
Sample records for em herbert marcuse

  1. Herbert Marcuse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dupont, Søren


    Artiklen placerer Herbert Marcuse som en kritisk tværvidenskabelig tænker med linier til både Karl Marx og Sigmund Freud. Den utopiske dimension hos Herbert Marcuse præsenteres og diskuteres.......Artiklen placerer Herbert Marcuse som en kritisk tværvidenskabelig tænker med linier til både Karl Marx og Sigmund Freud. Den utopiske dimension hos Herbert Marcuse præsenteres og diskuteres....

  2. Arte e reconciliação em Herbert Marcuse Art and reconciliation in Herbert Marcuse's thought

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    Rafael Cordeiro Silva


    Full Text Available O artigo pretende explicitar a relação entre arte e reconciliação no pensamento de Herbert Marcuse, considerando-se vários de seus escritos que tocam no tema. Ao longo deles, percebe-se que o uso do termo reconciliação assume um duplo significado: por um lado, significa a possibilidade de que os temas sublimados da cultura possam ser efetivados no plano das relações materiais, o que implicaria o desaparecimento da arte; por outro, significa a imagem de um mundo harmonizado que a arte preserva em si e que se distancia da ordem social. Sob esse aspecto, a arte permanece utopia.This paper aims to clarify the relation between art and reconciliation in Herbert Marcuse's thought, according to some of his writings concerning the subject. These works employ the term "reconciliation" with two meanings: it means the possibility of effectuating within material relations the sublimed cultural themes and this would result in the disappearance of the art; on the other hand, it means the image of a harmonic world which art preserves in itself and that stays away from social order. Under this aspect, art remains utopia.

  3. Herbert Marcuse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Mihail


    For en hel generation af unge i Vesten kom den tysk-amerikanske filosof Herbert Marcuse (1898-1979) i 1960’erne til at spille en vigtig rolle som en inspirator til en ny læsning af Marx. Den kolde krig delte vandene mellem kapitalisme og kommunisme, og for de fleste var kommunismen ikke noget...... af Marcuse, der lidt til sin egen overraskelse pludselig blev del af en bredere ’bevægelse’: 60’ernes vestlige ungdoms- og studenteroprør. Det var ikke mindst ham, der for en bredere kreds banede vejen for en ny læsning af Marx, fordi han med begreber og tanker fra bl.a. Marx kunne sætte ord på de...

  4. Sobre a alteridade do artista em relação ao mundo que o cerca, segundo Herbert Marcuse

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    Imaculada Kangussu


    Full Text Available O artigo apresenta a primeira reflexão de Herbert Marcuse a respeito da separação entre arte e vida, desenvolvida em sua tese de doutorado, Der deutsche Kunstlerroman (O romance do artista alemão. A dissonância entre o mundo da arte e o mundo da vida percebida nesse texto inicial permeia o pensamento do filósofo em toda sua obra futura. A infinita riqueza interior da imaginação e da criatividade humana será sempre vista em conflito estético e social com o chamado mundo real.The article presents the first Herbert Marcuse reflection towards the separation between art and life, which is developed in his doctoral dissertation, Der deutsche Kunstlerroman (The German Artist Novel. The dissonance between the world of art and that of life per pass the philosopher thought and all his future works. The infinite inner richness of human imagination will always be in aesthetic and social conflict with the so-called real world.

  5. Herbert Marcuse, Grandfather of the New Left. (United States)

    Bourne, Tom


    A little over ten years ago, Herbert Marcuse found himself in the cross fire of the student movement. The radical right saw in Marcuse an incitement to revolutionary action, but individualism distinguished him from doctrinaire Marxists. He upheld the importance of pure contemplation and theory. (MLW)

  6. Herbert Marcuse vai a Paris, Texas

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    Patrick Pessoa


    Full Text Available Este ensaio fornece uma interpretação do filme Paris, Texas, de Wim Wenders, à luz da dialética da civilização como apresentada por Herbert Marcuse em Eros e civilização: uma interpretação filosófica do pensamento de Freud. Para que a “aplicação” do pensamento de Marcuse ao filme de Wenders não soterre a obra de arte com filosofemas previamente existentes e de uso disseminado, o contato entre a imagem do cineasta e a palavra do filósofo acontece em uma via de mão dupla. Assim, se a princípio a caracterização marcuseana da dialética entre a pulsão erótica e as demandas da civilização serve para articular algumas das imagens do filme de Wenders, tentamos mostrar, no final de nosso percurso, como o filme de Wenders permite a formulação de algumas questões que tornam visível o quanto o próprio Marcuse negligenciou uma das principais contribuições de Freud para a reflexão estética: a relação essencial entre a pulsão de morte e a negatividade da arte.

  7. Herbert Marcuse's Critical Theory of the Media. (United States)

    Daley, Patrick J.

    As a member of the Frankfurt School of critical theory, Herbert Marcuse believed that industrial capitalism and the bureaucratization of society stripped humans of any claims to autonomy and undermined their critical expression with a functional language. However, Marcuse did no more than point an inchoate ideological finger at the production side…

  8. Praxis Exiled: Herbert Marcuse and the One Dimensional University (United States)

    Cunningham, Joseph


    Leading Frankfurt School theorist, Herbert Marcuse, possessed an intricate relationship with higher education. As a professor, Marcuse participated in the 1960s student movements, believing that college students had potential as revolutionary subjects. Additionally, Marcuse advocated for a college education empowered by a form of praxis that…

  9. Libertação e Autonomia anticapitalista: a transformação radical da consciência e do inconsciente em Herbert Marcuse

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    Leandro Pereira Gonçalves


    Full Text Available O sociólogo e filósofo Herbert Marcuse (1898-1979 foi responsável por uma construção teórica inspirada em Karl Marx. O objetivo central deste trabalho é resgatar as idéias de Marx cotejadas com as de Marcuse mostrando como o pensamento marcusiano atravessou o século XX e mantém-se atual, polêmico e desafiador. Marcuse procura recuperar as bases conceituais da tradição marxista, na perspectiva de compreensão dos elementos de sustentação do modelo imperialista vigente e as possibilidades de seu enfrentamento e superação.

  10. Utopia e psicanálise em Herbert Marcuse Utopia and psychoanalysis on Herbert Marcuse

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    Marilia Mello Pisani


    Full Text Available Neste artigo apresentaremos uma importante idéia formulada por Marcuse na segunda parte do livro Eros e Civilização: uma interpretação filosófica do pensamento de Freud (1955 - a hipótese da transformação não repressiva das pulsões em uma sociedade transformada. Marcuse preocupa-se com a "transformação subjetiva" necessária à passagem do capitalismo para o "comunismo", rompendo assim com um determinado "marxismo ortodoxo". A "utopia" desenvolvida neste livro baseia-se na reinterpretação de algumas das principais concepções da teoria freudiana e caracteriza a originalidade de seu pensamento.In the present article is given an important idea prescribed by Marcuse in the second part of his Eros and Civilization. A Philosophical inquiry into Freud. (1955 - the non-repressive transformation of the instincts in a transformed society. The utopia developed in this book is based in the reinterpretation of some of his main conceptions of the freudian theory and characterize the singularity of his ideas and of his general thinking.

  11. Arte em Herbert Marcuse: formação e resistência à sociedade unidimensional

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    Juliana Castro Chaves


    Full Text Available Este trabalho é resultado de uma pesquisa teórica que teve como objetivo analisar a contribuição de Herbert Marcuse, autor da teoria crítica da sociedade, para pensar a relação entre arte, sujeito e formação para a resistência à sociedade unidimensional. Foram estudados os seguintes textos escritos entre 1941 e 1977: Razão e revolução (1941/1978, Eros e civilização (1955/1969, Ideologia da sociedade industrial: o homem unidimensional (1964/1973, Ideias sobre uma teoria crítica da sociedade (1969/1981 e A dimensão estética (1977/1999. Para Marcuse, a arte é política, apresenta universalidade, alteridade, transcendência, forma estética e negação e confirmação da realidade. A arte é objetivação e não trabalho alienado, ela realiza a sublimação e provoca sensibilidade, diferenciando-se da mercadoria que se apropria da cultura, fazendo-a esvaziar-se em seu sentido. Ao analisar a arte, esse autor contribuiu para uma psicologia social crítica que revela a arte como mediação psicossocial para um sujeito não adaptado.

  12. Groundwork for the Concept of Technique in Education: Herbert Marcuse and Technological Society (United States)

    Pierce, Clayton


    This article articulates the groundwork for a new understanding of the concept of technique through a critical engagement with Herbert Marcuse's critical theory of technology. To this end, it identifies and engages three expressions of technique in Marcuse's work: mimesis, reified labor, and the happy consciousness. It is argued that this mapping…

  13. Herbert Marcuse: la vida y la muerte

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    Miguel Ángel Hernández


    Full Text Available Una clave inicial con la que se puede recorrer a vuelo de pájaro -corno lo exige la limitación de una reseña-la obra de Herbert Marcuse es una valoración, instalada en el fundamento de su reflexión, según la cual la finalidad es la vida del hombre" ... es decir, la felicidad". Su teoría crítica eleva al nivel universalizante el objetivo que los individuos buscan en la vida corriente y han buscado siempre: la felicidad. En ese nivel ha de responderse por la riqueza del género, por el bien de la especie.


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    Ramom Gomes da Silva


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta uma reflexão acerca dos instrumentos de dominação e repressão da sociedade industrial avançada. A partir da leitura da primeira parte do livro Ideologia da sociedade industrial: O homem unidimensional, Herbert Marcuse analisa a sociedade industrial avançada e as tendências do capitalismo tardio expondo as novas formas de controle e dominação dos indivíduos na contemporaneidade. Os meios de dominação do capitalismo avançado têm-se mostrado mais eficientes e eficazes do que antigos regimes baseados na violência explícita, isto é, sem uso de um terror aberto, tem o domínio das esferas da existência humana, sejam elas públicas ou privadas. Esses mecanismos de controles proporcionaram a integração entre o pensamento e o comportamento dos indivíduos, de tal modo que o sujeito sente-se livre em situação de não liberdade, situação em que  necessidades impostas são aceitas e ainda repassadas às gerações seguintes sem o menor questionamento.

  15. Comentário sobre a esperança em O homem unidimensional, de Herbert Marcuse

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    Imaculada Kangussu


    Full Text Available De acordo com o modelo adotado pelo Grupo de Trabalho em Estética, o presente escrito é um comentário ao texto do colega Bruno Guimarães, “Arte, liberdade e política, em diálogo com Danto”. “Somente para os desesperados é que nos foi dada a esperança”: essa frase enigmática, com a qual Marcuse encerra o livro One-Dimensional Man, aparece na última parte do trabalho comentado e é o foco desse ensaio. Trata-se de uma citação que Marcuse faz de Walter Benjamin que com ela também termina seu ensaio sobre As afinidades eletivas, de Goethe (“Goethes Wahlverwandtschaften”. Cabe a pergunta: o que o homem unidimensional tem em comum com a novela romântica de Goethe? Tendo como foco a ideia de esperança, discorremos sobre os três textos – o de Marcuse, o de Benjamin e o de Goethe – com o propósito de esclarecer o, quase desesperado, conceito de esperança que brilha no final das obras de Benjamin e de Marcuse. A escolha foi motivada por duas razões: por o outro comentador, Rodrigo Duarte, ter se dedicado, durante um tempo considerável, ao estudo das reflexões de Danto, com mestria admirável e, portanto, ser capaz de analisá-las com competência indiscutível; e pelo fato de One-Dimensional Man, a obra mencionada de Marcuse, filósofo a cujo estudo venho me dedicando, neste ano de 2014 comemorar seu cinquentenário e, com isso, justificar o desejo de fazer-lhe essa homenagem.

  16. Herbert Marcuse and the defense of the revolutionary violence in the 60's Herbert Marcuse e a defesa da violência revolucionária nos anos 60

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    Maria Ribeiro do Valle


    Full Text Available Our work is centered in the debate about the importance of the “revolutionary” violence in the 60’s according to Herbert Marcuse, a well-known intellectual who lived and discussed that period. It presents the restatement of the anticapitalistic utopias of the XIX century – particularly the Marxist one. Marcuse also emphasizes the urgent combat against the North American imperialism - a flag carried by the protest movements of the time – arguing that violence is inherent to the political and economical system and, therefore, the opposition must fight it by means of the “revolutionary violence”. Keywords: Violence. Rationality. Revolution. Socialism. Imperialism. Nosso trabalho está centrado no debate sobre a violência “revolucionária”travado por Marcuse, expoente significativo da intelectualidade que vivenciou e pensou os anos 60. Há a retomada, então, das utopias anticapitalistas do século XIX – particularmente a marxista. Marcuse aponta também para a urgência do combate ao imperialismo norte-americano – bandeira de luta carregada pelos movimentos de protesto neste período – argumentando que a violência é inerente ao sistema político-econômico, e que deve ser combatida através da violência “revolucionária” pela oposição. Palavras-chave: Violência. Razão. Revolução. Socialismo. Imperialismo.

  17. Herbert Marcuse - anticapitalismo e emancipação Herbert Marcuse anticapitalism and emancipation

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    Isabel Loureiro


    Full Text Available Marcuse teve no Brasil na década de 1970 uma recepção unilateral, sendo visto unicamente como guru da contra-cultura. Contra esse equívoco o artigo mostra a relação intrínseca entre teoria e prática na filosofia de Marcuse, caracterizada como uma filosofia política cuja preocupação central é a transformação radical da sociedade capitalista.Marcuse had in Brazil, in the 70s, an one-sided reception, being seen only as a guru of the counter-culture. Against this misconception the paper exposes the intrinsic relationship between theory and practice in Marcuses's philosophy, characterized as a political philosophy whose main concern is the radical transformation of capitalist society.

  18. Notas para uma teoria da mudança social em Herbert Marcuse

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    Abel Silva Borges


    Full Text Available As análises e reflexões apresentadas neste ensaio têm por base as questões e propostas lançadas por Marcuse em relação ao mundo desenvolvido e à formação do indivíduo. É possível se delinear um projeto de investigação que deve dar base às teorias da mudança social, mantendo unidas Filosofia, Teoria social e Política radical. Neste ensaio apresento reflexões para a refundamentação da teoria marxista, tais como as desenvolvidas por Marcuse no texto "Acerca do conceito de negação da dialética", escrito em 1966. O autor ainda nos remete a uma reflexão sobre o capitalismo maduro, sua fase imperialista. Exibo, também, uma breve exposição das ideias do autor a respeito da importância da esfera estética para uma teoria da mudança social. É grande a valorização dada por ele à dimensão estética, estando a formação do homem contemporâneo calcada na técnica, na estética e na política, o que abre novas possibilidades para se pensar projetos de mudança social.

  19. Estado e sociedade, totalitarismo e tecnologia: algumas considerações a partir de Herbert Marcuse

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    Eduardo Barbosa Lenzi


    Full Text Available Herbert Marcuse had applied the term “totalitarian” to designate the advanced industrial societies, even those that maintain themselves under a democratic political system. The use, by the philosopher, of such a deep term as this, has shown that, according to him, the democratic societies developed technologically had kept an ordinary tendency among the Nazi-fascism and Stalinism, as well: a non critical tendency, in which one, the significant differences are contracted and the most relevant contradictions are flatten, making thorough this, raise a unique dimension world. Thus, the goal of this schoolwork has been necessarily an analysis of Marcusian thought about this totalitarian organization of society. Therefore. This study aims mainly to the texts of the philosopher produced within the 30’s and 40’s, seeking into them the origins of what Marcuse would call later, in the 60’s, one-dimensional society.

  20. Compreensão dialética da ética revolucionária de Herbert Marcuse

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    Alberto Dias Gadanha


    Full Text Available A alteração qualitativa objetivo de uma ética revolucionária pressupõe a reciprocidade entre a decisão política enquanto asserção de parâmetros deontológicos a priori e a efetivação governamental de uma vida sem medo e sem miséria, uma vida de paz. Marcuse ao compreender que o objetivo a ser efetivado é uma vida sem medo e sem miséria supera tanto a eticidade deontológica caracterizada pelo imperativo categórico quanto a ética caracterizada pelo imperativo hipotético de determinação utilitarista. Ética revolucionária, como exposta por Herbert Marcuse na conferência de 1964 na Universidade de Kansas, é uma ética de superação dialética porque contempla por meio do imperativo implicativo tanto as exigências deontológicas, configuradas pela decisão política quanto as exigências utilitaristas configuradas pelo cálculo histórico de efetivação governamental da teleologia política.

  1. MARCUSE CRÍTICO DE WEBER. A política no capitalismo tardio


    Vasconcellos, Caio Eduardo Teixeira


    O objetivo deste artigo é analisar aspectos da leitura de Herbert Marcuse da sociologia de Max Weber, privilegiando suas considerações sobre transformações na esfera política desencadeadas com o fim do período liberal do capitalismo. A partir de uma crítica imanente do pensamento weberiano, Marcuse correlaciona sua interpretação da imbricação entre a forma de dominação racional-burocrática e as lideranças de tipo carismático aos pressupostos materiais das sociedades modernas em seu decurso ta...


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    Adauto Lopes da Silva Filho


    Full Text Available O presente artigo pretende demonstrar a influencia do pensamento de Marx nas teses de Herbert Marcuse, um dos grandes representantes da Escola de Frankfurt. Ao mesmo tempo destaca alguns dos elementos aceitos e refutados por Marcuse acerca da teoria hegeliana. Os prolegômenos dessas questões são delineados com os fundamentos críticos da Escola de Frankfurt.

  3. Finding Educational Insights in Psychoanalytic Theory with Marcuse and Adorno (United States)

    Huhtala, Hanna-Maija


    This article seeks to clarify the potential that Herbert Marcuse's and Theodor W. Adorno's psychoanalytic accounts may have with respect to the philosophy of education today. Marcuse and Adorno both share the view that psychoanalytic theory enables a deeper understanding of the social and biological dynamics of consciousness. For both thinkers,…

  4. Critical Theory in Adorno and Marcuse

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    Ruggero D’ALESSANDRO


    Full Text Available Critical Theory is the key-word representing all the universe of thought commonly known as „Frankfurt School”. Within it, Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno and Herbert Marcuse are not so far each other, as instead are Max Horkheimer and Marcuse – considering what I in this paper define as the conservative turn of the director of the Institut für Sozialforschung. Whereas Adorno refuses any engagement in the political and lives as an obsession the theory-praxis relation, Marcuse is closer to a certain critical Marxism and to the student movements of Sixities and Seventhies. The crucial issue of the theory-praxis relation comes back clearly in the distance between Marcuse and the other two maîtres à penser, about their judgment on the ’68 movement.


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    Paulo Irineu Barreto Fernandes


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é estabelecer uma relação entre as concepções de revolução cultural em Marcuse e Lefebvre, a partir da maneira como os dois filósofos visualizaram a revolução, no contexto do capitalismo. Os pontos de partida são: a crítica marcuseana ao caráter afirmativo da cultura e a crítica de Lefebvre à ideologia capitalista. Defende-se a hipótese de que as razões que levaram Marcuse a se aproximar das manifestações artísticas revolucionárias foram as mesmas que fizeram Lefebvre se aproximar do estudo do cotidiano. Para realizar a pesquisa, a metodologia aplicada foi revisão de literatura e leitura de obras dos autores em que as questões propostas aparecem com mais frequência, a saber: o texto “33 teses”, do livro Tecnologia, guerra e fascismo, os textos “A arte na sociedade unidimensional” e “Sobre o caráter afirmativo da cultura”, de Marcuse e os textos “Filosofia e conhecimento do cotidiano”, “Como nomear a sociedade atual?” e “Rumo a uma revolução cultural permanente”, do livro A vida cotidiana no mundo moderno, de Lefebvre. Concluímos, provisoriamente, que enquanto em Marcuse a revolução cultural exige uma mudança na sensibilidade; em Lefebvre, a revolução cultural se dá no próprio processo do cotidiano.

  6. H. Marcuse. Cultura y represión, una renuncia a la felicidad

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    Jhonathan Esneider Villegas Betancourth


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza el concepto de cultura afirmativa, introducido por Herbert Marcuse, y lo contrasta con otro concepto más amplio de cultura que este filósofo conceptualiza, producto de sus reflexiones en torno a Freud y su obra El malestar en la cultura. En esa perspectiva, se muestra cómo, desde Marcuse, es posible pensar, al menos teóricamente, en una cultura no represiva.

  7. Reassessing Subjectivity, Criticality, and Inclusivity: Marcuse's Challenge to Adult Education. (United States)

    Brookfield, Stephen


    Although Herbert Marcuse did not write as an adult educator, his analysis of subjectivity, criticality, and inclusivity has implications for adult education. He demonstrated how apparently humanistic tolerance for diversity can be manipulated to reinforce dominant ideology, and he made a case for aesthetic education as a site for critical…

  8. Eco-aesthetic dimensions: Herbert Marcuse, ecology and art

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    Malcolm Miles


    Full Text Available In his last book, The Aesthetic Dimension (1978, Marcuse argued that a concern for aesthetics is justified when political change is unlikely. But the relation between aesthetics and politics is oblique: “Art cannot change the world, but it can contribute to changing the consciousness … of the men and women who could change the world.” (p. 33. Marcuse also linked his critique of capitalism to environmentalism in the early 1970s: “the violation of the Earth is a vital aspect of the counterrevolution.” (Ecology and Revolution, in The New Left and the 1960s, Collected Papers 3, 2005, p. 173. This article revisits Marcuse’s ideas on aesthetics and ecology, and reviews two recent art projects which engage their audiences in ecological issues: The Jetty Project (2014 by Wolfgang Weileder—which used recycled material and community participation to construct a temporary monument within a wider conservation project on the Tyne, N-E England—and Fracking Futures by HeHe (Helen Evans and Heiko Hansen—which turned the interior of the gallery at FACT, Liverpool, into what appeared to be a fracking site. The aim is not to evaluate the projects, nor to test the efficacy of Marcuse’s ideas, more to ask again whether art has a role in a shift of attitude which might contribute to dealing with the political and economic causes of climate change.

  9. Thanatos and Civilization: Lacan, Marcuse, and the Death Drive (United States)

    Cho, Daniel


    During the 1950s and 1960s two thinkers, Herbert Marcuse and Jacques Lacan, were conducting a "return to Freud" for very similar reasons. If the differences between them are often advertised, their affinities are less so. In this article, I examine how their "return to Freud" and fidelity to psychoanalysis serves as a common ground to read each in…

  10. Marxismo e psicanálise no pensamento de Herbert Marcuse: uma polêmica


    Marilia Pisani Mello


    The proposal of this paper is to show that Marcuses´interpretation about Freud´s work can not be understood out of relation between the Freudian Psychoanalysis and the Marxism, a relation that is not of opposition neither of synthesis (union), but dialetic at this context that Freudian Theory reveal its whole importance. To understand the interpretation about Freud achieved by Marcuse, we chose for analyse the Paul Robinson´s criticism. According to Robinson´s interpreta...

  11. Análisis del factor tecnológico desde las perspectivas de Lewis Mumford, Herbert Marcuse, Daniel Bell y su relación con la política de información

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    Lourdes Díaz


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo registra tres miradas distintas acerca del rol del factor tecnológico en la construcción de la sociedad contemporánea, siguiendo las líneas de interpretación y análisis de Lewis Mumford, Herbert Marcuse y Daniel Bell. Se pretenden aportar algunos elementos teóricos  al debate que se ha dado en Ciencia de la Información sobre el papel de las TIC en la disciplina y el lugar que ocupa, o debería ocupar, lo tecnológico en el diseño de una política de información.

  12. Herbert Marcuse, Paulo Freire e a economia solidária como alternativa emancipatória

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    Daniel Calbino


    Full Text Available O presente artigo visou compreender porque as tentativas de revoluções de caráter socialista “fracassaram”, utilizando como referência as concepções de Marcuse e Freire. Para realizar esta tarefa recorremos principalmente à análise das obras Eros e civilização de Marcuse (1968 e Pedagogia do oprimido de Freire (2006b. Constatamos algumas similaridades nas perspectivas destes autores. Marcuse (1968 recorreu às teorias psicanalíticas de Freud para compreender este fenômeno, e concluiu que a causa é a repressão das pulsões de vida (Eros que gera indivíduos aptos a aceitarem uma sociedade repressiva e a temerem sua libertação. Freire (2006b, por sua vez, partiu da premissa de que os oprimidos carregam dentro de si o opressor, reproduzindo suas atitudes e comportamentos quando chegam ao poder, pois temem a liberdade de preencher o vazio deixado pela expulsão do opressor. Para sanar estes problemas, Marcuse (1968 pregava a luta pela redução do trabalho alienado, e Freire (2006b a busca por uma educação dialógica entre o educando e o educador. Depois da exposição e interpretação das leituras dos dois autores, apresentamos a Economia Solidária como um cenário para a implementação das saídas sugeridas por Freire (2006b e Marcuse (1968, o que a torna uma possível nova via revolucionária.

  13. Por um outro princípio da realidade: o sentido formativo da estética em H. Marcuse

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    Vivian Baroni


    Full Text Available Tendo por base a filosofia de Herbert Marcuse, o presente artigo objetiva demonstrar a possibilidade de superação do princípio da realidade por meio dos pressupostos fornecidos pela educação estética. Centrada na formação do sujeito como um todo, a educação estética de Marcuse aproxima-se do conceito de Bildung, focando-se na tarefa de trazer de volta à racionalidade moderna as dimensões humanísticas que foram bloqueadas pelo processo da racionalização instrumental. Ao rechaçar a lógica competitiva e dar ênfase à libertação instintual, a educação estética seria capaz ainda de fomentar uma nova estrutura da experiência, que modificaria de modo essencial a relação dos indivíduos com os objetos e com o meio. Desse modo, a educação estética poderia projetar uma tecnologia livre para a realização do seu telos original: a preservação da vida.


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    Nicole Roessle Guiata


    Full Text Available The present rehearsal search to make a critical analysis of the process of Regulation of the Professional of Physical education using for that the German philosopher's Herbert Marcuse thoughts. Concluded through the dialogue with the writings marcuseanos that the system CONFEF / CREF is adaptations form the all the present irrational rationality in the capitalist society, and that still exists space for a Utopia based in the beginnings of a society truly free and emancipated.

  15. Possibilidades éticos-estéticas da perversão: a sexualidade perverso-polimorfa como prática de liberdade em Marcuse

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    Leomir Cardoso Hilário


    Full Text Available Este artigo visa explorar a compreensão ético-estética do fenômeno perverso realizada por Marcuse em Eros e Civilização. No registro ético, destacamos o caráter necessariamente moral da categoria de perversão e seu vínculo com a normatização da experiência sexual, com a disciplinarização e controle dos corpos, no quadro da leitura foucaultiana do biopoder, situando Marcuse como crítico de tais processos em sua ligação com o modo de produção capitalista. No segundo registro, da estética, expomos como Marcuse, através da reconfiguração da relação entre Eros e Logos e da afirmação de um ethos estético, propõe que a perversão sexual implica a contestação da ordem vigente e a produção de novos modos de relações consigo e com os outros, em contraste com a regulação instrumental do erotismo. Por fim, indicamos como o campo de possibilidades aberto por Marcuse no domínio da transgressão aponta para a necessidade de retomar criticamente a categoria de perversão.

  16. Positivismo e Obediência em Herbert Hart / Positivism and obedience in Herbert Hart

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    Luana Renostro Heinen


    Full Text Available O tema do respeito à legalidade sempre serviu como ponto de acusação aos adversários do Positivismo Jurídico. O presente artigo objetiva investigar o tema da obediência às leis no pensamento do Herbert Hart, um dos juristas mais importantes do século XX, filiado à corrente denominada de Positivismo Jurídico. Veremos como Hart desenvolve uma sofisticada argumentação visando manter a separação entre direito e moral, característica diferenciadora do Positivismo Jurídico, respondendo assim às críticas de que tal correntereferendaria ordens jurídicas marcadas por situações de flagrante injustiça.AbstractThe issue of respect for legality has always served as a point of complaint to the opponents of legal positivism. This articleaims to investigate the theme of obedience to the laws in the thinking of Herbert Hart, one of the most important jurists of the twentieth century, affiliated to the current called legal positivism.We’ll see how Hart developed a sophisticated argumentation in order to maintain the separation between law and morality, distinguishingcharacteristic of legal positivism, responding to critics that say that such current would ratify legal orders marked by situationsof injustice.

  17. Estética e epistemologia na educação tecnológica: elementos em Freire e Marcuse

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    Emerson Pessoa Ferreira


    Full Text Available A Estética, de forma concisa, é uma área da filosofia que estuda a Arte e a Beleza (e seus contraditórios inerentes. Suas inter-relações com a Educação e em especial com a Educação Tecnocientífica têm sido exploradas por alguns autores, mas o enfoque raramente contempla as dimensões ideológicas e epistemológicas mais sutis dessa articulação. Essas nuances têm sido negligenciadas sobretudo na formação de engenheiros, arquitetos e designers. É também notável a disjunção arbitrária entre a Estética ('sensações', a Ética ('valores' e a Lógica ('verdades' que caracteriza muito de nossa cultura e dos nossos currículos, mormente os de cunho epistemológico pouco crítico. A perspectiva apontada como conclusão é a de que o enfoque CTS (Ciência Tecnologia e Sociedade crítico na Educação Tecnológica, sempre que considerar o estético, convidará a uma abordagem educacional libertadora, na acepção que Paulo Freire dá ao termo, e que tem interfaces com a Teoria Crítica da Escola de Frankfurt, especialmente a filosofia de Herbert Marcuse. Sugere-se a necessidade de repensar as implicações práticas dessas coincidências e intersecções. O enfoque CTS crítico deve arguir, então, a partir de elementos da filosofia da tecnologia, dentre eles a Estética, quais as consequências da 'unidimensionalidade' para um projeto de homem e sociedade.


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    Alexandra Fernandes


    Full Text Available Introdução: O fenómeno de Marcus Gunn invertido é uma sincinesia entre o III e o VI pares cranianos, congénita, rara- mente descrita em idade pediátrica. Carateriza-se por ptose da pálpebra com a abertura da mandíbula. O diagnóstico é essencialmente clínico e o tratamento é, na maioria dos casos, conservador. Caso Clínico: Lactente de 4 meses de idade do sexo masculino, sem antecedentes pessoais relevantes. Foi observado na Consulta de Pediatria do Centro de Saúde onde se objetivou pto- se da pálpebra superior esquerda com movimentos de sucção e de abertura da mandíbula ao rir, que desaparece em posição basal. Mãe refere ocorrência dos movimentos desde o nascimento com noção de agravamento ao longo do tempo. O restante exame físico, oftalmológico e neurológico não revelou alterações. Comentários: Os autores pretendem alertar para o diagnóstico do fenómeno de Marcus Gunn invertido, por se tratar de uma entidade rara em idade pediátrica, provavelmente subdiagnosticada.

  19. Heideggerianismo de esquerda ou marxismo fenomenológico?Reconsiderando a teoria crítica da tecnologia de Herbert Marcuse

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    John Abromeit

    Full Text Available Diferentemente de interpretações recentes sobre a teoria marcuseana da tecnologia, elogiosas ou críticas, que identificam nela uma forte e contínua influência de Heidegger, pretendo mostrar, no presente artigo, que Marcuse toma de empréstimo elementos importantes da fenomenologia de Heidegger e, mais ainda, de Husserl, mas que essses elementos são apropriados dentro de uma abordagem teórica geral marxista. Dessa maneira, enfatizam-se os fatores sociais e históricos como os determinantes últimos da tecnologia e da racionalidade tecnológica. Com isso, o presente artigo procura esclarecer a relação entre o marxismo e a fenomenologia na obra tardia de Marcuse.

  20. O estatuto da imagem-pulsão em Cronicamente Inviável e Amarelo Manga

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    Alexandre Rocha da Silva


    Full Text Available Este artigo retoma o debate inaugurado por Gilles Deleuze sobre a imagem-pulsão e avalia como tais imagens se fazem presentes no cinema brasileiro contemporâneo. O trabalho recua até Sigmund Freud para explicitar o conceito de pulsão e até Herbert Marcuse para pensar o engajamento das pulsões nas relações socioculturais. Neste percurso, descreve-se uma nova forma de pensamento no cinema a partir do conceito. No contexto do cinema brasileiro, identificou-se que não há um filme constituído unicamente por imagens-pulsão, em lugar disso, elas se encontram dispersas em cenas de diferentes filmes, desempenhando funções diversas nas relações entre mundos originários e derivados.

  1. Critical Theory of Communication: New Readings of Lukács, Adorno, Marcuse, Honneth and Habermas in the Age of the Internet


    Fuchs, Christian


    "This book contributes to the foundations of a critical theory of communication as shaped by the forces of digital capitalism. One of the world's leading theorists of digital media Professor Christian Fuchs explores how the thought of some of the Frankfurt School’s key thinkers can be deployed for critically understanding media in the age of the Internet. Five essays that form the heart of this book review aspects of the works of Georg Lukács, Theodor W. Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Axel Honneth ...

  2. Marx e Marcuse: Acerca da Alienação do Homem e seu Trabalho

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    Fabio Goulart


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar e analisar o conceito de alienação nos manuscritos do jovem Marx e a respectiva análise feita por Herbert Marcuse acerca de tal conceito. O primeiro passo é apresentar a distinção e similitude entre os termos alemães Entäusserung e Entfremdung que dão origem a tal conceito. Depois vemos como na análise de Marx seria evidente que na lógica capitalista o trabalhador e seu trabalho estão rebaixados à miserável posição de mercadoria barata e substituível onde o fruto de seu trabalho torna-se cada vez mais distante. Nesta relação o trabalho se torna uma potência sobre o ser humano, fato este que seria a origem de diversos problemas sociais e formas de violência. Depois apresentamos a análise feita por Marcuse acerca dos respectivos texto de Marx, onde veremos os motivos porque ele acreditava que alienação e trabalho seriam conceitos ligados a essência humana e consequentemente muito além da economia.

  3. Erotismo y sexualidad: Eros o ars erótica. Foucault frente a Marcuse y Freud

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    María Laura Schaufler


    Full Text Available Este ensayo apunta a reconstruir y reflexionar acerca del debate en torno al erotismo y la sexualidad entre la perspectiva freudiana retomada por Herbert Marcuse y las investigaciones de Michel Foucault. El trabajo con los textos implica un análisis contrastivo de las teorías que sostienen una hipótesis represiva acerca del orden sexual —el psicoanálisis freudiano y la llamada izquierda freudiana, que articuló conceptos psicoanalíticos y marxistas— y la teoría foucaultiana con su hipótesis acerca de la productividad de los discursos de la sexualidad. En este contexto cabe preguntarse si Foucault abandona completamente la hipótesis de una sexualidad reprimida. ¿Por qué los primeros hablan sobre todo de erotismo y por qué el segundo hace foco en la sexualidad? Si suponemos que ambas posturas critican el orden sexual vigente, ¿cómo imaginan las posibilidades de cambio? Para responder a estas cuestiones rastrearemos la concepción del erotismo en Freud y Marcuse para luego confrontarla con la propuesta de Foucault.

  4. George Herbert Mead: contributions to history of the social psychology


    Souza, Renato Ferreira de


    Com este artigo pretende-se contribuir para a compreensão histórica de um autor/personagem da Psicologia. Analisamos e acrescemos conhecimento sobre George Herbert Mead e os desdobramentos de sua teoria psicossocial. Para esse propósito, explicitaremos, no texto, uma das vertentes analíticas utilizadas em nossa dissertação, qual seja: por meio da abordagem social em história da psicologia, confrontamos a vida de Mead com momentos de constituição da psicologia, colocando em relevo aspectos cen...

  5. Eros and Thanatos: A Nondualistic Interpretation: The Dynamic of Drives in Personal and Civilizational Development From Freud to Marcuse. (United States)

    Kli, Maria


    The Freudian theory of drives gave prominence to the idea that there is an inherent principle of entropy, a tendency for dissolution of life, referred to as the Death drive, or Thanatos. Freud recognized a counterbalancing tendency for sustaining life, known as the Life drive, or Eros. The psychoanalytical expounding of the struggle of Eros and Thanatos in the context of the civilizational process sparked the philosophical critique of civilization. Although Freud tended to consider repression an indispensable dimension of this process, the author proposes in this paper that Herbert Marcuse's political critique took Freud's metapsychology further philosophically, suggesting a nondualistic interpretation of Freud's position.

  6. Herbert Salu "Sembardia" / Aarne Vinkel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vinkel, Aarne, 1918-2006


    Varem ilmunud: Saateks // Salu, Herbert. Sembardia : noorpõlve- ja reisimälestuse. Tartu : B. G. Forseliuse Selts, 1996. Saatesõna rmt.: Salu, Herbert. Sembardia : noorpõlve- ja reisimälestusi. Tartu, 1996

  7. Mennesket

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rønhede, Søren Lykke


    Med af sæt i ungdomsoprørets filosof Herbert Marcuse gives - uden versefødder - en karakteristik af det moderne menneskes mekaniske og risikoaccepterende livssituation......Med af sæt i ungdomsoprørets filosof Herbert Marcuse gives - uden versefødder - en karakteristik af det moderne menneskes mekaniske og risikoaccepterende livssituation...

  8. Sobre o problema da autonomia da arte e suas implicações hermenêuticas e ontológicas

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    Sandra Abdo


    Full Text Available O presente artigo discute o problema da autonomia da arte e suas implicações hermenêuticas e ontológicas, tomando por base as concepções de Herbert Marcuse e de Luigi Pareyson.This article discusses the problem of artistic autonomy and its hermeneutic and ontological implications from the point of view of Herbert Marcuse's and Luigi Pareyson's theory.

  9. George Herbert Mead: contribuições para a história da psicologia social George Herbert Mead: contributions to history of the social psychology

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    Renato Ferreira de Souza


    Full Text Available Com este artigo pretende-se contribuir para a compreensão histórica de um autor/personagem da Psicologia. Analisamos e acrescemos conhecimento sobre George Herbert Mead e os desdobramentos de sua teoria psicossocial. Para esse propósito, explicitaremos, no texto, uma das vertentes analíticas utilizadas em nossa dissertação, qual seja: por meio da abordagem social em história da psicologia, confrontamos a vida de Mead com momentos de constituição da psicologia, colocando em relevo aspectos centrais dessa interlocução nem sempre identificados. Correlacionamos a história de Mead com questões sociais, políticas, econômicas e científicas, assim como suas conexões com práticas e valores culturais específicos de sua época. Buscamos compreender sua limitada difusão na ciência psicológica, dando, assim, continuidade ao processo de (revolta do autor.This article intends to contribute to historical understanding of author/character of Psychology. We analyzed and enlarged knowledge about George Herbert Mead and the developing of his psychosocial theory. For this reason, we will explain in the text as analytical side used in our dissertation, in other words: through of the social approach in history of psychology we confront the life of Mead with facts of constitution of the psychology, emphasizing central aspects of this discussion not always identified. We correlate the history of Mead with social, politic, economic and scientific questions as well as his connections with practices and specific cultural values of his time. We look to understand his limited diffusion in the psychological science, giving, so, continuity to the process of returns of the author.

  10. Memory, Critical Theory and the Argument from History. (United States)

    Cox, J. Robert


    Explores the function of memory in critical theory, particularly in the work of Herbert Marcuse, as the basis for a critical argumentation. Argues that Marcuse's view suggests that argument is a "re-membering" of what had been split asunder--reason, imagination, and the capacity of action. Discusses other implications of Marcuse's…

  11. La dimension estética y la crítica social en el pensamiento crítico y utópico de herbert marcuse




    A partir de una interpretación de corte fundamentalmente psicológico-antropológico, el siguiente ensayo busca sustentar la idea de Marcuse que afirma que el carácter crítico y utópico de la dimensión estética es el resultado de una represión cultural. des

  12. Lithuania 1940 / Herbert Foster Anderson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Foster Anderson, Herbert


    Stseenid Leedu ennesõjaaegsest pealinnast Kaunasest briti ärimehe H. Foster Andersoni silme läbi 1940. aastal. Lühikokkuvõte raamatust: Foster Anderson, Herbert. Borderline Russia. London : Cresset press, 1942

  13. The Existence of Violence in Nonviolent Protest Groups. (United States)


    Paul Sartre, and Herbert Marcuse . Although these writers are from a broad range of disciplines, they all agree that political violence is inevitable...sacrifice, the use of political M A 1, ’. - - .eI y. 34 violence is justified when personal freedom is at stake. Marcuse , Zinn, and Sartre all agree

  14. Critical Theory and Information Studies: A Marcusean Infusion (United States)

    Pyati, Ajit K.


    In the field of library and information science, also known as information studies, critical theory is often not included in debates about the discipline's theoretical foundations. This paper argues that the critical theory of Herbert Marcuse, in particular, has a significant contribution to make to the field of information studies. Marcuse's…

  15. Critical Social Theory: A Portrait (United States)

    Torres, Carlos A.


    The term Critical Social Theory is employed in this article following the tradition of the Frankfurt School, and particularly the work of Herbert Marcuse and his interpretation of the political and social philosophy of Hegel and Marx. Discussing the contribution of G.W.F. Hegel to social theory Marcuse argued that: "Hegel's system brings to a…

  16. A filosofia e os anos 1960

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    Pedro Duarte de Andrade


    Full Text Available O ensaio aponta a relação da filosofia com os anos 1960, tendo em vista os cruzamentos entre idéias então produzidas e aquele momento histórico. O método empregado alia interpretação histórica e interpretação filosófica, com destaque para alguns autores, como Herbert Marcuse e Michel Foucault. Conclui-se que o pensamento dos anos 1960 cunhou também uma concepção nova do que seria a própria atividade de interpretar, fatos ou idéias.

  17. Transactions of the Army Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computing (2nd) Held at Washington, DC on 22-25 May 1984 (United States)


    Highly Viscous Fluid Flow in a Spinning and Nutating Cylinder Thorwaid Herbert .................................................. 883 Computing Sets...Mann Chang, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 0 HIGHLY VISCOUS FLUID FLOW IN A SPINNING AND NUTATING CYLINDER Thorwald Herbert , Virginial Polytechnic...linear system contexts. Future work should explore the feasibility of such "inE.xact" )deconvolution. "REFERENCES 1. D. Marcuse , "Principles of Optical

  18. An Assessment of Nonresponse Bias in Mail Surveys of Naval Personnel (United States)


    Hollowell, Ida Harloff, and Marge Covher. Special thanks are due to Jim Herbert who spent many hours keep- ing track of cases, tabulating, and...volunteering for psychological experiments has revealed that the type of experiment (Martin & Marcuse , 1958), the alterna- tives to participating...M., & Marcuse , F. L. Characteristics of volunteers and nonvol- unteers in psychological experimentation. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 1958

  19. Marcuse e o homem unidimensional: pensamento único atravessando o Estado e as instituições

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    Rogério Lustosa Bastos


    Full Text Available O presente artigo, baseando-se em Marcuse, critica a atual globalização e sua rubrica a um modelo dito consensual aos valores do mercado, o homem unidimensional. Este, pretendendo ser o pensamento único, se firmará não só por ditar as condições concretas e subjetivas para todos, mas também por reproduzi-las pelo Estado, notadamente, através das instituições sociais que, apresentando-se como uma rede hegemônica, tenderão a reproduzir essa unidimensionalidade pelo planeta. Sob tempos de quase absoluto consenso em prol desses valores, o artigo reflete sobre as possíveis rupturas ao referido modelo.

  20. Tallinna linnaehituslik areng arhitekt Herbert Johansoni suunamisel aastail 1930-1940 / Dmitri Bruns

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Bruns, Dmitri, 1929-


    1930-ndate keskel pöörasid Tallinna linnaplaneerijad põhitähelepanu ehitustegevuse elustamisele peatänavate ääres, linna laialivalgumise tõkestamisele, uusehitiste kvaliteedi parandamisele. H. Johansonist. Järg vt. nr. 7-8, lk. 53-55 "Tallinna linnaehituslik areng Herbert Johansoni juhtimisel 1934-1940" (Tallinna linnaplaani muudatused, Kopli poolsaare aedlinnaku planeerimine), nr. 9, lk. 38-40 "Tallinna areng Herbert Johansoni suunamisel" (esimeste suurmajade kerkimine Pärnu ja Narva maanteedele), nr. 10, lk. 42-44 "Herbert Johansoni viimased aastad linnaarhitektina" (Kadrioru pargi korrastamine, valmisid kabelid Metsa- ja Liiva kalmistul, mõned alustatud ehitistest valmisid pärast sõda)

  1. Marcus wins nobel prize in chemistry for electron transfer theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Levi, B.G.


    This article describes the work of Rudolf Marcus of Caltech leading to his receipt of the 1992 Nobel Prize in Chemistry open-quotes for his contributions to the theory of electron transfer reactions in chemical systems.close quotes Applications of Marcus' theory include such diverse phenomena as photosynthesis, electrically conducting polymers, chemiluminescence, and corrosion. Historical aspects of his career are given. 10 refs., 1 fig

  2. Marcus Vinícius Faustini e a produção literária da biografia


    Gabriel Estides Delgado


    Em Guia afetivo da periferia, Marcus Vinícius Faustini lança mão de expedientes narrativos “literarizantes” para construir o relato de sua juventude como morador da Zona Oeste do Rio de Janeiro. A partir da identificação das contingências materiais que conformam a experiência sensível do autobiografado, esta análise, ao tomar o conceito de mimesis na literatura como representação interessada e produtiva, busca identificar no texto de Faustini o tratamento original dado às referências extralin...

  3. Herbert: Design and Realisation of an full-sized anthropometrically correct humanoid robot

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    Brennand ePierce


    Full Text Available In this paper we present the development of a new full-sized anthropometrically correct humanoid robot Herbert. Herbert has 33 DOFs: 1 29 active DOFs (2 × 4 in the legs, 2 × 7 in the arms, 4 in the waist and 3 in the head; 2 4 passive DOFs (2 × 2 in the ankles. We present the objectives of the design and the development of our system, the hardware (mechanical, electronics as well as the supporting software architecture that encompasses the realisation of the complete humanoid system.Several key elements, that have to be taken into account in our approach to keep the costs low while ensuring high-performance, will be presented. In realising Herbert we applied a modular design for the overall mechanical structure. Two core mechanical module types make up the main structural elements of Herbert: 1 small compact mechanical drive modules; and 2 compliant mechanical drive modules. The electronic system of Herbert, which is based on two different types of motor control boards and an FPGA module with a central controller, is discussed. The software architecture is based on ROS with a number of sub nodes used for the controller. All these supporting components have been important in the development of the complete system.Finally, we present results showing our robot’s performances: demonstrating the behaviour of the compliant modules, the ability of tracking a desired position/velocity as well as a simple torque controller. We also evaluate our custom communication system. Additionally, we demonstrate Herbert balancing and squatting to show its performance. Moreover, we also show the simplicity of the higher level supporting software framework in realising new behaviours. All in all, we show that our system is compact and able to achieve comparable human performances and has human proportions while being low cost.

  4. Herbert Johansoni eeskujulikud koolimajad / Mait Väljas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Väljas, Mait


    Eesti arhitektuurimuuseumis eksponeeritava Herbert Johansoni (1884–1964) ja Eugen Habermanni (1884–1944) juubelinäituse taustal on kohane rääkida koolimajadest. Johansoni kontol on suur osa Tallinna sõdadevahelistest koolimajadest, kaks lasteaeda ja üks kutsekool

  5. A Critical Theory Perspective on Accelerated Learning. (United States)

    Brookfield, Stephen D.


    Critically analyzes accelerated learning using concepts from Herbert Marcuse (rebellious subjectivity) and Erich Fromm (automaton conformity). Concludes that, by providing distance and separation, accelerated learning has more potential to stimulate critical autonomous thought. (SK)

  6. Ethanol production from Lycoris radiata Herbert (Amarylllidaceae) residues as a new resource

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Shuangping; Ding, Zhongyang; Zhang, Liang; Gu, Zhenghua; Wang, Xiaolan; Sun, Xiaojun; Shi, Guiyang


    The large quantities of Lycoris radiata Herbert (Amarylllidaceae) residues, left after the extraction of alkaloids from the bulbs, could threaten the environment if not properly disposed. Therefore, the aim of this research is to investigate the feasibility of bioconversion of L. radiata Herbert residues to ethanol through batch fermentation. In L. radiata Herbert residues, the average contents (g kg −1 ) of non-structural carbohydrates, crude fiber, crude protein, ash, and lignin are 485.1, 177.3, 124.7, 108.9, and 91.0, respectively. Five commercial enzymes (β-glucanase, pectinase, xylanase, phytase and cellulase) were employed in pretreatment process and ethanol bioconversion was evaluated with three yeasts (Saccharomyces cerevisiae, osmotolerant S. cerevisiae and genetically engineered S. cerevisiae constructed to use cellobiose). The results showed that pretreament by β-glucanase successfully facilitated the penetration of α-amylase into ground material. After residues pretreatment by 10 g kg −1 of β-glucanase for 14 h at 50 °C, the viscosity decreased from 1135 to 59 Pa·s which was equivalent to that obtained by the combined whole five enzymes. Further experiments proved that osmotolerant S. cerevisiae was desirable for ethanol production from Lycoris radiate Herbert residues. The results are helpful to develop non-grain bioethanol production. -- Highlights: ► The residuals from Lycoris radiata Herbert bulbs were able to generate 55% ethanol concentrations by yeast fermentation. ► Treatment with xylanase significantly reduced the viscosity more than 10-fold and improved fermentable sugars by ∼35%. ► An osmotolerant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain that showed improved fermentation rates was identified.

  7. Kanada eestlasele Marcus Kolgale CEMA auhind / Jaan Ruus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ruus, Jaan, 1938-2017


    Kanada Etnilise Meedia Assotsiatsiooni (CEMA) telefilmipreemia sai dokumentaalfilm eestlase Eduard Kolga saatusest Teises Maailmasõjas "Gulag 113" : režissöör Marcus Kolga : operaator Rein Kotov : Eesti - Kanada 2005

  8. Transition from direct to inverted charge transport Marcus regions in molecular junctions via molecular orbital gating (United States)

    Yuan, Li; Wang, Lejia; Garrigues, Alvar R.; Jiang, Li; Annadata, Harshini Venkata; Anguera Antonana, Marta; Barco, Enrique; Nijhuis, Christian A.


    Solid-state molecular tunnel junctions are often assumed to operate in the Landauer regime, which describes essentially activationless coherent tunnelling processes. In solution, on the other hand, charge transfer is described by Marcus theory, which accounts for thermally activated processes. In practice, however, thermally activated transport phenomena are frequently observed also in solid-state molecular junctions but remain poorly understood. Here, we show experimentally the transition from the Marcus to the inverted Marcus region in a solid-state molecular tunnel junction by means of intra-molecular orbital gating that can be tuned via the chemical structure of the molecule and applied bias. In the inverted Marcus region, charge transport is incoherent, yet virtually independent of temperature. Our experimental results fit well to a theoretical model that combines Landauer and Marcus theories and may have implications for the interpretation of temperature-dependent charge transport measurements in molecular junctions.

  9. Extended Abstracts. International Symposium on Halide Glasses (2nd), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, USA, 2-5 August 1983. (United States)


    Malibu, CA 90265 Phone: 0742 78555 Phone: (213)456-6411 William A. Sibley Herbert B. Rosenstock Physics Dept. Naval Research Laboratory Oklahoma State...INFRARED SPECTRA OF BaF2 CRYSTALS 43 THREE LOSS MECHANISMS IN HALIDE GLASS FIBERS Herbert B. Rosenstock* Naval Research Laboratory Washington, DC 20375 As...Banerjee, H.S. Lipson, G. Fonteneau, J. Lucas, C.T. Moynihan, Appl. Optics 2L, 971 (1982). 3. D. Gloge, A.J. Marcatili, D. Marcuse , S.D. Personick, Ch. 4

  10. Effects of Strong Local Sporadic E on ELF Propagation. (United States)


    Huygens diffraction model (e.g., Marcuse , 1972). The model is similar to that used by Crombie. Unlike Crombie’s work however , the Fresnel approximation...40. Marcuse , D., “Light transmission optics ,” Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York , 1972. Papper t , R. A. & Moler , W. F., “A theoretica’ study of...ATTN Donald Dubbert O1 CY ATTN Herbert Rend University of IllinoisDepartment of Electrical Engineering Develco Urbana , IL 61803 530 Logue Avenue O2CY

  11. OM85. Basic Properties of Optical Materials Summaries of Papers. (United States)


    1984. [2] D. Marcuse : IEEE J. QE-14, 736 (1978). 163 ... . . . .. . . .. . . CALORIMETRIC MEASUREMENT OF OPTICAL ABSORPTION IN SAPPHIRE AT VISIBLE...ARSENIDE Herbert S. Bennett Semiconductor Devices and Circuits Division National Bureau of Standards Gaithersburg, MD 20899 Introduction Lasers, opto

  12. Herbert Hoover and William Shakespeare: Two Writers on Ethics. (United States)

    Somers, Margaret L.


    Outlines the ways in which Herbert Hoover and William Shakespeare wrote about professional ethics (for engineers and kings, respectively) using the writing techniques of concreteness, audience awareness, and development by induction. (TJ)

  13. Herbert: A Second Generation Mobile Robot. (United States)



  14. Hans Joas & Daniel R. Huebner (eds.), The Timeliness of George Herbert Mead


    Baggio, Guido


    The Timeliness of George Herbert Mead is a significant contribution to the recent “Mead renaissance.” It gathers some contributions first presented at the conference celebrating the 150th anniversary of the birth of George Herbert Mead held in April 2013 at the University of Chicago and organized by Hans Joas, Andrew Abbott, Daniel Huebner, and Christopher Takacs. The volume brings scholarship on G. H. Mead up to date highlighting Mead’s relevance for areas of research completely ignored by p...

  15. Onderscheiding der geesten in marcUs1

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    scherp is als beweerd. het zou ook kunnen zijn dat de opmerkingen over het genezen van zieken en het uitdrijven van demonen elkaar verhelderen en inhoud geven aan elkaar. in de hiernavolgende paragraaf laten we zien dat in marcus exorcistische motieven frequenter voorkomen dat wellicht gedacht. 2. JeZUs aLs ...

  16. Racism and Surplus Repression. (United States)

    Johnson, Howard


    Explores the relationship between Herbert Marcuse's theory of "surplus repression" and Freud's theory of the "unconscious" with respect to latent, hidden, covert, or subliminal aspects of racism in the United States. Argues that unconscious racism, manifested in evasion/avoidance, acting out/projection, and attempted…

  17. Repressive Tolerance and the Practice of Adult Education (United States)

    Brookfield, Stephen D.


    Herbert Marcuse's concept of repressive tolerance argues that behind the justification of tolerance lies the possibility of ideological domination. Tolerance allows intolerable practices to go unchallenged and flattens discussion to assume all viewpoints have equal validity. When alternative, dissenting views are inserted into the curriculum…

  18. George Herbert Mead on Humans and Other Animals: Social Relations After Human-Animal Studies


    Rhoda Wilkie; Andrew McKinnon


    The turn towards nonhuman animals within sociology has shed a critical light on George Herbert Mead, his apparent prioritisation of language and the anthropocentric focus of Symbolic Interactionism (SI). Although Herbert Blumer canonised Mead as the founder of this perspective he also played a key role in excising the evolutionary and 'more-than-human' components in Mead's work. This intervention not only misrepresented Mead's intellectual project, it also made symbols the predominant concern...

  19. Chemistry Research of Optical Fibers. (United States)


    BROADENING IN OPTICAL FIBERS Herbert B. Rosenstock* Naval Research Laboratory Washington, DC 20375 ABSTRACT A light pulse transmitted through a fiber...Marcatili, Marcuse , and Personick, "Dispersion Properties of Fibers" (Ch. 4 in "Optical Fiber Telecommunications," S. E. Miller and A. C. Chynoweth, eds

  20. Herbert Fröhlich a physicist ahead of his time

    CERN Document Server

    Hyland, G J


    This biography provides a stimulating and coherent blend of scientific and personal narratives describing the many achievements of the theoretical physicist Herbert Fröhlich. For more than half a century, Fröhlich was an internationally renowned and much respected figure who exerted a decisive influence, often as a ‘man ahead of his time’, in fields as diverse as meson theory and biology. Although best known for his contributions to the theory of dielectrics and superconductivity, he worked in many other fields, his most important legacy being the pioneering introduction quantum field-theoretical methods into condensed matter physics in 1952, which revolutionised the subsequent development of the subject. Gerard Hyland has written an absorbing and informative account, in which Herbert Fröhlich’s magnetic personality shines through.

  1. Eesti aja arhitektuur : Eugen Habermann 125. Herbert Johanson 125 / Ike Volkov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Volkov, Ike, 1951-


    Näitus Eesti Arhitektuurimuuseumis 04. 12. 2009-07. 03. 2010. Eugen Habermannist ja Herbert Johansonist, nende tegevusest ja loomingust. Selle aja ja praegustest probleemidest ning lahendusvõimalustest

  2. The Herbert Virtual Museum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Panagiotis Petridis


    Full Text Available In recent years, virtual reality and augmented reality have emerged as areas of extreme interest as unique methods for visualising and interacting with digital museum artefacts in a different context, for example, as a virtual museum or exhibition, particularly over the Internet. Modern cultural heritage exhibitions have evolved from static to dynamic exhibitions and challenging explorations. This paper presents two different applications developed for the Herbert Museum and Art Gallery that make the user’s experience more immersive, engaging, and interactive. The first application utilizes mobile phone devices in order to enrich the visitors experience in the museum, and the second application is a serious game for cultural heritage and in particular for museum environments focusing on the younger visitors.

  3. Marcus canonical integral for non-Gaussian processes and its computation: pathwise simulation and tau-leaping algorithm. (United States)

    Li, Tiejun; Min, Bin; Wang, Zhiming


    The stochastic integral ensuring the Newton-Leibnitz chain rule is essential in stochastic energetics. Marcus canonical integral has this property and can be understood as the Wong-Zakai type smoothing limit when the driving process is non-Gaussian. However, this important concept seems not well-known for physicists. In this paper, we discuss Marcus integral for non-Gaussian processes and its computation in the context of stochastic energetics. We give a comprehensive introduction to Marcus integral and compare three equivalent definitions in the literature. We introduce the exact pathwise simulation algorithm and give the error analysis. We show how to compute the thermodynamic quantities based on the pathwise simulation algorithm. We highlight the information hidden in the Marcus mapping, which plays the key role in determining thermodynamic quantities. We further propose the tau-leaping algorithm, which advance the process with deterministic time steps when tau-leaping condition is satisfied. The numerical experiments and its efficiency analysis show that it is very promising.

  4. George Herbert Mead, Um, osoba i društvo


    Bačeković, Alica


    Prikaz knjige George Herbert Mead, Um, osoba i društvo sa stajališta socijalnog biheviorista, priredio i uvod napisao Charles W. Morris, s engleskoga preveo Srđan Dvornik, Naklada Jesenski i Turk, Hrvatsko sociološko društvo, Zagreb 2003, xxx + 392 str

  5. An X-Ray Source for Lithography Based on a Quasi-Optical Maser Undulator (United States)


    18, 1986, Edited by J. B. Godel, W. Marcuse and G. P. Williams, Brookhaven National Laboratory Report 52046. 2. In preparing this and the following...90278 Dr. Herbert S. Bennett Dr. John Booske National Bureau of Standards Energy Research Bldg. Bldg. 225, Rm. A352 University of Maryland Washington

  6. Critical Thinking as Cultural-Historical Practice. (United States)

    Panofsky, Carolyn P.


    Explores critical thinking as it has been constructed in schooling and in dominant traditions of psychological theory, presenting a dialectical view of critical thinking suggested in the social and philosophical writings of critical theorists (e.g., Theodor Adorno and Herbert Marcuse) and supported by the sociohistorical or cultural-historical…

  7. Tuning the Self : George Herbert's poetry as cognitive behaviour

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Es, Eelco


    This book provides a cognitive analysis of the poetry of George Herbert (1593- 1633). From Herbert’s own thinking, recorded in his prose treatises, can be deduced that his poems should serve a specific function: teaching self-knowledge to his readers. Self-knowledge is a necessary skill, to be

  8. Zbigniew Herbert, Znaki na papierze

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thibault Deleixhe


    Full Text Available Dans une interview, Zbigniew Herbert confiait : « Mon travail préparatoire à un livre, ce sont avant tout des dessins. Je ne fais pas de photos, cela simplifierait mon contact avec l’objet. » Il n’en fallait pas moins pour donner aux éditions Bosz l’envie d’un projet : réunir ces précieuses esquisses de travail et les confronter aux textes qui en sont nés. Le résultat s’intitule Znaki na papierze (Signes sur papier et appartient aux objets que l’on est fier de posséder dans sa bibliothèque. ...

  9. Nobel Prize 1992: Rudolph A. Marcus: theory of electron transfer reactions in chemical systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ulate Segura, Diego Guillermo


    A review of the theory developed by Rudolph A. Marcus is presented, who for his rating to the theory of electron transfer in chemical systems was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1992. Marcus theory has constituted not only a good extension of the use of a spectroscopic principle, but also has provided an energy balance and the application of energy conservation for electron transfer reactions. A better understanding of the reaction coordinate is exposed in terms energetic and establishing the principles that govern the transfer of electrons, protons and some labile small molecular groups as studied at present. Also, the postulates and equations described have established predictive models of reaction time, very useful for industrial environments, biological, metabolic, and others that involve redox processes. Marcus theory itself has also constituted a large contribution to the theory of complex transition [es

  10. Neoteny, Dialogic Education and an Emergent Psychoculture: Notes on Theory and Practice (United States)

    Kennedy, David


    This article argues that children represent one vanguard of an emergent shift in Western subjectivity, and that adult-child dialogue, especially in the context of schooling, is a key locus for the epistemological change that implies. Following Herbert Marcuse's invocation of a "new sensibility", the author argues that the…

  11. Utopia and Education in Critical Theory (United States)

    Lewis, Tyson


    In this article the author examines the intimate connections between utopia and education in Frankfurt School critical theory. Although substantial links have been made in the critical pedagogy tradition between education, critique, and utopian dreaming, an in-depth analysis of the utopia-education matrix in the works of Herbert Marcuse, Theodor…

  12. An Archetypal Phenomenology of "Skholé" (United States)

    Kennedy, David


    In this essay David Kennedy argues that children represent one vanguard of an emergent shift in Western subjectivity, and that adult-child dialogue, especially in the context of schooling, is a key locus for the epistemological change that implies. Following Herbert Marcuse's invocation of a "new sensibility," Kennedy argues that the…

  13. Herbert Marcuse's Theory of Play--A Social Philosophical Perspective. (United States)

    Volkwien, Karin A. E.

    Sport has been widely discussed, by conservatives who argue that sport operates within the realm of freedom, and so lies outside the deterministic nexus of capitalist economics and policies, and leftists who argue that sport reproduces the repressive features of capitalism and serves as an ideological tool of the latter. The purpose of this study…

  14. Clio goes roller-skating: Images of Memory in some poems by Mary Kennan Herbert Clio goes roller-skating: Images de la mémoire dans quelques poèmes de Mary Kennan Herbert

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jennifer Kilgore


    Full Text Available A few words about Mary Kennan HerbertMary Kennan Herbert is a writer with midwestern roots. She was born in 1938 in St. Louis, Missouri, and spent most of her childhood there. During her adolescent years she lived in Tennessee. She obtained a University degree in art from Peabody College in Nashville. In New York, she pursued a career as editor in a publishing house until the 1980s, when a merger ended her job security. After several attempts at working for different publishers, she started s...

  15. Re-Imagining Spaces, Collectivity, and the Political Dimension of Contemporary Art (United States)

    Peters, Clorinde


    In a neoliberal moment of cultural production marked by commodification and the dominance of economic values, it is necessary to investigate the cultural, social, and aesthetic value of art. By examining Herbert Marcuse's aesthetic dimension, this article seeks to locate the political and pedagogic potential both in the aesthetics and in the…

  16. Toward a Broader Dialectic: Joining Marxism with Mailer to Forge a Multilectics That Advances Teaching and Learning (United States)

    Fellner, Gene


    I contrast the lenses that Norman Mailer, Herbert Marcuse, and Karl Marx bring to their analyses of social life, exploring the contributions and limits of their respective approaches. I then propose what I call a "multilectical" theoretical lens that encompasses the strengths of all three and leans on the insights of post-Marxist…

  17. George Herbert Mead's Contribution to the Philosophy of American Education. (United States)

    Renger, Paul, III


    George Herbert Mead's general philsophy showed that he regarded the development of distinctively human behavior as essentially the result of an individual's meaningful participation in the social process of the community to which he belongs. Mead believed that education was a social process involving the meaningful interaction and communication…

  18. A metateoria social de Herbert Blumer: esboço para uma reconstrução metodológica do interacionismo simbólico


    Henrique Nagashima Milanello


    Este trabalho é uma tentativa de reconstrução metodológica parcial do pensamento de Herbert Blumer e de seu interacionismo simbólico sob a luz da polêmica entre causalidade e compreensão, que emerge no seio das discussões acerca da natureza das explicações nas ciências sociais. Assim, tem-se enfocado principalmente sua tese de doutorado, Method in Social Psychology, a fim de deslindar a concatenação dos elementos explícitos e implícitos de fundamentação ontológica, epistemológica e lógica em ...

  19. On the relation between Marcus theory and ultrafast spectroscopy of solvation kinetics (United States)

    Roy, Santanu; Galib, Mirza; Schenter, Gregory K.; Mundy, Christopher J.


    The phenomena of solvent exchange control the process of solvating ions, protons, and charged molecules. Building upon our extension of Marcus' philosophy of electron transfer, we provide a new perspective of ultrafast solvent exchange mechanism around ions measurable by two-dimensional infrared (2DIR) spectroscopy. In this theory, solvent rearrangement drives an ion-bound water to an activated state of higher coordination number, triggering ion-water separation that leads to the solvent-bound state of the water molecule. This ion-bound to solvent-bound transition rate for a BF4--water system is computed using ab initio molecular dynamics and Marcus theory, and is found to be in excellent agreement with the 2DIR measurement.

  20. Marcurse y Rawls sobre la tolerancia

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    Diego Mauricio Hernández Guzmán


    Full Text Available Este ensayo plantea un diálogo de complementariedad y antagonismo entre John Rawls y Herbert Marcuse a propósito de la tolerancia en cuanto categoría filosófico- política. La hipótesis central es que la perspectiva marcusiana adelanta las elaboraciones rawlsianas y las supera. El escrito inicia retomando los argumentos trazados por Rawls en Liberalismo político y en Una teoría de la justicia, para definir el contenido y el sentido de la tolerancia. Posteriormente, recupera la crítica de Marcuse a la tolerancia liberal planteada en “Tolerancia Represiva”. Con base en dichas fuentes, se construye un diálogo entre ambos autores, llevando a Marcuse más allá de Rawls.

  1. Do individual e do coletivo: sobre aproximações entre o pensamento de Freud e Marx

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    Patrícia Magri Granúzzio


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é discutir a aproximação teórica entre duas vertentes distintas de pensamento que, inicialmente, pode parecer improvável: a psicanálise e o marxismo. O texto discorre sobre a reflexão da gênesis do problema político, interpretando sociedade e indivíduo como inter-relação da natureza humana, conectando, a partir desse princípio, o problema político e o problema psicológico, este se situando como base original daquele. Portanto, no entrecruzamento de sociedade, poder político e natureza humana, expande-se um campo de investigação que se abre a diversas possibilidades, inclusive à aproximação teórica entre as ideias de Marx e Freud. Dentre diversos autores que discutem o freudomarxismo e o posicionamento de Sigmund Freud, diante das ideias de Karl Marx, será dada exclusividade a Wilhelm Reich, Herbert Marcuse e a Ludwig Marcuse. Para uma crítica às ideias de Herbert Marcuse e análise da inter-relação entre marxismo e psicanálise, por sua vez, recorre-se ao filósofo marxista Louis Althusser e a outros analistas e críticos dessas mesmas ideias.

  2. The International Communist Movement: Origins and Trends (United States)


    of youth-who are the world’s future-are assisting in the downfall of the West and the establishment of the communist "new order" worldwide. Herbert ... Marcuse , the "New Left," and their followers are involved in this action. Destruction-that is the watchword of a madness that is sweeping the world. 16

  3. Herbert L. Pick Jr. (1930-2012). (United States)

    Rieser, John J; Lockman, Jeffrey J


    Presents an obituary for Herbert L. Pick Jr. For 49 years at the University of Minnesota's Institute of Child Development, new students were often greeted by an unassuming guy who rode to work on his bike, helped them carry boxes of books to their offices, and turned out to be a famous professor. Herbert L. Pick Jr. was a fabulous mentor, teacher, and developmental scientist. His work on perception and perceptual development spanned basic and applied science, laboratory and real-world settings. He was honored with the Division 7 (Developmental Psychology) Mentor Award from the American Psychological Association in 1998. He was honored again in 2002, jointly with his wife Anne D. Pick, with a volume of the Minnesota Symposium on Child Psychology based on a central theme of their work and titled "Action as an Organizer of Learning and Development." Two weeks before his death he was honored yet again with a Festschrift titled "Realism to Relevance: An Ecological Approach to Perception, Action and Cognition." Former students and academic admirers gave talks focused on the scientific themes Herb championed, namely, effects of experience on learning and development, organism-environment fit, environmental structure, and societal applications of research about basic psychological processes. He gave the final talk, and after thanking everyone in his typically humble way, he discussed his new research on visual-locomotor coordination. Herb died on June 18, 2012. He is greatly missed by Anne, his wife of 50 years; his sister Barbara; his daughters (and their husbands) Cindy (Jon), Karen (John), and Gretchen (Michael); and his grandchildren Alex, Ted, Katy, Joe, Eva, Sam, Rowan, and Culley. He is also missed by his many students, colleagues, friends, and admirers.

  4. Reificação e sociabilidade capitalista: um debate necessário (Reification and capitalist sociality: a necessary debate Doi: 10.5212/Emancipacao.v.12i2.0005

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    Adrianyce A. Silva de Sousa


    Full Text Available  Esse artigo tem como objetivo realizar um debate acerca da categoria de reificação e seus desdobramentos presentes na elaboração teórica de três autores contemporâneos e de grande importância no campo das Ciências Sociais: Lucien Goldmann, Herbert Marcuse e Fredric Jameson. A importância das análises desses autores deve-se tanto a interlocução e/ou incorporação da teoria da reificação elaborada pelo pensamento marxista, assim como a preocupação que estes mesmos teóricos têm de contribuir para a análise concreta das derivações do fenômeno da reificação. Dessa forma, nossa análise problematizou a categoria de reificação, cotejando-a com o exame de fenômenos concretos a partir do contexto social em que estes autores estão inseridos.   Palavras-chave: Reificação. Sociabilidade. Transformações capitalistas.     Abstract: This paper aims to conduct a debate on the theoretical developments of the category of reification as understood by three great contemporary authors in the Social Sciences field: Lucien Goldmann, Herbert Marcuse and Fredric Jameson. The importance of the analysis of these authors is due to both interchange and/or incorporation of the theory of reification developed by the Marxists, and the desire of these intellectuals to contribute to the concrete analysis of the derivations of the reification phenomenon. Thus, our analysis sought to examine the category of reification, comparing it to the examination of concrete phenomena encountered in the social environment in which the above-referred authors are inserted.   Keywords: Reification. Sociability. Capitalist changes. 

  5. A new sexual revolution? Critical theory, pornography, and the Internet. (United States)

    Garlick, Steve


    The "sexual revolution" was a central element of North American culture in the 1960s. Today, sex is increasingly central to mainstream culture, in large part due to the Internet, and we might wonder whether we are living through a comparable period of sexual history. In this article, I revisit the work of Herbert Marcuse-the original theorist of the sexual revolution-to ask whether it can contribute to a critical theory of sexuality in the era of digital technology. After outlining Marcuse's theory of the role of Eros in social life, I discuss two pornographic Web sites that combine eroticism and social critique. I argue that Marcuse's work is valuable for its emphasis on the intersection of sex, technology, and capitalist economy, but that it needs to be supplemented by a focus on masculinity and the male body in Internet pornography.

  6. Racionalidade limitada e a tomada de decisão em sistemas complexos

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    Full Text Available RESUMO: Este artigo tem o objetivo de apresentar o modelo comportamental de racionalidade limitada proposto por Herbert Simon para analisar o processo de tomada de decisão dos agentes em sistemas complexos, marcados pela não ergodicidade e pelo desenvolvimento de trajetórias em aberto. O artigo apresenta a noção de escolha logicamente consistente em contraponto à análise axiomática proposta pela teoria neoclássica. Propõe o uso de modelos de simulação em computador do tipo agent-based modeling (ABM como um instrumental adequado à análise de sistemas complexos.

  7. "Maa sool" - ületöötanud ja alamakstud / Marcus Hildebrandt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hildebrandt, Marcus


    Inglise ja ladina keele õpetaja Marcus Hildebrandt kirjutab, et oma esimestel aastatel Eestis õpetajana arvas ta, et diskussioon õpetajate palkade ja õpetajaameti tähtsustamise üle on siiras, kuid nüüd ta kahtleb, kas poliitikuid huvitab tegelikult Eesti haridussüsteemi tulevik

  8. Remembering John Herbert Beynon 29th December 1923 to 24th August 2015

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Boyd, B.; Brenton, G.; Clayton, E.; Curtis, R. M.; Elliot, R. M.; Errock, G. A.; Green, B. N.; Bateman, R. H.; Gaskel, S. J.; Griffiths, I.; Herman, Zdeněk; Jonathan, P.; Kondrat, O.; Lauševič, M.; Lock, Ch.; Mathur, D.; Todd, J.F.J.; Vékey, K.


    Roč. 30, č. 11 (2016), s. 1253-1264 ISSN 0951-4198 Institutional support: RVO:61388955 Keywords : John Herbert Beynon * editorial * physical chemistry Subject RIV: CF - Physical ; Theoretical Chemistry Impact factor: 1.998, year: 2016

  9. Entre subjetividades e culturas: uma nova linha de pesquisa para a educação

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    Alan Victor Pimenta de Almeida Pales Costa


    Full Text Available This article is a collective production by members from research line "Education, Culture and Subjectivity" of the Post-Graduation Program in Education at UFSCar (Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil, and it presents the thoughts of its members on the process of constitution of this research line. The researchers from the group present different theoretical references constituted by Frankfurtian Critical Theory, based mainly on the writings of Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer, Walter Benjamin, Herbert Marcuse, Jürgen Habermas, and Axel Honneth; by the studies of Max Weber and Bourdieu; and by the analytical references on discourse and power from the studies of Michel Foucault, and by the critique to racialization, by Frantz Fanon. These authors were critical to the social forms of power and control, materialized in the individuals´behaviors, who, by internalizing certain disciplinary processes, actively made effort to be passively controlled and directed by authoritarian words. O artigo é uma produção coletiva dos membros da linha “Educação, Cultura e Subjetividade” do Programa em Pós-Graduação em Educação da UFSCar (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brasil, e apresenta as reflexões dos seus professores e professoras sobre o processo de constituição dessa linha. Os pesquisadores e pesquisadoras da linha apresentam diferentes referenciais teóricos constituídos pelos estudos de Friedrich Nietzsche; pela Teoria Crítica frankfurtiana, fundamentados principalmente nos escritos de Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer, Walter Benjamin, Herbert Marcuse, Jürgen Habermas e Axel Honneth; pelos estudos de Max Weber e Bourdieu; pelos referenciais analíticos sobre discurso e poder dos estudos de Michel Foucault e Gilles Deleuze e pela crítica à racialização de Frantz Fanon. Esses autores foram críticos contumazes às formas sociais de poder e de controle que se materializavam nos comportamentos dos indivíduos que, ao

  10. Xavier Herbert. Requiem for Genius

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    Russell McDougall


    Full Text Available In today’s global celebrity culture it’s hard to imagine a word more over-used and abused than ‘genius’. It is a slippery word with a long and contradictory conceptual history. Yet, in the Land of the Tall Poppy, self-confessions of genius invariably have paved a broad road to public ridicule and denigration. Xavier Herbert’s notion of genius was not static. It changed throughout his life and it evolved through his writing. He agreed with Carlyle that the first condition of genius must always be a ‘transcendent capacity of taking trouble’ and on this foundation he built his own concept of genius, as the unending ‘capacity for loving’. This article explores what genius meant to Xavier Herbert and how it translated into his fiction, before considering how our sense of genius today influences the way we respond to his most challenging fictions of love and hate, 'Capricornia' and 'Poor Fellow My Country'.

  11. Contact/Disability Performance. An Essay Constructed between Petra Kuppers and Neil Marcus (United States)

    Kuppers, Petra; Marcus, Neil


    This dialogue discusses disability and performance through poetic interrogation, interspersed with segments of Neil Marcus's play "My Sexual History." The authors touch on such topics such as sexuality and representation, dance and theatre, the management of disability staring, speech difference and writing, curiosity and shrouding. (Contains 1…

  12. Siim Nestor soovitab : D1 Recordingsi turnee Eestis. Matthew Herbert / Siim Nestor

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nestor, Siim, 1974-


    Iiri techno-firma D1 Recordingsi esindajate kontsertidest 4. märtsil üritusel "Kõigem ruudus" Von Krahlis Tallinnas ja 5. märtsil Ranna klubis Sillamäel. Matthew Herbert Big Band'i ja soome elktroonilise muusika ansambli Uusi Fantaasia kontserdist 5. märtsil Sakala keskuses Tallinnas üritusel "Jazz'n'Motion"

  13. A letter of Marcus Antonius Kappus to Eusebius Franciscus Kino (Sonora in 1690

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tomaž Nabergoj


    Full Text Available The life and work of the Slovene Jesuit, Marcus Antonius Kappus (1657 -1717 who, three centuries ago, worked as a missionary in Sonora, north-west Mexico, has, in recent years, been the subject of several short studies in Slovenia. In this journal, Professor Janez Stanonik has, so far, published five letters which Kappus sent home to his relatives and friends, and one letter which he sent to hi s friend in Vienna, as well as a study on the collection of poems (276 chronograms in Latin, which Kappus published in Mexico City, in 1708, entitled IHS. Enthusiasmus sive solemnes ludi poetici. Prompted by the above publications, the author of this paper spent a month in Sonora while journeying in Mexico in 1991. In Archivo General de la Nación (the general Mexican archives in Mexico City, he happened to find another letter written by Marcus Antonius Kappus.

  14. Eroticizing Marx, Revolutionizing Freud: Marcuse’s Psychoanalytic Turn

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    Jeffry V. Ocay


    Full Text Available The conclusion arrived at in the article titled “Heidegger, Hegel, Marx: Marcuse and the Theory of Historicity,” which appeared in a previous issue of this journal, accounts for Herbert Marcuse’s view of the possibility of the individual to become disposed to radical action. Marcuse thus wants to suggest that there is still hope for the Enlightenment’s project of “emancipation,” and that there is still a revolutionary subject who can carry out this political struggle for liberation. The progression of consciousness which results in a historically conscious individual exemplified by the “consciousslave” in Hegel’s discussion of master-slave relation provided Marcuse the basis of his claim that the individual can be an active and dynamic political subject. Yet the slave who realizes via the notion of labor that it is himself and not the master who is truly free is, after all, still a slave. This means that individuals still need to fight for their freedom.



    Mustafa Kınağ


    Klasik Amerikan pragmatistlerinden George Herbert Mead’a göre benlik, ne salt zihinden ibarettir, ne de ontolojik çatallaşmayı içerir. O, bunun yerine sadece analitik bir ayrım olarak benliği (self) özne benlik (I) ve nesne benlik (me) olarak ifade eder. Ancak ne özne benliği nesne benlik olmaksızın, ne de nesne benliği özne benlik olmaksızın düşünebiliriz. Özne benlik, doğrudan deneyimlerimizde kendisini göstermez, eylemin gerçekleşmesinden sonra biliş alanına girer. O, haf...

  16. Review of Amanda E. Herbert, Female Alliances: Gender, Identity, and Friendship in Early Modern Britain

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    Angela Rehbein


    Full Text Available Review of Amanda E. Herbert, Female Alliances: Gender, Identity, and Friendship in Early Modern Britain. New Haven: Yale UP, 2014. xi, 256 pages: illustrations; 24 cm. ISBN 978-0-300-17740-4.

  17. The role of fearless dominance in differentiating psychopathy from antisocial personality disorder: comment on Marcus, Fulton, and Edens. (United States)

    Patrick, Christopher J; Venables, Noah C; Drislane, Laura E


    Comments on the original article by Marcus et al. (see record 2011-23134-001). Based on their meta-analytic review of the correlates of the two factors of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory (PPI), Fearless Dominance (FD) and Self-Centered Impulsivity (SCI), Marcus, Fulton, and Edens (this issue, pp. 70-79) raise important questions about the role of FD in diagnostic conceptualizations of psychopathy. In considering their findings, general limitations of metaanalyses (e.g., Ioannidis & Lau, 1999) should be borne in mind, along with specific limitations of their analysis. These limitations are discussed here.

  18. Marcus Aurelius and the concept of apotheosis in the ancient worldview

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    Алексей Владиславович Халапсис


    Full Text Available The concept of postmortem apotheosis of good rulers was the important part of religious mind of the ancient world. Deific Marcus Aurelius did not believe in the immortality of the soul, however, this fact did not prevent him conducting the deification process of his relatives. This article deals with both inexplicit motives of this imperator and spiritual patterns of his epoch

  19. Educación, técnicas y procesos de estandarización escolar

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    Carlos Ospina Cruz


    Full Text Available La pregunta que direcciona la presente reflexión es la siguiente: ¿Por qué puede hablarse de una racionalidad tecnológica existente en la educación? Para sumergirnos en este proceso analítico que nos permita revisar la presencia de las técnicas inherentes a un cierto tipo de racionalidad tecnológica en la educación, establecemos diálogos con A. Leroi Gourhan, Marcel Mauss, Arnold Gehlen, Max Horkheimer, Michel Foucault, Martin Heidegger, Herbert Marcuse, C. Wulf, Germán Vargas G., A. Carvajal, J.C. Tedesco, J. Habermas, N. Luhmann y Langdon Winner, entre otros. AbstractThe question that directs this thought is: Why can speak of an existing technological rationality in education? To dive into this analytical process that allows us to check the presence of the techniques inherent in a certain type of technological rationality in education, we establish a dialogue with A. Leroi Gourhan, Marcel Mauss, Arnold Gehlen, Max Horkheimer, Michel Foucault, Martin Heidegger, Herbert Marcuse, C. Wulf, German Vargas, A. Carvajal, J.C. Tedesco, J. Habermas, N. Luhmann and Langdon Winner, among others.

  20. Herbert a. simon y la economía organizacional


    Estrada Gallego, Fernando


    Este artículo analiza los aspectos centrales de la obra de Herbert A. Simon, en especial el orientado al análisis de la economía de las organizaciones con énfasis en el criterio de racionalidad limitada. Se interpreta la crítica de Simon a la versión ortodoxa de la burocracia organizacional y se extiende su análisis hacia la economía institucional. Uno de los principales logros de Simon en teoría organizacional consiste en haber valorado analíticamente la psicología del comportamiento individ...

  1. Fin-de-Siecle Advances in Neuroeducation: Henry Herbert Donaldson and Reuben Post Halleck (United States)

    Theodoridou, Zoe D.; Triarhou, Lazaros C.


    This article focuses on two early attempts at bridging neuroscience and education, made by Henry Herbert Donaldson (1857-1938), a neurologist, and Reuben Post Halleck (1859-1936), an educator. Their works, respectively entitled "The Growth of the Brain: A Study of the Nervous System in Relation to Education" (1895) and "The Education of the…

  2. Delaware River water quality Bristol to Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania, August 1949 to December 1963 (United States)

    Keighton, Walter B.


    During the 14-year period from August 1949 to July 1963, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the city of Philadelphia, collected samples of river water once each month in the 43-mile reach of the Delaware River from Bristol to Marcus Hook, Pa., and daily at Trenton, 10 miles upstream from Bristol. This part of the Delaware is an estuary into which salt water is brought by tides; fresh water flows into the estuary at Trenton, NJ, and farther downstream from the Schuylkill River and other tributaries of the Delaware. In March, April, and May, when fresh-water flow is high, the average concentration of dissolved solids in the water at Bristol was 76 ppm (parts per million), and at Marcus Hook 112 PPM In August and September, streamflow is lower, and the average concentration of dissolved solids increased to 117 PPM at Bristol and 804 PPM at Marcus Hook. Major salinity invasions of the Delaware River occurred in 1949, 1953, 1954, 1957, and 1963. In each of these years the fresh-water flow into the tidal river at Trenton was low during the period from July to October. The greatest dissolved-solids concentrations in these monthly samples were 160 PPM at Bristol and 4,000 PPM at Marcus Hook. At times the dissolved-oxygen concentration of the river water has become dangerously low, especially in that reach of the river between Wharton Street and League Island. At the Benjamin Franklin Bridge, one-third of the samples of river water were less than 30 percent saturated with oxygen; however, no trend, either for better or for worse, was apparent during the 14-year period. It is useful now to summarize these monthly analyses for the period 1949-63 even though a much more detailed description of water quality in this reach of the estuary will soon become available through the use of recording instrumental conditions. This compendium of water-quality data is useful as an explicit statement of water quality during the 14-year study period and is valuable for directing

  3. De strijd om de richting van de Westerse cultuur


    E. Schuurman


    The struggle around the direction of Western culture Herbert Marcuse is the most important representative of the cultural revolution of the sixties of the twentieth century. He represents resistance against the scientific-technological ideal of the Enlightenment. His ideal of freedom has, nevertheless, the same roots. Since the Enlightenment Western culture has been characterised by a struggle between the freedom ideal and the scientific-technological control ideal. To lessen the tension we n...

  4. De strijd om de richting van de Westerse cultuur


    Schuurman, E.


    Herbert Marcuse is de belangrijkste vertegenwoordiger van de culturele revolutie van de twintigste eeuw. Hij vertegenwoordigt de weerstand in de Westerse cultuur tegen het wetenschappelijk-technisch ideaal van de Verlichting. Zijn vrijheidsideaal heeft niettemin dezelfde wortels. Sinds de Verlichting wordt de Westerse cultuur beheerst door de strijd tussen deze twee idealen. Om de strijd te verminderen en de spanning in de cultuur te laten afnemen, is een transformatie van de cultuur noodzake...

  5. Heurísticas no estudo das decisões econômicas: contribuições de Herbert Simon, Daniel Kahneman e Amos Tversky

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    Adriana Sbicca


    Full Text Available Herbert Simon apresenta uma vasta produção acadêmica na qual propôs uma teoria da decisão econômica em torno do conceito de racionalidade limitada. O reconhecimento do meio complexo e dos limites cognitivos levaram-no a sustentar o frequente uso de heurísticas pelo ser humano. Novas abordagens têm sido desenvolvidas ao redor dessa ideia. Mais recentemente, Daniel Kahneman e Amos Tversky analizaram a relação entre heurísticas e vieses de comportamento e esta proposta tem ganhado espaço no mundo acadêmico. Este texto discute as contribuições de Simon, Kahneman e Tversky, e propõe a existência de complementaridade entre as mesmas, promissora para o desenvolvimento de uma teoria da decisão do agente econômico.

  6. George Herbert Mead on consciousness: antidote to Cartesian absurdities?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Willert, Søren

    The article explicates George Herbert Mead's theory of consciousness as presented in Mind, Self and Society. According to Mead, the term consciousness may refer to three different sets of phenomena: (1) the environment as implied by our goal-directed action; Mead names this consciousness aspect...... experience; it is shared by humans and subhuman animals alike; (2) consciousness of environmental experience; Mead names this consciousness aspect awareness; it is exclusively human; (3) the peculiar sensed qualities attaching to consciousness, equalling what is today named qualia. Descartes......-inspired psychology makes the third consciousness aspect all-important. Within Mead's framework for a darwinistically inspired psycholgy, it becomes theoretically insignificant....

  7. Muusikamaailm : "Represseeritud muusika" Moskvas. György Kurtagi festival Londonis. Junge Deutshe Philarmonie kevad. Herbert Wernicke lahkunud / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Moskvas toimuvast festivalist "Represseeritud muusika". Londonis toimuvast György Kurtagi festivalist. Saksa orkestri Junge Deutshe Philarmonie kevadesinemistest. Suri saksa ooperilavastaja Herbert Wernicke

  8. Das "Inventar berufsbezogener Einstellungen und Selbsteinschä tzungen" (IBES) von Marcus (2006)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zettler, Ingo; Solga, M.


    IBES - Inventar berufsbezogener Einstellungen und Selbsteinschätzungen (Job-Related Attitudes and Self-Evaluations Inventory; Marcus, 2006) is the first scientifically well-founded integrity test developed for German speaking countries. Integrity tests' primary goal is to forecast counterproducti...... work behavior (i.e., theft, betrayal, aggression) at the best. IBES is to be applied for personnel selection purposes. This paper describes theory, layout, execution, and psychometric properties of IBES....

  9. Herbert M. Parker: Publications and contributions to radiological and health physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kathren, R.L.; Baalman, R.W.; Bair, W.J.


    For more than a half century, Herbert M. Parker was a leading force in radiological physics. As a scientist, he was codeveloper of a systematic dosimetry scheme for implant therapy and the innovative proposer of radiological units with unambiguous physical and biological bases. He made seminal contributions to the development of scientifically based radiation protection standards and, as an administrator and manager as well as scientist, helped the Hanford Laboratories to achieve preeminance in several areas, including radiation biology, radioactive waste disposal, and environmental radioactivity. This volume brings together, sometimes from obscure sources, his works

  10. George Herbert Mead's Lecture on Philosophy of Education at the University of Chicago (1910-1911). (United States)

    Biesta, Gert J. J.

    This paper recounts the influence of two of the great educational philosophers of this century, John Dewey and George Herbert Mead. Both men came to the University of Chicago from teaching at the University of Michigan. The men were life-long personal friends and professional colleagues. Although Mead published little during his life, his…

  11. Encountering Indigeneity: Xavier Herbert, ‘Inky’ Stephensen and the Problems of Settler Nationalism

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    Dan Tout


    Full Text Available The 1930s in Australia was a period marked by rising awareness of and attention to Australia’s ‘half-caste problem’. Released and promoted in tandem with the 1938 sesquicentenary of Australia’s settler colonisation, Xavier Herbert’s novel Capricornia appeared as a searing protest against the exclusion of so-called ‘half-castes’ from white Australia. The novel itself was published by the Publicist Publishing Company, platform for rationalist and businessman W.J. Miles and editor and polemicist P.R. ‘Inky’ Stephensen, both strict advocates of a racially pure white Australia. Yet together, Herbert and his patrons capitalised on the sesquicentenary, and the Day of Mourning protests they helped organise, to promote what they proclaimed the ‘Great Australian Novel’. This article reads Herbert’s racial understandings in relation to those of Stephensen, and reads them both in relation to the prevailing circumstances of 1930s Australia, as well as the underlying dynamics of settler colonialism. Whereas Stephensen subscribed to the ‘Aryan Aborigines’ hypothesis and emphasised Australia’s supposed racial purity, Herbert celebrated instead the potentiality of ‘Euraustralian’ hybridity. While these approaches are ostensibly at odds, this article argues instead that they share a common drive towards settler indigenisation and independence as their ultimate aims.

  12. Lady Mary Sidney Herbert a Lady Mary Wroth: labutí píseň a imaginativní svět jako součást rodinného odkazu (Lady Mary Sidney Herbert and Lady Mary Wroth: a Swan song and Fictional World as a part of Sidneyan legacy

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    Martina Kastnerová


    Full Text Available The study intends to clarify the process of forming of Sidneyan literary cult as a part of (Sidneyʼs family legacy based on the the literary activities of Sidneyʼs sister Lady Mary Sidney Herbert, countess of Pembroke, and his niece Lady Mary Wroth, daughter of his younger brother Robert. Mary Sidney Herbert throughout her literary career sings a swan song of her brother, Mary Wroth creates an imaginative world of free love choice and happy endings and her literary career is based on the well-established cult of Sidneyʼs name.

  13. Herbert A. Simon: Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences, 1978. (United States)

    Leahey, Thomas H


    In 1978, Herbert A. Simon won the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences, the same Nobel won by Daniel Kahneman in 2002. Simon's work in fact paved the way for Kahneman's Nobel. Although trained in political science and economics rather than psychology, Simon applied psychological ideas to economic theorizing. Classical and neoclassical economic theories assume that people are perfectly rational and strive to optimize economic outcomes. Simon argued that human rationality is constrained, not perfect, and that people seek satisfactory rather than ideal outcomes. Despite his Nobel, Simon felt isolated in economics and ultimately moved into psychology. Nevertheless, his ideas percolated through the economic community, so that Kahneman, whose research advanced Simon's broad perspective, could be the psychologist who won the Nobel in economics.

  14. Comparison of the Marcus and Pekar partitions in the context of non-equilibrium, polarizable-continuum solvation models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    You, Zhi-Qiang; Herbert, John M.; Mewes, Jan-Michael; Dreuw, Andreas


    The Marcus and Pekar partitions are common, alternative models to describe the non-equilibrium dielectric polarization response that accompanies instantaneous perturbation of a solute embedded in a dielectric continuum. Examples of such a perturbation include vertical electronic excitation and vertical ionization of a solution-phase molecule. Here, we provide a general derivation of the accompanying polarization response, for a quantum-mechanical solute described within the framework of a polarizable continuum model (PCM) of electrostatic solvation. Although the non-equilibrium free energy is formally equivalent within the two partitions, albeit partitioned differently into “fast” versus “slow” polarization contributions, discretization of the PCM integral equations fails to preserve certain symmetries contained in these equations (except in the case of the conductor-like models or when the solute cavity is spherical), leading to alternative, non-equivalent matrix equations. Unlike the total equilibrium solvation energy, however, which can differ dramatically between different formulations, we demonstrate that the equivalence of the Marcus and Pekar partitions for the non-equilibrium solvation correction is preserved to high accuracy. Differences in vertical excitation and ionization energies are <0.2 eV (and often <0.01 eV), even for systems specifically selected to afford a large polarization response. Numerical results therefore support the interchangeability of the Marcus and Pekar partitions, but also caution against relying too much on the fast PCM charges for interpretive value, as these charges differ greatly between the two partitions, especially in polar solvents

  15. Comparison of the Marcus and Pekar partitions in the context of non-equilibrium, polarizable-continuum solvation models

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    You, Zhi-Qiang; Herbert, John M., E-mail: [Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210 (United States); Mewes, Jan-Michael; Dreuw, Andreas [Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing, Ruprechts-Karls University, Im Neuenheimer Feld 368, 69120 Heidelberg (Germany)


    The Marcus and Pekar partitions are common, alternative models to describe the non-equilibrium dielectric polarization response that accompanies instantaneous perturbation of a solute embedded in a dielectric continuum. Examples of such a perturbation include vertical electronic excitation and vertical ionization of a solution-phase molecule. Here, we provide a general derivation of the accompanying polarization response, for a quantum-mechanical solute described within the framework of a polarizable continuum model (PCM) of electrostatic solvation. Although the non-equilibrium free energy is formally equivalent within the two partitions, albeit partitioned differently into “fast” versus “slow” polarization contributions, discretization of the PCM integral equations fails to preserve certain symmetries contained in these equations (except in the case of the conductor-like models or when the solute cavity is spherical), leading to alternative, non-equivalent matrix equations. Unlike the total equilibrium solvation energy, however, which can differ dramatically between different formulations, we demonstrate that the equivalence of the Marcus and Pekar partitions for the non-equilibrium solvation correction is preserved to high accuracy. Differences in vertical excitation and ionization energies are <0.2 eV (and often <0.01 eV), even for systems specifically selected to afford a large polarization response. Numerical results therefore support the interchangeability of the Marcus and Pekar partitions, but also caution against relying too much on the fast PCM charges for interpretive value, as these charges differ greatly between the two partitions, especially in polar solvents.

  16. Herbert Spencer's Contributions to Behavior Analysis: A Retrospective Review of Principles of Psychology


    Leslie, Julian C


    Herbert Spencer's Principles of Psychology (1855, first edition) was regarded by his contemporaries, including William James and John Dewey, as a major contribution to what was then a very new discipline. In this book he first expounded his ideas about both evolution of species and how behavior of the individual organism adapts through interaction with the environment. His formulation of the principle that behavior changes in adaptation to the environment is closely related to the version of ...

  17. Denver's Pioneer Astronomer: Herbert Alonso Howe (1858-1926) (United States)

    Howe, H. J.; Stencel, R. E.; Fisher, S.


    Herbert A. Howe arrived at Denver University (DU) to teach autumn 1880 classes, in math, astronomy and surveying. Howe established himself with clever solutions to the Kepler problem for orbit determinations in thesis work at Cincinnati Observatory. Riding the economic expansion of Colorado gold and silver mining in 1888, the University accepted a proposed gift of a major observatory, offered by Denver real estate baron, Humphrey Chamberlin. The result features a 20 inch aperture Alvan Clark refractor, which still ranks among the largest telescopes of the era. With the observatory building ready, the Silver Panic of 1893 -- when the US Congress dropped silver reserves from the currency basis -- burst the Denver economic bubble. Chamberlin was unable to complete payments on the balances due. Clark and G.N.Saegmuller (Fauth and Co.) at personal expense, delivered on the optics and telescope assemblies in 1894, but would wait for repayment. Sadly, this fiscal crisis affected DU for over a decade. Professor Howe, while observatory director, found himself consumed as Dean and Acting Chancellor for a young, struggling university, at the expense of the astronomy future that had looked so bright in 1892. Absent the Silver Panic, Howe would have probably been given an endowed chair in astronomy, as promised by Chamberlin. The complexion of American astronomy at the time of the birth of the American Astronomical Society in 1899 might have been different, in terms of US observing sites, etc. We are fortunate to have extensive Prof.Howe's daily diaries now in the University archives. These describe Howe's view of progress on the observatory, meetings with astronomy notables, plus vignettes of the life and times of Denver and the nation. Grandson, Herbert Julian Howe rediscovered their existence and is summarizing them in the form of a biography entitled: The Pioneer Astronomer. DU archival records contain numerous original letters from late 19th century astronomy luminaries

  18. George Herbert Mead, La Philosophie du temps en perspective(s)


    Leclerc, Natalia


    L’ouvrage intitulé La Philosophie du temps en perspective(s) comporte plusieurs textes de G. H. Mead, précédés d’une importante introduction de Michèle Leclerc-Olive, qui présente « Les figures du temps dans la philosophie de George Herbert Mead ». Son caractère pédagogique est très appréciable : elle permet en effet d’entrer progressivement dans la pensée, ou plutôt dans les différentes facettes et étapes de la réflexion de Mead. Il est extrêmement dense, et le présent compte rendu n’a pas d...

  19. [George Herbert Mead. Thought as the conversation of interior gestures]. (United States)

    Quéré, Louis


    For George Herbert Mead, thinking amounts to holding an "inner conversation of gestures ". Such a conception does not seem especially original at first glance. What makes it truly original is the "social-behavioral" approach of which it is a part, and, particularly, two ideas. The first is that the conversation in question is a conversation of gestures or attitudes, and the second, that thought and reflexive intelligence arise from the internalization of an external process supported by the social mechanism of communication: that of conduct organization. It imports then to understand what distinguishes such ideas from those of the founder of behavioral psychology, John B. Watson, for whom thinking amounts to nothing other than subvocal speech.


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    Carlos Antônio Giovinazzo Júnior


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, são propostas algumas reflexões acerca dos modelos de formação cultural predominantes na sociedade contemporânea, marcada pela racionalidade instrumental e técnica. Por meio da apresentação de algumas concepções de Herbert Marcuse e de Theodor W. Adorno sobre história, dialética, razão e experiência, destaca-se a necessidade de revisão das formas de atuação política, tendo em vista o caráter conservador do capitalismo tardio. Nesse sentido, sugere-se que a dialética marxista seja reavaliada à luz de conceitos tais como negação e escolha determinadas, e que o processo histórico seja considerado campo de possibilidades, a partir do binômio continuidade-ruptura. Também são abordadas as conseqüências do tipo de racionalidade vigente, em que prevalecem as falsas necessidades, ou seja, aquelas impostas; e a cisão entre pensamento e experiência, atuante na formação cultural dos indivíduos, de maneira que impeça a sua autonomia, o que, conseqüentemente, repercuti na ação política.

  1. Rb/Sr ages of metamorphites of the Herbert Mountains, Shackleton Range, Antarctica

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hofmann, J.; Pilot, J.; Schlichting, M.


    Results of Rb/Sr-age determinations from six mica schists, sampled in the upper part of the Shackleton metamorphic complex (Herbert Mountains, Shackleton Range, Antarctica) are reported. A three point isochrone gives an age of 470 +- 36 mio. yrs., a two point isochrone an age of 1414 +- 185 mio yrs. The first age marks a thermo-magmatic activation of early paleozoic age, the second one is interpretated as the age of regional metamorphism from the upper parts of the Shackleton metamorphic complex. The results are discussed under consideration of former age determinations. (author)

  2. Herbert Hoover and the Organization of the American Relief Effort in Poland (1919-1923

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    Matthew Lloyd Adams


    Full Text Available Poland, recreated after the armistice of 1918, was confronted at its rebirth with four very severe challenges: welding together the separate sections of the dissected country, which for many decades had been under the rule of Prussia-Germany, Austria and Russia; creating a functioning administration and military force for the country; ensuring the recovery of agriculture, which, during World War I, had seriously declined; and restarting industries destroyed or closed during foreign military occupation. Even under the valuable leadership of the first Prime Minister of the new Polish Republic Ignacy Paderewski and Marshal Jozef Pilsudski, the Poles could not accomplish the goal of rebuilding a strong Poland without outside help. The American Relief Administration (ARA, founded and led by Herbert Hoover, offered their help. The ARA, with its food aid and provision of economic assistance and expertise, played an important role in bringing about stability in the newly independent state of Poland. This paper examines the many steps Herbert Hoover had to take to arrange food relief in Poland and will outline the organization of the ARA, including the establishment of the Polish relief organization and the introduction of young Polish-American women, called the Grey Samaritans, into the field.

  3. Technology, Technological Domination, and the Great Refusal: Marcuse’s Critique of the Advanced Industrial Society

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    Jeffry V. Ocay


    Full Text Available Herbert Marcuse’s oeuvre is driven by the recurring theme of“emancipation”—that is, the attempt to liberate man from socialexploitation and the projection of an alternative society, a socialistsociety which Marcuse describes as “free, happy, and non-repressive.”1 This suggests that Marcuse saw the existing society as pathological and therefore it needs to be diagnosed and remedied. His readings on Marx led him to his initial findings that the capitalist social order is the primordial cause of thesepathologies, and, hence, it is the transformation of this social order that can bring emancipation to fruition. Inasmuch as this struggle for emancipation requires an active political agent, a critical theorist is, therefore, bound to seek for this agent. This is precisely what concerned Marcuse in his pre-World War II writings. His theory of historicity, which straddles Heidegger, Hegel, andMarx, is a search for that viable political agent who can be the hope of emancipation. Thus, Marcuse’s theory of historicity is premised, among other things, on the attempt to develop a theory of emancipation, and I call this “Marcuse’s first theory of emancipation.”

  4. Economía y racionalidad de las organizaciones. Los aportes de Herbert A. Simon .

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    Fernando Estrada.


    Full Text Available This article evaluates Herbert A. Simon’s contribution to organization theory, placing special emphasis on the idea of bounded rationality. It interprets Simon’s criticism of the orthodox version of organizational bureaucracy and extends his analysis to the institutional economics. One of Simon’s main achievements in organizational theory was analytically evaluating individual and collective behavior, clearing the way for the future studies of D. Kahneman and T. Schelling.

  5. Xavier Herbert: Forgotten or Repressed?

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    Liz Conor


    Full Text Available Xavier Herbert is one of Australia’s outstanding novelists and one of the more controversial. In his time, he was also an outspoken public figure. Yet many young Australians today have not heard of the man or his novels. His key works Capricornia (1938 and Poor Fellow My Country (1975 won major awards and were judged as highly significant on publication, yet there has been relatively little analysis of their impact. Although providing much material for Baz Luhrmann’s blockbuster film Australia (2008, his works are rarely recommended as texts in school curricula or in universities. Gough Whitlam took a particular interest in the final draft of Poor Fellow My Country, describing it as a work of ‘national significance’ and ensuring the manuscript was sponsored to final publication. In 1976 Randolph Stow described it as ‘THE Australian classic’. Yet, a search of the Australian Literature database will show that it is one of the most under-read and least taught works in the Australian literary canon. In our view, an examination of his legacy is long overdue. This collection brings together new scholarship that explores the possible reasons for Herbert’s eclipse within public recognition, from his exposure of unpalatable truths such as interracial intimacy, to his relationship with fame. This reevaluation gives new readings of the works of this important if not troublesome public intellectual and author.

  6. Avaliação da atividade antiviral e determinação do perfil cromatográfico de Hippeastrum glaucescens (Martius Herbert (Amaryllidaceae

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    A. E. Hofmann JR

    Full Text Available Plantas da família Amaryllidaceae são caracterizadas pela presença de alcalóides isoquinolínicos. Desde o primeiro estudo envolvendo alcalóides desta família em 1877, um grande número destas plantas tem sido analisado quimicamente. Estes compostos apresentam uma ampla variedade de atividades biológicas, tais como: antiviral, citotóxica, antitumoral e analgésica. Neste trabalho, foram avaliados o perfil cromatográfico e a potencial atividade antiviral das frações diclorometano A e B, isoladas dos diferentes órgãos vegetais (bulbos, raízes, folhas e flores de Hippeastrum glaucescens (Martius Herbert, assim como dos alcalóides licorina, tazetina e pretazetina, previamente isolados desta planta. A extração dos alcalóides de H. glaucescens foi realizada por métodos clássicos, a partir de bulbos, raízes, folhas e flores fornecendo rendimentos totais em alcalóides de 0,53%; 0,81%; 0,29% e 0,12%, respectivamente. Empregando-se cromatografia em camada delgada, verificou-se que os bulbos e as raízes apresentam perfis cromatográficos semelhantes e que os alcalóides licorina, tazetina e pretazetina estão presentes em todas as partes testadas do vegetal. As frações diclorometano A e B, de cada órgão vegetal, e os alcalóides isolados (licorina, tazetina e pretazetina não inibiram a replicação do herpesvírus simples humano tipo 1 (HSV-1 cepa KOS, quando avaliados através do método de inibição do efeito citopático viral.

  7. Reseña de Feenberg y Friesen (Eds. (2011 (ReInventig Internet. Critical Case Studies

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    Feliciano Castaño Villar


    Full Text Available Andrew Feenberg, discípulo de Herbert Marcuse, viene profundizando en la filosofía y teoría crítica de la tecnología, así como su relación con la ciencia y la democracia. Reflexiona sobre quién debe decidir sobre ciencia y tecnología, a quién debe servir y cuál es el rol de las políticas públicas e instituciones, comprometiéndose sin vacilaciones por la democratización de las mismas.

  8. Dedication to Herbert Friedman (United States)

    Gursky, Herbert


    Herbert Friedman died on 9 September 2000 at the age of 84. He spent his entire professional career at the Naval Research Laboratory, starting as a physicist in 1940 after completing his graduate work at Johns Hopkins University. During his first ten years at NRL he was occupied with analytical studies of materials using x-rays, building on the research experience he gained as a graduate student. His principal accomplishments related to the development and application of high efficiency gas counters for x-rays and the associated high speed electronics and included the development of x-ray fluorescence as a laboratory and industrial tool. He also developed the geiger counters used by NRL in the detection of the first Soviet nuclear bomb. By 1950 he had switched fields and had begun the program of rocket observations of the sun for which he is best known. His first rocket flight, a V2 flown in 1949, one of the first applications of photon counting to astronomy, established the relationship between solar x-rays and ultraviolet radiation and the ionization structure of the upper atmosphere. By the late 1950s Friedman had switched fields again, to the study of UV and x-rays from the night sky. In 1964 he performed a landmark rocket experiment, observing x-ray emission from the Crab Nebula as it was being occulted by the Moon. In 1960 Friedman was elected to the National Academy of Sciences and became increasingly involved in community affairs, including membership on the President’s Science Advisory Committee, the General Advisory Committee to the Atomic Energy Commission, the Space Science Board of the National Academy of Sciences and the Governing Board of the National Academy of Sciences.

  9. Unified interpretation of exciplex formation and marcus electron transfer on the basis of two-dimensional free energy surfaces. (United States)

    Murata, Shigeo; Tachiya, M


    The mechanism of exciplex formation proposed in a previous paper has been refined to show how exciplex formation and Marcus electron transfer (ET) in fluorescence quenching are related to each other. This was done by making simple calculations of the free energies of the initial (DA*) and final (D+A-) states of ET. First it was shown that the decrease in D-A distance can induce intermolecular ET even in nonpolar solvents where solvent orientational polarization is absent, and that it leads to exciplex formation. This is consistent with experimental results that exciplex is most often observed in nonpolar solvents. The calculation was then extended to ET in polar solvents where the free energies are functions of both D-A distance and solvent orientational polarization. This enabled us to discuss both exciplex formation and Marcus ET in the same D-A pair and solvent on the basis of 2-dimensional free energy surfaces. The surfaces contain more information about the rates of these reactions, the mechanism of fluorescence quenching by ET, etc., than simple reaction schemes. By changing the parameters such as the free energy change of reaction, solvent dielectric constants, etc., one can construct the free energy surfaces for various systems. The effects of free energy change of reaction and of solvent polarity on the mechanism and relative importance of exciplex formation and Marcus ET in fluorescence quenching can be well explained. The free energy surface will also be useful for discussion of other phenomena related to ET reactions.

  10. Historical and Political Thought in the Seventeenth-Century Dutch Republic: The Case of Marcus Zuerius Boxhorn (1612-1653)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    J.T. Nieuwstraten (Jaap)


    textabstractThis dissertation constitutes the first comprehensive study of the historical and political thought of the Dutch scholar Marcus Zuerius Boxhorn (1612-1653). Boxhorn was one of the most prolific scholars of his age. His Latin works were translated into Dutch, French, and English, and

  11. Herbert M. Lefcourt (1936-2011). (United States)

    Martin, Rod A; Steffy, Richard A


    Presents an obituary for Herbert M. Lefcourt. In the summer of 1963, with a freshly minted PhD degree in his hands, Lefcourt moved to Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Along with several other young faculty members from the United States, Herb had been recruited to help establish a new PhD program in clinical psychology at the University of Waterloo. Over the ensuing years, it became recognized as one of the leading clinical programs in North America. Ever an optimist with a zest for life, Herb focused on the positive side of human nature in his research interests. While others studied stress and distress, Herb was more interested in the personality traits of people who are particularly resilient, able to withstand adversity without succumbing to illness and depression. Later in his career, his interests turned to the study of the sense of humor, again conceptualized as a personality variable with important implications for mental and physical health. Herb retired from the university in 1996 and was awarded the honorific of Distinguished Professor Emeritus. He had a very enjoyable retirement, pursuing his many interests, which included international travel, hiking, woodworking, literature, film, and classical music, and enjoying his summer cottage on Manitoulin Island in Lake Huron. He is remembered as an energetic teacher who, in addition to having an eclectic command of the theory and research, drew on his vast knowledge of literature, film, and current events to make his lectures interesting, informative, and thought-provoking. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved).

  12. El placer como categoría psicológica y socio-política

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    Graciela Magallanes


    Full Text Available El presente artículo se inscribe en el marco de indagación para la tesis doctoral “Las experiencias placenteras escolarizadas: un análisis desde historias de vida de sujetos con nivel doctoral” (Magallanes, 2014. En dicho estudio, donde se describen algunas formas que asumen las experiencias placenteras, se focaliza la atención en los procesos de apropiación subjetiva de los escolarizados a partir de las teorías críticas en la teoría social (contemporánea. Atento a lo antes planteado, este escrito es un intento de interrogar el placer en tanto categoría psicológica y socio-política a partir de los aportes de Herbert Marcuse. Particularmente hay un interés por transitar los lugares de luchas por la existencia desde donde Marcuse abre oportunidades para pensar en la doble faz, doble filo, desde donde el placer se manifiesta. 

  13. El placer como categoría psicológica y socio-política

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    Graciela Magallanes


    Full Text Available El presente artículo se inscribe en el marco de indagación para la tesis doctoral “Las experiencias placenteras escolarizadas: un análisis desde historias de vida de sujetos con nivel doctoral” (Magallanes, 2014. En dicho estudio, donde se describen algunasformas que asumen las experiencias placenteras,se focaliza la atención en los procesos de apropiación subjetiva de los escolarizados a partir de las teorías críticas en la teoría social contemporánea. Atento a lo antes planteado, este escrito es un intento de interrogar el placer en tanto categoría psicológica y socio-política a partir de los aportes de Herbert Marcuse. Particularmente hay un interés por transitar los lugares de luchas por la existencia desde donde Marcuse abre oportunidades para pensar en la doble faz, doble filo, desde donde el placer se manifiesta.

  14. Wind Farm Siting and Protected Areas in Catalonia: Planning Alternatives or Reproducing 'One-Dimensional Thinking'?

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    Katharine N. Farrell


    Full Text Available Wind energy is an emblem of sustainability with the potential to promote a qualitative alternative to current energy systems and nuclear options for CO2 reduction. However, wind farm siting often conflicts with aspirations to conserve traditional landscapes and wildlife habitats. In this paper we adopt a Critical Theory perspective, informed by Herbert Marcuse`s work, to study the discourse concerning wind energy siting in Catalonia, Spain. We give particular attention to how tensions between potentially conflicting sustainability objectives are addressed and by whom. Based on a review of this siting discourse and the application of Marcuse’s theory, we find that the Catalan wind energy siting discourse is both influenced by and reproducing what Marcuse referred to as the ‘one-dimensional thinking’ of technology as ideology: erasing the possibility of critical dialectical thought by subsuming the question of “what should be” under the question of “what is”. This has implications both for how these conflicts are investigated and for the sustainability of decisions taken. We conclude that closer attention to the role of ‘one-dimensional thinking’ in wind energy siting discourses could improve not only the understanding of their logic but might also have the potential to help make them more democratic.

  15. Présentation

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    Stéphane Haber


    Full Text Available Les articles réunis dans ce dossier de la revue Astérion portent sur la première génération de la Théorie critique (dont Max Horkheimer, Walter Benjamin, Theodor W. Adorno, Herbert Marcuse et Erich Fromm constituent sans doute les figures principales. Ils se concentrent plus précisément sur les contributions philosophiques qui marquèrent la période ouverte par l’accession de Horkheimer à la direction de l’Institut de recherches sociales (1931 et close par la publication en 1944 de Dialektik...

  16. Fragmented one dimensional man / El hombre unidimensional fragmentado

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    Juan Antonio Rodríguez del Pino


    Full Text Available Paraphrase the title of the famous essay by Herbert Marcuse, since the image has traditionally been generated of man, masculinity, has been one-dimensional. I mean, the man was characterized by traits and behaviors established and entrenched since ancient time, considering all other distinguishing signs as mere deviations from the normative improper. But observe that this undeniable reality, as analyzed various researchers through what has come to be called Men's studies, has proven to be a fallacy difficult to maintain throughout history and today turns into fallacious and ineffective against changes in our current existing corporate models.

  17. Cognitive Comparative Advantage and the Organization of Work: Lessons from Herbert Simon's Vision of the Future


    Richard N. Langlois


    In a marvelous but somewhat neglected paper, 'The Corporation: Will It Be Managed by Machines?' Herbert Simon articulated from the perspective of 1960 his vision of what we now call the New Economy the machine-aided system of production and management of the late twentieth century. Simon's analysis sprang from what I term the principle of cognitive comparative advantage: one has to understand the quite different cognitive structures of humans and machines (including computers) in order to exp...

  18. George Herbert Mead and the Allen controversy at the University of Wisconsin. (United States)

    Cook, Gary A


    This essay uses previously unpublished correspondence of George Herbert Mead to tell the story of his involvement in the aftermath of a political dispute that took place at the University of Wisconsin during the years 1914-1915. It seeks thereby to clarify the historical significance of an article he published on this controversy in late 1915. Taken together with relevant information about the educational activities of William H. Allen of the New York Bureau of Municipal Research, Mead's correspondence and article throw helpful light upon his understanding of how an educational survey of a university should proceed; they also show how he went about the task of evaluating a failed attempt at such a survey. (c) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  19. Letters of Marcus Antonius Kappus from colonial America IV

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    Janez Stanonik


    Full Text Available The letter of Marcus Antonius Kappus which we publish in our present the fourth - continuation of his letters from Colonial America, is not preserved - as the first three letters are - in a manuscript. Instead we find it published in the famous contemporary collection of Jesuitic letters which appeared from 1728 till 1758 under the editorship of Joseph Stöcklein and his successors in Augsburg and Graz under the title Der neue Welt-Bott mit Allerhand Nachrichten derer Missionariorum Soc. Jesu. Kappus' letter can be found in vol. I, part II, p. 86-88 under the number 56. It has never since 1728 been reprinted in German, neither has it ever been published in an English translation. Our reprint of the German text is justified because Stöcklein's collection is generally not available even in the largest libraries, especially in America. An English translation can be useful because of the difficulties the old form of its German with its localisms can cause to its readers.

  20. Tecnologia e desafios da educação brasileira contemporânea Technology and challenges of contemporary brazilian education

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    Roberta Maria Lobo da Silva


    Full Text Available Este artigo busca apresentar uma discussão conceitual sobre tecnologia, tendo como horizonte um projeto de educação centrado na liberdade humana. É um resultado parcial da linha de pesquisa Educação, Cultura e Tecnologia/Grupo de Pesquisa Teoria Crítica e Educação, da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro/Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (UFRRJ/CNPq, que tem como objetivo desenvolver projetos de pesquisa sobre a relação existente entre educação, cultura e tecnologia a fim de discutir as mudanças do estatuto epistemológico da educação nos séculos XX e XXI. A referência teórica está centrada no pensamento de Herbert Marcuse, em especial em seus conceitos de racionalidade crítica e racionalidade tecnológica. À luz destes conceitos, apresentaremos os desafios da educação contemporânea brasileira diante de uma realidade de imensos territórios segregados espacial e socialmente, bem como do apelo de uma sociedade do espetáculo embrutecedora dos sentidos e intensificadora do fetiche da mercadoria. Partindo deste contexto, apresentaremos as possibilidades da educação preparar os jovens para a participação ativa no mundo da cultura através da exploração da imaginação histórica e estética, tendo como referência a produção audiovisual.This article presents a conceptual discussion on technology, as it relates to an educational project centered on liberty. It is a partial result of the Line of Research on Education, Culture and Technology/Critical Theory and Education Research Group, at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro/National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (UFRRJ/CNPq. The objective of this research group is to develop research projects on the relationship between education, culture and technology, with a view to discussing the changes in the epistemological status of education in the 20th and 21st centuries. The theoretical reference centers

  1. A sociohistorical examination of George Herbert Mead's approach to science education. (United States)

    Edwards, Michelle L


    Although George Herbert Mead is widely known for his social psychological work, his views on science education also represent a significant, yet sometimes overlooked contribution. In a speech delivered in March 1906 entitled "The Teaching of Science in College," Mead calls for cultural courses on the sciences, such as sociology of science or history of science courses, to increase the relevancy of natural and physical science courses for high school and university students. These views reflect Mead's perspective on a number of traditional dualisms, including objectivity versus subjectivity and the social sciences versus natural and physical sciences. Taking a sociohistorical outlook, I identify the context behind Mead's approach to science education, which includes three major influences: (1) German intellectual thought and the Methodenstreit debate, (2) pragmatism and Darwin's theory of evolution, and (3) social reform efforts in Chicago and the General Science Movement. © The Author(s) 2014.


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    Jesús Díaz


    Full Text Available In this essay, an interpretation of the concept of freedom is intended, based on the Herbert Marcuse principles. The Marcusian theories do not conceive the possibility of freedom existence in a capitalist system. It is necessary to transform the society to be pacified, and its production process to be automated in a way to liberate man physical force from the alienating work. Free time is the necessary conclusion of freedom. “Androgenization” of human activity will determine the conclusion of the relationship between man and woman. Woman will bring her kindness, solidarity, tenderness, among others; so to produce feminization of human society.

  3. Psychoanalysis and the community mental health movement. (United States)

    Croghan, L M


    Psychoanalysis and CMHM were once enemies. Psychoanalysis has made noteworthy advances toward the CMHM idea both in technique changes and in community involvement. It is possible that CMHM may finally reject all psychoanalytic contribution and face its future without a theory. If that takes place, the CMHM some day in its future may turn a corner and find itself face to face with the lonely, individual man, conscious of his past and fearful of the unexplained anxiety within him. It is then that the CMHM will find itself once again studying the works of Herbert Marcuse, Erik Erikson, Sigmund Freud, and the psychoanalytic world.

  4. Essay and Ekphrasis (Herbert - Bieńkowska - Bieńczyk

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    Roma Sendyka


    Full Text Available Michel Riffaterre in article L'lllusion d'ekphrasis put forward an idea of "critical ekphrasis" (1994 what may become an invitation to ask if other sub-genres/modes of ekphrasis may be described. The text Essay and Ekphrasis develops this question in the field of essayistic traditions. Evoking the tendency of writing on art in that genre (from Montaigne, Diderot, Ruskin, Pater to art historians, critics and artists the article analyses three examples of ekphrases (by Zbigniew Herbert, Ewa Bieńkowska and Marek Bieńczyk to voice a hypothesis that ekphrasis in an essay may be a useful proof for those who question (ostensive representational powers of that textual tool. Essayistic ekphrasis seems to have a foremost referential character, pointing towards an object of art only to use it in order to describe cognitive procedures of the subject who in such a way (performatively and not overtly pictures himself mirroring his inner self in dispersed fragments of cultural object, dismantling the temporal and spatial difference between the viewer and the object in an illusion of an immediate presence.

  5. Theoretical Study of the Charge-Transfer State Separation within Marcus Theory

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Volpi, Riccardo; Nassau, Racine; Nørby, Morten Steen


    We study, within Marcus theory, the possibility of the charge-transfer (CT) state splitting at organic interfaces and a subsequent transport of the free charge carriers to the electrodes. As a case study we analyze model anthracene-C60 interfaces. Kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) simulations on the cold...... CT state were performed at a range of applied electric fields, and with the fields applied at a range of angles to the interface to simulate the action of the electric field in a bulk heterojunction (BHJ) interface. The results show that the inclusion of polarization in our model increases CT state...... dissociation and charge collection. The effect of the electric field on CT state splitting and free charge carrier conduction is analyzed in detail with and without polarization. Also, depending on the relative orientation of the anthracene and C60 molecules at the interface, CT state splitting shows different...

  6. Herbert Fröhlich: A Physicist Ahead of His Time, by G.J. Hyland [Book Review

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Devanathan, Ram [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States)


    This authoritative biography of Herbert Fröhlich (1905-1991), a well-known theoretical physicist, paints an intimate portrait of a pioneering scientist who made seminal contributions to condensed matter physics and left his mark on other domains such as biology over a 60-year career. From his vantage point as the last graduate student of this eminent physicist, Gerard Hyland has produced an account that weaves the personal experiences and travails of Fröhlich with detailed discussion of the theory of dielectrics. The political upheavals in Europe during the 20th century provide a dramatic backdrop for the narrative.

  7. "East side story": on being an epidemiologist in the former USSR: an interview with Marcus Klingberg. (United States)

    Klingberg, Marcus


    Marcus Klingberg was born on 7 October 1918, in Warsaw, Poland, into a Hasidic, rabbinical family. After the Nazi invasion of Poland, he escaped to the USSR where he trained and worked as an epidemiologist from 1939 to 1945. For 35 years after the war, he continued his professional work in Israel. The harsh conditions within the Soviet Union during World War II provided a challenging setting for epidemiologic work-a setting that has remained largely hidden from Western view. In this interview, Klingberg describes his work as an epidemiologist in the USSR and his subsequent encounter with Western epidemiology.


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    M. Harir Muzakki


    Full Text Available Abstraks: Penelitian ini berusaha mengungkap proses terjadinya prilaku seks bebas di kalangan remaja dalam interaksionalisme simbolik George Herbert Mead dan pola interaksi seks bebas di kalangan remaja di kabupaten Ponorogo. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif-analitis dan didesain dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Data diambil dengan cara wawancara dengan para pelaku sek bebas. Ada beberapa tahapan sebelum aktor melakukan tindakan atau hubungan seks yaitu, impuls, persepsi,manipulasi dan terakhir konsumasi. Dari hasil penilitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa proses terjadinya seks bebas pada awalnya mereka tertarik dengan lawan jenisnya. Kemudian melakukan pendekatan, saling melirik, berkenalan, kemudian pacaran. Tahap berikutnya mereka saling berpegangan, berciuman, meremas payudara, kedudian melakukan hubungan seks. Sementara pola interaksi seks bebas di kalangan remaja ada dua: pertama, remaja melakukan hubungan seks bebas dengan pacarnya sendiri. Kedua, remaja tersebut melakukan hubungan dengan membeli atau menyewa wanita lain.

  9. Marx and Freud in Erich Fromm reading: some notes

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    Henrique Bisetto


    Full Text Available The theoretical apparatus used by Erich Fromm on his analysis of contemporary society is based on two main sources: Marx and Freud. The approach of these different chains of thought also happened with the critical theorists of the Institute for Social Research at the University of Frankfurt, as Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno and Herbert Marcuse. Erich Fromm was member of the Institute, where he contributed decisively to the convergence of psychoanalysis and Marxism in the early years of this institution. Afterwards, he breaks his ties with the Institute and develops an original analysis of contemporary society, with the main theoretical framework being a singular way of reading the works of Marx and Freud.

  10. O debate da Teoria Crítica sobre a tecnologia

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    Ednei de Genaro


    Full Text Available The article is divided into three parts. In the first part we commented on the central problematizations about the question of technology in authors of the first generation of Critical Theory – namely in Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer, and Herbert Marcuse. In the second, we analyze how Jürgen Habermas, in Technology and Science as ‘Ideology’, written in 1968, makes up a decisive debate about such problematizations, developing new propositions about it, which would result in a re-neutralization of technology. Lastly, in the third part, we present the contemporary position of Andrew Feenberg on the legacy of the aforementioned authors, clearing up their propositions of Critical Theory of Technology.

  11. Heidegger, Hegel, Marx: Marcuse and the Theory of Historicity

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    Jeffry V. Ocay


    Full Text Available The search for a historically conscious individual who is disposed to “radical action” is the main thrust of this paper. This is premised on the following claims: first, that the modern society is a pathological society whose rules, most often but not necessarily, imply control and domination; thus a “refusal” to abide by these rules is the most appropriate alternative available; and, second, that there is still hope for the Enlightenment’s project of emancipation, that is, such “refusal,” which means a political fight for liberation, is still winnable no matter how formidable the forces of domination may be. But this paper can only do so much. I do not offer any universal and prefab solution to the pathological society. What I do instead is argue that the emergence of a historically conscious individual who is disposed to “radical action,” which eventually leads to a “collective radical action,” is still possible today. I also argue that “radical action” presupposes an awareness of the concrete socio-historical situations, thus the importance of “historicity.” This is done through a reconstructive reading of Marcuse’sCritical Theory. In fact, my argument is just an echo on what Marcuse did more than four decades ago.

  12. [Surgery of ipsilateral Hawkins Ⅲ talus neck and ankle joint fractures via internal and lateral approaches with Herbert screws]. (United States)

    Zhang, P; Dong, Q R; Wang, Z Y; Chen, B; Wan, J H; Wang, L


    Objective: To explore the manual operation skills of operative treatment of ipsilateral Hawkins Ⅲ talus neck and ankle joint fractures via internal and lateral approaches with Herbert screws, and to study the clinical results. Method: From Jan 2009 to Dec 2014, the clinical data of 13 patients with ipsilateral Hawkins Ⅲ talus neck and ankle joint fractres via internal and lateral approaches with Herbert screws were retrospectively analyzed in our department.There were 10 males and 3 female, ranging in age from 20 to 60 years with an average age of 31.5 years.The fractures occurred on the right side in 9 patients and on the left side in 4 patients.Three cases had the complication of medial malleolar fracture.Ten cases had the complication of medial and lateral malleolar fracture. Totally 11 cases were made calcaneal skeletal traction, and all the were made CT with three-dimensional image reconstruction.Two cases were treated with emergency operation.Eleven cases were treated with selective operation.The operation time was 5 hours-10 days after injury. The functional results were evaluated by American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS). Result: The average duration of follow-up was 22.6 months (range, 14-65 months). There was skin necrosis in one cases, no incision infection, malunion and nonunion of the fractures and loss of reduction. At final follow-up, AOFAS ankle score was 75.2 (range, 42 to 93), higher than preoperative 39.2 (range, 23 to 60), the difference was statistically significant ( P =0.023). The result was excellent in 4 cases, good in 5 cases, fair in 3 cases and 1 cases in poor, and the overall excellent or good rate was 69.2%. Avascular necrosis occurred in 3 cases (23.1%, 3/13). Traumatic arthritis was found in 5 cases (38.5%, 5/13), involved tibial astragaloid joint in 2 cases, involved subtalar joint in 1 case, involved tibial astragaloid joint and subtalar joint in 2 cases. Conclusion: The effect of surgical treatment for ipsilateral

  13. Effect of micellar environment on Marcus correlation curves for photoinduced bimolecular electron transfer reactions (United States)

    Kumbhakar, Manoj; Nath, Sukhendu; Mukherjee, Tulsi; Pal, Haridas


    Photoinduced electron transfer (ET) between coumarin dyes and aromatic amine has been investigated in two cationic micelles, namely, cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) and dodecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (DTAB), and the results have been compared with those observed earlier in sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) and triton-X-100 (TX-100) micelles for similar donor-acceptor pairs. Due to a reasonably high effective concentration of the amines in the micellar Stern layer, the steady-state fluorescence results show significant static quenching. In the time-resolved (TR) measurements with subnanosecond time resolution, contribution from static quenching is avoided. Correlations of the dynamic quenching constants (kqTR), as estimated from the TR measurements, show the typical bell-shaped curves with the free-energy changes (ΔG0) of the ET reactions, as predicted by the Marcus outersphere ET theory. Comparing present results with those obtained earlier for similar coumarin-amine systems in SDS and TX-100 micelles, it is seen that the inversion in the present micelles occurs at an exergonicity (-ΔG0>˜1.2-1.3eV) much higher than that observed in SDS and TX-100 micelles (-ΔG0>˜0.7eV), which has been rationalized based on the relative propensities of the ET and solvation rates in different micelles. In CTAB and DTAB micelles, the kqTR values are lower than the solvation rates, which result in the full contribution of the solvent reorganization energy (λs) towards the activation barrier for the ET reaction. Contrary to this, in SDS and TX-100 micelles, kqTR values are either higher or comparable with the solvation rates, causing only a partial contribution of λs in these cases. Thus, Marcus inversion in present cationic micelles is inferred to be the true inversion, whereas that in the anionic SDS and neutral TX-100 micelles are understood to be the apparent inversion, as envisaged from two-dimensional ET theory.

  14. [The use of opium in Roman society and the dependence of Princeps Marcus Aurelius]. (United States)

    Trancas, Bruno; Borja Santos, Nuno; Patrício, Luís D


    Opium was known and frequently used in Roman society. Medical practice recognized its usefulness as an analgesic, soporific, anti-tussic or anti-diarrheic agent, as well as other currently unsupported uses with quasi-magical properties. It was additionally used as an ingredient in antidotes, panaceas and poisons. The authors present a non-exhaustive compilation of opium use according to medical doctors, writers and encyclopaedists of the time. Mythological and literary representations of the opium poppy reflected its diverse roles, being associated with prosperity and fertility, sleep, death and the underworld and with the art of medicine. Despite its free and routine use, there is no solid evidence of addiction, except the putative case of emperor Marcus Aurelius, consistently reported as one of the most likely cases of addiction to opium.

  15. Herbert Aldersmith (1847-1918): Christ's Hospital medical officer and co-founder of the Medical Officers of Schools Association. (United States)

    Hoskins, Trevor


    Herbert Aldersmith spent his entire working life, from the age of 23 years until his retirement at 65 years, as Resident Medical Officer to Christ's Hospital School. It was a crucial period in the school's history, from the overdue reforms of the late Victorian era to its historic move from the City of London to Sussex in 1902. He became an acknowledged authority on ringworm and also published extensively on the other great interest of his life, the British-Israel Society. He was the prime mover in founding the first-ever professional association of school doctors in 1884.

  16. [Marcus Aurelius Antonius (121-180AD), philosopher and Roman emperor, and Galen's plague]. (United States)

    Muñoz-Sanz, Agustín


    The study of the aetiologies of diseases in Ancient Times is usually a speculative intellectual exercise. When some authors attribute a specific aetiology to an old disease, there is a great risk of committing a methodological error, known as presentism by the modern historiography. The authority of the investigator, more than the weight of the scientific truth, is usually the reason why the diagnosis has remained over the years. The great epidemic of the years 164-165AD and afterwards, could have been smallpox (haemorrhagic form). Claude Galen, the famous doctor, described the symptoms in several books of his great Opera Omnia. For this reason, it is currently known among the scholars as Galen's plague. The epidemic was described for the first time in Seleucia (Mesopotamia). Until now, the actual geographic origin is unknown. We propose here that the beginning might be the kingdom of the old Han dynasty (now the Chinese Popular Republic). The epidemic swept the Roman Empire, from the east to the west, and from the southern to the northern borders. An immediate consequence of the infection was a high morbidity and mortality. In this sense, Galen's epidemic was one of the many factors that caused the fall and destruction of the Roman Empire. On the other hand, there is a general agreement among historians, biographers and researchers that the philosopher emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (121-180AD was affected by the infection in the epidemic wave of 164-165AD. The death of Marcus Aurelius occurred on March 17 in the year 180AD, in Vindobonne, or perhaps Sirminium (near to Vienna). Many authors propose that the cause of the emperor's death was the same epidemic. We consider that it is not possible to demonstrate any of those speculative diagnoses. Finally, the epidemic of 189-190AD, that we have named of Commodus, was probably a different disease to the Galen's plague. There were several kinds of animals affected (anthropozoonoses). In this sense, this infection

  17. Violência, culpa e ato: causas e efeitos subjetivos em adolescentes

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    Henrique Figueiredo Carneiro


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta um relato de pesquisa realizada sobre a violência e o adolescente, evidenciando o objetivo, as causas e os efeitos subjetivos que desencadeiam a violência na atualidade. Apresenta também uma investigação qualitativa com referencial teórico-conceitual da psicanálise, em destaque os conceitos de mal-estar, lei, anomia, limites, laços sociais, necessidade, desejo, culpa, passagem ao ato, individualismo, discurso capitalista, amor, vida e morte. Foram utilizados fotografias e fragmentos de filmes apresentados aos adolescentes inseridos no projeto Pró-jovem, desenvolvido na cidade de Maracanaú, Ceará, Brasil. As análises confirmaram os pressupostos da pesquisa de que a violência guarda relação direta com a ineficácia dos discursos normativos, que a culpa não comparece em consequência dos atos desfechados contra o próximo e que o sujeito não se guia por uma referência mítica do representante da lei.(* Colaboradores da pesquisa: doutora Marta Gerez Ambertín (Universidad de Santiago del Estero - Argentina; mestra em Psicologia Márcia Batista dos Santos (Universidade de Fortaleza - Brasil; alunos de Mestrado em Psicologia: Thiago Costa Matos Carneiro da Cunha (Labio, Rossana Vaz Borja (Labio, Carla Renata Braga de Souza (Labio/Leipcs, Lisieux D’Jesus Luzia de Araújo Rocha (Labio/Otium - Universidade de Fortaleza - Brasil; graduado em Psicologia Marcus Vinicius Ximenes Rocha (Universidade de Fortaleza – Brasil; bolsista de I. C. CNPq: Ricardo Pinheiro Maia Júnior; bolsista de I. C. Funcap: Rayana Silva Lima (Universidade de Fortaleza. Projeto apoiado pelo CNPq por meio de Bolsa de Produtividade em Pesquisa concedida ao Prof. Dr. Henrique Figueiredo Carneiro.

  18. Two New Critical Internet Studies-Books: Marcus Breen’s “Uprising” and Eran Fisher’s “Media and New Capitalism in the Digital Age”

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    Christian Fuchs


    Full Text Available This article is a review essay of two books: * Breen, Marcus. 2011. Uprising. The Internet’s unintended consequences. Champaign, IL: Common Ground. ISBN 978-1-863-35866-8. * Fisher, Eran. 2010. Media and new capitalism in the digital age. The spirit of networks. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-0-230-61607-3.

  19. Aspects of the representation of Marcus Tullius Cicero in textbooks on Universal History of the Secondary Education in the First Brazilian Republic (1889-1930

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    Full Text Available This paper aims to study the origins and characteristics of the representation of Marcus Tullius Cicero (103-46 BC in textbooks on Universal History used in Secondary Education during the First Republic of Brazil (1889-1930, as well as use of this representation in the Brazilian republican national identity construction in early twentieth century.

  20. O mal-estar no jornalismo: uma reflexão sobre as doenças mentais no discurso da Folha de S. Paulo a partir dos teóricos frankfurtianos

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    Denise Cristina Ayres Gomes


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa a representação dos transtornos psiquiátricos no jornal Folha de S. Paulo. O corpus é constituído por 29 matérias do ano de 2011. O estudo toma por base a teoria crítica e a psicanálise que fundamentam a concepção frankfurtiana do modelo psíquico do homem liberal. O artigo aborda os autores Erick Fromm (1984, Max Horkheimer (1976; 1985, Theodor Adorno (1992, enfoca os conceitos de sociedade unidimensional de Herbert Marcuse (1973, e patologia da modernidade de Jürgen Habermas (FREITAG, 1995. A análise revela a predominância das depressões, pânico e toxicomanias.

  1. Is Marcus Gunn jaw winking a primitive reflex? Rat neuroanatomy

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    Hou-Cheng Liang


    Full Text Available AIM: To investigate a possible trigeminal proprioceptive-oculomotor neural pathway and explore possible synaptic connections between neurons in this pathway. Attempt to bring a new insight to mechanism of Marcus Gunn syndrome (MGS. METHODS: Anterograde and retrograde tract tracing was applied and combined with immunofluorescent stain in rats. After electrophysiological identifying mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus (Vme neurons, intracellular injection of tracer was performed to trace axon trajectory. RESULTS: Following injections of anterograde tracers into the Vme, labeled terminals were observed ipsilateral in oculomotor and trochlear nuclei (III/IV, as well as in their premotor neurons in interstitial nucleus of Cajal and Darkschewitsch nucleus (INC/DN. Combining with choline acetyltransferase (ChAT immunofluorescent stain, it showed that Vme projecting terminals contact upon ChAT positive III/IV motoneurons under confocal microscope. By retrograde labeling premotor neurons of the III, it showed that Vme neuronal terminals contact with retrogradely labeled pre-oculomotor neurons in the INC/DN. Axons of intracellularly labeled Vme neurons that respond to electric stimuli of the masseter nerve traveled into the ipsilateral III. CONCLUSION: There may exist a trigeminal proprioceptive- oculomotor system neural circuit in the rat, which is probably related to vertical-torsional eye movements. Possible association of this pathway with MGS etiology was discussed.

  2. De l’usage de l’intertexte biblique dans quelques poèmes de George Herbert et de John Donne Biblical Intertextuality in some Poems by George Herbert and John Donne

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    Jean-Louis Breteau


    Full Text Available Controversial as the underlying theology of metaphysical poetry may be, such poets as George Herbert and John Donne extensively resorted to the use of the biblical intertext, and they had a thorough knowlege of both the hermeneutics and the poetics of their time. As a matter of fact, they cared more about conforming to the Word than to their Church’s rites and forms. And yet they did not read Scripture literally, but, like their contemporaries, freely indulged in the practice of typology, while displaying a great mastery of such poetic devices as emblems or conceits. Some differences can nevertheless be identified between Herbert’s and Donne’s respective approaches to religious poetry. In this study, a few poems are closely examined. “Easter Wings” and “Prayer I” can be seen to exemplify Herbert’s so-called “plain”, but in fact very elaborate, writing, while “Good Friday” and “At the round earth’s imagined corners” illustrate Donne’s paradoxical and ironical ways.

  3. Points of View: Herbert Bayer’s Exhibition Catalogue for the 1930 Section Allemande

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    Wallis Miller


    Full Text Available Sigfried Giedion called Herbert Bayer’s exhibition catalogue for the 1930 'Section Allemande' a “minor typographical masterpiece.” Like similar catalogues, it is inexpensive, provides an inventory list, has an introduction, functions as a guide, and is illustrated. However, the majority of its images are of installations, not their contents. Bayer accommodates the catalogue type for applied arts exhibitions by listing installations as objects, but he confronts the type by showing installations as display contexts that establish points of view, emulating, idealizing and interpreting the experience of the exhibition. By independently constructing ways of seeing and understanding the exhibition, the catalogue resists being an appendage to the exhibition, despite their close relationship. Giedion may have viewed Bayer’s catalogue as an important but secondary work of graphic design, but this article argues that it is of primary significance as an exhibition catalogue, an unusual essay on the book typology that is conscious of its history while moving outside — to other types of book design and to exhibitions — to transform it.

  4. Emperor Marcus Aurelius: ideology and politics | Ideología y política en el emperador Marco Aurelio

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    Jesús Daza Martínez


    Full Text Available The analysis of Marcus Aurelius's «Soliloquies» allows us to show their formal unity, in spite of their apparent lack of systematization, and also to draw important conclusions about the emperor's ethical, juridical and political opinions, as well as his motives for strongly opposing Christianism. | El análisis de los «Soliloquios» de Marco Aurelio permite poner de manifiesto su unidad formal, pese a su aparente falta de sistematización, y obtener importantes conclusiones acerca del pensamiento ético, jurídico y político del emperador, así como de los motivos que ocasionaron su fuerte oposición al cristianismo.

  5. A individualidade no âmbito da sociedade industrial Individuality in the industrial society

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    Isilda Campaner Palangana


    Full Text Available O presente estudo ocupa-se da autonomia individual na sociedade contemporânea. Investiga a possibilidade de constituição de um sujeito capaz de pensar e agir por si no interior das relações capitalistas. Conforme os escritos de autores clássicos como Karl Marx, Herbert Marcuse e Theodor Adorno, que analisam as transformações sociais na contemporaneidade, verifica-se que a industrialização, ao adentrar o processo produtivo, torna o trabalho uma atividade cada vez mais abstrata, estranha e alheia a quem a executa. Junto com o conhecimento desse processo, o sujeito perde o principal parâmetro de formação da individualidade. Vai sendo reduzido seu poder de controle sobre o próprio tempo e espaço, justamente o âmbito no qual poderiam ser cultivadas experiências outras que não as impostas pelas necessidades do mercado. Com base nos estudos efetuados, conclui-se que, na ordem capitalista, não há condições concretas favoráveis à formação de indivíduos autônomos.This paper is about individual autonomy in contemporary society. It investigates the possibility of forming individuals capable of thinking and acting by themselves in the context of capitalist relationships. According to such classical writers as Karl Marx, Herbert Marcuse and Theodor Adorno, who have analysed social transformations in contemporary society, when industrialization transforms the productive process working becomes a more and more abstract, strange and alienating activity to those who execute it. The subject loses, then, both the perception of this process and the principal parameter for the formation of the individuality. The power to control their own time and space decreases in the milieus where they could possibly carry out different experiences from those imposed by the laws of the market. Research done demonstrates that there are not actual favourable circumstances for the formation of autonomous individuals.

  6. Reactive trajectories of the Ru2+/3+ self-exchange reaction and the connection to Marcus' theory. (United States)

    Tiwari, Ambuj; Ensing, Bernd


    Outer sphere electron transfer between two ions in aqueous solution is a rare event on the time scale of first principles molecular dynamics simulations. We have used transition path sampling to generate an ensemble of reactive trajectories of the self-exchange reaction between a pair of Ru 2+ and Ru 3+ ions in water. To distinguish between the reactant and product states, we use as an order parameter the position of the maximally localised Wannier center associated with the transferring electron. This allows us to align the trajectories with respect to the moment of barrier crossing and compute statistical averages over the path ensemble. We compare our order parameter with two typical reaction coordinates used in applications of Marcus theory of electron transfer: the vertical gap energy and the solvent electrostatic potential at the ions.


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    Jesús Antonio Díaz Labarca


    Full Text Available En este ensayo, se pretende hacer una interpretación del concepto de libertad, según los principios de Herbert Marcuse. La teoría marcusiana no concibe la posibilidad de la existencia de la libertad en el sistema capitalista. Es necesario transformar la sociedad para que sea pacificada, y su proceso productivo sea automatizado de tal manera que se libere la fuerza física del hombre del trabajo alienado. El tiempo libre es la conclusión necesaria de la libertad. La “androgenización” de la actividad humana determinará la condición de la relación entre el hombre y la mujer. La mujer deberá aportar su bondad, solidaridad, ternura, etc. Para que se produzca la “feminización” de la sociedad humana.

  8. Jesus and Afro-Pentecostal Prophets: Dynamics within the liminal space in Galilee and in Zimbabwe

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    Zorodzai Dube


    Full Text Available What happens when religious and spiritual interventions are used to explain concrete social economic reality? This study suggests that Afro-Pentecostal prophets in Zimbabwe exist within the liminal context; the prophets therefore function to redefine and contest identities in view of present social realities. This realisation allows for a comparison between the Zimbabwean prophets and Jesus of Nazareth, with a view to draw general conclusions regarding the function of prophets. As contribution, the study fills the void within the studies concerning the religious explanations of socioeconomic issues in view of structures of power. Borrowing from Herbert Marcuse, this study advances the thesis that the prophets attract people by miracles and promises of bliss and, in the process, divert people’s attention from directly confronting structures of power and hegemony.

  9. El problema del nombre: los casos de Jorge Baron Biza y Julián Herbert

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    Julia Musitano


    Full Text Available Dos relatos sobre el dolor ajeno. Dos madres convalecientes en una cama de hospital, dos hijos sentados en el sillón contiguo a esa cama. Dos hijos que escriben en primera persona para intentar escaparle al dolor, con la simple diferencia de que uno usa su nombre para hacerlo y el otro elige modificarlo. Me interesa leer juntos El desierto y su semilla de Jorge Baron Biza y Canción de tumba de Julián Herbert, para indagar en el problema del nombre propio. En el análisis sobre la ambigüedad entre autobiografía y novela que revelan ambas autoficciones, quisiera problematizar sobre la elección del nombre para poder, primero, establecer la operatividad del término autoficción; y segundo, señalar, en cada caso, la singularidad de la voz narrativa a través de la técnica que pone en tensión los mecanismos de recuerdo y memoria.

  10. Herbert Rackow and Ernest Salanitre: the emergence of pediatric anesthesia as a specialty in the United States. (United States)

    Friesen, Robert H


    Herbert Rackow and Ernest Salanitre were pediatric anesthesiologists at Babies Hospital at the Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center in New York whose work spanned three decades beginning in the early 1950s. Their pioneering research included studies of the uptake and elimination of inhalational anesthetics and of the risk of cardiac arrest in infants and children. They were actively involved in the development of pediatric anesthesia as a specialty, and their efforts contributed to inter-disciplinary collaboration and to the formation of the Section on Anesthesiology of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Their 1969 review article, 'Modern Concepts in Pediatric Anesthesiology', provides a fascinating view of pediatric anesthesia 50 years ago. In 1990, they were jointly awarded the Robert M. Smith award by the Section on Anesthesiology of the American Academy of Pediatrics. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  11. Komunisme Sebuah Utopia dalam Era Globalisasi: Tinjauan Historis terhadap Pemikiran Karl Marx

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    Nasrullah Nazsir


    Full Text Available Kehancuran negara-negara berhaluan komunis pasca Perang Dingin menyebabkan keabsahan ideologi komunis yang digagas Marx dipertanyakan kembali. Kendati demikian, hancurnya pemerintahan negara-negara komunis tersebut tidak berarti matinya komunisme. Banyak pemikiran baru muncul mereinterpretasi gagasan Marx berlandaskan pada kritik dan otokritik yang dilakukan sejumlah Marxis, mulai dari Friedrich Engels yang hidup sezaman dengan Marx, hingga Marxis-Marxis sesudahnya seperti Herbert Marcuse, Roger Garaudy, Jurgen Habermas dan T.W. Adorno. Disimpulkan, Marxisme sebagai sebuah gerakan pemikiran tidak akan pernah mati, karena akan selalu diinterpretasi untuk menjawab tantangan zaman dewasa ini, yang masih ditandai oleh saratnya permasalahan manusia, alienasi, ketimpangan, ketidakadilan, dan berbagai penyakit masyarakat lainnya. Dalam konteks masa kini, paham Marxis bertransformasi menjadi multimuka Marxisme yang menawarkan gagasan-gagasan segar, sekaligus kontroversial seperti Gerakan New Left dan usulan kerjasama antara kaum agamis dan komunis dalam Teologi Pembebasan Amerika Latin.

  12. Ética na administração pública: desafios e possibilidades


    Gomes, Nanci Fonseca


    Este artigo discute aspectos da conduta moral presentes no trabalho na administração pública. As discussões baseiam-se em reflexões de pensadores da teoria crítica, em particular em Adorno, Horkheimer e Marcuse, na psicanálise de Freud e em tese de doutorado em psicologia. As análises são apresentadas a partir da percepção de aspectos da moralidade em ocupantes de cargos de chefias em órgãos públicos, entrevistados para a pesquisa de doutorado. Apresentam-se os efeitos e manifestações de dois...

  13. Application of the Marcus theory to description of the kinetics of reduction processes of organic cations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bogillo, V.I.; Lobanov, V.V.; Gragerov, I.P.


    The calculation of the rate constants for the processes in the reduction of diazonium, tropylium, verdazylium, and pyrylium cations by various organic electron donors, using the equations of the Marcus theory with allowance for the reorganization energy of only the outer coordination sphere, leads to values which are one to seven orders of magnitude higher than the experimental values. By quantum-chemical calculations it was shown that the reduction of diazonium and tropylium cations to the corresponding radicals is accompanied by a substantial change in the structure of the reagents. This leads to high values for the reorganization energy of the inner coordination sphere of the cations, which must be taken into account during calculation of the rate constants. The differences in the rate constants of the processes of direct electron transfer from the electron donors to the organic cations and the recombination of these reagents depend on the dissociation energy of the bond of the cation with the donor leading to the electron transfer products


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    Deborah Christina Antunes


    Full Text Available Resumo A dialética do esclarecimento ainda se mostra presente nesta sociedade. Nos últimos anos, conquistaram-se direitos das chamadas minorias. Junto a essas conquistas, contudo, figuram ódio e intolerância em discursos pseudodemocráticos. Este artigo analisa o discurso da Comissão de Direitos Humanos da Câmara dos Deputados quando da aprovação do Projeto de Decreto Legislativo 234/2011 que visava alterar o Código de Ética do Psicólogo nos parágrafos que restringem qualquer correlação entre homossexualidade e distúrbios. Utiliza-se de estudos da Escola de Frankfurt sobre os discursos de agitadores fascistas, o preconceito e a personalidade autoritária. Baseando-se em Marcuse, questiona tolerância repressiva e democracia formal totalitária, avançando na compreensão da relação entre clima cultural e semiformação. Reflete acerca do preconceito como sintoma não exclusivo de conservadores, mas como forma de existência na atualidade, e aponta a necessidade da educação histórica e política para o desenvolvimento da consciência e superação da miséria e da opressão.

  15. From 'circumstances' to 'environment': Herbert Spencer and the origins of the idea of organism-environment interaction. (United States)

    Pearce, Trevor


    The word 'environment' has a history. Before the mid-nineteenth century, the idea of a singular, abstract entity--the organism--interacting with another singular, abstract entity--the environment--was virtually unknown. In this paper I trace how the idea of a plurality of external conditions or circumstances was replaced by the idea of a singular environment. The central figure behind this shift, at least in Anglo-American intellectual life, was the philosopher Herbert Spencer. I examine Spencer's work from 1840 to 1855, demonstrating that he was exposed to a variety of discussions of the 'force of circumstances' in this period, and was decisively influenced by the ideas of Auguste Comte in the years preceding the publication of Principles of psychology (1855). It is this latter work that popularized the word 'environment' and the corresponding idea of organism--environment interaction--an idea with important metaphysical and methodological implications. Spencer introduced into the English-speaking world one of our most enduring dichotomies: organism and environment. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Graded activity: legacy of the sanatorium. (United States)

    Creighton, C


    Occupational therapists in all areas of practice grade therapeutic activities to help patients progress toward their goals. It is proposed in this paper that the concept of graded activity originated in German tuberculosis sanatoria in the late 1800s, when patients were required to walk on graded (sloped) land for exercise. British physician Marcus Paterson included work, as well as walking, in his graduated exercise program for tuberculosis patients and was honored for this innovation at the founding meeting of the National Society for the Promotion of Occupational Therapy (NSPOT). George Barton, Susan Tracy, and Herbert Hall were among the NSPOT members who contributed to the development of graded activity as a principle in occupational therapy intervention. The military rehabilitation programs established during World War I provided additional impetus, and by the mid-1920s, graded activity was recognized as central to the profession.

  17. A history of erotic philosophy. (United States)

    Soble, Alan


    This essay historically explores philosophical views about the nature and significance of human sexuality, starting with the Ancient Greeks and ending with late 20th-century Western philosophy. Important figures from the history of philosophy (and theology) discussed include Sappho, Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine, St. Jerome, the Pelagians, St. Thomas Aquinas, Michel de Montaigne, Rene Descartes, Thomas Hobbes, David Hume, Immanuel Kant, Søren Kierkegaard, Arthur Schopenhauer, Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill, Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Sigmund Freud, Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, Wilhelm Reich, and Herbert Marcuse. Contemporary philosophers whose recent work is discussed include Michel Foucault, Thomas Nagel, Roger Scruton, Karol Wojtyla (Pope John Paul II), Catharine MacKinnon, Richard Posner, and John Finnis. To show the unity of the humanities, the writings of various literary figures are incorporated into this history, including Mark Twain, Arthur Miller, James Thurber, E. B. White, Iris Murdoch, and Philip Roth.

  18. Toward a Critique of the Information Age: Herbert Marcuse's Contribution to Information Science's Conceptions (United States)

    Cibangu, Sylvain K.


    Introduction: Just as we have created them, the new social media technologies have shaped every aspect of our societies. Meanwhile, information science has hardly addressed the ways in which these information technologies have shaped humans, and vice-versa. The major reason is the tendency and pressure to adjust (the needs of) humans to the ever…

  19. Entrevista com Axel Honneth - "As relações de trabalho no mundo atual"

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    Elsa Cristine Bevian


    Full Text Available O Instituto de Pesquisas Sociais (Institut für Sozialforschung foi fundado em 1923, como um anexo da Universidade de Frankfurt, hoje intitulada Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main. A Escola de Frankfurt, desde 1930, foi dirigida por Max Horkheimer, e reunia pensadores como Theodor W. Adorno, Erich Fromm, Herbert Marcuse, e, contou também como membro do "círculo de fora" do Instituto, Walter Benjamin. Estes intelectuais formularam, como sabemos, o que conhecemos como "Teoria Crítica". Nos anos sessenta, temos a "segunda geração", marcado pela obra de Jürgen Habermas. Aquele que foi seu assistente entre 1984 e 1990, Axel Honneth, veio a ser o Diretor do Instituto frankfurtiano desde 2001. Com ele inaugura-se a "terceira geração" da Escola, cuja proposta consiste em relançar a "Teoria Crítica", sobretudo a partir do livro Kampf um Anerkennung. Zur moralischen Grammatik sozialer Konflikte, de 1992 (publicado no Brasil como Luta por reconhecimento - A Gramática Moral dos Conflitos Sociais. Trad. Luiz Repa. São Paulo: Ed. 34, 2003, tendo como ponto de partida a Fenomenologia do Espírito de Hegel. Honneth centra sua reflexão na "teoria do reconhecimento" e, através dela, são apresentados os limites da obra das gerações de frankfurtianos anteriores.  A falta de reconhecimento passa a ser vista como base dos conflitos interpessoais, sociais e políticos na atualidade. Mais recentemente, Honneth publicou Das Recht der Freiheit (Berlin, Suhrkamp, 2011 - O direito à liberdade e Die Idee des Sozialismus (Berlin, Suhrkamp, 2015 - A ideia do socialismo, sustentando que o socialismo está vivo como ideia, e tem como cerne a liberdade social. Foi em 2014, no Instituto de Pesquisas Sociais de Frankfurt, que aconteceu o encontro e a entrevista com o Diretor do Instituto, Axel Honneth. O foco da breve entrevista, aqui apresentada no original alemão e em tradução portuguesa.

  20. Influence and canonical supremacy: an analysis of how George Herbert Mead demoted Charles Horton Cooley in the sociological canon. (United States)

    Jacobs, Glenn


    This analysis assesses the factors underlying Charles Horton Cooley's place in the sociological canon as they relate to George Herbert Mead's puzzling diatribe-echoed in secondary accounts-against Cooley's social psychology and view of the self published scarcely a year after his death. The illocutionary act of publishing his critique stands as an effort to project the image of Mead's intellectual self and enhance his standing among sociologists within and outside the orbit of the University of Chicago. It expressed Mead's ambivalence toward his precursor Cooley, whose influence he never fully acknowledged. In addition, it typifies the contending fractal distinctions of the scientifically discursive versus literary styles of Mead and Cooley, who both founded the interpretive sociological tradition. The contrasting styles and attitudes toward writing of the two figures are discussed, and their implications for the problems of scale that have stymied the symbolic interactionist tradition are explored.

  1. Radiocarbon ages of 'exposed reef' at Minamitori-shima (Marcus Island), Central Pacific

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Konishi, Kenji; Tanaka, Takeo; Omura, Akio


    Studies were carried out on the geoscientific features of bench-like steps and exposed or elevated reef on the coast of Minamitori-shima (Marcus Island) by referring mainly Bryan's report in 1903. Field work were carried out in May, 1979 for geoscientific survey and coral sample collection. Features of the bench-like steps survey clarified that only four steps were found for those reported by Bryan. As for the exposed reef reported by him, it was found at the northern corner of the western beach in contact with the moat of present reef. Across the northern part of the western coast two transects, A and B, were selected, and cobble-size fossils of corals composed by mainly Favia and Favites were collected from beach conglomerate at 6 and 8 sampling points of the A and B transects, respectively. Except one specimen, all the collected corals of the both transects showed their age by radiocarbon dating of 2,430 to 3,210 y B.P. and their average value was 2,838 +- 206 y B.P. As for ages of reef creast and reef flat, they were 2,130 and 2,880 y B.P., and 540 and 1,280 y B.P., respectively. Based on these coral age data and related geoscientific understandings, it was speculated that the origin of beach conglomerate was a tempesite deposited above mean sea level through stormy high tide. In addition to this speculation, geotectonic movement and geological features are also discussed in this paper. (Takagi, S.)

  2. Theoretical Study of the Charge-Transfer State Separation within Marcus Theory: The C60-Anthracene Case Study. (United States)

    Volpi, Riccardo; Nassau, Racine; Nørby, Morten Steen; Linares, Mathieu


    We study, within Marcus theory, the possibility of the charge-transfer (CT) state splitting at organic interfaces and a subsequent transport of the free charge carriers to the electrodes. As a case study we analyze model anthracene-C60 interfaces. Kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) simulations on the cold CT state were performed at a range of applied electric fields, and with the fields applied at a range of angles to the interface to simulate the action of the electric field in a bulk heterojunction (BHJ) interface. The results show that the inclusion of polarization in our model increases CT state dissociation and charge collection. The effect of the electric field on CT state splitting and free charge carrier conduction is analyzed in detail with and without polarization. Also, depending on the relative orientation of the anthracene and C60 molecules at the interface, CT state splitting shows different behavior with respect to both applied field strength and applied field angle. The importance of the hot CT in helping the charge carrier dissociation is also analyzed in our scheme.

  3. The Marcus Caelius Project: a transmedial approach to support cultural communication and educational activities at the Civical Archaeological Museum of Bologna

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    Laura Bentini


    Full Text Available The project “Marcus Caelius – the Value of Memory” is a 8 minute short animation movie located in the Roman Bologna at the Augustan Age. It originated with the Civical Archaeological Museum of Bologna in collaboration with Cineca VisIT-Lab. The project emploies a well known historical fact (the Battle of Teutoburg to enable a philological approach within an emotional/narrative process. New philologically accurate reconstructions (i.e archaeological finds hedged in the Museum’s collection are integrated with 3D historical sets caming form previous Cineca projects. Mixed movie-making techniques, such as Blender rendering, Chroma key and Machinima animation, implemented an ad hoc production pipeline in order to define times and costs which could be supported by a small production.

  4. Tracking discourse complexity preceding Alzheimer's disease diagnosis: a case study comparing the press conferences of Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush. (United States)

    Berisha, Visar; Wang, Shuai; LaCross, Amy; Liss, Julie


    Changes in some lexical features of language have been associated with the onset and progression of Alzheimer's disease. Here we describe a method to extract key features from discourse transcripts, which we evaluated on non-scripted news conferences from President Ronald Reagan, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease in 1994, and President George Herbert Walker Bush, who has no known diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. Key word counts previously associated with cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease were extracted and regression analyses were conducted. President Reagan showed a significant reduction in the number of unique words over time and a significant increase in conversational fillers and non-specific nouns over time. There was no significant trend in these features for President Bush.

  5. Harry Stack Sullivan Colloquium: George Herbert Mead and Harry Stack Sullivan: an unfinished synthesis. (United States)

    Cottrell, L S


    HOW DO YOU create a new self? However he may phrase this question, it is a central theoretical and practical concern of the therapist every time he confronts a client who comes to him for help. What are the processes out of which the human self emerges? However he may phrase the question, it is a central concern of the social psychologist. The obvious convergence of interests indicated by these two questions should occasion no surprise among students of Sullivan and Mead. What perhaps should be surprising is that an effective synthesis of their theories has progressed no further than it has to date. My remarks today are based on the conviction that a more adequate psychiatric theory and practice and a more complete social psychological theory and research program depend on such a synthesis. Behavioral scientists concerned with the development of a truly interactionist social psychology are, I believe, generally agreed that George Herbert Mead (1863-1931), philosopher and social psychologist, and Harry Stack Sullivan (1892-1949), psychiatrist and social psychologist, have laid conceptual foundations upon which such a discipline can be erected. Now a vast assortment of activities is tagged as social psychology and its boundaries are, indeed, difficult to draw. However, for our present purposes we can define its focus as the study of the processes and products of inter- and intrapersonal and inter- and intragoup interaction, let the boundaries fall where they will.

  6. Rezension von: Marcus Recht: Der sympathische Vampir. Visualisierungen von Männlichkeiten in der TV-Serie Buffy. Frankfurt am Main u.a.: Campus Verlag 2011.

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    Hannah Bölling


    Full Text Available Marcus Recht leistet als einer der ersten deutschsprachigen Autoren eine ausführliche Analyse der besonderen Darstellung alternativer Geschlechtlichkeit in der TV-Serie Buffy. Mit Hilfe ausführlicher wissenschaftlicher Methodik zeigt Recht auf, dass die Serie sowohl soziale Konstrukte analysiert, widerspiegelt und karikiert als auch eine alternative Geschlechtlichkeit etabliert, welche die männlichen Vampire in einen zur Zeit der Serienausstrahlung gänzlich neuen Gender-Kontext stellt. Viele weitere klassische filmsoziologische Theorien zu Gender-Konstruktion und -Darstellung werden kritisch aufgegriffen und in die Analyse einbezogen. Eine gute Grundlage für Einsteiger/-innen als auch für Kenner/-innen des Feldes, um sich mit dem wissenschaftlichen Potential des popkulturellen Feldes auseinanderzusetzen.


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    Silvano A. Wueschner


    Full Text Available This paper examines the controversy arising out of Great Britain’s decision to implement the Stevenson plan. It examines, in particular, the role played by Herbert Hoover, both behind the scenes and in an effort to affect the repeal of the Stevenson scheme and at the same time to encourage and support the development of new sources of rubber under the control of American producers. During the period 1920-1922 rubber producing countries were confronted by the specter of overproduction. The existence of even a short term oversupply coupled with the business slump, a reaction from the war, led to a decline in the price of rubber. British producers succeeded in inducing the British Colonial authorities to support a scheme whereby rubber exports would be regulated in order to bring about an increase in the price of rubber. This plan, developed by the Stevenson Committee, called for a small minimum tax on all exports. Moreover, it soughtto limit production by establishing a quota based on the actual production of rubber during the 1919-1920 growing season. A progressive tax was applied to exports beyond standard production. American reaction to the scheme was varied. Secretary of Commerce Hoover, while publicly stating that the price of rubber had been low and was supportive of efforts to regulate production, behind the scenes showed a great deal of concern about the actions of the British government in regulating a commodity of which the United States was the single largest consumer. He was also linked, by some, to the idea that Great Britain sought to pay its war debt to the United States through the application of this tax. Much was made in American newspapers and the British press about Hoover’s criticism of British rubber restrictions. He was not opposed to regulating the supply of rubber, but only to the involvement of a government in the process, especially when it affected American producers and consumers. In response he proposed a scheme

  8. De Walter Benjamin a Theodor Adorno: traços que permanecem na contemporaneidade

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    Carolina Diamantino Esser Santana


    Full Text Available O ensaio traz como base a crítica ao capitalismo, no que se refere aos efeitos negativos que ele impõe aos indivíduos, a partir dos estudos da primeira geração da Escola de Frankfurt. Analisar-se-á a história das ideias a partir de Walter Benjamin, Herbert Marcuse, Theodor Adorno e Max Horkheimer. Benjamin afirma que vive-se a perda da aura das obras de arte, já que a sua comercialização faz com que se perca a essência daquelas obras. Ademais, a imposição da novidade às obras e aos produtos consumidos representa uma ferramenta de manipulação do capitalismo, culminando na pobreza da experiência humana. Marcuse afirma que a sociedade vive o princípio do desempenho, que provoca modos de vida uniformizados, baseados numa concepção de trabalho e diversão homogêneos. Adorno propôs que o tempo livre provocava uma sensação de liberdade nos indivíduos, mas, na realidade, tratava-se do exercício de uma não liberdade, já que as formas de diversão seguiam à risca os padrões exigidos pelo capital. A partir do método adotado pela própria Teoria Crítica, afirma-se que a presente discussão teórica só se torna efetiva quando aplicada à prática, à sociedade atual.

  9. Evaluation of <em>HER2em> Gene Amplification in Breast Cancer Using Nuclei Microarray <em>in em>S>itu em>Hybridization

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    Xuefeng Zhang


    Full Text Available Fluorescence<em> em>>in situ em>hybridization (FISH assay is considered the “gold standard” in evaluating <em>HER2/neu (HER2em> gene status. However, FISH detection is costly and time consuming. Thus, we established nuclei microarray with extracted intact nuclei from paraffin embedded breast cancer tissues for FISH detection. The nuclei microarray FISH (NMFISH technology serves as a useful platform for analyzing <em>HER2em> gene/chromosome 17 centromere ratio. We examined <em>HER2em> gene status in 152 cases of invasive ductal carcinomas of the breast that were resected surgically with FISH and NMFISH. <em>HER2em> gene amplification status was classified according to the guidelines of the American Society of Clinical Oncology and College of American Pathologists (ASCO/CAP. Comparison of the cut-off values for <em>HER2em>/chromosome 17 centromere copy number ratio obtained by NMFISH and FISH showed that there was almost perfect agreement between the two methods (κ coefficient 0.920. The results of the two methods were almost consistent for the evaluation of <em>HER2em> gene counts. The present study proved that NMFISH is comparable with FISH for evaluating <em>HER2em> gene status. The use of nuclei microarray technology is highly efficient, time and reagent conserving and inexpensive.

  10. Neonatal Phosphate Nutrition Alters <em>in em>Vivo> and <em>in em>Vitro> Satellite Cell Activity in Pigs

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    Chad H. Stahl


    Full Text Available Satellite cell activity is necessary for postnatal skeletal muscle growth. Severe phosphate (PO4 deficiency can alter satellite cell activity, however the role of neonatal PO4 nutrition on satellite cell biology remains obscure. Twenty-one piglets (1 day of age, 1.8 ± 0.2 kg BW were pair-fed liquid diets that were either PO4 adequate (0.9% total P, supra-adequate (1.2% total P in PO4 requirement or deficient (0.7% total P in PO4 content for 12 days. Body weight was recorded daily and blood samples collected every 6 days. At day 12, pigs were orally dosed with BrdU and 12 h later, satellite cells were isolated. Satellite cells were also cultured <em>in vitroem> for 7 days to determine if PO4 nutrition alters their ability to proceed through their myogenic lineage. Dietary PO4 deficiency resulted in reduced (<em>P> < 0.05 sera PO4 and parathyroid hormone (PTH concentrations, while supra-adequate dietary PO4 improved (<em>P> < 0.05 feed conversion efficiency as compared to the PO4 adequate group. <em>In vivoem> satellite cell proliferation was reduced (<em>P> < 0.05 among the PO4 deficient pigs, and these cells had altered <em>in vitroem> expression of markers of myogenic progression. Further work to better understand early nutritional programming of satellite cells and the potential benefits of emphasizing early PO4 nutrition for future lean growth potential is warranted.

  11. A Critical Pragmatism: Marcuse, Adorno, and Peirce on the Artificial Stagnation of Individual and Social Development in Advanced Industrial Societies

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    Clancy Smith


    Full Text Available This paper will analyze the effects advanced industrial societies have on individual and social development through the eyes of Marcuse’s One-Dimensional Man and the moral consequences of such artificial stagnation through Adorno’s lectures on The Problems of Moral Philosophy. Because such an investigation necessarily brings us into the realm of social psychology, we will turn to the social psychological tradition at the heart of American pragmatism, a target for critical theorists who are often antagonistic to the entire tradition. We will endeavor to advance two alternate readings of the work of C.S. Peirce, arguing that although one type of pragmatism may be justly attacked by critical theorists, there is another, I argue, more critical manifestation of pragmatic human development, that requires the type of autonomy-infused, open-ended development that Marcuse champions. Moreover, I will argue that Peirce’s seminal essay “The Fixation of Belief” anticipated many of Marcuse’s critiques of advanced industrial societies by nearly ninety years.

  12. Dynamic characteristics of memorial columns of Trajan and Marcus Aurelius using Microtremor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakamura, Y.; Saita, J.; Sato, T.


    Memorial Column of Trajan (TC) and Marcus Aurelius (AC) in Rome with a similar structure and size were studied their dynamic characteristics by microtremor measurement. As a result, the fundamental frequencies of Horizontal vibration are approximately 1.6 Hz for TC and 1.3 for AC, and caused mainly by bending vibration. These agree with the result of the previous investigation. Predominant frequencies of torsional and longitudinal vibrations are estimated approximately 15.5 Hz, respectively. From these values the propagation velocities of shear wave and longitudinal vibration are estimated as 1900 m/s and 3100 m/s respectively. Although these values are relatively small, about 65% of typical value, Poisson's ratio is estimated reasonable value about 0.33. On the other hand, the predominant frequencies of the torsional and longitudinal vibrations of AC are approximately 9.1 Hz and 18.8 Hz, respectively, and the velocity of shear wave and longitudinal vibration are estimated considerable low value as 1100 m/s and 2300 m/s respectively. Longitudinal vibration propagation velocity is more than 50% lower than typical value, and the shear wave velocity is too low to estimate Poisson's ratio. It seems to be caused by low natural frequency of torsional vibration, and it is observed a tightened up vertical long damage on the west side of column body causing low resistance against torsional vibration. The destructive index Kb-value of the columns derived from the fundamental mode of bending vibration is 83 μ/Gal for top of AC with large vibration. Thus, drift angle over 1/120 radian will be caused about 100 Gal of earthquake motion at base ground for TC and lower than 50 Gal of earthquake motion for AC.

  13. Re-examining Herbert Schiller’s cultural imperialism thesis with cases of chinese and korean cultural industries and China’s quest for soft power: A comparative study of chinese film and online gaming industries’ going-out efforts


    Zhang, Yuji


    First essay: In the climate of a new orthodoxy foregrounding de-centralization and cultural diversification in globalization since the 1990s, Herbert Schiller's theory of cultural imperialism has been largely discredited in communication studies. Schiller's cultural account of U.S. imperialism is considered unsatisfactory for explaining emerging markets and rapid developments in global cultural industries. Both the Korean wave and the rise of China’s soft power seem to support this propositio...

  14. Reference Gene Selection in the Desert Plant <em>Eremosparton songoricuem>m>

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    Dao-Yuan Zhang


    Full Text Available <em>Eremosparton songoricum em>(Litv. Vass. (<em>E. songoricumem> is a rare and extremely drought-tolerant desert plant that holds promise as a model organism for the identification of genes associated with water deficit stress. Here, we cloned and evaluated the expression of eight candidate reference genes using quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reactions. The expression of these candidate reference genes was analyzed in a diverse set of 20 samples including various <em>E. songoricumem> plant tissues exposed to multiple environmental stresses. GeNorm analysis indicated that expression stability varied between the reference genes in the different experimental conditions, but the two most stable reference genes were sufficient for normalization in most conditions.<em> EsEFem> and <em>Esα-TUB> were sufficient for various stress conditions, <em>EsEF> and <em>EsACT> were suitable for samples of differing germination stages, and <em>EsGAPDH>and <em>Es>UBQ em>were most stable across multiple adult tissue samples. The <em>Es18Sem> gene was unsuitable as a reference gene in our analysis. In addition, the expression level of the drought-stress related transcription factor <em>EsDREB2em>> em>verified the utility of<em> E. songoricumem> reference genes and indicated that no single gene was adequate for normalization on its own. This is the first systematic report on the selection of reference genes in <em>E. songoricumem>, and these data will facilitate future work on gene expression in this species.

  15. Bathymetric and sediment facies maps for China Bend and Marcus Flats, Franklin D. Roosevelt Lake, Washington, 2008 and 2009 (United States)

    Weakland, Rhonda J.; Fosness, Ryan L.; Williams, Marshall L.; Barton, Gary J.


    The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) created bathymetric and sediment facies maps for portions of two reaches of Lake Roosevelt in support of an interdisciplinary study of white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) and their habitat areas within Franklin D. Roosevelt Lake, Washington. In October 2008, scientists from the USGS used a boat-mounted multibeam echo sounder (MBES) to describe bathymetric data to characterize surface relief at China Bend and Marcus Flats, between Northport and Kettle Falls, Washington. In March 2009, an underwater video camera was used to view and record sediment facies that were then characterized by sediment type, grain size, and areas of sand deposition. Smelter slag has been identified as having the characteristics of sand-sized black particles; the two non-invasive surveys attempted to identify areas containing black-colored particulate matter that may be elements and minerals, organic material, or slag. The white sturgeon population in Lake Roosevelt is threatened by the failure of natural recruitment, resulting in a native population that consists primarily of aging fish and that is gradually declining as fish die and are not replaced by nonhatchery reared juvenile fish. These fish spawn and rear in the riverine and upper reservoir reaches where smelter slag is present in the sediment of the river lake bed. Effects of slag on the white sturgeon population in Lake Roosevelt are largely unknown. Two recent studies demonstrated that copper and other metals are mobilized from slag in aqueous environments with concentrations of copper and zinc in bed sediments reaching levels of 10,000 and 30,000 mg/kg due to the presence of smelter slag. Copper was found to be highly toxic to 30-day-old white sturgeon with 96-h LC50 concentrations ranging from 3 to 5 (u or mu)g copper per liter. Older juvenile and adult sturgeons commonly ingest substantial amounts of sediment while foraging. Future study efforts in Lake Roosevelt should include sampling of

  16. Between Marxism and psychoanalysis: antifascism and antihomosexuality in the Frankfurt School. (United States)

    Halle, R


    In their efforts to utilize individualist psychoanalysis as a tool for understanding mass behavior, the social theorists associated with the Frankfurt School increasingly came to rely on a static, essentializing construction of sexuality which ultimately led to an equation of fascism and homosexuality. Heretofore unexamined in studies of the Frankfurt School, this equation will here serve as the starting point for a fundamental critique of the concept of sexuality developed by this influential circle of Marxist thinkers. While directed at the concept of sexuality, such a critique more importantly opens up the underlying understanding of the social and psychological realms advanced by Critical Theory. Attending to the equation of homosexuality and fascism as the central point of concern, this essay will first trace the introduction of psychoanalysis into Critical Theory through Erich Fromm and then investigate the extent of Fromm's influence on the concept of sexuality propounded by his colleagues, especially Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno. Finally, it will take up a frequently overlooked essay by Herbert Marcuse which promoted a vision of sexuality radically different from that of his associates.

  17. The role of grandparents within the family and in child rearing among the Russians living in Estonia [Rola dziadków w rodzinie i wychowaniu dzieci wśród Rosjan mieszkających w Estonii

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    Inna JÄRVA


    Full Text Available In the post-Soviet counties, the end of the 20th century was a critical period of transition when the structure of the social institutions, and the norms of people living through the transition, were radically changed within a very short time. The process of change in Estonia had impacted more on the Russian community, whose social mobility has considerably increased within one generation, when compared with the Estonian population, since even before the restoration of Estonian independence, industrial workers made up half of the adult population (Tammaru 1999. Thirty years earlier Herbert Marcuse (1966 had noted that in western cultures deproletarisation was a new feature of culture, with the industrial working class being replaced by workers in the services sector. The result for most people had been a more unstable and mobile style of life. The Russians living in Estonia had learned to expand their cultural horizons, to take risks on their own initiative, and to teach these new worldviews to their children and grandchildren

  18. A specimen of <em>Sorex> cfr. <em>samniticus> in Barn Owl's pellets from Murge plateau (Apulia, Italy / Su di un <em>Sorex> cfr. <em>samniticus> (Insectivora, Soricidae rinvenuto in borre di <em>Tyto albaem> delle Murge (Puglia, Italia

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    Giovanni Ferrara


    Full Text Available Abstract In a lot of Barn Owl's pellets from the Murge plateau a specimen of <em>Sorex> sp. was detected. Thank to some morphological and morphometrical features, the cranial bones can be tentatively attributed to <em>Sorex samniticusem> Altobello, 1926. The genus <em>Sorex> was not yet included in the Apulia's fauna southwards of the Gargano district; the origin and significance of the above record is briefly discussed, the actual presence of a natural population of <em>Sorex> in the Murge being not yet proved. Riassunto Viene segnalato il rinvenimento di un esemplare di <em>Sorex> cfr. <em>samniticus> da borre di <em>Tyto albaem> delle Murge. Poiché il genere non era stato ancora segnalato nella Puglia a sud del Gargano, viene discusso il significato faunistico del reperto.

  19. Efecto de extractos vegetales de <em>Polygonum hydropiperoidesem>, <em>Solanum nigrumem> y <em>Calliandra pittieriem> sobre el gusano cogollero (<em>Spodoptera frugiperdaem>

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    Lizarazo H. Karol


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    El gusano cogollero <em>Spodoptera frugiperdaem> es una de las plagas que más afectan los cultivos en la región de Sumapaz (Cundinamarca, Colombia. En la actualidad se controla principalmente aplicando productos de síntesis química, sin embargo la aplicación de extractos vegetales surge como una alternativa de menor impacto sobre el ambiente. Este control se emplea debido a que las plantas contienen metabolitos secundarios que pueden inhibir el desarrollo de los insectos. Por tal motivo, la presente investigación evaluó el efecto insecticida y antialimentario de extractos vegetales de barbasco <em>Polygonum hydropiperoidesem> (Polygonaceae, carbonero <em>Calliandra pittieriem> (Mimosaceae y hierba mora <em>Solanum nigrumem> (Solanaceae sobre larvas de <em>S. frugiperdaem> biotipo maíz. Se estableció una cría masiva del insecto en el laboratorio utilizando una dieta natural con hojas de maíz. Posteriormente se obtuvieron extractos vegetales utilizando solventes de alta polaridad (agua y etanol y media polaridad (diclorometano los cuales se aplicaron sobre las larvas de segundo instar. Los resultados más destacados se presentaron con extractos de <em>P. hydropiperoidesem>, obtenidos con diclorometano en sus diferentes dosis, con los cuales se alcanzó una mortalidad de 100% 12 días después de la aplicación y un efecto antialimentario representado por un consumo de follaje de maíz inferior al 4%, efectos similares a los del testigo comercial (Clorpiriphos.

  20. Rapid Development of Microsatellite Markers with 454 Pyrosequencing in a Vulnerable Fish<em>,> the Mottled Skate<em>, Raja em>pulchra>

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    Jung-Ha Kang


    Full Text Available The mottled skate, <em>Raja pulchraem>, is an economically valuable fish. However, due to a severe population decline, it is listed as a vulnerable species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. To analyze its genetic structure and diversity, microsatellite markers were developed using 454 pyrosequencing. A total of 17,033 reads containing dinucleotide microsatellite repeat units (mean, 487 base pairs were identified from 453,549 reads. Among 32 loci containing more than nine repeat units, 20 primer sets (62% produced strong PCR products, of which 14 were polymorphic. In an analysis of 60 individuals from two <em>R. pulchra em>populations, the number of alleles per locus ranged from 1–10, and the mean allelic richness was 4.7. No linkage disequilibrium was found between any pair of loci, indicating that the markers were independent. The Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium test showed significant deviation in two of the 28 single-loci after sequential Bonferroni’s correction. Using 11 primer sets, cross-species amplification was demonstrated in nine related species from four families within two classes. Among the 11 loci amplified from three other <em>Rajidae> family species; three loci were polymorphic. A monomorphic locus was amplified in all three <em>Rajidae> family species and the <em>Dasyatidae> family. Two <em>Rajidae> polymorphic loci amplified monomorphic target DNAs in four species belonging to the Carcharhiniformes class, and another was polymorphic in two Carcharhiniformes species.

  1. A New Natural Lactone from <em>Dimocarpus> <em>longan> Lour. Seeds

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    Zhongjun Li


    Full Text Available A new natural product named longanlactone was isolated from <em>Dimocarpus> <em>longan> Lour. seeds. Its structure was determined as 3-(2-acetyl-1<em>H>-pyrrol-1-yl-5-(prop-2-yn-1-yldihydrofuran-2(3H-one by spectroscopic methods and HRESIMS.

  2. Purification, Characterization and Antioxidant Activities <em>in Vitroem>> em>and <em>in Vivoem> of the Polysaccharides from <em>Boletus edulisem> Bull

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    Yijun Fan


    Full Text Available A water-soluble polysaccharide (BEBP was extracted from <em>Boletus edulis em>Bull using hot water extraction followed by ethanol precipitation. The polysaccharide BEBP was further purified by chromatography on a DEAE-cellulose column, giving three major polysaccharide fractions termed BEBP-1, BEBP-2 and BEBP-3. In the next experiment, the average molecular weight (Mw, IR and monosaccharide compositional analysis of the three polysaccharide fractions were determined. The evaluation of antioxidant activities both <em>in vitroem> and <em>in vivo em>suggested that BEBP-3 had good potential antioxidant activity, and should be explored as a novel potential antioxidant.

  3. <em>Angiostrongylus vasorumem> in red foxes (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> and badgers (<em>Meles melesem> from Central and Northern Italy

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    Marta Magi


    Full Text Available Abstract During 2004-2005 and 2007-2008, 189 foxes (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> and 6 badgers (<em>Meles melesem> were collected in different areas of Central Northern Italy (Piedmont, Liguria and Tuscany and examined for <em>Angiostrongylus vasorumem> infection. The prevalence of the infection was significantly different in the areas considered, with the highest values in the district of Imperia (80%, Liguria and in Montezemolo (70%, southern Piedmont; the prevalence in Tuscany was 7%. One badger collected in the area of Imperia turned out to be infected, representing the first report of the parasite in this species in Italy. Further studies are needed to evaluate the role played by fox populations as reservoirs of infection and the probability of its spreading to domestic dogs.
    Riassunto <em>Angiostrongylus vasorumem> nella volpe (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> e nel tasso (<em>Meles melesem> in Italia centro-settentrionale. Nel 2004-2005 e 2007-2008, 189 volpi (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> e 6 tassi (<em>Meles melesem> provenienti da differenti aree dell'Italia settentrionale e centrale (Piemonte, Liguria Toscana, sono stati esaminati per la ricerca di <em>Angiostrongylus vasorumem>. La prevalenza del nematode è risultata significativamente diversa nelle varie zone, con valori elevati nelle zone di Imperia (80% e di Montezemolo (70%, provincia di Cuneo; la prevalenza in Toscana è risultata del 7%. Un tasso proveniente dall'area di Imperia è risultato positivo per A. vasorum; questa è la prima segnalazione del parassita in tale specie in Italia. Ulteriori studi sono necessari per valutare il potenziale della volpe come serbatoio e la possibilità di diffusione della parassitosi ai cani domestici.


  4. Assessment of Genetic Fidelity in <em>Rauvolfia em>s>erpentina em>Plantlets Grown from Synthetic (Encapsulated Seeds Following <em>in Vitroem> Storage at 4 °C

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    Mohammad Anis


    Full Text Available An efficient method was developed for plant regeneration and establishment from alginate encapsulated synthetic seeds of <em>Rauvolfia serpentinaem>. Synthetic seeds were produced using <em>in vitroem> proliferated microshoots upon complexation of 3% sodium alginate prepared in Llyod and McCown woody plant medium (WPM and 100 mM calcium chloride. Re-growth ability of encapsulated nodal segments was evaluated after storage at 4 °C for 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks and compared with non-encapsulated buds. Effects of different media <em>viz>; Murashige and Skoog medium; Lloyd and McCown woody Plant medium, Gamborg’s B5 medium and Schenk and Hildebrandt medium was also investigated for conversion into plantlets. The maximum frequency of conversion into plantlets from encapsulated nodal segments stored at 4 °C for 4 weeks was achieved on woody plant medium supplement with 5.0 μM BA and 1.0 μM NAA. Rooting in plantlets was achieved in half-strength Murashige and Skoog liquid medium containing 0.5 μM indole-3-acetic acid (IAA on filter paper bridges. Plantlets obtained from stored synseeds were hardened, established successfully <em>ex vitroem> and were morphologically similar to each other as well as their mother plant. The genetic fidelity of <em>Rauvolfia em>clones raised from synthetic seeds following four weeks of storage at 4 °C were assessed by using random amplified polymorphic<em> em>DNA (RAPD and inter-simple sequence repeat<em> em>(ISSR markers. All the RAPD and ISSR profiles from generated plantlets were monomorphic and comparable<em> em>to the mother plant, which confirms the genetic<em> em>stability among the clones. This synseed protocol could be useful for establishing a particular system for conservation, short-term storage and production of genetically identical and stable plants before it is released for commercial purposes.

  5. Sulla presenza di <em>Sorex antinoriiem>, <em>Neomys anomalusem> (Insectivora, Soricidae e <em>Talpa caecaem> (Insectivora, Talpidae in Umbria

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    A.M. Paci


    Full Text Available Lo scopo del contributo è di fornire un aggiornamento sulla presenza del Toporagno del Vallese <em>Sorex antinoriiem>, del Toporagno acquatico di Miller <em>Neomys anomalusem> e della Talpa cieca <em>Talpa caecaem> in Umbria, dove le specie risultano accertate ormai da qualche anno. A tal fine sono stati rivisitati i reperti collezionati e la bibliografia conosciuta. Toporagno del Vallese: elevato di recente a livello di specie da Brünner et al. (2002, altrimenti considerato sottospecie del Toporagno comune (<em>S. araneus antinoriiem>. È conservato uno di tre crani incompleti (mancano mandibole ed incisivi superiori al momento prudenzialmente riferiti a <em>Sorex> cfr. <em>antinorii>, provenienti dall?Appennino umbro-marchigiano settentrionale (dintorni di Scalocchio - PG, 590 m. s.l.m. e determinati sulla base della pigmentazione rossa degli ipoconi del M1 e M2; Toporagno acquatico di Miller: tre crani (Breda in Paci e Romano op. cit. e un esemplare intero (Paci, ined. sono stati trovati a pochi chilometri di distanza gli uni dall?altro tra i comuni di Assisi e Valfabbrica, in ambienti mediocollinari limitrofi al Parco Regionale del M.te Subasio (Perugia. In provincia di Terni la specie viene segnalata da Isotti (op. cit. per i dintorni di Orvieto. Talpa cieca: sono noti una femmina e un maschio raccolti nel comune di Pietralunga (PG, rispettivamente in una conifereta a <em>Pinus nigraem> (m. 630 s.l.m. e nelle vicinanze di un bosco misto collinare a prevalenza di <em>Quercus cerrisem> (m. 640 s.l.m.. Recentemente un terzo individuo è stato rinvenuto nel comune di Sigillo (PG, all?interno del Parco Regionale di M.te Cucco, sul margine di una faggeta a 1100 m s.l.m. In entrambi i casi l?areale della specie è risultato parapatrico con quello di <em>Talpa europaeaem>.

  6. Four Novel Cellulose Synthase (CESA Genes from <em>Birch> (<em>Betula platyphylla em>Suk. Involved in Primary and Secondary Cell Wall Biosynthesis

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    Xuemei Liu


    Full Text Available Cellulose synthase (CESA, which is an essential catalyst for the generation of plant cell wall biomass, is mainly encoded by the <em>CesA> gene family that contains ten or more members. In this study; four full-length cDNAs encoding CESA were isolated from<em> Betula platyphyllaem> Suk., which is an important timber species, using RT-PCR combined with the RACE method and were named as <em>BplCesA3em>, <em>−4em>,> −7 em>and> −8em>. These deduced CESAs contained the same typical domains and regions as their <em>Arabidopsis> homologs. The cDNA lengths differed among these four genes, as did the locations of the various protein domains inferred from the deduced amino acid sequences, which shared amino acid sequence identities ranging from only 63.8% to 70.5%. Real-time RT-PCR showed that all four <em>BplCesAs> were expressed at different levels in diverse tissues. Results indicated that BplCESA8 might be involved in secondary cell wall biosynthesis and floral development. BplCESA3 appeared in a unique expression pattern and was possibly involved in primary cell wall biosynthesis and seed development; it might also be related to the homogalacturonan synthesis. BplCESA7 and BplCESA4 may be related to the formation of a cellulose synthase complex and participate mainly in secondary cell wall biosynthesis. The extremely low expression abundance of the four BplCESAs in mature pollen suggested very little involvement of them in mature pollen formation in <em>Betula>. The distinct expression pattern of the four <em>BplCesAs> suggested they might participate in developments of various tissues and that they are possibly controlled by distinct mechanisms in <em>Betula.>

  7. Microsatellite Loci in the Gypsophyte <em>Lepidium subulatum em>(Brassicaceae, and Transferability to Other <em>Lepidieae>

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    José Gabriel Segarra-Moragues


    Full Text Available Polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed for the Ibero-North African, strict gypsophyte <em>Lepidium subulatumem> to unravel the effects of habitat fragmentation in levels of genetic diversity, genetic structure and gene flow among its populations. Using 454 pyrosequencing 12 microsatellite loci including di- and tri-nucleotide repeats were characterized in <em>L. subulatumem>. They amplified a total of 80 alleles (2–12 alleles per locus in a sample of 35 individuals of <em>L. subulatumem>, showing relatively high levels of genetic diversity, <em>H>O = 0.645, <em>H>E = 0.627. Cross-species transferability of all 12 loci was successful for the Iberian endemics <em>Lepidium cardaminesem>, <em>Lepidium stylatumem>, and the widespread, <em>Lepidium graminifoliumem> and one species each of two related genera, <em>Cardaria drabaem> and <em>Coronopus didymusem>. These microsatellite primers will be useful to investigate genetic diversity, population structure and to address conservation genetics in species of <em>Lepidium>.

  8. Partial pressure (or fugacity) of carbon dioxide, salinity and other variables collected from Surface underway observations using Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas analyzer, Shower head chamber equilibrator for autonomous carbon dioxide (CO2) measurement and other instruments from Marcus G. Langseth in the Aegean Sea, Alboran Sea and others from 2015-04-13 to 2015-11-12 (NCEI Accession 0144534) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — NCEI Accession 0144534 includes Surface underway data collected from Marcus G. Langseth in the Aegean Sea, Alboran Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Mediterranean Sea -...

  9. Constituents from <em>Vigna em>vexillata> and Their Anti-Inflammatory Activity

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    Guo-Feng Chen


    Full Text Available The seeds of <em>Vigna em>genus are important food resources and there have already been many reports regarding their bioactivities. In our preliminary bioassay, the chloroform layer of methanol extracts of<em> V. vexillata em>demonstrated significant anti-inflammatory bioactivity. Therefore, the present research is aimed to purify and identify the anti-inflammatory principles of <em>V. vexillataem>. One new sterol (1 and two new isoflavones (2,3 were reported from the natural sources for the first time and their chemical structures were determined by the spectroscopic and mass spectrometric analyses. In addition, 37 known compounds were identified by comparison of their physical and spectroscopic data with those reported in the literature. Among the isolates, daidzein (23, abscisic acid (25, and quercetin (40 displayed the most significant inhibition of superoxide anion generation and elastase release.

  10. Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Luminescent Property of Cd (II Complex with <em>N-Benzenesulphonyl-L>-leucine

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    Xishi Tai


    Full Text Available A new trinuclear Cd (II complex [Cd3(L6(2,2-bipyridine3] [L =<em> Nem>-phenylsulfonyl-L>-leucinato] has been synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, IR and X-ray single crystal diffraction analysis. The results show that the complex belongs to the orthorhombic, space group<em> Pem>212121 with<em> aem> = 16.877(3 Å, <em>b> em>= 22.875(5 Å, <em>c em>= 29.495(6 Å, <em>α> em>= <emem>= <emem>= 90°, <em>V> em>= 11387(4 Å3, <em>Z> em>= 4, <em>Dc>= 1.416 μg·m−3, <emem>= 0.737 mm−1, <em>F> em>(000 = 4992, and final <em>R>1 = 0.0390, <em>ωR>2 = 0.0989. The complex comprises two seven-coordinated Cd (II atoms, with a N2O5 distorted pengonal bipyramidal coordination environment and a six-coordinated Cd (II atom, with a N2O4 distorted octahedral coordination environment. The molecules form one dimensional chain structure by the interaction of bridged carboxylato groups, hydrogen bonds and p-p interaction of 2,2-bipyridine. The luminescent properties of the Cd (II complex and <em>N-Benzenesulphonyl-L>-leucine in solid and in CH3OH solution also have been investigated.

  11. Partial pressure (or fugacity) of carbon dioxide, salinity and other variables collected from Surface underway observations using Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas analyzer, Shower head chamber equilibrator for autonomous carbon dioxide (CO2) measurement and other instruments from Marcus G. Langseth in the North Atlantic Ocean from 2014-10-04 to 2014-10-15 (NCEI Accession 0144547) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — NCEI Accession 0144547 includes Surface underway data collected from Marcus G. Langseth in the North Atlantic Ocean from 2014-10-04 to 2014-10-15. These data include...

  12. Partial pressure (or fugacity) of carbon dioxide, salinity and other variables collected from Surface underway observations using Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas analyzer, Shower head chamber equilibrator for autonomous carbon dioxide (CO2) measurement and other instruments from Marcus G. Langseth in the North Pacific Ocean from 2010-05-07 to 2010-09-30 (NCEI Accession 0144353) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — NCEI Accession 0144353 includes Surface underway data collected from Marcus G. Langseth in the North Pacific Ocean from 2010-05-07 to 2010-09-30. These data include...

  13. <em>N>-Substituted 5-Chloro-6-phenylpyridazin-3(2<em>H>-ones: Synthesis, Insecticidal Activity Against <em>Plutella xylostella em>(L. and SAR Study

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    Song Yang


    Full Text Available A series of <em>N>-substituted 5-chloro-6-phenylpyridazin-3(2<em>H>-one derivatives were synthesized based on our previous work; all compounds were characterized by spectral data and tested for <em>in vitroem> insecticidal activity against <em>Plutella xylostellaem>. The results showed that the synthesized pyridazin-3(2<em>H>-one compounds possessed good insecticidal activities, especially the compounds 4b, 4d, and 4h which showed > 90% activity at 100 mg/L. The structure-activity relationships (SAR for these compounds were also discussed.

  14. Construction of Indonesian cultural thoughts in tafsir al-Azhar as Hamka’s teaching practice; text analysis using George Herbert Mead communication theory

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    Hamdi Putra Ahmad


    Full Text Available Tafsir al-Azhar is one of the many exegesis books written by Nusantara scholars. Authored by Hamka, this book includes products come in the contemporary era and has attracted many researchers to analyze deeply all of the secrets contained in them. Tafsir al-Azhar contains a number of information related to the elements of Indonesia cultures. But not many of the readers are aware of this fact because of its relatively small capacity. It is the main attraction to be studied in depth in order to know how the construction built by a Hamka related to his Indonesian cultural thoughts contained in Tafsir al-Azhar. Using George Herbert Mead's social communication theory, this research will formulate the construction of the Indonesian cultural commentary constructed by Hamka in Tafsir al-Azhar and prove that the use of elements of Indonesian culture in interpreting the Qur'an is one of the effective strategies to teach about the Qur’anic interpretation to the Muslims in particular, and the Indonesian people in general.

  15. Socially Accountable Medical Education: An Innovative Approach at Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine. (United States)

    Greer, Pedro J; Brown, David R; Brewster, Luther G; Lage, Onelia G; Esposito, Karin F; Whisenant, Ebony B; Anderson, Frederick W; Castellanos, Natalie K; Stefano, Troy A; Rock, John A


    Despite medical advances, health disparities persist, resulting in medicine's renewed emphasis on the social determinants of health and calls for reform in medical education. The Green Family Foundation Neighborhood Health Education Learning Program (NeighborhoodHELP) at Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine provides a platform for the school's community-focused mission. NeighborhoodHELP emphasizes social accountability and interprofessional education while providing evidence-based, patient- and household-centered care. NeighborhoodHELP is a required, longitudinal service-learning outreach program in which each medical student is assigned a household in a medically underserved community. Students, teamed with learners from other professional schools, provide social and clinical services to their household for three years. Here the authors describe the program's engagement approach, logistics, and educational goals and structure. During the first six years of NeighborhoodHELP (September 2010-August 2016), 1,470 interprofessional students conducted 7,452 visits to 848 households with, collectively, 2,252 members. From August 2012, when mobile health centers were added to the program, through August 2016, students saw a total of 1,021 household members through 7,207 mobile health center visits. Throughout this time, households received a variety of free health and social services (e.g., legal aid, tutoring). Compared with peers from other schools, graduating medical students reported more experience with clinical interprofessional education and health disparities. Surveyed residency program directors rated graduates highly for their cultural sensitivity, teamwork, and accountability. Faculty and administrators are focusing on social accountability curriculum integration, systems for assessing and tracking relevant educational and household outcomes, and policy analysis.

  16. Partial pressure (or fugacity) of carbon dioxide, salinity and other variables collected from Surface underway observations using Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas analyzer, Shower head chamber equilibrator for autonomous carbon dioxide (CO2) measurement and other instruments from Marcus G. Langseth in the Caribbean Sea, Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary and others from 2013-02-28 to 2013-06-25 (NCEI Accession 0144355) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — NCEI Accession 0144355 includes Surface underway data collected from Marcus G. Langseth in the Caribbean Sea, Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary, Gulf of Mexico,...

  17. Partial pressure (or fugacity) of carbon dioxide, salinity and other variables collected from Surface underway observations using Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas analyzer, Shower head chamber equilibrator for autonomous carbon dioxide (CO2) measurement and other instruments from Marcus G. Langseth in the Arctic Ocean, Beaufort Sea and others from 2011-04-13 to 2011-12-28 (NCEI Accession 0144305) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — NCEI Accession 0144305 includes Surface underway data collected from Marcus G. Langseth in the Arctic Ocean, Beaufort Sea, Bering Sea, Gulf of Alaska, Hawaiian...

  18. Partial pressure (or fugacity) of carbon dioxide, salinity and SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE collected from Surface underway observations using Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas analyzer, Shower head chamber equilibrator for autonomous carbon dioxide (CO2) measurement and other instruments from Marcus G. Langseth in the Arctic Ocean, Beaufort Sea and others from 2010-05-07 to 2013-06-25 (NODC Accession 0109901) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — NCEI Accession 0109901 includes Surface underway data collected from Marcus G. Langseth in the Arctic Ocean, Beaufort Sea, Bering Sea, Caribbean Sea, Cordell Bank...


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    Guy Hamelin


    Full Text Available Na sua obra, Pedro Abelardo (1079-1142 destaca duas noções metafísicas que fundamentam sua teoria lógica: o <em style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal;">statusem> e o <em style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal;">dictum propositionisem>, ao causar, respectivamente, a imposição (<em style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal;">impositioem> dos termos universais e o valor de verdade das proposições. Trata-se de expressões que se referem a naturezas ontológicas peculiares, na medida em que não são consideradas coisas (<em style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal;">resem>, mesmo que constituem causas. Todavia, também não são nada. Abelardo as chama de ‘quase coisas’ (<em style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal;">quasi resem>. No presente artigo, explicamos, primeiro, essas duas noções essenciais da lógica abelardiana, antes de tentar, em seguida, encontrar a fonte dessa metafísica particular. Em oposição a comentadores importantes da lógica de Abelardo, que estimam que haja uma forte influência platônica sobre essa concepção específica, defendemos antes, com apoio de textos significativos e de acordo com o nominalismo abelardiano, que a maior ascendência sobre a metafísica do nosso autor é a do estoicismo, sobretudo, antigo.In his work, Peter Abelard (1079-1142 highlights two metaphysical notions, which sustain his logical theory: the <em>status> and the <em>dictum propositionisem>, causing respectively both the imposition (<em>impositio> of universal terms and the thuth-value of propositions. Both expressions refer to peculiar ontological natures, in so far as they are not considered things (<em>res>, even if they constitute causes. Nevertheless, neither are they ‘nothing’. Abelard calls them ‘quasi-things’ (<em>quasi resem>. In the present article, we expound first these two essential notions of Abelardian logic before then trying to find the source of this particular metaphysics. Contrary to some important

  20. For ignoring the moral rights of the photographer Marcus Igno Rudolf Loerbrocks the Dirección Nacional de Derecho de Autor condemned the Colegio Montessori Limitada of Cartagena

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    Tatiana Andrea Triana Uribe


    Full Text Available The Colombian Copyrights Office (dnda decided against the Colegio Montessori of Cartagena for infringing the moral rights of disclosure of Marcus Igno Rudolf Loerbroks. This case is important because it is one of the few decisions in which authors moral rights have been protected in Colombia. This ruling reveals the jurisprudential line that the dnda has gradually established for the protection of copyrights in our country, and especially for the moral rights enjoyed by the author of the art work as their owner. This is because, unlike the economic rights, moral rights are perpetual, inalienable and unassignable; as exposed in the case of the artist Gabriel Antonio Calle against the shopping mall San Diego and the case exposed in this review.

  1. Produção e distribuição de biomassa de espécies arbóreas no semi-árido brasileiro Production and distribution of biomass of tree species in the Brazilian semi-arid area

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    Marcos Antônio Drumond


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar a produção e distribuição de biomassa de algumas espécies arbóreas de múltiplo uso em condições de sequeiro do submédio do São Francisco, instalou-se um experimento no Campo Experimental da Caatinga da Embrapa Semi-Árido, Município de Petrolina, PE. Foram realizadas medições de altura e diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP de 16 árvores centrais, em três parcelas de cada espécie: Leucaena diversifolia, Caesalpinia velutina, Caesalpinia coriaria, Mimosa tenuiflora e Ateleia herbert-smithii. A biomassa foi estimada com base na árvore de altura média de cada parcela, avaliando-se, separadamente, cada componente (folhas, galhos, cascas e lenho. A biomassa nos diferentes componentes arbóreos das espécies foi distribuída na seguinte ordem: folhaThe objective of the study was to quantify the production and biomass distribution of some potential arboreal species of multiple uses, under dry land conditions, in the Brazilian Semi-arid. The study was developed in the Experimental Station of Caatinga, of Embrapa Semi-Árido, Petrolina-PE, Brazil. Plant height and diameter at breast height (DBH of 16 central trees of each plot, from three replicates, were measured. The following species were studied: Leucaena diversifolia, Caesalpinia velutina, Caesalpinia coriaria, Mimosa tenuiflora and Ateleia herbert-smithii. Biomass was estimated based on the medium height tree in each plot, evaluating each component separately: leaf, bark, branch, root and log, except for A. herbert-smithii that produced more leaf than bark. Total biomass production was superior for C. velutina (51.6 kg ha-1, followed by L. diversifolia (36.6 kg ha-1, A. herbert-smithii (26.4 kg ha-1, Caesalpinia coriaria (23.0 kg ha-1 and Mimosa tenuiflora (21.6 kg ha-1 However, leaf dry matter, the main potential component of forage species, was higher for C. velutina y A. herbert-smithii (2.8 kg ha-1 and C. coriaria (2.2 kg ha-1, L. diversifolia (2.0 kg

  2. Respiración artificial de Ricardo Piglia: una reformulación de la novela de artista tras el fin de las utopías

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    Inmaculada Donaire del Yerro


    Full Text Available Este estudio propone una lectura de Respiración artificial (1980, de Ricardo Piglia, desde la perspectiva del subgénero de la novela de artista, de acuerdo con la definición de Herbert Marcuse, que ha sido validada para las novelas de artista hispanoamericanas de finales del siglo XIX, en las que se centran la mayoría de los estudios críticos. La representación del escritor en Respiración artificial se compara con su representación en la narrativa de fin de siglo con un doble objetivo: poner de manifiesto el hecho de que Respiración artificial es una novela de artista propiamente dicha y asimismo mostrar la reformulación del subgénero llevada a cabo por Piglia a través de su amalgama con el policial. Palabras clave: novela hispanoamericana, novela de artista, policial latinoamericano, Ricardo Piglia, Respiración artificial.   This paper proposes a reading of Artificial respiration (1980 by Ricardo Piglia as an artist novel, according to Herbert Marcuse’s definition, validated for Latin American artist novels written at the end of the nineteenth century. The most influential critical studies have focused on that period. In this paper, the representation of the writer in Artificial respiration is compared with its corresponding representation at the end of the nineteenth century. This comparison allows us to highlight, on the one hand, the survival of the artist’s novel as an answer to the purpose of the literature after the end of the utopias. And on the other hand, the literary change carried out by Piglia: his reformulation of the character of the writer and also of the artist novel by employing narrative methods coming from the detective subgenre. Keywords: Latin American novel, artist’s novel, Latin American detective fiction, Ricardo Piglia, Artificial respiration.

  3. Natural Products from Antarctic Colonial Ascidians of the Genera <em>Aplidium> and <em>Synoicum>: Variability and Defensive Role

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    Conxita Avila


    Full Text Available Ascidians have developed multiple defensive strategies mostly related to physical, nutritional or chemical properties of the tunic. One of such is chemical defense based on secondary metabolites. We analyzed a series of colonial Antarctic ascidians from deep-water collections belonging to the genera <em>Aplidium> and <em>Synoicum> to evaluate the incidence of organic deterrents and their variability. The ether fractions from 15 samples including specimens of the species <em>A.> <em>falklandicum>, <em>A.> <em>fuegiense>, <em>A.> <em>meridianum>, <em>A.> <em>millari> and <em>S.> <em>adareanum> were subjected to feeding assays towards two relevant sympatric predators: the starfish <em>Odontaster> <em>validus>, and the amphipod <em>Cheirimedon> <em>femoratus>. All samples revealed repellency. Nonetheless, some colonies concentrated defensive chemicals in internal body-regions rather than in the tunic. Four ascidian-derived meroterpenoids, rossinones B and the three derivatives 2,3-epoxy-rossinone B, 3-epi-rossinone B, 5,6-epoxy-rossinone B, and the indole alkaloids meridianins A–G, along with other minoritary meridianin compounds were isolated from several samples. Some purified metabolites were tested in feeding assays exhibiting potent unpalatabilities, thus revealing their role in predation avoidance. Ascidian extracts and purified compound-fractions were further assessed in antibacterial tests against a marine Antarctic bacterium. Only the meridianins showed inhibition activity, demonstrating a multifunctional defensive role. According to their occurrence in nature and within our colonial specimens, the possible origin of both types of metabolites is discussed.

  4. Structural evolution of preexisting oceanic crust through intraplate igneous activities in the Marcus-Wake seamount chain (United States)

    Kaneda, Kentaro; Kodaira, Shuichi; Nishizawa, Azusa; Morishita, Taisei; Takahashi, Narumi


    Multichannel seismic reflection studies and seismic refraction surveys with ocean bottom seismographs in the Marcus-Wake seamount chain in the northwestern Pacific Ocean reveal P wave velocity structures of hot spot-origin seamounts and adjacent oceanic crust. Inside the seamounts are central high-velocity (>6.5 km/s) structures extending nearly to the top that may indicate intrusive cores. Thick sediment layers (up to 4 km) with P wave velocities of 4-5 km/s have accumulated on seafloor that predates seamount formation. Downward crustal thickening of up to 2 km was documented beneath a large seamount cluster, but thickening was not confirmed below a small seamount cluster. Volume ratios of an intrusive core to a seamount body are 15-20%, indicating that most of the supplied magma was consumed in forming the thick sedimentary and volcaniclastic layer constituting the seamount flanks. Underplating and downward crustal thickening may tend to occur when second or later intrusive cores are formed in a seamount. P wave velocities in the lowest crust and in the uppermost mantle below the seamount chain are 0.1-0.2 km/s higher and 0.3-0.5 km/s lower, respectively, than velocities below oceanic crust. We explain this difference as a result of sill-like intrusion of magma into the lower crust and uppermost mantle. Reflected waves observed at offsets >200 km are from mantle reflectors at depths of 30-45 km and 55-70 km. The shallower reflectors may indicate structures formed by intraplate igneous activities, and the deeper reflectors may correspond to the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary.

  5. Fumigant Antifungal Activity of Myrtaceae Essential Oils and Constituents from <em>Leptospermum petersoniiem> against Three <em>Aspergillus> Species

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    Il-Kwon Park


    Full Text Available Commercial plant essential oils obtained from 11 Myrtaceae plant species were tested for their fumigant antifungal activity against <em>Aspergillus ochraceusem>, <em>A. flavusem>, and <em>A. nigerem>. Essential oils extracted from<em> em>Leptospermum> <em>petersonii> at air concentrations of 56 × 10−3 mg/mL and 28 × 10−3 mg/mL completely inhibited the growth of the three <em>Aspergillus> species. However, at an air concentration of 14 × 10−3 mg/mL, inhibition rates of <em>L. petersoniiem> essential oils were reduced to 20.2% and 18.8% in the case of <em>A. flavusem> and <em>A. nigerem>, respectively. The other Myrtaceae essential oils (56 × 10−3 mg/mL only weakly inhibited the fungi or had no detectable affect. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis identified 16 compounds in <em>L. petersoniiem>> em>essential> em>oil.> em>The antifungal activity of the identified compounds was tested individually by using standard or synthesized compounds. Of these, neral and geranial inhibited growth by 100%, at an air concentration of 56 × 10−3 mg/mL, whereas the activity of citronellol was somewhat lover (80%. The other compounds exhibited only moderate or weak antifungal activity. The antifungal activities of blends of constituents identified in <em>L. petersoniiem> oil indicated that neral and geranial were the major contributors to the fumigant and antifungal activities.

  6. Clinical Relevance of <em>CDH1em> and <em>CDH13em> DNA-Methylation in Serum of Cervical Cancer Patients

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    Günther K. Bonn


    Full Text Available This study was designed to investigate the DNA-methylation status of <em>E>-cadherin (<em>CDH1em> and <em>H>-cadherin (<em>CDH13em> in serum samples of cervical cancer patients and control patients with no malignant diseases and to evaluate the clinical utility of these markers. DNA-methylation status of <em>CDH1em> and <em>CDH13em> was analyzed by means of MethyLight-technology in serum samples from 49 cervical cancer patients and 40 patients with diseases other than cancer. To compare this methylation analysis with another technique, we analyzed the samples with a denaturing high performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC PCR-method. The specificity and sensitivity of <em>CDH1em> DNA-methylation measured by MethyLight was 75% and 55%, and for <em>CDH13em> DNA-methylation 95% and 10%. We identified a specificity of 92.5% and a sensitivity of only 27% for the <em>CDH1em> DHPLC-PCR analysis. Multivariate analysis showed that serum <em>CDH1em> methylation-positive patients had a 7.8-fold risk for death (95% CI: 2.2–27.7; <em>p> = 0.001 and a 92.8-fold risk for relapse (95% CI: 3.9–2207.1; <em>p> = 0.005. We concluded that the serological detection of <em>CDH1em> and <em>CDH13em> DNA-hypermethylation is not an ideal diagnostic tool due to low diagnostic specificity and sensitivity. However, it was validated that <em>CDH1em> methylation analysis in serum samples may be of potential use as a prognostic marker for cervical cancer patients.

  7. Extraction of Dihydroquercetin<em> em>from <em>Larix gmeliniem>i> em>with Ultrasound-Assisted and Microwave-Assisted Alternant Digestion

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    Yuangang Zu


    Full Text Available An ultrasound and microwave assisted alternant extraction method (UMAE was applied for extracting dihydroquercetin (DHQ from <em>Larix gmeliniem>i> wood. This investigation was conducted using 60% ethanol as solvent, 1:12 solid to liquid ratio, and 3 h soaking time. The optimum treatment time was ultrasound 40 min, microwave 20 min, respectively, and the extraction was performed once. Under the optimized conditions, satisfactory extraction yield of the target analyte was obtained. Relative to ultrasound-assisted or microwave-assisted method, the proposed approach provides higher extraction yield. The effect of DHQ of different concentrations and synthetic antioxidants on oxidative stability in soy bean oil stored for 20 days at different temperatures (25 °C and 60 °C was compared. DHQ was more effective in restraining soy bean oil oxidation, and a dose-response relationship was observed. The antioxidant activity of DHQ was a little stronger than that of BHA and BHT. Soy bean oil supplemented with 0.08 mg/g DHQ exhibited favorable antioxidant effects and is preferable for effectively avoiding oxidation. The <em>L. gmeliniiem> wood samples before and after extraction were characterized by scanning electron microscopy. The results showed that the UMAE method is a simple and efficient technique for sample preparation.

  8. How <em>Varroa> Parasitism Affects the Immunological and Nutritional Status of the Honey Bee, <em>Apis melliferaem>

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    Katherine A. Aronstein


    Full Text Available We investigated the effect of the parasitic mite <em>Varroa destructorem> on the immunological and nutritional condition of honey bees, <em>Apis melliferaem>, from the perspective of the individual bee and the colony. Pupae, newly-emerged adults and foraging adults were sampled from honey bee colonies at one site in S. Texas, USA. <em>Varroa>‑infested bees displayed elevated titer of Deformed Wing Virus (DWV, suggestive of depressed capacity to limit viral replication. Expression of genes coding three anti-microbial peptides (<em>defensin1, abaecin, hymenoptaecinem> was either not significantly different between <em>Varroa>-infested and uninfested bees or was significantly elevated in <em>Varroa>-infested bees, varying with sampling date and bee developmental age. The effect of <em>Varroa> on nutritional indices of the bees was complex, with protein, triglyceride, glycogen and sugar levels strongly influenced by life-stage of the bee and individual colony. Protein content was depressed and free amino acid content elevated in <em>Varroa>-infested pupae, suggesting that protein synthesis, and consequently growth, may be limited in these insects. No simple relationship between the values of nutritional and immune-related indices was observed, and colony-scale effects were indicated by the reduced weight of pupae in colonies with high <em>Varroa> abundance, irrespective of whether the individual pupa bore <em>Varroa>.

  9. Partial pressure (or fugacity) of carbon dioxide, salinity and other variables collected from Surface underway observations using Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas analyzer, Shower head chamber equilibrator for autonomous carbon dioxide (CO2) measurement and other instruments from Marcus G. Langseth in the North Pacific Ocean, Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary and South China Sea from 2012-05-13 to 2012-08-26 (NCEI Accession 0144304) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — NCEI Accession 0144304 includes Surface underway data collected from Marcus G. Langseth in the North Pacific Ocean, Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary and South...

  10. Trophic systems and chorology: data from shrews, moles and voles of Italy preyed by the barn owl / Sistemi trofici e corologia: dati su <em>Soricidae>, <em>Talpidae> ed <em>Arvicolidae> d'Italia predati da <em>Tyto albaem> (Scopoli 1769

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    Longino Contoli


    Full Text Available Abstract In small Mammals biogeography, available data are up to now by far too scanty for elucidate the distribution of a lot of taxa, especially with regard to the absence from a given area. In this respect, standardized quantitative sampling techniques, like Owl pellets analysis can enable not only to enhance faunistic knowledges, but also to estimate the actual absence probability of a given taxon "m", lacking from the diet of an individual raptor. For the last purpose, the relevant frequencies of "m" in the other ecologically similar sites of the same raptor species diets are averaged ($f_m$ : the relevant standard error (multiplicated by a coefficient, according to the desired degree of accuracy, in relation of the integral of probabilities subtracted ($overline{F}_m - a E$: then, the probability that a single specimen is not pertaining to "m" is obtained ($P_0 = 1 - F_m + a E$; lastly, the desiderate accuracy probability ($P_d$ is chosen. Now, "$N_d$" (the number of individuals of all prey species in a single site needed for obtain, with the desired probability, a specimen at least of "m" is obtained through $$N = frac{ln P_d}{ln P_0}$$ Obviously, every site-diet with more than "N" preyed individuals and without any "i" specimen is considered to be lacking of such taxon. A "usefulness index" for the above purposes is outlined and checked about three raptors. Some exanples about usefulness of the Owl pellet analysis method in biogeography are given, concerning <em>Tyto albaem> diets in peninsular Italy about: - <em>Sorex minutusem>, lacking in some quite insulated areas; - <em>Sorex araneusem> (sensu stricto, after GRAF et al., 1979, present also in lowland areas in Emilia-Romagna; - <em>Crocidura suaveolensem> and - <em>Suncus etruscusem>, present also in the southermost part of Calabria (Reggio province; - <em>Talpa caecaem>, present also in the Antiapennines of Latium (Cimini mounts; - <em>Talpa romanaem


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    Sebastian Jakub Konefal


    Full Text Available American science fiction cinema of the 1970s began To employ eclectically presented references to eclectic views on religious topics. Films directed by artists such as Steven Spielberg and George Lucas offered viewers the stories influenced by the Christian and Buddhist symbolism as well as selected theses of the New Age Movements. The authors wanted to create in their productions new religiousness patterns, derived from the writings of some leading figures of the counterculture, such as Herbert Marcuse, Charles Reich, and Theodore Roszak. For this purpose they processed some storylines from science fiction novels and mass culture. This strategy was continued in the 1980s and first half of the 1990s, however the productions from this period showed a radicalization of the educational-ideological context which was associated with the conservative policy of the USA during this period. The end of the 1990s and the first decade of the twenty-first century is a period of erosion the New Age optimism of science fiction cinema. The growing popularity of plots with catastrophic and dystopian visions of the future indicates that religious topic in contemporary cinema fulfills different functions.

  12. De strijd om de richting van de Westerse cultuur

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    E. Schuurman


    Full Text Available The struggle around the direction of Western culture Herbert Marcuse is the most important representative of the cultural revolution of the sixties of the twentieth century. He represents resistance against the scientific-technological ideal of the Enlightenment. His ideal of freedom has, nevertheless, the same roots. Since the Enlightenment Western culture has been characterised by a struggle between the freedom ideal and the scientific-technological control ideal. To lessen the tension we need a cultural transformation. Therefore we need an enlightenment of the Enlightenment. In the old cultural paradigm, nature is seen as lifeless and, given that framework, is exploited by unbridled manipulation. Today we see how the technologicaleconomic development threatens “life” itself, to the point of destroying it. A responsible cultural development summons a representation of culture that depicts earth as a garden tended by humans. The garden has to be developed in the perspective of a city garden, where righteousness, love and therefore protecting life are the main principles. To follow such guidelines implies a spiritual and philosophical struggle in the direction of a transformation of Western culture.

  13. Interacionismo simbólico: origens, pressupostos e contribuições aos estudos em Psicologia Social

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    Virgínia Donizete de Carvalho

    Full Text Available O estudo aborda a perspectiva teórica denominada interacionismo simbólico, com o objetivo de resgatar suas origens, consolidação, pressupostos centrais e contribuições ao campo da Psicologia social. com base em revisão de literatura, são examinadas algumas concepções de pensadores reconhecidos como precursores dessa corrente, com destaque para o trabalho de George Mead. Os marcos iniciais da estruturação do movimento interacionista simbólico (cujo nome e principais pressupostos foram estabelecidos por Herbert Blumer e as diferentes possibilidades de operacionalização do conceito, representadas pelas divergências conceituais e metodológicas das Escolas de chicago e Iowa, constituem os pontos centrais da discussão. No intuito de identificar os principais desdobramentos oriundos das concepções interacionistas, são brevemente expostas as abordagens de estudiosos como Strauss, Shibutani, Berger e Luckmann, e Stryker. Por fim, com base na revisão empreendida, que permitiu identificar diferentes pontos de vista acerca da abordagem interacionista simbólica, conclui-se que sua evolução e fortalecimento ao longo do tempo contribuíram para que pudesse se sustentar como uma perspectiva teórica com amplas possibilidades de aplicação nos estudos da vida social.

  14. Proximate Composition, Nutritional Attributes and Mineral Composition of <em>Peperomia> <em>pellucida> L. (Ketumpangan Air Grown in Malaysia

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    Maznah Ismail


    Full Text Available This study presents the proximate and mineral composition of <em>Peperomia> <em>pellucida> L., an underexploited weed plant in Malaysia. Proximate analysis was performed using standard AOAC methods and mineral contents were determined using atomic absorption spectrometry. The results indicated <em>Peperomia> <em>pellucida> to be rich in crude protein, carbohydrate and total ash contents. The high amount of total ash (31.22% suggests a high-value mineral composition comprising potassium, calcium and iron as the main elements. The present study inferred that <em>Peperomia> <em>pellucida> would serve as a good source of protein and energy as well as micronutrients in the form of a leafy vegetable for human consumption.

  15. Evaluation of Antioxidant Activities of Aqueous Extracts and Fractionation of Different Parts of <em>Elsholtzia em>ciliata>

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    Yuangang Zu


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to investigate the antioxidant and free-radical scavenging activity of extract and fractions from various parts of <em>Elsholtzia ciliataem>. The inflorescences, leaves, stems and roots of <em>E. ciliataem> were extracted separately and two phenolic component enrichment methods: ethyl acetate-water liquid-liquid extraction and macroporous resin adsorption-desorption, were adopted in this study. The antioxidant activities of water extracts and fractions of <em>E. ciliataem> were examined using different assay model systems <em>in vitroem>. The fraction root E (purified by HPD300 macroporous resin exhibited the highest total phenolics content (497.2 ± 24.9 mg GAE/g, accompanied with the highest antioxidant activity against various antioxidant systems <em>in vitroem> compared to other fractions. On the basis of the results obtained, <em>E. ciliataem> extracts can be used potentially as a ready accessible and valuable bioactive source of natural antioxidants.

  16. Does Capitalism and the Culture Industry Create False Needs? A study of Marcuse, Adorno, and Horkheimer

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    Erbi Ago


    Full Text Available The world as we know it nowadays has evolved into an entity characterized by different political and economic systems. Each of these systems affects human mentality in a certain way. When focusing on capitalism and its culture industry, one cannot help but notice the different needs that are created as a result of different components of this system. To achieve an understanding of the needs, or rather, false needs created by the culture industry, a study of the latter would be provided at first. Furthermore, this paper aims at understanding whether it is only capitalism that creates a culture of false and unnecessary needs, in order to create a studying basis for future analysis where other systems could be analyzed and compared to the it. While implementing these societal analyses, it can then be possible to implement positive aspects of other systems, at least theoretically, into the capitalist system, providing therefore an economic system without false needs. The framework of this paper was characterized by the analysis of the three main minds that affected the Frankfurt School approach. Marx, Weber, and Lukacs’ theories were analyzed and their effect to the critical theorists was compared with the main works of Adorno, Marcuse and Horkheimer. Marx’s theory of commodity fetishism; Weber’s instrumental action and reasoning; and Lukacs’ reification of consciousness were all concepts that affected the latter thinkers in one way or another, allowing them to create a pivotal change in the academic and scholarly thinking on capitalism. In essence, this paper will describe, list, and analyze the aspects of capitalism that create our false needs.

  17. Allometric and Isometric variations in the Italian <em>Apodemus sylvaticusem> and <em>Apodemus flavicollisem> with respect to the conditions of allopatry and sympatry / Variazioni allometriche e isometriche in <em>Apodemus sylvaticusem> e <em>Apodemus flavicollisem> italiani, rispetto alle condizioni di allopatria e simpatria

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    Giovanni Amori


    Full Text Available Abstract In Italy there are two species of <em>Apodemus> (<em>Sylvaemus>: <em>Apodemus sylvaticusem> on the mainland and the main island, and <em>Apodemus flavicollisem> only on the mainland. The trend of some morphometric characters of the skull (incisive foramen length - FI; interorbital breadth = IO; length of palatal bridge = PP; upper alveolar length = $M^1M^3$ was analized and some theoretical models verified for <em>A. sylvaticusem>. If one considers the sympatric population of <em>A. sylvaticusem> and <em>A. flavicollisem> simultaneously the characters PP, IO and $M^1M^3$ appear significantly isometric being directly correlated ($P leq O.O1$, while FI character results allometric with respect to the previous ones, as expected. If one considers the sympatric populations of each of the species separately, the scenario is different. For <em>A. sylvaticusem> only PP and $M^1M^3$ are isometric ($P leq 0.05$. For <em>A. flavicollisem> only $M^1M^3$ and FI appear to be correlated, although not as significantly as for <em>A. sylvaticusem> ($P le 0.05$; one tail. The insular populations of <em>A. sylvaticusem> do not show significant correlations, except for FI and $M^1M^3$ ($P le 0.05$. On the contrary, considering all populations, sympatric and allopatric, of <em>A. sylvaticusem> at the same time are significant correlations ($P le 0.05$ in all combinations of characters, except for those involving the IO. We suggest that the isometric relations in sympatric assemblages are confined within a morphological range available to the genus <em>Apodemus>. In such a space, the two species are split in two different and innerly homogeneous distributions. We found no evidence to confirm the niche variation hypothesis. On the contrary, the variability expressed as SO or CV's appears higher in the sympatric populations than in the allopatric ones, for three of the four characters, confirming previous results

  18. A Novel Apoptosis Correlated Molecule: Expression and Characterization of Protein Latcripin-1 from <em>Lentinula em>edodes> C91–3

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    Min Huang


    Full Text Available An apoptosis correlated molecule—protein Latcripin-1 of <em>Lentinula> edodesem> C91-3—was expressed and characterized in <em>Pichia pastorisem> GS115. The total RNA was obtained from <em>Lentinula edodesem> C91–3. According to the transcriptome, the full-length gene of Latcripin-1 was isolated with 3'-Full Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends (RACE and 5'-Full RACE methods. The full-length gene was inserted into the secretory expression vector pPIC9K. The protein Latcripin-1 was expressed in <em>Pichia pastorisem> GS115 and analyzed by Sodium Dodecylsulfonate Polyacrylate Gel Electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE and Western blot. The Western blot showed that the protein was expressed successfully. The biological function of protein Latcripin-1 on A549 cells was studied with flow cytometry and the 3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl-2,5-Diphenyl-tetrazolium Bromide (MTT method. The toxic effect of protein Latcripin-1 was detected with the MTT method by co-culturing the characterized protein with chick embryo fibroblasts. The MTT assay results showed that there was a great difference between protein Latcripin-1 groups and the control group (<em>p em>< 0.05. There was no toxic effect of the characterized protein on chick embryo fibroblasts. The flow cytometry showed that there was a significant difference between the protein groups of interest and the control group according to apoptosis function (<em>p em>< 0.05. At the same time, cell ultrastructure observed by transmission electron microscopy supported the results of flow cytometry. The work demonstrates that protein Latcripin-1 can induce apoptosis of human lung cancer cells A549 and brings new insights into and advantages to finding anti-tumor proteins.

  19. Regeneration of β-Carotene from Radical Cation by Eugenol, Isoeugenol, and Clove Oil in the Marcus Theory Inverted Region for Electron Transfer. (United States)

    Chang, Hui-Ting; Cheng, Hong; Han, Rui-Min; Wang, Peng; Zhang, Jian-Ping; Skibsted, Leif H


    The rate of regeneration of β-carotene by eugenol from the β-carotene radical cation, an initial bleaching product of β-carotene, was found by laser flash photolysis and transient absorption spectroscopy to be close to the diffusion limit in chloroform/methanol (9:1, v/v), with a second-order rate constant (k 2 ) of 4.3 × 10 9 L mol -1 s -1 at 23 °C. Isoeugenol, more reducing with a standard reduction potential of 100 mV lower than eugenol, was slower, with k 2 = 7.2 × 10 8 L mol -1 s -1 . Regeneration of β-carotene following photobleaching was found 50% more efficient by eugenol, indicating that, for the more reducing isoeugenol, the driving force exceeds the reorganization energy for electron transfer significantly in the Marcus theory inverted region. For eugenol/isoeugenol mixtures and clove oil, kinetic control by the faster eugenol determines the regeneration, with a thermodynamic backup of reduction equivalent through eugenol regeneration by the more reducing isoeugenol for the mixture. Clove oil, accordingly, is a potential protector of provitamin A for use in red palm oils.

  20. Momentos em freios e em embraiagens


    Mimoso, Rui Miguel Pereira


    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Mecânica Nesta dissertação reúnem-se os modelos de cálculo utilizados na determinação dos momentos em freios e em embraiagens. Neste trabalho consideram-se os casos de freios e embraiagens de atrito seco e atrito viscoso. Nos freios de atrito viscoso são considerados casos em que as características dos fluidos não são induzidas, e outros em que são induzidas modificações a essas mesmas características. São a...

  1. Parasitic zoonoses: survey in foxes (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> in the northern Apennines / Zoonosi parassitarie: indagini in volpi (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> dell'Appennino settentrionale

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    Vittorio Guberti


    Full Text Available Abstract A parasitological survey on 153 foxes was carried out in the northern Apennines, during the period 1984-1987. The following parasites were identified: <em>Toxocara canisem> (46.4%, <em>Taenia> sp. (17%, <em>Uncinaria stenocephalaem> (11.8%, <em>Mesocestoides lineatusem> (11.1%, <em>Ancylostoma caninumem> (3.9%, <em>Taenia hydatigenaem> (3.3%, <em>Trichuris vulpisem> (3.3%, <em>Dipylidium caninumem> (2.6%, <em>Taenia crassicepsem> (2%. All foxes were negative for <em>Trichinella> sp. A statistical analysis was performed to evaluate differences in the parasitic fauna according to the sex and age classes of the hosts. The role that the fox could have as a reservoir of helminthic zoonoses is discussed. The results are compared with those of similar studies carried out in Italy. Riassunto Nel periodo 1984-1987 è stata condotta un'indagine parassitologica su 153 volpi abbattute nell'Appennino romagnolo. Sono stati reperiti i seguenti parassiti: <em>Toxocara canisem> (46,4%, <em>Taenia> sp. (17%, <em>Uncinaria stenocephalaem> (11,8%, <em>Mesocestoides lineatusem> (11,1%, <em>Ancylostoma caninumem> (3,9%, <em>Taenia hydatigenaem> (3,3%, <em>Trichuris vulpisem> (3,3%, <em>Dipylidium caninumem> (2,6%, <em>Taenia crassicepsem> (2%. Tutte le volpi esaminate sono risultate negative per <em>Trichinella> sp. È stata effettuata l'analisi statistica dei dati per evidenziare eventuali differenze della fauna parassitaria in relazione al sesso e all'età delle volpi. Sulla base dei dati ottenuti viene discussa l'importanza che la Volpe può assumere come serbatoio di zoonosi elmintiche. I risultati acquisiti sono inoltre comparati con quelli ottenuti in analoghe ricerche condotte in Italia.

  2. <em>In Vivoem> Histamine Optical Nanosensors

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    Heather A. Clark


    Full Text Available In this communication we discuss the development of ionophore based nanosensors for the detection and monitoring of histamine levels <em>in vivoem>. This approach is based on the use of an amine-reactive, broad spectrum ionophore which is capable of recognizing and binding to histamine. We pair this ionophore with our already established nanosensor platform, and demonstrate <em>in vitroem> and <em>in vivoem> monitoring of histamine levels. This approach enables capturing rapid kinetics of histamine after injection, which are more difficult to measure with standard approaches such as blood sampling, especially on small research models. The coupling together of <em>in vivoem> nanosensors with ionophores such as nonactin provide a way to generate nanosensors for novel targets without the difficult process of designing and synthesizing novel ionophores.

  3. Variabilità morfologica ed ecologica in <em>Neomys fodiensem> e <em>Neomys anomalusem> nell'Appennino settentrionale

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    Dino Scaravelli


    Full Text Available I due <em>Neomys> italiani sono ancora da chiarire dal punto di vista della loro caratterizzazione morfologica e ecologica. Il lavoro prende in considerazione un campione di entrambe le specie proveniente da habitat forestali dell?Appennino settentrionale per i quali sono stati identificati i principali parametri ambientali. Vengono quindi descritte la variabilità dei tratti morfologici delle due specie in aree localizzate nel Parco Nazionale Foreste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona e Campigna nell?Appennino tosco-romagnolo. Risultano di sicuro effetto discriminatorio la maschera facciale, il rapporto piede posteriore/coda e i caratteri cranici. Sulla base dei criteri identificativi si sono realizzate rilevazioni di misure corporee per le due specie e una comparazione degli habitat utilizzati. <em>N. fodiensem> appare unica specie nelle faggete-abetine e dominante nei castagneti, mentre nell?Ontaneta e nelle zone aperte e termofile si registra la sola presenza di <em>N. anomalusem>. Mancano entrambi nei prati cespugliati, nella pecceta e nella cerreta. I gradienti presenti sono quindi illustrati. Non appare una differenza altitudinale nel campione esaminato, posto in stazioni tra i 400 e i 1300 m, ma per entrambe vi sono maggiori riscontri nella fascia tra 700 e 850 m. Nell?analisi multivariata rispetto alle altre specie e alle variabili ambientali si riscontra sempre una discreta correlazione con la presenza di acqua di una certa ampiezza, che comunque è significativa solo per <em>N. fodiensem>, mentre risulta di interesse la positiva correlazione di <em>N. anomalusem> con <em>Apodemus sylvaticusem>.

  4. Echolocation calls and morphology in the Mehelyi’s (<em>Rhinolophus mehelyiem> and mediterranean (<em>R. euryaleem> horseshoe bats: implications for resource partitioning

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    Egoitz Salsamendi


    Full Text Available Abstract <em>Rhinolophus euryaleem> and <em>R. mehelyiem> are morphologically very similar species and their distributions overlap extensively in the Mediterranean basin. We modelled their foraging behaviour using echolocation calls and wing morphology and, assuming niche segregation occurs between the two species, we explored how it is shaped by these factors. Resting frequency of echolocation calls was recorded and weight, forearm length, wing loading, aspect ratio and wing tip shape index were measured. <em>R. mehelyiem> showed a significantly higher resting frequency than <em>R. euryaleem>, but differences are deemed insufficient for dietary niche segregation. Weight and forearm length were significantly larger in <em>R. mehelyiem>. The higher values of aspect ratio and wing loading and a lower value of wing tip shape index in <em>R. melehyiem> restrict its flight manoeuvrability and agility. Therefore, the flight ability of <em>R. mehelyiem> may decrease as habitat complexity increases. Thus, the principal mechanism for resource partitioning seems to be based on differing habitat use arising from differences in wing morphology. Riassunto Ecolocalizzazione e morfologia nei rinolofi di Mehely (<em>Rhinolophus mehelyiem> e euriale (<em>R. euryaleem>: implicazioni nella segregazione delle risorse trofiche. <em>Rhinolophus euryaleem> e <em>R. mehelyiem> sono specie morfologicamente molto simili, la cui distribuzione risulta largamente coincidente in area mediterranea. Il comportamento di foraggiamento delle due specie è stato analizzato in funzione delle caratteristiche dei segnali di ecolocalizzazione e della morfologia alare, ed è stata valutata l’incidenza di questi fattori nell’ipotesi di una segregazione delle nicchie. È stata rilevata la frequenza a riposo dei segnali ultrasonori, così come il peso, la lunghezza dell’avambraccio, il carico alare, e due

  5. Phytochemical Composition, Antioxidant and Xanthine Oxidase Inhibitory Activities of <em>Amaranthus cruentusem> L. and <em>Amaranthus hybridusem> L. Extracts

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    Jeanne F. Millogo


    Full Text Available This paper describes a preliminary assessment of the nutraceutical value of <em>Amaranthus cruentus (A. cruentusem> and <em>Amaranthus hybridus (A. hybridusem>, two food plant species found in Burkina Faso. Hydroacetonic (HAE, methanolic (ME, and aqueous extracts (AE from the aerial parts were screened for <em>in vitroem> antioxidant and xanthine oxidase inhibitory activities. Phytochemical analyses revealed the presence of polyphenols, tannins, flavonoids, steroids, terpenoids, saponins and betalains. Hydroacetonic extracts have shown the most diversity for secondary metabolites. The TLC analyses of flavonoids from HAE extracts showed the presence of rutin and other unidentified compounds. The phenolic compound contents of the HAE, ME and AE extracts were determined using the Folin–Ciocalteu method and ranged from 7.55 to 10.18 mg Gallic acid equivalent GAE/100 mg. Tannins, flavonoids, and flavonols ranged from 2.83 to 10.17 mg tannic acid equivalent (TAE/100 mg, 0.37 to 7.06 mg quercetin equivalent (QE /100 mg, and 0.09 to 1.31 mg QE/100 mg, respectively. The betacyanin contents were 40.42 and 6.35 mg Amaranthin Equivalent/100 g aerial parts (dry weight in <em>A. cruentusem> and <em>A. hybridusem>, respectively. Free-radical scavenging activity expressed as IC50 (DPPH method and iron reducing power (FRAP method ranged from 56 to 423 µg/mL and from 2.26 to 2.56 mmol AAE/g, respectively. Xanthine oxidase inhibitory activities of extracts of <em>A. cruentus em>and <em>A. hybridusem> were 3.18% and 38.22%, respectively.<em> em>The> A. hybridusem> extract showed the best antioxidant and xanthine oxidase inhibition activities. The results indicated that the phytochemical contents of the two species justify their traditional uses as nutraceutical food plants.

  6. Dermatoses em renais cronicos em terapia dialitica

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    Luis Alberto Batista Peres


    Full Text Available Objetivo: As desordens cutâneas e das mucosas são comuns em pacientes em hemodiálise a longo prazo. A diálise prolonga a expectativa de vida, dando tempo para a manifestação destas anormalidades. Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar a prevalência de problemas dermatológicos em pacientes com doença renal crônica (DRC em hemodiálise. Métodos: Cento e quarenta e cinco pacientes com doença renal crônica em hemodiálise foram estudados. Todos os pacientes foram completamente analisados para as alterações cutâneas, de cabelos, mucosas e unhas por um único examinador e foram coletados dados de exames laboratoriais. Os dados foram armazenados em um banco de dados do Microsolft Excel e analisados por estatística descritiva. As variáveis contínuas foram comparadas pelo teste t de Student e as variáveis categóricas utilizando o teste do qui-quadrado ou o teste Exato de Fischer, conforme adequado. Resultados: O estudo incluiu 145 pacientes, com idade média de 53,6 ± 14,7 anos, predominantemente do sexo masculino (64,1% e caucasianos (90,0%. O tempo médio de diálise foi de 43,3 ± 42,3 meses. As principais doenças subjacentes foram: hipertensão arterial em 33,8%, diabetes mellitus em 29,6% e glomerulonefrite crônica em 13,1%. As principais manifestações dermatológicas observadas foram: xerose em 109 (75,2%, equimose em 87 (60,0%, prurido em 78 (53,8% e lentigo em 33 (22,8% pacientes. Conclusão: O nosso estudo mostrou a presença de mais do que uma dermatose por paciente. As alterações cutâneas são frequentes em pacientes em diálise. Mais estudos são necessários para melhor caracterização e manejo destas dermatoses.

  7. Cytotoxicity and Glycan-Binding Properties of an 18 kDa Lectin Isolated from the Marine Sponge <em>Halichondria em>okadai>

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    Yasuhiro Ozeki


    Full Text Available A divalent cation-independent lectin—HOL-18, with cytotoxic activity against leukemia cells, was purified from a demosponge, <em>Halichondria okadaiem>. HOL-18 is a 72 kDa tetrameric lectin that consists of four non-covalently bonded 18 kDa subunits. Hemagglutination activity of the lectin was strongly inhibited by chitotriose (GlcNAcβ1-4GlcNAcβ1-4GlcNAc, fetuin and mucins from porcine stomach and bovine submaxillary gland. Lectin activity was stable at pH 4–12 and temperatures lower than 60 °C. Frontal affinity chromatography with 16 types of pyridylaminated oligosaccharides indicated that the lectin had an affinity for <em>N>-linked complex-type and sphingolipid-type oligosaccharides with <em>N>-acetylated hexosamines and neuramic acid at the non-reducing termini. The lectin killed Jurkat leukemia T cells and K562 erythroleukemia cells in a dose- and carbohydrate-dependent manner.

  8. Over-Expression of CYP2E1 mRNA and Protein: Implications of Xenobiotic Induced Damage in Patients with <em>De Novoem> Acute Myeloid Leukemia with inv(16(p13.1q22; <em>CBFβ>-MYH11em>

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    Carlos E. Bueso-Ramos


    Full Text Available Environmental exposure to benzene occurs through cigarette smoke, unleaded gasoline and certain types of plastic. Benzene is converted to hematotoxic metabolites by the hepatic phase-I enzyme CYP2E1, and these metabolites are detoxified by the phase-II enzyme NQO1. The genes encoding these enzymes are highly polymorphic and studies of these polymorphisms have shown different pathogenic and prognostic features in various hematological malignancies. The potential role of different cytochrome p450 metabolizing enzymes in the pathogenesis of acute myeloid leukemia (AML in an area of active interest. In this study, we demonstrate aberrant CYP2E1 mRNA over-expression by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction in 11 cases of <em>de novoem> AML with inv(16; CBFβ-MYH11. CYP2E1 mRNA levels correlated with <em>CBFβ>-MYH11 em>transcript levels and with bone marrow blast counts in all cases. CYP2E1 over-expression correlated positively with NQO1 mRNA levels (R2 = 0.934, n = 7. By immunohistochemistry, CYP2E1 protein was more frequently expressed in AML with inv(16 compared with other types of AML (<em>p> < 0.001. We obtained serial bone marrow samples from two patients with AML with inv(16 before and after treatment. CYP2E1 mRNA expression levels decreased in parallel with <em>CBFβ>-MYH11 em>transcript levels and blast counts following chemotherapy. In contrast, CYP1A2 transcript levels did not change in either patient. This is the first study to demonstrate concurrent over-expression of CYP2E1 and NQO1 mRNA in AML with inv(16. These findings also suggest that a balance between CYP2E1 and NQO1 may be important in the pathogenesis of AML with inv(16.


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    Eliane Pimentel Camillo Barra Nova de Melo


    Full Text Available A coleção Fundamentos da Educação: Recortes e Discussões chega ao seu quinto volume todos publicados pela Paco Editorial. O presente volume foi lançado em 2015 e contem 406 páginas, escritas por 21 autores, dentre eles graduados, especialistas, mestrandos, mestres, doutorandos, doutores, pós-doutores, todos estudiosos do campo educacional e comprometidos em compreender melhor tal fenômeno. Para isso buscaram, nesta obra, desvendar o pensamento pedagógico dos seguintes estudiosos: Charles Darwin, Herbert Spencer, Édouard Claparède, Adolphe Ferrière, Henri Wallon, Roger Cousinet, Alexander Luria, Alexei Leontiev, Ana Teberosky, Emília Ferreiro, Howard Gardner, Hannah Arendt, Augusto Comte, Émile Durkheim, B.F. Skinner, Lawrence Stenhouse, Anton Makarenko, Florestan Fernandes, Louis Althusser e Michel Foucault.

  10. Mortality disparities among groups participating in an East Africa surveying expedition: the Herbert Henry Austin expedition of 1900-1901. (United States)

    Imperato, Pascal James; Imperato, Gavin H; Imperato, Austin C


    In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, a number of European expeditions traveled to the region of Lake Rudolf, now largely in northern Kenya. Although diverse in intent, many of these were undertaken in the interests of furthering colonial territorial claims. In 1900-1901, Major Herbert Henry Austin led a British expedition down to the lake from Khartoum in the north. Of the 62 African, Arab, and European members of this expedition, only 18 (29 %) arrived at its final destination at Lake Baringo in Kenya. Because of a confluence of adverse climatic, social, and political conditions, the expedition ran short of food supplies when it arrived at the northern end of the lake in April 1901. For the next 4 months, the members of the expedition struggled down the west side of the lake and beyond. The greatest mortality (91 %) occurred among the 32 African transport drivers who were the most marginally nourished at the outset of the trip. The lowest mortality among the Africans on the expedition (15 %) occurred among the members of the Tenth Sudanese Rifles Battalion, who had an excellent nutritional status at the start of the expedition. Major Austin himself suffered from severe scurvy with retinal hemorrhages which left him partially blind in his right eye. An analysis of the mortality rates among the groups that participated in this expedition was undertaken. This revealed that poor nutritional status at the start of the trip was predictive of death from starvation.

  11. Tangenciando o gesto autobiográfico em Michel Leiris e Herberto Helder

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    Carolina Anglada de Rezende


    Full Text Available In position of the extensive discussion about the autobiography and its questioned status as a literary genre, this article aims to discuss the comparative gesture and his autobiographical traces in the works of two writers who, each in his own way, break the protocol associated with the writings of the self. In the foreground, it is the work A idade viril of Michel Leiris, in which writing, confession, memories and dreams merge, which will be compared to Photomaton & Vox, meeting of essays, reviews, poems and reports of the portuguese poet Herbert Helder.

  12. Obituary: Herbert Gursky, 1930-2006 (United States)

    Doschek, George; Dahlburg, Jill


    Dr. Herbert Gursky, Acting Associate Director of Research for the Naval Research Laboratory's (NRL's) Systems Directorate, and formerly Superintendent of the Space Science Division and Chief Scientist of the E. O. Hulburt Center for Space Research. Dr. Gursky died following a long illness on late Friday afternoon, December 1, 2006. Dr. Gursky was a great friend, valued colleague, and distinguished researcher who will be missed greatly. Dr. Gursky was born in Bronx, New York, on May 27, 1930. He was educated in secondary schools in Miami, Florida, and received a Bachelor's Degree from the University of Florida in 1951. He did graduate work in physics at Vanderbilt University (Master's degree in 1953) and Princeton University (Doctorate degree in 1959). His first professional position was at Columbia University as an instructor in the Physics Department from 1958 to 1961. In 1961, he joined American Science and Engineering, Inc. (AS&E) in Cambridge, Massachusetts, as a senior scientist and rose to the position of Vice President, Space Research in 1967. In 1973 he joined the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) as a supervisory astrophysicist. In 1974, Dr. Gursky was appointed Professor in the Practice of Astronomy at Harvard University and in 1976 was named Associate Director of the Center for Astrophysics for the Division of Optical and Infrared Astronomy. In 1981, Dr. Gursky joined NRL as Superintendent of its Space Science Division and Chief Scientist of the E. O. Hulburt Center for Space Research. He moved to the position of Acting Associate Director of Research for NRL's Systems Directorate in 2006. Dr. Gursky's primary research interests were in the area of X-ray astronomy. He published more than 100 articles in this area and edited two books on the subject. Before arriving at NRL, he was the principal investigator for NASA-sponsored space programs on the Astronomical Netherlands Satellite (ANS) and the High Energy Astrophysics Observatory (HEAO)-1

  13. Thermal Studies of Zn(II, Cd(II and Hg(II Complexes of Some <em>N-Alkyl-N>-Phenyl-Dithiocarbamates

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    Peter A. Ajibade


    Full Text Available The thermal decomposition of Zn(II, Cd(II and Hg(II complexes of <em>N-ethyl-N>-phenyl and <em>N-butyl-N>-phenyl dithiocarbamates have been studied using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC. The products of the decomposition, at two different temperatures, were further characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX. The results show that while the zinc and cadmium complexes undergo decomposition to form metal sulphides, and further undergo oxidation forming metal oxides as final products, the mercury complexes gave unstable volatiles as the final product.

  14. Conservazione e gestione della Lepre italica (<em>Lepus corsicanusem>

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    Francesco Riga


    Full Text Available Il recente riconoscimento dello <em>status> specifico della Lepre italica (<em>Lepus corsicanusem> e l?accertamento dell?areale distributivo rappresentano le azioni più importanti per la conservazione di un <em>taxon endemicoem> che si era creduto estinto. Nella penisola la specie presenta un areale discontinuo, il cui limite settentrionale è dato dal comune di Manciano (GR, sul versante tirrenico e da una linea che dalla provincia de L'Aquila arriva al Gargano. In Sicilia la distribuzione è relativamente continua anche in aree non protette. Dati genetici hanno permesso di confermare la presenza in Corsica. Al contrario, nell?Isola d'Elba, a seguito di estese ricerche, sono stati identificati solo esemplari di <em>L. europaeusem>. Nell?Italia peninsulare <em>L. corsicanusem> è spesso presente in simpatria con popolazioni di <em>L. europaeusem>, mentre in Sicilia la lepre europea non ha originato popolazioni stabili, nonostante l?immissione di molte migliaia di individui. La distribuzione ecologica di <em>L. corsicanusem> ed analisi ambientali specifiche, suggeriscono l?adattamento prevalente agli ambienti a clima mediterraneo, benché essa sia presente anche a quote elevate (> 1.500 m s.l.m.. Dati preliminari di abbondanza relativa hanno evidenziato una situazione diversificata tra la penisola e la Sicilia e tra aree a diverso regime di gestione; un confronto tra le aree protette ha evidenziato rispettivamente valori di 5,54 e 11,73 ind./km². La riduzione quali-quantitativa e la frammentazione dell?<em>habitat> delle lepri è un fenomeno potenzialmente pericoloso per la sopravvivenza delle popolazioni, determinando fenomeni di estinzione locale dovuti alle basse densità di popolazione, inducendo fenomeni di erosione della variabilità genetica e di riduzione della <em>fitness> degli individui. L?introduzione di <em>L. europaeusem> può costituire un importante fattore limitante sia per la possibile competizione

  15. Methyl 2-Benzamido-2-(1<em>H>-benzimidazol-1-ylmethoxyacetate

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    Alami Anouar


    Full Text Available The heterocyclic carboxylic α-aminoester methyl 2-benzamido-2-(1<em>H>-benzimidazol-1-ylmethoxyacetate is obtained by <em>O>-alkylation of methyl α-azido glycinate <em>N>-benzoylated with 1<em>H>-benzimidazol-1-ylmethanol.

  16. Development of 101 Gene-based Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Markers in Sea Cucumber, <em>Apostichopus japonicusem>>

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    Wei Lu


    Full Text Available Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs are currently the marker of choice in a variety of genetic studies. Using the high resolution melting (HRM genotyping approach, 101 gene-based SNP markers were developed for <em>Apostichopus japonicusem>, a sea cucumber species with economic significance for the aquaculture industry in East Asian countries. HRM analysis revealed that all the loci showed polymorphisms when evaluated using 40 <em>A. japonicusem> individuals collected from a natural population. The minor allele frequency ranged from 0.035 to 0.489. The observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.050 to 0.833 and 0.073 to 0.907, respectively. Thirteen loci were found to depart significantly from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE after Bonferroni corrections. Significant linkage disequilibrium (LD was detected in one pair of markers. These SNP markers are expected to be useful for future quantitative trait loci (QTL analysis, and to facilitate marker-assisted selection (MAS in <em>A. japonicusem>.

  17. Activity-Guided Isolation of Antioxidant Compounds from <em>Rhizophora apiculataem>

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    Hongbin Xiao


    Full Text Available <em>Rhizophora apiculataem> (<em>R. apiculataem> contains an abundance of biologically active compounds due its special salt-tolerant living surroundings. In this study, the total phenolic content and antioxidant activities of various extract and fractions of stem of <em>R. apiculataem> were investigated. Results indicated that butanol fraction possesses the highest total phenolic content (181.84 mg/g GAE/g dry extract with strongest antioxidant abilities. Following <em>in vitroem> antioxidant activity-guided phytochemical separation procedures, lyoniresinol-3α-<em>O>-β-arabinopyranoside (1, lyoniresinol-3α-<em>O>-β-rhamnoside (2, and afzelechin-3-<em>O>-L-rhamno-pyranoside (3 were separated from the butanol fraction. These compounds showed more noticeable antioxidant activity than a BHT standard in the DPPH, ABTS and hydroxyl radical scavenging assays. HPLC analysis results showed that among different plant parts, the highest content of 13 was located in the bark (0.068%, 0.066% and 0.011%, respectively. The results imply that the <em>R. apiculataem> might be a potential source of natural antioxidants and 13 are antioxidant ingredients in <em>R. apiculataem>.

  18. Synthesis and Spectroscopic Analysis of Novel 1<em>H-Benzo[d>]imidazoles Phenyl Sulfonylpiperazines

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    Amjad M. Qandil


    Full Text Available A group of benzimidazole analogs of sildenafil, 3-benzimidazolyl-4-methoxy-phenylsulfonylpiperazines 2–4 and 3-benzimidazolyl-4-methoxy-<em>N,N>-dimethyl- benzenesulfonamide (5, were efficiently synthesized. Compounds 2–5 were characterized by NMR and MS and contrary to the reported mass spectra of sildenafil, the spectra of the piperazine-containing compounds 2–4 showed a novel fragmentation pattern leading to an <em>m/z> = 316. A mechanism for the formation of this fragment was proposed.

  19. Osservazioni in cattività sul ciclo stagionale del peso corporeo e sull'efficienza digestiva di <em>Pipistrellus kuhliiem> e <em>Hypsugo saviiem> (Chiroptera: Verspertilionidae

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    Gianna Dondini


    Full Text Available Abstract Captivity observation on body weight cycle and digestive efficiency in <em>Pipistrellus kuhliiem> and <em>Hypsugo saviiem> (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae Many bat species of cold-temperate climate are subject to seasonal variation of temperature and food availability. Fat reserve during summer-autumn is therefore a physiological adaptation to spend the winter months by hibernating or to sustain migration. During a research on bats in urban areas, two juveniles of Kuhl's bat (<em>Pipistrellus kuhliiem>, 2 females and two juveniles of Savi's bat (<em>Hypsugo saviiem>, 1 male and 1 female were collected in 1997 in the urban area of Florence (central Italy. Bats were kept in a cage of 50x40x30 cm with a temperature between 17° and 22° C. Every day they were weighted with an electronic balance before eating mealworms (<em>Tenebrio molitorem>. Digestive efficiency, calculated on dry material, was about 90% for both species. In about six months <em>P. kuhliiem> and <em>H. saviiem> increased on the average of 450% and 280% in weight respectively. Deposition of fat reserve seemed to be faster in <em>P. kuhliiem> than in <em>H. saviiem>. Both species showed a circannual cycle in the variation of weight. Riassunto Molte specie di pipistrelli dei climi temperato-freddi sono soggette a marcate variazioni stagionali di temperatura e disponibilità di cibo. L'accumulo di grasso in tarda estate-autunno è quindi un adattamento fisiologico per trascorrere in ibernazione i mesi invernali o per intraprendere la migrazione. Nell'ambito di una ricerca pluriennale sui pipistrelli in ambienti urbani, 4 esemplari giovani, di cui 2 di Pipistrello albolimbato (<em>Pipistrellus kuhliiem>, 2 femmine e due di Pipistrello di Savi (<em>Hypsugo saviiem>, 1 maschio e 1 femmina, sono stati raccolti nella pianura di Firenze durante l'estate del 1997 e mantenuti in un contenitore di 50x40x30 cm ad

  20. Glycosylation of Vanillin and 8-Nordihydrocapsaicin by Cultured <em>Eucalyptus perrinianaem> Cells

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    Naoji Kubota


    Full Text Available Glycosylation of vanilloids such as vanillin and 8-nordihydrocapsaicin by cultured plant cells of <em>Eucalyptus perrinianaem> was studied. Vanillin was converted into vanillin 4-<em>O>-b-D-glucopyranoside, vanillyl alcohol, and 4-<em>O>-b-D-glucopyranosylvanillyl alcohol by <em>E. perriniana em>cells. Incubation of cultured <em>E. perrinianaem> cells with 8-nor- dihydrocapsaicin gave 8-nordihydrocapsaicin 4-<em>O>-b-D-glucopyranoside and 8-nordihydro- capsaicin 4-<em>O>-b-D-gentiobioside.

  1. Preferencia alimenticia del ácaro depredador <em>Balaustium> sp. en condiciones controladas

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    Muñoz Karen


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    Se evaluó la preferencia de presas de <em>Balaustium> sp., enemigo natural de diferentes artrópodos plaga, y el cual es nativo de la Sabana de Bogotá. En unidades experimentales construidas con foliolos de plantas de rosa se colocaron independientemente individuos de <em>Balaustium> sp. y se registró el número de presas consumidas. De esta manera se determinó la preferencia de los tres estados móviles del ácaro depredador <em>Balaustium> sp. por diferentes edades de tres presas. Las especies y edades de las presas estudiadas fueron: huevos, ninfas y adultos de <em>Trialeurodes vaporariorumem>, huevos, ninfas y adultos de <em>Tetranychus urticaeem>, y larvas de primer y segundo instar y adultos de <em>Frankliniella occidentalisem>. Los estados menos desarrollados fueron preferidos, aunque se observó que los adultos del depredador tienen gran habilidad para consumir adultos de <em>T. vaporariorumem>. La presa preferida por las larvas de <em>Balaustium> sp. fue los huevos de <em>T. urticaeem> con una proporción de consumo de 0,54 de los huevos que se ofrecieron de esta presa; las deutoninfas del depredador eligieron huevos de <em>T. vaporariorumem> (0,537 o de <em>T. urticaeem> (0,497 y los adultos de <em>Balaustium> sp. prefrieron los huevos de <em>T. vaporariorumem> (0,588.

  2. Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Carnosic Acid and Rosmarinic Acid Using Ionic Liquid Solution from <em>Rosmarinus officinalisem>>

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    Chunjian Zhao


    Full Text Available Ionic liquid based, ultrasound-assisted extraction was successfully applied to the extraction of phenolcarboxylic acids, carnosic acid and rosmarinic acid, from <em>Rosmarinus officinalisem>. Eight ionic liquids, with different cations and anions, were investigated in this work and [C8mim]Br was selected as the optimal solvent. Ultrasound extraction parameters, including soaking time, solid–liquid ratio, ultrasound power and time, and the number of extraction cycles, were discussed by single factor experiments and the main influence factors were optimized by response surface methodology. The proposed approach was demonstrated as having higher efficiency, shorter extraction time and as a new alternative for the extraction of carnosic acid and rosmarinic acid from <em>R. officinalisem>> em>compared with traditional reference extraction methods. Ionic liquids are considered to be green solvents, in the ultrasound-assisted extraction of key chemicals from medicinal plants, and show great potential.

  3. Antioxidant Profile of <em>Trifolium pratenseem> L.

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    Heidy Schwartsova


    Full Text Available In order to examine the antioxidant properties of five different extracts of <em>Trifolium pratenseem> L. (Leguminosae leaves, various assays which measure free radical scavenging ability were carried out: 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl, hydroxyl, superoxide anion and nitric oxide radical scavenger capacity tests and lipid peroxidation assay. In all of the tests, only the H2O and (to some extent the EtOAc extracts showed a potent antioxidant effect compared with BHT and BHA, well-known synthetic antioxidants. In addition, <em>in vivo em>experiments were conducted with antioxidant systems (activities of GSHPx, GSHR, Px, CAT, XOD, GSH content and intensity of LPx in liver homogenate and blood of mice after their treatment with extracts of <em>T. pratenseem> leaves, or in combination with CCl4. Besides, in the extracts examined the total phenolic and flavonoid amounts were also determined, together with presence of the selected flavonoids: quercetin, luteolin, apigenin, naringenin and kaempferol, which were studied using a HPLC-DAD technique. HPLC-DAD analysis showed a noticeable content of natural products according to which the examined <em>Trifolium pratenseem> species could well be regarded as a promising new source of bioactive natural compounds, which can be used both as a food supplement and a remedy.

  4. Bioassay-Guided Antidiabetic Study of <em>Phaleria macrocarpaem> Fruit Extract

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    Mohd Z. Asmawi


    Full Text Available An earlier anti-hyperglycemic study with serial crude extracts of <em>Phaleria macrocarpaem> (PM fruit indicated methanol extract (ME as the most effective. In the present investigation, the methanol extract was further fractionated to obtain chloroform (CF, ethyl acetate (EAF, <em>n>-butanol (NBF and aqueous (AF fractions, which were tested for antidiabetic activity. The NBF reduced blood glucose (<em>p> < 0.05 15 min after administration, in an intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test (IPGTT similar to metformin. Moreover, it lowered blood glucose in diabetic rats by 66.67% (<em>p> em>< 0.05, similar to metformin (51.11%, glibenclamide (66.67% and insulin (71.43% after a 12-day treatment, hence considered to be the most active fraction. Further fractionation of NBF yielded sub-fractions I (SFI and II (SFII, and only SFI lowered blood glucose (<em>p em>< 0.05, in IPGTT similar to glibenclamide. The ME, NBF, and SFI correspondingly lowered plasma insulin (<em>p em>< 0.05 and dose-dependently inhibited glucose transport across isolated rat jejunum implying an extra-pancreatic mechanism. Phytochemical screening showed the presence of flavonoids, terpenes and tannins, in ME, NBF and SFI, and LC-MS analyses revealed 9.52%, 33.30% and 22.50% mangiferin respectively. PM fruit possesses anti-hyperglycemic effect, exerted probably through extra-pancreatic action. Magniferin, contained therein may be responsible for this reported activity.

  5. Alimentazione di <em>Marmota marmotaem> in praterie altimontane delle dolomiti bellunesi

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    Alessandro Rudatis


    Full Text Available Abstract The diet of <em>Marmota marmotaem> in the mountain prairie of south-eastern Italian Alps. Diet composition of two family groups of alpine marmots was investigated in two areas of the Agordino’s Dolomites (Italian Alps in June-September 2001, by means of microscopic analysis of faeces and of direct observation of feeding activity. During the whole period of activity, a high consume of Angiosperms was confirmed, especially plants in flower; among them the “graminoids” seemed to play an important role only during the initial part of the active period. Generally vegetative parts predominated over flowers. The ingestion of animal preys was not confirmed by the analysis of droppings. Comparing diet composition of the two groups, Graminaceae (<em>Poa>, <em>Phleum>, Compositae (<em>Achillea>, Cyperaceae/Juncaceae, Leguminosae (<em>Anthyllis>, Rosaceae, and Labiatae (<em>Prunella>, <em>Stachys> formed the bulk of marmot diet in the study areas. Diet showed low diversity considering the abundance of plant species in the surrounding environment. Food resources were probably used in relation to their easy digestibility, with a high content in proteins, sugar and water. The knowledge of vegetation features in relation to marmot trophic habits can represent a useful tool for the management of this species. Riassunto Il regime alimentare di due gruppi di Marmotta alpina è stato studiato in giugno-settembre 2001 in due aree delle Dolomiti agordine (SE Italia, attraverso l’analisi microscopica delle feci e l’osservazione diretta dell’attività alimentare. Durante tutto il periodo di attività si è notato un forte consumo di Angiosperme, specialmente piante a fiore, mentre le ”graminoidi” sembra giochino un ruolo importante all’inizio della stagione. In generale le parti vegetali predominano sui fiori. L’ingestione di prede animali non è stata

  6. <em>Ipomoea aquaticaem> Extract Shows Protective Action Against Thioacetamide-Induced Hepatotoxicity

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    A. Hamid A. Hadi


    Full Text Available In the Indian system of traditional medicine (Ayurveda it is recommended to consume <em>Ipomoea em>aquatica> to mitigate disorders like jaundice. In this study, the protective effects of ethanol extract of <em>I. aquaticaem> against liver damage were evaluated in thioacetamide (TAA-induced chronic hepatotoxicity in rats. There was no sign of toxicity in the acute toxicity study, in which Sprague-Dawley (SD rats were orally fed with <em>I. aquaticaem> (250 and 500 mg/kg for two months along with administration of TAA (i.p injection 200 mg/kg three times a week for two months. The results showed that the treatment of <em>I. aquaticaem> significantly lowered the TAA-induced serum levels of hepatic enzyme markers (ALP, ALT, AST, protein, albumin, bilirubin and prothrombin time. The hepatic content of activities and expressions SOD and CAT that were reduced by TAA were brought back to control levels by the plant extract supplement. Meanwhile, the rise in MDA level in the TAA receiving groups also were significantly reduced by <em>I. aquaticaem> treatment. Histopathology of hepatic tissues by H&E and Masson trichrome stains displayed that <em>I. aquaticaem> has reduced the incidence of liver lesions, including hepatic cells cloudy swelling, infiltration, hepatic necrosis, and fibrous connective tissue proliferation induced by TAA in rats. Therefore, the results of this study show that the protective effect of <em>I. aquaticaem> in TAA-induced liver damage might be contributed to its modulation on detoxification enzymes and its antioxidant and free radical scavenger effects. Moreover, it confirms a scientific basis for the traditional use of <em>I. aquaticaem> for the treatment of liver disorders.

  7. Classe social: conceitos e esquemas operacionais em pesquisa em saude

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    Rita Barradas Barata


    Full Text Available Discute-se a utilização do conceito de classe em pesquisas em saúde, as diferentes abordagens sociológicas de estratificação social e de estrutura de classes, o potencial explicativo do conceito em estudos de determinação social e desigualdades em saúde, os modelos de operacionalização elaborados para uso em pesquisas sociológicas, demográficas ou de saúde e os limites e possibilidades desses modelos. Foram destacados quatro modelos de operacionalização: de Singer para estudo da distribuição de renda no Brasil, adaptado por Barros para uso em pesquisas epidemiológicas; de Bronfman & Tuirán para o censo demográfico mexicano, adaptado por Lombardi et al para pesquisas epidemiológicas; de Goldthorpe para estudos socioeconômicos ingleses, adaptado pela Sociedade Espanhola de Epidemiologia; e o modelo de Wright para pesquisa em sociologia e ciência política, também usado em inquéritos populacionais em saúde. Em conclusão, conceitualmente cada um dos modelos apresentados é coerente com a concepção teórica que os embasam, mas não há como optar por qualquer deles, descartando os demais.

  8. War and religion: Lucian, the oracle of Alexander in Abonuteichos, and the military defeats of Sedatius Severianus against the Parthians, and Marcus Aurelius against Cuadi and Marcomanni

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    Full Text Available Taking as a start point the opuscule by Lucian of Samosata entitled Alexander or The false Prophet, we call attention on some autophone oracles sent by this controversial oracular shrine in Abonuteichos: with singular attention to oracle given to imperial legate Sedatius Severianus, in war against the parthians (Luc. Alex. 27, and the so called «oracle of the two lions» (Luc. Alex. 48, requested by the emperor Marcus Aurelius shortly before the beginning of the military campaign against the barbarians Cuadi and Marcomanni. The rising of divinatory practices and the popularization of «holy men» in this time are symptoms -rather than having relation with crisisof spiritual changes in the religious beliefs of the period. In the case studies analyzed here, these changes are also transferred to the political field: the war in the frontiers, which also show or announced far-reaching structural changes, with barbarian attacks becoming more systematic and effective who harassed the Roman power across the natural barrier of the Danube. We relate the «oracle of lions» with the scene XII (destroyed, but preserved in a drawing of the XVII Century of the Aurelian Column in Rome.

  9. The Operations Targeting and Effects Synchronization Process in Northern Iraq (United States)


    deployment. _____________ IMAGE: Coin of Marcus Aurelius . The secret of all victory lies in the organization of the non-obvious. — Marcus Aurelius , 121-180...CE IN THE EARLY 4th century BCE, more than five centuries before the great philosopher-emperor Marcus Aurelius made the observation quoted above

  10. The diet of the fox (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> in woodlands of Orobie Alps (Lombardy region, Northern Italy / Alimentazione della Volpe (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> in aree boscate delle Alpi Orobie

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    Marco Cantini


    Full Text Available Abstract The diet of the fox was investigated by analysis of 273 scats, collected along standard trails from April to November 1987 and 1988. Food habits of foxes were described for three altitudinal ranges. Mammals, mainly <em>Clethrionomys glareolusem> and <em>Microtus multiplexem>, were the staple food (percentage of frequency 42.8%, followed by fruits and other vegetables (26.7% and 37.3% respectively. Birds, Invertebrates (mainly Insects and garbage were little eaten. The game species (ungulates, hares, pheasants occurred with a low frequency (8.4% in the diet. The trophic niche breadth varied little through the altitudinal ranges and the seasons. The trophic niche overlap between the fox and the genus <em>Martes> (190 scats of <em>M. martesem> and <em>M. foinaem> were examined is relatively wide (O=0.868. Riassunto La dieta della Volpe (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> in aree boscate delle Alpi Orobie (Val Lesina è stata indagata nel periodo aprile-novembre 1987 e 1988 mediante l'analisi di 273 feci, raccolte lungo percorsi-campione ricadenti in tre piani vegetazionali. I Mammiferi, in particolare <em>Clethrionomys glareolusem> e <em>Microtus multiplexem>, sono la componente principale della dieta (frequenza percentuale 42,8%. Rilevante è anche il consumo di frutti (soprattutto in estate e autunno e di altri vegetali (26,7% e 37,3% rispettivamente, mentre poco frequente è quello di Uccelli, Invertebrati e rifiuti. Complessivamente ridotta è l'azione predatoria della Volpe nei confronti delle specie di interesse venatorio (Ungulati, lepri, Galliformi. L'ampiezza della nicchia trofica mostra modeste variazioni stagionali e altitudinali. I1 grado di sovrapposizione tra la nicchia trofica della Volpe e quella del genere <em>Martes>, quest'ultima ricavata dall'analisi di 190 feci di Martora (<em>M. martesem> e Faina (<em>M. foinaem>, è elevato (O=0,868. Tuttavia, poiché in condizioni di

  11. Osservazioni in cattività sul ciclo stagionale del peso corporeo e sull'efficienza digestiva di <em>Pipistrellus kuhliiem> e <em>Hypsugo saviiem> (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae

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    Gianna Dondini


    Full Text Available Molte specie di pipistrelli delle fasce climatiche temperato-fredde sono soggette a marcate variazioni stagionali di temperatura e disponibilità di cibo. L'accumulo di grasso in autunno è quindi un adattamento per trascorrere, in uno stato di profondo torpore definibile ibernazione, i mesi invernali, aumentando così la probabilità di sopravvivenza durante tale periodo. Nell?ambito di una attività pluriennale relativa alla raccolta, studio e, quando possibile, riabilitazione di pipistrelli in ambienti urbani, due esemplari di <em>Pipistrellus kuhliiem> (2 femmine e due di <em>Hypsugo saviiem> (1 maschio e 1 femmina, in entrambi casi giovani che ancora non avevano acquisito una sufficiente capacità nel volo e quindi non liberabili, sono stati raccolti nella pianura di Firenze durante l?estate del 1998 e mantenuti in condizioni di temperatura ambientale oscillante tra i 17 e i 22°C, in un contenitore di 150x40x30 cm. Ogni sera sono stati pesati, prima della somministrazione di cibo e acqua, con una bilancia elettronica con precisione di 0.1 g (modello Tanita 1479. L'alimentazione è stata a base di vermi della farina (<em>Tenebrio molitorem>. L?efficienza digestiva è calcolata nel seguente modo, su materiale disidratato: (quantità ingerita ? quantità escrementi/quantità ingerita*100. Per il calcolo di tale indice gli esemplari delle due specie sono stati separati e mantenuti per 24 ore a partire dalla successiva sera dell?ultima somministrazione, favorendo così lo svuotamento dell?intestino. Successivamente, per due giorni è stato fornito del cibo <em>ad libitumem>, pesando i singoli esemplari una volta terminata la fase di alimentazione, per determinare la quantità ingerita. Al termine abbiamo mantenuto gli esemplari a digiuno per 24 ore successive all?ultima somministrazione per permettere lo svuotamento dell?intestino. Gli escrementi raccolti sono stati posti in forno elettrico a 90 °C per 24 ore e successivamente pesati

  12. Net Energy, CO2 Emission and Land-Based Cost-Benefit Analyses of <em>Jatropha> em>Biodiesel: A Case Study of the Panzhihua Region of Sichuan Province in China

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    Xiangzheng Deng


    Full Text Available Bioenergy is currently regarded as a renewable energy source with a high growth potential. Forest-based biodiesel, with the significant advantage of not competing with grain production on cultivated land, has been considered as a promising substitute for diesel fuel by many countries, including China. Consequently, extracting biodiesel from <em>Jatropha> curcasem> has become a growing industry. However, many key issues related to the development of this industry are still not fully resolved and the prospects for this industry are complicated. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the net energy, CO2 emission, and cost efficiency of <em>Jatropha> biodiesel as a substitute fuel in China to help resolve some of the key issues by studying data from this region of China that is well suited to growing <em>Jatropha>. Our results show that: (1 <em>Jatropha> biodiesel is preferable for global warming mitigation over diesel fuel in terms of the carbon sink during <em>Jatropha> tree growth. (2 The net energy yield of <em>Jatropha> biodiesel is much lower than that of fossil fuel, induced by the high energy consumption during <em>Jatropha> plantation establishment and the conversion from seed oil to diesel fuel step. Therefore, the energy efficiencies of the production of <em>Jatropha> and its conversion to biodiesel need to be improved. (3 Due to current low profit and high risk in the study area, farmers have little incentive to continue or increase <em>Jatropha> production. (4 It is necessary to provide more subsidies and preferential policies for <em>Jatropha> plantations if this industry is to grow. It is also necessary for local government to set realistic objectives and make rational plans to choose proper sites for <em>Jatropha> biodiesel development and the work reported here should assist that effort. Future research focused on breading high-yield varieties, development of efficient field

  13. Threatening “the Good Order”: West Meets East in Cecil B. DeMille’s <em>The Cheatem> and John Updike’s <em>Terrorist>

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    Bradley M. Freeman


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    Despite almost a hundred years of separation, both Cecil B. DeMille’s film <em>The Cheatem> (1915 and John Updike’s novel <em>Terrorist> (2006 deploy a clear-cut territorial divide between Western and Eastern spaces in order to envision a unified American space. These narratives superimpose a “natural” division on these historically opposed spaces and thereby suggest that any contact between these spaces will have dangerous consequences. These consequences include the potential dissolution and eventual destruction of American productivity, surveillance, and territorial integrity. DeMille’s film and Updike’s novel represent America as a nation-state that must be protected from the East. In 1915, <em>The Cheatem> warned against an interracial America and the upsurge in immigration that characterized the turn of the century. Nearly a century later, <em>Terrorist> presupposes an interracial America but still constructs an East that threatens the security of America. While registering the particular concerns of two distinct historical moments, these narratives represent a larger attempt in American aesthetics to imagine an East that jeopardizes the utopian possibilities of an overly idealized American space.

  14. <em>In Vitro em>Phytotoxicity and Antioxidant Activity of Selected Flavonoids

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    Rita Patrizia Aquino


    Full Text Available The knowledge of flavonoids involved in plant-plant interactions and their mechanisms of action are poor and, moreover, the structural characteristics required for these biological activities are scarcely known. The objective of this work was to study the possible <em>in vitro em>phytotoxic effects of 27 flavonoids on the germination and early radical growth of <em>Raphanus sativus em>L.> and <em>Lepidium sativumem> L., with the aim to evaluate the possible structure/activity relationship. Moreover, the antioxidant activity of the same compounds was also evaluated. Generally, in response to various tested flavonoids, germination was only slightly affected, whereas significant differences were observed in the activity of the various tested flavonoids against radical elongation. DPPH test confirms the antioxidant activity of luteolin, quercetin, catechol, morin, and catechin. The biological activity recorded is discussed in relation to the structure of compounds and their capability to interact with cell structures and physiology. No correlation was found between phytotoxic and antioxidant activities.

  15. Busca de estruturas em grandes escalas em altos redshifts (United States)

    Boris, N. V.; Sodré, L., Jr.; Cypriano, E.


    A busca por estruturas em grandes escalas (aglomerados de galáxias, por exemplo) é um ativo tópico de pesquisas hoje em dia, pois a detecção de um único aglomerado em altos redshifts pode por vínculos fortes sobre os modelos cosmológicos. Neste projeto estamos fazendo uma busca de estruturas distantes em campos contendo pares de quasares próximos entre si em z Â3 0.9. Os pares de quasares foram extraídos do catálogo de Véron-Cetty & Véron (2001) e estão sendo observados com os telescópios: 2,2m da University of Hawaii (UH), 2,5m do Observatório de Las Campanas e com o GEMINI. Apresentamos aqui a análise preliminar de um par de quasares observado nos filtros i'(7800 Å) e z'(9500 Å) com o GEMINI. A cor (i'-z') mostrou-se útil para detectar objetos "early-type" em redshifts menores que 1.1. No estudo do par 131046+0006/J131055+0008, com redshift ~ 0.9, o uso deste método possibilitou a detecção de sete objetos candidatos a galáxias "early-type". Num mapa da distribuição projetada dos objetos para 22 escala. Um outro argumento em favor dessa hipótese é que eles obedecem uma relação do tipo Kormendy (raio equivalente X brilho superficial dentro desse raio), como a apresentada pelas galáxias elípticas em z = 0.

  16. Book Review (United States)

    Kragh, Helge


    Ever since the days of William Blake there has been an underground resistance against the soulless yet triumphant science and its unholy alliance with money, technology and political power. With the nearly undisputed hegemony that science and technological innovation has attained in the post-World War II era, this kind of resistance has resulted in numerous books and articles that in different ways warn against the dark sides of science and the socio-economic system that nourishes a science in degeneration. Classical examples include Herbert Marcuse's One-Dimensional Man (1964), Jacques Ellul's The Technological Society (1965), Theodore Roszak's The Making of a Counter Culture (1968), and Paul Feyerabend's Science in a Free Society (1978). A fair part of the literature written by sociologists and philosophers is not only critical to trends in modern science, but tends to or is overtly anti-science. The book under review belongs in some respects to this heterogeneous literary tradition, but Twilight of the Scientific Age is primarily directed against the institutional system of science and its associated ideology and not against science itself. Indeed, the author is himself a practicing scientist, an astrophysicist, and he emphasizes several times that he firmly believes in science, even that he loves it. He is not a "stupid cultural relativist," he asserts (p. 11), but a critical freethinker independent of dogmatic beliefs.

  17. “Si Nicaragua Venció”: Lesbian and Gay Solidarity with the Revolution

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    Emily K. Hobson


    Full Text Available This article analyzes the radical imagination of lesbian and gay activism in solidarity with the Nicaraguan Revolution. It examines the reasons US lesbian and gay radicals supported that revolution and investigates the ways that homoerotic, especially lesbian, desire shaped their solidarity. Drawing on Herbert Marcuse and Michel Foucault, the article argues that lesbian and gay radicals viewed the Nicaraguan Revolution in erotic and heterotopic terms. Posters, fliers, and interviews reveal that US activists, people of color and white, represented the Revolution and solidarity through tropes of female masculinity and women’s affection. Many Nicaraguan lesbians and gay men shared these nonnormative images of socialist change. Yet while Nicaraguans claimed Sandinismo as their own, for US activists revolution remained a distant object of desire and solidarity a “seduction,” “crush,” or embrace.  United States activists who embraced developmentalist views of Latin American sexualities remained unable to witness lesbian and gay life inside Nicaragua, while lesbian and gay Sandinistas kept silent about FSLN homophobia so as not to undermine solidarity against the Contra war. Desire served as a powerful tool for mobilizing transnational solidarity. By failing to examine desire critically, however, US activists limited their communications with Nicaraguan lesbians and gay men and weakened the relationship they sought with revolution itself.

  18. Encapsulation-Induced Stress Helps <em>Saccharomyces cerevisiae em>Resist Convertible Lignocellulose Derived Inhibitors

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    Johan O. Westman


    Full Text Available The ability of macroencapsulated <em>Saccharomyces cerevisiae em>CBS8066<em> em>to withstand readily and not readily <em>in situem> convertible lignocellulose-derived inhibitors was investigated in anaerobic batch cultivations. It was shown that encapsulation increased the tolerance against readily convertible furan aldehyde inhibitors and to dilute acid spruce hydrolysate, but not to organic acid inhibitors that cannot be metabolized anaerobically. Gene expression analysis showed that the protective effect arising from the encapsulation is evident also on the transcriptome level, as the expression of the stress-related genes <em>YAP1em>, <em>ATR1em> and <em>FLR1em> was induced upon encapsulation. The transcript levels were increased due to encapsulation already in the medium without added inhibitors, indicating that the cells sensed low stress level arising from the encapsulation itself. We present a model, where the stress response is induced by nutrient limitation, that this helps the cells to cope with the increased stress added by a toxic medium, and that superficial cells in the capsules degrade convertible inhibitors, alleviating the inhibition for the cells deeper in the capsule.

  19. Morphological identification of the Soprano Pipistrelle (<em>Pipistrellus pygmaeusem> Leach, 1825 in Croatia.

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    Igor Pavlinić


    Full Text Available Abstract After the discovery of two different phonic types within the common pipistrelle (<em>Pipistrellus pipistrellusem>, mtDNA analysis confirmed the existence of two separate species named as common pipistrelle (<em>P. pipistrellusem> and soprano pipistrelle (<em>P. pygmaeusem>. The discrimination of these two cryptic species using external characters and measures has proved to be somewhat problematic. We examined two colonies of soprano pipistrelle from Donji Miholjac, Croatia. As a result, only two characters proved to be of help for field identification: wing venation (89% of cases and penis morphology and colour for males. The difference in length between the 2nd and 3rd phalanxes of the 3rd finger should be discarded as diagnostic trait between <em>P. pipistrellusem> and <em>P. pygmaeusem> in Croatia. Riassunto Identificazione su basi morfologiche del pipistrello pigmeo (<em>Pipistrellus pygmeausem>, Leach, 1825 in Croazia. A seguito della descrizione di due differenti "tipi fonici" nel pipistrello nano (<em>Pipistrellus pipistrellusem> e della successiva conferma su basi genetiche dell'esistenza di due specie distinte, designate come pipistrello nano (<em>P. pipistrellusem> e pipistrello pigmeo (<em>P. pygmaeusem>, la distinzione delle due specie in base a caratteristiche morfologiche esterne si è dimostrata un problema di difficile soluzione. Sulla base delle caratteristiche distintive e delle differenze biometriche proposte da altri Autori, sono state esaminate due colonie di pipistrello pigmeo a Donji Miholjac, in Croazia. I risultati ottenuti evidenziano che, tra tutti i potenziali caratteri sinora proposti, solo due risultano utili per un'identificazione diretta sul campo: la venatura delle ali, risultata utile alla discriminazione nell'89% degli esemplari analizzati, e la colorazione e morfologia del pene nei maschi. La

  20. The wish of a lifetime

    CERN Multimedia

    Katarina Anthony


    When 16-year-old Marcus was diagnosed with a brain tumour in September 2010, he asked the Make-A-Wish Foundation for one rather unusual thing: to see the LHC. On 23 August, CERN got together with the Foundation to make that wish come true.   Marcus in the CMS Control Centre. To describe English teenager Marcus as a passionate aspiring physicist would be putting it mildly: “My trip to CERN was like bringing a goblin to a gold mine,” says Marcus. "CERN hosts the biggest physics experiment around and getting to visit it was supermassive to me." After receiving his diagnosis last year, Marcus threw himself into his studies – particularly his physics classes. Despite 6 weeks of radiotherapy and months of home tutoring, his work paid off: he received an A* in his Physics GCSE, earning an outstanding 100% score. Thanks to the Make-A-Wish Foundation, Marcus found himself celebrating his results at CERN. For over 31 years, the Make-A-Wish Foundation ha...

  1. Repressed Sexual Modernity: A Case Study of Herbert Giles’ (1845 - 1935 Rendition of Pu Songling’s Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio (1880 in the late Qing

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    Wing Bo Anna TSO


    Full Text Available Translation studies in English and Chinese has long been of great interest to academics. Yet, Chinese scholars who have translation training and linguistic expertise are often found to “give excessive attention to listing facts and probing linguistic matters, to the neglect of the cultural and contextual considerations that have given rise to translation in China in the first place” (Lin, 2002, p. 170. Much emphasis has been placed on translation strategies, while translation “in connection with power and patronage” (Lefereve, 1992, p. 10 is overlooked, leaving “existing ideology” or “existing poetics” (Lefereve, 1992, p. 10, such as gender unexplored. In light of this, this paper attempts to take the literary and cultural approach and focus on examining the gender ideologies in Pu Songling’s Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio (1740 and Herbert Giles’ English rendition (1880. By comparing the source and target texts, the paper reveals that in many of Pu Songling’s stories, spirit-freelove and sexual pleasure are celebrated. A witty parody of the imitative structures of gender can be found in Pu Songling’s “Painted Skin” too. Unfortunately, to a large extent, such transgressive gender views are repressed in Giles’ English rendition.

  2. Altitudinal distribution of the common longeared bat <em>Plecotus auritusem> (Linnaeus, 1758 and grey long-eared bat <em>Plecotus austriacusem> (J. B. Fischer, 1829 (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae in the Tatra mountains (southern Poland

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    Krzysztof Piksa


    Full Text Available Riassunto Distribuzione altitudinale di Orecchione bruno (<em>Plecotus auritusem> e Orecchione meridionale (<em>Plecotus austriacusem> nei Monti Tatra (Polonia meridionale. Vengono riportati nuovi dati relativi alla distribuzione altitudinale nei Monti Tatra (Polonia meridionale di <em>Plecotus auritusem> e <em>P. austriacusem>. Tali segnalazioni incrementano le conoscenze relative alla presenza di questi chirotteri a quote elevate, in particolare per la Polonia. In inverno <em>P. auritusem> è stato rinvenuto a 1921 m s.l.m. mentre in estate è stato rinvenuto a 2250 m s.l.m.; in aggiunta, sono stati ritrovati resti ossei a 1929 m s.l.m. <em>P. austriacusem> è stato segnalato in ibernazione a 1294 m s.l.m.

  3. Action of Chitosan Against <em>Xanthomonas> Pathogenic Bacteria Isolated from <em>Euphorbia pulcherrimaem>

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    Yanli Wang


    Full Text Available The antibacterial activity and mechanism of two kinds of chitosan were investigated against twelve <em>Xanthomonas> strains recovered from <em>Euphorbia pulcherrimaem>. Results indicated that both chitosans markedly inhibited bacterial growth based on OD loss. Furthermore, the release of DNA and RNA from three selected strains was increased by both chitosans. However, the release of intracellular proteins was inhibited by both chitosans at different concentration and incubation times, except chitosan A at 0.1 mg/mL for 0.5 h incubation and 0.2 mg/mL for 2.0 h incubation increased the release of proteins, indicating the complexity of the interaction and cell membranes, which was affected by incubation time, bacterial species, chitosan type and concentration. Transmission electron microscopic observations revealed that chitosan caused changes in protoplast concentration and surface morphology. In some cells, the membranes and walls were badly distorted and disrupted, while other cells were enveloped by a thick and compact ribbon-like layer. The contrary influence on cell morphology may explain the differential effect in the release of material. In addition, scanning electron microscope and biofilm formation test revealed that both chitosans removed biofilm biomass. Overall, this study showed that membrane and biofilm play an important role in the antibacterial mechanism of chitosan.

  4. Study of the <em>in Vitroem> Antiplasmodial, Antileishmanial and Antitrypanosomal Activities of Medicinal Plants from Saudi Arabia

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    Nawal M. Al-Musayeib


    Full Text Available The present study investigated the <em>in vitroem> antiprotozoal activity of sixteen selected medicinal plants. Plant materials were extracted with methanol and screened <em>in vitroem> against erythrocytic schizonts of <em>Plasmodium falciparumem>, intracellular amastigotes of <em>Leishmania infantum em>and <em>Trypanosoma cruzi em>and free trypomastigotes of<em> T. bruceiem>. Cytotoxic activity was determined against MRC-5 cells to assess selectivity<em>. em>The criterion for activity was an IC50 < 10 µg/mL (4. Antiplasmodial activity was found in the<em> em>extracts of<em> em>>Prosopis julifloraem> and <em>Punica granatumem>. Antileishmanial activity<em> em>against <em>L. infantumem> was demonstrated in <em>Caralluma sinaicaem> and <em>Periploca aphylla.em> Amastigotes of<em> T. cruzi em>were affected by the methanol extract of<em> em>>Albizia lebbeckem>> em>pericarp, <em>Caralluma sinaicaem>,> Periploca aphylla em>and <em>Prosopius julifloraem>. Activity against<em> T. brucei em>was obtained in<em> em>>Prosopis julifloraem>. Cytotoxicity (MRC-5 IC50 < 10 µg/mL and hence non-specific activities were observed for<em> em>>Conocarpus lancifoliusem>.>

  5. <em>Trichoderma harzianumem> como promotor del crecimiento vegetal del maracuyá (<em>Passiflora edulisem> var. <em>flavicarpa> Degener

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    Cubillos-Hinojosa Juan


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    Se realizó un experimento en condiciones de laboratorio e invernadero, con el propósito de evaluar el efecto de la cepa nativa TCN-014 y la cepa comercial TCC-005 de <em>Trichoderma harzianumem> sobre la germinación y el crecimiento temprano del maracuyá. Se adecuaron inóculos de 104, 106 y 108 conidias/mL para cada cepa y se aplicaron a semillas de maracuyá; se evaluó el número de semillas germinadas durante 15 días; se calculó el porcentaje de germinación, el índice de velocidad de germinación y el tiempo medio de germinación. Posteriormente las semillas germinadas se llevaron a condiciones de invernadero y transcurridos dos meses se midió la altura de las plántulas, el grosor del tallo, el número de hojas, la longitud de la raíz y el peso seco total. Todos los tratamientos estimularon la germinación de las semillas y el desarrollo de las plántulas; sin embargo la cepa nativa en concentraciones 106 y 108 conidias/mL mostró resultados superiores frente a la cepa comercial. Los resultados sugieren una acción efectiva de <em>T. harzianumem> como promotor de crecimiento vegetal, mostrando que tiene potencial para la elaboración de un bioproducto útil para el manejo ecológico del cultivo de maracuyá.

  6. As vozes da mímica pós-colonial em Terra Papagalli

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    Jacimara Vieira dos Santos


    Full Text Available This paper draws on the studies undertaken in the area of cultural studies, inparticular,Homi Bhabha‟s formulations, to propose an analysis of the BraziliannovelTerra Papagalli(by José Roberto Torero and Marcus Aurelius Pimenta,showing how the narrative dismounts historical reality, to explore other angles; and shifts the focus to the imaginary construction that involves revisiting theDiscoveries. Thus, contrary to expectations, revealing paradoxes such as thosewhich tend to increase civic and commemorative urges that liveantagonistically, with anti-establishment thoughts that questionthe internalconnections of these developments, articulating, through mimetic resources,other voices and their critic repetitions of contested models and references.

  7. Preface [EmQM15: 3. international symposium on emergent quantum mechanics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    successful conferences on the same topic in 2011 and 2013, the partnership since EmQM13 between AINS and the Fetzer Franklin Fund in producing the EmQM15 symposium was able to further expand interest in the promise of emergent quantum mechanics. The articles contained in these proceedings represent the talks of the invited speakers as written immediately after the symposium. The volume starts with an introductory statement by organizers Jan Walleczek and Gerhard Grössing, explaining why emergent quantum mechanics is a promising approach in quantum foundations. The conference proceedings then continue with the presentations as given in their chronological order, as far as they were submitted. The papers by F. Scardigli and T. Nieuwenhuizen were not presented, but are added here as additional contributions to the group of papers on gravity and emergent spacetime. Note that the talks of all speakers are freely available on the conference website ( and on as video presentations. The organizers wish to express their gratitude to Siegfried Fussy and Herbert Schwabl from AINS for the organizational support. The organizers also wish to thank Bruce Fetzer, President and CEO, John E. Fetzer Memorial Trust, and the Members of the Board of Trustees, for their strong support and for funding this symposium. The expertise of the Members of the Scientific Advisory Board of the EmQM15 symposium, Ana Maria Cetto (Mexico), Lajos Diósi (Budapest), Maurice de Gosson (Vienna), Theo Nieuwenhuizen (Amsterdam) and Helmut Rauch (Vienna), is also gratefully acknowledged. Finally, it is a pleasure to once more thank Sarah Toms and her team at IOP Publishing (Bristol) for their continued support during the preparation of these proceedings.. Vienna, Pisa, Berlin, March 2016 Gerhard Grössing, Hans-Thomas Elze, Johannes Mesa Pascasio, Jan Walleczek The front cover image shows three bouncing oil droplets on an oscillating oil surface, as they

  8. Effect of β,β-Dimethylacrylshikonin on Inhibition of Human Colorectal Cancer Cell Growth <em>in Vitro em>and <em>in Vivoem>

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    Ting Feng


    Full Text Available In traditional Chinese medicine, shikonin and its derivatives, has been used in East Asia for several years for the prevention and treatment of several diseases, including cancer. We previously identified that β,β-dimethylacrylshikonin (DA could inhibit hepatocellular carcinoma growth. In the present study, we investigated the inhibitory effects of DA on human colorectal cancer (CRC cell line HCT-116 <em>in vitroem> and <em>in vivoem>. A viability assay showed that DA could inhibit tumor cell growth in a time- and dose-dependent manner. Flow cytometry showed that DA blocks the cell cycle at G0/G1 phase. Western blotting results demonstrated that the induction of apoptosis by DA correlated with the induction of pro-apoptotic proteins Bax, and Bid, and a decrease in the expression of anti-apoptotic proteins Bcl-2 and Bcl-xl. Furthermore, treatment of HCT-116 bearing nude mice with DA significantly retarded the growth of xenografts. Consistent with the results <em>in vitroem>, the DA-mediated suppression of HCT-116 xenografts correlated with Bax and Bcl-2. Taken together, these results suggest that DA could be a novel and promising approach to the treatment of CRC.

  9. Enrichment and Purification of Syringin, Eleutheroside E and Isofraxidin from <em>Acanthopanax> <em>senticosus> by Macroporous Resin

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    Yuangang Zu


    Full Text Available In order to screen a suitable resin for the preparative simultaneous separation and purification of syringin, eleutheroside E and isofraxidin from <em>Acanthopanax> <em>senticosus>, the adsorption and desorption properties of 17 widely used commercial macroporous resins were evaluated. According to our results, HPD100C, which adsorbs by the molecular tiers model, was the best macroporous resin, offering higher adsorption and desorption capacities and higher adsorption speed for syringin, eleutheroside E and isofraxidin than other resins. Dynamic adsorption and desorption tests were carried out to optimize the process parameters. The optimal conditions were as follows: for adsorption, processing volume: 24 BV, flow rate: 2 BV/h; for desorption, ethanol–water solution: 60:40 (v/v, eluent volume: 4 BV, flow rate: 3 BV/h. Under the above conditions, the contents of syringin, eleutheroside E and isofraxidin increased 174-fold, 20-fold and 5-fold and their recoveries were 80.93%, 93.97% and 93.79%, respectively.

  10. Training for Defense? From Stochastic Traits to Synchrony in Giant Honey Bees (<em>Apis dorsataem>

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    Gerald Kastberger


    Full Text Available In Giant Honey Bees, abdomen flipping happens in a variety of contexts. It can be either synchronous or cascaded, such as in the collective defense traits of shimmering and rearing-up, or it can happen as single-agent behavior. Abdomen flipping is also involved in flickering behavior, which occurs regularly under quiescent colony state displaying singular or collective traits, with stochastic, and (semi- synchronized properties. It presumably acts via visual, mechanoceptive, and pheromonal pathways and its goals are still unknown. This study questions whether flickering is preliminary to shimmering which is subject of the <em>fs em>(flickering-shimmering-transition> hypothesis? We tested the respective prediction that trigger sites (<em>ts> at the nest surface (where shimmering waves had been generated show higher flickering activity than the alternative non-trigger sites (<em>nts>. We measured the flickering activity of <em>ts>- and <em>nts>-surface bees from two experimental nests, before and after the colony had been aroused by a dummy wasp. Arousal increased rate and intensity of the flickering activity of both <em>ts>- and <em>nts> cohorts (P < 0.05, whereby the flickering intensity of <em>ts>-bees were higher than that of <em>nts>-bees (P < 0.05. Under arousal, the colonies also increased the number of flickering-active <em>ts>- and <em>nts>-cohorts (P < 0.05. This provides evidence that cohorts which are specialist at launching shimmering waves are found across the quiescent nest zone. It also proves that arousal may reinforce the responsiveness of quiescent curtain bees for participating in shimmering, practically by recruiting additional trigger site bees for expanding repetition of rate and intensity of shimmering waves. This finding confirms the <em>fs-transition> hypothesis and constitutes evidence that flickering is part of a basal colony-intrinsic information system

  11. Complete BWR--EM LOCA analysis using the WRAP--EM system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beckmeyer, R.R.; Gregory, M.V.; Buckner, M.R.


    The Water Reactor Analysis Package, Evaluation Model (WRAP--EM), provides a complete analysis of postulated loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCA's) in light--water nuclear power reactors. The system is being developed at the Savannah River Laboratory (SRL) for use by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to interpret and evaluate reactor vendor, evaluation model (EM) analyses. The initial version of the WRAP--EM system for analysis of boiling water reactors (BWR's) is operational. To demonstrate the complete capability of the WRAP--BWR--EM system, a LOCA analysis has been performed for the Hope Creek Plant

  12. Supercritical Fluid Extraction of <em>Eucalyptus globulusem> Bark—A Promising Approach for Triterpenoid Production<em>>

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    Carlos M. Silva


    Full Text Available Eucalyptus bark contains significant amounts of triterpenoids with demonstrated bioactivity, namely triterpenic acids and their acetyl derivatives (ursolic, betulinic, oleanolic, betulonic, 3-acetylursolic, and 3-acetyloleanolic acids. In this work, the supercritical fluid extraction (SFE of <em>Eucalyptus> <em>globulus> deciduous bark was carried out with pure and modified carbon dioxide to recover this fraction, and the results were compared with those obtained by Soxhlet extraction with dichloromethane. The effects of pressure (100–200 bar, co-solvent (ethanol content (0, 5 and 8% wt, and multistep operation were studied in order to evaluate the applicability of SFE for their selective and efficient production. The individual extraction curves of the main families of compounds were measured, and the extracts analyzed by GC-MS. Results pointed out the influence of pressure and the important role played by the co-solvent. Ethanol can be used with advantage, since its effect is more important than increasing pressure by several tens of bar. At 160 bar and 40 °C, the introduction of 8% (wt of ethanol greatly improves the yield of triterpenoids more than threefold.

  13. <em>Helicobacter pyloriem> Disrupts Host Cell Membranes, Initiating a Repair Response and Cell Proliferation

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    Hsueh-Fen Juan


    Full Text Available <em>Helicobacter pyloriem> (<em>H. pyloriem>, the human stomach pathogen, lives on the inner surface of the stomach and causes chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, and gastric cancer. Plasma membrane repair response is a matter of life and death for human cells against physical and biological damage. We here test the hypothesis that <em>H. pyloriem> also causes plasma membrane disruption injury, and that not only a membrane repair response but also a cell proliferation response are thereby activated. Vacuolating cytotoxin A (VacA and cytotoxin-associated gene A (CagA have been considered to be major <em>H. pyloriem> virulence factors. Gastric cancer cells were infected with <em>H. pyloriem> wild type (vacA+/cagA+, single mutant (ΔvacA or ΔcagA or double mutant (ΔvacA/ΔcagA strains and plasma membrane disruption events and consequent activation of membrane repair components monitored. <em>H. pyloriem> disrupts the host cell plasma membrane, allowing localized dye and extracellular Ca2+ influx. Ca2+-triggered members of the annexin family, A1 and A4, translocate, in response to injury, to the plasma membrane, and cell surface expression of an exocytotic maker of repair, LAMP-2, increases. Additional forms of plasma membrane disruption, unrelated to <em>H.> pylori em>exposure, also promote host cell proliferation. We propose that <em>H. pyloriem> activation of a plasma membrane repair is pro-proliferative. This study might therefore provide new insight into potential mechanisms of <em>H. pyloriem>-induced gastric carcinogenesis.


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    Alfredo Carlos Storck


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    In a very famous passage of his <em>Institutes>, the ancient jurist Gaius had divided the Roman Private Law in two parts: the Civil Law and the Law of People. The former is the Law created by the Roman people, whereas the latter is the Law followed by every nation.

    Despite its classical origin, there is some disagreement among specialists about the right way to interpret this distinction. By the beginning of the 20th century, historians like Michel Villey had seen in this distinction the influence of Greek philosophy (Stoic but even Aristotelian among the Roman jurists. But Levy and more recently Kelly have challenged this view and proposed that, in the roman period, philosophers and jurists had completely distinct notions of nature and natural law. The aim of this paper is not to prove the exact influence of Greek philosophy among jurists, but only to suggest that it is not possible to give an interpretation of the classical texts without ascribing to them a theoretical notion of the natural law.

    Em uma famosa passagem de suas <em>Institutas>, o jurista romano Gaio dividiu o direito privado em duas partes: o direito civil e o direito dos povos. O primeiro é o direito criado pelo povo romano enquanto o segundo é o direito seguido por todas as nações. A despeito de sua origem clássica, os especialistas discordam acerca do modo de interpretar essa tese. No início do século XX, historiadores como Michel Villey viram na distinção sinais da influência da filosofia grega (estóica e mesmo aristotélica entre os juristas romanos. Posteriormente Levy e mais recentemente Kelly contestaram essa afirmação e defenderam que filósofos e juristas possuíam, no período clássico, noções de natureza e direito natural completamente distintas. O objetivo desse artigo não está em provar a exata influência da filosofia grega entre os juristas, mas apenas em sugerir que não é possível fornecer uma interpretação dos

  15. Local feeding specialization of the red fox (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> in response to eastern cottontail (<em>Sylvilagus floridanusem> introduction (NW Italy

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    Alessandro Balestrieri


    Full Text Available Abstract To appreciate the influence of the introduction of the Eastern cottontail (<em>Sylvilagus floridanusem> on the food habits of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes, between June 1998 and February 2000 fox diet was investigated by means of scat analysis (N=115 in a 250 ha wide Natural Reserve of NW Italy, and compared with data collected in the same area prior to cottontail colonization (1988-1989. Comparison included also the diet of badgers (<em>Meles melesem>, considered as potential competitors for food resources. Alien lagomorphs (mean percent volume, Vm% = 68% represented by far the most exploited resource, only three other food items reaching values of mean percent volume barely higher than 5%. Cottontails frequency of occurrence did not vary according either to season or to their reproductive cycle (II-IX vs. X-I, whilst diet niche breadth varied inversely proportional to the use of this key-resource. Overall fox trophic niche breadth varied from 0.64 in 1988-89 to 0.31 in 1998-00 (B, Levin’s index. These findings led us to consider the feeding habits of the fox in the study area as a result of local specialization of a typical generalist carnivore, according to the predictions of optimal foraging theory. No variation occurred in the badger niche breadth since cottontail introduction, whilst niche overlap between foxes and badgers decreased from 0.59 to 0.13 (O, Pianka’s index, possibly reducing competition for food in summer. Riassunto Specializzazione alimentare a livello locale della Volpe <em>Vulpes vulpesem> in risposta all’introduzione del Silvilago <em>Sylvilagus floridanusem> (Italia nord occidentale. Per valutare gli effetti dell’introduzione del Silvilago (<em>Sylvilagus floridanusem> sul comportamento alimentare della volpe (<em>Vulpes vulpesem>, nel periodo giugno 1998-febbraio 2000, la dieta del carnivoro è stata definita tramite l’analisi di 115

  16. Metabolic Profiling of <em>Lactococcus lactisem> Under Different Culture Conditions

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    Normah Mohd Noor


    Full Text Available Gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS and headspace gas chromatography mass spectrometry (HS/GC-MS were used to study metabolites produced by <em>Lactococcus lactisem> subsp. <em>cremoris> MG1363 grown at a temperature of 30 °C with and without agitation at 150 rpm, and at 37 °C without agitation. It was observed that <em>L. lactisem> produced more organic acids under agitation. Primary alcohols, aldehydes, ketones and polyols were identified as the corresponding trimethylsilyl (TMS derivatives, whereas amino acids and organic acids, including fatty acids, were detected through methyl chloroformate derivatization. HS analysis indicated that branched-chain methyl aldehydes, including 2-methylbutanal, 3-methylbutanal, and 2-methylpropanal are degdradation products of isoleucine, leucine or valine. Multivariate analysis (MVA using partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA revealed the major differences between treatments were due to changes of amino acids and fermentation products.

  17. Matérias estranhas em canela em pó e páprica em pó, comercializadas no estado de São Paulo

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    CORREIA Marlene


    Full Text Available Com objetivos de padronizar metodologias para matérias estranhas em canela em pó e páprica em pó e de avaliar as condições higiênicas desses condimentos, foram adquiridas, no período de agosto a novembro de 1998, 78 amostras de canela em pó e 56 de páprica em pó, em estabelecimentos comerciais de seis cidades do Estado de São Paulo. Foram utilizados métodos da Association of Official Analytical Chemists International (AOAC - 1995, 16.14.12/968.38b para canela em pó e 16.14.22/977.25B para páprica em pó. Os métodos mostraram-se adequados, sem resíduos interferentes no papel de filtro que dificultasse o diagnóstico da análise e viáveis de serem utilizados nos laboratórios de Microscopia de Alimentos. Os resultados obtidos indicaram 100% das amostras contendo fragmentos de insetos; pêlos de roedor foram isolados em 73,1% de amostras de canela em pó e 34,0% de páprica em pó, enquanto ácaros mortos apareceram, respectivamente, em 37,2% e 12,5% de amostras. É necessário revisão da legislação de alimentos em vigor, com o estabelecimento de níveis de tolerância para fragmentos de insetos.

  18. A instituição de ensino superior e a questão da baixa complexidade: um desafio ao desenvolvimento social baseado num olhar direcionado ao sistema de avaliação da qualidade na América Latina

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    Janete Rosa da Fonseca


    investigação qualitativa. Dentre as três principais correntes, optou-se pelo materialismo dialético como pressuposto epistemológico a ser seguido devido à estreita relação desse pressuposto com a visão de mundo e de sujeito da pesquisadora, baseada, principalmente, nas contribuições de Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Bruno Pucci, Karl Popper, Roberto Jarry Richardson, Norman K. Denzin, Ivonna S. Lincoln e Emília de Balesteros. As conclusões obtidas apontam para a confirmação de que a questão da baixa complexidade em instituição de ensino superior constitui-se num desafio ao desenvolvimento social baseado num olhar direcionado ao sistema de avaliação da qualidade na América Latina e para a necessidade da elaboração de novas propostas de avaliação da qualidade no Ensino Superior. Palavras-chave: ensino superior; qualidade; avaliação; complexidade. 

  19. As possibilidades do pensamento e ação transformadores na sociedade do espetáculo The possibilities of thinking and action transformers in the society of the spetacle

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    Fábio Cardoso Marques


    Full Text Available Entre o conceito de sociedade do espetáculo de Guy Debord e de sociedade unidimensional de Herbert Marcuse existe grande afi nidade de base teórica e de perspectiva histórica. O agravamento do domínio da racionalidade instrumental sobre as sociedades modernas, demonstrando o avanço da forma mercadoria sobre a quase totalidade das relações sociais. Ampliação da sociedade de consumo como um estágio, supostamente, mais avançado de civilização. Processo ideológico de domínio político que tenta a obliteração das formas de pensamento e ação críticas ou do surgimento do sujeito histórico transformador, como pensado por Karl Marx. No entanto, esta última fase do capitalismo, o neoliberalismo, pode conter um germe de transformação social e dialética da história. A refl exão de Michael Löwy sobre o ecossocialismo nos sugere que a dominação absoluta da forma mercadoria pode chegar a uma etapa de esgotamento ético e material ou dos recursos naturais. Palavras-chave: Sociedade do espetáculo. Sociedade unidimensional. História. Ideologia. Ecossocialismo. There is a great affinity between the concepts of Guy Debord’s society of the spectacle and Herbert Marcuse’s unidimensional society, concerning the theoretical basis and the historical perspective. The intensification of the instrumental rationality over the modern societies shows the commodity form advance on almost all social relationships. The consumption society enlargement is supposedly shown as the most advanced civilization degree. The ideological process of public control endeavors to obliterate the thinking and action critical forms or the historical transformation subject emergence, as thought by Karl Marx. Nevertheless, this last stage of the capitalism, the neo-liberalism, may contain the seeds to a social transformation and historical dialectic. Micheal Löwy’s refl ections on the eco-socialism suggest that the absolute control of the commodity form may

  20. Identification of <em>Colletotrichum> species causing anthracnose on Tahiti lime, tree tomato and mango

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    Martínez Erika P.


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    In Colombia, citrus, tree tomato and mango crops are likely to suffer considerable losses from anthracnose caused by several <em>Colletotrichum> species, which were identified by the present study on infected organs of the three fruit crops, sampled in different regions of the country. Identification was based on their morphological and molecular characteristics, as well as on fungicide (benomyl and copper hydroxide sensitivity and pathogenicity tests. The latter assessed infectivity on both the original hosting crop and the other two crops (crossed infection, by putting the fungi in contact with organs taken from the three fruit crops. Molecular identification of the <em>Colletotrichum> species was carried out through amplification of rDNA ITS regions by means of <em>C. gloeosporioidesem> (CgInt and <em>C. acutatumem> (CaInt2 specific primer PCR combining the use of ITS4 universal primer. The results indicate that <em>C. acutatumem> is the infectious agent in Tahiti lime and tree tomato, and so is <em>C. gloeosporioidesem> in mango. Although <em>C. acutatumem> is the infectious agent in two diferent fruit species, the strains proved to be specific of their original hosts.

  1. Isolamento de micobactérias em Felis concolor em cativeiro

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    María Julia Traversa


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi realizado em uma reserva natural da Argentina com antecedentes de tuberculose em uma suçuarana adulta. O objetivo foi identificar por meio de técnicas bacteriológicas e de biologia molecular as espécies isoladas da orofaringe de cinco suçuaranas que apresentavam sinais clínicos inespecíficos. As amostras foram colhidas das suçuaranas após sedação. Posteriormente foram processadas para obtenção do isolamento e identificação por meio de provas bioquímicas do gênero Mycobacterium pela técnica de PCR. Investigou-se a presença das seqüências de inserção IS6110 e IS1081 e hsp65. Obtiveram-se resultados positivos à coloração de Ziehl-Neelsen de quatro amostras, isolando cinco cepas de crescimento lento. As cepas foram classificadas como M. gordonae em dois casos e M. simiae, M scrofulaceum e M. avium/intracellulare em um. Por PRA, identificou-se o padrão de M. gordonae em três cepas e M. avium III ou M. simiae em dois.

  2. Marketing em moda


    Leães, Sabrina Durgante


    Dissertação de mestrado em Design e Marketing O actual estado do Marketing em Moda é uma das questões ainda complexa com que se debate a sociedade global. As questões do Marketing em Moda percorrem alguns aspectos fundamentais tais como as constantes mutações do meio envolvente, a forma de como é percebida e comunicada a identidade das marcas de moda, em busca da melhor forma de segmentar o mercado e definir o seu posicionamento, bem como a reacção ao produto de moda do consumidor final. ...

  3. Synthesis and Antibacterial Evaluation of New <em>N>-acylhydrazone Derivatives from Dehydroabietic Acid

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    Wen Gu


    Full Text Available A series of new <em>N>-acylhydrazone derivatives were synthesized in good yields through the reactions of dehydroabietic acid hydrazide with a variety of substituted arylaldehydes. The structures of the synthesized compounds were confirmed by IR, 1H- and 13C-NMR, ESI-MS, elemental analysis and single crystal X-ray diffraction. From the crystal structure of compound 4l, the C=N double bonds of these <em>N>-acylhydrazones showed (<em>E>-configuration, while the NMR data of compounds 4aq indicated the existence of two rotamers for each compound in solution. The target compounds were evaluated for their antibacterial activities against four microbial strains. The result suggested that several compounds exhibited pronounced antibacterial activities. Particularly, compound 4p exhibited good antibacterial activity against <em>Staphylococcus aureusem> and <em>Bacillus subtilisem> comparable to positive control. The possible antibacterial metabolism and the strategy for further optimization of this compound were also discussed.

  4. Traçando mapas: a teoria histórico-cultural e as contribuições para a pesquisa com crianças e suas espacialidades

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    Jader Janer Moreira Lopes


    Full Text Available Este texto busca fazer uma reflexão sobre as pesquisas sistematizadas no campo da infância, tendo como enfoque principal as estratégias de pesquisas “com crianças”. O recorte ao qual nos dedicamos são as relações que as crianças estabelecem com o meio, tendo como foco principal as suas espacialidades. A partir das contribuições de pesquisas que se aportam em estratégias de natureza qualitativas e fundamentadas nos aportes da teoria históricas cultural, elege-se o conceito de vivência (perejivanie como mote em torno do qual nossos trabalhos são desenvolvidos. Para isso, traça-se, inicialmente, a origem da pesquisa com base em paradigmas positivistas e evidenciam-se alguns caminhos que buscaram romper com essa perspectiva: os postulados etnográficos de Malinovky e Boas; o Interacionismo simbólico, cujo precursor é George Herbert Mead; a Etnometodologia de Harold Garfinkel; as contribuições de Marx e os princípios estabelecidos por Vigotski e seus colaboradores.

  5. Corporate media versus democracy

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    Robert W. McChesney


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    Nota introdutória de Dênis de Moraes:

    Em 13 de janeiro de 1999, Robert W. McChesney gentilmente me autorizou a publicar, na nossa revista eletrônica Ciberlegenda, o importante artigo a seguir, baseado em questões abordadas em seu livro Corporate media and the threat to democracy (Seven Stories Press, 1997. PhD e professor da School of Journalism and Mass Communication da University of Wisconsin-Madison, nos Estados Unidos, é um dos mais categorizados pesquisadores sobre as mídias globais. Insere-se na tradição intelectual de Noam Chomsky e de Herbert I. Schiller — pensadores que, vivendo no centro hegemônico do world system, se distinguem como críticos das formas de dominação ideológica norte-americanas, particularmente as disseminadas por seus colossais impérios de informação e entretenimento.

  6. Infracommunities of intestinal helminths of the Red Fox <em>Vulpes vulpesem> (Linnaeus, 1758 from Italian Alps

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    Anna Rita Di Cerbo


    Full Text Available <em>Vulpes vulpesem> (Linnaeus, 1758 is one of the most common carnivore in Italy and its spread includes almost the whole national territory. The species shows an high ecological plasticity and a variable diet composition connected in part to human sources. This high adaptability permits the red foxes to colonize different habitats like the suburbs of large cities as well as the small villages located in mountain areas. On the other hand, the tourism pressure seems to assume a great importance in the Alps, also in those areas where the foxes live. So, indirect interactions could take place between these animals and the humans. The role of <em>V. vulpesem> in the zoonoses has not to be understated since this carnivore could transmit parasitic diseases that are able to cause serious pathologies in humans. This study aims just to investigate on intestinal communities of helmiths of <em>V. vulpesem> in order to make progress in current knowledge on epidemiological situation in Italian Alps. During 1998-2003, we have examined 450 foxes from Trentino Alto Adige, Veneto, Lombardia and Valle d'Aosta. The specimens collected were found dead or have been hunted (according to national law n. 157/92 in localities situated between 170 and 2200 m a.s.l. The carcasses were carried to the provincial sections of Zooprofilattici Institutes, where the intestine was drawn by each sample and all the material was sent to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Milan. Parasitological examination of the small intestines was performed by the analysis of the whole sediment and counting technique (SCT. Parasites were preserved in alcohol 70° before to be clarified or stained and identified by microscope (Zeiss Axioscop. Mean abundance, mean intensity and prevalence were calculated for each taxon of helminth. Dates of sampling were grouped within the four seasons. Statistic tests were performed with software package SPSS rel. 11.5 and spatial analysis with the

  7. Enzymatic Properties and Mutational Studies of Chalcone Synthase from <em>Physcomitrella patensem>

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    Mahiran Basri


    Full Text Available <em>Pp>CHS is a member of the type III polyketide synthase family and catalyses the synthesis of the flavonoid precursor naringenin chalcone from <em>p>-coumaroyl-CoA. Recent research reports the production of pyrone derivatives using either hexanoyl-CoA or butyryl-CoA as starter molecule. The Cys-His-Asn catalytic triad found in other plant chalcone synthase predicted polypeptides is conserved in <em>Pp>CHS. Site directed mutagenesis involving these amino acids residing in the active-site cavity revealed that the cavity volume of the active-site plays a significant role in the selection of starter molecules as well as product formation. Substitutions of Cys 170 with Arg and Ser amino acids decreased the ability of the <em>Pp>CHS to utilize hexanoyl-CoA as a starter molecule, which directly effected the production of pyrone derivatives (products. These substitutions are believed to have a restricted number of elongations of the growing polypeptide chain due to the smaller cavity volume of the mutant’s active site.

  8. Cyber Infrastructure: The Forgotten Vulnerability (United States)


    Executives Apologize for Data Breach ,” Fox News, last modified February 5, 2014, apologize-for- data - breach / (accessessed February 6, 2014). 7Brendan Sasso, “After Defeat of Senate Cybersecurity Bill, Obama Weighs Executive...News. “Target, Neiman Marcus Executives Apologize for Data Breach .” Fox News.

  9. A contraposição das noções de técnica e política nos discursos de uma elite burocrática

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    Elisa Klüger


    Full Text Available ResumoO artigo faz uma análise comparativa da forma e do sentido da utilização e contraposição dos termos “técnica” e “política” nos discursos de dirigentes e funcionários do Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social, BNDE(S, em dois momentos: de 1952 ao início dos anos 1970 e de 1994 a 2011. A comparação foi feita através do exame de um conjunto de entrevistas realizadas nos anos 1980, com funcionários e dirigentes do primeiro período, e um segundo conjunto de entrevistas, feitas entre 2012 e 2014, com diretores do segundo período. A análise dos dados permite ver que há uma transição do padrão dos discursos. Inicialmente havia uma oposição da burocracia aos políticos, que decorria da percepção de que haveria uma superioridade de uma burocracia qualificada para tomar decisões político-econômicas. No segundo período, posterior à redemocratização, o discurso expressa a tensão gerada pela necessidade simultânea de responder aos governantes titulares e de agir de modo a preservar os valores, a missão histórica do Banco e a excelência técnica contra ingerências políticas que pudessem ameaçar a instituição. Neste segundo momento não é o credenciamento dos burocratas e sim o refinamento das técnicas por eles empregadas que é mobilizado como recurso para justificar as decisões econômicas dos burocratas. As oposições encontradas foram lidas à luz das teorias críticas de Pierre Bourdieu e Herbert Marcuse, que permitem questionar o caráter meritocrático dos especialistas em Economia e a neutralidade da ciência e das técnicas por eles empregadas. O artigo contribui para o estudo das relações entre política e burocracia no Brasil através do estudo de um caso paradigmático. Ele permite verificar como a lógica da relação de oposição entre as esferas da técnica-ciência e da política se altera ao longo do tempo e busca, por meio de uma análise crítica dos dados, avaliar

  10. Accumulation, Biotransformation, Histopathology and Paralysis in the Pacific Calico Scallop <em>Argopecten ventricosusem> by the Paralyzing Toxins of the Dinoflagellate <em>Gymnodinium catenatumem>

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    Rosalba Alonso-Rodriguez


    Full Text Available The dinoflagellate <em>Gymnodinium catenatumem> produces paralyzing shellfish poisons that are consumed and accumulated by bivalves. We performed short-term feeding experiments to examine ingestion, accumulation, biotransformation, histopathology, and paralysis in the juvenile Pacific calico scallop <em>Argopecten ventricosusem> that consume this dinoflagellate. Depletion of algal cells was measured in closed systems. Histopathological preparations were microscopically analyzed. Paralysis was observed and the time of recovery recorded. Accumulation and possible biotransformation of toxins were measured by HPLC analysis. Feeding activity in treated scallops showed that scallops produced pseudofeces, ingestion rates decreased at 8 h; approximately 60% of the scallops were paralyzed and melanin production and hemocyte aggregation were observed in several tissues at 15 h. HPLC analysis showed that the only toxins present in the dinoflagellates and scallops were the <em>N>-sulfo-carbamoyl toxins (C1, C2; after hydrolysis, the carbamate toxins (epimers GTX2/3 were present. C1 and C2 toxins were most common in the mantle, followed by the digestive gland and stomach-complex, adductor muscle, kidney and rectum group, and finally, gills. Toxin profiles in scallop tissue were similar to the dinoflagellate; biotransformations were not present in the scallops in this short-term feeding experiment.

  11. Identification of Volatile Components of Liverwort (<em>Porella cordaeanaem> Extracts Using GC/MS-SPME and Their Antimicrobial Activity

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    Maria Elisabetta Guerzoni


    Full Text Available Chemical constituents of liverwort (<em>Porella cordaeanaem> extracts have been identified using solid-phase microextraction-gas chromatography mass spectrometry (SPME-GC/MS. The methanol, ethanol and ethyl acetate extracts were rich in terpenoids such as sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (53.12%, 51.68%, 23.16%, and monoterpene hydrocarbons (22.83%, 18.90%, 23.36%, respectively. The dominant compounds in the extracts were β-phellandrene (15.54%, 13.66%, 12.10% and β-caryophyllene (10.72%, 8.29%, 7.79%, respectively. The antimicrobial activity of the extracts was evaluated against eleven food microorganisms using the microdilution and disc diffusion methods. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC varied from 0.50 to 2.00 mg/mL for yeast strains (<em>Saccharomyces cerevisiae 635em>, <em>Zygosacharomyces bailii 45em>, <em>Aerobasidium pullulans L6Fem>, <em>Pichia membranaefaciens OC 71em>, <em>Pichia membranaefaciens OC 70em>, <em>Pichia anomalaem> <em>CBS 5759em>, <em>Pichia anomala DBVPG 3003em> and<em> em>>Yarrowia lipolytica RO13em>, and from 1.00 to 3.00 mg/mL for bacterial strains<em> em>(Salmonella> <em>enteritidis 155em>, <em>Escherichia coli 555em> and <em>Listeria monocytogenes 56Lyem>. Methanol extract showed better activity in comparison with ethanol and ethyl acetate extracts. High percentages of monoterpene and sesquiterpene hydrocarbons could be responsible for the better antimicrobial activity.

  12. EM International. Volume 1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    It is the intent of EM International to describe the Office of Environmental Restoration and Waste Management`s (EM`s) various roles and responsibilities within the international community. Cooperative agreements and programs, descriptions of projects and technologies, and synopses of visits to international sites are all highlighted in this semiannual journal. Focus on EM programs in this issue is on international collaboration in vitrification projects. Technology highlights covers: in situ sealing for contaminated sites; and remote sensors for toxic pollutants. Section on profiles of countries includes: Arctic contamination by the former Soviet Union, and EM activities with Germany--cooperative arrangements.

  13. Home range dynamics of mountain hare (<em>Lepus timidusem> in the Swiss Alps

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    Anne-Sophie Genini-Gamboni


    Full Text Available Abstract Little is known on the ecology and behaviour of alpine mountain hare (<em>Lepus timidusem>. Between 1996 and 1997 we analysed by radiotracking the pattern of space use of 8 mountain hares from the Swiss Alps. We estimated home range size using both the kernel density estimator and the minimum convex polygon. We found smaller ranges (38 ha compared to those reported for the species in boreal or arctic habitats, but similar to ranges in Scotland. Hares did not use a centre of major activity (core area and showed high home range overlap, confirming their non-territorial behaviour. Smaller ranges were used during winter compared to the other seasons, whilst no difference in size was found between sexes. Riassunto Dinamica dell'uso dello spazio della lepre bianca (<em>Lepus timidusem> nelle Alpi Svizzere Le informazioni relative all'ecologia e al comportamento della lepre alpina (<em>Lepus timidusem> sono ad oggi scarse. In questo studio abbiamo analizzato l'utilizzo dello spazio di una popolazione di lepre bianca sulle Alpi Svizzere. Tra il 1996 e il 1997 sono stati marcati con redio collare 8 individui di lepre alpina. L'<em>home rangeem> è stato calcolato utilizzando lo stimatore di densità kernel (KDE ed il metodo del minimo poligono convesso (MCP. L'ampiezza degli <em>home rangeem> (38 ha è risultata inferiore a quella riportata per la specie in habitat boreali ed artici. ma simile a quella riscontrata in Scozia. All'interno dell <em>home rangeem> non è stato rilevato alcun centro di maggiore attività (<em>core areaem> ed è stata evidenziata una notevole sovrapposizione tra gli stessi, confermando la non territorialità della specie. Le aree frequentate in inverno sono risultate più piccole rispetto alle altre stagioni e non sono state riscontrate differenze tra i sessi.

  14. <em>Botulinum Neurotoxinem> A Injections Influence Stretching of the Gastrocnemius Muscle-Tendon Unit in an Animal Model

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    Christopher J. Tuohy


    Full Text Available <em>Botulinum Neurotoxinem> A (BoNT-A injections have been used for the treatment of muscle contractures and spasticity. This study assessed the influence of (BoNT-A injections on passive biomechanical properties of the muscle-tendon unit. Mouse gastrocnemius muscle (GC was injected with BoNT-A (<em>n> = 18 or normal saline (<em>n> = 18 and passive, non-destructive, <em>in vivoem> load relaxation experimentation was performed to examine how the muscle-tendon unit behaves after chemical denervation with BoNT-A. Injection of BoNT-A impaired passive muscle recovery (15% <em>vs.> 35% recovery to pre-stretching baseline, <em>p> < 0.05 and decreased GC stiffness (0.531 ± 0.061 N/mm <em>vs.> 0.780 ± 0.037 N/mm, <em>p> < 0.05 compared to saline controls. The successful use of BoNT-A injections as an adjunct to physical therapy may be in part attributed to the disruption of the stretch reflex; thereby modulating <em>in vivoem> passive muscle properties. However, it is also possible that BoNT-A injection may alter the structure of skeletal muscle; thus modulating the <em>in vivoem> passive biomechanical properties of the muscle-tendon unit.

  15. Seasonal changes of trophic niche overlap in the stone marten (<em>Martes foinaem> and the red fox (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> in a mountainous area of the Northern Apennines (N-Italy

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    Anna Brangi


    Full Text Available Abstract Between 1989 and 1991, 284 scats of stone marten (<em>Martes foinaem> and 642 scats of red fox (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> were collected in a 280 km² mountainous area in the northern Apennines. The scats were analyzed to identify differences between the two species' diets. The prey were grouped in 6 food categories: Fruits, Other Vegetables, Small Mammals, Other Vertebrates, Invertebrates and Garbage. Annual trophic niche was wider in the Red fox (0.62 than in the stone marten (0.53. We also found a large overlap between the two species with some small differences: Other Vertebrates, Small Mammals and Other Vegetables were more used by the Red fox, while Fruits were more used by the stone marten. Riassunto Variazioni stagionali della sovrapposizione di nicchia trofica della faina (<em>Martes foinaem> e della volpe (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> in un'area montana degli Appennini settentrionali - Tra il 1989 e il 1991 sono state raccolte 284 feci di faina (<em>Martes foinaem> e 642 feci di volpe (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> in un'area montuosa di 280 km² situata nell'Appennino settentrionale. Le feci sono state analizzate per evidenziare le eventuali differenze nella dieta delle due specie. Le singole prede sono state raggruppate in 6 categorie alimentari: Frutta, Altri Vegetali, Micromammiferi, Altri Vertebrati, Invertebrati, Rifiuti. L'ampiezza annuale della dieta è risultata maggiore nella Volpe (0,62 che non nella Faina (0,53. È stata trovata inoltre una larga sovrapposizione tra le due specie con alcune differenze nell'uso degli Altri Vertebrati, dei Micromammiferi e degli Altri Vegetali che è maggiore nella Volpe e della Frutta, maggiore nella Faina.

  16. Biología y ciclo reproductivo de <em>Apanteles gelechiidivorisem> (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, parasitoide de <em>Tuta absolutaem> (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae

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    Bajonero Johanna


    Full Text Available

    <em>Apanteles gelechiidivorisem> es un parasitoide de larvas de <em>Tuta absolutaem> (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae, una plaga importante de cultivos como el tomate y la papa. El uso de este insecto para el control biológico no se ha implementado eficientemente debido a la falta de conocimiento de la biología, específicamente del ciclo de vida y el efecto de factores externos, como la temperatura, en su capacidad parasítica. Se evaluó el desarrollo y la capacidad reproductiva de <em>A. gelechiidivorisem> en cuatro condiciones térmicas: 14, 20, 26 y 32 °C. En la evaluación del desarrollo se realizó una descripción del ciclo, se determinó la duración total de este, se estimaron los umbrales térmicos para cada estadio utilizando el modelo de Lactin y se hallaron los grados día. En la evaluación de la capacidad reproductiva se variaron las densidades del hospedero ofrecidas a una pareja recién emergida de la avispa de 5 hasta 160 y se contó el número de adultos emergidos con los cuales se evaluó longevidad y fecundidad. Adicionalmente se ajustó un modelo de respuesta funcional. La duración del ciclo de vida para las temperaturas evaluadas fue de 39 días en 14 °C, 34 en 20 °C, 19 en 26 °C y 17 en 32 °C. La longevidad fue de 7,5 (14 °C, 7 (20 °C, 5 (26 °C y 2,4 (32 °C días. La temperatura a la cual se pueden optimizar los parámetros reproductivos de esta avispa se encuentra entre 20 y 26 °C.

  17. Feeding habits of the genet <em>Genetta genettaem> in an Iberian continental wetland

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    Maite Sánchez


    Full Text Available Abstract This study quantified the diet of the genet <em>Genetta genettaem> in an Iberian continental wetland, the Galachos Nature Reserve, northern Spain, based on the frequency with which items appeared in five monthly-surveyed latrines during 2004-2005. Prey types were identified <em>de visuem> using identification keys and expert advice. the genet was confirmed as an opportunistic and generalist predator, its diet including mammals (95.0%, plants (68.3% and arthropods (60.0% as main prey. With the exception of a newly available prey species, the alien crayfish <em>Procambarus clarkiiem>, the genet probably consumed arthropods because of chance encounters rather than active search. The consumption of fruits and small mammals varied seasonally. Riassunto Alimentazione della genetta <em>Genetta genettaem> in un'area umida continentale della penisola iberica La dieta della genetta è stata investigata in un'area umida interna della Spagna settentrionale, la riserva Naturale dei Galachos. La frequenza di ciascuna categoria alimentare è stata espressa come numero di occorrenze mansili in cinque latrine monitorate per il periodo 2004-2005. Le categorie sono state identificate <em>de visuem> tramite chiavi per il riconoscimento o l'intervento di singoli esperti. I risultati confermano il comportamento alimentare generalista e opportunista della genetta. La dieta ha incluso principalmente mammiferi (95%, vegetali (68.3% e artropodi (60%. Questi ultimi, con l'eccezione del gambero <em>Procambarus clarkiiem>, introdotto e di recente presenza, sono probabilmente utilizzati in modo opportunistico, piuttosto che in seguito a ricerca attiva. L'uso dei frutti e dei micromammiferi varia stagionalmente.

  18. Roost selection by barbastelle bats (<em>Barbastella barbastellusem>, Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae in beech woodlands of central Italy

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    Danilo Russo


    Full Text Available The barbastelle bat, <em>Barbastella barbastellusem> (Schreber, 1774 is a medium-sized, tree-dwelling vespertilionid classified as ?Endangered? in Italy; in western Europe it may be one of the rarest bat species. <em>B. barbastellusem> shows roosting preferences that should be regarded as a key point in conservation protocols. We examined roost selection in a breeding population of <em>B. barbastellusem> from the Abruzzo Lazio and Molise National Park (central Italy at three levels: woodland structure and management type; tree characteristics; and cavity characteristics. In 2001-2002, we fitted 31 adult <em>B. barbastellusem> (29 lactating females, one pregnant female and one male with 0.48g radio-tags and tracked them to their roost-trees. The bats were tracked for 4.5 ± 3.7 days (range: 0-12 days. We located 33 roosts used by 25 subjects (1.8±1.2 roosts/bat, range 1-5. The bats switched roosts frequently: 13 bats used more than one tree over the study period. A chi-square analysis showed that the roosts were not distributed at random across woodland categories: unmanaged woodland was positively selected, whereas shelterwood-harvested woodland was used in proportion to its availability, and ?pastures+scattered trees? was avoided. Twenty out of 33 roost trees were dead <em>Fagus sylvaticaem> trees; conversely, living <em>F. sylvaticaem> dominated in a tree sample obtained at random; dead trees were used more than expected (Χ² test, <em>P> <0.001. Overall, roost trees were significantly taller and had a larger diameter at breast?s height and more cavities than random trees; they also had a lower percent canopy closure than random trees. To highlight which variables were actually associated with selection, we devised a logistic regression model. The full model was significant (<em>P> <0.001; removal of tree type and tree height affected the model significantly, but the other variables did not produce detectable effects. The

  19. Synthesis and Sensory Evaluation of <em>ent>-Kaurane Diterpene Glycosides

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    Venkata Sai Prakash Chaturvedula


    Full Text Available Catalytic hydrogenation of the three <em>ent>-kaurane diterpene glycosides isolated from <em>Stevia rebaudianaem>, namely rubusoside, stevioside, and rebaudioside-A has been carried out using Pd(OH2 and their corresponding dihydro derivatives have been isolated as the products. Synthesis of reduced steviol glycosides was performed using straightforward chemistry and their structures were characterized on the basis of 1D and 2D NMR spectral data and chemical studies. Also, we report herewith the sensory evaluation of all the reduced compounds against their corresponding original steviol glycosides and sucrose for the sweetness property of these molecules.

  20. Ploidia de DNA em astrocitomas: estudo em 66 pacientes brasileiros

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    Full Text Available A determinação do conteúdo de DNA nuclear (fração de fase S e ploidia de DNA foi realizada por meio de análise de imagem em 66 astrocitomas, a partir de material fixado em formalina e seccionado em cortes de 5 micrômetros corados pela técnica de Feulgen. Nossos resultados mostraram forte relação entre a idade do paciente, grau histológico e sobrevida , com a ploidia de DNA e o percentual de células em fase de síntese. A análise da atividade proliferativa de astrocitomas intracranianos é a nosso ver muito útil no entendimento do comportamento biológico , do prognóstico e para o planejamento terapêutico dessas lesões.

  1. Monitores de diagnóstico em Mamografia : (Os 5MP em Portugal)


    Timóteo, Maria Teresa


    O carcinoma da mama é o mais comum nas mulheres, em Portugal morrem cerca de 1500 mulheres por ano devido a esta patologia. Serviu o presente estudo para investigar se os Hospitais da Região de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo estão equipados, com monitores de diagnóstico em mamografia, que correspondam com as guidelines europeias. O serviço de Mamografia, em Portugal rege-se por estas guidelines, em que é referenciado que para um correcto diagnóstico, com toda a sensibilidade e especific...

  2. Are EM's communication tools effective? Evaluation research of two EM publications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wight, Evelyn; Gardner, Gene; Harvey, Tony


    As a reflection of its growing culture of openness, and in response to the public's need for accurate information about its activities, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Environmental Restoration and Waste Management (EM) has increased the amount of information available to the public through communication tools such as brochures, fact sheets, and a travelling exhibit with an interactive computer display. Our involvement with this effort has been to design, develop, and critique booklets, brochures, fact sheets and other communication tools for EM. This paper presents an evaluation of the effectiveness of two communication tools we developed: the EM Booklet and the EM Fact Sheets. We measured effectiveness using non-parametric testing. This paper describes DOE's culture change, EM's communication tools and their context within DOE'S new open culture, our research, test methods and results, the significance of our research, and our plans for future research. (author)

  3. Teasing out specific language impairment from an autism spectrum disorder. (United States)

    Tierney, Cheryl D; Gupta, Vidya Bhushan; Angel, Alma Patricia Del; Augustyn, Marilyn


    Marcus is a handsome, sweet, 7½-year-old boy with a significant history of delayed development, specifically in speech and language skills, as well as difficulties with social interactions that have led other specialists to be concerned about a diagnosis of an autism spectrum disorder.He has been seen in our primary care practice since birth. He was born full-term after vaginal delivery weighing 6 pounds, 6 ounces. There were no pregnancy or delivery complications noted. Genetic testing revealed normal chromosomes, fragile X, and microarray testing. Marcus was a picky eater and good sleeper and had delays in toilet training.There is no family history of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, or substance abuse. Maternal grandmother and mother have a history of learning difficulties, and his father and a paternal uncle have a history of depression and anxiety. Marcus lives in a supportive environment with his mother, father, and sister.Marcus was noted to have significantly delayed language, stuttering, and immediate echolalia as a toddler. Gross and fine motor milestones were met on time, but he did not talk or follow directions until 4 to 5 years old. As a younger child, he would pretend to talk on the phone or mow the grass with a pretend lawn mower, but other household activities were not of interest to Marcus.Currently, he enjoys puzzles, reading, and board games. He likes to play with other children and can interact with familiar adults. Marcus is reported to initiate social interactions, although he has difficulty in understanding personal space. Imaginative play is preferred over other types. He seeks out adult attention and will bring objects over to an adult especially to share his perceived accomplishment. Marcus has difficulty in playing cooperatively with his sister.He is independent with activities of daily living. Marcus is noted to have auditory defensiveness including covering his ears to loud noises and becoming distressed

  4. Intermolecular electron transfer between coumarin dyes and aromatic amines in Triton-X-100 micellar solutions: Evidence for Marcus inverted region (United States)

    Kumbhakar, Manoj; Nath, Sukhendu; Mukherjee, Tulsi; Pal, Haridas


    Photoinduced electron transfer (ET) between coumarin dyes and aromatic amines has been investigated in Triton-X-100 micellar solutions and the results have been compared with those observed earlier in homogeneous medium. Significant static quenching of the coumarin fluorescence due to the presence of high concentration of amines around the coumarin fluorophore in the micelles has been observed in steady-state fluorescence studies. Time-resolved studies with nanosecond resolutions mostly show the dynamic part of the quenching for the excited coumarin dyes by the amine quenchers. A correlation of the quenching rate constants, estimated from the time-resolved measurements, with the free energy changes (ΔG0) of the ET reactions shows the typical bell shaped curve as predicted by Marcus outer-sphere ET theory. The inversion in the ET rates for the present systems occurs at an exergonicity (-ΔG0) of ~0.7-0.8 eV, which is unusually low considering the polarity of the Palisade layer of the micelles where the reactants reside. Present results have been rationalized on the basis of the two dimensional ET model assuming that the solvent relaxation in micellar media is much slower than the rate of the ET process. Detailed analysis of the experimental data shows that the diffusional model of the bimolecular quenching kinetics is not applicable for the ET reactions in the micellar solutions. In the present systems, the reactions can be better visualized as equivalent to intramolecular electron transfer processes, with statistical distribution of the donors and acceptors in the micelles. A low electron coupling (Vel) parameter is estimated from the correlation of the experimentally observed and the theoretically calculated ET rates, which indicates that the average donor-acceptor separation in the micellar ET reactions is substantially larger than for the donor-acceptor contact distance. Comparison of the Vel values in the micellar solution and in the donor-acceptor close



    Alves, Ana Paula de Faria; Santos, Janine V.; Neves, Laudelina B.; Sereia, Maria Josiane


    Foi realizada avaliação comparativa da retenção da vitamina C (ácido Ascórbico – AA) em suco fresco de laranjas íntegras, suco de laranja estocada sob refrigeração e em bolo contendo suco de laranja após a cocção em forno culinário convencional. O teor de AA em suco de laranjas armazenadas sob refrigeração por oito semanas variou entre 74,94 e 51,55 mg% com taxa de redução de 0,92% ao dia. Em suco fresco de laranja armazenado sob refrigeração durante sete dias, o teor médio de AA foi de 49,62...

  6. Alternate Futures for 2025. Security Planning to Avoid Surprise. (United States)


    September 1995, 96-98B. Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius . Meditations. Chicago: Encyclo- paedia Britannica, 1955. Ashley, Steven. "Voyage to the Bottom of...Zemin has acknowledged this risk. See Craig S. Smith and Marcus W. Bracchli, "Despite Rapid Growth of China’s Economy, Many are Suffering," The Wall...draft of white paper for 2025 Study. Smith, Craig S., and Marcus W. Bracchli. "Despite Rapid Growth of China’s Economy, Many are Suffering." The Wall

  7. Synthesis and Cytotoxicity Evaluation of 13-<em>n>-Alkyl Berberine and Palmatine Analogues as Anticancer Agents

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    Lei Zhang


    Full Text Available By introducing long carbon-chain alkyl groups at the C-13 position of berberine and palmatine, 13-<em>n>-hexyl/13-<em>n>-octyl berberine and palmatine chloride analogues 4ad were synthesized and examined by MTT assays for cytotoxic activity in seven human cancer cell lines (7701QGY, SMMC7721, HepG2, CEM, CEM/VCR, KIII, Lewis, yielding IC50 values of 0.02 ± 0.01–13.58 ± 2.84 μM. 13-<em>n>-Octyl palmatine (compound 4d gave the most potent inhibitor activity, with an IC50 of 0.02 ± 0.01 μM for SMMC7721. In all cases, the 13-<em>n>-alkyl berberine and palmatine analogues 4ad were more cytotoxic than berberine and palmatine. In addition, compounds 4ad also exhibited more potent cytotoxicity than berberine and palmatine in mice with S180 sarcoma xenografted<em> in vivoem>. The primary screening results indicated that the 13-<em>n>-hexyl/13-<em>n>-octyl berberine and palmatine analogues might be valuable source for new potent anticancer drug candidates.

  8. Isojacareubin from the Chinese Herb <em>Hypericum japonicumem>: Potent Antibacterial and Synergistic Effects on Clinical Methicillin-Resistant <em>Staphylococcus aureusem> (MRSA

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    Gen-Chun Wang


    Full Text Available Through bioassay-guided fractionation of the extracts from the aerial parts of the Chinese herb <em>Hypericum japonicumem> Thunb. Murray, Isojacareubin (ISJ was characterized as a potent antibacterial compound against the clinical methicillin-resistant S<em>taphylococcus aureusem> (MRSA. The broth microdilution assay was used to determine the minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs and minimal bactericidal concentrations (MBCs of ISJ alone. The results showed that its MICs/MBCs ranged from 4/16 to 16/64 μg/mL, with the concentrations required to inhibit or kill 50% of the strains (MIC50/MBC50 at 8/16 μg/mL. Synergistic evaluations of this compound with four conventional antibacterial agents representing different types were performed by the chequerboard and time-kill tests. The chequerboard method showed significant synergy effects when ISJ was combined with Ceftazidime (CAZ, Levofloxacin (LEV and Ampicillin (AMP, with the values of 50% of the fractional inhibitory concentration indices (FICI50 at 0.25, 0.37 and 0.37, respectively. Combined bactericidal activities were also observed in the time-kill dynamic assay. The results showed the ability of ISJ to reduce MRSA viable counts by log10CFU/mL at 24 h of incubation at a concentration of 1 × MIC were 1.5 (LEV, additivity, 0.92 (CAZ, indifference and 0.82 (AMP, indifference, respectively. These <em>in vitroem> anti-MRSA activities of ISJ alone and its synergy with conventional antibacterial agents demonstrated that ISJ enhanced their efficacy, which is of potential use for single and combinatory therapy of patients infected with MRSA.

  9. Prevalência e fatores associados à obesidade abdominal em pacientes em hemodiálise em Goiânia - GO

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    Ana Tereza Vaz de Souza Freitas


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A presença de excesso de peso, especialmente obesidade visceral, contribui para o maior risco de complicações metabólicas e cardiovasculares em pacientes com doença renal crônica. OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência e os fatores associados à obesidade abdominal em pacientes em hemodiálise (HD. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 344 pacientes maiores de 18 anos. A obesidade abdominal foi definida pela circunferência da cintura > 94 cm nos homens e > 80 cm nas mulheres. As variáveis independentes envolveram aspectos socioeconômicos, demográficos, hábitos de vida, tempo em HD, consumo alimentar e índice de massa corporal (IMC. A análise dos fatores associados foi realizada por regressão de Poisson múltipla, permanecendo no modelo final as variáveis com p 25 kg/m². Nos homens, a classe econômica D/E também permaneceu associada à obesidade abdominal, p < 0,05. CONCLUSÃO: Observou-se alta prevalência de obesidade abdominal em pacientes em hemodiálise. Idade superior a 40 anos, classes econômicas mais baixas, ingestão proteica inferior ao recomendado e excesso de peso foram associados à obesidade abdominal.

  10. Variabilità microsatellitare in popolazioni italiane di martora, <em>Martes martesem>

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    Licia Colli


    Full Text Available La martora, <em>Martes martesem>, è un mustelide storicamente presente su gran parte del territorio italiano, soprattutto dove siano presenti foreste mature altamente strutturate e ricche di risorse. Nel corso dei decenni passati, cause quali la deforestazione con conseguente frammentazione dell'habitat, la caccia e la persecuzione da parte dell'uomo hanno portato ad un sensibile declino sia nel numero d'individui sia di popolazioni in tutta l'Europa. Frammentazione degli areali e diminuzione del numero di soggetti costituiscono le cause principali di un limitato flusso genico con conseguente formazione di popolazioni isolate di martora e perdita di variabilità genetica (Kyle <em>et al.em>, 2003. Per queste ragioni la martora risulta attualmente tutelata secondo quanto previsto dalla Convenzione di Berna (appendice III e dalla Direttiva europea 92/43/CEE "Habitats & Species". Di fronte a prospettive di tipo conservazionistico, diventa necessario disporre di metodologie per la valutazione della variabilità residua nella specie a livello d'individui e di popolazioni. Secondo numerosi Autori, i microsatelliti costituiscono marcatori molto efficaci nella descrizione della struttura genetica e della storia demografica di specie (Beaumont & Bruford, 1999; Linares, 1999. Il presente lavoro propone i risultati ottenuti attraverso il confronto di due campioni costituiti da individui di <em>Martes martesem> provenienti dalla Sardegna (25 esemplari e dal territorio italiano (6 esemplari. L'analisi è stata condotta a livello di 7 loci microsatellitari dinucleotidici polimorfici. Il valore di FST calcolato dal confronto dei due gruppi è risultato pari a 0,102 e ricade nel <em>range> di variazione identificato di recente in popolazioni nord-europee di martora (Kyle <em>et al.em>, 2003. L'analisi della varianza molecolare (AMOVA, condotta a due livelli gerarchici, ha permesso in particolare di ripartire la varianza del campione

  11. Retratos em movimento.

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    Luiz Carlos Oliveira Junior

    Full Text Available resumo O artigo aborda aspectos da relação do cinema com a arte do retrato. Buscamos, em primeiro lugar, uma definição estética do que seria um retrato cinematográfico, sempre em tensão com os critérios formais e padrões estilísticos que historicamente constituíram o retrato pictórico. Em seguida, relacionamos essa questão com a importância que se deu à representação do close-up de rosto nas primeiras décadas do cinema, quando foi atribuído aos filmes um papel inédito no estudo da fisionomia e da expressão facial. Por fim, apresentamos exemplos de autorretratos na pintura e no cinema para expor a forma como a autorrepresentação põe em crise as noções de subjetividade e identidade em que a definição clássica do retrato se apoiava.

  12. Winter food of the fox <em>Vulpes vulpesem> in the Province of Cuneo (North-Western Italy / Alimentazione invernale della Volpe <em>Vulpes vulpesem> nell'Albese (Provincia di Cuneo

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    Paolo Debernardi


    Full Text Available Abstract The diet of the Fox <em>Vulpes vulpesem> was studied by the analysis of 157 gastric contents coming from hilly areas of the Province of Cuneo. Samples were gathered during January-March of the years '86 (N. 41, '87 (N. 72 and '88 (N. 44. The mean percentage of frequency was determined for the following feeding categories: Fruits (26.1%, Other vegetable components (19.7%, Insects (2.5%, Wild birds (11.5%, Insectivores and Rodents (42.7%, <em>Lepus capensisem> (13.4%, Indeterminate Lagomorphs (17.2%, Domestic animals (59.2% and Other (2.5%. The diet is analysed in relation to some available trophic resources (dumps, restoking of hares and of pheasants. Riassunto Vengono presentati i dati dell'analisi di 157 contenuti gastrici di <em>Vulpes vulpesem>, provenienti da aree collinari della provincia di Cuneo; i campioni si riferiscono ai primi tre mesi delle annate '86 (N. 41, '87 (N. 72 e '88 (N. 44. Sono state determinate le frequenze percentuali delle seguenti categorie alimentari: Frutti (26,1%, Altre componenti vegetali (19,7%, Insetti (2,5%, Uccelli selvatici (11,5%, Insettivori e Roditori (42,7%, <em>Lepus capensisem> (13,4%, Lagomorfi indeterminati (17,2%, Animali domestici (59,2% e Altro (2,5%. La dieta viene esaminata in relazione ad alcuni aspetti legati alle disponibilità trofiche del territorio (presenza di discariche, ripopolamenti di selvaggina.

  13. Herbert Ernst Wiegand

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    R.B. Ruthven

    lexicography (17564), Pakistani lexicography (9865), Mexican (12043) and Chil- .... the African Association for Lexicography (AFRILEX). Aspects of .... mended that every library and especially university libraries, should have a copy.

  14. Book Review: Computational Topology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Raussen, Martin


    Computational Topology by Herbert Edelsbrunner and John L. Harer. American Matheamtical Society, 2010 - ISBN 978-0-8218-4925-5......Computational Topology by Herbert Edelsbrunner and John L. Harer. American Matheamtical Society, 2010 - ISBN 978-0-8218-4925-5...

  15. Apresentação

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    Reidy Rolim de Moura


    Full Text Available O presente número da Revista Emancipação contém 11 trabalhos que compõem um rico panorama do que há de mais atual na pesquisa acadêmica, em especial no que se refere às principais temáticas abordadas – direitos humanos, renda básica, pensamento marxista e sociedade civil –, as quais, inclusive, dialogam entre si em inúmeros pontos. Os dois artigos introdutórios discorrem sobre direitos humanos, mas enquanto o primeiro aproxima-os do conceito de desenvolvimento humano, num panorama internacional, o segundo insere a efetivação dos mesmos nas políticas públicas brasileiras pós-constituição de 88. Adiante, o direito à renda básica torna-se o fio condutor da discussão suscitada pelos próximos dois textos. Em “O Debate Contemporâneo Sobre as Condicionalidades”, as exigências para o recebimento dos benefícios do Programa Bolsa Família são discutidas, assim como a base ideológica na qual se funda o sistema destas condicionalidades. Já no trabalho posterior, a segurança de renda é analisada sob a ótica do direito socioassistencial, de modo a sintetizar seus aspectos institucionais. Partindo para um debate mais específico sobre o capitalismo, o texto posterior confronta a sociabilidade deste sistema com os conceitos de reificação presentes nas obras de Lucien Goldmann, Herbert Marcuse e Fredric Jameson, derivados do pensamento marxista de György Lukács. A sociedade civil também recebe atenção, ao ser examinada tanto na contraposição teórica ao Estado, em “A Sociedade Civil em Hegel e Marx”, como em sua práxis participativa, no artigo “Informação e comunicação na gestão participativa - uma análise a partir das políticas de recursos hídricos do Brasil e da Europa”. O cotidiano profissional dos trabalhadores da área social é contemplado em “Didática e pedagogia do diário de campo na formação do assistente social”, que parte de uma pesquisa indireta – a interessante análise do

  16. Caratterizzazione genetica di alcune popolazioni di cinghiale (<em>Sus scrofaem> dell'Italia meridionale

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    M.F. Caliendo


    Full Text Available In Italia il Cinghiale ha subito varie oscillazioni numeriche per immissioni d?esemplari provenienti soprattutto dall'est europeo o da paesi vicini (Massei & Toso, 1993 e incrocio con esemplari di maiale domestico, allevato allo stato brado o semi brado in molte zone d'Italia (Apollonio <em>et al.em>, 1988. Questi fattori sono stati responsabili anche di un impoverimento genetico della forma autoctona italiana <em>Sus scrofa meridionalisem> e <em>majori> che sembrano persistere solo in Sardegna e Maremma (Apollonio <em>et al.em>, 1988. Tra le riserve in cui si ritiene possano trovarsi popolazioni ancora integre, figura la tenuta presidenziale di Castelporziano (Roma. Prendendo spunto da questo lavoro, con il nostro contributo riportiamo i risultati, a livello genetico, della ibridazione con il maiale da parte di cinghiali della Campania, basato sul DNA microsatellite di 4 loci polimorfi. Sono state studiate 9 popolazioni (allevate e libere, usando per riferimenti maiali allo stato brado e cinghiali di Castelporziano. Dall?analisi delle frequenze alleliche è stato eseguito il <em>test di assignmentem> (implementato in una sub routine del software Arlequin 2.0 che individua la possibile origine di un individuo, rispetto ad una rosa di probabili popolazioni di riferimento (Paetkau <em>et al.em>, 1998. Con i risultati del test di assignment si è costruito il grafico <em>log-log genotypeem>, rappresentato da un piano individuato dalle due variabili di riferimento (cinghiale e maiale brado. Le popolazioni esaminate evidenziano una generalizzata distribuzione a cavallo tra i due riferimenti con individui geneticamente simili al cinghiale ed altri al maiale. Questa ripartizione simmetrica è molto evidente nel caso dei cinghiali catturati a Punta Licosa e in quelli dell?allevamento di Polla. La distribuzione dei genotipi sul piano è spesso dispersa, ad eccezione dei cinghiali della Valle del Vento e quelli di Monteverde (individui

  17. Pré-resfriamento em água de lichia 'B3' mantida em armazenamento refrigerado


    del Aguila,Juan Saavedra; Hofman,Peter; Campbell,Terrence; Marques,José Roberto; Heiffig-del Aguila,Lília Sichmann; Kluge,Ricardo Alfredo


    Este experimento visou a estudar o efeito de diferentes temperaturas e tempos de pré-resfriamento em água sobre a qualidade de lichias 'B3', após a frigoconservação. Os tratamentos foram: T1 = controle (sem pré-resfriamento); T2 = imersão por cinco minutos em água a 2,5°C; T3 = imersão por 10 minutos em água a 2,5°C; T4 = imersão por 20 minutos em água a 2,5°C; T5 = imersão por sete minutos em água a 6°C; T6 = imersão por 20 minutos em água a 8°C e T7 = imersão por 10 minu...

  18. Antioxidative Characteristics of <em>Anisomeles indicaem> Extract and Inhibitory Effect of Ovatodiolide on Melanogenesis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Li-Ling Chang


    Full Text Available The purpose of the study was to investigate the antioxidant characteristics of <em>Anisomeles indicaem> methanol extract and the inhibitory effect of ovatodiolide on melanogenesis. In the study, the antioxidant capacities of <em>A. indicaem> methanol extract such as DPPH assay, ABTS radical scavenging assay, reducing capacity and metal ion chelating capacity as well as total phenolic content of the extract were investigated. In addition, the inhibitory effects of ovatodiolide on mushroom tyrosinase, B16F10 intracellular tyrosinase and melanin content were determined spectrophotometrically. Our results revealed that the antioxidant capacities of <em>A. indicaem> methanol extract increased in a dose-dependent pattern. The purified ovatodiolide inhibited mushroom tyrosinase activity (IC50 = 0.253 mM, the compound also effectively suppressed intracellular tyrosinase activity (IC50 = 0.469 mM and decreased the amount of melanin (IC50 = 0.435 mM in a dose-dependent manner in B16F10 cells. Our results concluded that <em>A. indicaem> methanol extract displays antioxidant capacities and ovatodiolide purified from the extract inhibited melanogenesis in B16F10 cells. Hence, <em>A. indicaem> methanol extract and ovatodiolide could be applied as a type of dermatological whitening agent in skin care products.

  19. International EMS Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Langhelle, Audun; Lossius, Hans Morten; Silfvast, Tom


    exist, however, especially within the ground and air ambulance service, and the EMS systems face several challenges. Main problems and challenges emphasized by the authors are: (1) Denmark: the dispatch centres are presently not under medical control and are without a national criteria based system......Emergency medicine service (EMS) systems in the five Nordic countries have more similarities than differences. One similarity is the involvement of anaesthesiologists as pre-hospital physicians and their strong participation for all critically ill and injured patients in-hospital. Discrepancies do....... Access to on-line medical advice of a physician is not available; (2) Finland: the autonomy of the individual municipalities and their responsibility to cover for primary and specialised health care, as well as the EMS, and the lack of supporting or demanding legislation regarding the EMS; (3) Iceland...

  20. Locas al Rescate: The Transnational Hauntings of Queer <em>Cubanidad>

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    Lázaro Lima


    Full Text Available

    “Locas al Rescate: The Transnational Hauntings of Queer <em>Cubanidad>” (originally published in <em>Cuba Transnationalem> offers a significant contribution both to transnational American Studies and to gender studies. In telling the insider story of the alternative identity formation, practices, and forms of “rescue” initiated by the affective activism of the Cuban American society in drag in 1990s Miami/South Beach, Lima resuscitates the liberatory gestures of a subculture defined by its pursuit of its own acceptance, value, and freedom. With their aesthetic and political life on a raft, the gay micro-communities inside Cuban America asserted their own islandic space, Lima observes, performing “takeovers” in and of parks and bars and beaches—creating a post-Habermasian sphere of public activism focused on private parts, saving themselves from AIDS, from the disaffection and disaffiliation of the right-wing Cuban immigrant community, and from the failure of their own yearning to belong, to be wanted, to be embodied as the figure of their compelling <em>Cubanidad>. Against the hegemony of the invented collective politics of the sacrificing immigrants whose recognition of the queer side of being (of a being constituted by identity loss is yet to come, Lima suggests a spectral return—a personal and transnational reckoning of those whose lives the dream of freedom drowned.

  1. SD118-Xanthocillin X (1, a Novel Marine Agent Extracted from <em>Penicillium> communeem>, Induces Autophagy through the Inhibition of the MEK/ERK Pathway

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    Caiguo Huang


    Full Text Available A compound named SD118-xanthocillin X (1 (C18H12N2O2, isolated from <em>Penicillium> <em>commune> in a deep-sea sediment sample, has been shown to inhibit the growth of several cancer cell lines <em>in vitroem>. In the present study, we employed a growth inhibition assay and apoptotic analysis to identify the biological effect and detailed mechanism of SD118-xanthocillin X (1 in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2 cells. SD118-xanthocillin X (1 demonstrated a concentration-dependent inhibitory effect on the growth of HepG2 cells and caused slight cellular apoptosis and significantly induced autophagy. Autophagy was detected as early as 12 h by the conversion of microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 (LC3-I to LC3-II, following cleavage and lipid addition to LC3-I. The pharmacological autophagy inhibitor 3-methyladenine largely attenuates the growth inhibition and autophagic effect of SD118-xanthocillin X (1 in HepG2 cells. Our data also indicated that the autophagic effect of SD118-xanthocillin X (1 occurs via the down-regulation of the MEK/ERK signaling pathway and the up-regulated class III PI3K/Beclin 1 signaling pathway.

  2. Märtsipäevade valupisaraid peab lastele näitama / Anu Bollverk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Bollverk, Anu


    1949. aasta märtsiküüditamisele pühendatud mälestuspäevast Koeru kultuurimajas ning sealse huviteatri poolt ette kantud Herbert Lasti näidendist "Valupisarais märtsipäevad" (lavastajad Herbert Last ja Uno Aav)

  3. Sorteio de domicílios em favelas em inquéritos por amostragem

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    Maria Cecilia Goi Porto Alves


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar vantagens e desvantagens do uso de segmentos em relação ao sorteio feito a partir da lista completa de endereços, para o sorteio de domicílios em amostragem por conglomerados em múltiplos estágios em favelas. PROCEDIMENTOS METODOLÓGICOS: Estudo qualitativo realizado em quatro favelas sorteadas no Inquérito de Saúde do Município de São Paulo, SP, 2008, nas quais foram aplicadas as duas técnicas. Foram realizados grupos focais com pesquisadores de campo - "arroladores" e entrevistadores do inquérito. Os conteúdos das conversações foram analisados, agrupados em categorias e organizados em núcleos temáticos. ANÁLISE DOS RESULTADOS: A utilização de segmentos de domicílios foi associada a numerosas vantagens e poucas desvantagens. Entre as vantagens, constaram a rapidez e facilidade na elaboração do cadastro de endereços e na localização e identificação de domicílios na etapa de realização das entrevistas, maior segurança dos entrevistadores e da população, maior acesso aos entrevistados, maior estabilidade e maior cobertura do cadastro produzido, e menor ocorrência de erros na identificação dos domicílios sorteados. CONCLUSÕES: A construção de cadastro de domicílios por meio da criação de segmentos é vantajosa em relação à listagem completa de endereços, quando feita em favelas. Por ter se mostrado uma opção econômica e fácil de ser aplicada, constitui alternativa para a simplificação do processo de amostragem em áreas com as suas características de desorganização e adensamento de domicílios.

  4. Anti-Tumour Promoting Activity and Antioxidant Properties of Girinimbine Isolated from the Stem Bark of<em> Murraya koenigii em>S.

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    Yih Yih Kok


    Full Text Available Girinimbine, a carbazole alkaloid isolated from the stem bark of <em>Murraya koenigii em>was tested for the<em> in vitroem> anti-tumour promoting and antioxidant activities. Anti-tumour promoting activity was determined by assaying the capability of this compound to inhibit the expression of early antigen of Epstein-Barr virus (EA-EBV in Raji cells that was induced by the tumour promoter, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate. The concentration of this compound that gave an inhibition rate at fifty percent was 6.0 µg/mL and was not cytotoxic to the cells. Immunoblotting analysis of the expression of EA-EBV showed that girinimbine was able to suppress restricted early antigen (EA-R. However, diffused early antigen (EA-D was partially suppressed when used at 32.0 µg/mL. Girinimbine exhibited a very strong antioxidant activity as compared to a-tocopherol and was able to inhibit superoxide generation in the 12-<em>O>-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA-induced differentiated premyelocytic HL-60 cells more than 95%, when treated with the compound at 5.3 and 26.3 µg/mL, respectively. However girinimbine failed to scavenge the stable diphenyl picryl hydrazyl (DPPH-free radical.

  5. Solution NMR Structure of Hypothetical Protein CV_2116 Encoded by a Viral Prophage Element in <em>Chromobacterium violaceumem>

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    Yunhuang Yang


    Full Text Available CV_2116 is a small hypothetical protein of 82 amino acids from the Gram-negative coccobacillus <em>Chromobacterium violaceumem>. A PSI-BLAST search using the CV_2116 sequence as a query identified only one hit (E = 2e−07 corresponding to a hypothetical protein OR16_04617 from <em>Cupriavidus basilensisem> OR16, which failed to provide insight into the function of CV_2116. The <em>CV_2116em> gene was cloned into the p15TvLic expression plasmid, transformed into <em>E. coliem>, and 13C- and 15N-labeled NMR samples of CV_2116 were overexpressed in <em>E. coliem> and purified for structure determination using NMR spectroscopy. The resulting high-quality solution NMR structure of CV_2116 revealed a novel α + β fold containing two anti-parallel β -sheets in the <em>N>-terminal two-thirds of the protein and one α-helix in the <em>C>-terminal third of the protein. CV_2116 does not belong to any known protein sequence family and a Dali search indicated that no similar structures exist in the protein data bank. Although no function of CV_2116 could be derived from either sequence or structural similarity searches, the neighboring genes of <em>CV_2116em> encode various proteins annotated as similar to bacteriophage tail assembly proteins. Interestingly, <em>C. violaceumem> exhibits an extensive network of bacteriophage tail-like structures that likely result from lateral gene transfer by incorporation of viral DNA into its genome (prophages due to bacteriophage infection. Indeed, <em>C. violaceumem> has been shown to contain four prophage elements and <em>CV_2116em> resides in the fourth of these elements. Analysis of the putative operon in which CV_2116 resides indicates that CV_2116 might be a component of the bacteriophage tail-like assembly that occurs in <em>C. violaceumem>.

  6. Risk-Association of <em>CYP11A1em> Polymorphisms and Breast Cancer Among Han Chinese Women in Southern China

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    Minying Sun


    Full Text Available Exposure to endogenous sex hormones has been reported as a risk factor for breast cancer. The <em>CYP11A1em> gene encodes the key enzyme that catalyzes the initial and rate-limiting step in steroid hormone synthesis. In this study, the associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs in <em>CYP11A1em> and breast cancer susceptibility were examined. Six SNPs in <em>CYP11A1 em>were genotyped using the MassARRAY IPLEX platform in 530 breast cancer patients and 546 healthy controls. Association analyses based on a χ2 test and binary logistic regression were performed to determine the odds ratio (<em>OR> and 95% confidence interval (95% <em>CI> for each SNP. Two loci (rs2959008 and rs2279357 showed evidence of associations with breast cancer risk. The variant genotype C/T-C/C of rs2959008 was significantly associated with a decreased risk (age-adjusted<em> ORem>, 0.75; 95% <em>CI>, 0.58–0.96; <em>P em>= 0.023 compared with the wild-type TT. However, the homozygous TT variant of rs2279357 exhibited increased susceptibility to breast cancer (age-adjusted<em> ORem>, 1.44; 95% <em>CI>, 1.05–1.98; <em>P em>= 0.022. The locus rs2959003 also showed an appreciable effect, but no associations were observed for three other SNPs. Our results suggest that polymorphisms of <em>CYP11A1em> are related to breast cancer susceptibility in Han Chinese women of South China.

  7. Acetylcholinesterase-Inhibiting Activity of Salicylanilide <em>N>-Alkylcarbamates and Their Molecular Docking

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    Josef Jampilek


    Full Text Available A series of twenty-five novel salicylanilide <em>N>-alkylcarbamates were investigated as potential acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. The compounds were tested for their ability to inhibit acetylcholinesterase (AChE from electric eel (<em>Electrophorus electricusem> L.. Experimental lipophilicity was determined, and the structure-activity relationships are discussed. The mode of binding in the active site of AChE was investigated by molecular docking. All the discussed compounds expressed significantly higher AChE inhibitory activity than rivastigmine and slightly lower than galanthamine. Disubstitution by chlorine in C'(3,4 of the aniline ring and the optimal length of hexyl-undecyl alkyl chains in the carbamate moiety provided the most active AChE inhibitors. Monochlorination in C'(4 exhibited slightly more effective AChE inhibitors than in C'(3. Generally it can be stated that compounds with higher lipophilicity showed higher inhibition, and the activity of the compounds is strongly dependent on the length of the <em>N>-alkyl chain.

  8. Molecular Identification of Chronic Bee Paralysis Virus Infection in <em>Apis melliferaem> Colonies in Japan

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    Tomomi Morimoto


    Full Text Available Chronic bee paralysis virus (CBPV infection causes chronic paralysis and loss of workers in honey bee colonies around the world. Although CBPV shows a worldwide distribution, it had not been molecularly detected in Japan. Our investigation of <em>Apis melliferaem> and <em>Apis cerana japonicaem> colonies with RT-PCR has revealed CBPV infection in <em>A. melliferaem> but not <em>A. c. japonicaem> colonies in Japan. The prevalence of CBPV is low compared with that of other viruses: deformed wing virus (DWV, black queen cell virus (BQCV, Israel acute paralysis virus (IAPV, and sac brood virus (SBV, previously reported in Japan. Because of its low prevalence (5.6% in <em>A. melliferaem> colonies, the incidence of colony losses by CBPV infection must be sporadic in Japan. The presence of the (− strand RNA in dying workers suggests that CBPV infection and replication may contribute to their symptoms. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrates a geographic separation of Japanese isolates from European, Uruguayan, and mainland US isolates. The lack of major exchange of honey bees between Europe/mainland US and Japan for the recent 26 years (1985–2010 may have resulted in the geographic separation of Japanese CBPV isolates.

  9. Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Stations (United States)

    Kansas Data Access and Support Center — EMS Locations in Kansas The EMS stations dataset consists of any location where emergency medical services (EMS) personnel are stationed or based out of, or where...

  10. Popmuusika / Margus Haav

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Haav, Margus, 1969-


    Uutest heliplaatidest 2 Pac "Pac's Life", "Kitsune Maison", Kenny Garrett "Beyond the Wall", Marcus Miller "Power: The Essential Marcus Miller", Clipse "Hell Hath No Fury", Moby "Go ئ The Very Best Of", Ian Archer "Magnetic North"

  11. Consumo de energia em escalonadores de transações em sistemas de memória transacional em software


    Marques Junior, Ademir [UNESP


    O conceito de Memória Transacional foi criado para simplificar a sincronização de dados em memória, necessária para evitar a computação de dados inconsistentes por processadores multinúcleos, que se tornaram padrão devido às limitações encontradas em processadores de um núcleo. Em evolução constante pela busca de desempenho, os escalonadores de transação foram criados como alternativa aos gerenciadores de contenção presentes nos Sistemas de Memória Transacional. O consumo de energia é preocup...

  12. The Interactionist Imagination

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    to the works of: Georg Simmel, Robert E. Park, George Herbert Mead, Everett C. Hughes, Herbert Blumer, Manford H. Kuhn, Erving Goffman, Harold Garfinkel, Anselm L. Strauss, Jack D. Douglas, Howard S. Becker, Stanford M. Lyman, Arlie R. Hochschild and Gary Alan Fine....

  13. Estratégia e estrutura: em busca do alinhamento organizacional em um clube social esportivo


    Cruz Junior,Augusto de Toledo; Carvalho,Marly Monteiro de; Laurindo,Fernando José Barbin


    A literatura descreve tipologias de formas organizações, que podem ser divididas em organização baseada em trabalho e organização baseada em conhecimento. A forma de representação mais utilizada é o organograma. Contudo, esta forma de representação não consegue ilustrar adequadamente a dinâmica de funcionamento da organização, sobretudo em organizações em que o conhecimento e a experiência são os ativos-chave. Com o objetivo de investigar o processo de alinhamento entre estratégia e estrutura...

  14. The Complete Mitochondrial Genome of the Pink Stem Borer, <em>Sesamia inferensem>, in Comparison with Four Other Noctuid Moths

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    Yu-Zhou Du


    Full Text Available The complete 15,413-bp mitochondrial genome (mitogenome of <em>Sesamia inferensem> (Walker (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae was sequenced and compared with those of four other noctuid moths. All of the mitogenomes analyzed displayed similar characteristics with respect to gene content, genome organization, nucleotide comparison, and codon usages. Twelve-one protein-coding genes (PCGs utilized the standard ATN, but the <em>cox1 em>gene used CGA as the initiation codon; <em>cox1em>, <em>cox2em>, and <em>nad4em> genes had the truncated termination codon T in the <em>S. inferens em>mitogenome. All of the tRNA genes had typical cloverleaf secondary structures except for <em>trnS1(AGNem>, in which the dihydrouridine (DHU arm did not form a stable stem-loop structure. Both the secondary structures of <em>rrnL> and <em>rrnS> genes inferred from the <em>S. inferens em>mitogenome closely resembled those of other noctuid moths. In the A+T-rich region, the conserved motif “ATAGA” followed by a long T-stretch was observed in all noctuid moths, but other specific tandem-repeat elements were more variable. Additionally, the <em>S. inferens em>mitogenome contained a potential stem-loop structure, a duplicated 17-bp repeat element, a decuplicated segment, and a microsatellite “(AT7”, without a poly-A element upstream of the<em> trnM em>in the A+T-rich region. Finally, the phylogenetic relationships were reconstructed based on amino acid sequences of mitochondrial 13 PCGs, which support the traditional morphologically based view of relationships within the Noctuidae.

  15. Screening Commercially Available Entomopathogenic Biocontrol Agents for the Control of <em>Aethina tumidaem> (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae in the UK

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    Giles E. Budge


    Full Text Available The Small hive beetle, <em>Aethina tumidaem>, is an invasive pest of honey bees. Indigenous to sub-Saharan Africa, it has now become established in North America and Australia. It represents a serious threat to European honey bees. Commercially available entomopathogenic agents were screened for their potential to control beetle larvae. Entomopathogenic fungi investigated had minimal impact. The nematodes <em>Steinernema> krausseiem> and <em>S. carpocapsaeem> provided excellent control with 100% mortality of larvae being obtained. Sequential applications of the nematodes following larvae entering sand to pupate also provided excellent control for up to 3 weeks. The information gained supports the development of contingency plans to deal with <em>A. tumidaem> should it occur in the UK, and is relevant to the management of Small hive beetle where it is already present.

  16. Co-Autoria em Ensino e Pesquisa em Administração e Contabilidade no Brasil: Uma Década em Análise

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    Lélis Balestrin Espartel


    Full Text Available Uma das principais tendências verificadas nos últimos anos é o aumento da colaboração científica, caracterizada pela co-autoria. Muitos autores destacam a importância do tema e indicam o crescimento da co-autoria na produção acadêmica. Entretanto, em âmbito nacional, nenhum trabalho considerou a análise de co-autoria no campo da Administração. Com base nisso, este estudo, de caráter bibliométrico, analisou os artigos publicados em co-autoria nos anais dos congressos promovidos pela ANPAD no período entre 2001 e 2010, perfazendo 12 eventos: 10 Encontros da ANPAD (EnANPAD e 2 Encontros de Ensino e Pesquisa em Administração e Contabilidade (EnEPQ. Ao total foram investigados 778 trabalhos. De uma forma geral, nota-se que grande parte dos trabalhos conduzidos em Administração no Brasil, na última década, utiliza a co-autoria. Quanto ao formato dos artigos, observa-se que a co-autoria prevalece nos estudos empíricos, enquanto os estudos teóricos são desenvolvidos, em sua maioria, por um único autor. No caso dos trabalhos teóricos, elaborados em co-autoria, nota-se, em média, um número menor de autores do que em trabalhos empíricos. Dentre os empíricos realizados em co-autoria, também há diferenças significativas, sendo que os trabalhos quantitativos apresentaram uma média de autores superior a dos artigos qualitativos. Também foi realizada uma análise da rede formada pelas 197 IES identificadas, fazendo considerações sobre a sua densidade, distância geodésica média, centralização e proximidade entre os elos. Acrescido a estas análises, discussões e considerações a respeito da co-autoria em Administração também são apresentadas no artigo. Sugestões de pesquisas futuras são propostas.

  17. Max Graf's "Reminiscences of Professor Sigmund Freud" revisited: new evidence from the Freud archives. (United States)

    Wakefield, Jerome C


    Recently derestricted Freud Archive interviews with Max and Herbert Graf and Herbert's wife shed new light on Max Graf's article, "Reminiscences of Professor Sigmund Freud," published in The Psychoanalytic Quarterly in 1942. To explain discrepancies between the interviews and the earlier article, the author postulates that, in the article, Max Graf purposely distorted or omitted certain details in order not to reveal Herbert's identity as "Little Hans" (Freud 1909). The interviews place incidents reported in the article in a new and more complex light, and also underscore the intensely personal nature of the intellectual development of the psychoanalytic movement.

  18. Cloning, Phylogenetic Analysis and 3D Modeling of a Putative Lysosomal Acid Lipase from the Camel, <em>Camelus dromedariusem>

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Farid Shokry Ataya


    Full Text Available Acid lipase belongs to a family of enzymes that is mainly present in lysosomes of different organs and the stomach. It is characterized by its capacity to withstand acidic conditions while maintaining high lipolytic activity. We cloned for the first time the full coding sequence of camel’s lysosomal acid lipase, <em>cLIPA em>using RT-PCR technique (Genbank accession numbers JF803951 and AEG75815, for the nucleotide and aminoacid sequences respectively. The cDNA sequencing revealed an open reading frame of 1,197 nucleotides that encodes a protein of 399 aminoacids which was similar to that from<em> em>other related mammalian species. Bioinformatic analysis was used to determine the aminoacid sequence, 3D structure and phylogeny of cLIPA. Bioinformatics analysis suggested the molecular weight of the translated protein to be 45.57 kDa, which could be decreased to 43.16 kDa after the removal of a signal peptide comprising the first 21 aminoacids. The deduced <em>cLIPA em>sequences exhibited high identity with <em>Equus caballus em>(86%, <em>Numascus leucogenysem> (85%, <em>Homo sapiensem> (84%,<em> Sus scrofaem> (84%, <em>Bos taurus em>(82% and <em>Ovis aries em>(81%. cLIPA shows high aminoacid sequence identity with human and dog-gastric lipases (58%, and 59% respectively which makes it relevant to build a 3D structure model for cLIPA. The comparison confirms the presence of the catalytic triad and the oxyanion hole in cLIPA. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that camel <em>cLIPA em>is grouped with monkey, human, pig, cow and goat. The level of expression of <em>cLIPA em>in five camel tissues was examined using Real Time-PCR. The highest level of <em>cLIPA em>transcript was found in the camel testis (162%, followed by spleen (129%, liver (100%, kidney (20.5% and lung (17.4%.

  19. Presbyterian Patriots: The Historical Context of the Shared History and Prevalent Ideologies of Delaware’s Ulster-Scots who took up Arms in the American Revolution (United States)


    including Francis Bacon, Descartes, Grotius, Marcus Aurelius , and 71 The Newark Academy is the...34In fine I believe in the divinity of L. S. (Lord Shaftesbury) the saintship of Marcus Antoninus, the perspicuity and sublimity of Aristotle, and

  20. Paracoccidioidomicose em crianças em Belém do Pará

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    Fonseca Eliane R.S.


    Full Text Available No período janeiro de 1985 e julho de 1996 foram observados 102 casos de paracoccidioidomicose em hospital de Belém, PA. Treze pacientes eram crianças entre 3 e 13 anos de idade, com predomínio do sexo feminino (8:5. Todos apresentavam a forma disseminada subaguda da micose. É comentada a alta prevalência da micose em crianças em áreas endêmicas da Região Amazônica.

  1. Development of Microsatellite Markers for the Korean Mussel, <em>Mytilus coruscusem> (Mytilidae Using Next-Generation Sequencing

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    Hye Suck An


    Full Text Available <em>Mytilus coruscusem> (family Mytilidae is one of the most important marine shellfish species in Korea. During the past few decades, this species has become endangered due to the loss of habitats and overfishing. Despite this species’ importance, information on its genetic background is scarce. In this study, we developed microsatellite markers for <em>M.> coruscusem> using next-generation sequencing. A total of 263,900 raw reads were obtained from a quarter-plate run on the 454 GS-FLX titanium platform, and 176,327 unique sequences were generated with an average length of 381 bp; 2569 (1.45% sequences contained a minimum of five di- to tetra-nucleotide repeat motifs. Of the 51 loci screened, 46 were amplified successfully, and 22 were polymorphic among 30 individuals, with seven of trinucleotide repeats and three of tetranucleotide repeats. All loci exhibited high genetic variability, with an average of 17.32 alleles per locus, and the mean observed and expected heterozygosities were 0.67 and 0.90, respectively. In addition, cross-amplification was tested for all 22 loci in another congener species, <em>M.> <em>galloprovincialis.> None of the primer pairs resulted in effective amplification, which might be due to their high mutation rates. Our work demonstrated the utility of next-generation 454 sequencing as a method for the rapid and cost-effective identification of microsatellites. The high degree of polymorphism exhibited by the 22 newly developed microsatellites will be useful in future conservation genetic studies of this species.

  2. Design of Higher-<em>k> and More Stable Rare Earth Oxides as Gate Dielectrics for Advanced CMOS Devices

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    Yi Zhao


    Full Text Available High permittivity (<em>k> gate dielectric films are widely studied to substitute SiO2 as gate oxides to suppress the unacceptable gate leakage current when the traditional SiO2 gate oxide becomes ultrathin. For high-<em>k> gate oxides, several material properties are dominantly important. The first one, undoubtedly, is permittivity. It has been well studied by many groups in terms of how to obtain a higher permittivity for popular high-<em>k> oxides, like HfO2 and La2O3. The second one is crystallization behavior. Although it’s still under the debate whether an amorphous film is definitely better than ploy-crystallized oxide film as a gate oxide upon considering the crystal boundaries induced leakage current, the crystallization behavior should be well understood for a high-<em>k> gate oxide because it could also, to some degree, determine the permittivity of the high-<em>k> oxide. Finally, some high-<em>k> gate oxides, especially rare earth oxides (like La2O3, are not stable in air and very hygroscopic, forming hydroxide. This topic has been well investigated in over the years and significant progresses have been achieved. In this paper, I will intensively review the most recent progresses of the experimental and theoretical studies for preparing higher-<em>k> and more stable, in terms of hygroscopic tolerance and crystallization behavior, Hf- and La-based ternary high-<em>k> gate oxides.

  3. Syntheses of Enantiopure Aliphatic Secondary Alcohols and Acetates by Bioresolution with Lipase B from <em>Candida antarcticaem>

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    Richele P. Severino


    Full Text Available The lipase B from <em>Candida antarcticaem> (Novozym 435®, CALB efficiently catalyzed the kinetic resolution of some aliphatic secondary alcohols: (±-4-methylpentan-2-ol (1, (±-5-methylhexan-2-ol (3, (±-octan-2-ol (4, (±-heptan-3-ol (5 and (±-oct-1-en-3-ol (6. The lipase showed excellent enantioselectivities in the transesterifications of racemic aliphatic secondary alcohols producing the enantiopure alcohols (>99% <em>ee> and acetates (>99% <em>ee> with good yields. Kinetic resolution of <em>rac>-alcohols was successfully achieved with CALB lipase using simple conditions, vinyl acetate as acylating agent, and hexane as non-polar solvent.

  4. A poliomielite em Sergipe

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    Hélio A. Oliveira


    Full Text Available Os autores apresentam estudo retrospectivo da poliomielite em Sergipe. Dividem o estudo em três períodos levando em consideração a taxa de notificação de casos positivos e enfatizam o período que vai de 1979 a 1989, pelo estudo de 159 casos consecutivos. As seguintes informações foram levantadas para cada caso: sexo, idade, procedência, estado vacinai anterior e evolução clínica. São também avaliadas a incidência anual, relação incidência/cobertura vacinai e distribuição geográfica. Tecem comentários sobre os surtos epidêmicos ocorridos em 1984 e 1986, sobre as alterações na circulação do poliovírus selvagem (P1 para P3 e sobre problemas relacionados à não aquisição de imunidade em crianças com esquema vacinal completo. Consideram a poliomielite controlada no Estado, mas enfatizam a necessidade de manutenção de Vigilância epidemiológica efetiva para todos os casos de paralisia aguda e flácida em menores de 14 anos de idade.

  5. Determinação de hemogregarina em Boa constrictor constrictor mantidos em cativeiro

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    Monique A. Luz


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve como objetivo determinar a presença de hemogregarina em boídeos mantidos em cativeiro no Estado do Pará, bem como, relacionar a hemoparasitose com pre-disposição sexual, alterações clínicas e hematológicas e a presença de ectoparasitos. Esta pesquisa teve autorização do Sistema de Autorização e Informação em Biodiversidade do Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis para ser realizado. Utilizaram-se 19 serpentes da família Boidae mantidas em cativeiro, pertencentes ao "Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi" (Belém/PA e "Sítio Xerimbabo" (Santo Antônio do Tauá/PA. A pesquisa de hemogregarina foi realizada em esfregaços sanguíneos examinados no aumento de 400x, enquanto que a parasitemia foi determinada contando- se 550 hemácias em aumento de 1000x. Do total de animais estudados (n=19, nove encontraram-se parasitados (47,36%, não havendo correlação entre presença de hemogregarina, pré-disposição sexual, alterações clínicas e hematológicas nas serpentes hospedeiras. A correlação da hemoparasitose foi detectada apenas quanto à presença de ectoparasitas nas serpentes, no entanto, estudos adicionais são necessários para verificar a prevalência de hemogregarinas em animais mantidos em cativeiro no Estado do Pará, visto que, existe grande lacuna de dados na literatura veterinária especializada no que diz respeito à fauna da região amazônica.

  6. RENDENÇÃO E CONFORMISMO EM UMA LINDA MULHER Redenção e conformismo em Uma Linda Mulher

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    Alexander Martins Vianna


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    Este artigo pretende demonstrar a forma como os temas da rendenção individual e do conformismo social são acionados no desenvolvimento da trama nostálgica e na caracterização dos personagens principais do filme “<em style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal;">Uma Linda Mulherem>”, assim como, visa a demonstrar o quanto que tais temas estão referidos a um <em style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal;">habitusem> <em style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal;">culturalem> que determina escolhas conjunturais de estereótipos raciais/morais e de formas estéticas que configuram um tipo de emoção para o enredo que leva à aceitação da <em style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal;">solução caridosa burguesa em>‘ style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal;">Middle Classem>’, em chave protestante, de resgate moral e mobilidade social.

    Este artigo pretende demonstrar a forma como os temas da rendenção individual e do conformismo social são acionados no desenvolvimento da trama nostálgica e na caracterização dos personagens principais do filme “<em style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal;">Uma Linda Mulherem>”, assim como, visa a demonstrar o quanto que tais temas estão referidos a um <em style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal;">habitusem> <em style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal;">culturalem> que determina escolhas conjunturais de estereótipos raciais/morais e de formas estéticas que configuram um tipo de emoção para o enredo que leva à aceitação da <em style

  7. Introgression Between Cultivars and Wild Populations of<em> Momordica charantiaem> L. (Cucurbitaceae in Taiwan

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    Yu-Chung Chiang


    Full Text Available The landrace strains of <em>Momordica charantia em>are widely cultivated vegetables throughout the tropics and subtropics, but not in Taiwan, a continental island in Southeast Asia, until a few hundred years ago. In contrast, the related wild populations with smaller fruit sizes are native to Taiwan. Because of the introduction of cultivars for agricultural purposes, these two accessions currently exhibit a sympatric or parapatric distribution in Taiwan. In this study, the cultivars<em> em>and wild samples from Taiwan, India, and Korea<em> em>were collected for testing of their hybridization and evolutionary patterns. The cpDNA marker showed a clear distinction between accessions of cultivars and wild populations of Taiwan and a long divergence time. In contrast, an analysis of eight selectively neutral nuclear microsatellite loci did not reveal a difference between the genetic structures of these two accessions. A relatively short divergence time and frequent but asymmetric gene flows were estimated based on the isolation-with-migration model. Historical and current introgression from cultivars to wild populations of Taiwan was also inferred using MIGRATE-n and BayesAss analyses. Our results showed that these two accessions shared abundant common ancestral polymorphisms, and the timing of the divergence and colonization of the Taiwanese wild populations is consistent with the geohistory of the Taiwan Strait land bridge of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM. Long-term and recurrent introgression between accessions indicated the asymmetric capacity to receive foreign genes from other accessions. The modern introduction of cultivars of <em>M>. <em>charantia> during the colonization of Taiwan by the Han Chinese ethnic group enhanced the rate of gene replacement in the native populations and resulted in the loss of native genes.

  8. Extraction Optimization of Water-Extracted Mycelial Polysaccharide from Endophytic Fungus <em>Fusarium oxysporumem> Dzf17 by Response Surface Methodology

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    Ligang Zhou


    Full Text Available Water-extracted mycelial polysaccharide (WPS from the endophytic fungus <em>Fusarium oxysporumem> Dzf17 isolated from <em>Dioscorea zingiberensisem> was found to be an efficient elicitor to enhance diosgenin accumulation in<em> D. zingigerensisem> cultures, and also demonstrated antioxidant activity. In this study, response surface methodology (RSM was employed to optimize the extraction process of WPS from <em>F>. oxysporumem> Dzf17 using Box-Behnken design (BBD. The ranges of the factors investigated were 1–3 h for extraction time (<em>X>1, 80–100 °C for extraction temperature (<em>X>2, and 20–40 (v/w for ratio of water volume (mL to raw material weight (g (<em>X>3. The experimental data obtained were fitted to a second-order polynomial equation using multiple regression analysis. Statistical analysis showed that the polynomial regression model was in good agreement with the experimental results with the determination coefficient (<em>R>2 of 0.9978. By solving the regression equation and analyzing the response surface contour plots, the extraction parameters were optimized as 1.7 h for extraction time, 95 °C for extraction temperature, 39 (v/w for ratio of water volume (mL to raw material weight (g, and with 2 extractions. The maximum value (10.862% of WPS yield was obtained when the WPS extraction process was conducted under the optimal conditions.

  9. Terapia pulpar em dentes decíduos: possibilidades terapêuticas baseadas em evidências

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    Natalino Lourenço Neto

    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A pulpotomia em dentes decíduos é uma técnica conservadora de terapia pulpar amplamente utilizada em Odontopediatria, sendo de fundamental importância para evitar a perda prematura desses dentes, quer seja por alterações provocadas pela cárie dentária ou traumatismo dentário. Apesar de ser uma técnica estudada há muitos anos, causa muitas controvérsias e discussões, principalmente em termos de biocompatibilidade dos medicamentos empregados e pelas dificuldades e falhas no diagnóstico da condição pulpar. OBJETIVO: Por meio de uma revisão sistemática da literatura, no período compreendido entre 2000 e 2011, e com enfoque em estudos clínicos randomizados, revisões sistemáticas e meta-análises, este trabalho teve como objetivo discutir, com base em evidências científicas, alternativas para o tratamento de pulpotomia em dentes decíduos humanos. CONCLUSÃO: As evidências científicas fidedignas com o uso de materiais capeadores pulpares e as técnicas de Eletrocirurgia e Laser de Baixa Potência foram escassas. Desta forma, sugere-se a realização de estudos complementares bem delineados estatisticamente para maiores esclarecimentos. As informações geradas em tais experimentos poderão contribuir para um melhor entendimento dos mecanismos da terapia pulpar, podendo gerar o desenvolvimento de protocolos com novas formas terapêuticas, que visam a melhorar a terapia pulpar em dentes decíduos.

  10. Formerly utilized MED/AEC sites remedial action program. Radiological survey of The George Herbert Jones Chemical Laboratory, The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, June 13-17, 1977

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wynveen, R.A.; Smith, W.H.; Mayes, C.B.; Justus, A.L.


    A comprehensive radiological survey was conducted at George Herbert Jones Chemical Laboratory at the University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. Radiochemistry for the MED/AEC project was performed in this building in the 1940s. The building is now used as laboratories, offices, and classrooms. The survey was undertaken to determine the location and quantities of any radioactive materials remaining from the MED/AEC operations. Forty-three spots of contamination possibly resulting from MED/AEC occupancy in 17 rooms exceeded the allowable limits as given in the ANSI Standard N13.12. Under current use conditions, the potential for radiation exposure to occupants of this building from these sources of contamination is remote. Concentrations of radon daughters in the air of the building, as measured with grab-sampling techniques, were below the limit of 0.01 WL above background as given in the Surgeon General's Guidelines. No long-lived radionuclides were detected in any air sample. Concentrations of radionuclides in soil samples from near the laboratory generally indicated background levels. In order to reduce the potential for radiation exposure, remedial measures such as stabilization of the contamination in place would be applicable as a short-term measure. In order to reduce the risk in the event that building modifications take place in the future, health physics procedures and coverage are recommended. The long-term solution would involve decontamination by removal of the radioactive residues from the 17 rooms or areas where contamination possibly resulting from MED/AEC activities was detected

  11. A bricolage na pesquisa em educação em enfermagem: Relato de experiência

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    Leonara Raddai Gunther de Campos


    Full Text Available RESUMO Introdução: Este artigo apresenta um relato de experiência sobre a utilização da bricolage em uma pesquisa educacional em enfermagem. Objetivo: Relatar a experiência do uso da bricolage. Métodos: Primeiramente, foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico sobre o termo e sua utilização em meio científico, em seguida, as autoras apresentam a experiência da aplicação do método em uma pesquisa de Mestrado em Enfermagem. A bricolage possibilitou a combinação de estratégias para a construção dos dados, como a observação participante, entrevista semiestruturada, análise documental e gravação em áudio das sessões tutoriais. A análise dos dados foi uma etapa bem peculiar e criativa, onde as autoras, amparadas pela bricolage criaram seu próprio processo de análise. Conclusões: Dentre os principais resultados são ressaltados as vantagens proporcionadas pela utilização da bricolage, como a captação dos aspectos multilógicos dos fenômenos e desafios. Implicações para a prática: Este relato contribui com novas opções metodológicas para estudos em enfermagem.

  12. Some remarks about biometric characters of skulls of <em>Hippopotamus pentlandiem> Von Meyer (Cannita Cave, Sicily and pleistocene hippopotami of Western Europe / Osservazioni sui caratteri biometrici del cranio di <em>Hippopotamus pentlandiem> Von Meyer della grotta della Cannita (Sicilia e degli ippopotami pleistocenici dell'Europa Occidentale

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    Lucia Caloi


    Full Text Available Abstract Biometric data from the examination of skulls of <em>Hippopotamus pentlandiem> Von Meyer (Canninita cave, Palermo, Sicily are compared with the data relative to the skulls of two fossil hippos of european Pleistocene and of the living species <em>Hippopotamus amphibiusem> Linnaeus. Even taking into account the inhomogeneity of the fossil specimens and the deformation suffered by the skulls of <em>H. pentlandiem> from Cannita cave, the examination confirms on one hand the stronger affinity of the sicilian species with the living <em>H. amphibiusem> and from the other hand the peculiarities that characterize this form with respect to the european continental ones. A comparative examination of the biometric characters of the skull of these latter species confirms the greater distance of <em>H. antiquusem> Desmarest from the living species. It is stressed how the relations between the less bulky Pleistocene species (<em>Hippopotamus incognitusem> Faure with <em>H. antiquusem> and with the living <em>H. amphibiusem> have not yet been completely clarified, owing both to the scantiness of the documentation and to the strong variability observed in the biometric characters of the few known skulls. It is noted how, in any case, this fossil form appears more similar to the living <em>H. amphibiusem>. For the moment its distinction at a specific level is accepted, even if with reservation, taking into account also the distinctive elements recognized in the post-cranial skeleton (FAURE, 1985, not examined here. Riassunto Vengono analizzati e posti a confronto i dati biometrici ricavati dall'analisi dei crani di <em>Hippopotamus pentlandiem> Von Heyer della Grotta della Cannita (Palermo, Sicilia, degli ippopotami fossili del Pleistocene continentale europeo e della specie vivente <em>Hippopotamus amphibiusem> Linnaeus. Vengono da un lato confermate le maggiori affinità tra <em>H. pentlandiem

  13. Enfermagem em cardiologia baseada em evidência

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    Eneida Rejane Rabelo da Silva


    Full Text Available Neste artigo apresentamos, dentro do cenário cardiovascular, estudos recentes do nosso grupo. Buscando melhores evidências de enfermagem investigamos por meio de ensaios clínicos randomizados (ECR estratégias de educação e acompanhamento destes pacientes (pctes. O primeiro ECR avaliou o impacto da educação individual e da orientação em grupo no conhecimento sobre doença e autocuidado em pctes com insuficiência cardíaca (IC. No grupo intervenção, houve uma melhora do conhecimento dos cuidados essenciais (controle de sal e da ingesta hídrica, peso diário, realização de atividade física P=0,008, demonstrando que o atendimento em grupo é semelhante ao individual. No ambiente hospitalar, segundo ECR, comparamos o efeito da educação de enfermagem e seguimento telefônico após alta versus educação sem a monitorização por telefone. Demonstramos que intervenção educativa durante a internação melhora o conhecimento da doença, autocuidado e qualidade de vida (P

  14. A new karyotype of <em>Calomyscus> from the Khorasan Province, Iran

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    Esmaeeli Somayeh


    Full Text Available Abstract We report a new karyotype of <em>Calomyscus> from two localities of the Khorasan Province (Aghdarband, 36° 11’ 3”N, 60° 44’ 6” E and Khajemorad, 36° 8’ 5” N, 59° 41’ 58” E. Chromosomes were examined by conventional staining and C-banding techniques. The diploid chromosome number (2n and the fundamental autosomal arm number (FNa were 44 and 60 respectively. The autosomal set consisted of 12 pairs of telocentrics, 5 pairs of acrocentrics and 4 pairs of sub-metacentrics. Both heterosomes were small telocentrics. Riassunto Un nuovo cariotipo del genere <em>Calomyscus> dalla provincia di Khorasan, Iran. Si descrive un nuovo cariotipo appartenente al genere <em>Calomyscus>, scoperto in due località della provincia di Khorasan (Aghdarband, 36° 11’ 3”N, 60° 44’ 6” E e Khajemorad, 36° 8’ 5” N, 59° 41’ 58” E. I cromosomi sono stati analizzati con le tecniche standard di colorazione e bandeggio. Il numero diploide di cromosomi (2n e il numero fondamentale di bracci autosomici sono risultati pari a 44 e 60 rispettivamente. Il set di cromosomi autosomici è composto da 12 paia di telocentrici, 5 di acrocentrici e 4 di sub-metacentrici. Entrambi i cromosomi sessuali si presentano come piccoli telocentrici.

  15. Protective Effect of <em>T. violaceaem> Rhizome Extract Against Hypercholesterolemia-Induced Oxidative Stress in Wistar Rats

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    Olorunnisola Sinbad Olorunnisola


    Full Text Available The present study examines the effect of methanolic extract of <em>T. violaceaem> rhizomes on high cholesterol (2% diet fed rats (HCD. At the end of 4 weeks, serum total protein, albumin, reduced glutathione (GSH, and markers of oxidative stress viz., catalase (CAT, superoxide dismutase (SOD, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS—a marker of lipid peroxidation, glutathione-S-transferase (GST and glutathione peroxidase (GPx in the serum, aorta, liver and heart of HCD and normal rats were assessed and compared. A significant (<em>p> < 0.05 elevation in TBARS, and a reduction (<em>p> < 0.05 in serum total protein, albumin, GSH and antioxidant enzyme activities was observed in tissues of HCD fed rats compared with the normal group. Co-administration of crude extracts of <em>T. violaceaem> rhizomes protected the liver, heart, serum and aorta against HCD-induced lipid peroxidation in a dose dependant manner. The activities of the extract (500 mg/kg compared favorably with gemfibrozil. The extracts also protected against HCD-induced reduction in serum total protein, GSH and restored the activities of antioxidant tissues (liver, heart and aorta enzymes to near normal values. This result suggested that consumption of <em>T. violaceaem> rhizome may help to protect against hypercholesterolemia- induced oxidative stress diseases in the heart and liver.

  16. Ultrasound-Promoted One-Pot, Three-Component Synthesis of Spiro[indoline-3,1'-pyrazolo[1,2-<em>b>]phthalazine] Derivatives<em>>

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    Daqing Shi


    Full Text Available A series of 3'-aminospiro[indoline-3,1'-pyrazolo[1,2-<em>b>]phthalazine]-2,5',10'-trione derivatives have been synthesized by a one-pot three-component reaction of isatin, malononitrile or ethyl cyanoacetate and phthalhydrazide catalyzed by piperidine under ultrasound irradiation. For comparison the reactions were carried out under both conventional and ultrasonic conditions. In general, improvement in rates and yields were observed when the reactions were carried out under sonication compared with classical conditions.

  17. Chemical Composition of Essential Oils of <em>Litsea cubebaem> Harvested from Its Distribution Areas in China

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    Qinqin Cui


    Full Text Available <em>Litsea cubebaem> (Lour. Pers. is a promising industrial crop with fruits rich in essential oils. The chemical composition of essential oils of <em>L. cubebaem> (EOLC were determined for fruits harvested from eight regions in China. The overall essential oil content, obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS, ranged from 3.04% to 4.56%. In total, 59 compounds were identified, the dominant components being monoterpenes (94.4–98.4%, represented mainly by neral and geranial (78.7–87.4%. D-Limonene was unexpectedly a lesser constituent (0.7–5.3% in fruits, which differed from previous reports (6.0–14.6%. Several components were only detected in certain regions and compounds such as <em>o>-cymene and eremophilene have never before been reported in EOLC. These results demonstrate significant regional variation in the chemical composition of EOLC. This investigation provides important information with regard to the bioactivity, breeding work and industrial applications of <em>L. cubebaem>.

  18. Sinularones A–I, New Cyclopentenone and Butenolide Derivatives from a Marine Soft Coral <em>Sinularia> sp. and Their Antifouling Activity

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    Leen van Ofwegen


    Full Text Available Nine new compounds, namely sinularones A–I (19, characterized as cyclopentenone and butenolide-type analogues, were isolated from a soft coral <em>Sinularia> sp., together with a known butenolide (10. Their structures were elucidated by means of spectroscopic (IR, MS, 1D and 2D NMR, CD analysis. The absolute configurations were determined on the basis of CD and specific rotation data in association with the computed electronic circular dichroism (ECD by time dependent density functional theory (TD DFT at 6-31+G(<em>d,p>//DFT B3LYP/6-31+G(<em>d,p> level. Compounds 12 and 710 showed potent antifouling activities against the barnacle <em>Balanus amphitriteem>.

  19. Estimativa do plastocrono em meloeiro (Cucumis melo L. cultivado em estufa plástica em diferentes épocas do ano

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    Streck Nereu Augusto


    Full Text Available O meloeiro (Cucumis melo L. é uma hortaliça de alto valor econômico. A emissão de nós é um componente importante em modelos matemáticos de simulação do crescimento e desenvolvimento de culturas de hábito de crescimento decumbente como o meloeiro e outras cucurbitáceas. A emissão de nós pode ser calculada utilizando-se o conceito do plastocrono, que é o intervalo de tempo entre o aparecimento de nós sucessivos em uma haste de dicotiledôneas. Quando a soma térmica é usada como medida de tempo fisiológico em plantas, o plastocrono tem como unidades degreesC dia nó-1. Estudos anteriores mostraram que o plastocrono em meloeiro varia com o genótipo e a época de cultivo. Este trabalho teve por objetivo estimar o plastocrono em meloeiro transplantado em diferentes épocas de cultivo no interior de estufa plástica. Foram realizadas 12 épocas de semeadura e transplante no interior de uma estufa plástica de 10m X 25m, coberta com polietileno transparente de baixa densidade, localizada no Campo Experimental do Departamento de Fitotecnia da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS. O híbrido utilizado foi o HY-MARK (grupo Cantaloupe. Em 12 plantas etiquetadas por época de transplante, contou-se o número de nós visíveis (NN na haste principal da planta duas vezes por semana. A soma térmica diária (STd, degreesC dia foi calculada levando-se em conta as temperaturas cardinais de aparecimento de nós em meloeiro (10, 34 e 45degreesC. A soma térmica acumulada (STa, degreesC dia, a partir da data de transplante das plântulas, foi calculada somando-se a STd. O plastocrono foi calculado como sendo o inverso do coeficiente angular da regressão linear entre NN e STa para cada época. O plastocrono calculado variou entre as épocas de cultivo de 13,4 a 21,8degreesC dia nó-1, com um valor médio de 18,6 (?2,3degreesC dia nó-1. Esta diferença de plastocrono entre as épocas de cultivo pode representar vários dias do calendário civil

  20. Antibacterial Secondary Metabolites from the Cave Sponge <em>Xestospongia em>sp.

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    Sridevi Ankisetty


    Full Text Available Chemical investigation of the cave sponge <em>Xestospongia em>sp. resulted in the isolation of three new polyacetylenic long chain compounds along with two known metabolites. The structures of the new metabolites were established by NMR and MS analyses. The antibacterial activity of the new metabolites was also evaluated.


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    Tássio Dresch Rech


    Full Text Available A intensidade de dormência e o requerimento em frio do vimeiro (Salix x rubens Shrank foram avaliados pelo método de estacas de gema isolada. As observações foram realizadas em ramos coletados em Lages, SC, a intervalos regulares de 21 dias, de 29/03/2004 a 2/08/2004. A brotação de gemas dos segmentos basal, mediano e distal de ramos do ano foi avaliada na ausência ou após suplementação de frio (500 ou de 1000 horas a 5  3ºC. A brotação de gemas foi avaliada nos estádios: a gemas inchadas; b início da abertura das gemas; c broto alongado e; d broto alongado com folha aberta. A intensidade de dormência das gemas foi crescente da base para a ponta dos ramos e foi máxima em 10 de maio, para todas as regiões do ramo. O tratamento com 500 horas de frio foi efetivo em reduzir o tempo para a brotação, em todas as épocas e posições das gemas no ramo. A avaliação até o aparecimento de folhas abertas foi importante para identificar a real capacidade de brotação das gemas.

  2. Selezione invernale dell'habitat e densità del cervo (<em>Cervus elaphusem> e del capriolo (<em>Capreolus capreolusem> nel Parco Nazionale d'Abruzzo

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    R. Latini


    Full Text Available Nel Parco Nazionale d'Abruzzo è stata studiata la selezione dell'habitat invernale di cervo e capriolo da aprile a maggio del 2000 e del 2002, in un'area caratterizzata da boschi di faggio, rimboschimenti a pino nero e pascoli. È stata utilizzata la tecnica del <em>pellet group countem>, su transetti lineari larghi 2 metri, individuati ogni 100 m di quota, lungo le isoipse da 1350 a 1950 m s.l.m. Sono stati percorsi 61 km ed è stata campionata un'area di 12 ha. Per ogni gruppo di escrementi (1583 per il cervo e 946 per il capriolo sono state rilevate l'altitudine, la pendenza, l'esposizione e il tipo di vegetazione. È stato assunto che tutti gli habitat fossero ugualmente disponibili ed accessibili e che le disponibilita fossero conosciute (Alldredge <em>et al.em>, 1998. I dati raccolti sono stati elaborati applicando il test del Χ², la statistica di Bonferroni (Neu <em>et al.em>, 1974 e l'indice Jacobs (Jacobs, 1974. Il cervo ha selezionato aree comprese tra 1300 e 1500 m s.l.m. (p<0.01, un range altimetrico più ristretto rispetto al capriolo che seleziona anche le quote piu elevate, comprese cioè tra 1300 e 1700 m s.l.m. (p<0.01. Entrambi i cervidi selezionano le zone più scoscese (21°-60° (p<0.01: Il cervo seleziona le classi d'esposizione comprese tra sud-est ed ovest (p<0.01, mentre il capriolo i versanti sud-ovest e ovest (p<0.01. Entrambe le specie preferiscono ambienti di transizione ed evitano le zone di bosco maturo ed i pascoli d'alta quota (p<0.01. Utilizzando il tasso di defecazione è stata calcolata la densità delle due specie (Mayle, 1999 che è risultata di 2.7 cervi/100 ha e 1.0 caprioli/100 ha. Le due specie selezionano le stesse risorse, suggerendo, così come riscontrato da altri autori (Welch, 1989, una convergenza per quanto riguarda l'uso invernale dell'habitat. La scelta d'aree poste a quote medio-basse, di zone scoscese e di versanti meridionali potrebbe essere legata alla minore altezza e persistenza

  3. Entrevistas devolutivas em pesquisa em avaliação Psicológica


    Nunes, Maiana Farias Oliveira; Noronha, Ana Paula Porto; Ambiel, Rodolfo Augusto Matteo


    Apesar de ser um direito dos participantes, não é comum se observar ações de devolução dos resultados de pesquisas em Psicologia com seres humanos. O presente trabalho consiste em um relato de experiência que tem como objetivo apresentar um processo de devolutiva de dados coletados para um projeto de doutorado, com foco na construção de um instrumento para uso em orientação profissional. Os participantes da pesquisa foram 747 estudantes dos ensinos médio e técnico, de escolas públicas e parti...

  4. Conjuntivite em animais de companhia


    Gonçalves, Mariana Inês Pereira Coelho


    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária, Ciências Veterinárias A conjuntivite é a doença ocular mais frequentemente diagnosticada em Medicina Veterinária, tanto em cães como em gatos. O facto de a conjuntiva ser uma membrana mucosa tão exposta a agentes externos faz com que esteja bastante suscetível a sofrer lesões, com consequente inflamação. Nesta dissertação abordam-se os diferentes tipos de conjuntivite, que são classificados de acordo com a sua etiologia. No Hospita...


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    Eliane Christina Souza


    Full Text Available The <em>Parmenides> is known as the dialogue in which Plato makes a criticism of his theory of forms. Through paradoxes, the character Parmenides criticizes the theory of forms presented by Socrates in the dialogue, targeting the relation they have with sensibles and with each other, call for participation, and the discoursive consequences of this relation. I present a reading of the Parmenides that suggests that the self-criticism points out inconsistencies in the Platonic theory of participation as it is presented in the Parmenides, and that will be corrected later in the Sophist.O <em>Parmênides> é conhecido como o diálogo em que Platão faz uma crítica de sua teoria das formas. Através de paradoxos, a personagem Parmênides critica a teoria das formas apresentada por Sócrates no diálogo, tendo como alvo a relação que as formas mantêm com os sensíveis e entre si, chamada de participação, e as consequências discursivas dessa relação. Eu apresento uma leitura do <em>Parmênides> que sugere que a autocrítica platônica aponta inconsistências na teoria da participação tal como ela é apresentada no <em>Parmênides> e que serão corrigidas posteriormente no <em>Sofista>.

  6. Extrinsic and Intrinsic Frequency Dispersion of High-<em>k> Materials in Capacitance-Voltage Measurements

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    S. Taylor


    Full Text Available In capacitance-voltage (C-V measurements, frequency dispersion in high-<em>k> dielectrics is often observed. The frequency dependence of the dielectric constant (<em>k>-value, that is the intrinsic frequency dispersion, could not be assessed before suppressing the effects of extrinsic frequency dispersion, such as the effects of the lossy interfacial layer (between the high-<em>k> thin film and silicon substrate and the parasitic effects. The effect of the lossy interfacial layer on frequency dispersion was investigated and modeled based on a dual frequency technique. The significance of parasitic effects (including series resistance and the back metal contact of the metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS capacitor on frequency dispersion was also studied. The effect of surface roughness on frequency dispersion is also discussed. After taking extrinsic frequency dispersion into account, the relaxation behavior can be modeled using the Curie-von Schweidler (CS law, the Kohlrausch-Williams-Watts (KWW relationship and the Havriliak-Negami (HN relationship. Dielectric relaxation mechanisms are also discussed.

  7. Enteroparasitoses em manipuladores de alimentos de escolas públicas em Uberlândia (Minas Gerais, Brasil

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    Carlos Henrique A. de Rezende


    Full Text Available Procedeu-se ao controle das enteroparasitoses em manipuladores de alimentos de escolas públicas de primeiro grau de Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, a partir de estudo prospectivo baseado em inquérito parasitológico. Foram acompanhados 264 indivíduos de 57 escolas, com três coletas de fezes (C, sendo C1 em setembro de 1989, C2 em abril de 1990 e C3 em setembro de 1990. Entre os participantes 259 eram do sexo feminino e cinco do sexo masculino, com idades entre 20 e 66 anos. As 792 amostras de fezes foram conservadas em formol a 10% e analisadas pelo método de Hoffman, Pons e Janer. A ocorrência de parasitas intestinais foi de 17, 10 e 10% para C1, C2, e C3, respectivamente. Em C1 detectou-se: Giardia lamblia (8%, ancilostomídeos (6%, Ascaris lumbricoides (3%, Entamoeba histolytica, (2%, Strongyloides stercoralis, Hymenolepis nana, Taenia sp. e Trichuris trichiura (menos de 1% cada um deles. Em C2 detectou-se: ancilostomídeos (5%, G. lamblia (2%, A. lumbricoides (1%, S. stercoralis, H. nana, Taenia sp., Enterobius vermicularis (menos de 1% cada um deles. Em C3 observou-se: ancilostomídeos (5%, G. lamblia (3%, A. lumbricoides (2%, S. stercoralis e E. vermicularis (menos de 1% cada um deles. Os indivíduos infectados receberam tratamento específico após o diagnóstico em cada coleta. Recomendamos a implantação de vigilância epidemiológica através do exame parasitológico periódico, tratamento específico e treinamento sobre manejo higiênico de alimentos e higiene pessoal para todos os manipuladores de alimentos.

  8. <em>In Situem> Fabrication of AlN Coating by Reactive Plasma Spraying of Al/AlN Powder

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    Mohammed Shahien


    Full Text Available Reactive plasma spraying is a promising technology for the <em>in situem> formation of aluminum nitride (AlN coatings. Recently, it became possible to fabricate cubic-AlN-(<em>c>-AlN based coatings through reactive plasma spraying of Al powder in an ambient atmosphere. However, it was difficult to fabricate a coating with high AlN content and suitable thickness due to the coalescence of the Al particles. In this study, the influence of using AlN additive (<em>h>-AlN to increase the AlN content of the coating and improve the reaction process was investigated. The simple mixing of Al and AlN powders was not suitable for fabricating AlN coatings through reactive plasma spraying. However, it was possible to prepare a homogenously mixed, agglomerated and dispersed Al/AlN mixture (which enabled in-flight interaction between the powder and the surrounding plasma by wet-mixing in a planetary mill. Increasing the AlN content in the mixture prevented coalescence and increased the nitride content gradually. Using 30 to 40 wt% AlN was sufficient to fabricate a thick (more than 200 µm AlN coating with high hardness (approximately 1000 Hv. The AlN additive prevented the coalescence of Al metal and enhanced post-deposition nitriding through N2 plasma irradiation by allowing the nitriding species in the plasma to impinge on a larger Al surface area. Using AlN as a feedstock additive was found to be a suitable method for fabricating AlN coatings by reactive plasma spraying. Moreover, the fabricated coatings consist of hexagonal (<em>h>-AlN, <em>c>-AlN (rock-salt and zinc-blend phases and certain oxides: aluminum oxynitride (Al5O6N, cubic sphalerite Al23O27N5 (ALON and Al2O3. The zinc-blend <em>c>-AlN and ALON phases were attributed to the transformation of the <em>h>-AlN feedstock during the reactive plasma spraying. Thus, the zinc-blend<em> cem


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    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a incidência em várias partes da planta e o desenvolvimento da antracnose do caquizeiro causada por Colletotrichum horiinas cultivares Fuyu e Kakimel produzidas sob os sistemas orgânico e convencional, respectivamente, nas safras de 2010/2011 e 2011/2012, em Campina Grande do Sul, Paraná, Brasil. Em cada pomar, 10 plantas foram selecionadas aleatoriamente, e 10 ramos do ano por planta, distribuídos ao redor dacopa, foram marcados para as avaliações de incidência de antracnose em ramos e folhas, a cada 15 dias. A quantificação de frutos caídos com ou sem sintomas da doença foi a cada 15 dias, durante o período de crescimento de frutos até a colheita, relacionada com a produção total. C. horii em flores foi avaliada em campo e também após incubação no laboratório. Infecção latente foi observada em frutos verdes coletados aos 90; 120 e 150 dias após a floração. Em ambas as safras, observou-se a queda de frutos com sintomas de antracnose entre os meses de janeiro e abril. C. horii é capaz de infectar flores, permanecer latente e provocar sintomas de antracnose em frutos imaturos. Frutos colhidos sadios apresentaram sintomas em pós-colheita após a incubação.

  10. EMS applications integration in a SCADA; Integracion de aplicaciones EMS en un SCADA

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    Roses, Rodolfo; Colome, D.G.; Orduna, E.; Vega, C. de la; Camisay, G. [Universidad Nacional de San Juan (Argentina). Inst. de Energia Electrica]. E-mail:


    This paper presents the methodology to integrate EMS (Energy Management System) functions in a SCADA system (System Control and Data Acquisition). The implementation methodology of the EMS applications has included the design and database implementation, EMS-SCADA communication, results presentation, logics definition of execution and processing ways. The applications portability characteristics allow integration with different SCADA system with some adaptations on the data communication interface. Thus, a open system has been obtained and implemented successfully in the control center of an Argentine 132 kV network.

  11. Effect of Calcium and Potassium on Antioxidant System of <em>Vicia fabaem> L. Under Cadmium Stress

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    Hayssam M. Ali


    Full Text Available Cadmium (Cd in soil poses a major threat to plant growth and productivity. In the present experiment, we studied the effect of calcium (Ca2+ and/or potassium (K+ on the antioxidant system, accumulation of proline (Pro, malondialdehyde (MDA, and content of photosynthetic pigments, cadmium (Cd and nutrients, <em>i.e.>, Ca2+ and K+ in leaf of <em>Vicia faba em>L. (cv. TARA under Cd stress. Plants grown in the presence of Cd exhibited reduced growth traits [root length (RL plant−1, shoot length (SL plant−1, root fresh weight (RFW plant−1, shoot fresh weight (SFW plant−1, root dry weight (RDW plant−1 and shoot dry weight (SDW plant−1] and concentration of Ca2+, K+, Chlorophyll (Chl <em>a> and Chl <em>b em>content, except content of MDA, Cd and (Pro. The antioxidant enzymes [peroxidase (POD and superoxide dismutase (SOD] slightly increased as compared to control under Cd stress. However, a significant improvement was observed in all growth traits and content of Ca2+, K+, Chl <em>a>, Chl <em>b em>,Pro and activity of antioxidant enzymes catalase (CAT, POD and SOD in plants subjected to Ca2+ and/or K+. The maximum alleviating effect was recorded in the plants grown in medium containing Ca2+ and K+ together. This study indicates that the application of Ca2+ and/or K+ had a significant and synergistic effect on plant growth. Also, application of Ca2+ and/or K+ was highly effective against the toxicity of Cd by improving activity of antioxidant enzymes and solute that led to the enhanced plant growth of faba bean plants.

  12. Uso de digital em idosos admitidos em unidade de geriatria de um hospital geral

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    Cunha Ulisses Gabriel de Vasconcelos


    Full Text Available OBJETVO: Detectar a freqüência da prescrição do digital, assim como as suas indicações, em idosos admitidos em unidade de geriatria de um hospital geral. MÉTODOS: Foram investigados, consecutivamente, 130 pacientes não selecionados, de ambos os sexos (100 mulheres e 30 homens, com idades > ou = 65 (média 80±9 anos. Os pacientes foram avaliados através de exame clínico completo, rotina básica de sangue, radiografia simples de tórax, eletrocardiograma e ecocardiograma Doppler. Baseados na avaliação clínica e exames complementares, o uso do digital foi considerado adequado, questionável ou inadequado. RESULTADOS: Estavam em uso de digital 27,6% dos pacientes. A indicação foi considerada adequada em 36,1%, questionável em 11,1% e inadequada em 52,7%. CONCLUSÃO: Uma alta prevalência de prescrição do digital foi detectada nos idosos admitidos, sendo que a maior parte a adotava por razões consideradas inadequadas ou questionáveis. Devido ao risco aumentado de intoxicação digitálica nessa faixa etária, a droga deveria ser prescrita sob indicações mais criteriosas.

  13. Estratégias de marketing no fitness: estudo de caso da Vivafit em Portugal e em Singapura


    Silva, Sara Durão da


    Mestrado em Gestão do Desporto - Organizações Desportivas Este estudo pretende aferir as diferenças na elaboração das estratégias de marketing de uma empresa da área do fitness, actuante em diferentes países (nomeadamente em países emergentes) ao nível dos Quatro Pilares do Marketing (4 P.): a) produto, b) promoção, c) local, d) preço. Esta pesquisa é num estudo de caso de uma empresa nacional: a Vivafit, comparandose as estratégias utilizadas em Portugal e em Singapura. For...

  14. Notas sobre a construção da antropologia no Brasil

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    Sílvio Coelho dos Santos

    Full Text Available Resumo A antropologia brasileira tem diferentes marcos e, também, diversos heróis fundadores. Destaco a fundação da Universidade de São Paulo, em 1934, por ter possibilitado a contratação, entre outros, dos professores Claude Lévi-Strauss, Radcliffe-Brown, Donald Pierson e Emílio Willems, que foram, junto com Herbert Baldus, responsáveis pela inspiração e formação de profissionais como Darcy Ribeiro, Egon Schaden, Florestan Fernandes e Roberto Cardoso de Oliveira. Fora deste contexto, lembramos Curt Nimuendajú, o maior de nossos etnógrafos, e Gilberto Freyre e Eduardo Galvão, este último o primeiro brasileiro a obter o PhD em Antropologia. A Antropologia Social como entendemos hoje, cresce e se afirma como campo de conhecimento, a partir da Reforma Universitária de 1970, com a generalização dos programas de Pós-Graduação. Roberto Cardoso de Oliveira teve, antes deste momento, a iniciativa de implantar no Museu Nacional (RJ, um extenso Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social, cuja primeira experiência ocorreu ainda como especialização, em I960. Na Região Sul, o desenvolvimento da Antropologia, a partir dos anos cinqüenta, teve suas especificidades. Dois médicos e um padre foram os primeiros catedráticos da disciplina.

  15. PREFACE: EmQM13: Emergent Quantum Mechanics 2013 (United States)


    these proceedings represent the talks of the invited speakers as written immediately after the symposium. The volume starts with a contribution by organizers Jan Walleczek and Gerhard Grössing, essentially explaining why emergent quantum mechanics, and other deterministic approaches to quantum theory, must be considered viable approaches in quantum foundations today. This is followed by the exposition of Stephen Adler's talk who introduced to a general audience key questions at the current frontiers of quantum mechanics during the opening evening (with the contents of his conference talk appearing elsewhere). The conference proceedings then continues with the presentations as given in their chronological order i.e. starting with the opening talk of the scientific program by Gerard 't Hooft. While the page number was restricted for all invited speakers, the paper by Jeff Tollaksen was given more space, as his invited collaborator Yakir Aharonov was unable to deliver a separate talk, in order to represent both contributions in one paper. Note that the talks of all speakers, including the talks of those who could not be represented in this volume (M. Arndt, B. Braverman, C. Brukner, S. Colin, Y. Couder, B. Poirier, A. Steinberg, G. Weihs and H. Wiseman) are freely available on the conference website as video presentations ( The organizers wish to express their gratitude to Siegfried Fussy and Herbert Schwabl from AINS for the organizational support. The organizers also wish to thank Bruce Fetzer, President and CEO, John E. Fetzer Memorial Trust, and the Members of the Board of Trustees, for their strong support and for funding this symposium. We also wish to thank the Austrian Academy of Sciences for allowing the symposium to be held on their premises, and Anton Zeilinger, President of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, for his welcome address. The expertise of the Members of the Scientific Advisory Board of the EmQM13 symposium, Ana Maria Cetto

  16. 75 FR 14656 - Qualification of Drivers; Exemption Applications; Vision (United States)


    ... shows no crashes and no convictions for moving violations in a CMV. Herbert C. Hirsch Mr. Hirsch, 63..., Mr. Herbert Hirsch has full function of his remaining eye and I feel he has sufficient vision to perform the driving tasks required for operating a commercial vehicle.'' Mr. Hirsch reported that he has...

  17. Phenolics and Flavonoids Compounds, Phenylanine Ammonia Lyase and Antioxidant Activity Responses to Elevated CO2 in <em>Labisia pumilaem> (Myrisinaceae

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    Hawa Z.E. Jaafar


    Full Text Available A split plot 3 × 3 experiment was designed to examine the impact of three concentrations of CO2 (400, 800 and 1,200 µmol·mol−1 on the phenolic and flavonoid compound profiles, phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL and antioxidant activity in three varieties of <em>Labisia pumilaem> Benth. (var. <em>alata,> pumila em>and> lanceolataem> after 15 weeks of exposure. HPLC analysis revealed a strong influence of increased CO2 concentration on the modification of phenolic and flavonoid profiles, whose intensity depended on the interaction between CO2 levels and <em>L. pumilaem> varieties. Gallic acid and quercetin were the most abundant phenolics and flavonoids commonly present in all the varieties. With elevated CO2 (1,200 µmol·mol−1 exposure, gallic acid increased tremendously, especially in var. <em>alata> and <em>pumila em>(101–111%, whilst a large quercetin increase was noted in var. <em>lanceolata> (260%, followed closely by <em>alata> (201%. Kaempferol, although detected under ambient CO2 conditions, was undetected in all varieties after exposure. Instead, caffeic acid was enhanced tremendously in var. <em>alata> (338~1,100% and <em>pumila em>(298~433%. Meanwhile, pyragallol and rutin were only seen in var. <em>alata> (810 µg·g−1 DW and <em>pumila> (25 µg·g−1 DW, respectively, under ambient conditions; but the former compound went undetected in all varieties while rutin continued to increase by 262% after CO2 enrichment. Interestingly, naringenin that was present in all varieties under ambient conditions went undetected under enrichment, except for var. <em>pumila em>where it was enhanced by 1,100%. PAL activity, DPPH and FRAP also increased with increasing CO2 levels implying the possible improvement of health-promoting quality of Malaysian <em>L. pumilaem

  18. Estudo sobre variações em métodos de análise de compostos fibrosos em alimentos


    Gomes, Daiany Iris


    A presente tese foi elaborada com base quatro artigos científicos. No primeiro artigo objetivou-se avaliar os teores de fibra insolúvel em detergente neutro (FDN) e de fibra insolúvel em detergente ácido (FDA) em alimentos volumosos e concentrados e em fezes bovinas utilizando-se sacos filtrantes sob dois diferentes ambientes físicos de extração: pressurizado e não pressurizado. Vinte amostras de cada material foram utilizadas. Os conteúdos obtidos em diferentes ambientes foram comparados po...

  19. Fatores de risco cardiovascular em alcoolistas em tratamento

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    Mayla Cardoso Fernandes Toffolo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a presença de fatores de risco cardiovascular, com ênfase na hipertensão e na adiposidade corporal, em alcoolistas abstinentes ou não abstinentes em tratamento. MÉTODO: Trata-se de um estudo transversal com 65 pacientes alcoolistas em tratamento no CAP-Sad. O grau de dependência do álcool foi avaliado pelo SADD (Short Alcohol Dependence Data e o uso de outras drogas, pelo ASSIST (Alcohol Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test. Foram avaliados o perfil bioquímico e o antropométrico dos usuários. RESULTADOS: Participaram do estudo 42 homens e 23 mulheres. A maioria dos participantes (67,74% apresentou dependência alcoólica grave, com uso de álcool associado principalmente a cigarro (66,15%. A média da circunferência da cintura (CC foi significativamente maior entre os abstinentes, em comparação aos não abstinentes (AB: 88,15 ± 15,95 x NA: 81,04 ± 9,86; p = 0,03. Pacientes abstinentes há mais tempo tiveram maior sobrepeso/obesidade e adiposidade abdominal (CC do que os não abstinentes e abstinentes recentes, com razão de chances de 5,25. Os abstinentes apresentaram razão de chances de 3,38 para %GC acima da média, independente do tempo de abstinência. CONCLUSÃO: Pacientes alcoolistas abstinentes apresentam mais sobrepeso/ obesidade, adiposidade corporal (%GC e abdominal (CC do que os não abstinentes. É importante o acompanhamento multiprofissional no tratamento de alcoolistas com abordagem para fatores de risco cardiovasculares, principalmente evitando o ganho de peso.

  20. Sightings of <em>Delphinus delphisem> (Cetacea, Odontoceti in the Otranto Channel (Southern Adriatic Sea and Northern Ionian Sea / Avvistamenti di <em>Delphinus delphisem> (Cetacea, Odontoceti nel Canale d'Otranto (Mar Adriatico Meridionale e Mar Ionio Settentrionale

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    Francesco Maria Angelici


    Full Text Available Abstract Two sightings of Common dolphin <em>Delphinus delphisem> in the Channel of Otranto are reported, and the status of this species in the Mediterranean Sea is briefly discussed. Riassunto Sono riportati due avvistamenti di Delfino comune <em>Delphinus delphisem> nel Canale d'Otranto, lungo la costa greca e quella italiana. Viene inoltre brevemente commentata la frequenza degli avvistamenti e degli spiaggiamenti di tale specie nel Mar Mediterraneo.

  1. Anxiety and Politics

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    Franz L Neumann


    Franz Leopold Neumann (1900-1954 was a political theorist associated with the Frankfurt School. He obtained a doctoral degree in legal studies at the University of Frankfurt with the dissertation „Rechtsphilosophische Einleitung zu einer Abhandlung über das Verhältnis von Staat und Strafe“ (A Legal-Philosophical Introduction to A Treatise on the Relationship between the State and Punishment. Neumann became the German Social Democratic Party’s (SPD main legal advisor at a time when the Nazis and Hitler gained strength in Germany. At the time when Hitler came to power in 1933, the legal office had to be closed and Neumann had to flee from Germany. In London, he in 1936 obtained his second doctoral degree from the London School of Economics with the work “The Governance of the Rule of Law” under the supervision of Harold Laski and Karl Mannheim. Neumann moved to New York in 1936, where he became a member of the Institute of Social Research (also known as the “Frankfurt School” that was then in exile in the USA. In 1942, he started working for the Office of Strategic Service (OSS, where he together with Herbert Marcuse and Otto Kirchheimer analysed Nazi Germany. In 1942, Neumann published his main book is Behemoth: The Structure and Practice of National Socialism, 1933–1944 (2nd, updated edition published in 1944, one of the most profound analyses of Nazi Germany’s political economy and ideology. Franz L. Neumann died in 1954 in a car accident.

  2. An analysis of totalitarian consciousness in Frankfurt School socio-critical theory

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    O. O. Demura


    Full Text Available In the article there were analyzed the main ideas of Frankfurt School representatives, namely Theodor. W. Adorno, Max Horkheimer, Herbert Marcuse, Erich Fromm. The author attempted to identify the main causes of neototalitarianism formation and the formation of totalitarian regime in the 20th century. In the attempt the author based on the main researches and fundamental works of Frankfurt school representatives. It was established an interdependency between the Enlightenment practice and the mythologizing of consciousness; the role of culture was determined. The role of ideological system as one of the forms of social mythology was described. It was established the regularity between ‘happy consciousness’ of the Consumer Society and myths and ideological system effecting rooting in the society mass consciousness of the 20th century. The relevance of the article is determined by the need for critical thinking of the development of totalitarian states culture that today is becoming obvious. An awareness of the fact that social consciousness of post-Soviet states still guided by myths that were created and instituted by totalitarian culture makes us serious study of the problems mythologizing of consciousness and ideological influence. Therefore the deliverance from prejudice and the transition to a new round of democratic society is not possible without studying the formations foundations of mass society and the functions of culture in it. Moreover, the solution of modernity global problems and the transition on qualitatively new round of social and cultural development is impossible without definition of conditions that identified the construction of Western civilization.

  3. Associativismo negro em terras sulinas: das irmandades aos clubes para negros em Pelotas (1820-1943

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    Fernanda Oliveira da Silva


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa as associações negras pelotenses que permitiram a constituição de uma identidade negra positiva percebida em relação direta com o contexto relacional vivenciado em âmbito nacional e internacional. Destacamos ainda a busca por um entrelaçamento entre diferentes associações tendo como ponto em comum a identificação racial mediada pela busca por uma posição social diferenciada. Diretamente vinculado ao período do pós-Abolição almejava-se a cidadania em uma sociedade ainda muito preconceituosa racialmente. A delimitação espacial focaliza o estudo na cidade de Pelotas, localizada no extremo sul do Rio Grande do Sul, entre os anos de 1820 a 1943. Tem inicio com a criação da primeira irmandade negra em 1820. Dentre as associações destacamos o surgimento dos clubes sociais negros (1917-1931 e suas atividades em conjunto, com ênfase para o surgimento da Frente Negra Pelotense (1933 e a busca por uma identidade racial que fosse comungada por todo o grupo negro local.

  4. Vitamina A em dieta de juvenis de pacu cultivados em tanques-rede

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    Arcangelo Augusto Signor


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da suplementação de vitamina A na alimentação de juvenis de pacu cultivados em tanques-rede. Foram utilizados 2.000 peixes, com peso inicial médio de 66,93±15,03 g, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em 20 tanques-rede de 5,0 m³, com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. As rações foram formuladas com 0, 3.000, 6.000, 9.000 e 12.000 UI de vitamina A por quilograma de dieta, por meio da suplementação com acetato de retinol. O arraçoamento foi realizado às 8:30, 13:30 e 17:30 h, até a saciedade aparente dos animais. Não foram observadas diferenças quanto aos parâmetros de desempenho produtivo, rendimento e composição química da carcaça, e aos parâmetros hematológicos e lipídios no fígado dos peixes que foram alimentados com diferentes níveis de vitamina A. A suplementação de vitamina A em dietas para juvenis de pacu criados em tanques-rede não influencia o desempenho produtivo dos peixes.

  5. WE-A-201-00: Anne and Donald Herbert Distinguished Lectureship On Modern Statistical Modeling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Chris Marshall: Memorial Introduction Donald Edmonds Herbert Jr., or Don to his colleagues and friends, exemplified the “big tent” vision of medical physics, specializing in Applied Statistics and Dynamical Systems theory. He saw, more clearly than most, that “Making models is the difference between doing science and just fooling around [ref Woodworth, 2004]”. Don developed an interest in chemistry at school by “reading a book” - a recurring theme in his story. He was awarded a Westinghouse Science scholarship and attended the Carnegie Institute of Technology (later Carnegie Mellon University) where his interest turned to physics and led to a BS in Physics after transfer to Northwestern University. After (voluntary) service in the Navy he earned his MS in Physics from the University of Oklahoma, which led him to Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore to pursue a PhD. The early death of his wife led him to take a salaried position in the Physics Department of Colorado College in Colorado Springs so as to better care for their young daughter. There, a chance invitation from Dr. Juan del Regato to teach physics to residents at the Penrose Cancer Hospital introduced him to Medical Physics, and he decided to enter the field. He received his PhD from the University of London (UK) under Prof. Joseph Rotblat, where I first met him, and where he taught himself statistics. He returned to Penrose as a clinical medical physicist, also largely self-taught. In 1975 he formalized an evolving interest in statistical analysis as Professor of Radiology and Head of the Division of Physics and Statistics at the College of Medicine of the University of South Alabama in Mobile, AL where he remained for the rest of his career. He also served as the first Director of their Bio-Statistics and Epidemiology Core Unit working in part on a sickle-cell disease. After retirement he remained active as Professor Emeritus. Don served for several years as a consultant to the Nuclear

  6. WE-A-201-00: Anne and Donald Herbert Distinguished Lectureship On Modern Statistical Modeling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Chris Marshall: Memorial Introduction Donald Edmonds Herbert Jr., or Don to his colleagues and friends, exemplified the “big tent” vision of medical physics, specializing in Applied Statistics and Dynamical Systems theory. He saw, more clearly than most, that “Making models is the difference between doing science and just fooling around [ref Woodworth, 2004]”. Don developed an interest in chemistry at school by “reading a book” - a recurring theme in his story. He was awarded a Westinghouse Science scholarship and attended the Carnegie Institute of Technology (later Carnegie Mellon University) where his interest turned to physics and led to a BS in Physics after transfer to Northwestern University. After (voluntary) service in the Navy he earned his MS in Physics from the University of Oklahoma, which led him to Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore to pursue a PhD. The early death of his wife led him to take a salaried position in the Physics Department of Colorado College in Colorado Springs so as to better care for their young daughter. There, a chance invitation from Dr. Juan del Regato to teach physics to residents at the Penrose Cancer Hospital introduced him to Medical Physics, and he decided to enter the field. He received his PhD from the University of London (UK) under Prof. Joseph Rotblat, where I first met him, and where he taught himself statistics. He returned to Penrose as a clinical medical physicist, also largely self-taught. In 1975 he formalized an evolving interest in statistical analysis as Professor of Radiology and Head of the Division of Physics and Statistics at the College of Medicine of the University of South Alabama in Mobile, AL where he remained for the rest of his career. He also served as the first Director of their Bio-Statistics and Epidemiology Core Unit working in part on a sickle-cell disease. After retirement he remained active as Professor Emeritus. Don served for several years as a consultant to the Nuclear

  7. Regional Suppression of <em>Bactrocera> Fruit Flies (Diptera: Tephritidae in the Pacific through Biological Control and Prospects for Future Introductions into Other Areas of the World

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    Roger I. Vargas


    Full Text Available <em>Bactrocera> fruit fly species are economically important throughout the Pacific. The USDA, ARS U.S. Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center has been a world leader in promoting biological control of <em>Bactrocera> spp. that includes classical, augmentative, conservation and IPM approaches. In Hawaii, establishment of <em>Bactrocera> <em>cucurbitae> (Coquillett in 1895 resulted in the introduction of the most successful parasitoid, <em>Psyttalia> <em>fletcheri> (Silvestri; similarly, establishment of <em>Bactrocera> <em>dorsalis> (Hendel in 1945 resulted in the introduction of 32 natural enemies of which <em>Fopius> <em>arisanus> (Sonan, <em>Diachasmimorpha> <em>longicaudata> (Ashmead and <em>Fopius> <em>vandenboschi> (Fullaway were most successful. Hawaii has also been a source of parasitoids for fruit fly control throughout the Pacific region including Australia, Pacific Island Nations, Central and South America, not only for <em>Bactrocera> spp. but also for <em>Ceratitis> and <em>Anastrepha> spp. Most recently, in 2002, <em>F.> <em>arisanus> was introduced into French Polynesia where <em>B.> <em>dorsalis> had invaded in 1996. Establishment of <em>D.> <em>longicaudata> into the new world has been important to augmentative biological control releases against <em>Anastrepha> spp. With the rapid expansion of airline travel and global trade there has been an alarming spread of <em>Bactrocera> spp. into new areas of the world (<em>i.e.>, South America and Africa. Results of studies in Hawaii and French Polynesia, support parasitoid introductions into South America and Africa, where <em>B.> <em>carambolae> and <em>B.> <em>invadens>, respectively, have become established. In addition, <em>P.> <em>fletcheri> is a candidate for biological control of <em>B.> <em>cucurbitae> in Africa. We review past and more

  8. Mulheres em idade fértil: causas de internação em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva e resultados


    Cátia Millene Dell Agnolo; Angela Andréia França Gravena; Tiara Cristina Romeiro-Lopes; Sheila Cristina Rocha-Brischiliari; Maria Dalva de Barros Carvalho; Sandra Marisa Pelloso


    Introdução: Pacientes obstétricas representam uma fração significativa das admissões em unidades de cuidado intensivo e consistem em um desafio para a equipe. Objetivo: Analisar as principais causas de internação e morte materna de mulheres em idade fértil ocorridas em unidades de terapia intensiva de hospitais de um município do Noroeste do Paraná, Sul do Brasil. Métodos: Estudo exploratório, descritivo, retrospectivo, realizado com mulheres em idade fértil (10 a 49 anos) internadas em três ...

  9. Record of Brandt’s bat <em>Myotis brandtiiem> (Eversmann, 1845 in Piedmont (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae

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    Roberto Toffoli


    Full Text Available Riassunto Ritrovamento del Vespertilio di Brandt <em>Myotis brandtiiem> (Eversmann, 1845 in Piemonte (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae Viene riportata la cattura con mist-net di 5 maschi adulti di Vespertilio di Brandt <em>Myotis brandtiiem>, nell’agosto 2005, nei pressi dell’abitato di Devero (Baceno, VB, a 1827 metri d’altitudine, nel Parco Naturale Alpe Veglia e Alpe Devero. Tale dato rappresenta la prima segnalazione certa della specie in Piemonte. L’identificazione è stata effettuata sulla base delle caratteristiche dentarie e del pene. Sono fornite indicazioni sulle caratteristiche dei segnali di ecolocalizzazione ottenuti dopo il rilascio degli individui.

  10. Methods in Lexicography and Dictionary Research

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Access Structures in Printed Dictionaries. Gouws,. Rufus H., Ulrich Heid, Wolfgang Schweickard and Herbert Ernst Wiegand (Eds.). 2013: 110-149. Wiegand, Herbert Ernst and Mª Teresa Fuentes Morán. 2010. Estructuras lexicográficas. Aspectos centrales de una teoría de la forma del diccionario. Colección Lexicografía 2.

  11. Doenca renal policistica autossomica dominante em pacientes em hemodialise no sul do Brasil

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    Everton Fernando Alves


    Full Text Available Introdução: A doença renal policística autossômica dominante é a enfermidade renal hereditária mais comum em seres humanos. Objetivo: Analisar a prevalência, características clínicas e laboratoriais de pacientes com rins policísticos e relacionar as manifestações da doença por gênero. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo observacional e retrospectivo. Foram revisados todos os prontuários médicos de pacientes com rins policísticos admitidos para hemodiálise entre 1995 e 2012, em quatro centros que atendem a área de abrangência da 15ª regional de saúde do Paraná, Brasil. Resultados: Fizeram parte do estudo 48 pacientes com rins policísticos, causa primária da doença renal crônica (DRC estágio 5. A prevalência da doença foi de um em 10.912 habitantes. A média de idade de ingresso na hemodiálise (50,7 anos e o tempo de seguimento em hemodiálise até o transplante (36,5 meses foi menor nos homens. A hipertensão arterial foi o diagnóstico mais frequente em 73% dos pacientes, com predominância em mulheres (51,4%. O cisto hepático foi a manifestação extrarrenal mais frequente nos homens (60,0%. Foram a óbito 10,4% dos pacientes que faziam uso de hemodiálise, sendo 60% de homens. A classe de droga anti-hipertensiva mais utilizada foi a que atua no sistema renina-angiotensina, com maior frequência de uso nas mulheres (53,3%. A ureia pós-diálise foi significativamente maior em homens. Conclusão: A prevalência da doença é baixa entre pacientes em hemodiálise no sul do Brasil. As diferenças observadas entre os gêneros, com exceção da ureia pós, não foram significantes. Os dados encontrados são diferentes dos reportados na América do Norte e Europa.

  12. Considerações sobre a reprodução artificial e alevinagem de pacu (<em>Piaractus mesopotamicusem>, Holmberg, 1887) em viveiros Considerations on artificial reproduction and fingerling culture of pacu (<em>Piaractus mesopotamicusem>, Holmberg, 1887) in ponds


    Carlos Roberto Padovani; Claudio Luiz Bock


    Este trabalho apresenta uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a reprodução artificial, incubação e alevinagem de pacu em viveiros de terra. As técnicas de propagação artificial possibilitam o suprimento de ovos para uma grande variedade de peixes destinados à criação em viveiros e outros corpos de água confinados, bem como para sistemas superintensivos. Essas técnicas tornaram igualmente possível introduzir várias espécies importantes de peixes em áreas geográficas separadas. Além disso, permitem a...

  13. A theoretical reassessment of microbial maintenance and implications for microbial ecology modeling. (United States)

    Wang, Gangsheng; Post, Wilfred M


    We attempted to reconcile three microbial maintenance models (Herbert, Pirt, and Compromise) through a theoretical reassessment. We provided a rigorous proof that the true growth yield coefficient (Y(G)) is the ratio of the specific maintenance rate (a in Herbert) to the maintenance coefficient (m in Pirt). Other findings from this study include: (1) the Compromise model is identical to the Herbert for computing microbial growth and substrate consumption, but it expresses the dependence of maintenance on both microbial biomass and substrate; (2) the maximum specific growth rate in the Herbert (μ(max,H)) is higher than those in the other two models (μ(max,P) and μ(max,C)), and the difference is the physiological maintenance factor (m(q) = a); and (3) the overall maintenance coefficient (m(T)) is more sensitive to m(q) than to the specific growth rate (μ(G)) and Y(G). Our critical reassessment of microbial maintenance provides a new approach for quantifying some important components in soil microbial ecology models. © This article is a US government work and is in the public domain in the USA.


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    Leonardo dos Santos Pereira


    Full Text Available Muitas pesquisas conferem maior peso na alta declividade do terreno como fator decisivo no processo hidro-erosivo. Porém, foi avaliado que baixas declividades (~4º já são suficientes para se iniciar o escoamento superficial. A pesquisa teve como objetivo fazer uma caracterização físico-química de solo degradado, monitorar o seu potencial matricial e o processo de formação de escoamento em uma sub-bacia do rio Maranduba - Ubatuba/SP, em encosta com baixa declividade. O trabalho se baseou na instalação de parcelas de erosão em solo sem cobertura vegetal para analisar as perdas de solo e água, bem como as propriedades físicas e químicas do solo (Porosidade, textura, densidade, pH e matéria orgânica. As parcelas se localizam na parte intermediária de um morrote com encosta retilínea, esse sofreu alteração em sua morfologia original por meio de um corte de encosta (UTM: 0474211/7395934.  O solo do local é um Latossolo que apresenta o horizonte B exposto. Cerca de 6,9 t/ha de solo foram perdidos durante o monitoramento (01 agosto 2013-20 dezembro 2014 e mais de 5.354,7 m3 de água foram escoados superficialmente. Salienta-se a fragilidade dos ambientes degradados de baixa declividade frente às altas taxas de perdas de solo e água, que, no período de 17 meses de monitoramento e com chuvas dentro da normalidade para o município, totalizaram 63 dias com ocorrências de escoamento, em solos que tendem à saturação por períodos prolongados. Portanto, o transporte das partículas de solo superficialmente está atrelado à baixa drenagem do terreno e à perda da resistência do solo, corroborando em períodos longos de umidade antecedente, sendo este um dos fatores decisivos para se iniciar o escoamento superficial.

  15. A Intervenção em Psicologia em uma Universidade na Amazônia Sul Ocidental

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    Madge Porto

    Full Text Available Resumo: O objetivo desse relato é descrever uma experiência profissional em Psicologia vivenciada em uma universidade pública, destacando questões como o alcance e a qualidade da intervenção em Psicologia nas políticas públicas de educação superior. Diante da demanda de realizar o trabalho em Psicologia com atendimentos individuais de tratamento, a estratégia foi apresentar um projeto de trabalho no qual a ação principal seria a promoção à saúde, ao mesmo tempo que os relatórios das atividades desenvolvidas eram entregues sistematicamente, demonstrando, a partir de resultados como: níveis baixos de procura e níveis altos de evasão e de custo, que a proposta da gestão não seria a melhor estratégia. As atividades de promoção e prevenção em saúde, com trabalhos em grupo substancialmente, precisariam ser objetivo principal da intervenção em Psicologia em uma universidade. Uma política pública que quer intervir apenas nos sintomas e não nas causas destes, apresenta-se como apoio ao desmonte das universidades públicas. As ações propostas para cuidar da saúde dos servidores e servidoras e estudantes se tornam uma intervenção sem impacto significativo na instituição e que não contribui para a afirmação da universidade gratuita, de qualidade, laica e socialmente referenciada, estando, assim, corroborando para o seu desmonte e, em curto prazo, possibilitar a privatização no lugar de efetivamente contribuir para a construção de uma educação de qualidade.


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    Itabira Jaguaraçú Ricardo Sanches


    Full Text Available Esse trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o incremento em diâmetro da espécie Swietenia machophylla em um sistema Agroflorestal. Em uma área de 1 ha foram alocadas 5 parcelas de 12 x 24 m. As medições foram realizadas em  três ocasiões, sendo: Janeiro de 2014, Janeiro de 2015 e Julho de 2015. Para construção dos histogramas de frequência foram testados os métodos de Sturges e “empírico”. Em um segundo plano histogramas de crescimento foram elaborados tendo em vista a visualização dos diâmetros de cada indivíduo para análise do incremento em diâmetro. O melhor resultado para construção dos histogramas foi o método “empírico”, pois apresentou menor erro. O incremento no DAP médio foi de 0,58 cm entre as três medições, no primeiro período o incremento em diâmetro foi de 11,32, no segundo 11,76 cm e no último 11,90 cm.

  17. A próclise em sentenças infinitivas preposicionadas em PB

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    Marco Antonio Martins


    Full Text Available Apresentamos, neste artigo, uma análise formal para a colocação de clíticos em sentenças infinitivas preposicionadas no português brasileiro (PB. A análise se baseia no trabalho desenvolvido por Sena Pereira (2015 que aborda a colocação de clíticos nesse contexto na escrita brasileira dos séculos XIX e XX. Nossa proposta é que preposições que ocupam o núcleo de CP motivam mudanças nos valores atribuídos aos traços-phi e aos traços-V fortes nas categorias funcionais COMP, Tempo e Pessoa no PB. Defendemos que em tal configuração a próclise em PB é derivada do movimento do verbo para a categoria funcional Tempo em que há a associação de traços [+V] e traços [+AGR].

  18. Prevalência de transtornos mentais comuns em trabalhadores de enfermagem em um hospital da Bahia

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    Eder Pereira Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Neste estudo, objetivou-se descrever a prevalência de "suspeitos" de transtornos mentais comuns (TMC em trabalhadores de enfermagem em um hospital geral, no estado da Bahia. Realizou-se um estudo epidemiológico, de corte transversal, com 309 profissionais de enfermagem, que trabalhavam em atividades assistenciais em um hospital de grande porte. Os profissionais de enfermagem referiram sobrecarga de trabalho e baixa remuneração. As queixas de saúde mais frequentes estavam relacionadas à postura corporal e a saúde mental. A prevalência geral de "suspeitos" de TMC foi de 35,0%. Em relação aos aspectos psicossociais do trabalho, relataram uma alta demanda psicológica e baixo controle sobre as atividades laborais. Os resultados obtidos apontam que as condições de trabalho e saúde observadas, não são adequadas para a efetiva realização do trabalho de enfermagem no hospital estudado.


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    Patricia Chaves de Oliveira


    Full Text Available A conservação de espécies prestadoras de serviços ecológicos em paisagens amazônicas como os agros-ecossistemas locais do Baixo Amazonas é de extrema importância no input de minerais através da serrapilheira produzida por estas espécies. Os cecropiais nativos, formados pela espécie Cecropia palmata, dentre outras, a qual é acumuladora de fósforo (P em tecidos foliares e cascas podem prestar um serviço ecológico em paisagens amazônicas com deficiência por fósforo. Os objetivos desta pesquisa foram a observação da translocação do fósforo em folhas ontogeneticamentes diferentes de Cecropia palmata; bem como, a análise da dinâmica do fósforo em solos sob conglomerados de Cecropia palmata. Os teores de fósforo (P em tecidos foliares de Cecropia palmata demonstraram valores elevados, em torno de 8.4 mg/kg em folhas novas e 5,6mg/kg em folhas com maturação fisiológica, sugerindo serrapilheira de alta qualidade para o ambiente. Além disso, os solos sob influência da rizosfera desta espécie apresentaram importantes hot spots de fósforo.

  20. 76 FR 59737 - In the Matter of Certain Digital Photo Frames and Image Display Devices and Components Thereof... (United States)


    ..., Somerset, NJ 08875. Sony Corporation, 1-7-1 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0075, Japan. Sony Corporation of.... Aluratek, Inc., 14831 Myford Road, Tustin, CA 92780. Audiovox Corporation, 180 Marcus Boulevard, Happauge...., 4080 Montrose Road, Niagara Falls, L2H 1J9, Canada. Coby Electronics Corporation, 1991 Marcus Avenue...

  1. Autopercepção do estresse em cuidadores de pessoa em sofrimento mental

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    Ana Flávia de Oliveira Santos


    Full Text Available O estudo objetivou avaliar a autopercepção do estresse entre familiares cuidadores de pessoa em sofrimento mental. Participaram 54 familiares cuidadores de usuário em tratamento em serviço de saúde mental há pelo menos um ano que residiam juntos. Aplicou-se um roteiro elaborado para esta pesquisa com vista a identificar os dados sociodemográficos e da autopercepção do estresse dos participantes, identificando-se a percepção do cuidador quanto ao estresse e aos fatores desencadeantes. Os resultados foram tratados por meio de estatística descritiva e análise de conteúdo segundo frequência de respostas. Dos participantes, 81,5% se perceberam com algum grau de estresse e entre estes, alguns aspectos da convivência com a pessoa em sofrimento mental foram avaliados como os que mais frequentemente contribuíam para esta percepção. Conclui-se que a experiência de cuidador de usuário de serviço de saúde mental é significada como estressante, necessitando apoio, orientação e auxílio em relação ao convívio no ambiente doméstico.

  2. Estoque e crescimento em volume, biomassa, carbono e dióxido de carbono em Floresta Estacional Semidecidual

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    Agostinho Lopes de Souza


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar o estoque e o crescimento em volume (V, biomassa (B, carbono (C e dióxido de carbono (CO2 em Floresta Estacional Semidecidual no Vale do Rio Doce, em Minas Gerais. Foram utilizados dados de inventários do estrato arbóreo (DAP > 5,0 cm, cujas parcelas permanentes foram medidas em 2002 e 2007, em estágios médio (Mata 1 e avançado (Mata 2 de regeneração da vegetação secundária. Com base no inventário de 2002, foram selecionadas espécies que apresentavam maiores percentuais em volume e no mínimo cinco indivíduos para determinar as densidades básicas da madeira e da casca. A média da densidade básica da madeira foi de 0,65 e da casca, igual a 0,49 Os estoques e os crescimentos em V, B, C e CO2 foram estimados nos dois estágios, Mata 1 e Mata 2. Pelo fato de as matas se encontrarem em estágios médio e avançado de regeneração, respectivamente, elas apresentavam estruturas, estoques e crescimentos distintos.

  3. Densità di Lepre (<em>Lepus europaeusem> e Silvilago (<em>Sylvilagus floridanusem> in ambienti planiziali

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    Sandro Bertolino


    Full Text Available Il silvilago (<em>Sylvilagus floridanusem> è un leporide d?origine nordamericana, introdotto in Italia a partire dal 1966 a scopo venatorio. Attualmente la specie è diffusa soprattutto in Piemonte e nella parte occidentale della Lombardia. Il silvilago potrebbe interferire con l?autoctona lepre comune (<em>Lepus europaeusem>, anche se i dati al riguardo sono limitati. Nell?autunno-inverno 2002-2003 abbiamo condotto dei censimenti notturni con faro in alcune aree protette lungo il fiume Po (Breme, Fontanetto Po, Pobietto e il torrente Orba (Predosa, Monferrino. I censimenti erano effettuati percorrendo con automezzo itinerari prefissati. Il territorio ai lati del percorso era illuminato con faro alogeno (100 W, segnando periodicamente l?ampiezza della fascia illuminata. L?area effettivamente censita è stata in seguito verificata mediante GIS ArcView, usando una cartografia informatizzata d?uso del suolo (1:10.000. L?uso reale del suolo al momento del censimento (esempio: arato, grano o stoppie è stato verificato durante sopralluoghi diurni. Per ogni area sono state condotte tre repliche del censimento. Di seguito sono riportate per ogni località le densità rilevate (individui/Km² rispettivamente di lepre comune e silvilago. Breme (1,7; 32,8, Fontanetto Po (0; 4,4, Pobietto (0,3; 13,9, Predosa (1,1; 19,5, Monferrino (29,6; 110,4. Solo l?area di Monferrino è risultata ospitare una popolazione di lepri con densità corrispondente a territori ad alta vocazionalità. La zona censita si trova a cavallo tra una riserva regionale e una ZRC della Provincia di Alessandria. Nella stessa area il silvilago presenta una densità elevata, ma comunque inferiore ai valori massimi riportati negli Stati Uniti. Nelle altre aree sono state osservate pochissime lepri. Tale scarsità è probabilmente legata alla presenza di popolazioni relitte e habitat non sempre idonei. Il silvilago, per quanto non abbondante come a Monferrino, è presente con popolazioni

  4. Rhizonin A from <em>Burkholderia> sp. KCTC11096 and Its Growth Promoting Role in Lettuce Seed Germination

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    Sang-Mo Kang


    Full Text Available We isolated and identified a gibberellin-producing <em>Burkholderia em>sp. KCTC 11096 from agricultural field soils. The culture filtrate of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR significantly increased the germination and growth of lettuce and Chinese cabbage seeds. The ethyl acetate extract of the PGPR culture showed significantly higher rate of lettuce seed germination and growth as compared to the distilled water treated control. The ethyl acetate fraction of the <em>Burkholderia em>sp. was subjected to bioassay-guided isolation and we obtained for the first time from a <em>Burkholderia em>sp. the plant growth promoting compound rhizonin A (1, which was characterized through NMR and MS techniques. Application of various concentrations of 1 significantly promoted the lettuce seed germination as compared to control.

  5. Association between Polymorphisms in the Fatty Acid Desaturase Gene Cluster and the Plasma Triacylglycerol Response to an <em>n>-3 PUFA Supplementation

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    Marie-Claude Vohl


    Full Text Available Eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids have been reported to have a variety of beneficial effects on cardiovascular disease risk factors. However, a large inter-individual variability in the plasma lipid response to an omega-3 (<em>n>-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA supplementation is observed in different studies. Genetic variations may influence plasma lipid responsiveness. The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of a supplementation with <em>n>-3 PUFA on the plasma lipid profile in relation to the presence of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs in the fatty acid desaturase (<em>FADS> gene cluster. A total of 208 subjects from Quebec City area were supplemented with 3 g/day of <em>n>-3 PUFA, during six weeks. In a statistical model including the effect of the genotype, the supplementation and the genotype by supplementation interaction, SNP rs174546 was significantly associated (<em>p> = 0.02 with plasma triglyceride (TG levels, pre- and post-supplementation. The <em>n>-3 supplementation had an independent effect on plasma TG levels and no significant genotype by supplementation interaction effects were observed. In summary, our data support the notion that the <em>FADS em>gene cluster is a major determinant of plasma TG levels. SNP rs174546 may be an important SNP associated with plasma TG levels and <em>FADS>1 gene expression independently of a nutritional intervention with <em>n>-3 PUFA.


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    Rosnaldo Inácio da Silva


    Full Text Available A literatura aponta diferentes modelos de arranjos produtivos segundo sua complexidade, incluindo cadeias de suprimentos, redes de cooperação, cadeias produtivas, arranjos produtivos locais, até os clusters. O objetivo deste artigo foi apresentar um caso em um cluster no qual foram observados comportamentos comumente relatados na literatura sobre cadeia de suprimentos. Tal comportamento tem surgido em um ambiente típico de cluster, que mescla competição e colaboração (a coopetição. Foram estudados os relacionamentos que se estabeleceram entre uma empresa líder no cluster, que passou a assumir papel semelhante ao de empresa focal em cadeia de suprimentos, e alguns de seus fornecedores, que assumiram atitudes cooperativas tal como observado em operações de fornecimento de matérias-primas em cadeias de suprimento.

  7. Helicobacteriose em leitões: imuno-histoquímica em amostras colhidas por meio de gastroscopia

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    R.L. Silveira


    Full Text Available O diagnóstico da úlcera gastroesofágica (UGE é fundamental para que se tente a recuperação dos afetados, entretanto há grande dificuldade na sua realização de forma precisa. Modernos endoscópios são ferramentas importantes nesse sentido e podem ser usados para determinar em que fase da criação a ulceração ocorre. A bactéria Helicobacter tem sido associada à UGE e gerado perdas econômicas. Tendo em vista que poucos trabalhos têm sido realizados para identificação do problema precocemente, este estudo teve como objetivo detectar as lesões relacionando-as, ou não, com a bactéria Helicobacter spp., mediante análises macroscópica e histopatológica de amostras colhidas por meio da gastroscopia. Foram utilizados 20 animais de ambos os sexos, pesando entre 22 e 26kg e com 65 dias de idade. O aparelho utilizado foi um gastrovideoscópio da marca Karl Storz, modelo 1380NKS. Foram colhidas amostras das regiões anatômicas aglandular (quadrilátero esofágico e glandular (cárdica, fúndica e pilórica para o teste ultrarrápido da urease e para as avaliações histopatológicas e imuno-histoquímicas. Onze animais apresentaram lesões na região aglandular à endoscopia, e microscopicamente 15 animais apresentaram paraqueratose. Em 18 animais, foram observadas alterações em pelo menos uma das três regiões glandulares. As lesões foram maiores na região cárdica, seguida da antral e da fúndica. Em relação ao teste ultrarrápido da urease, sete animais foram negativos nas quatro regiões, e 13 positivos em pelo menos uma delas. Em relação à imuno-histoquímica (IHQ, 10 animais foram negativos em todas as regiões e 10 foram positivos em pelo menos uma delas. Os achados pré-ulcerativos não demonstraram relação com o Helicobacter spp., que apresenta caráter saprofítico e oportunista confirmado pela sua imunomarcação em áreas sem lesão.

  8. Conhecimento e interesse em economia

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    João Antonio de Paula


    Full Text Available O artigo argumenta em favor da necessidade de preservar o pluralismo em economia. Discute: i a natureza do conhecimento e de sua produção; ii as especificidades da produção do conhecimento em economia e os condicionamentos histórico-culturais do conhecimento; iii as implicações da hegemonia de certa concepção de método em economia.The article argues the need to preserve the pluralism in economics. The article examines: i the nature of the knowledge and of its production; ii the specificity of the knowledge production in economics and the historical and cultural conditionings of the knowledge; iii the implications of the hegemony of a certain methodological conception in economics.

  9. The Secret of the Winning Streak (United States)

    Woolley, Thomas E.; du Sautoy, Marcus P. F.


    In 2006, Marcus du Sautoy delivered the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures on the subject of mathematics. From this, a workshop was created using ideas illustrated in the programme. A group of mathematical students from the University of Oxford, known as Marcus' Marvellous Mathemagicians, were trained in this workshop and now travel to schools…

  10. Adubos verdes e adubação mineral nitrogenada em cobertura na cultura do trigo em plantio direto

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    Anísio da Silva Nunes


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar o efeito do cultivo de adubos verdes, associados a doses de nitrogênio (N em adubação de cobertura, no desempenho agronômico da cultura do trigo em sistema plantio direto. O experimento foi realizado em Dourados (MS, Brasil, em delineamento de blocos casualizados, com os tratamentos dispostos em esquema de parcelas subdivididas e quatro repetições. As parcelas foram constituídas pelos adubos verdes: ervilhaca peluda (Vicia villosa, crotalária (Crotalaria juncea, mucuna anã (Mucuna deeringiana, lablabe (Dolichus lablab e um tratamento- testemunha, em pousio. Nas subparcelas foram testadas quatro doses de N em cobertura: 0 (zero, 45, 90 e 135 kg ha-1, utilizando a uréia como fonte de N. Foram realizadas avaliações de massa seca das coberturas vegetais, teores de N nos tecidos da parte área dos adubos verdes e nas folhas de trigo, altura de plantas, número de perfilhos produtivos por planta, tamanho da espiga, número de grãos por espiga, massa de mil grãos, peso hectolitro e produtividade. Concluiu-se que maiores produtividades na cultura do trigo são obtidas quando é cultivado após crotalária e ervilhaca peluda e que a resposta do trigo à aplicação de N mineral em adubação de cobertura varia em função da cultura antecessora.


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    Renato Henrique Gurgel Mota


    Full Text Available Em meio às normas emitidas pelo International Accounting Standards Board (IASB e pelo Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB, o presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar quais as principais normas em que as características que as conduzem a ser mais baseadas em princípios ou em regras são mais evidentes. Para atingir esse objetivo, este trabalho compara as principais normas emitidas pelo IASB e pelo FASB. Esses dois órgãos normatizadores foram escolhidos devido ao fato de que a literatura corrente considera que as normas emitidas pelo IASB e pelo FASB são, respectivamente, baseadas em princípios e em regras. Este trabalho, fruto de uma pesquisa documental e uma análise de conteúdo, revela que as normas do FASB, apesar de terem uma estrutura conceitual como base, possuem diversas especificidades que permitem que sejam consideradas como baseadas em regras. Dentre as normas estudadas, a característica do detalhamento presente nas normas de receitas emitidas pelo FASB e a presença de bright lines ou “limites” percentuais nas normas de relatórios por segmento, provisões e arrendamento mercantil conduzem a se classificar como baseadas em regras. Já as normas do IASB, por serem menos detalhadas e, praticamente, não possuírem bright lines, deixam espaço para maior julgamento profissional, ou seja, apresentam mais características de normas baseadas em princípios.

  12. Incidencia y severidad de las sigatokas negra (<em>Mycosphaerella fijiensisem> Morelet y amarilla (<em>Mycosphaerella musicolaem> Leach <em>et> Mulder del plátano según los estados fenológicos

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    Torrado-Jaime Mayary


    Full Text Available

    En Colombia las sigatokas negra y amarilla, causadas por <em>Mycosphaerella fijiensisem>y <em>M. musicolaem>, respectivamente, están entre las principales enfermedades que atacan al plátano. Aunque hay registros de su presencia, se desconoce la época en que aparecen de acuerdo con los estados fenológicos y condiciones ambientales. Esta investigación se realizó en la granja Montelindo (Universidad de Caldas, a 1.050 msnm, temperatura media anual 22,8 °C, precipitación anual 2.200 mm y humedad relativa 76%. Se sembraron cormos de Dominico Hartón, África, FHIA-20 y FHIA-21, en diseño de bloques al azar con cuatro repeticiones y 10 plantas por repetición. Desde siembra hasta cosecha se registraron incidencia, severidad, número de esporas y elementos climáticos. Se definieron cinco estados fenológicos: brotación y emergencia, plántula, prefloración, floración, y llenado del racimo y madurez fisiológica. Las sigatokas se presentaron desde la etapa de plántula hasta madurez fisiológica; fue más agresiva la sigatoka negra en el área de estudio. La mayor población de conidias en D. Hartón y África se presentó en etapas de prefloración y llenado del racimo; en los híbridos FHIA-20 y FHIA-21 coincidió con la etapa de floración. Incrementos graduales de temperatura, precipitación intensa intercalada con periodos secos y aumento en la humedad foliar favorecieron la incidencia y severidad de las sigatokas.

  13. O perfil dos licenciados em Publicidade em Portugal : uma perspectiva dos estudantes, dos professores e dos profissionais


    Ribeiro Cardoso, Paulo


    O objectivo geral deste estudo consiste em compreender de que forma o ensino da publicidade está a ser efectuado em Portugal e em que medida vai ao encontro das necessidades do mercado. A pesquisa envolveu a administração de um questionário a uma amostra de alunos, docentes e profissionais portugueses, em Lisboa, no Porto e na Covilhã, no sentido de recolher as perspectivas destes 3 intervenientes neste processo. De um modo geral, constatou-se que a universidade tem acompanhado o mercado, no ...

  14. Micromammals in the diet of the Long-eared Owl (<em>Asio otusem> at the W.W.F.'s Oasi San Giuliano (Matera, South Italy

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    Francesco Cecere


    Full Text Available Abstract The presence of small mammals in the winter diet of a dormitory made up of 5 specimens living at the WWF's Oasi San Giuliano (province of Matera is analysed in the following study. The data confirm the presence of small mammals, Microtinae in particular, as a main prey of the Long-eared Owl. 1921 prey-individuals totalling 37695 grams in biomass were found. Rodentia are dominant (86.93% of the biomass; <em>Microtus saviiem> is of particular importance and represents 61.06% of the total biomass and was found in 60.42% of the pellets found. The second most frequently hunted species is the <em>Apodemus> sp.: 24.06% of the biomass, 37.08% of the frequency. The other mammals preyed on (<em>Suncus etruscuem>s, <em>Crocidura> sp., <em>Pipistrellus> sp., <em>Vespertilius> sp., <em>Rattus> sp., <em>Moscardinus avellanariusem> are of little importance: 1.27% of the biomass. The owls preyed upon 9 of the 11 species of mammals present (the <em>Talpa> sp. and the <em>Mus domesticusem> are absent. Affinity among different periods, estimated through Sorensen's Index, was found to be medium-high (0.67-0.72. The data analysis confirms the stenophagy of the Long-eared Owl, in this area that is characterised by extensive cereal cultivation and few shrubs and trees. In comparison with other Italian localities, a greater number of preyed species was recorded (8 mammals, 9 birds, 1 insect. Roost owls preyed mainly upon <em>Chiroptera> (0.36% compared with 0.1-0.2. <em>Myotis capacciniiem> and <em>Pipistrellus saviiem> were also found in the diet of the Long-eared Owl for the first time in Italy.

  15. Distribuzione e consistenza della popolazione di Scoiattolo grigio <em>Sciurus carolinensisem> Gmelin, 1788 nel levante genovese

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    Martina Venturini


    Full Text Available Abstract Distribution and population size of the Grey squirrel <em>Sciurus carolinensisem> Gmelin, 1788 in Province of Genova (NW Italy In Liguria, the Grey squirrel population originated from an introduction of five pairs in an urban park (Genoa Nervi in 1966. A first study, carried out in the 1996 by interviews, located a second group 3 km far, in Bogliasco locality. In this study, conducted in 2001-04, the population size of Genoa Nervi and the presence of the species in surrounding areas were investigated. In 2002 the population size was estimated in 115/286 individuals by distance sampling method, while, by direct observation, it varied from 80 individuals (2004 to 114 individuals (2003. The sampling by hair tubes in surrounding areas confirmed the presence of a group of grey squirrels in Bogliasco and excluded a further dispersal of the species. Riassunto In Liguria, la popolazione di Scoiattolo grigio <em>Sciurus carolinensisem> ha avuto origine dall'introduzione di 5 coppie nei parchi urbani di Genova Nervi nel 1966. Un primo studio condotto nel 1996 ha localizzato, tramite interviste, un secondo nucleo a 3 km di distanza, in località Bogliasco. Il presente studio, condotto nel 2001-2004, è stato finalizzato alla valutazione della consistenza della popolazione nei parchi di Nervi, mediante il metodo <em>distance samplingem> e osservazioni dirette, e all'accertamento della presenza della specie nelle aree circostanti mediante l'utilizzo di <em>hair tubeem>. La stima della popolazione con il metodo <em>distance samplingem> è risultata di 115/286 individui nel 2002, mentre quella ottenuta mediante osservazioni dirette è variata da 80 individui nel 2004 a 114 individui nel 2003. Gli accertamenti compiuti nelle aree circostanti i parchi di Nervi hanno consentito di confermare la presenza di un nucleo di scoiattoli a Bogliasco e di escludere un'ulteriore espansione della specie.

  16. Formação para o trabalho em equipe na residência multiprofissional em saúde

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    Isis Alexandrina Casanova


    Full Text Available Introdução: As mudanças das necessidades de saúde e a implementação do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS no Brasil trouxeram à tona a necessidade de discutir e ampliar os debates sobre a atuação dos profissionais para um trabalho em equipe interprofissional. A Educação Interprofissional (EIP apresenta‑se atualmente como estratégia para formar profissionais para o trabalho em equipe, essencial para a integralidade no cuidado. Objetivo: O objetivo da pesquisa foi analisar a percepção dos profissionais que cursam a Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde (RMS sobre a formação para o trabalho em equipe. Métodos: Pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa de caráter exploratório descritivo. O instrumento utilizado para a coleta de dados foi uma questão aberta, componente de uma escala atitudinal que investigou a temática do trabalho em equipe. Participaram da pesquisa 76 residentes de segundo ano de duas instituições (uma pública federal e uma estadual do Estado de São Paulo. Resultados: Os resultados passaram pela análise de conteúdo, tipo temático. A análise temática das respostas obtidas sobre a formação para o trabalho em equipe foi agrupada nas seguintes categorias: atendimento conjunto e tomada de decisão compartilhada no tratamento; trabalho em equipe para a integralidade do cuidado com centralidade no paciente; reconhecimento dos limites e especificidades de cada profissão, bem como a sua integração. Conclusão: Este trabalho demonstrou o potencial da RMS em formar profissionais de saúde para o trabalho em equipe e, consequentemente, para a transformação das práticas, com vistas a integralidade no cuidado.

  17. Probióticos em avicultura

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    Gil de los Santos João Rodrigo


    Full Text Available Durante os últimos anos, o incremento de toxinfecções alimentares em humanos pela ingestão de produtos avícolas contaminados com bactérias, sugeriu que produtos oriundos de aves portadoras dessas bactérias podem veiculá-las ao consumidor, provocando doenças entéricas em humanos. Essas observações e a restrição, por parte do mercado consumidor, ao uso de antimicrobianos na produção animal, aumentaram o interesse mundial pelos probióticos e, conseqüentemente, o número de pesquisas realizadas. Esta revisão mostra os avanços e a situação em que se encontram os probióticos em relação à indústria avícola.

  18. A infância em Piaget e o infantil em Freud: temporalidades e moralidades em questão

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    Maria Regina Maciel

    Full Text Available Resumo O presente artigo propõe uma abordagem comparativa entre as noções de infância em Jean Piaget e de infantil em Sigmund Freud, tomando como conceitos básicos a noção de tempo e de moral em ambos os autores. Sustenta-se ser possível afirmar, a partir de uma leitura da epistemologia genética, que a infância vai-se transformando à medida que agimos e conhecemos de acordo com estruturas cognitivas operatórias. No entanto, segundo a psicanálise, é possível nos remeter ao infantil, presente também na vida adulta. O infantil escapa à racionalidade que subjaz àquela noção de estrutura piagetiana. A permanência do infantil é fonte das experiências criativas e da instauração de um movimento permanente de subjetivação.

  19. Turismo em favelas: notas etnográficas sobre um debate em curso

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    Camila Moraes


    Full Text Available As favelas do Rio de Janeiro têm sido alvo de intensa visitação turística desde os anos 2000. Se antes esse turismo se concentrava na Rocinha, paradigmática favela turística, hoje expande-se para outras favelas da cidade, e tal expansão vem acompanhada da ampliação do debate sobre esse tipo específico de turismo. Neste artigo, analiso três eventos de disputa em torno do tema “turismo em favelas”, ocorridos entre 2014 e 2015: a série de debates “Fala Vidigal!”; o I Congresso de Turismo de Base Comunitária da Rocinha; e o Grupo de Trabalho (GT sobre Turismo em Favelas na Câmara dos Vereadores do Rio de Janeiro. Os três eventos se apresentaram como interessantes cenários para observação participante e análise dos discursos sobre turismo em favela, tanto por parte da academia, como também por parte de empreendedores externos, empreendedores locais, moradores de favelas e órgãos públicos.

  20. Estética e engenharia: para além da racionalidade tecnológica

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    Levi Leonido Fernandes da Silva

    Full Text Available Resumo: O objetivo deste artigo é apreender a racionalidade tecnológica no contexto da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná. Única no país com esta denominação, ela tem a maioria dos seus cursos voltados para a formação de engenheiros no Brasil. No âmbito dessa formação, incluímos o estudo da estética, como discussão alternativa, por entendê-la significativa na formação social do sujeito enquanto dimensão emancipatória gerada no movimento de criação e de inovação tecnológica e que hoje é deixada em segundo plano nesse contexto. Este artigo constituiu-se a partir da revisão das ideias de Marcuse, Adorno, Habermas e Horkheimer, Rancière, os quais abordam a presente temática sob a perspetiva da autonomia do sujeito em oposição às interpretações normativas e tecnocráticas da sociedade.

  1. A emissão em 8mm e as bandas de Merrill-Sanford em estrelas carbonadas (United States)

    de Mello, A. B.; Lorenz-Martins, S.


    Estrelas carbonadas possuem bandas moleculares em absorção no visível e, no infravermelho (IR) as principais características espectrais se devem a emissão de grãos. Recentemente foi detectada a presença de bandas de SiC2 (Merrill-Sanford, MS) em emissão sendo atribuída à presença de um disco rico em poeira. Neste trabalho analisamos uma amostra de 14 estrelas carbonadas, observadas no telescópio de 1.52 m do ESO em 4 regiões espectrais diferentes, a fim de detectar as bandas de MS em emissão. Nossa amostra é composta de estrelas que apresentam além da emissão em 11.3 mm, outra em 8 mm. Esta última emissão, não usual nestes objetos, tem sido atribuída ou a moléculas de C2H2, ou a um composto sólido ainda indefinido. A detecção de emissões de MS e aquelas no IR, simultaneamente, revelaria um cenário mais complexo que o habitualmente esperado para os ventos destes objetos. No entanto como primeiro resultado, verificamos que as bandas de Merrill-Sanford encontram-se em absorção, não revelando nenhuma conexão com a emissão a 8 mm. Assim, temos duas hipóteses: (a) a emissão a 8 mm se deve à molécula C2H2 ou (b) essa emissão é resultado da emissão térmica de grãos. Testamos a segunda hipótese modelando a amostra com grãos não-homogêneos de SiC e quartzo, o qual emite em aproximadamente 8mm. Este grão seria produzido em uma fase evolutiva anterior a das carbonadas (estrelas S) e por terem uma estrutura cristalina são destruídos apenas na presença de campos de radiação ultravioleta muito intensos. Os modelos para os envoltórios utilizam o método de Monte Carlo para descrever o problema do transporte da radiação. As conclusões deste trabalho são: (1) as bandas de Merrill-Sanford se encontram em absorção, sugerindo um cenário usual para os ventos das estrelas da amostra; (2) neste cenário, a emissão em 8 mm seria resultado de grãos de quartzo com mantos de SiC, indicando que o quartzo poderia sobreviver a fase

  2. The Orthogonally Partitioned EM Algorithm: Extending the EM Algorithm for Algorithmic Stability and Bias Correction Due to Imperfect Data. (United States)

    Regier, Michael D; Moodie, Erica E M


    We propose an extension of the EM algorithm that exploits the common assumption of unique parameterization, corrects for biases due to missing data and measurement error, converges for the specified model when standard implementation of the EM algorithm has a low probability of convergence, and reduces a potentially complex algorithm into a sequence of smaller, simpler, self-contained EM algorithms. We use the theory surrounding the EM algorithm to derive the theoretical results of our proposal, showing that an optimal solution over the parameter space is obtained. A simulation study is used to explore the finite sample properties of the proposed extension when there is missing data and measurement error. We observe that partitioning the EM algorithm into simpler steps may provide better bias reduction in the estimation of model parameters. The ability to breakdown a complicated problem in to a series of simpler, more accessible problems will permit a broader implementation of the EM algorithm, permit the use of software packages that now implement and/or automate the EM algorithm, and make the EM algorithm more accessible to a wider and more general audience.

  3. One-Dimensionality and Whiteness (United States)

    Calderon, Dolores


    This article is a theoretical discussion that links Marcuse's concept of one-dimensional society and the Great Refusal with critical race theory in order to achieve a more robust interrogation of whiteness. The author argues that in the context of the United States, the one-dimensionality that Marcuse condemns in "One-Dimensional Man" is best…

  4. Adubação nitrogenada em milho e capim-xaraés sob plantio direto e preparo convencional em sistema agrossilvipastoril

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    Maísa Pinto Bravin


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho agronômico das culturas do milho e do capim-xaraés (Urochloa brizantha 'Xaraés' em consórcio, cultivadas em plantio direto e convencional, em sistema agrossilvipastoril, com a aplicação de diferentes doses de nitrogênio em cobertura. O experimento foi conduzido em área de cultivo de milho com a espécie florestal mulateiro (Calycophyllum spruceanum. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com arranjo em parcelas subdivididas, com dois sistemas de manejo do solo (plantio direto e convencional com grade pesada alocados nas parcelas e com cinco doses de adubação nitrogenada em cobertura (0, 50, 100, 150 e 200 kg ha-1 de N, nas subparcelas, o que totalizou dez tratamentos. A produtividade de grãos de milho respondeu linearmente à aplicação de N em área de plantio convencional. Em área de plantio direto, a dose de 165 kg ha-1 de N em cobertura foi necessária para a obtenção de produtividades satisfatórias. A adubação nitrogenada em cobertura na cultura do milho, até a dose de 200 kg ha-1 de N, não influencia o rendimento do capim-xaraés em consórcio nas entrelinhas, após a colheita do milho.

  5. Viabilidade de Vibrio cholerae O1 em diferentes tipos de águas em condições experimentais

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    Nogueira Joseli Maria da Rocha


    Full Text Available A natureza endêmica e sazonal da cólera depende da sobrevivência de Vibrio cholerae O1 em estado viável, mas não necessariamente cultivável em nichos ambientais aquáticos durante períodos interepidêmicos, sendo de suma importância o estudo da sobrevivência deste microrganismo nesses locais. Para tal, foram coletadas, semanalmente, alíquotas de água pertencentes a duas lagoas e dois rios do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Esses volumes foram divididos em duas porções idênticas, uma das quais foi autoclavada. Uma diluição padronizada de V. cholerae O1 Inaba e de V. cholerae O1 Ogawa, foi inoculada em três alíquotas de 100ml dessas diferentes águas e mantidas em diferentes temperaturas. A sobrevivência desses microorganismos no âmbito aquático sob esses diferentes fatores foi então analisada. Os resultados demonstraram que o V. cholerae sorogrupo O1, independente do sorotipo, é capaz de se manter em água com salinidade abaixo de 0,5? e em diferentes temperaturas, por períodos suficientes para sua disseminação através de "corpos d'água", demonstrando a necessidade de monitoramento constante em áreas de possível contaminação, principalmente onde a água é utilizada para o consumo, evitando assim, a disseminação da doença para as populações próximas a esses ambientes.

  6. Refração por retinoscopia com luz em faixa em cães


    Ranzani,J.J.T.; Mobricci,L.A.L.; Carvalho,L.R.; Brandão,C.V.S.


    A refração ocular por retinoscopia com luz em faixa em 10 cães normais, sem raça definida, demonstrou que a maioria dos animais, independentemente do porte, apresentou tendência à hipermetropia, além de anisometropia e astigmatismo.

  7. Fauna de Campopleginae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) em hortas orgânicas em Araraquara e São Carlos, SP, Brasil


    Sandonato, Diogo Loibel; Onody, Helena Carolina; Penteado-Dias, Angélica Maria


    Fauna de Campopleginae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) em hortas orgânicas em Araraquara e São Carlos, SP, Brasil. De março de 2006 a fevereiro 2007 foram realizadas doze amostragens utilizando armadilhas Malaise em cada uma das três áreas de cultivos orgânicos estudadas. Um total de 1773 espécimes foram identificados em dez gêneros de Campopleginae: Campoctonus Viereck, 1912, Campoletis Föster, 1869, Casinaria Holmgren, 1859, Charops Holmgren, 1859, Cryptophion Viereck, 1913, Diadegma Föster, 1...

  8. Marcas de luxo em Portugal: o sucesso em contexto de crise económica


    Pereira, Filipa Marques Serra


    Mestrado em Marketing “O «Luxury Goods Worldwide Market Study» estima que as vendas globais aumentem 10% este ano, para 191 mil milhões de euros” in Diário Económico 2011/10/23. Portugal não é excepção. Surgem constantemente manchetes de jornais acerca do crescimento de mercado de luxo em contexto de crise. As razões que levam os consumidores a escolherem produtos de luxo são muitas e de diversas dimensões: financeira, funcional, individual e social. Além disso, o luxo hoje em dia pode ...

  9. Parabenos em água superficial: estudo analítico e aplicação em amostras ambientais


    Luizete, Milena Fontes [UNESP


    Produtos de cuidado pessoal são amplamente utilizados pela população. Em sua composição existe uma classe de compostos denominada parabenos que é utilizada pela sua propriedade bactericida e função de conservantes, sendo que tem sido apontados com possíveis alteradores endócrinos para a biota aquática. A literatura internacional relata a presença destes compostos em água naturais, em diversos países, muitas vezes em altas concentrações. No Brasil não há publicações nos quais os parabenos fora...

  10. Desempenho cognitivo em pacientes operados de aneurisma cerebral

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    Full Text Available Vinte e cinco pacientes operados de aneurisma cerebral foram submetidos a avaliação cognitiva pós operatória tardia para linguagem, praxia, orientação, lógica, compreensão, memória, depressão, demência e gnosia visual. Os resultados foram correlacionados com idade, escala de Hunt-Hess à admissão, lado, local e tamanho do aneurisma, sangue à TC (Fisher, vaso-espasmo angiográfico (George. Déficit cognitivo tardio estava ausente em 8 pacientes (32%, era leve em 5 (20%, moderado em 6 (24% e grave em 6 (24%. A função cognitiva isoladamente mais alterada foi a da lógica com acometimento moderado e grave em 7 pacientes (28%, seguida de praxia em 6 (24%, orientação em 5 (20%, linguagem e memória em 4 (16%. A alteração gnósica visual, demência e depressão foram pouco frequentes. A compreensão estava levemente alterada em 3 pacientes. Na faixa etária 25-50 anos ocorreu melhor resultado cognitivo com sequela inexistente ou leve em 9 pacientes (75%. Os aneurismas da artéria comunicante posterior direita apresentaram déficit cognitivo tardio ausente ou leve em 5 pacientes (71,42%, os da artéria cerebral média direita apresentaram resultado equivalente em 2 (66,66%. Os aneurismas de artéria cerebral média esquerda apresentaram o pior resultado com sequela cognitiva moderada e grave em 5 pacientes (71,42%. As sequelas neuropsicológicas tardias apresentaram correlação direta com a idade, Hunt-Hess, sangue à TC, vaso-espasmo angiográfico e localização anatômica do aneurisma.

  11. Tratamento da dor em queimados

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    Rodrigo José Alencar de Castro


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Apesar dos avanços, ainda é observado manejo analgésico inadequado dos pacientes com queimaduras. O objetivo desta revisão foi coletar dados sobre tratamento da dor em queimados. CONTEÚDO: Foi feita revisão sobre os mecanismos de dor, avaliação do paciente com queimadura e o tratamento farmacológico e não farmacológico. CONCLUSÕES: O manejo da dor em pacientes vítimas de queimaduras ainda é um desafio por parte da equipe multiprofissional. A avaliação frequente e contínua da resposta apresentada pelo paciente é muito importante, tendo em vista os vários momentos por que passa o paciente internado em decorrência de uma queimadura, além de uma terapêutica combinada com medicações analgésicas e medidas não farmacológicas. Entender a complexidade de alterações fisiopatológicas, psicológicas e bioquímicas apresentadas por um paciente em tratamento de queimadura é o primeiro passo para alcançar o sucesso no seu manejo analgésico.

  12. Representações sociais de educação em saúde em tempos de AIDS

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    Elizabeth Teixeira


    Full Text Available Estudo qualitativo e descritivo, cujo objetivo foi identificar e analisar as representações sociais de educação em saúde à pessoa vivendo com HIV entre profissionais de saúde. Os cenários foram três serviços de atenção à DST/HIV/AIDS, em Belém-PA, Brasil, e 37 profissionais de saúde participaram da pesquisa. A coleta de dados deu-se em 2012-2013 por meio de entrevista em profundidade; a análise utilizou o software Alceste 4.10. Com base no conjunto dos resultados foi possível vislumbrar que a educação em saúde pode ser compreendida a partir de categorias: a configuração do agir educativo; as condições sine qua non: educação no trabalho e estrutura da unidade; o processo pedagógico. Conclui-se que as representações sociais configuram-se como orientação-informação para precaução-prevenção e revelam-se no movimento do agir persistente ao emergente, o que suscita uma educação em saúde permanente para se chegar à integralidade nos serviços.


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    Iolanda Aparecida Nunes


    Full Text Available

    Its was analised 53 chicken carcasses and commercial cuts acquired in supermarkets of Goiânia-GO aiming to isolate <em>Salmonella>. The contamination rate was 13.2% and serotypes <em>S. brandenburgem>, <em>S. typhimuriumem>, <em>S. agonaem>, <em>S. derbyem> and <em>S. hadorem> were identified.

    KEY-WORDS: <em>Salmonella>; chicken; chicken carcasses; commercial cuts.

    No presente estudo foram analisadas, com vistas ao isolamento de <em>Salmonella>, 53 amostras de carcaças e cortes comerciais de frangos colhidas em supermercados e casas de carnes de Goiânia - GO. Observou-se freqüência média do patógeno de 13,2%, sendo identificados os sorotipos <em>E. brandenburgem>, <em>S. typhimuriumem>, <em>S.> <em>agona>, <em>S. derbyem> e <em>S. Hadarem>.

    PALAVRAS-CHAVE: <em>Salmonella>; frango de corte; carcaça; cortes comerciais.

  14. Variabilidade genética de Eugenia uniflora L. em remanescentes florestais em diferentes estádios sucessionais

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    Roberto Valmorbida Aguiar


    Full Text Available A compreensão da diversidade genética fornece elementos básicos sobre a dinâmica e funcionamento de populações, auxiliando na conservação e uso sustentável das espécies. Supõe-se que populações sucessionais precoces poderiam ser geneticamente mais diferenciadas do que populações sucessionais mais tardias. Visando testar esta hipótese, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a variabilidade genética de populações de Eugenia uniflora L. em manchas florestais em diferentes estádios sucessionais. Foram selecionadas duas áreas em diferentes estádios de sucessão, sendo a primeira em estádio inicial e a segunda em estádio avançado. A área de estudo apresenta um remanescente florestal em transição de Floresta Ombrófila Mista e Floresta Estacional Semidecídua. Por meio da técnica de RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA e análise multivariada, a diversidade gênica esperada e a porcentagem de loci polimórficos foram estimadas, além da similaridade genética entre as populações de cada mancha florestal e a diversidade de cada área por meio do índice de diversidade de Simpson. Os resultados indicaram 79% de loci polimórficos para a área em estádio avançado e 70% para a área em estádio inicial de sucessão. A similaridade genética entre pares de indivíduos variou entre 0,55 e 0,86 na área em estádio inicial de sucessão e entre 0,45 e 0,78 para a área em estádio avançado. Não houve diferenças significativas entre a diversidade das duas áreas (P = 89. Um escalonamento multidimensional não-métrico indicou menor distância genética entre os indivíduos da área em estádio inicial. Da mesma forma, uma análise de similaridade - ANOSIM indicou separação entre os indivíduos das duas áreas.

  15. A non-invasive genetic survey of the Pine marten (<em>Martes martesem> in the western river Po plain (italy: preliminary results

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    Alessandro Balestrieri


    Full Text Available Abstract Riassunto Monitoraggio genetico non invasivo della martora (<em>Martes martesem> nella pianura padana occidentale: risultati preliminari. Tra il 2003 e il 2004, due esemplari di martora (<em>Martes martesem> sono stati investiti da automezzi sulla sponda sinistra del fiume Po (R. N. Garzaia di Valenza, Piemonte. Per accertare la presenza stabile della specie nella Riserva e lungo il tratto vercellese-alessandrino del Parco fluviale del Po, è stato applicato un metodo PCR-RFLP per l’analisi di mtDNA di origine fecale. A partire da gennaio 2007, sono state raccolte 212 feci attribuibili al genere <em>Martes> in base a forma e dimensioni. L’analisi di un campione di 117 feci (55% ha permesso di identificare 10 feci di martora e 15 di faina (<em>M. foinaem>, confermando la presenza della martora nella Riserva e accertandola per la prima volta in un’area collinare in sponda destra del Po (Camino, AL, circa 32 km a monte della Riserva. Resta da valutare se la scarsa resa dell’amplificazione del DNA (21,4% sia dovuta alla degradazione del materiale genetico o ad un numero elevato di feci di volpe (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> erroneamente attribuite a <em>Martes> durante la fase di raccolta.

  16. Trabalho e sofrimento em gestores de uma empresa pública em reestruturação

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    Brant Luiz Carlos


    Full Text Available Estudo transversal conduzido em uma empresa pública, em processo de reestruturação, localizada na região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil, teve como objetivo evidenciar as manifestações do sofrimento em seus gestores. Utilizaram-se como instrumentos o Self-Report Questionnaire-20(SRQ-20, questionário sócio-econômico, análise documental e grupo focal. As principais manifestações do sofrimento foram: angústia (73,2%; tristeza (43,7%; insatisfação (39,0%. Das nove variáveis estudadas, apenas o gênero mostrou-se estatisticamente associado (p < 0,05 ao sofrimento. As trabalhadoras apresentaram sofrimento significativamente superior ao dos trabalhadores (OR = 6,0; IC95%. O grupo focal demonstrou ser um instrumento revelador do sofrimento, enquanto os questionários se mostraram cúmplices das estratégias defensivas, apesar das diferenças conceituais observadas. Concluiu-se que a utilização de distintas abordagens metodológicas em estudos acerca do sofrimento resulta em achados que elas próprias ajudaram a produzir e contribuem para o desenvolvimento do campo da saúde do trabalhador.

  17. Zinc Phthalocyanine Labelled Polyethylene Glycol: Preparation, Characterization, Interaction with Bovine Serum Albumin and Near Infrared Fluorescence Imaging <em>in Vivoem>

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    Tianjun Liu


    Full Text Available Zinc phthalocyanine labelled polyethylene glycol was prepared to track and monitor the <em>in vivo em>fate of polyethylene glycol. The chemical structures were characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance and infrared spectroscopy. Their light stability and fluorescence quantum yield were evaluated by UV-Visible and fluorescence spectroscopy methods. The interaction of zinc phthalocyanine labelled polyethylene glycol with bovine serum albumin was evaluated by fluorescence titration and isothermal titration calorimetry methods. Optical imaging <em>in vivoem>, organ aggregation as well as distribution of fluorescence experiments for tracking polyethylene glycol were performed with zinc phthalocyanine labelled polyethylene glycol as fluorescent agent. Results show that zinc phthalocyanine labelled polyethylene glycol has good optical stability and high emission ability in the near infrared region. Imaging results demonstrate that zinc phthalocyanine labelled polyethylene glycol can track and monitor the <em>in vivoem> process by near infrared fluorescence imaging, which implies its potential in biomaterials evaluation <em>in vivoem> by a real-time noninvasive method.

  18. Spotlight census of the red fox (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> and the domestic cat (<em>Felis catusem> in three sample areas of the Marches region (Central Italy / Censimento notturno di Volpe (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> e di Gatto domestico (<em>Felis catusem> in tre aree campione delle Marche

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    Massimo Pandolfi


    Full Text Available Abstract In order to evaluate the density of the red fox and of the domestic cat, 55 transects were made from 1986 to 1989 using spotlight census method in three sample areas. The mean density of foxes agreed substantially with its biological cycle and the hightes values (2.01 foxes/km² in spring and 4.3 foxes/km² in winter were recorded in the study area with the better natural characteristics. Foxes selected the shrub woodland (macchia all year round, the inhabited area in spring. The domestic cat was widely spread and abundant, and selected especially inhabited areas where the density varied from 4.27 cats/km² (in winter to 12.42 cat/km² (in spring. Riassunto Dal 1986 al 1989, con il metodo dei percorsi notturni con fari, sono stati effettuati complessivamente 55 conteggi in tre aree campione per valutare la densità della Volpe (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> e del Gatto domestico (<em>Felis catusem> nonché le loro preferenze ambientali limitatamente ad una zona campione. Per la Volpe le densità medie rilevate sono sostanzialmente in accordo con il ciclo biologico della specie e quelle più elevate (2,O1 volpi/km² in primavera e 4,3 volpi/km² in inverno sono state registrate nella zona campione con maggior presenza di boschi ed aree incolte. La Volpe seleziona le zone con vegetazione "di macchia" in ogni periodo dell'anno, e le aree abitate in primavera. Per il Gatto domestico le densità rilevate evidenziano la presenza di una diffusa ed abbondante popolazione. La specie mostra una spiccata preferenza per le aree abitate dove raggiunge densità di 4,27 individui/km² e 12,42 individui/km² in inverno e primavera rispettivamente.

  19. Lazer em forma de recreação em parques zoológicos: possibilidade interdisciplinar

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    Daiane Ozório


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Este estudo teve por objetivo identificar, a partir dos frequentadores do Parque Zoológico da Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul, o interesse em atividades de lazer, em forma de recreação. Método: Estudo descritivo com análise qualitativa e quantitativa. Para coleta dos dados utilizou-se como instrumento um questionário estruturado com questões de múltipla escolha, questões abertas e fechadas. Participaram da amostra 85 visitantes (adolescentes, adultos e idosos. Resultados e considerações finais: Verificou-se o interesse de 87,05% da amostra em realizar atividades interdisciplinares de lazer em forma de recreação, configurando-se esse, mais um campo de atuação para o profissional de Educação Física.

  20. Estilos interpessoais e participação em redes sociais em diferentes ambientes de trabalho


    Brito, Fernanda de Souza


    110f. Este estudo examinou a relação entre estilos interpessoais e a participação do indivíduo nas redes sociais em diferentes ambientes de trabalho. Redes sociais se formam pelos vínculos afetivos, cognitivos e de compartilhamento de recursos estabelecidos entre atores sociais. Diferenças de desempenho no trabalho podem estar relacionadas ao posicionamento das pessoas em suas redes sociais. Ocupar uma posição de centralidade em uma rede social possibilita a aquisição de inf...

  1. Prevalência de Fatores de Risco Cardiovascular em Pacientes em Hemodiálise - O Estudo CORDIAL

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    Jayme Eduardo Burmeister


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: Há uma carência de dados epidemiológicos sobre o perfil de risco cardiovascular nos pacientes renais crônicos em hemodiálise no Brasil. Objetivo: O estudo CORDIAL foi planejado para avaliar fatores de risco cardiovascular e acompanhar a evolução de uma população em programa de hemodiálise numa cidade metropolitana do Brasil. Métodos: Todos os pacientes em hemodiálise por doença renal crônica nos quinze centros de nefrologia de Porto Alegre foram considerados para inclusão na fase inicial do estudo CORDIAL. Dados clínicos, laboratoriais e demográficos foram obtidos nos registros médicos, e em entrevistas individuais estruturadas realizadas com todos os pacientes por pesquisadores treinados. Resultados: Foram incluídos 1215 pacientes (97,3% de todos os que estavam em hemodiálise na cidade de Porto Alegre. A média de idade era 58,3 anos, 59,5% eram homens e 62,8% eram brancos. A prevalência de fatores de risco cardiovascular encontrada foi 87,5% para hipertensão, 84,7% para dislipidemia, 73,1% para sedentarismo, 53,7% para tabagismo e 35,8% para diabetes. Em uma análise multivariada ajustada, sedentarismo (p = 0,032; RP 1,08 - IC95%: 1,01-1,15, dislipidemia (p = 0,019; RP 1,08 - IC95%: 1,01-1,14, e obesidade (p < 0,001; RP 1,96 - IC95%: 1,45-2,63 foram mais frequentes em mulheres; e hipertensão (p = 0,018; PR 1,06 - IC95%: 1,01-1,11 e tabagismo (p = 0,006; RP 2,7 - IC95%: 1,79-4,17 foram mais frequentes naqueles com menos de 65 anos. Sedentarismo apresentou uma associação independente com tempo em diálise inferior a 12 meses (p < 0,001; RP 1,23 - IC95%: 1,14-1,33. Conclusão: Pacientes em hemodiálise nesta metrópole do sul do Brasil apresentaram uma prevalência elevada de fatores de risco cardiovascular similar a diversos países do hemisfério norte.

  2. A Filosofia Humanista de Fromm como Ciência do Homem

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    Rainer Funk


    Full Text Available O conjunto da obra de Fromm revela que ele estudou Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Herbert Spencer, John Stuart Mill e William James, Heidegger, Sartre, Bloch e Habermas, mas nenhum deles marcou seu pensamento de verdade, e nem a filosofia de valores do seu mestre Rickert, em Heidelberg, reflete no seu pensamento. Fromm, porém, se vê profundamente ligado a pensadores como o filósofo judaico Maimônides, como a Cohen e Cassirer, Aristóteles, Espinoza e Marx, mais tarde também a Tomás de Aquino.

  3. The Transcriptome of <em>Bathymodiolus azoricusem> Gill Reveals Expression of Genes from Endosymbionts and Free-Living Deep-Sea Bacteria

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    Raul Bettencourt


    Full Text Available Deep-sea environments are largely unexplored habitats where a surprising number of species may be found in large communities, thriving regardless of the darkness, extreme cold, and high pressure. Their unique geochemical features result in reducing environments rich in methane and sulfides, sustaining complex chemosynthetic ecosystems that represent one of the most surprising findings in oceans in the last 40 years. The deep-sea Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent field, located in the Mid Atlantic Ridge, is home to large vent mussel communities where <em>Bathymodiolus azoricusem> represents the dominant faunal biomass, owing its survival to symbiotic associations with methylotrophic or methanotrophic and thiotrophic bacteria. The recent transcriptome sequencing and analysis of gill tissues from <em>B. azoricusem> revealed a number of genes of bacterial origin, hereby analyzed to provide a functional insight into the gill microbial community. The transcripts supported a metabolically active microbiome and a variety of mechanisms and pathways, evidencing also the sulfur and methane metabolisms. Taxonomic affiliation of transcripts and 16S rRNA community profiling revealed a microbial community dominated by thiotrophic and methanotrophic endosymbionts of <em>B. azoricusem> and the presence of a <em>Sulfurovum>-like epsilonbacterium.

  4. Diet of the Red fox (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> in the Sibillini area (Central Apennines / Dieta della Volpe (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> nell'area dei Monti Sibillini (Appennino centrale

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    Paolo Boldreghini


    Full Text Available Abstract The Authors analyse the contents of 401 stomachs of foxes <em>Vulpes vulpesem> (135 of which were empty collected during the period 1971-74 in a mixed agriculture-pasture-woodland area. The frequency of occurrence of the following food categories was found: 1. Small Vertebrates (mainly rodents 72.6%; 2. Medium-sized Vertebrates (prevalently hares, domestic rabbits and domestic fowl 13.5%; 3. Invertebrates (mainly Orthoptera 7.9%; 4. Fruits: 24.8%; 5. Garbage and carrions 62.0%; 6. Grass and leaves 38.7%; 7. Unidentified material 5.6%. Small Vertebrates, Garbage and carrions, and Fruits showed highly significant seasonal variation. Garbage was found to be eaten more frequently than in any other European country. Riassunto Viene analizzato il contenuto di 401 stomaci di Volpe <em>Vulpes vulpesem> (di cui 135 vuoti raccolti nel periodo 1971-74 nelle province di Ascoli Piceno e Macerata. Le categorie alimentari più frequenti sono i piccoli Vertebrati (Roditori in prevalenza, i rifiuti e carogne, e i frutti; solo queste categorie mostrano variazioni stagionali significative. I1 consumo di carogne e rifiuti è più elevato rispetto a quello registrato in altri paesi europei.

  5. Nietzsche em voga


    Borromeu, Carlos


    Resumo:Texto publicado em 1941, na revista de orientação católica A Ordem, no Rio de Janeiro. Seu autor considera que Nietzsche teria negado a moral tradicional, concebendo em seu lugar outra, porém imoral e brutal. Acusa o filósofo, por fim, de ser responsável pela Guerra ora e curso na Europa. Abstract:Text published in 1941 in the Catholic orientation magazine, A Ordem, in Rio de Janeiro. The author believes that Nietzsche would have denied traditional morality, conceiving another in it...



    dos Santos, Arlan Ricardo C; Cavalcante, Márcio André A


    Resumo. Este trabalho apresenta uma formulação para análise de tensões em estruturas axissimétricas, tais como tubos circulares, cilindros e anéis, elaborada com base em uma versão em coordenadas polares da Teoria de Volumes Finitos. Esta formulação é bastante apropriada para análise de tensões em estruturas com contornos curvos, apresentando geometria e campos mecânicos expressos em termo de coordenadas polares, visando melhorar o desempenho do método em tais situações. Diferentemente de ver...

  7. The Weaponized Crowd: Violent Dissident Irish Republicans Exploitation of Social Identity within Online Communities (United States)


    Symbolic Interactionism is a sociological perspective on self and society based on the ideas of George H. Mead (1934), Charles H. Cooley (1902), W...cornerstone of a movement. The grievance leads into the first stage of the social movement life cycle known as the emergence, or, as described by Herbert ...policy or some social 97 Ibid., 29. 98 Ibid. 99 Herbert Blumer, American sociologist whose main

  8. The quality of the diet of foxes (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> in a Mediterranean coastal area (Central Italy / Qualità della dieta della Volpe <em>Vulpes vulpesem> in un'area costiera mediterranea

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    Claudio Cavani


    Full Text Available Abstract The diet of foxes in the Natural Park of Maremma includes essentially <em>Juniperus> fruits and Arthropods, mainly Coleoptera and Orthoptera. These components were analysed in order to value their chemical nutritive. The following parameters were determined: proximate analysis (crude protein Nx6.25; ether extract; crude fibre; ash, aminoacids, and mineral contents. <em>Juniperus> berries are characterized by a low crude protein and ash content (1.83 and 2.75% on dry matter while the level of fibrous constituents, expressed in terms of crude fibre, occurs in relatively high quantities (30.8% on dry matter. By contrast, Orthoptera and Coleoptera show high crude protein content (67.3 and 57.8% on dry matter of average nutritive value (chemical score 0.52 and 0.51. The ash level is 68.8 and 76.6 g/kg on dry matter, with high phosphorus, iron and zinc content. <em>Juniperus> berries are a feed component of moderate energy level, while Arthropods seem to be an important mineral and protein source. Riassunto La dieta della Volpe (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> nel Parco Naturale della Maremma è costituita essenzialmente da frutti di Ginepro e da Artropodi, soprattutto Coleotteri ed Ortotteri. Allo scopo di fornire una valutazione delle caratteristiche chimico-nutritive di questi componenti alimentari, sono stati analizzati diversi campioni della dieta. Sono stati determinati i parametri riguardanti le analisi standard per gli alimenti di uso zootecnico, il contenuto in aminoacidi e in elementi minerali. I frutti di Ginepro sono caratterizzati da uno scarso tenore in proteine grezze e in ceneri (1,83 e 2,75% della sostanza secca, mentre il contenuto in costituenti fibrosi, espressi in termini di fibra grezza, risulta relativamente elevato (30,8% della sostanza secca. Gli Ortotteri ed i Coleotteri mostrano invece un considerevole contenuto in proteine grezze (67,3 e 57,8% della sostanza secca, di valore

  9. A termografia em medicina veterinária : aplicação em bovinos de raça brava de lide


    Ferraz, Carolina Mendes Ferrão Martins


    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária A termografia por imagem infravermelha (TIV) é a representação pictórica da temperatura à superfície de um corpo. Constitui um exame complementar de diagnóstico de primeira abordagem em muitas áreas da Medicina. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a aplicabilidade da TIV em espécies pecuárias criadas em extensivo e, em particular, na raça Brava de Lide. No decurso do estágio foram avaliados 107 bovinos de raça Brava de Lide....

  10. Green Biosynthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using <em>Callicarpa maingayiem> Stem Bark Extraction

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    Mohammed Zidan


    Full Text Available Different biological methods are gaining recognition for the production of silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs due to their multiple applications. The use of plants in the green synthesis of nanoparticles emerges as a cost effective and eco-friendly approach. In this study the green biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using <em>Callicarpa maingayi em>stem bark extract has been reported. Characterizations of nanoparticles were done using different methods, which include; ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis, powder X-ray diffraction (XRD, transmission electron microscopy (TEM, scanning electron microscopy (SEM, energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXF spectrometry, zeta potential measurements and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR spectroscopy. UV-visible spectrum of the aqueous medium containing silver nanoparticles showed absorption peak at around 456 nm. The TEM study showed that mean diameter and standard deviation for the formation of silver nanoparticles were 12.40 ± 3.27 nm. The XRD study showed that the particles are crystalline in nature, with a face centered cubic (fcc structure. The most needed outcome of this work will be the development of value added products from <em>Callicarpa maingayi em>for biomedical and nanotechnology based industries.

  11. Fluorescent Nanoprobes Dedicated to <em>in Vivo em>Imaging: From Preclinical Validations to Clinical Translation

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    Isabelle Texier


    Full Text Available With the fast development, in the last ten years, of a large choice of set-ups dedicated to routine <em>in vivoem> measurements in rodents, fluorescence imaging techniques are becoming essential tools in preclinical studies. Human clinical uses for diagnostic and image-guided surgery are also emerging. In comparison to low-molecular weight organic dyes, the use of fluorescent nanoprobes can improve both the signal sensitivity (better <em>in vivoem> optical properties and the fluorescence biodistribution (passive “nano” uptake in tumours for instance. A wide range of fluorescent nanoprobes have been designed and tested in preclinical studies for the last few years. They will be reviewed and discussed considering the obstacles that need to be overcome for their potential everyday use in clinics. The conjugation of fluorescence imaging with the benefits of nanotechnology should open the way to new medical applications in the near future.


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    Michelangelo Müzell Trezzi


    Full Text Available A consorciação e a sucessão de culturas constituem-se nas principais formas de intensificação de cultivos, sendo alternativas promissoras para a pequena propriedade rural. O presente trabalho foi conduzido em Eldorado do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul. no ano agrícola 1991/92 com os objetivos de comparar os sistemas de implantação de milho em consórcio de substituição e em sucessão a girassol com seus respectivos monocultivos e entre si e de determinar a melhor combinação de ciclos de cultivares de girassol e milho nestes sistemas. Os tratamentos constaram do estabelecimento de uma cultivar de ciclo precoce (Cargill 805 ou longo (AG 106 de milho, em consórcio de substituição ou em sucessão a uma cultivar de ciclo precoce (Contisol 711 ou longo (Dekalb 180 de girassol, estabelecidas em final de julho, e dos respectivos monocultivos de milho sem girassol como cultura antecessora. Não houve diferença entre os rendimentos de grãos de milho em sistemas de consórcio de substituição e de sucessão em relação aos seus respectivos monocultivos, independentemente do ciclo da cultivar utilizada. Somente o consórcio de substituição de cultivares de ciclo precoce de milho e girassol produziu rendimentos de grãos superiores ao sistema de sucessão.

  13. Retrospectively exploring the importance of items in the decision to leave the emergency medical services (EMS) profession and their relationships to life satisfaction after leaving EMS and likelihood of returning to EMS. (United States)

    Blau, Gary; Chapman, Susan


    An exit survey was returned by a sample of 127 respondents in fully compensated positions who left the EMS profession, most within 12 months prior to filling out the exit survey. A very high percentage continued to work after leaving EMS. Respondents were asked to rate the importance of each of 17 items in affecting their decision to leave EMS. A higher than anticipated response to a "not applicable" response choice affected the usability of 8 of these items. Nine of the 17 items had at least 65 useable responses and were used for further analysis. Within these 9, stress/burnout and lack of job challenges had the highest importance in affecting the decision to leave EMS, while desire for better pay and benefits had the lowest importance. Desire for career change was positively related to life satisfaction after leaving EMS and negatively related to likelihood of returning to EMS. Stress/burnout was positively related to life satisfaction after leaving EMS. Study limitations and future research issues are briefly discussed.

  14. Registro de branqueamento sazonal em Siderastrea spp em poças intermareais do recife de Garajuba, Bahia, Brasil


    Poggio, C.; Leão, Zelinda Margarida de Andrade Nery; Mafalda Junior, P. O.


    p. 502-506 O fenômeno do branqueamento em corais é caracterizado pela despigmentação da colônia em conseqüência da desestabilização da relação simbiótica entre o coral e as zooxantelas, resultando em perda desses simbiontes e/ou dos seus pigmentos fotossintetizantes. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar se o branqueamento das colônias do coral Siderastrea spp., observado nas poças intermareais do topo do recife de Guarajuba, ocorreu em função das variações sa...

  15. Registro de branqueamento sazonal em siderastrea spp. Em poças intermareais do recife de guarajuba, Bahia, Brasil


    Poggio, Carolina; Leão, Zelinda; Mafalda-Junior, Paulo


    O fenômeno do branqueamento em corais é caracterizado pela despigmentação da colônia em conseqüência da desestabilização da relação simbiótica entre o coral e as zooxantelas, resultando em perda desses simbiontes e/ou dos seus pigmentos fotossintetizantes. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar se o branqueamento das colônias do coral Siderastrea spp., observado nas poças intermareais do topo do recife de Guarajuba, ocorreu em função das variações sazonais da temperatura, salinidade e...



    Ferreira, Andreia Silva; Bicalho, Bruna Pereira; Oda, Julie Massayo Maeda; Duarte, Sebastião Junior Henrique; Machado, Richardson Miranda


    A ansiedade e a depressão são doenças psicoemocionais que afetam grande parte das mulheres acometidas pelo câncer de mama. Pouco se sabe sobre os meios de identificação precoce, constituindo-se em desafios à equipe multiprofissional da saúde a integralidade do cuidado à vítima dessa doença. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar a prevalência da ansiedade e depressão em mulheres em tratamento ambulatorial para o câncer de mama. Estudo descritivo transversal, realizado com 138 mulheres em tra...

  17. Reação entre a performance em natação e variáveis de força em seco. Um estudo piloto em nadadoras de nível nacional.


    Amaro, Nuno


    Este trabalho apresenta uma revisão em torno das questões das manifestações de força em seco e sua relação com a performance de nado. Adicionalmente, foi realizado um estudo piloto para avaliação de procedimentos e metodologias a utilizar em situação de avaliação e controlo de treino. Da revisão da literatura é possível verificar que poucos são os estudos existentes que demonstrem a importância de um programa de treino em seco como complementar ao treino em água. São detetadas ...

  18. A relação entre performance em natação e variáveis de força em seco : um estudo piloto em nadadoras de nível nacional


    Amaro, Nuno Miguel Pires Alves


    Este trabalho apresenta uma revisão em torno das questões das manifestações de força em seco e sua relação com a performance de nado. Adicionalmente, foi realizado um estudo piloto para avaliação de procedimentos e metodologias a utilizar em situação de avaliação e controlo de treino. Da revisão da literatura é possível verificar que poucos são os estudos existentes que demonstrem a importância de um programa de treino em seco como complementar ao treino em água. São detetadas ...

  19. Presentació del llibre <em>La gobernanza hoy: 10 textos de referenciaem>, d'Agustí Cerrillo

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    Agustí Cerrillo


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    El proppassat 19 de gener, es va presentar a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya el llibre <em>La gobernanza hoy: 10 textos de referenciaem>, coordinat i tradu¨t per Agustí Cerrillo, professor dels Estudis de Dret i Ciència Política de la UOC.

    El van presentar Eduard Aibar, vicerector de recerca de la UOC; Francisco Ramos, director de l'Institut Nacional d'Administració Pública; Joan Prats, director de l'Institut Internacional de Governabilitat de Catalunya i autor del llibre <em>De la burocracia al management. Del management a la gobernanzaem>, que també fou presentat en el mateix acte.

  20. <em>Buddleja officinalis Maximowiczem> Extract Inhibits Lipid Accumulation on Adipocyte Differentiation in 3T3-L1 Cells and High-Fat Mice

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    Jin-Kyu Kim


    Full Text Available Obesity is a global health problem. It is also known to be a risk factor for the development of metabolic disorders, type 2 diabetes, systemic hypertension, cardiovascular disease, dyslipidemia, and atherosclerosis. In this study, we elucidated that <em>Buddleja officinalis Maximowicz em>extract significantly inhibited lipid accumulation during 3T3-L1 adipocyte differentiation. Furthermore, <em>Buddleja officinalis Maximowicz em>extract reduced the body weight gain induced through feeding a high-fat diet to C57BL/6 mice. The treatment of <em>Buddleja officinalis Maximowicz em>extract significantly reduced the adipose tissue weight to 2.7/100 g of body weight in high-fat mice. When their adipose tissue morphology was investigated for histochemical staining, the distribution of cell size in the high-fat diet groups was hypertrophied compared with those from <em>Buddleja officinalis Maximowicz em>extract-treated mice. In addition, in <em>Buddleja officinalis Maximowicz em>extract-treated mice, a significant reduction of serum triglyceride and T-cholesterol was observed at to 21% and 17%, respectively. The discovery of bioactive compounds from diet or dietary supplementation is one of possible ways to control obesity and to prevent or reduce the risks of various obesity-related diseases. These results support that <em>Buddleja officinalis Maximowiczem> extract is expected to create the therapeutic interest with respect to the treatment of obesity.