
Sample records for empleo temporal involuntario

  1. El Malestar en el Empleo Temporal Involuntario


    Blanch, Josep M.; Cantera, Leonor M.


    El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el papel de la voluntariedad de la situación ocupacional en el malestar psicológico en el empleo temporal. Se aplicó un cuestionario a una muestra de 463 personas incluidas en alguno de los siguientes cuatro tipos ideales de situación ocupacional: empleo estable, empleo temporal voluntario, empleo temporal involuntario y desempleo. Los resultados muestran diferencias significativas entre todos los tipos laborales en la escala de bienestar laboral. De m...

  2. El malestar en el Empleo Temporal Involuntario


    Blanch i Ribas, Josep Maria


    El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el papel de la voluntariedad de la situación ocupacional en el malestar psicológico en el empleo temporal. Se aplicó un cuestionario a una muestra de 463 personas incluidas en alguno de los siguientes cuatro tipos ideales de situación ocupacional: empleo estable, empleo temporal voluntario, empleo temporal involuntario y desempleo. Los resultados muestran diferencias significativas entre todos los tipos laborales en la escala de bienestar laboral. De m...

  3. Keynes y el empleo

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    Héctor Ruiz Ramírez


    Full Text Available Keynes, al igual que Marx y la escuela ortodoxa (clásica y neoclásica, supone libre concurrencia en el mercado de productos, pero a diferencia de todos ellos, asume un mercado de trabajo imperfecto, en el cual los salarios se negocian en términos nominales y no reales, evidenciando así un desempleo involuntario. Igualmente, Keynes postula una rigidez en el mercado de capitales que limita la expansión del empleo, no solo en el corto plazo, sino también en el largo plazo, aun cuando el beneficio sea todavía positivo. Mientras los clásicos sostenían la idea de precios y salarios flexibles, Keynes señalaba lo contrario, es decir, rígidos e inflexibles. Para Keynes, la causa del desempleo era la insuficiente demanda agregada y que el desempleo no se corregía con una reducción de salarios, sino con una mayor demanda. Este fue su postulado básico para explicar el empleo.

  4. Yacimientos de Empleo

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    Luis Fernando Aguado Quintero


    Full Text Available Empleando el enfoque de los Nuevos Yacimientos de Empleo (NYE en el artículo se realiza una valoración en términos del potencial de empleo generado en la actividad cuidado de infantes (menores entre 0 y 4 años en el Valle del Cauca, a través de dos alternativas; a número de empleos potenciales generados mediante empleadas en el hogar, o en centros de cuidado (guarderías infantiles y b número de empleos potenciales generados para personal docente en instituciones externas al hogar especializadas en educación inicial y cuidado infantil. Los cálculos, teniendo presente sólo la población de infantes cuyos madres o padres manifiestan una demanda insatisfecha para su cuidado, arrojan un potencial de creación de 25.356 empleos nuevos para trabajadoras en el hogar o en instituciones de cuidado infantil y un total de 4.057 plazas para docentes en centros de educación inicial y cuidado infantil.


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    Finn Edler von Eyben


    Full Text Available Este trabajo examina y actualiza los aspectos sanitarios del consumo de tabaco basándose especialmente en estudios llevados a cabo en países europeos, con énfasis en el tabaquismo en el lugar de trabajo. Se revisan los riesgos del consumo de tabaco para la salud en ambos sexos, el impacto en la esperanza de vida, las ventajas del abandono del consumo de tabaco, el patrón social del tabaquismo en las sociedades occidentales y las diferencias sociales en las enfermedades que causa. Se describen también los efectos inmediatos y a largo plazo del consumo involuntario de tabaco, sus consecuencias en el lugar de trabajo, y las técnicas de medida del Aire Contaminado por Humo de Tabaco (ACHT.

  6. Riesgos para la salud derivados del consumo voluntario e involuntario de tabaco

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    Eyben Finn Edler von


    Full Text Available Este trabajo examina y actualiza los aspectos sanitarios del consumo de tabaco basándose especialmente en estudios llevados a cabo en países europeos, con énfasis en el tabaquismo en el lugar de trabajo. Se revisan los riesgos del consumo de tabaco para la salud en ambos sexos, el impacto en la esperanza de vida, las ventajas del abandono del consumo de tabaco, el patrón social del tabaquismo en las sociedades occidentales y las diferencias sociales en las enfermedades que causa. Se describen también los efectos inmediatos y a largo plazo del consumo involuntario de tabaco, sus consecuencias en el lugar de trabajo, y las técnicas de medida del Aire Contaminado por Humo de Tabaco (ACHT.

  7. La administración pública en la constitución de 1991: sincretismo involuntario entre la burocracia, el gerencialismo y la gobernanza

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    Manuel Alberto Restrepo-Medina


    Full Text Available La Constitución colombiana de 1991 no opta por un modelo definido de administración pública ni regula sistemáticamente la materia, a pesar de la profusión normativa de su texto. Por el contrario, del conjunto del articulado se deduce un sincretismo involuntario que abarca prescripciones normativas del modelo burocrático y la gerencia pública, y anticipa algunos de los elementos de la gobernanza.

  8. Servicio Integrado de Empleo : Memoria de Actividades 2014




    Memoria de actividades del Servicio Integrado de Empleo en el 2014 SERVICIO INTEGRADO DE EMPLEO (2015). Servicio Integrado de Empleo : Memoria de Actividades 2014. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València.

  9. Servicio Integrado de Empleo: Memoria de Actividades 2015




    Memoria de actividades del Servicio Integrado de Empleo del año 2015 SERVICIO INTEGRADO DE EMPLEO (2016). Servicio Integrado de Empleo: Memoria de Actividades 2015. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València.

  10. Lecciones aprendidas en el reasentamiento involuntario por construcción de infraestructura de cinco ciudades, con enfoque en DDHH y Estado Social de Derecho


    Molina Prieto, Carlos Alberto


    La presente investigación adelanta un estudio de caso, sobre el reasentamientos involuntario realizado en el contexto del macro proyecto urbano: Sistemas Integrados de Transporte Masivo en grandes ciudades Colombianas – SITM, financiado por la banca multilateral (Banco Mundial - BM, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID y Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina - CAF) proyecto que durante su implementación diseñó e implemento políticas concordantes con los estándares internaci...

  11. El reasentamiento involuntario a raíz de la actividad minera y su efecto en las transformaciones socio-espaciales en el corregimiento de Providencia-Antioquia


    Franco, Anna María


    El corregimiento de Providencia -Antioquia, es el epicentro del proyecto minero aurífero a cielo abierto más grande de Colombia: ‘Gramalote’. Por ser parte de la zona de influencia directa del proyecto, el reasentamiento involuntario de la población parecería ser definitivo en el mediano plazo. Empero, el gran reto es llevar a cabo un proceso de reasentamiento exitoso a sabiendas que en Colombia no existe una política nacional de reasentamiento y por lo tanto, en este caso específico la empre...


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    Carlos Giovanni González Espitia


    Full Text Available El artículo discute la implementación de políticas activas de empleo para el mercado laboral en Cali-Colombia. El principal objetivo de una política activa de empleo es la reducción de la tasa de desempleo, la reducción de la participación en la informalidad y el reemplazo de trabajos malos o de baja calidad por trabajos buenos. La acción colectiva de las instituciones regionales públicas, los empresarios regionales y las instituciones académicas es fundamental para alcanzar empleo de alta calidad en la ciudad.

  13. Generación de empleo en el sector agrario colombiano

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    Barrientos Juan Carlos


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    El sector agrario colombiano, a pesar de haber reducido su aporte porcentual al PIB, tiene una relevancia estratégica como generador de empleo en el área rural. Pero ¿de qué manera se ha desarrollado la generación de empleo en el sector agrario colombiano en los últimos años?; ¿cuáles son los factores que más influyen en la generación de empleo en el sector agrario colombiano?, y ¿cuáles son las perspectivas de la generación de empleo en el sector agrario colombiano? La presente investigación tiene como objeto responder preguntas. Para determinar los factores que influyen en la generación de empleo se han utilizado correlaciones de los empleos generados y las variables provenientes de las estadísticas nacionales como: salarios, créditos al sector, producción, migración, exportaciones e importaciones, entre otros. Para el análisis se subdividió al sector en subsectores y grupos de cultivos. Como resultado del trabajo se ha encontrado que el sector agrario tiene en general una creciente generación de empleo. Sin embargo, el subsector de producción animal tiene una tendencia negativa. Por departamentos, las tendencias de generación de empleos agrarios son, en la mayoría de los casos, positivas, pero también hay casos de tendencia negativa y casos donde no se observan cambios. Los factores que han mostrado ser más influyentes para generar empleos en el subsector de producción vegetal son: agrocréditos, sistemas de producción intensivos y precios bajos de las tierras de cultivo. Los salarios y la exportación no tienen mucha relevancia. En el subsector de producción animal el determinante principal es el desarrollo tecnológico (tecnificación y especialización que a su vez está determinado por el agrocrédito, la exportación, los salarios y la producción bovina de carne.

  14. Política social, protección social y programa empleo temporal: el caso Juárez, México

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    Claudia Marcela Roqueme Ramírez


    Full Text Available Este trabajo es un análisis del Programa Empleo Temporal (PET en Ciudad Juárez en el marco del concepto protección social. Para ello se indaga acerca de la política social en México como un intento de comprender hasta qué punto ha contribuido dicho programa a esta alternativa de desarrollo. En este sentido, la revisión bibliográfica se empleó como una herramienta documental y metodológica que permitió conocer otras experiencias en América Latina para situar que la problemática del desempleo y la protección constituyen aún un desafío. Ciudad Juárez no es la excepción. La indagación del PET conduce a proponer que, aunque sus efectos sean positivos temporalmente, los resultados obtenidos son limitados ya que las políticas de acción están encaminadas a solventar en su mayoría contingencias y no una sustentabilidad a mediano y largo plazo. Finalmente, se propone la creación de un índice para monitorear y evaluar el impacto del PET en términos de cobertura, del perfil de los beneficiarios y de los ingresos generados entre los beneficiados.

  15. Implicaciones de las nanotecnologías en el empleo

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    Noela Invernizzi


    Full Text Available Las investigaciones sobre las implicaciones sociales de las nanotecnologías no han abordado el tema del empleo, a pesar de su importancia social. A partir del análisis de las características de los productos de la nanotecnología que están en el mercado, este artículo muestra que las nanotecnologías tendrán un impacto considerable en la distribución del empleo entre los sectores, en la división internacional del trabajo y en las calificaciones para las actividades, causando efectos desestabilizadores en el empleo a nivel nacional y global.

  16. Calidad del empleo y productividad laboral en el Perú


    Chacaltana, Juan; Yamada, Gustavo


    La economía peruana actualmente tiene una baja capacidad para la generación de empleos de calidad, asociada a los bajos niveles de productividad laboral. La primera parte del documento analiza datos del período 2000-2006 y encuentra pocos avances en cuanto al crecimiento de la productividad laboral y los niveles de empleo de calidad. La segunda parte de la investigación ausculta las empresas de dos sectores específicos que destacan por su capacidad de generación de empleo. De acuerdo a una en...

  17. Políticas activas de empleo para cali-colombia1

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    Carlos Giovanni González Espitia


    Full Text Available El artículo discute la implementación de políticas activas de empleo para el mercado laboral en Cali-Colombia. El principal objetivo de una política activa de empleo es la reducción de la tasa de desempleo, la reducción de la participa en la informalidad y el reemplazo de trabajos malos o de baja calidad por trabajos buenos. La acción colectiva de las instituciones regionales públicas, los empresarios regionales y las instituciones académicas es fundamental para alcanzar empleo de alta calidad en la ciudad.


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    Jesús Manuel Cuevas


    Full Text Available El estudio que a continuación se ofrece resume las investigaciones realizadas dentro del proyecto de investigación “nuevos yacimientos de empleo: evaluación de la formación e inserción sociolaboral de personas en riesgos de exclusión social”, proyecto de Investigación y Desarrollo coordinado por la Doctora Leonor Buendía Eisman, analizan- do las lagunas a nivel de empleo existentes en la Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla para la elaboración de propuestas que fomente el empleo y la formación y por tanto el desarrollo sociolaboral de la ciudad. Para ello se realizó un estudio de “nuevos yacimientos de empleo financiado por la Consejería de Economía y Empleo de la Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla” a través de convocatoria pública y con la adjudicación a C.N.A. s.l. Melilla (centro de negocios y asesoramiento Melilla sociedad limitada, así como el asesoramiento de las Agentes de Empleo y Desarrollo Local de Melilla.

  19. Capacidad de generación de empleo en el cuidado de infantes en el valle del cauca, colombia: un ejemplo a partir de los nuevos yacimientos de empleo1

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    Luis Fernando Aguado Quintero


    Full Text Available Empleando el enfoque de los Nuevos Yacimientos de Empleo (NYE en el artículo se realiza una valoración en términos del potencial de empleo generado en la actividad cuidado de infantes (menores entre 0 y 4 años en el Valle del Cauca, a través de dos alternativas; a número de empleos potenciales generados mediante empleadas en el hogar, o en centros de cuidado (guarderías infantiles y b número de empleos potenciales generados para personal docente en instituciones externas al hogar especializadas en educación inicial y cuidado infantil. Los cálculos, teniendo presente sólo la población de infantes cuyos madres o padres manifiestan una demanda insatisfecha para su cuidado, arrojan un potencial de creación de 25.356 empleos nuevos para trabajadoras en el hogar o en instituciones de cuidado infantil y un total de 4.057 plazas para docentes en centros de educación inicial y cuidado infantil.

  20. Ocio, tiempo libre y empleo

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    Luis Fernando Jiménez Guzmán


    Full Text Available La propuesta de la Modernidad pretende que del trabajo, la sociedad derive el bienestar y la vida feliz. El trabajo informado como empleo proporciona seguridad, opciones, posibilidades, valores, bienes, riqueza, felicidad. Una visión bien distinta a la de la Grecia Clásica, inspiradora de la democracia de Occidente, que hace poner en duda la paradoja moderna del trabajo y del tiempo libre bajo todas sus institucionalizaciones, unas generadas culturalmente por las sociedades avanzadas, otras provenientes de la tradición lúdica heredada por el siglo de la Revolución Industrial (turismo, deporte, vacaciones, fiestas, carnavales, actividades de tiempo libre, ocio. Cabe entonces preguntarse si en los inicios de la nueva era postmoderna, de la que somos protagonistas, ocurre que el trabajo y el tiempo libre vienen generando un nuevo sentido, en donde ya no aparecen como irreconciliables opuestos, ni con tajante relación de subordinación. Lo cierto es que hoy, un buen sector del pensamiento sobre la lúdica se inclina por afirmar que se está produciendo una revolución/evolución del trabajo, del empleo y del tiempo libre que los relaciona de modo distinto, acercándolos al punto de compartir entre sí nuevas y cambiantes visiones. Este texto hace parte de esa actualidad del pensamiento. Sostiene que parece haberse superado la simple apuesta teórica de cambio en la tríada binomio trabajo/ empleo/tiempo libre, pues se aprecia un efectivo cambio de rumbo al concretarse una nueva visión de felicidad y de uso del tiempo libre, ya no ligada exclusivamente con la satisfacción de las necesidades materiales, ya no amparada en el binomio histórico esclavo/amo, ya no producto exclusivo del trabajo en su visión de antaño, ya no ansiosa de excesos y banalidades, y a la vez, se aprecia el inicio del cambio hacia un trabajo que ya no es empleo privativo de la libertad, que se llena de lúdica, dejando de ser único imperativo de la vida. La Felicidad

  1. La PYME como generadora de empleo en México

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    María Luisa Saavedra García


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en mostrar la importancia de la PYME en México como fuente generadora de empleos, para este fin en primer lugar se desarrollan los temas de las políticas de generación empleo y las PYME y las políticas empresariales; se trata de un trabajo de tipo documental con una recolección de datos que permitieron analizar la evolución del sector empresarial mexicano por los años 1994 a 2008. Los principales hallazgos permiten determinar que las PYME sobre todo las micro empresas son un importante generador de empleos en México. Más sin embargo, es de notar que ha ido perdiendo participación frente a la empresa grande sobre todo en el sector manufacturero.Palabras clave: PYME; Empleos; Políticas. SME as a job in MexicoAbstractThe aim of this paper is to show the importance of SMEs in Mexico as a source of jobs, for this purpose first issues of employment generation policies and SMEs and corporate policies are developed; It is a documentary work with a collection of data that allowed analyzing the evolution of Mexican business sector for the years 1994-2008.The main findings can determine that SMEs especially micro businesses are an important source of jobs in Mexico. More however, it is noteworthy that it has been losing share to big business especially in the manufacturing sector.Keywords: SME; Jobs; Policy.

  2. Salario mínimo y empleo en Chile, México y Argentina

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    Full Text Available Contrariamente a lo planteado por el Banco Mundial, en el sentido de que la reestructuración económica y la inserción de las economías emergentes en el mercado internacional iban a incentivar la creación de empleos, el “nuevo modelo económico” no ha generado los empleos necesarios en los países latinoamericanos, específicamente en Argentina, Chile y México. En este trabajo se reflexiona, a partir de lo anterior, sobre algunos aspectos relacionados con la historia de los salarios mínimos, con las posiciones de los empresarios y sindicatos respecto a aquéllos, así como sobre el empleo y desempleo abiertos en la década de 1990.

  3. La calidad del empleo regional: ¿un mecanismo para superar la pobreza?

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    Carlos E. Barba Solano


    Full Text Available En este artículo se realiza un análisis de la estructura del empleo en tres regiones de Jalisco con un importante componente rural. Los datos se comparan con los de las principales zonas urbanas del país al final de la década de 1990. El contraste muestra que la calidad del empleo y los niveles salariales son notoriamente más precarios fuera de las áreas urbanas. Esta constatación cuestiona el objetivo final del programa Oportunidades, pues la población rural que aumenta su capital humano tiene muy pocas probabilidades de superar su situación de pobreza extrema por medio del desempeño de un empleo del tipo de los existentes en sus localidades.

  4. Calidad del empleo e inequidades de género

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    Javier Pineda Duque


    Full Text Available ¿Qué es un buen empleo? la flexibilización del mundo del trabajo que caracteriza a nuestra época le otorga nueva relevancia a esta pregunta. En este artículo, a partir de series estadísticas nacionales, se realiza un análisis de la calidad del empleo en Colombia desde una perspectiva de género. El autor brinda especial atención al curso que ha tomado la equidad entre hombres y mujeres en términos de remuneración, protección social y jornada laboral, relacionando estas variables con la creciente preponderancia de la contratación a término definido.

  5. Industria maquiladora de exportación. ¿Hacia donde va el empleo?

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    María Ruth Vargas Leyva


    Full Text Available El programa Nacional Fronterizo fue establecido en 1960, a partir del cual la industria maquiladora se convierte en el sector más dinámico de la economía mexicana. Existe la opinión de que el Tratado de Libre Comercio está relacionado con el mayor dinamismo de su crecimiento. Sin embargo, en 2001 hay una contracción significativa del empleo en la industria maquiladora. Para algunos, esta contracción del empleo se relaciona con algunos factores que impactan el sector, entre ellos cláusulas críticas en el marco del TLCAN. Este documento se centra en la contracción del empleo en la industria maquiladora, durante el último año. Hay evidencia de que las características de la región norte de México continúan siendo importantes en su localización. Una conclusión que deriva de este trabajo, es el menor dinamismo de la industria maquiladora en la creación del empleo, debido a la mayor presencia de un tipo diferente de establecimientos maquiladores, particularmente las maquiladoras de segunda generación, con presencia en las ramas electrónica y de autopartes.

  6. El empleo formal e informal en México: un análisis discriminante

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    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se aplica la metodología de análisis discriminante para explorar en qué variables se diferencian dos grupos de trabajadores, unos con empleo formal y otros con empleo informal. Se utilizan microdatos de la Encuesta Nacional de Ocupación y Empleo (enoe para estudiar a los jefes de hogar de la economía mexicana durante el tercer trimestre de 2005, 2009 y 2012. El interés por considerar un trimestre de estabilidad, uno de crisis y uno de recuperación, responde a la inquietud de conocer en qué magnitud cambia el peso relativo de las variables clasificadoras en las puntuaciones discriminantes estimadas por el modelo. Del conjunto de variables socioeconómicas que se abordan, se determina que el contrato laboral, la ocupación por tamaño de establecimiento, los años de escolaridad, el tipo de localidad y el proceso de búsqueda de un nuevo empleo, ayudan a discriminar entre ambos colectivos de trabajadores. También se encuentra que el cambio de entorno económico incide en la magnitud de los coeficientes estandarizados en forma moderada.

  7. La formación y los "nuevos yacimientos de empleo" en España

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    Full Text Available entre los retos que nuestras sociedades han de afontar en el siglo xxi, el empleo y la formacion ocupan un lugar central, como lo muestran las grandes transformaciones del final del "siglo xx corto": globalizacion de la economia, sociedad de la informacion, crisis del modelo fordista, reformulacion del estado de bienestar, desigualdades crecientes y otras transformaciones sociales. en la union europea coincide con un deficit de empleo que contrasta con la situacion en los paises nordicos, japon o estados unidos. en ese contexto, cobran una especial relevancia los "nuevos yacimientos de empleo" que estan surgiendo para satisfacer necesidades nuevas, colectivas o individuales, o para responder a transformaciones sociales en el capitalismo avanzado. en españa, la relevancia del fenomeno se acentua porque, aunque ha comenzado con cierto retraso, se va produciendo rapidamente. estos "nuevos yacimientos de empleo" encuentran dificultades para articularse en mercados, tanto por parte de la oferta como de la demanda. la profesionalizacion y la formacion pueden jugar un papel activo clave para superar esas dificultades.

  8. Barómetro de Empleabilidad y Empleo de los Universitarios en España, 2015 (Primer informe de resultados)


    Michavila, Francisco; Martínez, Jorge M.; Martín-González, Martín; García-Peñalvo, Francisco José; Cruz-Benito, Juan


    [ES]El Barómetro de Empleabilidad y Empleo Universitarios es el principal producto ofrecido por el Observatorio de Empleabilidad y Empleo Universitarios. Consiste en una encuesta diseñada para hacer el seguimiento de la empleabilidad y el empleo de los titulados universitarios en España, para proveer a responsables universitarios y políticos, empleadores y familias, la información necesaria para mejorar la vinculación entre formación y empleo. El trabajo de campo de esta primera edi...

  9. El empleo intelectual en el Perú: el sobre empleo de la minoría y el sub empleo de la mayoría


    Scurrah, Martín J.


    Versión revisada de un documento presentado en la Conferencia Internacional sobre Empleo y Desempleo Intelectuales, Universidad de Siena, Siena, Italia, 5-8 de diciembre de 1980. El desempleo --y, de manera más importante, el subempleo-- son problemas sociales serios en el Perú, como en la mayoría de los países del Tercer Mundo.* El desempleo y subempleo profesionales, están estrechamente asociados con la crisis, de rápido crecimiento y largo plazo, de las universidades del país. El problema ...

  10. El empleo intelectual en el Perú: el sobre empleo de la minoría y el sub empleo de la mayoría


    Scurrah, Martín J.


    Versión revisada de un documento presentado en la Conferencia Internacional sobre Empleo y Desempleo Intelectuales, Universidad de Siena, Siena, Italia, 5-8 de diciembre de 1980. El desempleo --y, de manera más importante, el subempleo-- son problemas sociales serios en el Perú, como en la mayoría de los países del Tercer Mundo.* El desempleo y subempleo profesionales, están estrechamente asociados con la crisis, de rápido crecimiento y largo plazo, de las universidades del país. El problema ...

  11. Impacto de los factores externos sobre la creación y destrucción de empleo en el sector manufacturero colombiano

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    Ligia Melo


    Full Text Available El presente documento tiene como propósito estudiar el impacto de diferentes factores externos sobre el empleo en el sector manufacturero colombiano, a través del enfoque de flujos de empleo. En particular, se analizan los efectos de la tasa de cambio real, la inversión extranjera directa y el grado de apertura de las firmas sobre la creación y la destrucción de empleo. Se encuentra que un aumento en la tasa de cambio real incrementa la creación y disminuye la destrucción de empleos, lo que sugiere un impacto positivo en el crecimiento neto del empleo en el sector. Asimismo, las firmas manufactureras que comercian activamente con el exterior magnifican el efecto que tiene la tasa de cambio real sobre los flujos de empleo. Finalmente, el empleo en el sector manufacturero es afectado negativamente por el fenómeno de la enfermedad holandesa.

  12. Determinantes del empleo en la industria manufacturera en México

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    Full Text Available La dinámica productiva de un territorio es el resultado de las decisiones tomadas por individuos y empresas, ambos agentes responden a diferentes factores de localización. Se analizó el crecimiento del empleo manufacturero de las principales zonas metropolitanas y ciudades de México durante el periodo 1980-2003, observando particularmente los factores de localización industrial. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que ambientes especializados tienen un efecto negativo en el crecimiento del empleo manufacturero, que las economías de escala internas son importantes para los subsectores cuya producción se destina principalmente al mercado externo y que los bajos salarios aumentan el dinamismo de la industria manufacturera.



    Juan González García


    En este artículo se analiza la política de empleo en China, particularmente la desarrollada en la última década del siglo XX. Demostramos que, si bien la política de empleo se ha orientado a resolver los problemas de la apertura económica y modernización de las empresas del Estado, los retos que la tasa de crecimiento de la población económicamente activa le formula (PEA) determinarán, en gran medida, el éxito o fracaso de la estrategia de apertura externa pues ésta, desde sus inicios fue con...

  14. Búsqueda de empleo entre jóvenes de acuerdo con su participación y protección laboral en México

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    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la búsqueda de empleo de los jóvenes que tienen trabajo, así como de aquellos que no lo tienen y los factores asociados a esta búsqueda total de empleo en México, enfatizando en la participación laboral de los jóvenes y la protección social de aquéllos que trabajan. Asimismo, se describe la búsqueda total de empleo por regiones de acuerdo con estas características de los buscadores. La fuente de información que se utiliza es la Encuesta Nacional de la Juventud 2010 y se emplea estadística descriptiva y multivariada. Los resultados muestran, por un lado, que las posibilidades de búsqueda de empleo son considerablemente mayores entre los jóvenes con trabajos no protegidos que entre sus contrapartes con protección social. Por otro lado, los varones sin trabajo registran posibilidades de búsqueda de empleo superiores a las de aquéllos con empleos no protegidos, mientras que las mujeres sin trabajo presentan posibilidades similares de búsqueda de empleo a las trabajadoras sin protección social. Por último, existe una mayor búsqueda laboral de los jóvenes varones en las regiones del sur de México, en las cuales hay una baja oferta de empleos protegidos. Estos resultados apoyan la idea de un alto nivel de búsqueda de otro empleo entre los jóvenes insertos en empleos de baja calidad y contribuyen a una mejor comprensión de las demandas de empleo de los jóvenes mexicanos.

  15. Acceso y calidad del empleo de la inmigración reciente en Uruguay

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    Victoria Prieto

    Full Text Available Resumen Este artículo analiza las características de acceso y calidad de la inserción laboral de los inmigrantes extranjeros llegados a Uruguay entre 2007 y 2015. Los desempeños de los inmigrantes se comparan con los de la población nativa no migrante y retornada, primero de forma bivariada, luego mediante la inclusión de la condición migratoria en la estimación de modelos logísticos binomiales de la probabilidad de empleo, informalidad y sobrecalificación. La fuente empleada corresponde a las Encuestas Continuas de Hogares del período 2012 – 2015. Los resultados muestran una desventaja sistemática en el acceso al empleo de la población extranjera, y mayor riesgo de sobrecalificación y de informalidad entre los ocupados del mismo origen. Dentro de los extranjeros las mujeres tienen menores chances de insertarse en el mercado de trabajo pero no se encuentra un efecto negativo de la doble condición mujer-inmigrante en los indicadores de calidad del empleo. Si bien el tiempo de asentamiento mitiga el efecto adverso de la condición inmigratoria sobre el empleo, la informalidad y sobrecalificación, éste no desaparece entre los inmigrantes más antiguos.

  16. Portal de empleo


    Cozar Campoy, Javier


    Con este proyecto se pretende crear un portal web para la búsqueda de empleo. Las empresas inscritas en el sistema pueden publicar diferentes ofertas de trabajo y del mismo modo los usuarios registrados pueden inscribirse en éstas. Amb aquest projecte es pretén crear un portal web per a la cerca de feina. Les empreses inscrites en el sistema poden publicar diferents ofertes de feina i de la mateixa manera els usuaris registrats poden inscriure's en aquestes.

  17. Feminización del empleo y trabajo precario en las agriculturas latinoamericanas globalizadas

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    Ximena Valdés Subercaseaux


    Full Text Available El carácter precario del empleo temporal de las asalariadas agrícolas fue analizado en los estudios de caso realizados en siete países latinoamericanos por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO, la Comisión Económica para América latina y el Caribe (CEPAL y la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT (FAO-CEPAL-OIT, 2012, cuyas conclusiones estuvieron a mi cargo. Los hallazgos de dichos estudios fueron contrastados con investigaciones bajo nuestra responsabilidad realizadas en el marco de dos proyectos FONDECYT (Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Técnico. Ello nos permitió no sólo interpretar los procesos de feminización de los mercados de trabajo sino también comprender la naturaleza de la asalarización, las estrategias migratorias para alargar el tiempo de percepción de salario y el lugar de las mujeres en la agricultura de exportación junto a los cambios identitarios causados por los procesos de modernización y globalización que se han dado en Latinoamérica bajo el neoliberalismo. El artículo aborda las condiciones de trabajo y las migraciones laborales; concluyendo con el análisis de la contra-cara de la precarización laboral que se da a través de las políticas sociales antipobreza. En ellas se expresa la contradicción entre Estados que abandonan el principio de bienestar permitiendo leyes laborales que, al flexibilizar el empleo, reproducen la pobreza; mientras esos mismos Estados tratan de mitigarla con transferencias de recursos a asalariados precarios fuertemente marcados por su condición de género, etnia y nacionalidad.

  18. ¿Existe rigidez en el ajuste del empleo en Chile?

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    Jorge Dresdner


    Full Text Available Antecedentes: Estudiamos c mo el nivel de empleo agregado se ajust en la eco- nom a chilena, posterior a la llamada crisis asi tica. Contrastamos distintas hi- p tesis que se han esgrimido en el debate p blico, y que no han sido probadas formalmente, sobre las razones por las cuales el nivel de empleo tard tanto tiempo en recuperar los niveles precrisis. M todos: Especi camos y estimamos un modelo de vectores autorregresivos con series de tiempo para el trimestre 1995.1-2007.4 y aplicamos el m todo de Jo- hansen para identi car vectores de cointegraci n. Resultados: Estimamos un vector de cointegraci n que representa la funci n de demanda laboral. Realizamos las siguientes pruebas de hip tesis sobre esta fun- ci n: homogeneidad de grado cero en precios, elasticidad producto de la de- manda unitaria; quiebre estructural en el intercepto de esta funci n; cambio en la elasticidad producto de la demanda laboral de largo plazo entre subperiodos y existencia de costos de ajuste. Conclusiones: Inestabilidad en la elasticidad demanda del ingreso en la funci n de demanda por trabajo en Chile posterior a la crisis asi tica, pero no en la direc- ci n sugerida por el debate previo. Adicionalmente, el factor que contribuy en forma m s decisiva a la lenta recuperaci n del empleo posterior a la crisis fue el costo de ajuste presentes en la econom a chilena.

  19. Salud mental y empleo público


    Moralejo, Magdalena; Galeano, Patricia Silvia; Sans, Micaela Soledad; Urtizberea, Facundo Esteban


    La Cátedra Psicología Laboral de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, por intermedio de sus integrantes, desarrolla diversas investigaciones. Una de las líneas de trabajo es la que se aboca a indagar aspectos relacionados con la Salud Mental y el Empleo Público. La presente publicación, pretende caracterizar brevemente los avances alcanzados en la pesquisa más reciente, encuadrada en el programa de promoción de investigación en psicología impulsado por la Facultad...

  20. Internamientos involuntarios y tratamientos forzados en psiquiatría: Autonomía y no discriminación como estándar de derechos humanos

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    Francisca Figueroa San Martín


    Full Text Available El artículo describe los actuales estándares de derechos humanos aplicables a las prácticas de internamiento involuntario y tratamiento forzado que se despliegan cotidianamente en el contexto psiquiátrico. Amparadas por la legalidad y el discurso terapéutico, permanecen vigentes en Chile y parte importante del mundo formas invisibilizadas de privación de libertad y sujeción de las personas a intervenciones altamente invasivas para su integridad física y psíquica en centros de salud mental, las que, en ausencia de un consentimiento libre e informado, constituyen una grave vulneración de los derechos reconocidos por la Convención sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad. Se expondrá el contenido de aquellos estándares y las recientes recomendaciones para su implementación, a la luz de los pronunciamientos del Comité sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad y el informe sobre integración en salud mental y derechos humanos, elaborado por el Alto Comisionado de Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos.


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    Dewin Pérez Fuentes


    Full Text Available Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar los principales efectos (sobre el empleo, la productividad y los costos laborales de la industria manufacturera de la región Caribe de las reformas económicas que se dieron en los años noventa en el marco del proceso de apertura e internacionalización de la economía colombiana. El patrón de industrialización y las características del cambio técnico intensivo en capital y ahorrador de mano de obra están relacionados con los malos resultados en términos de empleo en la industria regional después de las reformas. Por otro lado, la evolución de la productividad laboral y de las remuneraciones refleja una tendencia decreciente en el costo laboral unitario, por tanto, la explicación a la caída del empleo debe ser distinta a las presiones salariales sobre las utilidades empresariales.

  2. Vulnerabilidad en el empleo, género y etnicidad en el Perú


    Cecilia Garavito Masalías


    El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar la vulnerabilidad en el empleo de la fuerza laboral urbana, por etnicidad y por género, para el período 2004-2006. Definimos vulnerabilidad en el empleo como la probabilidad de que la situación laboral de un trabajador empeore respecto a su situación inicial. Empleando los datos del panel urbano 2004-2006 de las ENAHO (INEI), encontramos que las mujeres, los trabajadores indígenas, los jóvenes, los trabajadores mayores de 45 años, y aquellos con m...

  3. Duración del desempleo y canales de búsqueda de empleo en Colombia


    Carlos Augusto Viáfara L; José Ignacio Uribe G


    Este artículo estudia la duración del desempleo en Colombia como indicador de la efectividad de los canales de búsqueda de empleo, con información de la Encuesta Continua de Hogares (ECH) del segundo trimestre de 2006. Se estiman modelos de duración paramétricos (Weibull de riesgos proporcionales) y no paramétricos (Kaplan-Meier). Los resultados indican que en la duración del desempleo influye considerablemente el canal de búsqueda que usan los empleados para conseguir empleo y los desocupado...

  4. Desbalance del empleo en el sector turístico colombiano

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    Manuel Leguizamón


    Full Text Available Es aceptado que la actividad turística por excelencia es un generador de empleo directo, sin embargo, los cambios en la prestación de los servicios originados por la creciente mediación de las modernas tecnologías, las nuevas tendencias en los comportamientos de consumo de los turistas, las innovaciones introducidas por las organizaciones prestadoras de servicios turísticos con el fin de mejorar su posición competitivas inducen a reflexionar sobre la actual demanda de capital humano por el sector. La necesidad de incrementar la capacidad competitiva de los prestadores de servicios turísticos, motivada por la competencia globalizada que caracteriza el entorno turístico, que amplía la oferta de destinos y productos alternos en un mercado con competidores “más cercanos” gracias a la mediación de las plataformas tecnológicas, ha llevado a que su estructura de empleo generado lo demande más competente y autónomo. Así mismo estos nuevos retos de la empresa turística se han enfrentado mediante la innovación en sus servicios, la diversificación de los mismos, la incorporación de tecnología de punta, la mayor automatización y la cualificación del empleo, aspecto este último que nos llevará a tener un argumento sustancial en el análisis de la asimetría entre oferta y demanda de empleo en el sector turismo. En este sentido la empresa de turismo ha demandado del sector educativo un mayor énfasis en la formación del Recurso Humano con foco en las competencias laborales, en especial de los perfiles ocupacionales correspondientes a los técnicos y tecnólogos. La formación en competencias aumenta las capacidades de producción del trabajador como quiera que enfatiza la formación basada en el conocimiento útil y práctico, el estímulo a las habilidades y las destrezas. Así, a su vez, el reto para el sector educativo corresponde en ofrecer programas que deben tener en cuenta las reales necesidades de desarrollo del sector

  5. Desbalance del empleo en el sector turístico colombiano

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    Manuel Leguizamón


    Full Text Available Es aceptado que la actividad turística por excelencia es un generador de empleo directo, sin embargo, los cambios en la prestación de los servicios originados por la creciente mediación de las modernas tecnologías, las nuevas tendencias en los comportamientos de consumo de los turistas, las innovaciones introducidas por las organizaciones prestadoras de servicios turísticos con el fin de mejorar su posición competitivas inducen a reflexionar sobre la actual demanda de capital humano por el sector. La necesidad de incrementar la capacidad competitiva de los prestadores de servicios turísticos, motivada por la competencia globalizada que caracteriza el entorno turístico, que amplía la oferta de destinos y productos alternos en un mercado con competidores “más cercanos” gracias a la mediación de las plataformas tecnológicas, ha llevado a que su estructura de empleo generado lo demande más competente y autónomo. Así mismo estos nuevos retos de la empresa turística se han enfrentado mediante la innovación en sus servicios, la diversificación de los mismos, la incorporación de tecnología de punta, la mayor automatización y la cualificación del empleo, aspecto este último que nos llevará a tener un argumento sustancial en el análisis de la asimetría entre oferta y demanda de empleo en el sector turismo. En este sentido la empresa de turismo ha demandado del sector educativo un mayor énfasis en la formación del Recurso Humano con foco en las competencias laborales, en especial de los perfiles ocupacionales correspondientes a los técnicos y tecnólogos. La formación en competencias aumenta las capacidades de producción del trabajador como quiera que enfatiza la formación basada en el conocimiento útil y práctico, el estímulo a las habilidades y las destrezas. Así, a su vez, el reto para el sector educativo corresponde en ofrecer programas que deben tener en cuenta las reales necesidades de desarrollo del sector

  6. La influencia de los rasgos psicológicos en las actitudes hacia el empleo

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    Antonia Mercedes García Cabrera


    Full Text Available Esta investigación explica la influencia que el rasgo psicológico locus de control, conjuntamente con las variables que definen el capital humano de un país -género, edad y educación-, ejercen sobre las actitudes hacia el empleo en la República de Cabo Verde. De entre estos rasgos demográficos del individuo, el género es analizado más profundamente debido al interés actual por reducir las desigualdades en razón de género en el mercado laboral. Los 448 cuestionarios recabados muestran que, en este país, los atributos demográficos edad y nivel de estudios, así como el rasgo de personalidad locus de control, son importantes determinantes de las actitudes hacia el empleo de la población activa. Los resultados ofrecen las bases sobre las que redirigir las políticas de empleo en Cabo Verde para afrontar los puntos débiles que limitan el desarrollo del mercado de trabajo y amenazan la integración social.

  7. La posinformalidad como propuesta teórico-metodológica para cuantificar los empleos informales

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    José Juan Cervantes


    Full Text Available La perspectiva tradicional y hegemónica de los empleos informales (postulados de la exclusión laboral ha mostrado desde los años setenta del Siglo XX, un sector de ocupaciones con altos niveles de precariedad laboral (no acceso a prestaciones laborales, de salud y sociales y desvinculado del progreso y desarrollo de un país. En tanto, la tesis del escape argumenta que un estrato significativo de los trabajadores informales entra y desempeña estas ocupaciones por racionalidad propia, en empleos estables, con posibilidades de acumulación, desarrollo personal y profesional. Con base en estos dos análisis, el presente artículo tiene como objetivo formular la conceptualización e instrumentación de una nueva metodología para identificar y cuantificar las características socio demográficas y laborales de los trabajadores en situaciones de empleos que cumplen con la tesis del escape, a dichas ocupaciones se les denomina posinformalidad. La propuesta enumera ampliamente la manera de operacionalizar la metodología, detallando fases y procesos para lograr la cuantificación de los trabajadores posinformales. Esta propuesta pretende contribuir a comprender las nuevas tendencias de los empleos informales y con ello contribuir en la implementación de políticas públicas más eficientes y eficaces en la resolución de esta problemática de los mercados laborales actuales.

  8. Determinantes de la demanda de empleo en el sector manufacturero colombiano, 2000-2010

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    Jesús José Rodríguez de Luque


    Full Text Available En este artículo se estudian los determinantes de la demanda de empleo del personal profesional, administrativo y obrero en el sector manufacturero colombiano. Los resultados muestran que la demanda de personal obrero presenta el tiempo medio de ajuste más elevado y es la más sensible a cambios en los costos laborales totales. Estos resultados indican que el gobierno, por medio de políticas que reduzcan los costos laborales no salariales, puede incentivar la demanda de empleo poco calificado. Finalmente, se encuentra que en el corto (largo plazo la demanda de personal profesional (administrativo es la más sensible a cambios en la producción.

  9. Determinantes del crecimiento del empleo en la industria maquiladora de exportación en México

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    Rodolfo Navarrete


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo se propone explicar el crecimiento del empleo maquilador durante el período 1979-1985. La localización de la actividad responde a los costos de producción en México. Propone la especificación de tres tipos de ecuaciones de comportamiento: para el producto, para la productividad y para el empleo en esta actividad. Como resultado del contraste entre estas hipótesis con datos correspondientes al período 1979-1985, se logra un conjunto de resultados empíricos. Concluye señalando que la determinación del producto y empleo maquilador se cifra en la evolución de la demanda estadounidense; sin embargo, los riesgos asociados derivan de su alta vulnerabilidad, la de ser industria hacia un solo mercado, y del posible desarrollo de equipo industrial reprogramable para usos múltiples que facilita la relocalización de procesos de ensamble hacia Estados Unidos.

  10. Impacto de la proximidad geográfica en los cambios del empleo manufacturero en México: Análisis shift-share espacial


    Rolando I. Valdez


    En este documento se describe y analiza el impacto de la proximidad geográfica entre las zonas metropolitanas sobre el empleo manufacturero utilizando el análisis shift-share con estructura espacial. Los resultados revelan que las interacciones intermetropolitanas funcionales son débiles, presentando niveles de empleo por debajo de los esperados si consideraran la proximidad geográfica. Se destaca una expansión importante del empleo manufacturero en la región centro­norte, contra una desacele...

  11. La evolución del empleo en América Latina en los años noventa

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    Jürgen Weller


    Full Text Available Las reformas estructurales aplicadas en los países latinoamericanos durante los últimos 15 años crearon expectativas de una dinámica generación de empleo, ya que la eliminación de distorsiones en los mercados de productos y bienes incentivaría las actividades y tecnologías intensivas en mano de obra. Sin embargo, durante los años noventa los indicadores laborales muestran un desempeño poco favorable. En una perspectiva sectorial, la pauta de empleo y productividad laboral se asemeja a lo observado en los países industrializados, con una débil generación de empleo e importantes ganancias de la productividad media en los sectores productores de bienes transables y un estancamiento de la productividad media con una concentración de los nuevos puestos de trabajo en los sectores de no transables.

  12. Régimen constitucional del internamiento involuntario y urgente por trastorno mental = Constitucional framework on involuntary and urgent confinement due to mental disorder

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    Juan Francisco Sánchez Barrilao


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo aborda el régimen constitucional de los internamientos involuntarios y urgentes por trastorno mental como un supuesto de limitación de derechos fundamentales (especialmente, libertad personal; y, en particular, a la vista de la doctrina contenida en la Sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional 141/2012, dictada en resolución de un recurso de amparo al respecto. En tal sentido, se analiza el marco normativo de dichos internamientos (distinguiendo entre el estrictamente constitucional, el internacional y el meramente legal, su naturaleza (en relación al internamiento como tal, como respecto a la intervención judicial que ha de autorizarlo, sus concretas garantías (en especial, a la vista de la STC 141/2012, así como diversas cuestiones abiertas por la anterior Sentencia, no obstante, y que requieren de oportuna respuesta legal. The following piece of paper deals with the constitutional rule of the involuntary and urgent confinements due to mental disorder as restricting fundamental rights (especially, personal liberty according to the principles established in the judgement of the Spanish Constitutional Court 141/2012. Accordingly, the legal frameworkof a such confinements is analysed (making a distinction among constitutional, international and legal rules, its nature (ref. both confinements itself, as the role of judge who must authorize, its specific guarantees (in accordance with the judgement STC 141/2012, as well as a variety of issues requiring a timely legal response.

  13. Análisis del empleo por formas comerciales, asalarización y disminución del refugio de autónomos


    Javier Casares Ripol; Evangelina Aranda García; Víctor Jesús Martín Cerdeño


    El empleo en la distribución comercial ha sido un tema estudiado de forma superficial y con escasa apoyatura empírica. Dentro del comercio, el análisis del empleo en cada una de las manifestaciones de la actividad comercial ha sido escaso y controvertido. En este contexto, el trabajo pretende reflejar las características y los factores que explican la situación del empleo en la distribución comercial española combinando la aportación empírica con la interpretación teórica de las raíces y caus...

  14. Análisis del empleo por formas comerciales. Asalarización y disminución del refugio de "autónomos"


    Casares Ripol, Javier; Aranda García, Evangelina; Martín Cerdeño, Víctor Jesús


    El empleo en la distribución comercial ha sido un tema estudiado de forma superficial y con escasa apoyatura empírica. Dentro del comercio, el análisis del empleo en cada una de las manifestaciones de la actividad comercial ha sido escaso y controvertido. En este contexto, el trabajo pretende reflejar las características y los factores que explican la situación del empleo en la distribución comercial española combinando la aportación empírica con la interpretación teórica de la...

  15. La inserción laboral de los beneficiarios del Seguro de Capacitación y Empleo en el Partido de General Pueyrredon


    Aspiazu, Eliana; Alegre, Patricia; Fernández Blanco, Ana


    En este trabajo nos proponemos discutir los efectos del Seguro de Capacitación y Empleo (SCE), como política de empleo focalizada, sobre la inserción laboral de los beneficiarios del Municipio de General Pueyrredon. La perspectiva de análisis adoptada considera que las políticas de empleo representan un área dentro de las políticas sociales destinada a regular la fuerza de trabajo. Se parte del concepto amplio de exclusión, que considera la imposibilidad de los individuos de acceder a bienes,...

  16. Patrón de urbanización, desarrollo agrario y tipos no tradicionales de empleo en la Microrregión Rosario, Argentina


    José Luis Pellegrini; Isabel María Raposo


    Los tipos de empleo rural no agrario y agrario no rural entrañan combinaciones de lugares de residencia y trabajo que se han vuelto relativamente frecuentes en Latinoamérica. En este artículo se argumenta que la población rural con mayores oportunidades de empleo no agrario es la que radica próxima a las grandes áreas urbanas, y que los centros poblados resultan tanto más atractivos como residencia de la población con empleo agrario de las zonas, cuanto más concentrada está en ellos la poblac...

  17. ¿Crisis real o crisis de expectativas?: El empleo en el Perú antes y después de las reformas estructurales


    Jaime Saavedra-Chanduví


    En esta investigación se analizan los mecanismos de ajuste del mercado de trabajo entre 1986 y 1997. Luego de una estancamiento del empleo entre 1988 y 1992, periodo recesivo en el cual el mercado de trabajo se ajustó a través de una reducción en los ingresos reales y una menor tasa de participación laboral, a partir de 1993, el empleo empezó a crecer junto con el nivel de actividad económica. El mercado de trabajo fue capaz de absorber el aumento de la oferta de empleo en ese periodo. El aum...

  18. La generación de empleo por maquiladoras en México y los ciclos económicos de Estados Unidos 1978-1985

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    Jesús H. Amozurrutia C.


    Full Text Available Este documento presenta y verifica un modelo explicativo de la relación entre ciclo económico en Estados Unidos y empleo en la industria maquiladora mexicana. Menciona la escasez de trabajos que estudien los mecanismos de generación de empleos en este sector, en tanto que muestra cómo la industria maquiladora ha tenido un ritmo de crecimiento mayor y más estable que la industria manufacturera durante el período de estudio. Presenta una metodología para verificación empírica de las hipótesis, estableciendo los criterios correspondientes. Los ciclos del empleo en la industria maquiladora mexicana se relacionan positivamente con el índice de producción industrial estadounidense. Entre sus conclusiones destaca que el tipo de cambio no resultó ser un factor que hubiera alentado la generación de empleos por parte de las maquiladoras.

  19. Determinantes multidimensionales en la calidad percibida del empleo. Evidencia empírica para España

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    Díaz-Chao, Ángel


    Full Text Available Through a representative sample of 8.755 employees in 2010, and using a structural equations model (SEM, this article analyzes empirically the multidimensional determinants (direct effects of the perceived work quality in Spain. The research concludes that the perceived work quality combines a broad set of explanatory dimensions that are linked with de workplace itself (intrinsic work quality, organization, access and inclusion, and compensations, but also with their environment and labor relations (social relations, work intensity, skills and training, and health and safety. Therefore, the public employment policies for ending the economic crisis should not only address the quality or workplace, but also meet the dimensions related to their environment and labor relations.A través de una muestra representativa para 8.755 empleados asalariados en 2010, y utilizando un sistema de ecuaciones estructurales, este artículo analiza empíricamente los determinantes multidimensionales (efectos directos de la calidad percibida del empleo en España. La investigación concluye que la calidad del empleo combina un amplio conjunto de dimensiones explicativas que están vinculadas con el propio puesto de trabajo (calidad intrínseca, organización, inclusión y acceso y compensación, pero también con su entorno y las relaciones laborales (relaciones sociales, intensidad del empleo, formación, y salud y seguridad en el trabajo. Por consiguiente, las políticas públicas de empleo para la salida de la crisis no solo deberían abordar la calidad del puesto de trabajo, sino también atender a las dimensiones vinculadas con su entorno y las relaciones laborales.

  20. La calidad del empleo en la población Afro-Colombiana utilizando indicadores sintéticos || The job quality for the Colombia Afrodescendent Population using synthetic indices

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    Mora, Jhon James


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta nuevas estimaciones sobre la calidad del empleo para la ciudad de Cali (Colombia. La ciudad de Cali es el principal referente sobre la calidad del empleo de la población afro-colombiana, ya que es la ciudad colombiana con mayor proporción de personas afrodescendientes del país. Nuestros resultados muestran que las comunas con una mayor calidad del empleo son las comunas 17, 19, 22 y 2. Mientras que los residentes de las comunas ubicadas al oriente, sur oriente y zona de ladera de la ciudad, tienen una calidad del empleo baja; estas son: 13, 21, 15, 3, 7, 20. Por lo que existen localizaciones espaciales entorno a la calidad del empleo fruto de las migraciones del Pacífico colombiano. Los resultados también muestran como ser afrodescendiente reduce la probabilidad de tener empleos de alta calidad e incrementa la posibilidad de acceder a empleos de calidad baja y media. De esta forma, en Cali la condición étnica afrodescendiente limita el acceso a empleos de alta calidad. || This article presents new estimates an index of the work quality for Santiago de Cali (Colombia. Our results show that the “comunas" with higher quality are 17, 19, 22 and, 2. “Comunas" 13, 21, 15,3, 7, 20 present poor quality of the work. In this way we show spatiality patterns of the work quality. Also, the fact of being “Afrodescendent" reduces the probability to obtain employments with higher quality and increases the probability to get poor employments.

  1. Empleo urbano y migraciones internas en el Perú


    Daniel Cotlear


    Parece haber un consenso que uno de los problemas principa- les del Perú contemporaneo es el “problema del empleo”, y en este consenso participan tanto academicos como periodistas y funcionarios del Gobierno. El consenso se extiende afiiando que la agudeza del problema del empleo en la actualidad esta asociado con la crisis económica. Asi por ejemplo, Schydlowsky y Wicht al comentar sobre los efectos de la crisis actual es que “El resultado mas dramático (. . .) es el desempleo masivo y creci...

  2. Educación, formación y empleo en los países desarrollados

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    Luis Miguel Lázaro Lorente


    Full Text Available El presente artículo ofrece un analisis muy exahustivo de las relaciones existentes, en los paises del primer mundo, entre distintas variables de tipo laboral y social (tasas de para y actividad, nivel de desarrollo, productividad, cornpetitividad, potencial económico, dernandas socio-laborales, genero, edad, problemas de integraci6n juvenil, etc. can aspectos relativos a los sistemas de formación (nivel de cnsefianza, politicas educativas, procesos de reforrna. modelos de organizacion, etc.. De dicho analisis resulta un profundo estudio comparativo, con un extenso y actualizado apoyo bibliografico, sabre las diferentes formas que adoptan en el mundo desarrollado las relaciones economia-educacion, empleo-formación. Se incluye ademas una amplia descripción sobre la politica educativa de la Union Europea en materia de educacion, formación y empleo

  3. Calidad del Empleo en Organizaciones de Servicios de Contact-Center en Manizales, Colombia

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    Edisson Stiven Castro-Escobar


    Full Text Available En este documento analizamos la calidad del empleo en algunas organizaciones de Contact-Center bajo la modalidad de outsourcing en Manizales, Colombia, con el propósito de conocer la valoración de los sujetos teleoperadores sobre las condiciones de su trabajo. Revisamos criterios sobre los enfoques y las dimensiones del término, y estimamos indicadores compuestos para validar las apreciaciones en dos vías: objetiva y subjetiva. Encontramos que la calidad del trabajo aparentemente es favorable. En términos objetivos hay condiciones de formalidad en salarios, en prestaciones, en procesos de contratación y en la jornada laboral. Igualmente, hay un nivel de satisfacción positivo con el empleo, salvo ciertos aspectos subjetivos como la monotonía, la rutina, la transitoriedad y el poco reconocimiento social del trabajo, que también han sido evidentes en Argentina y Chile en ese tipo de compañías

  4. Empleo formal e informal en el sector turístico en Colombia

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    Manuel Leguizamón T.


    En este documento se analiza cuál es la participación del denominado empleo informal en el sector turístico colombiano y cómo se está propendiendo a la formalización de las empresas que aún desarrollan su actividad basadas en la condición de informales o “alegales”.


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    Carlo Benetti


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es la construcción de la teoría de Keynes, concebida como una estructura compuesta por tres modelos generales y de base que se deducen unos de otros. Se muestra que la ley de Say, a la que se opone Keynes, se puede formalizar por medio de un modelo “recursivo por la oferta”. La crítica de Keynes conduce a un modelo diferente: “uno no walrasiano y de interdependencia general” que no admite la critica del ajuste al equilibrio de pleno empleo. Es un modelo de referencia a partir del cual, en una tercera etapa, se obtiene el modelo keynesiano propiamente dicho, que admite al menos un equilibrio con desempleo involuntario en condiciones de flexibilidad de salarios y de precios. Este estudio muestra tanto la coherencia de la construcción de la teoría de Keynes como los limites de su “herejía” teórica.

  6. Consecución temporal: posibilidades de jugar

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    Bohdan Ulašin


    Full Text Available El objeto de análisis de este artículo es la consecución temporal en la lengua española, un fenómeno típico de las lenguas romances. El fin del presente trabajo es sistemizar y, a través de los ejemplos modelo con sus representaciones gráficas, formular las reglas de su uso. Nos centramos en los casos del empleo de la correlación temporal en el verbo subordinado en los que es posible la interpretación de doble acceso que consiste en poder elegir entre dos puntos de referencia temporal, sea con el espacio actual (el momento del habla, sea con el verbo de la oración principal. Esta doble interpretación la encontramos en los tres tipos de relaciones temporales: simultaneidad, posterioridad, anterioridad. Algunas de las parejas presentan diferencias semánticas, otras se usan indistintamente según las preferencias del hablante sin que haya cambios de significado. La mayoría de los ejemplos la constituyen las oraciones subordinadas sustantivas, no obstante incluimos también ejemplos de otro tipo de oraciones (relativas, causales. Al margen del artículo, analizamos la problemática de la correlación temporal en el caso de la forma del condicional simple del verbo principal.

  7. El empleo calificado y no calificado en la manufactura de México ante la crisis de 2009

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    Jesús Gerardo Ríos-Almodóvar


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza el impacto en el empleo ante los cambios en el producto de las ramas o subsectores manufactureros de México sucedidos a raíz de la crisis del 2009. Con información en datos de panel se aplica el modelo de efectos fijos para captar el impacto que tiene el producto sobre el empleo calificado y no calificado. Los resultados indican que en periodos de crisis o de baja demanda, las empresas tienden a conservar el trabajo calificado y a despedir trabajadores no calificados, siendo más afectadas las maquiladoras y las industrias tradicionales intensivas en trabajo no calificado.

  8. Desbalance del empleo en el sector turístico colombiano


    Manuel Leguizamón


    Es aceptado que la actividad turística por excelencia es un generador de empleo directo, sin embargo, los cambios en la prestación de los servicios originados por la creciente mediación de las modernas tecnologías, las nuevas tendencias en los comportamientos de consumo de los turistas, las innovaciones introducidas por las organizaciones prestadoras de servicios turísticos con el fin de mejorar su posición competitivas inducen a reflexionar sobre la actual demanda de capital humano por el se...

  9. Algunos elementos sobre la teoría clásica del empleo y la versión Keynesiana

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    Ana Cristina Argoti Chamorro


    Full Text Available El propósito de este artículo es presentar algunos elementos sobre la teoría de los economistas clásicos con relación al empleo y confrontar sus ideas con lo que dentro del pensamiento económico se ha denominado como la moderna teoría del empleo: La versión Keynesiana. Es decir, se pretende retomar algunos de los argumentos de los autores clásicos en lo referente a la teoría del empleo, tratando sobre todo de establecer las similitudes y las diferencias entre dichas teorías y la concepción keynesiana, sin ninguna pretensión de originalidad de mi parte, sino más bien con el propósito de hacer una reflexión frente al tema del empleo, tan pertinente y a la vez preocupante, no solo para los economistas, sino para profesionales de diferentes disciplinas. El artículo hace referencia a los fundamentos principales que definen el mercado de trabajo y el problema del desempleo presentando un contraste entre la corriente de pensamiento ortodoxa y la teoría keynesiana. Se concluye que la teoría general no es la única ni la más completa argumentación del desempleo tal y como se presenta en la economía en la actualidad, pero tiene el mérito de haber brindado una explicación y alternativas de solución al flagelo del desempleo vivido en Estados Unidos en los años treinta del siglo pasado.

  10. Tipología de relaciones de empleo: una propuesta integradora

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    Full Text Available La importancia que en los últimos años se ha otorgado a los recursos humanos como parte fundamental de la excelencia empresarial ha supuesto en muchos casos una mejora de las condiciones laborales tendentes a conseguir el compromiso de los trabajadores. Aunque no todos disfrutan del mismo tipo de relación de empleo, ya sea porque a la empresa no le interese desde un punto de vista de eficiencia económica, porque aquéllos realicen aportaciones de diferente valor a la misma o simplemente consecuencia de distintos planteamientos directivos a la hora de gestionar los RRHH. En cualquier caso, pensamos que la dirección debe definir con claridad el tipo de relación laboral que quiere establecer con los trabajadores, por un lado, como forma de mantener la coherencia entre las distintas prácticas de RRHH y de éstas con la estrategia empresarial, y por otro, al objeto de mandar un mensaje claro a los individuos para que desarrollen expectativas realistas y no vean frustrado su contrato psicológico. Por todo ello pensamos que es fundamental contar con una clasificación de los diferentes tipos de relaciones de empleo y con tal fin hemos analizado las tipologías señaladas por diferentes autores desde diferentes ámbitos de estudio para tratar de sintetizarlas en una propuesta que recoja la esencia de todas ellas.

  11. Balance y características del mercado de trabajo y generación de empleo en Colombia 2002-2010

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    Roberto Mauricio Sánchez Torres


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta un balance enmateria de empleo y mercado de trabajo en Colombia en el período 2002-2010, dando especial relevancia al trabajo informal, independiente y por cuenta propia, por su trascendencia en la reciente evolución del mercado laboral. El estudio se enfoca en el análisis de las cifras de este mercado, que ofrece el Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística DANE, y, a partir de los resultados, se plantea que los rasgos principales del desarrollo reciente del empleo en Colombia son su informalidad e independencia.

  12. Tipología de relaciones de empleo: una propuesta integradora




    La importancia que en los últimos años se ha otorgado a los recursos humanos como parte fundamental de la excelencia empresarial ha supuesto en muchos casos una mejora de las condiciones laborales tendentes a conseguir el compromiso de los trabajadores. Aunque no todos disfrutan del mismo tipo de relación de empleo, ya sea porque a la empresa no le interese desde un punto de vista de eficiencia económica, porque aquéllos realicen aportaciones de diferente valor a la misma o simplemente consec...

  13. La calidad del empleo en la población afrodescendiente colombiana: una aproximación desde la ubicación geográfica de las comunas

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    Lisset Pérez Marulanda


    Full Text Available Este artículo construye un indicador compuesto sobre la calidad del empleo, al utilizar el método de componentes principales para la población afrocolombiana radicada en Cali, a partir de una encuesta representativa por comunas realizada por el Ministerio de Trabajo de Colombia. Cali, al ser la primera ciudad colombiana con mayor proporción afrodescendiente y la segunda de América Latina, después de Salvador Bahía, Brasil, se constituye en un referente de la situación laboral de la población afrodescendiente colombiana. Los resultados muestran que los afrocolombianos que viven en la zona Oriente, compuesta por las comunas 7, 13, 14, 15 y 21, tienen una mayor probabilidad de tener empleos de baja calidad, por lo que existen localizaciones espaciales en torno a la calidad del empleo. La educación universitaria aumenta la probabilidad de encontrar un empleo de alta calidad.

  14. Migración por empleo en México. La experiencia de Baja California entre 2008 y 2012

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    Alejandro Mungaray Lagarda


    Full Text Available Para entender el reto del empleo que enfrenta México, en un contexto de diversidad regional, se ofrece una expli - cación a la paradoja actual de crecimiento del empleo y de la tasa de desempleo que ocurre al mismo tiempo en Baja California. Mediante la estimación de un modelo de datos de panel, se genera evidencia de que los flujos migratorios del interior del país son mayores que el aumento de la po - blación ocupada, debido a que tanto ésta como los salarios y el nivel de competitividad social de Baja California in - fluyen de manera directa en las decisiones de las personas para moverse a dicha entidad.

  15. Formación profesional y calidad del empleo: el caso de los egresados de la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero

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    Roberto Cañedo-Villarreal


    Full Text Available Con un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales se realizó el análisis de los factores causales directos e indirectos de la calidad del empleo de los profesionistas egresados de la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero. En el marco de la comparación de las teorías del capital humano, de los mercados segmentados y del capital cultural, se consideró la calidad de vida profesional de los sujetos estudiados. El estudio sugiere que el factor más importante de obtención de una calidad determinada del empleo es la experiencia laboral y el desempeño personal, y por otro lado el capital cultural de la persona (el perfil académico de los padres y ocupacional de la madre, en ciertas condiciones socioeconómicas de la familia, presentándose el capital humano (calidad de la formación académica como no significativo en la determinación de la calidad del empleo.

  16. Vulnerabilidad del empleo en Lima: un enfoque a partir de encuestas a hogares

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    Full Text Available La construction, à partir de l’Enquête permanente sur l’emploi (Encuesta Permanente de Empleo de l’INEI, d’un panel de 60 000 individus dans la capitale péruvienne a permis d’aborder plus finement les trajectoires d’emploi de la Population en âge de travailler (PAT. Ceci a rendu possible la distinction entre les flux d’entrées et de sorties du marché du travail ainsi qu’entre chômage chronique et transitoire. Un indicateur de qualité de l’emploi a également été proposé, suivant les directives données par l’OIT dans son dernier rapport “Panorama Laboral”. La question de la vulnérabilité, en particulier face au risque de chômage et de perte de qualité de l’emploi, a été abordée par le biais de l’élaboration de profils des travailleurs en situation de risque ainsi que de modèles de régression logit multinomiaux. En plus des caractéristiques individuelles, l’impact de la structure démographique et d’emploi du ménage a aussi été considéré. On a également étudié l’impact des chocs individuels (favorables et défavorables, démographiques et du marché de l’emploi et collectifs (“covariantes”, qui affectent l’ensemble des travailleurs, et l’impact des caractéristiques de l’emploi au niveau des districts. La construcción de un panel de 60 000 individuos a partir de la Encuesta Permanente de Empleo efectuada por el INEI en la capital ha permitido abordar de manera fina las trayectorias del empleo de la Población en Edad de Trabajar (PET. Ello ha posibilitado la distinción de los flujos de entradas y salidas del mercado laboral y la distinción entre desempleo crónico y transitorio. Se ha propuesto igualmente un indicador de la calidad del empleo siguiendo las líneas de lo propuesto por la OIT en su último Panorama Laboral. Enseguida se ha abordado el tema de la vulnerabilidad, en particular frente al riesgo del desempleo y la pérdida de la calidad del empleo tanto a través de la elaboraci

  17. Flexibilidad de precios y estabilidad de la producción: punto de vista de un antiguo keynesiano

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    James Tobin


    Full Text Available n este trabajo James Tobin discute la validez de las principales tesis que diferencian la macroeconomía keynesiana de la macroeconomía neoclásica. Su discusión la dirige a la nueva teoría macroeconómica –que busca dar una fundamentación microeconómica al “viejo” pensamiento de Keynes- y J. Tobin rechaza su tesis según la cual la deficiencia en la demanda agregada no podría darse sin “rigidez absoluta” de los precios y de los salarios monetarios. Al contrario, demuestra que la producción y el empleo pueden estar restringidos por la demanda agregada si los mercados no se vacían de manera instantánea y continua. Comenta algunas de las explicaciones que sustentan la “rigidez” de los precios y los salarios nominales.Precisa la distinción existente entre el desempleo keynesiano –involuntario y cíclico- y el desempleo friccional y estructural –no remediable por la sola expansión de la demanda agregada-.Finalmente, muestra el alcance y las limitaciones de los mecanismos de ajuste clásico que supuestamente restaurarían el pleno empleo: ajuste de la tasa de interés y flexibilidad de los salarios nominales y de los precios –“efecto Keynes”, “efecto Pigou-Patinkin” y “efecto Fisher de la redistribución de la riqueza”-.

  18. Conflictos en el empleo de medicina tradicional

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    Adrián Urióstegui Flores


    Full Text Available Los practicantes biomédicos de Taxco, Guerrero, guardan una relación conflictiva y complementaria respecto al empleo de la medicina tradicional y la nosología popular. Situación que se analiza aquí, a la vez que se aportan experiencias vinculadas con la implementación de programas relacionados con dicha opción, y posturas de curanderos ante la expansión de la medicina científica en el ámbito local. Los hallazgos principales demuestran la apertura, aprobación y complementación hacia la medicina tradicional por parte del personal de salud estudiado. En contraparte, los datos también reflejan cómo curanderos comunitarios continúan luchando contra las técnicas e ideología biomédicas difundidas de manera insistente entre la población de Taxco

  19. Estabilización de Suelos mediante el empleo de Sales Cuaternarias


    Juan M. Junco del Pino


    El Mundo se dirige hacia el aprovechamiento de los Suelos mediante el desarrollo de nuevas técnicas y adaptarse a las condiciones del entorno resulta importante para la Ingeniería. El mejoramiento de los suelos abre nuevas posibilidades de ahorro que pueden llegar de 20 a 45 % respecto a los costos de construcción convencional. La Estabilización Química de Suelos consiste en el empleo de sustancias químicas con el objetivo de modificar las propiedades del suelo para hacerlo más denso o increm...

  20. Comportamiento económico-financiero de los centros especiales de empleo en Castilla y León: años 2004-2010


    Redondo, María Nieves


    Un Centro Especial de Empleo es una empresa que a diferencia de la empresa ordinaria su plantilla está formada prácticamente en su totalidad por trabajadores que presentan cierta discapacidad. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es determinar cómo la crisis económica puede perturbar el desarrollo de los Centros Especiales de Empleo, teniendo en cuenta que una partida importante de sus ingresos es debida a subvenciones y ayudas públicas. Se ha revisado el sector de la economía social, ...

  1. Factores de la innovación y su influencia en las ventas y el empleo. El caso de las mipymes manufactureras mexicanas


    Herenia Gutiérrez Ponce; Pablo Daniel Palacios Duarte


    El propósito de este trabajo es conocer la relación entre las ventas, el empleo y la innovación en la industria manufacturera mexicana, mediante el seguimiento longitudinal a las mipymes en el periodo 2007-2010, a través de una investigación empírica y la aplicación de una encuesta a una determinada muestra de mipymes manufactureras mexicanas. Nuestro objetivo fundamental es explicar si el crecimiento en las ventas y el empleo de las empresas se explica por factores de la innovación, investig...

  2. La micro y pequeña empresa como generadora de empleo en Baja California durante la crisis de 2008-2009

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    Alejandro Mungaray Lagarda


    Full Text Available El objetivo del trabajo ha sido evaluar la importancia de la conformación del tejido empresarial en la evolución de la actividad económica y la generación de empleo en Baja California en el entorno de la crisis global de 2008-2009, con énfasis en el comportamiento de la micro y pequeña empresa. Lo anterior se consigue a través de la metodología de un análisis de correspondencias de carácter exploratorio y otro econométrico con fines confirmatorios en los cuales se utilizaron variables de los estratos empresariales y los sectores económicos una vez revisados los indicadores poblacionales, migratorios y de la estructura productiva. Como resultados se encontró una relación directa y significativa de las microempresas con el volumen de negocios y el empleo durante la crisis, sin embargo, en el periodo post-crisis (2010-2014 la aportación de la pequeña empresa resultó muy superior. Por su parte, las grandes empresas, mostraron menor sensibilidad general y una reducción de su capacidad para generar empleo aún durante el periodo post-crisis. En cualquier caso, debemos señalar que la limitante es que los resultados deben ser tomados con cautela debido a la alta segregación por estrato. Se concluye que no es posible rechazar la hipótesis de que la micro, pero sobre todo la pequeña empresa jugó un papel estratégico en la generación de empleo y dinamismo económico durante el periodo de crisis, contribuyendo incluso a aminorar su impacto, por lo que se debe fortalecer una política industrial que favorezca el aprendizaje y la innovación de este sector empresarial.

  3. Efectividad de los canales de búsqueda de empleo en Colombia en el año 2003

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    José Ignacio Uribe


    Full Text Available Este artículo estudia la efectividad de los canales de búsqueda de empleo utilizados en el mercado laboral colombiano con base en la Encuesta de Calidad de Vida de 2003. Se analizan las características personales por método de búsqueda. Se encuentra que los canales más utilizados por los trabajadores y los buscadores son los informales; es decir, que la informalidad productiva se refleja en la informalidad en la búsqueda de empleo. Sin embargo, la efectividad de algunos canales formales es la más alta, seguida de la de los informales moderados -lazos débiles- y la de los informales –lazos fuertes–. Se encuentra también que la educación es la característica que permite acceder a los canales de búsqueda más efectivos.



    Mario Santiago Juárez


    Se estudia la sentencia Amparo Directo en Revisión 992/2014, dictada por la Primera Sala de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación (Primera Sala o Corte) el 12 de noviembre de 2014, relacionada con el derecho de acceso al empleo y la no discriminación por razones de edad. En ella se establece la inconstitucionalidad de tres convocatorias de empleo que una empresa de restaurantes publicó en un diario de circulación nacional. En éstas se establecía como requisito para solicitar el empleo, en...

  5. Empleo y economías de aglomeración: el caso de la industria de la carne, productos lácteos y conservas alimenticias, 1988-2003

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    Rogelio Varela Llamas


    Mínimos Cuadrados Generalizados, se obtienen resultados que sugieren que las economías externas derivadas de la especialización y diversidad productiva no afectan positivamente al empleo; con excepción de la industria de conservas alimenticias. Asimismo, se determina que el empleo en el resto de las ramas del subsector 31 presenta un efecto positivo y significativo sobre cada una de las tres ramas estudiadas.

  6. Sobre la flexibilidad laboral en Colombia y la precarización del empleo

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    María Alejandra Gómez Vélez


    Full Text Available El presente artículo hace parte del proceso de revisión documental de la investigación doctoral: Sentidos y significados del trabajo en el escenario laboral flexible. Una aproximación al contexto de Medellín– Colombia. Objetivo: indagar sobre la flexibilidad laboral en Colombia y su contribución a la precarización del empleo. Método: revisión de literatura. Procedimiento: se realizó una revisión de artículos relacionados, se consultaron investigaciones realizadas en Colombia, medios de comunicación masivos y fuentes gubernamentales de información. Se encontró en los resultados que la flexibilidad laboral en Colombia, se ha impuesto como una exigencia de las organizaciones a los Estados en su búsqueda de competitividad y sobrevivencia, pero que ha traído pérdidas significativas a la protección legal que tenían los trabajadores, incrementando cada vez más la precarización del empleo. En Colombia la flexibilidad laboral se presenta a través de los contratos comerciales con empresas temporales, cooperativas de trabajo asociado y contratos de prestación de servicios; además de la utilización de contratos laborales a término fijo. La conclusión, a modo general, es que el incremento de la utilización de estas modalidades de relación laboral se aumenta año a año y se incrementa la pérdida de calidad del trabajo y su estabilidad, con su respectiva disminución de calidad de vida y bienestar de los trabajadores y de sus familias, es así que, la consecución del empleo se constituye en una forma de responder a la necesidad de sobrevivencia. Es de resaltar que los empleadores contratan y desvinculan al personal bajo un criterio básicamente económico, incentivando en esta lógica de relación contractual el exceso de poder del más fuerte, es decir del empleador.

  7. La prevención de riesgos laborales en las empresas de trabajo temporal: obligaciones y responsabilidades


    Jiménez Navas, Patricia


    El propósito de este trabajo fin de máster es analizar la prevención de riesgos laborales en las empresas de trabajo temporal (en adelante ETT), ya que es un sector muy importante de empleo en nuestro país, y tiene un papel fundamental en estos momentos de crisis en los que las empresas no pueden contratar personal pero sí necesitan trabajadores para momentos específicos. Además, cada vez son más las empresas que externalizan muchas de sus actividades para que las realice personal contratado ...

  8. Morteros cola. Características y condiciones de empleo

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    del Olmo, César


    Full Text Available Not available.El presente trabajo recoge algunos de los aspectos científicos y técnicos relativos a la utilización de los morteros cola, para la ejecución de revestimientos cerámicos, con el fin de facilitar al lector un mejor conocimiento de sus características y de sus posibilidades de empleo. El trabajo se ha estructurado de la siguiente forma: 1.—Antecedentes. 2.—Definición y aplicación. 3.—Composición. 4.—Mecanismo de actuación. 5.—Comportamiento reológico. 6.—La unión adhesiva. 7.—Propiedades de los morteros cola. 8.—Modo de medir estas características. 9.—Bibliografía.

  9. Estrategia de comunicación para la inserción laboral en Facebook. Grupos de empleo.

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    Silvia Alende Castro


    Full Text Available Este artículo pone en discusión resultados de la investigación Estrategia de comunicación para la inserción laboral en Facebook. Grupos de empleo. A nivel metodológico, este estudio se orientó hacia una perspectiva cuantitativa, a través del análisis de contenido y la realización de cuestionarios como técnicas de investigación. En el primer caso, el objeto de análisis fueron tres grupos vinculados al área del empleo en Facebook y correspondientes a otros tantos entornos territoriales de Galicia: autonómico, comarcal y municipal. En el segundo, fueron los usuarios de esas comunidades los destinatarios del citado cuestionario acerca de la utilidad de estos grupos y la propia red social para obtener un puesto de trabajo. Entre las conclusiones obtenidas, se puede afirmar que el funcionamiento de colectivos como los analizados se desarrolla a través de una estrategia de comunicación para la inserción laboral y articulada sobre una cultura colaborativa.

  10. Factores de la innovación y su influencia en las ventas y el empleo. El caso de las mipymes manufactureras mexicanas

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    Herenia Gutiérrez Ponce


    Full Text Available El propósito de este trabajo es conocer la relación entre las ventas, el empleo y la innovación en la industria manufacturera mexicana, mediante el seguimiento longitudinal a las mipymes en el periodo 2007-2010, a través de una investigación empírica y la aplicación de una encuesta a una determinada muestra de mipymes manufactureras mexicanas. Nuestro objetivo fundamental es explicar si el crecimiento en las ventas y el empleo de las empresas se explica por factores de la innovación, investigación y desarrollo (I+D+i.

  11. Entornos del s. XXI para el empleo y la formación a lo largo de toda la vida


    Aneas Álvarez, María Asunción


    El documento presenta las bases conceptuales económicas, sociales y políticas para fundamentar la intervención profesional en materia de empleo, orientación y formación a lo largo de toda la vida

  12. Trabajo y empleo de las mujeres en contexto de globalización



    La presente publicación, que con mucho agrado les estamos entregando a Uds. llamada "Trabajo y empleo de las mujeres colombianas en contexto de globalización", es un esfuerzo de presentar las miradas y apuestas desde la investigación y sistematización colectiva, hasta la presentación de debates y propuestas de abordaje de las políticas laborales en Colombia de diversas autoras de la Mesa de Trabajo Mujeres y Economía. Este trabajo fue y esta apoyado por OXFAM G.B. y se recoge para la Campaña ...

  13. Política pública sobre capacitación y empleo en Chile: Inclusión/exclusión de una fuerza laboral que envejece


    Gray, Nora; Basualto, Cynthia; Sisto, Vicente


    Resumen: Nuestra sociedad está envejeciendo, muchas personas se verán obligados a trabajar hasta avanzada edad. Desde el punto de vista laboral, se requieren de políticas públicas inclusivas de la fuerza laboral a medida que envejece ofreciendo oportunidades de capacitación y fomento del empleo. Este estudio exploratorio analizó la oferta de los programas vigentes del Servicio Nacional de Capacitación y Empleo respecto a si promueven o no la inclusión de trabajadores mayores. Se realizó una c...

  14. Contexto macroeconómico colombiano, mercado laboral urbano y retos para una política de empleo

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    Hugo Lopez Castaño


    Full Text Available Después de que la crisis de la primera mitad de los años ochentas afectara enormemente la situación laboral en las ciudades colombianas, esta mejoró sustancialmente a partir de 1986-1987. A pesar de que la mayor inflación redujo –moderadamente- los ingresos reales de los trabajadores, el empleo se multiplicó y dio señales de modernizarse. La política de apertura no ha generado todavía, como se esperaba, una aceleración de la tasa de crecimiento económico y sin embargo y a pesar del modesto crecimiento aquellos logros se consolidaron entre 1990 y 1992. Subsisten, con todo, grandes desafíos para el futuro inmediato y para el mediano y largo plazo. El primero es reducir la tasa de inflación (para permitir una recuperación del poder de compra de los trabajadores. El segundo es hacerlo manteniendo, a la vez, una tasa de crecimiento económico adecuada que evite la reaparición del desempleo cíclico. Ello resulta prioritario, en especial porque algunas señales rojas han comenzado a encenderse recientemente: el empleo urbano prácticamente se estancó entre junio de 1992 y junio de 1993; la situación laboral en las zonas cafeteras y bananeras se ha venido deteriorando marcadamente. El tercero es atacar el desempleo estructural (en especial el que afecta a las mujeres y a los jóvenes. El cuarto es mejorar la calidad del empleo: el asalariado sigue siendo muy inestable; el independiente exhibe niveles de productividad muy bajos e ingresos precarios. El presente estudio pretende ocuparse de algunos de estos temas.


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    Mª Concepción Alvarado Méndez


    Full Text Available En las últimas décadas el empleo e ingreso rural no agrícola en México ha pasado a ser una fuente importante de ingresos para un gran número de familias rurales, quienes han tenido que diversificar sus actividades como una tendencia del impacto de la política agrícola y factores internos de cambio en la organización económica de las familias. Este trabajo se realizó en la localidad de San Mateo Ayecac de Lardizábal en el estado de Tlaxcala, para ello en el año de 2008 se aplicaron 43 encuestas a agricultores. Los resultados indican que la población joven, con mayor escolaridad y menor tamaño de tierra agrícola han recurrido al empleo no agrícola, particularmente empleados en la industria maquiladora domiciliaria y han cambiado el proceso productivo de sus cultivos impactando en el rendimiento de la producción de maíz.

  16. Estimación de la relación entre salario mínimo y empleo en Colombia: 1984-2000.

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    Gustavo Hernández


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se analizan los efectos del salario mínimo legal (SML sobre el empleo, en una función de demanda de trabajo, teniendo en cuenta el efecto sustitución y el efecto ingreso inducidos por el incremento del salario mínimo. Las estimaciones tomaron el periodo 1984-2000, con base en la información trimestral de las Encuestas de Hogares. Una de las principales conclusiones del estudio es que el efecto neto del SML sobre el empleo es positivo, tanto para la población cubierta como para la no cubierta, cuando se consideran en conjunto el efecto sustitución y el efecto ingreso. Por otra parte, se muestra que la demanda de trabajo está más determinada por el ciclo económico que por los cambios en los precios de los factores de producción.

  17. Relaciones sociales en el empleo, en trabajadores con discapacidad

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    Pilar Ibáñez


    Full Text Available El propósito de este estudio es aproximarnos al conocimiento del perfil y las relaciones sociales de 252 personas con distintos tipos de discapacidad, en el contexto del emplea protegido, a través de un cuestionario de autovaloración. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto que en el empleo protegido predominan los trabajadores -sin diferencias significativas respecto al género- con discapacidad psíquica y edad media de 31 años. Estas características no influyen significativamente en el gusto por su trabajo, su ambiente laboral o su capacidad para hacer amigos dentro del trabajo. Las personas con discapacidad psíquica tienen un número significativamente menor de amigos fuera del trabajo. Este último aspecto sí está significativamente relacionado con tener amigos dentro del contexto laboral. Por otra parte, encontramos elevadas expectativas de autoeficacia y predisposición al cambio ocupacional.

  18. Sin-vergüenza. Análisis goffmaniano de la capacitación en un programa de empleo

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    Diego Quattrini


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio es analizar la educación de la competencia “buena presencia”, que deben asumir los jóvenes de los sectores vulnerables para ingresar al mercado laboral en la provincia de Mendoza (Argentina. Para dicho fin, utilizo algunos aportes conceptuales de la teoría de Erving Goffman. Atendiendo al diseño metodológico, elaboré en el año 2013 entrevistas en profundidad a técnicos y jóvenes de un programa de empleo y capacitación laboral. Mediante esta técnica busco observar el manejo corporal-emocional que se produce en la presentación, en la búsqueda de empleo. Así, la pregunta es por la forma en que se construye la sensación de reconocimiento ante la regulación que se produce por la mirada de los otros. La inclusión está dada, entonces, por lograr una presentación estética y emocionalmente validada por el orden de la interacción.

  19. Educación y acceso a empleos de calidad en Cali: una revisión a la discriminación laboral por sexo

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    Santiago Arroyo Mina


    Full Text Available Este documento entrega los resultados de la estimación en el cambio de la probabilidad de estar en un empleo de calidad al interior del mercado laboral de la ciudad de Cali y su área metropolitana, Colombia, para el año 2006, a partir de evaluar el efecto marginal que tienen años adicionales de escolaridad en función de distintos grupos de edad, asi como a determinantes tipo, sexo, estado civil y jefatura de hogar. La intención de tal estimación es establecer posibles grados de desigualdad en dicho mercado, según lo estipulado por la literatura en economia laboral. Se estiman modelos paramétricos tipo Logit, para efectos de contrastar los resultados obtenidos al interior de los mismos con la teoria de discriminación en el mercado laboral. Los resultados reflejan la presencia de discriminación laboral de tipo estadístico, resultando perjudicados aquellos individuos que manifestaron no estar casados y no ser jefes de hogar, para el año 2006, frente a la probabilidad de tener un empleo de calidad. En adición a lo anterior, las estimaciones reflejan un comportamiento de discriminación por sexo en la probabilidad de tener un empleo de calidad frente a no tenerlo, para el caso de las mujeres.

  20. Moneda, intercambios efectivos y desempleo keynesiano

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    Ludovic Julien


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es construir un modelo que produzca equilibrios con desempleo involuntario en una economía monetaria descentralizada. La existencia del desempleo involuntario reposa aquí sobre la organización monetaria de las transacciones. En tal economía, la moneda juega un papel esencial en la medida que permite la realización descentralizada de las transacciones y la determinación de los precios de mercado tanto en el equilibrio como en el desequilibrio.

  1. Probabilidades de empleo-desempleo en Medellín: evidencia empírica para pensar un seguro de desempleo en Colombia

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    Probabilidades de empleo-desempleo en Medellín: evidencia empírica para pensar un seguro de desempleo en Colombia


    Full Text Available Objetivo: estimar las probabilidades de empleo-desempleo de la fuerza laboral del área metropolitana de Medellín-Colombia y analizar la duración del desempleo según características individuales y tiempo de búsqueda de empleo de un grupo de trabajadores cesantes de esta área en el año 2004, a fin de aportar evidencia científica para la toma de decisiones en materia de políticas de protección social. Metodología: estudio descriptivo de corte transversal que utilizó fuentes de información secundaria y primaria. Dos categorías centrales de análisis se definieron para los propósitos del estudio: fuerza laboral ocupada y fuerza laboral cesante. Para los fines pertinentes, se aplicaron técnicas de regresión logística y de estimación no paramétrica tipo Kaplan-Meier de tablas de supervivencia. Resultados: los cesantes de sexo femenino, con edad superior a los 44 años, educación media y experiencia laboral en los sectores de la industria y el comercio, fueron los que registraron mayores probabilidades de permanecer desempleados y, por tanto, mayor tiempo promedio de búsqueda de empleo. Discusión: los principales hallazgos del estudio y su relación con otros de carácter local y nacional evidencian que buena parte del desempleo en Colombia es de larga duración y este precedente debería orientar la discusión sobre los alcances y las características de un seguro de desempleo.

  2. La posinformalidad como propuesta teórico-metodológica para cuantificar los empleos informales


    José Juan Cervantes; Arun Kumar Acharya


    La perspectiva tradicional y hegemónica de los empleos informales (postulados de la exclusión laboral) ha mostrado desde los años setenta del Siglo XX, un sector de ocupaciones con altos niveles de precariedad laboral (no acceso a prestaciones laborales, de salud y sociales) y desvinculado del progreso y desarrollo de un país. En tanto, la tesis del escape argumenta que un estrato significativo de los trabajadores informales entra y desempeña estas ocupaciones por racionalidad propia, en empl...

  3. Equidad en el empleo: diagnósticos de Argentina, Colombia, Paraguay y Perú


    Martínez, Natalia


    Pares es el emblema del Proyecto "Iniciativa Regional para la Igualdad de las Mujeres en el Ámbito Laboral" orientada a aumentar las capacidades locales en el área del derecho de la mujer al trabajo con medidas de promoción de la igualdad de género, específicamente para el acceso de las mujeres a empleos remunerados en los sectores no agrícolas en la Argentina, Colombia, Paraguay y Perú. Los países seleccionados forman parte de la Red Mujer y Hábitat de América Latina y el Caribe. La direcció...

  4. El empleo y los salarios públicos en Colombia Employment and public wages in Colombia

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    Carrero Noel Antonio


    Full Text Available Este artículo estudia la evolución y determinación del empleo y los salarios públicos en Colombia emtre 1970 y 1994, y busca establecer si sus comportamientos obedecieron a factores políticos o económicos. Para los años noventa, evalúa hasta que punto se cumplieron los objetivos de gobierno en cuanto a la reorientación del factor humano hacia las áreas donde se supone imprescindible la intervensión estatal, a la descentralización del empleo público y a la profesionalización de la planta de personal. También analiza el papel de los salarios públicos como instrumento para suavizar los ciclos de la economía y alcanzar el equilibrio en la finanzas públicas.This article studies the evolution and determination of employment and public wages in Colombia between 1970 and 1994, and seeks to establish if their behavior responded to political or economic factors. For the 1990s, it evaluates up to what point the government 'sobjectives were fulfilled with respect to the reorientation of thehuman factor towards the areas where state intervention is assumed tobe essential: the decentralization of public employment and the professionalization of its personnel. It also analyzes the role of pubic wages as an instrument for smoothing the cycles of the economyand achieving equilibrium in public finances.

  5. Las posibilidades de un despido objetivo del art.52.c) E.T. durante un ERE temporal: comentario a la STS de 12 de marzo de 2014


    Clark Soriano, Héctor


    Un trabajador fue despedido mediante despido objetivo por causas económicas y productivas, durante la vigencia de un expediente de regulación de empleo temporal (ERTE) que afectaba también a dicho trabajador. La cuestión a debate es si una empresa a la que en el marco de un ERTE se le ha autorizado a suspender temporalmente contratos de trabajo, puede durante tal período, por las mismas causas alegadas y sin que haya habido un cambio relevante en las circunstancias, efectuar un...

  6. Empleo de Imágenes satélites ópticas de alta resolución en el planeamiento de las operaciones en la Marina de Guerra del Perú


    Perez Medina, Roberto


    En el marco de la reciente adquisición del Sistema de Observación Terrestre realizada por el gobierno peruano, el objetivo de la tesis es formular una propuesta para implementar el empleo de imágenes satelitales en el planeamiento de las operaciones de la Marina. Al respecto, ha sido necesario analizar el estado actual del empleo de imágenes en el planeamiento de las operaciones, a fin de determinar sus fortalezas, debilidades y si son usadas en la actualidad de manera eficiente. La invest...

  7. Efectos del tlcan sobre el empleo de mano de obra en el sector agrícola de México, 1994-2010

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    Yuliana Lechuga Jardínez


    Full Text Available el Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte se implementó en 1994 para solucionar el desempleo de mano de obra en el campo mexicano, sin embargo, actual - mente las zonas rurales del país enfrentan el mismo pro - blema. Se calcularon las fuentes de crecimiento del em - pleo de mano de obra, de 1994 a 2010, con la finalidad de determinar su impacto sobre el sector agrícola de Méxi - co. Los resultados indican que el cambio en la estructura productiva fue desfavorable para el empleo en general, no obstante, el agrícola creció en diez millones de jornadas debido a un incremento en la superficie cosechada y a un aumento en los requerimientos de mano de obra. En Sinaloa, el cambio en la estructura productiva y una ma - yor mecanización perjudicaron al empleo, a diferencia de lo ocurrido en Estado de México y Chiapas, en donde lo beneficiaron.

  8. Trabajo emocional y satisfacción con el empleo en hoteles de sol y playa


    Ramírez Velázquez, Ethel; Guerra Rodríguez, Luis Eduardo; Ramis Palmer, Carmen


    Se evalúan las relaciones entre el trabajo emocional y la satisfacción con el empleo de trabajadores del servicio en hoteles de sol y playa del Grupo Cubanacan en el destino Santa Lucía, provincia de Camagüey, Cuba. Se aplica la versión española de la Escala de Trabajo Emocional de Frankfurt para revelar el estado de las dimensiones de esta variable. Las bases de datos obtenidas fueron procesadas con el paquete estadístico Statgraphics Centurion XVI. Se constató que las dimensiones del trabaj...

  9. Agricultura y empleo rural agropecuario en Bolivia. Consecuencias del control de precios en el sector agropecuario


    Vera, Diego Alejandro


    Los controles de precios son medidas que pueden afectar considerablemente a los sectores sujetos a dichas políticas. Mediante un modelo de equilibrio general dinámico estocástico con dos tipos de agentes: campesinos y citadinos, calibrado para Bolivia, se muestra que, ante caídas en la productividad del sector agropecuario, el empleo rural agropecuario y la producción agropecuaria se ven mermadas cuando existen controles de precios. Asimismo, mejoras de productividad en el sector rural no agr...

  10. Conflicto trabajo-familia, en mujeres profesionales que trabajan en la modalidad de empleo

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    Adaneys Álvarez R.


    Full Text Available Objetivo. La investigación tuvo como objetivo establecer indicadores del conflicto trabajo-familia desde la perspectiva de rol y sus implicaciones psicosociales, en mujeres profesionales en la modalidad de empleo. Método. Estudio de tipo descriptivo-cualitativo. Las participantes, cinco, mujeres profesionales que trabajaran en la modalidad de empleo, entre 25 y 50 años de edad, convivieran con su pareja y tuvieran hijos entre 0 y 11 años de edad. Se utilizó el análisis de contenido para analizar la información recogida a través de la entrevista estructurada con preguntas abiertas. Resultados. Se encontró que la sobrecarga de rol -tanto en lo laboral como en lo familiar- afecta a las mujeres como antecedente del conflicto trabajo-familia, lo cual se explica por las condiciones laborales (carga de trabajo y formas de contratación y la doble jornada de trabajo. Otros factores que explican el conflicto trabajo-familia son el conflicto y la ambigüedad de rol. Con respecto a las implicaciones psicosociales, se encontró que la salud se ve afectada por cambios en el estado de ánimo y cansancio físico. Se halló; como factores protectores que ayudan a las mujeres a disminuir la presencia del conflicto trabajo-familia, el apoyo social (doméstico y de pareja y los recursos internos (la toma de decisiones y el establecimiento de prioridades. Conclusiones. La incorporación de la mujer al mercado de trabajo ha tenido repercusiones en la estructura familiar; se requiere que los diferentes estamentos planteen estrategias que permitan conciliar la interfase de la relación trabajo familia.

  11. ¿Programas focalizados? ¿Por qué falta empleo en América Latina?

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    Carlos Comas


    Full Text Available EN EL MES DE NOVIEMBRE DEL 2004, SE DESARROLLÓ EN LA UNIVERSIDAD Centroamericana (UCA el Congreso Anual de FLACSO-CLACSO-CROP con la participación de renombrados sociólogos de América Latina, quienes debatieron sobre pobreza y migraciones. El evento clausuró con una Mesa Redonda donde se presentaron ponencias sobre pobreza y migraciones. Este trabajo trata de ser una recopilación de lo dicho en esa reunió, más algunas reflexiones acerca de la focalización versus servicios universales; y por qué América Latina ha fracasado en crear empleo.

  12. La estructura espacial urbana y accesibilidad diferenciada a centros de empleo en Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua

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    César M. Fuentes Flores


    Full Text Available Existen disparidades intraurbanas en los tiempos de traslado del viaje al trabajo en transporte público y privado, producto de una accesibilidad diferenciada a los centros de empleo en Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua; el objetivo del artículo es explicarlas. La metodología empleada es el análisis espacial, además se elaboraron cuatro modelos de regresión simple estimados mediante la técnica de mínimos cuadrados ordinarios (MCO. Las variables se construyeron con información de la Encuesta de origen-destino de 1997, el XII Censo general de población y vivienda de 2000 y el XIII Censo económico de 1999, a nivel del área geográfica básica (AGEB. Los resultados de los modelos de regresión indican que el índice de accesibilidad, el balance entre empleos y viviendas, el valor del suelo y las variables aproximadas de uso del suelo (proporción de trabajadores en el sector secundario y terciario muestran efectos estadísticamente significativos al explicar diferencias en los tiempos de traslado al trabajo en transporte público. Así mismo, el índice de accesibilidad, valor del suelo y la proporción de trabajadores en el sector secundario incrementan dichos tiempos en transporte privado. Los resultados tienen implicaciones en términos de políticas de usos del suelo y planeación del transporte.

  13. Empleo de placas filtrantes cubanas en el proceso de producción de melagenina loción


    Guillermo Lago Mendoza; Patricia Melgares Hernández; Gabriel Coto Valdés; Loida Oruña Sánchez; María de los Ángeles Jiménez Gómez


    La melagenina loción es un medicamento extraído de la placenta humana e identificado como una lipoproteína de bajo peso molecular, que ha demostrado su eficacia en la cura del vitiligo. Durante el proceso productivo de obtención de dicho extracto se emplea un sistema de placas de celulosa en la estación de filtración del Centro de Histoterapia Placentaria, Planta. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo el empleo y evaluación de placas de producción nacional modelo Filtec 00 producidas en la ...

  14. Factores económicos que condicionan el empleo de traíllas. Traíllas en tándem.

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    Chinchilla, M.


    Full Text Available Un movimiento de tierras puede efectuarse obteniendo el mismo volumen de carga transportada, con una carga determinada y un número de viajes, o bien con una carga mitad de la anterior y doble número de viajes. El inconveniente de esta versión simplista radica en que se prescinde del factor COSTE, y es este factor el que subordina la técnica de empleo de los equipos de movimiento de tierras.

  15. El clima organizacional y su relación con el desempeño laboral en los trabajadores de la Dirección General del Servicio Nacional del Empleo del Ministerio de Trabajo, Lima, Perú


    Chuquillanqui Barrientos, Jorge Luis


    El objetivo general de esta investigación fue determinar en qué medida se relaciona el clima organizacional con el desempeño laboral de los trabajadores de la Dirección General del Servicio Nacional del Empleo del Ministerio de Trabajo. La población estuvo conformada por 100 personas, quienes son trabajadores administrativos, apoyo y de Línea, servidores con nivel de Funcionario, Profesional y Técnico de la Dirección General del Servicio Nacional del Empleo, Direccion General d...

  16. Reconstrucción de la subunidad estética de la ceja con un colgajo temporal en isla de cuero cabelludo Aesthetic reconstruction of the eyebrow unit using a temporal island scalp flap

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    J. Gaona Silva


    Full Text Available La reconstrucción de las cejas juega un papel importante en la Cirugía Reconstructiva facial, debido a que la ausencia o deformidad de las mismas altera la expresión y las características de la cara, ejerciendo una influencia poderosa en la apariencia de la región periorbitaria, así como en el aspecto y en la autoestima de los pacientes. Describimos una técnica quirúrgica basada en el empleo de un colgajo temporal en isla de cuero cabelludo para la reconstrucción de la subunidad estética de la ceja y presentamos 3 casos de pacientes con defectos alopécicos de las cejas reconstruidos mediante dicha técnica.Eyebrow reconstruction plays an important role in facial Reconstructive Surgery. Absence or deformity of the eyebrows alter the expression and other features in the face exerting a powerful influence in the appearance of the periorbital region, so in the aspect as well as in the self-esteem of the patients. This paper describes the use of a temporal island scalp flap technique to reconstruct the eyebrow unit and we present 3 patients who underwent eyebrows reconstruction with this technique.


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    Pepa Burriel Rodríguez-Diosdado


    Full Text Available A través de las siguientes páginas nos adentraremos en la diferencia abismal de dos sistemas de protección del empleo, España y Dinamarca, producto de una concepción y evolución distinta del Estado del bienestar surgido tras la Gran Depresión de los años 30 y la II Guerra Mundial. Las políticas de empleo danesas gozan de una gran estabilidad y eficacia desde la década de 1990. España, por el contrario, tiene una amalgama de políticas desordenada y caótica que pone su acento en los incentivos a la contratación. Mirarse en el espejo danés, de vez en cuando, es una buena idea. Over the following pages we enter the huge difference of two systems of employment protection, Spain and Denmark, the product of a different design and evolution of the welfare state emerged after the Great Depression of the 30s and World War II. Danish employment policies are in high stability and efficiency since the 1990s. Spain, by contrast, is an amalgam of messy and chaotic policies that focuses its emphasis on hiring incentives. Look in the Danish mirror, occasionally, it is a good idea.

  18. Trabajo, Territorio y Políticas de Empleo. El caso de la Ciudad de Río Cuarto

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    Jorgelina Giayetto


    Full Text Available El objetivo general del presente trabajo es explorar el rol que las políticas públicas de empleo tienen en el desempeño del mercado de trabajo local y en la consecución de mayores y mejores condiciones laborales. En este sentido, dos ideas fuerzas orientan la investigación: por un lado, la importancia de recuperar enfoques teóricos alternativos que aporten nuevos elementos para interpretar el mercado de trabajo que se estructura y se comporta de manera compleja y, por otro, la consideración de que los fenómenos socio-económicos no pueden ser comprendidos fuera del espacio geográfico o territorio usado. Para analizar las intervenciones sobre el mercado de trabajo de Río Cuarto se realizaron entrevistas a tres informantes clave que se desempeñaron como responsables de las áreas de empleo en los distintos niveles político-administrativos de gobierno (nacional, provincial y municipal durante el período 2012-2015. Las experiencias de gestión política arrojan luz sobre el modo en que se abordan los problemas del mercado de trabajo a partir del diagnóstico previo de su desempeño, de los problemas que se identifican y definen como prioritarios y de las causas a las que se atribuyen así como de la consideración del modo en que se hace la política, sus condicionamientos y la coordinación de objetivos e intervenciones con otros niveles de gobierno.

  19. Titulación académica y posibilidades de acceso al primer empleo

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El presente artículo realiza una revisión sobre el estado de la cuestión de la temática focalizada y recoge una investigación de carácter cualitativo. La técnica de recogida de información utilizada ha sido la entrevista. La investigación abordada versa sobre un estudio de caso, acerca de la titulación académica de los empleados de una empresa del sector del comercio en España y sus posibilidades de acceso al primer empleo.De la investigación se desprende que existe una estrecha relación entre la formación y el empleo llegando a convertirse en uno de los mayores condicionantes para la consecución y mantenimiento de éste. Los titulados medios y universitarios no encuentran dificultades para optar al primer empleo en el sector del comercio en España, debido a que todos presentan un nivel de estudios superior al solicitado para el trabajo que realizan en los primeros años de su vida laboral. A pesar de que el nivel de estudios no asegura la obtención del primer empleo coloca a las personas en una situación privilegiada para lograrlo, así la formación ofrece una predisposición para conseguirlo. Con todo, es recomendable desarrollar procedimientos para ofrecer una educación inicial más adaptada al contexto laboral de cada titulación académica que propicien un grado de exigencia coherente con la capacitación profesional.ABSTRACT: The present article is a review on the state of art of the topic starting from a qualitative approach. The technique Lised to collect data was the interview. This is a case study about the academic degrees of the employees of a company in the business sector in Spain and their possibilities of obtaining their first job.One conclusión is the cióse relationship between training and employment and how the former is one of the greatest conditioners in attaining and maintaining the latter. Persons with secondary diplomas and university degrees have no difficulties in gaining their first job

  20. El Trabajo no remunerado en el hogar. Un análisis empírico a partir de la Encuesta de Empleo del Tiempo


    Sánchez Pérez, Diana


    A partir de la Encuesta de Empleo del Tiempo que realizó el INE (Instituto Nacional de Estadística) en el 2009-2010, se estudia mediante diferentes variables cómo emplea el tiempo los hombres y las mujeres en el grupo que el INE denomina “Hogar y familia”. Grado en Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humanos

  1. Reconstrucción de la subunidad estética de la ceja con un colgajo temporal en isla de cuero cabelludo

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    J. Gaona Silva

    Full Text Available La reconstrucción de las cejas juega un papel importante en la Cirugía Reconstructiva facial, debido a que la ausencia o deformidad de las mismas altera la expresión y las características de la cara, ejerciendo una influencia poderosa en la apariencia de la región periorbitaria, así como en el aspecto y en la autoestima de los pacientes. Describimos una técnica quirúrgica basada en el empleo de un colgajo temporal en isla de cuero cabelludo para la reconstrucción de la subunidad estética de la ceja y presentamos 3 casos de pacientes con defectos alopécicos de las cejas reconstruidos mediante dicha técnica.

  2. El empleo femenino en España y en la Unión Europea

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    Laura Nuño Gómez


    Full Text Available La incorporación de las mujeres al espacio público puede ser considerada como la revolución más importante que se ha producido durante el último siglo. Sin embargo esta es todavía una revolución incompleta en la medida que los nuevos roles de género en el espacio público no han significado una reformulación de los roles tradicionales en el espacio privado. La imposibilidad de compatibilizar las responsabilidades públicas y privadas y el no reconocimiento monetario de las segundas convierte este hecho en la principal fuente de desigualdad de género.Este desequilibrio en cuanto a la distribución del tiempo, entre el espacio público y privado, está mermando los recursos temporales y la capacidad competitiva de las mujeres europeas en el mercado laboral, lo que tiene como consecuencia que, en toda Europa, la presencia de las mujeres en empleo sea menor y que este sea más precario. La eventualidad, la jornada a tiempo parcial, la inferioridad salarial o la segregación ocupacional o sectorial son las señas de identidad que caracterizan el empleo de las mujeres europeas. En concreto, España tiene uno de los modelos más desequilibrados de la UE en cuanto a la división sexual del trabajo, de forma que los españoles tienen la mayor carga de trabajo remunerado mientras las españolas la máxima del trabajo no remunerado. Lo que explica que sea el cuarto país europeo con mayor desigualdad de género en la ocupación (tras Italia, Grecia y Malta; el segundo con respecto al desempleo (tras Grecia; el tercero en eventualidad (tras Chipre y Finlandia y que se encuentre por encima de la media con respecto a la segregación sectorial y ocupacional. Segregación que, contra todo pronóstico, ha aumentando durante los últimos años.

  3. Factores asociados al empleo de varios antibióticos en pacientes clínicos

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    Ioanna Mir Narbona


    Full Text Available Objetivo: identificar factores asociados con el empleo de varios antibióticos en pacientes clínicos. Métodos: se realizó un estudio de casos y controles en pacientes con infección, egresados de los servicios clínicos en el Hospital Docente Clínicoquirúrgico "Joaquín Albarrán" entre mayo de 2008 y diciembre de 2011. Se consideró caso al paciente que utilizó tres o más antibióticos. Se obtuvo la siguiente información: edad, sexo, antecedentes patológicos personales, tiempo de inicio de los síntomas sugestivos de un proceso infeccioso, uso previo de antibióticos, signos vitales y estado de conciencia al ingreso, resultados de estudios hematológicos y de química sanguínea, estudios radiográficos de tórax, diagnóstico de infección nosocomial y uso inadecuado de antimicrobianos. Se compararon las frecuencias mediante las pruebas de homogeneidad y prueba exacta de Fisher, pruebas t y de Wilcoxon. Se empleó la regresión logística para la identificación de los factores de riesgo. Resultados: Se estudiaron 92 casos y 184 controles. El riesgo de empleo de varios antibióticos se incrementó 2,68 veces por cada grado centígrado que se encontró elevada la temperatura del paciente (OR= 2,68; IC 95 % 1,21-5,94, 7 veces si existió alteración del nivel de conciencia (OR= 7,32; IC 95 % 1,88-28,55, 3,88 veces si se diagnosticó infección nosocomial y 9,98 veces si se consideró inadecuado el uso de antimicrobianos. Conclusiones: Los factores de riesgo para el uso de varios antibióticos identificados pueden contribuir a elaborar estrategias de control de la calidad de prescripción de antimicrobianos.

  4. Estudio del empleo de metano como combustible de sustitución en hibridación de motores diesel


    González Hoyos, Alejandro


    Las necesidades energéticas mundiales, la escasez de recursos y las normativas de emisiones relativas a los motores de combustión interna empleados en el sector del transporte impulsan la necesidad de búsquedas de fuentes de energía alternativa. En ese sentido, la hibridación de motores con las tecnologías existentes (encendido provocado y por compresión en la inmensa mayoría de los vehículos actuales) mediante el empleo de un segundo combustible complementario al principal se ...

  5. Strategic sectors and employment during the crisis: The case of Andalusia || Sectores estratégicos y empleo durante la crisis: el caso de Andalucía

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    Campoy-Muñoz, Pilar


    Full Text Available The economic crisis has resulted in the shedding of labour characterised by significant differences across the Spanish regions, among which the case of Andalusia stands out. This paper aims to explain the events that occurred between 2005 and 2010, focusing on analysing the region’s productive structure and how it is reflected in its labour market. To do so, a linear SAM model is employed to identify strategic sectors, and their employment trends are then studied through shift-share analysis. The results show the progressive tertiarisation of the Andalusian economy, a regional countercyclical effect that is lower than the national average and sectorial effects on employment in the strategic sectors. || La crisis económica ha generado una destrucción de empleo caracterizada por diferencias significativas en las regiones españolas, destacando el caso de Andalucía. Este trabajo trata de explicar lo ocurrido entre 2005 y 2010, centrándose en el análisis de la estructura productiva regional y cómo ésta se refleja en su mercado laboral. Para ello, se emplea un modelo lineal SAM que identifica los sectores estratégicos, mientras que la evolución del empleo se estudia a través del análisis shift-share. Los resultados muestran la progresiva terciarización de la economía andaluza, un efecto regional contracíclico menor que el detectado a nivel nacional y efectos sectoriales sobre el empleo en los sectores estratégicos andaluces.

  6. Arriesgarse para no perder el empleo: las secuelas en la salud de los obreros de la construcción del Mercosur

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    Silva María Alejandra


    Full Text Available Los proyectos de construción más publicitados en los países miembros del Mercosur carecen de referencias a la gestión preventiva de los riesgos del trabajo y la salud, dentro de los pliegos de licitaciones o los estudios de factibilidad. Por eso, se intenta plantear el estado actual del debate sobre los riesgos del trabajo en obras de la construcción. El objetivo fue interpretar los determinantes sociales del proceso de salud-enfermedad en la obra e identificar los modos de gestión de los riesgos del trabajo. La metodología es cuali-cuantitativa, mediante el uso de los datos secundarios (censos y encuestas; la técnica de observación directa en las obras, las entrevistas y las encuestas. Además se analizan los alcances de las negociaciones en el subgrupo 10 y 11 del Mercosur. Como corolario, se plantean las limitaciones de los sistemas de cobertura y de registro de enfermedades y accidentes laborales dentro de un crecimiento del "empleo no registrado" y el "empleo informal"; a partir de su contraste con el enfoque de la salud globalizada y la gestión de los riesgos en cada fase de la obra.

  7. Análisis de la dinámica regional del empleo utilizando el modelo shift share espacialmente modificado: el caso de la Región Chorotega, 1990-2009

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    Rafael Arias Ramírez


    Full Text Available Este artículo es resultado de un estudio más amplio que se está realizando sobre la competitividad territorial y mercado de trabajo en la región Chorotega y forma parte de la investigación que en economía regional ha venido realizando el Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias Económicas (IICE desde el año 2005. El presente trabajo plantea una aproximación a la dinámica regional del empleo en la región Chorotega durante el período 1990-2009 mediante la aplicación del análisis shift-share en sus formulaciones clásica y espacialmente modificada. Esto permite descomponer el crecimiento del empleo en cuatro efectos: el efecto nacional, el efecto sectorial, el efecto regional o competitivo y el efecto ?locacional?.

  8. IMPUTACIÓN DE INGRESOS LABORALES. Una aplicación con encuestas de empleo en México

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    Eduardo Rodríguez-Oreggia


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es realizar una imputación de ingresos a observaciones con ingresos faltantes en la Encuesta Nacional de Ocupaciones y Empleo ( ENOE y, posteriormente, analizar el posible sesgo en estimaciones de capital humano derivadas de ignorar esas observaciones. Se presenta una imputación por dos métodos y también una corrección de estimaciones por remuestreo para observaciones de ingreso reportado. Los resultados muestran diferencias en parámetros de capital humano sobre salarios y determinantes de pobreza laboral al no considerar las observaciones con ingreso faltante. Las diferencias son más significativas cuando se mide pobreza laboral.


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    Ma Carmen González-Galarzo


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: La exposición a riesgos ergonómicos es la principal causa de daños de origen laboral. El objetivo es describir la prevalencia de exposición a carga física por ocupación en población laboral española y su relación con las condiciones de empleo y características sociodemográficas de los trabajadores. Métodos: Se utilizó la información contenida en la Matriz Empleo- Exposición Española (MatEmESp con datos entre 1997 y 2005. Se describieron las prevalencias de exposición a riesgos ergonómicos, identificándose las ocupaciones con mayores prevalencias y se analizó la relación con las condiciones de empleo y las características sociodemográficas por ocupación mediante coeficientes de correlación de Spearman y diagramas de dispersión. Resultados: Los movimientos repetidos fueron el riesgo ergonómico declarado con mayor frecuencia (prevalencias en torno al 60%. Las mayores prevalencias de exposición a posturas forzadas, manipulación de cargas, movimientos repetidos y trabajo sedentario se dieron en “albañi- les” (96%, en “peones de construcción” (89%, en “trabajadores de artes gráficas” (95% y “auxiliares administrativos” (98%, respectivamente. Encontramos una fuerte relación (p50%. Conclusiones: En general, la prevalencia de exposición a riesgos ergonómicos se mantiene muy elevada en el periodo analizado. Las ocupaciones menos cualificadas presentaron habitualmente mayores prevalencias de exposición.

  10. Empleo de polímeros naturales como alternativa para la remediación de suelos contaminados por metales pesados


    CARTAYA, Omar E.; REYNALDO, Inés; PENICHE, Carlos; GARRIDO, María. L.


    En este trabajo se realizaron ensayos para estudiar la absorción y la distribución de metales pesados (Cu) en plántulas de tomates tratadas con polímeros naturales (oligogalacturónidos, Ogal) cultivadas en un medio con niveles tóxicos de cobre. También se analizaron los metales asimilables en el suelo con el fin de determinar el efecto residual y la movilidad de estos elementos. Los resultados evidenciaron que el empleo de la mezcla de oligogalacturónidos contrarresta el efecto de la toxicida...

  11. Derechos colectivos en el empleo público. Construcción de relatos en la justicia constitucional costarricense. 1990-2015


    Castro Méndez, Mauricio


    Resumen Este artículo propone una lectura crítica de la jurisprudencia de la Sala Constitucional sobre derechos colectivos del empleo público costarricense a partir de un análisis argumentativo y desde la perspectiva crítica del derecho. Más concretamente, el estudio se enfoca en el relato histórico mediante el cual la Sala Constitucional justifica su jurisprudencia y lo problematiza a partir de los estudios académicos disponibles. El análisis muestra que su relato se basa en opciones ideológ...

  12. Los estilos de aprendizaje, ¿condicionante del empleo de las plataformas educativas en un grado de Edificación?


    Alducin-Ochoa, Juan Manuel; Vázquez-Martínez, Ana Isabel


    La investigación que se presenta ha sido realizada con estudiantes de primer curso de Ingeniería de Edificación (Universidad de Sevilla). Los objetivos que la guían son determinar la distribución porcentual de los estilos de aprendizaje dominantes, y analizar la relación entre las puntuaciones en los estilos y el grado de empleo de la plataforma WebCT. Se ha recurrido a un diseño metodológico transversal múltiple, ex post facto con variables no manipuladas experimentalmente, empleando los mét...


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    Manuel J. Marchena Gómez


    Full Text Available El artículo pretende realizar un primer acercamiento al análisis del mercado de trabajo en la actividad turística y su significación territorial y socioeconómica tanto a nivel estatal como regional. Tras un primer planteamiento conceptual y metodológico, se comprueba para las dos escalas citadas el comportamiento claramente positivo que ha tenido el sector turístico —en especial el segmento hotelero— en cuanto al sostenimiento y expansión del empleo entre 1991 y 1995. A pesar de estos datos cuantitativos, se deja entrever cierta preocupación por el crecimiento de la eventualidad, una velada descuali- ficación profesional y el alto grado de estacionalidad en determinadas regiones. En cualquier caso, el artículo examina las diferencias espaciales, a escala regional, de la actividad turística española, mirada desde la perspectiva del mercado de trabajo.

  14. Atención Básica y Empleo en Salud: algunos elementos y potencialidades

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    Geraldo Biasoto JUNIOR


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es discutir algunos de los elementos y de las potencialidades del sector salud en la generación de plazas de trabajo en el Brasil. Para tanto, son discutidos los gastos con salud y la inserción pública en un rol de países y la posición brasileña. Al mismo tiempo, son evaluados los gastos del Ministerio da la Salud de Brasil, en los últimos años, en sus grandes segmentos, con destaque para las estrategias de la atención básica, notoriamente el PACS/PSF. En el campo de la generación de empleos son evaluados los números globales del país y focalizados los relativos a la salud da la familia y agentes comunitarios. Por fin, se estima el costo de la geración de plazas de trabajo para el sector de la salud, a la salud pública y el PACS/PSF.

  15. Mujeres, ciencias naturales y empleo académico en la Argentina (1900-1940DOI:10.5007/1807-1384.2011v8n2p83

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    Susana V. García


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es examinar algunos aspectos del marco de ideas y posibilidades que rodearon la inserción femenina en el mercado de trabajo académico en el contexto argentino de la primera parte del siglo XX, tomando como caso de estudio lo acontecido en una institución científica particular. Por un lado, se focaliza en el clima de ideas que circularon con respecto a las “habilidades especiales” que tenían las mujeres para determinadas tareas y empleos en la primera década del siglo XX, en el contexto de los debates por el trabajo femenino, la emergencia de un movimiento feminista y de las primeras egresadas universitarias en varias carreras. En la segunda parte, se revisa las posibilidades de empleo y educación científica de las mujeres en el caso del Museo de La Plata, que desde 1906 se incorporó a la Universidad Nacional de La Plata funcionando como instituto científico y Facultad de Ciencias Naturales.

  16. Justificación del empleo de nuevos indicadores biológicos en relación con la calidad de las aguas


    Coronel Olivares, Claudia


    RESUMEN El empleo del recurso hídrico en diversas actividades humanas lo convierte en vehículo de desechos, denominándose, aguas residuales urbanas (ARU). A nivel mundial se establece una reglamentación de obligado cumplimiento para garantizar que las ARU sean tratadas correctamente y minimicen el impacto sobre los cauces receptores. Así, el objetivo principal de las estaciones depuradoras de aguas residuales es mantener un equilibrio en la calidad del agua de salida, antes ...


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    Eduardo Vicente Ruano Rosero


    Full Text Available Los indicadores del desempleo en Pasto han sido, históricamente, superiores al promedio nacional, situación que es motivo de preocupación para miles de personas en el Municipio. Pensar en una salida en el largo plazo, es una tarea que requiere incorporar en una Política Pública, no solo el reconocimiento a fondo de sus más destacadas características; sino también, adoptar una postura teórica que a de ser articulada a una decidida voluntad política y participación ciudadana e institucional. Este documento pretende aportar algunos de esos elementos teóricos y prácticos en el horizonte de formular una Política Pública de Empleo para Pasto.

  18. El reducido empleo femenino en los Estados del bienestar del sur de Europa. Un análisis comparado

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    Moreno Mínguez, Almudena


    Full Text Available The analysis is contextualized in the theoretical framework referred to the comparative studies on welfare regimes and gender. The researches carried out for this purpose point out that the low female employment that characterizes the countries of the Mediterranean area (mainly Spain and Italy is linked with the family policies, labour policies and gender policies developed by the welfare States. In this study it is presented a compared analysis on the institutional, labour and socio-demographic factors that explain the differences observed in the labour strategies adopted by the women in the different European countries. The aim of this paper is to present new empirical evidences regarding recent trends in women´s employment in the Southern Welfare States in a compared perspective.

    El análisis se contextualiza en el marco teórico referido a los estudios comparados sobre los regímenes de bienestar y de género. Las investigaciones realizadas a tal efecto tienden a apuntar que el reducido empleo femenino que caracteriza a los países del entorno mediterráneo (fundamentalmente España e Italia está vinculado con las políticas familiares, laborales y de género desarrolladas por los respectivos Estados de bienestar. En este estudio se presenta un análisis comparado relativo a los factores de tipo institucional, laboral y sociodemográfico que explican las diferencias observadas en las estrategias laborales adoptadas por las mujeres en los distintos países europeos. El propósito de este trabajo consiste en aportar nuevas evidencias empíricas relativas a las tendencias recientes del empleo femenino en los Estados del bienestar del sur de Europa en perspectiva comparada.

  19. Infracapacitación, recuperación, pérdida del empleo y jubilación de trabajadores de edad en entornos de oficina. Estudio de cohorte prospectivo

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gommans, Fleur G.; Jansen, Nicole W.h.; Stynen, Dave; Kant, Ijmert; De Grip, Andries


    Con una muestra de trabajadores de edad tomada del Maastricht Cohort Study, los autores investigan empíricamente la prevalencia y la evolución de la infracapacitación autopercibida y sus efectos en la necesidad de recuperación de los trabajadores, su riesgo de pérdida del empleo y sus intenciones de


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    Elvira López Díaz


    Full Text Available Con el fin de reducir la segmentación en el mercado de trabajo y para una mejor respuesta a los objetivos de la Estrategia de Lisboa (2020 de “crecer de manera sostenible, con más y mejores empleos” resulta necesaria una nueva formulación del mercado laboral con la que se pretende articular la suficiente flexibilidad que exige la nueva competitividad y que supone la libertad de las personas para escoger el modelo de empleo y, por tanto, hacerlo de forma más flexible, manteniendo así un modelo social europeo que garantice la cohesión social. La principal novedad de la “Flexiguridad” es que no se trata de cuánto tiempo una persona permanece en el mismo lugar de trabajo (seguridad en el empleo sino de la continuidad en el mismo o en otros lugares de trabajo (seguridad laboral; es lo que en la filosofía danesa se refleja bajo el dogma “proteger a los trabajadores, no a los trabajos”. La idea es conseguir mercados de trabajo flexibles y ágiles que faciliten la adaptación de empresas, trabajadores e instituciones a los cambios que se están produciendo a raíz de la globalización y a fluctuaciones de tipo económico y productivo. In order to reduce segmentation in the labour market and to better respond to the objectives of the Lisbon Strategy (2020, “achieving a sustainable growth” with “more and better jobs”, a new formulation of the labour market is necessary. This pretends to assemble a series of mechanisms to ensure the flexibility required by the new competitiveness and implies the freedom of people to choose the form of employment, therefore making it more flexible, thus maintaining a European social model which guarantees social cohesion. What is innovative of “Flexicurity” is not related to how long a person stays in the same place of work (job security but how long he or she can continue working in the same or in other working place (workplace safety; it is what in the Danish philosophy is reflected under

  1. El mercado laboral de los titulados en Biblioteconomía y Documentación: análisis de las ofertas de empleo publicadas en IWETEL durante el periodo 2000-2007

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    Carlos Hugo Artaza


    Full Text Available Con la finalidad de describir las características que presentan las ofertas laborales destinadas a titulados en Biblioteconomía y Documentación en España se analizaron los ofrecimientos publicados en la lista de interés IWETEL durante el periodo 2000-2007. Con las ofertas se efectuaron análisis estadísticos referidos a: número de empleos ofertados, tipología de las organizaciones demandantes, requisitos solicitados y modalidad de los contratos. Se concluye que la mayor demanda de empleos proviene de organizaciones empresariales. Las organizaciones demandantes son mayormente del ámbito privado y el tipo de contrato ofrecido de carácter temporario. En relación a lo conocimientos requeridos, las áreas de Tecnología de la Información, Organización y Tratamiento de la Información e Idiomas figuran entre los más demandados por los empleadores.

  2. Estudio sobre la generación de empleo para personas con discapacidad a partir de la computación en la nube




    Realizado por el CERMI, con la colaboración de Fundosa Technosite y de diferentes expertos en la materia, el objetivo general de este informe es conocer las posibilidades que puede ofrecer la computación en la nube para la generación de empleos, tanto directos como indirectos, para el colectivo de personas con discapacidad. En cuanto a los objetivos específicos, se plantean los siguientes: identificar y analizar la documentación existente sobre las posibilidades laborales de la computación e...

  3. El turismo en Santa Cruz y una caracterización del empleo generado. Su análisis en el epicentro turístico de la provincia

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    Denise Blasco


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo se propone analizar la sustentabilidad del desarrollo de la actividad turística desde el punto de vista del empleo, tomando en cuenta su importante contribución hacia la economía regional. Al analizar la actividad turística y su dinámica, se avanza hacia una caracterización de la estructura empresaria predominante, y en dicho marco, su vinculación con el empleo.Estudios anteriores permitieron caracterizar la estructura productiva de la Provincia de Santa Cruz, los efectos de la transformación económica de los años ´90 y su evolución posterior a las crisis de los años 2001/2002 y la iniciada en el 2008.La tarea investigativa incluye la recopilación y actualización de datos e información estadística para el sector de actividad en lo económico y laboral, el procesamiento de la información producida, y el análisis y elaboración de los informes correspondientes.En tal sentido se ha trabajado con información cuali-cuantiativa para los diferentes niveles de análisis considerados, relevando, sistematizando y analizando información secundaria y documental relacionada al sector. Asimismo, y en cuanto a instrumentos metodológicos para la recolección de información primaria sectorial, se han diseñado encuestas semi estructuradas vinculadas al mercado laboral y demandas específicas por sector, las que fueron aplicadas sobre informantes calificados de la región.Si bien históricamente ha destacado en la Provincia de Santa de Santa Cruz lapreponderancia del sector primario -particularmente de la rama petrolera-, en los últimos años se ha podido relevar un fuerte crecimiento del sector turístico como emergente de una nueva dinámica productiva.La principal ventaja comparativa la ofrece el producto “glaciares”, el cual emerge como excluyente en las preferencias de los visitantes, constituyéndose las ciudades de El Calafate y El Chalten como epicentro turístico de la región.Se estudia la

  4. La enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras y el empleo de las TIC en las escuelas secundarias públicas

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    Full Text Available La educación pública en diversos países está experimentando una serie de reformas que favorecen la integración de la tecnología en la educación pública y el aprendizaje del inglés a una temprana edad. El presente estudio mixto, examinó el empleo de la tecnología en las prácticas pedagógicas cotidianas de los profesores de inglés en la educación secundaria pública y los recursos tecnológicos de los que disponen normalmente en sus escuelas. Para la fase cuantitativa se empleó un diseño descriptivo-exploratorio, a través de un cuestionario tipo Likert aplicado a 28 profesores y 2.944 alumnos en 17 municipios del sureste mexicano. Para la cualitativa, se empleó un estudio de múltiples casos con un sub-grupo de seis profesores del cual se recolectó información a través de observaciones de clases, entrevistas con docentes y directivos, y visitas a las instalaciones de las escuelas. El empleo de análisis no-paramétrico con los datos cuantitativos y de agregación categórica con los datos cualitativos permitió identificar algunos recursos multimedia y de comunicación móvil que los profesores tienden a emplear de manera cotidiana en el aula. No obstante, diversos factores relacionados con aspectos propios de la educación pública y el contexto escolar influyeron para que los profesores prefirieran sus propios medios tecnológicos tales como ordenadores portátiles, teléfonos inteligentes y materiales multimedia a los disponibles en su institución.

  5. Los nuevos yacimientos de empleo y la gestión de los residuos sólidos urbanos: una aproximación metodológica

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    Full Text Available La creciente escasez de recursos naturales exige, con urgencia, una adecuada gestión de los mismos que posibilite un desarrollo sostenible. En este sentido, se justifica la necesidad de mejorar la gestión de los residuos, de la cual se hace portavoz la Comunidad Europea, dibujando diferentes estrategias. En concreto, la Directiva de Control y Prevención Integrados de la Contaminación (IPPC2 de 1996 recoge como principal frente de actuación minimizar la cantidad de residuos resultantes del proceso productivo. Sin embargo, en la práctica, la estrategia que está teniendo un mayor desarrollo es la valorización de los residuos (reciclajecompostaje y recuperación energética. Esta estrategia prolonga la vida de los recursos naturales utilizados bajo la forma de subproductos procedentes de los residuos que pueden emplearse como inputs productivos. De este modo, se reduce el empleo de recursos naturales y el daño al medio ambiente. Además, una adecuada gestión de los residuos no sólo contribuye a mejorar la calidad de vida, sino que es también una fuente de empleo. Así lo entiende la Comunidad Europea al recogerlo como uno de los yacimientos, integrado dentro del apartado de servicios medioambientales (Comisión de las Comunidades Europeas, 1993.

  6. Estrategias empresariales, empleo y relaciones laborales


    Jódar, Pere


    En las últimas décadas las relaciones laborales se han visto afectadas por un aumento de la discrecionalidad de los empresarios. Un protagonismo que se materializa en dos tipos de prácticas: una es el uso de relaciones contractuales autoritarias y discrecionales, y otra es la estrategia de gestión de recursos humanos con el objetivo de implicar a los empleados. Si de la primera destaca la taylorización de tareas, la contratación temporal y la externalización de actividades; de la segunda la c...

  7. Técnicas de empleo del azul de metileno para la caracterización de finos en materiales de ingeniería

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    Jorge Luis Rodríguez González


    Full Text Available Elempleo del azul de metileno en ingeniería se inició en  Francia  a  finales  de  los  años  ochenta,  con  la finalidad de caracterizar la actividad y naturaleza de los  finos  contenidos  en  las  arenas  y gravas  que  se empleaban  en  la  fabricación  de  concretos; posteriormente  se  desarrollaron  variantes  de  dicho empleo  para determinar  la  presencia  de  arcillas  en los finos de tamaños inferiores a 400 micras, para su empleo en materiales de bases, subbases y mezclascomplemento  al  ensayo  de  equivalente  de  arena,asfálticas.  En Colombia  existe  actualmente  una tendencia al uso del ensayo de azul de metileno para evaluar  las  características  de  las  partículas  finas contaminantes o nocivas en un suelo;  los diferentes procedimientos consisten, básicamente, en medir  la capacidad de adsorción de azul de metileno por una muestra  de  suelo,  capacidad  representada  como  la cantidad  de  colorante  requerido  para  recubrir  las superficies específicas de las moléculas de los finos. En nuestro país su aplicación se ha limitado a ser un dentro  de  las  especificaciones  INVIAS  y  como exigencia en las normas IDU.

  8. Empleo del penetrómetro para madera para el diagnóstico de la madera en servicio en edificios antiguos

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    Palaia, L.


    Full Text Available Instrumental technique applied in situ allows researchers to save time on diagnosis and minimize damage to the sound timber. Pilodyn testing may be a useful method of diagnosis of these structures. The case study is about an urban 19th century building in an historic area of Valencia, located very close to the original city foundation area. The building has brick bearing load walls, timber floors and a roof structure. A simplified diagnosis method of timber structures was performed: visual inspection carried out by qualified site surveyors using SDT, in this case the wood probing (Pilodyn. This method proved to be adequate to determine parameters and to obtain conclusions of the mechanical characteristics of the structural elements. A standardization proposal to use this instrumental may be developed in the future.Las técnicas instrumentales para ensayos in situ permiten a los expertos ahorrar tiempo en el diagnóstico y minimizar el daño que se produce en algunos casos a la madera sana, empleando técnicas tradicionales de diagnóstico. El empleo del Pilodyn para ensayos de penetración puede constituir un «método rápido» de diagnóstico de estas estructuras. Se presenta un caso de estudio de un edificio del siglo XIX construido en el centro histórico de Valencia. Los muros son de ladrillo y la estructura horizontal así como de la cubierta son de madera. Se ha realizado un método de diagnosis simplificado: inspección visual de la estructura y ensayos con Pilodyn. Este método resultó adecuado para determinar parámetros acerca de sus cualidades resistentes, abriendo una vía hacia una posible propuesta de normalización para el empleo de este instrumento.

  9. Un análisis de las diferencias regionales en el impacto de la contratación temporal en España

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    Elisabet Motellón


    Full Text Available Este trabajo aporta evidencia empírica acerca de las diferencias en la incidencia de la temporalidad entre las distintas regiones españolas y de su origen. Para ello, y de forma novedosa en este contexto, se aplica una extensión de la metodología tradicional de Oaxaca-Blinder al caso de modelos no lineales. Los resultados apuntan a diferencias en la intensidad del uso de la temporalidad en España, al existir discrepancias regionales significativas en el empleo del trabajo temporal como medida de flexibilización laboral. Estas diferencias tienen incluso más capacidad explicativa que las discrepancias en las características de la mano de obra y de las empresas instaladas en cada región. Estos resultados cuestionan las medidas adoptadas para combatir el problema de la precariedad laboral en España, al no haber considerado las especificidades regionales.

  10. Un análisis de las diferencias regionales en el impacto de la contratación temporal en España

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    Elisabet Motellón


    Full Text Available Este trabajo aporta evidencia empírica acerca de las diferencias en la incidencia de la temporalidad entre las distintas regiones españolas y de su origen. Para ello, y de forma novedosa en este contexto, se aplica una extensión de la metodología tradicional de Oaxaca-Blinder al caso de modelos no lineales. Los resultados apuntan a diferencias en la intensidad del uso de la temporalidad en España, al existir discrepancias regionales significativas en el empleo del trabajo temporal como medida de flexibilización laboral. Estas diferencias tienen incluso más capacidad explicativa que las discrepancias en las características de la mano de obra y de las empresas instaladas en cada región. Estos resultados cuestionan las medidas adoptadas para combatir el problema de la precariedad laboral en España, al no haber considerado las especificidades regionales.

  11. Relaciones laborales especiales: las empresas de trabajo temporal y las cooperativas.¿Qué pueden hacer los sindicatos?

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    Luis Eduardo Díaz


    Full Text Available Se analiza el estado de las relaciones laborales especiales como formas de empleo no convencional en Venezuela y las posibles acciones sindicales. El método utilizado es descriptivo, recurriendo como principal reseña a la normativa legal para contrastarla con el funcionamiento de las modalidades empresariales seleccionadas: las empresas de trabajo temporal y las cooperativas. En el primer caso, ocurre una pérdida de identidad laboral y sindical, en el segundo, una reducción, por parte de los contratantes, de costos laborales y de previsión, aparte de evitar deliberadamente al sindicato. Se concluye, que la organización flexible y los costos indirectos en descenso, han afectado sensiblemente la protección de los trabajadores que se desempeñan bajo la cubierta de dichas formas corporativas; requiriéndose de una agenda y una dirección sindical para alcanzar aquélla, a sabiendas que como dificultad inicial, la concertación y relación con dichos trabajadores no existe.

  12. Segmentación, precariedad y nueva ciudadanía. Consecuencias de los cambios en el modelo de empleo

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    Juan Miguel García i Nogueroles


    Full Text Available Las transformaciones en los mercados de trabajo y en las formas de producción y consumo han provocado la extensión de las formas atípicas de empleo, la generalización de condiciones precarias de trabajo y una creciente heterogeneidad en la composición de las clases trabajadoras. Estos trabajadores se encuentran con grandes dificultades no sólo en el ámbito laboral sino, de la misma manera, en el social, de forma que se compromete la reproducción social y la participación de los trabajadores precarios en la sociedad civil: en definitiva, su esencia ciudadana. Frente a esta situación serán los propios trabajadores los que deberán encontrar la forma de organizar sus demandas y vertebrar un nuevo discurso reivindicativo.

  13. La individualización de la relación de empleo en las grandes empresas en España. El caso de la industria del automóvil y el sector sanitario

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    Massó, Matilde


    Full Text Available A process of individualization of employment relations has developed, albeit at variable speeds, in most Euro-pean Economies. Within this process the emergence of a competence-based approach to skill has had an important role. This paper seeks to examine the contribution that a competence-based approach to management has made to the individualization of employment relations. Nowadays the changing meaning of skill has to do with the transformations of workforce uses, that is, the management of careers, wages and control forms over work. This paper analyses these “dynamic” dimensions and explores the impact of competences in the definition of the employment relation.

    La individualización de las relaciones de empleo constituye un proceso que, con distintas velocidades, viene desarrollándose en la mayor parte de los países europeos. En este contexto, la emergencia del concepto de “competencia” ha desempeñado un papel fundamental. Este artículo examina en qué medida los usos empre sariales de la competencia constituyen un punto de inflexión ascendente en el proceso de individualización de la relación de empleo. En la actualidad, la transformación del concepto de “cualificación” tiene que ver con los cambios en las condiciones de utilización de la fuerza de trabajo, esto es, la gestión de los mercados internos, los salarios y otras formas de control del trabajo y los trabajadores. Este artículo analiza, teórica y empíricamente, estas dimensiones “dinámicas” de la cualificación y explora el impacto de los usos de la competencia en la definición de la relación de empleo.

  14. Empleo de plantas medicinales en usuarios de dos hospitales referenciales del Cusco, Perú Use of medicinal plants among people attending two reference hospitals in Cusco, Peru

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    Gladys Oblitas


    Full Text Available Con el fin de determinar la frecuencia de empleo de plantas medicinales y describir las características de su uso en pacientes de dos hospitales referenciales de la ciudad de Cusco, se realizó un estudio transversal entre agosto y septiembre de 2011. Para el recojo de datos se construyó un instrumento, validado por juicio de expertos. El tamaño de la muestra fue de 250 personas seleccionadas no probabilísticamente. El 83,2 y 75,3% informaron haber empleado plantas medicinales alguna vez en su vida y en el último mes, respectivamente; además, el 85,7 señaló que desearía que su médico le recete plantas medicinales. Sus usos más frecuentes son para problemas digestivos (62,4%; urinarios (42,4%, y respiratorios (40,4%. Se concluye que el empleo de plantas medicinales se encuentra bastante difundido entre los usuarios de dos hospitales referenciales de la ciudad de Cusco. Los patrones de empleo revelan que los pacientes desean que los médicos del sistema de salud prescriban plantas medicinales en su acto médicoIn order to determine the frequency and characteristics of the use of medicinal plants in patients from two third-level hospitals in the city of Cusco, a cross-sectional study was conducted between August and September 2011. For data collection, an instrument was built and validated through experts’ judgment. The sample included 250 people selected in a non-probabilistic way. 83.2 and 75.3% informed having had used medicinal plants sometime during their lives and in the last month, respectively; additionally, 85.7 indicated that they wished their doctor would have prescribed them medicinal plants. Their most frequent uses include digestive problems (62.4% as well as urinary (42.4% and respiratory problems (40.4%. We conclude that the use of medicinal plants is widely spread among users of two hospitals in the city of Cusco. Utilization patterns show that patients wished the physicians of the health system prescribed medicinal


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    Rolando Bolaños Garita


    Full Text Available El empleo público deviene en una constelación de elementos de carácter constitucional, jurídico, administrativo y técnico que aún no han podido entenderse y menos administrarse de manera correcta a nivel costarricense. El desatino con el cual se emiten disposiciones en esta línea y, en general en materia de modernización administrativa, conlleva la necesidad de realizar una investigación de tipo exploratorio, buscando evidenciar que los actuales dirigentes políticos no presentan un ánimo por lograr un andamiaje organizativo que solvente la serie de falencias en este campo, en pos de lograr el mejor potenciamiento del Estado costarricense.

  16. Ruralidad del empleo agropecuario en la región pampeana.

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    Jose Luis Pellegrini


    Full Text Available En esta tesis se ofrece una explicación económica para la proporción de población ocupada en el sector agropecuario que es rural y su distribución espacial, en la región pampeana al comenzar el siglo XXI. Por rural se entiende que reside en campo abierto, de acuerdo a los criterios censales utilizados en la Argentina para definir a la población rural dispersa. Se sostiene que la ruralidad del empleo agropecuario en cada área y sus alrededores depende de la importancia relativa de la agricultura y otras producciones agropecuarias, pero también de variables menos evidentes que a la postre resultan empíricamente más relevantes: los grados de urbanización del área y riqueza de la población agraria. Se obtienen esas conclusiones mediante un análisis conceptual de los costos comparativos de organizar la transacción de trabajo agropecuario con población rural o población urbana, en tanto el lugar de residencia afecta las actividades productivas y domésticas de los trabajadores. El problema se define como de organización económica en el nivel mesoeconómico, que tiene detrás uno más elemental: el de organización de la transacción de trabajo. Metodológicamente, en el aspecto conceptual se procede de manera abstracto-deductiva a partir de una representación estilizada del problema en cuestión, y en el empírico se realiza un estudio de corte transversal con datos censales, que culmina en un análisis econométrico espacial que no rechaza las principales hipótesis específicas deducidas.

  17. Protocolo para la formación de microtubérculos de ñame (Dioscorea alata L. en sistema de inmersión temporal

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    Manuel Cabrera Jova


    Full Text Available Con el propósito de desarrollar un protocolo para la formación de microtubérculos en el clon de ñame Pacala Duclos (Dioscorea alata L. en sistema de inmersión temporal, que pudiera ser usado como alternativa para la propagación de esta especie, se definieron como objetivos de trabajo determinar el efecto del tiempo y la frecuencia de inmersión, así como la influencia del volumen de medio de cultivo por planta cultivada in vitro. Con el empleo de 15 min de inmersión y una frecuencia de inmersión cada 6 horas, se alcanzaron los mejores resultados en cuanto al número de microtubérculos formados por planta. Con este tiempo y frecuencia de inmersión los microtubérculos presentaron la mayor masa fresca y seca, así como el mayor diámetro. Además, a las 18 semanas de cultivo se obtuvo el mayor número total de microtubérculos por sistema y el mayor número de microtubérculos aprovechables como material vegetal de propagación. En cuanto al volumen de medio de cultivo por planta, con 60 ml de medio de cultivo por planta in vitro se alcanzó el mayor número de microtubérculos aprovechables, los cuales presentaron el contenido más alto de materia seca. Los microtubérculos obtenidos en este tipo de sistema de inmersión temporal presentaron una masa fresca superior a 2,40 gMF, lo cual podría permitir su uso como material de plantación directo a campo.Abreviaturas: sistema de inmersión temporal (SIT, gramos de masa fresca (gMF, recipiente de inmersión temporal automatizado (RITA.

  18. Factibilidad del empleo de hongos entomopatógenos en el control de Musca domestica l. en paisajes antropizados del Noroeste de Michoacán, México.


    García Munguía, Carlos Alberto


    El objetivo de la presente investigación fue seleccionar aislamientos de los hongos M. anisopliae y B. bassiana capaces de colonizar y controlar adultos y larvas de Musca domestica e identificar las condiciones ambientales de temperatura y humedad relativa favorables para su empleo. B. bassiana y M. anisopliae fueron transmitidos sexualmente en M. domestica usando 1, 5 y 10 machos vírgenes de 3 dias de edad, expuestos a 6 x 108 conidias mL- 1 de hongos los cuales fueron confinados con 30 hemb...

  19. El Grado de Ruralidad del Empleo Agrario Pampeano a Comienzos del Siglo XXI. Un Análisis Espacial

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    José Luis Pellegrini


    Full Text Available En la región pampeana fue usual que la población con ocupación agraria residiera en el campo. Pero en 2001 menos de la mitad lo hacía.  Aquí se muestra que el Grado de Ruralidad del Empleo Agrario varía mucho a través de la región (del 20% al 80% y se ofrece una explicación de su distribución espacial basada en la influencia de factores mesoeconómicos (urbanización, riqueza de la población agraria y tipos de producción sobre la transacción de trabajo. La explicación adopta conceptos y métodos de la Nueva Economía Institucional. Se deducen hipótesis específicas luego evaluadas mediante un análisis econométrico espacial.

  20. Ingenierías de la subjetividad: el caso de la orientación para el empleo

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    Amparo Serrano Pascual


    Full Text Available En las últimas décadas se ha producido una importante mutación en la concepción del desempleo, reforzándose las interpretaciones que ponen el énfasis en el gobierno de las voluntades personales. Las políticas de activación han encarnado en gran medida este proceso de mutación de la noción de desempleo. Con la extensión de este paradigma de intervención, el centro de atención pasa a ser progresivamente el gobierno de la subjetividad. El objetivo de este artículo es el de presentar algunos de los resultados de una reciente investigación de carácter cualitativo sobre las nuevas políticas activas de empleo. Con el estudio de las vivencias de estos modelos de intervención por parte de diversos actores que participan en estas experiencias, esta investigación indaga en los modos de gestión de las paradojas bajo las que se produce el sujeto en el paradigma de activación.


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    Macarena Munoz


    Full Text Available Se evalúa la actividad y estabilidad de un catalizador magnético (Fe3O4/-Al2O3 para llevar a cabo la oxidación de varios clorofenoles mediante CWPO. Los resultados se comparan con los obtenidos empleando un catalizador convencional (Fe2O3/-Al2O3, así como con el tradicional proceso Fenton homogéneo. El empleo de catalizadores sólidos permitió, además, un mejor aprovechamiento del H2O2, lográndose mayores grados de mineralización (75%. El catalizador magnético mostró una mayor velocidad de oxidación frente al convencional, lo que se relaciona con la presencia de las especies de Fe (II y Fe (III. Por otra parte, el empleo de un catalizador con propiedades magnéticas presenta un interés evidente pues permite su rápida recuperación tras el tratamiento empleando un campo magnético. Dicho catalizador presentó, además, una alta estabilidad (lixiviación de hierro inferior al 1%, lo que unido a sus propiedades magnéticas, lo convierten en un catalizador muy interesante para el proceso CWPO.

  2. Relación entre salud y renuncia al empleo en trabajadoras de la industria maquiladora electrónica de Tijuana

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    Guendelman Sylvia


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO. Analizar factores de salud, laborales y sociales que contribuyen a renunciar al trabajo en dos maquiladoras transnacionales del ramo electrónico de Tijuana. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio de cohorte a 725 mujeres empleadas en una planta japonesa y una estadunidense, entre enero de 1992 y marzo de 1994. La muestra se estratificó en dos intervalos de tiempo ­30 y >30 días laborados. Se efectuó un seguimiento de las mujeres hasta su renuncia o final del periodo de observación, mediante la recolección de información sobre variables de salud, sociales y ocupacionales de diversas fuentes de registro obtenidas de su centro de trabajo. Los motivos de renuncia y la confiabilidad de los datos obtenidos de los registros se estudiaron por medio de entrevistas de seguimiento realizadas a 46% (n= 148 de las trabajadoras que renunciaron y fueron localizadas aproximadamente 12 meses (desviación estándar= 6.7 después de su renuncia. RESULTADOS. La probabilidad acumulativa de renunciar al trabajo fue de 67% en el primer año y de 81% en el segundo. La ausencia de antecedentes laborales previos, turno diurno y nacionalidad de la compañía, resultaron factores predictivos para la renuncia al empleo durante los primeros 30 días. Tabaquismo, antecedentes quirúrgicos y haberse incapacitado por enfermedad general, después de controlar por otras variables, actuaron como factores predictivos para la renuncia posterior a 30 días. En contraposición, la tasa de renuncia posterior a 30 días resultó menor para mujeres con enfermedades crónicas. CONCLUSIONES. La renuncia al empleo en las maquiladoras es elevada y selectiva; en tanto que los factores ocupacionales se asociaron con la renuncia temprana, los relacionados con la salud fueron mejores factores predictivos para la renuncia posterior a los primeros 30 días.

  3. Cambios en el mercado laboral urbano medidos a través de la esperanza de vida activa

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    Virgilio Partida


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar el cambio reciente en los mercados de trabajo urbanos, bajo un enfoque de transiciones, es decir, mediante los movimientos que los individuos realizan entre actividad e inactividad, entre el empleo formal, el informal y el desempleo abierto. Se utilizan los datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Empleo Urbano (ENEU, la única fuente de datos tipo panel que nos permite contabilizar los movimientos de la población económicamente activa e inactiva. Dentro de la gama de indicadores que hacen posible analizar los cambios recientes en el empleo urbano, se selecciona las esperanzas de vida activa, que tienen la virtud de condensar la edad de la inserción de la población en la actividad económica. El estudio parte de la estrategia de descomponer el cambio temporal en las esperanzas de vida en tres factores: mortalidad, propensión a insertarse en la actividad y cambio en los mercados de trabajo.


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    Gabriela Grijalva Monteverde


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar que los estados que conforman la frontera norte de México se han beneficiado en forma diferencial de los avances de su integración económica con Estados Unidos y Canadá, con lo que se ha producido –después de los primeros años de operación del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (TLCAN– un verdadero reordenamiento de las capacidades productivas reconstruidas en las entidades fronterizas durante el proceso de integración con Norteamérica. Se muestra que en este proceso de reestructuración productiva, los estados que han resultado ganadores no han sido necesariamente los que habían mantenido anteriormente mayores niveles de desarrollo. En particular, Baja California y Sonora aparecen como los estados ganador y perdedor, respectivamente, en términos de los empleos generados.

  5. Discriminación, igualdad de oportunidades en el empleo y selección de personal en España

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    Full Text Available La selección de personal es un proceso clave en el acceso al empleo. En este contexto, la justicia, la imparcialidad, el trato justo y la ausencia de discriminación en los procedimientos de selección de personal son una necesidad y una demanda social creciente. A la vista de la polémica actual respecto a la confluencia en el mercado de trabajo de las exigencias de imparcialidad, equidad y no-discriminación junto a los principios de capacidad, eficacia y mérito, nos encontramos con la necesidad de disponer de métodos y modelos aplicados rigurosos que permitan dilucidar esta controversia. En este trabajo presentamos una síntesis de la situación en España, en conexión con el contexto europeo, así como las principales consideraciones para una práctica adecuada de los métodos de selección de personal en las organizaciones.

  6. Lima, una ciudad policéntrica. Un análisis a partir de la localización del empleo

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    Efraín Gonzales de Olarte


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es el estudio de la conformación de varios centros en Lima Metropolitana (Perú, a la luz del modelo policéntrico. Nos hemos aproximado empíricamente a este proceso a través de la localización espacial de la fuerza laboral, como indicador de la concentración económica en el espacio, debido esto a la escasez de información empírica. Hemos usado datos de empleo georeferenciados a nivel de zonas censales del Censo Económico de 2008 y una combinación de metodologías que nos permitió estimar funciones de densidad. Se identificó diez centros y se les clasificó según su nivel de aglomeración y consolidación de actividades económicas. Los resultados confirman la hipótesis del carácter policéntrico de Lima.

  7. Lima, una ciudad policéntrica. Un análisis a partir de la localización del empleo

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    Juan Manuel del Pozo Segura


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es el estudio de la conformación de varios centros en Lima Metropolitana (Perú, a la luz del modelo policéntrico. Nos hemos aproximado empíricamente a este proceso a través de la localización espacial de la fuerza laboral, como indicador de la concentración económica en el espacio, debido esto a la escasez de información empírica. Hemos usado datos de empleo georeferenciados a nivel de zonas censales del Censo Económico de 2008 y una combinación de metodologías que nos permitió estimar funciones de densidad.Se identificó diez centros y se les clasificó según su nivel de aglomeración y consolidación de actividades económicas. Los resultados confirman la hipótesis del carácter policéntrico de Lima.

  8. EMPLEO DEL MÉTODO BIOALBERIC EN EL TRATAMIENTO DE LA DIABETES MELLITUS EN CANINOS DOMÉSTICOS / Use of BioAlberic method for treating diabetes mellitus in domestic dogs


    Yailyn Ramos Morejón; Lázaro Pérez Ramos; Aimée Álvarez Álvarez; Raisa Olano Justiniani; Jesús A. Ramírez López; Deneb González Rodríguez; Beatriz Hugues Hernandorena


    Resumen: La diabetes mellitus es una enfermedad frecuente en los caninos domésticos, en la cual pueden presentarse alteraciones del sistema cardiovascular, difíciles de tratar. Una de las vías alternativas de tratamiento en este tipo de animales pudiera ser el empleo del método BioAlberic. En este artículo se presentan los resultados obtenidos en la aplicación de este método (con el producto Rapsul) al iniciar el tratamiento de la diabetes mellitus en dos perros domésticos, como parte del pro...

  9. La ley penal en el trabajo infantil de la Dirección Regional de Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo Huánuco, período 2013


    Espinoza Cañoli, Ena Armida


    El presente trabajo de investigación denominado “LA LEY PENAL EN EL TRABAJO INFANTIL DE LA DIRECCION REGIONAL DE TRABAJO Y PROMOCION DEL EMPLEO DE HUANUCO-PERIODO 2013”, se enfoca desde la perspectiva no solo regional, sino también nacional e internacional cuyos estados vienen luchando contra algo tan intolerable como la explotación de los niños siervos y esclavos, o que trabajan en condiciones peligrosas, o en la prostitución, la pornografía y otras actividades forzosas. Es así que la Organi...

  10. La norma informal de empleo y el deterioro de la condición de ciudadanía. El caso de la industria del calzado en Elda, Alicante

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    de Castro Pericacho, Carlos


    Full Text Available Since the late seventies many economic sectors from different geographic regions have developed a comprehensive strategy to reduce costs in order to stay competitive in the global economy networks. Flexibility of working conditions is one of the points that these development strategies have included over the years. In many cases, leading to an extreme their own logic, flexibility has led to a widespread informalisation of economic activity and of employment as a competitive strategy. The spread of informality and temporary employment in a sector not only imply itself the deterioration of labor rights but also prevents access to other socioeconomic rights (unemployment benefit, retirement, health, etc. and thus the deterioration in the condition of citizenship. This article aims to describe the main features of the informal norm of employment that has been set in the footwear sector to indicate that such working conditions represent a deterioration of the condition of citizenship. The article is based on research in the footwear industry in Elda.Desde finales de los años setenta numerosos sectores de diversas regiones geográficas han desarrollado una estrategia integral de reducción de costes para mantener su posición competitiva en las redes de la economía global. Uno de los puntos que han incluido estas estrategias de desarrollo ha sido la flexibilización de las condiciones de trabajo. En muchas ocasiones, llevando al extremo su propia lógica, la flexibilización ha conducido a una informalización generalizada de la actividad económica y del empleo como estrategia de competitividad. La extensión de la informalidad y la temporalidad del empleo en un sector no solo implica en sí misma el deterioro de los derechos laborales sino que además impide acceder a otro tipo de derechos socioeconómicos (prestación por desempleo, jubilación, sanidad; entre otros con lo que se produce un deterioro de la condición de ciudadanía. Este

  11. Determinantes de la temporalidad en el mercado laboral ecuatoriano || Determinants of Temporality in Ecuadorian Labor Market

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    Chávez, Yannira


    Full Text Available Las diferencias que existen dentro del mercado laboral ecuatoriano, en las diferentes ramas de actividad, evidencian los niveles de formación que los trabajadores deben tener para evitar efectos negativos. Por tal motivo, en este estudio se analiza el papel que las características personales, laborales y geográficas desempeñan en la probabilidad de obtener un contrato temporal frente a uno indefinido. El análisis es realizado por rama de actividad, para determinar qué características posibilitarán la existencia del contrato temporal en cada una de ellas. Para lograr este objetivo, se estiman modelos de regresión logística utilizando los datos de la Encuesta de Empleo, Desempleo y Subempleo desde el 2º trimestre del año 2007 al 2º trimestre del año 2010, elaborada por el Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos (INEC. || The differences that exist inside the labor Ecuadorian market, in the different branches of activity, demonstrate the training levels that the workers must have to avoid negative effects. However, in this study, the role played by individual, jobs and residence characteristics are analyzed on the probability of having a fixed-term employment versus permanent employment. It is analyzed concretely by branch of activity, to check which are the characteristics that would make it possible the existence of the fixed-term employment in each of them. To achieve this aim, there are estimated models of logistic regression using the information of the Survey of Employment, Unemployment and Underemployment from 2nd quarter of 2007 to the 2nd quarter of 2010, elaborated by the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INEC.

  12. Empleo y salarios en argentina en el periodo de la Post-Convertibilidad

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    Nilson Javier Ibagón Martín


    Full Text Available El Articulo analiza los procesos de precarización laboral que se han dado en Argentina a la largo de los últimos 25 años, haciendo  especial énfasis en el llamado periodo de “post-convertibilidad” o “dólar alto”. En este sentido, se estudia para dicho periodo, la existencia de una serie de continuidades económicas y sociales  heredadas de la década del noventa, las cuales, ponen de manifiesto una serie de estrategias y políticas empleadas por parte de los sectores económicos dominantes, que les han permitido en buena parte, por un lado, transferir a las trabajadores los costos de las crisis económicas, y por otro, frenar el acceso de estos últimos a una             redistribución de la riqueza en tiempos de bonanza y crecimiento.Palabras clave: Empleo; Salarios bajos; Política Monetaria; Desindustrialización; Política Industrial. Employment and wages in argentina in the period of Post-ConvertibilityAbstract Article analyzes the processes of labor precariousness that have occurred in Argentina during the last 25 years, with particular emphasis in the period of “post-convertibility” or “high dollar”. In this direction, the existence of a number of inherited continuities of the nineties is studied. These legacies reveal a series of strategies and policies used by the dominant economic sectors, that have allowed them, on the one hand, transfer the costs of the economic crisis on workers, and secondly, curb the access of this group to a redistribution of wealth in good times and growth.Keywords: Employment; Low Wage; Monetary Policy; Deindustrialization; Industrial Policy.

  13. Mecanización agrícola, empleo y migración en el norte de Tamaulipas

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    José Luis Contreras Valenzuela


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar el modelo de desarrollo agrícola recientemente adoptado en los distritos de riego del norte de Tamaulipas, y los efectos sobre el empleo y la migración de la población rural. Dicho análisis se efectuará a partir de dos premisas fundamentales: una de ellas es la internacionalización del proceso productivo que se manifiesta con la presencia de una nueva división internacional del trabajo y lo que en este ensayo es llamada economía campesina, que fue la fuente primaria de la acumulación de capital de la agricultura mexicana, la cual jugará un papel importante para la acumulación de capital de la agricultura de los Estados Unidos de América, mediante la oferta de fuerza de trabajo agrícola barata, permitiendo el desarrollo de la agricultura comercial, modelo que ahora se ha volcado sobre la economía campesina condenándola a su desaparición como forma de subsistencia de la población rural, a quien expulsa de sus unidades de producción mediante el acaparamiento y el rentismo.

  14. Empleo racional de los cementos para los diferentes tipos de obras

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    Calleja, José


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    La tesis del contenido de esta conferencia podría resumirse en los siguientes cinco puntos: 1.º Prácticamente todos los países del mundo que fabrican y utilizan cemento, producen y emplean cementos de distintos tipos, clases y categorías, en relación con las características físicas, químicas y mecánico-resistentes de los mismos. 2:º Todas las obras, estructuras y elementos estructurales de hormigón imponen, en función de sus particularidades intrínsecas —propiedades y características— y extrínsecas — funcionalidad de servicio en las circunstancias ambientales de cada caso—, una serie de condiciones al material hormigón, ya sea masivo, armado o pretensado. 3.º Estas condiciones se refieren, fundamentalmente, a tres parámetros: resistencia mecánica, estabilidad y resistencia química. El conjunto de los tres constituye lo que en términos generales y amplios se puede llamar DURABILIDAD de la obra, esto es, su permanencia en servicio a lo largo del tiempo, y con la garantía de un margen de seguridad suficientemente amplio en todo momento, y en todas las circunstancias reales previsibles de dicho servicio. 4.º Para conseguir la calidad y el comportamiento óptimos de las obras, y con ello la máxima durabilidad de las mismas, es preciso que los componentes del hormigón, sus proporciones y la tecnología del material sean los más adecuados. 5.º Por lo que se refiere en particular al más activo y delicado de los materiales del hormigón, el cemento, éste puede y debe ser el más idóneo en cuanto a tipo, clase y categoría, así como en cuanto a dosificación y modo de empleo, para conseguir los hormigones y las obras más durables en cualquier caso.


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    Full Text Available La globalización y la reestructuración productiva han configurado una nueva dinámica en los mercados de trabajo a nivel mundial. Este nuevo contexto laboral está caracterizado por la precari- zación de las condiciones laborales, fenómeno que no es exclusivo de algún sector de la población pero que los afecta de manera diferenciada, siendo los jóvenes uno de los grupos más vulnerables. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las condiciones laborales de la población joven asalariada de tres ciudades mexicanas: Toluca, Tijuana y Mérida. Para ello, se estimó para estas tres ciudades un índice de precariedad laboral para el primer trimestre de 2005 y 2010. Los resultados muestran que la ciudad de Toluca registra una mayor proporción de jóvenes en empleos precarios, contra la ciudad de Tijuana donde se registran mejores condiciones laborales.

  16. Migraciones estacionales, fronteras étnicas y organización del empleo agrícola: Un estudio de caso en el sureste de Francia

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    Víctor Rau


    Full Text Available En el curso de los últimos años, la cuestión del empleo asalariado en la agricultura europea ha venido cobrando cada vez más relevancia, estrechamente ligada con el fenómeno de las migraciones internacionales e intercontinentales. La agricultura francesa posee una larga tradición en el empleo estacional de asalariados extranjeros, durante el último período reclutados principalmente en la región nordafricana del Magreb. Recientemente ha comenzado a cobrar importancia, también, el fenómeno de la subcontratación de mano de obra sudamericana, a través de empresas subcontratistas radicadas en España. El estudio analiza cual es el significado y qué efectos produce la introducción de asalariados con una nueva etnicidad en el ámbito del mercado de trabajo para la producción agrícola local. En tal sentido, se exponen resultados de una investigación de caso realizada en el departamento de Bouches-du-Rhône, al sureste de Francia, en torno a las producciones de frutas frescas y hortalizas ¹.In the recent years, the matter of the farm workers in the European agriculture has been gathering importance, closely related with the international and intercontinental migrations. The French agriculture has a long tradition in the employment of foreign workers, recruited primarily in the North African region of Maghreb. Recently is also gathering importance the sub-hiring of South American workers through sub hiring companies in Spain. The study analyses the meaning and the effects produced by the introduction of workers with a new ethnicity in the work market of the local agrarian production. In this sense, we present the results of a case research in the southeast French department of Bouches-du-Rhône, about the production of fresh fruits and vegetables.

  17. El empleo como factor de reducción de la pobreza : un análisis comparativo del desempeño económico de México y Brasil


    Herrera Moreno, Paola


    Las reformas económicas emprendidas por América Latina a partir de la década de los ochenta marcaron un importante parteaguas en la nueva carrera de la región hacia el desarrollo. Particularmente, treinta años después, las economías de Brasil y México son muy diferentes, sin embargo, temas como la generación de empleo y el combate a la pobreza continúan representando grandes retos en la búsqueda del desarrollo y el bienestar de ambas sociedades. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo r...

  18. Auditory temporal processing in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. (United States)

    Lavasani, Azam Navaei; Mohammadkhani, Ghassem; Motamedi, Mahmoud; Karimi, Leyla Jalilvand; Jalaei, Shohreh; Shojaei, Fereshteh Sadat; Danesh, Ali; Azimi, Hadi


    Auditory temporal processing is the main feature of speech processing ability. Patients with temporal lobe epilepsy, despite their normal hearing sensitivity, may present speech recognition disorders. The present study was carried out to evaluate the auditory temporal processing in patients with unilateral TLE. The present study was carried out on 25 patients with epilepsy: 11 patients with right temporal lobe epilepsy and 14 with left temporal lobe epilepsy with a mean age of 31.1years and 18 control participants with a mean age of 29.4years. The two experimental and control groups were evaluated via gap-in-noise and duration pattern sequence tests. One-way ANOVA was run to analyze the data. The mean of the threshold of the GIN test in the control group was observed to be better than that in participants with LTLE and RTLE. Also, it was observed that the percentage of correct responses on the DPS test in the control group and in participants with RTLE was better than that in participants with LTLE. Patients with TLE have difficulties in temporal processing. Difficulties are more significant in patients with LTLE, likely because the left temporal lobe is specialized for the processing of temporal information. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. The temporal-relevance temporal-uncertainty model of prospective duration judgment. (United States)

    Zakay, Dan


    A model aimed at explaining prospective duration judgments in real life settings (as well as in the laboratory) is presented. The model is based on the assumption that situational meaning is continuously being extracted by humans' perceptual and cognitive information processing systems. Time is one of the important dimensions of situational meaning. Based on the situational meaning, a value for Temporal Relevance is set. Temporal Relevance reflects the importance of temporal aspects for enabling adaptive behavior in a specific moment in time. When Temporal Relevance is above a certain threshold a prospective duration judgment process is evoked automatically. In addition, a search for relevant temporal information is taking place and its outcomes determine the level of Temporal Uncertainty which reflects the degree of knowledge one has regarding temporal aspects of the task to be performed. The levels of Temporal Relevance and Temporal Uncertainty determine the amount of attentional resources allocated for timing by the executive system. The merit of the model is in connecting timing processes with the ongoing general information processing stream. The model rests on findings in various domains which indicate that cognitive-relevance and self-relevance are powerful determinants of resource allocation policy. The feasibility of the model is demonstrated by analyzing various temporal phenomena. Suggestions for further empirical validation of the model are presented. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Temporal plus epilepsy is a major determinant of temporal lobe surgery failures. (United States)

    Barba, Carmen; Rheims, Sylvain; Minotti, Lorella; Guénot, Marc; Hoffmann, Dominique; Chabardès, Stephan; Isnard, Jean; Kahane, Philippe; Ryvlin, Philippe


    Reasons for failed temporal lobe epilepsy surgery remain unclear. Temporal plus epilepsy, characterized by a primary temporal lobe epileptogenic zone extending to neighboured regions, might account for a yet unknown proportion of these failures. In this study all patients from two epilepsy surgery programmes who fulfilled the following criteria were included: (i) operated from an anterior temporal lobectomy or disconnection between January 1990 and December 2001; (ii) magnetic resonance imaging normal or showing signs of hippocampal sclerosis; and (iii) postoperative follow-up ≥ 24 months for seizure-free patients. Patients were classified as suffering from unilateral temporal lobe epilepsy, bitemporal epilepsy or temporal plus epilepsy based on available presurgical data. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis was used to calculate the probability of seizure freedom over time. Predictors of seizure recurrence were investigated using Cox proportional hazards model. Of 168 patients included, 108 (63.7%) underwent stereoelectroencephalography, 131 (78%) had hippocampal sclerosis, 149 suffered from unilateral temporal lobe epilepsy (88.7%), one from bitemporal epilepsy (0.6%) and 18 (10.7%) from temporal plus epilepsy. The probability of Engel class I outcome at 10 years of follow-up was 67.3% (95% CI: 63.4-71.2) for the entire cohort, 74.5% (95% CI: 70.6-78.4) for unilateral temporal lobe epilepsy, and 14.8% (95% CI: 5.9-23.7) for temporal plus epilepsy. Multivariate analyses demonstrated four predictors of seizure relapse: temporal plus epilepsy (P temporal lobe surgery failure was 5.06 (95% CI: 2.36-10.382) greater in patients with temporal plus epilepsy than in those with unilateral temporal lobe epilepsy. Temporal plus epilepsy represents a hitherto unrecognized prominent cause of temporal lobe surgery failures. In patients with temporal plus epilepsy, anterior temporal lobectomy appears very unlikely to control seizures and should not be advised. Whether larger

  1. La pobreza y su relación con los problemas de empleo en Catamarca y Tucumán, Argentina, a fines del siglo xx

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    Ariel Osatinsky


    Full Text Available En 2001 Catamarca era la provincia con menores niveles de pobreza de todo el norte argentino. Por el contrario en Tucumán, cuya economía era la más dinámica de la región, era mayor el porcentaje de hogares pobres. Teniendo en cuenta que entre los procesos económicos y la pobreza existe un fuerte vínculo, y que las dificultades laborales son un componente importante en dicha relación, en este artículo se analiza de qué manera los menores niveles de pobreza en Catamarca fueron consecuencia de que su población resultó menos afectada que la tucumana por las transformaciones productivas regresivas y los problemas de empleo del periodo.

  2. Empleo del aprendizaje basado en problemas (abp. Una propuesta para acercarse a la química verde

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    Marina Lucía Morales Galicia


    Full Text Available Los profesores han reflexionado acerca de que la educación ambiental deberá ser formativa, por lo que es importante participar para cambiar esta situación dentro del contexto en la enseñanza de las Ciencias Naturales como parte de incrementar el conocimiento acerca del deterioro del medio ambiente. Este trabajo tiene el propósito de presentar la estrategia Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP. Para demostrar esta metodología, se presentan los resultados que con esta se obtuvieron gracias a la colaboración tanto de un grupo de alumnos mexicanos del nivel bachillerato, así como de profesores participantes chilenos del nivel secundaria (estudios equivalentes en México. El empleo de esta herramienta didáctica proporcionó un aprendizaje significativo en alumnos y profesores, quienes emplearon sus conocimientos previos para abordar un nuevo aprendizaje, quedando realmente impresionados al enterarse de que el problema propuesto sucedía en su país y de toda la secuela ambiental que generaría el que se siguiera sucediendo o se llevara a cabo. Se consiguió que los participantes aportaran ideas novedosas durante el desarrollo de su trabajo y que aceptaran con gusto la responsabilidad para hacer suyos problemas reales que son parte de su cotidianidad.

  3. Semantics of Temporal Models with Multiple Temporal Dimensions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kraft, Peter; Sørensen, Jens Otto

    ending up with lexical data models. In particular we look upon the representations by sets of normalised tables, by sets of 1NF tables and by sets of N1NF/nested tables. At each translation step we focus on how the temporal semantic is consistently maintained. In this way we recognise the requirements...... for representation of temporal properties in different models and the correspondence between the models. The results rely on the assumptions that the temporal dimensions are interdependent and ordered. Thus for example the valid periods of existences of a property in a mini world are dependent on the transaction...... periods in which the corresponding recordings are valid. This is not the normal way of looking at temporal dimensions and we give arguments supporting our assumption....

  4. Temporal networks

    CERN Document Server

    Saramäki, Jari


    The concept of temporal networks is an extension of complex networks as a modeling framework to include information on when interactions between nodes happen. Many studies of the last decade examine how the static network structure affect dynamic systems on the network. In this traditional approach  the temporal aspects are pre-encoded in the dynamic system model. Temporal-network methods, on the other hand, lift the temporal information from the level of system dynamics to the mathematical representation of the contact network itself. This framework becomes particularly useful for cases where there is a lot of structure and heterogeneity both in the timings of interaction events and the network topology. The advantage compared to common static network approaches is the ability to design more accurate models in order to explain and predict large-scale dynamic phenomena (such as, e.g., epidemic outbreaks and other spreading phenomena). On the other hand, temporal network methods are mathematically and concept...

  5. ¿Es posible comparar el empleo informal en los países de América del Sur? Análisis de su definición, clasificación y medición

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    Marisol E. Ruiz


    Conclusiones: Una definición precisa y adecuada de empleo informal permitirá contemplar los matices que incluye el concepto, lo que hará posible visibilizar las carencias que afrontan la mayoría de los trabajadores informales. La necesidad de incorporar indicadores comunes entre los sistemas de información es un aspecto clave para efectuar comparaciones válidas entre países, así como para determinar el impacto sobre la salud pública que sufre la población empleada informalmente.

  6. Temporal Ventriloquism Reveals Intact Audiovisual Temporal Integration in Amblyopia. (United States)

    Richards, Michael D; Goltz, Herbert C; Wong, Agnes M F


    We have shown previously that amblyopia involves impaired detection of asynchrony between auditory and visual events. To distinguish whether this impairment represents a defect in temporal integration or nonintegrative multisensory processing (e.g., cross-modal matching), we used the temporal ventriloquism effect in which visual temporal order judgment (TOJ) is normally enhanced by a lagging auditory click. Participants with amblyopia (n = 9) and normally sighted controls (n = 9) performed a visual TOJ task. Pairs of clicks accompanied the two lights such that the first click preceded the first light, or second click lagged the second light by 100, 200, or 450 ms. Baseline audiovisual synchrony and visual-only conditions also were tested. Within both groups, just noticeable differences for the visual TOJ task were significantly reduced compared with baseline in the 100- and 200-ms click lag conditions. Within the amblyopia group, poorer stereo acuity and poorer visual acuity in the amblyopic eye were significantly associated with greater enhancement in visual TOJ performance in the 200-ms click lag condition. Audiovisual temporal integration is intact in amblyopia, as indicated by perceptual enhancement in the temporal ventriloquism effect. Furthermore, poorer stereo acuity and poorer visual acuity in the amblyopic eye are associated with a widened temporal binding window for the effect. These findings suggest that previously reported abnormalities in audiovisual multisensory processing may result from impaired cross-modal matching rather than a diminished capacity for temporal audiovisual integration.

  7. Quantum Temporal Imaging


    Tsang, Mankei; Psaltis, Demetri


    The concept of quantum temporal imaging is proposed to manipulate the temporal correlation of entangled photons. In particular, we show that time correlation and anticorrelation can be converted to each other using quantum temporal imaging.

  8. Computed tomography of temporal bone fractures and temporal region anatomy in horses. (United States)

    Pownder, S; Scrivani, P V; Bezuidenhout, A; Divers, T J; Ducharme, N G


    In people, specific classifications of temporal bone fractures are associated with clinical signs and prognosis. In horses, similar classifications have not been evaluated and might be useful establishing prognosis or understanding pathogenesis of certain types of trauma. We hypothesized associations between temporal bone fracture location and orientation in horses detected during computed tomography (CT) and frequency of facial nerve (CN7) deficit, vestibulocochlear nerve (CN8) deficit, or temporohyoid osteoarthropathy (THO). Complex temporal region anatomy may confound fracture identification, and consequently a description of normal anatomy was included. All horses undergoing temporal region CT at our hospital between July 1998 and May 2008. Data were collected retrospectively, examiners were blinded, and relationships were investigated among temporal bone fractures, ipsilateral THO, ipsilateral CN7, or ipsilateral CN8 deficits by Chi-square or Fischer's exact tests. Seventy-nine horses had CT examinations of the temporal region (158 temporal bones). Sixteen temporal bone fractures were detected in 14 horses. Cranial nerve deficits were seen with fractures in all parts of the temporal bone (petrosal, squamous, and temporal) and, temporal bone fractures were associated with CN7 and CN8 deficits and THO. No investigated fracture classification scheme, however, was associated with specific cranial nerve deficits. Without knowledge of the regional anatomy, normal structures may be mistaken for a temporal bone fracture or vice versa. Although no fracture classification scheme was associated with the assessed clinical signs, simple descriptive terminology (location and orientation) is recommended for reporting and facilitating future comparisons.

  9. Los trabajadores agrícolas mexicanos en los campos de California: migración, empleo y formación de clase en una agricultura intensiva

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    Manuel Adrián Hernández Romero


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta una aproximación antropológica al proceso de formación de clase, motivado por el asentamiento y estabilización de la fuerza de trabajo migrante mexicana empleada en la agricultura de California. A partir de observación directa de las dinámicas productivas de una mercancía ilustrativa, las uvas para mesa, se describen las pautas de participación laboral en un contexto de capitalismo agrícola avanzado para explorar las formas de proletarización vinculadas al uso de mano de obra externa, analizando tanto los factores que propician proletarización como las condiciones que impiden que el empleo agrícola se iguale a otros sectores de la economía.

  10. El papel del agente de empleo y desarrollo local en la implementación de las políticas locales de empleo y en la creación de empresas en España. Estudio empírico y análisis comparativo entre CC.AA.

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    Full Text Available El Desarrollo Local se está convirtiendo en un tema de gran actualidad, tanto desde el campo académico como desde el campo de la acción en el marco de las iniciativas locales de empleo. Especial relevancia tiene, dentro de este tema, el papel desempeñado por todos aquellos agentes que intervienen en el proceso de Desarrollo Local.El autor de la obra ha realizado un estudio sobre el papel que desempeña el agente de inserción en el contexto del Desarrollo Local a través de un análisis empírico. La obra ofrece una visión amplia y actual de la realidad del Desarrollo Local en España, y presenta un modelo de actuación en el que se recogen diferentes tipos de medidas de mejora de la situación actual y recomendaciones dirigidas tanto a los propios profesionales como a las Administraciones Públicas (Central, Autonómicas y Locales implicadas en el proceso de Desarrollo Local.

  11. Estudio de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las funciones y empleo de las herramientas del taller de tecnología en 1º y 3º de E.S.O.


    Jiménez-Rodríguez, Guillermo


    El presente Trabajo Fin de Máster constituye una breve investigación sobre la enseñanza, el aprendizaje y los conocimientos que poseen los alumnos de primer y tercer curso de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria acerca de las funciones y el empleo de las herramientas propias del taller de tecnología. La materia objeto de estudio merece una especial consideración en cuanto a la realidad existente en las aulas. Este Trabajo Fin de Máster pretende mejorar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en el...

  12. Towards General Temporal Aggregation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Boehlen, Michael H.; Gamper, Johann; Jensen, Christian Søndergaard


    associated with the management of temporal data. Indeed, temporal aggregation is complex and among the most difficult, and thus interesting, temporal functionality to support. This paper presents a general framework for temporal aggregation that accommodates existing kinds of aggregation, and it identifies...


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    Carlo Benetti


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es la construcción de la teoría de Keynes, concebida como una estructura compuesta por tres modelos generales y de base que se deducen unos de otros. Se muestra que la ley de Say, a la que se opone Keynes, se puede formalizar por medio de un modelo “recursivo por la oferta”. La crítica de Keynes conduce a un modelo diferente: “uno no walrasiano y de interdependencia general” que no admite la critica del ajuste al equilibrio de pleno empleo. Es un modelo de referencia a partir del cual, en una tercera etapa, se obtiene el modelo keynesiano propiamente dicho, que admite al menos un equilibrio con desempleo involuntario en condiciones de flexibilidad de salarios y de precios. Este estudio muestra tanto la coherencia de la construcción de la teoría de Keynes como los limites de su “herejía” teórica.In this paper we study the construetion of Keynes' theory, conceived as a structure composed by three general and basic models, which are deduced ones from the others. We show that Say's law as criticized by Keynes can be formalized by means of a “recursive supply” modelo Keynes’ criticism leads to a different model, a “non -wal rasian and general interdepedence” one, which does not allow to criticize the adjustement to a full employment equilibrium. lt is used by Keynes as a basic model from which, in a third stage, he obtains the keynesian model, defined as the model which admits at Ieast one involuntary unemployment equilibrium with flexibility of wages and priees. We conclude that the construction of Keynes’ theory is logically coherent and we show the limitations of his theoretical “heresy”.

  14. Project Temporalities

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tryggestad, Kjell; Justesen, Lise; Mouritsen, Jan


    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore how animals can become stakeholders in interaction with project management technologies and what happens with project temporalities when new and surprising stakeholders become part of a project and a recognized matter of concern to be taken...... into account. Design/methodology/approach – The paper is based on a qualitative case study of a project in the building industry. The authors use actor-network theory (ANT) to analyze the emergence of animal stakeholders, stakes and temporalities. Findings – The study shows how project temporalities can...... multiply in interaction with project management technologies and how conventional linear conceptions of project time may be contested with the emergence of new non-human stakeholders and temporalities. Research limitations/implications – The study draws on ANT to show how animals can become stakeholders...

  15. Multiplicación in vitro de segmentos nodales del clon de ñame Blanco de Guinea (Dioscorea cayenensis - D. rotundata ) en sistemas de cultivo semiautomatizado


    Manuel Cabrera Jova; Rafael Gómez Kosky; Sergio Rodríguez Morales; Jorge López Torres; Aymé Rayas Cabrera; Milagros Basail Pérez; Arletys Santos Pino; Víctor Medero Vega; Germán Rodríguez Rodríguez


    Con el empleo del sistema de inmersión temporal fue posible incrementar la multiplicación in vitro de los segmentos nodales en el clon de ñame Blanco de Guinea. Con este tipo de sistema de cultivo se obtuvieron los más altos valores para la altura de la planta, número de entrenudos por planta, así como para la masa fresca y seca de las mismas. Las condiciones de cultivo creadas en el sistema de inmersión temporal para la multiplicación in vitro de los segmentos nodales lograron el más alto co...

  16. Economy, employment and productivity in the metropolis of Mexico / Economía, empleo y productividad en las metrópolis de México

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    Edel Cadena Vargas


    Full Text Available This paper analyses the economy, employment, and productivity of 56 metropolitan zones from Mexico. Concludes that, through statistical analysis, this kind of cities keep being a big attraction focus of population, but its economical activities decrease or damages gradually. For that, if this tendency to stagnation continues, in the short term will be a gloomy future to the metropolis for this country. Este artículo analiza la evolución de la economía, empleo y productividad de las 56 zonas metropolitanas de México, de 1989 a 2004. Concluye, a través del análisis estadístico, que este tipo de ciudades siguen siendo un gran foco de atracción de la población, pero sus actividades económicas disminuyen gradualmente o se deterioran. Por ello, de continuar esta tendencia al estancamiento, se vislumbra a corto plazo un futuro sombrío para las metrópolis de este país.

  17. Spatio-Temporal Rule Mining

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gidofalvi, Gyozo; Pedersen, Torben Bach


    Recent advances in communication and information technology, such as the increasing accuracy of GPS technology and the miniaturization of wireless communication devices pave the road for Location-Based Services (LBS). To achieve high quality for such services, spatio-temporal data mining techniques...... are needed. In this paper, we describe experiences with spatio-temporal rule mining in a Danish data mining company. First, a number of real world spatio-temporal data sets are described, leading to a taxonomy of spatio-temporal data. Second, the paper describes a general methodology that transforms...... the spatio-temporal rule mining task to the traditional market basket analysis task and applies it to the described data sets, enabling traditional association rule mining methods to discover spatio-temporal rules for LBS. Finally, unique issues in spatio-temporal rule mining are identified and discussed....

  18. Evaluación del impacto de las Microfinanzas sobre los ingresos y la generación de empleo en Colombia

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    Jhon Alexander Méndez Sayago


    Full Text Available El artículo evalúa la capacidad de las herramientas microfinancieras para impulsar el mejoramiento de ingresos de las pequeñas y medianas unidades productivas en Colombia, así como la creación de puestos de trabajo en este segmento empresarial. Para tal cometido, se efectúa una estimación de los impactos del crédito formal, de cualquier tipo de crédito, y del crédito otorgado por la participación en programas de apoyo empresarial como FOMIPYME. Las técnicas para la estimación de los impactos de los tratamientos (microcrédito comprendieron: i los estimadores Matching no paramétricos del vecino más cercano y Kernel; ii el estimador de variables instrumentales; y iii el estimador del efecto local promedio del tratamiento (LATE. En todas las mediciones de los efectos del tratamiento se aceptó la hipótesis nula de que el microcrédito no tiene impacto positivo sobre las ganancias y la generación de empleo de las Micro, Medianas y Pequeñas Empresas

  19. Temporal networks (United States)

    Holme, Petter; Saramäki, Jari


    A great variety of systems in nature, society and technology-from the web of sexual contacts to the Internet, from the nervous system to power grids-can be modeled as graphs of vertices coupled by edges. The network structure, describing how the graph is wired, helps us understand, predict and optimize the behavior of dynamical systems. In many cases, however, the edges are not continuously active. As an example, in networks of communication via e-mail, text messages, or phone calls, edges represent sequences of instantaneous or practically instantaneous contacts. In some cases, edges are active for non-negligible periods of time: e.g., the proximity patterns of inpatients at hospitals can be represented by a graph where an edge between two individuals is on throughout the time they are at the same ward. Like network topology, the temporal structure of edge activations can affect dynamics of systems interacting through the network, from disease contagion on the network of patients to information diffusion over an e-mail network. In this review, we present the emergent field of temporal networks, and discuss methods for analyzing topological and temporal structure and models for elucidating their relation to the behavior of dynamical systems. In the light of traditional network theory, one can see this framework as moving the information of when things happen from the dynamical system on the network, to the network itself. Since fundamental properties, such as the transitivity of edges, do not necessarily hold in temporal networks, many of these methods need to be quite different from those for static networks. The study of temporal networks is very interdisciplinary in nature. Reflecting this, even the object of study has many names-temporal graphs, evolving graphs, time-varying graphs, time-aggregated graphs, time-stamped graphs, dynamic networks, dynamic graphs, dynamical graphs, and so on. This review covers different fields where temporal graphs are considered

  20. Indeterministic Temporal Logic

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    Trzęsicki Kazimierz


    Full Text Available The questions od determinism, causality, and freedom have been the main philosophical problems debated since the beginning of temporal logic. The issue of the logical value of sentences about the future was stated by Aristotle in the famous tomorrow sea-battle passage. The question has inspired Łukasiewicz’s idea of many-valued logics and was a motive of A. N. Prior’s considerations about the logic of tenses. In the scheme of temporal logic there are different solutions to the problem. In the paper we consider indeterministic temporal logic based on the idea of temporal worlds and the relation of accessibility between them.

  1. Evolución de la renta, empleo y sueldos en propiedades rurales que ofrecen Agroturismo y Turismo rural en la Mitad Sur de Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil (1997 - 2011

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    Eurico de Oliveira Santos


    Full Text Available Se analizó la proporción de renta proveniente de la actividad turística, la oferta de empleos fijos y temporales y la evolución de los sueldos en propiedades rurales ubicadas en la mitad sur de Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, que ofrecen servicios turísticos. Se entrevistó a los propietarios de las fincas en 1997, 2002, 2006 y 2011. En el primer acercamiento se identificaron 9 fincas activas, número que creció a 33 en 2002, a 38 en 2006 y a 37en 2011. Se definió al agroturismo como aquel en que la principal fuente de ingreso de las propiedades proviene de la actividad primaria, mientras que el turismo rural la renta principal proviene del sector terciario. El ingreso proveniente de la agricultura tuvoun aumento importante en el periodo de 1997-2002, seguido de una disminución en el periodo 2002-2006 en las fincas que ofrecen agroturismo, mientras que en las fincas que ofrecen turismo rural el ingreso proveniente de los servicios creció hasta el 89,2%. En 2011, la actividad primaria ha aumentado tanto en agroturismo cuanto en turismo rural, ya en la actividad terciaria hubo disminución. El número de empleos generados por finca se mantuvo estable en el primer periodo, pero sufrió una disminución en el segundo, lo que promedió 6.4 por finca, disminuyó también en 2011, llegando al 5,8%. Los sueldos deflactados no tuvieron evolución favorable y se encuentran lejos del sueldo mínimo necesario. El enfoque longitudinal ha resultado útil para evaluar la evolución económica de la actividad turística en la región.

  2. Intermediación en el mercado laboral de mano de obra inmigrante extranjera en la región de Murcia: el caso de las empresas de trabajo temporal

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    Juan Carlos Andreo Tudela


    Full Text Available Este artículo, enfocado como un estudio de caso, aborda la intermediación laboral a través de las empresas de trabajo temporal (ETT en un contexto geográfi co concreto, la Región de Murcia, y con una población específi ca, las personas inmigrantes extranjeras. La especialización que las ETT de la Región de Murcia han experimentado en el sector agrícola con la gestión de la mano de obra inmigrante extranjera supone un ejemplo de efi ciencia sin parangón en la intermediación laboral en España, una experiencia que merece ser objeto de estudio para su posible traslación a otros sectores de actividad y contextos geográfi cos, así como a otras entidades de intermediación públicas. Ello no debe obviar la necesaria crítica sobre la calidad del empleo que promueven las ETT, caracterizado en el caso que nos ocupa por ser contratos de muy corta duración y sin apenas continuidad en el tiempo.

  3. Evaluación clínica de hernioplastia umbilical en bovinos: empleo de fascia abdominal autógena

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    Mastoby Martinez M


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Evaluar clínicamente la hernioplastia umbilical en terneros con el empleo de fascia abdominal autógena. Material y métodos. Fueron utilizados cinco terneros de raza Brahman (6-12 meses y peso promedio de 200 kg, los terneros se intervinieron quirúrgicamente por presentar hernia umbilical recidivante. El anillo herniario se reforzó con autoinjerto de fascia abdominal fijado con puntos en “U” horizontales, con sutura de poliamida (50 libras de presión. El tejido conectivo subcutáneo se suturó con polyglactin 910 del calibre 2-0 en patrón de puntos continuos. En el posoperatorio, se evaluó la evolución clínica de la cicatrización cutánea y la presencia o no de recidiva herniaria por un periodo de 60 días. Resultados. En todos los animales se observó edema intenso de los focos quirúrgicos (foco donador en la región inguinal y foco receptor en la región umbilical, sin dehiscencia de la herida cutánea, abscedación, ni recidiva de la hernia. Conclusiones. La técnica quirúrgica utilizada y el autoinjerto de fascia abdominal fueron eficientes en la corrección de hernia umbilical recidivante en terneros, hecho que permite recomendarla en casos semejantes.


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    Rodrigo Ignacio Palomo Vélez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo analiza el papel de la negociación colectiva en la regulación de la contratación temporal en España, luego de las reformas laborales que desde la década de los noventa han venido refiriéndose a esta materia. El enfoque está centrado, de esta forma, en dar cuenta de la función que ha tenido y tiene la negociación colectiva en la regulación de los principales supuestos legales de contratación temporal de trabajadores; a saber, el contrato para obra o servicio determinados, el contrato eventual por circunstancias de la producción y el contrato de trabajadores interinos, por ser estos los de mayor presencia en el sistema español de relaciones laborales y por constituir el objeto preferente de las diversas remisiones que el legislador laboral ha hecho a la negociación colectiva. Por tanto, no se trata en este trabajo el supuesto de contratación temporal coyuntural que aún subsiste en el ordenamiento español (contrato de fomento de empleo para trabajadores con discapacidad ni otros supuestos específicos de contratación temporal (contratos formativos, contratos de relevo, contratos temporales por empresas de trabajo temporal, contratos temporales en las administraciones públicas, entre otros. Se estudian también los mecanismos de control de la contratación temporal en la negociación colectiva, y en este caso las referencias se plantean, salvo prevención en contrario, sin distinguir entre las distintas modalidades contractuales. Por último, se presenta un contrapunto con el modelo normativo chileno.This work analyzes the role of collective bargaining in the temporary contracting regulation in Spain, after the labour reforms that, since the nineties, have been referring to this matter. Thus, the approach is focused into give account of the function that the collective bargaining has been and has, in the main legal suppositions of the temporary contracting workers' regulation; namely, the determined work or

  5. Temporal anteroinferior encephalocele: An underrecognized etiology of temporal lobe epilepsy? (United States)

    Saavalainen, Taavi; Jutila, Leena; Mervaala, Esa; Kälviäinen, Reetta; Vanninen, Ritva; Immonen, Arto


    To report the increasing frequency with which temporal anteroinferior encephalocele is a cause of adult temporal lobe epilepsy, to illustrate the clinical and imaging characteristics of this condition, and to report its surgical treatment in a series of 23 adult patients. Epilepsy patients diagnosed with temporal anteroinferior encephalocele from January 2006 to December 2013 in a national epilepsy reference center were included in this noninterventional study. Twenty-three epilepsy patients (14 female, mean age 43.8 years) were diagnosed with temporal anteroinferior encephalocele in our institute. Thirteen patients had ≥2 encephaloceles; 7 cases presented bilaterally. The estimated frequency of this condition was 0.3% among MRI examinations performed due to newly diagnosed epilepsy (n = 6) and 1.9% among drug-resistant patients referred to our center (n = 17). Nine patients with local encephalocele disconnection (n = 4) or anterior temporal lobectomy and amygdalohippocampectomy (n = 5) have become seizure-free (Engel 1) for a mean 2.8 years (range 3 months-6.2 years) of follow-up. Three patients with local encephalocele disconnection were almost seizure-free or exhibited worthwhile improvement. Histologically, all 12 surgical patients had gliosis at the base of the encephalocele; some had cortical laminar disorganization (n = 5) or mild hippocampal degeneration (n = 1). The possibility of a temporal encephalocele should be considered when interpreting MRI examinations of patients with medically intractable focal epilepsy. These patients can significantly benefit from unitemporal epilepsy surgery, even in cases with bilateral encephaloceles. © 2015 American Academy of Neurology.

  6. Perspectivas de análisis y primeros resultados de una investigación sobre la relación entre formación y empleo

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    Full Text Available este articulo sobre la relacion entre formacion e insercion laboral se refiere a una investigacion en curso y, en consecuencia, las conclusiones presentadas son parciales y por tanto provisionales. por ello se insiste sobre todo en los planteamientos generales, en los objetivos, en la aproximacion metodologica. la orientacion mantenida, y esta es su originalidad e interes, consiste en proponer y analizar el fenomeno de la relacion entre formacion e insercion laboral dentro de una perspectiva mas amplia que la de las teorias habituales, tanto desde el punto de vista del contexto social como del conjunto de dimensiones con que se define la formacion. asi, y con relacion a la insercion laboral dentro de una crisis estructural y mantenida del empleo, pueden ser importantes los aspectos curriculares y de la experiencia laboral, pero tambien otros ligados a la socializacion, a las redes sociales, a los diversos acontecimientos de la biografia, a la propia estrategia del trabajador y a otros mas vinculados a comportamientos y actitudes.

  7. Temporal lobe sclerosis associated with hippocampal sclerosis in temporal lobe epilepsy: neuropathological features. (United States)

    Thom, Maria; Eriksson, Sofia; Martinian, Lillian; Caboclo, Luis O; McEvoy, Andrew W; Duncan, John S; Sisodiya, Sanjay M


    Widespread changes involving neocortical and mesial temporal lobe structures can be present in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy and hippocampal sclerosis. The incidence, pathology, and clinical significance of neocortical temporal lobe sclerosis (TLS) are not well characterized. We identified TLS in 30 of 272 surgically treated cases of hippocampal sclerosis. Temporal lobe sclerosis was defined by variable reduction of neurons from cortical layers II/III and laminar gliosis; it was typically accompanied by additional architectural abnormalities of layer II, that is, abnormal neuronal orientation and aggregation. Quantitative analysis including tessellation methods for the distribution of layer II neurons supported these observations. In 40% of cases, there was a gradient of TLS with more severe involvement toward the temporal pole, possibly signifying involvement of hippocampal projection pathways. There was a history of a febrile seizure as an initial precipitating injury in 73% of patients with TLS compared with 36% without TLS; no other clinical differences between TLS and non-TLS cases were identified. Temporal lobe sclerosis was not evident preoperatively by neuroimaging. No obvious effect of TLS on seizure outcome was noted after temporal lobe resection; 73% became seizure-free at 2-year follow-up. In conclusion, approximately 11% of surgically treated hippocampal sclerosis is accompanied by TLS. Temporal lobe sclerosis is likely an acquired process with accompanying reorganizational dysplasia and an extension of mesial temporal sclerosis rather than a separate pathological entity.

  8. Role of temporal processing stages by inferior temporal neurons in facial recognition

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    Yasuko eSugase-Miyamoto


    Full Text Available In this review, we focus on the role of temporal stages of encoded facial information in the visual system, which might enable the efficient determination of species, identity, and expression. Facial recognition is an important function of our brain and is known to be processed in the ventral visual pathway, where visual signals are processed through areas V1, V2, V4, and the inferior temporal (IT cortex. In the IT cortex, neurons show selective responses to complex visual images such as faces, and at each stage along the pathway the stimulus selectivity of the neural responses becomes sharper, particularly in the later portion of the responses.In the IT cortex of the monkey, facial information is represented by different temporal stages of neural responses, as shown in our previous study: the initial transient response of face-responsive neurons represents information about global categories, i.e., human vs. monkey vs. simple shapes, whilst the later portion of these responses represents information about detailed facial categories, i.e., expression and/or identity. This suggests that the temporal stages of the neuronal firing pattern play an important role in the coding of visual stimuli, including faces. This type of coding may be a plausible mechanism underlying the temporal dynamics of recognition, including the process of detection/categorization followed by the identification of objects. Recent single-unit studies in monkeys have also provided evidence consistent with the important role of the temporal stages of encoded facial information. For example, view-invariant facial identity information is represented in the response at a later period within a region of face-selective neurons. Consistent with these findings, temporally modulated neural activity has also been observed in human studies. These results suggest a close correlation between the temporal processing stages of facial information by IT neurons and the temporal dynamics of

  9. "Salvar a la generación perdida": gubernamentalidad, empleabilidad y cultura del trabajo. El caso de un programa de empleo para jóvenes en Argentina

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    Gonzalo Assusa


    Full Text Available El propósito de nuestro artículo es analizar la manera en que operan las lógicas político-institucionales vinculadas a la gestión y producción del empleo juvenil, partiendo del supuesto que dichas intervenciones gubernamentales se estructuran a partir de la noción de empleabilidad, en tanto configuración de la cultura del trabajo. Para esto, abordamos el caso del Programa Jóvenes con Más y Mejor Trabajo (PJMyMT, implementado por el Ministerio de Trabajo, Empleo y Seguridad Social de la Nación (MTEySS, en Córdoba, Argentina. Para el cumplimento de nuestros objetivos, utilizamos una técnica cualitativa de recolección de datos a partir de entrevistas realizadas tanto a integrantes del equipo técnico del PJMyMT como a funcionarios del MTEySS, a lo largo de los años 2011 y 2012. Allí indagamos sobre las concepciones de éstos en torno al diagnóstico del desempleo juvenil, el lugar del Estado en su abordaje y el particular tipo de intervención que se propone desde la noción de empleabilidad, en el marco de las políticas activas de empleo. Utilizamos para la lectura de los datos obtenidos, la estrategia de análisis de contenido. El análisis realizado sobre la lógica político-institucional permitió dar cuenta tanto de los sentidos que construyen los agentes que lo implementan, como de las prácticas a las que el dispositivo da lugar. Así, una primera conclusión da cuenta que la "empleabilidad" es definida como objeto privilegiado de intervención de este programa estatal, dando lugar a instancias y servicios estructurados en torno a lógicas de rutinización y disciplinamiento orientadas a la producción de determinadas categorías de subjetividad para el trabajo. En este sentido, el PJMyMT se define en términos pedagógicos destinado fuertemente a la formación de disposiciones, hábitos y actitudes para el trabajo, antes que a una función estrictamente capacitadora. Así, la segunda conclusión es que esta lógica se

  10. Consideraciones sobre el empleo de antisueros somáticos en la clasificación por serotipos de cepas de Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Aniel Moya


    Full Text Available El lipopolisacárido (LPS de bacterias gramnegativas se emplea en el desarrollo de candidatos vacunales, como antígeno expuesto en la preparación o formando parte de esta para aumentar su poder inmunogénico. Sin embargo, esta estructura química de la membrana externa puede ser también utilizada para clasificar bacterias. Según el LPS, presente en la membrana externa bacteriana, Pseudomonas aeruginosa se puede clasificar en 20 tipos somáticos diferentes, clasificación muy útil para estudios epidemiológicos. P. aeruginosa expone sus LPS en la membrana de forma estable, pero ocurren cambios en el fenotipo del LPS bacteriano durante la infección, sucesos que dificultan su clasificación. En estos momentos, los estudios que se desarrollan en el Instituto Finlay necesitan del empleo de tecnologías modernas de clasificación y del diagnóstico molecular para poder establecer patrones más precisos de expresión de los LPS por métodos que junto a los ya existentes permitan diferenciar cepas bacterianas de la misma especie en cualquier tipo de infección.

  11. Advances in temporal logic

    CERN Document Server

    Fisher, Michael; Gabbay, Dov; Gough, Graham


    Time is a fascinating subject that has captured mankind's imagination from ancient times to the present. It has been, and continues to be studied across a wide range of disciplines, from the natural sciences to philosophy and logic. More than two decades ago, Pnueli in a seminal work showed the value of temporal logic in the specification and verification of computer programs. Today, a strong, vibrant international research community exists in the broad community of computer science and AI. This volume presents a number of articles from leading researchers containing state-of-the-art results in such areas as pure temporal/modal logic, specification and verification, temporal databases, temporal aspects in AI, tense and aspect in natural language, and temporal theorem proving. Earlier versions of some of the articles were given at the most recent International Conference on Temporal Logic, University of Manchester, UK. Readership: Any student of the area - postgraduate, postdoctoral or even research professor ...

  12. Temporal and extra-temporal hypoperfusion in medial temporal lobe epilepsy evaluated by arterial-spin-labeling based MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shen Lianfang; Zhang Zhiqiang; Lu Guangming; Yuan Cuiping; Wang Zhengge; Wang Haoxue; Huang Wei; Wei Fangyuan; Chen Guanghui; Tan Qifu


    Objective: To evaluate the feasibility of the lateralization of unilateral medial temporal lobe epilepsy (mTLE) by using arterial-spin-labeling (ASL) based perfusion MR imaging and investigate the changes of perfusion in the regions related to mTLE network and the relationship between the perfusion and the clinical status. Methods: Twenty-five patients with left-sided and 23 with right-sided mTLE were enrolled, and 30 healthy volunteers were recruited. The cerebral blood flow (CBF) of related region was measured based on pulsed-ASL sequence on Siemens 3 T scanner. The CBF of the mTLE group were compared with that in the controls by using ANOVA analysis. The asymmetric indices of CBF in the medial temporal lobe were calculated as the lesion side compared with the normal side in matched region in mTLE group. Results: Compared with the volunteers, the patients with mTLE showed the decrease of CBF in the bilateral medial and lateral temporal, the frontal and parietal regions relating to the default-mode network and more serious in lesion side. The CBF values of the medial temporal lobe were negatively correlated with the epilepsy duration (r=-0.51, P<0.01). The asymmetric index of CBF as-0.01 has a 76.0% (19/25) sensitivity and a 78.3% (18/23) specificity to distinguish the lesion side. Conclusions: The decrease of CBF in the temporal and extra-temporal region by ASL-based MRI suggests the functional abnormalities in the network involved by mTLE. The ASL technique is a useful tool for lateralizing the unilateral mTLE. (authors)

  13. Experiencias en el empleo de refractarios en la siderurgia No integral

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    Laraudogoitia, J. J.


    Full Text Available SIDENOR INDUSTRIAL S.L. is a steelmaking company producing special steel long products, devoted to a high extent for automotive applications. Production facilities at Sidenor Basauri plant include electric arc furnace, secondary metallurgy station (two ladle furnaces sharing a vacuum tank degasser and continuous casting process followed by direct rolling. The refractory consumption at Basauri plant facilities is concentrated in the steelmaking shop with 97% out of total consumption. Regarding the steelmaking shop, refractory consumption has the following distribution: 50% continuous casting, 35% ladle and 15% electric arc furnace and rest of applications. The refractory material suitability is defined in SIDENOR from three points of view: - Quality level aimed for final products - Total cost, taking into account purchase price, installation cost, running cost and energetic consumption associated to its use - Emissions environmental impact due to drying and preheating of refractory products The characterisation of the refractory material performance is done in three different levels: - Steady state working conditions (wearing, spalling, thermal insulation, air tightness… - Theoretical study and measurements from thermal and environmental point of view - Sudden and none predicted failures.

    SIDENOR INDUSTRIAL S.L. es una empresa siderúrgica fabricante de productos largos de acero especial, dirigidos en un alto porcentaje al mercado de automoción. En las instalaciones que SIDENOR posee en Basauri, el proceso de fabricación se desarrolla vía horno eléctrico de arco, metalurgia secundaria (horno cuchara y estación de vacío en tanque y colada continua, seguido de un proceso de laminación directa sin acondicionado previo. Para las instalaciones consideradas el empleo de material refractario se concentra fundamentalmente en la acería, con un 97% del refractario total. Considerando el consumo de acería, el 50% corresponde a colada

  14. Full-fledged temporal processing: bridging the gap between deep linguistic processing and temporal extraction

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    Francisco Costa


    Full Text Available The full-fledged processing of temporal information presents specific challenges. These difficulties largely stem from the fact that the temporal meaning conveyed by grammatical means interacts with many extra-linguistic factors (world knowledge, causality, calendar systems, reasoning. This article proposes a novel approach to this problem, based on a hybrid strategy that explores the complementarity of the symbolic and probabilistic methods. A specialized temporal extraction system is combined with a deep linguistic processing grammar. The temporal extraction system extracts eventualities, times and dates mentioned in text, and also temporal relations between them, in line with the tasks of the recent TempEval challenges; and uses machine learning techniques to draw from different sources of information (grammatical and extra-grammatical even if it is not explicitly known how these combine to produce the final temporal meaning being expressed. In turn, the deep computational grammar delivers richer truth-conditional meaning representations of input sentences, which include a principled representation of temporal information, on which higher level tasks, including reasoning, can be based. These deep semantic representations are extended and improved according to the output of the aforementioned temporal extraction module. The prototype implemented shows performance results that increase the quality of the temporal meaning representations and are better than the performance of each of the two components in isolation.

  15. La empleabilidad y los beneficiarios del Seguro de Capacitación y Empleo en Mar del Plata Employability and beneficiaries of the Training and Employment Insurance in Mar del Plata

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    Ana Julia Atucha


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este documento es analizar si la participación de los beneficiarios del Partido de General Pueyrredon en el Seguro de Capacitación y Empleo implicó mejoras en su empleabilidad. En particular, se examinan las relaciones entre formación y empleo de este colectivo, como aproximación a la medición del impacto de esta política de mercado de trabajo en Mar del Plata. La información utilizada se basa en la "Encuesta de Informalidad y Beneficiarios de Programas Sociales" en el aglomerado, llevada a cabo en octubre de 2009 por el Grupo Estudios del Trabajo de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, en el marco de un proyecto en convenio con la OIT. Esta fuente primaria fue complementada por entrevistas telefónicas a destinatarios seleccionados. El acercamiento se efectuó a través de una exploración de las trayectorias formativas seguidas por los destinatarios, de la valoración que ha tenido la capacitación respecto a la mejora sobre su empleabilidad y de la tarea de vinculación entre demandantes y oferentes que realiza la Oficina de Empleo. Entre los principales resultados se detectaron gran proporción de beneficiarios sin una trayectoria formativa que los califique sobre un oficio, percepciones negativas respecto a su empleabilidad y situaciones de inactividad. El documento deja planteada la necesidad de optimizar las tareas de orientación y vinculación al mercado de trabajo para mejorar la situación del grupo bajo análisis.This paper is aimed to analyze whether the participation of beneficiaries in the Training and Employment Insurance improved their employability. In particular, the relationship between training and employment of this group, as an approach to measuring the effect of this labor market policy in Mar del Plata, will be examined. The information come from the "Survey of Informality and Beneficiaries of Social Programs" collected in Mar del Plata

  16. Estructura productiva, pobreza y problemas de empleo en las provincias pampeanas y norteñas de Argentina en los primeros años del siglo XXI

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    Fernando Longhi


    Full Text Available Argentina, históricamente, ha presentado profundas desigualdades socioeconómicas regionales. Las provincias del Noroeste mostraron notorias diferencias respecto a las pampeanas en la producción de riqueza. Así, a fines del siglo xx, mientras en las provincias pampeanas la pobreza alcanzaba al 32,9% de su población, en el norte estas privaciones se duplicaban. Este artículo tiene por objeto analizar comparativamente las características de estas privaciones —considerando escalas provinciales y departamentales—, vinculándolas a su vez con las transformaciones económicas y productivas y con los problemas de empleo a lo largo del siglo xx e inicios del xxi. Los resultados advierten un notorio proceso de fragmentación socioterritorial como corolario de la persistencia de la desigualdad. Se destaca el recrudecimiento de dicha fragmentación en determinadas provincias y departamentos argentinos.

  17. Empleo de placas filtrantes cubanas en el proceso de producción de melagenina loción

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    Guillermo Lago Mendoza


    Full Text Available La melagenina loción es un medicamento extraído de la placenta humana e identificado como una lipoproteína de bajo peso molecular, que ha demostrado su eficacia en la cura del vitiligo. Durante el proceso productivo de obtención de dicho extracto se emplea un sistema de placas de celulosa en la estación de filtración del Centro de Histoterapia Placentaria, Planta. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo el empleo y evaluación de placas de producción nacional modelo Filtec 00 producidas en la Unión Investigación Producción Cuba 9 para la obtención del producto, para ello se evaluó el filtro teniendo en cuenta algunos criterios de operación además de los parámetros de control de la calidad del medicamento.Melagenine lotion is a drug extracted from human placenta. It is identified as a low molecular weight lipoprotein that has proven its efficiency to cure vitiligo. A system of cellulose plates is used during the productive process of obtention of this extract at the station of filtration of the Center of Placental Histotherapy. The present paper is aimed at studying the use and evaluation of plates of national production model Filtec 00 made at the Cuban 9 Union of Research and Production for obtaining the product. To this end, the filtre was evaluated taking into account some operational criteria in addition to drug quality control parameters.

  18. Temporal motifs in time-dependent networks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kovanen, Lauri; Karsai, Márton; Kaski, Kimmo; Kertész, János; Saramäki, Jari


    Temporal networks are commonly used to represent systems where connections between elements are active only for restricted periods of time, such as telecommunication, neural signal processing, biochemical reaction and human social interaction networks. We introduce the framework of temporal motifs to study the mesoscale topological–temporal structure of temporal networks in which the events of nodes do not overlap in time. Temporal motifs are classes of similar event sequences, where the similarity refers not only to topology but also to the temporal order of the events. We provide a mapping from event sequences to coloured directed graphs that enables an efficient algorithm for identifying temporal motifs. We discuss some aspects of temporal motifs, including causality and null models, and present basic statistics of temporal motifs in a large mobile call network

  19. Knowledge acquisition for temporal abstraction. (United States)

    Stein, A; Musen, M A; Shahar, Y


    Temporal abstraction is the task of detecting relevant patterns in data over time. The knowledge-based temporal-abstraction method uses knowledge about a clinical domain's contexts, external events, and parameters to create meaningful interval-based abstractions from raw time-stamped clinical data. In this paper, we describe the acquisition and maintenance of domain-specific temporal-abstraction knowledge. Using the PROTEGE-II framework, we have designed a graphical tool for acquiring temporal knowledge directly from expert physicians, maintaining the knowledge in a sharable form, and converting the knowledge into a suitable format for use by an appropriate problem-solving method. In initial tests, the tool offered significant gains in our ability to rapidly acquire temporal knowledge and to use that knowledge to perform automated temporal reasoning.

  20. Join Operations in Temporal Databases

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gao, D.; Jensen, Christian Søndergaard; Snodgrass, R.T.


    Joins are arguably the most important relational operators. Poor implementations are tantamount to computing the Cartesian product of the input relations. In a temporal database, the problem is more acute for two reasons. First, conventional techniques are designed for the evaluation of joins...... with equality predicates rather than the inequality predicates prevalent in valid-time queries. Second, the presence of temporally varying data dramatically increases the size of a database. These factors indicate that specialized techniques are needed to efficiently evaluate temporal joins. We address...... this need for efficient join evaluation in temporal databases. Our purpose is twofold. We first survey all previously proposed temporal join operators. While many temporal join operators have been defined in previous work, this work has been done largely in isolation from competing proposals, with little...

  1. Radiosurgery for Medial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Resulting from Mesial Temporal Sclerosis. (United States)

    Gianaris, Thomas; Witt, Thomas; Barbaro, Nicholas M


    Medial temporal lobe epilepsy associated with mesial temporal sclerosis (MTS) is perhaps the most well-defined epilepsy syndrome that is responsive to structural interventions such as surgery. Several minimally invasive techniques have arisen that provide additional options for the treatment of MTS while potentially avoiding many of open surgery's associated risks. By evading these risks, they also open up treatment options to patients who otherwise are poor surgical candidates. Radiosurgery is one of the most intensively studied of these alternatives and has found a growing role in the treatment of medial temporal lobe epilepsy. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Toward a clinic of temporality? (United States)

    Rivasseau Jonveaux, Thérèse; Batt, Martine; Trognon, Alain


    The discovery of time cells has expanded our knowledge in the field of spatial and temporal information coding and the key role of the hippocampus. The internal clock model complemented with the attentional gate model allows a more in-depth understanding of the perception of time. The motor representation of duration is ensured by the basal ganglia, while the cerebellum synchronizes short duration for the movement. The right prefrontal cortex seemingly intervenes in the handling of temporal information in working memory. The temporal lobe ensures the comparison of durations, especially the right lobe for the reference durations and the medial lobe for the reproduction of durations in episodic memory. During normal aging, the hypothesis of slowing of the temporal processor is evoked when noting the perception of the acceleration of the passage of time that seemingly occurs with advancing age. The various studies pertaining specifically to time cognition, albeit heterogeneous in terms of methodology, attest to the wide-ranging disturbances of this cognitive field during the course of numerous disorders, whether psychiatric - depression and schizophrenia notably - or neurological. Hence, perturbations in temporality are observed in focal brain lesions and in subcortical disorders, such as Parkinson's disease or Huntington's chorea. Alzheimer's disease represents a particularly fertile field of exploration with regard to time cognition and temporality. The objectified deconstruction of temporal experience provides insights into the very processes of temporality and their nature: episodic, semantic and procedural. In addition to exploration based on elementary stimuli, one should also consider the time lived, i.e. that of the subject, to better understand cognition as it relates to time. While the temporal dimension permeates the whole cognitive field, it remains largely neglected: integration of a genuine time cognition and temporality clinic in daily practice remains

  3. A spatio-temporal autocorrelation change detection approach using hyper-temporal satellite data

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Kleynhans, W


    Full Text Available -1 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Melbourne, Australia 21-26 July 2013 A SPATIO-TEMPORAL AUTOCORRELATION CHANGE DETECTION APPROACH USING HYPER-TEMPORAL SATELLITE DATA yzW. Kleynhans, yz,B.P Salmon,zK. J. Wessels...

  4. Mesial temporal sclerosis in children Esclerose mesial temporal em crianças

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eliana Maria Domingues Brandão


    Full Text Available Mesial temporal sclerosis is the most frequent cause of drug-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy but has a satisfactory response to surgery, and is considered infrequent in children. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical, electrographic and radiological spectrum of the disease in children. METHOD: Retrospective study by review of charts of 44 children with a diagnosis of mesial temporal sclerosis on magnetic resonance imaging, attended at the "Hospital das Clínicas" of the University of São Paulo Faculty of Medicine. RESULTS: Febrile seizure was identified in the history of 54% of the patients. Injuries at the left side predominated in patients with schooling difficulties (p=0.049, in those with the first seizures between six months and five years (p=0.021 and in those with complex febrile seizure (p=0.032. Thirteen patients were submitted to surgery and of these, eight remained without seizures. CONCLUSION: Febrile seizure may be related in a more direct way to the presence of left-side mesial temporal sclerosis.Em adultos, esclerose mesial temporal é a causa mais freqüente de epilepsia do lobo temporal intratável por medicamentos e que responde satisfatoriamente a cirurgia, sendo considerada pouco freqüente em criança. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o espectro clínico, eletrográfico e radiológico desta patologia em crianças. MÉTODO: Estudo retrospectivo, por revisão de prontuário de 44 crianças com diagnóstico de esclerose mesial temporal na ressonância magnética, atendidos no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de São Paulo. RESULTADO: Foi identificado que 54% dos pacientes apresentaram antecedente de crise febril. Lesão no lado esquerdo predominou nos pacientes com dificuldade escolar (p=0.049, naqueles com primeiras crises entre seis meses e cinco anos (p=0,021 e naqueles com crise febril complicada (p=0,032. Treze pacientes foram operados, dos quais oito ficaram livres de crises. CONCLUSÃO: Crise febril pode estar



    Vali Shaik, Mastan; Sujatha, P


    Most data sources in real-life are not static but change their information in time. This evolution of data in time can give valuable insights to business analysts. Temporal data refers to data, where changes over time or temporal aspects play a central role. Temporal data denotes the evaluation of object characteristics over time. One of the main unresolved problems that arise during the data mining process is treating data that contains temporal information. Temporal queries on time evolving...

  6. Non-invasive examinations successfully select patients with medial temporal lobe epilepsy for anterior temporal lobectomy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Morioka, Takato; Nishio, Shunji; Kawamura, Tadao; Fukui, Kimiko; Sasaki, Masayuki; Fukui, Masashi [Kyushu Univ., Fukuoka (Japan). Graduate School of Medical Sciences


    We retrospectively analyzed 8 patients with intractable medial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) who underwent the anterior temporal lobectomy with hippocampectomy (ATL) without invasive examinations such as chronic subdural electrode recording. Five patients had a history of febrile convulsion. While all 8 patients had oral automatism, automatism of ipsilateral limbs with dystonic posture of contralateral limbs was demonstrated in 2 patients. Bilateral temporal paroxysmal activities on interictal EEG was observed in 4 patients and all patients had clear ictal onset zone on unilateral anterior temporal region. MRI demonstrated unilateral hippocampal sclerosis in 5 cases. Interictal FDG-PET depicted hypometabolism of the unilateral temporal lobe in all cases, however, ECD-SPECT failed to reveal the hypoperfusion of the unilateral temporal lobe in a case. Postoperatively, 7 cases became seizure free, and one had rare seizure. Non-invasive examinations, especially ictal EEG and concordant FDG-PET findings, in patients with oral automatism in seizure semiology, successfully select patients with MTLE for ATL. (author)

  7. Non-invasive examinations successfully select patients with medial temporal lobe epilepsy for anterior temporal lobectomy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morioka, Takato; Nishio, Shunji; Kawamura, Tadao; Fukui, Kimiko; Sasaki, Masayuki; Fukui, Masashi


    We retrospectively analyzed 8 patients with intractable medial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) who underwent the anterior temporal lobectomy with hippocampectomy (ATL) without invasive examinations such as chronic subdural electrode recording. Five patients had a history of febrile convulsion. While all 8 patients had oral automatism, automatism of ipsilateral limbs with dystonic posture of contralateral limbs was demonstrated in 2 patients. Bilateral temporal paroxysmal activities on interictal EEG was observed in 4 patients and all patients had clear ictal onset zone on unilateral anterior temporal region. MRI demonstrated unilateral hippocampal sclerosis in 5 cases. Interictal FDG-PET depicted hypometabolism of the unilateral temporal lobe in all cases, however, ECD-SPECT failed to reveal the hypoperfusion of the unilateral temporal lobe in a case. Postoperatively, 7 cases became seizure free, and one had rare seizure. Non-invasive examinations, especially ictal EEG and concordant FDG-PET findings, in patients with oral automatism in seizure semiology, successfully select patients with MTLE for ATL. (author)

  8. Temporal lobe volume predicts Wada memory test performance in patients with mesial temporal sclerosis. (United States)

    Ding, Kan; Gong, Yunhua; Modur, Pradeep N; Diaz-Arrastia, Ramon; Agostini, Mark; Gupta, Puneet; McColl, Roderick; Hays, Ryan; Van Ness, Paul


    The Wada test is widely used in the presurgical evaluation of potential temporal lobectomy patients to predict postoperative memory function. Expected asymmetry (EA), defined as Wada memory lateralized to the nonsurgical hemisphere, or a higher score after injection of the surgical hemisphere would be considered favorable in terms of postoperative memory outcome. However, in some cases, nonlateralized memory (NM) results, with no appreciable asymmetry, may occur because of impaired scores after both injections, often leading to denial of surgery. The reason for such nonlateralized Wada memory in patients with intractable temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) remains unclear. Given that quantitative morphometric magnetic resonance imaging studies in TLE patients have shown bilateral regional atrophy in temporal and extratemporal structures, we hypothesized that the volume loss in contralateral temporal structures could contribute to nonlateralized Wada memory performance. To investigate this, we examined the relationship between the volume changes of temporal structures and Wada memory scores in patients with intractable TLE with mesial temporal sclerosis (MTS) using an age- and gender-matched control group. Memory was considered nonlateralized if the absolute difference in the total correct recall scores between ipsilateral and contralateral injections was memory was lateralized in 15 and nonlateralized in 6 patients, with all the nonlateralized scores being observed in left TLE. The recall scores after ipsilateral injection were significantly lower in patients with an NM profile than an EA profile (23 ± 14% vs. 59 ± 18% correct recall, p ≤ 0.001). However, the recall scores after contralateral injection were low but similar between the two groups (25 ± 17% vs. 25 ± 15% correct recall, p=0.97). Compared to controls, all the patients showed greater volume loss in the temporal regions. However, patients with a NM profile showed significantly more volume loss than those

  9. Empleo de estrategias de aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras: inglés y francés

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luz Mery Orrego


    Full Text Available Objetivo: identificar las concepciones que sobre el aprendizaje tienen estudiantes y profesores del programa Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras de la Escuela de Idiomas de la Universidad de Antioquia y la frecuencia de uso de las estrategias de aprendizaje empleadas por los estudiantes para desarrollar la competencia comunicativa en inglés y francés. Método: se llevó a cabo una in vestigación cualitativa y cuantitativa de carácter exploratorio y descriptivo. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas, tanto individuales como grupales con estudiantes y profesores, y se analizaron también las autoevaluaciones realizadas por los estudiantes de su proceso de aprendizaje. La des cripción de las estrategias de aprendizaje empleadas por los estudiantes se llevó a cabo mediante la aplicación del cuestionario ''Inventario de estrategias para el aprendizaje de lenguas'' (versión 5.1, Oxford, 1990. Resultados: para los estudiantes, el aprendizaje es un proceso de desarrollo intelectual que requiere la ejercitación de habilidades propias de la lengua extranjera. Las concepcio nes de los profesores se pueden clasificar con base en cuatro teorías del aprendizaje: conductista, psicolingüística, pragmatista y sociocultural. Con respecto a la frecuencia de uso de las estrategias de aprendizaje, el resultado total nos muestra que las estrategias menos usadas son las afectivas y las de memoria; las más utilizadas son las cognitivas, las sociales y las compensatorias. Conclusiones: desde el análisis cualitativo de las concepciones de estudiantes y profesores, se considera que existen diferencias en el empleo de estrategias de aprendizaje en estas dos lenguas. Sin embargo, los resultados cuantitativos de esta investigación evidencian que, en el proceso de aprendizaje del inglés y del francés, los estudiantes utilizan con la misma frecuencia y de la misma manera las es trategias de aprendizaje en ambas lenguas.

  10. The Temporality of Power and the Power of Temporality

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Costas, Jana; Grey, Christopher


    This paper extends existing understandings of power, resistance and subjectivity in professional service organizations by developing an analysis of how these relate to temporality. Drawing in particular on Hoy’s reading of the Foucauldian account of temporality, we conceive of disciplinary power...... regimes and resistance as inherently future-oriented, or, to use Ybema’s term, postalgic. In moving beyond the extant research focus on self-disciplined and/or counter-resistant professional selves, we draw attention to the imaginary future self as an employee response to disciplinary power. In contrast...

  11. Diferencias de género en los procesos de selección para la Formación para el Empleo. Un estudio empírico

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    Full Text Available En este artículo se analizan los procesos de selección efectuados sobre la totalidad de los aspirantes a los cursos de Formación para el Empleo de la Comunidad de Madrid a mediados de los años noventa, para conocer el posible impacto adverso y el grado de segregación por género de la oferta formativa en dicha Comunidad. Los datos obtenidos en esta investigación ponen de manifiesto un «efecto negativo» en la selección que se traduce en una segregación por ramas y niveles de cualificación. Como resultado de ese efecto, las mujeres están infrarrepresentadas en el conjunto de las áreas «industriales» y en algunas ramas del sector servicios, especialmente las vinculadas a las nuevas tecnologías. En vista de esos resultados, los autores sugieren distintas estrategias para impulsar la incorporación de las mujeres en los cursos donde su presencia es escasa.

  12. Temporal network epidemiology

    CERN Document Server

    Holme, Petter


    This book covers recent developments in epidemic process models and related data on temporally varying networks. It is widely recognized that contact networks are indispensable for describing, understanding, and intervening to stop the spread of infectious diseases in human and animal populations; “network epidemiology” is an umbrella term to describe this research field. More recently, contact networks have been recognized as being highly dynamic. This observation, also supported by an increasing amount of new data, has led to research on temporal networks, a rapidly growing area. Changes in network structure are often informed by epidemic (or other) dynamics, in which case they are referred to as adaptive networks. This volume gathers contributions by prominent authors working in temporal and adaptive network epidemiology, a field essential to understanding infectious diseases in real society.

  13. High-order passive photonic temporal integrators. (United States)

    Asghari, Mohammad H; Wang, Chao; Yao, Jianping; Azaña, José


    We experimentally demonstrate, for the first time to our knowledge, an ultrafast photonic high-order (second-order) complex-field temporal integrator. The demonstrated device uses a single apodized uniform-period fiber Bragg grating (FBG), and it is based on a general FBG design approach for implementing optimized arbitrary-order photonic passive temporal integrators. Using this same design approach, we also fabricate and test a first-order passive temporal integrator offering an energetic-efficiency improvement of more than 1 order of magnitude as compared with previously reported passive first-order temporal integrators. Accurate and efficient first- and second-order temporal integrations of ultrafast complex-field optical signals (with temporal features as fast as approximately 2.5ps) are successfully demonstrated using the fabricated FBG devices.

  14. SST: Single-Stream Temporal Action Proposals

    KAUST Repository

    Buch, Shyamal; Escorcia, Victor; Shen, Chuanqi; Ghanem, Bernard; Niebles, Juan Carlos


    Our paper presents a new approach for temporal detection of human actions in long, untrimmed video sequences. We introduce Single-Stream Temporal Action Proposals (SST), a new effective and efficient deep architecture for the generation of temporal action proposals. Our network can run continuously in a single stream over very long input video sequences, without the need to divide input into short overlapping clips or temporal windows for batch processing. We demonstrate empirically that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art on the task of temporal action proposal generation, while achieving some of the fastest processing speeds in the literature. Finally, we demonstrate that using SST proposals in conjunction with existing action classifiers results in improved state-of-the-art temporal action detection performance.

  15. SST: Single-Stream Temporal Action Proposals

    KAUST Repository

    Buch, Shyamal


    Our paper presents a new approach for temporal detection of human actions in long, untrimmed video sequences. We introduce Single-Stream Temporal Action Proposals (SST), a new effective and efficient deep architecture for the generation of temporal action proposals. Our network can run continuously in a single stream over very long input video sequences, without the need to divide input into short overlapping clips or temporal windows for batch processing. We demonstrate empirically that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art on the task of temporal action proposal generation, while achieving some of the fastest processing speeds in the literature. Finally, we demonstrate that using SST proposals in conjunction with existing action classifiers results in improved state-of-the-art temporal action detection performance.

  16. Temporal hypometabolism at the onset of cryptogenic temporal lobe epilepsy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Matheja, P.; Kuwert, T.; Weckesser, M.; Schober, O. [Dept. of Nuclear Medicine, Muenster Univ. (Germany); Luedemann, P.; Kellinghaus, C.; Diehl, B.; Ringelstein, E.B. [Dept. of Neurology, Muenster Univ. (Germany); Schuierer, G. [Dept. of Clinical Radiology, Muenster Univ. (Germany)


    Most patients with intractable temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) exhibit temporal glucose hypometabolism. The reasons for the development of this abnormality are as yet unclear. The current notion is that an initial injury causes seizures, which in turn give rise to hypometabolism. The aim of this study was to assess whether temporal reductions in glucose metabolism in non-lesional TLE are the result of repeated seizures or whether hypometabolism represents an initial disturbance at the onset of disease. Glucose consumption was assessed with fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography ({sup 18}F-FDG PET) in 62 patients with cryptogenic non-refractory TLE in different stages of disease. Twelve subjects without neurological illness served as controls. Patients with onset of epilepsy at least 3 years prior to the PET scan were defined as having chronic TLE. Using this criterion, the whole patient cohort included 27 patients with de novo TLE and 35 patients with chronic TLE. The groups were matched for age and sex. The appearance of high-resolution magnetic resonance images of the brain was unremarkable in all patients. In the total cohort, number, duration and frequency of seizures had a significant relation to the magnitude of hypometabolism. Temporal hypometabolism was exhibited by 26 of the 62 patients (42%), including 8 out of 27 (30%) with newly diagnosed TLE and 18 out of 35 (51%) with chronic TLE. The disturbances were more extensive and more severe in patients with chronic TLE. It is concluded that temporal hypometabolism may already be present at the onset of TLE, but is less frequent and less severe in newly diagnosed than in chronic TLE. The metabolic disturbance correlates with the number of seizures. These findings suggest that an initial dysfunction is present in a considerable number of patients and that hypometabolism is worsened by continuing epileptic activity. (orig.)

  17. Effect of Temporal Neocortical Pathology on Seizure Freeness in Adult Patients with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. (United States)

    Kemerdere, Rahsan; Ahmedov, Merdin Lyutviev; Alizada, Orkhan; Yeni, Seher Naz; Oz, Buge; Tanriverdi, Taner


    Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is the most common form of focal epilepsy. Focal cortical dysplasia is the most common dual pathology found in association with the hippocampal sclerosis. In this study, the effect of dual pathology on freedom from seizure was sought in patients with TLE. This study performed a retrospective analysis of patients with TLE who underwent surgery between 2010 and 2017. Histopathologic analysis was performed on patients with and without dual pathology in the temporal neocortex. Seizure outcomes were compared. A total of 54 patients with TLE were included. The rate of overall favorable seizure outcome was found to be 96.3%. In 53.7%, dual pathology was present in the temporal cortices in addition to the hippocampal sclerosis. Patients without dual pathology showed significantly greater freedom from seizure (P = 0.02). Patients without dual pathology had a significantly higher seizure-free rate after anterior temporal resection than patients with dual pathology. Resection of the temporal cortex in addition to mesial temporal structures seems to be reasonable for better seizure outcome. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Nontraumatic temporal subcortical hemorrhage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weisberg, L.A.; Stazio, A.; Shamsnia, M.; Elliott, D.; Charity Hospital, New Orleans, LA


    Thirty patients with temporal hematomas were analyzed. Four with frontal extension survived. Of 6 with ganglionic extension, three had residual deficit. Of 8 with parietal extension, 4 had delayed deterioration and died, two patients recovered, and two with peritumoral hemorrhage due to glioblastoma multiforme died. Five patients with posterior temporal hematomas recovered. In 7 patients with basal-inferior temporal hematomas, angiography showed aneurysms in 3 cases, angiomas in 2 cases and no vascular lesion in 2 cases. Of 23 cases with negative angiography and no systemic cause for temporal hematoma, 12 patients were hypertensive and 11 were normotensive. Ten hypertensive patients without evidence of chronic vascular disease had the largest hematomas, extending into the parietal or ganglionic regions. Seven of these patients died; 3 had residual deficit. Eleven normotensive and two hypertensive patients with evidence of chronic vascular change had smaller hematomas. They survived with good functional recovery. (orig.)

  19. Temporal plus epilepsy: Anatomo-electroclinical subtypes (United States)

    Andrade-Machado, René; Benjumea-Cuartas, Vanessa


    Background: Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is a remediable epileptic syndrome. About 40% of patients continue to have seizures after standard temporal lobectomy. It has been suggested that some of these patients could actually suffer from a more complex epileptogenic network. Because a few papers have been dedicated to this topic, we decided to write an article updating this theme. Methods: We performed a literature search using the following terminology: “temporal plus epilepsy and networks,” “temporal plus epilepsy,” “orbito-temporal epilepsy,” “temporo-insular epilepsy,” “temporo-parieto-occipital (TPO) epilepsy,” “parieto-temporal epilepsy,” “intracortical evoked potential and temporal plus epilepsy,” “temporal lobe connectivity and epilepsy,” “intracortical evoked potential and epilepsy surgery,” “role of extratemporal structures in TLE,” “surgical failure after temporal lobectomy,” “Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and temporal epilepsy,” and “positron emission tomography (PET) in temporal plus lobe epilepsy” in the existing PubMed databases. We searched only English and Spanish literature. Only papers that fit with the above-mentioned descriptors were included as part of the evidence. Other articles were used to reference some aspects of the temporal plus epilepsy. Results: A total of 48 papers from 2334 were revised. The most frequently reported auras in these groups of patients are gustatory hallucinations, vestibular illusions, laryngeal and throat constriction, atypical distribution of somatosensory symptoms (perioral and hands, bilaterally hands paresthesias, trunk and other). The most common signs are tonic posturing, hemifacial twist, and frequent bilateral clonic movements. Interictal electroencephalographic (EEG) patterns exhibit regional and frequently bilateral spikes and/or slow waves. The first ictal electrographic change is mostly regional. It is important to note that the evidence is

  20. Non-verbal auditory cognition in patients with temporal epilepsy before and after anterior temporal lobectomy

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    Aurélie Bidet-Caulet


    Full Text Available For patients with pharmaco-resistant temporal epilepsy, unilateral anterior temporal lobectomy (ATL - i.e. the surgical resection of the hippocampus, the amygdala, the temporal pole and the most anterior part of the temporal gyri - is an efficient treatment. There is growing evidence that anterior regions of the temporal lobe are involved in the integration and short-term memorization of object-related sound properties. However, non-verbal auditory processing in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE has raised little attention. To assess non-verbal auditory cognition in patients with temporal epilepsy both before and after unilateral ATL, we developed a set of non-verbal auditory tests, including environmental sounds. We could evaluate auditory semantic identification, acoustic and object-related short-term memory, and sound extraction from a sound mixture. The performances of 26 TLE patients before and/or after ATL were compared to those of 18 healthy subjects. Patients before and after ATL were found to present with similar deficits in pitch retention, and in identification and short-term memorisation of environmental sounds, whereas not being impaired in basic acoustic processing compared to healthy subjects. It is most likely that the deficits observed before and after ATL are related to epileptic neuropathological processes. Therefore, in patients with drug-resistant TLE, ATL seems to significantly improve seizure control without producing additional auditory deficits.


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    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION Human temporal bones are difficult to procure now a days due to various ethical issues. Sheep temporal bone is a good alternative due to morphological similarities, easy to procure and less cost. Many middle ear exercises can be done easily and handling of instruments is done in the procedures like myringoplasty, tympanoplasty, stapedotomy, facial nerve dissection and some middle ear implants. This is useful for resident training programme.

  2. El empleo informal en la frontera norte de México y el caso de Sonora: un análisis de expectativas en los ingresos

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    Luis Huesca Reynoso


    Full Text Available En el presente documento se muestra la distribución de los ingresos para trabajadores formales e informales en la frontera norte y en Sonora; se observó más participación de los jornaleros agrícolas informales y de quienes trabajan por cuenta propia. Con la base de datos de la Encuesta nacional de ocupación y empleo de 2006, se calculó un escenario contrafactual con la asunción de lo que pasaría con la distribución de los salarios si los informales se desempeñaran como empleados formales. Los resultados indican que los informales asalariados y por cuenta propia están en mejor situación, y es menos favorable la expectativa para los segundos en Sonora, así como para los jornaleros agrícolas en ambos lugares. Los informales por cuenta propia no cambian sustancialmente sus ingresos, si se ubican en la parte alta de la distribución en Sonora, y hay una polarización de las percepciones en los asalariados en la frontera.

  3. Annotating temporal information in clinical narratives. (United States)

    Sun, Weiyi; Rumshisky, Anna; Uzuner, Ozlem


    Temporal information in clinical narratives plays an important role in patients' diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. In order to represent narrative information accurately, medical natural language processing (MLP) systems need to correctly identify and interpret temporal information. To promote research in this area, the Informatics for Integrating Biology and the Bedside (i2b2) project developed a temporally annotated corpus of clinical narratives. This corpus contains 310 de-identified discharge summaries, with annotations of clinical events, temporal expressions and temporal relations. This paper describes the process followed for the development of this corpus and discusses annotation guideline development, annotation methodology, and corpus quality. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Middle Temporal Gyrus Versus Inferior Temporal Gyrus Transcortical Approaches to High-Grade Astrocytomas in the Mediobasal Temporal Lobe: A Comparison of Outcomes, Functional Restoration, and Surgical Considerations. (United States)

    Quinones-Hinojosa, Alfredo; Raza, Shaan M; Ahmed, Ishrat; Rincon-Torroella, Jordina; Chaichana, Kaisorn; Olivi, Alessandro


    High-grade astrocytomas of the mesial temporal lobe may pose surgical challenges. Several approaches (trans-sylvian, subtemporal, and transcortical) have been designed to circumnavigate the critical neurovascular structures and white fiber tracts that surround this area. Considering the paucity of literature on the transcortical approach for these lesions, we describe our institutional experience with transcortical approaches to Grade III/IV astrocytomas in the mesial temporal lobe. Between 1999 and 2009, 23 patients underwent surgery at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions for Grade III/IV astrocytomas involving the mesial temporal lobe (without involvement of the temporal neocortex). Clinical notes, operative records, and imaging were reviewed. Thirteen patients had tumors in the dominant hemisphere. All patients underwent surgery via a transcortical approach (14 via the inferior temporal gyrus and 9 via the middle temporal gyrus). Gross total resection was obtained in 92 % of the cohort. Neurological outcomes were: clinically significant stroke (2 patients), new visual deficits (2 patients), new speech deficit (1 patient); seizure control (53 %). In comparison to reported results in the literature for the transylvian and subtemporal approaches, the transcortical approach may provide the access necessary for a gross total resection with minimal neurological consequences. In our series of patients, there was no statistically significant difference in outcomes between the middle temporal gyrus versus the inferior temporal gyrus trajectories.

  5. Asymmetry of medial and lateral temporal regional glucose metabolism in temporal lobe epilepsy by F-18-FDG PET

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Dong Soo; Yeo, Jeong Seok; Song, Ho Cheon; Lee, Sang Kun; Kim, Hyun Jip; Chung, June Key; Lee, Myung Chul


    We investigated the difference of glucose metabolism of medial and lateral temporal lobes of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) utilizing quantitative comparison of regional metabolic activities using asymmetric index. We studied 19 pathologically proven mesial TLE and 25 lateral TLE patients. Lateral TLE patients were either normal on magnetic resonance imaging (cryptogenic: n=14) or had structural lesions (lesional: n=11). Asymmetric index (ASI) was calculated as [(ipsilateral contralateral)/(ipsilateral + contralateral )]x200. ASI of medial and lateral lobes of mesial TLE was decreased (-16.4±8.3 and -12.7± 5.5, respectively). In cryptogenic lateral TLE, ASI of lateral temporal lobe was decreased (-11.8± 4.7), whereas that of medial temporal lobe was not decreased (-4.6±6.3). ASI of medial lobe of lesional lateral TLE was -7.3±9.1, which was significantly different from that of mesial TLE (p<0.05). Patients with lesional lateral TLE had evident metabolic defects or decrease (ASI: -22±10.5) in lateral temporal lobe. While we could not find the difference of metabolic activity in lateral temporal lobes between cryptogenic lateral TLE and mesial TLE patients, the difference of metabolic activity was significant in medial temporal lobes which was revealed by ASI quantitation. Asymmetric decrease of metabolic activity in both medial and lateral temporal lobes indicates medial temporal epilepsy. Symmetry of metabolic activity in medial temporal lobe combined with asymmetry of that in lateral temporal lobe may give hints that the epileptogenic zone is lateral

  6. Semantic memory is impaired in patients with unilateral anterior temporal lobe resection for temporal lobe epilepsy. (United States)

    Lambon Ralph, Matthew A; Ehsan, Sheeba; Baker, Gus A; Rogers, Timothy T


    Contemporary clinical and basic neuroscience studies have increasingly implicated the anterior temporal lobe regions, bilaterally, in the formation of coherent concepts. Mounting convergent evidence for the importance of the anterior temporal lobe in semantic memory is found in patients with bilateral anterior temporal lobe damage (e.g. semantic dementia), functional neuroimaging and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation studies. If this proposal is correct, then one might expect patients with anterior temporal lobe resection for long-standing temporal lobe epilepsy to be semantically impaired. Such patients, however, do not present clinically with striking comprehension deficits but with amnesia and variable anomia, leading some to conclude that semantic memory is intact in resection for temporal lobe epilepsy and thus casting doubt over the conclusions drawn from semantic dementia and linked basic neuroscience studies. Whilst there is a considerable neuropsychological literature on temporal lobe epilepsy, few studies have probed semantic memory directly, with mixed results, and none have undertaken the same type of systematic investigation of semantic processing that has been conducted with other patient groups. In this study, therefore, we investigated the semantic performance of 20 patients with resection for chronic temporal lobe epilepsy with a full battery of semantic assessments, including more sensitive measures of semantic processing. The results provide a bridge between the current clinical observations about resection for temporal lobe epilepsy and the expectations from semantic dementia and other neuroscience findings. Specifically, we found that on simple semantic tasks, the patients' accuracy fell in the normal range, with the exception that some patients with left resection for temporal lobe epilepsy had measurable anomia. Once the semantic assessments were made more challenging, by probing specific-level concepts, lower frequency

  7. El empleo de las técnicas de sugestión como coadyuvantes de los programas multicomponentes en el tratamiento del tabaquismo: Estudio de caso único

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    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta en detalle un programa multicomponente para la reducción del tabaquismo. El programa incluye : reducción gradual de ingestión de nicotina y alquitrán, control de estímulos, reestructuración cognitiva, prevención de recaídas y el empleo de técnicas de sugestión para incrementar la eficacia del condicionamiento aversivo, estrategias de reducción de ansiedad y prevención de recaídas en situaciones difíciles. El programa consta de cinco sesiones de tratamiento y fue aplicado a una paciente fumadora durante un tiempo total de cinco semanas, con un período de seguimiento realizado en cuatro momentos diferentes: 1, 3, 6, y 12 meses. Los resultados señalan un pro g resivo descenso de la tasa de consumo desde la primera sesión de tratamiento, y al final del programa la paciente cesó por completo su consumo, manteniéndose abstinente durante un período de 12 meses.

  8. Un Examen de los Factores Explicativos del Empleo de las Presentaciones a Analistas en la Empresa Española

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    Manuel Larrán Jorge


    Full Text Available Las empresas cotizadas organizan regularmente encuentros restringidos con analistas financieros en aras del flujo de información con el mercado y la correcta valoración de sus títulos. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar las variables que influyen en el empleo de presentaciones a analistas por parte de las empresas integrantes en el Índice General de la Bolsa de Madrid. Los resultados evidencian que, en España, las compañías que se comunican con analistas a través de presentaciones muestran un tamaño significativamente superior frente a aquellas que no emplean este canal, siendo la pertenencia al IBEX 35 y la existencia de departamentos de Relaciones con Inversores los factores determinantes de la celebración de estos encuentros. Palabras clave: canales privados, divulgación de información, analistas financieros, presentaciones a analistas.Presentations to analysts are used by listing companies in order to disclose information and avoid the undervaluation of their securities. The aim of this paper is to analyse the use of presentations to analysts in the Spanish Capital Market and the determinants of the decision to hold these presentations. Our empirical study was performed on the Spanish companies listed in the Madrid Stock Exchange. We found evidence indicating that the decision to hold presentations for analysts is related to the size of the company. In addition, we verify that the firms listed in IBEX 35 and with Investor Relations departments are more likely to host these meetings.

  9. The Voronoi spatio-temporal data structure (United States)

    Mioc, Darka


    Current GIS models cannot integrate the temporal dimension of spatial data easily. Indeed, current GISs do not support incremental (local) addition and deletion of spatial objects, and they can not support the temporal evolution of spatial data. Spatio-temporal facilities would be very useful in many GIS applications: harvesting and forest planning, cadastre, urban and regional planning, and emergency planning. The spatio-temporal model that can overcome these problems is based on a topological model---the Voronoi data structure. Voronoi diagrams are irregular tessellations of space, that adapt to spatial objects and therefore they are a synthesis of raster and vector spatial data models. The main advantage of the Voronoi data structure is its local and sequential map updates, which allows us to automatically record each event and performed map updates within the system. These map updates are executed through map construction commands that are composed of atomic actions (geometric algorithms for addition, deletion, and motion of spatial objects) on the dynamic Voronoi data structure. The formalization of map commands led to the development of a spatial language comprising a set of atomic operations or constructs on spatial primitives (points and lines), powerful enough to define the complex operations. This resulted in a new formal model for spatio-temporal change representation, where each update is uniquely characterized by the numbers of newly created and inactivated Voronoi regions. This is used for the extension of the model towards the hierarchical Voronoi data structure. In this model, spatio-temporal changes induced by map updates are preserved in a hierarchical data structure that combines events and corresponding changes in topology. This hierarchical Voronoi data structure has an implicit time ordering of events visible through changes in topology, and it is equivalent to an event structure that can support temporal data without precise temporal

  10. Otosclerosis: Temporal Bone Pathology. (United States)

    Quesnel, Alicia M; Ishai, Reuven; McKenna, Michael J


    Otosclerosis is pathologically characterized by abnormal bony remodeling, which includes bone resorption, new bone deposition, and vascular proliferation in the temporal bone. Sensorineural hearing loss in otosclerosis is associated with extension of otosclerosis to the cochlear endosteum and deposition of collagen throughout the spiral ligament. Persistent or recurrent conductive hearing loss after stapedectomy has been associated with incomplete footplate fenestration, poor incus-prosthesis connection, and incus resorption in temporal bone specimens. Human temporal bone pathology has helped to define the role of computed tomography imaging for otosclerosis, confirming that computed tomography is highly sensitive for diagnosis, yet limited in assessing cochlear endosteal involvement. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Violencia de género


    José Caldas


    La violencia de género contra la mujer se da en aquellas sociedades en las que la mujer es considerada inferior al hombre. Se ha dado siempre y se sigue dando. Esta inferioridad lleva aparejadas una serie de discriminaciones sexuales, económicas, laborales y jurídicas. Los agresores justifican esta violencia buscando con ella el control y el dominio de la mujer. La violencia de género se manifiesta de muchas maneras, como: el maltrato físico, maltrato psicológico, matrimonio involuntario, pr...

  12. Las causas del desempleo


    García Balbás, Salomé


    En este documento vamos a tratar de dar respuesta a la siguiente pregunta: ¿cuáles son las causas del desempleo? Para ello realizaremos un repaso de las principales teorías económicas del desempleo llegando a la conclusión de que existe una causa fundamental que lo genera: la rigidez de los salarios a la baja. Consideramos el desempleo como la existencia de un exceso de oferta en el mercado de trabajo y haremos alusión, únicamente, a la existencia de desempleo involuntario. La exposición de l...

  13. Anticoncepción de emergencia


    García Mirás, Ramón; Lay Rodríguez, Adalberto; Riverón Cobo, Ana María


    Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica sobre el tema, con el objetivo de lograr que nuestra población conozca y sea capaz de utilizar la anticoncepción de emergencia para disminuir los embarazos involuntarios con su consecuente interrupción y complicaciones. Es un método hormonal que se puede realizar con los preparados anticonceptivos con que contamos, es eficaz y con escasas complicaciones.A bibliographic review on emergency contraception was made so that our population knows and be able to ...

  14. Temporal subtraction of dual-energy chest radiographs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Armato, Samuel G. III; Doshi, Devang J.; Engelmann, Roger; Caligiuri, Philip; MacMahon, Heber


    Temporal subtraction and dual-energy imaging are two enhanced radiography techniques that are receiving increased attention in chest radiography. Temporal subtraction is an image processing technique that facilitates the visualization of pathologic change across serial chest radiographic images acquired from the same patient; dual-energy imaging exploits the differential relative attenuation of x-ray photons exhibited by soft-tissue and bony structures at different x-ray energies to generate a pair of images that accentuate those structures. Although temporal subtraction images provide a powerful mechanism for enhancing visualization of subtle change, misregistration artifacts in these images can mimic or obscure abnormalities. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether dual-energy imaging could improve the quality of temporal subtraction images. Temporal subtraction images were generated from 100 pairs of temporally sequential standard radiographic chest images and from the corresponding 100 pairs of dual-energy, soft-tissue radiographic images. The registration accuracy demonstrated in the resulting temporal subtraction images was evaluated subjectively by two radiologists. The registration accuracy of the soft-tissue-based temporal subtraction images was rated superior to that of the conventional temporal subtraction images. Registration accuracy also was evaluated objectively through an automated method, which achieved an area-under-the-ROC-curve value of 0.92 in the distinction between temporal subtraction images that demonstrated clinically acceptable and clinically unacceptable registration accuracy. By combining dual-energy soft-tissue images with temporal subtraction, misregistration artifacts can be reduced and superior image quality can be obtained

  15. Information and Temporality

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    Christian Flender


    Full Text Available Being able to give reasons for what the world is and how it works is one of the defining characteristics of modernity. Mathematical reason and empirical observation brought science and engineering to unprecedented success. However, modernity has reached a post-state where an instrumental view of technology needs revision with reasonable arguments and evidence, i.e. without falling back to superstition and mysticism. Instrumentally, technology bears the potential to ease and to harm. Easing and harming can't be controlled like the initial development of technology is a controlled exercise for a specific, mostly easing purpose. Therefore, a revised understanding of information technology is proposed based upon mathematical concepts and intuitions as developed in quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics offers unequaled opportunities because it raises foundational questions in a precise form. Beyond instrumentalism it enables to raise the question of essences as that what remains through time what it is. The essence of information technology is acausality. The time of acausality is temporality. Temporality is not a concept or a category. It is not epistemological. As an existential and thus more comprehensive and fundamental than a concept or a category temporality is ontological; it does not simply have ontic properties. Rather it exhibits general essences. Datability, significance, spannedness and openness are general essences of equiprimordial time (temporality.

  16. Temporal bone trauma and imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Turetschek, K.; Czerny, C.; Wunderbaldinger, P.; Steiner, E.


    Fractures of the temporal bone result from direct trauma to the temporal bone or occur as one component of a severe craniocerebral injury. Complications of temporal trauma are hemotympanon, facial nerve paralysis, conductive or sensorineur hearing loss, and leakage of cerebrospinal fluid. Erly recognition and an appropiate therapy may improve or prevent permanent deficits related to such complications. Only 20-30% of temporal bone fractures can be visualized by plain films. CT has displaced plain radiography in the investigation of the otological trauma because subtle bony details are best evaluated by CT which even can be reformatted in multiple projections, regardless of the original plane of scanning. Associated epidural, subdural, and intracerebral hemorrhagic lesions are better defined by MRI. (orig.) [de

  17. Temporal dimension in cognitive models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Decortis, F.; Cacciabue, P.C.


    Increased attention has been given to the role of humans in nuclear power plant safety, but one aspect seldom considered is the temporal dimension of human reasoning. Time is recognized as crucial in human reasoning and has been the subject of empirical studies where cognitive mechanisms and strategies to face the temporal dimension have been studied. The present study shows why temporal reasoning is essential in Human Reliability Analysis and how it could be introduced in a human model. Accounting for the time dimension in human behaviour is discussed first, with reference to proven field studies. Then, theoretical modelling of the temporal dimension in human reasoning and its relevance in simulation of cognitive activities of plant operator is discussed. Finally a Time Experience Model is presented

  18. Temporal Representation in Semantic Graphs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Levandoski, J J; Abdulla, G M


    A wide range of knowledge discovery and analysis applications, ranging from business to biological, make use of semantic graphs when modeling relationships and concepts. Most of the semantic graphs used in these applications are assumed to be static pieces of information, meaning temporal evolution of concepts and relationships are not taken into account. Guided by the need for more advanced semantic graph queries involving temporal concepts, this paper surveys the existing work involving temporal representations in semantic graphs.

  19. Chondroblastoma of temporal bone

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tanohta, K.; Noda, M.; Katoh, H.; Okazaki, A.; Sugiyama, S.; Maehara, T.; Onishi, S.; Tanida, T.


    The case of a 55-year-old female with chondroblastoma arising from the left temporal bone is presented. Although 10 cases of temporal chondroblastoma have been reported, this is the first in which plain radiography, pluridirectional tomography, computed tomography (CT) and angiography were performed. We discuss the clinical and radiological aspects of this rare tumor.

  20. Optimization of temporal networks under uncertainty

    CERN Document Server

    Wiesemann, Wolfram


    Many decision problems in Operations Research are defined on temporal networks, that is, workflows of time-consuming tasks whose processing order is constrained by precedence relations. For example, temporal networks are used to model projects, computer applications, digital circuits and production processes. Optimization problems arise in temporal networks when a decision maker wishes to determine a temporal arrangement of the tasks and/or a resource assignment that optimizes some network characteristic (e.g. the time required to complete all tasks). The parameters of these optimization probl

  1. Some modifications of temporal relation in the sentence with the temporal clause

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    Antonić Ivana N.


    Full Text Available The subject matter of this paper is the modification of temporal relation in the complex sentence with the temporal clause. At the functional different Serbian language corpus the author notices the next types of modified temporality: excepted locational simultaneity complete or partial, and excepted locationalorientational posteriority formalized by the structure V SAMO/JEDINO/OSIM/SEM/IZUZEV(ONDA KAD VSub, and excepted locational simultaneity/excepted terminativity formalized by the structure V SAMO DOK (Neg VSub; sutuational locational simultaneity complete or partial formalized by the structure V U SITUACIJI / U SLUČAJU KAD VSub, with the posibility to be exceptivly modified in the structure V IZUZEV U SITUACIJI / U SLUČAJU KAD VSub; situational-concessive locational simultaneity complete or partial formalized by the structure V (ČAK I (ONDA KAD VSub; situational-conditional locational-orientational posteriority formalized by the structure V TEK (ONDA KAD VSub, and situational-conditional orientational posteriority formalized by the structure V TEK POŠTO VSub or V TEK NAKON ŠTO VSub and situational-conditional orientational quantified posteriority formalized by the structure V Quant TEK POŠTO VSub, and finaly situational-conditional terminativity formalized by the structure (Neg V SVE DOK Neg VSub. It can ocure sporadically supstitutiv temporality formalized by the structure V DetTemp (UMESTO KAD VSub, and consecutive-adversative temporality formalized by the structure KAD VSub A (ONDA V. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 178004: Sintaksička, semantička i pragmatička istraživanja standardnog srpskog jezika

  2. Chondroblastoma of temporal bone

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanohta, K.; Noda, M.; Katoh, H.; Okazaki, A.; Sugiyama, S.; Maehara, T.; Onishi, S.; Tanida, T.


    The case of a 55-year-old female with chondroblastoma arising from the left temporal bone is presented. Although 10 cases of temporal chondroblastoma have been reported, this is the first in which plain radiography, pluridirectional tomography, computed tomography (CT) and angiography were performed. We discuss the clinical and radiological aspects of this rare tumor. (orig.)

  3. Communication, Technology, Temporality

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    Mark A. Martinez


    Full Text Available This paper proposes a media studies that foregrounds technological objects as communicative and historical agents. Specifically, I take the digital computer as a powerful catalyst of crises in communication theories and certain key features of modernity. Finally, the computer is the motor of “New Media” which is at once a set of technologies, a historical epoch, and a field of knowledge. As such the computer shapes “the new” and “the future” as History pushes its origins further in the past and its convergent quality pushes its future as a predominate medium. As treatment of information and interface suggest, communication theories observe computers, and technologies generally, for the mediated languages they either afford or foreclose to us. My project describes the figures information and interface for the different ways they can be thought of as aspects of communication. I treat information not as semantic meaning, formal or discursive language, but rather as a physical organism. Similarly an interface is not a relationship between a screen and a human visual intelligence, but is instead a reciprocal, affective and physical process of contact. I illustrate that historically there have been conceptions of information and interface complimentary to mine, fleeting as they have been in the face of a dominant temporality of mediation. I begin with a theoretically informed approach to media history, and extend it to a new theory of communication. In doing so I discuss a model of time common to popular, scientific, and critical conceptions of media technologies especially in theories of computer technology. This is a predominate model with particular rules of temporal change and causality for thinking about mediation, and limits the conditions of possibility for knowledge production about communication. I suggest a new model of time as integral to any event of observation and analysis, and that human mediation does not exhaust the

  4. Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Surgery Failures: A Review (United States)

    Harroud, Adil; Bouthillier, Alain; Weil, Alexander G.; Nguyen, Dang Khoa


    Patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) are refractory to antiepileptic drugs in about 30% of cases. Surgical treatment has been shown to be beneficial for the selected patients but fails to provide a seizure-free outcome in 20–30% of TLE patients. Several reasons have been identified to explain these surgical failures. This paper will address the five most common causes of TLE surgery failure (a) insufficient resection of epileptogenic mesial temporal structures, (b) relapse on the contralateral mesial temporal lobe, (c) lateral temporal neocortical epilepsy, (d) coexistence of mesial temporal sclerosis and a neocortical lesion (dual pathology); and (e) extratemporal lobe epilepsy mimicking TLE or temporal plus epilepsy. Persistence of epileptogenic mesial structures in the posterior temporal region and failure to distinguish mesial and lateral temporal epilepsy are possible causes of seizure persistence after TLE surgery. In cases of dual pathology, failure to identify a subtle mesial temporal sclerosis or regions of cortical microdysgenesis is a likely explanation for some surgical failures. Extratemporal epilepsy syndromes masquerading as or coexistent with TLE result in incomplete resection of the epileptogenic zone and seizure relapse after surgery. In particular, the insula may be an important cause of surgical failure in patients with TLE. PMID:22934162

  5. Empleo de residuos industriales siderúrgicos como materiales aglomerantes en construcción

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mymrin, V. A.


    Full Text Available Several ferrous and non ferrous metallurgical wastes, slags, powdered wastes, alcaline liquors, etc., can be used as binding materials to produce new building materials. These materials can be used in place of concretes made of cement, crushed stones, sand and gravel mixtures in several applications, road, industrial and airport foundations, etc. They are leaching resistant, so heavy metals do not migrate to the environment. These new materials, with a new structure, are obtained by mixing in right proportion of two or three industrial wastes or with mixtures of two of them and natural soils without any addition of traditional binders like cement and without heating. The main advantages are the solution of the problem of disposal of industrial wastes and the lower cost of the new materials, 5 to 6 times cheaper than traditional. Several examples of roads existing in Russia, even in Siberia and other northern regions, demonstrate the benefit of this process because after 20 years they still offer a good performance.

    Como materiales aglomerantes, se pueden utilizar diferentes tipos de residuos, tales como escorias, residuos sólidos y líquidos alcalinos procedentes de la industria siderúrgica, así como otras escorias procedentes de los sectores no férreos. Su empleo como nuevos materiales, tales como hormigones pobres, destinados a aplicaciones tales como bases de carreteras, aeropuertos, suelos industriales y presas en sustitución de piedra triturada, arena y grava. Todos estos residuos industriales, perjudiciales para el medio ambiente desde el punto de vista ecológico, se pueden transformar en nuevos materiales estables en los que no ocurre la lixiviación de los materiales pesados que contienen. Los nuevos materiales resultan de la combinación, con la dosificación adecuada, de dos o tres de los residuos industriales mencionados o de la mezcla de algunos con suelos naturales. En la producción de estos nuevos materiales que

  6. Diseño de un modelo de planificación de zonas de actividades logísticas mediante el empleo de redes bayesianas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco Soler Flores


    Full Text Available La dificultad para el establecimiento de pautas de dimensionamiento de Plataformas Logísti-cas y, en especial, de las Zonas de Actividades Logísticas (ZAL, recae en la heterogeneidad del desarrollo de este tipo de nodos de transporte a nivel internacional. Bajo la denominación genérica de Plataformas Logísticas han surgido multitud de iniciativas en la escena interna-cional, que, respondiendo a diferentes motivos de implantación de un nodo de intercambio modal, ha producido la aparición de diferentes tipos de Plataformas con diversos objetivos que implican unidades funcionales específicas, con necesidades de localización, instalación y superficie necesaria deferentes. Este sector logístico tan importante, se encuentra sin me-todologías, herramientas o programas que permitan establecer los parámetros de planifica-ción y explotación óptimos para las diferentes zonas de actividades logísticas, si bien se han desarrollado tecnologías de trazabilidad de la carga y elementos basadas en la planificación logística, con el objetivo de determinar los parámetros óptimos de explotación y planificación portuaria, a través de la clasificación de las zonas de actividades logísticas, añadiendo la inferencia de escenarios virtuales. Como resultado principal se destaca que, mediante el empleo de herramientas de inteligencia artificial, modelos gráficos probabilísticos: Redes Bayesianas (BN, se han definido las principales variables de planificación de las zonas de actividades logísticas y se puede planificar con BN una ZAL seleccionando las variables co-nocidas y obteniendo las variables a predecir. The difficulty of establishing guidelines for design of Logistics Platforms and specially Logis-tics Activity Zones is the heterogeneity of developing this type of transport nodes worldwide. Many initiatives under the generic term of Logistics Platforms have emerged to the interna-tional scene, responding to different reasons for

  7. Temporal self-splitting of optical pulses (United States)

    Ding, Chaoliang; Koivurova, Matias; Turunen, Jari; Pan, Liuzhan


    We present mathematical models for temporally and spectrally partially coherent pulse trains with Laguerre-Gaussian and Hermite-Gaussian Schell-model statistics as extensions of the standard Gaussian Schell model for pulse trains. We derive propagation formulas of both classes of pulsed fields in linearly dispersive media and in temporal optical systems. It is found that, in general, both types of fields exhibit time-domain self-splitting upon propagation. The Laguerre-Gaussian model leads to multiply peaked pulses, while the Hermite-Gaussian model leads to doubly peaked pulses, in the temporal far field (in dispersive media) or at the Fourier plane of a temporal system. In both model fields the character of the self-splitting phenomenon depends both on the degree of temporal and spectral coherence and on the power spectrum of the field.

  8. MR imaging in temporal lobe epilepsy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fobben, E.S.; Zimmerman, R.A.; Sperling, M.R.; Kohn, M.I.; Atlas, S.W.; Hackney, D.B.; Goldberg, H.I.; Bilaniuk, L.T.; Grossman, R.I.


    MR imaging examinations of 31 patients undergoing temporal lobe resection for refractory partial epilepsy were reviewed retrospectively for the presence of signal abnormalities as well as atrophy. High-signal abnormalities were present in only two of the described 31 patients (6.5%). Pathologically, these represented mesial temporal sclerosis and a hamartoma. Of the remaining 29 cases, 13 showed pathologically varying degrees of mesial temporal sclerosis and gliosis and 16 were pathologically normal. Atrophy, as determined by gross asymmetry, sulcal and temporal horn enlargement, and computer volume measurements, was observed in 23 of 31 patients, correlating with the clinically affected side in 20 and the contralateral side in three. In this series, in contrast to others reported, focal MR signal abnormalities were not detected in the vast majority of patients with mesial temporal sclerosis

  9. Temporal Feature Integration for Music Organisation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Meng, Anders


    This Ph.D. thesis focuses on temporal feature integration for music organisation. Temporal feature integration is the process of combining all the feature vectors of a given time-frame into a single new feature vector in order to capture relevant information in the frame. Several existing methods...... for handling sequences of features are formulated in the temporal feature integration framework. Two datasets for music genre classification have been considered as valid test-beds for music organisation. Human evaluations of these, have been obtained to access the subjectivity on the datasets. Temporal...... ranking' approach is proposed for ranking the short-time features at larger time-scales according to their discriminative power in a music genre classification task. The multivariate AR (MAR) model has been proposed for temporal feature integration. It effectively models local dynamical structure...

  10. Empleo de paneles compuestos por subproductos de centrales térmicas en fachadas trasdosadas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alba, M. D.


    Full Text Available Two new recycled gypsum boards are proposed which have a better environmental performance due to the fact that they are made of traditional materials and new recycled ones derived from biomass (waste generated during the extraction of olive pomace and the coal combustion produced in power plants. Before using these wastes as raw materials, they have been submitted to chemical analysis and the panels made of them have been tested to prove their mechanical, thermal and fire performance. Subsequently, the new recycled panels have been implemented in a traditional facade solution to verify their functional and thermal feasibility. Finally, the results obtained show that the panels made of biomass ashes have a better mechanical and thermal performance than those made of coal ashes and that they can provide a sustainable alternative to the traditional facade materials due to its lower environmental impact based on the reduction of raw materials consumption and industrial waste. The new materials comply with the specifications of Spanish Technical Building Code in the region evaluated

    Se presentan dos nuevas tipologías de paneles para trasdosado de fachadas, que proporcionan como mejora ambiental la combinación de materiales tradicionales con nuevos materiales reciclados obtenidos de residuos procedentes de la combustión de orujillo y de carbón en centrales térmicas. Con anterioridad a su uso, dichos residuos han sido sometidos a exhaustivos ensayos químicos y los paneles fabricados a partir de los mismos, a ensayos mecánicos, térmicos y de resistencia al fuego que justifican su empleo. Posteriormente, los nuevos paneles hechos a base de materiales reciclados se han implementado como trasdosado de una solución de fachada convencional para verificar su viabilidad funcional y el buen comportamiento aislante del conjunto. Finalmente, de los resultados obtenidos se extrae que los paneles fabricados con cenizas de orujillo tienen un mejor

  11. Temporal abstraction and temporal Bayesian networks in clinical domains: a survey. (United States)

    Orphanou, Kalia; Stassopoulou, Athena; Keravnou, Elpida


    Temporal abstraction (TA) of clinical data aims to abstract and interpret clinical data into meaningful higher-level interval concepts. Abstracted concepts are used for diagnostic, prediction and therapy planning purposes. On the other hand, temporal Bayesian networks (TBNs) are temporal extensions of the known probabilistic graphical models, Bayesian networks. TBNs can represent temporal relationships between events and their state changes, or the evolution of a process, through time. This paper offers a survey on techniques/methods from these two areas that were used independently in many clinical domains (e.g. diabetes, hepatitis, cancer) for various clinical tasks (e.g. diagnosis, prognosis). A main objective of this survey, in addition to presenting the key aspects of TA and TBNs, is to point out important benefits from a potential integration of TA and TBNs in medical domains and tasks. The motivation for integrating these two areas is their complementary function: TA provides clinicians with high level views of data while TBNs serve as a knowledge representation and reasoning tool under uncertainty, which is inherent in all clinical tasks. Key publications from these two areas of relevance to clinical systems, mainly circumscribed to the latest two decades, are reviewed and classified. TA techniques are compared on the basis of: (a) knowledge acquisition and representation for deriving TA concepts and (b) methodology for deriving basic and complex temporal abstractions. TBNs are compared on the basis of: (a) representation of time, (b) knowledge representation and acquisition, (c) inference methods and the computational demands of the network, and (d) their applications in medicine. The survey performs an extensive comparative analysis to illustrate the separate merits and limitations of various TA and TBN techniques used in clinical systems with the purpose of anticipating potential gains through an integration of the two techniques, thus leading to a

  12. Spectro-temporal modulation masking patterns reveal frequency selectivity. (United States)

    Oetjen, Arne; Verhey, Jesko L


    The present study investigated the possibility that the human auditory system demonstrates frequency selectivity to spectro-temporal amplitude modulations. Threshold modulation depth for detecting sinusoidal spectro-temporal modulations was measured using a generalized masked threshold pattern paradigm with narrowband masker modulations. Four target spectro-temporal modulations were examined, differing in their temporal and spectral modulation frequencies: a temporal modulation of -8, 8, or 16 Hz combined with a spectral modulation of 1 cycle/octave and a temporal modulation of 4 Hz combined with a spectral modulation of 0.5 cycles/octave. The temporal center frequencies of the masker modulation ranged from 0.25 to 4 times the target temporal modulation. The spectral masker-modulation center-frequencies were 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2 times the target spectral modulation. For all target modulations, the pattern of average thresholds for the eight normal-hearing listeners was consistent with the hypothesis of a spectro-temporal modulation filter. Such a pattern of modulation-frequency sensitivity was predicted on the basis of psychoacoustical data for purely temporal amplitude modulations and purely spectral amplitude modulations. An analysis of separability indicates that, for the present data set, selectivity in the spectro-temporal modulation domain can be described by a combination of a purely spectral and a purely temporal modulation filter function.

  13. Microsurgical techniques in temporal lobe epilepsy. (United States)

    Alonso Vanegas, Mario A; Lew, Sean M; Morino, Michiharu; Sarmento, Stenio A


    Temporal lobe resection is the most prevalent epilepsy surgery procedure. However, there is no consensus on the best surgical approach to treat temporal lobe epilepsy. Complication rates are low and efficacy is very high regarding seizures after such procedures. However, there is still ample controversy regarding the best surgical approach to warrant maximum seizure control with minimal functional deficits. We describe the most frequently used microsurgical techniques for removal of both the lateral and mesial temporal lobe structures in the treatment of medically intractable temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) due to mesial temporal sclerosis (corticoamygdalohippocampectomy and selective amygdalohippocampectomy). The choice of surgical technique appears to remain a surgeon's preference for the near future. Meticulous surgical technique and thorough three-dimensional microsurgical knowledge are essentials for obtaining the best results. Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2017 International League Against Epilepsy.

  14. Intra-temporal facial nerve centerline segmentation for navigated temporal bone surgery (United States)

    Voormolen, Eduard H. J.; van Stralen, Marijn; Woerdeman, Peter A.; Pluim, Josien P. W.; Noordmans, Herke J.; Regli, Luca; Berkelbach van der Sprenkel, Jan W.; Viergever, Max A.


    Approaches through the temporal bone require surgeons to drill away bone to expose a target skull base lesion while evading vital structures contained within it, such as the sigmoid sinus, jugular bulb, and facial nerve. We hypothesize that an augmented neuronavigation system that continuously calculates the distance to these structures and warns if the surgeon drills too close, will aid in making safe surgical approaches. Contemporary image guidance systems are lacking an automated method to segment the inhomogeneous and complexly curved facial nerve. Therefore, we developed a segmentation method to delineate the intra-temporal facial nerve centerline from clinically available temporal bone CT images semi-automatically. Our method requires the user to provide the start- and end-point of the facial nerve in a patient's CT scan, after which it iteratively matches an active appearance model based on the shape and texture of forty facial nerves. Its performance was evaluated on 20 patients by comparison to our gold standard: manually segmented facial nerve centerlines. Our segmentation method delineates facial nerve centerlines with a maximum error along its whole trajectory of 0.40+/-0.20 mm (mean+/-standard deviation). These results demonstrate that our model-based segmentation method can robustly segment facial nerve centerlines. Next, we can investigate whether integration of this automated facial nerve delineation with a distance calculating neuronavigation interface results in a system that can adequately warn surgeons during temporal bone drilling, and effectively diminishes risks of iatrogenic facial nerve palsy.

  15. Bostezo y epilepsia del lóbulo temporal Yawning and temporal lobe epilepsy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. Muchnik


    Full Text Available La epilepsia del lóbulo temporal, es aquella epilepsia parcial donde las estructuras temporales límbicas son las responsables de los principales síntomas ictales. Se caracteriza por la recurrencia de crisis parciales simples y complejas con confusión post-ictal y amnesia del evento. El efecto facilitador del sueño No REM en la propagación de las crisis, como las anormalidades del sueño provocadas por la epilepsia del lóbulo temporal, son evidenciadas claramente en nuestros pacientes. El bostezo es un reflejo fisiológico, principalmente inducido por el despertar y el adormecimiento, puede estar asociado a diferentes enfermedades neurológicas. Su relación con la epilepsia de origen límbico, ha sido escasamente mencionada. Describimos en un paciente, un episodio de bostezos y crisis parcial compleja mientras dormitaba. El EEG mostró actividad irritativa focal, independiente y bilateral en regiones temporales medias. Tratado con carbamazepina 400mg/d, no repitió el episodio. Otro paciente presentó crisis parciales complejas secundariamente generalizadas con episodios de bostezos en el período post-ictal, luego de las siestas. El EEG fue normal y la polisomnografía nocturna mostró actividad irritativa sincrónica y bilateral en regiones temporales medias con generalización secundaria. Tratado con divalproato de sodio 750 mg/d, no se registraron nuevos episodios. La epilepsia del lóbulo temporal, el ciclo sueño-vigilia y el bostezo, parecen compartir no solamente las mismas estructuras anatómicas, sino también los mismos mecanismos neuroquímicos. El hecho de que los opiáceos endógenos sean considerados como parte de un sistema protector que inhibe y previene las crisis, permite postular que el bostezo sería la expresión de los mecanismos inducidos por los opiáceos endógenos que inhiben y previenen las crisis de la epilepsia del lóbulo temporal. Otro punto de vista sería presentar al bostezo simplemente como una forma

  16. Representation and management of temporal and uncertain knowledge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, Ziqiang


    This thesis contributes to the investigation of uncertain temporal knowledge representation and management, especially for process verification and supervisor systems design. The evolution of process behaviour is time dependent and information describing this temporal evolution is uncertain/imprecise. In Artificial Intelligence, time and uncertainty have been, since long-time, considered as two of the most difficult research fields. Furthermore, these two fields, even different, may be present in an interactive way. We now try to deal with this special kind of uncertainty: temporal uncertainty. Integrating time and uncertainty brings out study issues of temporal information representation, events ordering and temporal reasoning under uncertainty. The investigation of these problems has been guided by preserving the intrinsic properties of time. The main contribution of this thesis can be summarised as follows: (1) unified representation of uncertainty and imprecision over temporal information; (2) formal structuring of time under uncertainty; (3) formalising fuzzy temporal reasoning system; (4) modelling temporal evolution of process, providing associated reasoning mechanism to verify the process evolution, modelling fuzzy temporal Petri nets; (5) design and implementation of SURTEL, a programming tool for dealing with uncertain temporal information and knowledge. (author) [fr

  17. Surgical Considerations of Intractable Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (United States)

    Boling, Warren W.


    Surgery of temporal lobe epilepsy is the best opportunity for seizure freedom in medically intractable patients. The surgical approach has evolved to recognize the paramount importance of the mesial temporal structures in the majority of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy who have a seizure origin in the mesial temporal structures. For those individuals with medically intractable mesial temporal lobe epilepsy, a selective amygdalohippocampectomy surgery can be done that provides an excellent opportunity for seizure freedom and limits the resection to temporal lobe structures primarily involved in seizure genesis. PMID:29461485

  18. Surgical Considerations of Intractable Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Warren W. Boling


    Full Text Available Surgery of temporal lobe epilepsy is the best opportunity for seizure freedom in medically intractable patients. The surgical approach has evolved to recognize the paramount importance of the mesial temporal structures in the majority of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy who have a seizure origin in the mesial temporal structures. For those individuals with medically intractable mesial temporal lobe epilepsy, a selective amygdalohippocampectomy surgery can be done that provides an excellent opportunity for seizure freedom and limits the resection to temporal lobe structures primarily involved in seizure genesis.

  19. Temporal Concurrent Constraint Programming

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Valencia, Frank Dan

    Concurrent constraint programming (ccp) is a formalism for concurrency in which agents interact with one another by telling (adding) and asking (reading) information in a shared medium. Temporal ccp extends ccp by allowing agents to be constrained by time conditions. This dissertation studies...... temporal ccp by developing a process calculus called ntcc. The ntcc calculus generalizes the tcc model, the latter being a temporal ccp model for deterministic and synchronouss timed reactive systems. The calculus is built upon few basic ideas but it captures several aspects of timed systems. As tcc, ntcc...... structures, robotic devises, multi-agent systems and music applications. The calculus is provided with a denotational semantics that captures the reactive computations of processes in the presence of arbitrary environments. The denotation is proven to be fully-abstract for a substantial fragment...

  20. Spatio-temporal networks: reachability, centrality and robustness. (United States)

    Williams, Matthew J; Musolesi, Mirco


    Recent advances in spatial and temporal networks have enabled researchers to more-accurately describe many real-world systems such as urban transport networks. In this paper, we study the response of real-world spatio-temporal networks to random error and systematic attack, taking a unified view of their spatial and temporal performance. We propose a model of spatio-temporal paths in time-varying spatially embedded networks which captures the property that, as in many real-world systems, interaction between nodes is non-instantaneous and governed by the space in which they are embedded. Through numerical experiments on three real-world urban transport systems, we study the effect of node failure on a network's topological, temporal and spatial structure. We also demonstrate the broader applicability of this framework to three other classes of network. To identify weaknesses specific to the behaviour of a spatio-temporal system, we introduce centrality measures that evaluate the importance of a node as a structural bridge and its role in supporting spatio-temporally efficient flows through the network. This exposes the complex nature of fragility in a spatio-temporal system, showing that there is a variety of failure modes when a network is subject to systematic attacks.

  1. Medial temporal lobe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silver, A.J.; Cross, D.T.; Friedman, D.P.; Bello, J.A.; Hilal, S.K.


    To better define the MR appearance of hippocampal sclerosis, the authors have reviewed over 500 MR coronal images of the temporal lobes. Many cysts were noted that analysis showed were of choroid-fissure (arachnoid) origin. Their association with seizures was low. A few nontumorous, static, medial temporal lesions, noted on T2-weighted coronal images, were poorly visualized on T1-weighted images and did not enhance with gadolinium. The margins were irregular, involved the hippocampus, and were often associated with focal atrophy. The lesions usually were associated with seizure disorders and specific electroencephalographic changes, and the authors believe they represented hippocampal sclerosis

  2. Evolving temporal association rules with genetic algorithms


    Matthews, Stephen G.; Gongora, Mario A.; Hopgood, Adrian A.


    A novel framework for mining temporal association rules by discovering itemsets with a genetic algorithm is introduced. Metaheuristics have been applied to association rule mining, we show the efficacy of extending this to another variant - temporal association rule mining. Our framework is an enhancement to existing temporal association rule mining methods as it employs a genetic algorithm to simultaneously search the rule space and temporal space. A methodology for validating the ability of...

  3. Correlation between temporal pole MRI abnormalities and surface ictal EEG patterns in patients with unilateral mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. (United States)

    Caboclo, Luís Otávio S F; Garzon, Eliana; Oliveira, Pedro A L; Carrete, Henrique; Centeno, Ricardo S; Bianchin, Marino M; Yacubian, Elza Márcia T; Sakamoto, Américo C


    The objective of this retrospective study is to analyze ictal patterns observed during continuous Video-EEG monitoring in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) due to unilateral hippocampal sclerosis (HS), and to correlate these EEG patterns to temporal pole abnormalities observed on magnetic resonance imaging exams. We analyzed 147 seizures from 35 patients with TLE and unilateral HS. Ictal patterns were classified and correlated to signal abnormalities and volumetric measures of the temporal poles. Volume differences over 10% were considered abnormal. The most frequent type of ictal pattern was rhythmic theta activity (RTA), encountered in 65.5% of the seizures. Rhythmic beta activity (RBA) was observed in 11% of the seizures, localized attenuation in 8%, interruption of epileptiform discharges in 6%, repetitive discharges in 5.5%, and rhythmic delta activity (RDA) in 4%. Sixty-six percent of the patients presented signal abnormalities in the temporal pole that were always ipsilateral to the HS. Sixty percent presented significant asymmetry of the temporal poles consisting of reduced volume that was also always ipsilateral to HS. Although patients with RTA as the predominant ictal pattern tended to present asymmetry of temporal poles (p=0.305), the ictal EEG pattern did not correlate with temporal pole asymmetry or signal abnormalities. RTA is the most frequent initial ictal pattern in patients with TLE due to unilateral HS. Temporal pole signal changes and volumetric reduction were commonly found in this group of patients, both abnormalities appearing always ipsilateral to the HS. However, neither temporal pole volume reduction nor signal abnormalities correlated with the predominant ictal pattern, suggesting that the temporal poles are not crucially involved in the process of epileptogenesis.

  4. MRI findings of temporal lobe ganglioglioma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Myung Jun; Lee, Ho Kyu; Lee, Jung Kyo; Choi, Choong Gon; Suh, Dae Chul


    Ganglioglioma is a rare primary brain tumor usually found in the temporal lobe. The purpose of this study is to describe the characteristic MR findings of temporal lobe ganglioglioma. Over a seven-year period, ten patients with cerebral ganglioglioma were evaluated at our institution. Seven cases of temporal lobe ganglioma were found ; six of these involved men, and one, a woman ; their mean age was 29.6 years. In three patients, Gd-DTPA-enhanced T1-weighted images were also obtained. We retrospectively analysed the MRI findings with respect to location, size, cortical involvement, margin, cystic change, degree of enhancement, MR signal intensity, calcification and peritumoral change. In five cases, tumors were located within the temporal lobe. In one, a tumor extended from the temporal lobe to the thalamus, and in one from the temporal lobe to the thalamus and cerebral peduncle. All temporal gangliogliomas measured 1.6-3.8cm in their greatest diameter (mean diameter, 2.7cm). In all cases, the cortices were involved with the maintenance of gyriform. The tumor margin was ill defined in five cases and well defined in two. Tumors showed multiple small cystic changes in four cases, a large cyst in two, and a solid nodule in one. In three cases in which contrast media was administered, no lesions were enhanced. On T1-weighted images, iso-signal intensities were seen in five cases and high signal intensities in two. On T2-weighted images, the corresponding figures were five and two. On MRI, tumor calcification and calvarial erosion were each detected in two cases. In patients with temporal lobe epilepsy in whom cortical solid or cystic and poorly enhanced lesions were seen on brain MRI, and in whom associated findings such as calcification and or adjacent bony erosion were noted, ganglioglioma must be considered

  5. Temporal naturalism (United States)

    Smolin, Lee


    Two people may claim both to be naturalists, but have divergent conceptions of basic elements of the natural world which lead them to mean different things when they talk about laws of nature, or states, or the role of mathematics in physics. These disagreements do not much affect the ordinary practice of science which is about small subsystems of the universe, described or explained against a background, idealized to be fixed. But these issues become crucial when we consider including the whole universe within our system, for then there is no fixed background to reference observables to. I argue here that the key issue responsible for divergent versions of naturalism and divergent approaches to cosmology is the conception of time. One version, which I call temporal naturalism, holds that time, in the sense of the succession of present moments, is real, and that laws of nature evolve in that time. This is contrasted with timeless naturalism, which holds that laws are immutable and the present moment and its passage are illusions. I argue that temporal naturalism is empirically more adequate than the alternatives, because it offers testable explanations for puzzles its rivals cannot address, and is likely a better basis for solving major puzzles that presently face cosmology and physics. This essay also addresses the problem of qualia and experience within naturalism and argues that only temporal naturalism can make a place for qualia as intrinsic qualities of matter.

  6. UTP and Temporal Logic Model Checking (United States)

    Anderson, Hugh; Ciobanu, Gabriel; Freitas, Leo

    In this paper we give an additional perspective to the formal verification of programs through temporal logic model checking, which uses Hoare and He Unifying Theories of Programming (UTP). Our perspective emphasizes the use of UTP designs, an alphabetised relational calculus expressed as a pre/post condition pair of relations, to verify state or temporal assertions about programs. The temporal model checking relation is derived from a satisfaction relation between the model and its properties. The contribution of this paper is that it shows a UTP perspective to temporal logic model checking. The approach includes the notion of efficiency found in traditional model checkers, which reduced a state explosion problem through the use of efficient data structures

  7. Temporal Coding of Volumetric Imagery (United States)

    Llull, Patrick Ryan

    'Image volumes' refer to realizations of images in other dimensions such as time, spectrum, and focus. Recent advances in scientific, medical, and consumer applications demand improvements in image volume capture. Though image volume acquisition continues to advance, it maintains the same sampling mechanisms that have been used for decades; every voxel must be scanned and is presumed independent of its neighbors. Under these conditions, improving performance comes at the cost of increased system complexity, data rates, and power consumption. This dissertation explores systems and methods capable of efficiently improving sensitivity and performance for image volume cameras, and specifically proposes several sampling strategies that utilize temporal coding to improve imaging system performance and enhance our awareness for a variety of dynamic applications. Video cameras and camcorders sample the video volume (x,y,t) at fixed intervals to gain understanding of the volume's temporal evolution. Conventionally, one must reduce the spatial resolution to increase the framerate of such cameras. Using temporal coding via physical translation of an optical element known as a coded aperture, the compressive temporal imaging (CACTI) camera emonstrates a method which which to embed the temporal dimension of the video volume into spatial (x,y) measurements, thereby greatly improving temporal resolution with minimal loss of spatial resolution. This technique, which is among a family of compressive sampling strategies developed at Duke University, temporally codes the exposure readout functions at the pixel level. Since video cameras nominally integrate the remaining image volume dimensions (e.g. spectrum and focus) at capture time, spectral (x,y,t,lambda) and focal (x,y,t,z) image volumes are traditionally captured via sequential changes to the spectral and focal state of the system, respectively. The CACTI camera's ability to embed video volumes into images leads to exploration

  8. Model Checking Discounted Temporal Properties

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Alfaro, Luca; Faella, Marco; Henzinger, Thomas A.; Majumdar, Rupak; Stoelinga, Mariëlle Ida Antoinette


    Temporal logic is two-valued: a property is either true or false. When applied to the analysis of stochastic systems, or systems with imprecise formal models, temporal logic is therefore fragile: even small changes in the model can lead to opposite truth values for a specification. We present a

  9. Model Checking Discounted Temporal Properties

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Alfaro, Luca; Faella, Marco; Henzinger, Thomas A.; Majumdar, Rupak; Stoelinga, Mariëlle Ida Antoinette; Jensen, K; Podelski, A.


    Temporal logic is two-valued: a property is either true or false. When applied to the analysis of stochastic systems, or systems with imprecise formal models, temporal logic is therefore fragile: even small changes in the model can lead to opposite truth values for a specification. We present a

  10. Temporal Change of Seismic Earth's Inner Core Phases: Inner Core Differential Rotation Or Temporal Change of Inner Core Surface? (United States)

    Yao, J.; Tian, D.; Sun, L.; Wen, L.


    Since Song and Richards [1996] first reported seismic evidence for temporal change of PKIKP wave (a compressional wave refracted in the inner core) and proposed inner core differential rotation as its explanation, it has generated enormous interests in the scientific community and the public, and has motivated many studies on the implications of the inner core differential rotation. However, since Wen [2006] reported seismic evidence for temporal change of PKiKP wave (a compressional wave reflected from the inner core boundary) that requires temporal change of inner core surface, both interpretations for the temporal change of inner core phases have existed, i.e., inner core rotation and temporal change of inner core surface. In this study, we discuss the issue of the interpretation of the observed temporal changes of those inner core phases and conclude that inner core differential rotation is not only not required but also in contradiction with three lines of seismic evidence from global repeating earthquakes. Firstly, inner core differential rotation provides an implausible explanation for a disappearing inner core scatterer between a doublet in South Sandwich Islands (SSI), which is located to be beneath northern Brazil based on PKIKP and PKiKP coda waves of the earlier event of the doublet. Secondly, temporal change of PKIKP and its coda waves among a cluster in SSI is inconsistent with the interpretation of inner core differential rotation, with one set of the data requiring inner core rotation and the other requiring non-rotation. Thirdly, it's not reasonable to invoke inner core differential rotation to explain travel time change of PKiKP waves in a very small time scale (several months), which is observed for repeating earthquakes in Middle America subduction zone. On the other hand, temporal change of inner core surface could provide a consistent explanation for all the observed temporal changes of PKIKP and PKiKP and their coda waves. We conclude that

  11. Definition of the concept of «social temporality»

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    Yana S. Cherkun


    Full Text Available In the article is realized the theoretical analysis of the concepts of «temporality», «social» and «social temporality». Include such attributes of temporality: temporality as an internal time; temporality as a sequence; temporality as temporary; temporality as the length of time a certain point; temporality as a current event. Demarcation with similar concepts and definitions of the semantic aspects of the concept of «social temporality» had conducted. The author notes, that there are many definitions of «temporality», each of which has a right to exist, but the integration of existing social senses to determine temporality as a concept which indicates the rate of turnover in the time of the events that occur in the vital functions of humans in society. It is emphasized that in the presented interpretation of the concept of «social temporality» integrated internalization and exteriorization, and combined the discreteness and integrity. The author analyzes the relationship of the concept of «social temporality» with the concepts «social time», «social space» and «chronotops». The relationship of these concepts is represented by the fact that social time-space trajectory is represented by the flow of events that occur in the social space and move in social time and social temporality stress determines the speed of events. Thus, in the article the connection between the semantic aspects of social temporality and the definition of temporary and spatial specificity of global conflicts had established.

  12. Brain SPECT imaging in temporal lobe epilepsy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krausz, Y.; Yaffe, S.; Atlan, H.; Cohen, D.; Konstantini, S.; Meiner, Z.


    Temporal lobe epilepsy is diagnosed by clinical symptoms and signs and by localization of an epileptogenic focus. A brain SPECT study of two patients with temporal lobe epilepsy, using 99m Tc-HMPAO, was used to demonstrate a perfusion abnormality in the temporal lobe, while brain CT and MRI were non-contributory. The electroencephalogram, though abnormal, did not localize the diseased area. The potential role of the SPECT study in diagnosis and localization of temporal lobe epilepsy is discussed. (orig.)

  13. Spatio-Temporal Data Exchange Standards

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Christian Søndergaard; Schmidt, Albrecht


    We believe that research that concerns aspects of spatio-temporal data management may benefit from taking into account the various standards for spatio-temporal data formats. For example, this may contribute to rendering prototype software “open” and more readily useful. This paper thus identifies...... and briefly surveys standardization in relation to primarily the exchange and integration of spatio-temporal data. An overview of several data exchange languages is offered, along with reviews their potential for facilitating the collection of test data and the leveraging of prototypes. The standards, most...... of which are XML-based, lend themselves to the integration of prototypes into middleware architectures, e.g., as Web services....

  14. Epilepsia temporal: relato de caso = Temporal epilepsy: case report

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    Souza, Taís Amara da Costa de


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem o objetivo de divulgar um recurso terapêutico da epilepsia do lobo temporal por esclerose hipocampal: a cirurgia. Aproximadamente vinte e cinco mil pacientes com esta patologia são refratários aos tratamentos medicamentosos no sul do país e muitos chegam ao neurocirurgião com 30-40 anos de evolução, muitas vezes já mutilados em conseqüência das crises. Convulsões parciais originadas no lobo temporal são comuns, e grande parte originam-se em estruturas mesiais (esclerose mesial temporal – EMT. Como aí se encontram a sede de funções nobres do sistema nervoso – memória, aprendizagem, comportamento, entre outras –, os sintomas podem apresentar-se como alterações em qualquer uma delas. Ressaltamos a necessidade do correto diagnóstico e dos métodos para fazê-lo: através da anamnese, da ressonância magnética, do eletroencefalograma (EEG, do vídeo-EEG e por vezes através de sensores intracranianos (strips. Apesar de existirem métodos confiáveis para realizar o diagnóstico e tratamento cirúrgico com grande índice de sucesso, a desinformação dos profissionais que atendem pacientes com EMT acerca do assunto leva ao prolongamento de tratamentos clínico ineficiente e conseqüente seqüelas físicas, psicológicas e sociais

  15. Purely temporal figure-ground segregation. (United States)

    Kandil, F I; Fahle, M


    Visual figure-ground segregation is achieved by exploiting differences in features such as luminance, colour, motion or presentation time between a figure and its surround. Here we determine the shortest delay times required for figure-ground segregation based on purely temporal features. Previous studies usually employed stimulus onset asynchronies between figure- and ground-containing possible artefacts based on apparent motion cues or on luminance differences. Our stimuli systematically avoid these artefacts by constantly showing 20 x 20 'colons' that flip by 90 degrees around their midpoints at constant time intervals. Colons constituting the background flip in-phase whereas those constituting the target flip with a phase delay. We tested the impact of frequency modulation and phase reduction on target detection. Younger subjects performed well above chance even at temporal delays as short as 13 ms, whilst older subjects required up to three times longer delays in some conditions. Figure-ground segregation can rely on purely temporal delays down to around 10 ms even in the absence of luminance and motion artefacts, indicating a temporal precision of cortical information processing almost an order of magnitude lower than the one required for some models of feature binding in the visual cortex [e.g. Singer, W. (1999), Curr. Opin. Neurobiol., 9, 189-194]. Hence, in our experiment, observers are unable to use temporal stimulus features with the precision required for these models.

  16. Binocular rivalry produced by temporal frequency differences

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    David eAlais


    Full Text Available Binocular rivalry occurs when each eye views images that are markedly different. Rather than seeing a binocular fusion of the two, each image is seen exclusively in a stochastic alternation of the monocular images. Here we examine whether temporal frequency differences will trigger binocular rivalry by presenting two random dot arrays that are spatially matched but which modulate temporally at two different rates and contained no net translation. We found that a perceptual alternation between the two temporal frequencies did indeed occur, provided the frequencies were sufficiently different, indicating that temporal information can produce binocular rivalry in the absence of spatial conflict. This finding is discussed with regard to the dependence of rivalry on conflict between spatial and temporal channels.

  17. GRASS GIS: The first Open Source Temporal GIS (United States)

    Gebbert, Sören; Leppelt, Thomas


    GRASS GIS is a full featured, general purpose Open Source geographic information system (GIS) with raster, 3D raster and vector processing support[1]. Recently, time was introduced as a new dimension that transformed GRASS GIS into the first Open Source temporal GIS with comprehensive spatio-temporal analysis, processing and visualization capabilities[2]. New spatio-temporal data types were introduced in GRASS GIS version 7, to manage raster, 3D raster and vector time series. These new data types are called space time datasets. They are designed to efficiently handle hundreds of thousands of time stamped raster, 3D raster and vector map layers of any size. Time stamps can be defined as time intervals or time instances in Gregorian calendar time or relative time. Space time datasets are simplifying the processing and analysis of large time series in GRASS GIS, since these new data types are used as input and output parameter in temporal modules. The handling of space time datasets is therefore equal to the handling of raster, 3D raster and vector map layers in GRASS GIS. A new dedicated Python library, the GRASS GIS Temporal Framework, was designed to implement the spatio-temporal data types and their management. The framework provides the functionality to efficiently handle hundreds of thousands of time stamped map layers and their spatio-temporal topological relations. The framework supports reasoning based on the temporal granularity of space time datasets as well as their temporal topology. It was designed in conjunction with the PyGRASS [3] library to support parallel processing of large datasets, that has a long tradition in GRASS GIS [4,5]. We will present a subset of more than 40 temporal modules that were implemented based on the GRASS GIS Temporal Framework, PyGRASS and the GRASS GIS Python scripting library. These modules provide a comprehensive temporal GIS tool set. The functionality range from space time dataset and time stamped map layer management

  18. Insular epilepsy: similarities to temporal lobe epilepsy case report Epilepsia insular: similaridades à epilepsia do lobo temporal - relato de caso

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    Full Text Available Insular epilepsy has been rarely reported and its clinical and electrographic features are poorly understood. The electrographic study of the insula is difficult since it is hidden from the brain surface by the frontal and temporal lobe. A 48 years-old woman started having simple partial autonomic and complex partial seizures with automatisms and ictal left arm paresis 8 years prior to admission. Seizure's frequency was 1 per week. Pre-operative EEG showed a right temporal lobe focus. Neuropsychological testing disclosed right fronto-temporal dysfunction. MRI showed a right anterior insular cavernous angioma. Intraoperative ECoG obtained after spliting of the sylvian fissure showed independent spiking from the insula and temporal lobe and insular spikes that spread to the temporal lobe. The cavernous angioma and the surrounding gliotic tissue were removed and the temporal lobe was left in place. Post-resection ECoG still disclosed independent temporal and insular spiking with a lower frequency. The patient has been seizure-free since surgery. Insular epilepsy may share many clinical and electroencephalographic features with temporal lobe epilepsy.A epilepsia insular tem sido raramente relatada e suas características clínicas e eletrencefalográficas são pobremente conhecidas. O estudo eletrográfico da ínsula é difícil já que ela se encontra recoberta pelos lobos frontal e temporal. Uma paciente, de 48 anos, começou a ter crises parciais simples autonômicas e crises parciais complexas com automatismos e paresia crítica de membro superior esquerdo 8 anos antes desta internação. A frequência de crises era de 1/semana . O EEG pré-operatório mostrou foco temporal direito. Testagem neuropsicológica demonstrou disfunção fronto-temporal direita. RMN demonstrou cavernoma insular anterior direito. A eletrocorticografia intraoperatória obtida após a abertura da fissura sylviana demonstrou a presença de espículas independentes na

  19. La usura y la "voluntad mixta" según Buridan. Una revisión de Aristóteles en el siglo XIV


    Langholm, O. (Odd)


    Se analiza el modo en que Buridan enfrentó el papel de la "voluntad mixta" y la aplicación del principio de coerción económica al análisis de la usura. Toma como punto de partida la definición de usura de Buridan: "recibir y obligar por un pacto al deudor a repagar un monto por encima del 'principal' de un préstamo", que se puede considerar un caso de injusticia sufrida voluntariamente pero donde la voluntad no es absoluta sino mixta, mezclada con lo involuntario. La necesidad fuerza al que t...

  20. El ayuno. Beneficios y perjuicios


    Salinas, Pedro José


    El ayuno es un acto voluntario de abstinencia o reducción de ciertos alimentos y/o bebidas por un periodo de tiempo. Fisiológicamente el ayuno puede referirse al estado metabólico de una persona que no ha comido desde el día anterior o al estado metabólico logrado después de la digestión completa y de la absorción de una comida. El ayuno se ha practicado desde la antigüedad. Al comienzo era involuntario, causado por razones ambientales adversas. Todavía persisten esas razones y otras como con...

  1. Income Differences on Mexico’s Northern Border: A Perspective on Formal and Informal Employment

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    Full Text Available Con información de la “Encuesta nacional de ocupación y empleo (ENOE” se analizan las diferencias de ingreso entre trabajadores con empleo formal e informal en los estados de la frontera norte de México. La metodología ANOVA sugiere que los ingresos de los trabajadores dif ieren de acuerdo con el tipo de empleo (formal/informal, categoría de ocupación y su efecto de interacción. El modelo logit revela que la probabilidad de tener un empleo informal se asocia a un menor nivel de escolaridad y a un proceso de búsqueda de empleo.

  2. Empleo de la espectrometría de masas como herramienta para la determinación de tóxicos en alimentos: hacia la seguridad alimentaria.

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    Roberto Romero González


    Full Text Available En los alimentos se pueden encontrar un gran número de sustancias tóxicas, tales como plaguicidas, antibióticos y toxinas, presentando distintos orígenes (naturales o sintéticos y niveles de toxicidad para la salud humana. Este tipo de compuestos se encuentran generalmente a muy bajas concentraciones en matrices muy complejas, por lo que es necesario la utilización de metodologías lo más fiables posibles. En este sentido, el empleo de las técnicas cromatográficas (de gases y de líquidos acopladas a detectores de espectrometría de masas ha permitido la detección adecuada de este tipo de sustancias en los alimentos a concentraciones extremadamente bajas. Por ello, y en función de las características del contaminante, se debe elegir la técnica cromatográfica que posibilite una mejor separación del contaminante de los interferentes presentes en la matriz, así como de los contaminantes entre sí. Esta metodología proporciona datos de gran valor que mejoran nuestro conocimiento de la Salud Pública a través de la Seguridad Alimentaria.

  3. Cáncer de hueso temporal


    Esborrat, Luciano Martín


    El cáncer de hueso temporal es una afección muy poco frecuente, siendo su incidencia aproximadamente 1 entre 15.000 oídos patológicos. Es importante aclarar que el término cáncer de hueso temporal se refiere a los procesos neoplásicos malignos de conducto auditivo externo, oído medio y peñasco, excluyendo los cánceres de pabellón auricular, que constituyen el 80% de los cánceres de oído. El término cáncer de oído abarca pues tanto los cánceres de pabellón como los de hueso temporal...

  4. Competencias profesionales y empleo en el futuro periodista: el caso de los estudiantes de Periodismo de la Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU

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    Javier Sierra Sánchez


    Full Text Available Presentamos un trabajo de investigación científica enfocado en dos aspectos: la adquisición de competencias profesionales en los alumnos de la licenciatura de Periodismo de la Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU y la importancia que otorgan a diferentes aspectos de un empleo. Éste último aspecto, partiendo del Informe Reflex de ANECA “El profesional flexible en la Sociedad del Conocimiento” establecemos una comparativa entre los resultados allí obtenidos y el caso particular de los alumnos de Periodismo de la Cardenal Herrera-CEU. Para descubrir estos aspectos presentamos un trabajo empírico para conocer en qué medida los alumnos de último curso de la licenciatura de la Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU han adquirido las competencias profesionales que se reflejan en el Libro Blanco de ANECA de los títulos de grado en Comunicación . Este estudio que presentamos nace con vocación de continuidad en un doble sentido: ser un indicador de la calidad de las enseñanzas que reciben los alumnos de Periodismo de la Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU y conocer en un futuro próximo (cuando salga la primera promoción de graduados si existe una diferencia significativa entre los alumnos que cursaron la licenciatura y los nuevos graduados fruto de la reforma universitaria. De este modo, podremos conocer hasta qué punto y qué grado se ha acometido en la Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU esa transformación que conlleva el Plan Bolonia en su sentido más profundo de la reforma.

  5. Evaluación de la satisfacción de los participantes en la formación profesional para el empleo

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    Belver José-Luis


    Full Text Available Este artículo constituye una síntesis de la investigación realizada para evaluar la Satisfacción de los Participantes en las acciones formativas promovidas por el Plan de Formación Profesional para el Empleo (FPE del Principado de Asturias durante el período comprendido entre los años 2002 y 2008. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación hemos realizado un estudio observacional basado en encuestas utilizando un diseño metodológico que puede ser tipificado como preordenado, selectivo y de medidas repetidas. La replicación de este diseño a la largo de siete años y la amplitud de las muestras utilizadas constituyen dos fortalezas claras del trabajo que aportan consistencia a la investigación realizada y credibilidad a los resultados obtenidos. Los resultados obtenidos permiten acreditar globalmente un elevado índice de satisfacción de los participantes con las acciones formativas promovidas por el citado Plan, aunque también se detectan diferencias claras según las diversas variables de clasificación utilizadas en el estudio (sexo, edad, familia profesional, especialidad, etc.. El análisis de la información cualitativa recabada permite, igualmente, disponer de un conjunto de observaciones y sugerencias muy útiles a la hora de formular propuestas de mejora de las acciones formativas implementadas. La elevada similitud entre los datos obtenidos en las siete evaluaciones realizadas durante estos años avalan la validez de los resultados y de las recomendaciones que en cada caso se establecen para la mejora del programa educativo que es objeto de evaluación.

  6. The role of temporal structure in human vision. (United States)

    Blake, Randolph; Lee, Sang-Hun


    Gestalt psychologists identified several stimulus properties thought to underlie visual grouping and figure/ground segmentation, and among those properties was common fate: the tendency to group together individual objects that move together in the same direction at the same speed. Recent years have witnessed an upsurge of interest in visual grouping based on other time-dependent sources of visual information, including synchronized changes in luminance, in motion direction, and in figure/ ground relations. These various sources of temporal grouping information can be subsumed under the rubric temporal structure. In this article, the authors review evidence bearing on the effectiveness of temporal structure in visual grouping. They start with an overview of evidence bearing on temporal acuity of human vision, covering studies dealing with temporal integration and temporal differentiation. They then summarize psychophysical studies dealing with figure/ground segregation based on temporal phase differences in deterministic and stochastic events. The authors conclude with a brief discussion of neurophysiological implications of these results.

  7. PET imaging in temporal lobe epilepsy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Semah, F.


    The research projects on epilepsy addressed two main issues: the pathophysiology of the inter-ictal hypo-metabolism in temporal lobe epilepsy and the role of the basal ganglia in the control of seizure. Our research projects focused primarily on temporal lobe epilepsy: The pathophysiology of inter-ictal hypo-metabolism and its correlation with the epileptogenic network was investigated in patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Inter-ictal hypo-metabolism is commonly found in mesio-temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) but its pathophysiology remains incompletely understood. We hypothesized that metabolic changes reflect the preferential networks involved in ictal discharges. We analyzed the topography of inter-ictal hypo-metabolism according to electro-clinical patterns in 50 patients with unilateral hippocampal sclerosis (HS) and consistent features of MTLE. Based on electro-clinical correlations we identified 4 groups:1) mesial group characterized by mesial seizure onset without evidence of early spread beyond the temporal lobe; 2) anterior mesio-lateral group (AML) with early anterior spread, involving the anterior lateral temporal cortex and insulo-fronto-opercular areas; 3) widespread mesio-lateral group (WML) with widespread spread, involving both anterior and posterior lateral temporal and peri-sylvian areas; 4) bi-temporal group (BT) with early contralateral temporal spread. Results of FDG-PET imaging in each group were compared to control subjects using statistical parametric mapping software (SPM99). MRI data and surgical outcome in each group were compared to metabolic findings. Hypo-metabolism was limited to the hippocampal gyrus, the temporal pole and the insula in the mesial group. Gradual involvement of the lateral temporal cortex, the insula and the peri-sylvian areas was observed in the AML and WML groups. The BT group differed from the others by mild bi-temporal involvement, bilateral insular hypo-metabolism and longer epilepsy duration. MRI

  8. PET imaging in temporal lobe epilepsy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Semah, F. [Service Hospitalier Frederic Joliot, DSV-CEA, 91 Orsay (France)


    The research projects on epilepsy addressed two main issues: the pathophysiology of the inter-ictal hypo-metabolism in temporal lobe epilepsy and the role of the basal ganglia in the control of seizure. Our research projects focused primarily on temporal lobe epilepsy: The pathophysiology of inter-ictal hypo-metabolism and its correlation with the epileptogenic network was investigated in patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Inter-ictal hypo-metabolism is commonly found in mesio-temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) but its pathophysiology remains incompletely understood. We hypothesized that metabolic changes reflect the preferential networks involved in ictal discharges. We analyzed the topography of inter-ictal hypo-metabolism according to electro-clinical patterns in 50 patients with unilateral hippocampal sclerosis (HS) and consistent features of MTLE. Based on electro-clinical correlations we identified 4 groups:1) mesial group characterized by mesial seizure onset without evidence of early spread beyond the temporal lobe; 2) anterior mesio-lateral group (AML) with early anterior spread, involving the anterior lateral temporal cortex and insulo-fronto-opercular areas; 3) widespread mesio-lateral group (WML) with widespread spread, involving both anterior and posterior lateral temporal and peri-sylvian areas; 4) bi-temporal group (BT) with early contralateral temporal spread. Results of FDG-PET imaging in each group were compared to control subjects using statistical parametric mapping software (SPM99). MRI data and surgical outcome in each group were compared to metabolic findings. Hypo-metabolism was limited to the hippocampal gyrus, the temporal pole and the insula in the mesial group. Gradual involvement of the lateral temporal cortex, the insula and the peri-sylvian areas was observed in the AML and WML groups. The BT group differed from the others by mild bi-temporal involvement, bilateral insular hypo-metabolism and longer epilepsy duration. MRI

  9. Applications of Temporal Reasoning to Intensive Care Units

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    J. M. Juarez


    Full Text Available Intensive Care Units (ICUs are hospital departments that focus on the evolution of patients. In this scenario, the temporal dimension plays an essential role in understanding the state of the patients from their temporal information. The development of methods for the acquisition, modelling, reasoning and knowledge discovery of temporal information is, therefore, useful to exploit the large amount of temporal data recorded daily in the ICU. During the past decades, some subfields of Artificial Intelligence have been devoted to the study of temporal models and techniques to solve generic problems and towards their practical applications in the medical domain. The main goal of this paper is to present our view of some aspects of practical problems of temporal reasoning in the ICU field, and to describe our practical experience in the field in the last decade. This paper provides a non-exhaustive review of some of the efforts made in the field and our particular contributions in the development of temporal reasoning methods to partially solve some of these problems. The results are a set of software tools that help physicians to better understand the patient's temporal evolution.

  10. Two-sorted Point-Interval Temporal Logics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Balbiani, Philippe; Goranko, Valentin; Sciavicco, Guido


    There are two natural and well-studied approaches to temporal ontology and reasoning: point-based and interval-based. Usually, interval-based temporal reasoning deals with points as particular, duration-less intervals. Here we develop explicitly two-sorted point-interval temporal logical framework...... whereby time instants (points) and time periods (intervals) are considered on a par, and the perspective can shift between them within the formal discourse. We focus on fragments involving only modal operators that correspond to the inter-sort relations between points and intervals. We analyze...

  11. Markup of temporal information in electronic health records. (United States)

    Hyun, Sookyung; Bakken, Suzanne; Johnson, Stephen B


    Temporal information plays a critical role in the understanding of clinical narrative (i.e., free text). We developed a representation for marking up temporal information in a narrative, consisting of five elements: 1) reference point, 2) direction, 3) number, 4) time unit, and 5) pattern. We identified 254 temporal expressions from 50 discharge summaries and represented them using our scheme. The overall inter-rater reliability among raters applying the representation model was 75 percent agreement. The model can contribute to temporal reasoning in computer systems for decision support, data mining, and process and outcomes analyses by providing structured temporal information.

  12. Temporal maps and informativeness in associative learning. (United States)

    Balsam, Peter D; Gallistel, C Randy


    Neurobiological research on learning assumes that temporal contiguity is essential for association formation, but what constitutes temporal contiguity has never been specified. We review evidence that learning depends, instead, on learning a temporal map. Temporal relations between events are encoded even from single experiences. The speed with which an anticipatory response emerges is proportional to the informativeness of the encoded relation between a predictive stimulus or event and the event it predicts. This principle yields a quantitative account of the heretofore undefined, but theoretically crucial, concept of temporal pairing, an account in quantitative accord with surprising experimental findings. The same principle explains the basic results in the cue competition literature, which motivated the Rescorla-Wagner model and most other contemporary models of associative learning. The essential feature of a memory mechanism in this account is its ability to encode quantitative information.

  13. Mining approximate temporal functional dependencies with pure temporal grouping in clinical databases. (United States)

    Combi, Carlo; Mantovani, Matteo; Sabaini, Alberto; Sala, Pietro; Amaddeo, Francesco; Moretti, Ugo; Pozzi, Giuseppe


    Functional dependencies (FDs) typically represent associations over facts stored by a database, such as "patients with the same symptom get the same therapy." In more recent years, some extensions have been introduced to represent both temporal constraints (temporal functional dependencies - TFDs), as "for any given month, patients with the same symptom must have the same therapy, but their therapy may change from one month to the next one," and approximate properties (approximate functional dependencies - AFDs), as "patients with the same symptomgenerallyhave the same therapy." An AFD holds most of the facts stored by the database, enabling some data to deviate from the defined property: the percentage of data which violate the given property is user-defined. According to this scenario, in this paper we introduce approximate temporal functional dependencies (ATFDs) and use them to mine clinical data. Specifically, we considered the need for deriving new knowledge from psychiatric and pharmacovigilance data. ATFDs may be defined and measured either on temporal granules (e.g.grouping data by day, week, month, year) or on sliding windows (e.g.a fixed-length time interval which moves over the time axis): in this regard, we propose and discuss some specific and efficient data mining techniques for ATFDs. We also developed two running prototypes and showed the feasibility of our proposal by mining two real-world clinical data sets. The clinical interest of the dependencies derived considering the psychiatry and pharmacovigilance domains confirms the soundness and the usefulness of the proposed techniques. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. The Interactive Role of Temporal Team Leadership in the Telecom Sector of Pakistan: Utilizing Temporal Diversity for Sustainable Knowledge Sharing

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    Usama Najam


    Full Text Available Human or social dimensions need to be significantly considered to maintain organizational sustainability. Unfortunately, this aspect has received relatively little attention when compared to other dimensions of sustainability. This study promotes the presence of a leader to manage conflicts, which cause hindrances in achieving sustainability. This is possible by maximizing sustainable knowledge sharing in a team, by effectively utilizing temporal diversity, including time urgency, time perspective, and pacing style diversity under a certain time pressure. This study has examined the effect of temporal diversity on knowledge sharing within teams by taking temporal conflict as a mediator. Moreover, it was also investigated whether the role of team temporal leadership is effective in utilizing the conflicts arising from the temporal diversity. The research design was quantitative in nature. A purposive sampling technique was used to gather data from 100 dyads working in the telecom sector of Pakistan, by distributing questionnaires. The findings suggest that team temporal leadership plays an effective role when a conflict arises rather than after it has arisen because more time and resources will be required to resolve such conflicts arising from temporal diversity. When the temporal diversity is low, the leader can manage the conflicts quite well, but as the diversity increases, the role of the temporal leader become much harder which may cause increased conflicts because of the limited capacity of a leader to manage those conflicts. Furthermore, it was observed that conflicts, if managed properly, may lead to increased knowledge sharing.

  15. Temporal Lobe Epilepsy in Children (United States)

    Nickels, Katherine C.; Wong-Kisiel, Lily C.; Moseley, Brian D.; Wirrell, Elaine C.


    The temporal lobe is a common focus for epilepsy. Temporal lobe epilepsy in infants and children differs from the relatively homogeneous syndrome seen in adults in several important clinical and pathological ways. Seizure semiology varies by age, and the ictal EEG pattern may be less clear cut than what is seen in adults. Additionally, the occurrence of intractable seizures in the developing brain may impact neurocognitive function remote from the temporal area. While many children will respond favorably to medical therapy, those with focal imaging abnormalities including cortical dysplasia, hippocampal sclerosis, or low-grade tumors are likely to be intractable. Expedient workup and surgical intervention in these medically intractable cases are needed to maximize long-term developmental outcome. PMID:22957247

  16. Using crowdsourcing to compare temporal, social temporal, and probability discounting among obese and non-obese individuals. (United States)

    Bickel, Warren K; George Wilson, A; Franck, Christopher T; Terry Mueller, E; Jarmolowicz, David P; Koffarnus, Mikhail N; Fede, Samantha J


    Previous research comparing obese and non-obese samples on the delayed discounting procedure has produced mixed results. The aim of the current study was to clarify these discrepant findings by comparing a variety of temporal discounting measures in a large sample of internet users (n=1163) obtained from a crowdsourcing service, Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT). Measures of temporal, social-temporal (a combination of standard and social temporal), and probability discounting were obtained. Significant differences were obtained on all discounting measures except probability discounting, but the obtained effect sizes were small. These data suggest that larger-N studies will be more likely to detect differences between obese and non-obese samples, and may afford the opportunity, in future studies, to decompose a large obese sample into different subgroups to examine the effect of other relevant measures, such as the reinforcing value of food, on discounting. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Recognising and Interpreting Named Temporal Expressions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brucato, Matteo; Derczynski, Leon; Llorens, Hectjor


    This paper introduces a new class of temporal expression – named temporal expressions – and methods for recognising and interpreting its members. The commonest temporal expressions typically contain date and time words, like April or hours. Research into recognising and interpreting these typical...... expressions is mature in many languages. However, there is a class of expressions that are less typical, very varied, and difficult to automatically interpret. These indicate dates and times, but are harder to detect because they often do not contain time words and are not used frequently enough to appear...

  18. Navigation-assisted trans-inferotemporal cortex selective amygdalohippocampectomy for mesial temporal lobe epilepsy; preserving the temporal stem. (United States)

    Kishima, Haruhiko; Kato, Amami; Oshino, Satoru; Tani, Naoki; Maruo, Tomoyuki; Khoo, Hui Ming; Yanagisawa, Takufumi; Edakawa, Kotaro; Kobayashi, Maki; Tanaka, Masataka; Hosomi, Koichi; Hirata, Masayuki; Yoshimine, Toshiki


    Selective amygdalohippocampectomy (SAH) can be used to obtain satisfactory seizure control in patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE). Several SAH procedures have been reported to achieve satisfactory outcomes for seizure control, but none yield fully satisfactory outcomes for memory function. We hypothesized that preserving the temporal stem might play an important role. To preserve the temporal stem, we developed a minimally invasive surgical procedure, 'neuronavigation-assisted trans-inferotemporal cortex SAH' (TITC-SAH). TITC-SAH was performed in 23 patients with MTLE (MTLE on the language-non-dominant hemisphere, n = 11). The inferior horn of the lateral ventricle was approached via the inferior or middle temporal gyrus along the inferior temporal sulcus under neuronavigation guidance. The hippocampus was dissected in a subpial manner and resected en bloc together with the parahippocampal gyrus. Seizure control at one year and memory function at 6 months postoperatively were evaluated. One year after TITC-SAH, 20 of the 23 patients were seizure-free (ILAE class 1), 2 were class 2, and 1 was class 3. Verbal memory improved significantly in 13 patients with a diagnosis of hippocampal sclerosis, for whom WMS-R scores were available both pre- and post-operatively. Improvements were seen regardless of whether the SAH was on the language-dominant or non-dominant hemisphere. No major complication was observed. Navigation-assisted TITC-SAH performed for MTLE offers a simple, minimally invasive procedure that appears to yield excellent outcomes in terms of seizure control and preservation of memory function, because this procedure does not damage the temporal stem. TITC-SAH should be one of the feasible surgical procedures for MTLE. SAH: Amygdalohippocampectomy; MTLE: Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE); TITC-SAH: Ttrans-inferotemporal cortex SAH; ILAE: International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE); MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging; EEG

  19. Visualization and assessment of spatio-temporal covariance properties

    KAUST Repository

    Huang, Huang


    Spatio-temporal covariances are important for describing the spatio-temporal variability of underlying random fields in geostatistical data. For second-order stationary random fields, there exist subclasses of covariance functions that assume a simpler spatio-temporal dependence structure with separability and full symmetry. However, it is challenging to visualize and assess separability and full symmetry from spatio-temporal observations. In this work, we propose a functional data analysis approach that constructs test functions using the cross-covariances from time series observed at each pair of spatial locations. These test functions of temporal lags summarize the properties of separability or symmetry for the given spatial pairs. We use functional boxplots to visualize the functional median and the variability of the test functions, where the extent of departure from zero at all temporal lags indicates the degree of non-separability or asymmetry. We also develop a rank-based nonparametric testing procedure for assessing the significance of the non-separability or asymmetry. Essentially, the proposed methods only require the analysis of temporal covariance functions. Thus, a major advantage over existing approaches is that there is no need to estimate any covariance matrix for selected spatio-temporal lags. The performances of the proposed methods are examined by simulations with various commonly used spatio-temporal covariance models. To illustrate our methods in practical applications, we apply it to real datasets, including weather station data and climate model outputs.

  20. Structural controllability and controlling centrality of temporal networks. (United States)

    Pan, Yujian; Li, Xiang


    Temporal networks are such networks where nodes and interactions may appear and disappear at various time scales. With the evidence of ubiquity of temporal networks in our economy, nature and society, it's urgent and significant to focus on its structural controllability as well as the corresponding characteristics, which nowadays is still an untouched topic. We develop graphic tools to study the structural controllability as well as its characteristics, identifying the intrinsic mechanism of the ability of individuals in controlling a dynamic and large-scale temporal network. Classifying temporal trees of a temporal network into different types, we give (both upper and lower) analytical bounds of the controlling centrality, which are verified by numerical simulations of both artificial and empirical temporal networks. We find that the positive relationship between aggregated degree and controlling centrality as well as the scale-free distribution of node's controlling centrality are virtually independent of the time scale and types of datasets, meaning the inherent robustness and heterogeneity of the controlling centrality of nodes within temporal networks.

  1. Cadaveric Temporal Bone Dissection: Is It Obsolete Today?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Naik, Sulabha M.


    Full Text Available Introduction Traditionally, surgical training in otology, is imparted by dissecting harvested human cadaveric temporal bones. However, maintenance of a cadaveric temporal bone laboratory is expensive and carries risk of exposure to infection. In recent times, other modalities of training are gaining ground and are likely to eventually replace cadaveric temporal bone dissection altogether. Objectives Other alternative methods of training are emerging. New technology like simulation and virtual reality as high-fidelity, safer alternatives, are making rapid strides as teaching tools. Other options are the use of animal temporal bones as teaching tools. The advantages of these are compared. Data Synthesis None of these modalities can replicate the innumerable anatomical variations which are a characteristic feature of the human temporal bone. A novice surgeon not only needs exposure to surgical anatomy and it's variations but also needs to develop hand-eye coordination skills to gain expertise. Conclusion Deliberate practice on human cadaveric temporal bones only, will confer both mastery in anatomy and surgical technique. The human cadaveric temporal bone is ideal simulator for training in otology.

  2. Temporal scaling in information propagation (United States)

    Huang, Junming; Li, Chao; Wang, Wen-Qiang; Shen, Hua-Wei; Li, Guojie; Cheng, Xue-Qi


    For the study of information propagation, one fundamental problem is uncovering universal laws governing the dynamics of information propagation. This problem, from the microscopic perspective, is formulated as estimating the propagation probability that a piece of information propagates from one individual to another. Such a propagation probability generally depends on two major classes of factors: the intrinsic attractiveness of information and the interactions between individuals. Despite the fact that the temporal effect of attractiveness is widely studied, temporal laws underlying individual interactions remain unclear, causing inaccurate prediction of information propagation on evolving social networks. In this report, we empirically study the dynamics of information propagation, using the dataset from a population-scale social media website. We discover a temporal scaling in information propagation: the probability a message propagates between two individuals decays with the length of time latency since their latest interaction, obeying a power-law rule. Leveraging the scaling law, we further propose a temporal model to estimate future propagation probabilities between individuals, reducing the error rate of information propagation prediction from 6.7% to 2.6% and improving viral marketing with 9.7% incremental customers.

  3. Characteristics of spectro-temporal modulation frequency selectivity in humans. (United States)

    Oetjen, Arne; Verhey, Jesko L


    There is increasing evidence that the auditory system shows frequency selectivity for spectro-temporal modulations. A recent study of the authors has shown spectro-temporal modulation masking patterns that were in agreement with the hypothesis of spectro-temporal modulation filters in the human auditory system [Oetjen and Verhey (2015). J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 137(2), 714-723]. In the present study, that experimental data and additional data were used to model this spectro-temporal frequency selectivity. The additional data were collected to investigate to what extent the spectro-temporal modulation-frequency selectivity results from a combination of a purely temporal amplitude-modulation filter and a purely spectral amplitude-modulation filter. In contrast to the previous study, thresholds were measured for masker and target modulations with opposite directions, i.e., an upward pointing target modulation and a downward pointing masker modulation. The comparison of this data set with previous corresponding data with the same direction from target and masker modulations indicate that a specific spectro-temporal modulation filter is required to simulate all aspects of spectro-temporal modulation frequency selectivity. A model using a modified Gabor filter with a purely temporal and a purely spectral filter predicts the spectro-temporal modulation masking data.

  4. A Flexible Spatio-Temporal Model for Air Pollution with Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Covariates


    Lindström, Johan; Szpiro, Adam A; Sampson, Paul D; Oron, Assaf P; Richards, Mark; Larson, Tim V; Sheppard, Lianne


    The development of models that provide accurate spatio-temporal predictions of ambient air pollution at small spatial scales is of great importance for the assessment of potential health effects of air pollution. Here we present a spatio-temporal framework that predicts ambient air pollution by combining data from several different monitoring networks and deterministic air pollution model(s) with geographic information system (GIS) covariates. The model presented in this paper has been implem...

  5. Anatomia do osso temporal de ovelhas sob aspectos didáticos Lambs' temporal bone anatomy under didactic aspects

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    André Gurr


    Full Text Available É difícil encontrar ossos temporais humanos para o ensino de cirurgia otológica. Ossos temporais de ovelhas podem representar uma possível alternativa. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Os ossos temporais de ovelhas foram dissecados em um programa convencional de dissecação de osso temporal no laboratório. Incluímos mastoidectomia, abordagens endaurais, mas também analisamos a aparência externa, o meato acústico externo e o hipotímpano. Algumas etapas são diferentes das preparações de ossos humanos. Os resultados morfométricos foram comparados à anatomia conhecida de humanos para verificar se o osso temporal de ovelhas seria utilizável para o ensino de cirurgia otológica. RESULTADOS: O osso temporal de ovelhas parece menor do que o humano. Encontramos uma área bolhosa se estendendo ao hipotímpano abaixo do meato acústico externo. A membrana timpânica é muito semelhante à humana. O meato acústico externo é menor e mais curto. A cadeia ossicular exibe analogias para com a humana. DISCUSSÃO: Esse estudo mostra que especificamente o ouvido médio, a membrana timpânica e o conduto auditivo externo são morfologicamente semelhantes às suas contrapartidas encontradas nos ossos temporais humanos. A ovelha parece ser um modelo viável para o ensino da anatomia do ouvido. A menor escala de algumas estruturas, especialmente dos componentes externos do osso temporal representa uma desvantagem. CONCLUSÕES: A ovelha parece representar uma alternativa viável no ensino de cirurgia otológica.Human temporal bones in teaching ear surgery are rare. The lamb's temporal bone might be a possible alternative. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Temporal bones of the lamb were dissected with a typical temporal bone lab drilling program. We included a mastoidectomy, endaural approaches, but also analyzed the outer appearance, the external ear canal and the hypotympanon. Some steps differed from preparation done in humans. The morphometric results were compared to

  6. Temporal auditory processing in elders

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    Azzolini, Vanuza Conceição


    Full Text Available Introduction: In the trial of aging all the structures of the organism are modified, generating intercurrences in the quality of the hearing and of the comprehension. The hearing loss that occurs in consequence of this trial occasion a reduction of the communicative function, causing, also, a distance of the social relationship. Objective: Comparing the performance of the temporal auditory processing between elderly individuals with and without hearing loss. Method: The present study is characterized for to be a prospective, transversal and of diagnosis character field work. They were analyzed 21 elders (16 women and 5 men, with ages between 60 to 81 years divided in two groups, a group "without hearing loss"; (n = 13 with normal auditive thresholds or restricted hearing loss to the isolated frequencies and a group "with hearing loss" (n = 8 with neurosensory hearing loss of variable degree between light to moderately severe. Both the groups performed the tests of frequency (PPS and duration (DPS, for evaluate the ability of temporal sequencing, and the test Randon Gap Detection Test (RGDT, for evaluate the temporal resolution ability. Results: It had not difference statistically significant between the groups, evaluated by the tests DPS and RGDT. The ability of temporal sequencing was significantly major in the group without hearing loss, when evaluated by the test PPS in the condition "muttering". This result presented a growing one significant in parallel with the increase of the age group. Conclusion: It had not difference in the temporal auditory processing in the comparison between the groups.

  7. Computed tomography of the temporal horns at Alzheimer's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gerber, U.; Vogel


    In the literature there are different opinions referring to the involvement of the temporal lobes or horns at Alzheimer's disease. Conventionally computed tomogram of the head does not include the temporal horn in its full length. A simple method to demonstrate the temporal horns after cranial computer tomography is described. It allows the evaluation of temporal lobe and temporal horn if questionable alterations at Alzheimer's disease are to be discussed. (orig.) [de

  8. Sound improves diminished visual temporal sensitivity in schizophrenia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Boer-Schellekens, L.; Stekelenburg, J.J.; Maes, J.P.; van Gool, A.R.; Vroomen, J.


    Visual temporal processing and multisensory integration (MSI) of sound and vision were examined in individuals with schizophrenia using a visual temporal order judgment (TOJ) task. Compared to a non-psychiatric control group, persons with schizophrenia were less sensitive judging the temporal order

  9. TX-Kw: An Effective Temporal XML Keyword Search


    Rasha Bin-Thalab; Neamat El-Tazi; Mohamed E.El-Sharkawi


    Inspired by the great success of information retrieval (IR) style keyword search on the web, keyword search on XML has emerged recently. Existing methods cannot resolve challenges addressed by using keyword search in Temporal XML documents. We propose a way to evaluate temporal keyword search queries over Temporal XML documents. Moreover, we propose a new ranking method based on the time-aware IR ranking methods to rank temporal keyword search queries results. Extensive experiments have been ...

  10. Empleo, desigualdad y globalización: una preocupación continua Employment, Inequality and Globalization: A Continuous Concern

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    Rolph van der Hoeven


    Full Text Available El presente artículo aborda el tema de la crisis económica mundial y su fuerte impacto sobre la población. Muestra la preocupación por los efectos de dicha crisis, principalmente en el incremento del desempleo, que genera mayores desigualdades sociales puesto que las personas se ven abocadas a trabajar de manera informal, hecho que va en contra de la estabilidad laboral y del desarrollo humano. A través de una mirada a la posición asumida por diversos autores que manejan el tema financiero, se encuentra que las políticas pùblicas surgidas de diferentes épocas no han sido una respuesta satisfactoria para equilibrar las desigualdades socioeconómicas dado que no ha sido posible lograr un crecimiento económico que redunde en una distribución del ingreso más equitativa, capaz de generar un verdadero desarrollo humano. Se contemplan algunas alternativas para promover el crecimiento del empleo, desde lo fiscal y lo monetario hasta lo industrial y lo comercial, al igual que se presentan algunas posiciones para enfrentar los efectos de la globalización.This article deals the issue of global economic crisis and its strong impact on the population. Shows concern for the effects of the crisis, mainly through increases in unemployment, which generates greater social inequality as people are forced to work informally, a fact that goes against labor stability and human development. Through a look at the position assumed by several authors who handle financial issues, is that public policies arising from different periods have not been a satisfactory answer to balance socioeconomic inequalities because it has not been possible to achieve economic growth result in a more equitable income distribution, capable of generate a true human development. Alternatives are contemplated to promote employment growth, from fiscal and monetary toward the industrial and commercial, as are some positions to face the effects of globalization.

  11. Second-order analysis of structured inhomogeneous spatio-temporal point processes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Jesper; Ghorbani, Mohammad

    Statistical methodology for spatio-temporal point processes is in its infancy. We consider second-order analysis based on pair correlation functions and K-functions for first general inhomogeneous spatio-temporal point processes and second inhomogeneous spatio-temporal Cox processes. Assuming...... spatio-temporal separability of the intensity function, we clarify different meanings of second-order spatio-temporal separability. One is second-order spatio-temporal independence and relates e.g. to log-Gaussian Cox processes with an additive covariance structure of the underlying spatio......-temporal Gaussian process. Another concerns shot-noise Cox processes with a separable spatio-temporal covariance density. We propose diagnostic procedures for checking hypotheses of second-order spatio-temporal separability, which we apply on simulated and real data (the UK 2001 epidemic foot and mouth disease data)....

  12. Temporal suppression and augmentation of click-evoked otoacoustic emissions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Verhulst, Sarah; Harte, James; Dau, Torsten


    This study investigates temporal suppression of click-evoked otoacoustic emissions (CEOAEs), occurring when a suppressor-click is presented close in time to a test-click (e.g. 0-8ms). Various temporal suppression methods for examining temporal changes in cochlear compression were evaluated and me...... under test. Temporal suppression was shown to be comparable for CEOAEs and SSOAEs, indicating similar underlying cochlear nonlinear mechanisms. This study contributes to a better understanding of the temporal properties of cochlear dynamics....

  13. General Temporal Knowledge for Planning and Data Mining (United States)

    Morris, Robert; Khatib, Lina


    We consider the architecture of systems that combine temporal planning and plan execution and introduce a layer of temporal reasoning that potential1y improves both the communication between humans and such systems, and the performance of the temporal planner itself. In particular, this additional layer simultaneously supports more flexibility in specifying and maintaining temporal constraints on plans within an uncertain and changing execution environment, and the ability to understand and trace the progress of plan execution. It is shown how a representation based on single set of abstractions of temporal information can be used to characterize the reasoning underlying plan generation and execution interpretation. The complexity of such reasoning is discussed.

  14. Sleep enforces the temporal order in memory.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Spyridon Drosopoulos

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Temporal sequence represents the main principle underlying episodic memory. The storage of temporal sequence information is thought to involve hippocampus-dependent memory systems, preserving temporal structure possibly via chaining of sequence elements in heteroassociative networks. Converging evidence indicates that sleep enhances the consolidation of recently acquired representations in the hippocampus-dependent declarative memory system. Yet, it is unknown if this consolidation process comprises strengthening of the temporal sequence structure of the representation as well, or is restricted to sequence elements independent of their temporal order. To address this issue we tested the influence of sleep on the strength of forward and backward associations in word-triplets. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Subjects learned a list of 32 triplets of unrelated words, presented successively (A-B-C in the center of a screen, and either slept normally or stayed awake in the subsequent night. After two days, retrieval was assessed for the triplets sequentially either in a forward direction (cueing with A and B and asking for B and C, respectively or in a backward direction (cueing with C and B and asking for B and A, respectively. Memory was better for forward than backward associations (p<0.01. Sleep did not affect backward associations, but enhanced forward associations, specifically for the first (AB transitions (p<0.01, which were generally more difficult to retrieve than the second transitions. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our data demonstrate that consolidation during sleep strengthens the original temporal sequence structure in memory, presumably as a result of a replay of new representations during sleep in forward direction. Our finding suggests that the temporally directed replay of memory during sleep, apart from strengthening those traces, could be the key mechanism that explains how temporal order is integrated and maintained in

  15. Rescaling of temporal expectations during extinction (United States)

    Drew, Michael R.; Walsh, Carolyn; Balsam, Peter D


    Previous research suggests that extinction learning is temporally specific. Changing the CS duration between training and extinction can facilitate the loss of the CR within the extinction session but impairs long-term retention of extinction. In two experiments using conditioned magazine approach with rats, we examined the relation between temporal specificity of extinction and CR timing. In Experiment 1 rats were trained on a 12-s, fixed CS-US interval and then extinguished with CS presentations that were 6, 12, or 24 s in duration. The design of Experiment 2 was the same except rats were trained using partial rather than continuous reinforcement. In both experiments, extending the CS duration in extinction facilitated the diminution of CRs during the extinction session, but shortening the CS duration failed to slow extinction. In addition, extending (but not shortening) the CS duration caused temporal rescaling of the CR, in that the peak CR rate migrated later into the trial over the course of extinction training. This migration partially accounted for the faster loss of the CR when the CS duration was extended. Results are incompatible with the hypothesis that extinction is driven by cumulative CS exposure and suggest that temporally extended nonreinforced CS exposure reduces conditioned responding via temporal displacement rather than through extinction per se. PMID:28045291

  16. Temporal grouping effects in musical short-term memory. (United States)

    Gorin, Simon; Mengal, Pierre; Majerus, Steve


    Recent theoretical accounts of verbal and visuo-spatial short-term memory (STM) have proposed the existence of domain-general mechanisms for the maintenance of serial order information. These accounts are based on the observation of similar behavioural effects across several modalities, such as temporal grouping effects. Across two experiments, the present study aimed at extending these findings, by exploring a STM modality that has received little interest so far, STM for musical information. Given its inherent rhythmic, temporal and serial organisation, the musical domain is of interest for investigating serial order STM processes such as temporal grouping. In Experiment 1, the data did not allow to determine the presence or the absence of temporal grouping effects. In Experiment 2, we observed that temporal grouping of tone sequences during encoding improves short-term recognition for serially presented probe tones. Furthermore, the serial position curves included micro-primacy and micro-recency effects, which are the hallmark characteristic of temporal grouping. Our results suggest that the encoding of serial order information in musical STM may be supported by temporal positional coding mechanisms similar to those reported in the verbal domain.

  17. Temporal Organization of Sound Information in Auditory Memory

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    Kun Song


    Full Text Available Memory is a constructive and organizational process. Instead of being stored with all the fine details, external information is reorganized and structured at certain spatiotemporal scales. It is well acknowledged that time plays a central role in audition by segmenting sound inputs into temporal chunks of appropriate length. However, it remains largely unknown whether critical temporal structures exist to mediate sound representation in auditory memory. To address the issue, here we designed an auditory memory transferring study, by combining a previously developed unsupervised white noise memory paradigm with a reversed sound manipulation method. Specifically, we systematically measured the memory transferring from a random white noise sound to its locally temporal reversed version on various temporal scales in seven experiments. We demonstrate a U-shape memory-transferring pattern with the minimum value around temporal scale of 200 ms. Furthermore, neither auditory perceptual similarity nor physical similarity as a function of the manipulating temporal scale can account for the memory-transferring results. Our results suggest that sounds are not stored with all the fine spectrotemporal details but are organized and structured at discrete temporal chunks in long-term auditory memory representation.

  18. Temporal Organization of Sound Information in Auditory Memory. (United States)

    Song, Kun; Luo, Huan


    Memory is a constructive and organizational process. Instead of being stored with all the fine details, external information is reorganized and structured at certain spatiotemporal scales. It is well acknowledged that time plays a central role in audition by segmenting sound inputs into temporal chunks of appropriate length. However, it remains largely unknown whether critical temporal structures exist to mediate sound representation in auditory memory. To address the issue, here we designed an auditory memory transferring study, by combining a previously developed unsupervised white noise memory paradigm with a reversed sound manipulation method. Specifically, we systematically measured the memory transferring from a random white noise sound to its locally temporal reversed version on various temporal scales in seven experiments. We demonstrate a U-shape memory-transferring pattern with the minimum value around temporal scale of 200 ms. Furthermore, neither auditory perceptual similarity nor physical similarity as a function of the manipulating temporal scale can account for the memory-transferring results. Our results suggest that sounds are not stored with all the fine spectrotemporal details but are organized and structured at discrete temporal chunks in long-term auditory memory representation.

  19. Schneiderian papilloma of the temporal bone

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Putten, L.; Bloemena, E.; Merkus, P.; Hensen, E.F.


    Temporal bone Schneiderian papilloma may present as a primary tumour originating from the middle ear and mastoid process, or an extension from sinonasal disease. Both forms are rare, this being only the 18th case of primary temporal bone Schneiderian papilloma described to date. Although the current

  20. Spatio-Temporal Data Construction

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    Hai Ha Le


    Full Text Available On the route to a spatio-temporal geoscience information system, an appropriate data model for geo-objects in space and time has been developed. In this model, geo-objects are represented as sequences of geometries and properties with continuous evolution in each time interval. Because geomodeling software systems usually model objects at specific time instances, we want to interpolate the geometry and properties from two models of an object with only geometrical constraints (no physical or mechanical constraints. This process is called spatio-temporal data construction or morphological interpolation of intermediate geometries. This paper is strictly related to shape morphing, shape deformation, cross-parameterization and compatible remeshing and is only concerned with geological surfaces. In this study, two main sub-solutions construct compatible meshes and find trajectories in which vertices of the mesh evolve. This research aims to find an algorithm to construct spatio-temporal data with some constraints from the geosciences, such as cutting surfaces by faulting or fracturing phenomena and evolving boundaries attached to other surfaces. Another goal of this research is the implementation of the algorithm in a software product, namely a gOcad plug-in. The four main procedures of the algorithm are cutting the surfaces, setting up constraints, partitioning and calculating the parameterizations and trajectories. The software has been tested to construct data for a salt dome and other surfaces in regard to the geological processes of faulting, deposition and erosion. The result of this research is an algorithm and software for the construction of spatio-temporal data.

  1. Sampling of temporal networks: Methods and biases (United States)

    Rocha, Luis E. C.; Masuda, Naoki; Holme, Petter


    Temporal networks have been increasingly used to model a diversity of systems that evolve in time; for example, human contact structures over which dynamic processes such as epidemics take place. A fundamental aspect of real-life networks is that they are sampled within temporal and spatial frames. Furthermore, one might wish to subsample networks to reduce their size for better visualization or to perform computationally intensive simulations. The sampling method may affect the network structure and thus caution is necessary to generalize results based on samples. In this paper, we study four sampling strategies applied to a variety of real-life temporal networks. We quantify the biases generated by each sampling strategy on a number of relevant statistics such as link activity, temporal paths and epidemic spread. We find that some biases are common in a variety of networks and statistics, but one strategy, uniform sampling of nodes, shows improved performance in most scenarios. Given the particularities of temporal network data and the variety of network structures, we recommend that the choice of sampling methods be problem oriented to minimize the potential biases for the specific research questions on hand. Our results help researchers to better design network data collection protocols and to understand the limitations of sampled temporal network data.

  2. Temporal Preparation and Inhibitory Deficit in Fibromyalgia Syndrome (United States)

    Correa, Angel; Miro, Elena; Martinez, M. Pilar; Sanchez, Ana I.; Lupianez, Juan


    Cognitive deficits in fibromyalgia may be specifically related to controlled processes, such as those measured by working memory or executive function tasks. This hypothesis was tested here by measuring controlled temporal preparation (temporal orienting) during a response inhibition (go no-go) task. Temporal orienting effects (faster reaction…

  3. Análisis del empleo de documentales en el área de organización de empresas. Un instrumento para acercar a los alumnos a la realidad empresarial

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    Rocío González Sánchez


    Full Text Available En un entorno educativo en el que cada vez se dispone de más recursos y medios de carácter audiovisual, el presente trabajo pretende mostrar la aplicación docente de películas documentales como mecanismo de transmisión de conocimientos y la mejora de los niveles de aprendizaje conseguidos por los estudiantes. El trabajo expone en primer lugar la justificación del empleo de esta técnica en un contexto universitario y  describe una experiencia práctica desarrollada por dos profesores de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos enfocada a la docencia en materias del área de Organización y Dirección de Empresas. El resultado obtenido permite afirmar que la utilización de documentales en la formación sobre organización empresarial ha permitido acercar al alumno una visión completa del funcionamiento de una empresa: estrategia, RRHH, marketing, producción, finanzas y gobierno corporativo y conseguir en el mismo mayores niveles de motivación y satisfacción que otras técnicas docentes tradicionales

  4. Principles of Temporal Processing Across the Cortical Hierarchy. (United States)

    Himberger, Kevin D; Chien, Hsiang-Yun; Honey, Christopher J


    The world is richly structured on multiple spatiotemporal scales. In order to represent spatial structure, many machine-learning models repeat a set of basic operations at each layer of a hierarchical architecture. These iterated spatial operations - including pooling, normalization and pattern completion - enable these systems to recognize and predict spatial structure, while robust to changes in the spatial scale, contrast and noisiness of the input signal. Because our brains also process temporal information that is rich and occurs across multiple time scales, might the brain employ an analogous set of operations for temporal information processing? Here we define a candidate set of temporal operations, and we review evidence that they are implemented in the mammalian cerebral cortex in a hierarchical manner. We conclude that multiple consecutive stages of cortical processing can be understood to perform temporal pooling, temporal normalization and temporal pattern completion. Copyright © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  5. The post-birthday world: consequences of temporal landmarks for temporal self-appraisal and motivation. (United States)

    Peetz, Johanna; Wilson, Anne E


    Much as physical landmarks help structure our representation of space, temporal landmarks such as birthdays and significant calendar dates structure our perception of time, such that people may organize or categorize their lives into "chunks" separated by these markers. Categories on the temporal landscape may vary depending on what landmarks are salient at a given time. We suggest these landmarks have implications for identity and motivation. The present research examined consequences of salient temporal landmarks for perceptions of the self across time and motivation to pursue successful future selves. Studies 1 and 2 show that temporally extended selves are perceived as less connected to, and more dissimilar from, the current self when an intervening landmark event has been made salient. Study 3 addresses the proposed mechanism, demonstrating that intervening landmarks lead people to categorize pre- and postlandmark selves into separate categories more often than when the same time period contains no salient landmarks. Finally, we examined whether landmark-induced mental contrasting of present state and future desired state could increase goal-pursuit motivation (in an effort to bridge the gap between inferior present and better future states). Studies 4-6 demonstrate that landmark-induced discrepancies between current health and hoped-for future health increased participants' motivation to exercise and increased the likelihood that they acted in line with their future-oriented goals. (c) 2013 APA, all rights reserved.

  6. Temporal lobe epilepsy with mesial temporal sclerosis: hippocampal neuronal loss as a predictor of surgical outcome. (United States)

    Jardim, Anaclara Prada; Neves, Rafael Scarpa da Costa; Caboclo, Luís Otávio Sales Ferreira; Lancellotti, Carmen Lucia Penteado; Marinho, Murilo Martinez; Centeno, Ricardo Silva; Cavalheiro, Esper Abrão; Scorza, Carla Alessandra; Yacubian, Elza Márcia Targas


    To analyze retrospectively a series of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and mesial temporal sclerosis (MTS), and the association of patterns of hippocampal sclerosis with clinical data and surgical prognosis. Sixty-six patients with medically refractory TLE with unilateral MTS after anterior temporal lobectomy were included. Quantitative neuropathological evaluation was performed on NeuN-stained hippocampal sections. Patient's clinical data and surgical outcome were reviewed. Occurrence of initial precipitating insult (IPI), as well as better postoperative seizure control (i.e. Engel class 1), were associated with classical and severe patterns of hippocampal sclerosis (MTS type 1a and 1b, respectively). Quantitative evaluation of hippocampal neuronal loss patterns predicts surgical outcome in patients with TLE-MTS.

  7. Empresas de trabajo temporal


    Chico Abad, Virginia


    Las empresas de trabajo temporal han ido tomando mayor relevancia debido a la estructura de la sociedad y de la economía. La entrada en vigor de la ley 14/1994 por la que se regulan las empresas de trabajo temporal suposo la incorporación al ordenamiento jurífico español de un tipo de empresas cuya actuación se habia extendido en otros países del entorno europeo. La idea general gira en torno a la flexibilidad de un nuevo marco económico y organizativo y exige a las empresas una capa...

  8. It's about time: revisiting temporal processing deficits in dyslexia. (United States)

    Casini, Laurence; Pech-Georgel, Catherine; Ziegler, Johannes C


    Temporal processing in French children with dyslexia was evaluated in three tasks: a word identification task requiring implicit temporal processing, and two explicit temporal bisection tasks, one in the auditory and one in the visual modality. Normally developing children matched on chronological age and reading level served as a control group. Children with dyslexia exhibited robust deficits in temporal tasks whether they were explicit or implicit and whether they involved the auditory or the visual modality. First, they presented larger perceptual variability when performing temporal tasks, whereas they showed no such difficulties when performing the same task on a non-temporal dimension (intensity). This dissociation suggests that their difficulties were specific to temporal processing and could not be attributed to lapses of attention, reduced alertness, faulty anchoring, or overall noisy processing. In the framework of cognitive models of time perception, these data point to a dysfunction of the 'internal clock' of dyslexic children. These results are broadly compatible with the recent temporal sampling theory of dyslexia. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  9. Visual search of cyclic spatio-temporal events (United States)

    Gautier, Jacques; Davoine, Paule-Annick; Cunty, Claire


    The analysis of spatio-temporal events, and especially of relationships between their different dimensions (space-time-thematic attributes), can be done with geovisualization interfaces. But few geovisualization tools integrate the cyclic dimension of spatio-temporal event series (natural events or social events). Time Coil and Time Wave diagrams represent both the linear time and the cyclic time. By introducing a cyclic temporal scale, these diagrams may highlight the cyclic characteristics of spatio-temporal events. However, the settable cyclic temporal scales are limited to usual durations like days or months. Because of that, these diagrams cannot be used to visualize cyclic events, which reappear with an unusual period, and don't allow to make a visual search of cyclic events. Also, they don't give the possibility to identify the relationships between the cyclic behavior of the events and their spatial features, and more especially to identify localised cyclic events. The lack of possibilities to represent the cyclic time, outside of the temporal diagram of multi-view geovisualization interfaces, limits the analysis of relationships between the cyclic reappearance of events and their other dimensions. In this paper, we propose a method and a geovisualization tool, based on the extension of Time Coil and Time Wave, to provide a visual search of cyclic events, by allowing to set any possible duration to the diagram's cyclic temporal scale. We also propose a symbology approach to push the representation of the cyclic time into the map, in order to improve the analysis of relationships between space and the cyclic behavior of events.

  10. [Two cases of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy associated with old intracerebral hemorrhage in the lateral temporal lobe without "dual pathology"]. (United States)

    Morioka, T; Nishio, S; Hisada, K; Muraishi, M; Ishibashi, H; Mamiya, K; Ohfu, M; Fukui, M


    Two cases of intractable temporal lobe epilepsy associated with old intracerebral hemorrhage in the lateral temporal lobe were reported. Although preoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) failed to reveal hippocampal atrophy with T2 hyperintensity, electrocorticographic (ECoG) recording with chronic invasive subdural electrodes indicated the mesial temporal lobe to be an ictal onset zone. After anterior temporal lobectomy involving the lesion and hippocampectomy, the patients became seizure-free. Hippocampal sclerosis, namely "dual pathology", was not noted on histological examination. Careful ECoG recording with chronic subdural electrodes is mandatory even when the preoperative MRI does not demonstrate the radiological hippocampal sclerosis.

  11. Temporal Dependency and the Structure of Early Looking. (United States)

    Messinger, Daniel S; Mattson, Whitney I; Todd, James Torrence; Gangi, Devon N; Myers, Nicholas D; Bahrick, Lorraine E


    Although looking time is used to assess infant perceptual and cognitive processing, little is known about the temporal structure of infant looking. To shed light on this temporal structure, 127 three-month-olds were assessed in an infant-controlled habituation procedure and presented with a pre-recorded display of a woman addressing the infant using infant-directed speech. Previous individual look durations positively predicted subsequent look durations over a six look window, suggesting a temporal dependency between successive infant looks. The previous look duration continued to predict the subsequent look duration after accounting for habituation-linked declines in look duration, and when looks were separated by an inter-trial interval in which no stimulus was displayed. Individual differences in temporal dependency, the strength of associations between consecutive look durations, are distinct from individual differences in mean infant look duration. Nevertheless, infants with stronger temporal dependency had briefer mean look durations, a potential index of stimulus processing. Temporal dependency was evident not only between individual infant looks but between the durations of successive habituation trials (total looking within a trial). Finally, temporal dependency was evident in associations between the last look at the habituation stimulus and the first look at a novel test stimulus. Thus temporal dependency was evident across multiple timescales (individual looks and trials comprised of multiple individual looks) and persisted across conditions including brief periods of no stimulus presentation and changes from a familiar to novel stimulus. Associations between consecutive look durations over multiple timescales and stimuli suggest a temporal structure of infant attention that has been largely ignored in previous work on infant looking.

  12. Empleo de sueros diagnósticos producidos en la República Popular China para la serotipificación de Pseudomonas aeruginosa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sara C Esnard Bolaños


    Full Text Available Se realizó la serotipificación de 355 cepas de Pseudomonas aeruginosa de origen clínico y ambiental, recibidas de centros provinciales de Higiene y Epidemiología de Cuba durante 1988 y 1989. Se utilizó la técnica de aglutinación en lámina con el empleo de juegos de 20 sueros diagnósticos producidos en el Instituto de Productos Biológicos de Chengdu, República Popular China, que permiten reconocer los 17 antígenos somáticos del Esquema Internacional de Tipificación Antigénica para este microorganismo y 3 descritos recientemente. La tipabilidad alcanzada fue del 97 %, lo que evidenció la factibilidad de estos antisueros. Se demostró la ocurrencia predominante del serotipo 011 y la presencia por primera vez en Cuba de los nuevos tipos somáticos 018 (1 %, 019 (5 % y 020 (3 %.The serotyping of 355 strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from clinical and environmental order was carried out. The strains were provided by Cuban Provincial Centers of Hygiene and Epidemiology during 1988 and 1989. The technique of agglutination in plaques was used with the utilization of kits from 20 diagnostic sera produced at the Institute of Biological Products from Chengdu, China, which allowed to recognize 17 somatic antigenic typing for this microorganism and 3 recently described. The typing obtained was found to be of 97 % evidencing the feasibility of these antisera. The predominant occurrence of 011 serotype and the presence for the first time in Cuba of new somatic types such as 018 (1 %, 019 (5 %, and 020 (3 % were proved.

  13. Temporal focus, temporal distance, and mind-wandering valence: Results from an experience sampling and an experimental study. (United States)

    Spronken, Maitta; Holland, Rob W; Figner, Bernd; Dijksterhuis, Ap


    When mind-wandering, people may think about events that happened in the past, or events that may happen in the future. Using experience sampling, we first aimed to replicate the finding that future-oriented thoughts show a greater positivity bias than past-oriented thoughts. Furthermore, we investigated whether there is a relation between the temporal distance of past- and future-oriented thoughts and the frequency of positive thoughts, a factor that has received little attention in previous work. Second, we experimentally investigated the relation between temporal focus, temporal distance, and thought valence. Both studies showed that future-oriented thoughts were more positive compared to past-oriented thoughts. Regarding temporal distance, thoughts about the distant past and future were more positive than thoughts about the near past and future in the experiment. However, the experience sampling study did not provide clear insight into this relation. Potential theoretical and methodological explanations for these findings are discussed. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Selective amygdalohippocampectomy via trans-superior temporal gyrus keyhole approach. (United States)

    Mathon, Bertrand; Clemenceau, Stéphane


    Hippocampal sclerosis is the most common cause of drug-resistant epilepsy amenable for surgical treatment and seizure control. The rationale of the selective amygdalohippocampectomy is to spare cerebral tissue not included in the seizure generator. Describe the selective amygdalohippocampectomy through the trans-superior temporal gyrus keyhole approach. Selective amygdalohippocampectomy for temporal lobe epilepsy is performed when the data (semiology, neuroimaging, electroencephalography) point to the mesial temporal structures. The trans-superior temporal gyrus keyhole approach is a minimally invasive and safe technique that allows disconnection of the temporal stem and resection of temporomesial structures.

  15. Modeling Temporal Evolution and Multiscale Structure in Networks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Herlau, Tue; Mørup, Morten; Schmidt, Mikkel Nørgaard


    Many real-world networks exhibit both temporal evolution and multiscale structure. We propose a model for temporally correlated multifurcating hierarchies in complex networks which jointly capture both effects. We use the Gibbs fragmentation tree as prior over multifurcating trees and a change......-point model to account for the temporal evolution of each vertex. We demonstrate that our model is able to infer time-varying multiscale structure in synthetic as well as three real world time-evolving complex networks. Our modeling of the temporal evolution of hierarchies brings new insights...

  16. Temporal correlation coefficient for directed networks. (United States)

    Büttner, Kathrin; Salau, Jennifer; Krieter, Joachim


    Previous studies dealing with network theory focused mainly on the static aggregation of edges over specific time window lengths. Thus, most of the dynamic information gets lost. To assess the quality of such a static aggregation the temporal correlation coefficient can be calculated. It measures the overall possibility for an edge to persist between two consecutive snapshots. Up to now, this measure is only defined for undirected networks. Therefore, we introduce the adaption of the temporal correlation coefficient to directed networks. This new methodology enables the distinction between ingoing and outgoing edges. Besides a small example network presenting the single calculation steps, we also calculated the proposed measurements for a real pig trade network to emphasize the importance of considering the edge direction. The farm types at the beginning of the pork supply chain showed clearly higher values for the outgoing temporal correlation coefficient compared to the farm types at the end of the pork supply chain. These farm types showed higher values for the ingoing temporal correlation coefficient. The temporal correlation coefficient is a valuable tool to understand the structural dynamics of these systems, as it assesses the consistency of the edge configuration. The adaption of this measure for directed networks may help to preserve meaningful additional information about the investigated network that might get lost if the edge directions are ignored.

  17. Unilateral mesial temporal atrophy after a systemic insult as a possible etiology of refractory temporal lobe epilepsy: case report Esclerose mesial temporal unilateral após insulto sistêmico como possível etiologia de epilepsia refratária do lobo temporal: relato de caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arthur Cukiert


    Full Text Available Mesial temporal sclerosis is the main pathological substrate present in refractory temporal lobe epilepsy and its presence is often related to the occurrence of febrile seizures in infancy. There is an on-going discussion on the nature of mesial temporal sclerosis as it related to epilepsy: cause or consequence. A previously normal child developed hyperosmolar coma after abdominal surgery at the age of 6. Three months afterwards he developed simple and complex partial seizures with an increasing frequency and refractory to multiple mono-and polytherapic drug regimens. He was evaluated for surgery at the age of 13. Ictal and interictal recordings showed left temporal lobe abnormalities. Early CT scaning suggested left temporal atrophy. MRI showed mesial temporal sclerosis. Neuropsichological testing showed verbal memory deficits and he passed a left carotid artery amytal injection. He was submitted to a cortico-amygdalo-hippocampectomy and has been seizure-free since then. The clinical data obtained from this patient suggest that at least in this case mesial temporal sclerosis would be related to the cause of epilepsy and not resultant from repeated seizure activity.A esclerose mesial temporal é o principal substrato anatomo-patológico envolvido na epilepsia refratária do lobo temporal e está frequentemente associada à ocorrência de convulsões febris na infância. Persiste até o momento intensa discussão se a esclerose mesial seria causa ou consequência da síndrome epiléptica. Uma criança previamente normal, desenvolveu coma hiperosmolar após intercorrência em cirurgia abdominal aos 6 anos de idade. Após 3 meses iniciaram-se crises parciais simples e complexas em frequência ascendente e refratárias a múltiplos esquemas terapêuticos em mono- e politerapia. Ele realizou investigação pré-operatória para epilepsia aos 13 anos de idade. Registros eletrencefalográficos de superfície ictais e interictais mostraram anormalidades

  18. Mind the gap: temporal discrimination and dystonia. (United States)

    Sadnicka, A; Daum, C; Cordivari, C; Bhatia, K P; Rothwell, J C; Manohar, S; Edwards, M J


    One of the most widely studied perceptual measures of sensory dysfunction in dystonia is the temporal discrimination threshold (TDT) (the shortest interval at which subjects can perceive that there are two stimuli rather than one). However the elevated thresholds described may be due to a number of potential mechanisms as current paradigms test not only temporal discrimination but also extraneous sensory and decision-making parameters. In this study two paradigms designed to better quantify temporal processing are presented and a decision-making model is used to assess the influence of decision strategy. 22 patients with cervical dystonia and 22 age-matched controls completed two tasks (i) temporal resolution (a randomized, automated version of existing TDT paradigms) and (ii) interval discrimination (rating the length of two consecutive intervals). In the temporal resolution task patients had delayed (P = 0.021) and more variable (P = 0.013) response times but equivalent discrimination thresholds. Modelling these effects suggested this was due to an increased perceptual decision boundary in dystonia with patients requiring greater evidence before committing to decisions (P = 0.020). Patient performance on the interval discrimination task was normal. Our work suggests that previously observed abnormalities in TDT may not be due to a selective sensory deficit of temporal processing as decision-making itself is abnormal in cervical dystonia. © 2017 EAN.

  19. Spatio-temporal alignment of pedobarographic image sequences. (United States)

    Oliveira, Francisco P M; Sousa, Andreia; Santos, Rubim; Tavares, João Manuel R S


    This article presents a methodology to align plantar pressure image sequences simultaneously in time and space. The spatial position and orientation of a foot in a sequence are changed to match the foot represented in a second sequence. Simultaneously with the spatial alignment, the temporal scale of the first sequence is transformed with the aim of synchronizing the two input footsteps. Consequently, the spatial correspondence of the foot regions along the sequences as well as the temporal synchronizing is automatically attained, making the study easier and more straightforward. In terms of spatial alignment, the methodology can use one of four possible geometric transformation models: rigid, similarity, affine, or projective. In the temporal alignment, a polynomial transformation up to the 4th degree can be adopted in order to model linear and curved time behaviors. Suitable geometric and temporal transformations are found by minimizing the mean squared error (MSE) between the input sequences. The methodology was tested on a set of real image sequences acquired from a common pedobarographic device. When used in experimental cases generated by applying geometric and temporal control transformations, the methodology revealed high accuracy. In addition, the intra-subject alignment tests from real plantar pressure image sequences showed that the curved temporal models produced better MSE results (P alignment of pedobarographic image data, since previous methods can only be applied on static images.

  20. A Temporal Ratio Model of Memory (United States)

    Brown, Gordon D. A.; Neath, Ian; Chater, Nick


    A model of memory retrieval is described. The model embodies four main claims: (a) temporal memory--traces of items are represented in memory partly in terms of their temporal distance from the present; (b) scale-similarity--similar mechanisms govern retrieval from memory over many different timescales; (c) local distinctiveness--performance on a…

  1. Activations in temporal areas using visual and auditory naming stimuli: A language fMRI study in temporal lobe epilepsy. (United States)

    Gonzálvez, Gloria G; Trimmel, Karin; Haag, Anja; van Graan, Louis A; Koepp, Matthias J; Thompson, Pamela J; Duncan, John S


    Verbal fluency functional MRI (fMRI) is used for predicting language deficits after anterior temporal lobe resection (ATLR) for temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), but primarily engages frontal lobe areas. In this observational study we investigated fMRI paradigms using visual and auditory stimuli, which predominately involve language areas resected during ATLR. Twenty-three controls and 33 patients (20 left (LTLE), 13 right (RTLE)) were assessed using three fMRI paradigms: verbal fluency, auditory naming with a contrast of auditory reversed speech; picture naming with a contrast of scrambled pictures and blurred faces. Group analysis showed bilateral temporal activations for auditory naming and picture naming. Correcting for auditory and visual input (by subtracting activations resulting from auditory reversed speech and blurred pictures/scrambled faces respectively) resulted in left-lateralised activations for patients and controls, which was more pronounced for LTLE compared to RTLE patients. Individual subject activations at a threshold of T>2.5, extent >10 voxels, showed that verbal fluency activated predominantly the left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) in 90% of LTLE, 92% of RTLE, and 65% of controls, compared to right IFG activations in only 15% of LTLE and RTLE and 26% of controls. Middle temporal (MTG) or superior temporal gyrus (STG) activations were seen on the left in 30% of LTLE, 23% of RTLE, and 52% of controls, and on the right in 15% of LTLE, 15% of RTLE, and 35% of controls. Auditory naming activated temporal areas more frequently than did verbal fluency (LTLE: 93%/73%; RTLE: 92%/58%; controls: 82%/70% (left/right)). Controlling for auditory input resulted in predominantly left-sided temporal activations. Picture naming resulted in temporal lobe activations less frequently than did auditory naming (LTLE 65%/55%; RTLE 53%/46%; controls 52%/35% (left/right)). Controlling for visual input had left-lateralising effects. Auditory and picture naming activated

  2. Temporal lobe epilepsy with mesial temporal sclerosis: hippocampal neuronal loss as a predictor of surgical outcome

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anaclara Prada Jardim


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To analyze retrospectively a series of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE and mesial temporal sclerosis (MTS, and the association of patterns of hippocampal sclerosis with clinical data and surgical prognosis. METHOD: Sixty-six patients with medically refractory TLE with unilateral MTS after anterior temporal lobectomy were included. Quantitative neuropathological evaluation was performed on NeuN-stained hippocampal sections. Patient's clinical data and surgical outcome were reviewed. RESULTS: Occurrence of initial precipitating insult (IPI, as well as better postoperative seizure control (i.e. Engel class 1, were associated with classical and severe patterns of hippocampal sclerosis (MTS type 1a and 1b, respectively. CONCLUSION: Quantitative evaluation of hippocampal neuronal loss patterns predicts surgical outcome in patients with TLE-MTS.

  3. Magnetic resonance imaging in temporal lobe epilepsy. Usefulness for the etiological diagnosis of temporal lobe epilepsy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohamed, A.; Lueders, H.O.


    With improvement in magnetic resonance (MR) imaging techniques, the ability to identify lesions responsible for temporal lobe epilepsy has increased. MR imaging has also enabled the in vivo diagnosis of hippocampal sclerosis. Brain tumors are responsible for 2-4% of epilepsies in adult population and 10-20% of medically intractable epilepsy. The sensitivity of MR imaging in the diagnosis of tumors and other lesions of the temporal lobe (vascular malformations, etc.) is around 90%. Both hippocampal sclerosis and other temporal lobe lesions are amenable to surgical therapy with excellent postsurgical seizure outcome. In this article, we characterize and underline distinguishing features of the different pathological entities. We also suggest an approach to reviewing the MR images of an epileptic patient. (author)

  4. Temporal Lobe Seizure (United States)

    ... functions, including having odd feelings — such as euphoria, deja vu or fear. Temporal lobe seizures are sometimes called ... sudden sense of unprovoked fear or joy A deja vu experience — a feeling that what's happening has happened ...

  5. Optimizing Temporal Queries: Efficient Handling of Duplicates

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Toman, David; Bowman, Ivan Thomas


    , these query languages are implemented by translating temporal queries into standard relational queries. However, the compiled queries are often quite cumbersome and expensive to execute even using state-of-the- art relational products. This paper presents an optimization technique that produces more efficient...... translated SQL queries by taking into account the properties of the encoding used for temporal attributes. For concreteness, this translation technique is presented in the context of SQL/TP; however, these techniques are also applicable to other temporal query languages....

  6. ADHD and temporality

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Mikka

    According to the official diagnostic manual, ADHD is defined by symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity and patterns of behaviour are characterized as failure to pay attention to details, excessive talking, fidgeting, or inability to remain seated in appropriate situations (DSM-5......). In this paper, however, I will ask if we can understand what we call ADHD in a different way than through the symptom descriptions and will advocate for a complementary, phenomenological understanding of ADHD as a certain being in the world – more specifically as a matter of a phenomenological difference...... in temporal experience and/or rhythm. Inspired by both psychiatry’s experiments with people diagnosed with ADHD and their assessment of time and phenomenological perspectives on mental disorders and temporal disorientation I explore the experience of ADHD as a disruption in the phenomenological experience...

  7. Non-retinotopic motor-visual recalibration to temporal lag

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Masaki eTsujita


    Full Text Available Temporal order judgment between the voluntary motor action and its perceptual feedback is important in distinguishing between a sensory feedback which is caused by observer’s own action and other stimulus, which are irrelevant to that action. Prolonged exposure to fixed temporal lag between motor action and visual feedback recalibrates motor-visual temporal relationship, and consequently shifts the point of subjective simultaneity (PSS. Previous studies on the audio-visual temporal recalibration without voluntary action revealed that both low and high level processing are involved. However, it is not clear how the low and high level processings affect the recalibration to constant temporal lag between voluntary action and visual feedback. This study examined retinotopic specificity of the motor-visual temporal recalibration. During the adaptation phase, observers repeatedly pressed a key, and visual stimulus was presented in left or right visual field with a fixed temporal lag (0 or 200 ms. In the test phase, observers performed a temporal order judgment for observer’s voluntary keypress and test stimulus, which was presented in the same as or opposite to the visual field in which the stimulus was presented in the adaptation phase. We found that the PSS was shifted toward the exposed lag in both visual fields. These results suggest that the low visual processing, which is retinotopically specific, has minor contribution to the multimodal adaptation, and that the adaptation to shift the PSS mainly depends upon the high level processing such as attention to specific properties of the stimulus.

  8. The third-stimulus temporal discrimination threshold: focusing on the temporal processing of sensory input within primary somatosensory cortex. (United States)

    Leodori, Giorgio; Formica, Alessandra; Zhu, Xiaoying; Conte, Antonella; Belvisi, Daniele; Cruccu, Giorgio; Hallett, Mark; Berardelli, Alfredo


    The somatosensory temporal discrimination threshold (STDT) has been used in recent years to investigate time processing of sensory information, but little is known about the physiological correlates of somatosensory temporal discrimination. The objective of this study was to investigate whether the time interval required to discriminate between two stimuli varies according to the number of stimuli in the task. We used the third-stimulus temporal discrimination threshold (ThirdDT), defined as the shortest time interval at which an individual distinguishes a third stimulus following a pair of stimuli delivered at the STDT. The STDT and ThirdDT were assessed in 31 healthy subjects. In a subgroup of 10 subjects, we evaluated the effects of the stimuli intensity on the ThirdDT. In a subgroup of 16 subjects, we evaluated the effects of S1 continuous theta-burst stimulation (S1-cTBS) on the STDT and ThirdDT. Results show that ThirdDT is shorter than STDT. We found a positive correlation between STDT and ThirdDT values. As long as the stimulus intensity was within the perceivable and painless range, it did not affect ThirdDT values. S1-cTBS significantly affected both STDT and ThirdDT, although the latter was affected to a greater extent and for a longer period of time. We conclude that the interval needed to discriminate between time-separated tactile stimuli is related to the number of stimuli used in the task. STDT and ThirdDT are encoded in S1, probably by a shared tactile temporal encoding mechanism whose performance rapidly changes during the perception process. ThirdDT is a new method to measure somatosensory temporal discrimination. NEW & NOTEWORTHY To investigate whether the time interval required to discriminate between stimuli varies according to changes in the stimulation pattern, we used the third-stimulus temporal discrimination threshold (ThirdDT). We found that the somatosensory temporal discrimination acuity varies according to the number of stimuli in the

  9. Aspects of second-order analysis of structured inhomogeneous spatio-temporal processes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Jesper; Ghorbani, Mohammad


    Statistical methodology for spatio-temporal point processes is in its infancy. We consider second-order analysis based on pair correlation functions and K-functions for general inhomogeneous spatio-temporal point processes and for inhomogeneous spatio-temporal Cox processes. Assuming spatio......-temporal separability of the intensity function, we clarify different meanings of second-order spatio-temporal separability. One is second-order spatio-temporal independence and relates to log-Gaussian Cox processes with an additive covariance structure of the underlying spatio-temporal Gaussian process. Another...... concerns shot-noise Cox processes with a separable spatio-temporal covariance density. We propose diagnostic procedures for checking hypotheses of second-order spatio-temporal separability, which we apply on simulated and real data....

  10. The temporal variability of species densities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Redfearn, A.; Pimm, S.L.


    Ecologists use the term 'stability' to mean to number of different things (Pimm 1984a). One use is to equate stability with low variability in population density over time (henceforth, temporal variability). Temporal variability varies greatly from species to species, so what effects it? There are at least three sets of factors: the variability of extrinsic abiotic factors, food web structure, and the intrinsic features of the species themselves. We can measure temporal variability using at least three statistics: the coefficient of variation of density (CV); the standard deviation of the logarithms of density (SDL); and the variance in the differences between logarithms of density for pairs of consecutive years (called annual variability, hence AV, b y Wolda 1978). There are advantages and disadvantages to each measure (Williamson 1984), though in our experience, the measures are strongly correlated across sets of taxonomically related species. The increasing availability of long-term data sets allows one to calculate these statistics for many species and so to begin to understand the various causes of species differences in temporal variability

  11. Involuntary outpatient treatment in civil law: A review


    Portero, G.


    En este artículo se analiza el tratamiento ambulatorio involuntario (TAI) en España. También hacemos un breve repaso de él en el derecho internacional. En España no hay una legislación explícita del TAI, pero en el año 2004 el grupo parlamentario CIU (Convergencia i Unió) propuso una modificación del articulo 763 de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil para autorizar el TAI. Surgió así uno de los temas más controvertidos sobre la salud mental de los últimos años estando aún sin resolver. Hay tres p...

  12. Spectro-temporal cues enhance modulation sensitivity in cochlear implant users (United States)

    Zheng, Yi; Escabí, Monty; Litovsky, Ruth Y.


    Although speech understanding is highly variable amongst cochlear implants (CIs) subjects, the remarkably high speech recognition performance of many CI users is unexpected and not well understood. Numerous factors, including neural health and degradation of the spectral information in the speech signal of CIs, likely contribute to speech understanding. We studied the ability to use spectro-temporal modulations, which may be critical for speech understanding and discrimination, and hypothesize that CI users adopt a different perceptual strategy than normal-hearing (NH) individuals, whereby they rely more heavily on joint spectro-temporal cues to enhance detection of auditory cues. Modulation detection sensitivity was studied in CI users and NH subjects using broadband “ripple” stimuli that were modulated spectrally, temporally, or jointly, i.e., spectro-temporally. The spectro-temporal modulation transfer functions of CI users and NH subjects was decomposed into spectral and temporal dimensions and compared to those subjects’ spectral-only and temporal-only modulation transfer functions. In CI users, the joint spectro-temporal sensitivity was better than that predicted by spectral-only and temporal-only sensitivity, indicating a heightened spectro-temporal sensitivity. Such an enhancement through the combined integration of spectral and temporal cues was not observed in NH subjects. The unique use of spectro-temporal cues by CI patients can yield benefits for use of cues that are important for speech understanding. This finding has implications for developing sound processing strategies that may rely on joint spectro-temporal modulations to improve speech comprehension of CI users, and the findings of this study may be valuable for developing clinical assessment tools to optimize CI processor performance. PMID:28601530

  13. Spectro-temporal cues enhance modulation sensitivity in cochlear implant users. (United States)

    Zheng, Yi; Escabí, Monty; Litovsky, Ruth Y


    Although speech understanding is highly variable amongst cochlear implants (CIs) subjects, the remarkably high speech recognition performance of many CI users is unexpected and not well understood. Numerous factors, including neural health and degradation of the spectral information in the speech signal of CIs, likely contribute to speech understanding. We studied the ability to use spectro-temporal modulations, which may be critical for speech understanding and discrimination, and hypothesize that CI users adopt a different perceptual strategy than normal-hearing (NH) individuals, whereby they rely more heavily on joint spectro-temporal cues to enhance detection of auditory cues. Modulation detection sensitivity was studied in CI users and NH subjects using broadband "ripple" stimuli that were modulated spectrally, temporally, or jointly, i.e., spectro-temporally. The spectro-temporal modulation transfer functions of CI users and NH subjects was decomposed into spectral and temporal dimensions and compared to those subjects' spectral-only and temporal-only modulation transfer functions. In CI users, the joint spectro-temporal sensitivity was better than that predicted by spectral-only and temporal-only sensitivity, indicating a heightened spectro-temporal sensitivity. Such an enhancement through the combined integration of spectral and temporal cues was not observed in NH subjects. The unique use of spectro-temporal cues by CI patients can yield benefits for use of cues that are important for speech understanding. This finding has implications for developing sound processing strategies that may rely on joint spectro-temporal modulations to improve speech comprehension of CI users, and the findings of this study may be valuable for developing clinical assessment tools to optimize CI processor performance. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Bilateral macular colobomata: Temporal dragging of optic disc

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David J Mathew


    Full Text Available A 13-year-old male presented with decreased vision and squint from childhood. He had bilateral large colobomata at the macula in each eye, the one on the right being larger than the left. The disc was dragged temporally with straightening of the temporal retinal vessels. This is a case report of bilateral large macular coloboma and serves to report its association with a temporally dragged disc and straightened temporal retinal vessels. A dragged disc if present with a colobomatous defect at the macula may strengthen the case for diagnosis of macular coloboma and help exclude other differentials.

  15. How important is access to employment offices in Spain? An urban and non-urban perspective

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patricia Suárez Cano


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el efecto de la accesibilidad a las oficinas de empleo sobre la tasa absoluta de paro teniendo en cuenta la relación de cada municipio con el fenómeno urbano, es decir, si pertenecen a grandes áreas urbanas, a pequeñas áreas urbanas o a áreas no urbanas. Se ha construido un índice de accesibilidad teniendo en cuenta el número de oficinas de empleo, la distancia desde cada municipio al municipio en el que se encuentra la oficina de empleo de referencia y el tamaño del mercado de trabajo de cada oficina de empleo. Se ha estimado un modelo que distingue estos tres tipos de regímenes espaciales incluyendo de forma simultánea la existencia de autocorrelación y heterogeneidad espacial. Los resultados sugieren que la accesibilidad a las oficinas de empleo es especialmente importante en las áreas no urbanas donde las oportunidades de empleo son más limitadas y confusas.

  16. Osteoradionecrosis of the temporal bone

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujimori, Masato; Koyama, Yukiko; Enomoto, Fuyuki; Ichikawa, Ginichiro


    We report a case of temporal bone necrosis that emerged after radiotherapy for epipharyngeal carcinoma performed 13 years ago. The patient was a 51-year-old male. His major complaint was left facial swelling. The patient underwent chemotherapy and radiotherapy (Co 60, 6120 rad), as the treatment of that period, for epipharyngeal carcinoma from September 30, 1986 to January 31, 1987. He also underwent lobectomy of the left temporal lobe in brain surgery for left temporal lobe necrosis in August, 1989. After that operation, we saw constriction in his left external acoustic meatus and continued the follow-up. On October 22, 1999 he felt a left facial swelling. We found skin defects and ulcer formation in the front part of his left ear. Although we administered an antiseptic and antibiotic to the diseased area, his condition did not improve. He was hospitalized for the purpose of undergoing medical treatment on January 6, 2000. We found extensive skin necrosis and defects in his left auricular area. The corrupted temporal bone reached the zygomatic, the bone department external acoustic meatus and the mastoid process was exposing. We performed debridement of the diseased area on January 19, 2000. On February 23, we performed reconstruction by left trapezius muscle flap after debridement once again. One year after the operation, the flap was completely incorporated. (author)

  17. Osteoradionecrosis of the temporal bone

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fujimori, Masato; Koyama, Yukiko; Enomoto, Fuyuki; Ichikawa, Ginichiro [Juntendo Univ., Tokyo (Japan). School of Medicine


    We report a case of temporal bone necrosis that emerged after radiotherapy for epipharyngeal carcinoma performed 13 years ago. The patient was a 51-year-old male. His major complaint was left facial swelling. The patient underwent chemotherapy and radiotherapy (Co 60, 6120 rad), as the treatment of that period, for epipharyngeal carcinoma from September 30, 1986 to January 31, 1987. He also underwent lobectomy of the left temporal lobe in brain surgery for left temporal lobe necrosis in August, 1989. After that operation, we saw constriction in his left external acoustic meatus and continued the follow-up. On October 22, 1999 he felt a left facial swelling. We found skin defects and ulcer formation in the front part of his left ear. Although we administered an antiseptic and antibiotic to the diseased area, his condition did not improve. He was hospitalized for the purpose of undergoing medical treatment on January 6, 2000. We found extensive skin necrosis and defects in his left auricular area. The corrupted temporal bone reached the zygomatic, the bone department external acoustic meatus and the mastoid process was exposing. We performed debridement of the diseased area on January 19, 2000. On February 23, we performed reconstruction by left trapezius muscle flap after debridement once again. One year after the operation, the flap was completely incorporated. (author)

  18. Temporal expectation weights visual signals over auditory signals. (United States)

    Menceloglu, Melisa; Grabowecky, Marcia; Suzuki, Satoru


    Temporal expectation is a process by which people use temporally structured sensory information to explicitly or implicitly predict the onset and/or the duration of future events. Because timing plays a critical role in crossmodal interactions, we investigated how temporal expectation influenced auditory-visual interaction, using an auditory-visual crossmodal congruity effect as a measure of crossmodal interaction. For auditory identification, an incongruent visual stimulus produced stronger interference when the crossmodal stimulus was presented with an expected rather than an unexpected timing. In contrast, for visual identification, an incongruent auditory stimulus produced weaker interference when the crossmodal stimulus was presented with an expected rather than an unexpected timing. The fact that temporal expectation made visual distractors more potent and visual targets less susceptible to auditory interference suggests that temporal expectation increases the perceptual weight of visual signals.

  19. Pitting temporal against spatial integration in schizophrenic patients. (United States)

    Herzog, Michael H; Brand, Andreas


    Schizophrenic patients show strong impairments in visual backward masking possibly caused by deficits on the early stages of visual processing. The underlying aberrant mechanisms are not clearly understood. Spatial as well as temporal processing deficits have been proposed. Here, by combining a spatial with a temporal integration paradigm, we show further evidence that temporal but not spatial processing is impaired in schizophrenic patients. Eleven schizophrenic patients and ten healthy controls were presented with sequences composed of Vernier stimuli. Patients needed significantly longer presentation times for sequentially presented Vernier stimuli to reach a performance level comparable to that of healthy controls (temporal integration deficit). When we added spatial contextual elements to some of the Vernier stimuli, performance changed in a complex but comparable manner in patients and controls (intact spatial integration). Hence, temporal but not spatial processing seems to be deficient in schizophrenia.


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    Verónica Maceira


    Full Text Available El estudio contribuye al conocimiento de las características y niveles del proceso de diferenciación social al interior de los trabajadores urbanos de Argentina, que se profundizó a partir de la aplicación del ajuste estructural de los años noventa. Explora la hipótesis de la cristalización de una diferenciación, que pueda ser considerada como socialmente sustantiva, entre aquellos trabajadores desocupados, o que tienen inserciones laborales extremadamente irregulares, y el resto de la clase obrera. Esta hipótesis se investiga acotadamente en un territorio, el Área Metropolitana, tanto para el período de crisis del empleo como para el momento de reactivación post-devaluación. La metodología utilizada fue la reconstrucción y análisis comparativo de trayectorias socio-ocupacionales personales e intergeneracionales. Se basa tanto en las fuentes secundarias disponibles como en setenta entrevistas en profundidad a varones de entre 18 y 60 años de edad que componen dos grupos a priori diferentes: a beneficiarios de programas de empleoo y b ocupados de manera regular en las industrias metalúrgicas, textil y construcción.

  1. Temporal feature integration for music genre classification

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Meng, Anders; Ahrendt, Peter; Larsen, Jan


    , but they capture neither the temporal dynamics nor dependencies among the individual feature dimensions. Here, a multivariate autoregressive feature model is proposed to solve this problem for music genre classification. This model gives two different feature sets, the diagonal autoregressive (DAR......) and multivariate autoregressive (MAR) features which are compared against the baseline mean-variance as well as two other temporal feature integration techniques. Reproducibility in performance ranking of temporal feature integration methods were demonstrated using two data sets with five and eleven music genres...

  2. Applications of Temporal Graph Metrics to Real-World Networks (United States)

    Tang, John; Leontiadis, Ilias; Scellato, Salvatore; Nicosia, Vincenzo; Mascolo, Cecilia; Musolesi, Mirco; Latora, Vito

    Real world networks exhibit rich temporal information: friends are added and removed over time in online social networks; the seasons dictate the predator-prey relationship in food webs; and the propagation of a virus depends on the network of human contacts throughout the day. Recent studies have demonstrated that static network analysis is perhaps unsuitable in the study of real world network since static paths ignore time order, which, in turn, results in static shortest paths overestimating available links and underestimating their true corresponding lengths. Temporal extensions to centrality and efficiency metrics based on temporal shortest paths have also been proposed. Firstly, we analyse the roles of key individuals of a corporate network ranked according to temporal centrality within the context of a bankruptcy scandal; secondly, we present how such temporal metrics can be used to study the robustness of temporal networks in presence of random errors and intelligent attacks; thirdly, we study containment schemes for mobile phone malware which can spread via short range radio, similar to biological viruses; finally, we study how the temporal network structure of human interactions can be exploited to effectively immunise human populations. Through these applications we demonstrate that temporal metrics provide a more accurate and effective analysis of real-world networks compared to their static counterparts.

  3. Quantifying interictal metabolic activity in human temporal lobe epilepsy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Henry, T.R.; Mazziotta, J.C.; Engel, J. Jr.; Christenson, P.D.; Zhang, J.X.; Phelps, M.E.; Kuhl, D.E.


    The majority of patients with complex partial seizures of unilateral temporal lobe origin have interictal temporal hypometabolism on [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG PET) studies. Often, this hypometabolism extends to ipsilateral extratemporal sites. The use of accurately quantified metabolic data has been limited by the absence of an equally reliable method of anatomical analysis of PET images. We developed a standardized method for visual placement of anatomically configured regions of interest on FDG PET studies, which is particularly adapted to the widespread, asymmetric, and often severe interictal metabolic alterations of temporal lobe epilepsy. This method was applied by a single investigator, who was blind to the identity of subjects, to 10 normal control and 25 interictal temporal lobe epilepsy studies. All subjects had normal brain anatomical volumes on structural neuroimaging studies. The results demonstrate ipsilateral thalamic and temporal lobe involvement in the interictal hypometabolism of unilateral temporal lobe epilepsy. Ipsilateral frontal, parietal, and basal ganglial metabolism is also reduced, although not as markedly as is temporal and thalamic metabolism

  4. Extraction of temporal information in functional MRI (United States)

    Singh, M.; Sungkarat, W.; Jeong, Jeong-Won; Zhou, Yongxia


    The temporal resolution of functional MRI (fMRI) is limited by the shape of the haemodynamic response function (hrf) and the vascular architecture underlying the activated regions. Typically, the temporal resolution of fMRI is on the order of 1 s. We have developed a new data processing approach to extract temporal information on a pixel-by-pixel basis at the level of 100 ms from fMRI data. Instead of correlating or fitting the time-course of each pixel to a single reference function, which is the common practice in fMRI, we correlate each pixel's time-course to a series of reference functions that are shifted with respect to each other by 100 ms. The reference function yielding the highest correlation coefficient for a pixel is then used as a time marker for that pixel. A Monte Carlo simulation and experimental study of this approach were performed to estimate the temporal resolution as a function of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the time-course of a pixel. Assuming a known and stationary hrf, the simulation and experimental studies suggest a lower limit in the temporal resolution of approximately 100 ms at an SNR of 3. The multireference function approach was also applied to extract timing information from an event-related motor movement study where the subjects flexed a finger on cue. The event was repeated 19 times with the event's presentation staggered to yield an approximately 100-ms temporal sampling of the haemodynamic response over the entire presentation cycle. The timing differences among different regions of the brain activated by the motor task were clearly visualized and quantified by this method. The results suggest that it is possible to achieve a temporal resolution of /spl sim/200 ms in practice with this approach.

  5. Grammatical Means of Temporality Expression in Translation

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    Tulegen Asylbekovich Merkibayev


    Full Text Available Creation problem of model of grammatical means of temporality expression in translation from English into Kazakh and Russian languages is considered in the article. At a choice of translation of transformations of aspectual-temporal categories of a verb from English into Kazakh and Russian languages it is considered not only grammatical compliance of categories of tense, but also the contextual use of a functional and semantic field of verbs, comparison of lexical temporality with positions of concepts, specific to each language world picture, with positions of modern philosophy and logic of language. Authors come to a conclusion that productive use of analytical forms in the Kazakh and English languages is the result of structural features of categories of tense and a type of English and Kazakh languages. Comparison of a phase of actions of a verb in English and Kazakh languages allows creation of reference model of grammatical means of expression of temporality in translation from English into Kazakh and Russian languages on the basis of a functional and semantic field of verbs, comparison of lexical temporality from positions specific on each language picture of the world.

  6. Approximate spatio-temporal top-k publish/subscribe

    KAUST Repository

    Chen, Lisi


    Location-based publish/subscribe plays a significant role in mobile information disseminations. In this light, we propose and study a novel problem of processing location-based top-k subscriptions over spatio-temporal data streams. We define a new type of approximate location-based top-k subscription, Approximate Temporal Spatial-Keyword Top-k (ATSK) Subscription, that continuously feeds users with relevant spatio-temporal messages by considering textual similarity, spatial proximity, and information freshness. Different from existing location-based top-k subscriptions, Approximate Temporal Spatial-Keyword Top-k (ATSK) Subscription can automatically adjust the triggering condition by taking the triggering score of other subscriptions into account. The group filtering efficacy can be substantially improved by sacrificing the publishing result quality with a bounded guarantee. We conduct extensive experiments on two real datasets to demonstrate the performance of the developed solutions.

  7. Approximate spatio-temporal top-k publish/subscribe

    KAUST Repository

    Chen, Lisi; Shang, Shuo


    Location-based publish/subscribe plays a significant role in mobile information disseminations. In this light, we propose and study a novel problem of processing location-based top-k subscriptions over spatio-temporal data streams. We define a new type of approximate location-based top-k subscription, Approximate Temporal Spatial-Keyword Top-k (ATSK) Subscription, that continuously feeds users with relevant spatio-temporal messages by considering textual similarity, spatial proximity, and information freshness. Different from existing location-based top-k subscriptions, Approximate Temporal Spatial-Keyword Top-k (ATSK) Subscription can automatically adjust the triggering condition by taking the triggering score of other subscriptions into account. The group filtering efficacy can be substantially improved by sacrificing the publishing result quality with a bounded guarantee. We conduct extensive experiments on two real datasets to demonstrate the performance of the developed solutions.

  8. 3D Printed Pediatric Temporal Bone: A Novel Training Model. (United States)

    Longfield, Evan A; Brickman, Todd M; Jeyakumar, Anita


    Temporal bone dissection is a fundamental element of otologic training. Cadaveric temporal bones (CTB) are the gold standard surgical training model; however, many institutions do not have ready access to them and their cost can be significant: $300 to $500. Furthermore, pediatric cadaveric temporal bones are not readily available. Our objective is to develop a pediatric temporal bone model. Temporal bone model. Tertiary Children's Hospital. Pediatric patient model. We describe the novel use of a 3D printer for the generation of a plaster training model from a pediatric high- resolution CT temporal bone scan of a normal pediatric temporal bone. Three models were produced and were evaluated. The models utilized multiple colors (white for bone, yellow for the facial nerve) and were of high quality. Two models were drilled as a proof of concept and found to be an acceptable facsimile of the patient's anatomy, rendering all necessary surgical landmarks accurately. The only negative comments pertaining to the 3D printed temporal bone as a training model were the lack of variation in hardness between cortical and cancellous bone, noting a tactile variation from cadaveric temporal bones. Our novel pediatric 3D temporal bone training model is a viable, low-cost training option for previously inaccessible pediatric temporal bone training. Our hope is that, as 3D printers become commonplace, these models could be rapidly reproduced, allowing for trainees to print models of patients before performing surgery on the living patient.

  9. Anatomical pathways for auditory memory II: information from rostral superior temporal gyrus to dorsolateral temporal pole and medial temporal cortex. (United States)

    Muñoz-López, M; Insausti, R; Mohedano-Moriano, A; Mishkin, M; Saunders, R C


    Auditory recognition memory in non-human primates differs from recognition memory in other sensory systems. Monkeys learn the rule for visual and tactile delayed matching-to-sample within a few sessions, and then show one-trial recognition memory lasting 10-20 min. In contrast, monkeys require hundreds of sessions to master the rule for auditory recognition, and then show retention lasting no longer than 30-40 s. Moreover, unlike the severe effects of rhinal lesions on visual memory, such lesions have no effect on the monkeys' auditory memory performance. The anatomical pathways for auditory memory may differ from those in vision. Long-term visual recognition memory requires anatomical connections from the visual association area TE with areas 35 and 36 of the perirhinal cortex (PRC). We examined whether there is a similar anatomical route for auditory processing, or that poor auditory recognition memory may reflect the lack of such a pathway. Our hypothesis is that an auditory pathway for recognition memory originates in the higher order processing areas of the rostral superior temporal gyrus (rSTG), and then connects via the dorsolateral temporal pole to access the rhinal cortex of the medial temporal lobe. To test this, we placed retrograde (3% FB and 2% DY) and anterograde (10% BDA 10,000 mW) tracer injections in rSTG and the dorsolateral area 38 DL of the temporal pole. Results showed that area 38DL receives dense projections from auditory association areas Ts1, TAa, TPO of the rSTG, from the rostral parabelt and, to a lesser extent, from areas Ts2-3 and PGa. In turn, area 38DL projects densely to area 35 of PRC, entorhinal cortex (EC), and to areas TH/TF of the posterior parahippocampal cortex. Significantly, this projection avoids most of area 36r/c of PRC. This anatomical arrangement may contribute to our understanding of the poor auditory memory of rhesus monkeys.

  10. Anatomical pathways for auditory memory II: Information from rostral superior temporal gyrus to dorsolateral temporal pole and medial temporal cortex.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Monica eMunoz-Lopez


    Full Text Available Auditory recognition memory in non-human primates differs from recognition memory in other sensory systems. Monkeys learn the rule for visual and tactile delayed matching-to-sample within a few sessions, and then show one-trial recognition memory lasting 10-20 minutes. In contrast, monkeys require hundreds of sessions to master the rule for auditory recognition, and then show retention lasting no longer than 30-40 seconds. Moreover, unlike the severe effects of rhinal lesions on visual memory, such lesions have no effect on the monkeys’ auditory memory performance. It is possible, therefore, that the anatomical pathways differ. Long-term visual recognition memory requires anatomical connections from the visual association area TE with areas 35 and 36 of the perirhinal cortex (PRC. We examined whether there is a similar anatomical route for auditory processing, or that poor auditory recognition memory may reflect the lack of such a pathway. Our hypothesis is that an auditory pathway for recognition memory originates in the higher order processing areas of the rostral superior temporal gyrus (rSTG, and then connects via the dorsolateral temporal pole to access the rhinal cortex of the medial temporal lobe. To test this, we placed retrograde (3% FB and 2% DY and anterograde (10% BDA 10,000 MW tracer injections in rSTG and the dorsolateral area 38DL of the temporal pole. Results showed that area 38DL receives dense projections from auditory association areas Ts1, TAa, TPO of the rSTG, from the rostral parabelt and, to a lesser extent, from areas Ts2-3 and PGa. In turn, area 38DL projects densely to area 35 of PRC, entorhinal cortex, and to areas TH/TF of the posterior parahippocampal cortex. Significantly, this projection avoids most of area 36r/c of PRC. This anatomical arrangement may contribute to our understanding of the poor auditory memory of rhesus monkeys.

  11. Processamento auditivo em indivíduos com epilepsia de lobo temporal Auditory processing in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juliana Meneguello


    Full Text Available A epilepsia do lobo temporal ocasiona descargas elétricas excessivas onde a via auditiva tem sua estação final. É uma das formas mais comuns e de mais difícil controle da doença. O correto processamento dos estímulos auditivos necessita da integridade anatômica e funcional de todas as estruturas envolvidas na via auditiva. OBJETIVO: Verificar o Processamento Auditivo de pacientes portadores de epilepsia do lobo temporal quanto aos mecanismos de discriminação de sons em seqüência e de padrões tonais, discriminação da direção da fonte sonora e atenção seletiva para sons verbais e não-verbais. MÉTODO: Foram avaliados oito indivíduos com epilepsia do lobo temporal confirmada e com foco restrito a essa região, através dos testes auditivos especiais: Teste de Localização Sonora, Teste de Padrão de Duração, Teste Dicótico de Dígitos e Teste Dicótico Não-Verbal. O seu desempenho foi comparado ao de indivíduos sem alteração neurológica (estudo caso-controle. RESULTADO: Os sujeitos com epilepsia do lobo temporal apresentaram desempenho semelhante aos do grupo controle quanto ao mecanismo de discriminação da direção da fonte sonora e desempenho inferior quanto aos demais mecanismos avaliados. CONCLUSÃO: Indivíduos com epilepsia do lobo temporal apresentaram maior prejuízo no processamento auditivo que os sem danos corticais, de idades semelhantes.Temporal epilepsy, one of the most common presentation of this pathology, causes excessive electrical discharges in the area where we have the final station of the auditory pathway. Both the anatomical and functional integrity of the auditory pathway structures are essential for the correct processing of auditory stimuli. AIM: to check the Auditory Processing in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy regarding the auditory mechanisms of discrimination from sequential sounds and tone patterns, discrimination of the sound source direction and selective attention to verbal

  12. Multi-material 3D Models for Temporal Bone Surgical Simulation. (United States)

    Rose, Austin S; Kimbell, Julia S; Webster, Caroline E; Harrysson, Ola L A; Formeister, Eric J; Buchman, Craig A


    A simulated, multicolor, multi-material temporal bone model can be created using 3-dimensional (3D) printing that will prove both safe and beneficial in training for actual temporal bone surgical cases. As the process of additive manufacturing, or 3D printing, has become more practical and affordable, a number of applications for the technology in the field of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery have been considered. One area of promise is temporal bone surgical simulation. Three-dimensional representations of human temporal bones were created from temporal bone computed tomography (CT) scans using biomedical image processing software. Multi-material models were then printed and dissected in a temporal bone laboratory by attending and resident otolaryngologists. A 5-point Likert scale was used to grade the models for their anatomical accuracy and suitability as a simulation of cadaveric and operative temporal bone drilling. The models produced for this study demonstrate significant anatomic detail and a likeness to human cadaver specimens for drilling and dissection. Simulated temporal bones created by this process have potential benefit in surgical training, preoperative simulation for challenging otologic cases, and the standardized testing of temporal bone surgical skills. © The Author(s) 2015.

  13. Predictive Modelling and Time: An Experiment in Temporal Archaeological Predictive Models


    David Ebert


    One of the most common criticisms of archaeological predictive modelling is that it fails to account for temporal or functional differences in sites. However, a practical solution to temporal or functional predictive modelling has proven to be elusive. This article discusses temporal predictive modelling, focusing on the difficulties of employing temporal variables, then introduces and tests a simple methodology for the implementation of temporal modelling. The temporal models thus created ar...

  14. Added clinical value of the inferior temporal EEG electrode chain. (United States)

    Bach Justesen, Anders; Eskelund Johansen, Ann Berit; Martinussen, Noomi Ida; Wasserman, Danielle; Terney, Daniella; Meritam, Pirgit; Gardella, Elena; Beniczky, Sándor


    To investigate the diagnostic added value of supplementing the 10-20 EEG array with six electrodes in the inferior temporal chain. EEGs were recorded with 25 electrodes: 19 positions of the 10-20 system, and six additional electrodes in the inferior temporal chain (F9/10, T9/10, P9/10). Five-hundred consecutive standard and sleep EEG recordings were reviewed using the 10-20 array and the extended array. We identified the recordings with EEG abnormalities that had peak negativities at the inferior temporal electrodes, and those that only were visible at the inferior temporal electrodes. From the 286 abnormal recordings, the peak negativity was at the inferior temporal electrodes in 81 cases (28.3%) and only visible at the inferior temporal electrodes in eight cases (2.8%). In the sub-group of patients with temporal abnormalities (n = 134), these represented 59% (peak in the inferior chain) and 6% (only seen at the inferior chain). Adding six electrodes in the inferior temporal electrode chain to the 10-20 array improves the localization and identification of EEG abnormalities, especially those located in the temporal region. Our results suggest that inferior temporal electrodes should be added to the EEG array, to increase the diagnostic yield of the recordings. Copyright © 2017 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Temporal analysis of text data using latent variable models

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mølgaard, Lasse Lohilahti; Larsen, Jan; Goutte, Cyril


    Detecting and tracking of temporal data is an important task in multiple applications. In this paper we study temporal text mining methods for Music Information Retrieval. We compare two ways of detecting the temporal latent semantics of a corpus extracted from Wikipedia, using a stepwise...

  16. Spatial-Temporal Clustering of Tornadoes (United States)

    Malamud, Bruce D.; Turcotte, Donald L.; Brooks, Harold E.


    The standard measure of the intensity of a tornado is the Enhanced Fujita scale, which is based qualitatively on the damage caused by a tornado. An alternative measure of tornado intensity is the tornado path length, L. Here we examine the spatial-temporal clustering of severe tornadoes, which we define as having path lengths L ≥ 10 km. Of particular concern are tornado outbreaks, when a large number of severe tornadoes occur in a day in a restricted region. We apply a spatial-temporal clustering analysis developed for earthquakes. We take all pairs of severe tornadoes in observed and modelled outbreaks, and for each pair plot the spatial lag (distance between touchdown points) against the temporal lag (time between touchdown points). We apply our spatial-temporal lag methodology to the intense tornado outbreaks in the central United States on 26 and 27 April 2011, which resulted in over 300 fatalities and produced 109 severe (L ≥ 10 km) tornadoes. The patterns of spatial-temporal lag correlations that we obtain for the 2 days are strikingly different. On 26 April 2011, there were 45 severe tornadoes and our clustering analysis is dominated by a complex sequence of linear features. We associate the linear patterns with the tornadoes generated in either a single cell thunderstorm or a closely spaced cluster of single cell thunderstorms moving at a near-constant velocity. Our study of a derecho tornado outbreak of six severe tornadoes on 4 April 2011 along with modelled outbreak scenarios confirms this association. On 27 April 2011, there were 64 severe tornadoes and our clustering analysis is predominantly random with virtually no embedded linear patterns. We associate this pattern with a large number of interacting supercell thunderstorms generating tornadoes randomly in space and time. In order to better understand these associations, we also applied our approach to the Great Plains tornado outbreak of 3 May 1999. Careful studies by others have associated

  17. Temporal contribution to gravitational WKB-like calculations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akhmedova, Valeria; Pilling, Terry; Gill, Andrea de; Singleton, Douglas


    Recently, it has been shown that the radiation arising from quantum fields placed in a gravitational background (e.g. Hawking radiation) can be derived using a quasi-classical calculation. Here we show that this method has a previously overlooked temporal contribution to the quasi-classical amplitude. The source of this temporal contribution lies in different character of time in general relativity versus quantum mechanics. Only when one takes into account this temporal contribution does one obtain the canonical temperature for the radiation. Although in this Letter the specific example of radiation in de Sitter space-time is used, the temporal contribution is a general contribution to the radiation given off by any gravitational background where the time coordinate changes its signature upon crossing a horizon. Thus, the quasi-classical method for gravitational backgrounds contains subtleties not found in the usual quantum mechanical tunneling problem

  18. Locating the source of spreading in temporal networks (United States)

    Huang, Qiangjuan; Zhao, Chengli; Zhang, Xue; Yi, Dongyun


    The topological structure of many real networks changes with time. Thus, locating the sources of a temporal network is a creative and challenging problem, as the enormous size of many real networks makes it unfeasible to observe the state of all nodes. In this paper, we propose an algorithm to solve this problem, named the backward temporal diffusion process. The proposed algorithm calculates the shortest temporal distance to locate the transmission source. We assume that the spreading process can be modeled as a simple diffusion process and by consensus dynamics. To improve the location accuracy, we also adopt four strategies to select which nodes should be observed by ranking their importance in the temporal network. Our paper proposes a highly accurate method for locating the source in temporal networks and is, to the best of our knowledge, a frontier work in this field. Moreover, our framework has important significance for controlling the transmission of diseases or rumors and formulating immediate immunization strategies.

  19. Sensation of agency and perception of temporal order. (United States)

    Timm, Jana; Schönwiesner, Marc; SanMiguel, Iria; Schröger, Erich


    After adaptation to a fixed temporal delay between actions and their sensory consequences, stimuli delivered during the delay are perceived to occur prior to actions. Temporal judgments are also influenced by the sensation of agency (experience of causing our own actions and their sensory consequences). Sensory consequences of voluntary actions are perceived to occur earlier in time than those of involuntary actions. However, it is unclear whether temporal order illusions influence the sensation of agency. Thus, we tested how the illusionary reversal of motor actions and sound events affect the sensation of agency. We observed an absence of the sensation of agency in the auditory modality in a condition in which sounds were falsely perceived as preceding motor acts relative to the perceived temporal order in the control condition. This finding suggests a strong association between the sensation of agency and the temporal order perception of actions and their consequences. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Making Temporal Search More Central in Spatial Data Infrastructures (United States)

    Corti, P.; Lewis, B.


    A temporally enabled Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) is a framework of geospatial data, metadata, users, and tools intended to provide an efficient and flexible way to use spatial information which includes the historical dimension. One of the key software components of an SDI is the catalogue service which is needed to discover, query, and manage the metadata. A search engine is a software system capable of supporting fast and reliable search, which may use any means necessary to get users to the resources they need quickly and efficiently. These techniques may include features such as full text search, natural language processing, weighted results, temporal search based on enrichment, visualization of patterns in distributions of results in time and space using temporal and spatial faceting, and many others. In this paper we will focus on the temporal aspects of search which include temporal enrichment using a time miner - a software engine able to search for date components within a larger block of text, the storage of time ranges in the search engine, handling historical dates, and the use of temporal histograms in the user interface to display the temporal distribution of search results.

  1. Sensitivity to Temporal Reward Structure in Amygdala Neurons


    Bermudez, Maria A.; Göbel, Carl; Schultz, Wolfram


    Summary The time of reward and the temporal structure of reward occurrence fundamentally influence behavioral reinforcement and decision processes [1–11]. However, despite knowledge about timing in sensory and motor systems [12–17], we know little about temporal mechanisms of neuronal reward processing. In this experiment, visual stimuli predicted different instantaneous probabilities of reward occurrence that resulted in specific temporal reward structures. Licking behavior demonstrated that...

  2. Temporal Processing in Audition: Insights from Music. (United States)

    Rajendran, Vani G; Teki, Sundeep; Schnupp, Jan W H


    Music is a curious example of a temporally patterned acoustic stimulus, and a compelling pan-cultural phenomenon. This review strives to bring some insights from decades of music psychology and sensorimotor synchronization (SMS) literature into the mainstream auditory domain, arguing that musical rhythm perception is shaped in important ways by temporal processing mechanisms in the brain. The feature that unites these disparate disciplines is an appreciation of the central importance of timing, sequencing, and anticipation. Perception of musical rhythms relies on an ability to form temporal predictions, a general feature of temporal processing that is equally relevant to auditory scene analysis, pattern detection, and speech perception. By bringing together findings from the music and auditory literature, we hope to inspire researchers to look beyond the conventions of their respective fields and consider the cross-disciplinary implications of studying auditory temporal sequence processing. We begin by highlighting music as an interesting sound stimulus that may provide clues to how temporal patterning in sound drives perception. Next, we review the SMS literature and discuss possible neural substrates for the perception of, and synchronization to, musical beat. We then move away from music to explore the perceptual effects of rhythmic timing in pattern detection, auditory scene analysis, and speech perception. Finally, we review the neurophysiology of general timing processes that may underlie aspects of the perception of rhythmic patterns. We conclude with a brief summary and outlook for future research. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  3. A Novel Temporal Bone Simulation Model Using 3D Printing Techniques. (United States)

    Mowry, Sarah E; Jammal, Hachem; Myer, Charles; Solares, Clementino Arturo; Weinberger, Paul


    An inexpensive temporal bone model for use in a temporal bone dissection laboratory setting can be made using a commercially available, consumer-grade 3D printer. Several models for a simulated temporal bone have been described but use commercial-grade printers and materials to produce these models. The goal of this project was to produce a plastic simulated temporal bone on an inexpensive 3D printer that recreates the visual and haptic experience associated with drilling a human temporal bone. Images from a high-resolution CT of a normal temporal bone were converted into stereolithography files via commercially available software, with image conversion and print settings adjusted to achieve optimal print quality. The temporal bone model was printed using acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) plastic filament on a MakerBot 2x 3D printer. Simulated temporal bones were drilled by seven expert temporal bone surgeons, assessing the fidelity of the model as compared with a human cadaveric temporal bone. Using a four-point scale, the simulated bones were assessed for haptic experience and recreation of the temporal bone anatomy. The created model was felt to be an accurate representation of a human temporal bone. All raters felt strongly this would be a good training model for junior residents or to simulate difficult surgical anatomy. Material cost for each model was $1.92. A realistic, inexpensive, and easily reproducible temporal bone model can be created on a consumer-grade desktop 3D printer.

  4. How Would You Like to Aggregate Your Temporal Data?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Böhlen, M. H.; Gamper, J.; Jensen, Christian Søndergaard


    concepts, and it discusses the abilities of five approaches to the design of temporal query languages with respect to temporal aggregation. Rather than providing focused, polished results, the paper?s aim is to explore the inherent support for temporal aggregation in an informal manner that may serve...

  5. Temporal logics and real time expert systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Blom, J.A.


    This paper introduces temporal logics. Due to the eternal compromise between expressive adequacy and reasoning efficiency that must decided upon in any application, full (first order logic or modal logic based) temporal logics are frequently not suitable. This is especially true in real time expert

  6. Time series analysis of temporal networks (United States)

    Sikdar, Sandipan; Ganguly, Niloy; Mukherjee, Animesh


    A common but an important feature of all real-world networks is that they are temporal in nature, i.e., the network structure changes over time. Due to this dynamic nature, it becomes difficult to propose suitable growth models that can explain the various important characteristic properties of these networks. In fact, in many application oriented studies only knowing these properties is sufficient. For instance, if one wishes to launch a targeted attack on a network, this can be done even without the knowledge of the full network structure; rather an estimate of some of the properties is sufficient enough to launch the attack. We, in this paper show that even if the network structure at a future time point is not available one can still manage to estimate its properties. We propose a novel method to map a temporal network to a set of time series instances, analyze them and using a standard forecast model of time series, try to predict the properties of a temporal network at a later time instance. To our aim, we consider eight properties such as number of active nodes, average degree, clustering coefficient etc. and apply our prediction framework on them. We mainly focus on the temporal network of human face-to-face contacts and observe that it represents a stochastic process with memory that can be modeled as Auto-Regressive-Integrated-Moving-Average (ARIMA). We use cross validation techniques to find the percentage accuracy of our predictions. An important observation is that the frequency domain properties of the time series obtained from spectrogram analysis could be used to refine the prediction framework by identifying beforehand the cases where the error in prediction is likely to be high. This leads to an improvement of 7.96% (for error level ≤20%) in prediction accuracy on an average across all datasets. As an application we show how such prediction scheme can be used to launch targeted attacks on temporal networks. Contribution to the Topical Issue

  7. Temporal Photon Differentials

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schjøth, Lars; Frisvad, Jeppe Revall; Erleben, Kenny


    The finite frame rate also used in computer animated films is cause of adverse temporal aliasing effects. Most noticeable of these is a stroboscopic effect that is seen as intermittent movement of fast moving illumination. This effect can be mitigated using non-zero shutter times, effectively...

  8. Optimizing Temporal Queries

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Toman, David; Bowman, Ivan Thomas


    Recent research in the area of temporal databases has proposed a number of query languages that vary in their expressive power and the semantics they provide to users. These query languages represent a spectrum of solutions to the tension between clean semantics and efficient evaluation. Often, t...

  9. Emploi des « seniors » et conditions de travail : une étude statistique comparative entre pays d’Europe Employment of « senior workers » and working conditions: a statistical comparison between European countries Empleo de « seniors » y condiciones de trabajo : Un estudio estadístico comparativo entre países de Europa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Céline Mardon


    Conditions. Our results suggest that « high performance » countries in terms of senior employment have, better than others, mastered or adapted these characteristics, in particular by lowering physical efforts, and by promoting lifelong learning.El empleo de adultos mayores constituye una preocupación creciente, notablemente para los organismos internacionales. Este artículo analiza los lazos entre las exigencias del trabajo y el empleo de adultos mayores en países de Europa. La reflexión propuesta requiere metodologías provenientes de la ergonomía y la demografía. Los estudios locales y los abordajes estadísticos atraen la atención sobre las dificultades, particularmente percibidas por trabajadores de edad avanzada, ligadas a cuatro categorías de exigencias : posturas dolorosas, horarios de trabajo, alta presión temporal y cambios rápidos en las técnicas o en la organización. Para cada una de las cuatro características, el artículo explica como éstas son problemáticas para las personas de edad avanzada y analiza su relación con el empleo de personas mayores en 25 países, con la ayuda de datos de la Encuesta Europea sobre condiciones laborales. Nuestros resultados sugieren que los países que emplean con éxito a personas mayores han sabido controlar o cambiar, mejor que otros países, las características del trabajo mencionadas. Particularmente, se han limitado las solicitaciones físicas y se ha favorecido el aprendizaje a lo largo de toda la vida profesional.

  10. Utilización del colgajo de músculo temporal en cirugía reconstructiva maxilofacial: Revisión de 104 casos Use of the temporalis muscle flap in maxillofacial reconstruction surgery: A review of 104 cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I. Zubillaga Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Introducción: el colgajo de músculo temporal ha sido empleado en reconstrucción craneofacial desde hace más de 100 años. El primer caso descrito en la literatura fue publicado por Lentz en 1895. Hoy en día el uso de colgajos locales con músculo temporal parece ser desplazado por el uso de colgajos libres microvascularizados en la reconstrucción craneofacial. En nuestra experiencia dichos colgajos locales constituyen una opción segura en muchos de nuestros pacientes. Objetivos: mostrar nuestras indicaciones y resultados en reconstrucción craneofacial con el empleo del colgajo de músculo temporal. Material y método: análisis retrospectivo de nuestra experiencia con el colgajo de músculo temporal en la última década. Resultados: hemos empleado un total de 108 colgajos miofasciales temporales en pacientes adultos con las siguientes indicaciones: reconstrucción de defectos postmaxilectomía (44; cirugía de base de cráneo (25 incluyendo fosa craneal anterior, media y posterior; cavidad oral y orofaringe (23; tras exenteración orbitaria en pacientes oncológicos (6; anquilosis de ATM (6; secuelas faciales postraumáticas (2; reanimación facial (2. Conclusiones: el colgajo de músculo temporal es una de las primeras opciones en cirugía reconstructiva oncológica craneofacial, de la ATM y base de cráneo. La disección traumática del colgajo y la sutura a tensión predisponen la aparición de complicaciones como necrosis o dehiscencia de la sutura.Abstract: Introduction: Temporalis miofascial flap has been used for craniofacial reconstruction since more than 100 years. The first described case in the medical literature was published by Lentz in 1895. The use of pedicled temporalis muscular flaps in cranial or facial reconstruction seems to be shifted nowadays by microvascular free flaps. Nevertheless, in our experience, this miofascial pedicled flap demonstrates to be a safe option for midfacial and lateral cranial base defects

  11. Research on spatio-temporal database techniques for spatial information service (United States)

    Zhao, Rong; Wang, Liang; Li, Yuxiang; Fan, Rongshuang; Liu, Ping; Li, Qingyuan


    Geographic data should be described by spatial, temporal and attribute components, but the spatio-temporal queries are difficult to be answered within current GIS. This paper describes research into the development and application of spatio-temporal data management system based upon GeoWindows GIS software platform which was developed by Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping (CASM). Faced the current and practical requirements of spatial information application, and based on existing GIS platform, one kind of spatio-temporal data model which integrates vector and grid data together was established firstly. Secondly, we solved out the key technique of building temporal data topology, successfully developed a suit of spatio-temporal database management system adopting object-oriented methods. The system provides the temporal data collection, data storage, data management and data display and query functions. Finally, as a case study, we explored the application of spatio-temporal data management system with the administrative region data of multi-history periods of China as the basic data. With all the efforts above, the GIS capacity of management and manipulation in aspect of time and attribute of GIS has been enhanced, and technical reference has been provided for the further development of temporal geographic information system (TGIS).

  12. Sex & vision I: Spatio-temporal resolution

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    Abramov Israel


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Cerebral cortex has a very large number of testosterone receptors, which could be a basis for sex differences in sensory functions. For example, audition has clear sex differences, which are related to serum testosterone levels. Of all major sensory systems only vision has not been examined for sex differences, which is surprising because occipital lobe (primary visual projection area may have the highest density of testosterone receptors in the cortex. We have examined a basic visual function: spatial and temporal pattern resolution and acuity. Methods We tested large groups of young adults with normal vision. They were screened with a battery of standard tests that examined acuity, color vision, and stereopsis. We sampled the visual system’s contrast-sensitivity function (CSF across the entire spatio-temporal space: 6 spatial frequencies at each of 5 temporal rates. Stimuli were gratings with sinusoidal luminance profiles generated on a special-purpose computer screen; their contrast was also sinusoidally modulated in time. We measured threshold contrasts using a criterion-free (forced-choice, adaptive psychophysical method (QUEST algorithm. Also, each individual’s acuity limit was estimated by fitting his or her data with a model and extrapolating to find the spatial frequency corresponding to 100% contrast. Results At a very low temporal rate, the spatial CSF was the canonical inverted-U; but for higher temporal rates, the maxima of the spatial CSFs shifted: Observers lost sensitivity at high spatial frequencies and gained sensitivity at low frequencies; also, all the maxima of the CSFs shifted by about the same amount in spatial frequency. Main effect: there was a significant (ANOVA sex difference. Across the entire spatio-temporal domain, males were more sensitive, especially at higher spatial frequencies; similarly males had significantly better acuity at all temporal rates. Conclusion As with other sensory systems

  13. Intra-temporal facial nerve centerline segmentation for navigated temporal bone surgery

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Voormolen, E.H.J.; Stralen, van M.; Woerdeman, P.A.; Pluim, J.P.W.; Noordmans, H.J.; Regli, L.; Berkelbach van der Sprenkel, J.W.; Viergever, M.A.; Wong, K.H.; Holmes III, D.R.


    Approaches through the temporal bone require surgeons to drill away bone to expose a target skull base lesion while evading vital structures contained within it, such as the sigmoid sinus, jugular bulb, and facial nerve. We hypothesize that an augmented neuronavigation system that continuously

  14. Establishing a temporal bone laboratory: considerations for ENT specialist training.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Fennessy, B G


    Cadaveric temporal bone dissection in a temporal bone laboratory is a vital component in training safe, competent otorhinolaryngologists. Recent controversies pertaining to organ retention have resulted in a more limited supply of temporal bones. Consequently, current trainees are dissecting far fewer bones than their consultants. We discuss the establishment of a temporal bone laboratory in the Department of Anatomy in the University College Cork, from the timely preparation and preservation of the tissue to its disposal. Comparisons are drawn between our experience and that of the United States training schemes. The temporal bone laboratory in Cork is the only one in existence in Ireland. The exposure and experience obtained by registrars rotating through Cork, has resulted in noticeable improvements in their operative abilities. The temporal bone laboratory remains a core component to training. It is hoped that this article may facilitate other units overcoming obstacles to establish a temporal bone laboratory.

  15. What Is Spatio-Temporal Data Warehousing? (United States)

    Vaisman, Alejandro; Zimányi, Esteban

    In the last years, extending OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) systems with spatial and temporal features has attracted the attention of the GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and database communities. However, there is no a commonly agreed definition of what is a spatio-temporal data warehouse and what functionality such a data warehouse should support. Further, the solutions proposed in the literature vary considerably in the kind of data that can be represented as well as the kind of queries that can be expressed. In this paper we present a conceptual framework for defining spatio-temporal data warehouses using an extensible data type system. We also define a taxonomy of different classes of queries of increasing expressive power, and show how to express such queries using an extension of the tuple relational calculus with aggregated functions.

  16. Temporal visual cues aid speech recognition

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zhou, Xiang; Ross, Lars; Lehn-Schiøler, Tue


    of audio to generate an artificial talking-face video and measured word recognition performance on simple monosyllabic words. RESULTS: When presenting words together with the artificial video we find that word recognition is improved over purely auditory presentation. The effect is significant (p......BACKGROUND: It is well known that under noisy conditions, viewing a speaker's articulatory movement aids the recognition of spoken words. Conventionally it is thought that the visual input disambiguates otherwise confusing auditory input. HYPOTHESIS: In contrast we hypothesize...... that it is the temporal synchronicity of the visual input that aids parsing of the auditory stream. More specifically, we expected that purely temporal information, which does not convey information such as place of articulation may facility word recognition. METHODS: To test this prediction we used temporal features...

  17. A model relating Eulerian spatial and temporal velocity correlations (United States)

    Cholemari, Murali R.; Arakeri, Jaywant H.


    In this paper we propose a model to relate Eulerian spatial and temporal velocity autocorrelations in homogeneous, isotropic and stationary turbulence. We model the decorrelation as the eddies of various scales becoming decorrelated. This enables us to connect the spatial and temporal separations required for a certain decorrelation through the ‘eddy scale’. Given either the spatial or the temporal velocity correlation, we obtain the ‘eddy scale’ and the rate at which the decorrelation proceeds. This leads to a spatial separation from the temporal correlation and a temporal separation from the spatial correlation, at any given value of the correlation relating the two correlations. We test the model using experimental data from a stationary axisymmetric turbulent flow with homogeneity along the axis.

  18. Quantifying temporal ventriloquism in audiovisual synchrony perception

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kuling, I.A.; Kohlrausch, A.G.; Juola, J.F.


    The integration of visual and auditory inputs in the human brain works properly only if the components are perceived in close temporal proximity. In the present study, we quantified cross-modal interactions in the human brain for audiovisual stimuli with temporal asynchronies, using a paradigm from

  19. EMPLEO DEL MÉTODO BIOALBERIC EN EL TRATAMIENTO DE LA DIABETES MELLITUS EN CANINOS DOMÉSTICOS / Use of BioAlberic method for treating diabetes mellitus in domestic dogs

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    Yailyn Ramos Morejón


    Full Text Available Resumen: La diabetes mellitus es una enfermedad frecuente en los caninos domésticos, en la cual pueden presentarse alteraciones del sistema cardiovascular, difíciles de tratar. Una de las vías alternativas de tratamiento en este tipo de animales pudiera ser el empleo del método BioAlberic. En este artículo se presentan los resultados obtenidos en la aplicación de este método (con el producto Rapsul al iniciar el tratamiento de la diabetes mellitus en dos perros domésticos, como parte del proceso de investigación de nuestro grupo para desarrollar los productos BioAlberic y evaluar su efectividad. / Abstract: Diabetes mellitus is a common disease in domestic dogs, in which cardiovascular system disorders may occur, and these are difficult to treat. One of the alternative ways of treatment in these animals could be the use of BioAlberic method. This article presents the results of the application of this method (with the Rapsul product at the beginning of treatment of diabetes mellitus in two domestic dogs, as part of the research process of our group to develop BioAlberic products and evaluate their effectiveness.


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    Sonia Lara


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presentan las experiencias y opiniones recogidas de los alumnos durante tres cursos académicos de dos asignaturas ofertadas en el Master Oficial en Matrimonio y Familia de la Universidad de Navarra. Las asignaturas son "Educación familiar en la infancia" y "Modelos de orientación en psicopedagogía familiar". Se trata de una propuesta metodológica para fomentar la integración de la docencia práctica de dos asignaturas planteando una metodología centrada en el alumno que fomente el aprendizaje autorregulado y autónomo, así como el desarrollo de competencias en los alumnos, a través del empleo del Role-playing, el Método del Caso, las Plantillas de evaluación o rubrics y el vídeo digital. La peculiaridad de la experiencia mostrada radica en que forma parte de un Master de modalidad on-line que combina unas sesiones presenciales al finalizar la docencia del curso para poner en práctica los contenidos estudiados a lo largo del curso académico.

  1. Episodic memory and the medial temporal lobe: not all it seems. Evidence from the temporal variants of frontotemporal dementia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pleizier, C.M.; van der Vlies, A.E.; Koedam, E.L.G.E.; Koene, T.; Barkhof, F.; van der Flier, W.M.; Scheltens, P.; Pijnenburg, Y.A.L.


    Background: Disproportionate medial temporal lobe atrophy (MTA) is an early finding in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Episodic memory impairment in AD is associated with the degree of MTA. Episodic memory impairment and MTA are also found in semantic dementia (SD) and in right temporal lobe atrophy

  2. Multiscale spatial and temporal estimation of the b-value (United States)

    García-Hernández, R.; D'Auria, L.; Barrancos, J.; Padilla, G.


    The estimation of the spatial and temporal variations of the Gutenberg-Richter b-value is of great importance in different seismological applications. One of the problems affecting its estimation is the heterogeneous distribution of the seismicity which makes its estimate strongly dependent upon the selected spatial and/or temporal scale. This is especially important in volcanoes where dense clusters of earthquakes often overlap the background seismicity. Proposed solutions for estimating temporal variations of the b-value include considering equally spaced time intervals or variable intervals having an equal number of earthquakes. Similar approaches have been proposed to image the spatial variations of this parameter as well.We propose a novel multiscale approach, based on the method of Ogata and Katsura (1993), allowing a consistent estimation of the b-value regardless of the considered spatial and/or temporal scales. Our method, named MUST-B (MUltiscale Spatial and Temporal characterization of the B-value), basically consists in computing estimates of the b-value at multiple temporal and spatial scales, extracting for a give spatio-temporal point a statistical estimator of the value, as well as and indication of the characteristic spatio-temporal scale. This approach includes also a consistent estimation of the completeness magnitude (Mc) and of the uncertainties over both b and Mc.We applied this method to example datasets for volcanic (Tenerife, El Hierro) and tectonic areas (Central Italy) as well as an example application at global scale.

  3. Constructing catalogue of temporal situations

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    Violetta Koseska-Toszewa


    Full Text Available Constructing catalogue of temporal situations The paper is aiming to create a common basis for description, comparing, and analysis natural languages. As a subject of comparison we have chosen temporal structures of some languages. For such a choice there exists a perfect tool, describing basic temporal phenomena, namely an ordering of states and events in time, certainty and uncertainty, independency of histories of separate objects, necessity and possibility. This tool is supported by the Petri nets formalism, which seems to be well suited for expressing the above mentioned phenomena. Petri nets are built form three primitive notions: of states, of events that begin or end the states, and so-called flow relation indicating succession of states and events. This simple constituents give rise to many possibilities of representing temporal phenomena; it turns out that such representations are sufficient for many (clearly, not necessarily all temporal situations appearing in natural languages. In description formalisms used till now there is no possibility of expressing such reality phenomena as temporal dependencies in compound statement, or combination of temporality and modality. Moreover, using these formalisms one cannot distinguish between two different sources of uncertainty of the speaker while describing the reality: one, due to the lack of knowledge of the speaker what is going on in outside world, the second, due to objective impossibility of foreseen ways in which some conflict situations will be (or already have been resolved. Petri net formalism seems to be perfectly suited for such differentiations. There are two main description principles that encompassed this paper. First, that assigns meaning to names of grammatical structures in different languages may lead to misunderstanding. Two grammatical structures with apparently close names may describe different reality. Additionally, some grammatical terms used in one language may be

  4. An Algebraic Framework for Temporal Attribute Characteristics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Böhlen, M. H.; Gamper, J.; Jensen, Christian Søndergaard


    Most real-world database applications manage temporal data, i.e., data with associated time references that capture a temporal aspect of the data, typically either when the data is valid or when the data is known. Such applications abound in, e.g., the financial, medical, and scientific domains...

  5. Gridding artifacts on ENVISAT/MERIS temporal series

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gómez Chova, L.; Zurita-Milla, R.; Alonso, L.; Guanter, L.; Amoros-Lopez, J.; Camps-Valls, G.; Moreno, J.; Lacoste-Francis, H.


    Earth observation satellites are a valuable source of data that can be used to better understand the Earth system dynamics. However, analysis of satellite image time series requires an accurate spatial co-registration so that the multi-temporal pixel entities offer a true temporal view of the study

  6. Los Talleres de Empleo como recursos para la formación y la inserción laboral femenina: estudio de un caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Magdalena SUÁREZ ORTEGA


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: En el trabajo que presentamos se aborda la problemática de la inserción laboral de mujeres adultas a través del Taller de Empleo como medida de Política Activa. De manera concreta nos interesa describirlo y valorarlo desde las percepciones que tienen de él los agentes más directamente implicados, como las mujeres participantes, los técnicos y los formadores. Para ello, adoptamos como estrategia metodológica el estudio de casos, utilizando técnicas y procedimientos complementarios para la recogida de datos. El análisis de los mismos se realiza mediante los softwares informáticos SPSS y NUD.IST, según su naturaleza cuantitativa y cualitativa, respectivamente.Desde el conocimiento y la comprensión de la realidad analizada, las aportaciones del estudio se dirigen a la mejora del Taller de Empleo. Por un lado, obtenemos información sobre el proceso de trabajo desarrollado, la cualificación profesional que se posibilita a las mujeres, la oferta laboral que se les abre, así como el grado de satisfacción con respecto a la actividad que realizan. Por otro, nos aporta información con respecto a la funcionalidad de dicho recurso para la real y efectiva inserción laboral de las mujeres que participan en él.ABSTRACT: In this paper we look at adult women's access to the job market through Employment Workshop as an Active Policy measure. We are especially interested in describing and assessing it from the point of view of those involved (women participants, technician and educators. We use case studies as the methodological strategy and also complementary techniques and procedures to obtain information. We have carried out this analysis by SPSS and NUD.IST computer programs depending on the type of date, quantitative or qualitative.The contribution of this study is to improve the Employment Workshop. On the one hand, we obtain information about job development processes, the possible qualifications of women, the job offers and her

  7. Multi-Temporal Land Cover Classification with Sequential Recurrent Encoders (United States)

    Rußwurm, Marc; Körner, Marco


    Earth observation (EO) sensors deliver data with daily or weekly temporal resolution. Most land use and land cover (LULC) approaches, however, expect cloud-free and mono-temporal observations. The increasing temporal capabilities of today's sensors enables the use of temporal, along with spectral and spatial features. Domains, such as speech recognition or neural machine translation, work with inherently temporal data and, today, achieve impressive results using sequential encoder-decoder structures. Inspired by these sequence-to-sequence models, we adapt an encoder structure with convolutional recurrent layers in order to approximate a phenological model for vegetation classes based on a temporal sequence of Sentinel 2 (S2) images. In our experiments, we visualize internal activations over a sequence of cloudy and non-cloudy images and find several recurrent cells, which reduce the input activity for cloudy observations. Hence, we assume that our network has learned cloud-filtering schemes solely from input data, which could alleviate the need for tedious cloud-filtering as a preprocessing step for many EO approaches. Moreover, using unfiltered temporal series of top-of-atmosphere (TOA) reflectance data, we achieved in our experiments state-of-the-art classification accuracies on a large number of crop classes with minimal preprocessing compared to other classification approaches.

  8. Sida y derecho laboral

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    Oscar Ermida Uriarte


    Full Text Available Contenido: Acceso al empleo. Principios de no discriminación.  Los exámenes previos. El principio de confidencialidad. ¿Promoción del empleo?. Estabilidad en el empleo. Proscripción del despido. Derecho, conservar un empleo apropiado. Controles médicos. Confidencialidad.Terminación de la relación de trabajo sin despido. Condiciones de trabajo. Exposición al riesgo de los trabajadores sanos. El trabajador seropositivo como factor de riesgo para el personal sano. Las condiciones de trabajo del trabajador seropositivo. Información y relaciones colectivas de trabajo. Breves anotaciones de seguridad social

  9. Pathways of seizure propagation from the temporal to the occipital lobe. (United States)

    Jacobs, Julia; Dubeau, François; Olivier, André; Andermann, Frederick


    Propagation of ictal epileptic discharges influences the clinical appearance of seizures. Fast propagation from the occipital to temporal lobe has been well described, but until now the reverse direction of spread has not been emphasized. We describe two patients who experienced ictal propagation from temporal to occipital regions. One case presented with amaurosis during a seizure with temporal onset and temporal-occipital spread. In the second, temporal-occipital spread was documented during a seizure, which continued in the occipital lobe for six minutes. Depth electrode studies suggested the temporal ictal onset of seizures in both patients. Propagation from temporal to occipital lobe structures must be considered in the assessment of patients who have seizures with both temporal and occipital features. The propagation may have predictive value for their surgical outcome. The underlying anatomical structure might be the inferior longitudinal fasciculus.

  10. The Machinic Temporality of Metadata

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    Claudio Celis


    Full Text Available In 1990 Deleuze introduced the hypothesis that disciplinary societies are gradually being replaced by a new logic of power: control. Accordingly, Matteo Pasquinelli has recently argued that we are moving towards societies of metadata, which correspond to a new stage of what Deleuze called control societies. Societies of metadata are characterised for the central role that meta-information acquires both as a source of surplus value and as an apparatus of social control. The aim of this article is to develop Pasquinelli’s thesis by examining the temporal scope of these emerging societies of metadata. In particular, this article employs Guattari’s distinction between human and machinic times. Through these two concepts, this article attempts to show how societies of metadata combine the two poles of capitalist power formations as identified by Deleuze and Guattari, i.e. social subjection and machinic enslavement. It begins by presenting the notion of metadata in order to identify some of the defining traits of contemporary capitalism. It then examines Berardi’s account of the temporality of the attention economy from the perspective of the asymmetric relation between cyber-time and human time. The third section challenges Berardi’s definition of the temporality of the attention economy by using Guattari’s notions of human and machinic times. Parts four and five fall back upon Deleuze and Guattari’s notions of machinic surplus labour and machinic enslavement, respectively. The concluding section tries to show that machinic and human times constitute two poles of contemporary power formations that articulate the temporal dimension of societies of metadata.

  11. Displasia fibrosa do osso temporal: relato de dois casos Fibrous dysplasia of the temporal bone: report of two cases

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    Roberto Claudio B. Oliveira


    Full Text Available A displasia fibrosa do osso temporal é uma doença de etiologia ainda controversa, manifestando-se principalmente por estenose progressiva do conduto auditivo externo e pela perda condutiva da audição. Outras manifestações incluem abaulamento na região temporal ou retroauricular, otorréia, otalgia e disacusia sensório-neural. A incidência é maior no sexo masculino e acomete principalmente a raça branca. O exame radiológico característico demonstra um aspecto de "vidro-fosco" homogêneo envolvido por uma concha de tecido cortical denso, embora existam outros padrões radiológicos desta enfermidade. O exame microscópico demonstra um trabeculado ósseo semelhante aos caracteres chineses. Este estudo relata dois casos de displasia fibrosa do osso temporal que se destacam, pois ultrapassaram o osso temporal, acometendo a região zigomática, sendo que no segundo caso houve também comprometimento do osso esfenóide e o pterigóide. Os pacientes foram submetidos à mastoidectomia radical modificada e tiveram boa evolução.Fibrous dysplasia of the temporal bone (FDTB is a disorder which etiology is still controversial. Its main clinical feature is a progressive narrowing of the external auditory canal following by conductive hearing loss. Temporal or retroauricular enlargement, ear discharge, otalgia, and sensorineural hearing loss are additional findings. Women and Caucasians are more affected. The prominent finding is a homogeneous radiodense "grounded glass" like image shell surrounded by dense cortical tissue. However, other radiological patterns of this disease may be displayed. Microscopically, a trabecular of bone in "Chinese letter" configuration is found. The two cases of FDTB herein reported are particularly special for a far beyond temporal commitment reaching the zygomatic area in the first case and sphenoid and pterygoid bones in the second one. This infrequent clinical feature with unusual radiological findings made these

  12. Effects of temporal correlations in social multiplex networks. (United States)

    Starnini, Michele; Baronchelli, Andrea; Pastor-Satorras, Romualdo


    Multi-layered networks represent a major advance in the description of natural complex systems, and their study has shed light on new physical phenomena. Despite its importance, however, the role of the temporal dimension in their structure and function has not been investigated in much detail so far. Here we study the temporal correlations between layers exhibited by real social multiplex networks. At a basic level, the presence of such correlations implies a certain degree of predictability in the contact pattern, as we quantify by an extension of the entropy and mutual information analyses proposed for the single-layer case. At a different level, we demonstrate that temporal correlations are a signature of a 'multitasking' behavior of network agents, characterized by a higher level of switching between different social activities than expected in a uncorrelated pattern. Moreover, temporal correlations significantly affect the dynamics of coupled epidemic processes unfolding on the network. Our work opens the way for the systematic study of temporal multiplex networks and we anticipate it will be of interest to researchers in a broad array of fields.

  13. Spatial-Temporal Event Detection from Geo-Tagged Tweets

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    Yuqian Huang


    Full Text Available As one of the most popular social networking services in the world, Twitter allows users to post messages along with their current geographic locations. Such georeferenced or geo-tagged Twitter datasets can benefit location-based services, targeted advertising and geosocial studies. Our study focused on the detection of small-scale spatial-temporal events and their textual content. First, we used Spatial-Temporal Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (ST-DBSCAN to spatially-temporally cluster the tweets. Then, the word frequencies were summarized for each cluster and the potential topics were modeled by the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA algorithm. Using two years of Twitter data from four college cities in the U.S., we were able to determine the spatial-temporal patterns of two known events, two unknown events and one recurring event, which then were further explored and modeled to identify the semantic content about the events. This paper presents our process and recommendations for both finding event-related tweets as well as understanding the spatial-temporal behaviors and semantic natures of the detected events.

  14. Temporal processes involved in simultaneous reflection masking

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buchholz, Jörg


    reflection delays and enhances the test reflection for large delays. Employing a 200-ms-long broadband noise burst as input signal, the critical delay separating these two binaural phenomena was found to be 7–10 ms. It was suggested that the critical delay refers to a temporal window that is employed......, resulting in a critical delay of about 2–3 ms for 20-ms-long stimuli. Hence, for very short stimuli the temporal window or critical delay exhibits values similar to the auditory temporal resolution as, for instance, observed in gap-detection tasks. It is suggested that the larger critical delay observed...

  15. The role of multisensory interplay in enabling temporal expectations. (United States)

    Ball, Felix; Michels, Lara E; Thiele, Carsten; Noesselt, Toemme


    Temporal regularities can guide our attention to focus on a particular moment in time and to be especially vigilant just then. Previous research provided evidence for the influence of temporal expectation on perceptual processing in unisensory auditory, visual, and tactile contexts. However, in real life we are often exposed to a complex and continuous stream of multisensory events. Here we tested - in a series of experiments - whether temporal expectations can enhance perception in multisensory contexts and whether this enhancement differs from enhancements in unisensory contexts. Our discrimination paradigm contained near-threshold targets (subject-specific 75% discrimination accuracy) embedded in a sequence of distractors. The likelihood of target occurrence (early or late) was manipulated block-wise. Furthermore, we tested whether spatial and modality-specific target uncertainty (i.e. predictable vs. unpredictable target position or modality) would affect temporal expectation (TE) measured with perceptual sensitivity (d ' ) and response times (RT). In all our experiments, hidden temporal regularities improved performance for expected multisensory targets. Moreover, multisensory performance was unaffected by spatial and modality-specific uncertainty, whereas unisensory TE effects on d ' but not RT were modulated by spatial and modality-specific uncertainty. Additionally, the size of the temporal expectation effect, i.e. the increase in perceptual sensitivity and decrease of RT, scaled linearly with the likelihood of expected targets. Finally, temporal expectation effects were unaffected by varying target position within the stream. Together, our results strongly suggest that participants quickly adapt to novel temporal contexts, that they benefit from multisensory (relative to unisensory) stimulation and that multisensory benefits are maximal if the stimulus-driven uncertainty is highest. We propose that enhanced informational content (i.e. multisensory

  16. Correlation between memory, proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and interictal epileptiform discharges in temporal lobe epilepsy related to mesial temporal sclerosis. (United States)

    Mantoan, Marcele Araújo Silva; Caboclo, Luís Otávio Sales Ferreira; de Figueiredo Ferreira Guilhoto, Laura Maria; Lin, Katia; da Silva Noffs, Maria Helena; de Souza Silva Tudesco, Ivanda; Belzunces, Erich; Carrete, Henrique; Bussoletti, Renato Tavares; Centeno, Ricardo Silva; Sakamoto, Américo Ceiki; Yacubian, Elza Márcia Targas


    The aim of the study described here was to examine the relationship between memory function, proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy ((1)H-MRS) abnormalities, and interictal epileptiform discharge (IED) lateralization in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) related to unilateral mesial temporal sclerosis. We assessed performance on tests of memory function and intelligence quotient (IQ) in 29 right-handed outpatients and 24 controls. IEDs were assessed on 30-minute-awake and 30-minute-sleep EEG samples. Patients had (1)H-MRS at 1.5 T. There was a negative correlation between IQ (P=0.031) and Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test results (P=0.022) and epilepsy duration; between(1)H-MRS findings and epilepsy duration (P=0.027); and between N-acetylaspartate (NAA) levels and IEDs (P=0.006) in contralateral mesial temporal structures in the left MTS group. (1)H-MRS findings, IEDs, and verbal function were correlated. These findings suggest that IEDs and NAA/(Cho+Cr) ratios reflecting neural metabolism are closely related to verbal memory function in mesial temporal sclerosis. Higher interictal activity on the EEG was associated with a decline in total NAA in contralateral mesial temporal structures.

  17. Spatial attention does improve temporal discrimination. (United States)

    Chica, Ana B; Christie, John


    It has recently been stated that exogenous attention impairs temporal-resolution tasks (Hein, Rolke, & Ulrich, 2006; Rolke, Dinkelbach, Hein, & Ulrich, 2008; Yeshurun, 2004; Yeshurun & Levy, 2003). In comparisons of performance on spatially cued trials versus neutral cued trials, the results have suggested that spatial attention decreases temporal resolution. However, when performance on cued and uncued trials has been compared in order to equate for cue salience, typically speed-accuracy trade-offs (SATs) have been observed, making the interpretation of the results difficult. In the present experiments, we aimed at studying the effect of spatial attention in temporal resolution while using a procedure to control for SATs. We controlled reaction times (RTs) by constraining the time to respond, so that response decisions would be made within comparable time windows. The results revealed that when RT was controlled, performance was impaired for cued trials as compared with neutral trials, replicating previous findings. However, when cued and uncued trials were compared, performance was actually improved for cued trials as compared with uncued trials. These results suggest that SAT effects may have played an important role in the previous studies, because when they were controlled and measured, the results reversed, revealing that exogenous attention does improve performance on temporal-resolution tasks.

  18. Clinical study on temporal lobe epilepsy in childhood caused by temporal lobe space occupying lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsuura, Mariko; Oguni, Hirokazu; Funatsuka, Makoto; Osawa, Makiko; Yamane, Fumitaka; Hori, Tomokatsu; Shimizu, Hiroyuki


    We studied the clinicoelectrical and neuroimaging features of 11 patients with symptomatic temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) caused by temporal lobe space occupying lesions (SOLs), and compared its characteristics with those of 19 mesial TLE (MTLE) patients. Brain MRI demonstrated SOLs in the mesiotemporal lobe in 9, and laterotemporal lobe in the remaining 2 patients. Ten of the 11 patients successfully underwent surgery, which revealed tumors in 7 and focal cortical dysplasia in 3 patients. Comparisons of the clinical features between those with space occupying TLE (SOTLE) and MTLE showed that both conditions shared the same clinical seizure manifestations such as gastric uprising sensation or ictal fear and a favorable response to surgery. However, the patients with SOTLE had fewer febrile convulsion, and more frequent seizure recurrences as well as TLE EEG discharges and associations of the monophasic clinical course than those with MTLE. In addition, the MRI findings were characterized by unilateral hippocampal atrophy in MTLE and expanding or SOLs in the SOTLE group. Children with complex partial seizures of suspected temporal lobe origin should undergo extensive neuroimaging evaluation. (author)

  19. Primary pericranial Ewing's sarcoma on the temporal bone: A case report. (United States)

    Kawano, Hiroto; Nitta, Naoki; Ishida, Mitsuaki; Fukami, Tadateru; Nozaki, Kazuhiko


    Primary Ewing's sarcoma originating in the pericranium is an extremely rare disease entity. A 9-year-old female patient was admitted to our department due to a left temporal subcutaneous mass. The mass was localized under the left temporal muscle and attached to the surface of the temporal bone. Head computed tomography revealed a mass with bony spicule formation on the temporal bone, however, it did not show bone destruction or intracranial invasion. F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography showed no lesions other than the mass on the temporal bone. Magnetic resonance imaging showed that the mass was located between the temporal bone and the pericranium. The mass was completely resected with the underlying temporal bone and the overlying deep layer of temporal muscle, and was diagnosed as primary Ewing's sarcoma. Because the tumor was located in the subpericranium, we created a new classification, "pericranial Ewing's sarcoma," and diagnosed the present tumor as pericranial Ewing's sarcoma. We herein present an extremely rare case of primary pericranial Ewing's sarcoma that developed on the temporal bone.

  20. ESTRATEGIAS DE AJUSTE ANTE CHOQUES HIPOTÉTICOS DE OFERTA Y DEMANDA. Resultados de una encuesta a empresas mexicanas

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    Paula Sánchez-Romeu


    Full Text Available En este artículo se analizan estrategias de ajuste para hacer frente a choques hipotéticos de oferta y demanda utilizadas por 1 138 empresas mexicanas encuestadas por el Banco de México en 2012. Los resultados del análisis muestran que la respuesta de las empresas ante los dos tipos de choque en general no es simétrica y que éstas reaccionan combinando estrategias (principalmente eligen reducir costos, con lo cual moderan los ajustes a precios y producción. Más competencia hace que las empresas utilicen con más intensidad las estrategias de ajuste y favorece la flexibilidad de los precios. Ante cualquier choque, los costos que más se reducen son los no laborales y los que genera el empleo temporal. Una alta competencia y un mayor porcentaje de costos laborales intensifican el traspaso de los choques al empleo; por el contrario, los acuerdos colectivos de trabajo mitigan dicho traspaso. No se observa un traspaso de los choques a las percepciones salariales, lo cual, aunado a la baja incidencia de la reducción del salario base, evidencia rigidez en los salarios nominales de las empresas entrevistadas.

  1. MR imaging findings in patients with mesial temporal sclerosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zimmerman, R.A.; Sperling, M.; Bilaniuk, L.T.; O'Connor, M.; Hackney, D.B.; Grossman, R.I.; Goldberg, H.I.; Gonatas, N.


    Eleven patients (aged 19-37) with temporal lobe epilepsy were evaluated by 1.5-T MR imaging. The MR imaging followed a negative CT examination. All patients underwent ictal and interictal, depth electrode EEG recording, carotid arteriography with amytol test, neuropsychological testing, subsequent unilateral temporal lobectomy, and pathologic correlation. MR images were retrospectively reviewed and correlated. MR images in ten patients showed a small temporal lobe on the abnormal side. Abnormal signal intensity was not found within the temporal lobe despite the use of coronal and axial long TR (2,500 msec) and short and long TE(30 and 80 msec) studies


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    J. C. Barbero


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    Cuantificar la variable temporal del jugador durante su actuación en el partido proporciona información muy relevante para poder deducir las cargas físicas y fisiológicas a las que éste se ve sometido. Se efectuaron grabaciones de 10 partidos de la LNFS (Liga Nacional de Fútbol Sala retransmitidos por televisión. Se realizó una observación sistemática mediante el empleo de una planilla elaborada especialmente. Las principales variables analizadas son: tiempo total de juego (TT, tiempo real de juego (TR, tiempo de pausa (TP, tiempo de acción (TA y la relación entre tiempo de acción y de pausa (TA/TP. El 75.96% de las acciones tienen una duración entre 0 y 10 s, el intervalo medio de acción es de 8.9 ± 1.1 s. Se efectúan 176.7 interrupciones por partido con una duración media de 12.2 ± 1.34 s. Se constata que la densidad de trabajo es de 1:1.4. El fútbol sala es un deporte donde predominan los esfuerzos intermitentes a gran intensidad y de corta duración con una importante solicitación de la vía anaeróbica aláctica. Analizar la dimensión temporal durante la competición permite estimar las exigencias físicas y requerimientos energéticos, el conocimiento de los tiempos y porcentajes de participación y de pausa permite la aplicación de entrenamientos más específicos.
    PALABRAS CLAVE: competición, fútbol sala, análisis temporal.



    Quantifying the temporary variable of the player during performance in match play provides excellent information to deduce the physical and physiological loads under which one plays. For this study ten LNFS games were video taped from television. A systematic observation using a

  3. Spatio-temporal light shaping for parallel nano-biophotonics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Glückstad, Jesper; Palima, Darwin

    followed separate tracks. Width-shaping, or spatial techniques, have mostly ignored light’s thickness (using continuous-wave lasers), while thickness-shaping, or temporal techniques, typically ignored the beam width. This disconnected spatial and temporal track also shows in our own research where we....... Another step is to vary light’s pulsewidth (thickness) as it propagates to get maximum compression (and highest energy density) at a chosen target plane. This temporal focusing can selectively look at a defined crosssection within a sample with only minimal disturbance from other regions. It can also do...... plane-byplane micromachining for faster laser processing compared to scanning a focused laser spot. Our previous work on spatial light shaping, together with the interplay between spatial and temporal modulation, invariably provides a strong position to pursue application-oriented spatiotemporal...

  4. Temporal processing asymmetries between the cerebral hemispheres: evidence and implications. (United States)

    Nicholls, M E


    This paper reviews a large body of research which has investigated the capacities of the cerebral hemispheres to process temporal information. This research includes clinical, non-clinical, and electrophysiological experimentation. On the whole, the research supports the notion of a left hemisphere advantage for temporal resolution. The existence of such an asymmetry demonstrates that cerebral lateralisation is not limited to the higher-order functions such as language. The capacity for the resolution of fine temporal events appears to play an important role in other left hemisphere functions which require a rapid sequential processor. The functions that are facilitated by such a processor include verbal, textual, and fine movement skills. The co-development of these functions with an efficient temporal processor can be accounted for with reference to a number of evolutionary scenarios. Physiological evidence favours a temporal processing mechanism located within the left temporal cortex. The function of this mechanism may be described in terms of intermittency or travelling moment models of temporal processing. The travelling moment model provides the most plausible account of the asymmetry.

  5. MedTime: a temporal information extraction system for clinical narratives. (United States)

    Lin, Yu-Kai; Chen, Hsinchun; Brown, Randall A


    Temporal information extraction from clinical narratives is of critical importance to many clinical applications. We participated in the EVENT/TIMEX3 track of the 2012 i2b2 clinical temporal relations challenge, and presented our temporal information extraction system, MedTime. MedTime comprises a cascade of rule-based and machine-learning pattern recognition procedures. It achieved a micro-averaged f-measure of 0.88 in both the recognitions of clinical events and temporal expressions. We proposed and evaluated three time normalization strategies to normalize relative time expressions in clinical texts. The accuracy was 0.68 in normalizing temporal expressions of dates, times, durations, and frequencies. This study demonstrates and evaluates the integration of rule-based and machine-learning-based approaches for high performance temporal information extraction from clinical narratives. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Behavioral sensitivity of temporally modulated striatal neurons

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    George ePortugal


    Full Text Available Recent investigations into the neural mechanisms that underlie temporal perception have revealed that the striatum is an important contributor to interval timing processes, and electrophysiological recording studies have shown that the firing rates of striatal neurons are modulated by the time in a trial at which an operant response is made. However, it remains unclear whether striatal firing rate modulations are related to the passage of time alone (i.e., whether temporal information is represented in an abstract manner independent of other attributes of biological importance, or whether this temporal information is embedded within striatal activity related to co-occurring contextual information, such as motor behaviors. This study evaluated these two hypotheses by recording from striatal neurons while rats performed a temporal production task. Rats were trained to respond at different nosepoke apertures for food reward under two simultaneously active reinforcement schedules: a variable-interval (VI-15 sec schedule and a fixed-interval (FI-15 sec schedule of reinforcement. Responding during a trial occurred in a sequential manner composing 3 phases; VI responding, FI responding, VI responding. The vast majority of task-sensitive striatal neurons (95% varied their firing rates associated with equivalent behaviors (e.g., periods in which their snout was held within the nosepoke across these behavioral phases, and 96% of cells varied their firing rates for the same behavior within a phase, thereby demonstrating their sensitivity to time. However, in a direct test of the abstract timing hypothesis, 91% of temporally modulated hold cells were further modulated by the overt motor behaviors associated with transitioning between nosepokes. As such, these data are inconsistent with the striatum representing time in an abstract’ manner, but support the hypothesis that temporal information is embedded within contextual and motor functions of the

  7. A Rare Case of Craniopharyngioma in the Temporal Lobe

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    Sasan Razmjoo


    Full Text Available Herein, we report on a rare case of craniopharyngioma arising in the left temporal lobe with no prior history of head trauma or surgery. There was a solid-cystic mass in the left temporal lobe on MR images. To the best of our knowledge, this is the second case of a craniopharyngioma occurring in the temporal lobe.

  8. tOWL: a temporal Web Ontology Language. (United States)

    Milea, Viorel; Frasincar, Flavius; Kaymak, Uzay


    Through its interoperability and reasoning capabilities, the Semantic Web opens a realm of possibilities for developing intelligent systems on the Web. The Web Ontology Language (OWL) is the most expressive standard language for modeling ontologies, the cornerstone of the Semantic Web. However, up until now, no standard way of expressing time and time-dependent information in OWL has been provided. In this paper, we present a temporal extension of the very expressive fragment SHIN(D) of the OWL Description Logic language, resulting in the temporal OWL language. Through a layered approach, we introduce three extensions: 1) concrete domains, which allow the representation of restrictions using concrete domain binary predicates; 2) temporal representation , which introduces time points, relations between time points, intervals, and Allen's 13 interval relations into the language; and 3) timeslices/fluents, which implement a perdurantist view on individuals and allow for the representation of complex temporal aspects, such as process state transitions. We illustrate the expressiveness of the newly introduced language by using an example from the financial domain.

  9. High resolution CT of temporal bone trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Youn, Eun Kyung


    Radiographic studies of the temporal bone following head trauma are indicated when there is cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea or rhinorrhoea, hearing loss, or facial nerve paralysis. Plain radiography displays only 17-30% of temporal bone fractures and pluridirectional tomography is both difficult to perform, particularly in the acutely ill patient, and less satisfactory for the demonstration of fine fractures. Consequently, high resolution CT is the imaging method of choice for the investigation of suspected temporal bone trauma and allows special resolution of fine bony detail comparable to that attainable by conventional tomography. Eight cases of temporal bone trauma examined at Korea General Hospital April 1985 through May 1986. The results were as follows: Seven patients (87%) suffered longitudinal fractures. In 6 patients who had purely conductive hearing loss, CT revealed various ossicular chain abnormality. In one patient who had neuro sensory hearing loss, CT demonstrated intract ossicular with a fracture nearing lateral wall of the lateral semicircular canal. In one patient who had mixed hearing loss, CT showed complex fracture.

  10. Anterior Temporal Lobe Morphometry Predicts Categorization Ability. (United States)

    Garcin, Béatrice; Urbanski, Marika; Thiebaut de Schotten, Michel; Levy, Richard; Volle, Emmanuelle


    Categorization is the mental operation by which the brain classifies objects and events. It is classically assessed using semantic and non-semantic matching or sorting tasks. These tasks show a high variability in performance across healthy controls and the cerebral bases supporting this variability remain unknown. In this study we performed a voxel-based morphometry study to explore the relationships between semantic and shape categorization tasks and brain morphometric differences in 50 controls. We found significant correlation between categorization performance and the volume of the gray matter in the right anterior middle and inferior temporal gyri. Semantic categorization tasks were associated with more rostral temporal regions than shape categorization tasks. A significant relationship was also shown between white matter volume in the right temporal lobe and performance in the semantic tasks. Tractography revealed that this white matter region involved several projection and association fibers, including the arcuate fasciculus, inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus, uncinate fasciculus, and inferior longitudinal fasciculus. These results suggest that categorization abilities are supported by the anterior portion of the right temporal lobe and its interaction with other areas.

  11. Desigualdades laborales de género, disponibilidad temporal y normatividad social [SPA

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    Full Text Available La fi nalidad de este artículo es analizar las desigualdades entre hombres y mujeres en el mercado de trabajo español desde una particular perspectiva de género. Partimos de la tesis de que solo es posible entender y explicar estas desigualdades si se las analiza teniendo en cuenta su articulación con las que se dan en el espacio de las relaciones domésticas de género. Consideramos que en la actualidad son el resultado del encuentro entre la dinámica de las empresas del "nuevo capitalismo", caracterizada por exigir a los trabajadores asalariados una "disponibilidad máxima", y las relaciones asimétricas de género que permean la totalidad del orden social y se muestran particularmente activas en el ámbito doméstico-familiar. Metodológicamente esta articulación se argumenta recurriendo a la dimensión de la temporalidad, en base al análisis de los resultados de la Encuesta de Empleo del Tiempo realizada por el INE en 2009-2010.

  12. Thalamic changes with mesial temporal sclerosis: MRI

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Deasy, N.P.; Jarosz, J.M.; Cox, T.C.S. [Department of Neuroradiology, King' s College Hospital, London (United Kingdom); Elwes, R.C.D. [Department of Neurology, King' s College Hospital, London (United Kingdom); Polkey, C.E. [Department of Neurosurgery, King' s College and Maudsley Hospitals, London (United Kingdom)


    We reviewed the preoperative images of 28 patients with pathologically proven mesial temporal sclerosis, to assess thalamic asymmetry and signal change. A further 25 nonsurgical patients with temporal lobe epilepsy and unequivocal, unilateral changes of mesial temporal sclerosis, and 20 controls, were also reviewed. None of the control group had unequivocal asymmetry of the thalamus. There was an ipsilateral asymmetrically small thalamus in five (18 %) of the surgical group and in three (12 %) of the nonsurgical patients. In four cases there was thalamic signal change. In three patients with thalamic volume loss there was ipsilateral hemiatrophy. All patients with an asymmetrically small thalamus had an asymmetrically small fornix and all but one a small ipsilateral mamillary body. (orig.)

  13. Incremental temporal pattern mining using efficient batch-free stream clustering

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lu, Y.; Hassani, M.; Seidl, T.


    This paper address the problem of temporal pattern mining from multiple data streams containing temporal events. Temporal events are considered as real world events aligned with comprehensive starting and ending timing information rather than simple integer timestamps. Predefined relations, such as

  14. Dreams and the temporality of consciousness. (United States)

    MacDuffie, Katherine; Mashour, George A


    Understanding dreams has long been considered fundamental to the development of a theory of consciousness. Evidence from neurobiology and neuroimaging research has paved the way for new theories of dreaming that are empirically supported. In this article we argue that dreaming is a unique state of consciousness that incorporates 3 temporal dimensions: experience of the present, processing of the past, and preparation for the future. The temporal complexity of dreams is made possible in part by the unique neurobiological environment of sleep, in which stimuli are internally generated and many of the restrictions associated with waking thought are absent. Because dream consciousness is not determined by sensory stimuli, a flexible integration of past experiences and the forging of novel connections are possible. We argue that disparate dream theories may not be mutually exclusive but rather relate to different temporal domains of the dream state.

  15. Factores asociados al empleo de varios antibióticos en pacientes clínicos Factors related to the use of several antibiotics in clinical patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ioanna Mir Narbona


    Full Text Available Objetivo: identificar factores asociados con el empleo de varios antibióticos en pacientes clínicos. Métodos: se realizó un estudio de casos y controles en pacientes con infección, egresados de los servicios clínicos en el Hospital Docente Clínicoquirúrgico "Joaquín Albarrán" entre mayo de 2008 y diciembre de 2011. Se consideró caso al paciente que utilizó tres o más antibióticos. Se obtuvo la siguiente información: edad, sexo, antecedentes patológicos personales, tiempo de inicio de los síntomas sugestivos de un proceso infeccioso, uso previo de antibióticos, signos vitales y estado de conciencia al ingreso, resultados de estudios hematológicos y de química sanguínea, estudios radiográficos de tórax, diagnóstico de infección nosocomial y uso inadecuado de antimicrobianos. Se compararon las frecuencias mediante las pruebas de homogeneidad y prueba exacta de Fisher, pruebas t y de Wilcoxon. Se empleó la regresión logística para la identificación de los factores de riesgo. Resultados: Se estudiaron 92 casos y 184 controles. El riesgo de empleo de varios antibióticos se incrementó 2,68 veces por cada grado centígrado que se encontró elevada la temperatura del paciente (OR= 2,68; IC 95 % 1,21-5,94, 7 veces si existió alteración del nivel de conciencia (OR= 7,32; IC 95 % 1,88-28,55, 3,88 veces si se diagnosticó infección nosocomial y 9,98 veces si se consideró inadecuado el uso de antimicrobianos. Conclusiones: Los factores de riesgo para el uso de varios antibióticos identificados pueden contribuir a elaborar estrategias de control de la calidad de prescripción de antimicrobianos.Objective: to identify the factors associated to the use of several antibiotics in clinical patients. Methods: a case-control study of patients with infection, who were discharged from the clinical services at "Joaquín Albarrán" hospital from May, 2008 to December 2011. The patient who used three or more antibiotics was considered

  16. MRI findings of temporal lobe epilepsy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakahara, Ichiro; Yin, Dali; Fukami, Masahiro; Kondo, Seiji; Takeuchi, Juji; Kanemoto, Kousuke; Sengoku, Akira; Kawai, Itsuo


    MRI findings were analyzed retrospectively in 46 patients with temporal lobe epilepsy in which the side of epileptogenic focus had been confirmed by EEG studies. T 1 - and T 2 -weighted images were obtained by the use of a 1.0 or 1.5 T superconducting-type MRI machine with a coronal scan perpendicular to the axis of the temporal horn of the lateral ventricle. Additional axial and sagittal scans were performed in some cases. The area of the hippocampal body was measured quantitatively using a computerized image-analysis system in 26 cases in which the hippocampus had been visualized with enough contrast on T 1 -weighted coronal images. Abnormal findings were observed in 31/46 (67%) cases. Hippocampal (HC) and temporal lobe (TL) atrophy were observed in 18/46 (39%) and 23/46 (50%) cases respectively, and the side of the atrophy corresponded with the side of the epileptogenic focus, as confirmed by EEG studies, with specificities of 89% and 74% respectively. A quantitative measurement of the area of the hippocampal body showed unilateral hippocampal atrophy more than 10% in 18/25 (69%) cases (10-25%: 10 cases, 25-50%: 7 cases, 50% 2 abnormality was observed in only 4 cases. Structural lesions were observed in 4 cases including an arachnoid cyst, an astrocytoma in amygdala, the Dandy-Walker syndrome, and tuberous sclerosis, using the more efficient imaging qualities than the CT scan. From these observations, it is apparant that superconducting MRI is extremely useful in the diagnosis of the epileptogenic topography of temporal lobe epilepsy. Particularly, hippocampal atrophy was found to correspond with the side of the epileptogenic focus on EEG with a high specificity; its quantitative evaluation could be one of the most important standards in detecting the operative indications for temporal lobe epilepsy. (author)

  17. Temporal discounting in life cycle assessment: A critical review and theoretical framework

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yuan, Chris; Wang, Endong; Zhai, Qiang; Yang, Fan


    Temporal homogeneity of inventory data is one of the major problems in life cycle assessment (LCA). Addressing temporal homogeneity of life cycle inventory data is important in reducing the uncertainties and improving the reliability of LCA results. This paper attempts to present a critical review and discussion on the fundamental issues of temporal homogeneity in conventional LCA and propose a theoretical framework for temporal discounting in LCA. Theoretical perspectives for temporal discounting in life cycle inventory analysis are discussed first based on the key elements of a scientific mechanism for temporal discounting. Then generic procedures for performing temporal discounting in LCA is derived and proposed based on the nature of the LCA method and the identified key elements of a scientific temporal discounting method. A five-step framework is proposed and reported in details based on the technical methods and procedures needed to perform a temporal discounting in life cycle inventory analysis. Challenges and possible solutions are also identified and discussed for the technical procedure and scientific accomplishment of each step within the framework. - Highlights: • A critical review for temporal homogeneity problem of life cycle inventory data • A theoretical framework for performing temporal discounting on inventory data • Methods provided to accomplish each step of the temporal discounting framework

  18. Suboptimal choice, reward-predictive signals, and temporal information. (United States)

    Cunningham, Paul J; Shahan, Timothy A


    Suboptimal choice refers to preference for an alternative offering a low probability of food (suboptimal alternative) over an alternative offering a higher probability of food (optimal alternative). Numerous studies have found that stimuli signaling probabilistic food play a critical role in the development and maintenance of suboptimal choice. However, there is still much debate about how to characterize how these stimuli influence suboptimal choice. There is substantial evidence that the temporal information conveyed by a food-predictive signal governs its function as both a Pavlovian conditioned stimulus and as an instrumental conditioned reinforcer. Thus, we explore the possibility that food-predictive signals influence suboptimal choice via the temporal information they convey. Application of this temporal information-theoretic approach to suboptimal choice provides a formal, quantitative framework that describes how food-predictive signals influence suboptimal choice in a manner consistent with related phenomena in Pavlovian conditioning and conditioned reinforcement. Our reanalysis of previous data on suboptimal choice suggests that, generally speaking, preference in the suboptimal choice procedure tracks relative temporal information conveyed by food-predictive signals for the suboptimal and optimal alternatives. The model suggests that suboptimal choice develops when the food-predictive signal for the suboptimal alternative conveys more temporal information than that for the optimal alternative. Finally, incorporating a role for competition between temporal information provided by food-predictive signals and relative primary reinforcement rate provides a reasonable account of existing data on suboptimal choice. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2018 APA, all rights reserved).

  19. Impaired temporal, not just spatial, resolution in amblyopia. (United States)

    Spang, Karoline; Fahle, Manfred


    In amblyopia, neuronal deficits deteriorate spatial vision including visual acuity, possibly because of a lack of use-dependent fine-tuning of afferents to the visual cortex during infancy; but temporal processing may deteriorate as well. Temporal, rather than spatial, resolution was investigated in patients with amblyopia by means of a task based on time-defined figure-ground segregation. Patients had to indicate the quadrant of the visual field where a purely time-defined square appeared. The results showed a clear decrease in temporal resolution of patients' amblyopic eyes compared with the dominant eyes in this task. The extent of this decrease in figure-ground segregation based on time of motion onset only loosely correlated with the decrease in spatial resolution and spanned a smaller range than did the spatial loss. Control experiments with artificially induced blur in normal observers confirmed that the decrease in temporal resolution was not simply due to the acuity loss. Amblyopia not only decreases spatial resolution, but also temporal factors such as time-based figure-ground segregation, even at high stimulus contrasts. This finding suggests that the realm of neuronal processes that may be disturbed in amblyopia is larger than originally thought.

  20. Effects of dynamic-range compression on temporal acuity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wiinberg, Alan; Jepsen, Morten Løve; Epp, Bastian


    Some of the challenges that hearing-aid listeners experience with speech perception in complex acoustic environments may originate from limitations in the temporal processing of sounds. To systematically investigate the influence of hearing impairment and hearing-aid signal processing on temporal...... processing, temporal modulation transfer functions (TMTFs) and “supra-threshold” modulation-depth discrimination (MDD) thresholds were obtained in normal-hearing (NH) and hearing-impaired (HI) listeners with and without wide-dynamic range compression (WDRC). The TMTFs were obtained using tonal carriers of 1...... with the physical compression of the modulation depth due to the WDRC. Indications of reduced temporal resolution in the HI listeners were observed in the TMTF patterns for the 5 kHz carrier. Significantly higher MDD thresholds were found for the HI group relative to the NH group. No relationship was found between...

  1. Cross-modal decoupling in temporal attention. (United States)

    Mühlberg, Stefanie; Oriolo, Giovanni; Soto-Faraco, Salvador


    Prior studies have repeatedly reported behavioural benefits to events occurring at attended, compared to unattended, points in time. It has been suggested that, as for spatial orienting, temporal orienting of attention spreads across sensory modalities in a synergistic fashion. However, the consequences of cross-modal temporal orienting of attention remain poorly understood. One challenge is that the passage of time leads to an increase in event predictability throughout a trial, thus making it difficult to interpret possible effects (or lack thereof). Here we used a design that avoids complete temporal predictability to investigate whether attending to a sensory modality (vision or touch) at a point in time confers beneficial access to events in the other, non-attended, sensory modality (touch or vision, respectively). In contrast to previous studies and to what happens with spatial attention, we found that events in one (unattended) modality do not automatically benefit from happening at the time point when another modality is expected. Instead, it seems that attention can be deployed in time with relative independence for different sensory modalities. Based on these findings, we argue that temporal orienting of attention can be cross-modally decoupled in order to flexibly react according to the environmental demands, and that the efficiency of this selective decoupling unfolds in time. © 2014 Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  2. Temporal Reference, Attentional Modulation, and Crossmodal Assimilation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yingqi Wan


    Full Text Available Crossmodal assimilation effect refers to the prominent phenomenon by which ensemble mean extracted from a sequence of task-irrelevant distractor events, such as auditory intervals, assimilates/biases the perception (such as visual interval of the subsequent task-relevant target events in another sensory modality. In current experiments, using visual Ternus display, we examined the roles of temporal reference, materialized as the time information accumulated before the onset of target event, as well as the attentional modulation in crossmodal temporal interaction. Specifically, we examined how the global time interval, the mean auditory inter-intervals and the last interval in the auditory sequence assimilate and bias the subsequent percept of visual Ternus motion (element motion vs. group motion. We demonstrated that both the ensemble (geometric mean and the last interval in the auditory sequence contribute to bias the percept of visual motion. Longer mean (or last interval elicited more reports of group motion, whereas the shorter mean (or last auditory intervals gave rise to more dominant percept of element motion. Importantly, observers have shown dynamic adaptation to the temporal reference of crossmodal assimilation: when the target visual Ternus stimuli were separated by a long gap interval after the preceding sound sequence, the assimilation effect by ensemble mean was reduced. Our findings suggested that crossmodal assimilation relies on a suitable temporal reference on adaptation level, and revealed a general temporal perceptual grouping principle underlying complex audio-visual interactions in everyday dynamic situations.

  3. Graded Alternating-Time Temporal Logic (United States)

    Faella, Marco; Napoli, Margherita; Parente, Mimmo

    Graded modalities enrich the universal and existential quantifiers with the capability to express the concept of at least k or all but k, for a non-negative integer k. Recently, temporal logics such as μ-calculus and Computational Tree Logic, Ctl, augmented with graded modalities have received attention from the scientific community, both from a theoretical side and from an applicative perspective. Both μ-calculus and Ctl naturally apply as specification languages for closed systems: in this paper, we add graded modalities to the Alternating-time Temporal Logic (Atl) introduced by Alur et al., to study how these modalities may affect specification languages for open systems.

  4. Extratemporal hypometabolism on FDG PET in temporal lobe epilepsy as a predictor of seizure outcome after temporal lobectomy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Choi, Joon Young; Kim, Sun Jung; Kim, Byung-Tae; Kim, Sang Eun [Department of Nuclear Medicine, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, 50 Ilwon-dong, 135-710, Kangnam-ku, Seoul (Korea); Hong, Seung Bong; Seo, Dae Won [Department of Neurology, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul (Korea); Hong, Seung Chyul [Department of Neurosurgery, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul (Korea)


    We investigated the relationship between the presence of extratemporal hypometabolism on fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG PET) and seizure outcome after temporal lobectomy in patients with medically intractable temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). In 47 patients with intractable unilateral mesial TLE, regional metabolic changes on FDG PET images obtained during the 2 months preceding anterior temporal lobectomy were compared with postoperative seizure outcome. Postoperative seizure outcome was evaluated with a mean follow-up period of 6.1{+-}0.6 years (range 5.2-7.2 years). Forty-two (89%) of the 47 patients achieved a good postoperative seizure outcome (Engel class I or II). All patients had hypometabolism in the temporal cortex ipsilateral to the epileptogenic region on FDG PET scans. Fourteen (78%) of the 18 patients with hypometabolism only in the ipsilateral temporal cortex were completely seizure free (Engel class Ia) after surgery. In contrast, five (45%) of the 11 patients with extratemporal cortical hypometabolism confined to the ipsilateral cerebral hemisphere and only four (22%) of the 18 patients with hypometabolism in the contralateral cerebral cortex were completely seizure free after surgery. The postoperative seizure-free rates were significantly different across the three groups of patients with different cortical metabolic patterns (P<0.005). Furthermore, all of the nine patients with a non-class I outcome (Engel class II-IV) had extratemporal (including contralateral temporal) cortical hypometabolism. Thalamic hypometabolism was noted in 20 (43%) of the 47 patients (ipsilateral in 12, bilateral in 8). Sixteen (59%) of the 27 patients with normal thalamic metabolism were completely seizure free after surgery, while only seven (35%) of the 20 patients with thalamic hypometabolism became completely seizure free (P<0.05). Multivariate analysis revealed that among variables including clinical, EEG, magnetic resonance imaging

  5. Extratemporal hypometabolism on FDG PET in temporal lobe epilepsy as a predictor of seizure outcome after temporal lobectomy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Joon Young; Kim, Sun Jung; Kim, Byung-Tae; Kim, Sang Eun; Hong, Seung Bong; Seo, Dae Won; Hong, Seung Chyul


    We investigated the relationship between the presence of extratemporal hypometabolism on fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG PET) and seizure outcome after temporal lobectomy in patients with medically intractable temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). In 47 patients with intractable unilateral mesial TLE, regional metabolic changes on FDG PET images obtained during the 2 months preceding anterior temporal lobectomy were compared with postoperative seizure outcome. Postoperative seizure outcome was evaluated with a mean follow-up period of 6.1±0.6 years (range 5.2-7.2 years). Forty-two (89%) of the 47 patients achieved a good postoperative seizure outcome (Engel class I or II). All patients had hypometabolism in the temporal cortex ipsilateral to the epileptogenic region on FDG PET scans. Fourteen (78%) of the 18 patients with hypometabolism only in the ipsilateral temporal cortex were completely seizure free (Engel class Ia) after surgery. In contrast, five (45%) of the 11 patients with extratemporal cortical hypometabolism confined to the ipsilateral cerebral hemisphere and only four (22%) of the 18 patients with hypometabolism in the contralateral cerebral cortex were completely seizure free after surgery. The postoperative seizure-free rates were significantly different across the three groups of patients with different cortical metabolic patterns (P<0.005). Furthermore, all of the nine patients with a non-class I outcome (Engel class II-IV) had extratemporal (including contralateral temporal) cortical hypometabolism. Thalamic hypometabolism was noted in 20 (43%) of the 47 patients (ipsilateral in 12, bilateral in 8). Sixteen (59%) of the 27 patients with normal thalamic metabolism were completely seizure free after surgery, while only seven (35%) of the 20 patients with thalamic hypometabolism became completely seizure free (P<0.05). Multivariate analysis revealed that among variables including clinical, EEG, magnetic resonance imaging

  6. Statistical Mechanics of Temporal and Interacting Networks (United States)

    Zhao, Kun

    In the last ten years important breakthroughs in the understanding of the topology of complexity have been made in the framework of network science. Indeed it has been found that many networks belong to the universality classes called small-world networks or scale-free networks. Moreover it was found that the complex architecture of real world networks strongly affects the critical phenomena defined on these structures. Nevertheless the main focus of the research has been the characterization of single and static networks. Recently, temporal networks and interacting networks have attracted large interest. Indeed many networks are interacting or formed by a multilayer structure. Example of these networks are found in social networks where an individual might be at the same time part of different social networks, in economic and financial networks, in physiology or in infrastructure systems. Moreover, many networks are temporal, i.e. the links appear and disappear on the fast time scale. Examples of these networks are social networks of contacts such as face-to-face interactions or mobile-phone communication, the time-dependent correlations in the brain activity and etc. Understanding the evolution of temporal and multilayer networks and characterizing critical phenomena in these systems is crucial if we want to describe, predict and control the dynamics of complex system. In this thesis, we investigate several statistical mechanics models of temporal and interacting networks, to shed light on the dynamics of this new generation of complex networks. First, we investigate a model of temporal social networks aimed at characterizing human social interactions such as face-to-face interactions and phone-call communication. Indeed thanks to the availability of data on these interactions, we are now in the position to compare the proposed model to the real data finding good agreement. Second, we investigate the entropy of temporal networks and growing networks , to provide

  7. Temporal-spatial characteristics of phase-amplitude coupling in electrocorticogram for human temporal lobe epilepsy. (United States)

    Zhang, Ruihua; Ren, Ye; Liu, Chunyan; Xu, Na; Li, Xiaoli; Cong, Fengyu; Ristaniemi, Tapani; Wang, YuPing


    Neural activity of the epileptic human brain contains low- and high-frequency oscillations in different frequency bands, some of which have been used as reliable biomarkers of the epileptogenic brain areas. However, the relationship between the low- and high-frequency oscillations in different cortical areas during the period from pre-seizure to post-seizure has not been completely clarified. We recorded electrocorticogram data from the temporal lobe and hippocampus of seven patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. The modulation index based on the Kullback-Leibler distance and the phase-amplitude coupling co-modulogram were adopted to quantify the coupling strength between the phase of low-frequency oscillations (0.2-10Hz) and the amplitude of high-frequency oscillations (11-400Hz) in different seizure epochs. The time-varying phase-amplitude modulogram was used to analyze the phase-amplitude coupling pattern during the entire period from pre-seizure to post-seizure in both the left and right temporal lobe and hippocampus. Channels with strong modulation index were compared with the seizure onset channels identified by the neurosurgeons and the resection channels in the clinical surgery. The phase-amplitude coupling strength (modulation index) increased significantly in the mid-seizure epoch and decrease significantly in seizure termination and post-seizure epochs (ptemporal cortex and hippocampus. The "fall-max" phase-amplitude modulation pattern, i.e., high-frequency amplitudes were largest in the low-frequency phase range [-π, 0], which corresponded to the falling edges of low-frequency oscillations, appeared in the middle period of the seizures at epileptic focus channels. Channels with strong modulation index appeared on the corresponding left or right temporal cortex of surgical resection and overlapped with the clinical resection zones in all patients. The "fall-max" pattern between the phase of low-frequency oscillation and amplitude of high

  8. Long-term seizure, cognitive, and psychiatric outcome following trans-middle temporal gyrus amygdalohippocampectomy and standard temporal lobectomy. (United States)

    Bujarski, Krzysztof A; Hirashima, Fuyuki; Roberts, David W; Jobst, Barbara C; Gilbert, Karen L; Roth, Robert M; Flashman, Laura A; McDonald, Brenna C; Saykin, Andrew J; Scott, Rod C; Dinnerstein, Eric; Preston, Julie; Williamson, Peter D; Thadani, Vijay M


    Previous comparisons of standard temporal lobectomy (STL) and selective amygdalohippocampectomy (SelAH) have been limited by inadequate long-term follow-up, variable definitions of favorable outcome, and inadequate consideration of psychiatric comorbidities. The authors performed a retrospective analysis of seizure, cognitive, and psychiatric outcomes in a noncontemporaneous cohort of 69 patients with unilateral refractory temporal lobe epilepsy and MRI evidence of mesial temporal sclerosis after either an STL or an SelAH and examined seizure, cognitive, and psychiatric outcomes. The mean duration of follow-up for STL was 9.7 years (range 1-18 years), and for trans-middle temporal gyrus SelAH (mtg-SelAH) it was 6.85 years (range 1-15 years). There was no significant difference in seizure outcome when "favorable" was defined as time to loss of Engel Class I or II status; better seizure outcome was seen in the STL group when "favorable" was defined as time to loss of Engel Class IA status (p=0.034). Further analysis revealed a higher occurrence of seizures solely during attempted medication withdrawal in the mtg-SelAH group than in the STL group (p=0.016). The authors found no significant difference in the effect of surgery type on any cognitive and most psychiatric variables. Standard temporal lobectomy was associated with significantly higher scores on assessment of postsurgical paranoia (p=0.048). Overall, few differences in seizure, cognitive, and psychiatric outcome were found between STL and mtg-SelAH on long-term follow-up. Longer exposure to medication side effects after mtg-SelAH may adversely affect quality of life but is unlikely to cause additional functional impairment. In patients with high levels of presurgical psychiatric disease, mtg-SelAH may be the preferred surgery type.

  9. Temporal pole signal abnormality on MR imaging in temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis: a fluid-attenuated inversion-recovery study. (United States)

    Carrete, Henrique; Abdala, Nitamar; Lin, Kátia; Caboclo, Luís Otávio; Centeno, Ricardo Silva; Sakamoto, Américo Ceiki; Szjenfeld, Jacob; Nogueira, Roberto Gomes; Yacubian, Elza Márcia Targas


    To determine the frequency and regional involvement of temporal pole signal abnormality (TPA) in patients with hippocampal sclerosis (HS) using fluid-attenuated inversion-recovery (FLAIR) MR imaging, and to correlate this feature with history. Coronal FLAIR images of the temporal pole were assessed in 120 patients with HS and in 30 normal subjects, to evaluate gray-white matter demarcation. Ninety (75%) of 120 patients had associated TPA. The HS side made difference regarding the presence of TPA, with a left side prevalence (p=0.04, chi2 test). The anteromedial zone of temporal pole was affected in 27 (30%) out of 90 patients. In 63 (70%) patients the lateral zone were also affected. Patients with TPA were younger at seizure onset (p=0.018), but without association with duration of epilepsy. Our FLAIR study show temporal pole signal abnormality in 3/4 of patients with HS, mainly seen on the anteromedial region, with a larger prevalence when the left hippocampus was involved.

  10. Temporal pole signal abnormality on MR imaging in temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis: a fluid-attenuated inversion-recovery study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carrete Junior, Henrique; Abdala, Nitamar; Szjenfeld, Jacob; Nogueira, Roberto Gomes; Lin, Katia; Caboclo, Luis Otavio; Centeno, Ricardo Silva; Sakamoto, Americo Ceiki; Yacubian, Elza Marcia Targas


    Objective: To determine the frequency and regional involvement of temporal pole signal abnormality (TPA) in patients with hippocampal sclerosis (HS) using fluid-attenuated inversion-recovery (FLAIR) MR imaging, and to correlate this feature with history. Method: Coronal FLAIR images of the temporal pole were assessed in 120 patients with HS and in 30 normal subjects, to evaluate gray-white matter demarcation. Results: Ninety (75%) of 120 patients had associated TPA. The HS side made difference regarding the presence of TPA, with a left side prevalence (p=0.04, χ 2 test). The anteromedial zone of temporal pole was affected in 27 (30%) out of 90 patients. In 63 (70%) patients the lateral zone were also affected. Patients with TPA were younger at seizure onset (p=0.018), but without association with duration of epilepsy. Conclusion: Our FLAIR study show temporal pole signal abnormality in 3/4 of patients with HS, mainly seen on the anteromedial region, with a larger prevalence when the left hippocampus was involved. (author)

  11. Isolating Exogenous and Endogenous Modes of Temporal Attention (United States)

    Lawrence, Michael A.; Klein, Raymond M.


    The differential allocation of information processing resources over time, here termed "temporal attention," may be achieved by relatively automatic "exogenous" or controlled "endogenous" mechanisms. Over 100 years of research has confounded these theoretically distinct dimensions of temporal attention. The current…

  12. The emergence of temporal language in Nicaraguan Sign Language. (United States)

    Kocab, Annemarie; Senghas, Ann; Snedeker, Jesse


    Understanding what uniquely human properties account for the creation and transmission of language has been a central goal of cognitive science. Recently, the study of emerging sign languages, such as Nicaraguan Sign Language (NSL), has offered the opportunity to better understand how languages are created and the roles of the individual learner and the community of users. Here, we examined the emergence of two types of temporal language in NSL, comparing the linguistic devices for conveying temporal information among three sequential age cohorts of signers. Experiment 1 showed that while all three cohorts of signers could communicate about linearly ordered discrete events, only the second and third generations of signers successfully communicated information about events with more complex temporal structure. Experiment 2 showed that signers could discriminate between the types of temporal events in a nonverbal task. Finally, Experiment 3 investigated the ordinal use of numbers (e.g., first, second) in NSL signers, indicating that one strategy younger signers might have for accurately describing events in time might be to use ordinal numbers to mark each event. While the capacity for representing temporal concepts appears to be present in the human mind from the onset of language creation, the linguistic devices to convey temporality do not appear immediately. Evidently, temporal language emerges over generations of language transmission, as a product of individual minds interacting within a community of users. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Microencephaloceles: another dual pathology of intractable temporal lobe epilepsy in childhood. (United States)

    Aquilina, Kristian; Clarke, Dave F; Wheless, James W; Boop, Frederick A


    Temporal lobe encephaloceles can be associated with temporal lobe epilepsy. The authors report on the case of an adolescent with multiple microencephaloceles, in the anterolateral middle fossa floor, identified at surgery (temporal lobectomy) for intractable partial-onset seizures of temporal origin. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed only hippocampal atrophy. Subdural electrodes demonstrated ictal activity arising primarily from the anterior and lateral temporal lobe, close to the microencephaloceles, spreading to the anterior and posterior mesial structures. Pathological examination revealed diffuse temporal gliosis involving the hippocampus, together with microdysgenesis of the amygdala. The literature on epilepsy secondary to encephaloceles is reviewed and the contribution of the microencephaloceles to the seizure disorder in this patient is discussed.

  14. Unilateral temporal myositis heralding polymyositis: ultrasonographic and elastographic findings. Case report. (United States)

    Damian, Laura; Botar Jid, Carolina; Rogojan, Liliana; Dinu, Cristian; Maniu, Alma; Fodor, Daniela; Rednic, Simona; Simon, Siao-Pin


    Temporal myositis is a rare inflammatory disease of the temporal muscle. We report a case of unilateral temporal myositis, in which a polymyositis was diagnosed two years thereafter. Although focal myositis may rarely herald polymyositis, isolated temporal myositis preceding inflammatory myopathies has not been described, to our knowledge. In the setting of a temporal pain and swelling, ultrasonography may help in diagnosis, biopsy guidance, disease extension, and progression assessment. Further studies are necessary to establish the role of elastography in differentiating between muscle inflammation and hypertrophy.

  15. Late onset temporal lobe epilepsy with MRI evidence of mesial temporal sclerosis following acute neurocysticercosis. Case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kobayashi, Eliane; Guerreiro, Carlos A.M.; Cendes, Fernando


    The objective of this case report is to describe magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) evidence of mesial temporal sclerosis (MTS) in a patient with new onset temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and acute neurocysticercosis with multiple cysts. A 56 years old man with new onset headache, Simple Partial Seizures and Complex Partial Seizures underwent CT scan and lumbar puncture as diagnose proceeding. Multiple cysts and meningitis were identified, with a positive immunology for cysticercosis. Seizures were recorded over the left temporal region in a routine EEG. Treatment with al bendazole was performed for 21 days, with clinical improvement and seizure remission after 4 months. An MRI scan 11 months after treatment, showed complete resolution of those cystic lesions and a left hippocampal atrophy (HA) with hyperintense T2 signal. The presence of HA and hyperintense T 2 signal in this patient has not, to date, been associated with a poor seizure control. Conclusions: This patient presented with MRI evidence of left MTS after new onset partial seizures of left temporal lobe origin. Although we did not have a previous MRI scan, it is likely that this hippocampal abnormality was due to the acute inflammatory response to cysticercosis associated to repeated partial seizures. This suggests that acute neurocysticercosis associated with repeated seizures may cause MTS and late onset TLE. (author)

  16. Late onset temporal lobe epilepsy with MRI evidence of mesial temporal sclerosis following acute neurocysticercosis. Case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kobayashi, Eliane; Guerreiro, Carlos A.M.; Cendes, Fernando [Universidade Estadual de Campinas, SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas. Dept. de Neurologia]. E-mail:


    The objective of this case report is to describe magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) evidence of mesial temporal sclerosis (MTS) in a patient with new onset temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and acute neurocysticercosis with multiple cysts. A 56 years old man with new onset headache, Simple Partial Seizures and Complex Partial Seizures underwent CT scan and lumbar puncture as diagnose proceeding. Multiple cysts and meningitis were identified, with a positive immunology for cysticercosis. Seizures were recorded over the left temporal region in a routine EEG. Treatment with al bendazole was performed for 21 days, with clinical improvement and seizure remission after 4 months. An MRI scan 11 months after treatment, showed complete resolution of those cystic lesions and a left hippocampal atrophy (HA) with hyperintense T2 signal. The presence of HA and hyperintense T 2 signal in this patient has not, to date, been associated with a poor seizure control. Conclusions: This patient presented with MRI evidence of left MTS after new onset partial seizures of left temporal lobe origin. Although we did not have a previous MRI scan, it is likely that this hippocampal abnormality was due to the acute inflammatory response to cysticercosis associated to repeated partial seizures. This suggests that acute neurocysticercosis associated with repeated seizures may cause MTS and late onset TLE. (author)

  17. Temporal windows in visual processing: "prestimulus brain state" and "poststimulus phase reset" segregate visual transients on different temporal scales. (United States)

    Wutz, Andreas; Weisz, Nathan; Braun, Christoph; Melcher, David


    Dynamic vision requires both stability of the current perceptual representation and sensitivity to the accumulation of sensory evidence over time. Here we study the electrophysiological signatures of this intricate balance between temporal segregation and integration in vision. Within a forward masking paradigm with short and long stimulus onset asynchronies (SOA), we manipulated the temporal overlap of the visual persistence of two successive transients. Human observers enumerated the items presented in the second target display as a measure of the informational capacity read-out from this partly temporally integrated visual percept. We observed higher β-power immediately before mask display onset in incorrect trials, in which enumeration failed due to stronger integration of mask and target visual information. This effect was timescale specific, distinguishing between segregation and integration of visual transients that were distant in time (long SOA). Conversely, for short SOA trials, mask onset evoked a stronger visual response when mask and targets were correctly segregated in time. Examination of the target-related response profile revealed the importance of an evoked α-phase reset for the segregation of those rapid visual transients. Investigating this precise mapping of the temporal relationships of visual signals onto electrophysiological responses highlights how the stream of visual information is carved up into discrete temporal windows that mediate between segregated and integrated percepts. Fragmenting the stream of visual information provides a means to stabilize perceptual events within one instant in time.

  18. Cortical projection of the inferior choroidal point as a reliable landmark to place the corticectomy and reach the temporal horn through a middle temporal gyrus approach. (United States)

    Frigeri, Thomas; Rhoton, Albert; Paglioli, Eliseu; Azambuja, Ney


    To establish preoperatively the localization of the cortical projection of the inferior choroidal point (ICP) and use it as a reliable landmark when approaching the temporal horn through a middle temporal gyrus access. To review relevant anatomical features regarding selective amigdalohippocampectomy (AH) for treatment of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE). The cortical projection of the inferior choroidal point was used in more than 300 surgeries by one authors as a reliable landmark to reach the temporal horn. In the laboratory, forty cerebral hemispheres were examined. The cortical projection of the ICP is a reliable landmark for reaching the temporal horn.

  19. Attractive faces temporally modulate visual attention (United States)

    Nakamura, Koyo; Kawabata, Hideaki


    Facial attractiveness is an important biological and social signal on social interaction. Recent research has demonstrated that an attractive face captures greater spatial attention than an unattractive face does. Little is known, however, about the temporal characteristics of visual attention for facial attractiveness. In this study, we investigated the temporal modulation of visual attention induced by facial attractiveness by using a rapid serial visual presentation. Fourteen male faces and two female faces were successively presented for 160 ms, respectively, and participants were asked to identify two female faces embedded among a series of multiple male distractor faces. Identification of a second female target (T2) was impaired when a first target (T1) was attractive compared to neutral or unattractive faces, at 320 ms stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA); identification was improved when T1 was attractive compared to unattractive faces at 640 ms SOA. These findings suggest that the spontaneous appraisal of facial attractiveness modulates temporal attention. PMID:24994994

  20. Attractive faces temporally modulate visual attention

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Koyo eNakamura


    Full Text Available Facial attractiveness is an important biological and social signal on social interaction. Recent research has demonstrated that an attractive face captures greater spatial attention than an unattractive face does. Little is known, however, about the temporal characteristics of visual attention for facial attractiveness. In this study, we investigated the temporal modulation of visual attention induced by facial attractiveness by using a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP. Fourteen male faces and two female faces were successively presented for 160 ms respectively, and participants were asked to identify two female faces embedded among a series of multiple male distractor faces. Identification of a second female target (T2 was impaired when a first target (T1 was attractive compared to neutral or unattractive faces, at 320 ms SOA; identification was improved when T1 was attractive compared to unattractive faces at 640 ms SOA. These findings suggest that the spontaneous appraisal of facial attractiveness modulates temporal attention.

  1. Time-translation noninvariance of temporal gauge propagator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lim, S.C.


    We show that within the framework of stochastic mechanics, the quantization of a free electromagnetic or Yang-Mills field in the temporal gauge can be consistently carried out. The resulting longitudinal component of the photon or gluon propagator is time-translation noninvariant. The exact form of the propagator depends on the additional boundary condition which fully fixes the temporal gauge. (author). 11 refs

  2. Supplementary CT temporal lobe cuts confer no worthwhile benefit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Straiton, J.A.; Macpherson, P.; Teasdale, E.M.


    The value of angled temporal lobe cuts as a supplement to conventional head computed tomography (CT) has been assessed by comparing the diagnostic yield of standard axial and specific temporal lobe images (TLCT) in 62 patients with temporal lobe epilepsy and 87 with Alzheimer-type senile dementia. Fewer than one patient in six had structural abnormality in the temporal lobe most readily demonstrated by axial CT. Five patients with epilepsy and ten with dementia had changes demonstrated only by TLCT, reported on by one or other of a pair of observers. However such changes were of dubious clinical relevance, or arose as a result of artefact. In one patient with epilepsy and underlying neoplasm, axial CT was positive and TLCT false-negative. The routine addition of temporal lobe cuts to a conventional axial examination confers no added benefit to justify the prolonged examination time and increased radiation dose to the lens of the eye. (orig.)

  3. Supplementary CT temporal lobe cuts confer no worthwhile benefit

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Straiton, J A; Macpherson, P; Teasdale, E M [Institute of Neurological Sciences, Glasgow (UK). Dept. of Neuroradiology


    The value of angled temporal lobe cuts as a supplement to conventional head computed tomography (CT) has been assessed by comparing the diagnostic yield of standard axial and specific temporal lobe images (TLCT) in 62 patients with temporal lobe epilepsy and 87 with Alzheimer-type senile dementia. Fewer than one patient in six had structural abnormality in the temporal lobe most readily demonstrated by axial CT. Five patients with epilepsy and ten with dementia had changes demonstrated only by TLCT, reported on by one or other of a pair of observers. However such changes were of dubious clinical relevance, or arose as a result of artefact. In one patient with epilepsy and underlying neoplasm, axial CT was positive and TLCT false-negative. The routine addition of temporal lobe cuts to a conventional axial examination confers no added benefit to justify the prolonged examination time and increased radiation dose to the lens of the eye. (orig.).

  4. The associations between multisensory temporal processing and symptoms of schizophrenia. (United States)

    Stevenson, Ryan A; Park, Sohee; Cochran, Channing; McIntosh, Lindsey G; Noel, Jean-Paul; Barense, Morgan D; Ferber, Susanne; Wallace, Mark T


    Recent neurobiological accounts of schizophrenia have included an emphasis on changes in sensory processing. These sensory and perceptual deficits can have a cascading effect onto higher-level cognitive processes and clinical symptoms. One form of sensory dysfunction that has been consistently observed in schizophrenia is altered temporal processing. In this study, we investigated temporal processing within and across the auditory and visual modalities in individuals with schizophrenia (SCZ) and age-matched healthy controls. Individuals with SCZ showed auditory and visual temporal processing abnormalities, as well as multisensory temporal processing dysfunction that extended beyond that attributable to unisensory processing dysfunction. Most importantly, these multisensory temporal deficits were associated with the severity of hallucinations. This link between atypical multisensory temporal perception and clinical symptomatology suggests that clinical symptoms of schizophrenia may be at least partly a result of cascading effects from (multi)sensory disturbances. These results are discussed in terms of underlying neural bases and the possible implications for remediation. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. Temporally variable macroinvertebrate-stone relationships in streams

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jacobsen, D.


    of fauna parameter and stone variable from different sampling dates (n=9-11) were rarely correlated to any of the measures of stream stability, this study has demonstrated high temporal variability in fauna-stone relationships (CV's of regression slopes). Consequently, temporally un-replicated studies......Stones were used to sample macroinvertebrates and characterise microhabitats at monthly or bimonthly intervals in six Ecuadorian streams covering a gradient in four different stability measures and other stream characteristics. The physical variables current velocity, water depth, horizontal...... of families vs. individuals) were related to the physical characteristics of individual stone habitats. My second objective was to quantify temporal variability in fauna-stone relationships and to analyse if such variability was related to overall stability of stream reaches. Partial Least Squares (PLS...

  6. Dynamic perfusion patterns in temporal lobe epilepsy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dupont, Patrick; Paesschen, Wim van; Zaknun, John J.; Maes, Alex; Tepmongkol, Supatporn; Locharernkul, Chaichon; Vasquez, Silvia; Carpintiero, Silvina; Bal, C.S.; Dondi, Maurizio


    To investigate dynamic ictal perfusion changes during temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). We investigated 37 patients with TLE by ictal and interictal SPECT. All ictal injections were performed within 60 s of seizure onset. Statistical parametric mapping was used to analyse brain perfusion changes and temporal relationships with injection time and seizure duration as covariates. The analysis revealed significant ictal hyperperfusion in the ipsilateral temporal lobe extending to subcortical regions. Hypoperfusion was observed in large extratemporal areas. There were also significant dynamic changes in several extratemporal regions: ipsilateral orbitofrontal and bilateral superior frontal gyri and the contralateral cerebellum and ipsilateral striatum. The study demonstrated early dynamic perfusion changes in extratemporal regions probably involved in both propagation of epileptic activity and initiation of inhibitory mechanisms. (orig.)

  7. Dynamic perfusion patterns in temporal lobe epilepsy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dupont, Patrick; Paesschen, Wim van [KU Leuven/UZ Gasthuisberg, Nuclear Medicine, Medical Imaging Center and Neurology, Leuven (Belgium); Zaknun, John J. [International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Nuclear Medicine Section, Division of Human Health, Wagramer Strasse 5, PO BOX 200, Vienna (Austria); University Hospital of Innsbruck, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Innsbruck (Austria); Maes, Alex [KU Leuven/UZ Gasthuisberg, Nuclear Medicine, Medical Imaging Center and Neurology, Leuven (Belgium); AZ Groeninge, Nuclear Medicine, Kortrijk (Belgium); Tepmongkol, Supatporn; Locharernkul, Chaichon [Chulalongkorn University, Nuclear Medicine and Neurology, Bangkok (Thailand); Vasquez, Silvia; Carpintiero, Silvina [Fleni Instituto de Investigaciones Neurologicas, Nuclear Medicine, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Bal, C.S. [All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nuclear Medicine, New Delhi (India); Dondi, Maurizio [International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Nuclear Medicine Section, Division of Human Health, Wagramer Strasse 5, PO BOX 200, Vienna (Austria); Ospedale Maggiore, Nuclear Medicine, Bologna (Italy)


    To investigate dynamic ictal perfusion changes during temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). We investigated 37 patients with TLE by ictal and interictal SPECT. All ictal injections were performed within 60 s of seizure onset. Statistical parametric mapping was used to analyse brain perfusion changes and temporal relationships with injection time and seizure duration as covariates. The analysis revealed significant ictal hyperperfusion in the ipsilateral temporal lobe extending to subcortical regions. Hypoperfusion was observed in large extratemporal areas. There were also significant dynamic changes in several extratemporal regions: ipsilateral orbitofrontal and bilateral superior frontal gyri and the contralateral cerebellum and ipsilateral striatum. The study demonstrated early dynamic perfusion changes in extratemporal regions probably involved in both propagation of epileptic activity and initiation of inhibitory mechanisms. (orig.)

  8. What's New? Temporality in Practice Theory and Pragmatism

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buch, Anders; Stjerne, Iben Sandal


    This chapter discuss two temporal approaches to social order that accentuate the role of novelty, change, and temporality in accounts of social organization, activity, and human action, namely, the pragmatist approach of George Herbert Mead and the practice theoretical approach of Theodore R...

  9. Enhanced Visual Temporal Resolution in Autism Spectrum Disorders

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Falter, Christine M.; Elliott, Mark A.; Bailey, Anthony J.


    Cognitive functions that rely on accurate sequencing of events, such as action planning and execution, verbal and nonverbal communication, and social interaction rely on well-tuned coding of temporal event-structure. Visual temporal event-structure coding was tested in 17 high-functioning

  10. A comparative perspective on the human temporal lobe

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bryant, K.L.; Preuss, T.M.; Bruner, E.; Ogihara, N.; Tanabe, H.


    The temporal lobe is a morphological specialization of primates resulting from an expansion of higher-order visual cortex that is a hallmark of the primate brain. Among primates, humans possess a temporal lobe that has significantly expanded. Several uniquely human cognitive abilities, including

  11. Trans-middle temporal gyrus selective amygdalohippocampectomy for medically intractable mesial temporal lobe epilepsy in adults: seizure response rates, complications, and neuropsychological outcomes. (United States)

    Bandt, S Kathleen; Werner, Nicole; Dines, Jennifer; Rashid, Samiya; Eisenman, Lawrence N; Hogan, R Edward; Leuthardt, Eric C; Dowling, Joshua


    Selective amygdalohippocampectomy (AHC) has evolved to encompass a variety of techniques to resect the mesial temporal lobe. To date, there have been few large-scale evaluations of trans-middle temporal gyrus selective AHC. The authors examine a large series of patients who have undergone the trans-middle temporal gyrus AHC and assess its clinical and neuropsychological impact. A series of 76 adult patients underwent selective AHC via the trans-middle temporal gyrus approach over a 10-year period, 19 of whom underwent pre- and postoperative neuropsychological evaluations. Favorable seizure response rates were achieved (92% Engel class I or II), with very low surgical morbidity and no mortality. Postoperative neuropsychological assessment revealed a decline in verbal memory for the left AHC group. No postoperative memory decline was identified for the right AHC group, but rather some improvements were noted within this group. The trans-middle temporal gyrus selective AHC is a safe and effective choice for management of medically refractory epilepsy in adults. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Declarative long-term memory and the mesial temporal lobe: Insights from a 5-year postsurgery follow-up study on refractory temporal lobe epilepsy. (United States)

    Salvato, Gerardo; Scarpa, Pina; Francione, Stefano; Mai, Roberto; Tassi, Laura; Scarano, Elisa; Lo Russo, Giorgio; Bottini, Gabriella


    It is largely recognized that the mesial temporal lobe and its substructure support declarative long-term memory (LTM). So far, different theories have been suggested, and the organization of declarative verbal LTM in the brain is still a matter of debate. In the current study, we retrospectively selected 151 right-handed patients with temporal lobe epilepsy with and without hippocampal sclerosis, with a homogeneous (seizure-free) clinical outcome. We analyzed verbal memory performance within a normalized scores context, by means of prose recall and word paired-associate learning tasks. Patients were tested at presurgical baseline, 6months, 2 and 5years after anteromesial temporal lobe surgery, using parallel versions of the neuropsychological tests. Our main finding revealed a key involvement of the left temporal lobe and, in particular, of the left hippocampus in prose recall rather than word paired-associate task. We also confirmed that shorter duration of epilepsy, younger age, and withdrawal of antiepileptic drugs would predict a better memory outcome. When individual memory performance was taken into account, data showed that females affected by left temporal lobe epilepsy for longer duration were more at risk of presenting a clinically pathologic LTM at 5years after surgery. Taken together, these findings shed new light on verbal declarative memory in the mesial temporal lobe and on the behavioral signature of the functional reorganization after the surgical treatment of temporal lobe epilepsy. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Action Recognition by Joint Spatial-Temporal Motion Feature

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Weihua Zhang


    Full Text Available This paper introduces a method for human action recognition based on optical flow motion features extraction. Automatic spatial and temporal alignments are combined together in order to encourage the temporal consistence on each action by an enhanced dynamic time warping (DTW algorithm. At the same time, a fast method based on coarse-to-fine DTW constraint to improve computational performance without reducing accuracy is induced. The main contributions of this study include (1 a joint spatial-temporal multiresolution optical flow computation method which can keep encoding more informative motion information than recent proposed methods, (2 an enhanced DTW method to improve temporal consistence of motion in action recognition, and (3 coarse-to-fine DTW constraint on motion features pyramids to speed up recognition performance. Using this method, high recognition accuracy is achieved on different action databases like Weizmann database and KTH database.

  14. Temporal Concurrent Constraint Programming

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Mogens; Palamidessi, Catuscia; Valencia, Frank Dan


    The ntcc calculus is a model of non-deterministic temporal concurrent constraint programming. In this paper we study behavioral notions for this calculus. In the underlying computational model, concurrent constraint processes are executed in discrete time intervals. The behavioral notions studied...

  15. Integrating what and when across the primate medial temporal lobe. (United States)

    Naya, Yuji; Suzuki, Wendy A


    Episodic memory or memory for the detailed events in our lives is critically dependent on structures of the medial temporal lobe (MTL). A fundamental component of episodic memory is memory for the temporal order of items within an episode. To understand the contribution of individual MTL structures to temporal-order memory, we recorded single-unit activity and local field potential from three MTL areas (hippocampus and entorhinal and perirhinal cortex) and visual area TE as monkeys performed a temporal-order memory task. Hippocampus provided incremental timing signals from one item presentation to the next, whereas perirhinal cortex signaled the conjunction of items and their relative temporal order. Thus, perirhinal cortex appeared to integrate timing information from hippocampus with item information from visual sensory area TE.

  16. Managing Temporal Knowledge in Port Management Systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anita Gudelj


    Full Text Available Large ports need to deal with a number of disparate activities:the movement of ships, containers and other cargo, theloading and unloading of ships and containers, customs activities.As well as human resources, anchorages, channels, lighters,tugs, berths, warehouse and other storage spaces have to beallocated and released. The efficient management of a port involvesmanaging these activities and resources, managing theflows of money involved between the agents providing and usingthese resources, and providing management information.Many information systems will be involved.Many applications have to deal with a large amount of datawhich not only represent the perceived state of the real world atpresent, but also past and/or future states. These applicationsare not served adequately by today's computer managementand database systems. In particular, deletions and updates insuch systems have destructive semantics. This means that previousdatabase contents (representing previous perceived statesof the real world cannot be accessed anymore.A review of how define temporal data models, based ongeneralizing a non-temporal data model in to a temporal one toimprove port management is presented. This paper describes apractical experiment which supports managing temporal dataalong with the corresponding prototype implementations.

  17. Anterior Temporal Lobe Morphometry Predicts Categorization Ability

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Béatrice Garcin


    Full Text Available Categorization is the mental operation by which the brain classifies objects and events. It is classically assessed using semantic and non-semantic matching or sorting tasks. These tasks show a high variability in performance across healthy controls and the cerebral bases supporting this variability remain unknown. In this study we performed a voxel-based morphometry study to explore the relationships between semantic and shape categorization tasks and brain morphometric differences in 50 controls. We found significant correlation between categorization performance and the volume of the gray matter in the right anterior middle and inferior temporal gyri. Semantic categorization tasks were associated with more rostral temporal regions than shape categorization tasks. A significant relationship was also shown between white matter volume in the right temporal lobe and performance in the semantic tasks. Tractography revealed that this white matter region involved several projection and association fibers, including the arcuate fasciculus, inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus, uncinate fasciculus, and inferior longitudinal fasciculus. These results suggest that categorization abilities are supported by the anterior portion of the right temporal lobe and its interaction with other areas.

  18. Morbilidad asociada al empleo del acceso vascular profundo, 2006 Morbidity associated with the use of deep vascular approach, 2006

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Darelys Baños Sánchez


    Full Text Available Los catéteres intravasculares se han convertido en un instrumento indispensable en las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos, (U.C.I.P. Se analizó la morbimortalidad asociada al empleo de Abordajes Vasculares Profundos (AVP en la UCIP, Hospital Pediátrico Provincial Docente Pepe Portilla, 2006. Investigación aplicada descriptiva, observacional, prospectiva y longitudinal desde el 1ro de enero al 31 de diciembre, 2006. Se confeccionó un modelo de recolección de datos para la recogida de las variables evaluadas relacionadas con la muestra. Se aplicaron los métodos bioestadísticas adecuados. Todos los pacientes ingresados, a los que se les realizaron A.V.P. Alta incidencia en el uso de estos procederes prevaleciendo en los menores de un año, por más de 10 días, con la infección como principal complicación y poca relación de estos procederes con las causas de fallecimiento. Estos procederes mantienen su alta prevalencia en las UCIP. La infección es la complicación más frecuente en esta UCIP. No hay relación entre los A.V.P y las causas de fallecimiento.Intravascular catheters have become into an indispensable tool in the Paediatric Intensive Care Units (PICU. Morbidity associated with the use of Deep Vascular Approaches during 2006 in the PICU of "Pepe Portilla" Provincial University Paediatric Hospital was analyzed. A descriptive, observational, prospective and longitudinal research was carried out from January 1 to December 31, 2006. A model to collect the data and the variables evaluated related to the sample was created. Suitable bio-statistical methods were applied. All in-patients. In-patients who underwent to Deep Vascular Approach. High incidence in the use of these procedures that prevailed in children under one year old for more than 10 days suffering from an infection as a main complication, and not much relation to the use of these procedures with the cause of death was observed. The use of these procedures

  19. Economía Política Clásica: el salario de subsistencia y preocupaciones sobre el empleo garantizado

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    John Henrry


    Full Text Available En el marco teórico de la economía política clásica, incluyendo las revisiones de Marx y de los más recientes trabajos de Piero Sraffa y otros, el concepto del salario de subsistencia está entre los más destacados. Aquí, se presenta un recuento de este concepto y se muestra su significado no solamente para la teoría clásica sino también como una preocupación en gran medida social. Argumento que el "salario base" ­como algunas veces se llama­, articulado dentro de un programa de "Empleo Garantizado", es, ­o debería de ser­ comparable con el salario de subsistencia pero requiere de cambios para hacerlo ­aproximadamente­ equivalente. Se demostrará que los seguidores del enfoque clásico no descansaron su teoría de salario sobre un enfoque cuasi-neoclásico de oferta-demanda ­con alguna noción primitiva de productividad marginal detrás de una supuesta demanda de tiempo de trabajo­, pero entendieron los salarios como socialmente determinados ahí donde fuerzas históricas e institucionales establecieron una normativa estándar alrededor de la cual los salarios de mercado gravitaron. Este enfoque fue compartido por, entre otros, Thorstein Veblen y John Maynard Keynes. Una versión de este trabajo fue publicada en ingles: Henry, John (2015 Classical political economy: the subsistence wage and the job guarantee concerns, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 38:2, 208-301. La traducción al español, realizada por Eugenia Correa y Wesley Marshall para Ola Financiera, se publica con el permiso de Routledge, Francis and Taylor Group. Una version anterior de este trabajo se presentó en la reunion de la Allied Social Science Association, enero 201 5, bajo los auspicios de la Association for Evolutionary Economics. El autor agradece a los participantes de la sesión sus comentarios, así como especialmente agradece a Mario Seccareccia y Reynold Nesiba.

  20. Multiple concurrent temporal recalibrations driven by audiovisual stimuli with apparent physical differences. (United States)

    Yuan, Xiangyong; Bi, Cuihua; Huang, Xiting


    Out-of-synchrony experiences can easily recalibrate one's subjective simultaneity point in the direction of the experienced asynchrony. Although temporal adjustment of multiple audiovisual stimuli has been recently demonstrated to be spatially specific, perceptual grouping processes that organize separate audiovisual stimuli into distinctive "objects" may play a more important role in forming the basis for subsequent multiple temporal recalibrations. We investigated whether apparent physical differences between audiovisual pairs that make them distinct from each other can independently drive multiple concurrent temporal recalibrations regardless of spatial overlap. Experiment 1 verified that reducing the physical difference between two audiovisual pairs diminishes the multiple temporal recalibrations by exposing observers to two utterances with opposing temporal relationships spoken by one single speaker rather than two distinct speakers at the same location. Experiment 2 found that increasing the physical difference between two stimuli pairs can promote multiple temporal recalibrations by complicating their non-temporal dimensions (e.g., disks composed of two rather than one attribute and tones generated by multiplying two frequencies); however, these recalibration aftereffects were subtle. Experiment 3 further revealed that making the two audiovisual pairs differ in temporal structures (one transient and one gradual) was sufficient to drive concurrent temporal recalibration. These results confirm that the more audiovisual pairs physically differ, especially in temporal profile, the more likely multiple temporal perception adjustments will be content-constrained regardless of spatial overlap. These results indicate that multiple temporal recalibrations are based secondarily on the outcome of perceptual grouping processes.