
Sample records for empregando uma mini-coluna

  1. Modelagem e simulação de uma residência empregando o Sistema Estrutural Light Steel Frame (LSF)


    Chong, Cesar Rodrigo Faraone Wing


    Metadados do Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso: Modelagem e simulação de uma residência empregando o Sistema Estrutural Light Steel Frame (LSF), pela/o discente: Cesar Rodrigo Faraone Wing Chong do Centro de Tecnologia e Infraestrutura, curso de Engenharia Civil e Infraestrutura da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA), no Repositório Institucional da UNILA (RI-UNILA) Modelagem e simulação de uma residência empregando o Sistema Estrutural Light Steel Frame (L...

  2. Desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta para a verificação automática de colunas-viga de acordo com o Eurocódigo 3


    Cardoso, João Manuel Fernandes


    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil Nesta dissertação abordam-se as equações de verificação da segurança de colunas-viga de aço através do Método 2 do Eurocódigo 3 (EC3), assim como os parâmetros, metodologias e tipos de análise que lhe estão associadas. É desenvolvida e apresentada uma ferramenta de cálculo para a avaliação da segurança de colunas-viga tendo em conta as equações do EC3, com o propósito de constituir uma ferramenta útil ao projecto e an...

  3. Uma ninfa a perseguir cabeças: imagens de Salomé na coluna Garotas do Alceu

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    Daniela Queiroz Campos

    Full Text Available Resumo O presente artigo aborda as temporalidades das imagens da coluna Garotas do Alceu da revista O Cruzeiro. As pin-ups ilustradas por Alceu Penna para a coluna Garotas foram imagens permeadas de publicidades, comportamentos, morais e modas em voga em seu tempo histórico de produção. Contudo, segundo Georges Didi-Huberman, a imagem pertence ao tempo. Tempos múltiplos, impuros, heterogêneos, dialéticos, anacrônicos também perpassam as imagens da coluna em questão. Nas páginas que seguem as Garotas do Alceu, as pin-ups, foram também analisadas como ninfas modernas que associam o belo ao trauma. Entre as Garotas e as ninfas, as apresentações de Salomé e das cabeças decapitadas foram aqui destacadas e analisadas.

  4. Análise postural da coluna vertebral: estudo comparativo entre surdos e ouvintes em idade escolar

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    Renato de Souza Melo

    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A postura é determinada pela atuação dos sistemas visual, somatossensorial e vestibular, situado na orelha interna. Crianças com perda auditiva sensório-neural podem apresentar problemas na regulação do controle postural, favorecendo o surgimento de desvios e alterações posturais na coluna vertebral, provocados, possivelmente, pela hipoatividade do sistema vestibular, em decorrência da lesão na orelha interna. OBJETIVOS: Identificar e comparar a distribuição de alterações posturais na coluna vertebral em escolares surdos e ouvintes na faixa etária entre 7 e 17 anos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Este estudo analítico, observacional, de corte transversal analisou a postura da coluna vertebral de 44 escolares com perda auditiva sensório-neural e 44 escolares ouvintes, de ambos os gêneros. O estudo foi desenvolvido por meio de uma avaliação postural, com o uso de um simetrógrafo, segundo os critérios propostos por Kendall et al. RESULTADOS: Observou-se uma maior ocorrência de alterações posturais nos escolares surdos, se comparados aos ouvintes (surdos: 100%; ouvintes: 84,1%, p = 0,012. A escoliose foi a alteração postural mais observada em ambos os grupos (surdos: 84,1%; ouvintes: 59,1%, p = 0,009, seguida da hipercifose torácica (surdos: 68,2%; ouvintes: 45,5%, p = 0,031. CONCLUSÃO: Os escolares surdos apresentaram uma probabilidade ainda maior quando comparados aos escolares ouvintes de desenvolver alterações posturais na coluna vertebral. Tal condição pode ter relação com o acometimento do sistema vestibular, em decorrência da lesão na orelha interna, de maus hábitos posturais em atividades diárias e da ergonomia desfavorável do ambiente escolar.

  5. Validação da versão em português do Mini-Inventário de Fobia Social (Mini-SPIN) Validation of the portuguese version of the Mini-Social Phobia Inventory (Mini-SPIN)


    Gustavo José Fonseca D'El Rey; Cláudia Wilmor Matos


    A fobia social (também conhecida como transtorno de ansiedade social) é um grave transtorno mental que traz sofrimento e incapacitação. O objetivo deste estudo foi validar para a língua portuguesa o Mini-Inventário de Fobia Social (Mini-SPIN) em uma amostra da população. Foi realizado um estudo da validade discriminativa do Mini-SPIN em uma amostra de 644 pessoas (grupo positivo para o Mini-SPIN: n = 218 e grupo controle/negativo: n = 426) de um estudo de prevalência de transtornos de ansieda...

  6. Epidemiologia do traumatismo da coluna vertebral

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    Marcelo Ferraz de Campos

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliação epidemiológica retrospectiva de 100 casos de traumatismo da coluna vertebral. MÉTODO: Estudo transversal de dados colhidos por levantamento de prontuário, segundo protocolo de decodificação local. RESULTADOS: Predomínio etário de 20 a 40 anos em 64% dos casos; sexo masculino em 86%; segmento toracolombar mais comumente atingido 64% e 36% para o segmento cervical; principais causas foram às quedas em 40%, seguidas de acidentes automobilísticos em 25% e quedas da laje 23%. A prevalência dos ferimentos por arma de fogo foi de 7%, mergulho em águas rasas 3% e agressões 2%. Houve análise complementar com cruzamentos entre idade, sexo, causa e segmento da coluna vertebral acometido, observando que o segmento cervical teve grande predomínio nas mulheres em relação aos homens em 85,7% X 14,3%. CONCLUSÃO: O traumatismo da coluna vertebral ocorreu predominantemente em homens entre 20 e 40 anos e o segmento cervical foi o mais acometido nas mulheres em relação aos homens na proporção de 6:1.

  7. Perda de pressão estática em uma coluna de grãos de quinoa

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    Poliana T. da S. Gratão


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar os efeitos do fluxo de ar sobre a queda da pressão estática em massa granular de quinoa, cultivar Real, com diferentes teores de impurezas; ajustar os modelos matemáticos aos dados experimentais obtidos e selecionar o modelo que melhor represente o fenômeno. Inicialmente, o produto estava isento de impurezas e com teor de água de 17% base seco. Foram feitas adições de impurezas nos percentuais de 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5. Utilizando-se um equipamento devidamente projetado e construído e fluxos de ar variando de 0,1 a 0,4 m³ s-1 m-2, foram determinadas as pressões estáticas da quinoa limpa e com impurezas. Os dados experimentais de perda de carga foram ajustados às equações comumente utilizadas para descrever o fenômeno. Os resultados permitiram concluir que: a a pressão estática em uma coluna com grãos de quinoa aumenta com o incremento de fluxo de ar; b O aumento do nível de impureza provocou redução da queda de pressão estática; c As equações que melhor representam os dados experimentais da queda de pressão no interior do leito com grãos de quinoa, sem e com impurezas, foram as equações de Shedd e de Guimarães, respectivamente.

  8. Instrumentação anterior da coluna em espondilite tuberculosa mal de pott: Relato de caso

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    Farage Luciano


    Full Text Available Relatamos caso de tratamento cirúrgico com instrumentação anterior em espondilite tuberculosa (mal de Pott, em mulher de 71 anos, que se encontrava em tratamento para tuberculose na forma pulmonar e evoluiu com dor lombar, dificuldade progressiva para deambular, cifose e disfunção vesical. A ressonância magnética revelou lesão nos corpos vertebrais de T12 e L1 com abcesso paravertebral. A paciente foi tratada cirurgicamente por acesso tóraco-abdominal lateral. Os corpos vertebrais foram ressecados, foi instalado uma gaiola vertical (mesh cage e a coluna foi estabilizada com placa lateral (Z plate e parafusos fixados em T11 e L2. Essa técnica permite boa artrodese dos corpos vertebrais remanescentes e boa estabilidade da coluna, sem comprometer a eficácia dos tuberculostáticos. A paciente foi avaliada um ano após a operação e não apresentava déficit motor, dor residual e a cifose foi desfeita.

  9. Relação da velocidade de escoamento da solução e do comprimento da coluna de solo com os parâmetros de transporte de potássio em um latossolo e um neossolo

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    Danilo Pereira Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Devido à importância dos estudos de deslocamento de solutos em colunas de solo, para avaliar os riscos de poluição do solo e das águas subterrâneas, e à falta de padronização no comprimento da coluna de solo utilizada (L e na velocidade de escoamento da solução aplicada (, realizou-se este trabalho com o objetivo de avaliar a relação de L e de com o coeficiente de dispersão-difusão (D, a dispersividade (λ e o fator de retardamento (R do K+ em um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico (LVd e num Neossolo Quartzarênico órtico (RQo. Foram testados cinco comprimentos de colunas (0,10, 0,20, 0,30, 0,40 e 0,50 m e quatro velocidades, sendo 0,62, 0,69, 0,75 e 0,81 m h-1 para o LVd e 0,37, 0,40, 0,44 e 0,48 m h-1 para o RQo. Aplicou-se uma solução deslocadora de 130 mg L-1 de K+ nas colunas montadas com o solo desestruturado e saturadas com uma solução de CaCl2 5 mmol L-1. Os parâmetros de transporte R e D foram obtidos utilizando-se o programa computacional Disp; a λ foi obtida pela equação D = Do + λ, sendo Do igual a 7,13 10-6 m² h-1 para o KCl. Houve relação do comprimento da coluna e da velocidade de escoamento da solução com os parâmetros de transporte do K+ tanto no LVd quanto no RQo. No LVd, o fator de retardamento aumentou com o aumento na velocidade de escoamento da solução. Em ambos os solos, o fator de retardamento diminuiu com o aumento no comprimento da coluna; o coeficiente de dispersão-difusão aumentou com o aumento na velocidade de escoamento da solução e com o aumento no comprimento da coluna de solo; e a dispersividade também aumentou com o aumento no comprimento da coluna.

  10. Fixação transpedicular da coluna toraco-lombo-sagrada: análise de 124 parafusos

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    Eunice Carvalho


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVO: Avaliar a técnica free hand de colocação de parafusos transpediculares na coluna torácica, lombar e sagrada. MÉTODOS: Avaliação clínica e imagiológica (tomografia computorizada de 25 pacientes (13 mulheres e 12 homens submetidos a instrumentação vertebral num total de 124 parafusos transpediculares aplicados, utilizando a técnica free hand. Os parafusos foram inseridos de T11 a S1, e a maioria destes foram colocados nos níveis L4, L5 e S1. RESULTADOS: 94% dos parafusos transpediculares estavam correctamente colocados no pedículo. Verificou-se que 6% (7 parafusos estavam mal colocados e destes apenas dois violavam a cortical inferomedial, um destes apresentava uma perfuração inferior a 2 mm e o outro entre 2 e 4 mm. Nenhum dos pacientes seguidos apresentou complicações associadas ao incorrecto posicionamento dos parafusos. CONCLUSÃO: A técnica free hand é segura na instrumentação da coluna torácica e lombo-sagrada.

  11. Primary Ewing’s sarcoma of the spine: case report Sarcoma de Ewing primário da coluna vertebral: relato de caso

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    Leandro I. Dini


    Full Text Available Primary malignant sarcomas of the spine are extremely rare. Because of biological heterogeneity, these tumors have variable sensitivity to radiation and chemotherapy. Adequate local control through complete tumor removal is an important therapeutic goal. However, aggressive resection of tumors in the spinal column must be coupled with restoration of spinal column stability and minimization of neural deficits. The balance of these factors makes treatment of primary sarcomas of the spine challenging, and dictates an individual approach to treatment. We report on a 18 years old man with primary Ewing's sarcoma of the nonsacral spine. The clinical picture and imaging characteristics were analyzed as well as the management modalities and outcome.Sarcomas malignos primários da coluna são extremamente raros. Devido sua heterogeneidade biológica, estes tumores apresentam sensibilidade variada à radioterapia e à quimioterapia.O controle local adequado através da ressecção tumoral completa é um objetivo terapêutico importante. Contudo, a ressecção completa dos tumores da coluna vertebral deve ser realizada com a restauração da estabilidade espinhal e minimização do déficit neurológico. O equilíbrio entre estes fatores torna o tratamento dos sarcomas da coluna desafiador, exigindo-se uma abordagem individualizada para o tratamento de cada paciente. Relatamos um caso de sarcoma de Ewing da coluna não-sacral em um homem de 18 anos. O quadro clínico e características de imagem foram analisados, bem como a modalidades de manejo e o prognóstico.

  12. Perfil dos desvios posturais da coluna vertebral em adolescentes de escolas públicas do município de Juazeiro do Norte - CE Profile of postural deviations of the spine in adolescents from public schools in the city of Juazeiro do Norte - CE

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    José Vitorino de Souza Junior


    Full Text Available Postura é definida como sendo a posição adotada pelo ser humano. Dados epidemiológicos apontam para uma alta prevalência de alterações posturais de coluna entre crianças e adolescentes. O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar os desvios posturais da coluna vertebral em escolares (n=670 de 11 a 19 anos. Utilizou-se como metodologia um simetrógrafo e uma máquina fotográfica para pesquisar a presença de desvios na coluna vertebral. Foram utilizados um nível d'água e uma régua para aferir a gibosidade, um fio de prumo e uma régua para medir os desvios laterais da coluna. Dos resultados obtidos, encontrou-se uma prevalência de 8,8% de desvios laterais e 2,4% de gibosidade, além de ser observada a presença de escoliose em portadores de assimetrias de ombros e ilíacos. Porém, não houve influência do peso, altura e índice de massa corporal (IMC para a prevalência de escoliose. Dessa maneira, com este estudo, constatou-se elevada prevalência dos desvios posturais em escolares.Posture is defined as the position taken by humans. Epidemiological data indicate a high prevalence of backbone postural changes among children and adolescents. The aim of this study was to investigate the postural deviations of the spine in schoolchildren (n=670 from 11 to 19 years. The methodology used was a simetrograf and a camera for the presence of deviations in the spine. We used a water level and a ruler to measure the spinal deformity, a plumb line and a ruler to measure the lateral deviation of the spine. Of the obtained results it was found a prevalence of 8.8% of lateral deviation and 2.4% of gibbosity, besides it was observed the presence of scoliosis in patients with asymmetries in the shoulders and hipbones. However, there was no influence of weight, height and body mass index (BMI for the prevalence of scoliosis. Thus, through this study, it was stated the high prevalence of postural deviations in schoolchildren.

  13. Validação da versão em português do Mini-Inventário de Fobia Social (Mini-SPIN Validation of the portuguese version of the Mini-Social Phobia Inventory (Mini-SPIN

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    Gustavo José Fonseca D'El Rey


    Full Text Available A fobia social (também conhecida como transtorno de ansiedade social é um grave transtorno mental que traz sofrimento e incapacitação. O objetivo deste estudo foi validar para a língua portuguesa o Mini-Inventário de Fobia Social (Mini-SPIN em uma amostra da população. Foi realizado um estudo da validade discriminativa do Mini-SPIN em uma amostra de 644 pessoas (grupo positivo para o Mini-SPIN: n = 218 e grupo controle/negativo: n = 426 de um estudo de prevalência de transtornos de ansiedade na cidade de Santo André (SP. A versão em português do Mini-SPIN (com escore de 6 pontos, sugerido na versão original em inglês demonstrou uma sensibilidade de 95,0%, especificidade de 80,3%, valor preditivo positivo de 52,8%, valor preditivo negativo de 98,6% e taxa de classificação incorreta de 16,9%. Com escores de 7 pontos, foi observado um aumento na especificidade e no valor preditivo positivo (88,6% e 62,7%, sendo que a sensibilidade e o valor preditivo negativo (84,8% e 96,2% mantiveram-se altos. A versão em português do Mini-SPIN apresentou qualidades psicométricas satisfatórias em termos de validade discriminativa. Neste estudo, o ponto de corte igual a 7 mostrou-se mais adequado para a identificação da fobia social generalizada.Social phobia (also known as social anxiety disorder is a severe mental disorder that brings distress and disability. The aim of this study was validate to the Portuguese language the Mini-Social Phobia Inventory (Mini-SPIN in a populational sample. We performed a discriminative validity study of the Mini-SPIN in a sample of 644 subjects (Mini-SPIN positive group: n = 218 and control/negative group: n = 426 of a study of anxiety disorders' prevalence in the city of Santo André-SP. The Portuguese version of the Mini-SPIN (with score of 6 points, suggested in the original English version demonstrated a sensitivity of 95.0%, specificity of 80.3%, positive predictive value of 52.8%, negative predictive

  14. Movimentação de molares inferiores ancorados em mini-parafusos Mandibular molar uprighting, using mini-screw as anchorage

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    Rosana Canteras Di Matteo


    Full Text Available Freqüentemente a movimentação ortodôntica exige recursos adicionais de ancoragem. Os mini-parafusos têm-se apresentado como uma possível solução. O propósito deste trabalho foi estabelecer um método para a verticalização de molares inferiores inclinados para mesial, utilizando ancoragem em mini-parafusos colocados na região de linha oblíqüa externa da mandíbula. Foram selecionados três pacientes entre 40 a 48 anos (dois do gênero feminino, um do gênero masculino, com molares inferiores inclinados para mesial e distalmente posicionados às áreas edêntulas. Os pacientes foram tratados ortodonticamente durante um período de 6 a 12 meses, com técnica ortodôntica MD3. Mini-parafusos de titânio foram colocados bilateralmente com anestesia local. Uma incisão sobre a linha oblíqüa externa da mandíbula, medindo aproximadamente 1 cm foi realizada em cada lado, distalmente aos molares inclinados. Após descolamento muco-periosteal, mini-parafusos foram implantados e foram realizadas suturas deixando suas cabeças exteriorizadas. Uma semana após a remoção das suturas, cargas ortodônticas (entre 150 a 200 gramas/força foram aplicadas através de forças elásticas. Verificamos que alguma inflamação foi observada ao redor dos mini-parafusos, mas foi controlada com procedimentos de higienização. O procedimento cirúrgico é simples, podendo ser realizado pelo ortodontista; as formas dimensionais dos mini-parafusos são adequadas e estes são de fácil remoção após uso. Concluímos que o uso de mini-parafusos representa uma alternativa efetiva de ancoragem ortodôntica na verticalização de molares inferiores.Tooth movement frequently requires additional anchorage resources. Mini-screws have been used as a possible solution to this matter. The purpose of this study was to establish a method of mandibular molar uprighting, using mini-screw as anchorage, positioned on the mandibular external oblique line, behind and

  15. Influência do posicionamento do ciclista na sobrecarga mecânica da coluna cervical, calculada pela técnica da dinâmica inversa


    Candotti, Cláudia Tarragô; Delwing, Gustavo Becker; La Torre, Marcelo; Pasini, Maicon; Noll, Matias; Loss, Jefferson Fagundes


    O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a influência do posicionamento do indivíduo na bicicleta, durante a pedalada, sobre a sobrecarga mecânica na coluna cervical. Foram avaliados nove indivíduos durante teste em uma bicicleta de competição acoplada a um ciclossimulador. O protocolo consistiu em pedalar em quatro posturas (ereta, descanso, intermediária e ataque), com filmagem simultânea no plano sagital. As imagens foram digitalizadas no software DVideow e possibilitaram o cálculo das variáv...

  16. Tratamento das lesões traumáticas instáveis da coluna torácica e lombar com retângulo de Hartshill Treatment of unstable thotacic spine traumatic injuries using Hartshill rectangle

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    Júlio César Pereira da Cunha


    Full Text Available Foram avaliados 14 pacientes com lesão instável da coluna torácica e lombar, tratados com instrumentação de Hartshill. De uma forma geral, obtivemos bons resultados com a técnica proposta.Fourteen patients with unstable thoracolumbar spine injuries treated with Hartshill's instrumentation have been evaluated. Good results were generally achieved using this technique.

  17. Consistência interna da versão em português do Mini-Inventário de Fobia Social (Mini-SPIN Internal consistency of the Portuguese version of the Mini-Social Phobia Inventory (Mini-SPIN

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    Gustavo J. Fonseca D'El Rey


    Full Text Available CONTEXTO: A fobia social é um grave transtorno de ansiedade que traz incapacitação e sofrimento. OBJETIVOS: Investigar a consistência interna da versão em português do Mini-Inventário de Fobia Social (Mini-SPIN. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo da consistência interna do Mini-SPIN em uma amostra de 206 estudantes universitários da cidade de São Paulo, SP. RESULTADOS: A consistência interna do instrumento, analisada pelo coeficiente alfa de Cronbach, foi de 0,81. CONCLUSÕES: Esses achados permitiram concluir que a versão em português do Mini-SPIN exibiu resultados de boa consistência interna, semelhantes aos da versão original em inglês.BACKGROUND: Social phobia is a severe anxiety disorder that brings disability and distress. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the internal consistency of the Portuguese version of the Mini-Social Phobia Inventory (Mini-SPIN. METHODS: We conducted a study of internal consistency of the Mini-SPIN in a sample of 206 college students of the city of São Paulo, SP. RESULTS: The internal consistency of the instrument, analyzed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient, was 0.81. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that the Portuguese version of the Mini-SPIN has a good internal consistency, similar to those obtained with the original English version.

  18. Desenvolvimento de um programa computacional didático para o projeto de colunas de absorção

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    Nehemias Curvelo Pereira


    Full Text Available A absorção de gases é uma operação unitária da engenharia química na qual há a transferência de massa de uma corrente gasosa para uma corrente líquida. O princípio desta operação é simples e as dificuldades no dimensionamento das colunas de absorção estão associadas à execução de um conjunto de balanços de massa e de energia nas condições de operação do sistema. Elaborou-se, usando a linguagem de programação DELPHI, voltada ao ambiente WINDOWS, e algumas equações encontradas na literatura, um programa computacional de caráter didático para o projeto de torres de absorção isotérmicas, com diversos tipos de recheio e com operação em contracorrente. Os resultados são apresentados tanto em forma numérica como de gráficos, sendo possível sua impressão. Alguns exemplos tirados da literatura foram usados para testar a eficácia do software e observou-se que os erros apresentados pelos resultados do programa variam em torno de 5%

  19. Estratégia analítica para determinação de nitrito e amônia empregando spot test e análise de imagem digital

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    J. L. O. Santos


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho é proposta uma estratégia simples para determinação simultânea de nitrito e amônia empregando spot test e imagem digital. O método é baseado na reação do nitrito com a sulfanilamida, formando um cátion de diazônio que posteriormente é acoplado ao dicloreto de N-(1-nafitil etilenodiamina formando uma diazo composto de coloração rósea. A determinação da amônia foi realizada empregando a reação de berthelot modificada, onde o íon amônio em presença de salicilato, nitroprussiato e hipoclorito reage formando um composto de coloração verde. Os sinais analíticos foram obtidos a partir das intensidades de coloração por imagem digital no spot test do produto da reação. Após otimizações do sistema de análise e detecção, as seguintes figuras de mérito foram obtidas: concentração linear entre 0,2 a 10,0 mg L-1 para nitrito e 1,0 a 10,0 mg L-1 para a amônia. Os limites de detecção para o nitrito e amônia foram 0,05 mg L-1 e 0,27 mg L-1, respectivamente. A estratégia proposta foi aplicada com sucesso na determinação de nitrito e amônia em amostras de água subterrânea da zona urbana da cidade de Barreiras-Ba.

  20. Biossorção de níquel e cromo de um efluente de galvanoplastia utilizando alga marinha pré-tratada em coluna - DOI: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v31i2.864

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    Márcia Teresinha Veit


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve por objetivo o estudo da biossorção dos íons cromo e níquel presentes no efluente do processo de uma indústria de galvanoplastia, utilizando como biossorvente a biomassa de alga marinha pré-tratada Sargassum filipendula. As condições de operação da coluna foram: massa de biossorvente de 8 g, pH do efluente de alimentação 3,85, temperatura de 30ºC, vazão de 6 mL min.-1 e concentrações iniciais de alimentação (cromo+níquel de 7,12 e 3,66 meq L-1. Foi empregado um modelo matemático para representar a dinâmica da biossorção em coluna de leito fixo. O modelo da isoterma multicomponente de Langmuir (qm= 2,78 meq g-1, bCr = 0,85 L meq-1, bNi = 0,08 L meq-1 foi utilizado para representar os dados de equilíbrio da coluna e para simular a dinâmica de biossorção dos íons. Os resultados da simulação demonstraram que o modelo matemático empregado foi capaz de descrever satisfatoriamente a complexa dinâmica de biossorção dos íons presentes no efluente.

  1. Conduta na lesão dural intraoperatória em artrodese da coluna lombar


    Grandese, Fabiano de Mendonça; Yamazato, Clóvis; Oliveira, Fábio Mastromauro de; Ribeiro, Iberê; Bastos Júnior, José Olympio Catão; Kusabara, René


    OBJETIVO: estudo retrospectivo de pacientes com lesão dural intraoperatória de cirurgia da coluna vertebral lombar, conduzido por meio de um protocolo independente da extensão da lesão, complicações associadas e resultados após seguimento mínimo de um ano. MÉTODOS: um total de 10 pacientes com durotomia acidental em cirurgias de descompressão e artrodese da coluna vertebral lombar, no período de Janeiro de 2007 a Janeiro de 2009, para tratamento de doença degenerativa, tiveram seus prontuário...

  2. Transporte de fósforo e de potássio em colunas com agregados de um latossolo vermelho distrófico

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    C. A. S. Araujo


    Full Text Available O objetivo do trabalho foi comparar os coeficientes dispersivo-difusivos de fósforo e de potássio e descrever o transporte desses nutrientes em diferentes classes de agregados de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, cultivado com milho por vários anos, usando dois modelos teóricos. O experimento foi realizado, em laboratório, com colunas de percolação, utilizando cinco classes de agregados (2,0-1,0, 1,0-0,5, 0,5-0,25, 0,25-0,105 e < 0,105 mm. A eluição foi realizada em um cilindro de vidro de 2 cm de diâmetro interno e 30 cm de comprimento, preenchido com agregados até 10 cm da borda superior. A coluna foi saturada, sob vácuo, com uma solução de CaCl2 0,005 mol L-1. A velocidade de percolação do efluente foi controlada e mantida próxima daquela obtida para a menor classe de agregados. Aplicou-se, a seguir, a solução saturante até percolação constante, seguida de um pulso de uma solução de KH2PO4 que continha 1.550 e 1.950 mg L-1 de fósforo e de potássio, respectivamente (Co. No efluente coletado, determinou-se a concentração de fósforo e de potássio (C, que permitiu obter a relação C/Co, de acordo com o número de volume de poros da solução percolada. Isso permitiu obter a curva de eluição experimental para esses elementos, a qual foi comparada com curvas teóricas estimadas por dois modelos, um dos quais considera o transporte dispersivo e o outro, o dispersivo-difusivo. O coeficiente dispersivo-difusivo para o potássio foi maior do que para o fósforo nas classes de agregados de diâmetro maior que 0,5 mm. Nas de menor diâmetro, ocorreu o contrário, indicando que o fósforo foi transportado mais rapidamente que o potássio nessas colunas de agregados. O modelo que considera apenas o fluxo dispersivo apresentou melhor predição de transporte do fósforo e do potássio, em todas as classes de agregados. As curvas teóricas descreveram melhor o transporte de potássio do que o de fósforo.

  3. Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI: validação de entrevista breve para diagnóstico de transtornos mentais

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    Amorim Patrícia


    Full Text Available Objetivos: O MINI é uma entrevista diagnóstica padronizada breve (15-30 minutos, compatível com os critérios do DSM-III-R/IV e da CID-10, que é destinada à utilização na prática clínica e na pesquisa em atenção primária e em psiquiatria, e pode ser utilizada por clínicos após um treinamento rápido (de 1 a 3 horas. A versão Plus do MINI, mais detalhada, gera diagnósticos positivos dos principais transtornos psicóticos e do humor do DSM-IV. Este artigo apresenta os resultados de quatro estudos de validação do instrumento, realizados na Europa e nos EUA. Métodos: Os estudos 1 (França e 2 (EUA testaram a confiabilidade -entre avaliadores e teste-reteste -da versão DSM-III-R do MINI (n=84, sendo 42 pacientes psiquiátricos de cada centro e sua validade com relação ao CIDI (n=346, sendo 296 pacientes psiquiátricos e 50 controles e ao SCID-P (n=370, sendo 308 pacientes psiquiátricos e 62 controles, respectivamente. O estudo 3 testou a validade de diagnósticos gerados por clínicos gerais usando o MINI (DSM-IV com relação aos diagnósticos clínicos habituais de psiquiatras, em 409 pacientes de centros de atenção primária de quatro países (França, Espanha, Itália e Reino Unido. O estudo 4 testou a confiabilidade entre avaliadores (n=20 pacientes psiquiátricos e a validade dos módulos Transtornos Psicóticos, Depressão e Mania do MINI Plus - DSM IV (n=104 pacientes psiquiátricos com relação a dois critérios de referência: diagnósticos do CIDI e diagnósticos clínicos de psiquiatras. Análises quantitativas (índices de concordância e de validade e qualitativas (razões de discordância foram realizadas. Resultados: Os índices de confiabilidade do MINI (estudos 1 e 2 e do MINI Plus (estudo 4 foram globalmente satisfatórios. Comparados a vários critérios de referência (CIDI, SCID-P, opinião de peritos, em diferentes contextos (unidades psiquiátricas e centros de atenção primária, o MINI e o MINI

  4. Pico de força das articulações do membro inferior e ativação muscular da coluna dorso-lombar durante o manuseio de carga com estilo livre


    Patrícia Cilene Freitas Sant'Anna


    o objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar o pico de força articular (FA) do tornozelo, joelho e quadril do membro inferior direito, e a ativação eletromiográfia (AE) da musculatura da coluna dorso-lombar no manuseio de carga, no movimento de colocar e retirar uma caixa situada no chão e na altura dos olhos. Foram utilizadas cargas correspondentes a I% e 10% da massa corporal do sujeito, totalizando-se oito tarefas. A amostra foi composta por 4 mulheres e 4 homens, na faixa etária entre 23 a ...

  5. Análise da viabilidade econômica de um sistema de aquecimento solar de água para uma empresa do setor hoteleiro


    Oliveira, Therence Ulisses Medeiros de


    Este trabalho apresenta uma análise da viabilidade financeira da utilização de um sistema solar para aquecimento de água em um hotel fictício na região Nordeste, empregando para isso técnicas de dimensionamento de coletores solares e métodos da Matemática Financeira, como Valor Presente Líquido (VPL), Taxa Interna de Retorno (TIR) e Payback. Será também apresentada uma análise de sensibilidade para verificar quais são os fatores que mais impactam na viabilidade do aquecimento s...

  6. Avaliação epidemiológica das fraturas da coluna torácica e lombar dos pacientes atendidos no Serviço de Ortopedia e Traumatologia do Hospital Getúlio Vargas em Recife/PE


    Pereira,André Flávio Freire; Portela,Luiz Eduardo Duque; Lima,Guilherme Didier de Andrade; Carneiro,Wagner Cabral Gomes; Ferreira,Marcus André Costa; Rangel,Túlio Albuquerque de Moura; Santos,Ricardo Barreto Monteiro dos


    INTRODUÇÃO: as fraturas da coluna torácica e lombar estão se tornando mais frequentes, devido ao aumento dos acidentes de alta energia. Elas apresentam um elevado índice de morbidade e mortalidade, acarretando grandes prejuízos socioeconômicos. OBJETIVO: analisar a epidemiologia das fraturas torácicas e lombares de pacientes atendidas no Serviço de Ortopedia e Traumatologia do Hospital Getúlio Vargas em Recife (PE). MÉTODOS: este estudo é uma análise epidemiológica dos pacientes com fraturas ...

  7. Estudo do alcance do retalho do músculo grande dorsal para o revestimento cutâneo da coluna An anatomic study of latissimus dorsi and its suitability for spinal soft tissue coverage

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    Kelly Cristina Moutinho da Costa


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A crescente indicação cirúrgica na terapêutica das patologias da coluna vertebral, ocasionada pela melhoria tecnológica aplicada ao tratamento cirúrgico, que proporciona cada vez mais uma cirurgia mais segura, mais rápida, menos invasiva e com melhores resultados funcionais, tem nos levado a um aumento nas complicações pós-operatórias da coluna vertebral. As complicações podem ser mecânicas, biológicas, estruturais ou relacionadas ao material de síntese. As infecções em cirurgia de coluna vertebral, embora raras, ocorrem em 3-6%, constituem um dilema para o cirurgião de coluna, além de graves desdobramentos clínicos para o paciente. A importância do uso do retalho do grande dorsal esta implicada na tentativa de cobertura de partes moles e melhora no padrão vascular regional. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a confiabilidade do retalho do músculo grande dorsal para cobertura de defeitos cutâneos na coluna. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram dissecados 17 músculos grande dorsal de cadáver e medido o quanto eles passavam da linha média na altura de C7, T7 e transição toracolombar. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÃO: O estudo anatômico realizado comprovou a eficácia desse método.INTRODUCTION: There has been a dramatic increase in spine surgery. New surgical instrumentation and less invasive techniques make surgical procedure faster, safer, achieving better functional results. With this increasing number of operations, the number of back surgery failures has also increased. Complications may be mechanical, biological, or related to problems on instrumentation frames. The rate of spinal infections lies between 3-6 % and it´s still a challenge. After debridement and removal of all infected nonviable soft tissue, it is sometimes difficult to obtain wound closure. Pedicled latissimus dorsi muscle flap coverage provides wound healing by promoting vascularized tissue to reduce dead spaces, enhancing local oxygen delivery, and facilitating

  8. Determination of parabens in sweeteners by capillary electrochromatography

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    Carla Beatriz Grespan Bottoli


    Full Text Available Parabens, common food preservatives, were analysed by capillary electrochromatography, using a commercial C18 silica (3 µm, 40 cm × 100 µm i. d. capillary column as separation phase. In order to optimise the separation of these preservatives, the effects of mobile phase composition on the separation were evaluated, as well as the applied voltage and injection conditions. The retention behavior of these analytes was strongly influenced by the level of acetonitrile in the mobile phase. An optimal separation of the parabens was obtained within 18.5 minutes with a pH 8.0 mobile phase composed of 50:50 v/v tris(hydroxymethylaminomethane buffer and acetonitrile. The method was successfully applied to the quantitative analysis of paraben preservatives in sweetener samples with direct injection.Os parabenos, empregados como conservantes em alimentos, foram analisados por eletrocromatografia capilar, empregando uma coluna comercial recheada com partículas de sílica-C18 (3 µm, 40 cm × 100 µm d. i. como fase estacionária de separação. Para otimizar a separação destes conservantes foram avaliados os efeitos da composição da fase móvel na separação, bem como a voltagem e as condições de injeção. O comportamento de retenção dos analitos foi fortemente influenciado pela proporção de acetonitrila na fase móvel. A separação dos parabenos foi alcançada em 18,5 min com uma fase móvel contendo tampão tris(hidroximetilaminometano e acetonitrila na proporção 50:50 v/v. O método foi aplicado na análise quantitativa de parabenos em adoçantes empregando a injeção direta das amostras.

  9. Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI): validação de entrevista breve para diagnóstico de transtornos mentais


    Amorim, Patrícia


    Objetivos: O MINI é uma entrevista diagnóstica padronizada breve (15-30 minutos), compatível com os critérios do DSM-III-R/IV e da CID-10, que é destinada à utilização na prática clínica e na pesquisa em atenção primária e em psiquiatria, e pode ser utilizada por clínicos após um treinamento rápido (de 1 a 3 horas). A versão Plus do MINI, mais detalhada, gera diagnósticos positivos dos principais transtornos psicóticos e do humor do DSM-IV. Este artigo apresenta os resultados de quatro estudo...


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    Sandro Henrique de Faria

    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como objetivos avaliar o desempenho do GPR (Ground Penetrating RADAR para aplicações batimétricas em ambiente controlado e do aplicativo “GPR Bathymetry”, desenvolvido para análise de radargramas batimétricos. O estudo foi realizado em uma caixa de decantação da estação de tratamento de água da qual se tem o “as-built”, obtido com estação total, que será empregado nos testes de validação. Realizaram-se três testes de comparação: comparações pontuais; entre Modelos Digitais de Elevação (MDE gerados a partir do interpolador Topo to Raster; e entre os volumes calculados a partir dos MDE’s. Na comparação pontual a maior amplitude de discrepância entre as médias foi de 8cm. Para a amostra de discrepâncias entre os MDE’s, a amplitude foi de 9cm, média de 2cm, acurácia estimada de 4cm e o RMS de 3cm. Na comparação volumétrica obteve-se o valor de 800,6m³ com dados de referência e 806,4m³ com dados do GPR, resultando numa diferença de 1% entre os modelos. Conclui-se que para um reservatório construído em concreto armado, profundidades variando de 3 a 3,5 metros, o levantamento do relevo submerso empregando um GPR apresentou resultados promissores e um MDE com acurácia estimada de 4cm e discrepâncias de até 9cm

  11. Tratamento cirúrgico das lesões traumáticas do segmento médio-inferior da coluna cervical

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    Full Text Available O nível C2 é o mais frequente em lesões traumáticas da coluna cervical, sendo seguido por C5 e C6. Elas ocorrem, mais habitualmente, na terceira década de vida, com incidência decrescente na idade avançada. Como parte destas lesões está localizada nos elementos da coluna anterior, segundo a conceituação de Denis e, levado-se em consideração os estudos biomecânicos do segmento médio--inferior da coluna cervical, bem como os mecanismos que causam estas lesões, elaboramos este estudo, com o intuito de apresentar as técnicas de fusão cervical anterior, com enxerto ósseo e placas de Caspar, Morscher (CSLP e ORION(TM. Mostramos e discutimos as vantagens e desvantagens de cada tipo de fixação anterior, com base nos dados de literatura, evidenciando a melhoria no material de implante e das técnicas de fixação.

  12. Purification and characterization of extracellular lipase from a new strain: Pseudomonas aeruginosa SRT 9 Purificação e caracterização de uma lipase extracelular produzida por uma nova cepa: Pseudomonas aeruginosa SRT9

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    Prita S. Borkar


    Full Text Available An extra cellular lipase was isolated and purified from the culture broth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa SRT 9 to apparent homogeneity using ammonium sulfate precipitation followed by chromatographic techniques on phenyl Sepharose CL- 4B and Mono Q HR 5/5 column, resulting in a purification factor of 98 fold with specific activity of 12307.8 U/mg. The molecular weight of the purified lipase was estimated by SDS-PAGE to be 29 kDa with isoelectric point of 4.5. Maximum lipase activity was observed in a wide range of temperature and pH values with optimum temperature of 55ºC and pH 6.9. The lipase preferably acted on triacylglycerols of long chain (C14-C16 fatty acids. The lipase was inhibited strongly by EDTA suggesting the enzyme might be metalloprotein. SDS and metal ions such as Hg2+, Zn2+, Cu2+, Ag2+ and Fe2+ decreased the lipase activity remarkedly. Its marked stability and activity in organic solvents suggest that this lipase is highly suitable as a biotechnological tool with a variety of applications including organo synthetic reactions and preparation of enantiomerically pure pharmaceuticals. The Km and Vmax value of the purified enzyme for triolein hydrolysis were calculated to be 1.11 mmol/L and 0.05 mmol/L/minrespectively.Uma lipase extracelular foi isolada e purificada a partir de um caldo de cultura de Pseudomonas aeruginosa SRT9 até homogeneidade visível empregando-se precipitação com sulfato de amônia, seguida de técnicas cromatográficas em colunas de fenil sefarose CL-4B e Mono Q HR 5/5, obtendo-se um fator de purificação de 98 vezes, e atividade especifica de 12307,8 U/mg. Por SDS_PAGE, estimou-se que o peso molecular da lipase purificada é 29kDa, com um ponto isoelétrico de 4,5. A lipase apresentou atividade máxima em uma ampla faixa de temperatura e pH, com ótimos a 55ºC e pH 6,9. A lípase foi mais ativa sobre triacilglicerois de cadeia longa (C14-C16. A lipase foi fortemente inibida por EDTA, o que sugere que a

  13. Efeitos da participação em um Grupo de Coluna sobre as dores musculoesqueléticas, qualidade de vida e funcionalidade dos usuários de uma Unidade Básica de Saúde de Porto Alegre - Brasil Effects of participation in a Back School on musculoskeletal pain, quality of life and functionality of users of a Unidade Básica de Saúde from Porto Alegre- Brazil

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    Raquel Gonçalves Borges


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficácia do Grupo de Coluna ministrado em uma Unidade Básica de Saúde de Porto Alegre. Foram avaliados e reavaliados 29 usuários, os quais participaram do Grupo de Coluna. Foi utilizada a Escala Visual Analógica para avaliar a intensidade da dor, o questionário Oswestry Disability Índex para avaliar a capacidade funcional, e o questionário Short-Form Health Survey - SF-36 para avaliar a qualidade de vida. Os resultados, obtidos a partir do teste de Wilcoxon (a=0,05, demonstraram a eficácia do Grupo de Coluna na melhora da intensidade das dores musculoesqueléticas (pThis study was carried out in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the Back Group project, in a Porto Alegre’s Basic Health Unit. We evaluated and re-evaluated 29 users before and after the participated in a Back Group. It’s were used the Visual Analogue Scale to assess pain, the Oswestry Disability Index to assess the functionality, and the questionnaire Item Short-Form Health Survey-SF-36 to assess the quality of life. The results, obtained from the Wilcoxon test (a=0.05, demonstrated the effectiveness of the Back Group in the improvement of the intensity of musculoskeletal pain (p<0.05, in the physical functioning (p=0.005, in the quality of life in the functional capacity (p=0.001, by the physical limitations (p=0.001, pain (p=0.001, vitality (p=0.004, emotional limitation (p=0.026 and mental health (p=0.010 dominions. It is concluded that the Back Group was effectiveness in the improved of the pain, function and quality of life’s users.

  14. Análise fatorial do Questionário de Estilos Parentais (PAQ) em uma amostra de adultos jovens universitários


    Boeckel,Mariana Gonçalves; Castellá Sarriera,Jorge


    O objetivo deste estudo é investigar a estrutura fatorial do Questionário de Estilos Parentais (PAQ) desenvolvido por John Buri. A amostra estratificada foi composta por 323 estudantes de ambos os sexos que cursam uma universidade particular. Foi utilizada a análise de componentes principais, com rotação oblimin, empregando a regra de Kaiser (retenção dos autovalores maiores que 1). A análise demonstrou a presença de três fatores com autovalores superiores a 1. O total dos fatores explica 43,...

  15. Qualificação da dor em trabalhadoras de uma malharia no sul do Brasil

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    Marina Cauz


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Analisar e qualificar a dor em mulheres de uma malharia do sul do Brasil. Métodos: Estudo transversal, descritivo, com abordagem quantitativa, em que foram entrevistadas 15 trabalhadoras em um único dia de maio de 2012. As avaliações para qualificação e análise da dor aconteceram por meio de três questionários: multidimensional adaptado, inventário para dor de Wisconsin (análise da dor e o questionário de McGill (qualificação. Para análise dos dados, foi realizada a estatística descritiva, com o calculo da média, desvio padrão, percentual e números absolutos. Resultados: As participantes apresentavam média de idade de 33,4 (±14,9 anos e trabalhavam 9 horas diárias. Referente à postura dolorosa no posto de trabalho, observou-se maior queixa em ombros abduzidos e cotovelos flexionados (n=7, 46,6%. Os locais anatômicos dolorosos mais frequentes foram ombros (n=8, 22,2%, coluna cervical (n=7, 19,4% e cotovelos (n=7, 19,4%. A análise da dor pelo inventário de Wisconsin, classificada por meio da Escala Visual Analógica de Dor (EVA, demonstrou interferência moderada no trabalho, sono, humor, apreciação da vida e na atividade geral. De acordo com o questionário de McGill, houve destaque para o nível sensorial, com maior frequência para dor latejante (n=10, 50%, agulhada (n=4, 20% e formigamento (n=4, 20%. Conclusão: A amostra apresentou alta frequência de dor nos ombros, cotovelos, coluna cervical e sintomatologia dolorosa considerada moderada na maioria dos itens avaliados, o que pode levar a uma interferência importante nas atividades laborais e do cotidiano.

  16. Comparing the prevalence rates of social phobia in a community according to ICD-10 and DSM-III-R Comparando estimativas de prevalência da fobia social na comunidade empregando-se a CID-10 e a DSM-III-R

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    Fábio Lopes Rocha


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: This population-based study aimed to compare the prevalence rates of social phobia using DSM-III-R and CID-10, based on the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI, in a Brazilian community. METHODS: This survey was carried out in a representative sample of 1,041 residents from Bambuí, Minas Gerais, Brazil (attrition rate = 14.7%. The Brazilian version of the CIDI was used. One-month, one-year and lifetime social phobia prevalence rates were estimated, employing the DSM-III-R and ICD-10 classifications, using the CIDI computer program. RESULTS: One-month, one-year, and life prevalence rates of social phobia, based on the DSM-III-R (7.9, 9.0 and 11.7% respectively were higher than those based on the ICD-10 (4.7, 5.2 and 6.7% respectively; p OBJETIVO: Este estudo populacional visa comparar estimativas de prevalência de fobia social empregando-se a CID-10 e a DSM-III-R em uma comunidade brasileira. MÉTODOS: O levantamento foi realizado em uma amostra representativa de 1.041 residentes de Bambuí, Minas Gerais, Brasil (perda = 14,7%. Foi utilizada a versão brasileira da Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI. As prevalências de 1 mês, 1 ano e vida foram estimadas empregando-se as classificações CID-10 e DSM-III-R, utilizando-se o programa de computador da CIDI. RESULTADOS: As prevalências de 1 mês, 1 ano e vida da fobia social, baseadas na DSM-III-R (7,9, 9,0 e 11,7% respectivamente foram mais elevadas que aquelas baseadas na CID-10 (4,7, 5,2 e 6,7%, respectivamente; p < 0,01 para todos. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos resultados reforçam a hipótese de que as taxas de prevalência de fobia social são mais elevadas quando baseadas na DSM-III-R em comparação com a CID-10.

  17. Incidência Pélvica: um parâmetro fundamental para definição do equilíbrio sagital da coluna vertebral Incidência pélvica: un parámetro fundamental para definir el equilibrio sagital de la columna Pelvic incidence: a fundamental parameter for defining the sagittal balance of the spine

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    Sérgio Afonso Henneman


    Full Text Available Este trabalho propõe um parâmetro anatômico, a incidência pélvica, como fator chave para a compreensão do alinhamento da coluna vertebral. Existe estreita relação, tanto para indivíduos normais como para indivíduos com deformidades da coluna, entre o parâmetro anatômico de incidência pélvica e a inclinação sacral, determinantes da lordose lombar. O ângulo de Cobb e a rotação vertebral apical servem de instrumento para o entendimento do aspecto tridimensional da coluna vertebral e das relações entre a pelve e a coluna. Uma equação preditiva para lordose é apresentada. A incidência pélvica parece ser o fator determinante do equilíbrio sagital da coluna. Ela determina as curvas da coluna vertebral, variando conforme outros parâmetros.En este trabajo se propone un parámetro anatómico, la incidencia de la pelvis, como el factor clave para entender la alineación de la columna vertebral. Hay estrecha relación, tanto para el normal y para las personas con deformidades de la columna entre el parámetro anatómico de la incidencia de la pelvis y la inclinación del sacro, determinantes de la lordosis lumbar. El ángulo de Cobb y la rotación vertebral apical sirven como una herramienta para entender el aspecto tridimensional de la columna vertebral y de su relación con la pelvis. Se presenta una ecuación de predicción para la lordosis. La incidencia pélvica parece ser el factor determinante del equilibrio sagital de la columna. Dicha ecuación determina las curvas de la columna y varía según otros parámetros.This paper proposes an anatomical parameter, the pelvic incidence, as the key factor for managing the spinal balance. There is a close relationship for both normal individuals and those with spinal deformities between the anatomical parameter of pelvic incidence and the sacral slope, which determine lumbar lordosis. The Cobb angle and the apical vertebral rotation serve as a tool for understanding the three

  18. Deslocamento miscível de cátions básicos provenientes da água residuária de mandioca em colunas de solo Miscible displacement of basic cations from cassava processing wastewater in soil columns

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    Ralini F. de Melo


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se, com este estudo, determinar os fatores de retardamento e os coeficientes de dispersão-difusão dos íons potássio, sódio, cálcio e magnésio, presentes na água residuária de fecularias ou manipueira, e simular as concentrações residentes em colunas de solos de 160 cm, pelo período de 5 h. Os ensaios foram realizados em laboratório utilizando-se colunas de percolação preenchidas com amostras de Neossolo Quartzarênico órtico espódico (RQo, Latossolo Amarelo distrófico típico (LAd e Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo distrófico típico (LVAd. A concentração dos íons no efluente foram analisados empregando-se a metodologia de deslocamento de fluidos miscíveis. Os valores mais elevados dos fatores de retardamento ocorreram no LVAd, indicando maior retenção dos íons potássio, sódio, cálcio e magnésio nesse solo. Os valores dos coeficientes dispersivos-difusivos decresceram no sentido do RQo para o LVAd, sendo que o maior valor ocorreu no RQo para o íon potássio, e o menor no LVAd, para o íon cálcio. A simulação para um período de aplicação da manipueira de 5 h, mostrou pequeno avanço dos íons na coluna do LVAd, em comparação com RQo e LAd alertando, assim, para os perigos de contaminação de águas subterrâneas ao se aplicar a manipueira nesses solos.This study aimed to determine the retardation factors and the diffusion-dispersion coefficients of the potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium ions found in the cassava wastewater, as well as to simulate the resident concentrations in soil columns with 160 cm over a five-hours period. The trials were accomplished under laboratory conditions, by using percolation columns fulfilled with materials from the spodic ortic Quartzarenic Neosol (RQo, typical distrophic Yellow Latosol (LAd and typical distrophic Yellow Red Latosol (LVAd. The data of the ion concentrations in effluent were analyzed, by using the miscible fluid displacement methodology. The highest


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    Full Text Available Uma das limitações à expansão do mercado de alimentos orgânicos no Brasil é a carência de estudos e tecnologias apropriadas a estes sistemas de produção. O mercado de mini-hortaliças no Brasil é crescente e de grande valor comercial. São produtos de elevado valor agregado, apresentam boa rentabilidade para pequenas escalas de produção e são menos suscetíveis a oscilações de preços do que as tradicionais. Na produção de repolhos orgânicos no Brasil, observa-se dificuldade em se obter um produto comercial com peso médio desejado pelo consumidor. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência agronômica e a rentabilidade econômica da produção de mini-repolhos por rebrota, em função de níveis de adubação nitrogenada residual. Esse trabalho foi desenvolvido na Unidade de Referência em Agroecologia do INCAPER, localizada no município de Domingos Martins-ES, a uma altitude de 950 m. O experimento foi disposto no delineamento blocos casualizados, com 4 repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram de adubações à base de composto com cinco níveis de N, com aporte de 0, 450, 600, 750 e 900 kg/ha de N-total. O número, peso médio, diâmetro médio, produção total e comercial de cabeças de repolho, tanto na produção primária quanto de mini-repolhos apresentaram uma elevação significativa com os níveis de nitrogênio. No maior nível de adubação nitrogenada, obtiveram-se rendimentos comerciais de 59.628 kg/ha de repolhos e de 30.575 kg/ha de mini-repolhos, proporcionando receitas líquidas de R$ 61.559,00 e R$ 141.815,90, respectivamente. Os mini-repolhos apresentaram pesos médios de 227g a 253g e diâmetros médios de 8,9cm a 10,2cm. A produção de mini-repolhos confirmou-se como alternativa de grande vantagem econômica, com gasto de mão-de-obra 34,0% e custo de produção 45,8% menores que a produção primária. A rentabilidade da produção de mini-repolhos foi 130% maior que a produção primária de

  20. Fratura tipo explosão da coluna torácica e lombar: correlação entre o segmento biomecânico sagital acometido e as alterações estruturais da vértebra fraturada

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    Matheus Luís da Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar as fraturas tipo explosão da coluna torácica e lombar e fazer a correlação entre o segmento biomecânico sagital acometido e as alterações estruturais da vértebra fraturada. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de 72 pacientes com fraturas tipo explosão da coluna torácica e lombar. O estreitamento do canal vertebral, o colapso vertebral e a cifose local foram avaliados em três segmentos distintos: torácico, transição toracolombar e lombar. RESULTADOS: Houve diferença estatística significativa (p < 0,05 dos valores do estreitamento do canal vertebral e cifose local nos diferentes segmentos da coluna vertebral avaliados. CONCLUSÃO: As fraturas tipo explosão da coluna torácica e lombar, embora apresentem características semelhantes, independentemente do local de ocorrência, sofrem influência direta do segmento biomecânico sagital no que diz respeito às alterações estruturais que ocorrem na vértebra fraturada.

  1. Problema crônico de coluna e diagnóstico de distúrbios osteomusculares relacionados ao trabalho (DORT autorreferidos no Brasil: Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde, 2013

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    Max Moura de Oliveira

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO:descrever a prevalência de problemas crônicos de coluna e de distúrbios osteomusculares relacionados ao trabalho (DORT autorreferidos em adultos brasileiros, segundo variáveis sociodemográficas.MÉTODOS:estudo descritivo com 60.202 indivíduos ≥18 anos incluídos na Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde 2013; foram estimadas prevalências e intervalos de confiança (IC95%.RESULTADOS:a prevalência de problema crônico de coluna foi de 18,5% (IC95%:17,8-19,1, maior em mulheres (21,1%; IC95%:20,2-21,9, indivíduos com baixa escolaridade (24,6%; IC95%:23,5-25,6 e residentes na região Sul (23,3%; IC95%:21,6-25,1; dos que referiram problema de coluna, 16,4% (IC95%:15,2-17,6 relataram possuir grau intenso/muito intenso de limitações nas atividades habituais, principalmente na área rural (20,3%; IC95%:17,5-23,0; a prevalência de DORT foi de 2,4% (IC95%:2,2-2,7, superior entre mulheres (3,3%; IC95%:2,9-3,7 e indivíduos com Ensino Superior (3,8; IC95%:3,0-4,7, e mais baixa no Norte (0,7%; IC95%:0,5-1,0.CONCLUSÃO:a prevalência de problema crônico de coluna foi elevada mas a prevalência de DORT, baixa, possivelmente indicando falta deste diagnóstico.

  2. Projeto e desenvolvimento de uma interface de rede local para aplicações em automação industrial


    Leonardo Appezato


    Resumo: Esta dissertação apresenta o projeto de uma interface de rede local, desenvolvida no Instituto de Automação do Centro Tecnológico para Informática. Este projeto tem uma proposta de implementação de hardware e software objetivando sua utilização em aplicações industriais. O projeto constitue-se em uma placa inteligente onde se localizam as duas camadas inferiores do Modelo de Referência OSI da ISO, implementadas de uma forma similar à especificação Mini-MAP. A subcamada MAC é do tipo "...

  3. Análise computacional para auxílio ao diagnóstico de osteoartrite de coluna lombar baseado em redes neurais artificiais Computational analysis based on artificial neural networks for aiding in diagnosing osteoarthritis of the lumbar spine

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    Carlos Cassiano Denipotti Veronezi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Conhecer as vantagens da utilização das redes neurais artificiais no reconhecimento de padrões em radiografias de coluna lombar na incidência perfil para auxiliar no diagnóstico da osteoartrite primária. MÉTODO: Estudo transversal, descritivo, analítico, de abordagem quantitativa e com ênfase diagnóstica. O conjunto de treinamento foi composto por imagens coletadas no período de janeiro a julho de 2009 de pacientes submetidos a radiografias digitais de coluna lombar na incidência em perfil provenientes de um serviço de radiologia localizado no município de Criciúma (SC. Das 260 imagens coletadas, foram excluídas: as radiografias distorcidas, as patologias que alteram a arquitetura da coluna lombar e os padrões de difícil caracterização, resultando em um total de 206 imagens. O banco de imagens (n = 206 foi subdividido, resultando em 68 radiografias para a etapa de treinamento, 68 para testes e 70 para validação. Foi utilizada uma rede neural híbrida baseada em mapas auto-organizáveis de Kohonen e redes Multilayer Perceptron. RESULTADOS: Após 90 ciclos, foi realizada a validação com o melhor teste, alcançando acurácia de 62,85%, sensibilidade de 65,71% e especificidade de 60%. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar da demonstração de uma eficácia mediana, por se tratar de estudo de caráter inovador, seus valores mostram um futuro promissor da técnica utilizada, com sugestão para trabalhos futuros com abrangência na metodologia de processamento das imagens e ciclos com uma quantidade maior de radiografias.OBJECTIVE: To ascertain the advantages of applying artificial neural networks to recognize patterns on lumbar column radiographs in order to aid in the process of diagnosing primary osteoarthritis. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional descriptive analytical study with a quantitative approach and an emphasis on diagnosis. The training set was composed of images collected between January and July 2009 from patients who had

  4. The BaBar Mini

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brown, David N.


    BaBar has recently deployed a new event data format referred to as the Mini. The mini uses efficient packing and aggressive noise suppression to represent the average reconstructed BaBar event in under 7 KBytes. The Mini packs detector information into simple transient data objects, which are then aggregated into roughly 10 composite persistent objects per event. The Mini currently uses Objectivity persistence, and it is being ported to use Root persistence. The Mini contains enough information to support detailed detector studies, while remaining small and fast enough to be used directly in physics analysis. Mini output is customizable, allowing users to both truncate unnecessary content or add content, depending on their needs. The Mini has now replaced three older formats as the primary output of BaBar event reconstruction. A reduced form of the Mini will soon replace the physics analysis format as well, giving BaBar a single, flexible event data format covering all its needs

  5. The BaBar mini

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brown, David N.; BaBar Collaboration


    BaBar has recently deployed a new event data format referred to as the Mini. The mini uses efficient packing and aggressive noise suppression to represent the average reconstructed BaBar event in under 7 KBytes. The Mini packs detector information into simple transient data objects, which are then aggregated into roughly 10 composite persistent objects per event. The Mini currently uses Objectivity persistence, and it is being ported to use Root persistence. The Mini contains enough information to support detailed detector studies, while remaining small and fast enough to be used directly in physics analysis. Mini output is customizable, allowing users to both truncate unnecessary content or add content, depending on their needs. The Mini has now replaced three older formats as the primary output of BaBar event reconstruction. A reduced form of the Mini will soon replace the physics analysis format as well, giving BaBar a single, flexible event data format covering all its needs

  6. Ocorrência de acidente do trabalho em uma unidade de terapia intensiva

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    Vera Médice Nishide

    Full Text Available Este estudo, de caráter descritivo, identificou os acidentes do trabalho ocorridos com trabalhadores de enfermagem de uma unidade de terapia intensiva, correlacionando-os com o procedimento que estava sendo executado pelo trabalhador no momento do acidente. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista individual, realizado com 68 trabalhadores, no ano de 2001. Constatou-se que os acidentes ocorreram, predominantemente, devido ao contato da pele e da mucosa com sangue e secreções, ferimento por material perfurocortante, queda e lesões na coluna vertebral. Os acidentes acontecidos estavam relacionados aos procedimentos de aspiração de tubo orotraqueal, manuseio de excretas/secreções, preparo de medicação, coleta de sangue arterial, piso molhado e transporte de paciente. Concluiu-se que são necessárias mudanças no ambiente de trabalho e programas de prevenção, para minimizar os acidentes em procedimentos de assistência aos pacientes.



    José Lourêdo Fontinele


    O presente estudo trata da influência do envelopamento da tropopausa na coluna total de ozônio, durante a passagem dos sistemas frontais. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar, a partir das relações entre a corrente de jato em altos níveis e a coluna total de ozônio, o envelopamento da tropopausa no sul da América do Sul. Pretende-se também quantificar as frentes frias que agiram ao longo de 2008, bem como identificá-las em eventos de envelopamento da tropopausa e ação da...


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    Anderson Evandro do Prado Prado


    Full Text Available Atualmente vive-se um cenário altamente competitivo e volátil, onde organizações de software vem enfrentando rápidas mudanças tecnológicas conforme a velocidade em que a informação e as inovações vão surgindo. As transformações do comportamento da indústria e os aperfeiçoamentos tecnológicos em diversos campos do mercado, são fatores desafiadores que comprometem a sobrevivência das empresas de software. Diante desta situação, estas organizações vêm empregando esforços substanciais na melhoria, agilidade e flexibilidade dos seus processos por meio da adoção de métodos ágeis (Scrum em sua equipe de desenvolvimento de softwares. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar, por meio de um estudo de caso, os benefícios e desafios da implementação de métodos ágeis no trabalho das equipes de desenvolvimento de software de uma empresa multinacional brasileira em serviços de TI.

  9. Estudos preliminares de uma lectina de sementes de Parkia platycephala Benth

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    T.B Grangeiro


    Full Text Available Sementes de Parkia platycephala Benth.possuem uma lectina que é melhor extraída a pH 4,0 e pode ser isolada por cromatografia de afinidade em coluna de Sephadex G-50. A lectina aglutina eritrócitos de coelho mas não aglutina hemácias humanas (A, B e O, de boi, de carneiro ou de galinha. D-glicose, D-manose, D-frutose e derivados mostraram ser açúcares inibidores da atividade hemaglutinante, sendo que alfa-metil-glicosídeo e alfa-metil-manosídeo foram os mais potentes inibidores entre os açúcares testados.Seeds of Parkia platycephala Benth. have a lectin which is best extracted at pH 4,0 and partially purified using a Sephadex G-50 column as an affinity adsorbent. The lectin .agglutinates rabbit erythrocytes but not those of cow, sheep, chicken or human D-glucose, D-mannose, D-fructose and derivatives act as inhibitors of the lectin with o-methyl-glucopyranoside and O-methyl-mannopyranoside being the most potent ones.

  10. Metodologia da pesquisa em psicolinguística: desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta para a geração automática de pseudoverbos = Research methods in psycholinguistics: developing a tool for the automatic generation of pseudo-verbs

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    Mota, Mailce Borges


    Full Text Available O uso de pseudopalavras tem beneficiado estudos psicolinguísticos dedicados à aquisição e processamento da linguagem em seus diversos aspectos, incluindo o processamento da leitura e escrita. No entanto, em uma grande parte dos estudos que fazem uso de pseudopalavras, a combinação de fonemas em uma sequência geralmente é realizada com base na intuição dos pesquisadores, sem levar em conta as ocorrências estruturais mais frequentes na língua. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo visa contribuir para o desenvolvimento de procedimentos que possam auxiliar pesquisas que utilizam pseudopalavras em seus designs. Neste artigo, apresentamos uma ferramenta computacional desenvolvida com o objetivo específico de gerar pseudoverbos. O processo de criação da ferramenta envolveu a análise dos padrões estruturais dos 500 verbos mais frequentes do português do Brasil, empregando técnicas do PLN e mineração de dados para coletar e extrair padrões. O presente estudo contou com uma abordagem não supervisionada de aprendizado de máquina, uma vez que utilizou um algorítmo de agrupamento de dados (cluster para extração dos padrões estruturais dos verbos

  11. A Ligadura Tubária é Fator de Risco para a Redução da Densidade Mineral Óssea em Mulheres na Pós-menopausa?

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    Zabaglia Silval Fernando Cardoso


    Full Text Available Objetivo: comparar a densidade mineral óssea de mulheres menopausadas com e sem o antecedente de laqueadura tubária e avaliar quais fatores nos dois grupos poderiam estar associados à densidade mineral óssea no fêmur e coluna lombar. Métodos: foram incluídas 70 pacientes em cada grupo, no ano de 1998, do Centro de Atenção Integral à Saúde da Mulher da Universidade Estadual de Campinas. As mulheres responderam um questionário sobre características clínicas e reprodutivas e foram submetidas à densitometria óssea (Lunar DPX no fêmur e coluna lombar. Os dados foram analisados por meio dos testes t de Student, exato de Fisher, c² de Pearson, t com correção de Bonferroni e regressão múltipla. Resultados: a média etária das laqueadas foi de 53,2 anos e das não-laqueadas de 52,6 anos, com média da idade à menopausa de 48 anos, semelhante nos dois grupos. As médias de idade à cirurgia foi 33,7 anos, com tempo decorrido da cirurgia de 18 anos. A média da densidade mineral óssea para o fêmur e coluna lombar não apresentaram diferenças significativas entre os dois grupos. A distribuição percentual em categorias de T-score do fêmur e coluna lombar não mostrou diferenças significativas nos dois grupos. Na regressão múltipla, observou-se que a idade mostrou uma associação inversa e o índice de massa corporal uma associação direta com a densidade mineral óssea no fêmur. Para a coluna lombar, cor não-branca, paridade, idade à menopausa, escolaridade e índice de massa corporal mostraram uma associação direta e a idade à menarca uma associação inversa com a densidade mineral óssea. Conclusão: a laqueadura tubária não ocasionou redução na massa óssea em mulheres na pós-menopausa.

  12. O que eu não faço mais na cirurgia da coluna vertebral: pesquisa entre cirurgiões de coluna brasileiros Lo que no hago más en la cirugía de la coluna vertebral: encuesta entre cirujanos brasileños de la columna What i stopped doing in spinal surgery: survey among brazilian spinal surgeons

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    Helton L .A Defino


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Apresentar o resultado de pesquisa realizada entre 257 cirurgiões de coluna sobre os principais procedimentos cirúrgicos que não são mais utilizados para o tratamento das doenças traumáticas, degenerativas e deformidades da coluna vertebral. MÉTODO: Os participantes da pesquisa responderam a um questionário abrangendo o tratamento das diferentes doenças traumáticas, degenerativas e deformidades dos segmentos cervical, torácico e lombar, sendo que cada quesito apresentava três opções de resposta: não faço mais, nunca utilizei e ainda utilizo. RESULTADOS: Os cirurgiões entrevistados eram oriundos de 22 estados brasileiros, 97% eram do sexo masculino com idade variando de 28 a 72 anos de idade (média 43,16 anos ±11,54 anos, e com 0 a 23 anos de atuação na área da cirurgia da coluna vertebral. A formação básica dos cirurgiões entrevistados era Ortopedia em 78,2% e Neurocirurgia em 20,2%. CONCLUSÃO: A avaliação das respostas dos questionários evidencia a mudança de atitude terapêutica e abandono de técnicas classicamente utilizadas no tratamento das doenças da coluna vertebral, influência da formação básica do cirurgião na escolha do tratamento das doenças da coluna vertebral e grande espectro de opções terapêuticas entre os cirurgiões entrevistados considerando o tempo de experiência na área de atuação, idade e formação básica.OBJETIVO: Presentar el resultado de la encuesta realizada entre 257 cirujanos de columna sobre los principales procedimientos quirúrgicos que no se utilizan más para el tratamiento de las enfermedades traumáticas, degenerativas y las deformidades de la columna vertebral. MÉTODO: Los participantes en la encuesta respondieron a un cuestionario que abarcó el tratamiento de las diversas enfermedades traumáticas, degenerativas y las deformidades de los segmentos cervical, torácico y lumbar, siendo que cada pregunta presentaba tres opciones de respuesta: no hago m

  13. Psychometric properties of a sign language version of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI). (United States)

    Øhre, Beate; Saltnes, Hege; von Tetzchner, Stephen; Falkum, Erik


    There is a need for psychiatric assessment instruments that enable reliable diagnoses in persons with hearing loss who have sign language as their primary language. The objective of this study was to assess the validity of the Norwegian Sign Language (NSL) version of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI). The MINI was translated into NSL. Forty-one signing patients consecutively referred to two specialised psychiatric units were assessed with a diagnostic interview by clinical experts and with the MINI. Inter-rater reliability was assessed with Cohen's kappa and "observed agreement". There was 65% agreement between MINI diagnoses and clinical expert diagnoses. Kappa values indicated fair to moderate agreement, and observed agreement was above 76% for all diagnoses. The MINI diagnosed more co-morbid conditions than did the clinical expert interview (mean diagnoses: 1.9 versus 1.2). Kappa values indicated moderate to substantial agreement, and "observed agreement" was above 88%. The NSL version performs similarly to other MINI versions and demonstrates adequate reliability and validity as a diagnostic instrument for assessing mental disorders in persons who have sign language as their primary and preferred language.

  14. Psychometric properties of a sign language version of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) (United States)


    Background There is a need for psychiatric assessment instruments that enable reliable diagnoses in persons with hearing loss who have sign language as their primary language. The objective of this study was to assess the validity of the Norwegian Sign Language (NSL) version of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI). Methods The MINI was translated into NSL. Forty-one signing patients consecutively referred to two specialised psychiatric units were assessed with a diagnostic interview by clinical experts and with the MINI. Inter-rater reliability was assessed with Cohen’s kappa and “observed agreement”. Results There was 65% agreement between MINI diagnoses and clinical expert diagnoses. Kappa values indicated fair to moderate agreement, and observed agreement was above 76% for all diagnoses. The MINI diagnosed more co-morbid conditions than did the clinical expert interview (mean diagnoses: 1.9 versus 1.2). Kappa values indicated moderate to substantial agreement, and “observed agreement” was above 88%. Conclusion The NSL version performs similarly to other MINI versions and demonstrates adequate reliability and validity as a diagnostic instrument for assessing mental disorders in persons who have sign language as their primary and preferred language. PMID:24886297

  15. Comportamento à compressão de solo estabilizado com cimento utilizado em colunas de DEEP Soil Mixing


    Geraldo Vanzolini Moretti


    Resumo: Apresenta-se neste trabalho o estudo comportamento à compressão não confinada de um solo argiloso aluvionar estabilizado segundo a metodologia Deep Soil Mixing (DSM). Esta técnica consiste no tratamento de solos moles através da mistura deste com agentes químicos estabilizantes, podendo-se utilizar cal e/ou cimento. Para a condução deste trabalho foram executadas colunas de DSM sob um aterro rodoviário localizado no nordeste do Brasil, com aproximadamente 300m de extensão. O sítio de ...

  16. Radiographic evaluation of cervical spine of subjects with temporomandibular joint internal disorder Avaliação radiográfica da coluna cervical de indivíduos com distúrbios internos da articulação temporomandibular

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    Wagner Cesar Munhoz


    íduos submeteram-se à avaliação clínica e radiográfica. A avaliação clínica consistiu de anamnese e exame físico do sistema estomatognático. A avaliação radiográfica consistiu de análise de radiografias laterais de coluna cervical por fisioterapeutas e traçados. O grupo teste apresentou o dobro da prevalência de hiperlordose de coluna cervical (20,7% versus 10,5% e quase a metade (41,4% versus 79,0% de retificação (p = 0,03. Em um segundo momento, o grupo teste foi subdividido em três subgrupos em função da gravidade clínica da disfunção temporomandibular, avaliada pelo índice de Helkimo. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os subgrupos, mas se constatou uma tendência do subgrupo com disfunção grave a apresentar prevalência de hiperlordose cervical. Esses resultados sugerem uma tendência dos indivíduos com disfunção temporomandibular (DTM grave a apresentarem hiperlordose. No entanto, futuros estudos devem ser feitos, analisando-se um maior número de indivíduos portadores de DTM grave para corroborar nossos achados.

  17. Return of the mini

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ashmore, C.


    Partly as a result of the contentious nature of some large hydroelectric schemes, and continuing deregulation on a global scale, the mini hydro systems are enjoying unprecedented growth. This article discusses the reasons for the increase in demand for mini hydro systems, and describes Alstom Power Hydro's new, integrated 'water-to-wire' renewable energy solution which is a modular system which integrates the hydro-turbine, generator and controls to provide a single optimised product called the Mini-Aqua. The Mini-Aqua can be supplied inside a turnkey package including all civil works. The company is also looking to the future with development of its Powerformer technology for smaller-scale, grid-connected applications

  18. Graphic software ''MiniG'' for the Mini-6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zen, J.


    MiniG is a set of subprograms, written and aimed at being used in Fortran for graphic applications in nuclear physics (histograms or point clouds). It includes three representation modes of axis scales (linear, semi-log and squared root), five types of vectors and numerous graphic symbols for spectra representation with or without notation (circle, cross, arrow, triangle, spiral, etc.). It offers also the possibilities of the software ''Plot-10'' of Tektronix, and accept all the types of graphic terminals of SATD connected to Mini-6 [fr

  19. [Validation of the portuguese version of the Mini-Social Phobia Inventory (Mini-SPIN)]. (United States)

    D'El Rey, Gustavo José Fonseca; Matos, Cláudia Wilmor


    Social phobia (also known as social anxiety disorder) is a severe mental disorder that brings distress and disability. The aim of this study was validate to the Portuguese language the Mini-Social Phobia Inventory (Mini-SPIN) in a populational sample. We performed a discriminative validity study of the Mini-SPIN in a sample of 644 subjects (Mini-SPIN positive group: n = 218 and control/negative group: n = 426) of a study of anxiety disorders' prevalence in the city of Santo André-SP. The Portuguese version of the Mini-SPIN (with score of 6 points, suggested in the original English version) demonstrated a sensitivity of 95.0%, specificity of 80.3%, positive predictive value of 52.8%, negative predictive value of 98.6% and incorrect classification rate of 16.9%. With score of 7 points, was observed an increase in the specificity and positive predictive value (88.6% and 62.7%), while the sensitivity and negative predictive value (84.8% and 96.2%) remained high. The Portuguese version of the Mini-SPIN showed satisfactory psychometric qualities in terms of discriminative validity. In this study, the cut-off of 7, was considered to be the most suitable to screening of the generalized social phobia.

  20. P A Mini

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Bulletin of Materials Science. P A Mini. Articles written in Bulletin of Materials Science. Volume 36 Issue 4 August 2013 pp 547-551. Composite supercapacitor electrodes made of activated carbon/PEDOT:PSS and activated carbon/doped PEDOT · T S Sonia P A Mini R Nandhini Kalluri Sujith Balakrishnan ...

  1. Estudo anatômico do trajeto da artéria vertebral na coluna cervical inferior humana Anatomical study of the vertebral artery path in human lower cervical spine

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    Ben Hur Junitiro Kajimoto


    Full Text Available O aumento da utilização de novas técnicas e materiais de síntese para o tratamento cirúrgico de afecções da coluna cervical baixa foi acompanhado da crescente preocupação em relação às complicações que podem ocorrer. A técnica de fixação transpedicular, amplamente utilizada para os outros níveis da coluna vertebral, quando realizada na coluna cervical, apesar de conferir maior estabilidade quando comparada a outras técnicas, pode cursar com complicações graves como lesão da artéria vertebral, lesão de raiz nervosa, além de lesão da articulação facetária. A vértebra C7, no entanto, é considerada mais segura para a realização de tal procedimento, já que, na grande maioria das pessoas, segundo os estudos anatômicos disponíveis, esta não possui a artéria vertebral dentro de seu forame transverso, pois este vaso irá penetrar tal estrutura apenas na vértebra C6. Como hoje existem apenas estudos de imagem para avaliação do trajeto desta artéria e suas variações anatômicas, realizamos este estudo anatômico dissecando 40 artérias vertebrais de cadáveres para avaliar a incidência das variações anatômicas. Encontramos 3 casos onde a artéria vertebral penetrou o forame transverso já em C7 (7,5%, o que aumentaria o risco de uma técnica transpedicular neste nível. O restante das peças anatômicas possuíam anatomia habitual.The increasing use of new techniques and materials for surgical treatment of lower cervical spine conditions has come along with an increasing concern regarding potential complications that might occur. The transpedicular fixation technique, frequently used in other spine levels, is used on the cervical spine, while providing more stability than other techniques, it may cause serious complications such as vertebral artery injury, nervous root injury, or facet joint injuries. However, the C7 vertebra is considered safer for performing this procedure, since, in the vast majority of

  2. MiniCNT - A Tabletop Stellarator (United States)

    Dugan, Chris; Pedersen, Thomas; Berkery, John


    MiniCNT is a scaled down version of the Columbia Non-Neutral Torus, a stellarator built to study confinement of non-neutral plasmas on magnetic surfaces. MiniCNT is a glass vacuum chamber capable of holding pressures six orders of magnitude below atmospheric pressure. Unlike CNT, in which plasmas are invisible, MiniCNT allows some collisions with neutrals, causing it to glow. Using two twelve-volt car batteries to power four magnetic coils, MiniCNT generates a 0.02 Tesla magnetic field. While CNT, being larger, is obviously more accurate, there are multiple benefits in MiniCNT. First, it is more flexible and can be adjusted to fit many scenarios easily. The car batteries can be switched for other power sources, the coils can be realigned, and the chamber can be pumped to various pressures of various gases. Also, it is visually accessible; while CNT has glass viewing ports and its plasma is dark, MiniCNT is made of glass and its plasma glows, allowing visualization of the magnetic surfaces.

  3. Mini-Cog and Mini-Mental State Examination: agreement in a cross-sectional study with an elderly sample. (United States)

    Costa, Diogo; Severo, Milton; Fraga, Sílvia; Barros, Henrique


    We aimed to compare the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) with the Mini-Cog, measuring agreement in participants' classification, using a general population sample. Cross-sectional evaluation of 609 community dwellers aged ≥60 years was performed by trained interviewers. Cohen's kappa and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated to assess overall agreement, and Cronbach alphas computed to assess reliability. Two-parameter Item Response Theory models (difficulty and discrimination parameters) were used to assess discrimination. Considering MMSE cut-point for scores Mini-Cog's cut-point score Mini-Cog Mini-Cog Mini-Cog's alpha was 0.2776. Co-calibration according to inherent ability is graphically presented. Agreement between scales seems fragile in our sample. The discriminative and reliability analysis suggests a better performance for subsets of the MMSE compared with the Mini-Cog. Usefulness of calibrated scores is discussed. Copyright © 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  4. MiniDraw

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    MiniDraw is a teaching-oriented 2D graphics direct manipulation framework in Java, inspired by JHotDraw. It is used in the book "Flexible, Reliable Software - using Patterns and Agile Development", by Henrik Bærbak Christensen, published by CRC Press 2010.......MiniDraw is a teaching-oriented 2D graphics direct manipulation framework in Java, inspired by JHotDraw. It is used in the book "Flexible, Reliable Software - using Patterns and Agile Development", by Henrik Bærbak Christensen, published by CRC Press 2010....

  5. Mini-grid Policy Tool-kit. Policy and business frameworks for successful mini-grid roll-outs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Franz, Michael; Hayek, Niklas; Peterschmidt, Nico; Rohrer, Michael; Kondev, Bozhil; Adib, Rana; Cader, Catherina; Carter, Andrew; George, Peter; Gichungi, Henry; Hankins, Mark; Kappiah, Mahama; Mangwengwende, Simbarashe E.


    The Mini-grid Policy Tool-kit is for policy makers to navigate the mini-grid policy design process. It contains information on mini-grid operator models, the economics of mini-grids, and necessary policy and regulation that must be considered for successful implementation. The publication specifically focuses on Africa. Progress on extending the electricity grid in many countries has remained slow because of high costs of gird-extension and limited utility/state budgets for electrification. Mini-grids provide an affordable and cost-effective option to extend needed electricity services. Putting in place the right policy for min-grid deployment requires considerable effort but can yield significant improvement in electricity access rates as examples from Kenya, Senegal and Tanzania illustrate. The tool-kit is available in English, French and Portuguese

  6. Biossorção de níquel e cromo de um efluente de galvanoplastia utilizando alga marinha pré-tratada em coluna = Biosorption of nickel and chromium from a galvanization effluent using seaweed pre-treated on a fixed-bed column

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    Márcia Teresinha Veit


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve por objetivo o estudo da biossorção dos íons cromo e níquel presentes no efluente do processo de uma indústria de galvanoplastia, utilizando como biossorvente a biomassa de alga marinha pré-tratada Sargassum filipendula. As condições deoperação da coluna foram: massa de biossorvente de 8 g, pH do efluente de alimentação 3,85, temperatura de 30ºC, vazão de 6 mL min.-1 e concentrações iniciais de alimentação (cromo+níquel de 7,12 e 3,66 meq L-1. Foi empregado um modelo matemático para representar a dinâmica da biossorção em coluna de leito fixo. O modelo da isotermamulticomponente de Langmuir (qm= 2,78 meq g-1, bCr = 0,85 L meq-1, bNi = 0,08 L meq-1 foi utilizado para representar os dados de equilíbrio da coluna e para simular a dinâmica de biossorção dos íons. Os resultados da simulação demonstraram que o modelo matemáticoempregado foi capaz de descrever satisfatoriamente a complexa dinâmica de biossorção dos íons presentes no efluente.This work investigated the biosorption of chromium (III and nickel (II present in the effluent of a galvanoplasty plant using the pre-treated biomass of Sargassum filipendula seaweed. The column operation conditions were 8 g of biosorbent mass, 3.85 pH for the feed effluent, 30ºC temperature, 6 mL min.-1 flow rate, 7.12 meq L-1 initial chromium concentration and 3.66 meq L-1 initialnickel concentration. A mathematical model was used to represent the dynamics of biosorption of the metals in a fixed-bed column. The Langmuir multicomponent isotherm model (qm = 2.78 meq g-1, bCr = 0.85 L meq-1, bNi = 0.08 L meq-1 was used to represent the equilibrium data of the column and to simulate the biosorption dynamics of the ions. The simulation results showed that the mathematical model described satisfactory the complex binary biosorption of chromium and nickel in the effluent.

  7. Fratura tipo explosão da coluna torácica e lombar: correlação entre o segmento biomecânico sagital acometido e as alterações estruturais da vértebra fraturada


    Silva,Matheus Luís da; Tisot,Rodrigo Arnold; Vieira,Juliano Silveira Luiz; Santos,Renato Tadeu dos; Tisot,Orley Fauth


    OBJETIVO: Analisar as fraturas tipo explosão da coluna torácica e lombar e fazer a correlação entre o segmento biomecânico sagital acometido e as alterações estruturais da vértebra fraturada. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de 72 pacientes com fraturas tipo explosão da coluna torácica e lombar. O estreitamento do canal vertebral, o colapso vertebral e a cifose local foram avaliados em três segmentos distintos: torácico, transição toracolombar e lombar. RESULTADOS: Houve diferença estatística si...

  8. Review of mini-clinical evaluation exercise (mini-CEX in a psychiatry clerkship

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    Meresh E


    Full Text Available Edwin Meresh,1 David Daniels,2 Aparna Sharma,1 Murali Rao,1 Kaushal Mehta,3 David Schilling1 1Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences, Stritch School of Medicine, Loyola University Medical Center, Maywood, IL, USA; 2Department of Psychiatry, Medstar Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DC, USA; 3School of Public Health, Stritch School of Medicine, Loyola University Medical Center, Maywood, IL USA Background: Direct observation of medical students with actual patients is important for the assessment of clinical skills including interviewing and counseling skills. This article describes medical students’ experience of mini-clinical evaluation exercise (mini-CEX during their clerkship in consultation psychiatry. Materials and methods: In our center during inpatient consultation psychiatry clerkship, all rotating students are expected to complete one mini-CEX assessment as part of their clinical training. We conducted retrospective analysis of mini-CEX ratings completed from 2013 to 2016. All evaluations took place at inpatient medical setting in patients admitted with medical conditions and psychiatric comorbidities. Results: A total of 113 evaluations were reviewed. The time examiner observed the interaction of a student with the patient was 14.24 minutes (mean, and the time spent in providing feedback to the student was 9.71 minutes. Complexity of problem was rated as low in 0.88% (n=1, moderate in 50.44% (n=57, and high in 48.67% (n=55. Highest ratings were for professionalism, similar to previous reports. Total score calculated by examiner showed no difference by the complexity of the patient; however, we observed a trend in higher counseling score for the high complexity group. Conclusion: Mini-CEX assessment during busy clerkship is feasible with good outcomes. Direct observation of medical trainees with actual patients is important for the assessment of performance-based clinical skills. Hospital psychiatry rotation

  9. Psychometric properties of a sign language version of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI)


    Øhre, Beate; Saltnes, Hege; von Tetzchner, Stephen; Falkum, Erik


    Background There is a need for psychiatric assessment instruments that enable reliable diagnoses in persons with hearing loss who have sign language as their primary language. The objective of this study was to assess the validity of the Norwegian Sign Language (NSL) version of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI). Methods The MINI was translated into NSL. Forty-one signing patients consecutively referred to two specialised psychiatric units were assessed with a diagnos...

  10. iPad mini for dummies

    CERN Document Server

    Baig, Edward C


    Find out why the iPad mini has never been bigger This new edition of iPad mini For Dummies covers all the latest tips and tricks for getting an even bigger bang out of your iPad mini. Presented in full-color and written in the straightforward but fun language that has defined the For Dummies brand for more than twenty years, this friendly guide walks you through the multitouch interface, going online, getting connected, packing your iPad mini with apps, games, e-books, photos, music, and movies, synchronizing your data, texting with iMessage, working with Siri, importing pictures and launching

  11. Spurious RF signals emitted by mini-UAVs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schleijpen, R.; Voogt, V.; Zwamborn, P.; Oever, J. van den


    This paper presents experimental work on the detection of spurious RF emissions of mini Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (mini-UAV). Many recent events have shown that mini-UAVs can be considered as a potential threat for civil security. For this reason the detection of mini-UAVs has become of interest to

  12. Teores de tiamina, riboflavina e piridoxina em leites bovinos comercializados na cidade de São Paulo

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    Full Text Available A cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência foi empregada para determinar os teores de tiamina, riboflavina e piridoxina em leites em pó, pasteurizados e esterilizados. As vitaminas foram extraídas com ácido tricloroacético 5% (p/v, permanecendo sob vibração ultrassônica por 1 hora. Foram analisadas simultaneamente, empregando-se coluna C18, fase móvel constituída por água:acetonitrila:NH4OH, contendo 0,95g de ácido hexanossulfônico/L. O pH final da solução foi ajustado para 3,6 com fluxo foi de 1,5mL/min. A tiamina e a riboflavina foram detectadas na região do UV e a piridoxina por fluorescência. Os baixos teores de tiamina dificultaram sua quantificação, principalmente nos leites pasteurizados. O uso do detector de fluorescência contribuiu para a quantificação da piridoxina na maior parte dos leites analisados. A riboflavina, por sua vez, presente com teores mais abundantes, pode ser analisada em todas as amostras. A tiamina esteve com teores bem acima dos declarados em algumas marcas de leite em pó, estando a riboflavina com teores abaixo do informado em uma delas. Em algumas marcas de leite em pó e esterilizados, a piridoxina foi encontrada com teores bem abaixo do informado.

  13. Conduta na lesão dural intraoperatória em artrodese da coluna lombar Conducta en lesión de duramadre intraoperatoria en artrodesis de la columna lumbar Management of intraoperatory dural tear in lumbar spine arthrodesis


    Fabiano de Mendonça Grandese; Clóvis Yamazato; Fábio Mastromauro de Oliveira; Iberê Ribeiro; José Olympio Catão Bastos Júnior; René Kusabara


    OBJETIVO: estudo retrospectivo de pacientes com lesão dural intraoperatória de cirurgia da coluna vertebral lombar, conduzido por meio de um protocolo independente da extensão da lesão, complicações associadas e resultados após seguimento mínimo de um ano. MÉTODOS: um total de 10 pacientes com durotomia acidental em cirurgias de descompressão e artrodese da coluna vertebral lombar, no período de Janeiro de 2007 a Janeiro de 2009, para tratamento de doença degenerativa, tiveram seus prontuário...

  14. A importância da estabilização central no método Pilates: uma revisão sistemática

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    Gisele Marés

    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Joseph Humbertus Pilates criou uma série de exercícios baseados nos movimentos progressivos que o corpo é capaz de executar, os quais envolvem contrações isotônicas e, principalmente, isométricas, no que denominou power house (ou centro de força. OBJETIVOS: Este estudo tem como objetivo geral analisar os aspectos relacionados à importância da estabilização central no método Pilates. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática sobre o assunto na biblioteca central e virtual da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, e também por meio do site de busca BIREME acessando as bases de dados LILACS, PUB MED, CAPES e MEDLINE. A pesquisa abrangeu livros, revistas, periódicos publicados entre 2000 e 2010, e os descritores utilizados para a busca foram pilates e core. RESULTADOS: Concluiu-se que a estabilização central ajuda o indivíduo a obter ganhos de força, controle neuromuscular, potência e resistência muscular, facilitando um equilibrado funcionamento muscular. CONCLUSÃO: Embora seja necessária uma bibliografia mais extensa, pode-se verificar que a estabilização central no Pilates é importante para o equilíbrio de carga apropriado dentro da coluna vertebral, pélvis.

  15. Mini-implants: mechanical resource for molars uprighting

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    Susiane Allgayer


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: The early orthodontic treatment allows correction of skeletal discrepancies by growth control, and the elimination of deleterious habits, which are risk factors for the development of malocclusions, favoring for the correction of tooth positioning later in a second treatment stage. During development of teeth and occlusion, the mandibular second molars commonly erupt in the oral cavity after all other teeth of the anterior region. In their eruptive process there may be a condition known as tooth impaction, which precludes its complete eruption and requires proper uprighting treatment. The temporary anchorage devices allow disimpaction and movement of these teeth directly to their final position, without the need of patient compliance or reaction movements in other parts of the arch. OBJECTIVE: This paper aims at describing a case report of the treatment of a patient with Angle Class II malocclusion, performed in two phases, in which mini-implants were used for uprighting the impacted mandibular second molars.INTRODUÇÃO: o tratamento ortodôntico precoce permite a correção das discrepâncias esqueléticas por meio do controle de crescimento e a eliminação de hábitos deletérios, que são fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento de más oclusões, que favorecem a correção do posicionamento dentário mais tardiamente, em uma segunda fase do tratamento. Durante o desenvolvimento da dentição e da oclusão, normalmente o segundo molar inferior chega à cavidade bucal após todos os dentes posicionados anteriormente a ele. Durante seu processo eruptivo, pode ocorrer uma condição chamada "impacção dentária", em que sua erupção completa é interrompida, exigindo tratamento apropriado para verticalização. Os dispositivos temporários de ancoragem permitem a desimpacção e a movimentação desses dentes diretamente às suas posições finais, sem a necessidade de cooperação do paciente e sem movimento de reação nas

  16. Psychometric Evaluation of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents (MINI-KID). (United States)

    Duncan, Laura; Georgiades, Kathy; Wang, Li; Van Lieshout, Ryan J; MacMillan, Harriet L; Ferro, Mark A; Lipman, Ellen L; Szatmari, Peter; Bennett, Kathryn; Kata, Anna; Janus, Magdalena; Boyle, Michael H


    The goals of the study were to examine test-retest reliability, informant agreement and convergent and discriminant validity of nine DSM-IV-TR psychiatric disorders classified by parent and youth versions of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents (MINI-KID). Using samples drawn from the general population and child mental health outpatient clinics, 283 youth aged 9 to 18 years and their parents separately completed the MINI-KID with trained lay interviewers on two occasions 7 to 14 days apart. Test-retest reliability estimates based on kappa (κ) went from 0.33 to 0.79 across disorders, samples and informants. Parent-youth agreement on disorders was low (average κ = 0.20). Confirmatory factor analysis provided evidence supporting convergent and discriminant validity. The MINI-KID disorder classifications yielded estimates of test-retest reliability and validity comparable to other standardized diagnostic interviews in both general population and clinic samples. These findings, in addition to the brevity and low administration cost, make the MINI-KID a good candidate for use in epidemiological research and clinical practice. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).

  17. Efeito da adição de diferentes fontes de cálcio no movimento de cátions em colunas de solo Effect of several calcium sources on cation leaching using soil columns

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    I.C. de Maria


    Full Text Available No estudo realizado em colunas de solo montadas em laboratório, procurou-se avaliar o movimento do cálcio, e de outros cátions, após aplicação de calcário agrícola, gesso, calcário calcinado e uma mistura de calcário agrícola e gesso, comparados com um tratamento testemunha, em dois latossolos vermelho escuros de texturas diferentes: média e argilosa. Utilizaram-se colunas de PVC, com 5cm de diâmetro e 45cm de altura, e aplicaram-se em cada coluna 1,8 litros de água, parcelados em quatro vezes. Determinaram-se os cátions trocáveis presentes na água percolada e, no final do experimento, em cinco profundidades de cada solo. Os resultados mostraram que nos tratamentos gesso e calcário mais gesso as quantidades de Ca2+, Mg2+, K+ e Al3+ na solução percolada foram maiores, enquanto que os tratamentos calcário agrícola e calcário calcinado não promoveram perdas significativas de cátions. As maiores perdas ocorreram na primeira percolação no solo de textura média e na segunda no solo de textura argilosa. O gesso não modificou o pH dos solos, mas reduziu teores de bases no solo argiloso, enquanto que os calcários corrigiram o solo apenas próximo à camada de incorporação.Soil columns under controlled conditions were used to determine the movement of calcium and other cations after the application of lime, calcium oxide, gypsum and a mixture of Ume and gypsum, compared with a control treatment. Two Oxisols with different textures were used: clayey and silty. Rigid polyvinyl chloride (PVC columns (length, 45cm; diam, 5cm were used, applying 1.8 1 of water to each divided into four applications. Exchangeable cations were determined in the drainage water in 4 periods and in 5 dephts of the soil columns at the end of the experiment. The results showed that losses of Ca2+, Mg2+, K+ and A1(3+, were higher in the treatments with gypsum and lime plus gypsum. Amendments h'ke lime and calcium oxide did not promote significant losses

  18. [Bone remodeling and modeling/mini-modeling. (United States)

    Hasegawa, Tomoka; Amizuka, Norio

    Modeling, adapting structures to loading by changing bone size and shapes, often takes place in bone of the fetal and developmental stages, while bone remodeling-replacement of old bone into new bone-is predominant in the adult stage. Modeling can be divided into macro-modeling(macroscopic modeling)and mini-modeling(microscopic modeling). In the cellular process of mini-modeling, unlike bone remodeling, bone lining cells, i.e., resting flattened osteoblasts covering bone surfaces will become active form of osteoblasts, and then, deposit new bone onto the old bone without mediating osteoclastic bone resorption. Among the drugs for osteoporotic treatment, eldecalcitol(a vitamin D3 analog)and teriparatide(human PTH[1-34])could show mini-modeling based bone formation. Histologically, mature, active form of osteoblasts are localized on the new bone induced by mini-modeling, however, only a few cell layer of preosteoblasts are formed over the newly-formed bone, and accordingly, few osteoclasts are present in the region of mini-modeling. In this review, histological characteristics of bone remodeling and modeling including mini-modeling will be introduced.

  19. The MiniBooNE Detector


    MiniBooNE Collaboration


    The MiniBooNE neutrino detector was designed and built to look for muon-neutrino to electron-neutrino oscillations in the mixing parameter space region where the LSND experiment reported a signal. The MiniBooNE experiment used a beam energy and baseline that were an order of magnitude larger than those of LSND so that the backgrounds and systematic errors would be completely different. This paper provides a detailed description of the design, function, and performance of the MiniBooNE detector.

  20. A DNA mini-barcode for land plants. (United States)

    Little, Damon P


    Small portions of the barcode region - mini-barcodes - may be used in place of full-length barcodes to overcome DNA degradation for samples with poor DNA preservation. 591,491,286 rbcL mini-barcode primer combinations were electronically evaluated for PCR universality, and two novel highly universal sets of priming sites were identified. Novel and published rbcL mini-barcode primers were evaluated for PCR amplification [determined with a validated electronic simulation (n = 2765) and empirically (n = 188)], Sanger sequence quality [determined empirically (n = 188)], and taxonomic discrimination [determined empirically (n = 30,472)]. PCR amplification for all mini-barcodes, as estimated by validated electronic simulation, was successful for 90.2-99.8% of species. Overall Sanger sequence quality for mini-barcodes was very low - the best mini-barcode tested produced sequences of adequate quality (B20 ≥ 0.5) for 74.5% of samples. The majority of mini-barcodes provide correct identifications of families in excess of 70.1% of the time. Discriminatory power noticeably decreased at lower taxonomic levels. At the species level, the discriminatory power of the best mini-barcode was less than 38.2%. For samples believed to contain DNA from only one species, an investigator should attempt to sequence, in decreasing order of utility and probability of success, mini-barcodes F (rbcL1/rbcLB), D (F52/R193) and K (F517/R604). For samples believed to contain DNA from more than one species, an investigator should amplify and sequence mini-barcode D (F52/R193). © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  1. Comparação dos modelos de avaliação de empresas com base no fluxo de caixa descontado e no lucro residual: estudo de caso de uma empresa de energia elétrica.

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    Valter Saurin


    Full Text Available Na metodologia de avaliação de empresas destacam-se como clássicos os modelos baseados no fluxo de caixa descontado e no lucro residual. Cada modelo tem suas características e fornece uma informação diferenciada, mas teoricamente devem proporcionar resultados financeiros equivalentes, se for empregada à mesma base de dados. O objetivo deste estudo é verificar se, com a utilização da mesma base de dados, os modelos do fluxo de caixa, descontado e do lucro residual, proporcionamresultados equivalentes ou se existem conflitos metodológicos entre eles. Efetuou-se a análise de um caso real, de uma empresa de utilidade pública,empregando-se o modelo do fluxo de caixa descontado e do lucro residual comparando-se os resultados com o preço negociado, ajustado para representar 100% do capital próprio. Os resultados mostraram diferenças significativas entre os valores calculados e entre estes e o preço de venda da empresa em estudo.

  2. The MiniBooNE detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aguilar-Arevalo, A.A.; Anderson, C.E.; Bartoszek, L.M.; Bazarko, A.O.; Brice, S.J.; Brown, B.C.; Bugel, L.; Cao, J.; Coney, L.; Conrad, J.M.; Cox, D.C.; Curioni, A.; Djurcic, Z.; Finley, D.A.; Fleming, B.T.; Ford, R.; Garcia, F.G.; Garvey, G.T.; Green, C.; Green, J.A.


    The MiniBooNE neutrino detector was designed and built to look for ν μ →ν e oscillations in the (sin 2 2θ,Δm 2 ) parameter space region where the LSND experiment reported a signal. The MiniBooNE experiment used a beam energy and baseline that were an order of magnitude larger than those of LSND so that the backgrounds and systematic errors would be completely different. This paper provides a detailed description of the design, function, and performance of the MiniBooNE detector.

  3. Are Ducted Mini-Splits Worth It?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Winkler, Jonathan M [National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Maguire, Jeffrey B [National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Metzger, Cheryn E. [Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Zhang, Jason [Pacific Northwest National Laboratory


    Ducted mini-split heat pumps are gaining popularity in some regions of the country due to their energy-efficient specifications and their ability to be hidden from sight. Although product and install costs are typically higher than the ductless mini-split heat pumps, this technology is well worth the premium for some homeowners who do not like to see an indoor unit in their living area. Due to the interest in this technology by local utilities and homeowners, the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) has funded the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) to develop capabilities within the Building Energy Optimization (BEopt) tool to model ducted mini-split heat pumps. After the fundamental capabilities were added, energy-use results could be compared to other technologies that were already in BEopt, such as zonal electric resistance heat, central air source heat pumps, and ductless mini-split heat pumps. Each of these technologies was then compared using five prototype configurations in three different BPA heating zones to determine how the ducted mini-split technology would perform under different scenarios. The result of this project was a set of EnergyPlus models representing the various prototype configurations in each climate zone. Overall, the ducted mini-split heat pumps saved about 33-60% compared to zonal electric resistance heat (with window AC systems modeled in the summer). The results also showed that the ducted mini-split systems used about 4% more energy than the ductless mini-split systems, which saved about 37-64% compared to electric zonal heat (depending on the prototype and climate).

  4. Granuloma eosinófilo da coluna cervical com manifestação neurológica, liquorica e radiológica atípica

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    Umbertina Conti Reed


    Full Text Available É relatado um caso de granuloma eosinófilo da coluna cervical em menino branco de 10 anos de idade que apresentava dor cervical na altura de C5-C6, hemiparesia direita que evoluiu ulteriormente para tetraparesia, mista, de tipo motonêuronio inferior para membros superiores e de tipo motonêuronio superior para membros inferiores. O exame do líquido cefalorraquano (LCR revelou alterações de tipo inflamatório. Radiografias da coluna cervical mostravam apenas aspecto irregular da apófise espinhosa de C6 com rarefação na base. Houve acentuada e rápida melhora do quadro neurológico e normalização do LCR na vigência de córticoterapia e, reagravamento da sintomatologia neurológica bem como das alterações no LCR após supressão da referida medicação. A biópsia do processo espinhoso da sexta vértebra cervical revelou tratar-se de granuloma eosinófilo. A evolução foi excelente após radioterapia local associada a corticosteróides. São discutidas as características do caso e daqueles referidos na literatura.

  5. Design guidelines for mini-roundabouts

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Emslie, I


    Full Text Available Guidelines for Traffic Calming. Concepts and principles relating to the use of mini-roundabouts as a form of intersection control and in the traffic calming context are discussed. Warrants for the implementation of mini-roundabouts and design standards...

  6. MiniBooNE Oscillation Results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Djurcic, Zelimir


    These proceedings summarize the MiniBooNE ν μ → ν e results, describe the first (bar ν) μ → (bar ν) e result, and current analysis effort with the NuMI neutrinos detected in the miniBooNE detector

  7. Vantagens e desvantagens das colunas C18 e C30 para a separação de carotenóides por CLAE Advantages and disadvantages of C18 and C30 columns for HPLC separation of carotenoids

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    Itaciara Larroza Nunes


    Full Text Available Estudos têm demonstrado uma alta associação entre ingestão ou nível plasmático de carotenóides e a diminuição do risco ou proteção contra algumas doenças. Estes fatos, bem como a elevada suscetibilidade destes compostos à luz e calor, com formação de isômeros cis, os quais apresentam menor atividade biológica, torna importante o desenvolvimento de sistemas que permitam a separação destes carotenóides em alimentos. Neste trabalho foi avaliada a separação de isômeros geométricos de licopeno, e dos isômeros de posição luteína e zeaxantina, por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE, utilizando colunas C18 (monomérica, 4 mm, 300 x 3,9 mm e C30 (polimérica, 3 mm, 250 x 4,6 mm e diferentes fases móveis, tanto com eluição isocrática como com gradiente. Os carotenóides foram identificados através das características espectrais e co-cromatografia com padrões. As melhores condições cromatográficas foram obtidas em coluna C30 com temperatura de 33 ºC, eluição isocrática a 1 mL/min e fase móvel com metanol (0,1% trietilamina/éter metil-terc-butílico (50:50 para separar isômeros de licopeno e (95:5 para luteína e zeaxantina. Entretanto, para análise quantitativa, é necessário verificar a repetibilidade da área dos picos na coluna C30. Além disso, a coluna C18 monomérica pode ser empregada para separar luteína e zeaxantina.Several studies have demonstrated a high association between dietary intake or plasma levels of carotenoids and the decrease of risk or the protection against some diseases. Taking this into consideration, as well as the high susceptibility of these compounds to light and heat, leading to the formation of cis isomers with lower biological activity, it is important to develop systems that allow the separation of such compounds in foods. This work evaluated the separation of the geometric isomers of lycopene and of the position isomers, lutein and zeaxanthin, by high

  8. Metodologia para avaliar a saúde ambiental: uma aplicação em municípios empregando a análise multicriterial

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    José Ribamar Marques de Carvalho


    Full Text Available Atualmente são observadas muitas maneiras de abordar a complexidade dos aspectos relacionados à saúde pública. Uma delas é a relação entre os seres humanos e o meio ambiente, especificamente através de indicadores de saúde ambiental. Dessa forma, o presente estudo objetiva propor uma metodologia baseada em indicadores de saúde ambiental e análise multicritério no intuito de analisar a situação da saúde em cidades, permitindo comparar dados ambientais entre municipalidades que integram a Região do Alto Curso do Rio Paraíba. Para tanto, fez-se o uso da pesquisa documental e exploratória e da análise multicriterial. Os municípios de São Domingos do Cariri foram os que apresentaram o menor Indicador Multicritério de Saúde Ambiental, seguido dos municípios de Amparo, Zabelê, São João do Tigre, Congo, Coxixola, São Sebastião do Umbuzeiro, Barra de São Miguel, Cabaceiras, Camalaú, Ouro Velho e São João do Cariri já que estes municípios apresentaram Indicador Multicritério de Saúde Ambiental (IMSA negativo, ou seja, que necessitam de melhores estratégias de gestão pública no intuito de melhorar esse cenário. Por sua vez, as cidades com melhores desempenhos, IMSA positivos foram: Monteiro, Boqueirão, Sumé, Serra Branca e Prata.

  9. Diagnostic validity Polish language version of the questionnaire MINI-KID (Mini International Neuropsychiatry Interview for Children and Adolescent). (United States)

    Adamowska, Sylwia; Sylwia, Adamowska; Adamowski, Tomasz; Tomasz, Adamowski; Frydecka, Dorota; Dorota, Frydecka; Kiejna, Andrzej; Andrzej, Kiejna


    Since over forty years structuralized interviews for clinical and epidemiological research in child and adolescent psychiatry are being developed that should increase validity and reliability of diagnoses according to classification systems (DSM and ICD). The aim of the study is to assess the validity of the Polish version of MINI-KID (Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents) in comparison to clinical diagnosis made by a specialist in the field of child and adolescent psychiatry. There were 140 patients included in the study (93 boys, 66.4%, mean age 11.8±3.0 and 47 girls 33.5%, mean age 14.0±2.9). All the patients were diagnosed by the specialist in the field of child and adolescent psychiatry according to ICD-10 criteria and by the independent interviewer with the Polish version of MINI-KID (version 2.0, 2001). There was higher agreement between clinical diagnoses and diagnoses based on MINI-KID interview with respect to eating disorders and externalizing disorders (κ 0.43-0.56) and lower in internalizing disorders (κ 0.13-0.45). In the clinical interview, there was smaller number of diagnostic categories (maximum 3 diagnoses per one patient) in comparison to MINI-KID (maximum 10 diagnoses per one patient), and the smaller percentage of patients with one diagnosis (65,7%) in comparison to MINI-KID interview (72%). Our study has shown satisfactory validity parameters of MINI-KID questionnaire, promoting its use for clinical and epidemiological settings. The Mini International Neuropsychiatry Interview for Children and Adolescent (MINI-KID) is the first structuralized diagnostic interview for assessing mental status in children and adolescents, which has been translated into Polish language. Our validation study demonstrated satisfactory psychometric properties of the questionnaire, enabling its use in clinical practice and in research projects. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Mini-Sniffer on Lakebed (United States)


    The original Mini-Sniffer on Rogers Dry Lake, adjacent to NASA's Flight Research Center, Edwards AFB. This version of the remotely-piloted vehicle had swept-back wings, tip rudders, nose canards, and an air breathing engine. The Mini-Sniffer was a remotely controlled, propeller-driven vehicle developed at the NASA Flight Research Center (which became the Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California, in 1976) as a potential platform to sample the upper atmosphere for pollution. The vehicle, flown from 1975 to 1977, was one of the earliest attempts by NASA to develop an aircraft that could sense turbulence and measure natural and human-produced atmospheric pollutants at altitudes above 80,000 feet with a variable-load propeller that was never flight-tested. Three Mini-Sniffer vehicles were built. The number 1 Mini-Sniffer vehicle had swept wings with a span of 18 feet and canards on the nose. It flew 12 flights with the gas-powered engine at low altitudes of around 2,500 feet. The number 1 vehicle was then modified into version number 2 by removing the canards and wing rudders and adding wing tips and tail booms. Twenty flights were made with this version, up to altitudes of 20,000 feet. The number 3 vehicle had a longer fuselage, was lighter in weight, and was powered by the non-air-breathing hydrazine engine designed by NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. This version was designed to fly a 25-pound payload to an altitude of 70,000 feet for one hour or to climb to 90,000 feet and glide back. The number 3 Mini-Sniffer made one flight to 20,000 feet and was not flown again because of a hydrazine leak problem. All three versions used a pusher propeller to free the nose area for an atmospheric-sampling payload. At various times the Mini-Sniffer has been considered for exploration in the carbon dioxide atmosphere of the planet Mars, where the gravity (38 percent of that on Earth) would reduce the horsepower needed for flight.


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    Eliza Oliveira Lippe

    Full Text Available A proposta de educação inclusiva do governo estadual de São Paulo baseia-se na adaptação curricular. O presente estudo teve por ob jetivo analisar a voz do aluno com deficiência visual incluído na sala de aula regular. Utilizou-se, para análise dos dados, a Análise Textual Discursiva. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que o aluno com defi ciência visual está apenas inserido na sala de aula regular, e as políticas públicas pouco se atentam para a sua inclusão. Nesse sentido, observa mos a necessidade de uma formação continuada dos professores da sala regular, não apenas para adequar suas metodologias, mas também para que eles se preocupem em dialogar com os professores especialistas, empregando as salas de recursos como um espaço de apoio.

  12. Mini-implant-supported Molar Distalization

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    Amit Goyal


    Full Text Available Temporary anchorage devices popularly called mini-implants or miniscrews are the latest addition to an orthodontist′s armamentarium. The following case report describes the treatment of a 16-year-old girl with a pleasant profile, moderate crowding and Angle′s Class II molar relationship. Maxillary molar distalization was planned and mini-implants were used to preserve the anterior anchorage. After 13 months of treatment, Class I molar and canine relation was achieved bilaterally and there was no anterior proclination. Thus, mini-implants provide a viable option to the clinician to carry out difficult tooth movements without any side effects.

  13. Validation, repeatability and reproducibility of a noninvasive instrument for measuring thoracic and lumbar curvature of the spine in the sagittal plane Validade, repetibilidade e reprodutibilidade de um instrumento não-invasivo para medição das curvaturas torácica e lombar da coluna vertebral no plano sagital

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    Fabiana O. Chaise


    trigonometria, forneceram os AA. RESULTADOS: Encontrou-se correlação muito forte e significativa entre AA e AC (r=0,94, p<0,01, sem diferença significativa (p=0,32 para a curvatura torácica, enquanto, para a curvatura lombar, encontrou-se uma forte e significativa correlação (r=0,71, p<0,01 entre AA e AC, sem diferença significativa (p=0,30. Existe uma correlação muito forte intra-avaliador e inter-avaliador nos AA. CONCLUSÃO: O arcômetro permitiu quantificar as curvaturas torácica e lombar, podendo-se considerar as medições válidas, fidedignas e objetivas para uso na avaliação de curvaturas da coluna vertebral no plano sagital.

  14. The Individual Features Of Indonesian-Chinese Mini-Novels

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    Ma Feng


    Full Text Available This article talks about mini-novels in the new period of Indonesian Chinese Literature. Through the overall developing trend of mini-novels’ corpuses, analyzes the individual creative features: firstly, the humor of Mo Mingmiao’s Mini-novels; secondly, the compassion of Xiao Xing’s Mini-novels; thirdly, Yuan Ni’s emotional sonata of The Lost Key-ring. By combination of themes and techniques of the three mini-novels corpuses, the article focuses on the analysis of three writers’ distinctive writing style.

  15. Mini-Sniffer II in Flight (United States)


    This photograph shows the second Mini-Sniffer undergoing flight testing over Rogers Dry Lake in Edwards, California. This version of the Mini-Sniffer lacked the canard of the original version and had wing tips and tail booms added. The Mini-Sniffer was a remotely controlled, propeller-driven vehicle developed at the NASA Flight Research Center (which became the Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California, in 1976) as a potential platform to sample the upper atmosphere for pollution. The vehicle, flown from 1975 to 1977, was one of the earliest attempts by NASA to develop an aircraft that could sense turbulence and measure natural and human-produced atmospheric pollutants at altitudes above 80,000 feet with a variable-load propeller that was never flight-tested. Three Mini-Sniffer vehicles were built. The number 1 Mini-Sniffer vehicle had swept wings with a span of 18 feet and canards on the nose. It flew 12 flights with the gas-powered engine at low altitudes of around 2,500 feet. The number 1 vehicle was then modified into version number 2 by removing the canards and wing rudders and adding wing tips and tail booms. Twenty flights were made with this version, up to altitudes of 20,000 feet. The number 3 vehicle had a longer fuselage, was lighter in weight, and was powered by the non-air-breathing hydrazine engine designed by NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. This version was designed to fly a 25-pound payload to an altitude of 70,000 feet for one hour or to climb to 90,000 feet and glide back. The number 3 Mini-Sniffer made one flight to 20,000 feet and was not flown again because of a hydrazine leak problem. All three versions used a pusher propeller to free the nose area for an atmospheric-sampling payload. At various times the Mini-Sniffer has been considered for exploration in the carbon dioxide atmosphere of the planet Mars, where the gravity (38 percent of that on Earth) would reduce the horsepower needed for flight.

  16. Current Status of the MiniBooNE Experiment


    Ray, H.; collaboration, for the MiniBooNE


    MiniBooNE is an experiment designed to refute or confirm the LSND anti-nu_mu -> anti-nu_e oscillation result. MiniBooNE will look for oscillations of nu_mu -> nu_e in a closed-box appearance analysis. MiniBooNE began collecting data in 2002, and is expected to continue data taking through 2005. Current MiniBooNE results are presented.

  17. Quality Assurance Framework for Mini-Grids

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baring-Gould, Ian [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Burman, Kari [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Singh, Mohit [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Esterly, Sean [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Mutiso, Rose [US Department of Energy, Washington, DC (United States); McGregor, Caroline [US Department of Energy, Washington, DC (United States)


    Providing clean and affordable energy services to the more than 1 billion people globally who lack access to electricity is a critical driver for poverty reduction, economic development, improved health, and social outcomes. More than 84% of populations without electricity are located in rural areas where traditional grid extension may not be cost-effective; therefore, distributed energy solutions such as mini-grids are critical. To address some of the root challenges of providing safe, quality, and financially viable mini-grid power systems to remote customers, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) teamed with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) to develop a Quality Assurance Framework (QAF) for isolated mini-grids. The QAF for mini-grids aims to address some root challenges of providing safe, quality, and affordable power to remote customers via financially viable mini-grids through two key components: (1) Levels of service: Defines a standard set of tiers of end-user service and links them to technical parameters of power quality, power availability, and power reliability. These levels of service span the entire energy ladder, from basic energy service to high-quality, high-reliability, and high-availability service (often considered 'grid parity'); (2) Accountability and performance reporting framework: Provides a clear process of validating power delivery by providing trusted information to customers, funders, and/or regulators. The performance reporting protocol can also serve as a robust monitoring and evaluation tool for mini-grid operators and funding organizations. The QAF will provide a flexible alternative to rigid top-down standards for mini-grids in energy access contexts, outlining tiers of end-user service and linking them to relevant technical parameters. In addition, data generated through implementation of the QAF will provide the foundation for comparisons across projects, assessment of impacts, and greater confidence that

  18. Model Documentation for the MiniCAM

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brenkert, Antoinette L.; Smith, Steven J.; Kim, Son H.; Pitcher, Hugh M.


    The MiniCAM, short for the Mini-Climate Assessment Model, is an integrated assessment model of moderate complexity focused on energy and agriculture sectors. The model produces emissions of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide) and other radiatively important substances such as sulfur dioxide. Through incorporation of the simple climate model MAGICC, the consequences of these emissions for climate change and sea-level rise can be examined. The MiniCAM is designed to be fast and flexible.


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    J. M. A. T. K. PEREIRA


    Full Text Available

    Dentre os atributos de qualidade sensorial exigidos para mini-cenouras, a cor externa é um dos mais importantes. Este trabalho objetivou comparar dois métodos de avaliação da cor em mini-cenouras: instrumental (colorimetria e sensorial (análise descritiva. Raízes de cenouras da variedade Indiana-F1 foram processadas na Indústria Mr. Rabbit Farm Ltda., divididas em dois lotes, onde um seguiu o fl uxograma de processamento da indústria e ao outro foi acrescentada a etapa de revestimento em solução polipeptídica a 2%. Os dois lotes foram armazenados em expositores verticais, sob duas temperaturas distintas, 5oC e 10oC, para posterior avaliação instrumental e sensorial da cor. A avaliação instrumental foi realizada com um colorímetro modelo Color Quest II (Sphere (“Hunter Lab Reston”, VA calibrado para cor branca. O método sensorial foi realizado por uma equipe composta por nove provadores adequadamente selecionados e treinados, utilizando escala não estruturada de 9 cm. Os resultados obtidos da análise instrumental indicaram não haver diferença signifi cativa (p>0,05 entre as mini-cenouras com e sem revestimento, armazenadas a 5 e 10º C. Já nos resultados da equipe treinada foi verifi cada diferença entre as amostras ( <0,05. Após 25 dias, as mini-cenouras revestidas foram classifi cadas, pela equipe treinada, com nenhum esbranquiçamento e as não revestidas como muito esbranquiçadas, demonstrando que o método sensorial foi mais efi ciente para avaliação do esbranquiçamento de mini-cenouras.

  20. Standardization of the Korean version of Mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer (K-Mini-MAC) scale: factor structure, reliability and validity. (United States)

    Kang, Jee In; Chung, Hyun Cheol; Kim, Se Joo; Choi, Hye Jin; Ahn, Joong Bae; Jeung, Hei-Cheul; Namkoong, Kee


    Mental adjustment and coping affect the physical outcome and survival as well as quality of life in cancer patients. The Mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer (Mini-MAC) scale is a new refined, economical and reliable self-rating instrument measuring cognitive and behavioral responses to cancer. The aim of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Mini-MAC in Korean cancer patients. A total of 208 cancer patients recruited from the Yonsei Cancer Center were assessed with the Mini-MAC and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Principal component analysis with varimax rotation for the Korean version of Mini-MAC (K-Mini-MAC) confirmed four factors. Three had psychometric properties similar to Helpless-Hopeless (HH), Anxious Preoccupation (AP) and Cognitive Avoidance (CA) of the original Mini-MAC. A novel factor, named Positive Attitude, included items of both Fatalism (FA) and Fighting Spirit (FS) from the original version. The five subscales from the original version (AP, HH, FS, FA and CA) and Positive Attitude had acceptable internal reliabilities in our sample (Cronbach's alpha coefficient 0.50-0.86; correlation coefficient of test-retest 0.68-0.88). For the validity, significant interscale correlation was observed in the original five subscales and Positive Attitude. Each subscale including Positive Attitude was also significantly related to Depression and Anxiety of HADS. As a whole, the K-Mini-MAC was a reliable, valid and acceptable tool for Korean cancer patients. These findings can provide information about the cross-cultural validity of Mini-MAC scale's factor structure. Cultural differences were also discussed.

  1. Cirurgias endoscópicas para a coluna torácica: avaliação crítica Endoscopic surgery for thoracic spine: critical review

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    Full Text Available Com o advento da tecnologia vídeo-assistida a endoscopia tem assumido importante papel terapêutico na cavidade torácica. Este artigo é uma avaliação crítica da literatura e tem como objetivo demonstrar o estado atual da cirurgia endoscópica direcionada para a coluna torácica. Hérnias discais, deformidades, infecções, tumores, doenças congênitas e traumatismos estão sendo tratados por técnica endoscópica. Na literatura, as vantagens sobre a toracotomia aberta são visibilidade aumentada e reduções em: tempo de recuperação, perda sanguínea, custos, índice de infecção e morbidade pós-operatória. Algumas desvantagens são: intubação seletiva, significativa curva de aprendizado, dificuldades técnicas na operação de crianças muito pequenas, reparação da dura máter e instrumentação. Embora os benefícios sejam aparentemente claros e haja pronunciado grau de entusiasmo, os autores são cautelosos em afirmar que a toracoscopia já é uma alternativa definitiva à toracotomia convencional. A comparação dos resultados entre as técnicas endoscópica e aberta é dificultada pela escassez de estudos comparativos. Os autores, embora otimistas, recomendam análises de mais estudos prospectivos, multicêntricos e randomizados para uma conclusão definitiva.After the development of video-assisted technology, endoscopic techniques have assumed an important therapeutic role into thoracic cavity. This is a literature review article to show the current state of the endoscopy for thoracic spine. Disc herniations, deformities, infections, tumors, congenital disorders and traumatic events have been treated by endoscopic techniques. On reviewing the literature, the advantages over open approaches are: enhanced visualization, shorter recovery time and decreased blood loss, costs, infection rate and post operative morbidity. Some disadvantages are: one lung anesthesia, significant learning curve, and technical problems in operating

  2. Quality Assurance Framework for Mini-Grids

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Esterly, Sean; Baring-Gould, Ian; Booth, Samuel


    To address the root challenges of providing quality power to remote consumers through financially viable mini-grids, the Global Lighting and Energy Access Partnership (Global LEAP) initiative of the Clean Energy Ministerial and the U.S. Department of Energy teamed with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and Power Africa to develop a Quality Assurance Framework (QAF) for isolated mini-grids. The framework addresses both alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) mini-grids, and is applicable to renewable, fossil-fuel, and hybrid systems.

  3. The Psychometrics of the Mini-K. (United States)

    Richardson, George B; Chen, Ching-Chen; Dai, Chia-Liang; Brubaker, Michael D; Nedelec, Joseph L


    Many published studies have employed the Mini-K to measure a single fast-slow life history dimension. However, the internal structure of the Mini-K has not been determined and it is not clear that a single higher order K-factor fits the data. It is also not clear that the Mini-K is measurement invariant across groups such as the sexes. To establish the construct validity of K as well as the broader usefulness of applying life history theory to humans, it is crucial that these psychometric issues are addressed as a part of measure validation efforts. Here we report on three studies that used latent variable modeling and data drawn from two college student samples ( ns = 361 and 300) to elucidate the psychometrics of the Mini-K. We found that (a) the Mini-K had a six dimensional first-order structure, (b) the K-factor provided a parsimonious explanation of the associations among the lower order factors at no significant cost to fit, (c) the Mini-K measured the same K-factor across the sexes, (d) K-factor means did not have the same meaning across the sexes and thus the first-order factors should be used in studies of mean sex differences, and finally, (e) the K-factor was only associated with environment and aspects of mating competition in females. Implications and future directions for life history research are discussed.

  4. Mini-Membrane Evaporator for Contingency Spacesuit Cooling (United States)

    Makinen, Janice V.; Bue, Grant C.; Campbell, Colin; Petty, Brian; Craft, Jesse; Lynch, William; Wilkes, Robert; Vogel, Matthew


    The next-generation Advanced Extravehicular Mobility Unit (AEMU) Portable Life Support System (PLSS) is integrating a number of new technologies to improve reliability and functionality. One of these improvements is the development of the Auxiliary Cooling Loop (ACL) for contingency crewmember cooling. The ACL is a completely redundant, independent cooling system that consists of a small evaporative cooler--the Mini Membrane Evaporator (Mini-ME), independent pump, independent feedwater assembly and independent Liquid Cooling Garment (LCG). The Mini-ME utilizes the same hollow fiber technology featured in the full-sized AEMU PLSS cooling device, the Spacesuit Water Membrane Evaporator (SWME), but Mini-ME occupies only approximately 25% of the volume of SWME, thereby providing only the necessary crewmember cooling in a contingency situation. The ACL provides a number of benefits when compared with the current EMU PLSS contingency cooling technology, which relies upon a Secondary Oxygen Vessel; contingency crewmember cooling can be provided for a longer period of time, more contingency situations can be accounted for, no reliance on a Secondary Oxygen Vessel (SOV) for contingency cooling--thereby allowing a reduction in SOV size and pressure, and the ACL can be recharged-allowing the AEMU PLSS to be reused, even after a contingency event. The first iteration of Mini-ME was developed and tested in-house. Mini-ME is currently packaged in AEMU PLSS 2.0, where it is being tested in environments and situations that are representative of potential future Extravehicular Activities (EVA's). The second iteration of Mini-ME, known as Mini-ME2, is currently being developed to offer more heat rejection capability. The development of this contingency evaporative cooling system will contribute to a more robust and comprehensive AEMU PLSS.

  5. MINI-THESAURUS, Energy Data Base Subject Thesaurus Generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paulk, J.W.


    1 - Description of program or function: MINI-THESAURUS allows the user to subset into highly-specialized 'mini-thesauri' the Energy Data Base (EDB) Subject Thesaurus, which contains the standard vocabulary of indexing terms (descriptors) developed and structured by the Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) for the building and maintenance of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) energy information databases. This structured vocabulary reflects the scope of DOE's research, development, and technological programs and encompasses terminology derived not only from the basic sciences but also from the areas of energy, conservation, safety, environmental impact, and regulation. Entire word blocks may be copied from the primary Subject Thesaurus, from another mini-thesaurus, or both, and subsequently modified through the addition of new terms, the deletion of existing terms, and changes to the internal relationships among the word blocks within the mini-thesaurus to create a new, special-purpose thesaurus. MINI-THESAURUS also provides the ability to copy the entire Subject Thesaurus and to treat the copy as a mini-thesaurus, thus allowing one to examine the effects of major changes to the thesaurus structure without having to modify the primary, on-line Thesaurus. The copy operation also optimizes the Subject Thesaurus structure. An interactive user having update privileges for a specific mini-thesaurus and access to the TeX and PostScript proprietary software can produce the mini-thesaurus in printed publication format. Once the mini-thesaurus has been published, periodic supplements may be generated based on date of entry or change maintained by the Thesaurus software. 2 Restrictions on the complexity of the problem: The system enforces the OSTI rules for Thesaurus development

  6. Spurious RF signals emitted by mini-UAVs (United States)

    Schleijpen, Ric (H. M. A.); Voogt, Vincent; Zwamborn, Peter; van den Oever, Jaap


    This paper presents experimental work on the detection of spurious RF emissions of mini Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (mini-UAV). Many recent events have shown that mini-UAVs can be considered as a potential threat for civil security. For this reason the detection of mini-UAVs has become of interest to the sensor community. The detection, classification and identification chain can take advantage of different sensor technologies. Apart from the signatures used by radar and electro-optical sensor systems, the UAV also emits RF signals. These RF signatures can be split in intentional signals for communication with the operator and un-intentional RF signals emitted by the UAV. These unintentional or spurious RF emissions are very weak but could be used to discriminate potential UAV detections from false alarms. The goal of this research was to assess the potential of exploiting spurious emissions in the classification and identification chain of mini-UAVs. It was already known that spurious signals are very weak, but the focus was on the question whether the emission pattern could be correlated to the behaviour of the UAV. In this paper experimental examples of spurious RF emission for different types of mini-UAVs and their correlation with the electronic circuits in the UAVs will be shown

  7. Produção hidropônica de morangueiro em sistema de colunas verticais, sob cultivo protegido Hydroponic strawberry production in vertical columns system under protected cultivation

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    Eunice Oliveira Calvete


    Full Text Available O cultivo do morangueiro fora do solo possibilita a eliminação do uso de produtos para desinfecção, reduzindo o consumo de frutos contaminados e a agressão ao meio ambiente, além de proporcionar melhor aproveitamento da área e maior facilidade de manejo da cultura. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar, em ambiente protegido e colunas verticais, dois sistemas de irrigação: gotejamento por estacas (externo e autocompensante (interno; dois tipos de substratos: Horta 2 e Tabaco 1; com e sem drenagem. A cultivar utilizada foi a Oso Grande. O delineamento foi em blocos casualizados, com os tratamentos dispostos em parcela subsubdividida, com três repetições. Com base nos rendimentos obtidos nos terços superior, médio e inferior das colunas, o sistema de irrigação mais indicado é o gotejamento por estacas (externo, com drenagem na extremidade inferior da coluna. Os substratos não diferem quanto à produção, mas Horta 2 incrementa o teor de antocianina nos frutos.Since strawberry cultivation in soil less system does not needs disinfection products, it decreases fruits and environmental contamination. Besides it provides a better utilization of the area and makes easy the management of the culture. The objective of this work was to evaluate two irrigation systems: dripping for props (outside and self compensate (inside; and two types of substrates: Horta 2 and Tabaco 1; with or without draining, on the cultivar Oso Grande of strawberry. The experiment was carried out under protected cultivation and in vertical columns conditions. The experimental design was randomized blocks, with three replications, and the treatments were arranged in a split-plot. The strawberry yield found in the upper, medium, and lower positions of the columns indicates that the dripping for props (outside is the most efficient irrigation system, since drainage is used in the lower extremity of the column. Although there were no differences substrates, Horta

  8. Avaliação do torque para inserção, remoção e fratura de diferentes mini-implantes ortodônticos Evaluation of insertion, removal and fracture torques of different orthodontic mini-implants in bovine tibia cortex

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    Maria Fernanda Prates da Nova


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar, em mini-implantes de diferentes dimensões, os seguintes fatores: (a torque de inserção, (b torque de remoção, (c torque de fratura, (d tensão cisalhante, (e tensão normal e (f tipo de fratura. METODOLOGIA: foram utilizados 20 mini-implantes autoperfurantes, 10 da marca SIN e 10 da Neodent com, respectivamente, 8 e 7mm de comprimento, todos com 1,6mm de diâmetro. Dos 10 mini-implantes de cada marca, 5 não possuíam perfil transmucoso e 5 tinham perfil de 2mm, formando 4 grupos: SIN sem perfil (SSP, SIN com perfil (SCP, Neodent sem perfil (NSP e Neodent com perfil (NCP. Todos os mini-implantes foram inseridos em cortical óssea e removidos com micromotor acoplado a um torquímetro. Os mini-implantes foram, também, submetidos ao ensaio de fratura. Os torques de inserção, remoção e fratura, assim como a tensão cisalhante e normal calculadas, foram comparados entre todos os grupos pela ANOVA. O tipo de fratura foi avaliado em microscópio eletrônico de varredura. RESULTADOS: verificou-se que o grupo NCP apresentou torque de inserção significativamente maior que os demais grupos, porém todos fraturaram durante a inserção (n = 2 ou remoção (n = 3. Não houve diferença entre os grupos para o torque de remoção. Para o grupo NSP, o torque de fratura foi significativamente menor do que todos os outros grupos. Todos os mini-implantes sofreram fratura do tipo dúctil. CONCLUSÃO: uma vez que não houve diferença na resistência mecânica de ambas as marcas, variando apenas a forma, conclui-se que a resistência à fratura pode ser afetada por esta variável.AIM: The purpose of this study was to evaluate mini-implants with different dimensions for the following factors: (a insertion torque, (b removal torque, (c fracture torque, (d shear tension, (e normal tension and (f type of fracture. METHODS: Twenty self-drilling mini-implants were used, 10 from SIN and 10 from Neodent, with 1.6mm in diameter and with 8 and 7


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    Rolando Barrera Zapata


    ón molar de 0,97 después de 7,5 h. Con fines comparativos, la destilación por lotes también se simuló con un modelo semirriguroso construido en MATLAB, con el cual se lograron resultados similares.Empregaram-se ferramentas de software de simulação como Aspen Plus e MATLAB para a modelagem, simulação e otimização de um processo de destilação para recuperar epóxido de limoneno a partir de uma mistura líquida que contém limoneno + acetonitrilo + água + epóxido de limoneno. Esta mistura obtém-se da epoxidação de limoneno sobre PW-Amberlita utilizando peróxido de hidrogênio aquoso como oxidante e acetonitrilo como disolvente. As análises de curvas de composição residual indicaram que as colunas de destilação por lotes de configuração inversa são adequadas para separar o epóxido de limoneno. Os parâmetros do modelo, como o número de etapas (8 e a relação de refluxo (3,1, se determinaram mediante simulações de estado estacionário com modelos curtos e rigorosos de Aspen Plus. A simulação da equipe por lotes em Aspen Plus mostrou que é possível recuperar até o 95 % do epóxido de limoneno com uma fração molar de 0,97 após 7,5 h. Com fins comparativos, a destilação por lotes também se simulou com um modelo semirrigoroso construído em MATLAB, com o qual se conseguiram resultados similares.

  10. Mini-Sniffer III on Lakebed (United States)


    The third remotely-piloted Mini-Sniffer research vehicle rests on the lakebed adjacent to the Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California. This view shows the wing shape, hydrazine engine, and the tail booms. The Mini-Sniffer was a remotely controlled, propeller-driven vehicle developed at the NASA Flight Research Center (which became the Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California, in 1976) as a potential platform to sample the upper atmosphere for pollution. The vehicle, flown from 1975 to 1977, was one of the earliest attempts by NASA to develop an aircraft that could sense turbulence and measure natural and human-produced atmospheric pollutants at altitudes above 80,000 feet with a variable-load propeller that was never flight-tested. Three Mini-Sniffer vehicles were built. The number 1 Mini-Sniffer vehicle had swept wings with a span of 18 feet and canards on the nose. It flew 12 flights with the gas-powered engine at low altitudes of around 2,500 feet. The number 1 vehicle was then modified into version number 2 by removing the canards and wing rudders and adding wing tips and tail booms. Twenty flights were made with this version, up to altitudes of 20,000 feet. The number 3 vehicle had a longer fuselage, was lighter in weight, and was powered by the non-air-breathing hydrazine engine designed by NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. This version was designed to fly a 25-pound payload to an altitude of 70,000 feet for one hour or to climb to 90,000 feet and glide back. The number 3 Mini-Sniffer made one flight to 20,000 feet and was not flown again because of a hydrazine leak problem. All three versions used a pusher propeller to free the nose area for an atmospheric-sampling payload. At various times the Mini-Sniffer has been considered for exploration in the carbon dioxide atmosphere of the planet Mars, where the gravity (38 percent of that on Earth) would reduce the horsepower needed for flight.

  11. Feasibility of mini-tablets as a flexible drug delivery tool. (United States)

    Mitra, Biplob; Chang, Jessica; Wu, Sy-Juen; Wolfe, Chad N; Ternik, Robert L; Gunter, Thomas Z; Victor, Michael C


    Mini-tablets have potential applications as a flexible drug delivery tool in addition to their generally perceived use as multi-particulates. That is, mini-tablets could provide flexibility in dose finding studies and/or allow for combination therapies in the clinic. Moreover, mini-tablets with well controlled quality attributes could be a prudent choice for administering solid dosage forms as a single unit or composite of multiple mini-tablets in patient populations with swallowing difficulties (e.g., pediatric and geriatric populations). This work demonstrated drug substance particle size and concentration ranges that achieve acceptable mini-tablet quality attributes for use as a single or composite dosage unit. Immediate release and orally disintegrating mini-tablet formulations with 30μm to 350μm (particle size d 90 ) acetaminophen and Compap™ L (90% acetaminophen) at concentrations equivalent to 6.7% and 26.7% acetaminophen were evaluated. Mini-tablets achieved acceptable weight variability, tensile strength, friability, and disintegration time at a reasonable solid fraction for each formulation. The content uniformity was acceptable for mini-tablets of 6.7% formulations with ≤170μm drug substance, mini-tablets of all 26.7% formulations, and composite dosage units containing five or more mini-tablets of any formulation. Results supported the manufacturing feasibility of quality mini-tablets, and their applicability as a flexible drug delivery tool. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. Alterações decorrentes do envelhecimento podem impedir a indetificação de indivíduos submetidos a radiografias da coluna lombar? Potencial contribuição da avaliação radiológica para a atividade forense Can changes associated with aging hinder the identification of individuals submitted to lumbar spine radiography? A potential contribution of radiology to the forensic activity

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    Sílvia Falcão de Oliveira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a possibilidade de o exame radiológico da coluna lombar determinar a identificação correta dos indivíduos, apesar das alterações evolutivas do envelhecimento. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foi constituída amostra com 60 pares de radiografias de coluna lombar, feitas em épocas distintas, com intervalo mínimo de três anos, de pacientes de ambos os sexos, adultos e com idades diversas. Os pares foram misturados para que dois experientes radiologistas os reconstituíssem. As vértebras de cada par foram comparadas em relação a semelhanças e diferenças de detalhes anatômicos, sendo estabelecido, como critério de pareamento, o encontro de uma variação anatômica ou de uma particularidade específica, ou o encontro de duas ou mais igualdades entre os detalhes anatômicos, sem pontos de divergência. RESULTADOS: O correto pareamento de todas as radiografias foi alcançado por ambos os observadores, os quais apresentaram inúmeros pontos de coincidência em suas análises. O estudo estatístico demonstrou que a concordância entre os dois observadores foi considerada de boa a perfeita. CONCLUSÃO: A comparação radiográfica da coluna lombar é capaz de determinar a correta identificação dos indivíduos, apesar das alterações evolutivas do envelhecimento. Dessa forma, as radiografias representam potencial instrumento para uso em perícias de identificação forense.OBJECTIVE: The present study was aimed at evaluating the possibility of a radiological study of the lumbar spine determining the correct identification of an individual despite the changes associated with aging. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study sample included 60 pairs of lumbar spine radiographic images of both male and female, adult patients of different ages, acquired at different times, at three-year minimum intervals. The pairs of images were mixed up so two experienced radiologists could put them back together. The vertebrae

  13. Mini-marathon groups: psychological "first aid" following disasters. (United States)

    Terr, L C


    Large group counseling sessions for soldiers following battle have been commonly used since World War II. The author conceptualizes and demonstrates how these mini-marathon sessions can be adapted to support all ages and types of civilians involved in disasters. Mini-marathons take about 3 hours and are divided into three sections: story sharing, symptom sharing, and suggestions for self-help, including sharing tales of heroism and survival. After an initial mini-marathon session, a second session may be held emphasizing creativity. The author also describes how mini-marathons can be adapted for therapists who will lead their own sessions.

  14. The use of mini-samples in palaeomagnetism (United States)

    Böhnel, Harald; Michalk, Daniel; Nowaczyk, Norbert; Naranjo, Gildardo Gonzalez


    Rock cores of ~25 mm diameter are widely used in palaeomagnetism. Occasionally smaller diameters have been used as well which represents distinct advantages in terms of throughput, weight of equipment and core collections. How their orientation precision compares to 25 mm cores, however, has not been evaluated in detail before. Here we compare the site mean directions and their statistical parameters for 12 lava flows sampled with 25 mm cores (standard samples, typically 8 cores per site) and with 12 mm drill cores (mini-samples, typically 14 cores per site). The site-mean directions for both sample sizes appear to be indistinguishable in most cases. For the mini-samples, site dispersion parameters k on average are slightly lower than for the standard samples reflecting their larger orienting and measurement errors. Applying the Wilcoxon signed-rank test the probability that k or α95 have the same distribution for both sizes is acceptable only at the 17.4 or 66.3 per cent level, respectively. The larger mini-core numbers per site appears to outweigh the lower k values yielding also slightly smaller confidence limits α95. Further, both k and α95 are less variable for mini-samples than for standard size samples. This is interpreted also to result from the larger number of mini-samples per site, which better averages out the detrimental effect of undetected abnormal remanence directions. Sampling of volcanic rocks with mini-samples therefore does not present a disadvantage in terms of the overall obtainable uncertainty of site mean directions. Apart from this, mini-samples do present clear advantages during the field work, as about twice the number of drill cores can be recovered compared to 25 mm cores, and the sampled rock unit is then more widely covered, which reduces the contribution of natural random errors produced, for example, by fractures, cooling joints, and palaeofield inhomogeneities. Mini-samples may be processed faster in the laboratory, which is of

  15. Heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of mini-fin structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiang Peixue; Xu Ruina


    Forced convection heat transfer of air and water in bronze and pure copper mini-fin structures and mini-channel structures was investigated experimentally. The mini-fin dimensions were 0.7 mm x 0.2 mm and 0.8 mm x 0.4 mm. The tests included both staggered diamond-shaped and in-line square mini-fin arrangements. The tests investigated the effects of structures, mini-fin dimensions and arrangement, test section materials, and fluid properties on the convection heat transfer and heat transfer enhancement. For the tested conditions, the convection heat transfer coefficient was increased 9-21 fold for water and 12-38 fold for air in the mini-fin structures compared with an empty plate channel. The friction factor and flow resistance in the mini-channel structures and the in-line square mini-fin arrangement were much less than in the staggered diamond-shaped mini-fin arrangement. For the small channel width, W c = 0.2 mm, the convection heat transfer with the in-line square array structure was more intense than with the staggered diamond-shaped structure, the mini-channel structure or the porous media. For the larger channel width, W c = 0.4 mm, the convection heat transfer in the staggered diamond-shaped array structure was more intense than in the others systems while the in-line square structure had the best overall thermal-hydraulic performance

  16. Mini-Split Heat Pumps Multifamily Retrofit Feasibility Study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dentz, Jordan [ARIES Collaborative, New York, NY (United States); Podorson, David [ARIES Collaborative, New York, NY (United States); Varshney, Kapil [ARIES Collaborative, New York, NY (United States)


    Mini-split heat pumps can provide space heating and cooling in many climates and are relatively affordable. These and other features make them potentially suitable for retrofitting into multifamily buildings in cold climates to replace electric resistance heating or other outmoded heating systems. This report investigates the suitability of mini-split heat pumps for multifamily retrofits. Various technical and regulatory barriers are discussed and modeling was performed to compare long-term costs of substituting mini-splits for a variety of other heating and cooling options. A number of utility programs have retrofit mini-splits in both single family and multifamily residences. Two such multifamily programs are discussed in detail.

  17. Development of mini-LIA and primary experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheng Cheng; Liao Shuqing; Zheng Shuxin; Lin Yuzheng; Tang Chuanxiang; Jing Xiaobing; Mu Fan; Pan Haifeng; Zhang Kaizhi; Shi Jinshui; Deng Jianjun


    Mini-LIA is a miniature of a linear induction accelerator developed by China Academy of Engineering Physics and Tsinghua University in 2007. It has been constructed with a thermionic cathode in an electron injector and a metglas core in the induction accelerator cavities. A double-pulsed electron beam was produced for the first time in China on the Mini-LIA with a thermionic cathode in the electron gun and a metglas core in the induction accelerator cavities. A double-pulsed beam current of more than 1.1A was obtained on condition of 80 kV double-pulsed high voltage produced by pulsed power system supplying to the injector and accelerating modules. Some primary experiments for measuring the parameters of Mini-LIA has been performed, and some beam characterizations of Mini-LIA are presented. Further improvement is underway. (authors)

  18. Mini lathe machine converted to CNC

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    Alexandru Morar


    Full Text Available This paper presents the adaptation of a mechanical mini-lathing machine to a computerized numerical control (CNC lathing machine. This machine is composed of a ASIST mini-lathe and a two-degrees-of-freedom XZ stage designed specifically for this application. The whole system is controlled from a PC using adequate CNC control software.

  19. Osteopetrosis and osteonecrosis in snake Boa constrictor Osteopetrose e osteocondrose em serpente Boa constrictor

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    N.M. Ocarino


    Full Text Available Uma jibóia (Boa constrictor, de onze anos de cativeiro, apresentou à seis meses um histórico de aumento de volume ao longo da coluna vertebral e perda progressiva dos movimentos e de apetite. Exames radiológicos revelaram aumento da opacidade, áreas de excrescências ósseas e inúmeras fraturas ao longo da coluna. Devido o prognóstico desfavorável, a serpente foi eutanasiada. À necropsia, aumento de volume com estenose do canal vertebral e compressão da medula espinhal foram observados, juntamente com fraturas completas de corpos vertebrais. O diagnóstico de osteopetrose e osteonecrose foi firmado à histologia.

  20. Detection of dementia in primary care: comparison of the original and a modified Mini-Cog Assessment with the Mini-Mental State Examination. (United States)

    Kamenski, Gustav; Dorner, Thomas; Lawrence, Kitty; Psota, Georg; Rieder, Anita; Schwarz, Franz; Sepandj, Asita; Spiegel, Wolfgang; Strotzka, Stefan


    Background Dementia is considered widely under-detected in primary care, and general practitioners (GPs) frequently ask for easy to use tools to assist in its early detection.Aim To determine the degree of correlation between the Mini-Cog Assessment (Mini-Cog) as performed by GPs and the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE).Design of study This was a prospective study (2005, 2006) comparing two cognitive screening instruments.Setting Ten general practices in Austria, with patients with a hitherto undiagnosed suspicion of dementia seen consecutively.Method Sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictive values (PPVs and NPVs) of the Mini-Cog (applying both a colour-coded and the original rating method) were assessed for degree of correlation with the MMSE. In phase one GPs examined patients suspected of having dementia using the Mini-Cog; in phase two a neurologist retested them applying the MMSE, a clock-drawing test (CDT) and a routine clinical examination. A questionnaire on the practicability of the Mini-Cog was answered by GPs.Results Of the 107 patients who participated 86 completed the whole study protocol. The Mini-Cog, as performed by the ten GPs, displayed a sensitivity of 0.85 (95% CI: 0.71, 0.98), a specificity of 0.58 (95% CI: 0.46, 0.71), a PPV of 0.47 (95% CI: 0.33, 0.61) and an NPV of 0.90 (95% CI: 0.80, 0.99) as against the MMSE carried out by neurologists. The GPs judged the Mini-Cog useful and time saving.Conclusion The Mini-Cog has a high sensitivity and acceptable specificity in the general practice setting and has proved to be a practicable tool for the diagnosis of dementia in primary care.

  1. Prospects for Antineutrino Running at MiniBooNE


    Wascko, M. O.


    MiniBooNE began running in antineutrino mode on 19 January, 2006. We describe the sensitivity of MiniBooNE to LSND-like nuebar oscillations and outline a program of antineutrino cross-section measurements necessary for the next generation of neutrino oscillation experiments. We describe three independent methods of constraining wrong-sign (neutrino) backgrounds in an antineutrino beam, and their application to the MiniBooNE antineutrino analyses.

  2. A mini-UAV VTOL Platform for Surveying Applications

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    Kuldeep Rawat


    Full Text Available In this paper we discuss implementation of a mini-Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV vertical take-off and landing (VTOL platform for surveying activities related to highway construction. Recent advances in sensor and communication technologies have allowed scaling sizes of unmanned aerial platforms, and explore them for tasks that are economical and safe over populated or inhabited areas. In highway construction the capability of mini-UAVs to survey in hostile and/or hardly accessible areas can greatly reduce human risks. The project focused on developing a cost effective, remotely controlled, fuel powered mini-UAV VTOL (helicopter platform with certain payload capacity and configuration and demonstrated its use in surveying and monitoring activities required for highway planning and construction. With an on-board flight recorder global positioning system (GPS device, memory storage card, telemetry, inertial navigation sensors, and a video camera the mini-UAV can record flying coordinates and relay live video images to a remote ground receiver and surveyor. After all necessary integration and flight tests were done the mini-UAV helicopter was tested to operate and relay video from the areas where construction was underway. The mini-UAV can provide a platform for a range of sensors and instruments that directly support the operational requirements of transportation sector.

  3. Designing a mini subcritical nuclear reactor; Diseno de un mini reactor nuclear subcritico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Escobedo G, C. R.; Vega C, H. R.; Davila H, V. M., E-mail: [Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas, Unidad Academica de Estudios Nucleares, Jardin Juarez 147, Col. Centro, 98000 Zacatecas, Zac. (Mexico)


    In this work the design of a mini subcritical nuclear reactor formed by means of light water moderator, uranium as fuel, and isotopic neutron source of {sup 239}PuBe was carried out. The design was done by Monte Carlo methods with the code MCNP5 in which uranium was modeled in an array of concentric holes cylinders of 8.5, 14.5, 20.5, 26.5, 32.5 cm of internal radius and 3 cm of thickness, 36 cm of height. Different models were made from a single fuel cylinder (natural uranium) to five. The neutron source of {sup 239}PuBe was situated in the center of the mini reactor; in each arrangement was used water as moderator. Cross sections libraries Endf/Vi were used and the number of stories was large enough to ensure less uncertainty than 3%. For each case the effective multiplication factor k{sub e}-f{sub f}, the amplification factor and the power was calculated. Outside the mini reactor the ambient dose equivalent H (10) was calculated for different cases. The value of k{sub eff}, the amplification factor and power are directly related to the number of cylinders of uranium as fuel. Although the average energy of the neutrons {sup 239}PuBe is between 4.5 and 5 MeV in the case of the mini reactor for a cylinder, in the neutron spectrum the presence of thermal neutrons does not exist, so that produced fissions are generated with fast neutrons, and in designs of two and three rings the neutron spectra shows the presence of thermal neutrons, however the fissions are being generated with fast neutrons. Finally in the four and five cases the amount of moderator is enough to thermalized the neutrons and thereby produce the fission. The maximum value for k{sub eff} was 0.82; this value is very close to the assembly of Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas generating a k{sub eff} of 0.86. According to the safety and radiation protection standards for the design of mini reactor of one, two and three cylinders they comply with the established safety, while designs of four and five

  4. [The "Mini-ICF-Rating for Mental Disorders (Mini-ICF-P)". A short instrument for the assessment of disabilities in mental disorders]. (United States)

    Linden, M; Baron, S


    Supplementary to the description of diseases at symptom level, the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), edited by the WHO, for the first time enables a systematic description also at the level of disabilities and impairments. The Mini-ICF-Rating for Mental Disorders (Mini-ICF-P) is a short observer rating instrument for the assessment of disabilities, especially with regard to occupational functioning. The Mini-ICF-P was first evaluated empirically in 125 patients of a Department of Behavioural Medicine and Psychosomatics. Parallel-test reliability was r = 0.59. Correlates were found with cognitive and motivational variables and duration of sick leave from work. In summary, the Mini-ICF-P is a quick and practicable instrument.

  5. PV-hybrid and mini-grid

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Within the 5th European PV-hybrid and mini-grid conference 29th and 30th April, 2010 in Tarragona (Spain) the following lectures were held: (1) Overview of IEA PVPS Task 11 PV-hybrid systems within mini grids; (2) Photovoltaic revolution for deployment in developing countries; (3) Legal and financial conditions for the sustainable operation of mini-grids; (4) EU instruments to promote renewable energies in developing countries; (5) PV hybridization of diesel electricity generators: Conditions of profitability and examples in differential power and storage size ranges; (6) Education suit of designing PV hybrid systems; (7) Sustainable renewable energy projects for intelligent rural electrification in Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam; (8) Techno-economic feasibility of energy supply of remote villages in Palestine by PV systems, diesel generators and electric grid (Case studies: Emnazeil and Atouf villages); (9) Technical, economical and sustainability considerations of a solar PV mini grid as a tool for rural electrification in Uganda; (10) Can we rate inverters for rural electrification on the basis of energy efficiency?; (11) Test procedures for MPPT charge controllers characterization; (12) Energy storage for mini-grid stabilization; (13) Redox flow batteries - Already an alternative storage solution for hybrid PV mini-grids?; (14) Control methods for PV hybrid mini-grids; (15) Partial AC-coupling in mini-grids; (15) Normative issues of small wind turbines in PV hybrid systems; (16) Communication solutions for PV hybrid systems; (17) Towards flexible control and communication of mini-grids; (18) PV/methanol fuel cell hybrid system for powering a highway security variable message board; (19) Polygeneration smartgrids: A solution for the supply of electricity, potable water and hydrogen as fuel for transportation in remote Areas; (20) Implementation of the Bronsbergen micro grid using FACDS; (21) A revisited approach for the design of PV wind hybrid systems; (22

  6. The Mini-Cog, Clock Drawing Test, and the Mini-Mental State Examination in a German memory clinic: specificity of separation dementia from depression. (United States)

    Milian, Monika; Leiherr, Anna-Maria; Straten, Guido; Müller, Stephan; Leyhe, Thomas; Eschweiler, Gerhard W


    The aim of this study was to assess the specificities of the Mini-Cog, the Clock Drawing Test (CDT), and the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) against depression and healthy controls in a German Memory Clinic. Furthermore, we analyzed the specificities of all three screening instruments in dependence of actual depression severity. Data from 142 depressed elderly, 438 dementia patients, and 64 healthy controls were retrospectively analyzed. The CDT and an extraction of the three-item recall of the MMSE were used to constitute the Mini-Cog algorithm. Depression severity was rated by either the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) or the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) depending on the age of the patients. The Mini-Cog achieved a specificity of 79.6% against depressed elderly and 100.0% against healthy subjects (p Mini-Cog and the CDT, but also showed the lowest sensitivity for the detection of dementia. Surprisingly, the depression severity had no effect on the specificity of the Mini-Cog and the CDT, only the MMSE was susceptible for the depression severity. Although the MMSE showed higher specificities, the weighting between the sensitivities and specificities in all tests prove again the Mini-Cog as a short, valid, and sensitive screening tool.

  7. Formulação analítica do cálculo em regime elastoplástico de um elemento de viga plano de secção rectangular


    Baptista, A. M.


    O presente trabalho apresenta uma formulação analítica do cálculo dos deslocamentos (rotação, flecha e deslocamento axial) de uma secção transversal qualquer dum elemento estrutural de barra plano (viga ou coluna-viga, p. ex.) de secção rectangular, de aço, submetido a uma força axial constante e a um momento flector em cada uma das suas extremidades. As equações apresentadas fornecem um método de cálculo não linear expedito e exacto, alternativo aos métodos clássicos das “rótulas plástic...


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    Neusa Maria Cosía Alexandre

    Full Text Available Determinados fatores ambientais inadequados podem provocar lesões na coluna vertebral. Este trabalho discute certos aspectos ergonômicos e posturais específicos em Centro de Material com o objetivo de desenvolver uma consciência crítica a respeito dos efeitos do local de trabalho sobre a saúde.

  9. Validation and cultural adaptation of the Arabic versions of the Mini-Mental Status Examination - 2 and Mini-Cog test. (United States)

    Albanna, Mohammad; Yehya, Arij; Khairi, Abdalla; Dafeeah, Elnour; Elhadi, Abdelsalam; Rezgui, Lamia; Al Kahlout, Shahada; Yousif, Adil; Uthman, Basim; Al-Amin, Hassen


    The elderly population is increasing around the world, and the prevalence of dementia increases with age. Hence, it is expected that the number of people with dementia will increase significantly in the coming years. The Mini-Mental Status Examination - 2 (MMSE-2) and Mini-Cog are widely used tests to screen for dementia. These scales have good reliability and validity and are easy to administer in clinical and research settings. The purpose of this study was to validate the Arabic versions of MMSE-2 and Mini-Cog. These scales were assessed against the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision ( DSM-IV-TR ) criteria for dementia, as the gold standard. The standard versions of the MMSE-2 and Mini-Cog were translated to Arabic following the back-translation method. Then, a trained rater administered these tests to 134 Arab elderly aged >60 years. A physician, blind to the results of these two tests, assessed the participants for vascular dementia or probable Alzheimer's disease, based on the DSM-IV-TR criteria. The sample included 67.2% Qataris. The mean age was 74.86 years (standard deviation =7.71), and 61.9% did not attend school. The mean of the adjusted scores of MMSE-2 based on age and education level was 19.60 (standard deviation =6.58). According to DSM-IV-TR , 17.2% of the participants had dementia. Sensitivity and specificity of the MMSE-2 and the Mini-Cog together were 71.4% and 61.6%, respectively, which were better than those of each test alone. Together, the Arabic versions of MMSE-2 and Mini-Cog are good screening tools for cognitive impairment in Arabs.

  10. On line pre-concentration for simultaneous determination of low molecular weight organic acids and inorganic anions in Amazonian river water samples employing ion chromatography with conductivity detection Pré-concentração em linha para a determinação simultânea de ácidos carboxílicos de baixo peso molecular e ânions inorgânicos em amostras de rios da Amazônia empregando cromatografia de íons com detecção por condutividade elétrica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristiane Azevedo Tumang


    Full Text Available An ion chromatography procedure, employing an IonPac AC15 concentrator column was used to investigate on line preconcentration for the simultaneous determination of inorganic anions and organic acids in river water. Twelve organic acids and nine inorganic anions were separated without any interference from other compounds and carry-over problems between samples. The injection loop was replaced by a Dionex AC15 concentrator column. The proposed procedure employed an auto-sampler that injected 1.5 ml of sample into a KOH mobile phase, generated by an Eluent Generator, at 1.5 mL min-1, which carried the sample to the chromatographic columns (one guard column, model AG-15, and one analytical column, model AS15, with 250 x 4mm i.d.. The gradient elution concentrations consisted of a 10.0 mmol l-1 KOH solution from 0 to 6.5 min, gradually increased to 45.0 mmol l-1 KOH at 21 min., and immediatelly returned and maintained at the initial concentrations until 24 min. of total run. The compounds were eluted and transported to an electro-conductivity detection cell that was attached to an electrochemical detector. The advantage of using concentrator column was the capability of performing routine simultaneous determinations for ions from 0.01 to 1.0 mg l-1 organic acids (acetate, propionic acid, formic acid, butyric acid, glycolic acid, pyruvate, tartaric acid, phthalic acid, methanesulfonic acid, valeric acid, maleic acid, oxalic acid, chlorate and citric acid and 0.01 to 5.0 mg l-1 inorganic anions (fluoride, chloride, nitrite, nitrate, bromide, sulfate and phosphate, without extensive sample pretreatment and with an analysis time of only 24 minutes.A metodologia analítica foi desenvolvida empregando coluna pré-concentradora AC15 em linha na cromatografia iônica na determinação simultânea de ânions orgânicos e inorgânicos, com uso de coluna de guarda AG15 e analítica AS15, 250 x 4 mm i.d. (Dionex Corp.. O gradiente de concentração do eluente

  11. Mini thermal cracking plant of vegetable oils for isolated communities of small farmers: operational evaluation of a prototype / Mini-usina de craqueamento térmico de óleos vegetais para comunidades isoladas de pequenos produtores: avaliação operacional de um protótipo

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    Márcio Turra de Ávila


    Full Text Available A mini plant for transforming vegetable oils into biofuel, on a small scale, was developed by the Universidade de Brasília (UnB, associated to the Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa. The technological route used was pyrolysis, that compared to the transesterification process, presented advantages of not required alcohol as reagent or sodium or potassium hydroxide as catalyst. The feedstock used for all tests was refined soybean oil. The main objective was to describe and to evaluate the mini plant instalation and operation, as well as the precautions and safety steps for its operation and maintenance. The mini plant underwent several physical changes and some aspects were optimized. The source for the heat system was changed, a new sealing system was developed to control the leakage on the distillation tower, a vegetable oil pre-heater was added to the process and solutions to minimize the volatile emissions in the environment were incorporated. For the mini plant safe operation and maintenance, individual protection equipments (IPEs were listed and required. The mini plant is still being improved and after each new modification, the biofuel samples collected are getting closer to the technical specification, as well as the mini plant whole operation has been optimized. The biofuel viscosity is still out of specification of the Agência Nacional de Petróleo (ANP for diesel fuel and new changes are being incorporated to the process to overcome this non-conformity.Uma mini-usina para transformação de óleos vegetais em biocombustível, em pequena escala, foi desenvolvida pela Universidade de Brasília (UnB em parceria com a Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa. A rota química utilizada foi a pirólise que, quando comparada à transesterificação, apresentava vantagem de não utilizar álcool como reagente e hidróxido de sódio ou de potássio como catalisador. A matéria-prima utilizada em todos os

  12. Reasons for mini-implants failure: choosing installation site should be valued!

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alberto Consolaro


    Full Text Available Mini-implant loss is often associated with physical and mechanical aspects that result from choosing an inappropriate placement site. It is worth highlighting that: a Interdental alveolar bone crests are flexible and deformable. For this reason, they may not offer the ideal absolute anchorage. The more cervical the structures, the more delicate they are, thus offering less physical support for mini-implant placement; b Alveolar bone crests of triangular shape are more deformable, whereas those of rectangular shape are more flexible; c The bases of the alveolar processes of the maxilla and the mandible are not flexible, for this reason, they are more likely to receive mini-implants; d The more cervical a mini-implant is placed, the higher the risk of loss; the more apical a mini-implant is placed, the better its prognosis will be; e 3D evaluations play a major role in planning the use of mini-implants. Based on the aforementioned considerations, the hypotheses about mini-implant loss are as follows: 1 Deflection of maxillary and mandibular alveolar processes when mini-implants are more cervically placed; 2 Mini-implants placed too near the periodontal ligament, with normal intra-alveolar tooth movement; 3 Low bone density, low thickness and low alveolar bone volume; 4 Low alveolar cortical bone thickness; 5 Excessive pressure inducing trabecular bone microfracture; 6 Sites of higher anatomical weakness in the mandible and the maxilla; 7 Thicker gingival tissue not considered when choosing the mini-implant.

  13. Parafuso de massa lateral do atlas para fixação da coluna cervical superior: resultados cirúrgicos Tornillos de masa lateral del atlas para la fijación de la columna cervical superior: resultados quirúrgicos Lateral mass screws of the atlas for upper cervical spine fixation: surgical results

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enrico Ghizoni


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Apresentar os resultados cirúrgicos de uma série de casos de estabilização da coluna cervical superior com o uso de parafusos de massa lateral do atlas. MÉTODOS: Avaliação retrospectiva dos resultados cirúrgicos de pacientes submetidos à estabilização da coluna cervical superior com o uso de parafusos de massa lateral do atlas. RESULTADOS: Seis pacientes foram operados durante o período de janeiro de 2009 a abril de 2010, quatro homens e duas mulheres. Não houve morbidade permanente ou morbidade nessa série de casos. A principal causa de instabilidade atlanto-axial foi trauma e houve apenas um caso de fratura patológica do odontoide por metástase de próstata. A fixação do áxis foi obtida com o uso de três diferentes técnicas de parafusos (pars, pedicular e de lâmina, com igual distribuição entre os pacientes. CONCLUSÃO: O uso de parafusos na massa lateral do atlas é uma importante técnica para se obter estabilidade e fusão na coluna cervical superior, e com o conhecimento da anatomia e da técnica cirúrgica, bons resultados podem ser atingidos.OBJETIVOS: presentar los resultados quirúrgicos de una serie de casos de estabilización con el uso de tornillos de masa lateral del atlas. MÉTODOS: evaluación retrospectiva de los resultados quirúrgicos de los pacientes sometidos a estabilización de la columna cervical superior con el uso de tornillos de masa lateral del atlas. RESULTADOS: Seis pacientes operados entre enero 2009 y abril 2010, siendo cuatro hombres y dos mujeres. No hubo mortalidad o morbilidad grave en esta serie. La principal causa de inestabilidad atlantoaxial fue traumática con apenas un caso de fractura patológica del odontoide por una metástasis de tumor de próstata. Fijación del axis fue alcanzada con el uso de tres diferentes técnicas (pars, pedicular, laminar, con dos casos cada una. Conclusión: el uso de tornillos de masa lateral en el atlas es una importante técnica para

  14. Congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism: implications of absent mini-puberty. (United States)

    Dwyer, Andrew A; Jayasena, Channa N; Quinton, Richard


    The phenomenon known as "mini-puberty" refers to activation of the neonatal hypothalamo-pituitary axis causing serum concentrations of gonadotrophins and testosterone (T) to approach adult male levels. This early neonatal period is a key proliferative window for testicular germ cells and immature Sertoli cells. Although failure to spontaneously initiate (adolescent) puberty is the most evident consequence of a defective gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurosecretory network, absent mini-puberty is also likely to have a major impact on the reproductive phenotype of men with congenital hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism (CHH). Furthermore, the phase of male mini-puberty represents a key window-of-opportunity to identify congenital GnRH deficiency (either isolated CHH, or as part of combined pituitary hormone deficiency) in childhood. Among male neonates exhibiting "red flag" indicators for CHH (i.e. maldescended testes with or without cryptorchidism) a single serum sample (between 4-8 weeks of life) can pinpoint congenital GnRH deficiency far more rapidly and with much greater accuracy than dynamic tests performed in later childhood or adolescence. Potential consequences for missing absent mini-puberty in a male neonate include the lack of monitoring of pubertal progression/lack of progression, and the missed opportunity for early therapeutic intervention. This article will review our current understanding of the mechanisms and clinical consequences of mini-puberty. Furthermore, evidence for the optimal clinical management of patients with absent mini-puberty will be discussed.

  15. Virtual laboratory of electrical mini-grids with distributed generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Menezes Ramos, Vanessa; Barros Galhardo, Marcos André; Oliveira Barbosa, Claudomiro Fábio de; Tavares Pinho, João


    This paper presents a computing tool called Virtual Laboratory de Minirredes (Virtual Laboratory of Mini-grids). Using the virtual environment of the developed tool, it is possible to make remote connection/disconnection of switches and loads (resistive, inductive, capacitive and non-linear) at strategic points of the electric mini-grid with hybrid distributed generation systems (solar photovoltaic-diesel). The mini-grid has a length of about 1 km and is installed in the test area of the Grupo de Estudios e Desenvolvimento de Alternativas Exergética (GEDAE) of the Universidade Federal do Pará, located in the city of Belém, Pará, Brazil. The developed tool has communication functions with electric parameters transducers and programmable logic controllers (PLCs). This communication enables the opening and closing of contactors, resulting in different settings for the mini-grid. In addition to that, based on the proposed configuration by the user, the real-time operation status of mini-grid is presented in a graphic interface (for example, monitored electric parameters, distributed generators connected, status of disconnected switches, etc.) and the acquired data is stored. The use of the computing tool also focuses on the construction of a database, in order to obtain knowledge about the mini-grid performance under various conditions that can be set, depending on the operational strategy adopted, based on the choice of the layout, loads and power sources used in the mini-grid. (full text)

  16. Mini AERCam Inspection Robot for Human Space Missions (United States)

    Fredrickson, Steven E.; Duran, Steve; Mitchell, Jennifer D.


    The Engineering Directorate of NASA Johnson Space Center has developed a nanosatellite-class free-flyer intended for future external inspection and remote viewing of human spacecraft. The Miniature Autonomous Extravehicular Robotic Camera (Mini AERCam) technology demonstration unit has been integrated into the approximate form and function of a flight system. The spherical Mini AERCam free flyer is 7.5 inches in diameter and weighs approximately 10 pounds, yet it incorporates significant additional capabilities compared to the 35 pound, 14 inch AERCam Sprint that flew as a Shuttle flight experiment in 1997. Mini AERCam hosts a full suite of miniaturized avionics, instrumentation, communications, navigation, imaging, power, and propulsion subsystems, including digital video cameras and a high resolution still image camera. The vehicle is designed for either remotely piloted operations or supervised autonomous operations including automatic stationkeeping and point-to-point maneuvering. Mini AERCam is designed to fulfill the unique requirements and constraints associated with using a free flyer to perform external inspections and remote viewing of human spacecraft operations. This paper describes the application of Mini AERCam for stand-alone spacecraft inspection, as well as for roles on teams of humans and robots conducting future space exploration missions.

  17. Mini-chamber, an advanced protection concept for NIF

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peterson, P.F.; Scott, J.M.


    Inertial confinement fusion (ICF) target debris and ablated near-target materials pose the primary threat to the National Ignition Facility (NIF) final optics debris shields, as well as a major challenge in future inertial fusion energy (IFE) power plants. This work discusses a NIF 'mini-chamber,' designed to mitigate the debris threat. Although the NIF base-line design protects against debris using a frost-protected target positioner and refractory first-wall coatings, the mini-chamber provides important flexibility in three areas: debris-shield protection from beyond-design basis shots (i.e. heavy hohlraums, special diagnostics, shields); fielding of large experiments with significant surface ablation; and studying key ablation and gas-dynamics issues for liquid-wall IFE power plants. Key mini-chamber modeling results are presented, followed by discussion of equipment requirements for fielding a NIF mini-chamber. 7 refs., 3 figs

  18. Mini-Implants: New Possibilities in Interdisciplinary Treatment Approaches

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    Biju Sebastian


    Full Text Available The introduction of mini-implants has broadened the range of tooth movements possible by fixed appliance therapy alone. The limits of fixed orthodontic treatment have become more a matter of facial appearance than anchorage. Many complex cases which would previously have required surgery or functional appliances can now be treated with fixed appliance therapy using mini-implants. A mutilated dentition case where mini-implants were used to provide anchorage for intrusion of molars and retraction of anterior teeth is reported here to illustrate this point.

  19. Energy efficient mini bars in hotel rooms; Energieffektive minibarer til hotelvaerelser

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The project 'Energy-efficient mini bars for hotel rooms' is carried out from February December 2005. The project is financed by Elfor's PSO funds and also by the participants in the project, HORESTA and Teknologisk Institut. Mini bars consume up to 10% of the total electricity costs of a hotel. Therefore, the energy consumption of mini bars has been brought into focus in this project. The existing mini bar market has been analysed and measurements have been carried out on the type of mini bars that are used most often. In that way, energy consumption, net volume, energy efficiency, energy labelling, noise level and cooling capacity have been determined. In the course of the project, mini bars from IndelB, Domestic and Vibocold have been tested. With regard to energy consumption, the test results showed large deviations from the consumption stated by the manufacturer. Only 1 of the 6 tested mini bars received an energy label B - the others were labelled with F or G. Therefore, there is a great potential for developing more energy efficient mini bars. A list covering the energy consumption, energy labelling, noise level etc. of the tested mini bars and a guide to new purchases can be found on HORESTA's homepage (au)

  20. Development on mini X-ray diode

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiang Shaoen; Sun Kexu; Peng Nengling; Huang Tianxuan; Cui Yanli; Yi Rongqing; Chen Jiusen


    The mini X-ray diode (M-XRD) was developed, and was used in mini soft X-ray spectrometer. Compared with traditional XRD, M-XRD's volume reduces to 1/30. M-XRD's property was experimentally examined on Shenguang II laser facility. The experimental results indicated that the temporal response and sensitivity of M-XRD are basically consistent with traditional XRD. The equivalent circuit of XRD was analyzed, and its response time and linear saturated current were calculated. (authors)

  1. Mini Tracheostomy for Obstructive Sleep Apnea: An Evidence Based Proposal (United States)

    Camacho, Macario; Zaghi, Soroush; Chang, Edward T.; Song, Sungjin A.; Szelestey, Blake; Certal, Victor


    Objective. To search for articles evaluating the use of tracheostomies (either permanent stomas or tracheostomy tubes) in adult obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients and to evaluate the potential for the use of mini tracheostomies as treatment for OSA. Study Design. Systematic review. Methods. Nine databases were searched from inception through July 21, 2015. Results. The overall tracheostomy search yielded 516 articles, of which eighteen studies provided polysomnographic data. No study was identified (empty review) for the use of mini tracheostomies for treating OSA. The mini tracheostomy search yielded ninety-five articles which describe findings for either mini tracheostomy kits (inner cannula diameter of 4 mm) or the performance of mini tracheotomies. Six articles described the use of mini tracheostomies as a temporary procedure to relieve acute upper airway obstruction and none described the use for OSA. For tracheostomy stomal sites, suturing the skin directly to the tracheal rings with defatting can minimize stomal site collapse. The smallest tracheostomy stomal size that can successfully treat OSA has not been described. Conclusion. Mini tracheostomies as small as 4 mm have been successfully used in the short term to relieve upper airway obstruction. Given that polysomnography data are lacking, additional research is needed. PMID:26925105

  2. Mini Tracheostomy for Obstructive Sleep Apnea: An Evidence Based Proposal

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    Macario Camacho


    Full Text Available Objective. To search for articles evaluating the use of tracheostomies (either permanent stomas or tracheostomy tubes in adult obstructive sleep apnea (OSA patients and to evaluate the potential for the use of mini tracheostomies as treatment for OSA. Study Design. Systematic review. Methods. Nine databases were searched from inception through July 21, 2015. Results. The overall tracheostomy search yielded 516 articles, of which eighteen studies provided polysomnographic data. No study was identified (empty review for the use of mini tracheostomies for treating OSA. The mini tracheostomy search yielded ninety-five articles which describe findings for either mini tracheostomy kits (inner cannula diameter of 4 mm or the performance of mini tracheotomies. Six articles described the use of mini tracheostomies as a temporary procedure to relieve acute upper airway obstruction and none described the use for OSA. For tracheostomy stomal sites, suturing the skin directly to the tracheal rings with defatting can minimize stomal site collapse. The smallest tracheostomy stomal size that can successfully treat OSA has not been described. Conclusion. Mini tracheostomies as small as 4 mm have been successfully used in the short term to relieve upper airway obstruction. Given that polysomnography data are lacking, additional research is needed.

  3. Revisiting the stability of mini-implants used for orthodontic anchorage

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chung-Chen Jane Yao


    Conclusion: This study revealed that once the dental surgeon becomes familiar with the procedure, the stability of orthodontic mini-implants depends on the type of mini-implant, age of the patient, implantation site, and the healing time of the mini-implant. Miniplates are a more feasible anchorage system when miniscrews fail repeatedly.

  4. Berkeley mini-collider

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schroeder, L.S.


    The Berkeley Mini-Collider, a heavy-ion collider being planned to provide uranium-uranium collisions at T/sub cm/ less than or equal to 4 GeV/nucleon, is described. The central physics to be studied at these energies and our early ideas for a collider detector are presented

  5. Contribuição ao estudo da história natural de enteroparasitoses em uma comunidade fechada 1: Prevalência de enteroparasitos em uma comunidade fechada

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    Itagiba G. Moretti


    Full Text Available Empregando 5 métodos de diagnóstico coprológico, os autores estudam a prevalência de enteroparasitas em um orfanato do município de Londrina, Paraná, discutindo os resultados.Using 5 different coprological examination methods, the authors studied the prevalence of enteroparasites in an orphanage, in Londrina, Paraná, Brazil. The results are presented and the importance of the use of "anal swab" method for the diagnosis of enterobiosis and teniasis was emphasized


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    Adriana Goulart Santos


    Full Text Available RESUMO: O uso de agregados reciclados provenientes de resíduos de construções e demolições (RCD tem sido vistos como uma alternativa de reduzir a disposição inadequada destes materiais no meio ambiente, como também reduzir os custos de pavimentação. Neste contexto, o presente artigo tem como objetivo dimensionar, para as vias de tráfego intenso da cidade de Joinville-SC, uma estrutura de pavimento usando em sua composição misturas de solo e agregado reciclado e avaliar o seu custo de construção. Para isso, foram realizados ensaios de caracterização física do agregado reciclado e do solo. A partir daí foram dosadas duas misturas com teores diferentes de materiais e avaliado as suas respectivas resistências mecânicas. Com os resultados obtidos constatou-se que as misturas avaliadas podem ser empregadas na construção de camadas de sub-base. Verificou-se que houve uma redução de 8,8% nos custos de construção de pavimentos usando a mistura de solo-agregado reciclado. Por fim, o estudo apresenta que o uso do agregado reciclado pode ser uma alternativa econômica e tecnicamente viável para a área rodoviária, pois o dimensionamento mostrou que esse material pode ser utilizado para compor as camadas nobres de um pavimento. ABSTRACT: The use of recycled aggregate from construction and demolition waste has been seen as an alternative to reduce the improper disposal of these materials in the environment, and also reduce the cost of pavements construction. In this context, the present paper aims to pavement designer to the urban roads of the city of Joinville-SC, a structure of pavement that in its composition is used mixtures of soil and recycled aggregate and evaluation it costs of construction. For this, were made physical characterization tests for the recycled aggregate and the soil. Thereafter two mixtures were measured with different levels of materials and analyzed their respective mechanical behaviors. With the results

  7. Influência do tratamento das desordens temporomandibulares na dor e na postura global


    Azato, Flaviane Keiko; Castillo, Daisilene Baena; Coelho, Tulio Marcos Kalife; Taciro, Charles; Pereira, Paulo Zarate; Zomerfeld, Valquiria; Silva, Marcela Galdina da; Insarraulde, Elizeu; Vinholi, Gustavo


    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A disfunção temporomandibular é uma síndrome clínica que acomete principalmente músculos mastigatórios e articulações temporomandibulares. Como a articulação temporomandibular está diretamente relacionada à região cervical e escapular por meio de cadeias musculares, alterações posturais da coluna podem acarretar distúrbios de articulação temporomandibular, e vice-versa. A relação entre a postura corporal e a disfunção temporomandibular pode estabelecer uma forma de ...

  8. Perlindungan Hukum Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (Hki) Dalam Waralaba Retail Mini Market Di Yogyakarta Mini Market Di Yogyakarta


    Hariyanto Hariyanto, S.H., M.KN


    The Law Protection Intellectual Property Right in Mini Market Retail Franchise in YogyakartaFranchise business is more happening in Indonesia. This fast development indicates an interesting investment which on the same time helps the business subjects in starting their own business with a low risk. The franchise business which commonly stable is retail business. One of retail business which serves the main needs and daily needs is mini market Alfamart and Indomaret.This research aims to ident...

  9. Orthodontic mechanics using mini-implant measured by FBG (United States)

    Trannin, Pamela G.; Milczewski, Maura S.; de Oliveira, Walmir; Guariza Filho, Odilon; Lopes, Stephani C. P. S.; Kalinowski, Hypolito J.


    The magnitude of the force generated during orthodontic mechanics anchored in mini-implant in a maxilla model was analyzed. Data was collected during the insertion of the mini-implant and at the moment of applying forces to the structure of the maxilla and dentition. To obtain quantitative results, the Fibre Bragg Gratings (FBG) were inserted in an elastomeric material reproducing a maxilla model. It was observed levels of forces of approximately 3,78N next to the root of first premolar by the insertion of the mini-implant and different levels of the force to different orthodontic mechanics applied on the dental system.

  10. Initial validation of the Mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer (Mini-MAC) scale: study of Portuguese end-of-life cancer patients. (United States)

    Pereira, Filomena Moreira Pinto; Santos, Célia Samarina Vilaça de Brito


    The Mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale (Mini-MAC) is a 29-item instrument designed to evaluate the responses developed by cancer patients during their mental adjustment to diagnosis and treatment. This study aims to validate the Mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale (Mini-MAC) translated and adapted to the Portuguese language and culture, in end-of-life cancer patients receiving palliative care. The instrument was administered to 346 Portuguese end-of-life cancer patients, receiving care through outpatient visits or admitted into palliative care units, without cognitive symptoms and with symptoms under control. A cross-sectional validation study using orthogonal rotation through the varimax method followed by convergent and discriminant validity. The analysis of the main components confirms the existence of five factors, demonstrating the validity of the construct, with good internal consistency in the subscales and Cronbach's alpha values between 0.78 and 0.93. Good test-retest reliability was also found, and r values for subscales ranged from 0.62 to 0.99. The instrument proved to be a reliable, valid and sensitive measure in the study of mental adjustment of Portuguese end-of-life patients with cancer receiving palliative care. Nurses can use the Mini-MAC Scale in research and clinical practice in order to evaluate the mental adjustment of Portuguese end-of-life cancer patients receiving palliative care. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Maximum atmosphere at the Mini Atomiades

    CERN Multimedia

    Rachel Bray, Atomiades organizer team


    CERN Clubs Coordination Committee and CERN Staff Association host the ASCERI Mini Atomiades June 2016.   The CERN team won the tennis tournament for the Mini Atomiades 2016. (Photo: Erwin Van Hove) Over 180 participants from 10 different European Scientific Research Institutes came together on the first weekend of June in Divonne-les-Bains to take part in the ASCERI Sport & Science Mini Atomiades. Sports men and women from Belgium, Germany, France, Hungary, Russia and Switzerland battled it out in four different tournaments for medals, cups and, above all, lots of fun. The four disciplines included football, golf, tennis and a 10km race. CERN was victorious in tennis, golf and the men's and women's 10km, and despite the CERN football team putting up an excellent fight against some very strong teams they came almost last (we cannot win everything, can we?). But CERN were the clear winners for team spirit, community and camaraderie, as confirmed by all the comp...

  12. Influence of different implant materials on the primary stability of orthodontic mini-implants


    Chin-Yun Pan; Szu-Ting Chou; Yu-Chuan Tseng; Yi-Hsin Yang; Chao-Yi Wu; Ting-Hsun Lan; Pao-Hsin Liu; Hong-Po Chang


    This study evaluates the influence of different implant materials on the primary stability of orthodontic mini-implants by measuring the resonance frequency. Twenty-five orthodontic mini-implants with a diameter of 2 mm were used. The first group contained stainless steel mini-implants with two different lengths (10 and 12 mm). The second group included titanium alloy mini-implants with two different lengths (10 and 12 mm) and stainless steel mini-implants 10 mm in length. The mini-implants w...

  13. Reducción de infecciones por autocontaminación en cirugía de columna Redução de infecções por autocontaminação em cirurgia de coluna vertebral Reducing infections by auto-contamination in spine surgery

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    Alejo Vernengo Lezica


    de um dos membros da equipe, decidimos tomar uma série de medidas (com relação à escovação das mãos e manipulação da máscara cirúrgica de forma prospectiva. Avaliamos 120 pacientes nos quais operamos a coluna vertebral prospectivamente de janeiro de 2007 a dezembro de 2009. Os critérios de inclusão foram cirurgias de coluna por via posterior realizadas pela mesma equipe cirúrgica, de acordo com as medidas apresentadas a seguir. Os critérios de exclusão foram pacientes operados por via anterior, cirurgias laparoscópicas e vertebroplastias, assim como as cirurgias nas quais não havia ninguém da equipe cirúrgica em estudo. RESULTADOS: Das 120 colunas operadas houve infecção em três casos, nos quais se realizou a limpeza correspondente e a cultura e antibiograma da amostra e do nariz dos membros da equipe cirúrgica. Em nenhum dos casos, o microrganismo que produziu a infecção coincidiu com os encontrados no nariz da equipe cirúrgica, ou seja, 0% de contaminação provocada pelo cirurgião. CONCLUSÕES: Acreditamos que as medidas adotadas na sala de cirurgia, a saber, escovação das mãos e manipulação da máscara cirúrgica, podem reduzir a infecção nas cirurgias de coluna provocada pelo próprio cirurgião.OBJECTIVE: To carry out a prospective evaluation of spine surgery infections caused by contamination by the surgeon or some other member of the surgical team. METHODS: After seeing two infections in a row during spine surgery, and detecting that the germ found in the sample cultures coincided with that found in the nose of one of the members of the surgical team, we decided to prospectively implement a series of measures related to scrubbing and handling the surgical mask. We carried out a prospective evaluation from January 2007 to December 2009 of 120 patients who underwent spine surgery carried out by our team. Criteria for inclusion were spine surgery by the posterior route carried out by the same surgical team complying with the

  14. Programação funcional usando Java


    Jorge Juan Zavaleta Gavidia


    Desde a introdução da World Wide Web para o mundo nos inícios de 1990, usando a Internet como uma rede para transferir dados, empregando uma forma de expressão chamada de Hipertexto, a qual liga as informações relacionadas e combinadas com multimídia, os Webs resultantes têm aberto novas possibilidades de expressão e comunicação. A quantidade de tráfego de dados na Web e o número de computadores ofertando informação vem crescendo dramaticamente, mas falta expressividade e qualidade interativa...

  15. Desenvolvimento e fabricação de uma mini-impressora 3D para cerâmicas


    Luis Hilário Tobler Garcia


    O trabalho trata do estudo do processo de impressão tridimensional e desenvolvimento de uma impressora para a produção de corpos-de-prova cerâmicos. A técnica de impressão tridimensional pertence ao grupo de prototipagem rápida e consiste na obtenção de um corpo sólido a partir de um modelo digital de três dimensões, através do fatiamento do modelo tridimensional e da impressão seqüencial de suas respectivas fatias. Durante o processo de impressão, deposita-se um ligante sobre camadas sucessi...

  16. Impact of implant design on primary stability of orthodontic mini-implants. (United States)

    Wilmes, Benedict; Ottenstreuer, Stephanie; Su, Yu-Yu; Drescher, Dieter


    Skeletal anchorage with mini-implants has greatly broadened the treatment possibilities in orthodontics over the last few years. To reduce implant failure rates, it is advisable to obtain adequate primary stability. The aim of this study was to quantitatively analyze the impact of implant design and dimension on primary stability. Forty-two porcine iliac bone segments were prepared and embedded in resin. To evaluate the primary stability, we documented insertion torques of the following mini-implants: Aarhus Screw, AbsoAnchor, LOMAS, Micro-Anchorage-System, ORLUS and Spider Screw. In each bone, five Dual Top Screws were inserted for reference purposes to achieve comparability among the specimens. We observed wide variation in insertion torques and hence primary stability, depending on mini-implant design and dimension; the great impact that mini-implant diameter has on insertion torques was particularly conspicuous. Conical mini-implants achieved higher primary stabilities than cylindrical designs. The diameter and design of the mini-implant thread have a distinctive impact on primary stability. Depending on the region of insertion and local bone quality, the choice of the mini-implant design and size is crucial to establish sufficient primary stability.

  17. Hemorroidectomia híbrida: uma nova abordagem no tratamento das hemorróidas mistas Hybrid hemorrhoidectomy: a new approach in the treatment of hemorrhoids

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    Haroldo Alfredo Santos


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar uma nova abordagem mini-invasiva das Hemorróidas Mistas, a Hemorroidectomia Híbrida, que consiste na associação da Ligadura Elástica (LE das Hemorróidas Internas com a ressecção complementar dos Plicomas Externos sob anestesia local. Num universo de 326 cirurgias orificiais realizadas na Proctoclínica num período de 4 anos, 300 (92% foram submetidos a procedimentos mini-invasivos, 223 (68,40% foram submetidos a LE como tratamento exclusivo e 77 (23,60% à Hemoirroidectomia Híbrida e 26 (8% foram submetidos a outros procedimentos cirúrgicos (Hemorroidectomias a Milligan-Morgan, Fistulectomias etc. A abordagem proposta permite absenteísmo mínimo ao trabalho, mini-invasividade e baixa morbidade pós-operatória, ressaltando-se ainda a realização ambulatorial, excelente tolerabilidade e baixos custos.The goal of this work is to present a new mini-invasive approach of the Internal and External Hemorrhoids Treatment, the Hybrid Hemorrhoidectomy, that consists of an association of the Rubber Band Ligation (RBL of the Internal Hemorrhoids with complementary withdraw of the External Piles under local anesthesia. In a universe of 326 anal surgeries carried through in Proctoclínica in a period of 4 years, a number of 300 patients (92% had been submitted to mini-invasive procedures (223 (68,40% had been submitted to RBL as exclusive treatment and 77 (23,60% to Hybrid Hemorrhoidectomy and 26 patients (8% had been submitted to other surgical procedures (Hemorrhoidectomy Milligan-Morgan, Fistulectomy, etc. The proposal approach allows minimum absenteism to the work, mini-invasivity and low pos-operative morbidity with the advantage of office and outpatient procedures, excellent tolerability and low costs.

  18. Prevalência de dores musculoesqueléticas em motoristas de caminhão e fatores associados

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    Lucia Castro Lemos

    Full Text Available Introdução:motoristas profissionais podem estar sujeitos a doenças musculoesqueléticas relacionadas às condições de trabalho.Objetivo:estimar a prevalência e identificar fatores associados à dor musculoesquelética na coluna vertebral, nos 12 meses anteriores à pesquisa, referida por motoristas de caminhão.Métodos:estudo transversal realizado em 2007 com todos os 460 motoristas do sexo masculino de uma empresa de transportes de carga. Utilizou-se questionário abordando fatores sociodemográficos, ocupacionais e de saúde. Análises de regressão logística univariada e múltipla foram utilizadas para verificar a associação entre o relato de dor musculoesquelética na coluna vertebral e os fatores estudados.Resultados:a prevalência de dor musculoesquelética referida foi de 53,5%, sendo mais prevalentes a dor na coluna vertebral (38,5% e a dor na coluna lombar (28%. Sono de má qualidade, hábito de não cochilar, medo de ser assaltado, morrer, adoecer ou sofrer algum acidente durante o trabalho, e estresse, tensão ou fadiga por desconforto ao dirigir foram fatores associados às dores na coluna vertebral.Conclusão:constatou-se alta prevalência de lombalgia associada a estressores externos, como medo de acidentes e roubos, e a fatores ligados diretamente à organização do trabalho, como a ausência de pausas para cochilos e a restrição dos horários de sono, o que leva a sua má qualidade.

  19. Effect of Recycling Protocol on Mechanical Strength of Used Mini-Implants


    Estelita, Sérgio; Janson, Guilherme; Chiqueto, Kelly; Ferreira, Eduardo Silveira


    Purpose. This study evaluated the influence of recycling process on the torsional strength of mini-implants. Materials and Methods. Two hundred mini-implants were divided into 4 groups with 50 screws equally distributed in five diameters (1.3 to 1.7 mm): control group (CG): unused mini-implants, G1: mini-implants inserted in pig iliac bone and removed, G2: same protocol of group 1 followed by sonication for cleaning and autoclave sterilization, and G3: same insertion protocol of group 1 follo...

  20. Séries temporais e redes neurais: uma análise comparativa de técnicas na previsão de vendas do varejo brasileiro

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    Claudio Felisoni de Angelo


    Full Text Available Uma importante atividade econômica em qualquer sociedade diz respeito à comercialização de bens. O varejo consiste exatamente no vínculo que se estabelece entre a indústria e o consumidor final. Prever as vendas é essencial para que se possa gerenciar de modo adequado os processos produtivos e de comercialização. No varejo esse aspecto reveste-se de importância ainda maior. Vender significa harmonizar os interesses dos que produzem com aqueles que compram. Portanto, o presente trabalho tem por propósito examinar comparativamente a aplicação de dois métodos de previsão de vendas de varejo no mercado brasileiro: as séries temporais e as redes neurais. A escolha dessas duas técnicas como objeto dessa comparação foi suscitada pela importância que essas duas concepções têm assumido na literatura. Embora a utilização de redes neurais tenha proporcionado a menor soma dos quadrados dos resíduos, pode-se dizer que os resultados empregando modelos do tipo ARIMA se mostraram praticamente equivalentes.

  1. Mini-placa como ancoragem ortodôntica: relato de caso Mini screw as orthodontic anchorage: case report

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    André Luiz Zétola


    ígida pode ser utilizada com bastante propriedade no tratamento ortodôntico qunado for requerida uma ancoragem máxima.It is needless to say that anchorage control is necessary to a successful orthodontic treatment. Without it, it would be impossible to obtain an ideal occlusion through orthodontic mechanics in the majority of cases. The utilization of rigid devices, originated from face traumatology and implant dentistry principles, to obtain rigid anchorage in orthodontics revolutionized the way of treating cases with an unsatisfactory prognosis. Specially in cases where a lot of anchorage is needed and it is difficult or impossible to get it. The objective of this article was to revise the literature related to the use of mini-screw implant systems, to report a case where it was utilized and to discuss some aspects related to the usage of rigid anchorage orthodontics. The rigid anchorage was used in a 39 year old female patient, who had the upper left molars with a relevant extrusion due to the absence of the lower left molars. Fixed appliances were placed on the upper arch with a TPA connecting the second bicuspids. The TPA was used to anchor the intrusion of the upper left molars. A quad-helix appliance was used to correct the upper right third molar crossbite. Since the orthodontic intrusion with only dental anchorage did not have a satisfactory result, an "L" shaped titanium plate was placed on the maxilla, at the apical region of the upper first and second left molars, with the purpose of obtaining a rigid orthodontic anchorage to intrude them. Elastics were used during five months with intrusive force,the obtained intrusion was 6 millimeters. After the removal of the appliance, upper and lower dental bleaching was made and final prosthesis were placed over the implants. Through the literature reviewed and the case reported, it can be concluded that rigid anchorage can be indicated in orthodontic treatments where there is lack of anchorage or the need of an absolute

  2. Mini-mental Parkinson (MMP) as a dementia screening test: comparison with the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). (United States)

    Larner, Andrew J


    As populations age, screening instruments for cognitive impairment and dementia will become of increasing importance in clinical practice. Mini-Mental Parkinson (MMP), a derivative of the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), was originally described as a cognitive screening instrument for use in Parkinson's disease. Its item content addresses some of the acknowledged shortcomings of the MMSE. Pragmatic use of MMP in general cognitive clinics has not previously been examined. To compare the performance of two scales, Mini-Mental Parkinson (MMP) and the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), as cognitive screening instruments for dementia in a memory clinic population. MMP was administered prospectively to 201 consecutive new patient referrals independent of other tests used to establish dementia diagnosis according to standard diagnostic criteria (DSM-IV). Diagnostic utility of MMP for dementia was measured and compared with MMSE. MMP proved easy to use and acceptable to patients. Optimal test accuracy (0.86) was at MMP cutoff of ≤ 17/32, with sensitivity 0.51, specificity 0.97, positive predictive value 0.83, negative predictive value 0.87, and area under Receiver Operating Characteristic curve 0.89. Using a higher cutoff (≤ 29/32), MMP sensitivity was 1.00 with specificity 0.70. MMP scores correlated with MMSE (r = 0.93) and diagnostic agreement was high (κ = 0.85). MMP is a useful screening instrument in the memory clinic setting, with patients who fall below the designated cutoff requiring further investigation to ascertain a cause for their cognitive impairment.

  3. Mini-clinical evaluation exercise til evaluering af kommunikation og samarbejde i ambulatoriet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eriksen, Jesper Grau; Simonsen, Dorit; Bastholt, Lars


    INTRODUCTION: In the revised Danish medical specialist training increased focus has been placed on competences which are hard to evaluate such as communication skills. Mini-CEX seems promising as an evaluation tool. Our aim was to test: 1) whether mini-CEX was useable in the evaluation...... of communicative and cooperative skills and 2) whether mini-CEX would provide reproducible data. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty-one residents were evaluated by mini-CEX by trained observers. Seventeen residents had at least two observations within a short period of time and these data were used to estimate the mini...

  4. Mini-conference and Related Sessions on Laboratory Plasma Astrophysics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hantao Ji


    This paper provides a summary of some major physics issues and future perspectives discussed in the Mini-Conference on Laboratory Plasma Astrophysics. This Mini-conference, sponsored by the Topical Group on Plasma Astrophysics, was held as part of the American Physical Society's Division of Plasma Physics 2003 Annual Meeting (October 27-31, 2003). Also included are brief summaries of selected talks on the same topic presented at two invited paper sessions (including a tutorial) and two contributed focus oral sessions, which were organized in coordination with the Mini-Conference by the same organizers

  5. Mini-conference and Related Sessions on Laboratory Plasma Astrophysics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hantao Ji


    This paper provides a summary of some major physics issues and future perspectives discussed in the Mini-Conference on Laboratory Plasma Astrophysics. This Mini-conference, sponsored by the Topical Group on Plasma Astrophysics, was held as part of the American Physical Society's Division of Plasma Physics 2003 Annual Meeting (October 27-31, 2003). Also included are brief summaries of selected talks on the same topic presented at two invited paper sessions (including a tutorial) and two contributed focus oral sessions, which were organized in coordination with the Mini-Conference by the same organizers.

  6. Avaliação de propriedades psicométricas e de resultados da aplicação da versão brasileira do \\'Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview - TRACKING\\' em usuários da Estratégia de Saúde da Família acompanhados com ou sem cuidado colaborativo em saúde mental


    Leonardo Moscovici


    Objetivos: Estudar a confiabilidade e validade de uma versão brasileira dos módulos Episódio Depressivo Maior (EDM) e Transtorno de Ansiedade Generalizado (TAG) do Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview TRACKING (MINI-TRACKING); comparar a evolução de pacientes com diagnóstico de EDM e TAG seguidos por equipes de Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF) com acesso ao modelo de Cuidado Colaborativo (CC) em Saúde Mental versus um grupo de pacientes seguidos por equipes sem acesso ao CC. Met...

  7. Screening for Dementia in Older Adults: Comparison of Mini-Mental State Examination, Mini-Cog, Clock Drawing Test and AD8. (United States)

    Yang, Li; Yan, Jing; Jin, Xiaoqing; Jin, Yu; Yu, Wei; Xu, Shanhu; Wu, Haibin


    This study was conducted to estimate screening performance of dementia screening tools including Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), Mini-Cog, Clock Drawing Test (CDT) and Ascertain Dementia 8 questionnaire (AD8) for older adults. 2015 participants aged 65 years or more in eastern China were enrolled. 4 screening tests were administered and scored by specifically trained psychiatrists. We used data from two-by-two tables to calculate the sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values (PPV/NPV). Our study showed that dementia was highly prevalent among elderly in Zhejiang province. The Mini-Cog, with excellent screening characteristics and spending less time, could be considered to be used as a screening tool among communities to help to diagnose dementia early.

  8. Proposta educativa com enfoque ergonômico para auxiliar na prevenção de lesões músculo-esqueléticas na equipe de enfermagem

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    Neusa Maria Costa Alexandre


    Full Text Available Os trabalhadores de enfermagem estão sujeitos a lesões na coluna vertebral, atribuídas a condições ergonômicas e posturais inadequadas. Com o objetivo de auxiliar na redução dessas lesões, elaborou-se uma proposta educativa específica para o pessoal de enfermagem, cujo planejamento e tópicos constam do presente estudo. A estratégia foi realizada a partir da análise do ambiente de trabalho e das atividades desenvolvidas por esse pessoal, abordando temas relativos à anatomia e biomecânica da coluna vertebral, orientações gerais de postura, aspectos ergonômicos específicos do trabalho da enfermagem e considerações sobre movimentação e transporte de pacientes.

  9. Avaliação do tratamento cirúrgico das fraturas da coluna toracolombar com material de terceira geração tipo fixador interno Evaluation of surgical treatment of fractures of thoracolumbar spine with third-generation material for internal fixation

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    Adalberto Bortoletto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar o resultado funcional dos pacientes com fratura da coluna toracolombar cirúrgica. MÉTODO: Foi feito um estudo prospectivo incluindo 100 pacientes portadores de fratura da coluna vertebral nos segmentos torácico e lombar. As lesões foram classificadas conforme a sistemática da AO e os pacientes foram tratados com cirurgia. Avaliou-se a presença de cifose inicial e sua evolução após a intervenção cirúrgica, a presença de dor pós-operatória e sua evolução até 24 semanas do ato cirúrgico. Comparando nossos dados com a literatura. RESULTADOS: Analisados 100 pacientes cirúrgicos, sendo 37 do tipo A, 46 do tipo B e 17 do tipo C, observamos que os pacientes que se apresentavam com Frankel A mantiveram o quadro, porém, os pacientes com Frankel B ou mais, evoluíram com alguma melhora do quadro; a média da melhora da dor baseada na escala visual analógica (EVA foi acima de 4 pontos, e o retorno às atividades de rotina diária constatado em todos os pacientes, sendo que o retorno ao trabalho não foi considerado por nós como critério de avaliação. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar da controvérsia quanto à indicação da cirurgia nas fraturas da coluna, consideramos o método por nós utilizado como satisfatório, com bons resultados e baixo índice de complicações, porém mais estudos prospectivos e randomizados, com um seguimento mais longo, são necessários para uma avaliação deste tipo de fixação.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the functional results from patients with surgical fractures in the thoracolumbar spine. METHOD: A prospective study including 100 patients with spinal fractures in the thoracic and lumbar segments was conducted. The lesions were classified in accordance with the AO system, and the patients were treated surgically. The presence of early kyphosis and its evolution after the surgical intervention, and the presence of postoperative pain and its evolution up to the 24th week after the surgery, were

  10. Systemic levels of metallic ions released from orthodontic mini-implants. (United States)

    de Morais, Liliane Siqueira; Serra, Glaucio Guimarães; Albuquerque Palermo, Elisabete Fernandes; Andrade, Leonardo Rodrigues; Müller, Carlos Alberto; Meyers, Marc André; Elias, Carlos Nelson


    Orthodontic mini-implants are a potential source of metallic ions to the human body because of the corrosion of titanium (Ti) alloy in body fluids. The purpose of this study was to gauge the concentration of Ti, aluminum (Al), and vanadium (V), as a function of time, in the kidneys, livers, and lungs of rabbits that had Ti-6Al-4V alloy orthodontic mini-implants placed in their tibia. Twenty-three New Zealand rabbits were randomly divided into 4 groups: control, 1 week, 4 weeks, and 12 weeks. Four orthodontic mini-implants were placed in the left proximal tibia of 18 rabbits. Five control rabbits had no orthodontic mini-implants. After 1, 4, and 12 weeks, the rabbits were killed, and the selected tissues were extracted and prepared for analysis by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Low amounts of Ti, Al, and V were detectable in the 1-week, 4-weeks, and 12-weeks groups, confirming that release of these metals from the mini-implants occurs, with diffusion and accumulation in remote organs. Despite the tendency of ion release when using the Ti alloy as orthodontic mini-implants, the amounts of metals detected were significantly below the average intake of these elements through food and drink and did not reach toxic concentrations.

  11. Measuring mental health in the clinical setting: what is important to service users? The Mini-Service user Recovery Evaluation scale (Mini-SeRvE). (United States)

    Barber, Joanna M; Parsons, Helen; Wilson, Carol A; Cook, Christopher C H


    Since 2001, a policy of positive mental health recovery has been promoted in the UK, with service user involvement. This has not been easy to implement in the clinical setting. To develop and validate a brief self-report, service user-designed, outcome measure (Mini-SeRvE), for clinical use, including spiritual and religious issues. From the previously developed Service user Recovery Evaluation scale (SeRvE), 15 questions were selected for Mini-SeRvE which was self-completed by 207 people; 100 service users and, for comparison, 107 staff. Results were analysed using SPSS software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). Mini-SeRvE is reliable, Cronbach's alpha 0.852. Correlation with another recovery scale, Mental Health Recovery Measure, was high, r = 0.819. Three reliable subscales emerged; existential well-being (EWB), mental ill-being (MIB) and religious well-being (RWB). Scores of the EWB and MIB subscales were higher for staff, consistent with higher mental well-being. Religious well-being scores were higher in service users, who also rated religion as more important to them. Mini-SeRvE is a valid measure of service user recovery. The importance of religion/spiritual belief for our users is highlighted, this being reflected in the subject matter of Mini-SeRvE. Mini-SeRvE assessments could show individual priorities, evaluate therapy and aid clinical decision-making.

  12. Por uma ficção autoconsciente: a transposição do romance Dom Casmurro para a minisérie Capitu

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    Cristiane Passafaro Guzzi

    Full Text Available O artigo discute a possibilidade de leitura de duas tradições nos romances, uma realista e outra autoconsciente, as quais se norteiam pelo modo como o gênero romanesco interpretou o conceito de verossimilhança ao longo de sua história. Tal percurso de reflexão possibilitou um estudo da minissérie televisiva Capitu (2008, de Luiz Fernando Carvalho - transposição, essa, da obra Dom Casmurro -, que levou em consideração, também, em seu processo, uma expressa autoconsciência dos mecanismos reflexivos empregados na obra machadiana, mas mobilizados, agora, pelos procedimentos específicos do novo suporte.

  13. Taman Mini Indonesia Indah sebagai Bagian dari Fenomena Taman Budaya Dunia

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    Anak Agung Ayu Wulandari


    Full Text Available Cultural display in an open space or known as cultural parks appears rapidly as a worldwide phenomenon. From the European model which has a strong educational value, to the Asian parks which not only has educational function, but also has recreational purposes. So many types and characteristics of these parks, researches give them different names, thodse are Open-air museums, Ethnographic Theme Parks or even Theme Parks. Taman Mini Indonesia Indah as a part of this phenomenon was built first and foremost for educational purposes, therefore Taman Mini can be considered as an open-air museum. However, since Taman Mini also has recreational purposes, others can argue that Taman Mini is a theme park. Qualitative method will be used for this research, through observation to Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, followed by extensive literature review. With these data along with a table which points out the distinction between museum and theme parks. It can  be concluded that Taman Mini is a Theme Park.   

  14. Refining MARGINS Mini-Lessons Using Classroom Observations (United States)

    Iverson, E. A.; Manduca, C. A.; McDaris, J. R.; Lee, S.


    One of the challenges that we face in developing teaching materials or activities from research findings is testing the materials to determine that they work as intended. Traditionally faculty develop material for their own class, notice what worked and didn’t, and improve them the next year. However, as we move to a community process of creating and sharing teaching materials, a community-based process for testing materials is appropriate. The MARGINS project has piloted such a process for testing teaching materials and activities developed as part of its mini-lesson project ( Building on prior work developing mechanisms for community review of teaching resources (e.g. Kastens, 2002; Hancock and Manduca, 2005; Mayhew and Hall, 2007), the MARGINS evaluation team developed a structured classroom observation protocol. The goals of field testing are to a) gather structured, consistent feedback for the lesson authors based on classroom use; b) guide reviewers of these lessons to reflect on research-based educational practice as a framework for their comments; c) collect information on the data and observations that the reviewer used to underpin their review; d) determine which mini-lessons are ready to be made widely available on the website. The protocol guides faculty observations on why they used the activity, the effectiveness of the activity in their classroom, the success of the activity in leading to the desired learning, and what other faculty need to successfully use the activity. Available online (, the protocol can be downloaded and completed during instruction with the activity. In order to encourage review of mini-lessons using the protocol, a workshop focused on review and revision of activities was held in May 2009. In preparation for the workshop, 13 of the 28 participants chose to field test a mini-lesson prior to the workshop and reported that they found this

  15. Crescimento de plantas de cajueiro anão precoce influenciado pela compactação e temperatura do solo

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    P. K. B. Oliveira


    Full Text Available Atribui-se ao uso de práticas culturais inadequadas uma das causas da redução drástica dos níveis de produtividade e produção da cultura do caju no nordeste brasileiro. A eliminação periódica da cobertura vegetal e o tráfego de máquinas e implementos condicionam temperaturas e densidade de solo que podem comprometer o crescimento e desenvolvimento das plantas, o que é mais preocupante ainda, considerando a textura arenosa dos solos cultivados e as condições climáticas da região. A partir destas constatações, desenvolveu-se o presente trabalho, com vistas em fornecer indicativos capazes de permitir uma avaliação dos efeitos das condições de solo e clima, objetivando identificar o comportamento de plantas de cajueiro anão precoce, submetidas a diferentes níveis de compactação e temperatura de solo, como meio de testar a hipótese de que níveis crescentes destes fatores podem reduzir seu crescimento. O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido em condições controladas, utilizando colunas de solo em tubos de PVC, nas quais se adicionou o Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo eutrófico típico. Submeteram-se estas colunas a dois níveis de temperatura do solo, um com as colunas de solo isoladas com folhas de isopor pintadas na cor alumínio (tratamento isolado-TI, e o outro, com colunas não isoladas, mas com os tubos de PVC pintados na cor preta, para maior absorção de luz (tratamento não isolado-TNI. Os níveis de densidade a que foram ajustadas as camadas compactadas da coluna de solo foram 1,2; 1,3; 1,4; 1,5; 1,6 e 1,7 Mg m-3, sendo o restante da coluna a 1,3 Mg m-3. Os tratamentos foram distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com arranjo fatorial 6 x 2 (seis níveis de compactação e dois níveis de temperatura, com três repetições. Após o período de 12 meses de cultivo das plantas, a parte aérea foi colhida, determinando-se matéria seca da parte aérea, altura da planta, diâmetro do caule e número de

  16. A mini-microscope for in situ monitoring of cells. (United States)

    Kim, Sang Bok; Koo, Kyo-in; Bae, Hojae; Dokmeci, Mehmet R; Hamilton, Geraldine A; Bahinski, Anthony; Kim, Sun Min; Ingber, Donald E; Khademhosseini, Ali


    A mini-microscope was developed for in situ monitoring of cells by modifying off-the-shelf components of a commercial webcam. The mini-microscope consists of a CMOS imaging module, a small plastic lens and a white LED illumination source. The CMOS imaging module was connected to a laptop computer through a USB port for image acquisition and analysis. Due to its compact size, 8 × 10 × 9 cm, the present microscope is portable and can easily fit inside a conventional incubator, and enables real-time monitoring of cellular behaviour. Moreover, the mini-microscope can be used for imaging cells in conventional cell culture flasks, such as Petri dishes and multi-well plates. To demonstrate the operation of the mini-microscope, we monitored the cellular migration of mouse 3T3 fibroblasts in a scratch assay in medium containing three different concentrations of fetal bovine serum (5, 10, and 20%) and demonstrated differential responses depending on serum levels. In addition, we seeded embryonic stem cells inside poly(ethylene glycol) microwells and monitored the formation of stem cell aggregates in real time using the mini-microscope. Furthermore, we also combined a lab-on-a-chip microfluidic device for microdroplet generation and analysis with the mini-microscope and observed the formation of droplets under different flow conditions. Given its cost effectiveness, robust imaging and portability, the presented platform may be useful for a range of applications for real-time cellular imaging using lab-on-a-chip devices at low cost.

  17. Complete overdentures retained by mini implants: A systematic review. (United States)

    Lemos, Cleidiel Aparecido Araujo; Verri, Fellippo Ramos; Batista, Victor Eduardo de Souza; Júnior, Joel Ferreira Santiago; Mello, Caroline Cantieri; Pellizzer, Eduardo Piza


    The purpose of this systematic review was to evaluate the use of mini implants to retain complete overdentures in terms of survival rates of mini implants, marginal bone loss, satisfaction, and quality of life. This report followed the PRISMA Statement and PICO question. This review has been registered at PROSPERO under the number CRD42016036141. Two independent reviewers performed a comprehensive search of studies published until September 2016 and listed in the PubMed/MEDLINE, Embase, and The Cochrane Library databases. The focused question was: is the use of mini implants feasible for prosthodontic rehabilitation with complete overdentures? The 24 studies selected for review evaluated 1273 patients whose mean age was 65.93 years; these patients had received 2494 mini implants and 386 standard implants for retaining overdenture prosthesis. The mean follow-up time was 2.48 years (range: 1-7 years). There was a higher survival rate of mini implants (92.32%). More frequent failures for maxillary (31.71%) compared with mandibular arches (4.89%). The majority of studies revealed marginal bone loss values similar to those of standard implants (overdenture prosthesis is considered an alternative treatment when standard treatment is not possible, since it presents high survival rates, acceptable marginal bone loss, and improvements in variables related to satisfaction and quality of life. Based on the results of this study, the use of a minimum 4 and 6 mini implants can be considered a satisfactory treatment option for rehabilitation of the mandibular and maxillary arches respectively with a complete overdenture. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  18. Mini-implantes ortodônticos como auxiliares da fase de retração anterior Orthodontic mini-implants assisting the anterior retraction phase

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlo Marassi


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: os mini-implantes ortodônticos se estabeleceram como um importante método de ancoragem e vêm auxiliando os ortodontistas nas várias etapas do tratamento ortodôntico, eliminando, em grande parte, a necessidade de colaboração dos pacientes e tornando os resultados mais previsíveis. OBJETIVO: este artigo descreve os principais aspectos do uso dos mini-implantes como auxiliares da fase de retração anterior, trazendo considerações sobre suas indicações, quantidade de movimentação dos dentes anteriores, os vetores de força de retração, o controle vertical, o posicionamento dos mini-implantes, os tipos de apoio na região anterior e a força a ser utilizada. São citados os sítios de instalação mais usados para a retração anterior e abordados fatores que deverão ser controlados durante o fechamento de espaço. Por fim, são citadas algumas considerações clínicas sobre o uso dos mini-implantes nessa importante fase do tratamento ortodôntico.INTRODUCTION: The use of orthodontic mini-implants has settled as an important anchorage method and is aiding the orthodontists in the several stages of the treatment, largely eliminating the need of patients' compliance, and turning the results more predictable. AIM: This article describes the main aspects of the use of mini-implants as auxiliaries on the retraction phase of the anterior teeth, bringing considerations about their indications, amount of movement of the anterior teeth, the vectors of retraction force, the vertical control and evaluation of the incisors vestibulolingual tipping, the positioning of the mini-implants, the support types in the anterior area and the force to be applied. The placement sites best used for the anterior retraction are mentioned, and the factors that should be controlled during the space closure are approached. Lastly, some clinical considerations on the use of mini-implants in such important phase of the orthodontic treatment are

  19. The Mini-Cog versus the Mini-Mental State Examination and the Clock Drawing Test in daily clinical practice: screening value in a German Memory Clinic. (United States)

    Milian, Monika; Leiherr, Anna-Maria; Straten, Guido; Müller, Stephan; Leyhe, Thomas; Eschweiler, Gerhard W


    The aim of this study was to compare the screening value of the Mini-Cog, Clock Drawing Test (CDT), Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the algorithm MMSE and/or CDT to separate elderly people with dementia from healthy depending on test time, type and severity of dementia, and demographic variables in a German Memory Clinic. Data from a heterogeneous patient sample and healthy participants (n = 502) were retrospectively analyzed. Of the 438 patients with dementia, 49.1% of the dementia diagnoses were Alzheimer's dementia and 50.9% were non-Alzheimer's dementia. Sixty-four participants were classified as cognitively unimpaired. The CDT and an extraction of the 3-item recall of the MMSE were used to constitute the Mini-Cog algorithm. Overall, the Mini-Cog showed significantly higher discriminatory power (86.8%) than the MMSE (72.6% at a cut-off ≤ 24 and 79.2% at ≤ 25, respectively) and CDT (78.1%) (each p 0.05). The specificity of the Mini-Cog (100.0%) was similar to that of the MMSE (100.0% for both cut-offs) and CDT (96.9%) (p = 0.154). For all age and educational groups the Mini-Cog outmatched the CDT and MMSE, and was less affected by education than MMSE and less susceptible for the dementia stage than the CDT. The Mini-Cog proved to have superior discriminatory power than either CDT or MMSE and is demonstrated to be a valid "short" screening instrument taking 3 to 4 minutes to administer in the geriatric setting.

  20. Characterization of surface topography and chemical composition of mini-implants


    Knop, Luegya Amorim Henriques; Soares, Ana Prates; Shintcovsk, Ricardo Lima; Martins, Lidia Parsekian; Gandini Jr., Luiz Gonzaga


    Abstract Aim : To assess the surface topography and chemical composition of three brands of as-received mini-implants (SIN(r), Morelli(r), and Conexao(r)). Methods: Twelve mini-implants of each brand were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX). Results: There was no significant differences among SIN(r), Morelli(r), and Conexao(r) mini-implants comparing their surface topography by visualization of SEM micrographs and analysis of scores. The EDX analysis ...

  1. Late time CMB anisotropies constrain mini-charged particles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Burrage, C.; Redondo, J.; Ringwald, A. [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany); Jaeckel, J. [Univ. of Durham, Inst. for Particle Physics Phenomenology (United Kingdom)


    Observations of the temperature anisotropies induced as light from the CMB passes through large scale structures in the late universe are a sensitive probe of the interactions of photons in such environments. In extensions of the Standard Model which give rise to mini-charged particles, photons propagating through transverse magnetic fields can be lost to pair production of such particles. Such a decrement in the photon flux would occur as photons from the CMB traverse the magnetic fields of galaxy clusters. Therefore late time CMB anisotropies can be used to constrain the properties of mini- charged particles. We outline how this test is constructed, and present new constraints on mini-charged particles from observations of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect in the Coma cluster. (orig.)

  2. Estimation of diagnostic performance of dementia screening tests: Mini-Mental State Examination, Mini-Cog, Clock Drawing test and Ascertain Dementia 8 questionnaire. (United States)

    Yang, Li; Yan, Jing; Jin, Xiaoqing; Jin, Yu; Yu, Wei; Xu, Shanhu; Wu, Haibin; Xu, Ying; Liu, Caixia


    Dementia is one of the leading causes of dependence in the elderly. This study was conducted to estimate diagnostic performance of dementia screening tests including Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), Mini-Cog, Clock Drawing Test (CDT) and Ascertain Dementia 8 questionnaire (AD8) by Bayesian models. A total of 2015 participants aged 65 years or more in eastern China were enrolled. The four screening tests were administered and scored by specifically trained psychiatrists. The prior information of sensitivity and specificity of every screening test was updated via Bayes' theorem to a posterior distribution. Then the results were compared with the estimation based on National Institute of Aging-Alzheimer's Association criteria (NIA-AA). The diagnostic characteristics of Mini-Cog, including sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV, especially the Youden index, performed well, even better than the combinations of several screening tests. The Mini-Cog with excellent screening characteristics, spending less time, could be considered to be used as a screening test to help to screen patients with cognitive impairment or dementia early. And Bayesian method was shown to be a suitable tool for evaluating dementia screening tests. The Mini-Cog with excellent screening characteristics, spending less time, could be considered to be used as a screening test to help to screen patients with cognitive impairment or dementia early. And Bayesian method was shown to be a suitable tool for evaluating dementia screening tests.

  3. Mini-Grids for the Base of the Pyramid Market: A Critical Review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Subhes C. Bhattacharyya


    Full Text Available The lack of access to electricity of more than 1.1 billion people around the world remains a major developmental challenge and Goal 7 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG as well as Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL have set a target of universal electrification by 2030. Various studies have identified mini-grid-based electrification as a possible solution. There is a growing body of literature available now that has explored the feasibility, practical application and policy interventions required to support mini-grids. Through a review of available literature, this paper explores whether mini-grids can be a solution for the base of the pyramid (BoP market and the challenges faced in deploying mini-grids in such markets. Interventions to support the mini-grid deployment are also discussed. The paper finds that the mini-grids are targeting the BoP market but the business is not attractive in profitability terms and requires financial support. Lack of regulatory clarity and non-coordinated policies affect the financial viability of projects, which requires careful support. Mini-grid electrification has hardly been embedded in rural development agenda and hence they have not contributed significantly to livelihood generation. Careful realignment of policies, regulatory frameworks and support systems can better support mini-grid deployment in developing countries.

  4. Risperidone oral disintegrating mini-tablets: A robust-product for pediatrics. (United States)

    El-Say, Khalid M; Ahmed, Tarek A; Abdelbary, Maged F; Ali, Bahaa E; Aljaeid, Bader M; Zidan, Ahmed S


    This study was aimed at developing risperidone oral disintegrating mini-tablets (OD-mini-tablets) as age-appropriate formulations and to assess their suitability for infants and pediatric use. An experimental Box-Behnken design was applied to assure high quality of the OD-mini-tablets and reduce product variability. The design was employed to understand the influence of the critical excipient combinations on the production of OD-mini-tablets and thus guarantee the feasibility of obtaining products with dosage form uniformity. The variables selected were mannitol percent in Avicel (X1), swelling pressure of the superdisintegrant (X2), and the surface area of Aerosil as a glidant (X3). Risperidone-excipient compatibilities were investigated using FTIR and the spectra did not display any interaction. Fifteen formulations were prepared and evaluated for pre- and post-compression characteristics. The prepared OD-mini-tablet batches were also assessed for disintegration in simulated salivary fluid (SSF, pH 6.2) and in reconstituted skimmed milk. The optimized formula fulfilled the requirements for crushing strength of 5 kN with minimal friability, disintegration times of 8.4 and 53.7 s in SSF and skimmed milk, respectively. This study therefore proposes the risperidone OD-mini-tablet formula having robust mechanical properties, uniform and precise dosing of medication with short disintegration time suitable for pediatric use.

  5. Accelerated Tooth Movement with Orthodontic Mini-Screws

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. Aksakalli


    Full Text Available This case report outlines the possibility of accelerated tooth movement with the combination of microosteoperforation and mini-screws. A 14-year-old male patient presented Class II malocclusion with maxillary incisor protrusion. Upper first premolars were extracted, and after leveling, accelerated canine distalization started. For pre- and postdistalization times, amount of distalization, periodontal health, and root resorption were assessed. Within the limitations of this case report, micro-osteoperforations with mini-screw have a potential for shortening the treatment time.

  6. Predicting everyday functional abilities of dementia patients with the Mini-Mental State Examination. (United States)

    Razani, Jill; Wong, Jennifer T; Dafaeeboini, Natalia; Edwards-Lee, Terri; Lu, Po; Alessi, Cathy; Josephson, Karen


    The Mini-Mental State Examination is a widely used cognitive screening measure. The purpose of the present study was to assess how 5 specific clusters of Mini-Mental State Examination items (ie, subscores) correlate with and predict specific areas of daily functioning in dementia patients, 61 patients with varied forms of dementia were administered the Mini-Mental State Examination and an observation-based daily functional test (the Direct Assessment of Functional Status). The results revealed that the orientation and attention subscores of the Mini-Mental State Examination correlated most significantly with most functional domains. The Mini-Mental State Examination language items correlated with all but the shopping and time orientation tasks, while the Mini-Mental State Examination recall items correlated with the Direct Assessment of Functional Status time orientation and shopping tasks. Stepwise regression analyses found that among the Mini-Mental State Examination subscores, orientation was the single, best independent predictor of daily functioning.

  7. Validity of a short clinical interview for psychiatric diagnosis: the mini-SCAN. (United States)

    Nienhuis, F J; van de Willige, G; Rijnders, C A Th; de Jonge, P; Wiersma, D


    To promote clinical application of the Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry (SCAN) system a shorter version (the mini-SCAN) was devised. Its psychometric properties were unknown. To establish the validity and practical properties of the mini-SCAN. One hundred and six participants were interviewed twice, once with the SCAN and once with the mini-SCAN. The level of agreement was established for the categories: no disorder, affective disorders, anxiety disorders, non-affective psychotic disorders, affective psychotic disorders. The mini-SCAN is a valid instrument. Most kappa values were around 0.90. Only for the class of affective psychotic disorders was the agreement moderate. Mean duration of the mini-SCAN interviews was 25 min shorter than the SCAN interviews. Participants and interviewers were generally satisfied with the interview format and questions. The mini-SCAN can be used as a diagnostic instrument for clinical purposes and for clinical studies when the present episode is the focus of attention.

  8. Why are mini-implants lost: the value of the implantation technique! (United States)

    Romano, Fabio Lourenço; Consolaro, Alberto


    The use of mini-implants have made a major contribution to orthodontic treatment. Demand has aroused scientific curiosity about implant placement procedures and techniques. However, the reasons for instability have not yet been made totally clear. The aim of this article is to establish a relationship between implant placement technique and mini-implant success rates by means of examining the following hypotheses: 1) Sites of poor alveolar bone and little space between roots lead to inadequate implant placement; 2) Different sites require mini-implants of different sizes! Implant size should respect alveolar bone diameter; 3) Properly determining mini-implant placement site provides ease for implant placement and contributes to stability; 4) The more precise the lancing procedures, the better the implant placement technique; 5) Self-drilling does not mean higher pressures; 6) Knowing where implant placement should end decreases the risk of complications and mini-implant loss.

  9. Why are mini-implants lost: The value of the implantation technique!

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabio Lourenço Romano


    Full Text Available The use of mini-implants have made a major contribution to orthodontic treatment. Demand has aroused scientific curiosity about implant placement procedures and techniques. However, the reasons for instability have not yet been made totally clear. The aim of this article is to establish a relationship between implant placement technique and mini-implant success rates by means of examining the following hypotheses: 1 Sites of poor alveolar bone and little space between roots lead to inadequate implant placement; 2 Different sites require mini-implants of different sizes! Implant size should respect alveolar bone diameter; 3 Properly determining mini-implant placement site provides ease for implant placement and contributes to stability; 4 The more precise the lancing procedures, the better the implant placement technique; 5 Self-drilling does not mean higher pressures; 6 Knowing where implant placement should end decreases the risk of complications and mini-implant loss.

  10. Influence of different implant materials on the primary stability of orthodontic mini-implants. (United States)

    Pan, Chin-Yun; Chou, Szu-Ting; Tseng, Yu-Chuan; Yang, Yi-Hsin; Wu, Chao-Yi; Lan, Ting-Hsun; Liu, Pao-Hsin; Chang, Hong-Po


    This study evaluates the influence of different implant materials on the primary stability of orthodontic mini-implants by measuring the resonance frequency. Twenty-five orthodontic mini-implants with a diameter of 2 mm were used. The first group contained stainless steel mini-implants with two different lengths (10 and 12 mm). The second group included titanium alloy mini-implants with two different lengths (10 and 12 mm) and stainless steel mini-implants 10 mm in length. The mini-implants were inserted into artificial bones with a 2-mm-thick cortical layer and 40 or 20 lb/ft(3) trabecular bone density at insertion depths of 2, 4, and 6 mm. The resonance frequency of the mini-implants in the artificial bone was detected with the Implomates(®) device. Data were analyzed by two-way analysis of variance followed by the Tukey honestly significant difference test (α = 0.05). Greater insertion depth resulted in higher resonance frequency, whereas longer mini-implants showed lower resonance frequency values. However, resonance frequency was not influenced by the implant materials titanium alloy or stainless steel. Therefore, the primary stability of a mini-implant is influenced by insertion depth and not by implant material. Insertion depth is extremely important for primary implant stability and is critical for treatment success. Copyright © 2012. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  11. Influence of different implant materials on the primary stability of orthodontic mini-implants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chin-Yun Pan


    Full Text Available This study evaluates the influence of different implant materials on the primary stability of orthodontic mini-implants by measuring the resonance frequency. Twenty-five orthodontic mini-implants with a diameter of 2 mm were used. The first group contained stainless steel mini-implants with two different lengths (10 and 12 mm. The second group included titanium alloy mini-implants with two different lengths (10 and 12 mm and stainless steel mini-implants 10 mm in length. The mini-implants were inserted into artificial bones with a 2-mm-thick cortical layer and 40 or 20 lb/ft3 trabecular bone density at insertion depths of 2, 4, and 6 mm. The resonance frequency of the mini-implants in the artificial bone was detected with the Implomates® device. Data were analyzed by two-way analysis of variance followed by the Tukey honestly significant difference test (α = 0.05. Greater insertion depth resulted in higher resonance frequency, whereas longer mini-implants showed lower resonance frequency values. However, resonance frequency was not influenced by the implant materials titanium alloy or stainless steel. Therefore, the primary stability of a mini-implant is influenced by insertion depth and not by implant material. Insertion depth is extremely important for primary implant stability and is critical for treatment success.

  12. Delphi report 1995 on developments in science and technology. Mini Delphi; Delphi-Bericht 1995 zur Entwicklung von Wissenschaft und Technik. Mini-Delphi

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In August 1993 the first German `Delphi Report on Developments in Science and Technology` was published. It was elaborated by the Fraunhofer Institute for System Engineering and Innovation Research (FhG-ISI) in cooperation with the Japanese National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP). The `MINI-DELPHI` now completed by FhG-ISI, again in cooperation with NISTEP, is a further development of the Delphi approach in that it is more differentiated in its questions and assessment criteria than its predecessors. `MINI-DELPHI` is not intended as a comprehensive forecast on technology in general but rather focusses on key topics. Its emphasis is on technology demand and the relevance of technologies to social issues. Although the Mini-Delphi study was primarily aimed at further refining the methodology employed, it nevertheless contains a wealth of information and details on circumscript questions. The requisite database is provided by tables on the results of two inquiry rounds among Japanese and German experts. (orig./RHM) [Deutsch] Im August 1993 wurde der erste deutsche `Delphi-Bericht zur Entwicklung von Wissenschaft und Technik` veroeffentlicht. Er war vom Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Systemtechnik und Innovationsforschung (FhG-ISI) in Zusammenarbeit mit dem japanischen National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP) erarbeitet worden. Mit dem jetzt vorliegenden `MINI-DELPHI` hat das FhG-ISI - wieder in Zusammenarbeit mit dem NISTEP - den Delphi-Ansatz fortentwickelt und sowohl hinsichtlich der Fragen als auch der Beurteilungskriterien weiter ausdifferenziert. `MINI-DELPHI` bezweckt keine umfassende Technologievorausschau, sondern konzentriert sich auf Schluesselthemen. Im Vordergrund steht der Gedanke des Technikbedarfs und die Relevanz fuer gesellschaftliche Fragestellungen. Obwohl die Mini-Delphi-Studie vorrangig der Weiterentwicklung der Methodik dient, enthaelt sich eine Fuelle von Informationen und Details zu Einzelfragen. Die im Bericht

  13. Designing a mini subcritical nuclear reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Escobedo G, C. R.; Vega C, H. R.; Davila H, V. M.


    In this work the design of a mini subcritical nuclear reactor formed by means of light water moderator, uranium as fuel, and isotopic neutron source of 239 PuBe was carried out. The design was done by Monte Carlo methods with the code MCNP5 in which uranium was modeled in an array of concentric holes cylinders of 8.5, 14.5, 20.5, 26.5, 32.5 cm of internal radius and 3 cm of thickness, 36 cm of height. Different models were made from a single fuel cylinder (natural uranium) to five. The neutron source of 239 PuBe was situated in the center of the mini reactor; in each arrangement was used water as moderator. Cross sections libraries Endf/Vi were used and the number of stories was large enough to ensure less uncertainty than 3%. For each case the effective multiplication factor k e -f f , the amplification factor and the power was calculated. Outside the mini reactor the ambient dose equivalent H (10) was calculated for different cases. The value of k eff , the amplification factor and power are directly related to the number of cylinders of uranium as fuel. Although the average energy of the neutrons 239 PuBe is between 4.5 and 5 MeV in the case of the mini reactor for a cylinder, in the neutron spectrum the presence of thermal neutrons does not exist, so that produced fissions are generated with fast neutrons, and in designs of two and three rings the neutron spectra shows the presence of thermal neutrons, however the fissions are being generated with fast neutrons. Finally in the four and five cases the amount of moderator is enough to thermalized the neutrons and thereby produce the fission. The maximum value for k eff was 0.82; this value is very close to the assembly of Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas generating a k eff of 0.86. According to the safety and radiation protection standards for the design of mini reactor of one, two and three cylinders they comply with the established safety, while designs of four and five cylinders not met. (Author)

  14. Aplication of the stereolithography technique in complex spine surgery Aplicação da técnica de estereolitografia em cirurgias complexas da coluna

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wellingson Silva Paiva


    Full Text Available Many techniques have been proposed for surgical training as a learning process for young surgeons or for the simulation of complex procedures. Stereolithograpfy, a rapid prototyping technique, has been presented recently as an option for these purposes. We describe the case of a 12 years old boy, diagnosed with Ewing´s sarcoma in the cervical spine. After a surgical simulation accomplished in the prototype, built by stereolithography, the patient was submitted to a C4 corpectomy and to a C4 and C3 laminectomy with anterior and posterior fixation, a non intercurrence procedure. This technique is an innovative and complementary tool in diagnosis and therapy. As a result, it is easier for the surgeon to understand the complexity of the case and plan the approach before any surgical procedure.Lesões tumorais da coluna podem representar um grande desafio para equipe cirúrgica. A estereolitografia é uma técnica de construção de peças anatômicas a partir de desenhos gráficos ou exames radiológicos. Apresentamos um paciente de 12 anos, com quadro de cervicobraquialgia à direita com diagnóstico de sarcoma de Ewing. Ao exame neurológico, o paciente apresentava-se com paresia em MSD grau IV e leve hipoestesia em dermátomos de C6 à T1 à direita. RM evidenciou edema intra e extra-ósseo com compressão medular e instabilidade cervical. Realizada simulação cirúrgica no protótipo construído por estereolitografia. Foi submetido a corpectomia de C4 e a laminectomia C4 e C3, com fixação anterior e posterior, procedimento sem intercorrências. A estereolitografia é ferramenta inovadora no auxílio diagnóstico e terapêutico. Seu uso permite ao cirurgião entender fisicamente o sítio da lesão, estudar a via de acesso e perceber a real complexidade do caso antes do procedimento cirúrgico.

  15. Internal Structure of Mini-CEX Scores for Internal Medicine Residents: Factor Analysis and Generalizability (United States)

    Cook, David A.; Beckman, Thomas J.; Mandrekar, Jayawant N.; Pankratz, V. Shane


    The mini-CEX is widely used to rate directly observed resident-patient encounters. Although several studies have explored the reliability of mini-CEX scores, the dimensionality of mini-CEX scores is incompletely understood. Objective: Explore the dimensionality of mini-CEX scores through factor analysis and generalizability analysis. Design:…

  16. Mini-Digest of Education Statistics, 2008. NCES 2009-021 (United States)

    Snyder, Thomas D.


    This publication is the 14th edition of the "Mini-Digest of Education Statistics," a pocket-sized compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of American education from kindergarten through graduate school. The "Mini-Digest" is designed as an easy reference for materials found in much greater detail in the…

  17. Fibrous mini-collagens in hydra nematocysts. (United States)

    Holstein, T W; Benoit, M; Herder, G V; David, C N; Wanner, G; Gaub, H E


    Nematocysts (cnidocysts) are exocytotic organelles found in all cnidarians. Here, atomic force microscopy and field emission scanning electron microscopy reveal the structure of the nematocyst capsule wall. The outer wall consists of globular proteins of unknown function. The inner wall consists of bundles of collagen-like fibrils having a spacing of 50 to 100 nanometers and cross-striations at intervals of 32 nanometers. The fibrils consist of polymers of "mini-collagens," which are abundant in the nematocysts of Hydra. The distinct pattern of mini-collagen fibers in the inner wall can provide the tensile strength necessary to withstand the high osmotic pressure (15 megapascals) in the capsules.

  18. Concerning production and decay of mini black holes

    CERN Document Server

    Hajdukovic, D


    In the next few years, theories predicting possibility to create mini black holes will be tested at CERN. Either experimental verification or rejection of these theories is of great scientific importance. There is a large consensus that, if successfully created, these short living mini black holes will decay through thermal (Hawking's) radiation. In the present comment we point out, that under assumption of the gravitational repulsion between matter and antimatter (in short we call it antigravity), thermal radiation may be dominated by a non-thermal radiation (being the consequence of pair creation from the vacuum, by gravitational field, which in the case of antigravity, pushes particles and antiparticles in opposite directions). Thus, the eventual creation of mini black holes may turn to be an unexpected opportunity to test the existence of antigravity.

  19. Desenvolvimento e avaliação de uma miniestação ecoeficiente de tratamento de esgoto e reuso de águas, com sistemas registrador queimador, para baixa vazões de biogás e cogeração de energia


    Godoy Junior, Ederaldo [UNESP


    O presente trabalho trata do desenvolvimento, do processo construtivo, da implantação e da análise técnica, econômica e ambiental de uma miniETERA (miniestação ecoeficiente de tratamento de esgoto e reuso de águas), em PVC e concreto armado, associada a um sistema de cogeração de energia a biogás e a um sistema registrador e queimador de biogás para baixas vazões. A miniETERA é composta por três digestores anaeróbios de fluxo ascendente, em manto de lodo, do tipo UASB (upflow anaerobic slodge...

  20. Replacing a failed mini-implant with a miniplate to prevent interruption during orthodontic treatment. (United States)

    Lee, Jin-Hwa; Choo, Hyeran; Kim, Seong-Hun; Chung, Kyu-Rhim; Giannuzzi, Lucille A; Ngan, Peter


    When mini-implants fail during orthodontic treatment, there is a need to have a backup plan to either replace the failed implant in the adjacent interradicular area or wait for the bone to heal before replacing the mini-implant. We propose a novel way to overcome this problem by replacement with a miniplate so as not to interrupt treatment or prolong treatment time. The indications, advantages, efficacy, and procedures for switching from a mini-implant to a miniplate are discussed. Two patients who required replacement of failed mini-implants are presented. In the first patient, because of the proximity of the buccal vestibule to the mini-implant, it was decided to replace the failed mini-implant by an I-shaped C-tube miniplate. In the second patient, radiolucencies were found around the failed mini-implants, making the adjacent alveolar bone unavailable for immediate placement of another mini-implant. In addition, the maxillary sinus pneumatization was expanded deeply into the interradicular spaces; this further mandated an alternative placement site. One failed mini-implant was examined under a scanning electron microscope for bone attachment. Treatment was completed in both patients after replacement with miniplates without interrupting the treatment mechanics or prolonging the treatments. Examination under the scanning electron microscope showed partial bone growth into the coating pores and titanium substrate interface even after thorough cleaning and sterilization. Replacement with a miniplate is a viable solution for failed mini-implants during orthodontic treatment. The results from microscopic evaluation of the failed mini-implant suggest that stringent guidelines are needed for recycling used mini-implants. Copyright © 2011 American Association of Orthodontists. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Evaluation of mini super computers for nuclear design applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Altomare, S.; Baradari, F.


    The evolution of the mini super computers will force changes from the current environment of performing nuclear design calculations on mainframe computers (such as a CRAY) to mini super computers. This change will come about for a number of reasons. First, the mini super computers currently available in the marketplace offer the power and speed comparable to mainframes and can provide the capability to support highly computer intensive calculations. Second, the equipment is physically smaller and can easily be installed and operated without extensive investments in facilities and operations support. Third, the computer capacity can be acquired with as much needed memory, disk, and tape capacity as may be needed. Another reasons is that the performance/cost ratio has increased drastically as hardware costs have decreased. A study was conducted at the Westinghouse Commercial Nuclear Fuel Division (CNFD) to evaluate the mini super computers for use in nuclear core design. As a result of this evaluation, Westinghouse CNFD is offering a combined hardware/software technology transfer package for core design. This package provides the utility designer with a totally dedicated mini super computer comparable in speed to the CRAY 1S with sufficient capacity for a sizable design group to perform the engineering activities related to nuclear core design and operations support. This also assures the utility of being totally compatible with the CNFD design codes, thus assuring total update compatibility

  2. Mini-clinical evaluation exercise til evaluering af kommunikation og samarbejde i ambulatoriet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eriksen, Jesper Grau; Simonsen, Dorit; Bastholt, Lars


    INTRODUCTION: In the revised Danish medical specialist training increased focus has been placed on competences which are hard to evaluate such as communication skills. Mini-CEX seems promising as an evaluation tool. Our aim was to test: 1) whether mini-CEX was useable in the evaluation of communi......INTRODUCTION: In the revised Danish medical specialist training increased focus has been placed on competences which are hard to evaluate such as communication skills. Mini-CEX seems promising as an evaluation tool. Our aim was to test: 1) whether mini-CEX was useable in the evaluation...

  3. Injuries in Japanese Mini-Basketball Players During Practices and Games (United States)

    Kuzuhara, Kenji; Shibata, Masashi; Uchida, Ryo


    Context: Mini-basketball is one of the most popular junior sports in Japan. Mini-basketball–related injuries may increase because of early specialization. However, no reports have been published to date concerning basketball injuries in children younger than 12 years of age. Objective: To prospectively study the incidence, sites, types, and mechanisms of injuries in mini-basketball teams. Design: Descriptive epidemiology study. Setting: Mini-basketball teams in Kobe, Japan. Patients or Other Participants: A total of 95 players in 7 community-based mini-basketball club teams (age range, 9 through 12 years). Main Outcome Measure(s): Data on all practice and game injuries for the 2013–2014 season were collected using an injury report form. Injury rates were calculated according to site, type, and mechanism. Results: The overall injury rate was 3.83 per 1000 athlete-hours (AHs). The game injury rate (12.92/1000 AHs) was higher than the practice injury rate (3.13/1000 AHs; P basketball players. The high practice injury rate in this study may be due to specific factors related to growth, such as individual differences in height, or to skills, such as inexperience in ball handling. PMID:27922287

  4. Gender and Self-Employment: The Role of Mini-Companies (United States)

    Johansen, Vegard


    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to evaluate to what degree participation in mini-companies impact young women and men with regard to the perceived desirability and perceived feasibility of self-employment. The Company Programme (CP) is the largest mini-company scheme in European secondary school. Design/methodology/approach: The data derived…

  5. Afrique : ressources minières, environnement et gouvernance ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    25 janv. 2011 ... ils regorgent de richesses inouïes », assure Bonnie Campbell, directrice du Groupe de recherche sur les activités minières en Afrique (GRAMA) et titulaire de la Chaire C.-A. Poissant de recherche sur la gouvernance et l'aide au développement, faisant référence aux ressources minières et pétrolières dont ...

  6. MiniDLNA_tweaker : Aplicació per configurar i previsualitzar el servidor MiniDLNA per a GNU/Linux


    Martínez Lloveras, Jordi


    L'aplicació MiniDLNA per a GNU/Linux és un servidor lleuger que compleix els estàndards DLNA/UPnP configurable a través d'un simple arxiu de text, això la fa ideal per al propòsit d'implantació d'un servidor que ofereixi els continguts a tots els dispositius que compleixin els estàndards esmentats. La aplicación MiniDLNA para GNU/Linux es un servidor ligero que cumple los estándares DLNA/UPnP configurable a través de un simple archivo de texto, esto la hace ideal para el propósito de impla...

  7. Agreement between clinical and MINI diagnoses in outpatients with mood and anxiety disorders

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verhoeven, F. E. A.; Swaab, L. S. M. A.; Carlier, I. V. E.; van Hemert, A. M.; Zitman, F. G.; Ruhé, H. G.; Schoevers, R. A.; Giltay, E. J.


    Background: Standardized Diagnostic Interviews (SDIs) such as the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) are widely used to systematically screen for psychiatric disorders in research. To support generalizability of results to clinical practice, we assessed agreement between the MINI

  8. Do dual-thread orthodontic mini-implants improve bone/tissue mechanical retention? (United States)

    Lin, Yang-Sung; Chang, Yau-Zen; Yu, Jian-Hong; Lin, Chun-Li


    The aim of this study was to understand whether the pitch relationship between micro and macro thread designs with a parametrical relationship in a dual-thread mini-implant can improve primary stability. Three types of mini-implants consisting of single-thread (ST) (0.75 mm pitch in whole length), dual-thread A (DTA) with double-start 0.375 mm pitch, and dual-thread B (DTB) with single-start 0.2 mm pitch in upper 2-mm micro thread region for performing insertion and pull-out testing. Histomorphometric analysis was performed in these specimens in evaluating peri-implant bone defects using a non-contact vision measuring system. The maximum inserted torque (Tmax) in type DTA was found to be the smallest significantly, but corresponding values found no significant difference between ST and DTB. The largest pull-out strength (Fmax) in the DTA mini-implant was found significantly greater than that for the ST mini-implant regardless of implant insertion orientation. Mini-implant engaged the cortical bone well as observed in ST and DTA types. Dual-thread mini-implant with correct micro thread pitch (parametrical relationship with macro thread pitch) in the cortical bone region can improve primary stability and enhanced mechanical retention.

  9. The Galactic Centre Mini-Spiral with CARMA (United States)

    Kunneriath, D.; Eckart, A.; Vogel, S. N.; Teuben, P.; Muzic, K.; Schodel. R.; Garcia-Marin, M.; Moultaka, J.; Staguhn, J.; Straubmeier, C.; hide


    The Galactic centre mini-spiral region is a mixture of gas and dust with temperatures ranging from a few hundred K to 10(exp 4) K. We report results from 1.3 and 3mm radio interferometric observations of this region with CARMA, and present a spectral index map of this region. We find a range of emission mechanisms in the region, including the inverted synchrotron spectrum of Sgr A*, free-free emission from the mini-spiral arms, and a possible dust emission contribution indicated by a positive spectral index.

  10. Photovoltaic energy mini-generation: Future perspectives for Portugal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carvalho, Duarte; Wemans, Joao; Lima, Joao; Malico, Isabel


    This paper evaluates the benefits of developing the mini-generation PV market in Portugal. It presents the legal framework and current status of the Portuguese PV electricity sector, and compares the country to other European nations: France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom. A model that combines PVGIS with a self-developed financial tool is used to assess the feasibility of a 150 kW mini-generation system using five different technologies: fixed mount, single-axis tracking, double-axis tracking, low concentration and medium concentration (MCPV). The profitability of the mini-generation systems in the seven countries studied is calculated and compared. According to this analysis, MCPV and, of the conventional technologies, the single-axis tracking systems are the most profitable technologies. Despite the attractiveness of the current Portuguese feed-in tariffs and of the abundant solar resource, investors are discouraged and the country's PV market is far from mature. Specific mini-generation regulations should focus on a fast and transparent licensing procedure and should promote the access to financing. This would attract new investments, which would result in the growth of the PV electricity produced, and would help Portugal to meet its European Union Renewable Energy targets. - Highlights: → This work promotes the development of a mini-generation PV market in Portugal. → The Portuguese current status and legal framework is compared to other EU countries. → The profitability of 5 different PV technologies is compared for 7 European countries. → The Portuguese growth potential for PV energy is still big. → Portugal, due to its radiation levels, presents excellent investment opportunities.

  11. Design and Reproducibility of a Mini-Survey to Evaluate the Quality of Food Intake (Mini-ECCA in a Mexican Population

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Fernanda Bernal-Orozco


    Full Text Available Evaluating food intake quality may contribute to the development of nutrition programs. In Mexico, there are no screening tools that can be administered quickly for the evaluation of this variable. The aim was to determine the reproducibility of a mini-survey designed to evaluate the quality of food intake (Mini-ECCA in a Mexican population. Mini-ECCA consists of 12 questions that are based on Mexican and international recommendations for food and non-alcoholic beverage intake, with the support of photographs for food quantity estimation. Each question scores as 0 (unhealthy or 1 (healthy, and the final score undergoes a classification procedure. Through the framework of a nutritional study, 152 employees of the municipal water company in Guadalajara, Mexico (April–August 2016, were invited to participate. The survey was administered in two rounds (test and retest with a 15-day interval between them. We calculated the Spearman correlation coefficient, the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC, and weighted kappa for score classification agreement (SPSS versus 14 p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. The survey obtained a “good” reproducibility (ρ = 0.713, p < 0.001, and an excellent concordance (ICC = 0.841 Confidence Interval 95% 0.779, 0.885. It can thus be said that the Mini-ECCA displayed acceptable reproducibility and is suitable for the purpose of dietary assessment and guidance.

  12. Paradigm shifts in orthodontic treatment with mini-implant anchorage

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Johnny Joung-Lin Liaw


    Full Text Available After the applications of mini-implant anchorage, the envelope of orthodontic treatment was expanded and some treatment modes were changed because of more predictable tooth movement with empowered anchorage. The author tried to share his experience of TADs applications for clarifying the paradigm shifts of orthodontic treatment assisted with the mini-implant anchorage.

  13. Mini implants for definitive prosthodontic treatment: a systematic review. (United States)

    Bidra, Avinash S; Almas, Khalid


    Mini implants are commonly used in orthodontics and for interim prosthodontic treatment, but evidence for their use in definitive prosthodontic treatment is not clear. This systematic review evaluated the mini-implant literature to analyze short-term (1 to 5 years), medium-term (5 to 10 years), and long-term (beyond 10 years) survival rates when used for definitive prosthodontic treatment. An electronic search of the English language literature for articles published between January 1974 and May 2012 was performed by using PubMed and Cochrane databases with predetermined inclusion criteria. Key terms included in the search were mini dental implants, narrow diameter implants, reduced diameter implants, small diameter implants, transitional implants, interim implants, and provisional implants. After a systematic filtering process, the selected articles were subjected to a detailed review, and the data collected were used to calculate the 1-year interval survival rate (ISR) and the cumulative survival rate (CSR). The electronic database search yielded 1807 titles. By scrutinizing the titles and abstracts with inclusion and exclusion criteria, the researchers identified 9 studies of mini implants for definitive prosthodontic treatment. Of the studies identified, 1 was a randomized controlled trial, 2 were prospective studies, and 6 were retrospective studies. The majority of mini implants were placed by using a flapless surgical technique in the mandibular anterior region to support an overdenture. The 1st year ISR was 94.7% and the CSR over a 9-year period, primarily attributed to data from 1 study, was 92.2%. Most implants were immediately loaded and almost all implant failures occurred during the first year after implant placement. For short-term survival, the first year ISR of 94.7% of mini dental implants appears encouraging, but the true 1-year survival rate is unknown, as the minimum follow-up period reported for several implants was less than a year

  14. Mini-Sniffer III on Lakebed with Ground Support Crew (United States)


    The third version of the Mini-Sniffer remotely-piloted research vehicle on Rogers Dry Lake, adjacent to NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California. The futuristic-looking ground crew are in white, self-contained suits, because the engine on this third version of the Mini-Sniffer was powered by hydrazine, which is a very hazardous material. The Mini-Sniffer was a remotely controlled, propeller-driven vehicle developed at the NASA Flight Research Center (which became the Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California, in 1976) as a potential platform to sample the upper atmosphere for pollution. The vehicle, flown from 1975 to 1977, was one of the earliest attempts by NASA to develop an aircraft that could sense turbulence and measure natural and human-produced atmospheric pollutants at altitudes above 80,000 feet with a variable-load propeller that was never flight-tested. Three Mini-Sniffer vehicles were built. The number 1 Mini-Sniffer vehicle had swept wings with a span of 18 feet and canards on the nose. It flew 12 flights with the gas-powered engine at low altitudes of around 2,500 feet. The number 1 vehicle was then modified into version number 2 by removing the canards and wing rudders and adding wing tips and tail booms. Twenty flights were made with this version, up to altitudes of 20,000 feet. The number 3 vehicle had a longer fuselage, was lighter in weight, and was powered by the non-air-breathing hydrazine engine designed by NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. This version was designed to fly a 25-pound payload to an altitude of 70,000 feet for one hour or to climb to 90,000 feet and glide back. The number 3 Mini-Sniffer made one flight to 20,000 feet and was not flown again because of a hydrazine leak problem. All three versions used a pusher propeller to free the nose area for an atmospheric-sampling payload. At various times the Mini-Sniffer has been considered for exploration in the carbon dioxide atmosphere of the

  15. Estou Satisfeito: Um Estudo sobre a Lealdade do Consumidor em Restaurantes Empregando a Escala Dineserv

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Alberto Alves


    Full Text Available O propósito deste trabalho é investigar a relação entre a qualidade de serviços e a lealdade do consumidor mediada pela satisfação, por meio de um estudo empírico realizado com frequentadores de restaurantes na cidade de São Paulo. Por meio de uma extensiva revisão bibliográfica, duas hipóteses centrais foram formuladas: a a qualidade de serviços percebida possui relação direta e significante com a lealdade e b a satisfação é um fator mediador, contribuindo com a relação qualidade de serviço percebida e lealdade do consumidor.  Foi realizada uma pesquisa tipo survey com 444 consumidores que frequentam restaurantes para jantar na cidade de São Paulo, e utilizada a Modelagem de Equação Estrutural, para avaliar as relações entre caminhos e testes de hipóteses. Os resultados apontam para uma relação positiva e significante entre a qualidade percebida em serviços e a lealdade do consumidor e, da mesma forma, foi encontrado que a satisfação possui papel de mediação na relação. Como contribuição gerencial, os resultados deste estudo dão algumas importantes direções aos gestores de restaurantes na formulação de uma estratégia para fornecer uma qualidade de serviço superior aos seus clientes e consumidores. Este estudo se justifica tanto teoricamente como gerencialmente, pois, no Brasil, poucos trabalhos publicados consideram a relação entre a qualidade percebida de serviços e a lealdade do consumidor, mediada pela satisfação no setor de hospitalidade.

  16. Neutrino-nucleus neutral current elastic interactions measurement in MiniBooNE (United States)

    Perevalov, Denis

    The MiniBooNE experiment at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) was designed to search for numu → nu e neutrino oscillations at Deltam 2 ˜ 1 eV2 using an intense neutrino flux with an average energy Enu ˜ 700 MeV. From 2002 to 2009 MiniBooNE has accumulated more than 1.0x1021 protons on target (POT) in both neutrino and antineutrino modes. MiniBooNE provides a perfect platform for detailed measurements of exclusive and semi-inclusive neutrino cross-sections, for which MiniBooNE has the largest samples of events up to date, such as neutral current elastic (NCE), neutral current pi 0, charged current quasi-elastic (CCQE), charged current pi +, and other channels. These measured cross-sections, in turn, allow to improve the knowledge of nucleon structure. This thesis is devoted to the study of NCE interactions. Neutrino-nucleus neutral current elastic scattering (nuN → nu N) accounts for about 18% of all neutrino interactions in MiniBooNE. Using a high-statistics, high purity sample of NCE interactions in MiniBooNE, the flux-averaged NCE differential cross-section has been measured and is being reported here. Further study of the NCE cross-section allowed for probing the structure of nuclei. The main interest in the NCE cross-section is that it may be sensitive to the strange quark contribution to the nucleon spin, Deltas, this however requires a separation of NCE proton (nup → nu p) from NCE neutron (nun → nun ) events, which in general is a challenging task. MiniBooNE uses a Cherenkov detector, which imposes restrictions on the measured nucleon kinematic variables, mainly due to the impossibility to reconstruct the nucleon direction below the Cherenkov threshold. However, at kinetic energies above this threshold MiniBooNE is able to identify NCE proton events that do not experience final state interactions (FSI). These events were used for the Deltas measurement. In this thesis MiniBooNE reports the NCE (n+p) cross-section, the measurement

  17. Recommended safety objectives, principles and requirements for mini-reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Canadian and international publications containing objectives, principles and requirements for the safety of nuclear facilities in general and nuclear power plants in particular have been reviewed for their relevance to mini-reactors. Most of the individual recommendations, sometimes with minor wording changes, are applicable to mini-reactors. However, some prescriptive requirements for the shutdown, emergency core cooling and containment systems of power reactors are considered inappropriate for mini-reactors. The Advisory Committee on Nuclear Safety favours a generally non-prescriptive approach whereby the applicant for a mini-reactor license is free to propose any means of satisfying the fundamental objectives, but must convince the regulatory agency to that effect. To do so, a probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) would be the favoured procedure. A generic PSA for all mini-reactors of the same design would be acceptable. Notwithstanding this non-prescriptive approach, the ACNS considers that it would be prudent to require the existence of at least one independent shutdown system and two physically independent locations from which the reactor can be shut down and the shutdown condition monitored, and to require provision for an assumed loss of integrity of the primary cooling system's boundary unless convincing arguments to the contrary are presented. The ACNS endorses in general the objectives and fundamental principles proposed by the interorganizational Small Reactor Criteria working group, and intends to review and comment on the documents on specific applications to be issued by that working group

  18. Cryopreservation of boar semen in mini- and maxi-straws. (United States)

    Bwanga, C O; de Braganca, M M; Einarsson, S; Rodriguez-Martinez, H


    Split ejaculates from four boars were frozen with a programmable freezing machine, in mini- (0.25 ml) and maxi- (5 ml) plastic straws with an extender at either acidic (6.3) or alkaline (7.4) pH. Glycerol (3%) was used as cryoprotectant. The freezing of the semen was monitored by way of thermocouples placed in the straws. Post-thaw motility and acrosome integrity were evaluated; the latter using phase contrast microscopy, eosin-nigrosin stain and electron microscopy. Post-thaw sperm motility was significantly higher when semen was frozen in mini-straws than in maxi-straws. For the mini-straws, the motility was better when semen was exposed to an acidic environment during freezing, but this beneficial effect of the low extracellular pH was not evident when maxi-straws were thawed. The motility of the spermatozoa diminished significantly during the thermoresistance test (0 h and 2 h time) at 37 degrees C in a similar way for both straws and extracellular pH's. The freezing procedure, no matter the extracellular pH, did not cause major acrosomal damages, but significantly more normal apical ridges were present in the mini-straws than in the maxi-straws. This in vitro evaluation indicated that the freezing method employed was better for mini- than for maxi-straws since the freezing of the 5 ml volumes was not homogeneous, due to the large section area between the surface and the core of the straw.

  19. A mini-microscope for in situ monitoring of cells†‡ (United States)

    Kim, Sang Bok; Koo, Kyo-in; Bae, Hojae; Dokmeci, Mehmet R.; Hamilton, Geraldine A.; Bahinski, Anthony; Kim, Sun Min; Ingber, Donald E.


    A mini-microscope was developed for in situ monitoring of cells by modifying off-the-shelf components of a commercial webcam. The mini-microscope consists of a CMOS imaging module, a small plastic lens and a white LED illumination source. The CMOS imaging module was connected to a laptop computer through a USB port for image acquisition and analysis. Due to its compact size, 8 × 10 × 9 cm, the present microscope is portable and can easily fit inside a conventional incubator, and enables real-time monitoring of cellular behaviour. Moreover, the mini-microscope can be used for imaging cells in conventional cell culture flasks, such as Petri dishes and multi-well plates. To demonstrate the operation of the mini-microscope, we monitored the cellular migration of mouse 3T3 fibroblasts in a scratch assay in medium containing three different concentrations of fetal bovine serum (5, 10, and 20%) and demonstrated differential responses depending on serum levels. In addition, we seeded embryonic stem cells inside poly(ethylene glycol) microwells and monitored the formation of stem cell aggregates in real time using the mini-microscope. Furthermore, we also combined a lab-on-a-chip microfluidic device for microdroplet generation and analysis with the mini-microscope and observed the formation of droplets under different flow conditions. Given its cost effectiveness, robust imaging and portability, the presented platform may be useful for a range of applications for real-time cellular imaging using lab-on-a-chip devices at low cost. PMID:22911426

  20. Impact of Mini-drone based Video Surveillance on Invasion of Privacy


    Korshunov, Pavel; Bonetto, Margherita; Ebrahimi, Touradj; Ramponi, Giovanni


    An increase in adoption of video surveillance, affecting many aspects of daily lives, raises public concern about an intrusion into individual privacy. New sensing and surveillance technologies, such as mini-drones, threaten to eradicate boundaries of private space even more. Therefore, it is important to study the effect of mini-drones on privacy intrusion and to understand how existing protection privacy filters perform on a video captured by a mini-drone. To this end, we have built a publi...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tukiran Surbakti


    Full Text Available Abstract NEUTRONICS ANALYSIS ON MINI TEST FUEL IN THE RSG-GAS CORE. Research of UMo fuel for research reactor has been developing  right now. The fuel of  research reactor used is uranium low enrichment with high density. For supporting the development of fuel, an assessment of mini fuel in the RSG-GAS core was performed. The mini fuel are U7Mo-Al and U6Zr-Al with densitis of 7.0gU/cc and 5.2 gU/cc, respectively. The size of both fuel are the same namely 630x70.75x1.30 mm were inserted to the 3 plates of dummy fuel. Before being irradiated in the core, a calculation for safety analysis  from neutronics and thermohydrolics aspects were required. However, in this paper will discuss safety analysis of the U7Mo-Al and U6Zr-Al mini fuels from neutronic point of view.  The calculation was done using WIMSD-5B and Batan-3DIFF code. The result showed that both of the mini fuels could be irradiated in the RSG-GAS core with burn up less than 70 % within 12 cycles of operation without over limiting the safety margin. Power density of U7Mo-Al mini fuel bigger than U6Zr-Al fuel.   Key words: mini fuel, neutronics analysis, reactor core, safety analysis   Abstrak ANALISIS NEUTRONIK ELEMEN BAKAR UJI MINI DI TERAS RSG-GAS. Penelitian tentang bahan bakar UMo untuk reaktor riset terus berkembang saat ini. Bahan bakar reaktor riset yang digunakan adalah uranium pengkayaan rendah namun densitas tinggi.  Untuk mendukung pengembangan bahan bakar dilakukan uji elemen bakar mini di teras reakror RSG-GAS dengan tujuan menentukan jumlah siklus di dalam teras sehingga tercapai fraksi bakar maksimum. Bahan bakar yang diuji adalah U7Mo-Al dengan densitas 7,0 gU/cc dan U6Zr-Al densitas 5,2 gU/cc. Ukuran kedua bahan bakar uji tersebut adalah sama 630x70,75x1,30 mm dimasukkan masing masing kedalam 3 pelat dummy bahan bakar. Sebelum diiradiasi ke dalam teras reaktor maka perlu dilakukan perhitungan keselamatan baik secara neutronik maupun termohidrolik. Dalam makalah ini

  2. A DNA Mini-Barcoding System for Authentication of Processed Fish Products. (United States)

    Shokralla, Shadi; Hellberg, Rosalee S; Handy, Sara M; King, Ian; Hajibabaei, Mehrdad


    Species substitution is a form of seafood fraud for the purpose of economic gain. DNA barcoding utilizes species-specific DNA sequence information for specimen identification. Previous work has established the usability of short DNA sequences-mini-barcodes-for identification of specimens harboring degraded DNA. This study aims at establishing a DNA mini-barcoding system for all fish species commonly used in processed fish products in North America. Six mini-barcode primer pairs targeting short (127-314 bp) fragments of the cytochrome c oxidase I (CO1) DNA barcode region were developed by examining over 8,000 DNA barcodes from species in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Seafood List. The mini-barcode primer pairs were then tested against 44 processed fish products representing a range of species and product types. Of the 44 products, 41 (93.2%) could be identified at the species or genus level. The greatest mini-barcoding success rate found with an individual primer pair was 88.6% compared to 20.5% success rate achieved by the full-length DNA barcode primers. Overall, this study presents a mini-barcoding system that can be used to identify a wide range of fish species in commercial products and may be utilized in high throughput DNA sequencing for authentication of heavily processed fish products.

  3. Aspectos motivacionais da participação de um campeonato de mini-futebol no município de Estrela - RS

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matias Noll


    Full Text Available No esporte, a motivação é responsável pela energia e dedicação de cada atleta, conforme a aplicação de seus fatores psicológicos particulares. Ela determina a intensidade, a forma e a qualidade com que as tarefas serão realizadas, pois muito da motivação dos atletas depende de quais objetivos pretendem atingir. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste estudo é identificar os principais aspectos motivacionais envolvidos na participação de um campeonato de mini-futebol no município de Estrela-RS. Para tanto, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa qualitativa, com o estudo de campo sendo realizado através de uma entrevista semi-estruturada, aplicada a partir de um pequeno número de perguntas abertas, envolvendo um total de dez amostragens, abrangendo os atletas associados dessa instituição. A análise dos dados foi efetuada através da técnica da análise de conteúdo. Os dados coletados revelaram que a motivação, a competitividade e a socialização são fatores determinantes e interligados, estabelecendo entre si uma relação de união. Percebe-se claramente que muitos atletas associados se dedicam por inteiro a participação desta competição, tirando dali muitas vezes a motivação necessária para a vida do dia a dia. Ao final deste estudo, foi possível concluir que a motivação influencia de maneira significativa na permanência dos atletas associados a competirem de forma organizada, e assim desenvolverem uma capacidade de socialização entre eles.

  4. Mini mental state examination

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kørner, Ejnar Alex; Lauritzen, Lise; Wang, August


    INTRODUCTION: The Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) is widely used in Denmark, but often in non-validated versions. In 2000 a cross-sectional workgroup decided on a new common version of the MMSE with a corresponding manual, which is validated for the first time in the present study. MATERIALS...... the severity of dementia disorders. Udgivelsesdato: 2008-Feb-25...

  5. Implementing the undergraduate mini-CEX: a tailored approach at Southampton University. (United States)

    Hill, Faith; Kendall, Kathleen; Galbraith, Kevin; Crossley, Jim


    The mini-clinical evaluation exercise (mini-CEX) is widely used in the UK to assess clinical competence, but there is little evidence regarding its implementation in the undergraduate setting. This study aimed to estimate the validity and reliability of the undergraduate mini-CEX and discuss the challenges involved in its implementation. A total of 3499 mini-CEX forms were completed. Validity was assessed by estimating associations between mini-CEX score and a number of external variables, examining the internal structure of the instrument, checking competency domain response rates and profiles against expectations, and by qualitative evaluation of stakeholder interviews. Reliability was evaluated by overall reliability coefficient (R), estimation of the standard error of measurement (SEM), and from stakeholders' perceptions. Variance component analysis examined the contribution of relevant factors to students' scores. Validity was threatened by various confounding variables, including: examiner status; case complexity; attachment specialty; patient gender, and case focus. Factor analysis suggested that competency domains reflect a single latent variable. Maximum reliability can be achieved by aggregating scores over 15 encounters (R = 0.73; 95% confidence interval [CI] +/- 0.28 based on a 6-point assessment scale). Examiner stringency contributed 29% of score variation and student attachment aptitude 13%. Stakeholder interviews revealed staff development needs but the majority perceived the mini-CEX as more reliable and valid than the previous long case. The mini-CEX has good overall utility for assessing aspects of the clinical encounter in an undergraduate setting. Strengths include fidelity, wide sampling, perceived validity, and formative observation and feedback. Reliability is limited by variable examiner stringency, and validity by confounding variables, but these should be viewed within the context of overall assessment strategies.

  6. A high-resolution mini-microscope system for wireless real-time monitoring. (United States)

    Wang, Zongjie; Boddeda, Akash; Parker, Benjamin; Samanipour, Roya; Ghosh, Sanjoy; Menard, Frederic; Kim, Keekyoung


    Compact, cost-effective and high-performance microscope that enables the real-time imaging of cells and lab-on-a-chip devices is highly demanded for cell biology and biomedical engineering. This paper aims to present the design and application of an inexpensive wireless mini-microscope with resolution up to 2592 × 1944 pixels and speed up to 90 fps. The mini-microscope system was built on a commercial embedded system (Raspberry Pi). We modified a camera module and adopted an inverse dual lens system to obtain the clear field of view and appropriate magnification for tens of micrometer objects. The system was capable of capturing time-lapse images and transferring image data wirelessly. The entire system can be operated wirelessly and cordlessly in a conventional cell culturing incubator. The developed mini-microscope was used to monitor the attachment and proliferation of NIH-3T3 and HEK 293 cells inside an incubator for 50 hours. In addition, the mini-microscope was used to monitor a droplet generation process in a microfluidic device. The high-quality images captured by the mini-microscope enabled us an automated analysis of experimental parameters. The successful applications prove the great potential of the developed mini-microscope for monitoring various biological samples and microfluidic devices. This paper presents the design of a high resolution mini-microscope system that enables the wireless real-time imaging of cells inside the incubator. This system has been verified to be a useful tool to obtain high-quality images and videos for the automated quantitative analysis of biological samples and lab-on-a-chip devices in the long term.


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    M\\u00AA Isabel Pi\\u00F1ar


    Full Text Available This study presents the differences of competition between mini-basketball with the traditional rules (5-a-side and minibasket with rule modifications (3-a-side such as: reduced number of players on court, compulsory participation in 2 of the match's 4 periods, reduced court size, placing the free throw line at 3m from the basket, and including a three-point line. The sample that was selected included 47 mini-basketball players, and the study was carried out using a quasi-experimental design without a control group. The aim was to determine the effect of rule modifications on the participation of the player with the ball. It was demonstrated that the degree of individual participation is greater in mini-basketball with modified rules.

  8. Two mini-preparation protocols to DNA extraction from plants with ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Were standardized two previously reported standard plant DNA extraction methods, but improved them on mini preparations to use the samples for population genetic analysis. The combination of CTAB lysis procedure-solvent extraction and DNA column purification (DNeasy plant mini kit modification) enables a faster and ...


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    Fredy Alberto Reyes


    Full Text Available En este artículo presentamos un método basado en cromatografía líquida en columna para cuantificar la composición química de los cementos asfálticos fabricados en Colombia, sometidos al medio ambiente, mediante la determinación de las fracciones SARA. El método fue aplicado sobre películas de asfalto 60/70 y 80/100 para determinar los cambios en la composición química del material luego de ser expuesto durante 12 meses a las condiciones de intemperie de la ciudad de Bogotá; los ensayos de SARA fueron efectuados para el asfalto original a 1, 3, 6, 9 y 12 meses respectivamente. Los fraccionamientos SARA evidenciaron que el envejecimiento produjo una disminución de la fracción de aromáticos y un incremento en la de asfaltenos respecto al asfalto no envejecido. La disminución de los compuestos aromáticos y de resinas pudo ser responsable del endurecimiento observado en los asfaltos, que presentaron una consistencia dura y quebradiza, lo que está de acuerdo con la obtención de índices coloidales elevados. El método empleado permitió establecer correlaciones entre la composición química del asfalto y sus propiedades mecánicas.Neste artigo apresentamos um método baseado em cromatografia líquida em coluna para quantificar a composição química dos cimentos asfálticos fabricados em Colômbia, submetidos ao médio ambiente, mediante a determinação das frações SARA. O método foi aplicado sobre películas de asfalto 60/70 e 80/100 para determinar as mudanças na composição química do material depois de ser exposto durante 12 meses às condições de intempérie da cidade de Bogotá; os ensaios de SARA foram efetuados para o asfalto original a 1, 3, 6, 9 e 12 meses respectivamente. Os fraccionamentos SARA evidenciaram que o envelhecimento produziu uma diminuição da fração de aromáticos e um incremento na de asfaltenos com respeito ao asfalto não envelhecido. A diminuição dos compostos aromáticos e de resinas p

  10. High-flying Mini-Sniffer RPV - Mars bound (United States)

    Reed, R. D.


    The Mini-Sniffer is a small unmanned survey aircraft developed by NASA to conduct turbulence and atmospheric pollution measurements from ground level to an altitude of 90,000 ft. Carrying a 25-lb air sampling apparatus, the Mini-Sniffer typically cruises for one hour at 70,000 ft before being remotely piloted back to earth. A hydrazine monopropellant engine powers the craft, while a PCM telemetering system and a radar transponder provide control functions. Development of a high-performance low-Reynolds-number airfoil could make the research craft suitable for a low-altitude terrain-following mission on Mars.

  11. The Mini-Social Phobia Inventory: psychometric properties in an adolescent general population sample. (United States)

    Ranta, Klaus; Kaltiala-Heino, Riittakerttu; Rantanen, Päivi; Marttunen, Mauri


    Onset of social phobia (SP) typically occurs in adolescence. Short screening instruments for its assessment are needed for use in primary health and school settings. The 3-item Mini-Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN) has demonstrated effectiveness in screening for generalized SP (GSP) in adults. This study examined the psychometrics of the Mini-SPIN in an adolescent general population sample. Three hundred fifty adolescents aged 12 to 17 years were clinically interviewed using the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children-Present and Lifetime Version for identification of SP and other Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Axis I disorders, blind to their Mini-SPIN status. Associations between SP; subclinical SP; other anxiety, depressive, and disruptive disorders; and Mini-SPIN scores were examined, and diagnostic efficiency statistics were calculated. The association between Mini-SPIN scores and the generalized subtype of SP was also examined. As in adults, the Mini-SPIN items differentiated subjects with SP from those without. A score of 6 points or greater was found optimal in predicting SP with a sensitivity of 86%, specificity of 84%, and positive and negative predictive values of 26% and 99%. The Mini-SPIN also possessed discriminative validity, as scores were higher for adolescents with SP than they were for those with depressive, disruptive, and other anxiety disorders. The Mini-SPIN was also able to differentiate adolescents with GSP from the rest of the sample. The Mini-SPIN has good psychometrics for screening SP in adolescents from general population and may have value in screening for GSP. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Education does not equally influence all the Mini Mental State Examination subscales and items: inferences from a Brazilian community sample A educação não influencia igualmente todas subescalas e itens do Mini-Exame do Estado Mental: inferências de uma amostra comunitária brasileira

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    Jerson Laks


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: Mini-Mental State Examination cutoffs have been presented for schooling levels to screen cognitive impairment. However, items may behave differently with regards to education. The objective of this study was to examine the impact of education on MMSE subscales and items. METHOD: Community-dwelling participants aged 65 years or more (n = 990, females = 637, age = 74.1 years, range 65-108 were stratified as illiterate (n = 373, 1-8 (n = 540, 9-12 (n = 63, and more than 12 years of schooling (n = 14 and were screened with MMSE and Pfeffer Functional Activities Questionnaire. To make the Mini-Mental State Examination items comparable, each item was transformed into z scores. Multiple linear regression was used to estimate the effect of schooling on MMSE subs and items controlling for age, sex, and activities of daily life. RESULTS: Temporal and space orientation, attention/calculation, repetition, reading, writing, and drawing scores improved as education increased, but not memory registration, three step command, and naming. Reading and writing displayed the largest coefficients, whereas education exerted no influence on naming and three step command tasks. CONCLUSION: Education does not exert an important effect on naming, three step command, memory registration, and delayed recall. As memory is a key factor for diagnosing dementia, these items could be considered despite education.OBJETIVO: Vários pontos de corte foram propostos para o Mini Exame do Estado Mental para rastrear cognição. Entretanto, os itens podem se comportar diferentemente dependendo da educação. O objetivo deste estudo foi examinar o impacto da educação nas subescalas e itens do Mini Exame do Estado Mental. MÉTODO: Participantes com idade de 65 anos ou mais e residentes na comunidade (n = 990, feminino = 637, idade = 74,1 anos, 65-108 foram estratificados como analfabetos (n = 373, 1-8 (n = 540, 9-12 (n = 63, e mais de 12 anos de escolaridade (n = 14 e foram

  13. Tourette Syndrome: A Mini-Review

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    Michal Novotny


    Full Text Available The purpose of this mini-review is to provide the latest information on epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of Tourette syndrome (TS. The authors conducted a literature search of available sources describing the issue of tic disorders with special focus on TS and made a comparison and evaluation of relevant findings. The results of this mini-review indicate that TS is a complex disorder, which has a significant impact on the quality of life of both the patients and his/her family. Therefore, early and proper diagnosis and treatment are necessary in order to reduce or even eliminate both symptoms and social burden of the patient. This requires a multidisciplinary management approach in order to meet the patients’ special needs. Future research should focus on neuroimaging, new neurotransmitter targets, in functional neurosurgery, as well as the effect of non-pharmacological psychotherapies for these people.

  14. Rasch analysis of the Mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale (mini-MAC) among a heterogeneous sample of long-term cancer survivors: a cross-sectional study. (United States)

    Zucca, Alison; Lambert, Sylvie D; Boyes, Allison W; Pallant, Julie F


    The mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale (mini-MAC) is a well-recognised, popular measure of coping in psycho-oncology and assesses five cancer-specific coping strategies. It has been suggested that these five subscales could be grouped to form the over-arching adaptive and maladptive coping subscales to facilitate the interpretation and clinical application of the scale. Despite the popularity of the mini-MAC, few studies have examined its psychometric properties among long-term cancer survivors, and further validation of the mini-MAC is needed to substantiate its use with the growing population of survivors. Therefore, this study examined the psychometric properties and dimensionality of the mini-MAC in a sample of long-term cancer survivors using Rasch analysis. RUMM 2030 was used to analyse the mini-MAC data (n=851). Separate Rasch analyses were conducted for each of the original mini-MAC subscales as well as the over-arching adaptive and maladaptive coping subscales to examine summary and individual model fit statistics, person separation index (PSI), response format, local dependency, targeting, item bias (or differential item functioning -DIF), and dimensionality. For the fighting spirit, fatalism, and helplessness-hopelessness subscales, a revised three-point response format seemed more optimal than the original four-point response. To achieve model fit, items were deleted from four of the five subscales - Anxious Preoccupation items 7, 25, and 29; Cognitive Avoidance items 11 and 17; Fighting Spirit item 18; and Helplessness-Hopelessness items 16 and 20. For those subscales with sufficient items, analyses supported unidimensionality. Combining items to form the adaptive and maladaptive subscales was partially supported. The original five subscales required item deletion and/or rescaling to improve goodness of fit to the Rasch model. While evidence was found for overarching subscales of adaptive and maladaptive coping, extensive modifications were

  15. Rasch analysis of the Mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale (mini-MAC among a heterogeneous sample of long-term cancer survivors: A cross-sectional study

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    Zucca Alison


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale (mini-MAC is a well-recognised, popular measure of coping in psycho-oncology and assesses five cancer-specific coping strategies. It has been suggested that these five subscales could be grouped to form the over-arching adaptive and maladptive coping subscales to facilitate the interpretation and clinical application of the scale. Despite the popularity of the mini-MAC, few studies have examined its psychometric properties among long-term cancer survivors, and further validation of the mini-MAC is needed to substantiate its use with the growing population of survivors. Therefore, this study examined the psychometric properties and dimensionality of the mini-MAC in a sample of long-term cancer survivors using Rasch analysis. Methods RUMM 2030 was used to analyse the mini-MAC data (n=851. Separate Rasch analyses were conducted for each of the original mini-MAC subscales as well as the over-arching adaptive and maladaptive coping subscales to examine summary and individual model fit statistics, person separation index (PSI, response format, local dependency, targeting, item bias (or differential item functioning -DIF, and dimensionality. Results For the fighting spirit, fatalism, and helplessness-hopelessness subscales, a revised three-point response format seemed more optimal than the original four-point response. To achieve model fit, items were deleted from four of the five subscales – Anxious Preoccupation items 7, 25, and 29; Cognitive Avoidance items 11 and 17; Fighting Spirit item 18; and Helplessness-Hopelessness items 16 and 20. For those subscales with sufficient items, analyses supported unidimensionality. Combining items to form the adaptive and maladaptive subscales was partially supported. Conclusions The original five subscales required item deletion and/or rescaling to improve goodness of fit to the Rasch model. While evidence was found for overarching subscales of

  16. A preliminary study of the mini-mental state examination in a Spanish child population. (United States)

    Rubial-Alvarez, Sandra; Machado, María-Clara; Sintas, Elena; de Sola, Susana; Böhm, Peter; Peña-Casanova, Jordi


    The Mini-Mental State Examination is one of the most widely used screening tests for the adult population in daily neurologic practice. The aim of this study was to describe and to analyze the results of the Mini-Mental State Examination administered to Spanish children and to assess the relationship between Mini-Mental State Examination scores and the child's mental age/intelligence quotient. The study population included 181 children whose ages ranged between 4 and 12 years. The neuropsychologic battery consisted of the Mini-Mental State Examination and Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test. Percentiles were obtained for the Mini-Mental State Examination total score according to age ranges. Performance gradually increased from 4 to 10 years of age when a plateau in the total Mini-Mental State Examination score was reached. At the age of 6 years, results exceeded 24 on average. Pairwise mean comparisons showed statistically significant differences between the age groups (P Mini-Mental State Examination score correlated significantly with the child's chronologic (r = 0.80, P mental (r = 0.76, P Mini-Mental State Examination in a Spanish child population as well as a first step for the assessment of the usefulness of this instrument as a cognitive screening tool for children's development.

  17. Satisfaction, function and repair integrity after arthroscopic versus mini-open rotator cuff repair. (United States)

    Barnes, L A Fink; Kim, H M; Caldwell, J-M; Buza, J; Ahmad, C S; Bigliani, L U; Levine, W N


    Advances in arthroscopic techniques for rotator cuff repair have made the mini-open approach less popular. However, the mini-open approach remains an important technique for repair for many surgeons. The aims of this study were to compare the integrity of the repair, the function of the shoulder and satisfaction post-operatively using these two techniques in patients aged > 50 years. We identified 22 patients treated with mini-open and 128 patients treated with arthroscopic rotator cuff repair of July 2007 and June 2011. The mean follow-up was two years (1 to 5). Outcome was assessed using the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES) and Simple Shoulder Test (SST) scores, and satisfaction. The integrity of the repair was assessed using ultrasonography. A power analysis ensured sufficient enrolment. There was no statistically significant difference between the age, function, satisfaction, or pain scores (p > 0.05) of the two groups. The integrity of the repair and the mean SST scores were significantly better in the mini-open group (91% of mini-open repairs were intact versus 60% of arthroscopic repairs, p = 0.023; mean SST score 10.9 (standard deviation (sd) 1.3) in the mini-open group; 8.9 (sd 3.5) in arthroscopic group; p = 0.003). The ASES scores were also higher in the mini-open group (mean ASES score 91.0 (sd 10.5) in mini-open group; mean 82.70 (sd 19.8) in the arthroscopic group; p = 0.048). The integrity of the repair and function of the shoulder were better after a mini-open repair than after arthroscopic repair of a rotator cuff tear in these patients. The functional difference did not translate into a difference in satisfaction. Mini-open rotator cuff repair remains a useful technique despite advances in arthroscopy. Cite this article: Bone Joint J 2017;99-B:245-9. ©2017 The British Editorial Society of Bone & Joint Surgery.

  18. Emprego do carvão ativado e de uma protease do Bacillus subtilis na obtenção de hidrolisados protéicos de leite com baixo teor de fenilalanina
    Use of activated carbon and a protease from Bacillus subtilis for obtaining milk protein hydrolysates

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    M. W. S. SOUZA


    Full Text Available

    Considerando a importância do leite na dieta do brasileiro e a sua restrição para pacientes fenilcetonúricos, este trabalho teve como objetivo reduzir o teor de fenilalanina (Phe deste alimento. Para isso, vários hidrolisados enzimáticos foram preparados, empregando uma protease do Bacillus subtilis e testando diversos parâmetros de reação, como o efeito do tempo, da temperatura e da relação E:S. A remoção da Phe foi realizada empregando o carvão ativado (CA como meio adsorvente, e avaliou-se as relações proteína:CA de 1:22, 1:44 e 1:88. A efi ciência da remoção foi avaliada por espectrofotometria derivada segunda, determinando-se o teor de Phe livre no leite e em seus hidrolisados, após tratamento com CA. A maior remoção de Phe (75,9% foi obtida com o tempo de 5h, a temperatura de 50ºC, a relação E:S de 4:100 e a relação proteína:CA de 1:22. Este ensaio originou um leite com teor fi nal de 36,9mg de Phe/100ml, o que permitiria a utilização do mesmo por pacientes fenilcetonúricos.

  19. Neutrino-nucleus neutral current elastic interactions measurement in MiniBooNE

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perevalov, Denis [Univ. of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL (United States)


    The MiniBooNE experiment at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) was designed to search for vμ → ve neutrino oscillations at Δm2 ~ 1 eV2 using an intense neutrino flux with an average energy Ev ~ 700 MeV. From 2002 to 2009 MiniBooNE has accumulated more than 1.0 x 1021 protons on target (POT) in both neutrino and antineutrino modes. MiniBooNE provides a perfect platform for detailed measurements of exclusive and semiinclusive neutrino cross-sections, for which MiniBooNE has the largest samples of events up to date, such as neutral current elastic (NCE), neutral current π0, charged current quasi-elastic (CCQE), charged current π+, and other channels. These measured cross-sections, in turn, allow to improve the knowledge of nucleon structure. This thesis is devoted to the study of NCE interactions. Neutrino-nucleus neutral current elastic scattering (vN → vN) accounts for about 18% of all neutrino interactions in MiniBooNE. Using a high-statistics, high purity sample of NCE interactions in MiniBooNE, the flux-averaged NCE differential cross-section has been measured and is being reported here. Further study of the NCE cross-section allowed for probing the structure of nuclei. The main interest in the NCE cross-section is that it may be sensitive to the strange quark contribution to the nucleon spin, Δs, this however requires a separation of NCE proton (vp → vp) from NCE neutron (vn → vn) events, which in general is a challenging task. MiniBooNE uses a Cherenkov detector, which imposes restrictions on the measured nucleon kinematic variables, mainly due to the impossibility to reconstruct the nucleon direction below the Cherenkov threshold. However, at kinetic energies above this threshold MiniBooNE is able to identify NCE proton events that do not experience final state interactions (FSI). These events were used for the Δs measurement. In this thesis

  20. Review of Strategies and Technologies for Demand-Side Management on Isolated Mini-Grids

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Harper, Meg [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States)


    This review provides an overview of strategies and currently available technologies used for demandside management (DSM) on mini-grids throughout the world. For the purposes of this review, mini-grids are defined as village-scale electricity distribution systems powered by small local generation sources and not connected to a main grid.1 Mini-grids range in size from less than 1 kW to several hundred kW of installed generation capacity and may utilize different generation technologies, such as micro-hydro, biomass gasification, solar, wind, diesel generators, or a hybrid combination of any of these. This review will primarily refer to AC mini-grids, though much of the discussion could apply to DC grids as well. Many mini-grids include energy storage, though some rely solely on real-time generation.

  1. Metodologia para obtenção do hidrograma de escoamento superficial em encostas e canais. Parte I: desenvolvimento e avaliação Methodology for obtention of superficial flow hydrograph in hillsides and canals. Part I: development and evaluation


    José M. A. Silva; Fernando F. Pruski; Demetrius D. Silva; Roberto A. Cecílio


    Desenvolveu-se uma metodologia que permite obter o hidrograma de escoamento superficial e a vazão máxima para qualquer posição ao longo de uma encosta e para seções transversais de canais utilizando o modelo de ondas cinemáticas. A área da encosta é dividida num sistema matricial composto por 100 linhas e 100 colunas. Na encosta, considera-se que o escoamento ocorre na direção da declividade e que a vazão de cada pixel é a soma da vazão produzida nesse com a vazão advinda dos pixels que contr...

  2. Fatty acid isolation by crystallization of fish oil fractioned by enzymatic hydrolysis


    Padilha, Márcia Elisa da Silva; Augusto-Ruiz, Walter


    Este trabalho teve por objetivo estabelecer um processo para obter e caracterizar os produtos da cristalização das frações do óleo de pescado hidrolisado com lipase pancreática. A hidrólise enzimática foi realizada em 60 minutos com uma concentração de substrato de 1262 mmols, 38 °C, pH 8 e com uma concentração de extrato enzimático de 7,647 mg.mL-1. Os produtos da hidrólise foram separados por cromatografia em coluna e caracterizados por cromatografia em camada delgada e cromatografia em fas...

  3. Pengaruh Permaianan Bola Voli Mini Terhadap Peningkatan Kebugaran Jasmani Pecandu Narkoba

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    Kurnia Rismaningtyas


    Full Text Available This study aims to answer the following questions: 1 the influence of a volleyball mini-game model to increase physical fitness of drug addicts in prisons Women Class II A Semarang in 2015. 2 How big contribution volleyball mini model of the game due to the improvement of physical fitness of drug addicts in prisons Women Class II A Semarang in 2015. . T test results obtained tcount for data post test of 2,420 with significance 0.022 <0.05, which means that the average physical fitness between the experimental and control groups after treatment was significantly different. Judging from an average of 35.79 in the experimental group and the control group of 32.92 indicates that the level of physical fitness of women prisoners IIA class drug addict treatment Semarang made a game of volleyball mini-game is better than that do not follow the game of volleyball mini , In the experimental group increased physical fitness significantly, evident from the value t = 6.541 with a significance value of 0.000 <0.05. It was concluded that: 1 Model mini volleyball games that do can improve the physical fitness of inmates in prisons Women Class II A Semarang. 2 In the experimental group showed that the model of a volleyball mini-game has a significant influence on the improvement of physical fitness on female inmates in prison Women drug addicts Class II A Semarang.

  4. Mini-guide til DGNB

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Tine Steen

    Guiden giver et kort indblik i formålet med de enkelte kriterier i en DGNB- bæredygtighedsvurdering, samt i hvordan der kan måles på kriterierne. Mini-guiden tager afsæt i systemet for certificering af Nybyggede kontor-og erhvervsbyggerier, som er det første og grundlæggende system i DGNB, som al...

  5. Risperidone oral disintegrating mini-tablets: A robust-product for pediatrics

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    El-Say Khalid M.


    Full Text Available This study was aimed at developing risperidone oral disintegrating mini-tablets (OD-mini-tablets as age-appropriate formulations and to assess their suitability for infants and pediatric use. An experimental Box-Behnken design was applied to assure high quality of the OD-mini-tablets and reduce product variability. The design was employed to understand the influence of the critical excipient combinations on the production of OD-mini-tablets and thus guarantee the feasibility of obtaining products with dosage form uniformity. The variables selected were mannitol percent in Avicel (X1, swelling pressure of the superdisintegrant (X2, and the surface area of Aerosil as a glidant (X3. Risperidone-excipient compatibilities were investigated using FTIR and the spectra did not display any interaction. Fifteen formulations were prepared and evaluated for preand post-compression characteristics. The prepared ODmini- tablet batches were also assessed for disintegration in simulated salivary fluid (SSF, pH 6.2 and in reconstituted skimmed milk. The optimized formula fulfilled the requirements for crushing strength of 5 kN with minimal friability, disintegration times of 8.4 and 53.7 s in SSF and skimmed milk, respectively. This study therefore proposes the risperidone OD-mini-tablet formula having robust mechanical properties, uniform and precise dosing of medication with short disintegration time suitable for pediatric use.

  6. Mini-Exame do Estado Mental: características psicométricas em idosos ambulatoriais Mini-Mental State Examination: psychometric characteristics in elderly outpatients

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    Roberto A Lourenço


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar as características de medida do Mini-Exame do Estado Mental em idosos atendidos em um ambulatório geral. MÉTODOS: O total de 303 indivíduos (>65 anos foi submetido à avaliação geriátrica com vários instrumentos, inclusive o Mini-Exame do Estado Mental. Foram calculadas a sensibilidade, a especificidade, os valores preditivos positivo e negativo e a curva ROC. RESULTADOS: A sensibilidade, a especificidade, os valores preditivos positivo e negativo e a área sob a curva ROC foram 80,8%, 65,3%, 44,7%, 90,7% e 0,807, respectivamente (ponto de corte 23/24. O melhor ponto de corte para indivíduos analfabetos foi 18/19 (sensibilidade =73,5%; especificidade =73,9%, e para aqueles com instrução escolar foi 24/25 (sensibilidade =75%; especificidade =69,7%. CONCLUSÕES: Para o rastreamento cognitivo de idosos atendidos em ambulatórios gerais pelo Mini-Exame do Estado Mental, a escolaridade deverá ser considerada para a adoção do ponto de corte mais adequado.OBJECTIVE: To assess the psychometric characteristics of the Mini-Mental State Examination in elderly outpatients who seek primary health care. METHODS: A total of 303 subjects (>65 years underwent comprehensive geriatric assessment with functional tools, including Mini-Mental State Examination. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and ROC curve were calculated. RESULTS: Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, and area under ROC curve were 80.8%, 65.3%, 44.7%, 90.7% and 0.807 respectively (cutoff point =23/24. The best cutoff point for illiterate was 18/19 (sensitivity =73.5%; specificity =73.9%; and for literate was 24/25 (sensitivity =75%; specificity =69.7%. CONCLUSIONS: While screening elderly outpatients for dementia, schooling must be considered in the choice of the best cutoff point in the Mini-Mental State Examination.

  7. Entrepreneur and Establishment of a Mini Hotel in XiChang, China


    Hu, Mingsong


    Mini Hotel, is a new hotel will be opened in China in this year. I and 4 of my friends will be the shareholders of this Mini Hotel. The hotel is planned to be operating from the autumn of 2013. Now, everything in this thesis is on process. The main objective of this thesis was to draft an effective approach to ensure this is a right plan which is worth to invest. By using benchmarking and SWOT analysis we defined the strength and weakness of this Mini Hotel business plan. This thesis will ...

  8. Imobilização interna da coluna vertebral lombar com placas de cloreto de polivinila, em cães - parte I: resultados clínico-cirúrgicos Internal immobilization of the lumbar canine spine using polyvinylchloride plates - part I: clinical and surgical results

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    Eduardo Alberto Tudury


    Full Text Available Utilizando-se 20 cães, com o segmento lombar da coluna vertebral cirurgicamente desestabilizado na junção das vértebras L2-L3, foi testada a eficiência de placas ortopédicas de cloreto de polivinila (PVC Tigre®, fixadas com parafusos nos corpos vertebrais e com fio ortopédico de aço inoxidável nos processos espinhosos. As placas foram manual e individualmente confeccionadas para cada animal e esterilizadas pelo calor. Apesar de apresentar maleabilidade adequada, a resistência das placas utilizadas no corpos vertebrais deixou a desejar, dado seu rompimento em 40% dos casos. Apesar disto, durante os 45 dias do estudo, verificaram-se resultados favoráveis quanto ao estado clinico-neurológico, resultados de exames laboratoriais, achados radiológicos, estabilidade e alinhamento da coluna vertebral, assim como, quanto a resistência e flexibilidade das placas utilizadas nos processos espinhosos. Os fios ortopédicos de aço inoxidável, utilizados para fixar as placas no compartimento dorsal da coluna vertebral, passaram entre e não através desses processos.The efficiency ofpolyvinylchioride (PVC orthopedic plates, fixed by screws to the vertebral bodies and by cerciage wires to the spinous processes, were tested in twenty dogs with the lumbar spine destabilized at L2-L3. The plates were produced manually and individuatly for each animal and sterilized by heat. The plates exhibited suitable malleabitity but inappropriate strength because 40% ofthose affixed to the vertebral bodies were bmken. Nevertheless, during the 45 days ofthe study, the technique was consideredefective based on stability, clinicai, neurological, laboratory and radiological results. This effïciency was achieved by the technique used m the spinous processes, where the plates were fixed by wires passing between (not through them.

  9. Avaliação de uma cadeira de banho utilizada em ambiente hospitalar: uma abordagem ergonômica Evaluación de un hinodoro utilizado en el ambiente hospitalario: un abordaje ergonómico Assessment of a hospital bath chair: an ergonomic approach

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    Maria Estevam Comélio


    Full Text Available A literatura indica que a equipe de enfermagem apresenta uma elevada ocorrência de lesões osteomusculares. A utilização de equipamentos especiais tem levado a uma diminuição no risco de lesões na coluna nesses trabalhadores, além de satisfazerem as necessidades de conforto e segurança dos pacientes. Um desses equipamentos é a cadeira de banho. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar ergonomicamente uma cadeira de banho utilizada em um hospital. Foi utilizado um instrumento para os trabalhadores de enfermagem e um outro para os pacientes. Verificou-se que a cadeira avaliada apresenta inúmeros problemas ergonômicos em seus acessórios. Com relação à avaliação do esforço percebido, observou-se um elevado nível de esforço (8,33, segundo a Escala CR 10 de Borg, na manipulação do equipamento.La literatura indica que el equipo de enfermería presenta uma elevada ocurrencia de lesiones osteomusculares. La utilización de equipamientos especiales están llevando a una diminución en el riesgo de lesiones en la colunna de esos trabajadores, mas allá de satisfacer las necesidades de confort y seguridad de los pacientes. Uno de esos equipamientos es el hinodoro. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar ergonomicamente un hinodoro utilizado en un hospital. Fue utilizado un instrumento para los trabajadores de enfermeria y otro para los pacientes. Se verifico que el hinodoro presenta innumerables problemas ergonómicos en sus accesórios. Con relación a la evaluación del esfuerzo percibido, se observó un elevado nivel de esfuerzo (8,33, siguiendo la escala CR 10 de Borg, la manipulación del equipamiento.A high rate of musculoskeletal disorders in members of the nursing team is observed in the literature. The use of special devices such as the bath chair has reduced the risk of back injuries in these workers and has also provided the patient with greater safety as well as comfort. The aim of the present study was to

  10. Model of competitive mini-hotel project life cycle


    Левыкин, Виктор Макарович; Дэвон, Валерия Викторовна


    Having examined the situation in the hotel market of the city of Kharkov (Ukraine), it was found that one of the major shortcomings in the activities of mini-hotels is mediocre attitude towards customers, lack of proper attention and poor services. In this regard, there is the need to create a mini-hotel, the most important mission of which would be a genuine concern for guests and their comfort, as well as providing unique services of the highest class.For the success of this mission, it is ...

  11. Lexicography Problems and Theoretical Interpretation of Mini-Dictionaries

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    Jūratė Butkienė


    Full Text Available The article deals with principles of the word selection while compiling a mini-dictionary (containing a minimal number of words as well as with criteria and theoretical background thereof. The development of such principles is being analysed in Lithuania and abroad. The word selection while compiling a mini-dictionary of German language dedicated to the students of Civil engineering is being detailed. Furthermore, the article provides recommendations. The word selection has to be based on the linguistic statistics and on the thorough text analysis.

  12. Feasibility of a multiple-choice mini mental state examination for chronically critically ill patients. (United States)

    Miguélez, Marta; Merlani, Paolo; Gigon, Fabienne; Verdon, Mélanie; Annoni, Jean-Marie; Ricou, Bara


    Following treatment in an ICU, up to 70% of chronically critically ill patients present neurocognitive impairment that can have negative effects on their quality of life, daily activities, and return to work. The Mini Mental State Examination is a simple, widely used tool for neurocognitive assessment. Although of interest when evaluating ICU patients, the current version is restricted to patients who are able to speak. This study aimed to evaluate the feasibility of a visual, multiple-choice Mini Mental State Examination for ICU patients who are unable to speak. The multiple-choice Mini Mental State Examination and the standard Mini Mental State Examination were compared across three different speaking populations. The interrater and intrarater reliabilities of the multiple-choice Mini Mental State Examination were tested on both intubated and tracheostomized ICU patients. Mixed 36-bed ICU and neuropsychology department in a university hospital. Twenty-six healthy volunteers, 20 neurological patients, 46 ICU patients able to speak, and 30 intubated or tracheostomized ICU patients. None. Multiple-choice Mini Mental State Examination results correlated satisfactorily with standard Mini Mental State Examination results in all three speaking groups: healthy volunteers: intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.43 (95% CI, -0.18 to 0.62); neurology patients: 0.90 (95% CI, 0.82-0.95); and ICU patients able to speak: 0.86 (95% CI, 0.70-0.92). The interrater and intrarater reliabilities were good (0.95 [0.87-0.98] and 0.94 [0.31-0.99], respectively). In all populations, a Bland-Altman analysis showed systematically higher scores using the multiple-choice Mini Mental State Examination. Administration of the multiple-choice Mini Mental State Examination to ICU patients was straightforward and produced exploitable results comparable to those of the standard Mini Mental State Examination. It should be of interest for the assessment and monitoring of the neurocognitive

  13. Summer Mini Atomiade June 2016

    CERN Multimedia

    Staff Association


    The Mini Atomiade are coming to CERN! Members of Clubs supported by the CERN Staff Association and in conjunction with ASCERI (Association of the Sports Communities of the European Research Institutes) will be organising the summer games at the beginning of June. ASCERI aims to contribute to a united Europe through regular sports meetings, bringing together members of public Research Institutes at European level. The Association's members come from over 40 Research Institutes spanning 16 countries. Numerous sports and leisure activities are represented at regular events and each tournament is organised by a different research institute. Clubs in conjunction with the CERN Staff Association have sent teams to previous winter and summer games and now, the CERN Club’s Coordination Committee (CCC) has now taken on the challenge of organising a Mini Atomiade from Friday June 3rd to Monday June 6th 2016 in Divonne-les-Bains. The games are made up of four different tournaments/competitions: Small Fi...

  14. Flexible Ureterorenoscopy versus Mini-Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy for the Treatment of Renal Stones. (United States)

    Ergin, Giray; Kirac, Mustafa; Kopru, Burak; Ebiloglu, Turgay; Biri, Hasan


    To compare the pain status and stone free rates of flexible ureterorenoscopy (F-URS) versus mini-percutaneousnephrolithotomy (mini-PNL) for the treatment of 1-to 2-cm renal stones. This study was retrospectively designed with match paired method. Between January 2013 and December 2016, 387 patients underwent stone surgery for renal stones, 45 patients underwent FURS and 45 patients underwent mini-PNL. 90 patients were divided into two groups according to the surgical procedures. Group 1 patients underwent F-URS, and Group 2 patients underwent mini-PNL. During the intraoperative andpostoperative periods, pain management for all patients was standardized. Pain scores were determined using a visual analogue scale (VAS) completed at 2, 6, 12 and 24 hours postoperatively. The stone free status, hemoglobin levels, fluoroscopy time (FT), operation time (OT), hospitalization time (HT), return to work time (RWT), and complications were noted for each patient. Of all patients, the mean age was 41.1 ± 12.1 years and the mean stone size was 13.9 ± 2.9 mm. The VAS scores were significantly higher in the mini-PNL group at 2, 6, 12 and 24 hours (P .05); however, the hemoglobin decreases and the fluoroscopy, operation, hospitalization and return to work times were higher in the mini-PNL group than in the F-URS group (P work duration. We think that F-URS is more comfortable and less painful than mini-PNL and achieves a similar stone free rate for the treatment of 1- to 2-cm renal stones.

  15. Mini-open transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion. (United States)

    Tangviriyapaiboon, Teera


    To demonstrate the surgical technique and advantages of the mini-open transforaminal approach for lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) combined with transpedicular screw fixation. Clinical and radiographic results were assessed to determine the clinical outcomes in twelve consecutive patients selected for minimally invasive access (mini-open technique) for TLIF in Prasat Neurological Institute. A retrospective analysis was performed on 12 patients (age range, 38-74 yr; mean, 54. 8 yr) who underwent mini-open transforaminal approach for lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) combined with transpedicular screw fixation between September 2006 and June 2008. The titanium pedicle screws were introduced bilaterally through the 3.5 cm length, skin incisions with Spine Classics MLD- system retractor, autologous bone graft were inserted to perform TLIF in all patients. Eight patients were augmented anterior column support with titanium interbody cage, unilateral cage insertion in four patients and the others were inserted bilaterally interbody cages. Six patients presented with low back pain and associated radiculopathy, and six presented with low back pain only. Transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion was performed at L3-L4 in two patients, L4-L5 in four patients, L5-S1 in five patients, and two levels fusion in one patient. All patients were able to ambulate after spinal fusion. The patients were able to walk within 1.4 days (range 1-2 days). The hospital stay averaged 4.4 days (range 3-7 days). Periodic follow-up took place 1 to 21 months after surgery (mean, 7.4 months). The radiological fusion was archived in all nine patients who were operated on more than two months age. The other three patients who had been follow-up less than two months were probably fusion on the 1-month followed-up radiological examination. The use of mini-open technique for pedicle screw instrumentation with spinal fusion procedure provides excellent clinical results and may be an operation of choice for

  16. Viabilidade do aproveitamento agrícola de percolados de resíduos sólidos urbanos Viability of the use of leachate from the urban solid residues in agriculture

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    Antonio T. de Matos


    Full Text Available Com a realização deste trabalho, avaliou-se a qualidade física, química e bioquímica do percolado produzido em colunas de resíduo sólido urbano recém-coletado (RSU, contendo ou não camada de resíduo de construção civil (RCC, com fins de aproveitamento agrícola; para isso, o RSU foi colocado, de forma seqüencial em camadas de 0,15 m de espessura e peso específico de 7 kN m-3, obtidas por compressão do material acondicionado, formando-se ao final duas colunas com 2,47 m de altura. Em uma das colunas, antes do acondicionamento do RSU, foi disposta uma camada de 0,30 m de RCC, como base para a coluna. Amostras do percolado lixiviado das colunas foram coletadas quinzenalmente para a realização das seguintes caracterizações: CE, pH, ST, SST, DQO, DBO, N total, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cd, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni e Cr. Com base nos relativamente altos valores de pH e de concentrações de material orgânico e macronutrientes (N, Ca, Mg e de baixas concentrações de metais pesados, o uso dos percolados de aterros sanitários deve ser considerado como forma viável de disposição final dessa água residuária.This study aimed to evaluate the physical, chemical and biochemical characteristics of the percolate produced by recently collected solid residue (RSU columns with or without residue layer from building demolition (RCC. For this, the RSU was sequentially conditioned in layers of 0.15 m and 7 kN m-3 density to obtain two columns of 2.47 m height. One of the columns received a RCC 0.30 cm layer, positioned at its base. Samples of the leachate were collected every fifteen days for the following characterization: pH, EC and concentration of TS, TSS, COD, BOD, total N, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cd, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni and Cr. The presence of the RCC layer in the columns provided no alterations in EC, but caused a decrease in concentrations of BOD, COD, TOC, TS, TSS, Ca, Mn and Fe in the leachate. Based on high values of pH, organic matter and macronutrient

  17. Análise das alterações posturais da coluna vertebral, dores musculoesqueléticas e função laboral em carteiros pedestres = Analysis of postural changes of the spine, musculoskeletal pain, and work activity in walking letter carriers

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    Andrade, Francini Porcher


    Conclusões: Na amostra de carteiros pedestres avaliada, houve associação da presença de dor na coluna cervical com o aumento da curvatura nessa região. Não foi encontrada associação significativa da alteração postural no plano frontal com a forma de carregar a bolsa durante a atividade laboral

  18. Methodology for fabrication of hydraulics mini turbines with composite materials; Metodologia para a fabricacao de mini turbinas hidraulicas com materiais compostos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Faria, M.T.C. [Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (DEMEC/UFMG), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil). Dept. de Engenharia Mecanica], Email:; Martinez, C.B.; Viana, E.M.F. [Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (EHR-UFMG), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil). Escola de Engenharia. Dept. de Engenharia Hidraulica e Recursos Hidricos], Emails:,


    This paper presents the description of methodological procedure specially developed for manufacturing mini turbines. This procedure is used in the design of a Francis type mini turbine with 12.5 kW. The housing volute and the suction tube of this equipment are manufactured with using composed material based on glass fiber and its distributor system is manufactured with stainless steel and brass. At the end it is presented an estimate cost of design / manufacturing of such equipment and a comparison with other equipment in the market.

  19. Methods for roof-top mini-arrays (United States)

    Hazen, W. E.; Hazen, E. S.


    To test the idea of the Linsley effect mini array for the study of giant air showers, it is desirable to have a trigger that exploits the effect itself. In addition to the trigger, it is necessary to have a method for measuring the relative arrival times of the particle swarm selected by the trigger. Since the idea of mini arrays is likely to appeal to small research groups, it is desirable to try to design relatively simple and inexpensive methods, and methods that utilize existing detectors. Clusters of small detectors have been designed for operation in the local particle density realm where the probability of or = 2 particles per detector is small. Consequently, this method can discriminate pulses from each detector and thenceforth deal mainly with logic pulses.

  20. Styles of coping with cancer: the Italian version of the Mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer (Mini-MAC) scale. (United States)

    Grassi, Luigi; Buda, Patrizia; Cavana, Laura; Annunziata, Maria Antonietta; Torta, Riccardo; Varetto, Antonella


    Mental adjustment to cancer has been explored in a large body of the literature by using the Mental Adjustment to Cancer (MAC) scale. Problems in the factor structure of the scale and the need for refining the instrument have determined the development of the Mini-MAC. The aim of this study was to validate, according to a test-oriented approach, the Italian version of the Mini-MAC. Four hundred and thirty cancer patients in five centres in Northern Italy completed the Mini-MAC and the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI). A subgroup of 153 patients filled out the instruments again within 3 months of the first assessment. The five original subscales (Fighting Spirit, Hopeless, Fatalism, Anxious Preoccupation and Cognitive Avoidance) showed acceptable levels of reliability (Cronbach alpha coefficients ranging from 0.55 to 0.80) although alphas were lower for the scales Fighting Spirit and Fatalism. Factor analysis (Varimax rotation) identified the same five factors with minor variations from the original version. Again, alpha coefficients were less robust for the factors Fighting Sprit and Fatalism. Hopeless and Anxious Preoccupation were significantly related to all the BSI psychological stress symptoms, including the Global Stress Index (GSI). Test-retest reliability showed no differences in the sub-scales scores between assessments. Copyright (c) 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  1. Protective factor screening for prevention practice: Sensitivity and specificity of the DESSA-Mini. (United States)

    Shapiro, Valerie B; Kim, B K Elizabeth; Robitaille, Jennifer L; LeBuffe, Paul A


    The Devereux Student Strengths Assessment Mini (DESSA-Mini; Naglieri, LeBuffe, & Shapiro, 2011/2014) was designed to overcome practical obstacles to universal prevention screening. This article seeks to determine whether an entirely strength-based, 8-item screening instrument achieves technical accuracy in routine practice. Data come from a district-wide implementation of a new social emotional learning (SEL) initiative designed to promote students' social-emotional competence. All students, kindergarten through Grade 8, were screened using the DESSA-Mini. A random 5 students per classroom received additional assessment. Concurrent and predictive criterion studies were conducted using the full DESSA as well as administrative records of serious disciplinary infraction. The DESSA-Mini showed excellent internal reliability, exceeding .90. Negligible to small differences were found between scores on the DESSA-Mini screen and the DESSA full assessment. Classification consistency between the DESSA-Mini and the DESSA was high (87%-94%) in routine practice, with sensitivity and specificity estimates exceeding Glascoe's (2005) standards. Finally, predictive validity of the DESSA-Mini was reliable; students screened as having a Need for SEL Instruction at the beginning of the year were 4.5 times more likely to have a record of serious disciplinary infraction at the end of the school year compared with those who were not identified (p mental, emotional, and behavioral problems. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).

  2. Mini-conference on Angular Momentum Transport in Laboratory and Nature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ji, Hantao; Kronberg, Philipp; Prager, Stewart C.; Uzdensky, Dmitri A.


    This paper provides a concise summary of the current status of the research and future perspectives discussed in the Mini-Conference on Angular Momentum Transport in Laboratory and Nature. This Mini-conference, sponsored by the Topical Group on Plasma Astrophysics, was held as part of the American Physical Society's Division of Plasma Physics 2007 Annual Meeting (November 12-16, 2007). This Mini-conference covers a wide range of phenomena happening in fluids and plasmas, either in laboratory or in nature. The purpose of this paper is not to comprehensively review these phenomena, but to provide a starting point for interested readers to refer to related research in areas other than their own

  3. Rational Design of Mini-Cas9 for Transcriptional Activation. (United States)

    Ma, Dacheng; Peng, Shuguang; Huang, Weiren; Cai, Zhiming; Xie, Zhen


    Nuclease dead Cas9 (dCas9) has been widely used for modulating gene expression by fusing with different activation or repression domains. However, delivery of the CRISPR/Cas system fused with various effector domains in a single adeno-associated virus (AAV) remains challenging due to the payload limit. Here, we engineered a set of downsized variants of Cas9 including Staphylococcus aureus Cas9 (SaCas9) that retained DNA binding activity by deleting conserved functional domains. We demonstrated that fusing FokI nuclease domain to the N-terminal of the minimal SaCas9 (mini-SaCas9) or to the middle of the split mini-SaCas9 can trigger efficient DNA cleavage. In addition, we constructed a set of compact transactivation domains based on the tripartite VPR activation domain and self-assembled arrays of split SpyTag:SpyCatch peptides, which are suitable for fusing to the mini-SaCas9. Lastly, we produced a single AAV containing the mini-SaCas9 fused with a downsized transactivation domain along with an optimized gRNA expression cassette, which showed efficient transactivation activity. Our results highlighted a practical approach to generate down-sized CRISPR/Cas9 and gene activation systems for in vivo applications.

  4. Targeted CNS delivery using human MiniPromoters and demonstrated compatibility with adeno-associated viral vectors

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    Charles N de Leeuw


    Full Text Available Critical for human gene therapy is the availability of small promoters tools to drive gene expression in a highly specific and reproducible manner. We tackled this challenge by developing human DNA MiniPromoters (MiniPs using computational biology and phylogenetic conservation. MiniPs were tested in mouse as single-copy knock-ins at the Hprt locus on the X chromosome and evaluated for lacZ reporter expression in central nervous system (CNS and non–CNS tissue. Eighteen novel MiniPs driving expression in mouse brain were identified, 2 MiniPs for driving pan-neuronal expression and 17 MiniPs for the mouse eye. Key areas of therapeutic interest were represented in this set: the cerebral cortex, embryonic hypothalamus, spinal cord, bipolar and ganglion cells of the retina, and skeletal muscle. We also demonstrated that three retinal ganglion cell MiniPs exhibit similar cell type specificity when delivered via adeno-associated virus vectors intravitreally. We conclude that our methodology and characterization has resulted in desirable expression characteristics that are intrinsic to the MiniPromoter, not dictated by copy-number effects or genomic location, and results in constructs predisposed to success in adeno-associated virus. These MiniPs are immediately applicable for preclinical studies toward gene therapy in humans and are publicly available to facilitate basic and clinical research, and human gene therapy.

  5. Validation and Diagnostic Efficiency of the Mini-SPIN in Spanish-Speaking Adolescents.

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    LuisJoaquín Garcia-Lopez

    Full Text Available Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD is one of the most common mental disorders in adolescence. Many validated psychometric tools are available to diagnose individuals with SAD efficaciously. However, there is a demand for shortened self-report instruments that identify adolescents at risk of developing SAD. We validate the Mini-SPIN and its diagnostic efficiency in overcoming this problem in Spanish-speaking adolescents in Spain.The psychometric properties of the 3-item Mini-SPIN scale for adolescents were assessed in a community (study 1 and clinical sample (study 2.Study 1 consisted of 573 adolescents, and found the Mini-SPIN to have appropriate internal consistency and high construct validity. Study 2 consisted of 354 adolescents (147 participants diagnosed with SAD and 207 healthy controls. Data revealed that the Mini-SPIN has good internal consistency, high construct validity and adequate diagnostic efficiency.Our findings suggest that the Mini-SPIN has good psychometric properties on clinical and healthy control adolescents and general population, which indicates that it can be used as a screening tool in Spanish-speaking adolescents. Cut-off scores are provided.

  6. Validation and Diagnostic Efficiency of the Mini-SPIN in Spanish-Speaking Adolescents. (United States)

    Garcia-Lopez, LuisJoaquín; Moore, Harry T A


    Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is one of the most common mental disorders in adolescence. Many validated psychometric tools are available to diagnose individuals with SAD efficaciously. However, there is a demand for shortened self-report instruments that identify adolescents at risk of developing SAD. We validate the Mini-SPIN and its diagnostic efficiency in overcoming this problem in Spanish-speaking adolescents in Spain. The psychometric properties of the 3-item Mini-SPIN scale for adolescents were assessed in a community (study 1) and clinical sample (study 2). Study 1 consisted of 573 adolescents, and found the Mini-SPIN to have appropriate internal consistency and high construct validity. Study 2 consisted of 354 adolescents (147 participants diagnosed with SAD and 207 healthy controls). Data revealed that the Mini-SPIN has good internal consistency, high construct validity and adequate diagnostic efficiency. Our findings suggest that the Mini-SPIN has good psychometric properties on clinical and healthy control adolescents and general population, which indicates that it can be used as a screening tool in Spanish-speaking adolescents. Cut-off scores are provided.

  7. Arc-to-arc mini-sling 1999: a critical analysis of concept and technology

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    Paulo Palma


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to critically review the Arc-to-Arc mini-sling (Palma's technique a less invasive mid-urethral sling using bovine pericardium as the sling material. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The Arc-to-Arc mini-sling, using bovine pericardium, was the first published report of a mini-sling, in 1999. The technique was identical to the "tension-free tape" operation, midline incision and dissection of the urethra. The ATFP (white line was identified by blunt dissection, and the mini-sling was sutured to the tendinous arc on both sides with 2 polypropylene 00 sutures. RESULTS: The initial results were encouraging, with 9/10 patients cured at the 6 weeks post-operative visit. However, infection and extrusion of the mini-sling resulted in sling extrusion and removal, with 5 patients remaining cured at 12 months. CONCLUSION: The Arc-to-Arc mini-sling was a good concept, but failed because of the poor technology available at that time. Further research using new materials and better technology has led to new and safer alternatives for the management of stress urinary incontinence.

  8. Performance and internal flow condition of mini centrifugal pump with splitter blades

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shigemitsu, T; Fukutomi, J; Kaji, K; Wada, T


    Mini centrifugal pumps having a diameter smaller than 100mm are employed in many fields. But the design method for the mini centrifugal pump is not established because the internal flow condition for these small-sized fluid machines is not clarified and conventional theory is not suitable for small-sized pumps. Therefore, mini centrifugal pumps with simple structure were investigated by this research. Splitter blades were adopted in this research to improve the performance and the internal flow condition of mini centrifugal pump which had large blade outlet angle. The original impeller without the splitter blades and the impeller with the splitter blades were prepared for an experiment. The performance tests are conducted with these rotors in order to investigate the effect of the splitter blades on performance and internal flow condition of mini centrifugal pump. On the other hand, a three dimensional steady numerical flow analysis is conducted with the commercial code (ANSYS-CFX) to investigate the internal flow condition in detail. It is clarified from the experimental results that the performance of the mini centrifugal pump is improved by the effect of the splitter blades. The blade-to-blade low velocity regions are suppressed in the case with the splitter blades and the total pressure loss regions are decreased. The effects of the splitter blades on the performance and the internal flow condition are discussed in this paper.

  9. Effect of recycling protocol on mechanical strength of used mini-implants. (United States)

    Estelita, Sérgio; Janson, Guilherme; Chiqueto, Kelly; Ferreira, Eduardo Silveira


    Purpose. This study evaluated the influence of recycling process on the torsional strength of mini-implants. Materials and Methods. Two hundred mini-implants were divided into 4 groups with 50 screws equally distributed in five diameters (1.3 to 1.7 mm): control group (CG): unused mini-implants, G1: mini-implants inserted in pig iliac bone and removed, G2: same protocol of group 1 followed by sonication for cleaning and autoclave sterilization, and G3: same insertion protocol of group 1 followed by sonication for cleaning before and after sandblasting (Al2O3-90 µ) and autoclave sterilization. G2 and G3 mini-implants were weighed after recycling process to evaluate weight loss (W). All the screws were broken to determine the fracture torque (FT). The influence of recycling process on FT and W was evaluated by ANOVA, Mann-Whitney, and multiple linear regression analysis. Results. FT was not influenced by recycling protocols even when sandblasting was added. Sandblasting caused weight loss due to abrasive mechanical stripping of screw surface. Screw diameter was the only variable that affected FT. Conclusions. Torsional strengths of screws that underwent the recycling protocols were not changed. Thus, screw diameter choice can be a more critical step to avoid screw fracture than recycling decision.

  10. Magnet-Sleeve-Sealed Mini Trochoidal-Gear Pump Prototype with Polymer Composite Gear

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    Pedro Javier Gamez-Montero


    Full Text Available The trochoidal-gear technology has been growing in groundbreaking fields. Forthcoming applications are demanding to this technology a step forward in the conceiving stage of positive displacement machines. The compendium of the qualities and the inherent characteristics of trochoidal-gear technology, especially towards the gerotor pump, together with scale/size factor and magnetic-driven transmission has led to the idea of a magnet-sleeve-sealed variable flow mini trochoidal-gear pump. From its original concept, to the last phase of the design development, the proof of concept, this new product will intend to overcome problems such as noise, vibration, maintenance, materials, and dimensions. The paper aims to show the technological path followed from the concept, design, and model, to the manufacture of the first prototype, where the theoretical and numerical approaches are not always directly reflected in the prototype performance results. Early in the design process, from a standard-commercial sintered metal mini trochoidal-gear unit, fundamental characteristics and dimensional limitations have been evaluated becoming the strategic parameters that led to its configuration. The main technical challenge to confront is being sealed with non-exterior driveshaft, ensuring that the whole interior is filled and wetted with working fluid and helping the hydrodynamic film formation, the pumping effect, and the heat dissipation. Subsequently, the mini pump architecture, embodiment, methodology, materials, and manufacture are presented. The trend of applications of polymer composite materials and their benefits wanted to be examined with this new mini pump prototype, and a pure polyoxymethylene mini trochoidal-gear set has been designed and manufactured. Finally, both the sintered and the polymer trochoidal-gear units have been experimentally tested in an in-house full-instrumented mini test bench. Although the main goal of the presented work is the

  11. Uma análise da pobreza multidimensional do Nordeste metropolitano com uso de modelo de equações estruturais

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    Lucilena Ferraz Castanheira Corrêa


    Full Text Available ResumoA pobreza é um fenômeno social altamente complexo e a problemática desse estágio de privação é constituída pela agregação de vários fatores sociais. Diante dessa perspectiva, quanto mais informação for sendo incorporada aos estudos que envolvem esse estágio de privação, mais preciso será o diagnóstico dessa realidade. Este artigo utiliza como instrumento analítico o método de Modelagem de Equações Estruturais (MEE, empregando microdados da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD de 2009, com foco nas regiões metropolitanas do Nordeste: Fortaleza, Recife e Salvador. Foram definidas quatro dimensões da pobreza (capacidade, bem-estar econômico, inclusão econômica e inclusão por meio das condições de moradia, em que é efetuada análise de correlação. No segundo momento, essas dimensões passam a ser analisadas sob a ótica dos seus impactos sobre a pobreza. Os resultados desse estudo reforçam a existência multidimensional das características desse estado de privação social e econômica já apontada por outros trabalhos a partir de uma modelagem mais adequada ao arcabouço teórico.

  12. Fatores de risco para a coluna: avaliação em consulta de enfermagem

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    Maria Edla de Oliveira Bringuente


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve como propósito estudar os fatores de risco que afetam a pessoa com dor na couna, identificando-os e implementando uma proposta de intervenção, composta de um programa de educação à saúde, fundamentado no ensino do autocuidado, pressupostos filosóficos humanista-existenciais e abordagens equalizadoras do estresse, dentre elas, atividades reintegradoras músculo-esqueléticas, técnicas básicas de equalízação do estresse e massagens. Foi desenvolvido junto a uma população de 42 clientes, tendo sido utilizados na coleta de dados dois instrumentos que integraram o protocolo de consultas de enfermagem. Os resultados demonstraram a existência de fatores de risco associados e modificáveis mediante programas de educação à saúde. O processo avaliativo contribuiu para que se tivesse uma visão das medidas terapêuticas, utilizando nessa abordagem cuidados não convencionais, contribuindo, outrossim, na melhoria da qualidade de vida desses clientes.

  13. Surgical management of fractured orthodontic mini- implant- a case report. (United States)

    Desai, Manthan; Jain, Anoop; Sumra, Nida


    The idea of absolute anchorage has always been an elusive goal for clinicians. Orthodontic mini-implants or temporary anchorage devices allow tooth movements previously thought to be impossible or difficult. Although extensive literature exists on use of temporary anchorage devices, their failures have been hardly focused upon, especially implant fracture. The following case report describes successful management of fractured orthodontic mini-implant.

  14. Validation of an electronic version of the Mini Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire. (United States)

    Olajos-Clow, J; Minard, J; Szpiro, K; Juniper, E F; Turcotte, S; Jiang, X; Jenkins, B; Lougheed, M D


    The Mini Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (MiniAQLQ) is a validated disease-specific quality of life (QOL) paper (p) questionnaire. Electronic (e) versions enable inclusion of asthma QOL in electronic medical records and research databases. To validate an e-version of the MiniAQLQ, compare time required for completion of e- and p-versions, and determine which version participants prefer. Adults with stable asthma were randomized to complete either the e- or p-MiniAQLQ, followed by a 2-h rest period before completing the other version. Agreement between versions was measured using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and Bland-Altman analysis. Two participants with incomplete p-MiniAQLQ responses were excluded. Forty participants (85% female; age 47.7 +/- 14.9 years; asthma duration 22.6 +/- 16.1 years; FEV(1) 87.1 +/- 21.6% predicted) with both AQLQ scores limitation, emotional function and environmental stimuli domains were 0.94, 0.89, 0.90, and 0.91 respectively. A small but significant bias (Delta=0.3; P=0.004) was noted in the activity limitation domain. Completion time was significantly longer for the e-version (3.8 +/- 1.9min versus 2.7 +/- 1.1min; Ppreferred the e-MiniAQLQ; 35% had no preference. This e-version of the MiniAQLQ is valid and was preferred by most participants despite taking slightly longer to complete. Generalizabilty may be limited in younger (12-17) and older (>65) adults.

  15. "Mini", "Midi" and the Student. (United States)

    Edwards, Perry; Broadwell, Bruce

    Mini- and midi-computers have been introduced into the computer science program at Sierra College to afford students more direct contact with computers. The college's administration combined with the Science and Business departments to share the expense and utilization of the program. The National Cash Register Century 100 and the Data General…

  16. Mini tunelizador moldável: um avanço técnico no acesso vascular para hemodiálise Mini moldable tunneler: a technical improvement for hemodialysis access

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    Fabio Henrique Rossi


    Full Text Available CONTEXTO: A confecção de fístula para hemodiálise pode envolver a criação de túnel para a acomodação do enxerto - veia autóloga ou prótese sintética. O trajeto e a extensão dependem do local escolhido para a realização das anastomoses e posicionamento do trajeto do enxerto. Na atualidade, os tunelizadores utilizados são constituídos de estruturas cilíndricas metálicas rígidas, que tornam necessário o uso de múltiplos tamanhos e conformações. OBJETIVO: Testar a utilização de um único mini tunelizador universal metálico e moldável na cirurgia de confecção de fístula para hemodiálise. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo piloto. O tunelizador desenvolvido consiste de uma estrutura cilíndrica e modular composta de fio de aço inoxidável moldável interno, com manopla em extremidade proximal e dupla ponta cônica intercambiável em extremidade distal e bainha cilíndrica externa de polietileno. O tunelizador foi utilizado em dez cirurgias de confecção de fístulas para hemodiálise em membros superiores e inferiores, e o sucesso de sua aplicabilidade e a frequência de complicações precoces foram observados. RESULTADOS: Suas características de maleabilidade e conformibilidade permitiram a utilização do mesmo tunelizador nos diversos tipos de fístulas realizadas. A ponta cônica distal com duplo diâmetro, intercambiável, permitiu que o mesmo aparato fosse aplicado na utilização de veia autógena ou prótese sintética. Todas as cirurgias foram seguidas de sucesso e com baixos índices de complicações precoces. CONCLUSÃO: A versatilidade do mini tunelizador metálico maleável e moldável permitiu sua utilização em todas as fístulas realizadas, independentemente do sítio das anastomoses e o trajeto de acomodação escolhido, sem complicações e com excelente índice de perviedade. Os dados sugerem que o mini tunelizador metálico maleável moldável pode ser utilizado com segurança e vantagens nas

  17. Leaching of hexazinone and mixture hexazinone + diuron in columns of soils with distinct textures. = Lixiviação do hexazinone e da mistura hexazinone + diuron em colunas de solos com texturas distintas.

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    Kassio Ferreira Mendes


    Full Text Available Objective to evaluate the leaching of the hexazinone and admixed with diuron, in soil of contrasting textures, in soil columns under different rainfall. The following soils were used: Red Latosol - LV, of clay texture and Quartzarenic Neosol - NQ, sandy texture. The experimental units were constituted by PVC columns filled with soil, at rates of hexazinone (LV - 375 g ha -1 and NQ - 225 g ha -1 and hexazinone + diuron (LV - 396 + 1,404 g ha -1 and NQ - 264 + 936 g ha-1 . The factorial 6 x 6 in randomized block design, with three replications was adopted. Factor A evaluated the precipitation of 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 mm; factor B analyzed the depths (0-5, 5-10, 10-15, 15-20, 20-25 and 25-30 cm column. Posteriorly the rain simulation the columns were longitudinally opened and along these were sown Cucumis sativus. Independent of soil texture, the hexazinoneand mixture hexazinone + diuron did not exceed 10-15 cm layer of soil, the layer of 0 mm. The hexazinone and diuron + hexazinone mixture showed phytotoxicity of species bioindicator in the layer of 20-25 cm in LV, and reaching up to 25-30 cm in NQ, the greatest layer simulated. It was concluded that there was no difference in leaching potential of hexazinone when mixture with diuron in soils with distinct textures, however the clay textural composition, organic matter content of soil and rainfall influenced the leaching. = Objetivou-se avaliar a lixiviação do hexazinone isoladamente e da mistura com o diuron, em solos de texturas contrastantes, em colunas de solos sob diferentes precipitações. Utilizou-se um Latossolo Vermelho – LV, de textura argilosa e um Neossolo Quartzarênico – NQ, de textura arenosa. As unidades experimentais foram constituídas por colunas de PVC preenchidas com solos, nas doses de hexazinone (LV - 375 g ha -1 e NQ - 225 g ha -1 e hexazinone + diuron (LV - 396 + 1.404 g ha -1 e NQ - 264 + 936 g ha -1 . Adotou-se o esquema fatorial 6 x 6 no delineamento em

  18. Mandibular Overdentures Retained by Two Mini-Implants: A Seven-Year Retention and Satisfaction Study. (United States)

    Catalán, Alfonso; Martínez, Alejandra; Marchesani, Francisco; González, Urcesino


    Patients with atrophic edentulous ridges generally have problems with retention, therapeutic satisfaction, and comfort with their complete dentures. An alternative treatment to assist in improving retention and stability involves the use of mini-implants. The aim of this study was to evaluate the retention of mandibular overdentures connected to two mini-implants and overall patient satisfaction with them. Seven patients with atrophic mandibular ridges (Type 4D Misch classification), aged 62 to 74 years old were rehabilitated with complete dentures. In each patient, two mini-implants measuring 15 or 13 mm in length and 1.8 mm in diameter were placed. After 15 days, overdentures were connected to the mini-implants with O-ring attachments. In each patient, retention of the overdentures was measured, and a survey of therapeutic satisfaction before and after connection to the mini-implants was administered. Prosthesis retention was measured with a digital dynamometer at 1 month, 6 months, and 2, 3, 5, and 7 years after mini-implant placement. Patient satisfaction was assessed with a survey. Data were analyzed with Student's t-test (satisfaction survey) and the Friedman test (retention measurements and satisfaction survey). The initial retention values (0.34 to 0.63 N without mini-implants) varied significantly (p ≤ 0.050). These values were less than the subsequent measurements of 3.92 to 9.64 N, taken after placement of the mini-implants and connecting them to the dentures. Satisfaction was good to very good over the 7-year observation period. Mucosa and peri-implant bone showed no pathological changes. In this limited sample size clinical study the results indicated that after connecting mandibular overdentures to two mini-implants, patient satisfaction significantly increased and retention significantly improved during the 7-year observation period. © 2015 by the American College of Prosthodontists.

  19. Mini transverse versus longitudinal incision in carpal tunnel syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Korkmaz, M.; Cepoglu, M.C.


    Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of mini-transverse compared with mini-longitudinal incision for carpal tunnel release (CTR) with reference to postoperative functional capacity, symptom severity and complication rate. Study Design: Analytical study. Place and Duration of Study: Cumhuriyet University Medical Faculty, Department of Orthopaedics, Tokat State Hospital, Department of Orthopaedics and Medical Park Tokat Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery, from January 2007 to January 2009. Methodology: This study included 93 hands of 79 patients with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), which were operated between 2007 and 2009. Patients were divided according to incision types into Group-1 (undergoing mini-longitudinal incision) and Group-2 (undergoing mini-transverse incision). Patients were evaluated initially and at 3 weeks after treatment according to symptom severity and functional status of Boston Questionnaire (BQ). Demographic and clinical data were analyzed and compared statistically between two groups. Results: Statistically significant differences were observed in BQ symptom and functional scores between the pre- and postoperative period (p < 0.0001). BQ symptom and functional scores at postoperative period were better in Group-1 than Group-2 (p = 0.044 and p = 0.023 respectively). The scar hypersensitivity (p = 0.258) and tenderness (p = 1.00) associated with the incision sites were not statistically different. Conclusion: Longitudinal incision is more effective on symptom and functional conditions than transverse incision. However, there was less scar formation with transverse incision. (author)

  20. Eficacia del proceso de esterilización de los Mini-Endo-bloc

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    Maritza Eraso Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El Mini-Endo-Bloc® es un elemento usado para mediar las limas durante la endodoncia, presenta muchas concavidades y orificios que dificultan el proceso de esterilización y pueden promover la infección cruzada o comprometer el pronóstico del tratamiento endodóntico. Objetivo: Observar la eficacia de la esterilización de los Mini-Endo-Bloc® utilizados en la clínica de la Federación Odontológica Colombiana (FOC. Métodos: Se recolectaron 60 Mini-Endo-Bloc® utilizados en pacientes que presentaban diagnósticos de necrosis pulpar y periodontitis apical, lo cuales se dividieron en dos grupos: Grupo control: 12 Mini-Endo-Bloc® desinfectados y no esterilizados. Grupo experimental: 48 Mini-Endo-Bloc® desinfectados y esterilizados, se realizó, según lo recomendado por la Farmacopea USPXXXV, prueba de esterilidad en Caldo Thioglycollate a 37°C, medio de caldo Casoy a 37°C y medio de caldo Casoy a 25°C para determinar presencia de bacterias, levaduras y hongos. Resultados: Al someter los Mini-Endo-Bloc® al protocolo de esterilización establecido por la FOC y teniendo en cuenta los parámetros de las pruebas de esterilidad, en el grupo experimental el 50% (n=24, fueron reprobadas (crecimiento microorganismos y 50% (n = 24 fueron aprobadas (no crecimiento de microorganismos. Discusión: la mitad de las muestras fueron reprobadas, estos resultados pueden ser por fallas en el proceso de desinfección mecánica manual directa, el cual se dificulta en los Mini-Endo-Bloc®, debido a su estructura y diseño, permitiendo que residuos biológicos permanezcan en la superficie del instrumento, evitando que el vapor saturado entre en contacto con el material o los microorganismos durante la esterilización.

  1. How does feedback in mini-CEX affect students' learning response? (United States)

    Sudarso, Sulistiawati; Rahayu, Gandes Retno; Suhoyo, Yoyo


    This study was aimed to explore students' learning response toward feedback during mini-CEX encounter. This study used a phenomenological approach to identify the students' experiences toward feedback during mini-CEX encounter. Data was collected using Focus Group Discussion (FGD) for all students who were in their final week of clerkship in the internal medicine rotation. There were 4 FGD groups (6 students for each group). All FGD were audio-taped and transcribed verbatim. The FGD transcripts were analyzed thematically and managed using Atlas-ti (version 7.0). Feedback content and the way of providing feedback on mini-CEX stimulated students' internal process, including self-reflection, emotional response, and motivation. These internal processes encouraged the students to take action or do a follow-up on the feedback to improve their learning process. In addition, there was also an external factor, namely consequences, which also influenced the students' reaction to the follow-up on feedback. In the end, this action caused several learning effects that resulted in the students' increased self-efficacy, attitude, knowledge and clinical skill. Feedback content and the way of providing feedback on mini-CEX stimulates the students' internal processes to do a follow-up on feedback. However, another external factor also affects the students' decision on the follow-up actions. The follow-ups result in various learning effects on the students. Feedback given along with summative assessment enhances learning effects on students, as well. It is suggested that supervisors of clinical education are prepared to comprehend every factor influencing feedback on mini CEX to improve the students' learning response.

  2. Validation and Diagnostic Efficiency of the Mini-SPIN in Spanish-Speaking Adolescents (United States)

    Garcia-Lopez, LuisJoaquín; Moore, Harry T. A.


    Objectives Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is one of the most common mental disorders in adolescence. Many validated psychometric tools are available to diagnose individuals with SAD efficaciously. However, there is a demand for shortened self-report instruments that identify adolescents at risk of developing SAD. We validate the Mini-SPIN and its diagnostic efficiency in overcoming this problem in Spanish-speaking adolescents in Spain. Methods The psychometric properties of the 3-item Mini-SPIN scale for adolescents were assessed in a community (study 1) and clinical sample (study 2). Results Study 1 consisted of 573 adolescents, and found the Mini-SPIN to have appropriate internal consistency and high construct validity. Study 2 consisted of 354 adolescents (147 participants diagnosed with SAD and 207 healthy controls). Data revealed that the Mini-SPIN has good internal consistency, high construct validity and adequate diagnostic efficiency. Conclusions Our findings suggest that the Mini-SPIN has good psychometric properties on clinical and healthy control adolescents and general population, which indicates that it can be used as a screening tool in Spanish-speaking adolescents. Cut-off scores are provided. PMID:26317695

  3. Mini-implants: alternative for oral rehabilitation of a child with ectodermal dysplasia. (United States)

    Mello, Bianca Zeponi Fernandes; Silva, Thiago Cruvinel; Rios, Daniela; Machado, Maria Aparecida Andrade Moreira; Valarelli, Fabrício Pinelli; Oliveira, Thais Marchini


    Ectodermal dysplasia is a rare congenital disease that affects several structures of ectodermal origin. The most commonly related oral characteristics are hypodontia, malformed teeth and underdeveloped alveolar ridges. New alternative treatments are needed due to the failure of the conventional prosthesis retention. This case report outlines the oral rehabilitation treatment of a 9-year-old girl with ectodermal dysplasia. The treatment was performed with conventional prosthesis upon mini-implants. The mini-implants provided prosthetic retention. The patient reported a good adaptation of the dental prosthesis and satisfaction with the treatment. The increased self-esteem improved the socialization skills of the girl. In this case report, use of prosthesis with mini-implants was satisfactory for prosthetic retention. However, clinical studies with long-term follow-up are needed to test the mini-implants as an alternative for oral rehabilitation of children with ectodermal dysplasia.

  4. Neural network based control of an absorption column in the process of bioethanol production

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    Eduardo Eyng


    Full Text Available Gaseous ethanol may be recovered from the effluent gas mixture of the sugar cane fermentation process using a staged absorption column. In the present work, the development of a nonlinear controller, based on a neural network inverse model (ANN controller, was proposed and tested to manipulate the absorbent flow rate in order to control the residual ethanol concentration in the effluent gas phase. Simulation studies were carried out, in which a noise was applied to the ethanol concentration signals from the rigorous model. The ANN controller outperformed the dynamic matrix control (DMC when step disturbances were imposed to the gas mixture composition. A security device, based on a conventional feedback algorithm, and a digital filter were added to the proposed strategy to improve the system robustness when unforeseen operating and environmental conditions occured. The results demonstrated that ANN controller was a robust and reliable tool to control the absorption column.Deseja-se recuperar o etanol perdido por evaporação durante o processo de fermentação da cana-de-açúcar. Para tanto, faz-se uso de uma coluna de absorção. O controle da concentração de etanol no efluente gasoso da coluna é realizado pela manipulação da vazão de solvente, sendo esta determinada pelo controlador não linear proposto, baseado em um modelo inverso de redes neurais (controlador ANN. Foram feitas simulações adicionando-se um sinal de ruído a medida de concentração de etanol na fase gasosa. Quando perturbações degrau foram inseridas na mistura gasosa afluente, o controlador ANN demonstrou desempenho superior ao controle por matriz dinâmica (DMC. Um dispositivo de segurança, baseado em um controlador feedback convencional, e um filtro digital foram implementados à estratégia de controle proposta para agregar robustez no tratamento de distúrbios ocorridos no ambiente operacional. Os resultados demonstraram que o controlador ANN é uma

  5. MiniGRAIL progress report 2004

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Waard, A de; Benzaim, Y; Frossati, G; Gottardi, L; Mark, H van der; Flokstra, J; Podt, M; Bassan, M; Minenkov, Y; Moleti, A; Rocchi, A; Fafone, V; Pallottino, G V


    The MiniGRAIL detector was improved. The sphere was replaced by a slightly larger one, having a diameter of 68 cm (instead of 65 cm), reducing the resonant frequency by about 200 Hz to around 2.9 kHz. The last four masses of the attenuation system were machined to increase their resonant frequency and improve the attenuation around the resonant frequency of the sphere. In the new sphere, six holes were machined on the TIGA positions for easy mounting of the transducers. During the last cryogenic run, two capacitive transducers and a calibrator were mounted on the sphere. The first transducer was coupled to a double-stage SQUID amplifier having a commercial quantum design SQUID as a first stage and a DROS as a second stage. The second transducer was read by a single-stage quantum design SQUID. During the cryogenic run, the sphere was cooled down to 4 K. The two-stage SQUID had a flux noise of about 1.6 μφ 0 Hz -1/2 . The detector was calibrated and the sensitivity curve of MiniGRAIL was determined

  6. The Lagrangian structure of ozone mini-holes and potential vorticity anomalies in the Northern Hemisphere

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    P. M. James


    Full Text Available An ozone mini-hole is a synoptic-scale area of strongly reduced column total ozone, which undergoes a growth-decay cycle in association with baroclinic weather systems. The tracks of mini-hole events recorded during the TOMS observation period over the Northern Hemisphere provide a database for building anomaly fields of various meteorological parameters, following each mini-hole center in a Lagrangian sense. The resulting fields provide, for the first time, a complete mean Lagrangian picture of the three-dimensional structure of typical ozone mini-holes in the Northern Hemisphere. Mini-holes are shown to be associated with anomalous warm anticyclonic flow in the upper troposphere and cold cyclonic anomalies in the middle stratosphere. Ascending air columns occur upstream and descent downstream of the mini-hole centers. Band-pass filtering is used to reveal the transient synoptic nature of mini-holes embedded within larger scale circulation anomalies. Significant correlations between ozone and Ertel’s potential vorticity on isentropes (IPV both near the tropopause and in the middle stratosphere are shown and then utilized by reconstructing the Lagrangian analysis to follow local IPV anomalies instead of ozone minima. By using IPV as a proxy for ozone, the geopotential anomaly dipolar structure in the vertical characteristic of mini-holes is shown to result from a superposition of two largely independent dynamical components, stratospheric and tropospheric, typically operating on different time scales. Hence, ozone mini-holes may be viewed primarily as phenomena of coincidence.Key words. Meteorology and atmospheric dynamics (middle atmosphere dynamics; synoptic-scale meteorology

  7. The Lagrangian structure of ozone mini-holes and potential vorticity anomalies in the Northern Hemisphere

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    P. M. James

    Full Text Available An ozone mini-hole is a synoptic-scale area of strongly reduced column total ozone, which undergoes a growth-decay cycle in association with baroclinic weather systems. The tracks of mini-hole events recorded during the TOMS observation period over the Northern Hemisphere provide a database for building anomaly fields of various meteorological parameters, following each mini-hole center in a Lagrangian sense. The resulting fields provide, for the first time, a complete mean Lagrangian picture of the three-dimensional structure of typical ozone mini-holes in the Northern Hemisphere. Mini-holes are shown to be associated with anomalous warm anticyclonic flow in the upper troposphere and cold cyclonic anomalies in the middle stratosphere. Ascending air columns occur upstream and descent downstream of the mini-hole centers. Band-pass filtering is used to reveal the transient synoptic nature of mini-holes embedded within larger scale circulation anomalies. Significant correlations between ozone and Ertel’s potential vorticity on isentropes (IPV both near the tropopause and in the middle stratosphere are shown and then utilized by reconstructing the Lagrangian analysis to follow local IPV anomalies instead of ozone minima. By using IPV as a proxy for ozone, the geopotential anomaly dipolar structure in the vertical characteristic of mini-holes is shown to result from a superposition of two largely independent dynamical components, stratospheric and tropospheric, typically operating on different time scales. Hence, ozone mini-holes may be viewed primarily as phenomena of coincidence.

    Key words. Meteorology and atmospheric dynamics (middle atmosphere dynamics; synoptic-scale meteorology

  8. Investigation of Heat Transfer in Mini Channels using Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bøgild, Morten Ryge; Poulsen, Jonas Lundsted; Rath, Emil Zacho


    In this paper an experimental investigation of the heat transfer in mini channels with a hydraulic diameter of 889 m is conducted. The method used is planar laser induceduorescence (PLIF), which uses the principle of laser excitation of rhodamine B in water. The goal of this study is to validate...... the applicability of PLIF to determine the convective heat transfer coecient in mini channels against conventional correlations of the convective heat transfer coecient. The applicability of the conventional theory in micro and mini channels has been discussed by several researchers, but to the authors knowledge...

  9. Mini-tablets versus pellets as promising multiparticulate modified release delivery systems for highly soluble drugs. (United States)

    Gaber, Dina M; Nafee, Noha; Abdallah, Osama Y


    Whether mini-tablets (tablets, diameters ≤6mm) belong to single- or multiple-unit dosage forms is still questionable. Accordingly, Pharmacopoeial evaluation procedures for mini-tablets are lacking. In this study, the aforementioned points were discussed. Moreover, their potential for oral controlled delivery was assessed. The antidepressant venlafaxine hydrochloride (Vx), a highly soluble drug undergoing first pass effect, low bioavailability and short half-life was selected as a challenging payload. In an attempt to weigh up mini-tablets versus pellets as multiparticulate carriers, Vx-loaded mini-tablets were compared to formulated pellets of the same composition and the innovator Effexor(®)XR pellets. Formulations were prepared using various polymer hydrogels in the core and ethyl cellulose film coating with increasing thickness. Mini-tablets (diameter 2mm) showed extended Vx release (<60%, 8h). Indeed, release profiles comparable to Effexor(®)XR pellets were obtained. Remarkably higher coating thickness was required for pellets to provide equivalent retardation. Ethyl cellulose in the core ensured faster release due to polymer migration to the surface and pore formation in the coat. mini-tablets showed higher stability to pellets upon storage. Industrially speaking, mini-tablets proved to be superior to pellets in terms of manufacturing, product quality and economical aspects. Results point out the urgent need for standardized evaluation procedures for mini-tablets. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  10. Psychometric Properties of the Persian Adaptation of Mini-Cog Test in Iranian Older Adults. (United States)

    Rezaei, Mohammad; Rashedi, Vahid; Lotfi, Gohar; Shirinbayan, Peymaneh; Foroughan, Mahshid


    The aim of this study was to assess the psychometric properties of the Mini-Cog in Iranian older adults. It was a cross-sectional study; 50 older people with dementia and 50 without dementia who matched for age, gender, and education entered the study. The diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders criteria for dementia were used as gold standard. A battery of scales included the abbreviated mental test score (AMTS), the Geriatric Depression Scale, and the Mini-Cog was performed. Validity and reliability of the Mini-Cog determined using the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (Pearson's r), Cronbach's alpha, and Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve analysis. The Persian version of Mini-Cog showed a good inter-rater reliability ( K = 0.76, p Mini-Cog have an acceptable sensitivity, specificity, and substantial overall agreement with the AMTS.

  11. The MiniBIOS model (version 1A4) at the RIVM

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Uijt de Haag PAM; Laheij GMH


    This report is the user's guide of the MiniBIOS model, version 1A4. The model is operational at the Laboratory of Radiation Research of the RIVM. MiniBIOS is a simulation model for calculating the transport of radionuclides in the biosphere and the consequential radiation dose to humans. The

  12. Role of mini-scleral lens in mucous membrane pemphigoid

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    Mukesh Kumar


    Full Text Available This study aims to report the use of mini-scleral contact lens in the management of mucous membrane pemphigoid (MMP with persistent epithelial defects. A 68-year-old male with a history of ocular pain and declining visual acuity was referred to our clinic with a diagnosis of MMP. His corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA was 20/200 in the right eye and 20/100 in the left eye. Despite being on lubricants, topical steroids and intravenous cyclophosphamide, the patient developed persistent corneal epithelial defects in both eyes. He was then given a trial of mini-scleral lenses. Within 4 weeks, corneal epithelial defects healed, and at 6 months, the CDVA had improved to 20/50 in the right eye and 20/40 in the left eye. By improving the corneal surface integrity and visual function, mini-scleral lenses can play a role in the visual rehabilitation of patients with MMP.


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    R. Gava


    Full Text Available A acurácia das leituras de sensores de umidade depende da qualidade do aparelho, mas também de sua calibração. Esses sensores eletrônicos já vêm de fábrica com calibração, porém, sabe-se que esta varia com o tipo de solo. O objetivo desse trabalho foi calibrar o sensor da Falker, modelo Hidrofarm, em solo de textura arenosa e argilosa. Foram utilizadas colunas de PVC de 0,1 m de diâmetro por 0,3 m de altura, que inseridas no solo após saturação, permitiram coletar amostras indeformadas, sem a desagregação das mesmas. No laboratório, cada coluna recebeu uma sonda do equipamento. Após as amostras serem saturadas, iniciou-se o processo de secagem natural, mantidas em laboratório com temperatura constante, e realizadas frequentes medidas de umidade. Sempre que se fazia leituras com o aparelho, as colunas eram também pesadas, para determinação da umidade com base massa. Assim, com a densidade do solo obtida pela relação entre a massa e o volume da coluna, foi possível encontrar a umidade volumétrica e correlacionar com as leituras do aparelho. Foram ajustadas curvas de correlação entre as leituras obtidas pelos sensores e as respetivas medidas de umidade. O desvio de leitura do sensor para a medida real de umidade apresentou-se ser sistemático, sendo de -8% para o solo de textura argilosa e de -4% para o solo de textura arenosa.

  14. Sarcoma de Ewing epidural lombar primário: Relato de caso

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    Kadri Paulo Abdo do Seixo


    Full Text Available Relatamos o caso de uma jovem de 15 anos, com quadro de paraparesia de inicio agudo, secundário a processo expansivo epidural na coluna lombar, cujo diagnóstico histopatológico foi consistente com sarcoma de Ewing, sem envolvimento ósseo. Revisando a literatura encontramos apenas outros 17 casos de sarcoma de Ewing extra-esquelético de localização primária no espaço epidural raqueano.

  15. Metastatic adrenal pheochromocytoma to the thoracic spine Feocromocitoma adrenal metastásico para la columna torácica Feocromocitoma adrenal metastático para a coluna torácica

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    Michael T. Scalfani


    .La paciente sobrevivió 25 años después del diagnóstico original, lo que excedió en mucho la sobrevida mediana de menos de 15 años. La paciente murió 26 meses después del postoperatorio debido a la progresión de la enfermedad. El hecho de la metástasis para columna haber ocurrido después de 20 años del diagnóstico es bastante raro y se debe considerar en el diagnóstico diferencial de un paciente con una historia de feocromocitomaRelato de caso de feocromocitoma adrenal com metástase para a coluna que ocorreu há mais de 20 anos após o diagnóstico inicial. Mulher de 34 anos com história de feocromocitoma metastático diagnosticado na idade de 12 anos, apresentando fraqueza, palpitações do coração e dor nas costas circunferencial há cinco meses. A paciente tinha realizado laparotomia para metástases abdominal e hepática. Durante o procedimento revelou uma lesão destrutiva em T9. Após duas semanas de fenoxibenzamina pré-operatórios para controlar sua hipertensão, submeteu-se a descompressão, fixação e posterior fusão. A intervenção cirúrgica foi seguida por terapia de radiação, ácido zoledrônico e apenas um ciclo de quimioterapia, devido à intolerância e aos efeitos colaterais. A paciente sobreviveu 25 anos após o diagnóstico original, o que excede em muito a sobrevida média de menos de 15 anos. A paciente morreu 26 meses após o pós-operatório, devido à progressão da doença. Feocromocitoma com metástases para coluna ocorrida há mais de 20 anos após o diagnóstico é muito raro, devendo ser considerada no diagnóstico diferencial de um paciente com uma história de feocromocitoma.

  16. Caracterização de mini-implantes utilizados na ancoragem ortodôntica Characterization of the mini-implants used to orthodontic anchorage

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    Luciana Rougemont Squeff


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: o diâmetro reduzido do mini-implante, e a decorrente facilidade na sua inserção, minimizam a possibilidade de erro do operador e de contato entre a rosca do mini-implante e a raiz dentária. Entretanto, o risco de fratura da peça aumenta à medida que seu diâmetro é diminuído. MÉTODOS: neste trabalho foram analisados quatro produtos de marcas nacionais (INP, SIN, Conexão e Neodente e um de marca alemã (Mondeal, com o objetivo de identificar características importantes para o bom desempenho deste recurso como acessório de ancoragem. Foram observados composição e design das peças e realizado o ensaio mecânico de torque até a fratura (estudo in vitro, cujos valores foram submetidos à análise de variância (ANOVA e teste de Tukey. RESULTADOS: os resultados mostraram que todos os mini-implantes testados estão aptos à utilização clínica como reforço de ancoragem ortodôntica.INTRODUCTION: The reduced diameter of the mini-implants and the simplicity of the technique could minimize the operator mistake's possibility and avoid the contact between the thread of the screw and the dental root. In spite of that, it increases the fracture risk because of the diameter's decrease. METHODS: At the present work, mini-implants from five different trade marks, four Brazilian systems (INP, SIN, Conexão and Neodente and a German system (Mondeal were studied to identify important characteristics of this anchorage accessory, like composition, design and resistance to the insertion torque (in vitro. The values obtained from the mechanical torque test were submitted to variance analysis (ANOVA and Tukey's test. RESULTS: All studied groups presented good results and are recommended to orthodontic clinic use.

  17. Post irradiation examination of HANARO nucler mini-element fuel (metallographic and density test)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoo, Byung Ok; Hong, K. P.; Park, D. G.; Choo, Y. S.; Baik, S. J.; Kim, K. H.; Kim, H. C.; Jung, Y. H.


    The post irradiation examination of a HANARO mini-element nuclear fuel, KH96C-004, was done in June 6, 2000. The purpose of this project is to evaluate the in-core performance and reliability of mini-element nuclear fuel for HANARO developed by the project T he Nuclear Fuel Material Development of Research Reactor . And, in order to examine the performance of mini-element nuclear fuel in normal output condition, the post irradiation examination of a nuclear fuel bundle composed by 6 mini nuclear fuel rods and 12 dummy fuel rods was performed. Based on these examination results, the safety and reliability of HANARO fuel and the basic data on the design of HANARO nuclear fuel can be ensured and obtained,

  18. Primary fixation of mini slings: a comparative biomechanical study in vivo

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    Paulo Palma


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: The mini sling concept for stress urinary incontinence is an anatomical approach that involves placing a midurethral low-tension tape anchored to the obturator internus muscles bilaterally. They overcome the blind passage of long needles and all the related complications. There are many different devices available and because these are outpatient procedures, primary fixation plays an important role in the outcome. The objective is to evaluate the primary fixation of the various devices of attachment of the commercially available mini-slings through biomechanical tests. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 45 Wistar rats were divided in 3 groups of 15 rats each. They underwent 5 subcutaneous implantation of different mini slings and one polipropilene mesh (control, as follows: TVT-Secur® (Gynecare, USA, Type 1 polypropylene mesh (control; Ophira Mini Sling System® (Promedon, Argentina, Tissue Fixation System® (TFS PTY, Australia, Zipper Sling® and "T device" (Prosurg, USA. The abdominal wall was removed on bloc at different times after implant for biomechanical evaluation, which consisted in application of unidirectional force to the extremity of the fixation system or mesh, until it was completely removed from the tissue using a tension meter (Nexygen 3.0 Universal Testing Machine - LLOYD Instruments. The force was measured in Newtons (N. RESULTS: There was significant difference in the resistance to extraction among the different fixation systems. At 7 days the Ophira Mini Sling System® presented the best fixation and "T dispositive" the worst. CONCLUSION: Ophira mini sling System® presented the best primary fixation at 7º, 14º and 30º days. The impact of this feature in the clinical setting needs to be verified.

  19. Validity of a short clinical interview for psychiatric diagnosis : the mini-SCAN

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nienhuis, F. J.; van de Willige, G.; Rijnders, C. A. Th.; de Jonge, P.; Wiersma, D.

    Background To promote clinical application of the Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry (SCAN) system a shorter version (the mini-SCAN) was devised. Its psychometric properties were unknown. Aims To establish the validity and practical properties of the mini-SCAN. Method One hundred

  20. Princesa congelada? Uma leitura feminista de Frozen - uma aventura congelante

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    Jacqueline Sobral


    Full Text Available O presente artigo se vale das teorias da representação social para debater a construção simbólica do papel da mulher na sociedade, tendo como suporte as narrativas de contos de fada, em especial as histórias produzidas pela Disney. Partindo da hipótese de que o filme Frozen - uma aventura congelante (Frozen, 2014 representa uma leitura moderna dos tradicionais contos de fadas, propomos pensar o protagonismo da “princesa Elsa” como uma possível adoção de diretrizes feministas na construção de histórias infantis por um dos maiores conglomerados de mídia do mundo.

  1. Replacing the AMOR with the miniDOAS in the ammonia monitoring network in the Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Berkhout, Augustinus J. C.; Swart, Daan P. J.; Volten, Hester; Gast, Lou F. L.; Haaima, Marty; Verboom, Hans; Stefess, Guus; Hafkenscheid, Theo; Hoogerbrugge, Ronald


    In this paper we present the continued development of the miniDOAS, an active differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) instrument used to measure ammonia concentrations in ambient air. The miniDOAS has been adapted for use in the Dutch National Air Quality Monitoring Network. The miniDOAS

  2. A mini-sampler for welding aerosol mounted in close vicinity of the mouth/nose

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liden, Goeran; Surakka, Jouni


    A small personal aerosol mini-sampler to be used inside modern welding visors has been developed. The main object of the mini-sampler has been to sample manganese. The sampler is based on commercially available 13 mm filter holders but modified to incorporate an inlet nozzle made of aluminium. The nominal flow rate of the mini-sampler is 0,75 l/min. The sampler is to be worn mounted on a headset, modified from professional microphone headsets. The headset mounting arrangement was accepted by the welders. The sampling bias of the mini sampler versus the IOM sampler depends on the coarseness of the sampled aerosol. At the lowest concentration ratio of the open-face 25 mm filter holder to the IOM sampler equal to 0,65, the bias of the mini sampler is approximately -26% versus the IOM. The RMS sampling bias of the mini sampler versus the IOM sampler for manganese is -4,6%. The inhalable fraction of welding aerosol mass consists only of 25-55% of welding fume. The rest of the mass is made up of spatter particles and grinding particles. For manganese generally more than 65% is found in the fume.

  3. Preparation and Evaluation of Hot-Melt Extruded Patient-Centric Ketoprofen Mini-Tablets. (United States)

    Alshetaili, Abdullah S; Almutairy, Bjad K; Tiwari, Roshan V; Morott, Joseph T; Alshehri, Sultan M; Feng, Xin; Alsulays, Bader B; Park, Jun-Bom; Zhang, Feng; Repka, Michael A


    Bitter tasting drugs represent a large portion of active pharmaceutical ingredients. Mini-tablets are specifically designed for patients with difficulty in swallowing particular in young children up to 10 years of age, geriatric patients and patients with esophagitis. The present study was aimed to prepare, taste-masked mini-tablets, which are easily swallowed dosage forms, primarily to be used by pediatric and geriatric patients. Ketoprofen (10%-50% w/w) and Eudragit® EPO were blended and extruded with a 5-mm strand die and cut into consistent mini-tablets by using an adapted downstream pelletizer. Differential scanning calorimetry and polarized light microscopy-hot stage microscopy studies confirmed that the binary mixtures were miscible under the employed extrusion temperatures. In-vitro release studies showed that drug release was less than 0.5% within the first 2 min in simulated salivary fluid (pH 6.8) and more than 90% in the first 20 min in gastric media (pH 1.0). The results of the electronic tongue analysis were well correlated with the drug release profile of the mini-tablets in the artificial saliva. Scanning electron microscopy revealed no cracks on the surface of the minitablets, confirming that the mini-tablets were compact solids. Chemical imaging confirmed the uniform distribution of ketoprofen inside the polymer matrices. Eudragit® EPO containing ketoprofen at various drug loads were successfully melt extruded into tastedmasked mini-tablets. The reduced drug release at salivary pH correlated well with Astree e-Tongue studies for taste masking efficiency.

  4. Tornar-se uma outra na histeria e ser uma outra do falso self


    Pinheiro, Teresa


    Este trabalho pretende fazer uma comparação entre a histeria e o falso self a partir do projeto de “ser uma outra” presente nas duas patologias. O projeto de “tornar-se uma outra” na histeria aponta para personagens que necessariamente estão presentes nesse modelo fantasmático: a vítima e o vilão. A noção de “ser uma outra”, no falso-self, apresenta-se como única forma possível de estar no mundo, onde a ilusão não tem lugar. Este trabajo pretende comparar la histeria con el falso-self a pa...

  5. Identification of processed Chinese medicinal materials using DNA mini-barcoding. (United States)

    Song, Ming; Dong, Gang-Qiang; Zhang, Ya-Qin; Liu, Xia; Sun, Wei


    Most of Chinese medicinal herbs are subjected to traditional processing procedures, including stir-frying, charring, steaming, boiling, and calcining before they are released into dispensaries. The marketing and identification of processed medicinal materials is a growing issue in the marketplace. However, conventional methods of identification have limitations, while DNA mini-barcoding, based on the sequencing of a short-standardized region, has received considerable attention as a new potential means to identify processed medicinal materials. In the present study, six DNA barcode loci including ITS2, psbA-trnH, rbcL, matK, trnL (UAA) intron and its P6 loop, were employed for the authentication of 45 processed samples belonging to 15 species. We evaluated the amplification efficiency of each locus. We also examined the identification accuracy of the potential mini-barcode locus, of trnL (UAA) intron P6 loop. Our results showed that the five primary barcode loci were successfully amplified in only 8.89%-20% of the processed samples, while the amplification rates of the trnL (UAA) intron P6 loop were higher, at 75.56% successful amplification. We compared the mini-barcode sequences with Genbank using the Blast program. The analysis showed that 45.23% samples could be identified to genus level, while only one sample could be identified to the species level. We conclude that trnL (UAA) p6 loop is a candidate mini-barcode that has shown its potential and may become a universal mini-barcode as complementary barcode for authenticity testing and will play an important role in medicinal materials control. Copyright © 2017 China Pharmaceutical University. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. How does feedback in mini-CEX affect students’ learning response? (United States)

    Rahayu, Gandes Retno; Suhoyo, Yoyo


    Objective This study was aimed to explore students’ learning response toward feedback during mini-CEX encounter. Methods This study used a phenomenological approach to identify the students’ experiences toward feedback during mini-CEX encounter. Data was collected using Focus Group Discussion (FGD) for all students who were in their final week of clerkship in the internal medicine rotation. There were 4 FGD groups (6 students for each group). All FGD were audio-taped and transcribed verbatim. The FGD transcripts were analyzed thematically and managed using Atlas-ti (version 7.0). Results Feedback content and the way of providing feedback on mini-CEX stimulated students’ internal process, including self-reflection, emotional response, and motivation. These internal processes encouraged the students to take action or do a follow-up on the feedback to improve their learning process. In addition, there was also an external factor, namely consequences, which also influenced the students’ reaction to the follow-up on feedback. In the end, this action caused several learning effects that resulted in the students’ increased self-efficacy, attitude, knowledge and clinical skill. Conclusions Feedback content and the way of providing feedback on mini-CEX stimulates the students’ internal processes to do a follow-up on feedback. However, another external factor also affects the students’ decision on the follow-up actions. The follow-ups result in various learning effects on the students. Feedback given along with summative assessment enhances learning effects on students, as well. It is suggested that supervisors of clinical education are prepared to comprehend every factor influencing feedback on mini CEX to improve the students’ learning response. PMID:28008136

  7. Grau de aceitação de mini-implantes por pacientes em tratamento ortodôntico: estudo preliminar The mini-implants acceptance rate by patients in orthodontic treatments: a preliminary study

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    Larissa Bustamante Capucho Brandão


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: os mini-implantes atualmente representam um grande avanço na Ortodontia, por proporcionarem máxima ancoragem com o mínimo de cooperação dos pacientes. No entanto, ainda existem algumas dúvidas quanto ao uso destes dispositivos temporários de ancoragem no que se refere, principalmente, aos aspectos psicológicos de aceitação pelos pacientes durante o tratamento ortodôntico. METODOLOGIA: dez pacientes adultos, portadores de má oclusão de Classe I, com biprotrusão, que foram submetidos a tratamento ortodôntico com a colocação de quatro mini-implantes nos arcos dentários, entre os primeiros molares e segundos pré-molares superiores e inferiores, responderam a um questionário, com o objetivo de avaliar as condições de aceitação dos mini-implantes. RESULTADOS: as respostas indicaram que a maioria dos pacientes aceitou prontamente o procedimento, estavam satisfeitos e recomendariam para outros pacientes (90%, enquanto 50% tiveram alguma preocupação com os procedimentos cirúrgicos e os outros 50% não relataram nenhum desconforto. O tempo médio de tolerância a partir da colocação foi de 3 dias e a maioria tolerou os implantes durante todo o tratamento ortodôntico. CONCLUSÕES: pôde-se concluir que os mini-implantes foram aceitos de forma positiva pela maioria dos pacientes submetidos ao tratamento ortodôntico.OBJECTIVE: Actually, mini-implants as anchorage resources have been spotlight in Orthodontics, providing maximum anchorage with minimum patient's cooperation. However, there are still some restrictions regarding the use of these temporary anchorage devices, and among these, the psychological aspects and the patient's acceptance, which still not properly evaluated. METHODS: Ten adults patients, with Class I biprotrusion malocclusion, that were submitted to orthodontic treatment with the implantation of four mini-implants, in the dental arches, among upper and lower first molar and second premolar teeth, in

  8. The Norwegian version of the Mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale: factor structure and psychometric properties. (United States)

    Bredal, Inger Schou


    The object of the study was to examine the factor structure and the psychometric properties of the Mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale (Mini-MAC) among a large sample of Norwegian breast cancer patients. A total of 402 patients with breast cancer completed the Mini-MAC. Principal component analysis with varimax rotion confirmed four factors. Three had psychometric properties to the original Mini-MAC Helpless-Hopeless (HH), Anxious Preoccupation (AP) and Cognitive Avoidance (CA) subscales. The fourth, named Positive Attitude (PA) combined the Fighting Spirit (FS) and the Fatalism subscales of the original Mini-MAC. Construct validities were assessed by examining the interscale correlations as well as the correlations between the Mini-MAC subscales and the HADS subscales scores. Internal consistency of the five subscales was satisfactory for the original (HH, AP, CA, FA, coefficients=0.60-0.83), except for the FS subscale (coefficient=21). In view of the low internal reliability for the Norwegian Mini-MAC FS subscale coefficient; it appears to be more appropriate to use the Norwegian Mini-MAC as a four-factor model. If researcher or clinicians in Norway use the five-factor model, they should take great care when interpreting the fighting spirit subscale.

  9. From Rindler horizon to mini black holes at LHC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ghaffary, Tooraj [Islamic Azad University, Department of Science, Shiraz Branch, Shiraz (Iran, Islamic Republic of)


    Recently researchers (A. Sepehri et al., Astrophys. Space Sci. 344, 79 (2013)) have considered the signature of superstring balls near mini black holes at LHC and calculate the information loss for these types of strings. Motivated by their work, we consider the evolution of events in high energy experiments from lower energies for which the Rindler horizon is formed to higher energies in which mini black holes and string balls are emerged. Extending the Gottesman and Preskill method to string theory, we find the information loss for excited strings ''string balls'' in mini black holes at LHC and calculate the information transformation from the collapsing matter to the state of outgoing Hawking radiation for strings. We come to the conclusion that information transformation for high energy strings is complete. Then the thermal distribution of excited strings near mini black holes at LHC is calculated. In order to obtain the total string cross section near black holes produced in proton-proton collision, we multiply the black hole production cross section by the thermal distribution of strings. It is observed that many high energy excited strings are produced near the event horizon of TeV black holes. These excited strings evaporate to standard model particles like Higgs boson and top quark at Hagedorn temperature. We derive the production cross section for these particles due to string ball decay at LHC and consider their decay to light particles like bottom quarks and gluons. (orig.)

  10. Model Pemberdayaan Laboratorium Bank Mini Syariah di Perguruan Tinggi

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    Eva Fauziah


    results showed that the model of empowerment of Mini Sharia Bank laboratory in Higher Education has four models; they are 1 model of secondary empowerment, 2 model primary internal empowerment of student, 3 model of primary internal empowerment of student and lecturer and 4 model of primary external empowerment. This laboratory empowerment model is based on observations at four universities in Java, namely Bandung Islamic University (UNISBA, Islamic University of Malang (UNISMA, UIN Malang and UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Laboratorium Bank Mini Syariah merupakan sarana penunjang dan pelaksana program Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi yang diharapkan mampu memberikan kontribusi untuk mengakselerasi perkembangan syariah di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, pemberdayaan laboratorium Bank Mini Syariah sebagai tempat mengembangkan kompetensi baik dalam bidang intelektual, ketrampilan motorik dan terampil memggunakan alat-alat media perbankan syariah untuk peningkatan kompetensi mahasiswa lulusan keuangan dan perbankan syariah perlu ditelaah. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data observasi mendalam. Analisis data menggunakan analisis domain model spradley. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model pemberdayaan laboratorium Bank Mini Syariah di Perguruan Tinggi memiliki empat model yaitu 1. Model pemberdayaan sekunder, 2. Model pemberdayaan primer internal mahasiswa, 3. Model pemberdayaan primer internal mahasiswa dan dosen, dan 4. Model pemberdayaan primer eksternal. Model pemberdayaan laboratorium ini berdasarkan pengamatan pada empat perguruan tinggi di Jawa yaitu Universitas Islam Bandung, Universitas Islam Malang, UIN Malang dan UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

  11. Poster - 23: Dosimetric Characterization and Transferability of an Accessory Mounted Mini-Beam Collimator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Davis, William; Crewson, Cody; Alexander, Andrew; Cranmer-Sargison, Gavin; Kundapur, Vijayananda


    Objective: The dosimetric characterization of an accessory-mounted mini-beam collimator across three beam matched linear accelerators. Materials and Methods: Percent depth dose and profiles were measured for the open and mini-beam collimated fields. The average beam quality and peak-to-valley dose ratio (PVDR), the ratio of average peak dose to average valley dose, were obtained from these measurements. The open field relative output and the mini-beam collimator factor, the ratio of the mini-beam dose to open field dose at the beam center, were measured for square fields of side 2, 3, 4, and 5 cm. Mini-beam output as a function of collimator inclination angle relative to the central axis was also investigated. Results and Discussion: Beam quality for both the open and mini-beam collimated fields agreed across all linacs to within ±1.0%. The PVDR was found to vary by up to ±6.6% from the mean. For the 2, 3, and 4 cm fields the average open field relative output with respect to the 5 cm field was 0.874±0.4%, 0.921±0.3%, and 0.962±0.1%. The average collimator factors were 0.450±3.9%, 0.443±3.9%, 0.438±3.9%, and 0.434±3.9%. A decrease in collimator factor greater than 7% was found for an inclination angle change of 0.09°. Conclusion: The mini-beam collimator has revealed a difference between the three linacs not apparent in the open field data, yet transferability can still be attained through thorough dosimetric characterization.

  12. Poster - 23: Dosimetric Characterization and Transferability of an Accessory Mounted Mini-Beam Collimator

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Davis, William; Crewson, Cody; Alexander, Andrew; Cranmer-Sargison, Gavin; Kundapur, Vijayananda [University of Saskatchewan Department of Physics and engineering Physics, Saskatchewan Cancer Agency Department of Medical Physics, Saskatchewan Cancer Agency Department of Medical Physics, Saskatchewan Cancer Agency Department of Medical Physics, Saskatchewan Cancer Agency Department of Medical Physics (Canada)


    Objective: The dosimetric characterization of an accessory-mounted mini-beam collimator across three beam matched linear accelerators. Materials and Methods: Percent depth dose and profiles were measured for the open and mini-beam collimated fields. The average beam quality and peak-to-valley dose ratio (PVDR), the ratio of average peak dose to average valley dose, were obtained from these measurements. The open field relative output and the mini-beam collimator factor, the ratio of the mini-beam dose to open field dose at the beam center, were measured for square fields of side 2, 3, 4, and 5 cm. Mini-beam output as a function of collimator inclination angle relative to the central axis was also investigated. Results and Discussion: Beam quality for both the open and mini-beam collimated fields agreed across all linacs to within ±1.0%. The PVDR was found to vary by up to ±6.6% from the mean. For the 2, 3, and 4 cm fields the average open field relative output with respect to the 5 cm field was 0.874±0.4%, 0.921±0.3%, and 0.962±0.1%. The average collimator factors were 0.450±3.9%, 0.443±3.9%, 0.438±3.9%, and 0.434±3.9%. A decrease in collimator factor greater than 7% was found for an inclination angle change of 0.09°. Conclusion: The mini-beam collimator has revealed a difference between the three linacs not apparent in the open field data, yet transferability can still be attained through thorough dosimetric characterization.

  13. Neutronics analysis on mini test fuel in the RSG-GAS core

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tukiran S; Tagor M Sembiring


    Research on UMo fuel for research reactor has been developed. The fuel of research reactor is uranium molybdenum low enrichment with high density. For supporting the development of fuel fabrication, an neutronic analysis of mini fuel plates in the RSG-GAS core was performed. The aim of analysis is to determine the numbers of fuel cycles in the core to know the maximum fuel burn-up. The mini fuel plates of U_7Mo-Al and U_6Zr-Al with densities of 7.0 gU/cc and 5.2 gU/cc, respectively, will be irradiated in the RSG-GAS core. The size of both fuels, namely 630 x 70.75 x 1.30 mm were inserted to the 3 plates of dummy fuel. Before the fuel will be irradiated in the core, a calculation for safety analysis from neutronics and thermal-hydraulics aspects were required. However, in this paper, it will be discussed safety analysis of the U_7Mo-Al and U_6Zr-Al mini fuels from neutronic point of view. The calculation was done using WIMSD-5B and Batan-3DIFF codes. The result showed that both of the mini fuels could be irradiated in the RSG-GAS core with burn up less than 70 % within 12 cycles of operation without over limiting the safety margin. If it is compared, the power density of U_7Mo-Al mini fuel is bigger than U_6Zr-Al fuel. (author)

  14. Custos no transporte rodoviário de passageiros e encomendas: estudo em uma empresa catarinense = The need of managing information in European public universities: a brief approach to the Portuguese reality

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    Patrícia Silva


    Full Text Available As empresas de transporte rodoviário de passageiros e encomendas, ao mesmo tempo em que enfrentam concorrência intermodal, operam sob o regime de concessões públicas com tarifas regulamentadas. Têm que aprimorar sua gestão para obter o retorno esperado de seus investimentos. Informações de custos podem subsidiar a tomada de decisão auxiliando na busca de vantagem competitiva nessas organizações. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa é apresentar uma abordagem para apuração dos custos em uma empresa de transporte rodoviário de passageiros e encomendas. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, com abordagem qualitativa, empregando estudo de caso único em uma empresa sediada em Santa Catarina. Analisou-se as características da empresa e da sua estrutura de operação e gastos, para definir uma metodologia de apropriação dos custos. Embora uma parcela dos gastos nas empresas desse ramo de atividade esteja diretamente relacionada aos veículos, devido ao porte dessa empresa e de suas decisões estratégicas, há uma estrutura de apoio com um montante substancial de custos indiretos e despesas, tratada com um método de custeio. Foi empregado neste estudo o custeio baseado em atividades. Foram geradas informações que a empresa poderá empregar na tomada de decisões de gestão, visando o alcance das metas de remuneração do capital empregado e à melhoria dos serviços prestados, melhorando, também, sua vantagem competitiva e o valor para o cliente final.The aim of this study is to analyze the importance of managing information in High Education Institutions - Public High Education Institutions, focusing on the Portuguese context. The scenery of financial crisis that crosses over the Portuguese public sector over the past few years is eye-catching. Salary cuts and the decrease on the number of vacancies in public high education institutions has been a major concern. Therefore, it is of high importance to analyze to what extend the cost


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    Bárbara Regina Alvarez


    Full Text Available O propósito deste estudo determinar, em 12 voluntários do Grupo de Busca e Salvamento da Polícia Militar de Santa Catarina, a capacidade de desenvolver trabalho físico na bicicleta ergométrica (cargas escalonadas de 50, 100 e 150 watt em condições ambientais neutras (28 graus e subnormal (20 graus, com varredura ampliada da temperatura cutânea (7 sensores periféricos, da temperatura central (sensor piloto e da temperatura ambiental (sensor referência, a estimativa do VO2 máximo foi efetuada com auxílio do nomograma desenvolvido por Astrand (1960, empregando um cicloergômetro de frenagem magnética da FUNBEC. Já o % de mobilização do VO2 max foi predito pela equação proposta por Katch (1978, empregando o % da mobilidade da FC. Os dados foram tratados através da ferramenta eletrônica MICROSTAT, empregando o artifício estático "t" de student monocaudal. Foi observada uma variação significativa (P < 0.05 na temperatura de repouso entre as duas condições (%= -0.52. Considerando a estimativa do valor padrão (3 watt/Kg, a PWC170 apresentou uma diferença significativa entre médias (%=-14.29. A sobreposição dos pontos térmicos evidenciou um marcado estado de equilíbrio na FC nos minutos finais de cada desempenho biológico, corroborando a hipótese de ajustamento imediato dos sistemas cardiorrespiratório e metabólico para atender a demanda tecidual de oxigênio e nutrientes. Para estudos complementares, sugerimos a utilização da banda inferior da zona hipotérmica (flutuação de 20 a 5 graus Celsius para que o impacto da condição subnormal produza alterações mais importantes na temperatura central.

  16. Ossificação do ligamento longitudinal posterior na coluna cervical: relato de caso Ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament in the cervical spine: case report

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    Full Text Available A ossificação do ligamento longitudinal posterior (OLLP é causa incomum de mielopatia compressiva na população caucasiana. É relatado o caso de um paciente do sexo masculino com um quadro de paraparesia espástica, cuja investigação radiológica mostrou OLLP. O raio-X de coluna cervical mostrou imagem laminar, vertical, com densidade óssea, posterior aos corpos vertebrais, que se estendia de C2 a T1. A tomografia computadorizada (TC e a mielotomografia mostravam OLLP causando compressão medular ântero-posterior no segmento descrito. Na ressonância magnética, observou-se área de hiperintensidade em T2 no segmento C7-T1, compatível com mielomalácia. O paciente foi submetido a laminoplastia tipo "open-door", com melhora do quadro parético dos membros inferiores. A OLLP deve entrar no diagnóstico diferencial das mielopatias cervicais, sendo facilmente diagnosticada através de radiografias e TC da coluna cervical. São revisados os aspectos clínicos e radiológicos e o tratamento da OLLP.Ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament (OPLL is an uncommon cause of compressive myelopathy in the Caucasian population. A case of spastic paraparesis in a Caucasian man whose radiological investigation showed OPLL is presented. The radiographs of the cervical spine showed a strip of bony density posterior to the vertebral bodies, extending from C2 to T1. Computerized tomography (CT and CT myelography showed OPLL at the same level. Magnetic resonance showed an area of increased signal on T2-weighted sequences at C7-T1 level suggestive of myelomalacia. The patient underwent an open-door laminoplasty (C2 to C7 with improvement of the paraparesis. OPLL should be included in the differential diagnosis of cervical myelopathy. It can be easily detected by plain radiographs and CT of the cervical spine. A review of the clinical and radiological features and the treatment of OPLL is presented.

  17. Final report of phase 2 'Mini-cogeneration in the flower bulb industry'; Eindrapportage Fase 2 'Mini-WKK in de bloembollensector'

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koolwijk, E. [Cogen Projects, Driebergen-Rijsenburg (Netherlands); Smailbegovic, N. [SenterNovem, Utrecht (Netherlands)


    Phase 2 of the project 'mini-cogeneration in the flower bulb industry' is the sequel to the report 'mini-cogeneration in the flower bulb industry. Use of cogeneration in the cultivation and hot bed of tulip and hyacinth', Addressing the incentivisation of the use of cogeneration in the sector and working toward realizing a number of demonstration projects. To this end it is necessary that potential investors are given insight in the feasibility of cogeneration at their business and that their enthusiasm is kindled for the use of cogeneration. This was done by disseminating information in the flower bulb industry about the opportunities of cogeneration and by informing growers about technique, economy and points of interest. [Dutch] Fase 2 van het project 'Mini- WKK in de bloembollensector' is een vervolg op het rapport 'Mini-wkk in de bloembollensector. Toepassing van wkk bij teelt en broei van tulp en hyacint' en richt zich op het stimuleren van de toepassing van WKK in de sector en toewerken naar realisatie van een aantal demonstratieprojecten. Daartoe is het noodzakelijk dat potentiele investeerders inzicht krijgen over de haalbaarheid van WKK op hun bedrijf en geenthousiasmeerd worden voor het gebruik van WKK. Dit is gedaan door informatie in de bollensector te verspreiden over de mogelijkheden van WKK en telers te informeren over techniek, economie en aandachtspunten.

  18. Summer Mini Atomiade in June 2016

    CERN Multimedia


    The Mini Atomiade are coming to CERN! Members of Clubs supported by the CERN Staff Association and in conjunction with ASCERI (Association of the Sports Communities of the European Research Institutes) will be organising the summer games at the beginning of June.   ASCERI aims to contribute to a united Europe through regular sports meetings, bringing together members of public Research Institutes at European level. The Association's members come from over 40 Research Institutes spanning 16 countries. Numerous sports and leisure activities are represented at regular events and each tournament is organised by a different research institute.  Clubs in conjunction with the CERN Staff Association have sent teams to previous winter and summer games and now, the CERN Club’s Coordination Committee (CCC) has taken on the challenge of organising a Mini Atomiade from Friday 3 June to Monday 6 June 2016 in Divonne-les-Bains. The ga...

  19. Four-stranded mini microtubules formed by Prosthecobacter BtubAB show dynamic instability. (United States)

    Deng, Xian; Fink, Gero; Bharat, Tanmay A M; He, Shaoda; Kureisaite-Ciziene, Danguole; Löwe, Jan


    Microtubules, the dynamic, yet stiff hollow tubes built from αβ-tubulin protein heterodimers, are thought to be present only in eukaryotic cells. Here, we report a 3.6-Å helical reconstruction electron cryomicroscopy structure of four-stranded mini microtubules formed by bacterial tubulin-like Prosthecobacter dejongeii BtubAB proteins. Despite their much smaller diameter, mini microtubules share many key structural features with eukaryotic microtubules, such as an M-loop, alternating subunits, and a seam that breaks overall helical symmetry. Using in vitro total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy, we show that bacterial mini microtubules treadmill and display dynamic instability, another hallmark of eukaryotic microtubules. The third protein in the btub gene cluster, BtubC, previously known as "bacterial kinesin light chain," binds along protofilaments every 8 nm, inhibits BtubAB mini microtubule catastrophe, and increases rescue. Our work reveals that some bacteria contain regulated and dynamic cytomotive microtubule systems that were once thought to be only useful in much larger and sophisticated eukaryotic cells.

  20. CCD Photometry of W UMa Type Binary TY UMa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Young Woon Kang


    Full Text Available We present VRI CCD photometry of W UMa type binary TY UMa. The light curves show that the secondary minimum is deeper than theprimary minimum and the maximum I (0.p25 is 0.m023 brighter than the maximum II (0.p75. The V light curve has beenanalyzed and the photometric solutions have been determined by the method of Wilson & Devinney differential correction. Weadopted the spot model to explain the asymetric light curve.

  1. Neutrinos from the NuMI beamline in the MiniBooNE detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aguilar-Arevalo, Alexis A.


    With the startup of the NuMI beamline early in 2005, the MiniBooNE detector has the unique opportunity to be the first user of an off-axis neutrino beam (110 mrad off-axis). MiniBooNE is assembling a rich sample of neutrino interactions from this source

  2. UMA/GAN network architecture analysis (United States)

    Yang, Liang; Li, Wensheng; Deng, Chunjian; Lv, Yi


    This paper is to critically analyze the architecture of UMA which is one of Fix Mobile Convergence (FMC) solutions, and also included by the third generation partnership project(3GPP). In UMA/GAN network architecture, UMA Network Controller (UNC) is the key equipment which connects with cellular core network and mobile station (MS). UMA network could be easily integrated into the existing cellular networks without influencing mobile core network, and could provides high-quality mobile services with preferentially priced indoor voice and data usage. This helps to improve subscriber's experience. On the other hand, UMA/GAN architecture helps to integrate other radio technique into cellular network which includes WiFi, Bluetooth, and WiMax and so on. This offers the traditional mobile operators an opportunity to integrate WiMax technique into cellular network. In the end of this article, we also give an analysis of potential influence on the cellular core networks ,which is pulled by UMA network.


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    Carlos Andre Stuepp


    Full Text Available The Australian species Melaleuca alternifolia Cheel. has a strong commercial importance due to the extraction of essential oils from its leaves used in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry. In order to obtain an efficient plant production system of M. alternifolia the mini-cuttings technique and the clonal mini-garden management in the productivity and rooting of mini-cuttings and different substrate compositions were analyzed during all the seasons. Mini-stumps derived from cuttings and grown in pots (2 L, were submitted to successive harvesting of their sprouts during the four seasons (september/2013 to august/2014. From the mini-stumps sprouts mini-cuttings were produced, wich were were planted in plastic tubes and kept in a greenhouse for 45 days. Six substrates were used for planting the mini-cuttings: commercial substrate (S1; substrate composed of 100% carbonized rice husk (CRH (S2; substrate composed of 100% coconut fiber (CF (S3; substrate composed of 50% CF and 50% CRH (S4; substrate composed of 30% CF and 70% CRH (S5; substrate composed of 70% FC and 30% CRH (S6. The high survival of mini-stumps (over 90% and the mini-cuttings production (282 mini-cuttings.m-2.month-1 in the shade house demonstrate the technical feasibility for the species, being summer the most appropriate time to collect propagules. The substrate composed by 70% CF + 30% CRH (S6 shows superior results for vegetative propagation of M. alternifolia (91.7% of rooted mini-cuttings, as the single one to contemplate simultaneously all parameters. Summer is recommended as the best time for rooting of mini-cuttings.

  4. Magnet-Retained Two-Mini-Implant Overdenture: Clinical and Mechanical Consideration

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    Yuichi Ishida


    Full Text Available Two-implant overdentures have become the accepted treatment for restoring mandibular edentulism. The dimensions of regular implants sometimes limit their use, such as in the case of narrow ridges. Mini-implants with reduced diameters (less than 3.0 mm enable insertion into narrow ridges. A magnet-retained two-mini-implant overdenture system was developed and is described in this paper. Additionally, we describe a clinical mandibular procedure using the system and evaluate its biomechanical performance.

  5. Mini-interfacial Fracture Toughness of a Multimode Adhesive Bonded to Plasma-treated Dentin. (United States)

    Ayres, Ana Paula Almeida; Pongprueksa, Pong; De Munck, Jan; Gré, Cristina Parise; Nascimento, Fábio Dupart; Giannini, Marcelo; Van Meerbeek, Bart


    To investigate the bonding efficacy of a multimode adhesive to plasma-treated and -untreated (control) dentin using a mini-interfacial fracture toughness (mini-iFT) test. Twenty human molars were used in a split-tooth design (n = 10). The adhesive Scotchbond Universal (SBU; 3M ESPE) was applied in etch-and-rinse (E&R) and self-etch (SE) modes. Mid-coronal dentin was exposed and covered with a standardized smear layer ground to 320 grit. One half of each dentin surface received 15 s of non-thermal atmospheric plasma (NTAP), while the other half was covered with a metallic barrier and kept untreated. Following the E&R mode, dentin was plasma treated immediately after phosphoric acid etching. SBU and a resin-based composite were applied to dentin following the manufacturer's instructions. Six mini-iFT specimens were prepared per tooth (1.5 x 2.0 x 16 to 18 mm), and a single notch was prepared at the adhesive-dentin interface using a 150-μm diamond blade under water cooling. Half of the mini-iFT specimens were immediately loaded until failure in a 4-point bending test, while the other half were first stored in distilled water for 6 months. After testing, the exact dimensions of the notch were measured with a measuring optical microscope, from which ΚIc was determined. Three-way ANOVA revealed higher mini-iFT for SBU applied in E&R than SE mode for both storage times, irrespective of NTAP treatment. Overall, mini-iFT did not decrease for any of the experimental groups upon 6-month aging, while plasma treatment did not show a direct beneficial effect on mini-iFT of SBU applied in either E&R or SE mode.

  6. Evaluation of the success and complication rates of self-drilling orthodontic mini-implants. (United States)

    Gurdan, Z; Szalma, J


    Orthodontic mini-implants are important devices for successful anchorage management in orthodontics; however, the survival of these devices depends on several clinical factors. The aim of our study was to calculate the success and complication rates of orthodontic mini-implants. In this retrospective study, patients of our orthodontic department were enrolled, getting overall 59 orthodontic mini-implants during their orthodontic treatment in a 2-year period. Every patient had one or more of the 1.6 mm × 8 mm in size self-drilling mini-implants (Jeil Dual Top Anchor System, Jeil Medical Corp., Seoul, Korea). Screw loading was performed immediately after insertions, keeping tension forces under 150 g. Soft tissue and bone infections, implant mobility and screw loss, implant fracture, and neighboring tooth injury were registered. Relationships between variables were tested using the Chi-square test for statistical significance. The success rate of the orthodontic mini-implants was 89.8% in this study while the average loading period was 8.1 months. Soft-tissue infections varied between 6.3% and 33.3% of the cases while screw mobility varied between 3.1% and 20.8% of the cases regarding the anatomic localization. Screw mobility was significantly more frequent in the buccal fold than in the palate (P = 0.034). Screw mobility was significantly more frequent in the buccal fold than in the palate (P = 0.034) and screw mobility was found more frequently in case of intrusions than by extrusions (P = 0.036). The overall success rate of mini-implants was found acceptable in this study, however, screw mobility in the buccal fold showed a high incidence, suggesting the thorough consideration of the immediate loading by buccal mini-implants.

  7. A cost-effective fluorescence mini-microscope for biomedical applications. (United States)

    Zhang, Yu Shrike; Ribas, João; Nadhman, Akhtar; Aleman, Julio; Selimović, Šeila; Lesher-Perez, Sasha Cai; Wang, Ting; Manoharan, Vijayan; Shin, Su-Ryon; Damilano, Alessia; Annabi, Nasim; Dokmeci, Mehmet Remzi; Takayama, Shuichi; Khademhosseini, Ali


    We have designed and fabricated a miniature microscope from off-the-shelf components and a webcam, with built-in fluorescence capability for biomedical applications. The mini-microscope was able to detect both biochemical parameters, such as cell/tissue viability (e.g. live/dead assay), and biophysical properties of the microenvironment such as oxygen levels in microfabricated tissues based on an oxygen-sensitive fluorescent dye. This mini-microscope has adjustable magnifications from 8-60×, achieves a resolution as high as microscope was able to chronologically monitor cell migration and analyze beating of microfluidic liver and cardiac bioreactors in real time, respectively. The mini-microscope system is cheap, and its modularity allows convenient integration with a wide variety of pre-existing platforms including, but not limited to, cell culture plates, microfluidic devices, and organs-on-a-chip systems. Therefore, we envision its widespread application in cell biology, tissue engineering, biosensing, microfluidics, and organs-on-chips, which can potentially replace conventional bench-top microscopy where long-term in situ and large-scale imaging/analysis is required.

  8. Development of a multiparticulate system containing enteric-release mini-tablets of omeprazole

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    Volnei Jose Tondo Filho


    Full Text Available The main aim of this study was to develop a multiparticulate system containing mini-tablets of omeprazole formulated with an enteric polymer with pH-dependent solubility. Pre-formulation studies showed good flow and compaction capacity, leading to the production ofhigh quality mini-tablets. The mini-tablets were coated in a fluidized bed with hydroxypropylmethylcellulose /Eudragit(r L30D55 and packed into hard gelatin capsules. The dissolution profile showed gastro-resistance and zero-order kinetics. The dissolution profile for the formulation containing lactose as the diluent and coated with 12% (tablet weight gain of polymer was similar to that ofthe reference drug.

  9. Mini hydro power in Peninsular Malaysia - the past, present and future

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bhaskar Kannan


    The early development of mini hydro development in Peninsular Malaysia was carried out by the National Electricity Board (NEB) and the projects developed in the 50s and 60s were Ulu Langat (Selangor), Sempam, Kg. Raja , Kuala Terla, and Robinson Falls (all in Pahang). In the 70s the main effort of hydropower development was concentrated on developing major hydropower projects not only to cater to the country increasing demand for electricity but also to the country needs for flood control. This development was feverishly carried out on the Perak River and the prohects built were Temenggor (384 MW), Bersia (72 MW), Kenering (20 MW), Sg Piah (70 MW) and the Kenyir (400 MW) project in Sungai Terengganu. In late 1970s, the government was keen to electrify the rural areas of Peninsular Malaysia and mini hydro power development was thought of as an option to provide electricity to these areas. The Mini Hydro Department of National Electricity Board (MHD) was then formed to undertake the task of planning, developing and implementing mini hydro projects to meet this government aspiration. Table 1 shows the list of projects identified and implemented and its status

  10. The development and evaluation of mini-GEMs - short, focused, online e-learning videos in geriatric medicine. (United States)

    Garside, Mark J; Fisher, James M; Blundell, Adrian G; Gordon, Adam L


    Mini Geriatric E-Learning Modules (Mini-GEMs) are short, focused, e-learning videos on geriatric medicine topics, hosted on YouTube, which are targeted at junior doctors working with older people. This study aimed to explore how these resources are accessed and used. The authors analyzed the viewing data from 22 videos published over the first 18 months of the Mini-GEM project. We conducted a focus group of U.K. junior doctors considering their experiences with Mini-GEMS. The Mini-GEMs were viewed 10,291 times over 18 months, equating to 38,435 minutes of total viewing time. The average viewing time for each video was 3.85 minutes. Learners valued the brevity and focused nature of the Mini-GEMs and reported that they watched them in a variety of settings to supplement clinical experiences and consolidate learning. Watching the videos led to an increase in self-reported confidence in managing older patients. Mini-GEMs can effectively disseminate clinical teaching material to a wide audience. The videos are valued by junior doctors due to their accessibility and ease of use.

  11. O cuidar da pessoa idosa no âmbito domiciliar: uma relação de ajuda na enfermagem

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silvana Sidney Costa Santos


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve por objetivo estabelecer uma relação de ajuda enfermeira e pessoa idosa no âmbito domiciliar, fundamentada naTeoria das Relações Interpessoais de Peplau, visando à melhoria da qualidade de vida do cliente. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa do tipo estudo de caso que teve como sujeito um indivíduo do sexo masculino, 68 anos de idade, viúvo, residindo com seus familiares em Recife-PE. Para a coleta dos dados, utilizou-se o processo interpessoal, as técnicas de observação assistemática, a entrevista não-estruturada, além da aplicação do Mini Mental Test e da Escala de Depressão Abreviada de ZUNG, sendo estas técnicas e instrumentos viabilizados por doze visitas domiciliares. Os dados foram analisados qualitativamente a partir do processo interpessoal enfermeira e cliente, utilizado durante as fases do processo de enfermagem, culminando numa relação de ajuda. Os resultados obtidos permitiram perceber que a relação de ajuda estabelecida segundo os pressupostos de Peplau, realizada a partir da assistência de enfermagem domiciliar à pessoa idosa, contribuiu para a melhoria da sua qualidade de vida.

  12. Mathematics authentic assessment on statistics learning: the case for student mini projects (United States)

    Fauziah, D.; Mardiyana; Saputro, D. R. S.


    Mathematics authentic assessment is a form of meaningful measurement of student learning outcomes for the sphere of attitude, skill and knowledge in mathematics. The construction of attitude, skill and knowledge achieved through the fulfilment of tasks which involve active and creative role of the students. One type of authentic assessment is student mini projects, started from planning, data collecting, organizing, processing, analysing and presenting the data. The purpose of this research is to learn the process of using authentic assessments on statistics learning which is conducted by teachers and to discuss specifically the use of mini projects to improving students’ learning in the school of Surakarta. This research is an action research, where the data collected through the results of the assessments rubric of student mini projects. The result of data analysis shows that the average score of rubric of student mini projects result is 82 with 96% classical completeness. This study shows that the application of authentic assessment can improve students’ mathematics learning outcomes. Findings showed that teachers and students participate actively during teaching and learning process, both inside and outside of the school. Student mini projects also provide opportunities to interact with other people in the real context while collecting information and giving presentation to the community. Additionally, students are able to exceed more on the process of statistics learning using authentic assessment.

  13. Medical linear accelerator mounted mini-beam collimator: design, fabrication and dosimetric characterization. (United States)

    Cranmer-Sargison, G; Crewson, C; Davis, W M; Sidhu, N P; Kundapur, V


    The goal of this work was to design, build and experimentally characterize a linear accelerator mounted mini-beam collimator for use at a nominal 6 MV beam energy. Monte Carlo simulation was used in the design and dosimetric characterization of a compact mini-beam collimator assembly mounted to a medical linear accelerator. After fabrication, experimental mini-beam dose profiles and central axis relative output were measured and the results used to validate the simulation data. The simulation data was then used to establish traceability back to an established dosimetric code of practice. The Monte Carlo simulation work revealed that changes in collimator blade width have a greater influence on the valley-to-peak dose ratio than do changes in blade height. There was good agreement between the modeled and measured profile data, with the exception of small differences on either side of the central peak dose. These differences were found to be systematic across all depths and result from limitations associated with the collimator fabrication. Experimental mini-beam relative output and simulation data agreed to better than ± 2.0%, which is well within the level of uncertainty required for dosimetric traceability of non-standard field geometries. A mini-beam collimator has now been designed, built and experimentally characterized for use with a commercial linear accelerator operated at a nominal 6 MV beam energy.

  14. Impacto na qualidade de vida de um programa educacional para prevenção de distúrbios osteomusculares relacionados ao trabalho (LERDORT)


    Antonio Cardoso dos Santos


    Introdução: Os Distúrbios Osteomusculares Relacionados ao Trabalho (LERDORT) são um grande problema em saúde pública e frequentemente são causas de incapacidade temporária ou permanente. LERDORT constitui uma síndrome que se manifesta por patologias diversas: sinovites, tenossinovites, neurites, síndrome miofascial, epicondilites, tendinites, bursites, que acometem principalmente os membros superiores, coluna, mas também os membros inferiores. São de etiologia multifatorial: ergonômicas, orga...

  15. Evaluation of cytotoxicity and corrosion resistance of orthodontic mini-implants. (United States)

    Alves, Celha Borges Costa; Segurado, Márcio Nunes; Dorta, Miriam Cristina Leandro; Dias, Fátima Ribeiro; Lenza, Maurício Guilherme; Lenza, Marcos Augusto


    To evaluate and compare in vitro cytotoxicity and corrosion resistance of mini-implants from three different commercial brands used for orthodontic anchorage. Six mini-implants (Conexão(tm), Neodent(tm) and SIN(tm)) were separately immersed in artificial saliva (pH 6.76) for 30 and 60 days. The cytotoxicity of the corrosion extracts was assessed in L929 cell cultures using the violet crystal and MTT assays, as well as cell morphology under light microscopy. Metal surface characteristics before and after immersion in artificial saliva were assessed by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The samples underwent atomic absorption spectrophotometry to determine the concentrations of aluminum and vanadium ions, constituent elements of the alloy that present potential toxicity. For statistical analysis, one-way ANOVA/Bonferroni tests were used for comparisons among groups with p < 0.05 considered significant. Statistical analysis was carried out with Graph Pad PRISM software Version 4.0. No changes in cell viability or morphology were observed. Mini-implants SEM images revealed smooth surfaces with no obvious traces of corrosion. The extracts assessed by means of atomic absorption spectrophotometry presented concentrations of aluminum and vanadium ions below 1.0 µg/mL and 0.5 µg/mL, respectively. Orthodontic mini-implants manufactured by Conexão(tm), Neodent(tm) and SIN(tm) present high corrosion resistance and are not cytotoxic.

  16. The Mini-EUSO telescope on the ISS

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Scotti, Valentina, E-mail:; Osteria, Giuseppe


    The Mini-EUSO project aims to perform observations of the UV-light night emission from Earth. The UV background produced in atmosphere is a key measurement for any experiment aiming at the observation of Extreme Energy Cosmic Rays (EECR) from space, the most energetic component of the cosmic radiation. The Mini-EUSO instrument will be placed within the International Space Station (ISS) in the Russian Module and measures through a UV transparent window. The instrument comprises a compact telescope with a large field of view, based on an optical system employing two Fresnel lenses for increased light collection. The light is focused onto an array of photo-multipliers and the resulting signal is converted into digital, processed and stored via the electronics subsystems on-board. The instrument is designed and built by the members of the JEM-EUSO collaboration. JEM-EUSO is a wide-angle refractive UV telescope being proposed for attachment to the ISS, which has been designed to address basic problems of fundamental physics and high-energy astrophysics investigating the nature of cosmic rays with energies above 10{sup 20} eV. Mini-EUSO will be able to study beside EECRs a wide range of scientific phenomena including atmospheric physics, strange quark matter and bioluminescence. The mission is approved by the Italian Space Agency and the Russian Space Agency. Scientific, technical and programmatic aspects of this project will be described.

  17. Aspects of alcohol use disorder affecting social cognition as assessed using the Mini Social and Emotional Assessment (mini-SEA). (United States)

    Cox, Sharon; Bertoux, Maxime; Turner, John J D; Moss, Antony; Locker, Kirsty; Riggs, Kevin


    Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) is associated with problems with processing complex social scenarios. Little is known about the relationship between distinct AUD-related factors (e.g., years of problematic drinking), aspects of cognitive function and dysfunction in individuals diagnosed with AUD, and the relative impact these may have on social cognition. To explore differences in social cognition between a group of participants diagnosed with AUD and controls, using a clinical measure, the Mini Social and Emotional Assessment (mini-SEA). The mini-SEA was used to evaluate social and emotional understanding through a facial emotional recognition task and by utilising a series of social scenes some of which contain a faux pas (social error). Eighty-five participants (individuals with AUD and controls) completed demographic questions and a general cognitive and social cognitive test battery over three consecutive days. Between group analyses revealed that the participants with AUD performed less well on the faux pas test, and differences were also revealed in the emotional facial recognition task. Years of problematic alcohol consumption was the strongest predictor of poor ToM reasoning. These results suggest a strong link between AUD chronicity and social cognition, though the direction of this relationship needs further elucidation. This may be of clinical relevance to abstinence and relapse management, as basic social cognition skills and ability to maintain interpersonal relationships are likely to be crucial to recovery. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Design considerations, architecture, and use of the Mini-Sentinel distributed data system. (United States)

    Curtis, Lesley H; Weiner, Mark G; Boudreau, Denise M; Cooper, William O; Daniel, Gregory W; Nair, Vinit P; Raebel, Marsha A; Beaulieu, Nicolas U; Rosofsky, Robert; Woodworth, Tiffany S; Brown, Jeffrey S


    We describe the design, implementation, and use of a large, multiorganizational distributed database developed to support the Mini-Sentinel Pilot Program of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). As envisioned by the US FDA, this implementation will inform and facilitate the development of an active surveillance system for monitoring the safety of medical products (drugs, biologics, and devices) in the USA. A common data model was designed to address the priorities of the Mini-Sentinel Pilot and to leverage the experience and data of participating organizations and data partners. A review of existing common data models informed the process. Each participating organization designed a process to extract, transform, and load its source data, applying the common data model to create the Mini-Sentinel Distributed Database. Transformed data were characterized and evaluated using a series of programs developed centrally and executed locally by participating organizations. A secure communications portal was designed to facilitate queries of the Mini-Sentinel Distributed Database and transfer of confidential data, analytic tools were developed to facilitate rapid response to common questions, and distributed querying software was implemented to facilitate rapid querying of summary data. As of July 2011, information on 99,260,976 health plan members was included in the Mini-Sentinel Distributed Database. The database includes 316,009,067 person-years of observation time, with members contributing, on average, 27.0 months of observation time. All data partners have successfully executed distributed code and returned findings to the Mini-Sentinel Operations Center. This work demonstrates the feasibility of building a large, multiorganizational distributed data system in which organizations retain possession of their data that are used in an active surveillance system. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  19. Mini-interfacial fracture toughness as a new validated enamel-bonding effectiveness test. (United States)

    Pongprueksa, Pong; De Munck, Jan; Barreto, Bruno C; Karunratanakul, Kavin; Van Meerbeek, Bart


    Today׳s most commonly applied bonding effectiveness tests are criticized for their high variability and low reliability, the latter in particular with regard to measuring the actual strength of the adhesive interface. in continuation of previous research conducted at dentin, we hereby aimed to validate the novel mini-interfacial fracture toughness (mini-iFT) test on its applicability to assess bonding effectiveness of contemporary adhesives when bonded to enamel. The 3-step etch&rinse (E&R) adhesive OptiBond FL (Kerr), the 2-step self-etch (SE) adhesive Clearfil SE Bond (Kuraray Noritake) and the two multi-mode adhesives Clearfil S(3) Bond Plus (Kuraray Noritake) and Scotchbond Universal (3M ESPE), both used following a 2-step E&R and 1-step SE mode, were applied to clinically relevant, flattened enamel surfaces. A composite (Filtek Z100; 3M ESPE) build-up was made in layers. After 1-week water storage at 37°C, all specimens were sectioned perpendicular to the interface to obtain rectangular sticks. A mini-iFT notch was prepared at the adhesive-enamel interface using a thin diamond blade under water cooling. Finally, the specimens were loaded in a 4-point bending test until failure. the mini-iFT onto human enamel was significantly higher for the adhesives applied in E&R mode versus those applied in SE mode. The lowest mini-iFT was found for the adhesives applied following a 1-step SE approach. SEM fracture analysis revealed that all fractures originated at the adhesive-enamel interface and that the induced crack propagated preferentially along this interface. mini-iFT appeared a valid alternative method to assess the mechanical properties of adhesive-enamel interfaces. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Mini-Conference on the First Microns of the First Wall

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stotler, D. P.; Rognlien, T. D.; Krasheninnikov, S. I.


    Interactions between plasmas and their surrounding materials (plasma facing components) are of great interest to present and future magnetic fusion experiments, and ITER [ITER Physics Basis Editors, ITER Physics Exper Group Chairs, ITER Joint Central Team, and Physics Inte gration Unit, Nucl. Fusion 39, 2137 (1999)] in particular. This interest is the result of concerns with the survivability of these materials, as well as the impact of these interactions back on the plasma. These interactions begin on the surface, but can have consequences a few microns into the material.This mini-conference on these "first microns" was designed to bring to the Division of Plasma Physics Meeting experts on these topics who would otherwise not attend. At the same time, the mini-conference was intended to expose the broader fusion community to these issues. The mini-conference covered in three, half-day sessions the topics of lithium coatings and surfaces, mixed materials characteristics, and issues associated with graphite.

  1. Mini-Conference on the First Microns of the First Wall

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stotler, D.P.; Rognlien, T.D.; Krasheninnikov, S.I.


    Interactions between plasmas and their surrounding materials (plasma facing components) are of great interest to present and future magnetic fusion experiments, and ITER (ITER Physics Basis Editors, ITER Physics Exper Group Chairs, ITER Joint Central Team, and Physics Integration Unit, Nucl. Fusion 39, 2137 (1999)) in particular. This interest is the result of concerns with the survivability of these materials, as well as the impact of these interactions back on the plasma. These interactions begin on the surface, but can have consequences a few microns into the material. This mini-conference on these 'first microns' was designed to bring to the Division of Plasma Physics Meeting experts on these topics who would otherwise not attend. At the same time, the mini-conference was intended to expose the broader fusion community to these issues. The mini-conference covered in three, half-day sessions the topics of lithium coatings and surfaces, mixed materials characteristics, and issues associated with graphite

  2. MiniWall Tool for Analyzing CFD and Wind Tunnel Large Data Sets (United States)

    Schuh, Michael J.; Melton, John E.; Stremel, Paul M.


    It is challenging to review and assimilate large data sets created by Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations and wind tunnel tests. Over the past 10 years, NASA Ames Research Center has developed and refined a software tool dubbed the MiniWall to increase productivity in reviewing and understanding large CFD-generated data sets. Under the recent NASA ERA project, the application of the tool expanded to enable rapid comparison of experimental and computational data. The MiniWall software is browser based so that it runs on any computer or device that can display a web page. It can also be used remotely and securely by using web server software such as the Apache HTTP server. The MiniWall software has recently been rewritten and enhanced to make it even easier for analysts to review large data sets and extract knowledge and understanding from these data sets. This paper describes the MiniWall software and demonstrates how the different features are used to review and assimilate large data sets.

  3. Calling all LEGO lovers! Add a mini control room to your collection

    CERN Multimedia

    Katarina Anthony


    The mini LHC Lego project launched in March (see here) now has almost 6,000 supporters - well on its way to the 10,000 votes needed for it to (hopefully!) hit store shelves. This week, the project added a new feature to its line: a mini control centre! The new LEGO Control centre, featuring operators "Kerstin" and "Marco".   The mini LHC project is the brainchild of ATLAS PhD student Nathan Readioff, who designed Lego replicas of the LHC and the ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb experiments on a micro scale. Each detector model is small enough to fit in the palm of your hand but crammed with detailed internal systems revealed by cutaway walls. Every major detector component is represented by a Lego piece. Now, Nathan has created a control centre to complement the mini LHC project. This would be an add-on feature for Lego’s consideration, should they decide to develop the accelerator into a box set. “The control centre is ...

  4. Lateral forces exerted through ball or bar attachments in relation to the inclination of mini-implant underneath overdentures: in vitro study. (United States)

    Takagaki, Kyozo; Gonda, Tomoya; Maeda, Yoshinobu


    Lateral force to mini-implants should be avoided because mini-implants are weak mechanically because of its small diameter. Overdentures retained by mini-implants are usually formed using ball attachments. However, bar attachments can offer the advantage of splinting the mini-implants. This study examined the effect of attachments in withstanding these lateral forces in tilted mini-implants of overdentures. Strain gauges were attached to the mini-implants (2.5 × 18 mm) embedded in an acrylic resin block. Two mini-implants were inserted vertically (Control) or with one mini-implant inclined at 10° or 20° (10-inclined and 20-inclined, respectively). The female portions of the attachments were secured to the denture base. A prefabricated ball attachment and CAD/CAM-fabricated bar attachment were compared. A vertical load of 49 N was applied to the occlusal surface at a distance 10 mm away from the center of two mini-implants. The lateral force borne by the mini-implants was measured via the attached strain gauge. Mann-Whitney U-test and an analysis of Bonferroni correction were used to compare differences between the two attachments and among the three models (P < 0.05). The lateral force exerted to the inclined mini-implant was significantly greater than that borne by a vertical mini-implant for both attachment types. The lateral force on the 20° inclined mini-implants with bar attachments was smaller than that on mini-implants with ball attachments. Inclined mini-implants are subjected to greater stresses than vertical ones, and a bar attachment can reduce the lateral forces borne by the mini-implant when one mini-implant inclined at 20°. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  5. Ressources minières en Afrique : Quelle réglementation pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ressources minières en Afrique : Quelle réglementation pour le développement ? Couverture du livre Ressources minières en Afrique : Quelle réglementation pour le développement ? Directeur(s):. Bonnie Campbell. Maison(s) d'édition: Presses de l'Université du Québec, CRDI. 6 juillet 2009. ISBN : 9782760525214.

  6. Error Correction of Meteorological Data Obtained with Mini-AWSs Based on Machine Learning

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ji-Hun Ha


    Full Text Available Severe weather events occur more frequently due to climate change; therefore, accurate weather forecasts are necessary, in addition to the development of numerical weather prediction (NWP of the past several decades. A method to improve the accuracy of weather forecasts based on NWP is the collection of more meteorological data by reducing the observation interval. However, in many areas, it is economically and locally difficult to collect observation data by installing automatic weather stations (AWSs. We developed a Mini-AWS, much smaller than AWSs, to complement the shortcomings of AWSs. The installation and maintenance costs of Mini-AWSs are lower than those of AWSs; Mini-AWSs have fewer spatial constraints with respect to the installation than AWSs. However, it is necessary to correct the data collected with Mini-AWSs because they might be affected by the external environment depending on the installation area. In this paper, we propose a novel error correction of atmospheric pressure data observed with a Mini-AWS based on machine learning. Using the proposed method, we obtained corrected atmospheric pressure data, reaching the standard of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO; ±0.1 hPa, and confirmed the potential of corrected atmospheric pressure data as an auxiliary resource for AWSs.

  7. Search for Sterile Neutrinos Using the MiniBooNE Beam

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sorel, Michel [Columbia Univ., New York, NY (United States)


    The possible existence of light sterile neutrinos in Nature is motivated, and the prospects to extend sterile neutrino searches beyond current limits is substantiated, using the MiniBooNE neutrino beam and detector at Fermilab. We report on the neutrino flux predictions for the MiniBooNE experiment, on the characterization of the charged-current, quasi-elastic interactions of muon neutrinos ({nu}{sub {mu}}n {yields} {mu}{sup -}p) observed, and on the experiment's sensitivity to sterile neutrinos via muon neutrino disappearance.

  8. Towards the theory of mini black holes with subplanckian mass

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zeldovich, Y.B.


    This chapter phenomenologically examines the question of the decay (evaporation) and formation of mini black holes. Neutral black holes are considered, having neither electrical charge, nor color and weak charge, so that no long range vector field is present beyond gravitational radius. Topics considered include thermodynamic equilibrium and the formation of light black holes, the formation and decay of light black holes in the big bang, and the difficulties of the theory. It is emphasized that the existence of mini black holes has not yet been proven

  9. The ASTRI Mini-Array Science Case (United States)

    Vercellone, Stefano; Catalano, O.; Maccarone, M.; Stamerra, A.; Di Pierro, F.; Vallania, P.; Canestrari, R.; Bonnoli, G.; Pareschi, G.; Tosti, G.; Caraveo, P.; ASTRI Collaboration


    ASTRI is a flagship project of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research. Within this framework, INAF is currently developing an end-to-end prototype of the CTA small-size telescope in a dual-mirror configuration (SST-2M) to be tested under field conditions, and scheduled to start data acquisition in 2014. A remarkable improvement in terms of performance could come from the operation, in 2016, of a SST-2M mini-array, composed by a few SST-2M telescopes and to be placed at final CTA Southern Site. The SST mini-array will be able to study in great detail relatively bright sources (a few x10E-12 erg/cm2/s at 10 TeV) with an angular resolution of a few arcmin and an energy resolution of about 10 - 15%. Moreover, thanks to the array approach, it will be possible to verify the wide FoV performance to detect very high energy showers with the core located at a distance up to 500 m, to compare the mini-array performance with the Monte Carlo expectations by means of deep observations of few selected targets, and to perform the first CTA science, with its first solid detections during the first year of operation. Prominent sources such as extreme blazars (1ES 0229+200), nearby well-known BL Lac objects (MKN 501) and radio-galaxies, galactic pulsar wind nebulae (Crab Nebula, Vela-X), supernovae remnants (Vela-junior, RX J1713.7-3946) and microquasars (LS 5039), as well as the Galactic Center can be observed in a previously unexplored energy range, in order to investigate the electron acceleration and cooling, relativistic and non relativistic shocks, the search for cosmic-ray (CR) Pevatrons, the study of the CR propagation, and the impact of the extragalactic background light on the spectra of the sources.

  10. MINI-TRAC code: a driver program for assessment of constitutive equations of two-fluid model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akimoto, Hajime; Abe, Yutaka; Ohnuki, Akira; Murao, Yoshio


    MINI-TRAC code, a driver program for assessment of constitutive equations of two-fluid model, has been developed to perform assessment and improvement of constitutive equations of two-fluid model widely and efficiently. The MINI-TRAC code uses one-dimensional conservation equations for mass, momentum and energy based on the two-fluid model. The code can work on a personal computer because it can be operated with a core memory size less than 640 KB. The MINI-TRAC code includes constitutive equations of TRAC-PF1/MOD1 code, TRAC-BF1 code and RELAP5/MOD2 code. The code is modulated so that one can easily change constitutive equations to perform a test calculation. This report is a manual of the MINI-TRAC code. The basic equations, numerics, constitutive, equations included in the MINI-TRAC code will be described. The user's manual such as input description will be presented. The program structure and contents of main variables will also be mentioned in this report. (author)

  11. A mini-exhibition with maximum content

    CERN Multimedia

    Laëtitia Pedroso


    The University of Budapest has been hosting a CERN mini-exhibition since 8 May. While smaller than the main travelling exhibition it has a number of major advantages: its compact design alleviates transport difficulties and makes it easier to find suitable venues in the Member States. Its content can be updated almost instantaneously and it will become even more interactive and high-tech as time goes by.   The exhibition on display in Budapest. The purpose of CERN's new mini-exhibition is to be more interactive and easier to install. Due to its size, the main travelling exhibition cannot be moved around quickly, which is why it stays in the same country for 4 to 6 months. But this means a long waiting list for the other Member States. To solve this problem, the Education Group has designed a new exhibition, which is smaller and thus easier to install. Smaller maybe, but no less rich in content, as the new exhibition conveys exactly the same messages as its larger counterpart. However, in the slimm...

  12. Comparison of topical and infiltration anesthesia for orthodontic mini-implant placement

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matheus Miotello Valieri


    Full Text Available Objective: To compare the acceptability and effectiveness of topical and infiltration anesthesia for placement of mini-implants used as temporary anchorage devices. Methods: The sample comprised 40 patients, 17 males and 23 females, whose mean age was 26 years old and who were all undergoing orthodontic treatment and in need for anchorage reinforcement. Mini-implants were bilaterally placed in the maxilla of all individuals, with infiltration anesthesia on one side and topical anesthesia on the other. These 40 patients completed two questionnaires, one before and another after mini-implant placement and pain was measured through a visual analog scale (VAS. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the measurements of pain were compared by means of the non-parametric test of Mann-Whitney. Results: It was found that 60% of patients felt more comfortable with the use of topical anesthesia for mini-implant placement; 72.5% of patients described the occurrence of pressure during placement of the anchorage device as the most unpleasant sensation of the entire process; 62.5% of patients felt more pain with the use of topical anesthesia. Conclusion: It was concluded that patients had less pain with the use of infiltration anesthesia, and also preferred this type of anesthetic.

  13. The factorial analysis of Parental Authoritative Questionnaire in a sample of college young adults


    Boeckel, Mariana Gonçalves; Castellá Sarriera, Jorge


    O objetivo deste estudo é investigar a estrutura fatorial do Questionário de Estilos Parentais (PAQ) desenvolvido por John Buri. A amostra estratificada foi composta por 323 estudantes de ambos os sexos que cursam uma universidade particular. Foi utilizada a análise de componentes principais, com rotação oblimin, empregando a regra de Kaiser (retenção dos autovalores maiores que 1). A análise demonstrou a presença de três fatores com autovalores superiores a 1. O total dos fatores explica 43,...

  14. O humano desumanizado num mundo sem sentido: Samuel Beckett e o herói absurdo = The dehumanized human being in a nonsense world: Samuel Beckett and the absurd hero


    Maristela Kirst de Lima Girola


    Este ensaio tem como objetivo discutir a construção das personagens emEsperando Godot, de Samuel Beckett, apoiando-se nos estudos de Martin Esslin sobre o Teatro do Absurdo, uma forma de drama que enfatiza o absurdo da existência humana, empregando fragmentação, repetição e ininteligibilidade, como reação artística à Segunda Guerra Mundial.This essay discusses the construction of the characters in Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett, based on Martin Esslin’s studies on the Theatre of the Absu...

  15. O humano desumanizado num mundo sem sentido: Samuel Beckett e o herói absurdo - doi: 10.4025/actascilangcult.v33i1.6485


    Girola, Maristela Kirst de Lima; PUCRS


    Este ensaio tem como objetivo discutir a construção das personagens em Esperando Godot, de Samuel Beckett, apoiando-se nos estudos de Martin Esslin sobre o Teatro do Absurdo, uma forma de drama que enfatiza o absurdo da existência humana, empregando fragmentação, repetição e ininteligibilidade, como reação artística à Segunda Guerra Mundial. This essay discusses the construction of the characters in Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett, based on Martin Esslin’s studies on the Theatre of the...

  16. Rapid assessment of tinnitus-related psychological distress using the Mini-TQ. (United States)

    Hiller, Wolfgang; Goebel, Gerhard


    The aim of this study was to develop an abridged version of the Tinnitus Questionnaire (TQ) to be used as a quick tool for the assessment of tinnitus-related psychological distress. Data from 351 inpatients and 122 outpatients with chronic tinnitus were used to analyse item statistics and psychometric properties. Twelve items with an optimal combination of high item-total correlations, reliability and sensitivity in assessing changes were selected for the Mini-TQ. Correlation with the full TQ was >0.90, and test-retest reliability was 0.89. Validity was confirmed by associations with general psychological symptom patterns. Treatment effects indicated by the Mini-TQ were slightly greater than those indicated by the full TQ. The Mini-TQ is recommended as a psychometrically approved and solid tool for rapid and economical assessment of subjective tinnitus distress.

  17. Effect of gamma irradiation on nutrient digestibility in SPF mini-pig

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Jun-Yeob [College of Animal Life Sciences , Kangwon National University, 192-1 Kangwon Avenue 1, Chuncheon, Gangwon-do 200-701 (Korea, Republic of); Cho, Sung-Back [Swine Science Division, National Institute of Animal Science, Cheonan, Chungcheongnam-do 330-801 (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Yoo-Yong [College of Agriculture and Life Science, Seoul National University, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 151-742 (Korea, Republic of); Ohh, Sang-Jip, E-mail: [College of Animal Life Sciences , Kangwon National University, 192-1 Kangwon Avenue 1, Chuncheon, Gangwon-do 200-701 (Korea, Republic of)


    This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of gamma irradiation on nutrient digestibility of either soy-based or milk-based diet for specific pathogen-free (SPF) mini-pigs. Gamma irradiation of the diets was done at dosage of 10 kGy with {sup 60}Co whereas autoclaving was executed at 121 {sup o}C for 20 min. Apparent crude protein digestibilities of gamma irradiated diets were higher (p<0.05) than those of autoclaved diets regardless of diet type. Digestibilities of dry matter, gross energy and total carbohydrate in the irradiated diet were higher than those of the autoclaved diet. From the results of nutrient digestibility of mini-pig diets in this study, 10 kGy gamma radiation was suggested as a convenient diet radicidation method that can minimize the decrease in nutrient digestibility on feeding to SPF mini-pigs.

  18. Incorporating Inquiry into Upper-Level Homework Assignments: The Mini-Journal (United States)

    Whittington, A. G.; Speck, A. K.; Witzig, S. B.; Abell, S. K.


    The U.S. National Science Education Standards provide guidelines for teaching science through inquiry, where students actively develop their understanding of science by combining scientific knowledge with reasoning and thinking skills. Inquiry activities include reading scientific literature, generating hypotheses, designing and carrying out investigations, interpreting data, and formulating conclusions. Inquiry-based instruction emphasizes questions, evidence, and explanation, the essential features of inquiry. As part of an NSF-funded project, “CUES: Connecting Undergraduates to the Enterprise of Science,” new inquiry-based homework materials were developed for two upper-level classes at the University of Missouri: Geochemistry (required for Geology majors), and Solar System Science (open to seniors and graduate students, co-taught and cross-listed between Geology and Physics & Astronomy). We engage students in inquiry-based learning by presenting homework exercises as “mini-journal” articles that follow the format of a scientific journal article, including a title, authors, abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion and citations to peer-reviewed literature. The mini-journal provides a scaffold and serves as a springboard for students to develop and carry out their own follow-up investigation. They then present their findings in the form of their own mini-journal. Mini-journals replace traditional homework problem sets with a format that more directly reflects and encourages scientific practice. Students are engaged in inquiry-based homework which encompass doing, thinking, and communicating, while the minijournal allows the instructor to contain lines of inquiry within the limits posed by available resources. In the examples we present, research is conducted via spreadsheet modeling, where the students develop their own spreadsheets. The key differences between the old and new formats include (i) the active participation of the students in

  19. Advances in Autonomous Mini Robots : Proceedings of the 6-th AMiRE Symposium

    CERN Document Server

    Joaquin, Sitte; Felix, Werner


    Autonomous robots must carry out useful tasks all by themselves relying entirely on their own perceptions of their environment. The cognitive abilities required for autonomous action are largely independent of robot size, which makes mini robots attractive as artefacts for research, education and entertainment. Autonomous mini robots must be small enough for experimentation on a desktop or a small laboratory.  They must be easy to carry and safe for interaction with humans. They must not be expensive. Mini robot designers have to work at the leading edge of technology so that their creations can carry out purposeful autonomic action under these constraints. Since 2001 researchers have met every two years for an international symposium to report on the advances achieved in Autonomous Mini  Robots for Research and Edutainment (AMiRE). The AMiRE Symposium is a single track conference that offers ample opportunities for discussion and exchange of ideas. This volume contains the contributed papers of the 2011 AM...

  20. Mini-Uav LIDAR for Power Line Inspection (United States)

    Teng, G. E.; Zhou, M.; Li, C. R.; Wu, H. H.; Li, W.; Meng, F. R.; Zhou, C. C.; Ma, L.


    Light detection and ranging (LIDAR) system based on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) recently are in rapid advancement, meanwhile portable and flexible mini-UAV-borne laser scanners have been a hot research field, especially for the complex terrain survey in the mountains and other areas. This study proposes a power line inspection system solution based on mini-UAV-borne LIDAR system-AOEagle, developed by Academy of Opto-Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, which mounted on a Multi-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle for complex terrain survey according to real test. Furthermore, the point cloud data was explored to validate its applicability for power line inspection, in terms of corridor and line laser point clouds; deformation detection of power towers, etc. The feasibility and advantages of AOEagle have been demonstrated by the promising results based on the real-measured data in the field of power line inspection.

  1. Evaluation of cytotoxicity and corrosion resistance of orthodontic mini-implants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Celha Borges Costa Alves

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate and compare in vitro cytotoxicity and corrosion resistance of mini-implants from three different commercial brands used for orthodontic anchorage. Methods: Six mini-implants (Conexão(tm, Neodent(tm and SIN(tm were separately immersed in artificial saliva (pH 6.76 for 30 and 60 days. The cytotoxicity of the corrosion extracts was assessed in L929 cell cultures using the violet crystal and MTT assays, as well as cell morphology under light microscopy. Metal surface characteristics before and after immersion in artificial saliva were assessed by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM. The samples underwent atomic absorption spectrophotometry to determine the concentrations of aluminum and vanadium ions, constituent elements of the alloy that present potential toxicity. For statistical analysis, one-way ANOVA/Bonferroni tests were used for comparisons among groups with p < 0.05 considered significant. Statistical analysis was carried out with Graph Pad PRISM software Version 4.0. Results: No changes in cell viability or morphology were observed. Mini-implants SEM images revealed smooth surfaces with no obvious traces of corrosion. The extracts assessed by means of atomic absorption spectrophotometry presented concentrations of aluminum and vanadium ions below 1.0 µg/mL and 0.5 µg/mL, respectively. Conclusion: Orthodontic mini-implants manufactured by Conexão(tm, Neodent(tm and SIN(tm present high corrosion resistance and are not cytotoxic.

  2. Upside-down stomach – results of mini-invasive surgical therapy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cestmir Neoral


    Full Text Available Aim: The authors evaluate the results of mini-invasive therapy in patients diagnosed with upside-down stomach. Material and methods: From 1998 to 2008, a total of 27 patients diagnosed with upside-down stomach were surgicallytreated at the 1st Department of Surgery, University Hospital Olomouc. Before the operation, patients wereexamined endoscopically and a barium swallow was performed. In all 27 patients (100%, the operation was performedelectively laparoscopically. The principle of the operation in all cases was reposition of the stomach into theabdominal cavity, resection of the hernial sac and hiatoplasty. In addition, in 15 patients (56% with reflux symptomsor endoscopic findings of reflux oesophagitis, fundoplication in Nissen’s modification was also performed. Fundopexywas indicated in 12 patients (44%. Results: In all patients (100%, the operation was performed mini-invasively; conversion to an open procedure wasnever necessary. In 3 cases (11%, the left pleural cavity was opened during the operation; this was treated by introducinga chest drain. The operation mortality in the patient set was zero; morbidity was 11%. A year after the operation,patients were re-examined, and follow-up endoscopy and barium swallow were performed. Conclusions: In all patients diagnosed with upside-down stomach, surgical treatment is indicated due to the risk ofdeveloping severe complications. Mini-invasive surgical therapy in the hands of an experienced surgeon is a safe procedurewhich offers patients all the benefits of mini-invasive therapy with promising short- and long-term results.

  3. Direct typing of Canine parvovirus (CPV) from infected dog faeces by rapid mini sequencing technique. (United States)

    V, Pavana Jyothi; S, Akila; Selvan, Malini K; Naidu, Hariprasad; Raghunathan, Shwethaa; Kota, Sathish; Sundaram, R C Raja; Rana, Samir Kumar; Raj, G Dhinakar; Srinivasan, V A; Mohana Subramanian, B


    Canine parvovirus (CPV) is a non-enveloped single stranded DNA virus with an icosahedral capsid. Mini-sequencing based CPV typing was developed earlier to detect and differentiate all the CPV types and FPV in a single reaction. This technique was further evaluated in the present study by performing the mini-sequencing directly from fecal samples which avoided tedious virus isolation steps by cell culture system. Fecal swab samples were collected from 84 dogs with enteritis symptoms, suggestive of parvoviral infection from different locations across India. Seventy six of these samples were positive by PCR; the subsequent mini-sequencing reaction typed 74 of them as type 2a virus, and 2 samples as type 2b. Additionally, 25 of the positive samples were typed by cycle sequencing of PCR products. Direct CPV typing from fecal samples using mini-sequencing showed 100% correlation with CPV typing by cycle sequencing. Moreover, CPV typing was achieved by mini-sequencing even with faintly positive PCR amplicons which was not possible by cycle sequencing. Therefore, the mini-sequencing technique is recommended for regular epidemiological follow up of CPV types, since the technique is rapid, highly sensitive and high capacity method for CPV typing. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier B.V.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Melody de Campos Soares Porsse


    Full Text Available A Abordagem das Capacitações, desenvolvida por Amartya Sen, consiste em um amplo modelo normativo que pode ser usado como um instrumento alternativo para o desenho e avaliação de políticas públicas de acordo com seu impacto sobre as capacitações humanas. O artigo, empregando esse background, analisa o Programa Primeira Infância Melhor (PIM, uma política pública do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul lançada em 2003, e verificar se tal política está baseada na Abordagem das Capacitações. O trabalho usa informações referentes ao PIM para identificar quais os funcionamentos (e capacitações que o Programa insere em suas linhas de ação e que visa alcançar com a execução dessas ações. Embora o PIM não tenha sido criado com base na Abordagem das Capacitações, pode-se inferir que o Programa é orientado por essa perspectiva em suas linhas de ação, contribuindo para a expansão das capacitações humanas e para a redução da pobreza; tem como um dos seus alicerces a comunidade e a família, notadamente às mães, como os agentes cruciais na promoção do desenvolvimento e da saúde.

  5. Assessment of functioning in patients with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder with the Mini-ICF-APP: a validation study in Italy. (United States)

    Pinna, Federica; Fiorillo, Andrea; Tusconi, Massimo; Guiso, Beatrice; Carpiniello, Bernardo


    The aim of the study was to evaluate validity of the Italian Mini-ICF-APP (Mini-ICF Rating for Limitations of Activities and Participation in Psychological Disorders) in schizophrenia and related disorders. 74 outpatients affected by schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorders attending a University-based community mental health centre were recruited to the study. All participants underwent comprehensive evaluation using standardized instruments to assess clinical, neurocognitive and functional status. Concurrent validity of Mini-ICF-APP was evaluated and compared to severity scores obtained using the Clinical Global Impression-Schizophrenia scale (CGI-SCH), Positive and Negative Syndrome scale (PANSS), Mini Mental State Examination test (MMSE), Brief Assessment of Cognition in Schizophrenia scale (BACS) and Personal and Social Performance scale (PSP). Construct validity was evaluated by comparing scores obtained at Mini-ICF-APP by remitted versus non-remitted patients, and by recovered versus unrecovered patients. Discriminant validity was evaluated comparing scores on Mini-ICF-APP and Subjective Well-being (SWN) scale. the total score and 12 out of the 13 Mini-ICF-APP items correlated significantly with total score at PSP; Mini-ICF-App total score was moreover significantly correlated with total scores at CGI-SCH, PANSS, MMSE, as well as with several BACS items. Total scores obtained at Mini-ICF-APP were significantly higher among remitted and recovered patients. No relevant correlations were found between scores of Mini-ICF-APP and SWN scales. The total score and 12 out of the 13 Mini-ICF-APP items correlated significantly with total score at PSP; Mini-ICF-App total score was moreover significantly correlated with total scores at CGI-SCH, PANSS, MMSE, as well as with several BACS items. Total scores obtained at Mini-ICF-APP were significantly higher among remitted and recovered patients. No relevant correlations were found between scores of Mini-ICF-APP and SWN

  6. Mini Seminar on Form Filling Ability of Self-Compacting Concrete

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thrane, Lars Nyholm


    The Nordic mini-seminar “Form Filling Ability of Self-Compacting Concrete” took place on 3-4 November 2003 at the Danish Technological Institute in Taastrup, Denmark. The mini-seminar gathered 12 participants from Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark. The objective was to present and discuss recent...... developments of Self-Compacting Concrete in the Nordic countries. In general, the seminar included results and observations on the effect of fresh concrete behaviour, casting technique, and organisation on site on the filling ability, passing ability, and surface quality. The seminar had participants from...

  7. Analysis of MINIE2013 Explosion Air-Blast Data

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schnurr, Julie M. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Univ. of Hawaii, Manoa, HI (United States); Rodgers, Arthur J. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Kim, Keehoon [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Ford, Sean R. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Ramirez, Abelardo L. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States)


    We report analysis of air-blast overpressure measurements from the MINIE2013 explosive experiments. The MINIE2013 experiment involved a series of nearly 70 near-surface (height-ofburst, HOB, ranging from -1 to +4 m) low-yield (W=2-20 kg TNT equivalent) chemical highexplosives tests that were recorded at local distances (230 m – 28.5 km). Many of the W and HOB combinations were repeated, allowing for quantification of the variability in air-blast features and corresponding yield estimates. We measured canonical signal features (peak overpressure, impulse per unit area, and positive pulse duration) from the air-blast data and compared these to existing air-blast models. Peak overpressure measurements showed good agreement with the models at close ranges but tended to attenuate more rapidly at longer range (~ 1 km), which is likely caused by upward refraction of acoustic waves due to a negative vertical gradient of sound speed. We estimated yields of the MINIE2013 explosions using the Integrated Yield Determination Tool (IYDT). Errors of the estimated yields were on average within 30% of the reported yields, and there were no significant differences in the accuracy of the IYDT predictions grouped by yield. IYDT estimates tend to be lower than ground truth yields, possibly because of reduced overpressure amplitudes by upward refraction. Finally, we report preliminary results on a development of a new parameterized air-blast waveform.

  8. Development of the Thai version of Mini-Cog, a brief cognitive screening test. (United States)

    Trongsakul, Supaporn; Lambert, Rod; Clark, Allan; Wongpakaran, Nahathai; Cross, Jane


    Cognitive impairment, such as dementia, has emerged as the leading public health problem among the elderly. Therefore, early detection of the disorder and providing appropriate healthcare and management is important, particularly, for the patients with comorbid diabetes who require long-term treatment strategies. In Thailand, because of a large number of elderly patients with diabetes, and time constraints in primary care settings, a short and effective cognitive screening test is required. The Mini-Cog is a short and valid cognitive screening test that was specifically designed for use in primary care settings. The present study translated the English language version into a Thai language version, and then measured the interrater reliability and concurrent validity. The processes of cross-language translation were carried out to develop a Thai language version of the Mini-Cog. A total of 21 Thai older adults with type 2 diabetes with a mean aged of 69 ± 7 years were recruited into a study investigating the interrater reliability and concurrent validity of the Mini-Cog Thai version in one primary care center in Thailand. The Mini-Cog Thai version showed a good interrater reliability (K = 0.80, P validity (r = 0.47, P = 0.007, 95% CI 0.37,0.55) with the Mini-Mental State Examination Thai 2002. The findings show that the Thai version of the Mini-Cog is a reliable, performance-based tool in the screening for cognitive function in primary care settings in Thailand. It is recommended that it could be used as a new cognitive screening test for the aging population in the Thai community. © 2014 Japan Geriatrics Society.

  9. The reliability, validity, and applicability of an English language version of the Mini-ICF-APP. (United States)

    Molodynski, Andrew; Linden, Michael; Juckel, George; Yeeles, Ksenija; Anderson, Catriona; Vazquez-Montes, Maria; Burns, Tom


    This study aimed at establishing the validity and reliability of an English language version of the Mini-ICF-APP. One hundred and five patients under the care of secondary mental health care services were assessed using the Mini-ICF-APP and several well-established measures of functioning and symptom severity. 47 (45 %) patients were interviewed on two occasions to ascertain test-retest reliability and 50 (48 %) were interviewed by two researchers simultaneously to determine the instrument's inter-rater reliability. Occupational and sick leave status were also recorded to assess construct validity. The Mini-ICF-APP was found to have substantial internal consistency (Chronbach's α 0.869-0.912) and all 13 items correlated highly with the total score. Analysis also showed that the Mini-ICF-APP had good test-retest (ICC 0.832) and inter-rater (ICC 0.886) reliability. No statistically significant association with length of sick leave was found, but the unemployed scored higher on the Mini ICF-APP than those in employment (mean 18.4, SD 9.1 vs. 9.4, SD 6.4, p Mini-ICF-APP correlated highly with the other measures of illness severity and functioning considered in the study. The English version of the Mini-ICF-APP is a reliable and valid measure of disorders of capacity as defined by the International Classification of Functioning. Further work is necessary to establish whether the scale could be divided into sub scales which would allow the instrument to more sensitively measure an individual's specific impairments.

  10. Introducing a Low-Cost Mini-Uav for - and Multispectral-Imaging (United States)

    Bendig, J.; Bolten, A.; Bareth, G.


    The trend to minimize electronic devices also accounts for Unmanned Airborne Vehicles (UAVs) as well as for sensor technologies and imaging devices. Consequently, it is not surprising that UAVs are already part of our daily life and the current pace of development will increase civil applications. A well known and already wide spread example is the so called flying video game based on Parrot's AR.Drone which is remotely controlled by an iPod, iPhone, or iPad ( The latter can be considered as a low-weight and low-cost Mini-UAV. In this contribution a Mini-UAV is considered to weigh less than 5 kg and is being able to carry 0.2 kg to 1.5 kg of sensor payload. While up to now Mini-UAVs like Parrot's AR.Drone are mainly equipped with RGB cameras for videotaping or imaging, the development of such carriage systems clearly also goes to multi-sensor platforms like the ones introduced for larger UAVs (5 to 20 kg) by Jaakkolla et al. (2010) for forestry applications or by Berni et al. (2009) for agricultural applications. The problem when designing a Mini-UAV for multi-sensor imaging is the limitation of payload of up to 1.5 kg and a total weight of the whole system below 5 kg. Consequently, the Mini-UAV without sensors but including navigation system and GPS sensors must weigh less than 3.5 kg. A Mini-UAV system with these characteristics is HiSystems' MK-Okto ( Total weight including battery without sensors is less than 2.5 kg. Payload of a MK-Okto is approx. 1 kg and maximum speed is around 30 km/h. The MK-Okto can be operated up to a wind speed of less than 19 km/h which corresponds to Beaufort scale number 3 for wind speed. In our study, the MK-Okto is equipped with a handheld low-weight NEC F30IS thermal imaging system. The F30IS which was developed for veterinary applications, covers 8 to 13 μm, weighs only 300 g, and is capturing the temperature range between -20 °C and 100 °C. Flying at a height of 100 m, the camera

  11. Mini-percutaneous nephrolithotomy for stones in anomalous-kidneys: a prospective study. (United States)

    Khadgi, Sanjay; Shrestha, Babu; Ibrahim, Hamdy; Shrestha, Sunil; ElSheemy, Mohammed S; Al-Kandari, Ahmed M


    To evaluate safety and efficacy of minipercutaneous nephrolithotomy (Mini-PNL) in management of stones in different types of renal anomalies. Patients with stones ≥2 cm or SWL-resistant stones in anomalous-kidneys treated by Mini-PNL between March 2010 and September 2012 were included prospectively. Mini-PNL was done under regional anesthesia in prone position with fluoroscopic guidance through 18 Fr sheath using semirigid ureteroscope (8.5/11.5 Fr) and pneumatic lithotripter. All patients were followed-up for 2-3 years. Stone-free rate was defined as absence of residual fragments ≥2 mm. Student-T, Mann-Whitney, Chi square (χ 2 ), Fisher-exact, one way ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis test were used for analysis. Mini-PNL was performed for 59 patients (20 horseshoe, 15 malrotated, 7 polycystic, 13 duplex and 4 ectopic pelvic-kidneys). Mean age was 40.18 ± 12.75 (14-78) years. Mean stone burden was 31.72 ± 21.43 (7.85-141.3) mm 2 . Two tracts were required in 7 (11.9 %) patients. Tubeless Mini-PNL with double-J insertion was performed in all patients except two. Operative time was 50.17 ± 18.73 (15-105) min. Hemoglobin loss was 0.44 ± 0.30 (0-1.4) g/dL. Complications were reported in 15 (25.4 %) patients. No pleural injury, sepsis, perinephric-collection or renal-pelvis perforation were reported. Stone-free rate was 89.8 % (converted to open-surgery in one patient, second-look PNL in two patients, auxiliary SWL in three patients). Stone-free rate improved to 98.3 % after retreatment and auxiliary SWL. Site of puncture was mostly upper calyceal in horseshoe-kidney (80 %), mid calyceal in polycystic-kidney (85.7 %) and lower calyceal in duplex-kidney (46.2 %). Punctures were also significantly infracostal in horseshoe-kidney (100 %) and supracostal in both duplex (53.8 %) and malrotated-kidneys (66.7 %). Mini-PNL is safe for management of stones in anomalous-kidney with SFR comparable to standard-PNL but with less complications.

  12. Mini vs standard percutaneous nephrolithotomy for renal stones: a comparative study. (United States)

    ElSheemy, Mohammed S; Elmarakbi, Akram A; Hytham, Mohammed; Ibrahim, Hamdy; Khadgi, Sanjay; Al-Kandari, Ahmed M


    To compare the outcome of mini-percutaneous nephrolithotomy (Mini-PNL) versus standard-PNL for renal stones. Retrospective study was performed between March 2010 and May 2013 for patients treated by Mini-PNL or standard-PNL through 18 and 30 Fr tracts, respectively, using pneumatic lithotripsy. Semirigid ureteroscope (8.5/11.5 Fr) was used for Mini-PNL and 24 Fr nephroscope for standard-PNL. Both groups were compared in stone free rate(SFR), complications and operative time using Student-t, Mann-Whitney, Chi square or Fisher's exact tests as appropriate in addition to logistic regression analysis. P PNL (378) and standard-PNL (151) were nearly comparable in patients and stones criteria including stone burden (3.77 ± 2.21 vs 3.77 ± 2.43 cm 2 ; respectively). There was no significant difference in number of tracts or supracostal puncture. Mini-PNL had longer operative time (68.6 ± 29.09 vs 60.49 ± 11.38 min; p = 0.434), significantly shorter hospital stay (2.43 ± 1.46 vs 4.29 ± 1.28 days) and significantly higher rate of tubeless PNL (75.1 vs 4.6%). Complications were significantly higher in standard-PNL (7.9 vs 20.5%; p PNL (89.9 vs 96%; p = 0.022). This significant difference was found with multiple stones and large stone burden (> 2 cm 2 ), but the SFR was comparable between both groups with single stone or stone burden ≤ 2 cm. Logistic regression analysis confirmed significantly higher complications and SFR with standard-PNL but with significantly shorter operative time. Mini-PNL has significantly lower SFR when compared to standard-PNL (but clinically comparable) with markedly reduced complications and hospital stay. Most of cases can be performed tubeless. The significant difference in SFR was found with multiple stones or large stone burden (> 2 cm 2 ), but not with single stones or stone burden ≤ 2 cm 2 .

  13. Playing Around in the Solar System: Mini-games for Many Missions (United States)

    Fisher, D. K.; Leon, N.; Fitzpatrick, A. J.; Wessen, A.


    Several NASA solar system missions will have major milestones during 2011, the Year of the Solar System. These events include launches, encounters, and orbit insertions. Other missions will continue the explorations already underway. The “Year of the Solar System Game” on The Space Place website ( brings all these efforts together in the context of the whole solar system. The game helps to build awareness of the characteristics of our solar system and some of the missions that are continuing to advance our knowledge and understanding. It is one of many educational tools being developed and deployed for the Year of the Solar System. The game is a “super-game” that encompasses a number of mission-related “mini-games.” The mini-games can be played individually, and they all contribute toward achievements in the super-game. The enveloping interface for all the games is an animated solar system. The player clicks on a planet or a moon, sees a close-up image, and reads a short paragraph about the object. If the object has been endowed with a mission mini-game, player can click on the tiny spacecraft, read about the mission, then play the game—or, if impatient, just immediately play the game (and read about the mission later, we hope). A score “page” keeps track of the player’s achievements and scores. Players earn achievements by reading about the planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and missions and by playing the mission mini-games. The game targets upper elementary age children, as does the entire Space Place website. Each mini-game, although simple, incorporates elements of the spacecrafts’ missions and their target objects. For example, in Cassini Commander, the player must navigate the Cassini spacecraft through gaps in Saturn’s rings and around Saturn’s moons. The super-game is designed to accommodate any number of mission mini-games, so we are hoping to continue to add missions and increase

  14. Development of a brief version of the Social Phobia Inventory using item response theory: the Mini-SPIN-R. (United States)

    Aderka, Idan M; Pollack, Mark H; Simon, Naomi M; Smits, Jasper A J; Van Ameringen, Michael; Stein, Murray B; Hofmann, Stefan G


    The Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN) is a widely used measure in mental health settings and a 3-item version (mini-SPIN) has been developed as a screening instrument for social anxiety disorder. In the present study, we examined the psychometric properties of the SPIN and developed a brief version (mini-SPIN-R) designed to assess social anxiety severity using item response theory. Our sample included 569 individuals with social anxiety disorder who participated in 2 clinical trials and filled out a battery of self-report measures. Using a nonparametric kernel smoothing method we identified the most sensitive items of the SPIN. These 3 items comprised the mini-SPIN-R, which was found to have greater internal consistency, and to capture a greater range of symptoms compared to the mini-SPIN. The mini-SPIN-R evidenced superior convergent validity compared to the mini-SPIN and both measures had similar divergent validity. Thus, the mini-SPIN-R is a promising brief measure of social anxiety severity. Copyright © 2013. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  15. Mini-weather shelters: statistical analysis for comparison and evaluation of efficiency

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sérgio Serafini Júnior


    Full Text Available In the context of the disciplines of climatology of the Department of Geography of University of Sao Paulo, site investigations allow students to practice climatologic analysis using electronic sensors installed in meteorological mini-shelters, designed by tutors and post graduate students. Based on the models of meteorological mini-shelters described as Tarifa (TAR, Abrigo de Baixo Custo (ABC [Shelter of Low Cost] e Quatro Águas(4AS [Four Waters], this research made a comparative analysis of registered data, using as reference the Automatic Meteorological Station installed on the premises of the Geography building. The efficiency data from these mini-shelters demonstrated that, although all presented different results in relation to the Automatic Meteorological Station (EMA, they also presented a performance very satisfactory around 80% of all sampled period, allowing the achievement of good results for use in academic and technical work.

  16. Typing of canine parvovirus isolates using mini-sequencing based single nucleotide polymorphism analysis. (United States)

    Naidu, Hariprasad; Subramanian, B Mohana; Chinchkar, Shankar Ramchandra; Sriraman, Rajan; Rana, Samir Kumar; Srinivasan, V A


    The antigenic types of canine parvovirus (CPV) are defined based on differences in the amino acids of the major capsid protein VP2. Type specificity is conferred by a limited number of amino acid changes and in particular by few nucleotide substitutions. PCR based methods are not particularly suitable for typing circulating variants which differ in a few specific nucleotide substitutions. Assays for determining SNPs can detect efficiently nucleotide substitutions and can thus be adapted to identify CPV types. In the present study, CPV typing was performed by single nucleotide extension using the mini-sequencing technique. A mini-sequencing signature was established for all the four CPV types (CPV2, 2a, 2b and 2c) and feline panleukopenia virus. The CPV typing using the mini-sequencing reaction was performed for 13 CPV field isolates and the two vaccine strains available in our repository. All the isolates had been typed earlier by full-length sequencing of the VP2 gene. The typing results obtained from mini-sequencing matched completely with that of sequencing. Typing could be achieved with less than 100 copies of standard plasmid DNA constructs or ≤10¹ FAID₅₀ of virus by mini-sequencing technique. The technique was also efficient for detecting multiple types in mixed infections. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. Development of a Mini-Freeze Dryer for Material-Sparing Laboratory Processing with Representative Product Temperature History. (United States)

    Obeidat, Wasfy M; Sahni, Ekneet; Kessler, William; Pikal, Michael


    The goal of the work described in this publication was to evaluate a new, small, material-sparing freeze dryer, denoted as the "mini-freeze dryer or mini-FD", capable of reproducing the product temperature history of larger freeze dryers, thereby facilitating scale-up. The mini-FD wall temperatures can be controlled to mimic loading procedures and dryer process characteristics of larger dryers. The mini-FD is equipped with a tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) water vapor mass flow monitor and with other advanced process analytical technology (PAT) sensors. Drying experiments were performed to demonstrate scalability to larger freeze dryers, including the determination of vial heat transfer coefficients, K v . Product temperature histories during K v runs were evaluated and compared with those obtained with a commercial laboratory-scale freeze dryer (LyoStar II) for sucrose and mannitol product formulations. When the mini-FD wall temperature was set at the LyoStar II band temperature (- 20°C) to mimic lab dryer edge vials, edge vial drying in the mini-FD possessed an average K v within 5% of those obtained during drying in the LyoStar II. When the wall temperature of the mini-FD was set equal to the central vial product temperature, edge vials behaved as center vials, possessing a K v value within 5% of those measured in the LyoStar II. During both K v runs and complete product freeze drying runs, the temperature-time profiles for the average edge vials and central vial in the mini-FD agreed well with the average edge and average central vials of the LyoStar II.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu Jianfeng; Brandt, W. N.; Comins, M. L.; Garmire, Gordon P.; Schneider, Donald P.; Gibson, Robert R.; Shemmer, Ohad


    We have compiled a sample of 14 of the optically brightest radio-quiet quasars (m i ≤ 17.5 and z ≥ 1.9) in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 5 quasar catalog that have C IV mini-broad absorption lines (mini-BALs) present in their spectra. X-ray data for 12 of the objects were obtained via a Chandra snapshot survey using ACIS-S, while data for the other two quasars were obtained from archival XMM-Newton observations. Joint X-ray spectral analysis shows that the mini-BAL quasars have a similar average power-law photon index (Γ ∼ 1.9) and level of intrinsic absorption (N H ∼ 21 cm -2 ) as non-BMB (neither BAL nor mini-BAL) quasars. Mini-BAL quasars are more similar to non-BMB quasars than to BAL quasars in their distribution of relative X-ray brightness (assessed with Δα ox ). Relative colors indicate mild dust reddening in the optical spectra of mini-BAL quasars. Significant correlations between Δα ox and UV absorption properties are confirmed for a sample of 56 sources combining mini-BAL and BAL quasars with high signal-to-noise ratio rest-frame UV spectra, which generally supports models in which X-ray absorption is important in enabling driving of the UV absorption-line wind. We also propose alternative parameterizations of the UV absorption properties of mini-BAL and BAL quasars, which may better describe the broad absorption troughs in some respects.

  19. Mäo kolmnurka kerkib mini-Eesti / Rein Sikk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sikk, Rein, 1961-


    Järvamaale Mäo kolmnurka kavandatavast Eestimaad vähendatuna näitavast teemapargist mini-Eesti, mis peaks valmima 2014. aastaks. Kavandatavast Narva vanalinna rekonstruktsioonist maketina, mis peaks tulema umber 200 korda 400 meetri suurune

  20. Mini-grid for sustainable integrated coastal development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bala, B.K.; Islam, M.M.


    Power grid cannot reach everywhere. Yet there are alternatives. Renewable energy can offer an ideal source of electricity for the communities far from a grid- on an island, or other isolated situations. Design and economics of a solar-diesel hybrid mini-grid system for 132 families in an isolated island-Sandwip are presented. The electrical load is considered based on the local needs and the electrical load demand is 20 kWh. The sizing of the hybrid system consists of 31 solar modules, 10 number of 24 V batteries, 2 Inverters having a total capacity of 24 kW, 24 V DC/220 V AC. A diesel generator set of 10 kW capacity is selected for back up during shortfall. The life cycle cost (LCC) is estimated and LCC is found to be Tk.15.51 / kWh compared to electricity price of Tk.4.00/kWh. Finally, the sustainability of solar-diesel hybrid mini-grid for an isolated island -Sandwip is discussed. (author)

  1. Comparison between McMaster and Mini-FLOTAC methods for the enumeration of Eimeria maxima oocysts in poultry excreta. (United States)

    Bortoluzzi, C; Paras, K L; Applegate, T J; Verocai, G G


    Monitoring Eimeria shedding has become more important due to the recent restrictions to the use of antibiotics within the poultry industry. Therefore, there is a need for the implementation of more precise and accurate quantitative diagnostic techniques. The objective of this study was to compare the precision and accuracy between the Mini-FLOTAC and the McMaster techniques for quantitative diagnosis of Eimeria maxima oocyst in poultry. Twelve pools of excreta samples of broiler chickens experimentally infected with E. maxima were analyzed for the comparison between Mini-FLOTAC and McMaster technique using, the detection limits (dl) of 23 and 25, respectively. Additionally, six excreta samples were used to compare the precision of different dl (5, 10, 23, and 46) using the Mini-FLOTAC technique. For precision comparisons, five technical replicates of each sample (five replicate slides on one excreta slurry) were read for calculating the mean oocyst per gram of excreta (OPG) count, standard deviation (SD), coefficient of variation (CV), and precision of both aforementioned comparisons. To compare accuracy between the methods (McMaster, and Mini-FLOTAC dl 5 and 23), excreta from uninfected chickens was spiked with 100, 500, 1,000, 5,000, or 10,000 OPG; additional samples remained unspiked (negative control). For each spiking level, three samples were read in triplicate, totaling nine reads per spiking level per technique. Data were transformed using log10 to obtain normality and homogeneity of variances. A significant correlation (R = 0.74; p = 0.006) was observed between the mean OPG of the McMaster dl 25 and the Mini-FLOTAC dl 23. Mean OPG, CV, SD, and precision were not statistically different between the McMaster dl 25 and Mini-FLOTAC dl 23. Despite the absence of statistical difference (p > 0.05), Mini-FLOTAC dl 5 showed a numerically lower SD and CV than Mini-FLOTAC dl 23. The Pearson correlation coefficient revealed significant and positive

  2. Mini clinical evaluation exercise in undergraduate dermatovenereology education: an experience of University of Pamukkale, Medical Faculty

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Şeniz Ergin


    Full Text Available Background and Design: Mini Clinical Evaluation Exercise (Mini-CEX is being widely used in medical education and is a reliable and valid method for the assessment of residents’ competency in medical interviewing, physical examination, humanistic qualities/professionalism, clinical judgment, counseling skills, organization, and efficiency. In order to enhance formative evaluation methods in our faculty, we planned to apply the method to students on dermatovenereology training. Materials and Methods: The Mini-CEX was performed by residents to 42 medical students. At first, 5 residents were evaluated by a faculty member with Mini-CEX and were informed about their application-oriented evaluator roles. The students were informed prior to conducting the assessment. Standard Mini-CEX form was used for the assessment. The participants were rated in 7 competencies and each was rated using a 9-point Likert scale. At the end of each encounter, students and evaluators rated their satisfaction with Mini-CEX using a 9-point Likert scale. Student’s t-test and one-way ANOVA were used for statistical analysis. Student feedback was evaluated with “grounded theory”. Results: A total of 50 assessments, 44 in outpatient and 6 in inpatient clinic, were performed. Satisfaction with the Mini-CEX was rated by the evaluators and the students as 7,16 and 7,98, respectively. There was no significant difference between the evaluators in terms of student satisfaction. Average time spent on observing the encounter and in giving feedback was 16.5 and 6.5 minutes, respectively. There was no significant difference between assessors in terms of time spent observing and giving feedback. Average scores of assessed clinical competencies were between 4,28 and 8,14. The highest scores were reported on humanistic qualities/ professionalism whereas the lowest were reported on clinical judgment skills. Discussion: According to our data, we believe that Mini-CEX may be used as an

  3. Measurements of surgeons' exposure to ionizing radiation dose: comparison of conventional and mini C-arm fluoroscopy. (United States)

    Sung, K H; Min, E; Chung, C Y; Jo, B C; Park, M S; Lee, K


    This study was performed to measure the equivalent scattered radiation dose delivered to susceptible organs while simulating orthopaedic surgery using conventional and mini C-arm fluoroscopy. In addition, shielding effects on the thyroid, thymus, and gonad, and the direct exposure delivered to the patient's hands were also compared. A conventional and mini C-arms were installed in an operating room, and a hand and an operator phantom were used to simulate a patient's hand and a surgeon. Photoluminescence dosimeters were used to measure the equivalent dose by scattered radiation arriving at the thyroid, thymus, and gonad on a whole-body phantom in the position of the surgeon. Equivalent scattered radiation doses were measured in four groups: (1) unshielded conventional C-arm group; (2) unshielded mini C-arm group; (3) lead-shielded conventional C-arm group; and (4) lead-shielded mini C-arm group. Equivalent scattered radiation doses to the unshielded group were significantly lower in the mini C-arm group than those in the conventional C-arm group for all organs. The gonad in the lead-shielded conventional C-arm group showed the highest equivalent dose among operator-susceptible organs, and radiation dose was reduced by approximately 96% compared with that in the unshielded group. Scattered radiation was not detected in any susceptible organ in the lead-shielded mini C-arm group. The direct radiation dose to the hand phantom measured from the mini C-arm was significantly lower than that measured from the conventional C-arm. The results show that the equivalent scattered radiation dose to the surgeon's susceptible organs and the direct radiation dose to a patient's hand can be decreased significantly by using a mini C-arm rather than a conventional C-arm. However, protective lead garments, such as a thyroid shield and apron, should be applied to minimize radiation exposure to susceptible organs, even during use of mini C-arm fluoroscopy. © The Author(s) 2015.

  4. Iranian Version of the Mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale: Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties. (United States)

    Patoo, Mozhgan; Allahyari, Abbas Ali; Moradi, Ali Reza; Payandeh, Mehrdad


    Mental adjustment to cancer is known as a psychological, physical, and psychological health variable among cancer patients. The present study examines the factor structure and psychometric properties of the Mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer scale (Mini-MAC) in a sample of Iranian adults who suffer from cancer. The sample consists of 320 cancer patients selected through non-random convenient sampling procedure from the hospitals and clinics in the cities of Kermanshah and Shiraz in Iran, using the Mini-MAC scale. One hundred of these patients also completed the Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale. Statistical methods used to analyze the data included confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis, discriminate validity, and Cronbach alpha coefficients for internal consistency. Factor analysis confirms five factors in the Mini-MAC. The values of fit indices are within the acceptable range. Significant correlations between the Mini-MAC and other measures also show that this scale has discriminate validity. Alpha coefficients for the subscales are Helplessness/Hopelessness,.94; Cognitive Avoidance.76; Anxious Preoccupation,.90; Fatalism,.77; Fighting Spirit.80; and total scale.84, respectively. The results confirm the five-factor structure of the Persian Mini-MAC scale and also prove that it is a reliable and valid scale. They show that this scale has sufficient power to measure different aspects of mental adjustment in patients with cancer.

  5. Evaluation of mechanical strengths of three types of mini-implants in artificial bones

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yu-Chuan Tseng


    Full Text Available We investigates the effect of the anchor area on the mechanical strengths of infrazygomatic mini-implants. Thirty mini-implants were divided into three types based on the material and shape: Type A (titanium alloy, 2.0×12 mm, Type B (stainless steel, 2.0×12 mm, and Type C (titanium alloy, 2.0×11 mm.The mini-implants were inserted at 90° and 45° into the artificial bone to a depth of 7 mm, without predrilling. The mechanical strengths [insertion torque (IT, resonance frequency (RF, and removal torque (RT] and the anchor area were measured. We hypothesized that no correlation exists among the mechanical forces of each brand. In the 90° tests, the IT, RF, and RT of Type C (8.5 N cm, 10.2 kHz, and 6.1 N cm, respectively were significantly higher than those of Type A (5.0 N cm, 7.7 kHz, and 4.7 N cm, respectively. In the 45° test, the RFs of Type C (9.2 kHz was significantly higher than those of Type A (7.0 kHz and Type B (6.7 kHz. The anchor area of the mini-implants was in the order of Type C (706 mm2>Type B (648 mm2>Type A (621 mm2. Type C exhibited no significant correlation in intragroup comparisons, and the hypothesis was accepted. In the 90° and 45° tests, Type C exhibited the largest anchor area and the highest mechanical strengths (IT, RF, and RT among the three types of mini-implants. The anchor area plays a crucial role in the mechanical strength of mini-implants.

  6. Evaluation of mechanical strengths of three types of mini-implants in artificial bones. (United States)

    Tseng, Yu-Chuan; Wu, Ju-Hui; Ting, Chun-Chan; Chen, Hong-Sen; Chen, Chun-Ming


    We investigates the effect of the anchor area on the mechanical strengths of infrazygomatic mini-implants. Thirty mini-implants were divided into three types based on the material and shape: Type A (titanium alloy, 2.0×12 mm), Type B (stainless steel, 2.0×12 mm), and Type C (titanium alloy, 2.0×11 mm).The mini-implants were inserted at 90° and 45° into the artificial bone to a depth of 7 mm, without predrilling. The mechanical strengths [insertion torque (IT), resonance frequency (RF), and removal torque (RT)] and the anchor area were measured. We hypothesized that no correlation exists among the mechanical forces of each brand. In the 90° tests, the IT, RF, and RT of Type C (8.5 N cm, 10.2 kHz, and 6.1 N cm, respectively) were significantly higher than those of Type A (5.0 N cm, 7.7 kHz, and 4.7 N cm, respectively). In the 45° test, the RFs of Type C (9.2 kHz) was significantly higher than those of Type A (7.0 kHz) and Type B (6.7 kHz). The anchor area of the mini-implants was in the order of Type C (706 mm 2 )>Type B (648 mm 2 )>Type A (621 mm 2 ). Type C exhibited no significant correlation in intragroup comparisons, and the hypothesis was accepted. In the 90° and 45° tests, Type C exhibited the largest anchor area and the highest mechanical strengths (IT, RF, and RT) among the three types of mini-implants. The anchor area plays a crucial role in the mechanical strength of mini-implants. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Taiwan.

  7. Estudo sobre a associação de cerâmica a plasma rico em plaquetas na coluna vertebral de ratos Study about fusion using ceramic with platelet-rich plasma in the spine of rats

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rita Delgado


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar o efeito osteoindutor dos fatores de crescimento contidos no plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP quando associados a cerâmicas no processo de fusão na coluna vertebral de ratos. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Laminectomia lombar foi realizada em 16 ratos Lewis isogênicos para implantar cerâmica. O PRP foi preparado no ato operatório a partir do sangue de outras duas cobaias.os grupos estudo e controle foram estabelecidos por randomização, recebendo o grupo estudo cerâmica associada a PRP e o controle apenas cerâmica. Os animais foram sacrificados após 10 semanas e as colunas enviadas para análise histopatológica. RESULTADOS: Intensa atividade osteoblástica e osteoclástica e completa reabsorção da cerâmica foram achados no grupo estudo. No grupo controle havia ilhotas de osso em meio a tecido fibroso e cerâmica não reabsorvida. Discussão: Os fatores de crescimento liberados pelas plaquetas agem ligando-se à superfície de osteoblastos e fibroblastos, estimulando a síntese de colágeno para formação de matriz óssea. macrófagos ativados continuam secretando os fatores de crescimento e estimulando a osteogênese. CONCLUSÃO: O uso de PRP associado a cerâmica mostrou maior atividade osteoblástica e osteoclástica e completa reabsorção da cerâmica em relação à enxertia da mesma isoladamente na coluna vertebral de ratos.OBJECTIVE: To assess the osteoinductive action of platelet-rich plasma when associated to ceramics in the spine of rats. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Laminectomy was performed in 16 isogenic Lewis rats for posterior ceramic grafting. PRP was prepared intraoperatively using blood collected from two other rats. Study and control groups were set by randomization, with the study group receiving ceramics associated to PRP, and the control group receiving only ceramics. The animals were sacrificed for histopathological analysis after 10 weeks. RESULTS: Strong osteoblastic and osteoclastic activity and full re

  8. Analisis Sumber dan Penggunaan Modal Kerja pada Mini Market Pelangi Jambi


    Sopini, Pupu; Trifani, Chairani Yuli


    The working capital having nature of flexible, big or small working capital can be added or reduced in accordance with need company. Control working capital that will exactly ensure of continuity the operations firm efficien and economical. The objective of analyze sources and use working capital to how working capital used. Research objectives: 1) to know the sources and the use of capital work At Mini Market Pelangi Period 2012-2016. 2) to analyze the use of capital work At Mini Market Pel...


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    Yorleny Badilla


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT The study aimed to evaluate the influence of storage length on Tectona grandis mini-cuttings survival and rooting. A factorial arrangement (4 x 7 was utilized, based on four clones (Carapá, Ipê, GU5 and TB7 and seven time intervals from mini-cuttings harvesting until final sowing (0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12 and 16 hours. A randomized block design with three replicates and 16 mini-cuttings per experimental unit was utilized. Survival and rooting rates were evaluated after greenhouse culture (30 days after sowing and after shadow house culture (40 days after sowing; as well as height, collar diameter, aerial and root biomass 55 days after sowing. No significant differences were observed in survival and rooting rates among time intervals in teak mini-cuttings preparation from these four clones. However differences among clones were registered for rooting rate, suggesting a genotypic effect. Survival and rooting rates were very high after greenhouse culture (93% and 90% respectively, as well as survival after culture in a shadow-house (88%.

  10. Mini Project Programming Exams

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørmark, Kurt; Thomsen, Lone Leth; Torp, Kristian


    A number of different types of final programming exams used or considered at the Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University, are identified and analyzed. Based on this analysis, a new type of programming exam is introduced called a Mini Project Programming (MIP) exam. MIP is a group...... years. The MIP exam is a compromise between (1) a long problem-based project exam and (2) a short oral or written programming exam. It is concluded that the strengths of MIP are the high degree of realism in the exam assignment and comprehensiveness relative to the course syllabus. The main challenge...

  11. Design of the MiniSLAR system for Bruce A

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gray, M.G.


    Cancellation of Bruce A Retube created the need to perform SLAR on Unit 1. The existing SLAR system cannot reach Unit 1 and alternative systems had limitations. The concept and design of MiniSLAR were driven by the availability of existing components made for Retube. The MiniSLAR concept was developed by a team with members representing operators, technicians, and designers from various departments within Ontario Hydro and GE Canada. Overall project leadership was provided by Bruce A Projects and Modifications Department with assistance from Ontario Hydro Nuclear Technology Services. The responsibility for detailed design was assigned by Ontario Hydro to GE Canada. The detailed design proceeded with continual input and review by the team. The MiniSLAR delivery machine consists of a closure removal ram, a shield plug removal ram and a SLAR tool delivery ram attached to the sliding plate of a horizontal indexing mechanism. The moving plate is constrained by guide rails to a fixed plate and seals against it with o-rings. A snout and clamping mechanism mounts on the front of the fixed plate. The machine mounts atop a work table which provides the various motions required for endfitting engagement. Some operations are performed manually while others are remote and automatic. (author)

  12. Use of mini dental implants in ectodermal dysplasia children: follow-up of three cases. (United States)

    Sfeir, E; Nassif, N; Moukarzel, C


    Ectodermal dysplasia is a hereditary genodermatosis characterised by a congenital defect of ectodermal structures, causing tooth malformations and anomalies. Implantology has become accepted in these subjects. However cases are often complicated by a reduction in the size of the alveolar process, making the insertion of conventional implants difficult without bone grafting. The reduced diameter of mini-implants and their ease of insertion provide an interesting solution in supporting removable or fixed prosthesis. The purpose of this paper is to report the follow-up of three cases of children (11-12 year- old) with ectodermal dysplasia in which mini-implants were used to support the prostheses. In the first case, two mini-implants were inserted into the anterior part of the mandible for stabilising a removable denture (2 years follow-up). In the other two cases, mini- implants were inserted in the maxilla and mandible to replace missing front teeth with fixed prostheses. Patients were called for follow- up every 6 months: in the sencod case follow-up lasted 4 years in the mandible and 2 years in the maxilla; in the third case, 2 years in the maxilla and 1 year in the mandible. The use of mini-implants in children with ectodermal dysplasia can enhance aesthetics, and functional and psychosocial development.

  13. Mini-column assay for rapid detection of malachite green in fish. (United States)

    Shalaby, Ali R; Emam, Wafaa H; Anwar, Mervat M


    A simple, rapid and economical mini-column method for detecting malachite green (MG) residue in fish was developed. The method used a column with 2mm ID that was tightly packed with silica gel followed by alumina. Detection of MG was performed by viewing the developed mini-column at visible light by naked eye; where MG was seen as compact green band at the confluence of the silica gel layer with alumina layer. The limit of detection of the assay was 2ng which conform the minimum required performance limit (MRPL). Evaluation utility of the method indicated that all blank and spiked samples at levels below MRPL were assessed as accepted. The intensity of the green band increased whenever MG level in the extract increased; indicated that suggested mini-column technique could be used for semi-quantitative determination of MG in fish samples. The method can be used to select the questionable samples. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Mini-batch optimized full waveform inversion with geological constrained gradient filtering (United States)

    Yang, Hui; Jia, Junxiong; Wu, Bangyu; Gao, Jinghuai


    High computation cost and generating solutions without geological sense have hindered the wide application of Full Waveform Inversion (FWI). Source encoding technique is a way to dramatically reduce the cost of FWI but subject to fix-spread acquisition setup requirement and slow convergence for the suppression of cross-talk. Traditionally, gradient regularization or preconditioning is applied to mitigate the ill-posedness. An isotropic smoothing filter applied on gradients generally gives non-geological inversion results, and could also introduce artifacts. In this work, we propose to address both the efficiency and ill-posedness of FWI by a geological constrained mini-batch gradient optimization method. The mini-batch gradient descent optimization is adopted to reduce the computation time by choosing a subset of entire shots for each iteration. By jointly applying the structure-oriented smoothing to the mini-batch gradient, the inversion converges faster and gives results with more geological meaning. Stylized Marmousi model is used to show the performance of the proposed method on realistic synthetic model.

  15. A simple and versatile mini-arc plasma source for nanocrystal synthesis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Junhong; Lu Ganhua; Zhu Liying; Flagan, Richard C.


    Nanocrystals in the lower-nanometer-size range are attracting growing interest due to their unique properties. A simple and versatile atmospheric direct current mini-arc plasma source has been developed to produce nanoparticles as small as a few nanometers. The nanoparticles are formed by direct vaporization of solid precursors followed by a rapid quenching. Both semiconductor tin oxide and metallic silver nanoparticles have been produced at rates of 1-10 mg/h using the mini-arc source. Transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction analyses indicate that most nanoparticles as produced are nonagglomerated and crystalline. Size distributions of nanoparticles measured with an online scanning electrical mobility spectrometer are broader than the self-preserving distribution, suggesting that the nanoparticle growth is coagulation-dominated, and that the particles experience a range of residence times. The electrical charges carried by as-produced aerosol nanoparticles facilitate the manipulation of nanoparticles. The new mini-arc plasma source hence shows promise to accelerate the exploration of nanostructured materials

  16. Mini-laparotomic Colpotomy for a Cervicovaginal Leiomyoma: Preservation of hymenal integrity

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    Ibrahim Yalçin


    Full Text Available Background: Leiomyomas are the most common benign tumors of the uterus. Removal of the prolapsed pedunculated submucous myoma represents a distinct entity. Evaluation and treatment of such cases may need intervention via the hymen.Mini-laparotomic management of a pedunculated submucous myoma while preserving hymen integrity in a virginal patient is described as a safe alternative.. Case: A 30-year old, nulliparous virgin woman admitted to the outpatient- clinic with the complaint of irregular menstrual bleeding ongoing for three months. Pelvic ultrasound revealed a 5×6 cm solid mass in the cervico-vaginal location that filled the vaginal margins. Due to the patient’s consistent desire for preserving hymenal integrity, mini-laparotomic colpotomy was performed and the mass was removed successfully. Conclusion: Mini-laparotomic colpotomy, preserving hymen integrity, provides excellent visualization and it is a convenient and effective tool in the management of a cervicovaginal pedunculated submucous myoma

  17. Coherence between institutions and technologies - The case of mini hydropower in Switzerland


    Crettenand, Nicolas


    Switzerland, with the forecasted electricity gap between domestic production and demand, aims to significantly increase renewable energy sources including hydropower. Mini hydropower (below 1MW) currently has considerable unused technical potential. As a renewable energy source (RES) it can contribute to climate change mitigation. CO2-taxes or emission trading systems (ETS) for planned thermal power plants could help facilitate mini hydropower (MHP). The technology is mature, but requires ade...

  18. An investigation of customer satisfaction and loyalty in projects of mini-hotels


    Левыкин, Виктор Макарович; Дэвон, Валерия Викторовна


    The hospitality industry continues to evolve and improve in terms of Ukrainian realities of political and economic instability; managers of mini-hotels are experiencing difficulties with the implementation of repeat sales, increasing the number of loyal customers and the preservation of loyal customers, maintaining a high level of consumer loyalty and customer satisfaction.The article reveals the concept of satisfaction and loyalty of mini-hotels customers. It is schematically represented the...

  19. Autorretratos da dor em profusão: diálogo entre o soneto Eu..., de Florbela espanca, e a pintura A coluna partida, de Frida Kahlo

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    Cícero Émerson do Nascimento Cardoso


    Full Text Available

    Este trabalho se pauta na análise de obras artísticas em dois campos específicos: Literatura e Arte Plástica. Busca estabelecer um diálogo entre o soneto “EU”, de Florbela Espanca, e a pintura “A coluna partida”, de Frida Kahlo. Em ambas as obras é perceptível o quanto a concepção de dor e de sofrimento, vinculado às experiências trágicas vividas por essas duas mulheres de espírito moderno, motivaram a realização de obras de significante valor estético. Essas obras em destaque se constituem como exemplos de autorretratos em que a feminilidade, a sensibilidade, as pulsões dolorosas da alma dessas artistas captam, de modo expressivo, os dramas existenciais vividos e redirecionados para a arte por elas produzidas.

  20. 'Mini'-Roadmapping - Ensuring Timely Sites' Cleanup/Closure by Resolving Science and Technology Issues

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luke, D.E.; Dixon, B.W.; Murphy, J.A.


    Roadmapping is a powerful tool to manage technical risks and opportunities associated with complex problems. Roadmapping identifies technical capabilities required for both project- and program-level efforts and provides the basis for plans that ensure the necessary enabling activities will be done when needed. Roadmapping reveals where to focus further development of the path forward by evaluating uncertainties for levels of complexity, impacts, and/or the potential for large payback. Roadmaps can be customized to the application, a ''graded approach'' if you will. Some roadmaps are less detailed. We have called these less detailed, top-level roadmaps ''mini-roadmaps''. These mini roadmaps are created to tie the needed enablers (e.g., technologies, decisions, etc.) to the functions. If it is found during the mini-roadmapping that areas of significant risk exist, then those can be roadmapped further to a lower level of detail. Otherwise, the mini-roadmap may be sufficient to manage the project/program risk. Applying a graded approach to the roadmapping can help keep the costs down. Experience has indicated that it is best to do mini-roadmapping first and then evaluate the risky areas to determine whether to further evaluate those areas. Roadmapping can be especially useful for programs/projects that have participants from multiple sites, programs, or other entities which are involved. Increased synergy, better communications, and increased cooperation are the results from roadmapping a program/project with these conditions

  1. Development of mini VSAT system (United States)

    Lu, Shyue-Ching; Chiu, Wu-Jhy; Lin, Hen-Dao; Shih, Mu-Piao


    This paper presents the mini VSAT (very small aperture terminal) system, which is a low cost networking system providing economical alternatives to the business world's datacom needs. The system is designed to achieve the highest possible performance/price ratio for private VSAT networks that range from a few tens of remote terminals to large networks of several thousands remote terminals. The paper describes the system architecture, major features, hardware and software structure, access protocol and performance of the developed system.

  2. Efeito da acupuntura na dor lombar: revisão de literatura - doi: 105102/ucs.v12i1.2593

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    José Roberto Pimenta de Godoy


    Full Text Available A lombalgia é o acometimento mais frequente da coluna vertebral, sendo uma das principais queixas e uma das causas mais comuns de incapacidade e morbidade. Diversos tipos de tratamento são usados no combate à dor lombar, porém, muitos pacientes não apresentam resultados com a medicina convencional. Entre os tratamentos não convencionais, a acupuntura é uma das principais alternativas para o alívio e cura dessa patologia. Com isso, o objetivo do trabalho é analisar a eficácia da acupuntura no tratamento da lombalgia, comparando-a com outros tratamentos. Para isso, realizou-se uma revisão bibliográfica com 21 estudos, randomizados, revisões de literatura e meta-análises, publicados entre os anos de 1999 e 2011, com o tema deste estudo. A acupuntura foi eficaz no tratamento da lombalgia crônica e seus resultados foram superiores aos de outros tratamentos. Sugerimos que mais estudos sejam feitos para a comprovação dos efeitos da acupuntura na lombalgia aguda.

  3. Orbital period variations of two W UMa-type binaries: UY UMa and EF Boo (United States)

    Yu, Yun-Xia; Zhang, Xu-Dong; Hu, Ke; Xiang, Fu-Yuan


    The orbital period variations of two W UMa-type contact binaries, UY UMa and EF Boo, are analyzed by using all available times of light minimum. It is detected that the general trends of their (O - C) curves show an upward parabolic variation, which reveals their continuous period increases at the rates of dP / dt = 2.545 ×10-7 days yr-1 and dP / dt = 2.623 ×10-7 days yr-1 , respectively. Meanwhile, UY UMa also shows a cyclic period variation with a small amplitude of A = 0.0026 days superposed on the long-term increase. Due to their contact configurations, the secular period increases are interpreted as a result of mass transfer from the less massive component to the more massive one. The cyclic period variation of UY UMa may be interpreted in terms of either the magnetic activity or the light time effect.

  4. Mini-FLOTAC, an innovative direct diagnostic technique for intestinal parasitic infections: experience from the field. (United States)

    Barda, Beatrice Divina; Rinaldi, Laura; Ianniello, Davide; Zepherine, Henry; Salvo, Fulvio; Sadutshang, Tsetan; Cringoli, Giuseppe; Clementi, Massimo; Albonico, Marco


    Soil-transmitted helminths and intestinal protozoa infection are widespread in developing countries, yet an accurate diagnosis is rarely performed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the recently developed mini-FLOTAC method and to compare with currently more widely used techniques for the diagnosis of intestinal parasitic infections in different settings. The study was carried out in Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh, India, and in Bukumbi, Tanzania. A total of 180 pupils from two primary schools had their stool analyzed (n = 80 in Dharamsala and n = 100 in Bukumbi) for intestinal parasitic infections with three diagnostic methods: direct fecal smear, formol-ether concentration method (FECM) and mini-FLOTAC. Overall, 72% of the pupils were positive for any intestinal parasitic infection, 24% carried dual infections and 11% three infections or more. The most frequently encountered intestinal parasites were Entamoeba coli, Entamoeba histolytica/dispar, Giardia intestinalis, hookworm, (and Schistosoma mansoni, in Tanzania). Statistically significant differences were found in the detection of parasitic infections among the three methods: mini-FLOTAC was the most sensitive method for helminth infections (90% mini-FLOTAC, 60% FECM, and 30% direct fecal smear), whereas FECM was most sensitive for intestinal protozoa infections (88% FECM, 70% direct fecal smear, and 68% mini-FLOTAC). We present the first experiences with the mini-FLOTAC for the diagnosis of intestinal helminths and protozoa. Our results suggest that it is a valid, sensitive and potentially low-cost alternative technique that could be used in resource-limited settings--particularly for helminth diagnosis.

  5. Elaboration of mini plates with U-Mo for irradiation in a high flux reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pasqualini, Enrique E.


    Full text: International new efforts for the reconversion of HEU in research, testing and radioisotopes production reactors, have greatly incremented U-Mo fuels qualification activities. These qualifications require the resolution of undesired interaction at high fluxes between UMo particles and the aluminum matrix in the case of dispersed fuels and the development of U-Mo monolithic fuels. These efforts are being manifested in the planning and execution of additional series of irradiation tests of mini plates and full size plates. Recently, CNEA has elaborated mini plates with different proposals for the irradiation at the ATR reactor (250 MWTH, maximum thermal neutron flux 10 15 -2 .seg -1 ) at Idaho National Laboratory, USA. Uranium 7% (w/w) molybdenum (U-7Mo) particles were coated with silicon. Chemical vapour deposition (CVD) of silane and high temperature diffusion of silicon were used. Hydrided, milled and dehydrated (HMD) particles heat treated at 1000 C degrees during four hours and centrifugal atomized powder were coated and the results compared. Mini plates were elaborated with both kinds of particles. Mini plates were also elaborated with U-7Mo and silicon particles dispersed in the aluminium matrix. Monolithic mini plates were also developed by co lamination of U-7Mo with a Zircaloy-4 cladding. The different steps of this process are detailed and the method is shown to be versatile, can be easily scaled up and is performed with small modifications of usual equipment in fuel plants. The irradiation experiment is called RERTR-7A, includes a total of 32 mini plates and it is planed to finalize by mid 2006. (author) [es

  6. Long-term efficacy of a mini-course in radiation-reducing techniques in invasive cardiology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuon, E.; Empen, K.; Hummel, A.; Doerr, M.; Reffelmann, T.; Felix, S.B.; Weitmann, K.; Hoffmann, W.; Staudt, A.


    Purpose: To validate the long-term efficacy of a 90-min. educational mini-course in less-irradiating cardiac interventional techniques. Materials and Methods: Before, two months after, and two years after the mini-course (periods I, II, and III), we analyzed the following radiation dose parameters for ten coronary angiographies (CA), performed by each of 7 cardiologists: total dose-area product (DAP), radiographic and fluoroscopic DAP fractions, number of radiographic frames and runs, and fluoroscopy time. Results: The median patient DAP for periods I, II and III was 31.4, 15.8 and 8.5 Gy x cm 2 , respectively. The long-term effect was related to shorter median fluoroscopy times (180, 172, and 120 s), shorter (57, 52, and 45) and fewer (12, 12, and 10) radiographic runs, consistent collimation and restriction to an adequate image quality. Both radiographic DAP/frame (28.7, 17.0, and 18.4 mGy x cm 2 ) and fluoroscopic DAP/second (45.7, 24.2, and 10.0 mGy x cm 2 ) decreased significantly. The multivariate linear regression analysis confirmed the increasing efficacy of the mini-course itself (-44.6 and -60.7 %), and revealed a decreasing influence of the interventionalist's experience (-8.6 % and -4.9 % per 1,000 CAs, lifelong performed until the mini-course). The number of CAs performed after the mini-course did not influence the long-term DAP results. Conclusion: The presented educational mini-course allows a significant, long-lasting, and apparently ongoing reduction of patient radiation exposure due to CA. A self-surveillant documentation of relevant radiation parameters is well suited to monitor and improve each operator's individual long-term radiation-reducing efforts. (orig.)

  7. Preliminary study on weapon grade uranium utilization in molten salt reactor miniFUJI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aji, Indarta Kuncoro; Waris, A.


    Preliminary study on weapon grade uranium utilization in 25MWth and 50MWth of miniFUJI MSR (molten salt reactor) has been carried out. In this study, a very high enriched uranium that we called weapon grade uranium has been employed in UF 4 composition. The 235 U enrichment is 90 - 95 %. The results show that the 25MWth miniFUJI MSR can get its criticality condition for 1.56 %, 1.76%, and 1.96% of UF 4 with 235 U enrichment of at least 93%, 90%, and 90%, respectively. In contrast, the 50 MWth miniFUJI reactor can be critical for 1.96% of UF 4 with 235 U enrichment of at smallest amount 95%. The neutron spectra are almost similar for each power output

  8. Análise comparativa da força, potência e fadiga muscular de crianças e adolescentes saudáveis e com mielomeningocele


    Emanuela Juvenal Martins


    A mielomeningocele (MMC) é a uma doença congênita, causada pelo defeito do fechamento do tubo neural durante o período gestacional, resultando em falha de fusão dos elementos posteriores da coluna vertebral, com consequente protrusão das meninges e displasia da medula espinhal e das raízes nervosas. A displasia medular promove paralisia sensitivomotora que acomete os membros inferiores, o sistema urinário e o intestino. O baixo nível de atividade física das crianças e adolescentes com MMC pod...

  9. Desenvolvimento e otimização de sistema de elevação para linha de montagem no setor auto


    Manta, Catarina Ribeiro


    A presente dissertação expõe o processo de estudo e otimização de um elevador de colunas, desenvolvido pela RARI, S.A. para uma unidade fabril da indústria automóvel cujo funcionamento apresentou, desde o início de operação, graves problemas de estabilidade, o que por sua vez comprometeu o correto funcionamento da linha onde estava inserido. A falta de rigidez e consequentemente instabilidade da estrutura do elevador, foram ana-lisadas neste trabalho do ponto de vista dinâmico, tendo em co...

  10. Remineralização da matéria orgânica sedimentar em resposta à simulação de processos oceanográficos


    Ana Carolina Godoi


    Os sedimentos marinhos são receptores finais de vários compostos da coluna de água, possuindo uma participação ativa nos ciclos biogeoquímicos. Comunidades microbianas possuem um papel crucial nestes ciclos, sendo responsáveis por grande parte da remineralização da matéria orgânica em sedimentos superficiais. Foram realizados dois experimentos com simulações de processos oceanográficos em microcosmos: Enriquecimento Orgânico, testando a diferença entre a chegada de fitoflagelados e diatomácea...

  11. Estudo da atividade eletromiográfica e de parâmetros cinemáticos do supino paralímpico de alto rendimento


    Silva, Bárbara Gama da


    O halterofilismo apareceu pela primeira vez em uma Paralimpíada, em 1964, em Tóquio, no qual a deficiência dos atletas era exclusivamente lesão da coluna vertebral. No halterofilismo os atletas perma necem deitados em um banco, e executam um movimento conhecido como supino. A prova começa no momento em que a barra de apoio é retirada com ou sem a ajuda do auxiliar central deixando os cotovelos totalmente estendidos. O atleta flexiona os braços, com os cotovelos descendo a ...


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    Mr Kusnadi


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk menganalisis kemunculan keterampilan laboratorium mikrobiologi melalui program pembelajaran mikrobiologi berbasis proyek inkuiri (P2MBPI mini-riset. Penelitian melibatkan sejumlah mahasiswa semester IV Program Studi Biologi di salah satu LPTK Negeri di kota Bandung (n=33, yang mengikuti perkuliahan mikrobiologi. Program pembelajaran dirancang dalam setting laboratorium berbasis proyek inkuiri kelompok (free inquiry labs. Data penelitian dijaring melalui laporan mini-riset, presentasi oral dan poster serta wawancara.  Hasil penelitian  menunjukkan bahwa P2MBPI mini-riset setiap kelompok memberikan kontribusi terhadap kemunculan keterampilan laboratorium mikrobiologi yang cukup beragam. Hal ini selaras dengan tahapan proyek mulai dari pemilihan masalah dan topik mini-riset, sampai pengambilan keputusan proyek yang dilaksanakan oleh kelompok. Secara umum ruang lingkup topik proyek mini-riset mencakup empat bidang, yaitu mikrobiologi pertanian (tanah, mikrobiologi lingkungan (air, mikrobiologi kesehatan, dan mikrobiologi pangan. Hasil analisis kemunculan jenis keterampilan spesifik lab mikrobiologi dari laporan, presentasi oral, dan poster, serta wawancara menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar kelompok menunjukkan persentase kemunculan jenis keterampilan yang tinggi (100%, yaitu pada keterampilan bekerja aseptik, keterampilan mengisolasi mikroba, sterilisasi, dan menggunakan mikroskop.  Kemunculan jenis keterampilan dengan persentase sedang (75% pada keterampilan identifikasi dan kultivasi mikroorganisme. Selanjutnya berdasarkan hasil wawancara mendalam pada 7 orang mahasiswa, menyatakan bahwa program pembelajaran mikrobiologi berbasis proyek inkuiri mini-riset ini juga sangat berarti, disamping mendapatkan keterampilan lab mikrobiologi, juga dapat membekali keterampilan meneliti (research skill mahasiswa biologi.  Dengan demikian P2MBPI mini-riset ini, perlu terus dikembangkan karena memberikan konstribusi yang

  13. Evaluation of cytotoxicity and corrosion resistance of orthodontic mini-implants (United States)

    Alves, Celha Borges Costa; Segurado, Márcio Nunes; Dorta, Miriam Cristina Leandro; Dias, Fátima Ribeiro; Lenza, Maurício Guilherme; Lenza, Marcos Augusto


    ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate and compare in vitro cytotoxicity and corrosion resistance of mini-implants from three different commercial brands used for orthodontic anchorage. Methods: Six mini-implants (Conexão(tm), Neodent(tm) and SIN(tm)) were separately immersed in artificial saliva (pH 6.76) for 30 and 60 days. The cytotoxicity of the corrosion extracts was assessed in L929 cell cultures using the violet crystal and MTT assays, as well as cell morphology under light microscopy. Metal surface characteristics before and after immersion in artificial saliva were assessed by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The samples underwent atomic absorption spectrophotometry to determine the concentrations of aluminum and vanadium ions, constituent elements of the alloy that present potential toxicity. For statistical analysis, one-way ANOVA/Bonferroni tests were used for comparisons among groups with p corrosion. The extracts assessed by means of atomic absorption spectrophotometry presented concentrations of aluminum and vanadium ions below 1.0 µg/mL and 0.5 µg/mL, respectively. Conclusion: Orthodontic mini-implants manufactured by Conexão(tm), Neodent(tm) and SIN(tm) present high corrosion resistance and are not cytotoxic. PMID:27901227

  14. The Experiment Production And Examination Of The U3Si2-AI Mini plates For Irradiation Test

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Supardjo; Boybul; Yowono; Susworo; Permana, S.


    The fuel plates containing U 3 Si 2 -AI dispersion fuel having respective loading of 3.55; 4.20; and 4.80 g/cm 3 were prepared by dispersing certain amount of U 3 Si 2 powder in the AI powder as matrix. The weight ratio of U 3 Si 2 and AI at different loading was chosen based on the 19.23 cm 3 volume basis fuel core calculation. Each fuel mixture was pressed into a fuel core having dimension of 100.20 x 60.35 x 3.15 +- (0.05) mm, which was then cut into mini fuel core having dimension of 16 x 8 x 3.15 +- (0.05) mm. The mini plates were prepared by picture and frame technique using AIMg2 as cladding material. The mini plates have been tested for blister, homogeneity, white spots, surface defects and their cladding thickness, revealing that out of 74 mini plates, they are ten (10) mini plates that have to be rejected due to blisters and white spots, thus of 64 mini plates can be further fabricated as samples for irradiation test

  15. Surgical positioning of orthodontic mini-implants with guides fabricated on models replicated with cone-beam computed tomography. (United States)

    Kim, Seong-Hun; Choi, Yong-Suk; Hwang, Eui-Hwan; Chung, Kyu-Rhim; Kook, Yoon-Ah; Nelson, Gerald


    This article illustrates a new surgical guide system that uses cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images to replicate dental models; surgical guides for the proper positioning of orthodontic mini-implants were fabricated on the replicas, and the guides were used for precise placement. The indications, efficacy, and possible complications of this method are discussed. Patients who were planning to have orthodontic mini-implant treatment were recruited for this study. A CBCT system (PSR 9000N, Asahi Roentgen, Kyoto, Japan) was used to acquire virtual slices of the posterior maxilla that were 0.1 to 0.15 mm thick. Color 3-dimensional rapid prototyping was used to differentiate teeth, alveolus, and maxillary sinus wall. A surgical guide for the mini-implant was fabricated on the replica model. Proper positioning for mini-implants on the posterior maxilla was determined by viewing the CBCT images. The surgical guide was placed on the clinical site, and it allowed precise pilot drilling and accurate placement of the mini-implant. CBCT imaging allows remarkably lower radiation doses and thinner acquisition slices compared with medical computed tomography. Virtually reproduced replica models enable precise planning for mini-implant positions in anatomically complex sites.

  16. Camptocormia secundária à polimiosite

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Melina Andrade Mattar


    Full Text Available A camptocormia é uma doença postural caracterizada por flexão anormal da coluna toracolombar que surge na posição ereta, aumenta durante a caminhada e desaparece na posição supina. Na literatura, há descrição de apenas cinco casos de camptocormia secundária a miopatias inflamatórias idiopáticas. No presente relato de caso, descrevemos um paciente do sexo masculino, de 67 anos, com polimiosite há 18 anos, cursando com quadro compatível com camptocormia (estável e sem progressão do quadro clínico. A polimiosite é uma miopatia inflamatória idiopática caracterizada clinicamente por fraqueza muscular simétrica predominantemente proximal dos membros. Entretanto, sendo uma doença autoimune sistêmica, é plausível que ocorra acometimento de musculatura esquelética de forma difusa, incluindo a paravertebral, podendo manifestar-se com camptocormia.

  17. Development of X-ray mini-probes for the Digiray RGX system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wojcik, R.; Kross, B.; Majewski, L.; Majewski, S.; Weisenberger, A.G.; Zorn, C.; Birt, E.A.; Parker, F.R.; Winfree, W.P.; Albert, R.D.; Albert, T.M.


    We have developed and tested a variety of X-ray mini-probes for the Reverse Geometry X-radiography trademark ,1 (RGX) system each having their own advantages and disadvantages. These mini-probes consist of small scintillators (as small as 2 mm in diameter and 5 mm long) attached to optical light guides (as long as 14 m) coupled to photomultipliers. Images produced with these probes show that even smaller probes and/or longer light guides may be fashioned. Such probes may be useful in both non-destructive evaluation and medical imaging. ((orig.))

  18. The performance of the Mini-Cog in a sample of low educational level elderly. (United States)

    Ribeiro Filho, Sergio Telles; Lourenço, Roberto Alves


    To study the criterion validity of the Mini-Cog in low educational level elderly. Design: Cross-sectional and validation design. Setting: Policlínica Piquet Carneiro, an outpatient unit of Rio de Janeiro State University Hospital, in Brazil. Participants: A convenient sample consisting of 306 individuals, 65 yrs or older, selected from April 8 th to July 15 th , 2002. All participants underwent comprehensive geriatric evaluations which included the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the cognitive part of the Cambridge Examination for Mental Disorders of the Elderly - Revised (CAMCOG-R). They were classified as demented or non-demented (DSM-IV). A post-hoc analysis was performed on the data from the 3 word recall test of the MMSE, and the Clock Drawing Test from the CAMCOG-R, and respective scores were added and interpreted in accordance with the Mini-Cog protocol. 293 individuals completed all the study steps; 211 had 4 or less years of schooling and were included in the data analysis. 32% had dementia. Mini-Cog sensitivity and specificity was consistently low independently of the different cut-off points considered. The best performance was found at the cut-off point of 2/3 which yielded sensitivity and specificity of 60% and 65%, respectively. The Mini-Cog is not a good cognitive screening tool for individuals with less than five years of formal education.

  19. Tissue interfaces dosimetry in small field radiotherapy with alanine/EPR mini dosimeters and Monte Carlo-Penelope simulation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vega R, J. L.; Nicolucci, P.; Baffa, O. [Universidade de Sao Paulo, FFCLRP, Departamento de Fisica, Av. Bandeirantes 3900, Bairro Monte Alegre, 14040-901 Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo (Brazil); Chen, F. [Universidade Federale do ABC, CCNH, Rua Santa Adelia 166, Bangu, 09210-170 Santo Andre, Sao Paulo (Brazil); Apaza V, D. G., E-mail: [Universidad Nacional de San Agustin de Arequipa, Departamento de Fisica, Arequipa (Peru)


    The dosimetry system based on alanine mini dosimeters plus K-Band EPR spectrometer was tested in the tissue-interface dosimetry through the percentage depth-dose (Pdd) determination for 3 x 3 cm{sup 2} and 1 x 1 cm{sup 2} radiation fields sizes. The alanine mini dosimeters were produced by mechanical pressure from a mixture of 95% L-alanine and 5% polyvinyl alcohol (Pva) acting as binder. Nominal dimensions of these mini dosimeters were 1 mm diameter and 3 mm length as well as 3 - 4 mg mass. The EPR spectra of the mini dosimeters were registered using a K-Band (24 GHz) EPR spectrometer. The mini dosimeters were placed in a nonhomogeneous phantom and irradiated with 20 Gy in a 6 MV PRIMUS Siemens linear accelerator, with a source-to-surface distance of 100 cm using the small fields previously mentioned. The cylindrical non-homogeneous phantom was comprised of several disk-shaped plates of different materials in the sequence acrylic-bone cork-bone-acrylic, with dimensions 15 cm diameter and 1 cm thick. The plates were placed in descending order, starting from top with four acrylic plates followed by two bone plates plus eight cork plates plus two bone plates and finally, four acrylic plates (4-2-8-2-4). Pdd curves from the treatment planning system and from Monte Carlo simulation with Penelope code were determined. Mini dosimeters Pdd results show good agreement with Penelope, better than 95% for the cork homogeneous region and 97.7% in the bone heterogeneous region. In the first interface region, between acrylic and bone, it can see a dose increment of 0.6% for mini dosimeters compared to Penelope. At the second interface, between bone and cork, there is 9.1% of dose increment for mini dosimeter relative to Penelope. For the third (cork-bone) and fourth (bone-acrylic) interfaces, the dose increment for mini dosimeters compared to Penelope was 4.1% both. (Author)

  20. Tissue interfaces dosimetry in small field radiotherapy with alanine/EPR mini dosimeters and Monte Carlo-Penelope simulation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vega R, J. L.; Nicolucci, P.; Baffa, O.; Chen, F.; Apaza V, D. G.


    The dosimetry system based on alanine mini dosimeters plus K-Band EPR spectrometer was tested in the tissue-interface dosimetry through the percentage depth-dose (Pdd) determination for 3 x 3 cm 2 and 1 x 1 cm 2 radiation fields sizes. The alanine mini dosimeters were produced by mechanical pressure from a mixture of 95% L-alanine and 5% polyvinyl alcohol (Pva) acting as binder. Nominal dimensions of these mini dosimeters were 1 mm diameter and 3 mm length as well as 3 - 4 mg mass. The EPR spectra of the mini dosimeters were registered using a K-Band (24 GHz) EPR spectrometer. The mini dosimeters were placed in a nonhomogeneous phantom and irradiated with 20 Gy in a 6 MV PRIMUS Siemens linear accelerator, with a source-to-surface distance of 100 cm using the small fields previously mentioned. The cylindrical non-homogeneous phantom was comprised of several disk-shaped plates of different materials in the sequence acrylic-bone cork-bone-acrylic, with dimensions 15 cm diameter and 1 cm thick. The plates were placed in descending order, starting from top with four acrylic plates followed by two bone plates plus eight cork plates plus two bone plates and finally, four acrylic plates (4-2-8-2-4). Pdd curves from the treatment planning system and from Monte Carlo simulation with Penelope code were determined. Mini dosimeters Pdd results show good agreement with Penelope, better than 95% for the cork homogeneous region and 97.7% in the bone heterogeneous region. In the first interface region, between acrylic and bone, it can see a dose increment of 0.6% for mini dosimeters compared to Penelope. At the second interface, between bone and cork, there is 9.1% of dose increment for mini dosimeter relative to Penelope. For the third (cork-bone) and fourth (bone-acrylic) interfaces, the dose increment for mini dosimeters compared to Penelope was 4.1% both. (Author)

  1. Mini-Enterprise Projects: Friendship, Business and Learning (United States)

    Riese, Hanne


    This article discusses how the mini-enterprise (ME) approach (Young Enterprise) can be understood as a tool for helping to achieve policy goals set for entrepreneurship. Analysis of 12 semi-structured interviews with 17-year-old students shows how social capital from friendship relations constitutes norms for interaction in MEs. To some extent,…

  2. Proposição de uma reserva anatomofuncional, no canal raquidiano, como fator interferente na fisiopatologia das lombalgias e lombociatalgias mecânico-degenerativas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cecin H.A.


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO. Testar a hipótese de uma reserva anatomofuncional no canal raquidiano que explique as elevadas prevalências de alterações radiológicas na coluna lombar de indivíduos assintomáticos, as diferentes formas de apresentação clínica das lombalgias e lombociatalgias mecânico-degenerativas e as discrepâncias na sua prevalência. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS. Dois grupos de pessoas foram submetidos à tomografia axial computadorizada. Um era de 27 pacientes com lombalgia e/ou lombociatalgia. O outro, de controles pareados, era de 27 indivíduos assintomáticos. Em ambos os grupos, foram medidas as áreas do canal ósseo, do saco dural, a distância interfacetária e a profundidade dos recessos laterais. RESULTADOS. Os assintomáticos tinham canais raquidianos mais amplos que o de pacientes agudos e crônicos. As variáveis, cujas comparações foram responsáveis por essas diferenças estatisticamente significantes nos crônicos, foram as áreas do canal ósseo em L3-L4, L4-L5, as áreas do saco dural em L4-L5, L5-S1 e a profundidade dos recessos laterais em L4-L5; e nos agudos: a área do canal ósseo em L3-L4, L4-L5, L5-S1, área do saco dural em L4-L5, L5-S1, o diâmetro sagital em L5-S1 e a profundidade do recesso lateral direito em L4-L5. CONCLUSÕES. As alterações radiológicas e ausência de sintomas no grupo-controle foram atribuídas a uma maior reserva anatomofuncional no canal raquidiano; a existência de casos agudos e crônicos, a uma reserva menor. Esta reserva, maior ou menor, seria um "fator segurança" que se distribuiria diferencialmente em assintomáticos, agudos e crônicos, e seria o elemento capaz de influenciar a prevalência, a presença ou ausência de dor lombar em indivíduos com alterações radiológicas.


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    J. Bendig


    Full Text Available The trend to minimize electronic devices also accounts for Unmanned Airborne Vehicles (UAVs as well as for sensor technologies and imaging devices. Consequently, it is not surprising that UAVs are already part of our daily life and the current pace of development will increase civil applications. A well known and already wide spread example is the so called flying video game based on Parrot's AR.Drone which is remotely controlled by an iPod, iPhone, or iPad ( The latter can be considered as a low-weight and low-cost Mini-UAV. In this contribution a Mini-UAV is considered to weigh less than 5 kg and is being able to carry 0.2 kg to 1.5 kg of sensor payload. While up to now Mini-UAVs like Parrot's AR.Drone are mainly equipped with RGB cameras for videotaping or imaging, the development of such carriage systems clearly also goes to multi-sensor platforms like the ones introduced for larger UAVs (5 to 20 kg by Jaakkolla et al. (2010 for forestry applications or by Berni et al. (2009 for agricultural applications. The problem when designing a Mini-UAV for multi-sensor imaging is the limitation of payload of up to 1.5 kg and a total weight of the whole system below 5 kg. Consequently, the Mini-UAV without sensors but including navigation system and GPS sensors must weigh less than 3.5 kg. A Mini-UAV system with these characteristics is HiSystems' MK-Okto ( Total weight including battery without sensors is less than 2.5 kg. Payload of a MK-Okto is approx. 1 kg and maximum speed is around 30 km/h. The MK-Okto can be operated up to a wind speed of less than 19 km/h which corresponds to Beaufort scale number 3 for wind speed. In our study, the MK-Okto is equipped with a handheld low-weight NEC F30IS thermal imaging system. The F30IS which was developed for veterinary applications, covers 8 to 13 μm, weighs only 300 g, and is capturing the temperature range between −20 °C and 100 °C. Flying at a height of

  4. [White House Conference on Aging, 1981: Reports of the Mini-Conferences, MCR 1-42. (United States)

    White House Conference on Aging, Washington, DC.

    This document contains the 42 reports from mini-conferences held in various nationwide locations prior to the 1981 White House Conference on Aging. Each report presents an overview of the topic, descriptions of particular problems, and statements of recommendations, based on the views of mini-conference participants, and made available to the…

  5. Diagnostic efficacy of a modified low-dose acquisition protocol for the preoperative evaluation of mini-implant sites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tadinada, Aditya; Marczak, Alana; Yadav, Sumit [University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine, Farmington (United States)


    The objective of this study was to compare the outcomes of surgical mini-implant placement when potential mini-implant sites were scanned using a lower-dose 180° acquisition protocol versus a conventional 360° acquisition protocol. Ten dentate human skulls were used to provide sites for potential mini-implant placement. The sites were randomly divided into 2 groups: 360° and 180° cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) acquisition protocols. A small-volume 180° CBCT scan and a 360° CBCT scan of each site were acquired using a Morita Accuitomo-170 CBCT machine and then a mini-implant was placed. A follow-up 360° CBCT scan was done as a gold standard to evaluate the location of the mini-implant and root perforation. Two raters evaluated the scans. Ninety-eight percent of the mini-implants placed did not perforate any root structure. Two percent of the sites had an appearance suggestive of perforation. On a Likert scale, both raters agreed that their subjective evaluation of the diagnostic quality of the protocols, ability to make and read measurements of the sites, and preferences for the specified diagnostic task were comparable. The Cohen kappa showed high inter-rater and intra-rater agreement. In this ex vivo study, we found that the 180° rotational acquisition was as effective as the conventional 360° rotational acquisition for the preoperative evaluation of potential mini-implant sites.

  6. Support for designing waste sorting systems: A mini review. (United States)

    Rousta, Kamran; Ordoñez, Isabel; Bolton, Kim; Dahlén, Lisa


    This article presents a mini review of research aimed at understanding material recovery from municipal solid waste. It focuses on two areas, waste sorting behaviour and collection systems, so that research on the link between these areas could be identified and evaluated. The main results presented and the methods used in the articles are categorised and appraised. The mini review reveals that most of the work that offered design guidelines for waste management systems was based on optimising technical aspects only. In contrast, most of the work that focused on user involvement did not consider developing the technical aspects of the system, but was limited to studies of user behaviour. The only clear consensus among the articles that link user involvement with the technical system is that convenient waste collection infrastructure is crucial for supporting source separation. This mini review reveals that even though the connection between sorting behaviour and technical infrastructure has been explored and described in some articles, there is still a gap when using this knowledge to design waste sorting systems. Future research in this field would benefit from being multidisciplinary and from using complementary methods, so that holistic solutions for material recirculation can be identified. It would be beneficial to actively involve users when developing sorting infrastructures, to be sure to provide a waste management system that will be properly used by them.

  7. Uma cidade pós‑criativa?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Malcom Miles


    Full Text Available Na década de 1990, a reabilitação urbana de base cultural tornou‑se regra na Europa, legitimada pelo conceito de cidade criativa. Em alguns casos, esse processo levou a uma marginalização de culturas locais; noutros, a esperada nova prosperidade não se concretizou com a estetização do espaço e o resultante do enobrecimento urbano (gentrification. A cidade criativa é uma cidade socialmente fragmentada na qual se valoriza a cultura entendida como as artes, em detrimento da cultura enquanto articulação de valores partilhados no quotidiano. Contudo, a crise financeira de 2008 intercetou esta trajetória, proporcionando uma oportunidade para reavaliar o conceito de cidade criativa e os seus valores implícitos. Têm aparecido alternativas, nomeadamente o movimento Ocupa e a arte ativista. Poderá existir uma cidade pós‑criativa? Poderá a imaginação criativa de uma diversidade de grupos urbanos levar a novas formações sociopolíticas e culturais? Isso constituiria possivelmente uma outra revolução urbana.

  8. Energy-Water Nexus Relevant to Baseload Electricity Source Including Mini/Micro Hydropower Generation (United States)

    Fujii, M.; Tanabe, S.; Yamada, M.


    Water, food and energy is three sacred treasures that are necessary for human beings. However, recent factors such as population growth and rapid increase in energy consumption have generated conflicting cases between water and energy. For example, there exist conflicts caused by enhanced energy use, such as between hydropower generation and riverine ecosystems and service water, between shale gas and ground water, between geothermal and hot spring water. This study aims to provide quantitative guidelines necessary for capacity building among various stakeholders to minimize water-energy conflicts in enhancing energy use. Among various kinds of renewable energy sources, we target baseload sources, especially focusing on renewable energy of which installation is required socially not only to reduce CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions but to stimulate local economy. Such renewable energy sources include micro/mini hydropower and geothermal. Three municipalities in Japan, Beppu City, Obama City and Otsuchi Town are selected as primary sites of this study. Based on the calculated potential supply and demand of micro/mini hydropower generation in Beppu City, for example, we estimate the electricity of tens through hundreds of households is covered by installing new micro/mini hydropower generation plants along each river. However, the result is based on the existing infrastructures such as roads and electric lines. This means that more potentials are expected if the local society chooses options that enhance the infrastructures to increase micro/mini hydropower generation plants. In addition, further capacity building in the local society is necessary. In Japan, for example, regulations by the river law and irrigation right restrict new entry by actors to the river. Possible influences to riverine ecosystems in installing new micro/mini hydropower generation plants should also be well taken into account. Deregulation of the existing laws relevant to rivers and

  9. Genotype by Environment Effects on Potato Mini-Tuber Seed Production in an Aeroponics System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julián F. Mateus-Rodriguez


    Full Text Available In order to evaluate the environmental effect on plant development and mini-tuber production of a diverse group of potato genotypes grown under an aeroponic system, a G × E interaction experiment was carried out in greenhouses located at CIP’s experimental stations in La Molina (Lima and Huancayo (Junín. Five contrasting environments were set-up and evaluated. A combined Analysis of Variance was performed for the variables “days to tuber set”, “days to senescence” and “plant height”. An Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI Analysis was performed for yield variables: mini-tuber “weight” and “number of mini-tubers” per plant. There was a high variation in all the responses to the treatments. “Days to tuber set” was influenced by genetic responses, temperature and greenhouse Photosynthetically Active Radiation intensity. Considerable increases in the length of the vegetative cycle and plant height were recorded for all genotypes, and these were particularly notable in the warmer coastal environments. AMMI analysis showed that yield variables were primarily influenced by the genotypic effect followed by the genotype by environment interaction effect. The Venturana variety (T2 was the best performing genotype with a total average mini-tuber “weight” of 644 g per plant while the Chucmarina variety (T1 performed best for the variable “number of mini-tubers” with an overall average of 60.2 mini-tubers per plant. Both showed stability across different environments for these variables. The advanced clones T3 (395434.1, T5 (397077.16 and T6 (397073.16 showed stability for yield variables, but their performance was below the overall average of the trial. It is recommended that the environment and management should ideally be tailored to the genotype as this will result in significant yield gains.

  10. Long-term efficacy of a mini-course in radiation-reducing techniques in invasive cardiology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kuon, E. [Klinik Fraenkische Schweiz, Ebermannstadt (Germany). Abt. fuer Kardiologie; Empen, K.; Hummel, A.; Doerr, M.; Reffelmann, T.; Felix, S.B. [Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universitaet, Greifswald (Germany). Abt. fuer Innere Medizin B; Weitmann, K.; Hoffmann, W. [Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universitaet, Greifswald (Germany). Inst. fuer Versorgungsmedizin; Staudt, A. [Helios Kliniken, Schwerin (Germany). Abt. fuer Kardiologie und Angiologie


    Purpose: To validate the long-term efficacy of a 90-min. educational mini-course in less-irradiating cardiac interventional techniques. Materials and Methods: Before, two months after, and two years after the mini-course (periods I, II, and III), we analyzed the following radiation dose parameters for ten coronary angiographies (CA), performed by each of 7 cardiologists: total dose-area product (DAP), radiographic and fluoroscopic DAP fractions, number of radiographic frames and runs, and fluoroscopy time. Results: The median patient DAP for periods I, II and III was 31.4, 15.8 and 8.5 Gy x cm{sup 2}, respectively. The long-term effect was related to shorter median fluoroscopy times (180, 172, and 120 s), shorter (57, 52, and 45) and fewer (12, 12, and 10) radiographic runs, consistent collimation and restriction to an adequate image quality. Both radiographic DAP/frame (28.7, 17.0, and 18.4 mGy x cm{sup 2}) and fluoroscopic DAP/second (45.7, 24.2, and 10.0 mGy x cm{sup 2}) decreased significantly. The multivariate linear regression analysis confirmed the increasing efficacy of the mini-course itself (-44.6 and -60.7 %), and revealed a decreasing influence of the interventionalist's experience (-8.6 % and -4.9 % per 1,000 CAs, lifelong performed until the mini-course). The number of CAs performed after the mini-course did not influence the long-term DAP results. Conclusion: The presented educational mini-course allows a significant, long-lasting, and apparently ongoing reduction of patient radiation exposure due to CA. A self-surveillant documentation of relevant radiation parameters is well suited to monitor and improve each operator's individual long-term radiation-reducing efforts. (orig.)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nandigama Pratap Kumar


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Chronic SDH is one of the common neurosurgical conditions requiring surgical treatment. The incidence of chronic SDH is 1.7- 18 per 1,00,000 population. The incidence is higher in the elderly patients, i.e. 58 per 1,00,000. Various treatment modalities available for the treatment of chronic SDH indicate that there is no gold standard for the treatment of chronic SDH. Recurrence is the major problem following treatment and can be as high as 30%. Mini craniotomy is one of the surgical options that can offer better view of the subdural space and may allow us to efficiently clear the loculations and haematoma fluid and thereby decreasing the incidence of recurrences and the need for reoperations. Small craniotomies have not been studied well in the literature except for a few publications. In this study, we are comparing mini craniotomy and burr hole evacuation for the treatment of chronic SDH. MATERIALS AND METHODS All the patients with chronic subdural haematoma operated between August 2013 and January 2016. Patients with recurrent SDH on the same side and patients who underwent different procedures on either side (in case of bilateral haematomas were excluded from the study. The patients were operated by two senior surgeons with one surgeon doing burr hole evacuation and another doing mini craniotomy. Preoperative status and postoperative status was analysed. RESULTS All the patients were analysed both preoperatively and postoperatively. In both the groups, most of the patients shown improvement following surgery, but recurrences are more in burr hole group when compared to mini craniotomy. CONCLUSION Mini craniotomy allows better view of the subdural space and better evacuation of chronic subdural haematoma. Cure rate is higher with mini craniotomy compared to burr hole evacuation.

  12. Mini Games for Professional Awareness in Introductory Psychology

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hummel, Hans; Nadolski, Rob; Eshuis, Jannes; Slootmaker, Aad


    Main problems with the current course Introduction to Psychology in our university is that students consider the content as too theoretical and insufficient in providing professional practice. Potential solutions are expected to come from mini-games that have proven to enable more active and

  13. A magnetic-lens - mini-orange coincidence spectrometer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bargholtz, C.; Holmberg, L.; Ruus, N.; Tegner, P.E.; Weiss, G.


    A coincidence spectrometer consisting of a Gerholm type magnetic lens and a permanent magnet mini-orange spectrometer is described. Electron-electron or electron-positron coincidences may be registered in various angular settings. The spectrometer has been developed mainly to search for anomalous contributions to Bhabha scattering or positrons and is at present used for such studies. 6 refs

  14. Preliminary study on weapon grade uranium utilization in molten salt reactor miniFUJI

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aji, Indarta Kuncoro [Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia); Waris, A., E-mail: [Nuclear Physics and Biophysics Research Division, Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesa No. 10 Bandung 40132 (Indonesia)


    Preliminary study on weapon grade uranium utilization in 25MWth and 50MWth of miniFUJI MSR (molten salt reactor) has been carried out. In this study, a very high enriched uranium that we called weapon grade uranium has been employed in UF{sub 4} composition. The {sup 235}U enrichment is 90 - 95 %. The results show that the 25MWth miniFUJI MSR can get its criticality condition for 1.56 %, 1.76%, and 1.96% of UF{sub 4} with {sup 235}U enrichment of at least 93%, 90%, and 90%, respectively. In contrast, the 50 MWth miniFUJI reactor can be critical for 1.96% of UF{sub 4} with {sup 235}U enrichment of at smallest amount 95%. The neutron spectra are almost similar for each power output.

  15. Características demográficas e psicossociais associadas à depressão pós-parto em uma amostra de Belo Horizonte Demographic and psychosocial characteristics associated with postpartum depression in a sample from Belo Horizonte

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patricia Gomes Figueira


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A depressão pós-parto (DPP tem sido alvo de inúmeras investigações científicas devido à sua alta prevalência e gravidade e também por suas repercussões negativas na puérpera e na criança. OBJETIVO:Comparar mulheres com e sem DPP em um grupo de puérperas selecionadas aleatoriamente a partir dos partos ocorridos em uma maternidade de Belo Horizonte (MG. MÉTODOS: Selecionamos 245 mulheres que tiveram parto em uma maternidade de Belo Horizonte. Aplicamos uma entrevista semiestruturada para a obtenção de dados psicossociais e demográficos e uma entrevista estruturada (Mini Neuropsychiatric Interview, MINI-Plus para o diagnóstico de depressão maior segundo critérios do Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV. RESULTADOS:26,9% das mulheres tinham diagnóstico de DPP. Não encontramos diferenças entre as características sociodemográficas das mulheres com (n = 66, 26,9% e sem diagnóstico de DPP (n = 179, 73,1%. Entretanto, diversas variáveis clínicas e psicossociais se mostraram significativamente diferentes entre os dois grupos, tais como história de depressão, vivência de estresse ou presença de sintomas depressivos ou ansiosos durante a gravidez, ocorrência de complicações maternas ou na criança no pós-parto e insuficiência de suporte nos cuidados pós-natais. CONCLUSÃO: A identificação de fatores associados à DPP é importante para a compreensão de sua etiopatogenia e para o estabelecimento de estratégias de prevenção e tratamento precoce dessa grave doença.INTRODUCTION: Postpartum depression has been the object of extensive research both because of its high prevalence and its repercussions on the mother and the infant. OBJECTIVE:To compare women with and without depression in a sample of postpartum women randomly selected at a maternity in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. METHODS: A total of 245 women who gave birth at a private maternity hospital in

  16. Implementation of a linear mini accelerator for radiotherapy intraoperative

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Macias-Verde, D.; Yanez-Lopez, D.; Marti-Asenjo, J.; Sanchez-Carrascal, M.; Torres-Pozas, S.; Godoy-Cazorla, J. I.; Madan-Rodriguez, C.; Martin-Oliva, R.


    Has been defined the status initial reference of the lineal mini-accelerator Intrabeam PRS 500. The alternative worksheet in times of treatment provides an additional verification. The system is validated for clinical use. (Author)

  17. Acceptability of sweetened and low calorie dairy desserts: affective tests and internal preference mapping


    Oliveira, Ana Paula Vital de; Frasson, Karina; Almeida, Tereza Cristina Avancini de; Benassi, Marta de Toledo


    A aceitação de sobremesas lácteas de chocolate (três pudins com açúcar, cinco pudins dietéticos e dois flans comerciais) foi avaliada por 56 consumidores utilizando delineamento de blocos completos balanceados e empregando-se uma escala hedônica estruturada de nove pontos. Os provadores foram caracterizados através de um questionário para coleta de informações pessoais e hábitos de consumo de produtos dietéticos e pudins. Os dados de aceitação foram analisados por ANOVA e teste de médias. Emp...

  18. Sofrimento e prazer no trabalho docente em escola pública


    Michele Dorneles Valent Czekster


    Este estudo multidisciplinar aborda conteúdos de gestão pública da educação, gerenciamento das organizações com ênfase no modelo burocrático e saúde ocupacional, nas vertentes da psicanálise e da psicodinâmica do trabalho referentes à realidade da atividade docente em uma escola pública do interior do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Para tanto, partiu do questionamento “Quais elementos, na organização do trabalho docente em escola pública, são capazes de produzir sofrimento ou prazer?” Empregando ...

  19. Desenvolvimento de eletrodos de pasta de carbono modificada com 2-aminotiazol sílica gel para a determinação de metais em etanol combustível


    Takeuchi, Regina Massako [UNESP


    Neste trabalho foram desenvolvidos métodos eletroanalíticos para a determinação de íons metálicos em etanol combustível, empregando-se eletrodos de pasta de carbono modificada com uma sílica organofuncionalizada com grupos 2-aminotiazol (CPE-SiAt). Foi realizado um estudo comparativo entre dois aglutinantes: Nujol® e parafina; sendo observado que este último foi mais apropriado para aplicações em amostras comerciais de etanol combustível. Além da utilização dos CPE-SiAt, empregou-se também um...

  20. Cerveja artesanal com pimenta rosa: processamento, características físico-químicas e estudo de mercado.


    GAMBA, M. M.


    O consumo de cervejas artesanais, bebidas destinadas a atender paladares mais exigentes, está em expansão no Brasil. Entretanto, pesquisas sobre inovação no ramo cervejeiro são escassas. O objetivo deste estudo foi produzir uma cerveja artesanal do tipo American Pale Ale empregando a pimenta rosa na sua elaboração e avaliar os efeitos da adição desta especiaria no processo fermentativo, bem como no produto final, por meio de análises físico-químicas e microbiológica. Além disso, teve-se como ...

  1. Assessment of Paclobutrazol’s Time and Concentration of Foliar Application on Production and Germination of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L. Mini-tube

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    B Saadatian


    Full Text Available Introduction Health and quality of potato (Solanum tuberosum L. seeds are important in the potato seed production technology. Moreover, the basic seed materials must be free of pathogens. Therefore tissue culture techniques are used at this stage in the laboratory to produce disease free seeds. Mini-tubers can be produced after acclimatization from plantlets as tissue culture which are planted at high densities in the greenhouse in beds or containers using different substrate mixtures, or even in hydroponic culture. Foliar application of growth regulators is a way to increase potato mini-tuber production. Growth regulators influence on potato mini-tuber dormancy. Triazoles, a family which Paclobutrazol belongs to them, have both fungitoxic and plant growth regulatory effects. In addition, they can also protect plants against various stresses. Therefore, the triazoles have been characterized as plant multi-protestants. Paclobutrazol changes the relationship between source and sink and by this way, affects plant production. Also, it can inhibit giberellic acid biosynthesis. Some morphological changes observed in paclobutrazol-treated plants include the inhibition of plant growth, decreased inter-nodal elongation and increased root to shoot ratios. Time of paclobutrazol foliar application is an important factor which changes plant characters (Lim et al., 2004. This study implemented to evaluate foliar application of paclobutrazol concentrations at different time on production and mini-tuber dormancy. Materials and Methods The factorial experiment based on randomized complete block design with four replications was conducted at the faculty of agriculture’s research greenhouse, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, in 2013. Plantlets of Agria cv. produced from nodal tissue culture in Murashinge and Skoog (MS medium. After 25 days, plantlets of free disease and uniform exported to plastic pots with 12 cm diameter and 30 cm height. Perlite, cocopite

  2. Relação entre a excursão do músculo diafragma e as curvaturas da coluna vertebral em crianças respiradoras bucais The relationship between excursion of the diaphragm and curvatures of the spinal column in mouth breathing children

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    Liu Chiao Yi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Verificar a relação entre a excursão do músculo diafragma e as curvaturas da coluna vertebral em crianças respiradoras bucais. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliadas 52 crianças de 5 a 12 anos de idade, de ambos os sexos. Por meio de avaliação otorrinolaringológica, foram divididas em dois grupos: respiradores bucais e respiradores nasais. Todos os participantes foram submetidos a exame de videofluoroscopia do músculo diafragma e a avaliação postural. A excursão do diafragma foi analisada pelo programa Adobe Photoshop®, e a avaliação postural através de fotografias em norma lateral esquerda, sendo analisadas pelo Software de Avaliação Postural. RESULTADOS: Os grupos estudados apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significante quanto ao comportamento das curvaturas da coluna vertebral (lordose cervical: p = 0,003; lordose lombar: p = 0,001; cifose torácica: p = 0,002; posição da pelve: p = 0,001 e da excursão do músculo diafragma (diafragma lado direito: p = 0,001; diafragma lado esquerdo: p = 0,001. O grupo respirador bucal apresentou diminuição da lordose cervical, aumento da cifose torácica, aumento da lordose lombar e anteversão da posição da pelve. A distância excursionada pelo músculo diafragma em crianças respiradoras bucais é menor que em crianças respiradoras nasais. Não houve significância estatística ao relacionar o comportamento das curvaturas da coluna vertebral com a excursão do músculo diafragma. CONCLUSÃO: Não há relação entre as curvaturas da coluna vertebral com a excursão do músculo diafragma nos grupos estudados.OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between excursion of the diaphragm muscle and spinal curvatures in mouth breathing children. METHODS: A total of 52 children of both sexes, aged from 5 to 12 years, were studied. After otorhinolaryngological assessment, the children were divided into two groups: mouth breathers and nose breathers. All of the children underwent

  3. Case Study: Mini-Case Studies: Small Infusions of Active Learning for Large-Lecture Courses (United States)

    Carloye, Lisa


    In this article, the author introduces the usage of case studies to be an excellent method for engaging students through stories. The author notes she developed a series of mini-case studies that can be implemented, with a little advance preparation, within a 10- to 15-minute window during lecture. What makes them "mini" case studies?…

  4. Levan And Levansucrase-A Mini Review

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    Bruna Caroline Marques Goncalves


    Full Text Available Abstract Levansucrase is a fructosyltranferase that synthesizes levan and present great biotechnological interest. Its being widely used in therapeutic food cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Levansucrase is produced by many microorganisms such as the Bacillus subtilis Natto using the sucrose fermentation. In this mini-review we described some properties and functions of this important group of enzymes and the recent technologies used in the production and purification of levansucrase and levan.

  5. Trapped magnetic field of a mini-bulk magnet using YBaCuO at 77 K (United States)

    Fujimoto, Hiroyuki; Kamijo, Hiroki


    Melt-processed rare earth (RE)123 superconductors have a high Jc at 77 K and high magnetic field. Solidification processes for producing (L)RE123 superconductors and pinning centers in the (L)RE123 matrix are effective for obtaining high Jc, leading to high-field application as a superconducting quasi-permanent bulk magnet with the liquid nitrogen refrigeration. One of the promising applications is a superconducting magnet for the magnetically levitated train. We fabricated a mini-superconducting bulk magnet of 200×100 mm2, consisting of 18 bulks, which are a square 33 mm on a side and 10 mm in thickness, and magnetized the mini-magnet by field cooling. The mini-magnet showed the trapped magnetic field of larger than 0.1 T on the surface of the outer vessel of the magnet. The present preliminary study discusses trapped magnetic field properties of the mini-bulk magnet using YBaCuO superconductors at 77 K.

  6. Observation of rat's colon polyps in real time by mini-endoscopy and raman spectroscopy (United States)

    Andriana, Bibin Bintang; Mahardika, Anggara; Taketani, Akihiro; Sato, Hidetoshi


    Colorectal adenoma (CA) is a disease caused by various factors (such as genetic factors or environmental exposures). The appearance of colon polyp (CP) within colorectal might indicate the hint of CA development. Ball-lens hollow fiber Raman probe (BHRP) may has a high capability for detection of CA in living experimental animal and have already tested to rat's CP in this study, which was designed to collaborate between BHRP with mini-endoscopy to observe the biochemical alteration within normal colon tissue and rat's colon polyps in real time. BHRP and mini-endoscopy can distinguish the differences in their finger print spectra and make pictures the control and CP in the real time. At the first step, the real situation of normal colon and Rat's CP were washed by saline and observed with mini-endoscopy. BHRP was introduced to Dextran sodium sulphate (DSS)-induced Rat's CP to detect some of biochemical alteration. The main purpose of this study was to introduce mini-endoscopy to guide the BHRP for diagnosing of CP in real time and to compare it with spectra of normal colon (control group) in living rat. As the result, BHRP can provide the differences in band of control and CP group, which can inform that the biochemical of normal and CP has changed. As a major parameter to distinct normal and CP tissue were phosphatidylinositol, phosphodiester group, lipid, and collagen. Mini endoscopy and BHRP is very sensitive devices for diagnosing of CP in real time.

  7. The performance of the Mini-Cog in a sample of low educational level elderly

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    Sergio Telles Ribeiro Filho

    Full Text Available Abstract Objectives: To study the criterion validity of the Mini-Cog in low educational level elderly. Design: Cross-sectional and validation design. Setting: Policlínica Piquet Carneiro, an outpatient unit of Rio de Janeiro State University Hospital, in Brazil. Participants: A convenient sample consisting of 306 individuals, 65 yrs or older, selected from April 8th to July 15th, 2002. Methods: All participants underwent comprehensive geriatric evaluations which included the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE and the cognitive part of the Cambridge Examination for Mental Disorders of the Elderly - Revised (CAMCOG-R. They were classified as demented or non-demented (DSM-IV. A post-hoc analysis was performed on the data from the 3 word recall test of the MMSE, and the Clock Drawing Test from the CAMCOG-R, and respective scores were added and interpreted in accordance with the Mini-Cog protocol. Results: 293 individuals completed all the study steps; 211 had 4 or less years of schooling and were included in the data analysis. 32% had dementia. Mini-Cog sensitivity and specificity was consistently low independently of the different cut-off points considered. The best performance was found at the cut-off point of 2/3 which yielded sensitivity and specificity of 60% and 65%, respectively. Conclusion: The Mini-Cog is not a good cognitive screening tool for individuals with less than five years of formal education.

  8. A feminilidade como uma posição de sujeito: uma abordagem lacaniana

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    Bruno Alves Coelho


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente trabalho é diferenciar duas formas de pensar a feminilidade. A primeira, entendida a partir da economia libidinal de um homem e a segunda como uma forma própria de um sujeito se constituir sexuado. Neste trabalho, a feminilidade é pensada como uma posição do sujeito, e buscamos aproximar alguns dos principais conceitos que Freud e Lacan usam para pensar a feminilidade, nomeadamente, no caso de Freud, no que diz respeito à configuração particular da libido feminina entre a libido objetal e a libido narcísica e, no caso de Lacan, no que diz respeito à relação da mulher com o falo ser mediada por uma forma diferente de relação com o Outro.

  9. Amelioration of Muscle and Nerve Pathology in LAMA2 Muscular Dystrophy by AAV9-Mini-Agrin

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    Chunping Qiao


    Full Text Available LAMA2-related muscular dystrophy (LAMA2 MD is the most common and fatal form of early-onset congenital muscular dystrophies. Due to the large size of the laminin α2 cDNA and heterotrimeric structure of the protein, it is challenging to develop a gene-replacement therapy. Our group has developed a novel adeno-associated viral (AAV vector carrying the mini-agrin, which is a non-homologous functional substitute for the mutated laminin α2. A significant therapeutic effect in skeletal muscle was observed in our previous study using AAV serotype 1 (AAV1. In this investigation, we examined AAV9 vector, which has more widespread transduction than AAV1, to determine if the therapeutic effects could be further improved. As expected, AAV9-mini-agrin treatment offered enhanced therapeutic effects over the previously used AAV1-mini-agrin in extending mouse lifespan and improvement of muscle pathology. Additionally, overexpression of mini-agrin in peripheral nerves of dyw/dyw mice partially amended nerve pathology as evidenced by improved motor function and sensorimotor processing, partial restoration of myelination, partial restoration of basement membrane via EM examination, as well as decreased regeneration of Schwann cells. In conclusion, our studies indicate that overexpression of mini-agrin into dyw/dyw mice offers profound therapeutic effects in both skeletal muscle and nervous system. Keywords: LAMA2, mini-agrin, muscular dystrophy, CMD, AAV, gene therapy

  10. Vaporization inside a mini microfin tube: experimental results and modeling (United States)

    Diani, A.; Rossetto, L.


    This paper proposes a comparison among the common R134a and the extremely low GWP refrigerant R1234yf during vaporization inside a mini microfin tube. This microfin tube has an internal diameter of 2.4 mm, it has 40 fins, with a fin height of 0.12 mm. Due to the high heat transfer coefficients shown by this tube, this technology can lead to a refrigerant charge reduction. Tests were run in the Heat Transfer in Micro Geometries Lab of the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale of the Università di Padova. Mass velocities range between 375 and 940 kg m-2 s-1, heat fluxes from 10 to 50 kW m-2, vapour qualities from 0.10 to 0.99, at a saturation temperature of 30°C. The comparison among the two fluids is proposed at the same operating conditions, in order to highlight the heat transfer and pressure drop differences among the two refrigerants. In addition, two correlations are proposed to estimate the heat transfer coefficient and frictional pressure drop during refrigerant flow boiling inside mini microfin tubes. These correlations well predict the experimental values, and thus they can be used as a useful tool to design evaporators based on these mini microfin tubes.

  11. Comparison of flexible ureterorenoscopy and mini-percutaneous nephrolithotomy in treatment of lower calyceal stones smaller than 2 cm. (United States)

    Akbulut, Fatih; Kucuktopcu, Onur; Kandemir, Emre; Sonmezay, Erkan; Simsek, Abdulmuttalip; Ozgor, Faruk; Binbay, Murat; Muslumanoglu, Ahmet Yaser; Gurbuz, Gokhan


    To compare the outcomes of flexible ureterorenoscopy (F-URS) and mini-percutaneous nephrolithotomy (mini-PNL) in the treatment of lower calyceal stones smaller than 2 cm. Patients who underwent F-URS and mini-PNL for the treatment of lower calyceal stones smaller than 2 cm between March 2009 and December 2014 were retrospectively evaluated. Ninety-four patients were divided into two groups by treatment modality: F-URS (Group 1: 63 patients) and mini-PNL (Group 2: 31 patients). All patients were preoperatively diagnosed with intravenous pyelography or computed tomography. Success rates for F-URS and mini-PNL at postoperative first month were 85.7% and 90.3%, respectively. Operation time, fluoroscopy time, and hospitalization time for F-URS and mini-PNL patients were 44.40 min, 2.9 min, 22.4 h, and 91.9 min, 6.4 min, and 63.8 h, respectively. All three parameters were significantly shorter among the F-URS group (p PNL group (0.39 mg/dL vs. 1.15 mg/dL, p = 0.001). A comparison of complications according to the Clavien classification demonstrated significant differences between the groups (p = 0.001). More patients in the F-URS groups require antibiotics due to urinary tract infection, and more patients in the mini-PNL group required ureteral double J catheter insertion under general anesthesia. Although both F-URS and mini-PNL have similar success rates for the treatment of lower calyceal stones, F-URS appears to be more favorable due to shorter fluoroscopy and hospitalization times; and lower hemoglobin drops. Multicenter and studies using higher patient volumes are needed to confirm these findings.

  12. Modelamento do processo de gresificação de massas cerâmicas de revestimento Modelling of the vitrification process of ceramic bodies for whiteware

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    L. Sánchez-Muñoz


    Full Text Available Foi proposto um modelo para o processo de gresificação de massas cerâmicas de grés porcelânico, baseado na correlação entre a porosidade e os componentes da massa e sua evolução com a temperatura. A aplicação do modelo foi realizada empregando uma frita especialmente desenvolvida como fundente e uma composição otimizada de argila e caulim. Assim, desenvolveu-se uma massa de grés porcelânico de baixa temperatura de queima (~1150 ºC e uma faixa de estabilidade dimensional de aproximadamente 100 ºC.A model was proposed for the vitrification process of ceramic bodies for porcelain stoneware tiles, based on the correlation among the porosity and the mixture components and its evolution with temperature. The application of the model was accomplished using a frit especially designed as flux and an optimized composition of clay and kaolin. Accordingly, a porcelain stoneware tile body for low firing temperature (~ 1150 ºC and a dimensional stability range of approximately 100 ºC has been developed.

  13. Vacuum design for a superconducting mini-collider

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barletta, W.A.; Monteiro, S.


    The phi factory (Superconducting Mini-Collider or SMC) proposed for construction at UCLA is a single storage ring with circulating currents of 2 A each of electrons and positrons. The small circumference exacerbates the difficulties of handling the gas load due to photodesorption from the chamber walls. The authors analyze the vacuum system for the phi factory to specify design choices

  14. A special mini-extrapolation chamber for calibration of 90Sr+90Y sources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oliveira, Mercia L; Caldas, Linda V E


    90 Sr+ 90 Y applicators are commonly utilized in brachytherapy, including ophthalmic procedures. The recommended instruments for the calibration of these applicators are extrapolation chambers, which are ionization chambers that allow the variation of their sensitive volume. Using the extrapolation method, the absorbed dose rate at the applicator surface can be determined. The aim of the present work was to develop a mini-extrapolation chamber for the calibration of 90 Sr+ 90 Y beta ray applicators. The developed mini-chamber has a 3.0 cm outer diameter and is 11.3 cm in length. An aluminized polyester foil is used as the entrance window while the collecting electrode is made of graphited polymethylmethacrylate. This mini-chamber was tested in 90 Sr+ 90 Y radiation beams from a beta particle check source and with a plane ophthalmic applicator, showing adequate results

  15. Cooling down MiniGRAIL to milli-Kelvin temperatures

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Waard, A.; de Waard, A.; Gottardi, L.; Bassan, M.; Coccia, E.; Fafone, V.; Flokstra, Jakob; Karbalai-Sadegh, A.; Minenkov, Y.; Moleti, A.; Pallottino, G.V.; Podt, M.; Pors, B.J.; Reincke, W; Rocchi, A.; Shumack, A.; Srinivas, S.; Visco, M.; Frossati, G.


    The latest developments in the construction of the ultra-cryogenic spherical detector MiniGRAIL are presented. The room temperature part of the vibration isolation system was improved and provided with an attenuation of about 60 dB around 3 kHz. The transfer function of the cryogenic stages gave

  16. Water Boiler Change-Over in Mini-TPP Mode

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    B. A. Bayrashevsky


    Full Text Available The paper considers water boiler modernization by its change-over in mini-TPP mode with an expansion tank and a heating turbine of small capacity.  A software complex permitting to evaluate competitive ability of such water boiler modernization in comparison with a cogeneration plant.

  17. Acceptability and feasibility of mini-clinical evaluation exercise as a formative assessment tool for workplace-based assessment for surgical postgraduate students

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    M K Joshi


    Full Text Available Background: Despite an increasing emphasis on workplace-based assessment (WPBA during medical training, the existing assessment system largely relies on summative assessment while formative assessment is less valued. Various tools have been described for WPBA, mini-clinical evaluation exercise (mini-CEX being one of them. Mini-CEX is well accepted in Western countries, however, reports of its use in India are scarce. We conducted this study to assess acceptability and feasibility of mini-CEX as a formative assessment tool for WPBA of surgical postgraduate students in an Indian setting. Methods: Faculty members and 2nd year surgical residents were sensitized toward mini-CEX and requisite numbers of exercises were conducted. The difficulties during conduction of these exercises were identified, recorded, and appropriate measures were taken to address them. At the conclusion, the opinion of residents and faculty members regarding their experience with mini-CEX was taken using a questionnaire. The results were analyzed using simple statistical tools. Results: Nine faculty members out of 11 approached participated in the study (81.8%. All 16 2nd year postgraduate surgical residents participated (100%. Sixty mini-CEX were conducted over 7 months. Each resident underwent 3–5 encounters. The mean time taken by the assessor for observation was 12.3 min (8–30 min while the mean feedback time was 4.2 min (3–10 min. The faculty reported good overall satisfaction with mini-CEX and found it acceptable as a formative assessment tool. Three faculty members (33.3% reported mini-CEX as more time-consuming while 2 (22.2% found it difficult to carry the exercises often. All residents accepted mini-CEX and most of them reported good to high satisfaction with the exercises conducted. Conclusions: Mini-CEX is well accepted by residents and faculty as a formative assessment tool. It is feasible to utilize mini-CEX for WPBA of postgraduate students of surgery.

  18. Identifying the most efficient items from the Mini-Mental State Examination for cognitive function assessment in older Taiwanese patients. (United States)

    Lou, Meei-Fang; Dai, Yu-Tzu; Huang, Guey-Shiun; Yu, Po-Jui


    The purpose of the study was to identify the most efficient items from the Mini-Mental State Examination for assessment of cognitive function. The Mini-Mental State Examination is the most frequently used cognitive screening instrument. However, the Mini-Mental State Examination has been criticized for insensitivity to mild cognitive dysfunction, limited memory assessment and variability in level of difficulty of the individual items. This study used secondary data analysis. Item response theory two-parameter model was used to analyse the data from the admission assessment of mental status by the Mini-Mental State Examination for 801 patients. By using item response analysis, 16 items were selected from the original 30-item Mini-Mental State Examination. The 16 items included mainly the measures of orientation, recall and attention and calculation. The internal consistency of the 16-item Mini-Mental State Examination was 0.84. The proposed new cut-off point for the 16-item Mini-Mental State Examination was 11. The correct classification rate was 0.94, the sensitivity was 100% and the specificity was 97.4%, when compared with the original 30-item Mini-Mental State Examination from the cut-off point of 24. This new cut-off point was determined for the purpose of over-identifying patients at risk so as to ensure early detection of and prevention from the onset of cognitive disturbance. Only a few items are needed to describe the subject's cognitive status. Using item response theory analysis, the study found that the Mini-Mental State Examination could be simplified. Deleting the items with less variation makes this assessment tool not only shorter, easier to administer and less strenuous for respondents, but also enables one to maintain validity as a cognitive function test for clinical setting.

  19. Maxillary anterior en masse retraction using different antero-posterior position of mini screw: a 3D finite element study

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    Zohreh Hedayati


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Nowadays, mini screws are used in orthodontic tooth movement to obtain maximum or absolute anchorage. They have gained popularity among orthodontists for en masse retraction of anterior teeth after first premolar extraction in maximum anchorage cases. The purpose of this study was to determine the type of anterior tooth movement during the time when force was applied from different mini screw placements to the anterior power arm with various heights. Methods A finite element method was used for modeling maxillary teeth and bone structure. Brackets, wire, and hooks were also designed for modeling. Two appropriate positions for mini screw in the mesial and distal of the second premolar were designed as fixed nodes. Forces were applied from the mini screw to four different levels of anterior hook height: 0, 3, 6, and 9 mm. Initial tooth movement in eight different conditions was analyzed and calculated with ANSYS software. Results Rotation of anterior dentition was decreased with a longer anterior power arm and the mesial placement of the mini screw. Bodily movements occurred with the 9-mm height of the power arm in both mini screw positions. Intrusion or extrusion of the anterior teeth segment depended on the level of the mini screw and the edge of the power arm on the Z axis. Conclusions According to the findings of this study, the best control in the sagittal plane during anterior en masse retraction was achieved by mesial placement of the mini screw and the 9-mm height of the anterior power arm. Where control in the vertical plane was concerned, distal placement of the mini screw with the 6-mm power arm height had minimum adverse effect on anterior dentition.

  20. Orthodontic intrusion : Conventional and mini-implant assisted intrusion mechanics

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    Anup Belludi


    intrusion has revolutionized orthodontic anchorage and biomechanics by making anchorage perfectly stable. This article addresses various conventional clinical intrusion mechanics and especially intrusion using mini-implants that have proven effective over the years for intrusion of maxillary anteriors.

  1. Validity and applicability of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview administered by family medicine residents in primary health care in Brazil. (United States)

    de Azevedo Marques, João Mazzoncini; Zuardi, Antonio W


    To evaluate the validity and applicability of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) used by family medicine residents in primary health care (PHC) in Brazil. Training for administrating the MINI was given as part of a broad psychiatry education program. Interviews were held with 120 PHC patients who were at least 15 years old. MINI was administered by 25 resident physicians, while the Structured Clinical Interview for Diagnosis (SCID) was administered by a psychiatrist blind to patients' results on the MINI, and the diagnoses on both interviews were compared. The resident physicians answered questions on the applicability of the MINI. Concordance levels for any mental disorder, the broader current diagnostic categories and the most common specific diagnoses were analyzed. Kappa coefficients ranged between 0.65 and 0.85; sensitivity, between 0.75 and 0.92; specificity, between 0.90 and 0.99; positive predictive values (PPV), between 0.60 and 0.86; negative predictive values (NPV), between 0.92 and 0.99; and accuracy, between 0.88 and 0.98. The resident physicians considered MINI comprehensibility and clinical relevance satisfactory. These good psychometric results in a real-world setting may be related to a special training program, which is more frequent, intensive and diversified. In these conditions, the MINI is a useful tool for general practitioners.

  2. Beta-spectrometer with magnetic filter of mini orange type

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gorozhankin, V.M.; Gromov, K.Ya.; Kalinnikov, V.G.; Sereeter, Z.; Fominykh, V.I.; Malikov, Sh.R.; Yuldashev, M.B.


    At the ISOL facility YASNAPP-2 a β-spectrometer with a magnetic filter of the miniorange type is constructed to measure γ-ray internal conversion coefficients. The magnetic filter of the mini orange type is an assemblage of permanent magnets creating a toroidal magnetic field perpendicular to the electron trajectories from the source to the Si(Li) detector. The chosen profile of the permanent magnets allowed electron registration in the defined energy energy interval with some transmission increase. There are two sets of permanent magnets of the different thickness. Varying the type and number of permanent magnets one can set the detected electron energy intervals in a 50-2500 keV range. The efficiency of the spectrometer was investigated for different assemblages of the mini orange magnet. The facility can be used for the e-γ coincidence investigation. (A.A.D.)

  3. Thermalization of mini-jets in a quark–gluon plasma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Iancu, Edmond, E-mail:; Wu, Bin, E-mail: [Institut de Physique Théorique, CEA Saclay, CNRS UMR 3681, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette (France); Department of Physics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210 (United States)


    We present the complete physical picture for the evolution of a high-energy jet propagating through a weakly-coupled quark-gluon plasma (QGP) by analytical and numerical investigation of thermalization of the soft components of the jet. Our results support the following physical picture: the leading particle emits a significant number of mini-jets which promptly evolve via multiple branching and thus degrade into a myriad of soft gluons, with energies of the order of the medium temperature T. Via elastic collisions with the medium constituents, these soft gluons relax to local thermal equilibrium with the plasma over a time scale which is considerably shorter than the typical lifetime of the mini-jet. The thermalized gluons form a tail which lags behind the hard components of the jet. Together with the background QGP, they behave hydrodynamically.

  4. A profissionalidade docente em uma abordagem construtivista Teacher's professionalism in a constructivism approach

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    Cilene Ribeiro de Sá Leite Chakur


    Full Text Available Este trabalho contrapõe-se, de um lado, a investigações cognitivistas que mostram imprecisões conceituais e exaltações exageradas da capacidade de reflexão e autonomia do professor e, de outro, a estudos evolutivos sobre a carreira docente que não explicam os "desvios de rota" encontrados no desenvolvimento desse profissional do ensino. O estudo pretendeu identificar níveis de aquisição da profissionalidade docente, nos âmbitos da prática pedagógica, da autonomia e da identidade profissional, e a investigar formas de reação dos professores a conflitos presentes no cotidiano escolar. Foram entrevistados 19 professores de 5ª a 8ª séries, de uma escola estadual de Araraquara, Estado de São Paulo, empregando-se um conjunto de histórias que simulavam situações escolares problemáticas. A análise dos depoimentos possibilitou o estabelecimento de três níveis hierárquicos na aquisição da profissionalidade docente, cada qual se fazendo acompanhar de uma forma de reação compensatória ao conflito. O estudo indica que a mudança da prática profissional do professor depende de sua sensibilização não apenas à própria mudança, mas também aos fatores perturbadores centrais, nem sempre percebidos, do equilíbrio atingido. O professor pode perceber o conflito, sem que seja sensível à mudança; e pode sensibilizar-se a mudar, sem que saiba como fazê-lo.This work challenges, on one hand, cognitivist researches that show misconceptions and exaggerated exaltations of teachers' capacity for reflection and autonomy, and on the other, evolutionary studies on the teaching career that do not explain the "detours" found in the development of this professional teaching. The study aims to identify levels of acquisition of professional teaching in the fields of pedagogical practice, autonomy and professional identity, and to investigate teachers' forms of reacting to conflicts in everyday school life. Nineteen teachers from the 5th

  5. Are mini DNA-barcodes sufficiently informative to resolve species ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    ... between mini-barcode and the full- length DNA barcode was carried out in Microsoft Excel. ( ..... Received 15 June 2013, in final revised form 5 April 2014; accepted 3 June 2014. Unedited version published ...

  6. [Our experience with mini tapes (TVT Secur and MiniArc) in the surgery for stress urinary incontinence]. (United States)

    Jiménez Calvo, J; Hualde Alfaro, A; Raigoso Ortega, O; Cebrian Lostal, J L; Alvarez Bandres, S; Jiménez Parra, J; Montesino Semper, M; Santiago Gonzalez de Garibay, A


    The purpose of this publication is to describe the surgical technique, assess complications and short-term results of TVT secur and MiniArc tapes. From October 2006 to August 2007 it was carried out the surgical correction with TVT Secur,Women's Health & Urology, Ethicon, Johnson & Johnson, placing the tape as a hammock, to 51 patients, 38 of them with pure stress incontinence and 13 with mixed incontinence and with an average age of 57 years. From September 2007 to February 2008 41 patients, 33 of them with pure stress incontinence and 8 with mixed incontinence, with an average of age of 58 years were operated with AMS Miniarc swing system tape, posted on hammock. All procedures were performed with sedoanalgesia and Ambulatory Surgery regime. Patients were monitored in outpatient visits one month, 3 months and one year after surgical procedure. Medical history and questionnaire and ICIQ-SF, to which we added a question to quantify the degree of satisfaction, as well as physical examination, were done. We compared the results of both technical procedures and statistical survey was conducted by Student test. [Analysis with SPSS software (V14.0)]. The median follow-up in TVT secur group was 328 days (range 163-522 days) and 101 days (range 41-209 days) inthe MiniArc group. We only had one (TVT secur group) surgical complication in all the series (92 patients) being a bladder perforation. Taking into account that we read a negative test effort as an objective cure in the TVT secur group, 80.4% patients are cured and 90.2% inthe MiniArc group without significant difference between both groups (p 0095). To assess the subjective healing we utilized the ICIQ-SF test and the satisfaction extra-question and we noted that there is no significant difference between the first and third month controls. (90% of patients satisfied). 80% of patients were completely satisfied in the first year control that was only performed to TVT secur group. These new tapes show fewer

  7. Implementation of MINI-PACS using the DICOM converter on the Web

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ji, Youn Sang


    In recent years, medical procedures have become more complex, while financial pressures for shortened hospital stays and increased efficiency in patient care have increased. As a result, several shortcomings of present film-based systems for managing medical images have become apparent. Maintaining film space is labor intensive and consumes valuable space. Because only single copies of radiological examinations exist, they are prone to being lost or misplaced, thereby consuming additional valuable time and expense. In this paper, MINI-PACS for image archiving, transmission, and viewing offers a solution to these problems. Proposed MINI-PACS consists of mainly four parts such as Web Module, Client-Server Module, Internal Module, Acquisition Module. In addition, MINI-PACS system includes DICOM Converter that Non-DICOM file format converts standard file format. In Client-Server Module case, Proposed system is combined both SCU(Service Class User: Client) part and SCP(Service Class Provider: Server) part therefore this system provides the high resolution image processing techniques based on windows platform. Because general PACS system is too expensive for Medium and Small hospitals to install and operate the full-PACS. Also, we constructed Web Module for database connection through the WWW.=20

  8. Mandibular Two Mini Implants Overdenture Using Magnetic Attachments: A Case Report

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    Anna Miyayasu


    Full Text Available Many patients with an edentulous mandible struggle to use complete dentures. The instability of such dentures caused by the lack of retention, often causes discomfort, as well as functional and psychosocial problems, which can be signifcantly improved using implant overdentures with retentive attachments. This case report describes a successful case of a mandibular implant overdenture using two mini implants and magnetic attachments for an elderly edentulous patient. Case Report: A 62-year-old female with a thin mandibular bone ridge presented with complaints of pain caused by an unstable and unretentive complete mandibular denture. This patient received two mini implants (diameter: 2.6 mm; length: 12 mm with magnetic attachments. After three months, magnetic assemblies with magnetic attraction of 400 gf were incorporated into the intaglio surface of her mandibular overdenture. At 11 months, magnetic attraction was changed from 400 gf to 600 gf to provide a stronger magnetic force for improving the retention of this denture. Conclusion: Based on a two-year follow-up period, the mandibular two mini implants overdenture with magnetic attachments was successful in improving the patient’s general satisfaction with her dentures

  9. Riscos biomecânicos posturais em trabalhadores de uma serraria Biomechanical risks in sawmill worker postures

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    André Gustavo Soares de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Os trabalhadores em serrarias estão sujeitos a riscos biomecânicos advindos das posturas adotadas durante suas atividades laborais. Este trabalho visou avaliar as posturas adotadas por esses trabalhadores por meio do método de avaliação rápida do corpo inteiro (REBA, rapid entire body assessment, buscando detectar e classificar os riscos biomecânicos. Participaram 15 trabalhadores do setor de produção de uma serraria em João Pessoa, PB, do sexo masculino, com idade média de 44±10,9, avaliando-se quatro posturas: flexão anterior do tronco com levantamento de carga, agachamento profundo, flexão ântero-lateral do tronco e corpo estendido para mover uma prensa. Sintomas musculoesqueléticos foram identificados no mapa corporal de Corlett. Um questionário semi-estruturado levantou os dados demográficos, ambientais e as funções executadas. Pelo REBA, a flexão anterior de tronco apresentou nível de risco muito alto e as posturas de agachamento profundo, flexão ântero-lateral do tronco e movimento do corpo em extensão, nível de risco alto. Uma alta proporção (73,3% deles queixaram-se de dor ou desconforto na coluna e 26,8% na região dos ombros. Considerando os níveis de riscos apresentados, requerem-se intervenções ergonômicas preventivas no posto de trabalho para adoção de posturas que melhor propiciem a execução das atividades com menor risco à saúde do trabalhador.Workers in sawmills are exposed to biomechanical risks due to the postures adopted during their activities. The purpose here was to assess postures adopted by these workers by using the rapid entire body assessment (REBA, in order to detect and classify possible biomechanical risks. Fifteen male workers from the production section of a sawmill in João Pessoa, PB (mean age 44±10.9 years old were assessed as to the postures adopted at work. A semi-structured questionnaire collected demographic and environmental data as well as functions in the workplace

  10. Altered fibre types in gastrocnemius muscle of high wheel-running selected mice with mini-muscle phenotypes. (United States)

    Guderley, Helga; Joanisse, Denis R; Mokas, Sophie; Bilodeau, Geneviève M; Garland, Theodore


    Selective breeding of mice for high voluntary wheel running has favoured characteristics that facilitate sustained, aerobically supported activity, including a "mini-muscle" phenotype with markedly reduced hind limb muscle mass, increased mass-specific activities of oxidative enzymes, decreased % myosin heavy chain IIb, and, in the medial gastrocnemius, reduced twitch speed, reduced mass-specific isotonic power, and increased fatigue resistance. To evaluate whether selection has altered fibre type expression in mice with either "mini" or normal muscle phenotypes, we examined fibre types of red and white gastrocnemius. In both the medial and lateral gastrocnemius, the mini-phenotype increased activities of oxidative enzymes and decreased activities of glycolytic enzymes. In red muscle samples, the mini-phenotype markedly changed fibre types, with the % type I and type IIA fibres and the surface area of type IIA fibres increasing; in addition, mice from selected lines in general had an increased % type IIA fibres and larger type I fibres as compared with mice from control lines. White muscle samples from mini-mice showed dramatic structural alterations, with an atypical distribution of extremely small, unidentifiable fibres surrounded by larger, more oxidative fibres than normally present in white muscle. The increased proportion of oxidative fibres and these atypical small fibres together may explain the reduced mass and increased mitochondrial enzyme activities in mini-muscles. These and previous results demonstrate that extension of selective breeding beyond the time when the response of the selected trait (i.e. distance run) has levelled off can still modify the mechanistic underpinnings of this behaviour.

  11. Factors Influencing Mini-CEX Rater Judgments and Their Practical Implications: A Systematic Literature Review. (United States)

    Lee, Victor; Brain, Keira; Martin, Jenepher


    At present, little is known about how mini-clinical evaluation exercise (mini-CEX) raters translate their observations into judgments and ratings. The authors of this systematic literature review aim both to identify the factors influencing mini-CEX rater judgments in the medical education setting and to translate these findings into practical implications for clinician assessors. The authors searched for internal and external factors influencing mini-CEX rater judgments in the medical education setting from 1980 to 2015 using the Ovid MEDLINE, PsycINFO, ERIC, PubMed, and Scopus databases. They extracted the following information from each study: country of origin, educational level, study design and setting, type of observation, occurrence of rater training, provision of feedback to the trainee, research question, and identified factors influencing rater judgments. The authors also conducted a quality assessment for each study. Seventeen articles met the inclusion criteria. The authors identified both internal and external factors that influence mini-CEX rater judgments. They subcategorized the internal factors into intrinsic rater factors, judgment-making factors (conceptualization, interpretation, attention, and impressions), and scoring factors (scoring integration and domain differentiation). The current theories of rater-based judgment have not helped clinicians resolve the issues of rater idiosyncrasy, bias, gestalt, and conflicting contextual factors; therefore, the authors believe the most important solution is to increase the justification of rater judgments through the use of specific narrative and contextual comments, which are more informative for trainees. Finally, more real-world research is required to bridge the gap between the theory and practice of rater cognition.

  12. Mini buffy coat photopheresis for children and critically ill patients with extracorporeal photopheresis contraindications. (United States)

    Hackstein, Holger; Misterek, Joachim; Nockher, Angelika; Reiter, Alfred; Bein, Gregor; Woessmann, Willi


    Conventional extracorporeal photopheresis (ECP) has proven efficacy for the treatment of several diseases but is limited to patients with sufficient body weight. A novel simplified mini buffy coat ECP technique that allows treatment of small children and patients with apheresis contraindications has been developed. White blood cell (WBC)-rich buffy coat fractions were prepared from 5 to 8 mL/kg whole blood in a closed system, diluted, and ultraviolet A (UVA)-irradiated after addition of 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP). Apoptosis and cell death were analyzed by annexin V and 7-aminoactinomycin staining. Lymphocyte proliferation was measured after CD3/CD28 and phytohemagglutinin (PHA) stimulation. Autologous residual blood and UVA-irradiated buffy coat were returned to the patients. Fifty-six mini buffy coat ECP procedures were applied to three children with acute steroid-refractory skin graft-versus-host disease and apheresis contraindications. Mean whole blood and buffy coat volumes were 166 (+/-61.8) and 8 (+/-1.6) mL, respectively, and resulted in a hematocrit of 2.2% (+/-0.4) after saline dilution (median +/- SD). UVA irradiation of 8-MOP buffy coat preparations resulted in significant induction of WBC apoptosis at 48-72 hours (p laboratory side effects were observed during mini ECP procedures and the three patients responded to the therapy. Mini buffy coat ECP induces apoptosis and lymphocyte proliferation inhibition, both of which occur after standard ECP. This study proposes that mini buffy coat ECP be used as a simple and inexpensive alternative to classical ECP in children and adult patients with apheresis contraindications.

  13. Matrix-mini-tablets of lornoxicam for targeting early morning peak symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis

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    Abdul Hadi Mohd


    Full Text Available Objective(s: The aim of present research was to develop matrix-mini-tablets of lornoxicam filled in capsule for targeting early morning peak symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Materials and Methods:Matrix-mini-tablets of lornoxicam were prepared by direct compression method using microsomal enzyme dependent and pH-sensitive polymers which were further filled into an empty HPMC capsule. To assess the compatibility, FT-IR and DSC studies for pure drug, polymers and their physical mixture were performed. The formulated batches were subjected to physicochemical studies, estimation of drug content, in vitro drug release, drug release kinetics, and stability studies. Results:  When FTIR and DSC studies were performed it was found that there was no interaction between lornoxicam and polymers which used. All the physicochemical properties of prepared matrix-mini-tablets were found to be in normal limits. The percentage of drug content was found to be 99.60±0.07%. Our optimized matrix mini-tablets-filled-capsule formulation F30 released lornoxicam after a lag time of 5.02±0.92 hr, 95.48±0.65 % at the end of 8 hr and 99.90±0.83 % at the end of 12 hr. Stability was also found for this formulation as per the guidelines of International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use. Conclusion: A novel colon targeted delivery system of lornoxicam was successfully developed by filling matrix-mini-tablets into an empty HPMC capsule shell for targeting early morning peak symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

  14. Perlindungan Hukum Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (Hki) Dalam Waralaba Retail Mini Market Di Yogyakarta


    Hariyanto Hariyanto, S.H., M.KN


    Franchise business is more happening in Indonesia. This fast development indicates an interesting investment which on the same time helps the business subjects in starting their own business with a low risk. The franchise business which commonly stable is retail business. One of retail business which serves the main needs and daily needs is mini market Alfamart and Indomaret. This research aims to identify the IPR which the franchise's object between franchisor and franchisee in the mini mark...

  15. Civil mini-RPA's for the 1980's: Avionics design considerations. [remotely piloted vehicles (United States)

    Karmarkar, J. S.


    A number of remote sensing or surveillance tasks (e.g., fire fighting, crop monitoring) in the civilian sector of our society may be performed in a cost effective manner by use of small remotely piloted aircraft (RPA). This study was conducted to determine equipment (and the associated technology) that is available, and that could be applied to the mini-RPA and to examine the potential applications of the mini-RPA with special emphasis on the wild fire surveillance mission. The operational considerations of using the mini-RPA as affected by government regulatory agencies were investigated. These led to equipment requirements (e.g., infra-red sensors) over and above those for the performance of the mission. A computer technology survey and forecast was performed. Key subsystems were identified, and a distributed microcomputer configuration, that was functionally modular, was recommended. Areas for further NASA research and development activity were also identified.

  16. Primary Stability of Self-Drilling and Self-Tapping Mini-Implant in Tibia of Diabetes-Induced Rabbits

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    Jea-Beom Park


    Full Text Available Objective. This study aimed to evaluate effects of type 1 diabetes mellitus and mini-implant placement method on the primary stability of mini-implants by comparing mechanical stability and microstructural/histological differences. Methods. After 4 weeks of diabetic induction, 48 mini-implants (24 self-tapping and 24 self-drilling implants were placed on the tibia of 6 diabetic and 6 normal rabbits. After 4 weeks, the rabbits were sacrificed. Insertion torque, removal torque, insertion energy, and removal energy were measured with a surgical engine on 8 rabbits. Remaining 4 rabbits were analyzed by microcomputed tomography (micro-CT and bone histomorphometry. Results. Total insertion energy was higher in self-drilling groups than self-tapping groups in both control and diabetic groups. Diabetic groups had more trabecular separation in bone marrow than the control groups in both SD and ST groups. Micro-CT analysis showed deterioration of bone quality in tibia especially in bone marrow of diabetic rabbits. However, there was no statistically significant correlation between self-drilling and self-tapping group for the remaining measurements in both control and diabetic groups. Conclusions. Type 1 diabetes mellitus and placement method of mini-implant did not affect primary stability of mini-implants.

  17. Gamma ray transmission for hydraulic conductivity measurement of undisturbed soil columns

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    Anderson Camargo Moreira


    Full Text Available This work had the objective to determine the Hydraulic Conductivity K(theta function for different depth levels z, of columns of undisturbed soil, using the gamma ray transmission technique applied to the Sisson method. The results indicated a growing behavior for K(theta and a homogeneous soil density, both in relation to the increase of the depth. The methodology of gamma ray transmission showed satisfactory results on the determination of the hydraulic conductivity in columns of undisturbed soil, besides being very reliable and a nondestructive method.O estudo da condutividade hidráulica para solos não saturados é essencial quando aplicado às situações relacionadas à irrigação, drenagem e transporte de nutrientes no solo, é uma importante propriedade para desenvolvimentos de culturas agrícolas. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de determinar a função Condutividade Hidráulica K(teta, em diferentes níveis z de profundidade, em colunas de solo indeformado, utilizando a transmissão de raios gama aplicada ao método de Sisson. Os resultados indicam um comportamento crescente para K(teta e uma densidade de solo homogênea, ambos em relação ao aumento da profundidade. A metodologia de transmissão de raios gama mostrou resultados bastante satisfatórios na determinação da condutividade hidráulica em colunas de solo indeformado, além de ser muito confiável e não destrutivo.

  18. Mini-projects in Chemical Engineering Laboratory

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    Angeles Cancela


    Full Text Available Chemical engineering laboratory practices based in mini-projects were design and applied the students of forestry engineering in chemical subject. This way of practice reveals a more cooperative learning and a different style of experimentation. The stated goal was to design practices that motivate students and to enable them to develop different skills, including cross teamwork and communication. This paper describes how these practices were developed and the advantages and disadvantages of using this methodology of teaching.


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    Gilmar Ferreira dos Santos


    Full Text Available A Psicologia se consolidou como uma ciência de intervenção ampla, superando os limites da atuação individual. Uma das áreas de atuação do psicólogo é na escola. Com mais de um século de existência, a psicologia interviu dentro do contexto escolar de diversas formas. Umas estão ultrapassadas, outras formas se fazem presentes no contexto social e nas práticas educacionais. A atuação do psicólogo escolar é uma história em construção. Desta forma, este artigo oferece como temática a utilização de instrumentais metodológicos para o psicólogo escolar, a partir da experiência de estágio profissionalizante, quando se relatam as contribuições teórico-metodológicas que nortearam a prática e ofereceram suporte às intervenções. Utilizaram-se como subsídios teóricos, as concepções da Psicologia Sociointeracionista, a visão antropológica da observação participante e as contribuições da Psicologia Escolar. A observação participante enquanto metodologia qualitativa permitiu a modificação nas relações sociais do contexto escolar, favorecendo a inserção e a presença dos estagiários, bem como a promoção das relações interpessoais dentro e entre os partícipes da comunidade institucional. As ações ocorreram em uma instituição de ensino fundamental situada na região do Sertão Central Cearense, abrangendo toda comunidade escolar. A experiência aponta que as ações desenvolvidas contribuíram para promoção de saúde no contexto educacional.

  20. Dissolved Organic Carbon Determination Using FIA and Photo-Fenton Reaction

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    Márcia M. Kondo


    Full Text Available The FIA-photo-Fenton system is based on the flow oxidation of the organic matter. A small amount of the sample containing H2O2 is injected into the acidic flow solution of Fe2+, which passes through a tubular PTFE reactor irradiated with UV light. The generated CO2 is quantified by a conductometric detector and is directly proportional to the dissolved organic carbon concentration in the sample. The optimization studies were performed using EDTA solutions. The average recovery of organic carbon was 83% with a relative standard deviation of 3.7% using a 1:5 molar ratio of Fe2+:H2O2, pH 2.0, 100 muL of sample injection and a liquid flow of 1 mL min-1. After optimization, the DOC concentration was quantified using 13 different organic compounds, where the average recovery was 90%. The rate of the analysis was in average 50 samples hour-1.O sistema FIA-foto-Fenton é baseado na oxidação em fluxo da matéria orgânica. Uma pequena quantidade de amostra contendo H2O2 é introduzida no fluxo de uma solução ácida de Fe2+, que passa por um reator tubular de PTFE irradiado com luz UV. O CO2 gerado é quantificado condutometricamente e é diretamente proporcional à concentração de carbono orgânico dissolvido na amostra. Os estudos de otimização foram realizados empregando soluções de EDTA. A recuperação média de carbono orgânico foi de 83% com desvio padrão relativo de 3,7% empregando 100 miL de amostra, pH 2,0, razão molar entre Fe2+ e H2O2 de 1:5 e uma vazão de 1 mL.min-1. Após otimização as concentrações de DOC foram quantificadas em 13 diferentes compostos orgânicos, com uma recuperação média de 90%. A velocidade de análise foi em média 50 amostras/h.

  1. Characterization of a mini-channel heat exchanger for a heat pump system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arteconi, A; Giuliani, G; Tartuferi, M; Polonara, F


    In this paper a mini-channel aluminum heat exchanger used in a reversible heat pump is presented. Mini-channel finned heat exchangers are getting more and more interest for refrigeration systems, especially when compactness and low refrigerant charge are desired. Purpose of this paper was to characterize the mini-channel heat exchanger used as evaporator in terms of heat transfer performance and to study the refrigerant distribution in the manifold. The heat exchanger characterization was performed experimentally by means of a test rig built up for this purpose. It is composed of an air-to-air heat pump, air channels for the external and internal air circulation arranged in a closed loop, measurement sensors and an acquisition system. The overall heat transfer capacity was assessed. Moreover, in order to characterize the flow field of the refrigerant in the manifold of the heat exchanger, a numerical investigation of the fluid flow by means of CFD was performed. It was meant to evaluate the goodness of the present design and to identify possible solutions for the future improvement of the manifold design.

  2. Enhancing Application Performance Using Mini-Apps: Comparison of Hybrid Parallel Programming Paradigms (United States)

    Lawson, Gary; Sosonkina, Masha; Baurle, Robert; Hammond, Dana


    In many fields, real-world applications for High Performance Computing have already been developed. For these applications to stay up-to-date, new parallel strategies must be explored to yield the best performance; however, restructuring or modifying a real-world application may be daunting depending on the size of the code. In this case, a mini-app may be employed to quickly explore such options without modifying the entire code. In this work, several mini-apps have been created to enhance a real-world application performance, namely the VULCAN code for complex flow analysis developed at the NASA Langley Research Center. These mini-apps explore hybrid parallel programming paradigms with Message Passing Interface (MPI) for distributed memory access and either Shared MPI (SMPI) or OpenMP for shared memory accesses. Performance testing shows that MPI+SMPI yields the best execution performance, while requiring the largest number of code changes. A maximum speedup of 23 was measured for MPI+SMPI, but only 11 was measured for MPI+OpenMP.

  3. A Cost-Effective Fluorescence Mini-Microscope with Adjustable Magnifications for Biomedical Applications (United States)

    Zhang, Yu Shrike; Ribas, João; Nadhman, Akhtar; Aleman, Julio; Selimović, Šeila; Lesher-Perez, Sasha Cai; Wang, Ting; Manoharan, Vijayan; Shin, Su-Ryon; Damilano, Alessia; Annabi, Nasim; Dokmeci, Mehmet Remzi; Takayama, Shuichi; Khademhosseini, Ali


    We have designed and fabricated a miniature microscope from off-the-shelf components and webcam, with built-in fluorescence capability for biomedical applications. The mini-microscope was able to detect both biochemical parameters such as cell/tissue viability (e.g. Live/Dead assay), and biophysical properties of the microenvironment such as oxygen levels in microfabricated tissues based on an oxygen-sensitive fluorescent dye. This mini-microscope has adjustable magnifications from 8-60X, achieves a resolution as high as microscope was able to chronologically monitor cell migration and analyze beating of microfluidic liver and cardiac bioreactors in real time, respectively. The mini-microscope system is cheap, and its modularity allows convenient integration with a wide variety of pre-existing platforms including but not limited to, cell culture plates, microfluidic devices, and organs-on-a-chip systems. Therefore, we envision its widespread applications in cell biology, tissue engineering, biosensing, microfluidics, and organs-on-chips, which can potentially replace conventional bench-top microscopy where long-term in situ and large-scale imaging/analysis is required. PMID:26282117

  4. Critical factors for the success of orthodontic mini-implants: a systematic review. (United States)

    Chen, Yan; Kyung, Hee Moon; Zhao, Wen Ting; Yu, Won Jae


    This systematic review was undertaken to discuss factors that affect mini-implants as direct and indirect orthodontic anchorage. The data were collected from electronic databases (Medline [Entrez PubMed], Embase, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, and All Evidence Based Medicine Reviews). Randomized clinical trials, prospective and retrospective clinical studies, and clinical trials concerning the properties, affective factors, and requirements of mini-implants were considered. The titles and abstracts that appeared to fulfill the initial selection criteria were collected by consensus, and the original articles were retrieved and evaluated with a methodologic checklist. A hand search of key orthodontic journals was performed to identify recent unindexed literature. The search strategy resulted in 596 articles. By screening titles and abstracts, 126 articles were identified. After the exclusion criteria were applied, 16 articles remained. The analyzed results of the literature were divided into 2 topics: placement-related and loading-related factors. Mini-implants are effective as anchorage, and their success depends on proper initial mechanical stability and loading quality and quantity.

  5. Laser-Driven Mini-Thrusters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sterling, Enrique; Lin Jun; Sinko, John; Kodgis, Lisa; Porter, Simon; Pakhomov, Andrew V.; Larson, C. William; Mead, Franklin B. Jr.


    Laser-driven mini-thrusters were studied using Delrin registered and PVC (Delrin registered is a registered trademark of DuPont) as propellants. TEA CO2 laser (λ = 10.6 μm) was used as a driving laser. Coupling coefficients were deduced from two independent techniques: force-time curves measured with a piezoelectric sensor and ballistic pendulum. Time-resolved ICCD images of the expanding plasma and combustion products were analyzed in order to determine the main process that generates the thrust. The measurements were also performed in a nitrogen atmosphere in order to test the combustion effects on thrust. A pinhole transmission experiment was performed for the study of the cut-off time when the ablation/air breakdown plasma becomes opaque to the incoming laser pulse

  6. Laser-Driven Mini-Thrusters (United States)

    Sterling, Enrique; Lin, Jun; Sinko, John; Kodgis, Lisa; Porter, Simon; Pakhomov, Andrew V.; Larson, C. William; Mead, Franklin B.


    Laser-driven mini-thrusters were studied using Delrin® and PVC (Delrin® is a registered trademark of DuPont) as propellants. TEA CO2 laser (λ = 10.6 μm) was used as a driving laser. Coupling coefficients were deduced from two independent techniques: force-time curves measured with a piezoelectric sensor and ballistic pendulum. Time-resolved ICCD images of the expanding plasma and combustion products were analyzed in order to determine the main process that generates the thrust. The measurements were also performed in a nitrogen atmosphere in order to test the combustion effects on thrust. A pinhole transmission experiment was performed for the study of the cut-off time when the ablation/air breakdown plasma becomes opaque to the incoming laser pulse.

  7. Usefulness of the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) in predicting the nutritional status of people with mental disorders in Taiwan. (United States)

    Tsai, Alan C; Chou, Yuan-Ti; Chang, Tsui-Lan


    The study was to evaluate the ability of the Mini Nutritional Assessment in predicting malnutrition in people with three subtypes of mental disorder (schizophrenia, major depression and bipolar disorder) in Taiwan. The study involved a convenience sample of 120 residents of psychiatric wards managed by a hospital in central Taiwan (52 with schizophrenia, 36 with major depression and 32 with bipolar disorder) classified according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition criteria. A structured questionnaire elicited subjects' personal data, disease history and answers to questions in the Mini Nutritional Assessment. Serum and anthropometrical parameters were measured. Nutritional status was evaluated with a content-equivalent version of the Mini Nutritional Assessment (Taiwan version-1, T1). The Mini Nutritional Assessment-Taiwan version-1 was effective in assessing the nutritional status of people of all three subtypes of disorder. Nutritional statuses predicted with the Mini Nutritional Assessment-Taiwan version-1 agreed well with other nutritional indicators such as BMI, waist circumference and appetite status. According to the Mini Nutritional Assessment-Taiwan version-1, people with major depression were more likely to be at risk of undernutrition, whereas people with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder were more likely to be at risk of overnutrition. The Mini Nutritional Assessment-Taiwan version-1 can effectively grade both undernutrition and overnutrition of people with schizophrenia, major depression or bipolar disorder. The Mini Nutritional Assessment enables nurses to monitor emerging nutritional problems in people with psychiatric disorder without relying on subjective judgement. With proper intervention, it can help reduce nutrition-related chronic conditions in these individuals and save on healthcare cost. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  8. Toward Solution of the MiniBooNE-LSND Anomalies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Karagiorgi, G.


    The LSND experiment has observed an anomalous excess of ν ¯ e events in a ν ¯ μ beam which can be interpreted as two-neutrino ν ¯ μ →ν ¯ e oscillations at Δm 2 ∼1 eV 2 , suggesting new physics. The MiniBooNE experiment has ruled out the LSND two-neutrino oscillation interpretation by looking for corresponding flavor oscillations in a neutrino beam, and assuming CP and CPT conservation. However, it has observed an anomalous excess of ν e events at low energy, which, to date, remains unexplained. The two excess signatures are discussed within the context of light sterile neutrino oscillations, and are further confronted with the latest results from a MiniBooNE search for ν ¯ μ →ν ¯ e oscillations in an antineutrino beam. Alternative interpretations are also referenced, along with possible future experimental tests.

  9. MiniSipper: a new in situ water sampler for high-resolution, long-duration acid mine drainage monitoring. (United States)

    Chapin, Thomas P; Todd, Andrew S


    Abandoned hard-rock mines can be a significant source of acid mine drainage (AMD) and toxic metal pollution to watersheds. In Colorado, USA, abandoned mines are often located in remote, high elevation areas that are snowbound for 7-8 months of the year. The difficulty in accessing these remote sites, especially during winter, creates challenging water sampling problems and major hydrologic and toxic metal loading events are often under sampled. Currently available automated water samplers are not well suited for sampling remote snowbound areas so the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has developed a new water sampler, the MiniSipper, to provide long-duration, high-resolution water sampling in remote areas. The MiniSipper is a small, portable sampler that uses gas bubbles to separate up to 250 five milliliter acidified samples in a long tubing coil. The MiniSipper operates for over 8 months unattended in water under snow/ice, reduces field work costs, and greatly increases sampling resolution, especially during inaccessible times. MiniSippers were deployed in support of an U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) project evaluating acid mine drainage inputs from the Pennsylvania Mine to the Snake River watershed in Summit County, CO, USA. MiniSipper metal results agree within 10% of EPA-USGS hand collected grab sample results. Our high-resolution results reveal very strong correlations (R(2)>0.9) between potentially toxic metals (Cd, Cu, and Zn) and specific conductivity at the Pennsylvania Mine site. The large number of samples collected by the MiniSipper over the entire water year provides a detailed look at the effects of major hydrologic events such as snowmelt runoff and rainstorms on metal loading from the Pennsylvania Mine. MiniSipper results will help guide EPA sampling strategy and remediation efforts in the Snake River watershed. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  10. MiniSipper: A new in situ water sampler for high-resolution, long-duration acid mine drainage monitoring (United States)

    Chapin, Thomas P.; Todd, Andrew S.


    Abandoned hard-rock mines can be a significant source of acid mine drainage (AMD) and toxic metal pollution to watersheds. In Colorado, USA, abandoned mines are often located in remote, high elevation areas that are snowbound for 7–8 months of the year. The difficulty in accessing these remote sites, especially during winter, creates challenging water sampling problems and major hydrologic and toxic metal loading events are often under sampled. Currently available automated water samplers are not well suited for sampling remote snowbound areas so the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has developed a new water sampler, the MiniSipper, to provide long-duration, high-resolution water sampling in remote areas. The MiniSipper is a small, portable sampler that uses gas bubbles to separate up to 250 five milliliter acidified samples in a long tubing coil. The MiniSipper operates for over 8 months unattended in water under snow/ice, reduces field work costs, and greatly increases sampling resolution, especially during inaccessible times. MiniSippers were deployed in support of an U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) project evaluating acid mine drainage inputs from the Pennsylvania Mine to the Snake River watershed in Summit County, CO, USA. MiniSipper metal results agree within 10% of EPA-USGS hand collected grab sample results. Our high-resolution results reveal very strong correlations (R2 > 0.9) between potentially toxic metals (Cd, Cu, and Zn) and specific conductivity at the Pennsylvania Mine site. The large number of samples collected by the MiniSipper over the entire water year provides a detailed look at the effects of major hydrologic events such as snowmelt runoff and rainstorms on metal loading from the Pennsylvania Mine. MiniSipper results will help guide EPA sampling strategy and remediation efforts in the Snake River watershed.

  11. [Comparison of endotracheal aspiration and mini-BAL culture results in the diagnosis of ventilator-associated pneumonia]. (United States)

    Artuk, Cumhur; Gül, Hanefi Cem; Mert, Gürkan; Karakaş, Ahmet; Bedir, Orhan; Eyigün, Can Polat


    The objective of this study was to compare the results of cultures obtained by mini-bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and endotracheal aspiration (ETA) techniques, used for rapid and accurate determination of pathogens causing ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) in intensive care units. Of the 92 patients on mechanical ventilation followed at the emergency intensive care unit of our hospital between June 2010 and June 2011, 30 (32.2%) patients were diagnosed as VAP and they were included in this study. VAP diagnosis were based on the clinical and radiological findings. Clinical pulmonary infection score (CPIS) of > 6 was accepted as the clinical criteria of VAP. Initially ETA samples were collected from the patients followed by mini-BAL sampling 15 minutes later, together with urine and two blood cultures. Microbiological evaluation and identification were performed by conventional methods and Phoenix 100 (BD Diagnostic Systems, ABD) automated system. In quantitative culture analysis, > 10.000 cfu/ml for BAL and > 100.000 cfu/ml for ETA were accepted as the positive result. The mean ages of VAP-developed (n= 30; 18 were male) and nondeveloped (n= 62; 39 were male) patients were 68.23 ± 16.19 and 52.16 ± 10.41 years, respectively, and the mean durations of mechanical ventilation were 29.57 ± 15.78 and 12.11 ± 6.01 days, respectively. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that older age (pVAP development. There was also a statistically significant difference in CPIS values between patients who developed VAP and not (6.8 ± 1.15 and 2.71 ± 1.06, respectively; pVAP diagnosis was found to be useful in patients on mechanical ventilation. In our study, a total of 16 strains (six A.baumannii, three P.aeruginosa, one K.pneumoniae, six S.aureus) were isolated from ETA cultures, while 34 strains (16 A.baumannii, six P.aeruginosa, four K.pneumoniae, two E.coli, six S.aureus) were isolated from mini-BAL cultures of 30 VAP patients. The contamination rate for ETA

  12. The ASTRI mini-array within the future Cherenkov Telescope Array

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vercellone Stefano


    Full Text Available The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA is a large collaborative effort aimed at the design and operation of an observatory dedicated to very high-energy gamma-ray astrophysics in the energy range from a few tens of GeV to above 100 TeV, which will yield about an order of magnitude improvement in sensitivity with respect to the current major arrays (H.E.S.S., MAGIC, and VERITAS. Within this framework, the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics is leading the ASTRI project, whose main goals are the design and installation on Mt. Etna (Sicily of an end-to-end dual-mirror prototype of the CTA small size telescope (SST and the installation at the CTA Southern site of a dual-mirror SST mini-array composed of nine units with a relative distance of about 300 m. The innovative dual-mirror Schwarzschild-Couder optical solution adopted for the ASTRI Project allows us to substantially reduce the telescope plate-scale and, therefore, to adopt silicon photo-multipliers as light detectors. The ASTRI mini-array is a wider international effort. The mini-array, sensitive in the energy range 1–100 TeV and beyond with an angular resolution of a few arcmin and an energy resolution of about 10–15%, is well suited to study relatively bright sources (a few × 10−12 erg cm−2 s−1 at 10 TeV at very high energy. Prominent sources such as extreme blazars, nearby well-known BL Lac objects, Galactic pulsar wind nebulae, supernovae remnants, micro-quasars, and the Galactic Center can be observed in a previously unexplored energy range. The ASTRI mini-array will extend the current IACTs sensitivity well above a few tens of TeV and, at the same time, will allow us to compare our results on a few selected targets with those of current (HAWC and future high-altitude extensive air-shower detectors.

  13. Tests of Lorentz and CPT violation with MiniBooNE neutrino oscillation excesses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Katori, Teppei


    Lorentz and CPT symmetry violaton is a predicted phenomenon of Planck–scale physics. Various types of data are analyzed to search for Lorentz violation under the Standard–Model Extension (SME) framework, including neutrino oscillation data. MiniBooNE is a short–baseline neutrino oscillation experiment at Fermilab. The measured excesses from MiniBooNE cannot be reconciled within the neutrino Standard Model (vSM); thus it might be a signal of new physics, such as Lorentz violation. We have analyzed the sidereal time dependence of MiniBooNE data for signals of the possible sidereal time dependence of the ocillation signals. we find that the v e appearance data prefer a sidereal time–independent solution, and the v-bar e appearance data slightly prefer a sidereal time–dependent solution, however, the statistical significance is not high to claim the discovery. Limits of order 10 −20 GeV are placed on combinations of SME coefficients

  14. Mapping of radiation anomalies using UAV mini-airborne gamma-ray spectrometry. (United States)

    Šálek, Ondřej; Matolín, Milan; Gryc, Lubomír


    Localization of size-limited gamma-ray anomalies plays a fundamental role in uranium prospecting and environmental studies. Possibilities of a newly developed mini-airborne gamma-ray spectrometric equipment were tested on a uranium anomaly near the village of Třebsko, Czech Republic. The measurement equipment was based on a scintillation gamma-ray spectrometer specially developed for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) mounted on powerful hexacopter. The gamma-ray spectrometer has two 103 cm 3 BGO scintillation detectors of relatively high sensitivity. The tested anomaly, which is 80 m by 40 m in size, was investigated by ground gamma-ray spectrometric measurement in a detail rectangular measurement grid. Average uranium concentration is 25 mg/kg eU attaining 700 mg/kg eU locally. The mini-airborne measurement across the anomaly was carried out on three 100 m long parallel profiles at eight flight altitudes from 5 to 40 m above the ground. The resulting 1 s 1024 channel gamma-ray spectra, recorded in counts per second (cps), were processed to concentration units of K, U and Th, while total count (TC) was reported in cps. Increased gamma ray intensity of the anomaly was indicated by mini-airborne measurement at all profiles and altitudes, including the highest altitude of 40 m, at which the recorded intensity is close to the natural radiation background. The reported instrument is able to record data with comparable quality as standard airborne survey, due to relative sensitive detector, lower flight altitude and relatively low flight speed of 1 m/s. The presented experiment brings new experience with using unmanned semi-autonomous aerial vehicles and the latest mini-airborne radiometric instrument. The experiment has demonstrated the instrument's ability to localize size-limited uranium anomalies. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Avaliação económica de um investimento em geração de energia das ondas e energia solar térmica


    Nunes, Ruben Fernando Lopes


    O presente trabalho tem como objectivo efectuar a avaliação económica e determinar a viabilidade com e sem os incentivos fiscais de duas tecnologias de conversão de duas fontes distinta e emergentes de energia renovável, o Concentrador Cilindro-parabólico e a Torre Solar para a energia solar termoeléctrica e a Coluna de Água Oscilante e o Pelamis para a energia das ondas. Realiza-se uma curta abordagem à energia Solar e à energia dos Oceanos, e às tecnologias existentes para estes tipos de en...

  16. Estudos ecotoxicológicos com as espécies Argyrodiaptomus furcatus e Notodiaptomus iheringi (Copepoda, Calanoida)


    Denise Tieme Okumura


    Os Copepoda constituem a maior classe de pequenos crustáceos, com mais de 8.500 espécies descritas. Dentre as cinco ordens de Copepoda de vida livre, as espécies pertencentes à ordem Calanoida apresentam um forte endemismo, com uma restrita distribuição geográfica. Além disso, os Copepoda Calanoida são particularmente sensíveis a contaminantes contidos na coluna de água devido ao seu hábito planctônico. No presente trabalho foram realizados estudos ecotoxicológicos com duas espécies de Copepo...

  17. Alzheimer's Dementia: Performance on the Mini-Mental State Examination. (United States)

    Teng, Evelyn Lee; And Others


    Analyzed the performance of Alzheimer's patients (N=141) on the Mini-Mental State Examination. Performance on all items showed significant negative correlation with the duration of the illness. The most difficult item was "recall," and the improvement in recall was obtained with cuing. (Author/ABB)

  18. Two-stage SQUID systems and transducers development for MiniGRAIL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gottardi, L; Podt, M; Bassan, M; Flokstra, J; Karbalai-Sadegh, A; Minenkov, Y; Reinke, W; Shumack, A; Srinivas, S; Waard, A de; Frossati, G


    We present measurements on a two-stage SQUID system based on a dc-SQUID as a sensor and a DROS as an amplifier. We measured the intrinsic noise of the dc-SQUID at 4.2 K. A new dc-SQUID has been fabricated. It was specially designed to be used with MiniGRAIL transducers. Cooling fins have been added in order to improve the cooling of the SQUID and the design is optimized to achieve the quantum limit of the sensor SQUID at temperatures above 100 mK. In this paper we also report the effect of the deposition of a Nb film on the quality factor of a small mass Al5056 resonator. Finally, the results of Q-factor measurements on a capacitive transducer for the current MiniGRAIL run are presented

  19. Water droplet accumulation and motion in PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane) fuel cell mini-channels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carton, J.G.; Lawlor, V.; Olabi, A.G.; Hochenauer, C.; Zauner, G.


    Effective water management is one of the key strategies for improving low temperature PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane) fuel cell performance and durability. Phenomena such as membrane dehydration, catalyst layer flooding, mass transport and fluid flow regimes can be affected by the interaction, distribution and movement of water in flow plate channels. In this paper a literature review is completed in relation to PEM fuel cell water flooding. It is clear that droplet formation, movement and interaction with the GDL (Gas Diffusion Layer) have been studied extensively. However slug formation and droplet accumulation in the flow channels has not been analysed in detail. In this study, a CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamic) model and VOF (Volume of Fluid) method is used to simulate water droplet movement and slug formation in PEM fuel cell mini-channels. In addition, water slug visualisation is recorded in ex situ PEM fuel cell mini-channels. Observation and simulation results are discussed with relation to slug formation and the implications to PEM fuel cell performance. -- Highlights: ► Excess water in mini-channels from the collision and coalescence of droplets can directly form slugs in PEM fuel cells. ► Slugs can form at low flow rates so increasing the flow rate can reduce the size and frequency of slugs. ► One channel of a double serpentine mini-channel may become blocked due to the redistribution of airflow and pressure caused by slug formation. ► Correct GDL and mini-channel surface coatings are essential to reduce slug formation and stagnation. ► Having geometry changes (bends and steps) in the flow fields can disrupt slug movement and avoid channel blockages.

  20. Imaging technique for the complete edentulous patient treated conventionally or with mini implant overdenture (United States)

    Meleşcanu Imre, M; Preoteasa, E; Țâncu, AM; Preoteasa, CT


    Rationale. The imaging methods are more and more used in the clinical process of modern dentistry. Once the implant based treatment alternatives are nowadays seen as being the standard of care in edentulous patients, these techniques must be integrated in the complete denture treatment. Aim. The study presents some evaluation techniques for the edentulous patient treated by conventional dentures or mini dental implants (mini SKY Bredent) overdentures, using the profile teleradiography. These offer data useful for an optimal positioning of the artificial teeth and the mini dental implants, favoring to obtain an esthetic and functional treatment outcome. We proposed also a method to conceive a simple surgical guide that allows the prosthetically driven implants placement. Material and method. Clinical case reports were made, highlighting the importance of cephalometric evaluation on lateral teleradiographs in complete edentulous patients. A clinical case that gradually reports the surgical guide preparation (Bredent silicon radio opaque), in order to place the mini dental implants in the best prosthetic and anatomic conditions, was presented. Conclusions. The profile teleradiograph is a useful tool for the practitioner. It allows establishing the optimal site for implant placement, in a good relation with the overdenture. The conventional denture can be easily and relatively costless transformed in a surgical guide used during implant placement. PMID:23599828