 FeO 3 single crystal was successfully grown by optical floating zone method. Sm 0.3 Tb 0.7 FeO 3 samples with a-, b-, and c-orientation were manufactured by means of Laue photograph. Magnetic properties of Sm 0.3 Tb 0.7 FeO 3 single crystals are studied over a wide temperature range from 2 to 400 K. Spin reorientation transition from Γ 2 to Γ 4 are observed by means of the temperature dependence of magnetization It indicated the reorientation transition temperature of Sm 1−x Tb x FeO 3 single crystals is lowered with the contents of Tb contents rising based on this work and our previous works, thus the spin reorientation transition temperature can be adjusted through changing the compound in orthoferrites materials, which means that we can get orthoferrites single crystals with high magnetism property in various temperature through material design. - Highlights: • Sm 0.3 Tb 0.7 FeO 3 single crystals with various compounds were successfully grown by optical floating zone method. • The relation between SRT temperature and composition in Sm 1−x Tb x FeO 3 orthoferrite was indicated. • The spin reorientation transition temperature of Sm 1−x Tb x FeO 3 single crystals can be adjusted through changing the compound in orthoferrites materials.

  17. Low temperature features of the local structure of Sm1-xYxS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Menushenkov, A. P.; Chernikov, R. V.; Sidorov, V. V.; Klementiev, K. V.; Alekseev, P. A.; Rybina, A. V.


    The particular features of the local electronic and local crystal structures of the mixed-valence compound Sm 1-x Y x S are studied by the XAFS spectroscopy methods in the temperature range 20-300 K for the yttrium concentration x = 0.17, 0.25, 0.33, and 0.45. The temperature behavior of the valence of Sm, as well as of the lengths and the Debye-Waller factors of the bonds Sm-S, Sm-Sm(Y), Y-S, and Y-Sm(Y), has been determined. The violation of the Vegard law has been observed. A model for the estimation of the energy width of the 4f level and of its position with respect to the Fermi level is proposed

  18. Kahju tekitaja tsiviilõiguslik vastutus kui kindlustusandja kahju hüvitamise kohustuse eeldus liikluskindlustuses : [magistritöö] / Mari-Liis Tamme ; Tartu Ülikool, õigusteaduskond ; juhendaja: Janno Lahe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tamme, Mari-Liis


    Liikluskindlustuse ja liikluskahju hüvitamise kohustuse üldistest eeldustest, kahju tekitaja vastutuse võimalikest alustest, suurema ohu allikale iseloomuliku riski realiseerumisest kui kindlustusandja kahju hüvitamise kohustuse alusest

  19. Conceptual Design Plan SM-43 Replacement Project

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    University of California, Los Alamos National Laboratory, SCC Project Office


    The Los Alamos National Laboratory Conceptual Design Plan for the SM-43 Replacement Project outlines plans for replacing the SM-43 Administration Building. Topics include the reasons that replacement is considered a necessity; the roles of the various project sponsors; and descriptions of the proposed site and facilities. Also covered in this proposal is preliminary information on the project schedule, cost estimates, acquisition strategy, risk assessment, NEPA strategy, safety strategy, and safeguards and security. Spreadsheets provide further detail on space requirements, project schedules, and cost estimates.

  20. Color tunability of Sm{sup 3+} doped antimony–phosphate glass phosphors showing broadband fluorescence

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xiao, P. [School of Textile and Material Engineering, Dalian Polytechnic University, Dalian 116034 (China); Zhang, J.J., E-mail: [School of Textile and Material Engineering, Dalian Polytechnic University, Dalian 116034 (China); Shen, L.F. [Department of Electronic Engineering and State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong (China); Wang, Z.Q. [School of Textile and Material Engineering, Dalian Polytechnic University, Dalian 116034 (China); Pun, E.Y.B. [Department of Electronic Engineering and State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong (China); Lin, H., E-mail: [School of Textile and Material Engineering, Dalian Polytechnic University, Dalian 116034 (China); Department of Electronic Engineering and State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong (China)


    Sm{sup 3+} doped multicomponent antimony phosphate (MSP) luminescent glasses were prepared and tunable white fluorescence has been investigated. Broad visible emission depending on excitation wavelength is validated to be dominated by discrepant Sb{sup 3+} emitting centers. Group of narrow emissions from Sm{sup 3+} is beneficial to adding yellow and red components in Sm{sup 3+} doped MSP glasses, which is strengthened by effective energy transfer from Sb{sup 3+} to Sm{sup 3+}. Excitation wavelength selection and Sm{sup 3+} concentration adjustment are two feasible routes to optimize luminescence color in Sm{sup 3+} doped MSP glasses and the color tunability of fluorescence indicates that amorphous Sm{sup 3+} doped MSP glass phosphors possess potential for ideal white light devices.

  1. Structural and magnetic properties of Fe{sub 2-x}CoSm{sub x}O{sub 4}-nanoparticles and Fe{sub 2-x}CoSm{sub x}O{sub 4}-PDMS magnetoelastomers as a function of Sm content

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ruiz, Mariano M.; Mietta, Jose L.; Soledad Antonel, P. [Instituto de Quimica Fisica de Materiales, Ambiente y Energia (INQUIMAE), Departamento de Quimica Inorganica, Analitica y Quimica Fisica, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Av. Cantilo s/n (1428), Buenos Aires (Argentina); Perez, Oscar E. [Departamento de Industrias, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Av. Cantilo s/n (1428), Buenos Aires (Argentina); Martin Negri, R. [Instituto de Quimica Fisica de Materiales, Ambiente y Energia (INQUIMAE), Departamento de Quimica Inorganica, Analitica y Quimica Fisica, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Av. Cantilo s/n (1428), Buenos Aires (Argentina); Jorge, Guillermo, E-mail: [Instituto de Fisica de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Av. Cantilo s/n (1428), Buenos Aires (Argentina); Instituto de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, J.M. Gutierrez 1150 (1613), Los Polvorines, Buenos Aires (Argentina)


    We have synthesized magnetic Fe{sub 2-x}CoSm{sub x}O{sub 4} nanoparticles (NPs) by means of the coprecipitation method, varying Sm content from x=0 to x=0.5. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy showed agreement between the metal proportion of the obtained nanoparticles and the stoichiometric mixture of cations used for the synthesis. Part of the particles were heated at 800 Degree-Sign C, and both were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope imaging and magnetization measurements. Physical and magnetic properties were analyzed as a function of Sm content, before and after the heating treatment. A phase segregation is found for the calcined nanoparticles with large Sm content. The magnetic remanence, saturation and coercive field were investigated as a function of Sm content for both heated and unheated (as-prepared) particles. Polydimethylsiloxane-NPs magnetoelastomers were prepared and cured under an external uniform magnetic field, obtaining structured anisotropic composites, in which inorganic needles (columnar micrometric structures) oriented in the direction of the magnetic field are formed. Young modulus and remanent magnetic moment were measured and magnetization time relaxation experiments were performed in the directions parallel and perpendicular to the needles in order to determine the magnetic and elastic anisotropy of the composites. The elastic modulus measured parallel to the needles resulted almost twice in magnitude with respect to the perpendicular modulus. The measured magnetic anisotropy of the composites is probably due to the enhanced interparticle interaction within a needle and the freezing of an preferred easy axis distribution among the particles at the curing process. - Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer We study magnetic and physical properties of Sm-substituted Fe{sub 2}CoO{sub 4} nanoparticles. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Magnetic nanoparticles were synthesized by the coprecipitation method. Black

  2. The effect of Sm-doping on optical properties of LaB6 nanoparticles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chao, Luomeng; Bao, Lihong; Shi, Junjie; Wei, Wei; Tegus, O.; Zhang, Zhidong


    Highlights: • Nanoparticles of Sm-doped LaB 6 have been prepared by solid state reaction. • All samples exhibit high absorbance in NIR range and UV range. • The increase of Sm-doping amount shifts the position of minimum absorptance value. • The optical properties of Sm-doped LaB 6 were interpreted by DFT theory. - Abstract: Nanocrystalline particles of LaB 6 , SmB 6 and Sm-doped LaB 6 have been prepared by a solid-state reaction in order to investigate the optical properties of ternary rare-earth hexaborides. The sizes of prepared nanoparticles range from dozens to more than 200 nm, as confirmed by XRD, SEM and TEM examinations. The optical property concerning the absorption spectra was tested with ultraviolet-visible-near infrared (UV-vis-NIR) absorption spectrum. All samples exhibit high absorbance in NIR range and UV range. The increase of Sm-doping amount shifts the position of minimum absorptance value of LaB 6 to the long-wave direction. Density functional theory (DFT) is employed to interpret the optical properties of Sm-doped LaB 6 , and results indicate that Sm 4f states change the DOS at near Fermi surface of LaB 6 after Sm doping and the reduced number of conduction electrons results into the change of absorption spectra

  3. Electrospinning fabrication and luminescent properties of SrMoO4:Sm3+ nanofibers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Du Pingfan; Song Lixin; Xiong Jie; Cao Houbao; Xi Zhenqiang; Guo Shaoyi; Wang Naiyan; Chen Jianjun


    Highlights: ► SrMoO 4 :Sm 3+ fluorescent nanofibers were fabricated by electrospinning. ► The properties of the SrMoO 4 :Sm 3+ nanofibers were investigated. ► The obtained nanofibers exhibit a fine orange-red fluorescent property. ► The PL intensity of the nanofibers is superior to the nanoparticles counterpart. ► The optimum doping concentration of Sm 3+ in the host lattice is 2 at.%. - Abstract: Samarium ions doped strontium molybdate (SrMoO 4 :Sm 3+ ) nanofibers (NFs) were fabricated by a simple electrospinning process. The obtained SrMoO 4 :Sm 3+ NFs are composed of scheelite-type tetragonal SrMoO 4 phase, and the NFs have an average diameter of ca. 90 nm. Under 275 nm ultraviolet (UV) excitation, the NFs show an orange-red fluorescent property symbolized by a characteristic emission (606 nm) resulting from the 4 G 5/2 → 6 H 7/2 energy level transition of Sm 3+ . And the photoluminescence (PL) emissi on intensity of the SrMoO 4 :Sm 3+ NFs is superior to that of the nanoparticles (NPs) counterpart under the same doping concentrations. The effect of Sm 3+ concentrations on the 4 G 5/2 → 6 H 7/2 emission intensity was also investigated. The result reveals that the concentration quenching will occur when the Sm 3+ content exceeds 2 at.%. In other words, the SrMoO 4 :Sm 3+ NFs have an optimal luminescent performance under such a doping concentration.

  4. Surface coating and magnetic properties of Sm2Fe17Nx materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Noguchi, K.; Machida, K.; Nishimura, M.; Adachi, G.


    Surface coating for finely ground Sm 2 Fe 17 N x (x=-3) powders (diameter 2 Fe 17 N x and (Zn,In)/Cu/Sm 2 Fe 17 N x , showed good oxidation-resistivity and thermal stability compared with the samples prepared without the Cu metal pre-coating, Zn/Sm 2 Fe 17 N x . The epoxy resin- or In metal-bonded magnets produced from the above coated powders, Zn/Cu/Sm 2 Fe 17 N x and (Zn,In)/Cu/Sm 2 Fe 17 N x , under warm molding conditions provided a flux loss of around -15% after standing in air at 120 C for 1000 h, but 30-40% for the conventional injection-type resin-bonded magnets prepared from Nd-Fe-B powders. (orig.)

  5. Transcription Factor SmWRKY1 Positively Promotes the Biosynthesis of Tanshinones in Salvia miltiorrhiza

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wenzhi Cao


    Full Text Available Tanshinones, one group of bioactive diterpenes, were widely used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. WRKYs play important roles in plant metabolism, but their regulation mechanism in Salvia miltiorrhiza remains elusive. In this study, one WRKY transcription factor SmWRKY1 was isolated and functionally characterized from S. miltiorrhiza. Multiple sequence alignment and phylogenetic tree analysis showed SmWRKY1 shared high homology with other plant WRKYs such as CrWRKY1. SmWRKY1 was found predominantly expressed in leaves and stems, and was responsive to salicylic acid (SA, methyl jasmonate (MeJA, and nitric oxide (NO treatment. Subcellular localization analysis found that SmWRKY1 was localized in the nucleus. Over-expression of SmWRKY1 significantly elevated the transcripts of genes coding for enzymes in the MEP pathway especially 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase (SmDXS and 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate reductoisomerase (SmDXR, resulted in over fivefold increase in tanshinones production in transgenic lines (up to 13.7 mg/g DW compared with the control lines. A dual-luciferase (Dual-LUC assay showed that SmWRKY1 can positively regulate SmDXR expression by binding to its promoter. Our work revealed that SmWRKY1 participated in the regulation of tanshinones biosynthesis and acted as a positive regulator through activating SmDXR in the MEP pathway, thus provided a new insight to further explore the regulation mechanism of tanshinones biosynthesis.

  6. Investigation of the oxidative processes in intermetallic Sm Co5 powder during heat treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Talijan, Nadezda M.; Milutinovic-Nikolic, Aleksandra; Stajic-Trosic, Jasna T.; Jovanovic, Zarko D.


    Understanding of the thermal stability of intermetallic Sm Co 5 powder is essential for designing the working atmosphere in all phases of the technological procedure in the production of sintered Sm Co 5 magnets to obtain maximal magnetic properties. The thermal stability of the Sm Co 5 powder with defined chemical composition and particle size was investigated in the interval from 20 to 900 deg C. Commercial Sm Co 5 powder was used in this experiment. The powder was milled in anhydrous toluene in an agate mortar to fine powder of quality used in the production of sintered magnets. All the experiments were carried out with powder of an average particle size of 7.23μm, established by SEM. THe thermal stability of the Sm Co 5 powder in static air atmosphere was investigated by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) using a DuPont Thermal Analyzer. Investigation of the behaviour of Sm Co 5 powder during heating was carried out using new samples of Sm Co 5 powder for each of the investigated temperature cycles. It was found by TGA that up to 200 deg C, the oxidation of Sm Co 5 was negligible. X-ray diffraction of the thermogravimetric experimental residue of the Sm Co 5 powder, heated at 240 deg C, yielded only the presence of the Sm Co 5 phase. By X-ray diffraction different crystal forms were identified depending on the maximal heating temperature. The following phases were identified: Sm 2 O 3 , Co, Co O, Co 3 O 4 and Sm Co O 3 . According to TG and X-ray results, for each of the investigated temperatures, the corresponding chemical reactions were established. The experimental data from both the thermal and X-ray investigations confirm that the phases of pressing and aligning the Sm Co 5 powder, in the process of producing sintered Sm Co 5 magnets, may be performed without a protective atmosphere. (author)

  7. The biodistribution and kinetics of the 153Sm labelled avidin, streptavidin and biotin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Guiping; Zhu Chengmo; Jiang Xufeng; Feng Guowei; Zhang Shengguo


    Due to the high affinity of biotin to Av or SA. The authors labelled a biotin derivative (DTPA-biotin) with 153 Sm and then bound this 153 Sm labelled DTPA-biotin to Av or SA. The in vivo kinetics and biodistribution of 153 Sm labelled Av, SA and DTPA-biotin were studied in the rat and mice. The results demonstrated that 153 Sm-Av cleared from the blood rapidly with high liver and renal uptake; 153 Sm-SA cleared from blood slowly with high retention in liver, spleen and kidney, whereas 153 Sm metabolize more fast, and excreted mainly through the kidney. Thereby, the biodistribution difference of SA and Av mentioned above provided an experimental basis for the selection of different components of A-V system in pre-targeting radio-immuno imaging and radioimmunotherapy

  8. The microwave absorbing properties of SmCo attached single wall carbon nanotube/epoxy composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu, Liming; Li, Bo; Sheng, Leimei; An, Kang; Zhao, Xinluo


    Highlights: •The SmCo nanoparticles attached SWCNTs were prepared by dc arc discharge method. •The nano-composite prepared by a rare earth permanent magnet Sm 2 Co 17 as catalyst. •The SmCo attached SWCNT/epoxy composites have an excellent electromagnetic matching characteristics. •The reflection loss and bandwidth below −20 dB of the composite can reach −23.7 dB, 6.2 GHz, respectively. -- Abstract: The SmCo nanoparticles attached single wall carbon nanotubes (SmCo attached SWCNTs) were prepared by hydrogen dc arc discharge method using 2:17 type SmCo permanent powder as catalyst. The SmCo attached SWCNT/epoxy composites with different doping ratios were investigated in the frequency region of 2–18 GHz. The complex permittivity and permeability of the SmCo attached SWCNT/epoxy composites were calculated. The reflection loss properties were simulated by transmission line theory and the microwave absorptive mechanisms were discussed. The results indicate that, due to the better interfacial polarization absorption mechanism of SmCo attached SWCNTs and the electromagnetic (EM) matching of magnetic loss and dielectric loss, the microwave absorption properties of SmCo attached SWCNT/epoxy are evidently improved. When the SmCo attached SWCNTs is doped by 1 wt%, the composite display a larger and wider absorption peak, and the bandwidth of the reflection loss below −20 dB is larger than 6 GHz with the thickness of 3.3 mm. It is expected that the new SmCo attached SWCNT/epoxy composites will be a good microwave absorbing material for the applications in X band, Ku band, or even K band

  9. Sm 3+-doped polymer optical waveguide amplifiers (United States)

    Huang, Lihui; Tsang, Kwokchu; Pun, Edwin Yue-Bun; Xu, Shiqing


    Trivalent samarium ion (Sm 3+) doped SU8 polymer materials were synthesized and characterized. Intense red emission at 645 nm was observed under UV laser light excitation. Spectroscopic investigations show that the doped materials are suitable for realizing planar optical waveguide amplifiers. About 100 μm wide multimode Sm 3+-doped SU8 channel waveguides were fabricated using a simple UV exposure process. At 250 mW, 351 nm UV pump power, a signal enhancement of ˜7.4 dB at 645 nm was obtained for a 15 mm long channel waveguide.

  10. Germinal Center Kinases SmKIN3 and SmKIN24 Are Associated with the Sordaria macrospora Striatin-Interacting Phosphatase and Kinase (STRIPAK) Complex. (United States)

    Frey, Stefan; Reschka, Eva J; Pöggeler, Stefanie


    The striatin-interacting phosphatase and kinase (STRIPAK) complex is composed of striatin, protein phosphatase PP2A and protein kinases that regulate development in animals and fungi. In the filamentous ascomycete Sordaria macrospora, it is required for fruiting-body development and cell fusion. Here, we report on the presence and function of STRIPAK-associated kinases in ascomycetes. Using the mammalian germinal center kinases (GCKs) MST4, STK24, STK25 and MINK1 as query, we identified the two putative homologs SmKIN3 and SmKIN24 in S. macrospora. A BLASTP search revealed that both kinases are conserved among filamentous ascomycetes. The physical interaction of the striatin homolog PRO11 with SmKIN3 and SmKIN24 were verified by yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) interaction studies and for SmKIN3 by co-Immunoprecipitation (co-IP). In vivo localization found that both kinases were present at the septa and deletion of both Smkin3 and Smkin24 led to abnormal septum distribution. While deletion of Smkin3 caused larger distances between adjacent septa and increased aerial hyphae, deletion of Smkin24 led to closer spacing of septa and to sterility. Although phenotypically distinct, both kinases appear to function independently because the double-knockout strain ΔSmkin3/ΔSmkin24 displayed the combined phenotypes of each single-deletion strain.

  11. Germinal Center Kinases SmKIN3 and SmKIN24 Are Associated with the Sordaria macrospora Striatin-Interacting Phosphatase and Kinase (STRIPAK Complex.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stefan Frey

    Full Text Available The striatin-interacting phosphatase and kinase (STRIPAK complex is composed of striatin, protein phosphatase PP2A and protein kinases that regulate development in animals and fungi. In the filamentous ascomycete Sordaria macrospora, it is required for fruiting-body development and cell fusion. Here, we report on the presence and function of STRIPAK-associated kinases in ascomycetes. Using the mammalian germinal center kinases (GCKs MST4, STK24, STK25 and MINK1 as query, we identified the two putative homologs SmKIN3 and SmKIN24 in S. macrospora. A BLASTP search revealed that both kinases are conserved among filamentous ascomycetes. The physical interaction of the striatin homolog PRO11 with SmKIN3 and SmKIN24 were verified by yeast two-hybrid (Y2H interaction studies and for SmKIN3 by co-Immunoprecipitation (co-IP. In vivo localization found that both kinases were present at the septa and deletion of both Smkin3 and Smkin24 led to abnormal septum distribution. While deletion of Smkin3 caused larger distances between adjacent septa and increased aerial hyphae, deletion of Smkin24 led to closer spacing of septa and to sterility. Although phenotypically distinct, both kinases appear to function independently because the double-knockout strain ΔSmkin3/ΔSmkin24 displayed the combined phenotypes of each single-deletion strain.

  12. Interaction mode between methylene blue-Sm(III) complex and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Spectroscopic and viscosity methods were applied to investigate the interaction between methylene blue (MB)-Sm(III) complex and herring sperm DNA by using acridine orange as a spectral probe in Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.40). By means of molar ratio method, the binding ratios between MB-Sm(III)and DNA were determined ...

  13. Coilin phosphorylation mediates interaction with SMN and SmB′ (United States)

    Toyota, Cory G.; Davis, Misty D.; Cosman, Angela M.; Hebert, Michael D.


    Cajal bodies (CBs) are subnuclear domains that participate in spliceosomal small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) biogenesis and play a part in the assembly of the spliceosomal complex. The CB marker protein, coilin, interacts with survival of motor neuron (SMN) and Sm proteins. Several coilin phosphoresidues have been identified by mass spectrometric analysis. Phosphorylation of coilin affects its self-interaction and localization in the nucleus. We hypothesize that coilin phosphorylation also impacts its binding to SMN and Sm proteins. In vitro binding studies with a C-terminal fragment of coilin and corresponding phosphomimics show that SMN binds preferentially to dephosphorylated analogs and that SmB′ binds preferentially to phosphomimetic constructs. Bacterially expressed full-length coilin binds more SMN and SmB′ than does the C-terminal fragment. Co-immunoprecipitation and phosphatase experiments show that SMN also binds dephosphorylated coilin in vivo. These data show that phosphorylation of coilin influences interaction with its target proteins and, thus, may be significant in managing the flow of snRNPs through the CB. PMID:19997741

  14. Coilin phosphorylation mediates interaction with SMN and SmB'. (United States)

    Toyota, Cory G; Davis, Misty D; Cosman, Angela M; Hebert, Michael D


    Cajal bodies (CBs) are subnuclear domains that participate in spliceosomal small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) biogenesis and play a part in the assembly of the spliceosomal complex. The CB marker protein, coilin, interacts with survival of motor neuron (SMN) and Sm proteins. Several coilin phosphoresidues have been identified by mass spectrometric analysis. Phosphorylation of coilin affects its self-interaction and localization in the nucleus. We hypothesize that coilin phosphorylation also impacts its binding to SMN and Sm proteins. In vitro binding studies with a C-terminal fragment of coilin and corresponding phosphomimics show that SMN binds preferentially to dephosphorylated analogs and that SmB' binds preferentially to phosphomimetic constructs. Bacterially expressed full-length coilin binds more SMN and SmB' than does the C-terminal fragment. Co-immunoprecipitation and phosphatase experiments show that SMN also binds dephosphorylated coilin in vivo. These data show that phosphorylation of coilin influences interaction with its target proteins and, thus, may be significant in managing the flow of snRNPs through the CB.

  15. Dilatometric and dielectric behaviour of Sm modified PCT ceramics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, Sarabjit; Thakur, O.P.; Prakash, Chandra; Raina, K.K.


    Samarium modified PCT ceramics with composition (Pb 0.76-x Sm x Ca 0.24 )(Ti 0.98 Mn 0.02 )O 3 ; x=0-0.08 in steps of 0.02 were prepared by conventional mixed-oxide method. Detailed dilatometric studies were carried out for green specimens in order to study sintering behaviour. Change in the dilatometric behaviour is correlated with the XRD results of powders calcined at different temperatures. Dielectric constant was observed to increase with increasing Sm concentration, which has been attributed to reduced tetragonality and better densification on Sm substitution. SEM micrographs have revealed the grain size of the samples. Ferroelectric hysteresis behaviour was studied for all the compositions

  16. Angle-resolved photoemission investigation of SmB{sub 6}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hlawenka, Peter; Rader, Oliver; Siemensmeyer, Konrad; Weschke, Eugen; Varykhalov, Andrei; Rienks, Emile [Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (Germany); Shitsevalova, Natalya [Institute for Problems of Material Science, Kiev (Ukraine); Gabani, Slavomir; Flachbart, Karol [IEP, Slovak Academy of Science, Kosice (Slovakia)


    Recently the mixed valence compound SmB{sub 6} has drawn great attention. Theoretically predicted surface states, which should result from a hybridisation of localised f-bands with conduction electrons and a band inversion, would make SmB{sub 6} the first realisation of a so called topological Kondo insulator. Conductivity and transport measurements, as well as spin-resolved photoemission spectroscopy seem to fortify the scenario of a topological nature of the conductive surface. We investigate the surface electronic structure of SmB{sub 6} by means of high resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements below 1 K. We will present new insights into the surface states that determine the low temperature conductivity of this material.

  17. Labelling of MoAb with 153SmH1ETA: Preliminary results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferro-Flores, G.; De, F.; Ramirez, M.; Pedraza-Lopez, M.; Tendilla, J.I.; Melendez-Alafort, L.; Murphy, C.A.


    A method to label MoAb with Sm-153 using 1,5,9,13-tetraazacyclohexadecane N,N',N'',N''' tetraacetic acid (H 4 ETA) as a bifunctional chelator was developed. H 4 ETA and SmH 1 ETA were synthesized in our laboratory and characterized by IR spectroscopy, TGA (thermogravimetric analysis), SEM (Scattering Electronic Microscopy), EDAX (Elemental Dispersion Analysis by X-rays) and EPR (Electron Paramagnetic Resonance) at 6 K. The 153 SmH 1 ETAMoAb was prepared by a simple incubation of the MoAb ior cea1, and the 153 SmH 1 ETA complex at neutral pH and at room temperature for 24 h. The specific activity of the labelled antibody was 111 MBq/mg (3 mCi/mg). Sm-153(III) is commercially available with specific activities up to 318.2 GBq/mg. Therefore, under the conditions described above 153 SmH 1 ETA labelled MoAb could be obtained with specific activity up to 1.14 GBq/mg (30.7 mCi/mg). (author)

  18. Symmetries for SM Alignment in multi-Higgs Doublet Models

    CERN Document Server

    Pilaftsis, Apostolos


    We derive the complete set of maximal symmetries for Standard Model (SM) alignment that may occur in the tree-level scalar potential of multi-Higgs Doublet Models, with $n > 2$ Higgs doublets. Our results generalize the symmetries of SM alignment, without decoupling of large mass scales or fine-tuning, previously obtained in the context of two-Higgs Doublet Models.

  19. The constitution of alloys in the Al-rich corner of the Al-Si-Sm ternary system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Markoli, B.; Spaic, S.; Zupanic, F.


    The constitution of alloys and the liquidus surface in the Al-rich corner of the Al-Si-Sm ternary system were determined by the examination of controlled heated and cooled specimens, as well as heat-treated specimens by means of optical and scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, differential thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction. The Al-rich corner of the Al-Si-Sm ternary system comprises five regions of primary crystallisation (α Al , β Si , Al 3 Sm, Al 2 Si 2 Sm and AlSiSm) with following characteristic invariant reaction sequences: ternary eutectic reaction L → α Al + β Si + Al 2 Si 2 Sm, and two liquidus transition reactions, i. e., L + Al 3 Sm → α Al + AlSiSm, and L + AlSiSm → α Al + Al 2 Si 2 Sm. Along with the position of ternary eutectic and both interstitial points in the Al-rich corner of the Al-Si-Sm ternary system, the temperatures for each reaction were determined. (orig.)

  20. Facile synthesis of Sm-doped BiFeO{sub 3} nanoparticles for enhanced visible light photocatalytic performance

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hu, Zijun; Chen, Da, E-mail:; Wang, Sen; Zhang, Ning; Qin, Laishun, E-mail:; Huang, Yuexiang


    Highlights: • Effective Sm doping into BiFeO{sub 3} nanoparticles was obtained by a facile sol-gel route. • Band gap of Sm-doped BiFeO{sub 3} nanoparticles was regulated by the dopant concentration. • Sm-doped BiFeO{sub 3} nanoparticles exhibited superior photocatalytic activities. • The possible photocatalytic mechanism of Sm-doped BiFeO{sub 3} nanospheres was discussed. - Abstract: In this work, the effect of Sm doping on the structural and photocatalytic properties of BiFeO{sub 3} (BFO) was investigated. A series of Sm doped BFO nanoparticles containing different Sm dopant contents (Bi{sub (1−x)}Sm{sub x}FeO{sub 3}, x = 0.00, 0.01, 0.03, 0.05, 0.07, 0.10) were synthesized via a simple sol-gel route. It was revealed that Sm{sup 3+} ions were successfully doped into BFO nanoparticles, and the band gap value was gradually decreased when increasing Sm dopant concentration. The photocatalytic activity of Sm-doped BFO photocatalyst was significantly affected by the Sm doping content. Compared to pure BFO, the Sm-doped BFO samples exhibited much higher photocatalytic activity. The improved photocatalytic activity of Sm-doped BFO could be attributed to the enhanced visible light absorption and the efficient separation of photogenerated electrons and holes derived from Sm dopant trapping level in the Sm-doped BFO samples. In addition, the possible photocatalytic mechanism of Sm-doped BFO photocatalyst was also proposed.

  1. Lifetime measurements of the excited states in {sup 145} Sm

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    El-Badry, A M; Abdel Samie, Sh; Ahmad, A A [Depatment of Physics, Faculty of Science, ElMinia University, ElMinia, (Egypt); Kuroyanagi, T; Odahara, A; Gono, Y; Morinobu, S [Tandem Accelerator Laboratory, Department of Physics, Kyushu University, (Japan)


    Lifetime of the excited levels in {sup 145} Sm has been measured through the {sup 139} La ({sup 10} B, 4 n){sup 145} Sm nuclear reaction. The optimal beam energy of 49 MeV was determined from the measurements of the excitation function and Cascade program. With the possibility of studying lifetime of this nucleus a conventional plunger system have been designed and constructed at kyushu University tandem accelerator laboratory. A La target of 0.22 mg/cm{sup 2} thickness which was evaporated onto a Au foil of 2 mg/cm{sup 2} thickness was used. Since the recoil velocity was estimated to be 1.76 mm/ns (beta 0.00585), the measurable time range resulted in the range from 5 Ps to 5 ns. The single spectra measurements were performed at the 20 plunger positions in the range from 10 {mu} to 10 mm. Analyses of the data were carried using hypermet and/or GF2 program to obtain the lifetimes. A new list of lifetimes for 12 excited states up to 3.922 MeV excitations for {sup 145} Sm were determined for the first time. Decay curves of the these transitions are discussed. The new lifetimes of excited states in {sup 145} Sm enabled us to understand the electromagnetic properties. The deduced transition probabilities were established and compared with that of N = 83 isotones and the closed shell nucleus {sup 144} Sm. In addition, a nuclear structure of {sup 145} Sm have been discussed and proposed in framework of the shell model. 4 figs., 1 tab.

  2. SM*A*S*H (Standard Model*Axion*Seesaw*Higgs portal inflation)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ringwald, Andreas


    We present a minimal model for particle physics and cosmology. The Standard Model (SM) particle content is extended by three right-handed SM-singlet neutrinos N_i and a vector-like quark Q, all of them being charged under a global lepton number and Peccei-Quinn (PQ) U(1) symmetry which is spontaneously broken by the vacuum expectation value υ_σ∝10"1"1 GeV of a SM-singlet complex scalar field σ. Five fundamental problems - neutrino oscillations, baryogenesis, dark matter, inflation, strong CP problem - are solved at one stroke in this model, dubbed ''SM*A*S*H'' (Standard Model*Axion*Seesaw*Higgs portal inflation). It can be probed decisively by upcoming cosmic microwave background and axion dark matter experiments.

  3. Tuning the Magnetic Properties and Structural Stabilities of the 2-17-3 Magnets Sm2Fe17X3 (X =C , N) by Substituting La or Ce for Sm (United States)

    Pandey, Tribhuwan; Du, Mao-Hua; Parker, David S.


    Designing a permanent magnet with reduced critical rare-earth content is of paramount importance in the development of cost-effective modern technologies. By performing comprehensive first-principles calculations, we investigate the potential avenues for reducing the critical rare-earth content in Sm2Fe17N3 and Sm2Fe17C3 by making a La or Ce substitution for Sm. The calculated magnetic properties of base compounds are in good agreement with the previous low-temperature (4.2-K) experimental measurements, and they show a large axial anisotropy. Although La or Ce substitution results in a slight reduction of magnetic anisotropy, the magnetic moments of Fe atoms mostly remain unchanged. Specifically, large axial anisotropies of 7.2 and 4.1 MJ /m3 are obtained for SmCeFe17 N3 and SmLaFe17 N3 , respectively. These values of anisotropies are comparable to the state-of-the-art permanent magnet Nd2 Fe14 B . The foremost limitation of Sm2 Fe17X3 magnets for practical application is the formation nitrogen or carbon vacancies at high temperatures. By calculating the N- (C)- vacancy formation energy, we show that La or Ce substitution enhances the vacancy formation energy. This enhanced vacancy formation energy will likely improve the thermodynamic stability of these alloys at high temperatures. Therefore, La- or Ce-substituted Sm2Fe17C3 and Sm2Fe17N3 compounds are promising candidates for high-performance permanent magnets with substantially reduced rare-earth content.

  4. Propagation of Nd magnetic phases in Nd/Sm(001) superlattices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soriano, S; Dufour, C; Dumesnil, K; Stunault, A


    The propagation of Nd long range magnetic order in the hexagonal and cubic sublattices has been investigated in double hexagonal compact Nd/Sm(001) superlattices by resonant x-ray magnetic scattering at the Nd L 2 absorption edge. For a superlattice with 3.7 nm thick Sm layers, the magnetic structure of the hexagonal sublattice propagates coherently through several bilayers, whereas the order in the cubic sublattice remains confined to single Nd blocks. For a superlattice with 1.4 nm thick Sm layers, the magnetic structures of both sublattices appear to propagate coherently through the superlattice. This is the first observation (i) of the long range coherent propagation of Nd order on the cubic sites between Nd blocks and (ii) of a different thickness dependence of the propagation of the Nd magnetic phases associated with the hexagonal and cubic sublattices. The propagation of the Nd magnetic order through Sm is interpreted in terms of generalized susceptibility of the Nd conduction electrons

  5. The simultaneous mass and energy evaporation (SM2E) model. (United States)

    Choudhary, Rehan; Klauda, Jeffery B


    In this article, the Simultaneous Mass and Energy Evaporation (SM2E) model is presented. The SM2E model is based on theoretical models for mass and energy transfer. The theoretical models systematically under or over predicted at various flow conditions: laminar, transition, and turbulent. These models were harmonized with experimental measurements to eliminate systematic under or over predictions; a total of 113 measured evaporation rates were used. The SM2E model can be used to estimate evaporation rates for pure liquids as well as liquid mixtures at laminar, transition, and turbulent flow conditions. However, due to limited availability of evaporation data, the model has so far only been tested against data for pure liquids and binary mixtures. The model can take evaporative cooling into account and when the temperature of the evaporating liquid or liquid mixture is known (e.g., isothermal evaporation), the SM2E model reduces to a mass transfer-only model.

  6. X-ray induced Sm{sup 3+} to Sm{sup 2+} conversion in fluorophosphate and fluoroaluminate glasses for the monitoring of high-doses in microbeam radiation therapy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vahedi, Shahrzad; Okada, Go; Morrell, Brian; Muzar, Edward; Koughia, Cyril; Kasap, Safa [Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 5A9 (Canada); Edgar, Andy; Varoy, Chris [School of Chemical and Physical Sciences and MacDiarmid Institute, Victoria University of Wellington, Kelburn Parade (New Zealand); Belev, George; Wysokinski, Tomasz [Canadian Light Source, Inc., University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 0X4 (Canada); Chapman, Dean [Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 5E5 (Canada)


    Fluorophosphate and fluoroaluminate glasses doped with trivalent samarium were evaluated as sensors of x-ray radiation for microbeam radiation therapy at the Canadian Light Source using the conversion of trivalent Sm{sup 3+} to the divalent form Sm{sup 2+}. Both types of glasses show similar conversion rates and may be used as a linear sensor up to {approx}150 Gy and as a nonlinear sensor up to {approx}2400 Gy, where saturation is reached. Experiments with a multi-slit collimator show high spatial resolution of the conversion pattern; the pattern was acquired by a confocal fluorescence microscopy technique. The effects of previous x-ray exposure may be erased by annealing at temperatures exceeding the glass transition temperature T{sub g} while annealing at T{sub A} < T{sub g} enhances the Sm conversion. This enhancement is explained by a thermally stimulated relaxation of host glass ionic matrix surrounding x-ray induced Sm{sup 2+} ions. In addition, some of the Sm{sup 3+}-doped glasses were codoped with Eu{sup 2+}-ions but the results show that there is no marked improvement in the conversion efficiency by the introduction of Eu{sup 2+}.

  7. The constitution of alloys in the Al-rich corner of the Al-Si-Sm ternary system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Markoli, B.; Spaic, S. [Ljubljana Univ. (Slovenia). Faculty of Natural Science and Engineering; Zupanic, F. [Maribor Univ. (Slovenia). Faculty of Mechanical Engineering


    The constitution of alloys and the liquidus surface in the Al-rich corner of the Al-Si-Sm ternary system were determined by the examination of controlled heated and cooled specimens, as well as heat-treated specimens by means of optical and scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, differential thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction. The Al-rich corner of the Al-Si-Sm ternary system comprises five regions of primary crystallisation ({alpha}{sub Al}, {beta}{sub Si}, Al{sub 3}Sm, Al{sub 2}Si{sub 2}Sm and AlSiSm) with following characteristic invariant reaction sequences: ternary eutectic reaction L {yields} {alpha}{sub Al} + {beta}{sub Si} + Al{sub 2}Si{sub 2}Sm, and two liquidus transition reactions, i. e., L + Al{sub 3}Sm {yields} {alpha}{sub Al} + AlSiSm, and L + AlSiSm {yields} {alpha}{sub Al} + Al{sub 2}Si{sub 2}Sm. Along with the position of ternary eutectic and both interstitial points in the Al-rich corner of the Al-Si-Sm ternary system, the temperatures for each reaction were determined. (orig.)

  8. In vivo efficacy of SM-8668 (Sch 39304), a new oral triazole antifungal agent. (United States)

    Tanio, T; Ichise, K; Nakajima, T; Okuda, T


    SM-8668 (Sch 39304) is a new oral antifungal agent which we evaluated in comparison with fluconazole in various fungal infection models. The prophylactic effect of SM-8668 was excellent against systemic candidiasis, aspergillosis, and cryptococcosis in mice. The 50% effective dose for SM-8668 was assessed at 10 days after infection and was 0.18, 3.7, and 5.9 mg/kg (body weight), respectively, for the above-mentioned fungal diseases. Fluconazole was about four times less effective than SM-8668 against systemic candidiasis and was only slightly effective at doses of 80 and 25 mg/kg against systemic aspergilosis and cryptococcosis, respectively. SM-8668 was also about four to eight times more active than fluconazole against vaginal candidiasis in rats and against dermatophytic infection in guinea pigs. In addition, topical SM-8668 was as effective as topical miconazole or tioconazole against skin mycosis in guinea pigs. After oral administration, SM-8668 showed a maximum concentration in serum similar to that of fluconazole in both mice and rats, but the elimination half-life and area under the serum concentration-time curve for SM-8668 were twice those for fluconazole.

  9. Combustion synthesis of micron-sized Sm2Co17 particles via mechanochemical processing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, W.; McCormick, P.G.


    Full text: The spontaneous formation of Sm 2 Co 17 micron-sized particles via a mechanically induced combustion reaction has been investigated. Sm 2 Co 17 alloy particles of 0.1--2 μm in size embedded in a CaO matrix formed directly via a combustion reaction induced by milling the powder mixture of Sm 2 O 3 , CoO, CaO and Ca over a critical time. The micron-sized Sm 2 Co 17 particles were found to have the TbCu 7 -type structure and characterized by a coercivity value of 7.8 kOe while embedded in the CaO matrix. The effect of subsequent heat treatment on the structure and magnetic properties of as-milled samples was also investigated. Removal of the CaO by a carefully controlled washing process yielded micron-sized Sm 2 Co 17 particles without significant oxidation of the particles. These fine Sm 2 Co 17 particles can be used to produce anisotropic bulk or bonded magnets

  10. Arhitektuur kui vastuolude distsipliin : dialoogiline praktika ehk Stereomõtlemise poole = Architecture as a Discipline of Contradictions : Dialogical Practices, or Towards a Stereo-Identity / Indrek Peil

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Peil, Indrek, 1973-


    Analoogilise ja kriitilise dialektika linnaruumis. Arhitektuur kui vastuolude distsipliin. Identiteetide kokkupõrgete kaudu linnaliku sallivuse ja stereofooniliste mudeliteni. Hübriidide lõhestamine. Ettearvamatus - süsteemi ja vea dialektika. Bibliograafia lk. 55. Artikkel põhineb 2004. a. Berliinis toimunud konverentsil "Architecture and Identity" peetud ettekandel

  11. Structural and magnetic properties of SmCo-based magnetic films grown by electron-beam evaporation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Saravanan, P., E-mail: [Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory, Hyderabad 500058 (India); Vinod, V.T.P.; Černík, Miroslav [Institute for Nanomaterials, Advanced Technologies and Innovation, Department of Natural Sciences, Technical University of Liberec, Studentská 1402/2, Liberec 1, 461 17 (Czech Republic); Vishnuraj, R.; Arout Chelvane, J.; Kamat, S.V. [Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory, Hyderabad 500058 (India); Hsu, Jen-Hwa, E-mail: [Department of Physics, National Taiwan University, Taipei 106, Taiwan (China)


    Sub-micron thick Sm–Co films (200 and 300 nm) with selective phase composition are grown on Si (100) substrates by electron-beam evaporation using Sm-lean alloy targets such as Sm{sub 4}Co{sub 96} and Sm{sub 8}Co{sub 92}. The structural and magnetic properties of Sm–Co films are characterized by x-ray diffraction (XRD), field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and super-conducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometer. The Sm–Co films obtained with the Sm{sub 4}Co{sub 96} target exhibit Sm{sub 2}Co{sub 17} as a prominent phase; while the films produced with the Sm{sub 8}Co{sub 92} target show Sm{sub 2}Co{sub 7} as a major phase. Both the Sm–Co films reveal granular morphology; however, the estimated grain size values are slightly lower in the case of Sm{sub 2}Co{sub 7} films, irrespective of their thicknesses. Coercivity (H{sub c}) values of 1.48 and 0.9 kOe are achieved for the as-grown 200-nm thick Sm{sub 2}Co{sub 17} and Sm{sub 2}Co{sub 7}-films. Temperature-dependent magnetization studies confirm that the demagnetization behaviors of these films are consistent with respect to the identified phase composition. Upon rapid thermal annealing, maximum H{sub c} value of 8.4 kOe is achieved for the 200 nm thick Sm{sub 2}Co{sub 17}-films. As far as e-beam evaporated Sm–Co films are concerned, this H{sub c} value is one of the best values reported so far. - Highlights: • Electron-beam evaporation was exploited to grow sub-μm thick Sm–Co films. • Sm{sub 2}Co{sub 7} and Sm{sub 2}Co{sub 17} magnetic phases were crystallized using Sm-lean alloy targets. • Both 200 and 300-nm thick Sm–Co films revealed distinct granular morphology. • Sm–Co films of lower thickness exhibited high H{sub c} and low M{sub s} and vice-versa. • Coercivity value of 8.4 kOe achieved for the 200-nm thick Sm{sub 2}Co{sub 17}-films after RTA.

  12. Blue-green and red photoluminescence in CaTiO3:Sm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Figueiredo, Alberthmeiry T. de; Longo, Valeria M.; Lazaro, Sergio de; Mastelaro, Valmor R.; De Vicente, Fabio S.; Hernandes, Antonio C.; Siu Li, Maximo; Varela, Jose A.; Longo, Elson


    Blue-green and red photoluminescence (PL) emission in structurally disordered CaTiO 3 :Sm (CT:Sm) powders was observed at room temperature with laser excitation at 350.7 nm. The perovskite-like titanate CT:Sm powders prepared by a soft chemical processing at different temperatures of annealing were structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES). The results indicate that the generation of the broad PL band is related to order-disorder degree in the perovskite-like structure

  13. Analysis of urine samples from metastatic bone cancer patients administered 153Sm-EDTMP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goeckeler, W.F.; Stoneburner, L.K.; Price, D.R.; Fordyce, W.A.


    153 Sm-EDTMP is currently undergoing clinical evaluation as a radiotherapeutic agent for the relief of pain associated with cancer metastatic to bone. These clinical studies have demonstrated biodistributions similar to those seen earlier in animals, namely, rapid clearance from blood, selective uptake in bone and in particular metastatic bone lesions. The radioactivity not deposited in bone is cleared through the kidneys into the urine. In this study, urine samples collected from 9 patients injected with 153 Sm-EDTMP underwent complexation analysis via Pharmacia SP-Sephadex C25 cation exchange chromatography. The results showed 96.9 ± 1.7% of the radioactivity in the urine to be present as a complex of 153 Sm. An HPLC method was developed and it was demonstrated that different complexes of 153 Sm could be separated. A non-radioactive analytical standard of the Sm-EDTMP chelate was synthesized, characterized and shown to have the same HPLC retention profile as the 153 -EDTMP drug product. HPLC analysis was performed on six urine samples and in each case a single radioactivity peak with an elution profile the same as that of a 153 Sm-EDTMP standard was observed. These results indicate that the 153 Sm-EDTMP chelate is excreted intact in the urine of patients. (Author)

  14. Enhancing Sm{sup 3+} red emission via energy transfer from Bi{sup 3+}→Sm{sup 3+} based on terbium bridge mechanism in Ca{sub 2}Al{sub 2}SiO{sub 7} phosphors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Minhong; Wang, LiLi; Ran, Weiguang; Ren, Chunyan; Song, Zeling; Shi, Jinsheng, E-mail:


    Currently, the key change for white-LED is to improve the luminescence efficiency of red phosphor. Sm{sup 3+} activated phosphor was considered due to suitable emission position of red light. However, the luminescence intensity in the red region is weak. For enhancing red-emitting of Sm{sup 3+}, Bi{sup 3+} and Tb{sup 3+} ions were introduced into Ca{sub 2}Al{sub 2}SiO{sub 7}:Sm{sup 3+} phosphors based on the concept of energy transfer. For Ca{sub 2}Al{sub 2}SiO{sub 7}:Bi{sup 3+}, Sm{sup 3+} samples, it can be observed that the energy transfer process was blocked. Hence, Tb{sup 3+} was introduced into Ca{sub 2}Al{sub 2}SiO{sub 7}:Bi{sup 3+}, Sm{sup 3+} samples to increase Sm{sup 3+} luminescence intensity based on Bi{sup 3+}→Tb{sup 3+}→Sm{sup 3+} energy transfer process. Compared with Sm{sup 3+} single-doped Ca{sub 2}Al{sub 2}SiO{sub 7} phosphor, the luminescence intensity of Sm{sup 3+} was enhanced by 2.6 times. It can be found that Tb{sup 3+} ions play a role of storing the energy or transfer bridge from Bi{sup 3+}→ Sm{sup 3+} by investigating the Ca{sub 2}Al{sub 2}SiO{sub 7}:Bi{sup 3+}, Tb{sup 3+} and Ca{sub 2}Al{sub 2}SiO{sub 7}:Tb{sup 3+}, Sm{sup 3+} energy transfer mechanism. All these results suggest that terbium branch mechanism plays an important role on enhancing activators luminescence intensity.

  15. Structure of smAKAP and its regulation by PKA-mediated phosphorylation (United States)

    Burgers, Pepijn P.; Bruystens, Jessica; Burnley, Rebecca J.; Nikolaev, Viacheslav O.; Keshwani, Malik; Wu, Jian; Janssen, Bert J. C.; Taylor, Susan S.; Heck, Albert J. R.; Scholten, Arjen


    The A-kinase anchoring protein (AKAP) smAKAP has three extraordinary features; it is very small, it is anchored directly to membranes by acyl motifs, and it interacts almost exclusively with the type I regulatory subunits (RI) of cAMP-dependent kinase (PKA). Here, we determined the crystal structure of smAKAP’s A-kinase binding domain (smAKAP-AKB) in complex with the dimerization/docking (D/D) domain of RIα which reveals an extended hydrophobic interface with unique interaction pockets that drive smAKAP’s high specificity for RI subunits. We also identify a conserved PKA phosphorylation site at Ser66 in the AKB domain which we predict would cause steric clashes and disrupt binding. This correlates with in vivo colocalization and fluorescence polarization studies, where Ser66 AKB phosphorylation ablates RI binding. Hydrogen/deuterium exchange studies confirm that the AKB helix is accessible and dynamic. Furthermore, full-length smAKAP as well as the unbound AKB is predicted to contain a break at the phosphorylation site, and circular dichroism measurements confirm that the AKB domain loses its helicity following phosphorylation. As the active site of PKA’s catalytic subunit does not accommodate α-helices, we predict that the inherent flexibility of the AKB domain enables its phosphorylation by PKA. This represents a novel mechanism, whereby activation of anchored PKA can terminate its binding to smAKAP affecting the regulation of localized cAMP signaling events. PMID:27028580

  16. Hydrogen stability of SmCo5 permanent magnet

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lukin, A.; Rabinovich, Y.; Bala, H.


    The present work has been performed with purpose to determine the level of hydrogen stability of sintered SmCo 5 permanent magnets by means of accelerated tests, to study the effect of hydrogen on the magnetic and mechanical properties of the permanent magnets and to establish the criteria of hydrogenation level and the activation energy of this process. In addition, the effect of hydrogen on the properties of sintered SmCo 5 permanent magnets in specific conditions of exploitation and storage durability of instruments was studied

  17. Structural and electrical properties of Sm{sup 3+} substituted PZT ceramics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pandey, S.K. [Solid State Physics Laboratory, Timarpur, Delhi 110 054 (India)], E-mail:; Thakur, O.P.; Bhattacharya, D.K. [Solid State Physics Laboratory, Timarpur, Delhi 110 054 (India); Prakash, Chandra [DRDO Bhawan, DHQ, New Delhi 110 011 (India); Chatterjee, Ratnamala [Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi 110 016 (India)


    Samarium modified lead zirconate titanate (PSZT: Pb{sub 1-x}Sm{sub x}(Zr{sub 0.65}Ti{sub 0.35})O{sub 3}: x = 0, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06) ceramics were synthesized by solid state ceramic route. XRD shows single-phase formation with rhombohedral structure up to x = 0.04. With Sm-substitution, the grain size first increases up to x = 0.02 and then decreases. A metal/ferroelectric/metal (MFM) structure was made by depositing gold electrode on the flat surfaces for electrical measurements. All samples show normal ferroelectric behaviour, however, a squareness of P-E loop (polarization vs. electric field) was observed to increase with Sm content. Higher electromechanical coupling coefficients (K{sub p} and K{sub t}) have been achieved for the PZT with 6 mol% Sm substitution and having fine grain size.

  18. Simplified syntheses of the water-soluble chiral shift reagents Sm-(R)-pdta and Sm-(S)-pdta

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hrubá, L.; Buděšínský, Miloš; Pícha, Jan; Jiráček, Jiří; Vaněk, Václav


    Roč. 54, č. 47 (2013), s. 6296-6297 ISSN 0040-4039 Institutional support: RVO:61388963 Keywords : NMR * chiral shift reagents * Sm-pdta * PDTA * samarium * 1,2-diaminopropane Subject RIV: CC - Organic Chemistry Impact factor: 2.391, year: 2013

  19. Standard enthalpy of formation of Sm6UO12 acid dissolution calorimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Venkata Krishnan, R.; Jogeswararao, G.; Ananthasivan, K.


    The standard molar enthalpies of formation of Δ f (298 K) of Sm 6 UO 12 have been determined by using an indigenously developed isoperibol acid solution calorimeter. The water equivalent of this calorimeter was determined by electrical calibration. The accuracy of measurement were determined by using standard materials KCl and tris(hydroxyl methyl) amino-methane (TRIS) and was found to be within ±2%. The enthalpies of solution at 298 K of Sm 2 O 3 , UO 3 and Sm 6 UO 12 were measured by using this calorimeter. From these experimental results the enthalpies of formation of Sm 6 UO 12 at 298 K were computed by using Hess's law of summation. (author)

  20. Enhanced protective efficacy of a chimeric form of the schistosomiasis vaccine antigen Sm-TSP-2.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mark S Pearson

    Full Text Available The large extracellular loop of the Schistosoma mansoni tetraspanin, Sm-TSP-2, when fused to a thioredoxin partner and formulated with Freund's adjuvants, has been shown to be an efficacious vaccine against murine schistosomiasis. Moreover, Sm-TSP-2 is uniquely recognised by IgG(1 and IgG(3 from putatively resistant individuals resident in S. mansoni endemic areas in Brazil. In the present study, we expressed Sm-TSP-2 at high yield and in soluble form in E. coli without the need for a solubility enhancing fusion partner. We also expressed in E. coli a chimera called Sm-TSP-2/5B, which consisted of Sm-TSP-2 fused to the immunogenic 5B region of the hookworm aspartic protease and vaccine antigen, Na-APR-1. Sm-TSP-2 formulated with alum/CpG showed significant reductions in adult worm and liver egg burdens in two separate murine schistosomiasis challenge studies. Sm-TSP-2/5B afforded significantly greater protection than Sm-TSP-2 alone when both antigens were formulated with alum/CpG. The enhanced protection obtained with the chimeric fusion protein was associated with increased production of anti-Sm-TSP-2 antibodies and IL-4, IL-10 and IFN-γ from spleen cells of vaccinated animals. Sera from 666 individuals from Brazil who were infected with S. mansoni were screened for potentially deleterious IgE responses to Sm-TSP-2. Anti-Sm-TSP-2 IgE to this protein was not detected (also shown previously for Na-APR-1, suggesting that the chimeric antigen Sm-TSP-2/5B could be used to safely and effectively vaccinate people in areas where schistosomes and hookworms are endemic.

  1. Brillouin spectroscopy with surface acoustic waves on intermediate valent, doped SmS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schaerer, U.; Jung, A.; Wachter, P.


    Brillouin scattering on surface acoustic waves is a very powerful tool to determine the elastic constants of intermediate valent crystals, since the method is non-destructive and no mechanical contact is needed. A strong evidence for intermediate valence is a negative value of Poisson's ratio, which describes the behavior of the volume under uniaxial pressure. SmS by itself makes a semiconductor-metal transition at a pressure of more than 6.5 kbar. When substituting the divalent Sm by a trivalent cation, like Y, La or Tm, SmS can become - depending on the doping concentration - intermediate valent without any applied, external pressure. In this work, we will present measurements of the velocities of the surface acoustic waves and the calculation of the elastic constants of La- and Tm-doped SmS compounds. We found a clear dependence of Poisson's ratio on the doping concentration and on the valence of the materials. Furthermore, we will discuss the mechanism leading to intermediate valence when substituting Sm. Besides the internal, chemical pressure, which is produced by the built in trivalent cations with their smaller ionic radii, we have clear evidence, that the free electrons in the 5d band, induced by the substituting atoms, also play an important role in making doped SmS intermediate valent. (orig.)

  2. Isolated centres versus defect associates in Sm3+-doped CeO2: a spectroscopic investigation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tiseanu, Carmen; Avram, Daniel; Cojocaru, Bogdan; Parvulescu, Vasile I; Vela-Gonzalez, Andrea V; Sanchez-Dominguez, Margarita


    The interactions between Sm 3+ and oxygen vacancies in CeO 2 are probed by the use of tuneable laser excited time-resolved photoluminescence and Raman spectroscopies. It is found that Sm 3+ (with doping concentrations of 0.1, 0.3, 1 and 5 wt%) substitutes largely for Ce 4+ in sites with cubic symmetry and the corresponding emission is sensitized via the Ce 4+ –O 2− charge-transfer band of CeO 2 . It is established from the photoluminescence spectra measured at long delay after the laser pulse that the local environment around cubic Sm 3+ centres is not changed with concentration and ceria size. In addition to cubic symmetry Sm 3+ centres, low-symmetry Sm 3+ centres tentatively assigned to the Sm 3+ –oxygen vacancy associates of nearest-neighbour type are also observed. Their emission is preferentially excited via the weak f–f absorption transitions of Sm 3+ . A relatively strong concentration-induced quenching of Sm 3+ emission was inferred from the decrease in the average emission lifetimes from 2.1 ms (0.1 wt%) to 0.87 ms (5 wt%). The local environments of Sm 3+ and Eu 3+ in CeO 2 are also compared on the basis of their emission spectra and decays. (paper)

  3. Chilean experience in production of therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals labelled with 153Sm and 166Ho

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chandia, M.; Gil, M.G.; Tomicic, M.; Araya, G.; Olea, E.; Chong, G.


    153 Samarium ( 153 Sm) and 166 Holmium ( 166 Ho) were produced at the Nuclear Center of La Reina Research Reactor, Chilean Nuclear Energy Commission. 153 Sm-EDTMP (Ethylenediaminetetramethylene Phosphonate) used for clinical trial of therapy for painful skeletal metastases and labeled particles such as 166 Ho-FHMA (ferric hydroxide macroagregattes) and 153 Sm-HAP (hydroxiapatite particles) used for radiation synevectomy, were labeled. Radionuclide purity of both radionuclides was analyzed by gamma spectrometry using a multichannel gamma spectrometer. Radiochemical labeled reaction parameters of 153 Sm-EDTMP such as: Sm/EDTMP molar ratio, 153 Sm specific activity, labeled pH and temperature, were determined in order to get high radiolabeling yields. Radiochemical Quality Controls of 153 Sm-EDTMP using different chromatographic systems were carried out in order to determine labeling yields. Bodistribution studies were achieved in mice by dissection of animals and by autoradiography of histological slices in rats, after 2h post injection. 153 Sm-HAP and 166 Ho-FHMA labeled particles were prepared using the methods described. Radiochemical purity, in case of radiolabeled particles was carried out by centrifugation, measuring activity in the supernatant and in particles pellet. Physical parameters, such as particle size and range of the radiopharmaceuticals based on particles labeling were evaluated in order to determine the ideal conditions to obtain particles size range between 10 - 40μ. In vitro labeling stability for over seven days and wash out activity by incubation in human synovial fluid after 6 and 24h post labeling, was also studied. 153 Sm-EDTMP was easily labeled with a Radiochemical purity over 99.5% and stable for over 7 days. Biodistribution studies in mice give more than 50% of ID uptake in bone and less than 0,1% in liver this was correlated by autoradiographic image. 153 Sm-HAP and 166 Ho-FHMA were also labeling obtaining radiochemical purity over 95

  4. Real-time observation of growth and orientation of Sm-Ba-Cu-O phases on a Sm-211 whisker substrate by high-temperature optical microscopy

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Sun, J.L.; Huang, Y.B.; Cheng, L.; Yao, X.; Lai, Y.J.; Jirsa, Miloš


    Roč. 9, č. 2 (2009), 898-902 ISSN 1528-7483 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA202/08/0722 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10100520 Keywords : high-temperature optical microscopy * growth and orientation of Sm-Ba-Cu-O phases * Sm-211 whisker substrate Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 4.162, year: 2009

  5. Coercive force changes in Sm(CoFeCuZr)z during step-like heat treatments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Puzanova, T.Z.; Shchegoleva, N.N.; Sakhnova, L.V.; Majkov, V.G.; Shur, Ya.S.; Nikolaeva, N.V.


    Sm(Co 0.67 Fe 0.22 Cu 0.08 Zr 0.03 ) 8.35 alloy, contaning two homogeneous solid solutions SmM 6.85 and SmM 7.75 (M=Co, Fe, Cu, Zr) after high-temperature treatment, is investigated. It is shown, that after isothermal tempering at 800 deg C, SmM 6.85 and SmM 7.75 are close by microstructure and their coercive forces change in a different way during step-like cooling within 700-400 deg C interval. Possibility of producing material, single-phase in magnetic relation, is discussed

  6. Gordana Kuić: la memoria de las mujeres sefardíes de Bosnia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Díaz-Mas, Paloma


    Full Text Available Gordana Kuić (1942 es una escritora, hija de madre sefardí y padre serbio, que ha publicado hasta ahora siete novelas en serbio; sólo una de ellas, Miris ki?e na Balkanu ha sido traducida al francés (Parfum de pluie sur les Balkans, publicada con el seudónimo de Ana Gord y al inglés (Scent of rain in the Balkans. En este artículo se presenta a esta escritora y se proponen varias lecturas de esa novela: como novela sobre mujeres, como reconstrucción de la historia reciente de los países balcánicos, como evocación de la evolución de la minoría sefardí de Bosnia en el siglo xx y como historia oral familiar.

  7. Cytogenetic effect of {sup 153} Sm-EDTMP in peripheral lymphocytes of patients with metastatic cancer; Efeito citogenetico do {sup 153} Sm-EDTMP em linfocitos perifericos de pacientes com cancer metastatico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silva, Marcia Augusta da


    The {sup 153}Sm-EDTMP is a radiopharmaceutical used in nuclear medicine with promising results for the relief of metastatic pain. Therefore, there are few knowledge about the effects of {sup 153}Sm-EDTMP at cellular level. The present study was conduced with the aim of evaluating the cytogenetic effects of {sup 153}Sm-EDTMP in peripheral lymphocytes from patients with bone metastasis (with and without previous radio and/or chemotherapy) by the chromosome aberration technique, either in vivo or in vitro. For that, the blood samples were collected before and one hour after the endovenous administration of {sup 153}Sm-EDTMP (mean activity of 42.53+/-5.31 MBq/kg body weight), taking into account the rapid blood clearance. The principal types of structural chromosome aberrations found gaps and breaks, acentric fragments centric rings, double minutes and dicentrics. The statistical analysis showed that the group submitted to previous radio and chemotherapy before {sup 153}Sm-EDTMP administration showed significant difference in chromosome aberrations frequency one hour after the treatment. The analysis of the chromosome modal number and the kinetics of cellular cycle showed no statistical difference among the groups, suggesting that the treatment with {sup 153}Sm-EDTMP, did not influence these parameters. The carrier molecule, EDTMP, did not influence the induction of chromosome aberration. In relation to the in vitro assays, the obtained data of peripheral lymphocytes of healthy donors and patients with no previous treatment exposed to different radioactive concentration of {sup 153}Sm-EDTMP (0.046 - 1.110 MBq/mL) were better adjusted by linear regression model (Y=A+BX). The chromosome damage induced by {sup 153}Sm-EDTMP observed in vitro was about 2 fold higher than that found in vivo for the group of patients with no previous treatment. The obtained data showed that the therapy with {sup 153}Sm-EDTMP induced a few quantity of cytogenetic damages in peripheral

  8. SmShb, the SH2-Containing Adaptor Protein B of Schistosoma mansoni Regulates Venus Kinase Receptor Signaling Pathways.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marion Morel

    Full Text Available Venus kinase receptors (VKRs are invertebrate receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs formed by an extracellular Venus Fly Trap (VFT ligand binding domain associated via a transmembrane domain with an intracellular tyrosine kinase (TK domain. Schistosoma mansoni VKRs, SmVKR1 and SmVKR2, are both implicated in reproductive activities of the parasite. In this work, we show that the SH2 domain-containing protein SmShb is a partner of the phosphorylated form of SmVKR1. Expression of these proteins in Xenopus oocytes allowed us to demonstrate that the SH2 domain of SmShb interacts with the phosphotyrosine residue (pY979 located in the juxtamembrane region of SmVKR1. This interaction leads to phosphorylation of SmShb on tyrosines and promotes SmVKR1 signaling towards the JNK pathway. SmShb transcripts are expressed in all parasite stages and they were found in ovary and testes of adult worms, suggesting a possible colocalization of SmShb and SmVKR1 proteins. Silencing of SmShb in adult S. mansoni resulted in an accumulation of mature sperm in testes, indicating a possible role of SmShb in gametogenesis.

  9. SmShb, the SH2-Containing Adaptor Protein B of Schistosoma mansoni Regulates Venus Kinase Receptor Signaling Pathways. (United States)

    Morel, Marion; Vanderstraete, Mathieu; Cailliau, Katia; Hahnel, Steffen; Grevelding, Christoph G; Dissous, Colette


    Venus kinase receptors (VKRs) are invertebrate receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) formed by an extracellular Venus Fly Trap (VFT) ligand binding domain associated via a transmembrane domain with an intracellular tyrosine kinase (TK) domain. Schistosoma mansoni VKRs, SmVKR1 and SmVKR2, are both implicated in reproductive activities of the parasite. In this work, we show that the SH2 domain-containing protein SmShb is a partner of the phosphorylated form of SmVKR1. Expression of these proteins in Xenopus oocytes allowed us to demonstrate that the SH2 domain of SmShb interacts with the phosphotyrosine residue (pY979) located in the juxtamembrane region of SmVKR1. This interaction leads to phosphorylation of SmShb on tyrosines and promotes SmVKR1 signaling towards the JNK pathway. SmShb transcripts are expressed in all parasite stages and they were found in ovary and testes of adult worms, suggesting a possible colocalization of SmShb and SmVKR1 proteins. Silencing of SmShb in adult S. mansoni resulted in an accumulation of mature sperm in testes, indicating a possible role of SmShb in gametogenesis.

  10. Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activity of some nitrilotriacetic acid−V(III, −Sn(II, −Sm(II and −Sm(III complexes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohsen S. Asker


    Full Text Available Four new complexes [V(NTA(H2O 2]•H2O (1, H[Sn(NTA] (2, H[Sm(NTA]•H2O (3, and [Sm(NTA(H2O 2]•H2O (4 were obtained during the reactions of metal salts (VCl3, SnCl2•2H2O, SnCl4, Sm(NO32•6H2O and SmCl3•6H2O with nitrilotriacetic acid, H3NTA. The infrared and 1H-NMR spectra of the solid complexes have been obtained and assigned. Thermogravimetric analyses were also carried out. The data obtained agree with the proposed structures and show that the complexes decomposed to the corresponding metal oxide. The ligand and their metal complexes were screened for their antimicrobial activities by the agar-well diffusion technique using DMSO as a solvent against the following bacterial species: Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and antifungal activity against Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida albicans. The obtained results were compared with some types of known antibiotics. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC values were calculated at 30 °C for 24−48 h. The activity data show that the complexes are more potent antimicrobials than the parent ligand.

  11. Luminescence and energy transfer of Sm3+ and Eu3+ in Ca2PO4Cl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Zhijun; Li, Panlai; Yang, Zhiping; Guo, Qinglin


    Sm 3+ , Eu 3+ , and Sm 3+ –Eu 3+ doped Ca 2 PO 4 Cl phosphors are synthesized by a solid-state method. Ca 2 PO 4 Cl:Sm 3+ can produce red emission under the 400 nm radiation excitation, and the emission peak is located at 601 nm, which is assigned to the 4 G 5/2 → 6 H 7/2 transition of Sm 3+ . Ca 2 PO 4 Cl:Eu 3+ can create red emission under the 392 nm radiation excitation, and the strongest peak is located at 620 nm, which is attributed to the 5 D 0 → 7 F 2 transition of Eu 3+ . The energy transfer from Sm 3+ to Eu 3+ in Ca 2 PO 4 Cl has been validated and the critical distance (R c ) of Sm 3+ to Eu 3+ in Ca 2 PO 4 Cl is calculated to be 1.14 nm. With increasing Eu 3+ doping concentration, the energy transfer efficiency (Sm 3+ →Eu 3+ ) gradually increases to 53.7%. The luminescence property of Ca 2 PO 4 Cl:Sm 3+ , Eu 3+ can be tuned by properly tuning the relative ratio of Sm 3+ –Eu 3+ , and the emission intensity of Ca 2 PO 4 Cl:Eu 3+ can be greatly enhanced by codoped Sm 3+ . - Highlights: • Ca 2 PO 4 Cl:Sm 3+ , Eu 3+ can produce red emission under the 400 nm radiation excitation. • The energy transfer from Sm 3+ to Eu 3+ in Ca 2 PO 4 Cl has been validated. • The critical distance of Sm 3+ to Eu 3+ in Ca 2 PO 4 Cl is calculated to be 1.14 nm

  12. Synthesis and DNA interaction of a Sm(III) complex of a Schiff base ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The interaction between the Sm(III) complex of an ionic Schiff base [HL]-, derived from vanillin and L-tryptophan, and herring sperm DNA at physiological pH (7.40) has been studied by UV-Vis absorption, fluorescence and viscosity methods. The binding ratios nSm(III) : nK[HL] = 1:1 and nSm(III)L: nDNA =5:1 were confirmed ...

  13. Nuclear translocation of the cytoskeleton-associated protein, smALP, upon induction of skeletal muscle differentiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cambier, Linda; Pomies, Pascal


    Highlights: → The cytoskeleton-associated protein, smALP, is expressed in differentiated skeletal muscle. → smALP is translocated from the cytoplasm to the nucleus of C2C12 myoblasts upon induction of myogenesis. → The differentiation-dependent nuclear translocation of smALP occurs in parallel with the nuclear accumulation of myogenin. → The LIM domain of smALP is essential for the nuclear accumulation of the protein. → smALP might act in the nucleus to control some critical aspect of the muscle differentiation process. -- Abstract: The skALP isoform has been shown to play a critical role in actin organization and anchorage within the Z-discs of skeletal muscles, but no data is available on the function of the smALP isoform in skeletal muscle cells. Here, we show that upon induction of differentiation a nuclear translocation of smALP from the cytoplasm to the nucleus of C2C12 myoblasts, concomitant to an up-regulation of the protein expression, occurs in parallel with the nuclear accumulation of myogenin. Moreover, we demonstrate that the LIM domain of smALP is essential for the nuclear translocation of the protein.

  14. Standard Missile-6 (SM-6) (United States)


    attack or Anti-Ship Cruise Missiles in flight. The SM-6 ERAM program is an evolutionary, capabilities based acquisition program that will use spiral ...Prior SAR Total O&S Estimates - Dec 2014 SAR 460.3 Programmatic/Planning Factors 0.0 Cost Estimating Methodology 0.0 Cost Data Update 0.0 Labor Rate

  15. Influences of the amount of ligand on the biochemical properties of 153Sm-HEDTMP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang Yuqing; Luo Shunzhong; Wang Guanquan; He Jiaheng; Pu Manfei; Bing Wenzeng


    The Effect of the amount of ligand HEDTMP on biochemical properties of 153 Sm-HEDTMP is studied. The biochemical properties include partition coefficient of 153 Sm-HEDTMP in n-octanol-water which is measured by shake-flask method, combination characteristic with BSA (bovine serum albumin) which is measured through precipitation by TCA (trichloroacetic acid) and adsorption characteristic on HA (hydroxyapatite) which is measured with the same method used in 153 Sm-EDTMP. It is found that, with the increasing in the amount of ligand, partition coefficient of 153 Sm-HEDTMP. It is found that, with the increase in the amount of ligand, partition coefficient of 153 Sm-HEDTMP in n-octanol-water decreases, so does combination percentage with BSA, but the adsorption percentage on HA shows a little and unremarkable decrease. Considering the relationships between these three biochemical properties and in vivo metabolism of 153 Sm-HEDTMP this study supports the view that an appropriate high amount of ligand should be applied in practical use

  16. External exposure in radionuclide therapy with 153 Sm

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rezio, M.T.; Vieira, M.R. [Instituto Portugues Oncologia de Francisco Gentil, CROL, Lisboa (Portugal)


    Full text of publication follows: Aim: The radiopharmaceutical 153 Sm is an beta emitter used in metastatic bone pain palliation. The prescribed activity is 37 MBq/kg body weight.. The aim of this study is to measure the dose rate of the patients during 4 to 6 hours after 153 Sm - E.D.T.M.P. administration in order to prevent external exposure of nursing staff, family members and general public. Material and Methods: Twelve patients were treated with 153 Sm in our department. External exposure rates( {mu}Sv/h) at different times and at one meter were measured, with a Geiger-Muller detector. Results: The mean dose rate at one meter was 12 {mu}Sv/h, one hour after injection and 3{mu} Sv/h, 6 hours after injection. Conclusion: The policy in our department is to keep the patient in the hospital 4-6 h, due to the risk of contamination. Based on our results, the external exposure of the nursing staff, family members and the general public is very low, in agreement with other studies. (authors)

  17. External exposure in radionuclide therapy with 153 Sm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rezio, M.T.; Vieira, M.R.


    Full text of publication follows: Aim: The radiopharmaceutical 153 Sm is an beta emitter used in metastatic bone pain palliation. The prescribed activity is 37 MBq/kg body weight.. The aim of this study is to measure the dose rate of the patients during 4 to 6 hours after 153 Sm - E.D.T.M.P. administration in order to prevent external exposure of nursing staff, family members and general public. Material and Methods: Twelve patients were treated with 153 Sm in our department. External exposure rates( μSv/h) at different times and at one meter were measured, with a Geiger-Muller detector. Results: The mean dose rate at one meter was 12 μSv/h, one hour after injection and 3μ Sv/h, 6 hours after injection. Conclusion: The policy in our department is to keep the patient in the hospital 4-6 h, due to the risk of contamination. Based on our results, the external exposure of the nursing staff, family members and the general public is very low, in agreement with other studies. (authors)

  18. Analisis Finansial dan Strategi Pengembangan USAha Pengolahan Sabut Kelapa Menjadi Serat Kelapa (Coco Fiber) (Studi Kasus : Kecamatan Batang Kuis, Kabupaten Deli Serdang)


    Sitohang, Adolf Paskaris; Ayu, Salmiah, Sri Fajar


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk menjelaskan bagaimana proses produksi USAha serat kelapa (coco fiber), menganalisis USAha serat kelapa (coco fiber) sudah layak atau tidak, dan menjelaskan strategi pengembangan yang cocok untuk USAha serat kelapa (coco fiber) di daerah penelitian. Daerah penelitian ditentukan secara sengaja (purposive) berdasarkan pertimbangan tertentu, yaitu di Kecamatan Batang Kuis, Kabupaten Deli Serdang. Penarikan sampel dilakukan dengan metode teknik purposive sampli...

  19. Kas vanuselist diskrimineerimist diskrimineeritakse? : vanuse alusel diskrimineerimise keelu kui võrdsuspõhiõiguse kaitse Eestis Euroopa Liidu õiguse valguses : [magistritöö] / Siiri Aulik ; Tartu Ülikool, õigusteaduskond ; juhendaja: Julia L

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aulik, Siiri


    Vanuse alusel diskrimineerimise keelust võrdsuspõhiõiguste üldises kontekstis ja Euroopa Liidu õiguse üldpõhimõttena. Vanuse alusel diskrimineerimise keelust kui erilisest võrdsuspõhiõigusest

  20. Preparation and Luminescent Properties of the antibacterial materials of the La3+ Doped Sm3+-Hydroxyapatite (United States)

    Lv, Yuguang; Shi, Qi; Jin, Yuling; Ren, Hengxin; Qin, Yushan; Wang, Bo; Song, Shanshan


    In this paper, the La3+-doped Sm3+ hydroxyapatite (La/Sm/HAP) complexes were prepared by a precipitation method. The sample was defined by IR spectra, fluorescence spectra and X ray diffraction analysis et al. The structure of complexes were discussed. The emission wavelength of heat treatment of Sm3+ do not change, but will affect the intensity of the peak Sm3+ luminescence properties and the occupy hydroxyapatite in the lattice Ca( II )and Ca( I ) loci with Sm3+ doped concentration and the proportion of the sintering temperature change and change: The nano hydroxyapatite complex of the La3+ doped samarium obtain the good fluorescence intensity, by La3+ doping content of Sm3+ were hydroxyapatite 6% (La3+, Sm3+ mole ratio) device. The complex of La3+ doped samarium HAP have Stable chemical property, fluorescence property and excellent biological activity. The ligand HAP absorbs energy or captures an electron-hole pair and then transfers it to the lanthanide ions. The catalytic activity influence of the La3+-doped Sm3+hydroxyapatite was discussed, the La/Sm/HAP had excellent antibacterial property, which used as potential biological antibacterial material.

  1. Three-loop SM beta-functions for matrix Yukawa couplings

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A.V. Bednyakov


    Full Text Available We present the extension of our previous results for three-loop Yukawa coupling beta-functions to the case of complex Yukawa matrices describing the flavour structure of the SM. The calculation is carried out in the context of unbroken phase of the SM with the help of the MINCER program in a general linear gauge and cross-checked by means of MATAD/BAMBA codes. In addition, ambiguities in Yukawa matrix beta-functions are studied.

  2. Optical imaging of the transport properties of S-Sm-S junctions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsumura, K; Nomura, S; Akazaki, T; Takayanagi, H


    We study the optical effects on superconductor-normal metal superconductor (S-Sm-S) junctions composed of two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure and NbN superconducting electrodes. When the whole junction area was illuminated at λ = 800 nm, we observe a reduction in the normal resistance due to an increase in the sheet carrier density of the 2DEG, and the enhancement of the Andreev reflection probability. To reveal its origin, we performed scanning photo-voltage measurement by employing an optical microscope. The obtained image plots show maxima and minima of the photo-voltage change along the S-Sm interfaces. Those structures are considered to reflect the modulation of the barrier height at S-Sm interface and the increase in the scattering by photo-generated carriers. It is demonstrated that the scanning photo-voltage measurement is one of the most powerful tools as a local probe of the transport properties of S-Sm-S junctions.

  3. The direct limit on the Higgs Mass and the SM Fit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chanowitz, Michael S.


    Because of two 3σ anomalies, the Standard Model (SM) fit of the precision electroweak data has a poor confidence level, CL = 0.02. Since both anomalies involve challenging systematic issues, it might appear that the SM could still be valid if the anomalies resulted from underestimated systematic error. Indeed the CL of the global fit could then increase to 0.71, but that fit predicts a small Higgs boson mass, m H = 45 GeV, that is inconsistent at 95% CL with the lower limit, m H > 114 GeV, established by direct searches. The data then favor new physics whether the anomalous measurements are excluded from the fit or not, and the Higgs boson mass cannot be predicted until the new physics is understood. Some measure of statistical fluctuation would be needed to maintain the validity of the SM. New physics is favored, but the SM is not definitively excluded

  4. Subcoulomb fusion of 16O in odd Sm isotopes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pacheco, A.J.


    Cross sections for the formation of evaporation residues were measured for the reaction of 16 O with the odd 147 Sm and 149 Sm nuclei at near barrier energies. The results are well described by statistical model calculations. Fusion cross sections as a function of energy do not show any unusual behaviour that could be attributed to the presence of unpaired nucleons. An analysis based on a one-dimensional penetration model that includes the effect of permanent quadrupolar deformations shows that the extracted values of the parameter β 2 follow the systematics established by the rest of the even samarium isotopes. The dependence of β 2 on the mass of the target nucleus indicates that the influence exerted by collective aspects upon the subbarrier fusion process increases rapidly as a function of the number of neutrons added to the spherical semimagic 144 Sm nucleus. (Author) [es

  5. Modified chemical synthesis of porous α-Sm{sub 2}S{sub 3} thin films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kumbhar, V.S.; Jagadale, A.D. [Thin Film Physics Laboratory, Department of Physics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, (M.S.) 416004 (India); Gaikwad, N.S. [Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara, (M.S.) 415 001 (India); Lokhande, C.D., E-mail: [Thin Film Physics Laboratory, Department of Physics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, (M.S.) 416004 (India)


    Highlights: • A novel chemical route to prepare α-Sm{sub 2}S{sub 3} thin films. • A porous honeycomb like morphology of the α-Sm{sub 2}S{sub 3} thin film. • An application of α-Sm{sub 2}S{sub 3} thin film toward its supercapacitive behaviour. - Abstract: The paper reports synthesis of porous α-Sm{sub 2}S{sub 3} thin films using modified chemical synthesis, also known as successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) method. The X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), wettability and ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy (UV–vis) techniques are used for the study of structural, elemental, morphological and optical properties of α-Sm{sub 2}S{sub 3} films. An orthorhombic crystal structure of α-Sm{sub 2}S{sub 3} is resulted from XRD study. The SEM and AFM observations showed highly porous α-Sm{sub 2}S{sub 3} film surface. An optical band gap of 2.50 eV is estimated from optical absorption spectrum. The porous α-Sm{sub 2}S{sub 3} thin film tuned for supercapacitive behaviour using cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic charge discharge showed a specific capacitance and energy density of 294 Fg{sup –1} and 48.9 kW kg{sup –1}, respectively in 1 M LiClO{sub 4}–propylene carbonate electrolyte.

  6. Formation of SmFe5(0001) ordered alloy thin films on Cu(111) single-crystal underlayers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yabuhara, Osamu; Ohtake, Mitsuru; Nukaga, Yuri; Futamoto, Masaaki; Kirino, Fumiyoshi


    SmFe 5 (0001) single-crystal thin films are prepared by molecular beam epitaxy employing Cu(111) single-crystal underlayers on MgO(111) substrates. The Cu atoms diffuse into the Sm-Fe layer and substitute the Fe sites in SmFe 5 structure forming an alloy compound of Sm(Fe,Cu) 5 . The Sm(Fe,Cu) 5 film is more Cu enriched with increasing the substrate temperature. The Cu underlayer plays an important role in assisting the formation of the ordered phase.

  7. First measurement of 153Sm in the SIR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Michotte, C.; Ratel, G.; Lucas, L.


    In June 1998, the NIST sent to the International Reference System (SIR) a solution of 153 Sm standardized in a 4π ionization chamber. As this radionuclide had not previously been measured in the SIR, the resulting equivalent activity A e,NIST is compared with the value calculated from the efficiency curve of the SIR. However, problems occurred owing to the presence of 154 Eu and 156 Eu impurities in the solution. The manner in which the final equivalent activity value for this solution of 153 Sm has been deduced is described in this report. (authors)

  8. The neutron EDM in the SM: a review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dar, Shahida


    We review the status of the electric dipole moment (EDM) of neutron in the Standard Model (SM). The contributions of the strong and electroweak interactions are discussed separately. In each case the structure of Lagrangian and the sources of CP violation are specified, and subsequently calculational details are given. These two contributions to the neutron EDM exist in any extension of the SM including supersymmetry, two-doublet models as well as models with more than three generations of fermions. We briefly discuss the status of the neutron EDM in such extensions and give the relevant literature. (author)

  9. Rauakaubad endiselt moes

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Õudusfilm "Saag 4" ("Saw IV") - režissöör Darren Lynn Bousmani järg õudusfilmidele "Saag" (2004), "Saag 2" (2005) ja "Saag 3" (2006) : Ameerika Ühendriigid 2007. Lühidalt ka eelnevatest filmidest

  10. Sm-Nd isotope system of oldest granulites of Anabar Shield

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spiridonov, V.G.; Sukhanov, M.K.; Karpenko, S.F.; Lyalikov, A.V.; AN SSSR, Moscow


    The first results of applying Sm-Nd method for dating the oldest basic and ultrabasic rocks of the Anabar Shield are presented. The content and isotopic composition of Sm and Nd were determined by the methods of mass-spectroscopy with isotopic dilution. The obtained values of metamorphic ages (3063 ± 80 million years) are in good agreement with U-Pb method data for zircon

  11. Microstructure and corrosion resistance of Sm-containing Al-Mn-Si-Fe-Cu alloy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Han Yuyin


    Full Text Available Optimizing alloy composition is an effective way to improve physical and chemical properties of automobile heat exchanger materials.A Sm-containing Al-Mn-Si-Fe-Cu alloy was investigated through transmission electron microscopy,scanning electron microscopy,and electrochemical measurement.Experimental results indicated that main phases distributed in the alloy wereα-Al(Mn,FeSi,Al2Sm and Al10Cu7Sm2.Alloying with Sm element could refine the precipitated α-Al(Mn,FeSi phase.Polarization testing results indicated that the corrosion surfacewas mainly composed of pitting pits and corrosion products.Sea water acetic acid test(SWAAT showed that corrosion loss increased first and then slowed downwith increase of the corrosion time.

  12. Formation of hydroxyl radical (sm-bulletOH) in illuminated surface waters contaminated with acidic mine drainage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Allen, J.M.; Lucas, S.; Allen, S.K.


    Formation rates and steady-state concentrations of hydroxyl radical ( sm-bullet OH) in illuminated surface water samples collected in west-central Indiana that receive acidic mine drainage runoff are reported. Formation rates for sm-bullet OH in samples were measured by the addition of 1 x 10 -3 M benzene prior to illuminate in order to effectively scavenge all of the sm-bullet OH formed, thereby yielding phenol. The sm-bullet OH formation rates were calculated from the measured phenol formation rates. Steady-state concentrations of sm-bullet OH were measured by the addition of 5 x 10 -7 M nitrobenzene to the samples prior to illumination. Estimated sunlight sm-bullet OH formation rates range from 16 microM h -1 to 265 microM h -1 . Estimated sunlight steady-state sm-bullet OH concentrations range from 6.7 x 10 -15 to 4.0 x 10 -12 M. Both the formation rates and steady-state concentrations for sm-bullet OH are thus two to three orders of magnitude higher than values reported in the literature for other sunlit surface water samples. Due to the very high rates of formation and steady-state concentrations for sm-bullet OH in these samples, the authors conclude that aqueous-phase reactions involving sm-bullet OH represent a significant pathway by which organic pollutants in illuminated surface waters receiving acidic mine drainage runoff may be consumed

  13. Preparation of Sm3H7 nanoparticles and their application in ammonia synthesis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Tong; Zhang Yaohua; Li Xingguo


    Sm 3 H 7 nanoparticles have been successfully produced by hydrogen plasma-metal reaction (HPMR) method, and then used to synthesize ammonia at 298 K and 1 atm. The morphologies of the Sm 3 H 7 nanoparticles before and after reaction were investigated by transmission electron microscopy, and the crystal structures at different steps by X-ray diffraction. Nessler's test was adopted to detect ammonia. It was found that the passivated Sm 3 H 7 nanoparticles possess polyhedron shape and smooth surface, with the average size of about 50 nm and the specific surface area 11.2 m 2 g -1 . It was proposed that Sm 3 H 7 nanoparticles react with oxygen and nitrogen to form ammonia, but ammonia production is not observable in the case of coarse particles. After ammonia synthesis, the morphology of Sm 3 H 7 nanoparticles changes into spongy surface and the mean particle size and specific surface area increase to 100 nm and 28.6 m 2 g -1 , respectively, due to the release of hydrogen. The hydrogen conversion percentage from samarium hydride is estimated to be 1.5%. Without O 2 , Sm 3 H 7 nanoparticles cannot react with N 2 or N 2 + H 2 at 298 K and 1 atm

  14. Exopolysaccharides play a role in the swarming of the benthic bacterium Pseudoalteromonas sp. SM9913

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ang eLiu


    Full Text Available Most marine bacteria secrete exopolysaccharide (EPS, which is important for bacterial survival in the marine environment. However, it is still unclear whether the self-secreted EPS is involved in marine bacterial motility. Here we studied the role of EPS in the lateral flagella-driven swarming motility of benthic bacterium Pseudoalteromonas sp. SM9913 (SM9913 by a comparison of wild SM9913 and ΔepsT, an EPS synthesis defective mutant. Reduction of EPS production in ΔepsT did not affect the growth rate or the swimming motility, but significantly decreased the swarming motility on a swarming plate, suggesting that the EPS may play a role in SM9913 swarming. However, the expression and assembly of lateral flagella in ΔepsT were not affected. Instead, ΔepsT had a different swarming behavior from wild SM9913. The swarming of ΔepsT did not have an obvious rapid swarming period, and its rate became much lower than that of wild SM9913 after 35 h incubation. An addition of surfactin or SM9913 EPS on the surface of the swarming plate could rescue the swarming level. These results indicate that the self-secreted EPS is required for the swarming of SM9913. This study widens our understanding of the function of the EPS of benthic bacteria.

  15. Functional organization of the Sm core in the crystal structure of human U1 snRNP. (United States)

    Weber, Gert; Trowitzsch, Simon; Kastner, Berthold; Lührmann, Reinhard; Wahl, Markus C


    U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) recognizes the 5'-splice site early during spliceosome assembly. It represents a prototype spliceosomal subunit containing a paradigmatic Sm core RNP. The crystal structure of human U1 snRNP obtained from natively purified material by in situ limited proteolysis at 4.4 Å resolution reveals how the seven Sm proteins, each recognize one nucleotide of the Sm site RNA using their Sm1 and Sm2 motifs. Proteins D1 and D2 guide the snRNA into and out of the Sm ring, and proteins F and E mediate a direct interaction between the Sm site termini. Terminal extensions of proteins D1, D2 and B/B', and extended internal loops in D2 and B/B' support a four-way RNA junction and a 3'-terminal stem-loop on opposite sides of the Sm core RNP, respectively. On a higher organizational level, the core RNP presents multiple attachment sites for the U1-specific 70K protein. The intricate, multi-layered interplay of proteins and RNA rationalizes the hierarchical assembly of U snRNPs in vitro and in vivo.

  16. Negative pressure driven phase transformation in Sr doped SmCoO₃. (United States)

    Arshad Farhan, M; Javed Akhtar, M


    Atomistic computer simulation techniques based on energy minimization procedures are utilized for the structural investigation of perovskite-type SmCoO(3). A reliable potential model is derived which reproduces both cubic as well as orthorhombic phases of SmCoO(3). We observe a negative chemical pressure induced structural phase transformation from distorted perovskite (orthorhombic) to perfect perovskite (cubic) due to the substitution of Sr(2 + ) at the Sm(3 + ) sites. However, external hydrostatic pressure shows isotropic compression and no pressure-induced structural transformation is observed up to 100 GPa. To maintain the electroneutrality of the system, charge compensation is through oxygen vacancies which results in the brownmillerite-type structure. A defect model is proposed, which is consistent with experimental results. The solution energies for divalent and trivalent cations are also calculated. These results show that the cations having ionic radii less than 0.75 Å will occupy the Co sites and those with ionic radii larger than 0.75 Å will substitute at the Sm sites.

  17. Multiple magnetic transitions in SmCoAsO

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yongliang Chen


    Full Text Available The magnetic properties of SmCoAsO have been investigated. Our results differ from early observations. Complicated magnetism consists of antiferromagnetic, ferromagnetic, ferrimagnetic and paramagnetic, even diamagnetism at low field has been observed. A metamagnetic transition was observed, resulting from a canting of the spins. The interaction between two Co sublattices with canted-structure might take responsibility for the multiple magnetic transitions. Electrical resistivity data indicate that SmCoAsO is metallic conductor with room temperature resistivity of 0.51669 mΩ-cm. Negative magnetoresistance effect suggests a significant suppression of spin-flip scattering by the applied magnetic field. The magnetic phase diagram has been established.

  18. Cytogenetic analysis of {sup 153} Sm-EDTMP in peripheral lymphocytes from patients with bone cancer metastasis; Analise citogenetica do {sup 153} Sm-EDTMP em linfocitos perifericos de pacientes com cancer osseo matastatico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silva, M.A. da; Suzuki, M.F.; Rogero, J.R.; Okazaki, K. [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Guimaraes, M.I.C.C.; Buchpiguel, C.A. [Sao Paulo Univ., SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina. Centro de Medicina Nuclear


    The {sup 153} Sm-EDTMP is a radiopharmaceutical used in nuclear medicine with promising results for the relief of metastatic pain. Therefore, there are few knowledge about the effects of {sup 153} Sm-EDTMP at cellular level. The present study was conducted with the aim of evaluating the cytogenetic effects of {sup 153} Sm-EDTMP in peripheral lymphocytes from patients with bone metastasis (with and without previous radio and/or chemotherapy) by the chromosome aberration technique. For that, the blood samples were collected before and one hour after the endovenous administrations of {sup 153} Sm-EDTMP (mean activity of 42.53 {+-} 5.31 MBq/kg body weight), taking into account the rapid blood clearance. The principal types of structural chromosome aberrations found gaps and breaks, acentric fragments centric rings, double minutes and dicentrics. The statistical analysis showed that the group submitted to previous radio and chemotherapy before{sup 153} Sm-EDTMP administration showed significant difference in chromosome aberrations frequency one hour after the treatment. The analysis of the chromosome modal number and the kinetics of cellular cycle showed no statistical difference among the groups, suggesting that the treatment with {sup 153} Sm-EDTMP, did not influence these parameters. The obtained data showed that the therapy with {sup 153} Sm-EDTMP induced a few quantity of cytogenetic damages in peripheral lymphocytes one hour after its administration in patients, although, theoretically, a long term stochastic effect cannot be disregarded. (author)

  19. Autophagic kinases SmVPS34 and SmVPS15 are required for viability in the filamentous ascomycete Sordaria macrospora. (United States)

    Voigt, Oliver; Herzog, Britta; Jakobshagen, Antonia; Pöggeler, Stefanie


    Autophagy is a tightly controlled degradation process of all eukaryotes. It includes the sequestration of cytoplasmic contents and organelles within a double-membraned autophagosome. Autophagy involves core autophagy related (atg) genes as well as genes regulating vesicle trafficking. Previously, we analyzed the impact of proteins of the core autophagic machinery SmATG7, SmATG8 and SmATG4 on the sexual and vegetative development of the filamentous ascomycete Sordaria macrospora. While deletion of Smatg8 and Smatg4 abolished fruiting-body formation and impaired vegetative growth, Smatg7 is required for viability. In yeast, the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase vacuolar protein sorting 34 (Vps34) and its myristoylated membrane targeting unit, the protein kinase Vps15 have been shown to be important regulators of autophagy and vacuolar protein sorting. However, their exact role in filamentous ascomycetes remains elusive. To determine the function of Smvps34 and Smvps15 we isolated genes with high sequence similarity to Saccharomyces cerevisiae VPS34 and VPS15. For both genes we were not able to generate a homokaryotic knockout mutant in S. macrospora, suggesting that Smvps34 and Smvps15 are required for viability. Furthermore, we analyzed the repertoire of vps genes encoded by S. macrospora and could identify putative homologs of nearly all of the 61 VPS genes of S. cerevisiae. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  20. Giant magnetic coercivity in YNi{sub 4}B-type SmNi{sub 3}TB (T=Mn–Cu) solid solutions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yao, Jinlei; Yan, Chang [Research Center for Solid State Physics and Materials, School of Mathematics and Physics, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou 215009 (China); Yapaskurt, V.O. [Department of Petrology, Geological Faculty Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow 119992 (Russian Federation); Morozkin, A.V., E-mail: [Department of Chemistry, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, House 1, Building 3, GSP-2, Moscow 119992 (Russian Federation)


    The effects of transition metal substitution for Ni on the magnetic properties of the YNi{sub 4}B-type SmNi{sub 4}B via SmNi{sub 3}TB (T=Mn, Fe, Co, Cu) solid solutions have been investigated. SmNi{sub 4}B, SmNi{sub 3}MnB, SmNi{sub 3}FeB, SmNi{sub 3}CoB and SmNi{sub 3}CuB show ferromagnetic ordering at 40 K, 210 K, 322 K, 90 K and 57 K and field sensitive metamagnetic-like transitions at 15 K, 100 K, 185 K, 55 K and 15 K in a magnetic field of 10 kOe, respectively. The magnetocaloric effects of SmNi{sub 3}TB (T=Mn–Cu) were calculated in terms of isothermal magnetic entropy change (ΔS{sub m}). The magnetic entropy ΔS{sub m} reaches value of –0.94 J/kg K at 40 K for SmNi{sub 4}B, –1.5 J/kg K at 205 K for SmNi{sub 3}MnB, –0.54 J/kg K at 320 K for SmNi{sub 3}FeB, –0.49 J/kg K at 90 K for SmNi{sub 3}CoB and –0.54 J/kg K at 60 K for SmNi{sub 3}CuB in field change of 0–50 kOe around the Curie temperature. They show positive ΔS{sub m} of +0.71 J/kg K at ~10 K for SmNi{sub 4}B, +1.69 J/kg K at 30 K for SmNi{sub 3}MnB, +0.89 J/kg K at 110 K for SmNi{sub 3}FeB, +1.08 J/kg K at 25 K for SmNi{sub 3}CoB and +1.12 J/kg K at 10 K for SmNi{sub 3}CuB in field change of 0–50 kOe around the low temperature metamagnetic-like transition. Below the field induced transition temperature (change of magnetic structure), SmNi{sub 3}TB (T=Mn–Cu) exhibits giant magnetic coercivity of 74 kOe at 5 K for SmNi{sub 4}B, 69 kOe at 20 K (90 kOe at 10 K) for SmNi{sub 3}MnB, 77 kOe at 60 K for SmNi{sub 3}FeB, 88 kOe at 20 K for SmNi{sub 3}CoB and 52 kOe at 5 K for SmNi{sub 3}CuB. - Highlights: • YNi{sub 4}B-type SmNi{sub 3}{Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu}B exhibit the Curie points at 39–322 K. • SmNi{sub 3}{Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu}B show field induced transition at 15–185 K. • SmNi{sub 3}MnB shows huge magnetic hysteresis with coercive field of 69 kOe at 20 K. • SmNi{sub 3}FeB shows huge magnetic hysteresis with coercive field of 77 kOe at 60 K. • SmNi{sub 3}CoB shows giant coercive

  1. Complexes of Sm(III) and Dy(III) with piperazines

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Manhas, B S; Trikha, A K [Punjabi Univ., Patiala (India). Dept. of Chemistry; Singh, M [Guru Nanak Dev Univ., Amritsar (India). Dept. of Chemistry


    Complexes of SmCl/sub 3/, DyCl/sub 3/, Sm(NO/sub 3/)/sub 3/ and Dy(NO/sub 3/) with piperazine, N-methylpiperazine, 2-methylpiperazine, N-phenyl-piperazine and N, N'-dimethyl-piperazine have been prepared and characterized on the basis of elemental analyses, IR and electronic reflectance spectra and magnetic susceptibility measurements. IR data indicate that the ligands are coordinated in the chair conformation giving polymeric bridged complexes and that the nitrate group is bidentate. Coordination numbers from 6 to 12 are proposed for the lanthanide ions.

  2. Bioactivity assays and application of 125I labeled human mouse chimeric anti-CD22 monoclonal antibody SM03

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lu Pingping; Meng Zhiyun; Dou Guifang; Wu Yingliang; Wang Minwei


    To investigate the bioactivity and application of 125 I labeled human mouse chimeric monoclonal SM03, SM03 was labeled with 125 I using Indogen method. The labeled mixture was purified by Sephacryl S-300 HR separation chromospectry. The purity and concentration of separated fractions were determined by HPLC and Protein Assay Kit, respectively. Competitive binding method and ELISA method were used for bioactivity assays. 125 I-SM03 was applied to screen cell lines which express the most abundant CD22 antigen. The purity and recovery of 125 I-SM03 were >99% and >47%, respectively. The bioactivity of 125 I- SM03 and SM03 hasn't significant difference in statistics. Ramos cell line had the strongest special radioactivity when 125 I-SM03 bound with in Raji, Daudi and Ramos cell lines. Indogen method is a good way to label Human mouse chimeric anti-CD22 monoclonal antibody SM03 and the label will not affect the activity of SM03. The 125 I-SM03 not only can be used for detect agent, but also may be put into market for NHL therapy. (authors)

  3. Apparent partition coefficient in octanol-water and binding percentage to BSA of 153Sm(113,117Snm) complexes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang Yuqing; Luo Shunzhong; Wang Guanquan; He Jiaheng; Bing Wenzeng; Pu Manfei; Wei Hongyuan; Wang Wenjin


    Apparent partition coefficient in octanol-water and binding percentage to BSA of 153 Sm-NTMP, 153 Sm-HEDTMP, 153 Sm-DCTMP, 153 Sm-EDTMP, 153 Sm-DTPMP, 113,117 Sn m -EDTMP, 113,117 Sn m -HEDTMP, 113,117 Sn m -DTPMP are measured. The results show that there is a linear relationship between the relative magnitude of the apparent partition coefficient in octanol-water and the relative magnitude of the binding percentage to BSA of these 153 Sm( 113,117 Sn m ) complexes. This linear relationship provides a new method for determination of the apparent partition coefficient in octanol-water of 153 Sm( 113,117 Sn m ) complexes of this kind. This linear relationship also implicates that hydrophobic force plays an important role in the binding of 153 Sm( 113,117 Sn m ) complexes to BSA

  4. Phase evolution and its effects on the magnetic performance of nanocrystalline SmCo7 alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Zhexu; Song Xiaoyan; Xu Wenwu


    The evolution of the phase constitution and the microstructure, as well as their effects on magnetic performance, were investigated systematically using a prepared nanocrystalline single-phase SmCo 7 alloy as the starting material for a series of annealing processes. The SmCo 7 (1:7 H) phase was discovered to have a good single-phase stability from room temperature up to 600 deg. C. The destabilization of the SmCo 7 phase results in the formation of the Sm 2 Co 17 (2:17 R) and SmCo 5 (1:5 H) phases, which exist as phase-transformation twins and particulate precipitates, respectively, with a completely coherent relationship with the 1:7 H parent phase. For the first time the formation mechanism of the 2:17 R phase-transformation twins has been proposed, in which the ordered substitution of 1/3 of the Sm atoms by Co-Co dumbbell pairs along two particular crystal directions was demonstrated. The characteristic width values of the 2:17 R phase-transformation twins, as deduced from this model of the mechanism, were unambiguously verified by the experimental results. Among the SmCo 7 alloys with various phase constitutions and microstructures, the best magnetic properties were obtained in the nanocrystalline 1:7 H single-phase alloys. The present work may promote a new understanding of nanoscale-stabilized single-phase SmCo 7 and its potential applications as unique high-temperature permanent magnets.

  5. Study on irradiation conditions of producing 153Sm with natural abundance samarium target

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Du Jin; Jin Xiaohai; Bai Hongsheng; Liu Yuemin; Chen Daming; Wang Fan


    Irradiation conditions of natural abundance 152 Sm targets in different forms are studied in the heavy water reactor and the light water swimming pool reactor at the China Institute of Atomic Energy. The result shows that the specific activity of 153 Sm in liquid form target irradiated in the light water swimming pool reactor is two times greater than that in solid form target. The radionuclide purity of 153 Sm is more than 99%, which can meet the needs of clinical application

  6. Cytogenetic effect of 153 Sm-EDTMP in peripheral lymphocytes of patients with metastatic cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silva, Marcia Augusta da


    The 153 Sm-EDTMP is a radiopharmaceutical used in nuclear medicine with promising results for the relief of metastatic pain. Therefore, there are few knowledge about the effects of 153 Sm-EDTMP at cellular level. The present study was conduced with the aim of evaluating the cytogenetic effects of 153 Sm-EDTMP in peripheral lymphocytes from patients with bone metastasis (with and without previous radio and/or chemotherapy) by the chromosome aberration technique, either in vivo or in vitro. For that, the blood samples were collected before and one hour after the endovenous administration of 153 Sm-EDTMP (mean activity of 42.53+/-5.31 MBq/kg body weight), taking into account the rapid blood clearance. The principal types of structural chromosome aberrations found gaps and breaks, acentric fragments centric rings, double minutes and dicentrics. The statistical analysis showed that the group submitted to previous radio and chemotherapy before 153 Sm-EDTMP administration showed significant difference in chromosome aberrations frequency one hour after the treatment. The analysis of the chromosome modal number and the kinetics of cellular cycle showed no statistical difference among the groups, suggesting that the treatment with 153 Sm-EDTMP, did not influence these parameters. The carrier molecule, EDTMP, did not influence the induction of chromosome aberration. In relation to the in vitro assays, the obtained data of peripheral lymphocytes of healthy donors and patients with no previous treatment exposed to different radioactive concentration of 153 Sm-EDTMP (0.046 - 1.110 MBq/mL) were better adjusted by linear regression model (Y=A+BX). The chromosome damage induced by 153 Sm-EDTMP observed in vitro was about 2 fold higher than that found in vivo for the group of patients with no previous treatment. The obtained data showed that the therapy with 153 Sm-EDTMP induced a few quantity of cytogenetic damages in peripheral lymphocytes on hour after its administration in

  7. Enhanced Photoluminescence of Sm3+/Bi3+ Co-Doped La2O3 Nanophosphors by Combustion Synthesis (United States)

    Zhang, Ying; Wu, Muying; Zhang, W. F.

    Nanosized La2O3:Sm3+ and La2O3:Sm3+, Bi3+ phosphor powders were prepared via combustion synthesis. The structures and morphology were examined using powder X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscope, respectively. The photoluminescence spectra were investigated at different doping concentrations of Sm3+ and Bi3+ ions. The results indicate that La2O3:Sm3+ (Bi3+) exhibited good crystallinity and spherical-like particles. All phosphors give emission bands centered at 564, 608 and 650 nm corresponding to 4G5/2→6HJ (J=5/2, 7/2 and 9/2) transitions of Sm3+ ions, respectively. Interestingly, the emission intensity of Sm3+ ions is significantly enhanced with the addition of Bi3+ ions to La2O3:Sm3+ and the maximum occurs at a Bi3+ concentration of 0.8 mol%. The La2O3:Sm3+, Bi3+ phosphor with highly enhanced luminescence is very encouraging for applications in display and tunable solid lasers.

  8. Photoluminescence properties of a new orange-red-emitting Sm(3+)-La3SbO7 phosphor. (United States)

    Li, Zeng-Mei; Deng, Li-Gang; Zhao, Shan-Cang; Zhang, Shu-Qiu; Guo, Chang-Ying; Liang, Jing-Yun; Yue, Hui; Wan, Chun-Yan


    The antimonate compound La3SbO7 has high chemical stability, lattice stiffness and thermal stability. Orange-red-emitting antimonate-based phosphors La3SbO7:xSm(3+) (x = 0.02, 0.05, 0.08, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20 and 0.25) were synthesized. The phase structure and photoluminescence properties of these phosphors were investigated. The emission spectrum obtained on excitation at 407 nm contained exclusively the characteristic emissions of Sm(3+) at 568, 608, 654 and 716 nm, which correspond to the transitions from (4)G5/2 to (6)H5/2, (6)H7/2, (6)H9/2 and (6)H11/2 of Sm(3+), respectively. The strongest emission was located at 608 nm due to the (4)G5/2→(6)H7/2 transition of Sm(3+), generating bright orange-red light. The critical quenching concentration of Sm(3+) in La3SbO7:Sm(3+) phosphor was determined as 10% and the energy transfer between Sm(3+) was found to be through an exchange interaction. The International Commission on Illumination chromaticity coordinates of the La3SbO7:0.10Sm(3+) phosphors are located in the orange-red region. The La3SbO7:Sm(3+) phosphors may be potentially used as red phosphors for white light-emitting diodes. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  9. Experimental cross section for the {sup 152}Sm(n, γ){sup 153}Sm reaction at 0.0334 eV

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Uddin, M. Shuza; Datta, Tapash Kumar; Hossain, Syed Mohammod; Zakaria, A.K.M.; Islam, Mohammad Amirul; Naher, Kamrun; Shariff, M. Asad; Yunus, S.M. [Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Dhaka (Bangladesh). Inst. of Nuclear Science and Technology; Afroze, Nasmin [Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Dhaka (Bangladesh). Inst. of Nuclear Science and Technology; Jahangirnagar Univ., Dhaka (Bangladesh). Dept. of Physics; Islam, S.M. Ajharul [Jahangirnagar Univ., Dhaka (Bangladesh). Dept. of Physics


    The neutron capture cross section for the {sup 152}Sm(n, γ){sup 153}Sm reaction at an energy of 0.0334 eV was measured for the first time using monochromatic neutrons of a powder diffractometer at the TRIGA Mark II nuclear reactor at Dhaka, Bangladesh. The {sup 197}Au(n, γ){sup 198}Au reaction was used to monitor the neutron beam intensity. The radioactivity of the products was determined via high resolution γ-ray spectrometry. The obtained cross section value is 184 ± 22b, which is consistent with both the ENDF/B-VII and TENDL-2012 data libraries. The measured value at 0.0334 eV and the previous data at 0.0536 eV confirm the reliability of the data in the above libraries. (orig.)


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    between methylene blue (MB)-Sm(III) complex and herring sperm DNA by using acridine orange .... the complex was recorded as KBr pellets on Spectrum One FTIR system (PE Company, USA), ..... mechanism of drugs and drug design.

  11. Formation of SmFe{sub 5}(0001) ordered alloy thin films on Cu(111) single-crystal underlayers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yabuhara, Osamu; Ohtake, Mitsuru; Nukaga, Yuri; Futamoto, Masaaki [Faculty of Science and Engineering, Chuo University, 1-13-27 Kasuga, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8551 (Japan); Kirino, Fumiyoshi, E-mail: [Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, 12-8 Ueno-koen, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-8714 (Japan)


    SmFe{sub 5}(0001) single-crystal thin films are prepared by molecular beam epitaxy employing Cu(111) single-crystal underlayers on MgO(111) substrates. The Cu atoms diffuse into the Sm-Fe layer and substitute the Fe sites in SmFe{sub 5} structure forming an alloy compound of Sm(Fe,Cu){sub 5}. The Sm(Fe,Cu){sub 5} film is more Cu enriched with increasing the substrate temperature. The Cu underlayer plays an important role in assisting the formation of the ordered phase.

  12. Investigations on optical properties of Sm3+ ion doped boro-phosphate glasses (United States)

    Vijayakumar, R.; Suthanthirakumar, P.; Karthikeyan, P.; Marimuthu, K.


    The Sm3+ doped Boro-phosphate glasses with the chemical composition 60H3BO3+20Li2CO3+10ZnO+(10-x) H6NO4P+xSm2O3 (where x= 0.1, 0.5, 1 and 2 in wt%) have been prepared by melt quenching technique. The prepared glasses were characterized through optical absorption and luminescence spectral measurements. The band gap energies corresponding to the direct and indirect allowed transitions and the Urbach's energy values were estimated from the absorption spectra. Judd-Ofelt intensity parameters have been derived to predict the radiative properties of the various emission transitions. In order to identify the emission color of the prepared glasses, the emission intensities were analyzed using CIE 1931 color chromaticity diagram. The energy transfer process takes place between Sm3+-Sm3+ ions through cross-relaxation mechanism have also been investigated and the results were discussed and reported.

  13. Crystal structure of Sm(NO3)3x6H2O

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Espenbetov, A.A.; Gerr, R.G.; Struchkov, Yu.T.; Sal'nikova, N.A.; Akimov, V.M.; Odinets, Z.K.


    X-ray diffraction study of a salt, prepared when mixing concentrated nitric acid solutions of NaNO 3 and Sm(NO 3 ) 3 , has been carried out. It is established, that the salt is a concretion of two crystals: NaNO 3 and Sm(NO 3 ) 3 x6H 2 O (1). X-ray diffraction study of 1 is carried out (lambda Mo, diffractometer, 1511 reflections, the method of heavy atom, the least square method in anisotropic approximation up to R=0.0348). The crystals of 1 are triclinic: a=6.755, b=9.168, c=11.684 A, α=69.93, β=88.86, γ=69.28, Z=2, Fedorov group P anti 1. Symmetery of 10-vertex coordination polyhedron (CP) of Sm atom is close to Csub(s). Sm atom coordination can be described as 4;5:1. Four H 2 O molecules are included into CP, at the expense of two remaining H 2 O molecules CP are bound with each other

  14. Origin of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of SmCo5 thin films with Cu underlayer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sayama, Junichi; Mizutani, Kazuki; Asahi, Toru; Ariake, Jun; Ouchi, Kazuhiro; Osaka, Tetsuya


    Effects of the Cu underlayer thickness and the addition of Cu to a Sm-Co layer on magnetic properties and microstructure of SmCo 5 thin films exhibiting perpendicular magnetic anisotropy were studied. The origin of the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy was discussed from these experimental results. A thick Cu underlayer of more than 100 nm brought about high perpendicular magnetic anisotropy leading to the squareness ratio equal to unity. The Cu addition enhanced the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and reduced the Cu underlayer thickness required to obtain the squareness ratio of unity. X-ray diffractometry showed that the crystalline orientation of the Sm-Co layer did not correlate with that of the Cu underlayer. Auger electron spectroscopy revealed that Cu atoms were diffused up to the Sm-Co layer from the Cu underlayer. From the results, Cu atoms existing in the Sm-Co layer were suggested to be strongly related with an appearance of the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy by introducing the Cu underlayer

  15. Recycling of SmCo5 magnets by HD process (United States)

    Eldosouky, Anas; Škulj, Irena


    Hydrogen decrepitation process has been applied for the first time for the direct recycling of SmCo5 magnets. Industrially produced sintered SmCo5 magnets were decrepitated by hydrogen gas at a pressure of 1 bar to 9.5 bar at room temperature in a planetary rotating jar. After decrepitation, the starting sintered magnets were reduced to a powder with a particle size of less than 200 μm. The produced powder was used for the preparation of recycled SmCo5 magnets. Scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction studies and magnetic measurements were used to follow the decrepitation and the sintering processes. The measured remanence and maximum energy product of the recycled magnet are 0.94 T and 171.1 kJ/m3, respectively, in comparison with 0.91 T and 156.8 kJ/m3, respectively for the original magnet before recycling. It was also observed that, there is refinement in the microstructure after recycling in comparison to the original magnet.

  16. New NaSrPO4:Sm phosphor as orange-red emitting material

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Because NaSr1−xPO4:xSm3+ phosphor features a high colour-rendering index and chemical stability, it is potentially ... use blue LED chips (GaN or InGaN) with a yellow phosphor ... excitation by doping Sm3+ rare earth ions into a suitable.

  17. The Material Supply Adjustment Process in RAMF-SM, Step 2 (United States)


    I N S T I T U T E F O R D E F E N S E A N A L Y S E S The Material Supply Adjustment Process in RAMF-SM, Step 2 Eleanor L. Schwartz James S...5564 The Material Supply Adjustment Process in RAMF-SM, Step 2 Eleanor L. Schwartz James S. Thomason, Project Leader This page is intentionally blank...9 1. Inputs and Outputs .......................................................................................10 2. Specific Steps of the PEAP

  18. Polarized spectral properties of Sm3+:LiYF4 crystal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, G.Q.; Lin, Y.F.; Gong, X.H.; Chen, Y.J.; Huang, J.H.; Luo, Z.D.; Huang, Y.D.


    A trivalent samarium-doped LiYF 4 single crystal was grown by the vertical Bridgman technique. Its polarized absorption and fluorescence spectra and fluorescence decay curves were recorded at room temperature. On the basis of the Judd–Ofelt theory, the spectral parameters of the Sm 3+ :LiYF 4 crystal were calculated. The emission cross sections for the 4 G 5/2 → 6 H J (J=5/2, 7/2. 9/2, and 11/2) transitions of special interest for visible laser application were obtained by the Fuchtbauer–Ladenburg formula. -- Highlights: • Polarized spectral properties of Sm 3+ :LiYF 4 crystal at room temperature were analyzed in detail. • The emission cross sections for the transitions of special interest for visible laser application are calculated. • Sm 3+ :LiYF 4 is a promising laser material for 401 nm GaN LD pumped 605 nm visible laser

  19. Observation of dipole bands in 144Sm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Raut, R.; Ganguly, S.; Kshetri, R.; Banerjee, P.; Bhattacharya, S.; Dasmahapatra, B.; Mukherjee, A.; Sahasarkar, M.; Goswami, A.; Basu, S.K.; Bhattacharjee, T.; Mukherjee, G.; Chakraborty, A.; Ghughre, S.S.; Krishichayan; Mukhopadhyay, S.; Gangopadhyay, G.; Singh, A.K.


    The nucleus 144 Sm (Z=62, N=82), with its proximity to the shell closure and possibilities of particles and holes occupying high j orbitals, following appropriate excitations, is a suitable system for observation of dipole (MR) bands

  20. Safety and feasibility of percutaneous vertebroplasty with radioactive {sup 153}Sm PMMA in an animal model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lu Jun [Department of Radiotherapy, Xijing Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University, 15 West Changle Road, Xi' an 710032, Shaanxi Province (China); Deng Jinglan, E-mail: [Department of Nuclear Medicine, Xijing Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University, 15 West Changle Road, Xi' an 710032, Shaanxi Province (China); Zhao Haitao [Department of Radiology, Xijing Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University, 15 West Changle Road, Xi' an 710032, Shaanxi Province (China); Shi Mei [Department of Radiotherapy, Xijing Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University, 15 West Changle Road, Xi' an 710032, Shaanxi Province (China); Wang Jing [Department of Nuclear Medicine, Xijing Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University, 15 West Changle Road, Xi' an 710032, Shaanxi Province (China); Zhao Lina [Department of Radiotherapy, Xijing Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University, 15 West Changle Road, Xi' an 710032, Shaanxi Province (China)


    Purpose: We investigated the safety and feasibility of the combination of samarium-153-ethylenediamine tetramethylene phosphonate ({sup 153}Sm-EDTMP)-incorporated bone cement (BC) with percutaneous vertebroplasty (PVP) in dogs. Methods and materials: {sup 153}Sm-EDTMP-incorporated BC was prepared by combining solid {sup 153}Sm-EDTMP and polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) immediately before PVP. It was then injected into the vertebrae of four healthy mongrel dogs (two males and two females) by PVP under CT guidance. Each dog was subjected to five PVP sessions at a {sup 153}Sm-EDTMP dose of 30-70 mCi. The suppressive effect of local injection of {sup 153}Sm-EDTMP on the hematopoietic system was evaluated through counting of peripheral blood cells. Distribution of {sup 153}Sm-EDTMP-incorporated BC and the status of tissues adjacent to injected vertebrae were evaluated with SPECT, CT and MRI. Histopathology was carried out to assess the influence of PVP on the vertebra and adjacent tissues at the microscopic level. Results: PVP was done successfully, and all dogs exhibited normal behavior and stable physical signs after procedures. {sup 153}Sm-EDTMP-incorporated BC was concentrated mainly in target vertebrae, and the peripheral blood cells remained within normal range. The spinal cord and tissues around BC did not exhibit signs of injury even when the dosage of {sup 153}Sm-EDTMP increased from 30 mCi to 70 mCi. Conclusion: A dose lower than 70 mCi of {sup 153}Sm is safe when it was injected into vertebrae. {sup 153}Sm-EDTMP-incorporated BC did not influence the effect of PVP. This means might strengthen anti-tumor activity locally for vertebra with osseous metastasis without damaging adjacent tissues.

  1. Sm/Ti co-substituted bismuth ferrite multiferroics: reciprocity between tetragonality and piezoelectricity. (United States)

    Jha, Pardeep K; Jha, Priyanka A; Singh, Prabhakar; Ranjan, Rajeev; Dwivedi, R K


    BiFeO 3 (BFO) systems co-modified with Ti, Sm and Sm-Ti have been investigated for piezoelectricity together with dielectric and multiferroic properties. Structural studies revealed the coexistence of orthorhombic and rhombohedral (R3c) phases for x > 0.12. Impurity phases were shown to have hardly any effect on the remanent magnetization, which rather depends on the Fe-O-Fe bond angle. The dielectric loss was reduced considerably by substitution. A correlation between the piezoelectric coefficient and tetragonality was observed in these samples. BFO co-substituted with Sm-Ti exhibited a high piezoelectric coefficient with better ferroic properties, which revealed a unique combination of green piezoelectricity and multiferroicity.

  2. Evaluation of the biological and scanning distribution of hydroxyapatite-153Sm radiotherapeutic agent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Herrera, J.; Paredes, N.; Portilla, A.; Miranda, J.; Carrillo, D.


    Fixation of 153 Sm labeled hydroxyapatite (HA) in the synovial capsule and extra articular localization were evaluated by means of biological distribution tests and gamma scanning studies. These were carried out using HA- 153 Sm with particle size ranging between 5 and μm, and radiochemical purity above 99%. Animal models used were wistar rats and new zealand rabbits. Rabbits were injected with 7,4 MBq of HA- 153 Sm while rats received between 1,85 and 92,6 MBq of HA- 153 Sm. In both cases injection was given in the intra articular area. After injection, scanning images were obtained in rabbits on the 1 st , 3 rd and 7 st day and in rats on the 2 nd and 7 th day. Biological distribution studies are conducted in the 2 hours to 9 days range in rats and one the 7 th day in rabbits. No extra articular localization of HA- 153 Sm was found in scanning conducted on rabbits by the 1 st , 3 rd and 7 st day after injection, neither on rats by the 2 nd and 7 th day. Biological distributions for rabbits and rats show localization above 99% in the intra articular area, during the evaluated periods of time. The evaluations of the biological distribution and the scintigraphic images show that fixation of HA- 153 Sm in the synovial capsule up to the 9 th day is very high

  3. CDCC calculations of fusion of 6Li with targets 144Sm and 154Sm: effect of resonance states (United States)

    Gómez Camacho, A.; Lubian, J.; Zhang, H. Q.; Zhou, Shan-Gui


    Continuum Discretized Coupled-Channel (CDCC) model calculations of total, complete and incomplete fusion cross sections for reactions of the weakly bound 6Li with 144,154Sm targets at energies around the Coulomb barrier are presented. In the cluster structure frame of 6Li→α+d, short-range absorption potentials are considered for the interactions between the ground state of the projectile 6Li and α-d fragments with the target. In order to separately calculate complete and incomplete fusion and to reduce double-counting, the corresponding absorption potentials are chosen to be of different range. Couplings to low-lying excited states 2+, 3- of 144Sm and 2+, 4+ of 154Sm are included. So, the effect on total fusion from the excited states of the target is investigated. Similarly, the effect on fusion due to couplings to resonance breakup states of 6Li, namely, l=2, J π =3+,2+,1+ is also calculated. The latter effect is determined by using two approaches, (a) by considering only resonance state couplings and (b) by omitting these states from the full discretized energy space. Among other things, it is found that both resonance and non-resonance continuum breakup couplings produce fusion suppression at all the energies considered. A. Gómez Camacho from CONACYT, México, J. Lubian from CNPq, FAPERJ, Pronex, Brazil. S.G.Z was partly supported by the NSF of China (11120101005, 11275248, 11525524, 11621131001, 11647601, 11711540016), 973 Program of China (2013CB834400) and the Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences of CAS. H.Q.Z. from NSF China (11375266)

  4. Plasmon-enhanced luminescence of Sm complex using silver nanoparticles in Polyvinyl Alcohol

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kaur, Gagandeep; Verma, R.K.; Rai, D.K. [Laser and Spectroscopy Laboratory, Department of Physics, Banaras Hindu University, India 221005 (India); Rai, S.B., E-mail: [Laser and Spectroscopy Laboratory, Department of Physics, Banaras Hindu University, India 221005 (India)


    Silver (Ag) nanoparticles (NPs) were prepared by laser ablation in water with an aim to enhance the luminescence of rare earth coordinated complex in polymer host. A fixed concentration of the complex containing Samarium (Sm), Salicylic acid (Sal) and 1, 10-phenanthroline (Phen) were combined with different concentrations of silver NPs in PolyVinyl Alcohol at room temperature. Absorption spectrum and XRD patterns of the sample show that the Sm(Sal){sub 3}Phen complex is accompanied by Ag NPs. The luminescence from the complex was recorded in the presence and absence of Ag NPs using two different excitation wavelengths viz. 400 and 355 nm. Of these, 400 nm radiation falls in the surface plasmon resonance of Ag NPs. It was found that the Ag NPs led to a significant enhancement in luminescence of the complex. Surprisingly, a high concentration of Ag NPs tends to quench the luminescence. - Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Sm complex with Ag nanoparticles in PVA was prepared at room temperature. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer UV-vis absorption and XRD confirms the presence of Sm complex and Ag NPs. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Enhancement in luminescence of complex was observed with Ag NPs. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Coupling between radiative transitions of Sm and SPR of NPs enhances the emission. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The higher concentration of Ag NPs quenches the luminescence of the complex.

  5. Sm isotope composition and Sm/Eu ratio determination in an irradiated 153Eu sample by ion exchange chromatography-quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry combined with double spike isotope dilution technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bourgeois, M.; Isnard, H.; Gourgiotis, A.; Stadelmann, G.; Gautier, C.; Mialle, S.; Nonell, A.; Chartier, F.


    Within the framework of the research undertaken by the French Atomic Energy Commission on transmutation of long-lived radionuclides, targets of highly enriched actinides and fission products were irradiated in the fast neutron reactor Phenix. Precise and accurate measurements of the isotopic and elemental composition of the enriched elements are therefore required. In order to obtain the uncertainties of several per mil and to reduce handling time and exposure to analyst on radioactive material, the on-line coupling of ion exchange chromatography with quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry has been associated with the technique of the double spike isotope dilution. We present in this paper the results obtained on an irradiated sample of Europium oxide powder (enriched at 99.13% in 153 Eu). After irradiation of around 5 mg of Eu 2 O 3 powder the theoretical calculations predict the formation of several micrograms of gadolinium and samarium isotopes. In relation to the very high activity of the sample after irradiation and the very low quantity of Sm formed, the on-line ion exchange chromatography separation of Gd, Sm and Eu before Sm isotope ratio measurements has been developed for the quantification of the 152 Sm/ 153 Eu ratio. These on-line measurements were associated with the double spike isotope dilution technique after calibration of a 147 Sm/ 151 Eu spike solution. The external reproducibility of Sm isotopic ratios was determined to be around 0.5% (2 σ) resulting in a final uncertainty on the 152 Sm/ 153 Eu ratio of around 1% (2 σ). These on-line measurements present therefore a robust and high-throughput alternative to the thermal-ionisation mass spectrometry technique used so far in combination with off-line chromatographic separation, particularly in nuclear applications where characterisation of high activity sample solutions is required. (authors)

  6. Octupole excitations in 146Sm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bizzeti, P.G.; Bizzetti-Sona, A.M.


    The mean lives of the lowest 9 - and 12 + states of 146 Sm have been measured by means of the RDM. Their (preliminary) values are r m (9 - )=0.97±0.05 ns and r m (12 + )=15±2 ps, respectively. The strengths of the collective E3 transitions of the 12 + →9 - →6 6 cascade are compared with the corresponding ones in 148 Gd

  7. Catalytic properties of oxygen adsorbed on NiO-Sm/sub 2/O/sub 3/ binary oxides

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tadasu, Y.; Niwa, H.; Matsuda, Y.


    Various rare earths were screened as promoters for a nickel oxidation catalyst, and samarium (Sm) was selected for further studies. The activity of a physical mixture of NiO/Sm/sub 2/O/sub 3/ and SiC for the oxidation of 500 ppm nitric oxide with 5% oxygen in nitrogen to nitrogen dioxide at 320/sup 0/C went through a maximum with increasing Sm/sub 2/O/sub 3/ content of the catalyst. The most active catalyst, which contained 3.75% Sm/sub 2/O/sub 3/, was 3.7 times as active as pure nickel oxide. Temperature-programed desorption of oxygen from the catalysts revealed three peaks, ..cap alpha.. at 220/sup 0/-230/sup 0/C ..beta.. at 370/sup 0/-380/sup 0/C, and ..gamma.. at 530/sup 0/-540/sup 0/C, for all catalysts except pure Sm/sub 2/O/sub 3/. The amount of adsorbed oxygen increased with increasing Sm/sub 2/O/sub 3/ content to 3.75%, and then decreased with further Sm/sub 2/O/sub 3/ increases. The catalytic activity was correlated to oxygen in the ..beta..-state. Graphs, spectra, and table.

  8. Preparation and structure characterization of SmCo5(0001) epitaxial thin films grown on Cu(111) underlayers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohtake, Mitsuru; Nukaga, Yuri; Futamoto, Masaaki; Kirino, Fumiyoshi


    SmCo 5 (0001) epitaxial films were prepared on Cu(111) single-crystal underlayers formed on Al 2 O 3 (0001) substrates at 500 deg. C. The nucleation and growth mechanism of (0001)-oriented SmCo 5 crystal on Cu(111) underlayer is investigated and a method to control the nucleation is proposed. The SmCo 5 epitaxial thin film formed directly on Cu underlayer consists of two types of domains whose orientations are rotated around the film normal by 30 deg. each other. By introducing a thin Co seed layer on the Cu underlayer, a SmCo 5 (0001) single-crystal thin film is successfully obtained. Nucleation of SmCo 5 crystal on Cu underlayer seems controllable by varying the interaction between the Cu underlayer and the SmCo 5 layer

  9. Sierra/SM theory manual.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Crane, Nathan Karl


    Presented in this document are the theoretical aspects of capabilities contained in the Sierra/SM code. This manuscript serves as an ideal starting point for understanding the theoretical foundations of the code. For a comprehensive study of these capabilities, the reader is encouraged to explore the many references to scientific articles and textbooks contained in this manual. It is important to point out that some capabilities are still in development and may not be presented in this document. Further updates to this manuscript will be made as these capabilites come closer to production level.

  10. The QCD/SM Working Group: Summary Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dobbs, M.


    Among the many physics processes at TeV hadron colliders, we look most eagerly for those that display signs of the Higgs boson or of new physics. We do so however amid an abundance of processes that proceed via Standard Model (SM) and in particular Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) interactions, and that are interesting in their own right. Good knowledge of these processes is required to help us distinguish the new from the known. Their theoretical and experimental study teaches us at the same time more about QCD/SM dynamics, and thereby enables us to further improve such distinctions. This is important because it is becoming increasingly clear that the success of finding and exploring Higgs boson physics or other New Physics at the Tevatron and LHC will depend significantly on precise understanding of QCD/SM effects for many observables. To improve predictions and deepen the study of QCD/SM signals and backgrounds was therefore the ambition for our QCD/SM working group at this Les Houches workshop. Members of the working group made significant progress towards this on a number of fronts. A variety of tools were further developed, from methods to perform higher order perturbative calculations or various types of resummation, to improvements in the modeling of underlying events and parton showers. Furthermore, various precise studies of important specific processes were conducted. A significant part of the activities in Les Houches revolved around Monte Carlo simulation of collision events. A number of contributions in this report reflect the progress made in this area. At present a large number of Monte Carlo programs exist, each written with a different purpose and employing different techniques. Discussions in Les Houches revealed the need for an accessible primer on Monte Carlo programs, featuring a listing of various codes, each with a short description, but also providing a low-level explanation of the underlying methods. This primer has now been compiled and a

  11. Correlation between the nanocrystalline Sm(Fe,Mo){sub 12} and its out of equilibrium phase Sm(Fe,Mo){sub 10}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Khazzan, S. [CMTR, ICMPE, UMR7182, CNRS - Université Paris Est, 2-8 rue Henri Dunant, F-94320 Thiais (France); Laboratoire Matériaux Organisation et Propriétés, Faculté des Sciences de Tunis, Université de Tunis El Manar, 2092 Tunis (Tunisia); Bessais, L., E-mail: [CMTR, ICMPE, UMR7182, CNRS - Université Paris Est, 2-8 rue Henri Dunant, F-94320 Thiais (France); Van Tendeloo, G. [EMAT, University of Antwerp, B-2020 Antwerp (Belgium); Mliki, N. [Laboratoire Matériaux Organisation et Propriétés, Faculté des Sciences de Tunis, Université de Tunis El Manar, 2092 Tunis (Tunisia)


    Nanostructured Sm–Fe–Mo semi-hard magnetic material exhibiting enhanced magnetic properties can be produced by ball milling followed by recrystallization. Milled samples were annealed for 30 min in a vacuum at different temperatures (T{sub A}) between 700 and 1190 °C. The effects of heat treatment and Mo content on structural and magnetic property changes have been investigated by means of X-ray diffraction using the Rietveld method, transmission electron microscopy and magnetic measurements. For samples annealed at T{sub A}>900°C the tetragonal ThMn{sub 12}-type structure is identified, while for 700Sm(Fe{sub 1−x}Mo{sub x}){sub 10}, correlated with structural transformation towards its equilibrium derivative I4/mmm Sm(Fe{sub 1−x}Mo{sub x}){sub 12}. A maximum of the coercive field H{sub C} (H{sub C}>5kOe) has been observed for the new hexagonal P6/mmm phase suggesting that nanocrystalline Sm(Fe,Mo){sub 10}, is a semi-hard material, and is potential candidate for magnetic recording. - Highlights: • A study of the structure and magnetic properties of SmFeMo compound. • A new out of equilibrium P6/mmm-type structure was found. • Correlation between the 1/12 phase and its out of equilibrium 1/10 phase.

  12. Level Lifetime Measurements in ^150Sm (United States)

    Barton, C. J.; Krücken, R.; Beausang, C. W.; Caprio, M. A.; Casten, R. F.; Cooper, J. R.; Hecht, A. A.; Newman, H.; Novak, J. R.; Pietralla, N.; Wolf, A.; Zyromski, K. E.; Zamfir, N. V.; Börner, H. G.


    Shape/phase coexistence and the evolution of structure in the region around ^152Sm have recently been of great interest. Experiments performed at WNSL, Yale University, measured the lifetime of low spin states in a target of ^150Sm with the recoil distance method (RDM) and the Doppler-shift attenuation method (DSAM). The low spin states, both yrast and non-yrast, were populated via Coulomb excitation with a beam of ^16O. The experiments were performed with the NYPD plunger in conjunction with the SPEEDY γ-ray array. The SCARY array of solar cells was used to detect backward scattered projectiles, selecting forward flying Coulomb excited target nuclei. The measured lifetimes yield, for example, B(E2) values for transitions such as the 2^+2 arrow 2^+1 and the 2^+3 arrow 0^+_1. Data from the RDM measurment and the DSAM experiment will be presented. This work was supported by the US DOE under grants DE-FG02-91ER-40609 and DE-FG02-88ER-40417.

  13. Schistosome tegumental ecto-apyrase (SmATPDase1 degrades exogenous pro-inflammatory and pro-thrombotic nucleotides

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Akram A. Da’dara


    Full Text Available Schistosomes are parasitic worms that can survive in the hostile environment of the human bloodstream where they appear refractory to both immune elimination and thrombus formation. We hypothesize that parasite migration in the bloodstream can stress the vascular endothelium causing this tissue to release chemicals alerting responsive host cells to the stress. Such chemicals are called damage associated molecular patterns (DAMPs and among the most potent is the proinflammatory mediator, adenosine triphosphate (ATP. Furthermore, the ATP derivative ADP is a pro-thrombotic molecule that acts as a strong activator of platelets. Schistosomes are reported to possess at their host interactive tegumental surface a series of enzymes that could, like their homologs in mammals, degrade extracellular ATP and ADP. These are alkaline phosphatase (SmAP, phosphodiesterase (SmNPP-5 and ATP diphosphohydrolase (SmATPDase1. In this work we employ RNAi to knock down expression of the genes encoding these enzymes in the intravascular life stages of the parasite. We then compare the abilities of these parasites to degrade exogenously added ATP and ADP. We find that only SmATPDase1-suppressed parasites are significantly impaired in their ability to degrade these nucleotides. Suppression of SmAP or SmNPP-5 does not appreciably affect the worms’ ability to catabolize ATP or ADP. These findings are confirmed by the functional characterization of the enzymatically active, full-length recombinant SmATPDase1 expressed in CHO-S cells. The enzyme is a true apyrase; SmATPDase1 degrades ATP and ADP in a cation dependent manner. Optimal activity is seen at alkaline pH. The Km of SmATPDase1 for ATP is 0.4 ± 0.02 mM and for ADP, 0.252 ± 0.02 mM. The results confirm the role of tegumental SmATPDase1 in the degradation of the exogenous pro-inflammatory and pro-thrombotic nucleotides ATP and ADP by live intravascular stages of the parasite. By degrading host inflammatory signals

  14. Microstructural changes during the slow-cooling annealing of nanocrystalline SmCo 2:17 type magnets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Romero, S.A.; Campos, M.F. de; Castro, J.A. de; Moreira, A.J.; Landgraf, F.J.G.


    Highlights: ► Use of the Stoner-Wohlfarth Callen Liu Cullen model in 2:17 type magnets. ► Data suggest exchange coupling between Sm2(CoFe)17 and Sm(CoCu)5 phases. ► It is given structural data for phase Sm0.33Zr0.67TM3, with TM=Co,Fe,Cu. ► The beneficial effect of the slow cooling treatment is explained. - Abstract: The microstructure and magnetic properties of 2:17 type isotropic magnets were investigated. The slow cooling heat treatment (cooling at 1 °C/min from 820 to 400 °C, and isothermal treatment during 24 h) was interrupted after the temperatures of 820, 700, 600 and 500 °C and their hysteresis were measured with fields up to 9 T. The fully heat treated sample presented coercivity (μ 0 H) of 3.32 T, after 24 h at 400 °C. The microstructure was investigated with SEM–FEG (Scanning Electron Microscope with Field Emission Gun) and X-ray Diffraction Rietveld analysis. The application of the Stoner–Wohlfarth–Callen–Liu–Cullen (SW–CLC) model points out exchange coupling between ferromagnetic Sm 2 (CoFe) 17 nanocells and ferromagnetic Sm(CoCu) 5 present at the cell boundary phase. The results are interpreted with the double shell model: first-a cobalt-rich ferromagnetic Sm(CoCu) 5 shell originates exchange coupling and second-a copper-rich paramagnetic Sm(CuCo) 5 shell produces magnetic decoupling. This double shell helps to maximize coercivity and remanence. The anisotropy field of the Sm 2 (CoFe) 17 cell phase was estimated in 7 T with the SW–CLC model.

  15. Recycled Sm-Co bonded magnet filaments for 3D printing of magnets (United States)

    Khazdozian, Helena A.; Manzano, J. Sebastián; Gandha, Kinjal; Slowing, Igor I.; Nlebedim, Ikenna C.


    Recycling of rare earth elements, such as Sm and Nd, is one technique towards mitigating long-term supply and cost concerns for materials and devices that depend on these elements. In this work recycled Sm-Co powder recovered from industrial grinding swarfs, or waste material from magnet processing, was investigated for use in preparation of filament for 3D printing of bonded magnets. Recycled Sm-Co powder recovered from swarfs was blended into polylactic acid (PLA). Up to 20 vol.% of the recycled Sm-Co in PLA was extruded at 160°C to produce a filament. It was demonstrated that no degradation of magnetic properties occurred due to the preparation or extrusion of the bonded magnet material. Good uniformity of the magnetic properties is exhibited throughout the filament, with the material first extruded being the exception. The material does exhibit some magnetic anisotropy, allowing for the possibility of the development of anisotropic filaments. This work provides a path forward for producing recycled magnetic filament for 3D printing of permanent magnets.

  16. Magneto-optical imaging of iron-oxypnictide SmFeAsO1-xFx and SmFeAsO1-y

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tamegai, T.; Nakajima, Y.; Tsuchiya, Y.; Iyo, A.; Miyazawa, K.; Shirage, P.M.; Kito, H.; Eisaki, H.


    We have prepared iron-oxypnictide SmFeAsO 1-x F x by ambient-pressure technique and SmFeAsO 1-y by high-pressure technique, and characterized their bulk and local magnetic properties by using SQUID magnetometer and magneto-optical imaging. While the high-pressure samples have densities close to the theoretical value, the ambient-pressure samples have several small voids. Despite these structural differences between the two kinds of samples, they both have superconducting transition temperature above 50 K. In addition, magneto-optical images for both samples show similar kinds of inhomogeneities with large current concentrated in several grains and with small intergranular current. The estimated intragranular currents for both samples are over 10 5 A/cm 2 at low temperatures and low fields.

  17. Arvo Pärt: Kui kannatab üks inimene, siis kannatab kogu maailm! / Arvo Pärt, Nora Pärt ; intervjueerinud Yana Toom, Maarja-Liis Arujärv, Aleksandr Zukerman ; kommenteerinud Edgar Savisaar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pärt, Arvo, 1935-


    Arvo Pärt ja tema abikaasa Nora Pärt andsid Türgis enne Pärdi uudisteose "Aadama itk" esiettekannet intervjuu, kus rääkisid nii nende raskustest Läände elama asumisel kui uudisteose sügavamast mõttest

  18. The dynamics of the laser-induced metal-semiconductor phase transition of samarium sulfide (SmS)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaempfer, Tino


    The present thesis is dedicated to the experimental study of the metal-semiconductor phase transition of samarium sulfide (SmS): Temperature- and time-resolved experiments on the characterization of the phase transition of mixed-valence SmS samples (M-SmS) are presented. The measurement of the dynamics of the laser-induced phase transition pursues via time-resolved ultrashort-time microscopy and by X-ray diffraction with sub-picosecond time resolution. The electronic and structural processes, which follow an excitation of M-SmS with infrared femtosecond laser pulses, are physically interpreted on the base of the results obtained in this thesis and model imaginations. [de

  19. Effect of the addition of Sm2O3 on the microstructure of laser cladding alloy coating layers (United States)

    Zhang, Shi Hong; Li, Ming Xi; Cho, Tong Yul; Yoon, Jae Hong; Fang, Wei; Joo, Yun Kon; Kang, Jin Ho; Lee, Chan Gyu


    The effects on the microstructures and phases of coating layers by the addition of micron-sized (m) and nano-sized (n) (m&n) Sm2O3 powders were investigated. The coating materials, which were prepared by means of 2.0 kW CO2 laser cladding, consist of a powder mixture of m Ni-based alloy (NBA) powders comprising 1.5 wt.% m Sm2O3 and 3.0% n Sm2O3 powders. The results indicate that γ-Ni, Cr23C6 and Ni3B are the primary phases of the NBA coatings. The Fe7Sm and Ni3Si phases are highlighted by the addition of m&n Sm2O3 powders. From the substrate, planar crystal layers are first grown in all NBA and m&n Sm2O3/NBA coatings. The dendrite growth then occurs as a result of the addition of the m Sm2O3 powder, and the equiaxed dendrite growth occurs as a result of the addition of the n Sm2O3. With the addition of a rare earth oxide such as Sm2O3 powder, the width of the planar crystal becomes smaller than that of the NBA coating.

  20. Optic and electro-optic investigations on SmQ, SmCA* and L phases in highly chiral compounds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Manai, M.; Gharbi, A.; Marcerou, J.P.; Nguyen, H.T.; Rouillon, J.C.


    Chiral molecules give rise to a large variety of mesophases. Well-known examples are cholesteric or ferroelectric smectic phases where the chirality tends to favor a macroscopic twist. Furthermore, the molecular core length (l) plays an important role on the range of the mesophases and on the temperature (T NI ) for the onset of orientational order. The tendency for T NI is to increase (going over 200 - bar C for some compounds) with increasing l. We report in this paper on a selection of compounds which have been designed in order to favor an anticlinic smectic ordering together with high chirality. As a common feature, they have a long rigid core with four benzene rings and a chiral chain (usually the same) at each end. They display a locally anisotropic liquid phase referred to as ''L phase'' in a large temperature range between T NI and the low temperature SmQ or SmC A * phase. Optical rotatory power (ORP), birefringence and electro-optic studies have been performed with these compounds

  1. Anmeldelse af: Bruner og de små børns læring

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Bodil


    Anmeldelse af: Bruner og de små børns læring - en introduktion af Sandra Smidt, Hans Reitzels Forlag, 2013.......Anmeldelse af: Bruner og de små børns læring - en introduktion af Sandra Smidt, Hans Reitzels Forlag, 2013....

  2. Analysis of the magnetic anisotropy in SmCo5 and GdCo5

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao, T.; Jin, H.; Groessinger, R.; Kou, X.; Kirchmayr, H.R.


    The temperature dependence of the magnetic anisotropy constant K 1 for SmCo 5 and GdCo 5 is well reproduced by calculations based on a single-ion model taking into account the anisotropies of the R--Co exchange interaction and the Co-sublattice magnetic moment. The anisotropy of the R--Co exchange interaction plays an important role in reproducing the experimental K 1 (T) for SmCo 5 and GdCo 5 . It is found that the absolute value of the second order crystalline electric field parameter A 0 2 in SmCo 5 decreases monotonically with increasing temperature

  3. Fabrication and properties of SmFe2-PZT magnetoelectric thin films

    KAUST Repository

    Giouroudi, Ioanna


    Magnetoelectric (ME) thin film composites are attracting a continually increasing interest due to their unique features and potential applications in multifunctional microdevices and integrated units such as sensors, actuators and energy harvesting modules. By combining piezoelectric and highly magnetostrictive thin films, the potentialities of these materials increase. In this paper we report the fabrication of SmFe2 and PZT thin films and the investigation of their properties. First of all, a ~ 400 nm thin SmFe film was deposited on top of Si/SiO2 substrate by magnetron sputter deposition. Afterwards, a 140 nm Pt bottom electrode was sputtered on top of the SmFe film forming a bottom electrode. Spin coating was employed for the deposition of the 150 nm thin PZT layer. A PZT solution with 10 %Pb excess was utilized for this fabrication step. Finally, circular Pt top electrodes were sputtered as top electrodes. This paper focuses on the microstructure of the individual films characterized by X-Ray diffractometer (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). A piezoelectric evaluation system, aixPES, with TF2000E analyzer component was used for the electric hysteresis measurements of PZT thin films and a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) was employed for the magnetic characterization of the SmFe. The developed thin films and the fabricated double layer SmFe-PZT exhibit both good ferromagnetic and piezoelectric responses which predict a promising ME composite structure. The quantitative chemical composition of the samples was confirmed by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDX). © (2013) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.

  4. Fabrication and properties of SmFe2-PZT magnetoelectric thin films

    KAUST Repository

    Giouroudi, Ioanna; Alnassar, Mohammed; Kosel, Jü rgen


    Magnetoelectric (ME) thin film composites are attracting a continually increasing interest due to their unique features and potential applications in multifunctional microdevices and integrated units such as sensors, actuators and energy harvesting modules. By combining piezoelectric and highly magnetostrictive thin films, the potentialities of these materials increase. In this paper we report the fabrication of SmFe2 and PZT thin films and the investigation of their properties. First of all, a ~ 400 nm thin SmFe film was deposited on top of Si/SiO2 substrate by magnetron sputter deposition. Afterwards, a 140 nm Pt bottom electrode was sputtered on top of the SmFe film forming a bottom electrode. Spin coating was employed for the deposition of the 150 nm thin PZT layer. A PZT solution with 10 %Pb excess was utilized for this fabrication step. Finally, circular Pt top electrodes were sputtered as top electrodes. This paper focuses on the microstructure of the individual films characterized by X-Ray diffractometer (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). A piezoelectric evaluation system, aixPES, with TF2000E analyzer component was used for the electric hysteresis measurements of PZT thin films and a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) was employed for the magnetic characterization of the SmFe. The developed thin films and the fabricated double layer SmFe-PZT exhibit both good ferromagnetic and piezoelectric responses which predict a promising ME composite structure. The quantitative chemical composition of the samples was confirmed by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDX). © (2013) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.

  5. Multi-factor analysis on events related to hematological toxicity in 153Sm-EDTMP palliative therapy for skeletal metastases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhan Hongwei; Yu Xiaoling; Ye Xiaojuan; Bao Chengkan; Sun Da; He Gangqiang


    Objective: To investigate the clinical factors related to hematological toxicity induced by intravenous samarium-153 ethylenediaminetetramethylene phosphonic acid ( 153 Sm-EDTMP) treatment. Methods A total of 206 patients with bony metastases treated with 153 Sm-EDTMP were retrospectively analyzed. Logistic regression (SPSS 10.0 for Windows) and correlation analysis were used to evaluate the factors concerned. Results: Age of the patient, number of bone metastatic lesion, chemotherapy before 153 Sm-EDTMP therapy, concurrent radiotherapy and repeat-times of 153 Sm-EDTMP treatments were found the individual factors related to hematological toxicity. Chemotherapy before 153 Sm-EDTMP, concurrent radiotherapy, medication for normal blood counting and repeat-times of 153 Sm-EDTMP treatments were the hematological toxicity factors in multi-factor analysis. Conclusion: In 153 Sm-EDTMP therapy, several factors were found related to hematological toxicity suggesting more attention be paid to the change of blood cell counting after the palliative therapy. (authors)

  6. Effects of substrate temperature and Cu underlayer thickness on the formation of SmCo5(0001) epitaxial thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohtake, Mitsuru; Nukaga, Yuri; Futamoto, Masaaki; Kirino, Fumiyoshi


    SmCo 5 (0001) epitaxial thin films were prepared on Cu(111) underlayers heteroepitaxially grown on Al 2 O 3 (0001) single-crystal substrates by molecular beam epitaxy. The effects of substrate temperature and Cu underlayer thickness on the crystallographic properties of SmCo 5 (0001) epitaxial films were investigated. The Cu atoms of underlayer diffuse into the SmCo 5 film and substitute the Co sites in SmCo 5 structure forming an alloy compound of Sm(Co,Cu) 5 . The ordered phase formation is enhanced with increasing the substrate temperature and with increasing the Cu underlayer thickness. The Cu atom diffusion into the SmCo 5 film is assisting the formation of Sm(Co,Cu) 5 ordered phase.

  7. Absorption Spectra of BaF2 Sm2O3, Sm, Gd, and Ho Plasmas (United States)

    Martin, Michael; Bastiani-Ceccotti, Serena


    Knowledge of the opacities of high Z element plasmas is important in indirect drive ICF and the study of stellar evolution. There are few experimental measurements of this quantity, and its theoretical determination is difficult due to the number of possible bound electron configurations. This study aims to better the theoretical understanding of this parameter by looking at the 3d-4f transitions of BaF2, Sm2O3, Sm, Gd, and Ho plasmas at the LULI2000 facility. The plasmas are produced by radiative heating and are cold, 15 -- 40 eV, and relatively dense, ˜ .01gm/cm^3 A plasma is produced by a .5 ns laser pulse irradiating a gold hohlraum and then probed by an x-ray source created by a gold foil irradiated by a 10 ps laser pulse. The transmission is found with simultaneous source and absorption measurements by an x-ray spectrometer in the 8 - 20 å range We will compare the results with statistical atomic structure codes. From this experiment we will gain further insight into the spectral broadening of neighboring Z elements due to changing plasma temperature and into mixture thermodynamics. This is a first step towards an experimental study of astrophysical domains.

  8. SmCL3, a gastrodermal cysteine protease of the human blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jan Dvorák


    Full Text Available Blood flukes of the genus Schistosoma are platyhelminth parasites that infect 200 million people worldwide. Digestion of nutrients from the host bloodstream is essential for parasite development and reproduction. A network of proteolytic enzymes (proteases facilitates hydrolysis of host hemoglobin and serum proteins.We identified a new cathepsin L termed SmCL3 using PCR strategies based on S. mansoni EST sequence data. An ortholog is present in Schistosoma japonicum. SmCL3 was heterologously expressed as an active enzyme in the yeast, Pichia pastoris. Recombinant SmCL3 has a broad pH activity range against peptidyl substrates and is inhibited by Clan CA protease inhibitors. Consistent with a function in degrading host proteins, SmCL3 hydrolyzes serum albumin and hemoglobin, is localized to the adult gastrodermis, and is expressed mainly in those life stages infecting the mammalian host. The predominant form of SmCL3 in the parasite exists as a zymogen, which is unusual for proteases. This zymogen includes an unusually long prodomain with alpha helical secondary structure motifs. The striking specificity of SmCL3 for amino acids with large aromatic side chains (Trp and Tyr at the P2 substrate position, as determined with positional scanning-synthetic combinatorial library, is consistent with a molecular model that shows a large and deep S2 pocket. A sequence similarity network (SSN view clusters SmCL3 and other cathepsins L in accordance with previous large-scale phylogenetic analyses that identify six super kingdoms.SmCL3 is a gut-associated cathepsin L that may contribute to the network of proteases involved in degrading host blood proteins as nutrients. Furthermore, this enzyme exhibits some unusual sequence and biophysical features that may result in additional functions. The visualization of network inter-relationships among cathepsins L suggests that these enzymes are suitable 'marker sequences' for inclusion in future phylogenetic analyses.

  9. Decay spectroscopy of 160Sm: The lightest four-quasiparticle K isomer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Z. Patel


    Full Text Available The decay of a new four-quasiparticle isomeric state in 160Sm has been observed using γ-ray spectroscopy at the RIBF, RIKEN. The four-quasiparticle state is assigned a 2π⊗2ν π52−[532], π52+[413], ν52−[523], ν72+[633] configuration. The half-life of this (11+ state is measured to be 1.8(4 μs. The (11+ isomer decays into a rotational band structure, based on a (6− ν52−[523]⊗ν72+[633] bandhead, consistent with the gK−gR values. This decays to a (5− two-proton quasiparticle state, which in turn decays to the ground state band. Potential energy surface and blocked-BCS calculations were performed in the deformed midshell region around 160Sm. They reveal a significant influence from β6 deformation and that 160Sm is the best candidate for the lightest four-quasiparticle K isomer to exist in this region. The relationship between reduced hindrance and isomer excitation energy for E1 transitions from multiquasiparticle states is considered with the new data from 160Sm. The E1 data are found to agree with the existing relationship for E2 transitions.

  10. Photoluminescence characteristics of reddish-orange Eu{sup 3+} or Sm{sup 3+} singly-doped and Eu{sup 3+} and Sm{sup 3+} co-doped KZnGd(PO{sub 4}){sub 2} phosphors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jeong, Jun Ho; Bandi, Vengala Rao; Grandhe, Bhaskar Kumar; Jang, Ki Wan; Lee, Ho Sueb [Changwon National University, Changwon (Korea, Republic of); Yi, Soung Soo [Silla University, Busan (Korea, Republic of); Jeong, Jung Hyun [Pukyong National University, Busan (Korea, Republic of)


    Eu{sup 3+} or Sm{sup 3+} singly-doped and Eu{sup 3+} and Sm{sup 3+} co-doped KZnGd(PO{sub 4}){sub 2} phosphors were synthesized by using a conventional solid state reaction method at 750 .deg. C. The emission spectra of KZnGd{sub 1-x}(PO{sub 4}){sub 2}:Eu{sup 3+}{sub x} with {lambda}{sub ex} = 395 nm and KZnGd{sub 1-y}(PO{sub 4}){sub 2}:Sm{sup 3+}{sub y} with {lambda}{sub ex} = 403 nm phosphors showed intense {sup 5}D{sub 0} {yields} {sup 7}F{sub 1}, {sup 4}G{sub 5/2} {yields} {sup 6}H{sub 7/2} emission transitions at 595 nm and 599 nm, respectively. The optimum relative intensity of the KZnGd{sub 1-x-y}(PO{sub 4}){sub 2}:Eu{sup 3+}{sub x} , Sm{sup 3+}{sub y} phosphor was obtained for the doping concentrations of (x = 0.09, y = 0.01). In addition, the temperature dependent luminescence intensity of the synthesized phosphors was investigated and the thermal stability of the KZnGd(PO{sub 4}){sub 2}:Eu{sup 3+} phosphor was found to be higher than that of standard YAG:Ce{sup 3+} and KZnGd{sub 1-x-y}(PO{sub 4}){sub 2}:Eu{sup 3+}{sub x} Sm{sup 3+}{sub y} under near ultra-violet (NUV) light emitting diode excitation (LED). Therefore, we suggest that Eu{sup 3+} or Sm{sup 3+} singly-doped and Eu{sup 3+} and Sm{sup 3+} co-doped KZnGd(PO{sub 4}){sub 2} phosphors should be efficient for different red-color-emitting display device applications and NUV-LED-based white-light-emitting diodes.

  11. Cytogenetic analysis of 153 Sm-EDTMP in peripheral lymphocytes from patients with bone cancer metastasis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silva, M.A. da; Suzuki, M.F.; Rogero, J.R.; Okazaki, K.; Guimaraes, M.I.C.C.; Buchpiguel, C.A.


    The 153 Sm-EDTMP is a radiopharmaceutical used in nuclear medicine with promising results for the relief of metastatic pain. Therefore, there are few knowledge about the effects of 153 Sm-EDTMP at cellular level. The present study was conducted with the aim of evaluating the cytogenetic effects of 153 Sm-EDTMP in peripheral lymphocytes from patients with bone metastasis (with and without previous radio and/or chemotherapy) by the chromosome aberration technique. For that, the blood samples were collected before and one hour after the endovenous administrations of 153 Sm-EDTMP (mean activity of 42.53 ± 5.31 MBq/kg body weight), taking into account the rapid blood clearance. The principal types of structural chromosome aberrations found gaps and breaks, acentric fragments centric rings, double minutes and dicentrics. The statistical analysis showed that the group submitted to previous radio and chemotherapy before 153 Sm-EDTMP administration showed significant difference in chromosome aberrations frequency one hour after the treatment. The analysis of the chromosome modal number and the kinetics of cellular cycle showed no statistical difference among the groups, suggesting that the treatment with 153 Sm-EDTMP, did not influence these parameters. The obtained data showed that the therapy with 153 Sm-EDTMP induced a few quantity of cytogenetic damages in peripheral lymphocytes one hour after its administration in patients, although, theoretically, a long term stochastic effect cannot be disregarded. (author)

  12. Petri nets SM-cover-based on heuristic coloring algorithm (United States)

    Tkacz, Jacek; Doligalski, Michał


    In the paper, coloring heuristic algorithm of interpreted Petri nets is presented. Coloring is used to determine the State Machines (SM) subnets. The present algorithm reduces the Petri net in order to reduce the computational complexity and finds one of its possible State Machines cover. The proposed algorithm uses elements of interpretation of Petri nets. The obtained result may not be the best, but it is sufficient for use in rapid prototyping of logic controllers. Found SM-cover will be also used in the development of algorithms for decomposition, and modular synthesis and implementation of parallel logic controllers. Correctness developed heuristic algorithm was verified using Gentzen formal reasoning system.

  13. Electron back scattered diffraction study of SmCo magnets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yonamine, T.; Fukuhara, M.; Machado, R.; Missell, F.P.


    The remanence and energy product of permanent magnets is a strong function of their crystallographic texture. Electron back scattered diffraction (EBSD) is a tool for texture analysis providing information about the atomic layers up to 50 nm below the surface of the material. This paper discusses experimental requirements for performing EBSD measurements on rare-earth permanent magnets and presents results on commercial SmCo magnet material. EBSD measurements proved to be very sensitive to misaligned grains and were sensitive to texture in good agreement with information provided by X-ray diffraction scans. Results for nanostructured Sm(CoFeCuZr) z magnets are also discussed

  14. Isomer decay spectroscopy of 164Sm and 166Gd: midshell collectivity around N=100. (United States)

    Patel, Z; Söderström, P-A; Podolyák, Zs; Regan, P H; Walker, P M; Watanabe, H; Ideguchi, E; Simpson, G S; Liu, H L; Nishimura, S; Wu, Q; Xu, F R; Browne, F; Doornenbal, P; Lorusso, G; Rice, S; Sinclair, L; Sumikama, T; Wu, J; Xu, Z Y; Aoi, N; Baba, H; Bello Garrote, F L; Benzoni, G; Daido, R; Fang, Y; Fukuda, N; Gey, G; Go, S; Gottardo, A; Inabe, N; Isobe, T; Kameda, D; Kobayashi, K; Kobayashi, M; Komatsubara, T; Kojouharov, I; Kubo, T; Kurz, N; Kuti, I; Li, Z; Matsushita, M; Michimasa, S; Moon, C-B; Nishibata, H; Nishizuka, I; Odahara, A; Şahin, E; Sakurai, H; Schaffner, H; Suzuki, H; Takeda, H; Tanaka, M; Taprogge, J; Vajta, Zs; Yagi, A; Yokoyama, R


    Excited states in the N=102 isotones 166Gd and 164Sm have been observed following isomeric decay for the first time at RIBF, RIKEN. The half-lives of the isomeric states have been measured to be 950(60) and 600(140) ns for 166Gd and 164Sm, respectively. Based on the decay patterns and potential energy surface calculations, including β6 deformation, a spin and parity of 6- has been assigned to the isomeric states in both nuclei. Collective observables are discussed in light of the systematics of the region, giving insight into nuclear shape evolution. The decrease in the ground-band energies of 166Gd and 164Sm (N=102) compared to 164Gd and 162Sm (N=100), respectively, presents evidence for the predicted deformed shell closure at N=100.

  15. Isomer Decay Spectroscopy of Sm 164 and Gd 166 : Midshell Collectivity Around N =100 (United States)

    Patel, Z.; Söderström, P.-A.; Podolyák, Zs.; Regan, P. H.; Walker, P. M.; Watanabe, H.; Ideguchi, E.; Simpson, G. S.; Liu, H. L.; Nishimura, S.; Wu, Q.; Xu, F. R.; Browne, F.; Doornenbal, P.; Lorusso, G.; Rice, S.; Sinclair, L.; Sumikama, T.; Wu, J.; Xu, Z. Y.; Aoi, N.; Baba, H.; Bello Garrote, F. L.; Benzoni, G.; Daido, R.; Fang, Y.; Fukuda, N.; Gey, G.; Go, S.; Gottardo, A.; Inabe, N.; Isobe, T.; Kameda, D.; Kobayashi, K.; Kobayashi, M.; Komatsubara, T.; Kojouharov, I.; Kubo, T.; Kurz, N.; Kuti, I.; Li, Z.; Matsushita, M.; Michimasa, S.; Moon, C.-B.; Nishibata, H.; Nishizuka, I.; Odahara, A.; Şahin, E.; Sakurai, H.; Schaffner, H.; Suzuki, H.; Takeda, H.; Tanaka, M.; Taprogge, J.; Vajta, Zs.; Yagi, A.; Yokoyama, R.


    Excited states in the N =102 isotones Gd 166 and Sm 164 have been observed following isomeric decay for the first time at RIBF, RIKEN. The half-lives of the isomeric states have been measured to be 950(60) and 600(140) ns for Gd 166 and Sm 164 , respectively. Based on the decay patterns and potential energy surface calculations, including β6 deformation, a spin and parity of 6- has been assigned to the isomeric states in both nuclei. Collective observables are discussed in light of the systematics of the region, giving insight into nuclear shape evolution. The decrease in the ground-band energies of Gd 166 and Sm 164 (N =102 ) compared to Gd 164 and Sm 162 (N =100 ), respectively, presents evidence for the predicted deformed shell closure at N =100 .

  16. Evidentiation of Paramyosin (Sm-97 as a Modulating Antigen on Granulomatous Hypersensitivity to Schistosoma mansoni Eggs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hirsch Cristine


    Full Text Available A Schistosoma mansoni adult worm anionic fraction (PIII has previously been shown to protect mice against challenge infection and to reduce pulmonary and hepatic granulomatous hypersensitivity. Serum from PIII-immunized rabbit was used to screen a lgt11 cDNA library from S. mansoni adult worm in order to identify antigens capable of modulating granulomatous hypersensitivity. We obtained four clones with 400 (Sm-III.11, 900 (Sm-III.16, 1100 (Sm-III.10 and 1300 (Sm-III.12 bp of length. All clone-specific antibodies were able to recognize most of the PIII components. The sequence analysis showed that these clones presented high homology with S. mansoni paramyosin (Sm-97. These findings ascribe a new function to this antigen with an important role in modulation of granulomatous hypersensitivity to S. mansoni eggs

  17. Synthesis, characterization and thermal expansion studies on ThO2-SmO1.5 solid solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Panneerselvam, G.; Antony, M.P.


    Full text: A highly homogeneous Th 1-x Sm x O 2 ; 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.8 solid solutions were synthesized by co-precipitation technique and the co-precipitated samples were sintered at 1473 K. Compositions of the solid solutions were characterized by standard wet-chemical analysis. X-ray diffraction measurements were performed in the sintered pellets for structural analysis, lattice parameter calculation and determination of solid solubility of SmO 1.5 in ThO 2 matrix. Bulk and theoretical densities of solid solutions were also determined. A fluorite structure was observed for ThO 2 -SmO 1.5 solid solutions with 0-55.2 mol % SmO 1.5 . Their thermal expansion coefficients were measured using high temperature X-ray diffraction technique. The mean linear thermal expansivity, αm for ThO 2 -SmO 1.5 solid solutions containing 17.9, 41.7 and 52.0 mole percent of SmO 1.5 were determined in the temperature range 298 to 2000 K for the first time. The mean linear thermal expansion coefficients for ThO 2 -SmO 1.5 solid solutions are 10.47x10 -6 K -1 , 11.16x10 -6 K -1 and 11.45x10 -6 K -1 , respectively. The percentage linear thermal expansion in this temperature range, for ThO 2 -SmO 1.5 solid solutions containing 17.9, 41.7 and 52.0 mol % SmO 1.5 are 1.82,1.94 and 1.99 respectively. It is suggested that the solid solutions are stable up to 2000 K. It is also suggested that the effect and nature of the dopant are the important parameters influenced in the thermal expansion of the ThO 2

  18. Luminescence studies of Sm(III) and Cm(III) complexes in NaSCN/DHDECMP extraction systems

    CERN Document Server

    Chung, D Y; Kimura, T


    Laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) studies of Sm(III) and Cm(III) complexes in the NaSCN/DHDECMP solvent extraction system were carried out. Luminescence lifetimes were measured to determine the number of water molecules coordinated to Sm(III), Tb(III), Dy(III), and Cm(III) in the sodium thiocyanate solution and in the DHDECMP phase. The hydration number of Sm(III), Tb(III), Dy(III), and Cm(III) in the sodium thiocyanate solution decreased linearly with increasing sodium thiocyanate concentration. The hydration numbers of Sm(III), Dy(III), and Cm(III) in the DHDECMP phase decreased with increasing sodium thiocyanate concentration. The water molecules in the inner coordination sphere of Sm(III) and Dy(III) extracted into the DHDECMP were not completely removed at low sodium thiocyanate concentration but decreased with increasing sodium thiocyanate concentration. However, in the case of Cm(III) extracted into the DHDECMP phase from the sodium thiocyanate solution, there was no water in the inner coordination sphe...

  19. Radiological site assessment at sun rose claim utilizing ScanPlot{sup SM} technology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Downey, H., E-mail: [Amec Foster Wheeler, Portland, ME (United States)


    ScanPlot{sup SM} gamma spectroscopy land survey system was utilized for the overland survey of uranium at the Sun Rose Claim in the Northwest Territories. The Sun Rose Claim is a former uranium exploration site and previous investigations had identified uranium ore and waste rock. ScanPlot{sup SM} radiological scan surveys were performed utilizing a backpack system. ScanPlot{sup SM} platform utilized spectroscopy grade sodium iodide detectors configured for optimal spatial coverage and radiation detection. Survey locations were recorded using an on-board global positioning system (GPS). The radiological spectral data from the radiation detectors is automatically logged and linked with the GPS coordinates to an on-board computer to create isocontour figures using a color scale to represent radioactivity levels. The advantage of utilizing the ScanPlot{sup SM} system for this assessment is that the nature and extent of uranium is provided without having to collect and assay a large number of samples. (author)

  20. Effects of Sm addition on microstructure and mechanical properties of a Mg-10Y alloy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Li Quanan


    Full Text Available To further increase the mechanical properties, 0.5wt.% Sm was introduced to a Mg-10Y alloy in this study. The effects of Sm addition on the microstructures and mechanical properties of the Mg-10Y alloy, especially the aged Mg-10Y alloy, were investigated. The microstructure observation and tensile tests were performed by using an optical microscopy, a scanning electron microscopy and a universal material testing machine, respectively. The phase analysis was performed using X-ray diffractometer. The results show that the 0.5wt.% Sm addition can not only promote the formation of fine and dispersed Mg24Y5 phases, but also improve their morphology and distribution; it also increases the thermal stability of Mg24Y5 phases. Sm addition is seen to increase the ultimate tensile strength of Mg-10Y alloy at elevated temperatures (200, 250, 300 and 350 ℃, while decrease the elongation. But the elongation is still up to 7.5% even at 350 ℃. In the range of 250 ℃ to 300℃, the ultimate tensile strength of the alloy reaches its maximum (with a range average of 235 MPa and is not sensitive to the temperature change, which is very useful to the application of heat-resistant magnesium alloys. Even at 350 ℃, the ultimate tensile strength of Mg-10Y-0.5Sm is still up to 155 MPa. Considering both of the ultimate tensile strength and elongation, the maximum application temperature of the Mg-10Y-0.5Sm alloy can be up to 300 ℃. The strengthening mechanisms of Mg-10Y-0.5Sm alloy are mainly attributed to dispersion strengthening of Mg24Y5 phase particles with a certain solubility of Sm and grain refinement strengthening of α-Mg matrix.

  1. Preparation, microstructure and magnetic properties of Sm(Co,Hf){sub 7}/Co nanocomposite particles by polyol method

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bu, Shao-Jing; Duan, Xiu-Li; Han, Xu-Hao; Sun, Ji-Bing, E-mail:; Chi, Xiang; Cui, Chun-Xiang


    Hard/soft Sm-Co/Co nanocomposite particles were prepared by reducing CoCl{sub 2}·6H{sub 2}O in the solution containing ball-milled Sm(Co, Hf){sub 7} particles by a simple polyol method with ethylene glycol as the solvent. Phase composition, microstructure and magnetic properties of the particles were analyzed by XRD, TEM (HRTEM) and VSM, respectively. It has been found that Sm-Co/Co core/shell structure is formed in which the Co shell is 3–5 nm in thickness and mainly exists in hcp-Co phase. At the same time, fcc-Co tends to nucleate and grow independently between Sm-Co particles. The formation mechanism of Sm-Co/Co composite particles is discussed and corresponding model is established. Sm-Co/Co composite particles perform obvious remanence enhancement effects especially after being heated at 450 °C for 15 min.

  2. Crystal structure and magnetic properties of a nitrogenated melt-spun Sm[sub 2]Fe[sub 17] compound

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yang, Choong-Jin [Electromagnetic Materials Laboratory, Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology, P.O. Box 135, 790-330 Pohang (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Woo-Young [Electromagnetic Materials Laboratory, Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology, P.O. Box 135, 790-330 Pohang (Korea, Republic of); Choi, Seung-Duck [Electromagnetic Materials Laboratory, Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology, P.O. Box 135, 790-330 Pohang (Korea, Republic of)


    Sm[sub 2]Fe[sub 17]N[sub 2.9] compound powders were prepared from parent alloys of Sm[sub 2]Fe[sub 17] which were made by both arc melting and rapid solidification processes. The cast Sm[sub 2]Fe[sub 17] contained mixed phases of SmFe[sub 3] and [alpha]-Fe, and correspondingly formed less Sm[sub 2]Fe[sub 17]N[sub x] with a rather large amount of residual [alpha]-Fe after nitrogenation. The melt-spun Sm[sub 2]Fe[sub 17] compound, however, was single phase and exhibited a negligible amount of residual [alpha]+Fe after nitrogenation. The residual amount of free iron was found to increase as a function of milling time and to impede the development of promising permanent magnetic properties. The melt-spun Sm[sub 2]Fe[sub 17]N[sub x] compound powders exhibited a coercivity value [sub i]H[sub c] of 5 kOe, which is double that of the as-cast Sm[sub 2]Fe[sub 17]N[sub x] powders and a high remanence B[sub r]=60 e.m.u. g[sup -1]. The average magnetic moment of Fe atoms in the crystal is estimated to be 2.29 [mu][sub B] and the Fe atom in the 6c site exhibits the highest magnetic moment of 2.65 [mu][sub B]. The expansion in the c axial direction of the nitrogenated crystal was found to be mainly due to extension of Sm(6c)-Fe(c) and Fe(18f)-Fe(18f) distances. ((orig.))

  3. The Syk kinase SmTK4 of Schistosoma mansoni is involved in the regulation of spermatogenesis and oogenesis.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Svenja Beckmann


    Full Text Available The signal transduction protein SmTK4 from Schistosoma mansoni belongs to the family of Syk kinases. In vertebrates, Syk kinases are known to play specialized roles in signaling pathways in cells of the hematopoietic system. Although Syk kinases were identified in some invertebrates, their role in this group of animals has not yet been elucidated. Since SmTK4 is the first Syk kinase from a parasitic helminth, shown to be predominantly expressed in the testes and ovary of adult worms, we investigated its function. To unravel signaling cascades in which SmTK4 is involved, yeast two-/three-hybrid library screenings were performed with either the tandem SH2-domain, or with the linker region including the tyrosine kinase domain of SmTK4. Besides the Src kinase SmTK3 we identified a new Src kinase (SmTK6 acting upstream of SmTK4 and a MAPK-activating protein, as well as mapmodulin acting downstream. Their identities and colocalization studies pointed to a role of SmTK4 in a signaling cascade regulating the proliferation and/or differentiation of cells in the gonads of schistosomes. To confirm this decisive role we performed biochemical and molecular approaches to knock down SmTK4 combined with a novel protocol for confocal laser scanning microscopy for morphological analyses. Using the Syk kinase-specific inhibitor Piceatannol or by RNAi treatment of adult schistosomes in vitro, corresponding phenotypes were detected in the testes and ovary. In the Xenopus oocyte system it was finally confirmed that Piceatannol suppressed the activity of the catalytic kinase domain of SmTK4. Our findings demonstrate a pivotal role of SmTK4 in gametogenesis, a new function for Syk kinases in eukaryotes.

  4. Effect of temperature on the luminescence of Sm{sup 3+} ions in YAM crystals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kaczkan, M. [Institute of Microelectronics and Optoelectronics PW, ul. Koszykowa 75, 00-662 Warsaw (Poland); Boruc, Z., E-mail: [Institute of Microelectronics and Optoelectronics PW, ul. Koszykowa 75, 00-662 Warsaw (Poland); Turczyński, S. [Institute of Electronic Materials Technology, ul. Wólczyńska 133, 01-919 Warsaw (Poland); Malinowski, M. [Institute of Microelectronics and Optoelectronics PW, ul. Koszykowa 75, 00-662 Warsaw (Poland)


    Highlights: • Different concentration Sm{sup 3+}-doped Y{sub 4}Al{sub 2}O{sub 9} crystals are fabricated by μ-pulling down method. • Thermally activated {sup 4}F{sub 3/2} → {sup 6}H{sub 5/2} emission of Sm{sup 3+} in YAM is studied. • Temperature dependent quenching mechanism of the {sup 4}G{sub 5/2} luminescence is proposed. - Abstract: The spectroscopic features of samarium Sm{sup 3+} activated Y{sub 4}Al{sub 2}O{sub 9} (YAM) crystals are presented and discussed. Temperature sensing properties of Sm{sup 3+}:YAM phosphor was demonstrated over the 300–1200 K range. Temperature dependent luminescence spectra and decay curves for the {sup 4}G{sub 5/2} level of Sm{sup 3+} in YAM were measured. Ratio of the fluorescence intensities arising from the two close lying {sup 4}F{sub 3/2} and {sup 4}G{sub 5/2} levels (with energy separation of ΔE ∼ 1000 cm{sup −1}) followed a straight line pattern, which confirms the Boltzmann distribution of the population, and can be used to measure temperature. The lifetime for the {sup 4}G{sub 5/2} level in 1% Sm doped sample decreases from 1.65 to 0.08 ms with heating from room temperature to 1200 K. This behavior of decays is discussed in terms of radiative and multiphonon decays as well as cross-relaxation dependence on temperature.

  5. Photoluminescence characteristics of Sm{sup 3+}-doped Ba{sub 2}CaWO{sub 6} as new orange–red emitting phosphors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yu, Ruiijn [College of Science, Northwest A and F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100 (China); Department of Physics, Pukyong National University, Busan 608-737 (Korea, Republic of); Department of Physics, Changwon National University, Changwon 641-773 (Korea, Republic of); Mi Noh, Hyeon; Kee Moon, Byung; Chun Choi, Byung [Department of Physics, Pukyong National University, Busan 608-737 (Korea, Republic of); Hyun Jeong, Jung, E-mail: [Department of Physics, Pukyong National University, Busan 608-737 (Korea, Republic of); Sueb Lee, Ho [Department of Physics, Changwon National University, Changwon 641-773 (Korea, Republic of); Jang, Kiwan, E-mail: [Department of Physics, Changwon National University, Changwon 641-773 (Korea, Republic of); Soo Yi, Soung [Department of Electronic Material Engineering, Silla University, Busan 617-736 (Korea, Republic of)


    The orange–red emitting Ba{sub 2}CaWO{sub 6}:xSm{sup 3+} (0.01≤x≤0.25) phosphors were synthesized via solid state reaction process. The crystal structure of the phosphor was characterized by XRD. The photoluminescence excitation and emission spectra, concentration effect were investigated. The results show an efficient energy transfer from WO{sub 6}{sup 6−} group to Sm{sup 3+} occurs. The emission spectra of the Ba{sub 2}CaWO{sub 6}:Sm{sup 3+} phosphors consisted of some sharp emission peaks of Sm{sup 3+} ions centre at 579 nm, 618 nm, 625 nm, and 675 nm. The strongest one is located at 610 nm due to {sup 4}G{sub 5/2}→{sup 6}H{sub 7/2} transition of Sm{sup 3+}, generating bright orange–red light. The optimum dopant concentration of Sm{sup 3+} ions in Ba{sub 2}CaWO{sub 6}:xSm{sup 3+} is around 5 mol% and the critical transfer distance of Sm{sup 3+} is calculated as 18 Å. The fluorescence lifetime of Sm{sup 3+} in Ba{sub 2}CaWO{sub 6}:0.05Sm{sup 3+} is 2.36 ms. The Ba{sub 2}CaWO{sub 6}:Sm{sup 3+} phosphors may be potentially used as orange–red phosphors for white light-emitting diodes. - Highlights: • A new host-sensitized Sm{sup 3+}-doped Ba{sub 2}CaWO{sub 6} phosphor was firstly synthesized. • Its structure, luminescent properties are well studied and characterized. • There exists an efficient energy transfer from WO{sub 6}{sup 6−} group to Sm{sup 3+}. • The thermal quenching properties of Ba{sub 2}CaWO{sub 6}:Sm{sup 3+} was firstly evaluated.

  6. Effects of Sm addition on electromagnetic interference shielding property of Mg-Zn-Zr alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yang, Chubin [Chongqing University, College of Materials Science and Engineering, National Engineering Research Center for Magnesium Alloy, Chongqing (China); Gannan Normal University, Jiangxi Provincial Engineering Research Center for Magnesium Alloy, Ganzhou (China); Pan, Fusheng; Chen, Xianhua [Chongqing University, College of Materials Science and Engineering, National Engineering Research Center for Magnesium Alloy, Chongqing (China); Luo, Ning [Gannan Normal University, Jiangxi Provincial Engineering Research Center for Magnesium Alloy, Ganzhou (China)


    The electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding of Sm-containing magnesium alloys in the 30-1500 MHz testing frequency range was investigated by coaxial cable method. The results demonstrated that Mg-3Zn alloys displayed the best electromagnetic shielding property. When 0.5 wt% of Zr was added for crystal grain refinement, the shielding effectiveness (SE) was apparently reduced. The addition of the rare earth element Sm in ZK magnesium alloys can improve the electromagnetic interference shielding of magnesium alloys. The main reason for the differences in electromagnetic interference shielding of magnesium alloys was the change in conductivity. The addition of Zr in Mg-Zn alloys can refine the grains and consequently improve the grain boundary area significantly. Therefore, the number of irregularly arranged atoms at the grain boundaries increased, decreasing the conductivity of magnesium alloys and leading to a decrease in the electromagnetic interference shielding. Following the Sm addition, the Mg-Zn-Sm phase was precipitated at the grain boundaries and in cores. The precipitation of Sm-containing rare earth phases could consume the solid-soluted Zn atoms within the Mg, resulting in an increase in electrical conductivity and electromagnetic interference shielding improvement. (orig.)

  7. Fluorescence microscopic and microautoradiographic studies on apoptosis of bone tumor cells induced by 153Sm-EDTMP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhu Shoupeng; Xiao Dong; Han Xiaofeng


    The apoptosis of bone tumor cells treated with internal irradiation by 153 Sm-EDTMP was studied. The morphological changes in bone tumor cells were observed by fluorescence microscopic and microautoradiographic observations. It was found that bone tumor cells internally irradiated with 153 Sm-EDTMP, displayed significant nuclear fragmentation and marked pyknosis as well as apoptotic bodies formation. The microautoradiographic study showed that 153 Sm-EDTMP could permeate through cell membrane and displayed membrane-seeking condensation in tumor cells. Soon afterwards 153 Sm-EDTMP could be phagocytized by the tumor cells and distributed in cytoplasm and nucleus in the form of phagosome. With the prolongation of observing time, the membrane-bounded apoptotic bodies was observed. With the lengthening of internal irradiation time by 153 Sm-EDTMP, the inhibition rate of proliferation of bone tumor cells increased progressively. (10 refs., 9 figs., 1 tab.)

  8. Småföretagarnas Bootstrapping : en kvantitativ studie om hur småföretagens bootstrappinganvändning förklaras utifrån företagens livscykel


    Karlsson, Anton; Nilsson, Pontus


    Arbetslösheten i Sverige uppgick under 2017 års första månad till 7,3 procent. En aktuell faktor för att minska arbetslösheten är entreprenörskap. Entreprenörskap är en viktig del i utvecklingen för att driva småföretag. Småföretagen svarar för en betydande del av Sveriges sysselsättning, men lider av låg överlevnadsgrad. För att öka sannolikheten för överlevnad använder många småföretag olika bootstrappingmetoder. Syftet med bootstrapping är att finna lösningar på resursbehov och kan därför ...

  9. Thermal decomposition of the Fe17 Sm2 N3 phase

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cabral, F.A.O.; Gama, S.; Morais, E. de; Sanjurjo, N.L.; Ribeiro, C.A.


    We studied the high temperature decomposition mechanism for the Fe 17 Sm 2 N 3 phase using several different experimental techniques, as thermomagnetic and thermogravimetric analyses. Our results slow that the decomposition occurs in a two step scheme. In the first reaction we have the formation of Sm N and a solid solution of nitrogen in iron. In the second step, this solid solution degases, and we observe the evolution of nitrogen over a broad temperature range. (author)

  10. Production of SmCo5 alloy by calciothermic reduction of samarium oxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krishnan, T.S.; Gupta, C.K.


    Among the established permanent magnets, SmCo 5 magnet occupies the foremost position as it offers a unique combination of high energy product, coercivity and curie temperature. The SmCo 5 magnets are thus extensively used for high field applications. These are also best suited for use in environments where high demagnetizing field and high temperature are operative. Also, for applications where high performance and miniaturization are the over-riding considerations, the choice again falls on SmCo 5 magnets. The main deterrent to the widespread use of SmCo 5 magnet is its high cost. Both samarium and cobalt metals are high priced, and the magnets prepared from their directly melted alloy are thus naturally very expensive. An alternate process involving calcium reduction of their oxide intermediates has, therefore, been studied and the alloy prepared by this process has been evaluated and found satisfactory for magnet production. The process essentially involves compaction of the charge mix containing samarium oxide, cobalt oxide (or metal) and calcium metal and reduction of the charge compact at 1000-1300 degrees C in hydrogen atmosphere, followed by water and acid leaching, drying and classification

  11. Surface properties of SmB{sub 6} from X-ray photoemission spectroscopy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heming, Nadine; Treske, Uwe; Knupfer, Martin; Koitzsch, Andreas [Institute for Solid State Research, IFW Dresden (Germany); Buechner, Bernd [Institute for Solid State Research, IFW Dresden (Germany); Institut fuer Festkoerperphysik, TU Dresden (Germany); Inosov, Dmytro [Institut fuer Festkoerperphysik, TU Dresden (Germany); Shitsevalova, Natalya Y.; Filipov, Volodymyr B. [Institute for Problems of Material Science, Kiev (Ukraine); Kraus, Stephan [BESSY II, Berlin (Germany)


    The mixed valence compound SmB{sub 6} has been well known for its anomalous low temperature resistivity behavior for decades: At temperatures below 50 K, SmB{sub 6} transmutes from a metal to an insulator but shows residual resistivity for temperatures less than 5 K. Renewed interest in this material comes from theoretical proposals, predicting topological protected surface states making this compound the prime candidate for the new material class of ''Topological Kondo Insulators''. Indeed, elaborate transport experiments have evidenced that the residual conductivity occurs only at the surface. However, it is generally well known that the surface of f-systems undergoes valence changes and reconstructions, which may also influence the surface properties of this material. Applying surface sensitive soft X-ray photoemission spectroscopy, we have investigated the surface properties of freshly cleaved SmB{sub 6} single crystals at 15 K monitoring the Sm valance, the chemical state of boron as well as the surface stoichiometry, and also the development of these over time and with increased temperature: We have found that the surface shows an unexpected complexity stemming from both intrinsic and extrinsic changes.

  12. An electrochemical approach for removal of radionuclidic contaminants of Eu from 153Sm for effective use in metastatic bone pain palliation. (United States)

    Chakravarty, Rubel; Chakraborty, Sudipta; Khan, Mohammed Sahiralam; Ram, Ramu; Sarma, Haladhar Dev; Dash, Ashutosh


    Thermal neutron activation of 152 Sm [ 152 Sm(n,γ) 153 Sm] using natural or isotopically enriched (by 152 Sm) samarium target is the established route for production of 153 Sm used for preparation of 153 Sm-EDTMP for pain palliation in cancer patients with disseminated bone metastases. However, some long-lived radionuclidic contaminants of Eu, such as, 154 Eu (t ½ =8.6y) are also produced during the target activation process. This leads to detectable amount of Eu radionuclidic contaminants in patients' skeleton even years after administration with therapeutic doses of 153 Sm-EDTMP. Further, the presence of such contaminants in 153 Sm raises concerns related to radioactive waste management. The aim of the present study was to develop and demonstrate a viable method for large-scale purification of 153 Sm from radionuclidic contaminants of Eu. A radiochemical separation procedure adopting electroamalgamation approach has been critically evaluated. The influence of different experimental parameters for the quantitative removal radionuclidic contaminants of Eu from 153 Sm was investigated and optimized. The effectiveness of the method was demonstrated by purification of ~37 GBq of 153 Sm in several batches. As a proof of concept, 153 Sm-EDTMP was administered in normal Wistar rats and ex vivo γ-spectrometry of bone samples were carried out. After carrying out the electrolysis under the optimized conditions, the radionuclidic contaminants of Eu could not be detected in purified 153 Sm solution by γ-spectrometry. The overall yield of 153 Sm obtained after the purification process was >85%. The reliability of this approach was amply demonstrated in several batches, wherein the performance remained consistent. Ex vivo γ-spectrometry of bone samples of Wistar rats administered with 153 Sm-EDTMP (prepared using electrochemically purified 153 Sm) did not show photo peaks corresponding to radionuclidic contaminants of Eu. A viable electrochemical strategy for the large

  13. Effect of samarium (Sm) addition on the microstructures and mechanical properties of Al–7Si–0.7Mg alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qiu, Hongxu; Yan, Hong; Hu, Zhi


    Highlights: •Sm affected the secondary dendrite arm spacing of Al–7Si–0.7Mg alloy. •The coarse plate-like eutectic silicon was fully modified into a fine branched and particle structure when 0.6 wt.% Sm added. •The tensile properties were enhanced by the addition of Sm. •Sm has marked effects on eutectic temperature and the latent heat ΔH R on remelting behavior. •The morphology and chemical composition of Sm-rich intermetallics were studied. -- Abstract: The effects of samarium (Sm) additions (0–0.9 wt.%) on the microstructures and mechanical properties of Al–7Si–0.7Mg alloys have been studied in this article. The microstructures of the as-cast samples were examined by optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The experimental results indicated that the rare earth Sm affected the secondary dendrite arm spacing (SDAS) of Al–7Si–0.7Mg alloy. And it was found that Sm had great modification effects on the microstructures of eutectic silicon. When 0.6 wt.% Sm was added to the alloy, the coarse plate-like eutectic silicon was fully modified into a fine fibrous structure; the dendrites of Al–7Si–0.7Mg alloy was best refined. The mechanical properties were investigated by tensile test. The findings indicate that the tensile properties and elongation were improved by the addition of Sm. And a good combination of ultimate tensile strength (215 MPa) and elongation (3.3%) was obtained when the Sm addition was up to 0.6 wt.%. Furthermore the results of thermal analysis reveal that Sm addition had marked effects on eutectic temperature and the latent heat ΔH R on remelting behavior

  14. Soil Moisture Active Passive Mission L4_SM Data Product Assessment (Version 2 Validated Release) (United States)

    Reichle, Rolf Helmut; De Lannoy, Gabrielle J. M.; Liu, Qing; Ardizzone, Joseph V.; Chen, Fan; Colliander, Andreas; Conaty, Austin; Crow, Wade; Jackson, Thomas; Kimball, John; hide


    During the post-launch SMAP calibration and validation (Cal/Val) phase there are two objectives for each science data product team: 1) calibrate, verify, and improve the performance of the science algorithm, and 2) validate the accuracy of the science data product as specified in the science requirements and according to the Cal/Val schedule. This report provides an assessment of the SMAP Level 4 Surface and Root Zone Soil Moisture Passive (L4_SM) product specifically for the product's public Version 2 validated release scheduled for 29 April 2016. The assessment of the Version 2 L4_SM data product includes comparisons of SMAP L4_SM soil moisture estimates with in situ soil moisture observations from core validation sites and sparse networks. The assessment further includes a global evaluation of the internal diagnostics from the ensemble-based data assimilation system that is used to generate the L4_SM product. This evaluation focuses on the statistics of the observation-minus-forecast (O-F) residuals and the analysis increments. Together, the core validation site comparisons and the statistics of the assimilation diagnostics are considered primary validation methodologies for the L4_SM product. Comparisons against in situ measurements from regional-scale sparse networks are considered a secondary validation methodology because such in situ measurements are subject to up-scaling errors from the point-scale to the grid cell scale of the data product. Based on the limited set of core validation sites, the wide geographic range of the sparse network sites, and the global assessment of the assimilation diagnostics, the assessment presented here meets the criteria established by the Committee on Earth Observing Satellites for Stage 2 validation and supports the validated release of the data. An analysis of the time average surface and root zone soil moisture shows that the global pattern of arid and humid regions are captured by the L4_SM estimates. Results from the

  15. CCSDS SM and C Mission Operations Interoperability Prototype (United States)

    Lucord, Steven A.


    This slide presentation reviews the prototype of the Spacecraft Monitor and Control (SM&C) Operations for interoperability among other space agencies. This particular prototype uses the German Space Agency (DLR) to test the ideas for interagency coordination.

  16. Influence of annealing and nitrogenation on structure and magnetic properties of mechanically alloyed Sm-Fe powders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Teresiak, A.; Kubis, M.; Mattern, N.; Wolf, M.; Mueller, K.-H.


    Sm-Fe-N compounds were prepared by mechanical alloying, subsequent annealing and nitrogenation. For crystal structure investigations of the non-equilibrium phases Sm 2 Fe 17+x and Sm 2 Fe 17+x N y , respectively, formed at the various annealing temperatures T A , XRD with following Rietveld analysis was used. For T A between 600 C and 750 C a modified hexagonal TbCu 7 structure (space group P6/mmm) was found in which the Fe(2c) site is replaced by the partially (1/3) and randomly occupied Fe(61) site. The approximated composition is SmFe 8.8-9.0 . The nitrogenated alloys crystallize in the same structure for 600 C A A ≤ 900 C a disordered modified Th 2 Zn 17 structure (space group R anti 3m) was found that is formed by introducing additional Fe (6c) and Sm(3a) positions. The degree of order of the Sm- and Fe-atoms in c-direction increases with increasing annealing temperature. The completely ordered stoichiometric Sm 2 Fe 17 structure could not be reached by annealing the ball milled elemental powders. The nitrided alloys already form this intermediate structure at T A = 750 C. The interstitial nitrogen occupies the 9e site. The estimated nitrogen content is higher in the hexagonal phases than in the rhombohedral phase. Optimum magnetic properties, in particular a coercitivity μ 01 H C = 3.7 T and a good squareness of the demagnetization curve, were obtained for T A = 750 C. Here we found a nitrogen content of y = 3 for Sm 2 Fe 17+x N y . (orig.)

  17. Study of 148-152Sm nuclei employing γ - derived from B(E2) values and level energies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sharma, Aparna; Varshney, A.K.; Singh, M.; Gupta, D.K.; Singh, Yuvraj; Gupta, K.K.; Bihari, Chhail; Varshney, Mani


    The study of samarium nuclei has been a challenging theoretical problem, since they lie in the range from near spherical to well deformed shapes. 148 Sm was believed to be basically spherical while 154 Sm is thought to be well deformed nucleus and 150-15 '2Sm are transitional nuclei

  18. 153Sm-HM for arthritic knee pain. Estimated dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hardy-Pérez, Alberto E.; Torres-García, Eugenio; Mitsoura, Eleni; Jiménez-Mancilla, Nallely P.; Arteaga-de-Murphy, Consuelo; Pedraza-López, Martha


    Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthropathy and after cardiovascular diseases is the most disabling disease in developing countries. The dosimetry for the clinical application of 153-samarium-hydroxymacroaggregates ( 153 Sm-HM) for radiation synovectomy (RSV) and palliative treatment for arthritic pain, as far as we know, has not been reported. The aim of this research was to estimate the radiation dose necessary for synovial ablation and pain palliation with minimum risk to the patient. 153 Sm-HM (370 MBq) was administered intra-articularly in a patient with severe knee pain and hindered motility. Regions of interest drawn on sequential, conjugated, anterior and posterior scintigraphy images were used to obtain the respective activity. The data was entered into a knee joint histological-geometric model designed with micrometric dimensions to represent the synovial cell layers. The Monte Carlo code was used to calculate the absorbed dose in each of the 12 model-cells representing the distance from the synovial liquid to the cartilage or bone. The absorbed dose in the synovial cavity was 114 Gy which is sufficient energy for RSV. The treated patient referred little pain and higher motility with no adverse reactions. 153 Sm-HM is a potentially valid radiopharmaceutical for RSV, which effectively palliates knee pain.

  19. First-order-reversal-curve analysis of exchange-coupled SmCo/NdFeB nanocomposite alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pan, Mingxiang; Zhang, Pengyue; Ge, Hongliang; Yu, Nengjun; Wu, Qiong


    Exchange-coupled SmCo 5 /Nd 2 Fe 14 B nanocomposite magnets have been fabricated by ball milling of the micrometer sized SmCo 5 and Nd 2 Fe 14 B powders. The influence of Nd 2 Fe 14 B content on the microstructure and magnetic properties of these hybrid alloys was investigated. The alloys that show strong intergrain exchange-coupling behavior with (BH) max =2.95 MGOe was obtained when the two hard phases are well coupled. A first-order-reversal-curve (FORC) analysis was performed for both SmCo 5 single-phase magnet and SmCo 5 /Nd 2 Fe 14 B hybrid magnet; the FORC diagrams results show two major peaks for the hybrid magnets. In both cases, the magnetization reversal behaviors for these alloys were discussed in detail and are consistent with the results of δM plots. - Highlights: • Exchange-coupled SmCo 5 /Nd 2 Fe 14 B nanocomposite magnets were studied. • Magnetization reversal behaviors of the hybrid magnet were discussed. • The FORCs analysis is taken to identify the optimal conditions for hybrid magnet

  20. Model SM-1 ballast density gauge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gao Weixiang; Fang Jidong; Zhang Xuejuan; Zhang Reilin; Gao Wanshan


    The ballast density is one of the principal parameters for roadbed operating state. It greatly affects the railroad stability, the accumulation of railroad residual deformation and the amount of work for railroad maintenance. SM-1 ballast density gauge is designed to determine the density of ballast by using the effect of γ-ray passed through the ballast. Its fundamentals, construction, specifications, application and economic profit are described

  1. Molecular Characterization of the Schistosoma mansoni Zinc Finger Protein SmZF1 as a Transcription Factor (United States)

    D'Astolfo, Diego S.; Cardoso, Fernanda C.; Rajão, Matheus A.; Mourão, Marina M.; Gava, Elisandra; Oliveira, Sérgio C.; Macedo, Andréa M.; Machado, Carlos R.; Pena, Sérgio D. J.; Kitten, Gregory T.; Franco, Glória R.


    Background During its development, the parasite Schistosoma mansoni is exposed to different environments and undergoes many morphological and physiological transformations as a result of profound changes in gene expression. Characterization of proteins involved in the regulation of these processes is of importance for the understanding of schistosome biology. Proteins containing zinc finger motifs usually participate in regulatory processes and are considered the major class of transcription factors in eukaryotes. It has already been shown, by EMSA (Eletrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay), that SmZF1, a S. mansoni zinc finger (ZF) protein, specifically binds both DNA and RNA oligonucleotides. This suggests that this protein might act as a transcription factor in the parasite. Methodology/Principal Findings In this study we extended the characterization of SmZF1 by determining its subcellular localization and by verifying its ability to regulate gene transcription. We performed immunohistochemistry assays using adult male and female worms, cercariae and schistosomula to analyze the distribution pattern of SmZF1 and verified that the protein is mainly detected in the cells nuclei of all tested life cycle stages except for adult female worms. Also, SmZF1 was heterologously expressed in mammalian COS-7 cells to produce the recombinant protein YFP-SmZF1, which was mainly detected in the nucleus of the cells by confocal microscopy and Western blot assays. To evaluate the ability of this protein to regulate gene transcription, cells expressing YFP-SmZF1 were tested in a luciferase reporter system. In this system, the luciferase gene is downstream of a minimal promoter, upstream of which a DNA region containing four copies of the SmZF1 putative best binding site (D1-3DNA) was inserted. SmZF1 increased the reporter gene transcription by two fold (p≤0.003) only when its specific binding site was present. Conclusion Taken together, these results strongly support the hypothesis

  2. Investigations on optical properties of Sm{sup 3+} ion doped boro-phosphate glasses

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vijayakumar, R.; Suthanthirakumar, P.; Karthikeyan, P.; Marimuthu, K., E-mail: [Department of Physics, Gandhigram Rural Institute – Deemed University, Gandhigram – 624302 (India)


    The Sm{sup 3+} doped Boro-phosphate glasses with the chemical composition 60H{sub 3}BO{sub 3}+20Li{sub 2}CO{sub 3}+10ZnO+(10−x) H{sub 6}NO{sub 4}P+xSm{sub 2}O{sub 3} (where x= 0.1, 0.5, 1 and 2 in wt%) have been prepared by melt quenching technique. The prepared glasses were characterized through optical absorption and luminescence spectral measurements. The band gap energies corresponding to the direct and indirect allowed transitions and the Urbach’s energy values were estimated from the absorption spectra. Judd-Ofelt intensity parameters have been derived to predict the radiative properties of the various emission transitions. In order to identify the emission color of the prepared glasses, the emission intensities were analyzed using CIE 1931 color chromaticity diagram. The energy transfer process takes place between Sm{sup 3+}−Sm{sup 3+} ions through cross-relaxation mechanism have also been investigated and the results were discussed and reported.

  3. Magnetic leverage effects in amorphous SmCo/CoAlZr heterostructures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Procter, R. A.; Hase, T. P. A.; Magnus, F.; Andersson, G.; Hjörvarsson, B.; Sánchez-Hanke, C.


    Although magnetic heterostructures are the basis of many magnetic technologies, the mechanisms involved in magnetization reversals in such structures are not fully understood, especially in amorphous multilayers. Here, we report on the SmCo/CoAlZr system and exploit resonant magnetic x-ray scattering to probe the element specific magnetization reversals. When combined into a tri-layer structure, two different switching fields and reversal mechanisms are observed for the Sm and Co sub-lattices. We argue that the decoupling of the sub-lattices arises from the local distribution of atomic species within the amorphous matrix leading to a strong magnetic leverage effect and exchange pinning. The decoupling arises due to strong interactions between regions of high Co density which span the interface. The relatively sparse interactions between Sm and Co induce a localized pinning of the Co-rich areas, resulting in an exchange bias in minor loops and an enhanced coercivity

  4. Magnetic leverage effects in amorphous SmCo/CoAlZr heterostructures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Procter, R. A., E-mail:; Hase, T. P. A. [Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL (United Kingdom); Magnus, F.; Andersson, G.; Hjörvarsson, B. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, Box 516, 751 20 Uppsala (Sweden); Sánchez-Hanke, C. [National Synchrotron Light Source, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973 (United States)


    Although magnetic heterostructures are the basis of many magnetic technologies, the mechanisms involved in magnetization reversals in such structures are not fully understood, especially in amorphous multilayers. Here, we report on the SmCo/CoAlZr system and exploit resonant magnetic x-ray scattering to probe the element specific magnetization reversals. When combined into a tri-layer structure, two different switching fields and reversal mechanisms are observed for the Sm and Co sub-lattices. We argue that the decoupling of the sub-lattices arises from the local distribution of atomic species within the amorphous matrix leading to a strong magnetic leverage effect and exchange pinning. The decoupling arises due to strong interactions between regions of high Co density which span the interface. The relatively sparse interactions between Sm and Co induce a localized pinning of the Co-rich areas, resulting in an exchange bias in minor loops and an enhanced coercivity.

  5. Plasma spraying of hard magnetic coatings based on Sm-Co alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    KrasnoyarskiyRabochiy prospect, Krasnoyarsk, 660014 (Russian Federation))" data-affiliation=" (Siberian State Aerospace University named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev 31 KrasnoyarskiyRabochiy prospect, Krasnoyarsk, 660014 (Russian Federation))" >Saunin, V N; KrasnoyarskiyRabochiy prospect, Krasnoyarsk, 660014 (Russian Federation))" data-affiliation=" (Siberian State Aerospace University named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev 31 KrasnoyarskiyRabochiy prospect, Krasnoyarsk, 660014 (Russian Federation))" >Telegin, S V


    Our research is focused on the formation of hard magnetic coatings by plasma spraying an arc-melted Sm-Co powder. We have studied basic magnetic characteristics depending on the components ratio in the alloy. A sample with a 40 wt.% Sm coating exhibits the highest coercive force (63 kOe) as compared to near-to-zero coercive force in the starting powder. X-ray structure analysis of the starting alloy and the coating reveals that the amount of SmCo 5 phase in the sprayed coating increases occupying up to 2/3 of the sample. We have also studied temperature dependence of the coating and have been able to obtain plasma sprayed permanent magnets operating within the temperature range from -100 to +500 °C. The technique used does not involve any additional thermal treatment and allows a coating to be formed right on the magnetic conductor surface irrespective of the conductor geometry

  6. Electrical resistivity, optical and magnetic properties of the layered oxyselenide SmCuOSe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Llanos, Jaime; Pena, Octavio


    The electrical and magnetic properties of the tetragonal phase SmCuOSe are reported as a function of the temperature. The optical properties were studied by means of diffuse reflectance spectrum in the UV-Vis range. The electrical resistivity measurements as well as diffuse reflectance spectrum show that SmCuOSe is a semiconductor with an optical band gap (E g ) of 2.6eV. In this phase, Cu is at its monovalent oxidation state and, as such, it does not contribute to the total magnetic moment, whereas Sm is in its 3+ oxidation state, with a large VanVleck contribution due to the admixture of the fundamental state with higher energy levels

  7. A study of 153Sm-citrate-hydroxyapatite synovectomy in knee synovitis with rheumatoid arthritis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fan Yanggang; Li Guohua; Yao Guozhong; Zhang Qingcheng; Li Guangming


    Objective: To investigate the efficacy and safety of 153 Sm-citrate-hydroxyapatite (HA) synovectomy in knee synovitis with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Methods: In 43 RA patients ineffective to routine anti-rheumatic drugs (DMMARDs) therapy, radiation synovectomy was performed by 153 Sm-citrate-HA in 67 joints and its efficacy and safety were evaluated. Results: Radioactivity was evenly distributed as observed by gamma camera after injection. In 8 cases leakage of radioactivity was detected after 24 h, and accounted to 153 Sm-citrate-HA synovectomy is effective after short-term and medium-term follow-up and it is a safe procedure. (authors)

  8. Trials to optimize dosimetry for 153Sm-EDTMP therapy to improve therapeutic effects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Riccabona, G.; Moncayo-Naveda, R.; Oberlandstaetter, M.; Donnemiller, E.; Kendler, D.


    In a trial to improve results of therapy with 153 Sm-EDTMP for pain control in patients with disseminated bone metastases dosimetric studies were performed. Out of 30 treated patients 8 were selected for the study at random (5 breast Ca., 3 prostate Ca.). Whole body retention (WBR) of 99m Tc-DPD and 99m Tc-EDTMP was compared with WBR of 153 Sm-EDTMP. Volume of metastases and regional 99 m Tc-phosphonate uptake were assessed by SPECT and conjugated whole body scan data after phantom studies. Effective half-life was estimated also. Clinically results of pain control, side effects and changes of in vitro parameters were followed after therapy for up to 8 months. Therapy was performed in these patients with 55,5 MBq/kg body weight. Results showed an identical pattern of radioactivity distribution on 99 Tc-phosphonate and 153 Sm-EDTMP posttherapy scans, WBR of tracers and therapeutic agent was similar. Tumour volumes were 151-652 mL, count ratios metastases/normal bone 1,72-2,41, so that 6-50% of applied 153 Sm-EDTMP were concentrated in bone lesions. This gave dose estimates of 2,8-13,7 Gy in metastases. Evaluation of clinical results showed that the majority of very good results were observed in patients receiving > 10 Gy (n=3) while with lower doses only 1/4 responded very well. 1 patient was lost to follow-up due to death in the first month after therapy. Moderate and transient myelodepression (platelets) was seen in 3/7 patients without relation to Gy applied. As obviously 153 Sm concentration is not homogenous in bone metastases it can be assumed, that in border zones between tumour and bone 30-40 Gy can be delivered when 10 Gy are calculated for the whole lesion, which would explain the satisfactory therapeutic effect in our study. The dosimetric approach to 153 Sm-EDTMP therapy could necessitate the application of higher amounts of 153 Sm-EDTMP to reach adequate radiation doses in lesions without necessarily increasing risk of myelodepression and with even

  9. The Preparation and Optical Properties of Novel LiLa(MoO42:Sm3+,Eu3+ Red Phosphor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jiaxi Wang


    Full Text Available Novel LiLa1−x−y(MoO42:xSm3+,yEu3+ (in short: LL1−x−yM:xSm3+,yEu3+ double molybdate red phosphors were synthesized by a solid-state reaction at as low temperature as 610 °C. The optimal doping concentration of Sm3+ in LiLa1−x(MoO42:xSm3+ (LL1−xM:xSm3+ phosphor is x = 0.05 and higher concentrations lead to emission quenching by the electric dipole—electric dipole mechanism. In the samples co-doped with Eu3+ ions, the absorption spectrum in the near ultraviolet and blue regions became broader and stronger than these of the Sm3+ single-doped samples. The efficient energy transfer from Sm3+ to Eu3+ was found and the energy transfer efficiency was calculated. Under the excitation at 403 nm, the chromaticity coordinates of LL0.95−yM:0.05Sm3+,yEu3+ approach to the NTSC standard values (0.670, 0.330 continuously with increasing Eu3+ doping concentration. The phosphor exhibits high luminous efficiency under near UV or blue light excitation and remarkable thermal stability. At 150 °C, the integrated emission intensity of the Eu3+ remained 85% of the initial intensity at room temperature and the activation energy is calculated to be 0.254 eV. The addition of the LL0.83M:0.05Sm3+,0.12Eu3+ red phosphors can improve the color purity and reduce the correlated color temperature of WLED lamps. Hence, LL1−x−yM:xSm3+,yEu3+ is a promising WLED red phosphor.

  10. Prion-like nanofibrils of small molecules (PriSM): A new frontier at the intersection of supramolecular chemistry and cell biology. (United States)

    Zhou, Jie; Du, Xuewen; Xu, Bing


    Formed by non-covalent interactions and not defined at genetic level, the assemblies of small molecules in biology are complicated and less explored. A common morphology of the supramolecular assemblies of small molecules is nanofibrils, which coincidentally resembles the nanofibrils formed by proteins such as prions. So these supramolecular assemblies are termed as prion-like nanofibrils of small molecules (PriSM). Emerging evidence from several unrelated fields over the past decade implies the significance of PriSM in biology and medicine. This perspective aims to highlight some recent advances of the research on PriSM. This paper starts with description of the intriguing similarities between PriSM and prions, discusses the paradoxical features of PriSM, introduces the methods for elucidating the biological functions of PriSM, illustrates several examples of beneficial aspects of PriSM, and finishes with the promises and current challenges in the research of PriSM. We anticipate that the research of PriSM will contribute to the fundamental understanding at the intersection of supramolecular chemistry and cell biology and ultimately lead to a new paradigm of molecular (or supramolecular) therapeutics for biomedicine.

  11. Measurement of N and C diffusion in Sm2Fe17 by magnetic relaxation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mommer, N.; Hirscher, M.; Gerlach, M.; Van Lier, J.; Kronmueller, H.; Kubis, M.; Mueller, K.-H.


    Magnetic after-effect (MAE) measurements of nitrided and carburized Sm 2 Fe 17 compounds were performed in the temperature range of 140 K to 480 K. Both nitrided and carburized compounds show relaxation maxima at 285 and 300 K, respectively, which are absent in pure Sm 2 Fe 17 compounds. Therefore, these relaxation maxima are attributed to jumps of interstitially dissolved nitrogen or carbon atoms. Numerical evaluation yielded an activation enthalpy Q N (0.84±0.05) eV and a pre-exponential factor τ 0 N =3.10 -15±1 s for the short-range diffusion of N atoms. The corresponding values for the carbon diffusion are Q C =(0.91±0.05) eV and τ 0 C =1.10 -15±1 s. The carbon and nitrogen content of the samples was determined from the increase in mass during nitrogenation or carburization to Sm 2 Fe 17 N 1.2 and Sm 2 Fe 17 C 2.6 . (orig.)

  12. Solid-state amorphization of SmFe3 by hydrogenation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mueller, K.H.; Kubis, M.; Handstein, A.; Gutfleisch, O.


    Hydrogen-induced amorphization (HIA) has received much attention as a method for the preparation of amorphous compounds since its discovery by Yeh et al. Meanwhile it has been observed for a large number of intermetallic compounds with C15, C23, B8 2 , DO 19 and L1 2 structures. E.G. the C15 Laves-type compounds (MgCu 2 -type structure) of rare earth (R) - transition metal (T) compounds RT 2 show HIA for R = Y, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho and Er. Aoki et al. postulated that new amorphizing compounds can be expected at high hydrogen pressures. In this work, the structural changes of SmFe 3 (PuNi 3 -type structure) during heating in high hydrogen pressures are reported

  13. High spin states in 143Sm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Raut, R.; Ganguly, S.; Kshetri, R.; Mukherjee, G.; Mukherjee, A.; Banerjee, P.; Saha Sarkar, M.; Bhattacharya, S.; Goswami, A.; Bhattacharjee, T.; Basu, S.K.; Mukhopadhyaya, S.; Krishichayan; Chakraborty, A.; Gangopadhyay, G.


    Large amount of experimental data has been obtained in the recent past on several Nd (Z=60) and Pm (Z=61) isotopes near N=82 shell closure which exhibits an irregular yrast sequence, typical of a non-spherical shape at low spins. The nucleus 143 Sm (Z=62) with a single neutron hole in the N=82 closed shell was investigated as a part of this proposed study

  14. Microstructure, magnetic and Moessbauer studies on spark-plasma sintered Sm-Co-Fe/Fe(Co) nanocomposite magnets

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rao, N V Rama; Saravanan, P; Gopalan, R; Raja, M Manivel; Rao, D V Sreedhara; Chandrasekaran, V [Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory, Hyderabad-500 058 (India); Sivaprahasam, D [International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials Hyderabad-500 005 (India); Ranganathan, R [Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata-700 064 (India)], E-mail:


    Nanocomposite powders comprising Sm-Co-Fe intermetallic phases and Fe(Co) were synthesized by high-energy ball milling and were consolidated into bulk magnets by the spark-plasma sintering (SPS) technique. While the microstructure of the SPS samples was characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), the solubility of Fe in different phases was investigated using Moessbauer spectroscopy. TEM studies revealed that the spark-plasma sintered sample has Sm(Co,Fe){sub 5} as a major phase with Sm{sub 2}(Co,Fe){sub 17}, Sm(Co,Fe){sub 2} and Fe(Co) as secondary phases. The size of the nanocrystalline grains of all these phases was found to be in the range 50-100 nm. The Moessbauer spectra of the as-milled powders exhibited two different subspectra: a sextet corresponding to the Fe phase and a broad sextet associated with the Fe(Co) phase; while that of the SPS sample showed four different subspectra: a sextet corresponding to Fe and other three sextets corresponding to the Fe(Co), Sm(Co,Fe){sub 5} and Sm{sub 2}(Co,Fe){sub 17} phases; these results are in accordance with the TEM observation. Recoil magnetization and reversible susceptibility measurements revealed magnetically single phase behaviour of the SPS magnets.

  15. Svobodnõi tshelovek v osoboi zone / Tunne Kelam ; interv. J. Ashihmin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kelam, Tunne, 1936-


    Narva Kolledzhis toimus Riigikogu infopäev. Ida-Virumaa hetkeolukord, integratsiooniprotsess, kodakondsus- ja migratsiooniameti töö endiselt halvasti organiseeritud. Autor: Isamaaliit. Parlamendisaadik

  16. Discovery of SM Higgs Boson in ATLAS Experiment

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Resonance – Journal of Science Education; Volume 18; Issue 3. Discovery of SM Higgs Boson in ATLAS Experiment. Prafulla Kumar Behera. General Article Volume 18 Issue 3 March 2013 pp 248-263. Fulltext. Click here to view fulltext PDF. Permanent link:

  17. Targeted radiotherapy with Sm-153-EDTMP in nine cases of canine primary bone tumours

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R.J. Milner


    Full Text Available Nine dogs with primary bone tumours were treated with Samarium-153-EDTMP (Sm-153- EDTMP. Conventional treatment protocols were precluded by the size of the dogs and the owners' refusal of limb amputation. All the tumours were of the appendicular skeleton; 4 were confirmed osteosarcomas. The other 5 tumours were radiologically suspect for osteosarcoma. Bone scans were performed on all dogs using Technetium-99m-methylene diphosphonate (Tc-99m-MDP before administration of Sm-153-EDTMP. Regions of interest were identified over the contralateral limb at the same site as the tumour and counts per pixel were recorded for the tumour and contralateral limb and expressed as a ratio. The dogs were given 1 injection of 37 MBq/kg (1 mCi/kg of Sm-153-EDTMP intravenously. Thoracic and primary tumour site radiographs were taken at monthly or 2-monthly intervals to monitor progression of the primary tumour and search for evidence of metastasis. Two dogs showed no response to treatment, with an increase in bone pain, and were euthanased within 1 month. In 1 dog, a tumour of the scapula underwent complete involution and the dog is considered free of disease at 20 months post Sm-153-EDTMP treatment. The overall tumourcidal effect of a single dose of Sm-153-EDTMP on primary bone tumours was difficult to evaluate in this group of dogs, as, with one exception, all the primary tumours progressed over time and the dogs were euthanased. Pain control, for which Sm-155-EDTMP is used in man, was not evident, except in the dog that responded completely to treatment.

  18. Coercivity in SmCo hard magnetic films for MEMS applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pina, E. [Instituto de Magnetismo Aplicado, RENFE-UCM, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, P.O. Box 155, 28230 Las Rozas, Madrid (Spain)]. E-mail:; Palomares, F.J. [Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid-CSIC, c/ Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz s/n, 28049 Madrid (Spain); Garcia, M.A. [Instituto de Magnetismo Aplicado, RENFE-UCM, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, P.O. Box 155, 28230 Las Rozas, Madrid (Spain); Cebollada, F. [Departamento de Fisica Aplicada a las Telecomunicaciones, EUITT-UPM, Crtra. De Valencia km 7, 28031 Madrid (Spain); Hoyos, A. de [Instituto de Magnetismo Aplicado, RENFE-UCM, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, P.O. Box 155, 28230 Las Rozas, Madrid (Spain); Romero, J.J. [Instituto de Magnetismo Aplicado, RENFE-UCM, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, P.O. Box 155, 28230 Las Rozas, Madrid (Spain); Hernando, A. [Instituto de Magnetismo Aplicado, RENFE-UCM, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, P.O. Box 155, 28230 Las Rozas, Madrid (Spain); Unidad asociada ICMM-IMA. P.O. Box 155, 28230 Las Rozas Madrid (Spain); Gonzalez, J.M. [Unidad asociada ICMM-IMA. P.O. Box 155, 28230 Las Rozas Madrid (Spain)


    In this work we have investigated the thermal dependence of coercivity in 1.5 {mu}m thick SmCo{sub 5} films fabricated by sputtering technique. Samples were deposited onto Si substrates kept at different temperatures. Samples grown below 450 deg. C are amorphous, present low coercivity and require further crystallization processes in order to obtain the 1:5 SmCo hard phase. Samples grown at 450 deg. C are nanocrystalline in the as-deposited state and exhibit high room temperature in-plane coercivity. Correlation between the thermal dependence of coercivity and the nanostructure has been analyzed in the frame of the so-called micromagnetic model.

  19. Coercivity in SmCo hard magnetic films for MEMS applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pina, E.; Palomares, F.J.; Garcia, M.A.; Cebollada, F.; Hoyos, A. de; Romero, J.J.; Hernando, A.; Gonzalez, J.M.


    In this work we have investigated the thermal dependence of coercivity in 1.5 μm thick SmCo 5 films fabricated by sputtering technique. Samples were deposited onto Si substrates kept at different temperatures. Samples grown below 450 deg. C are amorphous, present low coercivity and require further crystallization processes in order to obtain the 1:5 SmCo hard phase. Samples grown at 450 deg. C are nanocrystalline in the as-deposited state and exhibit high room temperature in-plane coercivity. Correlation between the thermal dependence of coercivity and the nanostructure has been analyzed in the frame of the so-called micromagnetic model

  20. First-order-reversal-curve analysis of exchange-coupled SmCo/NdFeB nanocomposite alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pan, Mingxiang; Zhang, Pengyue, E-mail:; Ge, Hongliang; Yu, Nengjun; Wu, Qiong


    Exchange-coupled SmCo{sub 5}/Nd{sub 2}Fe{sub 14}B nanocomposite magnets have been fabricated by ball milling of the micrometer sized SmCo{sub 5} and Nd{sub 2}Fe{sub 14}B powders. The influence of Nd{sub 2}Fe{sub 14}B content on the microstructure and magnetic properties of these hybrid alloys was investigated. The alloys that show strong intergrain exchange-coupling behavior with (BH){sub max}=2.95 MGOe was obtained when the two hard phases are well coupled. A first-order-reversal-curve (FORC) analysis was performed for both SmCo{sub 5} single-phase magnet and SmCo{sub 5}/Nd{sub 2}Fe{sub 14}B hybrid magnet; the FORC diagrams results show two major peaks for the hybrid magnets. In both cases, the magnetization reversal behaviors for these alloys were discussed in detail and are consistent with the results of δM plots. - Highlights: • Exchange-coupled SmCo{sub 5}/Nd{sub 2}Fe{sub 14}B nanocomposite magnets were studied. • Magnetization reversal behaviors of the hybrid magnet were discussed. • The FORCs analysis is taken to identify the optimal conditions for hybrid magnet.

  1. Hydrogenation-disproportionation-desorption-recombination in Sm2Fe16M (M=Al, Ga and Si) and magnetic properties of their carburized powders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kubis, M.; Rave, W.; Cao, L.; Gebel, B.; Mueller, K.-H.; Schultz, L.


    The application of the hydrogenation-disproportionation-desorption-recombination (HDDR) process in Sm 2 Fe 16 M (M=Al,Ga and Si) was investigated. The hydrogen absorption behaviour was studied by temperature-pressure analysis (TPA). In the temperature range between 500 and 800 C, Sm 2 Fe 16 M samples with M=Ga and Si show a weaker hydrogen absorption than Sm 2 Fe 16 Al. This was confirmed by X-ray diffraction which showed a complete disproportionation of Sm 2 Fe 16 Al into SmH z (1.9 2 Fe 16 Ga and Sm 2 Fe 16 Si exhibit a fraction of undecomposed material with the Th 2 Zn 17 -type structure after the disproportionation procedure. These results point to a stabilization of Sm 2 Fe 16 M against disproportionation by hydrogen for M=Ga and Si. The magnetization processes of carburized HDDR powders were studied by VSM measurements and Kerr microscopy. The demagnetization curve of our HDDR processed Sm 2 Fe 16 AlC y is well shaped, whereas those of Sm 2 Fe 16 GaC y and Sm 2 Fe 16 SiC y show a large decrease of the polarization at low fields. The favourable behaviour of Sm 2 Fe 16 AlC y is due to a homogeneous submicron grain structure. In Sm 2 Fe 16 GaC y and Sm 2 Fe 16 SiC y samples, an additional, magnetically soft phase with larger domains was observed which causes the low coercivity. As a consequence, HDDR was only favourable for the preparation of Sm 2 Fe 16 MC y hard magnets with M=Al but not for M=Ga and Si. Optimization of the HDDR process in Sm 2 Fe 16 Al and subsequent nitrogenation or carburization led to coercivities of μ 0j H c =2.9 and 2.5 T, respectively. (orig.)

  2. Layered SmBaCuCoO5+δ and SmBaCuFeO5+δ perovskite oxides as cathode materials for proton-conducting SOFCs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nian Qiong; Zhao Ling; He Beibei; Lin Bin; Peng Ranran; Meng Guangyao; Liu Xingqin


    A dense BaCe 0.8 Sm 0.2 O 5+δ (BCS) electrolyte was fabricated on a porous anode by in situ drop-coating to develop a simple and cost-effective route to fabricate proton-conducting solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). Layered perovskite-structure oxides SmBaCuCoO 5+δ (SBCC) and SmBaCuFeO 5+δ (SBCF) were prepared and the electrical conductivity, the thermal expansion coefficient and electrochemical performance were investigated as potential cathode materials for proton-conducting SOFCs. Thermal expansion coefficients of SBCC and SBCF were suitable for BCS electrolyte and the electrical conductivity of the SBCC is higher than that of the SBCF. The maximum power density of 449 mW cm 2 and 333 mW cm 2 at 700 o C were obtained for the SBCC/BCS/NiO-BCS and SBCF/BCS/NiO-BCS cells, respectively. The interfacial polarization resistances for SBCC and SBCF cathode are as low as 0.137 Ω cm -2 and 0.196 Ω cm -2 at 700 o C, respectively. The results indicate that the SBCC and SBCF are promising cathode materials for proton-conducting SOFCs.

  3. Maailm on endiselt avatud!

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Rahvusvaheliste Kultuurivahetusprogrammide Keskus Evmar tegeleb noorte kultuurivahetusprogrammidega nagu AuPair programm, work and travel programm, praktikaprogrammid, tööprogrammid, working holiday programm õpilasvahetusprogrammid, keelekursused- ja laagrid. Minna saab USA-sse Austraaliasse, Uus-Meremaale ja paljudesse Euroopa riikidesse

  4. Pensioni saab endiselt postkontorist

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Veebruaris 2009 jõustuvast seadusemuudatusest pensionide kojukande kohta. Ilmunud ka Virumaa Teataja 28. nov. 2008, lk. 4 ; Koit 27. nov. 2008, lk. 2 ; Vooremaa 27. nov. 2008, lk. 3 ; Järva Teataja 27. nov. 2008, lk. 4 ; Nädaline 27. nov. 2008, lk. 5 ; Lääne Elu 27. nov. 2008, lk. 5 ; Sakala 28. nov. 2008, lk. 5 ; Pärnu Postimees 28. nov. 2008, lk. 18 ; Vooremaa 11. dets. 2008, lk. 2

  5. SM+Top at the LHC

    CERN Document Server

    McCarthy, Tom; The ATLAS collaboration


    This overview talk highlights some of the latest results by the ATLAS, CMS & LHCb collaborations. A particular focus is placed on some of the rarer Standard Model processes which have recently become accessible with the large set of proton-proton collision data collected during the successful second run of the LHC at $\\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV. Searches and cross-section measurements involving top quark signatures are given prominence, as well as those targeting highly boosted objects such as SM W/Z and Higgs bosons, and which consequently feature large-R jets and substructure techniques.

  6. Energy transfer mechanism from Gd3+ to Sm3+ in K3Gd(PO4)2:Sm3+ phosphor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gupta, Palvi; Bedyal, A K; Kumar, Vinay; Khajuria, Y; Sharma, Vishal; Ntwaeaborwa, O M; Swart, H C


    Undoped K 3 Gd(PO 4 ) 2 and trivalent samarium (0.5–2.5 mol%) doped K 3 Gd(PO 4 ) 2 phosphors were synthesized by the solid-state method. The phase formation, optical and luminescence properties were investigated by x-ray diffraction (XRD), diffuse reflectance (DR) spectroscopy, and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. The fluorescence decay spectra of the obtained phosphors were also recorded to study the energy transfer from sensitizer (Gd 3+ ) to activator (Sm 3+ ). Energy transfer effects from sensitizer to activator caused by rare-earth ions were mainly observed in the obtained PL and lifetime spectra. The decay curves of K 3 Gd(PO 4 ) 2 phosphor with different Sm 3+ ions concentrations were found to be non-exponential and the data is well fitted with the Inokuti–Hirayama (I–H) model. The energy transfer parameters such as critical distance for the transfer processes were determined. The Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage (CIE) chromatic coordinates and color-correlated temperature were also determined for the prepared phosphor. (paper)

  7. Efficacy of synovectomy in haemophilic patients with 153Sm-Hydroxyapatite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Calegaro, J.U.M; Paula, J.C; Machado, J; Cruz, J.S


    Introduction - We preconized the use of 153 Sm-Hydroxyapatite (HYP) in the synoviorthesis of haemophilic patients (pts) by physical, chemical and biological characteristics. The real efficacy is being confirmed by the actual experience over the previous results. These are the first results with 153 Sm-HYP in our literature review. Material and Methods - Fifteen pts. were treated, all males, with ages between 15 and 31 years (average = 22,8 years old), with an intraarticular injection of 185 MBq (5mCi) of 153 Sm-HYP, totalizing 29 joints: 12 knees, 11 elbows, 4 ankles and 2 shoulders. The 153 Sm, produced by IPEN/CNEN - Sao Paulo, targeted hydroxyapatite particles with a diameter between 1-10μm, radiochemical purity superior to 95% and stability of 96,6% 1440min after the labeling process. The intraarticular punction was made after local antiseptic, aspirating synovial fluid, injecting 0,5 ml of radioactive solution and flushing the tract with a saline with a total volume no greater than 1,5 ml. The images were obtained 2 and 24h after injection in all pts in a large field of view gamma-camera. The clinical evaluation was made before and one year after it, using objective (range of motion, joint tenderness, degree of joint effusion) and subjective criteria (joint pain by visual scale and joint aspect). The response were graded: 1 - Excellent (E); 2 - Good (G); 3 - Mild (M); 4 - Bad (B); 5 - Worse (W). The reduction in clotting factor use and heamarthroses were others aspects evaluated. Results - The scintigrafies showed homogeneous distribution of the material in joints (2h) and no articular scape (24h). The was a reduction of 34% in the clotting factor use and of 51,4% in haemarthroses including the poor responses in knees. The results by patients were: 53,3% E, 20% G, 13,3% M, 13,3% B, 0% W and by joints were 47,75 with excellent and good responses and 84,75% when included the mild group. There was no patient without response. Few patients (4) had local pain in

  8. Shape coexistence in 140Sm and the onset of deformation below N=82 from lifetime measurements (United States)

    Cardona, M. A.; Lunardi, S.; Bazzacco, D.; de Angelis, G.; Roca, V.


    Different deformations for the two bands built above the (πh11/2)2 10+ and the (νh11/2)-2 10+ states in 140Sm have been determined from lifetime measurements using the reaction 106Pd(37Cl,p2n)140Sm at 143 MeV. The β values derived for the N=78 and N=80 core nuclei, coexisting in 140Sm, complete the systematics of nuclear deformation from N=72 to 80.

  9. Outcomes of polio eradication activities in Uttar Pradesh, India: the Social Mobilization Network (SM Net and Core Group Polio Project (CGPP

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Singh Vibha


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The primary strategy to interrupt transmission of wild poliovirus in India is to improve supplemental immunization activities and routine immunization coverage in priority districts with a focus on 107 high-risk blocks of western Uttar Pradesh and central Bihar. Villages or urban areas with a history of wild poliovirus transmission, or hard-to-reach or resistant populations are categorized as high-risk areas within blocks. The Social Mobilization Network (SM Net was formed in Uttar Pradesh in 2003 to support polio eradication efforts through improved planning, implementation and monitoring of social mobilization activities in those high-risk areas. In this paper, we examine the vaccination outcomes in districts of SM Net where the CORE Group works. Methods We carried out a secondary data analysis of routine monitoring information collected by the SM Net and the Government of India. These data include information about vaccination outcomes in SM Net areas and non-SM Net areas within the districts where the CORE Group operates. Statistical analysis was used to compare, between SM Net and non-SM Net areas, vaccination outcomes considered sensitive to social mobilization efforts of the SM Net. We employed Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE statistical method to account for Intra-cluster Correlation (ICC, and used 'Quasi-likelihood under the independence model criterion (QIC' as the model selection method. Results Vaccination outcomes in SM Net areas were as high as or higher than in non-SM Net areas. There was considerable variation in vaccination outcomes between districts. Conclusions While not conclusive, the results suggest that the social mobilization efforts of the SM Net and the CORE Group are helping to increase vaccination levels in high-risk areas of Uttar Pradesh. Vaccination outcomes in CORE Group areas were equal or higher than in non-CORE, non-SM Net areas. This occurred even though SM Net areas are those with

  10. Electronic structure and magnetic anisotropy of Sm2Fe17Nx (United States)

    Akai, Hisazumi; Ogura, Masako


    Electronic structure and magnetic properties of Sm2Fe17Nx are studies on the basis of the first-principles electronic structure calculation in the framework of the density functional theory within the local density and coherent potential approximations. The magnetic anisotropy of the system as a function of nitrogen concentration x is discussed by taking account not only of the crystal field effects but also of the effects of the f-electron transfer from Sm to the neighboring sites. Also discussed is the magnetic transition temperature that is estimated by mapping the system into a Heisenberg model. The results show the crystalline magnetic anisotropy changes its direction from in-plane to uniaxial ones as x increases. It takes the maximum value near x ~ 2 . 8 and then decreases slightly towards x = 3 . The mechanism for these behaviors is discussed in the light of the results of detailed calculations on the bonding properties between Sm and its neighboring N. This work was partly supported by Elements Strategy Initiative Center for Magnetic Materials Project, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan.

  11. Study of hydrogenation of Sm2Fe17-yGay by means of X-ray diffraction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Teresiak, A.; Uhlemann, M.; Kubis, M.; Gebel, B.; Mattern, N.; Mueller, K.-H.


    The hydrogenation process of Sm 2 Fe 17-y Ga y (y=0-2) was studied. X-ray investigations show a decreasing hydrogen solubility in the intermetallic alloy with increasing Ga-content from 4.0±0.3 atoms per formula unit for Sm 2 Fe 17 to 2.85±0.05 for Sm 2 Fe 15 Ga 2 . The larger Ga atoms reduce the size of the interstitial sites and thereby the maximum hydrogen concentration is decreased. The behaviour of the lattice parameters a and c with increasing Ga content points to a changed hydrogen distribution on the interstitial sites, becoming more statistical. In situ observations by means of high temperature X-ray diffraction show that the hydrogen absorption process is diffusion controlled. The hydrogen absorption starts at an annealing temperature of 120-140 C in all cases. The solubility of hydrogen decreases with increasing temperature. The hydrogen is completely desorbed above 350 C in all cases. The absorption/desorption process is reversible between room temperature and 400 C. Annealing at temperatures above 400 C leads to the decomposition of the Sm 2 Fe 17 phase, indicated by emerging of α-Fe. The formation of SmH x is established at 600 C. The decomposition temperature increases with increasing Ga-content. Up to 750 C, only Sm 2 Fe 17 is completely decomposed. (orig.)

  12. Importance of fines in smart water enhanced oil recovery (SmW-EOR) for chalk outcrops

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chakravarty, Krishna Hara; Fosbøl, Philip Loldrup; Thomsen, Kaj


    In SmW-EOR it is generally believed that precipitation of brines must be avoided since it can have a negative impact on the SmW sweep efficiency. But substitution of Mg2+ by Ca2+ on calcite surfaces (a well-accepted phenomenon) can change the brine combination and enhance the possibility of fine ......W-EOR experiments reported in literature. Both the amount of available soluble SO4 2- (aq) in the solution and the amount of CaSO4 precipitation has been calculated and correlated to the corresponding oil recovery.......In SmW-EOR it is generally believed that precipitation of brines must be avoided since it can have a negative impact on the SmW sweep efficiency. But substitution of Mg2+ by Ca2+ on calcite surfaces (a well-accepted phenomenon) can change the brine combination and enhance the possibility of fine...

  13. The Preparation and Optical Properties of Novel LiLa(MoO4)2:Sm3+,Eu3+ Red Phosphor (United States)

    Luo, Li; Huang, Baoyu; He, Jingqi; Zhang, Wei; Zhao, Weiren; Wang, Jianqing


    Novel LiLa1−x−y(MoO4)2:xSm3+,yEu3+ (in short: LL1−x−yM:xSm3+,yEu3+) double molybdate red phosphors were synthesized by a solid-state reaction at as low temperature as 610 °C. The optimal doping concentration of Sm3+ in LiLa1−x(MoO4)2:xSm3+ (LL1−xM:xSm3+) phosphor is x = 0.05 and higher concentrations lead to emission quenching by the electric dipole—electric dipole mechanism. In the samples co-doped with Eu3+ ions, the absorption spectrum in the near ultraviolet and blue regions became broader and stronger than these of the Sm3+ single-doped samples. The efficient energy transfer from Sm3+ to Eu3+ was found and the energy transfer efficiency was calculated. Under the excitation at 403 nm, the chromaticity coordinates of LL0.95−yM:0.05Sm3+,yEu3+ approach to the NTSC standard values (0.670, 0.330) continuously with increasing Eu3+ doping concentration. The phosphor exhibits high luminous efficiency under near UV or blue light excitation and remarkable thermal stability. At 150 °C, the integrated emission intensity of the Eu3+ remained 85% of the initial intensity at room temperature and the activation energy is calculated to be 0.254 eV. The addition of the LL0.83M:0.05Sm3+,0.12Eu3+ red phosphors can improve the color purity and reduce the correlated color temperature of WLED lamps. Hence, LL1−x−yM:xSm3+,yEu3+ is a promising WLED red phosphor. PMID:29443910

  14. Production of medical radioisotope 153Sm in the Tehran Research Reactor (TRR) through theoretical calculations and practical tests

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Forughi, Sh.; Hamidi, S.; Khalafi, H.; Sheibani, Sh.; Shahidi, A.


    Highlights: ► Production of 153 Sm isotope by neutron activation in a nuclear reactor was studied. ► Optimal parameters for weight and irradiation time were found. ► This study led to an empirical correction factor (kf). ► Kf enhanced the production procedure of the 153 Sm radioisotope. ► The results led to nearly 60% decrease in the amount of material used in the production process. - Abstract: The feasibility of producing 2000–3000 mCi 153 Sm by irradiation of 152 Sm in 5 MW TRR was studied via TRR core simulation. In this study the cross-section of 152 Sm (n,γ) 153 Sm reaction from ENDF/B library was used. The effective activation cross section for production of 153 Sm is obtained using the neutron spectra in different irradiation channel of the core. The activity of the simulated samples is calculated using the obtained fluxes and cross sections. Then samples were prepared and irradiated under different conditions and fluxes. The final production’s specific activity was measured by the standard dose calibrator ISOMED 1010. By comparison of the theoretical calculations and actual measurements, an empirical correction factor (K f ) was obtained, which is helpful in production procedure of the 153 Sm radioisotope. The optimal weight of the samples and irradiation time was studied according to the flux calculations based on the location of the sample and saturated activity calculation. In order to test the proposed conditions, samples were prepared and were irradiated under the proposed conditions. According to the compared results with the initial irradiation condition, the new proposed sample which weighed 4 mg of Sm 2 O 3 is acceptable for the labeling, therefore this study led to nearly 60% decrease in the amount of material used in the production process

  15. Discovery of SM Higgs Boson in ATLAS Experiment

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    IAS Admin

    ics, Higgs boson, particle detec- tors, trigger, grid computing. Discovery of SM Higgs Boson in ATLAS Experiment. Prafulla Kumar Behera. Prafulla Kumar Behera is an experimental high energy physicist at the. IITM, Chennai. He has participated in many large-scale collider experiments namely. BELLE at Japan, BABAR.

  16. Benign prostatic hypertrophy with high levels of gamma-seminoprotein (gamma-Sm), prostate specific antigen: report of two cases


    浅川, 正純; 安本, 亮二; 上水流, 雅人; 前川, 正信


    gamma-Seminoprotein (gamma-Sm) is recently being noted as a tumor marker of prostatic cancer. However, since gamma-Sm is a specific antigen against the prostatic tissue, high levels are also observed in patients with benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). In this report, two patients with BPH who had high levels of gamma-Sm were studied.

  17. High-Performance Epoxy-Resin-Bonded Magnets Produced from the Sm2Fe17Nx Powders Coated by Copper and Zinc Metals (United States)

    Noguchi, Kenji; Machida, Ken-ichi; Adachi, Gin-ya


    Fine powders of Sm2Fe17Nx coated with copper metal reduced from CuCl2 and/or zinc metal subsequently derived by photo-decomposition of diethylzinc [Zn(C2H5)2] were prepared, and their magnetic properties were characterized in addition to those of epoxy-resin-bonded magnets produced from the coated powders (Cu/Sm2Fe17Nx, Zn/Sm2Fe17Nx and Zn/Cu/Sm2Fe17Nx). The remanence (Br) and maximum energy product [(\\mathit{BH})max] of double metal-coated Zn/Cu/Sm2Fe17Nx powders were maintained at higher levels than those of single Zn metal-coated Sm2Fe17Nx ones (Zn/Sm2Fe17Nx) even after heat treatment at 673 K since the oxidation resistance and thermal stability were effectively improved by formation of the thick and uniform protection layer on the surface of Sm2Fe17Nx particles. Moreover, the epoxy-resin-bonded magnets produced from the Zn/Cu/Sm2Fe17Nx powders possessed good corrosion resistance in air at 393 K which it resulted in the smaller thermal irreversible flux loss than that of uncoated and single Zn metal-coated Sm2Fe17Nx powders in the temperature range of above 393 K.

  18. Influence of annealing and nitrogenation on structure and magnetic properties of mechanically alloyed Sm-Fe powders

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Teresiak, A.; Kubis, M.; Mattern, N.; Wolf, M.; Mueller, K.-H. [Institut fuer Festkoerper- und Werkstofforschung Dresden e.V. (Germany)


    Sm-Fe-N compounds were prepared by mechanical alloying, subsequent annealing and nitrogenation. For crystal structure investigations of the non-equilibrium phases Sm{sub 2}Fe{sub 17+x} and Sm{sub 2}Fe{sub 17+x}N{sub y}, respectively, formed at the various annealing temperatures T{sub A}, XRD with following Rietveld analysis was used. For T{sub A} between 600 C and 750 C a modified hexagonal TbCu{sub 7} structure (space group P6/mmm) was found in which the Fe(2c) site is replaced by the partially (1/3) and randomly occupied Fe(61) site. The approximated composition is SmFe{sub 8.8-9.0}. The nitrogenated alloys crystallize in the same structure for 600 C < T{sub A} < 700 C. In this case the interstitial nitrogen randomly occupies the 3f site partially (1/3). For 800 C {<=} T{sub A} {<=} 900 C a disordered modified Th{sub 2}Zn{sub 17} structure (space group R anti 3m) was found that is formed by introducing additional Fe (6c) and Sm(3a) positions. The degree of order of the Sm- and Fe-atoms in c-direction increases with increasing annealing temperature. The completely ordered stoichiometric Sm{sub 2}Fe{sub 17} structure could not be reached by annealing the ball milled elemental powders. The nitrided alloys already form this intermediate structure at T{sub A} = 750 C. The interstitial nitrogen occupies the 9e site. The estimated nitrogen content is higher in the hexagonal phases than in the rhombohedral phase. Optimum magnetic properties, in particular a coercitivity {mu}{sub 01}H{sub C} = 3.7 T and a good squareness of the demagnetization curve, were obtained for T{sub A} = 750 C. Here we found a nitrogen content of y = 3 for Sm{sub 2}Fe{sub 17+x}N{sub y}. (orig.)

  19. SmD1 Modulates the miRNA Pathway Independently of Its Pre-mRNA Splicing Function.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiao-Peng Xiong


    Full Text Available microRNAs (miRNAs are a class of endogenous regulatory RNAs that play a key role in myriad biological processes. Upon transcription, primary miRNA transcripts are sequentially processed by Drosha and Dicer ribonucleases into ~22-24 nt miRNAs. Subsequently, miRNAs are incorporated into the RNA-induced silencing complexes (RISCs that contain Argonaute (AGO family proteins and guide RISC to target RNAs via complementary base pairing, leading to post-transcriptional gene silencing by a combination of translation inhibition and mRNA destabilization. Select pre-mRNA splicing factors have been implicated in small RNA-mediated gene silencing pathways in fission yeast, worms, flies and mammals, but the underlying molecular mechanisms are not well understood. Here, we show that SmD1, a core component of the Drosophila small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle (snRNP implicated in splicing, is required for miRNA biogenesis and function. SmD1 interacts with both the microprocessor component Pasha and pri-miRNAs, and is indispensable for optimal miRNA biogenesis. Depletion of SmD1 impairs the assembly and function of the miRISC without significantly affecting the expression of major canonical miRNA pathway components. Moreover, SmD1 physically and functionally associates with components of the miRISC, including AGO1 and GW182. Notably, miRNA defects resulting from SmD1 silencing can be uncoupled from defects in pre-mRNA splicing, and the miRNA and splicing machineries are physically and functionally distinct entities. Finally, photoactivatable-ribonucleoside-enhanced crosslinking and immunoprecipitation (PAR-CLIP analysis identifies numerous SmD1-binding events across the transcriptome and reveals direct SmD1-miRNA interactions. Our study suggests that SmD1 plays a direct role in miRNA-mediated gene silencing independently of its pre-mRNA splicing activity and indicates that the dual roles of splicing factors in post-transcriptional gene regulation may be

  20. Parallel multispot smFRET analysis using an 8-pixel SPAD array (United States)

    Ingargiola, A.; Colyer, R. A.; Kim, D.; Panzeri, F.; Lin, R.; Gulinatti, A.; Rech, I.; Ghioni, M.; Weiss, S.; Michalet, X.


    Single-molecule Förster resonance energy transfer (smFRET) is a powerful tool for extracting distance information between two fluorophores (a donor and acceptor dye) on a nanometer scale. This method is commonly used to monitor binding interactions or intra- and intermolecular conformations in biomolecules freely diffusing through a focal volume or immobilized on a surface. The diffusing geometry has the advantage to not interfere with the molecules and to give access to fast time scales. However, separating photon bursts from individual molecules requires low sample concentrations. This results in long acquisition time (several minutes to an hour) to obtain sufficient statistics. It also prevents studying dynamic phenomena happening on time scales larger than the burst duration and smaller than the acquisition time. Parallelization of acquisition overcomes this limit by increasing the acquisition rate using the same low concentrations required for individual molecule burst identification. In this work we present a new two-color smFRET approach using multispot excitation and detection. The donor excitation pattern is composed of 4 spots arranged in a linear pattern. The fluorescent emission of donor and acceptor dyes is then collected and refocused on two separate areas of a custom 8-pixel SPAD array. We report smFRET measurements performed on various DNA samples synthesized with various distances between the donor and acceptor fluorophores. We demonstrate that our approach provides identical FRET efficiency values to a conventional single-spot acquisition approach, but with a reduced acquisition time. Our work thus opens the way to high-throughput smFRET analysis on freely diffusing molecules.

  1. Ba2ZnWO6:Sm3+ as promising orange-red emitting phosphors: Photoluminescence properties and energy transfer process (United States)

    Chen, Peng; Hu, Wenyuan; Yang, Dingming; Zhu, Jiayi; Zhang, Jing; Wu, Yadong


    Novel orange-red emitting phosphors, Ba2Zn1-xWO6:xSm3+ (x = 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06 and 0.07) (BZW:Sm3+), were prepared using a high-temperature solid-state reaction method. Their crystal structure and photoluminescence properties were characterized and the mechanism of energy transfers between Ba2ZnWO6 and Sm3+ elucidated in detail. It was found that the phosphors had a cubic structure with space group Fm 3 bar m . They can be excited by near-ultraviolet light, and the characteristic emissions of Sm3+ ions are observed at 564 nm, 598 nm and 645 nm, corresponding to 4G5/2 → 6H5/2, 4G5/2 → 6H7/2 and 4G5/2 → 6H9/2 transitions, respectively. The 4G5/2 → 6H9/2 transitions shows the greatest intensity, which indicates that Sm3+ ions occupy the noncentrosymmetric sites. The optimal doping concentration of Sm3+ ions in Ba2ZnWO6 is about 5 mol% and the phenomenon of concentration quenching occurs when the content of Sm3+ ions exceeds 5 mol%. All results show that the Ba2ZnWO6:Sm3+ phosphor holds great promise for use in high-quality white light-emitting diodes.

  2. Exchange-coupled nanoscale SmCo/NdFeB hybrid magnets

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Dapeng; Poudyal, Narayan; Rong, Chuanbing; Zhang, Ying; Kramer, Matthew J.; Liu, J. Ping


    Nanoscalehybridmagnets containing SmCo5 and Nd2Fe14B hard magnetic phases have been produced via a novel “in-one-pot” processing route. The grain size of the processed bulk composite materials is controlled below 20 nm. The refinement of the nanoscale morphology leads to effective inter-phase exchange coupling that results in single-phase like magnetic properties. Energy product of 14 MGOe was obtained in the isotropic nanocomposite magnets at room temperature. At elevated temperatures, the hybridmagnets have greatly improved thermal stability compared to the Nd2Fe14B single-phase counterpart and have substantially increased magnetization and energy products compared to the single-phase SmCo5 counterpart.

  3. Små stater i den perfekte storm

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Carstensen, Martin B.


    Til trods for at Irland og Island siden 2008 har gennemlevet nogle af historiens største finansielle og økonomiske kriser, nyder de to små åbne økonomier nu relativt høje vækstrater og lav arbejdsløshed og anses som succeshistorier. I begge lande har krisehåndteringen haft fokus på at genoprette ...

  4. Voltage color tunable OLED with (Sm,Eu)-β-diketonate complex blend (United States)

    Reyes, R.; Cremona, M.; Teotonio, E. E. S.; Brito, H. F.; Malta, O. L.


    Light emission from organic electroluminescent diodes (OLEDs) in which mixed samarium and europium β-diketonate complexes, [Sm 0.7Eu 0.3(TTA) 3(TPPO) 2], was used as the emitting layer is described. The electroluminescence spectra exhibit narrow peaks arising from 4f-intraconfigurational transitions of the Sm 3+ and Eu 3+ ions and a broad emission band attributed to the electrophosphorescence of the TTA ligand. The intensity ratio of the peaks determined by the bias voltage applied to the OLED, together with the ligand electrophosphorescence, allows to obtain a voltage-tunable color light source.

  5. Thermochemical studies on complex of [Sm(o-NBA)_3phen]_2

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    肖圣雄; 张建军; 李旭; 李强国; 任宁; 李环


    A ternary complex [Sm(o-NBA)3phen]2 (o-NBA: o-Nitrobenzoate; phen: 1,10-phenanthroline) was synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, IR, molar conductance, and thermogravimetric analysis. The dissolution enthalpies of SmCl3·6H2O(s), o-HNBA(s) and phen·H2O(s) in mixed solvent (VHCl :VDMF :VDMSO=2:2:1) were determined by calorimetry at 298.15 K. The enthalpy change of the reaction was determined to be rHmΔθ=252.49±1.60 kJ/mol. Using the relevant data in the literature and a thermochemical recycle ...

  6. Optimal power allocation for SM-OFDM systems with imperfect channel estimation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu, Feng; Song, Lijun; Lei, Xia; Xiao, Yue; Jiang, Zhao Xiang; Jin, Maozhu


    This paper analyses the bit error rate (BER) of the spatial modulation orthogonal frequency division multiplex (SM-OFDM) system and derives the optimal power allocation between the data and the pilot symbols by minimizing the upper bound for the BER operating with imperfect channel estimation. Furthermore, we prove the proposed optimal power allocation scheme applies to all generalized linear interpolation techniques with the minimum mean square error (MMSE) channel estimation . Simulation results show that employing the proposed optimal power allocation provides a substantial gain in terms of the average BER performance for the SM-OFDM system compared to its equal-power-allocation counterpart.

  7. Targeted radiotherapy of osteosarcoma using 153Sm-EDTMP. A new promising approach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bruland, Oe.S.; Skretting, A.; Solheim, Oe.P.; Aas, M.


    We report a case where targeted radionuclide therapy using 153 Sm-EDTMP gave substantial palliative effect. A 35-year-old male with a primary osteosarcoma located in the first lumbar vertebra relapsed with progressive back pain after conventional treatment modalities had failed. He became bedridden, and developed paraparesis and impaired bladder function. On a diagnostic bone-scan intense radioactivity was localized in the tumor. He therefore was given 153 Sm-EDTMP treatment twice, 8 weeks apart, 35 and 32 MBq/kg body weight respectively. After a few days the pain was significantly relieved and by the second radionuclide treatment the pareses subsided. For six months he was able to be up and about without any neurological signs or detectable metastases. Eventually, however, he experienced increasing local pain, developed paraparesis, was re-operated but died 4 months later. The dramatic transient improvement observed in this case warrants further exploration using 153 Sm-EDTMP as a boost technique, supplementary to conventiontal external radiotherapy. (orig.)

  8. Exchange-coupled nanoscale SmCo/NdFeB hybrid magnets

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang Dapeng; Poudyal, Narayan; Rong, Chuanbing [Department of Physics, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX 76019 (United States); Zhang Ying [Department of Physics, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX 76019 (United States); Materials Science and Engineering, Ames Laboratory, USDOE, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 (United States); Kramer, M.J. [Materials Science and Engineering, Ames Laboratory, USDOE, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 (United States); Liu, J. Ping, E-mail: [Department of Physics, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX 76019 (United States)


    Nanoscale hybrid magnets containing SmCo{sub 5} and Nd{sub 2}Fe{sub 14}B hard magnetic phases have been produced via a novel 'in-one-pot' processing route. The grain size of the processed bulk composite materials is controlled below 20 nm. The refinement of the nanoscale morphology leads to effective inter-phase exchange coupling that results in single-phase like magnetic properties. Energy product of 14 MGOe was obtained in the isotropic nanocomposite magnets at room temperature. At elevated temperatures, the hybrid magnets have greatly improved thermal stability compared to the Nd{sub 2}Fe{sub 14}B single-phase counterpart and have substantially increased magnetization and energy products compared to the single-phase SmCo{sub 5} counterpart. - Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer We realize interphase exchange coupling in nanoscale SmCo{sub 5}/Nd{sub 2}Fe{sub 14}B magnets. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer We observe homogenously distributed two-phase grains with size smaller than 20 nm. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer We observe a common Curie temperature in the hybrid magnet. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer High-temperature magnetic properties of the hybrid magnets greatly improved. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Plastic deformation of composite materials leads to self-nanoscaling of grains.

  9. Review of electroweak fits of the SM and beyond, after the Higgs discovery -- with Gfitter

    CERN Document Server

    Baak, M


    We present an update of the global Standard Model (SM) fit to electroweak precision data under the assumption that the new particle discovered at the LHC is the SM Higgs boson. In this scenario all parameters entering the calculations of electroweak precision observables are known, allowing to over-constrain the SM at the electroweak scale and to assert its validity. Within the SM the W boson mass and the effective weak mixing angle can now be accurately predicted from the global fit. Their results exceed in precision the direct measurements. A determination of the S , T and U parameters, which parametrize the oblique vacuum corrections, is given. We examine the impact of the STU observables on a model of modified couplings of the Higgs boson to gauge bosons, and compare this with the corresponding analysis of LHC measurements of the signal strength of Higgs channels. Future measurements at the International Linear Collider (ILC) promise to improve significantly the experimental precision of key observables u...

  10. Influence of silver nanoparticles on the spectroscopic properties of Sm3+ doped boro-phosphate glasses (United States)

    Suthanthirakumar, P.; Marimuthu, K.


    The Sm3+ doped novel boro-phosphate glasses containing silver nanoparticles (NPs) (SmBPxA) have been prepared following the melt quenching technique and their structural and spectroscopic behavior were studied through HR-TEM, optical absorption and photoluminescence spectral measurements. The TEM analysis validates the existence of Ag NPs with an average diameter of ~8 nm. The Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) band of silver NPs was found at around 600 nm from the absorption spectrum of the Sm3+ ions free glass sample. The optical band gap energy (Eopt) corresponding to the direct and indirect allowed transitions and the Urbach energy (ΔE) values were determined from the absorption spectral measurements. The luminescence intensity is found to get enhance when the Ag NPs were embedded along with the Sm3+ ions in the prepared glasses due to the local electric field effect around the rare earth (RE) ion site produced by the SPR of Ag NPs.

  11. Luminescence properties of phosphate phosphor Ba{sub 3}Y(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}:Sm{sup 3+}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yang, Fu [College of Science, Hebei North University, Zhangjiakou 075000 (China); Liu, Yufeng, E-mail: [State Key Lab of Power Systems, Department of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084 (China); Tian, Xiaodong; Dong, Guoyi [College of Physics Science and Technology, Hebei University, Baoding 071002 (China); Yu, Quanmao [Institute of Functional Materials, Jiangxi University of Finance & Economics, Nanchang 330013 (China)


    A series of reddish orange-emitting phosphate phosphors Ba{sub 3}Y{sub 1−x}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}:xSm{sup 3+}(0.01≤x≤0.20) were synthesized by solid-state reaction. X-ray diffraction and photoluminescence spectra were utilized to characterize the structure and luminescence properties of as-synthesized phosphors. The optimized phosphors Ba{sub 3}Y{sub 0.95}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}:0.05Sm{sup 3+} present several excitation bands from 300 to 500 nm, and exhibit intense reddish orange-emitting properties. The energy transfer type between Sm{sup 3+} ions was confirmed as d–d interaction by using Van Uitert model. The chromatic properties of the typical sample Ba{sub 3}Y(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}:0.05Sm{sup 3+} phosphor have been found to have chromaticity coordinates of (0.583, 0.405), which are located in reddish orange region under the excitation of 401 nm. These results indicated that Ba{sub 3}Y(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}:Sm{sup 3+} phosphors have potential applications in the field of lighting and display due to their effective excitation in the near-ultraviolet range. - Graphical abstract: The color coordinates for 5 mol% Sm{sup 3+} doped Ba{sub 3}Y(PO{sub 4}){sub 3} phosphor were calculated to be (0.583, 0.405), which are located in reddish orange region under the excitation of 401 nm. The peaks of Ba{sub 3}Y{sub 0.95}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}:0.05Sm{sup 3+} phosphor with the highest emission intensity at 600 nm are broader than those of Y{sub 2}O{sub 3}:Eu{sup 3+} and Y{sub 2}O{sub 2}S:Eu{sup 3+} phosphors. All these characteristics suggest that Ba{sub 3}Y(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}:Sm{sup 3+} phosphors are suitable for near-UV (370–410 nm) excitation and can be applicable to near UV-based WLEDs. ▪ - Highlights: • Different concentration Sm{sup 3+}-doped Ba{sub 3}Y(PO{sub 4}){sub 3} phosphors were fabricated by solid state method. • The optimized phosphors present the several excitation bands from 300 to 500 nm. • The Ba{sub 3}Y(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}:Sm{sup 3+} shows bright reddish orange

  12. Effects of nanostructuring on luminescence properties of SrS:Ce,Sm phosphor: An experimental and phenomenological study (United States)

    Yazdanmehr, Mohsen; Sadeghi, Hossein; Tehrani, Masoud Kavosh; Hashemifar, Seyed Javad; Mahdavi, Mohammad


    In this work, we employ various experimental techniques to illustrate the effects of nanostructuring on improvement of the luminescence properties of the polycrystalline SrS co-activated by cerium and samarium dopants (SrS : Ce , Sm). The nano and microstructure SrS : Ce , Sm powders were synthesized by the co-precipitation and solid state diffusion methods, respectively, followed by the spark plasma sintering (SPS) process to densify powders into pellet shape. It is observed that the photo-luminescence (PL), radio-luminescence (RL), and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) emission intensity of the nanostructure samples are significantly improved with respect to the microstructure samples. Moreover, by using an accurate photomultiplier tube, we measured the CW-OSL decay curves of the samples to demonstrate much higher and faster sensitivity of the nanostructure SrS : Ce , Sm for in-flight and online OSL radiation dosimetry. The obtained absorption and emission spectra are used for phenomenology of the electronic band structure of the SrS : Ce , Sm micro and nano-phosphors inside the band gap. The proposed phenomenological electronic structures are then used to clarify the role of Ce3+ and Sm3+ localized energy levels in the luminescence properties of the nano and microstructure samples. It is argued that electronic transitions from the 2T2g state of Ce3+ and the 4G5/2 state of Sm3+ have strong contribution to the PL and RL emission spectra, while in the OSL mechanism, the Sm3+ 4G5/2 state is mainly responsible for electrons trapping.

  13. The monoclonal antibody SM5-1 recognizes a fibronectin variant which is widely expressed in melanoma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guo Yajun


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Previously we have generated the monoclonal antibody SM5-1 by using a subtractive immunization protocol of human melanoma. This antibody exhibits a high sensitivity for primary melanomas of 99% (248/250 tested and for metastatic melanoma of 96% (146/151 tested in paraffin embedded sections. This reactivity is superior to the one obtained by HMB-45, anti-MelanA or anti-Tyrosinase and is comparable to anti-S100. However, as compared to anti-S100, the antibody SM5-1 is highly specific for melanocytic lesions since 40 different neoplasms were found to be negative for SM5-1 by immunohistochemistry. The antigen recognized by SM5-1 is unknown. Methods In order to characterize the antigen recognized by mAb SM5-1, a cDNA library was constructed from the metastatic human melanoma cell line SMMUpos in the Uni-ZAP lambda phage and screened by mAb SM5-1. The cDNA clones identified by this approach were then sequenced and subsequently analyzed. Results Sequence analysis of nine independent overlapping clones (length 3100–5600 bp represent fibronectin cDNA including the ED-A, but not the ED-B region which are produced by alternative splicing. The 89aa splicing variant of the IIICS region was found in 8/9 clones and the 120aa splicing variant in 1/9 clones, both of which are included in the CS1 region of fibronectin being involved in melanoma cell adhesion and spreading. Conclusion The molecule recognized by SM5-1 is a melanoma associated FN variant expressed by virtually all primary and metastatic melanomas and may play an important role in melanoma formation and progression. This antibody is therefore not only of value in immunohistochemistry, but potentially also for diagnostic imaging and immunotherapy.

  14. Structural and luminescence properties of Sm3+ -doped bismuth phosphate glass for orange-red photonic applications. (United States)

    Damodaraiah, S; Reddy Prasad, V; Ratnakaram, Y C


    In the present study, the effect of bismuth oxide (Bi 2 O 3 ) content on the structural and optical properties of 0.5Sm 3+ -doped phosphate glass and the effect of concentration on structural and optical properties of Sm 3+ -doped bismuth phosphate (BiP) glass were studied. Structural characterization was accomplished using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and 31 P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Optical properties were studied using absorption, photoluminescence and decay measurements. Using optical absorption spectra, Judd-Ofelt parameters were derived to determine the local structure and bonding in the vicinity of Sm 3+ ions. The emission spectra of Sm 3+ -doped BiP glass showed two intense emission bands, 4 G 5/2 → 6 H 7/2 (orange) and 4 G 5/2 → 6 H 9/2 (red) for which the stimulated emission cross-sections (σ e ) and branching ratios (β) were found to be higher. The quantum efficiencies were also calculated from decay measurements recorded for the 4 G 5/2 level of Sm 3+ ions. The suitable combination of Bi 2 O 3 (10 mol%) and Sm 3+ (0.5 mol%) ions in these glasses acted as an efficient lasing material and might be suitable for the development of visible orange-red photonic materials. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  15. Molecular characterization and expression analysis of Lily-type lectin ( SmLTL) in turbot Scophthalmus maximus, and its response to Vibrio anguillarum (United States)

    Xia, Dandan; Ma, Aijun; Huang, Zhihui; Shang, Xiaomei; Cui, Wenxiao; Yang, Zhi; Qu, Jiangbo


    A full-length lily-type lectin ( SmLTL) was identified from turbot ( Scophthalmus maximus) in this study. By searching database for protein identification and function prediction, SmLTL were confirmed. The full-length cDNA of SmLTL is composed of 569 bp and contains a 339 bp ORF that encodes 112 amino acid residues. The SmLTL peptide is characterized by a specific β-prism architecture and contains three mannose binding sites in a three-fold internal repeat between amino acids 30-99; two of the repeats share the classical mannose binding domain (QxDxNxVxY) while the third binding site was similar to other fish-specific binding motifs (TxTxGxRxV). The primary, secondary, and tertiary structures of SmLTL were predicted and analyzed, indicating that the SmLTL protein was hydrophilic, contained 5.36% α-helices, 39.29% extended strands, 16.07% β-folds, and 39.29% random coils, and three β-folds. Quantitative realtime polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) analysis revealed that the SmLTL mRNA was abundantly expressed in skin, gill, and intestine. Low levels of SmLTL expression were observed in other tissues. The expression of SmLTL in gill, skin and intestine increased at mRNA level after stimulation of Vibrio anguillarum, our results suggest that SmLTL serve as the first line of defence against microbial infections and play a pivotal role in the innate mucosal immune system. The current study indicates that SmLTL is a member of the lilytype lectin family and the information reported here will provide an important foundation for future research on the role of this protein.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sami KILIÇ


    Full Text Available According to many sources of Islam, Yezîdîsm was founded by the people who were follower of sufi Sheikh Adi b. Musafir who lived in the 12 th century and it is defined as an Islamic source syncretic sect or current that regards Yezid b. Muaviye as a superhuman being. Yezîdîsm has been discussed among one of the groups about the name of its source, process of its formation and ideas.Yezîdîsm that extends a syncretic content was affected by Harrânîs which occured with the effect of paganist, plotiest Mesopotamia, Iran religions, Judaism and Christianity. In many sources the religions written above are said to contribute Yezîdîsm but in which situations and how they contributed is not indicated. In some sources only some information is available about them. In this study as it is a detailed subject to determine which religions contributed to the Yezîdîsm, we restricted the subject only whith the Harrânîsm. We tried to interpret similiar things while determining the traces and effects of Yezîdîsm in Harrânîs. So, we aimed to illuminate some beliefs and practises in Yezîdîsm in the back plan of history. Yezîdîlik, İslam kaynaklarının çoğunda, XII. Yüzyılda yaşamış olan mutasavvıf şeyh Adî b. Müsâfir’i takip edenler tarafından kurulmuş ve Yezîd b. Muâviye’nin insanüstü bir varlık olduğu esasına dayanan İslam kaynaklı senkretik bir mezhep veya akım olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Bununla birlikte Yezîdîlik, isminin kaynağı, teşekkül süreci ve görüşlerinin menşei konusunda en çok tartışılan dini-sosyal gruplardan biridir. Senkretik bir yapı arz eden Yezîdîliğe, özellikle paganist ve politeist Mezopotamya dinlerinin etkisiyle oluşan Harrânîler, İran dinleri, Yahudilik, Hıristiyanlık ve İslam’ın tesir ettiği, kaynaklarda ifade edilmektedir. Birçok kaynakta bu dinlerin Yezîdîliğe tesir ettiği bildirilmekte, ancak bu dinlerin hangi noktalarda ve nasıl etki etti

  17. Permanent magnets prepared from Sm10.5Fe88.5Zr1.0Ny without homogenization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gebel, B.; Kubis, M.; Mueller, K.-H.


    In as-cast Sm 2 Fe 17 the high amount of α-Fe caused by a peritectic reaction can be considerably reduced by a small addition of about 1 at% Zr. X-ray diffraction showed that as-cast Sm 10.5 Fe 88.5 Zr 1.0 mainly consists of a phase with the Th 2 Zn 17 -type structure and SmFe 3 . Non-homogenized Sm 10.5 Fe 88.5 Zr 1.0 was milled and (i) annealed in vacuum or (ii) treated with a hydrogenation-disproportionation-desorp tion-recombination (HDDR) process. The annealed and subsequently nitrogenated powder is magnetically anisotropic and has a coercivity μ 0J H C up to 2.0 T and an energy product (BH) max up to 136 kJ/m 3 . HDDR-treated and nitrogenated powder is isotropic and exhibits values of μ 0J H C = 3.1 T and (BH) max 103 kJ/m 3 . Consequently, Sm 10.5 Fe 88.5 Zr 1.0 N y (y ∼ 16) permanent magnets with very good properties can be prepared without the time-consuming homogenization procedure. (orig.)

  18. Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd chronology and genealogy of mare basalts from the Sea of Tranquility (United States)

    Papanastassiou, D. A.; Depaolo, D. J.; Wasserburg, G. J.


    Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd ages of two Apollo 11 mare basalts, high-K basalt 10072 and low-K basalt 10062, are reported. Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, and Ar-40-Ar-39 ages are in good agreement and indicate an extensive time interval for filling of the Sea of Tranquility, presumably by thin lava flows, in agreement with similar observations for the Ocean of Storms. Initial Sr and Nd isotopic compositions on Apollo 11 basalts reveal at least two parent sources producing basalts. The Sm-Nd isotopic data demonstrate that low-K and high-Ti basalts from Apollo 11 and 17 derived from distinct reservoirs, while low-Ti Apollo 15 mare basalt sources have Sm/Nd similar to the sources of Apollo 11 basalts. Groupings of mare basalt based on Ti content and on isotopic data do not coincide.

  19. Preparation and characterization of SiO2:Sm3+ nanotube arrays with 1.06 μm laser antireflective property

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tan, Wei-min; Huang, Ning; Wang, Li-jun; Song, Tian-shun; Lu, Chun-hua; Wang, Liu-fang; Zhang, Jun-zhi


    SiO 2 : Sm 3+ nanotube arrays with excellent antireflective property at 1.06 μm were synthesized by a template-assisted sol–gel process. The molecular structure, morphology and optical properties of the fabricated SiO 2 :Sm 3+ nanotube arrays were investigated by a Fourier transform infrared spectroscope (FTIR), a Scanning electron microscope (SEM), and a spectro-fluorometer, respectively. The experimental results demonstrate that the SiO 2 :Sm 3+ nanotube arrays were formed via the AAO membrane during the sol–gel process. The remarkable antireflective characteristic of about 0.166% at 1.06 μm was attributed to the drastic decrease of effective refraction index which enhances the matching effect between air and substrate. As well as the absorption performance of Sm3+ at 1.06 μm which consumes the energies of incident light. - Graphical abstract: Directional aligned SiO 2 :Sm 3+ nanotube arrays were synthesized in AAO template by sol–gel process, and the antiflective performance of arrays is prominent comparing to the blank AAO template. Highlights: ► SiO 2 :Sm 3+ nanotube arrays are synthesized by a template-assisted sol–gel process. ► SiO 2 :Sm 3+ nanotube arrays have remarkable antireflective properties at 1.06 μm. ► The subwavelength structure results in a decrease of effective refraction index. ► The absorption performance of Sm 3+ at 1.06 μm consume the energies of incident light

  20. Evaluation of energy deposition by 153Sm in small samples

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cury, M.I.C.; Siqueira, P.T.D.; Yoriyaz, H.; Coelho, P.R.P.; Da Silva, M.A.; Okazaki, K.


    Aim: This work presents evaluations of the absorbed dose by 'in vitro' blood cultures when mixed with 153 Sm solutions of different concentrations. Although 153 Sm is used as radiopharmaceutical mainly due to its beta emission, which is short-range radiation, it also emits gamma radiation which has a longer-range penetration. Therefore it turns to be a difficult task to determine the absorbed dose by small samples where the infinite approximation is no longer valid. Materials and Methods: MCNP-4C (Monte Carlo N - Particle transport code) has been used to perform the evaluations. It is not a deterministic code that calculates the value of a specific quantity solving the physical equations involved in the problem, but a virtual experiment where the events related to the problems are simulated and the concerned quantities are tallied. MCNP also stands out by its possibilities to specify geometrically any problem. However, these features, among others, turns MCNP in a time consuming code. The simulated problem consists of a cylindrical plastic tube with 1.5 cm internal diameter and 0.1cm thickness. It also has 2.0 cm height conic bottom end, so that the represented sample has 4.0 ml ( consisted by 1 ml of blood and 3 ml culture medium). To evaluate the energy deposition in the blood culture in each 153 Sm decay, the problem has been divided in 3 steps to account to the β- emissions (which has a continuum spectrum), gammas and conversion and Auger electrons emissions. Afterwards each emission contribution was weighted and summed to present the final value. Besides this radiation 'fragmentation', simulations were performed for many different amounts of 153 Sm solution added to the sample. These amounts cover a range from 1μl to 0.5 ml. Results: The average energy per disintegration of 153 Sm is 331 keV [1]. Gammas account for 63 keV and β-, conversion and Auger electrons account for 268 keV. The simulations performed showed an average energy deposition of 260 ke

  1. Influence of Sm{sup 3+} substitution on the mutiferroic effect in NdCrTiO{sub 5}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Qian, X.L., E-mail: [Materials Genome Institute, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444 (China); Department of Physics, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444 (China); Fang, Y.F.; Kang, J.; Cao, S.X. [Materials Genome Institute, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444 (China); Department of Physics, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444 (China); Zhang, J.C., E-mail: [Materials Genome Institute, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444 (China); Department of Physics, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444 (China)


    The effects of Sm{sup 3+} substitution on the magnetic and electric properties of NdCrTiO{sub 5} are investigated by magnetization and polarization measurements. X-ray diffraction patterns confirm that our samples are single phase with an orthorhombic crystal structure in the space group of Pbam. The DC magnetization study at an external field of 0.1 T reveals the variation of the anti-ferromagnetic transition temperature. The disappearance of the ferroelectricity–paraelectricity phase transition in Nd{sub 0.5}Sm{sub 0.5}CrTiO{sub 5} indicates the suppression on the linear magnetoelectric coupling by Sm{sup 3+}. The disparate 3d−4f interactions between Sm and Cr potentially affect the mutiferroic effect in this system.

  2. Transition to intermediate valence state and x-ray photoemission in Sm/sub 1-x/Gd/sub x/S

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Campagna, M.; Chui, S.T.; Wertheim, G.K.; Tosatti, E.


    We report a systematic x-ray photoemission study of the alloys Sm 1 /sub -//subx/Gd/subx/S for 0 2+ → Sm 3+ photoemission line shape using a model which has some similarities with the Jaccarino-Walker model for magnetic alloys. It assumes the existence of only two different kinds of Sm 2+ ions in Sm 1 /sub -//subx/Gd/subx/S for x approximately-less-than 16%. We discuss possible reasons for the fact that Gd does not show the usual clustering effects known to occur in many substitutional rare-earth alloys. Lattice-constant measurements for various substituents further illustrate the importance of electronic effects in the phase transition

  3. X(5 Symmetry to 152Sm

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eid S. A.


    Full Text Available The excited positive and negative parity states, potential energy surfaces, V ( ; , electromagnetic transition probabilities, B ( E 1, B ( E 2, electric monopole strength X ( E 0 = E 2 and staggering e ect, I = 1, were calculated successfully using the inter- acting boson approximation model IBA -1. The calculated values are compared to the available experimental data and show reasonable agreement. The energy ratios and contour plot of the potential energy surfaces show that 152 Sm is an X (5 candidate.

  4. The isolation and the separation of Sm, Gd, Dy by extraction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Biyantoro, D.; Lahagu, F.; Basuki, K.T.; Handini, T.; Rosyidin


    The isolation of yttrium and separation of Sm, Gd, y with extraction has been investigated. The steps of the process include of this research were the production the concentrate of lanthanide, the dilution, the isolation of yttrium, and the separation of the Sm, Gd, Dy. The first step was the digestion of xenotime sand, the extraction, the dilution, the filtration, the precipitation, the baking production a lanthanide oxide. The step was the separation of yttrium, the stripping, and the calcination production of yttrium oxide. And the third process was the separation of Sm, Gd, Dy by extraction process using method liquid-liquid extraction with extractant of D 2 EHPA and a solvent of dodecane. From the result have been found concentration of yttrium oxide = 88,71 %. The optimum condition of the separation of Gd/Dy have been found : the concentration of HNO 3 = 0,5 M, time of extraction = 15 minutes, and the concentration of extractant = 30 % D 2 EHPA in dodecane. The results of this condition were the distribution coefficient of Gd = 2,226, the distribution coefficient of Dy = 3,762, and the separation factor of Gd/Dy = 0,592. (author)

  5. Growth and characterization of Sm3+ doped cerium oxalate single crystals

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Minu Mary C


    Full Text Available Single crystals of Sm3+ doped cerium oxalate decahydrate were synthesized using single diffusion gel technique and the conditions influencing the size, morphology, nucleation density and quality of the crystals were optimized. Highly transparent single crystals of average size 3 mm × 2 mm × 1 mm with well-defined hexagonal morphology were grown during a time period of two weeks. X-ray powder diffraction analysis revealed that the grown crystals crystallize in the monoclinic system with space group P21/c as identical with the pure cerium oxalate. The various functional groups of the oxalate ligand and the water of crystallization were identified by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The photoluminescence spectrum of the Sm3+ doped cerium oxalate indicated that the Sm3+ ions are optically active in the cerium oxalate matrix. The crystal has a strong and efficient orange red emission with a wavelength peak at 595 nm and hence can be effectively used for optical amplification. Microhardness measurements of the crystal revealed that they belong to the soft material category.

  6. Structure and Phase Transformation in the Giant Magnetostriction Laves-Phase SmFe2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Xiaonan; Lin, Kun; Gao, Qilong; Zhu, He; Li, Qiang; Cao, Yili; Liu, Zhanning; You, Li; Chen, Jun; Ren, Yang [Argonne National Laboratory, X-Ray Science Division, Argonne, Illinois 60439, United States; Huang, Rongjin [Key Laboratory; Lapidus, Saul H. [Argonne National Laboratory, X-Ray Science Division, Argonne, Illinois 60439, United States; Xing, Xianran


    As one class of the most important intermetallic compounds, the binary Laves-phase is well-known for their abundant magnetic properties. Samarium-iron alloy system, SmFe2, is a prototypical Laves compound that shows strong negative magnetostriction but relatively weak magnetocrystalline anisotropy. SmFe2 has been identified as a cubic Fd$ \\overline{3}\\ $m structure at room temperature, however, the cubic symmetry does not match the spontaneous magnetization along the [111]cubic direction. Here we studied the crystal structure of SmFe2 by high-resolution synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction and X-ray total scattering methods. SmFe2 is found to adopt a centrosymmetric trigonal R$ \\overline{3}\\ $m structure at room temperature, which transforms to an orthorhombic Imma structure at 200 K. This transition is in agreement with the changes of easy magnetization direction from [111]cubic to [110]cubic direction, and is further evidenced by the inflexion of thermal expansion behavior, the sharp decline of the magnetic susceptibility in the FC-ZFC curve, and the anomaly in the specific heat capacity measurement. The revised structure and phase transformation of SmFe2 could be useful to understand the magnetostriction and related physical properties of other RM2-type pseudo-cubic Laves-phase intermetallic compounds.

  7. Interplay between surface and bulk states in the Topological Kondo Insulator SmB6 (United States)

    Biswas, Sangram; Hatnean, Monica Ciomaga; Balakrishnan, Geetha; Bid, Aveek

    Kondo insulator SmB6 is predicted to have topologically protected conducting surface states(TSS). We have studied electrical transport through surface states(SS) at ultra-low temperatures in single crystals of SmB6 using local-nonlocal transport scheme and found a large nonlocal signal at temperatures lower than bulk Kondo gap scale. Using resistance fluctuation spectroscopy, we probed the local and nonlocal transport channels and showed that at low temperatures, transport in this system takes place only through SS. The measured noise in this temperature range arises due to Universal Conductance Fluctuations whose statistics was found to be consistent with theoretical predictions for that of 2D systems in the Symplectic symmetry class. We studied the temperature dependence of noise and found that, unlike the topological insulators of the dichalcogenide family, the noise in surface and bulk conduction channels in SmB6 are uncorrelated - at sufficiently low temperatures, the bulk has no discernible contribution to electrical transport in SmB6 making it an ideal platform for probing the physics of TSS. Nanomission, Department of Science & Technology (DST) and Indian Institute of Scienc and EPSRC, UK, Grant EP/L014963/1.

  8. Autophagy-Associated Protein SmATG12 Is Required for Fruiting-Body Formation in the Filamentous Ascomycete Sordaria macrospora. (United States)

    Werner, Antonia; Herzog, Britta; Frey, Stefan; Pöggeler, Stefanie


    In filamentous fungi, autophagy functions as a catabolic mechanism to overcome starvation and to control diverse developmental processes under normal nutritional conditions. Autophagy involves the formation of double-membrane vesicles, termed autophagosomes that engulf cellular components and bring about their degradation via fusion with vacuoles. Two ubiquitin-like (UBL) conjugation systems are essential for the expansion of the autophagosomal membrane: the UBL protein ATG8 is conjugated to the lipid phosphatidylethanolamine and the UBL protein ATG12 is coupled to ATG5. We recently showed that in the homothallic ascomycete Sordaria macrospora autophagy-related genes encoding components of the conjugation systems are required for fruiting-body development and/or are essential for viability. In the present work, we cloned and characterized the S. macrospora (Sm)atg12 gene. Two-hybrid analysis revealed that SmATG12 can interact with SmATG7 and SmATG3. To examine its role in S. macrospora, we replaced the open reading frame of Smatg12 with a hygromycin resistance cassette and generated a homokaryotic ΔSmatg12 knockout strain, which displayed slower vegetative growth under nutrient starvation conditions and was unable to form fruiting bodies. In the hyphae of S. macrospora EGFP-labeled SmATG12 was detected in the cytoplasm and as punctate structures presumed to be phagophores or phagophore assembly sites. Delivery of EGFP-labelled SmATG8 to the vacuole was entirely dependent on SmATG12.

  9. The monomeric orphan nuclear receptor Schistosoma mansoni Ftz-F1 dimerizes specifically and functionally with the schistosome RXR homologue, SmRXR1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bertin, Benjamin; Caby, Stephanie; Oger, Frederik; Sasorith, Souphatta; Wurtz, Jean-Marie; Pierce, Raymond J.


    In an attempt to understand development and differentiation processes of the parasitic blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni, several members of the nuclear receptor superfamily were cloned, including SmFtz-F1 (S. mansoni Fushi Tarazu-factor 1). The Ftz-F1 nuclear receptor subfamily only contains orphan receptors that bind to their response element as monomers. Whereas SmFtz-F1 displays these basic functional properties, we have identified an original and specific interaction between SmFtz-F1 and the schistosome RXR homologue, SmRXR1. The mammalian two-hybrid assay showed that the D, E, and F domains of SmFtz-F1 were capable of interacting specifically with the E domain of SmRXR1 but not with that of mouse RXRα. Using three-dimensional LBD homology modelling and structure-guided mutagenesis, we were able to demonstrate the essential role of exposed residues located in the dimerization interfaces of both receptors in the maintenance of the interaction. Cotransfection experiments with constructions encoding full-length nuclear receptors show that SmRXR1 potentiates the transcriptional activity of SmFtz-F1 from various promoters. Nevertheless, the lack of identification of a dimeric response element for this SmFtz-F1/SmRXR1 heterodimer seems to indicate a 'tethering' mechanism. Thus, our results suggest for the first time that a member of the Ftz-F1 family could heterodimerize functionally with a homologue of the universal heterodimerization partner of nuclear receptors. This unique property confirms that SmFtz-F1 may be involved in the development and differentiation of schistosome-specific structures

  10. Site-selective laser spectroscopy of Sm{sup 3+} ions in Y{sub 4}Al{sub 2}O{sub 9}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kaczkan, M., E-mail: [Institute of Microelectronics and Optoelectronics, Koszykowa 75, Warsaw 00-662 (Poland); Boruc, Z. [Institute of Microelectronics and Optoelectronics, Koszykowa 75, Warsaw 00-662 (Poland); Turczyński, S.; Pawlak, D. [Institute of Electronic Materials Technology, Wolczynska 133, Warsaw 01-919 (Poland); Malinowski, M. [Institute of Microelectronics and Optoelectronics, Koszykowa 75, Warsaw 00-662 (Poland)


    Sm{sup 3+} doped Y{sub 4}Al{sub 2}O{sub 9} (YAM) crystals were prepared by the micro-pulling down method. Optical-absorption and laser-selective-excitation techniques along with luminescence decays have been used to reveal that Sm{sup 3+} ions in YAM normally occupy four sites, which were characterized and discussed. The comprehensive sets of Stark energy levels of the four Sm{sup 3+} centers in YAM were established. The intensity ratio of forced electric dipole ({sup 4}G{sub 5/2} → {sup 6}H{sub 9/2}) and magnetic dipole ({sup 4}G{sub 5/2} → {sup 6}H{sub 5/2}) transitions has been used to estimate the degree of asymmetry of Sm{sup 3+} sites. The lifetime of Sm{sup 3+} ions and the cross-relaxation rates were experimentally determined as a function of concentration for two distinct crystallographic Sm{sup 3+} centers. The dependencies of the nearest surroundings on the relaxation of the {sup 4}G{sub 5/2} excited state was discussed.

  11. Functional organization of the Sm core in the crystal structure of human U1 snRNP.


    Weber, G.; Trowitzsch, S.; Kastner, B.; Lührmann, R.; Wahl, M.


    The U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein initiates the assembly of the spliceosome. Here, the structure of the natively purified U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle reveals the core Sm protein ring and its interactions with the Sm site in the small nuclear RNA.

  12. Highly anisotropic SmCo5 nanoflakes by surfactant-assisted ball milling at low temperature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Lidong; Zhang, Songlin; Zhang, Jian; Ping Liu, J.; Xia, Weixing; Du, Juan; Yan, Aru; Yi, Jianhong; Li, Wei; Guo, Zhaohui


    Surfactant-assisted ball milling (SABM) has been shown to be a promising method for preparing rare earth-transition metal (RE-TM) nanoflakes and nanoparticles. In this work, we prepared SmCo 5 nanoflakes by SABM at low temperature, and 2-methyl pentane and trioctylamine were specially selected as solvent and surfactant, respectively, due to their low melting points. The effects of milling temperature on the morphology, microstructure and magnetic performance of SmCo 5 nanoflakes were investigated systematically. Comparing with the samples milled at room temperature, the SmCo 5 nanoflakes prepared at low temperature displayed more homogeneous morphology and lower oxygen content. Remarkably, better crystallinity, better grain alignment and larger remanence ratio were shown in the samples milled at low temperature, which resulted from the distinct microstructure caused by low milling temperature. The differences in structural evolution between the SmCo 5 nanoflakes milled at room temperature and low temperature, including the formation of nanocrystalline, grain boundary sliding, grain rotation, et al., were discussed. It was found that lowering the temperature of SABM was a powerful method for the fabrication of RE-TM nanoflakes, which showed better hard magnetic properties and lower oxygen content. This was important for the preparation of high-performance sintered magnets, bonded magnets and nanocomposite magnets. - Highlights: • We prepare SmCo 5 nanoflakes by surfactant-assisted ball milling at low temperature. • Better grain alignment and higher remanence ratio are achieved. • The oxygen content is reduced by lowering the milling temperature. • A distinct microstructural evolution caused by low milling temperature is clarified

  13. Characterization on the coatings of Ni-base alloy with nano- and micron-size Sm2O3 addition prepared by laser deposition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Shihong; Li Mingxi; Yoon, Jae Hong; Cho, Tong Yul


    The coating materials are the powder mixture of micron-size Ni-base alloy powders with both 1.5 wt.% micron-size and nano-size Sm 2 O 3 powders, which are prepared on Q235 steel plate by 2.0 kW CO 2 laser deposition. The results indicate that with rare earth oxide Sm 2 O 3 addition, the width of planar crystallization is smaller than that of the Ni-base alloy coatings. Micron- and nano-Sm 2 O 3 /Ni-base alloy coatings have similar microstructure showing the primary phase of γ-Ni dendrite and eutectic containing γ-Ni and Cr 23 C 6 phases. However, compared to micron-Sm 2 O 3 /Ni-base alloy, preferred orientation of γ-Ni dendrite of nano-Sm 2 O 3 /Ni-base alloy is weakened. Planar crystal of several-μm thickness is first grown and then dendrite growth is observed at 1.5% micron-Sm 2 O 3 /Ni-base alloy coating whereas equiaxed dendrite is grown at 1.5% nano-Sm 2 O 3 /Ni-base alloy coating. Hardness and wear resistance of the coating improves with decreasing Sm 2 O 3 size from micron to nano. The improvement on tribological property of nano-Sm 2 O 3 /Ni-base alloy over micron-Sm 2 O 3 /Ni-base alloy coatings can be attributed to the better resistance of equiaxed dendrite to adhesion interactions during the wear process. In 6 M HNO 3 solution, the corrosion resistance is greatly improved with nano-Sm 2 O 3 addition since the decrease of corrosion ratio along grain-boundary in nano-Sm 2 O 3 /Ni-base alloy coating contributes to harmonization of corrosion potential

  14. Crystalline α-Sm2S3 nanowires: Structure and optical properties of an unusual intrinsically degenerate semiconductor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marin, Chris M.; Wang, Lu; Brewer, Joseph R.; Mei, Wai-Ning; Cheung, Chin Li


    Highlights: ► Developed a rapid synthetic method to generate thin films of α-Sm 2 S 3 nanowires. ► Calculated the electronic structure of α-Sm 2 S 3 by density functional theory. ► Predicted that α-Sm 2 S 3 is an intrinsically degenerate p-type semiconductor. ► Found that the gap in the band states of α-Sm 2 S 3 could be engineered to 1.3 eV via sulfur vacancy. -- Abstract: The lanthanide sulfides have long been a promising class of semiconductors because of their infrared-to-visible range band gaps and excellent thermoelectric properties. However, their applications have been limited due to their time consuming conventional synthetic processes and the lack of sufficient understanding of their electronic properties. To address these shortcomings, here we report a rapid, chemical vapor deposition route which results in thin films of crystalline α-phase samarium sesquisulfide (α-Sm 2 S 3 ) nanowires within a few hours, rather than the typical 4–7 days required in previous synthetic processes. In addition, density functional theory was, for the first time, utilized to calculate the electronic band structure of α-Sm 2 S 3 in order to shed insight into the interpretation of their UV–Vis absorption spectrum. We found that the theoretical direct gap in the band states of α-Sm 2 S 3 is 1.7 eV. Computation results suggest that this gap can be tuned to a solar optimal ∼1.3 eV via systematic sulfur vacancy sites engineered into the crystal structure. Most significantly, the degenerate semiconductor-like behavior long observed in lanthanide sulfide samples have been shown to be present even in the ideal α-Sm 2 S 3 structure, suggesting that the observed heavily p-type behavior is an unusual intrinsic property of the material resulting from the Fermi level being located significantly below the optically active 1.7 eV band edge

  15. A Sm-Nd isotopic study of atmospheric dusts and particulates from major river systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goldstein, S.L.; Cambridge Univ.; O'Nions, R.K.; Hamilton, P.J.


    143 Nd/ 144 Nd ratios, and Sm and Nd abundances, are reported for particulates from major and minor rivers of the Earth, continental sediments, and aeolian dusts collected over the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. Overall, Sm/Nd ratios and Nd isotopic compositions in contemporary continental erosion products vary within the small ranges of 147 Sm/ 144 Nd=0.115 +- 0.01 and 143 Nd/ 144 Nd=0.51204 +- 0.0002 (epsilonsub(Nd)=-11.4 +- 4). The average period of residence in the continental crust is estimated to be 1.70 +- 0.35 Ga. These results combined with data from the literature have implications for the age, history, and composition of the sedimentary mass and the continental crust: (1) The average 'crustal residence age' of the whole sedimentary mass is about 1.9 Ga. (2) The range of Nd isotope compositions in the continent derived particulate input to the oceans is the same as Atlantic sediments and seawater, but lower than those of the Pacific, demonstrating the importance of Pacific volcanism to Pacific Nd chemistry. (3) The average ratio of Sm/Nd is about 0.19 in the upper continental crust, and has remained so since the early Archean. This precludes the likelihood of major mafic to felsic or felsic to mafic trends in the overall composition of the upper continental crust through Earth history. (4) Sediments appear to be formed primarily by erosion of continental crust having similar Sm/Nd ratios, rather than by mixing of mafic and felsic compositions. (5) The average ratio of 143 Nd/ 144 Nd approx.= 0.5117 (epsilonsub(Nd) approx.= -17) in the upper continental crust, assuming its mean age is about 2 Ga. (6) The uniformity of the Sm-Nd isotopic systematics in river and aeolian particulates primarily reflects efficient recycling of old sediment by sedimentary processes on a short time scale compared to the amount of time the material has resided in the crust. (orig.)

  16. Valence, magnetism and conduction in the intermediate valence compounds: the case SmB6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Derr, J.


    In some rare earth based compounds, the 4f level is situated so close to the Fermi level that the valence of the compound can become intermediate between two integer values. The so called 'intermediate valence' compound of Samarium hexaboride (SmB 6 ) is one typical example of the exciting physics which can result from this quantum equilibrium between two valence configurations. The first configuration (Sm 2+ ) corresponds to an insulating and non magnetic state whereas the second one (Sm 3+ ) would theoretically give a magnetic and metallic ground state. This dissertation deals with the influence of pressure on this equilibrium. Specific heat measurements under pressure evidenced a new long range magnetic ordering for pressures higher than p c ∼ 10 GPa. On another hand, transport measurements measured for the first time in good conditions of hydrostatics found a reliable and reproducible critical pressure for the insulator to metal transition equal to p c . The phase diagram of SmB 6 is now well known and the observation for the first time of a magnetic anomaly in the high pressure resistivity curves certifies that the onset of the magnetic phase really coincide with the closure of the gap. This change at the critical pressure p c is discussed in a general frame taking into account the Kondo lattice temperature as a key parameter for the renormalization of the wavefunction from one integer configuration to the other whereas the valence itself is still intermediate. This general idea seems to be valid also for other systems studied in this dissertation like SmS or TmSe and could even be valid for more general cases (Ytterbium, Cerium). In the same time, resistivity measurements under uniaxial stress were undertaken. The result is a strong anisotropy effect observed on the pressure dependence of the residual resistivity in the compound SmB 6 . The comparison with the transport under hydrostatic conditions enables us to consider a new idea for the nature of the gap

  17. SM4MQ: A Semantic Model for Multidimensional Queries

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Varga, Jovan; Dobrokhotova, Ekaterina; Romero, Oscar


    metadata artifacts (e.g., queries) to assist users with the analysis. However, modeling and sharing of most of these artifacts are typically overlooked. Thus, in this paper we focus on the query metadata artifact in the Exploratory OLAP context and propose an RDF-based vocabulary for its representation......, sharing, and reuse on the SW. As OLAP is based on the underlying multidimensional (MD) data model we denote such queries as MD queries and define SM4MQ: A Semantic Model for Multidimensional Queries. Furthermore, we propose a method to automate the exploitation of queries by means of SPARQL. We apply...... the method to a use case of transforming queries from SM4MQ to a vector representation. For the use case, we developed the prototype and performed an evaluation that shows how our approach can significantly ease and support user assistance such as query recommendation....

  18. En rejse i hverdagen - de små skridt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Trine Mønsted

    Projektet konkluderer, at der er potentiale for alle små og mellemstore virksomheder (SMV'er) i at arbejde aktivt med bæredygtighed som en del af deres forretningsudvikling. Rapporten indeholder resultater om, hvordan SMV'er arbejder med bæredygtighed, hvilken værdi de får ud af indsatsen og hvil...

  19. Biofilm Formation and Heat Stress Induce Pyomelanin Production in Deep-Sea Pseudoalteromonas sp. SM9913. (United States)

    Zeng, Zhenshun; Cai, Xingsheng; Wang, Pengxia; Guo, Yunxue; Liu, Xiaoxiao; Li, Baiyuan; Wang, Xiaoxue


    Pseudoalteromonas is an important bacterial genus present in various marine habitats. Many strains of this genus are found to be surface colonizers on marine eukaryotes and produce a wide range of pigments. However, the exact physiological role and mechanism of pigmentation were less studied. Pseudoalteromonas sp. SM9913 (SM9913), an non-pigmented strain isolated from the deep-sea sediment, formed attached biofilm at the solid-liquid interface and pellicles at the liquid-air interface at a wide range of temperatures. Lower temperatures and lower nutrient levels promoted the formation of attached biofilm, while higher nutrient levels promoted pellicle formation of SM9913. Notably, after prolonged incubation at higher temperatures growing planktonically or at the later stage of the biofilm formation, we found that SM9913 released a brownish pigment. By comparing the protein profile at different temperatures followed by qRT-PCR, we found that the production of pigment at higher temperatures was due to the induction of melA gene which is responsible for the synthesis of homogentisic acid (HGA). The auto-oxidation of HGA can lead to the formation of pyomelanin, which has been shown in other bacteria. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer analysis confirmed that the pigment produced in SM9913 was pyomelanin-like compound. Furthermore, we demonstrated that, during heat stress and during biofilm formation, the induction level of melA gene was significantly higher than that of the hmgA gene which is responsible for the degradation of HGA in the L-tyrosine catabolism pathway. Collectively, our results suggest that the production of pyomelanin of SM9913 at elevated temperatures or during biofilm formation might be one of the adaptive responses of marine bacteria to environmental cues.

  20. NESS06SM reduces body weight with an improved profile relative to SR141716A. (United States)

    Mastinu, Andrea; Pira, Marilena; Pinna, Gérard Aimè; Pisu, Carla; Casu, Maria Antonietta; Reali, Roberta; Marcello, Stefania; Murineddu, Gabriele; Lazzari, Paolo


    We have recently synthesized a new series of 4,5-dihydrobenzo-oxa-cycloheptapyrazole derivatives with the aim to discover novel CB1 antagonist agents characterized by anti-obesity activity comparable to that of SR141716A but with reduced adverse effects such as anxiety and depression. Within the novel class, the CB1 antagonist 8-chloro-1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-N-piperidin-1-yl-4,5-dihydrobenzo-1H-6-oxa-cyclohepta(1,2-c)pyrazole-3-carboxamide (NESS06SM) has been selected as lead compound. We found that NESS06SM is a CB1 neutral antagonist, characterized by poor blood-brain barrier permeability. Moreover, NESS06SM chronic treatment determined both anti-obesity effect and cardiovascular risk factor improvement in C57BL/6N Diet Induced Obesity (DIO) mice fed with fat diet (FD mice). In fact, the mRNA gene expression in Central Nervous System (CNS) and peripheral tissues by real time PCR, showed a significant increase of orexigenic peptides and a decrease of anorexigenic peptides elicited by NESS06SM treatment, compared to control mice fed with the same diet. Moreover, in contrast to SR141716A treatment, the chronic administration of NESS06SM did not change mRNA expression of both monoaminergic transporters and neurotrophins highly related with anxiety and mood disorders. Our results suggest that NESS06SM reduces body weight and it can restore the disrupted expression profile of genes linked to the hunger-satiety circuit without altering monoaminergic transmission probably avoiding SR141716A side effects. Therefore the novel CB1 neutral antagonist could represent a useful candidate agent for the treatment of obesity and its metabolic complications. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Biofilm Formation and Heat Stress Induce Pyomelanin Production in Deep-Sea Pseudoalteromonas sp. SM9913

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhenshun Zeng


    Full Text Available Pseudoalteromonas is an important bacterial genus present in various marine habitats. Many strains of this genus are found to be surface colonizers on marine eukaryotes and produce a wide range of pigments. However, the exact physiological role and mechanism of pigmentation were less studied. Pseudoalteromonas sp. SM9913 (SM9913, an non-pigmented strain isolated from the deep-sea sediment, formed attached biofilm at the solid–liquid interface and pellicles at the liquid–air interface at a wide range of temperatures. Lower temperatures and lower nutrient levels promoted the formation of attached biofilm, while higher nutrient levels promoted pellicle formation of SM9913. Notably, after prolonged incubation at higher temperatures growing planktonically or at the later stage of the biofilm formation, we found that SM9913 released a brownish pigment. By comparing the protein profile at different temperatures followed by qRT-PCR, we found that the production of pigment at higher temperatures was due to the induction of melA gene which is responsible for the synthesis of homogentisic acid (HGA. The auto-oxidation of HGA can lead to the formation of pyomelanin, which has been shown in other bacteria. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer analysis confirmed that the pigment produced in SM9913 was pyomelanin-like compound. Furthermore, we demonstrated that, during heat stress and during biofilm formation, the induction level of melA gene was significantly higher than that of the hmgA gene which is responsible for the degradation of HGA in the L-tyrosine catabolism pathway. Collectively, our results suggest that the production of pyomelanin of SM9913 at elevated temperatures or during biofilm formation might be one of the adaptive responses of marine bacteria to environmental cues.

  2. Apoptosis induced by radionuclide 153Sm and expression of relevant genes in three different cancer cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zou Baomin; Duan Xiaoyi; Chen Wei; Hu Guoying


    To study apoptosis of PC-3, ER-75-30 and A549 cells induced by radionuclide 153 Sm and the expression of bcl-2, bax in apoptosis cells, MTT assay was used to detect the anti-tumor effect, light microscope, transmission electron microscope, flow cytometer were used to detect apoptosis, while image analysis was used to detect the expression of bcl-2 and bax. 153 Sm showed anti-tumor effect and could induce tumor cell apoptosis. Both bcl-2 and bax played an important role in apoptosis. Different kind of cells had different sensitivity to 153 Sm

  3. Magnetic properties of sintered high energy sm-co and nd-fe-b magnets

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Talijan Nadežda M.


    Full Text Available Magnetic properties of permanent magnetic materials based on intermetallic compounds of Sm-Co and Nd-Fe-B are in direct dependence on the microstructure. In the first part of this paper, having in mind the importance of the regime of sintering and heat treatment to obtain the optimal magnetic structure, yet another approach in defining the most adequate technological parameters of the sintering process for applied heat treatment conditions was made. The goal of these investigations was to use the correlation that exists between sintering conditions (temperature and time and intensity of the diffraction peak of the (111 plane of the SmCo5 phase to optimize. In the second part a brief overview of high energy magnetic materials based on Nd-Fe-B is presented with special emphasis to the current research and development of high remanent nanocomposite magnetic materials based on Nd-Fe-B alloys with a reduced Nd content. Part of experimental results gained during research of the sintering process of SmCo5 magnetic materials were realized and published earlier. The scientific meeting devoted to the 60th anniversary of Frankel’s theory of sintering was an opportunity to show once more the importance and role of sintering in optimization of the magnetic microstructure of sintered Sm Co5 magnetic materials.

  4. Molecular analysis of SmFes, a tyrosine kinase of Schistosoma mansoni orthologous to the members of the Fes/Fps/Fer family. (United States)

    Ludolf, Fernanda; Bahia, Diana; Andrade, Luiza F; Cousin, Alexandre; Capron, Monique; Dissous, Colette; Pierce, Raymond J; Oliveira, Guilherme


    A novel protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) was identified in Schistosoma mansoni and designated SmFes. SmFes exhibits the characteristic features of Fes/Fps/Fer (fes, feline sarcoma; fps, Fujinami poultry sarcoma; fer, fes related) PTKs, containing three coiled-coil regions, an SH2 (Src-homology-2) and a TK (tyrosine kinase catalytic) domain signature. SmFes is the first gene from the Fes/Fps/Fer family identified in S. mansoni, and is a single copy gene. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that SmFes is most closely related to its invertebrate orthologues. The assembly of the SmFes cDNA and genomic sequences indicated the presence of 18 introns in SmFes. Comparison of its genomic structure with those of human Fps/Fes and Drosophila Fps indicates that intron positions are conserved within the region encoding the kinase domain. Analysis of partial cDNA clones showed the presence of a 9 bp insertion at the 3' end of exon 10, producing two different cDNA populations, pointed as an alternative splicing event. In addition, an allele of SmFes containing a 15 bp insertion was observed in the genomic sequence. Quantitative RT-PCR indicated that the overall transcription level of SmFes is rather low in all parasite developmental stages. Moreover, SmFes mRNA levels decrease progressively after cercarial transformation, consistent with a role for the corresponding protein in the early stages of infection.

  5. Electrochemical fabrication, microstructure and magnetic properties of Sm2Co17/Fe7Co3 dual phase nanocomposite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cui, Chunxiang; Chen, Fenghua; Yang, Wei; Li, Hongfang; Liu, Qiaozhi; Sun, Jibing


    By utilizing alternate electrochemical reaction, atomic migration and deposition of Fe, Co, Sm and other chemical substances in the electrochemical solution, a large number of Sm 2 Co 17 /Fe 7 Co 3 dual phase nanowire arrays were carried out in the anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) template with highly uniform and orderly. The Sm 2 Co 17 /Fe 7 Co 3 dual phase nanowire arrays with diameter of 50 nm and length of 12 μm have the smooth surface and uniform diameter. The morphology and microstructure of annealed Sm 2 Co 17 /Fe 7 Co 3 dual phase nanowires were observed and analyzed using SEM, TEM and HRTEM. Compared with single-phase nanowires, dual phase magnetic nanowires have higher coercivity and saturation magnetization. In this composite system, both the hard and the soft phases have a high Curie temperature, therefore, we believe that the Sm 2 Co 17 /Fe 7 Co 3 dual phase nanowire arrays is a new type of high-temperature magnetic composites. - Highlights: • Sm 2 Co 17 /Fe 7 Co 3 dual phase nanowires were prepared by electrochemical method. • The interface pinning is the main factor to improve anisotropy field of the nanowires. • The dual phase magnetic nanowires have higher coercivity and saturation magnetization

  6. Autoantibodies from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus bind a shared sequence of SmD and Epstein-Barr virus-encoded nuclear antigen EBNA I. (United States)

    Sabbatini, A; Bombardieri, S; Migliorini, P


    SmD is one of the small nuclear ribonucleoproteins frequently targeted by autoantibodies in systemic lupus erythematosus. We isolated and characterized the antibodies present in lupus sera that are specific for the C-terminal region of SmD (sequence 95-119). This region is highly homologous to sequence 35-58 of the EBNA I antigen, one of the nuclear antigens induced by infection with Epstein-Barr virus. Antibodies affinity purified over a peptide 95-119 column were able to recognize this sequence in the context of the whole SmD molecule, as they reacted with blotted recombinant SmD. Anti-SmD 95-119 antibodies bound also the EBNA I 35-58 peptide and detected the EBNA I molecule in a total cell extract from Epstein-Barr virus-infected lines. A population of anti-SmD antibodies is, therefore, able to bind an epitope shared by the autoantigen and the viral antigen EBNA I. To investigate the involvement of this shared epitope in the generation of anti-SmD antibodies, we immunized mice with the EBNA I 35-58 peptide. Sera from immunized animals displayed the same pattern of reactivity of spontaneously produced anti-SmD antibodies. They reacted in fact with the EBNA peptide as well as with SmD 95-119 and recombinant SmD. These data suggest that molecular mimicry may play a role in the induction of anti-SmD autoantibodies.

  7. Enhanced photoluminescence of Sm{sup 3+}/Bi{sup 3+} co-doped Gd{sub 2}O{sub 3} phosphors by combustion synthesis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu Guangsheng; Zhang Ying [Institute of Micro-system Physics, School of Physics and Electronics, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001 (China); Yin Jiang [Department of Physics, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093 (China); Zhang, W.F. [Institute of Micro-system Physics, School of Physics and Electronics, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001 (China)], E-mail:


    Gd{sub 2}O{sub 3}:Sm{sup 3+} and Gd{sub 2}O{sub 3}:Sm{sup 3+},Bi{sup 3+} powders were prepared by a combustion method. Their structures were determined using X-ray diffraction. UV-visible absorption and photoluminescence spectra were investigated for Gd{sub 2}O{sub 3}:Sm{sup 3+} and Gd{sub 2}O{sub 3}:Sm{sup 3+},Bi{sup 3+} at different annealing temperatures and different doping concentrations. The emission spectra of all samples presented the characteristic emission narrow lines arising from the {sup 4}G{sub 5/2}{yields}{sup 6}H{sub J} transitions (J=5/2, 7/2, and 9/2) of Sm{sup 3+} ions upon excitation with UV irradiation. The emission intensity of Sm{sup 3+} ions was largely enhanced with introducing Bi{sup 3+} ions into Gd{sub 2}O{sub 3}:Sm{sup 3+} and the maximum occurred at a Bi{sup 3+} concentration of 0.5 mol%. The relevant mechanisms were discussed with the sensitization theory by Dexter and the aggregation behavior of Bi{sup 3+} ions.

  8. Photoluminescence characteristics of Sm{sup 3+} doped Ba{sub 3}La(PO{sub 4}){sub 3} as new orange-red emitting phosphors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yu, Ruijin [College of Science, Northwest A and F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100 (China); Department of Physics, Pukyong National University, Busan 608-737 (Korea, Republic of); Department of Physics, Changwon National University, Changwon 641-773 (Korea, Republic of); Mi Noh, Hyeon; Kee Moon, Byung; Chun Choi, Byung [Department of Physics, Pukyong National University, Busan 608-737 (Korea, Republic of); Hyun Jeong, Jung, E-mail: [Department of Physics, Pukyong National University, Busan 608-737 (Korea, Republic of); Sueb Lee, Ho [Department of Physics, Changwon National University, Changwon 641-773 (Korea, Republic of); Jang, Kiwan, E-mail: [Department of Physics, Changwon National University, Changwon 641-773 (Korea, Republic of); Soo Yi, Soung [Department of Electronic Material Engineering, Silla University, Busan 617-736 (Korea, Republic of)


    A series of orange-red emitting Ba{sub 3}La(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}:xSm{sup 3+} (0.01≤x≤0.30) phosphors was synthesized by the convenient solid-state reaction. X-ray diffraction and photoluminescence spectra were utilized to characterize the structure and luminescence properties of the as-synthesized phosphors. The emission spectra of the Ba{sub 3}La(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}:Sm{sup 3+} phosphors consisted of some sharp emission peaks of Sm{sup 3+} ions centered at 563 nm, 600 nm, 647 nm, 710 nm. The strongest one is located at 600 nm due to {sup 4}G{sub 5/2}–{sup 6}H{sub 7/2} transition of Sm{sup 3+}, generating bright orange-red light. The optimum dopant concentration of Sm{sup 3+} ions in Ba{sub 3}La(PO{sub 4}):xSm{sup 3+} is around 5 mol% and the critical transfer distance of Sm{sup 3+} is calculated as 22 Å. The CIE chromaticity coordinates of the Ba{sub 3}La(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}:0.05Sm{sup 3+} phosphors was is located in the orange reddish region. The Ba{sub 3}La(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}:Sm{sup 3+} phosphors may be potentially used as red phosphors for white light-emitting diodes. -- Highlights: • A new Sm{sup 3+}-doped Ba{sub 3}La(PO{sub 4}){sub 3} phosphor was firstly synthesized. • Its structure, luminescent properties are well studied and characterized. • The Ba{sub 3}La(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}:Sm{sup 3+} shows bright orange reddish emissions under UV excitation.

  9. Luminescence properties of NaY(WO{sub 4}){sub 2}:Sm{sup 3+}, Eu{sup 3+} phosphors prepared by molten salt method

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Ting; Meng, Qingyu, E-mail:; Sun, Wenjun


    Sm{sup 3+} singly doped NaY(WO{sub 4}){sub 2} and Sm{sup 3+}, Eu{sup 3+} co-doped NaY(WO{sub 4}){sub 2} phosphors have been synthesized by molten salt method. The crystal structure and morphology were characterized by means of X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM). In Sm{sup 3+} singly doped NaY(WO{sub 4}){sub 2} phosphors, the suitable doping concentration was proved. In Sm{sup 3+}, Eu{sup 3+} co-doped NaY(WO{sub 4}){sub 2} phosphors, the energy transfer from Sm{sup 3+} to Eu{sup 3+} is confirmed by the luminescent spectra. A strong absorption line at 405 nm can be generated from {sup 6}H{sub 5/2}-{sup 4}K{sub 11/2} ({sup 4}F{sub 7/2}) transition of Sm{sup 3+} in Sm{sup 3+}, Eu{sup 3+} co-doped NaY(WO{sub 4}){sub 2} phosphors, which is suitable for the emission of the near-ultraviolet light-emitting diodes. The energy transfer efficiency, energy transfer rate and average distance between Sm{sup 3+} and Eu{sup 3+} in the NaY(WO{sub 4}){sub 2}:Sm{sup 3+}, Eu{sup 3+} phosphors have been calculated based on the fluorescent dynamic analysis. Finally, the energy transfer mechanism between Sm{sup 3+} and Eu{sup 3+} is confirmed, the energy transfer occurs between {sup 4}G{sub 5/2} state of Sm{sup 3+} ions and {sup 5}D{sub 0} state rather than {sup 5}D{sub 1} state of Eu{sup 3+} ions.

  10. Vizovõi jevroporjadok

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    USA ja Euroopa riigid lähevad üle uut liiki kõrgtehnoloogilistele dokumentidele, kus hakatakse kasutama biomeetrilisi identifikaatoreid. Venemaa ja Eesti vahel kehtib endiselt kahepoolne viisarežiim

  11. ions (RE = La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd and Dy)

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    ) zirconia), tendency of phase transformation (tetragonal to monoclinic () zirconia) and lattice strain were studied with mechanical property e.g. tensile strength of sol–gel derived ZrO2–2 mol% RE2O3 (RE = La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd and Dy) spun ...

  12. Perspectives of SM Higgs measurements at the LHC

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    ... where significant signals can be expected from the LHC experiments. The most sensitive LHC Higgs signatures are reviewed and the discovery year is estimated as a function of the Higgs mass. Finally, we give some ideas about: 'What might be known about the production and decays of a SM Higgs boson' after 10 years ...

  13. Perspectives of SM Higgs measurements at the LHC

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    learned at the LHC about the production and decays of a SM Higgs boson. 2. The 'well' known. Recent LHC Higgs cross-section estimates for the different production mechanisms can be found in [8]. By far the largest contribution to the cross-section comes from the gluon– gluon fusion process to top quarks [9], which is ...

  14. Preparation And Biodistribution Study Of 153sm-Albumin Microspheres As Radiosynovectomy Agent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    W, Widyatuti; Tamat, Swasono R.; Indrawati, Teti; Fatimah; Aulya, Anna


    Treatment of rheumatics arthritis previously was done by inflamed synovial membrane surgery called synovectomy. The conventional synovectomy was costly and inconvenient method for the patients, therefore alternative method using radiation synovectomy was considered. Preparation of 153 Sm albumin microspheres as radio synovectomy agent has been candied out. Experiments have been carried out to decide optimal conditions of preparation, such as speed and time of stirring to form microspheres, and to find optimal condition in labelling the microspheres, such as pH, content of sodium citrate, samarium oxide and the amount of microspheres. The albumin particles were expected as spheres with 15-50 μm in diameter, high labelling efficiency and 153 Sm is strongly bound to the microspheres. In-vitro and in-vivo stability were tested by observing 153 Sm released from the particles after incubating the labelled particles in saline and human serum albumin solution for one week, and after administration of labelled particles into Wistar rats via intraarticular injection through one of its knee joint. The result shows the optimal speed and time of stirring to obtain desired shape and size of the particles was 750 rpm in 15 minutes, while the optimal formulation to obtain high labelling efficiency was at pH 5-6, containing 10 μg/mL of sodium citrate, 125 μg/mL of samarium oxide and 10 mg of albumin microspheres. The preparation was stable up to 5 days. In conclusion the 153 Sm-albumin microspheres can be produced and is ready for clinical trial

  15. Solid-state amorphization of SmFe{sub 3} by hydrogenation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mueller, K.H.; Kubis, M.; Handstein, A.; Gutfleisch, O.


    Hydrogen-induced amorphization (HIA) has received much attention as a method for the preparation of amorphous compounds since its discovery by Yeh et al. Meanwhile it has been observed for a large number of intermetallic compounds with C15, C23, B8{sub 2}, DO{sub 19} and L1{sub 2} structures. E.G. the C15 Laves-type compounds (MgCu{sub 2}-type structure) of rare earth (R) - transition metal (T) compounds RT{sub 2} show HIA for R = Y, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho and Er. Aoki et al. postulated that new amorphizing compounds can be expected at high hydrogen pressures. In this work, the structural changes of SmFe{sub 3} (PuNi{sub 3}-type structure) during heating in high hydrogen pressures are reported.

  16. Influence of silver nanoparticles on the spectroscopic properties of Sm{sup 3+} doped boro-phosphate glasses

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Suthanthirakumar, P.; Marimuthu, K., E-mail: [Department of Physics, Gandhigram Rural University, Gandhigram - 624 302 (India)


    The Sm{sup 3+} doped novel boro-phosphate glasses containing silver nanoparticles (NPs) (SmBPxA) have been prepared following the melt quenching technique and their structural and spectroscopic behavior were studied through HR-TEM, optical absorption and photoluminescence spectral measurements. The TEM analysis validates the existence of Ag NPs with an average diameter of ~8 nm. The Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) band of silver NPs was found at around 600 nm from the absorption spectrum of the Sm{sup 3+} ions free glass sample. The optical band gap energy (E{sub opt}) corresponding to the direct and indirect allowed transitions and the Urbach energy (ΔE) values were determined from the absorption spectral measurements. The luminescence intensity is found to get enhance when the Ag NPs were embedded along with the Sm{sup 3+} ions in the prepared glasses due to the local electric field effect around the rare earth (RE) ion site produced by the SPR of Ag NPs.

  17. Investigation on thermophysical properties of RE{sub 6}UO{sub 12}(s) (RE = La, Pr, Nd, Sm)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sahu, Manjulata, E-mail: [Radioanalytical Chemistry Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai 400085 (India); Krishnan, K. [Fuel Chemistry Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai 400085 (India); Jain, Dheeraj [Chemistry Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai 400085 (India); Saxena, M.K. [Radioanalytical Chemistry Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai 400085 (India); Dash, Smruti [Product development Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai 400085 (India)


    Highlights: • Synthesis of RE{sub 6}UO{sub 12}(s)(RE = La, Pr, Nd, Sm) was performed by combustion method and characterization by XRD. • Thermal expansion measurements were carried out on RE{sub 6}UO{sub 12}(s)(RE = Pr, and Sm) using HT-XRD. • Heat capacity of RE{sub 6}UO{sub 12}(s)(RE = La, Pr, Nd, Sm) was measured in the temperature range 300–870 K. • The nonstoichiometry in RE{sub 6}UO{sub 12}(s) was checked using TG, XPS, chemical analysis and electrical conductivity measurement. - Abstract: RE{sub 6}UO{sub 12}(s) (RE = La, Pr, Nd, Sm) was synthesized by citrate-nitrate combustion method. The synthesis condition for Pr{sub 6}UO{sub 12}(s) was optimized. Nonstoichiometry in these rare earth uranates in argon atmosphere was analysed using various techniques like thermogravimetry (TG), X-ray photo electron spectroscopy (XPS), chemical analysis and electrical conductivity measurements. Thermal expansions of RE{sub 6}UO{sub 12}(s) (RE = Pr and Sm) was studied in the temperature range 298–1273 K by high temperature X-ray powder diffractometry and compared with that of similar rare earth compounds reported in the literature. Heat capacity of RE{sub 6}UO{sub 12}(s) (RE = La, Pr, Nd, Sm) was measured by differential scanning calorimetry in the temperature range 300–870 K. Enthalpy, entropy and Gibbs energy functions of these compounds were computed from the measured heat capacity data.

  18. Targeted radiotherapy of osteosarcoma using {sup 153}Sm-EDTMP. A new promising approach

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bruland, Oe.S. [Dept. of Medical Oncology and Radiotherapy, Norwegian Radium Hospital, Oslo (Norway); Skretting, A. [Dept. of Medical Physics and Technology, Norwegian Radium Hospital, Oslo (Norway); Solheim, Oe.P. [Dept. of Medical Oncology and Radiotherapy, Norwegian Radium Hospital, Oslo (Norway); Aas, M. [Dept. of Nuclear Medicine, Norwegian Radium Hospital, Oslo (Norway)


    We report a case where targeted radionuclide therapy using {sup 153}Sm-EDTMP gave substantial palliative effect. A 35-year-old male with a primary osteosarcoma located in the first lumbar vertebra relapsed with progressive back pain after conventional treatment modalities had failed. He became bedridden, and developed paraparesis and impaired bladder function. On a diagnostic bone-scan intense radioactivity was localized in the tumor. He therefore was given {sup 153}Sm-EDTMP treatment twice, 8 weeks apart, 35 and 32 MBq/kg body weight respectively. After a few days the pain was significantly relieved and by the second radionuclide treatment the pareses subsided. For six months he was able to be up and about without any neurological signs or detectable metastases. Eventually, however, he experienced increasing local pain, developed paraparesis, was re-operated but died 4 months later. The dramatic transient improvement observed in this case warrants further exploration using {sup 153}Sm-EDTMP as a boost technique, supplementary to conventiontal external radiotherapy. (orig.).

  19. Photoluminescence study of Sm{sup 3+}–Yb{sup 3+}co-doped tellurite glass embedding silver nanoparticles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reza Dousti, M., E-mail: [Laboratório de Espectroscopia de Materiais Funcionais (LEMAF), Instituto de Fisica de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Trabalhador So-carlense 400, São Carlos, SP 13566-590 (Brazil); Department of Physics, Tehran-North Branch, Islamic Azad University Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai 81310, Johor (Malaysia); Amjad, R.J. [Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai 81310, Johor (Malaysia); Department of Physics, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore 54000 (Pakistan); Hosseinian S, R.; Salehi, M.; Sahar, M.R. [Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai 81310, Johor (Malaysia)


    We report on the upconversion emission of Sm{sup 3+} ions doped tellurite glass in the presence of Yb{sup 3+} ions and silver nanoparticles. The enhancement of infrared-to-visible upconversion emissions is achieved under 980 nm excitation wavelength and attributed to the high absorption cross section of Yb{sup 3+} ions and an efficient energy transfer to Sm{sup 3+} ions. Further enhancements are attributed to the plasmonic effect via metallic nanoparticles resulting in the large localized field around rare earth ions. However, under excitation at 406 nm, the addition of Yb{sup 3+} content and heat-treated silver nanoparticles quench the luminescence of Sm{sup 3+} ions likely due to quantum cutting and plasmonic diluent effects, respectively. - Highlights: • Sm{sup 3+} tellurite glasses co-doped with Yb{sup 3+} ions and tri-doped with Yb{sup 3+}:Ag NPs were prepared. • In first step, Yb{sup 3+} ions enhanced the upconversion emissions of Sm{sup 3+} doped samples. • In second step, Ag NPs further enhanced the upconversion emissions in tri-doped glasses. • Finally, the quench in luminescence under 406 nm excitation is observed and discussed.

  20. A novel and economical explanation for SM fermion masses and mixings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hernandez, A.E.C. [Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria and Centro Cientifico-Tecnologico de Valparaiso, Valparaiso (Chile)


    I propose the first multiscalar singlet extension of the standard model (SM), which generates tree level top quark and exotic fermion masses as well as one and three loop level masses for charged fermions lighter than the top quark and for light active neutrinos, respectively, without invoking electrically charged scalar fields. That model, which is based on the S{sub 3} x Z{sub 8} discrete symmetry, successfully explains the observed SM fermion mass and mixing pattern. The charged exotic fermions induce one loop level masses for charged fermions lighter than the top quark. The Z{sub 8} charged scalar singlet χ generates the observed charged fermion mass and quark mixing pattern. (orig.)

  1. Effect of Zr addition on structure and electrical properties of SmFeO3 prepared by solid state reaction method

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abdalla M. Abdalla


    Full Text Available Series of Sm1-xFe1-3xZr3xO3 (SFZO, where x = 0.0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.033, 0.05, 0.1 and 0.15, was synthesised by the solid state reaction method and sintered at 1500 °C in air. X-ray diffraction (XRD and scanning electron microscopy (SEM were used to investigate the structure of the materials. The XRD results indicated that the pure SmFeO3 and Sm0.99Fe0.97Zr0.03O3 samples are single phase materials with an orthorhombic symmetry and Pbnm space group. The increase of Zr content (x ≥ 0.02 causes a phase change from single to two-phase system with orthorhombic (Pbnm and fluorite symmetry (Fm3m. The microstructural analyses showed that the Zr4+ doping resulted in an increase of porosity in the sintered SFZO compared to SmFeO3 sample. The direct current (DC electrical conductivity at 850 °C in air was found to be 0.045 S/cm and 0.007 S/cm for Sm0.99Fe0.97Zr0.03O3 and SmFeO3, respectively, showing a significant enhancement compared to the pure SmFeO3.

  2. Venemaal käib äge võitlus vaba meedia nimel / Tõnis Arnover

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Arnover, Tõnis, 1952-


    Protestiaktsioonis Vene telekanali NTV aktsiatest on suur osa kuuldavasti müüdud CNN- asutaja Ted Turneri juhitavale investorite grupile. NTV ajakirjanikud võitlevad aga endiselt oma sõltumatuse eest

  3. State wavering afflicts AIDS prevention efforts / Ilko Stoilov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Stoilov, Ilko


    Eksperdid Eesti aidsiennetuskeskusest leiavad, et valitsus keskendub liialt organisatsioonilistele küsimustele ning tegeleb liiga vähe aidsi ja narkomaania ennetustegevuse tõhustamisega. Kommentaarid aidsiennetuskeskuse endiselt juhatajalt Nelli Kalikovalt

  4. Altkäemaksu või pistise võtmise või andmise kui korruptiivse käitumisega tekitatud kahju hüvitamise nõue juhtorgani liikme vastu : [magistritöö] / Asso Prii ; Tartu Ülikool, õigusteaduskond ; juhendaja: Irene Kull

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Prii, Asso, 1986-


    Juriidilise isiku juhtorgani liikmest KarS-i ametialaste süütegude toimepanijana, juhtorgani liikme altkäemaksu või pistise andmise või võtmisega seotud korruptiivsest käitumisest kui kohustuse rikkumisest tsiviilõiguslikus mõttes, tekitatud kahjust

  5. 31 CFR 208.5 - Availability of the ETA SM. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Availability of the ETA SM. 208.5 Section 208.5 Money and Finance: Treasury Regulations Relating to Money and Finance (Continued) FISCAL SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE MANAGEMENT OF FEDERAL AGENCY...

  6. Luminescence and energy transfer studies on Sm3+/Tb3+codoped telluroborate glasses for WLED applications (United States)

    Uma, V.; Vijayakumar, M.; Marimuthu, K.; Muralidharan, G.


    A new series of Sm3+/Tb3+ codoped telluroborate glasses have been prepared by conventional melt quenching technique with the chemical composition (40-x-y)B2O3+15TeO2+15Li2O+15LiF+15NaF+xTb2O3+ySm2O3 (where x = 0, 0.5; y = 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1 and 2 wt%). The structural and optical behaviour of the prepared glasses were investigated through Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), optical absorption, photoluminescence and lifetime measurements. The fundamental vibrational units of the borate and tellurite network have been identified through FTIR spectra. Nephelauxetic ratio (βbar) and bonding parameter (δ) values indicate that the Smsbnd O bonds are ionic in nature. The characteristic emissions of terbium (543 nm, green) and samarium (645 nm, orange-red) were observed while exciting the Tb3+ ions. Higher magnitude of asymmetric intensity ratio (AIR) values confirms the higher asymmetry around the Sm3+ ion site. Decay profiles of Tb3+ ions (5D4 state) and Sm3+ ions (4G9/2 state) exhibit double exponential nature. The nature of interaction between the donor (Tb3+) and acceptor (Sm3+) has been analyzed through Inokuti-Hirayama (IH) model. Energy transfer from Tb3+ to Sm3+ ions is dominated by dipole-dipole type interaction. TBLT0.5S glass possess the better colour coordinates (0.41, 0.45) and colour correlated temperature (CCT) value (3524 K) and the same is suggested for eye safe warm white light emitting applications.

  7. Hydrogenation-disproportionation-desorption-recombination in Sm{sub 2}Fe{sub 16}M (M=Al, Ga and Si) and magnetic properties of their carburized powders

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kubis, M.; Rave, W.; Cao, L.; Gebel, B.; Mueller, K.-H.; Schultz, L. [Institut fuer Festkoerper- und Werkstofforschung Dresden e.V. (Germany)


    The application of the hydrogenation-disproportionation-desorption-recombination (HDDR) process in Sm{sub 2}Fe{sub 16}M (M=Al,Ga and Si) was investigated. The hydrogen absorption behaviour was studied by temperature-pressure analysis (TPA). In the temperature range between 500 and 800 C, Sm{sub 2}Fe{sub 16}M samples with M=Ga and Si show a weaker hydrogen absorption than Sm{sub 2}Fe{sub 16}Al. This was confirmed by X-ray diffraction which showed a complete disproportionation of Sm{sub 2}Fe{sub 16}Al into SmH{sub z} (1.9Sm{sub 2}Fe{sub 16}Ga and Sm{sub 2}Fe{sub 16}Si exhibit a fraction of undecomposed material with the Th{sub 2}Zn{sub 17}-type structure after the disproportionation procedure. These results point to a stabilization of Sm{sub 2}Fe{sub 16}M against disproportionation by hydrogen for M=Ga and Si. The magnetization processes of carburized HDDR powders were studied by VSM measurements and Kerr microscopy. The demagnetization curve of our HDDR processed Sm{sub 2}Fe{sub 16}AlC{sub y} is well shaped, whereas those of Sm{sub 2}Fe{sub 16}GaC{sub y} and Sm{sub 2}Fe{sub 16}SiC{sub y} show a large decrease of the polarization at low fields. The favourable behaviour of Sm{sub 2}Fe{sub 16}AlC{sub y} is due to a homogeneous submicron grain structure. In Sm{sub 2}Fe{sub 16}GaC{sub y} and Sm{sub 2}Fe{sub 16}SiC{sub y} samples, an additional, magnetically soft phase with larger domains was observed which causes the low coercivity. As a consequence, HDDR was only favourable for the preparation of Sm{sub 2}Fe{sub 16}MC{sub y} hard magnets with M=Al but not for M=Ga and Si. Optimization of the HDDR process in Sm{sub 2}Fe{sub 16}Al and subsequent nitrogenation or carburization led to coercivities of {mu}{sub 0j}H{sub c}=2.9 and 2.5 T, respectively. (orig.) 11 refs.

  8. Rb-Sr And Sm-Nd Ages, and Petrogenesis of Depleted Shergottite Northwest Africa 5990 (United States)

    Shih, C. Y.; Nyquist, L. E.; Reese, Y.; Irving, A. J.


    Northwest Africa (NWA) 5990 is a very fresh Martian meteorite recently found on Hamada du Draa, Morocco and was classified as an olivine-bearing diabasic igneous rock related to depleted shergottites [1]. The study of [1] also showed that NWA 5990 resembles QUE 94201 in chemical, textural and isotopic aspects, except QUE 94201 contains no olivine. The depleted shergottites are characterized by REE patterns that are highly depleted in LREE, older Sm-Nd ages of 327-575 Ma and highly LREE-depleted sources with Nd= +35+48 [2-7]. Age-dating these samples by Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr methods is very challenging because they have been strongly shocked and contain very low abundances of light rare earth elements (Sm and Nd), Rb and Sr. In addition, terrestrial contaminants which are commonly present in desert meteorites will compromise the equilibrium of isotopic systems. Since NWA 5990 is a very fresh meteorite, it probably has not been subject to significant desert weathering and thus is a good sample for isotopic studies. In this report, we present Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic results for NWA 5990, discuss the correlation of the determined ages with those of other depleted shergottites, especially QUE 94201, and discuss the petrogenesis of depleted shergottites.

  9. Characterisation of magnetron sputtered SmCo5 thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Y.; Sood, D.K.; Kothari


    SmCo 5 thin films were deposited using DC magnetron sputtering on single crystal silicon substrate with chromium and SiO 2 top layers. Deposition was carried out at three different substrate temperatures: room temperature, 400 deg C and 600 deg C. Films were characterised by using Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy (RBS), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) and SQUID magnetometer. RBS analysis indicated that the films have excellent stoichiometry with the Sm to Co ratio of 1:5. This analysis also showed that the films deposited or annealed at high temperatures (≥600 deg C) indicated significant inter-diffusion at the interface between the barrier layer and the film. Oxygen was found to be the major impurity in the films. XRD data indicated that the films formed 1:5 and 2:17 phases under different deposition conditions. The preliminary studies of these films using magnetic force microscopy revealed the presence of magnetic domains

  10. Characterization of Sm14 related components in different helminths by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blotting analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nilton Thaumaturgo


    Full Text Available Sm14 was the first fatty acid-binding protein homologue identified in helminths. Thereafter, members of the same family were identified in several helminth species, with high aminoacid sequence homology between them. In addition, immune crossprotection was also reported against Fasciola hepatica infection, in animals previously immunized with the Schistosoma mansoni vaccine candidate, r-Sm14. In the present study, data on preliminary sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blotting analysis of nine different helminth extracts focusing the identification of Sm14 related proteins, is reported. Out of these, three extracts - Ascaris suum (males and females, Echinostoma paraensei, and Taenia saginata - presented components that comigrated with Sm14 in SDS-PAGE, and that were recognized by anti-rSm14 policlonal serum, in Western blotting tests.

  11. A superdeformed band in {sup 142}Sm

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hackman, G; Mullins, J M; Kuehner, J A; Prevost, D; Waddington, J C [McMaster Univ., Hamilton, ON (Canada). Dept. of Physics; Galindo-Uribarri, A; Janzen, V P; Radford, D C; Schmeing, N; Ward, D [Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Chalk River, ON (Canada). Chalk River Nuclear Labs.


    Observation of {gamma}-{gamma} coincidences from the reaction {sup 124}Sn({sup 24}Mg,6n){sup 142}Sm at 145 MeV indicates the existence of a rotational band with dynamic moment of inertia J{sup (2)} similar to that of the superdeformed band in the isotone {sup 143}Eu. This result is consistent with calculations predicting superdeformed structures in N = 80, Z {approx} 64 nuclei. (author). 8 refs., 4 figs.

  12. Photoluminescence properties of Eu(3+)/ Sm(3+) activated CaZr4(PO4)6 phosphors. (United States)

    Nair, Govind B; Dhoble, S J


    Solid state reaction method was employed for the synthesis of a series of CaZr4(PO4)6: Eu(3+)/Sm(3+) phosphors. The red-emitting CaZr4(PO4)6:Eu(3+) phosphors can be efficiently excited at 396 nm and thereby, exhibit a strong red luminescence predominantly corresponding to the electric dipole transition at 615 nm. Under 405 nm excitation, CaZr4(PO4)6:Sm(3+) phosphors display orange emission with color temperatures approximately around 2200 K. The acquired results reveal that CaZr4(PO4)6: RE(3+) (RE = Eu, Sm) phosphors could be potential candidates for red and orange emitting phosphor, respectively, for UV/blue-pump LEDs.

  13. Luminescent properties of Sr{sub 2.5-3x/2}Ba{sub 0.5}Sm{sub x}AlO{sub 4}F oxyfluorides

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Sangmoon, E-mail: [Department of Engineering in Energy and Applied Chemistry, Silla University, Busan 617-736 (Korea, Republic of)


    Effective orange Sm{sup 3+}-doped Sr{sub 2.5}Ba{sub 0.5}AlO{sub 4}F phosphors excited at 254 and 408 nm excitation were prepared by the solid-state method. The excitation and emission spectra of Sr{sub 2.5-3x/2}Ba{sub 0.5}Sm{sub x}AlO{sub 4}F and Sr{sub 2.5-3x/2}Ba{sub 0.5}Sm{sub x}AlO{sub 4-{alpha}}F{sub 1-{delta}} (x=0.001{approx}0.1) based on photoluminescence spectroscopy are investigated. The defects in anion-deficient Sr{sub 2.5-3x/2}Ba{sub 0.5}Sm{sub x}AlO{sub 4-{alpha}}F{sub 1-{delta}} (x=0.001, 0.01) are monitored by broad-band photoluminescence emission centered near 480 nm along with the orange emission transitions of Sm{sup 3+}. CIE values and relative luminescent intensities of Sr{sub 2.5-3x/2}Ba{sub 0.5}Sm{sub x}AlO{sub 4}F and Sr{sub 2.5-3x/2}Ba{sub 0.5}Sm{sub x}AlO{sub 4-{alpha}}F{sub 1-{delta}} by changing the Sm{sup 3+} content (x=0.001{approx}0.1) are discussed. - Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Under the excitation of 408 nm competent orange emitting Sr{sub 2.5-3x/2}Ba{sub 0.5}Sm{sub x}AlO{sub 4}F phosphor is initiated. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Sm{sup 3+}-activated oxyfluoride phosphor is quite effective to prepare white-emitting light for near-UV LED applications. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Defects could be visibly created in the Sr{sub 2.5-3x/2}Ba{sub 0.5}Sm{sub x}Al O{sub 4}F host lattices when Sm{sup 3+} ions are doped less than 5 mol %. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The gradual substitution of Sm{sup 3+} contents in oxyfluoride hosts is amenable to change CIE values and desired emitting intensity.

  14. Electrical and magnetic properties of spherical SmFeO{sub 3} synthesized by aspartic acid assisted combustion method

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yuvaraj, Subramanian [Solid State Ionics and Energy Devices Laboratory, Department of Physics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore 641 046 (India); Layek, Samar [Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (India); Vidyavathy, S. Manisha [Department of Ceramic Technology, Anna University, Chennai 600 025 (India); Yuvaraj, Selvaraj [Solid State Ionics and Energy Devices Laboratory, Department of Physics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore 641 046 (India); Meyrick, Danielle [School of Engineering and Information Technology, Murdoch University, South St. Murdoch, WA 6150 (Australia); Selvan, R. Kalai, E-mail: [Solid State Ionics and Energy Devices Laboratory, Department of Physics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore 641 046 (India)


    Highlights: • SmFeO{sub 3} is synthesized by simple combustion method using aspartic acid as the fuel. • The particles are spherical in shape with the size ranges between 150 and 300 nm. • Cole–Cole plot infers the bulk conduction mechanism. • Room temperature VSM analysis reveal the weak ferromagnetic behaviour of SmFeO{sub 3}. • Mössbauer analysis elucidates the +3 oxidation state of Fe atoms. - Abstract: Samarium orthoferrite (SmFeO{sub 3}) is synthesized by a simple combustion method using aspartic acid as fuel. Phase purity and functional groups are analyzed via X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) analysis, which confirms the single phase formation of orthorhombic SmFeO{sub 3}. Approximately spherical particles with size range 150–300 nm is revealed by scanning electron microscope (SEM). The conductivity of the material is identified by the single semicircle obtained in the solid state impedance spectra at elevated temperatures. The calculated electrical conductivity increases with increasing temperature, inferring the semiconducting nature of SmFeO{sub 3}. A magnetic study at room temperature revealed weak ferromagnetic behaviour in SmFeO{sub 3} due to Dzyaloshinsky–Moriya antisymmetric exchange interaction mechanism. Mössbauer analysis confirmed the +3 oxidation state of iron and magnetic ordering of the sample at room temperature.

  15. SM2RAIN-CCI: a new global long-term rainfall data set derived from ESA CCI soil moisture (United States)

    Ciabatta, Luca; Massari, Christian; Brocca, Luca; Gruber, Alexander; Reimer, Christoph; Hahn, Sebastian; Paulik, Christoph; Dorigo, Wouter; Kidd, Richard; Wagner, Wolfgang


    Accurate and long-term rainfall estimates are the main inputs for several applications, from crop modeling to climate analysis. In this study, we present a new rainfall data set (SM2RAIN-CCI) obtained from the inversion of the satellite soil moisture (SM) observations derived from the ESA Climate Change Initiative (CCI) via SM2RAIN (Brocca et al., 2014). Daily rainfall estimates are generated for an 18-year long period (1998-2015), with a spatial sampling of 0.25° on a global scale, and are based on the integration of the ACTIVE and the PASSIVE ESA CCI SM data sets.The quality of the SM2RAIN-CCI rainfall data set is evaluated by comparing it with two state-of-the-art rainfall satellite products, i.e. the Tropical Measurement Mission Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis 3B42 real-time product (TMPA 3B42RT) and the Climate Prediction Center Morphing Technique (CMORPH), and one modeled data set (ERA-Interim). A quality check is carried out on a global scale at 1° of spatial sampling and 5 days of temporal sampling by comparing these products with the gauge-based Global Precipitation Climatology Centre Full Data Daily (GPCC-FDD) product. SM2RAIN-CCI shows relatively good results in terms of correlation coefficient (median value > 0.56), root mean square difference (RMSD, median value test the capabilities of the data set to correctly identify rainfall events under different climate and precipitation regimes.The SM2RAIN-CCI rainfall data set is freely available at

  16. SmBa2NbO6 Nanopowders, an Effective Percolation Network Medium for YBCO Superconductors

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    S. Vidya


    Full Text Available The percolation behavior of superconductor-insulator composite, YBa2Cu3O7–δ, and nano SmBa2NbO2 synthesized by modified combustion technique was studied. Particle size of nano SmBa2NBO6 was determined using transmission electron microscopy. The chemical nonreactivity of nano SmBa2NbO6 with YBCO is evident from the X-Ray diffraction study which makes it a suitable nanoceramic substrate material for high temperature superconducting films. A systematic increase in the sintered density, approaching the optimum value of the insulating nanophase is clearly observed, as the vol.% of YBCO in the composite decreases. SEM micrograph showed uniform distribution of nanopowder among the large clusters of YBCO. The obtained percolation threshold is ~26 vol% of YBCO in the composite. All the composites below the threshold value showed TC(0~92 K even though the room resistivity increases with increase in vol.% of nano SmBa2NbO6. The values of critical exponents obtained matches well with the theoretically expected ones for an ideal superconductor-insulator system.

  17. A novel orange emissive phosphor SrWO4:Sm3+ for white light-emitting diodes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ju Zhenghua; Wei Ruiping; Ma Jingxin; Pang Chaoran; Liu Weisheng


    Research highlights: → A novel orange emissive phosphor SrWO 4 :Sm 3+ was firstly reported. → The optics properties of Sm 3+ -doped SrWO 4 phosphor were successfully discussed. → The temperature-dependent luminescence indicates the phosphor exhibits a small thermal-quenching property. → The phosphor is a potential candidate as orange-emitting component for white LED. - Abstract: A novel orange emissive phosphor, Sm 3+ -doped SrWO 4 , was synthesized by high temperature solid-state reaction in air atmosphere. The excitation spectra show that the phosphors can be efficiently excited by ultraviolet and near-ultraviolet light, the optimized concentration is 4 mol%. Three emission peaks locate at 562, 596 and 642 nm, corresponding to CIE chromaticity coordinates of (x = 0.54, y = 0.46), which indicates the orange light emitting. The decay curves are well fitted with triple-exponential decay models. The quantum yield of the Sr 0.96 Sm 0.04 WO 4 phosphor is about 70.65% under excitation of 377 nm. Furthermore, the temperature-dependent luminescence indicates the phosphor exhibits a small thermal-quenching property. So the phosphor is able to be applied to UV-LED chip-based white light-emitting diodes.

  18. Influence of ground state correlations on the properties of the first 2+ and 3- states in some Sm isotopes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Navrotskaya-Rybarska, V.; Stoyanova, O.; Stoyanov, Ch.


    The influence of ground state correlations and of their coupling with the phonon amplitudes on the properties of the first collective states is investigated in some Sm isotopes. Equations for the eXcited state energies are derived using the variational principle. Formulae for the gap and quasiparticle energies are given. The numerical calculations are performed for sup(144-150)Sm. The energies of the 2 + - and 3 - - states and the B(E2) and B(E3) electric transition probability values are presented. The effects studied are shown to be small for sup(144-146)Sm but the collectivity of the 2sub(1)sup(+) and 3sub(1)sup(-) states decreases strongly for 150 Sm [ru

  19. Molecular electrophosphorescence in (Sm, Gd)-β-diketonate complex blend for OLED applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reyes, R.; Cremona, M.; Teotonio, E.E.S.; Brito, H.F.; Malta, O.L.


    In this work the preparation and characterization of the triple-layer organic light-emitting diode (OLED) using a mixture of the samarium and gadolinium β-diketonate complexes [Sm 0.5 Gd 0.5 (TTA) 3 (TPPO) 2 ] as emitting layer is reported. The OLED's devices contain 1-(3-methylphenyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline-6-carboxyaldehyde-1, 1'-diphenylhydrazone (MTCD) as hole-transporting layer and tris(8-hydroxyquinoline aluminum) (Alq 3 ) as electron transporting layer. The electroluminescence spectrum present emission narrow bands from the 4 G 5/2 → 6 H J transitions (where J=5/2, 7/2 and 9/2) characteristic of the Sm 3+ ion. These sharp lines are overlapped with a broad band attributed to the electrophosphorescence from the T 1 →S 0 transition in the ligand TTA. The intramolecular energy transfer is discussed and applied on the change of the emission color of the organic LEDs at different bias voltages. - Highlights: ► Samarium and gadolinium complexes. ► OLED with complex blend (Sm,Gd). ► Electrophosphorescence emission detection. ► Application in OLED changing the color emission.

  20. CodY Promotes Sporulation and Enterotoxin Production by Clostridium perfringens Type A Strain SM101. (United States)

    Li, Jihong; Freedman, John C; Evans, Daniel R; McClane, Bruce A


    Clostridium perfringens type D strains cause enterotoxemia and enteritis in livestock via epsilon toxin production. In type D strain CN3718, CodY was previously shown to increase the level of epsilon toxin production and repress sporulation. C. perfringens type A strains producing C. perfringens enterotoxin (CPE) cause human food poisoning and antibiotic-associated diarrhea. Sporulation is critical for C. perfringens type A food poisoning since spores contribute to transmission and resistance in the harsh food environment and sporulation is essential for CPE production. Therefore, the current study asked whether CodY also regulates sporulation and CPE production in SM101, a derivative of C. perfringens type A food-poisoning strain NCTC8798. An isogenic codY -null mutant of SM101 showed decreased levels of spore formation, along with lower levels of CPE production. A complemented strain recovered wild-type levels of both sporulation and CPE production. When this result was coupled with the earlier results obtained with CN3718, it became apparent that CodY regulation of sporulation varies among different C. perfringens strains. Results from quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR analysis clearly demonstrated that, during sporulation, codY transcript levels remained high in SM101 but rapidly declined in CN3718. In addition, abrB gene expression patterns varied significantly between codY -null mutants of SM101 and CN3718. Compared to the levels in their wild-type parents, the level of abrB gene expression decreased in the CN3718 codY -null mutant strain but significantly increased in the SM101 codY -null mutant strain, demonstrating CodY-dependent regulation differences in abrB expression between these two strains. This difference appears to be important since overexpression of the abrB gene in SM101 reduced the levels of sporulation and enterotoxin production, supporting the involvement of AbrB repression in regulating C. perfringens sporulation. Copyright © 2017

  1. 31 CFR Appendix B to Part 208 - Model Disclosure for Use After ETA SM Becomes Available (United States)


    ..., low-cost accounts in addition to full-service checking or savings accounts. (2) Receive your payment through a basic, low-cost account called an ETA SM. If you receive a Federal benefit, wage, salary, or retirement payment, you are eligible to open an ETA SM. This account is available for a low monthly fee at...

  2. Dr Marta Bajko in front of the Gold pated "half-moon" connector of an LHC dipole Diode in SM18.

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    Photo 1 : Cold Diode for the LHC superconducting dipoles protection. Prepared for cryogenic powering test OFF line in SM18. - Photo 2 : A gold plated bus bar of an LHC dipole diode ready for cryogenic powering test in Sm18. - Photo 3 : The gold pated “ half-moon” connector of an LHC dipole diode. Ready for a cryogenic powering test in SM18.

  3. Magnetotransport in nanocrystalline SmB6 thin films

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jie Yong


    Full Text Available SmB6 has been predicted to be a prototype of topological Kondo insulator (TKI but its direct experimental evidence as a TKI is still lacking to date. Here we report on our search for the signature of a topological surface state and investigation of the effect of disorder on transport properties in nanocrystalline SmB6 thin films through longitudinal magnetoresistance and Hall coefficient measurements. The magnetoresistance (MR at 2 K is positive and linear (LPMR at low field and become negative and quadratic at higher field. While the negative part is understood from the reduction of the hybridization gap due to Zeeman splitting, the positive dependence is similar to what is observed in other topological insulators (TI. We conclude that the LPMR is a characteristic of TI and is related to the linear dispersion near the Dirac cone. The Hall resistance shows a sign change around 50K. It peaks and becomes nonlinear around 10 K then decreases below 10 K. This indicates that carriers with opposite signs emerge below 50 K. These properties indicate that the surface states are robust and probably topological in our nanocrystalline films.

  4. Silmakirjalik mäng alkoholireklaamiga / Ela Tomson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tomson, Ela, 1945-


    Ilmunud ka: Postimees : na russkom jazõke, 1. veebr. 2007, lk. 7. Riigikogu menetluses olnud alkoholireklaami piirava seaduseelnõu tagasivõtmine tähendab tegelikult alkoholireklaami jätkumist endiselt, kirjutab autor

  5. Pulitzeri sai paber- ja online-meedia partnerlus / Neeme Raud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raud, Neeme, 1969-


    Pulitzeri preemiate jagamisest Ameerika Ühendriikides, kus mainiti, et trükiajakirjandus on endiselt neljanda võimu tugevaim nurgakivi, ehkki ajalehed otsivad uusi teid, kuidas majandusraskuste kiuste ellu jääda

  6. Финны могут поддержить Nord Stream / Мадис Филиппов

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Филиппов, Мадис


    Soome ja Eesti keskkonnaministeeriumi ning teadlaste kohtumisel arutati gaasijuhtmega Nord Stream kaasnevaid probleemseid keskkonnaküsimusi: Eesti teadlased on endiselt seisukohal, et gaasijuhtmel on Eesti keskkonnale väga negatiivne mõju

  7. Measurement of N and C diffusion in Sm{sub 2}Fe{sub 17} by magnetic relaxation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mommer, N.; Hirscher, M.; Gerlach, M.; Van Lier, J.; Kronmueller, H. [Max-Planck-Institut fuer Metallforschung, Stuttgart (Germany); Kubis, M.; Mueller, K.-H. [Institut fuer Festkoerper und Werkstofforschung, Institut fuer Metallische Werkstoffe, D-01171 Dresden (Germany)


    Magnetic after-effect (MAE) measurements of nitrided and carburized Sm{sub 2}Fe{sub 17} compounds were performed in the temperature range of 140 K to 480 K. Both nitrided and carburized compounds show relaxation maxima at 285 and 300 K, respectively, which are absent in pure Sm{sub 2}Fe{sub 17} compounds. Therefore, these relaxation maxima are attributed to jumps of interstitially dissolved nitrogen or carbon atoms. Numerical evaluation yielded an activation enthalpy Q{sup N} (0.84{+-}0.05) eV and a pre-exponential factor {tau}{sub 0}{sup N}=3.10{sup -15{+-}1} s for the short-range diffusion of N atoms. The corresponding values for the carbon diffusion are Q{sup C}=(0.91{+-}0.05) eV and {tau}{sub 0}{sup C}=1.10{sup -15{+-}1} s. The carbon and nitrogen content of the samples was determined from the increase in mass during nitrogenation or carburization to Sm{sub 2}Fe{sub 17}N{sub 1.2} and Sm{sub 2}Fe{sub 17}C{sub 2.6}. (orig.) 18 refs.

  8. 75 FR 32535 - ITS Joint Program Office; IntelliDriveSM (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ITS Joint Program Office; IntelliDrive\\SM\\ Deployment Scenarios Workshop; Notice of Workshop AGENCY: Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Department of... participants to identify advantages and disadvantages of each of the draft scenarios and critical policy and...

  9. Valg av metode for en landsrepresentativ undersøkelse av kostholdet blant sped- og småbarn i Norge - Spedkost og Småbarnskost

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Britt Lande


    Full Text Available  SAMMENDRAGI 1998-99 er den første landsrepresentative kostholdsundersøkelsen blant spedbarn og småbarn gjennomført i Norgefor å beskrive kostholdet blant barn opp til 2 års alder og relatere kostvanene til de kostanbefalingene som gis.Inntaket av både næringsstoffer og fremmedstoffer skal beregnes. Undersøkelsen inngår i Statens råd for ernæringog fysisk aktivitet (SEF sitt system for kartlegging av kostholdet i den norske befolkningen, og er et samarbeidmellom SEF, Statens næringsmiddeltilsyn, Institutt for ernæringsforskning ved Universitetet i Oslo og Statistisksentralbyrå. Hovedmålet er å øke kunnskapen om kostholdet til spedbarn og småbarn i Norge, for å få et bedregrunnlag for å fremme et godt kosthold og forebygge kostholdsrelaterte helseproblemer i denne aldersgruppen.Semikvantitative matvarefrekvensskjema ble vurdert å være den beste metoden å benytte. Det ble utviklet 3 forskjelligeselvadministrerte matvarefrekvensskjema (optisk lesbare for å kartlegge kostholdet blant 6, 12 og 24 månedergamle barn. Bilder av matporsjoner ble inkludert som hjelp til å bestemme mengder. Frekvensskjemaene ble sendtpr. post til mødrene av et landsrepresentativt utvalg av 3000 6 måneder gamle barn. De samme barna ble fulgt oppved 12 måneders alder ved at barnas mødre da mottok et nytt frekvensskjema (Spedkost. Videre ble et frekvensskjemasendt mødrene til et landsrepresentativt utvalg av 3000 24 måneder gamle barn (Småbarnskost. Data forbarnas vekt og lengde ble samlet inn i samarbeid med landets helsestasjoner. Det er gjennomført en pilotundersøkelsefor å prøve ut frekvensskjemaene og undersøkelsesopplegg. Videre blir frekvensskjemaene validert mot veidregistrering over 7 dager. Datainnsamlingen ble avsluttet i juli 1999, og rapporter fra undersøkelsen er ventet i år2000. Hensikten med artikkelen er å beskrive metoden og begrunne valg av metode for Spedkost og Småbarnskost.Lande B, Frost Andersen L, Bærug A

  10. Schistosoma mansoni venom allergen-like protein 4 (SmVAL4) is a novel lipid-binding SCP/TAPS protein that lacks the prototypical CAP motifs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kelleher, Alan [Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX 77030 (United States); Darwiche, Rabih [University of Fribourg, Chemin du Musée 10, CH 1700 Fribourg (Switzerland); Rezende, Wanderson C. [Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX 77030 (United States); Farias, Leonardo P.; Leite, Luciana C. C. [Instituto Butantan, São Paulo, SP (Brazil); Schneiter, Roger [University of Fribourg, Chemin du Musée 10, CH 1700 Fribourg (Switzerland); Asojo, Oluwatoyin A., E-mail: [Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX 77030 (United States)


    The first structure of an S. mansoni venom allergen-like protein is presented. Schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease that affects over 200 million people. Vaccine candidates have been identified, including Schistosoma mansoni venom allergen-like proteins (SmVALs) from the SCP/TAPS (sperm-coating protein/Tpx/antigen 5/pathogenesis related-1/Sc7) superfamily. The first SmVAL structure, SmVAL4, was refined to a resolution limit of 2.16 Å. SmVAL4 has a unique structure that could not be predicted from homologous structures, with longer loops and an unusual C-terminal extension. SmVAL4 has the characteristic α/β-sandwich and central SCP/TAPS cavity. Furthermore, SmVAL4 has only one of the signature CAP cavity tetrad amino-acid residues and is missing the histidines that coordinate divalent cations such as Zn{sup 2+} in other SCP/TAPS proteins. SmVAL4 has a cavity between α-helices 1 and 4 that was observed to bind lipids in tablysin-15, suggesting the ability to bind lipids. Subsequently, SmVAL4 was shown to bind cholesterol in vitro. Additionally, SmVAL4 was shown to complement the in vivo sterol-export phenotype of yeast mutants lacking their endogenous CAP proteins. Expression of SmVAL4 in yeast cells lacking endogenous CAP function restores the block in sterol export. These studies suggest an evolutionarily conserved lipid-binding function shared by CAP proteins such as SmVAL4 and yeast CAP proteins such as Pry1.

  11. [Expression of plant antimicrobial peptide pro-SmAMP2 gene increases resistance of transgenic potato plants to Alternaria and Fusarium pathogens]. (United States)

    Vetchinkina, E M; Komakhina, V V; Vysotskii, D A; Zaitsev, D V; Smirnov, A N; Babakov, A V; Komakhin, R A


    The chickweed (Stellaria media L.) pro-SmAMP2 gene encodes the hevein-like peptides that have in vitro antimicrobial activity against certain harmful microorganisms. These peptides play an important role in protecting the chickweed plants from infection, and the pro-SmAMP2 gene was previously used to protect transgenic tobacco and Arabidopsis plants from phytopathogens. In this study, the pro-SmAMP2 gene under control of viral CaMV35S promoter or under control of its own pro-SmAMP2 promoter was transformed into cultivated potato plants of two cultivars, differing in the resistance to Alternaria: Yubiley Zhukova (resistant) and Skoroplodny (susceptible). With the help of quantitative real-time PCR, it was demonstrated that transgenic potato plants expressed the pro-SmAMP2 gene under control of both promoters at the level comparable to or exceeding the level of the potato actin gene. Assessment of the immune status of the transformants demonstrated that expression of antimicrobial peptide pro-SmAMP2 gene was able to increase the resistance to a complex of Alternaria sp. and Fusarium sp. phytopathogens only in potato plants of the Yubiley Zhukova cultivar. The possible role of the pro-SmAMP2 products in protecting potatoes from Alternaria sp. and Fusarium sp. is discussed.

  12. Autophagy-Associated Protein SmATG12 Is Required for Fruiting-Body Formation in the Filamentous Ascomycete Sordaria macrospora.

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    Antonia Werner

    Full Text Available In filamentous fungi, autophagy functions as a catabolic mechanism to overcome starvation and to control diverse developmental processes under normal nutritional conditions. Autophagy involves the formation of double-membrane vesicles, termed autophagosomes that engulf cellular components and bring about their degradation via fusion with vacuoles. Two ubiquitin-like (UBL conjugation systems are essential for the expansion of the autophagosomal membrane: the UBL protein ATG8 is conjugated to the lipid phosphatidylethanolamine and the UBL protein ATG12 is coupled to ATG5. We recently showed that in the homothallic ascomycete Sordaria macrospora autophagy-related genes encoding components of the conjugation systems are required for fruiting-body development and/or are essential for viability. In the present work, we cloned and characterized the S. macrospora (Smatg12 gene. Two-hybrid analysis revealed that SmATG12 can interact with SmATG7 and SmATG3. To examine its role in S. macrospora, we replaced the open reading frame of Smatg12 with a hygromycin resistance cassette and generated a homokaryotic ΔSmatg12 knockout strain, which displayed slower vegetative growth under nutrient starvation conditions and was unable to form fruiting bodies. In the hyphae of S. macrospora EGFP-labeled SmATG12 was detected in the cytoplasm and as punctate structures presumed to be phagophores or phagophore assembly sites. Delivery of EGFP-labelled SmATG8 to the vacuole was entirely dependent on SmATG12.

  13. Interaction-driven sub-gap resonance in the topological Kondo insulator SmB6 (United States)

    Fuhrman, Wesley


    Samarium hexaboride (SmB6) is a strongly correlated Kondo Insulator with a non-trivial band-structure topology. I will discuss recent neutron scattering experiments and analysis that expose a 14 meV resonant mode in SmB6 and relate it to the low energy insulating band structure. Repeating outside the first Brillouin zone, the mode is coherent with a 5 d-like magnetic form factor. I will discuss how band inversion can be inferred from neutron scattering and show that a perturbative slave boson treatment of a hybridized 2 species (d/ f) band structure within an Anderson model can produce a spin exciton with the observed characteristics. This analysis provides a detailed physical picture of how the SmB6 band topology arises from strong electron interactions, and accounts for the 14 meV resonant mode as a magnetically active exciton. The work at IQM was supported by the US Department of Energy, office of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Material Sciences and Engineering under Grant DE-FG02-08ER46544.

  14. Infrared luminescence and thermoluminescence of lithium borate glasses doped with Sm3+ ions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anjaiah J.


    Full Text Available Thermoluminescence (TL characteristics of X-ray irradiated pure and doped with Sm3+ ions Li2O-MO-B2O3 (where MO=ZnO, CaO, CdO glasses have been studied in the temperature range of 303 to 573 K. All the pure glasses exhibited single TL peaks at 382 K, 424 K and 466 K. When these glasses were doped with Sm3+ ions no additional peaks have been observed but the glow peak temperature of the existing glow peak shifted gradually towards higher temperatures with gain in intensity of TL light output. The area under the glow curve was found to be maximum for Sm3+ doped glasses mixed with cadmium oxide as a modifier. The trap depth parameters associated with the observed TL peaks have been evaluated using Chen’s formulae. The possible use of these glasses in radiation dosimetry has been described. The results clearly showed that samarium doped cadmium borate glass has a potential to be considered as a thermoluminescence dosimeter.

  15. Nuclear tracks, Sm isotopes and neutron capture effects in the Elephant Morraine shergottite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rajan, R.S.; Lugmair, G.; Tamhane, A.S.; Poupeau, G.


    Nuclear track studies, uranium concentration measurements and Sm-isotope studies have been performed on both lithologies A and B of the Elephant Morraine shergottite, EETA 79001. Track studies show that EETA 79001 was a rather small object in space with a preatmospheric radius of 12+-2 cm, corresponding to a preatmospheric mass of 28+-13 kg. Phosphates have U-concentrations ranging from 0.3 to 1.3 ppm. There are occasional phosphates with excess fission tracks, possibly produced from neutron induced fission of U and Th, during the regolith exposure in the shergottite parent body (SPB). Sm-isotope studies, while not showing any clear cut excess in 150 Sm, enable us to derive meaningful upper limits to thermal neutron fluences of 2 to 3x10 15 n/cm 2 , during a possible regolith irradiation. These limits are consistent with the track data and also enable us to derive an upper limit to the neutron exposure age of EETA 79001 of 55 Myr in the SPB regolith. (author)

  16. Nuclear tracks, Sm isotopes and neutron capture effects in the Elephant Morraine shergottite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rajan, R.S.; Lugmair, G.; Tamhane, A.S.; Poupeau, G.


    Nuclear track studies, uranium concentration measurements and Sm-isotope studies have been performed on both lithologies A and B of the Elephant Morraine Shergottite, EETA 79001. Track studies show that EETA 79001 was a rather small object in space with a preatmospheric radius of 12 +-2cm, corresponding to a preatmospheric mass of 28 +- 13 kg. U-concentrations measurements indicate that phosphates have concentrations ranging from 0.3 to 1.3 ppm. There are occasional phosphates with excess fission tracks, possibly produced from neutron induced fission of U and Th, during the regolith exposure in the shergottite parent body (SPB). Sm-isotope studies, while not showing any clear cut excess in 150 Sm, enable us to derive meaningful upper limits to thermal neutron fluences of 2 to 3x10 15 n/cm 2 , during a possible regolith irradiation. These limits are consistent with that required to explain the track data and also enable us to derive an upper limit to the neutron exposure age of EETA 79001 of 55 Myr in the SPB regolith. (Author) [pt

  17. Influence of octanoic acid on SmCo{sub 5} nanoflakes prepared by surfactant-assisted high-energy ball milling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zheng Liyun, E-mail: zheng@udel.ed [Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 (United States); College of Electromechanical Engineering, Hebei University of Engineering, Handan, Hebei 056038 (China); Cui Baozhi; Akdogan, Nilay G.; Li Wanfeng; Hadjipanayis, George C. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 (United States)


    High-energy ball milling (HEBM) of magnetically hard SmCo{sub 5} was conducted in heptane with octanoic acid as the surfactant. The effects of octanoic acid on the morphology and magnetic properties of the powders were investigated by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and vibrating sample magnetometry. The results show an interesting unexpected fact that the SmCo{sub 5} powders processed by octanoic acid-assisted HEBM were in form of nanoflakes with aspect-ratio of 10{sup 2}-10{sup 3} without the presence of nanoparticles. The thickness of nanoflakes decreases with increasing milling time. X-ray diffraction patterns did not show the sign of oxidation and the diffraction peaks of SmCo{sub 5} were getting broader with the increase of milling time. The nanoflakes were magnetically anisotropic and had a higher coercivity than the micro-particles prepared by HEBM without surfactant. The coercivity of SmCo{sub 5} increased initially with the milling time and then it decreased after reaching the maximum value of 15.2 kOe. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy image showed that the SmCo{sub 5} nanoflakes are nanocrystalline with an average crystallite size approximately 12 nm.

  18. Starõje kozõri v novoi igre / Anna Litvinjuk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Litvinjuk, Anna


    Eesti arstkond on veendunud, et senise rahastamissüsteemiga jätkates pole edaspidi võimalik osutada samas mahus tervishoiuteenuseid ja 17. jaanuari tervishoiutöötajate streik on endiselt päevakorras

  19. SM-ND Age and REE Systematics of Larkman Nunatek 06319: Closed System Fractional Crystallization of a Shergottite Magma (United States)

    Shafer, J. T.; Brandon, A. D.; Lapen T. J.; Righter, M.; Peslier, A. H.


    Sm-Nd isotopic data were collected on mineral separates and bulk rock powders of LAR 06319, yielding an age of 180+/-13 Ma (2(sigma)). This age is concordant with the Lu-Hf age (197+/-29 Ma, [1]) determined in conjunction with these data and the Sm-Nd age (190+/-26 Ma) of Shih et al., 2009 [2]. The Sm-Nd data form at statistically significant isochron (Fig. 1) that is controlled largely by leachate-residue pairs (samples with the R suffix are residues after leaching in cold 2N HCl for 10 minutes).

  20. Sm-153 EDTMP (ethylene diamine tetramethylene phosphonic acid) radiotherapeutic radiopharmaceutical

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rehir Dahalan; Wan Anuar Wan Awang


    This work has utilized the technology used in the design of the diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals, which enabled optimum delivery of, the gamma emitting radionuclide to the target organs, enhancing the image of organ of interest. Optimal delivery of radiotherapeutic agents, minimizes the dose to the non target organs, whilst delivering destructive beta emitting radionuclide to target cancerous tissues with the hope of slowing down or completely ablating its growth. This work had been in establishing the parameters in the optimal production of Sm-153 using the MINT Research Reactor (MINTRR). This radionuclide, was then labeled to the ethylene diamine tetramethylene phosphoric acid (EDTMP) ligand, a bone-seeking complex. The results of this work have established the most suitable target form, the optimum labeling conditions and the necessary parameters to enhance the biodistribution of the Sm-153 EDTMP complex in the bone of the animal model, thus similarly in human. (author)

  1. Level densities and γ-strength functions in 148,149Sm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Siem, S.; Guttormsen, M.; Ingeberg, K.; Melby, E.; Rekstad, J.; Schiller, A.; Voinov, A.


    The level densities and γ-strength functions of the weakly deformed 148 Sm and 149 Sm nuclei have been extracted. The temperature versus excitation energy curve, derived within the framework of the microcanonical ensemble, shows structures, which we associate with the breakup of Cooper pairs. The nuclear heat capacity is deduced within the framework of both the microcanonical and canonical ensembles. We observe negative heat capacity in the microcanonical ensemble whereas the canonical heat capacity exhibits an S shape as a function of temperature, both signals of a phase transition. The structures in the γ-strength functions are discussed in terms of the pygmy resonance and the scissors mode built on excited states. The samarium results are compared with data for the well-deformed 161,162 Dy, 166,167 Er, and 171,172 Yb isotopes and with data from (n,γ) experiments and giant dipole resonance studies

  2. Heterobimetallic transition metal/rare earth metal bifunctional catalysis: a Cu/Sm/Schiff base complex for syn-selective catalytic asymmetric nitro-Mannich reaction. (United States)

    Handa, Shinya; Gnanadesikan, Vijay; Matsunaga, Shigeki; Shibasaki, Masakatsu


    The full details of a catalytic asymmetric syn-selective nitro-Mannich reaction promoted by heterobimetallic Cu/Sm/dinucleating Schiff base complexes are described, demonstrating the effectiveness of the heterobimetallic transition metal/rare earth metal bifunctional catalysis. The first-generation system prepared from Cu(OAc)(2)/Sm(O-iPr)(3)/Schiff base 1a = 1:1:1 with an achiral phenol additive was partially successful for achieving the syn-selective catalytic asymmetric nitro-Mannich reaction. The substrate scope and limitations of the first-generation system remained problematic. After mechanistic studies on the catalyst prepared from Sm(O-iPr)(3), we reoptimized the catalyst preparation method, and a catalyst derived from Sm(5)O(O-iPr)(13) showed broader substrate generality as well as higher reactivity and stereoselectivity compared to Sm(O-iPr)(3). The optimal system with Sm(5)O(O-iPr)(13) was applicable to various aromatic, heteroaromatic, and isomerizable aliphatic N-Boc imines, giving products in 66-99% ee and syn/anti = >20:1-13:1. Catalytic asymmetric synthesis of nemonapride is also demonstrated using the catalyst derived from Sm(5)O(O-iPr)(13).

  3. Influence of nitrogenation on structure development and magnetic properties of mechanically alloyed and annealed Sm-Fe powders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Teresiak, A.; Kubis, M.; Mattern, N.; Wolf, M.; Gruner, W.; Mueller, K.-H.


    Sm-Fe-N compounds were prepared by mechanical alloying, subsequent annealing and nitrogenation. For crystal structure investigations of the non-equilibrium phases Sm 2 Fe 17+y N x , formed at various annealing temperatures T A for 1 h, X-ray diffraction with following Rietveld analysis was used. A volume expansion of 6.2% was observed after nitrogenation. As for the non-nitrided Sm-Fe alloys a modified TbCu 7 -type structure (space group P6/mmm) and a modified Th 2 Zn 17 -type structure (space group R anti 3m) have been observed. However, for nitrogenated Sm-Fe samples the modified Th 2 Zn 17 -type structure forms already for annealing at T A =750 C prior to nitrogenation. For samples annealed, prior to nitrogenation, between T A =600 and 700 C the modified TbCu 7 -type structure was found, in which the nitrogen occupies randomly the 3f position with an occupancy larger than 1/3. The partially ordered, modified Th 2 Zn 17 -type structure formed for 750 C A 2 Zn 17 -type structure by introducing additional Fe(6c) and Sm(3a) positions. The degree of order of the Sm atoms and Fe-dumbbells increases with increasing T A . The nitrogen occupies the octahedral interstitial positions 9e in the latter cases. The nitrogen content is higher in the hexagonal phase than in the rhombohedral phase. Optimum magnetic properties were obtained for T A =750 C. Here we found a coercivity μ 0J H c =3.7 T and a good squareness of the demagnetization curve. (orig.)

  4. Atom probe study on the bulk nanocomposite SmCo/Fe permanent magnet produced by ball-milling and warm compaction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xiong, X.Y., E-mail: [Monash Centre for Electron Microscopy, Monash University, Vic. 3800 (Australia); Department of Materials Engineering, Monash University, Vic. 3800 (Australia); Rong, C.B. [Department of Physics, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX 76019 (United States); Rubanov, S. [Electron Microscopy Unit, Bio21 Institute, University of Melbourne, Vic. 3052 (Australia); Zhang, Y. [Division of Materials Science and Engineering, Ames Laboratory, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 (United States); Liu, J.P. [Department of Physics, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX 76019 (United States)


    The microstructure and compositions of the bulk nanocomposite SmCo/Fe permanent magnet were studied using transmission electron microscopy and 3-dimensional atom probe techniques. The excellent magnetic properties were related to the uniform nanocomposite structure with nanometer {alpha}-Fe particles uniformly distributed in the SmCo phase matrix. The {alpha}-Fe phase contained {approx}26 at% Co, and the SmCo phase contained {approx}19 at% Fe, confirming that the interdiffusion of Fe and Co atoms between the two phases occurred. The formation of the {alpha}-Fe(Co) phase explained why the saturation magnetization of the nanocomposite permanent magnet was higher than that expected from the original pure {alpha}-Fe and SmCo{sub 5} powders, which enhanced further the maximum energy product of the nanocomposite permanent magnet. - Highlights: > A uniform nanocomposite SmCo/{alpha}-Fe permanent magnet with high performance obtained. > The first quantitative analyses of interdiffusion of Fe and Co between the two phases presented. > The saturation magnetization of the nanocomposite enhanced by the resulting {alpha}-Fe(Co) phase.

  5. Luminescence properties of Sm, Tb(Sal){sub 3}Phen complex in polyvinyl alcohol: an approach for white-light emission

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kaur, Gagandeep; Rai, S B, E-mail: [Laser and Spectroscopy Laboratory, Department of Physics Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 221005 (India)


    Polyvinyl alcohol polymer films doped with Sm,Tb(Sal){sub 3}Phen complexes have been synthesized using solution casting technique. An enhancement in absorption intensity is observed revealing the encapsulation of rare earth ions by salicylic acid (Sal)/1,10 phenanthroline (Phen) complex. Photoluminescence spectra of the co-doped samples were examined by varying the concentration of Tb{sup 3+} keeping concentration of Sm{sup 3+} ions fixed and vice-versa. It is found that the polymer samples emit a combination of blue, green and orange-red wavelengths tunable to white light when excited with 355 nm radiation. The emission spectra also show a self-quenching effect at higher concentration of Sm{sup 3+} ions. An efficient energy transfer was observed from Tb{sup 3+} : {sup 5}D{sub 4} {yields} Sm{sup 3+} : {sup 4}G{sub 9/2}. The reason for the enhancement in fluorescence intensities of Sm{sup 3+} in the co-doped polymer sample is the intermolecular as well as the intramolecular energy transfer.

  6. An alternative gas sensor material: Synthesis and electrical characterization of SmCoO3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Michel, Carlos Rafael; Delgado, Emilio; Santillan, Gloria; Martinez, Alma H.; Chavez-Chavez, Arturo


    Single-phase perovskite SmCoO 3 was prepared by a wet-chemical synthesis technique using metal-nitrates and citric acid; after its characterization by thermal analyses and X-ray diffraction, sintering at 900 deg. C in air, gave single phase and well crystallized powders. The powders were mixed with an organic solvent to prepare a slurry, which was deposited on alumina substrates as thick films, using the screen-printing technique. Electrical and gas sensing properties of sintered SmCoO 3 films were investigated in air, O 2 and CO 2 , the results show that sensitivity reached a maximum value at 420 deg. C, for both gases. Dynamic tests revealed a better behavior of SmCoO 3 in CO 2 than O 2 , due to a fast response and a larger electrical resistance change to this gas. X-ray diffraction made on powders after electrical characterization in gases, showed that perovskite-type structure was preserved

  7. Crystal growth and optical properties of Sm:CaNb2O6 single crystal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Di Juqing; Xu Xiaodong; Xia Changtai; Zeng Huidan; Cheng Yan; Li Dongzhen; Zhou Dahua; Wu Feng; Cheng Jimeng; Xu Jun


    Highlights: ► Sm:CaNb 2 O 6 single crystal was grown by the Czochralski method. ► Thermal expansion coefficients and J–O parameters were calculated. ► We found that this crystal had high quantum efficiency of 97%. - Abstract: Sm:CaNb 2 O 6 single crystal has been grown by the Czochralski method. Its high-temperature X-ray powder diffraction, optical absorption, emission spectroscopic as well as lifetime have been studied. Thermal expansion coefficients (α), J–O parameters (Ω i ), radiative lifetime (τ rad ), branching ratios (β) and stimulated emission cross-sections (σ e ) were calculated. The quantum efficiency (η) was calculated to be 97%. The intense peak emission cross section at 610, 658 nm were calculated to be 2.40 × 10 −21 , 2.42 × 10 −21 cm 2 . These results indicate that Sm:CaNb 2 O 6 crystal has potential use in visible laser and photonic devices area.

  8. Highly anisotropic SmCo{sub 5} nanoflakes by surfactant-assisted ball milling at low temperature

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Lidong; Zhang, Songlin [Key Laboratory of Magnetic Materials and Devices, Ningbo Institute of Material Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Science, Ningbo 315201 (China); Zhejiang Province Key Laboratory of Magnetic Materials and Application Technology, Ningbo Institute of Material Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Science, Ningbo 315201 (China); Zhang, Jian, E-mail: [Key Laboratory of Magnetic Materials and Devices, Ningbo Institute of Material Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Science, Ningbo 315201 (China); Zhejiang Province Key Laboratory of Magnetic Materials and Application Technology, Ningbo Institute of Material Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Science, Ningbo 315201 (China); Ping Liu, J. [Department of Physics, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX 76019 (United States); Xia, Weixing; Du, Juan; Yan, Aru [Key Laboratory of Magnetic Materials and Devices, Ningbo Institute of Material Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Science, Ningbo 315201 (China); Zhejiang Province Key Laboratory of Magnetic Materials and Application Technology, Ningbo Institute of Material Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Science, Ningbo 315201 (China); Yi, Jianhong [Institute of Material Science and Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500 (China); Li, Wei; Guo, Zhaohui [Division of Functional Materials, Central Iron and Steel Research Institute, Beijing 100081 (China)


    Surfactant-assisted ball milling (SABM) has been shown to be a promising method for preparing rare earth-transition metal (RE-TM) nanoflakes and nanoparticles. In this work, we prepared SmCo{sub 5} nanoflakes by SABM at low temperature, and 2-methyl pentane and trioctylamine were specially selected as solvent and surfactant, respectively, due to their low melting points. The effects of milling temperature on the morphology, microstructure and magnetic performance of SmCo{sub 5} nanoflakes were investigated systematically. Comparing with the samples milled at room temperature, the SmCo{sub 5} nanoflakes prepared at low temperature displayed more homogeneous morphology and lower oxygen content. Remarkably, better crystallinity, better grain alignment and larger remanence ratio were shown in the samples milled at low temperature, which resulted from the distinct microstructure caused by low milling temperature. The differences in structural evolution between the SmCo{sub 5} nanoflakes milled at room temperature and low temperature, including the formation of nanocrystalline, grain boundary sliding, grain rotation, et al., were discussed. It was found that lowering the temperature of SABM was a powerful method for the fabrication of RE-TM nanoflakes, which showed better hard magnetic properties and lower oxygen content. This was important for the preparation of high-performance sintered magnets, bonded magnets and nanocomposite magnets. - Highlights: • We prepare SmCo{sub 5} nanoflakes by surfactant-assisted ball milling at low temperature. • Better grain alignment and higher remanence ratio are achieved. • The oxygen content is reduced by lowering the milling temperature. • A distinct microstructural evolution caused by low milling temperature is clarified.

  9. Kit preparation of 153Sm-EDTMP and factors affecting radiochemical purity and stability

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferro-Flores, G.; Tendilla, J.I.; Lopez-Gomez, M.A.; Aguilar-Hernandez, F.; Gonzalez-Zavala, M.A.; Parades-Gutierrez, L.; Avila-Ramirez, E.


    A fast kit method was developed for the production of 153 Sm-EDTMP in two steps avoiding the use of nitric acid, evaporation and sterilization of the final solution by autoclave. Methods of analysis for the determination of chemical and radiochemical purity in the radiopharmaceutical solution were established. Factors affecting radiochemical purity and stability of the complex as the molar ratio of EDTMP/Sm, concentration of phosphate buffer and neutralization of EDTMP prior kit preparation were also analyzed. The use of this radiopharmaceutical in rabbits and patients showed selective skeletal uptake. (author). 5 refs., 4 figs., 3 tabs

  10. Fabrication of High-Quality SmBa2Cu3O7-δ Thin Films by a Modified TFA-MOD Process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Duck Jin; Moon, Seung Hyun; Park, Chan; Yoo, Sang Im; Song, Kyu Jeong


    We report a successful fabrication of high-quality SmBa 2 Cu 3 O 7-δ (SmBCO) thin films on LaAlO 3 (LAO)(100) single crystalline substrates by a modified TFA-MOD method. After the pyrolysis heat treatment of spin-coated films up to 400 degree C, SmBCO films were fired at various temperatures ranging from 810 to 850 degree C in a reduced oxygen atmosphere (10 ppm O 2 in Ar). Optimally processed SmBCO films exhibited the zero-resistance temperature (T c ,zero) of 90.2 K and the critical current density (J c ) of 0.8 MA/cm 2 at 77K in self-field. Compared with the J c values (normally, > 2 MA/cm 2 at 77 K) of MOD-TFA processed YBCO films, rather depressed J c values in SmBCO films are most probably attributed to the existence of alpha-axis oriented grains.

  11. Chemical and valence reconstruction at the surface of SmB6 revealed by means of resonant soft x-ray reflectometry (United States)

    Zabolotnyy, V. B.; Fürsich, K.; Green, R. J.; Lutz, P.; Treiber, K.; Min, Chul-Hee; Dukhnenko, A. V.; Shitsevalova, N. Y.; Filipov, V. B.; Kang, B. Y.; Cho, B. K.; Sutarto, R.; He, Feizhou; Reinert, F.; Inosov, D. S.; Hinkov, V.


    Samarium hexaboride (SmB6), a Kondo insulator with mixed valence, has recently attracted much attention as a possible host for correlated topological surface states. Here, we use a combination of x-ray absorption and reflectometry techniques, backed up with a theoretical model for the resonant M4 ,5 absorption edge of Sm and photoemission data, to establish laterally averaged chemical and valence depth profiles at the surface of SmB6. We show that upon cleaving, the highly polar (001) surface of SmB6 undergoes substantial chemical and valence reconstruction, resulting in boron termination and a Sm3 + dominated subsurface region. Whereas at room temperature, the reconstruction occurs on a timescale of less than 2 h, it takes about 24 h below 50 K. The boron termination is eventually established, irrespective of the initial termination. Our findings reconcile earlier depth resolved photoemission and scanning tunneling spectroscopy studies performed at different temperatures and are important for better control of surface states in this system.

  12. Large-sized SmBCO single crystals with T sub c over 93 K grown in atmospheric ambient by crystal pulling

    CERN Document Server

    Yao Xin; Shiohara, Y


    Sm sub 1 sub + sub x Ba sub 2 sub - sub x Cu sub 3 O sub z (SmBCO) single crystals were grown under atmospheric ambient by the top-seeded solution growth method. Inductively coupled plasma results indicate that there is negligible Sm substitution for Ba sites in the grown SmBCO crystals, although they crystallized from different Ba-Cu-O solvents with a wide composition range (Ba/Cu ratio of 0.5-0.6). As a result, these crystals show high superconducting critical transition temperature values (T sub c) of over 93 K with a sharp transition width after oxygenation. A large-sized crystal with an a-b plane of 23 x 22 mm sup 2 and a c-axis of 19 mm was obtained at a high growth rate of nearly 0.13 mm h sup - sup 1. In short, with more controllable thermodynamic parameters, SmBCO single crystals can readily achieve both large size and high superconducting properties. (rapid communication)

  13. Room temperature exchange bias in SmFeO_3 single crystal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Xiaoxiong; Cheng, Xiangyi; Gao, Shang; Song, Junda; Ruan, Keqing; Li, Xiaoguang


    Exchange bias phenomenon is generally ascribed to the unidirectional magnetic shift along the field axes at interface of two magnetic materials. Room temperature exchange bias is found in SmFeO_3 single crystal. The behavior after different cooling procedure is regular, and the training behavior is attributed to the athermal training and its pinning origin is attributed to the antiferromagnetic clusters. Its being single phase and occurring at room temperature make it an appropriate candidate for application. - Graphical abstract: Room temperature exchange bias was found in oxide single crystal. Highlights: • Room temperature exchange bias has been discovered in single-crystalline SmFeO_3. • Its pinning origin is attributed to the antiferromagnetic clusters. • Its being single phase and occurring at room temperature make it an appropriate candidate for application.

  14. Effects of synthesis conditions on structure and surface properties of SmMn{sub 2}O{sub 5} mullite-type oxide

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thampy, Sampreetha; Ibarra, Venessa; Lee, Yun-Ju [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75080 (United States); McCool, Geoffrey [Nanostellar Inc., 3696 Haven Avenue, Redwood City, CA 94063 (United States); Cho, Kyeongjae [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75080 (United States); Hsu, Julia W.P., E-mail: [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75080 (United States)


    Highlights: • Investigate the effects of calcination temperature and precipitation pH on crystallinity, phase purity, particle size, surface composition, and NO adsorption capacity of SmMn{sub 2}O{sub 5}. • High calcination temperature increases mullite phase purity but decreases specific surface area (SSA). • Mullite phase purity is independent of pH while SSA monotonically increases. • SSA and surface Mn/Sm ratio determine NO uptake. - Abstract: A mixed-phase compound that contains SmMn{sub 2}O{sub 5} mullite-type oxides has been reported to display excellent catalytic activity for nitric oxide (NO) oxidation. Here we investigate the effects of calcination temperature and precipitation pH on structural, physical, chemical, and surface properties of SmMn{sub 2}O{sub 5}. As the calcination temperature increases from 750 °C to 1000 °C, mullite phase purity increases from 74% to 100%, while specific surface area (SSA) decreases from 23.6 m{sup 2}/g to 5.1 m{sup 2}/g with particle size increases correspondingly. Mullite phase purity (87%) is independent of pH between 8.5–10.4, whereas SSA monotonically increases from 12.5 m{sup 2}/g at pH 8.1 to 27.4 m{sup 2}/g at pH 13. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) studies reveal that the surface Mn/Sm ratio is similar to the bulk value and is unaffected by calcination temperature and pH values up to 10.4, whereas sample precipitated at pH 13 is surface-rich in Sm. NO chemisorption studies show that the SSA and surface Mn/Sm ratio determine NO uptake by SmMn{sub 2}O{sub 5} mullite oxides.

  15. Arctic Sea jõudis lõpuks Soome tagasi, kuid saladused jäävad / Jaanus Piirsalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Piirsalu, Jaanus, 1973-


    Kaubalaeva Arctic Sea kaaperdamises süüdistatavad on endiselt Moskvas eeluurimisvanglas. Kaubalaeva kaaperdajate käest vabastama saadetud Vene sõjalaeva Ladnõi ohvitser esitatas uue versiooni Arctic Sea hõivamise kohta. Kaart

  16. Ot Karla Poppera do Karla Rouva i obratno / George Soros ; tõlk. Nikolai Zhdanovitsh

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Soros, George, 1930-


    USA on endiselt demokraatlik riik, kus juhindutakse põhiseadusest ja seaduse ülimuslikkuse printsiibist ning kus valitseb massiteabevahendite pluralism. Samas on ka ärevaid märke, mis viitavad totalitaalse režiimi propagandameetoditele

  17. Thermal Behaviour of Sm0.5 R 0.5FeO3 (R = Pr, Nd) Probed by High-Resolution X-ray Synchrotron Powder Diffraction. (United States)

    Pavlovska, Olena; Vasylechko, Leonid; Buryy, Oleh


    Mixed ferrites Sm0.5Pr0.5FeO3 and Sm0.5Nd0.5FeO3 with orthorhombic perovskite structure isotypic with GdFeO3 were synthesized by solid-state reaction technique in air at 1473 K. Structural parameters obtained at room temperature prove a formation of continuous solid solutions in the SmFeO3-PrFeO3 and SmFeO3-NdFeO3 pseudo-binary systems. Sm0.5Pr0.5FeO3 and Sm0.5Nd0.5FeO3 show strongly anisotropic nonlinear thermal expansion: thermal expansion in the b direction is twice lower than in the a and c directions. The average linear thermal expansion coefficients of Sm0.5Pr0.5FeO3 and Sm0.5Nd0.5FeO3 in the temperature range of 298-1173 K are in the limits of (9.0-11.1) × 10(-6) K(-1), which is close to the values reported for the parent RFeO3 compounds. Subtle anomalies in the lattice expansion of Sm0.5Pr0.5FeO3 and Sm0.5Nd0.5FeO3 detected at 650-750 K reflect magnetoelastic coupling at the magnetic ordering temperature T N.

  18. Xe-135 and Sm-149 Isotopic Evolution Analysis Xesamo code; Analisis de la Evolucion Isotopica del Xe-135 y Sm-149. Programa Xesamo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Caro, R; Gallego, J; Martinez Fanegas, R


    In this report the time evolution analysis of the nuclides concentration Xe-135 and Sm-149 as a function of the neutron flux is carried out. The neutron flux may be any function of time. It is analyzed as well the reactivity changes associated with the xenon and samarium concentration variations. (Author) 5 refs.

  19. Structural and luminescence behavior of Sm{sup 3+} ions doped lead boro-telluro-phosphate glasses

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Selvi, S.; Marimuthu, K.; Muralidharan, G., E-mail:


    The Sm{sup 3+} ions doped lead boro-telluro-phosphate glasses with the chemical composition 30H{sub 3}O{sub 3}+(20–x)PbO+15TeO{sub 2}+10P{sub 2}O{sub 5}+10ZnO+15BaCO{sub 3}+xSm{sub 2}O{sub 3} (x=0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 in wt%) have been prepared by a melt quenching technique and their structural and optical behavior were studied and reported. The physical properties like, refractive index, density and dielectric constant etc., have been estimated. FTIR and Raman spectral studies have been made to explore the presence of functional groups and various structural units in the prepared glasses. The formation of bridging and non-bridging oxygens of BO{sub 4}, BO{sub 3}, TeO{sub 3}, TeO{sub 6} and PbO{sub 4} structural units have been investigated. From the absorption spectra, the direct (n=1/2), indirect (n=2) band gap, band tailing parameter (B) and Urbach energy (ΔE) values were estimated. The ionic nature of the metal–ligand bond in the title glasses has been discussed. The Judd–Ofelt intensity parameters (Ω{sub λ,}λ=2, 4, and 6), oscillator strength of ƒ−ƒ electric dipole transitions and transition probability (A) have been evaluated. The predicted radiative lifetime (τ{sub rad}) and branching ratio (β{sub R}) values of the {sup 4}G{sub 5/2} excited level of the Sm{sup 3+} ions to the lower energy levels were determined and compared with the experimentally measured values. From the recorded fluorescence spectra, the strong transitions of Sm{sup 3+} ions {sup 4}G{sub 5/2}→{sup 6}H{sub 5/2} (565 nm), {sup 4}G{sub 5/2}→{sup 6}H{sub 7/2} (602 nm), {sup 4}G{sub 5/2}→{sup 6}H{sub 9/2} (648 nm) and a weak transition, {sup 4}G{sub 5/2}→{sup 6}H{sub 11/2} (709 nm) have been observed. The significant laser parameters like, gain bandwidth (σ{sub p}{sup E}×λ{sub eff}), optical gain (σ{sub p}{sup E}×τ{sub rad}) and stimulated emission cross-section (σ{sub p}{sup E}) values were estimated for the {sup 4}G{sub 5/2}→{sup 6}H{sub J} (J=5

  20. Molecular electrophosphorescence in (Sm, Gd)-{beta}-diketonate complex blend for OLED applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reyes, R., E-mail: [Facultad de Ingenieria Quimica y Textil, Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria, UNI, Av. Tupac Amaru 210, Lima 31, Peru (Peru); Cremona, M. [DIMAT - Divisao de Metrologia de Materiais, Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Normalizacao e Qualidade Industrial, INMETRO, Duque de Caxias, RJ (Brazil); Departamento de Fisica, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro, PUC-Rio, C.P. 38071, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, CEP 22453-970 (Brazil); Teotonio, E.E.S. [Departamento de Quimica, CCEN, Universidade Federal da Paraiba, UFPB, C.P. 5093, Joao Pessoa, PB, CEP 5805-970 (Brazil); Brito, H.F. [Instituto de Quimica, Universidade de Sao Paulo, USP, C.P. 26077, Sao Paulo, SP, CEP 05599-970 (Brazil); Malta, O.L. [Departamento de Quimica Fundamental, CCEN, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Cidade Universitaria, Recife, PE, CEP 50670-901 (Brazil)


    In this work the preparation and characterization of the triple-layer organic light-emitting diode (OLED) using a mixture of the samarium and gadolinium {beta}-diketonate complexes [Sm{sub 0.5}Gd{sub 0.5}(TTA){sub 3}(TPPO){sub 2}] as emitting layer is reported. The OLED's devices contain 1-(3-methylphenyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline-6-carboxyaldehyde-1, 1'-diphenylhydrazone (MTCD) as hole-transporting layer and tris(8-hydroxyquinoline aluminum) (Alq{sub 3}) as electron transporting layer. The electroluminescence spectrum present emission narrow bands from the {sup 4}G{sub 5/2}{yields}{sup 6}H{sub J} transitions (where J=5/2, 7/2 and 9/2) characteristic of the Sm{sup 3+} ion. These sharp lines are overlapped with a broad band attributed to the electrophosphorescence from the T{sub 1}{yields}S{sub 0} transition in the ligand TTA. The intramolecular energy transfer is discussed and applied on the change of the emission color of the organic LEDs at different bias voltages. - Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Samarium and gadolinium complexes. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer OLED with complex blend (Sm,Gd). Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Electrophosphorescence emission detection. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Application in OLED changing the color emission.