
Sample records for empleando variables vinculadas

  1. Biosorción de metales pesados empleando lodos activados


    Santos Bonilla, Karín Ángela; Santos Bonilla, Karín Ángela


    Aunque las tecnologías existentes, tales como: precipitación química, osmosis inversa, intercambio iónico y separación por membranas representan una alternativa potencial para el tratamiento de drenajes ácidos de mina, presentan significativas desventajas como requerimientos altos de reactivos y energía; además de la generación de lodos tóxicos y otros subproductos a disponer. En este contexto, la biosorción empleando lodos activados procedentes de una planta de tratamiento de aguas residuale...

  2. Estructura Organizacional de las Empresas Vinculadas a la Incubadora de Base Tecnológica de la Universidad de Fortaleza: Un Análisis Bajo la Perspectiva de Mintzberg.

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    Sarah Mesquita Lima


    Full Text Available El presente estudio tiene el objetivo principal de analizar si la configuración estructural predominante de las empresas asociadas a la Incubadora de Base Tecnológica de la Universidad de Fortaleza está vinculada a sus competencias. Para alcanzar el objetivo propuesto se realizó una investigación descriptiva y cualitativa, con estudio de múltiples casos. Los datos fueron recolectados mediante el análisis de documentos, entrevista con el coordinador del Espacio de Desarrollo de Empresas de Tecnología (EDETEC de la UNIFOR y aplicación de cuestionarios auto-administrados en las empresas vinculadas al EDETEC/UNIFOR. Los resultados indicaron el predominio de las configuraciones Burocracia Profesional, Estructura Simple y Adhocracia, estando estas dos últimas directamente vinculadas a las competencias emprendedoras e innovadoras.

  3. Proyecto de mejora de la durabilidad de los pavimentos usados en aeropuertos empleando materiales alternativos y geo-sintéticos


    Cabezuelo Moreno, Juan José


    Contribuir a la mejora de la durabilidad de los pavimentos usados en las pistas de aeropuertos, en particular pavimentos de tipo flexible, empleando combinaciones de capas de diferentes materiales y geo-sintéticos. En particular, plantear el uso de materiales novedosos como alternativa a las típicas capas de pavimento a base de hormigón y mejora de la durabilidad de las mismas empleando combinaciones de sendos materiales y geo-sintéticos. El mundo de la aviación y en concreto el del diseño...

  4. Síntesis de copolímeros de PS-b-PMMA empleando polimerización radicalaria controlada

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    Vivina Hanazumi


    Full Text Available Se estudió la síntesis de copolímeros bloque de poli (estireno y poli (metil metacrilato (PS-b-PMMA empleando polimerización radicalaria por transferencia atómica (ATRP. Se realizaron distintos experimentos variando las relaciones molares de monómero, ligando e iniciador para determinar su influencia en la síntesis de copolímeros PS-b-PMMA con masas molares determinadas y estructura homogénea. Los polímeros sintetizados se caracterizaron químicamente por espectroscopia infrarroja con Transformada de Fourier (FTIR y cromatografía por exclusión de tamaños (SEC, empleando un detector de índice de refracción. Se obtuvieron los copolímeros bloque propuestos, con un buen control de su estructura macromolecular (Mw/Mn < 1,90.

  5. El nuevo régimen de las operaciones vinculadas

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    Pedro Rosón Silván


    Full Text Available El nuevo y polémico régimen fiscal de operaciones vinculadas supone un cambio radical respecto de la regulación anterior a la Ley de Prevención del Fraude Fiscal de 2006, y pretende aproximar la normativa fiscal a los criterios expresados por las directrices de la OCDE sobre precios de transferencia, y a la nueva normativa contable, que se inspira en las Normas Internacionales de Contabilidad asumidas por la Unión Europea. Los principales cambios han afectado no solo al concepto de partes vinculadas (que se ha ampliado o la incorporación de los métodos de valoración de la OCDE, sino, sobre todo a: 1.La creación de una nueva obligación de documentación a cargo del obligado tributario que tiene que valorar sus operaciones a valor de mercado; 2.La creación de dos nuevas infracciones tributarias, para asegurar el cumplimiento de la obligación de documentación; 3.La simplificación del procedimiento de comprobación del valor normal de mercado; 4.La regulación expresa del denominado ajuste secundario. Pese a su novedad y por las presiones de los afectados, se han producido reformas para rebajar tanto las obligaciones de documentación como las sanciones, y, todo hace pensar que dado el contexto de crisis económica, puedan producirse más. The new and polemic fiscal regime of linked operations a radical change supposes respect of the regulation previous to the Law of Prevention of the Tax evasion of 2006, and tries to bring the fiscal regulation near to the criteria expressed by the directives of the OECD on prices of transfer, and to the new countable regulation, which inspires by the International Procedure of Accounting assumed by the European Union. The principal changes have concerned not only the concept of parts linked (that has been extended or the incorporation of the methods of valuation of the OECD, but, especially to: 1.The creation of a new obligation of documentation at the expense of the obliged tributary who has to

  6. Asesinatos empleando relajantes musculares, opioides y otras drogas anestésicas


    Martínez Hurtado, Eugenio; Gómez García, Ana María


    Los anestésicos, los opiáceos y los relajantes musculares pueden deprimir la respiración y otros procesos vitales hasta el extremo de producir la muerte si no se mantiene la ventilación. De modo que estos fármacos se han empleado para la eutanasia, el suicidio y las ejecuciones. Los criminales también han reparado en las posibilidades letales de los anestésicos, y durante los años recientes se han cometido homicidios empleando hipnóticos, anestésicos generales inhalados, opiáceos y relajantes...

  7. Producción potencial de biogás empleando excretas de ganado porcino en el estado de Guanajuato

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    Miguel Martínez Lozano


    Full Text Available La actual reforma energética, así como los cambios mundiales en el uso y obtención de energía eléctrica o calorífica, empleando fuentes alternas, han llevado a replantear y maximizar el uso y explotación del biogás que se obtiene a partir de las excretas de diferentes tipos de ganado. El Estado de Guanajuato, posee un interesante número de cabezas de ganado en el ámbito bovino y porcino, lo que ha originado el planteamiento del presente artículo. En este trabajo, se presenta un estudio, empleando estadísticas locales, conducente a evaluar el potencial energético disponible a partir del uso de las excretas de ganado porcino, para producir Biogás y de ahí, establecer una valoración de la energía eléctrica anual obtenible, el ahorro en equivalente a barriles de petróleo que se podría manejar y la cantidad de gases que se dejarían de añadir a la atmósfera. El estudio se realiza dividiendo el estado por municipios y estableciendo los totales de cada variable de interés en el proceso. Los indicadores muestran que dada la sencillez de implementación de biodigestores para la producción de biogás, esta debe ser una alternativa interesante e importante a desarrollar y potenciar en los próximos años en el país. En el caso particular del Estado de Guanajuato, existen cerca de un millón de cerdos de diferentes edades registrados, pudiendo producir una energía potencial para alimentar a más de 60,000 viviendas estándar.

  8. Estrategias vinculadas a la atención de los estudiantes universitarios con discapacidad

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    Elaineth Abasali


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue desarrollar estrategias instruccionales vinculadas a la atención de estudiantes universitarios con discapacidad, pertenecientes a la UPEL-IPC. La metodología estuvo constituida por un proyecto factible, con investigación de campo, documental y no experimental, se abordó el Modelo General de Desarrollo Tecnológico (MGDT de Szczurek (1990, el cual está constituido por cuatro fases: Estudio de Necesidades, Diseño de la Solución, Implantación y Evaluación. Los sujetos de investigación fueron  16 estudiantes con discapacidad, y 19 profesores del Departamento de Tecnología Educativa del IPC. En la implantación se ejecutó el diseño de la solución, obteniéndose resultados favorables, y posteriormente se procedió a la evaluación de todas las fases.

  9. Redefinición de competencias vinculadas a la productividad

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    José María Romero Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La formación por competencias ha adquirido un papel relevante en las últimas décadas. Entre otros aspectos de este enfoque, se han relacionado con la productividad en las empresas. En este momento, es pertinente una revisión de aquellas competencias transversales que pueden vincularse con la productividad y que pueden abrir nuevas perspectivas de estudio de este campo. Este artículo es el resultado de una revisión de la literatura existente sobre competencias profesionales y productividad empresarial en las bases de datos ProQuest, ERIC, ISOC y Dialnet. Mediante la confrontación de tres listados distintos de competencias obtenidos en la revisión de la literatura, se ha generado un único listado con 25 competencias transversales y la definición de las mismas, para su aplicación en futuras investigaciones, gestión del personal en las organizaciones y el posible establecimiento de planes formativos para transmitir aquellas competencias productivas. Los resultados de la revisión bibliográfica realizada posibilitan nuevas aproximaciones a la identificación de competencias, ofreciendo un listado actualizado de las competencias transversales vinculadas a la productividad que coinciden con las aportadas en otras investigaciones realizadas sobre competencias predictivas de un rendimiento eficaz, competencias para la empleabilidad y competencias en Formación Profesional del área de Servicios Socioculturales y a la Comunidad.

  10. Deporte Salud y Vida para oyentes de radio Familia 96.9 empleando pausa activa


    Martínez Sarmiento, Marcia Fabiola


    Deporte Salud y Vida para oyentes de radio Familia 96.9 empleando pausa activa, un programa de radio que promueve a la práctica de actividad física, que permita contrarrestar las grandes escalas de sedentarismo en nuestra ciudad, gracias al apoyo de este medio de comunicación se implementó la Pausa activa para oyentes de Radio Familia, especialmente amas de casa que fluctúan desde los 20 hasta 75 años. El proyecto tiene también el objetivo de la ejercitación mediante la Pausa Activa dentro...

  11. Flujo de carga con armónicos empleando la matriz impedancia de barras

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    José A González Quintero


    Full Text Available Se describe un flujo de armónicos empleando la matriz impedancia de barras. El algoritmo propuesto permite hallar losvoltajes de cada nodo del circuito sin tener que realizar la solución simultánea de todas las ecuaciones no linealescorrespondientes a cada nodo, ni siquiera la solución simultánea de las ecuaciones correspondientes a una redreducida de nodos no lineales solamente.  This work describes a harmonic load flow using the bar impedance matrix. The proposed algorithm permit to findevery node voltage of the circuit without to realize the simultaneous solution of all the non-linear equationscorresponding to each node, not even the simultaneous solution of the equations corresponding to a reducednetwork of only non-linear nodes.

  12. Cálculo de la distribución espacial de la insolación potencial en el terreno empleando MDE en un ambiente SIG

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    Alberto Gómez Tagle Chávez


    Full Text Available Se presenta un estudio de caso donde se calcula la insolación potencial (IP y la insolación real (IR para un área pequeña (634.4 ha empleando los programas Insol_Día e Insol_Mes a partir de un modelo digital de elevaciones (MDE. Estos programas calculan la IP utilizando la ubicación geográfica de la cuenca y el MDE mediante procedimientos de sistemas de información geográfica (SIG y ecuaciones de geometría esférica. La IR se obtuvo empleando los mapas digitales de IP calculada y corrigiendo los datos con información del observatorio meteorológico (15-0040, Morelia, Mich. del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional. Los resultados son una serie de mapas digitales dentro de un SIG que permiten conocer la distribución espacial de la IP y la IR en esta zona, para fechas definidas, meses enteros, estaciones y totales anuales. La IP anual máxima fue de 4 389 horas, mientras que la mínima fue de 2 946 horas. Los valores de IR máxima y mínima fueron 2 144.9 y 1 439.7 horas. Los promedios diarios anuales de IP máximo y mínimo fueron de 12.05 hr/día y 8.07 hr/día, siendo para IR de 5.88 hr/día y 3.944 hr/día, indicando una gran diferencia entre la IP y la IR. Se considera que este tipo de información puede ser de gran utilidad en estudios de distribución de la vegetación, balances hidrológicos, distribución de propiedades edáficas, velocidad de intemperismo de los materiales geológicos, arquitectura bioclimática y otras áreas donde la distribución espacial de la insolación se considere como una variable importante.

  13. Deshidratación de etanol empleando líquidos iónicos de naturaleza prótica


    Acosta Cordero, L.; Pérez Ones, O.; Zumalacárregui de Cárdenas, L.


    En este trabajo se presenta el estudio experimental de la deshidratación de etanol empleando líquidos iónicos de naturaleza prótica, con el objetivo de determinar un líquido iónico prótico efectivo en este proceso de separación. Para ello se sintetizaron tres líquidos iónicos (formiato de 2-hidroxietilamonio, lactato de2-hidroxietilamonio y propionato de 2-hidroxietilamonio) y se determinaron sus propiedades críticas y densidad apartir de métodos de contribución de grupos. Además se confirmó ...

  14. Cómo una microempresa logró un desarrollo de productos ágil y generador de valor empleando Lean


    Barón Maldonado, Diana Isabel; Rivera Cadavid, Leonardo


    El propósito del presente artículo es mostrar un ejemplo de cómo una microempresa puede hacer que su desarrollo de productos sea más ágil, flexible y generador de valor empleando Lean. Se tomaron como referentes el proceso genérico de desarrollo de productos, el proceso de desarrollo tradicional en el sector de confecciones, el sistema Toyota de desarrollo de productos y el antiguo sistema de desarrollo de la empresa. Se destacan el rol del lugar de reunión virtual y el papel del ingeniero je...

  15. Cómo una microempresa logró un desarrollo de productos ágil y generador de valor empleando Lean


    Barón Maldonado, Diana Isabel; Rivera Cadavid, Leonardo


    El propósito del presente artículo es mostrar un ejemplo de cómo una microempresa puede hacer que su desarrollo de productos sea más ágil, flexible y generador de valor empleando Lean. Se tomaron como referentes el proceso genérico de desarrollo de productos, el proceso de desarrollo tradicional en el sector de confecciones, el sistema Toyota de desarrollo de productos y el antiguo sistema de desarrollo de la empresa. Se destacan el rol del lugar de reunión virtual y el papel del ...

  16. Variables cognoscitivo-motivacionales relacionadas con el rendimiento escolar de estudiantes de bachillerato


    Becerra González, Cruz Edgardo


    La eficiencia terminal del bachillerato mexicano es de 60% (SEP, 2012), el más bajo de todo el sistema. Una causa de deserción es que los jóvenes se rezagan en sus estudios. El rezago se mide empleando indicadores como el rendimiento escolar, y se estudia caracterizando a los estudiantes y a las variables relacionadas. Los objetivos de esta investigación fueron: 1) explicar si existían diferencias en motivación de logro, autoeficacia, estilo atribucional y rendimiento escolar de bachilleres, ...

  17. Procedimiento para elaborar una lente intraocular monofocal asférica isoplanática y lente obtenida empleando dicho procedimiento


    Barbero, Sergio; Marcos, Susana; Dorronsoro, Carlos; Montejo, Javier; Salazar Salegui, Pedro


    Procedimiento para elaborar una lente intraocular monofocal asférica isoplanática y lente obtenida empleando dicho procedimiento. Permite obtener lentes oftálmicas monofocales asféricas isoplanáticas en un rango visual de hasta 25º (preferentemente hasta 10º) de amplitud. El procedimiento comprende las etapas de: 1.- Definición matemática de un modelo de ojo afáquico; 2.- Definición matemática de un modelo de lente intraocular; 3.- Definición matemática de la implantac...

  18. Estrutura de referência para incubadoras pertencentes a redes de habitats de inovação tecnológica e vinculadas a instituições de ensino


    Rasoto, Vanessa Ishikawa


    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção. A partir do estudo de caso da REPARTE (Rede Paranaense de Incubadoras e Parques Tecnológicos), esta pesquisa construiu uma estrutura de referência de incubadoras pertencentes a redes de habitats de inovação tecnológica vinculadas às instituições de ensino superior (IES). O objetivo desta estrutura de referência é orientar o desenvolvimento de incubadoras atrav...

  19. Paralelización del Algoritmo Criptográfico GOST Empleando el Paradigma de Memoria Compartida

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    Marlis Fulgueira-Camilo


    Full Text Available El artículo refiere el proceso de paralelización del algoritmo criptográfico GOST. La investigación realizada persigue como objetivo, reducir el tiempo de ejecución del algoritmo. El estudio no se encuentra enfocado al análisis de fortaleza del algoritmo criptográfico, donde se hace énfasis es en el método empleado para disminuir el tiempo de ejecución de los procesos cifre y descifre. Para ello se realiza un diseño paralelo basado en la metodología de Ian Foster, el cual es aplicado a dos implementaciones usando técnicas como: OpenMP y CUDA. Las comparaciones realizadas teniendo en cuenta, tanto al algoritmo secuencial como las implementaciones paralelas, demuestran una significativa reducción de tiempo, sin importar la técnica empleada. El mejor resultado se logra empleando CUDA.

  20. Consideraciones de diseño para la eliminación biológica de fósforo empleando procesos biopelícula


    Castillo de Castro, Pedro; Tejero Monzón, Iñaki


    El siguiente artículo es un resumen del estado del arte de la Eliminación Biológica de Fósforo (EBF) empleando procesos de biopelícula. En él se describen minuciosamente los mecanismos que intervienen en la eliminación biológica de este elemento, así como las teorías actualmente aceptadas. Se presentan los procesos biopelícula actualmente desarrollados, así como los consideraciones de diseño para reactores biopelícula, y la forma de trabajo necesaria para conseguir la EBF.

  1. Identidades, poder e incidencia política de organizaciones vinculadas a inmigrantes nicaragüenses en costa rica: aportes teóricos y metodológicos

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    Francisco Javier Mojica-Mendieta


    Full Text Available Propone desde un enfoque de investigación cualitativo, comprender la relación entre las representaciones sociales de las identidades nacionales y la incidencia de la política de distintas organizaciones vinculadas con inmigrantes nicaragüenses, con el fin de dar insumos tendientes a mejorar la calidad de vida de la población inmigrante en Costa Rica. Abstract The article proposes an approach from the qualitative research standpoint to understand the relationship between the social representations of the national identities and the political incidence of different political organization linked to Nicaraguan inmigrants as bases for the betterment of the inmigrant population in Costa Rica.

  2. Serviços bibliotecários para dispositivos móveis: O caso das bibliotecas vinculadas ao Conselho Nacional para Assuntos Bibliotecários das Instituições de Educação Superior do México

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    Eugenia de los Ángeles Ortega Martínez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Analisar quais são os serviços bibliotecários e as aplicações (apps que se estão utilizando dentro das bibliotecas acadêmicas das Instituições de Educação Superior vinculadas ao Conselho Nacional para Assuntos Bibliotecários das Instituições de Educação Superior (CONPAB-IES, A. C. de México. Método: Foi realizado uma revisão da literatura em bancos de dados e revistas especializadas em Biblioteconomia e Ciências da Informação com ajuda dos recursos digitais da Direção Geral de Bibliotecas da Universidade Nacional Autônoma de México. Resultados e conclusões: O desenvolvimento de apps e serviços bibliotecários dispositivos móveis em bibliotecas acadêmicas das Instituições de Educação Superior,vinculadas ao CONPAB-IES, A. C., mostra uma tendência pelo desenvolvimento de coleções digitais em formatos amigaveis para PC e laptop, a diferença dos smartphones e tablets.

  3. Registro de actividad eléctrica en la retina de una rata albina empleando una matriz de microelectrodos

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    Edwin Alexander Cerquera


    Full Text Available Las matrices de microelectrodos son dispositivos que permiten la detección de potenciales de acción o espigas en poblaciones de células excitables, ofreciendo varias aplicaciones en el campo de las neurociencias y la biología. Este trabajo muestra un protocolo para el registro de espigas en una población de células ganglionares retinales empleando una matriz de microelectrodos. La retina de una rata albina fue extraída y preparada para ser estimulada in vitro con luz led blanca, con el fin de registrar sus espigas evocadas ante estos estímulos. Cada microelectrodo puede registrar espigas de más de una célula ganglionar, razón por la cual se determinó a qué célula pertenece cada espiga aplicando un procedimiento conocido como “clasificación de espigas”. El trabajo permitió obtener el registro de un periodo de estimulación y otro de no estimulación, con el fin de representar los potenciales de acción evocados con luz y los espontáneos. Los registros fueron almacenados para visualizar las espigas de las células ganglionares y poder aplicar la herramienta de clasificación de espigas. De este modo, se almacenan los instantes de tiempo en los cuales cada célula ganglionar registrada generó potenciales de acción. Este trabajo conllevó al establecimiento de un protocolo de experimentación básico enfocado al uso de matrices MEA en el laboratorio de adquisición de potenciales extracelulares de la Universidad Antonio Nariño Sede Bogotá, no sólo para caracterizar los potenciales de acción de células ganglionares retinales, sino también para otro tipo de células que puedan ser estudiadas empleando matrices de microelectrodos.

  4. Internet de los objetos empleando arduino para la gestión eléctrica domiciliaria

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    Adriana Marcela Vega E.


    Full Text Available Rev.esc.adm.neg El presente artículo muestra la importancia de la gestión eléctrica domiciliaria por medio del diseño, desarrollo e implementación de un prototipo de sistema domótico, que permite utilizar de manera remota una bombilla LED a través de las acciones de prender y apagar, según las necesidades del usuario, sin importar en donde se encuentre ubicado, es decir, que su localización geográfica no importa. Para su desarrollo se emplearon elementos de Hardware como el Arduino y de Software como los servicios en la nube de Windows Azure®; con esta aplicación, se pretende observar la interoperabilidad entre un dispositivo ubicado en el hogar y un servidor ubicado en el mundo virtual del Internet. Lo anterior permite hacer un acercamiento a las múltiples modalidades que se pueden desarrollar con el Internet de los objetos y que en un futuro próximo será empleando por las personas de manera permanente en sus residencias.

  5. Evaluación de la calidad de los registros empleando la auditoría odontológica en una clínica dental docente


    Manrique Guzmán, Jorge A.; Manrique Chávez, Jorge E.; Chávez Reátegui, Beatriz; Manrique Chávez, Carolina B.


    Objetivo: Evaluar la calidad de registro o llenado de historias clínicas de pacientes nuevos atendidos en unaClínica Dental Docente durante el período de enero a julio de 2012 empleando la auditoría odontológica comoherramienta sistematizada. Material y métodos: Se tomaron como muestra 140 historias clínicas de pacientesnuevos de las cuales se evaluó la frecuencia y porcentaje de registro de los diferentes aspectos que componenla historia clínica. Resultados: Se encontró que el 78% de las his...

  6. Reconocimiento automático de locutor a través de aprendizaje automático mediante redes neuronales empleando el paquete de software libre Kaldi


    Jiménez Andreu, Rubén


    El objetivo del presente Proyecto Fin de Máster es presentar algunas técnicas para reconocimiento de hablante empleando redes neuronales y deep learning. Como referencia se emplean vectors y un modelo universal basado en mezclas gaussianas (GMM-UBM) como método del estado del arte. El proceso de entrenamiento es realizado con la base de datos de audiolibros LibriSpeech. Esta base también se emplea para evaluar los modelos, junto con la de Speakers in the Wild, con locucion...

  7. Teoría de la mente en un grupo de personas vinculadas al conflicto armado y en proceso de resocialización

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    Mónica Gómez


    Full Text Available La teoría de la mente es la capacidad de inferir, predecir y atribuir estados mentales a otras personas. Este constructo ha sido estudiado desde numerosas patologías, como el autismo, la esquizofrenia y el síndrome de down. Estudios recientes han mostrado que las alteraciones de la teoría de la mente pueden ser observadas en los diferentes cuadros clínicos derivados de alteraciones del lóbulo frontal, como la personalidad antisocial. Algunos autores plantean que un aspecto esencial de la teoría de la mente es la empatía. Sin embargo, este constructo no ha sido estudiado en población normal colombiana con conductas violentas y delictivas que han estado vinculadas al conflicto armado. Este artículo tiene como propósito describir algunas características de la tom en sujetos que estuvieron vinculados al conflicto armado en antioquia con manifestaciones sintomáticas relacionadas con comportamientos violentos y delictivos.

  8. Mejoramiento de la productividad de la línea de extrusión de la empresa CEDAL, empleando la metodología "Six Sigma"


    Garcés Muñoz, Luis Alfredo


    El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo el mejoramiento de la productividad del proceso de extrusión en la empresa CEDAL, empleando la metodología “Six Sigma”. Para esto, se analizó la situación actual del proceso de extrusión por medio de 4 indicadores claves de desempeño o KPI. Se concluyó, que el KPI que mide la cantidad de rechazos de material no conforme, obtuvo una mejora en la productividad después de la implementación de las fases DMAMC, al tener una línea base del indicador en el mes ...

  9. Tasa diaria de evapotranspiración para una macrófita empleando variables meteorológicas


    Scuderi, Carlos Marcelo; Villanueva, Adolfo; da Motta Marques, David


    La evapotranspiración (ET) es, generalmente, la principal variable de salida del ciclo hidrológico; siendo de importancia su cuantificación para el gerenciamiento del recurso hídrico. En este trabajo se presenta una metodología para estimar indirectamente la tasa diaria de ET de una macrófita bajo condiciones de clima templado húmedo. Paralelamente, se implementó un experimento con tanques enterrados donde se obtuvo una tasa de ET media diaria de 5.2 mm día-1. Dado que la tasa de ET es funció...

  10. Comportamiento de vigas de sección compuesta con perfiles de acero laminado y losa de concreto empleando conectores de cortante tipo tornillo grado dos (2)


    García Zamora, Alejandro; Molina Herrera, Maritzabel


    En el presente artículo, partiendo de un análisis teórico-experimental, se determinan y caracterizan los parámetros de diseño que rigen el comportamiento de las vigas compuestas de perfiles de acero y losa de concreto empleando conectores de cortante tipo tornillo, dado que para esta clase de conector no existe un estudio específico de su comportamiento, además en la actualidad su diseño no está definido en las NSR-98, aunque es uno de los tipos de conectores más empleados en la construcción ...

  11. Comportamiento de vigas de sección compuesta con perfiles de acero laminado y losa de concreto empleando conectores de cortante tipo tornillo grado dos (2)


    García Zamora, Alejandro; Molina Herrera, Maritzabel


    En el presente artículo, partiendo de un análisis teórico-experimental, se determinan y caracterizan los parámetros de diseño que rigen el comportamiento de las vigas compuestas de perfiles de acero y losa de concreto empleando conectores de cortante tipo tornillo, dado que para esta clase de conector no existe un estudio específico de su comportamiento, además en la actualidad su diseño no está definido en las NSR-98, aunque es uno de los tipos de conectores más empleados en la construcción ...

  12. Análisis de variables psicopedagógicas en hijos adolescentes violentos desde el modelo cognitivo

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    Cristian Molla Esparza


    Full Text Available La violencia filio-parental es una realidad latente en nuestra sociedad. El presente artículo analiza la existencia o no de variables psicopedagógicas (académica y laboral como factores de riesgo en hijos adolescentes que ejercen violencia contra sus progenitores. La metodología utilizada es descriptiva, centrada en el análisis de estudios que contemplan estas variables y las comparan con investigaciones sobre hijos agresores. Los resultados sugieren que éstos son factores de riesgo de conductas violentas en adolescentes por violencia filial y esbozan cuestiones relevantes para la investigación, prevención e intervención educativa. Asimismo, desde el modelo cognitivo, se intenta explicar la interacción entre la cognición intrapersonal e impersonal, principalmente, en adolescentes violentos; así como, las habilidades cognitivas vinculadas a la conducta prosocial frente a disposiciones antisociales, con miras a la intervención socioeducativa.

  13. Fases y variables vinculadas a la desindustrialización: un análisis en dos escalas territoriales

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    Jaime Sobrino


    Full Text Available En los estudios sobre economía espacial y economía industrial suele afirmarse que la desindustrialización consiste en la pérdida de importancia de la industria manufacturera en el mercado de trabajo y en la estructura económica. Los factores asociados a dicha pérdida se dividen entre los vinculados con la integración vertical de los servicios de orden superior al proceso productivo, y los relacionados con la falta de competitividad para la producción de bienes. El propósito de este artículo consiste en aportar elementos conceptuales y evidencia empírica para caracterizar la desindustrialización como un proceso que atraviesa por diversas fases, que van desde el crecimiento industrial hasta la pérdida absoluta de empleo y producción; asimismo busca explorar variables asociadas a tal proceso. Para ello se utilizan los instrumentos estadísticos de análisis de correspondencias, los modelos log-lineales y las funciones de regresión logística. En una primera etapa el estudio incluye 88 países, y en la segunda se cambia la escala geográfica para enfocarse en las 90 áreas urbanas y metropolitanas más pobladas de México. Se concluye que la desindustrialización en ambas escalas territoriales (país y ciudad comparte elementos comunes relacionados con un menor crecimiento económico y un mayor peso de los servicios al productor. Pero también se observan especificidades, como la mayor velocidad y variabilidad del proceso en las ciudades respecto a los países. La desindustrialización debe ser vista como un proceso, aunque no siempre lineal ni tampoco circunscrito a las naciones más desarrolladas o a las ciudades de mayor tamaño.

  14. Criterios para la selección de imágenes sin estereotipos vinculadas con la práctica de actividad físico-deportiva en la edición de libros de texto




    El artículo presenta criterios de evaluación para seleccionar las imágenes vinculadas con la práctica de actividad físico-deportiva en la edición de libros de texto de tal forma que estén libres de estereotipos. Los manuales escolares son portadores de un conocimiento que no siempre guarda una relación unívoca con lo que debe ser enseñado. La selección de sus contenidos debería ser coherente con las finalidades del sistema educativo, pero la investigación revela que la edición de los contenid...

  15. Eliminación de compuestos farmacéuticos y de cuidado personal (CFCPs) en efluentes anaerobios empleando sistemas biológicos de filtración/adsorción


    Paredes Barro, Lidia


    Traballo Fín de Máster en Enxeñaría de Procesos Químicos e Ambientais. Curso 2012-2013 El objetivo principal de este Trabajo Fin de Máster es evaluar la eliminación de compuestos farmacéuticos y de cuidado personal (CFCPs) durante el tratamiento de efluentes anaerobios empleando sistemas biológicos de filtración/adsorción. Para la consecución de este objetivo global se han propuesto los siguientes objetivos específicos: 1-Estudiar cómo afecta el tipo de soporte empleado en el lecho (...

  16. Grado de satisfacción laboral de los Directores de las Instituciones Educativas de Educación Básica Regular vinculadas al Programa de Educación Rural de Fe y Alegría Nº48 de Malingas –Tambogrande


    Távara Ma-San, Carlos Gabriel


    La investigación tiene como objetivo identificar el grado de satisfacción laboral de los directores de las instituciones educativas de Educación Básica Regular vinculadas al Programa de Educación Rural de Fe y Alegría Nº 48 de Malingas –Tambogrande. Para ello, se aplicó de manera anónima a 25 directores un "Cuestionario de Satisfacción Laboral" constituido por 35 ítems como instrumento para cuantificar las ocho dimensiones relacionadas con la satisfacción laboral mediante procesamiento estadí...

  17. Medición del daño genético inducido por el basuco en linfocitos humanos empleando la prueba de micronúcleos con Citocalasina B

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    AP. Ocampo


    Full Text Available El bazuco es una mezcla compleja que se deriva del proceso de extracción de la cocaína. El frecuente consumo de bazuco constituye un problema de salud pública. La prueba de micronúcleos en linfocitos humanos de sangre periférica por bloqueo de la citocinesis con Citocalasina B, es más sensible y precisa para evaluar daño  cromosómico porque permite registrar micronúcleos originados de fragmentos de cromosomas o cromosomas enteros en células que se han dividido una sola vez. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el daño genético, inducido por el bazuco en linfocitos humanos in vitro empleando la prueba de micronúcleos con Citocalasina B.

  18. Criterios para la selección de imágenes sin estereotipos vinculadas con la práctica de actividad físico-deportiva en la edición de libros de texto

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    Ana REY CAO


    Full Text Available El artículo presenta criterios de evaluación para seleccionar las imágenes vinculadas con la práctica de actividad físico-deportiva en la edición de libros de texto de tal forma que estén libres de estereotipos. Los manuales escolares son portadores de un conocimiento que no siempre guarda una relación unívoca con lo que debe ser enseñado. La selección de sus contenidos debería ser coherente con las finalidades del sistema educativo, pero la investigación revela que la edición de los contenidos visuales no se corresponde con la aplicación de criterios que respondan a esa intencionalidad. Tras una aparente neutralidad, las imágenes de los libros de texto enmascaran prejuicios y reproducen desigualdades que afectan a determinados colectivos frágiles. Los criterios de evaluación para la selección de imágenes que se presentan en este trabajo fueron elaborados de acuerdo con los resultados de una investigación que analizó los estereotipos de género, edad, raza, discapacidad y tipología corporal en las imágenes de manuales escolares de educación física para la ESO en España, así como la percepción del alumnado de secundaria sobre una selección significativa de las mismas imágenes. Los criterios elaborados pueden aplicarse para la selección de fotografías destinadas a manuales de diferentes áreas de conocimiento en las que aparezcan representadas personas vinculadas a la práctica de actividad físico-deportiva. La aplicación de los criterios de evaluación se ejemplifica en la selección de contenidos visuales para un hipotético libro de educación física.

  19. La obtención y proyección de tablas de mortalidad empleando curvas. Spline

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    Alejandro MINA-VALDÉS


    Full Text Available Una de las herramientas del análisis numérico es el uso de polinomios de n-ésimo orden para interpolar entre n + 1 puntos, teniéndose casos en donde estas funciones polinómicas pueden llevar a resultados erróneos. Una alternativa es la de aplicar polinomios de orden inferior a subconjuntos de datos. Estos polinomios conectados se llaman funciones de interpolación segmentaria (spline functions. En este artículo se presenta la herramienta que el análisis numérico proporciona como instrumento técnico necesario para llevar a cabo todos los procedimientos matemáticos existentes con base a algoritmos que permitan su simulación o cálculo, en especial, las funciones splines definidas a trozos (por tramos, con interpolación mediante ellas, dando lugar a el ajuste de curvas spline con base en la serie de sobrevivientes lx de una tabla abreviada de mortalidad mexicana, con el fin de desagregarla por edad desplegada, respetando las concavidades que por el efecto de la mortalidad en las primeras edades y en las siguientes se tienen en la experiencia mexicana. También empleando las curvas splines se presentan las simulaciones que permiten obtener escenarios futuros de las series de sobrevivientes lx, que dan lugar a las proyecciones de la mortalidad mexicana para los años 2010-2050, las que generan las tablas completas de mortalidad para hombres y mujeres de dicho periodo, resaltando las diferencias entre sexos y edades de sus probabilidades de supervivencia y las ganancias en las esperanzas de vida.

  20. Simulación de la destilación extractiva para la obtención de etanol anhidro empleando glicoles

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    Yeney Guerra Lauzurique


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la técnica de destilación extractiva empleando propilenglicol, etilenglicol, glicerol y una mezcla de etilenglicol y glicerol, por ser los solventes más empleados a nivel mundial. Para la simulación de las técnicas se utilizó el simulador de procesos hysys v3.2 y para su comparación se estableció un mismo flujo molar de etanol en la mezcla etanol-agua de 216,5 kmol/h. En todos los casos se obtuvo una composición molar de etanol anhidro mayor de 97 %. Se determinó la influencia de los parámetros de operación en la eficiencia de las tecnologías simuladas analizando seis casos de estudios. Además se realizó la comparación de las técnicas desde el punto de vista técnico- económico para determinar cuál es la mejor alternativa. Según la evaluación económica de las técnicas, todas las alternativas analizadas son económicamente ventajosas y en todas se logran ganancias netas, pero los mayores beneficios se obtienen en la destilación extractiva con etilenglicol.


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    Gabriel Ovejero


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se ha estudiado la efectividad de la oxidación por vía húmeda catalítica para tratar aguas residuales industriales en un reactor por lote. Para ello se han realizado ensayos con un contaminante modelo, el colorante básico Amarillo Directo 11 empleando como catalizador platino soportado en nanotubos de carbono de pared múltiple (Pt/MWNT. Así mismo se ha realizado el tratamiento de dos efluentes industriales. Los resultados muestran tanto la alta efectividad del tratamiento en presencia del catalizador, como una importante disminución del carbono orgánico total y de la toxicidad en el efluente final. Se concluye que el proceso se ha demostrado eficaz tanto para el tratamiento del colorante básico ensayado, como en los dos efluentes residuales industriales.

  2. Os procedimentos adotados pelos Tribunais de Contas da Bahia para a verificação das receitas e despesas vinculadas à educação Los procedimientos adoptados por los Tribunales de Cuentas del estado brasileño de Bahia para la verificación de ingresos y despesas vinculadas a la educación The procedures adopted by the Audit Courts of Bahia for checking revenue and expenses linked to education

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    Nicholas Davies


    Full Text Available O artigo examinou, com base em resoluções e/ou relatórios de contas, os procedimentos adotados pelos Tribunais de Contas do Estado (TCE e dos Municípios (TCM da Bahia para a verificação da receita e despesa vinculada à educação e constatou uma série de omissões, inconsistências e equívocos que muito provavelmente reduziram o montante de recursos legalmente vinculados à educação. O TCE, por exemplo, se limitou à contabilização do percentual mínimo dos impostos e nunca mencionou as receitas adicionais a este mínimo, como o salário-educação, os repasses federais para merenda e outros programas ou operações de crédito vinculadas à educação, significativas no caso da Bahia. Além disso, os relatórios contêm dados discrepantes e confundem gastos na função orçamentária Educação com os realizados em manutenção e desenvolvimento do ensino, dois conceitos diferentes. Também o TCM cometeu muitos equívocos, em suas resoluções, a começar pela terminologia. Empregou 'ensino básico' no lugar de 'educação infantil' e confundiu despesas no ensino (categoria mais ampla com despesas no Fundef (categoria mais restrita. Incorreu em ilegalidade ao aceitar que parte dos 40% dos recursos do Fundef (ou do Fundeb fossem destinados a escolas comunitárias, confessionais ou filantrópicas.El artículo ha examinado, con base en resoluciones y/o informes de cuentas, los procedimientos adoptados por los Tribunales de Cuentas de la Provincia (TCE y de los Municipios (TCM de Bahia para la verificación de los ingresos e despesas vinculadas a educación y ha constatado una serie de omisiones, inconsistencias y equívocos que muy probablemente han reducido el montante de fondos legalmente vinculados a la educación. El TCE, por ejemplo, ha limitado a la contabilización del porcentual mínimo de los impuestos y nunca mencionó los ingresos adicionales a este mínimo, como las transferencias federales para el gobierno provincial y

  3. Diseño de Hardware y Software de Systems on Chip empleando tecnología Xilinx EDK

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    Julio Cadena


    Full Text Available El presente artículo resume el proceso empleado para obtener el primer System on Chip (SoC diseñado, desarrollado, y emulado en la Escuela Politécnica del Ejército (ESPE y en el Ecuador. Se demostrará que combinando las ventajas del diseño sobre Field Programable Gate Arrays (FPGAs empleando la reutilización de IP Cores y plataformas, junto al uso de la tecnología de desarrollo Xilinx EDK, se puede diseñar tanto el hardware como el software de un chip de manera rápida y económicamente fiable. Además, se detalla el uso de la metodología Platform Based Design (PBD y del concepto de co-diseño de hardware y software para diseñar las capas de hardware, sistema operativo y aplicación de un chip. La capa de hardware contiene una serie de IP Cores gobernados por un procesador MicroBlaze trabajando dentro de la arquitectura CoreConnect de IBM. Mientras que la capa de sistema operativo está conformada por drivers, librerías y el Sistema Operativo en Tiempo Real (RTOS Xilkernel. Por último, la capa de aplicación tiene la funcionalidad de controlar una planta de temperatura, mediante la selección de dos técnicas de control: ON-OFF o PID. Cabe destacar que el co-diseño se desarrolló considerando un adecuado enfoque conceptual, arquitectural, y metodológico1.

  4. Estudio del abandono empleando un modelo de riesgos proporcionales


    Gonzalez, Mariana Verónica


    En este trabajo se aplica  un modelo de riesgo semi-paramétrico para identificar algunas variables que contribuyen a explicar el fenómeno del abandono estudiantil en una unidad académica de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC), Argentina. La inactividad académica prolongada se toma como proxy de la variable dependiente. Los resultados muestran que el promedio del secundario aparece como importante predictor de la deserción. Además, se detectó que los estudiantes que costean sus estudios c...

  5. Relaciones entre los hongos filamentosos y solubilizadores de fosfatos con algunas variables edáficas y el manejo de cafetales

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    Raúl Hernando Posada


    Full Text Available El suelo y sus propiedades tienen múltiples relaciones con las comunidades fúngicas. El efecto conjunto de la intensidad de manejo y las variables edáficas, incluida la estabilidad de agregados sobre las comunidades de hongos microscópicos filamentosos (HMF, solubilizadores de fosfato de hierro (HSP-Fe y solubilizadores tanto de fosfato de hierro como de calcio (HSP-(Fe+Ca no han sido evaluadas en campo. A partir de 40 muestras edáficas de ocho plantaciones de café de Colombia y México, con diferentes intensidades de manejo (IMPC y con diferencias en sus variables edáficas, se aislaron y evaluaron las comunidades de HMF, HSP-Fe y HSP-(Fe+Ca durante 2008-2009. Empleando modelos basados en ecuaciones estructurales se encontró que el carbono orgánico se relacionó positivamente con la riqueza y abundancia de HMF (λ>0.58 y fue variable en su relación con HSP-Fe y HSP-(Fe+Ca. Las relaciones del fósforo disponible, pH y las fracciones de macro-agregados fueron altamente variables. El IMPC se relacionó negativamente con HSP-Fe (λ≤-0.21 en cafetales colombianos. Se discuten las interacciones para cada conjunto de variables (químicas, estabilidad de macro-agregados y de manejo de plantación y se explican las relaciones resultantes. Las relaciones de cada variable son inseparables del contexto edáfico y geográfico, los cuales imprimen marcadas diferencias.

  6. Optimización de las condiciones de extracción de compuestos fenólicos a partir de cáscara de uva variedad quebranta (Ica, Perú) empleando técnicas convencionales y extracción asistida por ultrasonido


    Dueñas Zurita, Julia Alicia


    La producción de vino y pisco representa una de las principales actividades agrícolas en todo el mundo, esta producción se acompaña con la generación de grandes cantidades de desechos que son ricos en compuestos bioactivos (especialmente compuestos fenólicos) con capacidad antioxidante. El propósito de este trabajo es seleccionar y optimizar las condiciones de extracción de compuestos fenólicos a partir de cáscara de uva variedad Quebranta provenientes de vinificaciones empleando un método co...

  7. Identidad de la vacuna contra Streptococcus pneumoniae “Quimi-Vio” mediante la técnica Dot Blot empleando los anticuerpos monoclonales contra los polisacáridos capsulares 1,5, 6B, 14 y 19F de la bacteria

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    Elizabeth González Aznar


    Full Text Available Streptococcus pneumoniae (neumococo constituye una de las principales causas de enfermedades infecciosas bacterianas, particularmente en niños menores de 2 años de edad. Basadas en el polisacárido capsular (PsC, su principal factor de virulencia, existen dos tipos de vacunas aprobadas para uso en humanos: las vacunas polisacarídicas planas y las vacunas polisacarídicas conjugadas. Quimi-Vio, la vacuna antineumocócica cubana, pertenece al segundo grupo y está compuesta por los PsC de los siete serotipos de mayor incidencia y circulación en Cuba (1, 5, 6B, 14, 18C, 19F y 23F. El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar el ensayo de identidad de la vacuna cubana Quimi-Vio empleando los AcM contra los PsC 1, 5, 6B, 14, y 19F de Sp obtenidos recientemente en el Instituto Finlay de Vacunas, teniendo en cuenta que los Ensayos de identidad de las vacunas son requisito indispensable para la liberación final de los lotes. La técnica empleada para la realización del ensayo de identidad de Quimi-Vio fue el Dot Blot, donde empleando membrana de Nitrocelulosa se realizó la captura de tres lotes de vacuna Quimi-Vio y como control positivo de la técnica los respectivos PsC de los serotipos 1, 5, 6B, 14, y 19F sin conjugar y una vacuna comercial Prevenar-13. Para la identidad de los PsC de neumococo se emplearon los respectivos AcM a una concentración de 10µg/mL y como segundo anticuerpo anti IgG de ratón conjugado a peroxidasa teniendo en cuenta que los AcMs empleados son murinos. Cada AcM fue capaz de identificar de forma altamente especifica al PsC homologo (mismo serotipo, tanto en su forma no conjugada y monovalente como en el contexto de las vacunas Quimi-Vio y Prevenar 13V, donde además de estar conjugado al TT se encuentra mezclado con otros PsC de forma multivalente. La técnica Dot Blot empleando los AcMs contra los PsC serotipos 1, 5,6B, 14 y 19F permite identificar de forma específica cada PsC en la formulación multivalente, por lo

  8. Evaluación y estandarización del análisis por activación neutrónica según el método del k-sub cero en el reactor nuclear RP-10: Estudio preliminar empleando irradiaciones cortas


    Montoya Rossi, Eduardo Haroldo


    Se ha estandarizado una posición de irradiación del reactor nuclear RP-10 para el uso del análisis por activación neutrónica según el método del k sub cero, empleando la convención de Högdahl y se ha evaluado el comportamiento de dicho método respecto a la exactitud y precisión de los resultados obtenidos en el análisis multielemental cuantitativo de diversos materiales certificados de referencia. Para comprobar que el método analítico se encuentra totalmente bajo control estadístico, se ha e...

  9. Obtención de silicatos de calcio empleando como precursores residuos sólidos. Influencia del mezclado de reactivos en fase seca o fase húmeda

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    Corpas Iglesias, F. A.


    Full Text Available The suitability of re-using residues marble, remaining from cutting marble, as a source of calcium-oxide, as well as the resultant ashes from the combustion of the wastes generated in the process of manufacturing boards from derivates of wood, as a source of silica, as raw material for the production of calcium silicate products has been determined. First of all, the influence of water has been studied in the initial phase of mixing residues. Marble and ashes have been mixed in molar relation CaO:SiO2 of 1:1 using two different ways: using a planetary ball mill (while in solid state or agitating at 90 ºC (2 h using a 60 wt% of water (while in humid state. Later, both mixtures were sintered at 1100 ºC (24 h. In order to use the obtained calcium-silicates as ceramic insulating thermal materials, the samples were compressed at 15 Tm obtaining bricks from which the technological properties have been studied. The ceramic materials obtained from mixing the residues in dry phase, as well as those obtained in the wet phase, can be used as thermal insulators, showing values of conductivity of 0.18 and 0.12 w/m2K, with an elevated resistance to compressive strength.

    Se ha determinado la posibilidad de reutilizar los residuos procedentes del corte de mármol, como fuente de óxido de calcio, y las cenizas resultantes de la combustión de los residuos generados en el proceso de fabricación de tableros de derivados de madera, como fuente de sílice. A partir de ambas materias primas, se obtienen silicatos de calcio. Se ha estudiado la influencia de agua en la fase inicial de mezclado de los residuos. Para ello mármol y cenizas se han mezclado en relación molar CaO:SiO2 1:1, en una primera ruta, en fase seca, empleando un molino de bolas, o en una segunda ruta, en fase húmeda, mediante agitación a 90 ºC (2 h empleando un 60 % en peso de agua. Posteriormente, ambas mezclas se sinterizan a 1100 ºC (24 h. Con


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    Full Text Available La alta biodisponibilidad de los monoterpenos los hace precursores promisorios en los procesos de biotransformación, mediante los que se producen compuestos de valor agregado que pueden considerarse naturales, debido a que se obtienen por métodos enzimáticos a partir de precursores aislados de la naturaleza. En el presente estudio se evaluó la biotransformación de geraniol y (R-(+-α-pineno empleando la cepa bacteriana Rhodococcus opacus DSM 44313, para ello se determinó la influencia del tiempo de crecimiento de la bacteria, tomando suspensiones celulares en la mitad y finalizando la fase exponencial. También se evaluaron tres tiempos de reacción (12, 24 y 48 h y el efecto de un cosolvente, agregando los sustratos puros y disueltos en etanol al 10%. A partir del geraniol se produjeron geranial, ácido geránico y 6-metil-5-hepten-2-ona, sólo cuando el sustrato se adicionó puro, y se formaron en mayor concentración cuando la bacteria estaba finalizando su fase de crecimiento exponencial. Con el (R-(+-α-pineno se produjo como compuesto principal el (R-(+-cis-verbenol, siendo mayor su concentración agregando el pineno disuelto en etanol, y cuando la bacteria se encontraba en la mitad de su fase de crecimiento exponencial. Los resultados indican que el comportamiento de la bacteria cambia según el sustrato adicionado, debido a las propiedades de cada monoterpeno, pero los compuestos obtenidos con ambos sustratos tienen importantes aplicaciones en las industrias farmacéutica, alimenticia y de perfumería


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    Mauricio Alexánder Álvarez López

    Full Text Available El horno de arco eléctrico proporciona un medio relativamente simple para la fusión de metales. Se utiliza en la producción de acero de alta pureza, aluminio, cobre, plomo, entre otros metales. Sin embargo, los hornos de arco son considerados como la carga más nociva para el sistema eléctrico de potencia. Por consiguiente, resulta de gran importancia contar con modelos de horno de arco que permitan determinar con alto grado de aproximación el comportamiento de este tipo de carga, puesto que se podría evaluar su impacto en términos de índices de calidad de energía para el sistema de potencia al cual se conecten. Uno de los principales problemas que surge al utilizar los modelos matemáticos de arco eléctrico consiste en la calibración de los parámetros que describen la dinámica del modelo. En este documento se muestra un procedimiento para calibrar todos los parámetros de un modelo de horno de arco eléctrico de corriente alterna, dadas mediciones reales de tensiones y corrientes. Se utiliza una red neuronal multicapa como emulador del modelo del horno. La red neuronal se entrena empleando datos de simulación obtenidos del modelo del horno implementado en el entorno Matlab®-Simulink®. Una vez entrenada la red, los parámetros de interés se obtienen resolviendo un problema inverso. Los resultados obtenidos muestran un error máximo de 4,1 % en el valor eficaz de las corrientes del arco eléctrico.



    Ana García-Valcárcel Muñoz-Repiso; Francisco Javier Tejedor Tejedor


    Introducción: Los escenarios de aprendizaje se refieren a la descripción de las condiciones en las que se desarrolla la actividad formativa. La incorporación de las nuevas tecnologías a las aulas está generando nuevos escenarios de aprendizaje. Los objetivos del estudio son: 1) Análisis de variables contextuales y personales implicadas en el proceso de incorporación de las TIC en la enseñanza universitaria y sus consecuencias en los niveles de calidad (satisfacción y mejora en los indicado...

  13. Aptitud física en mujeres adultas mayores vinculadas a un programa de envejecimiento activo Physical fitness in older woman related to an active aging program

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    Jorge Enrique Correa Bautista


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la aptitud física, entendida como la capacidad para desarrollar actividades normales de la vida diaria de forma segura, con independencia y sin excesiva fatiga, en un grupo de mujeres, vinculadas durante ocho meses al programa de recreación para el adulto mayor del Instituto Distrital de Recreación y Deporte (IDRD, de la localidad de Puente Aranda de la ciudad de Bogotá. Materiales y métodos: Estudio transversal de una cohorte de n= 344 mujeres en edades entre 60 y 87 años, a las cuales se les realizaron mediciones de peso (Kg, talla (cm, porcentaje de grasa, perímetro de cintura (cm, fuerza muscular de resistencia en miembros inferiores, y resistencia aeróbica, de acuerdo a la Bateria Senior Fitness Test (SFT.La agilidad no fue tenida encuenta. Para identificar el cambio de comportamiento de la población se utilizó el modelo transteórico de Prochaska y Velicer Resultados: El (56,4 % de las mujeres del estudio se encontró en etapa de acción en relación al comportamiento frente a la actividad física. Se identificaron 159 mujeres en sobrepeso, 121 mujeres con fuerza de resistencia adecuada, 183 con resistencia aeróbica dentro de los parámetros de normalidad y 183 mujeres con mala flexibilidad. Conclusión: A partir de los resultados descritos concluimos que la práctica regular de actividad física en la población de mujeres personas mayores trajo beneficios, pues su nivel de aptitud física sobre todo en lo relacionado con la fuerza en miembros inferiores y la capacidad aeróbica, mostró niveles suficientes y se clasificaron como activas físicamente. Salud UIS 2011; 43 (3: 263-269Objective: To determine physical fitness, understood as ability to develop normal activities of daily living safely, independently and without excessive fatigue through the measurement of physical components as the force of resistance, endurance, and agility in a group of women, linked for 8 months in a recreation program for the

  14. Energía financiera


    Altuve G., José G.


    La energía financiera surge como consecuencia de la unión de los conceptos energía y financiera. La primera, como la acción a seguir en un momento del tiempo, y la segunda vinculada al manejo de variables tales como: Estructura financiera y su costo de capital y, las decisiones de inversión consideradas bajo riesgo. Si se armonizan estos dos aspectos estamos en presencia de la fusión de la energía y la administración financiera en dos de sus variables más importantes. Financial power arise...

  15. Actividades físico-recreativas vinculadas al ajedrez para la ocupación del tiempo libre de niños entre 8-10 años de la Circunscripción 34 del Consejo Popular “Hermanos Barcón” del municipio Pinar del Río

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    Marisel Piñeiro Gomez


    Full Text Available Tomando como sustento que la comunidad resulta un contexto importante del trabajo social por ser en ella donde se dinamizan los procesos de participación para reafirmar los valores, la identidad es que se pretende proponer un conjunto de  actividades  físico  recreativas  vinculadas  al  ajedrez  para  la  ocupación  del tiempo libre de los niños y niñas entre 8/10 años de la Circunscripción 34 del Consejo Popular “Hermanos Barcón” del      municipio Pinar del Río. Sonrelacionadas con el ajedrez teniendo en consideración que sus propósitos generales están encaminados a desarrollar en el individuo una actitud favorable hacia el ajedrez que permita apreciarlo como elemento generador de cultura; desplegar su potencial intelectual a partir del estímulo de la esfera cognitiva; garantizar la adquisición de conocimientos, habilidades y destrezas básicas necesarias para la incorporación a la vida activa; permitir el establecimiento de vínculos entre los conocimientos, experiencias ajedrecistas y la vida cotidiana. Se realizó con una unidad de análisis desglosada en  32 del sexo masculino (39,5% y 49 del femenino (60,4%; para la muestra se escogieron a los niños y niñas que deseaban  ocupar  su  tiempo  libre  con  la  realización  de  actividades  físico recreativas vinculadas al ajedrez, quedando como sigue: Sexo masculino: 19 (59,3%  de  la  población; 79,1%  de  la  unidad  de  análisis, sexo  femenino: 23 (46,9% de la población; 63,8% de la unidad de análisis. La importancia de este trabajo es que fomentará hábitos de salud, disciplina, compañerismo, cooperación, responsabilidad; desarrollará habilidades de liderazgo; favorecerá a la integración, la comprensión, reconocimiento, desarrollo de agilidad mental, la capacidad para la solución de problemas, la creatividad, imaginación, curiosidad infantil, permitirá intercambiar ideas y experiencias durante su desarrollo.

  16. Hacia una memorización de los signos de los impactos cruzados entre variables estratégicas

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    Ali Smida


    Full Text Available A la expresión “todo lo demás permanece constante” (del latín “ceteris paribus”, apreciada por los economistas, los seguidores de la prospectiva oponen la expresión “todo lo demás está cambiando”. Razón por la cual han desarrollado herramientas, en particular los escenarios y las matrices de impactos cruzados, que han puesto a disposición de la estrategia. Los escenarios han tenido un gran éxito en este campo, pero las matrices de impactos cruzados han tenido problemas para ser adoptadas por los estrategas de la empresa. Una de las desventajas de estas matrices es que son “amnésicas” en cuanto a los signos negativos de los impactos causados o experimentados por los actores o las variables. Hay, en efecto, una pérdida de información una vez que se pasa a los impactos indirectos, en la medida que el producto de un número par de signos negativos produce un signo positivo: en consecuencia las oposiciones son ocultadas. Este artículo propone un método que permite encontrar el rastro de los impactos negativos a lo largo de una cadena de acciones y reacciones. Para lo cual se realiza, a manera de ilustración, el estudio de los impactos positivos y negativos entre las variables estratégicas vinculadas al financiamiento de los hogares para los adultos mayores dependientes en Francia (EHPAD, por su sigla en idioma francés. En efecto, los impactos introducidos por la adhesión y la oposición de los protagonistas a la inclusión de los medicamentos en el precio de un programa integral de cuidados han producido una avalancha de textos legislativos y reglamentarios contradictorios que pueden llegar a comprometer el futuro de los EHPAD.

  17. Variabilidad de las proporciones molares en poblaciones humanas: un abordaje empleando modelos del desarrollo y experimentales / Variability of molar proportions in human populations: insights from developmental models and experiments in mice

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    Lucas A. D´Addona


    Full Text Available Los datos sobre la variación dental interpoblacional y sobre los mecanismos que regulan el desarrollo dental aportados por estudios experimentales aún no han sido integrados en el contexto de investigaciones antropobiológicas. En este sentido, el presente trabajo se propone: a evaluar la consistencia entre la variación de las proporciones molares en poblaciones humanas que exhiben gran variación en el tamaño dental con las predicciones derivadas de un modelo de desarrollo dental de cascada inhibitoria, y b analizar el efecto de los factores sistémicos que controlan el crecimiento del organismo sobre las proporciones de los molares inferiores empleando cepas de Mus musculus. Se calcularon las áreas de los molares inferiores mediante los diámetros bucolingual y mesiodistal. La variación interpoblacional en las proporciones M2/M1 y M3/M1 fue concordante con las expectativas derivadas del modelo y la mayoría de los grupos exhibieron una tendencia a la reducción del tamaño en sentido antero-posterior. Asimismo, se observó una asociación significativa y positiva entre el área molar total y las proporciones molares. En los modelos experimentales la alteración del crecimiento por factores sistémicos (subnutrición proteica y reducción de la hormona de crecimiento resultó en la disminución del área molar total y cambios en las proporciones molares. Estos últimos, consistentes con el incremento del efecto inhibitorio en sentido antero-posterior. En conjunto, los resultados sugieren que la modificación de los factores sistémicos que regulan el área molar total podría conducir a cambios en la proporción de activadores-inhibidores y contribuir a la diferenciación interpoblacional en las proporciones molares. Palabras clave: Modelo de cascada inhibitoria; tamaño dental; aproximación experimental y comparativa Data on dental variation among human populations and the mechanisms regulating tooth development elucidated by

  18. Adquisición de variables de tráfico vehicular usando visión por computador


    Germán Enrique Urrego; Francisco Carlos Calderón; Alejandro Forero; Julián Armando Quiroga


    El conteo de vehículos es una tarea fundamental en los aforos de tráfico, tanto para el diseño de nuevas vías como para el control y la optimización del tráfico urbano. En ciudades como Bogotá, este conteo actualmente se realiza en forma manual, pero puede hacerse automáticamente empleando técnicas de visión por computador. El presente artículo muestra el desarrollo de un algoritmo de detección y seguimiento de vehículos en tiempo real a partir de video, el cual permite el conteo de vehículos...


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    Diego Fernando Navas

    Full Text Available Los transformadores son elementos de suma importancia dentro de las redes eléctricas. Su vida útil depende, entre otros factores, de la temperatura presente en su interior, especialmente aquella localizada en sus materiales aislantes. Dichas temperaturas suelen ser estimadas a través de modelos propuestos en las normatividades; sin embargo, los valores obtenidos son aproximados y siempre es deseable obtener una medición directa. Por razones netamente económicas la medición directa suele emplearse en transformadores de potencia. Sin embargo, con la llegada de las smarts grids (redes inteligentes será necesaria la instrumentación en los sistemas de distribución y el uso de tecnologías más limpias. Con fines investigativos, en el presente documento los autores comentan sus experiencias en la instrumentación con fibras ópticas de cuatro transformadores de distribución sumergidos en aceite mineral y vegetal para realizar una evaluación térmica. Los transformadores tienen capacidades de 15 kVA y 37,5 kVA y operan a tensiones de 7620 V / 240 V. Se explica el proceso de determinación de los puntos de medición de temperatura al interior del transformador y se finaliza con resultados de ensayos de elevación de temperatura empleando carga simulada mediante cortocircuito y carga real a dos niveles para comparar las mediciones dentro de cada uno de los transformadores.

  20. Aplicación e información del derecho extranjero en el ámbito interamericano, regional y en el Uruguay

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    Eduardo Tellechea Bergman


    Full Text Available El actual incremento de las relaciones privadas internacionales consecuencia, entre otras variables, del desarrollo de los medios de comunicación internacional en sus distintas modalidades y de una paralela flexibilización de las fronteras nacionales, es determinante a nivel jurisdiccional del planteo de diversas cuestiones vinculadas a la aplicación e información del derecho extranjero, que el presente trabajo aborda en su regulación a nivel interamericano y regional, así como en el Derecho Internacional Privado uruguayo.

  1. Estudio y optimización de los sistemas de intercambio de calor en generación termoeléctrica aplicada al aprovechamiento del calor residual


    Aranguren Garacochea, Patricia


    La presente tesis doctoral estudia el aprovechamiento del calor residual mediante generación termoeléctrica para la obtención de potencia eléctrica generada gracias al efecto Seebeck. Dos son las aproximaciones empleadas, la simulación computacional, empleando variables obtenidas experimentalmente y la experimentación de escenarios reales. Ambas dos han obtenido valores muy prometedores para la generación eléctrica a través de los gases residuales. Con el desarrollo de esta tesis doctoral,...

  2. Rendimiento deportivo, estilos de liderazgo y evitación experiencial en jóvenes futbolistas almerienses

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    Jos\\u00E9 Fenoy Castilla


    Full Text Available Múltiples estudios han mostrado la efectividad de la Terapia de Aceptación y Compromiso (ACT en el incremento del rendimiento deportivo(RD- piragüismo, tenis, balonmano, ajedrez, etc.-, en tanto la Evitación Experiencial (EE juega un papel importante en este. Este estudio aborda la relación entre EE y las variables psicológicas tradicionalmente vinculadas al RD en futbolistas jóvenes (Club Deportivo Vera, así como entre EE y liderazgo del entrenador. Este trabajo queda justificado por la posibilidad de mejorar el RD mediante protocolos ACT encaminados a la aceptación de eventos privados y estados corporales, enfocando sus conductas de ejecución en dirección a valores. Los instrumentos utilizados son, por un lado, el Acceptance and Action Questionnaire II (AAQ-II, que mide el grado de EE. Por otro, el Cuestionario de Características Psicológicas Relacionados con el Rendimiento Deportivo (CPRD y la Escala de Liderazgo para Deportes (LSS. Los resultados muestran relaciones (-.457 significativas (p < .01 entre EE y las características psicológicas vinculadas con RD. Así mismo, la preferencia de los jugadores por una conducta de liderazgo autocrática se correlaciona negativamente con dichas variables. A partir de estos resultados se propone la aplicación de protocolos ACT para el incremento del RD en futbolistas

  3. Lealtad de marca: antecedentes y perspectivas de investigación.


    Julián Ramírez Angulo; Edison Jair Duque Oliva; Carlos Alberto Rodríguez Romero


    Este documento revisa la caracterización de la lealtad de marca, como variable multidimensional del marketing y sus perspectivas para la investigación. Para tal fin, en primer lugar se hace una revisión de los antecedentes conceptuales, para posteriormente ilustrar la evolución y la tendencia creciente en la investigación sobre el tema. Esto conduce a presentar tres posibles perspectivas de investigación sobre la lealtad, vinculadas a su examen como innovaciones, a través de la logística y en...

  4. Desempeño del método cromatográfico para el estudio de estabilidad del aceite de hígado de tiburón microencapsulado empleando acetato de quitosana

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    Caridad García

    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar el desempeño del método para la cuantificación de la vitamina A en el aceite microencapsulado, empleando acetato de quitosana y maltodextrina como agentes encapsulantes, así como estudiar la estabilidad del aceite microencapsulado. Materiales y métodos: Los parámetros evaluados se correspondieron con lo establecido internacionalmente para este estudio: especificidad, exactitud y precisión. El estudio de estabilidad se realizó durante 12 meses a temperatura ambiente (30 ± 2ºC y 70 ± 5 % de humedad relativa, evaluándose en el tiempo la eficiencia de encapsulación, aceite superficial, pérdidas por desecación, contenido de vitamina A y conteo microbiológico. Resultados: Se demostró que el método evaluado fue específico, preciso y exacto para la determinación del contenido de vitamina A en la mezcla de aceite microencapsulado. Los resultados demuestran que el aceite microencapsulado tiene un comportamiento estable en cuanto a los indicadores evaluados, evidenciándose la protección ofrecida por los componentes de la pared de las microcápsulas. Conclusiones: El método empleado en la cuantificación de la vitamina A en el aceite microencapsulado resultó específico, exacto y preciso, demostrándose su aplicabilidad para el control de calidad y estudio de estabilidad. El aceite microencapsulado con acetato de quitosana y maltodextrina como agentes encapsulantes, es estable física, química y microbiológicamente, durante 12 meses.

  5. Relationship between socio-demographic and clinical variables, and health-related quality of life in patients with inflammatory bowel disease Relación entre variables sociodemográficas y clínicas y calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal

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    B. López Blanco


    la cirugía y la necesidad de apoyo psicológico aparecieron relacionadas con la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud. Conclusiones: la identificación de las variables de calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal parece vinculada básicamente a elementos externos al tipo de enfermedad. El conocimiento de tales elementos puede resultar muy útil para orientar y modificar factores específicos en futuras actuaciones.

  6. Procesos de evolución de la descontaminación "in situ" de suelos afectados por hidrocarburos


    Maroto Arroyo, Esther


    El objetivo de la tesis doctoral es la determinación de forma cualitativa y cuantitativa de aquellos parámetros o variables que afectan directa o indirectamente en el proceso de descontaminación de un acuífero contaminado por hidrocarburos, empleando técnicas de descontaminación "in situ", estableciendo los parámetros que definirán el rendimiento y la eficacia del sistema, optimizando en un futuro las obras de descontaminación. Se ha propuesto un modelo de descontaminación basado en las tres ...

  7. Decisiones de financiamiento en pymes: ¿existen diferencias en función del tamaño y la forma legal?


    Briozo, Anahí; Vigier, Hernán; Castillo, Natalia; Pesce, Gabriela; Speroni, Carolina


    Se analiza si existen características diferenciales en las pequeñas y medianas empresas en función de su tamaño y de su forma legal. Se estudian en especial las decisiones de financiamiento, tomando como marco el enfoque de jerarquía financiera, trade-off y ciclo de vida. Empleando una muestra de empresas radicadas en la ciudad de Bahía Blanca (Argentina), se realizan test no paramétricos y test de independencia sobre las variables. Los resultados muestran que las empresas de mayor tamaño se ...

  8. Decisiones de financiamiento en pymes: ¿existen diferencias en función del tamaño y la forma legal?


    Anahí Briozzo; Hernán Vigier; Natalia Castillo; Gabriela Pesce; M. Carolina Speroni


    Se analiza si existen características diferenciales en las pequenas ˜ y medianas empresas en función de su tamano ˜ y de su forma legal. Se estudian en especial las decisiones de financiamiento, tomando como marco el enfoque de jerarquía financiera, trade-off y ciclo de vida. Empleando una muestra de empresas radicadas en la ciudad de Bahía Blanca (Argentina), se realizan test no paramétricos y test de independencia sobre las variables. Los resultados muestran que las empresas de mayor tamano...

  9. El estado de salud del adulto mayor en América Latina


    R. Todd Jewell; Máximo Rossi; Patricia Triunfo


    Haciendo uso de los datos de la Encuesta sobre Salud, Bienestar y Envejecimiento, este trabajo analiza el estado de salud de las personas mayores a 60 años en cinco países de América Latina: Argentina, Brasil, Chile, México y Uruguay. Empleando modelos probit ordenados fue posible investigar los efectos de variables socioeconómicas sobre el estado de salud auto-reportado. Los resultados indican que la autopercepción de la salud está relacionada positivamente con una buena nutrición, una mayor...

  10. Importaciones totales y de carne de cerdo en México en el contexto del TLCAN: un enfoque de corrección de error


    Pablo Mejía Reyes


    Se modela la dinámica de las importaciones totales y de carne de cerdo de México para el periodo de vigencia del TLCAN. Asimismo, partiendo de un marco convencional, se analiza la existencia de cointegración entre las importaciones de cada tipo, la producción nacional y los precios relativos. Posteriormente, se modela la dinámica de corto plazo de cada tipo de importaciones mediante un modelo de corrección de error empleando las mismas variables explicatorias. Los resultados sugieren que las ...

  11. El capital social organizacional de la pequeña empresa innovadora. Un ensayo de medición en las ciudades de Cali y Medellín


    Castillo, Ruth Esperanza Román; Mejía, Alina Gómez; Smida, Alí


    Este artículo realiza una aplicación del concepto de capital social en el ámbito organizacional. Se propone un instrumento de medición de los aspectos culturales de este capital inmaterial empleando una escala tipo Likert. El cuestionario fue aplicado a una muestra de pequeñas empresas con perfil innovador de Cali y Medellín (Colombia). Las mediciones promedio obtenidas y el análisis de la correlación entre diferentes variables del estudio permiten concluir que las empresas analizadas tienen ...

  12. Los estilos de aprendizaje, ¿condicionante del empleo de las plataformas educativas en un grado de Edificación?


    Alducin-Ochoa, Juan Manuel; Vázquez-Martínez, Ana Isabel


    La investigación que se presenta ha sido realizada con estudiantes de primer curso de Ingeniería de Edificación (Universidad de Sevilla). Los objetivos que la guían son determinar la distribución porcentual de los estilos de aprendizaje dominantes, y analizar la relación entre las puntuaciones en los estilos y el grado de empleo de la plataforma WebCT. Se ha recurrido a un diseño metodológico transversal múltiple, ex post facto con variables no manipuladas experimentalmente, empleando los mét...

  13. Producción de Biobutanol mediante fermentación ABE a partir de suero lácteo. (Efecto de suplementar el medio de fermentación con nutrientes esenciales)


    Díez Antolínez, Rebeca


    Este trabajo tiene como principal objetivo mejorar el rendimiento y la productividad de la fermentación ABE en un proceso discontinuo, empleando suero bruto desproteinizado suplementado con nutrientes esenciales como sustrato y la cepa C. beijerinckii NCIMB 8052, como catalizador. Pruebas preliminares empleando suero bruto desproteinizado reportaron pequeñas concentraciones de solventes y bajas productividades y rendimientos. La suplementación del sustrato con concentraciones limitadas de nut...

  14. Determinación de la tenacidad a la fractura de muestras de Acero 45 fundido, empleando las correlaciones entre el KIC y la energía de impacto medida en el ensayo de Charpy. // Determination of the fracture tenacity of cast Steel grade 45 samples, using th

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    F. Ramos Morales


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se determinan los valores de tenacidad a la fractura (KIC de muestras de Acero 45 fundido,empleando las correlaciones entre la tenacidad a la fractura y la energía de impacto (CVN obtenida del ensayo de Charpy.Se hace una discusión sobre las correlaciones que más se ajustan en la región de transición y en upper shelf. Se comparanlos valores obtenidos de estas correlaciones a valores de tenacidad a la fractura establecidos en la literatura.Palabras claves: Fractura, energía de impacto, acero fundido.______________________________________________________________________________Abstract.In this paper, the values of fracture toughness (KIC are determined on specimens of cast steel grade 45, using thecorrelations among the fracture toughness (KIC and the impact energy (CVN obtained from a Charpy test. A discussion ismade on the correlations that are better adjusted in the transition region and in upper shelf region. The obtained values arecompared from these correlations to values of fracture toughness (KIC settled down in the literature.Key words. Fracture, impact energy, cast steel.

  15. Analysis of safety perception on pedestrian bridges: a hybrid modelling approach


    Márquez, Luis; Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia


    Este artículo de investigación científica y tecnológica estudia la percepción de seguridad en el uso de puentes peatonales, empleando un enfoque sustentado en dos campos principales: el microeconómico y el psicológico. El trabajo hace la estimación simultánea de un modelo híbrido de elección y variables latentes con datos de una encuesta de preferencias declaradas, encontrando mejor ajuste que un modelo mixto de referencia, lo que indica que la percepción de seguridad determina el comportamie...

  16. Impacto de herramientas de mejora en la eficiencia operacional y responsabilidad ambiental en plantas de manufactura de México

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    Carlos Monge


    Full Text Available se propone un modelo matemático para interrelacionar empíricamente las variables manufactura esbelta, la manufactura sustentable y la mejora continua con la eficiencia operacional y responsabilidad ambiental en plantas de manufactura discreta de apodaca, nl, México. Dada la complejidad de las interrelaciones del modelo propuesto, se establece que éste sea estimado mediante la técnica estadística de modelación con ecuaciones estructurales basadas en mínimos cuadrados parciales, utilizando indicadores formativos, y empleando el instrumento de medición propuesto por los autores en un estudio ya publicado.



    Aguirre Ramírez, Néstor J.; Palacio Baena, Jaime A.; Correa Ochoa, Isabel C.; Hernández Atilano, Esnedy


    Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar el crecimiento del alga Chlorella vulgaris ante diferentes concentraciones de nitrógeno y fósforo, a través de ensayos de bioestimulación en una cámara ambiental. Las variables respuesta fueron la densidad algal y la turbidez, evaluadas por conteo en una cámara de Neubauer y por espectrofotometría, empleando un equipo NOVA 60. Para los ensayos de bioestimulación se utilizó el medio de cultivo Estándar Métodos, sugerido por APHA, AWWA (1995) con di...

  18. Modelos basados en grafos: una aplicación al estudio del gasto de cruceristas en Uruguay || Graph-Based Models: An Application to the Study of Cruise Passengers' Expenditure in Uruguay

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    Brida, Juan Gabriel


    Full Text Available Este trabajo introduce el uso de grafos en el análisis de los determinantes del gasto de los turistas y lo aplica al estudio del comportamiento de los pasajeros de cruceros que desembarcan en Uruguay en los puertos de Montevideo y Punta del Este. Este enfoque ofrece un abordaje alternativo a los usualmente empleados para analizar los determinantes del gasto turístico al introducir una representación gráfica que permite sintetizar y visualizar las relaciones entre el conjunto de variables que caracterizan a los turistas o grupos de turistas y los determinantes de su nivel de gasto. En particular, la metodología permite representar las relaciones de dependencia entre variables (entre nodos adyacentes e independencias condicionadas (entre nodos no adyacentes. Para su aplicación, se consideran datos individuales de las encuestas realizadas a cruceristas correspondientes a la temporada de cruceros comprendida entre noviembre de 2014 y abril de 2015, ambos incluidos, en Uruguay. Se estudia la existencia de dependencias de las variables relativas a registrar el gasto de los cruceristas con otras variables (sociodemográficas, de contexto, etc.. El estudio muestra que las variables que mejor explican el comportamiento de los visitantes son las vinculadas al puerto de desembarco y al gasto. Asimismo, los resultados muestran que las variables socioeconómicas no están vinculadas al gasto en forma directa. || This paper introduces the use of graphs in the analysis of the determinants of tourists' expenditure, providing an alternative approach to the methods usually employed. Graph-based analysis is applied to study the behavior of cruise passengers arriving at the ports of Montevideo and Punta del Este in Uruguay. The graphical representation allows to synthesize and visualize the relationships between the set of variables that characterize tourists or tourist groups and the determinants of their level of spending. The graph-based methodology is

  19. El medio interestelar alrededor de estrellas Of (United States)

    Caballero, N.; Cappa, C.

    Se analiza la distribución del hidrógeno neutro interestelar en la vecindad de algunas estrellas Of con el fin de investigar la presencia de burbujas de H I vinculadas a las estrellas. Se determinan los parámetros físicos de las burbujas de H I encontradas y se comparan con estructuras similares vinculadas a estrellas Wolf-Rayet. El estudio se lleva a cabo en base a datos pertenecientes al relevamiento de Weaver y Willians (1973).


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    Carolina Mora


    Full Text Available Con el desarrollo de internet se ha ido haciendo evidente la vinculación entre discapacidad y sexualidad, en la que las designaciones “devotees”, “pretedenders” y “wannabes” (DPW juegan un rol central. Los devotees son individuos sanos que se sienten atraídos sexualmente hacia personas con discapacidad, generalmente con problemas de movilidad. Los pretenders son personas que actúan como si tuvieran una discapacidad imitando sus movimientos, usando muletas, sillas de ruedas, escayolas, etc. Por último, los wannabes desean ser discapacitados, algunos de ellos han llegado al extremo de hacerse amputaciones caseras cuando la medicina tradicional se ha negado a dar respuesta a su necesidad. La presente investigación documental indaga sobre cada uno de los miembros de la taxonomía DPW, presentando: a las hipótesis existentes con relación a su etiología; b su vinculación con otras entidades diagnósticas presentes en el DSM V; c se describen algunos de los tratamientos que se han empleado en su abordaje terapéutico, y d se mencionan las interrelaciones entre estas 3 categorías, dado que los limites entre ellas son muy flexibles.

  1. La construcción de la identidad de las trabajadoras sexuales en España en la actualidad


    Solano Ramírez, Concha


    La política sexual impuesta desde la modernidad está basada en el control del cuerpo y la sexualidad, y en especial el cuerpo de las mujeres y de su capacidad reproductora mediante la distinción entre las buenas y malas mujeres. En esta construcción de la sexualidad han contribuido las ciencias, diferenciando la sexualidad sana o normal, vinculada a la conyugalidad de la pareja heterosexual, adulta, matrimonial y formal y las denominadas sexualidades periféricas, vinculadas a conceptos de per...

  2. Obtención y caracterización de monocristales de fosfatos cálcicos empleando el método de sales fundidas

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    Franco, J.


    fundidas, optimizando las condiciones de operación de este método para obtener una fase monocristalina con una relación de aspecto elevada, y cuya composición sea similar a la fase mineral del hueso. Se han estudiado los siguientes parámetros: composición del fundente, proporción material/fundente, y velocidad de enfriamiento. Los “whiskers” obtenidos se han caracterizado empleando difracción de rayos X de polvo cristalino (DRX, microscopía electrónica de barrido (MEB y microanálisis EDX. La estructura cristalina de los cristales de cloroapatito se determinó a partir de difracción de monocristal y de polvo cristalino.


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    Edison Gil Pavas


    Full Text Available El presente estudio describe un método simple y económico para la remoción de cromo (III de efluentes líquidos de la industria de curtiembres utilizando ceniza volante. El proceso se llevó a cabo en forma discontinua utilizando como variables la masa de ceniza volante, el tiempo de contacto y la temperatura o el pH, Con estas variables se realizó un diseño de experimentos tipo Box-Wilson, el cual se optimizó posteriormente empleando un programa estadístico. Se utilizó una ceniza volante original y otra sometida a un tratamiento químico. Los resultados mostraron la posibilidad de bajar concentración inicial de cromo de 1850 ppm a una final de 0,008 ppm, cumpliendo así con las exigencias ambientales sobre este agente contaminante.

  4. educativos en México: 1987-2004

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    Edna María Villarreal Peralta


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se analiza el impacto del nivel educativo sobre el ingreso salarial en México para el periodo 1987-2004. Para ello, se calcula la evolución de los rendimientos educativos empleando datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Empleo Urbano (ENEU. Se estiman tres modelos alternativos: primero, se toman años de estudio como variable explicativa principal; segundo, se incorporan variables dummies para estado civil y parentesco y, tercero, se consideran niveles educativos. Se obtiene que los mayores rendimientos marginales corresponden a los individuos con nivel educativo más elevado. Asimismo, al estimar los rendimientos por género, se encuentra que los de las mujeres superan a los de los hombres. Por último, aparece una marcada disminución en los rendimientos en los periodos de crisis económica.

  5. Variability Bugs:

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Melo, Jean

    . Although many researchers suggest that preprocessor-based variability amplifies maintenance problems, there is little to no hard evidence on how actually variability affects programs and programmers. Specifically, how does variability affect programmers during maintenance tasks (bug finding in particular......)? How much harder is it to debug a program as variability increases? How do developers debug programs with variability? In what ways does variability affect bugs? In this Ph.D. thesis, I set off to address such issues through different perspectives using empirical research (based on controlled...... experiments) in order to understand quantitatively and qualitatively the impact of variability on programmers at bug finding and on buggy programs. From the program (and bug) perspective, the results show that variability is ubiquitous. There appears to be no specific nature of variability bugs that could...

  6. Electrodeposition of nickel onto steel, using a thermostatic cell and movable anode by a variable current.; Electrodeposicion de niquel sobre acero al carbon, empleando una celda termostatizada y un anodo movil, por medio de una corriente pulsada rectangular.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vega G, J D


    In this work, metallic coatings of nickel was made over carbon steel using two different electrolytic solutions: The Watts`s bath and the nickel sulfamate bath, using a pulse variable current. The method use was the traditional method, its means a thermostatic cell and one movable anode, which is a few know technique nowadays, it allow realize depositions away from any laboratory or special workshop, it has the advantage to be a portable dispositive. At last of all the electro depositions the coatings quality was valuable by them physical properties like: adhesion, hardness, wrinkled and thickness. The best results was obtain by the Nickel sulfamate bath and movable anode, less in the thickness, which has higher on the thermostatic cell. The variable current was obtain by a Pulse Generator and a Cathodic galvanometer. (Author).

  7. Individual Movement Variability Magnitudes Are Explained by Cortical Neural Variability. (United States)

    Haar, Shlomi; Donchin, Opher; Dinstein, Ilan


    Humans exhibit considerable motor variability even across trivial reaching movements. This variability can be separated into specific kinematic components such as extent and direction that are thought to be governed by distinct neural processes. Here, we report that individual subjects (males and females) exhibit different magnitudes of kinematic variability, which are consistent (within individual) across movements to different targets and regardless of which arm (right or left) was used to perform the movements. Simultaneous fMRI recordings revealed that the same subjects also exhibited different magnitudes of fMRI variability across movements in a variety of motor system areas. These fMRI variability magnitudes were also consistent across movements to different targets when performed with either arm. Cortical fMRI variability in the posterior-parietal cortex of individual subjects explained their movement-extent variability. This relationship was apparent only in posterior-parietal cortex and not in other motor system areas, thereby suggesting that individuals with more variable movement preparation exhibit larger kinematic variability. We therefore propose that neural and kinematic variability are reliable and interrelated individual characteristics that may predispose individual subjects to exhibit distinct motor capabilities. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Neural activity and movement kinematics are remarkably variable. Although intertrial variability is rarely studied, here, we demonstrate that individual human subjects exhibit distinct magnitudes of neural and kinematic variability that are reproducible across movements to different targets and when performing these movements with either arm. Furthermore, when examining the relationship between cortical variability and movement variability, we find that cortical fMRI variability in parietal cortex of individual subjects explained their movement extent variability. This enabled us to explain why some subjects

  8. Visões do Novo Mundo na pintura religiosa da Renascença

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    Yobenj Aucardo Chicangana-Bayona


    Full Text Available Este artigo aborda o estudo dos elementos familiares aos exploradores europeus que estabeleceram suas primeiras coordenadas a partir de analogias com o Paraíso e com Cocanha para assimilar e interpretar pictoricamente o Novo Mundo, uma realidade antes desconhecida, e integrá-la à cultura ocidental. Assim, o Cristianismo é muito importante, porque vai oferecer o referencial - em um primeiro momento - para estabelecer a imagem do índio em episódios religiosos da cultura ocidental europeia. Uma imagem que ora será positiva, vinculada ao paraíso, e ora negativa, sendo vinculada ao inferno.

  9. Statistical variability of hydro-meteorological variables as indicators ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Statistical variability of hydro-meteorological variables as indicators of climate change in north-east Sokoto-Rima basin, Nigeria. ... water resources development including water supply project, agriculture and tourism in the study area. Key word: Climate change, Climatic variability, Actual evapotranspiration, Global warming ...

  10. Políticas de diversidad y flexibilidad laboral en el marco de la responsabilidad social empresarial. Un análisis desde la perspectiva de género

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    Florina Guadalupe Arredondo Trapero


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es analizar si la mujer directiva tiene mayor disposición que el hombre a apoyar las políticas de diversidad y flexibilidad laboral. Las variables diversidad y flexibilidad laboral fueron analizadas en un grupo de 57 directivos de empresas empleando el análisis de varianza. Los hallazgos muestran que las empresas peque ̃ nas y medianas de comercio y servicios que son dirigidas por mujeres tienden a implementar políticas de diversidad y flexibilidad respecto a la elección de horarios y fórmulas de trabajo flexible como parte de su responsabilidad social, a diferencia de los hombres.

  11. Políticas de diversidad y flexibilidad laboral en el marco de la responsabilidad social empresarial. Un análisis desde la perspectiva de género

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    Florina Guadalupe Arredondo Trapero


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es analizar si la mujer directiva tiene mayor disposición que el hombre a apoyar las políticas de diversidad y flexibilidad laboral. Las variables diversidad y flexibilidad laboral fueron analizadas en un grupo de 57 directivos de empresas empleando el análisis de varianza. Los hallazgos muestran que las empresas pequeñas y medianas de comercio y servicios que son dirigidas por mujeres tienden a implementar políticas de diversidad y flexibilidad respecto a la elección de horarios y fórmulas de trabajo flexible como parte de su responsabilidad social, a diferencia de los hombres.

  12. Short timescale variability in the faint sky variability survey

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Morales-Rueda, L.; Groot, P.J.; Augusteijn, T.; Nelemans, G.A.; Vreeswijk, P.M.; Besselaar, E.J.M. van den


    We present the V-band variability analysis of the Faint Sky Variability Survey (FSVS). The FSVS combines colour and time variability information, from timescales of 24 minutes to tens of days, down to V = 24. We find that �1% of all point sources are variable along the main sequence reaching �3.5%

  13. Síntesis hidrotérmica del Estanato de Cinc (Zn2SnO4)


    Solís, José; Naupa, Alexander


    Se sintetizó el estanato de cinc, Zn2SnO4 (ZTO), por el método hidrotérmico empleando una temperatura de 200 °C durante 16 h. El material obtenido fue caracterizado por difracción de rayos X (DRX) y microscopia electrónica de transmisión (MET). El tamaño de grano calculado empleando el software Topas Academic fue de 30 nm. La actividad fotocatalítica del ZTO fue evaluada estudiando la degradación del colorante anaranjado de metilo en solución acuosa bajo iluminación de luz ultravioleta. Los r...

  14. Segmentación y medición de zonas costeras en secuencias de videos


    Revollo Sarmiento, Natalia; Cipolletti, Marina P.; Delrieux, Claudio; Perillo, Gerardo M. E.; Piccolo, M. Cintia


    El procesamiento de imágenes y videos es una de las técnicas mas usadas para extraer información cualitativa y cuantitativa que sirve de apoyo a las toma de decisiones. En este trabajo se propone la segmentación y medición de las áreas que conforman la playa empleando procesamiento de video. Los videos fueron captados con videocámaras de bajo costo y procesados en equipos convencionales empleando un lenguaje estándar de programación y bibliotecas de visión por computadora. Se aplicaron algori...

  15. Metodología de valoración de paisaje empleando ArcGIS: Aplicación a las Vías Pecuarias

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    Ezquerra, A.


    Full Text Available The concept of landscape is assuming an increasing importance in legislation, and the Natural Heritage and Biodiversity Law requires a analysis of the landscape for the Natural Resources Ordination Plans. This calls for a range of tools to assist in studying the landscape prior to the assessment of management plans for natural resources. The advances in the techniques employed by Geographic Information Systems for assessing the landscape can be enhanced by the incorporation of numerous variables into the analysis. This work presents a landscape assessment methodology using GIS tools and including a number of variables which evaluate the landscape in terms of the viewshed and the distance from the observation point, applied to the specific case of the traditional cattle migration routes.El concepto de paisaje cada vez adquiere mayor importancia en la legislación porque también es importante el estudio del paisaje y todas las herramientas que pueden ayudar a su valoración en la gestión de los recursos naturales, ya que dentro de la Ley de Patrimonio Natural y Biodiversidad, es necesario el estudio del paisaje en los Planes de Ordenación de los Recursos Naturales. El avance de las técnicas que utilizan los Sistemas de Información Geográfica para la evaluación del paisaje permite agilizar su valoración con la introducción de numerosas variables que se incorporan en el análisis. Este trabajo presenta una metodología de valoración del paisaje utilizando herramientas SIG, introduciendo variables y valorándolas en función de la cuenca visual y de la distancia al punto de observación, aplicándolo al caso particular de las Vías Pecuarias.

  16. Efecto de la aplicación de agroquímicos en un cultivo de arroz sobre los microorganismos del suelo

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    Giovanni Chaves-Bedoya


    Full Text Available En un Oxisol de los Llanos Orientales de Colombia, en condiciones de campo se evaluó el efecto de la aplicación de agroquímicos sobre los microorganismos presentes en un cultivo de arroz secano. Los agroquímicos evaluados fueron Glifosato, Bispiribac, Azoxystrobin y Malatión, aplicados en dosis comerciales, en un diseño experimental de bloques con medidas repetidas. Para el recuento de microorganismos se tomaron muestras compuestas de suelo rizosférico usando la metodología de transectos. A partir de las muestras fueron realizados conteos microbianos empleando dilución en placa y los datos se analizaron empleando análisis de varianza y prueba de comparaciones múltiples. En los conteos se encontraron bacterias Gram (+, Gram (-, actinomicetos, y los grupos funcionales fijadores de nitrógeno y solubilizadores de fósforo, junto con los hongos Trichoderma spp., Fusarium spp. y Penicillium spp. Los hongos, los actinomicetos y los solubilizadores de fósforo fueron los microorganismos más afectados por los agroquímicos, con reducciones en la abundancia. Las bacterias presentaron comportamientos variables dependiendo del agroquímico y los fijadores de nitrógeno fueron estimulados por los tratamientos. Estos resultados indican que los agroquímicos utilizados en el estudio pueden impactar de diferente manera los microorganismos que se encargan de la descomposición de la materia orgánica.

  17. All varieties of encoding variability are not created equal: Separating variable processing from variable tasks (United States)

    Huff, Mark J.; Bodner, Glen E.


    Whether encoding variability facilitates memory is shown to depend on whether item-specific and relational processing are both performed across study blocks, and whether study items are weakly versus strongly related. Variable-processing groups studied a word list once using an item-specific task and once using a relational task. Variable-task groups’ two different study tasks recruited the same type of processing each block. Repeated-task groups performed the same study task each block. Recall and recognition were greatest in the variable-processing group, but only with weakly related lists. A variable-processing benefit was also found when task-based processing and list-type processing were complementary (e.g., item-specific processing of a related list) rather than redundant (e.g., relational processing of a related list). That performing both item-specific and relational processing across trials, or within a trial, yields encoding-variability benefits may help reconcile decades of contradictory findings in this area. PMID:25018583

  18. Concurrent variable-interval variable-ratio schedules in a dynamic choice environment. (United States)

    Bell, Matthew C; Baum, William M


    Most studies of operant choice have focused on presenting subjects with a fixed pair of schedules across many experimental sessions. Using these methods, studies of concurrent variable- interval variable-ratio schedules helped to evaluate theories of choice. More recently, a growing literature has focused on dynamic choice behavior. Those dynamic choice studies have analyzed behavior on a number of different time scales using concurrent variable-interval schedules. Following the dynamic choice approach, the present experiment examined performance on concurrent variable-interval variable-ratio schedules in a rapidly changing environment. Our objectives were to compare performance on concurrent variable-interval variable-ratio schedules with extant data on concurrent variable-interval variable-interval schedules using a dynamic choice procedure and to extend earlier work on concurrent variable-interval variable-ratio schedules. We analyzed performances at different time scales, finding strong similarities between concurrent variable-interval variable-interval and concurrent variable-interval variable- ratio performance within dynamic choice procedures. Time-based measures revealed almost identical performance in the two procedures compared with response-based measures, supporting the view that choice is best understood as time allocation. Performance at the smaller time scale of visits accorded with the tendency seen in earlier research toward developing a pattern of strong preference for and long visits to the richer alternative paired with brief "samples" at the leaner alternative ("fix and sample"). © 2017 Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior.

  19. Investigation of load reduction for a variable speed, variable pitch, and variable coning wind turbine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pierce, K. [Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT (United States)


    A two bladed, variable speed and variable pitch wind turbine was modeled using ADAMS{reg_sign} to evaluate load reduction abilities of a variable coning configuration as compared to a teetered rotor, and also to evaluate control methods. The basic dynamic behavior of the variable coning turbine was investigated and compared to the teetered rotor under constant wind conditions as well as turbulent wind conditions. Results indicate the variable coning rotor has larger flap oscillation amplitudes and much lower root flap bending moments than the teetered rotor. Three methods of control were evaluated for turbulent wind simulations. These were a standard IPD control method, a generalized predictive control method, and a bias estimate control method. Each control method was evaluated for both the variable coning configuration and the teetered configuration. The ability of the different control methods to maintain the rotor speed near the desired set point is evaluated from the RMS error of rotor speed. The activity of the control system is evaluated from cycles per second of the blade pitch angle. All three of the methods were found to produce similar results for the variable coning rotor and the teetered rotor, as well as similar results to each other.

  20. About hidden influence of predictor variables: Suppressor and mediator variables

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    Milovanović Boško


    Full Text Available In this paper procedure for researching hidden influence of predictor variables in regression models and depicting suppressor variables and mediator variables is shown. It is also shown that detection of suppressor variables and mediator variables could provide refined information about the research problem. As an example for applying this procedure, relation between Atlantic atmospheric centers and air temperature and precipitation amount in Serbia is chosen. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 47007

  1. Variable importance in latent variable regression models

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kvalheim, O.M.; Arneberg, R.; Bleie, O.; Rajalahti, T.; Smilde, A.K.; Westerhuis, J.A.


    The quality and practical usefulness of a regression model are a function of both interpretability and prediction performance. This work presents some new graphical tools for improved interpretation of latent variable regression models that can also assist in improved algorithms for variable

  2. Using variable combination population analysis for variable selection in multivariate calibration. (United States)

    Yun, Yong-Huan; Wang, Wei-Ting; Deng, Bai-Chuan; Lai, Guang-Bi; Liu, Xin-bo; Ren, Da-Bing; Liang, Yi-Zeng; Fan, Wei; Xu, Qing-Song


    Variable (wavelength or feature) selection techniques have become a critical step for the analysis of datasets with high number of variables and relatively few samples. In this study, a novel variable selection strategy, variable combination population analysis (VCPA), was proposed. This strategy consists of two crucial procedures. First, the exponentially decreasing function (EDF), which is the simple and effective principle of 'survival of the fittest' from Darwin's natural evolution theory, is employed to determine the number of variables to keep and continuously shrink the variable space. Second, in each EDF run, binary matrix sampling (BMS) strategy that gives each variable the same chance to be selected and generates different variable combinations, is used to produce a population of subsets to construct a population of sub-models. Then, model population analysis (MPA) is employed to find the variable subsets with the lower root mean squares error of cross validation (RMSECV). The frequency of each variable appearing in the best 10% sub-models is computed. The higher the frequency is, the more important the variable is. The performance of the proposed procedure was investigated using three real NIR datasets. The results indicate that VCPA is a good variable selection strategy when compared with four high performing variable selection methods: genetic algorithm-partial least squares (GA-PLS), Monte Carlo uninformative variable elimination by PLS (MC-UVE-PLS), competitive adaptive reweighted sampling (CARS) and iteratively retains informative variables (IRIV). The MATLAB source code of VCPA is available for academic research on the website: Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. Red neuronal artificial en respuesta a predicciones de parámetros de transferencia de masa (pérdida de humedad y ganancia de sólidos durante la deshidratación osmótica de frutas

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    Claudia Isabel Ochoa Martínez


    Full Text Available Los modelos para predecir las cinéticas de pérdida de agua (ML y ganancia de sólidos (SG empleando redes neuronales artificiales (ANN han demostrado tener mejor comportamiento que los demás modelos desarrollados debido a que correlacionan empíricamente gran cantidad de las variables con ML y SG. La principal ventaja de estos modelos es que son predictivos en vez de correlativos, además pueden implementarse fácilmente en una hoja de datos, y son muy útiles y prácticos para el diseño y control del proceso. El objetivo de este trabajo es emplear un modelo desarrollado con ANN para predecir resultados en procesos de deshidratación osmótica. Se hicieron predicciones de comportamiento con diferentes condiciones de proceso y se validaron con resultados experimentales presentados en la literatura. Se obtuvieron buenas predicciones de ML (MRE 19% y un comportamiento variable para SG (MRE 62%.

  4. un enfoque de corrección de error

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    Pablo Mejía Reyes


    Full Text Available Se modela la dinámica de las importaciones totales y de carne de cerdo de México para el periodo de vigencia del TLCAN. Asimismo, partiendo de un marco convencional, se analiza la existencia de cointegración entre las importaciones de cada tipo, la producción nacional y los precios relativos. Posteriormente, se modela la dinámica de corto plazo de cada tipo de importaciones mediante un modelo de corrección de error empleando las mismas variables explicatorias. Los resultados sugieren que las importaciones de carne de cerdo sólo difieren cualitativamente de las totales con respecto a la elasticidad-precio de largo plazo: las primeras son elásticas y las segundas inelásticas.

  5. Anotaciones sobre el Clima de los Bosques de Guandal del Delta del Río Patía

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    Del Valle Arango Jorge Ignacio


    Full Text Available Este ensayo intenta describir el clima del litoral Pacifico sur colombiano de una manera más precisa y empleando un cúmulo mayor de registros que en otros trabajos anteriores. Con esta base se realiza una clasificación bioclimática para los bosques de guandal del delta del río Patía. En cuanto a la lluvia se hace énfasis no sólo en los promedios mensuales y anuales sino en su oscilación y desviaciones estándar con el fin de evidenciar lo variable de tan importante factor climático. Finalmente se elaboran isoyetas para la región las cuales consideramos consistentes con la información disponible.

  6. Pulsating variables

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The study of stellar pulsations is a major route to the understanding of stellar structure and evolution. At the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO) the following stellar pulsation studies were undertaken: rapidly oscillating Ap stars; solar-like oscillations in stars; 8-Scuti type variability in a classical Am star; Beta Cephei variables; a pulsating white dwarf and its companion; RR Lyrae variables and galactic Cepheids. 4 figs

  7. Prevalência da infecção por HIV em parturientes de maternidades vinculadas ao SUS Prevalence of infection with in unified health care system maternities

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lígia Mara Dolce de Lemos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar a prevalência do HIV nas parturientes de maternidades vinculadas ao SUS, pela utilização do teste rápido. MÉTODOS: estudo transversal realizado em maternidades conveniadas ao SUS no Estado de Sergipe, após treinamento realizado com os profissionais de saúde dessas maternidades. As parturientes foram submetidas ao teste rápido imunocromatográfico para HIV, independente de já o terem realizado no pré-natal, após aconselhamento e assinatura do termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido. O teste utilizado foi DetermineTM - Abbott Laboratórios do Brasil. Utilizou-se o esquema de profilaxia da transmissão vertical para todos os casos, segundo o protocolo recomendado pelo Ministério da Saúde. Foi criado banco de dados no Epi-Info 2002 e calculada a prevalência em relação a todos os testes realizados no período de janeiro de 2003 a março de 2004, por meio de análise estatística descritiva. RESULTADO: após realização de 9.215 testes rápidos, foram detectadas 39 (0,42% soropositivas para HIV, das quais 23 (59% não conheciam a sua soropositividade. Duas gestantes que já eram sabidamente HIV positivas não relataram aos profissionais sua condição no momento da admissão. O número de parturientes que referiram ter freqüentado o serviço de pré-natal foi alto (89%, mas somente 32,5% destas foram submetidas ao teste para HIV na gestação. CONCLUSÃO: a prevalência detectada (0,42% neste estudo é semelhante à nacional. É alta a prevalência de parturientes que desconhecem sua soropositividade para HIV, o que indica inadequado funcionamento de cuidados pré-natais dispensados. Na situação atual é necessária a triagem no momento do parto, para garantia de intervenções adequadas neste momento crucial da transmissão do HIV.PURPOSE: to evaluate the prevalence of HIV infection in parturient women from maternity hospitals linked to the Public Health Service in Sergipe state (Brazil using the rapid test

  8. Variable mechanical ventilation. (United States)

    Fontela, Paula Caitano; Prestes, Renata Bernardy; Forgiarini, Luiz Alberto; Friedman, Gilberto


    To review the literature on the use of variable mechanical ventilation and the main outcomes of this technique. Search, selection, and analysis of all original articles on variable ventilation, without restriction on the period of publication and language, available in the electronic databases LILACS, MEDLINE®, and PubMed, by searching the terms "variable ventilation" OR "noisy ventilation" OR "biologically variable ventilation". A total of 36 studies were selected. Of these, 24 were original studies, including 21 experimental studies and three clinical studies. Several experimental studies reported the beneficial effects of distinct variable ventilation strategies on lung function using different models of lung injury and healthy lungs. Variable ventilation seems to be a viable strategy for improving gas exchange and respiratory mechanics and preventing lung injury associated with mechanical ventilation. However, further clinical studies are necessary to assess the potential of variable ventilation strategies for the clinical improvement of patients undergoing mechanical ventilation.

  9. Cataclysmic variables, Hubble-Sandage variables and eta Carinae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bath, G.T.


    The Hubble-Sandage variables are the most luminous stars in external galaxies. They were first investigated by Hubble and Sandage (1953) for use as distance indicators. Their main characteristics are high luminosity, blue colour indices, and irregular variability. Spectroscopically they show hydrogen and helium in emission with occasionally weaker FeII and [FeII], and no Balmer jump (Humphreys 1975, 1978). In this respect they closely resemble cataclysmic variables, particularly dwarf novae. In the quiescent state dwarf novae show broad H and HeI, together with a strong UV continuum. In contrast to the spectroscopic similarities, the luminosities could hardly differ more. Rather than being the brightest stars known, quiescent dwarf novae are as faint or fainter than the sun. It is suggested that the close correspondence between the spectral appearance of the two classes combined with the difference in luminosity is well accounted for by a model of Hubble-Sandage variables in which the same physical processes are occurring, but on a larger scale. (Auth.)

  10. VariableR Reclustering in Multiple Top Quark and W Boson Events

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hyde, Jeremy [SLAC National Accelerator Lab., Menlo Park, CA (United States)


    VariableR jet reclustering is an innovative technique that allows for the reconstruction of boosted object over a wide range of kinematic regimes. Such capability enables the efficient identification of events with multiple boosted top quarks which is a typical signature for new physics processes such as the production of the supersymmetric partner of the gluon. In order to evaluate the performance of the algorithm, the VariableR reclustered jets are compared with fixed radius reclustered jets. The flexibility of the algorithm is tested by reconstructing both boosted top quarks and boosted W bosons. The VariableR reclustering method is found to be more efficient than the fixed radius algorithm at identifying top quarks and W bosons in events with four top quarks, therefore enhancing the sensitivity for gluino searches.

  11. Low-Frequency Temporal Variability in Mira and Semiregular Variables (United States)

    Templeton, Matthew R.; Karovska, M.; Waagen, E. O.


    We investigate low-frequency variability in a large sample of Mira and semiregular variables with long-term visual light curves from the AAVSO International Database. Our aim is to determine whether we can detect and measure long-timescale variable phenomena in these stars, for example photometric variations that might be associated with supergranular convection. We analyzed the long-term light curves of 522 variable stars of the Mira and SRa, b, c, and d classes. We calculated their low-frequency time-series spectra to characterize rednoise with the power density spectrum index, and then correlate this index with other observable characteristics such as spectral type and primary pulsation period. In our initial analysis of the sample, we see that the semiregular variables have a much broader range of spectral index than the Mira types, with the SRb subtype having the broadest range. Among Mira variables we see that the M- and S-type Miras have similarly wide ranges of index, while the C-types have the narrowest with generally shallower slopes. There is also a trend of steeper slope with larger amplitude, but at a given amplitude, a wide range of slopes are seen. The ultimate goal of the project is to identify stars with strong intrinsic red noise components as possible targets for resolved surface imaging with interferometry.

  12. Cataclysmic Variable Stars (United States)

    Hellier, Coel


    Cataclysmic variable stars are the most variable stars in the night sky, fluctuating in brightness continually on timescales from seconds to hours to weeks to years. The changes can be recorded using amateur telescopes, yet are also the subject of intensive study by professional astronomers. That study has led to an understanding of cataclysmic variables as binary stars, orbiting so closely that material transfers from one star to the other. The resulting process of accretion is one of the most important in astrophysics. This book presents the first account of cataclysmic variables at an introductory level. Assuming no previous knowledge of the field, it explains the basic principles underlying the variability, while providing an extensive compilation of cataclysmic variable light curves. Aimed at amateur astronomers, undergraduates, and researchers, the main text is accessible to those with no mathematical background, while supplementary boxes present technical details and equations.

  13. Impact of Subsurface Temperature Variability on Meteorological Variability: An AGCM Study (United States)

    Mahanama, S. P.; Koster, R. D.; Liu, P.


    Anomalous atmospheric conditions can lead to surface temperature anomalies, which in turn can lead to temperature anomalies deep in the soil. The deep soil temperature (and the associated ground heat content) has significant memory -- the dissipation of a temperature anomaly may take weeks to months -- and thus deep soil temperature may contribute to the low frequency variability of energy and water variables elsewhere in the system. The memory may even provide some skill to subseasonal and seasonal forecasts. This study uses two long-term AGCM experiments to isolate the contribution of deep soil temperature variability to variability elsewhere in the climate system. The first experiment consists of a standard ensemble of AMIP-type simulations, simulations in which the deep soil temperature variable is allowed to interact with the rest of the system. In the second experiment, the coupling of the deep soil temperature to the rest of the climate system is disabled -- at each grid cell, the local climatological seasonal cycle of deep soil temperature (as determined from the first experiment) is prescribed. By comparing the variability of various atmospheric quantities as generated in the two experiments, we isolate the contribution of interactive deep soil temperature to that variability. The results show that interactive deep soil temperature contributes significantly to surface temperature variability. Interactive deep soil temperature, however, reduces the variability of the hydrological cycle (evaporation and precipitation), largely because it allows for a negative feedback between evaporation and temperature.

  14. Variable selection in multivariate calibration based on clustering of variable concept. (United States)

    Farrokhnia, Maryam; Karimi, Sadegh


    Recently we have proposed a new variable selection algorithm, based on clustering of variable concept (CLoVA) in classification problem. With the same idea, this new concept has been applied to a regression problem and then the obtained results have been compared with conventional variable selection strategies for PLS. The basic idea behind the clustering of variable is that, the instrument channels are clustered into different clusters via clustering algorithms. Then, the spectral data of each cluster are subjected to PLS regression. Different real data sets (Cargill corn, Biscuit dough, ACE QSAR, Soy, and Tablet) have been used to evaluate the influence of the clustering of variables on the prediction performances of PLS. Almost in the all cases, the statistical parameter especially in prediction error shows the superiority of CLoVA-PLS respect to other variable selection strategies. Finally the synergy clustering of variable (sCLoVA-PLS), which is used the combination of cluster, has been proposed as an efficient and modification of CLoVA algorithm. The obtained statistical parameter indicates that variable clustering can split useful part from redundant ones, and then based on informative cluster; stable model can be reached. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Regeneración ósea en alvéolos dentarios de terceros molares mandibulares empleando plasma rico en plaquetas en pacientes fumadores

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fermín Gil Cárdenas


    Full Text Available Resumen: Objetivo: El propósito del trabajo fue evaluar la regeneración ósea en alvéolos dentarios empleando como coadyuvante PRP en pacientes fumadores. Materiales y método: Estudio de intervención cuasiexperimental; se asignaron 2 grupos de estudio, uno experimental y otro de control; se realizó exodoncia a los 2 grupos de los dientes 38 y 48. Al grupo control no se aplicó PRP y al experimental se le aplicó PRP con el método de una centrifugación en el alvéolo del diente 38 y PRP con doble centrifugación en alvéolo del diente 48; se realizaron controles radiográficos a los 8, 30 y 60 días después de la cirugía para evaluar la densidad ósea. Se realizó análisis estadístico descriptivo univariado, bivariado y prueba t de Student. Resultados: Hicieron parte del estudio 19 sujetos, el 52,6% de ellos fueron de sexo masculino, al estudiar la densidad ósea en los 3 controles radiográficos del grupo experimental en el alvéolo del diente 38 y 48, no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p > 0,05, pero sí una leve mejoría en la cicatrización del alvéolo 48 donde se empleó PRP con el método de doble centrifugación. Al comparar los controles radiográficos del grupo control con los del grupo experimental se encontraron valores estadísticamente significativos en el grupo que se le aplicó PRP con el método de una o doble centrifugación (p .05 were found in the experimental group in the sockets of tooth 38 and 48, but there was a slight improvement in the healing of socket 48 where PRP was used with the method of double centrifugation. On comparing the follow-up x-rays of the control with those of the experimental group, statistically significant values were found in the group where PRP was applied using the single or double centrifugation method (P<.05. Conclusions: The bone regeneration process is more favourable in

  16. Photometric Variability in the Faint Sky Variability Survey

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Morales-Rueda, L.; Groot, P.J.; Augusteijn, T.; Nelemans, G.A.; Vreeswijk, P.M.; Besselaar, E.J.M. van den


    The Faint Sky Variability Survey (FSVS) is aimed at finding photometric and/or astrometric variable objects between 16th and 24th mag on time-scales between tens of minutes and years with photometric precisions ranging from 3 millimag to 0.2 mag. An area of ~23 deg2, located at mid and

  17. The nebular variables

    CERN Document Server

    Glasby, John S


    The Nebular Variables focuses on the nebular variables and their characteristics. Discussions are organized by type of nebular variable, namely, RW Aurigae stars, T Orionis stars, T Tauri stars, and peculiar nebular objects. Topics range from light variations of the stars to their spectroscopic and physical characteristics, spatial distribution, interaction with nebulosity, and evolutionary features. This volume is divided into four sections and consists of 25 chapters, the first of which provides general information on nebular variables, including their stellar associations and their classifi

  18. Lealtad de marca: antecedentes y perspectivas de investigación.

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    Julián Ramírez Angulo


    Full Text Available Este documento revisa la caracterización de la lealtad de marca, como variable multidimensional del marketing y sus perspectivas para la investigación. Para tal fin, en primer lugar se hace una revisión de los antecedentes conceptuales para, posteriormente, ilustrar la evolución y la tendencia creciente en la investigación sobre el tema. Esto conduce a presentar tres posibles perspectivas de investigación sobre la lealtad, vinculadas a su examen como innovaciones a través de la logística y en el plano del comercio electrónico. El objeto de esta revisión es aproximarse en la elaboración de un estado del arte que soporte el desarrollo de un proyecto de tesis doctoral.

  19. Adquisición de variables de tráfico vehicular usando visión por computador

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Germán Enrique Urrego


    Full Text Available El conteo de vehículos es una tarea fundamental en los aforos de tráfico, tanto para el diseño de nuevas vías como para el control y la optimización del tráfico urbano. En ciudades como Bogotá, este conteo actualmente se realiza en forma manual, pero puede hacerse automáticamente empleando técnicas de visión por computador. El presente artículo muestra el desarrollo de un algoritmo de detección y seguimiento de vehículos en tiempo real a partir de video, el cual permite el conteo de vehículos en la vía y la estimación del volumen de tráfico o velocidad promedio./The count of vehicles is a key task in traffic gauging, as it provides information for designing new roads, and for the control and optimization of urban traffic. Nowadays in cities like Bogota, vehicle counting is done manually, but it can also be done automatically using computer vision techniques. This article presents the development of an algorithm for detecting and tracking vehicles in real time from video. The algorithm allows to count vehicles on the road and to estimate traffic volume or average speed.


    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    Variability is an important property of the central nervous system, and it shows characteristic changes during infancy and childhood. The large amount of variations in the performance of sensomotor functions in infancy is called indiscriminate or primary variability. During toddling age the child

  1. Response-rate differences in variable-interval and variable-ratio schedules: An old problem revisited


    Cole, Mark R.


    In Experiment 1, a variable-ratio 10 schedule became, successively, a variable-interval schedule with only the minimum interreinforcement intervals yoked to the variable ratio, or a variable-interval schedule with both interreinforcement intervals and reinforced interresponse times yoked to the variable ratio. Response rates in the variable-interval schedule with both interreinforcement interval and reinforced interresponse time yoking fell between the higher rates maintained by the variable-...

  2. Cognitive Variability (United States)

    Siegler, Robert S.


    Children's thinking is highly variable at every level of analysis, from neural and associative levels to the level of strategies, theories, and other aspects of high-level cognition. This variability exists within people as well as between them; individual children often rely on different strategies or representations on closely related problems…

  3. commodity: el caso del mercado internacional del azúcar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julio César Alonso


    Full Text Available Este trabajo estudia el comportamiento estacional de los precios internacionales del azúcar transados en Nueva York y Londres. Para este caso, empleando pruebas de raíces estacionales y una muestra mensual desde enero de 1989 hasta diciembre de 2010, se encuentra la existencia de un comportamiento estacional estocástico no estacionario. Dicha conducta implica que un “verano” se puede convertir en un “invierno”, resultado que no había sido documentado previamente en estos mercados. Por otro lado, empleando dicho hallazgo, los resultados muestran que es posible construir un modelo autorregresivo de media móvil que se comporta relativamente mejor al pronosticar el precio frente a un modelo que no tiene en cuenta dicho tipo de estacionalidad.

  4. Análisis multirresolución del motor trifásico de inducción sometido a huecos de tensión Triphasic induction motor multiresolution analysis on voltage sags

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M.G Macri


    Full Text Available Este documento presenta los resultados del estudio realizado de la descomposición wavelet multinivel 1D de las señales perturbadas del par electromagnético y de la velocidad del eje del motor trifásico de inducción, cuando este es sometido a diferentes tipologías de huecos de tensión según la caracterización ABC, Bollen (2000. Los huecos de tensión trifásicos (3 variables son analizados indirectamente en el efecto producido en una variable perturbada (el par electromagnético o la velocidad del eje que contiene indirectamente información del tipo de hueco de tensión trifásico producido en el estator. El estudio analiza el efecto de los siete diferentes tipos de huecos de tensión, considerando también la influencia de la duración y tensión retenida. Para cada caso se obtiene un vector cuyos elementos son los niveles de energía wavelet en los distintos niveles de descomposición de la variable analizada, mostrando que la forma en que se distribuye la energía de la señal 1D en los distintos niveles de descomposición establece una firma única para cada caso. Esta forma de descripción de los huecos de tensión producidos en el estator, basada en la descomposición multinivel de una variable perturbada, reduce la cantidad de variables a analizar y permite posteriormente la clasificación de las perturbaciones empleando técnicas de inteligencia artificial; es ventajosa pues el almacenamiento de los vectores de niveles de energía de aproximación en las bases de datos emplea menor cantidad de espacio que la necesaria para una señal temporal, y empleando una DWT reversible es posible, además, reconstruir la variable de estado temporal.This document presents the study results of the wavelet 1D multi-level decomposition of perturbed electromagnetic torque and shaft speed signals, of the three-phase induction motor, when it is subjected to different types of voltage sags, as characterization ABC, Bollen (2000. The three


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    Eleonora Erdmann


    Full Text Available Este trabajo describe el desarrollo de un simulador estacionario para los sectores de deshidratación y estabilización de una planta de tratamiento de gas natural. El simulador fue implementado empleando el simulador comercial ASPEN HYSYS®. El gas considerado en la simulación es un gas típico proveniente de yacimientos de la provincia de Salta (Argentina. La configuración de la planta y las condiciones de operación adoptadas para la simulación son las generalmente empleadas en el tratamiento de gas natural en Salta. Con el simulador desarrollado, se llevó a cabo un estudio de sensibilidad paramétrica de las principales variables operativas del proceso. La simulación realizada permite visualizar el proceso de deshidratación, y realizar un análisis de su comportamiento en función de las variables operativas críticas: concentración de la solución de TEG (70% p – 99% p y temperatura del rehervidor (200 – 375 oF.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eleonora Erdmann


    Full Text Available En este trabajo, se simuló una planta de endulzamiento de gas natural con aminas para un gas característico de la región norte de la República Argentina, empleando las condiciones operativas características de este tipo de planta. La simulación se realizó con el simulador comercial Aspen-Hysys® V7.1, usado en la industria del petróleo y gas. El endulzamiento es llevado a cabo en un sistema compuesto fundamentalmente por una torre absorbedora y una torre regeneradora. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un análisis de sensibilidad con el fin de identificar las principales variables operativas del proceso de endulzamiento, las cuales serán consideradas en un posterior estudio de optimización. Las variables que se identificaron son: en la corriente de amina regenerada la temperatura y la concentración de CO 2 y en la torre absorbedora el flujo de gas a tratar y el caudal de amina.

  7. Estimación del Tamaño Óptimo de Parcela Experimental para Ensayos de Rendimiento con Maíz

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Escobar Soto Carlos


    Full Text Available En el Centro Experimental Cotové, situado en el municipio de Santa Fé de Antiaquia, se estableció un ensayo en blanco con el híbrido ICA H-207, durante el segundo semestre de 1978, con el fin de estimar el tamaño óptimo de parcela experimental para emplear en ensayos de rendimiento con maíz, empleando para ésto la metodología de superficie de respuesta. Este método permitió obtener una ecuación de regresión en base a los arreglos de las unidades básicas del ensayo en blanco, en donde la variable dependiente fué el coeficiente de variación (CV y las variables independientes fueron el largo y el ancho de las parcelas. Se presentan varias alternativas del tamaño de parcela experimental, dependiendo del valor del CV que fije el investigador. En general, se encontró que el largo de la parcela fué el factor que ejerció mayor influencia a medida que se desea obtener mayor precisión.

  8. Planeación óptima de sistemas de distribución considerando múltiples objetivos: costo de inversión, confiabilidad y pérdidas técnicas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana María Mejía Solanilla


    Full Text Available En este artículo se propone una metodología para solucionar el problema del planeamiento multiobjetivo de sistemas de distribución de energía eléctrica, empleando un algoritmo elitista de ordenamiento no dominado (NSGA-II. Esta metodología considera cuatro modelos matemáticos, donde las funciones objetivo son costos fijos, costos variables, costos fijos y variables, y confiabilidad de la red; como conjunto de restricciones se tienen criterios técnicos y operativos. Al solucionar cada uno de estos modelos se identifican los elementos comunes, los cuales son fijados para la siguiente etapa del proceso; esto se repite hasta hallar una configuración final del sistema. De esta forma, en cada paso del algoritmo se generan especies de cortes, los cuales reducen el espacio de solución. La metodología es verificada con un sistema de distribución de la literatura especializaday se obtienen resultados que muestran la efectividad del método al encontrar un punto de equilibrio entre todos los objetivos considerados.

  9. Effects of short-term variability of meteorological variables on soil temperature in permafrost regions (United States)

    Beer, Christian; Porada, Philipp; Ekici, Altug; Brakebusch, Matthias


    Effects of the short-term temporal variability of meteorological variables on soil temperature in northern high-latitude regions have been investigated. For this, a process-oriented land surface model has been driven using an artificially manipulated climate dataset. Short-term climate variability mainly impacts snow depth, and the thermal diffusivity of lichens and bryophytes. These impacts of climate variability on insulating surface layers together substantially alter the heat exchange between atmosphere and soil. As a result, soil temperature is 0.1 to 0.8 °C higher when climate variability is reduced. Earth system models project warming of the Arctic region but also increasing variability of meteorological variables and more often extreme meteorological events. Therefore, our results show that projected future increases in permafrost temperature and active-layer thickness in response to climate change will be lower (i) when taking into account future changes in short-term variability of meteorological variables and (ii) when representing dynamic snow and lichen and bryophyte functions in land surface models.

  10. Variability in large-scale wind power generation: Variability in large-scale wind power generation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kiviluoma, Juha [VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Espoo Finland; Holttinen, Hannele [VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Espoo Finland; Weir, David [Energy Department, Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate, Oslo Norway; Scharff, Richard [KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Electric Power Systems, Stockholm Sweden; Söder, Lennart [Royal Institute of Technology, Electric Power Systems, Stockholm Sweden; Menemenlis, Nickie [Institut de recherche Hydro-Québec, Montreal Canada; Cutululis, Nicolaos A. [DTU, Wind Energy, Roskilde Denmark; Danti Lopez, Irene [Electricity Research Centre, University College Dublin, Dublin Ireland; Lannoye, Eamonn [Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto California USA; Estanqueiro, Ana [LNEG, Laboratorio Nacional de Energia e Geologia, UESEO, Lisbon Spain; Gomez-Lazaro, Emilio [Renewable Energy Research Institute and DIEEAC/EDII-AB, Castilla-La Mancha University, Albacete Spain; Zhang, Qin [State Grid Corporation of China, Beijing China; Bai, Jianhua [State Grid Energy Research Institute Beijing, Beijing China; Wan, Yih-Huei [National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Transmission and Grid Integration Group, Golden Colorado USA; Milligan, Michael [National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Transmission and Grid Integration Group, Golden Colorado USA


    The paper demonstrates the characteristics of wind power variability and net load variability in multiple power systems based on real data from multiple years. Demonstrated characteristics include probability distribution for different ramp durations, seasonal and diurnal variability and low net load events. The comparison shows regions with low variability (Sweden, Spain and Germany), medium variability (Portugal, Ireland, Finland and Denmark) and regions with higher variability (Quebec, Bonneville Power Administration and Electric Reliability Council of Texas in North America; Gansu, Jilin and Liaoning in China; and Norway and offshore wind power in Denmark). For regions with low variability, the maximum 1 h wind ramps are below 10% of nominal capacity, and for regions with high variability, they may be close to 30%. Wind power variability is mainly explained by the extent of geographical spread, but also higher capacity factor causes higher variability. It was also shown how wind power ramps are autocorrelated and dependent on the operating output level. When wind power was concentrated in smaller area, there were outliers with high changes in wind output, which were not present in large areas with well-dispersed wind power.

  11. Understanding Brown Dwarf Variability (United States)

    Marley, Mark S.


    Surveys of brown dwarf variability continue to find that roughly half of all brown dwarfs are variable. While variability is observed amongst all types of brown dwarfs, amplitudes are typically greatest for L-T transition objects. In my talk I will discuss the possible physical mechanisms that are responsible for the observed variability. I will particularly focus on comparing and contrasting the effects of changes in atmospheric thermal profile and cloud opacity. The two different mechanisms will produce different variability signatures and I will discuss the extent to which the current datasets constrain both mechanisms. By combining constraints from studies of variability with existing spectral and photometric datasets we can begin to construct and test self-consistent models of brown dwarf atmospheres. These models not only aid in the interpretation of existing objects but also inform studies of directly imaged giant planets.

  12. Amplification factor variable amplifier

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Akitsugu, Oshita; Nauta, Bram


    PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide an amplification factor variable amplifier capable of achieving temperature compensation of an amplification factor over a wide variable amplification factor range. ; SOLUTION: A Gilbert type amplification factor variable amplifier 11 amplifies an input signal and

  13. Amplification factor variable amplifier

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Akitsugu, Oshita; Nauta, Bram


    PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide an amplification factor variable amplifier capable of achieving temperature compensation of an amplification factor over a wide variable amplification factor range. ;SOLUTION: A Gilbert type amplification factor variable amplifier 11 amplifies an input signal and can

  14. El fluoruro en aguas de consumo y su asociación con variables geológicas y geográficas de Cuba

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liliam Cuéllar Luna


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar la asociación entre las diferentes concentraciones del ión fluoruro en aguas de consumo y algunas variables geológicas y geográficas de Cuba, mediante el empleo de un sistema de información geográfica. MÉTODOS: De noviembre de 1998 a octubre de 1999 se estudiaron las concentraciones de fluoruro en fuentes de abastecimiento de agua de consumo de 753 localidades cubanas de 1 000 habitantes o más. Para el análisis de la información se utilizó el sistema de información geográfica MapInfo Professional (v. 5.5 con el método de superposición. Las variables de estudio fueron la concentración del ión fluoruro en fuentes de abastecimiento de agua, las características geológicas del territorio, los alineamientos, los tipos de fuente y las categorías de relieve (llanura o montaña. Los resultados se agruparon por localidad y municipio. RESULTADOS: En 83,1% de las localidades, las muestras de agua fueron recolectadas en pozos y manantiales y en el 16,9% restante, en presas y ríos. De las 753 localidades estudiadas, 675 (89,6% presentaron concentraciones de fluoruro bajas o medias (< 0,7 mg/L. La región oriental del país fue la más afectada por concentraciones elevadas de fluoruro en las aguas, seguida de la región central. La mayoría de las localidades con altas concentraciones de fluoruro natural se localizaron en zonas ubicadas sobre rocas del arco volcánico del Cretácico. La presencia de fluoruro en las aguas de consumo estuvo asociada con los alineamientos de la corteza terrestre, no solo en los complejos rocosos de origen volcánico-sedimentario e intrusivo, sino también en las rocas carbonatadas, aunque se debe destacar que las mayores concentraciones de fluoruro coincidieron fundamentalmente con los dos primeros complejos rocosos mencionados anteriormente. Todas las localidades con concentraciones altas de fluoruro en el agua estaban vinculadas a pozos. CONCLUSIONES: La concentración de fluoruro en

  15. Eternity Variables to Simulate Specifications

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hesselink, WH; Boiten, EA; Moller, B


    Simulation of specifications is introduced as a unification and generalization of refinement mappings, history variables, forward simulations, prophecy variables, and backward simulations. Eternity variables are introduced as a more powerful alternative for prophecy variables and backward

  16. Variable flexure-based fluid filter (United States)

    Brown, Steve B.; Colston, Jr., Billy W.; Marshall, Graham; Wolcott, Duane


    An apparatus and method for filtering particles from a fluid comprises a fluid inlet, a fluid outlet, a variable size passage between the fluid inlet and the fluid outlet, and means for adjusting the size of the variable size passage for filtering the particles from the fluid. An inlet fluid flow stream is introduced to a fixture with a variable size passage. The size of the variable size passage is set so that the fluid passes through the variable size passage but the particles do not pass through the variable size passage.

  17. A novel variable selection approach that iteratively optimizes variable space using weighted binary matrix sampling. (United States)

    Deng, Bai-chuan; Yun, Yong-huan; Liang, Yi-zeng; Yi, Lun-zhao


    In this study, a new optimization algorithm called the Variable Iterative Space Shrinkage Approach (VISSA) that is based on the idea of model population analysis (MPA) is proposed for variable selection. Unlike most of the existing optimization methods for variable selection, VISSA statistically evaluates the performance of variable space in each step of optimization. Weighted binary matrix sampling (WBMS) is proposed to generate sub-models that span the variable subspace. Two rules are highlighted during the optimization procedure. First, the variable space shrinks in each step. Second, the new variable space outperforms the previous one. The second rule, which is rarely satisfied in most of the existing methods, is the core of the VISSA strategy. Compared with some promising variable selection methods such as competitive adaptive reweighted sampling (CARS), Monte Carlo uninformative variable elimination (MCUVE) and iteratively retaining informative variables (IRIV), VISSA showed better prediction ability for the calibration of NIR data. In addition, VISSA is user-friendly; only a few insensitive parameters are needed, and the program terminates automatically without any additional conditions. The Matlab codes for implementing VISSA are freely available on the website:

  18. Climate variability and climate change

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rind, D.


    Changes of variability with climate change are likely to have a substantial impact on vegetation and society, rivaling the importance of changes in the mean values themselves. A variety of paleoclimate and future climate simulations performed with the GISS global climate model is used to assess how the variabilities of temperature and precipitation are altered as climate warms or cools. In general, as climate warms, temperature variability decreases due to reductions in the latitudinal temperature gradient and precipitation variability increases together with the intensity of the hydrologic cycle. If future climate projections are accurate, the reduction in temperature variability will be minimized by the rapid change in mean temperatures, but the hydrologic variability will be amplified by increased evapotranspiration. Greater hydrologic variability would appear to pose a potentially severe problem for the next century

  19. Several real variables

    CERN Document Server

    Kantorovitz, Shmuel


    This undergraduate textbook is based on lectures given by the author on the differential and integral calculus of functions of several real variables. The book has a modern approach and includes topics such as: •The p-norms on vector space and their equivalence •The Weierstrass and Stone-Weierstrass approximation theorems •The differential as a linear functional; Jacobians, Hessians, and Taylor's theorem in several variables •The Implicit Function Theorem for a system of equations, proved via Banach’s Fixed Point Theorem •Applications to Ordinary Differential Equations •Line integrals and an introduction to surface integrals This book features numerous examples, detailed proofs, as well as exercises at the end of sections. Many of the exercises have detailed solutions, making the book suitable for self-study. Several Real Variables will be useful for undergraduate students in mathematics who have completed first courses in linear algebra and analysis of one real variable.

  20. Eugenia vinculada a aspectos bioéticos: uma revisão integrativa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vanessa Cruz Santos

    Full Text Available O objetivo do estudo é analisar o que versam as produções científicas sobre eugenia, vinculando-as com aspectos bioéticos. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa de literatura. Os dados foram coletados nas bases de dados Lilacs e SciELO, por meio dos descritores: eugenia, etnia e saúde, ética e bioética. Para a análise e posterior síntese dos artigos foi utilizada figura sinóptica. Verificou-se que a eugenia viola os direitos humanos, contradiz com o princípio da solidariedade e coloca em risco a diversidade humana. Conclui-se que houve déficit de artigos que abordem aspectos bioéticos vinculados à eugenia, assim, este estudo poderá contribuir para a reflexão sobre essa articulação.

  1. Resiliencia en mujeres viudas por el conflicto armado vinculadas Funvida en Tumaco


    Castillo Tenorio, Amanda; Palma Bernal, Edwin


    En esta investigación se analizará, a través del método cualitativo, la expansión de los comportamientos resilientes y la influencia de la Fundación de Mujeres Viudas por el Conflicto Armado (FUNVIDA)1 en la sociedad. El conflicto armado colombiano, sin lugar a dudas, ha causado un profundo traumatismo social, ha generado un inmenso rechazo y un dolor infinito en algunos hogares. Quizás, las muertes violentas perpetradas por estos grupos ilegales es el hecho más acuciante. Much...

  2. Utilization technique on variable speed device

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This reports of workshop on power technology describes using technique on variable speed device, which deals with alternating current situation and prospect of current variable speed device, technical trend and prospect of electronics, reduce expenses by variable speed device, control technique, measurement technology, high voltage variable speed device, recent trend of inverter technology, low voltage and high voltage variable speed device control device, operating variable speed device in cooling fan, FDF application and defect case of variable speed device, cooling pump application of water variable transformer, inverter application and energy effect of ventilation equipment, application of variable speed device and analysis of the result of operation and study for application of variable speed technology.

  3. Bioremediation of soil contaminated with hydrocarbons using sewage sludge as an alternative source of nutrients; Biorremediacion de suelo contaminado con hidrocarburos empleando lodos residuales como fuente alterna de nutrientes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martinez Prado, Adriana [Instituto Tecnologico de Durango, Durango, Durango (Mexico)]. E-mail:; Perez Lopez, Ma. Elena [Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigacion para el Desarrollo Integral Regional (IPN-CIIDIR) Unidad Durango, Durango, Durango (Mexico); Pinto Espinoza, Joaquin; Gurrola Nevarez, Blanca Amelia; Osorio Rodriguez, Ana Lilia [Instituto Tecnologico de Durango, Durango, Durango (Mexico)


    In this research an aerobic bioremediation process, of a petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soil, was evaluated using residual sludge (biosolids) from a local domestic wastewater treatment plant, as an alternative micro and macro nutrient source. Contamination of the soil resulted from accidental spills with hydrocarbons, mainly diesel, gasoline, and residual oils, from the San Antonio mining unit which belongs to Goldcorp Mexico Company, located in Tayoltita, from the municipality of San Dimas, Durango. Laboratory and pilot experiments were conducted, adjusting soil water content to field capacity and carbon:nitrogen (C:N) ratio to 10:1, evaluating the effect of addition of nutrients, density of the material being remediated, and the influence of soil particle size in the remediation process. It was demonstrated that the biosolids stimulated the native microorganisms of the polluted soil; consequently the hydrocarbon degradation process was accelerated. The hydrocarbons were used as carbon and electron donor source, coupling the oxidation-reduction reaction with oxygen which served as the electron acceptor. Treated soil was remediated and reached the maximum permissible limit (MPL), established in the Mexican current regulations (NOM-138-SEMARNAT/SS-2003), at both stages, and it is recommended as an optional process to the mining company to fulfill with the Clean Industry Program. [Spanish] En la presente investigacion se evaluo el proceso de biorremediacion aerobica de un suelo contaminado con hidrocarburos de petroleo empleando lodos residuales (biosolidos), provenientes de una planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales (PTAR) domesticas de la localidad, como fuente alterna de macro y micronutrientes. La contaminacion del suelo fue resultado de derrames accidentales de diesel, aceite y grasas en la unidad minera San Antonio perteneciente al grupo Goldcorp Mexico, ubicada en el municipio de San Dimas, en Tayoltita, Durango. Se realizaron experimentos a escala

  4. Complex variables

    CERN Document Server

    Fisher, Stephen D


    The most important topics in the theory and application of complex variables receive a thorough, coherent treatment in this introductory text. Intended for undergraduates or graduate students in science, mathematics, and engineering, this volume features hundreds of solved examples, exercises, and applications designed to foster a complete understanding of complex variables as well as an appreciation of their mathematical beauty and elegance. Prerequisites are minimal; a three-semester course in calculus will suffice to prepare students for discussions of these topics: the complex plane, basic

  5. The Taiwanese-American occultation survey project stellar variability. III. Detection of 58 new variable stars

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ishioka, R.; Wang, S.-Y.; Zhang, Z.-W.; Lehner, M. J.; Cook, K. H.; King, S.-K.; Lee, T.; Marshall, S. L.; Schwamb, M. E.; Wang, J.-H.; Wen, C.-Y. [Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica, 11F of Astronomy-Mathematics Building, National Taiwan University, No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei 10617, Taiwan (China); Alcock, C.; Protopapas, P. [Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 (United States); Axelrod, T. [Steward Observatory, 933 North Cherry Avenue, Room N204, Tucson, AZ 85721 (United States); Bianco, F. B. [Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics, New York University, 4 Washington Place, New York, NY 10003 (United States); Byun, Y.-I. [Department of Astronomy and University Observatory, Yonsei University, 134 Shinchon, Seoul 120-749 (Korea, Republic of); Chen, W. P.; Ngeow, C.-C. [Institute of Astronomy, National Central University, No. 300, Jhongda Road, Jhongli City, Taoyuan County 320, Taiwan (China); Kim, D.-W. [Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Königstuhl 17, D-69117 Heidelberg (Germany); Rice, J. A., E-mail: [Department of Statistics, University of California Berkeley, 367 Evans Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720 (United States)


    The Taiwanese-American Occultation Survey project is designed for the detection of stellar occultations by small-size Kuiper Belt Objects, and it has monitored selected fields along the ecliptic plane by using four telescopes with a 3 deg{sup 2} field of view on the sky since 2005. We have analyzed data accumulated during 2005-2012 to detect variable stars. Sixteen fields with observations of more than 100 epochs were examined. We recovered 85 variables among a total of 158 known variable stars in these 16 fields. Most of the unrecovered variables are located in the fields observed less frequently. We also detected 58 variable stars which are not listed in the International Variable Star Index of the American Association of Variable Star Observers. These variable stars are classified as 3 RR Lyrae, 4 Cepheid, 1 δ Scuti, 5 Mira, 15 semi-regular, and 27 eclipsing binaries based on the periodicity and the profile of the light curves.

  6. Climate variability and climate change

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rind, D.


    Changes of variability with climate change are likely to have a substantial impact on vegetation and society, rivaling the importance of changes in the mean values themselves. A variety of paleoclimate and future climate simulations performed with the GISS global climate model is used to assess how the variabilities of temperature and precipitation are altered as climate warms or cools. In general, as climate warms, temperature variability decreases due to reductions in the latitudinal temperature gradient and precipitation variability increases together with the intensity of the hydrologic cycle. If future climate projections are accurate, the reduction in temperature variability will be minimized by the rapid change in mean temperatures, but the hydrologic variability will be amplified by increased evapotranspiration. Greater hydrologic variability would appear to pose a potentially severe problem for the next century. 19 refs.; 3 figs.; 2 tabs

  7. de los hoteles españoles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enrique Claver Cortés


    Full Text Available Los hoteles necesitan cada vez más información para su correcta gestión y para maximizar su desempeño o éxito empresarial. De esta forma, en este estudio se analizan una serie de variables estratégicas clave que influyen directamente sobre el desempeño hotelero. Estas variables son el tamaño, el tipo de gestión y la categoría de los hoteles. En este trabajo, empleando la teoría de los grupos estratégicos, se han agrupado los hoteles españoles de entre 3 a 5 estrellas en función de cada una de estas variables estratégicas con el objetivo de determinar si influyen significativamente sobre el desempeño hotelero y en qué sentido. Entre los resultados que se han obtenido destacan el hecho de que a mayor tamaño y categoría, mayor es el desempeño que alcanzan los hoteles. Así mismo, los hoteles que pertenecen a cadenas alcanzan niveles de desempeño mayores que los independientes. Por lo tanto, de esta investigación se deducen importantes implicaciones para la dirección hotelera.

  8. Variable volume combustor (United States)

    Ostebee, Heath Michael; Ziminsky, Willy Steve; Johnson, Thomas Edward; Keener, Christopher Paul


    The present application provides a variable volume combustor for use with a gas turbine engine. The variable volume combustor may include a liner, a number of micro-mixer fuel nozzles positioned within the liner, and a linear actuator so as to maneuver the micro-mixer fuel nozzles axially along the liner.

  9. IRAS variables as galactic structure tracers - Classification of the bright variables (United States)

    Allen, L. E.; Kleinmann, S. G.; Weinberg, M. D.


    The characteristics of the 'bright infrared variables' (BIRVs), a sample consisting of the 300 brightest stars in the IRAS Point Source Catalog with IRAS variability index VAR of 98 or greater, are investigated with the purpose of establishing which of IRAS variables are AGB stars (e.g., oxygen-rich Miras and carbon stars, as was assumed by Weinberg (1992)). Results of the analysis of optical, infrared, and microwave spectroscopy of these stars indicate that, out of 88 stars in the BIRV sample identified with cataloged variables, 86 can be classified as Miras. Results of a similar analysis performed for a color-selected sample of stars, using the color limits employed by Habing (1988) to select AGB stars, showed that, out of 52 percent of classified stars, 38 percent are non-AGB stars, including H II regions, planetary nebulae, supergiants, and young stellar objects, indicating that studies using color-selected samples are subject to misinterpretation.


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    tortuosidad. Un análisis de las distribuciones de frecuencia obtenidas para esta propiedad, empleando la prueba de KruskalWallis, revela que el esquema DFDS posee los menores valores de tortuosidad en un rango más estrecho.

  11. Sensor Virtual Adaptable de Concentración de Etanol para Fermentadores Industriales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Boris Martínez


    Full Text Available Resumen: Los sistemas de control emplean sensores para observar el estado del proceso y tomar decisiones. En ocasiones, se necesita estimar las variables del proceso pues el sensor adecuado no existe, es prohibitivamente costoso o las mediciones son difíciles de realizar. Una solución consiste en inferir las variables no medidas a partir de otras variables mediante sensores virtuales o sensores por software (soft-sensors. En los procesos de fermentación alcohólica, la medición de la concentración del etanol es esencial. Sin embargo, no existen sensores baratos y confiables para medirla en línea ni existe una solución aceptada por todos del modelado de dicha variable. Además, las fermentaciones nunca son iguales pues los microorganismos son muy sensibles a pequeñas desviaciones en las variables involucradas. Por tanto, estos procesos requieren un sistema de estimación adaptable y altamente robusto. En este trabajo se presenta un sensor virtual adaptable para un proceso fermentativo de bioetanol empleando un modelo borroso evolutivo a partir de datos del proceso. Además, el modelo obtenido es compacto y presenta una estructura adecuada para su aplicación futura en estrategias de control, en aras de optimizar la productividad del proceso y disminuir los costos de producción. Palabras clave: bioetanol, procesos fermentativos, sensores virtuales o sensores software, sistemas adaptables, sistemas borrosos

  12. Classification and prediction of port variables

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Molina Serrano, B.


    Many variables are included in planning and management of port terminals. They can beeconomic, social, environmental and institutional. Agent needs to know relationshipbetween these variables to modify planning conditions. Use of Bayesian Networks allowsfor classifying, predicting and diagnosing these variables. Bayesian Networks allow forestimating subsequent probability of unknown variables, basing on know variables.In planning level, it means that it is not necessary to know all variables because theirrelationships are known. Agent can know interesting information about how port variablesare connected. It can be interpreted as cause-effect relationship. Bayesian Networks can beused to make optimal decisions by introduction of possible actions and utility of theirresults.In proposed methodology, a data base has been generated with more than 40 port variables.They have been classified in economic, social, environmental and institutional variables, inthe same way that smart port studies in Spanish Port System make. From this data base, anetwork has been generated using a non-cyclic conducted grafo which allows for knowingport variable relationships - parents-children relationships-. Obtained network exhibits thateconomic variables are – in cause-effect terms- cause of rest of variable typologies.Economic variables represent parent role in the most of cases. Moreover, whenenvironmental variables are known, obtained network allows for estimating subsequentprobability of social variables.It has been concluded that Bayesian Networks allow for modeling uncertainty in aprobabilistic way, even when number of variables is high as occurs in planning andmanagement of port terminals. (Author)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gustavo Torres Plasencia


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de evaluar la producción de poli-β-hidroxibutirato (PHB por Pseudomonas, empleando borra oleosa como fuente carbonada; se aislaron cinco cepas a partir de borra oleosa de la Refinería Iquitos de Petroperú S.A-Operaciones Selva, las que posteriormente se cultivaron en agitación, a 37°C por 24 h, empleando el medio mineral de Ramsay et al. (1990; que contenía borra oleosa como única fuente de carbono en exceso y limitación de la fuente nitrogenada. Todas las cepas produjeron PHB durante el bioensayo; sin embargo, no se observaron diferencias significativas entre sus valores de concentración de PHB intracelular (p>0,05, siendo el máximo valor promedio 657 ± 98,75 µg x ml-1.

  14. Relación entre la complejidad de una tarea y el seguimiento de instrucciones

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eric Efrain Solano-Uscanga


    Full Text Available En muchas de las veces, las instrucciones para realizar tareas correspondientes a cursos online, a distancia o virtuales no son entendidas adecuadamente. El uso de instrucciones es común en los diferentes ámbitos donde se desenvuelve el ser humano, aunque no todas las instrucciones tienen las mismas cualidades generando, por tanto, diferentes efectos sobre la conducta. En el presente estudio se analiza la relación entre la complejidad de la tarea y el seguimiento de instrucciones empleando como pretexto la construcción de diseños con piezas Lego con cuatro niveles de complejidad distintos. Se trabaja con 15 estudiantes universitarios, empleando listas de chequeo para evaluar el éxito en el seguimiento de instrucciones. Los resultados muestran que un mejor seguimiento de instrucciones a medida que la instrucción se complejiza.

  15. Changes in heart rate variability and QT variability during the first trimester of pregnancy. (United States)

    Carpenter, R E; D'Silva, L A; Emery, S J; Uzun, O; Rassi, D; Lewis, M J


    The risk of new-onset arrhythmia during pregnancy is high, presumably relating to changes in both haemodynamic and cardiac autonomic function. The ability to non-invasively assess an individual's risk of developing arrhythmia during pregnancy would therefore be clinically significant. We aimed to quantify electrocardiographic temporal characteristics during the first trimester of pregnancy and to compare these with non-pregnant controls. Ninety-nine pregnant women and sixty-three non-pregnant women underwent non-invasive cardiovascular and haemodynamic assessment during a protocol consisting of various physiological states (postural manoeurvres, light exercise and metronomic breathing). Variables measured included stroke volume, cardiac output, heart rate, heart rate variability, QT and QT variability and QTVI (a measure of the variability of QT relative to that of RR). Heart rate (p pregnancy only during the supine position (p pregnancy in all physiological states (p pregnancy in all states (p pregnancy is associated with substantial changes in heart rate variability, reflecting a reduction in parasympathetic tone and an increase in sympathetic activity. QTVI shifted to a less favourable value, reflecting a greater than normal amount of QT variability. QTVI appears to be a useful method for quantifying changes in QT variability relative to RR (or heart rate) variability, being sensitive not only to physiological state but also to gestational age. We support the use of non-invasive markers of cardiac electrical variability to evaluate the risk of arrhythmic events in pregnancy, and we recommend the use of multiple physiological states during the assessment protocol.

  16. A variable stiffness joint with electrospun P(VDF-TrFE-CTFE) variable stiffness springs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Carloni, Raffaella; Lapp, Valerie I.; Cremonese, Andrea; Belcari, Juri; Zucchelli, Andrea

    This letter presents a novel rotational variable stiffness joint that relies on one motor and a set of variable stiffness springs. The variable stiffness springs are leaf springs with a layered design, i.e., an electro-active layer of electrospun aligned nanofibers of poly(vinylidene

  17. Examining Impulse-Variability in Kicking. (United States)

    Chappell, Andrew; Molina, Sergio L; McKibben, Jonathon; Stodden, David F


    This study examined variability in kicking speed and spatial accuracy to test the impulse-variability theory prediction of an inverted-U function and the speed-accuracy trade-off. Twenty-eight 18- to 25-year-old adults kicked a playground ball at various percentages (50-100%) of their maximum speed at a wall target. Speed variability and spatial error were analyzed using repeated-measures ANOVA with built-in polynomial contrasts. Results indicated a significant inverse linear trajectory for speed variability (p < .001, η2= .345) where 50% and 60% maximum speed had significantly higher variability than the 100% condition. A significant quadratic fit was found for spatial error scores of mean radial error (p < .0001, η2 = .474) and subject-centroid radial error (p < .0001, η2 = .453). Findings suggest variability and accuracy of multijoint, ballistic skill performance may not follow the general principles of impulse-variability theory or the speed-accuracy trade-off.

  18. Improved variable reduction in partial least squares modelling by Global-Minimum Error Uninformative-Variable Elimination. (United States)

    Andries, Jan P M; Vander Heyden, Yvan; Buydens, Lutgarde M C


    The calibration performance of Partial Least Squares regression (PLS) can be improved by eliminating uninformative variables. For PLS, many variable elimination methods have been developed. One is the Uninformative-Variable Elimination for PLS (UVE-PLS). However, the number of variables retained by UVE-PLS is usually still large. In UVE-PLS, variable elimination is repeated as long as the root mean squared error of cross validation (RMSECV) is decreasing. The set of variables in this first local minimum is retained. In this paper, a modification of UVE-PLS is proposed and investigated, in which UVE is repeated until no further reduction in variables is possible, followed by a search for the global RMSECV minimum. The method is called Global-Minimum Error Uninformative-Variable Elimination for PLS, denoted as GME-UVE-PLS or simply GME-UVE. After each iteration, the predictive ability of the PLS model, built with the remaining variable set, is assessed by RMSECV. The variable set with the global RMSECV minimum is then finally selected. The goal is to obtain smaller sets of variables with similar or improved predictability than those from the classical UVE-PLS method. The performance of the GME-UVE-PLS method is investigated using four data sets, i.e. a simulated set, NIR and NMR spectra, and a theoretical molecular descriptors set, resulting in twelve profile-response (X-y) calibrations. The selective and predictive performances of the models resulting from GME-UVE-PLS are statistically compared to those from UVE-PLS and 1-step UVE, one-sided paired t-tests. The results demonstrate that variable reduction with the proposed GME-UVE-PLS method, usually eliminates significantly more variables than the classical UVE-PLS, while the predictive abilities of the resulting models are better. With GME-UVE-PLS, a lower number of uninformative variables, without a chemical meaning for the response, may be retained than with UVE-PLS. The selectivity of the classical UVE method

  19. Exploratory Spectroscopy of Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables Candidates and Other Variable Objects

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oliveira, A. S.; Palhares, M. S. [IP and D, Universidade do Vale do Paraíba, 12244-000, São José dos Campos, SP (Brazil); Rodrigues, C. V.; Cieslinski, D.; Jablonski, F. J. [Divisão de Astrofísica, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, 12227-010, São José dos Campos, SP (Brazil); Silva, K. M. G. [Gemini Observatory, Casilla 603, La Serena (Chile); Almeida, L. A. [Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas, Universidade de São Paulo, 05508-900, São Paulo, SP (Brazil); Rodríguez-Ardila, A., E-mail: [Laboratório Nacional de Astrofísica LNA/MCTI, 37504-364, Itajubá MG (Brazil)


    The increasing number of synoptic surveys made by small robotic telescopes, such as the photometric Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey (CRTS), provides a unique opportunity to discover variable sources and improves the statistical samples of such classes of objects. Our goal is the discovery of magnetic Cataclysmic Variables (mCVs). These are rare objects that probe interesting accretion scenarios controlled by the white-dwarf magnetic field. In particular, improved statistics of mCVs would help to address open questions on their formation and evolution. We performed an optical spectroscopy survey to search for signatures of magnetic accretion in 45 variable objects selected mostly from the CRTS. In this sample, we found 32 CVs, 22 being mCV candidates, 13 of which were previously unreported as such. If the proposed classifications are confirmed, it would represent an increase of 4% in the number of known polars and 12% in the number of known IPs. A fraction of our initial sample was classified as extragalactic sources or other types of variable stars by the inspection of the identification spectra. Despite the inherent complexity in identifying a source as an mCV, variability-based selection, followed by spectroscopic snapshot observations, has proved to be an efficient strategy for their discoveries, being a relatively inexpensive approach in terms of telescope time.

  20. Ultrasonic variables affecting inspection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lautzenheiser, C.E.; Whiting, A.R.; McElroy, J.T.


    There are many variables which affect the detection of the effects and reproducibility of results when utilizing ultrasonic techniques. The most important variable is the procedure, as this document specifies, to a great extent, the controls that are exercised over the other variables. The most important variable is personnel with regards to training, qualification, integrity, data recording, and data analysis. Although the data is very limited, these data indicate that, if the procedure is carefully controlled, reliability of defect detection and reproducibility of results are both approximately 90 percent for reliability of detection, this applies to relatively small defects as reliability increases substantially as defect size increases above the recording limit. (author)

  1. Investigating Factorial Invariance of Latent Variables Across Populations When Manifest Variables Are Missing Completely. (United States)

    Widaman, Keith F; Grimm, Kevin J; Early, Dawnté R; Robins, Richard W; Conger, Rand D


    Difficulties arise in multiple-group evaluations of factorial invariance if particular manifest variables are missing completely in certain groups. Ad hoc analytic alternatives can be used in such situations (e.g., deleting manifest variables), but some common approaches, such as multiple imputation, are not viable. At least 3 solutions to this problem are viable: analyzing differing sets of variables across groups, using pattern mixture approaches, and a new method using random number generation. The latter solution, proposed in this article, is to generate pseudo-random normal deviates for all observations for manifest variables that are missing completely in a given sample and then to specify multiple-group models in a way that respects the random nature of these values. An empirical example is presented in detail comparing the 3 approaches. The proposed solution can enable quantitative comparisons at the latent variable level between groups using programs that require the same number of manifest variables in each group.

  2. Variability in ACL tunnel placement: observational clinical study of surgeon ACL tunnel variability. (United States)

    Wolf, Brian R; Ramme, Austin J; Wright, Rick W; Brophy, Robert H; McCarty, Eric C; Vidal, Armando R; Parker, Richard D; Andrish, Jack T; Amendola, Annunziato


    Multicenter and multisurgeon cohort studies on anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction are becoming more common. Minimal information exists on intersurgeon and intrasurgeon variability in ACL tunnel placement. Purpose/ The purpose of this study was to analyze intersurgeon and intrasurgeon variability in ACL tunnel placement in a series of The Multicenter Orthopaedic Outcomes Network (MOON) ACL reconstruction patients and in a clinical cohort of ACL reconstruction patients. The hypothesis was that there would be minimal variability between surgeons in ACL tunnel placement. Cross-sectional study; Level of evidence, 3. Seventy-eight patients who underwent ACL reconstruction by 8 surgeons had postoperative imaging with computed tomography, and ACL tunnel location and angulation were analyzed using 3-dimensional surface processing and measurement. Intersurgeon and intrasurgeon variability in ACL tunnel placement was analyzed. For intersurgeon variability, the range in mean ACL femoral tunnel depth between surgeons was 22%. For femoral tunnel height, there was a 19% range. Tibial tunnel location from anterior to posterior on the plateau had a 16% range in mean results. There was only a small range of 4% for mean tibial tunnel location from the medial to lateral dimension. For intrasurgeon variability, femoral tunnel depth demonstrated the largest ranges, and tibial tunnel location from medial to lateral on the plateau demonstrated the least variability. Overall, surgeons were relatively consistent within their own cases. Using applied measurement criteria, 85% of femoral tunnels and 90% of tibial tunnels fell within applied literature-based guidelines. Ninety-one percent of the axes of the femoral tunnels fell within the boundaries of the femoral footprint. The data demonstrate that surgeons performing ACL reconstructions are relatively consistent between each other. There is, however, variability of average tunnel placement up to 22% of mean condylar depth

  3. Benchmarking Variable Selection in QSAR. (United States)

    Eklund, Martin; Norinder, Ulf; Boyer, Scott; Carlsson, Lars


    Variable selection is important in QSAR modeling since it can improve model performance and transparency, as well as reduce the computational cost of model fitting and predictions. Which variable selection methods that perform well in QSAR settings is largely unknown. To address this question we, in a total of 1728 benchmarking experiments, rigorously investigated how eight variable selection methods affect the predictive performance and transparency of random forest models fitted to seven QSAR datasets covering different endpoints, descriptors sets, types of response variables, and number of chemical compounds. The results show that univariate variable selection methods are suboptimal and that the number of variables in the benchmarked datasets can be reduced with about 60 % without significant loss in model performance when using multivariate adaptive regression splines MARS and forward selection. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  4. The Performance of Variable Annuities


    Michael J. McNamara; Henry R. Oppenheimer


    Variable annuities have become increasingly important in retirement plans. This paper provides an examination of the investment performance of variable annuities for the period year-end 1973 to year-end 1988. Returns, risk, and selectivity measures are analyzed for the sample of annuities, for individual variable annuities, and for subsamples of annuities with similar portfolio size and turnover. While the investment returns of variable annuities were greater than inflation over the period, t...

  5. Caracterización clinicoepidemiológica de las defunciones neonatales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rubén Fernández Ermus


    Full Text Available Se efectuó un estudio descriptivo, de serie de casos, de 57 neonatos fallecidos en el Hospital "Dr. Antonio Penados del Barrio" de San Benito Petén en Guatemala, desde enero hasta junio del 2011, con vistas a caracterizar las defunciones neonatales producidas según variables clinicoepidemiológicas. La información se obtuvo de las historias clínicas de los neonatos y de los datos de la atención prenatal a la madre. En la serie se identificaron 85,9 % de madres con riesgos, entre los cuales tuvieron mayor frecuencia: hipertensión arterial, asma, diabetes mellitus, sepsis urinaria y ausencia de controles prenatales. La mortalidad predominó en las primeras 24 horas después del nacimiento y estuvo vinculada a factores, tales como prematuridad, enfermedad de la membrana hialina, síndrome de aspiración de meconio y sepsis neonatal.

  6. Validity of a Residualized Dependent Variable after Pretest Covariance Adjustments: Still the Same Variable? (United States)

    Nimon, Kim; Henson, Robin K.


    The authors empirically examined whether the validity of a residualized dependent variable after covariance adjustment is comparable to that of the original variable of interest. When variance of a dependent variable is removed as a result of one or more covariates, the residual variance may not reflect the same meaning. Using the pretest-posttest…

  7. Confounding of three binary-variables counterfactual model


    Liu, Jingwei; Hu, Shuang


    Confounding of three binary-variables counterfactual model is discussed in this paper. According to the effect between the control variable and the covariate variable, we investigate three counterfactual models: the control variable is independent of the covariate variable, the control variable has the effect on the covariate variable and the covariate variable affects the control variable. Using the ancillary information based on conditional independence hypotheses, the sufficient conditions...

  8. ¿Representar o simular? Esa es la pregunta, los límites de la representación

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    Virginia Guarinos


    Full Text Available La aparición de nuevos modos y medios de expresión y comunicación del último siglo han implicado una nueva manera de afrontar las formas de representación. Todas ellas, vinculadas al universo del ocio desde el punto de vista del consumidor y del negocio desde la visión del productor, suponen unas maneras de representar la realidad muchas veces poco relacionadas con la representación en el sentido de actuación y muy vinculadas al fingimiento, a la simulación cuando no a la mentira. La revisión de los términos y/o de los conceptos nos llevará a reflexionar sobre el factor humano y sus nuevas relaciones sociales con respecto al teatro y sobre el teatro en relación a las actuales maneras de reinventar roles de un modo no profesional.

  9. Nuevas dimensiones de lo religioso: sobre la construcción de identidades en cristianos gays evangélicos de Argentina

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    Carlos Alberto Leal Reyes


    Full Text Available El pluralismo en América Latina ha permitido en años recientes la aparición de manifestaciones religiosas complejas y multilaterales que se expresan más allá de la lógica del catolicismo tradicional. Estas opciones operan a través de mecanismos simbólicos provisionales, híbridos y flexibles, subjetivados mediante éticas polivalentes vinculadas a la participación de nuevos actores sociales, quienes mediante espacios hermenéuticos diversos construyen una discursividad política vinculada a la comprensión de Dios a mediante sistemas teológicos abiertos. Tal es el caso de la agrupación religiosa conocida como CEGLA (Cristianos Evangélicos Gays y Lesbianas de Argentina, que constituye una manifestación de formas de socialización religiosa expresadas más allá de las instituciones católicas.

  10. Variable-spot ion beam figuring

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu, Lixiang; Qiu, Keqiang; Fu, Shaojun


    This paper introduces a new scheme of ion beam figuring (IBF), or rather variable-spot IBF, which is conducted at a constant scanning velocity with variable-spot ion beam collimated by a variable diaphragm. It aims at improving the reachability and adaptation of the figuring process within the limits of machine dynamics by varying the ion beam spot size instead of the scanning velocity. In contrast to the dwell time algorithm in the conventional IBF, the variable-spot IBF adopts a new algorithm, which consists of the scan path programming and the trajectory optimization using pattern search. In this algorithm, instead of the dwell time, a new concept, integral etching time, is proposed to interpret the process of variable-spot IBF. We conducted simulations to verify its feasibility and practicality. The simulation results indicate the variable-spot IBF is a promising alternative to the conventional approach.

  11. A study of variable thrust, variable specific impulse trajectories for solar system exploration (United States)

    Sakai, Tadashi

    A study has been performed to determine the advantages and disadvantages of variable thrust and variable Isp (specific impulse) trajectories for solar system exploration. There have been several numerical research efforts for variable thrust, variable Isp, power-limited trajectory optimization problems. All of these results conclude that variable thrust, variable Isp (variable specific impulse, or VSI) engines are superior to constant thrust, constant Isp (constant specific impulse; or CSI) engines. However, most of these research efforts assume a mission from Earth to Mars, and some of them further assume that these planets are circular and coplanar. Hence they still lack the generality. This research has been conducted to answer the following questions: (1) Is a VSI engine always better than a CSI engine or a high thrust engine for any mission to any planet with any time of flight considering lower propellant mass as the sole criterion? (2) If a planetary swing-by is used for a VSI trajectory, is the fuel savings of a VSI swing-by trajectory better than that of a CSI swing-by or high thrust swing-by trajectory? To support this research, an unique, new computer-based interplanetary trajectory calculation program has been created. This program utilizes a calculus of variations algorithm to perform overall optimization of thrust, Isp, and thrust vector direction along a trajectory that minimizes fuel consumption for interplanetary travel. It is assumed that the propulsion system is power-limited, and thus the compromise between thrust and Isp is a variable to be optimized along the flight path. This program is capable of optimizing not only variable thrust trajectories but also constant thrust trajectories in 3-D space using a planetary ephemeris database. It is also capable of conducting planetary swing-bys. Using this program, various Earth-originating trajectories have been investigated and the optimized results have been compared to traditional CSI and high

  12. Continuous-variable quantum homomorphic signature (United States)

    Li, Ke; Shang, Tao; Liu, Jian-wei


    Quantum cryptography is believed to be unconditionally secure because its security is ensured by physical laws rather than computational complexity. According to spectrum characteristic, quantum information can be classified into two categories, namely discrete variables and continuous variables. Continuous-variable quantum protocols have gained much attention for their ability to transmit more information with lower cost. To verify the identities of different data sources in a quantum network, we propose a continuous-variable quantum homomorphic signature scheme. It is based on continuous-variable entanglement swapping and provides additive and subtractive homomorphism. Security analysis shows the proposed scheme is secure against replay, forgery and repudiation. Even under nonideal conditions, it supports effective verification within a certain verification threshold.

  13. Influencia del género y del sexo en las actitudes sexuales de estudiantes universitarios españoles

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    Elisa Larrañaga


    Full Text Available Los jóvenes son un grupo de especial importancia en la prevención de la salud sexual, lo que lleva a que resulte de interés el análisis de los factores que determinan la conducta sexual. El propósito de este trabajo fue estudiar la relación entre el género y la sexualidad. Concretamente, el objetivo ha sido analizar la relación entre el machismo y los mitos románticos con las actitudes sexuales. Se ha empleado un cuestionario autoadministrado que consta de tres escalas, Double Standard Scale, Escala de Mitos Románticos y Escala de Actitudes Sexuales, a 262 estudiantes de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (España. Los datos fueron recogidos durante el curso 2011-2012. Hemos aplicado análisis univariantes para conocer las relaciones entre las variables. Los resultados indican que las actitudes sexuales están vinculadas con el machismo y los mitos románticos. En futuros programas de intervención y de educación sexual es necesario considerar la variable de género.

  14. Pulsating red variables

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Whitelock, P.A.


    The observational characteristics of pulsating red variables are reviewed with particular emphasis on the Miras. These variables represent the last stage in the evolution of stars on the Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB). A large fraction of the IRAS sources in the Bulge are Mira variables and a subset of these are also OH/IR sources. Their periods range up to 720 days, though most are between 360 and 560 days. At a given period those stars with the highest pulsation amplitudes have the highest mass-loss rates; this is interpreted as evidence for a causal connection between mass-loss and pulsation. It is suggested that once an AGB star has become a Mira it will evolve with increasing pulsation amplitude and mass-loss, but with very little change of luminosity or logarithmic period. 26 refs

  15. Imaging Variable Stars with HST (United States)

    Karovska, M.


    (Abstract only) The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations of astronomical sources, ranging from objects in our solar system to objects in the early Universe, have revolutionized our knowledge of the Universe its origins and contents. I highlight results from HST observations of variable stars obtained during the past twenty or so years. Multiwavelength observations of numerous variable stars and stellar systems were obtained using the superb HST imaging capabilities and its unprecedented angular resolution, especially in the UV and optical. The HST provided the first detailed images probing the structure of variable stars including their atmospheres and circumstellar environments. AAVSO observations and light curves have been critical for scheduling of many of these observations and provided important information and context for understanding of the imaging results of many variable sources. I describe the scientific results from the imaging observations of variable stars including AGBs, Miras, Cepheids, semiregular variables (including supergiants and giants), YSOs and interacting stellar systems with a variable stellar components. These results have led to an unprecedented understanding of the spatial and temporal characteristics of these objects and their place in the stellar evolutionary chains, and in the larger context of the dynamic evolving Universe.

  16. (Super Variable Costing-Throughput Costing)


    Çakıcı, Cemal


    (Super Variable Costing-Throughput Costing) The aim of this study is to explain the super-variable costing method which is a new subject in cost and management accounting and to show it’s working practicly.Shortly, super-variable costing can be defined as a costing method which is use only direct material costs in calculate of product costs and treats all costs except these (direct labor and overhead) as periad costs or operating costs.By using super-variable costing method, product costs ar...

  17. Examining the causes of memory strength variability: recollection, attention failure, or encoding variability? (United States)

    Koen, Joshua D; Aly, Mariam; Wang, Wei-Chun; Yonelinas, Andrew P


    A prominent finding in recognition memory is that studied items are associated with more variability in memory strength than new items. Here, we test 3 competing theories for why this occurs-the encoding variability, attention failure, and recollection accounts. Distinguishing among these theories is critical because each provides a fundamentally different account of the processes underlying recognition memory. The encoding variability and attention failure accounts propose that old item variance will be unaffected by retrieval manipulations because the processes producing this effect are ascribed to encoding. The recollection account predicts that both encoding and retrieval manipulations that preferentially affect recollection will affect memory variability. These contrasting predictions were tested by examining the effect of response speeding (Experiment 1), dividing attention at retrieval (Experiment 2), context reinstatement (Experiment 3), and increased test delay (Experiment 4) on recognition performance. The results of all 4 experiments confirm the predictions of the recollection account and are inconsistent with the encoding variability account. The evidence supporting the attention failure account is mixed, with 2 of the 4 experiments confirming the account and 2 disconfirming the account. These results indicate that encoding variability and attention failure are insufficient accounts of memory variance and provide support for the recollection account. Several alternative theoretical accounts of the results are also considered. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2013 APA, all rights reserved.

  18. Preservice Teachers' Understanding of Variable (United States)

    Brown, Sue; Bergman, Judy


    This study examines the research on middle school students' understanding of variables and explores preservice elementary and middle school teachers' knowledge of variables. According to research studies, middle school students have limited understanding of variables. Many studies have examined the performance of middle school students and offered…

  19. Decisiones de financiamiento en pymes: ¿existen diferencias en función del tamaño y la forma legal?

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    Anahí Briozzo


    Full Text Available Se analiza si existen características diferenciales en las pequeñas y medianas empresas en función de su tamaño y de su forma legal. Se estudian en especial las decisiones de financiamiento, tomando como marco el enfoque de jerarquía financiera, trade-off y ciclo de vida. Empleando una muestra de empresas radicadas en la ciudad de Bahía Blanca (Argentina, se realizan test no paramétricos y test de independencia sobre las variables. Los resultados muestran que las empresas de mayor tamaño se endeudan en mayor medida, mientras que las empresas que adoptan formas legales con responsabilidad limitada se diferencian en un mayor uso de créditos con garantías reales. Estos resultados señalan la necesidad de diseñar políticas de apoyo focalizadas hacia los distintos segmentos de empresas

  20. Decisiones de financiamiento en pymes: ¿existen diferencias en función del tamaño y la forma legal?

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    Anahí Briozzo


    Full Text Available Se analiza si existen características diferenciales en las pequeñas y medianas empresas en función de su tamaño y de su forma legal. Se estudian en especial las decisiones de financiamiento, tomando como marco el enfoque de jerarquía financiera, trade-off y ciclo de vida. Empleando una muestra de empresas radicadas en la ciudad de Bahía Blanca (Argentina, se realizan test no paramétricos y test de independencia sobre las variables. Los resultados muestran que las empresas de mayor tamaño se endeudan en mayor medida, mientras que las empresas que adoptan formas legales con responsabilidad limitada se diferencian en un mayor uso de créditos con garantías reales. Estos resultados señalan la necesidad de diseñar políticas de apoyo focalizadas hacia los distintos segmentos de empresas.

  1. Biological Sampling Variability Study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Amidan, Brett G. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Hutchison, Janine R. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States)


    There are many sources of variability that exist in the sample collection and analysis process. This paper addresses many, but not all, sources of variability. The main focus of this paper was to better understand and estimate variability due to differences between samplers. Variability between days was also studied, as well as random variability within each sampler. Experiments were performed using multiple surface materials (ceramic and stainless steel), multiple contaminant concentrations (10 spores and 100 spores), and with and without the presence of interfering material. All testing was done with sponge sticks using 10-inch by 10-inch coupons. Bacillus atrophaeus was used as the BA surrogate. Spores were deposited using wet deposition. Grime was coated on the coupons which were planned to include the interfering material (Section 3.3). Samples were prepared and analyzed at PNNL using CDC protocol (Section 3.4) and then cultured and counted. Five samplers were trained so that samples were taken using the same protocol. Each sampler randomly sampled eight coupons each day, four coupons with 10 spores deposited and four coupons with 100 spores deposited. Each day consisted of one material being tested. The clean samples (no interfering materials) were run first, followed by the dirty samples (coated with interfering material). There was a significant difference in recovery efficiency between the coupons with 10 spores deposited (mean of 48.9%) and those with 100 spores deposited (mean of 59.8%). There was no general significant difference between the clean and dirty (containing interfering material) coupons or between the two surface materials; however, there was a significant interaction between concentration amount and presence of interfering material. The recovery efficiency was close to the same for coupons with 10 spores deposited, but for the coupons with 100 spores deposited, the recovery efficiency for the dirty samples was significantly larger (65

  2. Gait variability measurements in lumbar spinal stenosis patients: part B. Preoperative versus postoperative gait variability

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Papadakis, N C; Christakis, D G; Tzagarakis, G N; Chlouverakis, G I; Kampanis, N A; Stergiopoulos, K N; Katonis, P G


    The objective of this study was to assess the gait variability of lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) patients and to evaluate its postoperative progression. The hypothesis was that LSS patients' preoperative gait variability in the frequency domain was higher than the corresponding postoperative. A tri-axial accelerometer sensor was used for the gait measurement and a spectral differential entropy algorithm was used to measure the gait variability. Twelve subjects with LSS were measured before and after surgery. Preoperative measurements were performed 2 days before surgery. Postoperative measurements were performed 6 and 12 months after surgery. Preoperative gait variability was higher than the corresponding postoperative. Also, in most cases, gait variability appeared to decrease throughout the year

  3. High-p{sub T} B-tagging and top-tagging with variable-R jets in ATLAS

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Behr, Katharina [Sub-department of Particle Physics, University of Oxford, Denys-Wilkinson Building, Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3RH (United Kingdom)


    Variable-R jets, whose effective size is inversely proportional to their transverse momentum, are a versatile tool for object reconstruction across the large transverse momentum regime accessible during Run 2 of the LHC. I discuss the performance of Variable-R jets in two different contexts: (1) Boosted top-tagging. The separation between the decay products of highly energetic top quarks decreases with p{sub T}{sup top} causing them to overlap and merge into a single jet. Taggers relying on large fixed-R jets overestimate the real size of the top jet in the highly boosted regime and are more susceptible to the effects of pile-up. Variable-R jets are studied as the basis for more natural taggers which may not even require grooming. (2) B-tagging. The b-tagging performance in boosted topologies suffers in the presence of close-by jets. This limits the sensitivity of many searches such as those in boosted hh → 4b final states. New b-taggers relying on track jets with smaller sizes than the traditional R=0.4 to better isolate the b-hadron decay show significant improvements in highly boosted scenarios but perform worse at low transverse momenta where they fail to capture the full b-jet. Variable-R track jets provide a unified approach to b-tagging in both p{sub T} regimes.

  4. Evolution of variable stars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Becker, S.A.


    Throughout the domain of the H R diagram lie groupings of stars whose luminosity varies with time. These variable stars can be classified based on their observed properties into distinct types such as β Cephei stars, δ Cephei stars, and Miras, as well as many other categories. The underlying mechanism for the variability is generally felt to be due to four different causes: geometric effects, rotation, eruptive processes, and pulsation. In this review the focus will be on pulsation variables and how the theory of stellar evolution can be used to explain how the various regions of variability on the H R diagram are populated. To this end a generalized discussion of the evolutionary behavior of a massive star, an intermediate mass star, and a low mass star will be presented. 19 refs., 1 fig., 1 tab

  5. Intelligent control for large-scale variable speed variable pitch wind turbines

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Xinfang ZHANG; Daping XU; Yibing LIU


    Large-scale wind turbine generator systems have strong nonlinear multivariable characteristics with many uncertain factors and disturbances.Automatic control is crucial for the efficiency and reliability of wind turbines.On the basis of simplified and proper model of variable speed variable pitch wind turbines,the effective wind speed is estimated using extended Kalman filter.Intelligent control schemes proposed in the paper include two loops which operate in synchronism with each other.At below-rated wind speed,the inner loop adopts adaptive fuzzy control based on variable universe for generator torque regulation to realize maximum wind energy capture.At above-rated wind speed, a controller based on least square support vector machine is proposed to adjust pitch angle and keep rated output power.The simulation shows the effectiveness of the intelligent control.

  6. Modelación espacial de la calidad del agua en el río Tapartó, municipio de Andes, Antioquia, Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julián Andrés


    Full Text Available Con el propósito de evaluar las condiciones ambientales del río Tapartó, se analizó su calidad de agua a partir de resultados obtenidos de la medición de variables hidráulicas, fisicoquímicas, y de los índices de diversidad de Shannon-Weaver (1949, dominancia de Simpson (1949 y equidad de Pielou (1966, y biótico como el BMWP/Col, empleando macroinvertebrados acuáticos, obtenidos a través de muestreos cuantitativos y cualitativos. Para tal efecto, se tomaron muestras en tres estaciones diferentes del río en los meses de febrero, mayo y agosto de 2014. Los resultados presentaron una variación en las dimensiones espacio-temporales, donde las variables que más sobresalieron en relación con este aspecto fueron: nitratos, alcalinidad total, DQO y densidad de los macroinvertebrados acuáticos. Al integrar la información resultante del análisis fisicoquímico y de los macroinvertebrados acuáticos en el modelo espacial, se concluye que en el río Tapartó presenta una calidad de agua entre el rango de buena a ligeramente contaminada

  7. Rapidly variable relatvistic absorption (United States)

    Parker, M.; Pinto, C.; Fabian, A.; Lohfink, A.; Buisson, D.; Alston, W.; Jiang, J.


    I will present results from the 1.5Ms XMM-Newton observing campaign on the most X-ray variable AGN, IRAS 13224-3809. We find a series of nine absorption lines with a velocity of 0.24c from an ultra-fast outflow. For the first time, we are able to see extremely rapid variability of the UFO features, and can link this to the X-ray variability from the inner accretion disk. We find a clear flux dependence of the outflow features, suggesting that the wind is ionized by increasing X-ray emission.

  8. Reward-dependent modulation of movement variability. (United States)

    Pekny, Sarah E; Izawa, Jun; Shadmehr, Reza


    Movement variability is often considered an unwanted byproduct of a noisy nervous system. However, variability can signal a form of implicit exploration, indicating that the nervous system is intentionally varying the motor commands in search of actions that yield the greatest success. Here, we investigated the role of the human basal ganglia in controlling reward-dependent motor variability as measured by trial-to-trial changes in performance during a reaching task. We designed an experiment in which the only performance feedback was success or failure and quantified how reach variability was modulated as a function of the probability of reward. In healthy controls, reach variability increased as the probability of reward decreased. Control of variability depended on the history of past rewards, with the largest trial-to-trial changes occurring immediately after an unrewarded trial. In contrast, in participants with Parkinson's disease, a known example of basal ganglia dysfunction, reward was a poor modulator of variability; that is, the patients showed an impaired ability to increase variability in response to decreases in the probability of reward. This was despite the fact that, after rewarded trials, reach variability in the patients was comparable to healthy controls. In summary, we found that movement variability is partially a form of exploration driven by the recent history of rewards. When the function of the human basal ganglia is compromised, the reward-dependent control of movement variability is impaired, particularly affecting the ability to increase variability after unsuccessful outcomes. Copyright © 2015 the authors 0270-6474/15/354015-10$15.00/0.

  9. Machine learning search for variable stars (United States)

    Pashchenko, Ilya N.; Sokolovsky, Kirill V.; Gavras, Panagiotis


    Photometric variability detection is often considered as a hypothesis testing problem: an object is variable if the null hypothesis that its brightness is constant can be ruled out given the measurements and their uncertainties. The practical applicability of this approach is limited by uncorrected systematic errors. We propose a new variability detection technique sensitive to a wide range of variability types while being robust to outliers and underestimated measurement uncertainties. We consider variability detection as a classification problem that can be approached with machine learning. Logistic Regression (LR), Support Vector Machines (SVM), k Nearest Neighbours (kNN), Neural Nets (NN), Random Forests (RF), and Stochastic Gradient Boosting classifier (SGB) are applied to 18 features (variability indices) quantifying scatter and/or correlation between points in a light curve. We use a subset of Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment phase two (OGLE-II) Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) photometry (30 265 light curves) that was searched for variability using traditional methods (168 known variable objects) as the training set and then apply the NN to a new test set of 31 798 OGLE-II LMC light curves. Among 205 candidates selected in the test set, 178 are real variables, while 13 low-amplitude variables are new discoveries. The machine learning classifiers considered are found to be more efficient (select more variables and fewer false candidates) compared to traditional techniques using individual variability indices or their linear combination. The NN, SGB, SVM, and RF show a higher efficiency compared to LR and kNN.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hugo Alexander Rondón Quintana


    Full Text Available En un pavimento, cada una de las capas de la estructura experimenta bajo una carga vehicular ciclos de esfuerzo con componentes vertical, horizontal y de corte. Para el estudio de materiales granulares no tratados (utilizados para conformar capas de base y subbase, la mayor parte de las investigaciones se realizan empleando equipos triaxiales cíclicos en donde sólo la carga vertical es cíclica y la presión de confinamiento permanece constante durante el ensayo. Un ensayo que reproduce mejor la forma como se distribuyen los esfuerzos en estas capas es el ensayo triaxial cíclico con presión de confinamiento variable. En este ensayo se pueden modelar las componentes cíclicas tanto en el sentido vertical como horizontal. A pesar que son ensayos distintos, la ingeniería de pavimentos supone que la respuesta que experimentan estos materiales en estos ensayos es similar, lo anterior basado en algunos estudios realizados en la década de los setenta. En la presente investigación se diseña y desarrolla un programa experimental más detallado, para comparar el comportamiento que desarrolla un material granular no tratado en estos ensayos. De los resultados se evidencia que sólo para algunas trayectorias de esfuerzo, la dirección y la acumulación de la deformación vertical y volumétrica es similar.In a pavement structure, passing wheel loads impose cyclic stresses consisting of vertical, horizontal and shear components. Studies of the behavior of unbound granular materials (UGM, used for base and sub-base layers under cyclic loading are mostly performed using the axisymmetric triaxial test with constant confining pressure (CCP test and a cyclic variation of the axial stress. However, in this type of test only the vertical component of the cyclic stress path is considered. The oscillation of the horizontal stress can be reproduced by an additional cyclic variation of the confining pressure (VCP test. CCP and VCP tests are sometimes assumed to

  11. How to get rid of W: a latent variables approach to modelling spatially lagged variables

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Folmer, H.; Oud, J.


    In this paper we propose a structural equation model (SEM) with latent variables to model spatial dependence. Rather than using the spatial weights matrix W, we propose to use latent variables to represent spatial dependence and spillover effects, of which the observed spatially lagged variables are

  12. How to get rid of W : a latent variables approach to modelling spatially lagged variables

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Folmer, Henk; Oud, Johan


    In this paper we propose a structural equation model (SEM) with latent variables to model spatial dependence. Rather than using the spatial weights matrix W, we propose to use latent variables to represent spatial dependence and spillover effects, of which the observed spatially lagged variables are

  13. La prótesis bucal como causante del carcinoma espinocelular oral


    Caballero Herrera, Rafael; Bru de Sala Oms, Carlos


    La aparición de cáncer bucal está vinculada a múltiples factores de riesgo. En este artículo queremos exponer como uno de ellos la úlcera crónica producida por las prótesis dentales removibles o fijas.

  14. Conceptual framework language – CFL –

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sandro J. Bolaños-Castro


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta el Lenguaje de Marcos Conceptuales –LMC–, su objetivo es cerrar la brecha entre los lenguajes de programación y los lenguajes de diseño, empleando el mecanismo de la esquematización, este propone cambiar la complejidad de la sintaxis de los lenguajes de programación y la complejidad de la diagramación por la facilidad de ensamble y anidamiento de marcos o bloques conceptuales a manera de Lego, se presenta las posibilidades que brinda LMC como un leguaje más próximo a la resolución de problemas empleando un vocabulario computacional y científico, que se hace transparente al usuario, se plantean comparaciones e integraciones con lenguajes como java y UML, se proponen métricas y se hace una implementación de la plataforma en lenguaje java.

  15. Interdependence Among Organizational Variables (United States)

    Knowles, M. C.


    The interrelationship between a set of organizational variables was investigated at 14 work organizations within a company. The variables were production, quality, costs, job satisfaction of operatives, job satisfaction of supervisors, work anxiety, accidents, absence, labor turnover, and industrial unrest. (Author)

  16. Variable Lifting Index (VLI): A New Method for Evaluating Variable Lifting Tasks. (United States)

    Waters, Thomas; Occhipinti, Enrico; Colombini, Daniela; Alvarez-Casado, Enrique; Fox, Robert


    We seek to develop a new approach for analyzing the physical demands of highly variable lifting tasks through an adaptation of the Revised NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) Lifting Equation (RNLE) into a Variable Lifting Index (VLI). There are many jobs that contain individual lifts that vary from lift to lift due to the task requirements. The NIOSH Lifting Equation is not suitable in its present form to analyze variable lifting tasks. In extending the prior work on the VLI, two procedures are presented to allow users to analyze variable lifting tasks. One approach involves the sampling of lifting tasks performed by a worker over a shift and the calculation of the Frequency Independent Lift Index (FILI) for each sampled lift and the aggregation of the FILI values into six categories. The Composite Lift Index (CLI) equation is used with lifting index (LI) category frequency data to calculate the VLI. The second approach employs a detailed systematic collection of lifting task data from production and/or organizational sources. The data are organized into simplified task parameter categories and further aggregated into six FILI categories, which also use the CLI equation to calculate the VLI. The two procedures will allow practitioners to systematically employ the VLI method to a variety of work situations where highly variable lifting tasks are performed. The scientific basis for the VLI procedure is similar to that for the CLI originally presented by NIOSH; however, the VLI method remains to be validated. The VLI method allows an analyst to assess highly variable manual lifting jobs in which the task characteristics vary from lift to lift during a shift. © 2015, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

  17. The WFCAM multiwavelength Variable Star Catalog (United States)

    Ferreira Lopes, C. E.; Dékány, I.; Catelan, M.; Cross, N. J. G.; Angeloni, R.; Leão, I. C.; De Medeiros, J. R.


    Context. Stellar variability in the near-infrared (NIR) remains largely unexplored. The exploitation of public science archives with data-mining methods offers a perspective for a time-domain exploration of the NIR sky. Aims: We perform a comprehensive search for stellar variability using the optical-NIR multiband photometric data in the public Calibration Database of the WFCAM Science Archive (WSA), with the aim of contributing to the general census of variable stars and of extending the current scarce inventory of accurate NIR light curves for a number of variable star classes. Methods: Standard data-mining methods were applied to extract and fine-tune time-series data from the WSA. We introduced new variability indices designed for multiband data with correlated sampling, and applied them for preselecting variable star candidates, i.e., light curves that are dominated by correlated variations, from noise-dominated ones. Preselection criteria were established by robust numerical tests for evaluating the response of variability indices to the colored noise characteristic of the data. We performed a period search using the string-length minimization method on an initial catalog of 6551 variable star candidates preselected by variability indices. Further frequency analysis was performed on positive candidates using three additional methods in combination, in order to cope with aliasing. Results: We find 275 periodic variable stars and an additional 44 objects with suspected variability with uncertain periods or apparently aperiodic variation. Only 44 of these objects had been previously known, including 11 RR Lyrae stars on the outskirts of the globular cluster M 3 (NGC 5272). We provide a preliminary classification of the new variable stars that have well-measured light curves, but the variability types of a large number of objects remain ambiguous. We classify most of the new variables as contact binary stars, but we also find several pulsating stars, among which

  18. Strong Decomposition of Random Variables

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hoffmann-Jørgensen, Jørgen; Kagan, Abram M.; Pitt, Loren D.


    A random variable X is stongly decomposable if X=Y+Z where Y=Φ(X) and Z=X-Φ(X) are independent non-degenerated random variables (called the components). It is shown that at least one of the components is singular, and we derive a necessary and sufficient condition for strong decomposability...... of a discrete random variable....

  19. Variability: A Pernicious Hypothesis. (United States)

    Noddings, Nel


    The hypothesis of greater male variability in test results is discussed in its historical context, and reasons feminists have objected to the hypothesis are considered. The hypothesis acquires political importance if it is considered that variability results from biological, rather than cultural, differences. (SLD)

  20. Modelo para gestionar el conocimiento en el sector textil de Medellín, empleando dinámica de sistemas

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    Natalia Marulanda Grisales


    Full Text Available Este artículo evalúa la relación de causalidad entre la gestión del conocimiento y las capacidades de innovación tecnológica, y el efecto de esta relación sobre los resultados operacionales del sector textil en la ciudad de Medellín. Se empleó la metodología de dinámica de sistemas, con simulación de esce­narios para valorar las condiciones actuales de las organizaciones del sector en términos de acumulación de conocimiento y capacidades. La información se obtuvo mediante entrevistas a expertos y acceso a información especializada del sector. Se evidencia que una mejora de la relación entre la gestión del conocimiento e innovación tecnológica genera un incremento aproximado del 15% en los ingresos operacionales del sector. Asimismo, se encontró que a medida que las variables comunes de interés (Es­trategias organizacionales, canales de comunicación, formación, cultura, acciones de fortalecimiento en I+D, se acercan a los valores deseados, la acumulación de conocimiento y de capacidades de innovación tecnológica alcanzan los valores objetivos. This paper analyses the causal relation between knowledge management and technological innovation capacities and the effect of this relation over the operational results of the textile sector for the city of Medellin. In order to value the current state of the organizations in the sector in terms of knowledge ac­cumulation and capacities, a dynamic system methodology with scenario simulation for evaluating the actual conditions was used. The information was obtained through interviews with experts and access­ing specialized information on the sector. It is evidenced that an improvement in the relation between knowledge management and technological innovation generates and approximated increase of 15% over the operational revenue of the sector. Likewise, it was found that in the measure that common variables of interest (organizational strategies, communication channels

  1. Focus on variability : New tools to study intra-individual variability in developmental data

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Geert, P; van Dijk, M


    In accordance with dynamic systems theory, we assume that variability is an important developmental phenomenon. However, the standard methodological toolkit of the developmental psychologist offers few instruments for the study of variability. In this article we will present several new methods that

  2. Reinforcing Saccadic Amplitude Variability (United States)

    Paeye, Celine; Madelain, Laurent


    Saccadic endpoint variability is often viewed as the outcome of neural noise occurring during sensorimotor processing. However, part of this variability might result from operant learning. We tested this hypothesis by reinforcing dispersions of saccadic amplitude distributions, while maintaining constant their medians. In a first experiment we…

  3. POVMs and hidden variables

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stairs, Allen


    Recent results by Paul Busch and Adan Cabello claim to show that by appealing to POVMs, non-contextual hidden variables can be ruled out in two dimensions. While the results of Busch and Cabello are mathematically correct, interpretive problems render them problematic as no hidden variable proofs


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nichols, Joy S.; Lauer, Jennifer L.; Morgan, Douglas L.; Sundheim, Beth A.; Henden, Arne A.; Huenemoerder, David P.; Martin, Eric


    Variable stars have been identified among the optical-wavelength light curves of guide stars used for pointing control of the Chandra X-ray Observatory. We present a catalog of these variable stars along with their light curves and ancillary data. Variability was detected to a lower limit of 0.02 mag amplitude in the 4000-10000 A range using the photometrically stable Aspect Camera on board the Chandra spacecraft. The Chandra Variable Guide Star Catalog (VGUIDE) contains 827 stars, of which 586 are classified as definitely variable and 241 are identified as possibly variable. Of the 586 definite variable stars, we believe 319 are new variable star identifications. Types of variables in the catalog include eclipsing binaries, pulsating stars, and rotating stars. The variability was detected during the course of normal verification of each Chandra pointing and results from analysis of over 75,000 guide star light curves from the Chandra mission. The VGUIDE catalog represents data from only about 9 years of the Chandra mission. Future releases of VGUIDE will include newly identified variable guide stars as the mission proceeds. An important advantage of the use of space data to identify and analyze variable stars is the relatively long observations that are available. The Chandra orbit allows for observations up to 2 days in length. Also, guide stars were often used multiple times for Chandra observations, so many of the stars in the VGUIDE catalog have multiple light curves available from various times in the mission. The catalog is presented as both online data associated with this paper and as a public Web interface. Light curves with data at the instrumental time resolution of about 2 s, overplotted with the data binned at 1 ks, can be viewed on the public Web interface and downloaded for further analysis. VGUIDE is a unique project using data collected during the mission that would otherwise be ignored. The stars available for use as Chandra guide stars are

  5. Examining the Causes of Memory Strength Variability: Recollection, Attention Failure, or Encoding Variability? (United States)

    Koen, Joshua D.; Aly, Mariam; Wang, Wei-Chun; Yonelinas, Andrew P.


    A prominent finding in recognition memory is that studied items are associated with more variability in memory strength than new items. Here, we test 3 competing theories for why this occurs--the "encoding variability," "attention failure", and "recollection" accounts. Distinguishing among these theories is critical…

  6. The Chandra Source Catalog: Source Variability (United States)

    Nowak, Michael; Rots, A. H.; McCollough, M. L.; Primini, F. A.; Glotfelty, K. J.; Bonaventura, N. R.; Chen, J. C.; Davis, J. E.; Doe, S. M.; Evans, J. D.; Evans, I.; Fabbiano, G.; Galle, E. C.; Gibbs, D. G., II; Grier, J. D.; Hain, R.; Hall, D. M.; Harbo, P. N.; He, X.; Houck, J. C.; Karovska, M.; Lauer, J.; McDowell, J. C.; Miller, J. B.; Mitschang, A. W.; Morgan, D. L.; Nichols, J. S.; Plummer, D. A.; Refsdal, B. L.; Siemiginowska, A. L.; Sundheim, B. A.; Tibbetts, M. S.; van Stone, D. W.; Winkelman, S. L.; Zografou, P.


    The Chandra Source Catalog (CSC) contains fields of view that have been studied with individual, uninterrupted observations that span integration times ranging from 1 ksec to 160 ksec, and a large number of which have received (multiple) repeat observations days to years later. The CSC thus offers an unprecedented look at the variability of the X-ray sky over a broad range of time scales, and across a wide diversity of variable X-ray sources: stars in the local galactic neighborhood, galactic and extragalactic X-ray binaries, Active Galactic Nuclei, etc. Here we describe the methods used to identify and quantify source variability within a single observation, and the methods used to assess the variability of a source when detected in multiple, individual observations. Three tests are used to detect source variability within a single observation: the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and its variant, the Kuiper test, and a Bayesian approach originally suggested by Gregory and Loredo. The latter test not only provides an indicator of variability, but is also used to create a best estimate of the variable lightcurve shape. We assess the performance of these tests via simulation of statistically stationary, variable processes with arbitrary input power spectral densities (here we concentrate on results of red noise simulations) at variety of mean count rates and fractional root mean square variabilities relevant to CSC sources. We also assess the false positive rate via simulations of constant sources whose sole source of fluctuation is Poisson noise. We compare these simulations to an assessment of the variability found in real CSC sources, and estimate the variability sensitivities of the CSC.

  7. Exploratory Spectroscopy of Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables Candidates and Other Variable Objects (United States)

    Oliveira, A. S.; Rodrigues, C. V.; Cieslinski, D.; Jablonski, F. J.; Silva, K. M. G.; Almeida, L. A.; Rodríguez-Ardila, A.; Palhares, M. S.


    The increasing number of synoptic surveys made by small robotic telescopes, such as the photometric Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey (CRTS), provides a unique opportunity to discover variable sources and improves the statistical samples of such classes of objects. Our goal is the discovery of magnetic Cataclysmic Variables (mCVs). These are rare objects that probe interesting accretion scenarios controlled by the white-dwarf magnetic field. In particular, improved statistics of mCVs would help to address open questions on their formation and evolution. We performed an optical spectroscopy survey to search for signatures of magnetic accretion in 45 variable objects selected mostly from the CRTS. In this sample, we found 32 CVs, 22 being mCV candidates, 13 of which were previously unreported as such. If the proposed classifications are confirmed, it would represent an increase of 4% in the number of known polars and 12% in the number of known IPs. A fraction of our initial sample was classified as extragalactic sources or other types of variable stars by the inspection of the identification spectra. Despite the inherent complexity in identifying a source as an mCV, variability-based selection, followed by spectroscopic snapshot observations, has proved to be an efficient strategy for their discoveries, being a relatively inexpensive approach in terms of telescope time. Based on observations obtained at the Observatório do Pico dos Dias/LNA, and at the Southern Astrophysical Research (SOAR) telescope, which is a joint project of the Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia, e Inovação (MCTI) da República Federativa do Brasil, the U.S. National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO), the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC), and Michigan State University (MSU).

  8. New Variable Stars in the KP2001 Catalog from the Data Base of the Northern Sky Variability Survey (United States)

    Petrosyan, G. V.


    The optical variability of stars in the KP2001 catalog is studied. Monitor data from the automatic Northern Sky Variability Survey (NSVS) are used for this purpose. Of the 257 objects that were studied, 5 are Mira Ceti variables (mirids), 33 are semiregular (SR), and 108 are irregular variables (Ir). The light curves of the other objects show no noticeable signs of variability. For the first time, 11 stars are assigned to the semiregular and 105 stars to the irregular variables. Of the irregular variables, the light curves of two, No. 8 and No. 194, are distinct and are similar to the curves for eclipsing variables. The periods and amplitudes of the mirids and semiregular variables are determined using the "VStar" program package from AAVSO. The absolute stellar magnitudes M K and distances are also estimated, along with the mass loss for the mirids. The behavior of stars from KP2001 in 2MASS and WISE color diagrams is examined.

  9. Las cosas que se llevan en la mochila: El poder en comunidades de okupación rural españolas

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    María Teresa Ramírez


    Full Text Available En este texto presento algunas reflexiones sobre los discursos que buscan generar una alternativa al modelohegemónico propuesto por el neoliberalismo. Para esto, me centro en el discurso sobre el poder de un grupo depersonas vinculadas al movimiento de okupación rural español. Comienzo desde las motivaciones que tienen laspersonas de este grupo para buscar una forma de vida cotidiana alternativa a la hegemónica, y las dificultades,centradas en la propia comunidad, con las que se han encontrado para lograrlo. Desde aquí, expongo las concepcionesque tienen sobre el poder, utilizando como marco interpretativo la teoría de Foucault. Luego me centroen la forma en que este grupo busca superar estas dificultades, principalmente vinculada al “reconocimientoindividual” de las emociones. Sobre este punto termino con algunas reflexiones críticas ligadas a conceptoscomo tecnologías del yo y subjetivación.

  10. A systematic review of sexual satisfaction

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    María del Mar Sánchez-Fuentes


    Full Text Available En el presente estudio teórico se realiza una revisión sistemática de investigaciones publicadas en las que la satisfacción sexual constituye la variable dependiente. Tras una búsqueda bibliográfica en las principales bases de datos electrónicas, y una vez realizado un proceso de selección, se resumen los principales resultados de 197 artículos científicos publicados entre 1979 y 2012. Se comprueba la complejidad y la relevancia de la satisfacción sexual, la cual se asocia con: a variables individuales, como ciertas características socio-demográficas, psicológicas, así como con el estado de salud físico y psicológico; b variables vinculadas con la relación de pareja y con la respuesta sexual; c factores relacionados con el apoyo social y relaciones familiares; y d creencias y valores culturales como la religión. Como conclusión se puede señalar que la satisfacción sexual constituye un factor clave, tanto de la salud sexual como del bienestar general de las personas. No obstante, a pesar de su relevancia, se echan en falta modelos teóricos que aúnen los factores más importantes en la explicación de la satisfacción sexual.

  11. Climatological variability in regional air pollution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shannon, J.D.; Trexler, E.C. Jr.


    Although some air pollution modeling studies examine events that have already occurred (e.g., the Chernobyl plume) with relevant meteorological conditions largely known, most pollution modeling studies address expected or potential scenarios for the future. Future meteorological conditions, the major pollutant forcing function other than emissions, are inherently uncertain although much relevant information is contained in past observational data. For convenience in our discussions of regional pollutant variability unrelated to emission changes, we define meteorological variability as short-term (within-season) pollutant variability and climatological variability as year-to-year changes in seasonal averages and accumulations of pollutant variables. In observations and in some of our simulations the effects are confounded because for seasons of two different years both the mean and the within-season character of a pollutant variable may change. Effects of climatological and meteorological variability on means and distributions of air pollution parameters, particularly those related to regional visibility, are illustrated. Over periods of up to a decade climatological variability may mask or overstate improvements resulting from emission controls. The importance of including climatological uncertainties in assessing potential policies, particularly when based partly on calculated source-receptor relationships, is highlighted

  12. Blood Pressure Variability and Cognitive Function Among Older African Americans: Introducing a New Blood Pressure Variability Measure. (United States)

    Tsang, Siny; Sperling, Scott A; Park, Moon Ho; Helenius, Ira M; Williams, Ishan C; Manning, Carol


    Although blood pressure (BP) variability has been reported to be associated with cognitive impairment, whether this relationship affects African Americans has been unclear. We sought correlations between systolic and diastolic BP variability and cognitive function in community-dwelling older African Americans, and introduced a new BP variability measure that can be applied to BP data collected in clinical practice. We assessed cognitive function in 94 cognitively normal older African Americans using the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the Computer Assessment of Mild Cognitive Impairment (CAMCI). We used BP measurements taken at the patients' three most recent primary care clinic visits to generate three traditional BP variability indices, range, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation, plus a new index, random slope, which accounts for unequal BP measurement intervals within and across patients. MMSE scores did not correlate with any of the BP variability indices. Patients with greater diastolic BP variability were less accurate on the CAMCI verbal memory and incidental memory tasks. Results were similar across the four BP variability indices. In a sample of cognitively intact older African American adults, BP variability did not correlate with global cognitive function, as measured by the MMSE. However, higher diastolic BP variability correlated with poorer verbal and incidental memory. By accounting for differences in BP measurement intervals, our new BP variability index may help alert primary care physicians to patients at particular risk for cognitive decline.

  13. Comparison between OpenFOAM CFD & BEM theory for variable speed – variable pitch HAWT

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    ElQatary Islam


    Full Text Available OpenFoam is used to compare computational fluid dynamics (CFD with blade element momentum theory (BEM for a variable speed - variable pitch HAWT (Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine. The wind turbine is first designed using the BEM to determine the blade chord, twist and operating conditions. The wind turbine blade has an outer diameter of 14 m, uses a NACA 63–415 profile for the entire blade and root to tip twist distribution of 15deg (Figure 3. The RPM varies from 20–75 for freestream velocities varying between 3–10.5 m/s (variable speed and a constant RPM of 78.78 for velocities ranging between 11–25 m/s (variable pitch. OpenFOAM is used to investigate the wind turbine performance at several operating points including cut-in wind speed (3 m/s, rated wind speed (10.5 m/s and in the variable pitch zone. Simulation results show that in the variable-speed operating range, both CFD and BEM compare reasonably well. This agreement can be attributed to the fact that the complex three-dimensional flow around the turbine blades can be split into two radial segments. For radii less than the mid-span, the flow is three-dimensional, whereas for radii greater than the mid-span, the flow is approximately two-dimensional. Since the majority of the power is produced from sections beyond the mid-span, the agreement between CFD and BEM is reasonable. For the variable-pitch operating range the CFD results and BEM deviate considerably. In this case the majority of the power is produced from the inner sections in which the flow is three-dimensional and can no longer be predicted by the BEM. The results show that differences in pitch angles up to 10deg can result to regulate the power for high wind speeds in the variable-pitch operation zone.

  14. Producción científica de la psicología vinculada a pequeños productores agropecuarios con énfasis en el ámbito del desarrollo rural

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    Sofía Murtagh


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de indagar los antecedentes científicos de la psicología en el trabajo con pequeños productores agropecuarios se examinó la base de datos PsycINFO (APA, identificándose 321 resúmenes que contenían conocimiento psicológico en relación al grupo social de interés. Posteriormente, estos trabajos fueron categorizados en torno a las variables (1 Área de la psicología, (2 Importancia dada a la categoría "pequeño productor agropecuario", (3 Región geográfica, (4 Metodología de investigación utilizada y (5 Década en la que fueron publicados. Finalmente, se analizó la distribución de cada una de las variables y la asociación entre ellas. Se concluye que las áreas de la psicología que contienen mayor cantidad de trabajos son Desarrollo y prácticas productivas, Salud y Social, llamando la atención la escasa presencia del área Educacional. Asimismo, se destaca la primera área mencionada, ya que no constituye un ámbito tradicional de aplicación de la psicología. Finalmente, se afirma la importancia de desarrollar los conocimientos de la psicología en relación al ámbito rural.

  15. Decomposing global crop yield variability (United States)

    Ben-Ari, Tamara; Makowski, David


    Recent food crises have highlighted the need to better understand the between-year variability of agricultural production. Although increasing future production seems necessary, the globalization of commodity markets suggests that the food system would also benefit from enhanced supplies stability through a reduction in the year-to-year variability. Here, we develop an analytical expression decomposing global crop yield interannual variability into three informative components that quantify how evenly are croplands distributed in the world, the proportion of cultivated areas allocated to regions of above or below average variability and the covariation between yields in distinct world regions. This decomposition is used to identify drivers of interannual yield variations for four major crops (i.e., maize, rice, soybean and wheat) over the period 1961-2012. We show that maize production is fairly spread but marked by one prominent region with high levels of crop yield interannual variability (which encompasses the North American corn belt in the USA, and Canada). In contrast, global rice yields have a small variability because, although spatially concentrated, much of the production is located in regions of below-average variability (i.e., South, Eastern and South Eastern Asia). Because of these contrasted land use allocations, an even cultivated land distribution across regions would reduce global maize yield variance, but increase the variance of global yield rice. Intermediate results are obtained for soybean and wheat for which croplands are mainly located in regions with close-to-average variability. At the scale of large world regions, we find that covariances of regional yields have a negligible contribution to global yield variance. The proposed decomposition could be applied at any spatial and time scales, including the yearly time step. By addressing global crop production stability (or lack thereof) our results contribute to the understanding of a key

  16. Role Variables VS. Contextual Variables in the Theory of Didactic Systems (United States)

    Alberti, Monica; Cirina, Lucia; Paoli, Francesco

    Partisans of the constructivist approach to mathematics education, such as Brousseau or Chevallard, developed an accurate theoretical framework in which didactical systems are viewed in a systemic perspective. What they somewhat fail to draw, however, is a sharp distinction between role variables - concerning the roles played in the didactical interaction by the individual elements of the system (Student-Teacher-Knowledge) - and contextual variables - concerning the action on the learning process of the system as a whole. Our research in progress on 2nd graders' word problem solving strategies applies the previous dichotomy to class management strategies adopted by teachers. Partial evidence collected so far points to the tentative conclusion according to which, contextual variables being equal, differences in teaching styles and methods may deeply reshape the role component of didactical systems. If we take into careful account this distinction, we can shed additional light into some hitherto unexplained phenomena observed in the literature.

  17. Síntesis de espumas rígidas de poliuretano obtenidas a partir de aceite de castor y poliglicerol empleando calentamiento por microondas Synthesis of rigid polyurethane foams obtained from castor oil and polyglycerol using microwave heating

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    Paula Mazo


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se realizó la síntesis de espumas rígidas de poliuretano utilizando un macropoliol sintetizado a partir de aceite de castor y poliglicerol, se optimizó mediante un análisis de superficie de respuesta, empleando un diseño factorial 32, los factores evaluados fueron: cantidad de agua y de ácido tartárico, el cual actúa como agente entrecruzante y catalizador; se evalúaron las propiedades mecánicas de las espumas como: densidad aparente (ASTM D1622-08, resistencia a la compresión (ASTM D1621, conductividad térmica (ASTM C177-04 y friabilidad (ASTM C421-8; se realizó Microscopia Electrónica de Barrido (SEM y Análisis de Calorimetría Diferencial de Barrido (DSC. El macropoliol fue obtenido desde fuentes renovables, mediante la transesterificación de Aceite de Castor (CO ó Aceite de Castor Maleinizado (MACO con Poliglicerol (PG. Se evalúo el efecto de las microondas en las reacciones, donde se encuentra una disminución del tiempo; el seguimiento y la caracterización de los productos intermedios se realiza mediante la cuantificación de valor ácido por titulación (ASTM D4662-03 y número de hidroxilos (ASTM D4274-05.In this work we showed the polyurethane rigid foams synthesis using a macropolyol synthesized from castor oil and polyglycerol. This process is optimized employing a response surface analysis and using a 3² factorial design. The factors evaluated were: amount of water and tartaric acid, where tartaric acid acts as crosslinking agent and catalyst; mechanical properties of foams were evaluated as bulk density (ASTM D1622-08, compressive strength (ASTM D1621, thermal conductivity (ASTM C177-04, and friability (ASTM C421-8; scanning electronic microscopic (SEM and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC. The macropolyol was obtained from renewable sources by the transesterification of castor oil (CO or maleinized castor oil (MACO and polyglycerol (PG. The effect of microwaves on the reactions was


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    Juliana Andréia Rüdell Boligon


    Full Text Available As decisões gerenciais têm sido fortemente marcadas pela necessidade de aplicação de novas técnicas e ferramentas de gestão. Nesse sentido, o Balanced Scorecard (BSC, inicialmente concebido como um sistema de avaliação organizacional e, posteriormente, tido como uma metodologia de gestão estratégica é uma sistemática de gestão capaz de concentrar energia e recursos da organização no que é essencial - seu sucesso na criação de valor. Dessa forma, este artigo propõe-se a analisar de que forma o BSC, como sistemática de gestão, pode servir de ferramenta para apoio ao desdobramento das estratégias organizacionais e contribuir para a melhoria contínua da qualidade organizacional. Para a coleta das informações, empregou-se a observação simples e entrevista pré-estruturada aplicada à gerência da organização em estudo. Diante do aporte dessas informações, propôs-se uma metodologia de implantação do BSC na organização através do cumprimento de três estágios: conhecer e interpretar a missão, a visão e a estratégia da empresa; levantamento e estruturação dos indicadores estratégicos e, efetivação da estrutura de indicadores estratégicos. Como resultados, obteve-se o conhecimento de quais são os principais benefícios auferidos com o BSC, bem como alguns pontos críticos sendo o BSC uma possibilidade de alinhar estratégia, processos e pessoas em busca de um objetivo comum.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ruan, John J.; Anderson, Scott F.; MacLeod, Chelsea L.; Becker, Andrew C.; Davenport, James R. A.; Ivezić, Željko; Burnett, T. H.; Kochanek, Christopher S.; Plotkin, Richard M.; Sesar, Branimir; Stuart, J. Scott


    We investigate the use of optical photometric variability to select and identify blazars in large-scale time-domain surveys, in part to aid in the identification of blazar counterparts to the ∼30% of γ-ray sources in the Fermi 2FGL catalog still lacking reliable associations. Using data from the optical LINEAR asteroid survey, we characterize the optical variability of blazars by fitting a damped random walk model to individual light curves with two main model parameters, the characteristic timescales of variability τ, and driving amplitudes on short timescales σ-circumflex. Imposing cuts on minimum τ and σ-circumflex allows for blazar selection with high efficiency E and completeness C. To test the efficacy of this approach, we apply this method to optically variable LINEAR objects that fall within the several-arcminute error ellipses of γ-ray sources in the Fermi 2FGL catalog. Despite the extreme stellar contamination at the shallow depth of the LINEAR survey, we are able to recover previously associated optical counterparts to Fermi active galactic nuclei with E ≥ 88% and C = 88% in Fermi 95% confidence error ellipses having semimajor axis r < 8'. We find that the suggested radio counterpart to Fermi source 2FGL J1649.6+5238 has optical variability consistent with other γ-ray blazars and is likely to be the γ-ray source. Our results suggest that the variability of the non-thermal jet emission in blazars is stochastic in nature, with unique variability properties due to the effects of relativistic beaming. After correcting for beaming, we estimate that the characteristic timescale of blazar variability is ∼3 years in the rest frame of the jet, in contrast with the ∼320 day disk flux timescale observed in quasars. The variability-based selection method presented will be useful for blazar identification in time-domain optical surveys and is also a probe of jet physics.

  20. Risk assessment of groundwater level variability using variable Kriging methods (United States)

    Spanoudaki, Katerina; Kampanis, Nikolaos A.


    Assessment of the water table level spatial variability in aquifers provides useful information regarding optimal groundwater management. This information becomes more important in basins where the water table level has fallen significantly. The spatial variability of the water table level in this work is estimated based on hydraulic head measured during the wet period of the hydrological year 2007-2008, in a sparsely monitored basin in Crete, Greece, which is of high socioeconomic and agricultural interest. Three Kriging-based methodologies are elaborated in Matlab environment to estimate the spatial variability of the water table level in the basin. The first methodology is based on the Ordinary Kriging approach, the second involves auxiliary information from a Digital Elevation Model in terms of Residual Kriging and the third methodology calculates the probability of the groundwater level to fall below a predefined minimum value that could cause significant problems in groundwater resources availability, by means of Indicator Kriging. The Box-Cox methodology is applied to normalize both the data and the residuals for improved prediction results. In addition, various classical variogram models are applied to determine the spatial dependence of the measurements. The Matérn model proves to be the optimal, which in combination with Kriging methodologies provides the most accurate cross validation estimations. Groundwater level and probability maps are constructed to examine the spatial variability of the groundwater level in the basin and the associated risk that certain locations exhibit regarding a predefined minimum value that has been set for the sustainability of the basin's groundwater resources. Acknowledgement The work presented in this paper has been funded by the Greek State Scholarships Foundation (IKY), Fellowships of Excellence for Postdoctoral Studies (Siemens Program), 'A simulation-optimization model for assessing the best practices for the

  1. Achievable data rate in spectrum-sharing channels with variable-rate variable-power primary users

    KAUST Repository

    Yang, Yuli; Aï ssa, Sonia


    In this work, we propose a transmission strategy for secondary users (SUs) within a cognitive radio network where primary users (PUs) exploit variable-rate variable-power modulation. By monitoring the PU's transmissions, the SU adjusts its transmit

  2. Violencia e inseguridad contextual percibida y roles en bullying en escolares mexicanos

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    Carlos Hidalgo-Rasmussen


    Full Text Available Estudio observacional, transversal y analítico realizado con 2201niños y adolescentes, estudiantes de primaria, secundaria y preparatoria de México con el objetivode analizar la relación entre sus percepciones de violencia del país y su municipio, inseguridaden su colonia y escuela y su rol en bullying escolar: observador, víctima o acosador. En Méxicoexisten dos preocupantes fenómenos: la violencia vinculada al narcotráfico y los eventos de bullyingescolar y en este trabajo se buscó aportar a explicar sus posibles relaciones. Se usó un cuestionarioautoaplicado en línea y análisis estadístico con Ji cuadrado y regresión logística encontrandoalgunas asociaciones significativas entre la violencia, inseguridad percibida y los roles en bullying.Las variables contextuales como la violencia deben considerarse en programas de prevención yatención del bullying.

  3. Violencia e inseguridad contextual percibida y roles en bullying en escolares mexicanos

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    Carlos Hidalgo-Rasmussen, México.


    Full Text Available (analítico: Estudio observacional, transversal y analítico realizado con 2201 niños y adolescentes, estudiantes de primaria, secundaria y preparatoria de México con el objetivo de analizar la relación entre sus percepciones de violencia del país y su municipio, inseguridad en su colonia y escuela y su rol en bullying escolar: observador, víctima o acosador. En México existen dos preocupantes fenómenos: la violencia vinculada al narcotráfico y los eventos de bullying escolar y en este trabajo se buscó aportar a explicar sus posibles relaciones. Se usó un cuestionario autoaplicado en línea y análisis estadístico con Ji cuadrado y regresión logística encontrando algunas asociaciones significativas entre la violencia, inseguridad percibida y los roles en bullying. Las variables contextuales como la violencia deben considerarse en programas de prevención y atención del bullying.

  4. Habilidades del pensamiento creativo asociadas a la escritura de textos multimodales. Instrumento para su evaluación en la Educación Básica Primaria

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    Dora Inés Chaverra-Fernández


    Full Text Available El estudio que aquí se reporta tiene un carácter exploratorio y fue desarrollado a partir de una metodología mixta con estudiantes de quinto grado de una institución educativa rural. Tiene como propósito general contribuir al uso pedagógico de las tic en la Educación Básica Primaria mediante la indagación de las habilidades del pensamiento creativo y la escritura de textos multimodales. El artículo se enfoca en la presentación de los resultados relacionados con: a el diseño y la validación del instrumento para evaluar las habilidades del pensamiento creativo vinculadas a la escritura de textos multimodales; b la asociación existente entre estas dos variables; y c la posibilidad de potenciar este tipo de pensamiento en la escuela mediante actividades de escritura digital intencionadas, representativas y transversales al currículo escolar.

  5. Heart rate variability in healthy population

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alamgir, M.; Hussain, M.M.


    Background: Heart rate variability has been considered as an indicator of autonomic status. Little work has been done on heart rate variability in normal healthy volunteers. We aimed at evolving the reference values of heart rate variability in our healthy population. Methods: Twenty-four hour holter monitoring of 37 healthy individuals was done using Holter ECG recorder 'Life card CF' from 'Reynolds Medical'. Heart rate variability in both time and frequency domains was analysed with 'Reynolds Medical Pathfinder Digital/700'. Results: The heart rate variability in normal healthy volunteers of our population was found in time domain using standard deviation of R-R intervals (SDNN), standard deviation of average NN intervals (SDANN), and Square root of the mean squared differences of successive NN intervals (RMSSD). Variation in heart rate variability indices was observed between local and foreign volunteers and RMSSD was found significantly increased (p<0.05) in local population. Conclusions: The values of heart rate variability (RMSSD) in healthy Pakistani volunteers were found increased compared to the foreign data reflecting parasympathetic dominance in our population. (author)

  6. The temporal variability of species densities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Redfearn, A.; Pimm, S.L.


    Ecologists use the term 'stability' to mean to number of different things (Pimm 1984a). One use is to equate stability with low variability in population density over time (henceforth, temporal variability). Temporal variability varies greatly from species to species, so what effects it? There are at least three sets of factors: the variability of extrinsic abiotic factors, food web structure, and the intrinsic features of the species themselves. We can measure temporal variability using at least three statistics: the coefficient of variation of density (CV); the standard deviation of the logarithms of density (SDL); and the variance in the differences between logarithms of density for pairs of consecutive years (called annual variability, hence AV, b y Wolda 1978). There are advantages and disadvantages to each measure (Williamson 1984), though in our experience, the measures are strongly correlated across sets of taxonomically related species. The increasing availability of long-term data sets allows one to calculate these statistics for many species and so to begin to understand the various causes of species differences in temporal variability


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    Kaira Vanessa Gámez


    Full Text Available Esta investigación tuvo por objetivo adaptar y validar el Child Abuse Potential Inventory (CAPI en población venezolana. Se emplearon dos muestras: una de 348 padres y madres de la población general y otra de 35 agresores infantiles confirmados. Ambas muestras fueron equivalentes en edad. Para los 77 ítems de la Escala de Abuso se obtuvo un mayor poder discriminativo empleando el sistema de puntuación no ponderado. La suma simple de los 77 reactivos definió una escala consistente (α = 0,876 que permite una óptima clasificación de los sujetos (85,3% y que presenta una estructura de 8 factores semejantes a los de la escala original. Se invita a la replicación del estudio en otras regiones del país, empleando una muestra más amplia, demográficamente apareada y equivalente en cuanto a su proporción de agresores y personas de la población general.

  8. Un modelo SETAR para el PIB colombiano

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    Vivas Lorena


    Full Text Available En este artículo se estudia el comportamiento de la tasa de crecimiento del PIB colombiano entre 1982-2008 a partir de un modelo SETAR (Self-Exciting Threshold Autoregressive, empleando la metodología propuesta por Tsay (1989 y Tong (1990 para la detección de no linealidades relacionadas con la existencia de regímenes cambiantes. Adicionalmente, se comparan los pronósticos generados con los obtenidos en un modelo autorregresivo lineal para diferentes horizontes de predicción, empleando funciones de pérdida simétricas. Los resultados muestran evidencia empírica de que existe no linealidad de umbral en la serie asociada a las altas o bajas tasas de crecimiento registradas por su rezago anual (permaneciendo más tiempo en el régimen de tasas de crecimiento más elevadas y que el desempeño de los pronósticos del modelo SETAR parece no mejorar con respecto al modelo base.

  9. The Information Content of Financial and Economic Variables: Empirical Tests of Information Variables in Japan


    Kengo Kato


    The main topic of this paper is "information variables" (or "indicators") of monetary policy, which work as criteria for setting the direction of monetary policy. After briefly surveying the notion and candidates of information variables, according to the studies mainly in the United States, empirical tests using Japan's data are conducted. It can be said that some information variables seem to be useful, but the results are mixed in general.

  10. Variable sensory perception in autism. (United States)

    Haigh, Sarah M


    Autism is associated with sensory and cognitive abnormalities. Individuals with autism generally show normal or superior early sensory processing abilities compared to healthy controls, but deficits in complex sensory processing. In the current opinion paper, it will be argued that sensory abnormalities impact cognition by limiting the amount of signal that can be used to interpret and interact with environment. There is a growing body of literature showing that individuals with autism exhibit greater trial-to-trial variability in behavioural and cortical sensory responses. If multiple sensory signals that are highly variable are added together to process more complex sensory stimuli, then this might destabilise later perception and impair cognition. Methods to improve sensory processing have shown improvements in more general cognition. Studies that specifically investigate differences in sensory trial-to-trial variability in autism, and the potential changes in variability before and after treatment, could ascertain if trial-to-trial variability is a good mechanism to target for treatment in autism. © 2017 Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  11. Collective variables and dissipation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Balian, R.


    This is an introduction to some basic concepts of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. We emphasize in particular the relevant entropy relative to a given set of collective variables, the meaning of the projection method in the Liouville space, its use to establish the generalized transport equations for these variables, and the interpretation of dissipation in the framework of information theory

  12. Variable Selection via Partial Correlation. (United States)

    Li, Runze; Liu, Jingyuan; Lou, Lejia


    Partial correlation based variable selection method was proposed for normal linear regression models by Bühlmann, Kalisch and Maathuis (2010) as a comparable alternative method to regularization methods for variable selection. This paper addresses two important issues related to partial correlation based variable selection method: (a) whether this method is sensitive to normality assumption, and (b) whether this method is valid when the dimension of predictor increases in an exponential rate of the sample size. To address issue (a), we systematically study this method for elliptical linear regression models. Our finding indicates that the original proposal may lead to inferior performance when the marginal kurtosis of predictor is not close to that of normal distribution. Our simulation results further confirm this finding. To ensure the superior performance of partial correlation based variable selection procedure, we propose a thresholded partial correlation (TPC) approach to select significant variables in linear regression models. We establish the selection consistency of the TPC in the presence of ultrahigh dimensional predictors. Since the TPC procedure includes the original proposal as a special case, our theoretical results address the issue (b) directly. As a by-product, the sure screening property of the first step of TPC was obtained. The numerical examples also illustrate that the TPC is competitively comparable to the commonly-used regularization methods for variable selection.

  13. Diseño e implementación del sistema de monitoreo, supervisión y control automático del proceso de destilación de agua en el área de inyectables de LIFE C.A.

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    Alan Cuenca


    Full Text Available El presente artículo describe el diseño e implementación de un sistema desarrollado para el monitoreo, supervisión y control del proceso de destilación de agua, empleando un autómata programable y un panel táctil de marca SIEMENS, además del protocolo de comunicación Industrial Ethernet TCP/IP. Este sistema almacena información recopilada del proceso en una base de datos creada en SQL Server 2005. La interfaz gráfica de la pantalla táctil permite la visualización de los datos y variables más relevantes y generar reportes en hojas de cálculo de Microsoft Excel. Este sistema ha sido orientado para ser utilizado como herramienta que facilite a administradores a conocer la producción y funcionamiento del área de Inyectables y mediante el análisis de los reportes la toma de decisiones.


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    Henry De-Graft Acquah


    Full Text Available Climate change tends to have negative effects on crop yield through its influence on crop production. Understanding the relationship between climatic variables and crop area on the mean and variance of crop yield will facilitate development of appropriate policies to cope with climate change. This paper examines the effects of climatic variables and crop area on the mean and variance of maize yield in Ghana. The Just and Pope stochastic production function using the Cobb-Douglas functional form was employed. The results show that average maize yield is positively related to crop area and negatively related to rainfall and temperature. Furthermore, increase in crop area and temperature will enlarge maize yield variability while rainfall increase will decrease the variability in maize yield.

  15. Prediction of university student’s addictability based on some demographic variables, academic procrastination, and interpersonal variables

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    Mohammad Ali Tavakoli


    Full Text Available Objectives: This study aimed to predict addictability among the students, based on demographic variables, academic procrastination, and interpersonal variables, and also to study the prevalence of addictability among these students. Method: The participants were 500 students (260 females, 240 males selected through a stratified random sampling among the students in Islamic Azad University Branch Abadan. The participants were assessed through Individual specification inventory, addiction potential scale and Aitken procrastination Inventory. Findings: The findings showed %23/6 of students’ readiness for addiction. Men showed higher addictability than women, but age wasn’t an issue. Also variables such as economic status, age, major, and academic procrastination predicted %13, and among interpersonal variables, the variables of having friends who use drugs and dissociated family predicted %13/2 of the variance in addictability. Conclusion: This study contains applied implications for addiction prevention.

  16. Control de velocidad del motor de indución empleando linealización por realimentación de estados Speed control of induction motor using state feedback linearization

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    Eduardo Giraldo Suárez


    Full Text Available Este documento presenta la aplicación de la técnica de control no lineal clásica llamada linealización por realimentación de variables de estado. Se hace una aplicación en el motor de inducción, la variable a controlar es la velocidad del eje del motor, el sistema emplea el esquema de control vectorial para máquinas de corriente alterna desarrollado en las últimas décadas; este método es análogo a la técnica de control del motor de corriente directa. El modelo del motor de inducción se describe en el sistema de coordenadas de campo orientado del flujo de rotor y se muestra una introducción al producto y la derivada de Lie, empleados en el diseño del controlador no lineal.This articles shows the application of a classic non-linear control technique called "linearization by feedback of status variables." An application on the induction engine is made. Variable to be controlled is speed of the engine shaft. The system employs a vectorial control scheme for AC engines developed during the last decades. This is a method analogous to the DC engine control technique. Induction engine model is described in the guided field coordinate system of rotor flow. Introduction to the product and Lie derivative used for designing the non-linear controller are shown.

  17. Partitioning inter annual variability in net ecosystem exchange between climatic variability and functional change

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hui, D.; Luo, Y.; Katul, G.


    Inter annual variability in net ecosystem exchange of carbon is investigated using a homogeneity-of-slopes model to identify the function change contributing to inter annual variability, net ecosystem carbon exchange, and night-time ecosystem respiration. Results of employing this statistical approach to a data set collected at the Duke Forest AmeriFlux site from August 1997 to December 2001 are discussed. The results demonstrate that it is feasible to partition the variation in ecosystem carbon fluxes into direct effects of seasonal and inter annual climatic variability and functional change. 51 refs., 4 tabs., 5 figs

  18. A meta analysis of the variability in firm performance attributable to human resource variables

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    Lloyd Kapondoro


    Full Text Available The contribution of Human Resource Management (HRM practices to organisation-wide performance is a critical aspect of the Human Resource (HR value proposition. The purpose of the study was to describe the strength of HRM practices and systems in influencing overall organisational performance. While research has concluded that there is a significant positive relationship between HRM practices or systems and an organisation’s market performance, the strength of this relationship has relatively not received much analysis in order to explain the degree to which HRM practices explain variance in firm performance. The study undertook a meta-analysis of published researches in international journals. The study established that HRM variables accounted for an average of 31% of the variability in firm performance. Cohen’s f2 calculated for this study as a meta effect size calculation yielded an average of 0.681, implying that HRM variables account for 68% of variability in firm performance. A one sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test showed that the distribution of R2 is not normal. A major managerial implication of this study is that effective HRM practices have a significant business case. The study provides, quantitatively, the average variability in firm success that HRM accounts for.

  19. Economic Statistical Design of Variable Sampling Interval X¯$\\overline X $ Control Chart Based on Surrogate Variable Using Genetic Algorithms

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    Lee Tae-Hoon


    Full Text Available In many cases, a X¯$\\overline X $ control chart based on a performance variable is used in industrial fields. Typically, the control chart monitors the measurements of a performance variable itself. However, if the performance variable is too costly or impossible to measure, and a less expensive surrogate variable is available, the process may be more efficiently controlled using surrogate variables. In this paper, we present a model for the economic statistical design of a VSI (Variable Sampling Interval X¯$\\overline X $ control chart using a surrogate variable that is linearly correlated with the performance variable. We derive the total average profit model from an economic viewpoint and apply the model to a Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR nuclear fuel measurement system and derive the optimal result using genetic algorithms. Compared with the control chart based on a performance variable, the proposed model gives a larger expected net income per unit of time in the long-run if the correlation between the performance variable and the surrogate variable is relatively high. The proposed model was confined to the sample mean control chart under the assumption that a single assignable cause occurs according to the Poisson process. However, the model may also be extended to other types of control charts using a single or multiple assignable cause assumptions such as VSS (Variable Sample Size X¯$\\overline X $ control chart, EWMA, CUSUM charts and so on.

  20. Ordered random variables theory and applications

    CERN Document Server

    Shahbaz, Muhammad Qaiser; Hanif Shahbaz, Saman; Al-Zahrani, Bander M


    Ordered Random Variables have attracted several authors. The basic building block of Ordered Random Variables is Order Statistics which has several applications in extreme value theory and ordered estimation. The general model for ordered random variables, known as Generalized Order Statistics has been introduced relatively recently by Kamps (1995).

  1. Longitudinal Research with Latent Variables

    CERN Document Server

    van Montfort, Kees; Satorra, Albert


    This book combines longitudinal research and latent variable research, i.e. it explains how longitudinal studies with objectives formulated in terms of latent variables should be carried out, with an emphasis on detailing how the methods are applied. Because longitudinal research with latent variables currently utilizes different approaches with different histories, different types of research questions, and different computer programs to perform the analysis, the book is divided into nine chapters. Starting from some background information about the specific approach, short history and the ma

  2. Identification of Close Vibration Modes of a Quasi-Axisymmetric Structure: Complementary Study

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    Cortés-García Claudia


    Full Text Available Se presenta un procedimiento para la caracterización de modos de vibración estructural conocidos como “modos cercanos”, que son aquellos con frecuencias naturales similares y que se presentan comúnmente en estructuras cuasi-axisimétricas.La caracterización de estos modos normalmente se dificulta debido a que sus regiones de resonancia están traslapadas, y eso impide distinguir las componentes de vibración correspondientes a cada modo empleando los métodos convencionales, diseñados para sistemas de un grado de libertad.El procedimiento que se propone aquí se basa en la estimación simultánea de los parámetros de dos modos cercanos empleando el número mínimo posible de datos de respuesta en el dominio de la frecuencia. Los parámetros modales se relacionan directamente con las diferencias entre la respuesta medida a diferentes frecuencias de excitación. La contribución principal de este trabajo es un método de caracterización modal diseñado específicamente para identificar los parámetros de pares de modos cercanos de vibración, que a diferencia de los métodos establecidos de análisis no requiere que la respuesta en cada resonancia esté dominada por un solo modo. La aplicación del procedimiento a una estructura real demuestra que es posible estimar los parámetros modales asociados con modos cercanos de un sistema empleando un número reducido de datos de su respuesta vibratoria, y proporciona resultados satisfactorios aún en presencia de ruido en las mediciones.

  3. Variable stars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feast, M.W.; Wenzel, W.; Fernie, J.D.; Percy, J.R.; Smak, J.; Gascoigne, S.C.B.; Grindley, J.E.; Lovell, B.; Sawyer Hogg, H.B.; Baker, N.; Fitch, W.S.; Rosino, L.; Gursky, H.


    A critical review of variable stars is presented. A fairly complete summary of major developments and discoveries during the period 1973-1975 is given. The broad developments and new trends are outlined. Essential problems for future research are identified. (B.R.H. )

  4. Relaciones entre los hongos filamentosos y solubilizadores de fosfatos con algunas variables edáficas y el manejo de cafetales Filamentous and phosphate solubilizing fungi relationships with some edaphic parameters and coffee plantations management

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    Raúl Hernando Posada


    Full Text Available El suelo y sus propiedades tienen múltiples relaciones con las comunidades fúngicas. El efecto conjunto de la intensidad de manejo y las variables edáficas, incluida la estabilidad de agregados sobre las comunidades de hongos microscópicos filamentosos (HMF, solubilizadores de fosfato de hierro (HSP-Fe y solubilizadores tanto de fosfato de hierro como de calcio (HSP-(Fe+Ca no han sido evaluadas en campo. A partir de 40 muestras edáficas de ocho plantaciones de café de Colombia y México, con diferentes intensidades de manejo (IMPC y con diferencias en sus variables edáficas, se aislaron y evaluaron las comunidades de HMF, HSP-Fe y HSP-(Fe+Ca durante 2008-2009. Empleando modelos basados en ecuaciones estructurales se encontró que el carbono orgánico se relacionó positivamente con la riqueza y abundancia de HMF (λ>0.58 y fue variable en su relación con HSP-Fe y HSP-(Fe+Ca. Las relaciones del fósforo disponible, pH y las fracciones de macro-agregados fueron altamente variables. El IMPC se relacionó negativamente con HSP-Fe (λ≤-0.21 en cafetales colombianos. Se discuten las interacciones para cada conjunto de variables (químicas, estabilidad de macro-agregados y de manejo de plantación y se explican las relaciones resultantes. Las relaciones de cada variable son inseparables del contexto edáfico y geográfico, los cuales imprimen marcadas diferencias.Soil properties and the environment have multiple outcomes on fungal communities. Although, the interaction effects between management intensity, pH, available phosphorus, organic carbon, soil texture and different fractions of water stable macro-aggregates on the communities of microscopic filamentous fungi (MFF, iron phosphate solubilizing fungi (PSF-Fe, and iron and calcium phosphate solubilizing fungi (PSF-(Fe+Ca, have been previously evaluated in field conditions, this has never been performed in terms of their combined effects, neither with phosphate solubilizing fungi. To


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schmidt, Kasper B.; Rix, Hans-Walter; Jester, Sebastian; Hennawi, Joseph F.; Marshall, Philip J.; Dobler, Gregory


    We present a new and simple technique for selecting extensive, complete, and pure quasar samples, based on their intrinsic variability. We parameterize the single-band variability by a power-law model for the light-curve structure function, with amplitude A and power-law index γ. We show that quasars can be efficiently separated from other non-variable and variable sources by the location of the individual sources in the A-γ plane. We use ∼60 epochs of imaging data, taken over ∼5 years, from the SDSS stripe 82 (S82) survey, where extensive spectroscopy provides a reference sample of quasars, to demonstrate the power of variability as a quasar classifier in multi-epoch surveys. For UV-excess selected objects, variability performs just as well as the standard SDSS color selection, identifying quasars with a completeness of 90% and a purity of 95%. In the redshift range 2.5 < z < 3, where color selection is known to be problematic, variability can select quasars with a completeness of 90% and a purity of 96%. This is a factor of 5-10 times more pure than existing color selection of quasars in this redshift range. Selecting objects from a broad griz color box without u-band information, variability selection in S82 can afford completeness and purity of 92%, despite a factor of 30 more contaminants than quasars in the color-selected feeder sample. This confirms that the fraction of quasars hidden in the 'stellar locus' of color space is small. To test variability selection in the context of Pan-STARRS 1 (PS1) we created mock PS1 data by down-sampling the S82 data to just six epochs over 3 years. Even with this much sparser time sampling, variability is an encouragingly efficient classifier. For instance, a 92% pure and 44% complete quasar candidate sample is attainable from the above griz-selected catalog. Finally, we show that the presented A-γ technique, besides selecting clean and pure samples of quasars (which are stochastically varying objects), is also

  6. Physical attraction to reliable, low variability nervous systems: Reaction time variability predicts attractiveness. (United States)

    Butler, Emily E; Saville, Christopher W N; Ward, Robert; Ramsey, Richard


    The human face cues a range of important fitness information, which guides mate selection towards desirable others. Given humans' high investment in the central nervous system (CNS), cues to CNS function should be especially important in social selection. We tested if facial attractiveness preferences are sensitive to the reliability of human nervous system function. Several decades of research suggest an operational measure for CNS reliability is reaction time variability, which is measured by standard deviation of reaction times across trials. Across two experiments, we show that low reaction time variability is associated with facial attractiveness. Moreover, variability in performance made a unique contribution to attractiveness judgements above and beyond both physical health and sex-typicality judgements, which have previously been associated with perceptions of attractiveness. In a third experiment, we empirically estimated the distribution of attractiveness preferences expected by chance and show that the size and direction of our results in Experiments 1 and 2 are statistically unlikely without reference to reaction time variability. We conclude that an operating characteristic of the human nervous system, reliability of information processing, is signalled to others through facial appearance. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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    Ana García-Valcárcel Muñoz-Repiso


    para su aprendizaje. Discusión: Los alumnos pueden reconocer diversos ¿escenarios¿ en la actuación de un profesor a lo largo de las clases de una determinada asignatura. Nos parece que este dato, que nos encontramos con notoria evidencia en nuestra investigación, debe interpretarse en términos positivos por reflejar una diversidad enriquecedora tanto en las finalidades que orientan su acción docente (reproductiva en algún caso, profesional, crítica y creativa en otros como, sobre todo, en la diversidad metodológica, que se concreta en la diversidad de recursos que el profesor utiliza y en la amplia gama de actividades que el profesor puede estar planteando a los alumnos. Diversidad de recursos y actividades, que van a posibilitarse en mayor medida con el uso de las TIC.

  8. Millijansky radio variability in SDSS stripe 82

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hodge, J. A.; Becker, R. H. [University of California, 1 Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616 (United States); White, R. L. [Space Telescope Science Institute, 3700 San Martin Drive, Baltimore, MD 21218 (United States); Richards, G. T., E-mail: [Drexel University, 3141 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 (United States)


    We report on a blind survey for extragalactic radio variability that was carried out by comparing two epochs of data from the Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty centimeters survey with a third epoch from a new 1.4 GHz survey of SDSS Stripe 82. The three epochs are spaced seven years apart and have an overlapping area of 60 deg{sup 2}. We uncover 89 variable sources down to the millijansky level, 75 of which are newly identified, and we find no evidence for transient phenomena. This new sample of variable sources allows us to infer an upper limit to the mean characteristic timescale of active galactic nucleus radio variability of 14 yr. We find that only 1% of extragalactic sources have fractional variability f {sub var} > 3, while 44% of Galactic sources vary by this much. The variable sample contains a larger fraction of quasars than a comparable non-variable control sample, though the majority of the variable sources appear to be extended galaxies in the optical. This implies that either quasars are not the dominant contributor to the variability of the sample, or that the deep optical data allow us to detect the host galaxies of some low-z quasars. We use the new, higher resolution data to report on the morphology of the variable sources. Finally, we show that the fraction of sources that are variable remains constant or increases at low flux densities. This may imply that next generation radio surveys with telescopes like Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder and MeerKAT will see a constant or even increasing fraction of variable sources down into the sub-millijansky regime.

  9. Independent SU(2)-loop variables

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Loll, R.


    We give a reduction procedure for SU(2)-trace variables and introduce a complete set of indepentent, gauge-invariant and almost local loop variables for the configuration space of SU(2)-lattice gauge theory in 2+1 dimensions. (orig.)

  10. Software Testing Requires Variability

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Henrik Bærbak


    Software variability is the ability of a software system or artefact to be changed, customized or configured for use in a particular context. Variability in software systems is important from a number of perspectives. Some perspectives rightly receive much attention due to their direct economic...... impact in software production. As is also apparent from the call for papers these perspectives focus on qualities such as reuse, adaptability, and maintainability....

  11. Suspended graphene variable capacitor


    AbdelGhany, M.; Mahvash, F.; Mukhopadhyay, M.; Favron, A.; Martel, R.; Siaj, M.; Szkopek, T.


    The tuning of electrical circuit resonance with a variable capacitor, or varactor, finds wide application with the most important being wireless telecommunication. We demonstrate an electromechanical graphene varactor, a variable capacitor wherein the capacitance is tuned by voltage controlled deflection of a dense array of suspended graphene membranes. The low flexural rigidity of graphene monolayers is exploited to achieve low actuation voltage in an ultra-thin structure. Large arrays compr...

  12. FPGA implementation of high-frequency multiple PWM for variable voltage variable frequency controller

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boumaaraf, Abdelâali, E-mail: [Université Abbès Laghrour, Laboratoire des capteurs, Instrumentations et procédés (LCIP), Khenchela (Algeria); University of Farhat Abbas Setif1, Sétif, 19000 (Algeria); Mohamadi, Tayeb [University of Farhat Abbas Setif1, Sétif, 19000 (Algeria); Gourmat, Laïd [Université Abbès Laghrour, Khenchela, 40000 (Algeria)


    In this paper, we present the FPGA implementation of the multiple pulse width modulation (MPWM) signal generation with repetition of data segments, applied to the variable frequency variable voltage systems and specially at to the photovoltaic water pumping system, in order to generate a signal command very easily between 10 Hz to 60 Hz with a small frequency and reduce the cost of the control system.

  13. An application of the variable-r method to subpopulation growth rates in a 19th century agricultural population

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    Corey Sparks


    Full Text Available This paper presents an analysis of the differential growth rates of the farming and non-farming segments of a rural Scottish community during the 19th and early 20th centuries using the variable-r method allowing for net migration. Using this method, I find that the farming population of Orkney, Scotland, showed less variability in their reproduction and growth rates than the non-farming population during a period of net population decline. I conclude by suggesting that the variable-r method can be used in general cases where the relative growth of subpopulations or subpopulation reproduction is of interest.

  14. Gait variability: methods, modeling and meaning

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    Hausdorff Jeffrey M


    Full Text Available Abstract The study of gait variability, the stride-to-stride fluctuations in walking, offers a complementary way of quantifying locomotion and its changes with aging and disease as well as a means of monitoring the effects of therapeutic interventions and rehabilitation. Previous work has suggested that measures of gait variability may be more closely related to falls, a serious consequence of many gait disorders, than are measures based on the mean values of other walking parameters. The Current JNER series presents nine reports on the results of recent investigations into gait variability. One novel method for collecting unconstrained, ambulatory data is reviewed, and a primer on analysis methods is presented along with a heuristic approach to summarizing variability measures. In addition, the first studies of gait variability in animal models of neurodegenerative disease are described, as is a mathematical model of human walking that characterizes certain complex (multifractal features of the motor control's pattern generator. Another investigation demonstrates that, whereas both healthy older controls and patients with a higher-level gait disorder walk more slowly in reduced lighting, only the latter's stride variability increases. Studies of the effects of dual tasks suggest that the regulation of the stride-to-stride fluctuations in stride width and stride time may be influenced by attention loading and may require cognitive input. Finally, a report of gait variability in over 500 subjects, probably the largest study of this kind, suggests how step width variability may relate to fall risk. Together, these studies provide new insights into the factors that regulate the stride-to-stride fluctuations in walking and pave the way for expanded research into the control of gait and the practical application of measures of gait variability in the clinical setting.

  15. An evaluation of FIA's stand age variable (United States)

    John D. Shaw


    The Forest Inventory and Analysis Database (FIADB) includes a large number of measured and computed variables. The definitions of measured variables are usually well-documented in FIA field and database manuals. Some computed variables, such as live basal area of the condition, are equally straightforward. Other computed variables, such as individual tree volume,...

  16. Beat to beat variability in cardiovascular variables: noise or music? (United States)

    Appel, M. L.; Berger, R. D.; Saul, J. P.; Smith, J. M.; Cohen, R. J.


    Cardiovascular variables such as heart rate, arterial blood pressure, stroke volume and the shape of electrocardiographic complexes all fluctuate on a beat to beat basis. These fluctuations have traditionally been ignored or, at best, treated as noise to be averaged out. The variability in cardiovascular signals reflects the homeodynamic interplay between perturbations to cardiovascular function and the dynamic response of the cardiovascular regulatory systems. Modern signal processing techniques provide a means of analyzing beat to beat fluctuations in cardiovascular signals, so as to permit a quantitative, noninvasive or minimally invasive method of assessing closed loop hemodynamic regulation and cardiac electrical stability. This method promises to provide a new approach to the clinical diagnosis and management of alterations in cardiovascular regulation and stability.

  17. Long-Term Variability in o Ceti and Other Mira Variables: Signs of Supergranular Convection? (United States)

    Templeton, Matthew R.; Karovska, Margarita


    We describe our study of long-term variability of o Ceti (Mira A), the prototype of the Mira-type pulsating stars. Our study was originally undertaken to search for coherent long-period variability, but the results of our analysis didn't uncover this. However, we detected a low-frequency ``red noise'' in the Fourier spectrum of the o Ceti century-long light curve. We have since found similar behavior in other Miras and pulsating giant stars and have begun a study of a large sample of Mira variables. Similar red noise has been previously detected in red supergiants and attributed to supergranular convection. Its presence in Miras suggests the phenomenon may be ubiquitous in cool giant pulsators. These results support high-angular resolution observations of Miras and supergiants showing asymmetries in their surface brightness distributions, which may be due to large supergranular convection cells. Theoretical modeling, and numerical simulations of pulsation processes in late-type giants and supergiants should therefore take into account the effects of deep convection and large supergranular structures, which in turn may provide important insights into the behavior of Miras and other giant and supergiant pulsators. In this work, we summarize our results for o Ceti, present preliminary results of our broader study of Mira variables, and discuss how the results of this study may be used by future studies of AGB variables.

  18. Análisis de las variables de marketing que afectan al valor del cliente. La permanencia como variable controlable


    Pedreño Santos, Ana


    To know how marketing variables affect customer value is essential for a company in order to be market and customer oriented, and to improve investment efficiency in both attracting and retaining customers. Thus, the assessment of the influence of marketing variables in customer value is of prime importance. This is recognized in many empirical studies of these variables, which address the impact of a single variable (or sets of a few variables) on customer value. A comprehensive, integrated ...

  19. Variable stator radial turbine (United States)

    Rogo, C.; Hajek, T.; Chen, A. G.


    A radial turbine stage with a variable area nozzle was investigated. A high work capacity turbine design with a known high performance base was modified to accept a fixed vane stagger angle moveable sidewall nozzle. The nozzle area was varied by moving the forward and rearward sidewalls. Diffusing and accelerating rotor inlet ramps were evaluated in combinations with hub and shroud rotor exit rings. Performance of contoured sidewalls and the location of the sidewall split line with respect to the rotor inlet was compared to the baseline. Performance and rotor exit survey data are presented for 31 different geometries. Detail survey data at the nozzle exit are given in contour plot format for five configurations. A data base is provided for a variable geometry concept that is a viable alternative to the more common pivoted vane variable geometry radial turbine.

  20. Obtención de hidrogeles derivados del ácido itacónico

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    Francisco J. Sánchez


    Full Text Available Se presenta una técnica para la obtención de hidrogeles de acrilamida, empleando comonámeros monoésteres del ácido itacántco. A estos hidrogeles se les determina su cinética de hinchamiento a pH neutro y 20°C.

  1. LQAI_b3p2_Determinación de calcio en leche mediante espectrofotometría de absorción atómica


    Cervera Sanz, Maria Luisa


    Determinación de calcio en leche mediante espectrofotometría de absorción atómica con llama, tras la desproteinización con ácido tricloroacético, y empleando lantano para eliminar la interferencia de los fosfatos y como tampón de ionización

  2. Soil variability in engineering applications (United States)

    Vessia, Giovanna


    Natural geomaterials, as soils and rocks, show spatial variability and heterogeneity of physical and mechanical properties. They can be measured by in field and laboratory testing. The heterogeneity concerns different values of litho-technical parameters pertaining similar lithological units placed close to each other. On the contrary, the variability is inherent to the formation and evolution processes experienced by each geological units (homogeneous geomaterials on average) and captured as a spatial structure of fluctuation of physical property values about their mean trend, e.g. the unit weight, the hydraulic permeability, the friction angle, the cohesion, among others. The preceding spatial variations shall be managed by engineering models to accomplish reliable designing of structures and infrastructures. Materon (1962) introduced the Geostatistics as the most comprehensive tool to manage spatial correlation of parameter measures used in a wide range of earth science applications. In the field of the engineering geology, Vanmarcke (1977) developed the first pioneering attempts to describe and manage the inherent variability in geomaterials although Terzaghi (1943) already highlighted that spatial fluctuations of physical and mechanical parameters used in geotechnical designing cannot be neglected. A few years later, Mandelbrot (1983) and Turcotte (1986) interpreted the internal arrangement of geomaterial according to Fractal Theory. In the same years, Vanmarcke (1983) proposed the Random Field Theory providing mathematical tools to deal with inherent variability of each geological units or stratigraphic succession that can be resembled as one material. In this approach, measurement fluctuations of physical parameters are interpreted through the spatial variability structure consisting in the correlation function and the scale of fluctuation. Fenton and Griffiths (1992) combined random field simulation with the finite element method to produce the Random

  3. Solar Variability and Planetary Climates

    CERN Document Server

    Calisesi, Y; Gray, L; Langen, J; Lockwood, M


    Variations in solar activity, as revealed by variations in the number of sunspots, have been observed since ancient times. To what extent changes in the solar output may affect planetary climates, though, remains today more than ever a subject of controversy. In 2000, the SSSI volume on Solar Variability and Climate reviewed the to-date understanding of the physics of solar variability and of the associated climate response. The present volume on Solar Variability and Planetary Climates provides an overview of recent advances in this field, with particular focus at the Earth's middle and lower atmosphere. The book structure mirrors that of the ISSI workshop held in Bern in June 2005, the collection of invited workshop contributions and of complementary introductory papers synthesizing the current understanding in key research areas such as middle atmospheric processes, stratosphere-troposphere dynamical coupling, tropospheric aerosols chemistry, solar storm influences, solar variability physics, and terrestri...

  4. Variable-Period Undulators For Synchrotron Radiation (United States)

    Shenoy, Gopal; Lewellen, John; Shu, Deming; Vinokurov, Nikolai


    A new and improved undulator design is provided that enables a variable period length for the production of synchrotron radiation from both medium-energy and high-energy storage rings. The variable period length is achieved using a staggered array of pole pieces made up of high permeability material, permanent magnet material, or an electromagnetic structure. The pole pieces are separated by a variable width space. The sum of the variable width space and the pole width would therefore define the period of the undulator. Features and advantages of the invention include broad photon energy tunability, constant power operation and constant brilliance operation.

  5. Variable-Period Undulators for Synchrotron Radiation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shenoy, Gopal; Lewellen, John; Shu, Deming; Vinokurov, Nikolai


    A new and improved undulator design is provided that enables a variable period length for the production of synchrotron radiation from both medium-energy and high energy storage rings. The variable period length is achieved using a staggered array of pole pieces made up of high permeability material, permanent magnet material, or an electromagnetic structure. The pole pieces are separated by a variable width space. The sum of the variable width space and the pole width would therefore define the period of the undulator. Features and advantages of the invention include broad photon energy tunability, constant power operation and constant brilliance operation.

  6. Variable importance and prediction methods for longitudinal problems with missing variables.

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    Iván Díaz

    Full Text Available We present prediction and variable importance (VIM methods for longitudinal data sets containing continuous and binary exposures subject to missingness. We demonstrate the use of these methods for prognosis of medical outcomes of severe trauma patients, a field in which current medical practice involves rules of thumb and scoring methods that only use a few variables and ignore the dynamic and high-dimensional nature of trauma recovery. Well-principled prediction and VIM methods can provide a tool to make care decisions informed by the high-dimensional patient's physiological and clinical history. Our VIM parameters are analogous to slope coefficients in adjusted regressions, but are not dependent on a specific statistical model, nor require a certain functional form of the prediction regression to be estimated. In addition, they can be causally interpreted under causal and statistical assumptions as the expected outcome under time-specific clinical interventions, related to changes in the mean of the outcome if each individual experiences a specified change in the variable (keeping other variables in the model fixed. Better yet, the targeted MLE used is doubly robust and locally efficient. Because the proposed VIM does not constrain the prediction model fit, we use a very flexible ensemble learner (the SuperLearner, which returns a linear combination of a list of user-given algorithms. Not only is such a prediction algorithm intuitive appealing, it has theoretical justification as being asymptotically equivalent to the oracle selector. The results of the analysis show effects whose size and significance would have been not been found using a parametric approach (such as stepwise regression or LASSO. In addition, the procedure is even more compelling as the predictor on which it is based showed significant improvements in cross-validated fit, for instance area under the curve (AUC for a receiver-operator curve (ROC. Thus, given that 1 our VIM

  7. Variable stars in metal-rich globular clusters. IV. Long-period variables in NGC 6496

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Abbas, Mohamad A. [Astronomisches Rechen-Institut, Zentrum für Astronomie der Universität Heidelberg, Mönchhofstr. 12-14, D-69120 Heidelberg (Germany); Layden, Andrew C.; Guldenschuh, Katherine A. [Physics and Astronomy Department, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403 (United States); Reichart, D. E.; Ivarsen, K. M.; Haislip, J. B.; Nysewander, M. C.; LaCluyze, A. P. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599 (United States); Welch, Douglas L., E-mail:, E-mail: [Department of Physics and Astronomy, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, L8 S 4M1 (Canada)


    We present VI-band photometry for stars in the metal-rich globular cluster NGC 6496. Our time-series data were cadenced to search for long-period variables (LPVs) over a span of nearly two years, and our variability search yielded the discovery of 13 new variable stars, of which 6 are LPVs, 2 are suspected LPVs, and 5 are short-period eclipsing binaries. An additional star was found in the ASAS database, and we clarify its type and period. We argue that all of the eclipsing binaries are field stars, while five to six of the LPVs are members of NGC 6496. We compare the period–luminosity distribution of these LPVs with those of LPVs in the Large Magellanic Cloud and 47 Tucanae, and with theoretical pulsation models. We also present a VI color–magnitude diagram, display the evolutionary states of the variables, and match isochrones to determine a reddening of E(B−V)= 0.21±0.02 mag and apparent distance modulus of 15.60±0.15 mag.

  8. Entropy as a collective variable (United States)

    Parrinello, Michele

    Sampling complex free energy surfaces that exhibit long lived metastable states separated by kinetic bottlenecks is one of the most pressing issues in the atomistic simulations of matter. Not surprisingly many solutions to this problem have been suggested. Many of them are based on the identification of appropriate collective variables that span the manifold of the slow varying modes of the system. While much effort has been put in devising and even constructing on the fly appropriate collective variables there is still a cogent need of introducing simple, generic, physically transparent, and yet effective collective variables. Motivated by the physical observation that in many case transitions between one metastable state and another result from a trade off between enthalpy and entropy we introduce appropriate collective variables that are able to represent in a simple way these two physical properties. We use these variables in the context of the recently introduced variationally enhanced sampling and apply it them with success to the simulation of crystallization from the liquid and to conformational transitions in protein. Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zurich, and Facolta' di Informatica, Istituto di Scienze Computazionali, Universita' della Svizzera Italiana, Via G. Buffi 13, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland.

  9. Improved variable reduction in partial least squares modelling based on predictive-property-ranked variables and adaptation of partial least squares complexity. (United States)

    Andries, Jan P M; Vander Heyden, Yvan; Buydens, Lutgarde M C


    The calibration performance of partial least squares for one response variable (PLS1) can be improved by elimination of uninformative variables. Many methods are based on so-called predictive variable properties, which are functions of various PLS-model parameters, and which may change during the variable reduction process. In these methods variable reduction is made on the variables ranked in descending order for a given variable property. The methods start with full spectrum modelling. Iteratively, until a specified number of remaining variables is reached, the variable with the smallest property value is eliminated; a new PLS model is calculated, followed by a renewed ranking of the variables. The Stepwise Variable Reduction methods using Predictive-Property-Ranked Variables are denoted as SVR-PPRV. In the existing SVR-PPRV methods the PLS model complexity is kept constant during the variable reduction process. In this study, three new SVR-PPRV methods are proposed, in which a possibility for decreasing the PLS model complexity during the variable reduction process is build in. Therefore we denote our methods as PPRVR-CAM methods (Predictive-Property-Ranked Variable Reduction with Complexity Adapted Models). The selective and predictive abilities of the new methods are investigated and tested, using the absolute PLS regression coefficients as predictive property. They were compared with two modifications of existing SVR-PPRV methods (with constant PLS model complexity) and with two reference methods: uninformative variable elimination followed by either a genetic algorithm for PLS (UVE-GA-PLS) or an interval PLS (UVE-iPLS). The performance of the methods is investigated in conjunction with two data sets from near-infrared sources (NIR) and one simulated set. The selective and predictive performances of the variable reduction methods are compared statistically using the Wilcoxon signed rank test. The three newly developed PPRVR-CAM methods were able to retain

  10. Analysis of suspension with variable stiffness and variable damping force for automotive applications

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    Lalitkumar Maikulal Jugulkar


    Full Text Available Passive shock absorbers are designed for standard load condition. These give better vibration isolation performance only for the standard load condition. However, if the sprung mass is lesser than the standard mass, comfort and road holding ability is affected. It is demonstrated that sprung mass acceleration increases by 50%, when the vehicle mass varies by 100 kg. In order to obtain consistent damping performance from the shock absorber, it is essential to vary its stiffness and damping properties. In this article, a variable stiffness system is presented, which comprises of two helical springs and a variable fluid damper. Fluid damper intensity is changed in four discrete levels to achieve variable stiffness of the prototype. Numerical simulations have been performed with MATLAB Simscape and Simulink which have been with experimentation on a prototype. Furthermore, the numerical model of the prototype is used in design of real size shock absorber with variable stiffness and damping. Numerical simulation results on the real size model indicate that the peak acceleration will improve by 15% in comparison to the conventional passive solution, without significant deterioration of road holding ability. Arrangement of sensors and actuators for incorporating the system in a vehicle suspension has also been discussed.

  11. Speed control variable rate irrigation (United States)

    Speed control variable rate irrigation (VRI) is used to address within field variability by controlling a moving sprinkler’s travel speed to vary the application depth. Changes in speed are commonly practiced over areas that slope, pond or where soil texture is predominantly different. Dynamic presc...

  12. Operant Variability: Procedures and Processes (United States)

    Machado, Armando; Tonneau, Francois


    Barba's (2012) article deftly weaves three main themes in one argument about operant variability. From general theoretical considerations on operant behavior (Catania, 1973), Barba derives methodological guidelines about response differentiation and applies them to the study of operant variability. In the process, he uncovers unnoticed features of…

  13. The variable stars of NGC 1866

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Welch, D.L.; Cote, P.; Fischer, P.; Mateo, M.; Madore, B.F.


    A search has been conducted for new variables in the LMC cluster NGC 1866 using new multiepoch CCD photometry. Eight previously unknown Cepheid variables, most near the cluster core, are found. Of the new variables reported by Storm et al. (188), only six of 10 appear to be Cepheids and one of these is not a member. Periods and mean magnitudes and colors for sufficiently uncrowded variables are reported, as is one red giant variable of long period and one Cepheid which is a single-lined spectroscopic binary with a velocity semiamplitude greater than or equal to 10.5 km/s. The variation of light-curve amplitude with position in the instability strip is reported along with an apparently nonvariable star, which is a radial velocity member, in the strip. A true distance modulus of 18.57 + or - 0.01 mag is obtained for the cluster. 36 refs

  14. Characterizing the Optical Variability of Bright Blazars: Variability-based Selection of Fermi Active Galactic Nuclei (United States)

    Ruan, John J.; Anderson, Scott F.; MacLeod, Chelsea L.; Becker, Andrew C.; Burnett, T. H.; Davenport, James R. A.; Ivezić, Željko; Kochanek, Christopher S.; Plotkin, Richard M.; Sesar, Branimir; Stuart, J. Scott


    We investigate the use of optical photometric variability to select and identify blazars in large-scale time-domain surveys, in part to aid in the identification of blazar counterparts to the ~30% of γ-ray sources in the Fermi 2FGL catalog still lacking reliable associations. Using data from the optical LINEAR asteroid survey, we characterize the optical variability of blazars by fitting a damped random walk model to individual light curves with two main model parameters, the characteristic timescales of variability τ, and driving amplitudes on short timescales \\hat{\\sigma }. Imposing cuts on minimum τ and \\hat{\\sigma } allows for blazar selection with high efficiency E and completeness C. To test the efficacy of this approach, we apply this method to optically variable LINEAR objects that fall within the several-arcminute error ellipses of γ-ray sources in the Fermi 2FGL catalog. Despite the extreme stellar contamination at the shallow depth of the LINEAR survey, we are able to recover previously associated optical counterparts to Fermi active galactic nuclei with E >= 88% and C = 88% in Fermi 95% confidence error ellipses having semimajor axis r beaming. After correcting for beaming, we estimate that the characteristic timescale of blazar variability is ~3 years in the rest frame of the jet, in contrast with the ~320 day disk flux timescale observed in quasars. The variability-based selection method presented will be useful for blazar identification in time-domain optical surveys and is also a probe of jet physics.

  15. Precipitation variability increases in a warmer climate. (United States)

    Pendergrass, Angeline G; Knutti, Reto; Lehner, Flavio; Deser, Clara; Sanderson, Benjamin M


    Understanding changes in precipitation variability is essential for a complete explanation of the hydrologic cycle's response to warming and its impacts. While changes in mean and extreme precipitation have been studied intensively, precipitation variability has received less attention, despite its theoretical and practical importance. Here, we show that precipitation variability in most climate models increases over a majority of global land area in response to warming (66% of land has a robust increase in variability of seasonal-mean precipitation). Comparing recent decades to RCP8.5 projections for the end of the 21 st century, we find that in the global, multi-model mean, precipitation variability increases 3-4% K -1 globally, 4-5% K -1 over land and 2-4% K -1 over ocean, and is remarkably robust on a range of timescales from daily to decadal. Precipitation variability increases by at least as much as mean precipitation and less than moisture and extreme precipitation for most models, regions, and timescales. We interpret this as being related to an increase in moisture which is partially mitigated by weakening circulation. We show that changes in observed daily variability in station data are consistent with increased variability.

  16. Tides and Decadal Variability (United States)

    Ray, Richard D.


    This paper reviews the mechanisms by which oceanic tides and decadal variability in the oceans are connected. We distinguish between variability caused by tides and variability observed in the tides themselves. Both effects have been detected at some level. The most obvious connection with decadal timescales is through the 18.6-year precession of the moon's orbit plane. This precession gives rise to a small tide of the same period and to 18.6-year modulations in the phase and amplitudes of short-period tides. The 18.6-year "node tide" is very small, no more than 2 cm anywhere, and in sea level data it is dominated by the ocean's natural Variability. Some authors have naively attributed climate variations with periods near 19 years directly to the node tide, but the amplitude of the tide is too small for this mechanism to be operative. The more likely explanation (Loder and Garrett, JGR, 83, 1967-70, 1978) is that the 18.6-y modulations in short-period tides, especially h e principal tide M2, cause variations in ocean mixing, which is then observed in temperature and other climatic indicators. Tidally forced variability has also been proposed by some authors, either in response to occasional (and highly predictable) tidal extremes or as a nonlinear low-frequency oscillation caused by interactions between short-period tides. The former mechanism can produce only short-duration events hardly more significant than normal tidal ranges, but the latter mechanism can in principle induce low-frequency oscillations. The most recent proposal of this type is by Keeling and Whorf, who highlight the 1800-year spectral peak discovered by Bond et al. (1997). But the proposal appears contrived and should be considered, in the words of Munk et al. (2002), "as the most likely among unlikely candidates."

  17. Variability of a "force signature" during windmill softball pitching and relationship between discrete force variables and pitch velocity. (United States)

    Nimphius, Sophia; McGuigan, Michael R; Suchomel, Timothy J; Newton, Robert U


    This study assessed reliability of discrete ground reaction force (GRF) variables over multiple pitching trials, investigated the relationships between discrete GRF variables and pitch velocity (PV) and assessed the variability of the "force signature" or continuous force-time curve during the pitching motion of windmill softball pitchers. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) for all discrete variables was high (0.86-0.99) while the coefficient of variance (CV) was low (1.4-5.2%). Two discrete variables were significantly correlated to PV; second vertical peak force (r(5)=0.81, p=0.03) and time between peak forces (r(5)=-0.79; p=0.03). High ICCs and low CVs support the reliability of discrete GRF and PV variables over multiple trials and significant correlations indicate there is a relationship between the ability to produce force and the timing of this force production with PV. The mean of all pitchers' curve-average standard deviation of their continuous force-time curves demonstrated low variability (CV=4.4%) indicating a repeatable and identifiable "force signature" pattern during this motion. As such, the continuous force-time curve in addition to discrete GRF variables should be examined in future research as a potential method to monitor or explain changes in pitching performance. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Control de velocidad del motor de indución empleando linealización por realimentación de estados Speed control of induction motor using state feedback linearization


    Eduardo Giraldo Suárez; Santiago Sánchez Acevedo


    Este documento presenta la aplicación de la técnica de control no lineal clásica llamada linealización por realimentación de variables de estado. Se hace una aplicación en el motor de inducción, la variable a controlar es la velocidad del eje del motor, el sistema emplea el esquema de control vectorial para máquinas de corriente alterna desarrollado en las últimas décadas; este método es análogo a la técnica de control del motor de corriente directa. El modelo del motor de inducción se descri...

  19. Los modelos de ecuaciones estructurales y su aplicación en el Índice Europeo de Satisfacción del Cliente

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    Mercedes Casas Guillén


    Full Text Available Las empresas elaboran planes estratégicos que requieren conocer el grado de satisfacción que sus productos y servicios provocan en los clientes, esto ha llevado a las instituciones de los países desarrollados a elaborar indicadores estadísticos que midan la satisfacción. La elaboración del Índice Europeo de Satisfacción del Cliente (ECSI tiene su origen en la necesidad de disponer de información periódica, desglosada y comparable, relativa a la calidad de los diferentes sectores económicos europeos, desde la perspectiva de la satisfacción del cliente en las empresas de servicios. El ECSI se construye a partir de un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales que relaciona los componentes de la satisfacción. Las diferentes variables del modelo estructural subyacente en el ECSI, toman como variable principal o resultado, la componente satisfacción, y consideran además, la imagen, las expectativas del cliente, la calidad percibida “hardware” y “software”, el valor percibido y la fidelización del cliente. La estimación de los parámetros del modelo se realiza empleando ecuaciones lineales simultáneas (Partial Least Squares. PLS.

  20. Peroxidación y flotación electrolítica de vinazas de destilería

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    Javier Andrés Dávila Rincón


    Full Text Available Se estudió el desempeño de la peroxidación y flotación electrolítica de vinazas empleando electrodos de acero en configuración monopolar. Se evaluó la influencia de: pH inicial de la suspensión, densidad de corriente (DC y concentración de H2O2 mediante la metodología Taguchi. Se lograron disminuciones del orden de: 63% en sólidos totales (ST, 57% en carbono orgánico total (COT y 99,7% en turbidez. Las variables que más influyeron en el proceso fueron: la concentración de H2O2 y el pH inicial./ The performance of the electrolytic flotation and peroxidation of vinasse was studied using steel electrodes in monopolar configuration. The influence of: initial pH of the suspension, density of current (DC and concentration of H2O2 by Taguchi methodology were evaluated. Reductions were achieved in the order of 63% in total solids (TS, 57% total organic carbon (TOC and 99.7% in turbidity. The most influential variables in the process were: the concentration of H2O2 and the initial pH.

  1. Análisis de mejora en la productividad del proceso de fabricación de rosquitas empleando un prototipo de formado de masa


    Alvaro Humberto Velásquez Dávila


    Objetivos: Implementación de mejoras en la productividad del proceso de fabricación de rosquitas mediante el uso de un prototipo de máquina electromecánica de formado de tiras trenzadas para producir rosquitas. Métodos: En el proceso de fabricación del prototipo los diferentes componentes, como el largo y grosor del sin fin, la potencia de los moto reductores, la velocidad rotacional del tornillo y diferentes variables de operación, como temperatura de extrusión, humedad y temperatura inicial...

  2. Calculus of one variable

    CERN Document Server

    Grossman, Stanley I


    Calculus of One Variable, Second Edition presents the essential topics in the study of the techniques and theorems of calculus.The book provides a comprehensive introduction to calculus. It contains examples, exercises, the history and development of calculus, and various applications. Some of the topics discussed in the text include the concept of limits, one-variable theory, the derivatives of all six trigonometric functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, and infinite series.This textbook is intended for use by college students.

  3. Matemáticas a través de la paradoja

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    Marta Macho Stadler


    Full Text Available Las paradojas juegan un papel decisivo en el desarrollo de la ciencia. El nacimiento de muchas ideas matemáticas se basa precisamente en la reflexión motivada por situaciones aparentemente “disparatadas”. En este artículo repasamos algunos ejemplos concretos de paradojas vinculadas a las matemáticas.

  4. Estimating variability in placido-based topographic systems. (United States)

    Kounis, George A; Tsilimbaris, Miltiadis K; Kymionis, George D; Ginis, Harilaos S; Pallikaris, Ioannis G


    To describe a new software tool for the detailed presentation of corneal topography measurements variability by means of color-coded maps. Software was developed in Visual Basic to analyze and process a series of 10 consecutive measurements obtained by a topographic system on calibration spheres, and individuals with emmetropic, low, high, and irregular astigmatic corneas. Corneal surface was segmented into 1200 segments and the coefficient of variance of each segment's keratometric dioptric power was used as the measure of variability. The results were presented graphically in color-coded maps (Variability Maps). Two topographic systems, the TechnoMed C-Scan and the TOMEY Topographic Modeling System (TMS-2N), were examined to demonstrate our method. Graphic representation of coefficient of variance offered a detailed representation of examination variability both in calibration surfaces and human corneas. It was easy to recognize an increase in variability, as the irregularity of examination surfaces increased. In individuals with high and irregular astigmatism, a variability pattern correlated with the pattern of corneal topography: steeper corneal areas possessed higher variability values compared with flatter areas of the same cornea. Numerical data permitted direct comparisons and statistical analysis. We propose a method that permits a detailed evaluation of the variability of corneal topography measurements. The representation of the results both graphically and quantitatively improves interpretability and facilitates a spatial correlation of variability maps with original topography maps. Given the popularity of topography based custom refractive ablations of the cornea, it is possible that variability maps may assist clinicians in the evaluation of corneal topography maps of patients with very irregular corneas, before custom ablation procedures.

  5. Extent of, and variables associated with, blood pressure variability among older subjects. (United States)

    Morano, Arianna; Ravera, Agnese; Agosta, Luca; Sappa, Matteo; Falcone, Yolanda; Fonte, Gianfranco; Isaia, Gianluca; Isaia, Giovanni Carlo; Bo, Mario


    Blood pressure variability (BPV) may have prognostic implications for cardiovascular risk and cognitive decline; however, BPV has yet to be studied in old and very old people. Aim of the present study was to evaluate the extent of BPV and to identify variables associated with BPV among older subjects. A retrospective study of patients aged ≥ 65 years who underwent 24-h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) was carried out. Three different BPV indexes were calculated for systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP): standard deviation (SD), coefficient of variation (CV), and average real variability (ARV). Demographic variables and use of antihypertensive medications were considered. The study included 738 patients. Mean age was 74.8 ± 6.8 years. Mean SBP and DBP SD were 20.5 ± 4.4 and 14.6 ± 3.4 mmHg. Mean SBP and DBP CV were 16 ± 3 and 20 ± 5%. Mean SBP and DBP ARV were 15.7 ± 3.9 and 11.8 ± 3.6 mmHg. At multivariate analysis older age, female sex and uncontrolled mean blood pressure were associated with both systolic and diastolic BPV indexes. The use of calcium channel blockers and alpha-adrenergic antagonists was associated with lower systolic and diastolic BPV indexes, respectively. Among elderly subjects undergoing 24-h ABPM, we observed remarkably high indexes of BPV, which were associated with older age, female sex, and uncontrolled blood pressure values.

  6. Delta Scuti variables. Lecture 6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cox, A.N.


    The class of variables near or on the upper main sequence, the delta Scuti variables, are not only the usual ones about the masses, radii, and luminosities, but also the age, rotation, element diffusion to change the surface layer composition, the occurance of convection and the presence of radial and nonradial pulsation modes


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Variability is evident in the interlanguage grammars of all L2 learners, irrespective of their levels of proficiency; their interlanguage use is characterised by the variable occurrence of target L2 forms, and the .... instruction and negative feedback to discover that their hypotheses about the L2 are incorrect. 4.1. Krashen's view.

  8. VaST: A variability search toolkit (United States)

    Sokolovsky, K. V.; Lebedev, A. A.


    Variability Search Toolkit (VaST) is a software package designed to find variable objects in a series of sky images. It can be run from a script or interactively using its graphical interface. VaST relies on source list matching as opposed to image subtraction. SExtractor is used to generate source lists and perform aperture or PSF-fitting photometry (with PSFEx). Variability indices that characterize scatter and smoothness of a lightcurve are computed for all objects. Candidate variables are identified as objects having high variability index values compared to other objects of similar brightness. The two distinguishing features of VaST are its ability to perform accurate aperture photometry of images obtained with non-linear detectors and handle complex image distortions. The software has been successfully applied to images obtained with telescopes ranging from 0.08 to 2.5 m in diameter equipped with a variety of detectors including CCD, CMOS, MIC and photographic plates. About 1800 variable stars have been discovered with VaST. It is used as a transient detection engine in the New Milky Way (NMW) nova patrol. The code is written in C and can be easily compiled on the majority of UNIX-like systems. VaST is free software available at

  9. El ropero torcido del extraño Augusto d’Halmar: Escritura y homoerotismo en Chile a comienzos del siglo XX

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Victor Rocha Monsalve


    Full Text Available La irrupción del deseo homoerótico y su posibilidad de inscripción en una subjetividad en la sociedad chilena se encuentra vinculada a dos procesos que definirían la experiencia histórica durante la primera mitad del siglo XX. Por un lado, la llamada “cuestión social” con sus discursos de crisis del proyecto estatal ilustrado y, de otro, las nuevas sensibilidades literarias, se constituyeron paradójicamente en el soporte de las fantasías y ansiedades creadas por la modernización. Soportes sociales y materiales discursivos que a su vez coincidieron con la problematización de las fronteras genérico-sexuales y las identidades deseables que debían integrar la comunidad imaginada de la nación, en tanto, asociación limitada y soberana, siguiendo la propuesta de Benedict Anderson, vinculada por medio de lazos fraternales homosociales que daban cuenta de su carácter hegemónico como excluyente frente a lo considerado diverso como lo hibrido.

  10. Eccentric crank variable compression ratio mechanism (United States)

    Lawrence, Keith Edward [Kobe, JP; Moser, William Elliott [Peoria, IL; Roozenboom, Stephan Donald [Washington, IL; Knox, Kevin Jay [Peoria, IL


    A variable compression ratio mechanism for an internal combustion engine that has an engine block and a crankshaft is disclosed. The variable compression ratio mechanism has a plurality of eccentric disks configured to support the crankshaft. Each of the plurality of eccentric disks has at least one cylindrical portion annularly surrounded by the engine block. The variable compression ratio mechanism also has at least one actuator configured to rotate the plurality of eccentric disks.

  11. Long-Period Variability in o Ceti (United States)

    Templeton, Matthew R.; Karovska, Margarita


    We carried out a new and sensitive search for long-period variability in the prototype of the Mira class of long-period pulsating variables, o Ceti (Mira A), the closest and brightest Mira variable. We conducted this search using an unbroken light curve from 1902 to the present, assembled from the visual data archives of five major variable star observing organizations from around the world. We applied several time-series analysis techniques to search for two specific kinds of variability: long secondary periods (LSPs) longer than the dominant pulsation period of ~333 days, and long-term period variation in the dominant pulsation period itself. The data quality is sufficient to detect coherent periodic variations with photometric amplitudes of 0.05 mag or less. We do not find evidence for coherent LSPs in o Ceti to a limit of 0.1 mag, where the amplitude limit is set by intrinsic, stochastic, low-frequency variability of approximately 0.1 mag. We marginally detect a slight modulation of the pulsation period similar in timescale to that observed in the Miras with meandering periods, but with a much lower period amplitude of ±2 days. However, we do find clear evidence of a low-frequency power-law component in the Fourier spectrum of o Ceti's long-term light curve. The amplitude of this stochastic variability is approximately 0.1 mag at a period of 1000 days, and it exhibits a turnover for periods longer than this. This spectrum is similar to the red noise spectra observed in red supergiants.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kruse, E. A.; Berger, E.; Laskar, T.; Knapp, G. R.; Gunn, J. E.; Loomis, C. P.; Lupton, R. H.; Schlegel, D. J.


    We present the first comprehensive study of short-timescale chromospheric Hα variability in M dwarfs using the individual 15 minute spectroscopic exposures for 52, 392 objects from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Our sample contains about 10 3 -10 4 objects per spectral type bin in the range M0-M9, with a typical number of three exposures per object (ranging up to a maximum of 30 exposures). Using this extensive data set, we find that about 16% of the sources exhibit Hα emission in at least one exposure, and of those about 45% exhibit Hα emission in all of the available exposures. As in previous studies of Hα activity (L Hα /L bol ), we find a rapid increase in the fraction of active objects from M0-M6. However, we find a subsequent decline in later spectral types that we attribute to our use of the individual spectra. Similarly, we find saturated activity at a level of L Hα /L bol ∼ 10 -3.6 for spectral types M0-M5 followed by a decline to about 10 -4.3 in the range M7-M9. Within the sample of objects with Hα emission, only 26% are consistent with non-variable emission, independent of spectral type. The Hα variability, quantified in terms of the ratio of maximum to minimum Hα equivalent width (R EW ), exhibits a rapid rise from M0 to M5, followed by a plateau and a possible decline in M9 objects. In particular, variability with R EW ∼> 10 is only observed in objects later than M5, and survival analysis indicates a probability of ∼ EW values for M0-M4 and M5-M9 are drawn from the same distribution. We further find that for an exponential distribution, the R EW values follow N(R EW ) ∝ exp[ - (R EW - 1)/2.3] for M0-M4 and ∝exp[ - (R EW - 1)/2.9] for M5-M9. Finally, comparing objects with persistent and intermittent Hα emission, we find that the latter exhibit greater variability. Based on these results, we conclude that Hα variability in M dwarfs on timescales of 15 minutes to 1 hr increases with later spectral type, and that the variability is

  13. Observations of fast variable objects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alekseev, G.N.


    A problem on studying fast variable astronomic objects is considered. The basis of the method used in the experiment is a detailed photoelectric study of a fast variableness along with spectroscopy of a high time resolution. Power spectrum of the SS Cyg brightness oscillations and autocorrelation function of the AX Mon brightness are analyzed as an example. To provide a reliable identification of parameters of star active regions responsible for the fast variableness, an experiment is proposed, the ''synchronous spectroscopy'' method being used. The method is based on the supposition about temporary stationarity of occasional processes within the limits of the time scale of several hours. The block diagram of the experiment is described

  14. QUEST1 Variability Survey. II. Variability Determination Criteria and 200k Light Curve Catalog (United States)

    Rengstorf, A. W.; Mufson, S. L.; Andrews, P.; Honeycutt, R. K.; Vivas, A. K.; Abad, C.; Adams, B.; Bailyn, C.; Baltay, C.; Bongiovanni, A.; Briceño, C.; Bruzual, G.; Coppi, P.; Della Prugna, F.; Emmet, W.; Ferrín, I.; Fuenmayor, F.; Gebhard, M.; Hernández, J.; Magris, G.; Musser, J.; Naranjo, O.; Oemler, A.; Rosenzweig, P.; Sabbey, C. N.; Sánchez, Ge.; Sánchez, Gu.; Schaefer, B.; Schenner, H.; Sinnott, J.; Snyder, J. A.; Sofia, S.; Stock, J.; van Altena, W.


    The QUEST (QUasar Equatorial Survey Team) Phase 1 camera has collected multibandpass photometry on a large strip of high Galactic latitude sky over a period of 26 months. This robust data set has been reduced and nightly catalogs compared to determine the photometric variability of the ensemble objects. Subsequent spectroscopic observations have confirmed a subset of the photometric variables as quasars, as previously reported. This paper reports on the details of the data reduction and analysis pipeline and presents multiple bandpass light curves for 198,213 QUEST1 objects, along with global variability information and matched Sloan photometry. Based on observations obtained at the Llano del Hato National Astronomical Observatory, operated by the Centro de Investigaciones de Astronomía for the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia of Venezuela.

  15. Variable-Rate Premiums (United States)

    Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation — These interest rates are used to value vested benefits for variable rate premium purposes as described in PBGC's regulation on Premium Rates (29 CFR Part 4006) and...

  16. Percepción de las habilidades de convivencia escolar en la Enseñanza Universitaria: análisis comparativo de la validez de constructo entre España y Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan A. Valdivieso


    Full Text Available En este artículo se hace una reflexión teórica y un análisis descriptivo de los perfiles psicoinstruccionales de los estilos de enseñanza del profesorado de Educación Superior, en el ámbito de las habilidades sociales y competencias directamente relacionadas con la promoción de la Convivencia Escolar. Se hace un análisis comparativo de la autopercepción de una serie de variables docentes vinculadas con las Habilidades Sociales con una muestra de profesores de universidades españolas y brasileñas. A partir de la construcción y validación una escala tipo Likert de la competencia docente autopercibida en la Enseñanza Universitaria (CEVES se fundamenta un modelo conceptual de variables profesionales de la competencia docente de este nivel de enseñanza, basado en planteamientos integradores de la Psicología de la Instrucción y de la Psicología Positiva. Mediante el juicio de expertos y la aplicación piloto a una muestra de N=205 profesores de Educación Superior del ámbito de Humanidades y de las Ciencias Sociales, se han analizado de forma comparativa entre contextos universitarios de España y Brasil las autopercepciones en cada una de las variables y dimensiones configuradoras de la acción docente vertebradoras de la competencia social.

  17. Supervisión del consejo de administración y estructura de propiedad como determinantes de la retribución de la alta dirección

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Encarnación Lucas Pérez


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Este trabajo analiza el papel que desempeña el consejo de administración y la estructura de propiedad sobre la supervisión y determinación del sistema retributivo de los altos directivos. El análisis se realiza para el conjunto de empresas españolas que cotizan en el mercado bursátil durante el periodo 2004-2010. Los resultados muestran que el paquete retributivo de los altos directivos se caracteriza por un escaso peso de la parte variable y por un bajo empleo de las opciones sobre acciones. Asimismo, se evidencia que las características de los consejos de administración no ejercen una influencia significativa en la retribución vinculada a resultados, siendo el tipo de propietario mayoritario quien determina la eficacia supervisora del consejo sobre el diseño retributivo. ABSTRACT: This paper examines the role of board of directors and ownership structure on the effectiveness of executive pay design. An analysis performed on the whole Spanish listed firms in the period 2004-2010 showed that executive pay is characterized by a low variable compensation proportion –both bonus and stock options- as well as by the lack of connection with firm performance. Also, results evidence that boards’ monitoring do not exert significant influence on variable compensation, being the type of majority owner, through the board, who mainly determine executive pay effectiveness.

  18. La inequidad en el acceso a la atención odontológica de las mujeres gestantes en Santander

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sonia Constanza Concha Sánchez


    Full Text Available Introducción: Las condiciones de vida, salud, atención y cuidado de las gestantes están comprometidas, en especial en las mujeres más pobres y vulnerables, y el componente bucal ejerce un papel importante en esta inequidad. Objetivo: Describir las condiciones sociales y económicas que determinan la inequidad en el acceso a la atención odontológica de las mujeres gestantes en Santander. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio observacional analítico de corte transversal que incluyó 8695 gestantes en las que se analizó variables relacionadas con área geográfica, con el sistema de atención y en la mujer gestante variables demográficas, condición bucal y asistencia a consulta odontológica. Para el análisis univariado se calcularon medidas de resumen y para el bivariado se relacionó la asistencia a la consulta odontológica con las variables que determinan su asistencia a la consulta odontológica, para ello se aplicó test de chi². Conclusión: Los determinantes económicos y sociales relacionados con el bajo nivel de desarrollo del municipio, la residencia en zona rural, ser vinculada o usuaria del régimen subsidiado y ser mayor de 40 años influencian la atención odontológica de las mujeres gestantes en Santander

  19. Surfing wave climate variability (United States)

    Espejo, Antonio; Losada, Iñigo J.; Méndez, Fernando J.


    International surfing destinations are highly dependent on specific combinations of wind-wave formation, thermal conditions and local bathymetry. Surf quality depends on a vast number of geophysical variables, and analyses of surf quality require the consideration of the seasonal, interannual and long-term variability of surf conditions on a global scale. A multivariable standardized index based on expert judgment is proposed for this purpose. This index makes it possible to analyze surf conditions objectively over a global domain. A summary of global surf resources based on a new index integrating existing wave, wind, tides and sea surface temperature databases is presented. According to general atmospheric circulation and swell propagation patterns, results show that west-facing low to middle-latitude coasts are more suitable for surfing, especially those in the Southern Hemisphere. Month-to-month analysis reveals strong seasonal variations in the occurrence of surfable events, enhancing the frequency of such events in the North Atlantic and the North Pacific. Interannual variability was investigated by comparing occurrence values with global and regional modes of low-frequency climate variability such as El Niño and the North Atlantic Oscillation, revealing their strong influence at both the global and the regional scale. Results of the long-term trends demonstrate an increase in the probability of surfable events on west-facing coasts around the world in recent years. The resulting maps provide useful information for surfers, the surf tourism industry and surf-related coastal planners and stakeholders.

  20. Diseño de un ASIC Sintetizador Digital Directo de alta velocidad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abdel Martínez Alonso


    Full Text Available El trabajo describe el proceso general de diseño y optimización de un Módulo IP para un Circuito Integrado de Aplicación Específica, destinado a la obtención de ondas cuasi-sinusoidales, empleando la técnica de Síntesis Digital Directa. El trabajo se realizó en tres etapas fundamentales: Diseño de un Sintetizador Digital Directo empleando Lenguaje de Descripción de Hardware VHDL, realizado sobre la plataforma ISE del fabricante de Dispositivos Lógicos Programables Xilinx. La plataforma ISE permite el control de todos los aspectos del flujo de diseño para la transformación de la descripción abstracta en lenguaje VHDL al nivel de bloques lógicos de un FPGA. De un total de cinco módulos diseñados, con diferentes funcionalidades y prestaciones, se registraron cuatro versiones en el Centro Nacional de Derecho de Autor (CENDA. Implementación y modelado del diseño en VHDL sobre plataforma FPGA, para la validación funcional del Módulo IP, empleando como soporte las Tarjetas de Desarrollo Spartan3E Starter Kit y ML507 del fabricante Xilinx. Adaptación del diseño a una tecnología de fabricación CMOS 0.35?m. Se presenta un grupo de soluciones no documentadas en la literatura, basadas en principios de optimización de circuitos digitales, que posibilitan la adaptación del diseño a una tecnología específica de un fabricante dado. Dos de las versiones del Módulo IP y cinco Reportes Técnicos han sido presentados a un fabricante de Circuitos Integrados a la Medida.

  1. Resiliencia y variables sociodemograficas


    Calero Martinez, Edgar David


    En el presente trabajo se aborda la definición de una de las variables dentro de lo que se denomina Capital psicológico positivo, la Resiliencia, sus principales características y algunas de las variables socio demográficas que en el estudio pretenden ver el nivel de relación existente entre cada una de ellas (indirecta o directamente) en el proceso resiliente de una persona para posteriores discusiones y su implicación dentro de la gestión empresarial y sus direcciones futuras.

  2. Contextuality is about identity of random variables

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dzhafarov, Ehtibar N; Kujala, Janne V


    Contextual situations are those in which seemingly ‘the same’ random variable changes its identity depending on the conditions under which it is recorded. Such a change of identity is observed whenever the assumption that the variable is one and the same under different conditions leads to contradictions when one considers its joint distribution with other random variables (this is the essence of all Bell-type theorems). In our Contextuality-by-Default approach, instead of asking why or how the conditions force ‘one and the same’ random variable to change ‘its’ identity, any two random variables recorded under different conditions are considered different ‘automatically.’ They are never the same, nor are they jointly distributed, but one can always impose on them a joint distribution (probabilistic coupling). The special situations when there is a coupling in which these random variables are equal with probability 1 are considered noncontextual. Contextuality means that such couplings do not exist. We argue that the determination of the identity of random variables by conditions under which they are recorded is not a causal relationship and cannot violate laws of physics. (paper)

  3. Localifecation of variable-basis topological systems | Solovyov ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The paper provides another approach to the notion of variable-basis topological system generalizing the fixed-basis concept of S. Vickers, considers functorial relationships between the categories of modified variable-basis topological systems and variable-basis fuzzy topological spaces in the sense of S.E. Rodabaugh ...

  4. Alongshore variability of nourished and natural beaches

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    De Schipper, M.A.


    Alongshore variability in topography (i.e. height differences in bed level along the coast) can exist on both natural and nourished beaches. An important question prior to implementation of a nourishment project is how alongshore variability is going to evolve and, related to this variability, the

  5. Eutrophication Modeling Using Variable Chlorophyll Approach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abdolabadi, H.; Sarang, A.; Ardestani, M.; Mahjoobi, E.


    In this study, eutrophication was investigated in Lake Ontario to identify the interactions among effective drivers. The complexity of such phenomenon was modeled using a system dynamics approach based on a consideration of constant and variable stoichiometric ratios. The system dynamics approach is a powerful tool for developing object-oriented models to simulate complex phenomena that involve feedback effects. Utilizing stoichiometric ratios is a method for converting the concentrations of state variables. During the physical segmentation of the model, Lake Ontario was divided into two layers, i.e., the epilimnion and hypolimnion, and differential equations were developed for each layer. The model structure included 16 state variables related to phytoplankton, herbivorous zooplankton, carnivorous zooplankton, ammonium, nitrate, dissolved phosphorus, and particulate and dissolved carbon in the epilimnion and hypolimnion during a time horizon of one year. The results of several tests to verify the model, close to 1 Nash-Sutcliff coefficient (0.98), the data correlation coefficient (0.98), and lower standard errors (0.96), have indicated well-suited model’s efficiency. The results revealed that there were significant differences in the concentrations of the state variables in constant and variable stoichiometry simulations. Consequently, the consideration of variable stoichiometric ratios in algae and nutrient concentration simulations may be applied in future modeling studies to enhance the accuracy of the results and reduce the likelihood of inefficient control policies.

  6. Risk variables in evaluation of transport projects (United States)

    Vařbuchta, Petr; Kovářová, Hana; Hromádka, Vít; Vítková, Eva


    Depending on the constantly increasing demands on assessment of investment projects, especially assessment of large-scale projects in transport and important European projects with wide impacts, there is constantly increasing focus on risk management, whether to find mitigations, creating corrective measures or their implementation in assessment, especially in the context of Cost-Benefit analysis. To project assessment is often used implementation of certain risk variables, which can generate negative impacts of project outputs in framework of assess. Especially in case of transportation infrastructure projects is taken much emphasis on the influence of risk variables. However, currently in case of assessment of transportation projects is in Czech Republic used a few risk variables, which occur in the most projects. This leads to certain limitation in framework of impact assessment of risk variables. This papers aims to specify a new risk variables and process of applying them to already executed project assessment. Based on changes generated by new risk variables will be evaluated differences between original and adapted assessment.

  7. Desempeño en aula de instructores, el punto de vista de los participantes

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    Oscar Alejandro Martínez Jaime


    Full Text Available The differences between the variables and items were evaluated in the Civic Education andDemocratic Education Course through a survey, as well as the reliability of it using theKruskal-Wallis test, correlation coefficient and the Cronbach alpha coefficient. Significant differenceson the performance in classroom between instructors and variables were found. The“learning development” variable was different, as “planning and unit evaluation” along with“didactic implementation” were statistically the same. The items with greater problems were“creativity and innovation”, “team-work”, “problem solving”, “essay writing” and “respect forthe ideas of others”. The survey exhibited high reliability levels. Therefore, it is required toupdate the instructors and to reduce the number of items.Se evaluaron las diferencias entre las variables e ítems en el aula de instructores del Di­plomado en Educación Cívica y Educación Democrática mediante una encuesta, así como la confiabilidad de la misma empleando la prueba de Kruskal-Wallis, el coeficiente de Co­rrelación, la prueba de la Diferencia Mínima Significativa y el Coeficiente alfa de Cronbach. Se presentaron diferencias significativas en el desempeño en el aula entre instructores y entre variables. La variable “desarrollo de los aprendizajes” fue diferente, mientras que “planeación” y “evaluación de la unidad” junto con “implementación didáctica” fueron iguales estadísti­camente. Los ítems con mayores problemas fueron “creatividad e innovación”, “trabajo en equipo”, “resolución de problemas”, “elaboración de ensayos” y “respeto a las ideas ajenas”. La encuesta presentó altos niveles de confiabilidad, por lo que se requiere actualizar los instructores y reducir el número de ítems.

  8. The dynamics of variable-density turbulence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sandoval, D.L.


    The dynamics of variable-density turbulent fluids are studied by direct numerical simulation. The flow is incompressible so that acoustic waves are decoupled from the problem, and implying that density is not a thermodynamic variable. Changes in density occur due to molecular mixing. The velocity field, is in general, divergent. A pseudo-spectral numerical technique is used to solve the equations of motion. Three-dimensional simulations are performed using a grid size of 128 3 grid points. Two types of problems are studied: (1) the decay of isotropic, variable-density turbulence, and (2) buoyancy-generated turbulence in a fluid with large density fluctuations. In the case of isotropic, variable-density turbulence, the overall statistical decay behavior, for the cases studied, is relatively unaffected by the presence of density variations when the initial density and velocity fields are statistically independent. The results for this case are in quantitative agreement with previous numerical and laboratory results. In this case, the initial density field has a bimodal probability density function (pdf) which evolves in time towards a Gaussian distribution. The pdf of the density field is symmetric about its mean value throughout its evolution. If the initial velocity and density fields are statistically dependent, however, the decay process is significantly affected by the density fluctuations. For the case of buoyancy-generated turbulence, variable-density departures from the Boussinesq approximation are studied. The results of the buoyancy-generated turbulence are compared with variable-density model predictions. Both a one-point (engineering) model and a two-point (spectral) model are tested against the numerical data. Some deficiencies in these variable-density models are discussed and modifications are suggested

  9. Lo colectivo y el agua: entre los derechos y las prácticas

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bustamante Zenteno, R.R.


    Reseña: La reivindicación de los derechos colectivos ha sido parte importante de las luchas de las organizaciones sociales que gestionan el agua en los Andes. Las formas de lo colectivo y las reglas en torno a su constitución están muy vinculadas a la existencia de estas organizaciones y a la


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana N. Rinaldoni


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue obtener un producto fermentado de soja a partir de un concentrado de leche de soja, empleando la ultrafiltración para alcanzar el contenido de sólidos totales requerido para la producción de yogur (12-14% p/p. Además, se propuso evaluar el empleo de la Fluorescencia de rayos X como técnica para cuantificar el contenido de Ca, Fe y P y su distribución final por el proceso ensayado. Las determinaciones analíticas se realizaron sobre la leche de soja, concentrado, permeado y producto fermentado, empleando fluorescencia de rayos X dispersiva en longitud de onda (WDXRF. Los resultados mostraron que estos elementos son concentrados por la membrana a través de asociaciones con las proteínas, conservando el aporte de minerales del producto. Además, se demostró que la herramienta analítica empleada permite una determinación directa sobre las muestras, evitando el pre-tratamiento requerido por otras técnicas convencionales.

  11. hmF2 variability over Havana

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lazo, B.; Alazo, K.; Rodriguez, M.; Calzadilla, A.


    The hmF2 variability over Havana station (Geo. Latitude 23 deg. N, Geo Longitude 278 deg. E; Dip 54.6 deg. N; Modip: 44.8 deg. N) is presented. In this study different solar and seasonal conditions are considered. The results show that, in general, standard deviation of hmF2 is quite irregular and reaches its values at nighttimes hours. Lower and upper quartiles variability has a similar behaviour to IQ variability, showing its higher values at nighttimes too. (author)

  12. Latent variables and route choice behavior

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Prato, Carlo Giacomo; Bekhor, Shlomo; Pronello, Cristina


    In the last decade, a broad array of disciplines has shown a general interest in enhancing discrete choice models by considering the incorporation of psychological factors affecting decision making. This paper provides insight into the comprehension of the determinants of route choice behavior...... and bound algorithm. A hybrid model consists of measurement equations, which relate latent variables to measurement indicators and utilities to choice indicators, and structural equations, which link travelers’ observable characteristics to latent variables and explanatory variables to utilities. Estimation...

  13. Improving transition between power optimization and power limitation of variable speed/variable pitch wind turbines

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hansen, A D; Bindner, H [Risoe National Lab., Wind Energy and Atmospheric Physics Dept., Roskilde (Denmark); Rebsdorf, A [Vestas Wind Systems A/S, Lem (Denmark)


    The paper summarises and describes the main results of a recently performed study of improving the transition between power optimization and power limitation for variable speed/variable pitch wind turbines. The results show that the capability of varying the generator speed also can be exploited in the transition stage to improve the quality of the generated power. (au)

  14. Several complex variables

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Field, M.J.


    Topics discussed include the elementary of holomorphic functions of several complex variables; the Weierstrass preparation theorem; meromorphic functions, holomorphic line bundles and divisors; elliptic operators on compact manifolds; hermitian connections; the Hodge decomposition theorem. ( author)

  15. Caracterización espacio-temporal del hábitat y presencia de Dermatemys mawii (Testudines: Dermatemydidae en la cuenca del Grijalva-Usumacinta, Tabasco, México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claudia Elena Zenteno Ruiz


    Full Text Available La tortuga centroamericana (Dermatemys mawii es una especie en peligro de extinción pobremente estudiada. En el presente trabajo se analizaron las variaciones estacionales y espaciales del hábitat y se relacionaron con la presencia/ausencia de D. mawii en tres ríos de la Reserva de la Biosfera Pantanos de Centla (Tabasco, México. Para caracterizar el hábitat se evaluaron 11 variables (hidrológicas, fisicoquímicas del agua y de la vegetación en dos temporadas (seca y lluviosa. Para determinar la presencia/ ausencia de la especie se colocaron 8 trampas de desvío acuáticas, empleando la captura por unidad de esfuerzo (CPUE como indicador de la abundancia relativa. Los resultados indicaron variaciones espacio-temporales. El análisis de componentes principales (ACP permitió determinar la variabilidad ambiental. La presencia de la especie se confirmó en los tres ríos, sin embargo la mayor abundancia relativa se registró en el Río Tabasquillo. Cuatro variables tuvieron el mayor peso como variables predictoras de la presencia de la especie. Con los resultados obtenidos, es evidente la importancia que tiene el ambiente ribereño como hábitat para Dermatemys, asimismo es posible hacer el primer acercamiento a un plan de acción para la protección de la especie y su hábitat en esta reserva.

  16. Modos de afrontamiento de estrés laboral en una muestra de docentes universitarios

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eloísa Guerrero Barona


    Full Text Available Los objetivos del presente estudio han sido comprobar si las variables antecedentes (demográficas, sociales, laborales y motivacionales que se han empleado en las numerosas investigaciones realizadas sobre estrés y burnout docente pudieran también estar asociadas a los diferentes modos de afrontar el estrés laboral, y en ese caso, constatar las posibles variables predictoras y el porcentaje de varianza asociada. Para ello trabajamos con una muestra formada por 258 profesores-as de la Universidad de Extremadura empleando un cuestionario sociodemográfico, laboral y motivacional, de elaboración propia, y la escala de técnicas de afrontamiento del estrés de Carver et al. (1989. Con todos los grupos de variables realizamos una estadística descriptiva e inferencial que completamos con varios análisis de regresión múltiple utilizando el método stepwise, a un nivel de confianza del 95%. Los resultados que se desprenden indican que, en su conjunto, los predictores sociodemográficos (sexo, edad y paternidad explican el 15,5% de los modos de afrontar el estrés, los predictores laborales (categoría docente, semidistritos y años de experiencia explican un 8% y, por último, los motivacionales (inconvenientes, causas de BLT y nº de BLT explican el 25,5% de la varianza de los modos de afrontar el estrés.

  17. Einstein x-ray observations of cataclysmic variables

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mason, K.O.; Cordova, F.A.


    Observations with the imaging x-ray detectors on the Einstein Observatory have led to a large increase in the number of low luminosity x-ray sources known to be associated with cataclysmic variable stars (CVs). The high sensitivity of the Einstein instrumentation has permitted study of their short timescale variability and spectra. The data are adding significantly to our knowledge of the accretion process in cataclysmic variables and forcing some revision in our ideas concerning the origin of the optical variability in these stars

  18. Temporally variable macroinvertebrate-stone relationships in streams

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jacobsen, D.


    of fauna parameter and stone variable from different sampling dates (n=9-11) were rarely correlated to any of the measures of stream stability, this study has demonstrated high temporal variability in fauna-stone relationships (CV's of regression slopes). Consequently, temporally un-replicated studies......Stones were used to sample macroinvertebrates and characterise microhabitats at monthly or bimonthly intervals in six Ecuadorian streams covering a gradient in four different stability measures and other stream characteristics. The physical variables current velocity, water depth, horizontal...... of families vs. individuals) were related to the physical characteristics of individual stone habitats. My second objective was to quantify temporal variability in fauna-stone relationships and to analyse if such variability was related to overall stability of stream reaches. Partial Least Squares (PLS...

  19. Soil variability in mountain areas


    Zanini, E.; Freppaz, M.; Stanchi, S.; Bonifacio, E.; Egli, M.


    The high spatial variability of soils is a relevant issue at local and global scales, and determines the complexity of soil ecosystem functions and services. This variability derives from strong dependencies of soil ecosystems on parent materials, climate, relief and biosphere, including human impact. Although present in all environments, the interactions of soils with these forming factors are particularly striking in mountain areas.

  20. Variability in human body size (United States)

    Annis, J. F.


    The range of variability found among homogeneous groups is described and illustrated. Those trends that show significantly marked differences between sexes and among a number of racial/ethnic groups are also presented. Causes of human-body size variability discussed include genetic endowment, aging, nutrition, protective garments, and occupation. The information is presented to aid design engineers of space flight hardware and equipment.

  1. What do we know about variability?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sergey G Inge-Vechtomov


    Full Text Available Contemporary phenomenological classification of variability types meets lots of contradictions. There is a single group of “mutations”: gene, chromosomal, genomic ones, which originate through different mechanisms. Ontogenetic variability puts even more questions because it embraces: modifications (regulation of gene expression, genetic variations (mutations and recombination and epigenetic variations (and inheritance in addition, with no clear criterions of the latter ones definition so far. Modifications and heritable variations are appeared to be closer to each other then we suspected before. An alternative classification of variability may be proposed basing upon template principle in biology. There is no direct correspondence between mechanisms and phenomenology of variation. It is a witness of a newparadigm coming in biological variability understanding.

  2. Instrumental Variables in the Long Run

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Casey, Gregory; Klemp, Marc Patrick Brag


    In the study of long-run economic growth, it is common to use historical or geographical variables as instruments for contemporary endogenous regressors. We study the interpretation of these conventional instrumental variable (IV) regressions in a general, yet simple, framework. Our aim...... quantitative implications for the field of long-run economic growth. We also use our framework to examine related empirical techniques. We find that two prominent regression methodologies - using gravity-based instruments for trade and including ancestry-adjusted variables in linear regression models - have...... is to estimate the long-run causal effect of changes in the endogenous explanatory variable. We find that conventional IV regressions generally cannot recover this parameter of interest. To estimate this parameter, therefore, we develop an augmented IV estimator that combines the conventional regression...

  3. transformation of independent variables in polynomial regression ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    preferable when possible to work with a simple functional form in transformed variables rather than with a more complicated form in the original variables. In this paper, it is shown that linear transformations applied to independent variables in polynomial regression models affect the t ratio and hence the statistical ...

  4. Cartas de control para monitorear variables multinomiales

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    Luz Marcela Restrepo-Tamayo


    Full Text Available Background: The control as a tool for monitoring the quality of a product, allows to study the stability of processes over time, contrasting two hypothesis, which states that the process is in stable condition and the other denies it. Its use has been massive for continuous variables but not for categorical variables, why it is imperative to design such tools for such variables. Objective: To propose two (2 control charts for variables multinomial processes based on the p-value test result for homogeneity of proportions using the chi square test for uniform processing variables and approximation Wilson - Hilferty for variables chi square. Methods: The performance of proposed charts via simulation is estimated considering a Phase II process and considering the first category increments of 2%, 4% and 6% in the control stage. Results: The multinomial control chart using Wilson-Hilferty approximation for variables chi square, from the transformation of value-p, has poor performance compared to the control charts using p-value processing and using chi-square p-value, as they have less ability to detect small changes. Conclusion: We propose two control charts to monitor multinomial variables and once studied via simulation, based on the average run length (ARL and the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis of equal proportions, we recommend the control chart using value-p, or equivalently, the control chart processing using chi square p-value.

  5. Hidden variables and locality in quantum theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shiva, Vandana.


    The status of hidden variables in quantum theory has been debated since the 1920s. The author examines the no-hidden-variable theories of von Neumann, Kochen, Specker and Bell, and finds that they all share one basic assumption: averaging over the hidden variables should reproduce the quantum mechanical probabilities. Von Neumann also makes a linearity assumption, Kochen and Specker require the preservation of certain functional relations between magnitudes, and Bell proposes a locality condition. It has been assumed that the extrastatistical requirements are needed to serve as criteria of success for the introduction of hidden variables because the statistical condition is trivially satisfied, and that Bell's result is based on a locality condition that is physically motivated. The author shows that the requirement of weak locality, which is not physically motivated, is enough to give Bell's result. The proof of Bell's inequality works equally well for any pair of commuting magnitudes satisfying a condition called the degeneracy principle. None of the no-hidden-variable proofs apply to a class of hidden variable theories that are not phase-space reconstructions of quantum mechanics. The author discusses one of these theories, the Bohm-Bub theory, and finds that hidden variable theories that re all the quantum statistics, for single and sequential measurements, must introduce a randomization process for the hidden variables after each measurement. The philosophical significance of this theory lies in the role it can play in solving the conceptual puzzles posed by quantum theory

  6. Scalable conditional induction variables (CIV) analysis

    KAUST Repository

    Oancea, Cosmin E.; Rauchwerger, Lawrence


    challenges to automatic parallelization. Because the complexity of such induction variables is often due to their conditional evaluation across the iteration space of loops we name them Conditional Induction Variables (CIV). This paper presents a flow

  7. Broad-Band Variability in Accreting Compact Objects

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    S. Scaringi


    Full Text Available Cataclysmic variable stars are in many ways similar to X-ray binaries. Both types of systems possess an accretion disk, which in most cases can reach the surface (or event horizon of the central compact object. The main difference is that the embedded gravitational potential well in X-ray binaries is much deeper than those found in cataclysmic variables. As a result, X-ray binaries emit most of their radiation at X-ray wavelengths, as opposed to cataclysmic variables which emit mostly at optical/ultraviolet wavelengths. Both types of systems display aperiodic broad-band variability which can be associated to the accretion disk. Here, the properties of the observed X-ray variability in XRBs are compared to those observed at optical wavelengths in CVs. In most cases the variability properties of both types of systems are qualitatively similar once the relevant timescales associated with the inner accretion disk regions have been taken into account. The similarities include the observed power spectral density shapes, the rms-flux relation as well as Fourier-dependant time lags. Here a brief overview on these similarities is given, placing them in the context of the fluctuating accretion disk model which seeks to reproduce the observed variability.

  8. Variability in large-scale wind power generation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kiviluoma, Juha; Holttinen, Hannele; Weir, David


    The paper demonstrates the characteristics of wind power variability and net load variability in multiple power systems based on real data from multiple years. Demonstrated characteristics include probability distribution for different ramp durations, seasonal and diurnal variability and low net ...... with well-dispersed wind power. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd....

  9. Daily affect variability and context-specific alcohol consumption. (United States)

    Mohr, Cynthia D; Arpin, Sarah; McCabe, Cameron T


    Research explored the effects of variability in negative and positive affect on alcohol consumption, specifying daily fluctuation in affect as a critical form of emotion dysregulation. Using daily process methodology allows for a more objective calculation of affect variability relative to traditional self-reports. The present study models within-person negative and positive affect variabilities as predictors of context-specific consumption (i.e. solitary vs. social drinking), controlling for mean levels of affect. A community sample of moderate-to-heavy drinkers (n = 47; 49% women) from a US metropolitan area reported on affect and alcohol consumption thrice daily for 30 days via a handheld electronic interviewer. Within-person affect variability was calculated using daily standard deviations in positive and negative affect. Within person, greater negative and positive variabilities are related to greater daily solitary and social consumption. Across study days, mean levels of negative and positive affect variabilities related to greater social consumption between persons; yet, aggregated negative affect variability was related to less solitary consumption. Results affirm affect variability as a unique predictor of alcohol consumption, independent of mean affect levels. Yet, it is important to differentiate social context of consumption, as well as type of affect variability, particularly at the between-person level. These distinctions help clarify inconsistencies in the self-medication literature regarding associations between average levels of affect and consumption. Importantly, consistent within-person relationships for both variabilities support arguments that both negative and positive affect variabilities are detrimental and reflect an inability to regulate emotional experience. © 2015 Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and other Drugs.

  10. Radio emission from the nova-like variable AC Cancri and the symbiotic variable AG Draconis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Torbett, M.V.; Campbell, B.; Mount Wilson and Las Campanas Observatories, Pasadena, CA)


    Radio emission at 6 cm has been detected from the nova-like cataclysmic variable AC Cnc and the symbiotic variable AG Dra. The AC Cnc observation constitutes the first radio detection in this class of objects. The AG Dra source is probably resolved and appears to show asymmetric, extended structure. The radio emission can best be explained by thermal bremsstrahlung. 26 references

  11. Variability in response to albuminuria-lowering drugs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petrykiv, Sergei I; de Zeeuw, Dick; Persson, Frederik


    AIMS: Albuminuria-lowering drugs have shown different effect size in different individuals. Since urine albumin levels are known to vary considerably from day-to-day, we questioned whether the between-individual variability in albuminuria response after therapy initiation reflects a random...... variability or a true response variation to treatment. In addition, we questioned whether the response variability is drug dependent. METHODS: To determine whether the response to treatment is random or a true drug response, we correlated in six clinical trials the change in albuminuria during placebo...... or active treatment (on-treatment) with the change in albuminuria during wash-out (off-treatment). If these responses correlate during active treatment, it suggests that at least part of the response variability can be attributed to drug response variability. We tested this for enalapril, losartan...

  12. Flow variability and hillslope hydrology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Huff, D D; O' Neill, R V; Emanuel, W R; Elwood, J W; Newbold, J D


    Examination of spatial variability of streamflow in headwater areas can provide important insight about factors that influence hillslope hydrology. Detailed observations of variations in stream channel input, based on a tracer experiment, indicate that topography alone cannot explain flow variability. However, determination of changes in channel input on a small spatial scale can provide valuable clues to factors, such as structural geology that control subsurface flows.

  13. Variable stars in the classroom

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sanchez-Bajo, F [Departamento de Electronica e IngenierIa Electromecanica, Escuela de IngenierIas Industriales, Universidad de Extremadura, Avda de Elvas s/n, 06071 Badajoz (Spain); Vaquero, J M [Departamento de Fisica, Escuela Politecnica, Universidad de Extremadura, Avda de la Universidad s/n, 10071 Caceres (Spain)


    Variable stars offer interesting possibilities from the point of view of educational applications, from the experimental collection of data to analysis to obtain physical information. In this paper, brightness measurements of two periodic variable stars easily accessible with small telescopes are presented and analysed. This practical experiment is highly appropriate for educational use in undergraduate physics and astrophysics laboratories and allows students to approximate scientific research.

  14. Variable stars in the classroom

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sanchez-Bajo, F; Vaquero, J M


    Variable stars offer interesting possibilities from the point of view of educational applications, from the experimental collection of data to analysis to obtain physical information. In this paper, brightness measurements of two periodic variable stars easily accessible with small telescopes are presented and analysed. This practical experiment is highly appropriate for educational use in undergraduate physics and astrophysics laboratories and allows students to approximate scientific research

  15. Incorporating hydrologic variability into nutrient spiraling (United States)

    Doyle, Martin W.


    Nutrient spiraling describes the path of a nutrient molecule within a stream ecosystem, combining the biochemical cycling processes with the downstream driving force of stream discharge. To date, nutrient spiraling approaches have been hampered by their inability to deal with fluctuating flows, as most studies have characterized nutrient retention within only a small range of discharges near base flow. Here hydrologic variability is incorporated into nutrient spiraling theory by drawing on the fluvial geomorphic concept of effective discharge. The effective discharge for nutrient retention is proposed to be that discharge which, over long periods of time, is responsible for the greatest portion of nutrient retention. A developed analytical model predicts that the effective discharge for nutrient retention will equal the modal discharge for small streams or those with little discharge variability. As modal discharge increases or discharge variability increases, the effective discharge becomes increasingly less than the modal discharge. In addition to the effective discharge, a new metric is proposed, the functionally equivalent discharge, which is the single discharge that will reproduce the magnitude of nutrient retention generated by the full hydrologic frequency distribution when all discharge takes place at that rate. The functionally equivalent discharge was found to be the same as the modal discharge at low hydrologic variability, but increasingly different from the modal discharge at large hydrologic variability. The functionally equivalent discharge provides a simple quantitative means of incorporating hydrologic variability into long-term nutrient budgets.

  16. When is affect variability bad for health? The association between affect variability and immune response to the influenza vaccination. (United States)

    Jenkins, Brooke N; Hunter, John F; Cross, Marie P; Acevedo, Amanda M; Pressman, Sarah D


    This study addresses methodological and theoretical questions about the association between affect and physical health. Specifically, we examine the role of affect variability and its interaction with mean levels of affect to predict antibody (Ab) levels in response to an influenza vaccination. Participants (N=83) received the vaccination and completed daily diary measures of affect four times a day for 13days. At one and four months post-vaccination, blood was collected from the participants to assess Ab levels. Findings indicate that affect variability and its interaction with mean levels of affect predict an individual's immune response. Those high in mean positive affect (PA) who had more PA variability were more likely to have a lower Ab response in comparison to those who had high mean PA and less PA variability. Although it did not interact with mean negative affect (NA), NA variability on its own was associated with Ab response, whereby those with less NA variability mounted a more robust immune response. Affect variability is related to immune response to an influenza vaccination and, in some cases, interacts with mean levels of affect. These oscillations in affective experiences are critical to consider in order to unpack the intricacies of how affect influences health. These findings suggest that future researchers should consider the important role of affect variability on physical health-relevant outcomes as well as examine the moderating effect of mean affect levels. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A nested sampling design was used to examine the variability in density, biomass, sex ratio and size of the estuarine mudprawn Upogebia africana in six estuaries on the south-east coast of South Africa. The objectives were to test the general hypothesis that there is variability in these variables at the scales of regions, ...

  18. Ecosystem functioning is enveloped by hydrometeorological variability. (United States)

    Pappas, Christoforos; Mahecha, Miguel D; Frank, David C; Babst, Flurin; Koutsoyiannis, Demetris


    Terrestrial ecosystem processes, and the associated vegetation carbon dynamics, respond differently to hydrometeorological variability across timescales, and so does our scientific understanding of the underlying mechanisms. Long-term variability of the terrestrial carbon cycle is not yet well constrained and the resulting climate-biosphere feedbacks are highly uncertain. Here we present a comprehensive overview of hydrometeorological and ecosystem variability from hourly to decadal timescales integrating multiple in situ and remote-sensing datasets characterizing extra-tropical forest sites. We find that ecosystem variability at all sites is confined within a hydrometeorological envelope across sites and timescales. Furthermore, ecosystem variability demonstrates long-term persistence, highlighting ecological memory and slow ecosystem recovery rates after disturbances. However, simulation results with state-of-the-art process-based models do not reflect this long-term persistent behaviour in ecosystem functioning. Accordingly, we develop a cross-time-scale stochastic framework that captures hydrometeorological and ecosystem variability. Our analysis offers a perspective for terrestrial ecosystem modelling and paves the way for new model-data integration opportunities in Earth system sciences.

  19. Contextuality in canonical systems of random variables (United States)

    Dzhafarov, Ehtibar N.; Cervantes, Víctor H.; Kujala, Janne V.


    Random variables representing measurements, broadly understood to include any responses to any inputs, form a system in which each of them is uniquely identified by its content (that which it measures) and its context (the conditions under which it is recorded). Two random variables are jointly distributed if and only if they share a context. In a canonical representation of a system, all random variables are binary, and every content-sharing pair of random variables has a unique maximal coupling (the joint distribution imposed on them so that they coincide with maximal possible probability). The system is contextual if these maximal couplings are incompatible with the joint distributions of the context-sharing random variables. We propose to represent any system of measurements in a canonical form and to consider the system contextual if and only if its canonical representation is contextual. As an illustration, we establish a criterion for contextuality of the canonical system consisting of all dichotomizations of a single pair of content-sharing categorical random variables. This article is part of the themed issue `Second quantum revolution: foundational questions'.

  20. The variability is in the sex chromosomes. (United States)

    Reinhold, Klaus; Engqvist, Leif


    Sex differences in the mean trait expression are well documented, not only for traits that are directly associated with reproduction. Less is known about how the variability of traits differs between males and females. In species with sex chromosomes and dosage compensation, the heterogametic sex is expected to show larger trait variability ("sex-chromosome hypothesis"), yet this central prediction, based on fundamental genetic principles, has never been evaluated in detail. Here we show that in species with heterogametic males, male variability in body size is significantly larger than in females, whereas the opposite can be shown for species with heterogametic females. These results support the prediction of the sex-chromosome hypothesis that individuals of the heterogametic sex should be more variable. We argue that the pattern demonstrated here for sex-specific body size variability is likely to apply to any trait and needs to be considered when testing predictions about sex-specific variability and sexual selection. © 2013 The Author(s). Evolution © 2013 The Society for the Study of Evolution.

  1. Globally exponential stability and periodic solutions of CNNS with variable coefficients and variable delays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Haifei; Wang Li


    In this Letter, by using the inequality method and the Lyapunov functional method, we analyze the globally exponential stability and the existence of periodic solutions of a class of cellular neutral networks with delays and variable coefficients. Some simple and new sufficient conditions ensuring the existence and uniqueness of globally exponential stability of periodic solutions for cellular neutral networks with variable coefficients and delays are obtained. In addition, one example is also worked out to illustrate our theory

  2. Globally exponential stability and periodic solutions of CNNS with variable coefficients and variable delays

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu Haifei [School of Management and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093 (China)]. E-mail:; Wang Li [School of Management and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093 (China)


    In this Letter, by using the inequality method and the Lyapunov functional method, we analyze the globally exponential stability and the existence of periodic solutions of a class of cellular neutral networks with delays and variable coefficients. Some simple and new sufficient conditions ensuring the existence and uniqueness of globally exponential stability of periodic solutions for cellular neutral networks with variable coefficients and delays are obtained. In addition, one example is also worked out to illustrate our theory.

  3. Variable displacement alpha-type Stirling engine (United States)

    Homutescu, V. M.; Bălănescu, D. T.; Panaite, C. E.; Atanasiu, M. V.


    The basic design and construction of an alpha-type Stirling engine with on load variable displacement is presented. The variable displacement is obtained through a planar quadrilateral linkage with one on load movable ground link. The physico-mathematical model used for analyzing the variable displacement alpha-type Stirling engine behavior is an isothermal model that takes into account the real movement of the pistons. Performances and power adjustment capabilities of such alpha-type Stirling engine are calculated and analyzed. An exemplification through the use of the numerical simulation was performed in this regard.

  4. Variable selection by lasso-type methods

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sohail Chand


    Full Text Available Variable selection is an important property of shrinkage methods. The adaptive lasso is an oracle procedure and can do consistent variable selection. In this paper, we provide an explanation that how use of adaptive weights make it possible for the adaptive lasso to satisfy the necessary and almost sufcient condition for consistent variable selection. We suggest a novel algorithm and give an important result that for the adaptive lasso if predictors are normalised after the introduction of adaptive weights, it makes the adaptive lasso performance identical to the lasso.

  5. Variable geometry Darrieus wind machine (United States)

    Pytlinski, J. T.; Serrano, D.


    A variable geometry Darrieus wind machine is proposed. The lower attachment of the blades to the rotor can move freely up and down the axle allowing the blades of change shape during rotation. Experimental data for a 17 m. diameter Darrieus rotor and a theoretical model for multiple streamtube performance prediction were used to develop a computer simulation program for studying parameters that affect the machine's performance. This new variable geometry concept is described and interrelated with multiple streamtube theory through aerodynamic parameters. The computer simulation study shows that governor behavior of a Darrieus turbine can not be attained by a standard turbine operating within normally occurring rotational velocity limits. A second generation variable geometry Darrieus wind turbine which uses a telescopic blade is proposed as a potential improvement on the studied concept.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mundell, C. G.; Ferruit, P.; Nagar, N.; Wilson, A. S.


    Comparison of 8.4 GHz radio images of a sample of eleven, early-type Seyfert galaxies with previous observations reveals possible variation in the nuclear radio flux density in five of them over a seven year period. Four Seyferts (NGC 2110, NGC 3081, MCG -6-30-15, and NGC 5273) show a decline in their 8.4 GHz nuclear flux density between 1992 and 1999, while one (NGC 4117) shows an increase; the flux densities of the remaining six Seyferts (Mrk 607, NGC 1386, Mrk 620, NGC 3516, NGC 4968, and NGC 7465) have remained constant over this period. New images of MCG -5-23-16 are also presented. We find no correlation between radio variability and nuclear radio luminosity or Seyfert nuclear type, although the sample is small and dominated by type 2 Seyferts. Instead, a possible correlation between the presence of nuclear radio variability and the absence of hundred parsec-scale radio emission is seen, with four out of five marginally resolved or unresolved nuclei showing a change in nuclear flux density, while five out of six extended sources show no nuclear variability despite having unresolved nuclear sources. NGC 2110 is the only source in our sample with significant extended radio structure and strong nuclear variability (∼38% decline in nuclear flux density over seven years). The observed nuclear flux variability indicates significant changes are likely to have occurred in the structure of the nucleus on scales smaller than the VLA beam size (i.e., within the central ∼0.''1 (15 pc)), between the two epochs, possibly due to the appearance and fading of new components or shocks in the jet, consistent with previous detection of subparsec-scale nuclear structure in this Seyfert. Our results suggest that all Seyferts may exhibit variation in their nuclear radio flux density at 8.4 GHz, but that variability is more easily recognized in compact sources in which emission from the variable nucleus is not diluted by unresolved, constant flux density radio jet emission

  7. Climate change and climate variability impacts on rainfed agricultural activities and possible adaptation measures. A Mexican case study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Conde, C.; Ferrer, R. [Centro de Ciencias de la Atmosfera, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Circuito Exterior, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)]. E-mail: e-mail:; Orozco, S. [Escuela de Agrobiologia, Universidad Autonoma de Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala (Mexico)


    Climate extreme events (such as those associated to strong El Nino events) highly affect Mexican agriculture, since more than sixty percent of it is rainfed. The basic crop cultivated is maize, which is still the main source of nutrients for a large portion of the rural population in the country. Within the project Capacity Building for Stage II Adaptation to Climate Change in Central America, Mexico and Cuba, we analyze the strategies developed by maize producers in the central region of the country to cope with climatic adverse events. Impact on rainfed maize due to climate variability and climate change conditions are studied using a crop simulation model. Several adaptation measures can be evaluated using that model. However, the effect of other stressors must be considered in an assessment of the adaptive capacity of small farmers to climate variability and change. Key stakeholders' involvement in the region helped us to decide which of the adaptive measures could be viable under the current conditions and under future climatic conditions. The construction of greenhouses, the use of compost, and dripping irrigation, were some of the techniques selected with the participation of the stakeholders. The enthusiastic responses to these measures allow us to consider that they can prevail in the future, under climate change conditions. However, the adaptation to climate change includes -besides the stated techniques- the generation of the capacities to cope with climatic adverse events, that is, to enhance the adaptive capacities to climate change among the key stakeholders. [Spanish] Los eventos climaticos extremos (como los asociados con eventos fuertes de El Nino) afectan de manera importante a la agricultura mexicana, ya que mas del sesenta por ciento de ella es de temporal, esto es, depende fundamentalmente de una buena temporada de lluvias para producir. El cultivo que se siembra es basicamente maiz, que todavia es la principal fuente de nutrientes para

  8. Criodesecación atmosférica de papa (Solanum tuberosum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Sebastián Ramírez Navas


    etapas del proceso, empleando el índice de amarillez, y se evaluaron las propiedades microbiológicas de las papas crio-desecadas tmosféricamente. Se concluye que el secado de rodajas de papa por CDA permite eliminar el crecimiento microbiológico y las reacciones químicas, pero es necesario realizar pretratamientos para evitar el pardamiento.

  9. Spatial and temporal variability of interhemispheric transport times (United States)

    Wu, Xiaokang; Yang, Huang; Waugh, Darryn W.; Orbe, Clara; Tilmes, Simone; Lamarque, Jean-Francois


    The seasonal and interannual variability of transport times from the northern midlatitude surface into the Southern Hemisphere is examined using simulations of three idealized age tracers: an ideal age tracer that yields the mean transit time from northern midlatitudes and two tracers with uniform 50- and 5-day decay. For all tracers the largest seasonal and interannual variability occurs near the surface within the tropics and is generally closely coupled to movement of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). There are, however, notable differences in variability between the different tracers. The largest seasonal and interannual variability in the mean age is generally confined to latitudes spanning the ITCZ, with very weak variability in the southern extratropics. In contrast, for tracers subject to spatially uniform exponential loss the peak variability tends to be south of the ITCZ, and there is a smaller contrast between tropical and extratropical variability. These differences in variability occur because the distribution of transit times from northern midlatitudes is very broad and tracers with more rapid loss are more sensitive to changes in fast transit times than the mean age tracer. These simulations suggest that the seasonal-interannual variability in the southern extratropics of trace gases with predominantly NH midlatitude sources may differ depending on the gases' chemical lifetimes.

  10. Variable range hopping in ZnO films (United States)

    Ali, Nasir; Ghosh, Subhasis


    We report the variable range hopping in ZnO films grown by RF magnetron sputtering in different argon and oxygen partial pressure. It has been found that Mott variable range hopping dominant over Efros variable range hopping in all ZnO films. It also has been found that hopping distance and energy increases with increasing oxygen partial pressure.



    Iannacone, José; Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal (Perú).; Alvariño, Lorena; Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal (Perú).


    El objetivo de la presente investigación fue evaluar la ecotoxicidad del cartap (Bala® 50 PS) sobre ocho organismos animales no destinatarios: 1) Melanoides tuberculata (Müller, 1774) (Mollusca), 2) Emerita analoga (Stimpson, 1857) (Crustácea), 3) Chironomus calligraphus Goeldi, 1805 (Diptera), 4) Cyprinus carpio (Linné, 1758) (Osteichyties), 5) Eisenia foetida (Savigny, 1826) (Annelida), 6) Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas, 1851) (Hemiptera), 7) Trichogramma fuentesi Torre, 1980 (Hymenoptera) y 8...

  12. Seasonal Variability in European Radon Measurements (United States)

    Groves-Kirkby, C. J.; Denman, A. R.; Phillips, P. S.; Crockett, R. G. M.; Sinclair, J. M.


    In temperate climates, domestic radon concentration levels are generally seasonally dependent, the level in the home reflecting the convolution of two time-dependent functions. These are the source soil-gas radon concentration itself, and the principal force driving radon into the building from the soil, namely the pressure-difference between interior and exterior environment. While the meteorological influence can be regarded as relatively uniform on a European scale, its variability being defined largely by the influence of North-Atlantic weather systems, soil-gas radon is generally more variable as it is essentially geologically dependent. Seasonal variability of domestic radon concentration can therefore be expected to exhibit geographical variability, as is indeed the case. To compensate for the variability of domestic radon levels when assessing the long term radon health risks, the results of individual short-term measurements are generally converted to equivalent mean annual levels by application of a Seasonal Correction Factor (SCF). This is a multiplying factor, typically derived from measurements of a large number of homes, applied to the measured short-term radon concentration to provide a meaningful annual mean concentration for dose-estimation purposes. Following concern as to the universal applicability of a single SCF set, detailed studies in both the UK and France have reported location-specific SCF sets for different regions of each country. Further results indicate that SCFs applicable to the UK differ significantly from those applicable elsewhere in Europe and North America in both amplitude and phase, supporting the thesis that seasonal variability in indoor radon concentration cannot realistically be compensated for by a single national or international SCF scheme. Published data characterising the seasonal variability of European national domestic radon concentrations, has been collated and analysed, with the objective of identifying

  13. Respiratory variability preceding and following sighs: a resetter hypothesis. (United States)

    Vlemincx, Elke; Van Diest, Ilse; Lehrer, Paul M; Aubert, André E; Van den Bergh, Omer


    Respiratory behavior is characterized by complex variability with structured and random components. Assuming that both a lack of variability and too much randomness represent suboptimal breathing regulation, we hypothesized that sighing acts as a resetter inducing structured variability. Spontaneous breathing was measured in healthy persons (N=42) during a 20min period of quiet sitting using the LifeShirt(®) System. Four blocks of 10 breaths with a 50% window overlap were determined before and after spontaneous sighs. Total respiratory variability of minute ventilation was measured using the coefficient of variation and structured (correlated) variability was quantified using autocorrelation. Towards a sigh, total variability gradually increased without concomittant changes in correlated variability, suggesting that randomness increased. After a sigh, correlated variability increased. No changes in variability were found in comparable epochs without intermediate sighs. We conclude that a sigh resets structured respiratory variability, enhancing information processing in the respiratory system. Copyright © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. A Framework for Categorizing Important Project Variables (United States)

    Parsons, Vickie S.


    While substantial research has led to theories concerning the variables that affect project success, no universal set of such variables has been acknowledged as the standard. The identification of a specific set of controllable variables is needed to minimize project failure. Much has been hypothesized about the need to match project controls and management processes to individual projects in order to increase the chance for success. However, an accepted taxonomy for facilitating this matching process does not exist. This paper surveyed existing literature on classification of project variables. After an analysis of those proposals, a simplified categorization is offered to encourage further research.

  15. Variable and subset selection in PLS regression

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Høskuldsson, Agnar


    The purpose of this paper is to present some useful methods for introductory analysis of variables and subsets in relation to PLS regression. We present here methods that are efficient in finding the appropriate variables or subset to use in the PLS regression. The general conclusion...... is that variable selection is important for successful analysis of chemometric data. An important aspect of the results presented is that lack of variable selection can spoil the PLS regression, and that cross-validation measures using a test set can show larger variation, when we use different subsets of X, than...

  16. Numerical Solution of the Time-Dependent Navier–Stokes Equation for Variable Density–Variable Viscosity. Part I

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Axelsson, Owe; Xin, H.; Neytcheva, M.


    Roč. 20, č. 2 (2015), s. 232-260 ISSN 1392-6292 Institutional support: RVO:68145535 Keywords : variable density * phase-field model * Navier-Stokes equations * preconditioning * variable viscosity Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics Impact factor: 0.468, year: 2015

  17. The EPICS process variable Gateway Version 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Evans, K.


    The EPICS Process Variable Gateway is both a Channel Access Server and Channel Access Client that provides a means for many clients, typically on different subnets, to access a process variable while making only one connection to the server that owns the process variable. It also provides additional access security beyond that implemented on the server. It thus protects critical servers while providing suitably restricted access to needed process variables. The original version of the Gateway worked with EPICS Base 3.13 but required a special version, since the changes necessary for its operation were never incorporated into EPICS Base. Version 2 works with any standard EPICS Base 3.14.6 or later and has many improvements in both performance and features over the older version. The Gateway is now used at many institutions and has become a stable, high-performance application. It is capable of handling tens of thousands of process variables with hundreds of thousands of events per second. It has run for over three months in a production environment without having to be restarted. It has many internal process variables that can be used to monitor its state using standard EPICS client tools, such as MEDM and StripTool. Other internal process variables can be used to stop the Gateway, make several kinds of reports, or change the access security without stopping the Gateway. It can even be started on remote workstations from MEDM by using a Secure Shell script. This paper will describe the new Gateway and how it is used. The Gateway is both a server (like an EPICS Input/Output Controller (IOC)) and a client (like the EPICS Motif Editor and Display Manager (MEDM), StripTool, and others). Clients connect to the server side, and the client side connects to IOCs and other servers, possibly other Gateways. See Fig. 1. There are perhaps three principal reasons for using the Gateway: (1) it allows many clients to access a process variable while making only one connection to

  18. On the mid-infrared variability of candidate eruptive variables (exors): A comparison between Spitzer and WISE data

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Antoniucci, S.; Giannini, T.; Li Causi, G.; Lorenzetti, D., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, via Frascati 33, I-00040 Monte Porzio (Italy)


    Aiming to statistically study the variability in the mid-IR of young stellar objects, we have compared the 3.6, 4.5, and 24 μm Spitzer fluxes of 1478 sources belonging to the C2D (Cores to Disks) legacy program with the WISE fluxes at 3.4, 4.6, and 22 μm. From this comparison, we have selected a robust sample of 34 variable sources. Their variations were classified per spectral Class (according to the widely accepted scheme of Class I/flat/II/III protostars), and per star forming region. On average, the number of variable sources decreases with increasing Class and is definitely higher in Perseus and Ophiuchus than in Chamaeleon and Lupus. According to the paradigm Class ≡ Evolution, the photometric variability can be considered to be a feature more pronounced in less evolved protostars, and, as such, related to accretion processes. Moreover, our statistical findings agree with the current knowledge of star formation activity in different regions. The 34 selected variables were further investigated for similarities with known young eruptive variables, namely the EXors. In particular, we analyzed (1) the shape of the spectral energy distribution, (2) the IR excess over the stellar photosphere, (3) magnitude versus color variations, and (4) output parameters of model fitting. This first systematic search for EXors ends up with 11 bona fide candidates that can be considered as suitable targets for monitoring or future investigations.

  19. Gender differences in variability patterns of forward bending

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Villumsen, Morten; Madeleine, Pascal; Jørgensen, Marie Birk


    The variability pattern is highly relevant in the analysis of occupational physical exposures. It is hypothesized that gender differences exist in the variability pattern of forward bending between work and leisure.......The variability pattern is highly relevant in the analysis of occupational physical exposures. It is hypothesized that gender differences exist in the variability pattern of forward bending between work and leisure....

  20. Statistical identification of effective input variables

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vaurio, J.K.


    A statistical sensitivity analysis procedure has been developed for ranking the input data of large computer codes in the order of sensitivity-importance. The method is economical for large codes with many input variables, since it uses a relatively small number of computer runs. No prior judgemental elimination of input variables is needed. The sceening method is based on stagewise correlation and extensive regression analysis of output values calculated with selected input value combinations. The regression process deals with multivariate nonlinear functions, and statistical tests are also available for identifying input variables that contribute to threshold effects, i.e., discontinuities in the output variables. A computer code SCREEN has been developed for implementing the screening techniques. The efficiency has been demonstrated by several examples and applied to a fast reactor safety analysis code (Venus-II). However, the methods and the coding are general and not limited to such applications

  1. Ecological and evolutionary impacts of changing climatic variability. (United States)

    Vázquez, Diego P; Gianoli, Ernesto; Morris, William F; Bozinovic, Francisco


    While average temperature is likely to increase in most locations on Earth, many places will simultaneously experience higher variability in temperature, precipitation, and other climate variables. Although ecologists and evolutionary biologists widely recognize the potential impacts of changes in average climatic conditions, relatively little attention has been paid to the potential impacts of changes in climatic variability and extremes. We review the evidence on the impacts of increased climatic variability and extremes on physiological, ecological and evolutionary processes at multiple levels of biological organization, from individuals to populations and communities. Our review indicates that climatic variability can have profound influences on biological processes at multiple scales of organization. Responses to increased climatic variability and extremes are likely to be complex and cannot always be generalized, although our conceptual and methodological toolboxes allow us to make informed predictions about the likely consequences of such climatic changes. We conclude that climatic variability represents an important component of climate that deserves further attention. © 2015 Cambridge Philosophical Society.

  2. Examining impulse-variability in overarm throwing. (United States)

    Urbin, M A; Stodden, David; Boros, Rhonda; Shannon, David


    The purpose of this study was to examine variability in overarm throwing velocity and spatial output error at various percentages of maximum to test the prediction of an inverted-U function as predicted by impulse-variability theory and a speed-accuracy trade-off as predicted by Fitts' Law Thirty subjects (16 skilled, 14 unskilled) were instructed to throw a tennis ball at seven percentages of their maximum velocity (40-100%) in random order (9 trials per condition) at a target 30 feet away. Throwing velocity was measured with a radar gun and interpreted as an index of overall systemic power output. Within-subject throwing velocity variability was examined using within-subjects repeated-measures ANOVAs (7 repeated conditions) with built-in polynomial contrasts. Spatial error was analyzed using mixed model regression. Results indicated a quadratic fit with variability in throwing velocity increasing from 40% up to 60%, where it peaked, and then decreasing at each subsequent interval to maximum (p < .001, η2 = .555). There was no linear relationship between speed and accuracy. Overall, these data support the notion of an inverted-U function in overarm throwing velocity variability as both skilled and unskilled subjects approach maximum effort. However, these data do not support the notion of a speed-accuracy trade-off. The consistent demonstration of an inverted-U function associated with systemic power output variability indicates an enhanced capability to regulate aspects of force production and relative timing between segments as individuals approach maximum effort, even in a complex ballistic skill.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fruth, T.; Cabrera, J.; Csizmadia, Sz.; Eigmüller, P.; Erikson, A.; Kirste, S.; Pasternacki, T.; Rauer, H.; Titz-Weider, R.; Kabath, P.; Chini, R.; Lemke, R.; Murphy, M.


    The CoRoT field LRa02 has been observed with the Berlin Exoplanet Search Telescope II (BEST II) during the southern summer 2007/2008. A first analysis of stellar variability led to the publication of 345 newly discovered variable stars. Now, a deeper analysis of this data set was used to optimize the variability search procedure. Several methods and parameters have been tested in order to improve the selection process compared to the widely used J index for variability ranking. This paper describes an empirical approach to treat systematic trends in photometric data based upon the analysis of variance statistics that can significantly decrease the rate of false detections. Finally, the process of reanalysis and method improvement has virtually doubled the number of variable stars compared to the first analysis by Kabath et al. A supplementary catalog of 272 previously unknown periodic variables plus 52 stars with suspected variability is presented. Improved ephemerides are given for 19 known variables in the field. In addition, the BEST II results are compared with CoRoT data and its automatic variability classification.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rebull, L. M. [Infrared Science Archive (IRSA), Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC), 1200 E. California Blvd., California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 (United States); Stauffer, J. R.; Cody, A. M. [Spitzer Science Center (SSC), 1200 E. California Blvd., California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 (United States); Günther, H. M.; Poppenhaeger, K.; Wolk, S. J.; Hora, J.; Forbrich, J. [Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden St., Cambridge, MA 02138 (United States); Hillenbrand, L. A. [Department of Astronomy, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 (United States); Hernandez, J. [Centro de Investigaciones de Astronomía, Apdo. Postal 264, Mérida 5101-A (Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of); Bayo, A. [Max Planck Institut für Astronomie, Königstuhl 17, D-69117, Heidelberg (Germany); Covey, K. [Lowell Observatory, 1400 West Mars Hill Road, Flagstaff, AZ 86001 (United States); Gutermuth, R. [Dept. of Astronomy, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003 (United States); Morales-Calderón, M.; Bouy, H. [Depto. Astrofísica, Centro de Astrobiología (INTA-CSIC), ESAC campus, P.O. Box 78, E-28691 Villanueva de la Cañada (Spain); Plavchan, P. [NASA Exoplanet Science Institute (NExScI), Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC), 1200 E. California Blvd., California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 (United States); Song, I. [Physics and Astronomy Department, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602-2451 (United States); Terebey, S., E-mail: [Department of Physics and Astronomy, 5151 State University Drive, California State University at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90032 (United States); and others


    As part of the Young Stellar Object VARiability (YSOVAR) program, we monitored NGC 1333 for ∼35 days at 3.6 and 4.5 μm using the Spitzer Space Telescope. We report here on the mid-infrared variability of the point sources in the ∼10′ × ∼20′ area centered on 03:29:06, +31:19:30 (J2000). Out of 701 light curves in either channel, we find 78 variables over the YSOVAR campaign. About half of the members are variable. The variable fraction for the most embedded spectral energy distributions (SEDs) (Class I, flat) is higher than that for less embedded SEDs (Class II), which is in turn higher than the star-like SEDs (Class III). A few objects have amplitudes (10–90th percentile brightness) in [3.6] or [4.5] > 0.2 mag; a more typical amplitude is 0.1–0.15 mag. The largest color change is >0.2 mag. There are 24 periodic objects, with 40% of them being flat SED class. This may mean that the periodic signal is primarily from the disk, not the photosphere, in those cases. We find 9 variables likely to be “dippers,” where texture in the disk occults the central star, and 11 likely to be “bursters,” where accretion instabilities create brightness bursts. There are 39 objects that have significant trends in [3.6]–[4.5] color over the campaign, about evenly divided between redder-when-fainter (consistent with extinction variations) and bluer-when-fainter. About a third of the 17 Class 0 and/or jet-driving sources from the literature are variable over the YSOVAR campaign, and a larger fraction (∼half) are variable between the YSOVAR campaign and the cryogenic-era Spitzer observations (6–7 years), perhaps because it takes time for the envelope to respond to changes in the central source. The NGC 1333 brown dwarfs do not stand out from the stellar light curves in any way except there is a much larger fraction of periodic objects (∼60% of variable brown dwarfs are periodic, compared to ∼30% of the variables overall)

  5. Evaluating the underlying factors behind variable rate debt. (United States)

    McCue, Michael J; Kim, Tae Hyun Tanny


    Recent trends show a greater usage of variable rate debt among health care bond issues. In 2004, 63.4% of the total health care bonds issued were variable rate compared with 30.6% in 1995 (Fitch Ratings, 2005). The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of the underlying factors, credit spread, issue characteristics, and issuer factors behind why hospitals and health system borrowers select variable rate debt compared with fixed rate debt. From 2000 to 2004, this study sampled 230 newly issued tax-exempt bonds issued by acute care hospitals and health care systems that included both variable and fixed rate debt issues. Using a logistic regression model, hospitals with variable rate debt issues were assigned a value of 1, whereas hospitals with fixed rate debt issues were assigned a value of 0. This study found a positive association between bond insurance and variable rate debt and a negative association between callable feature and variable rate debt. Facilities located in certificate-of-need states that possessed higher case mix acuity, earned higher profit margins, generated higher debt service coverage, and held less debt were more likely to issue variable rate debt. Overall, hospital managers and board members of hospitals possessing a strong financial performance have an interest in utilizing variable rate debt to lower their cost of capital. In addition, this outcome may also reflect that investment bankers are doing a better job in educating senior hospital management about the interest rate savings benefit of variable rate compared with fixed rate debt.

  6. A survey of hidden-variables theories

    CERN Document Server

    Belinfante, F J


    A Survey of Hidden-Variables Theories is a three-part book on the hidden-variable theories, referred in this book as """"theories of the first kind"""". Part I reviews the motives in developing different types of hidden-variables theories. The quest for determinism led to theories of the first kind; the quest for theories that look like causal theories when applied to spatially separated systems that interacted in the past led to theories of the second kind. Parts II and III further describe the theories of the first kind and second kind, respectively. This book is written to make the literat

  7. Analytic functions of several complex variables

    CERN Document Server

    Gunning, Robert C


    The theory of analytic functions of several complex variables enjoyed a period of remarkable development in the middle part of the twentieth century. After initial successes by Poincaré and others in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the theory encountered obstacles that prevented it from growing quickly into an analogue of the theory for functions of one complex variable. Beginning in the 1930s, initially through the work of Oka, then H. Cartan, and continuing with the work of Grauert, Remmert, and others, new tools were introduced into the theory of several complex variables that resol

  8. A classification of hidden-variable properties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brandenburger, Adam; Yanofsky, Noson


    Hidden variables are extra components added to try to banish counterintuitive features of quantum mechanics. We start with a quantum-mechanical model and describe various properties that can be asked of a hidden-variable model. We present six such properties and a Venn diagram of how they are related. With two existence theorems and three no-go theorems (EPR, Bell and Kochen-Specker), we show which properties of empirically equivalent hidden-variable models are possible and which are not. Formally, our treatment relies only on classical probability models, and physical phenomena are used only to motivate which models to choose

  9. Conspicuous plumage colours are highly variable. (United States)

    Delhey, Kaspar; Szecsenyi, Beatrice; Nakagawa, Shinichi; Peters, Anne


    Elaborate ornamental traits are often under directional selection for greater elaboration, which in theory should deplete underlying genetic variation. Despite this, many ornamental traits appear to remain highly variable and how this essential variation is maintained is a key question in evolutionary biology. One way to address this question is to compare differences in intraspecific variability across different types of traits to determine whether high levels of variation are associated with specific trait characteristics. Here we assess intraspecific variation in more than 100 plumage colours across 55 bird species to test whether colour variability is linked to their level of elaboration (indicated by degree of sexual dichromatism and conspicuousness) or their condition dependence (indicated by mechanism of colour production). Conspicuous colours had the highest levels of variation and conspicuousness was the strongest predictor of variability, with high explanatory power. After accounting for this, there were no significant effects of sexual dichromatism or mechanisms of colour production. Conspicuous colours may entail higher production costs or may be more sensitive to disruptions during production. Alternatively, high variability could also be related to increased perceptual difficulties inherent to discriminating highly elaborate colours. Such psychophysical effects may constrain the exaggeration of animal colours. © 2017 The Author(s).

  10. Visual variability affects early verb learning. (United States)

    Twomey, Katherine E; Lush, Lauren; Pearce, Ruth; Horst, Jessica S


    Research demonstrates that within-category visual variability facilitates noun learning; however, the effect of visual variability on verb learning is unknown. We habituated 24-month-old children to a novel verb paired with an animated star-shaped actor. Across multiple trials, children saw either a single action from an action category (identical actions condition, for example, travelling while repeatedly changing into a circle shape) or multiple actions from that action category (variable actions condition, for example, travelling while changing into a circle shape, then a square shape, then a triangle shape). Four test trials followed habituation. One paired the habituated verb with a new action from the habituated category (e.g., 'dacking' + pentagon shape) and one with a completely novel action (e.g., 'dacking' + leg movement). The others paired a new verb with a new same-category action (e.g., 'keefing' + pentagon shape), or a completely novel category action (e.g., 'keefing' + leg movement). Although all children discriminated novel verb/action pairs, children in the identical actions condition discriminated trials that included the completely novel verb, while children in the variable actions condition discriminated the out-of-category action. These data suggest that - as in noun learning - visual variability affects verb learning and children's ability to form action categories. © 2014 The British Psychological Society.

  11. The variability of interconnected wind plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Katzenstein, Warren; Fertig, Emily; Apt, Jay


    We present the first frequency-dependent analyses of the geographic smoothing of wind power's variability, analyzing the interconnected measured output of 20 wind plants in Texas. Reductions in variability occur at frequencies corresponding to times shorter than ∼24 h and are quantified by measuring the departure from a Kolmogorov spectrum. At a frequency of 2.8x10 -4 Hz (corresponding to 1 h), an 87% reduction of the variability of a single wind plant is obtained by interconnecting 4 wind plants. Interconnecting the remaining 16 wind plants produces only an additional 8% reduction. We use step change analyses and correlation coefficients to compare our results with previous studies, finding that wind power ramps up faster than it ramps down for each of the step change intervals analyzed and that correlation between the power output of wind plants 200 km away is half that of co-located wind plants. To examine variability at very low frequencies, we estimate yearly wind energy production in the Great Plains region of the United States from automated wind observations at airports covering 36 years. The estimated wind power has significant inter-annual variability and the severity of wind drought years is estimated to be about half that observed nationally for hydroelectric power.

  12. Internal variables in thermoelasticity

    CERN Document Server

    Berezovski, Arkadi


    This book describes an effective method for modeling advanced materials like polymers, composite materials and biomaterials, which are, as a rule, inhomogeneous. The thermoelastic theory with internal variables presented here provides a general framework for predicting a material’s reaction to external loading. The basic physical principles provide the primary theoretical information, including the evolution equations of the internal variables. The cornerstones of this framework are the material representation of continuum mechanics, a weak nonlocality, a non-zero extra entropy flux, and a consecutive employment of the dissipation inequality. Examples of thermoelastic phenomena are provided, accompanied by detailed procedures demonstrating how to simulate them.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kunder, Andrea; Walker, Alistair R.; Stetson, Peter B.; Catelan, Márcio; Amigo, Pía


    The first calibrated broadband BVI time-series photometry is presented for the variable stars in NGC 2808, with observations spanning a range of 28 years. We have also redetermined the variability types and periods for the variable stars identified previously by Corwin et al., revising the number of probable fundamental-mode RR Lyrae variables (RR0) to 11 and the number of first-overtone variables (RR1) to five. Our observations were insufficient to discern the nature of the previously identified RR1 star, V24, and the tentatively identified RR1 star, V13. These two variables are ∼0.8 mag brighter than the RR Lyrae variables, appear to have somewhat erratic period and/or luminosity changes, and lie inside the RR Lyrae instability strip. Curiously, all but one of the RR Lyrae stars studied in this relatively metal-rich cluster exhibit the Blazhko phenomenon, an effect thought to occur with higher frequency in metal-poor environments. The mean periods of the RR0 and RR1 variables are (P) RR0 = 0.56 ± 0.01 d and RR1 = 0.30 ± 0.02 d, respectively, supporting an Oosterhoff I classification of the cluster. On the other hand, the number ratio of RR1-to-RR0-type variables is high, though not unprecedented, for an Oosterhoff I cluster. The RR Lyrae variables have no period shifts at a given amplitude compared to the M3 variables, making it unlikely that these variables are He enhanced. Using the recent recalibration of the RR Lyrae luminosity scale by Catelan and Cortés, a mean distance modulus of (m – M) V = 15.57 ± 0.13 mag for NGC 2808 is obtained, in good agreement with that determined here from its type II Cepheid and SX Phoenicis population. Our data have also allowed the discovery of two new candidate SX Phoenicis stars and an eclipsing binary in the blue straggler region of the NGC 2808 color-magnitude diagram.

  14. Variable Selection for Regression Models of Percentile Flows (United States)

    Fouad, G.


    Percentile flows describe the flow magnitude equaled or exceeded for a given percent of time, and are widely used in water resource management. However, these statistics are normally unavailable since most basins are ungauged. Percentile flows of ungauged basins are often predicted using regression models based on readily observable basin characteristics, such as mean elevation. The number of these independent variables is too large to evaluate all possible models. A subset of models is typically evaluated using automatic procedures, like stepwise regression. This ignores a large variety of methods from the field of feature (variable) selection and physical understanding of percentile flows. A study of 918 basins in the United States was conducted to compare an automatic regression procedure to the following variable selection methods: (1) principal component analysis, (2) correlation analysis, (3) random forests, (4) genetic programming, (5) Bayesian networks, and (6) physical understanding. The automatic regression procedure only performed better than principal component analysis. Poor performance of the regression procedure was due to a commonly used filter for multicollinearity, which rejected the strongest models because they had cross-correlated independent variables. Multicollinearity did not decrease model performance in validation because of a representative set of calibration basins. Variable selection methods based strictly on predictive power (numbers 2-5 from above) performed similarly, likely indicating a limit to the predictive power of the variables. Similar performance was also reached using variables selected based on physical understanding, a finding that substantiates recent calls to emphasize physical understanding in modeling for predictions in ungauged basins. The strongest variables highlighted the importance of geology and land cover, whereas widely used topographic variables were the weakest predictors. Variables suffered from a high

  15. Quantum engineering of continuous variable quantum states

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sabuncu, Metin


    Quantum information with continuous variables is a field attracting increasing attention recently. In continuous variable quantum information one makes use of the continuous information encoded into the quadrature of a quantized light field instead of binary quantities such as the polarization state of a single photon. This brand new research area is witnessing exciting theoretical and experimental achievements such as teleportation, quantum computation and quantum error correction. The rapid development of the field is mainly due higher optical data rates and the availability of simple and efficient manipulation tools in continuous-variable quantum information processing. We in this thesis extend the work in continuous variable quantum information processing and report on novel experiments on amplification, cloning, minimal disturbance and noise erasure protocols. The promising results we obtain in these pioneering experiments indicate that the future of continuous variable quantum information is bright and many advances can be foreseen. (orig.)

  16. Quantum engineering of continuous variable quantum states

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sabuncu, Metin


    Quantum information with continuous variables is a field attracting increasing attention recently. In continuous variable quantum information one makes use of the continuous information encoded into the quadrature of a quantized light field instead of binary quantities such as the polarization state of a single photon. This brand new research area is witnessing exciting theoretical and experimental achievements such as teleportation, quantum computation and quantum error correction. The rapid development of the field is mainly due higher optical data rates and the availability of simple and efficient manipulation tools in continuous-variable quantum information processing. We in this thesis extend the work in continuous variable quantum information processing and report on novel experiments on amplification, cloning, minimal disturbance and noise erasure protocols. The promising results we obtain in these pioneering experiments indicate that the future of continuous variable quantum information is bright and many advances can be foreseen. (orig.)

  17. Ordering variable for parton showers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nagy, Zoltan [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany); Soper, Davison E. [Oregon Univ., Eugene, OR (United States). Inst. of Theoretical Science


    The parton splittings in a parton shower are ordered according to an ordering variable, for example the transverse momentum of the daughter partons relative to the direction of the mother, the virtuality of the splitting, or the angle between the daughter partons. We analyze the choice of the ordering variable and conclude that one particular choice has the advantage of factoring softer splittings from harder splittings graph by graph in a physical gauge.

  18. Ordering variable for parton showers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nagy, Zoltán [DESY,Notkestrasse 85, 22607 Hamburg (Germany); Soper, Davison E. [Institute of Theoretical Science, University of Oregon,Eugene, OR 97403-5203 (United States)


    The parton splittings in a parton shower are ordered according to an ordering variable, for example the transverse momentum of the daughter partons relative to the direction of the mother, the virtuality of the splitting, or the angle between the daughter partons. We analyze the choice of the ordering variable and conclude that one particular choice has the advantage of factoring softer splittings from harder splittings graph by graph in a physical gauge.

  19. Ordering variable for parton showers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagy, Zoltan; Soper, Davison E.


    The parton splittings in a parton shower are ordered according to an ordering variable, for example the transverse momentum of the daughter partons relative to the direction of the mother, the virtuality of the splitting, or the angle between the daughter partons. We analyze the choice of the ordering variable and conclude that one particular choice has the advantage of factoring softer splittings from harder splittings graph by graph in a physical gauge.

  20. Gaia DR2 documentation Chapter 7: Variability (United States)

    Eyer, L.; Guy, L.; Distefano, E.; Clementini, G.; Mowlavi, N.; Rimoldini, L.; Roelens, M.; Audard, M.; Holl, B.; Lanzafame, A.; Lebzelter, T.; Lecoeur-Taïbi, I.; Molnár, L.; Ripepi, V.; Sarro, L.; Jevardat de Fombelle, G.; Nienartowicz, K.; De Ridder, J.; Juhász, Á.; Molinaro, R.; Plachy, E.; Regibo, S.


    This chapter of the Gaia DR2 documentation describes the models and methods used on the 22 months of data to produce the Gaia variable star results for Gaia DR2. The variability processing and analysis was based mostly on the calibrated G and integrated BP and RP photometry. The variability analysis approach to the Gaia data has been described in Eyer et al. (2017), and the Gaia DR2 results are presented in Holl et al. (2018). Detailed methods on specific topics will be published in a number of separate articles. Variability behaviour in the colour magnitude diagram is presented in Gaia Collaboration et al. (2018c).

  1. Quantification of variability in bedform geometry

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Mark, C.F.; Blom, Astrid; Hulscher, Suzanne J.M.H.


    We analyze the variability in bedform geometry in laboratory and field studies. Even under controlled steady flow conditions in laboratory flumes, bedforms are irregular in size, shape, and spacing, also in case of well-sorted sediment. Our purpose is to quantify the variability in bedform geometry.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Santiago Nieto Martín


    Full Text Available El presente artículo trata de analizar y reflexionar comparativamente acerca del rendimiento académico de los alumnos de los países del mundo que aglutinan el mayor porcentaje de riqueza de la economía mundial a través de los resultados obtenidos y reflejados en los Informes PISA. En el estudio llevado a cabo, planteamos tres macro conjeturas o suposiciones que formulamos y contrastamos a modo de hipótesis; la primera, vinculada a la incidencia de variables macroeconómicas y socioeconómicas en el rendimiento de cada una de las pruebas; la segunda, centrada en la estructura del sistema educativo de cada país: sistema estructurado versus sistema diferenciado; y una tercera suposición relacionada con el denominado Estado de bienestar, modelos y su posible repercusión¿ con el fin de comprobar e informar sobre la importancia que pudieran tener en el rendimiento académico de los alumnos de cada país lo que denominamos efectos económico, escolar y social.

  3. Cryotherapy, Sensation, and Isometric-Force Variability (United States)

    Denegar, Craig R.; Buckley, William E.; Newell, Karl M.


    Objective: To determine the changes in sensation of pressure, 2-point discrimination, and submaximal isometric-force production variability due to cryotherapy. Design and Setting: Sensation was assessed using a 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 repeated-measures factorial design, with treatment (ice immersion or control), limb (right or left), digit (finger or thumb), and sensation test time (baseline, posttreatment, or postisometric-force trials) as independent variables. Dependent variables were changes in sensation of pressure and 2-point discrimination. Isometric-force variability was tested with a 2 × 2 × 3 repeated-measures factorial design. Treatment condition (ice immersion or control), limb (right or left), and percentage (10, 25, or 40) of maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) were the independent variables. The dependent variables were the precision or variability (the standard deviation of mean isometric force) and the accuracy or targeting error (the root mean square error) of the isometric force for each percentage of MVIC. Subjects: Fifteen volunteer college students (8 men, 7 women; age = 22 ± 3 years; mass = 72 ± 21.9 kg; height = 183.4 ± 11.6 cm). Measurements: We measured sensation in the distal palmar aspect of the index finger and thumb. Sensation of pressure and 2-point discrimination were measured before treatment (baseline), after treatment (15 minutes of ice immersion or control), and at the completion of isometric testing (final). Variability (standard deviation of mean isometric force) of the submaximal isometric finger forces was measured by having the subjects exert a pinching force with the thumb and index finger for 30 seconds. Subjects performed the pinching task at the 3 submaximal levels of MVIC (10%, 25%, and 40%), with the order of trials assigned randomly. The subjects were given a target representing the submaximal percentage of MVIC and visual feedback of the force produced as they pinched the testing device. The force exerted

  4. Cuerpos que narran: la práctica del tatuaje y el proceso de subjetivación

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Asceneth Sastre Cifuentes


    la percepción del cuerpo, el cuidado de sí y el sentido de sí mismos que construyen personas vinculadas a diferentes prácticas corporales. Los autores se aproximan a una comprensión de la forma en que los sujetos construyen su "sí mismo" desde sus prácticas corporales, en este caso, específicamente del tatuaje.

  5. Derecho y Sociedad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Reseña de actividades desarrolladas por la Asociación Civil Derecho y Sociedad, a lo largo de su permanencia-dentro de la Facultad de Derecho de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú vinculadas a la sociedad en general, algunas ligadas al campo jurídico, mientras que otras tuvieron un sentido altruista.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bauer, Anne; Baltay, Charles; Coppi, Paolo; Ellman, Nancy; Jerke, Jonathan; Rabinowitz, David; Scalzo, Richard


    We study the ensemble optical variability of 276 flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) and 86 BL Lacs in the Palomar-QUEST Survey with the goal of searching for common fluctuation properties, examining the range of behavior across the sample, and characterizing the appearance of blazars in such a survey so that future work can more easily identify such objects. The survey, which covers 15,000 deg 2 multiple times over 3.5 years, allows for the first ensemble blazar study of this scale. Variability amplitude distributions are shown for the FSRQ and BL Lac samples for numerous time lags, and also studied through structure function analyses. Individual blazars show a wide range of variability amplitudes, timescales, and duty cycles. Of the best-sampled objects, 35% are seen to vary by more than 0.4 mag; for these, the fraction of measurements contributing to the high-amplitude variability ranges constantly from about 5% to 80%. Blazar variability has some similarities to that of type I quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) but includes larger amplitude fluctuations on all timescales. FSRQ variability amplitudes are particularly similar to those of QSOs on timescales of several months, suggesting significant contributions from the accretion disk to the variable flux at these timescales. Optical variability amplitudes are correlated with the maximum apparent velocities of the radio jet for the subset of FSRQs with MOJAVE Very Long Baseline Array measurements, implying that the optically variable flux's strength is typically related to that of the radio emission. We also study CRATES radio-selected FSRQ candidates, which show similar variability characteristics to known FSRQs; this suggests a high purity for the CRATES sample.

  7. Reinforcement and Induction of Operant Variability (United States)

    Neuringer, Allen


    The target paper by Barba (2012) raises issues that were the focus of the author's first two publications on operant variability. The author will describe the main findings in those papers and then discuss Barba's specific arguments. Barba has argued against the operant nature of variability. (Contains 2 figures.)

  8. Ecosystem variability in west Greenland waters

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buch, E.; Pedersen, Søren Anker; Ribergaard, M. H.


    A review of the climate conditions off West Greenland during the past 50 years shows large variability in the atmospheric, oceanographic and sea-ice variables, as well as in fish stocks. A positive relationship is found between water temperature and the recruitment of cod and redfish, whereas the...

  9. Environmental variables, pesticide pollution and meiofaunal ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Due to the much smaller catchment of the Rooiels Estuary, many environmental variables were significantly different (p< 0.001) from the variables in the Lourens Estuary, e.g. salinity, temperature, pH, total suspended solids, nitrate and depth. No pesticide concentrations were expected in the Rooiels Estuary due

  10. Progress with variable cycle engines (United States)

    Westmoreland, J. S.


    The evaluation of components of an advanced propulsion system for a future supersonic cruise vehicle is discussed. These components, a high performance duct burner for thrust augmentation and a low jet noise coannular exhaust nozzle, are part of the variable stream control engine. An experimental test program involving both isolated component and complete engine tests was conducted for the high performance, low emissions duct burner with excellent results. Nozzle model tests were completed which substantiate the inherent jet noise benefit associated with the unique velocity profile possible of a coannular exhaust nozzle system on a variable stream control engine. Additional nozzle model performance tests have established high thrust efficiency levels at takeoff and supersonic cruise for this nozzle system. Large scale testing of these two critical components is conducted using an F100 engine as the testbed for simulating the variable stream control engine.

  11. [Blood pressure variability: clinical interest or simple curiosity?]. (United States)

    Ciaroni, Stefano


    Blood pressure variability is a physiological phenomenon influenced by many internal and external factors. This variability could be also influenced by pathological conditions such as arterial hypertension. Two forms must be mainly distinguished: the blood pressure variability at long and short-term. The latter could only be studied by continuous recordings. In this article will be analysed the interest of measuring blood pressure variability, its cardiovascular prognosis and the therapeutic tools when it is increased.

  12. Compressing the hidden variable space of a qubit


    Montina, Alberto


    In previously exhibited hidden variable models of quantum state preparation and measurement, the number of continuous hidden variables describing the actual state of a single realization is never smaller than the quantum state manifold dimension. We introduce a simple model for a qubit whose hidden variable space is one-dimensional, i.e., smaller than the two-dimensional Bloch sphere. The hidden variable probability distributions associated with the quantum states satisfy reasonable criteria ...

  13. Student understanding of control of variables: Deciding whether or not a variable influences the behavior of a system (United States)

    Boudreaux, Andrew; Shaffer, Peter S.; Heron, Paula R. L.; McDermott, Lillian C.


    The ability of adult students to reason on the basis of the control of variables was the subject of an extended investigation. This paper describes the part of the study that focused on the reasoning required to decide whether or not a given variable influences the behavior of a system. The participants were undergraduates taking introductory Physics and K-8 teachers studying physics and physical science in inservice institutes and workshops. Although most of the students recognized the need to control variables, many had significant difficulty with the underlying reasoning. The results indicate serious shortcomings in the preparation of future scientists and in the education of a scientifically literate citizenry. There are also strong implications for the professional development of teachers, many of whom are expected to teach control of variables to young students.

  14. Variable orifice using an iris shutter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beeman, R.; Brajkovich, S.J.


    A variable orifice forming mechanism is described that utilizes shutter arrangement adapted to control gas flow, conductance in vacuum systems, as a heat shield for furnace windows, as a beam shutter in sputtering operations, and in any other application requiring periodic or continuously-variable control of material, gas, or fluid flow

  15. Long-Term Variability of Surface Albedo and Its Correlation with Climatic Variables over Antarctica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Minji Seo


    Full Text Available The cryosphere is an essential part of the earth system for understanding climate change. Components of the cryosphere, such as ice sheets and sea ice, are generally decreasing over time. However, previous studies have indicated differing trends between the Antarctic and the Arctic. The South Pole also shows internal differences in trends. These phenomena indicate the importance of continuous observation of the Polar Regions. Albedo is a main indicator for analyzing Antarctic climate change and is an important variable with regard to the radiation budget because it can provide positive feedback on polar warming and is related to net radiation and atmospheric heating in the mainly snow- and ice-covered Antarctic. Therefore, in this study, we analyzed long-term temporal and spatial variability of albedo and investigated the interrelationships between albedo and climatic variables over Antarctica. We used broadband surface albedo data from the Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring and data for several climatic variables such as temperature and Antarctic oscillation index (AAO during the period of 1983 to 2009. Time series analysis and correlation analysis were performed through linear regression using albedo and climatic variables. The results of this research indicated that albedo shows two trends, west trend and an east trend, over Antarctica. Most of the western side of Antarctica showed a negative trend of albedo (about −0.0007 to −0.0015 year−1, but the other side showed a positive trend (about 0.0006 year−1. In addition, albedo and surface temperature had a negative correlation, but this relationship was weaker in west Antarctica than in east Antarctica. The correlation between albedo and AAO revealed different relationships in the two regions; west Antarctica had a negative correlation and east Antarctica showed a positive correlation. In addition, the correlation between albedo and AAO was weaker in the west. This

  16. Brown Dwarf Variability: What's Varying and Why? (United States)

    Marley, Mark Scott


    Surveys by ground based telescopes, HST, and Spitzer have revealed that brown dwarfs of most spectral classes exhibit variability. The spectral and temporal signatures of the variability are complex and apparently defy simplistic classification which complicates efforts to model the changes. Important questions include understanding if clearings are forming in an otherwise uniform cloud deck or if thermal perturbations, perhaps associated with breaking gravity waves, are responsible. If clouds are responsible how long does it take for the atmospheric thermal profile to relax from a hot cloudy to a cooler cloudless state? If thermal perturbations are responsible then what atmospheric layers are varying? How do the observed variability timescales compare to atmospheric radiative, chemical, and dynamical timescales? I will address such questions by presenting modeling results for time-varying partly cloudy atmospheres and explore the importance of various atmospheric processes over the relevant timescales for brown dwarfs of a range of effective temperatures. Regardless of the origin of the observed variability, the complexity seen in the atmospheres of the field dwarfs hints at the variability that we may encounter in the next few years in directly imaged young Jupiters. Thus understanding the nature of variability in the field dwarfs, including sensitivity to gravity and metallicity, is of particular importance for exoplanet characterization.

  17. Continuous-Variable Entanglement Swapping

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kevin Marshall


    Full Text Available We present a very brief overview of entanglement swapping as it relates to continuous-variable quantum information. The technical background required is discussed and the natural link to quantum teleportation is established before discussing the nature of Gaussian entanglement swapping. The limitations of Gaussian swapping are introduced, along with the general applications of swapping in the context of to quantum communication and entanglement distribution. In light of this, we briefly summarize a collection of entanglement swapping schemes which incorporate a non-Gaussian ingredient and the benefits of such schemes are noted. Finally, we motivate the need to further study and develop such schemes by highlighting requirements of a continuous-variable repeater.

  18. Probability densities and the radon variable transformation theorem

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramshaw, J.D.


    D. T. Gillespie recently derived a random variable transformation theorem relating to the joint probability densities of functionally dependent sets of random variables. The present author points out that the theorem can be derived as an immediate corollary of a simpler and more fundamental relation. In this relation the probability density is represented as a delta function averaged over an unspecified distribution of unspecified internal random variables. The random variable transformation is derived from this relation

  19. Constraint-Led Changes in Internal Variability in Running


    Haudum, Anita; Birklbauer, Jürgen; Kröll, Josef; Müller, Erich


    We investigated the effect of a one-time application of elastic constraints on movement-inherent variability during treadmill running. Eleven males ran two 35-min intervals while surface EMG was measured. In one of two 35-min intervals, after 10 min of running without tubes, elastic tubes (between hip and heels) were attached, followed by another 5 min of running without tubes. To assess variability, stride-to-stride iEMG variability was calculated. Significant increases in variability (36 % ...

  20. Effects of practice variability on unimanual arm rotation. (United States)

    James, Eric G; Conatser, Phillip


    High variability practice has been found to lead to a higher rate of motor learning than low variability practice in sports tasks. The authors compared the effects of low and high levels of practice variability on a simple unimanual arm rotation task. Participants performed rhythmic unimanual internal-external arm rotation as smoothly as possible before and after 2 weeks of low (LV) or high (HV) variability practice and after a 2-week retention interval. Compared to the pretest, the HV group significantly decreased hand, radioulnar, and shoulder rotation jerk on the retention test and shoulder jerk on the posttest. After training the LV group had lower radioulnar and shoulder jerk on the posttest but not the retention test. The results supported the hypothesis that high variability practice would lead to greater learning and reminiscence than low variability practice and the theoretical prediction of a bifurcation in the motor learning dynamics.

  1. The effect of virtual reality on gait variability. (United States)

    Katsavelis, Dimitrios; Mukherjee, Mukul; Decker, Leslie; Stergiou, Nicholas


    Optic Flow (OF) plays an important role in human locomotion and manipulation of OF characteristics can cause changes in locomotion patterns. The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of the velocity of optic flow on the amount and structure of gait variability. Each subject underwent four conditions of treadmill walking at their self-selected pace. In three conditions the subjects walked in an endless virtual corridor, while a fourth control condition was also included. The three virtual conditions differed in the speed of the optic flow displayed as follows--same speed (OFn), faster (OFf), and slower (OFs) than that of the treadmill. Gait kinematics were tracked with an optical motion capture system. Gait variability measures of the hip, knee and ankle range of motion and stride interval were analyzed. Amount of variability was evaluated with linear measures of variability--coefficient of variation, while structure of variability i.e., its organization over time, were measured with nonlinear measures--approximate entropy and detrended fluctuation analysis. The linear measures of variability, CV, did not show significant differences between Non-VR and VR conditions while nonlinear measures of variability identified significant differences at the hip, ankle, and in stride interval. In response to manipulation of the optic flow, significant differences were observed between the three virtual conditions in the following order: OFn greater than OFf greater than OFs. Measures of structure of variability are more sensitive to changes in gait due to manipulation of visual cues, whereas measures of the amount of variability may be concealed by adaptive mechanisms. Visual cues increase the complexity of gait variability and may increase the degrees of freedom available to the subject. Further exploration of the effects of optic flow manipulation on locomotion may provide us with an effective tool for rehabilitation of subjects with sensorimotor issues.

  2. Relación entre educación e ingresos en las regiones geográficas de Argentina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gabriela Liliana GALASSI


    Full Text Available Como propone la teoría del capital humano, la educación es uno de los principales determinantes de los ingresos de los individuos. Además, es importante controlar las características socioeconómicas y demográfi cas, porque la calidad de vida y los hábitos afectan el modo de inserción en el mercado laboral y, en consecuencia, los ingresos. En este trabajo se indaga la relación empírica entre el ingreso y la educación recibida, para los trabajadores de las seis regiones de Argentina para el año 2010, empleando los datos de la Encuesta Permanente de Hogares. Se emplea la conocida especifi cación de la Ecuación de Mincer, incorporando dos refi namientos: la corrección de Heckman por sesgo de selección, y la introducción de una serie de variables socioeconómicas y demográfi cas mutuamente correlacionadas en el modelo.

  3. Photometric Variability of the Be Star Population

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Labadie-Bartz, Jonathan; Pepper, Joshua; McSwain, M. Virginia; Bjorkman, J. E.; Bjorkman, K. S.; Lund, Michael B.; Rodriguez, Joseph E.; Stassun, Keivan G.; Stevens, Daniel J.; James, David J.; Kuhn, Rudolf B.; Siverd, Robert J.; Beatty, Thomas G.


    Be stars have generally been characterized by the emission lines in their spectra, and especially the time variability of those spectroscopic features. They are known to also exhibit photometric variability at multiple timescales, but have not been broadly compared and analyzed by that behavior. We have taken advantage of the advent of wide-field, long-baseline, and high-cadence photometric surveys that search for transiting exoplanets to perform a comprehensive analysis of brightness variations among a large number of known Be stars. The photometric data comes from the KELT transit survey, with a typical cadence of 30 minutes, a baseline of up to 10 years, photometric precision of about 1%, and coverage of about 60% of the sky. We analyze KELT light curves of 610 known Be stars in both the northern and southern hemispheres in an effort to study their variability. Consistent with other studies of Be star variability, we find most of the stars to be photometrically variable. We derive lower limits on the fraction of stars in our sample that exhibit features consistent with non-radial pulsations (25%), outbursts (36%), and long-term trends in the circumstellar disk (37%), and show how these are correlated with spectral sub-types. Other types of variability, such as those owing to binarity, are also explored. Simultaneous spectroscopy for some of these systems from the Be Star Spectra database allow us to better understand the physical causes for the observed variability, especially in cases of outbursts and changes in the disk.

  4. Photometric Variability of the Be Star Population

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Labadie-Bartz, Jonathan; Pepper, Joshua; McSwain, M. Virginia [Department of Physics, Lehigh University, 16 Memorial Drive East, Bethlehem, PA 18015 (United States); Bjorkman, J. E.; Bjorkman, K. S. [Ritter Observatory, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Toledo, 2801 W. Bancroft, Toledo, OH 43606-3390 (United States); Lund, Michael B.; Rodriguez, Joseph E.; Stassun, Keivan G. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37235 (United States); Stevens, Daniel J. [Department of Astronomy, The Ohio State University, 140 W. 18th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210 (United States); James, David J. [Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, Casilla 603 La Serena (Chile); Kuhn, Rudolf B. [Southern African Large Telescope, P.O. Box 9, Observatory 7935, Cape Town (South Africa); Siverd, Robert J. [Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network, 6740 Cortona Drive, Suite 102, Santa Barbara, CA 93117 (United States); Beatty, Thomas G. [Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, The Pennsylvania State University, 525 Davey Lab, University Park, PA 16802 (United States)


    Be stars have generally been characterized by the emission lines in their spectra, and especially the time variability of those spectroscopic features. They are known to also exhibit photometric variability at multiple timescales, but have not been broadly compared and analyzed by that behavior. We have taken advantage of the advent of wide-field, long-baseline, and high-cadence photometric surveys that search for transiting exoplanets to perform a comprehensive analysis of brightness variations among a large number of known Be stars. The photometric data comes from the KELT transit survey, with a typical cadence of 30 minutes, a baseline of up to 10 years, photometric precision of about 1%, and coverage of about 60% of the sky. We analyze KELT light curves of 610 known Be stars in both the northern and southern hemispheres in an effort to study their variability. Consistent with other studies of Be star variability, we find most of the stars to be photometrically variable. We derive lower limits on the fraction of stars in our sample that exhibit features consistent with non-radial pulsations (25%), outbursts (36%), and long-term trends in the circumstellar disk (37%), and show how these are correlated with spectral sub-types. Other types of variability, such as those owing to binarity, are also explored. Simultaneous spectroscopy for some of these systems from the Be Star Spectra database allow us to better understand the physical causes for the observed variability, especially in cases of outbursts and changes in the disk.

  5. Investigating Reliabilities of Intraindividual Variability Indicators (United States)

    Wang, Lijuan; Grimm, Kevin J.


    Reliabilities of the two most widely used intraindividual variability indicators, "ISD[superscript 2]" and "ISD", are derived analytically. Both are functions of the sizes of the first and second moments of true intraindividual variability, the size of the measurement error variance, and the number of assessments within a burst. For comparison,…

  6. Continuous Variable Quantum Communication and Computation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Ulrik Lund; Dong, Ruifang; Jezek, Miroslav


    We use squeezed states of light to implement a robust continuous variable quantum key distribution scheme and an optical Hadamard gate based on coherent state qubits.......We use squeezed states of light to implement a robust continuous variable quantum key distribution scheme and an optical Hadamard gate based on coherent state qubits....

  7. Articulatory variability in cluttering. (United States)

    Hartinger, Mariam; Mooshammer, Christine


    In order to investigate the articulatory processes of the hasty and mumbled speech in cluttering, the kinematic variability was analysed by means of electromagnetic midsagittal articulography. In contrast to persons with stuttering, those with cluttering improve their intelligibility by concentrating on their speech task. Variability has always been an important criterion in comparable studies of stuttering and is discussed in terms of the stability of the speech motor system. The aim of the current study was to analyse the spatial and temporal variability in the speech of three persons with cluttering (PWC) and three control speakers. All participants were native speakers of German. The speech material consisted of repetitive CV syllables and loan words such as 'emotionalisieren', because PWC have the severest problems with long words with a complex syllable structure. The results showed a significantly higher coefficient of variation for PWC in loan word production, both in the temporal and in the spatial domain, whereas the means of displacements and durations did not differ between groups. These findings were discussed in terms of the effects of the linguistic complexity, since for the syllable repetition task, no significant differences between PWC and controls were found. Copyright 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  8. Statistical Dependence of Pipe Breaks on Explanatory Variables

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patricia Gómez-Martínez


    Full Text Available Aging infrastructure is the main challenge currently faced by water suppliers. Estimation of assets lifetime requires reliable criteria to plan assets repair and renewal strategies. To do so, pipe break prediction is one of the most important inputs. This paper analyzes the statistical dependence of pipe breaks on explanatory variables, determining their optimal combination and quantifying their influence on failure prediction accuracy. A large set of registered data from Madrid water supply network, managed by Canal de Isabel II, has been filtered, classified and studied. Several statistical Bayesian models have been built and validated from the available information with a technique that combines reference periods of time as well as geographical location. Statistical models of increasing complexity are built from zero up to five explanatory variables following two approaches: a set of independent variables or a combination of two joint variables plus an additional number of independent variables. With the aim of finding the variable combination that provides the most accurate prediction, models are compared following an objective validation procedure based on the model skill to predict the number of pipe breaks in a large set of geographical locations. As expected, model performance improves as the number of explanatory variables increases. However, the rate of improvement is not constant. Performance metrics improve significantly up to three variables, but the tendency is softened for higher order models, especially in trunk mains where performance is reduced. Slight differences are found between trunk mains and distribution lines when selecting the most influent variables and models.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Virginia Tejada Medina


    Full Text Available El entrenador/a es un elemento importante a considerar en el entrenamiento deportivo. Las conductas, comportamientos y actitudes que desarrolla durante el entrenamiento, así como los conocimientos y creencias que posee acerca de una modalidad deportiva pueden y deben ser analizados, con la intención de mejorar la formación general de los entrenadores y su competencia didáctica durante el desarrollo de las sesiones de entrenamiento. El objeto de estudio de esta inve.stigación se centra en el análisis del conocimiento y aplicación del feedback de los entrenadores de tenis durante las sesiones de entrenamiento, atendiendo a las experiencias y creencias que poseen sobre la enseñanza de este deporte y a las diferencias en cuanto a su formación inicial. En dicha investigación han participado un total de 1 O entrenadores de tenis (6 que fueron jugadores profesionales y 4 que no lo fueron. Para la recogida de datos se utilizó un cuestionario que se pasó a todos los participantes, empleando para el tratamiento de los datos el paquete estadístico "SPSS 1 0.0", mediante el cual se efectuó un análisis estadístico descriptivo y una comparación intergrupos. Por otro lado se llevaron a cabo dos entrevistas a un representante de cada grupo de estudio, realizando el proceso de análisis de las mismas a través de un análisis del contenido tomando como referencia la estructura del cuestionario.

  10. Compact Spectrometers Based on Linear Variable Filters (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — Demonstrate a linear-variable spectrometer with an H2RG array. Linear Variable Filter (LVF) spectrometers provide attractive resource benefits – high optical...

  11. Predictive Variable Gain Iterative Learning Control for PMSM

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Huimin Xu


    Full Text Available A predictive variable gain strategy in iterative learning control (ILC is introduced. Predictive variable gain iterative learning control is constructed to improve the performance of trajectory tracking. A scheme based on predictive variable gain iterative learning control for eliminating undesirable vibrations of PMSM system is proposed. The basic idea is that undesirable vibrations of PMSM system are eliminated from two aspects of iterative domain and time domain. The predictive method is utilized to determine the learning gain in the ILC algorithm. Compression mapping principle is used to prove the convergence of the algorithm. Simulation results demonstrate that the predictive variable gain is superior to constant gain and other variable gains.

  12. Perspectives for short timescale variability studies with Gaia (United States)

    Roelens, M.; Eyer, L.; Mowlavi, N.; Lecoeur-Taïbi, I.; Rimoldini, L.; Blanco-Cuaresma, S.; Palaversa, L.; Süveges, M.; Charnas, J.; Wevers, T.


    We assess the potential of Gaia for detecting and characterizing short timescale variables, i.e. at timescale from a few seconds to a dozen hours, through extensive light-curve simulations for various short timescale variable types, including both periodic and non-periodic variability. We evidence that the variogram analysis applied to Gaia photometry should enable to detect such fast variability phenomena, down to amplitudes of a few millimagnitudes, with limited contamination from longer timescale variables or constant sources. This approach also gives valuable information on the typical timescale(s) of the considered variation, which could complement results of classical period search methods, and help prepare ground-based follow-up of the Gaia short timescale candidates.

  13. Associations between bolus infusion of hydrocortisone, glycemic variability and insulin infusion rate variability in critically Ill patients under moderate glycemic control

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Hooijdonk, Roosmarijn T. M.; Binnekade, Jan M.; Bos, Lieuwe D. J.; Horn, Janneke; Juffermans, Nicole P.; Abu-Hanna, Ameen; Schultz, Marcus J.


    We retrospectively studied associations between bolus infusion of hydrocortisone and variability of the blood glucose level and changes in insulin rates in intensive care unit (ICU) patients. 'Glycemic variability' and 'insulin infusion rate variability' were calculated from and expressed as the

  14. Effects of variable transformations on errors in FORM results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qin Quan; Lin Daojin; Mei Gang; Chen Hao


    On the basis of studies on second partial derivatives of the variable transformation functions for nine different non-normal variables the paper comprehensively discusses the effects of the transformation on FORM results and shows that senses and values of the errors in FORM results depend on distributions of the basic variables, whether resistances or actions basic variables represent, and the design point locations in the standard normal space. The transformations of the exponential or Gamma resistance variables can generate +24% errors in the FORM failure probability, and the transformation of Frechet action variables could generate -31% errors

  15. Extreme Variables in Star Forming Regions (United States)

    Contreras Peña, Carlos Eduardo


    The notion that low- to intermediate-mass young stellar objects (YSOs) gain mass at a constant rate during the early stages of their evolution appears to be challenged by observations of YSOs suffering sudden increases of the rate at which they gain mass from their circumstellar discs. Also, this idea that stars spend most of their lifetime with a low accretion rate and gain most of their final mass during short-lived episodes of high accretion bursts, helps to solve some long-standing problems in stellar evolution. The original classification of eruptive variables divides them in two separate subclasses known as FU Orionis stars (FUors) and EX Lupi stars (EXors). In this classical view FUors are at an early evolutionary stage and are still gaining mass from their parent envelopes, whilst EXors are thought to be older objects only surrounded by an accretion disc. The problem with this classical view is that it excludes younger protostars which have higher accretion rates but are too deeply embedded in circumstellar matter to be observed at optical wavelengths. Optically invisible protostars have been observed to display large variability in the near-infrared. These and some recent discoveries of new eruptive variables, show characteristics that can be attributed to both of the optically-defined subclasses of eruptive variables. The new objects have been proposed to be part of a new class of eruptive variables. However, a more accepted scenario is that in fact the original classes only represent two extremes of the same phenomena. In this sense eruptive variability could be explained as arising from one physical mechanism, i.e. unsteady accretion, where a variation in the parameters of such mechanism can cause the different characteristics observed in the members of this class. With the aim of studying the incidence of episodic accretion among young stellar objects, and to characterize the nature of these eruptive variables we searched for high amplitude variability

  16. Variable delay generator, type GRV 1; Generateur de retards variables, type GRV 1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Caillet, C.; Chaigne, M.; Janot, P. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    This apparatus has been designed mainly for simulating the passage of a fluid circulating inside a pipe. It is assumed that no heat exchange occurs during the passage so that the temperature of the fluid is the same at the entry and at the exit. A consequence of this is that the apparatus memorizes the value of the temperature on entry and reproduces it again at the end of the passage. The memorizing is effected by means of condensers which are charged at a given moment and whose voltage across the terminals is read after a time which is proportional to the variable flow of the fluid. The object is therefore to delay a given value, whence the name of variable delay generator. In its present form the apparatus can produce delays of from 1,4 seconds to 3000 seconds and more. (authors) [French] Cet appareil a ete concu principalement pour simuler la duree de trajet d'un fluide circulant a l'interieur d'une tuyauterie. On admet qu'il n'y a aucun echange de chaleur durant le trajet de sorte que la temperature du fluide a la sortie est egale a celle qu'il avait a l'entree. Il en resulte que l'appareil met en memoire la valeur de la temperature a l'entree et la restitue a la fin de la duree du trajet. La memoire est realisee par des condensateurs qui sont charges a un instant donne et dont la tension aux bornes est lue apres un temps proportionnel au debit variable du fluide. Tout revient donc a retarder une grandeur, d'ou le nom de generateur de retards variables. Dans sa forme actuelle l'appareil permet d'obtenir des retards allant de 1,4 secondes a 3000 secondes et davantage. (auteurs)

  17. Variable delay generator, type GRV 1; Generateur de retards variables, type GRV 1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Caillet, C; Chaigne, M; Janot, P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    This apparatus has been designed mainly for simulating the passage of a fluid circulating inside a pipe. It is assumed that no heat exchange occurs during the passage so that the temperature of the fluid is the same at the entry and at the exit. A consequence of this is that the apparatus memorizes the value of the temperature on entry and reproduces it again at the end of the passage. The memorizing is effected by means of condensers which are charged at a given moment and whose voltage across the terminals is read after a time which is proportional to the variable flow of the fluid. The object is therefore to delay a given value, whence the name of variable delay generator. In its present form the apparatus can produce delays of from 1,4 seconds to 3000 seconds and more. (authors) [French] Cet appareil a ete concu principalement pour simuler la duree de trajet d'un fluide circulant a l'interieur d'une tuyauterie. On admet qu'il n'y a aucun echange de chaleur durant le trajet de sorte que la temperature du fluide a la sortie est egale a celle qu'il avait a l'entree. Il en resulte que l'appareil met en memoire la valeur de la temperature a l'entree et la restitue a la fin de la duree du trajet. La memoire est realisee par des condensateurs qui sont charges a un instant donne et dont la tension aux bornes est lue apres un temps proportionnel au debit variable du fluide. Tout revient donc a retarder une grandeur, d'ou le nom de generateur de retards variables. Dans sa forme actuelle l'appareil permet d'obtenir des retards allant de 1,4 secondes a 3000 secondes et davantage. (auteurs)

  18. Two Cepheid variables in the Fornax dwarf galaxy (United States)

    Light, R. M.; Armandroff, T. E.; Zinn, R.


    Two fields surrounding globular clusters 2 and 3 in the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy have been searched for short-period variable stars that are brighter than the horizontal branch. This survey confirmed as variable the two suspected suprahorizontal-branch variables discovered by Buonanno et al. (1985) in their photometry of the clusters. The observations show that the star in cluster 2 is a W Virginis variable of 14.4 day period. It is the first W Vir variable to be found in a dwarf spheroidal galaxy, and its proximity to the center of cluster 2 suggests that it is a cluster member. The other star appears to be an anomalous Cephpeid of 0.78 day period. It lies outside or very near the boundary of cluster 3, and is therefore probably a member of the field population of Fornax. Although no other suprahorizontal-branch variables were discovered in the survey, it did confirm as variable two of the RR Lyrae candidates of Buonanno et al., which appeared at the survey limit. The implications of these observations for the understanding of the stellar content at Fornax are discussed.

  19. Automatic creation of LabVIEW network shared variables

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kluge, T.; Schroeder, H.


    We are in the process of preparing the LabVIEW controlled system components of our Solid State Direct Drive experiments for the integration into a Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) or distributed control system. The predetermined route to this is the generation of LabVIEW network shared variables that can easily be exported by LabVIEW to the SCADA system using OLE for Process Control (OPC) or other means. Many repetitive tasks are associated with the creation of the shared variables and the required code. We are introducing an efficient and inexpensive procedure that automatically creates shared variable libraries and sets default values for the shared variables. Furthermore, LabVIEW controls are created that are used for managing the connection to the shared variable inside the LabVIEW code operating on the shared variables. The procedure takes as input an XML spread-sheet defining the required input. The procedure utilizes XSLT and LabVIEW scripting. In a later state of the project the code generation can be expanded to also create code and configuration files that will become necessary in order to access the shared variables from the SCADA system of choice. (authors)

  20. Variability of BL Lacertae type object

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cayatte, V


    This object is among the brightest and the most violently variable of this galaxy class with active nuclei. It has been studied in many wavelength domains and in polarimetry. Some important results are reported here and more particularly on its variability. These observations bring some elements for a better knowledge of the inner source.

  1. Valoraciones ácido-base. Valoración de hidrogenocarbonato en una muestra de agua. Problema interactivo.


    Milla González, Miguel


    En este ejercicio se determina el contenido en hidrogenocarbonato (bicarbonato) en una muestra de agua mediante una volumetría ácido-base empleando HCl como valorante y naranja de metilo como indicador. Se expresa la concentración final en moles/ litro de hidrogenocarbonato y en miligramos litro de esta especie. Se concluye con algunos ejercicios de autoevaluación.

  2. Variable screening and ranking using sampling-based sensitivity measures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu, Y-T.; Mohanty, Sitakanta


    This paper presents a methodology for screening insignificant random variables and ranking significant important random variables using sensitivity measures including two cumulative distribution function (CDF)-based and two mean-response based measures. The methodology features (1) using random samples to compute sensitivities and (2) using acceptance limits, derived from the test-of-hypothesis, to classify significant and insignificant random variables. Because no approximation is needed in either the form of the performance functions or the type of continuous distribution functions representing input variables, the sampling-based approach can handle highly nonlinear functions with non-normal variables. The main characteristics and effectiveness of the sampling-based sensitivity measures are investigated using both simple and complex examples. Because the number of samples needed does not depend on the number of variables, the methodology appears to be particularly suitable for problems with large, complex models that have large numbers of random variables but relatively few numbers of significant random variables

  3. Variable selection in Logistic regression model with genetic algorithm. (United States)

    Zhang, Zhongheng; Trevino, Victor; Hoseini, Sayed Shahabuddin; Belciug, Smaranda; Boopathi, Arumugam Manivanna; Zhang, Ping; Gorunescu, Florin; Subha, Velappan; Dai, Songshi


    Variable or feature selection is one of the most important steps in model specification. Especially in the case of medical-decision making, the direct use of a medical database, without a previous analysis and preprocessing step, is often counterproductive. In this way, the variable selection represents the method of choosing the most relevant attributes from the database in order to build a robust learning models and, thus, to improve the performance of the models used in the decision process. In biomedical research, the purpose of variable selection is to select clinically important and statistically significant variables, while excluding unrelated or noise variables. A variety of methods exist for variable selection, but none of them is without limitations. For example, the stepwise approach, which is highly used, adds the best variable in each cycle generally producing an acceptable set of variables. Nevertheless, it is limited by the fact that it commonly trapped in local optima. The best subset approach can systematically search the entire covariate pattern space, but the solution pool can be extremely large with tens to hundreds of variables, which is the case in nowadays clinical data. Genetic algorithms (GA) are heuristic optimization approaches and can be used for variable selection in multivariable regression models. This tutorial paper aims to provide a step-by-step approach to the use of GA in variable selection. The R code provided in the text can be extended and adapted to other data analysis needs.

  4. Exchange rate variability, market activity and heterogeneity


    Rime, Dagfinn; Sucarrat, Genaro


    We study the role played by geographic and bank-size heterogeneity in the relation between exchange rate variability and market activity. We find some support for the hypothesis that increases in short-term global interbank market activity, which can be interpreted as due to variation in information arrival, increase variability. However, our results do not suggest that local short-term activity increases variability. With respect to long-term market activity, which can be interpreted as a me...

  5. Ratio index variables or ANCOVA? Fisher's cats revisited. (United States)

    Tu, Yu-Kang; Law, Graham R; Ellison, George T H; Gilthorpe, Mark S


    Over 60 years ago Ronald Fisher demonstrated a number of potential pitfalls with statistical analyses using ratio variables. Nonetheless, these pitfalls are largely overlooked in contemporary clinical and epidemiological research, which routinely uses ratio variables in statistical analyses. This article aims to demonstrate how very different findings can be generated as a result of less than perfect correlations among the data used to generate ratio variables. These imperfect correlations result from measurement error and random biological variation. While the former can often be reduced by improvements in measurement, random biological variation is difficult to estimate and eliminate in observational studies. Moreover, wherever the underlying biological relationships among epidemiological variables are unclear, and hence the choice of statistical model is also unclear, the different findings generated by different analytical strategies can lead to contradictory conclusions. Caution is therefore required when interpreting analyses of ratio variables whenever the underlying biological relationships among the variables involved are unspecified or unclear. (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  6. Variable speed generators

    CERN Document Server

    Boldea, Ion


    With the deregulation of electrical energy production and distribution, says Boldea (Polytechnical Institute, Timisoara, Romania) producers are looking for ways to tailor their electricity for different markets. Variable-speed electric generators are serving that purpose, up to the 400 megavolt ampere unit size, in Japan since 1996 and Germany sinc


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective: To establish whether inter-examiner variability is still a significant factor for the undergraduate orthopaedic clinical ... D. The scores for each student were tabulated and the range, mean, and pass rate determined for each of the examiners. ... has not the heart to reject the man”, consistently gave higher scores (1).

  8. Clinical Implications of Glucose Variability: Chronic Complications of Diabetes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hye Seung Jung


    Full Text Available Glucose variability has been identified as a potential risk factor for diabetic complications; oxidative stress is widely regarded as the mechanism by which glycemic variability induces diabetic complications. However, there remains no generally accepted gold standard for assessing glucose variability. Representative indices for measuring intraday variability include calculation of the standard deviation along with the mean amplitude of glycemic excursions (MAGE. MAGE is used to measure major intraday excursions and is easily measured using continuous glucose monitoring systems. Despite a lack of randomized controlled trials, recent clinical data suggest that long-term glycemic variability, as determined by variability in hemoglobin A1c, may contribute to the development of microvascular complications. Intraday glycemic variability is also suggested to accelerate coronary artery disease in high-risk patients.

  9. Stress-based Variable-inductor for Electronic Ballasts

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zhang, Lihui; Xia, Yongming; Lu, Kaiyuan


    Current-controlled variable inductors adjust the inductance of an alternating current (ac) coil by applying a controlled dc current to saturate the iron cores of the ac coil. The controlled dc current has to be maintained during operation, which results in increased power losses. This paper prese......-based variable inductor concept is validated using a 3-D finite-element analysis. A prototype was manufactured, and the experimental results are presented. A linear relationship between inductance and applied stress can be achieved.......Current-controlled variable inductors adjust the inductance of an alternating current (ac) coil by applying a controlled dc current to saturate the iron cores of the ac coil. The controlled dc current has to be maintained during operation, which results in increased power losses. This paper...... presents a new stress-based variable inductor to control inductance using the inverse magnetostrictive effect of a magnetostrictive material. The stress can be applied by a piezoelectrical material, and thus a voltage-controlled variable inductor can be realized with zero-power consumption. The new stress...

  10. Variables and equations in hybrid systems with structural changes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Beek, van D.A.


    In many models of physical systems, structural changes are common. Such structural changes may cause a variable to change from a differential variable to an algebraic variable, or to a variable that is not defined by an equation at all. Most hybrid modelling languages either restrict the kind of

  11. Common characterization of variability and forecast errors of variable energy sources and their mitigation using reserves in power system integration studies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Menemenlis, N.; Huneault, M. [IREQ, Varennes, QC (Canada); Robitaille, A. [Dir. Plantif. de la Production Eolienne, Montreal, QC (Canada). HQ Production; Holttinen, H. [VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, VTT (Finland)


    This In this paper we define and characterize the two random variables, variability and forecast error, over which uncertainty in power systems operations is characterized and mitigated. We show that the characterization of both these variables can be carried out with the same mathematical tools. Furthermore, this common characterization of random variables lends itself to a common methodology for the calculation of non-contingency reserves required to mitigate their effects. A parallel comparison of these two variables demonstrates similar inherent statistical properties. They depend on imminent conditions, evolve with time and can be asymmetric. Correlation is an important factor when aggregating individual wind farm characteristics in forming the distribution of the total wind generation for imminent conditions. (orig.)

  12. Impact of Reconstruction Algorithms on CT Radiomic Features of Pulmonary Tumors: Analysis of Intra- and Inter-Reader Variability and Inter-Reconstruction Algorithm Variability. (United States)

    Kim, Hyungjin; Park, Chang Min; Lee, Myunghee; Park, Sang Joon; Song, Yong Sub; Lee, Jong Hyuk; Hwang, Eui Jin; Goo, Jin Mo


    To identify the impact of reconstruction algorithms on CT radiomic features of pulmonary tumors and to reveal and compare the intra- and inter-reader and inter-reconstruction algorithm variability of each feature. Forty-two patients (M:F = 19:23; mean age, 60.43±10.56 years) with 42 pulmonary tumors (22.56±8.51mm) underwent contrast-enhanced CT scans, which were reconstructed with filtered back projection and commercial iterative reconstruction algorithm (level 3 and 5). Two readers independently segmented the whole tumor volume. Fifteen radiomic features were extracted and compared among reconstruction algorithms. Intra- and inter-reader variability and inter-reconstruction algorithm variability were calculated using coefficients of variation (CVs) and then compared. Among the 15 features, 5 first-order tumor intensity features and 4 gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM)-based features showed significant differences (palgorithms. As for the variability, effective diameter, sphericity, entropy, and GLCM entropy were the most robust features (CV≤5%). Inter-reader variability was larger than intra-reader or inter-reconstruction algorithm variability in 9 features. However, for entropy, homogeneity, and 4 GLCM-based features, inter-reconstruction algorithm variability was significantly greater than inter-reader variability (palgorithms. Inter-reconstruction algorithm variability was greater than inter-reader variability for entropy, homogeneity, and GLCM-based features.

  13. Bayesian modeling of measurement error in predictor variables

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fox, Gerardus J.A.; Glas, Cornelis A.W.


    It is shown that measurement error in predictor variables can be modeled using item response theory (IRT). The predictor variables, that may be defined at any level of an hierarchical regression model, are treated as latent variables. The normal ogive model is used to describe the relation between

  14. Latent variable models are network models. (United States)

    Molenaar, Peter C M


    Cramer et al. present an original and interesting network perspective on comorbidity and contrast this perspective with a more traditional interpretation of comorbidity in terms of latent variable theory. My commentary focuses on the relationship between the two perspectives; that is, it aims to qualify the presumed contrast between interpretations in terms of networks and latent variables.

  15. Short-timescale variability in cataclysmic binaries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cordova, F.A.; Mason, K.O.


    Rapid variability, including flickering and pulsations, has been detected in cataclysmic binaries at optical and x-ray frequencies. In the case of the novalike variable TT Arietis, simultaneous observations reveal that the x-ray and optical flickering activity is strongly correlated, while short period pulsations are observed that occur at the same frequencies in both wavelength bands

  16. Compressing the hidden variable space of a qubit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Montina, Alberto


    In previously exhibited hidden variable models of quantum state preparation and measurement, the number of continuous hidden variables describing the actual state of single realizations is never smaller than the quantum state manifold dimension. We introduce a simple model for a qubit whose hidden variable space is one-dimensional, i.e., smaller than the two-dimensional Bloch sphere. The hidden variable probability distributions associated with quantum states satisfy reasonable criteria of regularity. Possible generalizations of this shrinking to an N-dimensional Hilbert space are discussed.

  17. Variability in equatorial B0 and B1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adeniyi, J.O.; Radicella, S.M.


    Variability of ionospheric profile parameters B0 and B1, below the F2 peak is investigated for an equatorial station at two levels of solar activities. The whole 24 hours of the day and the four seasons of the year are covered. Absolute and relative variability indices were utilized in the study. Some evidences of correlations of variability index and profiles parameters were observed. Daytime values of relative variability in B1 at solar minimum were found to be greater than those of solar maximum. (author)

  18. Purposeful selection of variables in logistic regression

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Williams David Keith


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The main problem in many model-building situations is to choose from a large set of covariates those that should be included in the "best" model. A decision to keep a variable in the model might be based on the clinical or statistical significance. There are several variable selection algorithms in existence. Those methods are mechanical and as such carry some limitations. Hosmer and Lemeshow describe a purposeful selection of covariates within which an analyst makes a variable selection decision at each step of the modeling process. Methods In this paper we introduce an algorithm which automates that process. We conduct a simulation study to compare the performance of this algorithm with three well documented variable selection procedures in SAS PROC LOGISTIC: FORWARD, BACKWARD, and STEPWISE. Results We show that the advantage of this approach is when the analyst is interested in risk factor modeling and not just prediction. In addition to significant covariates, this variable selection procedure has the capability of retaining important confounding variables, resulting potentially in a slightly richer model. Application of the macro is further illustrated with the Hosmer and Lemeshow Worchester Heart Attack Study (WHAS data. Conclusion If an analyst is in need of an algorithm that will help guide the retention of significant covariates as well as confounding ones they should consider this macro as an alternative tool.

  19. Optical variability of the Seyfert galaxy nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lyutyj, V.M.


    The results of the UBV observations of compact Seyfert galaxies during 1968-78 are given. The full amplitude ΔB approximately 2sup(m) of the variability of the nucleus of 3C 120 is considerably larger than that of any other Seyfert galaxy. The minimum brightness of 3C 120 in 1978, B=16sup(m).25 was observed for the first time during the photometric history of the object since 1900. The time delay Δt < or approximately 70sup(d) of the variability of colour index U-B of the nucleus of 3C 120 relatively to that of B and B-V have been discovered. This time delay is interpreted as the variability of the Balmer continuum. The nucleus of 2 Zw 136 appears to show such a variability also. The location of 3C 120 and 2 Zw 136 on two-colour diagram corresponds to the combined colours of hot (05) and cold (K-M) stars, if the time delay of U-B variability is taken into account. The colour indices of the nucleus of 3C 120 during the minimum of 1978 (B=16sup(m).25) correspond to those of the ring between the 7''-30'' apertures. This indicates to a very small contributions of the variable source during the 1978 minimum

  20. Variable Permanent Magnet Quadrupole

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mihara, T.; Iwashita, Y.; Kyoto U.; Kumada, M.; NIRS, Chiba; Spencer, C.M.; SLAC


    A permanent magnet quadrupole (PMQ) is one of the candidates for the final focus lens in a linear collider. An over 120 T/m strong variable permanent magnet quadrupole is achieved by the introduction of saturated iron and a 'double ring structure'. A fabricated PMQ achieved 24 T integrated gradient with 20 mm bore diameter, 100 mm magnet diameter and 20 cm pole length. The strength of the PMQ is adjustable in 1.4 T steps, due to its 'double ring structure': the PMQ is split into two nested rings; the outer ring is sliced along the beam line into four parts and is rotated to change the strength. This paper describes the variable PMQ from fabrication to recent adjustments

  1. Turbo-generator control with variable valve actuation (United States)

    Vuk, Carl T [Denver, IA


    An internal combustion engine incorporating a turbo-generator and one or more variably activated exhaust valves. The exhaust valves are adapted to variably release exhaust gases from a combustion cylinder during a combustion cycle to an exhaust system. The turbo-generator is adapted to receive exhaust gases from the exhaust system and rotationally harness energy therefrom to produce electrical power. A controller is adapted to command the exhaust valve to variably open in response to a desired output for the turbo-generator.

  2. Unsupervised classification of variable stars (United States)

    Valenzuela, Lucas; Pichara, Karim


    During the past 10 years, a considerable amount of effort has been made to develop algorithms for automatic classification of variable stars. That has been primarily achieved by applying machine learning methods to photometric data sets where objects are represented as light curves. Classifiers require training sets to learn the underlying patterns that allow the separation among classes. Unfortunately, building training sets is an expensive process that demands a lot of human efforts. Every time data come from new surveys; the only available training instances are the ones that have a cross-match with previously labelled objects, consequently generating insufficient training sets compared with the large amounts of unlabelled sources. In this work, we present an algorithm that performs unsupervised classification of variable stars, relying only on the similarity among light curves. We tackle the unsupervised classification problem by proposing an untraditional approach. Instead of trying to match classes of stars with clusters found by a clustering algorithm, we propose a query-based method where astronomers can find groups of variable stars ranked by similarity. We also develop a fast similarity function specific for light curves, based on a novel data structure that allows scaling the search over the entire data set of unlabelled objects. Experiments show that our unsupervised model achieves high accuracy in the classification of different types of variable stars and that the proposed algorithm scales up to massive amounts of light curves.

  3. A canonical neural mechanism for behavioral variability (United States)

    Darshan, Ran; Wood, William E.; Peters, Susan; Leblois, Arthur; Hansel, David


    The ability to generate variable movements is essential for learning and adjusting complex behaviours. This variability has been linked to the temporal irregularity of neuronal activity in the central nervous system. However, how neuronal irregularity actually translates into behavioural variability is unclear. Here we combine modelling, electrophysiological and behavioural studies to address this issue. We demonstrate that a model circuit comprising topographically organized and strongly recurrent neural networks can autonomously generate irregular motor behaviours. Simultaneous recordings of neurons in singing finches reveal that neural correlations increase across the circuit driving song variability, in agreement with the model predictions. Analysing behavioural data, we find remarkable similarities in the babbling statistics of 5-6-month-old human infants and juveniles from three songbird species and show that our model naturally accounts for these `universal' statistics.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hajime Inamura


    Full Text Available The need of tools for design and evaluation of pedestrian areas, subways stations, entrance hall, shopping mall, escape routes, stadium etc lead to the necessity of a pedestrian model. One approach pedestrian model is Microscopic Pedestrian Simulation Model. To be able to develop and calibrate a microscopic pedestrian simulation model, a number of variables need to be considered. As the first step of model development, some data was collected using video and the coordinate of the head path through image processing were also taken. Several numbers of variables can be gathered to describe the behavior of pedestrian from a different point of view. This paper describes how to obtain variables from video taking and simple image processing that can represent the movement of pedestrians and its variables

  5. Violation of Bell's Inequality Using Continuous Variable Measurements (United States)

    Thearle, Oliver; Janousek, Jiri; Armstrong, Seiji; Hosseini, Sara; Schünemann Mraz, Melanie; Assad, Syed; Symul, Thomas; James, Matthew R.; Huntington, Elanor; Ralph, Timothy C.; Lam, Ping Koy


    A Bell inequality is a fundamental test to rule out local hidden variable model descriptions of correlations between two physically separated systems. There have been a number of experiments in which a Bell inequality has been violated using discrete-variable systems. We demonstrate a violation of Bell's inequality using continuous variable quadrature measurements. By creating a four-mode entangled state with homodyne detection, we recorded a clear violation with a Bell value of B =2.31 ±0.02 . This opens new possibilities for using continuous variable states for device independent quantum protocols.

  6. A survey for southern delta Scuti variable stars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McInally, C.J.; Austin, R.R.D.


    Twenty-nine field stars have been tested photoelectrically for short-period variability. Eighteen of these stars have spectral types between A2 and F5 and are not Am stars; of these, six have been discovered to be variable and one is a suspected variable. HD 185969, with a period of 0.361 day, has the longest known period for a star of the delta Scuti type. The predominance of discovered variables with amplitudes close to the detection limit is suggestive of most stars in the instability strip being pulsators. (author)

  7. Does habitat variability really promote metabolic network modularity? (United States)

    Takemoto, Kazuhiro


    The hypothesis that variability in natural habitats promotes modular organization is widely accepted for cellular networks. However, results of some data analyses and theoretical studies have begun to cast doubt on the impact of habitat variability on modularity in metabolic networks. Therefore, we re-evaluated this hypothesis using statistical data analysis and current metabolic information. We were unable to conclude that an increase in modularity was the result of habitat variability. Although horizontal gene transfer was also considered because it may contribute for survival in a variety of environments, closely related to habitat variability, and is known to be positively correlated with network modularity, such a positive correlation was not concluded in the latest version of metabolic networks. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the previously observed increase in network modularity due to habitat variability and horizontal gene transfer was probably due to a lack of available data on metabolic reactions. Instead, we determined that modularity in metabolic networks is dependent on species growth conditions. These results may not entirely discount the impact of habitat variability and horizontal gene transfer. Rather, they highlight the need for a more suitable definition of habitat variability and a more careful examination of relationships of the network modularity with horizontal gene transfer, habitats, and environments.

  8. Behavioral Variables Associated with Obesity in Police Officers (United States)

    CAN, S. Hakan; HENDY, Helen M.


    Past research has documented that non-behavioral variables (such as long work hours, exposure to police stressors) are associated with obesity risk in police officers, but limited research has examined behavioral variables that might be targeted by Employee Assistance Programs for police weight management. The present study compared non-obese and obese officers for behavioral variables found associated with obesity in other adult samples: physical activity (cardiovascular, strength-training, stretching), sleep duration, and consumption of alcohol, fruit and vegetables, and snack foods. Participants included 172 male police officers who completed questionnaires to report height and weight, used to calculate body mass index (BMI = kg/m2) and to divide them into “non-obese” and “obese” groups. They also reported the above behaviors and six non-behavioral variables found associated with obesity risk: age, health problems, family support, police work hours, police stressors, police support. ANCOVAs compared each behavioral variable across obesity status (non-obese, obese), with the six non-behavioral variables used as covariates. Results revealed that cardiovascular and strength-training physical activity were the only behavioral variables that differed significantly between non-obese and obese police officers. The use of self-reported height and weight values may provide Employee Assistance Program with improved cost, time, and officer participation. PMID:24694574

  9. How Robust Is Linear Regression with Dummy Variables? (United States)

    Blankmeyer, Eric


    Researchers in education and the social sciences make extensive use of linear regression models in which the dependent variable is continuous-valued while the explanatory variables are a combination of continuous-valued regressors and dummy variables. The dummies partition the sample into groups, some of which may contain only a few observations.…

  10. Understanding Hydrological Processes in Variable Source Areas in the Glaciated Northeastern US Watersheds under Variable Climate Conditions (United States)

    Steenhuis, T. S.; Azzaino, Z.; Hoang, L.; Pacenka, S.; Worqlul, A. W.; Mukundan, R.; Stoof, C.; Owens, E. M.; Richards, B. K.


    The New York City source watersheds in the Catskill Mountains' humid, temperate climate has long-term hydrological and water quality monitoring data It is one of the few catchments where implementation of source and landscape management practices has led to decreased phosphorus concentration in the receiving surface waters. One of the reasons is that landscape measures correctly targeted the saturated variable source runoff areas (VSA) in the valley bottoms as the location where most of the runoff and other nonpoint pollutants originated. Measures targeting these areas were instrumental in lowering phosphorus concentration. Further improvements in water quality can be made based on a better understanding of the flow processes and water table fluctuations in the VSA. For that reason, we instrumented a self-contained upland variable source watershed with a landscape characteristic of a soil underlain by glacial till at shallow depth similar to the Catskill watersheds. In this presentation, we will discuss our experimental findings and present a mathematical model. Variable source areas have a small slope making gravity the driving force for the flow, greatly simplifying the simulation of the flow processes. The experimental data and the model simulations agreed for both outflow and water table fluctuations. We found that while the flows to the outlet were similar throughout the year, the discharge of the VSA varies greatly. This was due to transpiration by the plants which became active when soil temperatures were above 10oC. We found that shortly after the temperature increased above 10oC the baseflow stopped and only surface runoff occurred when rainstorms exceeded the storage capacity of the soil in at least a portion of the variable source area. Since plant growth in the variable source area was a major variable determining the base flow behavior, changes in temperature in the future - affecting the duration of the growing season - will affect baseflow and

  11. Variable Attitude Test Stand (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — The Variable Attitude Test Stand designed and built for testing of the V-22 tilt rotor aircraft propulsion system, is used to evaluate the effect of aircraft flight...

  12. Convex trace functions of several variables

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Frank


    We prove that the function (x1,...,xk)¿Tr(f(x1,...,xk)), defined on k-tuples of symmetric matrices of order (n1,...,nk) in the domain of f, is convex for any convex function f of k variables. The matrix f(x1,...,xk) is defined by the functional calculus for functions of several variables, and it ...

  13. Practical evaluation of action-angle variables

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boozer, A.H.


    A practical method is described for establishing action-angle variables for a Hamiltonian system. That is, a given nearly integrable Hamiltonian is divided into an exactly integrable system plus a perturbation in action-angle form. The transformation of variables, which is carried out using a few short trajectory integrations, permits a rapid determination of trajectory properties throughout a phase space volume

  14. Constraint-led changes in internal variability in running. (United States)

    Haudum, Anita; Birklbauer, Jürgen; Kröll, Josef; Müller, Erich


    We investigated the effect of a one-time application of elastic constraints on movement-inherent variability during treadmill running. Eleven males ran two 35-min intervals while surface EMG was measured. In one of two 35-min intervals, after 10 min of running without tubes, elastic tubes (between hip and heels) were attached, followed by another 5 min of running without tubes. To assess variability, stride-to-stride iEMG variability was calculated. Significant increases in variability (36 % to 74 %) were observed during tube running, whereas running without tubes after the tube running block showed no significant differences. Results show that elastic tubes affect variability on a muscular level despite the constant environmental conditions and underline the nervous system's adaptability to cope with somehow unpredictable constraints since stride duration was unaltered.

  15. Rapid variability of extragalactic radio sources

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Quirrenbach, A.; Witzel, A.; Krichbaum, T.; Hummel, C.A.; Alberdi, A.; Schalinski, C.


    Since its discovery more than 20 years ago, variability of extragalactic radio sources on timescales of weeks to years has been the subject of many investigations. We have examined the variability of these sources on timescales of hours at wavelengths of 6 and 11 cm using the 100-m telescope of the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Radioastronomie and report the results for two sources. The quasar QSO0917 + 62 showed variations with amplitudes of up to 23% in /similar to/ 24 hours, which were correlated at the two wavelengths; in the BL Lac object 0716 + 71 we found variations with amplitudes of 7-11%. We discuss intrinsic effects, gravitational lensing and scattering in the interstellar medium as possible explanations for rapid radio variability.

  16. Rapid variability of extragalactic radio sources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Quirrenbach, A.; Witzel, A.; Krichbaum, T.; Hummel, C.A.; Alberdi, A.; Schalinski, C.


    Since its discovery more than 20 years ago, variability of extragalactic radio sources on timescales of weeks to years has been the subject of many investigations. We have examined the variability of these sources on timescales of hours at wavelengths of 6 and 11 cm using the 100-m telescope of the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Radioastronomie and report the results for two sources. The quasar QSO0917 + 62 showed variations with amplitudes of up to 23% in ∼ 24 hours, which were correlated at the two wavelengths; in the BL Lac object 0716 + 71 we found variations with amplitudes of 7-11%. We discuss intrinsic effects, gravitational lensing and scattering in the interstellar medium as possible explanations for rapid radio variability. (author)

  17. A Core Language for Separate Variability Modeling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Iosif-Lazăr, Alexandru Florin; Wasowski, Andrzej; Schaefer, Ina


    Separate variability modeling adds variability to a modeling language without requiring modifications of the language or the supporting tools. We define a core language for separate variability modeling using a single kind of variation point to define transformations of software artifacts in object...... hierarchical dependencies between variation points via copying and flattening. Thus, we reduce a model with intricate dependencies to a flat executable model transformation consisting of simple unconditional local variation points. The core semantics is extremely concise: it boils down to two operational rules...

  18. Modeling Short-Range Soil Variability and its Potential Use in Variable-Rate Treatment of Experimental Plots

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A Moameni


    Full Text Available Abstract In Iran, the experimental plots under fertilizer trials are managed in such a way that the whole plot area uniformly receives agricultural inputs. This could lead to biased research results and hence to suppressing of the efforts made by the researchers. This research was conducted in a selected site belonging to the Gonbad Agricultural Research Station, located in the semiarid region, northeastern Iran. The aim was to characterize the short-range spatial variability of the inherent and management-depended soil properties and to determine if this variation is large and can be managed at practical scales. The soils were sampled using a grid 55 m apart. In total, 100 composite soil samples were collected from topsoil (0-30 cm and were analyzed for calcium carbonate equivalent, organic carbon, clay, available phosphorus, available potassium, iron, copper, zinc and manganese. Descriptive statistics were applied to check data trends. Geostatistical analysis was applied to variography, model fitting and contour mapping. Sampling at 55 m made it possible to split the area of the selected experimental plot into relatively uniform areas that allow application of agricultural inputs with variable rates. Keywords: Short-range soil variability, Within-field soil variability, Interpolation, Precision agriculture, Geostatistics

  19. Ecosystem stability in space: α, β and γ variability. (United States)

    Wang, Shaopeng; Loreau, Michel


    The past two decades have seen great progress in understanding the mechanisms of ecosystem stability in local ecological systems. There is, however, an urgent need to extend existing knowledge to larger spatial scales to match the scale of management and conservation. Here, we develop a general theoretical framework to study the stability and variability of ecosystems at multiple scales. Analogously to the partitioning of biodiversity, we propose the concepts of alpha, beta and gamma variability. Gamma variability at regional (metacommunity) scale can be partitioned into local alpha variability and spatial beta variability, either multiplicatively or additively. On average, variability decreases from local to regional scales, which creates a negative variability-area relationship. Our partitioning framework suggests that mechanisms of regional ecosystem stability can be understood by investigating the influence of ecological factors on alpha and beta variability. Diversity can provide insurance effects at the various levels of variability, thus generating alpha, beta and gamma diversity-stability relationships. As a consequence, the loss of biodiversity and habitat impairs ecosystem stability at the regional scale. Overall, our framework enables a synthetic understanding of ecosystem stability at multiple scales and has practical implications for landscape management. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd/CNRS.

  20. Role of environmental variables on radon concentration in soil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Climent, H.; Bakalowicz, M.; Monnin, M.


    In the frame of an European project, radon concentrations in soil and measurements of environmental variables such as the nature of the soil or climatic variables were monitored. The data have been analysed by time-series analysis methods, i.e. Correlation and Spectrum Analysis, to point out relations between radon concentrations and some environmental variables. This approach is a compromise between direct observation and modelling. The observation of the rough time series is unable to point out the relation between radon concentrations and an environmental variable because of the overlapping of the influences of several variables, and the time delay induced by the medium. The Cross Spectrum function between the time series of radon and of an environmental variable describes the nature of the relation and gives the response time in the case of a cause to effect relation. It requires the only hypothesis that the environmental variable is the input function and radon concentration the output function. This analysis is an important preliminary study for modelling. By that way the importance of soil nature has been pointed out. The internal variables of the medium (permeability, porosity) appear to restrain the influence of the environmental variables such as humidity, temperature or atmospheric pressure. (author)

  1. Variable Pricing Feasibility Assessment

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library


    ...) and Willard Bishop Consulting (Barrington, IL) to evaluate the practicality of using a variable pricing system within DeCA to maintain an average of 30 percent customer savings and lower appropriated fund costs...

  2. Pitch link loads reduction of variable speed rotors by variable tuning frequency fluidlastic isolators

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Han Dong


    Full Text Available To reduce the pitch link loads of variable speed rotors, variable tuning frequency fluidlastic isolators are proposed. This isolator utilizes the variation of centrifugal force due to the change of rotor speed to change the tuning port area ratio, which can change the tuning frequency of the isolator. A rotor model including the model of fluidlastic isolator is coupled with a fuselage model to predict the steady responses of the rotor system in forward flight. The aeroelastic analyses indicate that distinct performance improvement in pitch link load control can be achieved by the utilization of variable frequency isolators compared with the constant tuning frequency isolators. The 4/rev (per revolution pitch link load is observed to be reduced by 87.6% compared with the increase of 56.3% by the constant frequency isolator, when the rotor speed is reduced by 16.7%. The isolation ability at different rotor speeds in different flight states is investigated. To achieve overall load reduction within the whole range of rotor speed, the strategy of the variation of tuning frequency is adjusted. The results indicate that the 4/rev pitch link load within the whole rotor speed range is decreased.

  3. Variable stars in the Pegasus dwarf galaxy (DDO 216)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hoessel, J.G.; Abbott, M.J.; Saha, A.; Mossman, A.E.; Danielson, G.E. (Washburn Observatory, Madison, WI (USA) Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD (USA) Palomar Observatory, Pasadena, CA (USA))


    Observations obtained over a period of five years of the resolved stars in the Pegasus dwarf irregular galaxy (DDO 216) have been searched for variable stars. Thirty-one variables were found, and periods established for 12. Two of these variable stars are clearly eclipsing variables, seven are very likely Cepheid variables, and the remaining three are probable Cepheids. The period-luminosity relation for the Cepheids indicates a distance modulus for Pegasus of m - M = 26.22 + or - 0.20. This places Pegasus very near the zero-velocity surface of the Local Group. 25 refs.

  4. 7 CFR 1735.33 - Variable interest rate loans. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 11 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Variable interest rate loans. 1735.33 Section 1735.33... § 1735.33 Variable interest rate loans. After June 10, 1991, and prior to November 1, 1993, RUS made certain variable rate loans at interest rates less than 5 percent but not less than 2 percent. For those...

  5. Bell inequalities for continuous-variable measurements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    He, Q. Y.; Reid, M. D.; Drummond, P. D.; Cavalcanti, E. G.


    Tests of local hidden-variable theories using measurements with continuous-variable (CV) outcomes are developed, and a comparison of different methods is presented. As examples, we focus on multipartite entangled Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger and cluster states. We suggest a physical process that produces the states proposed here, and investigate experiments both with and without binning of the continuous variable. In the former case, the Mermin-Klyshko inequalities can be used directly. For unbinned outcomes, the moment-based Cavalcanti-Foster-Reid-Drummond inequalities are extended to functional inequalities by consideration of arbitrary functions of the measurements at each site. By optimizing these functions, we obtain more robust violations of local hidden-variable theories than with either binning or moments. Recent inequalities based on the algebra of quaternions and octonions are compared with these methods. Since the prime advantage of CV experiments is to provide a route to highly efficient detection via homodyne measurements, we analyze the effect of noise and detection losses in both binned and unbinned cases. The CV moment inequalities with an optimal function have greater robustness to both loss and noise. This could permit a loophole-free test of Bell inequalities.

  6. La observancia de los principios integradores del debido proceso en la función disciplinaria adelantada por el autorregulador del Mercado de Valores de Colombia - AMV


    García Cadavid, Jorge Mario; García Cadavid, Rodolfo


    Con ocasión de nuestro ejercicio profesional hemos tenido contacto con la autorregulación en el mercado de valores colombiano, concretamente, en cuanto hace al asesoramiento de intermediarios de valores y sus personas naturales vinculadas, respecto de investigaciones de naturaleza disciplinaria adelantadas por el único ente autorregulador de dicho mercado, el denominado Autorregulador del Mercado de Valores de Colombia AMV, en adelante AMV.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gabriela Pérez


    Full Text Available La cuenca neuquina es una extensa comarca petrolera que se extiende sobre el territorio de cuatro provincias argentinas. A la provincia del Neuquén le corresponden especificamente unos noventa yacimientos de gas y petróleo, con el 65% de su superficie -61,000 kilometros cuadrados- afectada por algunos de los distintos tipos de tareas vinculadas a la explotación de hidrocarburos.


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    María Luisa Chiu Stange


    Full Text Available El artículo aporta antecedentes biográficos de una vecina de Santiago, vinculada familiarmente a comerciantes de alto nivel primero, y a funcionarios públicos después. Especialmente describe sus actividades en el ámbito económico, con hincapié en la explotación de una chacra y en la producción y comercialización de vino.

  9. Caracterización, estructura y reglas de ensamblaje de una comunidad de macroatrópodos asociados a termiteros: una aproximación a partir de modelos nulos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Felipe Hurtado Ferro


    establecer el nivel de anidamiento de la comunidad, pues el algoritmo utilizado es propenso al error tipo I llevando a resultados aparentemente erróneos. Los tamaños se encontraron distribuidos de manera uniforme y aleatoria. Se plantea que la conformación de estas comunidades está dada por asociaciones oportunistas que se encuentran fuertemente vinculadas a los períodos de lluvias.

  10. La explotación sexual y las políticas de lucha contra la trata de seres humanos en España y Europa


    López Villanueva, Enrique; Jornada sobre el tràfic d'éssers humans com a fenomen transnacional (2016:Mollet del Vallès)


    La trata de seres humanos, históricamente hablando, está vinculada a la esclavitud, al comercio esclavista y al tráfico ilegal de personas. La esclavitud es tan antigua como lo son las primeras civilizaciones, de hecho se conocen documentos históricos que datan de la antigua Mesopotamia. Esta ponencia explica el marco legal existente a Europa y España.

  11. El estado de las negociaciones comerciales internacionales - IV trimestre 2016


    Zelicovich, Julieta; Selva, Inés; Romero, Camila; Abrigo, Lourdes; Salvoch, Victoria; Costa, Victoria; Ruiz, Ma. Paz; Cervino, Josefina; Agrano, Daniela; Cortese, Valeria; D’alesio, Laura; Foglia, Andrea; Bruno, Verónica; Cabrera Herrero, Agustina; Chiacchiera, Magalí


    Desde el inicio del siglo XXI las relaciones comerciales internacionales experimentaron importantes transformaciones: el intercambio de bienes se intensificó, se incrementaron las relaciones de interdependencia, se extendieron las cadenas globales de valor, los actores más dinámicos se desplazaron geográficamente y temas como los servicios, la infraestructura y las finanzas vinculadas al comercio cobraron creciente importancia. Las dinámic...

  12. La letra con arte entra. El modelo mental “vanguardista” en los alumnos de diseño, tipografía y publicidad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Martínez-Val


    Full Text Available Descripción del modelo mental vanguardista, frecuente en los alumnos de materias vinculadas con la imagen y la creatividad. Relación con las llamadas vanguardias del siglo XX y la transformación que han experimentado a través de los años, hasta convertirse en un modelo de retaguardia, ajeno a la realidad social y negativo para la docencia.

  13. Encuesta sobre la conservación y el uso de los recursos genéticos forestales en América Latina

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Salcedo, J.; Baena, M.; Scheldeman, X.; Vinceti, B.; Willemen, L.


    Con el fin de conocer el estado de conservación y uso de los recursos genéticos forestales en América Latina, se realizó en 2006 una encuesta en línea entre personas vinculadas a instituciones de sector forestal. La mayoría de los encuestados trabaja en forestería, agroforestería y capacitación de

  14. Signal Enhancement with Variable Span Linear Filters

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Benesty, Jacob; Christensen, Mads Græsbøll; Jensen, Jesper Rindom

    This book introduces readers to the novel concept of variable span speech enhancement filters, and demonstrates how it can be used for effective noise reduction in various ways. Further, the book provides the accompanying Matlab code, allowing readers to easily implement the main ideas discussed....... Variable span filters combine the ideas of optimal linear filters with those of subspace methods, as they involve the joint diagonalization of the correlation matrices of the desired signal and the noise. The book shows how some well-known filter designs, e.g. the minimum distortion, maximum signal......-to-noise ratio, Wiener, and tradeoff filters (including their new generalizations) can be obtained using the variable span filter framework. It then illustrates how the variable span filters can be applied in various contexts, namely in single-channel STFT-based enhancement, in multichannel enhancement in both...

  15. iHeartLift: a closed loop system with bio-feedback that uses music tempo variability to improve heart rate variability. (United States)

    Ho, Thomas C T; Chen, Xiang


    "Musica delenit bestiam feram" translates into "Music soothes the savage beast". There is a hidden truth in this ancient quip passed down from generations. Besides soothing the heart, it also incites the heart to a healthier level of heart rate variability (HRV). In this paper, an approach to use and test music and biofeedback to increase the heart rate variability for people facing daily stress is discussed. By determining the music tempo variability (MTV) of a piece of music and current heart rate variability, iHeartLift is able to compare the 2 trends and locate a musical piece that is suited to increase the user's heart rate variability to a healthier level. With biofeedback, the 2 trends are continuously compared in real-time and the musical piece is changed in accordance with the current comparisons. A study was conducted and it was generally found that HRV can be uplifted by music regardless of language and meaning of musical lyrics but with limitations to musical genre.

  16. Enterobacterias como agentes etiológicos de la diarrea en la comunidad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Agudelo


    Full Text Available Con el fin de identificar, a nivel de la comunidad, los enteropatógenos bacterianos que producen diarrea en niños menores de 10 años, tomamos muestras de heces de 204 pacientes con cuadro diarreico de 1 a 7 días de evolución y de un grupo control, sin diarrea, conformado por 48 niños. Evaluamos también la recuperación de los microorganismos empleando o no medio de Cary-Blair como medio de transporte e identificamos las categorías de Escherichia coli aisladas empleando pruebas biológicas e inmunológicas. Se destacaron como agentes etiológicos de la diarrea E. coli (58,8%, E. coli enterotoxigénica, productora de toxina labil (ECET-TL (5,1%, Salmonella enteritidis (6,9% y Shigella sonnei (5,9%. Cuando no se usó el medio de transporte de Cary-Blair la sensibilidad en la recuperación de los microorganismos fue del 37%. Se destaca la importancia de determinar la frecuencia real de las categorías de E. coli en nuestro medio.

  17. Obtención de un filtrante de anís de monte (Tagetes filifolia Lag. edulcorado con hojas de estevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Millones


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo de investigación se realizó para determinar el segmento de la planta de anís de monte yformulación apropiada de anís de monte y hojas de estevia en la elaboración de un filtrante edulcorado; para locual se emplearon plantas de anís demonte y hojas de estevia, las cuales fueron lavadas, desinfectadas,secadas a 65°C, molidas, tamizadas y envasadas; posteriormente se realizaron las formulaciones del filtrantecon anís de monte y hojas de estevia (90:10; 85:15; 80:20 y 75:25, empleandoun gramo por muestraenvasadas en papel termosellable; los resultados del color, tiempo de infusión y pH; asimismo, lasevaluaciones organolépticas de olor, sabor, dulzor y aspecto general se procesaron empleando el paqueteestadístico SAS (Statistical Analysis System for Window V8. Los resultados mostraron que empleando 80 a85% hojas + flores de anís de monte y 15 a 20% de hojas de estevia se obtiene un filtrante edulcorado conadecuadas características organolépticas.

  18. Estructuras livianas a partir de piezas menores de madera de plantación

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aldo Ramírez Coretti


    Full Text Available Se presentan los resultados de un estudio exploratorio, parte de una serie de investigaciones conjuntas desarrolladas y en proceso de desarrollo, alrededor de esta temática. Su ejecución respondió, entre otras, a inquietudes presentadas por diversos productores de madera deplantación. El estudio consideró el diseño y fabricación de una máquina espigadora de piezas estructurales. También procuró explorar el potencial de aprovechamiento de piezas producto de raleos de madera de plantación para la fabricación de estructuras livianas. Se llevaron a cabo ensayos de uniones, de marcos simples con dos paneles de cerramiento comerciales, empleando cuatro especies de madera de plantación. También se llevó a cabo la fabricación de las piezas y montaje de una estructura modelo, empleando el equipo y otra información obtenida como resultado de la investigación. Los resultados muestran un gran potencial para el desarrollo de un sistema de construcción ágil y modular. Asimismo, las resistencias obtenidas sonadecuadas para las condiciones a que estarían expuestas las estructuras.


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    Ivonne Linares-Hernández


    Full Text Available El objetivo de esta investigación fue implementar un sistema electroquímico, mediante tratamientos de electrocoagulación, empleando electrodos de hierro y oxidación anódica directa (OAD, empleando electrodos de diamante dopados con boro (DDB, para tratar aguas residuales provenientes de una planta de tratamiento que recibe las descargas de 144 empresas de diferentes giros, de la zona industrial Toluca-Lerma, México. Los resultados de estos tratamientos, indicaron una remoción del 99% de la demanda química de oxígeno (DQO, 99% de color y 97% de turbidez, en un tiempo de 2 h. En el sistema acoplado, la electrocoagulación removió las partículas coloidales y suspendidas y la OAD, permitió la degradación de materia orgánica persistente. Se determinó la cantidad de lodos generados en el sistema y se caracterizaron por microscopia electrónica de barrido y análisis elemental. Se concluye que los métodos electroquímicos resultan ser aplicables y eficientes en la degradación compuestos que no son fácilmente biodegradables.

  20. On the explaining-away phenomenon in multivariate latent variable models. (United States)

    van Rijn, Peter; Rijmen, Frank


    Many probabilistic models for psychological and educational measurements contain latent variables. Well-known examples are factor analysis, item response theory, and latent class model families. We discuss what is referred to as the 'explaining-away' phenomenon in the context of such latent variable models. This phenomenon can occur when multiple latent variables are related to the same observed variable, and can elicit seemingly counterintuitive conditional dependencies between latent variables given observed variables. We illustrate the implications of explaining away for a number of well-known latent variable models by using both theoretical and real data examples. © 2014 The British Psychological Society.

  1. Future-dependent Flow Policies with Prophetic Variables

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Li, Ximeng; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis


    future-dependent flow policies- policies that can depend on not only the current values of variables, but also their final values. The final values are referred to using what we call prophetic variables, just as the initial values can be referenced using logical variables in Hoare logic. We develop...... and enforce a notion of future-dependent security for open systems, in the spirit of "non-deducibility on strategies". We also illustrate our approach in scenarios where future-dependency has advantages over present-dependency and avoids mixtures of upgradings and downgradings....

  2. 42 Variability Bugs in the Linux Kernel

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Abal, Iago; Brabrand, Claus; Wasowski, Andrzej


    Feature-sensitive verification pursues effective analysis of the exponentially many variants of a program family. However, researchers lack examples of concrete bugs induced by variability, occurring in real large-scale systems. Such a collection of bugs is a requirement for goal-oriented research...... provide self-contained simplified C99 versions of the bugs, facilitating understanding and tool evaluation. Our study provides insights into the nature and occurrence of variability bugs in a large C software system, and shows in what ways variability affects and increases the complexity of software bugs....

  3. Variability through the Eyes of the Programmer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Melo, Jean; Batista Narcizo, Fabricio; Hansen, Dan Witzner


    Preprocessor directives (#ifdefs) are often used to implement compile-time variability, despite the critique that they increase complexity, hamper maintainability, and impair code comprehensibility. Previous studies have shown that the time of bug finding increases linearly with variability. Howe...

  4. Initial testing of a variable-stroke Stirling engine (United States)

    Thieme, L. G.


    In support of the U.S. Department of Energy's Stirling Engine Highway Vehicle Systems Program, NASA Lewis Research Center is evaluating variable-stroke control for Stirling engines. The engine being tested is the Advenco Stirling engine; this engine was manufactured by Philips Research Laboratories of the Netherlands and uses a variable-angle swash-plate drive to achieve variable stroke operation. The engine is described, initial steady-state test data taken at Lewis are presented, a major drive system failure and subsequent modifications are described. Computer simulation results are presented to show potential part-load efficiency gains with variable-stroke control.

  5. On Complex Random Variables

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anwer Khurshid


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE In this paper, it is shown that a complex multivariate random variable  is a complex multivariate normal random variable of dimensionality if and only if all nondegenerate complex linear combinations of  have a complex univariate normal distribution. The characteristic function of  has been derived, and simpler forms of some theorems have been given using this characterization theorem without assuming that the variance-covariance matrix of the vector  is Hermitian positive definite. Marginal distributions of  have been given. In addition, a complex multivariate t-distribution has been defined and the density derived. A characterization of the complex multivariate t-distribution is given. A few possible uses of this distribution have been suggested.

  6. The infrared variability and nature of symbiotic stars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feast, M.W.; Catchpole, R.M.; Whitelock, P.A.; Carter, B.S.; Roberts, G.


    Infrared variability and spectra show that the symbiotic systems (He 2-106, He 2-38, He 2-34) contain Mira variable components. The first two also show a longer term infrared variability. It is suggested that this is due to variable dust obscuration (as in R Aqr). The phenomenon is then too frequent for the dust clouds to be confined to the orbital planes of the binary systems. Seven Miras in symbiotics have known periods which range from 370 to 580 days, suggesting a greater frequency of long-period Miras in symbiotics than in the general field. Symbiotic Miras have dust excesses with colour temperatures near 1000 K. Observations of four other symbiotic systems (Pe 2-3, He 2-87, H 2-5, AG Peg) are consistent with their containing non-variable or low amplitude M-type components. (author)

  7. Eternity Variables to Prove Simulation of Specifications

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hesselink, Wim H.


    Simulations of specifications are introduced as a unification and generalization of refinement mappings, history variables, forward simulations, prophecy variables, and backward simulations. A specification implements another specification if and only if there is a simulation from the first one to

  8. Variability of Massive Young Stellar Objects in Cygnus-X (United States)

    Thomas, Nancy H.; Hora, J. L.; Smith, H. A.


    Young stellar objects (YSOs) are stars in the process of formation. Several recent investigations have shown a high rate of photometric variability in YSOs at near- and mid-infrared wavelengths. Theoretical models for the formation of massive stars (1-10 solar masses) remain highly idealized, and little is known about the mechanisms that produce the variability. An ongoing Spitzer Space Telescope program is studying massive star formation in the Cygnus-X region. In conjunction with the Spitzer observations, we have conducted a ground-based near-infrared observing program of the Cygnus-X DR21 field using PAIRITEL, the automated infrared telescope at Whipple Observatory. Using the Stetson index for variability, we identified variable objects and a number of variable YSOs in our time-series PAIRITEL data of DR21. We have searched for periodicity among our variable objects using the Lomb-Scargle algorithm, and identified periodic variable objects with an average period of 8.07 days. Characterization of these variable and periodic objects will help constrain models of star formation present. This work is supported in part by the NSF REU and DOD ASSURE programs under NSF grant no. 0754568 and by the Smithsonian Institution.

  9. Climate Variability and Sugarcane Yield in Louisiana. (United States)

    Greenland, David


    This paper seeks to understand the role that climate variability has on annual yield of sugarcane in Louisiana. Unique features of sugarcane growth in Louisiana and nonclimatic, yield-influencing factors make this goal an interesting and challenging one. Several methods of seeking and establishing the relations between yield and climate variables are employed. First, yield climate relations were investigated at a single research station where crop variety and growing conditions could be held constant and yield relations could be established between a predominant older crop variety and a newer one. Interviews with crop experts and a literature survey were used to identify potential climatic factors that control yield. A statistical analysis was performed using statewide yield data from the American Sugar Cane League from 1963 to 2002 and a climate database. Yield values for later years were adjusted downward to form an adjusted yield dataset. The climate database was principally constructed from daily and monthly values of maximum and minimum temperature and daily and monthly total precipitation for six cooperative weather-reporting stations representative of the area of sugarcane production. The influence of 74 different, though not independent, climate-related variables on sugarcane yield was investigated. The fact that a climate signal exists is demonstrated by comparing mean values of the climate variables corresponding to the upper and lower third of adjusted yield values. Most of these mean-value differences show an intuitively plausible difference between the high- and low-yield years. The difference between means of the climate variables for years corresponding to the upper and lower third of annual yield values for 13 of the variables is statistically significant at or above the 90% level. A correlation matrix was used to identify the variables that had the largest influence on annual yield. Four variables [called here critical climatic variables (CCV


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Morganson, Eric; Green, Paul J. [Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden St, Cambridge, MA 02138 (United States); Anderson, Scott F.; Ruan, John J. [Department of Astronomy, University of Washington, Box 351580, Seattle, WA 98195 (United States); Myers, Adam D. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071 (United States); Eracleous, Michael; Brandt, William Nielsen [Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 525 Davey Laboratory, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 (United States); Kelly, Brandon [Department of Physics, Broida Hall, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9530 (United States); Badenes, Carlos [Department of Physics and Astronomy and Pittsburgh Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology Center (PITT PACC), University of Pittsburgh, 3941 O’Hara St, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 (United States); Bañados, Eduardo [Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie, Königstuhl 17, D-69117 Heidelberg (Germany); Blanton, Michael R. [Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics, Department of Physics, New York University, 4 Washington Place, New York, NY 10003 (United States); Bershady, Matthew A. [Department of Astronomy, University of Wisconsin, 475 N. Charter St., Madison, WI 53706 (United States); Borissova, Jura [Instituto de Física y Astronomía, Universidad de Valparaíso, Av. Gran Bretaña 1111, Playa Ancha, Casilla 5030, and Millennium Institute of Astrophysics (MAS), Santiago (Chile); Burgett, William S. [GMTO Corp, Suite 300, 251 S. Lake Ave, Pasadena, CA 91101 (United States); Chambers, Kenneth, E-mail: [Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI 96822 (United States); and others


    We present the selection algorithm and anticipated results for the Time Domain Spectroscopic Survey (TDSS). TDSS is an Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)-IV Extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS) subproject that will provide initial identification spectra of approximately 220,000 luminosity-variable objects (variable stars and active galactic nuclei across 7500 deg{sup 2} selected from a combination of SDSS and multi-epoch Pan-STARRS1 photometry. TDSS will be the largest spectroscopic survey to explicitly target variable objects, avoiding pre-selection on the basis of colors or detailed modeling of specific variability characteristics. Kernel Density Estimate analysis of our target population performed on SDSS Stripe 82 data suggests our target sample will be 95% pure (meaning 95% of objects we select have genuine luminosity variability of a few magnitudes or more). Our final spectroscopic sample will contain roughly 135,000 quasars and 85,000 stellar variables, approximately 4000 of which will be RR Lyrae stars which may be used as outer Milky Way probes. The variability-selected quasar population has a smoother redshift distribution than a color-selected sample, and variability measurements similar to those we develop here may be used to make more uniform quasar samples in large surveys. The stellar variable targets are distributed fairly uniformly across color space, indicating that TDSS will obtain spectra for a wide variety of stellar variables including pulsating variables, stars with significant chromospheric activity, cataclysmic variables, and eclipsing binaries. TDSS will serve as a pathfinder mission to identify and characterize the multitude of variable objects that will be detected photometrically in even larger variability surveys such as Large Synoptic Survey Telescope.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kouzuma, S.; Yamaoka, H.


    We present the properties of the ensemble variability V for nearly 5000 near-infrared active galactic nuclei (AGNs) selected from the catalog of Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei (13th Edition) and the SDSS-DR7 quasar catalog. From three near-infrared point source catalogs, namely, Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS), Deep Near Infrared Survey (DENIS), and UKIDSS/LAS catalogs, we extract 2MASS-DENIS and 2MASS-UKIDSS counterparts for cataloged AGNs by cross-identification between catalogs. We further select variable AGNs based on an optimal criterion for selecting the variable sources. The sample objects are divided into subsets according to whether near-infrared light originates by optical emission or by near-infrared emission in the rest frame; and we examine the correlations of the ensemble variability with the rest-frame wavelength, redshift, luminosity, and rest-frame time lag. In addition, we also examine the correlations of variability amplitude with optical variability, radio intensity, and radio-to-optical flux ratio. The rest-frame optical variability of our samples shows negative correlations with luminosity and positive correlations with rest-frame time lag (i.e., the structure function, SF), and this result is consistent with previous analyses. However, no well-known negative correlation exists between the rest-frame wavelength and optical variability. This inconsistency might be due to a biased sampling of high-redshift AGNs. Near-infrared variability in the rest frame is anticorrelated with the rest-frame wavelength, which is consistent with previous suggestions. However, correlations of near-infrared variability with luminosity and rest-frame time lag are the opposite of these correlations of the optical variability; that is, the near-infrared variability is positively correlated with luminosity but negatively correlated with the rest-frame time lag. Because these trends are qualitatively consistent with the properties of radio-loud quasars reported

  12. Zone edge effects with variable rate irrigation (United States)

    Variable rate irrigation (VRI) systems may offer solutions to enhance water use efficiency by addressing variability within a field. However, the design of VRI systems should be considered to maximize application uniformity within sprinkler zones, while minimizing edge effects between such zones alo...

  13. Control of variable speed variable pitch wind turbine based on a disturbance observer (United States)

    Ren, Haijun; Lei, Xin


    In this paper, a novel sliding mode controller based on disturbance observer (DOB) to optimize the efficiency of variable speed variable pitch (VSVP) wind turbine is developed and analyzed. Due to the highly nonlinearity of the VSVP system, the model is linearly processed to obtain the state space model of the system. Then, a conventional sliding mode controller is designed and a DOB is added to estimate wind speed. The proposed control strategy can successfully deal with the random nature of wind speed, the nonlinearity of VSVP system, the uncertainty of parameters and external disturbance. Via adding the observer to the sliding mode controller, it can greatly reduce the chattering produced by the sliding mode switching gain. The simulation results show that the proposed control system has the effectiveness and robustness.

  14. Bayesian Group Bridge for Bi-level Variable Selection. (United States)

    Mallick, Himel; Yi, Nengjun


    A Bayesian bi-level variable selection method (BAGB: Bayesian Analysis of Group Bridge) is developed for regularized regression and classification. This new development is motivated by grouped data, where generic variables can be divided into multiple groups, with variables in the same group being mechanistically related or statistically correlated. As an alternative to frequentist group variable selection methods, BAGB incorporates structural information among predictors through a group-wise shrinkage prior. Posterior computation proceeds via an efficient MCMC algorithm. In addition to the usual ease-of-interpretation of hierarchical linear models, the Bayesian formulation produces valid standard errors, a feature that is notably absent in the frequentist framework. Empirical evidence of the attractiveness of the method is illustrated by extensive Monte Carlo simulations and real data analysis. Finally, several extensions of this new approach are presented, providing a unified framework for bi-level variable selection in general models with flexible penalties.

  15. Conspicuous plumage colours are highly variable


    Delhey, Kaspar; Szecsenyi, Beatrice; Nakagawa, Shinichi; Peters, Anne


    Elaborate ornamental traits are often under directional selection for greater elaboration, which in theory should deplete underlying genetic variation. Despite this, many ornamental traits appear to remain highly variable and how this essential variation is maintained is a key question in evolutionary biology. One way to address this question is to compare differences in intraspecific variability across different types of traits to determine whether high levels of variation are associated wit...

  16. Comparison of selected variables of gaming performance in football


    Parachin, Jiří


    Title: Comparison of selected variables of gaming performance in football Objectives: Analysis of selected variables of gaming performance in the matches of professional Czech football teams in the Champions League and UEFA Europa League in 2013. During the observation to register set variables, then evaluate obtained results and compare them. Methods: The use of observational analysis and comparison of selected variables of gaming performance in competitive matches of professional football. ...

  17. Brain Signal Variability Differentially Affects Cognitive Flexibility and Cognitive Stability. (United States)

    Armbruster-Genç, Diana J N; Ueltzhöffer, Kai; Fiebach, Christian J


    Recent research yielded the intriguing conclusion that, in healthy adults, higher levels of variability in neuronal processes are beneficial for cognitive functioning. Beneficial effects of variability in neuronal processing can also be inferred from neurocomputational theories of working memory, albeit this holds only for tasks requiring cognitive flexibility. However, cognitive stability, i.e., the ability to maintain a task goal in the face of irrelevant distractors, should suffer under high levels of brain signal variability. To directly test this prediction, we studied both behavioral and brain signal variability during cognitive flexibility (i.e., task switching) and cognitive stability (i.e., distractor inhibition) in a sample of healthy human subjects and developed an efficient and easy-to-implement analysis approach to assess BOLD-signal variability in event-related fMRI task paradigms. Results show a general positive effect of neural variability on task performance as assessed by accuracy measures. However, higher levels of BOLD-signal variability in the left inferior frontal junction area result in reduced error rate costs during task switching and thus facilitate cognitive flexibility. In contrast, variability in the same area has a detrimental effect on cognitive stability, as shown in a negative effect of variability on response time costs during distractor inhibition. This pattern was mirrored at the behavioral level, with higher behavioral variability predicting better task switching but worse distractor inhibition performance. Our data extend previous results on brain signal variability by showing a differential effect of brain signal variability that depends on task context, in line with predictions from computational theories. Recent neuroscientific research showed that the human brain signal is intrinsically variable and suggested that this variability improves performance. Computational models of prefrontal neural networks predict differential

  18. A variable thickness window: Thermal and structural analyses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Zhibi; Kuzay, T.M.


    In this paper, the finite difference formulations for variable thickness thermal analysis and variable thickness plane stress analysis are presented. In heat transfer analysis, radiation effects and temperature-dependent thermal conductivity are taken into account. While in thermal stress analysis, the thermal expansion coefficient is considered as temperature dependent. An application of the variable thickness window to an Advanced Photon Source beamline is presented

  19. Possibilities of segmentation variables in relation with advertising


    Erbanová, Nela


    The aim of this thesis is to capture significant segmentation variables that shape marketing communication with an emphasis on advertising. The theoretical part deals with the concepts of market segmentation, segmentation variables, marketing communication, advertising and research. The practical part is focused on the realization of the actual research using a questionnaire survey and the evaluation of questions from Market Media Lifestyle. Only traditional descriptive segmentation variables...

  20. Variable discrete ordinates method for radiation transfer in plane-parallel semi-transparent media with variable refractive index (United States)

    Sarvari, S. M. Hosseini


    The traditional form of discrete ordinates method is applied to solve the radiative transfer equation in plane-parallel semi-transparent media with variable refractive index through using the variable discrete ordinate directions and the concept of refracted radiative intensity. The refractive index are taken as constant in each control volume, such that the direction cosines of radiative rays remain non-variant through each control volume, and then, the directions of discrete ordinates are changed locally by passing each control volume, according to the Snell's law of refraction. The results are compared by the previous studies in this field. Despite simplicity, the results show that the variable discrete ordinate method has a good accuracy in solving the radiative transfer equation in the semi-transparent media with arbitrary distribution of refractive index.