
Sample records for empleando algoritmos bio-inspirados

  1. Desarrollo de una aplicación para la gestión, clasificación y agrupamiento de documentos económicos con algoritmos bio-inspirados


    Cobo Ortega, Ángel; Rocha Blanco, Eliana Rocío


    Este trabajo describe el desarrollo de una aplicación Web que utiliza técnicas bio-inspiradas para clasificar y agrupar colecciones multilingües de documentos en el campo de la economía y los negocios. La aplicación identifica grupos relacionados de documentos económicos, escritos en español e ingles, utilizando algoritmos de clustering inspirados en el comportamiento de las colonias de hormigas. Para la generación de una representación vectorial de los documentos que resulte independiente de...

  2. Desarrollo de una aplicación para la gestión, clasificación y agrupamiento de documentos económicos con algoritmos bio-inspirados

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    Rocha Blanco, Rocío


    Full Text Available Este trabajo describe el desarrollo de una aplicación Web que utiliza técnicas bio-inspiradas para clasificar y agrupar colecciones multilingües de documentos en el campo de la economía y los negocios. La aplicación identifica grupos relacionados de documentos económicos, escritos en español e ingles, utilizando algoritmos de clustering inspirados en el comportamiento de las colonias de hormigas. Para la generación de una representación vectorial de los documentos que resulte independiente del idioma, se utilizan varios recursos lingüísticos y herramientas de procesamiento de documentos textuales. Cada documento es representado utilizando cuatro vectores de rasgos independientes del idioma, y la similitud entre ellos es calculada mediante combinaciones lineales convexas de las similitudes de esos vectores de rasgos. El trabajo presenta resultados experimentales obtenidos en la clasificación de un corpus de 250 documentos científicos en diversas áreas de la economía y administración de empresas.

  3. Paralelización del Algoritmo Criptográfico GOST Empleando el Paradigma de Memoria Compartida

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    Marlis Fulgueira-Camilo


    Full Text Available El artículo refiere el proceso de paralelización del algoritmo criptográfico GOST. La investigación realizada persigue como objetivo, reducir el tiempo de ejecución del algoritmo. El estudio no se encuentra enfocado al análisis de fortaleza del algoritmo criptográfico, donde se hace énfasis es en el método empleado para disminuir el tiempo de ejecución de los procesos cifre y descifre. Para ello se realiza un diseño paralelo basado en la metodología de Ian Foster, el cual es aplicado a dos implementaciones usando técnicas como: OpenMP y CUDA. Las comparaciones realizadas teniendo en cuenta, tanto al algoritmo secuencial como las implementaciones paralelas, demuestran una significativa reducción de tiempo, sin importar la técnica empleada. El mejor resultado se logra empleando CUDA.

  4. Modelo Bio-inspirado para el Reconocimiento de Gestos Usando Primitivas de Movimiento en Visión

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    Sandra E. Nope


    Full Text Available Resumen: Se aborda el problema del reconocimiento de gestos usando la información de movimiento con el fin de obtener un modelo bio-inspirado para, en un futuro, utilizarlo en la programación de robots mediante el paradigma del aprendizaje por imitación. En este trabajo se extraen las primitivas de movimiento a partir de imágenes consecutivas, capturadas por una cámara web estándar. Para la programación por imitación de robots se identificó, como primera fase, el reconocimiento de gestos, en el cual es necesario resolver tres aspectos principales: La representación instantánea del movimiento, la integración temporal de dicha información y, la estrategia de clasificación. Estos tres aspectos serán tratados a lo largo de este trabajo y, en contraste con otros, la extracción del movimiento y su codificación está inspirada en el procesamiento del movimiento realizado en el cerebro de macacos. El modelo obtenido fue aplicado al reconocimiento de cuatro tipos de gestos realizados con la mano por diferentes personas. El porcentaje de aciertos varió entre 91.42% y 97.14%, utilizando diferentes estrategias estándar de clasificación. Palabras clave: Reconocimiento de gestos, modelo bio-inspirado, primitivas de movimiento, codificación del movimiento, integración temporal, visión artificial

  5. Músculos Inteligentes en Robots Biológicamente Inspirados: Modelado, Control y Actuación

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    J. Colorado


    Full Text Available Resumen: Las aleaciones metálicas que exhiben una propiedad conocida como efecto de memoria de forma, pertenecen a la clase de materiales inteligentes cuya aplicación más notable en el campo de la robótica se refleja en el uso de actuadores musculares artificiales, ó músculos inteligentes. Estos materiales tienen una estructura cristalina uniforme que cambia radicalmente en función de su temperatura de transición, causando su deformación. Se les denomina materiales inteligentes por la capacidad de recordar su configuración inicial después de recibir dicho estímulo térmico. Este artículo presenta la implementación de un actuador muscular inteligente aplicado en un micro-robot aéreo bio-inspirado tipo murciélago. Esto mamíferos voladores desarrollaron poderosos músculos que se extienden a lo largo de la estructura ósea de las alas, adquiriendo una asombrosa capacidad de maniobra gracias a la capacidad de cambiar la forma del ala durante el vuelo. Replicar este tipo de alas mórficas en un prototipo robótico requiere el análisis de nuevas tecnologías de actuación, abordando los problemas de modelado y control que garanticen la aplicabilidad de este actuador compuesto por fibras musculares de SMAs. Palabras clave: Aleación con Memoria de Forma (SMA, Robots bio-inspirados, Alas mórficas

  6. Improvement to the pattern of control rods of the equilibrium cycle of 18 months for the CLV using bio-inspired algorithms; Mejora del patron de barras de control del ciclo de equilibrio de 18 meses para la CLV empleando algoritmos bio-inspirados

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perusquia, R.; Ortiz, J.J.; Montes, J.L. [ININ, 52045 Ocoyoacac, Estado de Mexico (Mexico)]. e-mail:


    Nowadays in the National Institute of Nuclear Research are carried out studies with some bio-inspired optimization techniques to improve the performance of the fuel cycles of the boiling water reactors of the Laguna Verde power plant (CLV). In the present work two bio-inspired techniques were applied with the purpose of improving the performance of a balance cycle of 18 months developed for the CLV: genetic algorithms (AG) and systems based on ants colonies (SCH). The design of the reference cycle it represents in several aspects an optimal cycle proposed starting from the experience of several operation decades with the boiling water reactors (BWR initials for Boiling Water Reactor) in the world. To try to improve their performance is beforehand a difficult challenge and it puts on test the feasibility of the optimization methods in the reloads design. The study of the bio-inspired techniques was centered exclusively on the obtaining of the control rod patterns (PBC) trying to overcome the capacity factor reached in the design of the reference cycle. It was fixed the cycle length such that the decrease of the coast down period would represent an increase of the capacity factor of the cycle; so that, it diminishes the annual cost associated with the capital cost of the plant. As consequence of the study, was found that the algorithm based on the ants colonies reaches to diminish the coast down period in five and half days respect to the original balance cycle, what represents an annual saving of $US 74,000. Since the original cycle was optimized, the above-mentioned, shows the ability of the SCH for the optimization of the cycle design. With the AG it was reach to approach to the original balance cycle with a coast down period greater in seven days estimating an annual penalization of $US 130,000. (Author)

  7. Flujo de carga con armónicos empleando la matriz impedancia de barras

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    José A González Quintero


    Full Text Available Se describe un flujo de armónicos empleando la matriz impedancia de barras. El algoritmo propuesto permite hallar losvoltajes de cada nodo del circuito sin tener que realizar la solución simultánea de todas las ecuaciones no linealescorrespondientes a cada nodo, ni siquiera la solución simultánea de las ecuaciones correspondientes a una redreducida de nodos no lineales solamente.  This work describes a harmonic load flow using the bar impedance matrix. The proposed algorithm permit to findevery node voltage of the circuit without to realize the simultaneous solution of all the non-linear equationscorresponding to each node, not even the simultaneous solution of the equations corresponding to a reducednetwork of only non-linear nodes.

  8. Algoritmos genéticos locales


    García-Martínez, Carlos; Lozano, Manuel


    Los Algoritmos Genéticos Locales son procedimientos que iterativamente re nan soluciones dadas. Su diferencia con procedimientos de mejora iterativa clásicos reside en el uso de operadores genéticos para realizar el re namiento. En este estudio presentamos un nuevo Algoritmo Genético Local Binario basado en un Algoritmo Genético Estacionario. Hemos comparado el Algoritmo Genético Local Binario con otros procedimientos de mejora iterativa de la literatura. Los res...

  9. Algoritmos para problemas de empacotamento


    Eduardo Candido Xavier


    Resumo: Neste trabalho estudamos diversos problemas de empacotamento considerados NP-difíceis. Assumindo a hipótese de que P ? NP, sabemos que não existem algoritmos eficientes (complexidade de tempo polinomial) exatos para resolver tais problemas. Uma das abordagens consideradas para tratar tais problemas é a de algoritmos de aproximação, que são algoritmos eficientes e que geram soluções com garantia de qualidade. Neste trabalho apresentamos alguns algoritmos aproximados para problemas de e...

  10. Pronóstico puntos críticos de la serie temporal "consumo de energía eléctrica del sector industrial en la ciudad de Medellín,", usando algoritmos genéticos

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    Héctor Tabares


    Full Text Available Los algoritmos genéticos (AG están inspirados en el principio darwiniano de la evolución de las especies y en la genética. Son algoritmos probabilísticos que ofrecen un mecanismo de búsqueda paralela y adaptativa, basado en el principio de supervivencia de los más aptos y en la reproducción.Este artículo presenta una introducción a los fundamentos de los AG. También enseña el simulador software AG_UdeA desarrollado con un propósito didáctico para la enseñanza de los AG. El principal aporte consiste en la aplicación de los AG para pronosticar los puntos críticos de consumo de energía eléctrica del sector industrial de la ciudad de Medellín para un período de 24 horas.

  11. Modelo poblacional con algoritmos genéticos


    Veliz Quintero, Eduardo; Rodriguez Ojeda, Luis


    Para el desarrollo de este trabajo, “MODELO POBLACIONAL CON ALGORITMOS GENÉTICOS”, he investigado la rama de la inteligencia artificial, como son los algoritmos genéticos. Primero presento en forma general los aspectos que envuelven los algoritmos genéticos, parto de la necesidad de optimizar, así como su historia y posibles aplicaciones y luego he cubierto detalladamente todo lo que pude investigar sobre la teoría de los algoritmos genéticos, sus fundamentos matemáticos, tipos de algoritmos ...

  12. Introduciendo mejoras en los algoritmos evolutivos


    Esquivel, Susana Cecilia; Gallard, Raúl Hector


    Hoy día se conocen como algoritmos evolutivos (Aes), a una familia de algoritmos basados en lso principios de reproducción, variación aleatoria competencia y selección de individuos. Una de las clases más exitosas la constituyen aquellos basados en lo que originalmente se conoció como algoritmos genéticos. Estos tienen en particular el uso de operadores genéticos (crossover y mutación) no siempre presentes en otras clases de algoritmos evolutivos. Esta presentación muestra variantes introduci...


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    Víctor Mario Vélez Marín

    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta una metodología para solucionar el problema del planeamiento de sistemas de distribución secundarios empleando como técnica de solución el algoritmo de Búsqueda Tabú. El problema se formula como un modelo no lineal entero-mixto, en el cual se tienen en cuenta la ubicación y capacidad de nuevos elementos (transformadores de distribución y tramos de red primaria y secundaria, reubicación de transformadores de distribución existentes, aumento de capacidades de elementos existentes, reconfiguración de red secundaria y balance de fases. Adicionalmente, se consideran los costos asociados a la conexión entre red primaria y secundaria y las pérdidas de energía en transformadores. Se emplean dos casos de prueba; en el primero se realizan ensayos comparativos con el algoritmo genético de Chu-Beasley para verificar la eficiencia del método propuesto y, en el segundo, se analizan los resultados obtenidos en un sistema de distribución colombiano. En ambos casos los resultados obtenidos son de gran calidad, lo que respalda lo propuesto en este trabajo.


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    Full Text Available Este artículo estudia un problema de programación de la producción en el corto plazo inspirado de sistemas de fabricación reales en los cuales se tiene un conjunto de tareas (órdenes de producción tanto en una configuración de una máquina como en máquinas paralelas idénticas con el objetivo de minimizar el lapso de fabricación o tiempo máximo de terminación de todos los trabajos. Las tareas están sujetas a fechas de disponibilidad diferentes y existen tiempos de preparación de las máquinas dependientes de la secuencia de procesamiento. Puesto que este problema es conocido como fuertemente NPcompleto, incluso para el caso de una máquina simple, este artículo propone un algoritmo heurístico para resolverlo. El algoritmo emplea una estrategia de generación aleatoria de varias secuencias de procesamiento de los trabajos y luego selecciona el mejor de estos programas. Se desarrollaron experimentos computacionales empleando datos generados aleatoriamente. Los resultados muestran que el procedimiento propuesto se desempeña muy bien comparado con la solución óptima o con cotas inferiores, requiriendo un menor tiempo de cálculo.

  15. Algoritmo de aceptación diferida matricial

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    Jorge Oviedo


    Full Text Available En este artículo damos una versión matricial del algoritmo de aceptación diferida para el modelo de asignación (matching uno a uno. El algoritmo va modificando la matriz de preferencia de los agentes. Cuando el algoritmo se detiene se muestra que coincide con una asignación estable óptima de los agentes.

  16. A harmony search algorithm for clustering with feature selection

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    Carlos Cobos


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta un nuevo algoritmo de clustering denominado IHSK, con la capacidad de seleccionar características en un orden de complejidad lineal. El algoritmo es inspirado en la combinación de los algoritmos de búsqueda armónica y K-means. Para la selección de las características se usó el concepto de variabilidad y un método heurístico que penaliza la presencia de dimensiones con baja probabilidad de aportar en la solución actual. El algoritmo fue probado con conjuntos de datos sintéticos y reales, obteniendo resultados prometedores.


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    Angely Cárcamo-Gallardo


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presenta un nuevo algoritmo que permite reconfigurar un sistema de distribución (SD de energía eléctrica minimizando la energía no suministrada (ENS. El SD se modela utilizando teoría de grafos, mientras que la ENS se formula recursivamente y se parametriza en términos de los índices de confiabilidad del SD. Empleando esta modelación se transforma el problema de optimización en el problema de encontrar el árbol de mínima expansión (AME a partir del grafo que modela al SD, donde la métrica de distancia utilizada corresponde a la ENS a cada nodo del SD. Para encontrar de manera eficiente el AME se utiliza el algoritmo de Prim, ya que pertenece a la clase de algoritmos voraces en el cálculo del AME. Adicionalmente, se propone un algoritmo que realiza una revisión del AME obtenido analizando las topologías que fueron descartadas aleatoriamente durante el proceso de decisión. El desempeño del algoritmo de optimización se evalúa en sistemas de pruebas y en dos sistemas eléctricos reales.This paper presents a novel algorithm to reconfigure an electric power distribution network (EPDN, minimizing its non-supplied energy (NSE. The EPDN is modeled using graph theory and the NSE is recursively formulated in terms of the reliability parameters of the EPDN. Based on this mathematical model, we transform the original optimization problem into the graph theory problem of finding the minimum spanning tree (MST of a given graph, which models the EPDN. The distance metric employed by the searching algorithm is the NSE. In order to efficiently find the MST, Prim's algorithm is employed due to is greedy search behavior. In addition, a backtracking algorithm is used to check the MST obtained. The backtracking algorithm analyzes all the candidate topologies that were randomly discarded during the decision process. The performance of the optimization algorithm is evaluated using testing systems and two actual EPDNs.

  18. Los algoritmos como instrumento de la matemática

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    Luis Roberto Ojeda Ch.


    Full Text Available El concepto de algoritmo es fundamental en múltiples campos de la actividad humana. Se relacionan en este artfculo los conceptos de función y de algoritmo para luego caracterizar un tipo especial de función: el de las recursivas. Finalmente se establece la Tesis de Alonzo Church que indica que sólo para las funciones recursivas pueden obtenerse algoritmos de evaluación.

  19. Algoritmos de antialiasing

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    Gabriel Mañana Guichón


    Full Text Available Se presentan los algoritmos desarrollados para el trazado de lineas suaves y aplicación de texto sobre imágenes, como ejemplo del trabajo de investigación que se lleva a cabo en el campo del filtrado de imágenes o antialiasing.

  20. Estudo comparativo entre algoritmos das transformadas discretas de Fourier e Wavelet

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    Wilson Hissamu Shirado


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta um estudo comparativo das complexidades dos algoritmos das Transformadas Discretas de Fourier, Wavelet e Transformada Rápida de Fourier. As formalizações matemáticas e algumas características dos algoritmos são apresentadas, assim como alguns conceitos de complexidade assintótica. Por fim, é realizado um ensaio prático para comparação dos algoritmos, abrangendo questões como tempo de execução, vantagens e desvantagens de cada transformada assim como avaliações a respeito das diferentes resoluções tempo/frequência de cada algoritmo.

  1. Framework de desarrollo rápido de algoritmos paralelos


    Expósito Piñol, Luis


    El proyecto ofrece un framework de programación de algoritmos paralelos basado en el algoritmo genético BRKGA, permitiendo resolver diferentes problemas solo cambiando una parte del framework. Todo esto utilizando la GPU para tener una mayor potencia de cálculo.

  2. ¿Podemos predecir en algoritmos paralelos no deterministas?


    Fritzsche, Paula Cecilia


    ¿Podemos predecir en algoritmos paralelos no deterministas? Sí, es posible. A lo largo de este documento se demostrará esta afirmación. La evaluación científica de algoritmos para solucionar todo tipo de problemas es uno de los puntos clave en ciencias de la computación. En el terreno de ciencia computacional (una disciplina emergente) continuamente surgen nuevos desafíos.

  3. Algoritmos para la clasificación piramidal simbólica

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    Oldemar Rodríguez


    Full Text Available En este artículo se define el concepto de pirámide simbólica, además se presentan dos algoritmos para generar este tipo d pirámide a partir de una matriz de datos simbólicos. El primer algoritmo (CAPS encuentra un "orden total compatible con la pirámide" de los n objetos, mientras que el segundo (CAPSO construye la pirámide a partir de un orden dado apriori en los objetos, dicho orden se recibe como entrada en el algoritmo. Ambos algoritmos, además de producir la pirámide, para cada grada encuentran el objeto simbólico asociado a cada nodo y su extensión. También se presentan los teoremas de convergencia. Palabras clave: pirámide, objeto simbólico, grada, grado de generalidad, objeto completo, componente conexa, tablas de datos simbólica.

  4. Análisis de eficiencia de algoritmos

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    Lovos, Edith


    Full Text Available La resolución de un problema usando una computadora puede ser modelada por diferentes algoritmos. De aquí la importancia de contar con herramientas que nos permitan seleccionar el algoritmo que sea más eficiente, es decir, el que insuma menos recursos del ordenador: tiempo y memoria necesarios para su ejecución. Existen dos formas de medir la complejidad de un algoritmo: análisis teórico y análisis empírico. En este trabajo se presenta la descripción del simulador, “SIMULA-ALGO”, junto con la propuesta de uso y detalles del diseño de la interfaz. Se presenta además una fundamentación teórica sobre las ventajas del uso de la simulación como recurso pedagógico-didáctico. El simulador se propone como recurso para la enseñanza aprendizaje del análisis teórico de eficiencia de algoritmos. El mismo está destinado a alumnos de los primeros años de carreras universitarias de licenciatura en sistemas. Los contenidos considerados en el simulador, requieren, para su comprensión, del uso de procesos cognitivos analíticos. El simulador pretende optimizar estos procesos en el alumno que lo usa. Así, por ejemplo, el simulador podrá realizar procesos rutinarios en forma rápida y efectiva, permitiendo que el alumno se concentre en los procesos analíticos que requiere la tarea.

  5. Estudo comparativo entre algoritmos das transformadas discretas de Fourier e Wavelet


    Wilson Hissamu Shirado; Márcio de Abreu Moreira; Jandira Guenka Palma; Sylvio Barbon Júnior


    Este trabalho apresenta um estudo comparativo das complexidades dos algoritmos das Transformadas Discretas de Fourier, Wavelet e Transformada Rápida de Fourier. As formalizações matemáticas e algumas características dos algoritmos são apresentadas, assim como alguns conceitos de complexidade assintótica. Por fim, é realizado um ensaio prático para comparação dos algoritmos, abrangendo questões como tempo de execução, vantagens e desvantagens de cada transformada assim como avaliações a respei...

  6. Algoritmo de cifrado para sistemas móviles


    Castro Lechtaler, Antonio; Cipriano, Marcelo; García, Edith; Liporace, Julio César; Maiorano, Ariel; Malvacio, Eduardo; Tapia, Néstor


    Este proyecto de investigación persigue elaborar el diseño y desarrollo de un Algoritmo de Cifrado para Sistemas Móviles que por sus propiedades de velocidad, compactibili- dad y robustez; pueda ser implementado en equipos de comunicaciones que funcionan so- bre Sistemas Móviles. Se esperan obtener resultados teóricos, prácticos y la realización de un desarrollo experimental. Los modernos algoritmos criptológicos responden a principios y filosofías diferentes a las que se llevaban a cab...


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    Ramón Osmany Ramírez Tasé


    Full Text Available Los algoritmos multiclasificadores se han mostrado particularmente eficientes para trabajar sobre espacios de datos grandes y complejos como los llamados flujos de datos. En estos flujos, durante la clasificación, aparecen conceptos que cambian con el tiempo, por lo que los métodos para su minería, sobre todo los  que detectan y se adaptan  a estos cambios, son importantes por su aplicación en áreas como: bioinformática, medicina, economía y finanzas, industria, medio ambiente, entre otras. La presente investigación propone un nuevo algoritmo multiclasificador que se adapta a los cambios de conceptos, tiene votación ponderada con una nueva forma para ajustar los pesos y permite variar el tipo de clasificador básico. El algoritmo fue implementado en compatibilidad y bajo las exigencias del entorno de trabajo MOA (Massive Online Analysis facilitando la comparación con otros algoritmos conocidos y la generación de bases de datos sintéticas que simulan cambios de conceptos. Para la experimentación se generaron experiencias bajo conceptos artificiales conocidos, tales como: SEA, LED, STAGGER e Hiperplano; logrando mostrar la alta capacidad de adaptación y la estabilidad del algoritmo frente a diferentes situaciones simuladas.

  8. Una comparación de algoritmos evolutivos para la optimización de funciones multimodales


    Brero, Alejandro C.; Gallard, Raúl Hector


    La Computación Evolutiva (CE) ha sido reconocida recientemente como un campo de investigación que estudia un nuevo tipo de algoritmos: los algoritmos evolutivos (AEs). Opuestamente a los enfoques tradicionales que mejoran una única solución, estos algoritmos procesan poblaciones de soluciones y poseen como características comunes la reproducción, la variación aleatoria, la competición y la selección de individuos. Los algoritmos genéticos (AGs) y las estrategias evolutivas (EEs) constituye...

  9. Algoritmos multirecombinativos aplicados al problema de ruteo de vehículos

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    Renzo Ramon Miño


    Full Text Available El diseño de algoritmos eficientes para resolver problemas complejos ha sido tradicionalmente uno de los aspectos más importantes en la investigación en el campo de la informática. El objetivo perseguido en este campo es fundamentalmente el desarrollo de nuevos métodos capaces de resolver problemas complejos con el menor esfuerzo computacional posible, mejorando así a los algoritmos existentes. En consecuencia, esto no sólo permite afrontar los problemas de forma más eficiente, sino afrontar tareas vedadas en el pasado debido a su alto costo computacional. Las metaheurísticas son métodos que integran procedimientos de mejora local y estrategias de alto nivel para realizar una búsqueda robusta en el espacio-problema. El problema de ruteo de vehículos es un problema de optimización combinatoria de gran importancia en diferentes entornos logísticos debido a su dificultad (NP-duros y a sus múltiples aplicaciones industriales. Se han propuestos varias soluciones a este problema haciendo uso de heurísticas y metaheurísticas. En este trabajo proponemos dos algoritmos para resolver el problema de ruteo de vehículos con capacidad limitada, utilizando como base un Algoritmo Evolutivo conocido como MCMP-SRI (Stud and Random Inmigrants combinados con Hill- Climbing. Detalles de los algoritmos y los resultados de los experimentos muestran un promisorio comportamiento para resolver el problema.


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    Renata Luiza da Costa


    Full Text Available A palestra aqui proposta aborda as principais técnicas de Inteligência Artificial dando enfoque maior a técnica chamada Algoritmos Genéticos, a qual é aplicada a problemas de otimização. Tal palestra aborda os fundamentos teóricos do assunto e apresenta uma aplicação prática, desenvolvida usando a Linguagem de Programação Delphi, onde o problema da Dieta tem suas respostas factíveis encontradas a partir do uso de um Algoritmo Genético.


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    Maritza Bracho de Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Using the Distributed Artificial Intelligence and the Distributed Robotics as a frame of reference, in this work are designed, developed and implemented algorithms to control autonomous, mobile, reactive, rational, proactive and sociable small robots. These minibots are capable to exhibit behaviors inspired in biological societies. Through the development of this work it was found that if the robot has to perform simple tasks, a reactive architecture is more convenient, efficient and effective. While for the performance of tasks of medium or greater complexity, is recommend the use of a hybrid architecture that allows the incorporation of deliberative reasoning.// RESUMEN: Tomando como marco de referencia a la Inteligencia Artificial Distribuida y la Robótica Distribuida, en este trabajo se diseñan, desarrollan e implementan algoritmos para el control de pequeños robots autónomos, móviles, reactivos, racionales, proactivos y sociables. Estos minibots son capaces de exhibir comportamientos inspirados en las sociedades biológicas. En los resultados alcanzados durante el desarrollo de este trabajo se encontró que cuando el robot debe ejecutar tareas simples, la arquitectura reactiva es la más conveniente, eficiente y efectiva, mientras que para la ejecución de tareas de complejidad mediana o mayor, es más recomendable el uso de arquitecturas hibridas que permitan la incorporación de procesos deliberativos.


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    Óscar Cornejo Zúñiga

    Full Text Available En este artículo se muestran diferentes algoritmos para estimar parámetros en modelos no lineales. Se aplican primeramente a una base de datos de problemas clasificados difíciles. Posteriormente, se muestra el comportamiento de los algoritmos para el estudio de crecimiento de la merluza común en machos y hembras, anchoveta y sardina común ajustando un modelo de Von Bertalanffy. Se aplica el test de Cerrato para la comparación de crecimientos entre géneros para la merluza común. Los algoritmos se implementaron en ambiente MATLAB presentando un buen comportamiento en cuanto a tiempo CPU, número de iteraciones y exactitud de la solución encontrada respecto de valores certificados de los problemas de la base de datos.



    Carrera Albán, Thruman Wladimir


    El objetivo principal que guía el diseño de cualquier algoritmo de cifrado debe ser la seguridad contra ataques no autorizados. Sin embargo, para todas las aplicaciones prácticas, el rendimiento y la velocidad también son preocupaciones importantes. Estas son las dos características principales que diferencian un algoritmo de cifrado de otro. Este documento proporciona la comparación de rendimiento entre dos de los algoritmos de cifrado más utilizados: AES (Rijndael) y Blowfish. La comparació...

  14. Extensión del Algoritmo Evolutivo MOS con técnicas de Evolución Diferencial


    Fernández Martín, Jaime


    Integración de un nuevo algoritmo de Evolución Diferencial en una librería de Algoritmos Evolutivos y su adaptación en forma de técnica para el algoritmo de hibridación MOS (Multiple Offspring Sampling). MOS es capaz de adaptarse a los problemas, premiando a las técnicas que mejores resutlados vayan obteniendo. Pruebas y estudios sobre los resultados obtenidos con esta nueva técnica.

  15. La obtención y proyección de tablas de mortalidad empleando curvas. Spline

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    Alejandro MINA-VALDÉS


    Full Text Available Una de las herramientas del análisis numérico es el uso de polinomios de n-ésimo orden para interpolar entre n + 1 puntos, teniéndose casos en donde estas funciones polinómicas pueden llevar a resultados erróneos. Una alternativa es la de aplicar polinomios de orden inferior a subconjuntos de datos. Estos polinomios conectados se llaman funciones de interpolación segmentaria (spline functions. En este artículo se presenta la herramienta que el análisis numérico proporciona como instrumento técnico necesario para llevar a cabo todos los procedimientos matemáticos existentes con base a algoritmos que permitan su simulación o cálculo, en especial, las funciones splines definidas a trozos (por tramos, con interpolación mediante ellas, dando lugar a el ajuste de curvas spline con base en la serie de sobrevivientes lx de una tabla abreviada de mortalidad mexicana, con el fin de desagregarla por edad desplegada, respetando las concavidades que por el efecto de la mortalidad en las primeras edades y en las siguientes se tienen en la experiencia mexicana. También empleando las curvas splines se presentan las simulaciones que permiten obtener escenarios futuros de las series de sobrevivientes lx, que dan lugar a las proyecciones de la mortalidad mexicana para los años 2010-2050, las que generan las tablas completas de mortalidad para hombres y mujeres de dicho periodo, resaltando las diferencias entre sexos y edades de sus probabilidades de supervivencia y las ganancias en las esperanzas de vida.

  16. GRASP para secuenciar modelos mixtos en una línea con sobrecarga, tiempo inerte y regularidad en la producción


    Bautista Valhondo, Joaquín; Alfaro Pozo, Rocío; Batalla García, Cristina


    Se presenta un algoritmo GRASP para resolver un problema de secuenciación de productos en una línea de montaje de modelos mixtos. El objetivo del problema es obtener una secuencia de fabricación de productos con máximo trabajo total completado y cumpliendo la propiedad de regularidad en la producción. El algoritmo GRASP implementado se compara con otros procedimientos de resolución, empleando para ello las instancias de un caso de estudio asociado a la planta de fabricación de motores de Niss...

  17. Aplicando un Algoritmo Genético para Balancear Carga Dinámicamente en Ambientes Distribuidos Orientados a Objetos (CORBA)


    Fco. Javier Luna Rosas; Rene Tristán Ávila; J. de Jesús Martínez Pedroza


    Balancear Carga significa como distribuir procesos entre procesadores conectados por una red, para equilibrar la carga de trabajo entre ellos. Los algoritmos de planeación distribuida global pueden ser divididos en dos grandes grupos: algoritmos de balanceo de carga dinámica y algoritmos de balanceo de carga estática. Los algoritmos de balanceo de carga estática, también referenciados como planeación de tareas obtienen la localización de todos sus requerimientos antes de comenzar su ...


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    Full Text Available El propósito de este trabajo es examinar cuáles son los algoritmos que utilizan los paquetes de software más populares para BI. Una encuesta inicial informal muestra que los actuales paquetes de software de BI incluyen a la mayoría de algoritmos descritos en la literatura de los paquetes estadísticos tradicionales. Además, una de las principales diferencias entre el software para BI y los paquetes estadísticos tradicionales es que el primero tiene mejores características para los reportes.

  19. Diseño e implementación de algoritmos de unificación y matching para términos comprimidos.


    Ramos Garrido, Lander


    Las gramáticas incontextuales se pueden utilizar como herramienta para comprimir palabras o términos. Estas gramáticas pueden permitir en casos extremos comprimir hasta un factor exponencial. Sobre este tipo de compresiones existen diferentes algoritmos que se pueden implementar sin necesidad de descomprimir la palabra o término dados. En este PFC diseñamos nuevos algoritmos probabilísticos que se puedan aplicar a este tipo de compresiones. Estos algoritmos mejoran el coste de los algoritmos ...

  20. Algoritmo de reconocimiento de patrones basado en codificación fisiológica en cerebro de primates.




    El cerebro humano y animal es capaz de reconocer una gran cantidad de patrones, como por ejemplo caras, utilizando un limitado número de neuronas y algoritmos de procesamiento [Chang et al 2017]. Sin embargo, los algoritmos de reconocimiento de patrones utilizados en la actualidad, incluso aquellos basados en redes neuronales, requieren un alto número de operaciones y capacidad de computo. El objetivo del presente trabajo final de grado es adaptar, desarrollar y validar un algoritmo de re...

  1. Algunas relaciones entre algoritmos y resolución de problemas

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    Jaime Fonseca González


    Full Text Available Como parte del estudio realizado en la tesis de maestría “Uso de algoritmos en la resolución de problemas sobre isometrías del plano. Un estudio de caso”, se han identificado diversas formas en que se relacionan los algoritmos con la resolución de problemas, no sólo como procesos mecánicos, sino como fuente de información en el planteamiento de estrategias al resolver un problema, de modo que surgen algunas maneras en que se da esta relación, ejemplificando cada una de ellas con problemas cuyo objeto matemático central son las isometrías del plano.

  2. Algoritmo de criptografia RSA: análise entre a segurança e velocidade

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    Rafael Santos Andrade


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é abordar a relação existente entre a busca pela segurança de dados e a velocidade de codificação e decodificação do algoritmo de criptografia RSA, que utiliza um par de números inteiros como ‘chave’. Considerando o tamanho da chave como requisito de segurança, devido à dificuldade computacional de fatorar números inteiros extensos, simulamos estes processos, com o algoritmo implementado na linguagem de programação C, utilizando chaves aleatórias de 1024, 2048 e 4096 bits. Desta forma, observamos o tempo de processamento em função do tamanho das chaves, confrontando segurança e desempenho.Palavras-chave: criptografia; algoritmo RSA; segurança; desempenho.

  3. Algoritmo para el cálculo de la velocidad media óptima en una ruta (ASGA

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    V. Corcoba Magaña


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este trabajo se propone un algoritmo para obtener la velocidad media óptima para ahorrar combustible y mejorar la seguridad. El algoritmo propuesto se basa en los algoritmos genéticos. El algoritmo emplea información sobre el entorno, la carretera y el vehículo para obtener la velocidad media que minimice el consumo de combustible sin incrementar drásticamente la duración del trayecto. Además, el algoritmo propuesto mejora la seguridad ya que adecua la velocidad a las condiciones de la vía. La información sobre el entorno se obtiene de servicios web y la información sobre el vehículo se obtiene a través del puerto OBD2. El algoritmo es validado en situaciones reales con incidentes de tráfico y sin ellos. Por otra parte, se analiza el impacto de la velocidad media y los incidentes de tráfico en las aceleraciones y su influencia en el consumo de combustible. Abstract: This paper proposes an algorithm for obtaining the optimal average speed to save fuel and improve safety. The proposed algorithm is based on genetic algorithms. The algorithm uses information about the environment, the road and the vehicle for obtaining the optimal average speed which it minimizes fuel consumption without dramatically increasing the travel time. Moreover, the proposed algorithm improves safety adapting vehicle speed to road conditions. The environment information is obtained from web services and vehicle information is obtained through the OBD2 port. The algorithm is validated in situations with and without incidents. In addition, we analyze the impact of the average speed and acceleration incidents and their impact on fuel consumption. Palabras clave: Conducción eficiente, Sistemas de ayuda a la conducción, Algoritmos Genéticos, Android, Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte., Keywords: Eco-driving, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, Genetic Algorithms, Android, Intelligent Transport System.

  4. Algoritmo de tipo búsqueda tabú para un problema de programación de horarios universitarios vespertinos

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    Cristian David Oliva San Martín


    Full Text Available En este estudio se presenta un modelo de programación no lineal en variables enteras para un problema de programación de horarios universitarios vespertinos y se propone un algoritmo para su solución. El problema consiste en programar asignaturas en un horizonte de planificación considerando profesores, aulas, alumnos, días y un conjunto de restricciones, buscando minimizar la penalidad de no satisfacer los requerimientos de profesores, el número de cambios de sala y el número de periodos libres entre cursos. Se propone un modelo matemático y una implementación de un algoritmo de tipo búsqueda tabú. Para evaluar la efectividad del algoritmo se utilizaron casos de prueba con datos reales del Instituto IPEGE (Chile, en los que el algoritmo es capaz de obtener soluciones factibles en un tiempo razonable. Los parámetros de dicho algoritmo fueron calibrados con los casos de prueba, para posteriormente evaluar su desempeño. Se muestra que este obtuvo mejores soluciones que el método manual.

  5. Algoritmo para el cálculo de cargas de trabajo

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    Mauricio Becerra Fernández


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta el desarrollo un algoritmo para el cálculo de cargas de trabajo, soportado en el análisis de estudios similares y la teoría del estudio de métodos y tiempos. El algoritmo se propone como un elemento de soporte para el análisis del nivel trabajo asignado a un cargo específico o a un grupo de trabajadores en un área determinada, ya sea en la industria de manufactura o de servicios, lo que permita nivelar el volumen de trabajo asignado mediante la definición de diversas alternativas que promuevan el aumento de la productividad, favorezcan la mejora en el clima y las condiciones laborales.

  6. Algoritmos rápidos de detecção de colisão broad phase utilizando KD-trees


    Rocha, Rafael de Sousa


    Neste trabalho, três novos algoritmos rápidos de detecção de colisão broad phase, os quais utilizam a estrutura de particionamento espacial conhecida como KD-Tree, foram pro- postos e implementados: KDTreeSpace, DynamicKDTreeSpace e StatelessKDTreeSpace. Estes algoritmos foram integrados à biblioteca Open Dynamics Engine (ODE), responsável pelo cálculo do movimento dos objetos dinâmicos, como possíveis alternativas aos algoritmos de broad phase disponíveis nesta biblioteca. Os algori...

  7. Algoritmos de aproximação para problemas de empacotamento em faixa com restrições de descarregamento


    Jefferson Luiz Moisés da Silveira


    Resumo: Neste trabalho estudamos problemas de empacotamento com restrições de descarregamento considerados NP-difíceis. Estes problemas possuem aplicações nas áreas de logística e roteamento. Assumindo a hipótese de que P ? NP, sabemos que não existem algoritmos eficientes para resolver tais problemas. Uma das abordagens consideradas para tratar tais problemas é a de algoritmos de aproximação, que são algoritmos eficientes (complexidade de tempo polinomial) e que geram soluções com garantia d...


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    Full Text Available Una trayectoria es un registro de la evoluciónde la posición de un objeto móvil. Por ejemplo,un vehículo que se mueve en el espacio durante unintervalo de tiempo. Una trayectoria se representamediante una secuencia de observaciones que indicanla posición y el tiempo en el que fue tomada cadaobservación. CB-SMoT es un algoritmo que identificalas partes de una trayectoria durante las cuales elobjeto mantuvo una velocidad promedio por debajode un límite dado. En este artículo se propone unaextensión para dicho algoritmo que permite identificarlas partes de una trayectoria durante las cualesel objeto mantuvo una velocidad promedio entre observacionespor debajo de un límite dado. Esto posibilitala identificación, por ejemplo, de violacionesa un límite de velocidad que no son advertidas porel algoritmo original. Para el estudio se usó el sistemade gestión de bases de datos PostgreSQL y losalgoritmos se implementaron en su lenguaje de programación,llamado PL/pgSQL. Además, se hicieronexperimentos con 100 trayectorias de vehículos conel propósito de mostrar la utilidad y la viabilidad de lapropuesta.

  9. Algoritmos evolutivos aplicados al diseño inteligente de parques eólicos


    Bilbao, Martín; Alba, Enrique


    En este documento se muestran dos tipos de algoritmos metaheurísticos aplicados al diseño inteligente de un parque eólico, la idea básica es utilizar CHC y algoritmos genéticos para obtener una buena configuración de molinos dentro del parque de tal manera que maximicen la energía total producida y minimicen la cantidad de molinos utilizados. En este trabajo analizaremos dos casos de estudios con una distribución real de vientos de la patagonia argentina, un terreno irregular con restriccione...

  10. Algoritmos de compresión paralela


    Anderson, Alfredo; Dirazar, Delio


    El objetivo planteado inicialmente fue analizar la viabilidad de distribuir un compresor de datos en una red de procesadores. Además de elegir el algoritmo a implementar y definir alternativas de distribución debíamos seleccionar un lenguaje y un sistema operativo que soporten las herramientas de multiprocesamiento necesarias para la implementación de las versiones distribuidas. Nuestro primer paso fué realizar la implementación de dos compresores de datos basados en el mismo algortimo,...

  11. Algoritmo genético e espectroscopia no infravermelho - algumas aplicações na indústria cosmética


    Marcos Coelho Amendola


    Este trabalho discute o desenvolvimento de um algoritmo genético escrito em linguagem VBA para Excel e suas aplicações. O algoritmo elaborado foi utilizado em combinação com a técnica de FTIR-ATR para o desenvolvimento de metodologias aplicáveis na indústria cosmética e de saneantes, tais como a quantificação de surfactantes e bactericidas. Algumas modificações introduzidas no algoritmo foram estudadas através das aplicações selecionadas, destacando-se a introdução de técnicas de paralelismo ...

  12. Análise de desempenho de algoritmos evolutivos no domínio do futebol de robôs


    Eduardo Sacogne Fraccaroli


    Muitos problemas de otimização em ambientes multiagentes utilizam os algoritmos evolutivos para encontrar as melhores soluções. Uma das abordagens mais utilizadas consiste na aplicação de um algoritmo genético, como alternativa aos métodos tradicionais, para definir as ações dos jogadores em um time de futebol de robôs. Entretanto, conforme relatado na literatura, há inúmeras possibilidades e formas de se aplicar um algoritmo genético no domínio do futebol de robôs. Assim sendo, neste trabalh...


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    Jorge Rivera


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presentan los detalles de la moduclación por ancho de pulso en el espacio vectorial (SVPWM por sus siglas en inglés. Primero se plantea el escenario en donde es más usado este algoritmo, es decir, en el control de motores eléctricos trifásicos. Se explica que el algoritmo del SVPWM sirve para manejar los inversores, además se indica en qué marco de referencia deben estar las acciones de control que el algortimo del SVPWM acepta, para finalmente presentar el algoritmo de una manera clara y concisa.

  14. Algoritmos y gramáticas : un capitulo apasionante de la teoría cognitiva


    Pérez Alcázar, Jesús Hernando


    DOS GRANDES PROBLEMASUno de los grandes pioneros de la teoría cognitiva es el profesor norteamericano Noam Chomsky. En este ensayo presentaremos algunos de sus muy numerosos aportes al desarrollo de esta nueva teoría, limitando la atención a las relaciones entre gramaticas y algoritmos. Una manera muy sugestiva de abordar las relaciones entre los algoritmos matemáticos y las gramáticas de la teoría lingüística, la ofrece el propio Noam Chomsky en su importante trabajo "El conocimiento del len...

  15. Paralelización del Algoritmo Expectación–Maximización Utilizando OpenCL

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    Ernesto Insua-Suárez


    Full Text Available Actualmente, las organizaciones y empresas almacenan grandes volúmenes de datos para lograr sus propósitos. Una de las variantes para obtener información valiosa consiste en el empleo de la Minería de datos. Dentro de esta, existen diferentes tareas, una de ellas es el agrupamiento. En esta tarea los datos se agrupan según sus semejanzas entre si y diferencias con elementos de otros grupos. Dentro de los algoritmos que realizan estos agrupamientos se encuentra Expectación-Maximización, el cual presenta elevados tiempos de ejecución en la medida que aumenta el tamaño de los datos. En el presente artículo se discute acerca de la paralelización del algoritmo, utilizando técnicas de programación paralela. El diseño del algoritmo propuesto se basa en el uso de las tarjetas de procesamiento gráfico, GPU. OpenCL, lenguaje empleado para la programación en arquitecturas híbridas, permite aprovechar las arquitecturas de hardware disponibles, con lo que se logra disminuir el tiempo de ejecución de la implementación realizada. La razón principal por lo cual es posible mejorar este tiempo se debe a la cantidad de procesos paralelos que se pueden lanzar en hilos de procesamientos independientes. Para el logro de los resultados descritos se integran conocimientos del campo de la Minería de datos y la Computación Paralela y Distribuida. Como parte de esta investigación, se realizó una implementación del algoritmo utilizando las bibliotecas de OpenCL, para disminuir su tiempo de ejecución. La implementación logra disminuir en un 82% la implementación secuencial. Esto significa que el algoritmo paralelo se ejecuta 5,5 veces más rápido que su correspondiente implementación secuencial.

  16. Algoritmos de previsión a corto plazo en base a radar meteorológico


    Campeny Mora, Mercè


    Las consecuencias de las inundaciones suelen ser devastadoras. Los sistemas de protección tradicionales se complementan cada vez más con sistemas de prevención y alerta de inundaciones. En este sentido, el radar meteorológico y los algoritmos de previsión adquieren una importancia clave. El objetivo de la tesina es la mejora de los algoritmos de previsión en base a radar meteorológico a partir del estudio de distintos factores que intervienen.

  17. El problema del agente viajero: un algoritmo determinístico usando búsqueda tabú

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    Erasmo López


    Full Text Available Se implementa un algoritmo correspondiente al método Búsqueda Tabú, llamado EraDeterminístico, experimentado con el algoritmo básico que explora el espacio de búsqueda e incorporando la diversificación como estrategia para explorar nuevas regiones. El algoritmo se desarrolla en el ambiente de programación Visual Basic 6.0 y la implementación se orienta a encontrar soluciones cercanas a la óptima del problema NP−Completo del Agente Viajero Simétrico (AVS. Para probar la funcionalidad, el modelo se compara con algunas instancias de la Travel Salesman Problem Li- brary (TSPLIB, algunas instancias aleatorias y se aplica a tres situaciones reales. Finalmente, se presenta una sección donde se exponen recomendaciones y conclusiones, las cuales orientan posibles desarrollos futuros de ésta teoría y donde se pone en evidencian las bondades y la eficiencia de la implementación.

  18. Software para la enseñanza-aprendizaje de algoritmos estructurados

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    Arellano Pimentel, J. Jesús


    Full Text Available Actualmente existen diversas herramientas de software que sirven como recurso didáctico en la enseñanza-aprendizaje de algoritmos estructurados a nivel superior. Sin embargo, la gran mayoría solo hace énfasis en el diseño y prueba de los algoritmos. En el presente trabajo se propone un nuevo software, con base en la heurística de resolución de problemas de Polya, que da soporte a las fases de análisis y planteamiento del problema, además del diseño y traza completa de la prueba. Se realiza un análisis cualitativo entre el software propuesto y otras tres herramientas ampliamente utilizadas a nivel superior. La estructura y funcionalidad del software propuesto contribuye a que el estudiante adquiera, practique y ejercite la capacidad de resolver problemas de forma metódica a través de soluciones algorítmicas estructuradas.

  19. Algorithms bio-inspired for the pattern obtention of control bars in BWR reactors; Algoritmos bio-inspirados para la obtencion de patrones de barras de control en reactores BWR

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ortiz, J.J.; Perusquia, R.; Montes, J.L. [ININ, 52045 Ocoyoacac, Estado de Mexico (Mexico)


    In this work methods based on Genetic Algorithms and Systems based on ant colonies for the obtention of the patterns of control bars of an equilibrium cycle of 18 months for the Laguna Verde nuclear power station are presented. A comparison of obtained results with the methods and with those of design of such equilibrium cycle is presented. As consequence of the study, it was found that the algorithm based on the ant colonies reached to diminish the coast down period (decrease of power at the end of the cycle) in five and half days with respect to the original design what represents an annual saving of $US 100,000. (Author)

  20. Biosorción de metales pesados empleando lodos activados


    Santos Bonilla, Karín Ángela; Santos Bonilla, Karín Ángela


    Aunque las tecnologías existentes, tales como: precipitación química, osmosis inversa, intercambio iónico y separación por membranas representan una alternativa potencial para el tratamiento de drenajes ácidos de mina, presentan significativas desventajas como requerimientos altos de reactivos y energía; además de la generación de lodos tóxicos y otros subproductos a disponer. En este contexto, la biosorción empleando lodos activados procedentes de una planta de tratamiento de aguas residuale...

  1. Diseño óptimo de un sistema de distribución de agua (SDA aplicando el algoritmo Simulated Annealing (SA

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    Maikel Méndez-Morales


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta la aplicación del algoritmo Simulated Annealing (SA en el diseño óptimo de un sistema de distribución de agua (SDA. El SA es un algoritmo metaheurístico de búsqueda, basado en una analogía entre el proceso de recocido en metales (proceso controlado de enfriamiento de un cuerpo y la solución de problemas de optimización combinatorios. El algoritmo SA, junto con diversos modelos matemáticos, ha sido utilizado exitosamente en el óptimo diseño de SDA. Como caso de estudio se utilizó el SDA a escala real de la comunidad de Marsella, en San Carlos, Costa Rica. El algoritmo SA fue implementado mediante el conocido modelo EPANET, a través de la extensión WaterNetGen. Se compararon tres diferentes variaciones automatizadas del algoritmo SA con el diseño manual del SDA Marsella llevado a cabo a prueba y error, utilizando únicamente costos unitarios de tuberías. Los resultados muestran que los tres esquemas automatizados del SA arrojaron costos unitarios por debajo del 0.49 como fracción, respecto al costo original del esquema de diseño ejecutado a prueba y error. Esto demuestra que el algoritmo SA es capaz de optimizar problemas combinatorios ligados al diseño de mínimo costo de los sistemas de distribución de agua a escala real.

  2. Comprensión de los algoritmos de las operaciones aritméticas en estudiantes de Magisterio


    Salinas, María Jesús


    Partiendo de la creencia de que las matemáticas escolares deben formar parte del componente del conocimiento sobre las matemáticas del futuro maestro, se hizo un estudio sobre dos campos sistema de numeración decimal y algoritmos usuales de las operaciones aritméticas. En esta comunicación nos centramos solamente en el campo correspondiente a los algoritmos. Presentaremos los resultados generales y un análisis de las respuestas de 82 protocolos de una muestra de 467 sujetos correspondiente al...

  3. Gerando orientações acíclicas com algoritmos probabilísticos distribuídos

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    Gladstone M. Arantes Jr


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta um novo algoritmo distribuído probabilístico para a geração de orientações acíclicas em um sistema distribuído anônimo de topologia arbitrária. O algoritmo é analisado tanto em termos de correção e complexidade esperada quanto velocidade de convergência. Em particular, é demonstrado que este novo algoritmo, chamado Alg-Arestas, é capaz de produzir, com alta probabilidade, orientações acíclicas quase instantaneamente, isto é, em menos de dois passos. Duas aplicações para essa forma de quebra de simetria serão discutidas: (i inicialização do Escalonamento por Reversão de Arestas (ERA, um simples e poderoso algoritmo de escalonamento distribuído, e (ii uma estratégia de distribuição de uploads em redes de computadores.This paper presents a new randomized distributed algorithm for the generation of acyclic orientations upon anonymous distributed systems of arbitrary topology. This algorithm is analyzed in terms of correctness and complexity as well as its convergence rate. In particular, it is shown that this new algorithm, called Alg-Arestas, is able to produce, with high probability, acyclic orientations quasi instantaneously, i.e., in less than two steps. Two applications of this form of symmetry breaking will be discussed: (i initialization of Scheduling by Edge Reversal (SER, a simple and powerful distributed scheduling algorithm, and (ii a strategy for distributed uploading in computer networks.

  4. Análisis Comparativo de Algoritmos de Minería de Subgrafos Frecuentes

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    Santiago Bianco


    Full Text Available Gracias a las posibilidades que ofrecen a la hora de representar información y la abstracción conceptual que permiten manejar, los grafos son ampliamente utilizados en investigaciones relacionadas con la informática. A medida que se fueron incrementando las aplicaciones de estas estructuras, la complejidad de los elementos a representar y el volumen de información manejado, aparece la necesidad de utilizar procesos eficientes para extraer información o patrones ocultos en esa gran masa de datos, por lo que se comienza a aplicar la minería de grafos. Dentro las técnicas de minería de grafos se encuentra la búsqueda de subgrafos frecuentes, utilizada para reconocer subestructuras comunes entre un conjunto de grafos. En los últimos años se han llevado a cabo varias investigaciones que resuelven este problema, generando algoritmos diversos aplicando distintos enfoques, entre los cuales se encuentran el FSG, FFSM, gSpan y GASTON. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el comportamiento de estos algoritmos a través de distintos experimentos diseñados para identificar si existe un algoritmo superior al resto y, en caso de que no lo haya, poder definir en qué escenarios es más recomendable la elección de cada uno.

  5. Diseño e integración de algoritmos criptográficos en sistemas empotrados sobre FPGA

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    Alejandro Cabrera Aldaya


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se integran implementaciones hardware de algoritmos criptográficos a la biblioteca OpenSSL la cual es utilizadapor aplicaciones sobre el sistema operativo Linux para asegurar redes TCP/IP. Los algoritmos implementados son el AES y las funciones resumen SHA-1 y SHA-256. Estos algoritmos son implementados como coprocesadores del procesador MicroBlaze utilizando interfaces FSL para el intercambio de datos entre ellos. Estos coprocesadores son integrados dentro de la biblioteca OpenSSL considerando la naturaleza multitarea del sistema operativo Linux, por lo que se selecciona un mecanismo de sincronización para controlar el acceso a estos dispositivos. Además son presentados los resultados de velocidad alcanzados por los coprocesadores integrados en la biblioteca utilizando la herramienta speed de la misma. Finalmente es presentado el impacto de estos coprocesadores en la velocidad de transmisión a través de una red privada virtual utilizando la herramienta OpenVPN.

  6. Estrategia de control predictivo sobre un modelo matemático de un evaporador

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    Daniel Alonso Giraldo Giraldo


    Full Text Available Se presenta el diseno de una estrategia de control predictivo, sobre un modelo matematico x de un evaporador de pelIcula descendente con recompresión mecanica de vapor, usado en la industria lactea. Para disenar el controlador se utiliza el programa Connoisseur ,a partir de datos recolectados de la simulación de un modelo no lineal. Se emplea una ley de control obtenida de la minimización de una función de costo, suleta a restricciones del proceso, empleando un algoritmo de programación cuadratico (QP. Finalmente, se elecuta un algoritmo de programación lineal (LP que encuentra un punto de operación “subóptimo“ para el proceso en estado estacionario.

  7. Clasificación digital de masas nubosas a partir de imágenes meteorológicas usando algoritmos de aprendizaje de máquina

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    Salomón Einstein Ramírez-Fernández


    Full Text Available La identificación exacta de nubes precipitantes es una tarea difícil. En el presente trabajo se aplicaron los algoritmos Máquinas de Soporte Vectorial, Árboles de Decisión y Bosques Aleatorios para discriminar entre nubes precipitantes y nubes no precipitantes, a partir de una imagen meteorológica del satélite GOES-13 que cubre el territorio colombiano. El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar el desempeño de los algoritmos de aprendizaje de máquina (ML, para la clasificación digital de masas nubosas, en términos de la exactitud temática de la clasificación usando como referencia el algoritmo convencional distancia de Mahalanobis. Los resultados muestran que los algoritmos ML proporcionan una clasificación de masas de nubes más exacta que la obtenida por algoritmos convencionales. La mejor exactitud fue obtenida usando Bosques Aleatorios (RF, con una exactitud temática global de 97%. Adicionalmente, la clasificación obtenida con RF fue comparada pixel a pixel con estimaciones de precipitación de la NASA Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM obteniendo una exactitud global del 94%. De acuerdo con este estudio, los algoritmos ML pueden ser usados para mejorar los actuales métodos de identificación de nubes precipitantes.

  8. Proyecto de mejora de la durabilidad de los pavimentos usados en aeropuertos empleando materiales alternativos y geo-sintéticos


    Cabezuelo Moreno, Juan José


    Contribuir a la mejora de la durabilidad de los pavimentos usados en las pistas de aeropuertos, en particular pavimentos de tipo flexible, empleando combinaciones de capas de diferentes materiales y geo-sintéticos. En particular, plantear el uso de materiales novedosos como alternativa a las típicas capas de pavimento a base de hormigón y mejora de la durabilidad de las mismas empleando combinaciones de sendos materiales y geo-sintéticos. El mundo de la aviación y en concreto el del diseño...

  9. Algoritmos para problemas de corte e empacotamento


    Thiago Alves de Queiroz


    Resumo: Problemas de Corte e Empacotamento são, em sua maioria, NP-difíceis e não existem algoritmos exatos de tempo polinomial para tais se for considerado P ¿ NP. Aplicações práticas envolvendo estes problemas incluem a alocação de recursos para computadores; o corte de chapas de ferro, de madeira, de vidro, de alumínio, peças em couro, etc.; a estocagem de objetos; e, o carregamento de objetos dentro de contêineres ou caminhões-baú. Nesta tese investigamos problemas de Corte e Empacotament...

  10. Algoritmo de lanczos na variedade de grassmann


    Lopes, Ana Paula Ferreira Fernandes; Viamonte, Ana Júlia; Pascoal, António José


    O problema do cálculo de valores próprios, vectores próprios e subespaços invariantes está presente em áreas tão diversas como Engenharia, Física, Ciências de Computação e Matemática. Considerando a importância deste problema em tantas aplicações práticas, não é de surpreender que tenha sido e continue a ser objecto de intensa investigação, dando corpo a uma literatura muito vasta. Desenvolvemos um novo algoritmo de Lanczos na variedade de Grassmann. Este trabalho surgiu na ...

  11. Algoritmos genéticos para la resolución de problemas de Programación por Metas Entera. Aplicación a la Economía de la Educación.

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    Caballero Fernández, Rafael


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presenta un algoritmo genético para la resolución de problemas de Programación por Metas Entera. Este tipo de problemas presentan en general un gran número de dificultades para su resolución utilizando algoritmos tradicionales de Programación Entera, siendo en la mayoría de los casos de problemas reales demasiado costosa computacionalmente para afrontarla con garantías. Sin embargo, se mostrará como este nuevo tipo de algoritmos, los algoritmos genéticos, permiten resolver eficientemente problemas de este tipo con un coste computacional reducido. Como ejemplo, se resuelve en este trabajo un problema Economía de la Educación con un modelo de Programación por Metas Entera aplicando un algoritmo genético y un algoritmo tradicional. Para estas resoluciones se analiza el coste computacional de ambos tipos de resolución para poner de manifiesto las ventajas que puede suponer un algoritmo genético para la resolución de problemas reales complejos.

  12. Algoritmo de um teste adaptativo informatizado com base na teoria da resposta ao item para a estimação da usabilidade de sites de e-commerce

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    Fernando de Jesus Moreira Junior


    Full Text Available O presente artigo propõe um algoritmo de um teste adaptativo informatizado baseado na teoria da resposta ao item, desenvolvido para estimar o grau de usabilidade de sites de e-commerce. Cinco algoritmos baseados no critério da máxima informação foram desenvolvidos e testados via simulação. O algoritmo com o melhor desempenho foi aplicado nos dados reais de 361 sites de e-commerce. Os resultados mostraram que o algoritmo desenvolvido consegue obter uma boa estimativa para o grau de usabilidade de sites de e-commerce com a aplicação de 13 itens.

  13. Síntesis de copolímeros de PS-b-PMMA empleando polimerización radicalaria controlada

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    Vivina Hanazumi


    Full Text Available Se estudió la síntesis de copolímeros bloque de poli (estireno y poli (metil metacrilato (PS-b-PMMA empleando polimerización radicalaria por transferencia atómica (ATRP. Se realizaron distintos experimentos variando las relaciones molares de monómero, ligando e iniciador para determinar su influencia en la síntesis de copolímeros PS-b-PMMA con masas molares determinadas y estructura homogénea. Los polímeros sintetizados se caracterizaron químicamente por espectroscopia infrarroja con Transformada de Fourier (FTIR y cromatografía por exclusión de tamaños (SEC, empleando un detector de índice de refracción. Se obtuvieron los copolímeros bloque propuestos, con un buen control de su estructura macromolecular (Mw/Mn < 1,90.

  14. Algoritmo para el tratamiento mínimamente invasivo de la coledocolitiasis

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    Javier Ernesto Barreras González

    Full Text Available La coledocolitiasis se presenta en más del 10 % de los pacientes jóvenes sometidos a la colecistectomía laparoscópica y se incrementa por encima de 25 % en los pacientes mayores de 60 años. Una vez que se identifica el cálculo en la vía biliar principal (VBP, esto puede convertirse en un dilema terapéutico. En la actualidad, diferentes algoritmos se han planteado y están establecidos, pero las publicaciones internacionales continúan redefiniendo las indicaciones de la colangiopancreatografía retrógrada endoscópica sobre la exploración laparoscópica de la vía biliar principal y viceversa. El objetivo de este estudio fue presentar el algoritmo para el tratamiento de la coledocolitiasis del Centro Nacional de Cirugía de Mínimo Acceso de La Habana. Se realizó una amplia revisión bibliográfica acerca del manejo actual de la coledocolitiasis con vesícula in situ y se evaluaron los resultados de dichas técnicas en el Centro Nacional de Cirugía de Mínimo Acceso. Las opciones para el manejo de la coledocolitiasis incluyen la exploración transcística de la vía biliar principal, la exploración laparoscópica de la vía biliar principal mediante coledocotomía, la colangiopancreatografía retrógrada endoscópica preoperatoria e intraoperatoria con esfinterotomía. Se presenta el algoritmo para el tratamiento mínimamente invasivo de la coledocolitiasis. El manejo de esta enfermedad en la actualidad depende de la experiencia de cada equipo quirúrgico y de su disponibilidad de acceso a los avances tecnológicos.

  15. Algoritmos paralelos numéricos para a resolução de sistemas de equações lineares


    Maria Paula Goncalves Fachin


    Apresentamos as características de algoritmos para obter a solução de sistemas de equações lineares, utilizando computadores com arquitetura paralela e explorando os recursos de paralelismo neles embutidos. São descritos os modelos de computadores paralelos e os procedimentos para a criação de algoritmos paralelos. The characteristics of algorithms to solve systems of linear equations, using parallel computers, are presented. The abstract models of these computers are described, as well as...





    Este artículo describe algunos de los aspectos más importantes relacionados con la experimentación numérica de un híbrido del algoritmo PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization) con el tradicional método simplex modificado de Nelder-Mead. El híbrido de estas dos técnicas de optimización sin restricciones se realizó con una topología que permite optimizar en cada iteración los parámetros del algoritmo PSO utilizando el método simplex modificado. Se realizaron experimentos numéricos con este algoritmo ...

  17. Aplicativo para análise comparativa do comportamento de algoritmos de ordenação

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    João Paulo Folador


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta uma ferramenta prática de auxílio pedagógico para demonstrar o comportamento de alguns algoritmos de ordenação. Nesse contexto, foram estudados e confrontados os algoritmos: bubble sort, merge sort, quick sort e o shell sort, de modo a ordenar uma matriz de elementos variáveis. Na aplicação desenvolvida é permitido ao usuário configurar a quantidade de elementos da matriz a serem ordenados, quais métodos serão utilizados, a quantidade de ciclos somados e, o resultado final, é mostrado por meio de um gráfico, comparando os métodos aplicados. Ainda, como saída do processo de ordenação, são mostrados: o tempo médio de execução, o desvio padrão, o tempo mínimo e o tempo máximo gasto para ordenar os elementos da matriz. Desse modo, essa aplicação de apoio didático torna-se prática para testes feitos pelos alunos nas disciplinas que envolvem o estudo de algoritmos de ordenação facilitando, assim, o processo de aprendizagem.


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    Juliano Rodrigues Brianeze


    Full Text Available This work presents three of the main evolutionary algorithms: Genetic Algorithm, Evolution Strategy and Evolutionary Programming, applied to microstrip antennas design. Efficiency tests were performed, considering the analysis of key physical and geometrical parameters, evolution type, numerical random generators effects, evolution operators and selection criteria. These algorithms were validated through design of microstrip antennas based on the Resonant Cavity Method, and allow multiobjective optimizations, considering bandwidth, standing wave ratio and relative material permittivity. The optimal results obtained with these optimization processes, were confirmed by CST Microwave Studio commercial package.Este trabajo presenta tres de los principales algoritmos evolutivos: Algoritmo Genético, Estrategia Evolutiva y Programación Evolutiva, aplicados al diseño de antenas de microlíneas (microstrip. Se realizaron pruebas de eficiencia de los algoritmos, considerando el análisis de los parámetros físicos y geométricos, tipo de evolución, efecto de generación de números aleatorios, operadores evolutivos y los criterios de selección. Estos algoritmos fueron validados a través del diseño de antenas de microlíneas basado en el Método de Cavidades Resonantes y permiten optimizaciones multiobjetivo, considerando ancho de banda, razón de onda estacionaria y permitividad relativa del dieléctrico. Los resultados óptimos obtenidos fueron confirmados a través del software comercial CST Microwave Studio.


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    Full Text Available Los conjuntos aproximados han demostrado ser efectivos para desarrollar técnicas de aprendizaje automático, entre ellos métodos para el descubrimiento de reglas de clasificación. En este trabajo se presenta un algoritmo para generar reglas de clasificación basado en relaciones de similaridad, lo que permite que sea aplicable en casos donde los rasgos tienen dominio discreto o continuo. Los resultados experimentales muestran un desempeño satisfactorio en comparación con otros algoritmos conocidos como C4.5 y MODLEM.

  20. Algoritmo genético permutacional para el despliegue y la planificación de sistemas de tiempo real distribuidos

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    Ekain Azketa


    Full Text Available Resumen: El despliegue y la planificación de tareas y mensajes en sistemas de tiempo real distribuidos son problemas NP-difíciles (NP- hard, por lo que no existen métodos óptimos para solucionarlos en tiempo polinómico. En consecuencia, estos problemas son adecuados para abordarse mediante algoritmos genéricos de búsqueda y optimización. En este artículo se propone un algoritmo genético multiobjetivo basado en una codificación permutacional de las soluciones para abordar el despliegue y la planificación de sistemas de tiempo real distribuidos. Además de desplegar tareas en computadores y de planificar tareas y mensajes, este algoritmo puede minimizar el número de computadores utilizados, la cantidad de recursos computacionales y de comunicaciones empleados y el tiempo de respuesta de peor caso medio de las aplicaciones. Los resultados experimentales muestran que este algoritmo genético permutacional puede desplegar y planificar sistemas de tiempo real distribuidos de forma satisfactoria y en tiempos razonables. Abstract: The deployment and scheduling of tasks and messages in distributed real-time systems are NP-hard problems, so there are no optimal methods to solve them in polynomial time. Consequently, these problems are suitable to be approached with generic search and optimisation algorithms. In this paper we propose a multi-objective genetic algorithm based on a permutational solution encoding for the deployment and scheduling of distributed real-time systems. Besides deploying and scheduling tasks and messages, the algorithm can minimize the number of the used computers, the utilization of computing and networking resources and the average worst-case response times of the applications. The experiments show that this genetic algorithm can successfully synthesize complex distributed real-time systems in reasonable times. Palabras clave: Sistemas de tiempo real, Algoritmos de planificaci

  1. Umidificação dos gases inspirados na ventilação mecânica em crianças = Humidification of inspired gases in mechanical ventilation in children

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    Gatiboni, Silvia


    Conclusões: não existe consenso quanto ao melhor dispositivo para aquecimento e umidificação dos gases inspirados, principalmente em pediatria, porém observamos a tendência ao uso de filtros trocadores de calor e umidade, pela facilidade e menor custo. Novas pesquisas são necessárias para otimizar os filtros trocadores de calor e umidade, diminuindo a resistência e o espaço morto e aumentando a eficácia dos mesmos

  2. Implementación del Algoritmo Sünter-Clare en un Convertidor Matricial 3x3

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    Eliher A. Ortiz Colín


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este trabajo se presenta la implementación digital del algoritmo de modulación de Sünter-Clare, para un convertidor matricial de tres hilos de 7.5 kVA. Este algoritmo es usado para calcular los ciclos de trabajo en un convertidor matricial 3x3, con lo que se generan tensiones de salida con amplitud y frecuencia constantes. El algoritmo de modulación de Sünter-Clare recalcula los tiempos y trayectorias de conmutación cada período de muestreo, con el objetivo de compensar las variaciones de amplitud y de frecuencia de las tensiones de entrada. Este algoritmo se ejecuta en cada muestreo y está en función de la tensión trifásica de entrada y de la tensión de referencia de salida, resultando adecuado para controles en lazo cerrado, cuando las señales de amplitud y de frecuencia de las tensiones de entrada son variables en el tiempo, como ocurre en los sistemas de generación de energía eléctrica a velocidad variable, que utilizan la energía del viento como fuente primaria de energía. El sistema de control para el trabajo experimental, además de la tarjeta del convertidor matricial, está compuesto por una tarjeta de arreglos de compuertas programable (FPGA y por un procesador digital de señales (DSP con una tarjeta de interfaz gráfica. Abstract: This paper presents the direct and easy way to implement digitally a Sünter-Clare modulation algorithm for a 7.5 KVA, three-wires, matrix converter. This modulation algorithm is used to calculate 3x3 matrix converter duty cycles to produce constant output voltage and frequency signals. The Sünter-Clare modulation algorithm recalculates switching patterns and switching times every sampling period in order to compensate the input voltage and frequency variations. This algorithm is defined in terms of the three-phase input and the output reference voltages at each sampling instant and is convenient for closed loop operations when the input voltage and frequency are variable in

  3. Algoritmo de cifrado simétrico AES : Aceleración de tiempo de cómputo sobre arquitecturas multicore


    Pousa, Adrián


    El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar la aceleración en el tiempo de cómputo del algoritmo criptográfico Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) con clave de tamaño 128bits, que se obtiene al aprovechar el paralelismo que proveen las arquitecturas multicores actuales utilizando herramientas de programación paralela. AES es uno de los algoritmos de criptografía más usados en la actualidad, con el crecimiento de las redes y la información que se maneja hoy en día puede ser necesario cifra...

  4. Algoritmos genéticos

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    José Jesús Martínez Páez


    Full Text Available Esta técnica se basa en el concepto de evolución a través de selección de los mejores individuos, y de los operadores genéticos de selección, reproducción y mutación. Se trata entonces, de definir un espacio de soluciones para el problema que se quiere solucionar, en una cadena de bits. A esto se le conoce como la codificación del cromosoma, donde cada bit, denominado gen  tiene cierto significado especial. Inicialmente el algoritmo genera al azar muchas de estas cadenas o seres, es decir, una población, que luego confronta can un ambiente, que es el problema solucionar o función que se quiere optimizar. De esta confrontación  o evaluación a que se somete cada ser. Se obtiene información sobre cómo se comporto cada uno. A través de métodos aleatorios, pero con probabilidad de selección proporcional a su comportamiento, es decir, a mejor comportamiento mayor probabilidad, se selecciona una nueva población de seres supuestamente mejores que la generación anterior.

  5. Asesinatos empleando relajantes musculares, opioides y otras drogas anestésicas


    Martínez Hurtado, Eugenio; Gómez García, Ana María


    Los anestésicos, los opiáceos y los relajantes musculares pueden deprimir la respiración y otros procesos vitales hasta el extremo de producir la muerte si no se mantiene la ventilación. De modo que estos fármacos se han empleado para la eutanasia, el suicidio y las ejecuciones. Los criminales también han reparado en las posibilidades letales de los anestésicos, y durante los años recientes se han cometido homicidios empleando hipnóticos, anestésicos generales inhalados, opiáceos y relajantes...

  6. Aplicación de algoritmos heurísticos en la construcción de la población inicial de algoritmos genéticos que resuelven el problema de planeamiento de la expansión de la transmisión

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    Antonio H. Escobar Z.


    Full Text Available En este artículo se analiza el impacto de seleccionar poblaciones iníciales de buena calidad para ser usadas en algoritmos genéticos, con el propósito de obtener mayor velocidad de convergencia y mejor calidad en las soluciones alcanzadas cuando se resuelve el problema del planeamiento de la expansión a largo plazo de los sistemas de transmisión de energía eléctrica. Los sistemas de prueba que se analizan corresponden a sistemas de alta complejidad, tradicionalmente usados en la literatura especializada. Para generar soluciones iníciales de buena calidad se utilizan algoritmos heurísticos constructivos, particularmente los más utilizados en problemas de planeamiento de la expansión de sistemas de transmisión. Se comparan los resultados obtenidos con los que entregan los algoritmos genéticos que usan poblaciones iniciales aleatorias. Los resultados muestran que una población inicial generada en forma heurística permite obtener soluciones de mejor o igual calidad y con esfuerzos computacionales menores, cuando se resuelven sistemas eléctricos de gran complejidad.


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    Carolina Gusmão Souza

    Full Text Available A cafeicultura é uma das principais culturas agrícolas do Brasil e realizar o mapeamento e monitoramento desta cultura é fundamental para conhecer sua distribuição espacial. Porém, mapear estas áreas utilizando imagens de Sensoriamento Remoto não é uma tarefa fácil. Sendo assim, este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de comparar o uso de diferentes variáveis e algoritmos de classificação para o mapeamento de áreas cafeeiras. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em três áreas diferentes, que são bastante significativas na produção de café. Foram utilizados 5 algoritmos de aprendizagem de máquinas e 7 combinações de variáveis: espectrais, texturais e geométricas, associadas ao processo de classificação. Um total de 105 classificações foram realizadas, 35 classificações para cada uma das áreas. As classificações que não usaram variáveis espectrais não resultaram em bons índices de acurácia. Nas três áreas, o algoritmo que apresentou as melhores acurácias foi o Support vector machine, com acurácia global de 85,33% em Araguari, 87% em Carmo de Minas e 88,33% em Três Pontas. Os piores resultados foram encontrados com o algoritmo Random Forest em Araguari, com acurácia global de 76,66% e com o Naive Bayes em Carmo de Minas e Três Pontas, com 76% e 82% de acerto. Nas três áreas, variáveis texturais, quando associadas às espectrais, melhoraram a acurácia da classificação. O SVM apresentou o melhor desempenho para as três áreas

  8. Un algoritmo de clasificación incremental basado en los k vecinos más similares para datos mezclados

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    Guillermo Sánchez-Díaz


    Full Text Available En este trabajo, se presenta un algoritmo de clasificación incremental basado en los k vecinos más similares, el cual permite trabajar con datos mezclados y funciones de semejanza que no necesariamente son distancias. El algoritmo presentado es adecuado para procesar grandes conjuntos de datos, debido a que sólo almacena en la memoria principal de la computadora los k vecinos más similares procesados hasta el paso t, recorriendo una sola vez el conjunto de datos de entrenamiento. Se presentan resultados obtenidos con diversos conjuntos de datos sintéticos y reales.

  9. Algoritmo genético permutacional para el despliegue y la planificación de sistemas de tiempo real distribuidos


    Azketa, Ekain; Gutiérrez, J. Javier; Di Natale, Marco; Almeida, Luís; Marcos, Marga


    Resumen: El despliegue y la planificación de tareas y mensajes en sistemas de tiempo real distribuidos son problemas NP-difíciles (NP- hard), por lo que no existen métodos óptimos para solucionarlos en tiempo polinómico. En consecuencia, estos problemas son adecuados para abordarse mediante algoritmos genéricos de búsqueda y optimización. En este artículo se propone un algoritmo genético multiobjetivo basado en una codificación permutacional de las soluciones para abordar el despli...

  10. Conrprop: un algoritmo para la optimización de funciones no lineales con restricciones

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    Fernán Villa


    Full Text Available Resilent backpropagation (RPROP es una poderosa técnica de optimización basada en gradientes que ha sido comúnmente usada para el entrenamiento de redes neuronales artificiales, la cual usa una velocidad por cada parámetro en el modelo. Aunque esta técnica es capaz de resolver problemas de optimización multivariada sin restricciones, no hay referencias sobre su uso en la literatura de investigación de operaciones. En este artículo, se propone una modificación de resilent backpropagation que permite resolver problemas no lineales de optimización sujetos a restricciones generales no lineales. El algoritmo propuesto fue probado usando seis problemas comunes de prueba; para todos los casos, el algoritmo de resilent backpropagation restringido encontró la solución óptima, y para algunos casos encontró un punto óptimo mejor que el reportado en la literatura.

  11. Ambientes virtuales y colaborativos de aprendizaje. Su aplicación al curso BioPython

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    Jenny Navas Muñoz


    Full Text Available El siguiente documento permite examinar la tecnología aplicada a la educación virtual y la educación a distancia con relación a la metodología del curso-taller BioPython donde se hace necesario el uso aspectos colaborativos (groupware technology para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje. El objetivo del curso-taller BioPython1 es enseñar a programar a biólogos, a diseñar algoritmos y expresarlos como programas escritos en un lenguaje de programación para poder ejecutarlos en un computador. La estructura del presente documento es como sigue, inicialmente se da una introducción al contenido tocando temas tales como aspectos metodológicos relativos a la educación virtual y a distancia. Las características de los ambientes colaborativos que soportan estas tareas se abordarán en la segunda sección, un caso particular de estudio será descrito en la tercera sección. El escenario será el curso-taller Python para biólogos que tuvo lugar en CIAT en el mes de diciembre.

  12. Afectos y algoritmos alternativos en las aulas de primaria


    Gamazo Alonso, Natalia


    El presente Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG) recoge una sencilla investigación sobre la evolución del dominio afectivo matemático de una muestra de niños que trabajan las matemáticas con el método ABN (Abierto Basado en Números) y de una muestra de alumnos que las trabajan mediante algoritmos tradicionales. Junto con el análisis de la evolución de la afectividad hacia las matemáticas a lo largo de los cursos académicos que conforman la Educación Primaria, se establece también una comparativa ent...

  13. Simulador gráfico de algoritmos matemáticos


    Alves, Luís; Balsa, Carlos; Pereira, Maria João


    O objetivo principal do trabalho de investigação foi desenvolver uma ferramenta computacional que possa ser usada por professores e alunos no ensino dos Métodos Numéricos. A ferramenta, designada por GraSMA (Graphical Simulator of Mathematical Algorithms), permite visualizar no ecrã a execução dos correspondentes algoritmos. Esta ferramenta integra vários softwares open source e baseia-se na anotação automática de código Octave com funções de inspeção que permitem captar a sucessão de valores...

  14. Redes de Petri: Modelado e implementación de algoritmos para autómatas programables

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    Luis Diego Murillo


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo es una monografía orientada hacia la utilización del formalismo de las Redes de Petri, propuesto por Carl Petri en la descripción de Sistemas Dinámicos de Eventos Discretos (DEDS. Las Redes de Petri, cuyo acrónimo en inglés es PN, fueron utilizadas inicialmente para el análisis de algoritmos en la computación paralela o concurrente, pero dada la complejidad de los procesos productivos actuales, las PN son un método alternativo de diseño tanto para el procesoindustrial como para el controlador. En este sentido, este estudio hace una revisión de las referencias bibliográficas donde se indica cómo realizar el modelado y la implementación de algoritmos de control en Controladores Lógicos Programables (PLCs por sus siglas en inglés.


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    Libardo López


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta una metodología para solucionar el problema del planeamiento de sistemas de distribución empleando una técnica de optimización multiobjetivo. En el modelo propuesto se consideran la ubicación y dimensionamiento de nuevos elementos y la repotenciación de elementos existentes. En el planteamiento del problema se incluyen en la función objetivo los costos de inversión y de operación y la confiabilidad de la red. Este tema de investigación es de relevancia para las empresas distribuidoras de energía eléctrica, ya que permite contar con nuevas herramientas que acercan el problema a situaciones reales, tales como considerar varios objetivos, lo cual incide favorablemente en las finanzas y en la operación del sistema. En la solución del modelo se emplea un algoritmo elitista de ordenamiento no dominado (NSGA-II, y para verificar su eficiencia se recurre a un caso de la literatura especializada, que corresponde a una red de distribución de un sistema eléctrico.Neste artigo apresenta-se uma metodologia para solucionar o problema do planejamento de sistemas de distribuição empregando uma técnica de otimização multiobjetivo. No modelo proposto considera-se a localização e dimensionamento de novos elementos e a repotenciação de elementos existentes. Na abordagem do problema incluem-se na função objetivo os custos de investimento e de operação e a confiabilidade da rede. Este tema de pesquisa é de relevância para as empresas distribuidoras de energia elétrica, já que permite contar com novas ferramentas que acercam o problema a situações reais, tais como considerar vários objetivos, o qual incide favoravelmente nas finanças e na operação do sistema. Na solução do modelo emprega-se um algoritmo elitista de ordenamento não-dominado (NSGA-II, e para verificar sua eficiência se emprega um caso da literatura especializada, que corresponde a uma rede de distribuição de um sistema el

  16. Kernels para la clasificacíon de preguntas en español y catalán

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    David Tomás


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta una aproximacíon a la clasificación automática de preguntas en español y catalán. El sistema de clasificación está basado en el algoritmo SVM y en el uso de diferentes funciones kernel, empleando únicamente características textuales superficiales que permiten la obtencíon de un sistema fácilmente adaptable a diferentes idiomas. Se ha realizado un estudio sobre el correcto a juste de parámetros de los kernels, la precisíon de los mismos, la definicíon de distintos vectores de características de aprendizaje y el rendimiento en función del idioma de trabajo. Adicionalmente, se ha experimentado con el algoritmo LIBLINEAR, aplicado aquí por vez primera a la tarea de clasificación de preguntas. Con este algoritmo, así como con los kernels definidos, se han obtenido valores de precisión por encima del 80 % para los dos idiomas tratados, superando a otros algoritmos tradicionales de clasificación. Para el entrenamiento y evaluación del sistema se ha desarrollado un corpus paralelo de 2.393 preguntas en inglés, español y catalán.

  17. Un Algoritmo Genético Especializado en Planeamiento de Redes de Distribución. Parte II. Detalles del algoritmo y su aplicación; A specialized Genetic Algorithm in Distribution Network planning. Part II. Algorithm details and application

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    Raúl Nicolás Carvajal Pérez


    Full Text Available En la Parte I de este articulo, se expusieron las características de la planificación de redes y su influencia en la selección de métodos específicos en cada uno de los procedimientos para desarrollar los pasos del algoritmo genético especializado. Aquí se exponen las interioridades del algoritmo y el trabajo experimental para fijar la magnitud de los parámetros generales de las poblaciones y la cantidad de éstas. Se presentan casos resueltos durante el ajuste del sistema de cálculo.  The first section explained the specifics characteristics of network planning and the selected method for genetic operators. In this papers, expose details about the algorithm steps, the mathematical procedures and some applications.


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    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta un algoritmo eficiente para el análisis probabilístico de sistemas de distribución trifásicos desbalanceados con conexión de generadores distribuidos (sistemas levemente enmallados. Este algoritmo hace uso de la técnica del Método Estimado de Dos Puntos para el cálculo del comportamiento probabilístico de las variables aleatorias del sistema. Adicionalmente, y con el fin de explotar eficientemente las características topológicas de la red, el análisis determinístico de las variables de estado es realizado por medio de un Flujo de carga Radial Basado en Compensación (FCRBC. Para el tratamiento de la generacióndistribuida, se propone una estrategia para incorporar dentro del FCRBC un modelo simplificado del generador junto con un control de las variables de despacho en el punto de conexión con la red. De este modo, el nodo con generación distribuida puede ser modelado como un nodoPV, o nodo PQ, dependiendo del modo de control y de las condiciones operativas del generador. Para validar la eficiencia del algoritmo propuesto es usado el sistema de prueba IEEE de 37 nodos. Los resultados probabilísticos son comparados con los obtenidos usando el método de Monte Carlo.

  19. Análisis de algoritmos de inteligencia artificial para videojuegos


    Rico Zambrana, David


    Este documento contiene el Trabajo de Fin de Grado del alumno David Rico Zam- brana, estudiante del Grado en Ingeniería del Software, en la Universidad de Málaga. Este trabajo se ha realizado bajo la tutorización de Lorenzo Mandow Andaluz, pro- fesor del Departamento de Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Computación. El trabajo se titula Análisis de algoritmos de inteligencia artificial para vi- deojuegos, y consiste en el desarrollo de una aplicación usando Unity3D en la que se mue...


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    María Teresa Gutiérrez Martínez


    Full Text Available Inspirado en la idea original del artista plástico Alfredo Salomón y bajo el título de Bio-lencia, se creó un sistema en tiempo real que integra dos áreas del conocimiento: Arte y Computación. En este artículo analizamos, las características de la pieza como un producto de software y los retos que este tipo de productos presentan desde el punto de vista de la ingeniería de software. Presentamos una clasificación para el arte de medios inestables destacando sus características como productos de software y se realiza un ejercicio de producción de una pieza de este tipo utilizando metodologías ágiles de desarrollo. En particular discutimos la utilización de la Programación Extrema, la cual en el caso que aquí se presenta, permitió interactuar correctamente con el artista, quien es también el desarrollador principal. Se menciona también como las características de confiabilidad, robustez y tiempo de respuesta fueron de particular importancia para la correcta evaluación y funcionamiento del software que da vida a Bio-lencia. Finalmente como parte de las conclusiones se discuten los problemas y las lecciones que aprendimos durante el desarrollo de Bio-lencia.

  1. Prueba e implementación de algoritmos de control de calidad de datos de temperatura superficial del aire en un contexto operativo

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    José Araya


    Full Text Available Se presenta una metodología para el cálculo de rangos de temperatura, así como algoritmos de programación simple para la detección de errores obvios en datos meteorológicos con el fin de mostrar cómo un sistema de control de calidad sencillo, en tiempo real, puede implementarse de forma exitosa. Estos algoritmos fueron probados a través de su programación en un grabador de datos, el cual es el núcleo procesador en una estación meteorológica: primero, bajo condiciones controladas; y, luego, en dos estaciones meteorológicas automáticas con capacidad de transmisión en tiempo real. La investigación realizada muestra que estos algoritmos son efectivospara la detección de valores atípicos que de otra manera podrían ser detectados tardíamente y pasar inadvertidos.

  2. Arsenic removal in solution using non living bio masses of aquatic weed; Remocion de As en solucion empleando biomasas no vivas de maleza acuatica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marin A, M J


    Arsenic is a metalloid considered among the most dangerous to health. The As maximum level allowed of drinkable water is 0.01 mg/L established by the Who. Several techniques have been proposed to remove arsenic from water, among which are the sorption processes in economic biological materials, which has advantages for its high efficiency in dilute toxic removing from contaminated water, for these reason it is necessary to study new bio sorbents materials which are economic, simple and easy to apply in the treatment of contaminated areas. The aim of this project was evaluate the removal of As (V) in solution using two non living aquatic plants: water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) and lesser duckweed (Lemna minor), characterize these materials and compare the efficiency between both; the parameters evaluated were the As (V) initial concentration in solution, contact time, ph value and the amount of biomass in contact with them. It describes the method to prepare the non living plants. The physicochemical characterization by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis was made. The results shown that cellulose is the main component confirmed by the techniques above mentioned. Surface characterization of Eichhornia crassipes and Lemna minor by specific surface area, shown 1.3521 m{sup 2}/g and 0.6395 m{sup 2}/g respectively, the hydration kinetic indicates that 24 h was the maximum hydration time for both plants; the point of zero charge determination by mass titration gives a ph=6.1 for the first plant and ph=7.1 for the second plant, finally the active site density obtained for the plants were of 8.57 sites/nm{sup 2} and 12.47 sites/nm{sup 2}. The point of zero charge was analyzed for know the ph from which the As (V) species are removal preferably. Tested contact processes between bio sorbent-As (V) were performed to assess the ability of bio masses to removal As (V) from aqueous solutions

  3. Algoritmo Novedoso Para la Detección de Tareas Repetitivas en el Teclado

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    Bairon Londo


    Full Text Available En este artículo una herramienta para la detección de tareas repetitivas con secuencias lógicas realizadas a través de comandos del teclado, mediante el diseño e implementación de un algoritmo basado en el uso de autómatas finitos determinísticos y agentes de búsqueda de patrones. La novedad del algoritmo desarrollado radica en que está orientado a la detección de tareas repetitivas cuyas actividades tienen una secuencia lógica y que actualmente no se encuentran automatizadas por lo complejo que es esta labor   Abstract This paper propose a tool  for the detection of repetitive tasks with logical sequences realized across command of the keyboard is proposed, by means of the design and implementation of an algorithm based on the use of finite automata deterministic and agents of bosses' search. The innovation of the developed algorithm takes root in that it is orientated to the detection of repetitive tasks which activities have a logical sequence and that nowadays are not automated by the complex thing that is this labor.

  4. Identificación Inteligente de un Proceso Fermentativo Usando el Algoritmo GMDH Modificado

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    F. Hernández


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este trabajo se aborda, de manera particular, un método para el diseño del algoritmo conocido como Group Method of Data Handling, GMDH, típico con lazo recurrente. Una modificación en una de sus fases de entrenamiento permite ampliar el número de variables utilizadas en cada capa y con ello el área de regresión. Consecuentemente se puede obtener una estructura optimizada en sí misma de mayor complejidad, posibilitando la aparición de lazos recurrentes en las capas intermedias. Lo anterior permite una reducción del error en la modelación de procesos no lineales de lento comportamiento, como el crecimiento celular en biorreactores. El modelo se probó en una fermentación tipo feed-batch de la levadura Pichia pastoris. La estabilidad y capacidad de generalización es demostrada. El método propuesto es comparado con el GMDH típico recurrente y con otras estructuras de redes neuronales clásicas. Palabras clave: redes neuronales, recurrente, algoritmo genético, modelación, fermentación


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    Germán Augusto Coca Ortegón

    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta una metodología que pretende minimizar de forma simultánea, en un ambiente de producción tipo "job shop" correspondiente a una empresa metalmecánica, las siguientes variables: tiempo de proceso, costo de mano de obra directa y, asimismo la fracción defectuosa generada por la fatiga del operario. Con este propósito se fusionan elementos de los algoritmos genéticos Vega y Moga, desarrollando para el efecto las siguientes etapas: generar la población inicial, conformar la nueva población, realizar análisis de varianza y por último, comparar con un método híbrido entre sumas ponderadas y algoritmos genéticos. De acuerdo con lo anterior, al evaluar el individuo de menor tiempo de proceso proveniente de la metodología basada en los algoritmos Vega y Moga, respecto al individuo de menor tiempo de desarrollo proveniente del método híbrido entre sumas ponderadas y algoritmos genéticos, se encuentra que el primero supera en desempeño al segundo así: en cuanto a la variable tiempo de proceso (en horas en 27,86%; en cuanto a la variable tiempo de proceso (en semanas en 1,25%; en cuanto a la variable costo de mano de obra directa (MOD en 6,73% y, en cuanto a la variable fracción defectuosa en 25,85%.

  6. Un modelo de eventos discretos para la simulación de sistemas de tiempo real


    Páez, Francisco E.; Urriza, José M.; Orozco, Javier D.; Buckle, Carlos


    En este trabajo se presenta un modelo de eventos discretos para el diseño de simuladores de Sistemas de Tiempo Real. Los simuladores sirven para realizar comprobaciones de algoritmos, modelos, técnicas y para evaluar métricas de rendimiento. El modelo de eventos discretos se ajusta perfectamente a los sistemas dinámicos discretos como lo son los Sistemas de Tiempo Real. El modelo se desarrolla empleando la técnica de grafo de eventos, debido a su sencillez y facilidad de implementación.

  7. Clasificación en tiempo real de materias primas mediante un sensor espectroscópico de imagen y técnicas lineales de procesado de datos


    García Allende, Pilar Beatriz; Conde Portilla, Olga María; Mirapeix Serrano, Jesús María; Cubillas de Cos, Ana María; López Higuera, José Miguel


    RESUMEN: En este artículo se presenta un nuevo método de procesado de imágenes hiperespectrales capturadas mediante un sensor espectroscópico de imagen. Basado en un algoritmo de clasificación lineal, permite mejorar las restricciones de tiempo real que planteaba un sistema de clasificación de materia prima diseñado previamente. El procesado de datos consta de dos bloques: compresión de características e interpretación de las mismas. La compresión se realiza empleando Análisis de Componentes ...

  8. Projeto de acopladores ópticos utilizando algoritmo genético


    Jaqueline Oliveira Zampronio


    Resumo: Este projeto é uma proposta de um novo acoplador óptico para a aplicação em circuitos ópticos integrados. O dispositivo foi desenvolvido utilizando o método dos elementos finitos vetorial 3D associado com o algoritmo genético e leva em consideração guias de onda com diferentes altura, largura e índices de refração. O comprimento total do acoplador óptico é de apenas 4,22 µm e o seu funcionamento é baseado em pequenos segmentos cilíndricos que interferem na propagação da onda eletromag...

  9. Combinación entre Algoritmos Genéticos y Aleatorios para la Programación de Horarios de Clases basado en Ritmos Cognitivos


    Castrillón, Omar D


    Se ha diseñado un método basado en algoritmos evolutivos (genéticos y aleatorios) para programar los horarios de clases en una universidad. Esta metodología considera los ritmos cognitivos de los estudiantes que indican que es mejor enseñar algunas asignaturas en intervalos específicos de tiempo. Primero se describen las diferentes técnicas empleadas para desarrollar este problema. Luego se propone una nueva metodología basada en ritmos cognitivos y algoritmos evolutivos, para resolver todas ...

  10. Algoritmo para monitoramento da incidência da malária na Amazônia brasileira, 2003 a 2010

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    Rui Moreira Braz


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar um algoritmo para detecção da variação da incidência da malária nos municípios da Amazônia brasileira. MÉTODOS: Avaliou-se um sistema de monitoramento automatizado, baseado em um algoritmo desenvolvido anteriormente pelos autores. O algoritmo utiliza o diagrama de controle por quartis para classificação dos municípios em quatro grupos, conforme a variação da incidência da malária: grupo 1 (redução da incidência-aqueles com incidência abaixo dos valores esperados; grupo 2 (incidência esperada-aqueles com incidência dentro dos valores esperados; grupo 3 (epidemia-aqueles com incidência acima dos valores esperados; grupo 4 (caso esporádico-aqueles com apenas um caso durante o ano. O período de análise foi de 2003 a 2010. Foram estudados todos os municípios existentes nos nove estados que compõem a Amazônia brasileira (805 municípios em 2003 e 807 a partir de 2004. RESULTADOS: Com base nessa metodologia, os municípios da região foram assim classificados: grupo 1, 152 municípios (18,8% da região em 2003 e 109 (13,5% em 2010; grupo 2, 206 (25,6% em 2003 e 331 (41,0% em 2010; grupo 3, 391 (48,6% em 2003 e 308 (38,2% em 2010; e grupo 4, 56 (7,0% em 2003 e 59 (7,3% em 2010. CONCLUSÕES: O algoritmo possibilitou verificar que, na Amazônia brasileira, o número de municípios com epidemias de malária em 2010 diminuiu em relação a 2003, enquanto o número de municípios com incidência esperada aumentou. No mesmo período, houve pouca variação no número de municípios com redução da incidência e daqueles com casos esporádicos.

  11. Algoritmos Wavenet con Aplicaciones en la Aproximación de Señales: un Estudio Comparativo

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    C.R. Domínguez Mayorga


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este trabajo de investigación se aplican métodos adaptables en el diseño de algoritmos computacionales, dichos algoritmos emplean redes neuronales y series de wavelets para construir “neuroaproximadores” wavenets. Se muestra cómo las wavenets pueden combinarse con los métodos autosintonizables para obtener el seguimiento de señles complejas que están en función del tiempo. Los algoritmos obtenidos se aplican en la aproximación de señales que representan funciones algebraicas y funciones aleatorias, así como en una señal médica deun ECG. Se muestran los resultados en simulación numérica de dos arquitecturas de neuroaproximadores wavenets: el primero está basado en una wavenet, con el cual se aproximan las señales bajo estudio donde los parámetros de la red neuronal son ajustados en línea; el otro esquema emplea un filtro IIR a la salida de la red wavenet para discriminar las contribuciones de aquellas neuronas que tienen menos peso en la aproximación de la señal, lo que ayuda a reducir el tiempo de convergencia a un error mínimo deseado. Abstract: In this paper adaptable methods for computational algorithms are presented. These algorithms use neural networks and wavelet series to build neuro wavenets approximators. The algorithms obtained are applied to the approximation of signals that represent algebraic functions and random functions, as well as a medical EKG signal. It shows how wavenets can be combined with auto-tuning methods for tracking complex signals that are a function of time. Results are shown in numerical simulation of two architectures of neural approximators wavenets: the first is based on a wavenet with which they approach the signals under study where the parameters of the neural network are adjusted online, the other neuro approximator scheme uses an IIR filter to the output of wavenet, which serves to filter the out- put, in this way

  12. Algoritmo especializado aplicado ao planejamento da expansÃo de redes aÃreas de sistemas de distribuiÃÃo


    Willian Douglas Ferrari MendonÃa


    No presente trabalho à apresentado o desenvolvimento de um algoritmo especializado para o planejamento da expansÃo de redes aÃreas de sistemas de distribuiÃÃo. A tÃcnica utilizada para soluÃÃo à a HeurÃstica Construtiva que tem sido utilizada em conjunto com modelos matemÃticos de otimizaÃÃo para resolver o problema. No entanto o algoritmo apresentado nÃo emprega um modelo matemÃtico de otimizaÃÃo, em outras palavras, um modelo composto de funÃÃo objetivo e restriÃÃes. Assim, em vez de trabal...

  13. Diseño e implementación de un algoritmo para translación de protocolo entre las normas IEC60870-5-104 y MODBUS TCP/IP


    Feria Briceño, John Henry; Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas


    Este artículo muestra los resultados del proceso de diseño, implementación y prueba de un algoritmo para hacer la translación de protocolo entre las normas IEC 60870-5-104 y MODBUS TCP/IP, éste modelo de algoritmos son de amplio uso en los procesos de supervisión y automatización en sub-estaciones eléctricas.

  14. Deporte Salud y Vida para oyentes de radio Familia 96.9 empleando pausa activa


    Martínez Sarmiento, Marcia Fabiola


    Deporte Salud y Vida para oyentes de radio Familia 96.9 empleando pausa activa, un programa de radio que promueve a la práctica de actividad física, que permita contrarrestar las grandes escalas de sedentarismo en nuestra ciudad, gracias al apoyo de este medio de comunicación se implementó la Pausa activa para oyentes de Radio Familia, especialmente amas de casa que fluctúan desde los 20 hasta 75 años. El proyecto tiene también el objetivo de la ejercitación mediante la Pausa Activa dentro...

  15. El algoritmo HyRPNI y una aplicación en bioinformática

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    Gloria Inés Alvarez V.


    Full Text Available Proponemos un algoritmo de inferencia gramatical para lenguajes regulares que permite ahorrar cómputo al usar dos criterios diferentes para elegir los estados a ser procesados, un criterio se usa en la primera fase del proceso de inferencia (al principio y el otro en el resto del proceso. Realizamos experimentos para observar el desempeño del algoritmo, para aprender sobre el tamaño ideal de su primera fase y para mostrar su aplicación en la solución de un problema específico en bioinformática: la predicción de sitios de corte en poliproteínas codificadas por virus de la familia Potyviridae./ We propose a grammar inference algorithm for regular languages which saves computational cost by using two different criteria to choose states to be processed: one in the first phase of the inference process (the beginning and another for the rest of the process. We applied experiments to observe performance of the algorithm, to learn about the best size of its first phase and to show results of its application to solve a specific problem in Bioinformatics: the cleavage site prediction problem in polyproteins encoded by viruses of the Potyviridae family.

  16. Estudio de Algoritmos 2-Deslizantes Aplicados al Control de Pilas de Combustible


    Cristian Kunusch; Paul F. Puleston; Miguel A. Mayosky


    Resumen: En este trabajo se hace un estudio comparativo de tres diferentes técnicas de control por modo deslizante de segundo orden, aplicadas al problema específico del control de respiración de una pila de combustible PEM. Los algoritmos diseñados se contrastan por simulación utilizando el modelo completo del sistema, poniendo particular énfasis en la respuesta transitoria y la robustez frente a perturbaciones. Palabras clave: Pilas de Combustible, Control no lineal, Modo Deslizante

  17. Relleno de huecos en mallas 3D completas mediante algoritmos de restauración de imagen

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    Emiliano Pérez Hernàndez


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este artículo se propone un método para rellenar huecos en objetos 3D. La idea principal es la de utilizar un algoritmo de restauración de imágenes para reconstruir las partes que se han de completar. Para ello es necesario hacer una transformación de los datos de la superficie 3D en datos de imagen 2D. Por tanto, el algoritmo propuesto parte de una etapa inicial de identificación de huecos. A continuación se hace la selección, para cada hueco, de una porción de malla representativa. Seguidamente se calcula el punto de vista o plano de proyección adecuado para obtener una imagen de rango de esa porción de malla. A la imagen de rango obtenida se le aplica el algoritmo de restauración de imagen. Finalmente, se aplica una transformación inversa 2D a 3D y se integra el éresultado con la malla inicial. Se trata de un algoritmo robusto, válido para diversos tipos de huecos y diferentes tamaños de los mismos. Abstract: In this work a method for filling holes in 3D meshes based on a 2D image restoration algorithm is expounded. To do that, data must be converted to a suitable input format, a 3D to 2D transformation is executed by projecting the 3D surface onto a grid. Therefore, the proposed algorithm starts by a first stage of holes identification. Then, a meaningful mesh portiéon is choosen for each hole. Afterward, the suitable plane of projection must be computed to get the range image of the mesh portion. Later, it is applied the restauration image algorithm to the range image. Finally, an inverse transformation 2D to 3D is performed and the new produced data are integrated with the initial mesh. The result is a robust algorithm which works correctly with several kind of holes and for di_erent sizes of them. Palabras clave: visión por computador, gráficos por computador, imágenes digitales, imágenes de rango, restauración de imágenes, Keywords: computer vision, computer graphics, digital images, range images

  18. Algoritmos Numéricos para el Problema de Restauración de Imágenes usando el Método de las Proyecciones Alternantes

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    René Escalante


    Full Text Available Los algoritmos de proyección han evolucionado a partir del algoritmo de proyección alternante propuesto por J. von Neumann en 1933, donde el espacio solución es la intersección de un número finito de subespacios o conjuntos convexos. Investigaciones recientes se han centrado en técnicas para acelerar la convergencia del método y explotar el multiprocesamiento. En este trabajo consideramos el problema de restauración de imágenes. La mayoría de las técnicas desarrolladas para resolverlo han usado algoritmos iterativos; una de ellas consiste en usar proyecciones ortogonales alternantes. Llevamos a cabo una revisión cronológica de las diferentes técnicas en las que se ha aplicado el método de las proyecciones ortogonales alternantes al problema de restauración de imágenes, hasta llegar al enfoque reciente de Combettes (1997-1999, en donde la restauración se basa en el cálculo de proyecciones aproximadas, en lugar de proyecciones exactas.

  19. Aplicação do algoritmo de contraponto dissonante de Tenney na determinação de parciais em espectros de sons concretos

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    Raphael Santos


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, propomos um sistema para determinação de harmonias espectrais extraídas de sons concretos a partir da utilização do algoritmo de contraponto dissonante, desenvolvido por James Tenney. Com base nesse algoritmo, definimos um sistema composicional, descrevemos sua implementação como aplicativo computacional e o utilizamos no planejamento composicional de duas obras originais: o primeiro movimento de um quarteto de clarinetes e um quinteto de metais.

  20. Estudio de Algoritmos 2-Deslizantes Aplicados al Control de Pilas de Combustible

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    Cristian Kunusch


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este trabajo se hace un estudio comparativo de tres diferentes técnicas de control por modo deslizante de segundo orden, aplicadas al problema específico del control de respiración de una pila de combustible PEM. Los algoritmos diseñados se contrastan por simulación utilizando el modelo completo del sistema, poniendo particular énfasis en la respuesta transitoria y la robustez frente a perturbaciones. Palabras clave: Pilas de Combustible, Control no lineal, Modo Deslizante


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    Anaís Frangeline Acuña Sosa


    Full Text Available In this work we dealt with matrix completion problem. This problem arises in different fields, for example, systems and control theory, image processing and collaborative filtering. Given a probabilistic matrix factorization model, we present an approach based on Bayesian statistics and a stochastic expectation maximization algorithm to retrieve an array of data from a sample of its inputs. The proposed method does not require regularization parameters and estimates the rank of the matrix, in contrast to the BPMF method. Our results show that the proposed method outperforms to an augmented lagrangian algorithm and the BPMF method in its ability to find the rank of the matrix and in efficiency respectively. // RESUMEN En este trabajo estudiamos el problema de completación de matrices. Este problema se presenta en diversas áreas como la teoría de sistemas y control, procesamiento de imágenes y filtrado colaborativo. Considerando un modelo de factorización probabilística de matrices, establecemos una propuesta basada en estadística Bayesiana y un algoritmo EM estocástico para recubrir una matriz de datos a partir de una muestras de sus entradas. El método propuesto no requiere de parámetros de regularización y da un estimado del rango de la matriz, en contraste con el método BPMF. Los resultados muestran que el algoritmo propuesto da mejores estimados del rango de la matriz en comparación con un algoritmo basado en lagrangeanos aumentados y es más eficiente que el método BPMF.

  2. Simulación de Tareas Aperiódicas y Esporádicas de Tiempo Real mediante un Modelo de Eventos Discretos


    Paez, Francisco Ezequiel; Urriza, José M.; Orozco, Javier Dario


    Este trabajo presenta una extensión a un modelo de eventos discretos para el diseño de simuladores de Sistemas de Tiempo Real con tareas periódicas, incorporando tareas de tipo esporádico y aperiódico. Además, se estudia el soporte para jitter y offset. El modelo es diseñado empleando la técnica de grafo de eventos, y se ajusta a los sistemas dinámicos discretos como lo son los Sistemas de Tiempo Real. En la actualidad, el uso de simuladores para realizar comprobaciones de algoritmos, modelos...

  3. Efecto del tamaño del alfabeto en el rendimiento de un algoritmo de compresión probabilístico

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    Carlos Rincón


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tuvo como finalidad determinar el efecto del tamaño del alfabeto de un mensaje, en el rendimiento del algoritmo de compresión probabilístico basado en la posición de los símbolos, el cual propusimos en un trabajo previo (Rincón, Acurero, Bracho y Jakymec, 2008. La metodología utilizada consistió en 7 etapas: (a determinación de las variables dependientes e independientes a objeto de estudio, (b desarrollo e implementación del algoritmo propuesto, (c construcción de los archivos de prueba, (d ejecución del algoritmo implementado sobre los archivos de prueba, (e determinación del modelo matemático que explique el comportamiento de las variables dependientes, (f aplicación del método estadístico análisis de varianza, (g análisis de los resultados obtenidos. Las variables dependientes seleccionadas fueron el tiempo de compresión y la relación de compresión. El diseño del modelo estadístico seleccionado fue un totalmente aleatorizado con tratamiento en un arreglo factorial 4x2, con dos factores: tamaño del alfabeto (4,8,12 y 16 símbolos y distribucción probabilística del alfabeto (aleatorio y equiprobable. Del análisis de varianza se obtuvo diferencias significativas para todas las variables independientes y su interacción en todas las variables dependientes, corroborando así el efecto que tiene el tamaño del alfabeto en el rendimiento del algoritmo de compresión estudiado. La prueba de Tukey determinó que para la variable tiempo de compresión el mejor rendimiento se obtiene con la distribución aleatoria y el mayor tamaño del alfabeto (12 y 16, mientras que para la variable relación de compresión, el mejor rendimiento se obtiene con la distribución aleatoria y el menor tamaño del alfabeto.

  4. Algorithms for the evaluation of the reliability of networks and substations; Algoritmos para evaluar la confiabilidad de redes y subestaciones electricas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vega Ortiz, Miguel [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    Two algorithms are presented, one for analyzing the reliability of networks and another one to analyzing the reliability of electrical substations. The algorithms model a network or a substation by means of a graph and determine all the exits, of up to third degree, which isolates the load points. The algorithm that is used for the network analysis, is the one of p-cuts and in the case of the substations it is the one of minimum ways, for later, from these minimum p-cuts and of the minimum ways, obtains the minimum cuts. These minimum cuts are evaluated with the approximate method and give as a result the system reliability and of each one of the components that have been modeled. At the end some examples and results obtained are shown. As case of study, the algorithm is applied to two substations arrangements and to a network of industrial distribution, but it is possible to be applied to transmission and distribution networks. [Spanish] Se presentan dos algoritmos, uno para analizar la confiabilidad de redes y otro para analizar la confiabilidad de subestaciones electricas. Los algoritmos modelan una red o una subestacion por medio de un grafo y determinan todas las salidas, de hasta tercer grado, que aislan los puntos de carga. El algoritmo que se utiliza para el analisis de redes, es el de p-cortes y en el caso de las subestaciones es el de caminos minimos, para despues, a partir de estos p-cortes minimos y de los caminos minimos, obtener los cortes minimos. Estos cortes minimos se evaluan con el metodo aproximado y dan como resultado la confiabilidad del sistema y de cada una de las componentes que se hayan modelado. Al final se muestran algunos ejemplos y resultados obtenidos. Como caso de estudio, el algoritmo se aplica a dos arreglos de subestaciones y a una red de distribucion industrial, pero se puede aplicar a redes de transmision y de distribucion.


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    Antonio Geloneze Neto


    Full Text Available La Demostración de Flujos de Caja (DFC pasó a ser un informe obligatorio por la contabilidad a partir del 1 de enero de 2008 para todas las empresas de capital abierto o con patrimonio líquido superior a dos millones de rea¬les y, de esa forma, se torna otro importante informe para la toma de decisiones gerenciales. Este trabajo tiene por objetivo proponer una generalización algébrica para la DFC. Papeles de trabajo pueden contribuir para cerrar una laguna didáctica en la enseñanza de la DFC y producir el método indirecto y el método directo, lado a lado con su equivalencia destacada, en una misma matriz por medio de algoritmos algebraicos. La pesquisa es de naturale¬za normativa y enfatiza el carácter transversal entre la Contabilidad y la Matemática, mostrando que los informes contables y sus estructuras pueden ser vistos como matrices y sujetos a deducciones algebraicas sobre los eventos registrados por medio de las partidas dobles. Como resultado, se pudo demostrar un algoritmo matemático con matrices y sub-matrices y un guión en el formato de papeles de trabajo, compatibles con las orientaciones norma¬tivas para la DFC en la legislación brasileña, que permite una DFC clara, segura y efectiva.


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    Antonio Carlos Vilanova


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta uma avaliação metodológica para otimizar parâmetros em um conhecido modelo de propagação de ondas de rádio na troposfera. O modelo de propagação é baseado no Divisor de passos de Fourier para resolver equações parabólicas. Nossa abordagem utiliza algoritmo genético para determinar os valores dos parâmetros que maximize a intensidade de campo em uma determinada posição do observador. Usando algoritmo genético o tempo necessário na busca dos parâmetros ótimos é reduzido significativamente. A avaliação preliminar dos resultados através da simulação mostra que a nossa abordagem é promissora.

  7. Generalización algebraica de la DFC: reflexiones por medio de un algoritmo algebraico

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    Antonio Geloneze Neto


    Full Text Available La Demostración de Flujos de Caja (DFC pasó a ser un informe obligatorio por la contabilidad a partir del 1 deenero de 2008 para todas las empresas de capital abierto o con patrimonio líquido superior a dos millones de realesy, de esa forma, se torna otro importante informe para la toma de decisiones gerenciales. Este trabajo tiene porobjetivo proponer una generalización algébrica para la DFC. Papeles de trabajo pueden contribuir para cerrar unalaguna didáctica en la enseñanza de la DFC y producir el método indirecto y el método directo, lado a lado consu equivalencia destacada, en una misma matriz por medio de algoritmos algebraicos. La pesquisa es de naturalezanormativa y enfatiza el carácter transversal entre la Contabilidad y la Matemática, mostrando que los informescontables y sus estructuras pueden ser vistos como matrices y sujetos a deducciones algebraicas sobre los eventosregistrados por medio de las partidas dobles. Como resultado, se pudo demostrar un algoritmo matemático conmatrices y sub-matrices y un guión en el formato de papeles de trabajo, compatibles con las orientaciones normativaspara la DFC en la legislación brasileña, que permite una DFC clara, segura y efectiva.

  8. Un algoritmo basado en búsqueda tabú granular para la solución de un problema de ruteo de vehículos considerando flota heterogénea

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    Duván Eduardo Puenayán


    Full Text Available Este artículo aborda el problema de ruteo de vehículos con flota heterogénea (VRPH, en el cual se busca determinar las rutas a ser construidas para satisfacer las demandas de los clientes, considerando una flota de vehículos con capacidad y costos no homogéneos. El objetivo es minimizar la distancia total de las rutas recorridas por los diferentes vehículos. En este artículo, se propone un algoritmo metaheurístico basado en una búsqueda tabú granular para la solución del problema. El algoritmo acepta soluciones infactibles penalizadas por un factor dinámico que se ajusta durante la búsqueda. Experimentos computacionales en instancias reales de una compañía colombiana muestran que el algoritmo propuesto es capaz de obtener, en tiempos computacionales reducidos, mejores soluciones que las obtenidas por el método tradicional de planificación de rutas, usado en la compañía.

  9. Bio energy: Bio fuel - Properties and Production

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilhelmsen, Gunnar; Martinsen, Arnold Kyrre; Sandberg, Eiliv; Fladset, Per Olav; Kjerschow, Einar; Teslo, Einar


    This is Chapter 3 of the book ''Bio energy - Environment, technique and market''. Its main sections are: (1) Definitions and properties, (2) Bio fuel from the forest, (3) Processed bio fuel - briquettes, pellets and powder, (4) Bio fuel from agriculture, (5) Bio fuel from agro industry, (6) Bio fuel from lakes and sea, (7) Bio fuel from aquaculture, (8) Bio fuel from wastes and (9) Hydrogen as a fuel. The exposition largely describes the conditions in Norway. The chapter on energy from the forest includes products from the timber and sawmill industry, the pulp and paper industry, furniture factories etc. Among agricultural sources are straw, energy forests, vegetable oil, bio ethanol, manure

  10. Un nuevo algoritmo para la optimación de estructuras: el recocido simulado

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    Vázquez Espí, Mariano


    método de resolución, salvo para ciertos casos particulares en los que la función y sus variables satisfacen condiciones específicas (continuidad, diferenciabilidad, etc.. En numerosos casos de índole práctica no se dan tales condiciones y, en consecuencia, la solución al problema se aproxima, existiendo para ello una variedad de métodos heurísticos. El recocido simulado es un algoritmo de aproximación a la solución óptima, fundado en una analogía con el comportamiento de sistemas termodinámicos simples y viene siendo utilizado en ciertos problemas de ingeniería. El presente trabajo muestra cómo usarlo en la teoría de estructuras, señalando sus ventajas (universalidad así como sus inconvenientes (lentitud. Para ello, se describen brevemente los distintos problemas de la teoría de estructuras, así como aspectos fundamentales de la teoría de algoritmos. Con mayor detalle, se describe la forma matemática del algoritmo de recocido. En ambos casos se emplea un problema paradigmático de optimación: el del viajante de comercio. Finalmente, se muestra el empleo del algoritmo para "aproximar" formas óptimas de cerchas isostáticas.

  11. Desempeño de Algoritmos Gusano en la Navegación de una Plataforma Robótica Móvil

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    Luis Alvarez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo presenta la implementación de algoritmos de navegación denominados gusano 1 y gusano 2 sobre la plataforma robotica móvil de iRobot Create, los cuales se brindaron la capacidad de autonomía para navegar dentro de entornos desconocidos. Además, se utilizaron los módulos de radio frecuencia, que funcionan bajo el estándar ZigBee, para dotar de comunicación inalambrica entre el robot y una PC. Se realizaron pruebas de comunicación para determinar la máxima distancia de trabajo a la que pueden funcionar los módulos RF en interiores; mientras que, para el análisis de desempeño de los algoritmos básicos de navegación montados sobre la plataforma robótica móvil se definieron tres escenarios diferentes donde se verificó la certeza de haber alcanzado la meta por el robot.

  12. Impacto de la memoria cache en la aceleración de la ejecución de algoritmo de detección de rostros en sistemas empotrados

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    Alejandro Cabrera Aldaya


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se analiza el impacto de la memoria cache sobre la aceleración de la ejecución del algoritmo de detección de rostros de Viola-Jones en un sistema de procesamiento basado en el procesador Microblaze empotrado en un FPGA. Se expone el algoritmo, se describe una implementación software del mismo y se analizan sus funciones más relevantes y las características de localidad de las instrucciones y los datos. Se analiza el impacto de las memorias cache de instrucciones y de datos, tanto de sus capacidades (entre 2 y 16 kB como de tamaño de línea (de 4 y 8 palabras. Los resultados obtenidos utilizando una placa de desarrollo Spartan3A Starter Kit basada en un FPGA Spartan3A XC3S700A, con el procesador Microblaze a 62,5 MHz y 64 MB de memoria externa DDR2 a 125 MHz,  muestran un mayor impacto de la cache de instrucciones que la de datos, con valores óptimos de 8kB para la cache de instrucciones y entre 4 y 16kB para la cache de datos. Con estas memorias se alcanza una aceleración de 17 veces con relación a la ejecución del algoritmo en memoria externa. El tamaño de la línea de cache tiene poca influencia sobre la aceleración del algoritmo.

  13. Planeación óptima de sistemas de distribución considerando múltiples objetivos: costo de inversión, confiabilidad y pérdidas técnicas

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    Ana María Mejía Solanilla


    Full Text Available En este artículo se propone una metodología para solucionar el problema del planeamiento multiobjetivo de sistemas de distribución de energía eléctrica, empleando un algoritmo elitista de ordenamiento no dominado (NSGA-II. Esta metodología considera cuatro modelos matemáticos, donde las funciones objetivo son costos fijos, costos variables, costos fijos y variables, y confiabilidad de la red; como conjunto de restricciones se tienen criterios técnicos y operativos. Al solucionar cada uno de estos modelos se identifican los elementos comunes, los cuales son fijados para la siguiente etapa del proceso; esto se repite hasta hallar una configuración final del sistema. De esta forma, en cada paso del algoritmo se generan especies de cortes, los cuales reducen el espacio de solución. La metodología es verificada con un sistema de distribución de la literatura especializaday se obtienen resultados que muestran la efectividad del método al encontrar un punto de equilibrio entre todos los objetivos considerados.

  14. Algoritmo evolucionário para otimização do plano de tratamento em radioterapia conformal 3D

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    Marco César Goldbarg


    Full Text Available O planejamento do tratamento por radioterapia tem por objetivo atingir um volume alvo com altas doses de radiação tomando cuidado para não expor órgãos sadios a doses elevadas. É, portanto, muito importante que se encontre um balanço ideal entre esses objetivos conflitantes. O presente trabalho relata um modelo de programação matemática multiobjetivo e introduz um Algoritmo Transgenético para o problema de seleção do direcionamento dos feixes de radiação no planejamento em radioterapia conformal 3D. A seleção das direções dos feixes é feita através de uma técnica denominada de isocentros variáveis. Com a finalidade de testar o potencial do algoritmo desenvolvido, realiza-se um experimento comparativo com um Algoritmo Genético Multiobjetivo. O experimento computacional obtém dados quantitativos e qualitativos que são analisados no trabalho.The radiotherapy treatment planning aims to achieve a target volume with high doses of radiation taking care not to expose healthy organs to high doses. It is therefore very important to find an optimal balance between these conflicting goals. This paper reports a mathematical model of multiobjective programming and presents a Transgenetic Algorithm for the problem of selecting the direction of radiation beams in 3D conformal radiotherapy planning. The selection of beams directions is done with a technique called variable isocenters. In order to test the potential of the developed algorithm, a comparative experiment with a multiobjective genetic algorithm was done. The computational experiment obtains quantitative and qualitative data that are analyzed in this paper.

  15. Algoritmo genético para reducir el makespan en un flow shop híbrido flexible con máquinas paralelas no relacionadas y tiempos de alistamiento dependientes de la secuencia

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    Juan Camilo López-Vargas


    Full Text Available El artículo propone el algoritmo genético simple o estándar (AGS como enfoque de solución al problema de programación de produc - ción para un ambiente tipo flow shop híbrido flexible minimizando el makespan. La codificación del algoritmo propuesto permite obtener resultados con tiempos de cómputo bastante razonables y con un nivel de convergencia del makespan cercano al 2%, con mejores solu - ciones que un algoritmo alternativo diseñado para el mismo caso de programación de producción. A partir de los resultados obtenidos en el proceso de experimentación y del posterior análisis comparativo, se concluye que a partir del modelamiento más completo de las condiciones reales de producción, el algoritmo genético ejecuta la programación de producción reduciendo el tiempo máximo de procesamiento, o makespan. En futuros trabajos, el enfoque de investigación será la búsqueda de más escenarios alternativos de producción, con el fin de incrementar la aplicación de este tipo de herramientas y generar impacto en los entornos empresariales reales.

  16. Engineering BioBrick vectors from BioBrick parts

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    Knight Thomas F


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The underlying goal of synthetic biology is to make the process of engineering biological systems easier. Recent work has focused on defining and developing standard biological parts. The technical standard that has gained the most traction in the synthetic biology community is the BioBrick standard for physical composition of genetic parts. Parts that conform to the BioBrick assembly standard are BioBrick standard biological parts. To date, over 2,000 BioBrick parts have been contributed to, and are available from, the Registry of Standard Biological Parts. Results Here we extended the same advantages of BioBrick standard biological parts to the plasmid-based vectors that are used to provide and propagate BioBrick parts. We developed a process for engineering BioBrick vectors from BioBrick parts. We designed a new set of BioBrick parts that encode many useful vector functions. We combined the new parts to make a BioBrick base vector that facilitates BioBrick vector construction. We demonstrated the utility of the process by constructing seven new BioBrick vectors. We also successfully used the resulting vectors to assemble and propagate other BioBrick standard biological parts. Conclusion We extended the principles of part reuse and standardization to BioBrick vectors. As a result, myriad new BioBrick vectors can be readily produced from all existing and newly designed BioBrick parts. We invite the synthetic biology community to (1 use the process to make and share new BioBrick vectors; (2 expand the current collection of BioBrick vector parts; and (3 characterize and improve the available collection of BioBrick vector parts.

  17. Adquisición de variables de tráfico vehicular usando visión por computador


    Germán Enrique Urrego; Francisco Carlos Calderón; Alejandro Forero; Julián Armando Quiroga


    El conteo de vehículos es una tarea fundamental en los aforos de tráfico, tanto para el diseño de nuevas vías como para el control y la optimización del tráfico urbano. En ciudades como Bogotá, este conteo actualmente se realiza en forma manual, pero puede hacerse automáticamente empleando técnicas de visión por computador. El presente artículo muestra el desarrollo de un algoritmo de detección y seguimiento de vehículos en tiempo real a partir de video, el cual permite el conteo de vehículos...

  18. Análisis paramétrico de volúmenes arquitectónicos con algoritmos genéticos

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    Pedro Salcedo Lagos


    Full Text Available En el último tiempo el diseño arquitectónico ha venido evolucionando, debido entre otros aspectos, a la aparición de técnicas de diseño digital que permiten la generación de geometrías a partir de la definición de parámetros iniciales y la programación de las relaciones formales entre ellos. Los procesos de diseño basados en estas tecnologías permiten describir formas con capacidad de variar y adaptarse a requerimientos múltiples o a criterios de evaluación específicos, surgiendo así el problema de identificar la mejor solución arquitectónica, lo que se ha planteado en varias experiencias, gracias a la utilización de la técnica de algoritmos genéticos. En este trabajo se demuestra la posibilidad de implementar un análisis paramétrico de volúmenes arquitectónicos con algoritmos genéticos, logrando compatibilizar requerimientos funcionales, ambientales y estructurales, con un método efectivo de búsqueda para seleccionar una variedad de soluciones apropiadas gracias a las tecnologías digitales.


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    Mª Antonia Simón Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Existen numerosas empresas que tienen implantada una Oficina de Proyectos y los gestionan de manera unificada. Uno de los principales problemas que se encuentran es la asignación de los recursos humanos a los proyectos de cara a cumplir con los plazos establecidos. El objetivo del presente artículo es crear un nuevo algoritmo heurístico que logre resolverlo en un entorno dinámico, que tenga en cuenta las incidencias que van sucediendo, buscando el cumplimiento de hitos intermedios, dando continuidad a los recursos en un mismo proyecto y asignando distintas prioridades. Se ha realizado un estudio de la literatura referente al entorno multiproyecto y para el caso particular de carteras de proyectos. El algoritmo resultante logra satisfacer los objetivos propuestos con gran eficacia y eficiencia, logrando cumplir el plazo para todos los proyectos con prioridad crítica, respetar las fechas intermedias y logrando la nivelación de los recursos humanos disponibles.

  20. Fusión Borrosa de Estimadores para Aplicaciones de Control Basado en Imagen

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    Carlos Perez-Vidal


    Full Text Available Resumen: El control visual es una disciplina de gran actualidad dentro del control de robots, y dentro de ésta, los algoritmos de predicción se usan para estimar la localización de objetos o características visuales proporcionadas por un sensor con retardo (cámara. Algunos de los algoritmos más utilizados son: el filtro de Kalman; los filtros alpha-beta/gamma (αβ/γ; el AKF; el SKF; etc. El mayor problema de algunos de ellos es conseguir que su implementación permita trabajar en aplicaciones con fuertes restricciones temporales o de tiempo real. En este artículo se presenta un nuevo método de predicción, denominado FMF, basado en la fusión o combinación borrosa de varios filtros, y por tanto con un alto coste computacional. En el artículo se estudia a través de simulación la mejora obtenida con la predicción del FMF respecto a los filtros individuales, lo que justifica su interés. Así mismo, se desarrolla su implementación de tiempo real en una FPGA empleando técnicas de paralelización y segmentado. La viabilidad, robustez y fiabilidad del algoritmo propuesto se ha comprobado mediante una aplicación experimental de control visual. Palabras clave: Métodos predictivos, algoritmos paralelos, sistemas fuzzy, visión por computador, control automático

  1. Estimativa do balanço de energia utilizando imagens TM - Landsat 5 e o algoritmo SEBAL no litoral sul de Pernambuco

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    Célia Cristina Machado


    Full Text Available As trocas de energia na interface solo-planta-atmosfera, por meio das componentes do balanço de radiação (Rn e dos fluxos de calor no solo (G, sensível (H e latente (LE, são essenciais para a modelagem climática e hidrológica que, por sua vez, afetam toda a biosfera. Dessa forma, esta pesquisa teve por objetivos: (1 estimar e comparar o comportamento dos componentes do balanço de energia, usando o algoritmo SEBAL - Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land, em diferentes tipos de uso e cobertura do solo e (2 validar o algoritmo. Para isso, foram usadas três imagens TM - Landsat 5 de órbita e ponto 214/066, com datas de passagem em 26 de agosto de 2006, 6 de setembro de 2010 e 28 de janeiro de 2011, todas recortadas para enquadrar o litoral sul de Pernambuco. Os resultados mostraram a capacidade do SEBAL de estimar a variabilidade espacial dos diferentes componentes do balanço de energia, com capacidade de distinguir diferentes ocupações do solo. O cômputo do balanço de energia possibilita observar as formas diferenciadas do uso da energia pelos diferentes tipos de cobertura do solo e verificar aqueles que propiciam melhor conforto térmico. As estimativas da evapotranspiração obtidas pelo algoritmo SEBAL apresentaram uma boa concordância com os resultados obtidos pelo método da FAO-Penman-Monteith demonstrando, dessa forma, a potencialidade da abordagem metodológica escolhida.

  2. Solución de un problema de secuenciamiento en configuración jobshop flexible utilizando un Algoritmo de Estimación de Distribuciones.

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    R. Pérez


    Full Text Available Resumen: El problema de secuenciamiento en configuración jobshop flexible se refiere en asignar operaciones de diversos trabajos a un conjunto de equipos disponibles. La asignación mencionada busca generalmente minimizar el tiempo de culminación de todos los trabajos conocido en la literatura como ‘makespan’. Se propone un Algoritmo de Estimación de Distribuciones para Secuenciamiento, AEDS por simplicidad y funcionalidad. El AEDS intenta encontrar una relación o interacción entre las variables de entrada, trabajos, operaciones y turnos de trabajo, para optimizar la variable de salida de procesos de manufactura reales, el makespan. En este sentido el algoritmo AEDS es usado para guiar la búsqueda y resolver el problema. En el marco del algoritmo, tres modelos gráficos fueron usados para encontrar mejores soluciones. Establecer horas fuera de servicio para los operadores antes de iniciar sus actividades en cada turno de trabajo como parámetro de entrada y su desarrollo a través del algoritmo AEDS constituye una novedad de esta investigación respecto los trabajos existentes. La comparación entre AEDS y un algoritmo genético muestra la efectividad del AEDS resolviendo el problema enunciado. Usando el AEDS propuesto, el desempeño de procesos de manufactura reales mejora notablemente cuando diferentes equipos disponibles son asignados a diferentes programas de producción. Abstract: The flexible jobshop scheduling problem permits the operation of each job to be processed by more than one machine. The configuration mentioned generally seeks to minimize the completion time of all jobs known in the literature as ‘makespan’. We propose an Estimation of Distribution Algorithm for Sequencing, AEDS for simplicity and functionality. The AEDS attempts to find a relationship or interaction between the input variables, jobs, operations and shifts to optimize the output variable of real

  3. Modelado y simulación de un panel fotovoltaico empleando técnicas de inteligencia artificial; Modeling and simulation of a photovoltaic panel using artificial intelligence techniques

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    Adalberto Ospino Castro


    Full Text Available El trabajo presenta la modelación del comportamiento energético y la determinación de los parámetros del circuito equivalente de un panel fotovoltaico con el empleo de técnicas de inteligencia artificial. Para tal efecto, se desarrolló en Matlab un algoritmo genético que permite obtener los parámetros físicos no brindados por los fabricantes para la implementación de funciones matemáticas que se homologuen al comportamiento dinámico de un panel solar. El algoritmo desarrollado en Matlab permite determinar, además, la eficiencia del algoritmo seguidor del punto de máxima potencia del inversor, el cual es un parámetro de no simple obtención o no determinado en condiciones de campo. Finalmente, el algoritmo se probó satisfactoriamente en un panel solar monocristalino de 50W obteniendo adecuados resultados en comparación con el modelo experimental para diferentes niveles de irradiación solar. Los resultados demuestran que el proceso desarrollado constituye una herramienta que puede ser aplicada a paneles fotovoltaicos en condiciones de campo. The paper presents the modeling of the energy behavior and determination of equivalent circuit parameters for a photovoltaic panel using artificial intelligence techniques. For this purpose, it was performed a genetic algorithm in Matlab, which calculates the physical parameters not provided by manufacturers to implement mathematical functions that approve the dynamic behavior of a solar panel. In addition, the algorithm can determine the efficiency of the maximum power point tracking algorithm of the inverter, which is a parameter of not simple obtaining or not determined under field conditions. Finally, the algorithm was successfully tested in a monocrystalline solar 50W panel with excellent results, compared to the experimental model for different levels of solar irradiation. The results demonstrate that the developed process is a tool that can be applied to photovoltaic panels under

  4. Unificando los criterios de sepsis neonatal tardía: propuesta de un algoritmo de vigilancia diagnóstica (United States)

    Zea-Vera, Alonso; Turin, Christie G.; Ochoa, Theresa J.


    Las infecciones constituyen una de las principales causas de muerte en el periodo neonatal. El diagnóstico de sepsis neonatal representa un gran desafío ya que los recién nacidos presentan signos clínicos muy inespecíficos y los exámenes auxiliares tienen una baja sensibilidad. Con el objetivo de mejorar el diagnóstico correcto de esta patología proponemos un algoritmo de vigilancia diagnóstica para sepsis neonatal tardía en el Perú y países de la región. El algoritmo permite clasificar a los episodios como sepsis confirmada, probable o posible, y sobretodo busca identificar aquellos episodios que no corresponden a sepsis, evitando calificar otras patologías como “sepsis”. Un mejor diagnóstico permitiría tener tasas más reales de sepsis neonatal, mejorar el uso de antibióticos y evitar sus efectos negativos en el recién nacido, así como una visión más exacta de su impacto en la salud pública. PMID:25123879

  5. Organización del conocimiento de la asignatura “estructuras de datos y algoritmosâ€� para ingeniería informática basada en mapas conceptuales




    Las asignaturas de Programación y Algoritmos deben lograr que los estudiantes escriban algoritmos eficientes. Ese objetivo se ve afectado por el hecho de que los estudiantes no saben escoger y diseñar las estructuras de datos adecuadas para representar la información. Tomando en cuenta este hecho, el Centro de Estudios de Informática Educativa (C EIE ) de la Universidad de Granma y el Centro de Estudios Informáticos (CEI) de la Universidad Central “Marta Abreuâ€� de Las Villas, Cuba, propon...

  6. Deshidratación de etanol empleando líquidos iónicos de naturaleza prótica


    Acosta Cordero, L.; Pérez Ones, O.; Zumalacárregui de Cárdenas, L.


    En este trabajo se presenta el estudio experimental de la deshidratación de etanol empleando líquidos iónicos de naturaleza prótica, con el objetivo de determinar un líquido iónico prótico efectivo en este proceso de separación. Para ello se sintetizaron tres líquidos iónicos (formiato de 2-hidroxietilamonio, lactato de2-hidroxietilamonio y propionato de 2-hidroxietilamonio) y se determinaron sus propiedades críticas y densidad apartir de métodos de contribución de grupos. Además se confirmó ...

  7. Cómo una microempresa logró un desarrollo de productos ágil y generador de valor empleando Lean


    Barón Maldonado, Diana Isabel; Rivera Cadavid, Leonardo


    El propósito del presente artículo es mostrar un ejemplo de cómo una microempresa puede hacer que su desarrollo de productos sea más ágil, flexible y generador de valor empleando Lean. Se tomaron como referentes el proceso genérico de desarrollo de productos, el proceso de desarrollo tradicional en el sector de confecciones, el sistema Toyota de desarrollo de productos y el antiguo sistema de desarrollo de la empresa. Se destacan el rol del lugar de reunión virtual y el papel del ingeniero je...

  8. Cómo una microempresa logró un desarrollo de productos ágil y generador de valor empleando Lean


    Barón Maldonado, Diana Isabel; Rivera Cadavid, Leonardo


    El propósito del presente artículo es mostrar un ejemplo de cómo una microempresa puede hacer que su desarrollo de productos sea más ágil, flexible y generador de valor empleando Lean. Se tomaron como referentes el proceso genérico de desarrollo de productos, el proceso de desarrollo tradicional en el sector de confecciones, el sistema Toyota de desarrollo de productos y el antiguo sistema de desarrollo de la empresa. Se destacan el rol del lugar de reunión virtual y el papel del ...

  9. Potenciando el aprendizaje proactivo con ILIAS&WebQuest: aprendiendo a paralelizar algoritmos con GPUs


    Santamaría, J.; Espinilla, M.; Rivera, A. J.; Romero, S.


    Arquitectura de Computadores es una asignatura troncal de segundo ciclo de la titulación de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación (P.E. 2004) de la Universidad de Jaén, que desde el curso académico 2009/10 cuenta con una metodología de aprendizaje proactivo para motivar al alumno en la realización de las prácticas. En concreto, se ha abordado la enseñanza de la materia de paralelización de algoritmos haciendo uso de GPUs de tarjetas gráficas convencionales. Además, se ha d...

  10. Algoritmos relax-and-cut para problemas de programação inteira 0-1


    Victor Fernandes Cavalcante


    Resumo: Uma das principais motivações para o estudo de Otimização Discreta reside no elevado número de problemas do nosso cotidiano representáveis através de modelos de Otimização Inteira e Combinatória. Em particular, muitos destes problemas podem ser formulados com Programação Inteira 0-1, o que desperta especial interesse em técnicas capazes de resolver tais modelos. Dentre as inúmeras formas de solução atualmente disponíveis para problemas desta natureza, os algoritmos baseados na técnica...

  11. Séries temporais de NDVI do sensor SPOT Vegetation e algoritmo SAM aplicados ao mapeamento de cana‑de‑açúcar

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    Luiz Eduardo Vicente


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o mapeamento de área de cana‑de‑açúcar por meio de série temporal, de seis anos de dados do índice de vegetação por diferença normalizada (NDVI, oriundos do sensor Vegetation, a bordo do satélite "système pour l'observation de la Terre" (SPOT. Três classes de cobertura do solo (cana‑de‑açúcar, pasto e floresta, do Estado de São Paulo, foram selecionadas como assinaturas espectro‑temporais de referência, que serviram como membros extremos ("endmembers" para classificação com o algoritmo "spectral angle mapper" (SAM. A partir desta classificação, o mapeamento da área de cana‑de‑açúcar foi realizado com uso de limiares na imagem-regra do SAM, gerados a partir dos valores dos espectros de referência. Os resultados mostram que o algoritmo SAM pode ser aplicado a séries de dados multitemporais de resolução moderada, o que permite eficiente mapeamento de alvo agrícola em escala mesorregional. Dados oficiais de áreas de cana‑de‑açúcar, para as microrregiões paulistas, apresentam boa correlação (r² = 0,8 com os dados obtidos pelo método avaliado. A aplicação do algoritmo SAM mostrou ser útil em análises temporais. As séries temporais de NDVI do sensor SPOT Vegetation podem ser utilizadas para mapeamento da área de cana‑de‑açúcar em baixa resolução.

  12. BioCreative V BioC track overview: collaborative biocurator assistant task for BioGRID. (United States)

    Kim, Sun; Islamaj Doğan, Rezarta; Chatr-Aryamontri, Andrew; Chang, Christie S; Oughtred, Rose; Rust, Jennifer; Batista-Navarro, Riza; Carter, Jacob; Ananiadou, Sophia; Matos, Sérgio; Santos, André; Campos, David; Oliveira, José Luís; Singh, Onkar; Jonnagaddala, Jitendra; Dai, Hong-Jie; Su, Emily Chia-Yu; Chang, Yung-Chun; Su, Yu-Chen; Chu, Chun-Han; Chen, Chien Chin; Hsu, Wen-Lian; Peng, Yifan; Arighi, Cecilia; Wu, Cathy H; Vijay-Shanker, K; Aydın, Ferhat; Hüsünbeyi, Zehra Melce; Özgür, Arzucan; Shin, Soo-Yong; Kwon, Dongseop; Dolinski, Kara; Tyers, Mike; Wilbur, W John; Comeau, Donald C


    BioC is a simple XML format for text, annotations and relations, and was developed to achieve interoperability for biomedical text processing. Following the success of BioC in BioCreative IV, the BioCreative V BioC track addressed a collaborative task to build an assistant system for BioGRID curation. In this paper, we describe the framework of the collaborative BioC task and discuss our findings based on the user survey. This track consisted of eight subtasks including gene/protein/organism named entity recognition, protein-protein/genetic interaction passage identification and annotation visualization. Using BioC as their data-sharing and communication medium, nine teams, world-wide, participated and contributed either new methods or improvements of existing tools to address different subtasks of the BioC track. Results from different teams were shared in BioC and made available to other teams as they addressed different subtasks of the track. In the end, all submitted runs were merged using a machine learning classifier to produce an optimized output. The biocurator assistant system was evaluated by four BioGRID curators in terms of practical usability. The curators' feedback was overall positive and highlighted the user-friendly design and the convenient gene/protein curation tool based on text mining.Database URL: Published by Oxford University Press 2016. This work is written by US Government employees and is in the public domain in the US.

  13. Um sistema para o ensino e aprendizagem de algoritmos utilizando um companheiro de aprendizagem colaborativo


    Petry, Patrícia Gerent


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação Esta dissertação apresenta um modelo computacional de um sistema de suporte ao ensino e aprendizagem no domínio de algoritmos. O sistema inclui um companheiro de aprendizagem virtual, que utiliza a Modelagem Baseada em Restrições (Constraint-Based Modelling) como forma de representação do conhecimento e raciocínio. Os Sistemas Companheiro de Aprendizagem (...

  14. Selección y evaluación de algoritmos para clasificación de documentos


    Vergara García, Paula María


    Este trabajo ha consistido en un estudio sobre la clasificación de documentos en castellano, basándose en el estándar IPTC. Para ello se ha utilizado un conjunto de ejemplos formado por documentos previamente etiquetados. Partiendo de los distintos tipos de aprendizaje, los algoritmos de clasificación, las herramientas de las que se disponía para la clasificación y las características de conjunto de ejemplos, se decidió utilizar las librerías proporcionadas por las herramientas Mahout, Had...

  15. Algoritmo distribuido de compresión de datos : Una experiencia comparativa con sockets y PVM


    Russo, Claudia Cecilia; Ramón, Hugo Dionisio; Anderson, Alfredo; Dirazar, Delio; De Giusti, Armando Eduardo


    Es notoria la importancia actual de la compresión de datos en al transmisión de información en redes, especialmente información multimedial Aspectos como optimización del uso del canal, tiempos de repuesta, seguridad y reducción de tráfico, justifican las tareas de investigación y desarrollo en este tema, así como al evolución de los recursos tecnológicos disponibles para implementar nuevas técnicas. En este contexto, se presentan resultados experimentales obtenidos de un algoritmo de compres...

  16. Algoritmos de visión para la estimación robusta de pose 3D


    Iglesias García, Marcos


    El desarrollo de nuevos algoritmos en el campo de la visión artificial permite dotar a los robots móviles de una mayor autonomía en su funcionamiento. Si el autómata conoce el espacio que le rodea, es capaz de interactuar con el medio y realizar múltiples tareas. Tradicionalmente, los robots están equipados con microprocesadores, ordenadores a bordo que les permiten procesar la información que reciben y actuar en consecuencia. Sin embargo, carecen de inteligencia, lo que les impide reaccionar...

  17. Bio politics - The bio-environment - bio-culture of the Danube

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vlavianos-Arvanitis, A.


    The bio-environment has been the single most important correlation in human history and can successfully promote international co-operational co-operation and understanding. With the construction of a network for collaboration, the 'Danube Countries' can come together in celebration of their culture and heritage. As the Danube flows from the Black Forest to the Black Sea, it carries messages of peace, hope and co-operation. Applying these messages to every endeavour can improve our quality of life and lead to a brighter future. Since its inception in 1985, the Bio politics International Organization (B.I.O.) has been labouring to raise awareness of the urgent need to instate a new system of norms and principles, compatible with sound environmental management and with the most important task of ensuring global literacy on environmental issues. Along with critically re-assessing the concept of profit, the goal is to adopt a system of bio centric values, where respect for the bio-environment will govern our every action and thought

  18. Diseño de estribos abiertos en puentes de carretera obtenidos mediante optimización híbrida de escalada estocástica

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    Luz, A.


    Full Text Available This article deals with the minimum cost automatic design of reinforced concrete open abutments of road bridges, using a two-hybrid stochastic hill climbing algorithms with a neighborhood move based on the mutation operator from the genetic algorithms. These algorithms are based on the simulated annealing (SAMO as well as on the threshold accepting procedure (TAMO. Both algorithms were applied to an open abutment which has 40 discrete variables. Savings have been found 18 % compared to an abutment of 9 m in height really executed. SAMO improves by only 0.5 % a similar run by TAMO. Additionally, the paper presents a parametric study of commonly used abutments from 6 to 15 m in height for different bearing conditions. Further, the results presented are of much value for the preliminary design of open abutments of road bridges. Finally, it is shown that cost savings are mainly located in the footing of these structures.Este artículo se ocupa del diseño automático de estribos abiertos de hormigón armado en puentes de carretera de coste mínimo, empleando para ello dos algoritmos híbridos de escalada estocástica con operadores de mutación basados en los algoritmos genéticos. Los algoritmos empleados se basan en el recocido simulado (SAMO y en la aceptación por umbrales (TAMO. Ambos algoritmos se aplican a un estribo definido por 40 variables discretas. Se han comprobado ahorros económicos superiores al 18 % respecto a un estribo de referencia de una altura de 9 m realmente construido, con diferencias pequeñas entre ambos algoritmos, del 0,5 % a favor de SAMO. Además, se ha realizado un estudio paramétrico para alturas de estribo entre 6 y 15 m para diferentes tensiones admisibles del terreno que ofrece criterios de predimensionamiento a los proyectistas. Se ha comprobado, además, que el ahorro económico se localiza fundamentalmente en la zapata de estas estructuras.

  19. Reducción de interferencia de línea de potencia en señales electrocardiográficas mediante el filtro dual de Kalman

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    Luis David Avendaño Valencia


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta el desarrollo de un filtro para la reducción de la interferencia de línea de potencia en señales electrocardiográficas (ECG, basado en estimación dual de parámetros y de estado, empleando la filtración Kalman, en el cual se consideran modelos independientes entre la interferencia de línea de potencia y la señal ECG. Ambos modelos son combinados para simular la señal ECG medida sobre la que se realiza la estimación de estado para separar la señal de la interferencia. El algoritmo propuesto es sintonizado y comparado en un conjunto de pruebas realizadas sobre la base de datos QT de electrocardiografía. Inicialmente se hacen pruebas de sintonización del algoritmo para el rastreo de la señal ECG limpia, cuyos resultados son utilizados después para las pruebas de filtrado. Luego se llevan a cabo pruebas exhaustivas sobre la base de datos QT en la filtración de interferencia de línea de potencia, la cual ha sido introducida artificialmente en los registros, para una relación de señal a ruido (SNR dada, obteniendo así curvas del desempeño del algoritmo, que permiten a su vez comparar con el desempeño de otros algoritmos de filtración, a saber, un filtro notch recursivo de respuesta infinita al impulso (IIR y un filtro de Kalman, basado en un modelo más simple para la señal ECG. Como resultado, se demuestra que el algoritmo de filtrado obtenido es robusto a los cambios de amplitud de la interferencia; además, conserva sus propiedades para los diferentes tipos de morfologías de señales ECG normales y patológicas.

  20. Algoritmos de métodos numéricos codificados en lenguaje de programación C++ para la solución de problemas de análisis numérico


    León Zárate, Elmer Alberto


    La presente investigación tuvo como propósito la elaboración de un sistema computacional en el lenguaje de programación C++ que permita codificar los algoritmos para la solución de problemas de análisis numéricos. Este trabajo de investigación tiene por título: "ALGORITMOS DE MÉTODOS NUMÉRICOS CODIFICADOS EN LENGUAJE DE PROGRAMACION C++ PARA LA SOLUCION DE PROBLEMAS DE ANÁLISIS NUMÉRICO" y ha sido preparado para apoyar la formación de los estudiantes de ciencias e ingeniería, quienes podrán a...


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    Rómulo Castillo Cárdenas


    Full Text Available In this work we consider the problem OVO (order value optimization. The problem we address is to minimize f with x 2 by a genetic algorithm that by its very nature has the advantage over existing continuous optimization methods, to nd global minimizers. We illustrate the application of this algorithm on examples considered showing its e ectiveness in solving them.// RESUMEN En el presente trabajo consideramos el problema OVO (order value optimization. El problema que abordamos consiste entonces en minimizar f con x 2 por medio de un algoritmo gen etico que por su naturaleza intrínseca tiene la ventaja, sobre métodos de optimización continua existentes, de encontrar minimizadores globales. Ilus- tramos la aplicación de este algoritmo sobre ejemplos considerados mostrando su eficacia en la resolución de los mismos.

  2. Algoritmo de programação de máquinas individuais com penalidades distintas de adiantamento e atraso

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    Emerson C. Colin


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho consideramos o problema de máquina única, com datas de entrega e penalidades de adiantamento e atraso distintas para cada ordem. Considerando que a seqüência seja predefinida, o objetivo a ser alcançado é a minimização da soma das diferenças (adiantamentos ou atrasos penalizadas das ordens. Este trabalho é apresentado como uma generalização do algoritmo de programação de Garey et al. (1988. Através de uma estrutura computacional denominada fila de prioridade, este novo algoritmo permite a elaboração de um programa em tempo O(nlogn, enquanto que o melhor encontrado na literatura atualmente é de tempo O(n².In this work we consider the one machine problem, with distinct due-dates and penalties for earliness and tardiness. For a previously defined sequence, we utilize the sum of weighted lateness (earliness or tardiness as objective function. This work is presented as a generalization of the Garey et al. (1988 scheduling algorithm. Using a computational structure called heap, this algorithm allows a schedule construction in O(nlogn time while the best found in literature runs in O(n².

  3. Procedimiento para elaborar una lente intraocular monofocal asférica isoplanática y lente obtenida empleando dicho procedimiento


    Barbero, Sergio; Marcos, Susana; Dorronsoro, Carlos; Montejo, Javier; Salazar Salegui, Pedro


    Procedimiento para elaborar una lente intraocular monofocal asférica isoplanática y lente obtenida empleando dicho procedimiento. Permite obtener lentes oftálmicas monofocales asféricas isoplanáticas en un rango visual de hasta 25º (preferentemente hasta 10º) de amplitud. El procedimiento comprende las etapas de: 1.- Definición matemática de un modelo de ojo afáquico; 2.- Definición matemática de un modelo de lente intraocular; 3.- Definición matemática de la implantac...

  4. Bio-films and processes of bio-corrosion and bio-deterioration in oil-and gas-processing industry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kholodenko, V.P.; Irkhina, I.A.; Chugunov, V.A.; Rodin, V.B.; Zhigletsova, S.K.; Yermolenko, Z.M.; Rudavin, V.V. [State Research Center for Applied Microbiology, Obolensk, Moscow region (Russian Federation)


    As a rule, oil- and gas-processing equipment and pipelines are attacked by different microorganisms. Their vital ability determines processes of bio-deterioration and bio-corrosion that lead often to technological accidents and severe environmental contamination. Bio-films presenting a complex association of different microorganisms and their metabolites are responsible for most of damages. In this context, to study the role bio-films may play in processes of bio-damages and in efficacy of protective measures is important. We have developed method of culturing bio-films on the surface of metal coupons by using a natural microbial association isolated from oil-processing sites. Simple and informative methods of determining microbiological parameters of bio-films required to study bio-corrosion processes are also developed. In addition, a method of electron microscopic analysis of bio-films and pitting corrosion is offered. Using these methods, we conducted model experiments to determine the dynamics of corrosion processes depending on qualitative and quantitative composition of bio-films, aeration conditions and duration of the experiment. A harmful effect of soil bacteria and micro-mycetes on different pipeline coatings was also investigated. Experiments were conducted within 3-6 months and revealed degrading action of microorganisms. This was confirmed by axial tension testing of coatings. All these approaches will be used for further development of measures to protect gas- and oil-processing equipment and pipelines against bio-corrosion and bio-damages (first of all biocides). (authors)

  5. Minimización de una función normal-merit mediante un algoritmo convergente globalmente

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gómez Suárez, M.


    Full Text Available En este trabajo presentamos dos conceptos relacionados con la solución de sistemas de ecuaciones no lineales y con desigualdades. El primer concepto es el de una función normal merit, que resume las propiedades básicas que tienen distintas funciones merit conocidas. El segundo concepto es el de un operador Newtoniano, cuyos valores generalizan el concepto de Hessiana para la función normal merit. Combinando el resultado del método generalizado de Newton con ciertos métodos de primer orden, obtenemos un algoritmo de convergencia global para minimizar funciones normales merit.

  6. Refuerzo de puentes por cambio de esquema estructural: optimización mediante algoritmo genético


    Valenzuela, Matías A.; Casas Rius, Joan Ramon


    La presente comunicación entrega un estudio detallado del proceso constructivo y de tesado para el refuerzo de puentes con tipología longitudinal de vigas continuas convirtiéndolos en puentes en arco atirantado (tipo network). Se presentan las etapas básicas propuestas en aspectos de construcción, se establecen las hipótesis del estudio de tesado e implementa el método de tesado a partir de la optimización automatizada mediante algoritmos genéticos, definiendo criterios como: variables de ...

  7. Bio-prospecting of distillery yeasts as bio-control and bio-remediation agents. (United States)

    Ubeda, Juan F; Maldonado, María; Briones, Ana I; Francisco, J Fernández; González, Francisco J


    This work constitutes a preliminary study in which the capacity of non-Saccharomyces yeasts isolated from ancient distilleries as bio-control agents against moulds and in the treatment of waste waters contaminated by heavy metals-i.e. bio-remediation-is shown. In the first control assays, antagonist effect between non-Saccharomyces yeasts, their extracts and supernatants against some moulds, analysing the plausible (not exhaustive) involved factors were qualitatively verified. In addition, two enzymatic degrading properties of cell wall plant polymers, quitinolitic and pectinolitic, were screened. Finally, their use as agents of bio-remediation of three heavy metals (cadmium, chromium and lead) was analysed semi-quantitatively. The results showed that all isolates belonging to Pichia species effectively inhibited all moulds assayed. Moreover, P. kudriavzevii is a good candidate for both bio-control and bio-remediation because it inhibited moulds and accumulated the major proportion of the three tested metals.

  8. Algoritmos GRASP para el equilibrado de líneas con riesgo ergonómico mínimo


    Bautista Valhondo, Joaquín; Alfaro Pozo, Rocío; Batalla García, Cristina; Llovera Laborda, Sara


    Resumen - Se presenta un problema de equilibrado de líneas de montaje con ciclo compatible y número fijo de estaciones con el objetivo de minimizar el máximo riesgo ergonómico presente en las estaciones de trabajo. Tras la formu lación de un modelo matemático para el problema, se proponen procedimientos GRASP para su resolución. Los procedimientos incorporan un algoritmo greedy para regularizar el riesgo ergonómico así como diferentes tipos de mejora local. De...

  9. Bio-fuels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report presents an overview of the technologies which are currently used or presently developed for the production of bio-fuels in Europe and more particularly in France. After a brief history of this production since the beginning of the 20. century, the authors describe the support to agriculture and the influence of the Common Agricultural Policy, outline the influence of the present context of struggle against the greenhouse effect, and present the European legislative context. Data on the bio-fuels consumption in the European Union in 2006 are discussed. An overview of the evolution of the activity related to bio-fuels in France, indicating the locations of ethanol and bio-diesel production facilities, and the evolution of bio-fuel consumption, is given. The German situation is briefly presented. Production of ethanol by fermentation, the manufacturing of ETBE, the bio-diesel production from vegetable oils are discussed. Second generation bio-fuels are then presented (cellulose enzymatic processing), together with studies on thermochemical processes and available biomass resources

  10. Algoritmo de alocação de recursos discretos com análise de envoltória de dados

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    João Carlos Correia Baptista Soares de Mello


    Full Text Available A alocação de recursos é um dos problemas clássicos abordados pela Pesquisa Operacional. A inserção de modelos de Análise de Envoltória de Dados (DEA nesse contexto traz novas possibilidades de estudo, em especial quando combinada com o uso de algoritmos de programação inteira. Este artigo apresenta um algoritmo para distribuição de recursos discretos usando modelos DEA de forma seqüencial. O método proposto é aplicado no estudo de caso da alocação de vagas docentes na Universidade Federal Fluminense. Os resultados são comparados com aqueles obtidos pela comissão encarregada da distribuição das vagas.The resource allocation is one of the main problems in Operational Research. The use of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA in this field is a new feature with a great potential, mainly when combined with integer programming problems. This paper presents an algorithm to allocate integer resources using a step-by-step DEA algorithm. We applied the proposed approach to a real case study, which consists in allocating teacher positions in some departments of Universidade Federal Fluminense. We compare the results with those obtained by the official commission.

  11. Control Adaptativo Fraccionario Optimizado por Algoritmos Genéticos, Aplicado a Reguladores Automáticos de Voltaje

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    Marco E. Ortiz-Quisbert


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este trabajo se presenta la técnica del control adaptable de orden fraccionario por modelo de referencia (CAOFMR, aplicada a los reguladores automáticos de voltaje (RAV. El artículo se enfoca en el ajuste de las ganancias adaptables y los órdenes de derivación de las leyes de ajuste del controlador CAOFMR, determinados por la minimización de una función criterio definida para el modelo simplificado del RAV, mediante la utilización de la técnica de optimización de algoritmos genéticos (AG. En base a un criterio de evaluación propuesto por otros autores, se realizan comparaciones, por medio de simulaciones, de la técnica de control propuesta con los resultados obtenidos por la técnica de control PID de orden entero (OEPID (Zamani et al., 2009. Se muestra que el controlador CAOFMR con parámetros optimizados por AG, entrega mejores resultados en términos de robustez frente a variaciones en los parámetros del sistema controlado y mejoras en relación a la velocidad de convergencia hacia las señales de referencia del sistema RAV. Abstract: The technique Fractional Order Model Reference Adaptive Control (FOMRAC applied to an Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR is presented in this paper. The work is focused on tuning the adaptive gains and the derivation order of the adaptive laws of the FOMRAC, determined through the minimization of a criterion function defined for the simplified model of the AVR, by means of the genetic algorithm (GA optimization technique. Based on the criterion function proposed by other authors a simulated comparative study is performed, comparing the proposed methodology with the integer order PID control reported in (Zamani et al., 2009. It is shown that the FOMRAC with parameters optimized by GA provides better results in terms of robustness under parameters variations of the system under control and improvements in the convergence speed of the control error. Palabras clave: Control Adaptativo de


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    Lorena Pradenas Rojas


    Full Text Available En este estudio se presenta un modelo matemático para un problema genérico de asignación de personal. Se implementa y evalúa un procedimiento de solución mediante la metaheurística Tabu Search. El algoritmo propuesto es usado para resolver un caso real de asignación de supervisores forestales. Los resultados muestran que el algoritmo desarrollado es eficiente en la resolución de este tipo de problema y tiene un amplio rango de aplicación para otras situaciones reales.This study presents a mathematical model for a generic problem of staff allocation. A solution is implemented and evaluated by means of the Tabu Search metaheuristic. The proposed algorithm is used to solve a real case of forestry supervisors' allocation. The results show that the developed algorithm is efficient solving this kind of problems and that it has a wide range of application for other real situations.

  13. Evaluación del comportamiento de un algoritmo para la secuenciación en un taller de flujo con tiempos dependientes de la secuencia

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    Adriano da Silva-Carvalho


    Full Text Available En el trabajo se realiza la evaluación del comportamiento de un algoritmo propuesto para la secuenciación en un taller de flujo con tiempos dependientes de la secuencia, utilizando un método híbrido basado en el Algoritmo de Búsqueda del Extremo de una Función de un Código Variable y la metaheurística de Búsqueda Dispersa. Asimismo, se analizan casos obtenidos de la aplicación en un taller mecánico de una industria nacional.In this paper the evaluation of the behaviour of a proposed algorithm is made for the sequence of events in a stream flow in a workshop with dependent moments of the sequence using a hybrid method based on the SEARCH OF THE EXTREME OF A FUNTION OF A VARIABLE CODE ALGORITHM AND THE DISPERSED SEARCH METHOD ALGORITHM In the same way, cases obtained from the application in a workshop of the national mechanical industry are analysed.

  14. Cálculo, mediante la aplicación del algoritmo de ajuste por mínimos cuadrados, de los componentes de velocidad para estaciones GNSS continuas

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    Jorge Moya Zamora


    Full Text Available El cálculo de la velocidad de una estación de observación continua GNSS representa un insumo fundamental en la geodesia moderna. El hecho de determinar la posición de las estaciones GNSS de forma diaria implica que se puedan establecer las series temporales de las estaciones, con base en las cuales se puede obtener información de la influencia de fenómenos que afecten el comportamiento de estas. En este artículo se plantea una descripción del algoritmo de ajuste por mínimos cuadrados adaptado y aplicado a la determinación de los componentes de velocidad de estaciones de observación continua. Además, se aplica este algoritmo para la calcular la velocidad de la estación ETCG, perteneciente al Sistema Geocéntrico para las Américas (SIRGAS.


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    José David Meisel


    Full Text Available La programación de pedidos para el problema de producción Job Shop (JSP, catalogado como NP-Hard, ha constituido un reto para la comunidad científica, debido a que alcanzar una solución óptima a este problema se dificulta en la medida que crece en número de máquinas y trabajos. Numerosas técnicas, entre ellas las metaheurísticas, se han empleado para su solución, sin embargo, su eficiencia, en cuanto a tiempo computacional, no ha sido muy satisfactoria. Por lo anterior y para contribuir a la solución de este problema, se planteó el uso de un enfriamiento simulado propuesto (ESP y de un algoritmo genético mejorado (AGM. Para el AGM se implementó una estrategia de enfriamiento simulado en la fase de mutación, que permite al algoritmo intensificar y diversificar las soluciones al mismo tiempo, con el fin de que no converja prematuramente a un óptimo local. Los resultados mostraron que los algoritmos propuestos arrojan buenos resultados, con desviaciones alrededor de los mejores valores encontrados que no superan el 5 % para los problemas más complejos.A programação de pedidos para o problema de produção Job Shop (JSP, catalogado como NP-Hard, tem constituído um desafio para a comunidade científica, devido a que alcançar uma solução ótima a este problema se dificulta na medida em que cresce em número de máquinas e trabalhos. Numerosas técnicas, entre elas as metaheurísticas, foram empregadas para sua solução, no entanto, sua eficiência, em quanto a tempo computacional, não há sido muito satisfatória. Pelo anterior e para contribuir à solução deste problema, propôs-se o uso de um esfriamento simulado proposto (ESP e de um algoritmo genético melhorado (AGM. Para o AGM se implementou uma estratégia de esfriamento simulado na fase de mutação, que permite ao algoritmo intensificar e diversificar as soluções ao mesmo tempo, com o objetivo de que não convirja prematuramente a um ótimo local. Os resultados


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    J. Fernando Piñal M.


    Full Text Available En este trabajo analizamos las características del estándar de encriptación avanzado AES y suimplementación en una tarjeta de desarrollo FPGA Spartan-3E , utilizando una de las herramientas de procesamiento embebido del fabricante Xilinx®, el microcontrolador PicoBlaze¿. Además se diseñó un bloque en VHDL, el cual es el encargado de realizar la interfaz entre el microcontrolador y los periféricos de entrada- salida de la tarjeta. El ingreso de los datos a cifrar puede realizarse de dos maneras: mediante un teclado conectado al puerto PS/2 de la tarjeta o transmitiéndolos por el puerto serie de una computadora personal; para esto se diseñó una interfaz programada en Matlab¿. Los datos cifrados pueden observarse en el exhibidor LCD de la tarjeta de desarrollo, o bien se pueden transmitir en modo serial hacia una computadora personal. Estas opciones de funcionamiento del sistema se seleccionan mediante los interruptores deslizables de la tarjeta de desarrollo. La verificación del funcionamiento del sistema se realiza haciendo uso del documento oficial que describe a AES: FIPS-PUB 197. Aun cuando se implementó el algoritmo en un sistema basado en un procesador, se obtuvo un buen rendimiento. Se incluye la comparación del desempeño de nuestro diseño con otras arquitecturas que implementan también el mismo algoritmo.

  17. Combining Bio-inspired Sensing with Bio-inspired Locomotion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Shaikh, Danish; Hallam, John; Christensen-Dalsgaard, Jakob

    In this paper we present a preliminary Braitenberg vehicle–like approach to combine bio-inspired audition with bio-inspired quadruped locomotion in simulation. Locomotion gaits of the salamander–like robot Salamandra robotica are modified by a lizard’s peripheral auditory system model that modula......In this paper we present a preliminary Braitenberg vehicle–like approach to combine bio-inspired audition with bio-inspired quadruped locomotion in simulation. Locomotion gaits of the salamander–like robot Salamandra robotica are modified by a lizard’s peripheral auditory system model...

  18. Modelo origen destino para estimar el flujo de tráfico usando algoritmos genéticos


    Aldás S., Milton R.; Flores C., Marco J.; Universidad de Cuenca; Dirección de Investigación de la Universidad de Cuenca; DIUC


    En este trabajo se ha desarrollado un nuevo método basado en Inteligencia Artificial para resolver un problema del matriz origen-destino (O-D) aplicado al caso de una red de tráfico vehicular en la ciudad de Ambato. El método implementado, basado en algoritmos genéticos (AG), resuelve el problema de minimización asociado al problema de matriz O-D. Para validar la técnica, se ha utilizado una red vial correspondiente a la zona del Mercado Modelo en la ciudad de Ambato, que es una zona de alta ...

  19. Desarrollo de algoritmos de asignación de recursos en redes de acceso PON y TWDM-PON


    Juárez Estévez, David


    El estudio de investigación realizado y descrito en este Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG) se ha centrado en el desarrollo de algoritmos de gestión de recursos en redes PON (Passive Optical Network) y TWDM-PON (Time Wavelength Division Multiple Passive Optical Network), cuya arquitectura está implementada en un simulador bajo el entorno de simulación OMNET++. Así pues, inicialmente, se realizó un análisis de las redes de acceso PON, además del entorno de trabajo sobre el cual se iba a realizar es...

  20. Obstáculos epistemológicos en la enseñanza de estructura de datos y algoritmos


    Pérez, Daniel; Aguirre, Sofía; Filippi, José Luis


    [4 p.] il. Los obstáculos epistemológicos bajo la forma de saber-cristalizado generan una suerte de inercia que dificulta el proceso de construcción de un nuevo saber. Su abordaje es necesario para minimizar su impacto negativo y lograr mejoras en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje. El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar los obstáculos que impiden a los alumnos de Estructura de datos y algoritmos de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Nacional de La Pampa resolver satis...

  1. Bio-fuel barometer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    After a year of doubt and decline the consumption of bio-fuel resumed a growth in 2014 in Europe: +6.1% compared to 2013, to reach 14 millions tep (Mtep) that is just below the 2012 peak. This increase was mainly due to bio-diesel. By taking into account the energy content and not the volume, the consumption of bio-diesel represented 79.7% of bio-fuel consumption in 2014, that of bio-ethanol only 19.1% and that of biogas 1%. The incorporating rate of bio-fuels in fuels used for transport were 4.6% in 2013 and 4.9% in 2014. The trend is good and the future of bio-fuel seems clearer as the European Union has set a not-so-bad limit of 7% for first generation bio-fuels in order to take into account the CASI effect. The CASI effect shows that an increase of the consumption of first generation bio-fuels (it means bio-fuels produced from food crops like rape, soy, cereals, sugar beet,...) implies in fact a global increase in greenhouse gas release that is due to a compensation phenomenon. More uncultivated lands (like forests, grasslands, bogs are turned into cultivated lands in order to compensate lands used for bio-fuel production. In most European countries the consumption of bio-diesel increased in 2014 while it was a bad year for the European industry of ethanol because ethanol prices dropped by 16 %. Oil companies are now among the most important producers of bio-diesel in Europe.

  2. Producción potencial de biogás empleando excretas de ganado porcino en el estado de Guanajuato

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    Miguel Martínez Lozano


    Full Text Available La actual reforma energética, así como los cambios mundiales en el uso y obtención de energía eléctrica o calorífica, empleando fuentes alternas, han llevado a replantear y maximizar el uso y explotación del biogás que se obtiene a partir de las excretas de diferentes tipos de ganado. El Estado de Guanajuato, posee un interesante número de cabezas de ganado en el ámbito bovino y porcino, lo que ha originado el planteamiento del presente artículo. En este trabajo, se presenta un estudio, empleando estadísticas locales, conducente a evaluar el potencial energético disponible a partir del uso de las excretas de ganado porcino, para producir Biogás y de ahí, establecer una valoración de la energía eléctrica anual obtenible, el ahorro en equivalente a barriles de petróleo que se podría manejar y la cantidad de gases que se dejarían de añadir a la atmósfera. El estudio se realiza dividiendo el estado por municipios y estableciendo los totales de cada variable de interés en el proceso. Los indicadores muestran que dada la sencillez de implementación de biodigestores para la producción de biogás, esta debe ser una alternativa interesante e importante a desarrollar y potenciar en los próximos años en el país. En el caso particular del Estado de Guanajuato, existen cerca de un millón de cerdos de diferentes edades registrados, pudiendo producir una energía potencial para alimentar a más de 60,000 viviendas estándar.


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    Diego Leonardo González Herrera


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presentan los escenarios de simulación planteados en base a un algoritmo analítico para la ubicación de la generación distribuida. En primera instancia se hace un recorrido por el estado del arte referente a los factores involucrados en la planeación de la demanda  y estudios de cortocircuito. Así mismo, se exhibe la propuesta metodológica para evaluar el impacto y algunos resultados preliminares obtenidos.

  4. Al cruzar el límite/ Extreme Measures: cine, principios bioéticos e investigación clínica

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    Josep-E BAÑOS


    Full Text Available La utilización de películas comerciales para ilustrar conflictos bioéticos es una experiencia frecuente en la docencia universitaria de ciencias de la salud. En este ámbito, la investigación clínica es un importante paradigma para conocer cómo los principios éticos pueden aplicar en situaciones de análisis complejo. En el presente artículo se analiza el interés de una película comercial, Al cruzar el límite/ Extreme Measures (1996 de Michael Apted, para presentar el difícil debate de aplicación de los principios de autonomía, justicia, beneficencia y no maleficencia. El film presenta diversas situaciones en el marco de un argumento policíaco inspirado en el libro del médico norteamericano Michael Palmer. Los autores comentan las fortalezas y las debilidades de la película, así como aquellos aspectos que pueden plantearse en el debate de la película, y sugieren su posible utilidad para debatir cómo los factores personales pueden influenciar la toma de decisiones en situaciones límite. La principal conclusión es que Al cruzar el límite puede ser un instrumento útil a pesar de que se necesitan pruebas empíricas para confirmarla.

  5. Desarrollo de un algoritmo en MATLAB para la optimización de la resolución de una tarjeta USRP B210 para aplicaciones SDRadar

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    David Moreno Avilés


    Full Text Available En este documento se analizan las limitaciones y características que tiene la tarjeta USRP (Universal Software Radio Peripheral B210 para desarrollar aplicaciones de radar definidos por software (SDRadar. Para el desarrollo del algoritmo se utilizó un radar de onda continua modulada en frecuencia (FMCW que implementa una señal chirp, al considerar que 25 MHz es el máximo ancho de banda que la tarjeta puede proporcionar se obtiene como resultado una resolución de 6 metros. El método utilizado para optimizar la resolución de la tarjeta fue transmitir un determinado número de señales con distintos anchos de banda, lo que resulta en una resolución diferente, al detectar y almacenar el objetivo en una matriz. Después de las pruebas correspondientes el algoritmo estableció que con 14 mediciones con variaciones de ancho de banda de 0.5 MHz, entre cada señal, se obtiene la mayor optimización para mejorar la resolución de la tarjeta. Se obtuvo finalmente dos zonas de optimización, donde la primera zona está limitada por un error de medición menor a 1 metro, y en la segunda zona con un error de medición entre 1 y 2 metros con 69.15% y 30.85% de objetivos detectados respectivamente, lo que determina su efectividad y confiabilidad. Este trabajo ha demostrado que el algoritmo utilizado es útil en aplicaciones SDRadar para detectar objetivos para aplicaciones topográficas o sistemas SAR.

  6. Composición Musical a Través del Uso de Algoritmos Genéticos

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    Ezequiel Moldaver


    Full Text Available Este trabajo se enfocará en el uso de los algoritmos genéticos (AAGG con el fin de mezclar armonías y melodías de forma que se genere una composición musical de buen sonido para el oído, lo que significa que el contexto de cada nota respaldará la sonoridad de la misma provocando que no se genere un efecto disonante de forma permanente, que se genere una disonancia momentánea es permisible ya que es parte de la misma música generar tensión a través de pequeños intervalos poco agradables al oído.

  7. BIOS Security Analysis and a Kind of Trusted BIOS (United States)

    Zhou, Zhenliu; Xu, Rongsheng

    The BIOS's security threats to computer system are analyzed and security requirements for firmware BIOS are summarized in this paper. Through discussion about TCG's trust transitivity, a new approach about CRTM implementation based on BIOS is developed. In this paper, we also put forward a new trusted BIOS architecture-UTBIOS which is built on Intel Framework for EFI/UEFI. The trustworthiness of UTBIOS is based on trusted hardware TPM. In UTBIOS, trust encapsulation and trust measurement are used to construct pre-OS trust chain. Performance of trust measurement is also analyzed in the end.

  8. Paralelización de un algoritmo de compresión que utiliza diccionario estático


    Ramón, Hugo Dionisio; Russo, Claudia Cecilia; Anderson, Alfredo; De Giusti, Armando Eduardo; Dirazar, Delio


    Es notoria la importancia creciente de la compresión de datos en la transmisión de información en redes. Aspectos como seguridad, reducción de tráfico, optimización del uso del canal, étc., justifican las tareas deinvestigación y desarrollo en este tema, así como la evolución de los recursos tecnológicos disponibles. En particular, por el volumen de información en juego, en los últimos años hay un esfuerzo muy notorio en la optimización de algoritmos para compresión de datos utilizando difere...

  9. PSAL : estudio, análisis e implementación de algoritmos de síntesis de alto nivel


    Sánchez Espeso, Pablo Pedro


    En los últimos años se ha producido un gran avance en el desarrollo de herramientas de diseño asistido por computador (cad) en microelectrónica, motivado en gran medida por la creciente complejidad de los circuitos integrados digitales. Este proceso ha incidido principalmente en la automatización del diseño desde el nivel lógico al layout, mientras que las etapas iniciales (especificación del algoritmo y determinación de la arquitectura) siguen dependiendo del diseñador. En la presente tes...

  10. Algoritmo eficiente para cálculo de mapas de visibilidade em terrenos armazenados em memória externa


    Magalhães, Mirella Antunes de


    Com a maior disponibilidade de dados detalhados de terrenos, muitas aplicações precisam processar grandes áreas geográficas em alta resolução. O processamento massivo de dados envolvido em tais aplicações criou grandes desafios para os SIGs e necessita de algoritmos otimizados tanto para processamento interno quanto para transferência de dados. Uma dessas aplicações é o cálculo de mapas de visibilidade ou viewshed, que consiste em obter o conjunto de pontos visíveis a partir de um ponto p. Ne...

  11. Algoritmos de deteção de comportamento de indivíduos com autismo: análise comparativa


    Ferreira, Miguel Proença Brás


    A elevada prevalência de doenças relacionadas com o autismo e a necessidade de descoberta desta patologia de difícil diagnóstico e convivência, levou a que seja imprescindível o desenvolvimento de mecanismos de deteção e avaliação da atividade de pacientes. Esta tese tem como principal objetivo colmatar estas necessidades. Os algoritmos testados são direcionados à melhoria da monitorização de doentes com autismo e com necessidades especiais. Estes têm ...


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    Héctor Silvio Llamo Laborí


    Full Text Available En las líneas de transmisión a voltajes de 220 kV y mayores, el valor de las pérdidas en loscables protectores puede justificar económicamente su segmentación para reducirlas a cero.Se presentan los resultados y las características de un algoritmo para diseñar o comprobar eldiseño de esquemas de cables protectores segmentados a partir de calcular el voltaje máximoinducido electromagnéticamente en los mismos.  In the 220 kV and higher transmission lines, the lost value in the ground wires can justifieseconomically its segmentation to reduce it to zero.Are presented the characteristics and results of an algorithm to design or test the schemesof segmented ground wires calculating the electromagnetic voltage induced on it.

  13. Algoritmo de actuación en la prevención de la mutilación genital femenina. Estudio de casos desde atención primaria

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    Carolina Alcón Belchí


    Conclusión: El algoritmo diseñado orienta a los profesionales en su actuación, consiguiendo una eficaz detección y prevención de mutilación genital de las niñas y resulta una primera aproximación para el desarrollo de un protocolo regional.

  14. Algoritmo para Estimar los Saldos Netos Migratorios en entidades federativas mexicanas

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    Full Text Available En este artículo se describe el diseño, desarrollo e implementación de un Algoritmo para Estimar Saldos Netos Migratorios (ASNM en las entidades federativas de México mediante un modelo de distribución territorial de la población de Rogers en el que a través de la matriz de origendestino de la migración interna se incluyen el comportamiento del crecimiento natural y el de la inmigración y emigración internacional. Los datos requeridos son totalmente de base demográfica. Se buscó respetar al dato para que él hable por sí mismo a través de un modelo que le permita expresarse. Los resultados indican que de acuerdo con las cifras observadas por el censo de 2010 y a las estimadas por el ASNM para 2015, la contribución anual del SNM al total de la población por entidad federativa no representa más de tres por ciento.

  15. Nano-bio-sensing

    CERN Document Server

    Carrara, Sandro


    This book examines state-of-the-art applications of nano-bio-sensing. It brings together researchers from nano-electronics and bio-technology, providing multidisciplinary content from nano-structures fabrication to bio-sensing applications.

  16. Study of bio-oil and bio-char production from algae by slow pyrolysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chaiwong, K.; Kiatsiriroat, T.; Vorayos, N.; Thararax, C.


    This study examined bio-oil and bio-char fuel produced from Spirulina Sp. by slow pyrolysis. A thermogravimetric analyser (TGA) was used to investigate the pyrolytic characteristics and essential components of algae. It was found that the temperature for the maximum degradation, 322 °C, is lower than that of other biomass. With our fixed-bed reactor, 125 g of dried Spirulina Sp. algae was fed under a nitrogen atmosphere until the temperature reached a set temperature between 450 and 600 °C. It was found that the suitable temperature to obtain bio-char and bio-oil were at approximately 500 and 550 °C respectively. The bio-oil components were identified by a gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC–MS). The saturated functional carbon of the bio-oil was in a range of heavy naphtha, kerosene and diesel oil. The energy consumption ratio (ECR) of bio-oil and bio-char was calculated, and the net energy output was positive. The ECR had an average value of 0.49. -- Highlights: •Bio-oil and bio-char fuel produced from Spirulina Sp. by slow pyrolysis. •Suitable temperature to obtained bio-oil and bio-char were at about 550 and 500 °C. •Saturated functional carbon of bio-oil was heavy naphtha, kerosene, diesel oil. •ECR had an average value of 0.49

  17. Consideraciones de diseño para la eliminación biológica de fósforo empleando procesos biopelícula


    Castillo de Castro, Pedro; Tejero Monzón, Iñaki


    El siguiente artículo es un resumen del estado del arte de la Eliminación Biológica de Fósforo (EBF) empleando procesos de biopelícula. En él se describen minuciosamente los mecanismos que intervienen en la eliminación biológica de este elemento, así como las teorías actualmente aceptadas. Se presentan los procesos biopelícula actualmente desarrollados, así como los consideraciones de diseño para reactores biopelícula, y la forma de trabajo necesaria para conseguir la EBF.

  18. From marine bio-corrosion to new bio-processes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bergel, A.; Dasilva, S.; Basseguy, R.; Feron, D.; Mollica, A.


    Full text of publication follows: From the middle of the last century it has been observed that the development of marine bio-films on the surface of stainless steels and different metallic materials induces the ennoblement of their free corrosion potential. A main step in deciphering the mechanisms of aerobic marine bio-corrosion has been achieved around 1976 with the demonstration that the potential ennoblement was due to the modification of the cathodic process. Since this date, the catalysis of oxygen reduction by marine bio-films has been the topic of numerous controversies, but it is now commonly agreed as a basic phenomena in aerobic corrosion. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the fine mechanisms of the bio-film-catalysed reduction of oxygen: intermediate formation of hydrogen peroxide, modification of the oxide layer on the stainless steel surface, involvement of manganese species and manganese oxidising bacteria, catalysis by proteins produced by the micro-organisms... Recent results may confirm the possible involvement of hemic enzymes or proteins. Whatever the mechanisms, very promising results have been obtained with the possible application of bio-film-catalysed oxygen reduction to conceive innovative biofuel cells with stainless steel electrodes. Actually, the catalysis of oxygen reduction is a key step that still drastically hinders the development of economically efficient hydrogen/oxygen fuel cells. The current technology requires high amounts of platinum or platinum-based materials to catalyze oxygen reduction on the cathode of these cells. The prohibitive cost of platinum is a main obstacle to the commercialization of low-cost fuel cells. Unpublished results recently showed that adapting the enzyme-catalysed reaction that was assumed for bio-corrosion on the cathode of hydrogen/oxygen fuel cells may lead to a significant decrease in the charge of platinum. Moreover, it was demonstrated on a laboratory-scale fuel cell pilot that

  19. Algoritmo PSO para identificación de parámetros en un motor DC

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    César Duarte


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta la aplicación del algoritmo Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO como estrategia de búsqueda para determinar los parámetros de un sistema tipo caja gris. Este proceso de identificación se ilustra utilizando la respuesta a un escalón de un motor DC en lazo abierto. Para agilizar la identificación del sistema a través del uso de PSO, se limita el espacio de búsqueda usando la información que puede extraerse de la respuesta en el dominio del tiempo del sistema a identificar. Los resultados del proceso de identificación de los parámetros del motor se obtienen utilizando la herramienta PSOt disponible para entorno Matlab® desarrollada por Brian Birge.

  20. Paradigma. Hacia el diseño y desarrollo de algoritmos y sistemas de control para clonación artificial en procesos industriales.

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    Jairo Amador


    Full Text Available Haciendo uso de Ia tecnología inteligente basada en la lógica difusa, las redes neuronales y los algoritmos genéticos, se pretende plantear un paradigma para la clonación artificial de dispositivos en procesos industriales, específicamente para sensores, los cuales deberán replicar las mismas o mejores funciones de los dispositivos reales mediante la evolución des comportamiento.

  1. Algoritmo incremental de agrupamiento con traslape para el procesamiento de grandes colecciones de datos (Overlapping clustering incremental algorithm for large data collections processing

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    Lázaro Janier González-Soler


    Full Text Available Spanish abstract Existen diversos problemas en el Reconocimiento de Patrones y en la Minería de Datos que, por su naturaleza, consideran que los objetos pueden pertenecer a más de una clase o grupo. DClustR es un algoritmo dinámico de agrupamiento con traslape que ha mostrado, en tareas de agrupamiento de documentos, el mejor balance entre calidad de los grupos y eficiencia entre los algoritmos dinámicos de agrupamiento con traslape reportados en la literatura. A pesar de obtener buenos resultados, DClustR puede ser poco útil en aplicaciones que trabajen con grandes colecciones de documentos, debido a que tiene una complejidad computacional y a la cantidad de memoria que utiliza para el procesamiento de las colecciones. En este trabajo se presenta una versión paralela basada en GPU del algoritmo DClustR, llamada CUDA-DClus, para mejorar la eficiencia de DClustR en aplicaciones que lidien con largas colecciones de documentos. Los experimentos fueron realizados sobre varias colecciones estándares de documentos y en ellos se muestra el buen rendimiento de CUDA-DClus en términos de eficiencia y consumo de memoria. English abstract There are several problems in Pattern Recognition and Data Mining that, by its inherent nature, consider that the objects can belong to more than a class or cluster. DClustR is a dynamic overlapping clustering algorithm that has shown, in document clustering tasks, the best trade-off between cluster’s quality and efficiency among existing dynamic overlapping clustering algorithms. However, DClustR could be less useful when working in applications that deal with large data collections, due to its computational complexity and memory demanded for processing them. In this paper, a GPU-based parallel algorithm of DClustR, named CUDA-DClus is suggested to enhance DClustR efficiency in applications dealing with large data collections. The experimental phase conducted over various standard data collections showed that

  2. Nossa experiência com a paralelizâçao de um algoritmo de processamento de imagens geográficas


    Shishido, Henrique Yoshikazu; Silva, Anderson Faustino da; Gonçalves, Ronaldo Augusto de Lara; Batista, Ligia Flavia Antunes


    O processamento de imagem digital tem sido usado em diversas áreas de pesquisa como instrumento para o reconhecimento de padres e de filtragens específicas nas imagens. Entretanto, dependendo das características da aplicação o tempo de processamento pode ser extremamente alto e dificultar o avanço das pesquisas associadas. Nesse contexto, este trabalho propõe a paralelização de um algoritmo para o processamento de imagem digital utilizado no cálculo de índice de fragmentação multidimensional....

  3. Algoritmos evolucionários na determinação da configuração de custo mínimo de sistemas de co-geração de energia com base no gás natural

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    Marco César Goldbarg


    Full Text Available Esse trabalho apresenta um caso especial do problema geral da determinação de uma configuração para um sistema de co-geração de energia que utiliza o gás natural como fonte energética. O problema visa determinar a configuração de custo mínimo de um sistema de co-geração. É um problema computacionalmente difícil devido a restrições técnicas, operacionais e econômicas. Para solucioná-lo, são apresentados e comparados algoritmos evolucionários desenvolvidos de acordo com as metáforas dos Algoritmos Genéticos, Algoritmos Meméticos e da Transgenética Computacional. Os algoritmos são aplicados a um conjunto de trinta e cinco instâncias geradas de acordo com cinco diferentes ciclos de co-geração. Os experimentos computacionais relatados nesse trabalho indicam uma dominância de melhores resultados da metáfora transgenética.This work presents a special case of the general problem of determining the configuration of cogeneration systems in which the primary source of energy is natural gas. The objective is to determine the configuration with the minimum cost. Technical, operational and economic features impose constraints to the problem making it computationally hard to solve. Evolutionary algorithms based upon genetic, memetic and transgenetic algorithms are presented to solve the problem. A computational experiment with thirty-five instances generated in accordance with five distinct cogeneration cycles is reported. The results show that the transgenetic algorithm exhibits an overall best performance.

  4. Algoritmos para genómica comparativa


    Figueiras, Vasco da Rocha


    Com o surgimento da Genómica e da Proteómica, a Bioinformática conduziu a alguns dos avanços científicos mais relevantes do século XX. A Unidade de Investigação e Desenvolvimento do Biocant, parque biotecnológico de Cantanhede, assume actualmente o papel de motor no desenvolvimento da Genómica. O Biocant possui um importante sequenciador de larga escala que permite armazenar um elevado número de genomas, nomeadamente, genomas de bactérias. O estudo proposto reflecte a necessidade do Bio...

  5. Registro de actividad eléctrica en la retina de una rata albina empleando una matriz de microelectrodos

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    Edwin Alexander Cerquera


    Full Text Available Las matrices de microelectrodos son dispositivos que permiten la detección de potenciales de acción o espigas en poblaciones de células excitables, ofreciendo varias aplicaciones en el campo de las neurociencias y la biología. Este trabajo muestra un protocolo para el registro de espigas en una población de células ganglionares retinales empleando una matriz de microelectrodos. La retina de una rata albina fue extraída y preparada para ser estimulada in vitro con luz led blanca, con el fin de registrar sus espigas evocadas ante estos estímulos. Cada microelectrodo puede registrar espigas de más de una célula ganglionar, razón por la cual se determinó a qué célula pertenece cada espiga aplicando un procedimiento conocido como “clasificación de espigas”. El trabajo permitió obtener el registro de un periodo de estimulación y otro de no estimulación, con el fin de representar los potenciales de acción evocados con luz y los espontáneos. Los registros fueron almacenados para visualizar las espigas de las células ganglionares y poder aplicar la herramienta de clasificación de espigas. De este modo, se almacenan los instantes de tiempo en los cuales cada célula ganglionar registrada generó potenciales de acción. Este trabajo conllevó al establecimiento de un protocolo de experimentación básico enfocado al uso de matrices MEA en el laboratorio de adquisición de potenciales extracelulares de la Universidad Antonio Nariño Sede Bogotá, no sólo para caracterizar los potenciales de acción de células ganglionares retinales, sino también para otro tipo de células que puedan ser estudiadas empleando matrices de microelectrodos.

  6. Comparative techno-economic analysis of biohydrogen production via bio-oil gasification and bio-oil reforming

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Yanan; Brown, Tristan R.; Hu, Guiping; Brown, Robert C.


    This paper evaluates the economic feasibility of biohydrogen production via two bio-oil processing pathways: bio-oil gasification and bio-oil reforming. Both pathways employ fast pyrolysis to produce bio-oil from biomass stock. The two pathways are modeled using Aspen Plus ® for a 2000 t d −1 facility. Equipment sizing and cost calculations are based on Aspen Economic Evaluation® software. Biohydrogen production capacity at the facility is 147 t d −1 for the bio-oil gasification pathway and 160 t d −1 for the bio-oil reforming pathway. The biomass-to-fuel energy efficiencies are 47% and 84% for the bio-oil gasification and bio-oil reforming pathways, respectively. Total capital investment (TCI) is 435 million dollars for the bio-oil gasification pathway and is 333 million dollars for the bio-oil reforming pathway. Internal rates of return (IRR) are 8.4% and 18.6% for facilities employing the bio-oil gasification and bio-oil reforming pathways, respectively. Sensitivity analysis demonstrates that biohydrogen price, biohydrogen yield, fixed capital investment (FCI), bio-oil yield, and biomass cost have the greatest impacts on facility IRR. Monte-Carlo analysis shows that bio-oil reforming is more economically attractive than bio-oil gasification for biohydrogen production. -- Highlights: ► Biohydrogen production via bio-oil reforming has higher energy efficiency compared to gasification. ► Hydrogen price, fixed capital cost, and feedstock cost most strongly affect IRR. ► Lower risk investment is biohydrogen production via bio-oil reforming

  7. Evaluación del impacto ambiental del proceso de obtención de alcohol carburante utilizando el algoritmo de reducción de residuos

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    María Isabel Montoya R.


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se evalúa el desempeño ambiental de dos procesos para la obtención de etanol a partir de materias primas propias del país como el maíz y la caña de azúcar. Inicialmente se realizó la simulación de los procesos en el software comercial Aspen Plus. Obtenidos los balances de materia y energía de los procesos, se efectuó el análisis de impacto ambiental utilizando el algoritmo de reducción de residuos (algoritmo WAR, el cual evalúa la amigabilidad ambiental de un proceso. De los resultados obtenidos, el proceso a partir de maíz presenta un menor potencial de impacto ambiental de salida que el proceso a partir de caña de azúcar. Igualmente, la mayor generación de impacto ambiental en ambos procesos se da en la categoría de potencial de toxicidad acuática, debido principalmente a la elevada carga orgánica que involucran las vinazas producidas en este proceso.

  8. D-Amino acid oxidase bio-functionalized platforms: Toward an enhanced enzymatic bio-activity (United States)

    Herrera, Elisa; Valdez Taubas, Javier; Giacomelli, Carla E.


    The purpose of this work is to study the adsorption process and surface bio-activity of His-tagged D-amino acid oxidase (DAAO) from Rhodotorula gracilis (His6-RgDAAO) as the first step for the development of an electrochemical bio-functionalized platform. With such a purpose this work comprises: (a) the His6-RgDAAO bio-activity in solution determined by amperometry, (b) the adsorption mechanism of His6-RgDAAO on bare gold and carboxylated modified substrates in the absence (substrate/COO-) and presence of Ni(II) (substrate/COO- + Ni(II)) determined by reflectometry, and (c) the bio-activity of the His6-RgDAAO bio-functionalized platforms determined by amperometry. Comparing the adsorption behavior and bio-activity of His6-RgDAAO on these different solid substrates allows understanding the contribution of the diverse interactions responsible for the platform performance. His6-RgDAAO enzymatic performance in solution is highly improved when compared to the previously used pig kidney (pk) DAAO. His6-RgDAAO exhibits an amperometrically detectable bio-activity at concentrations as low as those expected on a bio-functional platform; hence, it is a viable bio-recognition element of D-amino acids to be coupled to electrochemical platforms. Moreover, His6-RgDAAO bio-functionalized platforms exhibit a higher surface activity than pkDAAO physically adsorbed on gold. The platform built on Ni(II) modified substrates present enhanced bio-activity because the surface complexes histidine-Ni(II) provide with site-oriented, native-like enzymes. The adsorption mechanism responsible of the excellent performance of the bio-functionalized platform takes place in two steps involving electrostatic and bio-affinity interactions whose prevalence depends on the degree of surface coverage.

  9. tmBioC: improving interoperability of text-mining tools with BioC. (United States)

    Khare, Ritu; Wei, Chih-Hsuan; Mao, Yuqing; Leaman, Robert; Lu, Zhiyong


    The lack of interoperability among biomedical text-mining tools is a major bottleneck in creating more complex applications. Despite the availability of numerous methods and techniques for various text-mining tasks, combining different tools requires substantial efforts and time owing to heterogeneity and variety in data formats. In response, BioC is a recent proposal that offers a minimalistic approach to tool interoperability by stipulating minimal changes to existing tools and applications. BioC is a family of XML formats that define how to present text documents and annotations, and also provides easy-to-use functions to read/write documents in the BioC format. In this study, we introduce our text-mining toolkit, which is designed to perform several challenging and significant tasks in the biomedical domain, and repackage the toolkit into BioC to enhance its interoperability. Our toolkit consists of six state-of-the-art tools for named-entity recognition, normalization and annotation (PubTator) of genes (GenNorm), diseases (DNorm), mutations (tmVar), species (SR4GN) and chemicals (tmChem). Although developed within the same group, each tool is designed to process input articles and output annotations in a different format. We modify these tools and enable them to read/write data in the proposed BioC format. We find that, using the BioC family of formats and functions, only minimal changes were required to build the newer versions of the tools. The resulting BioC wrapped toolkit, which we have named tmBioC, consists of our tools in BioC, an annotated full-text corpus in BioC, and a format detection and conversion tool. Furthermore, through participation in the 2013 BioCreative IV Interoperability Track, we empirically demonstrate that the tools in tmBioC can be more efficiently integrated with each other as well as with external tools: Our experimental results show that using BioC reduces >60% in lines of code for text-mining tool integration. The tmBioC toolkit

  10. Identification of related multilingual documents using ant clustering algorithms Identificación de documentos multilingües relacionados mediante algoritmos de clustering de hormigas

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    Ángel Cobo


    Full Text Available This paper presents a document representation strategy and a bio-inspired algorithm to cluster multilingual collections of documents in the field of economics and business. The proposed approach allows the user to identify groups of related economics documents written in Spanish and English using techniques inspired on clustering and sorting behaviours observed in some types of ants. In order to obtain a language independent vector representation of each document two multilingual resources are used: an economic glossary and a thesaurus. Each document is represented using four feature vectors: words, proper names, economic terms in the glossary and thesaurus descriptors. The proper name identification, word extraction and lemmatization are performed using specific tools. The tf-idf scheme is used to measure the importance of each feature in the document, and a convex linear combination of angular separations between feature vectors is used as similarity measure of documents. The paper shows experimental results of the application of the proposed algorithm in a Spanish-English corpus of research papers in economics and management areas. The results demonstrate the usefulness and effectiveness of the ant clustering algorithm and the proposed representation scheme.Este artículo presenta una estrategia de representación documental y un algoritmo bioinspirado para realizar procesos de agrupamiento en colecciones multilingües de documentos en las áreas de la economía y la empresa. El enfoque propuesto permite al usuario identificar grupos de documentos económicos relacionados escritos en español o inglés usando técnicas inspiradas en comportamientos de organización y agrupamiento de objetos observados en algunos tipos de hormigas. Para conseguir una representación vectorial de cada documento independiente del idioma, se han utilizado dos recursos lingüísticos: un glosario económico y un tesauro. Cada documento es representado usando

  11. Conformación de equipos de proyectos de software aplicando algoritmos metaheurísticos de trayectoria multiobjetivo

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    Ana Lilian Infante


    Full Text Available La inadecuada conformación de equipos de proyecto de software es un problema que afecta a la industria de software a nivel mundial. Este proceso resulta complejo, teniendo en cuenta que debe considerar varios factores, como son, asignar a los roles del equipo las personas con las competencias apropiadas, considerar las incompatibilidades entre los miembros y la carga de trabajo, entre otros. Esta situación se torna más compleja en organizaciones medianas y grandes, debido a la gran cantidad de combinaciones de asignaciones posibles, por lo que esta etapa es prácticamente imposible de abordar de manera eficiente, sin la ayuda de modelos matemáticos que representen el problema a resolver lo más objetivamente posible. Este trabajo toma como antecedente un modelo que incluye tanto factores individuales como factores de equipo y plantea: maximizar las competencias de los trabajadores, minimizar las incompatibilidades entre los miembros del equipo y balancear la carga de trabajo. Incluye además, en una versión ampliada del modelo, minimizar el costo de desarrollar software a distancia. El modelo citado responde a un problema de optimización combinatorio multiobjetivo, por lo que para su solución se utilizaron algunas variantes multiobjetivo de los algoritmos metaheurísticos: Búsqueda Tabú, Recocido Simulado y Escalador de Colinas. El estudio experimental realizado ha llevado a identificar que las variantes multiobjetivo del Escalador de Colinas: Escalador de Colinas Estocático Multiobjetivo, Escalador de Colinas Multiobjetivo por mayor distancia y Escalador de Colinas Multiobjetivo con Reinicio, así como el algoritmo Recocido Simulado Multiobjetivo Multicaso son los que mejores resultados obtienen en este problema.

  12. Bio-oil fractionation and condensation (United States)

    Brown, Robert C; Jones, Samuel T; Pollard, Anthony


    A method of fractionating bio-oil vapors which involves providing bio-oil vapors comprising bio-oil constituents is described. The bio-oil vapors are cooled in a first stage which comprises a condenser having passages for the bio-oil separated by a heat conducting wall from passages for a coolant. The coolant in the condenser of the first stage is maintained at a substantially constant temperature, set at a temperature in the range of 75 to C., to condense a first liquid fraction of liquefied bio-oil constituents in the condenser of the first stage. The first liquid fraction of liquified bio-oil constituents from the condenser in the first stage is collected. Also described are steps for subsequently recovering further liquid fractions of liquefied bio-oil constituents. Particular compositions of bio-oil condensation products are also described.

  13. Combinatorial Nano-Bio Interfaces. (United States)

    Cai, Pingqiang; Zhang, Xiaoqian; Wang, Ming; Wu, Yun-Long; Chen, Xiaodong


    Nano-bio interfaces are emerging from the convergence of engineered nanomaterials and biological entities. Despite rapid growth, clinical translation of biomedical nanomaterials is heavily compromised by the lack of comprehensive understanding of biophysicochemical interactions at nano-bio interfaces. In the past decade, a few investigations have adopted a combinatorial approach toward decoding nano-bio interfaces. Combinatorial nano-bio interfaces comprise the design of nanocombinatorial libraries and high-throughput bioevaluation. In this Perspective, we address challenges in combinatorial nano-bio interfaces and call for multiparametric nanocombinatorics (composition, morphology, mechanics, surface chemistry), multiscale bioevaluation (biomolecules, organelles, cells, tissues/organs), and the recruitment of computational modeling and artificial intelligence. Leveraging combinatorial nano-bio interfaces will shed light on precision nanomedicine and its potential applications.

  14. Internet de los objetos empleando arduino para la gestión eléctrica domiciliaria

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    Adriana Marcela Vega E.


    Full Text Available Rev.esc.adm.neg El presente artículo muestra la importancia de la gestión eléctrica domiciliaria por medio del diseño, desarrollo e implementación de un prototipo de sistema domótico, que permite utilizar de manera remota una bombilla LED a través de las acciones de prender y apagar, según las necesidades del usuario, sin importar en donde se encuentre ubicado, es decir, que su localización geográfica no importa. Para su desarrollo se emplearon elementos de Hardware como el Arduino y de Software como los servicios en la nube de Windows Azure®; con esta aplicación, se pretende observar la interoperabilidad entre un dispositivo ubicado en el hogar y un servidor ubicado en el mundo virtual del Internet. Lo anterior permite hacer un acercamiento a las múltiples modalidades que se pueden desarrollar con el Internet de los objetos y que en un futuro próximo será empleando por las personas de manera permanente en sus residencias.

  15. 2010 World bio-energy conference

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    After having evoked the bio-energy price awarded to a Brazilian for his works on the use of eucalyptus as energy source, this report proposes a synthesis of the highlights of the conference: discussions about sustainability, bio-energies as an opportunity for developing countries, the success of bio-energies in Sweden, and more particularly some technological advances in the field of biofuels: a bio-LPG by Biofuel-solution AB, catalysis, bio-diesel from different products in a Swedish farm, a second generation ethanol by the Danish company Inbicon, a large scale methanization in Goteborg, a bio-refinery concept in Sweden, bio-gases

  16. Adaptación del algoritmo MARACAS para segmentación de la arteria carótida y cuantificación de estenosis en imágenes TAC

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    Marcela Hernandez


    Full Text Available En este artículo se describen las adaptaciones hechas al algoritmo MARACAS para segmentar y cuantificar estructuras vasculares en imágenes TAC de la arteria carótida. El algoritmo MARACAS, que está basado en un modelo elástico y en un análisis de los valores y vectores propios de la matriz de inercia, fue inicialmente diseñado para segmentar una sola arteria en imágenes ARM. Las modificaciones están principalmente enfocadas a tratar las especificidades de las imágenes TAC, así como la presencia de bifurcaciones. Los algoritmos implementados en esta nueva versión se clasifican en dos niveles. 1 Los procesamientos de bajo nivel (filtrado de ruido y de artificios direccionales, presegmentación y realce destinados a mejorar la calidad de la imagen y presegmentarla. Estas técnicas están basadas en información a priori sobre el ruido, los artificios y los intervalos típicos de niveles de gris del lumen, del fondo y de las calcificaciones. 2 Los procesamientos de alto nivel para extraer la línea central de la arteria, segmentar el lumen y cuantificar la estenosis. A este nivel, se aplican conocimientos a priori sobre la forma y anatomía de las estructuras vasculares. El método fue evaluado en 31 imágenes suministradas en el concurso “Carotid Lumen Segmentation and Stenosis Grading Grand Challenge” 2009. Los resultados obtenidos en la segmentación arrojaron un coeficiente de similitud de Dice promedio de 80.4% comparado con la segmentación de referencia, y el error promedio de la cuantificación de estenosis fue 14.4%.

  17. Evaluación de la calidad de los registros empleando la auditoría odontológica en una clínica dental docente


    Manrique Guzmán, Jorge A.; Manrique Chávez, Jorge E.; Chávez Reátegui, Beatriz; Manrique Chávez, Carolina B.


    Objetivo: Evaluar la calidad de registro o llenado de historias clínicas de pacientes nuevos atendidos en unaClínica Dental Docente durante el período de enero a julio de 2012 empleando la auditoría odontológica comoherramienta sistematizada. Material y métodos: Se tomaron como muestra 140 historias clínicas de pacientesnuevos de las cuales se evaluó la frecuencia y porcentaje de registro de los diferentes aspectos que componenla historia clínica. Resultados: Se encontró que el 78% de las his...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Darío Fernando Romo Cabrera


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta el comportamiento de los algoritmos control de admisión de llamada CAC y reorganización de la carga LDR. Se  analizan dos escenarios donde son utilizados para mejorar el rendimiento de la red 3G. En el primero de ellos se presenta un caso de congestión de potencia en el uplink y en el segundo se analiza el nivel de congestión de elementos de canal CE en el uplink.

  19. Bio-oil and bio-char production from biomass and their structural analyses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kilic, Murat; Özsin, Gamzenur; Pütün, Ayşe E.; Pütün, Ersan


    Energy demand is increasing day by day because of the rapid developments in the population, industrialization and urbanisation. Since, fossil fuels will be at the verge of getting extinct, researches are mostly focused on the renewable sources, such as biomass, in recent years. This paper provides an environmentally friendly process to convert waste biomass samples to bio-oil and bio-char by pyrolysis. For this purpose, pyrolysis characteristics of pomegranate peels under inert atmosphere were studied by using both TGA to analysis decomposition behaviour and a batch reactor to investigate product yields and properties. The properties of bio-oil and bio-char were investigated by different analytical techniques such as GC-MS, FT-IR, SEM, He pycnometry and elemental analysis. As a consequence, it is possible to obtain bio-oil, which has similar properties like petroleum hydrocarbons, and to obtain bio-char, which can be further used as a solid fuel or a carbonaceous adsorbent material via pyrolysis process. (full text)

  20. Reconocimiento automático de locutor a través de aprendizaje automático mediante redes neuronales empleando el paquete de software libre Kaldi


    Jiménez Andreu, Rubén


    El objetivo del presente Proyecto Fin de Máster es presentar algunas técnicas para reconocimiento de hablante empleando redes neuronales y deep learning. Como referencia se emplean vectors y un modelo universal basado en mezclas gaussianas (GMM-UBM) como método del estado del arte. El proceso de entrenamiento es realizado con la base de datos de audiolibros LibriSpeech. Esta base también se emplea para evaluar los modelos, junto con la de Speakers in the Wild, con locucion...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Germán Sánchez Torres

    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta un procedimiento para la detección del disco óptico (DO en retinografías, mediante un algoritmo evolutivo. El procedimiento tiene dos etapas principales: la detección gruesa de la posición del DO y el refinamiento de los bordes del contorno. La detección gruesa ubica la posición del DO mediante un algoritmo evolutivo, cuyos individuos tienen como función objetivo la cantidad de píxeles brillantes y el número de bordes de la red de conductos sanguíneos, contenidos dentro de una circunferencia. La etapa de refinamiento aplica un procedimiento geométrico, para deformar el círculo inicial, ajustando el borde de éste con la posición del píxel de mayor variación en dirección al vector normal. El procedimiento fue evaluado empleando los repositorios públicos STARE y DIAREDB, procesando imágenes de pacientes sanos y con alteraciones de las retina, generadas por la presencia de retinopatía diabética. Los resultados experimentales muestran que el método propuesto puede identificar la posición del disco óptico en retinografías con una precisión cercana al 96 %.

  2. Photobiology of Symbiodinium revisited: bio-physical and bio-optical signatures (United States)

    Hennige, S. J.; Suggett, D. J.; Warner, M. E.; McDougall, K. E.; Smith, D. J.


    Light is often the most abundant resource within the nutrient-poor waters surrounding coral reefs. Consequently, zooxanthellae ( Symbiodinium spp.) must continually photoacclimate to optimise productivity and ensure coral success. In situ coral photobiology is becoming dominated by routine assessments using state-of-the-art non-invasive bio-optical or chlorophyll a fluorescence (bio-physical) techniques. Multiple genetic types of Symbiodinium are now known to exist; however, little focus has been given as to how these types differ in terms of characteristics that are observable using these techniques. Therefore, this investigation aimed to revisit and expand upon a pivotal study by Iglesias-Prieto and Trench (1994) by comparing the photoacclimation characteristics of different Symbiodinium types based on their bio-physical (chlorophyll a fluorescence, reaction centre counts) and bio-optical (optical absorption, pigment concentrations) ‘signatures’. Signatures described here are unique to Symbiodinium type and describe phenotypic responses to set conditions, and hence are not suitable to describe taxonomic structure of in hospite Symbiodinium communities. In this study, eight Symbiodinium types from clades and sub-clades (A-B, F) were grown under two PFDs (Photon Flux Density) and examined. The photoacclimation response by Symbiodinium was highly variable between algal types for all bio-physical and for many bio-optical measurements; however, a general preference to modifying reaction centre content over effective antennae-absorption was observed. Certain bio-optically derived patterns, such as light absorption, were independent of algal type and, when considered per photosystem, were matched by reaction centre stoichiometry. Only by better understanding genotypic and phenotypic variability between Symbiodinium types can future studies account for the relative taxonomic and physiological contribution by Symbiodinium to coral acclimation.

  3. PLA/Bio-PE blends: effect of the Bio-PE content on the crystallinity rheological properties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Araujo, Aylanna P.M. de; Agrawal, Pankaj; Cavalcanti, Shirley N.; Alves, Amanda M.; Melo, Tomas J.A. de; Brito, Gustavo F.


    The aim of this work is to evaluate the effect of the Bio-PE content on the crystallinity and rheological properties of PLA/Bio-PE blend. The blends containing 05 and 15% of Bio-PE were prepared by extrusion followed by injection molding and characterized by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and rheological properties at low and high shear rates. XRD results indicated that the PLA present low crystallinity and this behavior was not changed with the addition of Bio-PE, regardless of Bio-PE content. Rheological properties results indicated that at low shear rates the viscosity of the PLA/Bio-PE increased with the increase in the Bio-PE content while at high shear rates the viscosities where almost similar, which may be ascribed to the orientation of Bio-PE particles in the flow direction or by the viscous dissipation. (author)

  4. Bio-fuels barometer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    European Union bio-fuel use for transport reached 12 million tonnes of oil equivalent (mtoe) threshold during 2009. The slowdown in the growth of European consumption deepened again. Bio-fuel used in transport only grew by 18.7% between 2008 and 2009, as against 30.3% between 2007 and 2008 and 41.8% between 2006 and 2007. The bio-fuel incorporation rate in all fuels used by transport in the E.U. is unlikely to pass 4% in 2009. We can note that: -) the proportion of bio-fuel in the German fuels market has plummeted since 2007: from 7.3% in 2007 to 5.5% in 2009; -) France stays on course with an incorporation rate of 6.25% in 2009; -) In Spain the incorporation rate reached 3.4% in 2009 while it was 1.9% in 2008. The European bio-diesel industry has had another tough year. European production only rose by 16.6% in 2009 or by about 9 million tonnes which is well below the previous year-on-year growth rate recorded (35.7%). France is leading the production of bio-ethanol fuels in Europe with an output of 1250 million liters in 2009 while the total European production reached 3700 million litters and the world production 74000 million liters. (A.C.)

  5. Dos «nuevos» cuadros artísticos en colecciones estadounidenses inspirados en el Quijote. Escena de baile (¿1656-1658?), anónimo pero atribuido a Joos van Craesbeeck (Neerlinter, Flandes 1605/1606-Bruselas ca. 1660), y Dorotea (1823), de John Quidor (Tappan, Estado de Nueva York 1801-Jersey City, Nueva Jersey 1881)


    Brown, Kenneth


    Una descripción detallada y analítica de dos cuadros artísticos inspirados en la novela Don Quijote de la Mancha, y que han quedado anteriormente olvidados o malinterpretados. Pertenecen a colecciones de arte norteamericanas. Son Dorotea (1823), del neoyorkino John Quidor, que está en el Brooklyn Museum of Art, Nueva York, y Escena de baile (1656-1658), atribuido al maestro del barroco flamenco Joos van Craesbeeck, que se encuentra en el Rosenbach Museum and Gallery, de Filadelfia. El argumen...

  6. Especificación de modelos econométricos utilizando minería de datos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Acosta-González, Eduardo


    Full Text Available En este trabajo presentamos un nuevo procedimiento para seleccionar modelos econométricos. Está basado en un enfoque heurístico, empleando algoritmos genéticos, que permite explorar el universo de modelos disponibles a partir de un modelo general sin restricciones. Este proceso de búsqueda del modelo óptimo está guiado únicamente por el criterio de información de Schwarz, que actúa como la función pérdida de un algoritmo genético empleado para seleccionar el modelo óptimo. Este procedimiento muestra buen comportamiento en relación a otras metodologías alternativas. A modo de ejemplos de su utilidad se muestran tres problemas donde el algoritmo ha sido empleado con éxito: la selección de variables que explican el crecimiento económico, la predicción del fracaso empresarial y la formación de una cartera de pocos activos que siga el comportamiento de un índice bursátil como el IBEX35 Español. ABSTRACT In this paper we present a new procedure for selecting econometric models. It is based on a heuristic approach, called genetic algorithms, which permits us to explore the universe of available models starting from a general model without restrictions. This search process for the optimal model is guided only by the Schwarz Information Criterion, which acts as the lost function of the genetic algorithm employed for selecting the optimum. This procedure shows good performance with respect to other methodologies. As examples of its utility three problems where the algorithm was successfully employed are presented: the selection of variables that explain economic growth, the prediction of failure of firms and the construction of a portfolio with few actives that follows the behaviour of a stock exchange index such as the Spanish IBEX35.

  7. Optimización topológica mediante algoritmos genéticos, estrategias evolutivas y el método de Baluja


    Estupiñan, J.; Oñate, E.; Suárez, B.


    El trabajo presenta la aplicación de varios mdtodos evolutivos al campo de la optimización topológica de estructuras. El trabajo desarrollado se basa en la búsqueda de una distribución de material dentro de un dominio específico y bajo unas condiciones de contorno concretas. Los algoritmos evolutivos obedecen a las leyes de superviviencia del mejor dotado de Darwiri y a su base genético molecular: mutación y recombinación del material genético. Los métodos evolutivos (ME) que se presentan ...

  8. Bio-oil and bio-char production from corn cobs and stover by fast pyrolysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mullen, Charles A.; Boateng, Akwasi A.; Goldberg, Neil M.; Lima, Isabel M.; Laird, David A.; Hicks, Kevin B.


    Bio-oil and bio-char were produced from corn cobs and corn stover (stalks, leaves and husks) by fast pyrolysis using a pilot scale fluidized bed reactor. Yields of 60% (mass/mass) bio-oil (high heating values are ∼20 MJ kg -1 , and densities >1.0 Mg m -3 ) were realized from both corn cobs and from corn stover. The high energy density of bio-oil, ∼20-32 times on a per unit volume basis over the raw corn residues, offers potentially significant savings in transportation costs particularly for a distributed 'farm scale' bio-refinery system. Bio-char yield was 18.9% and 17.0% (mass/mass) from corn cobs and corn stover, respectively. Deploying the bio-char co-product, which contains most of the nutrient minerals from the corn residues, as well as a significant amount of carbon, to the land can enhance soil quality, sequester carbon, and alleviate environmental problems associated with removal of crop residues from fields.

  9. Bio-methane & Bio-hydrogen. Status and perspectives of biological methane and hydrogen production

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wijffels, R.H.; Janssen, M.G.J.


    Eerst wordt het kader geschetst voor de potentiële rol van bio-methaan en bio-waterstof in de energiehuishouding en de invloeden daarop van de ontwikkeling van eindgebruikstechnologie en infrastructuur, en het energiebeleid. Daarna wordt uitvoerig ingegaan op de technieken voor bio-methaan en

  10. BioAir: Bio-Inspired Airborne Infrastructure Reconfiguration (United States)


    must also minimize resource usage due to limitations on the amount of processing , memory and power onboard a node. BioAIR assumes the availability of...subsequent maintenance of tentacles, each node will take one of the following roles: “ orphan ”, “free”, “tip”, “backbone” or “extra”. The BioAIR...algorithm dictates that when a node is disconnected from the tentacle or origin it is an orphan , and as such it will change its target to the nearest

  11. Mejoramiento de la productividad de la línea de extrusión de la empresa CEDAL, empleando la metodología "Six Sigma"


    Garcés Muñoz, Luis Alfredo


    El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo el mejoramiento de la productividad del proceso de extrusión en la empresa CEDAL, empleando la metodología “Six Sigma”. Para esto, se analizó la situación actual del proceso de extrusión por medio de 4 indicadores claves de desempeño o KPI. Se concluyó, que el KPI que mide la cantidad de rechazos de material no conforme, obtuvo una mejora en la productividad después de la implementación de las fases DMAMC, al tener una línea base del indicador en el mes ...

  12. Production of bio-energies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gurtler, J.L.; Femenias, A.; Blondy, J.


    After having indicated the various possible origins of biomass, this paper considers the issue of bio-energies, i.e., energies produced with biomass related to forest or agriculture production. Some indicators are defined (share of renewable energies, share of biomass in the energy production and consumption, number of production units). Stake holders are identified. Then, major and emerging trends are identified and discussed. The major trends are: development and diversification of renewable energies, development of bio-fuels with the support of incentive policies, prevalence of the wood-energy sector on the whole renewable energies, increase of surfaces dedicated to bio-fuels since the end of the 1990's, a French biogas sector which is late with respect to other countries. The emerging trends are: the important role of oil price in the development of bio-fuels, a necessary public support for the development of biogas, mobilization of research and development of competitiveness poles for bio-industries. Some prospective issues are also discussed in terms of uncertainties (soil availabilities, environmental performance of bio-fuels, available biomass resource, need of a technological advance, and evolution of energy needs on a medium term, tax and public policy). Three hypotheses of bio-energy evolutions are discussed

  13. Determining the bio-based content of bio-plastics used in Thailand by radiocarbon analysis (United States)

    Ploykrathok, T.; Chanyotha, S.


    Presently, there is an increased interest in the development of bio-plastic products from agricultural materials which are biodegradable in order to reduce the problem of waste disposal. Since the amount of modern carbon in bio-plastics can indicate how much the amount of agricultural materials are contained in the bio-plastic products, this research aims to determine the modern carbon in bio-plastic using the carbon dioxide absorption method. The radioactivity of carbon-14 contained in the sample is measured by liquid scintillation counter (Tri-carb 3110 TR, PerkinElmer). The percentages of bio-based content in the samples were determined by comparing the observed modern carbon content with the values contained in agricultural raw materials. The experimental results show that only poly(lactic acid) samples have the modern carbon content of 97.4%, which is close to the agricultural materials while other bio-plastics types are found to have less than 50% of the modern carbon content. In other words, most of these bio-plastic samples were mixed with other materials which are not agriculturally originated.

  14. Determining the bio-based content of bio-plastics used in Thailand by radiocarbon analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ploykrathok, T; Chanyotha, S


    Presently, there is an increased interest in the development of bio-plastic products from agricultural materials which are biodegradable in order to reduce the problem of waste disposal. Since the amount of modern carbon in bio-plastics can indicate how much the amount of agricultural materials are contained in the bio-plastic products, this research aims to determine the modern carbon in bio-plastic using the carbon dioxide absorption method. The radioactivity of carbon-14 contained in the sample is measured by liquid scintillation counter (Tri-carb 3110 TR, PerkinElmer). The percentages of bio-based content in the samples were determined by comparing the observed modern carbon content with the values contained in agricultural raw materials. The experimental results show that only poly(lactic acid) samples have the modern carbon content of 97.4%, which is close to the agricultural materials while other bio-plastics types are found to have less than 50% of the modern carbon content. In other words, most of these bio-plastic samples were mixed with other materials which are not agriculturally originated. (paper)

  15. Bio-oil and bio-char production from corn cobs and stover by fast pyrolysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mullen, Charles A.; Boateng, Akwasi A.; Goldberg, Neil M.; Hicks, Kevin B. [Eastern Regional Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 600 E. Mermaid Lane, Wyndmoor, PA 19038 (United States); Lima, Isabel M. [Southern Regional Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1100 Robert E. Lee Blvd., New Orleans, LA 70124 (United States); Laird, David A. [National Soil Tilth Laboratory, U.S. Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2110 University Blvd., Ames, IA 50011 (United States)


    Bio-oil and bio-char were produced from corn cobs and corn stover (stalks, leaves and husks) by fast pyrolysis using a pilot scale fluidized bed reactor. Yields of 60% (mass/mass) bio-oil (high heating values are {proportional_to}20 MJ kg{sup -1}, and densities >1.0 Mg m{sup -3}) were realized from both corn cobs and from corn stover. The high energy density of bio-oil, {proportional_to}20-32 times on a per unit volume basis over the raw corn residues, offers potentially significant savings in transportation costs particularly for a distributed ''farm scale'' bio-refinery system. Bio-char yield was 18.9% and 17.0% (mass/mass) from corn cobs and corn stover, respectively. Deploying the bio-char co-product, which contains most of the nutrient minerals from the corn residues, as well as a significant amount of carbon, to the land can enhance soil quality, sequester carbon, and alleviate environmental problems associated with removal of crop residues from fields. (author)

  16. BioHack*Kolding

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wilde, Danielle

    Short Abstract BioHack*Kolding explores the potential of do-it-together biology to support community building in a town that lacks strong science representation, assisting participants to reflect on the bio-potential of their personal, social and political ecologies and to translate their ideas...... into action. Long Abstract Organisations that support lay people to practice bioscience alongside experts are proliferating. They enable interested people to join the global discussion on Bio Engineering by supporting them to gain the necessary knowledge and skills to do it themselves. Such organisations play...... an important role in facilitating informed debate around the biological sciences. Yet they cannot reach everyone. BioHack*Kolding asks how community-focused biology initiatives can reach people in smaller towns that lack science representation, so that they too can join the debate and ensure that its...

  17. The problem of bio-concepts: biopolitics, bio-economy and the political economy of nothing (United States)

    Birch, Kean


    Scholars in science and technology studies—and no doubt other fields—have increasingly drawn on Michel Foucault's concept of biopolitics to theorize a variety of new `bio-concepts'. While there might be some theoretical value in such exercises, many of these bio-concepts have simply replaced more rigorous—and therefore time-consuming—analytical work. This article provides a (sympathetic) critique of these various bio-concepts, especially as they are applied to the emerging `bio-economy'. In so doing, the article seeks to show that the analysis of the bio-economy could be better framed as a political economy of nothing. This has several implications for science education, which are raised in the article.

  18. Method to upgrade bio-oils to fuel and bio-crude (United States)

    Steele, Philip H; Pittman, Jr., Charles U; Ingram, Jr., Leonard L; Gajjela, Sanjeev; Zhang, Zhijun; Bhattacharya, Priyanka


    This invention relates to a method and device to produce esterified, olefinated/esterified, or thermochemolytic reacted bio-oils as fuels. The olefinated/esterified product may be utilized as a biocrude for input to a refinery, either alone or in combination with petroleum crude oils. The bio-oil esterification reaction is catalyzed by addition of alcohol and acid catalyst. The olefination/esterification reaction is catalyzed by addition of resin acid or other heterogeneous catalyst to catalyze olefins added to previously etherified bio-oil; the olefins and alcohol may also be simultaneously combined and catalyzed by addition of resin acid or other heterogeneous catalyst to produce the olefinated/esterified product.

  19. Vectorización de algoritmos generales de convergencia fuerte para la solución de ecuaciones diferenciales estocásticas (SDE)


    Quiñones Botero, Carlos Eduardo


    La teoría de las Ecuaciones Diferenciales Estocásticas (SDE) ha sido desarrollada en el último medio siglo, pero no se ha creado una librería para la solución numérica de este tipo de ecuaciones. A pesar de que actualmente existen métodos numéricos de alta eficiencia para la solución de las SDE y de que existen aplicaciones académicas e industriales en donde se utilizan, no se ha desarrollado una librería de fuente abierta que implemente vectorizadamente los mejores algoritmos disponibles act...

  20. Bio diesel production from algae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khola, G.; Ghazala, B.


    Algae appear to be an emerging source of biomass for bio diesel that has the potential to completely displace fossil fuel. Two thirds of earth's surface is covered with water, thus alga e would truly be renewable option of great potential for global energy needs. This study discusses specific and comparative bio diesel quantitative potential of Cladophora sp., also highlighting its biomass (after oil extraction), pH and sediments (glycerine, water and pigments) quantitative properties. Comparison of Cladophora sp., with Oedogonium sp., and Spirogyra sp., (Hossain et al., 2008) shows that Cladophora sp., produce higher quantity of bio diesel than Spirogyra sp., whereas biomass and sediments were higher than the both algal specimens in comparison to the results obtained by earlier workers. No prominent difference in pH of bio diesel was found. In Pakistan this is a first step towards bio diesel production from algae. Results indicate that Cladophora sp., provide a reasonable quantity of bio diesel, its greater biomass after oil extraction and sediments make it a better option for bio diesel production than the comparing species. (author)

  1. Bio-optofluidics and Bio-photonics: Programmable Phase Optics activities at DTU Fotonik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bañas, Andrew Rafael; Palima, Darwin; Pedersen, Finn

    We present ongoing research and development activities for constructing a compact next generation BioPhotonics Workstation and a Bio-optofluidic Cell Sorter (cell-BOCS) for all-optical micromanipulation platforms utilizing low numerical aperture beam geometries. Unlike conventional high NA optical...... tweezers, the BioPhotonics workstation is e.g. capable of long range 3D manipulation. This enables a variety of biological studies such as manipulation of intricate microfabricated assemblies or for automated and parallel optofluidic cell sorting. To further reduce its overhead, we propose ways of making...... the BioPhotonics Workstation platform more photon efficient by studying the 3D distribution of the counter propagating beams and utilizing the Generalized Phase Contrast (GPC) method for illuminating the applied spatial light modulators....

  2. Bio-energy status document 2012; Statusdocument bio-energie 2012

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bles, M.; Schepers, B.L.; Van Grinsven, A.H.; Bergsma, G.C.; Croezen, H.C.


    In 2012 bio-energy contributed over 71 PJ to the Dutch energy supply, a rise of almost 2 PJ over 2011. This means that 75% of the renewable energy consumed in the Netherlands is now derived from biomass. The growth is due mainly to the increase in the mandatory biotransport fuel percentage from 4.25% to 4.5%. The use of energy from 'other biomass combustion' (incl. paper sludge, green waste and chicken excrement) recovered to the level of 2010, following a marked drop in 2011 due to plant maintenance, termination of the MEP ('Environmental Quality of Power Generation') subsidy scheme and high biomass prices. At large power stations there was a considerable decrease in co-incineration of biomass because of incidents (a fire at the Nijmegen coal-fired plant) and a maintenance backlog (at the Amer power station). These are some of the results reported in the 'Bio-energy status document 2012', prepared by CE Delft for NL Agency. In addition to a review and characterisation of the current situation, the report contains an update on government policies on bio-energy and a review of the sources and sustainability of the biomass used in the Netherlands [Dutch] De bijdrage van bio-energie aan de Nederlandse energievoorziening bedroeg in 2012 ruim 71 PJ, een stijging van bijna 2 PJ ten opzichte van 2011. Daarmee is 75% van het verbruik van hernieuwbare energie in Nederland afkomstig van bio-energie. De stijging wordt vooral veroorzaakt door de oplopende bijmengplicht van biotransportbrandstoffen van 4,25% naar 4,5%. Verbruik van energie uit 'overige biomassaverbranding' (o.a. papierslib, groenafval en kippenmest) herstelde zicht tot het niveau van 2010, na een forse daling in 2011 door onderhoud aan installaties, afloop van MEP-subsidies en hoge prijzen van biomassa. Het bij- en meestoken van biomassa in grote elektriciteitscentrales daalde juist aanzienlijk door calamiteiten en uitloop van onderhoud (brand kolencentrale bij Nijmegen

  3. Utilization of oil palm tree residues to produce bio-oil and bio-char via pyrolysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abnisa, Faisal; Arami-Niya, Arash; Wan Daud, W.M.A.; Sahu, J.N.; Noor, I.M.


    Highlights: • About 14.72% of the total landmass in Malaysia was used for oil palm plantations. • Oil palm tree residues were pyrolyzed to produce bio-oil and bio-char. • The process was performed at a temperature of 500 °C and reaction time of 60 min. • Characterization of the products was performed. - Abstract: Oil palm tree residues are a rich biomass resource in Malaysia, and it is therefore very important that they be utilized for more beneficial purposes, particularly in the context of the development of biofuels. This paper described the possibility of utilizing oil palm tree residues as biofuels by producing bio-oil and bio-char via pyrolysis. The process was performed in a fixed-bed reactor at a temperature of 500 °C, a nitrogen flow rate of 2 L/min and a reaction time of 60 min. The physical and chemical properties of the products, which are important for biofuel testing, were then characterized. The results showed that the yields of the bio-oil and bio-char obtained from different residues varied within the ranges of 16.58–43.50 wt% and 28.63–36.75 wt%, respectively. The variations in the yields resulted from differences in the relative amounts of cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, volatiles, fixed carbon, and ash in the samples. The energy density of the bio-char was found to be higher than that of the bio-oil. The highest energy density of the bio-char was obtained from a palm leaf sample (23.32 MJ/kg), while that of the bio-oil was obtained from a frond sample (15.41 MJ/kg)

  4. Understanding bio-economics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Patel, M.K.|info:eu-repo/dai/nl/18988097X


    New plants for production of bio-based fuels, chemicals or plastics are being set up at an accelerating pace. However, this transition towards bio-based fuels, feedstocks and chemicals has not come without consequences. Increased demand has pushed up prices of key agricultural products such as maize

  5. Bio-inspired networking

    CERN Document Server

    Câmara, Daniel


    Bio-inspired techniques are based on principles, or models, of biological systems. In general, natural systems present remarkable capabilities of resilience and adaptability. In this book, we explore how bio-inspired methods can solve different problems linked to computer networks. Future networks are expected to be autonomous, scalable and adaptive. During millions of years of evolution, nature has developed a number of different systems that present these and other characteristics required for the next generation networks. Indeed, a series of bio-inspired methods have been successfully used to solve the most diverse problems linked to computer networks. This book presents some of these techniques from a theoretical and practical point of view. Discusses the key concepts of bio-inspired networking to aid you in finding efficient networking solutions Delivers examples of techniques both in theoretical concepts and practical applications Helps you apply nature's dynamic resource and task management to your co...

  6. Otimização da largura de banda de ganho de um amplificador Raman na banda "O" baseada em algoritmo genético


    David Steinberg


    Neste trabalho a otimização da largura de banda de ganho de um amplificador Raman discreto na banda "O" utilizando algoritmo genético de um simulador comercial foi realizada. O objetivo principal do trabalho foi otimizar a maior largura de banda de ganho do amplificador Raman obtendo valores de variação de ganho menores que 0.5 dB. Utilizando uma fibra DCF (Dispersion Compensating Fiber) como meio de ganho do amplificador Raman, o número de bombeio foi variado e a variação de ganho para ca...

  7. Pyrolysis of waste animal fats in a fixed-bed reactor: Production and characterization of bio-oil and bio-char

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ben Hassen-Trabelsi, A., E-mail: [Centre de Recherche et de Technologies de l’Energie (CRTEn), Technopôle Borj-Cédria, B.P 95, 2050, Hammam Lif (Tunisia); Kraiem, T. [Centre de Recherche et de Technologies de l’Energie (CRTEn), Technopôle Borj-Cédria, B.P 95, 2050, Hammam Lif (Tunisia); Département de Géologie, Université de Tunis, 2092, Tunis (Tunisia); Naoui, S. [Centre de Recherche et de Technologies de l’Energie (CRTEn), Technopôle Borj-Cédria, B.P 95, 2050, Hammam Lif (Tunisia); Belayouni, H. [Département de Géologie, Université de Tunis, 2092, Tunis (Tunisia)


    Highlights: • Produced bio-fuels (bio-oil and bio-char) from some animal fatty wastes. • Investigated the effects of main parameters on pyrolysis products distribution. • Determined the suitable conditions for the production of the maximum of bio-oil. • Characterized bio-oils and bio-chars obtained from several animal fatty wastes. - Abstract: Several animal (lamb, poultry and swine) fatty wastes were pyrolyzed under nitrogen, in a laboratory scale fixed-bed reactor and the main products (liquid bio-oil, solid bio-char and syngas) were obtained. The purpose of this study is to produce and characterize bio-oil and bio-char obtained from pyrolysis of animal fatty wastes. The maximum production of bio-oil was achieved at a pyrolysis temperature of 500 °C and a heating rate of 5 °C/min. The chemical (GC–MS analyses) and spectroscopic analyses (FTIR analyses) of bio-oil showed that it is a complex mixture consisting of different classes of organic compounds, i.e., hydrocarbons (alkanes, alkenes, cyclic compounds…etc.), carboxylic acids, aldehydes, ketones, esters,…etc. According to fuel properties, produced bio-oils showed good properties, suitable for its use as an engine fuel or as a potential source for synthetic fuels and chemical feedstock. Obtained bio-chars had low carbon content and high ash content which make them unattractive for as renewable source energy.

  8. Pyrolysis of waste animal fats in a fixed-bed reactor: Production and characterization of bio-oil and bio-char

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ben Hassen-Trabelsi, A.; Kraiem, T.; Naoui, S.; Belayouni, H.


    Highlights: • Produced bio-fuels (bio-oil and bio-char) from some animal fatty wastes. • Investigated the effects of main parameters on pyrolysis products distribution. • Determined the suitable conditions for the production of the maximum of bio-oil. • Characterized bio-oils and bio-chars obtained from several animal fatty wastes. - Abstract: Several animal (lamb, poultry and swine) fatty wastes were pyrolyzed under nitrogen, in a laboratory scale fixed-bed reactor and the main products (liquid bio-oil, solid bio-char and syngas) were obtained. The purpose of this study is to produce and characterize bio-oil and bio-char obtained from pyrolysis of animal fatty wastes. The maximum production of bio-oil was achieved at a pyrolysis temperature of 500 °C and a heating rate of 5 °C/min. The chemical (GC–MS analyses) and spectroscopic analyses (FTIR analyses) of bio-oil showed that it is a complex mixture consisting of different classes of organic compounds, i.e., hydrocarbons (alkanes, alkenes, cyclic compounds…etc.), carboxylic acids, aldehydes, ketones, esters,…etc. According to fuel properties, produced bio-oils showed good properties, suitable for its use as an engine fuel or as a potential source for synthetic fuels and chemical feedstock. Obtained bio-chars had low carbon content and high ash content which make them unattractive for as renewable source energy

  9. Maxillary sinus floor augmentation with Bio-Oss or Bio-Oss mixed with autogenous bone as graft in animals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, T; Schou, S; Stavropoulos, Andreas


    The objective of the present systematic review was to test the hypothesis of no differences between the use of Bio-Oss or Bio-Oss mixed with autogenous bone as graft for maxillary sinus floor augmentation (MSFA) applying the lateral window technique, as evaluated in animals. A MEDLINE (Pub...... of the graft improved significantly with increased proportion of Bio-Oss. Bone regeneration, bone-to-implant contact (BIC), biomechanical implant test values, and biodegradation of Bio-Oss after MSFA with Bio-Oss or Bio-Oss mixed with autogenous bone have never been compared within the same study in animals....... Thus, the hypothesis of no differences between the use of Bio-Oss and Bio-Oss mixed with autogenous bone as graft for MSFA could neither be confirmed nor rejected based on existing animal studies....

  10. Navigating the Bio-Politics of Childhood (United States)

    Lee, Nick; Motzkau, Johanna


    Childhood research has long shared a bio-political terrain with state agencies in which children figure primarily as "human futures". In the 20th century bio-social dualism helped to make that terrain navigable by researchers, but, as life processes increasingly become key sites of bio-political action, bio-social dualism is becoming…

  11. Aplicação de um algoritmo genético para o problema do carteiro chinês em uma situação real de cobertura de arcos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Flavia Konowalenko


    Full Text Available O Problema do Carteiro Chinês é um problema de otimização que objetiva cobrir todos os arcos de um grafo, minimizando a distância total percorrida. Pode ser aplicado a grafos não-direcionados (ruas de mão dupla, direcionados (ruas de mão única ou mistos (algumas ruas de mão dupla e outras de mão única. A busca pela rota é feita por algoritmos que geram soluções aproximadas. Neste trabalho será utilizado um Algoritmo Genético para a construção de rotas que se aproximem da solução ótima. O objetivo principal será o de minimizar o custo do percurso da coleta e transporte dos resíduos sólidos urbanos, na cidade de Irati (PR, Brasil. O objetivo da modelagem foi a redução dos gastos dos recursos públicos, gerando economia à Prefeitura da cidade. A aplicação do algoritmo foi realizada em uma região central da cidade. Foram utilizados para mapeamento, dados reais cedidos por funcionários da Prefeitura. Com o auxílio do aplicativo online Google Earth, foram obtidas as coordenadas geográficas dos vértices do grafo associado ao problema. Os resultados gerados pelo algoritmo genético foram comparados com a solução ótima obtida através do software LINGO®12.0. Estes resultados se mostraram satisfatórios para a pequena instância do problema analisado. The Chinese Postman Problem is an optimization problem that aims to cover all the arcs of a graph, minimizing the total distance traveled. Can be applied to non-directed graphs (two-way streets, directed (one-way streets or mixed (some two-way streets and other one-way.These arch for the route is done by algorithms that generate approximate solutions. In this work we used a genetic algorithm for the construction of routes that approximate the optimal solution. The main objective is to minimize the cost of the course of collection and transportation solid waste in the city of Irati (PR, Brazil. The application of the algorithm was performed in a downtown area. Were used

  12. Comportamiento de vigas de sección compuesta con perfiles de acero laminado y losa de concreto empleando conectores de cortante tipo tornillo grado dos (2)


    García Zamora, Alejandro; Molina Herrera, Maritzabel


    En el presente artículo, partiendo de un análisis teórico-experimental, se determinan y caracterizan los parámetros de diseño que rigen el comportamiento de las vigas compuestas de perfiles de acero y losa de concreto empleando conectores de cortante tipo tornillo, dado que para esta clase de conector no existe un estudio específico de su comportamiento, además en la actualidad su diseño no está definido en las NSR-98, aunque es uno de los tipos de conectores más empleados en la construcción ...

  13. Comportamiento de vigas de sección compuesta con perfiles de acero laminado y losa de concreto empleando conectores de cortante tipo tornillo grado dos (2)


    García Zamora, Alejandro; Molina Herrera, Maritzabel


    En el presente artículo, partiendo de un análisis teórico-experimental, se determinan y caracterizan los parámetros de diseño que rigen el comportamiento de las vigas compuestas de perfiles de acero y losa de concreto empleando conectores de cortante tipo tornillo, dado que para esta clase de conector no existe un estudio específico de su comportamiento, además en la actualidad su diseño no está definido en las NSR-98, aunque es uno de los tipos de conectores más empleados en la construcción ...

  14. Bio-energy. Innovators talking; Bio-energie. Innovators aan het woord

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Qualitative studies have been conducted of the results of completed projects focused on energy innovation, spread over the seven themes of the top sector Energy: Energy saving in industry, Energy conservation in the built environment, Gas, Bio-energy, Smart grids, Offshore Wind, Solar PV. This provides insight into the follow-up activities and lessons of some EOS (Energy Research Subsidy) completed projects with the aim to inspire, connect and strengthen the TKIs (Topconsortia for Knowledge and Innovation) and individual companies and researchers working on energy innovation. This report concerns the research on bio-energy [Dutch] Er is een kwalitatief onderzoek uitgevoerd naar de resultaten van afgeronde projecten gericht op energie-innovatie, verdeeld over de zeven thema's van de topsector Energie: Energiebesparing in de industrie; Energiebesparing in de gebouwde omgeving; Gas; Bio-energie; Smart grids; Wind op zee; Zon-pv. Daarmee wordt inzicht gegeven in de vervolgactiviteiten en lessen van een aantal afgesloten EOS-projecten (Energie Onderzoek Subsidie) met het oog op het inspireren, verbinden en versterken van de TKI's (Topconsortia voor Kennis en Innovatie) en individuele bedrijven en onderzoekers die werken aan energie-innovatie. Dit rapport betreft het onderzoek naar bio-energie.

  15. Bio-energy. Innovators talking; Bio-energie. Innovators aan het woord

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Qualitative studies have been conducted of the results of completed projects focused on energy innovation, spread over the seven themes of the top sector Energy: Energy saving in industry, Energy conservation in the built environment, Gas, Bio-energy, Smart grids, Offshore Wind, Solar PV. This provides insight into the follow-up activities and lessons of some EOS (Energy Research Subsidy) completed projects with the aim to inspire, connect and strengthen the TKIs (Topconsortia for Knowledge and Innovation) and individual companies and researchers working on energy innovation. This report concerns the research on bio-energy [Dutch] Er is een kwalitatief onderzoek uitgevoerd naar de resultaten van afgeronde projecten gericht op energie-innovatie, verdeeld over de zeven thema's van de topsector Energie: Energiebesparing in de industrie; Energiebesparing in de gebouwde omgeving; Gas; Bio-energie; Smart grids; Wind op zee; Zon-pv. Daarmee wordt inzicht gegeven in de vervolgactiviteiten en lessen van een aantal afgesloten EOS-projecten (Energie Onderzoek Subsidie) met het oog op het inspireren, verbinden en versterken van de TKI's (Topconsortia voor Kennis en Innovatie) en individuele bedrijven en onderzoekers die werken aan energie-innovatie. Dit rapport betreft het onderzoek naar bio-energie.

  16. The BioC-BioGRID corpus: full text articles annotated for curation of protein–protein and genetic interactions (United States)

    Kim, Sun; Chatr-aryamontri, Andrew; Chang, Christie S.; Oughtred, Rose; Rust, Jennifer; Wilbur, W. John; Comeau, Donald C.; Dolinski, Kara; Tyers, Mike


    A great deal of information on the molecular genetics and biochemistry of model organisms has been reported in the scientific literature. However, this data is typically described in free text form and is not readily amenable to computational analyses. To this end, the BioGRID database systematically curates the biomedical literature for genetic and protein interaction data. This data is provided in a standardized computationally tractable format and includes structured annotation of experimental evidence. BioGRID curation necessarily involves substantial human effort by expert curators who must read each publication to extract the relevant information. Computational text-mining methods offer the potential to augment and accelerate manual curation. To facilitate the development of practical text-mining strategies, a new challenge was organized in BioCreative V for the BioC task, the collaborative Biocurator Assistant Task. This was a non-competitive, cooperative task in which the participants worked together to build BioC-compatible modules into an integrated pipeline to assist BioGRID curators. As an integral part of this task, a test collection of full text articles was developed that contained both biological entity annotations (gene/protein and organism/species) and molecular interaction annotations (protein–protein and genetic interactions (PPIs and GIs)). This collection, which we call the BioC-BioGRID corpus, was annotated by four BioGRID curators over three rounds of annotation and contains 120 full text articles curated in a dataset representing two major model organisms, namely budding yeast and human. The BioC-BioGRID corpus contains annotations for 6409 mentions of genes and their Entrez Gene IDs, 186 mentions of organism names and their NCBI Taxonomy IDs, 1867 mentions of PPIs and 701 annotations of PPI experimental evidence statements, 856 mentions of GIs and 399 annotations of GI evidence statements. The purpose, characteristics and possible future

  17. Bio-ethanol

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wenzel, Henrik


    , there is not enough biomass for 'everyone', not physically and not in terms of money to promote its use. This leads to the conclusion that any use of biomass for energy purposes will have to compare to the lost opportunity of using it for something else. In this perspective, the choice to use biomass for bio......-ethanol production will not lead to reduction but to increase in CO2 emission and fossil fuel dependency. Both first and second generation bio-ethanol suffer from a biomass-to-ethanol energy conversion efficiency as low as 30-40 %, and moreover external fossil fuels are used to run the conversion. There is only......, but they do not improve the energy balance enough for bio-ethanol to compete with alternative uses of the biomass. When using biomass to substitute fossil fuels in heat & power production, a close to 100% substitution efficiency is achieved. The best alternative for CO2 reduction and oil saving is, therefore...

  18. Bio diesel, v. 15(58)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gicheva, Ljubitsa


    The history of bio-fuels/bio-diesel is more political and economical than it is technological. The technology of the production is the same as it was 200 years ago. The economy closed the usage of bio-fuels in the middies of the 20 Th century and put it back on the agenda of the world economy at the beginning of the 21 st century. With price of more then 70 US$ per barrel of grudge oil, production and usage of bio-fuels becomes more economical category rather than political and ecological. If we, additionally, add secondary, yet nowadays very important factors, as ecological protection, recycling the emission of poisonous gasses, exploitation of agro sector, then the reincarnation of bio-fuels is very interesting, and for Macedonia a potentially strategic category. The basics of the biography is to follow in the article paying special attention on the characteristics, standards, production, processing and usage of the bio-diesel fuel as well as the blended B20 and B5. (Author)

  19. Bio diesel, v. 15(59)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gicheva, Ljubitsa


    The history of bio-fuels/bio-diesel is more political and economical than it is technological. The technology of the production is the same as it was 200 years ago. The economy closed the usage of bio-fuels in the middies of the 20 Th century and put it back on the agenda of the world economy at the beginning of the 21 st century. With price of more then 70 US$ per barrel of grudge oil, production and usage of bio-fuels becomes more economical category rather than political and ecological. If we, additionally, add secondary, yet nowadays very important factors, as ecological protection, recycling the emission of poisonous gasses, exploitation of agro sector, then the reincarnation of bio-fuels is very interesting, and for Macedonia a potentially strategic category. The basics of the biography is to follow in the article paying special attention on the characteristics, standards, production, processing and usage of the bio-diesel fuel as well as the blended B20 and B5. (Author)

  20. The basis for a Platform Bio-Energy. Combining forces for the Dutch bio-energy business

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van Halen, C.J.G.


    It appears that there is a need for a community of interests in the field of bio-energy to solve numerous problems and to answer many questions with respect to the development of businesses that are active in the field of bio-energy. The title study was carried out in the third and fourth quarter of 1997 by means of surveys and depth interviews among representatives of bio-energy businesses, interest groups and research institutes. The majority of the respondents supports the foundation of the Platform Bio-Energy and suggests many different activities

  1. Clinical application of bio ceramics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Anu, Sharma, E-mail:; Gayatri, Sharma, E-mail: [Department of Chemistry, Govt. College of Engineering & Technology, Bikaner, Rajasthan (India)


    Ceramics are the inorganic crystalline material. These are used in various field such as biomedical, electrical, electronics, aerospace, automotive and optical etc. Bio ceramics are the one of the most active areas of research. Bio ceramics are the ceramics which are biocompatible. The unique properties of bio ceramics make them an attractive option for medical applications and offer some potential advantages over other materials. During the past three decades, a number of major advances have been made in the field of bio ceramics. This review focuses on the use of these materials in variety of clinical scenarios.

  2. Clinical application of bio ceramics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anu, Sharma; Gayatri, Sharma


    Ceramics are the inorganic crystalline material. These are used in various field such as biomedical, electrical, electronics, aerospace, automotive and optical etc. Bio ceramics are the one of the most active areas of research. Bio ceramics are the ceramics which are biocompatible. The unique properties of bio ceramics make them an attractive option for medical applications and offer some potential advantages over other materials. During the past three decades, a number of major advances have been made in the field of bio ceramics. This review focuses on the use of these materials in variety of clinical scenarios.

  3. Bio-politics Reflexes” or something about what happens with Bio-politics today

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Viorella Manolache


    Full Text Available Under the pressure dictated by Western modernity movements, life finally enters within strategic (long term relationships circuit. The present study establishes that, bio-politics and bio-power denounces the paradigm of politicization of the biological life. Foucault’s late writings confirm the subordination of bio-politics to the technologies of power, which integrate / reduce life to biological continuity of the species, to the objectification of individual body or investigation of self-techniques, that would allow (beyond the corset of the institutional, the (re affirmation of subjectivity as a force or a form of resistance. The present reactivation of the bio model establishes that we cannot evade Foucault’s view, in which, the biology- meeting – politics confirms that, none of the terms no longer retains its original meaning.

  4. Bio fertilizer Application in a Fertigation System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahmad Nazrul Abd Wahid; Latiffah Noordin; Hoe, P.C.K.


    Bio fertilizers contain live beneficial microorganisms that provide nutrients and other benefits to crops. At present, bio fertilizers can be found in solid and liquid forms. Liquid bio fertilizer can be one of the alternatives to chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Liquid bio fertilizer is produced through culturing of microorganisms that are known to have specific capabilities in helping plant growth. However, application of bio fertilizers in the form of solution is more tedious than that of solid bio fertilizers, which can be applied directly to plants, whereas the liquid form requires several stages of preparation before it can be applied to crops. In Malaysian Nuclear Agency, a study on the distribution of liquid bio fertilizers to crops through the fertigation system has been conducted. In Malaysia, this study has not been conducted in depth, since the present fertigation system is associated to delivery of solubilised mineral fertilizers. This paper discusses the application of liquid bio fertilizers through a fertigation system. Discussions cover technical aspects of bio fertilizer preparation and its application via the said system. Tomato plant was used as test crop to determine the capability and efficiency of bio fertilizer application through the fertigation system. (author)

  5. Unraveling Dutch citizens' perceptions on the bio-based economy : The case of bioplastics, bio-jetfuels and small-scale bio-refineries

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lynch, Durwin H J; Klaassen, Pim; Broerse, Jacqueline E W


    Little is known about how citizens perceive the transition towards a bio-based economy (BBE), despite the fact that they are one of the most important actors in this transition. Citizens' perceptions of bio-based innovations can support policy-makers to improve the quality of decision-making and the

  6. The BioC-BioGRID corpus: full text articles annotated for curation of protein-protein and genetic interactions. (United States)

    Islamaj Dogan, Rezarta; Kim, Sun; Chatr-Aryamontri, Andrew; Chang, Christie S; Oughtred, Rose; Rust, Jennifer; Wilbur, W John; Comeau, Donald C; Dolinski, Kara; Tyers, Mike


    A great deal of information on the molecular genetics and biochemistry of model organisms has been reported in the scientific literature. However, this data is typically described in free text form and is not readily amenable to computational analyses. To this end, the BioGRID database systematically curates the biomedical literature for genetic and protein interaction data. This data is provided in a standardized computationally tractable format and includes structured annotation of experimental evidence. BioGRID curation necessarily involves substantial human effort by expert curators who must read each publication to extract the relevant information. Computational text-mining methods offer the potential to augment and accelerate manual curation. To facilitate the development of practical text-mining strategies, a new challenge was organized in BioCreative V for the BioC task, the collaborative Biocurator Assistant Task. This was a non-competitive, cooperative task in which the participants worked together to build BioC-compatible modules into an integrated pipeline to assist BioGRID curators. As an integral part of this task, a test collection of full text articles was developed that contained both biological entity annotations (gene/protein and organism/species) and molecular interaction annotations (protein-protein and genetic interactions (PPIs and GIs)). This collection, which we call the BioC-BioGRID corpus, was annotated by four BioGRID curators over three rounds of annotation and contains 120 full text articles curated in a dataset representing two major model organisms, namely budding yeast and human. The BioC-BioGRID corpus contains annotations for 6409 mentions of genes and their Entrez Gene IDs, 186 mentions of organism names and their NCBI Taxonomy IDs, 1867 mentions of PPIs and 701 annotations of PPI experimental evidence statements, 856 mentions of GIs and 399 annotations of GI evidence statements. The purpose, characteristics and possible future

  7. Three-dimensional bio-printing. (United States)

    Gu, Qi; Hao, Jie; Lu, YangJie; Wang, Liu; Wallace, Gordon G; Zhou, Qi


    Three-dimensional (3D) printing technology has been widely used in various manufacturing operations including automotive, defence and space industries. 3D printing has the advantages of personalization, flexibility and high resolution, and is therefore becoming increasingly visible in the high-tech fields. Three-dimensional bio-printing technology also holds promise for future use in medical applications. At present 3D bio-printing is mainly used for simulating and reconstructing some hard tissues or for preparing drug-delivery systems in the medical area. The fabrication of 3D structures with living cells and bioactive moieties spatially distributed throughout will be realisable. Fabrication of complex tissues and organs is still at the exploratory stage. This review summarize the development of 3D bio-printing and its potential in medical applications, as well as discussing the current challenges faced by 3D bio-printing.

  8. Bio-Oil Analysis Laboratory Procedures | Bioenergy | NREL (United States)

    Bio-Oil Analysis Laboratory Procedures Bio-Oil Analysis Laboratory Procedures NREL develops laboratory analytical procedures (LAPs) for the analysis of raw and upgraded pyrolysis bio-oils. These standard procedures have been validated and allow for reliable bio-oil analysis. Procedures Determination

  9. Bio-methane via fast pyrolysis of biomass

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Görling, Martin; Larsson, Mårten; Alvfors, Per


    Highlights: ► Pyrolysis gases can efficiently be upgraded to bio-methane. ► The integration can increase energy efficiency and provide a renewable vehicle fuel. ► The biomass to bio-methane conversion efficiency is 83% (HHV). ► The efficiency is higher compared to bio-methane produced via gasification. ► Competitive alternative to other alternatives of bio-oil upgrading. - Abstract: Bio-methane, a renewable vehicle fuel, is today produced by anaerobic digestion and a 2nd generation production route via gasification is under development. This paper proposes a poly-generation plant that produces bio-methane, bio-char and heat via fast pyrolysis of biomass. The energy and material flows for the fuel synthesis are calculated by process simulation in Aspen Plus®. The production of bio-methane and bio-char amounts to 15.5 MW and 3.7 MW, when the total inputs are 23 MW raw biomass and 1.39 MW electricity respectively (HHV basis). The results indicate an overall efficiency of 84% including high-temperature heat and the biomass to bio-methane yield amounts to 83% after allocation of the biomass input to the final products (HHV basis). The overall energy efficiency is higher for the suggested plant than for the gasification production route and is therefore a competitive route for bio-methane production

  10. Bio-threat microparticle simulants (United States)

    Farquar, George Roy; Leif, Roald N


    A bio-threat simulant that includes a carrier and DNA encapsulated in the carrier. Also a method of making a simulant including the steps of providing a carrier and encapsulating DNA in the carrier to produce the bio-threat simulant.

  11. Bio-threat microparticle simulants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Farquar, George Roy; Leif, Roald


    A bio-threat simulant that includes a carrier and DNA encapsulated in the carrier. Also a method of making a simulant including the steps of providing a carrier and encapsulating DNA in the carrier to produce the bio-threat simulant.

  12. Bio-fuel production potential in Romania

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Laurentiu, F.; Silvian, F.; Dumitru, F.


    The paper is based on the ESTO Study: Techno- Economic Feasibility of Large-Scale Production of Bio-Fuels in EU-Candidate Countries. Bio-fuel production has not been taken into account significantly until now in Romania, being limited to small- scale productions of ethanol, used mostly for various industrial purposes. However the climatic conditions and the quality of the soil are very suitable in the country for development of the main crops (wheat, sugar-beet, sunflower and rape-seed) used in bio-ethanol and bio-diesel production. The paper intended to consider a pertinent discussion of the present situation in Romania's agriculture stressing on the following essential items in the estimation of bio-fuels production potential: availability of feed-stock for bio-fuel production; actual productions of bio-fuels; fuel consumption; cost assessment; SWOT approach; expected trends. Our analysis was based on specific agricultural data for the period 1996-2000. An important ethanol potential (due to wheat, sugar-beet and maize cultures), as well as bio-diesel one (due to sun-flower and rape-seed) were predicted for the period 2005-2010 which could be exploited with the support of an important financial and technological effort, mainly from EU countries

  13. Round table on bio-fuels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The French ministers of agriculture and of industry have organized a meeting with the main French actors of agriculture, petroleum industry, car making and accessories industry and with professionals of agriculture machines to encourage the development of bio-fuels in France. This meeting took place in Paris in November 21, 2005. Its aim was to favor the partnerships between the different actors and the public authorities in order to reach the ambitious goals of the government of 5.75% of bio-fuels in fossil fuels by 2008, 7% by 2010 and 10% by 2015. The main points discussed by the participants were: the compatibility of automotive fuel standards with the objectives of bio-fuel incorporation, the development of direct incorporation of methanol in gasoline, the ethanol-ETBE partnership, the question of the lower calorific value of ETBE (ethyl tertio butyl ether), the development of new bio-fuels, the development of bio-diesel and the specific case of pure vegetal oils, and the fiscal framework of bio-fuels. This meeting has permitted to reach important improvements with 15 concrete agreements undertaken by the participants. (J.S.)

  14. Chitosan: An undisputed bio-fabrication material for tissue engineering and bio-sensing applications. (United States)

    Baranwal, Anupriya; Kumar, Ashutosh; Priyadharshini, A; Oggu, Gopi Suresh; Bhatnagar, Ira; Srivastava, Ananya; Chandra, Pranjal


    Biopolymers have been serving the mankind in various ways since long. Over the last few years, these polymers have found great demand in various domains which includes bio medicine, tissue engineering, bio sensor fabrications etc. because of their excellent bio compatibility. In this context, chitosan has found global attention due to its environmentally benign nature, biocompatibility, biodegradability, and ease of availability. In last one decade or so, extensive research in active biomaterials, like chitosan has led to the development of novel delivery systems for drugs, genes, and biomolecules; and regenerative medicine. Additionally, chitosan has also witnessed its usage in functionalization of biocompatible materials, nanoparticle (NP) synthesis, and immobilization of various bio-recognition elements (BREs) to form active bio-surfaces with great ease. Keeping these aspects in mind, we have written a comprehensive review which aims to acquaint its readers with the exceptional properties of chitosan and its usage in the domain of biomedicine, tissue engineering, and biosensor fabrication. Herein, we have briefly explained various aspects of direct utilization of chitosan and then presented vivid strategies towards formulation of chitosan based nanocomposites for biomedicine, tissue engineering, and biosensing applications. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Evaluation and tuning of control algorithms for power system stabilizers; Evaluacion y sintonizacion de algoritmos de control para el estabilizador de sistemas de potencia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ramirez Gonzalez, Miguel


    desventajas del diseno de ciertos ESP`s basados en tecnicas de control adaptable, logica difusa y redes neuronales artificiales. De los resultados de este estudio y considerando las caracteristicas complejas de los sistemas de potencia, posteriormente se disena y desarrolla un estabilizador basado en teoria de conjuntos difusos que utiliza como senales de entrada el error de velocidad ({Delta}{omega}) de la maquina sincrona y su aceleracion ({Delta}{omega}). Los parametros del ESP de adelanto-atraso y el desempeno del ESP difuso se validan medinte simulaciones en el dominio del tiempo empleando dos escenarios de prueba diferentes: un sistema de potencia maquina-bus infinito y un sistema multimaquina. Todas las simulaciones se efectuan utilizando una herramienta para el estudio de la estabilidad de sistemas de potencia basada en algoritmos desarrollados en MATLAB.

  16. Estudo comparativo entre dois algoritmos de identificação de estrelas para um sensor de estrelas autônomo de campo largo.


    Márcio Afonso Arimura Fialho


    Neste trabalho é feito um estudo comparativo entre dois algoritmos de identificação de estrelas desenvolvidos para um sensor de estrelas autônomo de campo largo em projeto no INPE - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais. A comparação é realizada com base nas especificações técnicas deste sensor de estrelas, cujas principais características são: campo de visada quadrado de 25,5 x 25,5 , matriz fotodetectora de 1024 1024 pixels de tecnologia CMOS-APS e precisão na determinação de atitude...

  17. Aplicación de Algoritmos de Visión Artificial para el Control de Robots Cooperativos Móviles Dentro De Espacios Semi Estructurados


    Pérez Checa, Aníbal Roberto


    Este trabajo presenta la aplicación de algoritmos de visión artificial para el control de dos agentes robóticos que mediante su operación en forma cooperativa desplazan al objeto dentro del espacio semi estructurado desde un punto de partida hasta un punto de llegada. El sistema funciona en base de una cámara cenital que captura la imagen que es transmitida a un computador personal el mismo que está provisto de Matlab R2013a, en el cual se procesa la información y determina las acciones de co...

  18. Alkaline phosphatase immobilization onto Bio-Gide(R) and Bio-Oss(R) for periodontal and bone regeneration.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oortgiesen, D.A.W.; Plachokova, A.S.; Geenen, C.; Meijer, G.J.; Walboomers, X.F.; Beucken, J.J.J.P van den; Jansen, J.B.M.J.


    AIM: To evaluate the effect of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) immobilization onto Bio-Gide((R)) in vitro, and to study the in vivo performance of ALP-enriched Bio-Gide((R)) and/or Bio-Oss((R)) with the purpose to enhance periodontal regeneration. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Alkaline phosphatase ALP was

  19. Variabilidade local e regional da evapotranspiração estimada pelo algoritmo SEBAL Local and regional variability of evapotranspiration estimated by SEBAL algorithm

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis C. J. Moreira


    Full Text Available Em face da importância em conhecer a evapotranspiração (ET para uso racional da água na irrigação no contexto atual de escassez desse recurso, algoritmos de estimativa da ET a nível regional foram desenvolvidos utilizando-se de ferramentas de sensoriamento remoto. Este estudo objetivou aplicar o algoritmo SEBAL (Surface Energy Balance Algorithms for Land em três imagens do satélite Landsat 5, do segundo semestre de 2006. As imagens correspondem a áreas irrigadas, floresta nativa densa e a Caatinga do Estado do Ceará (Baixo Acaraú, Chapada do Apodi e Chapada do Araripe. Este algoritmo calcula a evapotranspiração horária a partir do fluxo de calor latente, estimado como resíduo do balanço de energia na superfície. Os valores de ET obtidos nas três regiões foram superiores a 0,60 mm h-1 nas áreas irrigadas ou de vegetação nativa densa. As áreas de vegetação nativa menos densa apresentaram taxa da ET horária de 0,35 a 0,60 mm h-1, e valores quase nulos em áreas degradadas. A análise das médias de evapotranspiração horária pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade permitiu evidenciar uma variabilidade significativa local, bem como regional no Estado do Ceará.In the context of water resources scarcity, the rational use of water for irrigation is necessary, implying precise estimations of the actual evapotranspiration (ET. With the recent progresses of remote-sensed technologies, regional algorithms estimating evapotranspiration from satellite observations were developed. This work aimed at applying the SEBAL algorithm (Surface Energy Balance Algorithms for Land at three Landsat-5 images during the second semester of 2006. These images cover irrigated areas, dense native forest areas and caatinga areas in three regions of the state of Ceará (Baixo Acaraú, Chapada do Apodi and Chapada do Araripe. The SEBAL algorithm calculates the hourly evapotranspiration from the latent heat flux, estimated from the surface energy

  20. Detección de daños en estructuras: estudio comparativo entre los algoritmos de optimización AGs y PSO

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robinson Barrera


    Full Text Available En este artículo se comparan las técnicas de optimización de enjambre de partículas, PSO (de sus siglas en inglés, Particle Swarm Optimization y Algoritmos Genéticos (AG, ambas usadas en la implementación de un sistema para detectar y diagnosticar fallas en una estructura usando la respuesta modal. Diferentes episodios de daños (daño simple y daño múltiple con y sin ruido, permiten simular las condiciones reales en una estructura tipo viga y armadura para determinar el desempeño en la detección y diagnóstico de los sistemas propuestos. Adicionalmente, ambos sistemas propuestos se evalúan variando los volúmenes de información, es decir, el número de modos de vibración. La respuesta dinámica de la estructura en condición normal o de falla se obtiene usando la herramienta de uso libre OPENSEES® y los algoritmos de optimización PSO y AGs se implementan en ambiente Matlab®. La comparación de desempeño de las dos técnicas en cuanto a sus capacidades de detección y diagnóstico se realizan en una viga segmentada en 10 partes y simplemente apoyada y una armadura de 13 elementos. Resultados experimentales mostraron la eficacia y robustez de los sistemas propuestos en la determinación del estado del sistema en diversos ambientes de ruido y con diferentes volúmenes de información. Sin embargo su desempeño varía según el sistema monitoreado y la función objetivo utilizada

  1. Usando algoritmos e ábaco no estudo do sistema de numeração decimal em um curso de Pedagogia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Viegas, Elis Regina dos Santos


    Full Text Available Studies in Mathematics Education have described difficulties of teachers in the use of algorithms in arithmetic teaching in the initial grades, difficulties leading to questions about the quality of theoretical and practical training provided for teachers in this area. In this context, the present study aimed to investigate the formation of concepts and construction of mathematical knowledge of Pedagogy students in relation to arithmetic teaching, basic operations using abacus and algorithms, as well as the decimal numbering system. In the theoretical approach, the authors reflect on initial teacher training for Mathematics teachers in the initial grades, the necessity of training grounded in knowledge to the process of teaching/learning and the importance of teacher training in methodological contents and in specific contents. A qualitative and quantitative approach was used, the data collection occurred with the use of semi-structured questionnaires, procedures in the activities report, direct observation and video recording. The results showed that studies with both methodological approaches, abacus and algorithms, might contribute to the formation, reframing concepts and construction of mathematical knowledge, but also could provide information for a better pedagogical and specific training. Estudos em Educação Matemática têm descrito dificuldades de professores na utilização de algoritmos no ensino de aritmética nas séries iniciais, dificuldades que provocam questionamentos quanto à qualidade da formação teórico-prática oferecida para a docência nessa área. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar a formação de conceitos e construção do conhecimento matemático de estudantes de Pedagogia em relação ao ensino de aritmética, das operações fundamentais com a utilização de ábaco e algoritmos, bem como, do sistema de numeração decimal. No referencial teórico adotado, os autores refletem sobre

  2. Negated bio-events: analysis and identification (United States)


    Background Negation occurs frequently in scientific literature, especially in biomedical literature. It has previously been reported that around 13% of sentences found in biomedical research articles contain negation. Historically, the main motivation for identifying negated events has been to ensure their exclusion from lists of extracted interactions. However, recently, there has been a growing interest in negative results, which has resulted in negation detection being identified as a key challenge in biomedical relation extraction. In this article, we focus on the problem of identifying negated bio-events, given gold standard event annotations. Results We have conducted a detailed analysis of three open access bio-event corpora containing negation information (i.e., GENIA Event, BioInfer and BioNLP’09 ST), and have identified the main types of negated bio-events. We have analysed the key aspects of a machine learning solution to the problem of detecting negated events, including selection of negation cues, feature engineering and the choice of learning algorithm. Combining the best solutions for each aspect of the problem, we propose a novel framework for the identification of negated bio-events. We have evaluated our system on each of the three open access corpora mentioned above. The performance of the system significantly surpasses the best results previously reported on the BioNLP’09 ST corpus, and achieves even better results on the GENIA Event and BioInfer corpora, both of which contain more varied and complex events. Conclusions Recently, in the field of biomedical text mining, the development and enhancement of event-based systems has received significant interest. The ability to identify negated events is a key performance element for these systems. We have conducted the first detailed study on the analysis and identification of negated bio-events. Our proposed framework can be integrated with state-of-the-art event extraction systems. The

  3. Aplicación de algoritmos metaheurísticos en procesamiento de señales, imágenes y energías alternativas


    Oliva Navarro, Diego Alberto


    En años recientes se ha incrementado el interés por cómo la naturaleza da solución a diversos problemas como son: búsqueda de fuentes de alimento, organización de conjuntos de animales o insectos, atracción y repulsión de cargas, etc. De aquí surgen los algoritmos metaheurísticos (AM), los cuales simulan comportamientos naturales básicos para solucionar tareas complejas. El uso de estos métodos se ha extendido desde la optimización matemática hasta la ingeniería o la economía.En este trabajo ...

  4. Bio-oils and other bio fuels used in heat- and power generation; Flytande biobraenslen foer el- och vaermeproduktion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sandgren, Annamaria; Ekdahl, Emma; Sernhed, Kerstin; Lindstroem, Erica


    The purpose of this study was to assemble and disseminate knowledge about bio-oils and other bio fuels which are used for heat- and power generation or liquid bio fuels/oils that may become interesting in the future. One aim of this study was to give an updated picture of the Swedish market for bio-oils and to provide an overview of practical experience on the usage of bio-oils in the Swedish heat and power industry. In order to show a green profile, bio-oils can be used in the heat and power generation. However, not all bio-oils can be viewed as climate friendly. Some production of bio-oils may actually - if a lifecycle perspective is considered - lead to increased emissions of greenhouse gases, and there are also ethical issues that need to be considered. The data collection was carried out in three different fields. The objective of the first part was to create an overview of the Swedish market for liquid bio fuels/oils for heat and power production. The second part of the study aimed to clarify the issues surrounding environmental and ethical issues associated with the use of different bio-oils. A selection of oil crops for a closer study was made based on production volume (soybean, palm oil and rapeseed) and expected future potential (jatropha). This part of the study was based on a literature review. In the third part of the study technical and practical experiences from using bio-oils in heat and power production were studied. The interviews made with purchasing managers in the second part gave valuable information on which utilities would be the most interesting to interview for the study of technical and practical experiences, where interviews were carried out with persons familiar with the daily operation of the plant. The use of liquid bio fuels was about 4.3 % of total fuel use in Swedish district heating production in 2007 (1.2 % pine oil and 3.0 % other bio-oil). In other words, it is mainly bio-oils that have been used and not other types of liquid

  5. Bio-oils and other bio fuels used in heat- and power generation; Flytande biobraenslen foer el- och vaermeproduktion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sandgren, Annamaria; Ekdahl, Emma; Sernhed, Kerstin; Lindstroem, Erica


    The purpose of this study was to assemble and disseminate knowledge about bio-oils and other bio fuels which are used for heat- and power generation or liquid bio fuels/oils that may become interesting in the future. One aim of this study was to give an updated picture of the Swedish market for bio-oils and to provide an overview of practical experience on the usage of bio-oils in the Swedish heat and power industry. In order to show a green profile, bio-oils can be used in the heat and power generation. However, not all bio-oils can be viewed as climate friendly. Some production of bio-oils may actually - if a lifecycle perspective is considered - lead to increased emissions of greenhouse gases, and there are also ethical issues that need to be considered. The data collection was carried out in three different fields. The objective of the first part was to create an overview of the Swedish market for liquid bio fuels/oils for heat and power production. The second part of the study aimed to clarify the issues surrounding environmental and ethical issues associated with the use of different bio-oils. A selection of oil crops for a closer study was made based on production volume (soybean, palm oil and rapeseed) and expected future potential (jatropha). This part of the study was based on a literature review. In the third part of the study technical and practical experiences from using bio-oils in heat and power production were studied. The interviews made with purchasing managers in the second part gave valuable information on which utilities would be the most interesting to interview for the study of technical and practical experiences, where interviews were carried out with persons familiar with the daily operation of the plant. The use of liquid bio fuels was about 4.3 % of total fuel use in Swedish district heating production in 2007 (1.2 % pine oil and 3.0 % other bio-oil). In other words, it is mainly bio-oils that have been used and not other types of liquid

  6. Análisis y estudio de las técnicas de compresión de datos para la integración de la tecnología PDH/SDH sobre redes ethernet e implementación de un algoritmo de compresión mediante software de simulación


    Gálvez Castillo, Juan Carlos; Morocho Vallejo, Luis Roberto


    El presente Proyecto de Grado, titulado: Análisis y estudio de las técnicas de compresión de datos para la integración de la tecnología PDH/SDH sobre redes Ethernet e implementación de un algoritmo de compresión mediante software de simulación, comprende un estudio investigativo de las características, ventajas y desventajas de las técnicas de compresión de datos, comprende también de la implementación de un algoritmo de compresión que demuestre mediante un software de simulación dichas venta...

  7. Bio-Chemicals Derived from Waste: Building on the Concept of a Bio-Refinery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Habib, M.; Habib, U.; Khan, A.U.; Rehman, Z.U.; Zeb, A.; Moeed, A.; Pasha, M.K.; Memon, A.R.


    The work presented here has looked into the thermal-conversion of wheat and barley spent grains (SG). Wheat fermentation was carried in the laboratory to get a mashed product while barley grain residues were sourced from a local brewing company. Pyrolysis carried at 460, 520 and 540 Degree C at ambient conditions of pressure in a bench scale fluidized bed reactor resulted in producing bio-oil, charcoal and non-condensable gases. These products were characterized by using the Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS), Differential Thermo-glavemetric Analysis (DTG), Elemental Analyzer (E.A) and a Bomb Calorimeter. The final pyrolysis product analysis revealed that the bio-oil production yields and Higher Heating Value (HHV) largely depended on the pyrolysis temperature and the sample type. In comparison with original raw grain samples, the analysis of thermally treated (pyrolysis) spent grains revealed the presence of high carbon and low oxygen contents. Results gathered in this work have shown that high bio-crude-oil production yields can be obtained at 520 Degree C (53 and 37wt percentage bio-oil from wheat and barley SG). Pyrolysis of wheat and barley SG resulted in giving a Higher Heating Value (HHV) of 21.80 and 21.86 MJ/kg at 540 and 460 Degree C, which is considerably more in comparison to their virgin counterparts. This suggested route thus has a potential for further up-gradation of waste bio-mass for use as an intermediate fuel or as a raw material source for producing other bio-chemicals. (author)

  8. Aplicações e algoritmos de segurança rodoviária com o uso de sistemas de GPS e de comunicações WAVE


    Cardoso, Fábio


    Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Electrónica e Telecomunicações Os acidentes rodoviários são um problema de grande importância para toda a humanidade. O objetivo desta tese é desenvolver um sistema, através de comunicação WAVE, vehicle-tovehicle, capaz de alertar os automobilistas de risco de colisões. O sistema desenvolvido utiliza os dados recebidos por um sistema de GPS para o processamento dos algoritmos de segurança, estudados no estado ...

  9. Safety Aspects of Bio-Based Nanomaterials. (United States)

    Catalán, Julia; Norppa, Hannu


    Moving towards a bio-based and circular economy implies a major focus on the responsible and sustainable utilization of bio-resources. The emergence of nanotechnology has opened multiple possibilities, not only in the existing industrial sectors, but also for completely novel applications of nanoscale bio-materials, the commercial exploitation of which has only begun during the last few years. Bio-based materials are often assumed not to be toxic. However, this pre-assumption is not necessarily true. Here, we provide a short overview on health and environmental aspects associated with bio-based nanomaterials, and on the relevant regulatory requirements. We also discuss testing strategies that may be used for screening purposes at pre-commercial stages. Although the tests presently used to reveal hazards are still evolving, regarding modifi-cations required for nanomaterials, their application is needed before the upscaling or commercialization of bio-based nanomaterials, to ensure the market potential of the nanomaterials is not delayed by uncertainties about safety issues.

  10. BioCMOS Interfaces and Co-Design

    CERN Document Server

    Carrara, Sandro


    The application of CMOS circuits and ASIC VLSI systems to problems in medicine and system biology has led to the emergence of Bio/CMOS Interfaces and Co-Design as an exciting and rapidly growing area of research. The mutual inter-relationships between VLSI-CMOS design and the biophysics of molecules interfacing with silicon and/or onto metals has led to the emergence of the interdisciplinary engineering approach to Bio/CMOS interfaces. This new approach, facilitated by 3D circuit design and nanotechnology, has resulted in new concepts and applications for VLSI systems in the bio-world. This book offers an invaluable reference to the state-of-the-art in Bio/CMOS interfaces. It describes leading-edge research in the field of CMOS design and VLSI development for applications requiring integration of biological molecules onto the chip. It provides multidisciplinary content ranging from biochemistry to CMOS design in order to address Bio/CMOS interface co-design in bio-sensing applications.

  11. Which future for aviation bio-fuels?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Botti, Jean; Combarnous, Michel; Jarry, Bruno; Monsan, Pierre; Burzynski, Jean-Pierre; Jeuland, Nicolas; Porot, Pierre; Demoment, Pascale; Gillmann, Marc; Marchand, Philippe; Kuentzmann, Paul; Kurtsoglou, Nicolas; Lombaert-Valot, Isabelle; Pelegrin, Marc; Renvier, Jacques; Rousseau, Julien; Stadler, Thierry; Tremeau, Benoit


    This collective report proposes a detailed overview of the evolution of aviation fuels and bio-fuels from technological, regulatory and economic points of view. It also proposes a road-map for possible future evolutions, and outlines the different assessments between American and European countries regarding the predictions for the beginning of industrial production and use of bio-jet-fuel. After having recalled international objectives, an overview of European and French commitments for technological and operational advances, and a discussion of the role of bio-fuels in the carbon cycle, the report presents various technical constraints met in aircraft industry and describes the role bio-fuels may have. The next part proposes an overview of bio-fuels which are industrially produced in the world in 2013. The authors then focus on aviation bio-fuels (main production processes, thermo-chemical processes), discuss the political context, and examine obstacles, partnerships and the role of public authorities

  12. Safety Aspects of Bio-Based Nanomaterials

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julia Catalán


    Full Text Available Moving towards a bio-based and circular economy implies a major focus on the responsible and sustainable utilization of bio-resources. The emergence of nanotechnology has opened multiple possibilities, not only in the existing industrial sectors, but also for completely novel applications of nanoscale bio-materials, the commercial exploitation of which has only begun during the last few years. Bio-based materials are often assumed not to be toxic. However, this pre-assumption is not necessarily true. Here, we provide a short overview on health and environmental aspects associated with bio-based nanomaterials, and on the relevant regulatory requirements. We also discuss testing strategies that may be used for screening purposes at pre-commercial stages. Although the tests presently used to reveal hazards are still evolving, regarding modifi­cations required for nanomaterials, their application is needed before the upscaling or commercialization of bio-based nanomaterials, to ensure the market potential of the nanomaterials is not delayed by uncertainties about safety issues.

  13. [Current status of bio-based materials industry in China]. (United States)

    Diao, Xiaoqian; Weng, Yunxuan; Huang, Zhigang; Yang, Nan; Wang, Xiyuan; Zhang, Min; Jin, Yujuan


    In recent years, bio-based materials are becoming a new dominant industry leading the scientific and technological innovation, and economic development of the world. We reviewed the new development of bio-based materials industry in China, analyzed the entire market of bio-based materials products comprehensively, and also stated the industry status of bio-based chemicals, such as lactic acid, 1,3-propanediol, and succinic acid; biodegradable bio-based polymers, such as co-polyester of diacid and diol, polylactic acid, carbon dioxide based copolymer, polyhydroxyalknoates, polycaprolactone, and thermoplastic bio-based plastics; non-biodegradable bio-based polymers, such as bio-based polyamide, polytrimethylene terephthalate, bio-based polyurethane, and bio-based fibers.

  14. Diamond bio electronics. (United States)

    Linares, Robert; Doering, Patrick; Linares, Bryant


    The use of diamond for advanced applications has been the dream of mankind for centuries. Until recently this dream has been realized only in the use of diamond for gemstones and abrasive applications where tons of diamonds are used on an annual basis. Diamond is the material system of choice for many applications, but its use has historically been limited due to the small size, high cost, and inconsistent (and typically poor) quality of available diamond materials until recently. The recent development of high quality, single crystal diamond crystal growth via the Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) process has allowed physcists and increasingly scientists in the life science area to think beyond these limitations and envision how diamond may be used in advanced applications ranging from quantum computing, to power generation and molecular imaging, and eventually even diamond nano-bots. Because of diamond's unique properties as a bio-compatible material, better understanding of diamond's quantum effects and a convergence of mass production, semiconductor-like fabrication process, diamond now promises a unique and powerful key to the realization of the bio-electronic devices being envisioned for the new era of medical science. The combination of robust in-the-body diamond based sensors, coupled with smart bio-functionalized diamond devices may lead to diamond being the platform of choice for bio-electronics. This generation of diamond based bio-electronic devices would contribute substantially to ushering in a paradigm shift for medical science, leading to vastly improved patient diagnosis, decrease of drug development costs and risks, and improved effectiveness of drug delivery and gene therapy programs through better timed and more customized solutions.

  15. Cálculo de la distribución espacial de la insolación potencial en el terreno empleando MDE en un ambiente SIG

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alberto Gómez Tagle Chávez


    Full Text Available Se presenta un estudio de caso donde se calcula la insolación potencial (IP y la insolación real (IR para un área pequeña (634.4 ha empleando los programas Insol_Día e Insol_Mes a partir de un modelo digital de elevaciones (MDE. Estos programas calculan la IP utilizando la ubicación geográfica de la cuenca y el MDE mediante procedimientos de sistemas de información geográfica (SIG y ecuaciones de geometría esférica. La IR se obtuvo empleando los mapas digitales de IP calculada y corrigiendo los datos con información del observatorio meteorológico (15-0040, Morelia, Mich. del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional. Los resultados son una serie de mapas digitales dentro de un SIG que permiten conocer la distribución espacial de la IP y la IR en esta zona, para fechas definidas, meses enteros, estaciones y totales anuales. La IP anual máxima fue de 4 389 horas, mientras que la mínima fue de 2 946 horas. Los valores de IR máxima y mínima fueron 2 144.9 y 1 439.7 horas. Los promedios diarios anuales de IP máximo y mínimo fueron de 12.05 hr/día y 8.07 hr/día, siendo para IR de 5.88 hr/día y 3.944 hr/día, indicando una gran diferencia entre la IP y la IR. Se considera que este tipo de información puede ser de gran utilidad en estudios de distribución de la vegetación, balances hidrológicos, distribución de propiedades edáficas, velocidad de intemperismo de los materiales geológicos, arquitectura bioclimática y otras áreas donde la distribución espacial de la insolación se considere como una variable importante.

  16. Bio-objects and the media: the role of communication in bio-objectification processes. (United States)

    Maeseele, Pieter; Allgaier, Joachim; Martinelli, Lucia


    The representation of biological innovations in and through communication and media practices is vital for understanding the nature of "bio-objects" and the process we call "bio-objectification." This paper discusses two ideal-typical analytical approaches based on different underlying communication models, ie, the traditional (science- and media-centered) and media sociological (a multi-layered process involving various social actors in defining the meanings of scientific and technological developments) approach. In this analysis, the latter is not only found to be the most promising approach for understanding the circulation, (re)production, and (re)configuration of meanings of bio-objects, but also to interpret the relationship between media and science. On the basis of a few selected examples, this paper highlights how media function as a primary arena for the (re)production and (re)configuration of scientific and biomedical information with regards to bio-objects in the public sphere in general, and toward decision-makers, interest groups, and the public in specific.

  17. Eliminación de compuestos farmacéuticos y de cuidado personal (CFCPs) en efluentes anaerobios empleando sistemas biológicos de filtración/adsorción


    Paredes Barro, Lidia


    Traballo Fín de Máster en Enxeñaría de Procesos Químicos e Ambientais. Curso 2012-2013 El objetivo principal de este Trabajo Fin de Máster es evaluar la eliminación de compuestos farmacéuticos y de cuidado personal (CFCPs) durante el tratamiento de efluentes anaerobios empleando sistemas biológicos de filtración/adsorción. Para la consecución de este objetivo global se han propuesto los siguientes objetivos específicos: 1-Estudiar cómo afecta el tipo de soporte empleado en el lecho (...

  18. Valorization of algal waste via pyrolysis in a fixed-bed reactor: Production and characterization of bio-oil and bio-char. (United States)

    Aboulkas, A; Hammani, H; El Achaby, M; Bilal, E; Barakat, A; El Harfi, K


    The aim of the present work is to develop processes for the production of bio-oil and bio-char from algae waste using the pyrolysis at controlled conditions. The pyrolysis was carried out at different temperatures 400-600°C and different heating rates 5-50°C/min. The algal waste, bio-oil and bio-char were successfully characterized using Elemental analysis, Chemical composition, TGA, FTIR, 1 H NMR, GC-MS and SEM. At a temperature of 500°C and a heating rate of 10°C/min, the maximum yield of bio-oil and bio-char was found to be 24.10 and 44.01wt%, respectively, which was found to be strongly influenced by the temperature variation, and weakly affected by the heating rate variation. Results show that the bio-oil cannot be used as bio-fuel, but can be used as a source of value-added chemicals. On the other hand, the bio-char is a promising candidate for solid fuel applications and for the production of carbon materials. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Desarrollo de un controlador para motores DC brushless basado en CompactRIO y LabVIEW de National Instruments para el estudio de nuevos algoritmos de control


    García Haro, Juan Miguel


    Este proyecto que el CAR inició hace pocos años tiene como objetivo principal el estudio y desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías en el campo de actuación y control automático, que servirá de base para otras futuras investigaciones dentro del centro. La tecnología a la que se hace mención se refiere al control de actuadores basados en motores DC brushless (BLDC Motors) empleando el sistema de hardware embebido CompactRIO y programación LabVIEW de National Instruments. Tradicionalmente se emplea en ...

  20. Algoritmo de recocido simulado para la descomposición robusta del horizonte de tiempo en problemas de planeación de producción A simulated annealing algorithm for the robust decomposition of temporal horizons in production planning problems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Fidel Torres Delgado


    Full Text Available El problema de la descomposición robusta del horizonte de tiempo en planeación de producción fue inicialmente tratado en [1]. Posteriormente, en [2], Torres propone partir de una solución entera encontrada por programación dinámica, para luego mejorarla mediante un algoritmo de recocido simulado(simulated annealing. De acuerdo con [2], es necesario investigar más a fondo la capacidad de este algoritmo para mejorar la solución inicial y el impacto de la selección de los parámetros de control del algoritmo sobre la calidad de las soluciones encontradas. En este trabajo se desarrolla esta propuesta de analizar más a fondo la capacidad del algoritmo de recocido simulado para mejorar la solución inicial. Como resultado de los experimentos computacionales realizados, se determinó que el método de enfriamiento y la tasa de enfriamiento tienen efecto significativo en la calidad de la solución final. De igual manera se estableció que la solución depende en gran medida de las características del plan de operaciones, encontrándose mejores soluciones para planes con horizontes de tiempo más cortos.The problem of robust decomposition of temporal horizons in production planning was first introduced by Torres [1]. Later, in [2], Torres suggests to start with an integer solution found by dynamic programming, and then to use a simulated annealing algorithm to improve it. According to [2], more needs to be known about the impact of the control parameters in the simulated annealing algorithm, and their sensitivity with respect to the quality of the solutions. In this work we develop this idea and analyze in depth the ability of the simulated annealing algorithm to improve the initial solution. As a result of the computational experiments conducted, we determined that the cooling scheme and the cooling rate have significant effect on the quality of the final solution. It was also established that the solution found depends strongly on the

  1. Bio-inspired computation in telecommunications

    CERN Document Server

    Yang, Xin-She; Ting, TO


    Bio-inspired computation, especially those based on swarm intelligence, has become increasingly popular in the last decade. Bio-Inspired Computation in Telecommunications reviews the latest developments in bio-inspired computation from both theory and application as they relate to telecommunications and image processing, providing a complete resource that analyzes and discusses the latest and future trends in research directions. Written by recognized experts, this is a must-have guide for researchers, telecommunication engineers, computer scientists and PhD students.

  2. Bio-Organic Reaction Animations (BioORA): Student Performance, Student Perceptions, and Instructor Feedback (United States)

    Gunersel, Adalet Baris; Fleming, Steven


    Research shows that computer animations are especially helpful in fields such as chemistry and in this mixed-methods study, we investigate the educational effectiveness of Bio-Organic Reaction Animations (BioORA), a 3-D software, in four undergraduate biochemistry classes at different universities. Statistically significant findings indicate that…

  3. Study on demetalization of sewage sludge by sequential extraction before liquefaction for the production of cleaner bio-oil and bio-char. (United States)

    Leng, Lijian; Yuan, Xingzhong; Shao, Jianguang; Huang, Huajun; Wang, Hou; Li, Hui; Chen, Xiaohong; Zeng, Guangming


    Demetalization of sewage sludge (SS) by sequential extraction before liquefaction was implemented to produce cleaner bio-char and bio-oil. Demetalization steps 1 and 2 did not cause much organic matter loss on SS, and thus the bio-oil and bio-char yields and the compositions of bio-oils were also not affected significantly. However, the demetalization procedures resulted in the production of cleaner bio-chars and bio-oils. The total concentrations and the acid soluble/exchangeable fraction (F1 fraction, the most toxic heavy metal fraction) of heavy metals (Cu, Cr, Pb, Zn, and Cd) in these products were significantly reduced and the environmental risks of these products were also relived considerably compared with those produced from raw SS, respectively. Additionally, these bio-oils had less heavy fractions. Demetalization processes with removal of F1 and F2 fractions of heavy metals would benefit the production of cleaner bio-char and bio-oil by liquefaction of heavy metal abundant biomass like SS. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Bio gasification of industrial bio waste and sewage sludge-management of biogas quality

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kymalainen, M.; Lahde, K.; Kaarnakoski, M.; Pirttijarvi, T.; Arnold, M.; Kurola, J.; Kautola, H.


    Bio gasification, i. e. anaerobic digestion, is a well known sustainable option for the management of organic solid wastes and sludges. the produced biogas is a valuable bio fuel to replace fossil fuels in different technical applications (like heating, electricity, transport fuel generation) which in turn determine its quality requirements. (Author)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis P. Yapu Quispe


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presenta un método de estimación y simulación de un modelo aditivo a dos variables mediante splines robustos, el método general puede ser aplicado con varias variables. El software utilizado para las simulaciones es S+ y se utiliza explícitamente la función smooth.splineRob en una implementación del algoritmo de backfitting. La función smooth.splineRob ha sido escrita en base al trabajo de Cantoni y Ronchetti [3], en el cual se pone énfasis en la selección robusta del parámetro de suavizamiento utilizando una versión robusta del Cp de Mallows, RCp, y de la validación cruzada, RCV. La existencia de datos extremos o no-normales en la parte estocástica de un modelo aditivo puede provocar una mala estimación del parámetro de suavizamiento, lo que tendrá influencia global en la estimación por splines. Para la etapa de simulación se realizan las estimaciones por splines clásicos y robustos (con estimación robusta del parámetro. La estimación obtenida es muy convincente pero el tiempo de ejecución del programa es relativamente elevado tanto para RCp y RCV, aun cuando, en ciertos casos, con pocas iteraciones robustas se obtienen ya resultados más útiles que la estimación clásica.

  6. Understanding bio-economics


    Patel, M.K.


    New plants for production of bio-based fuels, chemicals or plastics are being set up at an accelerating pace. However, this transition towards bio-based fuels, feedstocks and chemicals has not come without consequences. Increased demand has pushed up prices of key agricultural products such as maize and corn with the result that consumers - especially those in low income areas - have reacted with concern and protest. At the same time, environmental research institutes and lobby groups - and n...

  7. BioFET-SIM

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hediger, M. R.; Martinez, K. L.; Nygård, J.


    Biosensors based on nanowire field effect transistor (FET) have received much attention in recent years as a way to achieve ultra-sensitive and label-free sensing of molecules of biological interest. The BioFET-SIM computer model permits the analysis and interpretation of experimental sensor...... signals through its web-based interface The model also allows for predictions of the effects of changes in the experimental setup on the sensor signal. After an introduction to nanowire-based FET biosensors, this chapter reviews the theoretical basis of BioFET-SIM models describing both...... single and multiple charges on the analyte. Afterwards the usage of the interface and its relative command line version is briefly shown. Finally, possible applications of the BioFET-SIM model are presented. Among the possible uses of the interface, the effects on the predicted signal of pH, buffer ionic...

  8. Bio digester : anaerobic methanogenesis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bullema, Marten; Hulzen, Hans; Keizer, Melvin; Pruisscher, Gerlof; Smint, Martin; Vincent, Helene


    As part of the theme 13 and 14, our group have to realize a project in the field of the renewable energy. This project consist of the design of a bio-digester for the canteen of Zernikeplein. Gert Hofstede is our client. To produce energy, a bio-digester uses the anaerobic digestion, which is made

  9. Optimization of a water resource system expansion using the Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing methods; Optimizacion de la expansion de un sistema de recursos hidricos utilizados las metodologias del algoritmo genetico y el recocido simulado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sanchez Camacho, Enrique; Andreu Alvarez, Joaquin [Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (Spain)


    Two numerical procedures, based on the Genetic Algorithm (GA) and the Simulated Annealing (SA), are developed to solve the problem of the expansion of capacity of a water resource system. The problem was divided into two subproblems: capital availability and operation policy. Both are optimisation-simulation models, the first one is solved by means of the GA and SA, in each case, while the second one is solved using the Out-of-kilter algorithm (OKA), in both models. The objective function considers the usual benefits and costs in this kind of systems, such as irrigation and hydropower benefits, costs of dam construction and system maintenance. The strength and weakness of both models are evaluated by comparing their results with those obtained with the branch and bound technique, which was classically used to solve this kind of problems. [Spanish] Un par de metodos numericos fundamentados en dos tecnicas de busqueda globales. Algoritmos Genetico (AG) y Recocido Simulado (RS), son desarrollados para resolver el problema de expansion de capacidad de un sistema de recursos hidricos. La estrategia ha sido dividir al problema en dos subproblemas: el de disponibilidad de capital y el de la politica de operacion. Ambos modelos son de optimizacion-simulacion, el primero se realiza mediante los algoritmos del RS y el AG en cada caso, en tanto que el segundo lleva a cabo a traves del algoritmo del Out-of-kilter (AOK) en los dos modelos. La funcion objetivo con que se trabaja considera los beneficios y costos mas comunes en este tipo de sistema, tales como beneficios por riego, por hidroelectricidad y costos de construccion de los embalses y mantenimiento del sistema. La potencia y debilidades delos dos modelos se evaluan mediante la comparacion con los resultados obtenidos a traves de una de las tecnicas mas usadas en este tipo de problemas: la de ramificacion y acotacion.

  10. Bio energy - Environment, technique and market

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hohle, Erik Eid


    Leading abstract. In this book, a group of experts discusses everything about the use of bio fuels, from the briquettes of dry alder used in automobile gas generators during World War II to the most advanced present-day use. The chapters are: (1) Energy and society, (2) Production of biomass, (3) Bio fuel - properties and production, (4) Bio fuel - conversion and use, (5) Environment and environmental engineering, (6) Economy and planning and (7) Bio energy in the energy system of the future. There is a list of literature and a glossary at the end of the book

  11. Bio-slurry as fertilizer : is bio-slurry from household digesters a better fertilizer than manure? : a literature review

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bonten, L.T.C.; Zwart, K.B.; Rietra, R.P.J.J.; Postma, R.; Haas, de M.J.G.; Nysingh, S.L.


    In many developing countries manure is anaerobically digested to produce biogas. The residue of manure digestion, bio-slurry, can be used as fertilizer for crop production and aquaculture. This study compared bio-slurry and manure as fertilizers. Nutrients in bio-slurry, especially nitrogen, are

  12. Limits to the potential of bio-fuels and bio-sequestration of carbon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pearman, Graeme I.


    This document examines bio-physical limits of bio-fuels and bio-sequestration of carbon by examining available solar radiation and observed efficiencies with which natural ecosystems and agricultural systems convert that energy to biomass. It compares these energy/carbon exchanges with national levels of energy use and carbon emissions for Australia, Brazil, China, Japan, Republic of Korea, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Singapore, Sweden, United Kingdom and United States. Globally primary energy consumption (related carbon emissions) is currently equivalent to ∼0.06% of the incident solar energy, and 43% of the energy (carbon) captured by photosynthesis. The nations fall into three categories. Those with primary energy consumption that is: 1–10% (Japan, Korea and Singapore); ∼0.1% (China, UK and the US) and; 0.1–0.01% (Australia, Brazil, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand and Sweden) of incident solar radiation. The percentage of energy captured in biomass follows this pattern, but generally lower by ∼3 orders of magnitude. The energy content of traded wheat, corn and rice represents conversion efficiencies of solar radiation of 0.08–0.17% and for sugar close to 1%, ignoring energy use in production and conversion of biomass to fuels. The study implies that bio-fuels or bio-sequestration can only be a small part of an inclusive portfolio of actions towards a low carbon future and minimised net emissions of carbon to the atmosphere. - Highlights: • Global energy consumption is ∼0.06% of solar; 43% of net primary production. • 11 nations studied fall into 3 groups: consumption/solar=1–10%; ∼0.1%; 0.1–0.01%. • % of energy captured in biomass is lower by ∼3 orders of magnitude. • Crops and natural ecosystems capture 0.1–0.3% and sugar 1% of solar energy. • Significant bio-energy/carbon sequestration via biomass is unrealistic

  13. [Preface for special issue on bio-based materials (2016)]. (United States)

    Weng, Yunxuan


    Bio-based materials are new materials or chemicals with renewable biomass as raw materials such as grain, legume, straw, bamboo and wood powder. This class of materials includes bio-based polymer, biobased fiber, glycotechnology products, biobased rubber and plastics produced by biomass thermoplastic processing and basic biobased chemicals, for instance, bio-alcohols, organic acids, alkanes, and alkenes, obtained by bio-synthesis, bio-processing and bio-refinery. Owing to its environmental friendly and resource conservation, bio-based materials are becoming a new dominant industry taking the lead in the world scientific and technological innovation and economic development. An overview of bio-based materials development is reported in this special issue, and the industrial status and research progress of the following aspects, including biobased fiber, polyhydroxyalkanoates, biodegradable mulching film, bio-based polyamide, protein based biomedical materials, bio-based polyurethane, and modification and processing of poly(lactic acid), are introduced.

  14. Bio-fuels for the gas turbine: A review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gupta, K.K.; Rehman, A.; Sarviya, R.M.


    Due to depletion of fossil fuel, bio-fuels have generated a significant interest as an alternative fuel for the future. The use of bio-fuels to fuel gas turbine seems a viable solution for the problems of decreasing fossil-fuel reserves and environmental concerns. Bio-fuels are alternative fuels, made from renewable sources and having environmental benefit. In recent years, the desire for energy independence, foreseen depletion of nonrenewable fuel resources, fluctuating petroleum fuel costs, the necessity of stimulating agriculture based economy, and the reality of climate change have created an interest in the development of bio-fuels. The application of bio-fuels in automobiles and heating applications is increasing day by day. Therefore the use of these fuels in gas turbines would extend this application to aviation field. The impact of costly petroleum-based aviation fuel on the environment is harmful. So the development of alternative fuels in aviation is important and useful. The use of liquid and gaseous fuels from biomass will help to fulfill the Kyoto targets concerning global warming emissions. In addition, to reduce exhaust emission waste gases and syngas, etc., could be used as a potential gas turbine fuel. The term bio-fuel is referred to alternative fuel which is produced from biomass. Such fuels include bio-diesel, bio-ethanol, bio-methanol, pyrolysis oil, biogas, synthetic gas (dimethyl ether), hydrogen, etc. The bio-ethanol and bio-methanol are petrol additive/substitute. Bio-diesel is an environment friendly alternative liquid fuel for the diesel/aviation fuel. The gas turbine develops steady flame during its combustion; this feature gives a flexibility to use alternative fuels. Therefore so the use of different bio-fuels in gas turbine has been investigated by a good number of researchers. The suitability and modifications in the existing systems are also recommended. (author)

  15. Tax exemption for bio fuels in Germany: is bio-ethanol really an option for climate policy?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Henke, J.M.; Klepper, G.; Schmitz, N.


    In 2002 the German Parliament decided to exempt biofuels from the gasoline tax to increase their competitiveness compared to conventional gasoline. The policy to promote biofuels is being justified by their allegedly positive effects on climate, energy, and agricultural policy goals. An increased use of biofuels would contribute to sustainable development by reducing greenhouse-gas emissions and the use of non-renewable resources. The paper takes a closer look at bio-ethanol as a substitute for gasoline. It analyzes the underlying basic German, European, and worldwide conditions that provide the setting for the production and promotion of biofuels. It is shown that the production of bio-ethanol in Germany is not competitive and that imports are likely to increase. Using energy and greenhouse-gas balances we then demonstrate that the promotion and a possible increased use of bio-ethanol to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions are economically inefficient and that there are preferred alternative strategies. In addition, scenarios of the future development of the bio-ethanol market are derived from a model that allows for variations in all decisive variables and reflects the entire production and trade chain of bio-ethanol, from the agricultural production of wheat and sugar beet to the consumption of bio-ethanol in the fuel sector. (author)

  16. Tax exemption for bio fuels in Germany: is bio-ethanol really an option for climate policy?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Henke, J.M.; Klepper, G. [Kiel Institute for World Economics, Kiel (Germany); Schmitz, N. [Meo Consulting Team, Koeln (Germany)


    In 2002 the German Parliament decided to exempt biofuels from the gasoline tax to increase their competitiveness compared to conventional gasoline. The policy to promote biofuels is being justified by their allegedly positive effects on climate, energy, and agricultural policy goals. An increased use of biofuels would contribute to sustainable development by reducing greenhouse-gas emissions and the use of non-renewable resources. The paper takes a closer look at bio-ethanol as a substitute for gasoline. It analyzes the underlying basic German, European, and worldwide conditions that provide the setting for the production and promotion of biofuels. It is shown that the production of bio-ethanol in Germany is not competitive and that imports are likely to increase. Using energy and greenhouse-gas balances we then demonstrate that the promotion and a possible increased use of bio-ethanol to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions are economically inefficient and that there are preferred alternative strategies. In addition, scenarios of the future development of the bio-ethanol market are derived from a model that allows for variations in all decisive variables and reflects the entire production and trade chain of bio-ethanol, from the agricultural production of wheat and sugar beet to the consumption of bio-ethanol in the fuel sector. (author)

  17. Algoritmos Evolutivos y su empleo en el ajuste de controladores del tipo PID: Estado Actual y Perspectivas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gilberto Reynoso-Meza


    Full Text Available Resumen: Los controladores PID continúan siendo una solución fiable, robusta, práctica y sencilla para el control de procesos. Actualmente constituyen la primera capa de control de la gran mayoría de las aplicaciones industriales. De ahí que un número importante de trabajos de investigación se han orientado a mejorar su rendimiento y prestaciones. Las líneas de investigación en este campo van desde nuevos métodos de ajuste, pasando por nuevos tipos de estructura hasta metodologías de diseño integrales. Particularizando en el ajuste de parámetros, una de las formas de obtener una solución novedosa consiste en plantear un problema de optimización, el cual puede llegar a ser no-lineal, no-convexo y con restricciones. Dado que los algoritmos evolutivos han mostrado un buen desempeño para solucionar problemas complejos de optimización, han sido utilizados en diversas propuestas relacionadas con el ajuste de controladores PID. Este trabajo muestra un revisión de estas propuestas y las prestaciones obtenidas en cada caso. Así mismo, se identifican algunas tendencias y posibles líneas de trabajo futuras. Abstract: PID controllers are a reliable, robust, practical and easy to implement control solution for industrial processes. They provide the first control layer for a vast majority of industrial applications. Owing to this, several researches invest time and resources to improve their performance. The research lines in this field scope with new tuning methods, new types of structures and integral design methods. For tuning methods, improvements could be fulfilled stating an optimization problem, which could be non-linear, non-convex and highly constrained. In such instances, evolutionary algorithms have shown a good performance and have been used in various proposals related with PID controllers tuning. This work shows a review of these proposals and the benefits obtained in each case. Some

  18. Uso de algoritmo de otimização na determinação de tipos de animal funcional Use of optimization algorithm for determining of animal functional types

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Eduardo Nogueira Martins


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o uso de algoritmo de otimização na determinação de tipos funcionais de animais da raça Braford para diferentes condições ambientais. Foram utilizados algoritmos específicos de otimização por meio do progama computacional SYNCSA, com o objetivo de determinar subconjuntos ótimos de atributos que definem diferentes tipos funcionais, tendo em vista a eficiência de utilização da pastagem pelos animais. Tais algoritmos estão fundamentados na definição de matrizes de incidência que relacionam as variáveis de interesse. No presente estudo, a matriz B definiu a relação animais x medidas corporais; a matriz W, a relação produtividade acumulada x graus de sangue; e a matriz E, a relação graus de sangue x ambientes (com e sem restrição alimentar. Os resultados mostraram a existência de três tipos funcionais: animais de maior estrutura corporal; animais de estrutura intermediária e animais com menor estrutura, com exceção do atributo largura do peito. Os animais de maior estrutura corporal obtiveram 30 e 47,7kg a mais de terneiros desmamados, no ambiente sem restrição alimentar, que os animais de estrutura corporal média e pequena, respectivamente. No ambiente com restrição alimentar, o tipo de animal de estrutura média apresentou melhor desempenho produtivo, sendo este 18,5 e 36,8% superior aos tipos de maior e menor estrutura corporal, respectivamente. Os resultados deste trabalho demonstram que o algoritmo criado para determinação de tipos funcionais pode ser utilizado na busca do melhor biótipo animal para os diferentes sistemas de produção.This study aimed to evaluate the use of optimization algorithm to determine functional types of animals Braford for different environmental conditions. We used specific optimization algorithms through the computer program SYNCSA in order to determine optimal subsets of attributes that define different functional types in view

  19. Hair flow sensors: from bio-inspiration to bio-mimicking—a review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tao, Junliang; Yu, Xiong


    A great many living beings, such as aquatics and arthropods, are equipped with highly sensitive flow sensors to help them survive in challenging environments. These sensors are excellent sources of inspiration for developing application-driven artificial flow sensors with high sensitivity and performance. This paper reviews the bio-inspirations on flow sensing in nature and the bio-mimicking efforts to emulate such sensing mechanisms in recent years. The natural flow sensing systems in aquatics and arthropods are reviewed to highlight inspirations at multiple levels such as morphology, sensing mechanism and information processing. Biomimetic hair flow sensors based on different sensing mechanisms and fabrication technologies are also reviewed to capture the recent accomplishments and to point out areas where further progress is necessary. Biomimetic flow sensors are still in their early stages. Further efforts are required to unveil the sensing mechanisms in the natural biological systems and to achieve multi-level bio-mimicking of the natural system to develop their artificial counterparts. (topical review)

  20. Green bio-oil extraction for oil crops (United States)

    Zainab, H.; Nurfatirah, N.; Norfaezah, A.; Othman, H.


    The move towards a green bio-oil extraction technique is highlighted in this paper. The commonly practised organic solvent oil extraction technique could be replaced with a modified microwave extraction. Jatropha seeds (Jatropha curcas) were used to extract bio-oil. Clean samples were heated in an oven at 110 ° C for 24 hours to remove moisture content and ground to obtain particle size smaller than 500μm. Extraction was carried out at different extraction times 15 min, 30 min, 45 min, 60 min and 120 min to determine oil yield. The biooil yield obtained from microwave assisted extraction system at 90 minutes was 36% while that from soxhlet extraction for 6 hours was 42%. Bio-oil extracted using the microwave assisted extraction (MAE) system could enhance yield of bio-oil compared to soxhlet extraction. The MAE extraction system is rapid using only water as solvent which is a nonhazardous, environment-friendly technique compared to soxhlet extraction (SE) method using hexane as solvent. Thus, this is a green technique of bio-oil extraction using only water as extractant. Bio-oil extraction from the pyrolysis of empty fruit bunch (EFB), a biomass waste from oil palm crop, was enhanced using a biocatalyst derived from seashell waste. Oil yield for non-catalytic extraction was 43.8% while addition of seashell based biocatalyst was 44.6%. Oil yield for non-catalytic extraction was 43.8% while with addition of seashell-based biocatalyst was 44.6%. The pH of bio-oil increased from 3.5 to 4.3. The viscosity of bio-oil obtained by catalytic means increased from 20.5 to 37.8 cP. A rapid and environment friendly extraction technique is preferable to enhance bio-oil yield. The microwave assisted approach is a green, rapid and environmental friendly extraction technique for the production of bio-oil bearing crops.

  1. Status and potential of bio-methane fuel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document first indicates and describes the various bio-methane production processes which can be implemented on a short term (use of organic wastes or effluents), on a medium term (from energetic crops) and on a longer term (gasification). It discusses and assesses the potential production of bio-methane fuel from different sources and processes. It describes the steps of the production of bio-methane fuel from biogas, with notably biogas refinement to produce bio-methane through three processes (de-carbonation, desulfurization, dehydration). Cost productions are assessed. Expected technology advances are evoked. Finally, the authors outline the contribution of bio-methane in the limitation of greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector

  2. Bio-Conjugates for Nanoscale Applications

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Villadsen, Klaus

    Bio-conjugates for Nanoscale Applications is the title of this thesis, which covers three different projects in chemical bio-conjugation research, namely synthesis and applications of: Lipidated fluorescent peptides, carbohydrate oxime-azide linkers and N-aryl O-R2 oxyamine derivatives. Lipidated...

  3. A new bio-active glass ceramic

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shamim, A.; Arif, I.; Suleman, M.; Hussain, K.; Shah, W.A.


    Since 1960 fine ceramics such as alumina have been used side by side with metallic materials for bone and joint replacement. They have high mechanical strength and are free from corrosion problem faced by metals. However they don't bond to the natural living bone and hence are called bio-inactive. This was followed by the development of bio-active glasses and glass-ceramics which bond to the natural bone but have low mechanical strength. In the present work a new bio-active glass-ceramic, based on CaO-SiO/sub 2/-P/sub 2/O/sub 3/-MgO composition, has been developed which has mechanical strength compared to that of a bio-inactive glass ceramic and also bonds strongly to the natural bone. X-ray diffraction analysis reveals wollastanite and apatite phases in the glass ceramic. A new bio-active cement has also been developed which can be used to join broken pieces of bone or by itself at a filler. (author)

  4. Bio-MTBE. A new option to fulfil biofuel quota for gasoline; Bio-MTBE. Eine neue Option zur Erfuellung der Biokraftstoffquote in Ottokraftstoffen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Busch, Oliver M.; Schade, Arnd; Locher, Annette [Evonik Industries AG, Essen (Germany)


    To meet the legally required bio-fuel quota in gasoline, an alternative to the ethanol blend E10 is nowavailable for nearly one year. Evonik Industries has introduced a bio-version of methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), an anti-knock agent, on the market. Chemically, both products are identical, because in production methanol is exchanged for bio-methanol. Bio-methanol is produced from raw glycerine, which arises as a byproduct from biodiesel production. This makes bio-MTBE an ideal bio-fuel component as defined by the EU's Renewable Energy Directive: Fuel components made from waste and residues are ''double counted'' regarding their bio-energy content. The product is widely used in the German and Dutch markets. In both countries, bio- MTBE is legally recognized as a bio-fuel component fulfilling double counting requirements. In the meantime, also other European countries have been introducing double counting for second-generation biofuel components. The EU Commission proposed to allow components based on residual materials to be calculated fourfold in the future. Should this be the case, bio-MTBE would become significantly more valuable. (orig.)

  5. Computing Pathways in Bio-Models Derived from Bio-Science Text Sources

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andreasen, Troels; Bulskov, Henrik; Nilsson, Jørgen Fischer


    This paper outlines a system, OntoScape, serving to accomplish complex inference tasks on knowledge bases and bio-models derived from life-science text corpora. The system applies so-called natural logic, a form of logic which is readable for humans. This logic affords ontological representations...... of complex terms appearing in the text sources. Along with logical propositions, the system applies a semantic graph representation facilitating calculation of bio-pathways. More generally, the system aords means of query answering appealing to general and domain specic inference rules....

  6. The potential of activated carbon derived from bio-char waste of bio-oil pyrolysis as adsorbent

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zulkania Ariany


    Full Text Available Activated carbon from bio-char waste of bio oil pyrolysis of mixed sugarcane bagasse and Rambutan twigs was investigated. Bio-char as by-product of bio-oil pyrolysis has potential to be good adsorbed by activating process. Bio-chars waste was activated in fixed bed reactor inside furnace without presenting oxygen. Gas N2 and CO2 were employed to drive out oxygen from the reactor and as activator, respectively. One of the best activation treatments is achieved by performing activation in different temperature and time to produce standard activated carbon. The experiment was performed at different temperatures and activation time, i.e. 800, 850, and 900° C and 80 and 120 minutes, respectively, to determine the optimal operating condition. Activated carbon was characterized by analysis of moisture content, ash content pH, and methylene blue test. The results showed that optimum activation was at 850°C and 80 minute, where activated carbon produced indicated the best adsorption capacity. The ash content and pH had significant role in resulting good activated carbon.

  7. BioSentinel (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The Advanced Exploration Systems' (AES) BioSentinel project will develop, prototype, integrate, test, and prepare for the first spaceflight mission of a broadly...

  8. Sustainable bio-based materials: opportunities and challenges

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Meer, Yvonne


    Research in the area of bio-based materials aims to achieve breakthroughs in bio-based materials development. A novel way is presented to organise bio-based materials research with a value chain approach in which sustainability research is integrated in the research program. This research approach

  9. Algoritmo con mínimo almacenamiento de memoria para el cálculo de caída de tensión en redes de distribución


    Sánchez Miño, Santiago; Ruiz Ruiz, Raúl A.


    El presente trabajo describe algunas técnicas de mínimo almacenamiento de matrices porosas. Se hace un análisis de las ventajas de uno de estos algoritmos sobre los métodos tradicionales que utilizan técnicas matriciales para resolver las redes de sistemas de energía eléctrica. Finalmente, se describe los programas de computación para aplicar el método de mínimo almacenamiento en el cálculo de la caída de tensión en redes de distribución.

  10. El algoritmo de la transferencia como antecesor del discurso del amo. // The algorithm of transference as a predecessor of the master`s discourse.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexander Cruz Aponasenko.


    Full Text Available This work establishes the counter argument between Lacan’s elaboration discussed in the Proposition of October 9 on the Psychoanalyst of the School, regarding the transference, and the quadripode called “master’s discourse”, delivered in the 1969-1970 seminar. In the “Proposition”, Lacan shows a formula commonly known as “algorithm of transference”, which formalizes the opening to the unconscious through the transference signifier operation and allows the possibility of the analytical work by the installation of the subject-supposed-to-know. We will see how this algorithm precedes the master’s discourse or the discourse of the unconscious. Thus we are going to establish a directionality in the analytical cure by observing the reversal of the master’s discourse that is the discourse of the analyst. // El trabajo establece un contrapunto entre la elaboración de Lacan presentada en la proposición del 9 de octubre sobre el psicoanalista de la escuela, en relación a la transferencia, y el cuadrípodo denominado "discurso del amo", presentado en el seminario del año 1969-1970. En la “proposición” Lacan presenta una fórmula conocida coloquialmente como "algoritmo de la transferencia", que permite formalizar la apertura al inconsciente mediante la operación del significante de la transferencia y producir allí la posibilidad del trabajo analítico vía la instalación del sujeto supuesto saber. Veremos cómo este algoritmo antecede al discurso del amo o discurso del inconsciente. Esto nos permitirá establecer una direccionalidad en la cura analítica observando la inversión del discurso del amo que es el discurso del analista.

  11. Predicción de la generación interna volumétrica de calor y la capacidad calorífica durante un tratamiento electromagnético del material usando algoritmos híbridos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edgar García-Morantes


    Full Text Available Este trabajo considera la estimación de la generación interna volumétrica de calor y la capacidad calorífica de una muestra esférica sólida calentada por un campo electromagnético homogéneo variante en el tiempo. Para tal fin, la estrategia numérica soluciona el correspondiente problema inverso. Tres formas funcionales (lineal, senoidal y exponencial para el campo electromagnético fueron considerados. Ruido blanco fue agregado al perfil de temperatura teórica (i.e. la solución del problema directo para simular una situación más realística. La temperatura se pretendió que fuera leída por cuatro sensores. El problema inverso fue solucionado a través de tres diferentes enfoques: usando un optimizador tradicional, usando técnicas modernas y usando una mezcla de ambos. En el primer caso, usamos un algoritmo determinístico tradicional como lo es el de Levenberg-Marquardt (LM. En el segundo, consideramos tres metaheurísticos estocásticos: El Algoritmo de optimización de la espiral (SOA, la Búsqueda en vórtice (VS, y el método de atracción ponderada (WAM. Para el caso final, proponemos híbridos entre el LM y los algoritmos metahehurísticos. Los resultados muestran que LM converge a la solución esperada solo si las condiciones iniciales (IC están dentro de un rango limitado. Por otra parte, los metaheurísticos convergen en un amplio rango de IC pero muestra baja precisión. Los enfoques híbridos convergen y mejoran la precisión obtenida con los metaheurísticos. La diferencia entre los valores esperados y obtenidos, así como, los errores RMS son reportados y comparados para los tres métodos.

  12. 3D Bio-Printing Review (United States)

    Du, Xianbin


    Ultimate goal of tissue engineering is to replace pathological or necrotic body tissue or organ by artificial tissue or organ and tissue engineering is a very promising research field. 3D bio-printing is a kind of emerging technologies and a branch of tissue engineering. It has made significant progress in the past decade. 3D bio-printing can realize tissue and organ construction in vitro and has wide application in basic research and pharmacy. This paper is to make an analysis and review on 3D bio-printing from the perspectives of bioink, printing technology and technology application.

  13. Bio fuels. Environment and Energy Aspects and Future Prospects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chiaramonti, D.; Grassi, G.; Tondi, G.; Martelli, F.


    The present work aims at describing some of the most important bio fuels (bio diesel, bio methanol, bi oethanol, bio-crude-oil). Environmental effects are also presented, as well as some cost data. Europe and USA are compared, when appropriate. The motivations for a justified and beneficial market penetration of bio fuels in urban areas are reported [it

  14. Bio-SimVerb and Bio-SimLex: wide-coverage evaluation sets of word similarity in biomedicine. (United States)

    Chiu, Billy; Pyysalo, Sampo; Vulić, Ivan; Korhonen, Anna


    Word representations support a variety of Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. The quality of these representations is typically assessed by comparing the distances in the induced vector spaces against human similarity judgements. Whereas comprehensive evaluation resources have recently been developed for the general domain, similar resources for biomedicine currently suffer from the lack of coverage, both in terms of word types included and with respect to the semantic distinctions. Notably, verbs have been excluded, although they are essential for the interpretation of biomedical language. Further, current resources do not discern between semantic similarity and semantic relatedness, although this has been proven as an important predictor of the usefulness of word representations and their performance in downstream applications. We present two novel comprehensive resources targeting the evaluation of word representations in biomedicine. These resources, Bio-SimVerb and Bio-SimLex, address the previously mentioned problems, and can be used for evaluations of verb and noun representations respectively. In our experiments, we have computed the Pearson's correlation between performances on intrinsic and extrinsic tasks using twelve popular state-of-the-art representation models (e.g. word2vec models). The intrinsic-extrinsic correlations using our datasets are notably higher than with previous intrinsic evaluation benchmarks such as UMNSRS and MayoSRS. In addition, when evaluating representation models for their abilities to capture verb and noun semantics individually, we show a considerable variation between performances across all models. Bio-SimVerb and Bio-SimLex enable intrinsic evaluation of word representations. This evaluation can serve as a predictor of performance on various downstream tasks in the biomedical domain. The results on Bio-SimVerb and Bio-SimLex using standard word representation models highlight the importance of developing dedicated

  15. Comparación de algoritmos basados en la criptografía simétrica DES, AES y 3DES

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    Yuri Tatiana Medina Vargas


    Full Text Available RESUMEN La seguridad es uno los aspectos más desafiantes de la internet y las aplicaciones de red. Las cuales están creciendo muy rápido, por lo que la importancia y el valor de los datos intercambiados a través de Internet u otros tipos de medios están aumentando. De ahí la búsqueda de la mejor solución para ofrecer la protección necesaria contra ataques de intrusos a nuestros datos, junto con la prestación de estos servicios en el tiempo es uno de los temas más interesantes en las comunidades relacionadas con la seguridad. La criptografía es la una de las principales categorías de la seguridad informática que convierte la información de su forma normal en un formato ilegible. Las dos características principales que identifican y diferencian algoritmo de cifrado uno de otro son su capacidad para asegurar los datos protegidos contra ataques y su velocidad y eficiencia en hacerlo. Este artículo ofrece una comparación equitativa de tres algoritmos de criptografía de clave simétrica más comunes: DES, AES y 3DES. ABSTRACT Security is one of the most challenging aspects of the internet and network applications. Which are growing very quickly, so that the importance and value of the data exchanged via the Internet or other media types are increasing. Hence the search for the best solution to provide the necessary protection against attacks by intruders to our data, together with the provision of these services in the time it is one of the most interesting topics in the communities related to security. Cryptography is the one of the major categories of computer security that converts the information from its normal form in an unreadable format the two main characteristics that identify and differentiat encryption algorithm from one another are its ability to ensure the data protected against attacks and their speed and efficiency to do so. This article provides a fair comparison of three algorithms for symmetric key cryptography

  16. Development and characterization of a new bio-nanocomposite (bio-NCP) for diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martins, Murillo L., E-mail: [Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, DK-2100 Copenhagen (Denmark); Instituto de Biociências – Universidade Estadual Paulista – CP 510, 18618-970 Botucatu, SP (Brazil); Saeki, Margarida Juri [Instituto de Biociências – Universidade Estadual Paulista – CP 510, 18618-970 Botucatu, SP (Brazil); Telling, Mark T.F. [ISIS, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot OX11 OQX (United Kingdom); Department of Materials, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford (United Kingdom); Parra, Joao P.R.L.L. [Instituto de Biociências – Universidade Estadual Paulista – CP 510, 18618-970 Botucatu, SP (Brazil); Landsgesell, Sven [Helmholtz–Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, Hahn-Meitner Platz 1, D-14109 Berlin (Germany); Smith, Ron I. [ISIS, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot OX11 OQX (United Kingdom); Bordallo, Heloisa N. [Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, DK-2100 Copenhagen (Denmark)


    Highlights: • We synthesized a magnetic bio-NCP with potential to be used against breast cancer. • The magnetic nanoparticles have an inverted spinel structure. • The coating with chitosan does not cause changes to the particle microstructure. • The hydration level of bio-NCP is crucial to the surface modification with apatite. • Bio-NCP with narrow size distribution and high magnetic response was obtained. -- Abstract: Breast cancer is a public health problem throughout the world. Moreover, breast cancer cells have a great affinity for hydroxyapatite, leading to a high occurrence of bone metastasis. In this work we developed a bio-nanocomposite (bio-NCP) in order to use such affinity in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. The bio-NCP consists of magnetic nanoparticles of Mn and Zn ferrite inside a polymeric coating (chitosan) modified with nanocrystals of apatite. The materials were characterized with synchrotron X-ray Powder Diffraction (XPD), Time-of-Flight Neutron Powder Diffraction (NPD), Fourier Transformed Infra-red Spectroscopy (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and magnetic measurement with a Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS). We obtained ferrite nanoparticles with a high inversion degree of the spinel structure regarding the Fe and Mn, but with all the Zn in the A site. The coating of such nanoparticles with chitosan had no notable effects to the ferrite microstructure. In addition, the polymeric surface can be easily modified with apatite nanocrystals since the hydration of the bio-NCP during synthesis can be controlled. The resulting bio-NCP presents a spherical shape with a narrow size distribution and high magnetic response at room temperature and is a very promising material for early diagnosis of breast cancer and its treatment.

  17. Un algoritmo genético para el problema de Job Shop Flexible A genetic algorithm for the Flexible Job Shop problem

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosa Medina Durán


    Full Text Available En este estudio se propone e implementa computacionalmente un algoritmo genético secuencial para resolver el problema del Job Shop Flexible (existente en la Gestión de Operaciones, el cual es parte de la familia de los problemas de programación de tareas o trabajos (Scheduling en un taller que funciona a pedido. Surge como una generalización del problema del Job Shop y permite optimizar el uso de los recursos (máquinas con mayor flexibilidad, ya que cada máquina puede realizar más de una operación. Este problema ha sido estudiado por numerosos autores, los que han propuesto diversos modelos matemáticos y enfoques heurísticos. Debido a la naturaleza combinatoria, los métodos exactos que resuelven modelos matemáticos encuentran soluciones sólo para instancias pequeñas o simples del problema mencionado. Los resultados muestran la efectividad del algoritmo propuesto para entregar buenas soluciones en tiempos computacionales razonables en más de 130 instancias encontradas en la literatura.This study proposes and computationally implements a sequential genetic algorithm to solve the Flexible Job Shop problem (found in Operations Management, which is part of the family of job or task scheduling problems in a shop that works on demand. It is a generalization of the Job Shop problem, and allows optimizing the use of resources (machines in the shop, with greater flexibility, since each machine can perform more than one operation. This problem has been studied by many authors, who have proposed various mathematical models and heuristic approaches. Due to the combinatorial nature of the problem, the exact methods that solve the mathematical models are often solutions for small and simple instances of the problem. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm to provide good solutions in reasonable computational times in over 130 instances found in the literatura.

  18. BioSystems (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The NCBI BioSystems Database provides integrated access to biological systems and their component genes, proteins, and small molecules, as well as literature...

  19. A bio-energy plant in your neighborhood. Answers to your questions; Een bio-energiecentrale bij u in de buurt. Antwoorden op uw vragen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This brochure is intended for municipalities and initiators and discusses the following subjects: What is a bio-energy plant?; How large is a bio-energy plant?; What do you see?; Renewable energy: clean and always available; Bio-energy: what is it? [mk]. [Dutch] De brochure is bedoeld voor gemeenten en initiatiefnemers en behandelt de volgende onderwerpen: Wat is een bio-energiecentrale?; Hoe groot is een bio-energiecentrale?; Wat neem je waar?; Duurzame energie: schoon en altijd aanwezig; Bio-energie: wat is dat?.

  20. ¿Es la ciudad de México policéntrica? Nuevos datos y algoritmos para la detección de centralidades urbanas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Alberto Montejano-Escamilla


    Full Text Available Con la emergencia de nuevos algoritmos para el análisis de redes y la aparición de bases de datos económicas desagregadas a nivel de unidad, se plantea un método distinto a los anteriormente reportados en la literatura especializada para detectar centralidades urbanas. La primera parte define la centralidad urbana y presenta una disertación teórica sobre la condición policéntrica. Posteriormente, se muestran los métodos anteriormente usados para la medición de las centralidades y se describen las nuevas herramientas empleadas en esta investigación. Finalmente, se presentan algunos resultados de este método aplicado como caso de estudio en la ciudad de México.

  1. Bio-fuels of the first generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    After having briefly recalled the objective of use of renewable energies and the role bio-fuels may play, this publication briefly presents various bio-fuels: bio-diesel (from colza, soybean or sunflower oil), and ethanol (from beet, sugar cane, wheat or corn). Some key data regarding bio-fuel production and use in France are briefly commented. The publication outlines strengths (a positive energy assessment, a decreased dependency on imported fossil fuels and a higher supply safety, a diversification of agriculture revenues and prospects, a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions) and weaknesses (uncertainty regarding the evolution of soil use, an environmental impact related to farming methods) of this sector. Actions undertaken by the ADEME in collaboration with other agencies and institutions are briefly overviewed

  2. Bio-methane. Challenges and technical solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blaisonneau, Laurent; Carlu, Elieta; Feuillette, Vincent


    Among the new energy sectors in development, biogas has many benefits: several valorization possibilities (bio-methane, electricity and heat), continuous production, easy storage. In Europe, and particularly in France, the bio-methane market will be in the next years a driver for the improvement of the economic, environmental and social performance of the actors of the value chain of biogas. ENEA releases a report on the current state of the bio-methane market in Europe. This publication mainly describes: An outlook of the market evolution and the corresponding stakes for the actors of this sector, the technical and economic characteristics, maturity level and specificities of each biogas upgrading process, An analysis of the French regulatory framework for bio-methane injection into the grid

  3. Comparación de algoritmos numéricos en problemas de lubricación hidrodinámica con cavitación en dimensión uno


    Durany, José; Calvo, N.; Vázquez Hurtado, Carlos


    En este trabajo se analizan algunos algoritmos numéricos para problemas matem,áticos unidimensionales de frontera libre que aparecen en la lubricación hidrodinámica de dispositivos eje-cojinete. Los modelos matemáticos de estos problemas de la mecánica de fluidos en capas delgadas se basan en la ecuación de Reynolds, acompañada de ciertas condiciones que tienen en cuenta los fenómenos de cavitación. En este sentido, se compara el modelo de cavitación de Elrod-Adams y el modelo de cavitación d...

  4. Estudio comparativo sobre la aplicación de los algoritmos PSO y SQP en la optimización de pórticos planos de concreto armado


    Lapadula Sequera, Víctor Antonio


    Esta investigación presenta la comparación de las técnicas SQP (Sequential Cuadratic Programming) y PSO (Particle Swarm optimization) al ser aplicadas al problema de optimización de pórticos planos de concreto armado. El SQP y el PSO son algoritmos de optimización provenientes de filosofías diferentes. El primero es una técnica clásica basada en cálculo diferencial, mientras que el segundo es una meta-heurística inspirada en comportamientos observados en la naturaleza. Como función objetivo d...

  5. Bio-fuels - biohazard

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Slovak, K.


    Politicians have a clear explanation for growing commodity prices. It is all the fault of speculators. It is easy to point the finger at an imaginary enemy. It is more difficult and from the point of view of a political career suicidal to admit one's mistakes. And there are reasons for remorse. According to studies prepared by the OECD and the World Bank bio-fuels are to be blame for high food prices. The bio-fuel boom that increases the demand for agro-commodities has been created by politicians offering generous subsidies. And so farming products do not end up on the table, but in the fuel tanks of cars in the form of additives. And their only efficiency is that they make food more expensive. The first relevant indication that environmentalist tendencies in global politics have resulted in shortages and food price increases can be found in a confidential report prepared by the World Bank. Parts of the report were leaked to the media last month. According to this information growing bio-fuel production has resulted in a food price increase by 75%. The theory that this development was caused by speculators and Chinese and Indian demand received a serious blow. And the OECD report definitely contradicted the excuse used by the politicians. According to the report one of the main reasons for growing food prices are generously subsidized bio-fuels. Their share of the increase of demand for agro-commodities in 2005 -2007 was 60% according to the study. (author)

  6. Bio-mimetic Flow Control (United States)

    Choi, Haecheon


    Bio-mimetic engineering or bio-mimetics is the application of biological methods and systems found in nature to the study and design of engineering systems and modern technology (from Wikipedia). The concept itself is old, but successful developments have been made recently, especially in the research field of flow control. The objective of flow control based on the bio-mimetic approach is to develop novel concepts for reducing drag, increasing lift and enhancing aerodynamic performance. For skin friction reduction, a few ideas have been suggested such as the riblet from shark, compliant surface from dolphin, microbubble injection and multiple front-body curvature from penguin, and V-shaped protrusion from sailfish. For form drag reduction, several new attempts have been also made recently. Examples include the V-shaped spanwise grooves from saguaro cactus, overall shape of box fish, longitudinal grooves on scallop shell, bill of swordfish, hooked comb on owl wing, trailing-edge protrusion on dragonfly wing, and fillet. For the enhancement of aerodynamic performance, focuses have been made on the birds, fish and insects: e.g., double layered feather of landing bird, leading-edge serration of humpback-whale flipper, pectoral fin of flying fish, long tail on swallowtail-butterfly wing, wing flapping motion of dragonfly, and alula in birds. Living animals adapt their bodies to better performance in multi purposes, but engineering requires single purpose in most cases. Therefore, bio-mimetic approaches often produce excellent results more than expected. However, they are sometimes based on people's wrong understanding of nature and produce unwanted results. Successes and failures from bio-mimetic approaches in flow control will be discussed in the presentation.

  7. Development of production technology for bio diesel fuel and feasibility test of bio diesel engine (II)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Na, Y J; Ju, U S; Park, Y C [National Kyung Sang University (Korea, Republic of)


    At the beginning of the 21 st century two urgent tasks which our global countries would face with could be the security of the alternative energy source as a preparation against the fossil energy exhaustion and the development of the clean energy source to protect the environment from pollution. The above two problems should be solved together. The bio diesel oil which is made by methylesterfication of bio oil has very low sulfur content than does the diesel oil. Therefore, there is a great possibility to solve the pollution problem caused by the exhaust gas from diesel engine vehicles. So, bio oil has been attracted with attentions as an alternative and clean energy source. Advanced countries began early to develop the bio diesel oil suitable to their respective conditions. Recently their production stage have reached to the commercial level partially. The sudden increase of energy demand followed by a rapid growth of industry and the serious situation about the environmental pollution caused by the exhaust has from diesel engine vehicles occupying 42% of distribution among all vehicles have called attention of our government to consider the importance of alternative and clean energy sources for the future on the national scale. This study is consisted of three main parts; - The development of production technology for bio diesel oil. - The development of the atomization improvement method and nozzle for high viscous vegetable oils. - Feasibility test of bio diesel engine. (author) 119 refs., 52 tabs., 88 figs.

  8. Bio-oil production from cotton stalk

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zheng Jilu; Yi Weiming; Wang Nana


    Cotton stalk was fast pyrolyzed at temperatures between 480 deg. C and 530 deg. C in a fluidized bed, and the main product of bio-oil is obtained. The experimental result shows that the highest bio-oil yield of 55 wt% was obtained at 510 deg. C for cotton stalk. The chemical composition of the bio-oil acquired was analyzed by GC-MS, and its heat value, stability, miscibility and corrosion characteristics were determined. These results showed that the bio-oil obtained can be directly used as a fuel oil for combustion in a boiler or a furnace without any upgrading. Alternatively, the fuel can be refined to be used by vehicles. Furthermore, the energy performance of the pyrolysis process was analyzed. In the pyrolysis system used in our experiment, some improvements to former pyrolysis systems are done. Two screw feeders were used to prevent jamming the feeding system, and the condenser is equipped with some nozzles and a heat exchanger to cool quickly the cleaned hot gas into bio-oil

  9. BioProject (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The BioProject database provides an organizational framework to access information about research projects with links to data that have been or will be deposited...

  10. Bio-Based Polymers with Potential for Biodegradability

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas F. Garrison


    Full Text Available A variety of renewable starting materials, such as sugars and polysaccharides, vegetable oils, lignin, pine resin derivatives, and proteins, have so far been investigated for the preparation of bio-based polymers. Among the various sources of bio-based feedstock, vegetable oils are one of the most widely used starting materials in the polymer industry due to their easy availability, low toxicity, and relative low cost. Another bio-based plastic of great interest is poly(lactic acid (PLA, widely used in multiple commercial applications nowadays. There is an intrinsic expectation that bio-based polymers are also biodegradable, but in reality there is no guarantee that polymers prepared from biorenewable feedstock exhibit significant or relevant biodegradability. Biodegradability studies are therefore crucial in order to assess the long-term environmental impact of such materials. This review presents a brief overview of the different classes of bio-based polymers, with a strong focus on vegetable oil-derived resins and PLA. An entire section is dedicated to a discussion of the literature addressing the biodegradability of bio-based polymers.

  11. The environmentally friendly technology for bio fuel production

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bekers, M.; Danilevics, A.; Guriniece, E.; Gulbis, V.


    Full text: Bio fuel production and use have been discussed this time in EC and in Latvia as alternative energy sources. The national resources allow producing liquid fuels - bio diesel and bi oethanol from rape seeds and grain correspondingly. Liquid bio fuels can be recommended especially for auto transport in big towns to reduce the pollution of air. A system for environmentally friendly production of bio fuel from agricultural raw materials has been developed, which permit a complex utilization of byproducts an wastes for obtaining of valuable food-stuffs and industrial products, providing the agricultural production requirements and supporting with local mineral fertilizers. Such a bio fuel production includes the agricultural and industrial productions in a united biotechnological system. Production objects of system interact: the products, by-products and wastes from one object are used as raw materials, auxiliary materials or heat carriers in other system's objects. This integrated agro-industrial production system would allow the production of feeds and chemical products, along with bio fuels. In this work, a model of a system for a conventional administrative rural region is presented, exemplified with the case of Latvia. The model is developed for three forms of bio fuel production, i.e. ethanol, bio diesel and biogas as local energy source. Bio diesel is produced using ethanol as transesterifying agent of rape-seed oil fatty acids. This bio diesel is a blend of rape-seed oil fatty acid ethyl esters (REE) and consists solely from renewable raw materials. The capacity of distillery of system is 40 million litters per year and bio diesel 35000 ton. Important for agriculture is protein reach press cakes the byproduct from bio diesel production (66000 t/y). This byproduct can be exported as well. Biogas reactors of system can be used for utilization of wastes from town if necessary. Recommended bio system occupates up to 150.000 ha of agriculture lands

  12. Past, Present, and Future Production of Bio-oil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Steele, Philip; Yu, Fei; Gajjela, Sanjeev


    Bio-oil is a liquid product produced by fast pyrol-ysis of biomass. The fast pyrolysis is performed by heating the biomass rapidly (2 sec) at temperatures ranging from 350 to 650 oC. The vapors produced by this rapid heating are then condensed to produce a dark brown water-based emulsion composed of frag-ments of the original hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin molecules contained in the biomass. Yields range from 60 to 75% based on the feedstock type and the pyrolysis reactor employed. The bio-oil pro-duced by this process has a number of negative prop-erties that are produced mainly by the high oxygen content (40 to 50%) contributed by that contained in water (25 to 30% of total mass) and oxygenated compounds. Each bio-oil contains hundreds of chemi-cal compounds. The chemical composition of bio-oil renders it a very recalcitrant chemical compound. To date, the difficulties in utilizing bio-oil have limited its commercial development to the production of liq-uid smoke as food flavoring. Practitioners have at-tempted to utilize raw bio-oil as a fuel; they have also applied many techniques to upgrade bio-oil to a fuel. Attempts to utilize raw bio-oil as a combustion engine fuel have resulted in engine or turbine dam-age; however, Stirling engines have been shown to successfully combust raw bio-oil without damage. Utilization of raw bio-oil as a boiler fuel has met with more success and an ASTM standard has recently been released describing bio-oil characteristics in relation to assigned fuel grades. However, commercialization has been slow to follow and no reports of distribution of these bio-oil boiler fuels have been reported. Co-feeding raw bio-oil with coal has been successfully performed but no current power generation facilities are following this practice. Upgrading of bio-oils to hydrocarbons via hydroprocessing is being performed by several organizations. Currently, limited catalyst life is the obstacle to commercialization of this tech-nology. Researchers

  13. Bio-flex obtained from pyrolysis of biomass as fuel; Bio-flex obtido da pirolise de biomassa como combustivel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mesa Perez, Juan Miguel; Viltre Rodriguez, Roberto Alfonso; Marin Mesa, Henry Ramon [Bioware Tecnologia, Campinas, SP (Brazil); Rocha, Jose Dilcio [Universidade Estadual de Campinas (NIPE/UNICAMP), SP (Brazil). Nucleo Interdisciplinar de Planejamento Energetico; Samaniego, Manuel Raul Pelaez [Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), SP (Brazil). Planejamento de Sistemas Energeticos; Cortez, Luis Augusto Barbosa [Universidade Estadual de Campinas (FEAGRI/UNICAMP), SP (Brazil). Fac. de Engenharia Agricola


    This paper describes the BIOWARE experience in the bio fuel production from biomass residues. Fast pyrolysis of a mixture of sugar cane trash and elephant grass carried out in a fluidized bed reactor with capacity of 200 kg/h dry feed (12% w/w). The co-products particulate charcoal, acid extract, and bio-oil were obtained. The fast pyrolysis pilot plant PPR-200 belonged to UNICAMP and is operated by BIOWARE personnel. This paper presents the chemical rote to bio-flex production (a kind of bio diesel from acid esterification) from pyrolytic carboxylic acids. Both ethanol and methanol were used as reactant but higher yields were found with methanol. (author)

  14. Un Algoritmo de Estimación de Distribuciones copulado con la Distribución Generalizada de Mallows para el Problema de Ruteo de Autobuses Escolares con Selección de Paradas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ricardo Pérez-Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Resumen: Aunque los algoritmos de estimación de distribuciones fueron originalmente diseñados para resolver problemas con dominio de valores reales o enteros, en esta contribución se utilizan para la resolución de un problema basado en permutaciones. El ruteo de autobuses escolares con selección de paradas es resuelto utilizando la distribución generalizada de Mallows como un intento para describir y obtener una distribución de probabilidad explicita sobre un conjunto de rutas de autobuses escolares. Además, un operador de mutación es considerado para mejorar la estimación de la permutación central, un parámetro de la distribución de Mallows. Diferentes y diversas instancias sirvieron como parámetro de entrada y prueba para mostrar que problemas basados en permutaciones tales como el ruteo de autobuses escolares con selección de paradas pueden ser resueltos por medio de un modelo de probabilidad, y mejorar la estimación de la permutación central ayuda al desempeño del algoritmo. Abstract: Although the estimation of distribution algorithms were originally designed for solving integer or real-valued domains, this contribution applies the algorithms mentioned to deal with a permutation-based problem, called school bus routing problem with bus stop selection, using the generalized Mallows distribution as an attempt to describe and obtain an explicit probability distribution over a set of school bus routes. In addition, a mutation operator is considered for improving the estimation of the central permutation, a parameter of the Mallows distribution. Different and diverse instances served as input and test parameters in order to show that permutation-based optimization problems such as the school bus routing problem with bus stop selection can be solved by means of a probability model, and improving the estimation of the central permutation helps the performance of the algorithm. Palabras clave: Algoritmo de estimación de


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    César A Sánchez


    Full Text Available Se presenta un método de solución etapa a etapa para el conjunto de ecuaciones de balance de masa, relaciones de equilibrio, suma de composiciones y entalpía (MESH, mass equilibrium sum enthalpy que representan el modelo de equilibrio para un arreglo a contracorriente de etapas de extracción en fase líquida. El fundamento teórico se encuentra en la termodinámica: equilibrio líquido-líquido, flash isotérmico y flash adiabático. El algoritmo supera los alcances de los métodos gráficos e isotérmicos típicos en el estudio de los procesos de extracción y es aplicable a situaciones adicionales muy comunes: transferencia de calor en las etapas, etapas adiabáticas, temperaturas diferentes para los flujos de alimentación y solvente. El algoritmo se ilustra en tres ejemplos, los dos primeros en operación isotérmica con tres componentes (agua, ácido acético y acetato de butilo y diez etapas, y un tercero más elaborado que involucra transferencia de calor con cuatro componentes (agua, ácido acético, butanol y acetato de butilo y quince etapas.Apresenta-se um método de solução etapa a etapa para o conjunto de equações de balanço de massa, relações de equilíbrio, soma de composições e entalpia (MESH mass equilibrium sum enthalpy que representam o modelo de equilíbrio para um arranjo en contracorrente de períodos de extração em fase líquida. O fundamento teórico se encontra na termodinâmica: equilíbrio líquido-líquido, flash isotérmico e flash adiabático. O algoritmo supera os alcances dos métodos gráficos e isotérmicos típicos no estudo dos processos de extração e é aplicável a situações adicionais muito comuns: transferência de calor nas etapas, etapas adiabáticas, temperaturas diferentes para os fluxos de alimentação e solvente. O algoritmo se ilustra em três exemplos, os dois primeiros em operação isotérmica com três componentes (água, ácido acético e acetato de butila e dez etapas, e um

  16. BioSig - An application of Octave


    Schlögl, Alois


    BioSig is an open source software library for biomedical signal processing. Most users in the field are using Matlab; however, significant effort was undertaken to provide compatibility to Octave, too. This effort has been widely successful, only some non-critical components relying on a graphical user interface are missing. Now, installing BioSig on Octave is as easy as on Matlab. Moreover, a benchmark test based on BioSig has been developed and the benchmark results of several platforms are...

  17. Recycling used palm oil and used engine oil to produce white bio oil, bio petroleum diesel and heavy fuel (United States)

    Al-abbas, Mustafa Hamid; Ibrahim, Wan Aini Wan; Sanagi, Mohd. Marsin


    Recycling waste materials produced in our daily life is considered as an additional resource of a wide range of materials and it conserves the environment. Used engine oil and used cooking oil are two oils disposed off in large quantities as a by-product of our daily life. This study aims at providing white bio oil, bio petroleum diesel and heavy fuel from the disposed oils. Toxic organic materials suspected to be present in the used engine oil were separated using vacuum column chromatography to reduce the time needed for the separation process and to avoid solvent usage. The compounds separated were detected by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and found to contain toxic aromatic carboxylic acids. Used cooking oils (thermally cracked from usage) were collected and separated by vacuum column chromatography. White bio oil produced was examined by GC-MS. The white bio oil consists of non-toxic hydrocarbons and is found to be a good alternative to white mineral oil which is significantly used in food industry, cosmetics and drugs with the risk of containing polycyclic aromatic compounds which are carcinogenic and toxic. Different portions of the used cooking oil and used engine were mixed to produce several blends for use as heavy oil fuels. White bio oil was used to produce bio petroleum diesel by blending it with petroleum diesel and kerosene. The bio petroleum diesel produced passed the PETRONAS flash point and viscosity specification test. The heat of combustion of the two blends of heavy fuel produced was measured and one of the blends was burned to demonstrate its burning ability. Higher heat of combustion was obtained from the blend containing greater proportion of used engine oil. This study has provided a successful recycled alternative for white bio oil, bio petroleum fuel and diesel which can be an energy source.

  18. Core ethical values: EuropaBio. (United States)


    EuropaBio, the European Association for BioIndustries, represents 40 companies operating world wide and 14 national association (totaling around 600 small and medium-sized enterprises) involved in the research, development, testing, manufacturing, marketing, sales and distribution of biotechnology products and services in the fields of healthcare, agriculture, food and the environment.

  19. Bio-Research: About this journal

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Bio-Research: About this journal. Journal Home > Bio-Research: About this journal. Log in or Register to get access to full text downloads. Username, Password, Remember me, or Register · Journal Home · ABOUT THIS JOURNAL · Advanced Search · Current Issue · Archives. People. » Contact. Policies. » Focus and ...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hugo Andrés Ruiz


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta un método para resolver el problema de estimación de estado en sistemas eléctricos usando optimización combinatoria. Su objetivo es el estudio de mediciones con errores de difícil detección, que afectan el desempeño y calidad de los resultados cuando se emplea un estimador de estado clásico. Dada su complejidad matemática, se deducen indicadores de sensibilidad de la teoría de puntos de apalancamiento que se usan en el algoritmo de optimización de Chu-Beasley, con el fin de disminuir el esfuerzo computacional y mejorar la calidad de los resultados. El método propuesto se valida en un sistema IEEE de 30 nodos.Neste artigo apresenta-se um método para resolver o problema de estimativa de estado em sistemas elétricos usando otimização combinatória. Seu objetivo é o estudo de medidas com erros de difícil detecção, que afetam o desempenho e qualidade dos resultados quando se emprega um estimador de estado clássico. Dada sua complexidade matemática, deduzem-se indicadores de sensibilidade da teoria de pontos de alavancagem que se usam no algoritmo de otimização de Chu-Beasley, com o fim de diminuir o esforço computacional e melhorar a qualidade dos resultados. O método proposto se valida em um sistema IEEE de 30 nós.In this paper a method to solve the state estimation problem in electric systems applying combinatorial optimization is presented. Its objective is the study of measures with difficult detection errors, which affect the performance and quality of the results when a classic state estimator is used. Due to the mathematical complexity, sensibility indicators are deduced from the theory of leverage points used in the Chu-Beasley optimization algorithm with the purpose of reducing the computational effort and enhance the quality of the results. The proposed method is validated in a 30-node IEEE system.

  1. Bio-based chemicals - green, but also sustainable?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ögmundarson, Ólafur; Herrgard, Markus; Förster, Jochen

    For almost two decades, the chemical industry has put great effort into developing bio-chemicals,among others to fight global warming caused by greenhouse gas emissions, one of the biggest threats that are faced by our society today. To facilitate a growing and versatile bio-based chemical...... production, the US Department of Energy proposed in 2004 a list of 12 building block chemicals which can either be converged through biological or chemical conversions. Moving toward more bio-based chemicals, the chemical industry does not only claim to reduce climate change impacts, but also...... that they are increasing overall sustainability in chemical production. Whether such claims are justifiable is unclear. When sustainability of bio-based polymer production is assessed, various environmental trade-offs occur that need to be considered. It is not enough to claim that a bio-chemical is sustainable...

  2. Promotion of hydrogen-rich gas and phenolic-rich bio-oil production from green macroalgae Cladophora glomerata via pyrolysis over its bio-char. (United States)

    Norouzi, Omid; Jafarian, Sajedeh; Safari, Farid; Tavasoli, Ahmad; Nejati, Behnam


    Conversion of Cladophora glomerata (C. glomerata) as a Caspian Sea's green macroalgae into gaseous, liquid and solid products was carried out via pyrolysis at different temperatures to determine its potential for bio-oil and hydrogen-rich gas production for further industrial utilization. Non-catalytic tests were performed to determine the optimum condition for bio-oil production. The highest portion of bio-oil was retrieved at 500°C. The catalytic test was performed using the bio-char derived at 500°C as a catalyst. Effect of the addition of the algal bio-char on the composition of the bio-oil and also gaseous products was investigated. Pyrolysis derived bio-char was characterized by BET, FESEM and ICP method to show its surface area, porosity, and presence of inorganic metals on its surface, respectively. Phenols were increased from 8.5 to 20.76area% by the addition of bio-char. Moreover, the hydrogen concentration and hydrogen selectivity were also enhanced by the factors of 1.37, 1.59 respectively. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Electro-active bio-films: formation, characterization and mechanisms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Parot, Sandrine


    Some bacteria, which are able to exchange electrons with a conductive material without mediator form on conductive surfaces electro-active bio-films. This bacterial property has been recently discovered (2001). Objectives of this work are to develop electro-active bio-films in various natural environments from indigenous flora, then through complementary electrochemical techniques (chrono-amperometry and cyclic voltammetry), to evaluate electro-activity of isolates coming from so-formed bio-films and to characterize mechanisms of electron transfer between bacteria and materials. First, electro-active bio-films have been developed under chrono-amperometry in garden compost and in water coming from Guyana mangrove. These bio-films were respectively able to use an electrode as electron acceptor (oxidation) or as electron donor (reduction). In compost, results obtained in chrono-amperometry and cyclic voltammetry suggest a two-step electron transfer: slow substrate consumption, then rapid electron transfer between bacteria and the electrode. Thereafter, the ability to reduce oxygen was demonstrated with cyclic voltammetry for facultative aerobic isolates from compost bio-films (Enterobacter spp. and Pseudomonas spp.) and for aerobic isolates obtained from marine electro-active bio-films (Roseobacter spp. in majority). Finally, bio-films inducing current increase in chrono-amperometry were developed in bioreactor with synthetic medium from a pure culture of isolates. Hence, for the first time, electro-activity of several anaerobic strains of Geobacter bremensis isolated from compost bio-films was highlighted. (author) [fr

  4. BioNet Digital Communications Framework (United States)

    Gifford, Kevin; Kuzminsky, Sebastian; Williams, Shea


    BioNet v2 is a peer-to-peer middleware that enables digital communication devices to talk to each other. It provides a software development framework, standardized application, network-transparent device integration services, a flexible messaging model, and network communications for distributed applications. BioNet is an implementation of the Constellation Program Command, Control, Communications and Information (C3I) Interoperability specification, given in CxP 70022-01. The system architecture provides the necessary infrastructure for the integration of heterogeneous wired and wireless sensing and control devices into a unified data system with a standardized application interface, providing plug-and-play operation for hardware and software systems. BioNet v2 features a naming schema for mobility and coarse-grained localization information, data normalization within a network-transparent device driver framework, enabling of network communications to non-IP devices, and fine-grained application control of data subscription band width usage. BioNet directly integrates Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN) as a communications technology, enabling networked communications with assets that are only intermittently connected including orbiting relay satellites and planetary rover vehicles.

  5. Bio energy: Environment and Environmental Engineering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soma, Morten; Noreng, Katrina; Soerensen, Heidi; Teslo, Einar; Daehlen, Knut; Liodden, Ole Joergen; Wilhelmsen, Gunnar; Hohle, Erik Eid


    This is Chapter 5 of the book ''Bio energy - Environment, technique and market''. Its main sections are: (1) Environmental issues in the use of energy, (2) Environmental issues in the production of biomass, (3) Forestry, (4) Agriculture, (5) Environmental issues in fuel production and storage, (6) Environmental issues in combustion, (7) Environmental issues in using bio fuel, (8) Life cycle analyses, (9) Laws, regulations and norms for the use of bio fuel. Unlike the other sections, the one on laws is mostly concerned with Norwegian conditions

  6. Bio-nanopatterning of Surfaces

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yeung Chun


    Full Text Available AbstractBio-nanopatterning of surfaces is a very active interdisciplinary field of research at the interface between biotechnology and nanotechnology. Precise patterning of biomolecules on surfaces with nanometre resolution has great potential in many medical and biological applications ranging from molecular diagnostics to advanced platforms for fundamental studies of molecular and cell biology. Bio-nanopatterning technology has advanced at a rapid pace in the last few years with a variety of patterning methodologies being developed for immobilising biomolecules such as DNA, peptides, proteins and viruses at the nanoscale on a broad range of substrates. In this review, the status of research and development are described, with particular focus on the recent advances on the use of nanolithographic techniques as tools for biomolecule immobilisation at the nanoscale. Present strengths and weaknesses, as well future challenges on the different nanolithographic bio-nanopatterning approaches are discussed.

  7. Upgrading biomass pyrolysis bio-oil to renewable fuels. (United States)


    Fast pyrolysis is a process that can convert woody biomass to a crude bio-oil (pyrolysis oil). However, some of these compounds : contribute to bio-oil shelf life instability and difficulty in refining. Catalytic hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) of the bio-o...

  8. Algoritmo para geolocalización de dispositivos móviles a partir de emisores de WIFI

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    María Portillo Montiel


    Full Text Available Esta investigación propone un método para la geolocalización de dispositivos móviles a partir de señales WiFi predeterminadas, prescindiendo del uso del GPS para evitar potenciales problemas de seguridad y malware. El método propuesto, se basa en la técnica conocida como Punto de Triangulación Aproximado (APIT y parte de una discretización del espacio de acción a partir de un conjunto base de emisores de señal WiFi de coordenadas y radios de acción máximos conocidos, para luego construir una rejilla que incluye las zonas de acción conjunta de todos los emisores al momento de activar la aplicación, es posible estimar con gran precisión la ubicación del dispositivo móvil determinando el área de intersección de las señales visibles en el momento. La implementación del algoritmo propuesto exhibe una complejidad temporal cuadrática respecto al tamaño de la rejilla y lineal sobre la cantidad de emisores iniciales.

  9. The evolution of formula-bio

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Maas, A.; Steinbuch, M.


    Formula-Bio started out as a dream of building a race car with only three students and thereby showing the world that everything is possible if you put your passion into it. In this internship report the story of Formula-Bio and the reasoning behind the FB01 can be found. A large part of the report

  10. Bio-technology drawing attention for solution of environmental problems. Kankyo mondai kaiketsu demo chumokusareru bio technology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shimazaki, A [Bank of Tokyo, Tokyo (Japan)


    Explanations are given on the recent movements in the bio-technology applications. In the United States, gene therapy has been applied to patients having damaged immune system, while in Japan the first outdoor experiment is about to begin this year on gene recombined tomatoes. In the area of the marine bio-technology, researches carried out by the industrial, governmental, and academic sectors combined, led by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry have begun, which include such an attractive subject as finding out new kinds of algae living on carbon dioxide as their special favorite diet to use them to prevent the earth warming-up. On the other hand, the difficulty of bio-business is represented by the fact that venture business groups are absorbed into larger chemical companies. In Japan, the bio-business established in individual regions related to soy bean paste and Shoyu sauce industry is a distinct feature. Deregulations and review on the patent system are in progress in the United States and Germany aiming at strengthening the business competitiveness. Expectation is placed on the bio-technology that it will contribute largely in the future to solving such a critical environmental problem as experienced in the Persian Gulf war. 1 tab.

  11. Bioenergy Status Document 2012; Statusdocument Bio-energie 2012

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bles, M.; Schepers, B.; Van Grinsven, A.; Bergsma, G.; Croezen, H. [CE Delft, Delft (Netherlands)


    In addition to a review and characterisation of the current situation, the report contains an update on government policies on bio-energy and a review of the sources and sustainability of the biomass used in the Netherlands [Dutch] Het statusdocument bio-energie 2012 geeft de huidige status weer van bio-energie in Nederland, inclusief trends en verwachtingen voor de toekomst. Het doel van dit document is inzicht verstrekken in de ontwikkelingen van bio-energie, voor overheden en marktpartijen.

  12. 2nd generation biogas. BioSNG

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zwart, R.W.R.


    The substitution of natural gas by a renewable equivalent is an interesting option to reduce the use of fossil fuels and the accompanying greenhouse gas emissions, as well as from the point of view of security of supply. The renewable alternative for natural gas is green natural gas, i.e. gaseous energy carriers produced from biomass comprising both biogas and Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG). Via this route can be benefited from all the advantages of natural gas, like the existing dense infrastructure, trade and supply network, and natural gas applications. In this presentation attention is paid to the differences between first generation biogas and second generation bioSNG; the market for bioSNG: grid injection vs. transportation fuel; latest update on the lab- and pilot-scale bioSNG development at ECN; and an overview is given of ongoing bioSNG activities worldwide

  13. Bio fuels. A comparative analysis; Biokraftstoffe. Eine vergleichende Analyse

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schmitz, Norbert; Henke, Jan; Klepper, Gernot


    The market for bio fuels is subject to very high dynamics worldwide. Due to the extreme rise of the prices of raw materials as well as due to the retrogressive tax reductions for bio fuels in Germany one hardly invests in bio fuels. Substantial changes are experienced in the markets for fossil raw materials. The prices for agrarian raw material used in this contribution originate from the years 2006 and 2007. The effects of clearly higher oil prices on the bio fuel market are described. The investigation under consideration also deals with criteria of sustainability. The contribution of the individual bio fuels to the reduction of greenhouse gases is analyzed. The costs resulting from this are numerated. This enables a well-established comparison in which less representative bio fuels such as bio methane, BtL fuels and cellulose ethanol also are included.

  14. Algoritmo genético aplicado a la programación en talleres de maquinado//Genetic algorithm applied to scheduling in machine shops

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Eduardo Márquez-Delgado


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se utiliza la metaheurística nombrada algoritmo genético, para dos variantes típicas de problemas de planificación presentes en un taller de maquinado de piezas: las variantes flujo general y flujo regular, y se ha seleccionado la minimización del tiempo de finalización de todos los trabajos ocamino máximo, como objetivo a optimizar en un plan de trabajo. Este problema es considerado de difícil solución y es típico de la optimización combinatoria. Los resultados demuestran la calidad de las soluciones encontradas en correspondencia con el tiempo de cómputo empleado, al ser comparados conproblemas clásicos reportados por otros autores. La representación propuesta de cada cromosoma genera el universo completo de soluciones factibles, donde es posible encontrar valores óptimos globales de solución y cumple con las restricciones del problema.Palabras claves: algoritmo genético, cromosomas, flujo general, flujo regular, planificación, camino máximo._____________________________________________________________________________AbstractIn this paper we use the metaheuristic named genetic algorithm, for two typical variants of problems of scheduling present in a in a machine shop parts: the variant job shop and flow shop, and the minimization of the time of finalization of all the works has been selected, good known as makespan, as objective tooptimize in a work schedule. This problem is considered to be a difficult solution and is typical in combinatory optimization. The results demonstrate the quality of the solutions found in correspondence with the time of used computation, when being compared with classic problems reported by other authors.The proposed representation of each chromosome generates the complete universe of feasible solutions, where it is possible to find global good values of solution and it fulfills the restrictions of the problem.Key words: genetic algorithm, chromosomes, flow shop, job shop

  15. BioBlend.objects: metacomputing with Galaxy. (United States)

    Leo, Simone; Pireddu, Luca; Cuccuru, Gianmauro; Lianas, Luca; Soranzo, Nicola; Afgan, Enis; Zanetti, Gianluigi


    BioBlend.objects is a new component of the BioBlend package, adding an object-oriented interface for the Galaxy REST-based application programming interface. It improves support for metacomputing on Galaxy entities by providing higher-level functionality and allowing users to more easily create programs to explore, query and create Galaxy datasets and workflows. BioBlend.objects is available online at The new object-oriented API is implemented by the galaxy/objects subpackage. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press.

  16. Life-Cycle Assessment of Pyrolysis Bio-Oil Production*

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Steele, Philip; Puettmann, Maureen E.; Penmetsa, Venkata Kanthi; Cooper, Jerome E.


    As part ofthe Consortium for Research on Renewable Industrial Materials' Phase I life-cycle assessments ofbiofuels, lifecycle inventory burdens from the production of bio-oil were developed and compared with measures for residual fuel oil. Bio-oil feedstock was produced using whole southern pine (Pinus taeda) trees, chipped, and converted into bio-oil by fast pyrolysis. Input parameters and mass and energy balances were derived with Aspen. Mass and energy balances were input to SimaPro to determine the environmental performance of bio-oil compared with residual fuel oil as a heating fuel. Equivalent functional units of 1 MJ were used for demonstrating environmental preference in impact categories, such as fossil fuel use and global warming potential. Results showed near carbon neutrality of the bio-oil. Substituting bio-oil for residual fuel oil, based on the relative carbon emissions of the two fuels, estimated a reduction in CO2 emissions by 0.075 kg CO2 per MJ of fuel combustion or a 70 percent reduction in emission over residual fuel oil. The bio-oil production life-cycle stage consumed 92 percent of the total cradle-to-grave energy requirements, while feedstock collection, preparation, and transportation consumed 4 percent each. This model provides a framework to better understand the major factors affecting greenhouse gas emissions related to bio-oil production and conversion to boiler fuel during fast pyrolysis.

  17. French bio-diesel demand and promoting measures analysis by 2010

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bernard, F.


    The researches presented aim at assessing bio-diesel promoting measures under consideration in France by 2010. This assessment is based on a deep study of French bio-diesel demand. The use of a linear model for optimizing the whole French refining industry costs allow us to take into account the physicochemical characteristics of bio-diesel useful for gas oil blending operation. This researches show that bio-diesel can be incorporated up to 27% blend in volume to diesel fuel without major technical problem. A decomposition of the value allotted to the bio-diesel by French refiners according to its physicochemical characteristics shows that energy content is the most disadvantageous characteristics for bio-diesel incorporation and, up to 17%, density become also constraining. However, the low bio-diesel sulphur content could become interesting from now to 2010. On the basis of this bio-diesel demand analysis, we proceed to an external coupling of an agro-industrial model of bio-diesel supply with the French refining model. Thus, we study the impact of the 2010 French bio-diesel consumption objective on agricultural surface need, the competitiveness of the bio-diesel, the reduction of greenhouse gases emissions and the trade balance of the petroleum products. On this basis, we propose a critical analysis of French bio-diesel promoting measures under consideration by 2010. (author)

  18. Bio-oil production through pyrolysis of blue-green algae blooms (BGAB): Product distribution and bio-oil characterization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu, Zhiquan; Zheng, Yang; Yan, Feng; Xiao, Bo; Liu, Shiming


    Pyrolysis experiments of blue-green algae blooms (BGAB) were carried out in a fixed-bed reactor to determine the effects of pyrolysis temperature, particle size and sweep gas flow rate on pyrolysis product yields and bio-oil properties. The pyrolysis temperature, particle size and sweep gas flow rate were varied in the ranges of 300–700 °C, below 0.25–2.5 mm and 50–400 mL min −1 , respectively. The maximum oil yield of 54.97% was obtained at a pyrolysis temperature of 500 °C, particle size below 0.25 mm and sweep gas flow rate of 100 mL min −1 . The elemental analysis and calorific value of the oil were determined, and the chemical composition of the oil was investigated using gas chromatography–mass spectroscopy (GC–MS) technique. The analysis of bio-oil composition showed that bio-oil from BGAB could be a potential source of renewable fuel with a heating value of 31.9 MJ kg −1 . - Highlights: ► Bio-oil production from pyrolysis of blue-green algae blooms in fixed bed reactor. ► Effects of pyrolysis conditions on product distribution were investigated. ► The maximum bio-oil yield reached 54.97 wt %. ► The bio-oil has high heating value and may be suitable as renewable fuel. ► Pyrolysis of algal biomass beneficial for energy recovery, eutrophication control

  19. Detección de obstáculos y espacios transitables en entornos urbanos para sistemas de ayuda a la conducción basados en algoritmos de visión estéreo implementados en GPU

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    B. Musleh


    Full Text Available Resumen: Tanto los sistemas avanzados de ayuda a la conducción (ADAS aplicados a la mejora de la seguridad vial, como los sistemas de navegación autónoma de vehículos, demandan sensores y algoritmos cada vez más complejos, capaces de obtener e interpretar información del entorno vial. En concreto, las mayores dificultades surgen a la hora de analizar la información proveniente de los entornos urbanos, debido a la diversidad de elementos con distintas características que existen en áreas urbanas. Estos sistemas requieren, cada vez más, que la interpretación de la información se realice en tiempo real para mejorar la toma de decisiones. Por otra parte, la visión estéreo es ampliamente utilizada en sistemas de modelado, dada la gran cantidad de información que proporciona, pero al mismo tiempo, los algoritmos basados en esta técnica requieren de un elevado tiempo de cómputo que dificulta su implementación en aplicaciones de tiempo real. En este trabajo se presenta un algoritmo basado en visión estéreo para la detección tanto de obstáculos como de espacios transitables en entornos urbanos y que ha sido implementado principalmente en GPU (Unidad de Procesamiento Gráfico para reducir el tiempo de cómputo y conseguir un funcionamiento en tiempo real. Abstract: Both advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS applied to the improvement of road safety, and autonomous navigation vehicle systems require more and more complex sensors and algorithms capable of obtaining and interpreting the information of the road environment. The greatest difficulties arise in analysing the information of the urban environments, because of the large number of elements which have different characteristics in urban areas. These systems require to interpret the information in real time to improve the decision-making. On the other hand, the stereo vision is usable in modeling systems because of the great amount of information that it provides, but at the

  20. Algoritmo Tabú para un problema de distribución de espacios || Tabu search algorithm for a room allocation problem

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Molina Luque, Julián


    Full Text Available La distribución de espacios es un problema que habitualmente se presenta en situaciones reales cuando se deben asignar simultáneamente diferentes conjuntos de espacios (despachos, habitaciones, salas, etc. distribuidos entre edificios y/o plantas entre varios grupos de personas de tal forma que se minimicen las distancias entre los espacios asignados a cada grupo y lasede de dicho grupo. Esta situación da lugar a un problema combinatorio con una función objetivo cuadrática, lo cual complica enormemente su resolución mediante un método exacto. Por este motivo, proponemos para su resolución un metaheurístico basado en Búsqueda Tabú con dos grupos de movimientos claramente diferenciados: intercambio de despachos y reasignación de sedes. Finalmente, aplicamos dicho algoritmo a un caso real en la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla (España.

  1. Algoritmo del murciélago virtual en el desarrollo de la Integral de Duhamel para sistemas estructurales con un grado de libertad

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    Sergio Vanegas


    Full Text Available En este artículo se propone el uso del algoritmo de optimización de murciélagos virtuales para resolver la Integral de Duhamel en sistemas dinámicos con un grado de libertad. Se desarrollaron ejercicios a titulo demostrativo, para el cálculo de máximos globales. Los resultados fueron muy comparables, tanto en precisión, como en exactitud frente a aquellos obtenidos por otros métodos de cálculo. Se utilizó igualmente el acelerograma del sismo de Chile (2010, para el que se reporta la respuesta dinámica y el desplazamiento máximo. Se variaron para estos ejemplos la cantidad de murciélagos virtuales notándose su influencia sobre el tiempo de computación.

  2. Optimum concrete compression strength using bio-enzyme

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    Bagio Tony Hartono


    Full Text Available To make concrete with high compressive strength and has a certain concrete specifications other than the main concrete materials are also needed concrete mix quality control and other added material is also in line with the current technology of concrete mix that produces concrete with specific characteristics. Addition of bio enzyme on five concrete mixture that will be compared with normal concrete in order to know the optimum level bio-enzyme in concrete to increase the strength of the concrete. Concrete with bio-enzyme 200 ml/m3, 400 ml/m3, 600 ml/m3, 800 ml/m3, 1000 ml/m3 and normal concrete. Refer to the crushing test result, its tends to the mathematical model using 4th degree polynomial regression (least quartic, as represent on the attached data series, which is for the design mix fc′ = 25 MPa generate optimum value for 33,98 MPa, on the bio-additive dosage of 509 ml bio enzymes.

  3. Briquetting mechanism and waterproof performance of bio-briquette

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Huang, G.; Chen, L.; Cao, J. [Henen Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo (China)


    Maize stalk and bio-briquette binder made from it were studied comparatively by FTIR and the microstructure of bio-briquette was observed and analyzed by microscopy. It was found that a large amount of unreacted biomass fibers exist in the binder. These form a multi-level network structure inside the bio-briquette and could make fine coal particles connect together. The multi-level network structure would be still present after the bio-briquettes are immersed in water for 24 hours. On the other hand, stalk materials could be partly degraded after treatment and, with other liquid ingredients in the binder, the degradation products could form a viscous fluid which would work as a bonding ingredient inside the bio-briquette and could improve the waterproofing ability of the binder after solidification. Therefore, the multi-level network structure of the biomaterial and the presence of viscous fluid are very important to the shaping and the improvement of the waterproofing ability of bio-briquettes. 11 refs., 3 figs.

  4. Future bio-energy potential under various natural constraints

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vuuren, Detlef P. van; Vliet, Jasper van; Stehfest, Elke


    Potentials for bio-energy have been estimated earlier on the basis of estimates of potentially available land, excluding certain types of land use or land cover (land required for food production and forests). In this paper, we explore how such estimates may be influenced by other factors such as land degradation, water scarcity and biodiversity concerns. Our analysis indicates that of the original bio-energy potential estimate of 150, 80 EJ occurs in areas classified as from mild to severe land degradation, water stress, or with high biodiversity value. Yield estimates were also found to have a significant impact on potential estimates. A further 12.5% increase in global yields would lead to an increase in bio-energy potential of about 50%. Changes in bio-energy potential are shown to have a direct impact on bio-energy use in the energy model TIMER, although the relevant factor is the bio-energy potential at different cost levels and not the overall potential.

  5. Bio-based liquid crystalline polyesters (United States)

    Wilsens, Carolus; Rastogi, Sanjay; Dutch Collaboration


    The reported thin-film polymerization has been used as a screening method in order to find bio-based liquid crystalline polyesters with convenient melting temperatures for melt-processing purposes. An in depth study of the structural, morphological and chemical changes occurring during the ongoing polycondensation reactions of these polymers have been performed. Structural and conformational changes during polymerization for different compositions have been followed by time resolved X-ray and Infrared spectroscopy. In this study, bio-based monomers such as vanillic acid and 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid are successfully incorporated in liquid crystalline polyesters and it is shown that bio-based liquid crystalline polymers with high aromatic content and convenient processing temperatures can be synthesized. Special thanks to the Dutch Polymer Institute for financial support

  6. Sistema de Navegación Reactiva Difusa para Giros Suaves de Plataformas Móviles Empleando el Kinect

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    Claudia Cruz Martínez


    Full Text Available La navegación en un robot móvil es la habilidad para desplazarse de un lugar a otro dentro de un entorno evitando los obstáculos que se presenten. La autonomía de un robot móvil se basa en su sistema de navegación. La aplicación de técnicas de Inteligencia Artificial como la lógica difusa y el uso de la visión por computadora son dos herramientas empleadas para cumplir esta tarea. En algunos sistemas de navegación la seguridad y la facilidad de operación son factores muy importantes. En estos casos, la tolerancia a la incertidumbre de información, la reacción ante objetos imprevistos, y la navegación mediante giros suaves son argumentos del diseño de estos sistemas. En este artículo se presenta el desarrollo de un sistema de navegación reactiva difusa que emplea los datos de profundidad del sensor Kinect, algoritmos de visión por computadora, y lógica difusa, para generar ángulos de giro suave para la navegación de un robot móvil. En pruebas realizadas con la plataforma móvil ERA-MOBI se observaron giros suaves con un porcentaje de evasión de obstáculos del 85.7%.

  7. Medición del daño genético inducido por el basuco en linfocitos humanos empleando la prueba de micronúcleos con Citocalasina B

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    AP. Ocampo


    Full Text Available El bazuco es una mezcla compleja que se deriva del proceso de extracción de la cocaína. El frecuente consumo de bazuco constituye un problema de salud pública. La prueba de micronúcleos en linfocitos humanos de sangre periférica por bloqueo de la citocinesis con Citocalasina B, es más sensible y precisa para evaluar daño  cromosómico porque permite registrar micronúcleos originados de fragmentos de cromosomas o cromosomas enteros en células que se han dividido una sola vez. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el daño genético, inducido por el bazuco en linfocitos humanos in vitro empleando la prueba de micronúcleos con Citocalasina B.

  8. Microneedle, bio-microneedle and bio-inspired microneedle: A review. (United States)

    Ma, Guojun; Wu, Chengwei


    Microneedles (MNs) are micro-scale needles used for drug delivery and other targets. Micro-scale size endows them with many advantages over hypodermic needles, including painlessness, minimal invasiveness and convenient operation, but it may also lead to risk of mechanical failures, which should be prevented in the clinical applications of MNs. The objective of this review is mainly to introduce studies on the mechanics problems with respect to MNs. Firstly, the basic knowledge of MNs is introduced in brief, so that readers can understand the basic characteristics of MNs. Secondly, researches on inserting behavior and mechanical performances of MNs are discussed. Thirdly, literatures on the drug delivery and the pain resulted from the insertion of MNs are overviewed. Finally, some bio-microneedles and bio-inspired MNs are introduced. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. Bio Engineering Laboratory (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — Description/History: Chemistry and biology laboratoriesThe Bio Engineering Laboratory (BeL) is theonly full spectrum biotechnology capability within the Department...

  10. Beclometasone oral--DOR BioPharma. (United States)


    orBec is an oral enteric-coated tablet formulation of the corticosteroid beclometasone, which has been developed by Enteron Pharmaceuticals, a subsidiary of Corporate Technology Development (now DOR BioPharma). orBec is being developed for the treatment of gastrointestinal graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) and an NDA has been filed in the US. DOR BioPharma has also filed an MAA in Europe for the same indication.orBec is designed to reduce the need for systemic immunosuppressive drugs, thereby improving the outcome of bone marrow and stem cell transplantation.DOR BioPharma may seek a marketing partner in the US and elsewhere for orBec in GVHD and will seek a partner for other potential indications of the drug.In December 2001, Corporate Technology Development was acquired by Endorex Corporation (now DOR BioPharma). In October 1998, Enteron Pharmaceuticals (DOR BioPharma) entered into an exclusive, worldwide, royalty bearing license agreement with George B. McDonald, MD, including the right to grant sublicenses, for the rights to the intellectual property and know-how relating to orBec. In January 2007, DOR BioPharma received $US3 million under a non-binding letter of intent from Sigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals. The agreement grants Sigma-Tau an exclusive right to negotiate terms and conditions for a possible business transaction or strategic alliance regarding orBec and potentially other DOR pipeline compounds until 1 March 2007. Under the terms of the agreement, Sigma-Tau purchased $US1 million of DOR's common stock, with an additional $US2 million paid in cash. If no agreement is reached by 1 March 2007, DOR will return the $US2 million to Sigma-Tau within 60 days. DOR BioPharma received an unsolicited proposal from Cell Therapeutics, Inc. to acquire DOR BioPharma in January 2007. Because of the non-binding agreement already signed with Sigma-Tau, DOR BioPharma's board of directors cannot consider Cell Therapeutics' merger proposal at this time. orBec has been filed for

  11. Modelo auto-regresivo aplicado a la eliminación de ruidos de los mapas de anomalías de resistividad en fosfatos asociadas a bolsones estériles

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    Saad Bakkali


    Full Text Available Actualmente se emplean varios métodos para perfeccionar los bordes y contornos de mapas geofísicos. En Marruecos se realizó una prospección de fosfatos empleando el método eléctrico de resistividad; para ello se utilizó un dispositivo Schlumberger, cubriendo una superficie de 50 hectáreas, con el objetivo de detectar anomalías asociadas a bolsones estériles en los depósitos de fosfatos. Para la eliminación del ruido blanco se empleó un método basado en un modelo auto-regresivo (ARM, siglas en inglés; este se implementó por medio del algoritmo AutoSignal; el resultado muestra que el método ARM es efectivo para el filtrado, atenúa considerablemente el ruido producido por bolsones dispersos y de pequeño tamaño, además brinda una reducción considerable de la distorsión de la forma de la señal de resistividad original.

  12. Identificación Robusta de Modelos Wiener y Hammerstein

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    Silvina I. Biagiola


    Full Text Available Resumen: Los modelos orientados a bloques han mostrado ser útiles y eficaces como representaciones no lineales en muchas aplicaciones. Son modelos simples y a la vez válidos en una región más amplia que un modelo lineal invariante en el tiempo. En cuanto a su estructura, consisten en una cascada integrada por una dinámica lineal y un bloque estático no lineal.Si bien existen en la literatura numerosos trabajos que abordan la identificación nominal de estos modelos, el problema de identificación robusta en presencia de incertidumbre no ha sido cabalmente tratado.En este trabajo, se consideran dos clases de modelos orientados a bloques: modelos Wiener y Hammerstein. Empleando una representación paramétrica, se propone describir la incertidumbre como un conjunto de parámetros, cuyos valores se obtienen resolviendo un problema de optimización. El algoritmo de identificación desarrollado se ilustra mediante ejemplos de simulación. Palabras clave: Wiener, Hammerstein, Identificación, Incertidumbre, Optimización

  13. Extracción y clasificación de posturas labiales en niños entre 5 y 10 años de la ciudad de manizales

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    Full Text Available Se presentan los diferentes algoritmos y procedimientos utilizados en el desarrollo de un sistema de extracción y clasificación automática de posturas labiales. El sistema se diseñó con el fin de acompañar a los niños con labio y/o paladar hendido corregido, en el proceso de recuperación. Para la detección facial, se trabajan técnicas basadas en el espacio de color YCbCr y análisis de conectividad. La detección del contorno de los labios se realiza mediante técnicas de proyecciones, análisis de color (espacio de color HSV y Exclusión de Rojo y la información de bordes del operador SUSAN. La extracción de la información discriminante se hace por diferentes tipos de análisis estadístico a partir de la región descrita por el contorno. La clasificación de las posturas se realiza empleando diferentes tipos de clasificadores.

  14. Microbial biodiversity of Tang and Pirgal mud volcanoes and evaluation of bio-emulsifier and bio-demulsifier activities of Capnophile bacteria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yasaman Parsia


    Full Text Available The data presented in this article is related to the Master thesis; entitled “Survey Aerobic Microbial Diversity Mud Volcanoes in Chabahar and Khash Ports in Southern Iran” by the first author of this article, year 2011, Islamic Azad University, Iran (reference number (Parsia, 2011 [1] of this article. This article shows microbial biodiversity and evaluates bio-emulsifier and bio-demulsifier abilities of capnophile isolates, in order to introduce a superior isolate for the Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery (MEOR process in the petrochemical industry. Keywords: Mud volcanoes, Biodiversity, Bio-emulsification, Bio-demulsification, Petrochemistry

  15. Branding the bio/biomedical engineering degree. (United States)

    Voigt, Herbert F


    The future challenges to medical and biological engineering, sometimes referred to as biomedical engineering or simply bioengineering, are many. Some of these are identifiable now and others will emerge from time to time as new technologies are introduced and harnessed. There is a fundamental issue regarding "Branding the bio/biomedical engineering degree" that requires a common understanding of what is meant by a B.S. degree in Biomedical Engineering, Bioengineering, or Biological Engineering. In this paper we address some of the issues involved in branding the Bio/Biomedical Engineering degree, with the aim of clarifying the Bio/Biomedical Engineering brand.

  16. BioMEMS

    CERN Document Server

    Urban, Gerald A


    Explosive growth in the field of Microsystem Technology has introduced a variety of promising products in major disciplines from microelectronics to life sciences. 'Biomes' is a discipline which focuses on microsystems for living systems. This work presents the exciting field of bio-microsystems.

  17. Bio-dosimetry for radiation-exposed individuals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sauvaigo, Sylvie; Chapuis, Violaine; Caillat, Sylvain; Sarrazy, Fanny; Breton, Jean


    Exposure of civil populations to genotoxic chemicals or radioactive hazard is an increased concern. It is not only an industrial risk (chemistry plant accident for example) but also a national security problem due to the threat of radiological and nuclear terrorism. It is important to anticipate the need of a bio-dosimetry tool aimed at identifying exposed population in the absence of acute syndrome, in order to assure the medical care that would prevent carcinogenic consequences. DNA repair is a bio-marker of exposure to geno-toxics in individuals. A DNA repair signature can be assessed from Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs) that reflects the exposure history of the individuals, using a functional enzymatic assay on bio-chip. A proof of concept was obtained using PBMCs from patients undergoing radiotherapy regimen. We identified two classes of responses among patients, if we except a very atypical signature in one patient that could reflect defects in DNA repair. Interestingly, repair of the major oxidative lesions increased during the course of the radiotherapy. We propose to implement this fast, quantitative, possibly automatized assay to identify bio-markers of exposure to geno-toxics and to validate the exposure bio-markers through ex vivo exposure of blood from volunteers. (authors)

  18. Bio-assessment of water pollution in coal belt

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mishra, P.K.


    Water pollution in coal belt has attracted attention of scientists as well as general people. Implication of water pollution on bio-system is still a more important issue and a lot of information has been accumulated. Apart from conventional methods of pollution monitoring, bio-monitoring is comparatively a new approach and a proper methodology is still in pipeline. The present study reviews various methods of bio-monitoring and compare various methodologies suggested at population level with conventional methods. The results indicated that the bio-assessment methodology can be a tool and hence be developed. (author)

  19. How big is the bio-business? Notes on measuring the size of the Dutch bio-economy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Heijman, Wim


    This paper focuses on the size of the Dutch bio-economy. With the help of consolidated input-output tables, the size of the bio-economy in terms of value added is estimated for the years 2008-2012. It appears that in the Netherlands, during the period indicated, its share in national production

  20. Analisis comparativo de una metaheuristica en base a algoritmo genetico vs un metodo de ramificacion y corte para un caso de entrega y recolección con restricciones de ventana de horario

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    Lopez, F.


    Full Text Available En la solución de problemas combinatorios, es importante evaluar el costo-beneficio entre la obtención de soluciones de alta calidad en detrimento de los recursos computacionales requeridos. El problema planteado es para el ruteo de un vehículo con entrega y recolección de producto y con restricciones de ventana de horario. En la práctica, dicho problema requiere ser atendido con instancias de gran escala (nodos ≥100. Existe un fuerte porcentaje de ventanas de horario activas (≥90% y con factores de amplitud ≥75%. El problema es NP-hard y por tal motivo la aplicación de un método de solución exacta para resolverlo en la práctica, está limitado por el tiempo requerido para la actividad de ruteo. Se propone un algoritmo genético especializado, el cual ofrece soluciones de buena calidad (% de optimalidad aceptables y en tiempos de ejecución computacional que hacen útil su aplicación en la práctica de la logística. Para comprobar la eficacia de la propuesta algorítmica se desarrolla un diseño experimental el cual hará uso de las soluciones óptimas obtenidas mediante un algoritmo de ramificación y corte sin límite de tiempo. Los resultados son favorables.

  1. Una propuesta para el diagnóstico de fallos en sistemas industriales mediante el uso de estrategias bioinspiradas A proposal to fault diagnosis in industrial systems using bio-inspired strategies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lídice Camps Echevarría


    Full Text Available In this work a study on the application of bio-inspired strategies for optimization to Fault Diagnosis in industrial systems is presented. The principal aim is to establish a basis for the development of new and viable model-based Fault Diagnosis Methods which improve some difficulties that the current methods cannot avoid. These difficulties are related mainly with fault sensitivity and robustness to external disturbances. In this study, there have been considered the Differential Evolution and the Ant Colony Optimization algorithms. This application is illustrated using simulated data of the Two tanks system benchmark. In order to analyze the advantages of these algorithms to obtain a diagnosis which needs to be sensitive to faults and robust to external disturbances, some experiments with incipient faults and noisy data have been simulated. The results indicate that the proposed approach, basically the combination of the two algorithms, characterizes a promising methodology for Fault Diagnosis.En el presente trabajo se presenta un estudio sobre la aplicación de estrategias bioinspiradas para la optimización al diagnóstico de fallos en sistemas industriales. El objetivo principal es establecer una base para el desarrollo de nuevos y viables métodos de diagnóstico de fallos basados en modelos que permitan mejorar las dificultades de los métodos actuales. Estas dificultades están relacionadas, fundamentalmente, con la sensibilidad ante la presencia de fallos y la robustez ante perturbaciones externas. En el estudio se consideraron los algoritmos Evolución Diferencial y Optimización por Colonia de Hormigas. La efectividad de la propuesta es analizada mediante experimentos con el conocido problema de prueba de los dos tanques. Los experimentos consideraron presencia de ruido en la información y fallos incipientes de manera que fuera posible analizar las ventajas de la propuesta en cuanto a diagnóstico robusto y sensible. Los resultados

  2. Quercetin as natural stabilizing agent for bio-polymer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Morici, Elisabetta [Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica, Gestionale, Informatica, Meccanica, Università di Palermo, 90128 Palermo (Italy); Arrigo, Rossella; Dintcheva, Nadka Tzankova [Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, Aerospaziale, dei Materiali, Università di Palermo, 90128 Palermo (Italy)


    The introduction of antioxidants in polymers is the main way to prevent or delay the degradation process. In particular natural antioxidants receive attention in the food industry also because of their presumed safety. In this work bio-polymers, i.e. a commercial starch-based polymer (Mater-Bi®) and a bio-polyester (PLA), and a bio-polyether (PEO) were additivated with quercetin, a natural flavonoid antioxidants, in order to formulate bio-based films for ecosustainable packaging and outdoor applications. The photo-oxidation behavior of unstabilized and quercetin stabilized films was analyzed and compared with the behavior of films additivated with a commercial synthetic light stabilizer. The quercetin is able to slow down the photo-degradation rate of all bio-polymeric films investigated in similar way to the synthetic stabilizer.

  3. Quercetin as natural stabilizing agent for bio-polymer (United States)

    Morici, Elisabetta; Arrigo, Rossella; Dintcheva, Nadka Tzankova


    The introduction of antioxidants in polymers is the main way to prevent or delay the degradation process. In particular natural antioxidants receive attention in the food industry also because of their presumed safety. In this work bio-polymers, i.e. a commercial starch-based polymer (Mater-Bi®) and a bio-polyester (PLA), and a bio-polyether (PEO) were additivated with quercetin, a natural flavonoid antioxidants, in order to formulate bio-based films for ecosustainable packaging and outdoor applications. The photo-oxidation behavior of unstabilized and quercetin stabilized films was analyzed and compared with the behavior of films additivated with a commercial synthetic light stabilizer. The quercetin is able to slow down the photo-degradation rate of all bio-polymeric films investigated in similar way to the synthetic stabilizer.

  4. Quercetin as natural stabilizing agent for bio-polymer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morici, Elisabetta; Arrigo, Rossella; Dintcheva, Nadka Tzankova


    The introduction of antioxidants in polymers is the main way to prevent or delay the degradation process. In particular natural antioxidants receive attention in the food industry also because of their presumed safety. In this work bio-polymers, i.e. a commercial starch-based polymer (Mater-Bi®) and a bio-polyester (PLA), and a bio-polyether (PEO) were additivated with quercetin, a natural flavonoid antioxidants, in order to formulate bio-based films for ecosustainable packaging and outdoor applications. The photo-oxidation behavior of unstabilized and quercetin stabilized films was analyzed and compared with the behavior of films additivated with a commercial synthetic light stabilizer. The quercetin is able to slow down the photo-degradation rate of all bio-polymeric films investigated in similar way to the synthetic stabilizer

  5. Desarrollo de un algoritmo para la generación y elección de soluciones de corte en la operación de canteo y despuntado en aserraderos


    Francisco Vergara González; Felipe Baesler Abufarde; Mario Ramos Maldonado


    En este trabajo se desarrolló un algoritmo que integra las mejores prácticas aplicadas en los aserraderos y una metodología de análisis geométrico de líneas de corte. La aplicación fue programada en lenguaje C++, siendo alimentada con las dimensiones de las piezas deseadas de producir, sus respectivos precios y la geometría en 2-D de la tapa a cortar, generando como resultado una solución de corte en ancho y largo para tapa ingresada. Las soluciones obtenidas se compararon con un patrón que c...

  6. Estimating Nitrogen Availability of Heat-Dried Bio solids

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cogger, C.G.; Bary, A.I.; Myhre, E.A.


    As heat-dried bio solids become more widely produced and marketed, it is important to improve estimates of N availability from these materials. Objectives were to compare plant-available N among three different heat-dried bio solids and determine if current guidelines were adequate for estimating application rates. Heat-dried bio solids were surface applied to tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) in Washington State, USA, and forage yield and N uptake measured for two growing seasons following application. Three rates of urea and a zero-N control were used to calculate N fertilizer efficiency regressions. Application year plant-available N (estimated as urea N equivalent) for two bio solids exceeded 60% of total N applied, while urea N equivalent for the third bio solids was 45%. Residual (second-year) urea N equivalent ranged from 5 to 10%. Guidelines for the Pacific Northwest USA recommend mineralization estimates of 35 to 40% for heat-dried bio solids, but this research shows that some heat-dried materials fall well above that range.

  7. Bio-SNG. Prospective renewable energy carrier in the E.ON gas grid; Bio-SNG. Zukuenftiger regenerativer Energietraeger im E.ON Gasnetz

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adelt, Marius; Vogel, Alexander [E.ON Ruhrgas AG, Essen (Germany)


    Biogas processing and injection into the natural gas pipeline system on an industrial scale has been around in Germany for some time. E.ON operates a number of biogas plants with a production capacity of 200-1700 m{sup 3}/h. More plants are under construction or planned. The German government is looking to increase the share of biogas (upgraded to natural gas quality) in the pipeline system to 6 billion m{sup 3}/a by 2020, so significantly more production capacity is needed. Biogas is produced mainly from dedicated energy crops (maize) as well as several catch crops and, depending on the processing plant, various amounts of bio residues. The biogas is upgraded to natural gas quality and fed into the pipeline system as biomethane (E.ON: bio natural gas). To achieve the ambitious production targets it will be necessary to tap the unused potential of wood for gasification and subsequent methanisation into bio-SNG. E.ON AG actively promotes the development and introduction of this technology. This article provides an overview of different aspects of bio-SNG production and use including: Utilisation paths for biomethane/bio-SNG (heat, fuel, CHP), Potential of wood for bio-SNG production, Bio-SNG production technologies, Current E.ON activities and projects. (orig.)

  8. Recent Advances in Bio-inorganic Chemistry

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Bio-inorganic chemistry has developed rapidly in recent years. A number of laboratories in India have made significant contributions to this area. The motivation in bringing out this special issue on Bio-inorganic. Chemistry is to highlight the recent work emerging from India in this important and fascinating interdisci-.

  9. Development and characterization of a new bio-nanocomposite (bio-NCP) for diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Martins, Murillo L; Saeki, Margarida J.; Telling, Mark T. F.


    Breast cancer is a public health problem throughout the world. Moreover, breast cancer cells have a great affinity for hydroxyapatite, leading to a high occurrence of bone metastasis. In this work we developed a bio-nanocomposite (bio-NCP) in order to use such affinity in the diagnosis...

  10. Bio and health informatics meets cloud : BioVLab as an example. (United States)

    Chae, Heejoon; Jung, Inuk; Lee, Hyungro; Marru, Suresh; Lee, Seong-Whan; Kim, Sun


    The exponential increase of genomic data brought by the advent of the next or the third generation sequencing (NGS) technologies and the dramatic drop in sequencing cost have driven biological and medical sciences to data-driven sciences. This revolutionary paradigm shift comes with challenges in terms of data transfer, storage, computation, and analysis of big bio/medical data. Cloud computing is a service model sharing a pool of configurable resources, which is a suitable workbench to address these challenges. From the medical or biological perspective, providing computing power and storage is the most attractive feature of cloud computing in handling the ever increasing biological data. As data increases in size, many research organizations start to experience the lack of computing power, which becomes a major hurdle in achieving research goals. In this paper, we review the features of publically available bio and health cloud systems in terms of graphical user interface, external data integration, security and extensibility of features. We then discuss about issues and limitations of current cloud systems and conclude with suggestion of a biological cloud environment concept, which can be defined as a total workbench environment assembling computational tools and databases for analyzing bio/medical big data in particular application domains.

  11. investigación en Bioética.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Meneses Carmona


    Full Text Available Este escrito esboza cuestiones acerca del lugar y el problema de la Bioética, tanto como preguntas que no tienen respuestas pre-establecidas y, como tal, exigen investigación. Como lugar, en Bioética se heredan las transformaciones de la racionalidad, la Epistemología y la Ética ocurridas en las interacciones sociales asumidas como contexto; la "Bioética" no tiene un lugar establecido y propio, se sitúa en un campo que se configura sólo al asumir la pregunta por la vida y por lo vivo. Propongo la tesis siguiente: La Bioética se constituye en la acción de introducir la vida como problema en lo cotidiano; esto conlleva la creación de nuevas sensibilidades a lo aún no sentido, lo aún no pensado, lo aún no valorado. De esta manera, el lugar de la Bioética se muestra como un juego de figuras diversas en y con las que se crean opciones de otras vidas aún no vividas y que remite a los aprendizajes como exposición al cambio y a las narrativas en las que éstos ocurren y son posibles. Esta tesis se perfila, en la perspectiva de la Bioética, como el conocimiento de cómo usar el conocimiento.

  12. Bio aerosol Generation at wastewater treatment plants: Identification of main bio aerosols sources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sanchez Monedero, M. A.; Aguilar, M. I.; Fenoll, R.; Roig, A.


    Typical operations taking place at wastewater treatment plants, especially those involving aeration and mechanical agitation of raw wastewater, represent one of the main sources of bio aerosols that, if inhaled, could pose a biologic hazard to site workers and local residents. Six different wastewater treatment plants from southeast Spain were monitories in order to identify the main bio aerosol sources and to evaluate the airborne microorganisms levels to which workers may be exposed to. Air samples were taken from selected locations by using a single stage impactor. (Author)

  13. Wireless Distribution and Use of Bio-sensor Data

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kyng, Morten; Kristensen, Margit; Christensen, Erika Frischknecht


    consists of small bio-monitors - with sensors and a unique ID - which are placed on the victims. The bio-monitors communicate wirelessly with one or more base-stations, which distribute the signals locally at the incident site and to remote coordination centres and emergency departments. Ongoing...... data you are looking at? And, when an alarm goes off because the bio-sensor data of a patient reaches a critical threshold, how do you find the patient? In order to support medical responders on site and at coordination centres/ emergency departments, we are supplementing the bio-sensor data...

  14. Adaptação e aplicabilidade de um algoritmo de diurético para pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Karolina Echer Ferreira Feijó


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Estados congestivos podem ser identificados e manejados através de algoritmos como o Diuretic Treatment Algorithm (DTA para ajuste de diurético por telefone, com enfoque na avaliação clínica. Porém, o DTA está disponível somente em língua inglesa. OBJETIVO: Adaptar o DTA e testar sua aplicabilidade para uso no Brasil em pacientes ambulatoriais com IC. MÉTODOS: Seguiram-se as etapas de tradução, síntese, retrotradução, avaliação por comitê de especialistas e pré-teste (aplicabilidade clínica por meio de ensaio clínico randomizado. O DTA foi denominado, na versão para o Brasil, algoritmo de ajuste de diurético (AAD. Os pacientes foram randomizados para grupo intervenção (GI - ajuste de diurético conforme o AAD - ou grupo controle (GC - ajuste convencional. Foi avaliado o escore clínico de congestão (ECC e o peso para ambos os grupos. RESULTADOS: Foram realizadas 12 modificações no DTA. Incluíram-se 34 pacientes. Para aqueles congestos, o aumento de diurético guiado pelo AAD resultou em maior resolução da congestão, com redução de dois pontos no ECC para 50% da amostra -2 (-3,5; -1,0, enquanto a mediana para o GC foi 0 (-1,25; -1,0, (p < 0,001. A mediana de variação de peso foi maior no GI -1,4 (-1,7; -0,5 quando comparado ao GC 0,1 (1,2; -0,6, p = 0,001. CONCLUSÕES: O ADD mostrou-se aplicável na prática clínica após adaptação e parece resultar em melhor controle da congestão em pacientes com IC. A efetividade clínica da ferramenta merece ser testada em amostra maior de pacientes visando sua validação para uso no Brasil (Universal Trial Number: U1111-1130-5749 (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013; [online]. ahead print, PP.0-0.

  15. Bio-Culturalism

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grodal, Torben Kragh


    The article argues on the basis of analyses of successful films for children that not only cultural determinants but also innate determinats are important, and that film studies should combine cultural studies with cognitive theory, evolutionary theory and neuroscience, an approach that is called...... Bio-culturalism....

  16. Simulación de la destilación extractiva para la obtención de etanol anhidro empleando glicoles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yeney Guerra Lauzurique


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la técnica de destilación extractiva empleando propilenglicol, etilenglicol, glicerol y una mezcla de etilenglicol y glicerol, por ser los solventes más empleados a nivel mundial. Para la simulación de las técnicas se utilizó el simulador de procesos hysys v3.2 y para su comparación se estableció un mismo flujo molar de etanol en la mezcla etanol-agua de 216,5 kmol/h. En todos los casos se obtuvo una composición molar de etanol anhidro mayor de 97 %. Se determinó la influencia de los parámetros de operación en la eficiencia de las tecnologías simuladas analizando seis casos de estudios. Además se realizó la comparación de las técnicas desde el punto de vista técnico- económico para determinar cuál es la mejor alternativa. Según la evaluación económica de las técnicas, todas las alternativas analizadas son económicamente ventajosas y en todas se logran ganancias netas, pero los mayores beneficios se obtienen en la destilación extractiva con etilenglicol.

  17. Continuous production of bio-oil by catalytic liquefaction from wet distiller’s grain with solubles (WDGS) from bio-ethanol production

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Toor, Saqib Sohail; Rosendahl, Lasse; Nielsen, Mads Pagh; Glasius, Marianne; Rudolf, Andreas; Iversen, Steen Brummerstedt


    Bio-refinery concepts are currently receiving much attention due to the drive toward flexible, highly efficient systems for utilization of biomass for food, feed, fuel and bio-chemicals. One way of achieving this is through appropriate process integration, in this particular case combining enzymatic bio-ethanol production with catalytic liquefaction of the wet distillers grains with soluble, a byproduct from the bio-ethanol process. The catalytic liquefaction process is carried out at sub-critical conditions (280–370 °C and 25 MPa) in the presence of a homogeneous alkaline and a heterogeneous Zirconia catalyst, a process known as the Catliq ® process. In the current work, catalytic conversion of WDGS was performed in a continuous pilot plant with a maximum capacity of 30 dm 3 h −1 of wet biomass. In the process, WDGS was converted to bio-oil, gases and water-soluble organic compounds. The oil obtained was characterized using several analysis methods, among them elementary analysis and GC–MS. The study shows that WDGS can be converted to bio oil with high yields. The results also indicate that through the combination of bio-ethanol production and catalytic liquefaction, it is possible to significantly increase the liquid product yield and scope, opening up for a wider end use applicability. -- Highlights: ► Hydrothermal liquefaction of wet biomass. ► Product phase analysis: oil, acqeous, gas and mineral phase. ► Energy and mass balance evaluation.

  18. Bio-objects’ political capacity: a research agenda (United States)

    Maeseele, Pieter; Hendrickx, Kim; Pavone, Vincenzo; Van Hoyweghen, Ine


    This article explores the merits of foregrounding the dichotomy of politicization vs de-politicization for our understanding of bio-objects in order to study their production, circulation, and governance in European societies. By asking how bio-objects are configured in science, policy, public, and media discourses and practices, we focus on the role of socio-technical configurations in generating political relations. The bio-object thereby serves as an entry point to approach and conceptualize “the political” in an innovative way. PMID:23630150

  19. Bio-tribology. (United States)

    Dowson, Duncan


    It is now forty six years since the separate topics of friction, lubrication, wear and bearing design were integrated under the title 'Tribology' [Department of Education and Science, Lubrication (Tribology) Education and Research. A Report on the Present Position and Industry's Needs, HMSO, London, 1966]. Significant developments have been reported in many established and new aspects of tribology during this period. The subject has contributed to improved performance of much familiar equipment, such as reciprocating engines, where there have been vast improvements in engine reliability and efficiency. Nano-tribology has been central to remarkable advances in information processing and digital equipment. Shortly after widespread introduction of the term tribology, integration with biology and medicine prompted rapid and extensive interest in the fascinating sub-field now known as Bio-tribology [D. Dowson and V. Wright, Bio-tribology, in The Rheology of Lubricants, ed. T. C. Davenport, Applied Science Publishers, Barking, 1973, pp. 81-88]. An outline will be given of some of the developments in the latter field.

  20. Syntrophic co-culture of aerobic Bacillus and anaerobic Clostridium for bio-fuels and bio-hydrogen production

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chang, Jui-Jen; Ho, Cheng-Yu.; Chen, Wei-En; Huang, Chieh-Chen [Department of Life Sciences, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung (China); Chou, Chia-Hung; Lay, Jiunn-Jyi [Department of Science and Technology, National Kaohsiung First University, Kaohsiung (China)


    By using brewery yeast waste and microflora from rice straw compost, an anaerobic semi-solid bio-hydrogen-producing system has been established. For the purpose of industrialization, the major players of both aerobic and anaerobic bacterial strains in the system were isolated and their combination for an effective production of bio-hydrogen and other bio-fuels was examined in this study. The phylogenetic analysis found that four anaerobic isolates (Clostridium beijerinckii L9, Clostridium diolis Z2, Clostridium roseum Z5-1, and C. roseum W8) were highly related with each other and belongs to the cluster I clostridia family, the family that many of solvent-producing strains included. On the other hand, one of the aerobic isolates, the Bacillus thermoamylovorans strain I, shown multiple extracellular enzyme activities including lipase, protease, {alpha}-amylase, pectinase and cellulase, was suggested as a good partner for creating an anaerobic environment and pre-saccharification of substrate for those co-cultured solventogenic clostridial strain. Among these clostridial strains, though C. beijerinckii L9 do not show as many extracellular enzyme activities as Bacillus, but it performs the highest hydrogen-producing ability. The original microflora can be updated to a syntrophic bacterial co-culture system contended only with B. thermoamylovorans I and C. beijerinckii L9. The combination of aerobic Bacillus and anaerobic Clostridium may play the key role for developing the industrialized bio-fuels and bio-hydrogen-producing system from biomass. (author)

  1. Bio-degradable highly fluorescent conjugated polymer nanoparticles for bio-medical imaging applications. (United States)

    Repenko, Tatjana; Rix, Anne; Ludwanowski, Simon; Go, Dennis; Kiessling, Fabian; Lederle, Wiltrud; Kuehne, Alexander J C


    Conjugated polymer nanoparticles exhibit strong fluorescence and have been applied for biological fluorescence imaging in cell culture and in small animals. However, conjugated polymer particles are hydrophobic and often chemically inert materials with diameters ranging from below 50 nm to several microns. As such, conjugated polymer nanoparticles cannot be excreted through the renal system. This drawback has prevented their application for clinical bio-medical imaging. Here, we present fully conjugated polymer nanoparticles based on imidazole units. These nanoparticles can be bio-degraded by activated macrophages. Reactive oxygen species induce scission of the conjugated polymer backbone at the imidazole unit, leading to complete decomposition of the particles into soluble low molecular weight fragments. Furthermore, the nanoparticles can be surface functionalized for directed targeting. The approach opens a wide range of opportunities for conjugated polymer particles in the fields of medical imaging, drug-delivery, and theranostics.Conjugated polymer nanoparticles have been applied for biological fluorescence imaging in cell culture and in small animals, but cannot readily be excreted through the renal system. Here the authors show fully conjugated polymer nanoparticles based on imidazole units that can be bio-degraded by activated macrophages.

  2. Lateral ridge augmentation with Bio-Oss alone or Bio-Oss mixed with particulate autogenous bone graft: a systematic review. (United States)

    Aludden, H C; Mordenfeld, A; Hallman, M; Dahlin, C; Jensen, T


    The objective of this systematic review was to test the hypothesis of no difference in implant treatment outcomes when using Bio-Oss alone or Bio-Oss mixed with particulate autogenous bone grafts for lateral ridge augmentation. A search of the MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, and Embase databases in combination with a hand-search of relevant journals was conducted. Human studies published in English from 1 January 1990 to 1 May 2016 were included. The search provided 337 titles and six studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Considerable variation prevented a meta-analysis from being performed. The two treatment modalities have never been compared within the same study. Non-comparative studies demonstrated a 3-year implant survival of 96% with 50% Bio-Oss mixed with 50% autogenous bone graft. Moreover, Bio-Oss alone or Bio-Oss mixed with autogenous bone graft seems to increase the amount of newly formed bone as well as the width of the alveolar process. Within the limitations of this systematic review, lateral ridge augmentation with Bio-Oss alone or in combination with autogenous bone graft seems to induce newly formed bone and increase the width of the alveolar process, with high short-term implant survival. However, long-term studies comparing the two treatment modalities are needed before final conclusions can be drawn. Copyright © 2017 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Use of Bio-Amp, a commercial bio-additive for the treatment of grease trap wastewater containing fat, oil, and grease. (United States)

    Tang, Hao L; Xie, Yuefeng F; Chen, Yen-Chih


    This research investigated the application of Bio-Amp, a commercial bio-additive for the treatment of fat, oil, and grease (FOG) in a grease trap, and evaluated potential impacts of treated effluent on downstream collection system and treatment processes. Results show that after Bio-Amp treatment, FOG deposit formation was reduced by 40%, implicating a potential reduction of sewer line blockages. Chemical oxygen demand (COD), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP) and total fatty acids were reduced by 39%, 33%, 56%, and 59%, respectively, which represents an overall loading reduction of 9% COD, 5% TN and 40% TP received by the treatment plant from all the dining halls. On the other hand, readily biodegradable COD fractions significantly increased, which implies a potential improvement on Bio-P removal. Overall, the results showed that application of Bio-Amp in grease trap provides potential reduction of sewer line blockages, and can also alleviate downstream treatment burden. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Israel Marine Bio-geographic Database (ISRAMAR-BIO) (United States)

    Greengrass, Eyal; Krivenko, Yevgeniya; Ozer, Tal; Ben Yosef, Dafna; Tom, Moshe; Gertman, Isaac


    The knowledge of the space/time variations of species is the basis for any ecological investigations. While historical observations containing integral concentrations of biological parameters (chlorophyll, abundance, biomass…) are organized partly in ISRAMAR Cast Database, the taxon-specific data collected in Israel has not been sufficiently organized. This has been hindered by the lack of standards, variability of methods and complexity of biological data formalization. The ISRAMAR-BIO DB was developed to store various types of historical and future available information related to marine species observations and related metadata. Currently the DB allows to store biological data acquired by the following sampling devices such as: van veer grab, box corer, sampling bottles, nets (plankton, trawls and fish), quadrates, and cameras. The DB's logical unit is information regarding a specimen (taxa name, barcode, image), related attributes (abundance, size, age, contaminants…), habitat description, sampling device and method, time and space of sampling, responsible organization and scientist, source of information (cruise, project and publication). The following standardization of specimen and attributes naming were implemented: Taxonomy according to World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS: Habitat description according to Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standards (CMECS: Parameter name; Unit; Device name; Developmental stage; Institution name; Country name; Marine region according to SeaDataNet Vocabularies ( This system supports two types of data submission procedures, which support the above stated data structure. The first is a downloadable excel file with drop-down fields based on the ISRAMAR-BIO vocabularies. The file is filled and uploaded online by the data contributor. Alternatively, the same dataset can be assembled by

  5. Bio-fuels barometer - EurObserv'ER - July 2016

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The European bio-fuel market is now regulated by the directive, known as ILUC, whose wording focuses on the environmental impact of first generation bio-fuel development. This long-awaited clarification has arrived against the backdrop of falling oil prices and shrinking European Union bio-fuel consumption, which should drop by 1.7% between 2014 and 2015, according to EurObserv'ER

  6. 78 FR 39327 - Bio Diagnostic International; Denial of Application (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Drug Enforcement Administration [Docket No. 11-63] Bio Diagnostic... Control, Drug Enforcement Administration, issued an Order to Show Cause to Bio Diagnostic International... application of Bio Diagnostic International, Inc., for a DEA Certificate of Registration as a distributor of...

  7. Alkaline hydrothermal liquefaction of swine carcasses to bio-oil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zheng, Ji-Lu, E-mail:; Zhu, Ming-Qiang; Wu, Hai-tang


    Highlights: • Swine carcasses can be converted to bio-oil by alkaline hydrothermal liquefaction. • It seems that the use of the bio-oil for heat or CHP is technically suitable. • Some valuable chemicals were found in the bio-oils. • The bio-oil and the solid residue constituted an energy efficiency of 93.63% for the feedstock. • The solid residue can be used as a soil amendment, to sequester C and for preparing activated carbon. - Abstract: It is imperative that swine carcasses are disposed of safely, practically and economically. Alkaline hydrothermal liquefaction of swine carcasses to bio-oil was performed. Firstly, the effects of temperature, reaction time and pH value on the yield of each liquefaction product were determined. Secondly, liquefaction products, including bio-oil and solid residue, were characterized. Finally, the energy recovery ratio (ERR), which was defined as the energy of the resultant products compared to the energy input of the material, was investigated. Our experiment shows that reaction time had certain influence on the yield of liquefaction products, but temperature and pH value had bigger influence on the yield of liquefaction products. Yields of 62.2 wt% bio-oil, having a high heating value of 32.35 MJ/kg and a viscosity of 305cp, and 22 wt% solid residue were realized at a liquefaction temperature of 250 °C, a reaction time of 60 min and a pH value of 9.0. The bio-oil contained up to hundreds of different chemical components that may be classified according to functional groups. Typical compound classes in the bio-oil were hydrocarbons, organic acids, esters, ketones and heterocyclics. The energy recovery ratio (ERR) reached 93.63%. The bio-oil is expected to contribute to fossil fuel replacement in stationary applications, including boilers and furnaces, and upgrading processes for the bio-oil may be used to obtain liquid transport fuels.

  8. Alkaline hydrothermal liquefaction of swine carcasses to bio-oil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zheng, Ji-Lu; Zhu, Ming-Qiang; Wu, Hai-tang


    Highlights: • Swine carcasses can be converted to bio-oil by alkaline hydrothermal liquefaction. • It seems that the use of the bio-oil for heat or CHP is technically suitable. • Some valuable chemicals were found in the bio-oils. • The bio-oil and the solid residue constituted an energy efficiency of 93.63% for the feedstock. • The solid residue can be used as a soil amendment, to sequester C and for preparing activated carbon. - Abstract: It is imperative that swine carcasses are disposed of safely, practically and economically. Alkaline hydrothermal liquefaction of swine carcasses to bio-oil was performed. Firstly, the effects of temperature, reaction time and pH value on the yield of each liquefaction product were determined. Secondly, liquefaction products, including bio-oil and solid residue, were characterized. Finally, the energy recovery ratio (ERR), which was defined as the energy of the resultant products compared to the energy input of the material, was investigated. Our experiment shows that reaction time had certain influence on the yield of liquefaction products, but temperature and pH value had bigger influence on the yield of liquefaction products. Yields of 62.2 wt% bio-oil, having a high heating value of 32.35 MJ/kg and a viscosity of 305cp, and 22 wt% solid residue were realized at a liquefaction temperature of 250 °C, a reaction time of 60 min and a pH value of 9.0. The bio-oil contained up to hundreds of different chemical components that may be classified according to functional groups. Typical compound classes in the bio-oil were hydrocarbons, organic acids, esters, ketones and heterocyclics. The energy recovery ratio (ERR) reached 93.63%. The bio-oil is expected to contribute to fossil fuel replacement in stationary applications, including boilers and furnaces, and upgrading processes for the bio-oil may be used to obtain liquid transport fuels

  9. Bio solids Effects in Chihuahuan Desert Rangelands: A Ten-Year Study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wester, D.B; Sosebee, R.E; Fish, E.B; Villalobos, J.C; Zartman, R.E; Gonzalez, R.M; Jurado, P.; Moffet, C.A


    Arid and semiarid rangelands are suitable for responsible bio solids application. Topical application is critical to avoid soil and vegetation disturbance. Surface-applied bio solids have long-lasting effects in these ecosystems. We conducted a 10-year research program investigating effects of bio solids applied at rates from 0 to 90 dry Mg ha -1 on soil water infiltration; runoff and leachate water quality; soil erosion; forage production and quality; seedling establishment; plant physiological responses; nitrogen dynamics; bio solids decomposition; and grazing animal behavior and management. Bio solids increased soil water infiltration and reduced erosion. Effects on soil water quality were observed only at the highest application rates. Bio solids increased soil nitrate-nitrogen. Bio solids increased forage production and improved forage quality. Bio solids increased leaf area of grasses; photosynthetic rates were not necessarily increased by bio solids. Bio solids effects on plant establishment are expected only under moderately favorable conditions. Over an 82-mo exposure period, total organic carbon, nitrogen, and total and available phosphorus decreased and inorganic matter increased. Grazing animals spent more time grazing, ruminating, and resting in bio solids-treated areas; positive effects on average daily gain were observed during periods of higher rainfall. Our results suggest that annual bio solids application rates of up to 18 Mg ha -1 are appropriate for desert rangelands.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gabriel Ovejero


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se ha estudiado la efectividad de la oxidación por vía húmeda catalítica para tratar aguas residuales industriales en un reactor por lote. Para ello se han realizado ensayos con un contaminante modelo, el colorante básico Amarillo Directo 11 empleando como catalizador platino soportado en nanotubos de carbono de pared múltiple (Pt/MWNT. Así mismo se ha realizado el tratamiento de dos efluentes industriales. Los resultados muestran tanto la alta efectividad del tratamiento en presencia del catalizador, como una importante disminución del carbono orgánico total y de la toxicidad en el efluente final. Se concluye que el proceso se ha demostrado eficaz tanto para el tratamiento del colorante básico ensayado, como en los dos efluentes residuales industriales.

  11. Bio diesel- the Clean, Green Fuel for Diesel Engines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Elkareish, S.M.M.


    Natural, renewable resources such as vegetable oils, animal fats and recycled restaurant greases can be chemically transformed into clean burning bio diesel fuels (1). Just like petroleum diesel, bio diesel operates in combustion-ignition engines. Blends of up to 20% bio diesel (mixed with petroleum diesel fuels) can be used in nearly all diesel equipment and are compatible with most storage and distribution equipment. Using bio diesel in a conventional diesel engine substantially reduces emissions of unburned hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, sulphates, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, nitrated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and particulate matter. The use of bio diesel has grown dramatically during the last few years. Egypt has a promising experiment in promoting forestation by cultivation of Jatropha plant especially in luxor and many other sites of the country. The first production of the Egyptian Jatropha seeds oil is now under evaluation to produce a cost-competitive bio diesel fuel

  12. BioRuby: bioinformatics software for the Ruby programming language. (United States)

    Goto, Naohisa; Prins, Pjotr; Nakao, Mitsuteru; Bonnal, Raoul; Aerts, Jan; Katayama, Toshiaki


    The BioRuby software toolkit contains a comprehensive set of free development tools and libraries for bioinformatics and molecular biology, written in the Ruby programming language. BioRuby has components for sequence analysis, pathway analysis, protein modelling and phylogenetic analysis; it supports many widely used data formats and provides easy access to databases, external programs and public web services, including BLAST, KEGG, GenBank, MEDLINE and GO. BioRuby comes with a tutorial, documentation and an interactive environment, which can be used in the shell, and in the web browser. BioRuby is free and open source software, made available under the Ruby license. BioRuby runs on all platforms that support Ruby, including Linux, Mac OS X and Windows. And, with JRuby, BioRuby runs on the Java Virtual Machine. The source code is available from

  13. Security enhanced BioEncoding for protecting iris codes (United States)

    Ouda, Osama; Tsumura, Norimichi; Nakaguchi, Toshiya


    Improving the security of biometric template protection techniques is a key prerequisite for the widespread deployment of biometric technologies. BioEncoding is a recently proposed template protection scheme, based on the concept of cancelable biometrics, for protecting biometric templates represented as binary strings such as iris codes. The main advantage of BioEncoding over other template protection schemes is that it does not require user-specific keys and/or tokens during verification. Besides, it satisfies all the requirements of the cancelable biometrics construct without deteriorating the matching accuracy. However, although it has been shown that BioEncoding is secure enough against simple brute-force search attacks, the security of BioEncoded templates against more smart attacks, such as record multiplicity attacks, has not been sufficiently investigated. In this paper, a rigorous security analysis of BioEncoding is presented. Firstly, resistance of BioEncoded templates against brute-force attacks is revisited thoroughly. Secondly, we show that although the cancelable transformation employed in BioEncoding might be non-invertible for a single protected template, the original iris code could be inverted by correlating several templates used in different applications but created from the same iris. Accordingly, we propose an important modification to the BioEncoding transformation process in order to hinder attackers from exploiting this type of attacks. The effectiveness of adopting the suggested modification is validated and its impact on the matching accuracy is investigated empirically using CASIA-IrisV3-Interval dataset. Experimental results confirm the efficacy of the proposed approach and show that it preserves the matching accuracy of the unprotected iris recognition system.

  14. The Role of Bio-productivity on Bio-energy Yields

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marc J. J. Janssens


    Full Text Available The principal photosynthetic pathways convert solar energy differently depending on the environmental conditions and the plant morphotype. Partitioning of energy storage within crops will vary according to environmental and seasonal conditions as well. Highest energy concentration is found in terpens like latex and, to a lesser extent, in lipids. Ideally, we want plant ingredients with high energy content easily amenable to ready-to-use bio-fuel. Generally, these crops are adapted to drier areas and tend to save on eco-volume space. Competition with food crops could be avoided by fetching energy from cheap agricultural by-products or waste products such as bagasse in the sugar cane. This would in fact mean that reducing power of agricultural residues should be extracted from the biomass through non-photosynthetic processes like animal ingestion or industrial bio-fermentation. Conversion and transformation efficiencies in the production chain are illustrated for some relevant crops in the light of the maximum power theorem.

  15. Bio-robots automatic navigation with electrical reward stimulation. (United States)

    Sun, Chao; Zhang, Xinlu; Zheng, Nenggan; Chen, Weidong; Zheng, Xiaoxiang


    Bio-robots that controlled by outer stimulation through brain computer interface (BCI) suffer from the dependence on realtime guidance of human operators. Current automatic navigation methods for bio-robots focus on the controlling rules to force animals to obey man-made commands, with animals' intelligence ignored. This paper proposes a new method to realize the automatic navigation for bio-robots with electrical micro-stimulation as real-time rewards. Due to the reward-seeking instinct and trial-and-error capability, bio-robot can be steered to keep walking along the right route with rewards and correct its direction spontaneously when rewards are deprived. In navigation experiments, rat-robots learn the controlling methods in short time. The results show that our method simplifies the controlling logic and realizes the automatic navigation for rat-robots successfully. Our work might have significant implication for the further development of bio-robots with hybrid intelligence.

  16. [Reflection on developing bio-energy industry of large oil company]. (United States)

    Sun, Haiyang; Su, Haijia; Tan, Tianwei; Liu, Shumin; Wang, Hui


    China's energy supply becomes more serious nowadays and the development of bio-energy becomes a major trend. Large oil companies have superb technology, rich experience and outstanding talent, as well as better sales channels for energy products, which can make full use of their own advantages to achieve the efficient complementary of exist energy and bio-energy. Therefore, large oil companies have the advantages of developing bio-energy. Bio-energy development in China is in the initial stage. There exist some problems such as available land, raw material supply, conversion technologies and policy guarantee, which restrict bio-energy from industrialized development. According to the above key issues, this article proposes suggestions and methods, such as planting energy plant in the marginal barren land to guarantee the supply of bio-energy raw materials, cultivation of professional personnel, building market for bio-energy counting on large oil companies' rich experience and market resources about oil industry, etc, aimed to speed up the industrialized process of bio-energy development in China.

  17. Recent trends in global production and utilization of bio-ethanol fuel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Balat, Mustafa; Balat, Havva


    Bio-fuels are important because they replace petroleum fuels. A number of environmental and economic benefits are claimed for bio-fuels. Bio-ethanol is by far the most widely used bio-fuel for transportation worldwide. Production of bio-ethanol from biomass is one way to reduce both consumption of crude oil and environmental pollution. Using bio-ethanol blended gasoline fuel for automobiles can significantly reduce petroleum use and exhaust greenhouse gas emission. Bio-ethanol can be produced from different kinds of raw materials. These raw materials are classified into three categories of agricultural raw materials: simple sugars, starch and lignocellulose. Bio-ethanol from sugar cane, produced under the proper conditions, is essentially a clean fuel and has several clear advantages over petroleum-derived gasoline in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality in metropolitan areas. Conversion technologies for producing bio-ethanol from cellulosic biomass resources such as forest materials, agricultural residues and urban wastes are under development and have not yet been demonstrated commercially.

  18. Bio-fuels production and the environmental indicators

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gomes, Marcos Sebastiao de Paula [Mechanical Engineering Department/Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro - PUC-Rio, Rua Marques de Sao Vicente 225, Gavea, CEP 22453-900, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Muylaert de Araujo, Maria Silvia [Energy and Environment Planning Program/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - COPPE/UFRJ, Cidade Universitaria, Centro de Tecnologia, Bloco C, sala 211, Ilha do Fundao, CEP: 21945-970, Caixa Postal: 68501, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    The paper evaluates the role of the bio-fuels production in the transportation sector in the world, for programs of greenhouse gases emissions reductions and sustainable environmental performance. Depending on the methodology used to account for the local pollutant emissions and the global greenhouse gases emissions during the production and consumption of both the fossil and bio-fuels, the results can show huge differences. If it is taken into account a life cycle inventory approach to compare the different fuel sources, these results can present controversies. A comparison study involving the American oil diesel and soybean diesel developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory presents CO{sub 2} emissions for the bio-diesel which are almost 20% of the emissions for the oil diesel: 136 g CO{sub 2}/bhp-h for the bio-diesel from soybean and 633 g CO{sub 2}/bhp-h for the oil diesel [National Renewable Energy Laboratory - NREL/SR-580-24089]. Besides that, important local environmental impacts can also make a big difference. The water consumption in the soybean production is much larger in comparison with the water consumption for the diesel production [National Renewable Energy Laboratory - NREL/SR-580-24089]. Brazil has an important role to play in this scenario because of its large experience in bio-fuels production since the seventies, and the country has conditions to produce bio-fuels for attending great part of the world demand in a sustainable pathway. (author)

  19. Bio-Manufacturing to market pilot project

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dressen, Tiffaney [Univ. of California, Berkeley, CA (United States)


    The Bio-Manufacturing to Market pilot project was a part of the AMJIAC, the Advanced Manufacturing Jobs and Innovation Accelerator Challenge grant. This internship program set out to further define and enhance the talent pipeline from the University and local Community Colleges to startup culture in East Bay Area, provide undergraduate STEM students with opportunities outside academia, and provide startup companies with much needed talent. Over the 4 year period of performance, the Bio-Manufacturing to Market internship program sponsored 75 undergraduate STEM students who were able to spend anywhere from one to six semesters working with local Bay Area startup companies and DOE sponsored facilities/programs in the biotech, bio-manufacturing, and biomedical device fields.

  20. Brucella BioR Regulator Defines a Complex Regulatory Mechanism for Bacterial Biotin Metabolism (United States)

    Xu, Jie; Zhang, Huimin; Srinivas, Swaminath


    The enzyme cofactor biotin (vitamin H or B7) is an energetically expensive molecule whose de novo biosynthesis requires 20 ATP equivalents. It seems quite likely that diverse mechanisms have evolved to tightly regulate its biosynthesis. Unlike the model regulator BirA, a bifunctional biotin protein ligase with the capability of repressing the biotin biosynthetic pathway, BioR has been recently reported by us as an alternative machinery and a new type of GntR family transcriptional factor that can repress the expression of the bioBFDAZ operon in the plant pathogen Agrobacterium tumefaciens. However, quite unusually, a closely related human pathogen, Brucella melitensis, has four putative BioR-binding sites (both bioR and bioY possess one site in the promoter region, whereas the bioBFDAZ [bio] operon contains two tandem BioR boxes). This raised the question of whether BioR mediates the complex regulatory network of biotin metabolism. Here, we report that this is the case. The B. melitensis BioR ortholog was overexpressed and purified to homogeneity, and its solution structure was found to be dimeric. Functional complementation in a bioR isogenic mutant of A. tumefaciens elucidated that Brucella BioR is a functional repressor. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays demonstrated that the four predicted BioR sites of Brucella plus the BioR site of A. tumefaciens can all interact with the Brucella BioR protein. In a reporter strain that we developed on the basis of a double mutant of A. tumefaciens (the ΔbioR ΔbioBFDA mutant), the β-galactosidase (β-Gal) activity of three plasmid-borne transcriptional fusions (bioBbme-lacZ, bioYbme-lacZ, and bioRbme-lacZ) was dramatically decreased upon overexpression of Brucella bioR. Real-time quantitative PCR analyses showed that the expression of bioBFDA and bioY is significantly elevated upon removal of bioR from B. melitensis. Together, we conclude that Brucella BioR is not only a negative autoregulator but also a repressor of

  1. Prospects for a bio-based succinate industry. (United States)

    McKinlay, James B; Vieille, C; Zeikus, J Gregory


    Bio-based succinate is receiving increasing attention as a potential intermediary feedstock for replacing a large petrochemical-based bulk chemical market. The prospective economical and environmental benefits of a bio-based succinate industry have motivated research and development of succinate-producing organisms. Bio-based succinate is still faced with the challenge of becoming cost competitive against petrochemical-based alternatives. High succinate concentrations must be produced at high rates, with little or no by-products to most efficiently use substrates and to simplify purification procedures. Herein are described the current prospects for a bio-based succinate industry, with emphasis on specific bacteria that show the greatest promise for industrial succinate production. The succinate-producing characteristics and the metabolic pathway used by each bacterial species are described, and the advantages and disadvantages of each bacterial system are discussed.

  2. Bio-inspired computation in unmanned aerial vehicles

    CERN Document Server

    Duan, Haibin


    Bio-inspired Computation in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles focuses on the aspects of path planning, formation control, heterogeneous cooperative control and vision-based surveillance and navigation in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) from the perspective of bio-inspired computation. It helps readers to gain a comprehensive understanding of control-related problems in UAVs, presenting the latest advances in bio-inspired computation. By combining bio-inspired computation and UAV control problems, key questions are explored in depth, and each piece is content-rich while remaining accessible. With abundant illustrations of simulation work, this book links theory, algorithms and implementation procedures, demonstrating the simulation results with graphics that are intuitive without sacrificing academic rigor. Further, it pays due attention to both the conceptual framework and the implementation procedures. The book offers a valuable resource for scientists, researchers and graduate students in the field of Control, Aeros...

  3. Nano-arrays of SAM by dip-pen nanowriting (DPN) technique for futuristic bio-electronic and bio-sensor applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Agarwal, Pankaj B.; Kumar, A.; Saravanan, R.; Sharma, A.K.; Shekhar, Chandra


    Nano-arrays of bio-molecules have potential applications in many areas namely, bio-sensors, bio/molecular electronics and virus detection. Spot array, micro-contact printing and photolithography are used for micron size array fabrications while Dip-Pen Nanowriting (DPN) is employed for submicron/nano size arrays. We have fabricated nano-dots of 16-MHA (16-mercaptohexadecanoic acid) self-assembled monolayer (SAM) on gold substrate by DPN technique with different dwell time under varying relative humidity. These patterns were imaged in the same system in LFM (Lateral Force Microscopy) mode with fast scanning speed (5 Hz). The effect of humidity on size variation of nano-dots has been studied. During experiments, relative humidity (RH) was varied from 20% to 60%, while the temperature was kept constant ∼ 25 o C. The minimum measured diameter of the dot is ∼ 294 nm at RH = 20% for a dwell time of 2 s. The thickness of the 16-MHA dots, estimated in NanoRule image analysis software is ∼ 2 nm, which agrees well with the length of single MHA molecule (2.2 nm). The line profile has been used to estimate the size and thickness of dots. The obtained results will be useful in further development of nano-array based bio-sensors and bio-electronic devices.

  4. Evaluación del comportamiento de un algoritmo para la secuenciación en un taller de flujo con tiempos dependientes de la secuencia // Evaluation of the behaviour of a sequences elaboration algorithm in a flow shop with depending on the sequence times.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alberto Fiol-Zulueta


    Full Text Available ResumenEn el trabajo se realiza la evaluación del comportamiento de un algoritmo propuesto para lasecuenciación en un taller de flujo con tiempos dependientes de la secuencia, utilizando un métodohíbrido basado en el Algoritmo de Búsqueda del Extremo de una Función de un Código Variable y lametaheurística de Búsqueda Dispersa. Asimismo, se analizan casos obtenidos de la aplicación en untaller mecánico de una industria nacional.Palabras claves: secuencias, taller de flujo, metaheurística.____________________________________________________________AbstractIn this paper the evaluation of the behaviour of a proposed algorithm is made for the sequence ofevents in a stream flow in a workshop with dependent moments of the sequence using a hybridmethod based on theSEARCH OF THE EXTREME OF A FUNTION OF A VARIABLE CODE ALGORITHM AND THEDISPERSED SEARCH METHOD ALGORITHMIn the same way, cases obtained from the application in aworkshop of the national mechanical industry are analysed.Key words: scheduling, flow shop, metahuristic

  5. A brief review of extrusion-based tissue scaffold bio-printing. (United States)

    Ning, Liqun; Chen, Xiongbiao


    Extrusion-based bio-printing has great potential as a technique for manipulating biomaterials and living cells to create three-dimensional (3D) scaffolds for damaged tissue repair and function restoration. Over the last two decades, advances in both engineering techniques and life sciences have evolved extrusion-based bio-printing from a simple technique to one able to create diverse tissue scaffolds from a wide range of biomaterials and cell types. However, the complexities associated with synthesis of materials for bio-printing and manipulation of multiple materials and cells in bio-printing pose many challenges for scaffold fabrication. This paper presents an overview of extrusion-based bio-printing for scaffold fabrication, focusing on the prior-printing considerations (such as scaffold design and materials/cell synthesis), working principles, comparison to other techniques, and to-date achievements. This paper also briefly reviews the recent development of strategies with regard to hydrogel synthesis, multi-materials/cells manipulation, and process-induced cell damage in extrusion-based bio-printing. The key issue and challenges for extrusion-based bio-printing are also identified and discussed along with recommendations for future, aimed at developing novel biomaterials and bio-printing systems, creating patterned vascular networks within scaffolds, and preserving the cell viability and functions in scaffold bio-printing. The address of these challenges will significantly enhance the capability of extrusion-based bio-printing. Copyright © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  6. Bio-diesel: A candidate for a Nigeria energy mix

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eze, T.; Dim, L. A.; Funtua, I. I.; Oladipo, M. O. A.


    This paper presents a review of bio-diesel development and economic potentials. The basics of biodiesel and its production technology are described. Attention is given to development potential, challenges and prospests of bio-diesel in Nigeria with ground facts on bio-diesel production feasibility in Nigeria highlighted.

  7. The NCBI BioSystems database. (United States)

    Geer, Lewis Y; Marchler-Bauer, Aron; Geer, Renata C; Han, Lianyi; He, Jane; He, Siqian; Liu, Chunlei; Shi, Wenyao; Bryant, Stephen H


    The NCBI BioSystems database, found at, centralizes and cross-links existing biological systems databases, increasing their utility and target audience by integrating their pathways and systems into NCBI resources. This integration allows users of NCBI's Entrez databases to quickly categorize proteins, genes and small molecules by metabolic pathway, disease state or other BioSystem type, without requiring time-consuming inference of biological relationships from the literature or multiple experimental datasets.



    Aguirre Ramírez, Néstor J.; Palacio Baena, Jaime A.; Correa Ochoa, Isabel C.; Hernández Atilano, Esnedy


    Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar el crecimiento del alga Chlorella vulgaris ante diferentes concentraciones de nitrógeno y fósforo, a través de ensayos de bioestimulación en una cámara ambiental. Las variables respuesta fueron la densidad algal y la turbidez, evaluadas por conteo en una cámara de Neubauer y por espectrofotometría, empleando un equipo NOVA 60. Para los ensayos de bioestimulación se utilizó el medio de cultivo Estándar Métodos, sugerido por APHA, AWWA (1995) con di...

  9. Inter-organizational collaboration in bio-based business

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nuhoff-Isakhanyan, Gohar


    Globally, bio-based business is often perceived as sustainable, because its renewable production can potentially lower carbon and greenhouse emissions by substituting fossil-fuel-based production, reduce environmental sourcing problems, and create turnover and jobs. However, bio-based business

  10. Pakistan's Approach Towards Cem-Bio Issues

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khan, M. A.; Iqbal, J.


    Pakistan ratified the BWC and CWC as a non-possessive state at that time when international environment were fraught with uncertainties about Chem-Bio threat. The geographical location of Pakistan faces a serious multidimensional WMD threat which includes threat from, non-state actors and her neighbours especially after declaration of chemical weapons during process of ratification of CWC. Pakistan never pursued such chem-bio program with the aim to use it as a mean of deterrence in overall context of security policy and always encouraged any move regarding strengthening of national/international institutional efforts to counter potential misuse of chem-bio technology. Pakistan's position has consistently been positive, pragmatic and supportive. For better implementation of BWC and CWC in Pakistan, comprehensive policies have been formulated and National Authority has been established to work as National point of contact on CWC affairs. Pakistan CWC Act 2000, Pakistan Bio Safety Rules 2005 and Pakistan Export Control Act 2004 are the evidences of Pakistan's sincerity to the implementation of CWC and BWC. Pakistan has declared 15 industries involved with chemicals, out of which 06 have already been inspected by OPCW Inspectors. Pakistan has declared its national protective program and pursuing all possible measures to enhance the national capacity and potential to guard against chem-bio threats. Pakistan has proved that it is committed to the principles of disarmament, which could serve as confidence building measures and may help reducing distrust and regional tension.(author)

  11. Nano-catalysts for upgrading bio-oil: Catalytic decarboxylation and hydrodeoxygenation (United States)

    Uemura, Yoshimitsu; Tran, Nga T. T.; Naqvi, Salman Raza; Nishiyama, Norikazu


    Bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated chemicals produced by fast pyrolysis of lignocellulose, and has attracted much attention recently because the raw material is renewable. Primarily, bio-oil can be used as a replacement of heavy oil. But it is not highly recommended due to bio-oil's inferior properties: high acidity and short shelf life. Upgrading of bio-oil is therefore one of the important technologies nowadays, and is categorized into the two: (A) decrarboxylation/decarbonylation by solid acid catalysts and (B) hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) by metallic catalysts. In our research group, decarboxylation of bio-oil by zeolites and HDO of guaiacol (a model compound of bio-oil) have been investigated. In this paper, recent developments of these upgrading reactions in our research group will be introduced.

  12. Algoritmo para determinação do amortecimento de materiais cerâmicos pela técnica das freqüências naturais de vibração via excitação por impulso Algorithm to determine the damping of ceramic materials by the impulse excitation technique

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. H. A. Pereira


    Full Text Available O amortecimento ou atrito interno é uma das propriedades mais sensíveis de materiais e estruturas tanto em escala macro como microscópica e um bom indicador para a caracterização de danos estruturais, sendo particularmente sensível à presença de trincas e micro-trincas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um algoritmo que permitisse incorporar a caracterização do amortecimento à técnica das freqüências naturais de vibração via excitação por impulso, já bem estabelecida pela norma ASTM E1876 e amplamente empregada na determinação não-destrutiva dos módulos elásticos de materiais cerâmicos. Foi desenvolvido um algoritmo para a determinação do amortecimento fundamentado na análise de sinal no domínio de tempo-freqüência, no método do decremento logarítmico e no modelo viscoelástico equivalente. O algoritmo foi validado empregando um gerador de ondas de formato arbitrário e aplicado na caracterização de dois materiais, sendo um concreto refratário de alta alumina, com e sem dano por choque térmico, e um aço SAE 1020. O algoritmo foi eficiente ao determinar a frequência e o amortecimento de sinais arbitrários e dos corpos de prova, e em limitar a análise ao modo de vibração de interesse, minimizando assim a interferência de outros modos. O algoritmo permitiu integrar com eficiência o cálculo do amortecimento à técnica de excitação por impulso.Damping is one of the most sensitive properties of materials and structures, in macro and microscopic scale, which makes it particularly sensitive to the presence of cracks and micro-cracks and a good parameter to the characterization of structural damages. The aim of this work was to develop an algorithm to allow the incorporation of the damping characterization to the natural frequencies of vibration technique (by impulse excitation, already well established for the non-destructive determination of elastic moduli by ASTM E1876 and correlated standards

  13. Challenges for bio-based products in sustainable value chains

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cardon, L.; Lin, J.W.; De Groote, M.; Ragaert, K.; Kopecka, J.A.; Koster, R.P.


    This work concerns studies related to strategic development of products in which bio-based plastics are or will be applied, referred to as bio-based products. The studies cover (1) current and potential benefits of bio-based products in extended value chains including activities after end-of-life of

  14. Bio-functionalization of conductive textile materials with redox enzymes (United States)

    Kahoush, M.; Behary, N.; Cayla, A.; Nierstrasz, V.


    In recent years, immobilization of oxidoreductase enzymes on electrically conductive materials has played an important role in the development of sustainable bio-technologies. Immobilization process allows the re-use of these bio-catalysts in their final applications. In this study, different methods of immobilizing redox enzymes on conductive textile materials were used to produce bio-functionalized electrodes. These electrodes can be used for bio-processes and bio-sensing in eco-designed applications in domains such as medicine and pollution control. However, the main challenge facing the stability and durability of these electrodes is the maintenance of the enzymatic activity after the immobilization. Hence, preventing the enzyme’s denaturation and leaching is a critical factor for the success of the immobilization processes.

  15. Maximización de la función de Verosimilitud de Distribuciones de Probabilidad usando Algoritmos Genéticos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oscar Arturo Fuentes Mariles


    Full Text Available Tradicionalmente, para obtener los parámetros de una función de distribución con el método de máxima verosimilitud se acostumbra igualar a cero la derivada del logaritmo de la función de verosimilitud y resolver el sistema de ecuaciones no lineales que resulta. La popularidad del procedimiento se debe a su sencillez; sin embargo, cuando la función de verosimilitud no es suficientemente regular, puede llevar a obtener un valor muy alejado del máximo Por ese motivo, en este documento se presenta el uso de un algoritmo genético que permite encontrar los parámetros de la función de distribución (con los que se maximiza directamente la función de verosimilitud, o su logaritmo, sin recurrir a la derivada de los logaritmos de dicha función. Se halló buena concordancia de los resultados respecto a los obtenidos usando un software de uso frecuente en México, para el caso las funciones Gumbel y Gumbel de dos poblaciones. 

  16. BioN∅T: A searchable database of biomedical negated sentences

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Agarwal Shashank


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Negated biomedical events are often ignored by text-mining applications; however, such events carry scientific significance. We report on the development of BioN∅T, a database of negated sentences that can be used to extract such negated events. Description Currently BioN∅T incorporates ≈32 million negated sentences, extracted from over 336 million biomedical sentences from three resources: ≈2 million full-text biomedical articles in Elsevier and the PubMed Central, as well as ≈20 million abstracts in PubMed. We evaluated BioN∅T on three important genetic disorders: autism, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease, and found that BioN∅T is able to capture negated events that may be ignored by experts. Conclusions The BioN∅T database can be a useful resource for biomedical researchers. BioN∅T is freely available at In future work, we will develop semantic web related technologies to enrich BioN∅T.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Aim: To study the clinical and morphological characteristics of Bio-Oss ® and Bio-Gate ® materials during bone-plastic operations, especially bone regeneration after surgical interventiond. Materials and method: The pathomorphological study was performed with the intravital biopsy material of bone tissue from augmentation areas, obtained during implants placement. Clinical studies included subjective and objective methods, in particular X-ray analysis and photo documenting. Bio-Oss ®, Bio-Gide ®, Bio-Gide ® Perio membranes, Resor-Pin pins, U-impl implant systems were investigated and 231 operations were performed with Bio-Oss ® and Bio-Gate ®, of which 38 cases of sinus lifting, 145 of bone plasty with simultaneous implantation and 48 cases of periodontal surgery. Results: Usage of bone-plastic Bio-OSS ® and Bio-Gate ® materials during various bone-plastic and periodontal operations assures a high clinical effect (from 93 to 99%. Morphologically, it has been observed that, after usage of bone Bio-OSS ® and Bio-Gate ® materials, a new osteoid tissue was formed, similar to the bone tissue of the alveolar process, with high mineralization levels, especially in the first 2 years, due to the simultaneous resorption of the material. The newly-formed tissue has a classical design and can fully perform the functions of jaw bones, especially for carrying loads transmitted with either teeth or implants.

  18. BioNSi: A Discrete Biological Network Simulator Tool. (United States)

    Rubinstein, Amir; Bracha, Noga; Rudner, Liat; Zucker, Noga; Sloin, Hadas E; Chor, Benny


    Modeling and simulation of biological networks is an effective and widely used research methodology. The Biological Network Simulator (BioNSi) is a tool for modeling biological networks and simulating their discrete-time dynamics, implemented as a Cytoscape App. BioNSi includes a visual representation of the network that enables researchers to construct, set the parameters, and observe network behavior under various conditions. To construct a network instance in BioNSi, only partial, qualitative biological data suffices. The tool is aimed for use by experimental biologists and requires no prior computational or mathematical expertise. BioNSi is freely available at , where a complete user guide and a step-by-step manual can also be found.

  19. Households And Bio-Resources In Plateau State Nigeria

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dasogot, A.D.


    The paper examines household dynamics as variables for bio-resource or biomass resource potentials and utilisation. Information was collected from 250 randomly selected households in five villages of the State, mainly using questionnaire administered on household heads, and a direct measurement/observation about what households have, do or say concerning the study problem. It was shown that insignificant quantity were utilised for various purposes like cooking and heating, but the bio-resources generated met both domestic and income needs of the households. It was concluded that beneficial use (compost, biogas or generation of electricity) should be found for the largely unused bio-resources and household dynamics should be integrated into bio-resource energy planning

  20. Un algoritmo de replanificación en tiempo real basado en un índice de estabilidad de Lyapunov para líneas de metro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Berbey


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este trabajo, se propone un nuevo índice basado en el método directo de Lyapunov para el diseño de un algoritmo de reprogramación en tiempo real para líneas de metro. En este estudio se utiliza una versión modificada de un modelo de espacio de estados en tiempo real discreto, que considera los efectos de saturación en la línea de metro. Una vez que el modelo de espacio de estados se ha obtenido, el método directo de Lyapunov se aplica con el fin de analizar la estabilidad del sistema de la línea de metro. Como resultado de este análisis no sólo se propone un nuevo índice de estabilidad, sino también la creación de tres zonas de estabilidad para indicar el estado actual del sistema. Finalmente, se presenta un nuevo algoritmo que permite la reprogramación del calendario de los trenes en tiempo real en presencia de perturbaciones medianas. Abstract: A new Lyapunov-based index for designing a rescheduling algorithm in real time for metro lines has been proposed in this paper. A modified real time discrete space state model which considers saturation effects in the metro line has been utilized in this study. Once the space state model has been obtained, the direct method of Lyapunov is applied in order to analyze the stability of the metro line system. As a result of this analysis not only a new stability index is proposed, but also the establishment of three stability zones to indicate the current state of the system. Finally, a new algorithm which allows the rescheduling of the timetable in the real time of the trains under presence of medium disturbances has been presented. Palabras clave: Sistema de metro, estabilidad de Lyapunov, planificación en tiempo real, Keywords: Metro system, Lyapunov stability, real time planning, traffic regulation

  1. BioData: a national aquatic bioassessment database (United States)

    MacCoy, Dorene


    BioData is a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) web-enabled database that for the first time provides for the capture, curation, integration, and delivery of bioassessment data collected by local, regional, and national USGS projects. BioData offers field biologists advanced capabilities for entering, editing, and reviewing the macroinvertebrate, algae, fish, and supporting habitat data from rivers and streams. It offers data archival and curation capabilities that protect and maintain data for the long term. BioData provides the Federal, State, and local governments, as well as the scientific community, resource managers, the private sector, and the public with easy access to tens of thousands of samples collected nationwide from thousands of stream and river sites. BioData also provides the USGS with centralized data storage for delivering data to other systems and applications through automated web services. BioData allows users to combine data sets of known quality from different projects in various locations over time. It provides a nationally aggregated database for users to leverage data from many independent projects that, until now, was not feasible at this scale. For example, from 1991 to 2011, the USGS Idaho Water Science Center collected more than 816 bioassessment samples from 63 sites for the National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program and more than 477 samples from 39 sites for a cooperative USGS and State of Idaho Statewide Water Quality Network (fig. 1). Using BioData, 20 years of samples collected for both of these projects can be combined for analysis. BioData delivers all of the data using current taxonomic nomenclature, thus relieving users of the difficult and time-consuming task of harmonizing taxonomy among samples collected during different time periods. Fish data are reported using the Integrated Taxonomic Information Service (ITIS) Taxonomic Serial Numbers (TSN's). A simple web-data input interface and self-guided, public data

  2. Public Perception of Bio fuels; Percepcion Publica de los Biocombustibles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oltra, C.; Priolo, V.


    The deployment of bio fuels has generated a significant controversy in the energy, agricultural and environmental fields. Governments and promoters around the world have advocated for developing bio fuels based on their potential contribution to emissions reduction and energy security. But opposition to bio fuels has growth in the last years. Environmental NGO's and other stake holders have called for a review of the environmental and social sustainability of energy crops. This controversy has characterized the public debate around bio fuels. In this context, and given the need to improve public involvement in energy technologies, this article reports an investigation of Spanish citizens' perceptions about bio fuels. The study investigated the perceptions of informed citizens and the reasoning basis underlying beliefs and attitudes. The study finds an initial positive association of bio fuels to a clean and natural fuel that is mitigated by participants' concerns on the practical usage of bio fuels and the social and environmental impacts. Study participants' reactions show the need to differentiate among the diverse groups of publics holding differing views and a different reaction to information on the benefits and costs of bio fuels. (Author) 9 refs.

  3. Public Perception of Bio fuels; Percepcion Publica de los Biocombustibles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oltra, C; Priolo, V


    The deployment of bio fuels has generated a significant controversy in the energy, agricultural and environmental fields. Governments and promoters around the world have advocated for developing bio fuels based on their potential contribution to emissions reduction and energy security. But opposition to bio fuels has growth in the last years. Environmental NGO's and other stake holders have called for a review of the environmental and social sustainability of energy crops. This controversy has characterized the public debate around bio fuels. In this context, and given the need to improve public involvement in energy technologies, this article reports an investigation of Spanish citizens' perceptions about bio fuels. The study investigated the perceptions of informed citizens and the reasoning basis underlying beliefs and attitudes. The study finds an initial positive association of bio fuels to a clean and natural fuel that is mitigated by participants' concerns on the practical usage of bio fuels and the social and environmental impacts. Study participants' reactions show the need to differentiate among the diverse groups of publics holding differing views and a different reaction to information on the benefits and costs of bio fuels. (Author) 9 refs.

  4. Social Science Insights for the BioCCS Industry

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anne-Maree Dowd


    Full Text Available BioCCS is a technology gaining support as a possible emissions reduction policy option to address climate change. The process entails the capture, transport and storage of carbon dioxide produced during energy production from biomass. Globally, the most optimistic energy efficiency scenarios cannot avoid an average temperature increase of +2 °C without bioCCS. Although very much at the commencement stage, bioCCS demonstration projects can provide opportunity to garner knowledge, achieve consensus and build support around the technology’s properties. Yet many challenges face the bioCCS industry, including no guarantee biomass will always be from sustainable sources or potentially result in carbon stock losses. The operating environment also has no or limited policies, regulations and legal frameworks, and risk and safety concerns abound. Some state the key problem for bioCCS is cultural, lacking in a ‘community of support’, awareness and credibility amongst its own key stakeholders and the wider public. Therefore, the industry can benefit from the growing social science literature, drawing upon other energy and resource based industries with regard to social choice for future energy options. To this end, the following scoping review was conducted in order to ascertain gaps in existing public perception and acceptance research focusing on bioCCS.

  5. Bio-Mimetic Sensors Based on Molecularly Imprinted Membranes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Catia Algieri


    Full Text Available An important challenge for scientific research is the production of artificial systems able to mimic the recognition mechanisms occurring at the molecular level in living systems. A valid contribution in this direction resulted from the development of molecular imprinting. By means of this technology, selective molecular recognition sites are introduced in a polymer, thus conferring it bio-mimetic properties. The potential applications of these systems include affinity separations, medical diagnostics, drug delivery, catalysis, etc. Recently, bio-sensing systems using molecularly imprinted membranes, a special form of imprinted polymers, have received the attention of scientists in various fields. In these systems imprinted membranes are used as bio-mimetic recognition elements which are integrated with a transducer component. The direct and rapid determination of an interaction between the recognition element and the target analyte (template was an encouraging factor for the development of such systems as alternatives to traditional bio-assay methods. Due to their high stability, sensitivity and specificity, bio-mimetic sensors-based membranes are used for environmental, food, and clinical uses. This review deals with the development of molecularly imprinted polymers and their different preparation methods. Referring to the last decades, the application of these membranes as bio-mimetic sensor devices will be also reported.

  6. Bio-Mimetic Sensors Based on Molecularly Imprinted Membranes (United States)

    Algieri, Catia; Drioli, Enrico; Guzzo, Laura; Donato, Laura


    An important challenge for scientific research is the production of artificial systems able to mimic the recognition mechanisms occurring at the molecular level in living systems. A valid contribution in this direction resulted from the development of molecular imprinting. By means of this technology, selective molecular recognition sites are introduced in a polymer, thus conferring it bio-mimetic properties. The potential applications of these systems include affinity separations, medical diagnostics, drug delivery, catalysis, etc. Recently, bio-sensing systems using molecularly imprinted membranes, a special form of imprinted polymers, have received the attention of scientists in various fields. In these systems imprinted membranes are used as bio-mimetic recognition elements which are integrated with a transducer component. The direct and rapid determination of an interaction between the recognition element and the target analyte (template) was an encouraging factor for the development of such systems as alternatives to traditional bio-assay methods. Due to their high stability, sensitivity and specificity, bio-mimetic sensors-based membranes are used for environmental, food, and clinical uses. This review deals with the development of molecularly imprinted polymers and their different preparation methods. Referring to the last decades, the application of these membranes as bio-mimetic sensor devices will be also reported. PMID:25196110

  7. Bio-tribocorrosion in biomaterials and medical implants

    CERN Document Server

    Yan, Yu


    During their service life, most biomaterials and medical implants are vulnerable to tribological damage. In addition, the environments in which they are placed are often corrosive. The combination of triobology, corrosion and the biological environment has been named 'bio-tribocorrosion'. Understanding this complex phenomenon is critical to improving the design and service life of medical implants. This important book reviews recent key research in this area. After an introduction to the topography of bio-tribocorrosion, Part one discusses different types of tribocorrosion including fatigue-corrosion, fretting-corrosion, wear-corrosion and abrasion-corrosion. The book also discusses the prediction of wear in medical devices. Part two looks at biological effects on tribocorrosion processes, including how proteins interact with material surfaces and the evolution of surface changes due to bio-tribocorrosion resulting from biofilms and passive films. Part three reviews the issue of bio-tribocorrosion in clinical...

  8. Bio-remediation of a sludge containing hydrocarbons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ayotamuno, M.J.; Okparanma, R.N.; Nweneka, E.K.; Ogaji, S.O.T.; Probert, S.D.


    Bio-augmentation has been used as a bio-remediation option for hydrocarbon-contaminated, oily-sludge restoration. This sludge was obtained from the Bonny-Terminal Improvement Project (BTIP) for Bonny Island, near Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Its total hydrocarbon-content (THC) was 69,372 mg/kg of sludge. Three treatment reactors (X, Y and Z) and one control reactor (A) were charged with 1500 g of oily sludge and 250 g of agricultural soil (i.e. an oily sludge to soil ratio of 6:1), the mixture homogenized and allowed to settle for seven days before various CFUs were added to reactors X, Y and Z. Reactor A did not receive any bio-preparation. The agricultural soil served both as a nutrient and a microbe carrier. With regularly scheduled mixing and watering, the THC reduction in the oily sludge varied between 40.7% and 53.2% within two weeks as well as between 63.7% and 84.5% within six weeks of applying the bio-remediation. The CFU counts of the added bio-preparation varied between 1.2 x 12 12 and 3.0 x 10 12 CFU/g of sludge and decreased to 7.0 x 10 11 CFU/g of sludge by the end of the sixth week. The pH of the degrading sludge fluctuated between 6.5 and 7.8 during the same period. When compared with the performance of the indigenous microbes in the control sample, the added bio-preparation evidently increased the THC reduction rate in the oily sludge

  9. Evaluation of Emissions Bio diesel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodriguez Maroto, J. J.; Dorronsoro Arenal, J. L.; Rojas Garcia, E.; Perez Pastor, R.; Garcia Alonso, S.


    The generation of energy from vegetal products is one of the possibilities to our reach in order to reduce the atmospheric pollution. Particularly, the use of bio diesel in internal combustion engines can be one of the best options. The finest particles emitted by the combustion engines are easily breathable and on them different substances can be absorbed presumably toxic, between which it is possible to emphasize the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), by its demonstrated carcinogen character. In this work, it is studied on the one hand, the characteristics that can present the aerosol of emission in a diesel engine with a maximum power of 97 kW, working without load to 600 rpm, using as combustible mixtures of bio diesel and diesel in different proportions. On the other hand, the evolution that takes place in the concentration of PAHs in emission particles, according to the percentage of bio diesel used in the combustible mixture. (Author) 9 refs

  10. Evaluation of Emissions Bio diesel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rodriguez Maroto, J J; Dorronsoro Arenal, J L; Rojas Garcia, E; Perez Pastor, R; Garcia Alonso, S


    The generation of energy from vegetal products is one of the possibilities to our reach in order to reduce the atmospheric pollution. Particularly, the use of bio diesel in internal combustion engines can be one of the best options. The finest particles emitted by the combustion engines are easily breathable and on them different substances can be absorbed presumably toxic, between which it is possible to emphasize the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), by its demonstrated carcinogen character. In this work, it is studied on the one hand, the characteristics that can present the aerosol of emission in a diesel engine with a maximum power of 97 kW, working without load to 600 rpm, using as combustible mixtures of bio diesel and diesel in different proportions. On the other hand, the evolution that takes place in the concentration of PAHs in emission particles, according to the percentage of bio diesel used in the combustible mixture. (Author) 9 refs.

  11. Governance of the emerging bio-energy markets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Verdonk, M.; Dieperink, C.; Faaij, A.P.C.


    Despite its promising prospects, a growing global bio-energy market may have sustainability risks as well. Governing this market with respect to installing safeguards to ensure sustainable biomass production might reduce these risks. Therefore, proposals for governance systems for bio-energy are discussed in this article. The proposals are based on comparative case study research on the governance of comparable commodities. By assessing the governance system of global coffee trade, fair trade coffee, the global and the EU sugar market and Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) wood, strong and weak points of governance systems for commodities are discerned. FSC is selected as the best performing case study and serves as the proposal's basis. FSC's weaknesses are minimized by, among others, using the lessons learned from the other case studies. This results in a system consisting of two pillars, a bio-energy labelling organization (BLO) and a United Nations Agreement on Bio-energy (UNAB). Although consulted experts in the research process are critical about this system they do suggest several conditions a governance system for bio-energy should meet in order to be effective, such as a facilitative government, professional monitoring and using progressive certification combined with price premiums. These conditions have been taken into account in the final proposal. (author)

  12. Governance of the emerging bio-energy markets

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Verdonk, M. [Department of Water and Energy, Grontmij Nederland BV, P.O. Box 203, 3730 AE, De Bilt (Netherlands); Dieperink, C. [Department of Innovation and Environmental Studies, Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development and Innovation, Utrecht University, P.O. Box 80.115, 3508 TC, Utrecht (Netherlands); Faaij, A.P.C. [Department of Science, Technology and Society, Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development and Innovation, Utrecht University, P.O. Box 80.115, 3508 TC, Utrecht (Netherlands)


    Despite its promising prospects, a growing global bio-energy market may have sustainability risks as well. Governing this market with respect to installing safeguards to ensure sustainable biomass production might reduce these risks. Therefore, proposals for governance systems for bio-energy are discussed in this article. The proposals are based on comparative case study research on the governance of comparable commodities. By assessing the governance system of global coffee trade, fair trade coffee, the global and the EU sugar market and Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) wood, strong and weak points of governance systems for commodities are discerned. FSC is selected as the best performing case study and serves as the proposal's basis. FSC's weaknesses are minimized by, among others, using the lessons learned from the other case studies. This results in a system consisting of two pillars, a bio-energy labelling organization (BLO) and a United Nations Agreement on Bio-energy (UNAB). Although consulted experts in the research process are critical about this system they do suggest several conditions a governance system for bio-energy should meet in order to be effective, such as a facilitative government, professional monitoring and using progressive certification combined with price premiums. These conditions have been taken into account in the final proposal. (author)

  13. Algorithm for the calculation of a steam generator efficiency; Algoritmo para el calculo de la eficiencia de un generador de vapor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Franco, David; Ambriz, Juan Jose; Romero Paredes, Hernando [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    The efficiency calculation of steam generators is not always simple. The purpose of this paper is to propose an algorithm for the calculation of steam generators efficiency, easy to understand and carry out, in the form of a series of steps to be followed. It takes as starting point that the person in charge of applying these calculations has knowledge of the combustion processes and thermodynamic principles that rule such processes. [Espanol] El calculo de la eficiencia de los generadores de vapor no siempre es sencillo, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo el de proponer un algoritmo de calculo de eficiencia de generadores de vapor, el cual sea facil de entender y de llevar a cabo, en forma de una serie de pasos a seguir. Se toma como punto de partida, que la persona encargada de aplicar estos calculos tenga el conocimiento de los procesos de combustion y principios termodinamicos que rigen tales procesos.

  14. Jatropha bio-diesel production and use

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Achten, W.M.J.; Aerts, R.; Muys, B.; Verchot, L.; Franken, Y.J.; Mathijs, E.; Singh, V.P.


    The interest in using Jatropha curcas L. (JCL) as a feedstock for the production of bio-diesel is rapidly growing. The properties of the crop and its oil have persuaded investors, policy makers and clean development mechanism (CDM) project developers to consider JCL as a substitute for fossil fuels to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, JCL is still a wild plant of which basic agronomic properties are not thoroughly understood and the environmental effects have not been investigated yet. Gray literature reports are very optimistic on simultaneous wasteland reclamation capability and oil yields, further fueling the Jatropha bio-diesel hype. In this paper, we give an overview of the currently available information on the different process steps of the production process of bio-diesel from JCL, being cultivation and production of seeds, extraction of the oil, conversion to and the use of the bio-diesel and the by-products. Based on this collection of data and information the best available practice, the shortcomings and the potential environmental risks and benefits are discussed for each production step. The review concludes with a call for general precaution and for science to be applied. (author)

  15. Jatropha bio-diesel production and use

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Achten, W.M.J.; Aerts, R.; Muys, B. [Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Division Forest, Nature and Landscape, Celestijnenlaan 200 E Box 2411, BE-3001 Leuven (Belgium); Verchot, L. [World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) Head Quarters, United Nations Avenue, P.O. Box 30677, Nairobi (Kenya); Franken, Y.J. [FACT Foundation, Horsten 1, 5612 AX Eindhoven (Netherlands); Mathijs, E. [Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Division Agricultural and Food Economics, Willem de Croylaan 42 Box 2424, BE-3001 Leuven (Belgium); Singh, V.P. [World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) Regional Office for South Asia, CG Block, 1st Floor, National Agricultural Science Centre, Dev Prakash Shastri Marg, Pusa, New Delhi 110 012 (India)


    The interest in using Jatropha curcas L. (JCL) as a feedstock for the production of bio-diesel is rapidly growing. The properties of the crop and its oil have persuaded investors, policy makers and clean development mechanism (CDM) project developers to consider JCL as a substitute for fossil fuels to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, JCL is still a wild plant of which basic agronomic properties are not thoroughly understood and the environmental effects have not been investigated yet. Gray literature reports are very optimistic on simultaneous wasteland reclamation capability and oil yields, further fueling the Jatropha bio-diesel hype. In this paper, we give an overview of the currently available information on the different process steps of the production process of bio-diesel from JCL, being cultivation and production of seeds, extraction of the oil, conversion to and the use of the bio-diesel and the by-products. Based on this collection of data and information the best available practice, the shortcomings and the potential environmental risks and benefits are discussed for each production step. The review concludes with a call for general precaution and for science to be applied. (author)

  16. Submerged process of bio films; Procesos sumergidos de biopelicula

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hontoria, E.; Zamorano, M.; Gomez, M.A.; Gonzalez, J. [Departamento de Ingeneria Civil, Universidad de Granada (Spain)


    The bio film process is the most frequently used one for the water treatment. This article presents the advantages of the bio film process, and its conclusion is: the increase of bio film takes place in 9 days, the appearance of nitrites and the small importance of feeding coefficients for the temperature of water.

  17. Estudo da ocorrência de cyberbullying contra professores na rede social Twitter por meio de um algoritmo de classificação bayesiano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael José de Alencar Almeida


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho pretende contribuir com o mapeamento e a mensuração da ocorrência da violência virtual contra professores na rede social Twitter, por meio de técnicas computacionais baseadas em mineração de dados da Internet (web mining e aprendizagem de máquina (machine learning. Para tal, foi realizada, durante uma semana, a coleta de postagens referentes a professores na rede social, as quais foram normalizadas e submetidas a um algoritmo de classificação Bayesiano capaz de realizar automaticamente a categorização do teor das mensagens como positivas, negativas ou neutras. Como resultado, obteve-se uma visualização gráfica hierárquica dos dados capaz de fornecer uma visão geral da gravidade e abrangência do fenômeno.

  18. Algoritmo recocido simulado para el problema de la programación del tamaño del lote económico bajo el enfoque de ciclo básico Simulated annealing algorithm to solve the economic lot scheduling problem and the basic cycle approach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Omar Hernández


    Full Text Available La programación del tamaño del lote económico consiste en determinar la secuencia y la cantidad a fabricar de N productos en un equipo o máquina, la cual tiene una capacidad limitada. Se trata de un problema NP-duro y las propuestas de solución son diversas. En esta investigación se trabaja con el enfoque del ciclo básico planteado por Bomberger, para el cual existen varias propuestas, dentro de las cuales se pueden encontrar hasta el momento sólo algoritmos genéticos en lo que se refiere a la implementación de técnicas metaheurísticas para resolver el problema. En este trabajo se resuelve el problema de muestra de Bomberger mediante la metaheurística recocido simulado; las aportaciones de esta investigación consisten en la forma de obtener un espacio de búsqueda más restringido de las variables, y una estrategia para controlar la exploración del espacio de soluciones que realiza el algoritmo, de tal manera que se realice una búsqueda eficiente. Dado que es una primera implementación de recocido simulado se experimenta con varias combinaciones de parámetros. El algoritmo obtiene los mismos costos en casi todas las pruebas realizadas; sin embargo, en las pruebas donde la relación es alta, el algoritmo se desempeña mejor, mejorando la solución reportada anteriormente en algunos de los experimentos.The problem considered is that of scheduling the production of several different items over the same machine with restricted capacity and on a repetitive basis. The problem is NP-hard and there exist several methods for the problem. In this research we worked with Bomberger's basic cycle approach, for which there are reported several solution proposals, among which are found so far only genetic algorithms in regard to the implementation of metaheuristic techniques to solve the problem. We solved Bomberger's classical example problem, applying simulated annealing metaheuristic. The contributions of this research consist on how to

  19. A intensidade dos algoritmos nas séries iniciais: uma imposição sócio-histórico-estrutural ou opção valiosa? p.55-76


    Mendonça, Maria do Carmo Domite


    Como nós professores podemos reconhecer/valorizar ou não o quadro que aí está em Educação Matemática? Como os professores-pesquisadores podemos compreender a ansiedade existente em treinar os algoritmos convencionais, quando o assunto é o cálculo das operações aritméticas básicas? Um caminho para a mudança seria focalizar/discutir o que, naturalmente, tem bloqueado atitudes de maior autonomia frente a esse fato matemático, imobilizando-os mesmo para qualquer inovação. Então, usando argumentos...

  20. Preparation of Bio-beads and Their Atrazine Degradation Characteristics

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    BI Hai-tao; ZHANG Lan-ying; LIU Na; ZHU Bo-lin


    Screened atrazine-mineralizing bacterium-Pseudomonas W4 was embedded inside an improved PVAH3BO3 embedment matrix to make bio-beads to degrade atrazine. The atrazine degradation characteristics were studied. The preparation procedure of bio-beads was as follows: (1) preparing a mixture of 100, 12.5, 10, 1.5 and 1 g/L PVA, bentonite(Ca), activated carbon powder, sodium alginate and centrifuged Pseudomonas W4 bacterium, respectively; (2) the mixture was dropped into a gently stirred cross linker solution(pH=6.7) and cured at 10 ℃ for 24 h.The optimal atrazine degradation conditions by bio-beads were as follows: pH=7, the auxiliary carbon source was glucose, and the concentration of glucose was greater than 325 mg/L. The bio-beads demonstrated stronger tolerance ability than the free microorganism to the increase of PCBs, hydrogen ion and hydroxide ion. SEM images show the uniform distribution of the microorganism inside bio-beads and the porous cross-linked structure of bio-beads which provides excellent mass transfer capacity.

  1. Potency of bio-charcoal briquette from leather cassava tubers and industrial sludge (United States)

    Citrasari, Nita; Pinatih, Tety A.; Kuncoro, Eko P.; Soegianto, Agoes; Salamun, Irawan, Bambang


    The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of the bio-charcoal briquette with materials from leather cassava tubers and sludge of wastewater treatment plant. The first, bio-charcoal briquette analized stability test and compressive strength. Then, bio-charcoal briquette with best value analyzed for parameter including moisture content, ash content, calorific content, and burned test. The result briquette quality based on compressive strength for bio-charcoal briquettes carbonated water content between 3.8%-4.5% and non-carbonated bio-charcoal briquettes between 5.2%-7.6%. Bio-charcoal carbonation briquette ash content was between 5.30%-7.40% and non-carbonated bio-charcoal briquettes was between 6.86%-7.46%. Bio-charcoal carbonation levels briquettes heated between 578.2 calories/g-1837.7 calories/g and non carbonatedbio-charcoal briquettes between 858.1 calories/g-891.1 calories/g. Carbonated bio-charcoal burned test was between 48-63 minutes and non-carbonated bio-charcoal was between 22-42 minutes. Emissions resulted from the bio-charcoal briquettes for carbonated and non carbonated composition according to the government regulations ESDM No. 047 of 2006 which, at 128 mg/Nm3 and 139 mg/Nm3.

  2. Claves en la aplicación del algoritmo Chaid. Un estudio del ocio físico deportivo universitario

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eva Sanz Arazuri


    Full Text Available El propósito de este artículo es argumentar y explicar la utilidad y el procedimiento de la segmentación jerárquica basada en el algoritmo CHAID como técnica de análisis multivariado. Para facilitar la comprensión de este proceso, la exposición del uso, así como, la interpretación de esta técnica nos hemos servido de una investigación realizada sobre el comportamiento físico-deportivo de tiempo libre de una población universitaria. Este estudio busca definir los perfiles de los universitarios en función de los distintos grados de satisfacción con su práctica físico-deportiva, así como, constatar la existencia de determinadas variables predictoras de dicha satisfacción al relacionar globalmente todas. En el artículo queda demostrada la valiosa capacidad que posee esta técnica de segmentación jerárquica para pronosticar y explicar determinados comportamientos, así como para determinar la relación causa-efecto de dichos comportamientos.

  3. Bioelectronic platforms for optimal bio-anode of bio-electrochemical systems: From nano- to macro scopes. (United States)

    Kim, Bongkyu; An, Junyeong; Fapyane, Deby; Chang, In Seop


    The current trend of bio-electrochemical systems is to improve strategies related to their applicability and potential for scaling-up. To date, literature has suggested strategies, but the proposal of correlations between each research field remains insufficient. This review paper provides a correlation based on platform techniques, referred to as bio-electronics platforms (BEPs). These BEPs consist of three platforms divided by scope scale: nano-, micro-, and macro-BEPs. In the nano-BEP, several types of electron transfer mechanisms used by electrochemically active bacteria are discussed. In the micro-BEP, factors affecting the formation of conductive biofilms and transport of electrons in the conductive biofilm are investigated. In the macro-BEP, electrodes and separators in bio-anode are debated in terms of real applications, and a scale-up strategy is discussed. Overall, the challenges of each BEP are highlighted, and potential solutions are suggested. In addition, future research directions are provided and research ideas proposed to develop research interest. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Increase of Bio-Gas Power Potential


    V. A. Sednin; О. F. Kraetskaya; I. N. Prokoрenia


    The paper presents a review of industrial technologies for obtaining gas-synthesis which is applicable for bio-gas enrichment process. Comparative characteristics are given in the paper. The paper thoroughly considers a technology of dry methane conversion as the most expedient variant recommended for the application in this case. The bio-gas enrichment carried out during its production expands possibilities and efficiency of its application.

  5. Application of bio-marker to study on tumor radiosensitivity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo Wanfeng; Ding Guirong; Han Liangfu


    To definite tumor radiosensitivity is important for applying the schedules of individualization of patient radiotherapy. Many laboratories were carrying on the research which predict the tumor radiosensitivity with one bio-marker or/and multi-bio-marker in various levels. At present has not witnessed the specific bio-marker, but it provides an excellent model for predicting tumor radiosensitivity

  6. Concilier cantine bio et agriculture locale, les voies possibles


    Aubry, Christine


    revue en ligne; Les cantines bio peinent souvent à concilier produits bio et circuits courts. Face au risque de « dilution de l’esprit pionnier », des expériences récentes montrent que le recours à des intermédiaires dans la chaîne agroalimentaire peut constituer une voie de diffusion du bio dans les cantines.

  7. Estimación de la temperatura superficial del mar desde datos satelitales NOAA-AVHRR: validación de algoritmos aplicados a la costa norte de Chile Sea surface temperature estimation from NOAA-AVHRR satellite data: validation of algorithms applied to the northern coast of Chile

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan C Parra


    Full Text Available Se aplicaron y compararon tres algoritmos del tipo Split-Window (SW, que permitieron estimar la temperatura superficial del mar desde datos aportados por el sensor Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR, a bordo de la serie de satélites de la National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA. La validación de los algoritmos fue lograda por comparación con mediciones in situ de temperatura del mar provenientes de una boya hidrográfica, ubicada frente a la costa norte de Chile (21°21'S, 70°6'W; Región de Tarapacá, a 3 km de la costa aproximadamente. Los mejores resultados se obtuvieron por aplicación del algoritmo propuesto por Sobrino & Raissouni (2000. En efecto, diferencias entre la temperatura medida in situ y la estimada por SW, permitieron evidenciar una media y desviación estándar de 0,3° y 0,8°K, respectivamente.The present article applies and compares three split-window (SW algorithms, which allowed the estimation of sea surface temperature using data obtained from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR on board the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA series of satellites. The algorithms were validated by comparison with in situ measurements of sea temperature obtained from a hydrographical buoy located off the coast of northern Chile (21°21'S, 70°6'W; Tarapacá Región, approximately 3 km from the coast. The best results were obtained by the application of the algorithm proposed by Sobrino & Raissouni (2000. The mean and standard deviation of the differences between the temperatures measured in situ and those estimated by SW were 0.3° and 0.8°K, respectively.

  8. Co-processing potential of HTL bio-crude at petroleum refineries

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hoffmann, Jessica; Jensen, Claus Uhrenholt; Rosendahl, Lasse Aistrup


    assays, adapted from conventional crude oil assays, have been obtained, including fractionation of the bio-crude through 15:5 vacuum distillation. The bio-crude and its fractions have been analyzed with respect to heating value, elemental composition, density and oxygen-containing functional groups....... Results show a highly promising bio-crude quality, with a higher heating value of 40.4 MJ/kg, elemental oxygen content of 5.3 wt.%, a specific gravity of 0.97 and a distillation recovery of ∼53.4 wt.% at an atmospheric equivalent temperature (AET) of 375 °C, . Results show that only minor upgrading......This study presents detailed chemical and thermophysical analysis of bio-crude from a continuous hydrothermal liquefaction research plant. Current research on bio-crude focuses mainly on specific biomass feedstocks and conversion process conditions and resulting yields rather than on bio-crude...

  9. Production of gaseous and liquid bio-fuels from the upgrading of lignocellulosic bio-oil in sub- and supercritical water: Effect of operating conditions on the process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Remón, J.; Arcelus-Arrillaga, P.; García, L.; Arauzo, J.


    Highlights: • Bio-oil valorisation in sub-/supercritical water: a promising route for bio-fuels. • Effect of P, T, t, catalyst and water regime on bio-oil upgrading studied in depth. • Tailor-made route for H_2, CH_4 and liquid bio-fuel production in a single process. • Upgraded liquid with high proportions of C and H, higher HHV and less O content. - Abstract: This work analyses the influence of the temperature (310–450 °C), pressure (200–260 bar), catalyst/bio-oil mass ratio (0–0.25 g catalyst/g bio-oil), and reaction time (0–60 min) on the reforming in sub- and supercritical water of bio-oil obtained from the fast pyrolysis of pinewood. The upgrading experiments were carried out in a batch micro-bomb reactor employing a co-precipitated Ni–Co/Al–Mg catalyst. This reforming process turned out to be highly customisable for the valorisation of bio-oil for the production of either gaseous or liquid bio-fuels. Depending on the operating conditions and water regime (sub/supercritical), the yields to upgraded bio-oil (liquid), gas and solid varied as follows: 5–90%, 7–91% and 3–31%, respectively. The gas phase, having a LHV ranging from 2 to 17 MJ/m"3 STP, was made up of a mixture of H_2 (9–31 vol.%), CO_2 (41–84 vol.%), CO (1–22 vol.%) and CH_4 (1–45 vol.%). The greatest H_2 production from bio-oil (76% gas yield with a relative amount of H_2 of 30 vol.%) was achieved under supercritical conditions at a temperature of 339 °C, 200 bar of pressure and using a catalyst/bio-oil ratio of 0.2 g/g for 60 min. The amount of C, H and O (wt.%) in the upgraded bio-oil varied from 48 to 74, 4 to 9 and 13 to 48, respectively. This represents an increase of up to 37% and 171% in the proportions of C and H, respectively, as well as a decrease of up to 69% in the proportion of O. The HHV of the treated bio-oil shifted from 20 to 35 MJ/kg, which corresponds to an increase of up to 89% with respect to the HHV of the original bio-oil. With a

  10. Production of Hydrogen from Bio-ethanol

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fabrice Giroudiere; Christophe Boyer; Stephane His; Robert Sanger; Kishore Doshi; Jijun Xu


    IFP and HyRadix are collaborating in the development of a new hydrogen production system from liquid feedstock such as bio-ethanol. Reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions along with high hydrogen yield are the key objectives. Market application of the system will be hydrogen refueling stations as well as medium scale hydrogen consumers including the electronics, metals processing, and oils hydrogenation industries. The conversion of bio-ethanol to hydrogen will be performed within a co-developed process including an auto-thermal reformer working under pressure. The technology will produce high-purity hydrogen with ultralow CO content. The catalytic auto-thermal reforming technology combines the exothermic and endothermic reaction and leads to a highly efficient heat integration. The development strategy to reach a high hydrogen yield target with the bio-ethanol hydrogen generator is presented. (authors)

  11. Technical and technological solution for vegetal bio-stimulants obtaining (United States)

    Anghelache, D. G.; Diaconescu, I.; Pătraşcu, R.


    The paper presents a modern technology for bio fertilizers resulted from waste plant mass after harvesting crops Experimental products were obtained rich in nutrients, but unstable in terms of existing microorganisms. Therefore, they conducted further studies to obtaining bio fungicide herb, so in all investigations undertaken so far in the laboratory, were able to conclude that the introduction of medicinal plant extracts with fungicidal effect into the bio fertilizers obtained by degradation of plant material post-harvest can get various bio-stimulants with nourishing effect upon the plants. Following this technology the paper’s objective is to identify a flux scheme for experimental equipment which can produce as final outcome this type of bio-stimulant. Also, in this work, this equipment will be chosen and will be designed following and obeying to the request of every step of the above technology.

  12. BioBoost. Biomass based energy intermediates boosting bio-fuel production

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Niebel, Andreas [Karlsruher Institut fuer Technologie (KIT), Karlsruhe (Germany). Institut fuer Katalyseforschung und -technologie (IKFT)


    To increase the share of biomass for renewable energy in Europe conversion pathways which are economic, flexible in feedstock and energy efficient are needed. The BioBoost project concentrates on dry and wet residual biomass and wastes as feedstock for de-central conversion by fast pyrolysis, catalytic pyrolysis and hydrothermal carbonization to the intermediate energy carriers oil, coal or slurry. Based on straw the energy density increases from 2 to 20-30 GJ/m{sup 3}, enabling central GW scale gasification plants for bio-fuel production. A logistic model for feedstock supply and connection of de-central with central conversion is set up and validated allowing the determination of costs, the number and location of de-central and central sites. Techno/economic and environmental assessment of the value chain supports the optimization of products and processes. The utilization of energy carriers is investigated in existing and coming applications of heat and power production and synthetic fuels and chemicals. (orig.)

  13. Temperature dependence on the synthesis of Jatropha bio lubricant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gunam Resul, M.F.M.; Tinia Idaty Mohd Ghazi; Idris, A.


    Full text: Jatropha oil has good potential as the renewable energy as well as lubricant feedstock. The synthesis of jatropha bio lubricant was performed by transesterification of jatropha methyl ester (JME) with trimethyl-ol-propane (TMP) with sodium methoxide (NaOCH 3 ) catalyst. The effects of temperature on the synthesis were studied at a range between 120 degree Celsius and 200 degree Celsius with pressure kept at 10 mbar. The conversion of JME to jatropha bio lubricant was found to be the highest (47 %) at 200 degree Celsius. However, it was suggested that the optimum temperature of the reaction is at 150 degree Celsius due to insignificant improvement in bio lubricant production. To maintain forward reaction, the excess amount of JME was maintained at 3.9:1 ratios to TMP. Kinetic study was done and compared. The synthesis was found to follow a second order reaction with overall rate constant of 1.49 x 10 -1 (% wt/ Celsius) -1 . The estimated activation energy was 3.94 kJ/mol. Pour point for jatropha bio lubricant was at -3 degree Celsius and Viscosity Index (VI) ranged from 178 to 183. The basic properties of jatropha bio lubricant, pour point and viscosities are found comparable to other plant based bio lubricant, namely palm oil and soybean based bio lubricant. (author)

  14. BioWarehouse: a bioinformatics database warehouse toolkit. (United States)

    Lee, Thomas J; Pouliot, Yannick; Wagner, Valerie; Gupta, Priyanka; Stringer-Calvert, David W J; Tenenbaum, Jessica D; Karp, Peter D


    This article addresses the problem of interoperation of heterogeneous bioinformatics databases. We introduce BioWarehouse, an open source toolkit for constructing bioinformatics database warehouses using the MySQL and Oracle relational database managers. BioWarehouse integrates its component databases into a common representational framework within a single database management system, thus enabling multi-database queries using the Structured Query Language (SQL) but also facilitating a variety of database integration tasks such as comparative analysis and data mining. BioWarehouse currently supports the integration of a pathway-centric set of databases including ENZYME, KEGG, and BioCyc, and in addition the UniProt, GenBank, NCBI Taxonomy, and CMR databases, and the Gene Ontology. Loader tools, written in the C and JAVA languages, parse and load these databases into a relational database schema. The loaders also apply a degree of semantic normalization to their respective source data, decreasing semantic heterogeneity. The schema supports the following bioinformatics datatypes: chemical compounds, biochemical reactions, metabolic pathways, proteins, genes, nucleic acid sequences, features on protein and nucleic-acid sequences, organisms, organism taxonomies, and controlled vocabularies. As an application example, we applied BioWarehouse to determine the fraction of biochemically characterized enzyme activities for which no sequences exist in the public sequence databases. The answer is that no sequence exists for 36% of enzyme activities for which EC numbers have been assigned. These gaps in sequence data significantly limit the accuracy of genome annotation and metabolic pathway prediction, and are a barrier for metabolic engineering. Complex queries of this type provide examples of the value of the data warehousing approach to bioinformatics research. BioWarehouse embodies significant progress on the database integration problem for bioinformatics.

  15. Bio-energy in Europe: changing technology choices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Faaij, Andre P.C.


    Bio-energy is seen as one of the key options to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and substitute fossil fuels. This is certainly evident in Europe, where a kaleidoscope of activities and programs was and is executed for developing and stimulating bio-energy. Over the past 10-15 years in the European Union, heat and electricity production from biomass increased with some 2% and 9% per year, respectively, between 1990 and 2000 and biofuel production increased about eight-fold in the same period. Biomass contributed some two-thirds of the total renewable energy production in the European Union (EU) (2000 PJ) or 4% of the total energy supply in 1999. Given the targets for heat, power and biofuels, this contribution may rise to some 10% (6000 PJ) in 2010. Over time, the scale at which bio-energy is being used has increased considerably. This is true for electricity and combined heat and power plants, and how biomass markets are developing from purely regional to international markets, with increasing cross-border trade-flows. So far, national policy programs proved to be of vital importance for the success of the development of bio-energy, which led to very specific technological choices in various countries. For the future, a supra-national approach is desired: comprehensive research development, demonstration and deployment trajectories for key options as biomass integrated gasification/combined cycle and advanced biofuel concepts, develop an international biomass market allowing for international trade and an integral policy approach for bio-energy incorporating energy, agricultural, forestry, waste and industrial policies. The Common Agricultural Policy of the (extended) EU should fully incorporate bio-energy and perennial crops in particular

  16. Characterization of bio char derived from tapioca skin (United States)

    Hasnan, F. I.; Iamail, K. N.; Musa, M.; Jaapar, J.; Alwi, H.; Hamid, K. K. K.


    Pyrolysis of tapioca skin was conducted to produce bio chars in the range between 500°C–800°C. Surface modification treatment were performed on bio chars by using chemicals within 24 hours at 30°C and hot water within 1 hour to enhance the bio char’s adsorption properties according to surface area, pore volume, pore size, crystallinity structure and functional groups. The samples were characterized by using BET, XRD, FTIR and Methylene Blue adsorption. Based on BET result, it showed the surface area increased as the pyrolysis temperature increased followed by pore volume and pore size for S0. The optimum temperature for SNaOH, SHW and SMeOH was at 600°C, 700°C and 800°C with the surface area of 75.9874, 274.5066 and 351.5531 m2/g respectively compared to S0 while SP3HO4 has the worst result since it felt on macroporous structure. The percentage of MB adsorption was followed the size of bio chars surface area. Based on FTIR result, at temperature 500°C to 700°C, the bio chars still have functional groups while at 800°C, many functional groups were diminished due to high temperature struck on them. XRD result showed all the bio chars were amorphous. In conclusion, the best surface modification treatment was by Methanol followed by hot water and Sodium Hydroxide at temperature of 700°C and 800°C while Ortho-Phosphoric acid was the worst one and was not suitable for bio char’s surface modification for adsorption purpose.

  17. Immediate catalytic upgrading of soybean shell bio-oil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bertero, Melisa; Sedran, Ulises


    The pyrolysis of soybean shell and the immediate catalytic upgrading of the bio-oil over an equilibrium FCC catalyst was studied in order to define its potential as a source for fuels and chemicals. The experiments of pyrolysis and immediate catalytic upgrading were performed at 550 °C during 7 min with different catalysts to oil relationships in an integrated fixed bed pyrolysis-conversion reactor. The results were compared under the same conditions against those from pine sawdust, which is a biomass source commonly used for the production of bio-oil. In the pyrolysis the pine sawdust produced more liquids (61.4%wt.) than the soybean shell (54.7%wt.). When the catalyst was presented, the yield of hydrocarbons increased, particularly in the case of soybean shell, which was four time higher than in the pyrolysis. The bio-oil from soybean shell produced less coke (between 3.1 and 4.3%wt.) in its immediate catalytic upgrading than that from pine sawdust (between 5 and 5.8%wt.), due to its lower content of phenolic and other high molecular weight compounds (three and five times less, respectively). Moreover, soybean shell showed a higher selectivity to hydrocarbons in the gasoline range, with more olefins and less aromatic than pine sawdust. - Highlights: • Soybean shell is a possible source of fuels with benefits as compared to pine sawdust. • Bio-oils upgraded over FCC catalyst in an integrated pyrolysis-conversion reactor. • Pine sawdust bio-oil had more phenols than soybean shell bio-oil. • Soybean shell bio-oil produced more hydrocarbons in gasoline range and less coke.

  18. Diseño de Hardware y Software de Systems on Chip empleando tecnología Xilinx EDK

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julio Cadena


    Full Text Available El presente artículo resume el proceso empleado para obtener el primer System on Chip (SoC diseñado, desarrollado, y emulado en la Escuela Politécnica del Ejército (ESPE y en el Ecuador. Se demostrará que combinando las ventajas del diseño sobre Field Programable Gate Arrays (FPGAs empleando la reutilización de IP Cores y plataformas, junto al uso de la tecnología de desarrollo Xilinx EDK, se puede diseñar tanto el hardware como el software de un chip de manera rápida y económicamente fiable. Además, se detalla el uso de la metodología Platform Based Design (PBD y del concepto de co-diseño de hardware y software para diseñar las capas de hardware, sistema operativo y aplicación de un chip. La capa de hardware contiene una serie de IP Cores gobernados por un procesador MicroBlaze trabajando dentro de la arquitectura CoreConnect de IBM. Mientras que la capa de sistema operativo está conformada por drivers, librerías y el Sistema Operativo en Tiempo Real (RTOS Xilkernel. Por último, la capa de aplicación tiene la funcionalidad de controlar una planta de temperatura, mediante la selección de dos técnicas de control: ON-OFF o PID. Cabe destacar que el co-diseño se desarrolló considerando un adecuado enfoque conceptual, arquitectural, y metodológico1.

  19. Bio-oil based biorefinery strategy for the production of succinic acid (United States)


    Background Succinic acid is one of the key platform chemicals which can be produced via biotechnology process instead of petrochemical process. Biomass derived bio-oil have been investigated intensively as an alternative of diesel and gasoline fuels. Bio-oil could be fractionized into organic phase and aqueous phase parts. The organic phase bio-oil can be easily upgraded to transport fuel. The aqueous phase bio-oil (AP-bio-oil) is of low value. There is no report for its usage or upgrading via biological methods. In this paper, the use of AP-bio-oil for the production of succinic acid was investigated. Results The transgenic E. coli strain could grow in modified M9 medium containing 20 v/v% AP-bio-oil with an increase in OD from 0.25 to 1.09. And 0.38 g/L succinic acid was produced. With the presence of 4 g/L glucose in the medium, succinic acid concentration increased from 1.4 to 2.4 g/L by addition of 20 v/v% AP-bio-oil. When enzymatic hydrolysate of corn stover was used as carbon source, 10.3 g/L succinic acid was produced. The obtained succinic acid concentration increased to 11.5 g/L when 12.5 v/v% AP-bio-oil was added. However, it decreased to 8 g/L when 50 v/v% AP-bio-oil was added. GC-MS analysis revealed that some low molecular carbon compounds in the AP-bio-oil were utilized by E. coli. Conclusions The results indicate that AP-bio-oil can be used by E. coli for cell growth and succinic acid production. PMID:23657107

  20. Thermogravimetric investigation on the degradation properties and combustion performance of bio-oils. (United States)

    Ren, Xueyong; Meng, Jiajia; Moore, Andrew M; Chang, Jianmin; Gou, Jinsheng; Park, Sunkyu


    The degradation properties and combustion performance of raw bio-oil, aged bio-oil, and bio-oil from torrefied wood were investigated through thermogravimetric analysis. A three-stage process was observed for the degradation of bio-oils, including devolatilization of the aqueous fraction and light compounds, transition of the heavy faction to solid, and combustion of carbonaceous residues. Pyrolysis kinetics parameters were calculated via the reaction order model and 3D-diffusion model, and combustion indexes were used to qualitatively evaluate the thermal profiles of tested bio-oils for comparison with commercial oils such as fuel oils. It was found that aged bio-oil was more thermally instable and produced more combustion-detrimental carbonaceous solid. Raw bio-oil and bio-oil from torrefied wood had comparable combustion performance to fuel oils. It was considered that bio-oil has a potential to be mixed with or totally replace the fuel oils in boilers. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.