
Sample records for embrioes 0-4 horas


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    Emma Suryati


    Full Text Available Regenerasi rumput laut Kappaphycus alvarezii dilakukan dalam rangka penyediaan benih yang bermutu dan mempunyai keunggulan melalui induksi kalus dan embrio dengan penambahan hormon pertumbuhan yang diintroduksi ke dalam media kultur yang dapat memacu induksi kalus dan penebalan pigmen rumput laut. Media kultur yang digunakan adalah media Conwy padat dengan penambahan agar 0,8%-1,6%. Hormon perangsang tumbuh yang digunakan untuk memacu pertumbuhan kalus dan filamen embrio yaitu IAA (Indol acetic acid, kinetin, dan auxilin dengan konsentrasi berkisar 0,4-1 mg/L. Embrio yang dihasilkan merupakan anakan yang mempunyai sifat yang sama dengan induknya. Sintasan dan perkembangan embrio yang paling baik yaitu dengan penambahan IAA dengan konsentrasi 0,4 mg/L pada media padat. Pembentukan anakan dilakukan dengan mengiris embrio dan menumbuhkan pada media cair yang diperkaya dengan hormon yang sama. Pemeliharaan anakan pada media kultur dilakukan hingga mencapai ukuran 2-3 cm. Regeneration of seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii was done to provide high quality seed through callus and embryo induction using plant growth regulator which was introducted to the culture medium. This growth regulator can stimulate the callus induction procces and thickening the seaweed pigment. Applied medium culture was agar medium with 0.8%-1.6% concentration enriched with Conwy and the applied growth regulators were IAA (Indol acetic acid, kinetin dan auxilin with 0.4-1 mg/L concentration range. Resulted embryo has the same characteristics with the stock. The best survival rate and embryo growth was IAA treatment with 0.4 mg/L concentration. Formation of embryo was done by transferring them from solid medium to the liquid one with the same growth regulator treatment. The nursery of the seed in culture medium was carried out until it has reached 2-3 cm in size.


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    Andi Parenrengi


    Full Text Available Teknologi transgenesis khususnya rekayasa genetik untuk menghasilkan udang windu resisten penyakit merupakan salah satu strategi yang dapat dilakukan dalam upaya pemecahan masalah penyakit yang menimpa budidaya udang windu. Teknologi transgenesis khususnya transfer gen antivirus pada udang windu telah berhasil dilakukan melalui teknik transfeksi. Meskipun demikian optimalisasi komponen teknologi tersebut masih perlu dilakukan. Konsentrasi DNA gen merupakan salah satu komponen teknologi transgenesis yang harus dioptimalkan untuk mendapatkan efisiensi dalam transfer gen. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsentrasi DNA gen antivirus yang optimal sebagai bahan transfer gen ke embrio menggunakan metode transfeksi. Embrio udang windu yang diperoleh dari hasil pemijahan induk asal Aceh, dikoleksi 5-10 menit setelah memijah dengan kepadatan 625 telur/2 mL. Transfeksi dilakukan dengan menggunakan media larutan transfeksi jetPEI dengan konsentrasi DNA gen antivirus sebagai perlakuan, yakni: 5, 10, dan 15 µg serta kontrol positif (tanpa plasmid DNA dan negatif (tanpa plasmid DNA dan larutan transfeksi, masing-masing 3 ulangan. Embrio hasil transfeksi ditetaskan pada stoples berisi air laut sebanyak 2 L yang diletakkan pada waterbath. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gen antivirus telah berhasil diintroduksi ke embrio udang windu. Hasil analisis ragam menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan konsentrasi DNA (5-15 µg tidak berpengaruh nyata (P>0,05 terhadap daya tetas embrio udang windu. Analisis ekspresi gen pada larva udang windu juga menunjukkan adanya aktivitas ekspresi gen antivirus pada semua perlakuan konsentrasi DNA, di mana ekspresi gen antivirus pada larva transgenik lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kontrol (tanpa transfeksi. Sintasan pasca-larva PL-1 yang didapatkan pada penelitian ini adalah 12,0%; 10,0%; 10,6%; 12,3%; dan 14,2% masing-masing untuk perlakuan konsentrasi plasmid DNA 5 µg, 10 µg, 15 µg, kontrol positif dan negatif, di mana


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    Muh. Alias L. Rajamuddin


    Full Text Available Untuk mendukung program transgenesis pada rumput laut, embrio somatik dapat digunakan sebagai material untuk transfer gen baik secara individu sel ataupun kluster sel embriogenik, sehingga mempercepat keberhasilan dengan peluang transformasi yang lebih tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji induksi kalus rumput laut K. alvarezii untuk produksi sel embrio somatik (e.s. dengan beberapa rasio zat pengatur tumbuh (ZPT dan konsentrasi agar media induksi, sampai sel menjadi filamen. Penelitian terdiri atas dua tahap: Tahap (1 induksi kalus, dengan rasio ZPT asam indol asetat (IAA:kinetin = 0,5:0,0 mg/L; 1,0:1,0 mg/L; dan 2,0:0,2 mg/L dengan konsentrasi agar media induksi = 0,6%; 0,8%; 1,0%; dan 1,5%. Tahap (2 regenerasi massa sel e.s., dengan rasio IAA:kinetin = 0,1:1,0 mg/L; 0,0:0,1 mg/L dan tanpa ZPT dengan konsentrasi agar media = 0,4%; 0,6%; dan 0,8%. Untuk perkembangan sel-sel e.s. lebih lanjut dipelihara pada kultur cair. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada tahap induksi kalus, rasio IAA: kinetin = 1:1 mg/L dengan konsentrasi agar media 0,8% dan 1,0% menghasilkan persentase induksi kalus tertinggi (90%. Pada tahap regenerasi massa sel e.s., ZPT tidak berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan massa sel e.s., di mana tanpa ZPT dengan konsentrasi agar 0,6% memperlihatkan perkembangan tertinggi (rata-rata diameter massa sel 5 mm. Pada media cair, perkembangan sel e.s. dari single cell ukuran 3-4 mm menjadi filamen-filamen ukuran rata-rata 0,5 mm dapat dicapai dalam satu bulan kultur. Keberhasilan produksi sel e.s. K. alvarezii, selain sebagai material untuk transfer gen juga dapat dijadikan acuan dalam produksi benih rumput laut kultur jaringan. To support the program of seaweed transgenesis, somatic embryo can be used as a materials for gene transfer purpose either by individual or cluster of cells in accelerating the higher rate of transformation. This research aims to study the callus induction of seaweed K. alvarezii for production of somatic


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    Ningrum Suhenda


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dilakukan di Balai Riset Perikanan Budidaya Air Tawar (BRPBAT, Bogor dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kadar lemak pakan yang berbeda terhadap perkembangan embrio, derajat pembuahan, penetasan telur, dan sintasan larva ikan baung. Pakan yang digunakan berupa pakan buatan yang mengandung lemak dengan kadar yang berbeda yaitu 4%, 6%, 8%, 10%, dan 12% dengan sumber lemak yang dipergunakan adalah campuran minyak ikan dan minyak nabati dengan perbandingan 1:1. Bobot rata-rata induk ikan baung pada awal percobaan 420,89±72,10 g/ekor dan dipelihara di dalam kolam beton. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan yaitu rancangan acak lengkap dengan 5 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Parameter yang diamati yaitu derajat penetasan, perkembangan embrio, dan sintasan larva. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lemak pakan merupakan faktor penting yang erat hubungannya dengan perkembangan embrio yang terlihat mulai dari pembuahan sampai dengan penetasan yaitu berkisar antara 25 jam 5 menit sampai 26 jam 37 menit. Stadia morula, blastula, dan gastrula terjadi relatif lebih cepat pada induk yang diberi pakan dengan kadar lemak 8%, akan tetapi induk yang diberi pakan dengan kadar lemak 6%, telur yang dihasilkan lebih cepat menetas. Perlakuan kadar lemak 6% dan 8% memperoleh derajat pembuahan di atas 98%, derajat penetasan telur di atas 95%, dan sintasan larva di atas 99%. Selanjutnya pakan ini cukup untuk mendukung terjadinya proses perkembangan embrio secara sempurna dan mendukung sintasan larva. Fish feed should contain sufficient amount of lipid and fatty acid because these elements play eminent roles in supporting reproduction and survival rate of larvae. Fatty acid in egg mass has an important role in fish breeding technology development because it influences the early development of embryogenesis and development of embryo. The research was conducted at the Research Institute for Freshwater Aquaculture, Bogor aimed to study the effect of different

  5. Pembentukan Embrio Endospermik Sekunder Mangga (Mangifera indica L. Gedong Gincu Klon 289

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    Irni Furnawanthi Hindaningrum


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTThe improvement of Mangifera indica L. by conventional breeding approaches has been confounded by the long generation cycle, low fruit set, single seed per fruit and high degree of cross pollination. Biotechnology complements conventional breeding and expedite the mango improvement programs. Endosperm culture is a direct method to produce triploid plants. This study aimed  to obtain embryo from endosperm culture. The system of secondary somatic embriogenesis in mango described here represents a source of embryogenic material may be used for mass propagation and genetic manipulation of this crop. The method consisted of induction, proliferation, maturation, germination, and histological analysis of the obtaimed embryos. A protocol for plantlet regeneration was developed for Gedong Gincu mango clone 289 through secondary somatic embryogenesis. Primary somatic embryos (proembryo and cotyledonary embryos were cultured in induction medium to induce the secondary somatic embryos. The best proliferation rate was 0.22 in medium with 1 g L-1 Poly Vinyl Pyrrolidone (PVP for multiplication of secondary somatic embryos. Maturation of inoculum derived from the proliferation medium supplemented with 2 g L-1 of activated charcoal on medium containing 0.4 mg L-1 BAP provides the average 2.39 embryo formation of cotyledonari phase. The highest germination frequency (20% was obtained in media with GA3 1.5 mg L-1.Keywords: endosperm, Gedong Gincu, Mangifera indica L, secondary endospermic embrio

  6. Uji teratogenik ekstrak Pandanus conoideus varietas buah kuning terhadap perkembangan embrio tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus

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    Full Text Available Muna L, Astirin OP, Sugiyarto. 2011. Uji teratogenik ekstrak Pandanus conoideus varietas buah kuning terhadap perkembangan embrio tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus. Bioteknologi 8: 65-77. Penelitiian ini betujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh pemberian ekstrak Pandanus conoideus Lam. var. buah kuning terhadap persentase fetus hidup, kematian intrauterus, berat dan panjang fetus, keadaan morfologi fetus, serta struktur skeleton fetus tikus putih. Dalam penelitian ini diggunakan 25 tikus bunting yang dibagi menjadi lima kelompok secara acak, sehingga masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari lima ekor tikus. Setiap kelompok diberi dosis yang berbeda. P1 (kontrol diberi 1 mL minyak wijen, P2 , P3, P4 dan P5 diberi ekstrak masing-masing: 0,02 mL, 0,04 mL, 0,08 mL dan 0,16 mL. Ekstrak tersebut diberikan secara oral pada kebuntingan hari ke 5 sampai hari ke 17 (fase organogenesis. Pengamatan dilakukan pada hari ke 18 dengan cara bedah sesar untuk menggambil fetus dari uterus. Morfologi fetu s diamati setelah fetus dikeluarkan dari uterus, sedangkan untuk pengamatan struktur skeleton dibuat preparat wholemount dengan pewarnaan ganda Alcian blue dan Allizarrin Red-S. Hasil percobaan diianalisis dengan ANAVA satu jalur. Hasil penelitiann menunjukkan bahwa pemberian ekstrak tidak berpengaruh terhadap persentase fetus hidup, kematian intrauterus, serta berat dan panjang fetus (P≥0,05. Pemberian ekstrak pada induk mengakibatkan kecacatan skeleton (lordosis fetus pada dosis 0,16 mL dan menghambat osifikasi fetus.

  7. Horas de sono e índice de massa corporal em pré-escolares do sul do Brasil

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    Maria Laura da Costa Louzada


    Full Text Available A prevenção e o tratamento do excesso de peso são particularmente complexos, reforçando a importância de estudos que visem esclarecer sua rede de causas e efeitos. Assim, o objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a relação entre horas de sono noturnas e medidas antropométricas. Realizou-se uma análise transversal realizada a partir de dados de 348 crianças de 3 e 4 anos da cidade de São Leopoldo/ RS. As horas de sono noturnas foram relatadas pelas mães e as medidas de índice de massa corporal, circunferência da cintura e dobras cutâneas foram medidas de acordo com protocolo padrão. As análises foram ajustadas para consumo energético e horas de televisão assistidas. As crianças com excesso de peso apresentaram, em média, 0,39 horas a menos de sono em relação àquelas com peso adequado (9,77 ± 1,44 versus 10,17 ± 1,34; IC95% 0,03-0,76. Observou-se associação inversa entre horas de sono noturnas e valores de escore z de índice de massa corporal para idade (B = -0,12 IC95% -0,22--0,02. A circunferência da cintura e as dobras cutâneas apresentaram relação inversa com as horas de sono, porém sem diferença estatística. Em pré-escolares do sul do Brasil, menos horas de sono noturnas foram associadas com maiores valores de índice de massa corporal.

  8. Sono e adolescência: quantas horas os adolescentes precisam dormir?

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    Érico Felden Pereira


    Full Text Available Objetivo Determinar a especificidade e a sensibilidade de uma medida para apontar o melhor ponto de corte para a duração de sono como preditor da sonolência diurna excessiva em adolescentes. Métodos Participaram do estudo 1.359 adolescentes, com idades de 14 a 21 anos, de duas cidades do sul do Brasil, que responderam a questionário de hábitos de sono e sonolência diurna. Utilizou-se a Receiver Operating Characteristic para estimar a capacidade preditiva da duração de sono para a sonolência diurna excessiva. Resultados A média de duração do sono para os adolescentes com sonolência diurna excessiva foi de 7,9 horas e para aqueles sem sonolência diurna excessiva foi de 8,33 horas (p < 0,001. A prevalência de sonolência diurna excessiva foi de 35,7%. Foi observada correlação significativa e negativa entre a duração do sono e as idades analisadas (p < 0,001. A análise de Receiver Operating Characteristic indicou duração mínima de 8,33 horas como proteção para a sonolência diurna excessiva. Conclusão Foi observada alta prevalência de sonolência diurna excessiva e propõe-se como possível duração de sono um mínimo de 8,33 horas nos dias com aula para que os adolescentes evitem esse desfecho.

  9. Ecological Assessment of Lake Hora, Ethiopia, Using Benthic and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Lake Hora needs protection management strategies to maintain its sustainable use. Key words: Benthic Fauna, Ethiopia, Lake Hora, Specimens, Weed-bed. 1. ..... Loam soils often contain a good amount of organic matter. 3.3. Ecological ...

  10. HORA - an Austrian platform for natural hazards (United States)

    Hlatky, T.


    HORA - an Austrian platform for natural hazards as a new way in risk communication One initiatives launched in Austria demonstrate that public participation not only bears the risk of a partial transfer of responsibility by the authorities; it may above all prepare the ground for entirely new approaches and create new links. The recent installation of the first internet risk zoning system in Austria underscores the importance of involving private parties in natural disaster protection. This public-private partnership (PPP) between the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management (BMLFUW) and the Austrian Insurance Association (VVO) was launched in the wake of the 2002 flood disaster. The first project phase, the Austrian flood risk zoning system called HORA (screenshot see fig. 1), has now been accessible on the Web since 1st June 2006. In accordance with a risk partnership concluded between federal government, insurance companies and private parties, the project initiators seek to offer the public a preliminary risk assessment tool for evaluation of their home, industrial enterprise, of infrastructure. Digital risk maps shall provide information on 30-year, 100-year and 200-year flood events as they occur alongside the 26.000-km-long domestic river network. The probability with which a certain block of land is immersed in water during a flood event can be calculated by means of hydraulic engineering methods. These have traditionally relied on statistical figures, which are known to be very inaccurate, especially when major events such as flooding are concerned. The Vienna University of Technology (TU) (Institute of Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering) has dedicated many years to developing more accurate, process oriented risk assessment techniques. The starting points was to identify different flood-triggering processes and to divide them into specific categories as long-duration rainfalls, short-duration rainfalls, storms


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    Bastiar Nur


    Full Text Available Ikan pelangi asal Sungai Sawiat, Papua merupakan ikan hias endemik yang belum diketahui data biologinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jumlah telur yang dihasilkan, fertilitas dan daya tetas telur serta tahapan perkembangan embrio ikan pelangi asal Sungai Sawiat. Induk jantan dan betina ukuran 10–15 cm sebanyak 20 ekor, dipelihara dalam bak beton berukuran 2,5 x 2,5 x 1,0 m3 dengan sistem resirkulasi dan diberi pakan berupa cacing darah (bloodworm dengan frekuensi 3 kali sehari secara ad libitum. Dua ekor induk betina dan satu ekor induk jantan yang matang gonad dipijahkan dalam bak beton berukuran 1,0 x 1,0 x 0,75 m3 dan diberi tanaman air berupa eceng gondok sebagai pelindung serta media penempelan telur. Pengamatan ada tidaknya telur dilakukan setiap pagi dan sore hari selama 14 hari. Telur yang didapat dicatat baik fertile maupun infertile. Sebanyak 20 butir telur ditetaskan dalam basket plastik berukuran 13 x 10 x 5 cm dan selanjutnya diamati perkembangan embrionya dengan menggunakan mikroskop. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa jumlah telur yang dihasilkan sebanyak 436 butir per dua ekor induk betina (218 butir per ekor, fertilitas 77,06%; daya tetas telur 74,71%; dan telur menetas setelah 8.579 menit (142 jam 59 menit pada suhu air inkubasi 27,6 – 28,3oC. Rainbow fish species originated from Sawiat River of Papua is one of Indonesian endemic species which its biological data has not been catalogued properly. The objectives of this research were to know the number of eggs (fecundity, fertility and hatchability and also the stages of embryonic development of the fish. Total of 20 male and female broodstock around 10–15 cm in size, reared in concrete tank sized 2.5 x 2.5 x 1.0 m3 equipped with closed recirculating water system and fed with bloodworm  ad libitum 3 times daily. Two already matured females and one male were selected for natural breeding and then transferred to another concrete tank (1.0 x 1.0 x 0.75 m3 in

  12. Horas de sono e índice de massa corporal em pré-escolares do sul do Brasil Sleep duration and body mass index among southern Brazilian preschoolers

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    Maria Laura da Costa Louzada


    Full Text Available A prevenção e o tratamento do excesso de peso são particularmente complexos, reforçando a importância de estudos que visem esclarecer sua rede de causas e efeitos. Assim, o objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a relação entre horas de sono noturnas e medidas antropométricas. Realizou-se uma análise transversal realizada a partir de dados de 348 crianças de 3 e 4 anos da cidade de São Leopoldo/ RS. As horas de sono noturnas foram relatadas pelas mães e as medidas de índice de massa corporal, circunferência da cintura e dobras cutâneas foram medidas de acordo com protocolo padrão. As análises foram ajustadas para consumo energético e horas de televisão assistidas. As crianças com excesso de peso apresentaram, em média, 0,39 horas a menos de sono em relação àquelas com peso adequado (9,77 ± 1,44 versus 10,17 ± 1,34; IC95% 0,03-0,76. Observou-se associação inversa entre horas de sono noturnas e valores de escore z de índice de massa corporal para idade (B = -0,12 IC95% -0,22--0,02. A circunferência da cintura e as dobras cutâneas apresentaram relação inversa com as horas de sono, porém sem diferença estatística. Em pré-escolares do sul do Brasil, menos horas de sono noturnas foram associadas com maiores valores de índice de massa corporal.Prevention and treatment of overweight are particularly complex, reinforcing the importance of studies aimed at clarifying their range of causes and effects. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between night sleep duration and anthropometric measurements. A cross-sectional analysis was performed from data from 348 children aged 3 and 4 years in São Leopoldo/RS. Night sleep duration was reported by their mothers and body mass index, waist circumference and skinfold thickness were measured according to standard protocol. The analyses were adjusted for energy intake and hours of television watching. Overweight children had, on average, 0.39 hours less

  13. Vinařická hora Hill Cenozoic Composite Volcano, Central Bohemia: Geochemical Contraints

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Řanda, Zdeněk; Novák, Jiří Karel; Balogh, K.; Frána, Jaroslav; Kučera, Jan; Ulrych, Jaromír


    Roč. 15, - (2003), s. 126 ISSN 1210-9606. [International Conference HIBSCH 2002 Symposium. Teplá near Třebenice, 03.06.2002-08.06.2002] R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA3048201 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z3013912; CEZ:AV0Z1048901 Keywords : Bohemian massif * Vinařická hora Hill * geochemistry Subject RIV: DD - Geochemistry

  14. Dos Nuevas Técnicas Manuales Rápidas para Antibiogramas Urinarios en 6 a 18 horas

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    Margaret Ordóñez Smith de Danies


    Full Text Available

    Se estudiaron 694 muestras de orina de las cuales 130 sirvieron para estudiar dos nuevas técnicas manuales para antibiogramas urinarios con orinas de recuentos bacterianos >100.000 UCF/mL. Una se denomina NUEVA TECNICA DIRECTA, y se interpreta después de 6 a 18 horas de recolectada la muestra de orina, teniendo una confiabilidad del 99%. La segunda técnica se titula TECNICA DE ENRIQUECIMIENTO cuyo resultado se da entre 10 a 22 horas con una confiabilidad del 99% (p>0.900 en relación con las lecturas de la técnica estándar de difusión en disco. Con las nuevas técnicas no es necesario esperar al aislamiento bacteriano.

    Hasta donde llega mi conocimiento es la primera vez que se describen estas nuevas técnicas manuales para antibiogramas urinarios (se realizaron dos para escoger la mejor y obtener su informe rápido (6 a 18 horas. Al comparar las nuevas técnicas descritas con la técnica estándar de difusión en disco se ahorran de 30 a 40 horas, y el costo del cultivo para el aislamiento bacteriano. Las técnicas que propongo están al alcance económico de todo laboratorio, en especial para los países en donde no tengan equipos sistematizados, por su alto costo. Estas nuevas técnicas son totalmente manuales y además para el paciente tienen la ventaja de que le formulen pronto y a ciencia cierta el antibiótico más eficaz. Nuestras nuevas técnicas sólo se pueden aplicar para recuentos >100.000 UCF/mL, aunque hoy en día los criterios de infección urinaria no son de recuentos tan altos (1, 2, 3, 4,5...

  15. Estudo comparativo entre o xenodiagnóstico artificial realizado imediatamente e quatro horas após a coleta de sangue


    Castro,Cleudson; Santos,Martinho Candido A.; Silveira,Celeste Aida


    Foi realizado xenodiagnóstico artificial, imediatamente e quatro horas após a coleta do sangue, em 63 pacientes, sendo 29 (46%) do sexo masculino e 34 (54%) do sexo feminino. A idade mínima foi 18 anos e a máxima 68, sendo a idade média 39 anos. Onze (17,5%) pacientes apresentaram resultados positivos, sendo 8 (12,7%) no exame imediato e 7 (11,1%) no exame 4 horas após. Os oito pacientes do exame imediato apresentaram 17 pools positivos e os sete do xenodiagnóstico de quatro horas mostraram 1...

  16. Planeta(s) remisión de V. hora de los planeta(s).



    [ES] Definición del término Planeta(s) remisión de V. hora de los planeta(s). en el diccionario Dicter. [EN] Definition of the word Planeta(s) remisión de V. hora de los planeta(s). in the dictionary Dicter.

  17. Horae canonicae”, España y los dos Auden

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    Insausti, Gabriel


    Full Text Available “Horae canonicae”, the series first included in The Shield of Achilles when first published, with the Crucifixion as its central theme, is one the most crucial pieces of the later Auden. Criticism has often located these poems within the contexto f Auden’s conversión to Christianity and his ideological bias towards a growing conservatism alter his early years, in which he flirted with revolutionary leftism. However, “Horae canonicae” contains several enigmatic elements on which the reader should focus, elements that allow us to read it as a sort of palinode whose intertext would be pieces like the much better known “Spain”.“Horae canonicae”, la serie de poemas incluida en The Shield of Achilles con el Gólgota por tema central, constituye una de las piezas más importantes del Auden de los años cincuenta. La crítica ha situado habitualmente este conjunto en el contexto del cristianismo ulterior del poeta y su evolución ideológica hacia un tibio conservadurismo, tras unos años de juventud en los que coqueteó con el izquierdismo revolucionario. No obstante, “Horae canonicae” contiene algunos elementos sumamente enigmáticos sobre los que conviene llamar la atención, y que permiten leer el texto como una suerte de palinodia cuyo intertexto serían poemas como el célebre “Spain”.

  18. Utilidad de la recolección de orina de dos horas para el diagnóstico del tipo de acidosis tubular renal

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    Margarita Irene Rocha-Gómez


    Full Text Available La acidosis tubular renal se caracteriza por acidosis metabólica hiperclorémica. El diagnóstico del tipo de acidosis tubular renal se realiza mediante la medición del transporte tubular máximo de bicarbonato y de la capacidad de acidificación urinaria; sin embargo, estas pruebas son invasivas y requieren determinaciones especializadas. Objetivo: comparar la utilidad de la recolección urinaria de dos horas, una prueba relativamente simple y al alcance de muchos laboratorios, con la medición del transporte tubular máximo de bicarbonato y con la capacidad de acidificación urinaria (procedimientos de referencia para clasificar el tipo de acidosis tubular renal en pacientes pediátricos. Material y método: el estudio se realizó en niños con diagnóstico de acidosis tubular renal. El primer día se recolectó la muestra sérica y urinaria de dos horas. Al día siguiente se efectuaron los procedimientos de referencia administrando bicarbonato de sodio en 8 horas; las muestras se colectaron cada hora y se determinaron la reabsorción de bicarbonato y la acidificación urinaria.  Resultados: se incluyeron 19 pacientes y en 17 casos la colección urinaria de dos horas confirmó el diagnóstico de los procedimientos de referencia. La recolección urinaria de dos horas tuvo sensibilidad de 0.94 y especificidad de 0.67 para el diagnóstico de acidosis tubular renal distal. Conclusión: la recolección de orina de dos horas se realiza en forma menos invasiva y ofrece resultados semejantes a los procedimientos de referencia.

  19. Nueva formula matemática para el calculo de la proteinuria de 24 horas en niños

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    José R. Salabarría


    Full Text Available Se elaboró una fórmula matemática para la cuantificación de la excreción urinaria de proteínas en 24 horas en niños y adolescentes, derivada de la relación proteinuria creatinuria (RPC. Se procesaron 104 muestras de orina de 24 horas, las cuales se dividieron en 2 grupos de acuerdo con la excreción diaria de creatinina. La proteinuria de 24 horas se determinó en cada grupo por el método tradicional y mediante la fórmula propuesta. Se obtuvo una excelente correlación (r = 0,994 y una elevada concordancia en el grupo con recolecciones adecuadas de orina, no así en el grupo con recolecciones inadecuadas (r = 0,896. Al comparar las RPC en 30 muestras de orina obtenidas en 3 diferentes períodos, con la RPC de 24 horas correspondiente se obtuvo una elevada correlación (r 0,99; no obstante la que guardó mayor identidad fue la del período comprendido entre las 7:00 a.m. y 12:00 m.A mathematical formula for the quantification of 24-hour urinary protein excretion in children and adolescents, derived from the proteinuria-creatinuria relation (PCR was elaborated. 104 urine specimens were processed and divided into two groups according to daily creatinine excretion. 24-hour proteinuria was determined in each group by the traditional method and by the formula proposed. An excelent correlation (r=0,994 and an elevated correspondence in the group with adequate urine collections were obtained, but it was not so in the group with inadequate collections (r=0,896. On comparing the PCR in 30 urine specimens collected at three different periods with the corresponding 24-hour PCR, an elevated correlation (r 0,99 was obtained; however, the one with the greatest identity was that collected between 7:00 a.m. and 12:00 m.

  20. Time and management : the need for hora management

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Karsten, L; Leopold, J


    Working time patterns are moving away from the traditional pattern of regularity, standardisation and co-ordination to a new triptych of individualism, heterogeneity and irregularity. Seeks to make sense of these changes through the concept of hora management as an approach to manage the interface

  1. IDENTIFIKASI IKAN CUPANG (Betta imbelis TRANSGENIK FOUNDER MEMBAWA GEN PENYANDI HORMON PERTUMBUHAN; Identification of Transgenic Founder Betta Fish (Betta imbelis Carry Growth Hormone Gene.

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    Eni Kusrini


    Full Text Available Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi keberhasilan introduksi gen penyandi hormon pertumbuhan (Growth Hormone, GH pada induk F-0 ikan Betta imbellis. Ikan transgenik F-0 dibuat dengan menggunakan metode transfeksi. Identifikasi dilakukan menggunakan metode RT-PCR. RNA total diekstraksi dari embrio pooled sample hasil persilangan induk transgenik dan non-transgenik. Berdasarkan analisis ekspresi gen pada embrio juga menunjukkan adanya aktivitas ekspresi gen GH pada semua perlakuan dibandingkan dengan kontrol (embrio hasil persilangan non-transgenik x non-transgenik. Jumlah individu induk F-0 yang membawa gen GH eksogen berdasarkan analisis PCR dengan DNA template dari sirip ekor adalah sebanyak 16%. Individu positif membawa gen GH eksogen tersebut dibesarkan lebih lanjut untuk memproduksi Betta imbellis transgenik F-1. Kandidat ikan transgenik jantan F-0 dikawinkan dengan ikan non-transgenik betina, sedangkan transgenik F-0 betina dikawinkan dengan non-transgenik jantan. Sebanyak 30-50 butir embrio hasil pemijahan F-0 digabung, kemudian DNA genom diekstrak. Sebagian embrio digunakan untuk ekstraksi RNA total untuk analisis ekspresi mRNA GH eksogen. Hasil analisis PCR menunjukkan bahwa semua sampel embrio dari induk transgenik F-0 dapat terdeteksi gen GH eksogen, sedangkan untuk kontrol (non-transgenik tidak terdeteksi. Ekspresi mRNA juga terdeteksi pada embrio F-1. Dengan demikian, metode transfeksi embrio Betta imbellis efektif digunakan untuk menghasilkan ikan transgenik, dan sangat berpotensi menghasilkan individu F-1 Betta imbellis dengan pertumbuhan lebih cepat. The study was conducted to identify the successful introduction of the growth hormone gene (Growth Hormone, GH on the F-0 Betta imbellis broodstock. The F-0 transgenic fish was made through transfection methods. Identification was done using RT-PCR method. Total RNA was extracted from pooled embryos sample. Based on the analysis of gene expression in embryos also showed

  2. Hop resistance in the beer spoilage bacterium Lactobacillus brevis is mediated by the ATP-binding cassette multidrug transporter HorA. (United States)

    Sakamoto, K; Margolles, A; van Veen, H W; Konings, W N


    Lactobacillus brevis is a major contaminant of spoiled beer. The organism can grow in beer in spite of the presence of antibacterial hop compounds that give the beer a bitter taste. The hop resistance in L. brevis is, at least in part, dependent on the expression of the horA gene. The deduced amino acid sequence of HorA is 53% identical to that of LmrA, an ATP-binding cassette multidrug transporter in Lactococcus lactis. To study the role of HorA in hop resistance, HorA was functionally expressed in L. lactis as a hexa-histidine-tagged protein using the nisin-controlled gene expression system. HorA expression increased the resistance of L. lactis to hop compounds and cytotoxic drugs. Drug transport studies with L. lactis cells and membrane vesicles and with proteoliposomes containing purified HorA protein identified HorA as a new member of the ABC family of multidrug transporters.

  3. Epidural anesthesia using a 0,75% ropivacaine and subarachnoid anesthesia with a 0,5% bupivacaine associated or not with clonidine in hemorroidectomies Anestesia peridural com ropivacaína a 0,75% e anestesia subaracnóidea com bupivacaína a 0,5% associadas ou não à clonidina em hemorroidectomias

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    João Florêncio de Abreu Baptista


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To study the safety and efficiency of two anesthetic blockages in hemorroidectomy and the effect of clonidine on analgesia. METHODS: 80 patients were studied, randomly divided into four groups: l (n=19- peridural with a 0,75% ropivacaine; 2 (n=21-peridural with a 0,75% ropivacaine and 150 µg of clonidine; 3 (n=19- subarachnoid with a 0,5% bupivacaine; 4 (n=21- subarachnoid with a 0,5% bupivacaine and 50 µg of clonidine. The intensity of pain was evaluated by the visual analogical scale 8, 12 and 24 hours after surgery. The use of vasoconstrictors on the transoperatory and the amount of analgesics within the 24 hours were registered. RESULTS: The intensity of pain, 8 hours after surgery, was lesser on group 4, and much lesser on group 4 comparing with groups 1 and 2, 12 hours (p=0,022; p=0,001 and 24 hours (p=0,03; p=0,003. The frequency of vasoconstrictors usage on the transoperatory and the analgesics on the post-operatory showed no difference among the groups. There were no anesthetic complications. CONCLUSIONS: The subarachnoid anesthesia with a 0,5% bupivacaine with clonidine, showed better analgesia comparing with the peridural anesthesia with a 0,75% ropivacaine with or without clonidine, however all were safe and efficient. The clonidine aided on the decreasing of pain when subarachnoid anesthesia was used.OBJETIVO: Verificar a segurança e a eficácia de dois bloqueios anestésicos na hemorroidectomia e o efeito da clonidina na analgesia. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados oitenta pacientes, distribuídos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos: 1 (n=19- peridural com ropivacaína a 0,75%; 2 (n=21-peridural com ropivacaína a 0,75% e 150 µg de clonidina; 3 (n=19-subaranóidea com bupivacaína a 0,5%; 4 (n=21- subaracnóidea com bupivacaína a 0,5% e 50 µg de clonidina. A intensidade da dor foi avaliada pela escala analógica visual 8, 12 e 24 horas após a cirurgia. O uso de vasoconstritores no transoperatório, o consumo de analgésicos em

  4. Hiperoxia por dos horas produce daño morfológico cerebral luego de asfixia neonatal experimental

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    Melva Benavides


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar el efecto de una exposición de dos horas de hiperoxia al 21%, 40% y 100% sobre la morfología cerebral, en un modelo experimental de asfixia neonatal. Diseño: Estudio experimental. Institución: Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño, Lima, Perú. Material biológico: Ratas albinas Holtzmann. Intervenciones: Ciento veinte ratas albinas Holtzmann de una semana de nacidas (a excepción del grupo control fueron sometidas a asfixia experimental por ligadura de la arteria carótida izquierda y luego expuestas a hipoxia (oxígeno al 8%. Después fueron asignadas aleatoriamente a uno de los siguientes grupos: exposición por dos horas a O2 al 100%, a O2 al 40%, a O2 al 21% y un grupo control (no expuesto a asfixia experimental. El daño cerebral fue evaluado mediante la medición del peso cerebral y el porcentaje del área cerebral con daño microscópico. Principales medidas de resultados: Daño cerebral. Resultados: El peso cerebral promedio fue menor en los animales de los grupos sometidos a hiperoxia experimental (ANOVA; p<0,001. Se presentó daño cerebral microscópico con mayor frecuencia en el grupo sometido a hipoxia experimental que recibió O2 100% por dos horas y con menor frecuencia en el que recibió O2 al 40% (60% versus 43,3%, diferencia que fue estadísticamente significativa (prueba χ²; p<0,001. El grupo sometido a hipoxia experimental que recibió O2 100% tuvo un mayor porcentaje promedio de área cerebral con daño microscópico (18,3%, en comparación con los otros grupos de hipoxia experimental, aunque la diferencia no fue estadísticamente significativa (ANOVA; p=0,123. Conclusiones: La hiperoxia al 100% por dos horas se asoció con menor peso cerebral y mayor daño cerebral en animales de experimentación sometidos a asfixia neonatal experimental.

  5. Cambios en la medida de las horas de insolación: Análisis de su impacto en dos observatorios de las Islas Baleares (España

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    José A. Guijarro


    Full Text Available Se han comparado las medidas de horas de sol realizadas en paralelo con el heliógrafo Campbell-Stokes, utilizado tradicionalmente en los observatorios españoles, con las medidas de los nuevos instrumentos de Kipp&Zonen, basados en el umbral de irradiación directa de 120 Wm-2. La comparación se ha realizado con los datos de dos observatorios de Baleares, ubicados en los aeropuertos de Menorca e Ibiza, en los que las nuevas medidas son generalmente inferiores a las antiguas, con diferencias medias diarias de -0,97 y -0,58 horas respectivamente. En términos relativos, la disminución respecto al promedio anual del periodo 1971-2000 es de un 13,2% en Menorca y un 7,8% en Ibiza. Se han realizado ajustes por regresión lineal simple y múltiple que explican un 94% de la varianza de la insolación diaria. Las ecuaciones obtenidas pueden servir para homogeneizar las series de datos diarios de horas de sol, con errores típicos de 0,98 horas en el aeropuerto de Menorca y 0,86 en el de Ibiza, pero no son aplicables a otros observatorios.

  6. Horas variables, días de la semana y astronomía


    Gangui, Alejandro


    Los días, los años y la sucesión de estaciones nos vienen dados por la naturaleza; las horas y las semanas son construcciones culturales. En la antigüedad greco-romana, la duración de las horas variaba con las estaciones, lo que desapareció hoy, pero hemos conservado los nombres dados por esa cultura a muchos días de la semana, los que hacen referencia a su astronomía y su mitología. ¿Por qué están los días en el orden que conocemos? Fil: Gangui, Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigació...

  7. Hop Resistance in the Beer Spoilage Bacterium Lactobacillus brevis Is Mediated by the ATP-Binding Cassette Multidrug Transporter HorA


    Sakamoto, Kanta; Margolles, Abelardo; van Veen, Hendrik W.; Konings, Wil N.


    Lactobacillus brevis is a major contaminant of spoiled beer. The organism can grow in beer in spite of the presence of antibacterial hop compounds that give the beer a bitter taste. The hop resistance in L. brevis is, at least in part, dependent on the expression of the horA gene. The deduced amino acid sequence of HorA is 53% identical to that of LmrA, an ATP-binding cassette multidrug transporter in Lactococcus lactis. To study the role of HorA in hop resistance, HorA was functionally expre...

  8. Acéphale e a hora presente


    Scheibe, Fernando


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Esta dissertação busca, a partir da leitura cruzada de dois periódicos extremamente díspares do imediato pré-segunda-guerra, o francês Acéphale, encabeçado por Georges Bataille e o brasileiro Cadernos da Hora Presente, dirigido por Tasso da Silveira, contribuir para a discussão sobre os impasses das vanguardas artísticas nesse período. Questiona-se aqui a proposta de uma "solução religiosa" ...

  9. Aplicación web para la gestión de una bolsa de horas


    Ávila Hernández, Alberto de


    El presente documento describe las distintas fases asociadas al diseño y desarrollo de una herramienta que tiene por objetivo informar al usuario del estado de la bolsa de horas de soporte que tiene contratada una determinada empresa. La funcionalidad principal de la aplicación es permitir al usuario conocer cuántas horas de soporte le restan, cuántas han sido consumidas y en qué tareas han sido empleadas, así como obtener distintos tipos de estadísticas con los datos asociados a esta informa...

  10. A amamentação na primeira hora de vida e mortalidade neonatal Breastfeeding during the first hour of life and neonatal mortality

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    Cristiano Siqueira Boccolini


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a correlação entre o percentual de amamentação na primeira hora de vida e as taxas de mortalidade neonatal. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados dados secundários de 67 países obtidos das pesquisas realizadas com a metodologia do Demographic and Health Surveys. Inicialmente, para a análise dos dados, foram empregadas a Correlação de Spearman (IC 95% e a análise gráfica com modificação de Kernel, seguidas de regressão de Poisson Binomial Negativa, ajustando para possíveis fatores de confundimento. RESULTADOS: O percentual de aleitamento materno na primeira hora de vida esteve negativamente associado com as taxas de mortalidade neonatal (Rho = -0,245, p = 0,046, e esta correlação foi mais forte entre os países com mortalidade neonatal superior a 29 mortes/1.000 nascidos vivos (Rho = -0,327, p = 0,048. Os países com os menores tercis de aleitamento materno na primeira hora de vida tiveram uma taxa 24% maior de mortalidade neonatal (razão de taxa = 1,24, IC 95% = 1,07-1,44, mesmo ajustando para fatores de confundimento. CONCLUSÃO: O efeito protetor da amamentação na primeira hora de vida sobre a mortalidade neonatal encontrado nesse estudo ecológico é consistente com o de estudos observacionais, e aponta para a importância de se adotar a amamentação na primeira hora de vida como prática de atenção neonatal.OBJECTIVE: To analyze the correlation between breastfeeding in the first hour of life with neonatal mortality rates. METHODS: The present study used secondary data from 67 countries, obtained from the Demographic and Health Surveys. Initially, for data analysis, Spearman Correlation (95% CI and Kernel graphical analysis were employed, followed by a Negative Binomial Poisson regression model, adjusted for potential confounders. RESULTS: Breastfeeding within the first hour of life was negatively correlated with neonatal mortality (Spearman's Rho = -0.245, p = 0.046, and this correlation was stronger among

  11. Asociación entre horas de televisión, actividad física, horas de sueño y exceso de peso en población adulta joven

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    María Martínez-Moyá


    Conclusiones: Más horas de televisión y una menor actividad física se asociaron significativamente con un aumento del IMC en la población universitaria estudiada. Ambos factores pueden modificarse con estrategias preventivas.

  12. El duelo y el tiempo mítico en Rosa Cuchillo y La hora azul


    Torres Oyarce, Tania


    In this paper, I propose that the novels Rosa Cuchillo and La hora azulproject individual processes of mourning in a mythical social order thatlimits itself to reproduce the phantom of the enclosed nation (Ubilluz) asa (seudo) proposal to solve the internal conflict that took place in Perubetween 1980-2000. In Rosa Cuchillo the main character, Rosa Cuchillo,goes through a process of mourning due to the loss of his terrorist son,Liborio, whereas in La hora azul the main character, Adrián Ormac...

  13. Inseminación artificial a tiempo fijo en vacas con proestro prolongado de 60 y 72 horas

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    Darwin Omar Yánez-Avalos


    Full Text Available La inseminación artificial a tiempo fijo (IATF en ganado bovino ha permitido el uso de toros genéticamente superiores para maximizar la calidad de los terneros producidos. Sin embargo, la implementación de esta técnica reproductiva dificulta su aplicación en hembras bovinas que están con cría al pie durante varios meses de lactancia. Una solución inmediata a la disminución de la fertilidad en vacas incluye la utilización de hormonas. Se ha desarrollado una serie de tratamientos hormonales que es capaz de controlar el momento de la primera inseminación artificial (IA y las inseminaciones posteriores en vacas no preñadas y para el tratamiento de vacas en anestro. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar dos protocolos con proestro prolongado con inseminación artificial a tiempo fijo (IATF a las 60 o 72 horas, en vacas doble propósito de la Amazonía Ecuatoriana. El trabajo se realizó desde octubre de 2015 a octubre de 2016. Se inseminaron 226 vacas multíparas cruzas Pardo Suizo con cría al pie, a las 60 (T1, n=115 y 72 (T2, n= 111 horas de retirado el dispositivo con progesterona (0,5g. La tasa de concepción para T1 fue del 61% (70/115 y para T2: el 47% de preñez (52/111, con diferencias significativas (p≤0,05. El celo en promedio fue de 70,8%, sin diferencia significativa entre tratamientos (P=3,15; p≥0,082, para T1 fue del 76% y para T2 del 65%. El crecimiento folicular al retiro del dispositivo con progesterona (T1: 9,53±0,11 mm; T2: 9,87± 0,12 mm, la IATF (T1: 12,3±0,12 mm; T2: 11,9±0,12 mm y el tamaño del cuerpo lúteo (T1: 23,1±0,14 mm; T2: 22,8± 0,15 mm, no mostraron diferencias significativas entre ambos protocolos (p≥0,05. Ambos tratamientos no mostraron diferencias significativas para el desarrollo folicular al momento del retiro del dispositivo de IATF y en el tamaño del cuerpo lúteo medido al día siete posterior a la misma. La tasa de preñez fue superior para el protocolo de 60 horas.

  14. El duelo y el tiempo mítico en Rosa Cuchillo y La hora azul


    Torres Oyarce, Tania


    En este artículo, sostenemos que las novelas Rosa Cuchillo y La hora azul proyectan procesos individuales de duelo en un orden social mítico que se limita a reproducir el fantasma de la nación cercada (Ubilluz) como (seudo) propuesta de solución al conflicto armado acontecido en el Perú entre 1980-2000. En Rosa Cuchillo, la protagonista Rosa Cuchillo atraviesa un proceso de duelo por haber perdido a su hijo subversivo, Liborio, mientras que, en La hora azul, el protagonista Adrián Ormache suf...


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    Eni Kusrini


    Full Text Available Teknik transfer gen banyak dikembangkan untuk mengintroduksi molekul DNA ke dalam embrio. Keberhasilan transfer gen menggunakan metode transfeksi ditentukan oleh berbagai faktor, antara lain pemilihan larutan transfeksi yang sesuai dengan mempertimbangkan kesediaan secara komersial, mudah diaplikasikan, keberhasilan tinggi, dan tidak bersifat toksik terhadap embrio. Studi awal untuk mengetahui keberhasilan transfer gen terhadap embrio ikan wild betta digunakan Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP dan juga dapat digunakan sebagai model terhadap ikan betta. GFP merupakan gen yang mengkodekan protein dan memiliki sifat berpendar hijau. Induk jantan dan betina dipijahkan dengan perbandingan 1:1 pada wadah baskom dengan ketinggian air ± 14 cm serta diberikan substrat. Transfeksi dilakukan pada embrio fase pembelahan 2 sel. Larutan transfeksi dibuat dari campuran DNA plasmid pada media NaCl 0.9% hingga mencapai konsentrasi akhir 100 μL media (campuran transfast + DNA + NaCl. Aktivitas gen ini dapat divisualisasikan dengan menggunakan sinar ultra violet. Keberhasilan dari teknik transfer gen tersebut dibuktikan dengan adanya ekspresi gen atau deteksi DNA gen GFP yang dimasukkan. Ekspresi hasil korporasi DNA ke dalam telur melalui transfeksi pada wild betta dan keberhasilan transfer gen GFP dapat dibuktikan dengan analisis PCR. Tujuan dari penulisan makalah ini adalah menguraikan tentang metode transfeksi yang efektif untuk teknologi transfer gen terhadap ikan wild betta.

  16. Clarice Lispector and the Historical Context in "A Hora da Estrela" Clarice Lispector e a contracena da História em A hora da estrela

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    Isabel Virginia de Alencar Pires


    Full Text Available Este artigo aborda o livro "A hora da estrela", de Clarice Lispector, à luz dos pressupostos da Teoria da Recepção, de Jauss, que leva em conta o contexto histórico nas análises literárias. Publicada em fins de 1977, essa obra – que conta a história de Macabéa, uma nordestina que, “sem saber como nem por que”, acaba indo morar no “inacreditável Rio de Janeiro” – é considerada por diversos estudiosos como a “mais explicitamente social” da autora, pois até então os livros clariceanos costumavam ser recorrentemente acusados pela crítica da época de se “alhearem” da realidade, dedicando-se predominantemente a abordagens de caráter psicológico e deixando de lado o contexto político e social. Em A hora da estrela, a temática social passa a ser mais explícita, verificando-se assim uma espécie de “ruptura” na trajetória literária clariceana, interrompida no mesmo ano de publicação da obra, com a morte da autora. Este artigo busca apreender, nas entrelinhas do texto, as marcas que o diálogo do último livro lançado em vida pela escritora, durante o período do autoritarismo brasileiro, realiza com o seu contexto de surgimento. Para tanto, o estudo faz ainda uma aproximação entre o último livro de Clarice Lispector e o cinema de Glauber Rocha. This article contemplates Clarice Lispector’s “A hora da estrela” (The Hour of the Star, based on Jauss´ Reception Theory, which takes into account the historical context in literary analyses. Published in late 1977,  this work – which tells the story of Macabéa - a natural born northeast Brazilian woman that “not knowing why or how” moves to the “unbelievable city of Rio de Janeiro” – is considered by many scholars the “most explicitly social” one  done by the author. Up to that moment, her books had frequently been accused by critics of “deviating” from reality, focusing predominantly on psychological features and leaving social

  17. An unusual Ni-Sb-Ag-Au association of ullmannite, allargentum, Au-rich silver and Au-bearing dyscrasite from Oselské pásmo “silver” Lode of Kutná Hora Pb-Zn-Ag ore district (Czech Republic)

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Pažout, R.; Šrein, V.; Korbelová, Zuzana


    Roč. 62, č. 4 (2017), s. 247-252 ISSN 1802-6222 Institutional support: RVO:67985831 Keywords : ullmannite * allargentum * Au-rich silver * Au- bearing dyscrasite * chemistry * Kutná Hora ore district Subject RIV: DO - Wilderness Conservation OBOR OECD: Environmental sciences (social aspects to be 5.7) Impact factor: 0.609, year: 2016

  18. A abreviação do jejum pré-operatório para duas horas com carboidratos aumenta o risco anestésico? ¿La Reducción del ayuno preoperatorio en dos horas con carbohidratos aumenta el riesgo anestésico? Does abbreviation of preoperative fasting to two hours with carbohydrates increase the anesthetic risk?

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    Kátia Gomes Bezerra de Oliveira


    procedimiento quirúrgico. La recolección de datos fue prospectiva sin que los profesionales del servicio lo supieran. Se observó el tiempo de ayuno preoperatorio y las complicaciones anestésicas relacionadas con el corto tiempo de ayuno (broncoaspiración. RESULTADOS: Se evaluaron 375 pacientes, siendo de ellos 174 hombres (un 46,4% y 201 mujeres (un 53,6%, entre 18 y 90 años de edad. El tiempo promedio de ayuno preoperatorio fue de cuatro horas, variando de 2 a 20 horas. No se registró ningún caso de broncoaspiración durante los procedimientos. El tiempo de ayuno fue mayor (p BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The objective of the present study was to evaluate the incidence of possible anesthetic complications related with the abbreviation of preoperative fasting to two hours with a solution of 12.5% dextrinomaltose within the ACERTO (from the Portuguese for Acceleration of Total Postoperative Recovery project. METHODS: All patients undergoing different types of digestive tract and abdominal wall surgeries within a new protocol of perioperative conducts, established by the ACERTO project, between August 2005 and December 2007 were evaluated. All patients received oral nutritional supplementation (12.5% dextrinomaltose six and two hours before the procedure. Data were collected prospectively without the knowledge of the professionals in the department. The length of preoperative fasting and anesthetic complications related with the short fasting time (pulmonary aspiration were recorded. RESULTS: Three hundred and seventy five patients, 174 male (46.4% and 201 female (53.6%, ages 18 to 90 years, were evaluated. The mean preoperative fasting time was four hours, ranging from two to 20 hours. Pulmonary aspiration was not observed during the procedures. The length of fasting was longer (p < 0.01 when combined anesthesia (blockade + general was used. CONCLUSIONS: Adopting the multidisciplinary preoperative measures of the ACERTO project was not associated with any preoperative

  19. Efeitos agudos do exercício físico prolongado: avaliação após ultramaratona de 24 horas

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    Daniela Guinther Passaglia


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: As consequências e os riscos do exercício físico contínuo por períodos prolongados não estão esclarecidos. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos do exercício prolongado em participantes de uma ultramaratona de 24 horas. MÉTODOS: Vinte corredores foram selecionados para avaliação, um dia antes e imediatamente após a prova em que os corredores devem percorrer a maior distância em 24 horas. Foram obtidos dados clínicos, laboratoriais e ecocardiográficos. RESULTADOS: A distância média percorrida foi de 140,3 ± 18,7 km. Os corredores apresentaram redução do peso corpóreo (p < 0,001 e da pressão arterial sistólica (p < 0,001 e diastólica (p = 0,004. As alterações hematológicas foram compatíveis com o estresse fisiológico. A concentração plasmática de creatinofosfoquinase (CPK aumentou significativamente (163,4 ± 56,8 versus 2978,4 ± 1921,9 U/L; p < 0,001 e esteve inversamente correlacionada com a distância percorrida: os que correram maiores distâncias apresentaram níveis mais baixos de CPK (Pearson r = 0,69; p = 0,02. Após a corrida, dois corredores apresentaram discreta elevação de troponina T. Em um deles, houve queda concomitante na fração de ejeção (coronariopatia foi excluída subsequentemente. O ecocardiograma na avaliação basal mostrou hipertrofia de ventrículo esquerdo em um e aumento do volume atrial esquerdo em cinco corredores. Após a prova, houve redução na relação E/A (p < 0,01. CONCLUSÃO: O exercício físico prolongado está associado a alterações cardiovasculares e metabólicas. As alterações cardiológicas encontradas sugerem que o fenômeno de fadiga cardíaca pode ocorrer nessa modalidade de corrida. O efeito a longo prazo dessas alterações, com a manutenção da prática desse tipo de atividade, ainda é desconhecido.

  20. Avaliação da função renal do idoso em duas horas


    Benarab,Maria do Carmo B. Sammartino; Castiglia,Yara Marcondes Machado; Vianna,Pedro Thadeu Galvão; Braz,José Reinaldo Cerqueira


    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Os idosos têm diminuição progressiva da função renal e os hipertensos, maior risco de lesão renal adicional no intra-operatório. Avalia-se a função renal pela depuração da creatinina, com débito urinário de 24 horas, para diluir o erro de possível volume vesical residual (VVR). O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a função renal pré-operatória de idosos hipertensos e não-hipertensos, com débito urinário de duas horas, utilizando aparelho de ultra-som portátil para ...

  1. Microstructures and tensile properties of Mg–4Al–4La–0.4Mn–xB (x = 0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03) alloy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yang, Qiang [State Key Laboratory of Rare Earth Resource Utilization, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130022 (China); Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049 (China); Zheng, Tian; Zhang, Deping; Liu, Xiaojuan [State Key Laboratory of Rare Earth Resource Utilization, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130022 (China); Fan, Jun [State Key Laboratory of Rare Earth Resource Utilization, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130022 (China); Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049 (China); Qiu, Xin; Niu, Xiaodong [State Key Laboratory of Rare Earth Resource Utilization, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130022 (China); Meng, Jian, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Rare Earth Resource Utilization, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130022 (China)


    Highlights: •The trace boron can refine the dendrite arm spacing of HPDC Mg–Al–La-based alloy. •The dispersion of Al11La3 particles becomes irregular after adding trace boron. •The eutectic volume fraction is reduced by adding 0.01–0.02 wt.% boron. •Mechanical properties could be further improved by 0.03 wt.% boron addition. -- Abstract: The influences of trace boron on microstructures and tensile properties of Mg–4Al–4La-based alloys prepared by cold-chamber high-pressure die-casting method were thoroughly investigated. The results indicated that adding trace boron to Mg–4Al–4La-based alloy can refine the dendrite arm spacing of primary α-Mg phases, which are mainly due to the little inoculating AlB{sub 2} particles. In addition, we found that adding 0.01–0.02 wt.% boron can drastically changes the eutectic morphology, with secondary particle dispersion becoming irregular and eutectic volume fraction being reduced. These phenomena can be attributed to the competitive nucleation between α-Mg and AlB{sub 2} particles for Al{sub 11}La{sub 3} phases, and to the fact that more Al and La atoms saturate into the α-Mg matrix. Considering the tensile properties, although adding 0.01–0.02 wt.% boron decreased the strength of Mg–4Al–4La-based alloy, adding 0.03 wt.% boron significantly improved the tensile properties due to dispersion strengthening and, to a certain extent, solid-solution strengthening.

  2. Properties of Mn0.4Zn0.6Fe2O4 and Mn0.6Zn0.4Fe2O4 as Nanocatalyst for Ammonia Production

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    Puspitasari Poppy


    Full Text Available Ammonia synthesis requires high pressure and high temperature process. Unfortunately, the capital intensive cost resulting low yield of ammonia by using recent catalyst which is iron oxide. Therefore, manganese zinc ferrite as a soft ferrite material will be introduced as a new nanocatalyst to enhance the ammonia yield. As a new nanocatalyst for ammonia production, study of comparasion two different concentration of MnZn Ferrite is very important. This paper will compare the yield of ammonia by using two different nanocatalyst which are Mn0.4Zn0.6Fe2O4 and Mn0.6Zn0.4Fe2O4. Both were synthesized by sol-gel method and has been characterize by using FESEM (morphology, XRD (phase identification, EDX (elemental analysis and TPR (oxide reduction. The ammonia was produce with and without magnetic field applied. The result shows that the ammonia yield is higher for Mn0.4Zn0.6Fe2O4 nanocatalyst than Mn0.6Zn0.4Fe2O4 by using magnetic field applied. 67.2% of yield has been achieved by using new nanocatalyst Mn0.6Zn0.4Fe2O4 and magnetic field applied at ambient environment.

  3. Pressão arterial de 24 horas em mulheres idosas normotensas e com hipertensão do avental branco Presión arterial de 24 horas en mujeres mayores normotensas y con hipertensión de la bata blanca 24-hour blood pressure in normotensive elderly women and elderly women with white-coat hypertension

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    Paulo Rogério W. Hekman


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Mudanças no comportamento do ritmo circadiano podem ser deletérias, levando à lesão de órgãos-alvo, o que sugere ser de importante significado prognóstico e, eventualmente, podem também demandar intervenção terapêutica. OBJETIVO: Descrever e comparar os ritmos circadianos de pressão arterial (PA entre mulheres idosas normotensas e portadoras de hipertensão do avental branco (HAB. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal em uma amostra de 36 pacientes, com idades entre 60-83 anos, submetidas à monitorização ambulatorial de pressão arterial (MAPA durante 24 horas. Dezenove idosas normotensas e 17 com HAB foram comparadas quanto à queda noturna e variabilidade de PA, ascensão matinal da PAS, pressão de pulso, hipotensão pós-prandial e correlação de médias de PA de 24 horas. Na análise estatística, utilizou-se o teste t de Student, teste do qui-quadrado, teste exato de Fisher e teste de correlação linear de Pearson. RESULTADOS: As idosas com HAB apresentaram níveis mais elevados de PAS do que as normotensas, entre 8-12 horas (133 ± 8,0 mmHg vs 123 ± 9,0 mmHg, respectivamente, p FUNDAMENTO: Cambios en el comportamiento del ritmo circadiano pueden ser perjudiciales, conduciendo a la lesión de órganos blanco, lo que sugiere ser de importante significado pronóstico y, eventualmente, pueden también demandar intervención terapéutica. OBJETIVO: Describir y comparar los ritmos circadianos de presión arterial (PA entre mujeres mayores normotensas y portadoras de hipertensión de la bata blanca (HABB. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal en una muestra de 36 pacientes, con edades entre 60-83 años, sometidas a monitoreo ambulatorio de presión arterial (MAPA durante 24 horas. 19 mujeres mayores normotensas y 17 con HABB fueron comparadas con relación a la caída nocturna y variabilidad de la PA, ascenso matinal de la PAS, presión de pulso, hipotensión postprandial y correlación de promedios de PA de 24 horas. En el an


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    Fischer 344 rats were exposed to 0.0, 0.4, 1.4, or 4.0 ppm acrolein for 62 days. The major objective of the study was to relate the results of a series of pulmonary function tests to biochemical and pathological alterations observed in the lung. Cytological and reproductive potential endpoints were also assessed after acrolein exposure. Rats were exposed to acrolein for 6 hours/day, 5 days/week for 62 days. Mortality was observed only in the 4.0 ppm chamber where 32 of 57 exposed males died; however, none of the 8 exposed females died. Most of the mortality occurred within the first 10 exposure days. Histologic examination indicated that the animals died of acute bronchopneumonia. The surviving males and females exposed to 4.0 ppm acrolein gained weight at a significantly slower rate than control animals. The growth of both sexes in the 0.4 and 1.4 ppm groups was similar to that of their respective controls. Histopathologic examination of animals after 62 days of exposure revealed bronchiolar epithelial necrosis and sloughing, bronchiolar edema with macrophages, and focal pulmonary edema in the 4.0 ppm group. These lesions were, in some cases, associated with edema of the trachea and peribronchial lymph nodes, and acute rhinitis which indicated an upper respiratory tract effect of acrolein. Of particular interest was the variability of response between rats in the 4.0 ppm group, some not affected at all while others were moderately affected. Intragroup variability in toxicity was also apparent in the 1.4 ppm exposure group where only 3 of 31 animals examined had lesions directly related to acrolein exposure. Extra respiratory organs appeared unaffected

  5. Costes asociados a las horas de cuidado informal de los mayores dependientes en un ámbito rural Costs associated to informal caregiving hours for older people living in rural communities [Spain

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    Pablo Moya Martínez


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar el coste asociado a las variables que mejor predicen las horas de cuidado informal (CI en mayores residentes en su domicilio con algún grado de dependencia para las actividades de la vida diaria (AVD.Métodos: Estudio observacional transversal en 241 personas mayores de 64 años, de ámbito rural y de ambos sexos (un 37,8% hombres y un 62,2% mujeres. La media (desviación estándar de edad fue de 81,07 (7,01 años. Mediante el cuestionario RAI-HC (Resident Assessment Instrument Home Care se recogieron variables sociodemográficas, dependencia en AVD y horas de CI recibido. Se empleó el análisis de regresión lineal múltiple para determinar la relación existente entre la variable dependiente horas de CI y el total de variables independientes, sociodemográficas, de las actividades básicas de la vida diaria e instrumentales.Resultados: Las variables que mejor explican las horas de Cl son vivir solo, la necesidad de ayuda para comer, preparar comidas, moverse en la cama y salir a la calle, que representan el 46,3% de la variabilidad en la necesidad de horas de CI. Los coeficientes estandarizados mayores corresponden a las variables dependencia para comer (0,272 y para preparar las comidas (0,205. Ser dependiente para comer supone un incremento de 275 h de CI anual y un coste incremental asociado de 2.406,15 €/año. La dependencia para la preparación de comidas supone un incremento de 307,2h anuales y un coste incremental asociado de 2.688,18 €/año. La dependencia en función de las AVD tiene un coste de entre 4.972,72 y 21.479,15 € por año.Conclusiones: Casi la mitad del coste de las horas de CI que precisa una persona mayor con algún grado de dependencia se puede atribuir a vivir solo y a la necesidad de ayuda para un reducido grupo de AVD fáciles de evaluar, como comer, cocinar, moverse en la cama y salir a la calle.Objectives: To determine the costs associated with the variables that best predict hours of

  6. ROMI 4.0: Rough mill simulator 4.0 users manual (United States)

    R. Edward Thomas; Timo Grueneberg; Urs. Buehlmann


    The Rough MIll simulator (ROMI Version 4.0) is a computer software package for personal computers (PCs) that simulates current industrial practices for rip-first, chop-first, and rip and chop-first lumber processing. This guide shows how to set up the software; design, implement, and execute simulations; and examine the results. ROMI 4.0 accepts cutting bills with as...

  7. Positron annihilation characterization of free volume in micro- and macro-modified Cu0.4Co0.4Ni0.4Mn1.8O4 ceramics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klym, H.; Ingram, A.; Shpotyuk, O.; Hadzaman, I.; Solntsev, V.; Hotra, O.; Popov, A.


    Free volume and pore size distribution size in functional micro and macro-micro-modified Cu 0.4 Co 0.4 Ni 0.4 Mn 1.8 O 4 ceramics are characterized by positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy in comparison with Hg-porosimetry and scanning electron microscopy technique. Positron annihilation results are interpreted in terms of model implication positron trapping and ortho-positronium decaying. It is shown that free volume of positron traps are the same type for macro and micro modified Cu 0.4 Co 0.4 Ni 0.4 Mn 1.8 O 4 ceramics. Classic Tao-Eldrup model in spherical approximation is used to calculation of the size of nanopores smaller than 2 nm using the ortho-positronium lifetime.

  8. Deterioro cognitivo y horas de sueño en mayores de 65 años no institucionalizados: estudio en farmacia comunitaria

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    Climent MT


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar factores de riesgo, relacionados con el estilo de vida, asociados con la presencia de deterioro cognitivo en personas mayores de 65 años. Método: Para ello se diseñó un estudio observacional transversal con personas mayores de 65 años no institucionalizadas mediante entrevista personal estructurada. El estudio se realizó en 14 farmacias de la Comunidad Valenciana desde marzo 2011 hasta marzo de 2013. Se utilizan como test de cribado el Short Portable Mental State Questionnaire (SPMSQ de Pfeiffer y el Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE versión NORMACODERM de Blesa. Se definió deterioro cognitivo por SPMSQ ≥ 3 (para analfabetos ≥ 4 y/o MMSE ≤ 24. Resultados: Participaron en el estudio 729 personas. Se encontró que el 17,6% de los participantes (n = 128 presentaban resultados compatibles con deterioro cognitivo. Se determinó que dormir 9 o más horas diarias es causa o consecuencia y, por tanto, un factor de riesgo y/o de alarma en el desarrollo de deterioro cognitivo en personas mayores de 65 años. El ejercicio físico y pocas horas de sueño no obtuvo relación con el deterioro cognitivo. Conclusión: El cambio de hábitos de sueño en el anciano (pasar a dormir más horas es una señal de alerta para estudiar la presencia de un posible deterioro cognitivo.

  9. Crystal structure and magnetic properties of LaCa0.143 (4O0.857 (4F0.143 (4Bi0.857 (4S2

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    Rongtie Huang


    Full Text Available The synthesis, structure, and magnetic properties of lithium dibarium calcium oxide fluoride disulfide are reported. LaCa0.143 (4O0.857 (4F0.143 (4Bi0.857 (4S2 crystallizes in the tetragonal space group P4/nmm. The structure exhibits disorder of the Ca2+ and Bi3+ cations, and the O2− and F− anions. The structure is composed of a stacking of [(O,F2La2] layers and double [(Bi,CaS2] layers. Magnetic property measurements indicate a very small magnetization at 300 K and the existence of weak ferromagnetism at 2 K.

  10. Asma aguda em adultos na sala de emergência: o manejo clínico na primeira hora

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    Full Text Available Asma é doença com alta prevalência em nosso meio e ao redor do mundo. Embora novas opções terapêuticas tenham sido recentemente desenvolvidas, parece haver aumento mundial na sua morbidade e mortalidade. Em muitas instituições, as exacerbações asmáticas ainda constituem emergência médica muito comum. As evidências têm demonstrado que a primeira hora no manejo da asma aguda na sala de emergência concentra decisões cruciais que podem determinar o desfecho desta situação clínica. Nesta revisão não-sistemática, os autores enfocaram a primeira hora da avaliação e tratamento do paciente com asma aguda na sala de emergência, descrevendo uma estratégia apropriada para o seu manejo. São consideradas as seguintes etapas: diagnóstico, avaliação da gravidade, tratamento farmacológico, avaliação das complicações e decisão sobre onde se realizará o tratamento adicional. Espera-se que estas recomendações contribuam para que o médico clínico tome a decisão apropriada na primeira hora do manejo da asma aguda.

  11. Mild hydrothermal synthesis, crystal structure, thermal behavior, spectroscopic and magnetic properties of the (NH4)[Fe(AsO4)1-x(PO4)xF] (x=0.3, 0.6, 0.8) series. Thermal transformation of (NH4)[Fe(AsO4)0.7(PO4)0.3F] into the textural porous orthorhombic Fe(AsO4)0.7(PO4)0.3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berrocal, Teresa; Mesa, Jose L.; Pizarro, Jose L.; Bazan, Begona; Lezama, Luis; Arriortua, Maria I.; Rojo, Teofilo


    The (NH 4 )[Fe(AsO 4 ) 1-x (PO 4 ) x F] (x=0.3, 0.6, 0.8) series of compounds has been synthesized under mild hydrothermal conditions. The compounds crystallize in the orthorhombic Pna2 1 space group, with the unit-cell parameters a=13.1718(1), b=6.5966(6), c=10.797(1) A for x=0.3; a=13.081(1), b=6.5341(6), c=10.713(1) A for x=0.6 and a=13.0329(9), b=6.4994(4), c=10.6702(6) A for x=0.8, with the volumes 938.6(1), 915.7(1) and 903.8(1) A 3 , respectively, with Z=8. Single crystals of (NH 4 )[Fe(AsO 4 ) 0.7 (PO 4 ) 0.3 F] heated under air atmosphere at 465 deg. C remain as single crystals, changing the composition to Fe(AsO 4 ) 0.7 (PO 4 ) 0.3 . This later phase belongs to the orthorhombic Imam space group, with the unit cell parameters a=13.328(2), b=6.5114(5), c=10.703(1) A, V=928.9(2) A 3 and Z=12. The crystal structure of the ammonium phases consists of a KTP three-dimensional framework constructed by chains formed by alternating Fe(2)O 4 F 2 or Fe(1)O 4 F 2 octahedra and As/P(2)O 4 or As/P(1)O 4 tetrahedra, respectively. These octahedra and tetrahedra are linked by a common oxygen vertex. The chains run along the 'a' and 'b' crystallographic axes. The crystal structure of Fe(AsO 4 ) 0.7 (PO 4 ) 0.3 is a three-dimensional skeleton derived from that of the precursor, formed from (100) sheets stacked along the [001] direction, and interconnected by chains of alternating Fe(2)O 6 octahedra and As/P(2)O 4 tetrahedra sharing a vertex in the 'a' direction. Transmission electronic microscopy of this compound indicates the existence of unconnected external cavities with a BET surface area of 3.91(3) m 2 g -1 . The diffuse reflectance spectra in the visible region show the forbidden electronic transitions characteristic of the Fe(III) d 5 -high spin cation in slightly distorted octahedral geometry, for all the compounds. The ESR spectra for all the compounds, carried out from room temperature to 4.2 K, remain isotropic with variation in temperature; the g-value is 1

  12. Jornada de horas reduzidas e equilíbrio trabalho e família no setor bancário.


    Graciela Sanjutá Soares Faria


    Com as mudanças na organização do trabalho frente à emergência do sistema de produção flexível, especialmente a partir da década de 80, vêm se expandindo novos arranjos de trabalho, como por exemplo o trabalho de horas reduzidas, em que o número de horas trabalhadas por semana é menor que o padrão. Ao mesmo tempo, a participação feminina no mercado de trabalho se intensifica, sobretudo a partir da década de 70; por conseguinte, os conflitos entre trabalho e família tornam-se cada vez mais ...

  13. Esofagomanometria e phmetria de 24 horas para avaliar a fundoplicatura de lind laparoscópica na doença do refluxo gastroesofágico

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    Pablo Roberto Miguel

    Full Text Available As técnicas laparoscópicas e toracoscópicas proporcionaram uma nova dimensão para a correção dos distúrbios funcionais do esôfago. O sucesso terapêutico, entretanto, depende da confirmação da doença esofágica como causa dos sintomas, da compreensão da causa básica da disfunção e da identificação do paciente cirúrgico. O presente trabalho é um estudo retrospectivo em pacientes operados pela técnica de Lind para doença do refluxo gastroesofágico (DRGE. Tem por objetivo estabelecer o valor do uso sistemático da esofagomanometria e da pHmetria de 24 horas na seleção de pacientes e na avaliação funcional pré e pós-operatória. Quarenta e um pacientes (68,3% tinham hipotonia do esfíncter inferior do esôfago. A pressão foi em média de 9,2 mmHg no pré-operatório e de 15,2mmHg no pós-operatório, com um aumento de 6,0 mmHg. Este aumento foi de 8,8mmHg nos hipotônicos e 4,3 mmHg nos normotônicos. Houve algum grau de hipomotilidade do corpo do esôfago em 14 pacientes (23,3%, sendo que, deste grupo, quatro (28,5% obtiveram melhora pós-operatória. Refluxo ácido patológico foi constatado em 51 casos (85,0% pela pHmetria. A média do score de DeMeester pré-operatório foi de 31,4, baixando depois para 3,2. A esofagomanometria e a pHmetria de 24 horas são métodos eficazes em revelar o nível de modificação funcional estabelecido pela cirurgia anti-refluxo e ajudam objetivamente na seleção.

  14. Archeologický výzkum zaniklého těžebního areálu u kostela sv. Václava v Pněvicích (okr. Kutná Hora)

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Končelová, Markéta; Velímský, Filip


    Roč. 12, prosinec (2012), s. 253-256 ISSN 1801-5972 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z80020508 Keywords : Kutná Hora * archaeology * Middle Ages * silver mining Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

  15. Menos horas de sueño asociado con sobrepeso y obesidad en estudiantes de nutrición de una universidad chilena

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    Samuel Durán-Agüero

    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la asociación entre menor número de horas de sueño y sobrepeso/obesidad en estudiantes de nutrición de primero a cuarto año, de la Universidad San Sebastián en Chile. Se evaluaron 635 estudiantes, de los cuales el 86,4% fueron mujeres. A cada estudiante se aplicó la encuesta de sueño de Pittsburg, una evaluación antropométrica y se calculó el índice de masa corporal. Se realizaron análisis de regresión logística crudo y ajustado. El 57,1% de estudiantes duerme menos de lo recomendado. Dormir menos se asocia con sobrepeso u obesidad en el modelo ajustado por edad y somnolencia diurna (ORa: 1,84; IC 95%: 1,26-2,68 y ajustado por edad, consumo de tabaco, lácteos, frutas, verduras, leguminosas, somnolencia diurna (ORa: 1,83; IC 95%: 1,29-2,76. Existe asociación entre menos horas de sueño y mayor peso corporal en esta población, siendo un factor que considerar en la prevención de sobrepeso.

  16. Studies on structural and magnetic properties of ternary cobalt magnesium zinc (CMZ) Co{sub 0.6-x}Mg{sub x}Zn{sub 0.4} Fe{sub 2}O{sub 4} (x = 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6) ferrite nanoparticles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kaur, Manpreet, E-mail:; Jain, Palak; Singh, Mandeep


    In this paper we report the variation in structural and magnetic properties of ternary ferrite nanoparticles (NPs) having stoichiometery Co{sub 0.6-x}Mg{sub x}Zn{sub 0.4} Fe{sub 2}O{sub 4} (x = 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6) and pure spinel ferrites MFe{sub 2}O{sub 4} (M = Mg, Co). NPs with average particle diameter of 25–45 nm were synthesized employing self-propagating oxalyl dihydrazide - metal nitrate combustion method. The products were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and FT-IR spectroscopy. FT-IR spectral analysis revealed two bands centered at 560 and 440 cm{sup −1} for tetrahedral and octahedral metal–oxygen bond stretching. Zinc doping caused red shift in the frequency band of tetrahedral M−O stretching. XRD powder diffraction patterns confirmed the formation of spinel ferrite nanoparticles, expansion of the lattice on zinc doping and enhancement of spinel phase purity in the doped ferrites. Cobalt ferrite displayed lowering of the magnetic parameters on zinc doping which further decreased in ternary ferrites Co{sub 0.6-x}Mg{sub x}Zn{sub 0.4}Fe{sub 2}O{sub 4} on replacing cobalt ions with non-magnetic magnesium ions up to x = 0.4. At x = 0.6 reverse trend was observed and Ms was enhanced. Magnesium zinc ferrite Mg{sub 0.6}Zn{sub 0.4} Fe{sub 2}O{sub 4} with high value of Ms was obtained. Combustion process employed in the present studies serves as a low temperature facile route for the synthesis and structural analysis of ternary doped ferrite nanoparticles. - Highlights: • Ternary doped cobalt magnesium zinc ferrite nanoparticles are synthesized. • FT-IR displayed red shift in tetrahedral stretching band on Zinc doping. • Expansion of lattice and enhancement of spinel phase purity on zinc doping. • The variation in saturation magnetization (Ms) on doping is explained.

  17. Electrochemical properties of LaNi{sub 4.2}Co{sub 0.4}Zn{sub 0.1}Al{sub 0.3} and LaNi{sub 4.3}Co{sub 0.4}Zn{sub 0.1}Al{sub 0.2} alloys as anode materials for Ni-MH batteries

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Giza, Krystyna [Czestochowa Univ. of Technology (Poland). Faculty of Production Engineering and Materials Technology


    The galvanostatic charge and discharge technique was used for the evaluation of the changes in electrochemical parameters of the tested metal hydride electrodes during the repeated hydrogen absorption and desorption processes. Higher development of the effective surface area during hydrogenation has been obtained for LaNi{sub 4.3}Co{sub 0.4}Zn{sub 0.1}Al{sub 0.2} composite electrode. For the conditions of current ± 0.5 C, the discharge capacities of LaNi{sub 4.2}Co{sub 0.4}Zn{sub 0.1}Al{sub 0.3} and LaNi{sub 4.3}Co{sub 0.4}Zn{sub 0.1}Al{sub 0.2} alloys are 240 and 316 mAh x g{sup -1}, respectively. From the point of view of improving the kinetics of the process of charge transfer at the electrode/electrolyte interface as well as a resistance to self-discharging, a partial substitution of nickel with zinc in the LaNi{sub 4.3}Co{sub 0.4}Al{sub 0.3} alloy is not favorable.

  18. Synthesis and characterization of the novel rare earth orthophosphates Y0.5Er0.5PO4 and Y0.5Yb0.5PO4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schildhammer, Daniel; Petschnig, Lucas L.; Fuhrmann, Gerda; Heymann, Gunter; Schottenberger, Herwig; Huppertz, Hubert; Tribus, Martina


    The new mixed rare earth (RE) orthophosphates Y 0.5 Er 0.5 PO 4 and Y 0.5 Yb 0.5 PO 4 were synthesized by a classical solid state reaction in an electrical furnace at 1200 C. As starting materials, the corresponding rare earth oxides and diammonium hydrogen phosphate were used. The powder diffraction analyses revealed that the new compounds Y 0.5 Er 0.5 PO 4 and Y 0.5 Yb 0.5 PO 4 crystallize in a zircon-type structure being isostructural with the rare earth orthophosphate YPO 4 . Y 0.5 Er 0.5 PO 4 and Y 0.5 Yb 0.5 PO 4 crystallize in the tetragonal space group I4 1 /amd (no. 141) with four formula units in the unit cell. The structural parameters based on Rietveld refinements are a = 687.27(2), c = 601.50(2) pm, V = 0.28412(1) nm 3 , R p = 0.0143, and R wp = 0.0186 (all data) for Y 0.5 Er 0.5 PO 4 and a = 684.61(2), c = 599.31(2) pm, V = 0.28089(2) nm 3 , R p = 0.0242, and R wp = 0.0313 (all data) for Y 0.5 Yb 0.5 PO 4 . Furthermore, the structure of Y 0.5 Er 0.5 PO 4 was refined from single-crystal X-ray diffraction data: a = 687.78(5), c = 601.85(4) pm, V = 0.28470(5) nm 3 , R 1 = 0.0165, and wR 2 = 0.0385 (all data). In both compounds, the rare earth metal ions are eightfold coordinated by oxygen atoms, forming two unique interlocking tetrahedra with two individual RE-O distances. The tetrahedral phosphate groups [PO 4 ] 3- are slightly distorted in both compounds. The individual rare earth ions share a common position (Wyckoff site 4a). The presence of two rare earth ions in the structures of the new orthophosphates Y 0.5 Er 0.5 PO 4 and Y 0.5 Yb 0.5 PO 4 was additionally confirmed by single-crystal EDX spectroscopy revealing a ratio of 1:1.

  19. Perovskite oxides La0.4Sr0.6CoxMn1-xO3 (x = 0, 0.2, 0.4 as an effective electrocatalyst for lithium—air batteries

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yajun Zhao


    Full Text Available Co-doped perovskite oxide La0.4Sr0.6CoxMn1-xO3 (x = 0, 0.2, 0.4 composites are prepared by sol–gel method utilizing citric acid as chelating agent. These composites show good catalytic activities when tested as catalysts rechargeable lithium—air batteries. In particular, the La0.4Sr0.6Co0.4Mn0.6O3 shows a lower potential gap. When these samples are tested as catalysts for Li—air batteries at a current density of 100 mA g−1, the discharge capacities with different La0.4Sr0.6CoxMn1-xO3 (x = 0, 0.2, 0.4 catalysts are 5819, 6420, and 7227 mA h g−1, respectively. In addition, under a capacity limitation of 1000 mA h g−1, the cell using La0.4Sr0.6Co0.4Mn0.6O3 as catalyst shows good cycling stability up to 46 cycles. The good electrochemical performance suggests that suitable doping of Co in Mn site of La0.4Sr0.6MnO3 could be a promising route to improve the catalytic activity.

  20. Suplementasi Hormon Gonadotropin Pada Medium Maturasi In Vitro Untuk Meningkatkan Perkembangan Embrio Stadium 4 Sel Kambing Bligon

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dewi Pranatasari


    Full Text Available The study was carried out to investigate the effect of gonadotropin hormone supplementation into in vitro maturation medium on maturation, fertilization and embryo development of Bligon goats. This research steps consist of oocyte collection, in vitro maturation, in vitro fertilization, and in vitro embryo development. At the maturation stage the oocyte that had been collected and divided into two groups based on the maturation medium, that was tissue culture medium (TCM with supplementation of GnRH 0 IU/mL and GnRH 25 IU/mL. Oocyte and embryo morphology data were analyzed descriptively. Maturation rate and embryo development data were analyzed by using independent sample t-test. Fertilization data was analyzed descriptively. The result showed the percentages of mature oocytes from gonadotropin supplementation of 0 IU/mL and 25 IU/mL were 54.10±25.97 and 54.89±26.44%, respectively. Expansion cumulus cells surrounding the oocytes might indicated the mature oocytes. Cleavage rate of the 2 cells stage were 13,02±11,09 and 27,01±16,65%; respectively, and for the 4 cells stage were 10,16±10,01% and 16,67±14.91%. Embryos obtained from the treatment, indicated uniform of blastomeres in the size, tight, compact, intact, and round-spherical shape. It could be concluded that supplementation of gonadotropin hormone into in vitro maturation medium could not increase the rate of oocyte maturation and 4 cell embryo development, but it could increase 2 cell embryo development of Bligon goats. Hormone supplementation could improved the maturation and embryo quality.

  1. La última obra de Virginia Woolf: Las horas, de Stephen Daldry

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María del Mar Paúl Arranz


    Full Text Available Dado el vínculo que entre la literatura y el cine, se discute la pertinencia de ciertos métodos de análisis en el tratamiento que ha dado el cine a los textos literarios. La película Las horas (2003 se presenta como una muestra de un diálogo creativo no sólo con la novela de Michel Cunningham de la que parte, sino con la obra literaria de Virginia Woolf, que está en la base de ambas. La película nos invita a replantearnos aspectos de la condición humana otorgando a las mujeres un absoluto e insólito protagonismo.

  2. Synthesis and structural characterization of Al4SiC4-homeotypic aluminum silicon oxycarbide, [Al4.4Si0.6][O1.0C2.0]C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaga, Motoaki; Iwata, Tomoyuki; Nakano, Hiromi; Fukuda, Koichiro


    A new quaternary layered oxycarbide, [Al 4.39(5) Si 0.61(5) ] Σ5 [O 1.00(2) C 2.00(2) ] Σ3 C, has been synthesized and characterized by X-ray powder diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). The title compound was found to be hexagonal with space group P6 3 /mmc, Z=2, and unit-cell dimensions a=0.32783(1) nm, c=2.16674(7) nm and V=0.20167(1) nm 3 . The atom ratios Al:Si were determined by EDX, and the initial structural model was derived by the direct methods. The final structural model showed the positional disordering of one of the three types of Al/Si sites. The maximum-entropy methods-based pattern fitting (MPF) method was used to confirm the validity of the split-atom model, in which conventional structure bias caused by assuming intensity partitioning was minimized. The reliability indices calculated from the MPF were R wp =3.73% (S=1.20), R p =2.94%, R B =1.04% and R F =0.81%. The crystal was an inversion twin. Each twin-related individual was isostructural with Al 4 SiC 4 (space group P6 3 mc, Z=2). - Graphical abstract: A new oxycarbide discovered in the Al-Si-O-C system, Al 4 SiC 4 -homeotypic [Al 4.4 Si 0.6 ][O 1.0 C 2.0 ]C. The crystal is an inversion twin, and hence the structure is represented by a split-atom model. The three-dimensional electron density distributions are determined by the maximum-entropy methods-based pattern fitting, being consistent with the disordered structural model.

  3. Restructuring the Nursing Staff and its Influence on Care Hours Reestructuración del cuadro de personal de enfermería y su impacto sobre las horas de asistencia Reestruturação do quadro de pessoal de enfermagem e seu impacto sobre as horas de assistência

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Danielle Fabiana Cucolo


    Full Text Available This descriptive study aimed to calculate and compare the nursing staff at the medical-surgical clinical units of a philanthropic hospital in current and projected situations, and to investigate how much time the nursing team delivers patient care in the current and projected situations. Gaidzinski's method was used to calculate the nursing staff, and the equation proposed by the Hospital Quality Commitment (HQC to estimate care hours. The findings showed an increase of 33% in the staff, with a 68.4% increase in the number of nurses and 15.6% in the number of technicians / nursing auxiliaries. According to the projected situation, the care hours varied from 5.7 to 7.2. The number of nursing and the mean care time provided to the patients were inadequate according to the clientele's care needs. This could impair the quality of care.Este estudio descriptivo tuvo por objetivo dimensionar y comparar el cuadro de personal de enfermería de las unidades de clínica médico-quirúrgica de un hospital filantrópico, en las situaciones actuales y proyectadas, e investigar el tiempo de asistencia utilizado en los pacientes por el equipo de enfermería en las dos situaciones. Para dimensionar se utilizó el método propuesto por Gaidzinski, y, para el cálculo de las horas de asistencia, la ecuación propuesta por el Compromiso con la Calidad Hospitalaria (CCH. Lo encontrado colocó en evidencia la necesidad de aumentar en 33% el cuadro de personal, con aumento de 68,4% de enfermeros y de 15,6% en el número de técnicos/auxiliares de enfermería. En la situación proyectada, las horas de asistencia variaron de 5,7 a 7,2. El cuantitativo de enfermería y el tiempo promedio utilizado con los pacientes se revelaron inadecuados para atender las necesidades de la clientela, lo que puede comprometer la calidad de la asistencia.Este estudo descritivo objetivou dimensionar e comparar o quadro de pessoal de enfermagem das unidades de clínica médico-cirúrgica de

  4. Synthesis, characterization and mechanoluminescence of europium doped ZnxBa(1−x)Al2O4 (x=0, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0) phosphor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sajan, S.J.; Gopakumar, N.; Anjana, P.S.; Madhukumar, K.


    The samples of Zn x Ba (1−x) Al 2 O 4 :0.1%Eu (x=0, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0) were prepared via high temperature solid state reaction method. The phase formation of the powder samples were confirmed by taking X-ray diffraction analysis. The mechanoluminescence (ML) property of the samples by impact method was studied by using ML measuring apparatus. The variations in the ML peak intensity due to the impact velocity of a load falling from different heights and due to the variation of composition were investigated. The photoluminescence studies of the samples were also conducted.

  5. Aleitamento materno na primeira hora de vida em um Hospital Amigo da Criança: prevalência, fatores associados e razões para sua não ocorrência

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    Mércia Natália Macêdo Belo


    Full Text Available Objetivos: identificar a prevalência do aleitamento materno na primeira hora de vida, os fatores associados e as razões para sua não ocorrência em um Hospital Amigo da Criança. Métodos: estudo transversal com 562 mães e recém-nascidos. Os dados foram obtidos entre outubro a novembro de 2011 mediante formulários de entrevista e consulta a prontuários. Modelo de Poisson foi ajustado para analisar a prevalência do aleitamento materno na primeira hora de vida em função das variáveis de exposição. Resultados: a prevalência do aleitamento materno na primeira hora de vida foi de 31%. Apenas o parto normal permaneceu no modelo final, apresentando razão de prevalência de 27% a mais em relação ao parto cesáreo (p=0,020. As razões para que 388 crianças não tenham sido amamentadas na primeira hora de vida foram classificadas em: problemas de saúde da criança (328, 84,5%, da mãe (241, 62,1% e atraso no resultado do teste rápido anti-HIV (199, 51,2%, 11 (2,8% não apresentaram nenhuma justificativa. Conclusões: os resultados relatados ainda estão bem abaixo das recomendações da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS, o que em grande parte pode ser atribuído às condições próprias de um hospital de nível terciário, cuja demanda é constituída predominantemente por casos de pacientes de médio e elevado risco obstétrico.

  6. 4-Aminobenzoic acid 4-methylpyridine/4-methylpyridinium 4-aminobenzoate 0.58/0.42: a redetermination from the original data

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    Jan Fábry


    Full Text Available The title structure, 4-aminobenzoic acid 4-methylpyridine/4-methylpyridinium 4-aminobenzoate 0.58/0.42, 0.58(C6H7N·C7H7NO2·0.42(C6H8N+·C7H6NO2−, has been redetermined from the data published by Kumar et al. (2015. Acta Cryst. E71, o125-o126. The improvement of the present redetermination consists in the introduction of disorder of the methyl group over two positions as well as in the correction of the positional parameters of the hydrogen atoms that are involved in the O—H...N or N—H...O hydrogen bonds. After the correction, the hydroxyl hydrogen atom turned out to be disordered over two positions about the centre of the O...N bond, which is relatively long [2.642 (2 Å], while the H atoms of the primary amine group account more realistically for the hydrogen-bond pattern after the removal of the positional constraints. All the O—H...N or N—H...O hydrogen bonds which are present in the title structure are of moderate strength.

  7. Layered lithium manganese(0.4) nickel(0.4) cobalt(0.2) oxide(2) as cathode for lithium batteries (United States)

    Ma, Miaomiao

    The lithium ion battery occupies a dominant position in the portable battery market today. Intensive research has been carried out on every part of the battery to reduce cost, avoid environmental hazards, and improve battery performance. The commercial cathode material LiCoO2 has been partially replaced by LiNiyCo1- yO2 in the last two years, and mixed metal oxides have been introduced in the last quarter. From a resources point of view, only about 10 million tons of cobalt deposits are available from the world's minerals. However, there is about 500 times more manganese available than cobalt. Moreover, cobalt itself is not environmentally friendly. The purpose of this work is to find a promising alternative cathode material that can maintain good cycling performance, while at the same time reducing the cost and toxicity. When the cost is lowered, it is then possible to consider the larger scale use of lithium ion batteries in application such as hybrid electric vehicles (HEV). The research work presented in this thesis has focused on a specific composition of a layered lithium transition metal oxide, LiMn0.4Ni 0.4Co0.2O2 with the R3¯m structure. The presence of cobalt plays a critical role in minimizing transition metal migration to the lithium layer, and perhaps also in enhancing the electronic conductivity; however, cobalt is in limited supply and it is therefore more costly than nickel or manganese. The performance of LiMn0.4Ni0.4Co 0.2O2 was investigated and characterized utilizing various techniques an its performance compared with cobalt free LiMn0.5N i0.5O2, as well as with LiMn1/3Ni1/3Co 1/3O2, which is the most extensively studied replacement candidate for LiNiyCo1- yO2, and may be in SONY'S new hybrid cells. First, the structure and cation distribution in LiMn0.4Ni 0.4Co0.2O2 was studied by a combination of X-ray and neutron diffraction experiments. This combination study shows that about 3--5% nickel is present in the lithium layer, while manganese and

  8. 26 CFR 4.954-0 - Introduction. (United States)


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 14 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Introduction. 4.954-0 Section 4.954-0 Internal... INCOME TAX REGULATIONS UNDER SECTION 954 OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE § 4.954-0 Introduction. (a... corporation beginning after December 31, 1986. (I) § 4.954-0 Introduction. (a) Effective dates. (b) Outline...


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    Ika Roostika


    embriogenesis somatik nenas. Kalus diinduksi menggunakan pikloram (21, 41, dan 62 μM dan penambahan thidiazuron 9 μM. Selanjutnya, kalus dipindahkan ke media MS atau Bac yang diperkaya dengansenyawa N-organik dengan atau tanpa penambahan pikloram 21 μM dalam kondisi gelap atau dengan pencahayaan. Kalus kompak disubkultur pada media MS yang mengandung kinetin 4,65 μM, sedangkan kalus remah dipindahkan ke media BIG (MS modifikasi + bensil adenin 1.1 μM + indole butyric acid 0,9 μM + giberelic acid 0,09 μM atau media B (MS + bensil adenin 0,018 μM. Hasil penelitian  menunjukkan bahwa tahapan embriogenesis somatik diawali dengan polarisasi sel, pembelahan asimetris, pembentukan proembrio sebagai jaringan embriogenik danjaringan embriogenik remah, serta perkembangan embrio. Perlakuan terbaik untuk induksi kalus adalah pikloram 21 μM. Penambahan pikloram 21 μM pada media yang diperkaya dengan senyawa N-organik mampu meningkatkan jumlah kalusembriogenik. Media Bac yang diperkaya senyawa N-organik dan kondisi pencahayaan menghasilkan jumlah embrio somatik dewasa terbanyak (17 embrio per eksplan dalam 2 bulan. Media B lebih baik daripada media BIG untuk regenerasi embrio somatik dari jaringan embriogenik remah. Metode embriogenesis somatik yang dihasilkan dari penelitian ini berpotensi diterapkan untukperbanyakan massal dan produksi benih nenas.

  10. Efecto de colutorio-gel de clorhexidina sobre el crecimiento de placa en 24 horas = Effect of chlorhexidine mouthrinses-gel on de novo plaque formation in 24 hours

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rivera, Tânia


    Full Text Available En un estudio cruzado, doble ciego y randomizado, 25 alumnos de Odontologia de buena salud oral, participaron de cuatro estudios donde ellos se abtuvieron de toda limpieza mecanica oral por 24 horas, los estudios estuvieron separados entre si por 4 semanas. Durante los estudios los alumnos en un randomizado orden, se enjuagaron por una vez con uno de los siguientes colutorios: CHX 0.12% + alcohol (Oralgene®, CHX 0.12% + alcohol (Perio.Aid®, CHX 0.1% + alcohol (Dentilim® y CHX 0.1% + HMC 2.5% (Colutoriogel®, nueva formula. Despues de un dia se midio formación de placa, se completo y registro el cuestionario de parametros clinicos. Las formulaciones de CHX 0.12% + alcohol y CHX 0.1% + HMC 2.5% se mostraron eficientes en retardar el crecimiento de placa dental de novo, esto obtenido de las observaciones clinicas, y siempre superior (p < 0.05 a la formulación del colutorio de CHX 0.1%+ alcohol (Dentilim®. Los resultados de este estudio demuestran el potencial clinico de este nuevo colutorio-gel sin alcohol de CHX 0.1% + HMC 2.5% (Colutoriogel® como un efectivo agente antiplaca y con reducidas efectos secundarios registrados

  11. KeyPathwayMiner 4.0

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Alcaraz, Nicolas; Pauling, Josch; Batra, Richa


    release of KeyPathwayMiner (version 4.0) that is not limited to analyses of single omics data sets, e.g. gene expression, but is able to directly combine several different omics data types. Version 4.0 can further integrate existing knowledge by adding a search bias towards sub-networks that contain...... (avoid) genes provided in a positive (negative) list. Finally the new release now also provides a set of novel visualization features and has been implemented as an app for the standard bioinformatics network analysis tool: Cytoscape. CONCLUSION: With KeyPathwayMiner 4.0, we publish a Cytoscape app...

  12. Photoluminescence and scintillation properties of Ce-doped Sr2(Gd1-xLux)8(SiO4)6O2 (x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6) crystals (United States)

    Igashira, Takuya; Kawano, Naoki; Okada, Go; Kawaguchi, Noriaki; Yanagida, Takayuki


    Apatite crystals with chemical compositions of 0.5% Ce-doped Sr2(Gd1-xLux)8(SiO4)6O2 (x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6) were synthesized by the Floating Zone method, and then we evaluated their photoluminescence (PL) and scintillation properties. All the Ce-doped samples exhibited PL and scintillation with an intense broad emission in 400-550 nm in which the origin was attributed to the 5d-4f transition of Ce3+, and the emission peak became broader with increasing the concentration of Lu3+. Both PL and scintillation decay time profiles were best-approximated by a sum of two exponential decay functions, and the origin of slower component was attributed to the 5d-4f transition of Ce3+. In the X-ray induced afterglow measurements, the Ce-doped Sr2(Gd0.4Lu0.6)8(SiO4)6O2 sample exhibited the lowest afterglow level. Furthermore, the Ce-doped Sr2(Gd0.5Lu0.5)8(SiO4)6O2 and Sr2(Gd0.4Lu0.6)8(SiO4)6O2 samples showed a clear full energy deposited peak under 5.5 MeV 241Am α-ray irradiation, and the estimated absolute scintillation light yields were around 290 and 1300 ph/5.5 MeV-α, respectively.

  13. Effect of Sr substituted La 2−x Sr x NiO 4+δ (x = 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8) on oxygen stoichiometry and oxygen transport properties

    KAUST Repository

    Inprasit, T.; Wongkasemjit, S.; Skinner, S. J.; Burriel, M.; Limthongkul, P.


    © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015. Stoichiometry and oxygen diffusion properties of La2-xSrxNiO4±δ with x = 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8 prepared via a sol-gel method were investigated in this study. Iodometric titration and thermogravimetric analysis were used to determine the oxygen non-stoichiometry. Over the entire compositional range, the samples exhibit oxygen hyperstoichiometry with the minimum value δ = 0.14 at x = 0.4. Mixed effects of reduction of oxygen excess and increasing valence of Ni were found to serve as charge compensation mechanisms; the former dominated at a low level of substitution, x < 0.4, while the latter dominated at higher levels of Sr (0.4 < x < 0.8). The highest oxygen diffusion coefficient was found for the minimum amount of Sr substitution, x = 0.2, continuously decreasing with x until x = 0.6. An unusual increase in D∗ was observed when the Sr content increased up to x = 0.8.

  14. PROSA version 4.0 manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bicking, U.; Golly, W.; Peter, N.; Seifert, R.


    This report includes a comprehensive manual of the computer program PROSA which illustrate the handling and functioning of PROSA. The manual PROSA 4.0 (FORTRAN 77) describes the PC Version of PROSA including its program moduls. The PROSA program package is a statistical tool to decide on the basis of statistical assumptions whether in a given sequence of material balance periods a loss of material might have occurred. The evaluation of the material balance data is based on statistical test procedures. In the present PROSA Version 4.0 the three tests CUMUF test, PAGE's test and GEMUF test are applied to a sequence of material balances. PROSA Version 4.0 supports a real sequential evaluation. That means, PROSA is not only able to evaluate a series of MUF values sequentially after the campaign has finished, but also real sequentially during the campaign. PROSA Version 4.0 is a menu-guided computer program. Data input can be performed either by diskette or by key-enter. Result output is primarily an information whether or not an alarm is indicated. This information can be displayed either numerically or graphically. Therefore, a comfortable graphical output utility is attached to PROSA 4.0. The program moduls are compiled and linked with the Ryan Mc-Farland Compiler. The PROSA graphical utility uses the PLOT88 Library of Plotworks, Inc. (orig./HP) [de

  15. Porcentaje de horas de confort térmico con técnicas de enfriamiento evaporativo indirecto en techos estanque en clima árido

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    Luis Carlos Herrera


    Full Text Available En este documento se presenta un estudio comparativo del porcentaje de tiempo en que la temperatura operativa se ubica dentro de los límites de la zona de confort propuesta por la norma ASHRAE 55-2010 para edificios libremente ventilados. Las temperaturas estudiadas se registraron al interior de módulos experimentales con techo estanque, emplazados en clima cálido seco, a los que les fueron aplicadas cinco técnicas de enfriamiento pasivo. El experimento se llevó a cabo en Chihuahua, México (Lat.: 28N, Long.: 106W, altura: 1.425m durante el verano de 2012. Los resultados indican que el techo estanque es una excelente alternativa para incrementar el porcentaje de horas de confort, pues se alcanza hasta un 30% más horas en promedio, respecto de un módulo control sin techo estanque. Si se añade enfriamiento radiativo nocturno, el porcentaje aumenta a 40%, e incorporando masa térmica, se incrementa hasta en un 65%. Incluso, en algunos casos, el enfriamiento es tan intenso que se sobrepasa el rango inferior de confort en horas de las mañanas.

  16. Adaptabilidade do tempo de trabalho, banco de horas e horário concentrado


    Verdasca, Daniela Vieira


    No presente trabalho pretendemos analisar os regimes de adaptabilidade, banco de horas e horário concentrado, bem como ponderar a sua contribuição para os princípios sempre presentes na temática da duração do trabalho, que por vezes se revelam antagónicos: a proteção do trabalhador, a tutela da sua saúde e da sua vida familiar e pessoal, uma vez que estes mecanismos permitem a variação do tempo de trabalho e logo dos tempos de não trabalho, e a salvaguarda dos interesses de gestão, sendo que ...

  17. Tritium release in Li{sub 4}SiO{sub 4} and Li{sub 4.2}Si{sub 0.8}Al{sub 0.2}O{sub 4} ceramics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhao, Linjie, E-mail:; Long, Xinggui, E-mail:; Peng, Shuming, E-mail:; Chen, Xiaojun; Xiao, Chengjian; Ran, Guangming; Li, Jiamao


    Li{sub 4+x}Si{sub 1−x}Al{sub x}O{sub 4} solid solution materials, which were designed as the advanced tritium breeders, were obtained by indirect solid state reactions. The behaviors of tritium release from Li{sub 4}SiO{sub 4} and Li{sub 4.2}Si{sub 0.8}Al{sub 0.2}O{sub 4} powders were investigated by temperature programmed desorption. The tritium release curves show different characteristics for the Li{sub 4}SiO{sub 4} and Li{sub 4.2}Si{sub 0.8}Al{sub 0.2}O{sub 4} ceramics. The main tritium release peak in the Li{sub 4}SiO{sub 4} and Li{sub 4.2}Si{sub 0.8}Al{sub 0.2}O{sub 4} powders is at approximately 600 °C after a high dose irradiation. Moreover, the temperature of the tritium release from Li{sub 4.2}Si{sub 0.8}Al{sub 0.2}O{sub 4} was lower than that of the release from Li{sub 4}SiO{sub 4}. This suggests a possible advantage to using the solid solutions as the advanced tritium breeding materials.

  18. Industry 4.0 implies lean manufacturing: Research activities in industry 4.0 function as enablers for lean manufacturing

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    Adam Sanders


    Full Text Available Purpose: Lean Manufacturing is widely regarded as a potential methodology to improve productivity and decrease costs in manufacturing organisations. The success of lean manufacturing demands consistent and conscious efforts from the organisation, and has to overcome several hindrances. Industry 4.0 makes a factory smart by applying advanced information and communication systems and future-oriented technologies. This paper analyses the incompletely perceived link between Industry 4.0 and lean manufacturing, and investigates whether Industry 4.0 is capable of implementing lean. Executing Industry 4.0 is a cost-intensive operation, and is met with reluctance from several manufacturers. This research also provides an important insight into manufacturers’ dilemma as to whether they can commit into Industry 4.0, considering the investment required and unperceived benefits. Design/methodology/approach: Lean manufacturing is first defined and different dimensions of lean are presented. Then Industry 4.0 is defined followed by representing its current status in Germany. The barriers for implementation of lean are analysed from the perspective of integration of resources. Literatures associated with Industry 4.0 are studied and suitable solution principles are identified to solve the abovementioned barriers of implementing lean. Findings: It is identified that researches and publications in the field of Industry 4.0 held answers to overcome the barriers of implementation of lean manufacturing. These potential solution principles prove the hypothesis that Industry 4.0 is indeed capable of implementing lean. It uncovers the fact that committing into Industry 4.0 makes a factory lean besides being smart. Originality/value: Individual researches have been done in various technologies allied with Industry 4.0, but the potential to execute lean manufacturing was not completely perceived. This paper bridges the gap between these two realms, and identifies

  19. Reflexões tardias sobre Pierrot Le Fouou lições de cinema com O Demônio das onze horas

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    Silva, João Guilherme Barone Reis e


    Full Text Available Vista de longe, a fila na porta do cinema era um grande plano geral. O luminoso em letras vermelhas, refletia o título do filme no asfalto molhado: O Demônio das Onze Horas - Godard

  20. Reflexões tardias sobre Pierrot Le Fouou lições de cinema com O Demônio das onze horas

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    Silva, João Guilherme Barone Reis e


    Full Text Available Vista de longe, a fila na porta do cinema era um grande plano geral. O luminoso em letras vermelhas, refletia o título do filme no asfalto molhado: O Demônio das Onze Horas - Godard.

  1. Electrochemical properties of the MmNi3.55Mn0.4Al0.3Co0.4Fe0.35 compound

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moussa, M. Ben; Abdellaoui, M.; Mathlouthi, H.; Lamloumi, J.; Guegan, A. Percheron


    In this paper, the electrochemical properties of the MmNi 3.55 Mn 0.4 Al 0.3 Co 0.4 Fe 0.35 alloy used as a negative electrode in Ni-MH accumulators, have been investigated by different electrochemical methods such as cyclic voltammetry, chronopotentiometry, chronoamperometry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The experimental results indicate that the discharge capacity reaches a maximum value of 260 mAh g -1 after 12 cycles and then decreases to about 200 mAh g -1 after 70 cycles. The value of the mean diffusion coefficient D H , determined by cyclic voltammetry, is about 3.44 x 10 -9 cm 2 s -1 , whereas the charge transfer coefficient α, determined by the same method, is about 0.5 which allows us to conclude that the electrochemical reaction is reversible. The hydrogen diffusion coefficients in this compound, corresponding to 10 and 100% of the charge state, determined by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, are, respectively, equal to 4.15 x 10 -9 cm 2 s -1 (α phase) and 2.15 x 10 -9 cm 2 s -1 (β phase). These values are higher, for the α phase and less, for the β phase, than the mean value determined by cyclic voltammetry. We assume that this is related to the number of interstitial sites susceptible to accept the hydrogen atom, which are more numerous in the α phase than in the β phase. The chronoamperometry shows that the average size of the particles involved in the electrochemical reaction is about 12 μm

  2. Synthesis and electrochemical properties of LiNi0.4Mn1.5Cr0.1O4 and Li4Ti5O12

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Liu, GQ


    Full Text Available Spinel compound LiNi0.4Mn1.5Cr0.1O4 (LNMCO) and Li4Ti5O12 (LTO) were synthesized by the sol-gel method and the solid-state method, respectively. The particle sizes of the products LiNi0.4Mn1.5Cr0.1O4 and Li4Ti5O12 were 0.5 to 2 um and 0.5 to 0.8 um...

  3. Sensors 4.0 – smart sensors and measurement technology enable Industry 4.0

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    A. Schütze


    Full Text Available Industrie 4.0 or the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT are two terms for the current (revolution seen in industrial automation and control. Everything is getting smarter and data generated at all levels of the production process are used to improve product quality, flexibility, and productivity. This would not be possible without smart sensors, which generate the data and allow further functionality from self-monitoring and self-configuration to condition monitoring of complex processes. In analogy to Industry 4.0, the development of sensors has undergone distinctive stages culminating in today's smart sensors or Sensor 4.0. This paper briefly reviews the development of sensor technology over the last 2 centuries, highlights some of the potential that can be achieved with smart sensors and data evaluation, and discusses success requirements for future developments. In addition to magnetic sensor technologies which allow self-test and self-calibration and can contribute to many applications due to their wide spectrum of measured quantities, the paper discusses condition monitoring as a primary paradigm for introducing smart sensors and data analysis in manufacturing processes based on two projects performed in our group.

  4. O hormônio de crescimento e a concentração de colágeno na cicatrização de feridas cutâneas de ratos

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    Biondo-Simões Maria de Lourdes Pessole


    Full Text Available Investiga-se a interferência do hormônio de crescimento no processo de cicatrização cutânea de ratos. Utilizaram-se 50 ratos machos com 170 dias de idade divididos em 2 grupos: controle (n=25 e experimento (n=25. Submeteram-se os ratos dos dois grupos à laparotomia mediana de 4 centímetros sob anestesia inalatória de éter etílico. Realizou-se a laparorrafia com 2 planos de sutura, o primeiro peritônio-músculo-aponevrótico e o segundo o da pele com chuleio contínuo de fio monofilamentar de náilon 4.0. Os animais do grupo experimento receberam 0,4U/kg/dia de hormônio de crescimento por via subcutânea diluído em 0,12 ml de água destilada e os do grupo controle recebiam igual volume do veículo pela mesma via. Realizaram-se as aferições após 36, 72, 168, 240 e 336 horas, ressecando-se retalhos da parede abdominal contendo as cicatrizes, que após preparação histológica e tratamento pelo Sirius red, forneceram a concentração do colágeno. O percentual da área de cicatriz ocupada por colágeno foi maior no grupo experimento nas 36 horas (p=0,0106, 72 horas (p=0,0089, 168 horas (p=0,0149 e 336 horas (p=0,0116. O percentual de colágeno I foi semelhante nos dois grupos nas 36 e 72 horas e maior no grupo experimento nas 168 horas (p=0,0218, 240 horas (p=0,0067 e nas 336 horas (p=0,0027. O percentual de colágeno III apareceu em proporção semelhante nos 2 grupos nas 36 e 72 horas. Sua proporção foi maior no grupo controle nas 168 horas (p=0,0216, 240 horas (p=0,0067 e 336 horas (p=0,0027. Estes dados permitiram concluir que o hormônio de crescimento levou a maior concentração de colágeno e acelerou a maturação das cicatrizes.

  5. Preparation and electrochemical properties of La_0_._7_0Mg_xNi_2_._4_5Co_0_._7_5Al_0_._3_0 (x = 0, 0.30, 0.33, 0.36, 0.39) hydrogen storage alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tian, Xiao; Wei, Wei; Duan, Ruxia; Zheng, Xinyao; Zhang, Huaiwei; Tegus, O.; Li, Xingguo


    The as-cast alloy with the composition of La_0_._7_0Ni_2_._4_5Co_0_._7_5Al_0_._3_0 was prepared by vacuum arc melting. La–Mg–Ni-based La_0_._7_0Mg_xNi_2_._4_5Co_0_._7_5Al_0_._3_0 hydrogen storage alloy has been synthesized by high-energy vibratory milling blending of the La_0_._7_0Ni_2_._4_5Co_0_._7_5Al_0_._3_0 as-cast alloy and elemental Mg, followed by an isothermal annealing. The microstructures and electrochemical properties of the La_0_._7_0Ni_2_._4_5Co_0_._7_5Al_0_._3_0 and La_0_._7_0Mg_xNi_2_._4_5Co_0_._7_5Al_0_._3_0 alloys were investigated by XRD, SEM and electrochemical measurements. The XRD analysis and Rietveld refinement showed that the as-cast La_0_._7_0Ni_2_._4_5Co_0_._7_5Al_0_._3_0 alloy consists of single LaNi_5 phase, whereas the La_0_._7_0Mg_xNi_2_._4_5Co_0_._7_5Al_0_._3_0 alloys contain the LaNi_5 and (La, Mg)_2Ni_7. The electrochemical measurements indicated that the maximum discharge capacity and discharge potential characteristic of the La_0_._7_0Mg_xNi_2_._4_5Co_0_._7_5Al_0_._3_0 alloys increases first and then decreases with increasing x. The maximum discharge capacity and discharge potential characteristic of alloy reaches the optimum when x is 0.36. The cyclic stability of the La_0_._7_0Mg_xNi_2_._4_5Co_0_._7_5Al_0_._3_0 alloy with a smaller quantity of Mg is better than that of the alloy with a larger quantity of Mg. - Highlights: • La–Mg–Ni-based alloy was synthesized by melting, milling and subsequent annealing. • Mg atoms exist in the La_2Ni_7 phase prior to LaNi_5 phase. • The La_0_._7_0Mg_xNi_2_._4_5Co_0_._7_5Al_0_._3_0 alloys consist of the LaNi_5 and (La, Mg)_2Ni_7. • The more Mg element the alloys contain, the easier aggregation Mg atom is. • The C_m_a_x of La_0_._7_0Mg_xNi_2_._4_5Co_0_._7_5Al_0_._3_0 alloy first increases and then decreases with rising x.

  6. Fadiga e capacidade para o trabalho em turnos fixos de doze horas

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    Metzner Ricardo Jorge


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar as variáveis que interferem na percepção de fadiga e na capacidade para o trabalho em trabalhadores que executam suas atividades em turnos fixos diurnos e noturnos. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, com participação de 43 trabalhadores de turnos diurnos e noturnos de uma indústria têxtil, que trabalhavam em turnos fixos de 12 horas diárias e semana reduzida. Mediante vários questionários, o grupo estudado respondeu a questões sobre: fadiga, índice de capacidade para o trabalho, características individuais, estilos de vida e condições de trabalho. Foi feita análise de regressão linear univariada. RESULTADOS: Os fatores que influenciaram a percepção de fadiga associam-se a estilos de vida dos trabalhadores (a prática de exercício físico é um fator protetor e à dificuldade em manter o sono, que, se presente, aumenta a percepção de fadiga. Os fatores associados à percepção do índice de capacidade para o trabalho (ICT foram o tempo de exercício na função e o turno noturno de trabalho: quanto maior o primeiro, menor o ICT; trabalhar à noite aumenta o ICT. A duração da jornada diária de 12 horas pode provocar aumento considerável na carga de trabalho, influenciando a percepção do trabalhador sobre a capacidade para o trabalho, a fadiga e as alterações do sono. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados indicam que nem sempre o trabalho noturno mostra-se como fator prejudicial à saúde. Entretanto, a amostra estudada é pequena, o estudo é transversal, e pode ter ocorrido um efeito de seleção. Assim, é necessária a realização de estudos longitudinais, com amostras maiores, dado que o ICT tende a diminuir à medida que aumenta o tempo na função.

  7. Ensaio clinico com Teclozan: 500mg no tratamento da colite amebiana não disentérica. (Resultados com esquema terapêutico de 24 horas

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    Donald Huggins


    Full Text Available O Autor relata sua experiência com novo esquema terapêutico com Teclozan - dose total de 1.500mg empregada em 24 horas, em 40 pacientes portadores de colite amebiana não disentérica na Disciplina de Doenças Infecciosas e Parasitárias da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Após um controle de cura realizado no 4º, 8º, 12º e 20º dias após o tratamento, obteve eficácia em 75% dos enfermos (30 casos e excelente tolerância.

  8. The role of batak tobanese women as parrengge-rengge to enhance the living standards of family at Pajak Horas in Pematang Siantar city (United States)

    Nurjannah; Dewi, R.


    This research aims to find out the role of Batak Tobanese Women as Parrengge-rengge (trading with small capital) to enhance the living standards of the family; an overview of the trading conducted by Parrengge-rengge and of the social relationships of Batak Tobanese women as parrengge-rengge at Pajak Horas in Pematang Siantar City. From the data resulted from the field research, it was found that the factor that encouraged Batak Tobanese women to be Parrengge-rengge is the economic pressure to improve family income, the work requirements of the informal sector that are relatively moderate and easy compared by the formal one, and their low educational background. Parrengge-rengge at Pajak Horas market in Pematang Siantar City plays dual roles; namely as Mother and traders. Batak Tobanese women play double jobs as parrengge-rengge because of economic pressure to improve their living standards and family income. They cannot do this job all the time for some reasons. Sometimes, they have to stop working for a while. Many reasons make them quit from “marrengge-rengge” such as running out of capital, getting older or some other reasons that cause them not to be able to keep working as Parrengge-rengge at Pajak Horas in Pematang Siantar City.

  9. Arte y literatura: develadores de la hora cero de Nicaragua

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    Maricela Kauffmann


    Full Text Available La historia reciente de Nicaragua está llena de períodos transidos de violencia. La violencia institucional legitimada desde la voluntad de los grupos de poder: torturas, asesinatos, resistencia, ha provocado una violencia soberana desde los sectores organizados de la sociedad civil: insurrección y lucha guerrillera, revolución y guerra civil han sido expresiones concretas de la voluntad ciudadana. La serie pictórica Guerrilleros Muertos (1958 de Armando Morales, la realidad política y social recogida en el poema La Hora Cero (1958 de Ernesto Cardenal, las instalaciones Vacíos II: Desaparecidos de Patricia Belli y Caja de Arena de María José Zamora, realizadas en el marco de la tragedia nacional que destapó e incrementó el huracán Mitch, son expresiones artísticas que contribuyen a generar lo que Walter Benjamín plantea como la voluntad soberana que deben ejercer los y las ciudadanas para develar y erradicar las formas de poder, corrupción y violencia que les agobian y oprimen.

  10. Industrie 4.0-Strategien und Reifegrad


    Hofmann, Erik; Oettmeier, Katrin


    Industrie 4.0 ist in aller Munde. Ermöglicht wird diese «vierte industrielle Revolution» durch die flexible digitale Vernetzung von Objekten (z.B. Produkten oder Maschinen) über das Internet und andere Netzwerkdienste. Im Rahmen der Fokusstudie «SCM 4.0: Supply Chain Management und digitale Vernetzung» wird der aktuelle Stand der Implementierung von Industrie 4.0 bei Schweizer Unternehmen analysiert. Anhand einer grosszahligen Erhebung wird dabei neben dem derzeitigen Reifegrad auch die vo...

  11. 4 CFR 21.0 - Definitions. (United States)


    ... at GAO. (g) Alternative dispute resolution encompasses various means of resolving cases expeditiously... 4 Accounts 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Definitions. 21.0 Section 21.0 Accounts GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE GENERAL PROCEDURES BID PROTEST REGULATIONS § 21.0 Definitions. (a)(1) Interested party...

  12. The Industry 4.0 Journey: Start the Learning Journey with the Reference Architecture Model Industry 4.0

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nardello, Marco; Møller, Charles; Gøtze, John


    The wave of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) is breaking on manufacturing companies. In manufacturing, one of the buzzwords of the moment is "Smart production". Smart production involves manufacturing equipment with many sensors that can generate and transmit large amounts of data....... Model Industry 4.0 (RAMI4.0) standard for Smart production. The instantiation contributed to organizational learning in the laboratory by collecting and sharing up-to-date information concerning manufacturing equipment....

  13. Efeito do ibuprofeno administrado uma hora antes da inovulação de embriões bovinos Effect of ibuprofen administered one hour before the bovine embryo transfer

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    H.J. Narváez


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se o efeito do ibuprofeno administrado uma hora antes da inovulação de embriões bovinos, com o objetivo de melhorar a taxa de prenhez. Após a avaliação da resposta ao protocolo de sincronização do estro, 76 fêmeas selecionadas como receptoras de embriões foram distribuídas em três grupos (G experimentais: G1 (n=25 receptoras usadas como controle, G2 (n=30 receptoras que receberam ibuprofeno 5mg/kg, I.M, uma hora antes da inovulação dos embriões, e G3 (n=21 receptoras que receberam uma matriz polimérica de liberação controlada de ibuprofeno administrado por via subcutânea. As taxas de prenhez foram de 16% (4/25, 43,3% (13/30 e 14,2% (3/21, para G1, G2 e G3, respectivamente. Observou-se diferença (PThe effect of the administered ibuprofen was evaluated one hour before the embryo transfer of bovine embryos in order to improve pregnancy rates. After evaluating the response to protocol synchronization of estrus, 76 Females selected as the recipients of embryos were distributed into three experimental groups: G1 (n = 25 surrogate cows used as control, G2 (n = 30 surrogate cows that received 5mg/kg ibuprofen, IM, one hour before the embryo transfer, and G3 (n = 20 surrogate cows that received an array polymeric release of controlled ibuprofen subcutaneously administered. The pregnancy rates were 16% (4/25, 43.3% (13/30, and 14.2% (3/21 for G1, G2, and G3, respectively. There was statistical difference (P<0.024 on pregnancy rate of G2, in comparison with those of G1 and G3. The administration of ibuprofen intramuscularly one hour before the embryo transfer resulted in better pregnancy rate in Nellore surrogate cows.

  14. Synthesis and characterization of the novel rare earth orthophosphates Y{sub 0.5}Er{sub 0.5}PO{sub 4} and Y{sub 0.5}Yb{sub 0.5}PO{sub 4}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schildhammer, Daniel; Petschnig, Lucas L.; Fuhrmann, Gerda; Heymann, Gunter; Schottenberger, Herwig; Huppertz, Hubert [Innsbruck Univ. (Austria). Inst. fuer Allgemeine, Anorganische und Theoretische Chemie; Tribus, Martina [Innsbruck Univ. (Austria). Inst. fuer Mineralogie und Petrographie


    The new mixed rare earth (RE) orthophosphates Y{sub 0.5}Er{sub 0.5}PO{sub 4} and Y{sub 0.5}Yb{sub 0.5}PO{sub 4} were synthesized by a classical solid state reaction in an electrical furnace at 1200 C. As starting materials, the corresponding rare earth oxides and diammonium hydrogen phosphate were used. The powder diffraction analyses revealed that the new compounds Y{sub 0.5}Er{sub 0.5}PO{sub 4} and Y{sub 0.5}Yb{sub 0.5}PO{sub 4} crystallize in a zircon-type structure being isostructural with the rare earth orthophosphate YPO{sub 4}. Y{sub 0.5}Er{sub 0.5}PO{sub 4} and Y{sub 0.5}Yb{sub 0.5}PO{sub 4} crystallize in the tetragonal space group I4{sub 1}/amd (no. 141) with four formula units in the unit cell. The structural parameters based on Rietveld refinements are a = 687.27(2), c = 601.50(2) pm, V = 0.28412(1) nm{sup 3}, R{sub p} = 0.0143, and R{sub wp} = 0.0186 (all data) for Y{sub 0.5}Er{sub 0.5}PO{sub 4} and a = 684.61(2), c = 599.31(2) pm, V = 0.28089(2) nm{sup 3}, R{sub p} = 0.0242, and R{sub wp} = 0.0313 (all data) for Y{sub 0.5}Yb{sub 0.5}PO{sub 4}. Furthermore, the structure of Y{sub 0.5}Er{sub 0.5}PO{sub 4} was refined from single-crystal X-ray diffraction data: a = 687.78(5), c = 601.85(4) pm, V = 0.28470(5) nm{sup 3}, R{sub 1} = 0.0165, and wR{sub 2} = 0.0385 (all data). In both compounds, the rare earth metal ions are eightfold coordinated by oxygen atoms, forming two unique interlocking tetrahedra with two individual RE-O distances. The tetrahedral phosphate groups [PO{sub 4}]{sup 3-} are slightly distorted in both compounds. The individual rare earth ions share a common position (Wyckoff site 4a). The presence of two rare earth ions in the structures of the new orthophosphates Y{sub 0.5}Er{sub 0.5}PO{sub 4} and Y{sub 0.5}Yb{sub 0.5}PO{sub 4} was additionally confirmed by single-crystal EDX spectroscopy revealing a ratio of 1:1.

  15. Optical, ferroelectric and magnetic properties of multiferroelectric BiFeO3-(K0.5Na0.5)0.4(Sr 0.6Ba0.4)0.8Nb2O6 thin films

    KAUST Repository

    Yao, Yingbang


    Multiferroic BiFeO3-(K0.5Na0.5) 0.4(Sr0.6Ba0.4)0.8Nb 2O6 (BFO-KNSBN) trilayer thin films, were epitaxially grown on MgO(0 0 1) and SrTiO3(0 0 1) by using pulsed laser deposition (PLD). Their ferroelectric, magnetic, dielectric and optical properties were investigated. It was found that both ferroelectric polarization and dielectric constant of the films were enhanced by introducing KNSBN as a barrier layer. Meanwhile, ferromagnetism of BFO was maintained. More interestingly, a double hysteresis magnetic loop was observed in the KNSBN-BFO-KNSBN trilayer films, where exchange bias and secondary phase in the BFO layer played crucial roles. Interactions between adjacent layers were revealed by temperature-dependent Raman spectroscopic measurements. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Isochrones for old (>5 Gyr) stars and stellar populations. I. Models for –2.4 ≤ [Fe/H] ≤+0.6, 0.25 ≤ Y ≤ 0.33, and –0.4 ≤ [α/Fe] ≤+0.4

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    VandenBerg, Don A. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, P.O. Box 1700 STN CSC, Victoria, B.C., V8W 2Y2 (Canada); Bergbusch, Peter A. [Department of Physics, University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan, S4S 0A2 (Canada); Ferguson, Jason W. [Department of Physics, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS 67260-0032 (United States); Edvardsson, Bengt, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Theoretical Astrophysics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, Box 516, SE-751 20 Uppsala (Sweden)


    Canonical grids of stellar evolutionary sequences have been computed for the helium mass-fraction abundances Y = 0.25, 0.29, and 0.33, and for iron abundances that vary from –2.4 to +0.4 (in 0.2 dex increments) when [α/Fe] =+0.4, or for the ranges –2.0 ≤ [Fe/H] ≤+0.6, –1.8 ≤ [Fe/H] ≤+0.6 when [α/Fe] =0.0 and –0.4, respectively. The grids, which consist of tracks for masses from 0.12 M{sub ⊙} to 1.1-1.5 M{sub ⊙} (depending on the metallicity) are based on up-to-date physics, including the gravitational settling of helium (but not metals diffusion). Interpolation software is provided to generate isochrones for arbitrary ages between ≈5 and 15 Gyr and any values of Y, [α/Fe], and [Fe/H] within the aformentioned ranges. Comparisons of isochrones with published color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) for the open clusters M67 ([Fe/H] ≈0.0) and NGC 6791 ([Fe/H] ≈0.3) and for four of the metal-poor globular clusters (47 Tuc, M3, M5, and M92) indicate that the models for the observed metallicities do a reasonably good job of reproducing the locations and slopes of the cluster main sequences and giant branches. The same conclusion is reached from a consideration of plots of nearby subdwarfs that have accurate Hipparcos parallaxes and metallicities in the range –2.0 ≲ [Fe/H] ≲ –1.0 on various CMDs and on the (log T {sub eff}, M{sub V} ) diagram. A relatively hot temperature scale similar to that derived in recent calibrations of the infrared flux method is favored by both the isochrones and the adopted color transformations, which are based on the latest MARCS model atmospheres.

  17. Magnetic phase transition in MnFeP0.5As0.4Si0.1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, J L; Campbell, S J; Tegus, O; Brueck, E; Dou, S X


    We have carried out a detailed investigation of the magnetic phase transition in MnFeP 0.5 As 0.4 Si 0.1 . Temperature hysteresis has been observed in the variable temperature magnetization curves (B appl = 0.01 T) with T C W ∼ 302 K on warming and T C C ∼ 292 K on cooling. The first order nature of this transition in MnFeP 0.5 As 0.4 Si 0.1 is confirmed by the negative slope obtained from isotherms of M 2 versus B/M around the critical temperature. Linear thermal expansion measurements reveal a large volume change, ΔV/V∼8.7x10 -3 at the magnetic phase transition and that this magnetovolume effect is suppressed to ΔV/V ∼ 5.5x10 -3 in an applied field of B appl = 1.0 T. Analyses of 57 Fe Moessbauer spectra (4.5 - 300 K) using a random distribution model and taking nearest-neighbour environments into account, indicate that the paramagnetic and ferromagnetic phases coexist over a temperature range of ∼ 45 K around the Curie temperature. The Debye temperature for MnFeP 0.5 As 0.4 Si 0.1 has been evaluated as θ D = 350 ± 20 K from the temperature dependence of the average isomer shift.


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    Valduino Estefanel


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho objetivou testar os modelos analíticos utilizados por ANGELOCCI et al (1979, HELDWEIN (1983 e os propostos com ajustes para o verão de Santa Maria (Santa Maria, I, II e III para estimar o número diário de horas com temperatura do ar ≤ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 e 17,0°C, para os meses de dezembro, Janeiro, fevereiro e março para Santa Maria, RS. A comparação entre os valores obtidos diretamente dos termogramas e os estimados por cinco modelos analíticos (ANGELOCCI et al, 1979; HELDWEIN,1983; Santa Maria I, II e III foi feita em função dos valores médios diários de horas dos dias com temperaturas baixas, coeficientes de determinação, linear e angular da equação de 1° grau entre os valores reais e os estimados. Verifica-se que é possível estimar, com precisão satisfatória, o número diário de horas com temperatura do ar ≤ 17, 16, 15, 14, 13 e 12,0°C, utilizando os modelos analíticos de ANGELOCCI et al (1979 e o Santa Maria III.

  19. La iluminación de Macabea: el fracaso del narrador en La hora de la estrella, de Clarice Lispector

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    Kevin Andrés Pérez Méndez


    Full Text Available Este ensayo analiza la problemática presente en la narrativa de Clarice Lispector, específicamente en su novela La hora de la estrella (1977, respecto de los modos de hacer ficción y de organizar las instancias narrativas en una historia. El autor pretende mostrar cómo en La hora de la estrella se articulan mecanismos que desestabilizan la norma tradicional de construir un relato, mostrando, en este caso, los límites que la voz narrativa padece en su deber de idear y exponer lo que constituye el argumento de la novela, así como el surgimiento de lo que se puede denominar como una voz alternativa de enunciación. El articulo, por lo tanto, también indaga la presencia y la disposición de ciertos obstáculos que, a modo de amenazas, ponen en crisis la autoridad de la narración y destruyen el orden establecido entre quien subordina y quienes son subordinados dentro del texto.

  20. Corrosion effect on the electrochemical properties of LaNi3.55Mn0.4Al0.3Co0.75 and LaNi3.55Mn0.4Al0.3Fe0.75 negative electrodes used in Ni-MH batteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khaldi, Chokri; Boussami, Sami; Rejeb, Borhene Ben; Mathlouthi, Hamadi; Lamloumi, Jilani


    The thermodynamic parameters, electrochemical capacity, equilibrium potential and the equilibrium pressure, of LaNi 3.55 Mn 0.4 Al 0.3 Co 0.75 and LaNi 3.55 Mn 0.4 Al 0.3 Fe 0.75 alloys have been evaluated from the electrochemical isotherms (C/30 and OCV methods) and CV technique. A comparative study has been done between the parameter values deduced from the electrochemical methods and the solid-gas method. The parameter values deduced from the electrochemical methods are influenced by the electrochemical corrosion of the alloys in aqueous KOH electrolyte. The corrosion behaviour of the LaNi 3.55 Mn 0.4 Al 0.3 Co 0.75 and LaNi 3.55 Mn 0.4 Al 0.3 Fe 0.75 electrodes after activation was investigated using the method of the potentiodynamic polarization. The variation of current and potential corrosion values with the state of charge (SOC) show that the substitution of cobalt by iron accentuates the corrosion process. The high-rate dischargeability (HRD) of the LaNi 3.55 Mn 0.4 Al 0.3 Co 0.75 and LaNi 3.55 Mn 0.4 Al 0.3 Fe 0.75 alloys was examined. By increasing the discharge current the (HRD) decrease linearly for both the alloys and for the LaNi 3.55 Mn 0.4 Al 0.3 Fe 0.75 compound is greater then for the LaNi 3.55 Mn 0.4 Al 0.3 Co 0.75 one.

  1. Effect of the annealing temperature on the structural and magnetic behaviors of 0.875La{sub 0.6}Ca{sub 0.4}MnO{sub 3}/0.125La{sub 0.6}Sr{sub 0.4}MnO{sub 3} composition

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gharsallah, H. [Laboratoire de Physique Appliquée, Faculté des Sciences, Université de Sfax, B.P. 1171, 3000 Sfax (Tunisia); Institut Préparatoire aux Études d’Ingénieur de Sfax, Université de Sfax, BP 1172, 3018 Sfax (Tunisia); Bejar, M., E-mail: [Laboratoire de Physique Appliquée, Faculté des Sciences, Université de Sfax, B.P. 1171, 3000 Sfax (Tunisia); Dhahri, E. [Laboratoire de Physique Appliquée, Faculté des Sciences, Université de Sfax, B.P. 1171, 3000 Sfax (Tunisia); Hlil, E.K. [Institut Néel, CNRS Université J. Fourier, BP166, 38042 Grenoble (France); Sajieddine, M. [Laboratoire de Physique et Mécanique des Matériaux, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Université Sultan Moulay Slimane, BP 523, 23000 Béni-Mellal (Morocco)


    The polycrystalline compounds of La{sub 0.6}Ca{sub 0.4}MnO{sub 3} (S0C1) and La{sub 0.6}Sr{sub 0.4}MnO{sub 3} (S1C0) were prepared using the citric–gel method. With the resultant nanoparticle powders having crystallite size of 22.51 nm from S0C1 and 27.39 nm from S1C0, the 0.875(S0C1)0.125(S1C0) composition was sintered at different temperatures: SC. 4-1 (at 700 °C), SC. 4-2 (at 900 °C), SC. 4-3 (at 1100 °C) and SC. 4-4 (at 1300 °C). XRD data were analyzed by Rietveld refinement technique. The two S0C1 and S1C0 mother compounds were found to crystallize in the rhombohedral and orthorhombic structure, respectively. The compounds sintered at 700 °C (SC. 4-1) and 900 °C (SC. 4-2) were found to present the two rhombohedral and orthorhombic phases corresponding to the mother compounds, which indicates that no interfacial reaction occurs. However, when augmenting the sintering temperature, the formation of the 0.875(S0C1)0.125(S1C0) new phase was observed. These observations were confirmed from the magnetization study, which revealed that the SC. 4-1 and SC. 4-2 compounds present two magnetic transitions temperature corresponding to the two mother compounds. For higher sintering temperature (1100 and 1300 °C), we have noted the presence of a new magnetic transition corresponding to the composition 0.875(S0C1)0.125(S1C0) compound. The variation of the M(T) curves were discussed in terms of the orthorhombic distortion σ{sup 2}(Mn–O). - Highlights: • Polycrystalline samples of S0C1 and S1C0 were prepared via citric-gel method. • 0.875(S0C1)0.125(S1C0) mixture was sintered at different temperatures. • The magnetic study revealed the presence of two magnetic transitions. • The M(T) curves variation were discussed in term of the orthorhombic distortion.

  2. Comparative study of optical and scintillation properties of YVO4, (Lu0.5Y0.5)VO4, and LuVO4 single crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujimoto, Yutaka; Yanagida, Takayuki; Yokota, Yuui; Chani, Valery; Kochurikhin, Vladimir V.; Yoshikawa, Akira


    Optical and scintillation properties of YVO 4 , (Lu 0.5 Y 0.5 )VO 4 , and LuVO 4 single crystals grown by the Czochralski (CZ) method with RF heating system are compared. All vanadate crystals show high transmittance (∼80%) in the 400-900 nm wavelength range. In both photo- and radio-luminescence spectra, intense peak around 400-500 nm, which was ascribed to the transition from triplet state of VO 4 3- , was clearly observed. The main decay time component was about 38 μs (YVO 4 ), 18 μs ((Lu 0.5 Y 0.5 )VO 4 ), and 17 μs (LuVO 4 ) under 340 nm excitation. The scintillation light yields of YVO 4 , (Lu 0.5 Y 0.5 )VO 4 , and LuVO 4 crystals (obtained from the 137 Cs excited pulse height spectra) were evaluated to be about 11,200, 10,700, and 10,300 ph/MeV, respectively.

  3. The Portals 4.0 network programming interface.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barrett, Brian W.; Brightwell, Ronald Brian; Pedretti, Kevin; Wheeler, Kyle Bruce; Hemmert, Karl Scott; Riesen, Rolf E.; Underwood, Keith Douglas; Maccabe, Arthur Bernard; Hudson, Trammell B.


    This report presents a specification for the Portals 4.0 network programming interface. Portals 4.0 is intended to allow scalable, high-performance network communication between nodes of a parallel computing system. Portals 4.0 is well suited to massively parallel processing and embedded systems. Portals 4.0 represents an adaption of the data movement layer developed for massively parallel processing platforms, such as the 4500-node Intel TeraFLOPS machine. Sandias Cplant cluster project motivated the development of Version 3.0, which was later extended to Version 3.3 as part of the Cray Red Storm machine and XT line. Version 4.0 is targeted to the next generation of machines employing advanced network interface architectures that support enhanced offload capabilities.

  4. FORM version 4.0 (United States)

    Kuipers, J.; Ueda, T.; Vermaseren, J. A. M.; Vollinga, J.


    We present version 4.0 of the symbolic manipulation system FORM. The most important new features are manipulation of rational polynomials and the factorization of expressions. Many other new functions and commands are also added; some of them are very general, while others are designed for building specific high level packages, such as one for Gröbner bases. New is also the checkpoint facility, that allows for periodic backups during long calculations. Finally, FORM 4.0 has become available as open source under the GNU General Public License version 3. Program summaryProgram title: FORM. Catalogue identifier: AEOT_v1_0 Program summary URL: Program obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University, Belfast, N. Ireland Licensing provisions: GNU General Public License, version 3 No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 151599 No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 1 078 748 Distribution format: tar.gz Programming language: The FORM language. FORM itself is programmed in a mixture of C and C++. Computer: All. Operating system: UNIX, LINUX, Mac OS, Windows. Classification: 5. Nature of problem: FORM defines a symbolic manipulation language in which the emphasis lies on fast processing of very large formulas. It has been used successfully for many calculations in Quantum Field Theory and mathematics. In speed and size of formulas that can be handled it outperforms other systems typically by an order of magnitude. Special in this version: The version 4.0 contains many new features. Most important are factorization and rational arithmetic. The program has also become open source under the GPL. The code in CPC is for reference. You are encouraged to upload the most recent sources from because of frequent bug fixes. Solution method: See "Nature of Problem", above. Additional comments: NOTE: The code in CPC is for reference. You are encouraged

  5. Electronic structure of (La,Sr)2CuO4 and Ba0.6K0.4BiO3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Howell, R.H.; Sterne, P.A.; Fluss, M.J.; Kaiser, J.H.; Kitazawa, K.; Kojima, H.; Mosley, W.D.; Dykes, J.W.; Shelton, R.N.


    We have measured and calculated the electron-positron momentum distribution of La 2-x Sr x CuO 4 samples for Sr concentrations of 0, 0.1,0.13, and 0.2 and Ba 0.6 K 0.4 BiO 3 . The momentum distribution of all samples contained features derived from the overlap of the positron distribution with the valence electrons. In addition, discontinuities typical of a Fermi surface are seen in the superconducting samples. The form and position of these features are in general agreement with band theory for both La 2-x Sr x CuO 4 and Ba 0.6 K 0.4 BiO 3 . However the evolution of the Fermi surface with doping in La 2-x Sr x CuO 4 differed significantly from expectations based on single electron band theories. (orig.)

  6. Efeitos agudos do exercício físico prolongado: avaliação após ultramaratona de 24 horas Acute effects of prolonged physical exercise: evaluation after a twenty-four-hour ultramarathon

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniela Guinther Passaglia


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: As consequências e os riscos do exercício físico contínuo por períodos prolongados não estão esclarecidos. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos do exercício prolongado em participantes de uma ultramaratona de 24 horas. MÉTODOS: Vinte corredores foram selecionados para avaliação, um dia antes e imediatamente após a prova em que os corredores devem percorrer a maior distância em 24 horas. Foram obtidos dados clínicos, laboratoriais e ecocardiográficos. RESULTADOS: A distância média percorrida foi de 140,3 ± 18,7 km. Os corredores apresentaram redução do peso corpóreo (p BACKGROUND: The consequences and risks of prolonged physical exercise are not well established. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of prolonged physical exercise on the participants of a 24-hour ultramarathon race. METHODS: Twenty male runners were selected for evaluation a day before and immediately after the race, where the athletes had to cover the most distance in 24 hours. Clinical, laboratory and echocardiographic data were obtained at both evaluations. RESULTS: Mean distance covered was 140.3 ± 18.7 km. Runners showed weight loss (p < 0.001 and decrease in systolic (p < 0.001 and diastolic (p = 0.004 blood pressure. Hematological changes were compatible with the physiological stress. Plasma levels of creatine phosphokinase strikingly increased post-race (163.4 ± 56.8 vs. 2978.4 ± 1921.9 U/L; p < 0.001 and was inversely correlated with distance covered: those who covered the longest distances showed the lowest CPK levels (Pearson r = 0.69, p = 0.02. After the race, 2 runners showed a slight increase in Troponin levels. One of them also had simultaneous decrease in left ventricular ejection fraction (coronary artery disease was subsequently ruled out. Basal echocardiography assessment had shown LV hypertrophy in one and increased left atrial volume in five runners. After the race, there was a decrease in E/A ratio (p < 0.01. CONCLUSION: Prolonged

  7. Efeitos agudos do exercício físico prolongado: avaliação após ultramaratona de 24 horas Acute effects of prolonged physical exercise: evaluation after a twenty-four-hour ultramarathon

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniela Guinther Passaglia


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: As consequências e os riscos do exercício físico contínuo por períodos prolongados não estão esclarecidos. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos do exercício prolongado em participantes de uma ultramaratona de 24 horas. MÉTODOS: Vinte corredores foram selecionados para avaliação, um dia antes e imediatamente após a prova em que os corredores devem percorrer a maior distância em 24 horas. Foram obtidos dados clínicos, laboratoriais e ecocardiográficos. RESULTADOS: A distância média percorrida foi de 140,3 ± 18,7 km. Os corredores apresentaram redução do peso corpóreo (p BACKGROUND: The consequences and risks of prolonged physical exercise are not well established. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of prolonged physical exercise on the participants of a 24-hour ultramarathon race. METHODS: Twenty male runners were selected for evaluation a day before and immediately after the race, where the athletes had to cover the most distance in 24 hours. Clinical, laboratory and echocardiographic data were obtained at both evaluations. RESULTS: Mean distance covered was 140.3 ± 18.7 km. Runners showed weight loss (p < 0.001 and decrease in systolic (p < 0.001 and diastolic (p = 0.004 blood pressure. Hematological changes were compatible with the physiological stress. Plasma levels of creatine phosphokinase strikingly increased post-race (163.4 ± 56.8 vs. 2978.4 ± 1921.9 U/L; p < 0.001 and was inversely correlated with distance covered: those who covered the longest distances showed the lowest CPK levels (Pearson r = 0.69, p = 0.02. After the race, 2 runners showed a slight increase in Troponin levels. One of them also had simultaneous decrease in left ventricular ejection fraction (coronary artery disease was subsequently ruled out. Basal echocardiography assessment had shown LV hypertrophy in one and increased left atrial volume in five runners. After the race, there was a decrease in E/A ratio (p < 0.01. CONCLUSION: Prolonged

  8. Structural characterization, morphology and magnetic ferrite Ni_0_,_4Zn_0_,_5Fe_2Cu_0_,_1O_4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Santos, P.T.A.; Fernandes, P.C.; Santos, P.T.A.; Costa, A.C.F.M.


    In this work the system Ni_0_,_4Zn_0_,_5Fe_2Cu_0_,_1O_4 was obtained by combustion reaction using urea as fuel in order to evaluate their structural characteristics, and morphological imaging. The resulting samples were characterized by XRD, BET, SEM / EDS and magnetic measurements. The synthesis by combustion reaction was effective for producing samples of ferrites with crystallite size 13 nm. The X-ray diffraction showed the major phase of the inverse spinel and traces of ZnO second phase. The resulting morphology showed the formation of soft agglomerates with interparticle porosity, and mapping by SEM / EDS indicated a good distribution of elements Ni, Cu, Zn, Fe and O constituent of ferrite. The ferrite showed superparamagnetic behavior with a value of saturation magnetization of 5.60 emu / g. (author)

  9. UPPAAL 4.0

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    David, Alexandre; Larsen, Kim Guldstrand; Behrmann, Gerd


    UPPAAL 4.0 is the result of over two and a half years of development and contains many new features, additions to the modeling language, performance improvements, enhancements and polish to the the easy to use graphical user interface, and is accompanied by several open source libraries. The tool...... and libraries are available free of charge for academic, educational and evaluation purposes from We describe three of the new features: User defined functions, priorities and symmetry reduction....

  10. Industry 4.0: The Digital German Ideology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christian Fuchs


    Full Text Available Especially in Germany, a vivid public debate about “industry 4.0” has developed in recent years. It advances the argument that industry 4.0 is the fourth industrial revolution that follows on from technological revolutions brought about by water and steam power (industrial revolution 1.0, electric power (industrial revolution 2.0, and computing/computerised automation (industrial revolution 3.0. In 1845/46, Marx and Engels wrote The German Ideology. 170 years later, we live in the time of digital capitalism that has its own peculiar forms of ideology. This paper argues that “industry 4.0” is the new German ideology, the digital German ideology. Image: By ChristophRoser,, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

  11. Synthesis and Characterization of Polyol-Assisted Nano Cu0.2Ni0.2Sn0.2Ba0.4 Fe2O4 by a Wet Hydroxyl Route (United States)

    Pavithradevi, S.; Suriyanarayanan, N.; Boobalan, T.; Velumani, S.; Chandramohan, M.; Manivel Raja, M.


    Nanocrystalline spinel ferrite of composition Cu0.2Ni0.2Sn0.2Ba0.4 Fe2O4 has been synthesized by a wet hydroxyl chemical route in ethylene glycol as chelating agent and sodium hydroxide as precipitator at pH 8. Ethylene glycol has been used as the medium which serves as the solvent as well as a complexing agent. The synthesized particles are annealed at temperatures of 350°C, 700°C, and 1050°C. Thermogravimetric (TG) analysis confirms that at 240°C, ethylene glycol has evaporated completely, and a stable phase is formed above 670°C. Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy of mixed Cu0.2Ni0.2Sn0.2Ba0.4 ferrite nanoparticles like as synthesized and annealed at 1050°C are recorded between 400 cm-1 and 4000 cm-1. FT-IR appraises the structural formation of Cu0.2Ni0.2Sn0.2Ba0.4 Fe2O4 between the as-synthesized sample and the sample annealed at 1050°C. Structural characterizations of all the samples are carried out by x-ray diffraction (XRD) technique. XRD reveals that the particle size increases with the increase in annealing temperatures. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) confirms that the particles are flaky and spherical with the crystallite size in the range of 11-27 nm. The decrement of dielectric properties, like dielectric constant and dielectric loss, with the increment of frequency as seen in all the samples is an usual dielectric behavior of spinel ferrites. The lack of net magnetization is noticed immediately when the applied magnetic field is removed which prompts superparamagnetic behavior, as seen in all the samples.

  12. On the Road: From Industry 4.0 to Society 4.0

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jiří Vacek


    Full Text Available The contribution builds on the desk research approach based mainly on studies performed by leading world´s consultancies and agencies as the World Economic Forum, the World Bank and others, academic research performed e.g. at MIT and Harvard Business School, and other resources, and follows the one presented at the 2016 IMECS conference (Vacek, 2016. It focuses on the deep impact of Industry 4.0 on socio-economic issues resulting in what can be called Society 4.0. The contribution tries to highlight the challenges presented to society, economics and management by technology advancements and draw attention to building of necessary synergies between technology and socio-economic systems. The prevailing emphasize is today devoted to technology issues. According to author´s opinion the rapidly advancing technology, if not accompanied by profound changes in socio-economic systems, can result in weakened social cohesion. Instead of pure technology transfer we should today discuss much broader category of knowledge transfer. Ample attention should be paid to intellectual capital, its protection, assessment, and reporting. This contribution does not pretend to present results of the primary field research. The opinions and conclusion expressed here are intended to open the discussion in the field the importance of which is until now overshadowed by that given to purely technological aspects.

  13. IN VITRO CULTURE OF HOLOPARASITE Rafflesia arnoldii R. Brown

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lazarus Agus Sukamto


    Full Text Available Potongan kuncup bunga digunakan sebagai eksplan yang ditumbuhkan pada media dasar Murashige and Skoog (MS dengan tambahan 0; 0.1; 0.5; 1 and 5 mg/I 2,4-D atau Picloram dan 2 g/I Phytagel. Eksplan tumbuh menjadi kalus pada media yang ditambahkan 0,1 dan 1 mg/I 2,4-D atau 0,5 dan 1 mg/I Picloram. Kultur kalus tersebut dipelihara pada media MS + 1 mg/I 2,4-D. Kemudian kalus ditumbuhkan pada medium dengan penambahan 1, 3, 5 dan 10 mg/I 2,4-D atau Picloram. Setelah dua bulan 66,67-100% kultur membentuk kalus. Semua kalus berstruktur kompak. Beberapa kalus yang diperlakuan dengan 5-10 mg/I 2,4-D menumbuhkan benang-benang putih pada permukaannya. Perlakuan Picloram menghasilkan kalus yang lebih banyak, tetapi 2,4-D menghasilkan kualitas kalus yang lebih baik. Kalus R. arnoldii tidak membentuk somatik embrio dengan penambahan 0,1 mg/I Zeatin dalam media kultur. Ini adalah laporan yang pertama kali tentang pembentukan kalus dari kultur R. arnoldii secara in vitro.

  14. Neutron diffraction study of magnetic structure in the diluted spinel ferrite Zn0.4Co0.6AlxFe2-xO4 (0.0≤x≤1.0)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zakaria, A.K.M.; Asgar, M.A.; Eriksson, S.G.; Ahmed, F.U.; Yunus, S.M.; Delaplane, R.


    The distributions of magnetic moments over the A and B sublattices in the spinel ferrite Zn 0.4 Co 0.6 Al x Fe 2-x O 4 and their ordering as functions of temperature and composition have been investigated by neutron diffraction. An increasing loss in B sublattice magnetization with increasing x causing gradual destabilization of the ferrimagnetic order has been revealed. The features observed in neutron results suggest several transitions for the system

  15. Hop resistance in the beer spoilage bacterium Lactobacillus brevis is mediated by the ATP-binding cassette multidrug transporter HorA

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sakamoto, K; Margolles, A; van Veen, HW; Konings, WN

    Lactobacillus brevis is a major contaminant of spoiled beer. The organism can grow in beer in spite of the presence of antibacterial hop compounds that give the beer a bitter taste. The hop resistance in L. brevis is, at least in part, dependent on the expression of the horA gene. The deduced amino

  16. Abandoned Well Program. Version 2.0. Volume 4 (United States)


    5175.69 26098 2183059 186116 5230.06 26137 2179058 190172 5185.52 27001 2173573 190790 5128.00 27008 2173329 189912 5129.30 27014 2178077 190522 5171.80...e ~ N Lfl r-41 -N C4 to I ISO ’o 9-4) z .0 c I I c c U304 W " F " 40 U4U o1 C1 C14 0- IN i 0 U) "*4 .4 -04 -1, -0 so w c S.a c0 a~b 4J 4 3 1 c 1. 1

  17. NDE for the 21st century: industry 4.0 requires NDE 4.0 (Conference Presentation) (United States)

    Meyendorf, Norbert G.


    Industry 4.0 stands for the fourth industrial revolution that is ongoing at present. Industry 4.0 is a terminology preferred used in Europe to characterize the integration of production and communication technologies, the so called "smart factory". The first industrial revolution was the mechanization of work. The second was mass production and the assembly line. While the third revolution was the computer integrated manufacturing. Industry 4.0 encompasses the complete networking of all industrial areas. Lowering costs and efficient in-time production will be possible also for low numbers of very unique parts for example by additive manufacturing (3D printing). A significant aspect is also quality and maintainability of these sometimes unique structures and components. NDE has to follow these trends, not only by adapting NDE techniques to the new technologies, but also introducing the capability of cyber systems into the inspection and maintenance processes. The requirements and challenges for this new technological area will be discussed. Chances for applications of new technologies and systems for NDE will be demonstrated online.

  18. Structural investigation and microwave characteristics of (Ba{sub 0.2}La{sub 0.8})Fe{sub 0.2}Mn{sub 0.4}Ti{sub 0.4}O{sub 3} absorbing materials

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Manaf, Azwar [Dept. of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Indonesia of University (Indonesia); Adi, Wisnu Ari, E-mail: [Center for Technology of Nuclear Industry Material, National Nuclear Energy Agency (Indonesia)


    Synthesis and characterization of (Ba{sub 0.2}La{sub 0.8})Fe{sub 0.2}Mn{sub 0.4}Ti{sub 0.4}O{sub 3} absorbing material by mechanical alloying process has been performed. The absorbing material was prepared by oxide materials, namely BaCO{sub 3}, La{sub 2}O{sub 3}, TiO{sub 2}, Fe{sub 2}O{sub 3}, and MnCO{sub 3}. The mixture was milled for 10 h and then sintered at a temperature of 1000 ° C for 10 h. The refinement results of x-ray diffraction pattern of lanthanum manganite substituted with barium showed that the sample consisted of two phases, namely, La{sub 0.9125}MnO{sub 3} phase which has a structure monoclinic (I12/a1) with lattice parameters a = 5.527(1) Å, b = 5.572(1) Å and c = 7.810(1) Å, α = γ = 90° and β = 89.88(5)°, the unit cell volume of V = 240.57(8) Å{sup 3}, and the atomic density of ρ = 6.238{sup −3}. The microstructure analyses showed that the particle shapes was polygonal with the varied particle sizes of 1 ∼ 3 μm distributed homogeneously on the surface of the samples. The results of the electromagnetic wave absorption curve analysis by using a vector network analyzer (VNA) showed that the sample can absorb microwaves in the frequency range of 8-15 GHz with a very wide absorption bandwidth. It indicates that the as prepared absorber presents potential absorbing property in X and Ku-band. We concluded that the (Ba{sub 0.2}La{sub 0.8})Fe{sub 0.2}Mn{sub 0.4}Ti{sub 0.4}O{sub 3} material can be applied as a candidate absorber material of microwaves or electromagnetic wave.

  19. The design of the covers of Zero Hora newspaper from 1990 to 2010

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Gruszynski


    Full Text Available The article investigates the reformulations of the graphic presentation undergone by the Zero Hora (ZH newspaper from 1990 to 2010, focusing on its covers. It analyzes how this publication revamped its design in this period, in order to discuss how such changes could be related to technological changes pertaining to the circulation of editions in other media as well. It questions relationships between visual elements and principles of journalistic editing, considering the history of the vehicle. The significant change in the layouts perceived in the years taken into consideration seems to be associated with the growing amount of information available in the graphic space that is permeated by the intense usage of graphic resources and images that often undermine the hierarchy of what is being reported.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Gruszynski


    Full Text Available The article investigates the reformulations of the graphic presentation undergone by the Zero Hora (ZH newspaper from 1990 to 2010, focusing on its covers. It analyzes how this publication revamped its design in this period, in order to discuss how such changes could be related to technological changes pertaining to the circulation of editions in other media as well. It questions relationships between visual elements and principles of journalistic editing, considering the history of the vehicle. The significant change in the layouts perceived in the years taken into consideration seems to be associated with the growing amount of information available in the graphic space that is permeated by the intense usage of graphic resources and images that often undermine the hierarchy of what is being reported.

  1. “Medicine 4.0

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wolf Bernhard


    Full Text Available Not only in the technological world (“Industry 4.0”, but also in medicine, a paradigmatic change is taking place: We are already on the threshold of “Medicine 4.0”. Molecular biology has long played a leading role in life sciences. Scientists now realise that, with increasing miniaturisation, microelectronic systems downsized to the dimensions of cellular systems will facilitate new therapeutic approaches. But conventional telecommunications systems can also be equipped with sensors and transformed into intelligent medical monitoring devices that can help patients become part of the diagnostic and therapeutic process. This article illustrates development trends that will lead to modern, electronically supported healthcare concepts.

  2. Electronic transport and magnetoresistivity of La0.4Bi0.1Ca0.5 ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    for their intriguing electric and magnetic properties.1 One of the interesting ... ground state is sensitive to the average size 〈rA〉 of A-site cation (La3+ .... (~ 300 nm in diameter) are nearly spherical in shape and uniform in ... Figure 3. Temperature-dependent resistivity of La0.4Bi0.1. Ca0.5–xSrxMnO3 (x = 0.1 and 0.2). transition ...

  3. Magnetic and charge ordering properties of Bi0.6−xEuxCa0.4MnO3 (0.0≤x≤0.6)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yadav, Kamlesh; Singh, M.P.; Razavi, F.S.; Varma, G.D.


    We have studied structure, magnetic and transport properties of polycrystalline Bi 0.6−x Eu x Ca 0.4 MnO 3 (x=0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6) perovskite manganites. Magnetic measurements show that the charge-ordering temperature (T CO ) decreases with increasing x up to x=0.4 and then slightly increases with further increasing x up to x=0.6. Further, the antiferromagnetic (AFM) ordering temperature (T N ) decreases with increasing x. At T N a transition to metamagnetic glass like state is also seen. Eu doping also leads to enhancement in the magnetic moment and a concomitant decrease in resistivity up to x=0.2 and then an increase in resistivity up to x=0.5. We propose that the local lattice distortion induced by the size mismatch between the A-site cations and 6s 2 character of Bi 3+ lone pair electron are responsible for the observed variation in physical properties. - Highlights: ► We have studied structure, magnetic and transport properties of Bi 0.6−x Eu x Ca 0.4 MnO 3 (0.0≤x≤0.6). ► Substitution of Eu at Bi-site induces a strong interplay between the magnetic and charge-ordering properties. ► T CO decreases with increasing x up to x=0.4 and then slightly increases with further increasing x up to x=0.6. ► The antiferromagnetic ordering temperature (T N ) decreases with increasing x. ► The A-site cations size mismatch and 6s 2 character of Bi 3+ lone pair electron explain variation in physical properties.

  4. Synthesis and crystal structure of 4-(2-ammonioethylmorpholin-4-ium dichloridodiiodidocadmate/chloridotriiodidocadmate (0.90/0.10

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Najla Mahbouli Rhouma


    Full Text Available The crystal structure of the title compound, (C6H16N2O[CdCl1.90I2.10], a new organic–inorganic hybrid salt synthesized in the form of single crystals, consists of discrete statistically distributed dichloridodiiodidocadmate/chloridotriiodidocadmate anions (occupancy ratio 0.90:0.10 and 4-(2-ammonioethylmorpholin-4-ium cations, [NH3(CH22NH(CH24O]2+. The cations are linked by intermolecular N—H...O hydrogen bonds, forming corrugated chains extending parallel to the c axis. The [CdCl1.90I2.10]2− tetrahalidocadmate anions lie between the chains to maximize the electrostatic interactions and are connected with the organic cations via N—H...Cl and C—H...Cl(I hydrogen bonds developing in the ab plane and leading to the formation of a three-dimensional network structure. The tetracoordinate CdII atom has a distorted tetrahedral conformation, with a τ4 index of 0.87.

  5. C# 4.0 in a Nutshell

    CERN Document Server

    Albahari, Joseph


    What people are saying about C# 4.0 in a Nutshell "C# 4.0 in a Nutshell is one of the few books I keep on my desk as a quick reference. It is a book I recommend."--Scott Guthrie, Corporate Vice President, .NET Developer Platform, Microsoft Corporation "A must-read for a concise but thorough examination of the parallel programming features in the .NET Framework 4."--Stephen Toub, Parallel Computing Platform Program Manager, Microsoft "This wonderful book is a great reference for developers of all levels."-- Chris Burrows, C# Compiler Team, Microsoft When you have questions about how to u

  6. Comportamiento de las lesiones por quemaduras atendidas antes de las 72 horas y después de dicho período

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mario Lozada Chinea

    Full Text Available Introducción: las quemaduras representan uno de los accidentes más graves e incapacitantes, son una de las condiciones más devastadoras encontradas en la medicina. Objetivo: comparar el comportamiento de las lesiones por quemaduras en pacientes que recibieron atención especializada en las primeras 72 horas y después de dicho período, en la consulta externa de quemados del Hospital Universitario "General Calixto García". Métodos: se realizó un estudio longitudinal prospectivo de serie de casos. El universo estuvo constituido por los pacientes atendidos ambulatoriamente y con pronóstico de vida leve y menos grave. Las series se dividieron en pacientes que recibieron tratamiento tardíamente: grupo I y pacientes que recibieron atención antes de las primeras 72 horas: grupo II. Resultados: el 43,88 % de los pacientes del grupo 1 recibieron la atención al cuarto día y el 42,77 % presentaron signos de infección local. El 53,88 % de los pacientes del mismo grupo 1 fueron remitidos por sus médicos de familia y el 37,22 % presentó profundización en las lesiones. En ambos grupos predominó el tratamiento antibiótico local de las lesiones. Los pacientes del grupo 1 tuvieron un promedio de 16,59 días para la epitelización total de las lesiones, superior al grupo 2, lo que conllevó a un mayor número de sesiones de cura. Conclusiones: la atención especializada de las lesiones por quemaduras después de las primeras 72 horas, aumenta las probabilidades de infección y profundización como principales complicaciones, lo que contribuye a un retardo en el proceso de cicatrización y de rehabilitación.

  7. Bias polarization study of steam electrolysis by composite oxygen electrode Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-δ/BaCe0.4Zr0.4Y0.2O3-δ (United States)

    Yang, Tao; Shaula, Aliaksandr; Pukazhselvan, D.; Ramasamy, Devaraj; Deng, Jiguang; da Silva, E. L.; Duarte, Ricardo; Saraiva, Jorge A.


    The polarization behavior of Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-δ-BaCe0.4Zr0.4Y0.2O3-δ (BSCF-BCZY) electrode under steam electrolysis conditions was studied in detail. The composite oxygen electrode supported by BCZY electrolyzer has been assessed as a function of temperature (T), water vapor partial pressures (pH2O), and bias polarization voltage for electrodes of comparable microstructure. The Electrochemical impedance spectra show two depressed arcs in general without bias polarization. And the electrode resistance became smaller with the increase of the bias polarization under the same water vapor partial pressures. The total resistance of the electrode was shown to be significantly affected by temperature, with the same level of pH2O and bias polarization voltage. This result highlights BSCF-BCZY as an effective oxygen electrode under moderate polarization and pH2O conditions.

  8. Structural, magnetic and high-temperature thermoelectric properties of La0.4Bi0.4Ca0.2Mn1-xCoxO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.3) perovskites (United States)

    Hira, Uzma; Sher, Falak


    In this study, we have investigated the structural, magnetic and thermoelectric properties of La0.4Bi0.4Ca0.2Mn1-xCoxO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.3) manganites. The crystallographic parameters of samples were determined by the Rietveld refinement of powder X-ray diffraction data. It was observed that Co doping results in change of crystal structures from orthorhombic (space group: Pbnm) to rhombohedral (space group: R-3c) symmetry. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images show smooth, clean and densified structures, depicting good crystallinity of samples. The zero field cooled (ZFC) and field cooled (FC) magnetization data were collected in the temperature range 5 to 300 K under an applied magnetic field of 0.1 Tesla. The analysis of temperature dependent magnetization data reveals all samples to be ferromagnetic with Curie temperatures around ∼77 K. The magnetic hysteresis loops, collected at 5 K, show that the saturation magnetization (MS) values decrease from 43 emu/g to 14 emu/g with increase in Co doping. The high temperature thermoelectric properties of all samples are characteristic of a semiconducting behavior, the small polaron hopping model fitting well with the temperature dependent electrical resistivity (ρ) and thermopower (S) data. The thermopower values change sign from positive to negative as temperature is increased from 313 K to 680 K. The maximum thermoelectric power factor (PF = S2/ρ) obtained for x = 0.3 sample at 313 K is 4.60 μW/mK2, is much higher than for the undoped sample.

  9. The portals 4.0.1 network programming interface.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barrett, Brian W.; Brightwell, Ronald Brian; Pedretti, Kevin; Wheeler, Kyle Bruce; Hemmert, Karl Scott; Riesen, Rolf E.; Underwood, Keith Douglas; Maccabe, Arthur Bernard; Hudson, Trammell B.


    This report presents a specification for the Portals 4.0 network programming interface. Portals 4.0 is intended to allow scalable, high-performance network communication between nodes of a parallel computing system. Portals 4.0 is well suited to massively parallel processing and embedded systems. Portals 4.0 represents an adaption of the data movement layer developed for massively parallel processing platforms, such as the 4500-node Intel TeraFLOPS machine. Sandias Cplant cluster project motivated the development of Version 3.0, which was later extended to Version 3.3 as part of the Cray Red Storm machine and XT line. Version 4.0 is targeted to the next generation of machines employing advanced network interface architectures that support enhanced offload capabilities. 3

  10. Infiltrated La0.4Sr0.4Fe0.03Ni0.03Ti0.94O3 based anodes for all ceramic and metal supported solid oxide fuel cells (United States)

    Nielsen, Jimmi; Persson, Åsa H.; Sudireddy, Bhaskar R.; Irvine, John T. S.; Thydén, Karl


    For improved robustness, durability and to avoid severe processing challenges alternatives to the Ni:YSZ composite electrode is highly desirable. The Ni:YSZ composite electrode is conventionally used for solid oxide fuel cell and solid oxide electrolysis cell. In the present study we report on high performing nanostructured Ni:CGO electrocatalyst coated A site deficient Lanthanum doped Strontium Titanate (La0.4Sr0.4Fe0.03Ni0.03Ti0.94O3) based anodes. The anodes were incorporated into the co-sintered DTU metal supported solid oxide fuel cell design and large sized 12 cm × 12 cm cells were fabricated. The titanate material showed good processing characteristics and surface wetting properties towards the Ni:CGO electrocatalyst coating. The cell performances were evaluated on single cell level (active area 16 cm2) and a power density at 0.7 V and 700 °C of 0.650 Wcm-2 with a fuel utilization of 31% was achieved. Taking the temperature into account the performances of the studied anodes are among the best reported for redox stable and corrosion resistant alternatives to the conventional Ni:YSZ composite solid oxide cell electrode.

  11. Is hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 safe?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Haase, Nicolai; Perner, Anders


    ABSTRACT: It is heavily debated whether or not treatment with hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 contributes to the development of acute kidney failure in patients with severe sepsis. In the previous issue of Critical Care, Muller and colleagues report no association between initial resuscitation...... with hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 and renal impairment in a cohort of septic patients. Can we then consider hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 a safe intervention? The answer is no - observational data should be interpreted with caution and should mainly be used to identify risks, while safety must be assessed...

  12. Stimulated transformation in nano-layered composites with Se0.6Te0.4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Malyovanik, M.; Shipljak, M.; Cheresnya, V.; Ivan, I.; Csik, A.; Kokenyesi, S.; Debrecen Univ.


    Complete text of publication follows. The main types of the photo-induced structural transformations (PST) in chalcogenide glasses and amorphous layers can be systematized as i) structural transformations within amorphous phase, ii) photo-induced crystallization or amorphyzation, iii) photo-induced mass transport. These main known types of PST can be further detailed, for example concerning photo-induced anisotropy, photo- bleaching, etc., and are widely investigated. But the fundamentals of these effects even in the most known compositions like AsSe, As 2 S 3 are not clear, especially for the nanostructures, where the possible cluster formation, size restrictions and interface conditions may essentially influence the parameters of the material. Furthermore, the basic applied problem related to the PST consists of the possibility of digital or analog optical information storage, phase change memory, fabrication of elements for optics and photonics. These applications require determined spectral and temperature range of functioning, increased sensitivity, transformation rates and stability of the memory at the same time. The realization of such requirements can be expected in nanosized objects made of chalcogenides due to the suitable change of thermodynamical parameters, conductivity, optical and other characteristics. The establishment of correlations between the compositional modulation at nanoscale-dimensions (3-10 nm) in Se 0.6 Te 0.4 and the changes of the optical and electrical parameters as well as the possible improvement of optical recording process in comparison with homogeneous Se 0.6 Te 0.4 films were the aims of the present work. Two types of nano-multilayers, namely Se 0.6 Te 0.4 /SiO x and Se 0.6 Te 0.4 /As 2 S 3 were investigated with respect to the thermo- or light-stimulated structural transformations, since they strongly di r by the possibility of intermixing or crystallization in a steady-state process of heating or laser illumination. Photo

  13. Charge-ordering, magnetic and electric-transport properties of Bi0.6-xEuxCa0.4MnO3 (0.0≤x≤0.6)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yadava, Kamlesh; Varma, G.D.; Singh, M.P.; Razavi, F.S.


    We have studied structure, magnetic and transport properties of polycrystalline Bi 0.6-x Eu x Ca 0.4 MnO 3 (x=0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6) perovskite manganites. Magnetic measurements show that the charge-ordering temperature (T CO ) decreases with increasing x up to x=0.4 and then slightly increases with further increasing x up to x=0.6. Further, the antiferromagnetic (AFM) ordering temperature (T N ) decreases with increasing x. At T N a transition to metamagnetic glass like state is also seen. Eu doping also leads to enhancement in the magnetic moment and a concomitant decrease in resistivity up to x=0.2 and then an increase in resistivity up to x=0.5. We propose that the local lattice distortion induced by the size mismatch between the A-site cations and 6s 2 character of Bi 3+ lone pair electron are responsible for the observed variation in physical properties. (author)

  14. Electrochemical properties of the MmNi3.55Mn0.4Al0.3Co0.75-xFex (x = 0.55 and 0.75) compounds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ben Moussa, M.; Abdellaoui, M.; Mathlouthi, H.; Lamloumi, J.; Guegan, A. Percheron


    The hydrogen storage alloys MmNi 3.55 Mn 0.4 Al 0.3 Co 0.75-x Fe x (x = 0.55 and 0.75) were used as negative electrodes in the Ni-MH accumulators. The chronopotentiommetry and the cyclic voltammetry were applied to characterize the electrochemical properties of these alloys. The obtained results showed that the substitution of the cobalt atoms by iron atoms has a good effect on the life cycle of the electrode. For the MmNi 3.55 Mn 0.4 Al 0.3 Co 0.2 Fe 0.55 compound, the discharge capacity reaches its maximum of 210 mAh/g after 12 cycles and then decreases to 190 mAh/g after 30 charge-discharge cycles. However, for the MmNi 3.55 Mn 0.4 Al 0.3 Fe 0.75 compound, the discharge capacity reaches its maximum of 200 mAh/g after 10 cycles and then decreases to 160 mAh/g after 30 cycles. The diffusion behavior of hydrogen in the negative electrodes made from these alloys was characterized by cyclic voltammetry after few activation cycles. The values of the hydrogen coefficient in MmNi 3.55 Mn 0.4 Al 0.3 Co 0.2 Fe 0.55 and MmNi 3.55 Mn 0.4 Al 0.3 Fe 0.75 are, respectively, equal to 2.96 x 10 -9 and 4.98 x 10 -10 cm 2 s -1 . However, the values of the charge transfer coefficients are, respectively, equal to 0.33 and 0.3. These results showed that the substitution of cobalt by iron decreases the reversibility and the kinetic of the electrochemical reaction in these alloys

  15. K0.78Na0.22MoO2AsO4

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ahmed Driss


    Full Text Available The title compound, potassium sodium dioxidomolybdenum(VI arsenate, K0.78Na0.22MoO2AsO4, was synthesized by a solid-state reaction route. The structure is built up from corner-sharing MoO6 octahedra and AsO4 tetrahedra, creating infinite [MoAsO8]∞ chains running along the b-axis direction. As, Mo and all but one O atom are on special positions (4c with m symmetry and K (occupancy 0.78 is on a position (4a of -1 in the tunnels. The possible motion of the alkali cations has been investigated by means of the bond-valance sum (BVS model. The simulation shows that the Na+ motion appears to be easier mainly along the b-axis direction. Structural relationships between the different compounds of the AMoO2AsO4 (A = Ag, Li, Na, K, Rb series and MXO8 (M = V; X = P, As chains are discussed.

  16. Magnetic phase diagram of Co(Cr1-xA lx) 2O4 (x = 0.0-1.0) (United States)

    Padam, R.; Sarkar, T.; Mathieu, R.; Thota, S.; Pal, D.


    We report the role of Al substitution in the magnetic properties of spinel CoCr2O4 by means of temperature dependent dc and ac magnetization and heat capacity measurements. Various compositions (0.0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0) of polycrystalline Co(Cr1-xAlx)2O4 samples have been prepared by sol-gel processing and their crystal structure was investigated by X-ray diffraction which was found to crystallize in the normal cubic spinel structure. For x ≤ 0.1, the system exhibits multiple magnetic orderings (long range ferrimagnetic ordering TC, spin-spiral ordering TS, and lock-in transition TL), similar to that of the parent compound, CoCr2O4. However, all the compositions between x = 0.1 and 0.5 exhibit long range ferrimagnetic ordering below TC and also a short range order at low temperature. Spin-glass like ordering was noticed between x = 0.6 and 0.8 due to the diluted B-site occupancy, whereas the end compound CoAl2O4 (x = 1.0) shows antiferromagnetic behavior. On the basis of these results, we propose a magnetic phase diagram for the Co(Cr1-xAlx)2O4 series as a function of the Al content (x) and measuring temperature (T).

  17. Effect of annealing treatment on structure and electrochemical performance of quenched MmNi4.2Co0.3Mn0.4Al0.3Mg0.03 hydrogen storage alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou Zenglin; Song Yueqing; Cui Shun; Huang Changgeng; Qian Wenlian; Lin Chenguang; Zhang Yongjian; Lin Yulin


    MmNi 4.2 Co 0.3 Mn 0.4 Al 0.3 Mg 0.03 hydrogen storage alloy was prepared by single-roll rapid quenching followed by different annealing treatments for 8 h at 1133 K, 1173 K, 1213 K, and 1253 K, respectively. Alloy structure, phase composition, pressure-composition-temperature (PCT) properties, and electrochemical performance of different annealed alloys have been investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), field-emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM), energy dispersion spectrometer (EDS), automatic Sieverts-type apparatus, and electrochemical experiments. Electrochemical experiments indicate that the annealing treatment at 1213 K extends cycle life from 193 cycles to 358 cycles, increases the maximum discharge capacity, and slightly decreases the activation behavior. Alloy structure analyses show that the improvement in cycle life is attributed to the formation of a single CaCu 5 -type structure or the relief of an Mg-containing AlMnNi 2 -type second phase. Pressure composition isotherms results illustrate that both the hydrogen absorption capability and the dehydriding equilibrium pressure go up with increased annealing temperature. For its good performance/cost ratio, the Mg-added low-Co alloy annealed at 1213 K would be a promising substitution for MmNi 4.05 Co 0.45 Mn 0.4 Al 0.3 alloy product.

  18. Activation of bovine oocytes by strontium combined or not with an electric pulse

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leal C.L.V.


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as taxas de ativação e de clivagem de oócitos bovinos tratados com estrôncio (10mm de SrCl2, após maturação in vitro por 27-28 horas. No experimento 1, os tratamentos foram: S4 - ativação pelo estrôncio por 4 horas; S12 - ativação pelo estrôncio por 12 horas; S30 - ativação pelo estrôncio por 30 horas; e P - ativação por pulso elétrico (3 pulsos de 1,0kv/cm. No experimento 2 os tratamentos foram: PS4 - ativação combinada pelo pulso elétrico e pelo estrôncio por 4 horas; S4P - ativação pelo estrôncio por 4 horas e pelo pulso elétrico; e PS30 - ativação pelo pulso elétrico e pelo estrôncio por 30 horas. No experimento 1, todos os tratamentos apresentaram taxas similares de ativação (83-90%; P>0,05. Para clivagem, P foi melhor (53%; P<0,05 do que todos os tratamentos com estrôncio (6 a 28%. No experimento 2, o tratamento S4P apresentou melhor taxa de ativação (88%; P<0,05 do que PS4 e PS30 (60 e 68%, respectivamente. Para clivagem, observou-se o mesmo padrão, S4P (65%; P<0,05 e PS4 e PS30 (37% e 44%, respectivamente. Conclui-se que o estrôncio é capaz de ativar oócitos bovinos e sua combinação com pulso elétrico não melhora a ativação. Este é o primeiro relato demonstrando que o estrôncio ativa oócitos bovinos.

  19. Industrie 4.0 in der Supply Chain


    Hofmann, Erik; Oettmeier, Katrin


    Im Kern von Industrie 4.0 steht eine Vielzahl an Technologien, welche die digitale Vernetzung von Objekten ermöglichen. Der Beitrag analysiert die derzeitige und künftige Verwendung von Industrie 4.0-Technologien und -Lösungen bei Schweizer Unternehmen auf Grundlage der Logistikmarktstudie Schweiz, Band 2017.

  20. Magnetic signature of charge ordering in Li[Mn sub 1 sub . sub 9 sub 6 Li sub 0 sub . sub 0 sub 4]O sub 4 and Li sub 0 sub . sub 2 [Mn sub 1 sub . sub 9 sub 6 Li sub 0 sub . sub 0 sub 4]O sub 4

    CERN Document Server

    Verhoeven, V W J; Mulder, F M


    The stoichiometric compound LiMn sub 2 O sub 4 is known to show charge ordering with well-defined Mn sup 3 sup + and Mn sup 4 sup + sites just below room temperature (RT). Above RT the electrons are hopping rapidly between sites. For lithium-ion batteries the material Li[Mn sub 1 sub . sub 9 sub 6 Li sub 0 sub . sub 0 sub 4]O sub 4 is technologically relevant. Due to the small amount of Li on the Mn site, the low-T regular ordering of the Mn charge appears to be destroyed completely, as is evidenced by neutron diffraction in the magnetically ordered state. However, the charges are still fixed in an irregular fashion, as can also be deduced from sup 7 Li nuclear magnetic resonance measurements. In the lithium-extracted compound Li sub 0 sub . sub 2 [Mn sub 1 sub . sub 9 sub 6 Li sub 0 sub . sub 0 sub 4]O sub 4 , predominantly Mn sup 4 sup + is present. Neutron diffraction in the magnetically ordered state shows a well-defined antiferromagnetic ordering, with doubling of the unit cell in three directions. Clear...

  1. Large linear magnetoresistance in topological crystalline insulator Pb_0_._6Sn_0_._4Te

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roychowdhury, Subhajit; Ghara, Somnath; Guin, Satya N.; Sundaresan, A.; Biswas, Kanishka


    Classical magnetoresistance generally follows the quadratic dependence of the magnetic field at lower field and finally saturates when field is larger. Here, we report the large positive non-saturating linear magnetoresistance in topological crystalline insulator, Pb_0_._6Sn_0_._4Te, at different temperatures between 3 K and 300 K in magnetic field up to 9 T. Magnetoresistance value as high as ∼200% was achieved at 3 K at magnetic field of 9 T. Linear magnetoresistance observed in Pb_0_._6Sn_0_._4Te is mainly governed by the spatial fluctuation carrier mobility due to distortions in the current paths in inhomogeneous conductor. - Graphical abstract: Large non-saturating linear magnetoresistance has been evidenced in topological crystalline insulator, Pb_0_._6Sn_0_._4Te, at different temperatures between 3 K and 300 K in magnetic field up to 9 T. - Highlights: • Large non-saturating linear magnetoresistance was achieved in the topological crystalline insulator, Pb_0_._6Sn_0_._4Te. • Highest magnetoresistance value as high as ~200% was achieved at 3 K at magnetic field of 9 T. • Linear magnetoresistance in Pb_0_._6Sn_0_._4Te is mainly governed by the spatial fluctuation of the carrier mobility.

  2. Adaptação de instrumento para dimensionar horas diárias de assistência de enfermagem residencial Adaptacion de instrumento para medir horas diarias de atención de enfermería domiciliaria Adaptation of an instrument for the measurement of daily hours for nursing care at patient's home

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luiza Watanabe Dal Ben


    Full Text Available O Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System Intermediate: TISS-Intermediário foi traduzido para a língua portuguesa e adaptado para estabelecer horas diárias de assistência domiciliar. O processo de modificação do instrumento, desenvolvido através da Técnica Delphi, teve como participantes 16 enfermeiros, que atuam em empresas de assistência domiciliar e determinam horas diárias de assistência de enfermagem para pacientes na residência, após a hospitalização. Ao término do estudo obteve-se um instrumento com 104 itens, para ser no futuro validado clinicamente. Tal instrumento ajudará enfermeiros a estender cuidados de enfermagem a pacientes em casa, após a alta hospitalar, especialmente na tomada de decisões relativas à avaliação dos pacientes.El Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System Intermediate: TISS-Intermedio, fue traducido para el idioma portugués y adaptado para establecer las horas diarias de asistencia en el domicilio. Dieciséis enfermeros participaron del proceso de modificación del instrumento desarrollado a través de la Técnica Delphi. Esos enfermeros actúan en empresas de atención a domicilio y determinan las horas diarias de atención de enfermería a los pacientes en su domicilio después del alta. Al término del estudio se obtuvo un instrumento con 104 items para ser validado clínicamente.Tal instrumento ayudará a los enfermeros a extender sus cuidados de enfermería a pacientes que se encuentran en casa, después del alta hospitalario, especialmente en la toma de decisiones relacionadas con la evaluación de los pacientes.The Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System Intermediate: TISS-Intermediate, was translated into Portuguese and adapted to establish the number of hours daily of home care. The adaptation process of the instrument, developed with the Delphi Technique, used 16 nurses, who work in home care service providers and helped in calculating the number of nursing care hours for patients at


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Berenice da Costa Machado


    Full Text Available Para bem refletir sobre um jornal, no caso Zero Hora (ZH, de Porto Alegre, seria necessário, também, resgatar a história da sua controladora, a Rede Brasil Sul (RBS. O exercício fez emergir muitas contradições entre o código normativo do diário e a trajetória do Grupo de comunicação. Oito desses episódios trazemos para o diálogo neste estudo: o uso indiscriminado de nomes e siglas, dos espaços de expressão das opiniões, os cruzamentos do jornalismo – editorial – com a publicidade – comercial –, os desencontros de datas, a estrutura monopolística, os valores propagados, a relação com as pessoas e a parceria com a Rede Globo. Nossa hipótese é de que está na gênese da RBS (e de ZH a “vocação” para o contraditório. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Zero Hora. Rede Brasil Sul. História. Contradições.

  4. A study on martensitic structure in Fe-4Cr-0.4C steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Won, S.B.


    Morphology, dependence of prior austenite grain size and packet size upon austenitizing temperature, distribution of lath width, and habit plane of martensitic structure in Fe-4Cr-0.4C steel has been studied by optical microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The results obtained are as follows. 1) Optical microstructures of martensitic Fe-4Cr-0.4C steel consist of lath martensite and lens martensite. Also the four types of morphology are observed by electron microscopy. The most common morphologies are a regular paralleled martensite and an irregular dovetailed lath martensite, while the remainder of microstructures consists mainly of groups of internally twinned martensite and autotempered laths. 2) Prior austenite grain size and packet size increased with austenizing temperature, and also the numbers of lath contained in a prior austenite grain or a packet are increased with austenizing temperature. 3) The mean width of lath in Fe-4Cr-0.4C steel is about 0.23μm and most of lath widths are below 0.5μm. 4) Martensite habit plane of Fe-4Cr-0.4C steel is nearly [110]α'. (author)

  5. Oxygen permeation and stability of La 0.4Ca 0.6Fe 1-xCo xO 3-δ ( x = 0, 0.25, 0.5) membranes (United States)

    Diethelm, S.; Van herle, J.; Middleton, P. H.; Favrat, D.

    Three perovskite-type compounds of composition La 0.4Ca 0.6Fe 1- xCo xO 3- δ ( x=0, 0.25 and 0.5) were investigated for use as oxygen separation membranes for the partial oxidation (POX) of methane to syngas. Special attention was given to the question of their stability in real operating conditions. A permeation set-up was specially designed to measure oxygen fluxes through these materials when placed in a strong pO 2 gradient. It also facilitated testing the long-term stability of the specimen. Permeation measurements performed in an air/argon gradient between 800 and 1000 °C showed that the highest fluxes were obtained with the highest content of cobalt (La 0.4Ca 0.6Fe 0.5Co 0.5O 3- δ ≅ La 0.4Ca 0.6Fe 0.75Co 0.25O 3- δ > La 0.4Ca 0.6FeO 3- δ). In addition, comparison between the fluxes of samples of different thickness gave clear evidence of surface limitations in the oxygen transport. The long-term stability test showed opposite trends: only the two lowest Co containing compounds ( x=0 and 0.25) sustained an air/(Ar+H 2) gradient over more than 600 h. The other ( x=0.5) broke shortly after the introduction of H 2. In the presence of H 2, the oxygen flux was increased by a factor 10 compared to Ar and reached 0.83 μmol/cm 2 s for La 0.4Ca 0.6Fe 0.75Co 0.25O 3- δ at 900 °C. Post-operation SEM examination of the cross-section and both surfaces revealed that the surface exposed to H 2 had started to decompose resulting in the formation of a thin porous layer but the bulk of the material remained unchanged.

  6. Einkauf trifft Industrie 4.0


    Henke, Michael; Schulte, Axel T.


    Der digitale Strukturwandel wird ohne den Einkauf nicht erfolgreich sein. Allerdings gehen die Meinungen über seine Rolle weit auseinander. Sie reichen von "aktiver Treiber" bis "lediglich Unterstützer". Deshalb muss sich der Einkauf stärker in die Diskussion um Industrie 4.0 einschalten

  7. Synthesis of Nano-Structured La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3 Perovskite by Co-Precipitation Method

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ebrahim Mostafavi


    Full Text Available Nano-structured lanthanum strontium cobalt ferrite, La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3 (LSCF, was successfully synthesized via co-precipitation method using metal nitrates as starting materials. Effects of precipitating agent and calcination temperature on the phase composition and morphology of synthesized powders were systematically studied using X-ray diffraction (XRD and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM, respectively. XRD analysis revealed that a single phase La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3 perovskite was obtained in the processed sample using ammonium carbonate as precipitating agent with a NH4+/NO3-molar ratio of 2 after calcination at 1000C for 1 h. The phase composition of products was also affected by changing pH values. Moreover, using sodium hydroxide as a precipitant resulted in a mixture of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3 and cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4 phases. Careless washing of the precursors can also led to the formation of mixed phase after calcination of final powders. Mean crystallite size of the obtained powders was not noticeably affected by varying calcination temperature from 900 to 1050C and remained almost the same at 10 nm, however increasing calcination temperature to 1100C resulted in sharp structural coarsening. FESEM studies demonstrate that relatively uniform particles with mean particle size of 90 nm were obtained in the sample processed with a NH4+/NO3- molar ratio of 2 after calcination at 1000C for 1 h.

  8. Indústria 4.0 / Status Report Marc de referència sobre la Indústria 4.0 octubre 2016


    Fonseca Casas, Pau


    L¿objecte d¿aquest document és donar a conèixer els elements de la Indústria 4.0 als enginyers, al teixit industrial català i a la societat, podent ser utilitzat com a instrument que faciliti el debat i la construcció d'un discurs normalitzat al voltant de la mateixa. Existeix el debat sobre fins a quin punt el màrqueting de la Indústria 4.0 va per davant de la realitat o a l¿inrevés. En qualsevol cas, l¿objectiu de la Comissió i4.0 d¿Enginyers de Catalunya és contribuir a l¿establiment de ba...

  9. Enhanced elevated-temperature performance of LiAl_xSi_0_._0_5Mg_0_._0_5Mn_1_._9_0_-_xO_4 (0≤x≤0.08) cathode materials for high-performance lithium-ion batteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao, Hongyuan; Liu, Shanshan; Wang, Zhenwei; Cai, Yu; Tan, Ming; Liu, Xingquan


    In order to significantly enhance the elevated-temperature performance of LiSi_0_._0_5Mg_0_._0_5Mn_1_._9_0O_4, the LiAl_xSi_0_._0_5Mg_0_._0_5Mn_1_._9_0_-_xO_4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.08) samples were firstly prepared via sol-gel technique. All the obtained samples showed the intrinsic spinel structure without any other detectable impurity phases. Among these samples, the LiAl_0_._0_5Si_0_._0_5Mg_0_._0_5Mn_1_._8_5O_4 sample was found to be optimal possessing regular crystal morphology with clean surfaces and presented much better elevated-temperature cycling stability and rate capability. When carried out at 55 °C, the LiAl_0_._0_5Si_0_._0_5Mg_0_._0_5Mn_1_._8_5O_4 sample exhibited the initial discharge capacity of 123.6 mAh g"−"1 at 0.5C between 3.20 and 4.35 V. After 100 cycles, the discharge capacity could still reach up to 115.9 mAh g"−"1 with capacity retention of 93.8%, which was much higher than that of LiSi_0_._0_5Mg_0_._0_5Mn_1_._9_0O_4. At the higher discharge rate of 10C, a high discharge capacity of 82.5 mAh g"−"1 could be obtained with capacity retention of 95.6% after 50 cycles at 55 °C. By contrast, the LiSi_0_._0_5Mg_0_._0_5Mn_1_._9_0O_4 sample only exhibited 43.7 mAh g"−"1 with lower capacity retention of 61.8%. These results indicate that the introduction of appropriate amount of aluminium ions in the magnesium and silicon co-doped spinel can make up for the shortage of co-doping with magnesium and silicon ions in term of the elevated-temperature performance.

  10. Direct evidence for double-exchange coupling in Ru- substituted La0.7Pb0.3Mn 1 - x Ru x O3, 0.0 <= x <= 0.4 (United States)

    Sundar Manoharan, S.; Sahu, R. K.; Rao, M. L.; Elefant, D.; Schneider, C. M.


    The La0.7Pb0.3Mn 1 - x Ru x O3 (0.0 innate relationship between Mn and Ru ions by a unique double-exchange mediated transport behavior. This is exonerated by the coexistence of Tp and Tc (range 330 K 245 K for 0.0 30%, the hole carrier mass influences the transport property. X-ray absorption spectra suggest that the Tc-Tp match is due to the transport mediated by the Mn3+/Mn4+ leftrightarrow Ru4+/Ru5+ redox pair and also due to the broad low-spin Ru:4d conduction band. For x > 0.2, T < 0.5Tc obeys a modified variable-range hopping model, where kT0 propto (M/Ms)2, suggesting a random magnetic potential which localizes the charge carriers.

  11. Uveljavljanje trendov digitalizacije v podjetjih - Industrija 4.0


    Belej, Klemen


    V diplomskem delu smo predstavili digitalizacijo v podjetjih in opredelili manj znan pojem Industrijo 4.0. Opisali smo koncept Industrije 4.0, prikazali razvoj industrijskih revolucij in predstavili novejše tehnologije, ki se pojavljajo v podjetjih kot so: big data, internet stvari, aditivna tehnologija, razširjena resničnost... Podrobneje so predstavljeni kolaborativni roboti, ki lahko sodelujejo s človekom. Pojasnili smo tudi vlogo vitke proizvodnje v Industriji 4.0. Ker je v podjetjih kon...

  12. Interpretation of specific-heat and spontaneous-magnetization anomalies at the reentrant superconducting - ferromagnetic transition in (Ho0.6Er0.4)Rh4B4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Woolf, L.D.; Johnston, D.C.; Mook, H.A.; Koehler, W.C.; Maple, M.B.; Fisk, Z.


    Analysis of neutron-diffraction data on the compound (Ho 0 . 6 Er 0 . 4 )Rh 4 B 4 indicates that the Curie temperature is depressed by about 0.2 K due to the occurrence of superconductivity, in agreement with theoretical predictions. The temperature dependence of the specific heat in the vicinity of the first-order reentrant superconducting - ferromagnetic transition was computed by means of a simple model from the temperature dependence of the spontaneous magnetization of the Ho ions and was found to be in good agreement with the experimental data

  13. 4-[4-(4-Fluorophenyl-2-methyl-5-oxo-2,5-dihydroisoxazol-3-yl]-1-methylpyridinium iodide–4-[3-(4-fluorophenyl-2-methyl-5-oxo-2,5-dihydroisoxazol-4-yl]-1-methylpyridinium iodide (0.6/0.4

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    Simona Margutti


    Full Text Available The crystal structure of the title compound, C16H16FN2O2+·I−, was determined as part of a study of the biological activity of isoxazolone derivatives as p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK inhibitors. The X-ray crystal structure of 4-[4-(4-fluorophenyl-2-methyl-5-oxo-2,5-dihydroisoxazol-3-yl]-1-methylpyridinium iodide showed the presence of the regioisomer 4-[3-(4-fluorophenyl-2-methyl-5-oxo-2,5-dihydroisoxazol-4-yl]-1-methylpyridinium iodide. The synthesis of the former compound was achieved by reacting 4-(4-fluorophenyl-3-(4-pyridylisoxazol-5(2H-one after treatment with Et3N in dimethylformamide, with iodomethane. The unexpected formation of the regioisomer could be explained by a rearrangement occurring via aziridine of the isoxazolone compound. The regioisomers have site occupancies of 0.632 (4/0.368 (4. The two six members rings make a dihedral angle of 66.8 (2°.

  14. Effect of micella interesterification on fatty acids composition and volatile components of soybean and rapeseed oils

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    Afifi, Sherine M.


    Full Text Available Micella interesterification of soybean and rapeseed oils was carried out using 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 percentages of nickel catalyst, each at different temperatures of 60, 90 and 120ºC for 2, 4, and 6 hours. The proposed interesterification reaction conditions to obtain an oil with low linoleic acid level were 0.2 % nickel catalyst at 120ºC for 4 hours, 0.4% nickel catalyst at 90ºC for 4 hours and 0.6% at 60ºC for 4 hours. Fatty acid composition and chemical analysis of the interesterified and non-esterified oils were estimated. Selected samples undergo heating at 180ºC for 4 hours determining the volatile components. The appearance of some components supported the interesterification process for modification of fatty acid constituents of the oils.Se ha llevado a cabo la interesterificación en fase miscelar de aceites de soja y de colza usando un 0.2%, 0.4% y 0.6% de níquel como catalizador, a diferentes temperaturas (60, 90 y 120ºC durante 2, 4 y 6 horas. Las condiciones de reacción de interesterificación propuestas para obtener un aceite con niveles de ácidos linolénicos bajos fueron 0.2 % de níquel a 120ºC durante 4 horas, 0.4 % de níquel a 90ºC durante 4 horas y 0.6 % a 60ºC durante 4 horas. Se han estimado la composición en ácidos grasos y el análisis químico de los aceites interesterificados y no-esterificados. Las muestras seleccionadas se sometieron a calentamiento a 180ºC durante 4 horas determinando los componentes volátiles. La aparición de algunos componentes apoyó el proceso de interesterificación por modificación de los ácidos grasos constituyentes de los aceites.

  15. Industry 4.0 Concept Introduction into Construction SMEs (United States)

    Nowotarski, Piotr; Paslawski, Jerzy


    The article presents a general idea of Industry 4.0 concept with the introduction presenting descriptions of the most important aspects in terms of production and construction industry development. The importance of the SME sector is stressed showing that this group of companies plays significant role in the European economy. The main objective of the article is to define and show possible research areas connected with the introduction of Industry 4.0 concept into SMEs with the main focus on the construction sector. For this purpose, an analysis was made, based on the most recent literature, to point out actual needs in the SMEs sector in terms of its evolution into 4.0 level. What is more, the analysis was performed based on the most popular articles published in journals available in Thomson Reuters Web of Science Core Collection database regarding Industry 4.0 concept in the last decade showing the actual change of interest in this filed, taking into account possibility of usage of this concept in the construction and production sector. Authors tried to describe current knowledge regarding Industry 4.0 introduction for SMEs. Performed analysis showed that there is a wide spectrum of disciplines that are affected by the Industry 4.0 that needs to be examined considering introduction into SMEs. Study also showed that multidiscipline approach was not investigated so far to create special rules, procedures and methods and know-how designed for introduction of main principles of Industry 4.0 in the SME sector. Authors came to the conclusions that there should be more stress put into research in this field especially taking into account the huge potential which lies in SME sector in terms of global economic strength.

  16. Hot Deformation Behavior and Processing Map of Mg-3Sn-2Ca-0.4Al-0.4Zn Alloy

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    Chalasani Dharmendra


    Full Text Available Among newly developed TX (Mg-Sn-Ca alloys, TX32 alloy strikes a good balance between ductility, corrosion, and creep properties. This study reports the influence of aluminum and zinc additions (0.4 wt % each to TX32 alloy on its strength and deformation behavior. Uniaxial compression tests were performed under various strain rates and temperature conditions in the ranges of 0.0003–10 s−1 and 300–500 °C, respectively. A processing map was developed for TXAZ3200 alloy, and it exhibits three domains that enable good hot workability in the ranges (1 300–340 °C/0.0003–0.001 s−1; (2 400–480 °C/0.01–1 s−1; and (3 350–500 °C/0.0003–0.01 s−1. The occurrence of dynamic recrystallization in these domains was confirmed from the microstructural observations. The estimated apparent activation energy in Domains 2 and 3 (219 and 245 kJ/mole is higher than the value of self-diffusion in magnesium. This is due to the formation of intermetallic phases in the matrix that generates back stress. The strength of TXAZ3200 alloy improved up to 150 °C as compared to TX32 alloy, suggesting solid solution strengthening due to Al and Zn. Also, the hot deformation behavior of TXAZ3200 alloy was compared in the form of processing maps with TX32, TX32-0.4Al, TX32-0.4Zn, and TX32-1Al-1Zn alloys.

  17. Characters of alloy Zr-0.4%Mo-0.5%Fe-0.5%Cr post heat treatment and cold rolling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sungkono; Siti Aidah


    Research and development of Zr-Mo-Fe-Cr alloys aimed to obtain PWR fuel element structure material with high burn up. In this study of the Zr-0.4%Mo-0.5%Fe-0.5%Cr alloys was prepared from zirconium sponge, molybdenum, iron and chromium powder. The alloy were heat treated at varying temperatures of 650 and 750 °C and retention time of 1, 1.5 and 2 hours. The objectives of this research was to obtain effect of thickness reduction on the character of Zr-0.4%Mo-0.5%Fe-0.5%Cr alloy. The results of this experiment showed that the microstructures of Zr-0.4%Mo-0.5%Fe-0.5%Cr alloy after heat treatment and cold rolling exhibits that the higher of the thickness reduction has applied on the alloy caused the microstructure to evolve from deformed equiaxial grains into flat bar grains and then into deformed flat bar grains. However, the higher of the temperature and the retention time then the larger grain structures so that the cold rolling causes the shape of the grains structure into a flat bar with a relatively larger size which affects the lower hardness. The Zr-0.4%Mo-0.5%Fe-0.5%Cr alloy after heat treatment (650-750°C; 1.5-2 hours) can undergo cold deformation without cracking at a thickness reduction between 5 to 15%. (author)

  18. Comparative study of optical and scintillation properties of YVO{sub 4}, (Lu{sub 0.5}Y{sub 0.5})VO{sub 4}, and LuVO{sub 4} single crystals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fujimoto, Yutaka, E-mail: [IMRAM, Tohoku University, 2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8577 (Japan); Yanagida, Takayuki; Yokota, Yuui; Chani, Valery [IMRAM, Tohoku University, 2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8577 (Japan); Kochurikhin, Vladimir V. [General Physics Institute, 38 Vavilov Street, 119991, Federation, Moscow (Russian Federation); Yoshikawa, Akira [IMRAM, Tohoku University, 2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8577 (Japan); NICHe, Tohoku University, 6-6-10 Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8579 (Japan)


    Optical and scintillation properties of YVO{sub 4}, (Lu{sub 0.5}Y{sub 0.5})VO{sub 4}, and LuVO{sub 4} single crystals grown by the Czochralski (CZ) method with RF heating system are compared. All vanadate crystals show high transmittance ({approx}80%) in the 400-900 nm wavelength range. In both photo- and radio-luminescence spectra, intense peak around 400-500 nm, which was ascribed to the transition from triplet state of VO{sub 4}{sup 3-}, was clearly observed. The main decay time component was about 38 {mu}s (YVO{sub 4}), 18 {mu}s ((Lu{sub 0.5}Y{sub 0.5})VO{sub 4}), and 17 {mu}s (LuVO{sub 4}) under 340 nm excitation. The scintillation light yields of YVO{sub 4}, (Lu{sub 0.5}Y{sub 0.5})VO{sub 4}, and LuVO{sub 4} crystals (obtained from the {sup 137}Cs excited pulse height spectra) were evaluated to be about 11,200, 10,700, and 10,300 ph/MeV, respectively.

  19. Synthesis of LaNi0,6Fe0.4O3-δ

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramos, K.; Wendler, L.P.; Chinelatto, A.S.; Chinelatto, A.L.


    The solid oxide fuel cell are an alternative of production clean and efficient energy, because converts chemical energy in electrical energy. An fuel cell is formed basically by an electrolyte, a cathode and an anode.The main electrolyte used for SOFC manufacturing is the ZrO 2 -Y 2 O 3 . The materials for electrode manufacturing must possess thermal expansion characteristics close to electrolyte and have high electrical conductivity in operating temperature.Recently, the perovskite LaNi 0,6 Fe 0,4 O 3-δ , has attracted interest for application as cathode in SOFC's. This work aimed to LaNi 0,6 Fe 0,4 O 3-δ obtained by Pechini method. The powders were characterized by x-ray diffraction, ray-x fluorescence, heliumpicnometry and scanning electron microscopy. The results showed powders obtained with perovskite formation when calcined 600°C during 2 hours. (author)

  20. Studies on physicochemical properties of pure and iron substituted chromium niobates, Cr{sub 1−x}Fe{sub x}NbO{sub 4} (x = 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sree Rama Murthy, A.; Gnanasekar, K.I. [Materials Chemistry and Metal Fuel Cycle Group, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam 603102 (India); Govindaraj, R. [Materials Science Group, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam 603102 (India); Jayaraman, V., E-mail: [Materials Chemistry and Metal Fuel Cycle Group, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam 603102 (India); Umarji, A.M. [Materials Research Centre, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012 (India)


    Highlights: • Systematic increase in unit cell volume on iron substitution. • Similar mechanism of electronic conduction in these compositions. • Decrease in quadrupole splitting with increasing iron content in Mössbauer spectra. • Iron and chromium exhibited multiple valences, as identified from X-ray photoelectron spectra. - Abstract: Pristine and iron substituted chromium niobates (Cr{sub 1−x}Fe{sub x}NbO{sub 4} with x = 0, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6) are prepared by solid-state synthesis and phase characterised by X-ray diffraction. Microstructure is determined using scanning electron microscope and micro-chemical analysis is performed by energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX). The current-voltage characteristics are studied in the temperature range of 423–723 K. The electrical conductivity of sintered pellets is measured by impedance spectroscopy. Temperature dependent magnetization studies are performed using vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) and room temperature Bohr magneton number is calculated from the magnetic susceptibility data. The conductivity is passed through a minimum at x = 0.2 in Cr{sub 1−x}Fe{sub x}NbO{sub 4} for x = 00.6. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic studies revealed the surface non-stoichiometry in these compositions.

  1. Utilization Efficiency of Yolk Egg on Maanvis (Pterophyllum scalare Embryos and Larvae in Different Incubation Temperatures

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    T. Budiardi


    Full Text Available This study was performed to determine the efficiency of yolk egg utilization in embryos and larvae, hatching rate, incubation time to hatch, and growth rate of maanvis (Pterophyllum scalare larvae incubated at room remperature, 27oC, and 30oC.  Results of study showed that yolk egg utilization efficiency of embryos and larvae incubated at 30oC was 73.70% and 0,18%, respectively, and no different with that of room and 27oC incubation temperatures.  Hatching rate of eggs incubated at 30oC (84.75% was also same with that of other treatments.  However, incubation time to hatch (27.41 hours was shorter than that of other treatments.  The growth rate by length of larvae (2.16% and survival rate (75.28% incubated at 30oC was also higher compared with that of other treatments.  Thus, in general, optimum temperature for egg hatching and larval rearing of maanvis was 30oC. Keywords: maanvis, Pterophyllum scalare, egg yolk, larvae, embryo, temperature   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui efisiensi pemanfaatan kuning telur pada embrio dan larva, derajat penetasan, lama inkubasi telur hingga menetas, dan laju pertumbuhan serta kelangsungan hidup larva ikan maanvis (Pterophyllum scalare yang diinkubasi pada suhu ruang, 27oC dan 30oC.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai efisiensi pemanfaatan kuning telur bila diinkubasi pada suhu 30oCsebesar 73,70% pada fase embrio dan 0,18% pada fase larva, dan tidak berbeda dengan suhu ruang dan 27oC.  Demikian juga dengan derajat penetasan telur  (84,75% tidak berbeda dengan perlakuan lainnya.  Sementara itu, lama inkubasi telur hingga menetas (27,41 jam lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan suhu inkubasi perlakuan lainnya. Demikian juga dengan laju pertumbuhan panjang (2,16% dan kelangsungan hidup larva (75,28% lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan perlakuan lainnya. Dengan demikian, secara umum suhu optimal untuk penetasan dan pemeliharaan larva ikan maanvis adalah 30°C. Kata kunci: ikan maanvis

  2. Distances to Supernova Remnants G31.9+0.0 and G54.40.3 Associated with Molecular Clouds

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ranasinghe, S.; Leahy, D. A. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB T2N 1N4 (Canada)


    New distances to the supernova remnants (SNRs) G31.9+0.0 and G54.40.3 have been found. The analysis method uses H i absorption spectra and CO channel maps. Individual H i channel maps are used to verify absorption features in the H i absorption spectrum or to determine if they have noise. Both of the SNRs are associated with molecular clouds so accurate kinematic velocities are determined. The H iabsorption is used to resolve the kinematic distance ambiguity. The resulting new distance for G31.9+0.0 is 7.1 ± 0.4 kpc and for G54.40.3 it is 6.6 ± 0.6 kpc. These are significant revisions to the previous values.

  3. Ensaio clinico com Teclozan: 500mg no tratamento da colite amebiana não disentérica. (Resultados com esquema terapêutico de 24 horas

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    Donald Huggins


    Full Text Available O Autor relata sua experiência com novo esquema terapêutico com Teclozan - dose total de 1.500mg empregada em 24 horas, em 40 pacientes portadores de colite amebiana não disentérica na Disciplina de Doenças Infecciosas e Parasitárias da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Após um controle de cura realizado no 4º, 8º, 12º e 20º dias após o tratamento, obteve eficácia em 75% dos enfermos (30 casos e excelente tolerância.The author report his experience with Teclozine in the treatment on 40 patients suffering chronic intestinal amebiasis, employing a new therapeutical schedule - 1,500 mg as the total dose, within the period of 24 hours. After a follow-up on the 4th, 8th, 12th, and 20th days of treatment, the parasitological cure rate obtained was 75% (30 cases, and the drug was very well tolerated by all the patients.

  4. MmNi 3.55Co 0.75Mn 0.4Al 0.3B 0.3 hydrogen storage alloys for high-power nickel/metal hydride batteries (United States)

    Ye, Hui; Huang, Yuexiang; Chen, Jianxia; Zhang, Hong

    Non-stoichiometric La-rich MmNi 3.55Co 0.75Mn 0.4Al 0.3B 0.3 hydrogen storage alloys using B-Ni or B-Fe alloy as additive and Ce-rich MmNi 3.55Co 0.75Mn 0.4Al 0.3B 0.3 one using pure B as additive have been prepared and their microstructure, thermodynamic, and electrochemical characteristics have been examined. It is found that all investigated alloys show good activation performance and high-rate dischargeability though there is a certain decrease in electrochemical capacities compared with the commercial MmNi 3.55Co 0.75Mn 0.4Al 0.3 alloy. MmNi 3.55Co 0.75Mn 0.4Al 0.3B 0.3 alloys using B-Ni alloy as additive or adopting Ce-rich mischmetal show excellent rate capability and can discharge capacity over 190 mAh/g even under 3000 mA/g current density, which display their promising use in the high-power type Ni/MH battery. The electrochemical performances of these MmNi 3.55Co 0.75Mn 0.4Al 0.3B 0.3 alloys are well correlated with their microstructure, thermodynamic, and kinetic characteristics.


    Zhou, Di; Guo, Jing; Yao, Xi; Pang, Li-Xia; Qi, Ze-Ming; Shao, Tao


    The (Li0.5Bi0.5)(W1-xMox)O4(0.0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0) ceramics were prepared via the solid state reaction method. The sintering temperature decreased almost linearly from 755°C for (Li0.5Bi0.5)WO4 to 560°C for (Li0.5Bi0.5)MoO4. When the x≤0.3, a wolframite solid solution can be formed. For x = 0.4 and x = 0.6 compositions, both the wolframite and scheelite phases can be formed from the X-ray diffraction analysis, while two different kinds of grains can be revealed from the scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer results. High performance of microwave dielectric properties were obtained in the (Li0.5Bi0.5)(W0.6Mo0.4)O4 ceramic sintered at 620°C with a relative permittivity of 31.5, a Qf value of 8500 GHz (at 8.2 GHz), and a temperature coefficient value of +20 ppm/°C. Complex dielectric spectra of pure (Li0.5Bi0.5)WO4 ceramic gained from the infrared spectra were extrapolated down to microwave range, and they were in good agreement with the measured values. The (Li0.5Bi0.5)(W1-xMox)O4(0.0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0) ceramics might be promising for low temperature co-fired ceramic technology.

  6. Labour 4.0: Kompetencer til fremtidens industri

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wæhrens, Brian Vejrum; Lassen, Astrid Heidemann; Nørgaard, Bente


    I Danmark fremhæves Region Nordjylland ofte som et område, der har et stort, men også et uudnyttet potentiale i forhold til mulighederne i det nye industriparadigme Industri 4.0. I regionen er der kompetencer og viden fra både den traditionelle fremstillingsindustri og fra IT-klyngen, der...... blomstrede omkring mobilindustrien i 1990´erne og siden har dannet grobund for mange nye virksomheder indenfor trådløs-/kommunikationsteknologi i mange andre industrier. Industri 4.0 bygger netop på at integrere digitalisering, automatisering og robotteknologi med traditionelle fremstillingsindustrier, og på...... den måde globalt skabe konkurrencedygtige og fleksible virksomheder, der i mange tilfælde med fordel igen vil kunne hjemtage produktionsopgaver fra lavtlønslande til Danmark og Nordjylland. Evnen til at omsætte Industri 4.0 potentialerne har på den måde vidtrækkende konsekvenser for Danmarks fremtid...

  7. Avaliação da função renal do idoso em duas horas Evaluación de la función renal de ancianos en dos horas Two-hour evaluation of renal function in the elderly

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    Maria do Carmo B. Sammartino Benarab


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Os idosos têm diminuição progressiva da função renal e os hipertensos, maior risco de lesão renal adicional no intra-operatório. Avalia-se a função renal pela depuração da creatinina, com débito urinário de 24 horas, para diluir o erro de possível volume vesical residual (VVR. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a função renal pré-operatória de idosos hipertensos e não-hipertensos, com débito urinário de duas horas, utilizando aparelho de ultra-som portátil para determinação do volume vesical residual. MÉTODO: Foram analisados 30 pacientes, distribuídos em dois grupos, Gn (15, idosos não-hipertensos, e Gh (15, idosos hipertensos, coletando-se urina durante 2 horas. Mediu-se o VVR com aparelho de ultra-som portátil. Analisaram-se os seguintes parâmetros: idade, sexo, estado físico, altura, peso, índice de massa corpórea, creatinina plasmática e urinária, sódio e potássio plasmáticos e urinários, osmolalidade plasmática e urinária, débito urinário, depuração da creatinina, osmolar e de água livre, excreção urinária e fracionária de sódio e potássio. Comparou-se a depuração estimada de creatinina com a depuração da creatinina. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes de Gn e Gh não apresentaram diferenças significativas quanto à maioria dos parâmetros estudados. Os idosos hipertensos apresentaram tendência a maior excreção fracionária de sódio e o potássio plasmático mostrou-se mais baixo nos hipertensos, porém com valores normais. A depuração estimada de creatinina correlacionou-se positivamente com a de creatinina apenas em Gn. CONCLUSÕES: Os pacientes hipertensos apresentaram potássio plasmático mais baixo e excretaram mais sódio, tendo ocorrido correspondência entre a depuração estimada de creatinina e a depuração da creatinina apenas para os pacientes do grupo dos não-hipertensos.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Los ancianos tienen disminución progresiva de

  8. Cesium adsorption on In0.53Ga0.47As (1 0 0) β2 (2 × 4) surface: A first-principles research

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo, Jing; Chang, Benkang; Jin, Muchun; Wang, Honggang; Wang, MeiShan


    Highlights: • Eight different cesium adsorption In 0.53 Ga 0.47 As (1 0 0) β 2 (2 × 4) surface models have been built. • Surface characteristics of the cesium adsorption In 0.53 Ga 0.47 As (1 0 0) β 2 (2 × 4) surfaces are investigated based on the first principle. • New energy bands appear and band gap is narrowed after adsorption. • The cesium adsorption enhances the surface ionization. • T 2 and T 3 are the reasonable adsorption sites relatively. - Abstract: In 0.53 Ga 0.47 As is a perfect III–V compound semiconductor for the photoemissive layer of the infrared-extension negative electron affinity photocathode. It is the key step for the formation of negative electron affinity that the cesium atoms and oxygen atoms activate the photocathode surface alternately. Geometry optimizations based on the first principles have been carried out for the In 0.53 Ga 0.47 As (1 0 0) β 2 (2 × 4) surfaces with a cesium atom adsorbed on 8 different possible sites named as D, D′, T 2 , T 2 ′, T 3 , T 3 ′, T 4 and T 4 ′. The surfaces characteristics have been investigated before and after adsorption from the point of negative electron affinity formation. Meanwhile, the surface atom structure, the adsorption energy, work function, surface energy bands, charge transfer and the dipole generation of the 8 different adsorption surfaces have been compared to each other. The work function and the surface energy bands have been analyzed in detail, which are closely related with the photoelectrons escaping from the surface. The surface work functions are all decreased in varying degrees and energy band bends all appear at the 8 different adsorption sites due to the surface charge transfer and the dipole formation. In conclusion, T 2 and T 3 are the favorable adsorption sites relatively. The surfaces with a cesium atom adsorbed on these two sites are most stable and have much lower work functions, which generates reasonable energy band bend and is benefit for the

  9. Industrie 4.0 - from the perspective of applied research


    Neugebauer, R.; Hippmann, S.; Leis, M.; Landherr, M.


    Industrie 4.0 is the German description for the 4th industrial revolution. While in Germany "Industrie 4.0" aims at putting the strong German manufacturing industry in a position of future readiness through integrated digitization, for the ICT-dominant USA, "Smart Manufacturing" is ought to revive the country's re-industrialization. Fraunhofer, a major European Research and Technology Organization (RTO), has a strong focus on Industrie 4.0 technologies throughout the whole production value ch...

  10. Rearquitetura e informação 24 horas no IPA Metodista

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    Samile Andréa de Souza Vanz


    Full Text Available As bibliotecas universitárias vêm passando por mudanças há algumas décadas para acompanhar as alterações causadas pelas tecnologias disponíveis na sociedade atual. O ambiente físico da biblioteca é alvo de muitas destas mudanças, já que a informação, contida nas coleções de livros e periódicos, vem sendo transferida para acervos digitais, diminuindo a demanda por espaço físico e pelo contato bibliotecário-usuário, provocando alterações nos hábitos e cultura da comunidade universitária. Neste contexto, foi inaugurada em Porto Alegre a Biblioteca Central do IPA Metodista. O prédio, erguido no início do século passado, foi reformado para atender 24 horas, durante todo o ano. Apresentam-se aqui considerações acerca de layout, mobiliário, sinalização, iluminação, temperatura e preservação do acervo, e como isso foi pensado ao longo da reforma de um edifício destinado a funcionar ininterruptamente. Relata-se também o processo de adequação dos funcionários e do usuário ao horário integral da Biblioteca Central.

  11. Forging of cast Mg-3Sn-2Ca-0.4Al-0.4Si magnesium alloy using processing map

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rao, K. P.; Suresh, K.; Prasad, Y. V. R. K.; Hort, N.; Kainer, K. U.


    Mg-3Sn-2Ca (TX32) alloy has good creep resistance but limited workability. Minor amounts of Al and Si have been added to TX32 for improving its hot workability. The processing map for the TX32-0.4Al-0.4Si alloy exhibited two workability domains in the temperature and strain rate ranges: (1) 310-415.deg.C/0.0003-0.003 s-1 and (2) 430-500.deg.C/0.003-3 s-1. The alloy exhibited flow instability at temperatures < 350.deg.C at strain rates > 0.01 s-1. The alloy has been forged to produce a cup shape component to validate these findings of processing map. Finite-element (FE) simulation has been performed for obtaining the local variations of strain and strain rate within the forging. The microstructures of the forged components under the optimal domain conditions revealed dynamically recrystallized grains, and those forged in the flow instability regime have fractured and exhibited flow localization bands and cracks. The experimental load stroke curves correlated well with those obtained by FE simulation.

  12. Forging of cast Mg-3Sn-2Ca-0.4Al-0.4Si magnesium alloy using processing map

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rao, K. P.; Suresh, K.; Prasad, Y. V. R. K. [University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (China); Hort, N.; Kainer, K. U. [Magnesium Innovation Centre, Geesthacht (Germany)


    Mg-3Sn-2Ca (TX32) alloy has good creep resistance but limited workability. Minor amounts of Al and Si have been added to TX32 for improving its hot workability. The processing map for the TX32-0.4Al-0.4Si alloy exhibited two workability domains in the temperature and strain rate ranges: (1) 310-415.deg.C/0.0003-0.003 s-1 and (2) 430-500.deg.C/0.003-3 s-1. The alloy exhibited flow instability at temperatures < 350.deg.C at strain rates > 0.01 s-1. The alloy has been forged to produce a cup shape component to validate these findings of processing map. Finite-element (FE) simulation has been performed for obtaining the local variations of strain and strain rate within the forging. The microstructures of the forged components under the optimal domain conditions revealed dynamically recrystallized grains, and those forged in the flow instability regime have fractured and exhibited flow localization bands and cracks. The experimental load stroke curves correlated well with those obtained by FE simulation.

  13. (E-N′-(4-Pyridylmethylene-4-(8-quinolyloxybutanohydrazide 0.25-hydrate

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    Jia-Ming Li


    Full Text Available The asymmetric unit of the title compound, C19H18N4O2·0.25H2O, contains two organic molecules and a solvent water molecule with 50% occupancy. The two molecules differ in their conformations: in one molecule it is (+gauche-trans-trans-(+gauche-trans, whereas in the other it is (−gauche-trans-trans-(−gauche-trans. The dihedral angles between the pyridine ring and the quinoline ring system are 67.4 (3 and 68.0 (2°. Molecules are linked into a supramolecular two-dimensional array via N—H...N hydrogen bonds, with each partially occupied water molecule connected via an O—H...O hydrogen bond. C—H...O interactions are also present.

  14. ac Conductivity of mixed spinel NiAl0.7Cr0.7Fe0.6O4

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Abstract. ac Conductivity measurements are carried out across the metal to insulator transition in NiAl0.7Cr0.7Fe0.6O4. The low frequency data is analyzed using Summerfield scaling theory for hopping conductivity. The exponent of the scaling behavior has significantly different values in the conducting and insulating ...


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    Patrícia Lorena Guimarães


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se no presente estudo os parâmetros físicos (cor, odor, consistência e tempo de sedimentação e flotação, químicos (pH, e tempo de redução do azul de metileno e biológicos (avaliação dos protozoários in vitro, contagem de infusórios e percentagem de protozoários viáveis do suco ruminal de 50 fêmeas bovinas adultas clinicamente saudáveis, imediatamente após a colheita e ao final de 12 horas de armazenamento em garrafas térmicas comuns. Utilizaram-se animais em lactação, da raça Girolando, e alimentados a pasto de Brachiaria decumbens. As análises foram realizadas em uma amostra individual de, aproximadamente, 400 ml de suco ruminal, colhida com sonda oroesofágica do tipo Schambye e Sorensen. Os resultados foram avaliados por meio de estatística descritiva e teste “t” de student para amostras pareadas (P<0,05. Os aspectos físicos, a avaliação in vitro dos infusórios e o número de protozoários por mililitro encontravam-se dentro dos padrões de normalidade na primeira avaliação, porém, após 12 horas de conservação, foram observadas alterações sugestivas de modificações na microbiota do suco ruminal. Constataram-se, após conservação, reduções estatísticas significativas em relação ao pH, percentual de protozoários viáveis e aumento no tempo de redução do azul de metileno (PRAM. Conclui-se que a garrafa térmica comum pode ser usada como opção na conservação de suco ruminal de bovinos em situações de clínica de campo, porém a análise no momento da colheita apresenta resultados mais fidedignos. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Bovinos, fluido ruminal, métodos de conservação, pH, protozoários.

  16. Estimativa do total de horas abaixo de determinada temperatura-base através das medidas diárias da temperatura do ar Number of hours below any base temperature estimated by daily measurements of air temperature

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    Luiz B. Angelocci


    Full Text Available São propostas equações matemáticas para estimar o total diário de horas abaixo de determinada temperatura-base, em certo período, utilizando-se somente dos valores diários das temperaturas máxima, mínima e das 21 horas (hora local. A comparação entre os totais diários e mensais de "horas de frio" estimados pelas equações propostas e os observados através de termogramas, para várias localidades do Estado de São Paulo, mostrou boa concordância entre os métodos de cálculo. O modelo proposto dispensa o uso de registros contínuos de temperatura. As vantagens de tal estimativa residem na maior disponibilidade de registros de temperaturas máximas, mínimas e das 21 horas, permitindo maior densidade de pontos em trabalhos de zoneamento agroclimático e de cartografia, além da eliminação do processo de cotação de termogramas.Mathematical equations are proposed to estimate the daily number of hours in which the air temperature remains below a determined treshold value. The equations require only daily values of maximum, minimum and 9 p.m. local time temperature, measured inside the meteorological shelter. This technique is suitable for machine computation thus avoiding the tremendous task of quantifying a large number of thermograms. This fact permits the utilization of a greater number of stations in studies of crop zonation and cartography. Good correlations were obtained between estimated and observed data of the daily and monthly total number of hours below 7°C, 13°C and 17°C, for five stations in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, showing relative accuracy of the proposed equations.

  17. Spin canting and magnetic transition in NixZn1-xFe2O4 (x=0.0, 0.5 and 1.0) nanoparticles (United States)

    Rani, Stuti; Raghav, Dharmendra Singh; Yadav, Prashant; Varma, G. D.


    Nanoparticles of NixZn1-xFe2O4(x=0.0, 0.5 and 1.0) have been synthesized via co-precipitation method and studied thestructural and magnetic properties. Rietveld refinement of X ray diffraction data of as synthesized samples revealthat the samples have mixed spinel structure with space group Fd-3m. The lattice parameter of the samples decreases as doping concentration of Ni ions increases. Magnetic measurements show paramagnetic to ferrimagnetic transition at room temperature on Ni doping in ZnFe2O4 nanoparticles. The magnetic measurements also show spin canting in samples possibly due to their nanocrystalline nature. The spin canting angles have been calculated with the help of Yafet-Kittel (Y-K) model. Furthermore, the Law of approach (LA) fitting of M-H curves indicates that the samples are highly anisotropicin nature. The Arrot plots of as synthesized samples also indicate the paramagnetic to ferrimagnetic transition. The correlation between the structural and observed magnetic properties of NixZn1-xFe2O4(x=0.0, 0.5 and 1.0) nanocrystals will be described and discussed in this paper.

  18. JENDL-4.0 benchmarking for fission reactor applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chiba, Go; Okumura, Keisuke; Sugino, Kazuteru; Nagaya, Yasunobu; Yokoyama, Kenji; Kugo, Teruhiko; Ishikawa, Makoto; Okajima, Shigeaki


    Benchmark testing for the newly developed Japanese evaluated nuclear data library JENDL-4.0 is carried out by using a huge amount of integral data. Benchmark calculations are performed with a continuous-energy Monte Carlo code and with the deterministic procedure, which has been developed for fast reactor analyses in Japan. Through the present benchmark testing using a wide range of benchmark data, significant improvement in the performance of JENDL-4.0 for fission reactor applications is clearly demonstrated in comparison with the former library JENDL-3.3. Much more accurate and reliable prediction for neutronic parameters for both thermal and fast reactors becomes possible by using the library JENDL-4.0. (author)

  19. Magnetic properties of the compound Zn(Mnsub(0.98)Fesub(0.02)2O4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wautelet, M.; Gerard, A.


    Moessbauer spectra were measured of the compound Zn(Mnsub(0.98)Fesub(0.02)) 2 O 4 at several temperatures between 4.2 and 77 K. Evaluation of the spectra showed that the Neel temperature of ZnMn 2 O 4 does not exceed 50 K; the magnetic structure seems to be the same as that of Mn 3 O 4 with predominant B-B interactions. (A.K.)

  20. RODOS 4.0 and the future development of RODOS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qu Jingyuan; Cao Jianzhu


    RODOS 4.0 was completed in 2000. This is an important milestone of the R and D of the European decision support system for nuclear emergencies started in 1989. It indicates that the RODOS system has reached to a mature status for operational use in nuclear emergency management. The author describes the major modules integrated in RODOS 4.0, including RODOS PV4.0 and RODOS PRTY 4.0. The current status of the installation of RODOS in some countries is also briefly presented. Finally, the perspectives on the future development of the RODOS system are introduced. The RODOS system has been chosen as the platform of the China national decision support system for nuclear emergency management, which is now under development. Therefore, it is obvious that understanding the major features of RODOS 4.0 and the perspectives on the RODOS system is of significant importance to the development of the Chinese system in the future

  1. Synthesis, characterization, phase diagrams and superconducting and normal state magnetic properties of La2-xSrxCuO4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.08) and electrochemically oxidized La2-xSrxCuO4+δ (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.33, 0 ≤ δ ≤ 0.12)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chou, F.


    La 2-x Sr x CuO 4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.15) can all be intercalated with oxygen by a novel electrochemical oxidation method. Bulk superconductivity is found with an onset T c ∼ 40 K for the whole range 0.01 ≤ x ≤ 0.15; for x = 0.25 and 0.33, the electrochemical oxidation did not improve the superconducting properties. The magnetic susceptibility χ(T = 50--320 K) data for La 2 CuO 4.11 and La 1.92 Sr 0.08 CuO 4.07 are nearly identical with those of conventionally prepared La 1.85 Sr 0.15 CuO 4 , indicating that the hole doping level (p) in the CuO 2 planes of the three compounds is nearly the same. Combined thermogravimetric analysis and iodometric titration experiments indicate that part of the intercalated oxygen has a formal valence close to -1. The maximum doped-hole concentration in the CuO 2 planes that can be achieved from combined Sr-doping and electrochemical oxygen doping for 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.15 is p ∼ 0.16 holes/formula unit. Oxygen can also intercalate into single crystal La 2 CuO 4 through a slow electrochemical oxidation process. The required low current and long time for the charging process reflects that the oxygen intercalation for a single crystal is limited by its small specific surface area and long diffusion distance. The anisotropic superconducting, magnetic and transport properties are summarized and compared with those of polycrystalline La 2 CuO 4+δ as well as of YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7-δ and La 2-x Sr x CuO 4 single crystals. The single crystal La 2 CuO 4+δ has a maximum T c ∼ 40 K, which is lower than that (T c ∼ 42--45) of the corresponding polycrystalline samples. The magnetic phase diagram of La 2-x Sr x CuO 4 in the antiferromagnetic (AF) regime (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.02) has been derived from 139 La NQR studies from 4 to 250 K

  2. Adesão ao tratamento e controle da pressão arterial por meio da monitoração ambulatorial de 24 horas

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    Guilherme Brasil Grezzana


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS é um importante fator de risco cardiovascular, no entanto os níveis de controle pressórico persistem inadequados. A avaliação da adesão ao tratamento anti-hipertensivo com a utilização da monitoração ambulatorial da pressão arterial (MAPA de 24 horas pode representar um importante auxílio na busca de metas de controle da HAS. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a adesão ao tratamento anti-hipertensivo e a sua relação com os valores de PA obtidos pela MAPA de 24 horas entre pacientes hipertensos de centros de atenção primária à saúde (APS. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 143 pacientes hipertensos de amostra representativa de serviço de APS do município de Antônio Prado, RS. Foi realizada aplicação do teste de Morisky e Green para avaliar a aderência ao tratamento e a verificação do número de medicamentos utilizados, seguida pela aplicação da MAPA de 24 horas. RESULTADOS: Observou-se que 65,7% da amostra foram considerados aderentes ao tratamento proposto, 20,3% eram moderadamente aderentes, enquanto somente 14% foram classificados como não aderentes. Do total de 143 pacientes avaliados, 79 (55,2% foram identificados como HAS controlada (130/80 mmHg, 103 (72% apresentaram ausência de descenso noturno da PA e 60 (41,9% não estavam controlados durante o período de vigília. CONCLUSÃO: Verificamos, no presente estudo, que não há um controle adequado da HAS, com consequente perda de oportunidade dos profissionais envolvidos na APS de ajuste adequado das metas de PA preconizados. Esse fato ocorre a despeito de apropriada adesão ao tratamento anti-hipertensivo dos pacientes vinculados ao ambulatório de APS.

  3. Microstructural analysis nanoferritas Mn_0_,_5Zn_0_,_5Fe_2O_4 e Mn_0_,_6_5Zn_0_,_3_5Fe_2O_4 synthesized by combustion reaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Diniz, V.C.S.; Figueiredo, A.R.; Costa Junior, A.D.S.; Diniz, H.M.; Vieira, D.A.; Costa, A.C.F.M.


    The MnZn ferrites are ferrimagnetic materials that have been studied and used in various technological fields. In this work investigated the microstructural characteristics of ferrites and Mn_0_,_5Zn_0_,_5Fe_2O_4 Mn_0_,_6_5Zn_0_,_3_5Fe_2O_4 synthesized by combustion reaction in 200g scale production. The samples were characterized by XRD, crystallinity, crystallite size, X-ray fluorescence and scanning electron microscopy. Given the results it was observed that for both samples the synthesis combustion reaction was efficient for the production of single-phase ferrites with high crystallinity. With respect to the analysis of X-ray fluorescence was noted that the experimental values composition were consistent with the theoretical values calculated for both samples. Regarding morphology for both samples, the formation of the porous powders with feature consisting of dense clumps in the form of irregular foam was observed. (author)

  4. How Industry 4.0 Changes Business : A Commercial Perspective

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    Ayşe Göksu Özüdoğru


    Full Text Available Industry is the part of an economy that manufacture components and goods which are highly automatized. This paper presents a general understanding about the Fourth Industry Revolution- Industry 4.0 approach from a commercial point of view. Firstly, the history of Industrial Revolution is explained and the roadmap to Industry 4.0 is shown. Industry components and the main understanding of Industry 4.0 is explained through the previous studies. Secondly, the most common usage, implementation areas and the challenging points are demonstrated. Commercial and industrial application examples of Industry 4.0 in different sectors and the possible implementation areas are defined based on countries and sectors. Finally, the commercial impacts of this new business model is given from the industrial and human perspectives.

  5. Tachyon condensation in the D0/D4 system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    David, Justin R.


    The D0/D4 system with a Neveu-Schwarz B-field in the spatial directions of the D4-brane has a tachyon in the spectrum of the (0,4) strings. The tachyon signals the instability of the system to form a bound state of the D0-brane with the D4-brane. We use the Wess-Zumino-Witten like open superstring field theory formulated by Berkovits to study the tachyon potential for this system. The tachyon potential lies outside the universality class of the D-brane anti-D-brane system. It is a function of the B-field. We calculate the tachyon potential at the zeroth level approximation. The minimum of the tachyon potential in this case is expected to reproduce the mass defect involved in the formation of the D0/D4 bound state. We compare the minimum of the tachyon potential with the mass defect in three cases. For small values of the B-field we obtain 70% of the expected mass defect. For large values of the B-field with Pf(2πα' B) > 0 the potential reduces to that of the D-brane anti-D-brane reproducing 62% of the expected mass defect. For large values of the B-field with Pf(2πα' B) < 0 the minimum of the tachyon potential gives 25% of the expected mass defect. At the tachyon condensate we show that the (0,4) strings decouple from the low energy dynamics. (author)

  6. Epitaxial growth of matched metallic ErP0.6As0.4 layers on GaAs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guivarc'h, A.; Le Corre, A.; Gaulet, J.; Guenais, B.; Minier, M.; Ropars, G.; Badoz, P.A.; Duboz, J.Y.


    Successful growth of (001)ErP 0.6 As 0.4 single crystal film on (001) GaAs has been demonstrated. The epitaxial metallic layers reproducibly showed lattice mismatch below 5 10 -4 . This is, to the authors' knowledge, the first report of a stable, epitaxial and lattice-matched metal/compound semiconductor heterostructure. The ErP 0.6 As 0.4 /n-GaAs diodes yielded excellent I-V characteristics with an ideality factor of 1.1 and barrier height of 0.88 eV. For a 240 Angstrom- thick film, metallic behavior was observed with resistivities of 25 and 86 μΩcm at 1.5 K and room temperature, respectively. As the other Er compounds ErP, ErAs, ErSb and ErSi 2 , ErP 0.6 As 0.4 presents an abrupt drop in resistivity in the vicinity of the liquid helium temperature, due to a paramagnetic to antiferromagnetic phase transition

  7. Tuning crystal field symmetry of hexagonal NaY0.92Yb0.05Er0.03F4 by Ti4+ codoping for high-performance upconversion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu, Han; Huang, Qingming; Ma, En; Zhang, Xinqi; Yu, Jianchang


    Highlights: • Upconversion emission of Er 3+ was obviously enhanced by Ti 4+ codoped in NaYF 4 . • The upconversion luminescence lifetime was also obviously prolonged. • Na + could be induced to occupy Y 3+ sites if Ti 4+ was codoped with appropriate concentration. • The crystal field asymmetry was enhanced for better upconversion performance. • Crystal growth was prevented and small-sized NaYF 4 were obtained. - Abstract: 378 nm, 408 nm and 521 nm upconversion emissions of Er 3+ ions were obviously enhanced by Ti 4+ codoped with Yb 3+ /Er 3+ in hexagonal NaYF 4 , and the corresponding upconversion luminescence lifetimes were also prolonged, especially for 378 nm and 408 nm emissions. X-ray powder diffraction, field emission scanning electron microscope, transmission electron microscope, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and upconversion emission spectra were employed to explore the relationships of the structure and properties. From these characterizations we made a novel discovery that Na + could be induced to occupy Y 3+ sites for establishing valence balance of the system if Ti 4+ ions were codoped with appropriate concentration. As a result the crystal field asymmetry of NaY 0.92 Yb 0.05 Er 0.03 F 4 was enhanced and then its upconversion properties were improved because the hypersensitive electron transition of Yb 3+ /Er 3+ ions was promoted greatly. At the same time, the crystal sizes of the codoped NaYF 4 became smaller because the crystal growth was prevented by more negative charges gathering at the crystal surface. This study provides an exploration of the relationship among impurity doping, structural changes and upconversion performance, which may be useful for design and synthesis of high-performance upconversion codoping materials

  8. Shape-Control of a 0D/1D NaFe0.9Mn0.1PO4 Nano-Complex by Electrospinning (United States)

    Shin, Mi-Ra; Son, Jong-Tae


    NaFePO4 with a maricite structure was one of the most promising candidates for sodium ion batteries (SIBs) due to its advantages of environmental friendly and having low cost. However, it has low electrochemical conductivity and energy density, which impose limitations on its application as commercial cathode materials. In this study, other transition-metal ions such as Mn2+ were substituted into the iron (Fe2+) site in NaFePO4 to increase the surface area and the number of nanofibers in the prepared one-dimensional (1D) nano-sized material with 0D/1D dimensions to enhance the energy density. Also, the 0D/1D NaFe0.9Mn0.1PO4 cathode material has increased electrochemical conductivity because the fiber size was reduced to the nano-scale level by using the electrospinning method in order to decrease the diffusion path of Na-ions. The morphology of the 0D/1D nanofiber was evaluated by Field-emission scanning electron microscope and atomic force microscope analyses. The NaFe0.9Mn0.1PO4 nanofibers had a diameter of approximately 180 nm, while the spherical particle had a diameter 1 μm. The 0D/1D nano-sized cathode material show a discharge capacity of 27 mAhg -1 at a 0.05 C rate within the 2.0 4.5 V voltage range and a low R ct of 110 Ω.

  9. Symmetry breaking and electrical conductivity of La0.7Sr0.3Cr0.4Mn0.6O3-δ perovskite as SOFC anode material

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reyes-Rojas, A.; Alvarado-Flores, J.; Esparza-Ponce, H.; Esneider-Alcala, M.; Espitia-Cabrera, I.; Torres-Moye, E.


    Research highlights: → Perovskite-type La 0.7 Sr 0.3 Cr 0.4 Mn 0.6 O 3-δ -NiO nucleation kinetics. Symmetry-breaking by introducing Ni 2+ cations at 1050 deg. C. Phase transition from high temperature aristotype R3-bar c to hettotype I4/mmm. At low Ni concentration ρ resistivity decreases when increasing the temperature. For Ni concentration higher than 25% ρ resistivity increases. - Abstract: This work is focused on nanocrystalline solid oxide fuel cell synthesis and characterization (SOFC) anodes of La 0.7 Sr 0.3 Cr 0.4 Mn 0.6 O 3-δ (perovskite-type) with Nickel. Perovskite-type oxide chemical reactivity, nucleation kinetics and phase composition related with La 0.7 Sr 0.3 Cr 0.4 Mn 0.6 O 3-δ -NiO to La 0.7 Sr 0.3 Cr 0.4 Mn 0.6 O 3-δ -Ni transformation have been analyzed. SOFC anode powders were obtained by sol-gel synthesis, using polyvinyl alcohol as an organic precursor to get a porous cermet electrode after sintering at 1365 deg. C and oxide reduction by hydrogen at 800 deg. C/1050 deg. C for 8 h in a horizontal tubular reactor furnace under 10% H 2 /N 2 atmosphere. Composite powders were compressed into 10-mm diameter discs with 25-75 wt% Ni. Electrical and structural characterization by four-point probe method for conductivity, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Rietveld method were carried out. Symmetry-breaking by phase transition from high temperature aristotype R3-bar c to hettotype I4/mmm has been identified and confirmed by XRD and Rietveld method which can be produced by introducing Ni 2+ cations in the perovskite solid solution. Rietveld analysis suggests that Ni contents are directly proportional to La 0.7 Sr 0.3 Cr 0.4 Mn 0.6 NiO 3.95 tetragonal structure cell volume and inversely proportional to Ni cubic structure cell volume after reduction at 1050 deg. C. Kinetic analysis indicated that the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami equation is able to provide a good fit to phase

  10. Electronic, Structural, and Electrochemical Properties of LiNixCuyMn2-x-yO4 (0 < x < 0.5, 0 < y < 0.5) High-Voltage Spinel Materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Ming-Che; Xu, Bo; Cheng, Ju-Hsiang; Pan, Chun-Jern; Hwang, Bing-Joe; Meng, Ying S.


    First principles computation is carried out for investigating the electronic, structural, and electrochemical properties of LiM 1/2 Mn 3/2 O 4 (M = Ti, V, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu). The computation results suggest that doping with Co or Cu can potentially lower Li diffusion barrier as compared to Ni doping. Our experimental research has focused on LiNi x Cu y Mn 2-x-y O 4 (0 x Cu y Mn 2-x-6 O 4 (0 0.25 Cu 0.25 Mn 1.50 O 4 , the proposed explanation of the voltage profile by the first principles computation was proven, a second plateau at 4.2 V originates from the oxidation of Cu 2+ to Cu 3+ , and the plateau at 4.95 V may originate from extra electrons provided by oxygen ions. Although the reversible discharge capacity decreases with increasing Cu amount, optimized composition such as LiCu 0.25 Ni 0.25 Mn 1.5 O 4 exhibits high capacities at high rates.

  11. Microstructure, AC impedance and DC electrical conductivity characteristics of NiFe2-xGdxO4 (x = 0, 0.05 and 0.075

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K. Kamala Bharathi


    Full Text Available The structure and electrical characteristics of Gd doped Ni ferrite materials, namely NiFe1.95Gd0.05O4 and NiFe1.925Gd0.075O4, are reported to demonstrate their improved electrical properties compared to that of pure NiFe2O4. NiFe1.95Gd0.05O4 and NiFe1.925Gd0.075O4 compounds crystallize in the cubic inverse spinel phase with a very small amount of GdFeO3 additional phase while pure NiFe2O4 crystallize in inverse spinel phase without any impurity phase. The back scattered electron imaging analysis indicate the primary and secondary formation in NiFe1.95Gd0.05O4 and NiFe1.925Gd0.075O4 compounds. Atomic force microscopy measurements indicate that the bulk grains are ∼2-5 micron size while the grain boundaries are thin compared to bulk grains. Impedance spectroscopic analysis at different temperature indicates the different relaxation mechanisms and their variation with temperature, bulk grain and grain-boundary contributions to the electrical conductivity (Rg and capacitance (Cg of these materials. The conductivity in pure NiFeO4 is found to be predominantly due to intrinsic bulk contribution (Rg=213 kΩ and Cg=4.5 x 10-8 F. In the case of NiFe1.95Gd0.05O4 and NiFe1.925Gd0.075O4 compounds, grain and grain-boundary contributions to the conductivity are clearly observed. The DC conductivity values (at 300 K of NiFe2O4, NiFe1.95Gd0.05O4 and NiFe1.925Gd0.075O4 compounds are found to be 1.06 x 10-7 Ω-1 cm-1, 5.73 x 10-8 Ω-1 cm-1 and 1.28 x 10-8 Ω-1 cm-1 respectively.

  12. Charge disproportionation in (X0.6Sr0.4)0.99Fe0.8Co0.2O3-δ perovskites (X = La, Pr, Sm, Gd)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Thomas; Saadi, Souheil; Nielsen, K.H.


    The change in crystal structure and the oxidation state in iron of iron-cobalt-based perovskites with different A-site cations is investigated by the use of powder XRD and Mossbauer spectroscopy. The perovskites investigated are (X0.6Sr0.4)(0.99)Fe0.8Co0.2O3-delta, where X is La, Pr, Sm or Gd...

  13. Search for the CP-Violating Decays Υ(4S)→B00→J/ψKS0+J/ψ(ηc)KS0 (United States)

    Tajima, O.; Hazumi, M.; Adachi, I.; Aihara, H.; Aulchenko, V.; Aushev, T.; Bakich, A. M.; Barberio, E.; Bay, A.; Bedny, I.; Bhardwaj, V.; Bitenc, U.; Bozek, A.; Bračko, M.; Browder, T. E.; Chang, M.-C.; Chang, P.; Chen, A.; Chen, K.-F.; Chen, W. T.; Cheon, B. G.; Chiang, C.-C.; Chistov, R.; Cho, I.-S.; Choi, Y.; Choi, Y. K.; Dalseno, J.; Danilov, M.; Dash, M.; Drutskoy, A.; Eidelman, S.; Epifanov, D.; Go, A.; Gokhroo, G.; Golob, B.; Haba, J.; Hayasaka, K.; Hayashii, H.; Heffernan, D.; Hokuue, T.; Hoshi, Y.; Hou, W.-S.; Hsiung, Y. B.; Hyun, H. J.; Iijima, T.; Ikado, K.; Inami, K.; Ishikawa, A.; Ishino, H.; Itoh, R.; Iwasaki, M.; Iwasaki, Y.; Joshi, N. J.; Kah, D. H.; Kaji, H.; Kang, J. H.; Kataoka, S. U.; Kawai, H.; Kawasaki, T.; Kichimi, H.; Kim, H. J.; Kim, H. O.; Kim, S. K.; Kim, Y. J.; Kinoshita, K.; Korpar, S.; Križan, P.; Krokovny, P.; Kumar, R.; Kuo, C. C.; Kwon, Y.-J.; Lange, J. S.; Lee, J. S.; Lee, M. J.; Lee, S. E.; Lesiak, T.; Li, J.; Lin, S.-W.; Liventsev, D.; Mandl, F.; Marlow, D.; McOnie, S.; Medvedeva, T.; Mitaroff, W.; Miyabayashi, K.; Miyake, H.; Miyata, H.; Mizuk, R.; Mohapatra, D.; Nagasaka, Y.; Nakano, E.; Nakao, M.; Nishida, S.; Nitoh, O.; Noguchi, S.; Nozaki, T.; Ogawa, S.; Ohshima, T.; Okuno, S.; Ozaki, H.; Pakhlov, P.; Pakhlova, G.; Park, C. W.; Park, H.; Pestotnik, R.; Piilonen, L. E.; Sahoo, H.; Sakai, Y.; Schneider, O.; Sekiya, A.; Senyo, K.; Sevior, M. E.; Shapkin, M.; Shen, C. P.; Shibuya, H.; Shiu, J.-G.; Shwartz, B.; Singh, J. B.; Sokolov, A.; Somov, A.; Stanič, S.; Starič, M.; Sumisawa, K.; Sumiyoshi, T.; Takasaki, F.; Tanaka, M.; Taylor, G. N.; Teramoto, Y.; Trabelsi, K.; Uehara, S.; Ueno, K.; Uglov, T.; Unno, Y.; Uno, S.; Urquijo, P.; Usov, Y.; Varner, G.; Varvell, K. E.; Vervink, K.; Villa, S.; Vinokurova, A.; Wang, C. C.; Wang, C. H.; Wang, M.-Z.; Wang, P.; Watanabe, Y.; Wedd, R.; Won, E.; Yabsley, B. D.; Yamaguchi, A.; Yamashita, Y.; Yamauchi, M.; Yuan, C. Z.; Yusa, Y.; Zhang, C. C.; Zhang, Z. P.; Zhilich, V.; Zhulanov, V.; Zupanc, A.


    We report the first search for CP-violating decays of the Υ(4S) using a data sample that contains 535×106 Υ(4S) mesons with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy e+e- collider. A partial reconstruction technique is employed to enhance the signal sensitivity. No significant signals were observed. We obtain an upper limit of 4×10-7 at the 90% confidence level for the branching fractions of the CP violating modes, Υ(4S)→B00→J/ψKS0+J/ψ(ηc)KS0. Extrapolating the result, we find that an observation with 5σ significance is expected with a 30ab-1 data sample, which is within the reach of a future super B factory.

  14. Jobs and Skills in Industry 4.0: An Exploratory Research


    Pinzone , Marta; Fantini , Paola; Perini , Stefano; Garavaglia , Stefano; Taisch , Marco; Miragliotta , Giovanni


    Part 5: Sustainable Human Integration in Cyber-Physical Systems: The Operator 4.0; International audience; Industry 4.0 is at the center of the current debate among manufacturing leaders, industrial practitioners, policy makers and researchers. Despite the increasing attention paid to changes in jobs and skills generated by Industry 4.0, research in this domain is still scarce. Our study focuses on the evolution of technical skills in the context of Industry 4.0 and it provides qualitative in...

  15. Interplay between charge and antiferromagnetic ordering in Bi0.6-xPrxCa0.4MnO3 (0≤x≤0.6) perovskite manganite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yadav, Kamlesh; Singh, H.K.; Varma, G.D.


    Structure, magnetic and transport properties of polycrystalline Bi 0.6-x Pr x Ca 0.4 MnO 3 (x=0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6) have been studied. Systematic substitution of Pr at Bi site induces an interesting interplay between the charge ordering and antiferromagnetism. The charge ordering temperature (T CO ) decreases with increasing x. The antiferromagnetic (AFM) ordering temperature (T N ) increases sharply at both the extremes but remains nearly constant from x=0.2 to 0.4. At temperatures lower than T N a transition to the glassy state is observed. The nature of this glass like state appears to be controlled by the Pr content, and at lower values of x this is akin to a spin glass, while at higher x it has a characteristic of cluster glass. The Pr doping also leads to enhancement in the magnetic moment. In the present work it has been proposed that the local lattice distortion induced due to size mismatch between the A-site cations and 6s 2 character of Bi 3+ lone pair electron is responsible for the observed magnetic and electrical properties.

  16. (4,0) supersymmetric sigma-model and t-duality

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lhallabi, T.


    The conserved supercurrents J ++ and J -- are deduced for the (4,0) supersymmetric sigma model on harmonic superspace with arbitrary background gauge connection. These are introduced in the Lagrangian density of the model by their couplings to the analytic gauge superfields Γ -- and Γ ++ . The T-duality transformations are obtained by integrating out the analytic gauge superfields. Finally the (4,0) supersymmetric anomaly is derived. (author). 20 refs

  17. Can one observe by μ SR the transition from uncorrelated to correlated spin fluctuations? Example: Nd1.4Ce0.2Sr0.4CuO4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pinkpank, M.; Amato, A.; Gygax, F.N.; Schenck, A.; Henggeler, W.; Fischer, P.


    μSR-measurements in ZF and LF on Nd 1.4 Ce 0.2 Sr 0.4 CuO 4-δ show a sharp increase of the depolarisation rate (λ) below ∼ 2K. This increase can be explained by the transition from uncorrelated to correlated spin fluctuations, which is in agreement with results obtained by neutron scattering

  18. Photodetachment cross sections for He-(4P0)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Compton, R.N.; Alton, G.D.; Pegg, D.J.


    The first measurements are reported of photodetachment cross sections for He - (formed through charge exchange of He + with Ca vapor) over the photon energy range from 1.77 to 2.75 eV. The energies of autodetached electrons from the metastable He - beam have also been determined for the first time. The autodetached electron energy agrees within experimental error (+-0.25 eV) with the known 1s2s2p) 4 P 0 He - energy level. This taken with measurements for the lifetime of He - infers that charge exchange of He + with Ca vapor produces 4 P 0 He -

  19. Synthesis, structural and electrical characterizations of LaSrCu0.4Al0.6O4−δ

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    B. Negri


    Full Text Available Abstract A new compound LaSrCu0.4Al0.6O4−δ has been prepared by sol gel method, annealed at 1623 K in oxygen gas flow and examined by X-ray diffraction. Rietveld refinement shows that the sample adopts the K2NiF4-type structure, space group I4/mmm (a = 3.7694(2 and c = 12.8248(5 Ǻ, Z = 2. Vibrational properties were investigated using Raman scattering and the most characteristic vibrations are discussed with reference to the available structural data. Differential thermal analysis shows two endothermic effects at 329 and 593 K and one exothermic at 693 K. Dielectric study as a function of temperature in the frequency range of 1 kHz–1 MHz has confirmed the observed phase transitions. The value of the measured dielectric constant depends on the frequency and undergoes a large increase near the phase transition temperatures indicating a diffuse behavior of these transitions. Variation of conductivity as a function of temperature shows that the compound has a semiconducting behavior. Oxygen vacancies could be the possible ionic charge carriers. The electrical transport mechanism agrees with Adiabatic Small Polaron Hopping model.

  20. Mild hydrothermal synthesis, crystal structure, thermal behaviour, spectroscopic and magnetic properties of (NH4)0.80Li0.20[Fe(AsO4)F

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berrocal, Teresa; Mesa, Jose L.; Larrea, Edurne S.; Bazan, Begona; Pizarro, Jose L.; Lezama, Luis; Rojo, Teofilo; Arriortua, Maria I.


    The (NH 4 ) 0.80 Li 0.20 [Fe(AsO 4 )F] compound has been synthesized under mild hydrothermal conditions. The compound crystallize in the orthorhombic Pna2 1 space group, with cell parameters a=13.352(9), b=6.7049(9), c=10.943(2) A and Z=8. The compound belongs to the KTiO(PO 4 ) structure type, with chains alternating FeO 4 F 2 octahedra and AsO 4 tetrahedra, respectively, running along the 'a' and 'b' crystallographic axes. The diffuse reflectance spectrum in the visible region shows the forbidden electronic transitions characteristic of the Fe(III) d 5 -high spin cation in slightly distorted octahedral geometry. The Moessbauer spectrum at room temperature is characteristic of iron (III) cations. The ESR spectra, carried out from room temperature to 200 K, remain isotropic with variation in temperature; the g-value being 1.99(1). Magnetic measurements indicate the predominance of strong antiferromagnetic interactions. - Graphical Abstract: Three-dimensional structure of (NH 4 ) 0.80 Li 0.20 [Fe(AsO 4 )F], a fluoroarsenate containing lithium and ammonium in the structural cavities. Highlights: → (NH 4 ) 0.80 Li 0.20 [Fe(AsO 4 )F] has been synthesized by mild hydrothermal technique. → The compound exhibits a three-dimensional structure. → Moessbauer spectrum indicates the existence of Fe(III) cations. → Visible spectroscopy confirms the hexacoordination of Fe(III). → Magnetic measurements indicate the existence of a global antiferromagnetic ordering.

  1. Effect of Cu-doping on structural and electrical properties of Ni0.4-xCu0.3+xMg0.3Fe2O4 ferrites prepared using sol-gel method (United States)

    Dhaou, Mohamed Houcine


    Ni0.4-xCu0.3+xMg0.3Fe2O4 spinel ferrites were prepared by sol-gel technique. X-ray diffraction results indicate that ferrite samples have a cubic spinel-type structure with ? space group. The electrical properties of the studied samples using complex impedance spectroscopy technique have been investigated as a function of frequency at different temperatures. We found that the addition of copper in Ni0.4-xCu0.3+xMg0.3Fe2O4 ferrite system can improve its conductivity. Dielectric properties have been discussed in terms of hopping of charge carriers between Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions. For all samples, frequency dependence of the imaginary part of impedance (Z") shows the existence of relaxation phenomenon. The appropriate equivalent circuit configuration for modeling the Nyquist plots of impedance is of the type of (Rg + Rgb//Cgb).

  2. La0.3Sr0.2Mn0.1Zn0.4 oxide-Sm0.2Ce0.8O1.9 (LSMZ-SDC) nanocomposite cathode for low temperature SOFCs. (United States)

    Raza, Rizwan; Abbas, Ghazanfar; Liu, Qinghua; Patel, Imran; Zhu, Bin


    Nanocomposite based cathode materials compatible for low temperature solid oxide fuel cells (LTSOFCs) are being developed. In pursuit of compatible cathode, this research aims to synthesis and investigation nanocomposite La0.3Sr0.2Mn0.1Zn0.4 oxide-Sm0.2Ce0.8O1.9 (LSMZ-SDC) based system. The material was synthesized through wet chemical method and investigated for oxide-ceria composite based electrolyte LTSOFCs. Electrical property was studied by AC electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The microstructure, thermal properties, and elemental analysis of the samples were characterized by TGA/DSC, XRD, SEM, respectively. The AC conductivity of cathode was obtained for 2.4 Scm(-1) at 550 degrees C in air. This cathode is compatible with ceria-based composite electrolytes and has improved the stability of the material in SOFC cathode environment.

  3. High magnetic ordering temperature in the perovskites Sr{sub 4-x}La{sub x}Fe{sub 3}ReO{sub 12} (x=0.0, 1.0, 2.0)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Retuerto, M.; Li, M.-R.; Go, Y.B. [Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 610 Taylor Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854 (United States); Ignatov, A.; Croft, M. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 136 Frelinghuysen Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854 (United States); Ramanujachary, K.V. [Department of Chemistry and Physics, Rowan University, 210 Mullica Hill Road, Glassboro, NJ 08028 (United States); Herber, R.H.; Nowik, I. [Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 91904 Israel (Israel); Hodges, J.P. [Spallation Neutron Source, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831 (United States); Dachraoui, W.; Hadermann, J. [EMAT, University of Antwerp, Groenenborgerlaan 171, 2020 Antwerp (Belgium); Greenblatt, M., E-mail: [Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 610 Taylor Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854 (United States)


    A series of perovskites Sr{sub 4-x}La{sub x}Fe{sub 3}ReO{sub 12} (x=0.0, 1.0, 2.0) has been prepared by wet chemistry methods. The structure analyses by powder X-ray and neutron diffraction and electron microscopy show that these compounds adopt simple perovskite structures without cation ordering over the B sites: tetragonal (I4/mcm) for x=0.0 and 1.0 and orthorhombic (Pbmn) for x=2.0. The oxidation states of the cations in the compound with x=0.0 appear to be Fe{sup 3+/4+} and Re{sup 7+} and decrease for both with La substitution as evidenced by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. All the compounds are antiferromagnetically ordered above room temperature, as demonstrated by Moessbauer spectroscopy and the magnetic structures, which were determined by powder neutron diffraction. The substitution of Sr by La strongly affects the magnetic properties with an increase of T{sub N} up to {approx}750 K. - Graphical abstract: High resolution transmission electron microscopy image of Sr{sub 4-x}La{sub x}Fe{sub 3}ReO{sub 12} (x=2.0), showing twin domains. Fourier transforms are given of the areas indicated by the circles. Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Sr{sub 4-x}La{sub x}Fe{sub 3}ReO{sub 12} (x=0.0, 1.0, 2.0) perovskites prepared by wet chemistry. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer PXD, PND, ED, indicate no cation ordering, I4/mcm) for x=0.0, 1.0, Pbmn for x=2. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer XAS show oxidation states Fe{sup 3+/4+} and Re{sup 7+}; both decrease with increasing x. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer All order antiferromagnetically above RT, with highest T{sub N} {approx}750 K.

  4. Insuficiencia venosa crónica en trabajadores sin factores de riesgo que permanecen horas prolongadas en bipedestación

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paula Astudillo

    Full Text Available La insuficiencia venosa crónica (IVC es una patología prevalente en la sociedad actual. Los problemas derivados de ella, son una causa importante de gasto económico y absentismo laboral. Las condiciones laborales actuales, como jornadas de larga duración, con largas horas en bipedestación, inadecuada carga de pesos y malas condiciones de humedad y temperatura, contribuyen al desarrollo de esta patología. En este trabajo se ha realizado una revisión sistemática de la bibliografía existente en relación a la insuficiencia venosa crónica y el tiempo en bipedestación de las jornadas laborales. Para determinar el nivel de evidencia de los estudios evaluados, se han seguido los criterios del Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN. En particular, se ha concluido que existe una asociación significativamente positiva entre el tiempo prolongado en bipedestación y el riesgo de padecer insuficiencia venosa crónica. Sin embargo, la literatura actual no permite establecer un umbral que determine el número de horas considerado como bipedestación prolongada. Para poder valorar si la insuficiencia venosa crónica debería considerarse una enfermedad profesional, es necesario diseñar y llevar a cabo nuevos estudios de investigación en esta dirección. Estos estudios son necesarios para poder establecer evidencias de cara a concienciar a la sociedad y generar campañas de prevención y promoción de la salud que disminuyan los costes económicos y mejoren la calidad de vida de la población.

  5. A-Site Deficient (Pr0.6Sr0.4)(1-s)Fe0.8Co0.2O3-delta Perovskites as Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Cathodes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kammer Hansen, Kent


    Five A-site deficient (Pr0.6Sr0.4)1−sFe0.8Co0.2O3− perovskites (s=0.01, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, and 0.20) were synthesized using the glycine-nitrate process. The perovskites were characterized with powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), dilatometry, four-point dc conductivity measurements, and electrochemical...... resistance more than 3 times lower than the weakly A-site deficient (Pr0.6Sr0.4)0.99Fe0.8Co0.2O3− perovskite. ©2009 The Electrochemical Society...

  6. Efficient photocatalytic reductive dechlorination of 4-chlorophenol to phenol on {0 0 1}/{1 0 1} facets co-exposed TiO_2 nanocrystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiang, Guodong; Wei, Meng; Yuan, Songdong; Chang, Qing


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • 4-Chlorophenol is dechlorinated over {0 0 1}/{1 0 1} co-exposed TiO_2 nanocrystals. • Photo-electrons are accumulated on {1 0 1} facets due to surface heterojunction. • Fluorine will trap photoelectrons to depress the dechlorination performance. • Sufficient isopropanol promotes the dechlorination activity and selectivity. - Abstract: 4-chlorophenol could be efficiently photoreductively dechlorinated over anatase TiO_2 nanocrystals with co-exposed {0 0 1} and {1 0 1} facets, which were synthesized and further characterized by scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Although fluorine could adsorb on {0 0 1} facets to decrease their surface energy, enabling TiO_2 to expose high energy {0 0 1} facets, the surface bonded fluorine might depress the photoreductive dechlorination efficiency of 4-chlorophenol, attributed to the electron trapping role of surface ≡Ti−F groups. Due to the formation of a surface heterojunction between {1 0 1} and {0 0 1} facets in a single TiO_2 nanocrystal, electrons and holes were spontaneously self-separated and selectively migrate to {1 0 1} and {0 0 1} facets, respectively. Electron trapping experiments demonstrated that photogenerated electrons are the responsible for the reductive dechlorinaton of 4-chlorophenol to phenol. To avoid the oxidative degradation of 4-chlorophenol by holes and ensure sufficient electrons to reductively dechlorinate the substrate, moderate scavengers were required in the reaction system and dissolved oxygen, which might deplete electron on TiO_2, also should be removed. With the optimal scavengers, the conversion efficiency of 4-chlorophenol (4-CP) achieved 97.5% and the selectivity for phenol was 92.5%, which were much higher than that of commercial TiO_2 P25.

  7. The influence of fluorine on the structures and properties of Pr sub 2 sub - sub x Sr sub x CuO sub 4 sub - sub y (x = 0.0, 0.4, 1.0)

    CERN Document Server

    Yang Jin Ling; Tang Wei Hua; Rao Guang Hui; Liang Jing Kui; Jin Duo


    Introducing F into the lattices of the copper oxides Pr sub 2 CuO sub 4 , Pr sub 1 sub . sub 6 Sr sub 0 sub . sub 4 CuO sub 4 and PrSrCuO sub 4 sub - sub y is accomplished via a low-temperature fluorination reaction using CuF sub 2 as the fluorinating reagent. The oxyfluorides retain the structures of their precursors, but striking lattice expansions are observed. No trace of SrF sub 2 was detected in the fluorinated products. F doping was successfully used to induce superconductivity in the oxyfluoride PrSrCu(O, F) sub 4 sub - subdelta (T sub c = 15 K) with a reduced CuO sub 2 plane and in the presence of apical anions, but failed to optimize the carrier density and induce superconductivity in Pr sub 2 CuO sub 4 sub - sub x F sub x and Pr sub 1 sub . sub 6 Sr sub 0 sub . sub 4 CuO sub 4 sub - sub x F sub x. (author)

  8. Hora do jogo: os professores estão prontos?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eliana Maria Magnani


      Hora del juego: ¿los profesores están preparados? RESUMEN Las ideas discutidas en este texto están relacionadas con las actividades de enseñanza, investigación y extensión desarrolladas desde 2012 a través de la Universidad Estadual de Oeste de Paraná – UNIOESTE. El artículo señala la importancia de la clasificación y catalogación de juegos educativos, explicitando qué es un importante conocimiento propuesto a los Centros Municipales de Educación Infantil (CMEIs, localizados en una ciudad del Suroeste de Paraná, CMEIs que, en función de una ley local, empezaron la (re implementación de ludotecas en 2007. La metodología se efectuó en fases, dos de dichas fases fueron significativas para la revisión de la implementación, a saber: diagnóstico de cómo se organizaban los materiales existentes en las ludotecas, curso sobre la importancia de la clasificación y catalogación de diferentes tipos de juegos. Para ello, toda revisión se apoyó en las ideas de Jean Piaget (2010/1946, 1994/1932, quien elaboró una teoría sobre el juego. Dichos conocimientos sirvieron para la comprensión de que los maestros no están preparados para este tipo de actividad didáctico-pedagógica, pues dicha educación es un proceso que demanda toma de conciencia de propia praxis, la cual requiere el (re aprendizaje a respecto de los objetivos de diferentes tipos de juegos y del desarrollo infantil, siendo que ello necesita ocurrir en la formación inicial y en la formación continua de profesores. Por consiguiente, es necesaria la involucración de los (futuros profesores en actividades lúdicas de enseñanza, investigación y extensión realizadas en universidades. Palabras clave: Clasificación de Juegos. Educación Infantil. Formación docente.

  9. Three stage maturity model in SME’s toward industry 4.0

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ganzarain, J.; Errasti, N.


    To address the challenges regarding the concept of Industry 4.0 and the diversification methodology and based on the strategic guidance towards Industry 4.0, we propose a process model as a guiding framework for Industry 4.0 collaborative diversification vision, strategy and action building. In this paper we suggest a stage process model to guide and train companies to identify new opportunities for diversification within Industry 4.0. Systematically carrying out the stages will take a company to their individual specific vision and collaborative vision between different companies in the Industry 4.0 scenario. Design/methodology/approach: This new collaborative diversification methodology involves industry within the pilot program; from the diversification and capacity assessment analysis of the companys profile, skills and technologies that dominates, to identify the diversification opportunity map and its business modeling within the Industry 4.0 paradigm. Findings: The application of maturity models to the Industry 4.0 may help organizations to integrate this methodology into their culture. Results show a real need for guided support in developing a company-specific Industry 4.0 vision and specific project planning. Originality/value: Industry 4.0 promotes a vision where recent developments in information technology are expected to enable entirely new forms of cooperative engineering and manufacturing. The vision of industry 4.0 describes a whole new approach to business operations, and especially the production industries. To address the challenges regarding the concept of Industry 4.0 and the diversification methodology discussed above, and based on the strategic guidance towards Industry 4.0, we propose a unique process model as a guiding framework for Industry 4.0 collaborative diversification vision, strategy and action building.

  10. Three stage maturity model in SME’s toward industry 4.0

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ganzarain, J.; Errasti, N.


    To address the challenges regarding the concept of Industry 4.0 and the diversification methodology and based on the strategic guidance towards Industry 4.0, we propose a process model as a guiding framework for Industry 4.0 collaborative diversification vision, strategy and action building. In this paper we suggest a stage process model to guide and train companies to identify new opportunities for diversification within Industry 4.0. Systematically carrying out the stages will take a company to their individual specific vision and collaborative vision between different companies in the Industry 4.0 scenario. Design/methodology/approach: This new collaborative diversification methodology involves industry within the pilot program; from the diversification and capacity assessment analysis of the companys profile, skills and technologies that dominates, to identify the diversification opportunity map and its business modeling within the Industry 4.0 paradigm. Findings: The application of maturity models to the Industry 4.0 may help organizations to integrate this methodology into their culture. Results show a real need for guided support in developing a company-specific Industry 4.0 vision and specific project planning. Originality/value: Industry 4.0 promotes a vision where recent developments in information technology are expected to enable entirely new forms of cooperative engineering and manufacturing. The vision of industry 4.0 describes a whole new approach to business operations, and especially the production industries. To address the challenges regarding the concept of Industry 4.0 and the diversification methodology discussed above, and based on the strategic guidance towards Industry 4.0, we propose a unique process model as a guiding framework for Industry 4.0 collaborative diversification vision, strategy and action building.

  11. Structure and magnetic properties of (Nd1-xErx)3Fe25Cr4.0 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.8) compounds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luo Hongzhi; Jia Lin; Li Yangxian; Meng Fanbin; Shen Jiang; Chen Nanxian; Wu Guangheng; Yang Fuming


    The structure and magnetic properties of (Nd 1-x Er x ) 3 Fe 25 Cr 4.0 compounds with x = 0-0.8 have been investigated using x-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and magnetic measurements. It has been found that all the compounds crystallize in a Nd 3 (Fe,Ti) 29 -type structure. Substitution of Er for Nd leads to a contraction of the unit-cell volume. The Curie temperature, T c , and the saturation magnetization, M s , of (Nd 1-x Er x ) 3 Fe 25 Cr 4.0 decrease monotonically with increasing Er content. The easy magnetization direction (EMD) of Nd 3 Fe 25 Cr 4.0 at room temperature is close to the [040] direction but may be a little out of the basal plane. With increasing Er content, the EMD changes closer to the [40-2] direction and the tilt angle increases. Both the XRD patterns and ac susceptibility indicate the appearance of a spin reorientation for x = 0-0.4 as the temperature decreases from room temperature to 77 K. The spin reorientation temperature, T sr , increases monotonically with increasing Er content from 158 K for x = 0 to 198 K for x = 0.4. A first order magnetization process (FOMP) occurs for all the compounds, and the critical field of the FOMP decreases with increasing Er content from 6.6 T for x = 0 to 2.0 T for x = 0.7

  12. Two ways of constructing the reader`s subject position: a discursive analysis of the newspaper language of the newspapers Diário Catarinense and Hora de Santa Catarina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sandro Braga


    Full Text Available We analyze, based on French Discourse Analysis, how the newspapers Diário Catarinense and Hora de Santa Catarina produce different reader`s subject positions. This research is justified by the fact that both newspapers are products of the same media company. The starting point was the hypothesis that there would be in the market two types of readers, thus the two products do not compete with each other, but they would complement each other in the coverage of a reading area. Reading here is treated as a process of production of sense effects. The work is based on Orlandi`s thinking about the conception of reading, as well as in the distinction between real and virtual reader. We do also present the clues included in the statements which inferences are essential to apprehend the said and the unsaid which, by means of a comparative analysis, was used to understand the production of different reader’s subject position. The analysis points out that the newspapers DC and Hora present similar characteristics in regard to the process of transmitting information, howevereach newspaper interrelates with its target public in a different way through the use of language and in the manner of production of news. It leads to the construction of different positions of these readers in relation to the information which is transmitted, because, making use of uttering strategies, these newspapers ideologically mark the readers of DC as being more lettered than the ones of Hora.

  13. Mixed-carbon-coated LiMn_0_._4Fe_0_._6PO_4 nanopowders with excellent high rate and low temperature performances for lithium-ion batteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zou, Bang-Kun; Wang, He-Yang; Qiang, Zi-Yue; Shao, Yu; Sun, Xin; Wen, Zhao-Yin; Chen, Chun-Hua


    Graphical abstract: Ascorbic acid acts as both an antioxidant and a surfactant to form organic groups (first carbon source) on the surface of as-solvothermal products, in which the −OH (or H_2O) groups of glucose (second carbon source) are closely bonded to the surface to form a uniform adsorption layer. Uniform mixed-carbon-coated LiMn_0_._4Fe_0_._6PO_4 nanopowders are formed after calcination, which demonstrate excellent electrochemical performances. - Highlights: • Ascorbic acid acts as both an antioxidant and a first-time carbon coating source. • Reaction mechanisms of the synthesis are carefully studied. • Mixed-carbon-coated LiMn_0_._4Fe_0_._6PO_4 nanopowders process excellent high rate and low temperature performances. - Abstract: A novel solvothermal approach with ascorbic acid as both an antioxidant and a first-time carbon coating source is developed to synthesize LiMn_0_._4Fe_0_._6PO_4 nano-particles with a uniform particle size distribution around 150 nm. A calcination step for the second-time carbon coating and further crystallization is adopted following the solvothermal step. The structures and electrochemical properties of the obtained samples are studied by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, Fourier transformation infrared, Infrared carbon-sulfur analyzer and galvanostatic cell cycling. Ascorbic acid plays a crucial role in the formation of uniform carbon layer and nano-particles. Compared with single-carbon-coated LiMn_0_._4Fe_0_._6PO_4 without adding ascorbic acid, the mixed-carbon-coated LiMn_0_._4Fe_0_._6PO_4 shows much better electrochemical performance. It can deliver specific capacities of 154.8 and 128.5 mAh g"−"1 at 1C and 20C, respectively, at 25 °C. Even at −20 °C, its specific capacities are 106.6 and 68.8 mAh g"−"1 at 0.2C and 5C, respectively.

  14. New lithium ion batteries exploiting conversion/alloying anode and LiFe0.25Mn0.5Co0.25PO4 olivine cathode

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lecce, Daniele Di; Verrelli, Roberta; Hassoun, Jusef


    Highlights: • New Li-ion batteries are reported. • LiFe 0.25 Mn 0.5 Co 0.25 PO 4 olivine is used as the cathode. • Either Sn-C or Sn-Fe 2 O 3 -C composites are used as anodes. • The electrode/electrolyte interfaces are monitored by EIS. • The systems are considered suitable for energy storage - Abstract: New Li-ion cells are formed by combining a LiFe 0.25 Mn 0.5 Co 0.25 PO 4 olivine cathode either with Sn-Fe 2 O 3 -C or with Sn-C composite anodes. These active materials exhibit electrochemical properties very attractive in view of practical use, including the higher working voltage of the LiFe 0.25 Mn 0.5 Co 0.25 PO 4 cathode with respect to conventional LiFePO 4 , as well as the remarkable capacity and rate capability of Sn-Fe 2 O 3 -C and Sn-C anodes. The stable electrode/electrolyte interfaces, demonstrated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, along with proper mass balancing and anode pre-lithiation, allow stable galvanostatic cycling of the full cells. The two batteries, namely Sn-Fe 2 O 3 -C/LiFe 0.25 Mn 0.5 Co 0.25 PO 4 and Sn-C/LiFe 0.25 Mn 0.5 Co 0.25 PO 4 , reversibly operate revealing promising electrochemical features in terms of delivered capacity, working voltage and stability, thus suggesting these electrodes combinations as suitable alternatives for an efficient energy storage.

  15. Limiares térmicos para a germinação de conídios de Cercospora sojina em dois regimes luminosos

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    Juliane Nicolodi Camera


    Full Text Available O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a germinação de conídios horas, verificou-se que a maior germinação ocorreu na temperatura de Cercospora sojina em diferentes temperaturas com luz contínua de 23,8 ºC, para 6 horas foi de 24,3 ºC, para 9 horas foi de 22,9 ºC e no escuro, visando a determinar os limiares térmicos inferior e e para 12 horas foi de 22,4ºC. Quando as placas foram incubadas superior e a temperatura ótima. Os conídios foram depositados na no escuro, verificou-se que a maior germinação dos conídios para superfície das placas de petri contendo substrato ágar-água. Em o tempo de exposição de 3 horas foi na temperatura de 23,8 ºC, seguida foram incubadas em DBO com luz contínua e no escuro para 6 horas foi de 23,4 ºC, para 9 horas foi de 22,9 ºC e para 12 nas temperaturas (0; 5; 10; 15; 20; 25; 30; 35 e 40 ºC e retiradas horas 22,7 ºC. A temperatura ótima para a germinação de conídios nos tempos de exposição (3, 6, 9 e 12 horas. Para os conídios de na luz contínua foi de 22,4 ºC e no escuro de 23 ºC, sendo o limiar C. sojina submetidos à luz contínua no tempo de exposição de 3 térmico inferior de 0 ºC e o superior de 40 ºC.


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    Wenner Glaucio Lopes Lucena


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetiva estabelecer as principais influências comportamentais dos consumidores na hora da compra nas lojas da cidade de Caruaru-PE. A pesquisa foi realizada com consumidores da cidade de Caruaru-PE, no North Shopping, antigo Shopping Caruaru, e no centro da cidade. A amostra dessa pesquisa foram 200 consumidores. Apresentando os seguintes resultados: 50% do público declaram ser o preço o fator determinante ao escolher um produto, quando a qualidade do produto não está em questão. No que diz respeito a satisfazer as necessidades de auto-estima, o status da marca é fator decisivo de influência, com 23% das opiniões. Pela pesquisa aplicada, constata-se que, com 31% do total, o sábado é o dia preferido para fazer compras, pela maior disponibilidade de tempo, de produtos ofertados, quer seja no comércio, nas feiras livres ou nos shoppings da cidade. E há a possibilidade de contar com companhia de terceiros, tornando o ato do consumo mais atrativo. Diante de tudo que foi estudado e analisado nesta pesquisa, concluí-se que o comportamento do consumidor deve ser estudado por todos que ofertem algum produto ou serviço. Uma vez que o mesmo é determinante na decisão de compra e no sucesso de uma empresa.

  17. Improving the corrosion resistance of Mg–4.0Zn–0.2Ca alloy by micro-arc oxidation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xia, Y.H. [The First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, Harbin 150001 (China); Zhang, B.P., E-mail: [National Engineering Laboratory for Carbon Fiber Technology, Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Taiyuan 030001 (China); Lu, C.X. [National Engineering Laboratory for Carbon Fiber Technology, Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Taiyuan 030001 (China); Geng, L. [School of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001 (China)


    In this paper, corrosion resistance of the Mg–4.0Zn–0.2Ca alloy was modified by micro-arc oxidation (MAO) process. The microstructure and phase constituents of MAO layer were characterized by SEM, XRD and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The corrosion resistance of MAO treated Mg–4.0Zn–0.2Ca alloy in the simulated body fluid were characterized by potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) techniques. The microstructure results indicated that a kind of ceramic film was composed by MgO and MgF{sub 2} was formed on the surface of Mg–4.0Zn–0.2Ca alloy after MAO treatment. The electrochemical test reveals that the corrosion resistance of MAO treated samples increase 1 order of magnitude. The mechanical intensity test showed that the MAO treated samples has suitable mechanical properties. - Highlights: • Ceramic layer which is composited by MgO and MgF{sub 2} is prepared to improve the corrosion resistance of Mg–4.0Zn–0.2Ca alloy. • MAO treatment does not affect the mechanical properties of the Mg–4.0Zn–0.2Ca alloy. • After 30-day immersion in SBF, the mechanical properties of MAO coated samples are still enough for bone fixed.

  18. Improving the corrosion resistance of Mg–4.0Zn–0.2Ca alloy by micro-arc oxidation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xia, Y.H.; Zhang, B.P.; Lu, C.X.; Geng, L.


    In this paper, corrosion resistance of the Mg–4.0Zn–0.2Ca alloy was modified by micro-arc oxidation (MAO) process. The microstructure and phase constituents of MAO layer were characterized by SEM, XRD and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The corrosion resistance of MAO treated Mg–4.0Zn–0.2Ca alloy in the simulated body fluid were characterized by potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) techniques. The microstructure results indicated that a kind of ceramic film was composed by MgO and MgF 2 was formed on the surface of Mg–4.0Zn–0.2Ca alloy after MAO treatment. The electrochemical test reveals that the corrosion resistance of MAO treated samples increase 1 order of magnitude. The mechanical intensity test showed that the MAO treated samples has suitable mechanical properties. - Highlights: • Ceramic layer which is composited by MgO and MgF 2 is prepared to improve the corrosion resistance of Mg–4.0Zn–0.2Ca alloy. • MAO treatment does not affect the mechanical properties of the Mg–4.0Zn–0.2Ca alloy. • After 30-day immersion in SBF, the mechanical properties of MAO coated samples are still enough for bone fixed

  19. Lithium Insertion in LixMn2O4, 04

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    West, Keld; Zachau-Christiansen, Birgit; Skaarup, Steen


    The electrochemical lithium insertion properties of highly crystalline LixMn2O4 are investigated in the approximate lithium insertion range 0 ... of the lithium insertion/extraction reactions is better at the higher voltages (versus Li/Li+), and particularly at the 4 V plateau. The lithium insertion/extraction reaction at the 1 V plateau although essentially reversible is associated with a significant voltage hysteresis....

  20. Antiproton-proton elastic scattering at 3.0 and 4.0 GeV/C; Difusion elastica antiproton-proton a 3,0 y 4,0 GeV/C

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Unamuno, S


    This paper presents the results-obtained in studying the two-prong interactions observed in the Saclay 81 cm hydrogen bubble chamber exposed to the 3.0 and 4.0 GeV/c antiproton beams from CERN Proton-Synchroton. Total elastic cross-sections corresponding to both energies are given. The results are given. The results are compared with those of p-p scaterring at different energies and with those of p-p scattering. Several optical-models, from the simples one (the black disk model) to a rather elaborated, four-parameters model have been applied. These models can explain some of the experimental results but fail in predicting the angular distribution of large angle scattering. (Author)

  1. Enhanced electrochemical performance of LiNi_0_._8Co_0_._1_5Al_0_._0_5O_2 by nanoscale surface modification with Co_3O_4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang, Yaqun; Huang, Yunhui; Hu, Xianluo


    Highlights: • Facile coating method to prepare Co_3O_4-modified NCA. • Co_3O_4 is uniformly coated on the surface of NCA. • The nanolayer coating protects the surface of NCA during Li cycling. • Co_3O_4-modified NCA exhibits enhanced cyclability and rate capability. - Abstract: LiNi_0_._8Co_0_._1_5Al_0_._0_5O_2 (NCA) has attracted much attention because of its high capacity and low cost. Herein, we report a facile wet-chemical route to prepare a Co_3O_4-modified NCA cathode material with enhanced electrochemical performance for lithium-ion batteries. The as-prepared Co_3O_4-coated NCA cathode material delivers a specific capacity of 207.6 mAh g"−"1 with an initial Coulombic efficiency of 90.8% at 0.1 C. The capacity retention of the Co_3O_4-coated NCA cathode material is as high as 91.6% at 1 C between the potential from 2.8 to 4.3 V after 100 cycles. More importantly, the capacity retention of the resulting Co_3O_4-coated NCA is higher than 94.7% after 100 cycles at 0.2 C. In addition, the Co_3O_4-coated NCA cathode material exhibits good rate capability, especially a high discharge capacity at a high current density. The outstanding electrochemical performance of Co_3O_4-coated NCA is assigned to the surface coating of Co_3O_4 that may react with lithium-containing impurities on the surface and decrease the charge-transfer resistance.

  2. Cybersecurity for industry 4.0 analysis for design and manufacturing

    CERN Document Server

    Schaefer, Dirk


    This book introduces readers to cybersecurity and its impact on the realization of the Industry 4.0 vision. It covers the technological foundations of cybersecurity within the scope of the Industry 4.0 landscape and details the existing cybersecurity threats faced by Industry 4.0, as well as state-of-the-art solutions with regard to both academic research and practical implementations. Industry 4.0 and its associated technologies, such as the Industrial Internet of Things and cloud-based design and manufacturing systems are examined, along with their disruptive innovations. Further, the book analyzes how these phenomena capitalize on the economies of scale provided by the Internet. The book offers a valuable resource for practicing engineers and decision makers in industry, as well as researchers in the design and manufacturing communities and all those interested in Industry 4.0 and cybersecurity.

  3. A = 4 0+ - 1+ binding-energy difference

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gibson, B.F.; Lehman, D.R.


    The A = 4 Λ-hypernuclei provide a rich source of information about the s-wave properties of the fundamental hyperon-nucleon (YN) force as well as offer a unique opportunity to investigate the complications that arise in calculations of the properties of bound systems in which one baryon (here the Λ) with a given isospin couples strongly to another (the Σ) with a different isospin. The Λ 4 H - Λ 4 He isodoublet ground-state energies are not consistent with a charge symmetry hypothesis for the YN interaction. The (spin-flip) excitation energies are quite sensitive to the ΛN - ΣN coupling of the YN interaction. In particular, when one represents the free YN interaction in terms of one-channel effective ΛN potentials, the resulting 0 + (ground) state and 1 + (excited) spin-flip state are inversely ordered in terms of binding energies, the 1 + state being more bound. It is the Σ suppression that results from the reduced strength of the ΛN - ΣN off-diagonal coupling potential when the trinucleon core is restricted to isospin-1/2 which we study here. We find this spin-isospin suppression of the Λ-Σ conversion, which is due to the composite nature of the nuclear cores of the Λ 4 H and Λ 4 He hypernuclei, to be a significant factor in understanding the 0 + - 1 + binding energy relationship

  4. The GFDL global atmosphere and land model AM4.0/LM4.0: 1. Simulation characteristics with prescribed SSTs (United States)

    Zhao, M.; Golaz, J.-C.; Held, I. M.; Guo, H.; Balaji, V.; Benson, R.; Chen, J.-H.; Chen, X.; Donner, L. J.; Dunne, J. P.; Dunne, Krista A.; Durachta, J.; Fan, S.-M.; Freidenreich, S. M.; Garner, S. T.; Ginoux, P.; Harris, L. M.; Horowitz, L. W.; Krasting, J. P.; Langenhorst, A. R.; Liang, Z.; Lin, P.; Lin, S.-J.; Malyshev, S. L.; Mason, E.; Milly, Paul C.D.; Ming, Y.; Naik, V.; Paulot, F.; Paynter, D.; Phillipps, P.; Radhakrishnan, A.; Ramaswamy, V.; Robinson, T.; Schwarzkopf, D.; Seman, C. J.; Shevliakova, E.; Shen, Z.; Shin, H.; Silvers, L.; Wilson, J. R.; Winton, M.; Wittenberg, A. T.; Wyman, B.; Xiang, B.


    In this two‐part paper, a description is provided of a version of the AM4.0/LM4.0 atmosphere/land model that will serve as a base for a new set of climate and Earth system models (CM4 and ESM4) under development at NOAA's Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL). This version, with roughly 100 km horizontal resolution and 33 levels in the vertical, contains an aerosol model that generates aerosol fields from emissions and a “light” chemistry mechanism designed to support the aerosol model but with prescribed ozone. In Part 1, the quality of the simulation in AMIP (Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project) mode—with prescribed sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and sea‐ice distribution—is described and compared with previous GFDL models and with the CMIP5 archive of AMIP simulations. The model's Cess sensitivity (response in the top‐of‐atmosphere radiative flux to uniform warming of SSTs) and effective radiative forcing are also presented. In Part 2, the model formulation is described more fully and key sensitivities to aspects of the model formulation are discussed, along with the approach to model tuning.

  5. A new rechargeable lithium-ion battery with a xLi2MnO3.(1 - x) LiMn0.4Ni0.4Co0.2O2 cathode and a hard carbon anode

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Jinlong; Wang Jie; Xia Yongyao


    Highlights: → A new type of battery with 0.4Li 2 MnO 3 0.6LiMn 0.4 Ni 0.4 Co 0.2 O 2 and hard carbon was proposed. → The irreversible capacity encountered at both electrodes, can be counterbalanced each other. → The battery delivers capacities of 105 mAh g -1 and specific energies of 315 Wh kg -1 . - Abstract: We reported a new type of rechargeable lithium-ion battery consisting of a structurally integrated 0.4Li 2 MnO 3 .0.6LiMnNi 0.4 Co 0.2 O 2 cathode and a hard carbon anode. The drawback of the high irreversible capacity loss of both electrodes, occurring at the first charge/discharge process, can be counterbalanced each other. The battery shows good reversibility with a sloping voltage from 1.5 V to 4.5 V and delivers a capacity of 105 mA h g -1 and a specific energy of 315 W h kg -1 based on the total weight of the both active electrode materials.

  6. Electrochemical synthesis of photosensitive nano-nest like CdSe{sub 0.6}Te{sub 0.4} thin films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shinde, Surendra K., E-mail: [Holography and Material Research Laboratory, Department of Physics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur 416004, M.S (India); Thombare, Jagannath V. [Holography and Material Research Laboratory, Department of Physics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur 416004, M.S (India); Dubal, Deepak P. [Department of Electrochemistry, Technische Universität Chemnitz Institut für Chemie, Straße der Nationen 62, D-09111 Chemnitz (Germany); Fulari, Vijay J., E-mail: [Holography and Material Research Laboratory, Department of Physics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur 416004, M.S (India)


    Polycrystalline CdSe{sub 0.6}Te{sub 0.4} thin films were deposited on stainless steel and ITO coated glass (ITO) substrates by using simple and inexpensive electrodeposition method. CdSe{sub 0.6} Te{sub 0.4} films are characterized by different characterization techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and contact angle measurement. The X-ray diffraction analysis shows that the films are polycrystalline with hexagonal crystal structure. FE-SEM studies reveal that the entire substrate surface is covered with CdSe{sub 0.6} Te{sub 0.4} nano-nest. Formation of CdSe{sub 0.6}Te{sub 0.4} compound was confirmed from the FTIR studies. Optical absorption study shows the presence of direct transition and a considerable band gap, E{sub g} = 1.7 eV. Surface wettability with solid–liquid interface showed hydrophilic nature with water contact angle 57° (<90°). Further photovoltaic activity of CdSe{sub 0.6}Te{sub 0.4} films were studied by forming the photoelectrochemical cell having CdSe{sub 0.6}Te{sub 0.4}/1 M (Na{sub 2}S + S + NaOH)/C cell configuration. The efficiency and fill factor of these PEC cells are found to be 0.64% and 0.49 respectively.


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    Reyes Julian C


    Full Text Available Se estudió la biología del ácaro rojo Oligonychus yothersi en condiciones controladas(26 ± 3°C 56 ± 3% HR, sobre hojas maduras de aguacate, Persea americana Mill. cv.Lorena. Las observaciones se realizaron durante una generación del ácaro. La duraciónde todos los estados, a excepción del adulto, fueron los siguientes: huevo 119.06 horas±13.77 (4.96 días; larva 54.09 horas ± 18.48 (2.25 días, protocrisálida 18.22 ± 9.53(0.76 días, protoninfa 50.62 horas ± 13.29 (2.11 días, deutocrisalida 21.66 horas ±7.78 (0.90 días, deutoninfa 62.54 horas ± 12.85 (2.61 días y teliocrisalida 30.79 horas± 13.28 (1.28 días. La duración total de huevo a emergencia de adulto fue estimadaen 344.21 horas (14.34 días. La relación de sexos encontrada fue de 4.8 hembras: 1macho. Los parámetros poblacionales, i.e., longevidad, fecundidad, tasa intrínsecade crecimiento (r m , tiempo de duplicación y tiempo generacional, sugieren un altopotencial reproductivo y de desarrollo del ácaro sobre aguacate cv. Lorena.

  8. Enhancement of photoluminescence properties and modification of crystal structures of Si3N4 doping Li2Sr0.995SiO4:0.005Eu2+ phosphors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song, Kaixin; Zhang, Fangfang; Chen, Daqin; Wu, Song; Zheng, Peng; Huang, Qingming; Jiang, Jun; Xu, Junming; Qin, Huibin


    Highlights: • Si 3 N 4 modified Li 2 Sr 0.995 SiO 4 :0.005Eu 2+ phosphors were prepared. • The luminescence intensity of Li 2 Sr 0.995 SiO 4 :Eu 2+ was enhanced by doping Si 3 N 4 . • The fluorescence decay times and thermal stability were enhanced by doping Si 3 N 4 . - Abstract: Si 3 N 4 modified Li 2 Sr 0.995 SiO 4 :0.005Eu 2+ (Li 2 Sr 0.995 SiO 4−3x/2 N x :0.005Eu 2+ ) phosphors were synthesized with the conventional solid-state reaction in the reduced atmosphere. The crystal structure and vibrational modes were analyzed by X-ray diffraction, Raman scattering spectroscopy and Rietveld crystal structure refinement. Photoluminescence (PL) and photoluminescence excitation (PLE) spectra showed that Li 2 Sr 0.995 SiO 4−3x/2 N x :0.005Eu 2+ powder exhibited a broad yellow emission band centered at 560 nm under the excitation of 460 nm visible light, due to the 4f 6 5d 1 → 4f 7 transition of Eu 2+ . The partial nitridation of Li 2 Sr 0.995 SiO 4−3x/2 N x :0.005Eu 2+ (x = 0.01) phosphors led to a large enhancement in the luminescence intensity, as much as 190%. At the same time, the fluorescence decay behavior curves further showed that the photoluminescence efficiencies of Li 2 Sr 0.995 SiO 4−3x/2 N x :0.005Eu 2+ phosphors were enhanced by addition of Si 3 N 4 . The temperature quenching characteristics confirmed that the oxynitride based Li 2 Sr 0.995 SiO 4−3x/2 N x :0.005Eu 2+ showed slightly higher stability. It is implied that Li 2 Sr 0.995 SiO 4−3x/2 N x :0.005Eu 2+ phosphors had a possible potential application on white LEDs to match blue light chips

  9. Innovative ideas: Thailand 4.0 and the fourth industrial revolution

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Charlie Jones


    Full Text Available Thailand 4.0 is a new ‘buzzword’ for many things just now being defined. It also appears to mean many things to many people, but the majority of Thai citizens surveyed fail to grasp just what it is. In the simplest of terms, it seems to be a Thai government policy in which technology and innovation are proposed tools for boosting the quality of life. Thailand 4.0 is also targeted at 10 key economic sectors and their supporting research from US$1 billion in funding for 12,290 new PhDs. This research, therefore, investigated the legacy of proceeding Thailand 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0, the use of the S-curve to describe their implementations, educational objectives to support Thailand 4.0, the digital/e-commerce agenda, agribusiness and ‘smart farmers’, how to learn from unicorns, and what is meant by ‘next generation automotive’ under Thailand 4.0.

  10. Jejum inferior a oito horas em cirurgias de urgência e emergência versus complicações

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    Adelita de Jesus Carvalho Martins


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: verificar a ocorrência de complicações intraoperatórias e pós-operatórias em pacientes submetidos a procedimentos cirúrgicos de urgência e emergência entre janeiro e dezembro de 2012, com tempo de jejum inferior a oito horas. Método: conduziu-se um estudo quantitativo, tipo coorte retrospectivo, por meio da análise de prontuários médicos. Resultados: foram incluídos 181 prontuários de pacientes submetidos a procedimentos cirúrgicos com duração média de 59,4 minutos, destacando-se a cirurgia de correção de fraturas em 32% dos casos. Foram observadas complicações em 36 (19,9% dos pacientes, destacando-se o vômito (47,2%; seguido de náuseas (16,7%; necessidade de transfusão sanguínea (13,9%; infecção do sítio cirúrgico (11,1%; e óbito (11,1%. O tempo médio de jejum foi de 133,5 minutos. O tempo de jejum não apresentou correlação estatisticamente significante com as complicações investigadas. Conclusão: as complicações intraoperatórias e pós-operatórias estiveram associadas às condições clínicas dos pacientes e não ao tempo de jejum.

  11. Infiltrated La0.4Sr0.4Fe0.03Ni0.03Ti0.94O3 based anodes for all ceramic and metal supported solid oxide fuel cells

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Jimmi; Persson, Åsa Helen; Sudireddy, Bhaskar Reddy


    performing nanostructured Ni:CGO electrocatalyst coated A site deficient Lanthanum doped Strontium Titanate (La0.4Sr0.4Fe0.03Ni0.03Ti0.94O3) based anodes. The anodes were incorporated into the co-sintered DTU metal supported solid oxide fuel cell design and large sized 12 cm × 12 cm cells were fabricated....... The titanate material showed good processing characteristics and surface wetting properties towards the Ni:CGO electrocatalyst coating. The cell performances were evaluated on single cell level (active area 16 cm2) and a power density at 0.7 V and 700 °C of 0.650 Wcm−2 with a fuel utilization of 31...

  12. Polaronic transport and thermoelectricity in Fe1 -xCoxSb2S4 (x =0 , 0.1, and 0.2) (United States)

    Liu, Yu; Kang, Chang-Jong; Stavitski, Eli; Du, Qianheng; Attenkofer, Klaus; Kotliar, G.; Petrovic, C.


    We report a study of Co-doped berthierite Fe1 -xCoxSb2S4 (x =0 , 0.1, and 0.2). The alloy series of Fe1 -xCoxSb2S4 crystallize in an orthorhombic structure with the Pnma space group, similar to FeSb2, and show semiconducting behavior. The large discrepancy between activation energy for conductivity, Eρ (146 ˜270 meV ), and thermopower, ES (47 ˜108 meV ), indicates the polaronic transport mechanism. Bulk magnetization and heat-capacity measurements of pure FeSb2S4 (x =0 ) exhibit a broad antiferromagnetic transition (TN=46 K ) followed by an additional weak transition (T*=50 K ). Transition temperatures (TN and T*) slightly decrease with increasing Co content x . This is also reflected in the thermal conductivity measurement, indicating strong spin-lattice coupling. Fe1 -xCoxSb2S4 shows relatively high value of thermopower (up to ˜624 μ V K-1 at 300 K) and thermal conductivity much lower when compared to FeSb2, a feature desired for potential applications based on FeSb2 materials.

  13. Changing structural properties of mixed crystals [N(CH{sub 3}){sub 4}]{sub 2}Zn{sub 1-x}Co{sub x}Cl{sub 4} (x = 0, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, and 1) by magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lim, Ae Ran, E-mail: [Department of Science Education, Jeonju University, Jeonju 560-759 (Korea, Republic of); Department of Carbon Fusion Engineering, Jeonju University, Jeonju 560-759 (Korea, Republic of)


    Temperature dependences of the chemical shift and spin-lattice relaxation time in the rotating frame T{sub 1ρ} were measured for {sup 1}H and {sup 13}C nuclei in mixed crystals of the form [N(CH{sub 3}){sub 4}]{sub 2}Zn{sub 1-x} Co{sub x}Cl{sub 4} (x = 0, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, and 1). The mixed crystals varied in color according to the amount of Co{sup 2+} ions, whereas the phase transition temperatures remained nearly unchanged. [N(CH{sub 3}){sub 4}]{sub 2}ZnCl{sub 4} and [N(CH{sub 3}){sub 4}]{sub 2}CoCl{sub 4} crystals contain two nonequivalent types of a-N(CH{sub 3}){sub 4} and b-N(CH{sub 3}){sub 4}. The two crystallographically different ions a-N(CH{sub 3}){sub 4} and b-N(CH{sub 3}){sub 4} were distinguished using {sup 13}C CP/MAS NMR spectroscopy. The NMR spectrum and T{sub 1ρ} for {sup 1}H and {sup 13}C in case of x = 0.5 and x = 0.7 were similar to those for [N(CH{sub 3}){sub 4}]{sub 2}ZnCl{sub 4}, whereas those for x = 0.9 were absolutely different. Additionally, [N(CH{sub 3}){sub 4}]{sub 2}Zn{sub 0.1}Co{sub 0.9}Cl{sub 4} exhibited the structural properties of both [N(CH{sub 3}){sub 4}]{sub 2}ZnCl{sub 4} and [N(CH{sub 3}){sub 4}]{sub 2}CoCl{sub 4}. - Highlights: • Chemical shift and spin-lattice relaxation time in rotating frame. • Two crystallographically different ions a-N(CH{sub 3}){sub 4} and b-N(CH{sub 3}){sub 4}. • Structural properties of mixed crystals.

  14. Efficient photocatalytic reductive dechlorination of 4-chlorophenol to phenol on {0 0 1}/{1 0 1} facets co-exposed TiO{sub 2} nanocrystals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jiang, Guodong; Wei, Meng; Yuan, Songdong [College of Chemistry and chemical engineering, Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for High Efficient Utilization of Solar Energy, Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan 430068 (China); Chang, Qing, E-mail: [Key Laboratory of Catalysis and Materials Science of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission and Ministry of Education, College of Resources and Environmental Science, South-Central University for Nationalities, Wuhan 430074 (China)


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • 4-Chlorophenol is dechlorinated over {0 0 1}/{1 0 1} co-exposed TiO{sub 2} nanocrystals. • Photo-electrons are accumulated on {1 0 1} facets due to surface heterojunction. • Fluorine will trap photoelectrons to depress the dechlorination performance. • Sufficient isopropanol promotes the dechlorination activity and selectivity. - Abstract: 4-chlorophenol could be efficiently photoreductively dechlorinated over anatase TiO{sub 2} nanocrystals with co-exposed {0 0 1} and {1 0 1} facets, which were synthesized and further characterized by scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Although fluorine could adsorb on {0 0 1} facets to decrease their surface energy, enabling TiO{sub 2} to expose high energy {0 0 1} facets, the surface bonded fluorine might depress the photoreductive dechlorination efficiency of 4-chlorophenol, attributed to the electron trapping role of surface ≡Ti−F groups. Due to the formation of a surface heterojunction between {1 0 1} and {0 0 1} facets in a single TiO{sub 2} nanocrystal, electrons and holes were spontaneously self-separated and selectively migrate to {1 0 1} and {0 0 1} facets, respectively. Electron trapping experiments demonstrated that photogenerated electrons are the responsible for the reductive dechlorinaton of 4-chlorophenol to phenol. To avoid the oxidative degradation of 4-chlorophenol by holes and ensure sufficient electrons to reductively dechlorinate the substrate, moderate scavengers were required in the reaction system and dissolved oxygen, which might deplete electron on TiO{sub 2}, also should be removed. With the optimal scavengers, the conversion efficiency of 4-chlorophenol (4-CP) achieved 97.5% and the selectivity for phenol was 92.5%, which were much higher than that of commercial TiO{sub 2} P25.

  15. Structure and Dielectric Properties of (Sr0.2Ca0.488Nd0.208) TiO3-Li3NbO4 Ceramic Composites (United States)

    Xia, C. C.; Chen, G. H.


    The new ceramic composites of (1-x) Li3NbO4-x (Sr0.2Ca0.488Nd0.208)TiO3 were prepared by the conventional solid state reaction method. The sintering behavior, phase composition, microstructure and microwave dielectric properties of the ceramics were investigated specially. The SEM and XRD results show that (1-x) Li3NbO4-x (Sr0.2Ca0.488Nd0.208) TiO3 (0.35≤x≤0.5) composites were composed of two phase, i.e. perovskite and Li3NbO4. With the increase of x, the ɛr increases from 27.1 to 38.7, Q×f decreases from 55000 GHz to 16770 GHz, and the τ f increases from -49 ppm/°C to 226.7 ppm/°C. The optimized dielectric properties with ɛr∼31.4, Q×f~16770GHz and τf~-8.1ppm/°C could be obtained as x=0.4 sintered at 1100°C for 4h. The as-prepared ceramic is expected to be used in resonators, filters, and other microwave devices.

  16. Comportamento dos antitérmicos ibuprofeno e dipirona em crianças febris

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    Ana Maria Magni


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar o comportamento da temperatura em crianças febris medicadas com dose oral única do ibuprofeno (10 mg/kg, dose recomendada para febre alta, comparado à dipirona (15 mg/kg, dose preconizada pelo fabricante, após 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 e 8 horas da medicação antitérmica. MÉTODOS: Ensaio clínico, aberto e randomizado (1:1, em crianças de ambos os sexos, com doenças febris, com idade entre 6 meses e 8 anos, temperatura axilar basal entre 38,0 e 40,3 °C, e divididas em dois grupos: febre alta (> 39,1 °C e febre baixa (38,0 a 39,1 °C. A análise do comportamento baseou-se nos critérios de descontinuidade, segurança, resposta ao tratamento, tolerabilidade e eficácia terapêutica. RESULTADOS: Das 80 crianças, 31 permaneceram afebris ao longo de 8 horas (38,8%, 100,0% obtiveram decréscimo da temperatura com ambas as medicações nas 2 primeiras horas. No grupo de febre alta, 11 crianças medicadas com ibuprofeno foram mantidas até a 5ª hora (100,0%, e 11 com dipirona até a 3ª hora (100,0%. A eficácia antipirética na febre alta foi estatisticamente significante a favor do ibuprofeno na 3ª e na 4ª hora, e, na febre baixa, na 3ª hora após a medicação. CONCLUSÕES: Este estudo demonstrou que, em dose oral única, o ibuprofeno proporciona atividade antipirética mais acentuada do que a dipirona, principalmente na febre alta. Ambas as medicações foram bem toleradas e seguras em curto prazo.

  17. Hidratación oral con una solución a base de harina de plátano precocida con electrolitos estandarizados.

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    Carlos Bernal


    Full Text Available Objetivo. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar si una solución de hidratación oral a base de harina de plátano precocida con electrolitos, además de ser efectiva para tratar la deshidratación, tiene propiedades antidiarreicas. Material y métodos. Se incluyeron 101 niños con edades entre 1 y 41 meses con diarrea de menos de una semana y deshidratación leve, y sin complicaciones asociadas. El grupo 1 (54 niños recibió sales de rehidratación oral de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (SRO/OMS; el grupo 2 (47 niños recibió solución con concentraciones de electrolitos similares pero que, en lugar de la glucosa, contiene 50 g de harina de plátano precocida (sales de rehidratación oral/plátano (SRO/plátano. Resultados. Se hidrató con éxito el 94,4% de los niños en el grupo SRO/OMS, y el 91,5% (p=0,70 del grupo SRO/plátano. El tiempo necesario para lograr la hidratación fue de 5,8 horas (DE=±3,0 en el grupo SRO/OMS y de 6,2 horas (DE:±3,7 en el grupo SRO/plátano (p=0,31. El gasto fecal hasta alcanzar la hidratación en el grupo SRO/OMS fue de 7,5 g/kg por hora (DE=±7,6, y en el grupo SRO/plátano de 7,05 g/kg por hora (DE=±9,4 (p=0,78. No hubo diferencia significativa en el sodio plasmático. El período de observación para el grupo SRO/OMS fue de 22,3 horas (DE=±5,3, y de 22,7 horas (DE=±4,7 para el grupo SRO/plátano. El gasto fecal durante el período de observación fue de 5,7 g/kg por hora (DE=±4,7 para el grupo SRO/OMS y de 6,3 g/kg por hora (DE=±7,9 para el grupo SRO/plátano (p=0,67. La proporción de niños que necesitaron líquidos endovenosos durante las primeras veinticuatro horas fue de 11,1% en el grupo SRO/OMS y de 8,5% en el grupo SRO/plátano (RR=1,31; C 95%: 0,39 a 4,35. Conclusiones. La solución a base de harina de plátano es efectiva y segura para corregir la deshidratación. No se pudo demostrar en este estudio el efecto antidiarreico de la solución a base de harina de plátano.

  18. Energy expenditure after 2- to 3-hour elective surgical operations Gasto energético após 2 ou 3 horas de cirurgia eletiva

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    Andrea Ferreira Schuwartz Tannus


    Full Text Available Energy expenditure was measured by indirect calorimetry in 17 adult patients (8 women and 9 men before surgery, 4 hours immediately after surgery , and 24 hours late after surgery in patients undergoing elective surgery of small-to-medium scope. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The total duration of surgery ranged from 2 to 3 hours. Repeated measures were performed on the same patient, so that each patient was considered to be his/her own control. All patients received a 5% dextrose solution (2000 mL/day throughout the postoperative period. RESULTS: Men showed a reduction in CO2 production during the immediately after surgery period (257±42 mL/min compared to before surgery (306±48 mL/min and late after surgery (301±45 mL/min; this reduction was not observed in women. Energy expenditure was also lower in men during immediately after surgery (6.6 kJ/min. None of the other measurements, including substrate oxidation, showed significant differences. CONCLUSION: Therefore, elective surgery itself cannot be considered an important trauma that would result in increased energy expenditure. According to this study, it is not necessary to prescribe an energy supply exceeding basal expenditure during the immediate after-surgery period. The present results suggest that the energy supply prescribed during the postoperative period after elective surgery of small-to-medium scope should not exceed 5-7 kJ/min, so the patient does not receive a carbohydrate overload from energy supplementation.A resposta metabólica ao trauma cirúrgico ocorre imediatamente após a cirurgia e recomenda-se que a oferta calórica, nesta situação, seja igual ao metabolismo basal acrescido de 20-30%, considerado fator de injúria. No entanto, níveis elevados de glicemia e aumento na produção de CO2 são freqüentemente observados nestas ocasiões . OBJETIVO: O principal objetivo do presente estudo foi medir o gasto energético basal, o gasto energético imediatamente e 24 horas ap

  19. Formation and magnetic properties of compounds Er(Fe1-xCox)11.35Nb0.65 (0≤x≤0.4)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, K.-Y.; Chen, D.-X.; Arcas, J.; Multigner, M.; Crespo, P.; Vazquez, M.; Hernando, A.


    A new series of compounds Er(Fe 1-x Co x ) 11.35 Nb 0.65 were synthesized. For x≤0.4, the element Nb can stabilize the ThMn 12 -type compounds. X-ray diffraction results show that the lattice parameters a and c decrease with the substitution of Co for Fe atoms. With increasing Co content, the Curie temperature increases from T c =507 K for x=0 to T c =904 K for x=0.4. Values of the saturation magnetization at 5 K and 300 K are reported. (orig.)

  20. Hydrogen storage and microstructure investigations of La0.7-xMg0.3PrxAl0.3Mn0.4Co0.5Ni3.8 alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Galdino, G.S.; Casini, J.C.S.; Ferreira, E.A.; Faria, R.N.; Takiishi, H.


    The effects of substitution of Pr for La in the hydrogen storage capacity and microstructures of La 0.7-x Pr x Mg 0.3 Al 0.3 Mn 0.4 Co 0.5 Ni 3.8 (x=0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7) alloys electrodes have been studied. X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) and electrical tests were carried out in a the alloys and electrodes. Cycles of charge and discharge have also been carried out in the Ni/MH (Metal hydride) batteries based on the alloys negative electrodes. (author)

  1. Propuesta de innovación a la hora de evaluar en la asignatura Modelos y Simulación

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    López, María Victoria


    Full Text Available La asignatura Modelos y Simulación pertenece al Plan de estudios de la Carrera de Licenciatura en Sistemas de Información, de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales y Agrimensura (Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Esta asignatura nació con la puesta en marcha de la Carrera de Licenciatura en Sistemas (Plan anterior en el año 1988, y tuvo siempre el carácter de optativa, entre otras tres asignaturas. En este trabajo se sintetiza una propuesta de innovación a la hora de evaluar. El trabajo se compone de 4 secciones. En la sección 1 se caracteriza la asignatura objeto de estudio y se describe la modalidad de dictado actual. En la sección 2 se realiza una descripción de los instrumentos de evaluación empleados en la asignatura. En la sección 3 se analizan los mencionados instrumentos, desde las posturas de distintos autores en referencia a los enfoques de evaluación tradicionales y alternativos. Las estrategias de innovación alternativas propuestas para la asignatura son especificadas en la sección 4. En la sección 5 se describe una experiencia de implementación de la metodología de evaluación alternativa del portfolio. A modo de conclusión, afirmamos que la instancia de evaluación es un proceso que articula los objetivos propuestos, los contenidos abordados y las estrategias metodológicas utilizadas en la asignatura, integrando en un todo el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.

  2. Growth and laser characterization of a mixed laser crystal Nd: Lu 0.141Y 0.855VO 4 (United States)

    Zhao, Bin; Zhuang, Naifeng; Li, Tao; Guo, Feiyun; Zhuo, Zhuang; Ye, Jing; Chen, Jianzhong


    A new Nd: Lu 0.141Y 0.855VO 4 mixed laser crystal had been successfully grown by the Czochralski method. The reason of the crystal boule appearing additionally yellowish at the bottom was discussed. The X-ray powder diffraction analysis showed that the as-grown mixed crystal possesses the ZrSiO 4 structure. The effective segregation coefficients of Nd 3+ and Lu 3+ ions in the crystal were measured to be about 0.51 and 0.76, respectively. The room temperature fluorescence spectrum of the mixed crystal showed that the FWHM (full-width at half-maximum) of the 1064.9 nm fluorescence band was 5.1 nm, broader than that of Nd: YVO 4. A continuous-wave (CW) laser output was achieved with the Nd: Lu 0.141Y 0.855VO 4 crystal at 1.06 μm using laser diode pumping. The maximum CW output power of 1.7 W was obtained with the pump power of 7.6 W, higher than the 1.38 W achieved with the 0.5 at% Nd: LuVO 4 crystal under the same experimental conditions. All the results above show that the Nd: Lu 0.141Y 0.855VO 4 crystal is a promising laser material.

  3. Three Stage Maturity Model in SME’s towards Industry 4.0


    Ganzarain, Jaione; Errasti, Nekane


    Purpose: To address the challenges regarding the concept of Industry 4.0 and the diversification methodology and based on the strategic guidance towards Industry 4.0, we propose a process model as a guiding framework for Industry 4.0 collaborative diversification vision, strategy and action building. In this paper we suggest a stage process model to guide and train companies to identify new opportunities for diversification within Industry 4.0. Systematically carrying out the s...

  4. Perfil das mães de neonatos com controle glicêmico nas primeiras horas de vida Perfil de las madres de neonatos con control glucémico en las primeras horas de vida Profile of mothers of newborns with blood glucose control in the first hours of life

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patrícia de Freitas


    Full Text Available Alguns fatores maternos associados ao quadro de hipoglicemia neonatal indicam a monitoração dos níveis glicêmicos nas primeiras 24 horas de vida. O estudo objetivou descrever as características sócio-demográficas e obstétricas de mães de neonatos com controle de glicemia capilar nas primeiras 24 horas de vida, internadas em Alojamento Conjunto de um Hospital Amigo da Criança. Estudo descritivo-exploratório que analisou dados de 380 prontuários médicos de mães internadas entre julho e dezembro de 2006, na unidade de Alojamento Conjunto do Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo. Diabetes gestacional foi verificado em 18 (5,6% mães; nenhuma tratou com hipoglicemiante oral; 53 (16,2% tiveram hipertensão arterial na gestação, e 17 (32,1% fizeram uso de anti-hipertensivo; 215 (56,6% receberam soro glicosado, 5% no trabalho de parto e parto. Estudos correlacionais analisando variáveis maternas e ocorrência de hipoglicemia neonatal devem ser realizados, objetivando identificar os fatores preditores desta morbidade neonatal.Algunos factores maternos asociados al cuadro de hipoglucemia neonatal indican la monitorización de los niveles de glucemia en las primeras 24 horas de vida. El estudio tuvo como objetivo describir las características sociodemográficas y obstétricas de madres de neonatos con control de glucemia capilar en las primeras 24 horas de vida, internadas en Alojamiento Conjunto de un Hospital Amigo de la Niñez. Estudio de tipo descriptivo exploratorio que analizó datos de 380 historias clínicas de madres internadas entre julio y diciembre de 2006 en la Unidad de Alojamiento Conjunto del Hospital Universitario de la Universidad de San Pablo. Se verificó diabetes gestacional en 18 madres (5,6%, ninguna recibió tratamiento con hipoglucemiantes orales, 53 de ellas (16,2% tuvieron hipertensión arterial durante la gestación y 17 (32,1% hicieron uso de antihipertensivos; 215 (56,6% recibieron suero

  5. C_6_0"3"- versus C_6_0"4"- /C_6_0"2"- - synthesis and characterization of five salts containing discrete fullerene anions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boeddinghaus, M. Bele; Klein, Wilhelm; Wahl, Bernhard; Faessler, Thomas F.; Jakes, Peter; Eichel, Ruediger A.


    Five new compounds, [Rb(18crown-6)]_3[C_6_0] (1), [Rb(18crown-6)]_6[C_6_0]_2(C_3H_7NO)_2(C_4H_8O)_2 (2), [Rb(benzo18crown-6)]_6[C_6_0]_2(C_2H_8N_2)_5 (3), [Cs(benzo18crown-6)]_3C_6_0(C_2H_8N_2)_2 (4), and [Cs_3(benzo18crown-6)_5]C_6_0(C_2H_8N_2)_(_4_._5_+_x_) (5) were synthesized and characterized by single-crystal X-ray structure determination. All compounds contain discrete C_6_0 anions, which are ordered in 1, 2, and 4, where direct cation-anion contacts occur. The unit cells of 1 and 2 contain two independent fullerides, which coordinate to the rubidium atoms either of two or of four [Rb(18crown-6)] units. Owing to the presence of differently coordinated fullerene units in compounds 1 and 2, a possible disproportionation of C_6_0"3"- into C_6_0"2"- and C_6_0"4"- anions is discussed. In 3 and 4 the C_6_0 anions are coordinated by three Rb and Cs atoms, respectively. In all compounds the average charge of the anion is -3. Magnetic data reveal a doublet spin state for 3. The EPR spectra are discussed for compounds 3 and 5. The role of a dynamic Jahn-Teller distortion is discussed, and we report the first IR spectroscopic data of fullerene trianions, which have been obtained in solution. (Copyright copyright 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  6. Training in the Industry 4.0 (in Spain and Italy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Djamil Tony Kahale Carrillo


    Full Text Available The Industry 4.0, known as the fourth industrial revolution, refers to an industrial revolution that is stimulated by the digital transformation and the introduction of the digital technology in the industry in general. The digital transformation supposes the whole challenge for the Spanish and Italian industry; nevertheless, it offers the opportunity to improve the competitive position on the international market.The reports indicate that the digitalization of the industry will suppose the disappearance of 7,1 million employments in 15 countries most industrialized of the world; as well as the creation of 2,1 million new positions for 2020. For this better competitive position of the activation of the Industry 4.0 there is needed that the workers have a training 4.0, provided that new professions based on the digitalization will be demanded.The present study offers a first definition of the Industry 4.0 and an analysis of the training policies for Industry 4.0 in Spain and Italy, concluding with some remarks.

  7. Robust s± pairing in CaK (Fe1-xNix) 4As4 (x =0 and 0.05) from the response to electron irradiation (United States)

    Teknowijoyo, S.; Cho, K.; Kończykowski, M.; Timmons, E. I.; Tanatar, M. A.; Meier, W. R.; Xu, M.; Bud'ko, S. L.; Canfield, P. C.; Prozorov, R.


    Controlled pointlike disorder introduced by 2.5-MeV electron irradiation was used to probe the superconducting state of single crystals of CaK (Fe1-xNix) 4As4 superconductor at x =0 and 0.05 doping levels. Both compositions show an increase of the residual resistivity and a decrease of the superconducting transition temperature, Tc, at the rate of d Tc/d ρ (Tc) ≈0.19 K/(μ Ω cm ) for x =0 and 0.38 K/(μ Ω cm ) for x =0.05 , respectively. In the Ni-doped compound (x =0.05 ), the coexisting spin-vortex crystal (SVC) magnetic phase is suppressed at the rate of d TN/d ρ (TN) ≈ 0.16 K/(μ Ω cm ). The low-temperature variation of London penetration depth is well approximated by the power-law function, Δ λ (T ) =A Tn , with n ≈2.5 for x =0 and n ≈1.9 for x =0.05 in the pristine state. Detailed analysis of λ (T ) and Tc evolution with disorder is consistent with two effective nodeless energy gaps in the density of states due to robust s± pairing. Overall the behavior of CaK (Fe1-xNix) 4As4 at x =0 is similar to a slightly overdoped Ba1 -yKyFe2As2 at y ≈ 0.5, and at x =0.05 to an underdoped composition at y ≈ 0.2.

  8. Da partilha do sensível no Brasil: uma leitura de \\'A hora e a vez de Augusto Matraga\\' e \\'Buriti\\'


    Thaís Travassos


    Este trabalho propõe uma leitura dos aspectos estruturais de narração, construção de personagens e enredo a partir de uma perspectiva que os considera como dados essenciais para aquilo que Rancière (2004) chamou de política da literatura. Os textos escolhidos, A hora e a vez de Augusto Matraga, de Sagarana, e Buriti, de Corpo de baile, foram considerados dentro de uma tradição brasileira da fala sobre um outro cultural, presente desde os românticos até os modernos. Tentou-se compreender como ...

  9. CASMO5 JENDL-4.0 and ENDF/B-VII.1beta4 libraries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rhodes, J.; Gheorghiu, N.; Ferrer, R.


    This paper details the generation of neutron data libraries for the CASMO5 lattice physics code based on the recently released JENDL-4.0 and ENDF/B-VII.1beta4 nuclear data evaluations. This data represents state-of-the-art nuclear data for late-2011. The key features of the new evaluations are briefly described along with the procedure for processing of this data into CASMO5, 586-energy group neutron data libraries. Finally some CASMO5 results for standard UO 2 and MOX critical experiments for the two new libraries and the current ENDF/B-VII.0 CASMO5 library are presented including the B and W 1810 series, DIMPLE S06A, S06B, TCA reflector criticals with iron plates and the PNL-30-35 MOX criticals. The results show that CASMO5 with the new libraries is performing well for these criticals with a very slight edge in results to the JENDL-4.0 nuclear data evaluation over the ENDF/B-VII.1beta4 evaluation. Work is currently underway to generate a CASMO5 library based on the final ENDF/B-VII.R1 evaluation released Dec. 22, 2011. (authors)

  10. Transplantation and application of RADTRAN 4.0 Code in China

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Jiaming; Li Jikai; Li Shouping; Qian Zhong


    The authors present the work of transplanting RADTRAN 4.0 Code from a DEC VAX System to a MICRO VAX-II/VMS System and LX-386 SX PC in the Institute. Through repeated tests, running example cases and analyzing calculation results, it has been proved that the transplantation of the RADTRAN 4.0 Code is successful. The transplanted RADTRAN 4.0 has been taken in nuclear electricity software product library. At present, several institutions in China has started to use the Code

  11. Synthesis and characterization of La0.8Sr0.2Ni(1−xCrxO3 (x = 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0 system by the combustion method

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jairo Alberto Gómez-Cuaspud


    Full Text Available This research focuses on the synthesis and characterization of six ceramic perovskite oxides based on La0.8Sr0.2Ni(1−xCrxO3 system, with different levels of chromium modification (x = 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0, for use as anode material in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC. The oxides were obtained in two reaction stages, starting from corresponding nitrate salts and citric acid until formation of a solid metal complex consistent with citrate species. The solid metalorganic foams were calcined at 1000 °C for 120 min under oxygen flow conditions and were characterized by infrared and ultraviolet spectroscopy (FTIR-UV, validating the proposed methodology in terms of purity and chemical composition. The characterization by X-ray diffraction (XRD, scanning electron microscopy (SEM and X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDX confirms the obtention of a homogeneous perovskite structure in all analyzed phases. The evaluation of crystallite size by means of the Debye–Scherrer equation establishes a nanometric prevalence around 3.2–4.4 nm along main diffraction signals. The electrical characterization of materials by solid-state impedance spectroscopy allowed identifying a particular behavior depending on the microstructure of solids for potential applications in SOFC devices. Resumen: Esta investigación se centra en la síntesis y caracterización de seis óxidos de perovskita cerámicos basados en el sistema La0.8Sr0.2Ni(1-xCrxO3, con diferentes niveles de modificación de cromo (x = 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 y 1.0, para uso como material de ánodo en pilas de combustible de óxido sólido (SOFC. Los óxidos se obtuvieron en dos etapas de reacción, partiendo de las correspondientes sales de nitrato y ácido cítrico hasta la formación de un complejo metálico sólido consistente con especies de citrato. Las espumas sólidas metal-orgánicas se calcinaron a 1000° C

  12. Qualidade da água e desempenho produtivo da tilápia do Nilo alimentada em diferentes freqüências e períodos por meio de dispensador automático


    Sousa, Rodrigo Morgado Ramalho de [UNESP


    O objetivo deste experimento foi avaliar o desempenho da tilápia criada em tanque-rede, provido com dispensador automático de ração, com fornecimento em diferentes freqüências (de hora em hora e de duas em duas horas) e períodos (diurno, noturno e ambos). Foram utilizados dezoito tanques-rede de 1,0 m3, distribuídos em um viveiro de 2000 m2, com profundidade média de dois metros e renovação de água de 5,0 %. As tilápias, com peso inicial de 16,0,0l4,9 g, foram distribuídas nos tanques-rede na...

  13. NEOS Server 4.0 Administrative Guide


    Dolan, Elizabeth D.


    The NEOS Server 4.0 provides a general Internet-based client/server as a link between users and software applications. The administrative guide covers the fundamental principals behind the operation of the NEOS Server, installation and trouble-shooting of the Server software, and implementation details of potential interest to a NEOS Server administrator. The guide also discusses making new software applications available through the Server, including areas of concern to remote solver adminis...

  14. Electrochemical Study of (La0.6Sr0.4)0.99CoO3-δ Thin Film Microelectrodes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kreka, Kosova; Hansen, Karin Vels; Jacobsen, Torben

    layer was deposited a (La0.6Sr0.4)0.99CoO3-δ(LSC40) using pulsed laser deposition (PLD). The thin CGO film (~100 nm) was deposited to avoid any reaction between the YSZ and LSC40 (250 nm). Subsequently, using photolithography and ion beam etching the microelectrode arrays with varying diameters (from...... 100 µm to 5 µm) were produced. Each sample has 4 macro-electrodes which were used as counter-electrode while performing electrochemical measurements. To observe the effect of temperature on the film microstructure and chemistry one sample was heat treated for 16 hours. SEM images, AFM and To......F-SIMS reveal similar behavior for both heat treated and as-deposited films. ToF-SIMS depth profiling reveals a Sr and Co rich surface compared to the bulk of the LSC40 for both samples. The difference between the two samples are in the distribution of common impurities, such as silica. After the heat treatment...

  15. Collective Dynamics and Strong Pinning near the Onset of Charge Order in La1.48Nd0.4Sr0.12CuO4 (United States)

    Baity, P. G.; Sasagawa, T.; Popović, Dragana


    The dynamics of charge-ordered states is one of the key issues in underdoped cuprate high-temperature superconductors, but static short-range charge-order (CO) domains have been detected in almost all cuprates. We probe the dynamics across the CO (and structural) transition in La1.48Nd0.4Sr0.12CuO4 by measuring nonequilibrium charge transport, or resistance R as the system responds to a change in temperature and to an applied magnetic field. We find evidence for metastable states, collective behavior, and criticality. The collective dynamics in the critical regime indicates strong pinning by disorder. Surprisingly, nonequilibrium effects, such as avalanches in R , are revealed only when the critical region is approached from the charge-ordered phase. Our results on La1.48Nd0.4Sr0.12CuO4 provide the long-sought evidence for the fluctuating order across the CO transition, and also set important constraints on theories of dynamic stripes.

  16. High figure of merit and thermoelectric properties of Bi-doped Mg2Si0.4Sn0.6 solid solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Wei; Zhang, Qiang; Yin, Kang; Chi, Hang; Zhou, Xiaoyuan; Tang, Xinfeng; Uher, Ctirad


    The study of Mg 2 Si 1−x Sn x -based thermoelectric materials has received widespread attention due to a potentially high thermoelectric performance, abundant raw materials, relatively low cost of modules, and non-toxic character of compounds. In this research, Mg 2.16 (Si 0.4 Sn 0.6 ) 1−y Bi y solid solutions with the nominal Bi content of 0≤y≤0.03 are prepared using a two-step solid state reaction followed by spark plasma sintering consolidation. Within this range of Bi concentrations, no evidence of second phase segregation was found. Bi is confirmed to occupy the Si/Sn sites in the crystal lattice and behaves as an efficient n-type dopant in Mg 2 Si 0.4 Sn 0.6 . Similar to the effect of Sb, Bi doping greatly increases the electron density and the power factor, and reduces the lattice thermal conductivity of Mg 2.16 Si 0.4 Sn 0.6 solid solutions. Overall, the thermoelectric figure of merit of Bi-doped Mg 2.16 Si 0.4 Sn 0.6 solid solutions is improved by about 10% in comparison to values obtained with Sb-doped materials of comparable dopant content. This improvement comes chiefly from a marginally higher Seebeck coefficient of Bi-doped solid solutions. The highest ZT∼1.4 is achieved for the y=0.03 composition at 800 K. - Graphical abstract: (a)The relationship between electrical conductivity and power factor for Sb/Bi-doped Mg 2.16 (Si 0.4 Sn 0.6 ) 1−y (Sb/Bi) y (0 2.16 (Si 0.4 Sn 0.6 ) 1−y Bi y (0≤y≤0.03) solid solutions. (c)Temperature dependent dimensionless figure of merit ZT of Mg 2.16 (Si 0.4 Sn 0.6 ) 1−y Bi y (0≤y≤0.03) solid solutions. - Highlights: • Bi doped Mg 2.16 Si 0.4 Sn 0.6 showed 15% enhancement in the power factor as compared to Sb doped samples. • Bi doping reduced κ ph of Mg 2.16 Si 0.4 Sn 0.6 due to stronger point defect scattering. • The highest ZT=1.4 at 800 K was achieved for Mg 2.16 (Si 0.4 Sn 0.6 ) 0.97 Bi 0.03

  17. Crystal structure and optical property of complex perovskite oxynitrides ALi0.2Nb0.8O2.8N0.2, ANa0.2Nb0.8O2.8N0.2, and AMg0.2Nb0.8O2.6N0.4 (A = Sr, Ba) (United States)

    Moon, Keon Ho; Avdeev, Maxim; Kim, Young-Il


    Oxynitride type complex perovskites AM0.2Nb0.8O3-xNx (A = Sr, Ba; M = Li, Na, Mg) were newly synthesized by the solid state diffusion of Li+, Na+, or Mg2+ into the layered oxide, A5Nb4O15, with concurrent O/N substitution. Neutron and synchrotron X-ray Rietveld refinement showed that SrLi0.2Nb0.8O2.8N0.2, SrNa0.2Nb0.8O2.8N0.2, and SrMg0.2Nb0.8O2.6N0.4 had body-centered tetragonal symmetry (I4/mcm), while those with A = Ba had simple cubic symmetry (Pm 3 ̅ m). In the tetragonal Sr-compounds, the nitrogen atoms were localized on the c-axial 4a site. However, the octahedral cations, M/Nb (M = Li, Na, Mg) were distributed randomly in all six compounds. The lattice volume of AM0.2Nb0.8O3-xNx was dependent on various factors including the type of A and the electronegativity of M. Compared to the simple perovskites, ANbO2N (A = Sr, Ba), AM0.2Nb0.8O3-xNx had wider band gaps (1.76-2.15 eV for A = Sr and 1.65-2.10 eV for A = Ba), but significantly lower sub-gap absorption.

  18. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Mg-11Li-6Zn-0.6Zr-0.4Ag-0.2Ca-x Y Alloys. (United States)

    Kim, Yong-Ho; Yoo, Hyo-Sang; Son, Hyeon-Taek


    Magnesium and its alloys are potential candidates for many automotive and aerospace applications due to their low density and high specific strength. However, the use of magnesium as wrought products is limited because of its poor workability at ambient temperatures. Mg-Li alloys containing 5-11 wt.% Li exhibit a two-phase structure consisting of a α (hcp) Mg-rich phase and a β (bcc) Li-rich phase. Mg-Li alloys with Li content greater than 11 wt.% exhibit a single-phase structure consisting of only the β phase. In the present study, we studied the effects of Y addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-11Li-6Zn-0.6Zr-0.4Ag-0.2Ca based alloys. The melt was maintained at 720 °C for 20 min and poured into a mold. Then, the as-cast Mg alloys were homogenized at 350 °C for 4 h and were hot-extruded onto a 4-mm-thick plate with a reduction ratio of 14:1. The as-cast Mg-11Li-6Zn-0.6Zr-0.4Ag-0.2Ca-xY (x 0, 1, 3, and 5 wt.%) alloys were composed of α-Mg, β-Li, γ-Mg2Zn3Li, I-Mg3YZn6, W-Mg3Y2Zn3, and X-Mg12YZn phases. By increasing the Y content from 0 to 5 wt.%, the composition of the W-Mg3Y2Zn3 phase increased. With increasing Y content, from 0 to 1, 3, and 5 wt.%, the average grain size and ultimate tensile of the as-extruded Mg alloys decreased slightly, from 8.4, to 3.62, 3.56, and 3.44 μm and from 228.92 to 215.57, 187.47, and 161.04 MPa, respectively, at room temperature.

  19. Dissociative adsorption of CCl 4 on the Fe 3O 4(1 1 1)-(2×2) selvedge of α-Fe 2O 3(0 0 0 1) (United States)

    Adib, K.; Mullins, D. R.; Totir, G.; Camillone, N.; Fitts, J. P.; Rim, K. T.; Flynn, G. W.; Osgood, R. M.


    The surface reactions of CCl 4 with the Fe 3O 4(1 1 1)-(2×2) selvedge of naturally occurring α-Fe 2O 3(0 0 0 1) single-crystals have been investigated using synchrotron X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and temperature-programmed desorption (TPD). CCl 4 was found to dissociate on the Fe 3O 4 surface at 100 K producing chemisorbed Cl and adsorbed CCl 2. TPD shows that the large majority of the dissociatively adsorbed CCl 2 fragments extract lattice oxygen and desorb as phosgene at >275 K. However, the XPS spectra show no evidence for the formation of surface-bound phosgene, at 100 K, indicating that its formation involves two steps. The first step, dissociation, is spontaneous at 100 K, whereas the second, oxygen atom abstraction to form phosgene, requires thermal excitation. Cl chemisorption yielded two separate species, the mono- and dichloride terminations of surface iron sites. The identification of these two surface terminations is based on the coverage dependence and the surface temperature history of their Cl 2p 3/2 peak intensity. For example, heating to >450 K allows the monochloride to transform into iron dichloride, indicating Cl adatom mobility at these temperatures.

  20. Preparation of Ca0.5Zr2(PO4)3 and Ca0.45Eu0.05Zr2(PO4)3 nanopowders: structural characterization and luminescence emission study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alcaraz, L; Isasi, J; Díaz-Guerra, C; Peiteado, M; Caballero, A C


    Ca 0.5 Zr 2 (PO 4 ) 3 and Ca 0.45 Eu 0.05 Zr 2 (PO 4 ) 3 nanophosphors have been synthesized by a sol–gel process under acid and basic conditions. In order to achieve the reduction of Eu 3+ to Eu 2+ , europium-doped samples were treated in a reducing atmosphere flow. The effects of the different synthesis conditions and the partial substitution of calcium by europium ions on the structure of the samples were analyzed by x-ray diffraction (XRD) transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and micro-Raman spectroscopy. Luminescence and magnetic properties were investigated by photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy and magnetic susceptibility measurements. XRD patterns can be indexed to a rhombohedral symmetry of space group R-3 with Z  =  6, consistent with a NASICON-type structure. A higher crystallinity was found in the samples prepared under basic conditions. TEM images of all the synthesized samples show spherically shaped particles. A broadening of the Raman bands as a result of non-equivalent vibrations of the orthophosphate groups is observed for samples prepared under acid conditions. The same effect was found when calcium is substituted by europium into the Ca 0.5 Zr 2 (PO 4 ) 3 host. PL spectra exhibit strong emission in the blue-green spectral range due to Eu 2+ 4f 6 5d 1 -4f 7 transitions and no evidence of Eu 3+ emission. Magnetic measurements confirm the 2+  oxidation state of europium ions in all samples. (paper)

  1. Sustainable supply chains in the world of industry 4.0

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pietro, Erika Di; Herbert-Hansen, Zaza Nadja Lee

    Purpose: Industry 4.0 introduces a series of changes for the supply chain, in particular in terms of technology, structure, connectivity and communication. This presents companies with new opportunities but also new challenges. These emerging trends are affecting the supply chain at a social......, economical and environmental level. The sustainable aspect in Industry 4.0 is highly correlated with digitization at a process, product and organizational level (Reichel, 2017). This paper presents a framework for the implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies in new and current bussiness processes while...

  2. Spontaneous-fission decay properties and production cross-sections for the neutron-deficient nobelium isotopes formed in the sup 4 sup 4 sup , sup 4 sup 8 Ca+ sup 2 sup 0 sup 4 sup , sup 2 sup 0 sup 6 sup , sup 2 sup 0 sup 8 Pb reactions

    CERN Document Server

    Belozerov, A V; Chepigin, V I; Drobina, T P; Gorshkov, V A; Kabachenko, A P; Malyshev, O N; Merkin, I M; Oganessian, Yu T; Popeko, A G; Sagaidak, R N; Svirikhin, A I; Yeremin, A V; Berek, G; Brida, I; Sáro, S


    Heavy-ion fusion reactions sup 4 sup 8 Ca+ sup 2 sup 0 sup 4 Pb and sup 4 sup 4 Ca+ sup 2 sup 0 sup 8 Pb leading to the same compound nucleus sup 2 sup 5 sup 2 No sup * were run in attempts to produce new neutron-deficient spontaneous-fission isotopes of sup 2 sup 4 sup 9 sup , sup 2 sup 5 sup 0 No using the electrostatic separator VASSILISSA. Production cross-sections for the spontaneous-fission activities with the half-lives 5.6 and 54 mu s observed in these reactions are compared with the measured ones for the well-known isotopes of sup 2 sup 5 sup 1 sup - sup 2 sup 5 sup 5 No formed in the heavy-ion fusion reactions sup 4 sup 8 Ca+ sup 2 sup 0 sup 6 Pb and sup 4 sup 8 Ca+ sup 2 sup 0 sup 8 Pb. The obtained excitation functions for the reaction products formed after the evaporation of 1-4 neutrons from the corresponding compound No nuclei have been compared with similar data obtained earlier and results of statistical model calculations. (orig.)

  3. Microstructural analysis nanoferritas Mn{sub 0,5}Zn{sub 0,5}Fe{sub 2}O{sub 4} e Mn{sub 0,65}Zn{sub 0,35}Fe{sub 2}O{sub 4} synthesized by combustion reaction; Analise microestrutural de nanoferritas Mn{sub 0,5}Zn{sub 0,5}Fe{sub 2}O{sub 4} e Mn{sub 0,65}Zn{sub 0,35}Fe{sub 2}O{sub 4} sintetizadas por reacao de combustao

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Diniz, V.C.S.; Figueiredo, A.R.; Costa Junior, A.D.S.; Diniz, H.M.; Vieira, D.A.; Costa, A.C.F.M., E-mail: [Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG), PB (Brazil). Departamento de Engenharia de Materiais


    The MnZn ferrites are ferrimagnetic materials that have been studied and used in various technological fields. In this work investigated the microstructural characteristics of ferrites and Mn{sub 0,5}Zn{sub 0,5}Fe{sub 2}O{sub 4} Mn{sub 0,65}Zn{sub 0,35}Fe{sub 2}O{sub 4} synthesized by combustion reaction in 200g scale production. The samples were characterized by XRD, crystallinity, crystallite size, X-ray fluorescence and scanning electron microscopy. Given the results it was observed that for both samples the synthesis combustion reaction was efficient for the production of single-phase ferrites with high crystallinity. With respect to the analysis of X-ray fluorescence was noted that the experimental values composition were consistent with the theoretical values calculated for both samples. Regarding morphology for both samples, the formation of the porous powders with feature consisting of dense clumps in the form of irregular foam was observed. (author)

  4. Na3Co2(As0.52P0.48)O4(As0.95P0.05)2O7. (United States)

    Ben Smida, Youssef; Guesmi, Abderrahmen; Zid, Mohamed Faouzi; Driss, Ahmed


    The title compound, trisodium dicobalt(II) (arsenate/phosphate) (diarsenate/diphosphate), was prepared by a solid-state reaction. It is isostructural with Na3Co2AsO4As2O7. The framework shows the presence of CoX22O12 (X2 is statistically disordered with As0.95P0.05) units formed by sharing corners between Co1O6 octa-hedra and X22O7 groups. These units form layers perpendicular to [010]. Co2O6 octa-hedra and X1O4 (X1 = As0.54P0.46) tetra-hedra form Co2X1O8 chains parallel to [001]. Cohesion between layers and chains is ensured by the X22O7 groups, giving rise to a three-dimensional framework with broad tunnels, running along the a- and c-axis directions, in which the Na(+) ions reside. The two Co(2+) cations, the X1 site and three of the seven O atoms lie on special positions, with site symmetries 2 and m for the Co, m for the X1, and 2 and m (× 2) for the O sites. One of two Na atoms is disordered over three special positions [occupancy ratios 0.877 (10):0.110 (13):0.066 (9)] and the other is in a general position with full occupancy. A comparison between structures such as K2CdP2O7, α-NaTiP2O7 and K2MoO2P2O7 is made. The proposed structural model is supported by charge-distribution (CHARDI) analysis and bond-valence-sum (BVS) calculations. The distortion of the coordination polyhedra is analyzed by means of the effective coordination number.

  5. Study the effect of sintering temperature on structural, microstructural and electromagnetic properties of 10% Ca-doped Mn_0_._6Zn_0_._4Fe_2O_4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rahaman, Md. D.; Dalim Mia, Md.; Khan, M.N.I.; Akther Hossain, A.K.M.


    Calcium doped manganese–zinc ferrite having the nominal composition Mn_0_._6_−_xCa_xZn_0_._4Fe_2O_4 (x=0.0, 0.1) were prepared via the conventional solid-state sintering method, which were sintered at 1150, 1200 and 1250 °C for 5 h. The microstructure and surface morphology were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). XRD patterns revealed the formation of pure spinel phase ferrites with α-Fe_2O_3 impurity phase. FTIR spectra showed two absorption bands (ν_1 and ν_2) attributed to stretching vibration of tetrahedral and octahedral complex Fe"3"+–O"2"−, respectively. SEM micrographs displayed non-homogeneous grains of polyhedral shape but with increased grain size along with the increase of sintering temperature. Pure and calcium doped samples exhibit the highest dielectric constant at 1250 °C. Calcium doped sample has lower dielectric constant as compared to the pristine sample which is attributed to the retardation in electron exchange mechanism caused by lockup among iron and calcium ion. The dielectric loss peaks in pristine sample is attributed to the hopping frequency of Fe"2"+/Fe"3"+ between the tetrahedral and octahedral sites nearly equal to the frequency of the applied field. Calcium doped sample exhibits improved AC conductivity compare to the undoped sample at 1200 °C and 1250 °C because the electron hopping between Fe"3"+ and Fe"2"+ increases as the migration of Fe"3"+ to the B-sites increases with the occupancy of Ca"2"+ in the A-sites. Complex impedance spectra revealed that the conduction process is mainly attributed due to the processes which are associated with the grain and grain boundary in pristine sample and in calcium doped sample is associated with the grain only at 1150 and 1200 °C. Calcium substituted sample has lower permeability than that of pristine sample because Ca"2"+ can segregate the grain boundaries and creates an insulating

  6. Performance improvement of charge-trap memory by using a stacked Zr_0_._4_6Si_0_._5_4O_2/Al_2O_3 charge-trapping layer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tang, Zhenjie; Hu, Dan; Zhang, Xiwei; Zhao, Yage; Li, Rong


    The postdeposition annealing (PDA)-treated charge-trap flash memory capacitor with stacked Zr_0_._4_6Si_0_._5_4O_2/Al_2O_3 charge-trapping layer flanked by a SiO_2 tunneling oxide and an Al_2O_3 blocking oxide was fabricated and investigated. It is observed that the memory capacitor exhibits prominent memory characteristics with large memory windows 12.8 V in a ±10 V gate sweeping voltage range, faster program/erase speed, and good data-retention characteristics even at 125 C compared to a single charge-trapping layer (Zr_0_._4_6Si_0_._5_4O_2, Zr_0_._7_9Si_0_._2_1O_2, and Zr_0_._4_6Al_1_._0_8O_2_._5_4). The quantum wells and introduced interfacial traps of the stacked trapping layer regulate the storage and loss behavior of charges, and jointly contribute to the improved memory characteristics. Hence, the memory capacitor with a stacked trapping layer is a promising candidate in future nonvolatile charge-trap memory device design and application. (copyright 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  7. Estimativa de horas de frio abaixo de 7 e de 13°C para regionalização da fruticultura de clima temperado no estado de São Paulo Temperate fruit crop zoning in the State of São Paulo - Brazil based upon estimated number of hours with temperature below 7 and 13°C

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mário J. Pedro Júnior


    Full Text Available Estimativa e mapeamento do número de horas com temperaturas abaixo de 7 e 13°C no Estado de São Paulo e análise comparativa do comportamento de fruteiras de clima temperado constituem os objetivos do presente trabalho. Foi cotado o número de horas com temperaturas inferiores a 7 e 13°C, índices considerados limites necessários à dormência dessas plantas. Foram selecionados termogramas de doze postos agrometeorológicos do Instituto Agronômico, situados em altitudes variáveis entre 25 e 1.000m, correspondentes ao período 1964-1973. Estabeleceram-se equações para estimativa do número de horas com temperaturas inferiores a 7°C (HF-7 e 13°C (HF-13 em função da temperatura média do mês de julho, cujos coeficientes de correlação foram de -0,88 e -0,93, respectivamente. Com base nessas equações foram mapeadas as isolinhas de HF-7 e HF-13 para o Estado de São Paulo, encontrando-se desde valores médios anuais de HF-7 inferiores a 20 horas, característicos das regiões de transição de clima mesotérmico a megatérmico do Planalto Ocidental e das regiões mais baixas do norte e oeste do Estado, até valores anuais de HF-7 superiores a 200 horas, característicos das áreas acima de 1.500 metros de altitude no Sul do Estado, na serra da Mantiqueira, limítrofe com Minas Gerais, e na serra do Mar, limítrofe com o Rio de Janeiro. Com base na introdução de diferentes frutíferas de clima temperado no Estado de São Paulo, verificou-se uma relação muito grande entre os índices HF-7 e HF-13 mapeados com o comportamento e potencialidade de exploração comercial.The behavior of temperate climate fruit crops in the State of São Paulo - Brazil as function of "dormancy units" (DAMARIO, 1969 was analysed with the object of providing a simple method for mapping areas with aptitude for commercial development of the crop trees. Thermographs from 12 agrometeorological stations located at altitudes varying from 25 to 1000 meters above

  8. Cr Poisoning On Nd2Ni0.95Cu0.05O4+δ Cathode for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Choe Yeong-Ju


    Full Text Available In this study, Nd2Ni1-xCuxO4+δ (x=0, 0.05, 0.1, and 0.2 layered perovskite powders were synthesized by the glycine nitrate process (GNP and the chromium poisoning effect on the electrochemical performance of the Nd2Ni0.95Cu0.05O4+δ and La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ cathodes were investigated. In the case of the LSCF cathode, the strontium chromite phase formed after the exposure of the gaseous chromium species, while there was no additional phase in the Nd2Ni0.95Cu0.05O4+δ cathode. The area specific resistance (ASR of the Nd2Ni0.95Cu0.05O4+δ cathode did not change significantly after the exposure of the gaseous chromium species at 800°C.

  9. In situ X-ray diffraction characterisation of Fe0.5TiOPO4 and Cu0.5TiOPO4 as electrode material for sodium-ion batteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bleith, Peter; Kaiser, Hermann; Novák, Petr; Villevieille, Claire


    Na-ion batteries might become a low-cost alternative to Li-ion batteries in the future. Suitable electrode materials, especially anode materials, are needed for Na-ion batteries. As possible candidates Cu 0.5 TiOPO 4 and Fe 0.5 TiOPO 4 were tested. While Cu 0.5 TiOPO 4 does not react with Na + , Fe 0.5 TiOPO 4 shows a specific charge of ≈600 mAh/g upon the first sodiation and 280 mAh/g in the first desodiation. In situ XRD in a new, versatile and reliable in situ cell revealed that Fe 0.5 TiOPO 4 reacts via a conversion type reaction upon sodiation with an amorphisation of the sample

  10. The Krásná Hora, Milešov, and Příčovy Sb-Au ore deposits, Bohemian Massif: mineralogy, fluid inclusions, and stable isotope constraints on the deposit formation (United States)

    Němec, Matěj; Zachariáš, Jiří


    The Krásná Hora-Milešov and Příčovy districts (Czech Republic) are the unique examples of Sb-Au subtype orogenic gold deposits in the Bohemian Massif. They are represented by quartz-stibnite veins and massive stibnite lenses grading into low-grade, disseminated ores in altered host rocks. Gold postdates the stibnite and is often replaced by aurostibite. The ore zones are hosted by hydrothermally altered dikes of lamprophyres (Krásná Hora-Milešov) or are associated with local strike-slip faults (Příčovy). Formation of Sb-Au deposits probably occurred shortly after the main gold-bearing event (348-338 Ma; Au-only deposits) in the central part of the Bohemian Massif. Fluid inclusion analyses suggest that stibnite precipitated at 250 to 130 °C and gold at 200 to 130 °C from low-salinity aqueous fluids. The main quartz gangue hosting the ore precipitated from the same type of fluid at about 300 °C. Early quartz-arsenopyrite veins are not associated with the Sb-Au deposition and formed from low-salinity, aqueous-carbonic fluid at higher pressure and temperature ( 250 MPa, 400 °C). The estimated oxygen isotope composition of the ore-bearing fluid (4 ± 1‰ SMOW; based on post-ore calcite) suggests its metamorphic or mixed magmatic-metamorphic origin and excludes the involvement of meteoric water. Rapid cooling of warm hydrothermal fluids reacting with "cold" host rock was probably the most important factor in the formation of both stibnite and gold.

  11. Unusual Critical Behavior of the Diluted Uniaxial Dipolar Ferromagnet LiTb0.3Y0.7F4

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Seiden, P.; Seiden, J.; Laursen, Ib


    The experimental critical behavior of the susceptibility of LiTb0.3Y0.7F4 is described by the power law χ=Γ[(T-Tc) / Tc]-γ with Tc=0.520±0.003 K and γ=1.80±0.04. This behavior is dramatically different from that previously observed in LiTbF4 and is evidence of a departure from marginal...

  12. Thermal equation of state of (Mg 0.9Fe 0.1) 2SiO 4 olivine (United States)

    Liu, Wei; Li, Baosheng


    In situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction measurements have been carried out on San Carlos olivine (Mg 0.9Fe 0.1) 2SiO 4 up to 8 GPa and 1073 K. Data analysis using the high-temperature Birch-Murnaghan (HTBM) equation of state (EoS) yields the temperature derivative of the bulk modulus (∂ KT/∂ T) P = -0.019 ± 0.002 GPa K -1. The thermal pressure (TH) approach gives αKT = 4.08 ± 0.10 × 10 -3 GPa K -1, from which (∂ KT/∂ T) P = -0.019 ± 0.001 GPa K -1 is derived. Fitting the present data to the Mie-Grüneisen-Debye (MGD) formalism, the Grüneisen parameter at ambient conditions γ0 is constrained to be 1.14 ± 0.02 with fixed volume dependence q = 1. Combining the present data with previous results on iron-bearing olivine and fitting to MGD EoS, we obtain γ0 = 1.11 ± 0.01 and q = 0.54 ± 0.36. In this study the thermoelastic parameters obtained from various approaches are in good agreement with one another and previous results.

  13. Laponite Na+0.7[(Si8Mg5.5Li0.3)O20(OH)4]–0.7

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Si8Mg5.5Li0.3)O20(OH)4]–0.7. Negative charges are counterbalanced by Na+ ions present in the interlayer. Electrostatic screening length at pH 10 ≈30 nm. Effective maximum volume increases by a factor of 60. Thus, for less than 1 volume ...

  14. Smart Pipe System for a Shipyard 4.0

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paula Fraga-Lamas


    Full Text Available As a result of the progressive implantation of the Industry 4.0 paradigm, many industries are experimenting a revolution that shipyards cannot ignore. Therefore, the application of the principles of Industry 4.0 to shipyards are leading to the creation of Shipyards 4.0. Due to this, Navantia, one of the 10 largest shipbuilders in the world, is updating its whole inner workings to keep up with the near-future challenges that a Shipyard 4.0 will have to face. Such challenges can be divided into three groups: the vertical integration of production systems, the horizontal integration of a new generation of value creation networks, and the re-engineering of the entire production chain, making changes that affect the entire life cycle of each piece of a ship. Pipes, which exist in a huge number and varied typology on a ship, are one of the key pieces, and its monitoring constitutes a prospective cyber-physical system. Their improved identification, traceability, and indoor location, from production and through their life, can enhance shipyard productivity and safety. In order to perform such tasks, this article first conducts a thorough analysis of the shipyard environment. From this analysis, the essential hardware and software technical requirements are determined. Next, the concept of smart pipe is presented and defined as an object able to transmit signals periodically that allows for providing enhanced services in a shipyard. In order to build a smart pipe system, different technologies are selected and evaluated, concluding that passive and active RFID (Radio Frequency Identification are currently the most appropriate technologies to create it. Furthermore, some promising indoor positioning results obtained in a pipe workshop are presented, showing that multi-antenna algorithms and Kalman filtering can help to stabilize Received Signal Strength (RSS and improve the overall accuracy of the system.

  15. Smart Pipe System for a Shipyard 4.0. (United States)

    Fraga-Lamas, Paula; Noceda-Davila, Diego; Fernández-Caramés, Tiago M; Díaz-Bouza, Manuel A; Vilar-Montesinos, Miguel


    As a result of the progressive implantation of the Industry 4.0 paradigm, many industries are experimenting a revolution that shipyards cannot ignore. Therefore, the application of the principles of Industry 4.0 to shipyards are leading to the creation of Shipyards 4.0. Due to this, Navantia, one of the 10 largest shipbuilders in the world, is updating its whole inner workings to keep up with the near-future challenges that a Shipyard 4.0 will have to face. Such challenges can be divided into three groups: the vertical integration of production systems, the horizontal integration of a new generation of value creation networks, and the re-engineering of the entire production chain, making changes that affect the entire life cycle of each piece of a ship. Pipes, which exist in a huge number and varied typology on a ship, are one of the key pieces, and its monitoring constitutes a prospective cyber-physical system. Their improved identification, traceability, and indoor location, from production and through their life, can enhance shipyard productivity and safety. In order to perform such tasks, this article first conducts a thorough analysis of the shipyard environment. From this analysis, the essential hardware and software technical requirements are determined. Next, the concept of smart pipe is presented and defined as an object able to transmit signals periodically that allows for providing enhanced services in a shipyard. In order to build a smart pipe system, different technologies are selected and evaluated, concluding that passive and active RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) are currently the most appropriate technologies to create it. Furthermore, some promising indoor positioning results obtained in a pipe workshop are presented, showing that multi-antenna algorithms and Kalman filtering can help to stabilize Received Signal Strength (RSS) and improve the overall accuracy of the system.

  16. The GFDL global atmosphere and land model AM4.0/LM4.0: 2. Model description, sensitivity studies, and tuning strategies (United States)

    Zhao, M.; Golaz, J.-C.; Held, I. M.; Guo, H.; Balaji, V.; Benson, R.; Chen, J.-H.; Chen, X.; Donner, L. J.; Dunne, J. P.; Dunne, Krista A.; Durachta, J.; Fan, S.-M.; Freidenreich, S. M.; Garner, S. T.; Ginoux, P.; Harris, L. M.; Horowitz, L. W.; Krasting, J. P.; Langenhorst, A. R.; Liang, Z.; Lin, P.; Lin, S.-J.; Malyshev, S. L.; Mason, E.; Milly, Paul C.D.; Ming, Y.; Naik, V.; Paulot, F.; Paynter, D.; Phillipps, P.; Radhakrishnan, A.; Ramaswamy, V.; Robinson, T.; Schwarzkopf, D.; Seman, C. J.; Shevliakova, E.; Shen, Z.; Shin, H.; Silvers, L.; Wilson, J. R.; Winton, M.; Wittenberg, A. T.; Wyman, B.; Xiang, B.


    In Part 2 of this two‐part paper, documentation is provided of key aspects of a version of the AM4.0/LM4.0 atmosphere/land model that will serve as a base for a new set of climate and Earth system models (CM4 and ESM4) under development at NOAA's Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL). The quality of the simulation in AMIP (Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project) mode has been provided in Part 1. Part 2 provides documentation of key components and some sensitivities to choices of model formulation and values of parameters, highlighting the convection parameterization and orographic gravity wave drag. The approach taken to tune the model's clouds to observations is a particular focal point. Care is taken to describe the extent to which aerosol effective forcing and Cess sensitivity have been tuned through the model development process, both of which are relevant to the ability of the model to simulate the evolution of temperatures over the last century when coupled to an ocean model.

  17. The GFDL Global Atmosphere and Land Model AM4.0/LM4.0: 2. Model Description, Sensitivity Studies, and Tuning Strategies (United States)

    Zhao, M.; Golaz, J.-C.; Held, I. M.; Guo, H.; Balaji, V.; Benson, R.; Chen, J.-H.; Chen, X.; Donner, L. J.; Dunne, J. P.; Dunne, K.; Durachta, J.; Fan, S.-M.; Freidenreich, S. M.; Garner, S. T.; Ginoux, P.; Harris, L. M.; Horowitz, L. W.; Krasting, J. P.; Langenhorst, A. R.; Liang, Z.; Lin, P.; Lin, S.-J.; Malyshev, S. L.; Mason, E.; Milly, P. C. D.; Ming, Y.; Naik, V.; Paulot, F.; Paynter, D.; Phillipps, P.; Radhakrishnan, A.; Ramaswamy, V.; Robinson, T.; Schwarzkopf, D.; Seman, C. J.; Shevliakova, E.; Shen, Z.; Shin, H.; Silvers, L. G.; Wilson, J. R.; Winton, M.; Wittenberg, A. T.; Wyman, B.; Xiang, B.


    In Part 2 of this two-part paper, documentation is provided of key aspects of a version of the AM4.0/LM4.0 atmosphere/land model that will serve as a base for a new set of climate and Earth system models (CM4 and ESM4) under development at NOAA's Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL). The quality of the simulation in AMIP (Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project) mode has been provided in Part 1. Part 2 provides documentation of key components and some sensitivities to choices of model formulation and values of parameters, highlighting the convection parameterization and orographic gravity wave drag. The approach taken to tune the model's clouds to observations is a particular focal point. Care is taken to describe the extent to which aerosol effective forcing and Cess sensitivity have been tuned through the model development process, both of which are relevant to the ability of the model to simulate the evolution of temperatures over the last century when coupled to an ocean model.

  18. Oxygen transport in La0.6Sr0.4Co1-yFeyO3-d

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bouwmeester, Henricus J.M.; den Otter, M.W.; Boukamp, Bernard A.


    The surface exchange coefficient and chemical diffusion coefficient of oxygen for the perovskites La0.6Sr0.4Co1–yFeyO3–delta (y=0.2, 0.5 and 0.8) were measured using the conductivity relaxation technique. Measurements were performed between 600 and 800 °C in an oxygen partial pressure range between

  19. Oxygen vacancy as fatigue evidence of La0.5Sr0.5CoO3/PbZr0.4Ti0.6O3/La0.5Sr0.5CoO3 capacitors (United States)

    Liu, B. T.; Chen, J. E.; Sun, J.; Wei, D. Y.; Chen, J. H.; Li, X. H.; Bian, F.; Zhou, Y.; Guo, J. X.; Zhao, Q. X.; Guan, L.; Wang, Y. L.; Guo, Q. L.; Ma, L. X.


    La0.5Sr0.5CoO3 (LSCO) films grown on SrTiO3 substrates, cooled at reduced oxygen pressures, ranging from 8×104 to 1×10-4 Pa, from the depostion temperature, are used as the bottom electrodes of PbZr0.4Ti0.6O3 (PZT) capacitors to study the impact of oxygen stoichiometry of the LSCO bottom electrodes on the structural and physical properties of LSCO/PZT/LSCO capacitors. It is found that the tetragonality, polarization and fatigue-resistance of PZT films decrease with the decrease of the cooling oxygen pressure. Almost 60% polarization degradation occurs for the PZT capacitor with the LSCO bottom electrode cooled in 1×10-4 Pa oxygen up to 1010 switching cycles, indicating that the oxygen vacancy of the bottom electrode can result in fatigue of the LSCO/PZT/LSCO capacitor.

  20. Effects of annealing, acid and alcoholic beverages on Fe1+yTe0.6Se0.4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun, Y; Taen, T; Tsuchiya, Y; Tamegai, T; Shi, Z X


    We have systematically investigated and compared different methods to induce superconductivity in the iron chalcogenide Fe 1+y Te 0.6 Se 0.4 , including annealing in a vacuum, N 2 , O 2 and I 2 atmospheres and immersing samples into acid and alcoholic beverages. Vacuum and N 2 annealing are proved to be ineffective in inducing superconductivity in a Fe 1+y Te 0.6 Se 0.4 single crystal. Annealing in O 2 and I 2 and immersion in acid and alcoholic beverages can induce superconductivity by oxidizing the excess Fe in the sample. Superconductivity in O 2 annealed samples is of a bulk nature, while I 2 , acid and alcoholic beverages can only induce superconductivity near the surface. By comparing the different effects of O 2 , I 2 , acid and alcoholic beverages we propose a scenario to explain how the superconductivity is induced in the non-superconducting as-grown Fe 1+y Te 0.6 Se 0.4 . (paper)

  1. Autosar 4.0. And now? Challenges and solution approaches to use; AUTOSAR 4.0. Und jetzt? Herausforderungen und Loesungsansaetze fuer den Einsatz

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wandling, Florian; Pallierer, Roman [Elektrobit Automotive GmbH, Erlangen (Germany)


    The new version of the defined standard for electronics development in the automobile industry, Autosar 4.0, encompasses a wide range of standardised basic software modules and libraries. The advantages of the Autosar concept are obvious: standardisation makes it possible to reuse software components and more easily gain control of the increasing complexity in automotive electronics. But what is the situation in reality? This article of Elektrobit provides insight into the current status of Autosar 4.0 and describes relevant aspects with which Autosar users find themselves confronted. (orig.)

  2. Nature of the magnetic order in the charge-ordered cuprate La1.48Nd0.4Sr0.12CuO4

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Niels Bech; Rønnow, H.M.; Mesot, J.


    Using polarized neutron scattering we establish that the magnetic order in La1.48Nd0.4Sr0.12CuO4 is either (i) one dimensionally modulated and collinear, consistent with the stripe model or (ii) two dimensionally modulated with a novel noncollinear structure. The measurements rule out a number...... of alternative models characterized by 2D electronic order or 1D helical spin order. The low-energy spin excitations are found to be primarily transversely polarized relative to the stripe ordered state, consistent with conventional spin waves....

  3. Comparative studies of the dielectric properties of (1−x)BiFeO{sub 3}-xNi{sub 0.8}Zn{sub 0.2}Fe{sub 2}O{sub 4} (x=0.0, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0) multiferroic nanocomposite with their single phase BiFeO{sub 3} and Ni{sub 0.8}Zn{sub 0.2}Fe{sub 2}O{sub 4}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mani, Angom Devadatta, E-mail:; Soibam, Ibetombi


    BiFeO{sub 3} (BFO) and nickel zinc ferrite Ni{sub 0.8}Zn{sub 0.2}Fe{sub 2}O{sub 4} (NZFO) were prepared by sol gel and auto combustion route respectively. Stoichiometric proportions were mixed to obtain the multiferroic nanocomposites having the compositional formula (1−x)BiFeO{sub 3}-x Ni{sub 0.8}Zn{sub 0.2}Fe{sub 2}O{sub 4} (x=0.0, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0). The phases were confirmed by XRD analyses. SEM micrographs showed the agglomerated nature of the particles with continuous grain growth in all directions. Elemental compositions were confirmed from EDAX studies. FTIR studies showed the stretching and bending vibrations of the various bonds present in the samples. The dielectric properties such as dielectric constant, ε′ and dielectric loss tangent, tanδ were studied for the spinel, perovskite and nanocomposite ferrites. Experimental result shows an increasing trend in the value of dielectric constant in going from spinel to perovskite phase. The frequency dependence of tanδ showed minimum loss for x=0.5 nanocomposite. Possible mechanisms explaining the above results were being discussed.

  4. Magnetocaloric effect in the La0.8Ce0.2Fe11.4-xCoxSi1.6 compounds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, G.F.; Song, L.; Li, F.A.; Ou, Z.Q.; Tegus, O.; Brueck, E.; Buschow, K.H.J.


    The effects of substitution of Co for Fe on the magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of La 0.8 Ce 0.2 Fe 11.4-x Co x Si 1.6 (0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0) compounds have been investigated. X-ray diffraction shows that all compounds crystallize in the NaZn 13 -type structure. Magnetic measurements show that the Curie temperature (T C ) can be tuned between 184 and 294 K by changing the Co content from 0 to 1. A field-induced methamagnetic transition occurs in samples with x=0, 0.2 and 0.4. The magnetic entropy changes of the compounds have been determined from the isothermal magnetization measurements by using the Maxwell relation.



    Kagnicioglu, Celal Hakan; Ozdemir, Emircan


    It isimportant for businesses to keep up with the Industry 4.0 and to adapt theirmanufacturing systems to new technologies so that they can maintain theircompetitive edge in global markets. However, since these components aredeveloping so fast, it is crucial for companies to be aware of Industry 4.0 formaking on time transition to new technologies. Within the scope of the study,research evaluates the awareness of Industry 4.0, the Industry 4.0 applicationsand the Industry 4.0 perspective of S...

  6. Hot deformation of particulate reinforced Al-4Li-1Mg-0.5Ge-0.2Zr

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chanda, T.; Lavernia, E.J.; Wolfenstine, J.


    Lithium additions to aluminum give the greatest reduction in density and increase in elastic modulus per wt.% of any known alloying element. The potential for aluminum alloy density reduction through lithium additions is evident by comparing its atomic weight (6.94) to that of aluminum (26.98). Over the past decade, considerable research efforts have been directed towards developing aluminum-lithium alloys, with lithium contents of up to 2.5 wt.%, for aircraft applications, where their low density and increased stiffness can lead to significant improvements in payload capacity. A recent notable example has been the development of a quarternary aluminum-lithium alloy containing silver, (A1-(4.5-6.3) Cu-1.3Li-0.4Ag-0.4Mg-0.14Zr, in wt.%). In an effort to further decrease the density and increase the modulus of aluminum-lithium alloys, research efforts have progressively shifted towards alloys containing higher concentrations of lithium (>3.0 wt.%). Furthermore, aluminum-lithium alloys are being studied as potential candidate matrix materials in metal matrix composites (MMCs), as a result of the observation that lithium effectively enhances the ability of the aluminum matrix to wet the ceramic reinforcement. The extreme reactivity associated with high additions of lithium, and the difficulties associated with processing MMCs, have prompted the development of alternate synthesis approaches. One such approach, spray atomization and co-deposition, is actively being studied as a result of its ability to rapidly quench, reinforce, and consolidate in a single step, thus avoiding the difficulties associated with the handling of fine reactive particulates. The object of the paper is to provide insight into the elevated temperature deformation behavior of high lithium (4 wt.%) aluminum alloys reinforced with SiC particles prepared by spray atomization and co-deposition. The selection of the A1-4Li-1Mg-0.5Ge-0.2Zr wt

  7. Structural and dielectric studies of LiNiPO4 and LiNi0.5Co0.5PO4 cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K. Vijaya Babu


    Full Text Available Olivine-type LiNiPO4 has been considered as a most competitive positive electrode active material for lithium-ion batteries. In the present paper, the LiNiPO4 and Co-doped LiNi0.5Co0.5PO4 are synthesized by solid-state reaction method under air atmosphere. All the X-ray diffraction peaks of both the compounds are indexed and it is found that the samples are well crystallized in orthorhombic olivine structure belonging to the space group Pnma. The crystallite size is calculated from the Scherrer formula and it is found to be 6.918 and 4.818 nm for pure and doped samples, respectively. The surface morphology and grain sizes of the materials are investigated through scanning electron microscope. Presence of preferred local cation environment is understood from Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR studies. The conductivity and dielectric analysis of the samples are carried out at different temperatures and frequencies using the complex impedance spectroscopy technique. The electrical conductivity of LiNi0.5Co0.5PO4 is higher than that of pure LiNiPO4.

  8. Gd0.6Sr0.4Fe0.8Co0.2O3-δ: A novel type of SOFC cathode

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kammer Hansen, Kent; Søgaard, Martin; Mogensen, Mogens Bjerg


    The fabrication and electrochemical activity of a type of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) cathode is described in this paper. In search of new cathodes a Gd0.6Sr0.4Fe0.8Co0.2O3-delta compound was synthesized using the glycine-nitrate method. It turned out that this was a two-phase compound consisting...... of two perovskite phases, a cubic and an orthorhombic phase, as shown by Rietveld refinements. These two phases were synthesized and a cone-shaped electrode study was undertaken. It was shown that the composite cathode had an electrochemical activity superior to that of the two single-phase perovskites......, indicating that the unique microstructure of this type of cathode is essential for achieving high electrochemical activity toward the reduction of oxygen in a SOFC....

  9. Integrated uncertainty analysis using RELAP/SCDAPSIM/MOD4.0

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perez, M.; Reventos, F.; Wagner, R.; Allison, C.


    The RELAP/SCDAPSIM/MOD4.0 code, designed to predict the behavior of reactor systems during normal and accident conditions, is being developed as part of an international nuclear technology Software Development and Training Program (SDTP). RELAP/SCDAPSIM/MOD4.0, which is the first version of RELAP5 completely rewritten to FORTRAN 90/95/2000 standards, uses the publicly available RELAP5 and SCDAP models in combination with (a) advanced programming and numerical techniques, (b) advanced SDTP-member-developed models for LWR, HWR, and research reactor analysis, and (c) a variety of other member-developed computational packages. One such computational package is an integrated uncertainty analysis package being developed jointly by the Technical University of Catalunya (UPC) and Innovative Systems Software (ISS). The integrated uncertainty analysis approach used in the package uses the following steps: 1. Selection of the plant; 2. Selection of the scenario; 3. Selection of the safety criteria; 4. Identification and ranking of the relevant phenomena based on the safety criteria; 5. Selection of the appropriate code parameters to represent those phenomena; 6. Association of uncertainty by means of Probability Distribution Functions (PDFs) for each selected parameter; 7. Random sampling of the selected parameters according to its PDF and performing multiple computer runs to obtain uncertainty bands with a certain percentile and confidence level; 8. Processing the results of the multiple computer runs to estimate the uncertainty bands for the computed quantities associated with the selected safety criteria. The first four steps are performed by the user prior to the RELAP/SCDAPSIM/MOD4.0 analysis. The remaining steps are included with the MOD4.0 integrated uncertainty analysis (IUA) package. This paper briefly describes the integrated uncertainty analysis package including (a) the features of the package, (b) the implementation of the package into RELAP/SCDAPSIM/MOD4.0, and

  10. Thermal expansion of phosphates with the NaZr2(PO4)3 structure containing lanthanides and zirconium: R0.33Zr2(PO4)3 (R = Nd, Eu, Er) and Er0.33(1–x) Zr0.25xZr2(PO4)3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Volgutov, V. Yu.; Orlova, A. I.


    Phosphates R 0.33 Zr 2 (PO 4 ) 3 (R = Nd, Eu, or Er) and Er 0.33(1–x) Zr 0.25 Zr 2 (PO 4 ) 3 (x = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0) of the NaZr 2 (PO 4 ) 3 family have been synthesized and investigated by high-temperature X-ray diffraction. The crystallochemical approach is used to obtain compounds with expected small and controllable thermal-expansion parameters. Phosphates with close-to-zero thermal-expansion parameters, including those with low thermal-expansion anisotropy, have been obtained: Nd 0.33 Zr 2 (PO 4 ) 3 with α a =–2.21 × 10 −6 °C −1 , α c = 0.81 × 10 −6 °C −1 , and Δα = 3.02 × 10 −6 °C –1 and Er 0.08 Zr 0.19 Zr 2 (PO 4 ) 3 with α a =–1.86 × 10 −6 °C −1 , α c = 1.73 × 10 −6 °C −1 , and Δα = 3.58 × 10 −6 °C −1

  11. Performance of a PbWO sub 4 crystal calorimeter for 0.2-1.0 GeV electrons

    CERN Document Server

    Shimizu, H; Hashimoto, T; Abe, K; Asano, Y; Kinashi, T; Matsumoto, T; Matsumura, T; Okuno, H; Yoshida, H Y


    The performance of a calorimeter prototype of PbWO sub 4 crystals has been tested by using 0.2-1.0 GeV electrons. The calorimeter comprises nine crystals, each 20 mmx20 mmx200 mm, arranged in a 3x3 matrix. A phototube was connected to each crystal to collect the signal. The energy resolution is obtained to be (sigma/E) sup 2 =((0.014+-0.001)/E) sup 2 +((0.025+-0.001)/sq root E) sup 2 +(0.000+-0.027) sup 2 at 13 deg. C, where E is the energy given in GeV. The position of the incident electron beam has been measured every 2 mm step. The position resolution at the center of the crystal is obtained to be sq root((2.6+-0.1)/sq root E) sup 2 +(0.4+-0.6) sup 2 mm.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Vinícius Figueiredo (IFMS


    Full Text Available Por meio da trajetória de uma nordestina vivendo no Rio de Janeiro, a autora Clarice Lispector, utilizando-se da voz de um narrador homem, que também é um escritor, reflete sobre questões de escrita, sobre o contexto cultural de nosso país, descortinando assim suas raízes. Sob a esteira de pesquisadores como Nolasco, Souza e Klinger que amparam nossa reflexão sobre os estudos biográficos, objetivamos com este artigo apontar que A hora da estrela (1977 constitui a biografia intelectual da ficcionista Clarice Lispector. Dessa forma, é por meio da escrita biográfica que a ficção produz a vida de um escritor ou permite que esta seja relida na ficção. E os traços biográficos que constituem a vida do escritor são de extrema importância, devendo ser tomados como parte desse conjunto que redesenha vida e obra. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Lispector; intelectual; biografia. Abstract Through the trajectory of a northeastern living in Rio de Janeiro, the writer Clarice Lispector, using the voice of a narrator, who is also a writer, reflects on issues written about the cultural context of our country, revealing her roots. Based on researchers as Nolasco, Souza and Klinger that support our reflection on the biographical studies, we aimed to point out in this article that The Hour of the Star (1977 is the intellectual biography of the writer Clarice Lispector. In this way, it is through writing biographical fiction that makes the life of a writer or allows it to be reread in fiction. And the biographical traits that constitute the writer's life are extremely important and should be taken as part of this set that redraws life and work.KEYWORDS: Lispector. Intellectual. Biography.

  13. A partilha do trabalho e a demanda dinâmica por trabalhadores e horas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodrigo Pereira


    Full Text Available Este artigo investiga se uma redução na jornada de trabalho padrão tem um impacto positivo sobre o nível de emprego, um efeito conhecido na literatura como partilha do trabalho (work-sharing. A inovação do artigo consiste na inclusão de custos de ajustamento do emprego no modelo teórico, o que introduz interessantes aspectos dinâmicos que permitem estudar as trajetórias ótimas do emprego e das horas médias no curto e longo prazos. A principal conclusão é que a partilha do trabalho não ocorre, mesmo considerando os custos de ajustamento do emprego.This paper investigates whether a reduction in standard hours has a positive impact on the employment level, an effect known in the literature as work-sharing. The innovation here is to include employment adjustment costs in the theoretical model. This feature introduces interesting dynamic aspects, which make it possible to study optimal paths of employment and average hours both in the short and the long run. The main result is that work-sharing does not occur even in the presence of employment adjustment costs.

  14. Oxygen nonstoichiometry and thermo-chemical stability of La0.6Sr0.4CoO3−δ

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuhn, M.; Hashimoto, S.; Sato, K.; Yashiro, K.; Mizusaki, J.


    The oxygen nonstoichiometry of La 0.6 Sr 0.4 CoO 3−δ has been the topic of various reports in the literature, but has been exclusively measured at high oxygen partial pressures, pO 2 , and/or elevated temperatures. For applications of La 0.6 Sr 0.4 CoO 3−δ , such as solid oxide fuel cell cathodes or oxygen permeation membranes, knowledge of the oxygen nonstoichiometry and thermo-chemical stability over a wide range of pO 2 is crucial, as localized low pO 2 could trigger failure of the material and device. By employing coulometric titration combined with thermogravimetry, the oxygen nonstoichiometry of La 0.6 Sr 0.4 CoO 3−δ was measured at high and intermediate pO 2 until the material decomposed (at log(pO 2 /bar)≈−4.5 at 1073 K). For a gradually reduced sample, an offset in oxygen content suggests that La 0.6 Sr 0.4 CoO 3−δ forms a “super-reduced” solid solution before decomposing. When the sample underwent alternate reduction–oxidation, a hysteresis-like pO 2 dependence of the oxygen content in the decomposition pO 2 range was attributed to the reversible formation of ABO 3 and A 2 BO 4 phases. Reduction enthalpy and entropy were determined for the single-phase region and confirmed interpolated values from the literature. - Graphical abstract: Oxygen nonstoichiometry (shown as 3−δ) of La 0.6 Sr 0.4 CoO 3−δ as a function of pO 2 at 773–1173 K. The experimental data were obtained by thermogravimetric analysis (TG) and coulometric titration (measured either by a simple reduction (CT1) or a “two-step-forward one-step-back” reduction–oxidation (CT2) procedure). D1 and D2 denote the decomposition pO 2 . The solid lines are the fit to the thermogravimetry and CT1 data. The dashed lines represent the non-equilibrium region where the sample shows a super-reduced state. Highlights: ► Oxygen nonstoichiometry of La 0.6 Sr 0.4 CoO 3−δ at intermediate temperatures and p(O2). ► Experimental confirmation of previously interpolated

  15. Industry 4.0 implies lean manufacturing: research activities in industry 4.0 function as enablers for lean manufacturing


    Sanders, Adam; Elangeswaran, Chola; Wulfsberg, Jens


    Purpose: Lean Manufacturing is widely regarded as a potential methodology to improve productivity and decrease costs in manufacturing organisations. The success of lean manufacturing demands consistent and conscious efforts from the organisation, and has to overcome several hindrances. Industry 4.0 makes a factory smart by applying advanced information and communication systems and future-oriented technologies. This paper analyses the incompletely perceived link between Industr...

  16. Structure and electrical properties of new Aurivillius oxides (K0.16Na0.84)0.5Bi4.5Ti4O15 with manganese modification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fang, Pinyang; Liu, Peng; Xi, Zengzhe; Long, Wei; Li, Xiaojuan


    Highlights: • Manganese modified KNBT ceramics were synthesized using the solid state process. • d 33 and T c of KNBT ceramics were improved by manganese modification. • d 33 and T c of KNBT-Mn50 ceramic were 28 pC/N and 657 °C, respectively. - Abstract: Aurivillius oxides, (K 0.16 Na 0.84 ) 0.5 Bi 4.5 Ti 4 O 15 (KNBT) with manganese doping, were synthesized by using the conventional solid state reaction method. Influence of manganese doping on structure and electric properties of the KNBT ceramics was investigated. Phase analysis was performed by X-ray diffraction analyses (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy. Microstructural morphology was assessed by the scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Piezoelectric performances of manganese modified KNBT ceramics were improved significantly compared with that of the KNBT ceramic. The maximum of piezoelectric coefficient (d 33 ) was found to be 28 pC/N for the KNBT-Mn50 ceramic, together with high Curie temperature (T c ∼ 657 °C) and high resistivity (higher than 10 6 Ω cm). In addition, excellent temperature stability of piezoelectric performances was exhibited for manganese modified KNBT lead-free piezoelectric ceramics

  17. Fabrication and magnetic properties of Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 nanofibres by electrospinning

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jun, Xiang; Xiang-Qian, Shen; Fu-Zhan, Song; Ming-Quan, Liu


    NiZn ferrite/polyvinylpyrrolidone composite fibres were prepared by sol–gel assisted electrospinning. Ni 0.5 Zn 0.5 Fe 2 O 4 nanofibres with a pure cubic spinel structure were obtained subsequently by calcination of the composite fibres at high temperatures. This paper investigates the thermal decomposition process, structures and morphologies of the electrospun composite fibres and the calcined Ni 0.5 Zn 0.5 Fe 2 O 4 nanofibres at different temperatures by thermo-gravimetric and differential thermal analysis, x-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and field emission scanning electron microscopy. The magnetic behaviour of the resultant nanofibres was studied by a vibrating sample magnetometer. It is found that the grain sizes of the nanofibres increase significantly and the nanofibre morphology gradually transforms from a porous structure to a necklace-like nanostructure with the increase of calcination temperature. The Ni 0.5 Zn 0.5 Fe 2 O 4 nanofibres obtained at 1000 °C for 2 h are characterized by a necklace-like morphology and diameters of 100–200 nm. The saturation magnetization of the random Ni 0.5 Zn 0.5 Fe 2 O 4 nanofibres increases from 46.5 to 90.2 emu/g when the calcination temperature increases from 450 to 1000 °C. The coercivity reaches a maximum value of 11.0 kA/m at a calcination temperature of 600 °C. Due to the shape anisotropy, the aligned Ni 0.5 Zn 0.5 Fe 2 O 4 nanofibres exhibit an obvious magnetic anisotropy and the ease magnetizing direction is parallel to the nanofibre axis. (condensed matter: structure, thermal and mechanical properties)

  18. Hardness and microstructure of Al-10.0 wt% Zn-4.0 wt% Mg alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iqbal, M.; Shaikh, M.A.; Ahmad, W.; Ali, K.L.


    Al-Zn-Mg alloys are widely used in industries as these have excellent physical and mechanical properties. However some aspects of the effect of heat treatment on these alloys are not yet clear. In order to understand the precipitation phenomena in these alloys, microstructure of a locally prepared alloy Al-10.0 wt% Zn-4.0 wt% Mg heat treated under different conditions has been examined in scanning electron microscope/electron probe micro analyser. Precipitates MgZn/sub 2/, MgZn/sub 4/ and Mg/sub 2/Zn/sub 11/ have been observed and these are caused by heat treatment. Correlation between these precipitates and Vickers's hardness has also been studied. In the present paper results of this investigation have been presented and discussed. (author)

  19. Dielectric studies of Co3-xMnxO4 (x=0.1-1.0) cubic spinel multiferroic (United States)

    Meena, P. L.; Kumar, Ravi; Prajapat, C. L.; Sreenivas, K.; Gupta, Vinay


    A series of Co3-xMnxO4 (x =0.1-1.0) multiferroic cubic spinel ceramics were prepared to study the effect of Mn substitution at Co site on the crystal structures and dielectric properties. No significant change in the structural symmetry was observed with increasing x up to 1.0. A linear increase in lattice parameter with x is attributed to the substitution of Co3+ by Mn3+ (large ionic radii) at the octahedral sites. An antiferromagnetic-type ordering of Co3O4 changes to ferrimagnetic-type order after incorporation of Mn. The effect of Mn substitution on the dielectric constant and loss tangent was studied over a wide range of frequency (75 kHz-5 MHz) and temperature of 150-450 K. The measured value of room temperature ac conductivity at 1.0 MHz was found to increase from 2.0×10-6 to 4.4×10-4 Ω-1 cm-1 and follows power law (σac=Aωs) behavior. The dielectric constant ɛ'(ω) shows a weak frequency dispersion and small temperature dependence below 250 K for all ceramic samples. However, a strong temperature and frequency dependence on ɛ'(ω) was observed at higher temperature (>250 K). The temperature dependent ɛ'(ω) data show the existence of room temperature ferroelectricity in all prepared samples.

  20. Visualization of the Diffusion Pathway of Protons in (NH4)2Si0.5Ti0.5P4O13 as an Electrolyte for Intermediate-Temperature Fuel Cells. (United States)

    Sun, Chunwen; Chen, Lanli; Shi, Siqi; Reeb, Berthold; López, Carlos Alberto; Alonso, José Antonio; Stimming, Ulrich


    We demonstrate that (NH 4 ) 2 Si 0.5 Ti 0.5 P 4 O 13 is an excellent proton conductor. The crystallographic information concerning the hydrogen positions is unraveled from neutron-powder-diffraction (NPD) data for the first time. This study shows that all the hydrogen atoms are connected though H bonds, establishing a two-dimensional path between the [(Si 0.5 Ti 0.5 )P 4 O 13 2- ] n layers for proton diffusion across the crystal structure by breaking and reconstructing intermediate H-O═P bonds. This transient species probably reduces the potential energy of the H jump from an ammonium unit to the next neighboring NH 4 + unit. Both theoretical and experimental results support an interstitial-proton-conduction mechanism. The proton conductivities of (NH 4 ) 2 Si 0.5 Ti 0.5 P 4 O 13 reach 0.0061 and 0.024 S cm -1 in humid air at 125 and 250 °C, respectively. This finding demonstrates that (NH 4 ) 2 Si 0.5 Ti 0.5 P 4 O 13 is a promising electrolyte material operating at 150-250 °C. This work opens up a new avenue for designing and fabricating high-performance inorganic electrolytes.

  1. ROMI 4.0: Updated Rough Mill Simulator (United States)

    Timo Grueneberg; R. Edward Thomas; Urs Buehlmann


    In the secondary hardwood industry, rough mills convert hardwood lumber into dimension parts for furniture, cabinets, and other wood products. ROMI 4.0, the US Department of Agriculture Forest Service's ROugh-MIll simulator, is a software package designed to simulate the cut-up of hardwood lumber in rough mills in such a way that a maximum possible component yield...

  2. Fabrication of aligned porous LaNi0.6Fe0.4O3 perovskite by water based freeze casting (United States)

    Soltani, Niloofar; Martínez-Bautista, Rubén; Bahrami, Amin; Huerta Arcos, Lázaro; Cassir, Michel; Chávez Carvayar, José


    A novel porous cathode of LaNi0.6Fe0.4O3 perovskite with aligned porosities was engineered for solid oxide fuel cells. LaNi0.6Fe0.4O3 was produced through metal nitrate and acid citric combustion method and calcined at different temperatures. The synthesized LNF at 600 °C shows specific surface area (SBET) of 24.4 m2 g-1 and an average pore size of 12.2 nm. The chemical composition and structure of LaNi0.6Fe0.4O3 synthesized at temperature 600-1400 °C, were analyzed by XRD, XPS and HRTEM. SEM observations of freeze cast nano-sized LNF showed the vertically aligned hexagonal walls. These walls contain a great value of fine pores which accelerate the gas transportation.

  3. Newspaper design – processes, routines and product: a study of Segundo Caderno, the Zero Hora cultural supplement

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patrícia Lopes Damasceno


    Full Text Available The article discusses the graphic design of Segundo Caderno supplement  from the newspaper Zero Hora (ZH. The study identifies and analyses witch graphical elements e what compositional strategies are used by the periodic, verifying how these area articulated with the editorial process and the values of the journalistic field. The methodological procedures utilized were bibliographical research; qualitative and quantitative evaluation of a corpus composed by 24 editions of the months of June, August, September and October of 2011; observation of the productive routines; and non-structured interviews with five professionals of this supplement. The results showed that journalism possesses a strong e consolidated work culture, and that its constraints guide the design practice in this context. It was also observed that the ignorance of the reader's profile by the journalists, the mismatch between the possibility of advanced planning in virtue of the connection with the events agenda and the restricted use of visual resources, highlighting by a significant number of released photos.

  4. Newspaper design – processes, routines and product: a study of Segundo Caderno, cultural supplement from Zero Hora

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Gruszynski


    Full Text Available The article discusses the graphic design of Segundo Caderno supplement  from the newspaper Zero Hora (ZH. The study identifies and analyses witch graphical elements e what compositional strategies are used by the periodic, verifying how these area articulated with the editorial process and the values of the journalistic field. The methodological procedures utilized were bibliographical research; qualitative and quantitative evaluation of a corpus composed by 24 editions of the months of June, August, September and October of 2011; observation of the productive routines; and non-structured interviews with five professionals of this supplement. The results showed that journalism possesses a strong e consolidated work culture, and that its constraints guide the design practice in this context. It was also observed that the ignorance of the reader's profile by the journalists, the mismatch between the possibility of advanced planning in virtue of the connection with the events agenda and the restricted use of visual resources, highlighting by a significant number of released photos.

  5. Integrated Medical Model (IMM) Optimization Version 4.0 Functional Improvements (United States)

    Arellano, John; Young, M.; Boley, L.; Garcia, Y.; Saile, L.; Walton, M.; Kerstman, E.; Reyes, D.; Goodenow, D. A.; Myers, J. G.


    The IMMs ability to assess mission outcome risk levels relative to available resources provides a unique capability to provide guidance on optimal operational medical kit and vehicle resources. Post-processing optimization allows IMM to optimize essential resources to improve a specific model outcome such as maximization of the Crew Health Index (CHI), or minimization of the probability of evacuation (EVAC) or the loss of crew life (LOCL). Mass and or volume constrain the optimized resource set. The IMMs probabilistic simulation uses input data on one hundred medical conditions to simulate medical events that may occur in spaceflight, the resources required to treat those events, and the resulting impact to the mission based on specific crew and mission characteristics. Because IMM version 4.0 provides for partial treatment for medical events, IMM Optimization 4.0 scores resources at the individual resource unit increment level as opposed to the full condition-specific treatment set level, as done in version 3.0. This allows the inclusion of as many resources as possible in the event that an entire set of resources called out for treatment cannot satisfy the constraints. IMM Optimization version 4.0 adds capabilities that increase efficiency by creating multiple resource sets based on differing constraints and priorities, CHI, EVAC, or LOCL. It also provides sets of resources that improve mission-related IMM v4.0 outputs with improved performance compared to the prior optimization. The new optimization represents much improved fidelity that will improve the utility of the IMM 4.0 for decision support.

  6. Phase-inversion tape-casting preparation and significant performance enhancement of Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95- La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ dual-phase asymmetric membrane for oxygen separation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Huang, Hua; Cheng, Shiyang; Gao, Jianfeng


    The dual-phase Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95–La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3−δ asymmetric membrane was prepared via a phase-inversion tape-casting method. The membrane consisted of a thicker porous support layer and a thinner dense layer. When the dense side of the membrane was coated with a La0.6Sr0.4CoO3−δ catalytic...

  7. Electrochemical Characterization of La0.58Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ Thin Film Electrodes Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Plonczak, Pawel; Søgaard, Martin; Bieberle-Hütter, Anja


    Electrochemical properties of La0.58Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ (LSCF) thin films with well defined microstructures have been investigated. Symmetrical cells were characterized by impedance spectroscopy in the temperature range from 625 to 750°C and the oxygen partial pressure, range from 10-2 to 1 atm...... have only an area specific resistance of 0.38 Ω cm2. It is shown that the polarization resistance of thin films is approximately proportional to the inverse of the surface area of the porous cathodes in the temperature regime 625 to 750°C. The activation energy of the surface oxygen exchange process...... depends on the thin film microstructure as it decreased from 2.4 eV for dense films to 1.6 eV for porous films....

  8. Effects of Zr4+ codoping on the Lu0.8Sc0.2BO3:Ce scintillation materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu, Yuntao; Ren, Guohao; Ding, Dongzhou; Shang, Shanshan; Sun, Dandan; Zhang, Guoqing; Wang, Jiayu; Pan, Shangke; Yang, Fan


    Both Zr-codoped Lu 0.8 Sc 0.2 BO 3 :Ce polycrystalline powders and single crystals were obtained by solid-state reaction and Czochralski method, respectively. The effects of Zr codoping on the optical absorption, Ce 3+ /Ce 4+ ratio, scintillation efficiency, decay time and point defect in Lu 0.8 Sc 0.2 BO 3 :Ce materials were examined systematically. Our results show that there is no positive contribution of Zr 4+ ion codoping to the scintillation efficiency. And the reasons for the deterioration of scintillation efficiency by codoping Zr 4+ were revealed. - Highlights: ► No positive contribution of the Zr 4+ ions on the scintillation efficiency was found. ► New optical absorption band was in the region from 200 to 225 nm. ► Continuously accelerated decay time indicated that Zr 4+ codoping induced new point defects. ► The induced hole trap located at 1.91 eV below the conduction band.

  9. Synthesis and performance of LiMn0.7Fe0.3PO4 cathode material for lithium ion batteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chang Xiaoyan; Wang Zhixing; Li Xinhai; Zhang Long; Guo Huajun; Peng Wenjie


    Pure and carbon-containing olivine LiMn 0.7 Fe 0.3 O 4 were synthesized at 600 deg. C by the method of solid-state reaction. Structure, surface morphology and charge/discharge performance of LiMn 0.7 Fe 0.3 O 4 were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and electrochemical measurement, respectively. The prepared materials with and without carbon both show the single olivine structure. The morphologies of primary particles are greatly affected by the addition of carbon. Large particles (500-1000 nm) and densely sintered blocks were observed in pure LiMn 0.7 Fe 0.3 PO 4 , which made the insertion and extraction of lithium ions difficult. Battery made from this sample can not charge and discharge effectively. The carbon-containing LiMn 0.7 Fe 0.3 PO 4 has a small particle size (100-200 nm) and a regular appearance. This material demonstrates high reversible capacity of about 120 mAh g -1 , perfect cycling performance, and excellent rate capability. It is obvious that the addition of carbon plays an important role in restricting the particle size of the material, which helps to prepare LiMn 0.7 Fe 0.3 PO 4 with excellent electrochemical performance. The electrochemical reaction resistance is much lower in the partly discharged state than in the fully charged or fully discharged state by the measurement of ac impedance for carbon-containing LiMn 0.7 Fe 0.3 PO 4 . It is indicated that the mixed-valence of Fe 3+ /Fe 2+ or Mn 3+ /Mn 2+ is beneficial to the transfer of electron which happens between the interface

  10. Enhanced oxygen diffusion in low barium-containing La0.2175Pr0.2175Ba0.145Sr0.4Fe0.8Co0.2O3−δ intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell cathodes

    KAUST Repository

    Vert, Vicente B.; Serra, José M.; Kilner, John A.; Burriel, Mó nica


    Isotopic tracer diffusion studies have been performed on the perovskite composition La 0.2175Pr 0.2175Ba 0.145Sr 0.4Fe 0.8Co 0.2O 3-δ to obtain the diffusion and surface exchange coefficients for oxygen. This material has been identified as a highly

  11. Synthesis and electrochemical properties of xLiMn0.9Fe0.1PO4·yLi3V2(PO4)3/C composite cathode materials for lithium–ion batteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu, Ling; Lu, JiaJia; Wei, Gui; Wang, Pengfei; Ding, Hao; Zheng, Junwei; Li, Xiaowei; Zhong, Shengkui


    Highlights: • xLiMn 0.9 Fe 0.1 PO4·yLi 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 /C composites are prepared by a solid-state method. • The addition of Li 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 can improve the properties of LiMn 0.9 Fe 0.1 PO 4 . • Mutual doping occurrs between the LiMn 0.9 Fe 0.1 PO 4 and Li 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 phases. • 5LiMn 0.9 Fe 0.1 PO 4 ·Li 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 /C shows the best electrochemical properties. - Abstract: The xLiMn 0.9 Fe 0.1 PO 4 ·yLi 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 /C (x:y=1:0, 9:1 5:1, 3:1, 1:1 and 0:1) cathode materials are synthesized by a ball–milling and post–calcination method. XRD results reveal that the xLiMn 0.9 Fe 0.1 PO 4 ·yLi 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 /C (x,y≠0) composites are composed of LiMn 0.9 Fe 0.1 PO 4 and Li 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 phases, and no impurities are detected. In LiMn 0.9 Fe 0.1 PO 4 –Li 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 system, most of the manganese, iron and vanadium elements in the raw materials tend to form the two major phases, and only small amounts of V, Mn and Fe as dopants enter into the lattice of LiMn 0.9 Fe 0.1 PO 4 and Li 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 . Electrochemical tests show that the xLiMn 0.9 Fe 0.1 PO 4 ·yLi 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 /C (x,y≠0) composites exhibit much better performance than the single LiMn 0.9 Fe 0.1 PO 4 /C. Among the samples, 5LiMn 0.9 Fe 0.1 PO 4 ·Li 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 /C shows the best electrochemical performance. The sample delivers the specific capacities of 158.1, 140.7 and 100.2 mAh g −1 at 0.05, 1 and 4 C rates in the potential range of 2.5–4.5 V, and exhibits very long and flat discharge plateau around 4.0 V up to 1 C rate. The sample also shows good cycling performance at various C–rates

  12. Excitation function measurements of sup 4 sup 0 Ar(p,3n) sup 3 sup 8 K, sup 4 sup 0 Ar(p,2pn) sup 3 sup 8 Cl and sup 4 sup 0 Ar(p,2p) sup 3 sup 9 Cl reactions

    CERN Document Server

    Nagatsu, K; Suzuki, K


    For the production of sup 3 sup 8 K, excitation functions of the sup 4 sup 0 Ar(p,3n) sup 3 sup 8 K reaction and its accompanying reactions sup 4 sup 0 Ar(p,2pn) sup 3 sup 8 Cl, and sup 4 sup 0 Ar(p,2p) sup 3 sup 9 Cl were measured at the proton energy of 20.5-39.5 MeV to determine the optimum conditions of irradiation. Target cells containing argon gas were prepared using specially developed tools in an argon-replaced glove box. In the sup 4 sup 0 Ar(p,3n) sup 3 sup 8 K, sup 4 sup 0 Ar(p,2pn) sup 3 sup 8 Cl, and sup 4 sup 0 Ar(p,2p) sup 3 sup 9 Cl reactions, the maximum cross sections were 6.7+-0.7, 34+-3.3 and 11+-1.2mbarn at 37.6, 39.5 and 32.0 MeV, respectively, and the saturation thick target yields were calculated to be 560, 2200, and 1300 sup * MBq/mu A, respectively, at an incident energy of 39.5 MeV ( sup * integral yield above 21 MeV).

  13. Industrie 4.0-Anwendungen für die Supply Chain


    Hofmann, Erik; Oettmeier, Katrin


    Industrie 4.0 bedingt eine Vielzahl an Technologien, welche die digitale Vernetzung von Objekten ermöglichen. Im Folgenden wird die derzeitige und künftige Verwendung von Industrie 4.0-Technologien und -Lösungen bei Schweizer Unternehmen analysiert. Grundlage hierfür bilden die Ergebnisse einer grosszahligen Erhebung im Rahmen der Logistikmarktstudie Schweiz, Band 2017.

  14. Avaliação do efeito analgésico preemptivo do lumiracoxibe comparado com placebo nas primeiras 24 horas de pós-operatório

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vilmar Molon

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Testar o lumiracoxibe, utilizado preemptivamente contra um placebo, e analisar o consumo de analgésicos (dipirona e tramadol nas primeiras 24h do pós-operatório. MÉTODOS: Sessenta pacientes submetidas à mamoplastia de aumento, sob anestesia peridural, foram selecionadas e divididas de forma randomizada em dois grupos - GI e GII. Sessenta minutos antes da operação, por via oral, as 30 pacientes do GI receberam um comprimido de lumiracoxibe 400mg, e as 30 do GII um comprimido de placebo. A dor pós-operatória foi avaliada através da escala analógica visual, graduada de 0 (sem dor a 10 (dor de maior intensidade, sendo aplicada sempre que houvesse referência de dor. Para escores obtidos iguais ou menores que 4, a paciente recebia 15mg/kg de dipirona, até máximo de um grama, via venosa. Para escores de 5, 6 ou 7, recebia 50mg de tramadol por via venosa. Escores de 8 ou mais eram tratados com 0,5mg/kg de meperidina endovenosa. RESULTADOS: Os escores obtidos no GI foram significativamente menores que os do GII dentro das primeiras 24 horas, resultando em consumo 20% menor de dipirona e 56% menor de tramadol. Da mesma forma, observou-se que o tempo para solicitação de analgésicos pela primeira vez no pós-operatório foi de 191 minutos maior no GI. CONCLUSÃO: O emprego do lumiracoxibe preemptivamente mostrou-se efetivo no combate à dor pós-operatória, reduzindo consideravelmente o consumo global de analgésicos nesse período e aumentando o tempo de solicitação de analgésico pela primeira vez.

  15. Synthesis and structural investigation of new Co1-xNixTeO4 (x = 0, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8 and 1) compounds (United States)

    Patel, Akhilesh K.; Singh, Harishchandra; Suresh, K. G.


    The new polycrystalline compounds Co1-xNixTeO4 (x = 0, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8 and 1) were prepared by sol-gel method and their structural properties have been studied. Structural investigation through Rietveld method shows monoclinic structure with space group P21/c for all compounds. All compounds polyhedral structure found to be in octahedral form with cations (M) at the center and six oxygen atoms at corner of octahedral structure. The lattice parameters variation with Ni substitution are found to be decreasing with Ni substitution.

  16. Oxygen Permeation and Stability Study of (La0.6Ca0.4)0.98(Co0.8Fe0.2)O3-δ Membranes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Salehi, Mehdi; Søgaard, Martin; Esposito, Vincenzo


    ) was tested. A small decrease in the flux was observed over 48 h in CO2 at 850 °C. SEM examinations of the cross-section of the tested membrane showed that the Ca rich phase in the membrane showed a tendency to migrate to the feed side. Whereas the material shows a CO2 stability superior to that of Sr or Ba......The perovskite-type oxide (La0.6Ca0.4)0.98(Co0.8Fe0.2)O3-δ (LCCF) was investigated for use as oxygen separation membrane. A 25 µm thick dense membrane on a porous LCCF support with a thickness of around 175 µm was prepared by a tape casting and lamination process. The optimum sintering temperature...... of the component was established to be 1050 °C by analysis of microstructures of membranes sintered at different temperatures. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) examination of cross-sections of the sintered membrane showed that it consisted of two phases, the main phase being enriched in calcium (Ca) and depleted...

  17. Cobalt–iron red–ox behavior in nanostructured La0.4Sr0.6Co0.8Fe0.2O3−δ cathodes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Soldati, Analía L.; Baqué, Laura; Napolitano, Federico


    Nano-sized La0.4Sr0.6Co0.8Fe0.2O3−δ (LSCF) perovskite samples (prepared by a conventional acetate route and a novel acetate synthesis with HMTA additives), were tested simulating a red–ox cycle. The crystallography was studied by X-ray Powder Diffraction (XPD) and the changes in the oxidation state...... of the perovskite B-site were evaluated by synchrotron X-ray Absorption Near Edge Spectroscopy (XANES). After a reducing treatment, LSFC particles show the appearance of a new phase that coexists with the original one. The structural change is accompanied by a Co and Fe formal oxidation states decrease, although Fe...... remains always closer to 4+ and Co closer to 3+. The treatment produces a B-site valence average reduction from 3.52+ to 3.26+ and the formation of oxygen vacancies. A re-oxidation treatment under O2 rich atmosphere at 800°C for 10h shows that the change is reversible and independent of the two chemical...

  18. Fabrication of magnetic Fe@ZnO_0_._6S_0_._4 nanocomposite for visible-light-driven photocatalytic inactivation of Escherichia coli

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peng, Ziling; Wu, Dan; Wang, Wei; Tan, Fatang; Ng, Tsz Wai; Chen, Jianguo; Qiao, Xueliang; Wong, Po Keung


    Highlights: • Fe@ZnO_0_._6S_0_._4 was prepared by a facile two-step precipitation method. • Fe@ZnO_0_._6S_0_._4 exhibited high photocatalytic activity under LED lamp irradiation. • Fe@ZnO_0_._6S_0_._4 possessed good stability and reusability for bacterial inactivation. • Fe@ZnO_0_._6S_0_._4 could be easily collected from the reaction solution by a magnet. • The release rate of metal ions from nanocomposite was kept at a very low level. - Abstract: Bacterial inactivation by magnetic photocatalysts has now received growing interests due to the easy separation for recycle and reuse of photocatalysts. In this study, magnetic Fe@ZnO_0_._6S_0_._4 photocatalyst was prepared by a facile two-step precipitation method. Multiple techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscope (TEM), scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), UV–vis diffused reflectance spectra (UV-vis DRS) and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) were employed to characterize the structure, morphology and physicochemical properties of the photocatalyst. The as-obtained Fe@ZnO_0_._6S_0_._4 possessing magnetic property was easily collected from the reaction system by a magnet. Under white light-emitting-diode (LED) lamp irradiation, Fe@ZnO_0_._6S_0_._4 nanocomposite could completely inactivate 7-log of Escherichia coli K-12 within 5 h. More importantly, almost no decrease of photocatalytic efficiency in bacterial inactivation was observed even after five consecutive cycles, demonstrating Fe@ZnO_0_._6S_0_._4 exhibited good stability for reuse. The low released rate of Fe"2"+/Fe"3"+ and Zn"2"+ from Fe@ZnO_0_._6S_0_._4 composite further indicated the photocatalyst showed low cytotoxicity to bacterium and high stability under LED lamp irradiation. Facile preparation, high photocatalytic efficiency, good stability and reusability, and magnetic recovery property endow Fe@ZnO_0_._6S_0_._4 nanocomposite to be a promising photocatalytic material

  19. A giant enhancement of CMR in Eu{sub 0.6}Ca{sub 0.4}B{sub 6}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Glushkov, V V; Bogach, A V; Demishev, S V; Sluchanko, N E [A.M.Prokhorov General Physics Institute of RAS, 38, Vavilov str., Moscow 119991 (Russian Federation); Anisimov, M A [Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 9, Institutskii per., Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region 141700 (Russian Federation); Churkin, O A; Kuznetsov, A V [Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, 31, Kashirskoe Shosse, Moscow 115409 (Russian Federation); Filipov, V B; Levchenko, A V; Shitsevalova, N Yu [I. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science NAS, 3, Krzhyzhanovsky str., Kiev 03680 (Ukraine); Flachbart, K, E-mail: glushkov@lt.gpi.r [Centre of Low Temperature Physics, IEP SAS and IPS FS UPJS, Kosice SK-04001 (Slovakia)


    The transport and magnetic properties of Eu{sub 0.6}Ca{sub 0.4}B{sub 6} single crystals have been studied at temperatures 1.8-300 K in magnetic fields up to 80 kOe. It was found that lowering of temperature results in a drastic increase of magnetoresistance up to the values of {rho}(0)/{rho}(H){approx}7{center_dot}10{sup 5} detected below 6K. The Hall and Seebeck effect measurements showed that colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) observed in Eu{sub 0.6}Ca{sub 0.4}B{sub 6} is accompanied by a crossover from hole-like to electron-like regime of charge transport induced by applied magnetic field. Hall mobility values {mu}{sub H{approx}}200-350 cm{sup 2}/(Vs) estimated for the high conductive state of Eu{sub 0.6}Ca{sub 0.4}B{sub 6} in the presence of strong substitutional disorder were proved to be comparable with these ones measured for undoped EuB{sub 6}. The anomalous behaviour of transport and magnetic parameters is discussed in terms of metal-insulator transition earlier predicted for this low carrier density system within double exchange model by V M Pereira et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 147202 (2004).

  20. Thermal, spectral and laser characteristics of Nd doped La0.05Lu0.95VO4 crystal (United States)

    Xu, Honghao; Han, Shuo; Yu, Haohai; Wang, Zhengping; Wang, Jiyang; Zhang, Huaijin; Tang, Dingyuan


    A 0.25 at% Nd doped La0.05Lu0.95VO4 mixed crystal was grown by the Czochralski method. The thermal properties including thermal expansion, specific heat, thermal diffusion, and thermal conductivity were systematically studied. Meanwhile the reasons for cracking of this mixed crystal were also discussed. The refractive index at wavelengths of 633 nm and 1539 nm were obtained with the prism coupling method. The polarized absorption and fluorescence spectra of the crystal were also measured at room temperature. It was found that the fluorescence lifetime of 4F3/2 manifold for Nd3+ in Nd:La0.05Lu0.95VO4 is about 90 μs. Diode-pumped continuous-wave (CW) laser operations at 1.06 μm with a- and c-cut crystals were demonstrated. For the a-cut crystal a maximum output power of 5.41 W was obtained at an incident pump power of 12.9 W. Different from the a-cut crystal, the laser spectrum of the c-cut crystal was found to be dual-wavelength.

  1. Electromagnetic attenuation analysis of Ni{sub 0.4}Zn{sub 0.6}Fe{sub 2O4} obtained by citrate precursor method; Analise da atenuacao de radiacao eletromagnetica de Ni{sub 0.4}Zn{sub 0.6}Fe{sub 2O4} obtido pelo metodo de citrato precursor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hwang, K. [Centro Tecnico Aeroespacial (CTA-IAE), Sao Jose dos Campos, SP (Brazil). Inst. de Atividades Espaciais. Div. Materiais; Moura, A.E.G.; Nasar, R.S.; Nasar, M.C. [Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal (Brazil). Dept. de Quimica; Pereira, J.J. [Universidade de Taubate, SP (Brazil)


    In this work, two types of synthesized Ni{sub 0,4}Zn{sub 0,6}Fe{sub 2}O{sub 4} by citrate precursor method. The first type was calcined at 350 deg C for 3.5 h, and the second, after calcination, it was subjected to heat treatment at 600 deg C for 2h in argon atmosphere. Both types were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and equipment waveguide. The data were investigated by Rietveld refinement method and showed the NiZn ferrite phase with crystallite size of 12.2 +- 0.1 nm (350 deg C) and 166.7 +- 3.6 nm (600 deg C). The heat treatment also influenced the values of electric permittivity and magnetic permeability, and attenuation of electromagnetic radiation in the frequency range in microwave (8-12 GHz). The sample treated attenuates more and allows its application with thinner, making it attractive its use as absorber material in this frequency range. (author)

  2. Fabrication of a Microtubular La0.6Sr0.4Ti0.2Fe0.8O3−δ Membrane by Electrophoretic Deposition for Hydrogen Production

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kyoung-Jin Lee


    Full Text Available Microtubular type La0.6Sr0.4Ti0.2Fe0.8O3−δ (LSTF membranes were prepared by electrophoretic deposition (EPD. The oxygen permeation and hydrogen production behavior of the membranes were investigated under various conditions. LSTF green layer was successfully coated onto a carbon rod and, after heat treatment at 1400°C in air, a dense LSTF tubular membrane with a thickness of 250 mm can be obtained. The oxygen permeation and hydrogen production rate were enhanced by CH4 in the permeate side, and the hydrogen production rate by water splitting was 0.22 mL/min·cm2 at 1000°C. It is believed that hydrogen production via water splitting using these tubular LSTF membranes is possible.

  3. Uniform System for the Evaluation of Substances (USES), version 4.0


    Linders JBHJ; Rikken MGJ; Bakker J; van der Poel P; CSR


    This report describes the fouth version of the Uniform System for the Evaluation of Substances, USES 4.0. USES 4.0 is an integrated risk assessment system for new and existing substances and agricultural and non-agricultural pesticides. The risk assessment system for new and existing substances in USES 4.0 is fully equivalent to EUSES 1.00, the European Union System for the Evaluation of Substances. USES is a decision-support system to be used by central governments, research institutes and t...

  4. Electronic structure study of wide band gap magnetic semiconductor (La0.6Pr0.4)0.65Ca0.35MnO3 nanocrystals in paramagnetic and ferromagnetic phases (United States)

    Dwivedi, G. D.; Joshi, Amish G.; Kumar, Shiv; Chou, H.; Yang, K. S.; Jhong, D. J.; Chan, W. L.; Ghosh, A. K.; Chatterjee, Sandip


    X-ray circular magnetic dichroism (XMCD), X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS), and ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (UPS) techniques were used to study the electronic structure of nanocrystalline (La0.6Pr0.4)0.65Ca0.35MnO3 near Fermi-level. XMCD results indicate that Mn3+ and Mn4+ spins are aligned parallel to each other at 20 K. The low M-H hysteresis curve measured at 5 K confirms ferromagnetic ordering in the (La0.6Pr0.4)0.65Ca0.35MnO3 system. The low temperature valence band XPS indicates that coupling between Mn3d and O2p is enhanced and the electronic states near Fermi-level have been suppressed below TC. The valence band UPS also confirms the suppression of electronic states near Fermi-level below Curie temperature. UPS near Fermi-edge shows that the electronic states are almost absent below 0.5 eV (at 300 K) and 1 eV (at 115 K). This absence clearly demonstrates the existence of a wide band-gap in the system since, for hole-doped semiconductors, the Fermi-level resides just above the valence band maximum.

  5. Synthesis and characterization of Cu0.3Zn0.5Mg0.2Fe2O4 nanoparticles as a magnetic drug delivery system (United States)

    Ansari, Mohammad; Bigham, Ashkan; Hassanzadeh-Tabrizi, S. A.; Abbastabar Ahangar, H.


    Mixed spinel ferrite nanoparticles are being applied in biomedical applications due to their biocompatibility, antibacterial activity, particular magnetic and electronic properties with chemical and thermal stabilities. The Cu0.3Zn0.5Mg0.2Fe2O4 nanoparticles are synthesized through the thermal treatment method. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is used as the capping agent to stabilize the particles and prevent their agglomeration. The synthesized nanoparticles are characterized through X-ray diffractometer (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), N2 adsorption-desorption, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), and transmission electron microscope (TEM). The magnetic characterization is made on a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM), which displayed super-paramagnetic behavior of the synthesized sample. Potential application of the Cu0.3Zn0.5Mg0.2Fe2O4 nanoparticles as a drug delivery agent is assessed in vitro by estimating their release properties. The obtained results indicate that the amount of ibuprofen (IBU) adsorbed into the nanocarrier of Cu0.3Zn0.5Mg0.2Fe2O4 is 104 mg/g and the drug release is sustained up to 72 h.

  6. Sensitivity analysis of Monju using ERANOS with JENDL-4.0

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tamagno, P.; Van Rooijen, W. F. G.; Takeda, T.; Konomura, M.


    This paper deals with sensitivity analysis using JENDL-4.0 nuclear data applied to the Monju reactor. In 2010 the Japan Atomic Energy Agency - JAEA - released a new set of nuclear data: JENDL-4.0. This new evaluation is expected to contain improved data on actinides and covariance matrices. Covariance matrices are a key point in quantification of uncertainties due to basic nuclear data. For sensitivity analysis, the well-established ERANOS [1] code was chosen because of its integrated modules that allow users to perform a sensitivity analysis of complex reactor geometries. A JENDL-4.0 cross-section library is not available for ERANOS. Therefore a cross-section library had to be made from the original nuclear data set, available as ENDF formatted files. This is achieved by using the following codes: NJOY, CALENDF, MERGE and GECCO in order to create a library for the ECCO cell code (part of ERANOS). In order to make sure of the accuracy of the new ECCO library, two benchmark experiments have been analyzed: the MZA and MZB cores of the MOZART program measured at the ZEBRA facility in the UK. These were chosen due to their similarity to the Monju core. Using the JENDL-4.0 ECCO library we have analyzed the criticality of Monju during the restart in 2010. We have obtained good agreement with the measured criticality. Perturbation calculations have been performed between JENDL-3.3 and JENDL-4.0 based models. The isotopes 239 Pu, 238 U, 241 Am and 241 Pu account for a major part of observed differences. (authors)

  7. Electrical transport properties study of Mo{sub 0.6}W{sub 0.4}Se{sub 2} single crystals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chaki, Sunil; Deshpande, M. P.; Tailor, J. P.; Chaudhary, M. D.; Sakaria, Pallavi N. [Department of Physics, Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat-388120 (India)


    The mixed transition metal dichalcogenide single crystals Mo{sub 0.6}W{sub 0.4}Se{sub 2} were characterized employing EDAX (Energy Dispersive Analysis of X-ray), (XRD) X-ray diffraction, SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) and UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy techniques. The electrical transport properties of as-grown Mo{sub 0.6}W{sub 0.4}Se{sub 2} single crystals were studied by two probe d. c. resistivity, Hall Effect and thermoelectric power measurement set-up. The obtained results are discussed in details.

  8. Tuning crystal field symmetry of hexagonal NaY{sub 0.92}Yb{sub 0.05}Er{sub 0.03}F{sub 4} by Ti{sup 4+} codoping for high-performance upconversion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yu, Han, E-mail: [College of Materials Science and Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, Fujian 350108 (China); Huang, Qingming [Instrumentation Analysis and Research Center, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, Fujian 350002 (China); Ma, En [Fujian Institue of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fuzhou, Fujian 350002 (China); Zhang, Xinqi [Instrumentation Analysis and Research Center, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, Fujian 350002 (China); Yu, Jianchang [College of Materials Science and Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, Fujian 350108 (China)


    Highlights: • Upconversion emission of Er{sup 3+} was obviously enhanced by Ti{sup 4+} codoped in NaYF{sub 4}. • The upconversion luminescence lifetime was also obviously prolonged. • Na{sup +} could be induced to occupy Y{sup 3+} sites if Ti{sup 4+} was codoped with appropriate concentration. • The crystal field asymmetry was enhanced for better upconversion performance. • Crystal growth was prevented and small-sized NaYF{sub 4} were obtained. - Abstract: 378 nm, 408 nm and 521 nm upconversion emissions of Er{sup 3+} ions were obviously enhanced by Ti{sup 4+} codoped with Yb{sup 3+}/Er{sup 3+} in hexagonal NaYF{sub 4}, and the corresponding upconversion luminescence lifetimes were also prolonged, especially for 378 nm and 408 nm emissions. X-ray powder diffraction, field emission scanning electron microscope, transmission electron microscope, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and upconversion emission spectra were employed to explore the relationships of the structure and properties. From these characterizations we made a novel discovery that Na{sup +} could be induced to occupy Y{sup 3+} sites for establishing valence balance of the system if Ti{sup 4+} ions were codoped with appropriate concentration. As a result the crystal field asymmetry of NaY{sub 0.92}Yb{sub 0.05}Er{sub 0.03}F{sub 4} was enhanced and then its upconversion properties were improved because the hypersensitive electron transition of Yb{sup 3+}/Er{sup 3+} ions was promoted greatly. At the same time, the crystal sizes of the codoped NaYF{sub 4} became smaller because the crystal growth was prevented by more negative charges gathering at the crystal surface. This study provides an exploration of the relationship among impurity doping, structural changes and upconversion performance, which may be useful for design and synthesis of high-performance upconversion codoping materials.

  9. The stored energy in processed Cu-0.4 wt.%Cr-0.12 wt.%Zr-0.02 wt.%Si-0.05 wt.%Mg

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, X.F.; Dong, A.P.; Wang, L.T.; Yu, Z.; Meng, L.


    Research highlights: → The crystal orientation in processed Cu-0.4 wt.%Cr-0.12 wt.%Zr-0.02 wt.%Si-0.05 wt.%Mg is deviating from the as-cast specimens and microstrain of the alloy is gradually increasing as the draw ratio rising before η ≤ 6.7. → The dynamic recovery has taken place as 6.7 texture is formed with the draw ratio rising. Meanwhile, the stored energy also increases with the draw ratio rising and a peak is reached with draw ratio of 6.7. The release of stored energy is primarily due to the decrease of dislocation density. The flow stress estimated from the stored energy has a similar variation trend with the measured data with a stress difference ∼20 to 120 MPa. The main strengthening effect is attributed to dislocation mechanism.

  10. Study on magnetic and hyperfine properties of mechanically milled Ni0.4Zn0.6Fe2O4 nanoparticles (United States)

    Mondal, R.; Dey, S.; Majumder, S.; Poddar, A.; Dasgupta, P.; Kumar, S.


    Herein, we report a comprehensive and comparative study on the structural, microstructural, magnetic and room temperature hyperfine properties of nanosized Ni0.4Zn0.6Fe2O4 having particle sizes 48 (S1), 21 (S2) and 15 (S3) nm synthesized by high energy ball milling method. All the samples are characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopic, field emission scanning electron microscopic and Mössbauer spectroscopic techniques. S1, S2 and S3 are single phase nanosized cubic spinel ferrites of Fd-3m symmetry with lattice parameter 8.39, 8.41 and 8.44 Å, respectively, and the samples consist of particles having assorted size and nearly spherical shape. The constituent particles of S1 exhibit multi domain magnetic structure. It shows collective magnetic behavior and clear hysteresis loop at 300 K with coercive field of 140 Oe. On the other hand, S2 and S3 are composed of particles with single domain magnetic configuration and these samples show purely superparamagnetic behavior above their blocking temperature (TB). All the samples display magnetic ordering at low temperature. The values of TB of S2 and S3 are 250 and 185 K, respectively. The values of saturation magnetization (MSAT) of S1, S2 and S3 at 300 K are 47, 42, 30 emu/g, at 150 K are 58, 50, 43 emu/g and at 10 K are 86, 72, 56 emu/g, respectively. The values of coercivity of S1, S2 and S3 at 150 K are 280, 400, 350 Oe and at 10 K are 1600, 2800 and 2000 Oe, respectively. It has been shown that for mechanically activated nanosized Ni0.4Zn0.6Fe2O4 the values of MSAT decrease with the reduction of particle size due to surface spin canting effect, the coercivity is determined by the magnetic domain structure of the particles in the samples, cation distribution can be reliably estimated through infield Mössbauer spectroscopic study and field dependent dc magnetization measurement in conjugation and the particles in S2 are comprised of ferrimagnetically aligned core surrounded by

  11. Pseudomorphic growth mode of Pb on the Al{sub 13}Fe{sub 4}(0 1 0) approximant surface

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ledieu, J., E-mail: [Institut Jean Lamour (UMR 7198 CNRS-Université de Lorraine), Parc de Saurupt, CS50840, 54011 Nancy Cedex (France); Weerd, M.-C de [Institut Jean Lamour (UMR 7198 CNRS-Université de Lorraine), Parc de Saurupt, CS50840, 54011 Nancy Cedex (France); Hahne, M.; Gille, P. [Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Crystallography Section, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Theresienstr. 41, D-80333 München (Germany); Fournée, V. [Institut Jean Lamour (UMR 7198 CNRS-Université de Lorraine), Parc de Saurupt, CS50840, 54011 Nancy Cedex (France)


    Highlights: • Pb adsorption has been characterised on the Al{sub 13}Fe{sub 4}(0 1 0) approximant surface. • A pseudomorphic Pb monolayer is formed at 300 K on this highly corrugated template. • The Pb atomic arrangement replicates the motifs observed on the clean surface. • The formation of surface alloys and intermixing can be disregarded. • Efficient energy dissipation of impinging adatoms allows additional layer deposition. - Abstract: We report the adsorption of lead adatoms on the pseudo-10-fold Al{sub 13}Fe{sub 4}(0 1 0) surface using low energy electron diffraction (LEED), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). For the submonolayer regime, Pb adatoms remain highly mobile across the surface at 300 K. STM analysis indicates the formation of irregularly shaped islands of monoatomic height. The latter do not coalesce with increasing coverage. At 0.95 MLE coverage, the LEED patterns are consistent with a pseudomorphic growth of the adatoms. This is confirmed by STM measurements which reveal local motifs qualitatively similar to those observed on the clean Al{sub 13}Fe{sub 4}(0 1 0) surface, i.e. prior to dosing. Apart from the absence of plasmons, the XPS measurements of Pb 4f and Al 2s core levels are comparable to those observed for the Pb/Al(1 1 1) system.

  12. NMRON on a mixed halide antiferromagnet, (54Mn)Mn(Cl0.6Br0.4)2.4H2O

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chaplin, D.H.; Harker, S.J.; Hutchison, W.D.; Bowden, G.J.


    Full text: Recently we reported on the significant gains that can be made in Low Temperature Nuclear Orientation (LTNO) of the magnetically dominant species in an antiferromagnetic single crystal by heterogeneous mixing of the halide ligands. This new approach relies on enhanced nuclear spin lattice relaxation (NSLR) at the magnetic ion, in this case Mn, through broadbanded electronic magnons, in the cooled, single crystal host. Whereas the isomorphous terminal compounds ( 54 Mn)MnCI 2 .4H 2 O and ( 54 Mn)MnBr 2 .4H 2 O, have yielded zero field directional anisotropies of only 5% and 14%, respectively, from the daughter gamma from the long-lived parent 54 Mn, the mixed halides have yielded up to 40% zero field gamma anisotropy at the same base temperature of about 7-8 millikelvin. This improved zero field LTNO provides sufficient sensitivity to enable meaningful NMRON studies of the details of the hyperfine parameters at the Mn site in these mixed halide systems. In this paper we provide the NMRON results for single crystal ( 54 Mn)Mn(CI 0.6 Br 0.4 ) 2 .4H 2 O and compare them with the two terminal compounds which possess surprisingly different NMR responses due to different ratios of magnetic exchange to magnetic anisotropy fields. It is shown that whereas the static magnetic hyperfine field at the Mn nucleus is largely unchanged, and the spin flop field nicely interpolates when compared with the terminal compounds, there are significant differences in the pseudoquadrupolar splittings and sub-resonance linewidths

  13. Depressão e suicídio no filme "As Horas" Depresión y suicidio en la película "Las Horas" Depression and suicide in the movie "The Hours"

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Helena Moraes


    Full Text Available As histórias dramatizadas nas telas dos cinemas são impactantes, uma vez que suscitam sentimentos vivenciados pelos seus apreciadores. Nessa perspectiva, o presente artigo procura identificar, demonstrar e comentar o comportamento depressivo nos personagens do filme As horas, de Stephen Daldry. Os personagens ilustram a vivência e convivência de pessoas com quadros depressivos em diferentes épocas e em diferentes graus de morbidade. O filme procura mostrar as diferentes manifestações comportamentais e sintomáticas através da apresentação pessoal de cada personagem e também através do cenário das histórias representadas. Observam-se traços de depressão psicótica na personagem de Virginia Woolf e um estado depressivo que tende à distimia na personagem de Laura Brown. Clarissa sugere uma "depressão dissimulada" e fortemente relacionada a Richard, cuja depressão culmina em suicídio. A condensação de épocas e a interligação entre os personagens refletem a universalidade e a atemporalidade dos fenômenos psíquicos, embora vividos de forma particular por cada um dos personagens.Las historias dramatizadas en las pantallas de los cines son impactantes, una vez que suscitan sentimientos vivenciados por sus apreciadores. En esa perspectiva, el presente artículo busca identificar, demostrar y comentar el comportamiento depresivo en los personajes de la película Las horas, de Stephen Daldry. Los personajes ilustran la vivencia y convivencia de personas con cuadros depresivos en distintas épocas y en distintos grados de morbidad. La película busca mostrar las distintas manifestaciones comportamentales y sintomáticas a través de la presentación personal de cada personaje y también a través del escenario de las historias representadas. Se observan rasgos de depresión psicótica en el personaje de Virginia Woolf y un estado depresivo que tiende a la distimia en el personaje de Laura Brown. Clarisa sugiere una "depresi

  14. Magnetostructural correlations in the antiferromagnetic Co2-x Cux(OH)AsO4 (x=0 and 0.3) phases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pedro, I. de; Rojo, J.M.; Pizarro, J.L.; Rodriguez Fernandez, J.; Arriortua, M.I.; Rojo, T.


    The Co 2-x Cu x (OH)AsO 4 (x=0 and 0.3) compounds have been synthesized under mild hydrothermal conditions and characterized by X-ray single-crystal diffraction and spectroscopic data. The hydroxi-arsenate phases crystallize in the Pnnm orthorhombic space group with Z=4 and the unit-cell parameters are a=8.277(2) A, b=8.559(2) A, c=6.039(1) A and a=8.316(1) A, b=8.523(2) A, c=6.047(1) A for x=0 and 0.3, respectively. The crystal structure consists of a three-dimensional framework in which M(1)O 5 -trigonal bipyramid dimers and M(2)O 6 -octahedral chains (M=Co and Cu) are present. Co 2 (OH)AsO 4 shows an anomalous three-dimensional antiferromagnetic ordering influenced by the magnetic field below 21 K within the presence of a ferromagnetic component below the ordering temperature. When Co 2+ is partially substituted by Cu 2+ ions, Co 1.7 Cu 0.3 (OH)AsO 4 , the ferromagnetic component observed in Co 2 (OH)AsO 4 disappears and the antiferromagnetic order is maintained in the entire temperature range. Heat capacity measurements show an unusual magnetic field dependence of the antiferromagnetic transitions. This λ-type anomaly associated to the three-dimensional antiferromagnetic ordering grows with the magnetic field and becomes better defined as observed in the non-substituted phase. These results are attributed to the presence of the unpaired electron in the dx 2 -y 2 orbital and the absence of overlap between neighbour ions. - Graphical abstract: Schematic drawing of the Co 2-x Cu x (OH)AsO 4 (x=0 and 0.3) crystal structure view along the |0 1 0| direction. Polyhedra are occupied by the M(II) ions (M=Co and Cu) and the AsO 4 groups are represented by tetrahedra. Open circles correspond to the oxygen atoms, and small circles show the hydrogen atoms. Highlights: → Synthesis of a new adamite-type compound, Co 1.7 Cu 0.3 (OH)AsO 4 . → Single crystal structure, spectroscopic characterization and magnetic properties. → Unusual dependence on the magnetic field for

  15. Paramagnetic scattering cross-sections of Nd and Dy at neutron wavelength between 0.5 A0 - 4 A0

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maayouf, R.M.A.; Abdelkawy, A.; Adib, M.; Hamouda, I.


    The paramagnetic scattering cross-sections of Nd and Dy are calculated, for neutron wavelengths between 0.5-4 A, theoretically and deduced from available experimental data. The theoretical calculations are carried out using magnetic form factors deduced from Hartree-Fock radial wave functions for the 4 f electrons. The resulting theoretical curves of the paragnetic scattering cross-sections are compared with those deduced from data obtained using the transmission measurements. Both theoretical and experimental values found to be consistant

  16. Qualification of FEAST 3.0 and FEAT 4.0 computer codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu, Z.; Lai, L.; Sim, K.-S.; Huang, F.; Wong, B.


    FEAST (Finite Element Analysis for Stresses) is an AECL computer code used to assess the structural integrity of the CANDU fuel element. FEAST models the thermo-elastic, thermo-elasto-plastic and creep deformations in CANDU fuel. FEAT (Finite Element Analysis for Temperature) is another AECL computer code and is used to assess the thermal integrity of fuel elements. FEAT models the steady-state and transient heat flows in CANDU fuel, under conditions such as flux depression, end flux peaking, temperature-dependent thermal conductivity, and non-uniform time-dependent boundary conditions. Both computer programs are used in design and qualification analyses of CANDU fuel. Formal qualifications (including coding verification and validation) of both codes were performed, in accordance with AECL software quality assurance (SQA) manual and procedures that are consistent with CSA N286.7-99. Validation of FEAST 3.0 shows very good agreement with independent analytical solutions or measurements. Validation of FEAT 4.0 also shows very good agreement with independent WIMS-AECL calculations, analytical solutions, ANSYS calculations and measurement. (author)

  17. Qualification of FEAST 3.0 and FEAT 4.0 computer codes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xu, Z.; Lai, L.; Sim, K.-S.; Huang, F.; Wong, B. [Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Mississauga, Ontario (Canada)


    FEAST (Finite Element Analysis for Stresses) is an AECL computer code used to assess the structural integrity of the CANDU fuel element. FEAST models the thermo-elastic, thermo-elasto-plastic and creep deformations in CANDU fuel. FEAT (Finite Element Analysis for Temperature) is another AECL computer code and is used to assess the thermal integrity of fuel elements. FEAT models the steady-state and transient heat flows in CANDU fuel, under conditions such as flux depression, end flux peaking, temperature-dependent thermal conductivity, and non-uniform time-dependent boundary conditions. Both computer programs are used in design and qualification analyses of CANDU fuel. Formal qualifications (including coding verification and validation) of both codes were performed, in accordance with AECL software quality assurance (SQA) manual and procedures that are consistent with CSA N286.7-99. Validation of FEAST 3.0 shows very good agreement with independent analytical solutions or measurements. Validation of FEAT 4.0 also shows very good agreement with independent WIMS-AECL calculations, analytical solutions, ANSYS calculations and measurement. (author)

  18. Cr-substitution effect on structural, optical and electrical properties of Cr{sub x}Ce{sub 1−x}PO{sub 4} (x = 0.00, 0.08, 0.10 and 0.20) nanorods

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fadhalaoui, Amor [Laboratoire de Chimie des Matériaux, Faculté des Sciences de Bizerte, Zarzouna, Bizerte 7021 (Tunisia); Dhaouadi, Hassouna, E-mail: [Laboratoire Matériaux Traitement et Analyse, INRAP, Technopôle Sidi-Thabet, Tunis 2020 (Tunisia); Marouani, Houda [Laboratoire de Chimie des Matériaux, Faculté des Sciences de Bizerte, Zarzouna, Bizerte 7021 (Tunisia); Kouki, Abdessalem [L3M, FSB, Zarzouna, Bizerte 7021 (Tunisia); Madani, Adel [Department of Physics, Applied Science College, Umm Al Qura University, Makkah (Saudi Arabia); Rzaigui, Mohamed [Laboratoire de Chimie des Matériaux, Faculté des Sciences de Bizerte, Zarzouna, Bizerte 7021 (Tunisia)


    Graphical abstract: The Cr{sub x}Ce{sub 1−x}PO{sub 4} (x = 0.00, 0.08, 0.10 and 0.20) nanorods synthesized under hydrothermal conditions. - Highlights: • Cr{sub x}Ce{sub 1−x}PO{sub 4} (x = 0.00–0.20) nanorods were synthesized by hydrothermal method. • Mean crystallite size of the products decreases with Cr-content. • Obvious improvements of the electrical conductivity comparatively to CePO4. - Abstract: Cr{sub x}Ce{sub 1−x}PO{sub 4} (x = 0.00–0.20) nanorods were synthesized using the hydrothermal method. The as-prepared samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared absorption spectroscopy (IR) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The XRD results revealed the formation of a pure CePO{sub 4} hexagonal phase. TEM images confirmed the nano-size character of the as-prepared samples. Impedance spectroscopy analysis was used to analyze the electrical behavior of samples as a function of frequency at different temperatures. The increase of Cr-amount led to an increase in the total conductivities and decreased the activation energies (E{sub a} (x = 0.00) = 1.08 eV to E{sub a} (x = 0.20) = 0.80 eV). The optical properties of Cr{sub x}Ce{sub 1−x}PO{sub 4} nanomaterials were investigated using UV–vis spectroscopy. The band-gap energy values decreased with increasing Cr-content showing a red-shift trend. The improvement of the electrical conductivity and optical properties makes the Cr{sub x}Ce{sub 1−x}PO{sub 4} nanomaterials possible candidates to be used as electrolytes in solid oxide fuel cells, in photocatalytic and photovoltaic applications.

  19. Effect of sintering temperature on the structural, dielectric and magnetic properties of Ni{sub 0.4}Zn{sub 0.2}Mn{sub 0.4}Fe{sub 2}O{sub 4} potential for radar absorbing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Praveena, K., E-mail: [Department of Physics, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei 11677, Taiwan (China); Sadhana, K. [Department of Physics, Osmania University, Saifabad, Hyderabad 500004 (India); Matteppanavar, S. [Department of Physics, Bangalore University, Bangalore 560056 (India); Department of Physics, Presidency University, Dibbur, Itgalpur, Bangalore 560089 (India); Liu, Hsiang-Lin [Department of Physics, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei 11677, Taiwan (China)


    Ni{sub 0.4}Zn{sub 0.2}Mn{sub 0.4}Fe{sub 2}O{sub 4} nanopowders were prepared by sol-gel auto-combustion method, densified at different temperatures 400–700 °C/4 h using conventional sintering method. The grain sizes of all the samples vary between 18 nm and 30 nm. The hysteresis loops show high saturation magnetization and low coercivity, indicating magnetically soft behaviour of the material. The real and imaginary parts of permittivity is almost constant upto 1 GHz and increases with further increase of frequency. The permeability is ruled by Snoek’s law, the values of μ′ increases with increase of temperature and the resonance frequency increases with an increase of temperature. The reflection coefficient is however increasing with sintering temperature and the maximum loss is observed in the range of 100 MHz–1 GHz. Sample sintered at 700 °C has shown maximum reflection loss and this loss occurs due to absorption, destructive interference and multiple internal reflections in the sample. Quality factor is constant upto 380 MHz and increases with frequency for all the samples sintered at different temperatures. The T{sub C} for all the samples is above ~230 °C. The room temperature EPR spectra confirm the oxidation state of Fe{sup 3+}. The g-factor is in the range of ~2. - Highlights: • The highest reflection loss of –46 dB is achieved by 700 °C sample. • Quality factor is constant upto 380 MHz for all the samples. • The Curie temperature (T{sub C}) for all the samples is above ~230 °C. • The room temperature EPR spectra confirm the oxidation state of Fe{sup 3+}.

  20. Magnetodielectric effect in (1 - x)(Ba0.88Ca0.12)(Ti0.88Zr0.12)O3 - xCoFe2O4 (United States)

    Pan, Pengfei; Tao, Jin; Ma, Fusheng; Zhang, Ning


    Magnetodielectric (MD) materials have attracted considerable attention due to their intriguing physics and potential future applications. In this work, polycrystalline (1 - x)(Ba0.88Ca0.12)(Ti0.88Zr0.12)O3 - xCoFe2O4 (x = 0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.40) ceramic have been prepared via sol-gel method. The room temperature magnetic and ferroelectric behaviors of the synthesized composites were investigated. For the composite with x = 0.40, a MD ratio of 5.37% was achieved under a magnetic field of 1.5 T at f = 1 kHz. The measured "butterfly hysteresis" MD curves exhibit an obvious dielectric anomaly. Theoretical analysis suggests that the observed magnetodielectric effect is attributed to the magnetoresistance effect and magnetoelectric coupling.

  1. Effect of chitosan coating on the structural and magnetic properties of MnFe2O4 and Mn0.5Co0.5Fe2O4 nanoparticles (United States)

    Mdlalose, W. B.; Mokhosi, S. R.; Dlamini, S.; Moyo, T.; Singh, M.


    We report the influence of polymer coatings on structural and magnetic properties of MnFe2O4 and Mn0.5Co0.5Fe2O4 nanoferrites synthesized by glycol thermal technique and then coated with chitosan viz. CHI-MnFe2O4 and CHI-Mn0.5Co0.5Fe2O4. The compounds were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), high-resolution scanning electron microscopy (HRSEM), Mössbauer spectroscopy and magnetization measurements. The powder XRD patterns of naked nanoferrites confirmed single-phase spinel cubic structure with an average crystallite size of 13 nm, while the coated samples exhibited an average particle size of 15 nm. We observed a reduction in lattice parameters with coating. HRTEM results correlated well with XRD results. 57Fe Mössbauer spectra showed ordered magnetic spin states in both nanoferrites. This study shows that coatings have significant effects on the structural and magnetic properties of Mn-nanoferrites. Magnetization studies performed at room temperature in fields up to 14 kOe revealed the superparamagnetic nature of both naked and coated nanoparticles with spontaneous magnetizations at room temperature of 49.2 emu/g for MnFe2O4, 23.6 emu/g for coated CHI-MnFe2O4 nanoparticles, 63.2 emu/g for Mn0.5Co0.5Fe2O4 and 33.2 emu/g for coated CHI-Mn0.5Co0.5Fe2O4 nanoparticles. We observed reduction in coercive fields due to coating. Overall, chitosan-coated manganese and manganese-cobalt nanoferrites present as suitable candidates for biomedical applications owing to physicochemical, and magnetic properties exhibited.

  2. Sensitivity analysis of Monju using ERANOS with JENDL-4.0

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tamagno, P. [Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucleaires, INSTN - Point Courrier no 35, Centre CEA de Saclay, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex (France); Van Rooijen, W. F. G.; Takeda, T. [Research Inst. of Nuclear Engineering, Univ. of Fukui, Kanawa-cho 1-2-4, T914-0055 Fukui-ken, Tsuruga-shi (Japan); Konomura, M. [Japan Atomic Energy Agency, FBR Plant Engineering Center, Shiraki 1, 919-1279 Fukui-ken, Tsuruga-shi (Japan)


    This paper deals with sensitivity analysis using JENDL-4.0 nuclear data applied to the Monju reactor. In 2010 the Japan Atomic Energy Agency - JAEA - released a new set of nuclear data: JENDL-4.0. This new evaluation is expected to contain improved data on actinides and covariance matrices. Covariance matrices are a key point in quantification of uncertainties due to basic nuclear data. For sensitivity analysis, the well-established ERANOS [1] code was chosen because of its integrated modules that allow users to perform a sensitivity analysis of complex reactor geometries. A JENDL-4.0 cross-section library is not available for ERANOS. Therefore a cross-section library had to be made from the original nuclear data set, available as ENDF formatted files. This is achieved by using the following codes: NJOY, CALENDF, MERGE and GECCO in order to create a library for the ECCO cell code (part of ERANOS). In order to make sure of the accuracy of the new ECCO library, two benchmark experiments have been analyzed: the MZA and MZB cores of the MOZART program measured at the ZEBRA facility in the UK. These were chosen due to their similarity to the Monju core. Using the JENDL-4.0 ECCO library we have analyzed the criticality of Monju during the restart in 2010. We have obtained good agreement with the measured criticality. Perturbation calculations have been performed between JENDL-3.3 and JENDL-4.0 based models. The isotopes {sup 239}Pu, {sup 238}U, {sup 241}Am and {sup 241}Pu account for a major part of observed differences. (authors)

  3. The next generation of technologies for industrie 4.0: Presentation held at La prossima generazione di tecnologie per le strategie 4.0, 31 gennaio 2018, Bologna


    Bauernhansl, Thomas


    The presentation "The next Generation of Technologies for Industrie 4.0" deals with the following aspects: - Overview: Fraunhofer IPA - Digital Transformation - Overview - 10 Guidelines for Optimization of Value-Adding Systems - Core Technology - Machine Learning - Core Technology - Realtime Communication - Core Technology - Cloud/Edge Platforms - Industrie 4.0 - Impact on Business Models - Effects on Employment

  4. Magnetic and magneto-optical characteristics of spin coated Co{sub 0.6}Zn{sub 0.4}Fe{sub 1.7}Mn{sub 0.3}O{sub 4} thin films on Pt (1 1 1) coated Si substrate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gupta, Arti, E-mail: [Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi110007 (India); Dutta, Shankar [Solid State Physics Laboratory, DRDO, Lucknow Road, Timarpur, Delhi110054 (India); Tandon, Ram Pal [Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi110007 (India)


    Highlights: • Properties of Co{sub 0.6}Zn{sub 0.4}Mn{sub 0.3}Fe{sub 1.7}O{sub 4} thin films on Pt-Si substrate are reported. • Reduction in thickness ∼27% with increased annealing temperature was found. • Partial (3 3 3) plane textured orientation was noted for these films. - Abstract: This paper reports magnetic and magneto-optical properties of Co{sub 0.6}Zn{sub 0.4}Fe{sub 1.7}Mn{sub 0.3}O{sub 4} nanocrystalline thin films (thickness ∼140–200 nm) deposited on Pt (1 1 1)/Ti/SiO{sub 2}/Si substrates by spin coating technique. Deposited films are then annealed at 600 °C and 700 °C for 60 min (significant reduction in film thickness from 200 nm to 140 nm was noted with the increase in post deposition annealing temperature). The X ray diffraction patterns confirmed the spinel cubic structure of Co{sub 0.6}Zn{sub 0.4}Fe{sub 1.7}Mn{sub 0.3}O{sub 4} films with polycrystalline phase and also indicated a partial <3 3 3> texture orientation. Deposited films showed magnetic anisotropy as evidenced from magnetic and magneto-optical measurements. Higher in plane remnant magnetization and low coercivity values as compared to out of plane ones were observed for both samples, indicating in plane alignment of easy axis of magnetization.

  5. Effect of Cd doping on magnetocaloric effect and critical behavior analysis on perovskite Nd1-xCdxMnO3 (x = 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4) manganite polycrystals (United States)

    Saravanan, C.; Thiyagarajan, R.; Manikandan, K.; Sathiskumar, M.; Kanjariya, P. V.; Bhalodia, J. A.; Arumugam, S.


    We report the doping effect of divalent cation Cd2+ at Nd-site of intermediate bandwidth manganite system NdMnO3 through the temperature- and magnetic field-dependent magnetization measurements. The parent compound shows paramagnetic-antiferromagnetic transition at 56 K, whereas Cd doped samples show the paramagnetic-ferromagnetic transition with fluctuating TC. During this transition, Nd1-xCdxMnO3 (x = 0.1 and 0.2) samples exhibit first order nature, whereas Nd1-xCdxMnO3 (x = 0.3 and 0.4) samples exhibit second order nature. It confirms a crossover from first order transition to second order transition while x = 0.2 to x = 0.3. By having first order transition, x = 0.2 sample exhibits high magnetic entropy change of 3.62 J kg-1 K-1 for the magnetic field change of 5 T out of all compositions. By having second order transitions, x = 0.4 sample exhibits a high relative cooling power of 319.71 J kg-1 for the magnetic field change of 5 T out of all the compositions. The critical behavior of second order transition of x = 0.3 and 0.4 samples has been analyzed using Arrott and Kouvel-Fisher plots. The estimated critical exponents of these samples are nearly matched with the mean free model, which can be explained by the existence of dipole-dipole interaction by the Cd doping which strengthens long range ferromagnetic interactions between the spins.

  6. Investigation of structural, morphological and electromagnetic properties of Mg0.25Mn0.25Zn0.5-xSrxFe2O4 ferrites (United States)

    Rahaman, Md. D.; Nusrat, Tania; Maleque, Rumana; Hossain, A. K. M. Akther


    Polycrystalline Mg0.25Mn0.25Zn0.5-xSrxFe2O4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.20) ferrites were synthesized using the solid state reaction sintering at 1373 K and 1473 K for 4 h. The XRD patterns revealed the formation of single phase cubic spinel with Sr2FeO4 and SrFe12O19 as impurity phases. The decrement in the lattice parameter for Sr2+ substituted samples is attributed to the difference in ionic radii of cations. The crystallite size decreases with increase in Sr2+ content. Low frequency dielectric dispersion is attributed due to the Maxwell-Wagner interfacial polarization. The appearance of the peak in dielectric loss spectrum for x = 0.15 and 0.20 at 1373 K and x = 0.20 at 1473 K suggests the presence of relaxing dipoles. The loss peak shifts towards lower frequency side with Sr2+ content at 1373 K which is due to the strengthening of dipole-dipole interactions. The complex impedance spectra clearly revealed that the both grain and grain boundary effects on the electrical properties. A complex electric modulus spectrum indicates that a non-Debye type of conductivity relaxation exists. The saturation magnetization and remanence gradually decreases with Sr2+ substitution which may be due to the existence of non-magnetic phase in the space between the magnetic particles and the substitution of Zn2+ cation in Mg0.25Mn0.25Zn0.5Fe2O4 ferrite lattice by Sr2+ content. The permeability decreases significantly while the cut-off frequency increases with the Sr2+ content at 1373 K and decreases at 1473 K, obeying the Snoek's law. The decrease in permeability with Sr2+ content is attributed due to the decrease in magnetization because non-magnetic ions weaken the inter-site exchange interaction.

  7. Orthorhombic-orthorhombic phase transitions in Nd2NiO4+δ (0.067≤δ≤0.224)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishikawa, Kenji; Metoki, Kenji; Miyamoto, Hiroshi


    Variation of the phases of Nd 2 NiO 4+δ with the excess oxygen concentration δ has been examined at room temperature in the range 0.067≤δ≤0.224 using the X-ray powder diffraction technique. The phases observed at room temperature are orthorhombic-I (0.21 2 NiO 4+δ with the excess oxygen concentration. O I : orthorhombic-I; O II : orthorhombic-II; O IV : orthorhombic-IV; T I : quasi-tetragonal-I.

  8. The coercivity mechanism of sintered SM(Co_b_a_lFe_0_._2_4_5Cu_0_._0_7Zr_0_._0_2)_7_._8 permanent magnets with different isothermal annealing time

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun, Wei; Zhu, Minggang; Guo, Zhaohui; Fang, Yikun; Li, Wei


    Precipitation-hardened 2:17-type SmCo permanent magnet has attracted much attention due to its high Curie temperature and excellent magnetic properties. Sm(Co_b_a_lFe_0_._2_4_5Cu_0_._0_7Zr_0_._0_2)_7_._8 (at%) sintered magnets with high remanence (B_r ~1.15 T) were prepared using a traditional powder metallurgy method. The intrinsic coercivity H_c_j of the magnets was increased from 429 to 994 kA m"−"1 with isothermal annealing time increasing from 10 to 40 h, which is different from the phenomenon that increasing aging time leads to a reduced coercivity mentioned in the Ref. [16]. In consideration of rarely report about the microstructure of the final magnet isothermally annealed for 40 h, we have tried to originally analyze the relationship between the microstructure and the magnetic properties. Besides, the lattice constants of sintered Sm(Co_b_a_lFe_0_._2_4_5Cu_0_._0_7Zr_0_._0_2)_7_._8 permanent magnet isothermally annealed for 40 h have been given by indexing the HRTEM results including the selected area electron diffraction (SAED) and HRTEM images.

  9. Biological dosimetry of low doses (0.05 - 0.4 Gy) with micronucleus dicentrics and chromosome fragments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodriguez, L.; Sanchez, E.; Linares, C.; Navlet, J.


    This study was carried out within the framework of the agreement between the National Nuclear Safety Council and the University of Alcala of Hernares and in co-operation with the Radiological Service and the Radiation Protection Unit of the Gregorio Maranon General Hospital of Madrid, where irradiations were performed. Blood samples were taken of 4 individuals irradiated with 6 doses of gamma rays between 0.05 Gy and 0.40 Gy, leaving an aliquot dose of 0 Gy. Cultures of lymphocytes for the study of dicentric chromosomes (DC) and chromosomal fragments (fr), stopping the first mitosis after postirradiation with Colcemid. A study of micronuclei (MN) in binuclear cells was also performed, interrupting the first cytokinesis after postirradiation with citocalasina B. After the corresponding studies with optical microscope, statistical analysis was made on the observed data on DC, fr and MN. We made a multiple linear regression analysis of the data of the 4 individuals. We obtained the average of the 4 individuals for each variable and dose and performed the variance analysis. According to our study, neither the DC nor the MN are valid dosemeters for lower doses up to 0.4 Gy. Nevertheless there are indications that the fragments are correlated with the dose to these levels. By increasing both the points of dose and the number of metaphases studied, we believe that a dose curve can be done that would allow to estimate with a reasonable degree of confidence the dose received by a sample irradiated

  10. Structural and magnetic properties of (Co1-xNix)Cr2O4 (x = 0.5, 0.25) nanoparticles (United States)

    Mohanty, P.; Prinsloo, A. R. E.; Doyle, B. P.; Carleschi, E.; Sheppard, C. J.


    Nanoparticles of (Co1-xNix)Cr2O4, with x = 0.5 and 0.25, were prepared utilizing the sol-gel technique, in order to investigate the effect of Ni substitution at the Co site. The crystal structure of the prepared samples was identified using X-ray diffraction. Transmission electron microscopy images indicate a non-uniform distribution in particle sizes. Temperature dependent magnetization measurements as a function of probing field demonstrate different magnetic transition temperatures to that of both the parent compounds. The magnetization as a function of applied magnetic field shows a wasp-waist like feature for (Co0.5Ni0.5)Cr2O4 nanoparticles measured at 10 K, which is absent in both NiCr2O4 and CoCr2O4. This feature diminished for other measurement temperatures below the Curie temperature and was also absent at all temperatures for the (Co0.75Ni0.25)Cr2O4 nanoparticles. X-ray photoemission spectroscopy results show that the Ni cations prefers the 3+ and Co the 2+ oxidation states, while that of Cr was found to be 3+. However, mixed oxidation states were observed for Ni and Co in both samples, which can influence the magnetic properties.

  11. The Effect of Cirata Reservoir Sediment on Early Developmental Stage of Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio Embryo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yuni Pujihastuti


    Full Text Available Sedimentation at Cirata reservoir may directly and indirectly influence fish particularly fish which have an adhesive characteristic at its early developmental stage such as common carp (Cyprinus carpio. Sample of sediment was collected from Cirata reservoir using Eikmand dredge at a depth of 80 m. The sample was subsequently centrifuged at 5500 rpm for 10 min. The supernatant obtained was then used for toxicity test on common carp at early developmental stage. In this test, four treatments were applied based on the concentration of sediment supernatant, namely: 0, 8.33, 16.60 and 24.90 %. The results showed that a higher sediment supernatant concentration resulted in lower egg yolk absorption rate, lower relative growth rate in length, lower egg yolk efficiency and higher egg and larval abnormality.  Higher sediment supernatant concentration also resulted in lower hatching percentage of common carp larva. The damage of eggs and larval morphologies in treatments with sediment supernatant was likely caused by the presence Pb and organic matters which act in synergy. Keywords :  sediment, Cirata, embryo, common carp   ABSTRAK Sedimentasi di Waduk Cirata secara langsung dan tidak langsung akan berpengaruh terhadap kehidupan ikan khususnya tahap awal perkembangan ikan yang bersifat adhesiveseperti ikan mas (Cyprinus carpio.  Sampel sedimen waduk Cirata diambil dengan Eikmand dredge pada kedalaman 80 m.  Hasil ekstrak di sentrifugasi dengan kecepatan 5500 rpm selama 10 menit untuk diambil air pori sedimennya.  Air pori digunakan sebagai bahan uji toksisitas terhadap perkembangan awal ikan mas dengan perlakuan 0; 8,33; 16,60 dan 24,90 %. Hasil uji toksisitas diperoleh bahwa semakin tinggi konsentrasi air pori dari sediment maka semakin rendah laju penyerapan kuning telur Laju pertumbuhan relatif panjang embrio pada berbagai konsentrasi juga diperoleh bahwa semakin tinggi konsentrasi air sedimen maka semakin rendah laju pertumbuhan relatif

  12. Antiproton-proton elastic scattering at 3.0 and 4.0 GeV/C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Unamuno, S.


    This paper presents the results-obtained in studying the two-prong interactions observed in the Saclay 81 cm hydrogen bubble chamber exposed to the 3.0 and 4.0 GeV/c antiproton beams from CERN Proton-Synchroton. Total elastic cross-sections corresponding to both energies are given. The results are given. The results are compared with those of p-p scaterring at different energies and with those of p-p scattering. Several optical-models, from the simples one (the black disk model) to a rather elaborated, four-parameters model have been applied. These models can explain some of the experimental results but fail in predicting the angular distribution of large angle scattering. (Author)

  13. Cobalt–iron red–ox behavior in nanostructured La0.4Sr0.6Co0.8Fe0.2O3−δ cathodes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soldati, Analía L.; Baqué, Laura; Napolitano, Federico; Serquis, Adriana


    Nano-sized La 0.4 Sr 0.6 Co 0.8 Fe 0.2 O 3−δ (LSCF) perovskite samples (prepared by a conventional acetate route and a novel acetate synthesis with HMTA additives), were tested simulating a red–ox cycle. The crystallography was studied by X-ray Powder Diffraction (XPD) and the changes in the oxidation state of the perovskite B-site were evaluated by synchrotron X-ray Absorption Near Edge Spectroscopy (XANES). After a reducing treatment, LSFC particles show the appearance of a new phase that coexists with the original one. The structural change is accompanied by a Co and Fe formal oxidation states decrease, although Fe remains always closer to 4+ and Co closer to 3+. The treatment produces a B-site valence average reduction from 3.52+ to 3.26+ and the formation of oxygen vacancies. A re-oxidation treatment under O 2 rich atmosphere at 800 °C for 10 h shows that the change is reversible and independent of the two chemical methods used to synthesize the LSCF nano-particles. - Graphical abstract: XANES and XPD measurements in nanostructured LSCF before (black) and after (red/green) a red/ox cycle. Highlights: ► Red–ox treatments in LSCF nano-particles cause a reversible reaction. ► XPD analyses show that a new “reduced” phase coexist with the oxidize one. ► The B-site formal oxidation state decreases and the δ increases upon reduction. ► Fe remains in a higher valence (closer to 4+) than Co (close to 3+). ► The behavior seems to be independent of the synthesis method used.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patrícia Lopes Damasceno


    Full Text Available The article discusses the graphic design of Segundo Caderno supplement  from the newspaper Zero Hora (ZH. The study identifies and analyses witch graphical elements e what compositional strategies are used by the periodic, verifying how these area articulated with the editorial process and the values of the journalistic field. The methodological procedures utilized were bibliographical research; qualitative and quantitative evaluation of a corpus composed by 24 editions of the months of June, August, September and October of 2011; observation of the productive routines; and non-structured interviews with five professionals of this supplement. The results showed that journalism possesses a strong e consolidated work culture, and that its constraints guide the design practice in this context. It was also observed that the ignorance of the reader's profile by the journalists, the mismatch between the possibility of advanced planning in virtue of the connection with the events agenda and the restricted use of visual resources, highlighting by a significant number of released photos. 

  15. Uniform System for the Evaluation of Substances (USES), version 4.0

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Linders JBHJ; Rikken MGJ; Bakker J; Poel P van der; CSR


    This report describes the fouth version of the Uniform System for the Evaluation of Substances, USES 4.0. USES 4.0 is an integrated risk assessment system for new and existing substances and agricultural and non-agricultural pesticides. The risk assessment system for new and existing substances in

  16. Descriptive aspects of space on Guimarães Rosa's “A hora e vez de Augusto Matraga”: an initiation on journey

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João Gomes da Silva Neto


    Full Text Available This paper focuses on some textual and discursive aspects of the Guimarães Rosa´s story “A hora e vez de Augusto Matraga”, concerning to description sequences and its role in the configuration of the fictional space. We discuss a narrative matrix whose spatial and temporal structures reveal a trajectory towards the human being redemption – a kind of initiation journey, marked by the mystic of an ascetic life. The analyses also points to the recurrent themes of violence and religiousness that support the narrative tension, straightly related to the protagonist conflicts. Violence and religiousness express the initiation journey paradoxes. Our methodology adopts theoretical contributions of the Pragmatic Linguistics and the Textual Analysis of the Discourses.

  17. Self-shielding effect in unresolved resonance data in JENDL-4.0

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Konno, Chikara; Takakura, Kosuke; Ochiai, Kentaro; Sato, Satoshi; Kato, Yoshinari


    At International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology in 2007 we pointed out that most of unresolved resonance data in JENDL-3.3 have a problem related to self-shielding correction. Here with a simple calculation model we have investigated whether the latest JENDL, JENDL-4.0, was improved for the problem or not. The results suggest that unresolved resonance data in JENDL-4.0 have no problem, but it seems that self-shielding effects for the unresolved resonance data in JENDL-4.0 are too large. New benchmark experiments for unresolved resonance data are strongly recommended in order to verify unresolved resonance data. (author)

  18. Organizational Learning Supported by Reference Architecture Models: Industry 4.0 Laboratory Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marco Nardello


    Full Text Available The wave of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0 is bringing a new vision of the manufacturing industry. In manufacturing, one of the buzzwords of the moment is "Smart production". Smart production involves manufacturing equipment with many sensors that can generate and transmit large amounts of data. These data and information from manufacturing operations are however not shared in the organization. Therefore the organization is not using them to learn and improve their operations. To address this problem, the authors implemented in an Industry 4.0 laboratory an instance of an emerging technical standard specific for the manufacturing industry. Global manufacturing experts consider the Reference Architecture Model Industry 4.0 (RAMI4.0 as one of the corner stones for the implementation of Industry 4.0. The instantiation contributed to organizational learning in the laboratory by collecting and sharing up-to-date information concerning manufacturing equipment. This article discusses and generalizes the experience and outlines future research directions.

  19. Core losses of ring-shaped (Fe{sub 0.75}B{sub 0.20}Si{sub 0.05}){sub 96}Nb{sub 4} bulk metallic glasses

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bitoh, T; Ishikawa, T; Okumura, H, E-mail: [Department of Machine Intelligence and Systems Engineering, Faculty of Systems Science and Technology, Akita Prefectural University, Yurihonjo, 015-0055 (Japan)


    The soft magnetic properties of ring-shaped (Fe{sub 0.75}B{sub 0.20}Si{sub 0.05}){sub 96}Nb{sub 4} cast bulk metallic glass (BMG) with thickness of 0.3-1.0 mm have been investigated. The BMG specimens exhibit high relative permeability of (9-29)x10{sup 3} at 0.40 A/m and 50 Hz and low coercivity of 4.0 A/m. The core losses of the 0.3 mm thick BMG specimen are lower than those of commercial Fe-6.5 mass% Si steel (6.5Si) with the same thickness, and are comparable to those of the 0.10 mm thick 6.5Si. The low core losses of the BMG originate from the low coercivity and high electrical resistivity.

  20. Inclusive γ, π0, K0, and Λ production in 12.4-GeV/c pp interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jaeger, K.; Campbell, J.; Charlton, G.; Swanson, D.; Fu, C.; Rubin, H.A.; Glasser, R.G.; Koetke, D.; Whitmore, J.


    In an exposure of the Argonne National Laboratory 12-foot hydrogen bubble chamber to a beam of 12.4-GeV/c protons, we have measured the total and differential cross sections for the inclusive reactions p + p → γ + X, π 0 + X, K 0 + X, and Λ + X, as well as estimates for the inclusive eta and Σ 0 cross sections. We present the average number of π 0 , K 0 , and Λ as a function of the associated charge multiplicity. We observe that the average charge multiplicity in pp collisions is the same whether or not a π 0 , K 0 , or Λ is also produced in the interaction. Invariant cross sections are presented as a function of P/subT/ 2 and x, the Feynman scaling variable. The π 0 differential cross sections are consistent with the relation (dsigma/dP)(π 0 ) = 1 / 2 [(dsigma/dP)(π + ) + (dsigma/dP)(π - )]/2 for all pion momenta P. The differential cross section for Λ production indicates a break in the distribution of vertical-bart - t/sub min/vertical-bar = 1.4 (GeV/c) 2 . The polarization of the Λ's is found to be consistent with zero for all values of x

  1. Fabrication of magnetic Fe@ZnO0.6S0.4 nanocomposite for visible-light-driven photocatalytic inactivation of Escherichia coli (United States)

    Peng, Ziling; Wu, Dan; Wang, Wei; Tan, Fatang; Ng, Tsz Wai; Chen, Jianguo; Qiao, Xueliang; Wong, Po Keung


    Bacterial inactivation by magnetic photocatalysts has now received growing interests due to the easy separation for recycle and reuse of photocatalysts. In this study, magnetic Fe@ZnO0.6S0.4 photocatalyst was prepared by a facile two-step precipitation method. Multiple techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscope (TEM), scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), UV-vis diffused reflectance spectra (UV-vis DRS) and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) were employed to characterize the structure, morphology and physicochemical properties of the photocatalyst. The as-obtained Fe@ZnO0.6S0.4 possessing magnetic property was easily collected from the reaction system by a magnet. Under white light-emitting-diode (LED) lamp irradiation, Fe@ZnO0.6S0.4 nanocomposite could completely inactivate 7-log of Escherichia coli K-12 within 5 h. More importantly, almost no decrease of photocatalytic efficiency in bacterial inactivation was observed even after five consecutive cycles, demonstrating Fe@ZnO0.6S0.4 exhibited good stability for reuse. The low released rate of Fe2+/Fe3+ and Zn2+ from Fe@ZnO0.6S0.4 composite further indicated the photocatalyst showed low cytotoxicity to bacterium and high stability under LED lamp irradiation. Facile preparation, high photocatalytic efficiency, good stability and reusability, and magnetic recovery property endow Fe@ZnO0.6S0.4 nanocomposite to be a promising photocatalytic material for bacterial inactivation.

  2. Monoclinic mixed crystals of halogenomethanes CBr4-nCln (n = 0, ..., 4)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Negrier, Philippe; Tamarit, Josep Ll.; Barrio, Maria; Pardo, Luis C.; Mondieig, Denise


    On the basis of the isostructural relationship between the low-temperature monoclinic (C2/c, Z = 32) phases of the halogenomethane CBr 4-n Cl n (n = 0, ..., 4), a set of mixed crystals has been analysed by means of high-resolution X-ray powder diffraction. It is shown that the monoclinic structure of pure and mixed crystals does not depend of the particularities of the dipolar (or dipole induced) interactions of the pure compound, neither on the composition of the mixed crystal, but on the relative content of the halogen atoms which controls the size of the molecule or the average molecule for the case of mixed crystals

  3. Stereocomplementary Construction of Optically Active Bicyclo[4.3.0]nonenone Derivatives. (United States)

    Mukai, Chisato; Kim, Jin Sung; Sonobe, Hiroshi; Hanaoka, Miyoji


    Treatment of (5S,6S)-5,6-bis(tert-butyldimethylsiloxy)-8-(substituted)oct-1-en-7-yne derivatives, prepared from diethyl L-tartrate, with Co(2)(CO)(8) afforded the corresponding cobalt-complexed enynes, which were subsequently exposed to the typical Pauson-Khand conditions to furnish highly stereoselectively or exclusively (2S,3S,6S)-2,3-bis(tert-butyldimethylsiloxy)-9-(substituted)bicyclo[4.3.0]non-1(9)-en-8-ones. On the other hand, (3S,4S)-1-(substituted)oct-7-en-1-yne-3,4-diol congeners produced, on exposure to the Pauson-Khand conditions, (2S,3S,6R)-2,3-dihydroxy-9-(substituted)bicyclo[4.3.0]-non-1(9)-en-8-one derivatives in a highly stereoselective manner. The newly developed procedure has been shown to be useful for construction of the 2,3-bis(oxygenated)-7-(substituted)bicyclo[4.3.0]non-6-en-8-one framework in a stereocomplementary as well as stereoselective fashion.

  4. Synthesis, structure and electrochemical properties of LiNaCo{sub 0.5}Fe{sub 0.5}PO{sub 4}F fluoride-phosphate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fedotov, Stanislav S. [Department of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991 Moscow (Russian Federation); Skoltech Center for Electrochemical Energy Storage, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, 143026 Moscow (Russian Federation); Kuzovchikov, Sergey M.; Khasanova, Nellie R.; Drozhzhin, Oleg A.; Filimonov, Dmitriy S. [Department of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991 Moscow (Russian Federation); Karakulina, Olesia M.; Hadermann, Joke [EMAT, University of Antwerp, Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020 Antwerp (Belgium); Abakumov, Artem M. [Department of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991 Moscow (Russian Federation); Skoltech Center for Electrochemical Energy Storage, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, 143026 Moscow (Russian Federation); EMAT, University of Antwerp, Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020 Antwerp (Belgium); Antipov, Evgeny V. [Department of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991 Moscow (Russian Federation)


    LiNaCo{sub 0.5}Fe{sub 0.5}PO{sub 4}F fluoride-phosphate was synthesized via conventional solid-state and novel freeze-drying routes. The crystal structure was refined based on neutron powder diffraction (NPD) data and validated by electron diffraction (ED) and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). The alkali ions are ordered in LiNaCo{sub 0.5}Fe{sub 0.5}PO{sub 4}F and the transition metals jointly occupy the same crystallographic sites. The oxidation state and oxygen coordination environment of the Fe atoms were verified by {sup 57}Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy. Electrochemical tests of the LiNaCo{sub 0.5}Fe{sub 0.5}PO{sub 4}F cathode material demonstrated a reversible activity of the Fe{sup 3+}/Fe{sup 2+} redox couple at the electrode potential near 3.4 V and minor activity of the Co{sup 3+}/Co{sup 2+} redox couple over 5 V vs Li/Li{sup +}. The material exhibited the discharge capacity of more than 82% (theo.) regarding Fe{sup 3+}/Fe{sup 2+} in the 2.4÷4.6 V vs Li/Li{sup +} potential range. - Graphical abstract: The ball-polyhedral representation of the LiNaCo{sub 0.5}Fe{sub 0.5}PO{sub 4}F crystal structure. The MO{sub 4}F{sub 2} units are depicted as blue octahedra, PO{sub 4} units as orange tetrahedra, sodium atoms are designated as yellow (Na1), lithium – red and brown (Li2, Li3 resp.), fluorine – green, oxygen – violet spheres. - Highlights: • Freeze-drying method was successfully applied to the synthesis of LiNaCo{sub 0.5}Fe{sub 0.5}PO{sub 4}F. • The crystal structure of LiNaCo{sub 0.5}Fe{sub 0.5}PO{sub 4}F was refined based on NPD and validated by ED and HRTEM. • LiNaCo{sub 0.5}Fe{sub 0.5}PO{sub 4}F demonstrated a reversible Li de/intercalation in the 2.5÷4.6 V vs Li/Li{sup +} range.

  5. Oxygen nonstoichiometry and ionic transport properties of La0.4Sr0.6CoO3-delta . (United States)

    Sitte, W; Bucher, E; Benisek, A; Preis, W


    Homogeneous samples of La0.4Sr0.6CoO3-delta were obtained by the glycine nitrate process. The oxygen nonstoichiometry was determined from oxygen exchange measurements as a function of oxygen partial pressure (10(-4) bar PO2 PO2-range between 10(-4) and 10(-2) bar to yield D and the ionic conductivity sigma(i) from the long time solution of the diffusion equation. Values for D from polarization measurements at T= 775 degrees C and from oxygen exchange measurements at T= 725 degrees C are in good agreement with each other. D and sigma(1) increase with increasing PO2 (10(-4) to 10(-2) bar). The ionic conductivity shows a maximum at 3-delta approximately 2.82 and decreases with decreasing oxygen content indicating the possible formation of vacancy ordered structures.

  6. Effect of fluorination treatment on electrochemical properties of M1Ni{sub 3.5}Co{sub 0.6}Mn{sub 0.4}Al{sub 0.5} hydrogen storage alloy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Huang, Hongxia, E-mail: [College of Chemistry and Bioengineering, Guilin University of Technology, Guilin (China); Huang, Kelong [College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Central South University (China)


    The influence of surface treatment by solutions of NH{sub 4}F, LiF and LiF containing KBH{sub 4} on the structure and electrochemical properties of the M1Ni{sub 3.5}Co{sub 0.6}Mn{sub 0.4}Al{sub 0.5} hydrogen storage alloy (in which M1 denotes mischmetal) is investigated. The fluorination treatment improves the electrochemical performances of the M1Ni{sub 3.5}Co{sub 0.6}Mn{sub 0.4}Al{sub 0.5} alloy. The maximum discharge capacity (C{sub max}) increases from 314.8 to 325.7 (NH{sub 4}F), 326.5 (LiF) and 316.4 mAh g{sup -1} (LiF+KBH{sub 4}). After 60 cycles, the capacity retention rate increases from 83.5 to 84.8% (NH{sub 4}F), 89.5% (LiF) and 93.9% (LiF+KBH{sub 4}). The results of the linear polarization and anodic polarization reveal that the exchange current density (I{sub 0}) and the limiting current density (I{sub L}) increase after fluorination treatment, indicating an improvement of the kinetics of the hydrogen absorption/desorption. (author)

  7. Hall effect in La0.6Sr0.4MnO3 thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Granada, M.; Maiorov, B.; Sirena, M.; Steren, L.B.; Guimpel, J.


    We studied the temperature and thickness dependence of the transport properties of La 0.6 Sr 0.4 MnO 3 films. Hall voltage and magnetoresistance measurements on 10 and 150 nm thick films were performed with this purpose. From the ordinary Hall component, we calculated the density of carriers, which has hole-character and is systematically lower than that expected from the chemical composition of the manganite in both samples. Localization effects observed at low temperature in the resistivity of the thinner film, associated with the substrate-induced disorder, are correlated with a decrease of the density of carriers

  8. Detailed benchmark test of JENDL-4.0 iron data for fusion applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Konno, Chikara, E-mail: [Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai-Mura, Ibaraki-ken, 319-1195 (Japan); Wada, Masayuki [Japan Computer System, Mito, 310-0805 (Japan); Kondo, Keitaro; Ohnishi, Seiki; Takakura, Kosuke; Ochiai, Kentaro; Sato, Satoshi [Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai-Mura, Ibaraki-ken, 319-1195 (Japan)


    The major revised version of Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library (JENDL), JENDL-4.0, was released in May, 2010. As one of benchmark tests, we have carried out a benchmark test of JENDL-4.0 iron data, which are very important for radiation shielding in fusion reactors, by analyzing the iron fusion neutronics integral experiments (in situ and Time-of-Flight (TOF) experiments) at JAEA/FNS. It is demonstrated that the problems of the iron data in the previous version of JENDL, JENDL-3.3, are solved in JENDL-4.0; the first inelastic scattering cross section data of {sup 57}Fe and the angular distribution of the elastic scattering of {sup 56}Fe. The iron data in JENDL-4.0 are comparable to or are partly better than those in ENDF/B-VII.0 and JEFF-3.1.

  9. Electrochemical characterization of La0.6Ca0.4Fe0.8Ni0.2O3 cathode on Ce0.8Gd0.2O1.9 electrolyte for IT-SOFC

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ortiz-Vitoriano, N.; Bernuy-Lopez, C.; Hauch, Anne


    For Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) to become an economically attractive energy conversion technology, suitable materials and structures which enable operation at lower temperatures, while retaining high cell performance, must be developed. Recently, the perovskitetype La0.6Ca0.4Fe0.8Ni0.2O3 oxide...... has shown potential as an intermediate temperature SOFC cathode. An equivalent circuit describing the cathode polarization resistances was constructed from analyzing impedance spectra recorded at different temperatures in oxygen. A competitive electrode polarization resistance is reported...... for this oxygen electrode using a Ce0.8Gd0.2O1.9 electrolyte, determined by impedance spectroscopy studies of symmetrical cells sintered at 800 _C and 1000 _C. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies of the symmetrical cells revealed the absence of any reaction layer between cathode and electrolyte...

  10. Cyber 4.0.

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Naidoo, K


    Full Text Available SURFACE COMPLEXITY MEDICAL FILLING STATIONS DDOS & IOT DDOS & IOT 20 THERE IS HOPE… FOG OF WAR FOCUS AND A CHANGE IN THINKING • 80 / 20 / Reality • Bias • Advocatus Diaboli • 4ThIR Building blocks • Security as enabler 23 THANK YOU...

  11. AC and DC electrical conductivity, dielectric and magnetic properties of Co{sub 0.65}Zn{sub 0.35}Fe{sub 2-x}Mo{sub x}O{sub 4} (x = 0.0, 0.1 and 0.2) ferrites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pradhan, A.K.; Saha, S. [Vidyasagar University, Department of Physics and Techno Physics, Midnapore, West Bengal (India); Nath, T.K. [Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Department of Physics, Kharagpur, West Bengal (India)


    Cobalt-Zinc ferrites are an important material for designing multiferroic composite. The Mo (4d-transition metal) doped Cobalt-Zinc ferrites are synthesized using ceramic (solid-state reaction) method. Investigation of detailed ac and dc electrical conductivity, dielectric and magnetic properties of Co{sub 0.65}Zn{sub 0.35}Fe{sub 2-x}Mo{sub x}O{sub 4} (x = 0.0, 0.1 and 0.2) spinel ferrites have been reported here. The recorded XRD pattern confirms the formation of inverse spinel structure of the material. The dielectric dispersion has been studied in detail and the existence of non-Debye type relaxation behavior has been confirmed. The dielectric tangent loss is found to be very small at high frequency. The ac conductivity follows the correlated barrier hopping like model. Also the conduction process can be best explained on the basis of Verwey-de Boer mechanism. Magnetic phase transition of the material is estimated from magnetization vs. temperature plots. (orig.)

  12. Structure and magnetic properties of Mg0.35Cu0.2Zn0.45Fe2O4 ferrite synthesized by co-precipitation method

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bo Yang


    Full Text Available Mg0.35Cu0.2Zn0.45Fe2O4 nanosize particles have been synthesized by chemical co-precipitation method and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD and vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM. The XRD patterns confirmed the single phase spinel structure of the synthesized powder. The average crystallite size of the powder varied from 14 to 55 nm by changing annealing temperature. The activation energy for crystal growth was estimated as about 18.61KJ/mol. With the annealing temperature increasing, saturation magnetization (MS was successively increased while the coercivity (HC was first increased, passed through a maximum and then declined. The sintering temperature has significant influence on bulk density, initial permeability and Curie temperature of Mg0.35Cu0.2Zn0.45Fe2O4 ferrite.

  13. Oxygen Exchange and Transport in (La0.6Sr0.4)0.98FeO3-d – Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 Dual-Phase Composites

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ovtar, Simona; Søgaard, Martin; Norrman, Kion


    The chemical diffusion coefficient and the effective surface exchange coefficient (kex) of dual-phase (La0.6Sr0.4)0.98FeO3-d (LSF) − Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 (CGO) composites containing between 30 and 70 vol.% of CGO were determined by electrical conductivity relaxation (ECR) at high oxygen partial...... pressures (10−3 .../s for a 70 vol.% of CGO in the composite at 750°C for a pO2 change from 0.2 to 1.0 atm. The experiments demonstrate that the kex is enhanced due to a synergistic effect between the two phases, and suggest a direct involvement of CGO phase in the oxygen surface exchange reaction. Possible mechanisms...

  14. Dielectric and magnetic properties of xCoFe{sub 2}O{sub 4}–(1 − x)[0.5Ba(Zr{sub 0.2}Ti{sub 0.8})O{sub 3}–0.5(Ba{sub 0.7}Ca{sub 0.3})TiO{sub 3}] composites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rani, Jyoti [Smart Materials Research Laboratory, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee 247667 (India); Yadav, K.L., E-mail: [Smart Materials Research Laboratory, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee 247667 (India); Prakash, Satya [Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee 247667 (India)


    Highlights: • Spinel–perovskite xCoFe{sub 2}O{sub 4}–(1 − x)(0.5Ba(Zr{sub 0.2}Ti{sub 0.8})O{sub 3}–0.5(Ba{sub 0.7}Ca{sub 0.3})TiO{sub 3}) composites have been synthesized by solid state reaction method. • Two anomalies in dielectric constant have been identified, and the composites show relaxor behaviour. • The magnetic properties of the composites improve with increasing concentration of CoFe{sub 2}O{sub 4}. • Enhanced magnetodielectric effect is found, and magnetoelectric coupling has been confirmed by Δϵ ∼ γM{sup 2} relation. • Optical band gap energy of these composites has been reported for the first time. - Abstract: xCoFe{sub 2}O{sub 4}–(1 − x)(0.5Ba(Zr{sub 0.2}Ti{sub 0.8})O{sub 3}–0.5(Ba{sub 0.7}Ca{sub 0.3})TiO{sub 3}) composites with x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 have been synthesized by solid state reaction method. X-ray diffraction analysis and field emission secondary electron microscopy have been used for structural and morphological analysis, respectively. The spinel CoFe{sub 2}O{sub 4} and perovskite 0.5Ba(Zr{sub 0.2}Ti{sub 0.8})O{sub 3}–0.5(Ba{sub 0.7}Ca{sub 0.3})TiO{sub 3} phase could be identified in the composites. Two anomalies in dielectric constant have been identified: first one is close to ferroelectric to paraelectric phase transition of 0.5Ba(Zr{sub 0.2}Ti{sub 0.8})O{sub 3}–0.5(Ba{sub 0.7}Ca{sub 0.3})TiO{sub 3} ceramic and the other lies near the magnetic transition temperature of CoFe{sub 2}O{sub 4}. There is an increase in magnetocapacitance and saturation magnetization of the composites at room temperature with increase in CoFe{sub 2}O{sub 4} content. The magnetoelectric coupling coefficient (γ) was approximated by Δϵ ∼ γM{sup 2} relation. The optical band gap energy of the composites decreases with increase in CoFe{sub 2}O{sub 4} content.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hajra, Rajkumar; Echer, Ezequiel; Gonzalez, Walter D.; Tsurutani, Bruce T.; Santolik, Ondrej


    Radiation-belt relativistic (E > 0.6, > 2.0, and > 4.0 MeV) electron acceleration is studied for solar cycle 23 (1995-2008). High-intensity, long-duration, continuous AE activity (HILDCAA) events are considered as the basis of the analyses. All of the 35 HILDCAA events under study were found to be characterized by flux enhancements of magnetospheric relativistic electrons of all three energies compared to the pre-event flux levels. For the E > 2.0 MeV electron fluxes, enhancement of >50% occurred during 100% of HILDCAAs. Cluster-4 passes were examined for electromagnetic chorus waves in the 5 < L < 10 and 0 < MLT < 12 region when wave data were available. Fully 100% of these HILDCAA cases were associated with enhanced whistler-mode chorus waves. The enhancements of E > 0.6, > 2.0, and > 4.0 MeV electrons occurred ∼1.0 day, ∼1.5 days, and ∼2.5 days after the statistical HILDCAA onset, respectively. The statistical acceleration rates for the three energy ranges were ∼1.8 × 10 5 , 2.2 × 10 3 , and 1.0 × 10 1 cm –2 s –1 sr –1 d –1 , respectively. The relativistic electron-decay timescales were determined to be ∼7.7, 5.5, and 4.0 days for the three energy ranges, respectively. The HILDCAAs were divided into short-duration (D ≤ 3 days) and long-duration (D > 3 days) events to study the dependence of relativistic electron variation on HILDCAA duration. For long-duration events, the flux enhancements during HILDCAAs with respect to pre-event fluxes were ∼290%, 520%, and 82% for E > 0.6, > 2.0, and > 4.0 MeV electrons, respectively. The enhancements were ∼250%, 400%, and 27% respectively, for short-duration events. The results are discussed with respect to the current understanding of radiation-belt dynamics

  16. UV Light-Driven Photodegradation of Methylene Blue by Using Mn0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4/SiO2 Nanocomposites (United States)

    Indrayana, I. P. T.; Julian, T.; Suharyadi, E.


    The photodegradation activity of nanocomposites for 20 ppm methylene blue solution has been investigated in this work. Nanocomposites Mn0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4/SiO2 have been synthesized using coprecipitation method. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern confirmed the formation of three phases in sample Mn0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4/SiO2 i.e., Mn0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4, Zn(OH)2, and SiO2. The appearance of SiO2 phase showed that the encapsulation process has been carried out. The calculated particles size of Mn0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4/SiO2 is greater than Mn0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4. Bonding analysis via vibrational spectra for Mn0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4/SiO2 confirmed the formation of bonds Me-O-Si stretching (2854.65 cm-1) and Si-O-Si asymmetric stretching (1026.13 cm-1). The optical gap energy of Mn0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4/SiO2 was smaller (2.70 eV) than Mn0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 (3.04 eV) due to smaller lattice dislocation and microstrain that affect their electronic structure. The Mn0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4/SiO2 showed high photodegradation ability due to smaller optical gap energy and the appearance of SiO2 ligand that can easily attract dye molecules. The Mn0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4/SiO2 also showed high degradation activity even without UV light radiation. The result showed that photodegradation reaction doesn’t follow pseudo-first order kinetics.

  17. Synthesis, characterization, and photoactivity of InTaO4 and In0.9Ni0.1TaO4 thin films prepared by electron evaporation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rico, V. J.; Frutos, F.; Yubero, F.; Espinos, J. P.; Gonzales-Elipe, A. R.


    InTaO 4 and In 0.9 Ni 0.1 TaO 4 thin films have been prepared by electron evaporation of successive layers of the single oxide components and posterior annealing at T>800 deg. C. The annealed thin films presented the monoclinic crystallographic structure typical of these mixed oxides. The electrical and optical behaviors of the films, assessed by C-V measurements, surface conductivity as a function of temperature, and UV-vis absorption spectroscopy, indicate that these oxides are wide band gap semiconductors with a variable dielectric constant depending on the annealing conditions. By reflection electron energy loss spectroscopy some electronic states have been found in the gap at an energy that is compatible with the activation energy deduced from the conductivity versus 1/T plots for these oxides. The photoactivity of these materials has been assessed by looking to the evolution of the wetting contact angle as a function of the irradiation time. All the films became superhydrophilic when irradiated with UV light, while the In 0.9 Ni 0.1 TaO 4 thin films also presented a small partial decrease in wetting angle when irradiated with visible photons.

  18. The ionisation balance of C0 to C+4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nussbaumer, H.; Storey, P.J.


    The ionisation balance for the ions C 0 -C +4 has been calculated for 10 8 -3 ] 12 and 2 x 10 4 K 5 K. The presence of metastable terms is included in the calculation of the collisional dielectronic recombination and ionisation coefficients. The influence of the observed solar radiation field on the ionisation balance is investigated. Changes in that field do strongly influence the results. (orig.) [de

  19. Nanostructure investigation of magnetic nanomaterial Ni0.5Zn0.3Cu0.2Fe2O4 synthesized by sol-gel method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pransisco, Prengki; Shafie, Afza; Guan, Beh Hoe


    Magnetic nanomaterial Ni 0.5 Zn 0.3 Cu 0.2 Fe 2 O 4 was successfully prepared by using sol-gel method. Heat treatment on material is always giving defect on properties of material. This paper investigates the effect of heat treatment on nanostructure of magnetic nanomaterial Ni 0.5 Zn 0.3 Cu 0.2 Fe 2 O 4 . According to thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA) that after 600°C there is no more weight loss detected and it was decided as minimum calcination temperature. Intensity, crystallite size, structure, lattice parameter and d-spacing of the material were investigated by using X-ray diffraction (XRD). High resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM) was used to examine nanostructure, nanosize, shape and distribution particle of magnetic material Ni 0.5 Zn 0.3 Cu 0.2 Fe 2 O 4 and variable pressure field emission scanning electron microscope (VP-FESEM) was used to investigate the surface morphology and topography of the material. The XRD result shows single-phase cubic spinel structure with average crystallite size in the range of 25.6-95.9 nm, the value of the intensity of the material was increased with increasing temperature, and followed by lattice parameter was increased with increasing calcination temperature, value of d-spacing was relatively decreased with accompanied increasing temperature. From HRTEM result the distribution of particles was tend to be agglomerates with particle size of 7.8-17.68 nm. VP-FESEM result shows that grain size of the material increases with increasing calcination temperature and the surface morphology shows that the material is in hexagonal shape and it was also proved by mapping result which showing the presence each of constituents inside the compound

  20. Production process stability - core assumption of INDUSTRY 4.0 concept (United States)

    Chromjakova, F.; Bobak, R.; Hrusecka, D.


    Today’s industrial enterprises are confronted by implementation of INDUSTRY 4.0 concept with basic problem - stabilised manufacturing and supporting processes. Through this phenomenon of stabilisation, they will achieve positive digital management of both processes and continuously throughput. There is required structural stability of horizontal (business) and vertical (digitized) manufacturing processes, supported through digitalised technologies of INDUSTRY 4.0 concept. Results presented in this paper based on the research results and survey realised in more industrial companies. Following will described basic model for structural process stabilisation in manufacturing environment.

  1. Website Making Foundation Al-husna Using Macromedia Dreamweaver 4.0


    Eka Febriyanti; Don Elsyafitra., SKom


    Website is one of the means to publish a firm or individual who has information to beknown by the wider community, especially users of internet service. At this writing willdiscuss ways in making website.The method used in this writing is to use Macromedia Dreamweaver 4.0 on Windows1998 and Internet Explorer as your browser Exploler 5. Reasons for using MacromediaDreamweaver 4.0 is to be able to design a website according to the author wishes.A good website is a website that can attract the a...

  2. Optical rectification in a strained GaAs{sub 0.9}P{sub 0.1}/GaAs{sub 0.6}P{sub 0.4} quantum dot: Simultaneous effects of electric and magnetic fields

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vinolin, Ada [Dept. of Physics, Madurai Kamaraj University College, Alagarkoil Road, Madurai-625002 (India); Peter, A. John, E-mail: [Dept. of Physics, Government Arts College, Melur-625106, Tamilnadu (India)


    Simultaneous effects of electric field and magnetic field on exciton binding energy as a function of dot radius in a cylindrical GaAs{sub 0.9}P{sub 0.1}/GaAs{sub 0.6}P{sub 0.4} strained quantum dot are investigated. The strain contribution includes the strong built-in electric field induced by the spontaneous and piezoelectric polarizations. Numerical calculations are performed using variational procedure within the single band effective mass approximation. Optical rectification in the GaAs{sub 0.9}P{sub 0.1}/GaAs{sub 0.6}P{sub 0.4} quantum dot is computed in the presence of electric and magnetic fields.

  3. Study of electrical and magnetic properties of Pr0.6-xBixSr0.4MnO3 (x=0.20 and 0.25) (United States)

    Daivajna, Mamatha D.; Rao, Ashok; Lin, W. J.; Kuo, Y. K.


    We have investigated the electrical and magnetic properties of Pr0.6-xBixSr0.4MnO3 (x=0.20 and 0.25) manganites. XRD data shows that the synthesized samples are single-phase and crystallize in the orthorhombic structure with Pnma space group. Resistivity measurements show that the sample with x=0.25 exhibits a thermally activated behavior for the entire temperature range. The magnetoresistance (MR) for the x=0.25 sample is as high as nearly 100% over a wide range of temperature, demonstrating its important technological application as a material for MR-based devices. From the magnetization measurements, two magnetic transitions viz. paramagnetic insulating to ferromagnetic metallic (PMI-FMM) transition at TC and the ferromagnetic metallic (FMM) to antiferromagnetic insulating (AFI) transition at Neel temperature TN were observe in both samples. The Curie temperature decreases with bismuth doping, while TN increases with Bi content. Most interestingly, the temperature variation of magnetization and resistivity shows hysteresis behavior across the transition for the x=0.20 sample.

  4. La distinta naturaleza del día y la noche en la antigüedad, y sus divisiones en horas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Gil Martínez


    Full Text Available En este artículo intento explicar las diferencias religiosas entre el día y la noche, ya que los hombres de la Antigüedad nunca comprendieron que ambas conformaran una unidad. Estudio, por tanto, las características que tuvieron el día y la noche, en especial las de esta última, en algunas de las culturas más representativas de la Antigüedad –sumeria, babilónica, egipcia, hebrea, griega, romana y celta–. Así, podemos observar que básicamente todas ellas consideran el día como un momento de vida, mientras que la noche, a menudo, es entendida como muerte y maldad. Con todo ello, podemos comprender por qué el día no fue dividido en veinticuatro horas, sino en doce diurnas y doce nocturnas.

  5. Large low field room temperature magneto-dielectric response from (Sr_0_._5Ba_0_._5)Nb_2O_6/Co(Cr_0_._4Fe_1_._6)O_4 bulk 3-0 composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rathore, Satyapal Singh; Vitta, Satish


    Highlights: • The essential highlights of this work are;. • Bulk composite with varying amounts of relaxor and ferromagnetic phases has been synthesized by simple steps. • Processing yields an optimal structure with 30% ferromagnetic phase to couple the two ferroic orders. • Magneto dielectric constant shows large changes, 3.2%, at room temperature in moderate magnetic fields. • Large changes in dielectric constant are due to configurational arrangement of the two phases. - Abstract: Bulk magneto-dielectric composites with a 3-0 configuration comprised of ferroelectric-magnetostrictive phases have been synthesized using (Sr_0_._5Ba_0_._5)Nb_2O_6–Co(Cr_0_._4Fe_1_._6)O_4 as the two constituents, respectively. The ferroelectric phase made by a dual stage sintering process has a uniform grain size of 15 μm while the magnetostrictive phase has a grain size of 2–3 μm. Composites synthesized by conventional solid state processing using these two constituents exhibit large magneto-dielectric coupling at room temperature which increases with increasing magnetic field. The composite with 30% magnetostrictive phase distributed uniformly in the ferroelectric phase has the most desirable microstructure and exhibits a large coupling with 3.2% change in the dielectric constant at 1 kHz and 8 kOe magnetic field. This change in dielectric constant was found to be a maximum with respect to variation of the fraction of magnetostrictive phase, indicating that 30% is the optimal value to realize large coupling between the two phases. The decrease in magneto-dielectric constant upon application of an external magnetic field is possibly due to the inherent magnetoresistance of the magnetic component. The resistivity of the magnetic component decreases in an external magnetic field leading to the formation of 3D percolating conducting paths. This causes the coupling to decrease in composites with >30% magnetostrictive phase.

  6. Magnetic properties of the semimagnetic semiconductor Zn0.15Mn0.85Ga2Se4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cadenas, Ruben; Perez, Flor V.; Quintero, Miguel; Quintero, Eugenio; Tovar, Rafael; Morocoima, Manuel; Gonzalez, Jesus; Bocaranda, P.; Ruiz, J.; Broto, J.M.; Rakoto, H.


    We report on the magnetic measurements of the semimagnetic semiconductor Zn 0.15 Mn 0.85 Ga 2 Se 4 (ZMGSe). The DC susceptibility and high magnetic field indicate that the ZMGSe orders antiferromagnetically at T∼6 K and undergoes into a spin-flop phase below this temperature. Arrott plots and magnetic entropy changes were used to characterize the order of the transitions

  7. Bloqueio do plexo braquial pela via posterior com uso de neuroestimulador e ropivacaína a 0,5% Bloqueo del plexo braquial por la vía posterior con el uso de neuroestimulador y ropivacaína a 0,5% Posterior brachial plexus block with nerve stimulator and 0.5% ropivacaine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lúcia Beato


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Existem várias maneiras de abordar o plexo braquial dependendo da experiência do anestesiologista e da região a ser operada. O bloqueio do plexo braquial pela via posterior pode representar uma alternativa para cirurgias de ombro, clavícula e úmero proximal. O objetivo deste estudo foi mostrar os resultados observados em pacientes submetidos a bloqueio do plexo braquial pela via posterior com uso de neuroestimulador e ropivacaína a 0,5%. MÉTODO: Vinte e dois pacientes com idade entre 17 e 76 anos, estado físico ASA I e II, submetidos a cirurgias ortopédicas envolvendo o ombro, clavícula e úmero proximal foram anestesiados com bloqueio de plexo braquial pela via posterior utilizando neuroestimulador a partir de 1 mA. Obtida a contração desejada, a corrente foi diminuída para 0,5 mA e, permanecendo a resposta contrátil, foram injetados 40 mL de ropivacaína a 0,5%. Foram avaliados os seguintes parâmetros: latência, analgesia, duração da cirurgia, duração da analgesia e do bloqueio motor, complicações e efeitos colaterais. RESULTADOS: O bloqueio foi efetivo em 20 dos 22 pacientes; a latência média foi de 15,52 min; a duração média da cirurgia foi de 1,61 hora. A média de duração da analgesia foi de 15,85 horas e do bloqueio motor 11,16 horas. Não foram observados sinais e sintomas clínicos de toxicidade do anestésico local e nenhum paciente apresentou efeitos adversos do bloqueio. CONCLUSÕES: Nas condições deste estudo o bloqueio de plexo braquial pela via posterior com o uso do neuroestimulador e ropivacaína a 0,5% demonstrou ser uma técnica efetiva, confortável para o paciente e de fácil realização.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Existen varios modos de abordar el plexo braquial dependiendo de la experiencia del anestesiologista y de la región que será operada. El bloqueo del plexo braquial por la vía posterior puede representar una alternativa para cirugías de hombro, clav

  8. Near-infrared (0.8-4.0 m) spectroscopy of mimas, enceladus, tethys, and rhea (United States)

    Emery, J.P.; Burr, D.M.; Cruikshank, D.P.; Brown, R.H.; Dalton, J.B.


    Spectral measurements from the ground in the time leading up to the Cassini mission at Saturn provide important context for the interpretation of the forthcoming spacecraft data. Whereas ground-based observations cannot begin to approach the spatial scales Cassini will achieve, they do possess the benefits of better spectral resolution, a broader possible time baseline, and unique veiewing geometries not obtained by spacecraft (i.e., opposition). In this spirit, we present recent NIR reflectance spectra of four icy satellites of Saturn measured with the SpeX instrument at the IRTF. These measurements cover the range 0.8-4.0 m of both the leading and trailing sides of Tethys and the leading side of Rhea. The L-band region (2.8-4.0 m) offers new opportunities for searches of minor components on these objects. Additionally, these data include 0.8-2.5 m spectra of both the leading and trailing sides of Mimas and of the (mostly) trailing side of Enceladus. The spectrum of Enceladus shows activity near 2.25 m that we interpret as a possible signature of NH3 ice. The presence of ammonia in the Saturn system is not unexpected, and may help explain the apparent recent geologic activity of Enceladus. Analysis of leading/trailing differences inH2O band depths, spectral slopes, and albedo imply a separate regime of surface modification for Mimas and Enceladus than for the more distant icy satellites (Tethys, Dione, Rhea). Aside from the potential NH3 on Enceladus, no other minor constituents are detected in these icy surfaces.

  9. Dielectric and Energy Storage Properties of Ba0.65Sr0.35TiO3 Ceramics Modified by BiNbO4 (United States)

    Zheng, Yi; Zhang, Jihua; Wei, Meng; Dong, Xiangxiang; Huang, Jiapeng; Wu, Kaituo; Chen, Hongwei


    (1 - x) (Ba0.65Sr0.35TiO3)-xBiNbO4 (x = 0.0-0.15) ceramic were prepared by solid-state reaction method. The phase composition, microstructure, dielectric properties, polarization-electric field, breakdown strength and energy storage behaviors for the BiNbO4-modified Ba0.65Sr0.35TiO3 ceramics were investigated. With the addition of BiNbO4, the remnant polarization and saturation polarization decreased and the nonlinearity was suppressed. When x = 0.07, the maximum recoverable energy storage achieved was 0.5 J/cm3, 1.5 times that of un-doped Ba0.65Sr0.35TiO3 ceramics, with an efficiency of 96.89% and a breakdown electric field reaching 15.3 kV/mm. Therefore, BiNbO4 doping could improve the energy storage properties of Ba0.65Sr0.35TiO3 for high-energy pulse capacitor application.

  10. Biofilm community diversity after exposure to 0·4% stannous fluoride gels. (United States)

    Reilly, C; Rasmussen, K; Selberg, T; Stevens, J; Jones, R S


    To test the effect of 0·4% stannous fluoride (SnF2 ) glycerine-based gels on specific portions of the bacterial community in both a clinical observational study and in vitro multispecies plaque-derived (MSPD) biofilm model. Potential changes to specific portions of the bacterial community were determined through the Human Oral Microbial Identification Microarray (HOMIM). Both the observational clinical study and the biofilm model showed that short-term use of 0·4% SnF2 gel has little effect on the bacterial community depicted by hierarchical cluster analysis. The amount of plaque accumulation on a subject's teeth, which was measured by plaque index scores, failed to show statistical significant changes over the two baselines or after treatment (P = 0·9928). The in vitro results were similar when examining the effect of 0·4% SnF2 gels on biofilm adherence through a crystal violet assay (P = 0·1157). The bacteria within the dental biofilms showed resilience in maintaining the overall community diversity after exposure to 0·4% SnF2 topical gels. The study supports that the immediate benefits of using 0·4% SnF2 gels in children may be strictly from fluoride ions inhibiting tooth demineralization rather than delivering substantial antimicrobial effects. © 2014 The Society for Applied Microbiology.

  11. Dispersion of CEF levels in Nd{sub 2}CuO{sub 4} and Pr{sub 0.86}Ce{sub 0.14}CuO{sub 4}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Henggeler, W.; Furrer, A. [Paul Scherrer Inst. (PSI), Villigen (Switzerland); Chattopadyay, T.; Roessli, B. [Institut Max von Laue - Paul Langevin, 75 - Paris (France)


    We performed inelastic scattering experiments to determine the dispersion of the {Gamma}{sub 6}{sup (1)}-{Gamma}{sub 6}{sup (2)}-Nd crystal field excitation in Nd{sub 2}CuO{sub 4} and of the {Gamma}{sub 4}-{Gamma}{sub 5} Pr CEF excitation in Pr{sub 1.86}Ce{sub 0.14}CuO{sub 4}. Our results can be described within the random phase approximation model. (author) 4 figs.

  12. Synthesis, crystal structure and photoluminescence of a new Eu-doped Sr containing sialon (Sr{sub 0.94}Eu{sub 0.06})(Al{sub 0.3}Si{sub 0.7}){sub 4}(N{sub 0.8}O{sub 0.2}){sub 6}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yamane, Hisanori, E-mail: [Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University 2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8577 (Japan); Shimooka, Satoshi; Uheda, Kyota [Mitsubishi Chemical Group, Science and Technology Research Center, Inc. 1000 Kamoshida-cho, Aoba-ku, Yokohama 227-8502 (Japan)


    Colorless transparent platelet single crystals of a novel Eu{sup 2+}-doped strontium silicon aluminum oxynitride, (Sr{sub 0.94}Eu{sub 0.06})(Al{sub 0.3}Si{sub 0.7}){sub 4}(N{sub 0.8}O{sub 0.2}){sub 6}, were prepared at 1800 Degree-Sign C and 0.92 MPa of N{sub 2}. Fundamental reflections of electron and X-ray diffraction of the crystals were indexed with a face-centered orthorhombic unit cell (a=5.8061(5) A, b=37.762(3) A, c=9.5936(9) A). Diffuse streaks elongated in the b-axis direction were observed around the fundamental reflections hkl with h=2n+1 of the electron and X-ray diffraction, indicating stacking faults of (0 1 0)[1 0 0]/2. A crystal structure model without the stacking faults was obtained using the X-ray diffraction data of the fundamental reflections with the space group Fdd2. A SiN{sub 4}-tetrahedron double layer of [SiN{sub 2}]{sub 2} and a Sr/Eu double layer of [(Sr{sub 0.94}Eu{sub 0.06})Al{sub 1.2}Si{sub 0.8}N{sub 0.8} O{sub 1.2}]{sub 2} are stacked alternately along the b-axis direction. The title compound showed an emission with a peak wavelength of 490 nm under 334 nm excitation at room temperature. - Graphical abstract: Single crystals of a novel Eu{sup 2+}-doped strontium silicon aluminum oxynitride, (Sr{sub 0.94}Eu{sub 0.06})(Al{sub 0.3}Si{sub 0.7}){sub 4}(N{sub 0.8}O{sub 0.2}){sub 6}, having stacking faults on the (0 1 0) plane of an orthorhombic cell, were prepared at 1800 Degree-Sign C and 0.92 MPa of N{sub 2}. The compound showed emission with a peak wavelength of 490 nm under 334 nm excitation at room temperature. Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer A new compound Eu{sup 2+}-doped (Sr{sub 0.94}Eu{sub 0.06})(Al{sub 0.3}Si{sub 0.7}){sub 4}(N{sub 0.8}O{sub 0.2}){sub 6} was prepared. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Stacking faults in the compound were clarified by electron and X-ray diffraction. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer A basic crystal structure model was obtained based on the X-ray diffraction data. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer An

  13. Phosphate removal from aqueous solutions using polyaniline/ Ni 0.5 Zn 0.5 Fe 2 O 4 magnetic nanocomposite

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohammad Hossein Tarmahi


    Full Text Available Background: Phosphorus is an indispensable element for the growth of animals and plants. There are several environmental problems related to phosphate; therefore, the technical and economic methods of removing phosphate are of great importance. This study evaluated the efficiency of polyaniline/ Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 magnetic nanocomposite in removing phosphate from aqueous environments. Methods: The adsorbent was characterized by several methods, including X-ray diffraction (XRD, scanning electron microscopy (SEM, vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM, and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR spectroscopy. Then, the potential of the adsorbentto adsorb phosphate was investigated. The effects of the parameters of contact time (5-60 minutes, pH (3-9, adsorbent dosage (0.05-0.6 g, and initial phosphate concentration (2-100 mg/L on the phosphate removal yield were studied. All phosphate ion concentrations were measured using the ammonium molybdate spectrophotometric method. Results: The results showed that a time of 30 minutes, pH of 5, and adsorbent dose of 0.4 g were the optimum conditions for phosphate removal through adsorption. Increasing the initial concentration of phosphate from 2 to 100 mg/L decreased the removal efficiency from 90.3% to 32%. The experimental data was fitted well with the Freundlich isotherm model (R2 = 0.997. Conclusion: Polyaniline/Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 magnetic nanocomposite removes phosphate from aqueous solutions with a simple and environmentally benign procedure. The maximum adsorption capacity based on Langmuir isotherm (R2 = 0.931 is 85.4 mg/g. This magnetic nanocomposite is applicable in managing water resource pollution caused by phosphate ions.

  14. Defect chemistry and oxygen transport of (La0.6Sr0.4-xMx)(0.99)Co0.2Fe0.8O3-delta, M = Ca (x=0.05, 0.1), Ba (x=0.1, 0.2), Sr Part I: Defect chemistry

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dalslet, Bjarke Thomas; Søgaard, Martin; Bouwmeester, Henry J.M.


    This paper is the first part of a two part series, where the effects of varying the A-site dopant on the defect chemistry, the diffusion coefficient and the surface catalytic properties of the materials (La0.6Sr0.4 − xMx)0.99Co0.2Fe0.8O3 − δ, M = Sr, Ca (x = 0.05, 0.1), Ba (x = 0.1, 0.2) (LSMFC......) have been investigated. In part I, the findings on the defect chemistry are reported, while the transport properties are reported in part II. Substitution of Sr2+ ions with Ca2+ ions (smaller ionic radius) and Ba2+ ions (larger ionic radius) strains the crystal structure differently for each...... composition while keeping the average valence of the cations constant. The Ba2+ containing materials show the largest oxygen loss at elevated temperatures, while the purely Sr2+ doped material showed the smallest oxygen loss. This was reflected in the partial oxidation entropy of the materials. The measured...

  15. Influence of annealing temperature on the electrochemical and surface properties of the 5-V spinel cathode material LiCr0.2Ni0.4Mn1.4O4 synthesized by a sol–gel technique

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Younesi, Reza; Malmgren, Sara; Edström, Kristina


    LiCr0.2Ni0.4Mn1.4O4 was synthesized by a sol–gel technique in which tartaric acid was used as oxide precursor. The synthesized powder was annealed at five different temperatures from 600 to 1,000 °C and tested as a 5-V cathode material in Li-ion batteries. The study shows that annealing at higher...

  16. Polarized beam asymmetry for. gamma. d. -->. Peta in the energy range 0. 4-0. 8 GeV

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adamyan, F.V.; Arustamyan, G.V.; Galumyan, P.I.; Grabsky, V.H.; Hakopyan, H.H.; Karapetyan, V.V.; Vartapetyan, H.A.


    Measurements of the polarized beam asymmetry for deuteron photodisintegration ..gamma..d ..-->.. Peta have been carried out in the energy range E/sub ..gamma../ = 0.4-0.8 GeV and at angles theta/sub p//sup cm/ = 45/sup 0/-75/sup 0/. The results obtained are in disagreement with theoretical predictions which take into account the dibaryon resonance contribution. The data qualitative analysis indicates the weakness of isoscalar dibaryon amplitudes near E/sub ..gamma../ = 400 MeV. 8 references, 1 figure.

  17. Associação do methimazole e do ondansetron à quimioterapia com cisplatina em cães submetidos a quatro diferentes protocolos de fluidoterapia Association of methimazole and ondansetron to cisplatin chemotherapy in dogs submitted to four different fluid therapy protocols

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C.S.F. Repetti


    Full Text Available Utilizaram-se 12 cães, machos, distribuídos em quatro grupos (G experimentais, selecionados de acordo com o tempo de fluidoterapia com solução fisiológica 0,9%: G1 (sem fluidoterapia, G2 (uma hora de fluidoterapia antes da cisplatina, G3 (uma hora de fluidoterapia antes da cisplatina e uma hora após e G4 (duas horas de fluidoterapia antes da cisplatina e uma após. Todos os animais receberam a cisplatina (70mg/m², pela via intravenosa, sendo os ciclos de quimioterapia realizados em intervalos de três semanas, num total de três ciclos. O ondansetron (0,4mg/kg foi administrado pela via intravenosa, a cada oito horas, no dia da quimioterapia e, a seguir, a cada 12 horas, por dois dias. O methimazole (40mg/kg foi pela via oral, 30 minutos antes da cisplatina e quatro horas após. Avaliaram-se os parâmetros hematológicos, bioquímicos, urinários e dosagem de tiroxina e triiodotironina a cada sete dias até o término do experimento. Esse protocolo foi eficaz e seguro em cães que permaneceram sob fluidoterapia durante duas a três horas. Os animais que não receberam fluidoterapia e os que ficaram somente uma hora sob infusão intravenosa de solução fisiológica apresentaram alterações que resultaram em não-recomendação do protocolo.Twelve male dogs were divided in four experimental groups (G, which were selected according to the time of 0.9% saline fluid therapy: G1 (without saline therapy, G2 (an hour of saline therapy before receiving cisplatin, G3 (an hour of saline therapy before receiving cisplatin and one hour after and G4 (two hours of saline therapy before receiving cisplatin and one hour after. All the animals received 70mg/m² cisplatin, via intravenous, and the chemotherapy cycles were accomplished in intervals of three weeks, in a total of three cycles. Ondansetron (0.4mg/kg was administered via intravenous, every 8 hours, on the day of the chemotherapy and, from that, every 12 hours for two days. Methimazole (40mg

  18. Structural and dielectric properties of four - layer Aurivillius - type Ba0.25Sr0.75Bi4Ti4O15 ceramics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goyal, Parveen K.; Khokhar, Anita; Sreenivas, K.


    In the present study, a barium strontium bismuth titanate (Ba 0.25 Sr 0.75 Bi 4 Ti 4 O 15 , BSBT) ceramic composition has been prepared by conventional solid-state reaction. In order to study the structure of as synthesized BSBT ceramics, the X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), Raman and FTIR studies have been carried out on the powdered sample. X-ray diffraction analysis confirms the formation of a single phase four-layer Aurivillius-type ceramics that crystallizes in an orthorhombic structure with A2 1 am space group. The dielectric properties of the ceramics have been studied in the temperature range 30 - 600℃ temperature range at various frequencies (100 Hz to 1 MHz). A sharp dielectric anomaly was observed at ∼ 485℃ at all the frequencies corresponding to the ferroelectric to paraelectric phase transition. The ferroelectric behavior is confirmed from the Curie-Weiss law fitting of the dielectric data. (author)

  19. A re-evaluation of k sub 0 and related nuclear data for the 555.8 keV gamma-line emitted by the sup 1 sup 0 sup 4 sup m Rh- sup 1 sup 0 sup 4 Rh mother-daughter pair for use in NAA

    CERN Document Server

    Corte, F D; Simonits, A; Bossus, D; Sluijs, R V; Pommé, S


    A re-evaluation is made of the k sub 0 -factor and related nuclear data for the 555.8 keV gamma-ray of the sup 1 sup 0 sup 4 sup m Rh- sup 1 sup 0 sup 4 Rh mother-daughter pair that are important in neutron activation analysis (NAA). This study considers that the relevant level is also fed by the 4.34 min sup 1 sup 0 sup 4 sup m Rh mother (with an absolute gamma-ray emission probability gamma sub 2 =0.13%) and not only, as assumed in former work, by the 42.3 s sup 1 sup 0 sup 4 Rh daughter isotope (with gamma sub 3 =2.0%). In view of this, generalised equations were developed for both the experimental determination and the analytical use of the k sub 0 -factor and of the associated parameters k sub 0 (m)/k sub 0 (g), Q sub 0 (m) and Q sub 0 (g) [(m): sup 1 sup 0 sup 4 sup m Rh; (g): sup 1 sup 0 sup 4 Rh], requiring the introduction of the gamma sub 2 and gamma sub 3 data and also of the sup 1 sup 0 sup 4 sup m Rh-> sup 1 sup 0 sup 4 Rh fractional decay factor F sub 2 (=0.9987). The experimental determinations...

  20. Synthesis and characterization of La0.6Sr0.4Fe0.8Cu0.2O3−δ oxide as cathode for Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vázquez, Santiago; Davyt, Sebastián; Basbus, Juan F.; Soldati, Analía L.; Amaya, Alejandro; Serquis, Adriana; Faccio, Ricardo; Suescun, Leopoldo


    Nanocrystalline La 0.6 Sr 0.4 Fe 0.8 Cu 0.2 O 3−δ (LSFCu) material was synthetized by combustion method using EDTA as fuel/chelating agent and NH 4 NO 3 as combustion promoter. Structural characterization using thermodiffraction data allowed to determine a reversible phase transition at 425 °C from a low temperature R-3c phase to a high temperature Pm-3m phase and to calculate the thermal expansion coefficient (TEC) of both phases. Important characteristics for cathode application as electronic conductivity and chemical compatibility with Ce 0.9 Gd 0.1 O 2−δ (CGO) electrolyte were evaluated. LSFCu presented a p-type conductor behavior with maximum conductivity of 135 S cm −1 at 275 °C and showed a good stability with CGO electrolyte at high temperatures. This work confirmed that as prepared LSFCu has excellent microstructural characteristics and an electrical conductivity between 100 and 60 S cm −1 in the 500–700 °C range which is sufficiently high to work as intermediate temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (IT-SOFCs) cathode. However a change in the thermal expansion coefficient consistent with a small oxygen loss process may affect the electrode-electrolyte interface during fabrication and operation of a SOFC. - Graphical abstract: Nanocrystalline La 0.6 Sr 0.4 Fe 0.8 Cu 0.2 O 3−δ was prepared by gel combustion and characterized by X-ray thermodiffraction and its conductivity was determined. The phase shows a reversible rhombohedral to cubic structural phase transition at 425 °C and a semiconductor to metallic phase transition at 275 °C. - Highlights: • LSFCu was prepared by gel combustion route using EDTA and NH 4 NO 3 . • LSFCu shows a reversible phase transition at 425 °C from R-3c to Pm-3m phase. • The sample has a maximum conductivity value of 135 S cm −1 at 275 °C. • LSFCu shows a good chemical compatibility with CGO at 900 °C

  1. Biofilm Community Diversity after Exposure to 0.4% Stannous Fluoride Gels (United States)

    Reilly, Cavan; Rasmussen, Karin; Selberg, Tieg; Stevens, Justin; Jones, Robert S.


    Aims To test the effect of %0.4 stannous fluoride (SnF2) glycerin based gels on the bacterial ecology in both a clinical observational study and in vitro polymicobial biofilm model. Methods and Results The influence of stannous fluoride (0.4% SnF2) gels on bacteria was tested in both an observational study in children 6-12 years of age (n=20) and an in vitro biofilm model system. The plaque derived multi-species bacterial biofilm model was based on clinical bacterial strains derived directly from the clinical study. Potential changes in the plaque ecology were determined through the Human Oral Microbial Identification Microarray-HOMIM (n=10). The semiquantitative data resulting from this system were analyzed with cumulative logit models for each bacterial strain and Bonferroni adjustments were employed to correct for multiple hypothesis testing. Both hierarchical biclustering and principal components analysis were used to graphically assess reproducibility within subjects over time. Mixed effects models were used to examine changes in plaque scores and numbers of bacterial strains found in the various conditions. Conclusions Both the observational clinical study and the biofilm model showed that short-term use of 0.4% SnF2 gel has little effect on the bacterial plaque ecology. The amount of plaque accumulation on a subject's teeth, which was measured by plaque index scores failed to show statistical significant changes over the two baselines or after treatment (p=0.9928). The in vitro results were similar when examining the effect of 0.4% SnF2 gels on biofilm adherence through a crystal violet assay (p= 0.1157). Significance and Impact of the Study The bacteria within the dental biofilms showed resilience in maintaining the overall community diversity after exposure to 0.4% Stannous Fluoride Gels. The study supports that the immediate benefits of using these gels each night to manage caries in children may be strictly from fluoride ions inhibiting tooth

  2. Efecto de la fluido terapia endovenosa en los electrolitos y gases arteriales de pacientes ancianos hospitalizados. Estudio comparativo: Solución Hartmann y solución salina hipotónica.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Germán Javier MALAGA RODRIGUEZ


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Comparar el efecto de una solución de dextrosa hipotónica y de una solución isotónica (Hartmann en los niveles séricos de electrolitos y el equilibrio ácido base en pacientes ancianos hospitalizados. Materiales y métodos: Se evaluaron prospectivamente a 18 pacientes mayores de 60 años hospitalizados en el departamento de Medicina del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia que recibieron fluidos endovenosos al menos por 48 horas. El primer grupo (G1 recibió una solución de dextrosa al 5%, 71 mmol/L de ClNa y 27 mmol/L de cloruro de potasio. El segundo grupo (G2 recibió solución Hartmann, más una solución glucosada de 100 cc al 50% simultáneamente. Se controlaron los valores de los electrolitos y los gases sanguíneos a las 0, 24 y 48 horas de iniciada la observación. Resultados: Ambos grupos presentaron condiciones comparables al ingreso. A las 48 horas los valores del sodio para el G1 fueron 134,5±4,4 mEq/L y para el G2 140±2,4 mEq/L (p<0,01, el pH del G1 fue 7,32±0,07 y el del G2 fue 7,4±0,03 (p<0,01, y el bicarbonato fue 16,6±2,2 mEq/L para el G1 y 22,3±1,6 mEq/L para el G2 (p<0,001. La diferencia entre los valores a las 0 (delta y 48 horas fueron: sodio -6,1±3,78(G1, 0,9±2,25(G2 en mEq/L, (p<0,001; potasio 0,01±0,43(G1, -0,61±0,56(G2 en mEq/L, (p<0,05; pH -0,09±0,07(G1, -0,01±0,04(G2, (p<0,01; bicarbonato -6,34±1,21(G1, -0,27±1,43(G2 en mEq/L, (p<0,001; pCO2 -6,25±5,33 (G1, 1,4±4,52(G2 en mmHg, (p<0,01. Conclusiones: Los pacientes ancianos hospitalizados que recibieron solución de dextrosa hipotónica, tuvieron niveles significativamente menores de sodio, pH, bicarbonato y pCO2 después de 48 horas comparados con quienes recibieron solución de Hartmann. No se observaron diferencias en los niveles de cloruro, pO2 y anion gap.(Rev Med Hered 2006;17:189-195.

  3. Industry 4.0 and representative participation in innovation in manufacturing industries


    Ramioul, Monique


    Industry 4.0 and representative participation in innovation in manufacturing industries Prof. dr. Monique Ramioul HIVA-KU Leuven, Belgium Abstract submitted for the ETUI-workshop “Digitalization of manufacturing and restructuring of value chains: technology adoption, upgrading, and the changing geography of production in Europe.” (23-24 February 2017, Naples Italy). Under the umbrella concept Industry4.0, the advanced digitalisation and robotisation of industry is presented as a pro...

  4. Fabrication of magnetic Fe@ZnO{sub 0.6}S{sub 0.4} nanocomposite for visible-light-driven photocatalytic inactivation of Escherichia coli

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Peng, Ziling [State Key Laboratory of Material Processing and Die & Mould Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, Hubei (China); Wu, Dan [School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, NT, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (China); Wang, Wei, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Material Processing and Die & Mould Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, Hubei (China); Tan, Fatang [State Key Laboratory of Material Processing and Die & Mould Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, Hubei (China); Ng, Tsz Wai [School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, NT, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (China); Chen, Jianguo; Qiao, Xueliang [State Key Laboratory of Material Processing and Die & Mould Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, Hubei (China); Wong, Po Keung, E-mail: [School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, NT, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (China)


    Highlights: • Fe@ZnO{sub 0.6}S{sub 0.4} was prepared by a facile two-step precipitation method. • Fe@ZnO{sub 0.6}S{sub 0.4} exhibited high photocatalytic activity under LED lamp irradiation. • Fe@ZnO{sub 0.6}S{sub 0.4} possessed good stability and reusability for bacterial inactivation. • Fe@ZnO{sub 0.6}S{sub 0.4} could be easily collected from the reaction solution by a magnet. • The release rate of metal ions from nanocomposite was kept at a very low level. - Abstract: Bacterial inactivation by magnetic photocatalysts has now received growing interests due to the easy separation for recycle and reuse of photocatalysts. In this study, magnetic Fe@ZnO{sub 0.6}S{sub 0.4} photocatalyst was prepared by a facile two-step precipitation method. Multiple techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscope (TEM), scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), UV–vis diffused reflectance spectra (UV-vis DRS) and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) were employed to characterize the structure, morphology and physicochemical properties of the photocatalyst. The as-obtained Fe@ZnO{sub 0.6}S{sub 0.4} possessing magnetic property was easily collected from the reaction system by a magnet. Under white light-emitting-diode (LED) lamp irradiation, Fe@ZnO{sub 0.6}S{sub 0.4} nanocomposite could completely inactivate 7-log of Escherichia coli K-12 within 5 h. More importantly, almost no decrease of photocatalytic efficiency in bacterial inactivation was observed even after five consecutive cycles, demonstrating Fe@ZnO{sub 0.6}S{sub 0.4} exhibited good stability for reuse. The low released rate of Fe{sup 2+}/Fe{sup 3+} and Zn{sup 2+} from Fe@ZnO{sub 0.6}S{sub 0.4} composite further indicated the photocatalyst showed low cytotoxicity to bacterium and high stability under LED lamp irradiation. Facile preparation, high photocatalytic efficiency, good stability and reusability, and magnetic recovery property endow Fe@ZnO{sub 0

  5. Nanopowders Y1−yNdyV1−xCrxO4 with y=0 and 1; x=0, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.5 synthesized by a sol–gel process. Relationship between morphological characteristics and optical properties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alcaraz, L.; Isasi, J.; Caballero, A.C.; Izquierdo, J.G.; Bañares, L.


    Y 1−y Nd y V 1−x Cr x O 4 nanopowders with y=0 and 0.1; x=0, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.5, have been synthetized by a sol–gel process followed by heating in an oxygen flow. This second treatment was done only in the case of samples containing chromium. The samples have been characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The structural analysis revealed that when chromium was inserted at vanadium-sites in Y 0.9 Nd 0.1 VO 4 , the host retained the tetragonal symmetry corresponding to a zircon-type structure, attributed to the space group I4 1 /amd. In addition, a loss of crystallinity was observed when chromium substitutes vanadium into the Y 0.9 Nd 0.1 VO 4 host. The morphological studies revealed agglomerates of spherical particles whose size is increased with the Cr content and confirmed the composition of all synthetized samples. FTIR spectra of these samples exhibit a broadening and a slight shift of the bands around 830 cm −1 towards higher values of frequency when the chromium content increases. The effect of vanadium substitution by chromium on the optical properties was also evaluated by UV–vis absorption and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopies. The broad UV band absorption is due to the presence of Cr 5+ . A decrease of PL emission is found when chromium substitutes vanadium in the YVO 4 host. - Highlights: • Nanophosphors Y 1−y Nd y V 1−x Cr x O 4 with y=0, 0.1 and x=0, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.5 have been synthesized. • Structural analysis reveals structural distortions associated to chromium insertion. • Morphological studies confirm the nanocristalline size and the stoichiometry of synthesized samples. • Chromium insertion causes a decrease of the PL emission intensity


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    Fitra Wahyuni


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTThis study was performed to observe the effect of linamarin on reproductive performance, that consist of the number of live fetuses, reabsorption embryo or fetal, fetal death and fetal body weight together with length. Pregnant mice were divided into one control group with administration of distilled water (0 mg/kgb.w/days and six treatment groups linamarin dose is 0.36; 0.72; 1.26 mg; 2; 4; and 8 mg/kgb.w./days. Linamarin dosing and control begins at 5th to 16th gestation days, at 17-days of gestation caesarean section were performed to pregnant mice to remove foetuses. Statistical analysis used was a variation analysis by ANOVA followed by comparisons between treatments HSD test (Tukey. Giving linamarin observed in the parent mice led to a decrease in average weight gain of the mother during pregnancy compared with controls. In linamarin dose 8 mg/kgb.w/day an increase in embryo reabsorption and fetal death, as well as the observed decrease in fetal body weight and length, but after statistical analysis of the decrease was not significantly different. Linamarin with the doses given in this study is not expected to interfere with pregnancy based on reproductive performance were observed. Keywords: Linamarin, reproductive performance, fetal weight, fetal body length ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilaksanakan bertujuan untuk mengamati pengaruh linamarin pada penampilan reproduksi yang meliputi jumlah fetus hidup, embrio resorpsi, fetus mati dan berat beserta panjang badan fetus. Induk mencit yang bunting dikelompokkan ke dalam satu kelompok kontrol dengan pemberian akuades (0 mg/kgb.b./hari dan enam kelompok perlakuan dosis linamarin yaitu 0,36; 0,72; 1,26 mg; 2; 4; dan 8 mg/kgb.b./hari. Pemberian dosis linamarin dan kontrol dimulai pada umur kebuntingan 5 sampai 16 hari, setelah itu pada umur kebuntingan 17 hari mencit dikorbankan nyawanya untuk pengambilan fetus. Analisis statistik yang digunakan adalah analisis variasi dengan ANOVA dan

  7. Defect chemistry and oxygen transport of (La0.6Sr0.4 − xMx)0.99Co0.2Fe0.8O3 − δ, M = Ca (x = 0.05, 0.1), Ba (x = 0.1, 0.2), Sr: Part II: Oxygen transport

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dalslet, Bjarke Thomas; Søgaard, Martin; Hendriksen, Peter Vang


    This paper is the second part of a two part series, where the effects of varying the A-site dopant on the defect chemistry and transport properties of the materials (La0.6Sr0.4 − xMx)0.99Co0.2Fe0.8O3 − δ, M = Sr, Ca (x = 0.05, 0.1), Ba (x = 0.1, 0.2) (LSMFC) have been investigated. In part I......, the findings on the defect chemistry were reported, while the oxygen transport properties are reported here in part II. In the investigated material series, the amount of divalent dopant has been kept constant, while Sr ions have been substituted with Ca ions (smaller ionic radius) or Ba ions (larger ionic...... electrolyte probe were used to extract the permeability and surface resistance, rs. The highest permeability was found for (La0.6Sr0.3Ca0.1)0.99Co0.2Fe0.8O3 − δ. The apparent activation energy of the permeability was 78 kJ/mol. The inverse surface resistance, rs− 1, also had an activated behavior...

  8. Room temperature multiferroic properties of Pb(Fe{sub 0.5}Nb{sub 0.5})O{sub 3}–Co{sub 0.65}Zn{sub 0.35}Fe{sub 2}O{sub 4} composites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pradhan, Dhiren K., E-mail:, E-mail:; Katiyar, Ram S., E-mail:, E-mail: [Department of Physics and Institute of Functional Nanomaterials, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936 (United States); Puli, Venkata S. [Department of Physics and Engineering Physics, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana 70118 (United States); Narayan Tripathy, Satya; Pradhan, Dillip K. [Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela 769008 (India); Scott, J. F. [Department of Physics and Institute of Functional Nanomaterials, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936 (United States); Department of Physics, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge (United Kingdom)


    We report the crystal structure, magnetic, ferroelectric, dielectric, and magneto-dielectric properties of [Pb(Fe{sub 0.5}Nb{sub 0.5})O{sub 3}]{sub (1−x)}[Co{sub 0.65}Zn{sub 0.35}Fe{sub 2}O{sub 4}]{sub x}: (x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4) composites. Rietveld refinement results of X-ray diffraction patterns confirm the formation of these composites for all x values. All the composites show well-saturated ferroelectric and ferromagnetic hysteresis (multiferroic-composite behavior) at room temperature. With increase in Co{sub 0.65}Zn{sub 0.35}Fe{sub 2}O{sub 4} (CZFO) content an increase in saturation magnetization, and decrease in saturation polarization, remanent polarization, and dielectric constant are observed. The ferroelectric phase transition temperature increases with increase in CZFO content. All of the compositions undergo second-order ferroelectric phase transitions, which can be explained by Landau-Devonshire theory. The recoverable energy density (∼0.20 to 0.04 J/cm{sup 3}) and charge-curve energy density (∼0.84 to 0.11 J/cm{sup 3}) decrease with increase in the CZFO content. The room-temperature magneto-dielectric measurements provide direct evidence of magneto-electric coupling via strain at room temperature.

  9. Photoemission study of absorption mechanisms in Bi2.0Sr1.8Ca0.8La0.3Cu2.1O8+δ, BaBiO3, and Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lindberg, P.A.P.; Shen, Z.; Wells, B.O.; Dessau, D.S.; Ellis, W.P.; Borg, A.; Kang, J.; Mitzi, D.B.; Lindau, I.


    Photoemission measurements in the constant-final-state (absorption) mode were performed on three different classes of high-temperature superconductors Bi 2.0 Sr 1.8 Ca 0.8 La 0.3 Cu 2.1 O 8+δ , BaBiO 3 , and Nd 1.85 Ce 0.15 CuO 4 using synchrotron radiation from 20 to 200 eV. Absorption signals from all elements but Ce are identified. The results firmly show that the Bi 6s electrons are more delocalized in BaBiO 3 than in Bi 2.0 Sr 1.8 Ca 0.8 La 0.3 Cu 2.1 O 8+δ , in agreement with the results of band-structure calculations. Differences in the absorption signals due to O and Bi excitations between BaBiO 3 and Bi 2.0 Sr 1.8 Ca 0.8 La 0.3 Cu 2.1 O 8+δ are discussed. Delayed absorption onsets attributed to giant resonances (Ba 4d→4f, La 4d→4f, and Nd 4d→4f transitions) are also reported

  10. Enhancement of the piezoelectric properties of sodium lanthanum bismuth titanate (Na0.5La0.5Bi4Ti4O15) through modification with cobalt

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Chunming; Wang Jinfeng; Zheng Limei; Zhao Minglei; Wang Chunlei


    The dielectric, piezoelectric, and electromechanical properties of B-site cobalt-modified sodium lanthanum bismuth titanate (Na 0.5 La 0.5 Bi 4 Ti 4 O 15 , NLBT) piezoelectric ceramics were investigated. The piezoelectric properties of NLBT ceramics can be enhanced by cobalt modifications. The NLBT ceramics modified with 0.2 wt.% cobalt trioxide (NLBT-C4) possess good piezoelectric properties, with piezoelectric coefficient d 33 of 27 pC/N, electromechanical coupling factors (k p and k t ) of 6.5% and 28.5%, and mechanical quality factor Q m (k p mode) of 3400. The Curie temperature T c of cobalt-modified NLBT ceramics was found to slightly higher than that of pure NLBT ceramics. A large dielectric abnormity in dielectric loss tan δ was observed in NLBT ceramics, which can be significantly suppressed by cobalt modification. Thermal annealing studies presented the cobalt-modified NLBT ceramics possess stable piezoelectric properties.

  11. Twining genera of (0,4) supersymmetric sigma models on K3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harrison, Sarah; Kachru, Shamit; Paquette, Natalie M.


    Conformal field theories with (0,4) worldsheet supersymmetry and K3 target can be used to compactify the E 8 ×E 8 heterotic string to six dimensions in a supersymmetric manner. The data specifying such a model includes an appropriate configuration of 24 gauge instantons in the E 8 ×E 8 gauge group to satisfy the constraints of anomaly cancellation. In this note, we compute twining genera — elliptic genera with appropriate insertions of discrete symmetry generators in the trace — for (0,4) theories with various instanton embeddings. We do this by constructing linear sigma models which flow to the desired conformal field theories, and using the techniques of localization. We present several examples of such twining genera which are consistent with a moonshine relating these (0,4) models to the finite simple sporadic group M 24

  12. AC Electroluminescent Processes in Pr3+-Activated (Ba0.4Ca0.6TiO3 Diphase Polycrystals

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nan Gao


    Full Text Available We investigated the properties of alternating current (AC-driven electroluminescence from (Ba0.4Ca0.6TiO3:Pr3+ diphase polycrystal-based device. The results of crystal phases and micrographs, and the symmetrical dual emissions in one AC cycle, indicate the spontaneous formation of a dielectric/phosphor/dielectric sandwich microstructure in (Ba0.4Ca0.6TiO3:Pr3+. The electroluminescent device emits a red light of 617 nm, which is attributed to the 1D2-3H4 transition of Pr3+ in the phosphor phase. At a fixed AC frequency, the intensity of electroluminescence exhibits a steep enhancement when applying an increased driving electric field that is beyond a threshold. In a fixed driving electric field, the intensity of electroluminescence shows a rapid rise at low frequencies, but reaches saturation at high frequencies. Based on a double-injection model, we discussed systematically the electroluminescent processes in a whole cycle of AC electric field, which matched well with the experimental data. Our investigation is expected to expand our understanding of such a diphase electroluminescent device, thereby promoting their applications in lighting and displays.

  13. Microstructure, crystal structure and electrical properties of Cu0.1Ni0.8Co0.2Mn1.9O4 ceramics obtained at different sintering conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bodak, O.; Akselrud, L.; Demchenko, P.; Kotur, B.; Mrooz, O.; Hadzaman, I.; Shpotyuk, O.; Aldinger, F.; Seifert, H.; Volkov, S.; Pekhnyo, V.


    Details of the formation of Cu 0.1 Ni 0.8 Co 0.2 Mn 1.9 O 4 ceramics under different sintering conditions have been studied by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron probe and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDX) microanalyses, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and electrical resistivity measurements. Microstructure studies of samples sintered at 1170 deg. C for 1 h indicated the presence of a secondary phase besides the main spinel phase with modified composition. XRD measurements showed that the spinel phase exhibits a tetragonally distorted spinel structure (space group I4 1 /amd, a=5.9410(5) A, c=8.4196(15) A). The secondary phase (solid solution based on NiO) crystallizes with the NaCl-type structure (space group Fm3-bar m, a=4.1872(3) A). The content of the secondary phase in ceramics is 10.61 mass%. For NiMn 2 O 4 ceramics, prepared under the same sintering conditions, the decomposition with Ni 1-x Mn x O solid solution (NaCl-type structure) and spinel phase formation have been observed. The tetragonal modification of the spinel phase for NiMn 2 O 4 ceramics is more preferable (space group I4 1 /amd, a=5.9764(5) A, c=8.4201(8) A). The distribution of atoms in the structure has been proposed for both ceramics. According to XRD results the Cu 0.1 Ni 0.8 Co 0.2 Mn 1.9 O 4 ceramic samples, sintered at 920 deg. C for 8 h (program 1), at 920 deg. C for 8 h and at 750 deg. C for 24 h (program 2), at 920 deg. C for 8 h, at 1200 deg. C for 1 h and at 920 deg. C for 24 h (program 3) and at 920 deg. C for 8 h, at 1200 deg. C for 1 h, at 920 deg. C for 24 h and at 750 deg. C for 48 h (program 4), contain a single phase with the cubic spinel structure (space group Fd3-bar m). Small residuals of the secondary phase for the ceramics, prepared via programs 3 and 4, have been observed by SEM investigations. The structure transformations of the spinel phase for Cu 0.1 Ni 0.8 Co 0.2 Mn 1.9 O 4 ceramics sintered at 1170 deg. C are attributed to a Jahn

  14. Optical transition energy of magneto-polaron in a GaAs{sub 0.9}P{sub 0.1}/GaAs{sub 0.6}P{sub 0.4} quantum dot

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vinolin, Ada [Dept. of Physics, Madurai Kamaraj University College, Alagarkoil Road, Madurai-625002. India (India); Peter, A. John, E-mail: [Dept. of Physics, Govt. Arts College, Melur-625106. Madurai. India (India)


    Magneto-LO-polaron in a cylindrical GaAs{sub 0.9} P{sub 0.1} / GaAs{sub 0.6} P{sub 0.4} quantum dot is investigated taking into consideration of geometrical confinement effect. The effects of phonon on the exciton binding energy and the interband emission energy as a function of dot radius are found. The calculations are performed within the single band effective mass approximation using the variational method based on the Lee-Low-Pine LLP transformation.

  15. The Application of Industry 4.0 in Customized Furniture Manufacturing Industry


    Wang Lin; He Jinfeng; Xu Songjie


    In the background of industrial 4.0, this paper analyzes the developmental road about customized furniture factory. Based on the concepts and features of industry 4.0, this paper analyzes the composition of the customized furniture factory, the main operation system and the operation process of the intelligent customized furniture factory. In order to achieve efficient and accurate production targets, intelligent customized furniture factory should be set up through the establishment of cyber...

  16. Studies on Cd1Se0.6Te0.4 Thin Films by Spectroscopic and Diffractometer Characterization

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cliff Orori Mosiori


    Full Text Available Cadmium selenide tellurium is a compound containing cadmium, tellurium and selenium elements forming a combined solid. Hall measurements suggest that it is an n-type semiconductor. Related optical studies indicate that is transparent to infra-red radiation. Structural studies clearly show that it has a wurtzite, sphalerite crystalline forms. Cadmium is a toxic heavy metal, and selenium is only toxic in large amounts or doses. By this toxicity, cadmium selenide is a known to be carcinogen to humans; however, this does not stop investigating it for optoelectronic applications. Current research has narrowed down to investigating cadmium selenide when in the form of nanoparticles. Cadmium selenide finds applications has found applications in opto-electronic devices like laser diodes, biomedical imaging, nano-sensing, high-efficiency solar cells and thin-film transistors. By chemical bath deposition, Cd1Se0.6Te0.4 thin films were grown onto glass. Tellurium was gradually introduced as an impurity and its crystalline structure and optical properties were investigated by XRD and UV-VIS spectroscopy. The main Cd1Se0.6Te0.4/glass characteristics were correlated with the conditions of growing and post-growth treatment and it was found out that films were homogeneous films with controllable thickness onto the glass substrate and suitable for n-type “sandwich” heterostructures applications. Comparison of the intensities of equivalent reflexions provided a test for the internal consistency of the measurements. Equivalent reflexions in two specimens differed on average by 1.4 % and 0.6% from the mean measured intensity, attesting to the high internal consistency of measurements from extended-face crystals. By comparison from data obtained from all samples showed their average deviation from the mean to be 0.9 %.

  17. Magnetic ordering and electrical resistivity in Co0.2Zn0.8Fe2O4 spinel oxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bhowmik, R.N.; Ranganathan, R.; Ghosh, B.; Kumar, S.; Chattopadhyay, S.


    We report the magnetic, Moessbauer spectroscopy and resistivity measurements in order to understand the electronic behaviour of bulk Co 0.2 Zn 0.8 Fe 2 O 4 spinel oxide. The effect of magnetic order on electrical behaviour is observed from the resistivity measurements in the absence and presence of magnetic field. The analysis of Moessbauer spectra suggests the absence of Fe 2+ ions in the system, which implies that complete hopping of charge carriers between localized Fe 3+ /Co 2+ and Fe 2+ /Co 3+ pair of ions in B sublattice is not the favourable mechanism in Co 0.2 Zn 0.8 Fe 2 O 4 . We suggest that electrical behaviour of the present sample may be consistent with a model of fractional charge transfer via Fe B 3+ -O 2- -Co B 2+ superexchange path

  18. Influence of ionic conductivity of the nano-particulate coating phase on oxygen surface exchange of La0.58Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Saher, S.; Naqash, S.; Boukamp, Bernard A.; Hu, Bobing; Xia, Changrong; Bouwmeester, Henricus J.M.


    The oxygen surface exchange kinetics of mixed-conducting perovskite La0.58Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3 d (LSCF) ceramics coated with a porous nano-particulate layer of either gadolinea (Gd2O3), ceria (CeO2) or 20 mol% Gd-doped ceria (GCO) was determined by electrical conductivity relaxation (ECR). The

  19. Magnetic study of pseudo-ternary compound Y.sub.0.6./sub.Th.sub.0.4./sub.Co.sub.4./sub.B under pressure,

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Mayot, H.; Isnard, O.; Arnold, Zdeněk; Kamarád, Jiří


    Roč. 26, č. 4 (2006), s. 489-493 ISSN 0895-7959 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10100521 Keywords : intermetallic compounds * magnetic properties * borides * pressure effect Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 1.228, year: 2006

  20. Magnetic excitations of Nd in Nd{sub 2-x}Ce{sub x}CuO{sub 4} (x=0,0.09,0.13)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Henggeler, W.; Furrer, A. [Paul Scherrer Inst. (PSI), Villigen (Switzerland); Chattopadyay, T.; Roessli, B. [Institut Max von Laue - Paul Langevin, 75 - Paris (France); Vorderwisch, P. [Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin GmbH (Germany); Thalmeier, P. [MPI Dresden (Germany)


    We have studied the wave vector dependence of the magnetic excitation spectrum of Nd in Nd{sub 2-x}Ce{sub x}CuO{sub 4} (x=0,0.09,0.13) by inelastic neutron scattering experiments on single crystals. The results are analyzed with the help of model calculations which are performed in the context of the mean field random-phase approximation. This enables us to obtain direct information on the coupling constants between the rare earth ions. (author) 1 fig., 2 refs.

  1. Industry 4.0 - How will the nonwoven production of tomorrow look like? (United States)

    Cloppenburg, F.; Münkel, A.; Gloy, Y.; Gries, T.


    Industry 4.0 stands for the on-going fourth industrial revolution, which uses cyber physical systems. In the textile industry the terms of industry 4.0 are not sufficiently known yet. First developments of industry 4.0 are mainly visible in the weaving industry. The cost structure of the nonwoven industry is unique in the textile industry. High shares of personnel, energy and machine costs are distinctive for nonwoven producers. Therefore the industry 4.0 developments in the nonwoven industry should concentrate on reducing these shares by using the work force efficiently and by increasing the productivity of first-rate quality and therefore decreasing waste production and downtimes. Using the McKinsey digital compass three main working fields are necessary: Self-optimizing nonwoven machines, big data analytics and assistance systems. Concepts for the nonwoven industry are shown, like the “EasyNonwoven” concept, which aims on economically optimizing the machine settings using self-optimization routines.

  2. Enhancement of photoluminescence properties and modification of crystal structures of Si{sub 3}N{sub 4} doping Li{sub 2}Sr{sub 0.995}SiO{sub 4}:0.005Eu{sup 2+} phosphors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Song, Kaixin, E-mail: [College of Electronic Information and Engineering, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018 (China); Zhang, Fangfang [College of Electronic Information and Engineering, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018 (China); Chen, Daqin [College of Materials Sciences and Engineering, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018 (China); Wu, Song; Zheng, Peng [College of Electronic Information and Engineering, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018 (China); Huang, Qingming [Instrument Analysis and Testing Center, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350002 (China); Jiang, Jun [Ningbo Institute of Materials Technologies and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ningbo 315201 (China); Xu, Junming; Qin, Huibin [College of Electronic Information and Engineering, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018 (China)


    Highlights: • Si{sub 3}N{sub 4} modified Li{sub 2}Sr{sub 0.995}SiO{sub 4}:0.005Eu{sup 2+} phosphors were prepared. • The luminescence intensity of Li{sub 2}Sr{sub 0.995}SiO{sub 4}:Eu{sup 2+} was enhanced by doping Si{sub 3}N{sub 4}. • The fluorescence decay times and thermal stability were enhanced by doping Si{sub 3}N{sub 4}. - Abstract: Si{sub 3}N{sub 4} modified Li{sub 2}Sr{sub 0.995}SiO{sub 4}:0.005Eu{sup 2+} (Li{sub 2}Sr{sub 0.995}SiO{sub 4−3x/2}N{sub x}:0.005Eu{sup 2+}) phosphors were synthesized with the conventional solid-state reaction in the reduced atmosphere. The crystal structure and vibrational modes were analyzed by X-ray diffraction, Raman scattering spectroscopy and Rietveld crystal structure refinement. Photoluminescence (PL) and photoluminescence excitation (PLE) spectra showed that Li{sub 2}Sr{sub 0.995}SiO{sub 4−3x/2}N{sub x}:0.005Eu{sup 2+} powder exhibited a broad yellow emission band centered at 560 nm under the excitation of 460 nm visible light, due to the 4f{sup 6}5d{sup 1} → 4f{sup 7} transition of Eu{sup 2+}. The partial nitridation of Li{sub 2}Sr{sub 0.995}SiO{sub 4−3x/2}N{sub x}:0.005Eu{sup 2+} (x = 0.01) phosphors led to a large enhancement in the luminescence intensity, as much as 190%. At the same time, the fluorescence decay behavior curves further showed that the photoluminescence efficiencies of Li{sub 2}Sr{sub 0.995}SiO{sub 4−3x/2}N{sub x}:0.005Eu{sup 2+} phosphors were enhanced by addition of Si{sub 3}N{sub 4}. The temperature quenching characteristics confirmed that the oxynitride based Li{sub 2}Sr{sub 0.995}SiO{sub 4−3x/2}N{sub x}:0.005Eu{sup 2+} showed slightly higher stability. It is implied that Li{sub 2}Sr{sub 0.995}SiO{sub 4−3x/2}N{sub x}:0.005Eu{sup 2+} phosphors had a possible potential application on white LEDs to match blue light chips.

  3. Stability of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3/Ce0.9Gd0.1O2 cathodes during sintering and solid oxide fuel cell operation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kiebach, Ragnar; Zhang, Weiwei; Zhang, Wei


    Degradation phenomena of La0.58Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3/Ce0.9Gd0.1O2 (LSCF/CGO) cathodes were investigated via post-mortem analyses of an experimental solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) stack tested at 700 °C for 2000 h using advanced electron microscopy (SEM-EDS, HR-TEM-EDS) and time-of-flight secondary ion...... mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS). Similar studies were carried out on non-tested reference cells for comparison. The analysis focused on the LSCF/CGO cathode and the CGO barrier layer, as the cathode degradation can be a major contributor to the overall degradation in this type of SOFC. SEM-EDS and TOF......-SIMS were used to investigate inter-diffusion across the barrier layer - electrolyte interface and the barrier layer - cathode interface. In addition, TOF-SIMS data were employed to investigate impurity distribution before and after testing. HR-TEM-EDS was used to investigate possible phase segregation...

  4. Phase transition in the (Li 0.5-( x/2) K 0.5-( x/2) Cs x) 2SO 4 system (United States)

    Hamed, A. E.; El-Aziz, Y. M. Abd.; Madi, N. K.; Kassem, M. E.


    Phase transition in the (Li 0.5-( x/2) K 0.5-( x/2) Cs x) 2SO 4 system was studied by measuring the specific heat at constant pressure, C p, as a function of temperature in the temperature range 300-800 K. For non-zero values of X ( X = 0.2%, 0.5%, 1% and 2%) the critical behaviour of the phase transition was found to change considerably compared with that of X = 0 or pure LiKSO 4. The observed change in the phase transition with increase of Cs 2SO 4 content ( X) was accompanied by a decrease in the thermodynamic parameters: the value of the specific heat at the transition point (Δ C P) max, the transition temperature, T1, and the value of the energy of ordering. The results were interpreted within the Landau thermodynamic theory of the phase transition.

  5. Algorithm for designing smart factory Industry 4.0 (United States)

    Gurjanov, A. V.; Zakoldaev, D. A.; Shukalov, A. V.; Zharinov, I. O.


    The designing task of production division of the Industry 4.0 item designing company is being studied. The authors proposed an algorithm, which is based on the modified V L Volkovich method. This algorithm allows generating options how to arrange the production with robotized technological equipment functioning in the automatic mode. The optimization solution of the multi-criteria task for some additive criteria is the base of the algorithm.

  6. Improved GaSb surfaces using a (NH{sub 4}){sub 2}S/(NH{sub 4}){sub 2}S0{sub 4} solution

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Murape, D.M., E-mail: [Department of Physics, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, PO Box 77000, Port Elizabeth 6031 (South Africa); Eassa, N.; Nyamhere, C.; Neethling, J.H. [Department of Physics, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, PO Box 77000, Port Elizabeth 6031 (South Africa); Betz, R. [Department of Chemistry, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, PO Box 77000, Port Elizabeth 6031 (South Africa); Coetsee, E.; Swart, H.C. [Department of Physics, University of the Free State, PO Box 339, Bloemfontein 9300 (South Africa); Botha, J.R.; Venter, A. [Department of Physics, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, PO Box 77000, Port Elizabeth 6031 (South Africa)


    Bulk (1 0 0) n-GaSb surfaces have been treated with a sulphur based solution ((NH{sub 4}){sub 2}S/(NH{sub 4}){sub 2}SO{sub 4}) to which sulphur has been added, not previously reported for the passivation of GaSb surfaces. Au/n-GaSb Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs) fabricated on the treated material show significant improvement compared to that of the similar SBDs on the as-received material as evidenced by the lower ideality factor (n), higher barrier height ({phi}{sub b}) and lower contact resistance obtained. Additionally, the reverse leakage current, although not saturating, has been reduced by almost an order of magnitude at -0.2 V. The sample surfaces were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The native oxide, Sb-O, present on the as-received material is effectively removed on treating with ([(NH{sub 4}){sub 2}S/(NH{sub 4}){sub 2}SO{sub 4}]+S) and (NH{sub 4}){sub 2}S. Analysis of the as-received surface by XPS, prior to and after argon sputtering, suggests that the native oxide layer is {<=}8.5 nm.

  7. File list: Oth.Emb.10.AllAg.0-4h_embryos [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.Emb.10.AllAg.0-4h_embryos dm3 TFs and others Embryo 0-4h embryos SRX041388,SRX0...16153,SRX013109,SRX025484 ...

  8. Superplastic forming of rapid solidification processed Al-4Li-0.2Zr

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meschter, P.J.; Lederich, R.J.; Sastry, S.M.L.


    Aluminum-4 wt pct lithium alloys are attractive as structural materials because they are 13 to 14 pct less dense and have 25 pct larger elastic moduli than high-strength 2XXX-and 7XXX-series aluminum alloys. These low-density alloys can be produced only by rapid solidification processing (RSP). Successful RSP of Al-4Li-0.2Zr, Al-4Li-1Mg-0.2Zr, and Al-4Li-1Cu-0.2Zr alloys with strengths similar to that of 7075-T76 has recently been demonstrated. Net-shaped processing techniques such as superplastic forming are capable of producing complex structural elements while minimizing usage of expensive material; thus, these techniques are particularly applicable to Al-Li alloys. The purpose of this study was to determine the conditions of strain rate and temperature under which RSP Al-4Li alloys could be superplastically formed

  9. Polarization properties of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-based double layer-type oxygen electrodes for reversible SOFCs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tao, Y.; Nishino, H.; Ashidate, S.; Kokubo, H.; Watanabe, M.; Uchida, H.


    We have developed double layer-type (catalyst layer/current collecting layer) oxygen electrodes (DLE) for reversible SOFCs. As the catalyst layer (cathode for SOFC and anode for steam electrolysis) interfaced with a samaria-doped ceria [(CeO 2 ) 0.8 (SmO 1.5 ) 0.2 , SDC] interlayer/YSZ solid electrolyte, mixed conducting La 0.6 Sr 0.4 Co 0.2 Fe 0.8 O 3 (LSCF) and SDC particles were employed. The current collecting porous LSCF layer was formed on the catalyst layer. By controlling the SDC content, as well as the thickness and porosity of the catalyst layer, the gas diffusion rate and the conduction networks for electrons and oxide ions were optimized, resulting in a marked reduction of the overpotential. The LSCF + SDC/LSCF DLE exhibited higher performance than single-layer electrodes of LSCF + SDC or LSCF; the IR-free anode potential vs. an air reference electrode was 0.12 V (corresponding to an overpotential of 0.08 V) at 0.5 A cm -2 and 900 deg. C under an atmosphere of O 2 (1 atm)

  10. Combined effect of Taliblastine and gamma rays on the hereditary structure in somatic cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khadzhidekova, B.


    It was established that the effect on normal human embrio lung fibroblasts was proportional to its concentration and the broth used; the cell growth is fully suspended by 20 mkg/ml. The Taliblastine blocks the mitosis and leads to metaphasal accumulation in the model systems under study: human embrio fibroblasts ''in vitro'' and rat bone marrow ''in vivo''. Tetrafloid cells are developed under the influence of Taliblastine. The poliploidgenic effect of Taliblastine is due to the metaphasic block. Taliblastine damages the hromozome stucture directly. Its clastogenic effect both ''in vitro'' and ''in vivo'' is much weaker than the radiation factor (2 cy gamma rays) one. Under the simultaneous influence of Taliblastine and gamma rays ''in vitro'' the mutagenic effect is a summary one. The mutagenic effect is intensified when the maximum effect times coincide. Both Taliblastine and gamma rays show a specific surpression of the synthesis of nuecleic acids and proteins. The Taliblastine on the protein synthesis is more clearly marked. The DNA synthesis is most sensitive to radiation. When combined with the radiation factor, it has the decisive effect. (authors)

  11. Light scattering at the semiconductor-metal phase transition in vanadium dioxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Valiev, K.A.; Mokerov, V.G.; Sarajkin, V.V.; Petrova, A.G.


    The temperature dependence of optical properties has been investigated of vanadium dioxide thin monocrystals at the phase transition (PT) semiconductor-metal. It is established, that the anomaly arising herein is caused by the light scattering effect. As a result of the study of the scattered light intensity angle distribution and direct investigation of the samples the picture of optical heterogeneities responsible for the given scattering is determined into the polarization optical microscope. It is shown that these heterogeneities are due to the VO 2 two phases co-existence in the PT range and the light scattering effect is caused by the substantial difference of their optical constants, i.e. represents the so-called ''transition'' opalescence. At the PT investigation within the limits of the separate embrios of the new phase it has been found, that the PT temperature in various embrios is different. This is used to explain the PT temperature ''washing out'' in the investigated samples. It is supposed, that formation of the new phase is caused by the presence of elastic stress fields, arising close to the defects

  12. Thermodynamic properties of crystalline Sr0.5Zr2(PO4)3 phosphate from T → 0 to 665 K

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pet'kov, V.I.; Markin, A.V.; Bykova, T.A.; Sukhanov, M.V.; Smirnova, N.N.; Loshkarev, V.N.


    The temperature dependence of the heat capacity of crystalline Sr 0.5 Zr 2 (PO 4 ) 3 phosphate was studied by precision adiabatic vacuum and dynamic scanning calorimetry over the temperature range 7-665 K. The low-temperature dependence of the heat capacity was analyzed using the Debye theory of the heat capacity of solids and its multifractal generalization, which allowed conclusions to be drawn about the heterodynamic characteristics of the structure. The experimental data obtained were used to calculate the standard thermodynamic functions of Sr 0.5 Zr 2 (PO 4 ) 3 from T → 0 to 665 K. The standard absolute entropy of Sr 0.5 Zr 2 (PO 4 ) 3 was in turn used to calculate the standard entropy of its formation from simple substances at 298.15 K [ru

  13. La0.99Co0.4Ni0.6O3−δ–Ce0.8Gd0.2O1.95 as composite cathode for solid oxide fuel cells

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjalmarsson, Per; Mogensen, Mogens Bjerg


    We have studied a new composite SOFC cathode consisting of LaCo0.4Ni0.6O3−δ (LCN60) and Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 (CGO). The polarisation resistance (RP) at 750°C and OCV was measured to 0.05±0.01Ωcm2 and the activation energy was determined to be about 1eV. The impedance spectra were modelled with an EQC......-infiltrated LCN60–CGO cathodes is substantially lower than that of LSM–YSZ and comparable with single phase LSC cathodes at low T due to its low EA. RP was also found to be stable at 750°C and OCV. The cathodes were integrated onto ScYSZ based anode supported cells which were measured to have an ASR of 0...

  14. Enhanced oxygen diffusion in low barium-containing La0.2175Pr0.2175Ba0.145Sr0.4Fe0.8Co0.2O3−δ intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell cathodes

    KAUST Repository

    Vert, Vicente B.


    Isotopic tracer diffusion studies have been performed on the perovskite composition La 0.2175Pr 0.2175Ba 0.145Sr 0.4Fe 0.8Co 0.2O 3-δ to obtain the diffusion and surface exchange coefficients for oxygen. This material has been identified as a highly active electrocatalytic cathode for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells. The oxygen diffusion coefficients obtained in the 450-650 °C temperature range are higher than the ones measured for most of the cathode materials reported in the literature and they agree with those calculated from electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements performed on symmetrical cells. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Smart manufacturing systems for Industry 4.0: Conceptual framework, scenarios, and future perspectives (United States)

    Zheng, Pai; wang, Honghui; Sang, Zhiqian; Zhong, Ray Y.; Liu, Yongkui; Liu, Chao; Mubarok, Khamdi; Yu, Shiqiang; Xu, Xun


    Information and communication technology is undergoing rapid development, and many disruptive technologies, such as cloud computing, Internet of Things, big data, and artificial intelligence, have emerged. These technologies are permeating the manufacturing industry and enable the fusion of physical and virtual worlds through cyber-physical systems (CPS), which mark the advent of the fourth stage of industrial production (i.e., Industry 4.0). The widespread application of CPS in manufacturing environments renders manufacturing systems increasingly smart. To advance research on the implementation of Industry 4.0, this study examines smart manufacturing systems for Industry 4.0. First, a conceptual framework of smart manufacturing systems for Industry 4.0 is presented. Second, demonstrative scenarios that pertain to smart design, smart machining, smart control, smart monitoring, and smart scheduling, are presented. Key technologies and their possible applications to Industry 4.0 smart manufacturing systems are reviewed based on these demonstrative scenarios. Finally, challenges and future perspectives are identified and discussed.

  16. Queijo tipo coalho defumado com orégano (Origanum vulgare e erva-doce (Foeniculum vulgare

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João Ferreira Neto


    Full Text Available O queijo de coalho tem ocupado lugar de destaque na mesa dos consumidores, principalmente na região Nordeste, devido ao seu alto valor nutritivo e sabor agradável. Objetivou-se nesta pesquisa elaborar queijo de coalho convencional e queijos defumados em tempos diferentes utilizando orégano ou erva-doce bem como avaliar as características físicoquímicas, microbiológicas e a aceitação destes produtos pelos consumidores. A defumação a frio foi a metodologia aplicada para garantir as características iniciais e evitar alguns defeitos em queijos defumados: deformação, desidratação excessiva e rachaduras na superfície. Utilizaram-se, portanto, três tratamentos com três tempos de defumação diferentes, assim codificados: QT0 = queijo controle; Q0T2= queijo defumado com orégano por 2 horas; QOT4= queijo defumado com orégano por 4 horas; QOT6= queijo defumado com orégano por 6 horas; QET2= queijo defumado com erva-doce por 2 horas; QET4= queijo defumado com erva-doce por 4 horas; QET6 = queijo defumado com erva-doce por 6 horas. Os resultados desta pesquisa foram submetidos à análise de variância e teste de Tukey, a 5%, para comparação das médias. Assim, nas análises físico-químicas dos queijos defumados, entre os tratamentos, foram encontradas diferenças significativas (P<0,05 para as variáveis: umidade, EST, GES, ESD, Acidez, pH e Atividade de água. Para proteínas e cinzas não houve diferença, estatisticamente, entre os tratamentos. Na avaliação estatística da análise sensorial, o queijo controle foi o mais aceito pelos provadores, atingindo um índice de 85,66% e 81,14%; já, para os queijos defumados, todos ficaram abaixo da média. No atributo aceitação global, o queijo QOT2 foi o melhor aceito pelos degustadores, e o queijo QOT6 apresentou maior rejeição.

  17. INDUSTRIE 4.0 - Automation in weft knitting technology (United States)

    Simonis, K.; Gloy, Y.-S.; Gries, T.


    Industry 4.0 applies to the knitting industry. Regarding the knitting process retrofitting activities are executed mostly manually by an operator on the basis on the operator's experience. In doing so, the knitted fabric is not necessarily produced in the most efficient way regarding process speed and fabric quality aspects. The knitting division at ITA is concentrating on project activities regarding automation and Industry 4.0. ITA is working on analysing the correspondences of the knitting process parameters and their influence on the fabric quality. By using e.g. the augmented reality technology, the operator will be supported when setting up the knitting machine in case of product or pattern change - or in case of an intervention when production errors occur. Furthermore, the RFID-Technology offers great possibilities to ensure information flow between sub-processes of the fragmented textile process chain. ITA is using RFID-chips to save yarn production information and connect the information to the fabric producing machine control. In addition, ITA is currently working on integrating image processing systems into the large circular knitting machine in order to ensure online-quality measurement of the knitted fabrics. This will lead to a self-optimizing and selflearning knitting machine.

  18. Preparation of cauliflower-like shaped Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 powders by modified oxalate co-precipitation method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Mingli; Xu Mingxia


    The quantitative barium-strontium titanyl oxalate (Ba 0.6 Sr 0.4 TiO(C 2 O 4 ) 2 .4H 2 O, BSTO) precursor powders were prepared by the modified oxalate co-preparation method. It was based on the cation-exchange reaction between the stoichiometric solutions of oxalotitanic acid (H 2 TiO(C 2 O 4 ) 2 , HTO) and barium + strontium nitrate solution containing stoichiometric quantities of Ba and Sr ions. The pyrolysis of BSTO at 800 deg. C/4 h in air produced the homogeneous cauliflower-like shaped barium-strontium titanate (Ba 0.6 Sr 0.4 TiO 3 , BST) powders. The effect of polyethylene glycol (PEG) on morphology of BSTO and BST powders was also investigated. The characterization studies were carried on the as-dried BSTO and calcined BST powders by various physicochemical techniques, IR, X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), etc. The BSTO and BST powders obtained by aforementioned technique without PEG were homogeneous with spherical shape. The particles grew into spindle shape with the effect of PEG

  19. Enhancement of magnetoresistance and ferromagnetic coupling in the complex perovskites CaCu{sub 3}(Mn{sub 4−x}Al{sub x})O{sub 12} (x = 0, 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6): A neutron diffraction study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ben Hassine, R.; Cherif, W. [Faculty of Sciences, Sfax University, Sfax, B.P. 1171-3000 (Tunisia); Sánchez-Benítez, J. [Departamento de Química Física I, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, E-28040 Madrid (Spain); Mompean, F. J.; Alonso, J. A., E-mail: [Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Cantoblanco, E-28049 Madrid (Spain); Fernández-Díaz, M. T. [Institut Laue-Langevin, B.P. 156, F-38042 Grenoble Cedex 9 (France); Elhalouani, F. [National School of Engineers, Sfax University, Sfax, B.P. W 3038 (Tunisia)


    New compounds of the series CaCu{sub 3}(Mn{sub 4−x}Al{sub x})O{sub 12} have been prepared under high pressure conditions (2 GPa), in the presence of KClO{sub 4} as oxidizing agent to stabilize Mn{sup 3+,4+} mixed valence. The polycrystalline samples have been characterized by x-ray diffraction, neutron powder diffraction (NPD), magnetic, and magnetotransport measurements. All the samples are cubic, space group Im-3. These oxides adopt a superstructure of ABO{sub 3} perovskite given by the long-range 1:3 ordering of Ca{sup 2+} and Cu{sup 2+} ions at the A sublattice. The NPD study for x = 0.4 shows that Al{sup 3+} ions are statistically distributed at the octahedral positions, being the (Mn,Al)O{sub 6} octahedra strongly tilted, with superexchange (Mn,Al)-O-(Mn,Al) angles of 142.1°. Also, neutron data clearly show that some Mn{sup 3+} ions (0.65(2) per formula) are located together with Cu{sup 2+} at the square-planar 6b positions. Regarding the magnetic properties, all the compounds present a spontaneous increase of the magnetization below T{sub C}, typical of ferro-or ferrimagnetic materials, with T{sub C} decreasing upon Al introduction. The magnetic structure determined from low-temperature NPD data unveils a ferromagnetic coupling between (Cu{sup 2+}, Mn{sup 3+}){sub 6b} spins and Mn{sub 8c} spins at octahedral positions; this is in contrast with the ferrimagnetic structure observed for RCu{sub 3}Mn{sub 4}O{sub 12} and CaCu{sub 3}Mn{sub 4}O{sub 12}, where an AFM coupling is observed between both magnetic sublattices. Interestingly, an enhancement of the magnetoresistance effect is observed for x = 0.2, well beyond that found for the parent compound. This effect, in materials subtly doped with non-magnetic elements at the Mn positions, may be of interest for applications.

  20. Structural and magnetic properties of Ni0.15Mg0.1Cu0.3Zn0.45Fe2O4 ferrite prepared by NaOH-precipitation method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hou, Wei-xiao; Wang, Zhi


    Highlights: • NiMgCuZn ferrites were successfully prepared by low-temperature sintering. • NiMgCuZn ferrites have the advantages of both NiCuZn and MgCuZn ferrites. • NiMgCuZn ferrites exhibit high Curie temperature & high stability of permeability. - Abstract: The Ni 0.15 Mg 0.1 Cu 0.3 Zn 0.45 Fe 2 O 4 ferrite powders have been prepared by NaOH co-precipitation method and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). The XRD patterns confirm the single phase spinel structure of synthesized nanoparticles. The average crystallite size of the particles increases from 12 to 36 nm with calcining temperature (T a ) from 500 to 800 °C. The saturation magnetization (M s ) of the superparamagnetic particles was deduced by Langevin theory. Subsequently, the densification characteristics and magnetic properties of the low-temperature 950 °C-sintered ferrite bulk samples were also investigated. The magnetic measurement showed that the sintered bulk sample of T a = 600 °C has the highest initial permeability (μ i ), lowest coercivity (H c ), largest saturation magnetization (M s ) and satisfactory thermal stability of μ i . The microstructures of sintered samples were examined using field emission scanning electric microscope (FESEM). The T a has significant influence on the bulk density, initial permeability, saturation magnetization and coercivity of Ni 0.15 Mg 0.1 Cu 0.3 Zn 0.45 Fe 2 O 4 ferrite


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Putu Yuni Astriani Dewi


    Full Text Available The aim of the research is to analyse germination percentage, effect of coconut water addition in the media to number of last stage embryos and development of final stage D. anosmum Lindl. embryo. Research was conducted at Plant Structure and Development of Laboratory, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences University of Udayana and UPT. Balai Benih Induk Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura Provinsi Bali from February 2015 to July 2015. Three type of media were employed, i.e. PDA, Organic, MS. Three different concentration of coconut was added to media, i.e. 0 ml/L 50 ml/L, 100 ml/L. Results showed that seed D. anosmum Lindl. on PDA, Organic and MS has not germinated yet on all media, only swollen cells observed. Seed dormancy and maturity of seed were the main factors affecting seed germination.  Addition of 100 ml / L coconut water in MS showed that media is capable to increase the formation of final stages embryos (> 32 cells. Embryo development on PDA and Organic largely showed cell stage embryos 1 to 8 cells, while MS media already showed embryo development stages of > 32 cells.

  2. Assessment procedure for the soft skills requested by Industry 4.0

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cotet Gabriela Beatrice


    Full Text Available In the context of an increasingly more performant global and informational environment, as the one found in the virtual organization, the process of selecting and evaluating the human resources holds a particular important role. The premise behind this article is that of the need to adapt the human resource performance to the requests of the industry 4.0 being supported by the organizational culture. Following the analysis of the state of the art literature we concluded that there is no clear procedure for the assessment of the constellation of skills and personal qualities – soft skills requested by industry 4.0. These capabilities should complete professional technical hard-skills; the procedure should provide a map for the constellation of capabilities necessary to adapt and perform, in specific industry 4.0 activities. Current psychological evaluation systems consider only some of such requested capabilities not always the most relevant. To solve this problem, we tried to identify and evaluate what we considered as the core of the complex various skills required. Our research was centred on the use of a psychological instrument for evaluating transversal capabilities. The capabilities map needed for the evaluation and selection of the human resource fit to work in the industry 4.0 environment was designed after the application of this complex system of evaluation on successive series of students from the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest.

  3. Combustion synthesis and characterization of MV0.5P0.5O4: Sm3+, Tm3+ (M = Gd, La, Y) (United States)

    Motloung, Selepe J.; Lephoto, Mantwa A.; Tshabalala, Kamohelo G.; Ntwaeaborwa, Odireleng M.


    In this paper, GdV0.5P0.5O4: Sm3+, Tm3+, LaV0.5P0.5O4: Sm3+, Tm3+ and YV0.5P0.5O4: Sm3+, Tm3+ phosphor powders were prepared by solution combustion method using urea as a fuel. The phase purity, surface morphology, optical and photoluminescence properties were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), UV-vis spectroscopy and photoluminescence spectroscopy. The XRD results indicated that the prepared powders are of a single phase and crystallized in tetragonal structure for Gd and Y systems while monoclinic phase was observed for La system. SEM showed that the samples consisted of mixed structures. The estimated band gaps were 2.2, 2.4 and 2.3 eV for Y, Gd and La systems respectively. The photoluminescence results showed four emission peaks. One peak is assigned to 1G4 - 3H6 transition of Tm3+, and three other emission peaks are attributed to 6G5/2 - 6H5/2, 6G5/2 - 6H7/2 and 6G5/2 - 6H9/2 transitions of Sm3+. The photoluminescent intensity was the highest in the gadolinium system.

  4. Comments on the ''Effect of γ-radiation on the phase transition temperature of Li0.5(NH4)0.5SO4'' by Badr and El-Guiziri

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tomaszewski, P.E.


    A paper published previously by Badr and El-Guiziri concerns LiNH 4 SO 4 crystals. However, the unit cell parameters given by these authors (a = 6.34, b = 6.24 and c = 5.02 A) are wrong due to an improper choice of the unit cell. The correct parameters are well known in the literature (a 0 = 5.2783, b 0 = 9.1262 and c 0 8.7747 A). The same wrong data were published in an earlier paper by Badr, El-Guiziri and Hammad. A detailed comment on this paper, including a possible explanation of the source of such an error, has been published by the present author. (author)

  5. Observation of a Neutral Structure near the DD[over ¯]^{*} Mass Threshold in e^{+}e^{-}→(DD[over ¯]^{*})^{0}π^{0} at sqrt[s]=4.226 and 4.257 GeV. (United States)

    Ablikim, M; Achasov, M N; Ai, X C; Albayrak, O; Albrecht, M; Ambrose, D J; Amoroso, A; An, F F; An, Q; Bai, J Z; Ferroli, R Baldini; Ban, Y; Bennett, D W; Bennett, J V; Bertani, M; Bettoni, D; Bian, J M; Bianchi, F; Boger, E; Boyko, I; Briere, R A; Cai, H; Cai, X; Cakir, O; Calcaterra, A; Cao, G F; Cetin, S A; Chang, J F; Chelkov, G; Chen, G; Chen, H S; Chen, H Y; Chen, J C; Chen, M L; Chen, S Chen; Chen, S J; Chen, X; Chen, X R; Chen, Y B; Cheng, H P; Chu, X K; Cibinetto, G; Dai, H L; Dai, J P; Dbeyssi, A; Dedovich, D; Deng, Z Y; Denig, A; Denysenko, I; Destefanis, M; De Mori, F; Ding, Y; Dong, C; Dong, J; Dong, L Y; Dong, M Y; Du, S X; Duan, P F; Fan, J Z; Fang, J; Fang, S S; Fang, X; Fang, Y; Fava, L; Feldbauer, F; Felici, G; Feng, C Q; Fioravanti, E; Fritsch, M; Fu, C D; Gao, Q; Gao, X L; Gao, X Y; Gao, Y; Gao, Z; Garzia, I; Goetzen, K; Gong, W X; Gradl, W; Greco, M; Gu, M H; Gu, Y T; Guan, Y H; Guo, A Q; Guo, L B; Guo, R P; Guo, Y; Guo, Y P; Haddadi, Z; Hafner, A; Han, S; Hao, X Q; Harris, F A; He, K L; He, X Q; Held, T; Heng, Y K; Hou, Z L; Hu, C; Hu, H M; Hu, J F; Hu, T; Hu, Y; Huang, G M; Huang, G S; Huang, J S; Huang, X T; Huang, Y; Hussain, T; Ji, Q; Ji, Q P; Ji, X B; Ji, X L; Jiang, L W; Jiang, X S; Jiang, X Y; Jiao, J B; Jiao, Z; Jin, D P; Jin, S; Johansson, T; Julin, A; Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N; Kang, X L; Kang, X S; Kavatsyuk, M; Ke, B C; Kiese, P; Kliemt, R; Kloss, B; Kolcu, O B; Kopf, B; Kornicer, M; Kühn, W; Kupsc, A; Lange, J S; Lara, M; Larin, P; Leng, C; Li, C; Li, Cheng; Li, D M; Li, F; Li, F Y; Li, G; Li, H B; Li, H J; Li, J C; Li, Jin; Li, K; Li, K; Li, Lei; Li, P R; Li, T; Li, W D; Li, W G; Li, X L; Li, X M; Li, X N; Li, X Q; Li, Z B; Liang, H; Liang, J J; Liang, Y F; Liang, Y T; Liao, G R; Lin, D X; Liu, B J; Liu, C X; Liu, D; Liu, F H; Liu, Fang; Liu, Feng; Liu, H B; Liu, H H; Liu, H H; Liu, H M; Liu, J; Liu, J B; Liu, J P; Liu, J Y; Liu, K; Liu, K Y; Liu, L D; Liu, P L; Liu, Q; Liu, S B; Liu, X; Liu, Y B; Liu, Z A; Liu, Zhiqing; Loehner, H; Lou, X C; Lu, H J; Lu, J G; Lu, Y; Lu, Y P; Luo, C L; Luo, M X; Luo, T; Luo, X L; Lyu, X R; Ma, F C; Ma, H L; Ma, L L; Ma, M M; Ma, Q M; Ma, T; Ma, X N; Ma, X Y; Maas, F E; Maggiora, M; Mao, Y J; Mao, Z P; Marcello, S; Messchendorp, J G; Min, J; Mitchell, R E; Mo, X H; Mo, Y J; Morales, C Morales; Moriya, K; Muchnoi, N Yu; Muramatsu, H; Nefedov, Y; Nerling, F; Nikolaev, I B; Ning, Z; Nisar, S; Niu, S L; Niu, X Y; Olsen, S L; Ouyang, Q; Pacetti, S; Pan, Y; Patteri, P; Pelizaeus, M; Peng, H P; Peters, K; Pettersson, J; Ping, J L; Ping, R G; Poling, R; Prasad, V; Qi, M; Qian, S; Qiao, C F; Qin, L Q; Qin, N; Qin, X S; Qin, Z H; Qiu, J F; Rashid, K H; Redmer, C F; Ripka, M; Rong, G; Rosner, Ch; Ruan, X D; Sarantsev, A; Savrié, M; Schoenning, K; Schumann, S; Shan, W; Shao, M; Shen, C P; Shen, P X; Shen, X Y; Sheng, H Y; Shi, M; Song, W M; Song, X Y; Sosio, S; Spataro, S; Sun, G X; Sun, J F; Sun, S S; Sun, X H; Sun, Y J; Sun, Y Z; Sun, Z J; Sun, Z T; Tang, C J; Tang, X; Tapan, I; Thorndike, E H; Tiemens, M; Ullrich, M; Uman, I; Varner, G S; Wang, B; Wang, D; Wang, D Y; Wang, K; Wang, L L; Wang, L S; Wang, M; Wang, P; Wang, P L; Wang, S G; Wang, W; Wang, W P; Wang, X F; Wang, Y D; Wang, Y F; Wang, Y Q; Wang, Z; Wang, Z G; Wang, Z H; Wang, Z Y; Wang, Z Y; Weber, T; Wei, D H; Wei, J B; Weidenkaff, P; Wen, S P; Wiedner, U; Wolke, M; Wu, L H; Wu, L J; Wu, Z; Xia, L; Xia, L G; Xia, Y; Xiao, D; Xiao, H; Xiao, Z J; Xie, Y G; Xiu, Q L; Xu, G F; Xu, J J; Xu, L; Xu, Q J; Xu, X P; Yan, L; Yan, W B; Yan, W C; Yan, Y H; Yang, H J; Yang, H X; Yang, L; Yang, Y; Yang, Y X; Ye, M; Ye, M H; Yin, J H; Yu, B X; Yu, C X; Yu, J S; Yuan, C Z; Yuan, W L; Yuan, Y; Yuncu, A; Zafar, A A; Zallo, A; Zeng, Y; Zeng, Z; Zhang, B X; Zhang, B Y; Zhang, C; Zhang, C C; Zhang, D H; Zhang, H H; Zhang, H Y; Zhang, J; Zhang, J J; Zhang, J L; Zhang, J Q; Zhang, J W; Zhang, J Y; Zhang, J Z; Zhang, K; Zhang, L; Zhang, X Y; Zhang, Y; Zhang, Y N; Zhang, Y H; Zhang, Y T; Zhang, Yu; Zhang, Z H; Zhang, Z P; Zhang, Z Y; Zhao, G; Zhao, J W; Zhao, J Y; Zhao, J Z; Zhao, Lei; Zhao, Ling; Zhao, M G; Zhao, Q; Zhao, Q W; Zhao, S J; Zhao, T C; Zhao, Y B; Zhao, Z G; Zhemchugov, A; Zheng, B; Zheng, J P; Zheng, W J; Zheng, Y H; Zhong, B; Zhou, L; Zhou, X; Zhou, X K; Zhou, X R; Zhou, X Y; Zhu, K; Zhu, K J; Zhu, S; Zhu, S H; Zhu, X L; Zhu, Y C; Zhu, Y S; Zhu, Z A; Zhuang, J; Zotti, L; Zou, B S; Zou, J H


    A neutral structure in the DD[over ¯]^{*} system around the DD[over ¯]^{*} mass threshold is observed with a statistical significance greater than 10σ in the processes e^{+}e^{-}→D^{+}D^{*-}π^{0}+c.c. and e^{+}e^{-}→D^{0}D[over ¯]^{*0}π^{0}+c.c. at sqrt[s]=4.226 and 4.257 GeV in the BESIII experiment. The structure is denoted as Z_{c}(3885)^{0}. Assuming the presence of a resonance, its pole mass and width are determined to be [3885.7_{-5.7}^{+4.3}(stat)±8.4(syst)]  MeV/c^{2} and [35_{-12}^{+11}(stat)±15(syst)]  MeV, respectively. The Born cross sections are measured to be σ[e^{+}e^{-}→Z_{c}(3885)^{0}π^{0},Z_{c}(3885)^{0}→DD[over ¯]^{*}]=[77±13(stat)±17(syst)]  pb at 4.226 GeV and [47±9(stat)±10(syst)]  pb at 4.257 GeV. The ratio of decay rates B[Z_{c}(3885)^{0}→D^{+}D^{*-}+c.c.]/B[Z_{c}(3885)^{0}→D^{0}D[over ¯]^{*0}+c.c.] is determined to be 0.96±0.18(stat)±0.12(syst), consistent with no isospin violation in the process, Z_{c}(3885)^{0}→DD[over ¯]^{*}.

  6. Efecto de la implantación de turnos de enfermería «a demanda» sobre las horas de absentismo Effect of the introduction of "on demand" nursing shifts on hours of absenteeism

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    Joaquín Jesús Blanca Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available El objetivo de esta experiencia es estudiar la influencia en el absentismo del personal de enfermería de un nuevo sistema de turnos rotatorios, con la novedad de que tanto la distribución horaria como la planificación y la adjudicación de los turnos se ha hecho según las demandas del propio personal. El lugar de realización ha sido el Hospital Infanta Margarita, de Cabra (Córdoba, España, y la implementación de los nuevos turnos fue durante el primer trimestre de 2011. De un total de 5551 horas absolutas de ausencia por semestre, se ha pasado a 3289 horas. La implantación de este nuevo sistema de turnos «a demanda» parece haber conseguido una reducción notable en el número de horas de ausencia del trabajo. Se trata de una estrategia para tratar de conciliar al máximo la jornada laboral con la vida personal y familiar.The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of the introduction of a new system of rotating shifts on nursing absenteeism. The novelty of this system is that both the time distribution and the planning and allocation of shifts is carried out according to the wishes of the participating nurses. This study was performed in the Infanta Margarita Hospital (Cordoba, Spain and the new shift system was introduced in the first quarter of 2011. The total number of absolute hours of absence decreased from 5551 to 3289 per semester. The implementation of this new "on demand" shift system seems to have significantly reduced hours of absence. This strategy aims to reconcile nurses´ working hours with their personal and family lives.

  7. Capacidade para o trabalho de enfermeiros de um hospital universitário Capacidad para lo trabajo de enfermeros de un hospital universitario Work capacity of nurses in a university hospital

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    Eunice Fabiani Hilleshein


    Full Text Available Estudo transversal que avaliou o Índice de Capacidade para o Trabalho (ICT e os aspectos sociodemográficos e laborais de 93 enfermeiros de um hospital universitário. Os dados foram coletados por questionário e analisados por estatística descritiva e analítica. A amostra foi predominantemente feminina (98,9%, com 41,7 (dp=9,0 anos de idade, 63,4% têm companheiro, dormem 6,9 (dp=1,3 horas por dia, 8,6% fumavam e 37,6% realizavam atividade física regular. O escore médio do ICT foi de 40,1 (dp=3,7, indicando boa capacidade para o trabalho. Houve correlações entre o ICT e idade (r=-0,22; p=0,0394; tempo de trabalho (r=-0,23; p=0,0295 e horas de sono (r=0,26; p=0,0162. Enfermeiros que vivem sozinhos e os não fumantes apresentaram médias superiores no ICT àqueles com companheiro e que fumam (41,3 e 39,6; 40,4 e 37,8; p=0,0476. Hábitos saudáveis de vida como dormir sete horas ou mais e não fumar associam-se positivamente com a capacidade para o trabalho.Estudio seccional que evaluó el Índice de Capacidad para el Trabajo (ICT según las características socio demográficas y del empleo de 93 enfermeros de un hospital universitario. Los datos fueron recogidos en un cuestionario y se analizaran mediante la estadística. La muestra era de mujeres (98,9%, con 41,7 años (DE=9,0, 63,4% tiene pareja, duerme 6,9 horas por día (DE=1,3, 8,6% hace uso de tabaco y 37,6% realiza actividad física regular. El puntaje promedio fue 40,1 puntos (DE 3,7 en el Índice. Se encontró correlaciones entre del Índice y: edad (r=-0,22, p=0,0394, tiempo de trabajo (r=-0,23, p=0,0295 y horas de sueño al día (r=0,26;p= 0,0162. Los enfermeros que viven solos y que no usan tabaco presentaran promedio mayores en que aquellos con pareja y que fumaban (41,3 y 39,6; 40,4 y 37,8; p=0,0476. Hábitos de vida saludables como dormir sete horas o más y no fumar se asociaran positivamente con ICT.This is a cross-sectional study that evaluated the work ability index (WAI

  8. CCl 4 chemistry on the reduced selvedge of a α-Fe 2O 3(0 0 0 1) surface: a scanning tunneling microscopy study (United States)

    Rim, Kwang Taeg; Fitts, Jeffrey P.; Müller, Thomas; Adib, Kaveh; Camillone, Nicholas; Osgood, Richard M.; Joyce, S. A.; Flynn, George W.


    Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and low energy electron diffraction (LEED) were used to study the degradation of CCl 4 on the reduced selvedge of a natural single crystal α-Fe 2O 3(0 0 0 1) surface in ultrahigh vacuum. Before exposure to CCl 4, STM images indicate that approximately 85% of the reduced surface exhibits a Fe 3O 4(1 1 1) 2 × 2 termination, while the remaining 15% is terminated by 1 × 1 and superstructure phases. Images obtained after room temperature dosing with CCl 4 and subsequent flashing to 600 K reveal that chlorine atoms are adsorbed only on surface regions with the Fe 3O 4(1 1 1) 2 × 2 termination, not on 1 × 1 and superstructure regions. Chlorine atoms from dissociative adsorption of CCl 4 are observed to occupy two distinct positions located atop lattice protrusions and in threefold oxygen vacancy sites. However, in companion chemical labeling experiments, chlorine atoms provided by room temperature, dissociative Cl 2 adsorption on this surface are found to occupy sites atop lattice protrusions exclusively. The clear dissimilarity in STM feature shape and brightness at the two distinct chlorine adsorption sites arising from CCl 4 dissociation as well as the results of the Cl 2 chemical labeling experiments are best explained via reactions on a Fe 3O 4(1 1 1) 2 × 2 selvedge terminated by a 1/4 monolayer of tetrahedrally coordinated iron atoms. On this surface, adsorption atop an iron atom occurs for both the CCl 4 and Cl 2 dissociative reactions. A second adsorption site, assigned as binding to second layer iron atoms left exposed following surface oxygen atom abstraction resulting in the formation of phosgene (COCl 2), only appears in the case of reaction with CCl 4. The reaction mechanism and active site requirements for CCl 4 degradation on iron oxide surfaces are discussed in light of this evidence and in the context of our previously reported results from Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), LEED, temperature-programmed desorption

  9. Elastic-Plastic Endochronic Constitutive Model of 0Crl7Ni4Cu4Nb Stainless Steels

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    Jinquan Guo


    Full Text Available We presented an elastic-plastic endochronic constitutive model of 0Crl7Ni4Cu4Nb stainless steel based on the plastic endochronic theory (which does not need the yield surface and experimental stress-strain curves. The key feature of the model is that it can precisely describe the relation of stress and strain under various loading histories, including uniaxial tension, cyclic loading-unloading, cyclic asymmetric-stress axial tension and compression, and cyclic asymmetric-stress axial tension and compression. The effects of both mean stress and amplitude of stress on hysteresis loop based on the elastic-plastic endochronic constitutive model were investigated. Compared with the experimental and calculated results, it is demonstrated that there was a good agreement between the model and the experiments. Therefore, the elastic-plastic endochronic constitutive model provides a method for the accurate prediction of mechanical behaviors of 0Crl7Ni4Cu4Nb stainless steel subjected to various loadings.

  10. Magnetoelectric effect of (1-x) Ba0.5Sr0.5Zr0.5Ti0.5O3+(x) Ni0.12Mg0.18Cu0.2Zn0.5Fe2O4 composites (United States)

    Rahaman, Md. D.; Saha, S. K.; Ahmed, T. N.; Saha, D. K.; Hossain, A. K. M. Akther


    The magnetoelectric composites with chemical compositions (1-x) Ba0.5Sr0.5Zr0.5Ti0.5O3+(x) Ni0.12Mg0.18Cu0.2Zn0.5Fe2O4 (x=20, 40, 60 and 80 wt%) was prepared by the conventional solid state reaction method. The presence of a biphase composition was confirmed by X-ray diffraction while the microstructure of the composites was studied by scanning electron microscopy revealing a good mixing of the two phases and a good densification of the bulk ceramics. The dielectric dispersion is observed at lower frequencies due to interfacial polarization arising from the interface of the two phases. At higher frequencies, the dielectric constant is almost constant due to the inability of electric dipoles to follow the first variation of the alternating applied electric field. The dielectric loss shows maxima which are attributed when the hopping frequency of electrons between different ionic sites becomes nearly equal to the frequency of the applied field. The linearity in the log(σAC) vs. log(ω2) plots confirmed the small polaron hopping type of conduction mechanism. The composite materials are found to exhibit an excellent frequency dependence of magnetic properties. In the high frequency range, with increasing ferrite concentration the initial permeability increases and cut-off frequency decreases. An optimal magnetoelectric coupling responding voltage of about 600 μV cm-1 Oe-1 is obtained for x=20 wt% at room temperature.

  11. Temperature- and pressure-induced lattice distortion in CdCr2-xGaxSe4 (x = 0, 0.06, and 0.12)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Waskowska, A.; Gerward, Leif; Olsen, J.S.


    Structural changes in the cubic spinels CdCr2-xGaxSe4 have been studied by means of single-crystal x-ray diffraction at low temperature and energy-dispersive diffraction in a diamond-anvil cell at high pressure. In stoichiometric samples (x = 0), a spontaneous magnetostriction reduces the thermal...... expansion coefficient from 6.7 x 10(-6) K-1 in the paramagnetic phase to 2.2 x 10(-6) K-1 in the ferromagnetic phase (T-C = 130 K). In the samples with Ga3+ admixtures (x = 0.06 and 0.12), a slight structural distortion causes an order-disorder-type phase transition at T-d approximate to 285 K connected...

  12. Industrial engineering curriculum in industry 4.0 in a South African context

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    Sackey, Samuel Mensah


    Full Text Available With its potential to change significantly the knowledge and skill-set requirements for industrial engineers (IEs, Industry 4.0 creates a need to reassess the place of IEs to avoid a greater shock than that caused by the information technology identity crisis of the 1990s. This article examines the likely impacts of Industry 4.0 on industrial engineering (IE and proposes enhancements to IE curricula in South Africa. Research methods include a literature review, a study of IE curricula, and a questionnaire survey of IE programmes. Results indicate that several IE functions might become somewhat transformed, less visible, or downright diminished in Industry 4.0. Emphasis has shifted from traditional IE methods to data-driven functions and cyber-physical systems. The developing mismatch needs correcting by emphasising skills such as ‘big data’ analytics and novel human-machine interfaces in IE curricula. Only one university in South Africa has made progress towards the adoption of an Industry 4.0 infrastructure. The authors propose a set of curriculum enrichment items as the basis for reform.

  13. Growth, and magnetic study of Sm0.4Er0.6FeO3 single crystal grown by optical floating zone technique (United States)

    Wu, Anhua; Zhao, Xiangyang; Man, Peiwen; Su, Liangbi; Kalashnikova, A. M.; Pisarev, R. V.


    Sm0.4Er0.6FeO3 single crystals were successfully grown by optical floating zone method; high quality samples with various orientations were manufactured. Based on these samples, Magnetic property of Sm0.4Er0.6FeO3 single crystals were investigated systemically by means of the temperature dependence of magnetization. It indicated that compositional variations not only alter the spin reorientation temperature, but also the compensation temperature of the orthoferrites. Unlike single rare earth orthoferrites, the reversal transition temperature point of Sm0.4Er0.6FeO3 increases as magnetic field increases, which is positive for designing novel spin switching or magnetic sensor device.

  14. Effect of second introduced phase on magnetic and magnetotransport properties of (1-x)La0.7Sr0.3Mn0.9Co0.1O3/x% Ag (x=0%, 2%, 4%) nanocomposites (United States)

    Shah, Hiral D.; Bhalodia, J. A.


    The structural, magnetic and magnetotransport properties of (1-x)La0.7Sr0.3Mn0.9Co0.1O3(LSMCO)/x% Ag (x=0%, 2%, 4%) nanocomposites were investigated to explore the role of second introduced phase. (1-x) LSMCO/x% Ag (x=0%, 2%, 4%) nanocomposites are prepared via solid-state reaction method. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and SEM analysis indicated that x% of Ag are not substituted into the main LSMCO phase and remains an additive to the second phase at grain boundaries [1]. The structural parameters and the reliability factors for all the samples were successfully determined by the Rietveld refinement. Magnetization and transport properties of (1-x)LSMCO/x% Ag nanocomposites have been reported. Resistivity of the composite samples increases with Ag content in comparison with the pure LSMCO, and suppressed with applied magnetic field in all the composite samples [2]. The metal-insulator transition (TMI) and accompanied paramagnetic-ferromagnetic transition (TC) temperatures decrease with increase in Ag content. The electrical resistivity of the experimental results is explored by theoretical model below TMI. The maximum MR was observed to be 55% in the x=4% sample at 5 K temperature under 7 T magnetic field, this value is larger than that of pure LSMCO (19% at 5 K and 7 T), which is encouraging for practical application. Summarily, the addition of Ag in LSMCO improves MR% values significantly due to the more grain boundary contribution and result in better physical properties of the parent manganite system.

  15. Fabrication and Electrochemical Performance of LiNi0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2 Coated with Nano FePO4 as Cathode Material for Lithium-ion Batteries

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    DONG Peng


    Full Text Available Layered LiNi0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2 coated with homogeneous nano FePO4 suspension was prepared by using co-precipitation method. XRD, TG-DTA and TEM were adopted to characterize the structure, morphology and liquid state of FePO4 prepared. The structure, morphology and electrochemical performance of the coated materials prepared were characterized by the means such as XRD, SEM, EDS, TEM, ICP, galvanostatic charge-discharge cycling, cyclic voltammetry (CV and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS tests. The effect of heat treatment temperature and coating quantity on the structure and electrochemical performance of coated LiNi0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2 by co-precipitation method was explored. The results show that 400℃ and 2%(mass fraction,the same below FePO4 coating can significantly improve cycle performance and rate capability of LiNi0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2, CV and EIS testing results reveal that FePO4 coating can improve the reversibility and dynamic performance for LiNi0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2. ICP results show that FePO4 coating layer can effectively reduce the electrolyte to dissolute and erode cathode materials, stabilize its layered structure, then improve the electrochemical performance of cathode materials.

  16. The Application of Industry 4.0 in Customized Furniture Manufacturing Industry

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    Wang Lin


    Full Text Available In the background of industrial 4.0, this paper analyzes the developmental road about customized furniture factory. Based on the concepts and features of industry 4.0, this paper analyzes the composition of the customized furniture factory, the main operation system and the operation process of the intelligent customized furniture factory. In order to achieve efficient and accurate production targets, intelligent customized furniture factory should be set up through the establishment of cyber physical system( CPS to cover the intelligent network.

  17. Conventional proximity effect in bilayers of superconducting underdoped $La_{1.88}Sr_{0.12}CuO_4$ islands coated with non superconducting overdoped $La_{1.65}Sr_{0.35}CuO_4$


    Koren, G.; Millo, O.


    Following a recent study by our group in which a large $T_c$ enhancement was reported in bilayers of the non-superconducting $La_{1.65}Sr_{0.35}CuO_4$ and superconducting $La_{1.88}Sr_{0.12}CuO_4$ films [Phys. Rev. Lett. \\textbf{101}, 057005 (2008)], we checked if a similar effect occurs when superconducting $La_{1.88}Sr_{0.12}CuO_4$ islands are coated with a continuous layer of the non superconducting $La_{1.65}Sr_{0.35}CuO_4$. We found that no such phenomenon is observed. The bare supercond...

  18. Luminescence properties of Sr{sub 3-x-3y/2}M{sub x}Ce{sub y}AlO{sub 4}F (M=Ca, Ba, 0{<=}x{<=}0.9, 0.001{<=}y{<=}0.05) phosphors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Choi, Hye-Min [Department of Engineering in Energy and Applied Chemistry, Silla University, Busan 617-736 (Korea, Republic of); Park, Sangmoon, E-mail: [Department of Engineering in Energy and Applied Chemistry, Silla University, Busan 617-736 (Korea, Republic of)


    Luminescent materials composed of Sr{sub 3-x-3y/2}M{sub x}Ce{sub y}AlO{sub 4}F (M=Ca, Ba, 0{<=}x{<=}0.9, 0.001{<=}y{<=}0.05) were prepared by the solid-state reaction method. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of the obtained oxyfluorides are exhibited for indexing peak positions. Dynamic excitation and emission spectra of the Ce{sup 3+}-activated oxyfluoride phosphors are clearly monitored. The critical emission quenching as a function of Ce{sup 3+} contents in Sr{sub 2.5-3y/2}M{sub 0.5}Ce{sub y}AlO{sub 4}F phosphors is revealed at quite low concentrations of the activator. CIE coordinates of blue and green Sr{sub 2.5-3y/2}M{sub 0.5}Ce{sub y}AlO{sub 4}F phosphors are clearly measured. The relative quantum efficiency of Sr{sub 2.4985}Ca{sub 0.5}Ce{sub 0.005}AlO{sub 4}F based on the integrated emission is determined. The Sr{sub 3-x-3y/2}M{sub x}Ce{sub y}AlO{sub 4}F phosphors excited near 410 nm light could be prominent phosphors in applications of NUV-LED. - Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Blue and green emitting oxyfluoride phosphors are excitated near 410 nm Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Ce{sup 3+}-activated oxyfluoride phosphors are quite effective to prepare white light for near-UV LED applications. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Gradual substitution of Ce{sup 3+} content in the oxyfluoride hosts changes CIE values.

  19. Interrelation of transport properties, defect structure and spin state of Ni3+ in La1.2Sr0.8Ni0.9Fe0.1O4 (United States)

    Gilev, A. R.; Kiselev, E. A.; Zakharov, D. M.; Cherepanov, V. A.


    The total conductivity, Seebeck coefficient and oxygen non-stoichiometry for La1.2Sr0.8Ni0.9Fe0.1O4+δ have been measured vs temperature and oxygen partial pressure P(O2). The measurements were carried out at 800, 850, 900 and 950 °C within the P(O2) range of 10-5-0.21 atm. La1.2Sr0.8Ni0.9Fe0.1O4+δ was shown to be oxygen deficient in all temperature and P(O2) ranges studied. The calculated values of the partial molar enthalpy of oxygen depend very slightly on oxygen content (δ), indicating that La1.2Sr0.8Ni0.9Fe0.1O4+δ with the oxygen deficiency can be considered an ideal solution. The model of point defect equilibria in La1.2Sr0.8Ni0.9Fe0.1O4+δ has been proposed and fitted to experimental dependencies. Subsequent joint analysis of the defect structure and transport properties revealed that electron holes can coexist in both localized and quasi-delocalized states in the oxide: the former corresponded to high-spin state Ni3+ and the latter - to low-spin state Ni3+. The mobilities of localized electron holes were shown to be significantly lower in comparison to quasi-delocalized ones. The behavior of localized electron holes was explained in terms of a small polaron conduction mechanism; in contrast, quasi-delocalized electron holes were described in terms of a band conduction approach. The small polaron conduction mechanism was shown to be predominant in the Sr- and Fe-co-doped lanthanum nickelate.

  20. Magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effect in the HoNi1−xCuxIn (x=0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.4) intermetallic compounds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mo, Zhao-Jun; Shen, Jun; Yan, Li-Qin; Tang, Cheng-Chun; He, Xiao-Nan; Zheng, Xinqi; Wu, Jian-Feng; Sun, Ji-Rong; Shen, Bao-Gen


    The magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effect (MCE) in HoNi 1−x Cu x In (x=0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.4) compounds have been investigated. With the substitution of Cu for Ni, the Ho magnetic moment will cant from the c-axis, and form a complicated magnetic structure. These compounds exhibit two successive magnetic transitions with the increase in temperature. The large reversible magnetocaloric effects have been observed in HoNi 1−x Cu x In compounds around T ord , with no thermal and magnetic hysteresis loss. The large reversible isothermal magnetic entropy change (−ΔS M ) is 20.2 J/kg K and the refrigeration capacity (RC) reaches 356.7 J/kg for field changes of 5 T for HoNi 0.7 Cu 0.3 In. Especially, the value of −ΔS M (12.5 J/kg K) and the large RC (132 J/kg) are observed for field changes of 2 T for HoNi 0.9 Cu 0.1 In. Additionally, the values of RC are improved to 149 J/K for the field changes of 2 T due to a wide temperature span for the mix of HoNi 0.9 Cu 0.1 In and HoNi 0.7 Cu 0.3 In compounds with the mass ratio of 1:1. These compounds with excellent MCE are expected to have effective applications in magnetic refrigeration around 20 K. - Highlights: • For magnetic-field changes of 2 T, the values of RC are improved to 149 J/K. • MCEs of these compounds show no thermal and magnetic hysteresis. • Compounds show two successive magnetic transitions with the increase in temperature. • With the substitution of Cu for Ni, compounds form a complicated magnetic structure

  1. Hydrogen storage and microstructure investigations of La{sub 0.7-x}Mg{sub 0.3}Pr{sub x}Al{sub 0.3}Mn{sub 0.4}Co{sub 0.5}Ni{sub 3.8} alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Galdino, G.S.; Casini, J.C.S.; Ferreira, E.A.; Faria, R.N.; Takiishi, H., E-mail: agsgaldino@ipen.b [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (DM/IPEN-CNEN/SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Dept. de Metalurgia


    The effects of substitution of Pr for La in the hydrogen storage capacity and microstructures of La{sub 0.7-x}Pr{sub x}Mg{sub 0.3}Al{sub 0.3}Mn{sub 0.4}Co{sub 0.5}Ni{sub 3.8} (x=0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7) alloys electrodes have been studied. X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) and electrical tests were carried out in a the alloys and electrodes. Cycles of charge and discharge have also been carried out in the Ni/MH (Metal hydride) batteries based on the alloys negative electrodes. (author)

  2. Taxa de concepção de cabras inseminadas com sêmen caprino resfriado a 5ºC, por 12 ou 24 horas, em meio diluidor à base de gema de ovo Conception rate of goats inseminated with semen cooled in egg yolk diluent at 5ºC, for 12 or 24 hours

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A.P. Siqueira


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se a capacidade fecundante do sêmen caprino resfriado a 5ºC, por 12 (TI ou 24 horas (TII, em container especial. Para tanto, utilizaram-se 62 fêmeas e dois reprodutores (B1 e B2 da raça Toggenburg, distribuídos em um esquema fatorial 2x2 (dois reprodutores e dois períodos de estocagem do sêmen. Após a coleta, o sêmen foi diluído em Tris-frutose-gema de ovo a 2,5%, envasado em palhetas de 0,25mL, com 150x10(6 espermatozoides móveis e resfriado a 5ºC. As fêmeas receberam duas doses de 22,5µg de PGF2α, em intervalos de 10 dias para a sincronização do estro. A partir da primeira aplicação de PGF2α, as fêmeas foram monitoradas para ocorrência de estro, três vezes ao dia. Realizou-se uma única inseminação, pela técnica de fixação da cérvice, 12 horas após o início do estro. A motilidade e o vigor, após 12 ou 24 horas de resfriamento, foram de 66,14±0,11% e 62,50±0,05%, e 3,46±0,61 e 3,27±0,50, respectivamente. Não houve influência (P>0,05 do reprodutor, nem do período de armazenamento do sêmen sobre a taxa de concepção das cabras, que foi de 49,1%.The fertilizing capacity of goat semen cooled in egg yolk diluent at 5ºC, for 12 or 24 hours was evaluated. Sixty-two Toggenburg does and two sexually mature Toggenburg bucks were used in a fatorial treatment combination (two bucks and two storage periods. The semen was diluted in 2.5% Tris-frutose-egg yolk; envased in 0.25mL plastic straws, with 150x10(6 mobile spermatozoa; and cooled at 5ºC for 12 or 24 hours. The females received two doses of 22.5µg of prostaglandine F2α, at each 10-day intervals in order to synchronize the estrous. From the first PGF2α injection, estrous occurrence was monitored three times per day. Only one insemination was used, using the cervix fixation method, 12 hours after the estrous onset. The means of motility and strength, 12 (TI and 24 hours (TII after semen cooling at 5ºC, were 66.14±0.11% and 62.50±0.05%, and 3.46±0

  3. Industrie 4.0: Wie Unternehmen ihre Daten heute sichern


    Jung, Christian


    Eine wichtige Grundlage für die Weiterentwicklung innovativer Syste-me im Zeitalter von Industrie 4.0 sind klare Sicherheitsstandards. Gerade im Zuge der zunehmenden Vernetzung müssen Unternehmen die Sicherheit ihrer Daten neu organisieren. Es geht um die erweiterte Zugriffskontrolle und "Smart Contracts", bei denen Daten sich selbst schützen.

  4. Reversible operation of microtubular solid oxide cells using La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ-Ce0.9Gd0.1O2-δ oxygen electrodes (United States)

    López-Robledo, M. J.; Laguna-Bercero, M. A.; Larrea, A.; Orera, V. M.


    Yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) based microtubular solid oxide fuel cells (mT-SOFCs) using La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ (LSCF) and Ce0.9Gd0.1O2-δ (GDC) as the oxygen electrode, along with a porous GDC electrolyte-electrode barrier layer, were fabricated and characterized in both fuel cell (SOFC) and electrolysis (SOEC) operation modes. The cells were anode-supported, the NiO-YSZ microtubular supports being made by Powder Extrusion Moulding (PEM). The cells showed power densities of 695 mW cm-2 at 800 °C and 0.7 V in SOFC mode, and of 845 mA cm-2 at 800 °C and 1.3 V in SOEC mode. AC impedance experiments performed under different potential loads demonstrated the reversibility of the cells. These results showed that these cells, prepared with a method suitable for using on an industrial scale, are highly reproducible and reliable, as well as very competitive as reversible SOFC-SOEC devices operating at intermediate temperatures.

  5. Magnetron-sputtered La{sub 0.6}Sr{sub 0.4}Co{sub 0.2}Fe{sub 0.8}O{sub 3} nanocomposite interlayer for solid oxide fuel cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Solovyev, A. A., E-mail:; Ionov, I. V.; Shipilova, A. V.; Kovalchuk, A. N.; Syrtanov, M. S. [Tomsk Polytechnic University (Russian Federation)


    A thin layer of a La{sub 0.6}Sr{sub 0.4}Co{sub 0.2}Fe{sub 0.8}O{sub 3} (LSCF) is deposited between the electrolyte and the La{sub 0.6}Sr{sub 0.4}Co{sub 0.2}Fe{sub 0.8}O{sub 3}/Ce{sub 0.9}Gd{sub 0.1}O{sub 2} (LSCF/CGO) cathode layer of a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) by pulsed magnetron sputtering using an oxide target of LSCF. The films were completely dense and well adherent to the substrate. The effects of annealing in temperature range from 200 to 1000 °C on the crystalline structure of the LSCF films have been studied. The films of nominal thickness, 250–500 nm, are crystalline when annealed at temperatures above 600 °C. The crystalline structure, surface topology, and morphology of the films were determined using X-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), respectively. To study the electrochemical characteristics of the deposited-film, solid oxide fuel cells using 325-nm LSCF films as interlayer between the electrolyte and the cathode have been fabricated. The LSCF interlayer improves the overall performance of the SOFC by increasing the interfacial area between the electrolyte and cathode. The electrolyte-supported cells with the interlayer have 30% greater, overall power output compared to that achieved with the cells without interlayer. The LSCF interlayer could also act as a transition layer that improves adhesion and relieves both thermal stress and lattice strain between the cathode and the electrolyte. Our results demonstrate that pulsed magnetron sputtering provides a low-temperature synthesis route for realizing ultrathin nanocrystalline LSCF film layers for intermediate- or low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells.

  6. Investigation on magnetoelectric behavior of (80Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3-20Bi0.5K0.5TiO3)-CoFe2O4 particulate composites (United States)

    Liu, Sheng; Yan, Shuoqing; Yao, Lingling; He, Jun; He, Longhui; Hu, Zhaowen; Huang, Shengxiang; Deng, Lianwen


    Particulate magnetoelectric (ME) ceramics constituted by (1-x)(80Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3-20Bi0.5K0.5TiO3)-xCoFe2O4 [(1-x)BNKT-xCFO] (x = 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 1.0) were synthesized by an powder-in-sol precursor hybrid processing method and their structure, magnetic, ferroelectric, magnetodielectric (MD) and ME properties have been investigated. Results showed that the ceramics consisted of only two chemically separated phases and had homogeneous microstructure. The introduction of CFO into BNKT matrix led to the weakening of ferroelectric and dielectric properties whereas the strengthening magnetic and MD properties. The observation of the MD effect revealed the evidence of the strain-induced ME coupling and the MD value is well scaled with M2. A maximum value of ME output of 25.07 mV/cm·Oe was achieved for the 0.7BNKT-0.3CFO composite. The improved ME response together with the linear MD effect makes the ceramics promise for use in magnetic field controllable devices or magneto-electric transducers.

  7. Efek Toksin T-2 terhadap Perkembangan Embrio Praimplantasi dan Fetus Mencit Swiss Webster

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available T-2 toxin is a toxic and teratogenic mycotoxin produced by Fusarium tricintum which may contaminate cereal, seed, and food. The aim of this research is to find out the effects of T-2 Toxin on preimplantion embryos and fetuses of Swiss Webster mice. Pregnant female of Swiss Webster mice on 0 or 2 day of gestation was injected intraperitoneally with T-2 toxin at doses 0.05 or 0.10 mg/kg body weight (bw and the dam was observed at 3.5 and 18 days of gestation. At 0 day of gestation, embryos were arrested at one to eight cell and uncompacted morulae stages (P < 0.01 compared to control, in both 0.05 and 0.10 mg/kg bw doses. The cell numbers of late blastocyst at all treated groups were decreased significantly compared to control. At 2 day of gestation, most of embryos were arrested on compacted morulae stage at dose 0.10 mg/kg bw (P < 0.01, the late blastocyst and its cell number were dose-dependently decreased. The live fetuses decreased significantly at all dose of T-2 toxin. No external malformation occurred in the fetuses. Results showed that T-2 toxin given at preimplantation stages inhibited development of preimplantation embryos as indicated by decreased number of live fetuses. Therefore, it was grouped as embryotoxic agent but those dosages did not cause malformation of the external appearance of Swiss Webster mice fetuses.

  8. Pressure induced insulator–metal transition and giant negative piezoresistance in Pr{sub 0.6}Ca{sub 0.4}Mn{sub 0.96}Al{sub 0.04}O{sub 3} polycrystal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arumugam, S., E-mail: [Centre for High Pressure Research, School of Physics, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli 620024, Tamil Nadu (India); Thiyagarajan, R. [Center for High Pressure Science and Technology Advanced Research (HPSTAR), Shanghai 201203 (China); Kalaiselvan, G.; Sivaprakash, P. [Centre for High Pressure Research, School of Physics, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli 620024, Tamil Nadu (India)


    The effect of external hydrostatic pressure (P) on the magnetization (M) and resistivity (ρ) properties of charge-orbital (CO) ordered-insulating phase-separated manganite Pr{sub 0.6}Ca{sub 0.4}Mn{sub 0.96}Al{sub 0.04}O{sub 3} system is reported here. At ambient P, CO ordering transition and spin-canting in the AFM are observed at 223 K and 55 K respectively in M(T) and ρ(T) measurements. Application of P increases simultaneously the magnitude of magnetization (M) and transition temperature, and weakens the CO ordering in M(T) measurements up to 0.98 GPa. During ρ(T) measurements, P induces an insulator–metallic transition (T{sub IM}) at 1.02 GPa, and further increase of P up to 2.84 GPa leads to increase of T{sub IM} (dT{sub IM}/dP =21.6 K/GPa). ρ at T{sub IM} is reduced about three orders of magnitude at 2.84 GPa, and leads to the giant negative piezoresistance (~98%). These results are analyzed separately in two temperature regions i.e., below and above T{sub IM} by power function equation and small polaronic hopping model respectively. It is understood from these analyses that the application of P suppresses the Jahn–Teller distortions, electron–electron and electron–magnon scattering factors, and induces the insulator–metal transition in Pr{sub 0.6}Ca{sub 0.4}Mn{sub 0.96}Al{sub 0.04}O{sub 3} system. - Highlights: • Application of P on Pr{sub 0.6}Ca{sub 0.4}Mn{sub 0.96}Al{sub 0.04}O{sub 3} reduces resistivity (ρ) remarkably at low-temperatures, and exhibits an insulator to metallic transition at 1.02 GPa. • The reduction in ρ by P is about three orders of magnitude at 2.84 GPa, leads to the giant negative piezoresistance about 98%. • The effect of the suppression of Jahn–Teller distortions, electron–electron and electron–magnon scattering under an applied P exhibits to the metal-Insulator transition. • The phase-separation in this system has been tuned by both internal and external perturbations.

  9. Two dimensional (4,0) supergravity in harmonic superspace. The action and the matter couplings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lhallabi, T.; Saidi, E.H.


    The superfield formulation of the two dimensional (4,0) supergravity is developed using the harmonic superspace techniques. The different sets of constraints are given and their solutions are expressed in terms of a SU(2) self dual torsion superfield and harmonic prepotentials. The pure auxiliary (4,0) Einstein action generalizing the (2,0) one is written down and the most general (4,0) matter couplings are given. (author). 24 refs

  10. Effects of Ca-dopant on the pyroelectric, piezoelectric and dielectric properties of (Sr 0.6Ba 0.4) 4Na 2Nb 10O 30 ceramics

    KAUST Repository

    Yao, Yingbang


    Calcium-doped sodium strontium barium niobate (SBNN, (Sr 0.6Ba 0.4) 4-xCa xNa 2Nb 10O 30, 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5) ceramics were prepared by a conventional solid-state reaction method. SBNN showed \\'filled\\' tetragonal tungsten-bronze structure with fully occupied A-sites. The tetragonal structure, as revealed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy, was not affected by the Ca-dopant. Effects of Ca-doping concentration on the phase transitions as well as ferroelectric, piezoelectric and pyroelectric properties of the SBNN ceramics were investigated. From the dielectric studies, two anomalies were observed, namely, a sharp normal ferroelectric transition at 260 °C and a broad maximum at round -110 °C. The later was affected by the Ca-doping concentration and its origin was discussed. At x = 0.3, the sample exhibited the highest pyroelectric coefficient of 168 μC/m 2 K and the largest piezoelectric coefficient (d 33) of 63 pC/N at room temperature. On the basis of our results, the pyroelectric properties of the SBNN were improved by Ca-doping. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. Effects of Ca-dopant on the pyroelectric, piezoelectric and dielectric properties of (Sr 0.6Ba 0.4) 4Na 2Nb 10O 30 ceramics

    KAUST Repository

    Yao, Yingbang; Mak, C. L.


    Calcium-doped sodium strontium barium niobate (SBNN, (Sr 0.6Ba 0.4) 4-xCa xNa 2Nb 10O 30, 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5) ceramics were prepared by a conventional solid-state reaction method. SBNN showed 'filled' tetragonal tungsten-bronze structure with fully occupied A-sites. The tetragonal structure, as revealed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy, was not affected by the Ca-dopant. Effects of Ca-doping concentration on the phase transitions as well as ferroelectric, piezoelectric and pyroelectric properties of the SBNN ceramics were investigated. From the dielectric studies, two anomalies were observed, namely, a sharp normal ferroelectric transition at 260 °C and a broad maximum at round -110 °C. The later was affected by the Ca-doping concentration and its origin was discussed. At x = 0.3, the sample exhibited the highest pyroelectric coefficient of 168 μC/m 2 K and the largest piezoelectric coefficient (d 33) of 63 pC/N at room temperature. On the basis of our results, the pyroelectric properties of the SBNN were improved by Ca-doping. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. Tensor analysing power T{sub 2}0 in inelastic (d, d`) X scattering at 0{sup 0} on {sup 1}H and {sup 12}C from 4.5 to 9.0 GeV/c

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Azhgirej, L S; Chernykh, E V [Laboratory of High Energies, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation); Kobushkin, A P [Institute of Theoretical Physics, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kiev (Ukraine); and others


    Tensor analysing power T{sub 20} for inelastic (d, d`) X reaction at deuteron momentum from 4.2 to 9 GeV/c is presented. It is observed that T{sub 20} taken as a function of the four-momentum transfer squared t demonstrates an approximate scaling; its absolute value is small at |t| <{approx_equal} (0.05 - 0.1) GeV{sup 2}/c{sup 2} and has a maximum at -t {approx_equal}0.3 GeV{sup 2}/c{sup 2}. No significant dependence on the type of the target was observed 10 refs., 4 figs., 4 tabs.

  13. File list: ALL.Emb.50.AllAg.0-4h_embryos [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available ALL.Emb.50.AllAg.0-4h_embryos dm3 All antigens Embryo 0-4h embryos SRX013030,SRX013...RX013103,SRX025484,SRX013031,SRX1426951,SRX013094 ...

  14. Measurement of e+e-→π0π0ψ (3686 ) at √{s } from 4.009 to 4.600 GeV and observation of a neutral charmoniumlike structure (United States)

    Ablikim, M.; Achasov, M. N.; Ahmed, S.; Albrecht, M.; Amoroso, A.; An, F. F.; An, Q.; Bai, J. Z.; Bakina, O.; Baldini Ferroli, R.; Ban, Y.; Bennett, D. W.; Bennett, J. V.; Berger, N.; Bertani, M.; Bettoni, D.; Bian, J. M.; Bianchi, F.; Boger, E.; Boyko, I.; Briere, R. A.; Cai, H.; Cai, X.; Cakir, O.; Calcaterra, A.; Cao, G. F.; Cetin, S. A.; Chai, J.; Chang, J. F.; Chelkov, G.; Chen, G.; Chen, H. S.; Chen, J. C.; Chen, M. L.; Chen, S. J.; Chen, X. R.; Chen, Y. B.; Chu, X. K.; Cibinetto, G.; Dai, H. L.; Dai, J. P.; Dbeyssi, A.; Dedovich, D.; Deng, Z. Y.; Denig, A.; Denysenko, I.; Destefanis, M.; de Mori, F.; Ding, Y.; Dong, C.; Dong, J.; Dong, L. Y.; Dong, M. Y.; Dorjkhaidav, O.; Dou, Z. L.; Du, S. X.; Duan, P. F.; Fang, J.; Fang, S. S.; Fang, X.; Fang, Y.; Farinelli, R.; Fava, L.; Fegan, S.; Feldbauer, F.; Felici, G.; Feng, C. Q.; Fioravanti, E.; Fritsch, M.; Fu, C. D.; Gao, Q.; Gao, X. L.; Gao, Y.; Gao, Y. G.; Gao, Z.; Garzia, I.; Goetzen, K.; Gong, L.; Gong, W. X.; Gradl, W.; Greco, M.; Gu, M. H.; Gu, S.; Gu, Y. T.; Guo, A. Q.; Guo, L. B.; Guo, R. P.; Guo, Y. P.; Haddadi, Z.; Hafner, A.; Han, S.; Hao, X. Q.; Harris, F. A.; He, K. L.; He, X. Q.; Heinsius, F. H.; Held, T.; Heng, Y. K.; Holtmann, T.; Hou, Z. L.; Hu, C.; Hu, H. M.; Hu, T.; Hu, Y.; Huang, G. S.; Huang, J. S.; Huang, X. T.; Huang, X. Z.; Huang, Z. L.; Hussain, T.; Ikegami Andersson, W.; Ji, Q.; Ji, Q. P.; Ji, X. B.; Ji, X. L.; Jiang, X. S.; Jiang, X. Y.; Jiao, J. B.; Jiao, Z.; Jin, D. P.; Jin, S.; Johansson, T.; Julin, A.; Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N.; Kang, X. L.; Kang, X. S.; Kavatsyuk, M.; Ke, B. C.; Khan, T.; Kiese, P.; Kliemt, R.; Kloss, B.; Koch, L.; Kolcu, O. B.; Kopf, B.; Kornicer, M.; Kuemmel, M.; Kuhlmann, M.; Kupsc, A.; Kühn, W.; Lange, J. S.; Lara, M.; Larin, P.; Lavezzi, L.; Leithoff, H.; Leng, C.; Li, C.; Li, Cheng; Li, D. M.; Li, F.; Li, F. Y.; Li, G.; Li, H. B.; Li, H. J.; Li, J. C.; Li, Jin; Li, K.; Li, K.; Li, Lei; Li, P. L.; Li, P. R.; Li, Q. Y.; Li, T.; Li, W. D.; Li, W. G.; Li, X. L.; Li, X. N.; Li, X. Q.; Li, Z. B.; Liang, H.; Liang, Y. F.; Liang, Y. T.; Liao, G. R.; Lin, D. X.; Liu, B.; Liu, B. J.; Liu, C. X.; Liu, D.; Liu, F. H.; Liu, Fang; Liu, Feng; Liu, H. B.; Liu, H. H.; Liu, H. H.; Liu, H. M.; Liu, J. B.; Liu, J. P.; Liu, J. Y.; Liu, K.; Liu, K. Y.; Liu, Ke; Liu, L. D.; Liu, P. L.; Liu, Q.; Liu, S. B.; Liu, X.; Liu, Y. B.; Liu, Y. Y.; Liu, Z. A.; Liu, Zhiqing; Long, Y. F.; Lou, X. C.; Lu, H. J.; Lu, J. G.; Lu, Y.; Lu, Y. P.; Luo, C. L.; Luo, M. X.; Luo, T.; Luo, X. L.; Lyu, X. R.; Ma, F. C.; Ma, H. L.; Ma, L. L.; Ma, M. M.; Ma, Q. M.; Ma, T.; Ma, X. N.; Ma, X. Y.; Ma, Y. M.; Maas, F. E.; Maggiora, M.; Malik, Q. A.; Mao, Y. J.; Mao, Z. P.; Marcello, S.; Messchendorp, J. G.; Mezzadri, G.; Min, J.; Min, T. J.; Mitchell, R. E.; Mo, X. H.; Mo, Y. J.; Morales Morales, C.; Morello, G.; Muchnoi, N. Yu.; Muramatsu, H.; Musiol, P.; Mustafa, A.; Nefedov, Y.; Nerling, F.; Nikolaev, I. B.; Ning, Z.; Nisar, S.; Niu, S. L.; Niu, X. Y.; Olsen, S. L.; Ouyang, Q.; Pacetti, S.; Pan, Y.; Patteri, P.; Pelizaeus, M.; Pellegrino, J.; Peng, H. P.; Peters, K.; Pettersson, J.; Ping, J. L.; Ping, R. G.; Poling, R.; Prasad, V.; Qi, H. R.; Qi, M.; Qian, S.; Qiao, C. F.; Qin, J. J.; Qin, N.; Qin, X. S.; Qin, Z. H.; Qiu, J. F.; Rashid, K. H.; Redmer, C. F.; Richter, M.; Ripka, M.; Rong, G.; Rosner, Ch.; Ruan, X. D.; Sarantsev, A.; Savrié, M.; Schnier, C.; Schoenning, K.; Shan, W.; Shao, M.; Shen, C. P.; Shen, P. X.; Shen, X. Y.; Sheng, H. Y.; Song, J. J.; Song, X. Y.; Sosio, S.; Sowa, C.; Spataro, S.; Sun, G. X.; Sun, J. F.; Sun, S. S.; Sun, X. H.; Sun, Y. J.; Sun, Y. K.; Sun, Y. Z.; Sun, Z. J.; Sun, Z. T.; Tang, C. J.; Tang, G. Y.; Tang, X.; Tapan, I.; Tiemens, M.; Tsednee, B. T.; Uman, I.; Varner, G. S.; Wang, B.; Wang, B. L.; Wang, D.; Wang, D. Y.; Wang, Dan; Wang, K.; Wang, L. L.; Wang, L. S.; Wang, M.; Wang, P.; Wang, P. L.; Wang, W. P.; Wang, X. F.; Wang, Y. D.; Wang, Y. F.; Wang, Y. Q.; Wang, Z.; Wang, Z. G.; Wang, Z. H.; Wang, Z. Y.; Wang, Z. Y.; Weber, T.; Wei, D. H.; Weidenkaff, P.; Wen, S. P.; Wiedner, U.; Wolke, M.; Wu, L. H.; Wu, L. J.; Wu, Z.; Xia, L.; Xia, Y.; Xiao, D.; Xiao, H.; Xiao, Y. J.; Xiao, Z. J.; Xie, Y. G.; Xie, Y. H.; Xiong, X. A.; Xiu, Q. L.; Xu, G. F.; Xu, J. J.; Xu, L.; Xu, Q. J.; Xu, Q. N.; Xu, X. P.; Yan, L.; Yan, W. B.; Yan, W. C.; Yan, Y. H.; Yang, H. J.; Yang, H. X.; Yang, L.; Yang, Y. H.; Yang, Y. X.; Ye, M.; Ye, M. H.; Yin, J. H.; You, Z. Y.; Yu, B. X.; Yu, C. X.; Yu, J. S.; Yuan, C. Z.; Yuan, Y.; Yuncu, A.; Zafar, A. A.; Zeng, Y.; Zeng, Z.; Zhang, B. X.; Zhang, B. Y.; Zhang, C. C.; Zhang, D. H.; Zhang, H. H.; Zhang, H. Y.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, J. L.; Zhang, J. Q.; Zhang, J. W.; Zhang, J. Y.; Zhang, J. Z.; Zhang, K.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, S. Q.; Zhang, X. Y.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Y. H.; Zhang, Y. T.; Zhang, Yu; Zhang, Z. H.; Zhang, Z. P.; Zhang, Z. Y.; Zhao, G.; Zhao, J. W.; Zhao, J. Y.; Zhao, J. Z.; Zhao, Lei; Zhao, Ling; Zhao, M. G.; Zhao, Q.; Zhao, S. J.; Zhao, T. C.; Zhao, Y. B.; Zhao, Z. G.; Zhemchugov, A.; Zheng, B.; Zheng, J. P.; Zheng, W. J.; Zheng, Y. H.; Zhong, B.; Zhou, L.; Zhou, X.; Zhou, X. K.; Zhou, X. R.; Zhou, X. Y.; Zhou, Y. X.; Zhu, K.; Zhu, K. J.; Zhu, S.; Zhu, S. H.; Zhu, X. L.; Zhu, Y. C.; Zhu, Y. S.; Zhu, Z. A.; Zhuang, J.; Zotti, L.; Zou, B. S.; Zou, J. H.; Besiii Collaboration


    Using e+e- collision data collected with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII collider corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 5.2 fb-1 at center-of-mass energies (√{s }) from 4.009 to 4.600 GeV, the process e+e-→π0π0ψ (3686 ) is studied for the first time. The corresponding Born cross sections are measured and found to be half of those of the reaction e+e-→π+π-ψ (3686 ). This is consistent with the expectation from isospin symmetry. Furthermore, the Dalitz plots for π0π0ψ (3686 ) are accordant with those of π+π-ψ (3686 ) at all energy points, and a neutral analog to the structure in π±ψ (3686 ) around 4040 MeV /c2 first observed at √{s }=4.416 GeV is observed in the isospin neutral mode at the same energy.

  15. Enhanced electrochemical performance and thermal stability of LiNi0.80Co0.15Al0.05O2 via nano-sized LiMnPO4 coating

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duan, Jianguo; Wu, Ceng; Cao, Yanbing; Du, Ke; Peng, Zhongdong; Hu, Guorong


    Highlights: • LiMnPO 4 was introduced to modify Ni-rich cathode materials. • LiMnPO 4 uniformly coated NCA composite has been constructed successfully. • Olivine structured skin restrains the formation of residues on NCA during cycling. • LiMnPO 4 improves the structural and thermal stability of NCA@LMP. - Abtract: LiNi 0.80 Co 0.15 Al 0.05 O 2 has been widely pursued as an alternative to LiCoO 2 cathode materials for lithium ion batteries because of its high capacity and acceptable cycling property. However, that NCA can react with commercialized electrolyte during cycling restrains its wide use. Here, olivine structured LiMnPO 4 has been introduced to modify the surface of NCA by a sol-gel method. Characterizations from structure, morphology and composition analysis technologies demonstrate that a LiMnPO 4 layer has been uniformly coated on NCA particles. The electrochemical performance and thermo stability of modified samples are characterized by electrochemical tests, XRD and metallic nail penetration tests. The olivine structured skin, which provides structural and thermal stability, is used to encapsulate the high powered core via using the effective coating technique. The modified material displays a high discharge capacity of 211.0 mAh g −1 at 0.2 C and better rate performance and promoted cycling stability than the uncoated control sample. Furthermore, the thermal stability of coated sample in the delithiated state is upgraded to the pristine powders remarkably.

  16. Effect of Ni substitution on the structural and transport properties of Ni{sub x}Mn{sub 0.8-x}Mg{sub 0.2}Fe{sub 2}O{sub 4}; 0.0 {<=} x {<=} 0.40 ferrite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ahmed, M.A., E-mail: [Materials Science Lab (1), Physics Dept., Faculty of Science, Cairo Univ., Giza (Egypt); Bishay, Samiha T. [Phys. Dept., Faculty of Girls for Art, Science and Education, Ain Shams Univ., Cairo (Egypt); El-dek, S.I.; Omar, G. [Materials Science Lab (1), Physics Dept., Faculty of Science, Cairo Univ., Giza (Egypt)


    Research highlights: We aimed to merge the advantages of both Ni and Mn ferrites and to profit from the existence of Mg in small constant ratio to assure the large magnetization of the ferrite under investigation. To achieve such goals one have to investigate the effect of Ni substitution on the structural and electrical properties of Mn-Mg ferrite of the chemical formula Ni{sub x}Mn{sub 0.8-x}Mg{sub 0.2}Fe{sub 2}O{sub 4}; 0 {<=} x {<=} 0.40 prepared by conventional ceramic technique. - Abstract: Ni{sub x}Mn{sub 0.8-x}Mg{sub 0.2}Fe{sub 2}O{sub 4}; 0.0{<=} x {<=}0.40 was prepared by standard ceramic technique, presintering was carried out at 900 deg. C and final sintering at 1200 deg. C with heating/cooling rate 4 deg. C/min. X-ray diffraction analyses assured the formation of the samples in a single phase spinel cubic structure. The calculated crystal size was obtained in the range of 75-130 nm. A slight increase in the theoretical density and decrease in the porosity was obtained with increasing the nickel content. This result was discussed based on the difference in the atomic masses between Ni (58.71) and Mn (54.938). IR spectral analyses show four bands of the spinel ferrite for all the samples. The conductivity and dielectric loss factor give nearly continuous decrease with increasing Ni-content. This was discussed as the result of the significant role of the multivalent cations, such as iron, nickel, manganese, in the conduction mechanism. Anomalous behavior was obtained for the sample with x = 0.20 as highest dielectric constant, highest dielectric loss and highest conductivity. This anomalous behavior was explained due to the existence of two divalent cations on B-sites with the same ratio, namely, Mg{sup 2+} and Ni{sup 2+}.

  17. Fluorination of La{sub 2−x}Sr{sub x}CuO{sub 4} (x = 0, 0.15, 0.3) and study on the crystal structures, magnetic properties of their fluorinated products

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, Xiuhua [Division of Nanomaterials and Chemistry, Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale, Department of Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026 (China); Tang, Kaibin, E-mail: [Division of Nanomaterials and Chemistry, Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale, Department of Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026 (China); Zeng, Suyuan [Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Chemical Energy Storage and Novel Cell Technology, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Liaocheng University, Liaocheng 252059 (China); Hao, Qiaoyan; Wang, Dake; Gao, Zhan; Wang, Yan [Division of Nanomaterials and Chemistry, Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale, Department of Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026 (China)


    Highlights: • Fluorination of La{sub 2−x}Sr{sub x}CuO{sub 4} (x = 0, 0.15, 0.3) by ZnF{sub 2} with few byproducts. • Less of impurities are benefit to research its structure and properties. • Suffering a phase transformation and unit cell expansion after fluorination. • Determining chemical formula and fluorine ions occupation of fluorinated product. - Abstract: Here we report using the transition metal difluoride ZnF{sub 2} to fluorinate K{sub 2}NiF{sub 4}-type cuprates La{sub 2−x}Sr{sub x}CuO{sub 4} (x = 0, 1.5, 0.3). Unlike other fluorinating agents, the technique is nontoxic, easy to handle and the byproduct ZnO can be removed. After fluorination, the fluorinated product of La{sub 2}CuO{sub 4} suffers a phase transformation and unit cell expansion. While La{sub 1.85}Sr{sub 0.15}CuO{sub 4} and La{sub 1.7}Sr{sub 0.3}CuO{sub 4} indicate no change in structure after fluorination, their space groups still are I/4mmm, however, their lattices become larger, too. We emphasis the structural characterizations for fluorinated product of La{sub 1.7}Sr{sub 0.3}CuO{sub 4} by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) images and electron diffraction (ED) patterns. Moreover, we determine the chemical formula to be La{sub 1.54}Sr{sub 0.46}CuO{sub 3.1}F{sub 0.9} and the fluorine ions are prone to be located in the apical sites of the Cu(O, F){sub 6} octahedron in the structure of post-treated fluorinated product of La{sub 1.7}Sr{sub 0.3}CuO{sub 4}. Magnetization investigations demonstrate that partial replacement of the lanthanum by strontium changes the magnetism of post-treated fluorinated products of La{sub 2−x}Sr{sub x}CuO{sub 4} (x = 0, 0.15, 0.3) and they exhibit a paramagnetic behavior.

  18. Nickel-doped (Zr0.8, Sn0.2)TiO4 for microwave and millimeter-wave applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ioachim, A.; Banciu, M.G.; Toacsan, M.I.; Nedelcu, L.; Ghetu, D.; Alexandru, H.V.; Stoica, G.; Annino, G.; Cassettari, M.; Martinelli, M.


    (Zr 0.8 , Sn 0.2 )TiO 4 ternary compounds (ZST) have been prepared by conventional solid-state reaction from raw materials. The effects of such sintering parameters as sintering temperature, sintering time, and NiO addition on structural and dielectric properties were investigated. The material exhibits a dielectric constant ε r ∼36.0 and high values of the product Qf of the intrinsic quality factor Q and the frequency f from 32,170 to 50,000 at microwave frequencies. The dielectric loss tan δ values of ZST ceramics are decreased by low-level doping of NiO, while the temperature coefficient of the resonance frequency τ f takes values in the range -2 to +4 ppm/ deg. C. Investigations on whispering gallery modes revealed low dielectric loss in millimetre-wave domain. An intrinsic quality factor of 480 was measured at 115.6 GHz. Dielectric resonators and substrates of ZST material were manufactured. The dielectric properties make the ZST material very attractive to microwave and millimeter-wave applications, such as dielectric resonators, filters, planar antennas, hybrid microwave integrated circuits, etc

  19. File list: His.Emb.20.AllAg.0-4h_embryos [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available His.Emb.20.AllAg.0-4h_embryos dm3 Histone Embryo 0-4h embryos SRX013030,SRX013003,S...RX013029,SRX013103,SRX1426953,SRX1426951,SRX013031,SRX013094 ...

  20. Environmentally benign novel green pigments: Pr1–xCaxPO4 (x= 0 ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Rare earth based materials have recently attracted considerable attention as potential eco-friendly colourants for low temperature as well as high temperature applications. In the present study, we have synthesized a series of Ca-doped PrPO4 compounds with the general formula, Pr1–CaPO4 ( = 00.4 in steps of 0.1) ...

  1. Comparison between La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-d and LaNi0.6Co0.4O3-d infiltrated oxygen electrodes for long-term durable solid oxide fuel cells

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ovtar, Simona; Hauch, Anne; Veltzé, Sune


    The degradation of infiltrated oxygen electrodes during long-term operation of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) was studied. The infiltrated oxygen electrodes were prepared by infiltration of the electro-catalysts La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-d (LSC) and LaNi0.6Co0.4O3-d (LCN) into a porous yttria stabilized...... conducted and the change of resistance was followed by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy under current load. The cell performance degradation profiles of the LSC and LCN infiltrated cells showed significant differences. The performance of the LSC infiltrated cell stabilized after 700 h of operation...

  2. Various properties of the 0.6BaTiO3–0.4Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Sep 6, 2016 ... This property pro- motes the magnetoelectric energy conversion and thus ... Wet mixing was done with ethanol to obtain a homogeneous powder mix- ... rite was prepared by mixing NiO, ZnO and Fe2O3 in. 0.5:0.5:1 molar ...

  3. Industry 4.0 and the New Simulation Modelling Paradigm

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    Rodič Blaž


    Full Text Available Background and Purpose: The aim of this paper is to present the influence of Industry 4.0 on the development of the new simulation modelling paradigm, embodied by the Digital Twin concept, and examine the adoption of the new paradigm via a multiple case study involving real-life R&D cases involving academia and industry.

  4. Mg{sub x}Mn{sub (1-x)}(BH{sub 4}){sub 2} (x = 0-0.8), a cation solid solution in a bimetallic borohydride

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cerny, Radovan, E-mail: [Laboratory of Crystallography, University of Geneva, 1211 Geneva (Switzerland); Penin, Nicolas [Laboratory of Crystallography, University of Geneva, 1211 Geneva (Switzerland); CNRS, Universite de Bordeaux 1, ICMCB, 87 Avenue du Docteur Albert Schweitzer, F-33608 Pessac Cedex (France); D' Anna, Vincenza; Hagemann, Hans [Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Geneva, 1211 Geneva (Switzerland); Durand, Etienne [CNRS, Universite de Bordeaux 1, ICMCB, 87 Avenue du Docteur Albert Schweitzer, F-33608 Pessac Cedex (France); Ruzicka, Jakub [Charles University, Faculty of Science, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Hlavova 2030, 128 40, Prague 2 (Czech Republic)


    Highlights: {yields} The magnesium and manganese borohydrides form a solid solution Mg{sub x}Mn{sub (1-x)}(BH{sub 4}){sub 2} (x = 0-0.8) which conserves the trigonal structure of Mn{sub (}(BH{sub 4}){sub 2}. {yields} Coexistence of both trigonal and hexagonal borohydrides occurs within nominal composition ranging from x{sub Mg} = 0.8-0.9. {yields} The decomposition temperature of trigonal Mg{sub x}Mn{sub (1-x)}(BH{sub 4}){sub 2} (x = 0-0.8) does not vary significantly with magnesium content (433-453 K). {yields} The desorbed gas contains mostly hydrogen and 3-7.5 mol.% of diborane B{sub 2}H{sub 6}. - Abstract: A solid solution of magnesium and manganese borohydrides was studied by in situ synchrotron radiation X-ray powder diffraction and infrared spectroscopy. A combination of thermogravimetry, mass and infrared spectroscopy, and atomic emission spectroscopy were applied to clarify the thermal gas desorption of pure Mn(BH{sub 4}){sub 2} and a solid solution of composition Mg{sub 0.5}Mn{sub 0.5}(BH{sub 4}){sub 2}. Mg{sub x}Mn{sub (1-x)}(BH{sub 4}){sub 2} (x = 0-0.8) conserves the trigonal structure of Mn(BH{sub 4}){sub 2} at room temperature. Manganese is dissolved in the hexagonal structure of {alpha}-Mg(BH{sub 4}){sub 2}, with the upper solubility limit not exceeding 10 mol.% at room temperature. There exists a two-phase region of trigonal and hexagonal borohydrides within the compositional range x = 0.8-0.9 at room temperature. Infrared spectra show splitting of various vibrational modes, indicating the presence of two cations in the trigonal Mg{sub x}Mn{sub (1-x)}(BH{sub 4}){sub 2} solid solutions, as well as the appearance of a second phase, hexagonal {alpha}-Mg(BH{sub 4}){sub 2}, at higher magnesium contents. All vibrational frequencies are shifted to higher values with increasing magnesium content. The decomposition temperature of the trigonal Mg{sub x}Mn{sub (1-x)}(BH{sub 4}){sub 2} (x = 0-0.8) does not vary significantly as a function of the magnesium

  5. Effect of boron addition on the microstructures and electrochemical properties of MmNi3.8Co0.4Mn0.6Al0.2 electrode alloys prepared by casting and rapid quenching

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Yanghuan; Chen Meiyan; Wang Xinlin; Wang Guoqing; Lin Yufang; Qi Yan


    The rapid quenching technology was used in the preparation of the MmNi 3.8 Co 0.4 Mn 0.6 Al 0.2 B x (x=0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4) electrode alloys. The microstructures and electrochemical performances of the as-cast and quenched alloys were analysed and measured. The effects of boron additive on the microstructures and electrochemical properties of as-cast and quenched alloy MmNi 3.8 Co 0.4 Mn 0.6 Al 0.2 were investigated. The experimental results showed that the microstructure of as-cast MmNi 3.8 Co 0.4 Mn 0.6 Al 0.2 B x (x=0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4) alloy is composed of CaCu 5 -type main phase and a small amount of CeCo 4 B-type secondary phase. The abundance of the secondary phase increases with the increase of the boron content x. The secondary phase in the alloys disappears when quenching rate is larger than 22 m/s. The electrochemical measurement showed that the addition of boron slightly modifies the activation performance and dramatically enhances the cycle life of the alloys, whereas it reduces the capacities of the as-cast and quenched alloys. The influence of boron additive on the electrochemical characteristics of the as-quenched alloy is much stronger than that on the as-cast alloy. It is because boron strongly promotes the formation of the amorphous phase in the as-quenched alloy

  6. Italy’s “Industry 4.0” Plan: A labour law analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michele Tiraboschi


    Full Text Available New technologies and productive models lie at the heart of so-called Indus-try 4.0, a concept which has recently entered socio-economic and political discourse in a number of countries. Lately, Italy too has presented an action plan on Industry 4.0 and some operational measures on this issue have al-ready been envisaged in the Budget Law for 2017. Consequently, the aim of this paper is to look at Italy’s Industry 4.0 plan, focusing on consequences arising from labour law. The labour law perspective has been given scant consideration in the public debate, seeing that so far the latter has given pri-ority on technological aspects and on economic resources needed to imple-ment the plan. An approach of this kind enables us to appreciate the major changes that the Industry 4.0 paradigm will bring about in labour markets – either inside or outside companies – and in industrial relations. The idea of labour and that of doing business will also be questioned, leading to the conclusion that labour rules and active policies can also be factors enabling new productive processes. Examining the major challenges posed by Indus-try 4.0 to workers and employers (e.g. the crisis of subordination, the new roles of skills, the risk of technological unemployment, new decentralized and participatory forms of collective bargaining, this paper sets out to iden-tify actions and perspectives to manage current changes, focusing on work-ers rather than on those technologies that will be used to work in the years to come. In the authors’ opinion, this perspective might help raise awareness that labour law is not only tasked with providing protection and resources and with favouring production, but it has important functions in historical and political terms. Therefore, this branch of law is not doomed to be set aside following the demise of Fordism, but it will innovate over time to ena-ble and balance the new productive model underlying Industry 4.0., particu

  7. Mechanical neutron velocity selector for wavelengths over 0.4 nm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tieben, H.; Wendt, W.


    A mechanical velocity selector with twisted acrylic glass plates glued to the rotor is described. The selector is designed for use in the neutron wavelength region above 0.4 nanometers. The transmission is 62% and the full width at half maximum of the triangular spectrum of the transmitted neutrons with the wavelength lambda sub(o) is +- 0.06 lambda sub(o). The rotor runs in the vacuum; it is magnetically coupled to the drive motor, its speed is stabilized to maximum deviations of 0.03%. The application of the selector in studies of bloch walls is described. (orig.) [de

  8. Moessbauer study of (Fe1-x Cu x )4N (0.05≤x≤0.15) films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    El Khiraoui, S.; Sajieddine, M.; Vergnat, M.; Bauer, Ph.; Mabrouki, M.


    In this work, we have prepared nitrogenated Fe 1- x Cu x alloys by reactive evaporation under a flow of nitrogen ions. After annealing, X-ray diffraction shows that we have synthesized the γ'-(Fe 1- x Cu x ) 4 N (0.05≤x≤0.15) compounds. The films were investigated by Moessbauer spectroscopy. The crystallographic structure and the respective positions of the Fe and Cu atoms in the compounds have been determined

  9. Internal friction and longitudinal modulus behaviour of multiferroic PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3+Ni0.93Co0.02Mn0.05Fe1.95O4-δ particulate composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramana, M Venkata; Sreenivasulu, G; Reddy, N Ramamanohar; Kumar, K V Siva; Murty, B S; Murthy, V R K


    Multiferroic particulate composites with composition xNi 0.93 Co 0.02 Mn 0.5 Fe 1.95 O 4-δ + (1 - x)PbZr 0.52 Ti 0.48 O 3 where the molar fraction x varies as 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 were prepared by the conventional ceramic method. The presence of two phases was confirmed by x-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The temperature variation of the longitudinal modulus (L) and the internal friction (Q -1 ) of these particulate composites at 104.387 kHz was studied in the wide temperature range 30-420 deg. C. The temperature variation of the longitudinal modulus (L) in each composition of these particulate composites showed two abrupt minima. One minimum coincided with the ferroelectric-paraelectric Curie transition temperature (θ E ) and the other with the ferrimagnetic-paramagnetic Curie transition (θ M ) temperature. The internal friction (Q -1 ) measurements also showed two sharp peaks in each composition corresponding to those temperatures where the minima were noticed in the temperature variation of the longitudinal modulus behaviour. The Curie transition temperature of pure ferrite was found to be 560 deg. C. Addition of 10% of ferrite to ferroelectric in a magnetoelectric (ME) composite resulted in a 360 deg. C fall in θ M and with a further increase in ferrite content the θ M variation was found to be very nominal. However, no significant ferroelectric Curie transition temperature shift could be noticed. This behaviour is explained in the light of structural phase transitions in these multiferroic particulate composites. These ME composites were prepared with a view to using them as ME sensors and transducers

  10. Preparation and electrochemical properties of homogeneous carbon-coated LiFe0.9Mn0.1PO4 as cathode material for lithium-ion batteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu, Yang; Yu, Jingang; Peng, Sui; Liu, Suqin; Wei, Zhongqiang; Li, Xianhong; Li, Yajuan


    Homogeneous carbon-coated LiFe 0.9 Mn 0.1 PO 4 cathode material was synthesized by one-step solid-state reaction using glucose as carbon source. Powder X-ray diffractometry (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), cyclic voltammetry (CV), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and galvanostatic measurements were employed to characterize the samples. Mn-doping and carbon co-modification did not affect the olivine structure of LiFePO 4 , but improved its kinetics in terms of capacity delivery, polarization and rate capability. When compared with the undoped LiFePO 4 /C, the LiFe 0.9 Mn 0.1 PO 4 /C sample presented good size distribution - around 100-200 nm - and better electrochemical performance. At current rates of 0.1, 1.0, 3.0 and 10.0 C (C = 170 mA g -1 ), the LiFe 0.9 Mn 0.1 PO 4 /C electrode delivered discharge capacities of 154.1, 138.8, 120.0 and 94.0 mA h g -1 , respectively. Results obtained by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) indicated that the polarization and charge transfer resistance of the sample were greatly decreased by Mn-doping. (author)

  11. Crystal structure of superparamagnetic Mg0.2Ca0.8Fe2O4 nanoparticles synthesized by sol–gel method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Escamilla-Pérez, A.M.; Cortés-Hernández, D.A.; Almanza-Robles, J.M.; Mantovani, D.; Chevallier, P.


    Powders of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (Mg 0.2 Ca 0.8 Fe 2 O 4 ) were prepared by a sol–gel method using ethylene glycol and nitrates of Fe, Ca and Mg as starting materials. Those powders were heat treated at different temperatures (573, 673, 773 and 873 K). In order to evaluate the effect of the heat treatment temperature on the nanoferrites properties, X-ray diffraction (XRD), vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) techniques were used. It was found that the reaction products exhibit nanometric sizes and superparamagnetic behavior. It is also demonstrated that, as the heat treatment temperature increases, the particle size and the saturation magnetization of the nanoferrites are increased. - Highlights: • Mg 0.2 Ca 0.8 Fe 2 O 4 superparamagnetic nanoparticles were successfully synthesized. • Particle average sizes of Ca–Mg ferrites were within the range of 8–25 nm. • The nanoferrite treated at 873 K showed a stoichiometry close to Mg 0.2 Ca 0.8 Fe 2 O 4 . • The heat treatment temperature has a strong effect on the crystal structure. • These nanoparticles are potential materials for magnetic hyperthermia

  12. Solid-state synthesis in the system Na0.8NbyW1-yO3 with 0≤y≤0.4: A new phase, Na0.5NbO2.75, with perovskite-type structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Debnath, Tapas; Ruescher, Claus H.; Gesing, Thorsten M.; Koepke, Juergen; Hussain, Altaf


    Series of compounds in the system Na x Nb y W 1-y O 3 were prepared according to the appropriate molar ratio of Na 2 WO 4 , WO 3 , WO 2 and Nb 2 O 5 with x=0.80 and 0.0≤y≤0.4 at 600 deg. C in evacuated silica glass tubes. These compounds were investigated by X-ray powder diffraction, optical microscopy, microprobe analysis, Raman and optical microspectroscopy. A y-dependent separation into three distinct coloured crystallites with cubic perovskite-type structures is observed: (i) red-orange crystallites with composition Na x WO 3 with slightly decreasing x (i.e. 0.8-0.72) with increasing nominal y, (ii) bluish solid solution of composition Na x Nb y W 1-y O 3 and (iii) white crystallites of a new phase having defect perovskite-type structure with composition Na 0.5 NbO 2.75 . - Graphical abstract: Optical micrograph of a polished sample of nominal composition Na 0.8 Nb 0.4 W 0.6 O 3 showing a mixture of three different coloured crystals: red, light blue and white. The scale bar is 30 μm

  13. El valor de la opinión en los noticieros televisivos chilenos de hoy el caso de 24 horas central de TVN

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    Jimena Maiz Sáenz-Villarreal


    Full Text Available Con la cultura de masas y como efecto de la búsqueda de consenso propia de la democracia, la opinión, entendida como juicio de valor, se ha incorporado en los noticieros televisivos como medio de legitimación para el líder que la emite y como forma de identificación para el receptor que se sienta representado por ella. Por ello, su intención es generar un acercamiento con el destinatario, tratando de impactar, al mismo tiempo, su inteligencia y sus emociones, para orientarlo en algún sentido a través de opiniones propiamente tales, expresión de sentimientos y apelaciones. El presente trabajo busca demostrar este planteamiento mediante el análisis semiótico del noticiario 24 horas Central de TVN, utilizando para ello el paradigma de Charles Morris.

  14. Charge dynamics of 57Fe probe atoms in La2Li0.5Cu0.5O4 (United States)

    Presniakov, I. A.; Sobolev, A. V.; Rusakov, V. S.; Moskvin, A. S.; Baranov, A. V.


    The objective of this study is to characterize the electronic state and local surrounding of 57Fe Mössbauer probe atoms within iron-doped layered perovskite La2Li0.5Cu0.5O4 containing transition metal in unusual formal oxidation states "+3". An approach based on the qualitative energy diagrams analysis and the calculations within the cluster configuration interaction method have been developed. It was shown that a large amount of charge is transferred via Cu-O bonds from the O: 2p bands to the Cu: 3d orbitals and the ground state is dominated by the d9L configuration ("Cu2+-O-" state). The dominant d9L ground state for the (CuO6) sublattice induces in the environment of the 57Fe probe cations a charge transfer Fe3+ + O-(L) → Fe4+ + O2-, which transforms "Fe3+" into "Fe4+" state. The experimental spectra in the entire temperature range 77-300 K were described with the use of the stochastic two-level model based on the assumption of dynamic equilibrium between two Fe3+↔Fe4+ valence states related to the iron atom in the [Fe(1)O4]4- center. The relaxation frequencies and activation energies of the corresponding charge fluctuations were estimated based on Mössbauer data. The results are discussed assuming a temperature-induced change in the electronic state of the [CuO4]5- clusters in the layered perovskite.

  15. Influence of Zr substitution on the stabilization of ThMn12-type (Nd1−αZrα(Fe0.75Co0.2511.25Ti0.75N1.2−1.4 (α = 00.3 compounds

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    N. Sakuma


    Full Text Available The influence of Zr substitution in ThMn12 compounds was investigated using strip casting alloys. It was found that Zr substitution stabilized (Nd1−αZrα(Fe0.75Co0.2511.25Ti0.75N1.2−1.4 (α = 00.3 compounds. Specifically, a reduction in the lattice constant along the a-axis was observed. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy mapping combined with Cs-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy indicated that Zr atoms preferentially occupied Nd 2a sites. Both the magnetic anisotropy field and saturation polarization were maximum at Zr substitution ratio α = 0.1. The (Nd1−αZrα(Fe0.75Co0.2511.25Ti0.75N1.2−1.4 (α = 00.3 compounds displayed higher saturation polarization than Nd2Fe14B at high temperatures.

  16. Structural, dielectric and magnetic properties of Bi{sub 0.8}Ba{sub 0.2}Fe{sub 0.6}Mn{sub 0.4}O{sub 3} ceramic

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rangi, Manisha, E-mail:; Sanghi, S.; Agarwal, A.; Kaswan, K.; Jangra, S.; Singh, O. [Department of Applied Physics, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar 125001, Haryana (India)


    Polycrystalline Bi{sub 0.8}Ba{sub 0.2}Fe{sub 0.6}Mn{sub 0.4}O{sub 3} ceramic was synthesized via conventional two stage solid state reaction method. The crystal structure is examined via powder x-ray diffraction and Rietveld refinement revealed that the sample has a rhombohedral crystal structure (space group R3c). The dielectric response of the sample was analyzed in the frequency range 10 Hz to 5 MHz at different temperature. The values of dielectric constant (ε′) and dielectric loss factor (tan δ) increases with increasing temperature at different frequencies which may be the result of increase in the number of charge carriers and their mobilities due to the thermal activation. M-H hysteresis loop was recorded at room temperature up to a field of 15 kOe which shows that there is slightly enhancement in magnetization with co-doping.

  17. Magnetic and conductivity study on Mn0.5Ru0.5Co2O4 spinel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bhowmik, R.N.; Ranganathan, R.


    The magnetic measurements suggest that Mn 0.5 Ru 0.5 Co 2 O 4 is a ferrimagnet with T c ≅ 140 K followed by irreversibility between zero field cooled and field cooled magnetization and peak in zero field cooled maximum at T m ≅ 100 K on decreasing the temperature. The scaling analysis of the conductivity (G) as a function of frequency (f) with functional form G p (f)/G o ∼ (f/f c ) n suggests two activated regimes at above and below of 210 K, respectively. The G o vs T shows semi-conducting behaviour of the sample. (author)

  18. Luminescent properties of stabled hexagonal phase Sr1-xBaxAl2O4:Eu2+ (x=0.37-0.70)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu Qiaoli; Liu Zhen; Jiao Huan


    Stabled hexagonal phase Sr 1-x Ba x Al 2 O 4 :Eu 2+ (x=0.37-0.70) was prepared by solid-state method. Result revealed that the structure behavior of the SrAl 2 O 4 :Eu 2+ calcined at 1350 deg. C in a reducing atmosphere for 5 h strongly depended on the Ba 2+ concentration. With increasing Ba 2+ concentration, a characteristic hexagonal phase can be observed. When 37-70% of the strontium is replaced by barium, the structure of the prepared sample is pure hexagonal. Photoluminescence and excitation spectra of the samples with different x and doped with 2% Eu 2+ were investigated. Changes in the emission spectra were observed in the two different phases. The green emission at 505 nm from Eu 2+ was found to be quite strong in the hexagonal phase. The intensity and peak position of the green luminescence from Eu 2+ changed with increasing content of Ba 2+ . The strongest green emission was obtained from Sr 0.61 Ba 0.37 Al 2 O 4 :Eu 2+ . The decay characteristics of Sr 1-x Ba x Al 2 O 4 :Eu 2+ (x=0.37-0.70) showed that the life times also varied with the value of x. Furthermore, the emission colors and decay times varying with x could be ascribed to the variation of crystal lattice.

  19. Evidence for phonon-mediated coupling in superconducting Ba0.6K0.4BiO3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hinks, D.G.; Dabrowski, B.; Richards, D.R.; Jorgensen, J.D.; Pei, S.; Zasadzinski, J.F.


    Superconducting Ba 0.6 K 0.4 BiO 3 , with a T c of 30 K, shows a large 18 O isotope effect which indicates that phonons are involved in the pairing mechanism. Infrared reflectivity measurements indicate a value for the superconducting gap consistent with moderate coupling (2Δ/k T c = 3.5 ± 0.5). A mediating energy for pairing of about 40 meV would be required to obtain a T c of 30 K. Strong coupling of electrons by optical phonons (which are present in this material with energies up to 80 meV) could account for the observed transition temperature. Recent tunneling spectroscopy shows the presence of strongly coupled optical phonons in the 40 to 70 meV region, indicating that superconductivity in this material may be phonon mediated

  20. Aging phenomena in Cu{sub 0.1}Ni{sub 0.8}Co{sub 0.2}Mn{sub 1.9}O{sub 4} NTC ceramics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shpotyuk, O.; Vakiv, M.; Mrooz, O. [Scientific Research Co. ' ' Carat' ' , Lviv (Ukraine); Hadzaman, I. [Scientific Research Co. ' ' Carat' ' , Lviv (Ukraine); Drohobych State Pedagogical Univ., Drohobych (Ukraine); Plewa, J.; Uphoff, H.; Altenburg, H. [Fachhochschule Muenster, Steinfurt (Germany)


    Aging effects in Cu{sub 0.1}Ni{sub 0.8}Co{sub 0.2}Mn{sub 1.9}O{sub 4} NTC ceramics were studied for the first time by electrical and microstructural measurements. The increase in resistivity induced by aging tests at 125 and 170 C during 1000 h was observed. The changes of the electrical properties of the investigated NTC thermistors were explained, using the results of ceramics microstructural characterization, thermogravimetry, optical and electron microscopy techniques. (orig.)