
Sample records for em cristais kcl

  1. Espectroscopia Vibracional em Cristais de L-histidina.


    GardÃnia de Sousa Pinheiro


    Neste trabalho, cristais de L-histidina (C6H9N3O2) sÃo investigados atravÃs de espectroscopia Raman variando-se os parÃmetros termodinÃmicos como temperatura e pressÃo na regiÃo espectral entre 30 cm-1 e 3450 cm-1. Os experimentos de espectroscopia Raman em cristais de L-histidina foram realizados desde a temperatura de 30 K atà 428 K. Dos experimentos realizados a baixas temperaturas (30 K < T < 291 K), observou-se que a estrutura da L-histidina sofre uma transiÃÃo conformacional a 170...

  2. Relação entre presença de fendas de cristais de colesterol em lesão periapical e nível de colesterol sérico

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    Vanessa Tavares da Silva

    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Uma infecção crônica nos tecidos periapicais pode desencadear uma lesão periapical em função da estimulação e da proliferação dos restos epiteliais de Malassez. Ao estudo microscópico, é possível detectar a presença de fendas de cristais de colesterol no interior de cistos e granulomas. De acordo com alguns estudos, a origem do colesterol no interior de lesões no periápice pode ser, parcialmente, por causa da condensação e da cristalização de colesterol dentro da parede do cisto. Outros estudos afirmam que a presença de colesterol pode ser derivada de produtos metabólicos locais ou da circulação vascular. OBJETIVO: O presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar a relação entre as fendas de cristais de colesterol encontradas nas lesões periapicais e os níveis de colesterol sérico. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Estudo observacional de natureza descritiva, que incluiu 70 pacientes portadores de lesões periapicais, de acordo com exame radiográfico, atendidos no Departamento de Odontologia da Universidade Federal de Sergipe. Esses pacientes foram submetidos à exodontia da unidade dentária acometida e à remoção da lesão periapical, sendo esta peça encaminhada para exame anatomopatológico. Na mesma consulta, era solicitado um lipidograma para avaliação das taxas de colesterol sérico dos pacientes. RESULTADO: Fendas de cristais de colesterol estavam presentes apenas em cistos grandes (maiores que 1,5 cm de diâmetro, aproximadamente e, portanto, mais antigos. CONCLUSÃO: A presença de cristais de colesterol é rara nas lesões periapicais. O estudo sugere uma relação entre a presença dos cristais de colesterol e o índice de colesterol sérico elevado, em lesões grandes e antigas.

  3. Estudo de espalhamento Raman em cristais de L-leucina submetidos a altas temperaturas e a altas pressÃes


    Pedro de Freitas FaÃanha Filho


    Neste trabalho foram realizadas medidas de espalhamento Raman polarizado à temperatura ambiente e medidas de absorÃÃo no infravermelho em cristais do aminoÃcido L-leucina com o objetivo de se determinar os modos normais de vibraÃÃo do material. Para isto, utilizou-se auxiliarmente a classificaÃÃo dos modos normais de vibraÃÃo disponÃveis para outros trÃs aminoÃcidos protÃicos alifÃticos, a L-alanina, a L-Âvalina e a L-isoleucina. Na segunda parte do trabalho estudou-se o comportamento dos mod...

  4. Determinação direta das fases na difração de raios-X em cristais sem centro de simetria


    Jose Antonio Prado Valladares


    Resumo: Um método experimental é proposto para solucionar o problema da fase na difração de raios-X em cristais sem centro de simetria, usando difração múltipla caso três-feixes tipo-Bragg. Este método resulta da consideração da dependência da fase com a assimetria dos perfis de linha, com o sentido da rotação da rede cristalina e com o comprimento de onda da radiação incidente. Casos em que o comprimento de onda da radiação incidente está acima e abaixo da borda de absorção, lE, do átomo mai...

  5. Estruturação de cristais de gelo em soluções aquosas contendo solutos diversos Ice crystals structuring in water solutions containing different solutes

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    Full Text Available Existe uma grande demanda de conhecimentos na área de criopreservação de frutos tropicais com vistas a reduzir os danos celulares provocados por cristais de gelo durante o congelamento. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a capacidade de estruturação de cristais de gelo. Soluções aquosas contendo arabinose, glicose, piridoxina, creatina, metionina, lisina e arginina, foram submetidas a congelamento lento em ar estático e as amostras resultantes examinadas por microscopia ótica sob luz polarizada. Os açúcares arabinose e glicose provocaram nos cristais de gelo estruturações que variaram de uma configuração hexagonal a uma arbórea, dentre outras. Vitaminas hidrossolúveis e compostos hidrofílicos ou hidrofóbicos favoreceram a formação de arranjamentos circulares filamentosos.There is a great demand for information about the cryopreservation of tropical fruits to reduce cell damage caused by ice crystals during freezing. The objective of this work was to study the structuring capacity of ice cristals. Water solutions having arabinose, glucose, pyridoxine, creatine, methionine, lysine and arginine were submitted to a slow freezing process and the resulting samples were examined under an optical microscope under polarized light. Sugars (arabinose and glucose caused a range of structures, from hexagonal to tree-like configurations, among others. Water soluble vitamins and hydrophilic or hydrophobic compounds favored the formation of needles arranged in a circular-type manner.

  6. Medidas de indices de refração de cristais liquidos esmecticos


    Kroin, Teodosio


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciencias Fisicas e Matematicas Mostramos que os cristais líquidos biaxiais podem ter seus índices de refração principais medidos pelo método de Abbe, desde que convenientemente alinhados. Apresentam-se as medidas dos índices de refração das diferentes mesofases e da fase isotrópica do cristal líquido uni-axial 4-butoxibenzilideno-4'- aminoacetofenona em função da temperatura e para três comprimentos de onda. As medi...

  7. Identificação de cristais no líquido sinovial por microscopia electrónica


    Nero, Patrícia; Nogueira, Isabel; Vilar, Rui; Bravo Pimentao, J.; Branco, Jaime


    Introdução: A identificação de cristais no líquido sinovial é feita habitualmente através do exame microscópico com luz ordinária, luz compensada e algumas colorações. No entanto, dadas as suas pequenas dimensões e diminutas concentrações no líquido sinovial, por vezes nem mesmo após centrifugação estes se conseguem identificar utilizando esses métodos. Objectivos: Analisar a detecção de cristais no líquido sinovial de doentes com monoartrite não infecciosa, sem história de traumatismo ou pat...

  8. Relação entre o alumínio extraível com KCl e oxalato de amônio e a mineralogia da fração argila, em solos ácidos brasileiros

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    Gabriel Octávio de Mello Cunha


    Full Text Available Em solos ácidos de ambiente mais tropical com esmectitas, assim como em solos altamente tamponados de ambiente subtropical, contendo esmectita com hidroxi-Al entrecamadas (EHE e, ou, vermiculita com hidroxi-Al entrecamadas (VHE, os teores de Al-KCl podem ser excepcionalmente altos; entretanto, em alguns casos não se manifestam efeitos fitotóxicos do elemento nas culturas. O Al "trocável" é tradicionalmente quantificado no extrato da solução de KCl 1 mol L-1 (Al-KCl, mas nem sempre esse elemento provém unicamente de formas trocáveis. Este trabalho objetivou investigar relações entre o Al extraído com solução de KCl e de oxalato de amônio com a mineralogia da fração argila. A quantificação do Al nos extratos de KCl e oxalato de amônio foi feita, respectivamente, por titulação com NaOH 0,02 mol L-1 padronizado e por espectrofotometria de absorção atômica. Foram utilizadas amostras de dois horizontes (A e B de 12 perfis de solo de cinco estados brasileiros (AC, PE, BA, RS e SC, com diferentes características mineralógicas, todos com teores de Al-KCl superior a 4 cmol c kg-1 no horizonte B. Dois perfis de SC (Rancho Queimado e Curitibanos, com níveis mais baixos de Al-KCl, foram incluídos para comparação. Os altos teores de Al-KCl evidenciaram-se relacionados com a mineralogia dos solos estudados. Nos solos ácidos com mais esmectitas, drenagem moderada ou imperfeita e oscilação do lençol freático houve evidências morfológicas, confirmadas pelas análises mineralógicas, de que no clima atual ocorre um processo de destruição de argilas, liberando Al que precipita como compostos amorfos. A alta concentração salina da solução de KCl dissolve parcialmente tais compostos, superestimando as formas trocáveis desse elemento, principalmente nos horizontes subsuperficiais. Nos solos ácidos do ambiente subtropical, os teores de Al-KCl também foram altos, embora com valores mais baixos do que nos com predomínio de

  9. Características de cristais de gelo observados em um sistema de nuvens na Amazônia durante o experimento TRMM-LBA Characteristics of ice crystals observed in a cloud system over the Amazon during the TRMM-LBA experiment

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    Alexandre Araujo Costa


    Full Text Available Durante os meses de janeiro e fevereiro de 1999 foi realizada a campanha do TRMM/LBA (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission/Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia, na qual foram investigadas propriedades microfísicas de nuvens convectivas profundas. Este experimento fez parte de um esforço internacional para calibrar os equipamentos, no satélite TRMM, com o objetivo de estudar processos físicos tais como precipitação, radiação e eletricidade atmosférica. Os dados utilizados neste trabalho foram obtidos por instrumentos instalados na aeronave Citation II pertencente à Universidade de Dakota do Norte, USA, que incluem um conjunto de sondas espectrométricas, as quais medem a concentração e tamanho de partículas de gelo e de água, com destaque para a sonda bidimensional 2DC (Two-dimensional Cloud probe. Esta sonda identifica não apenas concentração e tamanho dos hidrometeoros, mas também as diferentes formas dos cristais de gelo. A aeronave realizou diversos vôos no experimento TRMM/LBA, sendo escolhido para análise o dia 10 de fevereiro de 1999. Foram observados cristais de gelo com uma grande variedade de formas e dimensões. Verificou-se certa concordância entre a forma dos cristais e os padrões de temperatura e umidade presente no ambiente, assim como foram observadas superposições de hábitos de cristais, sugerindo a existência de mistura entre diferentes regiões das nuvens e indicando que a sedimentação dos cristais pode ter grande importância para a evolução das propriedades microfísicas de nuvens convectivas profundas. Foi observado que a distribuição de tamanho dos cristais de gelo em função do diâmetro segue uma lei de potência.During the months of January and February 1999, the TRMM/LBA (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission/Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia campaign took place, in which microphysical properties of deep convective clouds were investigated. The

  10. Acúmulo de ácido oxálico e cristais de cálcio em ectomicorrizas de eucalipto.: II- formação de cristais de oxalato de cálcio induzida por fungos ectomicorrízicos em raízes laterais finas Accumulation of oxalic acid and calcium crystals in ectomycorrhizas of eucalypt.: II- calcium oxalate crystal formation induced by ectomicorrhizal fungi in fine lateral roots

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    Jhon Alexander Zambrano Gonzalez


    Full Text Available O eucalipto é eficiente na aquisição de Ca do solo, mas pouco se sabe sobre a participação das ectomicorrizas e dos ácidos orgânicos nesse processo em campo. O acúmulo de cristais de Ca (CaOx foi avaliado em, aproximadamente, 2.100 raízes laterais finas e ectomicorrizas do híbrido de Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla, cultivado por 2,5 anos em área com topografia típica em meia laranja, com vertente côncavo-convexa, na região de Viçosa, MG. Técnicas de microscopia óptica e microscopia eletrônica de varredura foram usadas para a visualização dos CaOx. Em 73,7 % das raízes, ocorreu abundante acúmulo de drusas e grânulos de CaOx nas células do córtex. A presença conspícua de CaOx foi observada em 56,2 % das ectomicorrizas e em 17,5 % das raízes laterais finas não colonizadas, evidenciando o papel das micorrizas no acúmulo de Ca em eucalipto. A forma predominante dos CaOx foram as drusas nas ectomicorrizas e os grânulos cristalinos nas raízes. Os dez morfotipos de ectomicorrizas observados na área diferiram quanto à presença e à morfologia dos CaOx, o que pode representar distintas capacidades dos fungos ectomicorrízicos em fornecer Ca para a planta hospedeira. A análise da superfície do manto das ectomicorrizas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura não evidenciou a presença de CaOx nessa estrutura, confirmando que, nas condições avaliadas, o acúmulo de cristais limita-se ao córtex radicular. Este é o primeiro relato da ocorrência de CaOx em ectomicorrizas de eucalipto no Brasil, com dados que comprovam que há mecanismos de armazenamento de Ca nas ectomicorrizas em áreas com baixa disponibilidade do elemento.Eucalypt is efficient at taking up Ca from the soil, however little is known about the contribution of ectomycorrhizas and organic acids to this process under field conditions. The accumulation of calcium oxalate crystals (CaOx was evaluated in, approximately, 2,100 fine lateral roots

  11. Cinética da dissolução redutiva da goethita e hematita em solos poligenéticos

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    Inda Junior Alberto Vasconcellos


    Full Text Available A cinética da dissolução redutiva da goethita e da hematita em solos poligenéticos foi avaliada por dois modelos matemáticos. O modelo Kabai descreveu a dissolução em um único segmento linear, não discriminando fases de um mesmo óxido ou de diferentes óxidos em cada amostra. A análise comparativa da estabilidade de cristais por este modelo somente pode ser realizada entre amostras distintas. O modelo Avrami-Erofejev descreveu a dissolução em mais de um segmento linear na maioria das amostras. Este modelo discriminou fases de um mesmo óxido e ofereceu condições para classificar o grau de estabilidade destes minerais dentro de cada amostra. Os modelos indicaram menor estabilidade da hematita em relação à goethita frente à dissolução redutiva, principalmente quando a última combinou baixa substituição por Al3+ e alta área superficial específica. A influência destes parâmetros mineralógicos na estabilidade dos cristais à dissolução redutiva mostrou ser dependente da abordagem matemática utilizada para determinar a cinética dissolutiva.

  12. Balanço de potássio e desempenho de frangos de corte suplementados com KCl no verão Potassium balance and performance of broilers supplemented with KCl in summer

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    Bonifácio Benicio de Souza


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar o efeito da suplementação de cloreto de potássio (KCl sobre o balanço de potássio e o desempenho de frangos de corte no verão. Foram utilizados 288 frangos de corte, da linhagem Hubbard, sexados, alojados em baterias no período de 28 a 49 dias de idade, distribuídos segundo um delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 6 x 2, com 6 níveis de KCl (0,0; 0,4; 0,8; 1,2; 1,6; 2,0% e 2 sexos, com 4 repetições de 6 aves cada uma. As temperaturas máxima e mínima, umidade relativa do ar e o índice de temperatura do globo negro e umidade (ITGU, durante o período experimental, foram de 31,5ºC e 20,5ºC, 68% e 77%, respectivamente. As aves receberam ração "ad libitum", com dietas formuladas à base de milho e farelo de soja. Quando as aves atingiram a idade de 35 dias, foi realizado o balanço de potássio, durante um período de 96 horas. A elevação na suplementação de KCl na dieta aumentou linearmente (PThis experiment was conducted to verify the effect of KCl on potassium balance and performance of broilers in summer. A total of 288 broiler chickens aged 28 to 49 days was utilized, allocated according to a completely randomized design in a 6 x 2 factorial scheme 6 levels of KCl (0,0; 0,4; 0,8; 1,2; 1,6; 2,0 % and 2 sexes, with four replications of 6 birds each. The maximum and minimum temperatures, relative humidity and black globe-humidity index (BGHI were of 31,5ºC and 20ºC, 68% and of 73%, respectability. With the growing supplementation of KCl, there was a linear increase (P<0.01 in the intake, excretion and retention of the potassium, concentration of potassium in the plasma and water consumption. There was a linear reduction (P<0.01 of the excreta dry matter. The males overcame the females (P<0.01 in the intake and excretion of potassium. However, the females overcame the males (P<0.01 in the retention of the potassium. There was a positive balance of potassium for

  13. Thermal bleaching of the V-centres in gamma irradiated KCl:Ca and KCl:Sr crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Georgiev, G.; Popov, P.; Bakalova, N.


    The thermal bleaching of the Vsub(2)sup(M)-and F-bands in gamma irradiated KCl:Ca and KCl:Sr has been investigated under a linear heating with rate of 1 K/min in the temperature range from 270K up to 470K. The results show that during the bleaching the ratio between the concentrations of the F-and Vsub(2)sup(M)-centers is constant. Under the supposition that the ratio is equal to 2, oscillator strenghts of 0.61 and 0.70 have been obtained for the Vsub(2)sup(M)-centre in KCl:Sr, respectively. From the derivatives of the bleaching curves the activation energies and frequency factors for the Vsub(2)sup(M)-centre destruction has been obtained as well. (authors)

  14. Growth inhibitor of E. coli K-12 in a sample of 39KCl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luckey, T.D.


    Growth rates and total population of E. coli were reduced fourfold when natural KCl (/sup N/KCl) in the medium was replaced by 39 KCl from a particular source. A prolonged lag period was noted in cultures containing either /sup N/KCl or 39 KCl when inoculated with bacteria adapted to 39 KCl. These changes were not due to endogenous radiation because these differences were not observed when (a) the KCl concentrations were reduced from 50 to 5 mM and (b) the 39 KCl from the prime source was replaced with 39 KCl from a second source; also the addition of 40 KCl to 39 KCl did not improve growth. These results suggest that the 39 KCl from the primary source contained an unidentified inhibitor that is not readily detected by physical and chemical analyses. 8 references, 3 figures, 2 tables

  15. The taste of KCl - What a difference a sugar makes. (United States)

    Ben Abu, Natalie; Harries, Daniel; Voet, Hillary; Niv, Masha Y


    Dramatic increase in NaCl consumption lead to sodium intake beyond health guidelines. KCl substitution helps reduce sodium intake but results in a bitter-metallic off-taste. Two disaccharides, trehalose and sucrose, were tested in order to untangle the chemical (increase in effective concentration of KCl due to sugar addition) from the sensory effects. The bitter-metallic taste of KCl was reduced by these sugars, while saltiness was enhanced or unaltered. The perceived sweetness of sugar, regardless of its type and concentration, was an important factor in KCl taste modulation. Though KCl was previously shown to increase the chemical activity of trehalose but not of sucrose, we found that it suppressed the perceived sweetness of both sugars. Therefore, sensory integration was the dominant factor in the tested KCl-sugar combinations. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. KCl stimulation increases norepinephrine transporter function in PC12 cells. (United States)

    Mandela, Prashant; Ordway, Gregory A


    The norepinephrine transporter (NET) plays a pivotal role in terminating noradrenergic signaling and conserving norepinephrine (NE) through the process of re-uptake. Recent evidence suggests a close association between NE release and regulation of NET function. The present study evaluated the relationship between release and uptake, and the cellular mechanisms that govern these processes. KCl stimulation of PC12 cells robustly increased [3H]NE uptake via the NET and simultaneously increased [3H]NE release. KCl-stimulated increases in uptake and release were dependent on Ca2+. Treatment of cells with phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) or okadaic acid decreased [3H]NE uptake but did not block KCl-stimulated increases in [3H]NE uptake. In contrast, PMA increased [3H]NE release and augmented KCl-stimulated release, while okadaic acid had no effects on release. Inhibition of Ca2+-activated signaling cascades with KN93 (a Ca2+ calmodulin-dependent kinase inhibitor), or ML7 and ML9 (myosin light chain kinase inhibitors), reduced [3H]NE uptake and blocked KCl-stimulated increases in uptake. In contrast, KN93, ML7 and ML9 had no effect on KCl-stimulated [3H]NE release. KCl-stimulated increases in [3H]NE uptake were independent of transporter trafficking to the plasma membrane. While increases in both NE release and uptake mediated by KCl stimulation require Ca2+, different intracellular mechanisms mediate these two events.

  17. IRSL characteristics of NaCl and KCl relative to dosimeter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanir, Guenes; Hicabi Boeluekdemir, M.; Catli, Serap; Tel, Eyyuep


    The aim of this work is to determine and compare the dosimetric properties of NaCl and KCl samples using infrared-stimulated luminescence (IRSL) technique. For a material to be used as dosimeter, both the IRSL temperature dependence and the radiation dose response have critical importance. In this work the IRSL characteristics from NaCl and KCl samples were experimentally investigated as a function of temperature and laboratory radiation doses. Dosimetric properties of NaCl and KCl samples were found significantly different. The IRSL signals displayed by NaCl were found to be more stable, reliable and agreeable than those of KCl

  18. Growth and time dependent alignment of KCl crystals in Hemoglobin LB monolayer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mahato, Mrityunjoy; Pal, Prabir; Tah, Bidisha; Kamilya, Tapanendu; Talapatra, G.B.


    Nature and organism often use the biomineralization technique to build up various highly regular structures such as bone, teeth, kidney stone etc., and recently this becomes the strategy to design and synthesis of novel biocomposite materials. We report here the controlled crystallization of KCl in Langmuir and Langmuir Blodgett (LB) monolayer of Hemoglobin (Hb) at ambient condition. The nucleation and growth of KCl crystals in Hb monolayer has temporal and KCl concentration dependency. The growth of KCl crystals in LB film of Hb has distinct behavior in the alignment of crystals from linear to fractal like structures depending on growth time. The crystallographic identity of the biomineralized KCl crystal is confirmed from HR-TEM, XRD, and from powder diffraction simulation. Our results substantiated that the template of Langmuir monolayer of proteins plays a crucial role in biomineralization as well as in designing and synthesizing of novel biocomposite materials. Highlights: ► Biomineralization of KCl crystal has been studied in Hemoglobin LB film. ► KCl crystal growth is time and concentration of KCl dependent. ► The alignment of KCl crystal growth is fractal nature with time. ► The unfolding of Hb and evaporation factor has some role in crystallization and fractal growth.

  19. New colour centres in KCl:(Tl+ + Ca2+) and KCl:(Tl+ + Sr2+) crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ioan, A.; Topa, V.; Giurgea, M.


    Electrolytic colouring under unusual conditions (low temperature and high voltage) gives rise to the appearance of three new absorption bands peaking at 3.2, 2.5, and 1.7 eV and at 2.8, 2.1, and 1.5 eV in KCl:(Tl + + Ca 2+ ) and in KCl:(Tl + + Sr 2+ ) single crystals, respectively. The modifications of the absorption spectra of the coloured crystals induced by the application of a reversed electric field at the colouring temperature or by heat treatment are investigated. It is likely that the colour centre responsible for the new absorption bands is an aggregate centre which, besides an Tl - -complex, contains also at least an Ca(Sr) ion, a trapped electron, and an anionic vacancy. (author)

  20. Platelet-derived growth factor regulates K-Cl cotransport in vascular smooth muscle cells. (United States)

    Zhang, Jing; Lauf, Peter K; Adragna, Norma C


    Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), a potent serum mitogen for vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs), plays an important role in membrane transport regulation and in atherosclerosis. K-Cl cotransport (K-Cl COT/KCC), the coupled-movement of K and Cl, is involved in ion homeostasis. VSMCs possess K-Cl COT activity and the KCC1 and KCC3 isoforms. Here, we report on the effect of PDGF on K-Cl COT activity and mRNA expression in primary cultures of rat VSMCs. K-Cl COT was determined as the Cl-dependent Rb influx and mRNA expression by semiquantitative RT-PCR. Twenty four-hour serum deprivation inhibited basal K-Cl COT activity. Addition of PDGF increased total protein content and K-Cl COT activity in a time-dependent manner. PDGF activated K-Cl COT in a dose-dependent manner, both acutely (10 min) and chronically (12 h). AG-1296, a selective inhibitor of the PDGF receptor tyrosine kinase, abolished these effects. Actinomycin D and cycloheximide had no effect on the acute PDGF activation of K-Cl COT, suggesting posttranslational regulation by the drug. Furthermore, PDGF increased KCC1 and decreased KCC3 mRNA expression in a time-dependent manner. These results indicate that chronic activation of K-Cl COT activity by PDGF may involve regulation of the two KCC mRNA isoforms, with KCC1 playing a dominant role in the mechanism of PDGF-mediated activation.

  1. Extração e quantificação de alumínio trocável em Organossolos

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    José Ricardo da Rocha Campos


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar diferentes métodos de extração e quantificação de alumínio trocável em Organossolos. As amostras foram coletadas em três perfis de turfeira e, então, secas ao ar e passadas em peneira de malha de 2 mm. Foram feitas extrações com KCl 1 mol L-1 , Ca(OAc2 1 mol L-1 e CuCl2 0,5 mol L-1 . Em seguida, os extratos obtidos por KCl e Ca(OAc2 foram analisados por titulação com NaOH 0,025 mol L-1 e por espectrômetro de absorção atômica com forno de grafite (GF-AAE. Os extratos obtidos por CuCl2 foram analisados por GF-AAE. Na quantificação por GF-AAE, os extratores KCl e Ca(OAc2 tiveram capacidade semelhante de extrair alumínio trocável, enquanto o CuCl2 foi capaz de extrair também o Al reativo. Os elevados teores de alumínio trocável observados na titulação após extração com KCl podem estar relacionados aos elevados teores do íon H+ presente nas amostras. O método indicado para determinação do teor de alumínio trocável em Organossolos é a extração com KCl ou com Ca(OAc2 e, para quantificação, a espectrofotometria de absorção atômica com forno de grafite.

  2. KCl cotransport regulation and protein kinase G in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells. (United States)

    Adragna, N C; Zhang, J; Di Fulvio, M; Lincoln, T M; Lauf, P K


    K-Cl cotransport is activated by vasodilators in erythrocytes and vascular smooth muscle cells and its regulation involves putative kinase/phosphatase cascades. N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) activates the system presumably by inhibiting a protein kinase. Nitrovasodilators relax smooth muscle via cGMP-dependent activation of protein kinase G (PKG), a regulator of membrane channels and transporters. We investigated whether PKG regulates K-Cl cotransport activity or mRNA expression in normal, PKG-deficient-vector-only-transfected (PKG-) and PKG-catalytic-domain-transfected (PKG+) rat aortic smooth muscle cells. K-Cl cotransport was calculated as the Cl-dependent Rb influx, and mRNA was determined by semiquantitative RT-PCR. Baseline K-Cl cotransport was higher in PKG+ than in PKG- cells (p <0.01). At 0.5 mM, NEM stimulated K-Cl cotransport by 5-fold in PKG- but not in PKG+ cells. However, NEM was more potent although less effective to activate K-Cl cotransport in normal (passage 1-3) and PKG+ than in PKG- cells. In PKG- cells, [(dihydroindenyl) oxy] alkanoic acid (300 mM) but not furosemide (1 mM) inhibited K-Cl cotransport. Furthermore, no difference in K-Cl cotransport mRNA expression was observed between these cells. In conclusion, this study shows that manipulation of PKG expression in vascular smooth muscle cells affects K-Cl cotransport activity and its activation by NEM.

  3. Meltability in system of K2TaF7-NaF-NaCl-KCl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kartsev, V.E.; Kovalev, F.V.; Korshunov, B.G.


    Thermographic and visual-polythermal techniques were used to study the meltability in K 2 TaF 7 -NaF-NaCl-KCl system. The tetrahedron-forming sections NaF-NaCl-K 2 TaF 7 xKCl and NaF-K 2 TaF 7 xKCl-2K 2 TaF 7 xNaCl divide the concentration tetrahedron into three particular tetrahedra: NaF-K 2 TaF 7 xKCl-2K 2 TaF 7 xNaCl-K 2 TaF 7 , NaF-NaCl-K 2 TaF 7 xKCl-2K 2 TaF 7 xaCl, and NaF-NaCl-KCl-K 2 TaF 7 xKCl. Non-variant equilibrium points in all of the particular four-component systems have been determined

  4. Scintilometry in pegmatitcs of the region of Cristais

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marinho, J.M.L.


    The objective of this paper is to show the use of cintilometry in the delimitation of pegmatites of the region of Cristais, northeast of Ceara State. It is a part of the Project Litium-Ce and it receives a financial aid from FINEP. Four on-the-spot surveys have been made with a rectangules 5 x 15 m mesh on heterogeneous and little or not exploited pegmatite revealed on the surface by a residual mantle of milky quartz and slabs of muscovite. A cintilometer Saphyro Srat, model SPP-2 was used for readings in counts per second (c/s). Three of the surveys were performed on medium-sized pegmatites ( 5 - 15 m of width) and show that their measurement are in the 15-60 c/s range while those on the host rock (biotite-gneiss) vary from 70 to 130 c/s. One of the surveys was made over a pegmatitic dyke, with 1,5 meter width, in a sand-covered area of 1 meter, and it shows that the portion of the pegmatite may hardly by suggested, pointing out only at the southwest corner of the area the presence of biotite-gneiss through the increase in the readings. The cintilometry may be used on a more detailed scale in areas with superficial signs of the presence of pegmatites, in order to determine their position and to guide a superficial prospection. The low value reading (15 - 60 c/s) on the pegmatites are bound to be related to the absence of U and Th minerals and to the presence of a nucleus of quartz and albite, replacing largely the potassium feldspars. The reading in the 70 - 130 c/s range on the biotite-gneiss should be linked with the presence in their mineralogic composition of biotite muscovite, potassium feldspars and zircon. A sandy corer disguises the anomalies. (author) [pt

  5. Teores foliares de nutrientes em mudas do abacaxizeiro ‘smooth cayenne’ em resposta à adubação Leaf nutrient contents on ´smooth cayenne´ planting material as response to fertilization

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ruimário Inácio Coelho


    Full Text Available Mudas do abacaxizeiro ‘Smooth Cayenne’ obtidas por seccionamento de caule foram submetidas à adubação foliar com soluções em diferentes concentrações de uréia, KCl e H3BO3, em pulverizações semanais, num total de vinte e seis para a uréia e o KCl e aplicações mensais num total de quatro, para o H3BO3. Todos os tratamentos foram iniciados na nona semana após o plantio das secções. O delineamento utilizado foi fatorial fracionado do tipo (1/553, com três tipos de adubo (uréia, KCl e H3BO3 e cinco concentrações num total de 25 tratamentos. Cada parcela constituiu-se de 50 secções. Os tratamentos consistiram nas combinações das seguintes concentrações em g L-1: 0; 2,5; 5; 7,5 e 10 para a uréia e o KCl, e 0; 0,5; 1; 1,5 e 2,0 de H3BO3. Análises das amostras de folhas “D” revelam efeitos da uréia e H3BO3 sobre os teores foliares de S, Cl e B e efeito do KCL sobre K e Cl foliar. A uréia não apresentou efeito sobre o teor de N foliar, porém influencia significativamente o conteúdo de N nas mudas.‘Smooth Cayenne’ planting material obtained through stem sectioning were trea-ted with foliar fertilization with different concentrations of urea, KCl, in weekly pulverizations, and H3BO4, totalizing twenty-six for urea and KCL pulverizations and four for H3BO3, which was applied monthly The treatments were began nine weeks after planting thestem sections. The experimental scheme was a fractionated factorial (1/55³ with three types of fertilizers (urea, KCl and H3BO3 and five concentrations in a total of 25 treatments. There were 50 sections per plot. Treatments were a combination of concentrations in g L-1: 0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10 of urea and KCl, and 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2,0 of H3BO3. Sample analyses of ‘D’ leaves showed urea and H3BO3 effect on S, Cl and B leaf contents whereas KCL affected leaf K and Cl contents. Urea did not affect N leaf content, however it strongly influenced N content in planting material.

  6. Anatomia dos órgãos vegetativos de Dieffenbachia picta Schott (Araceae com ênfase na distribuição de cristais, laticíferos e grãos de amido

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leandro de Santis Ferreira

    Full Text Available A distribuição dos cristais, laticíferos e grãos de amido foi estudada nos órgãos vegetativos de Dieffenbachia picta Schott (Araceae, conhecida por comigo-ninguém-pode, por tais estruturas serem citadas como responsáveis pela irritação mecânica e química provocada pela planta. A anatomia da folha, do caule aéreo, do rizoma e da raiz foi descrita por meio de seções histológicas coradas com azul de toluidina. A natureza química dos cristais e a presença de lipídios, alcalóides, grãos de amido e proteínas foram verificadas por reagentes diversos. Drusas e ráfides de oxalato de cálcio, associadas a lipídios, alcalóides e proteínas, ocorreram no interior de células presentes no parênquima de todos os órgãos, no colênquima caulinar e nos meristemas da raiz. O tempo de dissolução dos cristais das folhas jovem e adulta foi semelhante, o do caule foi maior que o da folha e o do rizoma maior que o da raiz. Grãos de amido, associados a proteínas, ocorreram no clorênquima do caule aéreo (forma de bastonetes e rizoma (formas esférica e bastonete. Laticíferos ocorreram entremeando o colênquima e o parênquima; o látex continha ráfides, alcalóides e lipídios. Maior número de idioblastos cristalíferos e laticíferos foi observado no caule aéreo, sendo este, portanto, o órgão que mais representa perigo.

  7. Effect of Sr2+ concentration on generation of colour centres in KCl crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kowalczyk, J.; Damm, J.Z.


    Gamma radiation induced generation of F- and V-type colour centres in KCl crystals (one pure and eight Sr-doped) is examined. Beginning with about 66 ppm Sr in the sample the late colouration stage is practically suppressed. It is shown that V 2 bands are characteristic for the initial colouration stage and V 3 band for the late colouration stage. The latter band appears in the pure or low-doped KCl and in plastically deformed high-doped KCl. The introduction of fresh dislocation into the crystal either by irradiation (low-doped KCl) or by plastic deformation (high-doped KCl) is responsible for the disappearance of primary cation vacancies. Some additional data concerning the dose-rate effect and generation of F 2 (M) centres are presented. (author)

  8. Water-dispersible clay in soils treated with sewage sludge Argila dispersa em água em solos tratados com lodo de esgoto

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    João Tavares Filho


    Full Text Available A by-product of Wastewater Treatment Stations is sewage sludge. By treatment and processing, the sludge is made suitable for rational and environmentally safe use in agriculture. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of different doses of limed sewage sludge (50 % on clay dispersion in soil samples with different textures (clayey and medium. The study was conducted with soil samples collected from native forest, on a Red Latosol (Brazilian classification: Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico loamy soil in Londrina (PR and a Red-Yellow Latosol (BC: Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico medium texture soil in Jaguapitã (PR. Pots were filled with 3 kg of air-dried fine earth and kept in greenhouse. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with six treatments: T1 control, and treatments with limed sewage sludge (50 % as follows: T2 (3 t ha-1, T3 (6 t ha-1, T4 (12 t ha-1, T5 (24 t ha-1 and T6 (48 t ha-1 and five replications. The incubation time was 180 days. At the end of this period, the pots were opened and two sub-samples per treatment collected to determine pH-H2O, pH KCl (1 mol L-1, organic matter content, water-dispersible clay, ΔpH (pH KCl - pH-H2O and estimated PZC (point of zero charge: PZC = 2 pH KCl - pH-H2O, as well as the mineralogy of the clay fraction, determined by X ray diffraction. The results showed no significant difference in the average values for water-dispersible clay between the control and the other treatments for the two soil samples studied and ΔpH was the variable that correlated best with water-dispersible clay in both soils.As Estações de Tratamento de Esgoto Sanitário (ETES geram um subproduto (lodo de esgoto que, quando tratado e processado, adquire características que permitem sua utilização agrícola de maneira racional e ambientalmente segura. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a influência de diferentes doses de lodo de esgoto caleado (50 % na dispersão de argilas em amostras de

  9. Efeitos das fontes e níveis de sódio, cloro e potássio e da relação (Na + K/Cl, sobre o desempenho e características do plasma sangüíneo de poedeiras comerciais

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    Junqueira Otto Mack


    Full Text Available Dois experimentos foram realizados para estudar os efeitos da relação (Na + K/Cl na dieta de poedeiras comerciais no final do ciclo de postura, pela adição de bicarbonato de sódio (NaHCO3, cloreto de sódio (NaCl, cloreto de potássio (KCl e cloreto de amônia (NH4Cl, avaliando-se os parâmetros produtivos e características do plasma sangüíneo. O primeiro experimento envolveu cinco tratamentos: 0,30% de NaCl; 0,30% de NaCl + 0,95% de NaHCO3; 0,38% de KCl + 0,67% de NaHCO3; 0,38% de KCl + 1,62% de NaHCO3; e 0,38% de KCL + 2,56% de NaHCO3. A relação (Na + K/Cl foi, respectivamente, 3,46; 4,46; 4,46; 5,46; e 6,46. O segundo experimento envolveu quatro tratamentos: 0,30% NaCl; 0,47% de NaHCO3 + 0,19 de NH4Cl; 1,17% NaHCO3 + 0,19% de NH4Cl; e 1,88% de NaHCO3 + 0,19% de NH4Cl. A relação (Na + K/Cl foi 3,46; 4,46; 5,46; e 6,46, respectivamente. No primeiro experimento, o maior consumo alimentar foi observado nas aves alimentadas com dietas contendo 0,30% de NaCl. As aves que consumiram KCl apresentaram melhor conversão alimentar. Foi observado aumento no fósforo e pH do plasma sangüíneo. Aves que receberam dietas em que a relação (Na +K/Cl foi de 5,46 apresentaram maiores níveis de fósforo no plasma sangüíneo. O aumento do pH no plasma sangüíneo foi observado em aves que receberam dietas com relações de (Na + K/Cl de 4,46 e 6,46. No segundo experimento, o peso do ovo diminuiu com o aumento do NaHCO3 da dieta.

  10. The effect of NaCl substitution by KCl on telemea cheese properties

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    Full Text Available The effect of partial or total substitution of sodium chloride by potassium chloride on the chemical composition, texture profile and sensory properties of Telemea cheese during 28 days of ripening at 4°C was evaluated in the current study. Telemea cheese was ripened in 4 different brine solutions (20%, wt/wt made from different NaCl:KCl ratios as follows: (NaCl (A, KCl (B, 1NaCl:1KCl (C and 1NaCl:2KCl (D. The physicochemical properties of Telemea cheese (dry matter, fat, protein, ash, pH, total nitrogen (TN, water soluble nitrogen (WSN and ripening degree values were determined after 1, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days of ripening. Dry matter, pH and ripening degree values were significantly (p < 0.05 affected during ripening. The results of this study indicated that replacing 66% NaCl with KCl influenced the texture profile and sensorial characteristics of Telemea cheese.

  11. Optical investigation of gas-phase KCl/KOH sulfation in post flame conditions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Weng, Wubin; chen, Shuang; Wu, Hao


    A counter-flow reactor setup was designed to investigate the gas-phase sulfation and homogeneous nucleation of potassium salts. Gaseous KOH and KCl were introduced into the post-flame zone of a laminar flat flame. The hot flame products mixed in the counter-flow with cold N2, with or without....... Depending on the potassium speciation in the inlet and the presence of SO2, they consisted of K2SO4, KCl, or K2CO3, respectively. The experiments showed that KOH was sulphated more readily than KCl, resulting in larger quantities of aerosols. The sulfation process in the counter-flow setup was simulated...... using a chemical kinetic model including a detailed subset for the Cl/S/K chemistry. Similar to the experimental results, much more potassium sulfate was predicted when seeding KOH compared to seeding KCl. For both KOH and KCl, sulfation was predicted to occur primarily through the reactions among...

  12. Hydrothermal growth of ZnO nanorods: The role of KCl in controlling rod morphology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Downing, Jonathan M.; Ryan, Mary P.; McLachlan, Martyn A.


    The role of potassium chloride (KCl) in controlling ZnO nanorod morphology of large area thin films prepared by hydrothermal growth has been extensively investigated. The influence of KCl and growth time on the orientation, morphology and microstructure of the nanorod arrays has been studied with systematic changes in the length, width, density and termination of the nanorods observed. Such changes are attributed to stabilization of the high-energy (002) nanorod surface by the KCl. At low KCl concentrations (< 100 mM) c-axis growth i.e. perpendicular to the polar surface, dominates, leading to nanorods with increased length over the control sample (0 mM KCl). At higher concentrations (> 100 mM) stabilization of the high-energy surface by KCl occurs and planar (002) facets are observed accompanied by increased lateral (100) growth, at the highest KCl concentrations near coalesced (002) terminated rods are observed. Additionally we correlate the KCl concentration with the uniformity of the nanorod arrays; a decrease in polydispersity with increased KCl concentration is observed. The vertical alignment of nanorod arrays was studied using X-ray diffraction, it was found that this parameter increases as growth time and KCl concentration are increased. We propose that the increase in vertical alignment is a result of nanorod–nanorod interactions during the early stages of growth. - Highlights: • Modified hydrothermal growth was used for controlled ZnO nanorod synthesis. • Growth conditions varied to study influence on nanorod morphology and orientation. • A highly controlled and reproducible method is established. • A mechanism for growth and the role of ionic additives is proposed

  13. Creation of radiation defects in KCl crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lushchik, A.Ch.; Pung, L.A.; Khaldre, Yu.Yu.; Kolk, Yu.V.


    Optical and EPR methods were used to study the creation of anion and cation Frenkel defects in KCl crystals irradiated by X-ray and VUV-radiation. The decay of excitons with the creation of charged Frenkel defects (α and I centres) was detected and investigated at 4.2 K. The decay of excitons as well as the recombination of electrons with self-trapped holes leads to the creation of neutral Frenkel defects (F and H centres). The creation of Cl 3 - and Vsub(F) centres (cation vacancy is a component of these centres) by X-irradiation at 80 K proves the possibility of cation defects creation in KCl [ru

  14. Phase transition of KCl under shock compression

    CERN Document Server

    Mashimo, T; Tsumoto, K; Zhang, Y; Ando, S; Tonda, H


    It had been reported that for potassium chloride (KCl) the B1-B2 phase transition (PT) occurs under shock and static compressions, but the measured transition points showed large scatter. In this study, Hugoniot measurement experiments were performed on KCl single crystals by the inclined-mirror method combined with use of a powder gun. The anisotropic Hugoniot elastic limits and PT points were observed. The PT points along the (100), (110) and (111) axis directions were determined as 2.5, 2.2 and 2.1 GPa, respectively. The anisotropic transition was reasonably explained in terms of the displacement mechanism along the (111) axis direction.

  15. Signal transduction mechanisms of K+-Cl- cotransport regulation and relationship to disease. (United States)

    Adragna, N C; Ferrell, C M; Zhang, J; Di Fulvio, M; Temprana, C F; Sharma, A; Fyffe, R E W; Cool, D R; Lauf, P K


    The K+-Cl- cotransport (COT) regulatory pathways recently uncovered in our laboratory and their implication in disease state are reviewed. Three mechanisms of K+-Cl- COT regulation can be identified in vascular cells: (1) the Li+-sensitive pathway, (2) the platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-sensitive pathway and (3) the nitric oxide (NO)-dependent pathway. Ion fluxes, Western blotting, semi-quantitative RT-PCR, immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy were used. Li+, used in the treatment of manic depression, stimulates volume-sensitive K+-Cl- COT of low K+ sheep red blood cells at cellular concentrations 3 mM, causes cell swelling, and appears to regulate K+-Cl- COT through a protein kinase C-dependent pathway. PDGF, a potent serum mitogen for vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs), regulates membrane transport and is involved in atherosclerosis. PDGF stimulates VSM K+-Cl- COT in a time- and concentration-dependent manner, both acutely and chronically, through the PDGF receptor. The acute effect occurs at the post-translational level whereas the chronic effect may involve regulation through gene expression. Regulation by PDGF involves the signalling molecules phosphoinositides 3-kinase and protein phosphatase-1. Finally, the NO/cGMP/protein kinase G pathway, involved in vasodilation and hence cardiovascular disease, regulates K+-Cl- COT in VSMCs at the mRNA expression and transport levels. A complex and diverse array of mechanisms and effectors regulate K+-Cl- COT and thus cell volume homeostasis, setting the stage for abnormalities at the genetic and/or regulatory level thus effecting or being affected by various pathological conditions.

  16. Regulation of K-Cl cotransport: from function to genes. (United States)

    Adragna, N C; Di Fulvio, M; Lauf, P K


    This review intends to summarize the vast literature on K-Cl cotransport (COT) regulation from a functional and genetic viewpoint. Special attention has been given to the signaling pathways involved in the transporter's regulation found in several tissues and cell types, and more specifically, in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). The number of publications on K-Cl COT has been steadily increasing since its discovery at the beginning of the 1980s, with red blood cells (RBCs) from different species (human, sheep, dog, rabbit, guinea pig, turkey, duck, frog, rat, mouse, fish, and lamprey) being the most studied model. Other tissues/cell types under study are brain, kidney, epithelia, muscle/smooth muscle, tumor cells, heart, liver, insect cells, endothelial cells, bone, platelets, thymocytes and Leishmania donovani. One of the salient properties of K-Cl-COT is its activation by cell swelling and its participation in the recovery of cell volume, a process known as regulatory volume decrease (RVD). Activation by thiol modification with N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) has spawned investigations on the redox dependence of K-Cl COT, and is used as a positive control for the operation of the system in many tissues and cells. The most accepted model of K-Cl COT regulation proposes protein kinases and phosphatases linked in a chain of phosphorylation/dephosphorylation events. More recent studies include regulatory pathways involving the phosphatidyl inositol/protein kinase C (PKC)-mediated pathway for regulation by lithium (Li) in low-K sheep red blood cells (LK SRBCs), and the nitric oxide (NO)/cGMP/protein kinase G (PKG) pathway as well as the platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-mediated mechanism in VSMCs. Studies on VSM transfected cells containing the PKG catalytic domain demonstrated the participation of this enzyme in K-Cl COT regulation. Commonly used vasodilators activate K-Cl COT in a dose-dependent manner through the NO/cGMP/PKG pathway. Interaction between the

  17. Preparation and Humidity Sensing Properties of KCl/MCM-41 Composite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Liu; Lian-Yuan, Wang; Wei, Li; Li-Ying, Kou; Zhi-Cheng, Zhong; Li-Fang, Liu


    KCl/mobil composition of matter-41 (MCM-41) composite has been synthesized via a heat-treating process and characterized by x-ray diffraction, high resolution transmission electron microscopy, and nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherms. In contrast with pure MCM-41, KCl/MCM-41 composite exhibits improved humidity sensing properties within the relative humidity range of 11–95%. The impedance of KCl/MCM-41 composite changes by about four orders of magnitude over the whole humidity range with the response time and the recovery times are about 30 s and 35 s, respectively. Small humidity hysteresis and good stability are also observed based on our product. These results make our product a good candidate in fabricating humidity sensors with high performances and low synthetic complexity

  18. Study of an F center in molten KCl

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Parrinello, M.; Rahman, A.


    It is shown that a discretized version of Feynman's path integral provides a convenient tool for the numerical investigation of the properties of an electron solvated in molten KCl. The binding energy, the magnetic susceptibility, and the pair correlation functions are calculated. The local structure around the solute electron appears to be different from that of an F center in the solid. The Feynman path of the electron dissolved in molten KCl is highly localized thus justifying the F center model. The effect of varying the e/sup -/-K/sup +/ pseudopotential is also reported.

  19. Is KCl(g) corrosive at temperatures above its dew point? Influence of KCl(g) on initial stages of the high temperature corrosion of 11% Cr steel at 600 C

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Segerdahl, K.; Pettersson, J.; Svensson, J.E.; Johansson, L.G. [Dept. of Environmental Inorganic Chemistry, High Temperature Corrosion Centre, Chalmers Univ. of Technology, Goeteborg (Sweden)


    The influence of gaseous KCl on the high temperature oxidation of CrMoV11 1 (X20) steel at 600 C is reported. The sample temperature was above the dew point of KCl, the partial pressure of KCl being about 5ppm. The samples were investigated by a number of surface analytical techniques including grazing angle XRD, SEM/EDX, and SAM. CrMoV11 1 steel shows protective behaviour in clean dry O{sub 2} and O{sub 2}/H{sub 2}O environment because of the formation of a chromium-rich oxide ({alpha}-(Fe,Cr){sub 2}O{sub 3}). It is often considered that alkali salts accelerate the corrosion of steel only when present on the surface in solid or liquid form. In contrast, the present result shows that gaseous KCl is very corrosive, also in the absence of condensation. KCl(g) reacts with chromium in the scale, forming K{sub 2}CrO{sub 4}(s). This depletes the protective oxide in chromium and leads to the formation of non-protective hematite, Fe{sub 2}O{sub 3}. (orig.)

  20. Ionic conductivity in irradiated KCL; Conductiviad ionica de KCL irradiado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vignolo Rubio, J


    The ionic conductivity of X and gamma irradiated KCL single crystals has been studied between room temperature and 600 degree centigree. the radiation induced damage resulting in a decrease of the conductivity heals by thermal annealing in two steps which are at about 350 and 550 degree centigree respectively. It has been found that the radiation induced colour centres are not involved in the observed decrease of the ionic conductivity. However. It has been observed that the effects of quenching and plastic deformation on the conductivity of the samples are very similar to the effect induced by irradiation. It is suggested that, samples radiation induced dislocation loops might cause the ionic conductivity decrease observed in irradiated samples. (Author)

  1. The phase diagram of KNO3-KClO3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Xuejun; Tian Jun; Xu Kangcheng; Gao Yici


    The binary phase diagram of KNO 3 -KClO 3 is studied by means of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and high-temperature X-ray diffraction. The limited solid solutions, K(NO 3 ) 1-x (ClO 3 ) x (0 3 ) 1-x (ClO 3 ) x (0.90 3 -based solid solutions and KClO 3 -based solid solutions phase, respectively. For KNO 3 -based solid solutions, KNO 3 ferroelectric phase can be stable from 423 to 223 K as a result of substituting of NO 3 by ClO 3 -radicals. The temperatures for solidus and liquidus have been determined based on limited solid solutions. Two models, Henrian solution and regular solution theory for KNO 3 -based (α) phase and KClO 3 -based (β) phase, respectively, are employed to reproduce solidus and liquidus of the phase diagram. The results are in good agreement with the DSC data. The thermodynamic properties for α and β solid solutions have been derived from an optimization procedure using the experimental data. The calculated phase diagram and optimized thermodynamic parameters are thermodynamically self-consistent

  2. Reduction behaviors of Zr for LiCl-KCl-ZrCl4 and LiCl-KCl-ZrCl4-CdCl2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Si Hyung; Yoon, Jongho; Kim, Gha Young; Kim, Tack Jin; Shim, Joon Bo; Kim, Kwang Rag; Jung, Jae Hoo; Ahn, Do Hee; Paek, Seungwoo


    The reduction potentials of most of the zirconium ions on the solid cathode are smaller (about 0.4V) than that of uranium, and thus zirconium can be recovered prior to uranium during the reduction stage. In the case of a liquid cadmium cathode, which is one of the major cathodes, the reduction potential can be changed because zirconium reacts with the liquid cadmium. Up to now, it has not been well known what the reduction potential of Zr was on the liquid Cd cathode. According to the Cd-Zr phase diagram, there are four intermetallic compounds between cadmium and zirconium. It is easier to use the solid cathode than the liquid cadmium cathode in LiCl-KCl-ZrCl 4 containing CdCl 2 to identify the formation of the Cd-Zr phase. In this study, the reduction behaviors of zirconium were compared in the LiCl-KCl-ZrCl 4 and LiCl-KCl-ZrCl 4 -CdCl 2 solutions when using a solid cathode. The reduction behavior of Zr at a solid W cathode and a Cd-coated W cathode was compared in a LiCl-KCl-ZrCl 4 solution at 500 .deg. C. It was observed from the results using a solid W cathode that Zr 4+ ions were gradually oxidized to Zr 2+ , Zr, and ZrCl during the reduction sweep, but the final oxidation peak of Zr 2+ to Zr 4+ seemed to be unclear during the oxidation sweep. In the case of the Cd-coated W electrode, only a Cd 2 Zr phase was formed at 500 .deg. C, which seemed to be related to the melting point of Cd-Zr intermetallics. Through additional studies at different temperatures, the formation behavior will be studied

  3. Crystal-associated cholangiopathy in sheep grazing Brachiaria decumbens containing the saponin protodioscin Colangiopatia associada a cristais em ovinos alimentados com Brachiaria decumbens que contém a saponina protodioscina

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    Karine B. Brum


    ão Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Sete cordeiros e uma ovelha adulta foram afetados e seis deles morreram. Dois cordeiros com sinais clínicos e um cordeiro, aparentemente sem sinais clínicos, apresentaram elevação na atividade sérica de gama glutamil-transferase, e nos valores de bilirrubina e colesterol. Em dois animais adultos que não apresentavam sinais clínicos, esses parâmetros estavam dentro dos valores normais. Uma ovelha adulta submetida à necropsia apresentou moderada condição corporal, opacidade de córnea unilateral, focinho ressecado, moderada icterícia, padrão lobular hepático evidente e vesícula biliar acentuadamente distendida e repleta. As lesões histológicas consistiram de degeneração epitelial, necrose e hiperplasia de ductos biliares. Havia discreta quantidade de macrófagos espumosos, principalmente na região centroacinar, e tumefação e vacuolização difusas dos hepatócitos. Foram observadas imagens negativas de cristais dentro dos ductos biliares, macrófagos espumosos e lúmen de alguns túbulos renais. O coração apresentou áreas multifocais de degeneração e necrose de fibras musculares. Amostras da pastagem (B. decumbens apresentaram 2,36% de protodioscina e nenhum esporo de Pithomyces chartarum foi encontrado na pastagem. Amostras de uma pastagem vizinha semelhante (B. decumbens, que havia sido pastejada por bovinos que não desenvolveram fotossensibilização, apresentaram 1,63% de protodioscina. Surtos de fotossensibilização causados por espécies de Brachiaria são comuns em bovinos no Cerrado brasileiro onde há aproximadamente 51 milhões de hectares plantados com essa gramínea. A criação de ovinos nesta região ganhou recente impulso e o número de ovinos vem aumentando significativamente. Como os ovinos são mais suscetíveis que os bovinos à intoxicação pelas saponinas litogênicas presentes nas espécies de Brachiaria spp, isso deve se constituir um fator importante para a criação de ovinos nessa região.

  4. Uso da vinhaça no abacaxizeiro em solo de baixo potencial de produção Stillage application for pineapple in soil with low potential of yield

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    Miralda Bueno de Paula


    Full Text Available O trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar a vinhaça como fonte de K para o abacaxizeiro (Ananas Comosus L., em substituição ao KCl, e seus efeitos sobre as características químicas do solo. O experimento foi instalado em um LV, textura argilosa, utilizando a cv. Smooth Cayenne. Os tratamentos constaram de quatro doses de vinhaça (0 - 100 - 200 - 400 m³/ha, mais um tratamento adicional: 12 g/planta K2O (KCl. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições. Verificou-se efeito significativo da vinhaça e do KCl sobre a produção. Com 400 m³/ha de vinhaça e 20,5 g/planta de KCl , os rendimentos tiveram um acréscimo de 70% e 73%, respectivamente, em relação à testemunha. O fornecimento de K elevou a porcentagem de acidez titulável total e sólidos solúveis totais nos frutos, porém não houve diferença significativa entre as fontes. Os teores foliares de K foram aumentados significativamente pela aplicação de vinhaça e de KCl, e os teores de Mg decresceram. A aplicação de vinhaça contribuiu para aumento, no solo, dos teores dos cátions K, Ca, Mg e para a lixiviação de K. Vinhaça e KCl elevaram a níveis adequados, para cultura, a porcentagem de K na soma de bases.An experiment was carried out in order to evaluate the stillage as K source for pineapple (Ananas Comosus L. in comparison with KCl, and the effects on chemical soil characteristics. The experiment was assessed in a Red Yellow Latosol with Smooth Cayenne cultivar. The treatments consisted of four application doses of stillage (0 - 100 - 200 - 400 m³/ha and of an additional treatment (12 g/plant K2O KCl. The design of the trial was in randomized blocks with three replications. Yields statistically responded to stillage and KCl and yields obtained with 400 m³/ha of stillage and 20.5 g of KCl per plant were 70% and 73%, respectivelly, over the control. Addition of K increased the content of tritratable acidity and total

  5. Microneedle crystals of cyano-substituted thiophene/phenylene co-oligomer epitaxially grown on KCl surface (United States)

    Torii, Kazuki; Dokiya, Shohei; Tanaka, Yosuke; Yoshinaga, Shohei; Yanagi, Hisao


    A cyno-substituted thiophene/phenylene co-oligomer (TPCO), 5,5‧-bis(4‧-cyanobiphenyl-4-yl)-2,2‧-bithiophene (BP2T-CN), is vapor-deposited on KCl (001) surface kept at 220 °C by the mask-shadowing method. Transmission electron microscopy and fluorescence microscopy reveal that the deposited BP2T-CN crystallizes in two types of morphologies: microneedles and thin film crystallites. In particular, the predominant microneedles epitaxially grow in four directions in the manner that the BP2T-CN molecules align along the [110]KCl or [-110]KCl. X-ray diffraction patterns indicate that the BP2T-CN molecules in the microneedle lie parallel while those in the thin film crystallite obliquely stand on the KCl surface.

  6. Supercrystallization of KCl from solution irradiated by soft X-rays (United States)

    Janavičius, A. J.; Rinkūnas, R.; Purlys, R.


    The X-rays influence on KCl crystallization in a saturated water solution has been investigated for the aim of comparing it with previously considered NaCl crystallization. The rate of crystallization has been measured in the drying drop in the solution activated by the irradiation. We have measured the influence of the irradiation time of the solution on the rates of KCl crystallization as well as the beginning of the crystallization processes on drying drops. For a longer irradiation time of the solution early crystallization in the drops occurs. A saturated water solution of KCl was irradiated with the diffractometer DRON-3M (Russian device) and this had a great influence on the two-step processes of crystallization. The ionization of the solution by soft X-rays can produce ions, metastable radicals in water, excited crystals' seeds and vacancies in growing crystals by Auger's effect. The X-rays generate a very fast crystallization in the drying drop.

  7. Quartzo magmático e hidrotermal do depósito de ouro São Jorge, Província Aurífera do Tapajós, Pará: petrografia, microscopia eletrônica de varredura-catodoluminescência e implicações metalogenéticas

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    Aldemir de Melo Sotero

    Full Text Available Estudos em cristais de quartzo presentes nas associações minerais para a área do depósito de ouro São Jorge, Província Aurífera do Tapajós, sudoeste do estado do Pará, identificaram quatro tipos morfológico-texturais (Qz1, Qz2, Qz3 e Qz4 com base em imagens de microscopia eletrônica de varredura-catodoluminescência. Nas rochas mais preservadas do Granito São Jorge Jovem, ricas em anfibólio e biotita (associações 1 e 2, dominam cristais anédricos de quartzo magmático com luminescência alta a moderada (Qz1. Nas rochas parcialmente alteradas (associações 2 e 3, fluidos pós-magmáticos a hidrotermais afetaram o granito e percolaram fraturas do Qz1 e cristalizaram Qz2 não luminescente (escuro. Nas rochas mais intensamente alteradas (associação 4, sucessivos processos de alteração, dissolução e recristalização deram origem a cristais de quartzo zonados subédricos (Qz3 e euédricos (Qz4. Imagens por elétrons retroespalhados e análises semiquantitativas por espectroscopia por dispersão de energia identificaram duas gerações de ouro: Au1, enriquecido em Ag (4,3 a 23,7% e associado a cristais de pirita; Au2, enriquecido em Te (1,1 a 17,2% e incluso ou associado ao Qz4. O estudo de microscopia eletrônica de varredura-catodoluminescência forneceu informações importantes que foram preservadas na estrutura do quartzo. A evolução morfológico-textural desse mineral em diferentes estágios evidencia a ação gradativa do hidrotermalismo nas rochas e nas associações minerais do depósito São Jorge. A mineralização aurífera do depósito foi caracterizada quimicamente (espectroscopia por dispersão de energia e parageneticamente (pirita, esfalerita e Qz4, podendo ser dividida em gerações ou eventos mineralizantes distintos. A eficiência da metodologia utilizada neste estudo foi comprovada, permitindo sua aplicação em estudos de outros depósitos hidrotermais.

  8. Circular magnetic dichroism of the Fa center adsorption in KCl doped with Li and Na

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baldacchini, G.; Botti, S.; Grassano, U.M.


    The spin-orbit structure of F A in KCl:Li and KCl:Na have been studied by means of the magnetic circular dichroism. Due to their C 4V , symmetry the F A centers have two different spin-orbit parameters, Δ * and Δ * , which only in the KCl:Li case follow the relation: Δ * F A centers have been determined using the method of moment

  9. First principles study of structural, electronic and optical properties of KCl crystal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, Z.J.; Xiao, H.Y.; Zu, X.T.


    The structural, electronic and optical properties of KCl crystal in B1, B2, B3 and T1 structures have been systematically studied using first-principle pseudopotential calculations. In addition, pressure-induced phase transition has also been investigated. It was found that when the pressure is below 2.8 GPa, the B1 structure is the most stable. Above 2.8 GPa KCl crystal will undergo a structural phase transition from the relatively open NaCl structure into the more dense CsCl atomic arrangement. Our results also suggested that at about 1.2 GPa structural phase transition from B3 to T1 will occur. When the pressure arrives at 39.9 GPa, the phase transition will occur from B2 to T1. In addition, we found KCl Crystal has indirect band gap in B2 structure and direct band gap in B1, B3 and T1 structures. The band gap value is the smallest in the T1 structure and is the largest in the B1 and B3 structures. Our calculations are found to be in good agreement with available experimental and theoretical results. The dielectric function and energy loss function of KCl crystal in four structures (B1, B2, B3 and T1) have been calculated as well as the anisotropy of the optical properties of KCl crystal in T1 structure

  10. Emission of thermally stimulated luminescence in mixed monocrystals KCl-KBr: Pb2+, KCl: Pb2+ and KBr: Pb2+ exposed at low doses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cruz Z, E.; Ramos B, S.; Melendrez A, R.; Chernov, V.; Piters, T.M.; Barboza F, M.; Hernandez A, J.; Murrieta S, H.


    It is reported the behavior of solid solutions of mixed crystals KCl 1-x KBr x doped with divalent lead which were exposed to gamma radiation. The mixtures of KCl-KBr were varied, with x equivalents at 2, 50, 65, and 85 % including the extremes KCl: Pb 2+ and KBr: Pb 2+ . It was maintained a concentration of divalent lead between 20 and 40 ppm in the crystalline lattice. The production of the generated defects by radiation have been correlated with the increase in the brilliance curves depending on the received dose by the mixed doped crystal. It has been used the thermal stimulation (Tl) for obtaining the crystal luminescence depending on the dose until 130 Gy with gammas of cobalt 60. The results shows that this mixed crystalline material of varied composition responds adequately to low doses which indicates that this would be a good detector of ionizing radiation. The results have been correlated with the optical properties of this mixed doped crystal, however it has been found that exists an important loss of luminescence depending on the halogen quantity presents in the mixed crystal. (Author)

  11. Study of effect of quenching and deformation on KCl: Gd crystals by ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Abstract. The study of ionic conductivity vs reciprocal temperature of pure KCl and KCl crystal doped with. 0⋅1, 0⋅3 and 0⋅5 mole% gadolinium has been carried out in as grown, quenched from elevated temperatures. (100, 350 and 500°C) and annealed at various timings i.e. 2–3 h and deformed by different percentages.

  12. K-Cl cotransport function and its potential contribution to cardiovascular disease. (United States)

    Adragna, Norma C; Lauf, Peter K


    K-Cl cotransport is the coupled electroneutral movement of K and Cl ions carried out by at least four protein isoforms, KCC1-4. These transporters belong to the SLC12A family of coupled cotransporters and, due to their multiple functions, play an important role in the maintenance of cellular homeostasis. Significant information exists on the overall function of these transporters, but less is known about the role of the specific isoforms. Most functional studies were done on K-Cl cotransport fluxes without knowing the molecular details, and only recently attention has been paid to the isoforms and their individual contribution to the fluxes. This review summarizes briefly and updates the information on the overall functions of this transporter, and offers some ideas on its potential contribution to the pathophysiological basis of cardiovascular disease. By virtue of its properties and the cellular ionic distribution, K-Cl cotransport participates in volume regulation of the nucleated and some enucleated cells studied thus far. One of the hallmarks in cardiovascular disease is the inability of the organism to maintain water and electrolyte balance in effectors and/or target tissues. Oxidative stress is another compounding factor in cardiovascular disease and of great significance in our modern life styles. Several functions of the transporter are modulated by oxidative stress, which in turn may cause the transporter to operate in either "overdrive" with the purpose to counteract homeostatic changes, or not to respond at all, again setting the stage for pathological changes leading to cardiovascular disease. Intracellular Mg, a second messenger, acts as an inhibitor of K-Cl cotransport and plays a crucial role in regulating the activity of protein kinases and phosphatases, which, in turn, regulate a myriad of cellular functions. Although the role of Mg in cardiovascular disease has been dealt with for several decades, this chapter is evolving nowadays at a faster

  13. Phase relations in the system NaCl-KCl-H2O: IV. Differential thermal analysis of the sylvite liquidus in the KCl-H2O binary, the liquidus in the NaCl-KCl-H2O ternary, and the solidus in the NaCl-KCl binary to 2 kb pressure, and a summary of experimental data for thermodynamic-PTX analysis of solid-liquid equilibria at elevated P-T conditions (United States)

    Chou, I.-Ming; Sterner, S.M.; Pitzer, Kenneth S.


    The sylvite liquidus in the binary system KCl-H2O and the liquidus in the ternary system NaCl-KCl-H2O were determined by using isobaric differential thermal analysis (DTA) cooling scans at pressures up to 2 kbars. Sylvite solubilities along the three-phase curve in the binary system KCl-H2O were obtained by the intersection of sylvite-liquidus isopleths with the three-phase curve in a P-T plot. These solubility data can be represented by the equation Wt.% KCl (??0.2) = 12.19 + 0.1557T - 5.4071 ?? 10-5 T2, where 400 ??? T ??? 770??C. These data are consistent with previous experimental observations. The solidus in the binary system NaCl-KCl was determined by using isobaric DTA heating scans at pressures up to 2 kbars. Using these liquidus and solidus data and other published information, a thermodynamic-PTX analysis of solid-liquid equilibria at high pressures and temperatures for the ternary system has been performed and is presented in an accompanying paper (Part V of this series). However, all experimental liquidus, solidus, and solvus data used in this analysis are summarized in this report (Part IV) and they are compared with the calculated values based on the analysis. ?? 1992.

  14. Salt-Zeolite Ion Exchange Equilibrium Studies for Complete Set of Fission Products in Molten LiCl-KCl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoo, Tae-Sic; Frank, Steven M.; Simpson, Michael F.; Hahn, Paula A.; Battisti, Terry J.; Phongikaroon, Supathorn


    This paper presents results on LiCl-KCl based molten salts/zeolite-A contact experiments and the associated equilibrium ion exchange model. Experiments examine the contact behaviors of various ternary salts (LiCl-KCl-YCl3, LiCl-KCl-LaCl3, and LiCl-KCl-PrCl3) and quaternary salts (LiCl-KCl-CsCl-NdCl3 and LiCl-KCl-CsCl-SrCl2) with the zeolite-A. The developed equilibrium model assumes that there are ion exchange and occlusion sites, both of which are in equilibrium with the molten salt phase. A systematic approach in estimating total occlusion capacity of the zeolite-A is developed. The parameters of the model, including the total occlusion capacity of the zeolite-A, were determined from fitting experimental data collected via multiple independent studies including the ones reported in this paper. Experiments involving ternary salts were used for estimating the parameters of the model, while those involving quaternary salts were used to validate the model.

  15. Investigation of the evaporation of rare earth chlorides in a LiCl-KCl molten salt

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sung Bin Park; Dong Wook Cho; Moon Sik Woo; Sung Chan Hwang; Young Ho Kang; Jeong Guk Kim; Hansoo Lee


    Uranium dendrites which were deposited at a solid cathode of an electrorefiner contained a certain amount of salts. These salts should be removed for the recovery of pure metal using a cathode processor. In the uranium deposits from the electrorefining process, there are actinide chlorides and rare earth chlorides in addition to uranium chloride in the LiCl-KCl eutectic salt. The evaporation behaviors of the actinides and rare earth chlorides in the salts should be investigated for the removal of salts in the deposits. Experiments on the salt evaporation of rare earth chlorides in a LiCl-KCl eutectic salt were carried out. Though the vapor pressures of the rare earth chlorides were lower than those of the LiCl and KCl, the rare earth chlorides were co-evaporized with the LiCl-KCl eutectic salt. The Hertz-Langmuir relation was applied for this evaporation, and also the evaporation rates of the salt were obtained. The co-evaporation of the rare earth chlorides and LiCl-KCl eutectic were also discussed. (author)

  16. Effect of NaCl and KCl on irradiated diploid yeast cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Amirtaev, K.G.; Lobachevskij, P.N.; Lyu Gvan Son


    Irradiated dipload yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae kept in NaCl and KCl solutions died more readily than nonirradiated cells: the death rate was a functaon of radiation Jose and temperature of exposure. It was suggested that the radiation-induced injury to mass cell structures was responsible for the death rate. It was shown that the postirradiataon recovery of cells from radiation damages proceeded in KCl solution two-three times slower than mn water, and it was inhibited completely in NaCl solution

  17. Phase relations in the hydrous CMAS pyrolite in presence of KCl at 2 GPa (United States)

    Safonov, O.


    In the upper mantle, chlorides are constituents of concentrated aqueous solutions (brines), as well as chloride-carbonate and carbonatite melts. Mineral assemblages coming from diverse depth levels show that mobile (K, Na)Cl-bearing fluids are able to provoke intensive metasomatism of the peridotitic mantle accompanied by melting. Scarce experimental studies on influence of brines on mineral equilibria in the peridotitic mantle (Stalder et al., 2008; Chu et al., 2011) indicate that influence of chlorides on water activity in a fluid equilibrated with forsterite enstatite at pressures above 2 GPa is very similar to their effect at lower "crustal" pressures (e.g. Aranovich, Newton, 1997): decrease of the H2O activity with an increase of the salt content results in an increase of the melting temperature of silicates. Nevertheless, these experiments were performed in the Al-free systems. Presence of Al would provoke an active interaction of alkali chlorides, namely KCl, with silicates with formation of new K-Al-bearing phases, such as phlogopite (in presence of H2O), which would influence on the melting of complex assemblages. In order to investigate an effect of KCl on phase relations in the Al2O3, CaO, Na2O-rich hydrous peridotite and on stability of garnet, pyroxenes, and amphiboles, in particular, experiments on interaction of the model CMAS pyrolite Fo57En17Prp14Di12 (+0.3 wt. % of Na2O) with the H2O-KCl fluid were performed at 2 GPa in the temperature interval 900-1200. Mixtures of synthetic forsterite, diopside, enstatite and pyrope in the above weight ratio were mixed with 14 wt. % of Mg(OH)2 corresponding to 4.4 wt. % of H2O in the system. 2.4, 3.7, 5 and 10 wt. % of KCl were added to silicate-H2O mixture. Experiments were performed using a piston-cylinder apparatus with ½-inch talc high-pressure cells calibrated via brucite = periclase + H2O and albite = jadeite + quartz equilibria curves. Temperature was controlled with accuracy ?1 with the W95Re5/W80Re20

  18. Comportamento agronômico de bananeira 'Prata-anã' em função do tipo de muda

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    Luiz Antonio Junqueira Teixeira


    Full Text Available Foi realizado um experimento de campo com bananeira 'Prata-anã', visando a avaliar o comportamento agronômico de plantas estabelecidas a partir de três tipos de mudas: convencional, micropropagadas em meio sólido e em meio líquido. A área experimental foi instalada no município de Cristais Paulista-SP (20º23'S; 47º30'W, cujo clima é caracterizado por verão chuvoso e inverno seco. Avaliaram-se o crescimento e a fenologia por meio de medidas periódicas de comprimento e diâmetro do pseudocaule das plantas até a emissão da inflorescência. A incidência de doenças (CMV e mal-do-panamá foi estimada visualmente em função da apresentação de sintomas característicos pelas plantas. As plantas originadas de mudas micropropagadas apresentaram crescimento e desenvolvimento iniciais mais vigorosos, maior precocidade e cachos mais leves do que aquelas estabelecidas com mudas convencionais. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas em relação à incidência de doenças e ao tamanho dos frutos produzidos, em função dos tipos de mudas.

  19. Viscosity of melts of the system KCl-KBF4-K2TiF6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nguyen, D.K.; Danek, V.


    The viscosity of melts of the system KCl-KBF 4 -K 2 TiF 6 has been measured by means of the computerized torsional pendulum method. The viscosity of KCl is higher that of KBF 4 at the same temperature, most probably due to the substantial overheating of KBF 4 . In the ternary system the viscosity increases with increasing with increasing content of K 2 TiF 6 . Additivity of algorithms of viscosity was adopted as the ideal behaviour of the mixture. Negative deviations from such additive behaviour were found in the binary system KCl-KBF 4 probably due to the breaks of the weak B-Cl-B bridges caused by the excess of Cl - ions. Positive deviations from the ideal behaviour were found in the binaries KCl-K 2 TiF 6 and KBF 4 -K 2 TiF 6 due to the formation of larger anions TiF 6 Cl 3- and TiF 7 3- caused by the reactions K 2 TiF 6 (l) + KCl(l) = K 3 TiF 6 Cl(l) and KBF 4 (l) + K 2 TiF 6 (l) = K 3 TiF 7 (l) + BF 3 (g). Statistically significant ternary interaction confirmed that the above chemical reactions take place also in the ternary system. (authors)

  20. Electric conductivity of salt melts containing KCL, KF and K2TaF7

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Agulyanskij, A.I.; Stangrit, P.T.; Konstantinov, V.I.


    Given are electric conductivity measurement results depending on the temperature and composition of the molten KF-K 2 TaF 7 , KCl-K 2 TaF 7 systems and also melts close in their composition to industrial electrolytes, KCl-KF (in mass ratio of 2:1) with addition of K 2 TaF 7 up to 25 mass%. Presented are electric conductivity molecular isotherms of the KF-K 2 TaF 7 , KCl-K 2 TaF 7 systems at 800 deg C and specific electric conductivity dependence of KCl-KF-K 2 TaF 7 melts on K 2 TaF 7 composition at 800 deg C and 900 deg C. Proceeding from the shape of molecular and specific electric conductivity isotherms a conclusion is made about existence of the following tantalum-containing ions: TaF 7 2- , TaF 6 - and TaF 6 Cl 2- in the investigated melts

  1. Strategies to reduce gaseous KCl and chlorine in deposits during combustion of biomass in fluidised bed boilers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kassman, Haakan


    Combustion of a biomass with an enhanced content of alkali and chlorine (Cl) can result in operational problems including deposit formation and superheater corrosion. The strategies applied to reduce such problems include co-combustion and the use of additives. In this work, measures were investigated in order to decrease the risk of superheater corrosion by reducing gaseous KCl and the content of chlorine in deposits. The strategies applied were sulphation of KCl by sulphur/sulphate containing additives (i.e. elemental sulphur (S) and ammonium sulphate (AS)) and co-combustion with peat. Both sulphation of KCl and capture of potassium (K) in ash components can be of importance when peat is used. The experiments were mainly performed in a 12 MW circulation fluidised bed (CFB) boiler equipped for research purposes but also in a full-scale CFB boiler. The results were evaluated by means of IACM (on-line measurements of gaseous KCl), conventional gas analysis, deposit and corrosion probe measurements and ash analysis. Ammonium sulphate performed significantly better than elemental sulphur. Thus the presence of SO{sub 3} (i.e. AS) is of greater importance than that of SO{sub 2} (i.e. S) for sulphation of gaseous KCl and reduction of chlorine in deposits. Only a minor reduction of gaseous KCl was obtained during co-combustion with peat although chlorine in the deposits was greatly reduced. This reduction was supposedly due to capture of K by reactive components from the peat ash in parallel to sulphation of KCl. These compounds remained unidentified. The effect of volatile combustibles on the sulphation of gaseous KCl was investigated. The poorest sulphation was attained during injection of ammonium sulphate in the upper part of the combustion chamber during the lowest air excess ratio. The explanation for this is that SO{sub 3} was partly consumed by side reactions due to the presence of combustibles. These experimental results were supported by modelling, although the

  2. Characteristics of YBa2Cu3O7 high-Tc superconductor with KCl (United States)

    Yoon, Ki Hyun; Chang, Sung Sik


    The lattice parameters, microstructural change, transition temperature, and electrical properties of the YBa2-xKxCu3O7 high-Tc superconductor in the range from x=0 to x=0.25 have been investigated. The high-Tc orthorhombic phase increases with increasing KCl up to x=0.20, above which it decreases. The lattice parameters decrease with increasing KCl up to x=0.10, and then become nearly uniform. The grain size increases with increasing KCl up to x=0.20 due to its role as sintering agent. The specimens with x=0.2 have transition temperatures of 96 K and high magnetic susceptibility due to the contraction of lattice parameters a and b and the increase of orthorhombic distortion.

  3. Supercooling of aqueous NaCl and KCl solutions under acoustic levitation. (United States)

    Lü, Y J; Wei, B


    The supercooling capability of aqueous NaCl and KCl solutions is investigated at containerless state by using acoustic levitation method. The supercooling of water is obviously enhanced by the alkali metal ions and increases linearly with the augmentation of concentrations. Furthermore, the supercooling depends on the nature of ions and is 2-3 K larger for NaCl solution than that for KCl solution in the present concentration range: Molecular dynamics simulations are performed to reveal the intrinsic correlation between supercoolability and microstructure. The translational and orientational order parameters are applied to quantitatively demonstrate the effect of ionic concentration on the hydrogen-bond network and ice melting point. The disrupted hydrogen-bond structure determines essentially the concentration dependence of supercooling. On the other hand, the introduced acoustic pressure suppresses the increase of supercooling by promoting the growth and coalescence of microbubbles, the effective nucleation catalysts, in water. However, the dissolved ions can weaken this effect, and moreover the degree varies with the ion type. This results in the different supercoolability for NaCl and KCl solutions under the acoustic levitation conditions.

  4. X-ray diffraction measurements in KCl shocked along [100

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    D'Almeida, T.; Gupta, Y.M.


    Real time x-ray diffraction measurements were used to examine the polymorphic phase transformation in KCl shocked along the [100] direction. Shock wave continuum data, obtained previously by Hayes, were used to design the experiments and to predict diffraction from KCl shocked to different peak stresses. Here, we present the results obtained below the transition stress: between 1.4 and 2 GPa. Diffraction data obtained were quantitatively related to macroscopic compression. Interplanar spacing measurements revealed isotropic compression of the unit cell in contrast to previously reported results. Above the transition stress, descriptions of the atomic arrangement with respect to shock propagation (not available in the literature) are required for setting up the detection system. Hence, continuum results in combination with various crystallographic considerations were utilized to obtain data above the transition stress

  5. Microstructural study of codeposited pentacene:perfluoropentacene grown on KCl by TEM techniques (United States)

    Félix, Rocío; Breuer, Tobias; Witte, Gregor; Volz, Kerstin; Gries, Katharina I.


    Transmission electron microscopy techniques have been used as a research tool to derive information on structure and orientation of organic semiconductor blends. Within this work, we have studied the structure and morphology of pentacene (PEN, C22H14) and perfluoropentacene (PFP, C22F14) blends grown with [2:1] and [1:2] mixing ratios on KCl substrates. The [2:1] mixture exhibits a uniform layer on the substrate with domains that are rotated in-plane by 90° towards each other. Electron diffraction experiments revealed that these domains are formed by a crystalline mixed phase (consisting of PEN and PFP) and a PEN phase in excess whose lattice parameters are rather similar. By contrast, in the [1:2] blend, two different arrangements were found. The majority of the sample exhibits some spicular fibers on a background layer lying on top of the KCl substrate. The microstructural characterization revealed that these fibers consist of pure PFP in excess while the background layer is formed by the mixed phase. The other arrangement, which is present to a lesser extent, consists of a PFP film that is in direct contact with the KCl substrate. Using electron diffraction experiments, the orientation of the different phases with respect to each other and in some cases relative to the KCl substrate has been determined.

  6. Properties of the LiCl-KCl-Li2O system as operating medium for pyro-chemical reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel (United States)

    Mullabaev, Albert; Tkacheva, Olga; Shishkin, Vladimir; Kovrov, Vadim; Zaikov, Yuriy; Sukhanov, Leonid; Mochalov, Yuriy


    Crystallization temperatures (liquidus and solidus) in the LiCl-Li2O and (LiCl-KCl)-Li2O systems with the KCl content of 10 and 20 mol.% were obtained with independent methods of thermal analysis using cooling curves, isothermal saturation, and differential scanning calorimetry. The linear sweep voltammetry was applied to control the time of the equilibrium establishment in the molten system after the Li2O addition, which depended on the composition of the base melt and the concentration of Li2O. The fragments of the binary LiCl-Li2O and quazi-binary [LiCl-KCl(10 mol.%)]-Li2O and [LiCl-KCl(20 mol.%)]-Li2O phase diagrams in the Li2O concentration range from 0 to 12 mol.% were obtained. The KCl presence in the LiCl-KCl-Li2O molten mixture in the amount of 10 and 20 mol.% reduces the liquidus temperature by 30 and 80°, respectively, but the region of the homogeneous molten state of the system is considerably narrowed, which complicates its practical application. The Li2O solubility in the molten LiCl, LiCl-KCl(10 mol.%) and LiCl-KCl(20 mol.%) decreases with increasing the KCl content and is equal to 11.5, 7.7 and 3.9 mol.% at 650°С, respectively. The LiCl-KCl melt with 10 mol.% KCl can be recommended for practical use as a medium for the SNF pyro-chemical reprocessing at temperature below 700 °C.

  7. PDGF activates K-Cl cotransport through phosphoinositide 3-kinase and protein phosphatase-1 in primary cultures of vascular smooth muscle cells. (United States)

    Zhang, Jing; Lauf, Peter K; Adragna, Norma C


    K-Cl cotransport (K-Cl COT, KCC) is an electroneutrally coupled movement of K and Cl present in most cells. In this work, we studied the pathways of regulation of K-Cl COT by platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) in primary cultures of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). Wortmannin and LY 294002 blocked the PDGF-induced K-Cl COT activation, indicating that the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI 3-K) pathway is involved. However, PD 98059 had no effect on K-Cl COT activation by PDGF, suggesting that the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway is not involved under the experimental conditions tested. Involvement of phosphatases was also examined. Sodium orthovanadate, cyclosporin A and okadaic acid had no effect on PDGF-stimulated K-Cl COT. Calyculin A blocked the PDGF-stimulated K-Cl COT by 60%, suggesting that protein phosphatase-1 (PP-1) is a mediator in the PDGF signaling pathway/s. In conclusion, our results indicate that the PDGF-mediated pathways of K-Cl COT regulation involve the signaling molecules PI 3-K and PP-1.

  8. Characterization and determination of efficiency of GM detectors for KCl standards

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Priyal, M.R.; Thilagam, L.; Mohapatra, D.K.


    Characterization of Geiger Muller (GM) based beta counters are carried out to determine the main parameters such as plateau slope and efficiency for various slit locations 1 to 10, that are available to keep the sources at different distances away from the detector. Additionally, the disc shaped potassium chloride (KCl) beta standards of various 40 K activities are prepared with variable mass and estimated for the efficiencies of GM tube detectors. The activity of 40K, the counts per second and the efficiency of GM tubes are studied as a function of mass of KCl standards

  9. Detection of Fluorescence for Lanthanides in LiCl-KCl Molten Salt Medium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Im, Hee Jung; Kim, Tack Jin; Song, Kyu Seok; Jee, Kwang Yong


    In the electrorefining step of the pyrochemical process, actinide ions dissolved in the LiCl-KCl eutectic salt are recovered as pure actinide metals at a cathode for a re-use as a nuclear fuel from the aspect of its nonproliferation of the nuclear fuel cycles. The lanthanide species dissolved in the LiCl-KCl eutectic salt play an important role in an effective metal purification during the electrorefining step, so it is necessary to understand the chemical and physical behaviors of lanthanides in molten salt. The in situ spectroscopic measurement system and studies according to temperature changes are essential for better understandable information. To our knowledge, the absorption studies of lanthanides at high temperatures have been reported before, but the fluorescence studies of those at high temperature are not reported yet. We will discuss here the fluorescence behaviors of lanthanides in LiCl-KCl molten salt medium according to a changing temperature

  10. Comportamento agronômico de bananeira 'Prata-anã' em função do tipo de muda Agromic performance of 'Prata-anã' banana regarding to plant propagation method

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luiz Antonio Junqueira Teixeira


    Full Text Available Foi realizado um experimento de campo com bananeira 'Prata-anã', visando a avaliar o comportamento agronômico de plantas estabelecidas a partir de três tipos de mudas: convencional, micropropagadas em meio sólido e em meio líquido. A área experimental foi instalada no município de Cristais Paulista-SP (20º23'S; 47º30'W, cujo clima é caracterizado por verão chuvoso e inverno seco. Avaliaram-se o crescimento e a fenologia por meio de medidas periódicas de comprimento e diâmetro do pseudocaule das plantas até a emissão da inflorescência. A incidência de doenças (CMV e mal-do-panamá foi estimada visualmente em função da apresentação de sintomas característicos pelas plantas. As plantas originadas de mudas micropropagadas apresentaram crescimento e desenvolvimento iniciais mais vigorosos, maior precocidade e cachos mais leves do que aquelas estabelecidas com mudas convencionais. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas em relação à incidência de doenças e ao tamanho dos frutos produzidos, em função dos tipos de mudas.A field experiment with 'Prata-anã' banana was conducted to evaluate the agronomic performance of tissue culture-propagated plants in solid or liquid culture medium and conventionally propagated plants. The experiment was installed in Cristais Paulista (20º23'S; 47º30'W, Planalto Region of State of Sao Paulo (Brazil. This region is characterized by a summer rainy season and dry winter. Plant growth and phenology were assessed through periodic measurements of length and stem diameter of the plants until flowering. The incidence of diseases (CMV and Panama disease was estimated visually according to the presentation of symptoms by plants. The tissue culture-propagated-plants in solid or liquid medium showed initial growth and development more vigorous, precocious flowering and lighter bunches than those from conventionally propagated plants. There were no significant differences in the incidence of

  11. Integrated Data Collection Analysis (IDCA) Program - KClO4/Aluminum Mixture

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sandstrom, Mary M. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Brown, Geoffrey W. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Preston, Daniel N. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Pollard, Colin J. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Warner, Kirstin F. [Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC IHD), Indian Head, MD (United States). Indian Head Division; Sorensen, Daniel N. [Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC IHD), Indian Head, MD (United States). Indian Head Division; Remmers, Daniel L. [Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC IHD), Indian Head, MD (United States). Indian Head Division; Whinnery, LeRoy L. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-CA), Livermore, CA (United States); Shelley, Timothy J. [Air Force Research Lab. (AFRL), Tyndall AFB, FL (United States); Reyes, Jose A. [Applied Research Associates (ARA), Tyndall AFB, FL (United States); Hsu, Peter C. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Reynolds, John G. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States)


    The Integrated Data Collection Analysis (IDCA) program is conducting a Proficiency Test for Small-Scale Safety and Thermal (SSST) testing of homemade explosives (HMEs). Described here are the results for impact, friction, electrostatic discharge, and differential scanning calorimetry analysis of a mixture of KClO4 and aluminum—KClO4/Al mixture. This material was selected because of the challenge of performing SSST testing of a mixture of two solids. The mixture was found to be: 1) much less sensitive to impact than RDX, (LLNL being the exception) and PETN, 2) more sensitive to friction than RDX and PETN, and 3) extremely sensitive to spark. The thermal analysis showed little or no exothermic character. One prominent endothermic feature was observed in the temperature range studied and identified as a phase transition of KClO4.

  12. Ionic conductivity studies in crystalline PVA/NaAlg polymer blend electrolyte doped with alkali salt KCl (United States)

    Sheela, T.; Bhajantri, R. F.; Ravindrachary, V.; Pujari, P. K.; Rathod, Sunil G.; Naik, Jagadish


    Potassium Chloride (KCl) doped poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA)/sodium alginate (NaAlg) in 60:40 wt% polymer blend electrolytes were prepared by solution casting method. The complexation of KCl with host PVA/NaAlg blend is confirmed by FTIR and UV-Vis spectra. The XRD studies show that the crystallinity of the prepared blends increases with increase in doping. The dc conductivity increases with increase in dopant concentration. Temperature dependent dc conductivity shows an Arrhenius behavior. The dielectric properties show that both the dielectric constant and dielectric loss increases with increase in KCl doping concentration and decreases with frequency. The cole-cole plots show a decrease in bulk resistance, indicates the increase in ac conductivity, due to increase in charge carrier mobility. The doping of KCl enhances the mechanical properties of PVA/NaAlg, such as Young's modulus, tensile strength, stiffness.

  13. Characterization of glial cell K-Cl cotransport. (United States)

    Gagnon, Kenneth B E; Adragna, Norma C; Fyffe, Robert E W; Lauf, Peter K


    The molecular mechanism of K-Cl cotransport (KCC) consists of at least 4 isoforms, KCC 1, 2, 3, and 4 which, in multiple combinations, exist in most cells, including erythrocytes and neuronal cells. We utilized reverse-transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and ion flux studies to characterize KCC activity in an immortalized in vitro cell model for fibrous astrocytes, the rat C6 glioblastoma cell. Isoform-specific sets of oligonucleotide primers were synthesized for NKCC1, KCC1, KCC2, KCC3, KCC4, and also for NKCC1 and actin. K-Cl cotransport activity was determined by measuring either the furosemide-sensitive, or the Cl(-)-dependent bumetanide-insensitive Rb(+) (a K(+) congener) influx in the presence of the Na/K pump inhibitor ouabain. Rb(+) influx was measured at a fixed external Cl concentrations, [Cl(-)](e), as a function of varying external Rb concentrations, [Rb(+)](e), and at a fixed [Rb(+)](e) as a function of varying [Cl(-)](e), and with equimolar Cl replacement by anions of the chaotropic series. RT-PCR of C6 glioblastoma (C6) cells identified mRNA for three KCC isoforms (1, 3, and 4). NKCC1 mRNA was also detected. The apparent K(m) for KCC-mediated Rb(+) influx was 15 mM [Rb(+)](e), and V(max) 12.5 nmol Rb(+) * mg protein(-1) * minute(-1). The calculated apparent K(m) for external Cl(-) was 13 mM and V(max) 14.4 nmol Rb(+) * mg protein(-1) * minute(-1). The anion selectivity sequence of the furosemide-sensitive Rb(+) influx was Cl(-)>Br-=NO(3)(-)>I(-)=SCN(-)>Sfm(-) (sulfamate). Established activators of K-Cl cotransport, hyposmotic shock and N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) pretreatment, stimulated furosemide-sensitive Rb(+) influx. A ñ50% NEM-induced loss of intracellular K(+) was prevented by furosemide. We have identified by RT-PCR the presence of three distinct KCC isoforms (1, 3, and 4) in rat C6 glioblastoma cells, and functionally characterized the anion selectivity and kinetics of their collective sodium-independent cation-chloride cotransport

  14. The electrical conductivity of model melts based on LiCl-KCl, used for the processing of spent nuclear fuel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Salyulev, Alexander; Potapov, Alexei; Khokhlov, Vladimir; Shishkin, Vladimir


    During pyrochemical reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel, complex melts based on LiCl-KCl eutectic are formed, but their properties are still not well studied. We measured the electrical conductivity of (LiCl-KCl) eut. − CeCl 3 , (LiCl-KCl) eut. − NdCl 3 and (LiCl-KCl) eut. − UCl 3 quasi-binary melts was up to 40 mol.% CeCl 3 , 40 mol.% NdCl 3 and 10.45 mol.% UCl 3 in a wide temperature span. In addition the electrical conductivity of several compositions, such as (LiCl-KCl) eut. − CeCl 3 + NdCl 3 and (LiCl-KCl) eut. − CeCl 3 + NdCl 3 + UCl 3 was measured. The measurements were carried out in quartz cells of the capillary type. When the total concentration of trivalent ions is less than 12 mol.%, we found that the conductivity of mixtures of arbitrary composition is almost a linear function of CeCl 3 , NdCl 3 , and UCl 3 the overall concentration.

  15. Crystal habits and magnetic microstructures of magnetosomes in coccoid magnetotactic bacteria

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    Ulysses Lins


    Full Text Available We report on the application of off-axis electron holography and high-resolution TEM to study the crystal habits of magnetosomes and magnetic microstructure in two coccoid morphotypes of magnetotactic bacteria collected from a brackish lagoon at Itaipu, Brazil. Itaipu-1, the larger coccoid organism, contains two separated chains of unusually large magnetosomes; the magnetosome crystals have roughly square projections, lengths up to 250 nm and are slightly elongated along [111] (width/length ratio of about 0.9. Itaipu-3 magnetosome crystals have lengths up to 120 nm, greater elongation along [111] (width/length ~0.6, and prominent corner facets. The results show that Itaipu-1 and Itaipu-3 magnetosome crystal habits are related, differing only in the relative sizes of their crystal facets. In both cases, the crystals are aligned with their [111] elongation axes parallel to the chain direction. In Itaipu-1, but not Itaipu-3, crystallographic positioning perpendicular to [111] of successive crystals in the magnetosome chain appears to be under biological control. Whereas the large magnetosomes in Itaipu-1 are metastable, single-magnetic domains, magnetosomes in Itaipu-3 are permanent, single-magnetic domains, as in most magnetotactic bacteria.Nós relatamos a aplicação de holografia não-axial e microscopia eletrônica de alta resolução para estudar os hábitos cristalinos de magnetossomos e a microestrutura magnética de dois morfotipos de cocos de bactérias magnetotáticas coletadas em uma lagoa salobra em Itaipu, Brasil. Itaipu-1, o organismo cocóide maior, contémduas cadeias separadas de magnetossomos atipicamente grandes; os cristais dos magnetossomos possuem projeções aproximadamente quadradas, comprimentos deaté 250 nm e são ligeiramente alongados na direção [111] (razão largura/comprimento de aproximadamente 0.9.Os cristais dos magnetossomos em Itaipu-3 possuemcomprimentos até 120 nm, maior alongamento na direção [111

  16. Balanço eletrolítico para suínos machos castrados em crescimento mantidos em ambiente de alta temperatura Electrolyte balance of growing males castrated swines in a high temperature environment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anilce de Araujo Brêtas


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se o efeito do balanço eletrolítico (BE em rações com diferentes níveis de eletrólitos para suínos na fase de crescimento criados em alta temperatura. Foram utilizados 200 suínos machos castrados, com peso inicial de 25,3±1,3 kg e final de 68,8±3,4 kg, distribuídos em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições com dez animais por unidade experimental, para a fase de crescimento T1(testemunha ração sem suplementação de eletrólitos 191 mEq/kg; T2 (NaHCO3 ração suplementada bicarbonato de sódio (NaHCO3 250 mEq/kg; T3 (NaHCO3+KCl ração suplementada NaHCO3 e cloreto de potássio (KCl 250 mEq/kg; T4 (NaHCO3 ração suplementada NaHCO3 300 mEq/kg; e T5 (NaHCO3+KCl ração suplementada com NaHCO3 e KCl 300 mEq/kg. As variáveis avaliadas foram consumo de ração, ganho de peso, consumo de nitrogênio, consumo de lisina, eficiência de utilização de nitrogênio para ganho, eficiência de utilização de lisina para ganho, conversão alimentar e os parâmetros fisiológicos, frequência respiratória e temperatura retal. Foi coletado sangue para mensurar as concentrações sorológicas de Na, Cl e K. A temperatura média foi 29,65±3,80º C com UR do ar 69,6±10,4%, Temperatura do Globo Negro de 31,95±1,98º C e Índice de Temperatura do Globo Úmido em 80,51±2,44. Os níveis de BE reduziram (P0,05. A correção do BE não influenciou o desempenho dos suínos.The effect of electrolyte balance (EB in diets with different levels of electrolytes for growing swine under high environmental temperature was evaluated. Two hundred castrated pigs with initial weight of 25.3±1.3 kg and final weight of 68.8±3.4 kg were allotted in a completely randomized experimental design with five treatments and four replicates with 10 pigs per experimental unit, for the growing phase T1 (control diet without electrolyte 191 mEq/kg; T2 (NaHCO3 diet supplemented with sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3

  17. Respon Pertumbuhan Bibit Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L.) TerhadapPemberian Pupuk Guano Dan KCl


    Rajagukguk, Pispa; Siagian, Balonggu; Rosanty Lahay, Ratna


    Addition of guano in cultivation of cacao seedling is the one step to use organic fertilizer thatcomes from animal feces and it is used to add soil nutrient for the growth of cocoa seedlings, aswell addition of KCl is used to add soil nutrient too. For that purpose addition guano and KCl aimsto increase growth of cacao in cultivation of seedling. This research had been conducted atexperimental field of agriculture fakulty University of North Sumatera in October 2013 - January2014 using factor...

  18. Study of an F center in molten KCl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Parrinello, M.; Rahman, A.


    It is shown that a discretized version of Feynman's path integral provides a convenient tool for the numerical investigation of the properties of an electron solvated in molten KCl. The binding energy and the pair correlation functions are calculated. The local structure around the solute electron appears to be different from that of an F center in the solid

  19. KCl-induced high temperature corrosion of selected commercial alloys. Part I: chromia-formers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kiamehr, Saeed; Dahl, Kristian Vinter; Montgomery, Melanie


    -grained), Sanicro 28 and the nickel-based alloys 625, 263 and C276. Exposure was performed at 600 °C for 168 h in flowing N2(g)+5%O2(g)+15% H2O(g) (vol.%). Samples were covered with KCl powder prior to exposure. A salt-free exposure was also performed for comparison. Corrosion morphology and products were studied......Laboratory testing of selected chromia-forming alloys was performed to rank the materials and gain further knowledge on the mechanism of KCl-induced high temperature corrosion. The investigated alloys were stainless steels EN1.4021, EN1.4057, EN1.4521, TP347H (coarse-grained), TP347HFG (fine....... In the presence of solid KCl, all the alloys showed significant corrosion. Measurement of corrosion extent indicated that alloys EN1.4057, Sanicro 28 and 625 show a better performance compared to the industrial state of the art material TP347HFG under laboratory conditions. An additional test was performed...

  20. Density of salt melts containing KF, KCl, K2TaF7 and Ta2O5

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Agulyanskij, A.I.; Stangrit, P.T.; Konstantinov, V.I.


    The results of density measurements by hydrostatic weighing are given for molten K 2 TaF 7 - KF, K 2 TaF 7 -KCL, K 2 TaF 7 - KF - KCl and K 2 TaF 7 - KF - KCl - Ta 2 O 5 mixtures depending on their temperature and composition. The density of the last two systems was measured at compositions close to those of commercial electrolytes. The obtained specific volume - composition dependencies show that no interaction is taking place in the mixtures studied. It is, therefore, believed that, in the K 2 TaF 7 - KF melt, tantalum is mainly present as a complex TaF 7 2- ion, and, in the K 2 TaF 7 - KCl mlt, a certain amount of TaF 6 - ions may be formed along with TaF 7 2-

  1. Gamma coloration of mixed crystals of KCl-KBr doped with Pb2+

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cruz Z, E.; Negron, A.; Ramos A, A.; Ramos B, S.; Hernandez A, J.; Jaque, F; Murrieta S, H.


    The amount of the first stage coloration in KCl 1-x Br x doped with Pb 2+ has been investigated as a function of the dose rate and impurity concentration. For a dose rate of 12.88 kGy/h, the F color center production was independent of the quantity of Pb 2+ , and varied according to the ratio KCl/KBr. At a proportion of 50% of each halogen the typical stages were observed. However, if the dose rate is less than 3.22 kGy/h, the coloration production depends on the quantity of Pb 2+ . (author)

  2. Luminescence properties of KCl:Ag{sup -} crystals excited near the fundamental absorption edge

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kawai, Taketoshi, E-mail: [Department of Physical Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka Prefecture University, Gakuen-cho 1-1, Naka-ku, Sakai, Osaka 599-8531 (Japan); Hirai, Takeshi [Department of Physical Science, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University, Noji Higashi 1-1-1, Kusatsu, Shiga 525-8577 (Japan)


    Luminescence properties of KCl single crystals doped with Ag{sup -} centers have been investigated under various excitation energies around the fundamental absorption edge at low temperatures. Under the excitation at 6.89 eV, which is lower than the intrinsic exciton energy by 0.87 eV, the A Prime luminescence band due to the intraionic transition in the Ag{sup -} ion is dominantly observed at 2.91 eV. On the other hand, the excitation at 6.66 eV induces a broad luminescence band at 2.60 eV in addition to the A Prime luminescence band. From the comparison with the localized excitons in KCl:I crystals, the 2.60 eV luminescence band is attributed to the two-center type localized exciton related with the Ag{sup -} ion. The adiabatic potential energy surfaces of the excited states in the Ag{sup -} center and the localized exciton in KCl:Ag{sup -} are discussed. - Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer We study the luminescence properties of KCl single crystals doped with Ag{sup -} ions. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The excitation around the absorption edge induces a broad luminescence at 2.60 eV. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The 2.60 eV luminescence is attributed to the exciton localized at the Ag{sup -} ion. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The localized exciton has the two-center type configuration of the relaxed exciton.

  3. Study of an F center in molten KCl

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Parrinello, M.; Rahman, A.


    It is shown that a discretized version of Feynman's path integral provides a convenient tool for the numerical investigation of the properties of an electron solvated in molten KCl. The binding energy and the pair correlation functions are calculated. The local structure around the solute electron appears to be different from that of an F center in the solid.

  4. Qualidade de grãos de café beneficiados em resposta à adubação potássica Potassium fertilization and the quality of processed coffee beans

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enilson de Barros Silva


    Full Text Available O clima e o solo tem elevada influência na qualidade dos grãos de café (Coffea arabica L. beneficiado. Foram instalados dois experimentos sobre latossolo (Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico e Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico com o objetivo de verificar a qualidade dos grãos de café beneficiados submetidos à adubação potássica em duas condições edafoclimáticas. Em ambos os locais, os experimentos foram delineados em blocos casualizados, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, utilizando-se três fontes de K: cloreto de potássio (KCl, sulfato de potássio (K2SO4 e nitrato de potássio (KNO3 nas parcelas e quatro doses de K (0, 100, 200 e 400 kg ha-1 aplicadas nas subparcelas com quatro repetições. Usou-se nos experimentos o cultivar Catuaí Vermelho no espaçamento 3,5 x 0,7 m, com uma planta por cova. As avaliações foram: atividade enzimática da polifenoloxidase, índice de coloração e açúcares totais. Os valores das características qualitativas dos grãos mostraram que a fonte KCl teve uma resposta inferior em termos de qualidade dos grãos em relação às fontes K2SO4 e KNO3. Estas últimas fontes tiveram melhor resposta quando aplicadas nas condições de São Sebastião do Paraíso do que nas de Patrocínio. Em termos de doses aplicadas, os melhores resultados para qualidade dos grãos foram obtidos com as doses de 200 kg de K ha-1 na forma de KCl e K2SO4 e 100 kg de K ha-1 na forma de KNO3.Climate and soil strongly influence the quality of processed coffee (Coffea arabica L. beans. This work studied the influence of potassium fertilization on the quality of processed coffee beans grown on two Oxisols (Rhodic Acrudox and Xanthic Acrustox. Trials were set up in a completely randomized split plot block design, to test the influence of three sources and four potassium rates - potassium chloride (KCl, potassium sulphate (K2SO4 and potassium nitrate (KNO3 at 0; 100; 200 and 400 kg ha-1, applied to plants of cv. Catua

  5. Release of mercury halides from KCl denuders in the presence of ozone

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    S. N. Lyman


    Full Text Available KCl-coated denuders have become a standard method for measurement of gaseous oxidized mercury, but their performance has not been exhaustively evaluated, especially in field conditions. In this study, KCl-coated and uncoated quartz denuders loaded with HgCl2 and HgBr2 lost 29–55% of these compounds, apparently as elemental mercury, when exposed to ozone (range of 6–100 ppb tested. This effect was also observed for denuders loaded with gaseous oxidized mercury at a field site in Nevada (3–37% of oxidized mercury lost. In addition, collection efficiency decreased by 12–30% for denuders exposed to 50 ppb ozone during collection of HgCl2. While data presented were obtained from laboratory tests and as such do not exactly simulate field sampling conditions, these results indicate that the KCl denuder oxidized mercury collection method may not be as robust as previously thought. This work highlights needs for further testing of this method, clear identification of gaseous oxidized mercury compounds in the atmosphere, and development of field calibration methods for these compounds.

  6. Ionic conductivity in irradiated KCL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vignolo Rubio, J.


    The ionic conductivity of X and gamma irradiated KCl single crystals has been studied between room temperature and 600 deg C. The radiation induced damage resulting in a decrease of the conductivity heals by thermal annealing in two steps which are at about 350 and 550 deg C respectively. It has been found that the radiation induced colour centres are not involved in the observed decrease of the ionic conductivity. Howewer, it has been observed that the effects of quenching and plastic deformation on the conductivity of the samples are very similar to the effect induced by irradiation. It is suggested that small radiation induced dislocation loops might cause the ionic conductivity decrease observed in irradiated samples. (auth)

  7. Ionic conductivity in irradiated KCL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vignolo Rubio, J.


    The ionic conductivity of X and gamma irradiated KCL single crystals has been studied between room temperature and 600 degree centigree. the radiation induced damage resulting in a decrease of the conductivity heals by thermal annealing in two steps which are at about 350 and 550 degree centigree respectively. It has been found that the radiation induced colour centres are not involved in the observed decrease of the ionic conductivity. However. It has been observed that the effects of quenching and plastic deformation on the conductivity of the samples are very similar to the effect induced by irradiation. It is suggested that, samples radiation induced dislocation loops might cause the ionic conductivity decrease observed in irradiated samples. (Author)

  8. Comparison of H/Al stoichiometry of mineral and organic soils in Brazil Comparação da estequiometria H/Al em solos minerais e orgânicos brasileiros

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    Daniel Vidal Perez


    Full Text Available Exchangeable Al has been used as a criterion for the calculation of lime requirement in several Brazilian States. However, the laboratory method with extraction by a 1 mol L-1 KCl solution followed by indirect alkaline titration is not accurate for some Brazilian soils, mainly in the case of soils with high organic matter content. The objective of this study was therefore to evaluate the stoichiometry of H+/Al3+ in KCl soil extracts. The results suggested that organically complexed Al is the main contributor to exchangeable acidity in soils enriched with organic matter. Liming recommendations for organic soils based exclusively on exchangeable Al determined by the NaOH titration method should therefore be revised.A determinação de alumínio trocável é utilizada como critério para cálculo de calagem em vários estados brasileiros. Contudo, a determinação indireta pela titulação com NaOH, após extração com solução de KCl 1 mol L-1, pode não ser adequada para certos tipos de solos brasileiros, notadamente aqueles que apresentem altos teores de carbono orgânico. Dessa forma, o principal objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a estequiometria da relação H+/Al3+ em extratos de KCl. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que o Al complexado pela matéria orgânica, em solos orgânicos, é o principal contribuinte para a acidez trocável obtida por titulação. Dessa forma, a recomendação de calagem em solos orgânicos baseado somente na determinação de alumínio trocável por titulação com NaOH deve ser revista.

  9. Electrode processes during the electrorefiniment of lead in the KCl-PbCl2-PbO melt

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P. S. Pershin


    Full Text Available The influence of PbO addition on current efficiency during the electrorefinement of lead in the KCl-PbCl2-PbO melt was investigated. It was shown that with PbO concentration in the KCl-PbCl2 eqiumolar mixture increasing, the current efficiency of lead decreases. Electrode processes mechanism is proposed.

  10. Gota úrica visceral em bobo-pequeno (Puffinus puffinus no sul do Brasil

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    D. Fink

    Full Text Available RESUMO A gota úrica visceral é uma doença que acomete répteis, aves e mamíferos. Caracteriza-se por depósitos de cristais de urato e ácido úrico em diferentes órgãos da região visceral. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar um caso de gota úrica visceral em um indivíduo de bobo-pequeno (Puffinus puffinus encontrado morto no litoral norte de Santa Catarina, sul do Brasil. No período de 20 de agosto de 2015 a 20 de abril de 2016, as praias dos municípios de Araquari, Barra do Sul, São Francisco do Sul e Itapoá foram monitoradas diariamente para o registro e a recuperação de tetrápodes marinhos mortos, incluindo aves marinhas. Foram encontrados e necropsiados 84 indivíduos. Um deles apresentou o pericárdio aderido ao miocárdio e com a coloração esbranquiçada. Os rins, o fígado e os pulmões continham inúmeros pontos esbranquiçados. A ocorrência dessa patologia na espécie foi de 1,19%. Trata-se do primeiro relato de bobo-pequeno com gota úrica visceral encontrado no Brasil.

  11. Acidity of cations and the solubility of oxides in the eutectic KCl-LiCl melt at 700 Deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cherginets, V.L.; Rebrova, T.P.


    Products of MgO, NiO and CoO solubility in KCl-LiCl melt at 700 Deg C were determined by the method of potentiometric titration using Pt(O 2 )IZrO 2 (Y 2 O 3 ) membrane oxygen electrode. It was ascertained that acid properties of Cd 2+ and Pb'2 + cations are levelled to Li + properties, a break in E-pO graduation dependence in KCl-LiCl melt was observed at pO ∼ 2. Increase in oxides solubility in the melt studied compared with KCl-NaCl and CsCl-KCl-NaCl melts stems from the presence of Li + cations in the melt studied, which possess stronger acid properties than those of Na + or K + [ru

  12. Influence of partial replacement of NaCl with KCl on profiles of volatile compounds in dry-cured bacon during processing. (United States)

    Wu, Haizhou; Zhuang, Hong; Zhang, Yingyang; Tang, Jing; Yu, Xiang; Long, Men; Wang, Jiamei; Zhang, Jianhao


    This study investigated the influence of partial substitution of NaCl with KCl on the formation of volatile compounds in bacons during processing using a purge and trap dynamic headspace GC/MS system. Three substitutions were 0% KCl (I), 40% KCl (II), and 70% KCl (III). The profiles of the volatile compounds significantly changed during processing, particularly during the drying/ripening. At the end of process, the bacons from substitution III formed significantly higher levels of lipid-derived volatiles, such as straight chain aldehydes, hydrocarbons than bacons from substitution I and II, whereas the latter formed higher levels of volatiles from amino acid degradation such as 3-methylbutanal. There were very few differences in volatile formation between 0% and 40% KCl application. These results suggest that K(+) substitution of Na(+) by more than 40% may significantly change profiles of volatiles in finished dry-cured bacons and therefore would result in changes in the product aroma and/or flavour. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. The system K2NbF7-K2TiF6-KCl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamenskaya, L.A.; Matveev, A.M.


    Using visual-polythermal and thermographical methods the ternary system K 2 NbF 7 -K 2 TiE 6 -KCl has been studied. Crystallization fields of initial components and the field of solid solutions of double compounds K 3 NbClF 7 and K 3 TiClF 6 are outlined. Ternary eutectics at 654 deg C, having the composition K 2 NbF 6 -41, K 2 TiP 6 -41, KCl-18 mol.%, is determined. Potassium fluoroniobate and fluorotitanate form continuous solid solutions unstable in the presence of the third component, potassium chloride

  14. Molecular-resolution imaging of pentacene on KCl(001

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    Julia L. Neff


    Full Text Available The growth of pentacene on KCl(001 at submonolayer coverage was studied by dynamic scanning force microscopy. At coverages below one monolayer pentacene was found to arrange in islands with an upright configuration. The molecular arrangement was resolved in high-resolution images. In these images two different types of patterns were observed, which switch repeatedly. In addition, defects were found, such as a molecular vacancy and domain boundaries.

  15. Reactive scattering from oriented molecules: The three-center reaction K+ICl --> KI+Cl, KCl+I (United States)

    Loesch, H. J.; Möller, J.


    In a crossed molecular beam experiment, we have measured the angular and time-of-flight (TOF) distributions of the products KCl and KI formed in the reaction K+ICl→KI+Cl, KCl+I at an elevated collision energy of Etr=1.64 eV. Employing the brute force method, we have prepared an oriented ICl beam and studied in addition also the orientation dependence of these distributions. The results are (i) KCl is the dominant product, but also KI is substantially formed with a branching ratio of 4:1; (ii) the double differential reaction cross section in the center-of-mass frame (contour maps) indicates that all products are preferentially forward scattered and constrained to the forward hemisphere; (iii) the KCl flux consists of two distinct components which differ markedly in kinetic energy and dependence on the ICl orientation; there are also indications of the existence of two components of KI; (iv) 65%, 84%, and 64% of the available energy is vested into the internal degrees of freedom for the fast, slow component of KCl and KI, respectively; (v) the existence of two components can be rationalized on the basis of the harpooning mechanism where the jumping electron accesses the ground state or one of the low excited states of the ICl- ion and triggers the subsequent explosion of the ion with more or less kinetic energy of the fragments depending on the initially populated state; (vi) the energies released during dissociation of ICl- in the 2Σ ground state and the first 2Π state are ≤0.19 and ≤1.2 eV, respectively; (vii) the fast KCl component features a negative steric effect suggesting favorable product formation for attacks of K to the I end of ICl, the steric effect of the slow KI component is positive, i.e., attacks to the Cl end form products favorably; the other components exhibit no significant steric effect; (viii) the steric effects can be quantitatively rationalized using the same model as mentioned above; (ix) the magnitude of the steric effect suggests a

  16. Release and transformation of chlorine and potassium during pyrolysis of KCl doped biomass

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wang, Yang; Wu, Hao; Sárossy, Zsuzsa


    –850 °C), and KCl contents (0–5 wt%). The volatiles were collected and analyzed for CH3Cl concentration by GC–MS. The solid residue was analyzed by ICP-OES for the contents of total and water soluble K and Cl. Considerable amounts of CH3Cl, corresponding to 20–50% of the fuel chlorine, were formed......The formation of CH3Cl and the transformation of chlorine and potassium during pyrolysis of biomass were investigated. Model biomass compounds (cellulose, xylan, lignin and pectin) and pine wood doped with KCl were pyrolysed in a TGA at different heating rates (10–1000 °C/min), temperatures (300...

  17. Potential Process for the Decontamination of Pyro-electrometallurgical LiCl-KCl Eutectic Salt Electrolyte

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Griffith, Christopher S.; Sizgek, Erden; Sizgek, Devlet; Luca, Vittorio


    Presented here is a potential option with experimental validation for the decontamination of LiCl-KCl eutectic salt electrolyte from a pyro-electrometallurgical process by employing already developed inorganic ion exchange materials. Adsorbent materials considered include titano-silicates and molybdo- and tungstophosphates for Cs extraction, Si-doped antimony pyrochlore for Sr extraction and hexagonal tungsten bronzes for lanthanide (LN) and minor actinide (MA) polishing. Encouraging results from recent investigations on the removal of target elements (Cs, Sr and LN) from aqueous solutions containing varying concentrations of alkali and alkali metal contaminants which would be akin to a solution formed from the dissolution of spent LiCl-KCl eutectic salt electrolyte are presented. Further investigations have also shown that the saturated adsorbents can be treated at relatively low temperatures to afford potential waste forms for the adsorbed elements. Efficient evaporation and drying of a solution of dissolved LiCl-KCl eutectic salt electrolyte (50 L, 5 L.h -1 ) has been demonstrated using a Microwave-Heated Mechanical Fluidized Bed (MWMFB) apparatus. (authors)

  18. Potential Process for the Decontamination of Pyro-electrometallurgical LiCl-KCl Eutectic Salt Electrolyte

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Griffith, Christopher S.; Sizgek, Erden; Sizgek, Devlet; Luca, Vittorio [Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO), Institute of Materials Engineering, New Illawarra Road, Lucas Heights, New South Wales, 2234 (Australia)


    Presented here is a potential option with experimental validation for the decontamination of LiCl-KCl eutectic salt electrolyte from a pyro-electrometallurgical process by employing already developed inorganic ion exchange materials. Adsorbent materials considered include titano-silicates and molybdo- and tungstophosphates for Cs extraction, Si-doped antimony pyrochlore for Sr extraction and hexagonal tungsten bronzes for lanthanide (LN) and minor actinide (MA) polishing. Encouraging results from recent investigations on the removal of target elements (Cs, Sr and LN) from aqueous solutions containing varying concentrations of alkali and alkali metal contaminants which would be akin to a solution formed from the dissolution of spent LiCl-KCl eutectic salt electrolyte are presented. Further investigations have also shown that the saturated adsorbents can be treated at relatively low temperatures to afford potential waste forms for the adsorbed elements. Efficient evaporation and drying of a solution of dissolved LiCl-KCl eutectic salt electrolyte (50 L, 5 L.h{sup -1}) has been demonstrated using a Microwave-Heated Mechanical Fluidized Bed (MWMFB) apparatus. (authors)

  19. A reactive distillation process for the treatment of LiCl-KCl eutectic waste salt containing rare earth chlorides

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eun, H.C., E-mail:; Choi, J.H.; Kim, N.Y.; Lee, T.K.; Han, S.Y.; Lee, K.R.; Park, H.S.; Ahn, D.H.


    The pyrochemical process, which recovers useful resources (U/TRU metals) from used nuclear fuel using an electrochemical method, generates LiCl-KCl eutectic waste salt containing radioactive rare earth chlorides (RECl{sub 3}). It is necessary to develop a simple process for the treatment of LiCl-KCl eutectic waste salt in a hot-cell facility. For this reason, a reactive distillation process using a chemical agent was achieved as a method to separate rare earths from the LiCl-KCl waste salt. Before conducting the reactive distillation, thermodynamic equilibrium behaviors of the reactions between rare earth (Nd, La, Ce, Pr) chlorides and the chemical agent (K{sub 2}CO{sub 3}) were predicted using software. The addition of the chemical agent was determined to separate the rare earth chlorides into an oxide form using these equilibrium results. In the reactive distillation test, the rare earth chlorides in LiCl-KCl eutectic salt were decontaminated at a decontamination factor (DF) of more than 5000, and were mainly converted into oxide (Nd{sub 2}O{sub 3}, CeO{sub 2}, La{sub 2}O{sub 3}, Pr{sub 2}O{sub 3}) or oxychloride (LaOCl, PrOCl) forms. The LiCl-KCl was purified into a form with a very low concentration (<1 ppm) for the rare earth chlorides.

  20. KCl-induced high temperature corrosion of selected commercial alloys. Part II: alumina and silica-formers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kiamehr, Saeed; Dahl, Kristian Vinter; Montgomery, Melanie


    for 168 h in flowing N2(g)+5%O2(g)+15%H2O(g) (vol.%) with samples covered under KCl powder. A KCl-free exposure was also performed for comparison.Corrosion morphology and products were studied with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffractometry (XRD......Laboratory testing on selected alumina and silica-forming alloys was performed to evaluate their performance against high temperature corrosion induced by potassium chloride (KCl). The alloys studied were FeCrAlY, Kanthal APM, Nimonic 80A, 214, 153MA and HR160. Exposure was conducted at 600 °C......-chromium-silicon-oxygen containing layer forms as the innermost corrosion product. The layer was uniformly distributed over the surface and appears to render some protection as this alloy exhibited the best performance among the investigated alloys. To reveal further aspects of the corrosion mechanism, Nimonic 80A was exposed...

  1. X-ray or UV-ray imaging sensor utilizing optically stimulated luminescence phenomenon in Eu-doped KCl phosphors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nanto, Hidehito; Murayama, Kazuhiko; Hirai, Yoshiaki; Taniguchi, Shin-ichi; Makamura, Shouichi; Takeuchi, Nozomu.


    An intense OSL with a peak at about 420 [nm] has been observed by stimulating an X-ray or UV-ray irradiated KCl: Eu crystal with F-band light whose wavelength is about 560 [um]. A possible excitation and emission mechanisms for the 420 [um] OSL peak X-ray or UV-ray irradiated sample is proposed. It is found that the OSL intensity is proportional to the X-ray absorbed dose or UV-ray irradiation dose. It is also found that X-ray or UV-ray irradiated KCl; Eu exhibited excellent fading characteristics. These results strongly suggest that the KCl: Eu is one of the most attractive candidates for two-dimensional X-ray or UV-ray imaging sensor utilizing the OSL phenomenon. (J.P.N.)

  2. Mobilidade de potássio em solos decorrente da adição de doses de cloreto de potássio Potassium movement in soils as related to potassium chloride application

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    Lisiane Silva das Neves


    Full Text Available Em solos recentemente fertilizados, as plantas absorvem os nutrientes que estão principalmente nas adjacências dos grânulos, cuja composição química é pouco conhecida. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o gradiente de concentração de K e a concentração eletrolítica a partir da região fertilizada com KCl em cinco solos, que tinham quantidades variáveis de argila (95 a 569 g kg-1 e de matéria orgânica (13 a 54 g kg-1. Os tratamentos consistiram de doses de KCl equivalentes a 0, 50, 100 e 200 kg ha-1 de K2O. Para obter as quantidades a serem aplicadas, considerou-se que essas doses seriam adicionadas sobre a superfície do solo, em linhas distanciadas de 0,70 m, e atingiria uma faixa de 2,5 cm, ou seja, entrariam em contato com 357 m² ha-1 de solo. Cada unidade experimental foi formada pela união de dois tubos horizontais de PVC, cada um com 7,0 cm de diâmetro e 9,0 cm de comprimento, preenchida com solo. Os grânulos de KCl foram distribuídos uniformemente entre duas folhas circulares de papel-filtro (7,0 cm de diâmetro, que foram colocadas na superfície de junção dos dois tubos. O gradiente de concentração de K nos solos foi quantificado por meio da concentração do K trocável (Mehlich-1 em diferentes distâncias a partir do local de aplicação dos grânulos. A movimentação de K variou com o tipo de solo, aumentou com a dose de KCl e foi menor no solo que tinha mais areia e menos matéria orgânica. Após 7 dias, com a maior dose de KCl aplicada (200 mg kg-1 K2O, a movimentação de K foi maior no Cambissolo Húmico léptico CHat (8,4 cm e menor no Latossolo Vermelho distrófico LVd (6,4 cm. A amplitude de concentração de K no centímetro mais próximo do adubo variou de 9.800 a 16.475 mg kg-1; na camada distante de 4,0 a 5,0 cm dos grânulos, o K variou de 244 a 2.254 mg kg-1. A condutividade elétrica não atingiu valores prejudiciais ao processo germinativo de espécies com média tolerância a sais

  3. Research on Wetting-Drying Cycles’ Effect on the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Expansive Soil Improved by OTAC-KCl

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    Bao-tian Wang


    Full Text Available Expansive soil experiences periodic swelling and shrinkage during the alternate wet and dry environments, which will result in severe damage to the slope stability. In this study, a promising modifier OTAC-KCl is introduced, which has a good diffusivity and is soluble in water or other solvents easily. Firstly, a reasonable combination of ameliorant 0.3% STAC and 3% KCl is chosen referring to the free swell test. Then, the best curing period, 14 days, is gotten from UCS tests. The effect of wetting and drying cycles on engineering properties of expansive soil improved by OTAC-KCl admixtures after 14-day curing is also studied accordingly. Both treated and untreated expansive soil samples are prepared for the cyclic wetting-drying tests which mainly include cyclic swelling potential and cyclic strength tests. Experimental results show that the swelling potential of expansive soil samples stabilized with OTAC-KCl is suppressed efficiently, and the untreated soil specimens will collapse when immersed in water while the treated specimens keep in good conditions. Moreover, expansive soil samples modified with 0.3% OTAC + 3% KCl show enough durability on the swelling ability, shear strength, and unconfined compressive strength, which means, that both the physical and the mechanical properties of stabilized expansive soil have been improved effectively.

  4. Characterization of pack cemented Ni2Al3 coating exposed to KCl(s) induced corrosion at 600 °C

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dahl, Kristian Vinter; Slomian, A.; Lomholt, Trine Nybo


    Ni2Al3 shows minimal weight gain, while adding KCl results in a small weight loss consistent with evaporation of KCl. On the surface of samples exposed to the gas environment only, a 30 nm oxide of Al oxide was present, but where KCl was present as deposit, 50–250 nm thick nodules form...

  5. Electrochemical formation of uranium-zirconium alloy in LiCl-KCl melts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Murakami, Tsuyoshi, E-mail: m-tsuyo@criepi.denken.or.j [Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI), Komae-shi, Tokyo 201-8511 (Japan); Kato, Tetsuya; Kurata, Masaki [Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI), Komae-shi, Tokyo 201-8511 (Japan); Yamana, Hajimu [Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University, Kumatori-cho, Sennan-gun, Osaka 590-0494 (Japan)


    Since zirconium is considered an electrochemically active species under practical conditions of the electrorefining process, it is crucial to understand the electrochemical behavior of zirconium in LiCl-KCl melts containing actinide ions. In this study, the electrochemical codeposition of uranium and zirconium on a solid cathode was performed. It was found that the delta-(U, Zr) phase, which is the only intermediate phase of the uranium-zirconium binary alloy system, was deposited on a tantalum substrate by potentiostatic electrolysis at -1.60 V (vs. Ag{sup +}/Ag) in LiCl-KCl melts containing 0.13 in mol% UCl{sub 3} and 0.23 in mol% ZrCl{sub 4} at 773 K. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the electrochemical formation of the delta-(U, Zr) phase. The relative partial molar properties of uranium in the delta-(U, Zr) phase were evaluated by measuring the open-circuit-potentials of the electrochemically prepared delta-phase electrode.

  6. Electrochemical formation of uranium-zirconium alloy in LiCl-KCl melts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murakami, Tsuyoshi; Kato, Tetsuya; Kurata, Masaki; Yamana, Hajimu


    Since zirconium is considered an electrochemically active species under practical conditions of the electrorefining process, it is crucial to understand the electrochemical behavior of zirconium in LiCl-KCl melts containing actinide ions. In this study, the electrochemical codeposition of uranium and zirconium on a solid cathode was performed. It was found that the δ-(U, Zr) phase, which is the only intermediate phase of the uranium-zirconium binary alloy system, was deposited on a tantalum substrate by potentiostatic electrolysis at -1.60 V (vs. Ag + /Ag) in LiCl-KCl melts containing 0.13 in mol% UCl 3 and 0.23 in mol% ZrCl 4 at 773 K. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the electrochemical formation of the δ-(U, Zr) phase. The relative partial molar properties of uranium in the δ-(U, Zr) phase were evaluated by measuring the open-circuit-potentials of the electrochemically prepared δ-phase electrode.

  7. Thermoluminescence of KCl:Eu2+ under ultraviolet irradiation at different temperatures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aguirre de Carcer, I.; Jaque, F.; Rowlands, A.P.; Townsend, P.D.


    The thermoluminescence of KCl:Eu 2+ ultraviolet irradiated samples has been studied at different temperatures with the aim of optimising its solar dosimetric characteristics. This was achieved by recording with a dosimeter -10 deg. C. Ultraviolet light (254 nm) irradiation under these conditions produces a high TL peak at 90 deg. C which is linear with exposure time over at least four orders of magnitude. The TL emission spectra of KCl:Eu 2+ under UV irradiation have been analysed to reveal component bands at 2.86 eV, 2.97 eV, 3.02 eV, 3.07 eV, 3.14 eV and 3.26 eV that corresponds to divalent europium impurity sites. The new peak at 3.26 eV (297 nm) had not reported before but it has to be considered in order to match the experimental TL emission. A model for the defect site of this new emission is discussed

  8. Feasibility of Th-U separation through a pyrochemical route in molten LiCl-KCl eutectic

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pakhui, Gurudas; Ghosh, Suddhasattwa; Prabhakara Reddy, B.; Nagarajan, K.


    Molten salt electrorefining is a high temperature electrometallurgical process developed for the reprocessing of spent UPu-Zr fuel employing LiCl-KCl as the electrolyte. A possible application of this high temperature electrochemical process could be in the separation of U from Th matrix for Th based fuels. It therefore becomes important to investigate the reduction behaviour of Th 4+ in the molten salt and compare with that of U 3+ . The present study is on the electrochemical behaviour of Th 4+ in LiCl-KCl. Electrochemical studies were also carried out on the LiCl-KCl-UCl 3 -ThCl 4 system using transient electrochemical techniques. The cyclic voltammograms for Th 4+ /Th redox couple at various scan rates at 723 K is shown. Reduction of Th 4+ to Th was found to be quasi-reversible at lower scan rates and irreversible at higher scan rates using cyclic voltammetry and convolution voltammetry. The number of electrons transferred for the reduction process was calculated to be ∼ 4 using various techniques like cyclic voltammetry, chronopotentiometry and convolution voltammetry

  9. Densities of L-Glutamic Acid HCl Drug in Aqueous NaCl and KCl Solutions at Different Temperatures (United States)

    Ryshetti, Suresh; Raghuram, Noothi; Rani, Emmadi Jayanthi; Tangeda, Savitha Jyostna


    Densities (ρ ) of (0.01 to 0.07) {mol}{\\cdot } {kg}^{-1} L-Glutamic acid HCl (L-HCl) drug in water, and in aqueous NaCl and KCl (0.5 and 1.0) {mol}{\\cdot } {kg}^{-1} solutions have been reported as a function of temperature at T = (298.15, 303.15, 308.15, and 313.15) K and atmospheric pressure. The accurate density (ρ ) values are used to estimate the various parameters such as the apparent molar volume (V_{2,{\\upphi }}), the partial molar volume (V2^{∞}), the isobaric thermal expansion coefficient (α 2), the partial molar expansion (E2^{∞}), and Hepler's constant (partial 2V2^{∞}/partial T2)P. The Cosphere overlap model is used to understand the solute-solvent interactions in a ternary mixture (L-HCl drug + NaCl or KCl + water). Hepler's constant (partial 2V2^{∞}/partial T2)_P is utilized to interpret the structure-making or -breaking ability of L-HCl drug in aqueous NaCl and KCl solutions, and the results are inferred that L-HCl drug acts as a structure maker, i.e., kosmotrope in aqueous NaCl solutions and performs as a structure breaker, i.e., chaotrope in aqueous KCl solutions.

  10. Short-pulse CO2-laser damage studies of NaCl and KCl windows

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Newnam, B.E.; Nowak, A.V.; Gill, D.H.


    The damage resistance of bare surfaces and the bulk interior of NaCl and KCl windows was measured with a short-pulse CO 2 laser at 10.6 μm. Parametric studies with 1.7-ns pulses indicated that adsorbed water was probably the limiting agent on surface thresholds in agreement with previous studies at long pulsewidths. Rear-surface thresholds up to 7 J/cm 2 were measured for polished NaCl windows, whereas KCl surfaces damaged at approximately 60% of this level. The breakdown electric-field thresholds of exit surfaces were only 50% of the value of the bulk materials. The pulsewidth dependence of surface damage from 1 to 65 ns, in terms of incident laser fluence, increased as t/sup 1/3/

  11. Uncertainties of Gaseous Oxidized Mercury Measurements Using KCl-Coated Denuders, Cation-Exchange Membranes, and Nylon Membranes: Humidity Influences. (United States)

    Huang, Jiaoyan; Gustin, Mae Sexauer


    Quantifying the concentration of gaseous oxidized mercury (GOM) and identifying the chemical compounds in the atmosphere are important for developing accurate local, regional, and global biogeochemical cycles. The major hypothesis driving this work was that relative humidity affects collection of GOM on KCl-coated denuders and nylon membranes, both currently being applied to measure GOM. Using a laboratory manifold system and ambient air, GOM capture efficiency on 3 different collection surfaces, including KCl-coated denuders, nylon membranes, and cation-exchange membranes, was investigated at relative humidity ranging from 25 to 75%. Recovery of permeated HgBr2 on KCl-coated denuders declined by 4-60% during spikes of relative humidity (25 to 75%). When spikes were turned off GOM recoveries returned to 60 ± 19% of permeated levels. In some cases, KCl-coated denuders were gradually passivated over time after additional humidity was applied. In this study, GOM recovery on nylon membranes decreased with high humidity and ozone concentrations. However, additional humidity enhanced GOM recovery on cation-exchange membranes. In addition, reduction and oxidation of elemental mercury during experiments was observed. The findings in this study can help to explain field observations in previous studies.

  12. Preparation and properties of KCl-doped Cu2O thin film by electrodeposition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu, Xiaojiao; Li, Xinming; Zheng, Gang; Wei, Yuchen; Zhang, Ama; Yao, Binghua


    With the indium tin oxide-coated glass as working electrode, cuprous oxide thin film is fabricated by means of electrodeposition. The effects of KCl doped and annealing treatment upon Cu 2 O thin film morphology, surface resistivity, open-circuit voltage, electric conduction types and visible light response are studied. The research results indicate that KCl doped has a great effect upon Cu 2 O crystal morphology, thus, making Cu 2 O thin film surface resistivity drop, and the open-circuit voltage increase and that electric conduction types are transformed from p type into n type, and the visible light (400–500 nm) absorption rate is slightly reduced. Annealing treatment can obviously decrease Cu 2 O thin film surface resistivity and improve its open-circuit voltage. When KCl concentration in electrolytic solution reaches 7 mmol/L, Cu 2 O thin film morphology can be changed from the dendritic crystal into the cubic crystal and Cu 2 O thin film surface resistivity decreases from the initial 2.5 × 10 6 Ω cm to 8.5 × 10 4 Ω cm. After annealing treatment at 320 °C for 30 min, the surface resistivity decreases to 8.5 × 10 2 Ω cm, and the open-circuit voltage increases from the initial 3.1 mV to 79.2 mV.

  13. Integrated Data Collection Analysis (IDCA) Program - KClO3/Dodecane Mixture

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sandstrom, Mary M. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Brown, Geoffrey W. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Preston, Daniel N. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Pollard, Colin J. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Warner, Kirstin F. [Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC), Indian Head, MD (United States). Indian Head Division; Sorenson, Daniel N. [Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC), Indian Head, MD (United States). Indian Head Division; Remmers, Daniel L. [Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC), Indian Head, MD (United States). Indian Head Division; Shelley, Timothy J. [Air Force Research Lab. (AFRL), Tyndall AFB, FL (United States); Whinnery, LeRoy L. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-CA), Livermore, CA (United States); Hsu, Peter C. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Reynolds, John G. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States)


    The Integrated Data Collection Analysis (IDCA) program is conducting a proficiency study for Small-Scale Safety and Thermal (SSST) testing of homemade explosives (HMEs). Described here are the results for impact, friction, electrostatic discharge, and differential scanning calorimetry analysis of a mixture of KClO3 and dodecane—KClO3/dodecane mixture. This material was selected because of the challenge of performing SSST testing of a mixture of solid and liquid materials. The mixture was found to: 1) be more sensitive to impact than RDX, and PETN, 2) less sensitive to friction than PETN, and 3) less sensitive to spark than RDX. The thermal analysis showed little or no exothermic features suggesting that the dodecane volatilized at low temperatures. A prominent endothermic feature was observed assigned to melting of KClO3. This effort, funded by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), ultimately will put the issues of safe handling of these materials in perspective with standard military explosives. The study is adding SSST testing results for a broad suite of different HMEs to the literature. Ultimately the study has the potential to suggest new guidelines and methods and possibly establish the SSST testing accuracies needed to develop safe handling practices for HMEs. Each participating testing laboratory uses identical test materials and preparation methods wherever possible. Note, however, the test procedures differ among the laboratories. The results are compared among the laboratories and then compared to historical data from various sources. The testing performers involved for the KClO3/dodecane mixture are Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), and Indian Head Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center, (NSWC IHD). These tests are conducted as a proficiency study in order to establish some consistency in test protocols, procedures, and experiments and to understand

  14. Integrated Data Collection Analysis (IDCA) program--KClO4/Dodecane Mixture

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sandstrom, Mary M. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Brown, Geoffrey W. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Preston, Daniel N. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Pollard, Colin J. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Warner, Kirstin F. [Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC), Indian Head, MD (United States). Indian Head Division; Sorensen, Daniel N. [Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC), Indian Head, MD (United States). Indian Head Division; Remmers, Daniel L. [Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC), Indian Head, MD (United States). Indian Head Division; Shelley, Timothy J. [Air Force Research Lab. (AFRL), Tyndall AFB, FL (United States); Reyes, Jose A. [Applied Research Associates, Tyndall AFB, FL (United States); Hsu, Peter C. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Reynolds, John G. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States)


    The Integrated Data Collection Analysis (IDCA) program is conducting a proficiency study for Small- Scale Safety and Thermal (SSST) testing of homemade explosives (HMEs). Described here are the results for impact, friction, electrostatic discharge, and differential scanning calorimetry analysis of a mixture of KClO4 and dodecane—KClO4/dodecane mixture. This material was selected because of the challenge of performing SSST testing of a mixture of solid and liquid materials. The mixture was found to: 1) be less sensitive to impact than RDX, and PETN, 2) less sensitive to friction than RDX and PETN, and 3) less sensitive to spark than RDX and PETN. The thermal analysis showed little or no exothermic features suggesting that the dodecane volatilized at low temperatures. A prominent endothermic feature was observed and assigned to a phase transition of KClO4. This effort, funded by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), ultimately will put the issues of safe handling of these materials in perspective with standard military explosives. The study is adding SSST testing results for a broad suite of different HMEs to the literature. Ultimately the study has the potential to suggest new guidelines and methods and possibly establish the SSST testing accuracies needed to develop safe handling practices for HMEs. Each participating testing laboratory uses identical test materials and preparation methods wherever possible. Note, however, the test procedures differ among the laboratories. The results are compared among the laboratories and then compared to historical data from various sources. The testing performers involved for the KClO4/dodecane mixture are Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Indian Head Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center, (NSWC IHD), and Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL/RXQL). These tests are conducted as a proficiency study in order to establish some

  15. X-ray and optical study on point defect formation and interaction under irradiation adn doping of KCl

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Braude, I S; Rogozyanskaya, L M [AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kharkov. Fiziko-Tekhnicheskij Inst. Nizkikh Temperatur


    Optical and X-ray diffuse scattering methods have been applied to investigate structural changes, taking place in KCl crystals during irradiation with ..gamma..-quanta and doping with barium. It is shown that ..gamma..-irradiation of ''pure'' and doped KCl crystals mainly leads to formation of F-centers and spherical vacancy complexes. F-center concentration in irradiated addition crystals (3x10/sup -6/) has turned out to be 25% lower, than in irradiated pure ones (4x10/sup -6/), which is connected with interaction of radiation and addition defects. The type of defects, causing assymetry in the distribution of diffuse scattering has been determined. Appearance of scattering ability modulation over direction < 100 > during irradiation of KCl pure crystals has been found. Critical radius of spherical complexes formed during irradiation has been estimated, it appeared to be 2.5 a, where a is a lattice period.

  16. Extracellular KCl effect on organic bound tritium in human cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gonen, Rafi; Uzi, German; Priel, Esther; Alfassi, Zeev B.


    Tritium atoms can replace hydrogen atoms in organic compounds, forming Organic Bound Tritium. Therefore, exposure of the body to tritium may lead to binding of tritium in tissue molecules, retaining it in the body longer than HTO, and causing higher doses. Ignoring this effect when evaluating inner exposures, may lead to under-estimation of tritium exposures. It was published, that tritium bound to some organic molecules has the potential to accumulate in organisms at higher levels as in the surrounding media. In order to investigate this effect and to identify physiological factors, OBT production in human malignant MG-63 osteoblast cells was studied. The purpose of the present work was to investigate the influence of the ionic extracellular potassium concentration on the amount of tritium in cells. Potassium is known as an ionic compound present in the body, which has the potential to cause cells swelling. Therefore, cells were exposed to isotonic and hypotonic media, supplemented with different concentrations of KCl, and the tritium accumulations were determined after incubation with HTO. An increase in the total Organic Bound Tritium production was observed, as well as an increase of the intracellular HTO content when increasing the KCl concentration. (author)

  17. Raman spectroscopic study of the oxidation state of Eu in molten LiCl-KCl

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Seung; Yun, Jong-Il [KAIST, Daejeon(Korea, Republic of)


    Spectroscopy can provide high reliability for the quantitative analysis of such system. The molar absorptivity of Eu(II) at 325 nm is reported as about 1645 M{sup -1}cm{sup -1}, which is too high to apply to higher concentration. A high-temperature Raman spectroscopy has been set and employed for analyzing the molecular structure and coordination complex and investigating the oxidation state of europium in molten LiCl-KCl. Europium can be present in divalent state while many other lanthanides exist in trivalent state. The thermodynamic properties of europium ions have been studied using electrochemical methods, spectroscopic methods, and EPR technique. Although there has been discrepancy of the reduced amount of europium in previous works, the majority of Eu(III) is thought to be reduced to Eu(II) in molten LiCl-KCl spontaneously at relatively low concentration (< 7.5 × 10{sup -4} M). Raman spectroscopy was employed to investigate the oxidation state of EuClx in LiCl-KCl at 500 .deg. C. The Raman scattering results suggest the majority of trivalent europium is reduced to divalent state with the composition change by vaporization. The Raman bands show highly asymmetric structure, quite different from regular octahedral structure.

  18. Thermal Properties of LiCl-KCl Molten Salt for Nuclear Waste Separation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sridharan, Kumar [Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI (United States); Allen, Todd [Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI (United States); Anderson, Mark [Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI (United States); Simpson, Mike [Idaho National Lab., (United States)


    This project addresses both practical and fundamental scientific issues of direct relevance to operational challenges of the molten LiCl-KCl salt pyrochemical process, while providing avenues for improvements in the process. In order to understand the effects of the continually changing composition of the molten salt bath during the process, the project team will systematically vary the concentrations of rare earth surrogate elements, lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, and neodymium, which will be added to the molten LiCl-KCl salt. They will also perform a limited number of focused experiments by the dissolution of depleted uranium. All experiments will be performed at 500 deg C. The project consists of the following tasks. Researchers will measure density of the molten salts using an instrument specifically designed for this purpose, and will determine the melting points with a differential scanning calorimeter. Knowledge of these properties is essential for salt mass accounting and taking the necessary steps to prevent melt freezing. The team will use cyclic voltammetry studies to determine redox potentials of the rare earth cations, as well as their diffusion coefficients and activities in the molten LiCl-KCl salt. In addition, the team will perform anodic stripping voltammetry to determine the concentration of the rare earth elements and their solubilities, and to develop the scientific basis for an on-line diagnostic system for in situ monitoring of the cation species concentration (rare earths in this case). Solubility and activity of the cation species are critically important for the prediction of the salt's useful lifetime and disposal.

  19. Thermal Properties of LiCl-KCl Molten Salt for Nuclear Waste Separation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sridharan, Kumar; Allen, Todd; Anderson, Mark; Simpson, Mike


    This project addresses both practical and fundamental scientific issues of direct relevance to operational challenges of the molten LiCl-KCl salt pyrochemical process, while providing avenues for improvements in the process. In order to understand the effects of the continually changing composition of the molten salt bath during the process, the project team will systematically vary the concentrations of rare earth surrogate elements, lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, and neodymium, which will be added to the molten LiCl-KCl salt. They will also perform a limited number of focused experiments by the dissolution of depleted uranium. All experiments will be performed at 500 deg C. The project consists of the following tasks. Researchers will measure density of the molten salts using an instrument specifically designed for this purpose, and will determine the melting points with a differential scanning calorimeter. Knowledge of these properties is essential for salt mass accounting and taking the necessary steps to prevent melt freezing. The team will use cyclic voltammetry studies to determine redox potentials of the rare earth cations, as well as their diffusion coefficients and activities in the molten LiCl-KCl salt. In addition, the team will perform anodic stripping voltammetry to determine the concentration of the rare earth elements and their solubilities, and to develop the scientific basis for an on-line diagnostic system for in situ monitoring of the cation species concentration (rare earths in this case). Solubility and activity of the cation species are critically important for the prediction of the salt's useful lifetime and disposal

  20. Accumulation of oxalic acid and calcium crystals in ectomycorrhizas of eucalypt.: II- calcium oxalate crystal formation induced by ectomicorrhizal fungi in fine lateral roots


    Gonzalez, Jhon Alexander Zambrano; Costa, Maurício Dutra; Silva, Ivo Ribeiro; Neves, Júlio César Lima; Barros, Nairam Félix de; Borges, Arnaldo Chaer


    O eucalipto é eficiente na aquisição de Ca do solo, mas pouco se sabe sobre a participação das ectomicorrizas e dos ácidos orgânicos nesse processo em campo. O acúmulo de cristais de Ca (CaOx) foi avaliado em, aproximadamente, 2.100 raízes laterais finas e ectomicorrizas do híbrido de Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla, cultivado por 2,5 anos em área com topografia típica em meia laranja, com vertente côncavo-convexa, na região de Viçosa, MG. Técnicas de microscopia óptica e microscopi...

  1. Heteroepitaxial strain in alkali halide thin films: KCl on NaCl

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Baker, J.; Lindgård, Per-Anker


    We have pet-formed Monte Carlo simulations of the properties of a NaCl (001) surface covered by full or partial layers of KCl, for coverages up to 5 monolayers (ML). A wide variety of structures of the film is found. For integer ML coverages we find the continuous, so-called floating mode rumple ...

  2. Elaboration and characterization of a KCl single crystal doped with nanocrystals of a Sb2O3 semiconductor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bouhdjer, L.; Addala, S.; Halimi, O.; Boudine, B.; Sebais, M.; Chala, A.


    Undoped and doped KCl single crystals have been successfully elaborated via the Czochralski (Cz) method. The effects of dopant Sb 2 O 3 nanocrystals on structural and optical properties were investigated by a number of techniques, including X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDAX) analysis, UV-visible and photoluminescence (PL) spectrophotometers. An XRD pattern of KCl:Sb 2 O 3 reveals that the Sb 2 O 3 nanocrystals are in the well-crystalline orthorhombic phase. The broadening of diffraction peaks indicated the presence of a Sb 2 O 3 semiconductor in the nanometer size regime. The shift of absorption and PL peaks is observed near 334 nm and 360 nm respectively due to the quantum confinement effect in Sb 2 O 3 nanocrystals. Particle sizes calculated from XRD studies agree fairly well with those estimated from optical studies. An SEM image of the surface KCl:Sb 2 O 3 single crystal shows large quasi-spherical of Sb 2 O 3 crystallites scattered on the surface. The elemental analysis from EDAX demonstrates that the KCl:Sb 2 O 3 single crystal is slightly rich in oxygen and a source of excessive quantities of oxygen is discussed. (semiconductor materials)

  3. Eficiência e efeito residual de biofertilizantes de rochas com PK e enxofre com Acidithiobacillus em alface Efficiency and residual effect of PK rock biofertilizers with sulfur and Acidithiobacillus on lettuce

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rita de Cássia Matias de Lima


    Full Text Available Entre agosto e novembro de 2005 foi realizado um experimento em campo, com dois plantios consecutivos de alface (cv. Grand Rapids, em solo do Cariri cearense, visando avaliar a eficiência da fertilização com biofertilizantes de rocha fosfatada (BP e potássica (BK, em comparação com os fertilizantes minerais superfosfato simples(SFS e cloreto de potássio (KCl. Os fertilizantes minerais foram aplicados nos níveis recomendados com base na análise de solo para alface (SFS e KCl, e os biofertilizantes em três níveis (BP1 e BK1 metade da recomendação; BP2 e BK2 nível recomendado e BP3 e BK3 uma vez e meia o recomendado para SFS e KCl, e o tratamento controle (P0K0 sem aplicação de P e K. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 5², com quatro repetições. Os resultados demonstraram que o desempenho dos biofertilizantes com P e K foi equivalente ao dos fertilizantes minerais, especialmente com aplicação no nível BP2BK3. No segundo cultivo ficou evidenciado o efeito residual para produtividade da alface (biomassa fresca da parte aérea, altura, número de folhas, avaliação comercial e acumulação de P e K na parte aérea. Os resultados sugerem que os biofertilizantes de rochas com P e K podem ser usados como alternativa a fertilizantes minerais.Production of rock biofertilizers is a practical process with reduction of energy consumption and increasing nutrients availability in soils. To evaluate the agronomic efficiency and the residual effect of P rock biofertilizer (PB and potash rock (KB, compared to simple superphosphate (SSP and potassium chloride (KCl, a field experiment with two consecutive lettuce crops (cv. Grand Rapids was carried out in a soil at Cariri (Ceará, Brazil, from August to September 2005. The mineral fertilizers were applied in the levels recommended for lettuce (SSP and KCl, and the biofertilizers in three levels (PB1 and KB1 half of recommended levels; recommended levels

  4. A variabilidade química da plagioclase no plutonito de Reguengos de Monsaraz (OMZ): testemunhos de mistura de magmas


    Antunes, A.; Santos, J. F.; Azevedo, M. R.


    Os dados de química mineral obtidos em plagioclases dos diferentes tipos litológicos presentes no plutonito de Reguengos de Monsaraz (gabro-dioritos, tonalitos e granodioritos) mostram que os cristais de maiores dimensões são caracterizados por uma grande diversidade de padrões de zonamento (normal, oscilatório e complexo) e um espectro composicional variando de bytownite a andesina (An83 a An40), o que parece reflectir os efeitos de processos de mistura de magmas. Em contrapartida, a variabi...

  5. Specific heat measurements in KCN:KCL mixed crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ghivelder, L.


    An adiabatic calorimeter to perform specific heat measurements of small samples (approximatelly 150 mg) was built. The measurements were taken from 6 to 120 K, iN KCN:KCL mixed crystals, in order to observe the evolution of the antiferroelectric phase transition - that occurs at 83 K in KCN pure. From the experimental results the values of the phase transition critical temperature are found, for some particular concentrations of the mixture, and it was detected that this phase transition disappears with only 10% of Cl - . This result is explained in terms of a change of the potential wells in the crystal. (Author) [pt

  6. Preparation and properties of KCl-doped Cu{sub 2}O thin film by electrodeposition

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yu, Xiaojiao, E-mail: [Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an 710048 (China); Li, Xinming [Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an 710048 (China); Zheng, Gang [Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an 710048 (China); Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072 (China); Wei, Yuchen [The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong (China); Zhang, Ama; Yao, Binghua [Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an 710048 (China)


    With the indium tin oxide-coated glass as working electrode, cuprous oxide thin film is fabricated by means of electrodeposition. The effects of KCl doped and annealing treatment upon Cu{sub 2}O thin film morphology, surface resistivity, open-circuit voltage, electric conduction types and visible light response are studied. The research results indicate that KCl doped has a great effect upon Cu{sub 2}O crystal morphology, thus, making Cu{sub 2}O thin film surface resistivity drop, and the open-circuit voltage increase and that electric conduction types are transformed from p type into n type, and the visible light (400–500 nm) absorption rate is slightly reduced. Annealing treatment can obviously decrease Cu{sub 2}O thin film surface resistivity and improve its open-circuit voltage. When KCl concentration in electrolytic solution reaches 7 mmol/L, Cu{sub 2}O thin film morphology can be changed from the dendritic crystal into the cubic crystal and Cu{sub 2}O thin film surface resistivity decreases from the initial 2.5 × 10{sup 6} Ω cm to 8.5 × 10{sup 4} Ω cm. After annealing treatment at 320 °C for 30 min, the surface resistivity decreases to 8.5 × 10{sup 2} Ω cm, and the open-circuit voltage increases from the initial 3.1 mV to 79.2 mV.

  7. Physicochemical properties of low sodium frankfurter with added walnut: effect of transglutaminase combined with caseinate, KCl and dietary fibre as salt replacers. (United States)

    Colmenero, F Jiménez; Ayo, M J; Carballo, J


    This study compares the effects of combinations of microbial transglutaminase (TGase) and various non-meat ingredients (caseinate, KCl and wheat fibre) used as salt replacers, with the effects of NaCl on the physicochemical properties (cooking loss, emulsion stability, texture and colour) of frankfurters with added walnuts. The combination of TGase with caseinate, KCl or fibre led to harder, springier and chewier (Pcaseinate>KCl>fibre. Frankfurters with caseinate presented the highest lightness and the lowest redness values. Frankfurter with NaCl had a harder, springier and chewier gel/emulsion network with lower cooking loss than those NaCl free.

  8. Galvanic reduction of uranium(III) chloride from LiCl-KCl eutectic salt using gadolinium metal (United States)

    Bagri, Prashant; Zhang, Chao; Simpson, Michael F.


    The drawdown of actinides is an important unit operation to enable the recycling of electrorefiner salt and minimization of waste. A new method for the drawdown of actinide chlorides from LiCl-KCl molten salt has been demonstrated here. Using the galvanic interaction between the Gd/Gd(III) and U/U(III) redox reactions, it is shown that UCl3 concentration in eutectic LiCl-KCl can be reduced from 8.06 wt.% (1.39 mol %) to 0.72 wt.% (0.12 mol %) in about an hour via plating U metal onto a steel basket. This is a simple process for returning actinides to the electrorefiner and minimizing their loss to the salt waste stream.

  9. Pressure induced structural phase transition in solid oxidizer KClO3: A first-principles study (United States)

    Yedukondalu, N.; Ghule, Vikas D.; Vaitheeswaran, G.


    High pressure behavior of potassium chlorate (KClO3) has been investigated from 0 to 10 GPa by means of first principles density functional theory calculations. The calculated ground state parameters, transition pressure, and phonon frequencies using semiempirical dispersion correction scheme are in excellent agreement with experiment. It is found that KClO3 undergoes a pressure induced first order phase transition with an associated volume collapse of 6.4% from monoclinic (P21/m) → rhombohedral (R3m) structure at 2.26 GPa, which is in good accord with experimental observation. However, the transition pressure was found to underestimate (0.11 GPa) and overestimate (3.57 GPa) using local density approximation and generalized gradient approximation functionals, respectively. Mechanical stability of both the phases is explained from the calculated single crystal elastic constants. In addition, the zone center phonon frequencies have been calculated using density functional perturbation theory at ambient as well as at high pressure and the lattice modes are found to soften under pressure between 0.6 and 1.2 GPa. The present study reveals that the observed structural phase transition leads to changes in the decomposition mechanism of KClO3 which corroborates with the experimental results.

  10. Carrageenan :the difference between PNG and KCL gel precipitation method as Lactobacillus acidophilus encapsulation material (United States)

    Setijawati, D.; Nursyam, H.; Salis, H.


    The study on the effects of using of materials and methods in the preparation of the microcapsules Lactobacillus acidophilus towards the viability has been done. The research method used is experimental laboratory design. Variable research was kind of material (A) as the first factor with sub factor (A1 = Eucheuma cottonii) (A2 = Eucheuma spinosum) (A3 = mixture of Eucheuma cottonii and Eucheuma spinosum 1:1 ratio), while the second factor is a method of extraction to produce caragenan (B) with sub factor (B1 = Philipine Natural Grade modification) (B2 = KCl gel Press Precipitation). Analysis of different influences uses Analysis Of Varians followed by Fisher’s test. Analysis of data uses Mini tab 16. The results shows that the kind of extraction factors and methods gave significantly different effects on the viability of Lactobacillus acidophilus. The highest mean of Viablity obtained in the treatment of materials with a mixture of Eucheuma cottonii and Eucheuma spinosum and used KCl Gel Press method is equal to 7.14 log (CFU / mL). It is ssuggested using of kappa-iota carrageenanmixture asencapsulation material with KCl Gel Press method on Lactobacillus acidophilus microencapsulation process because it treatment gavethe highest average of Lactobacillus acidophilus viability.

  11. Electric conductivity of molten mixtures of ternary mutual KF-KCl-ZrF4 system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Darienko, S.E.; Raspopin, S.P.; Chervinskij, Yu.F.


    Using the relative capillary method at the frequency of 50 kHz the specific electric conductivity of molten mixtures of the KF-KCl-ZnF 4 system is measured. All the measurements were made in the atmosphere of purified argon. Temperature dependence of electric conductivity of the mixtures studied (800-1260 K) is described by the equations of exponential type with sufficient accuracy. Curves of identical specific electric conductivity of the three-component system are presented. With an increase in zirconium tetrachloride concentration in the mixtures electric conductivity of the melts decreases. On the basis of the measurement results of KF-ZrF 4 and KCl-ZrF 4 molten mixture specific electric conductivity and data on the melt density the values of molar electric conductivity at 1200 K are calculated

  12. Application of the rotating cylinder electrode in molten LiCl-KCl eutectic containing uranium(III)- and magnesium(II)-chloride

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rappleye, Devin, E-mail:; Simpson, Michael F.


    The application of the rotating cylinder electrode (RCE) to molten LiCl-KCl eutectic mixtures for electroanalytical measurements is presented. This enabled the measurement of the limiting current which was observed to follow a linear trend with the rotational rate raised to 0.64–0.65 power on average, which closely agrees with existing RCE mass-transfer correlations. This is the first publication of electroanalytical RCE measurements in LiCl-KCl eutectic based molten salt mixtures, to our knowledge. These measurements were made in mixtures of molten LiCl-KCl eutectic containing UCl{sub 3} and MgCl{sub 2}. Kinetic parameters were calculated for Mg{sup 2+} in LiCl-KCl eutectic. The exchange current density (i{sub o}) of Mg{sup 2+} deposition varied with mole fraction (x) according to i{sub o}(A cm{sup −2}) = 1.64x{sup 0.689}. The parameters from RCE measurements were also applied in an electrochemical co-deposition model entitled DREP to detect and predict the deposition rate of U and Mg. DREP succeeded in detecting the co-deposition of U and Mg, even when Mg constituted less than 0.5 wt% of the deposit.

  13. Integrated Data Collection Analysis (IDCA) Program — KClO3 (as received)/Icing Sugar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sandstrom, Mary M. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Brown, Geoffrey W. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Preston, Daniel N. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Pollard, Colin J. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Warner, Kirstin F. [Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC IHD), Indian Head, MD (United States). Indian Head Division; Sorenson, Daniel N. [Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC IHD), Indian Head, MD (United States). Indian Head Division; Remmers, Daniel L. [Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC IHD), Indian Head, MD (United States). Indian Head Division; Shelley, Timothy J. [Air Force Research Lab. (AFRL/RXQL), Tyndall AFB, FL (United States); Reyes, Jose A. [Applied Research Associates, Inc., Tyndall AFB, FL (United States); Hsu, Peter C. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Whipple, Richard E. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Reynolds, John G. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States)


    The Integrated Data Collection Analysis (IDCA) program is conducting a proficiency study for Small-Scale Safety and Thermal (SSST) testing of homemade explosives (HMEs). Described here are the results for impact, friction, electrostatic discharge, and differential scanning calorimetry analysis of a mixture of KClO3 as received from the manufacturer mixed with icing sugar, sized through a 100-mesh sieve—KClO3/icing sugar (AR) mixture. This material was selected because of the challenge of performing SSST testing of a mixture of two solid materials. The mixture was found to: 1) be more sensitive to impact than RDX, similar to PETN, 2) be the same or less sensitive to friction than PETN, and 3) to be less sensitive to spark than RDX. The thermal analysis showed that the mixture has thermally stability similar to RDX and is perhaps more energetic upon decomposition but variable results indicate sampling issues. Compared to the 100-mesh sieved counter part, the KClO3/icing sugar (-100) mixture, the AR mixture was found to be about the same sensitivity towards impact, friction and ESD.

  14. Efeito da temperatura em processos de sinterização de pós de hidroxiapatita

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. G. de S. Azevedo


    Full Text Available Amostras de hidroxiapatita foram sintetizadas por meio da precipitação de soluções aquosas contendo os íons precursores. O precipitado obtido foi lavado, seco, desaglomerado e peneirado com o intuito de se obter amostras em forma de pó e com granulometria homogênea. O material foi sinterizado em diferentes temperaturas e posteriormente caracterizado por difração de raios X, espectroscopia no infravermelho, microscopia eletrônica de varredura, análise termogravimétrica e termodiferencial e a quantificação da área superficial específica e porosidade foi realizada por meio dos métodos Brunauer-Emmett-Teller e Barret-Joyner-Halenda, respectivamente. Os pós apresentaram modificações na cristalinidade, morfologia e nas propriedades texturais com o aumento da temperatura. Novas fases foram identificadas nos difratogramas de raios X devido à decomposição do material, corroborando com resultados reportados. Houve o crescimento dos cristais, aumento da cristalinidade e diminuição da área de superfície específica, comprovando que as modificações ocorreram devido aos processos de sinterização, uma vez que a força motriz para esse processo é a diminuição da área de superfície específica.

  15. Effect of oxygen on the complexing and electrochemical processes in the NaCl-KCl-K2TaF7 melt

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Polyakova, L.P.; Kononova, Z.A.; Kremenetskij, V.G.; Polyakov, E.K.


    Using the method of linear voltametry oxygen influence on electrochemical behaviour of tantalum during NaCl-KCl-K 2 TaF 7 melt titration with sodium oxide is studied. It is shown that in NaCl-KCl-K 3 TaOF 6 and NaCl-KCl-K 2 TaF 7 -Na 2 O melts (at molar ratio O/Ta = 1 ) tantalum reduction proceeds from oxyhalide complex of TaOClF 5 -3 composition. On further titration with sodium oxide (1 5 3- complexes, but their concentration is decreased at the cost of formation of insoluble compound K 0,4 TaO 2,4 F 0,6 . When O/Ta ≥ 2,4 tantalum concentration in electrolyte is decreased up to zero and peak of tantalum reduction on voltamogram is not recorded. (author)

  16. Variabilidade de goethita e hematita via dissolução redutiva em solos de região tropical e subtropical Goethite and hematite variability via reductive dissolution in soils from tropical and subtropical regions

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    Alberto Vasconcellos Inda Junior


    Full Text Available Dezenove amostras de horizontes B latossólicos, uma de B plíntico, uma de B incipiente e uma de horizonte Cr foram submetidas a dissoluções seletivas da goethita e da hematita por ditionito-citratro-bicarbonato de sódio a 20 ºC em intervalos de tempo entre 5 e 3.840 minutos. O diâmetro médio do cristal (DMC, área superficial específica (ASE e substituição do ferro por Al (substituição por Al3+ da goethita e da hematita nas amostras foram estimados, por difratometria de raios X (DRX, em subamostras não tratadas e em subamostras tratadas selecionadas ao longo das dissoluções seletivas. O controle das fases de goethita e hematita que persistiram após cada etapa da dissolução seletiva foi realizado pelo método da difratometria diferencial de raios X (DDRX. A cinética dissolutiva dos cristais foi descrita por meio da segmentação das curvas de dissolução do ferro no tempo em intervalos em que o comportamento dissolutivo foi linear. As taxas de dissolução nos diferentes segmentos lineares foram estimadas a partir do coeficiente angular da reta relativa a cada segmento. Em amostras goethíticas latossólicas, a metodologia discriminou diferentes fases de goethita (populações heterogêneas quanto à substituição por Al3+, DMC e ASE e ofereceu condições para classificar o grau de estabilidade da goethita em baixa, média, alta e muito alta estabilidade. Amostras goethíticas oriundas de ambientes pedogênicos jovens e amostras hematíticas latossólicas caracterizaram-se pela maior homogeneidade de seus cristais, classificados como de baixa e média estabilidade. Nas amostras goethíticas, a proporção de cristais com maior estabilidade (alta substituição por Al3+ e cristalinidade em cada população mostrou associação positiva com a proporção de gibbsita em relação a caulinita nas amostras. A hematita apresentou menor resistência à dissolução por redução em relação à goethita, exceto quando a última

  17. Electrochemical study of uranium cations in LiCl-KCl melt using a rotating disk electrode

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bae, Sang-Eun; Kim, Dae-Hyun; Kim, Jong-Yoon; Park, Tae-Hong; Cho, Young Hwan; Yeon, Jei-Won; Song, Kyuseok [Nuclear Chemistry Research Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute,989-111 Daedeok-daero, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 305-353 (Korea, Republic of)


    A rotating disk electrode (RDE) measurement technique was employed to investigate the electrochemical REDOX reactions of actinide (An) and lanthanide (Ln) ions in LiCl-KCl molten salt. By using RDE, it is possible to access more exact values of the diffusion coefficient, Tafel slope, and exchange current density. In this work, we constructed RDE setup and electrodes for RDE measurements in high temperature molten salt and measured the electrochemical parameters of the An and Ln ions. The RDE setup is composed of a Pine model MSRX rotator equipped with a rod type of W electrode. The active electrode area was confined to the planar part of the W rod by making meniscus at the LiCl-KCl melt surface.

  18. Hot electrons and the approach to metallic behavior in Kx(KCl)1-x

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Silvestrelli, P.L.; Alavi, A.; Parrinello, M.; Frenkel, D.


    The approach to the metallic phase of molten Kx(KCl)1-x mixtures is studied using ab initio molecular dynamics based on finite-temperature density functional theory. The finite electronic temperature is found to result in new and unexpected effects. In particular, we observe a thermally induced

  19. Recovery of Residual LiCl-KCl Eutectic Salts in Radioactive Rare Earth Precipitates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eun, Hee Chul; Yang, Hee Chul; Kim, In Tae; Lee, Han Soo; Cho, Yung Zun


    For the pyrochemical process of spent nuclear fuels, recovery of LiCl-KCl eutectic salts is needed to reduce radioactive waste volume and to recycle resource materials. This paper is about recovery of residual LiCl-KCl eutectic salts in radioactive rare earth precipitates (rare earth oxychlorides or oxides) by using a vacuum distillation process. In the vacuum distillation test apparatus, the salts in the rare earth precipitates were vaporized and were separated effectively. The separated salts were deposited in three positions of the vacuum distillation test apparatus or were collected in the filter and it is difficult to recover them. To resolve the problem, a vacuum distillation and condensation system, which is subjected to the force of a temperature gradient at a reduced pressure, was developed. In a preliminary test of the vacuum distillation/condensation recovery system, it was confirmed that it was possible to condense the vaporized salts only in the salt collector and to recover the condensed salts from the salt collector easily


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    T. Mashhoodi


    Full Text Available It has been shown in some investigations that cardiovascular events are the main causes of death in hemodialysis patients. The exact etiology is unknown but some of the articles have reported a relation between aluminium ions in the dialysis solution and cardiovascular disorders. To determine the probable effect of aluminium on vasculature function, in vitro effects of aluminium ion on vasoconstriction induced by KCl (30 mM or phenylephrine (10 µM were investigated using isolated rat aorta. AlCl3 (1-4 mM decreased both KCl and phenylephrine induced contractions in a dose dependent manner (P<0.01. Complete inhibition of the contractions occurred using the higher doses of aluminium. Results of this study suggest that because of inhibitory effects of aluminium on vascular contractions, the probable cardiovascular dysfunction must be considered in aluminium intoxication.

  1. A density model based on the Modified Quasichemical Model and applied to the (NaCl + KCl + ZnCl2) liquid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ouzilleau, Philippe; Robelin, Christian; Chartrand, Patrice


    Highlights: ► A model for the density of multicomponent inorganic liquids. ► The density model is based on the Modified Quasichemical Model. ► Application to the (NaCl + KCl + ZnCl 2 ) ternary liquid. ► A Kohler–Toop-like asymmetric interpolation method was used. - Abstract: A theoretical model for the density of multicomponent inorganic liquids based on the Modified Quasichemical Model has been presented previously. By introducing in the Gibbs free energy of the liquid phase temperature-dependent molar volume expressions for the pure components and pressure-dependent excess parameters for the binary (and sometimes higher-order) interactions, it is possible to reproduce, and eventually predict, the molar volume and the density of the multicomponent liquid phase using standard interpolation methods. In the present article, this density model is applied to the (NaCl + KCl + ZnCl 2 ) ternary liquid and a Kohler–Toop-like asymmetric interpolation method is used. All available density data for the (NaCl + KCl + ZnCl 2 ) liquid were collected and critically evaluated, and optimized pressure-dependent model parameters have been found. This new volumetric model can be used with Gibbs free energy minimization software, to calculate the molar volume and the density of (NaCl + KCl + ZnCl 2 ) ternary melts.

  2. Análise estrutural de folhas de Eugenia uniflora L. (Myrtaceae coletadas em ambientes rural e urbano, SP, Brasil Leaf anatomy of Eugenia uniflora L. (Myrtaceae in urban and rural environments, São Paulo State, Brazil

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    Edenise Segala Alves


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este estudo verificar se plantas de Eugenia uniflora que crescem na cidade de São Paulo, diferem quanto à estrutura foliar, de exemplares encontrados em área rural, isenta de poluentes aéreos urbanos. Foram avaliadas, comparativamente, as dimensões da folha e, em microscopia de luz, a espessura dos tecidos foliares, a densidade de estômatos e de cristais da espécie, coletada em área rural e em dois pontos da cidade de São Paulo: canteiro central da Avenida dos Bandeirantes, com tráfego veicular intenso, portanto com alta carga de poluentes primários, e no Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga (PEFI submetido a altas concentrações de poluentes secundários. Buscaram-se variações que possam ser decorrentes da poluição urbana. As folhas coletadas no meio urbano mostraram menores dimensões, menor espessura do mesofilo, maior densidade estomática e maior quantidade de cristais. A espessura do parênquima lacunoso sofreu redução, quando se comparam as plantas do ambiente rural e urbano; observou-se a menor espessura nas folhas submetidas a poluentes secundários. Não foram observadas variações qualitativas entre as folhas dos três locais avaliados. Considerando que folhas coletadas no meio urbano variaram menos entre si, quando comparadas àquelas de área rural, acredita-se que a poluição aérea da cidade possa ser responsável, pelo menos em parte, pelas variações observadas. Exposições padronizadas, em ambiente monitorado, devem ser realizadas para comprovar tal hipótese.The aim of this study was to compare leaves of Eugenia uniflora from the city of São Paulo with leaves of plants from a rural site. Leaf size, tissue thickness, and stomatal and crystal density of E. uniflora growing at two sites in the city of São Paulo were investigated by light microscopy and compared with samples from a rural area. The level and types of air pollutants varied at the urban sites. Primary pollutants were present

  3. Integrated Data Collection Analysis (IDCA) Program - KClO4/Carbon Mixture

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sandstrom, Mary M. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Brown, Geoffrey W. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Preston, Daniel N. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Pollard, Colin J. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Warner, Kirstin F. [Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC), Indian Head, MD (United States). Indian Head Division; Sorensen, Daniel N. [Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC), Indian Head, MD (United States). Indian Head Division; Remmers, Daniel L. [Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC), Indian Head, MD (United States). Indian Head Division; Shelley, Timothy J. [Air Force Research Lab. (AFRL), Tyndall AFB, FL (United States); Reyes, Jose A. [Applied Research Associates, Tyndall AFB, FL (United States); Hsu, Peter C. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Reynolds, John G. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States)


    The Integrated Data Collection Analysis (IDCA) program is conducting a proficiency study for Small- Scale Safety and Thermal (SSST) testing of homemade explosives (HMEs). Described here are the results for impact, friction, electrostatic discharge, and differential scanning calorimetry analysis of a mixture of KClO4 and activated carbon—KClO4/C mixture. This material was selected because of the challenge of performing SSST testing of a mixture of two solids. The mixture was found to be insensitive to impact, friction, and thermal stimulus, and somewhat sensitive to spark discharge. This effort, funded by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), ultimately will put the issues of safe handling of these materials in perspective with standard military explosives. The study is adding SSST testing results for a broad suite of different HMEs to the literature. Ultimately the study has the potential to suggest new guidelines and methods and possibly establish the SSST testing accuracies needed to develop safe handling practices for HMEs. Each participating testing laboratory uses identical test materials and preparation methods wherever possible. Note, however, the test procedures differ among the laboratories. The results are compared among the laboratories and then compared to historical data from various sources. The testing performers involved for the KClO4/carbon mixture are Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Indian Head Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center, (NSWC IHD), and Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL/RXQL). These tests are conducted as a proficiency study in order to establish some consistency in test protocols, procedures, and experiments and to understand how to compare results when these testing variables cannot be made consistent.

  4. Protective roles of bacterioruberin and intracellular KCl in the resistance of Halobacterium salinarium against DNA-damaging agents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shahmohammadi, H.R.; Asgarani, E.; Terato, Hiroaki; Saito, Takeshi; Ohyama, Yoshihiko; Gekko, Kunihiko; Yamamoto, Osamu; Ide, Hiroshi


    Halobacterium salinarium, a member of the extremely halophilic archaebacteria, contains a C 50 -carotenoid namely bacterioruberin. We have previously reported the high resistance of this organism against the lethal actions of DNA-damaging agents including ionizing radiation and ultraviolet light (UV). In this study, we have examined whether bacterioruberin and the highly concentrated salts in this bacterium play protective roles against the lethal actions of ionizing radiation, UV, hydrogen peroxide, and mitomycin-C (MMC). The colourless mutant of H. salinarium deficient in bacterioruberin was more sensitive than the red-pigmented wild-type to all tested DNA-damaging agents except MMC. Circular dichroism (CD) spectra of H. salinarium chromosomal DNA at various concentrations of KCl (0-3.5 M) were similar to that of B-DNA, indicating that no conformational changes occurred as a result of high salt concentrations. However, DNA strand-breaks induced by ionizing radiation were significantly reduced by the presence of either bacterioruberin or concentrated KCl, presumably due to scavenging of free radicals. These results suggest that bacterioruberin and intracellular KCl of H. salinarium protect this organism against the lethal effects of oxidative DNA-damaging agents. (author)

  5. Thermoluminescence of the Z centre in Mg-doped KCl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamavisdar, V.S.; Deshmukh, B.T.


    Optical absorption and thermoluminescence measurements on KCl:Mg 2+ are reported. Bleaching in F band introduces a new glow peak at 406 K in the glow curves. A similar peak is observed in microcrystalline powders. When this peak is thermally cleaned, the broadening of the absorption observed in prolonged F bleached crystals is removed. On the basis of these observations, the glow peak at 406 K is tentatively attributed to Z 1 centres. The glow peak at 394 K observed in microcrystalline powders is attributed to a combined effect of deformation and Z 1 centres. (author)

  6. Application of aluminum diffusion coatings to mitigate the KCl-induced high-temperature corrosion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kiamehr, Saeed; Lomholt, T. N.; Dahl, Kristian Vinter


    Pack cementation was used to produce Fe1−xAl and Fe2Al5 diffusion coatings on ferritic-martensitic steel P91 and a Ni2Al3 diffusion coating on pure nickel. The performance of diffusion coatings against high-temperature corrosion induced by potassium chloride (KCl) was evaluated by exposing...

  7. Simulation of NaCl and KCl mass transfer during salting of Prato cheese in brine with agitation: a numerical solution

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    E. Bona


    Full Text Available The association of dietary NaCl with arterial hypertension has led to a reduction in the levels of this salt in cheeses. For salting, KCl has been used as a partial substitute for NaCl, which cannot be completely substituted without affecting product acceptability. In this study a sensorially adequate saline solution (NaCl/KCl was simultaneously diffused during salting of Prato cheese in brine with agitation. The simultaneous multicomponent diffusion during the process was modeled with Fick’s second generalized law. The system of partial differential equations formed was solved by the finite element method (FEM. In the experimental data concentration the deviation for NaCl was of 7.3% and for KCl of 5.4%, both of which were considered acceptable. The simulation of salt diffusion will allow control and modulation of salt content in Prato cheese, permitting the prediction of final content from initial conditions.

  8. Electron paramagnetic resonance of K3Rh(CN)6 irradiated with electrons in KCl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vugman, N.V.


    Using a simple theory, it was estimated the electronic density of the diamagnetic complex Rh (CN) 3- 6 in a KCl lattice. The g// and g1 values were determined by EPR, and the experimental results fit the theoretical calculations. (M.W.O.) [pt

  9. Vacuum evaporation of KCl-NaCl salts. Part 2: Vaporization-rate model and experimental results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, L.L.; Wallace, T.C. Sr.; Hampel, F.G.; Steele, J.H.


    Separation of chloride salts from the actinide residue by vacuum evaporation is a promising method of treating wastes from the pyrochemical plutonium processes. A model based on the Hertz-Langmuir relation is used to describe how evaporation rates of the binary KCl-NaCl system change with time. The effective evaporation coefficient (α), which is a ratio of the actual evaporation rate to the theoretical maximum, was obtained for the KCl-NaCl system using this model. In the temperature range of 640 C to 760 C, the effective evaporation coefficient ranges from ∼0.4 to 0.1 for evaporation experiments conducted at 0.13 Pa. At temperatures below the melting point, the lower evaporation coefficients are suggested to result from the more complex path that a molecule needs to follow before escaping to the gas phase. At the higher liquid temperatures, the decreasing evaporation coefficients result from a combination of the increasing vapor-flow resistances and the heat-transfer effects at the evaporation surface and the condensate layer. The microanalysis of the condensate verified that composition of the condensate changes with time, consistent with the model calculation. The microstructural examination revealed that the vaporate may have condensed as a single solution phase, which upon cooling forms fine lamellar structures of the equilibrium KCl and NaCl phases. In conclusion, the optimum design of the evaporation process and equipment must take the mass and heat transfer factors and equipment materials issues into consideration

  10. LiCl-KCl-UCl3 Salt production and Transfer for the Uranium Electrorefining

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Woo, Moon Sik; Kang, Hee Suk; Lee, Han Soo


    A pyrometallurgical partitioning technology to recover uranium from an uranium-TRU mixture which is the product material of electroreduction system is being developed at KAERI since 1997. In the process, the reactor of an electrorefiner consists of the electrodes and the molten chloride salt which is LiCl-KCl-UCl 3 . The role of uranium chloride salt (UCl 3 ) is to stabilize the initial cell voltage between electrodes in the electrorefining reactor. The process to produce a uranium chloride salt includes two steps: a reaction process of gaseous chlorine with liquid cadmium to form the CdCl 2 occurring in a Cd layer, followed by a process to produce UCl 3 by the reaction of U in the LiCl-KCl eutectic salt and CdCl 2 . The apparatus for producing UCl 3 consists of a chlorine gas generator, a chlorinator, and a off-gas wet scrubber. The temperature of the reactants are maintained at about 600 .deg. C . After the reaction is completed, the product salt is transferred from the vessel to the electrorefiner by a transfer system

  11. Structure of halophilic malate dehydrogenase in multimolar KCl solutions from neutron scattering and ultracentrifugation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Calmettes, P.


    The structure and solvent interactions of malate dehydrogenase from Halobacterium marismortui in multimolar KCl solvents are found to be similar to those in multimolar NaCl solvents reported previously (G. Zaccai, E. Wachtel and H. Eisenberg, J. Mol. Biol. 190 (1986) 97). KCl rather than NaCl is predominant in physiological medium. At salt concentrations up to about 3.0 M, the protein (a dimer of M 87000 g/mol) can be considered to occupy an invariant volume in which it is associated with about 4100 molecules of water and about 520 molecules of salt. At very low resolution, the enzyme particle appears to have a compact protein core and protruding protein parts in interaction with the water and salt components, structural features that are not observed in non-halophilic mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase. The above conclusions were drawn from the analysis of neutron scattering and ultracentrifugation data, and the complementarity of these approaches is discussed extensively. 24 refs.; 7 figs.; 4 tabs

  12. Saturated steams pressure of HfCl4-KCl molten mixtures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Salyulev, A.B.; Smirnov, M.V.; Kudyakov, V.Ya.


    A bellows null pressure gauge and the dynamic method were used to measure the total and partial pressures of saturated vapors of individual components of molten HfCl 4 -KCl mixtures, as a function of temperature (260 to 1000 deg C) and composition (1.9 to 64.3 mol.% HfCl 4 ). Empirical equations expressing the relationship between pressure and temperature are presented. It is shown that in molten mixtures of hafnium tetrachloride with chlorides of alkaline metals its partial pressure dramatically increases when potassium chloride substitutes for cesium chloride

  13. Vacuum distillation for the separation of LiCl-KCl eutectic salt and cadmium in pyro process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kwon, S. W.; Park, K. M.; Lee, S. J.; Park, S. B.; Woo, M. S.; Kim, K. R.; Kim, J. G.; Ahn, D. H.; Lee, H. S.


    Electrorefining is a key step in pyro processing. Electrorefining process is generally composed of two recovery steps- a deposit of uranium onto a solid cathode (electrorefining) and then the recovery of the remaining uranium and Tru (Transuranic) elements simultaneously by a liquid cadmium cathode (electrowinning). In this study, distillation experiments of a LiCl-KCl eutectic salt and cadmium metal were carried out to examine the distillation behaviors for the development of the electrorefining and the electrowinning processes. The experimental set-up was composed of a distillation tower with an evaporator and a condenser, vacuum pump, control unit, and an off gas treatment system. The solid-liquid separation prior to distillation of the LiCl-KCl eutectic salt was proposed and found to be feasible for the reduction of the burden of the distillation process. The LiCl-KCl eutectic salt was successfully distilled after the liquid salt separation. Distillation experiments for cadmium metal were also carried out. The apparent evaporation rates of LiCl-KCl eutectic salt and cadmium increased with an increasing temperature. The evaporation behaviors of cadmium metal and cadmium-cerium alloy were compared. Cadmium in the alloy was successfully distilled and separated from cerium. The evaporation rate of cadmium in the alloy was lower than that of cadmium metal. The low evaporation rate of the alloy was probably caused by the formation of an intermetallic compound and the residual salt during the preparation of the alloy. Therefore, the distillation temperature for the distillation of the liquid cathode should be higher than the distillation of cadmium metal. The measured evaporation rates of the eutectic salt and cadmium were compared with the values calculated by a relation based on the kinetics of gases. The theoretical values of the evaporation rate calculated by the Hertz-Langmuir relation were higher than the experimental values. The deviations were compensated for

  14. Lixiviação de metais pesados em solos tratados com lodo de esgoto

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    E. I. Bertoncini


    Full Text Available Foi realizado um experimento em tubos de percolação, utilizando-se três solos, classificados como Areia Quartzosa (AQ, Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo (LV e Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro (LE, aos quais foram incorporadas sucessivas quantidades de lodo de esgoto, totalizando uma dose correspondente a 156,0 t ha-1 (base seca, num período de incubação de 310 dias. Após este período, os solos foram tratados com água ou com soluções de sais (KCl 0,9 mol L-1; KNO3 0,9 mol L-1; K2SO4 0,3 mol L-1 e Ca(NO32 0,3 mol L-1, adicionadas em quantidade correspondente a quatro vezes a capacidade de retenção de água dos solos. No líquido percolado pela passagem das soluções salinas, foram determinadas as quantidades de Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni e Zn presentes e, no percolado obtido com a passagem de água, além dos metais anteriormente citados, foram determinadas também as quantidades de Ca2+ e Mg2+. Os resultados permitiram observar que a adição de KCl provocou o arraste de 5% do Cd adicionado via lodo aos solos LV e LE; para os outros sais utilizados e para a água, esse arraste nunca foi superior a 2% do metal pesado adicionado via lodo. A retenção de Cd, Cu, Cr e Ni aumentou com a elevação dos teores de óxidos de Fe e Al presentes nos solos. Os elevados valores de pH e o aumento no teor de matéria orgânica proporcionado pela adição de lodo refletiram também na menor mobilidade dos metais. Os sais KCl e K2SO4 aumentaram a mobilidade de alguns dos metais estudados.

  15. The importance of SO{sub 2} and SO{sub 3} for sulphation of gaseous KCl - An experimental investigation in a biomass fired CFB boiler

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kassman, Haakan [Vattenfall Power Consultant AB, Nykoeping (Sweden); Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Energy and Environment, Division of Energy Technology, Gothenburg (Sweden); Baefver, Linda [Technical Research Institute of Sweden, Energy Technology, Boraas (Sweden); Aamand, Lars-Erik [Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Energy and Environment, Division of Energy Technology, Gothenburg (Sweden)


    This paper is based on results obtained during co-combustion of wood pellets and straw in a 12 MW circulating fluidised bed (CFB) boiler. Elemental sulphur (S) and ammonium sulphate ((NH{sub 4}){sub 2}SO{sub 4}) were used as additives to convert the alkali chlorides (mainly KCl) to less corrosive alkali sulphates. Their performance was then evaluated using several measurement tools including, IACM (on-line measurements of gaseous alkali chlorides), a low-pressure impactor (particle size distribution and chemical composition of extracted fly ash particles), and deposit probes (chemical composition in deposits collected). The importance of the presence of either SO{sub 2} or SO{sub 3} for gas phase sulphation of KCl is also discussed. Ammonium sulphate performed significantly better than elemental sulphur. A more efficient sulphation of gaseous KCl was achieved with (NH{sub 4}){sub 2}SO{sub 4} even when the S/Cl molar ratio was less than half compared to sulphur. Thus the presence of gaseous SO{sub 3} is of greater importance than that of SO{sub 2} for the sulphation of gaseous KCl. (author)

  16. Electrochemical behaviour of dysprosium in the eutectic LiCl-KCl at W and Al electrodes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Castrillejo, Y.; Bermejo, M.R.; Barrado, A.I.; Pardo, R.; Barrado, E.; Martinez, A.M.


    The electrochemical behaviour of DyCl 3 was studied in the eutectic LiCl-KCl at different temperatures. The cathodic reaction can be written:Dy(III)+3e-bar Dy(0)which can be divided in two very close cathodic steps:Dy(III)+1e-bar Dy(II)andDy(II)+2e-bar Dy(0)Transient electrochemical techniques, such as cyclic voltammetry, chronopotentiometry, and chronoamperometry were used in order to study the reaction mechanism and the transport parameters of electroactive species at a tungsten electrode. The results showed that in the eutectic LiCl-KCl, electrocrystallization of dysprosium seems to be the controlling electrochemical step. Chronoamperometric studies indicated instantaneous nucleation of dysprosium with three dimensional growth of the nuclei whatever the applied overpotential.Mass transport towards the electrode is a simple diffusion process, and the diffusion coefficient of the electroactive species, i.e. Dy(III), has been calculated. The validity of the Arrhenius law was also verified by plotting the variation of the logarithm of the diffusion coefficient versus 1/T.In addition, the electrode reactions of the LiCl-KCl-DyCl 3 solutions at an Al wire were also investigated by cyclic voltammetry and open circuit chronopotentiometry. The redox potential of the Dy(III)/Dy couple at the Al electrode was observed at more positive potentials values than those at the inert electrode. This potential shift was thermodynamically analyzed by a lowering of activity of Dy in the metal phase due to the formation of intermetallic compounds

  17. High-pressure melting curve of KCl: Evidence against lattice-instability theories of melting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ross, M.; Wolf, G.


    We show that the large curvature in the T-P melting curve of KCl is the result of a reordering of the liquid to a more densely packed arrangement. As a result theories of melting, such as the instability model, which do not take into account the structure of the liquid fail to predict the correct pressure dependence of the melting curve

  18. Method for making a Pellet-type LiCl-KCl-UCl3 SALT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Woo, M. S.; JIN, H. J.; Lee, H. S.; Kim, J. G.


    A pyrometallurgical partitioning technology to recover uranium from a uranium-TRU mixture which is the product material of electroreduction system is being developed at KAERI since 1997. In the process, the reactor of an electrorefiner consists of the electrodes and the molten chloride salt which is LiCl-KCl-UCl 3 . The role of uranium chloride salt (UCl 3 ) is to stabilize the initial cell voltage between electrodes in the electrorefining reactor. The process to produce a uranium chloride salt includes two steps: a reaction process of gaseous chlorine with liquid cadmium to form CdCl 2 occurring in a Cd layer, followed by a process to produce UCl 3 by the reaction of U in the LiCl-KCl eutectic salt and CdCl 2 The apparatus for producing UCl 3 consists of a chlorine gas generator, a uranium chlorinator, a Cd distiller, the pelletizer, and a off-gas and a dry scrubber. The temperature of the reactants is maintained at about 600 .deg. C. After the reaction is completed in the uranium chlorinator, The salt products is transferred to the Cd distiller to decrease residual Cd concentration in the salts, and then salt is transferred to the mould of a pelletizer by a transfer system to make a pellet type salt

  19. Produtividade da cultura da melancia em função de fontes e doses de potássio Yield of watermelon fruits as a function of sources and doses of potassium

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    Arthur Bernardes Cecílio Filho


    Full Text Available Foram conduzidos dois experimentos em propriedades rurais próximas à cidade de Borborema - SP, nos períodos de outubro a dezembro de 2001 e de fevereiro a abril de 2002, com o objetivo de avaliar a produtividade de melancia (Citrullus lanatus (Thumb. Matsum. & Nakai, híbrido Tide, em função de fontes e doses de potássio. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados completos, em esquema fatorial 3 x 4, com três repetições, sendo utilizadas as fontes: cloreto KCl, nitrato (KNO3 e sulfato de potássio (K2SO4 e as doses: 50; 100; 200 e 300 kg de K2O ha-1. Foram avaliados o peso médio de fruto, o número de frutos e produção por planta e produtividade. O maior número de frutos por planta estimado foi obtido nas doses de 190 e 300 kg K2O ha-1, respectivamente, nas fontes KNO3 e KCl. Não houve diferença significativa entre as doses para K2SO4. Para o peso médio de fruto, houve diferença significativa entre as fontes apenas no cultivo de fevereiro a abril de 2002, quando o KCl proporcionou maior peso. A maior produção por planta foi obtida com K2SO4, seguido por KNO3 e KCl. Entretanto, as doses de potássio para as máximas produtividades foram de 132, 193 e 205 kg K2O ha-1, respectivamente, para as fontes K2SO4, KNO3 e KCl. O plantio de outubro a dezembro de 2001 proporcionou maior peso médio, produção de frutos por planta e produtividade, ao passo que o maior número de frutos por planta foi obtido no cultivo de fevereiro a abril de 2002.Two field experiments were conducted in Borborema, State of São Paulo, from periods of October to December of the 2001 and February to April of 2002, with the objective of evaluate the yield of watermelon (Tide hybrid (Citrullus lanatus (Thumb. Matsum. & Nakai in function of sources and doses of potassium. The experimental design was a randomized complete block, with three replications, in a 3 x 4 factorial scheme, being evaluated sources: potassium chloride, nitrate and

  20. Contribution to knowledge of radiation damage in KCl crystals doped with Sr

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sordi, G.-M.A.A.


    The radiation damages in KCl crystals doped with Sr ++ using thermo-ionic technique (ITC) and optical absorption measurements were studied. The variation of the entropy for the dipole jump starting from results reported by several authors was calculated. The irradiation effects with three different exposures were analysed: irradiation with gamma rays; irradiation with fast neutrons added to gamma irradiation; and irradiation with thermal neutrons together with fast neutrons and gamma rays. (Author) [pt

  1. Electrochemical behavior of Th(IV) and its electrodeposition from ThF_4-LiCl-KCl melt

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Xianbin; Huang, Wei; Gong, Yu; Jiang, Feng; Zheng, Haiyang; Zhu, Tiejian; Long, Dewu; Li, Qingnuan


    The electrochemical behavior of Th(IV) ion on molybdenum (Mo) electrode was studied by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and square wave voltammetry (SWV) technologies at 773 K in ThF_4-LiCl-KCl melt. The reduction of Th(IV) to metal Th at −1.67 V (vs. Ag/AgCl) is a four-electron exchange process, which is quasi-reversible and diffusion-controlled. The diffusion coefficient (D) and activation energy of diffusion process for Th(IV) were determined to be 3.77 × 10"−"5 cm"2 s"−"1 and 59.2 kJ mol"−"1. The pulse potential electrolysis of ThF_4-LiCl-KCl melt revealed that 86.8% of Th(IV) can be separated from the melt based on the inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer (ICP-AES) results.

  2. Conversion of KCl into KBH4 by Mechano-Chemical Reaction and its Catalytic Decomposition (United States)

    Bilen, Murat; Gürü, Metin; Çakanyildirim, Çetin


    Production of KBH4, in the presence of KCl, B2O3 and MgH2 by means of a mechanical reaction and a dehydrogenation kinetic, constitute the main parts of this study. Operating time and reactant ratio are considered as two parameters for the mechanical reaction to obtain the maximum yield. The production process was carried out in a ball milling reactor, and the product residue was purified with ethylene diamine (EDA) and subsequently characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) and x-ray Diffraction (XRD) analyses. Optimum time for mechano-chemical treatment and reactant ratio (MgH2/KCl) were obtained as 1000 min and 1.0, respectively. Synthesized and commercial KBH4 were compared by hydrolysis tests in the presence of Co1-xNix/Al2O3 heterogeneous catalyst. Hydrogen generation rates, activation energy and order of the KBH4 decomposition reaction were obtained as 1578 {mL}_{{{{H}}2 }} \\min^{ - 1} {g}_{{catalyst}}^{ - 1}, 39.2 kJ mol-1 and zero order, respectively.

  3. Capture and Solidification of Rare Earth Nuclide (Nd) in LiCl-KCl Eutectic Salt Using a Synthetic Inorganic Composite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Na-Young; Eun, Hee-Chul; Park, Hwan-Seo; Ahn, Do-Hee [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    In this study, neodymium (Nd) nuclides in LiCl-KCl eutectic salts were captured and solidified using a synthetic inorganic composite (Li{sub 2}O-SiO{sub 2}-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}-B{sub 2}O{sub 3}), a process that allows the selective capture of Nd and fabrication of a composite with Nd captured from waste, without additional additives or mixing. The Nd nuclides in the LiCl-KCl eutectic salt were mainly captured in the form of LiNdSiO{sub 4}, and it was confirmed that NdSiO{sub 3} can be formed in the composite with captured Nd when the content of Nd in the composite is increased. The capture efficiency was higher than about 98 wt%. It was thought that the salt recovered from the Nd capture test was a renewable form could be reused in the pyroprocessing of used nuclear fuel, because the composite has high chemical durability in a LiCl-KCl eutectic salt at 900 ℃. The composite captured Nd was fabricated into a homogeneous glass form and a stable ceramic form.

  4. Corrosion behavior induced by LiCl-KCl in type 304 and 316 stainless steel and copper at low temperature

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sim, Jee Hyung; Kim, Yong Soo; Cho, Il Je [Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    The corrosion behavior of stainless steel (304 and 316 type) and copper induced by LiCl-KCl at low temperatures in the presence of sufficient oxygen and moisture was investigated through a series of experiments (at 30°C, 40°C, 60°C, and 80°C for 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours, and 96 hours). The specimens not coated on one side with an aqueous solution saturated with LiCl-KCl experienced no corrosion at any temperature, not even when the test duration exceeded 96 hours. Stainless steel exposed to LiCl-KCl experienced almost no corrosion below 40°C, but pitting corrosion was observed at temperatures above 60°C. As the duration of the experiment was increased, the rate of corrosion accelerated in proportion to the temperature. The 316 type stainless steel exhibited better corrosion resistance than did the 304 type. In the case of copper, the rate of corrosion accelerated in proportion to the duration and temperature but, unlike the case of stainless steel, the corrosion was more general. As a result, the extent of copper corrosion was about three times that of stainless steel.

  5. Characterization Ag/AgCl reference electrode by U/U3+ equilibrium potential measurements in LiCl-KCl eutectic melt

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kobayashi, Fumiaki; Kitawaki, Shinichi; Amamoto, Ippei; Igarashi, Miyuki


    The Ag/ AgCl reference electrode is often used in electrochemical measurements of molten chloride system. By measuring the U/U 3+ equilibrium potential in the cell, U(s) | UCl 3 , LiCl-KCl parallel LiCl-KCl, Ag + | Ag (s), the characterization of the Ag/AgCl reference electrode was made. The behavior of two types of reference electrode having either a mullite or a Pyrex-glass membrane bridge was examined. It was confirmed that the two types of reference electrode can be regarded as almost equivalent. The reproducibility of the reading from the electrodes having the identical construction was showing to be within 0.003 V. (author)

  6. Saturated steams pressure of HfCl/sub 4/-KCl molten mixtures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Salyulev, A B; Smirnov, M V; Kudyakov, V Ya [AN SSSR, Sverdlovsk. Inst. Ehlektrokhimii


    A bellows null pressure gauge and the dynamic method were used to measure the total and partial pressures of saturated vapors of individual components of molten HfCl/sub 4/-KCl mixtures, as a function of temperature (260 to 1000 deg C) and composition (1.9 to 64.3 mol.% HfCl/sub 4/). Empirical equations expressing the relationship between pressure and temperature are presented. It is shown that in molten mixtures of hafnium tetrachloride with chlorides of alkaline metals its partial pressure dramatically increases when potassium chloride substitutes for cesium chloride.

  7. Exchangeable aluminum evaluation in acid soils Avaliação de alumínio trocável em solos ácidos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cassio Hamilton Abreu Jr.


    Full Text Available One of the main factors limiting agricultural production in tropical climate regions is mainly related to the presence of exchangeable aluminum (Al3+ in highly weathered acid soils. Four methods of Al3+ determination extracted with neutral 1 mol L¹ KCl solution were evaluated: three colorimetric methods (aluminon plus ascorbic acid, and eriochrome cyanine R by FIA and the usual titrimetric method with back-titration. Surface samples from 20 soils of different Brazilian regions, with active acidity (0.01 mol L¹ CaCl2 pH ranging from very high to medium (3.82 to 5.52, were used. The variance analysis revealed significant interaction among Al3+ determination methods and soil. Mean methods comparisons within each soil (Tukey, P 10 mmol c dm³. Among colorimetric methods, in operational terms, the eriochrome with FIA method presented analytical performance up to 50 samples per hour, easiness and sensibility for routine Al analysis in soil samples. However, due to the specificity, the titration/back-titration method should be used, despite the moroseness, when the Al3+ ions are the objective.Um dos principais fatores que afetam a produção agrícola em regiões de clima tropical, é a presença de alumínio trocável (Al3+ em solos ácidos altamente intemperizados. Foram avaliados quatro métodos de determinação de alumínio trocável em solução neutra de KCl 1 mol L¹: três métodos colorimétricos (aluminon, aluminon + ácido ascórbico e eriocromo cianina R por FIA e o método titulométrico usual com retrotitulação ácida. Para obtenção dos extratos de KCl, foram usadas amostras superficiais de 20 solos de diferentes regiões brasileiras, com acidez ativa (pH em CaCl2 0,01 mol L¹ variando de muito alta a média (3,82 a 5,52. A análise de variância revelou interação significativa entre os métodos de determinação e amostras de solos. O teste de médias (Tukey, P 10 mmol c dm³. Dentre os métodos colorimétricos, o reagente

  8. Characterization of Niobium Platings Obtained from NaCl-KCl Melts

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gillesberg, Bo; Barner, Jens H. Von; Bjerrum, Niels


    -uniform in thickness. At temperatures below 550°C no niobium metal could be identified in the product.When metallic nickel was used as substrate intermetallic compounds (e.g. NbNi3) were formed in the interface between the substrate and the deposit. This resulted in poor adherence of the deposit. In the case of AISI......316 stainless steel substrates no intermetallic phases were observed. Further an excellent adhesion of the deposited niobium layer was obtained.Deposits (on nickel substrates) from NaCl-KCl melts at 750°C with oxide added (molar ratio O/Nb greater than 0.5) were thin and consisted of niobium...

  9. Propriedades vibracionais de L-Treonina e D-Treonina sob altas pressÃes.


    Rocicler Oliveira Holanda


    Neste trabalho, cristais de treonina (C4H9NO3) nas formas L e D foram submetidos à anÃlises atravÃs da tÃcnica de espectroscopia Raman. Inicialmente realizou-se uma identificaÃÃo de todas as bandas Raman para as duas amostras por comparaÃÃo com dados de outros trabalhos de espectroscopia Raman em aminoÃcidos. Em uma segunda etapa obteve-se os espectros do material variando o parÃmetro termodinÃmico de pressÃo hidrostÃtica. Para a D-treonina a regiÃo espectral para os experimentos realizados e...

  10. Fabrication and Application of (1-x) NaCl+xKCl Solid Solution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kyi Kyi Lwin


    (1-X)NaCl+xKCl solid solution are prepared by the starting materials NaCl (0.9, 0.95) in equal molar ratio. The solid solutions are heat-treated at various temperature and XRD analyses are carried out for the solid solutions to examine the crystalline phase, crystallographic orientation and lattice parameters. The electrical properties of the solutions are determined by using the conductometer. The solid solutions are utilized as crystal oscillator and outcoming frequencies, capacitances and dielectric constants are also investigated.

  11. Interplay between structure and transport properties of molten salt mixtures of ZnCl2-NaCl-KCl: A molecular dynamics study. (United States)

    Manga, Venkateswara Rao; Swinteck, Nichlas; Bringuier, Stefan; Lucas, Pierre; Deymier, Pierre; Muralidharan, Krishna


    Molten mixtures of network-forming covalently bonded ZnCl2 and network-modifying ionically bonded NaCl and KCl salts are investigated as high-temperature heat transfer fluids for concentrating solar power plants. Specifically, using molecular dynamics simulations, the interplay between the extent of the network structure, composition, and the transport properties (viscosity, thermal conductivity, and diffusion) of ZnCl2-NaCl-KCl molten salts is characterized. The Stokes-Einstein/Eyring relationship is found to break down in these network-forming liquids at high concentrations of ZnCl2 (>63 mol. %), while the Eyring relationship is seen with increasing KCl concentration. Further, the network modification due to the addition of K ions leads to formation of non-bridging terminal Cl ions, which in turn lead to a positive temperature dependence of thermal conductivity in these melts. This new understanding of transport in these ternary liquids enables the identification of appropriate concentrations of the network formers and network modifiers to design heat transfer fluids with desired transport properties for concentrating solar power plants.

  12. Estudo retrospectivo de 66 casos de urolitíase obstrutiva em ovinos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Janaina Azevedo Guimarães


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se realizar um estudo retrospectivo dos principais achados epidemiológicos, clínicos, patológicos e laboratoriais de ovinos acometidos por urolitíase obstrutiva, atendidos na Clínica de Bovinos, Campus Garanhuns/ UFRPE. Para isso, foram analisadas 66 fichas clínicas de ovinos, todos machos não castrados, com idade entre dois meses e cinco anos. A maioria dos casos (79,63% ocorreu na época chuvosa. A maioria dos animais (87,88% era criada intensivamente e todos eram alimentados com concentrados. Os sinais clínicos mais importantes foram as manifestações de dor, congestão de mucosas, hipertermia e aumento da tensão abdominal associados a obstrução do trato urinário. Metade dos animais apresentou obstrução total da uretra. Destes, 69,70% morreram, enquanto nos casos de obstrução parcial, 30,30% morreram. Nos exames laboratoriais verificou-se neutrofilia e desvio à esquerda regenerativo, hiperfibrinogenemia e azotemia. Na urinálise constatou-se hematúria em 89,29% dos casos e pH ácido em 46,43%. Na sedimentoscopia predominaram hemácias, leucócitos, células de descamação do epitélio uretral e cristais de urato amorfo. Os achados necroscópicos renais mais frequentes foram pielonefrite (61,54% dos casos e hidronefrose (50%. Nos ureteres foram visualizados ureterite e hidroureter. Na bexiga foi mais evidente a cistite hemorrágica difusa (50% e a presença de urólitos (57,69%. Na uretra observaram-se urólitos (61,54% e uretrite hemorrágica difusa (57,69%. Quanto à composição dos urólitos predominaram os compostos por oxalato de cálcio hidratado. Conclui-se que no Agreste de Pernambuco a urolitiase é uma doença importante de ovinos, com alta letalidade, estando associada à alimentação rica em concentrados e sal mineral.

  13. Experimental observations on electrorefining spent nuclear fuel in molten LiCl-KCl/liquid cadmium system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johnson, T. A.; Laug, D. V.; Li, S. X.; Sofu, T.


    Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) is currently performing a demonstration program for the Department of Energy (DOE) which processes spent nuclear fuel from the Experimental Breeder Reactor (EBR-II). One of the key steps in this demonstration program is electrorefining of the spent fuel in a molten LiCl-KCl/liquid cadmium system using a pilot scale electrorefiner (Mk-IV ER). This article summarizes experimental observations and engineering aspects for electrorefining spent fuel in the molten LiCl-KCl/liquid cadmium system. It was found that the liquid cadmium pool acted as an intermediate electrode during the electrorefining process in the ER. The cadmium level was gradually decreased due to its high vapor pressure and vaporization rate at the ER operational temperature. The low cadmium level caused the anode assembly momentarily to touch the ER vessel hardware, which generated a periodic current change at the salt/cathode interface and improved uranium recovery efficiency for the process. The primary current distributions calculated by numerical simulations were used in interpreting the experimental results

  14. [Serial change of perilymphatic potassium ion concentration in the scala tympani after introducing KCl-solution into the guinea pigs' tympanic cavity]. (United States)

    Ikeno, K


    Characteristic nystagmus similar to the Meniere's attack could be observed after introducing KCl solution into the tympanic cavity of guinea pigs. To confirm the fact that this nystagmus was provoked by the high perilymphatic potassium ion concentration, the K+ activity of perilymph was recorded serially through the K+ specific microelectrode inserted into the scala tympani. The rapid increment of K+ activity reached maximum at 120 minutes after introducing KCl solution, and then it decreased gradually to a half of the maximum activity. However, such change of perilymphatic potassium ion concentration was not observed by introducing sucrose solution as control.

  15. Potassium as topdressing in maize and the residual effects on soybean grown in succession= Potássio em cobertura no milho e efeito residual na soja em sucessão

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tiago de Lisboa Parente


    Full Text Available Potassium (K is the second most-extracted nutrient by the majority of agricultural crops, and can influence fruiting, grain weight and other physiological processes. However, there are still questions regarding possible residual effects in areas of direct seeding. The aim of this study therefore, was to evaluate the immediate effects of K on second-crop maize, and the possible residual effect on soybean crops grown in succession under a no-tillage system. The experimental design was of randomised blocks with nine doses of K2 O as topdressing (0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 120 and 150 kg ha-1, in the form of KCl applied in the V6 vegetative growth stage of the maize, with four replications. The study was carried out in an area of Cerrado, with soybean grown in succession. Morphological and production characteristics were evaluated in the two crops. There was an increase in maize productivity up to the dose of maximum technical efficiency, 89 kg ha-1 K2 O, and in the soybean, up to 80 kg ha-1, in addition to the increase in the number of pods per plant and thousand grain weight. The results therefore, demonstrate the residual effect of K in soybean crops grown in succession. = O potássio (K é o segundo nutriente mais extraído pela maioria das culturas agrícolas, podendo influenciar na frutificação, peso de grãos e em outros processos fisiológicos. No entanto, ainda há questionamentos quanto ao seu possível efeito residual em áreas de plantio direto. Assim, objetivou-se com esse trabalho avaliar a eficiência imediata do K no milho, segunda safra, e o possível efeito residual na cultura da soja cultivada em sucessão no sistema plantio direto. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados com nove doses de K2 O em cobertura (0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 120 e 150 kg ha-1 na forma de KCl, aplicadas no estádio vegetativo V6 no milho, com quatro repetições. O estudo foi desenvolvido em área de Cerrado. Foram avaliados os caracteres

  16. Making a Pellet-type LiCl-KCl-UCl3 salt for Electrorefining

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Woo, M. S.; Jin, H. J.; Kim, I. T.; Kim, J. G. [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    The role of uranium chloride salt (UCl3) is to stabilize the initial cell voltage between electrodes in the electrorefining reactor. The process to produce a uranium chloride salt includes two steps: a reaction process of gaseous chlorine with liquid cadmium to form the CdCl2 occurring in a Cd layer, followed by a process to produce UCl3 by the reaction of U in the LiCl-KCl eutectic salt and CdCl2 The apparatus for producing UCl3 consists of a chlorine gas generator, a uranium chlorinator, a Cd distiller, the pelletizer, and a off-gas and a dry scrubber. The temperature of the reactants is maintained at about 600 .deg. C. After the reaction is completed in the uranium chlorinator, The salt products is transferred to the Cd distiller to decrease residual Cd concentration in the salts, and then salt is transferred to the mould of pelletizer by a transfer system to make pellet type salt. Making pellet type LiCl-KCl-UCl3 salt for electrorefining was carried out using the chlorinator, Cd distiller, and pelletizer. Salt transfer carried out by salt transfer equipment heated 500 .deg. C. The Cd concentration of final salt products distillated at 60 torr, 2 hrs, 600 .deg. C was 200 ppm from the ICP, XRD analysis. And pellet type salt products were fabricated by using the mould of pelletizer at 90∼130 .deg. C.

  17. Making a Pellet-type LiCl-KCl-UCl3 salt for Electrorefining

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Woo, M. S.; Jin, H. J.; Kim, I. T.; Kim, J. G.


    The role of uranium chloride salt (UCl3) is to stabilize the initial cell voltage between electrodes in the electrorefining reactor. The process to produce a uranium chloride salt includes two steps: a reaction process of gaseous chlorine with liquid cadmium to form the CdCl2 occurring in a Cd layer, followed by a process to produce UCl3 by the reaction of U in the LiCl-KCl eutectic salt and CdCl2 The apparatus for producing UCl3 consists of a chlorine gas generator, a uranium chlorinator, a Cd distiller, the pelletizer, and a off-gas and a dry scrubber. The temperature of the reactants is maintained at about 600 .deg. C. After the reaction is completed in the uranium chlorinator, The salt products is transferred to the Cd distiller to decrease residual Cd concentration in the salts, and then salt is transferred to the mould of pelletizer by a transfer system to make pellet type salt. Making pellet type LiCl-KCl-UCl3 salt for electrorefining was carried out using the chlorinator, Cd distiller, and pelletizer. Salt transfer carried out by salt transfer equipment heated 500 .deg. C. The Cd concentration of final salt products distillated at 60 torr, 2 hrs, 600 .deg. C was 200 ppm from the ICP, XRD analysis. And pellet type salt products were fabricated by using the mould of pelletizer at 90∼130 .deg. C

  18. Distribution behavior of uranium, neptunium, rare-earth elements (Y, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd) and alkaline-earth metals (Sr,Ba) between molten LiCl-KCl eutectic salt and liquid cadmium or bismuth

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kurata, M.; Sakamura, Y.; Hijikata, T.; Kinoshita, K.


    Distribution coefficients of uranium neptunium, eight rare-earth elements (Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu and Gd) and two alkaline-earth metals (Sr and Ba) between molten LiCl-KCl eutectic salt and either liquid cadmium or bismuth were measured at 773 K. Separation factors of trivalent rare-earth elements to uranium or neptunium in the LiCl-KCl/Bi system were by one or two orders of magnitude larger than those in the LiCl-KCl/Cd system. On the contrary, the separation factors of alkaline-earth metals and divalent rare-earth elements to trivalent rare-earth elements were by one or two orders of magnitude smaller in the LiCl-KCl/Bi system. (orig.)

  19. Method for making a Pellet-type LiCl-KCl-UCl{sub 3} SALT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Woo, M. S.; JIN, H. J.; Lee, H. S.; Kim, J. G. [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    A pyrometallurgical partitioning technology to recover uranium from a uranium-TRU mixture which is the product material of electroreduction system is being developed at KAERI since 1997. In the process, the reactor of an electrorefiner consists of the electrodes and the molten chloride salt which is LiCl-KCl-UCl{sub 3}. The role of uranium chloride salt (UCl{sub 3}) is to stabilize the initial cell voltage between electrodes in the electrorefining reactor. The process to produce a uranium chloride salt includes two steps: a reaction process of gaseous chlorine with liquid cadmium to form CdCl{sub 2} occurring in a Cd layer, followed by a process to produce UCl{sub 3} by the reaction of U in the LiCl-KCl eutectic salt and CdCl{sub 2} The apparatus for producing UCl{sub 3} consists of a chlorine gas generator, a uranium chlorinator, a Cd distiller, the pelletizer, and a off-gas and a dry scrubber. The temperature of the reactants is maintained at about 600 .deg. C. After the reaction is completed in the uranium chlorinator, The salt products is transferred to the Cd distiller to decrease residual Cd concentration in the salts, and then salt is transferred to the mould of a pelletizer by a transfer system to make a pellet type salt

  20. Production of strangeness in Ar+KCl reactions at 1.756 AGeV with HADES; Produktion von Seltsamkeit in Ar+KCl Reaktionen bei 1.756 AGeV mit HADES

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schmah, Alexander Marc


    In september/october 2005 the first of heavier colliding systems was investigated with the HADES spectrometer by using an Ar projectile and a KCl target at a bombarding energy of 1.756 AGeV. With 850 million semi-central reactions in the colliding system Ar+KCl the opportunity was given for one of the most extensive hadron analyses in the SIS energy regime. The results of these analyses are presented in this thesis. The main focal point is the production of particles with strangeness content. The particle ratios of {lambda} and K{sup 0}{sub S} are comparable to those of other experiments. The corrections of acceptance, detector-, cut- and reconstruction efficiency is done using the simulation packages PLUTO, UrQMD and GEANT. With the corrected transverse mass spectra rapidity distributions and particle multiplicities are calculated. Due to the nearly full sample of reconstructed particles carrying strangeness, one can conclude to the missing part, which is connected to the charged {sigma}-hyperons. Within the error bars the fraction of {sigma}{sup {+-}}{sup ,0} is at least 12 % of the {lambda} multiplicity. The detection of the {phi} vector meson far below the nucleon-nucleon production threshold in the decay channel {phi} {yields} K{sup +}K{sup -} exceeds with 168 {+-} 18 the only up to now published data by more than a factor 7. The extracted effective temperature of T{sub eff}=80{+-}9{sup +2}{sub -3} is a brand-new result. The determined {phi}/K{sup -} ratio is 0.59{sup +0.30}{sub -0.29}. (orig.)

  1. Isolamento e caracterização de estirpes de Bacillus thuringiensis coletadas em solos do oeste baiano - doi: 10.5102/ucs.v7i2.999

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lílian Botelho Praça


    Full Text Available A partir de 21 amostras de solos da região oeste da Bahia, foram isoladas nove estirpes de B. thuringiensis. As estirpes de B. thuringiensis foram testadas contra lagartas de Spodoptera frugiperda, Anticarsia gemmatalis, Plutella xylostella e Anthonomus grandis. Das nove estirpes, duas apresentaram efetividade, a S2183 contra S. frugiperda e a S2186 contra S. frugiperda, A. gemmatalis e P. xylostella. Com relação ao A. grandis, nenhuma das estirpes apresentou mortalidade acima de 70%. Estas estirpes foram submetidas à bioensaios para cálculo da CL50 e a caracterizações bioquímicas e moleculares. Em bioensaio, a S2183 não apresentou efetividade nas doses recomendadas contra os insetos testados e S2186 apresentou uma CL50 de 375 µg/mL apenas para P. xylostella. As estirpes apresentaram duas proteínas principais de 100 e 70 kDa. Somente S2186 apresentou produtos de PCR para o gene cry2 e cristais bipiramidais, apresentando-se semelhante ao padrão B. thuringiensis subespécie kurstaki.

  2. Respon pertumbuhan bibit kakao (Theobroma cacao L.) terhadap pemberian pupuk guano dan KCl


    Rajagukguk, Pispa


    Addition of Guano in Cultivation of Cacao Seedling is the one of step to use organic fertilizer that comes from animal feces in the world. For that purpose addition guano aims to increase growth of Cacao in Cultivation of Seedling. This research had been conducted at experimental field of Fakultas Pertanian USU in October 2013 - January 2014 using factorial randomized block design with two factor, i.e. addition dose of Guano (0, 75 , 150 , 225 g/polibag) and dose of KCl (0 , ...

  3. Integrated Data Collection Analysis (IDCA) Program — KClO3/Icing Sugar (-100 mesh) Mixture

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sandstrom, Mary M. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Brown, Geoffrey W. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Preston, Daniel N. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Pollard, Colin J. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Warner, Kirstin F. [Naval Surface Warfare Center (IHD-NSWC), Indian Head, MD (United States). Indian Head Division; Sorenson, Daniel N. [Naval Surface Warfare Center (IHD-NSWC), Indian Head, MD (United States). Indian Head Division; Remmers, Daniel L. [Naval Surface Warfare Center (IHD-NSWC), Indian Head, MD (United States). Indian Head Division; Moran, Jesse S. [Naval Surface Warfare Center (IHD-NSWC), Indian Head, MD (United States). Indian Head Division; Shelley, Timothy J. [Air Force Research Lab. (AFRL/RXQF), Tyndall AFB, FL (United States); Hsu, Peter C. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Whipple, Richard E. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Reynolds, John G. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States)


    The Integrated Data Collection Analysis (IDCA) program is conducting a proficiency study for Small-Scale Safety and Thermal (SSST) testing of homemade explosives (HMEs). Described here are the results for impact, friction, electrostatic discharge, and scanning calorimetry analysis of a mixture of KClO3 sized through a 100-mesh sieve mixed with icing sugar, also sized through a 100-mesh sieve—KClO3/icing sugar (-100) mixture. This material was selected because of the challenge of performing SSST testing of a mixture of two solid materials. The mixture was found to be: 1) more sensitive to impact than RDX, with sensitivity similar to PETN, 2) the same or more sensitive to friction than PETN, and 3) less sensitive to spark than RDX. The analysis showed that the mixture has thermally stability similar to RDX and is perhaps more energetic upon decomposition but variable results indicate sampling issues.

  4. Rheed Investigation of Pd/Al Bimetallic System on KCl(001) Substrate (United States)

    Masek, K.; Moroz, V.; Matolín, V.

    Pd/Al alloys have very interesting properties from the point of view of their possible application in heterogeneous catalysis. Preparation of small heteroepitaxial Pd/Al alloy particles opens a new way in studies of the influence of Pd/Al crystallographic structure on the alloy catalytic properties. Pd/Al alloy particles were grown by the molecular beam epitaxy method. Their crystallographical structure was controlled by reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED). It was found that Pd deposited on epitaxial 3D Al particles grown on KCl is intermixing with Al. This process is accompanied by the variation of lattice parameter from the Al value to the Pd one.

  5. Thermodynamic properties of thulium and ytterbium in fused NaCl-KCl-CsCl eutectic

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Novoselova, A., E-mail: [Institute of High-Temperature Electrochemistry, Ural Division, Russian Academy of Science, S. Kovalevskaya Str., 22, Ekaterinburg 620990 (Russian Federation); Smolenski, V. [Institute of High-Temperature Electrochemistry, Ural Division, Russian Academy of Science, S. Kovalevskaya Str., 22, Ekaterinburg 620990 (Russian Federation)


    Research highlights: > Tm and Yb chloride compounds as fission products. > The investigation of electrochemical properties of lanthanides. > Determination of the apparent standard redox potentials of the couple Ln(III)/Ln(II) in fused NaCl-KCl-CsCl eutectic at (823 to 973) K. > The calculation of the basic thermodynamic properties of redox reaction in molten salt. - Abstract: This work presents the results of a study of the Tm{sup 3+}/Tm{sup 2+} and Yb{sup 3+}/Yb{sup 2+} couple redox potentials vs. Cl{sup -}/Cl{sub 2} reference electrode at the temperature range (823 to 973) K in fused NaCl-KCl-CsCl eutectic by direct potentiometric method. Initial concentrations of TmCl{sub 3} and YbCl{sub 3} in solvents did not exceed 5.0 mol%. Basic thermodynamic properties of the reactions TmCl{sub 2(l)} + 1/2 Cl{sub 2(g)} {r_reversible} TmCl{sub 3(l)} and YbCl{sub 2(l)} + 1/2 Cl{sub 2(g)} {r_reversible} YbCl{sub 3(l)} were calculated using the temperature dependencies of apparent standard potentials of the couples E{sub Tm{sup 3+}/Tm{sup 2+*}} and E{sub Yb{sup 3+}/Yb{sup 2+*}}.

  6. Successful Management of Tubal Ectopic Pregnancy with Transvaginal Sonography Guided Intracardiac KCL Injection and Systemic Methotrexate - A Case Report

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    Sumesh Choudhary


    Full Text Available Background: Methotrexate (Mtx is an accepted modality for conservative treatment of ectopic pregnancy. However, there is no consensus regarding its use in live ectopic pregnancy and high serum beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin (β-hCG titres. Concurrent use of intra-sac hypertonic KCl, to produce cardiac asystole with systemic Mtx potentially improve outcome in live ectopic gestations with very high serum β-hCG titres. Here a successful management of live ectopic pregnancy in a 25-year-old nulliparous woman, with very high β-hCG titres (29502.04mIU/mL, using ultrasound-guided intra-cardiac potassium chloride (KCl injection and systemic Mtx is reported. No treatment related complications were encountered. However, individualized treatment with a stringent follow-up regime is mandatory in such cases.

  7. K-Cl cotransporters, cell volume homeostasis, and neurological disease. (United States)

    Kahle, Kristopher T; Khanna, Arjun R; Alper, Seth L; Adragna, Norma C; Lauf, Peter K; Sun, Dandan; Delpire, Eric


    K(+)-Cl(-) cotransporters (KCCs) were originally characterized as regulators of red blood cell (RBC) volume. Since then, four distinct KCCs have been cloned, and their importance for volume regulation has been demonstrated in other cell types. Genetic models of certain KCCs, such as KCC3, and their inhibitory WNK-STE20/SPS1-related proline/alanine-rich kinase (SPAK) serine-threonine kinases, have demonstrated the evolutionary necessity of these molecules for nervous system cell volume regulation, structure, and function, and their involvement in neurological disease. The recent characterization of a swelling-activated dephosphorylation mechanism that potently stimulates the KCCs has pinpointed a potentially druggable switch of KCC activity. An improved understanding of WNK/SPAK-mediated KCC cell volume regulation in the nervous system might reveal novel avenues for the treatment of multiple neurological diseases. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Resposta à adubação com uréia, cloreto de potássio e ácido bórico em mudas abacaxizeiro'Smooth Cayenne' Response to fertilization with urea, potassium chloride and boric acid in the 'Smooth Cayenne' pineapple plants

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    Ruimário Inácio Coelho


    Full Text Available Mudas do abacaxizeiro (Ananas comosus L., cultivar Smooth Cayenne, obtidas por seccionamento de caule, foram submetidas à adubação foliar com soluções em diferentes concentrações de uréia, KCl e H3BO3. O delineamento utilizado foi fatorial fracionado do tipo (1/55³, com três tipos de adubo e cinco concentrações, num total de 25 tratamentos, que consistiram de combinações de concentrações de 0; 2,5; 5,0; 7,5 e 10 g L-1 de uréia e KCl, e 0; 0,5; 1,0; 1,5 e 2,0 g L-1 de H3BO3. Os tratamentos foram iniciados nove semanas após o plantio das seções do caule, com 26 pulverizações semanais para a uréia e KCl e 4 pulverizações mensais para o H3BO3. Verificou-se crescimento linear positivo para as características: altura das brotações, número de folhas, área foliar, massa seca e fresca das mudas, em resposta a níveis crescentes de uréia. Não foi observado efeito do KCl e H3BO3 para nenhuma das características de crescimento avaliadas. As mudas adubadas com 10 g L-1 de uréia atingiram altura de 40 cm e massa fresca de 242 g no 9º mês após o plantio das seções.Suckers of the pineapple plant (Ananas comosus L., Smooth Cayenne cv., obtained by stem sectioning, were submitted to leaf fertilization with solutions at different concentrations of urea, KCl and H3BO3. The fractionated factorial design of the type (1/55³ was used, with three fertilizer types and five concentrations, totalizing 25 treatments that consisted of combination of concentrations (0; 2.5; 5.0; 7.5 and 10 g L-1 of urea and KCl, as well as 0; 0.5; 1.0; 1.5 and 2.0 g L-1 of H3BO3. The treatments began nine weeks after planting the stem sections. Twenty six sprays of urea and KCl were weekly applied as well as four monthly sprays of H3BO3. Positive linear growth was verified for the following characteristics: sprouting heights, leaf numbers, leaf area, dry and fresh matter of the suckers in response to increasing urea levels. No effect of KCl and H3BO3

  9. Relação entre heterogeneidade ambiental e distribuição de espécies em uma floresta paludosa no Município de Cristais Paulista, SP, Brasil Floristic composition and relationship between environmental heterogeneity and species distribution in a swamp forest from Cristais Paulista, São Paulo State, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aloysio de Pádua Teixeira


    Full Text Available Neste estudo foi caracterizada a composição florística e fitossociológica de uma floresta paludosa no nordeste do Estado de São Paulo, onde variações no padrão de drenagem ocorrem principalmente no sentido perpendicular ao curso d'água, em função da topografia. Nosso objetivo foi investigar a distribuição das espécies em relação ao substrato e a entrada de luz na comunidade. Foram alocadas 60 parcelas de 10×10 m, distribuídas em seis grupos de 10 parcelas cada. Em cada parcela foram medidos e identificados os indivíduos com PAP > 10 cm, avaliadas as propriedades químicas e granulometria do solo, o desnível topográfico, a drenagem e a abertura do dossel. Foram registradas 88 espécies, das quais 61 foram observadas nas parcelas. Uma análise de correspondência canônica (CCA indicou correlações entre a distribuição das 29 espécies mais abundantes e drenagem, desnível topográfico e Fe no eixo 1 e abertura do dossel no eixo 2. O coeficiente de Spearman indicou correlações significativas entre 66% das 29 espécies e profundidade do lençol freático ou abertura do dossel. Como exemplo, Calophyllum brasiliense e Xylopia emarginata prevaleceram em solos mal drenados; Siphoneugena densiflora e Virola sebifera em solos bem drenados; Myrcia laruotteana e Xylopia sericea em parcelas com maior abertura de dossel. A heterogeneidade ambiental foi um importante fator na determinação da distribuição e a coexistência de espécies, resultando em um incremento na diversidade local.In the present study, we characterized the floristic composition and tree structure of a swamp forest in northeast of São Paulo State, Brazil, where the drainage pattern changes mainly across the watercourse due to the topography. We aimed to investigate the species distribution in relation to substrate and light entrance in the community. Sixty quadrats (10×10 m were divided into six groups of 10 plots. In each quadrat, individuals with PBH > 10

  10. Experimental study and modeling of the startup flow of waxy crudes in pipelines and the rheological behavior of gelled waxy crudes


    Charlie Van Der Geest


    Resumo: Os procedimentos de manutenção de equipamentos ou desligamento de emergência de uma unidade estacionária de produção de petróleo no mar ocorrem com freqüência na produção de petróleo. No caso de produção de petróleo parafínico escoando em uma linha de produção no fundo do mar, onde a temperatura é em torno de 4 ° C, a perda de calor podel conduzir o óleo a TIAC (Temperatura Inicial de Aparecimento de Cristais) do óleo. Isso leva à cristalização de parafinas. Dependendo do tempo que o ...

  11. Propriedades Vibracionais da L-glutamina sob altas pressÃes e sob altas temperaturas.


    Rocicler Oliveira Holanda


    Neste trabalho, cristais de l-glutamina (C5H10N2O3) foram submetidos à anÃlises atravÃs da tÃcnica de espectroscopia Raman. Inicialmente realizou-se uma identificaÃÃo tentativa de todas as bandas Raman e em uma segunda etapa obteve-se os espectros do material variando os parÃmetros termodinÃmicos de pressÃo hidrostÃtica e temperatura. A regiÃo espectral para os experimentos realizados em funÃÃo da pressÃo hidrostÃtica esteve entre 40 cm-1 e 3550 cm-1 e a variaÃÃo da pressÃo entre 0 GPa e 5,8...

  12. Chemical forms of 35S in KCl crystals doped with elementary 35S. Pt. 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maddock, A.G.; Todorovsky, D.S.


    KCl crystals have been doped with 35 S at low chemical concentrations. Upon solution of the doped crystals in cyanide solution and analysis by the method of Kasrai and Maddock, the 35 S appears in the same chemical forms as are found for the 35 S produced in similar crystals by the (n, p) reaction. Reactions are suggested whereby these products may be produced. (orig.)

  13. An investigation of ruthenium coating from LiCl–KCl eutectic melt

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kartal Sireli, G.


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • A white/gray Ru coating was achieved via electrodeposition from LiCl–KCl melt. • Cathodic current efficiency (η) was increased as high as 99.68%. • A dense and 8.5 μm thick Ru coating was possible to be grown after 2 h. • “Faceted structure” was observed on the surface of Ru deposited at 3 and 7 mA/cm 2 . • The thickness of Ru increased with increasing both current density and time. - Abstract: In this study, electrodeposition of ruthenium (Ru) from LiCl–KCl eutectic melt was investigated in a systematic manner and the effects of process parameters namely current density, time and agitation of electrolyte on the thickness and morphology of Ru layer were explored. The presence of Ru on graphite substrates was confirmed by thin film X-ray diffraction method. The Ru coatings formed at all electrodeposition conditions appeared as a white/gray deposit. The typical “faceted structure” was observed on the surface of Ru deposited at 3 and 7 mA/cm 2 . Fracture cross-section examinations revealed the columnar morphology of Ru which was twinned with boundaries. The smooth appearance of Ru coating became uneven and rough with coarse nodules at 12 mA/cm 2 . The thickness of Ru increased with increasing both current density and time at stationary electrodeposition conditions. A dense and 7.5 μm thick Ru coating was possible to grow on graphite without any agitation at 3 mA/cm 2 for 2 h. The highest cathodic current efficiency (η), 99.68%, was achieved at 3 mA/cm 2 after 2 h of electrodeposition time with the rotating cathode speed of 50 rpm. The cross sectional micro-indentation studies indicated that the Ru layer has hardness as high as 450 ± 10 HV

  14. An investigation of ruthenium coating from LiCl–KCl eutectic melt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kartal Sireli, G., E-mail:


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • A white/gray Ru coating was achieved via electrodeposition from LiCl–KCl melt. • Cathodic current efficiency (η) was increased as high as 99.68%. • A dense and 8.5 μm thick Ru coating was possible to be grown after 2 h. • “Faceted structure” was observed on the surface of Ru deposited at 3 and 7 mA/cm{sup 2}. • The thickness of Ru increased with increasing both current density and time. - Abstract: In this study, electrodeposition of ruthenium (Ru) from LiCl–KCl eutectic melt was investigated in a systematic manner and the effects of process parameters namely current density, time and agitation of electrolyte on the thickness and morphology of Ru layer were explored. The presence of Ru on graphite substrates was confirmed by thin film X-ray diffraction method. The Ru coatings formed at all electrodeposition conditions appeared as a white/gray deposit. The typical “faceted structure” was observed on the surface of Ru deposited at 3 and 7 mA/cm{sup 2}. Fracture cross-section examinations revealed the columnar morphology of Ru which was twinned with boundaries. The smooth appearance of Ru coating became uneven and rough with coarse nodules at 12 mA/cm{sup 2}. The thickness of Ru increased with increasing both current density and time at stationary electrodeposition conditions. A dense and 7.5 μm thick Ru coating was possible to grow on graphite without any agitation at 3 mA/cm{sup 2} for 2 h. The highest cathodic current efficiency (η), 99.68%, was achieved at 3 mA/cm{sup 2} after 2 h of electrodeposition time with the rotating cathode speed of 50 rpm. The cross sectional micro-indentation studies indicated that the Ru layer has hardness as high as 450 ± 10 HV.

  15. ESR studies of electron irradiated K3Ir(CN)6 in KCl single crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vugman, N.V.; Pinhal, N.M.


    ESR studies of KCl single crystals doped with small amounts of K 3 Ir(CN) 6 and submitted to a prolongued 2 MeV electron irradiation at room temperature reveal the presence of the [IR(CN) 5 Cl] 4- and [Ir(CN) 4 Cl 2 ] 4- new molecular species. Ligand spin densities and ligand field parameters are calculated from the experimental hyperfine and superhyperfine interactions and compared to previous data on the [Ir(CN) 5 ] 4- species. (Author) [pt

  16. Electroplating of erbium on steel surface in ErCl3 doped LiCl-KCl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kondo, Masatoshi; Tanaka, Teruya; Muroga, Takeo; Tsujimura, Hiroyuki; Ito, Yasuhiko


    The electroplating of Er metal on the reduced activation ferritic martensitic steel, JLF-1 (Fe-9Cr-2W-0.1C), in a molten salt was studied. The specimen was immersed in the molten ErCl 3 doped LiCl-KCl electrolyte. The electroplating was carried out by a constant potential electrolysis method and a pulsed current electrolysis method. It was found that the Er metal was deposited on the specimen surface due to the electrochemical reaction. (author)

  17. Caracterização anatômica das folhas, frutos e sementes de Sapindus saponaria L. (Sapindaceae Anatomical features of leaves, fruits and seeds of Sapindus saponaria L. (Sapindaceae

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    Kathia Socorro Mathias Mourão


    Full Text Available A anatomia das folhas, frutos e sementes de Sapindus saponaria L., espécie utilizada no combate a úlceras e inflamações da pele, foi estudada utilizando-se material fresco e fixado, com a finalidade de subsidiar estudos taxonômicos e farmacobotânicos. Analisaram-se cortes em diferentes planos, obtidos à mão livre ou com micrótomo, em lâminas semipermanentes e permanentes, corados com safrablau. As folhas compostas, apresentam folíolos de ápice acuminado e base assimétrica, glabros na face superior e pubescentes na inferior. Drusas e cristais prismáticos ocorrem no mesofilo dorsiventral. O fruto é esquizocarpo indeiscente com até três mericarpos desenvolvidos. O exocarpo apresenta células isodiamétricas com cutícula espessa e muitas lenticelas. No mesocarpo parenquimático encontram-se cavidades secretoras, idioblastos cristalíferos contendo drusas e cristais prismáticos. O endocarpo é constituído por fibras lignificadas, dispostas em diagonal. As sementes são bitegumentadas, exotestais, e exalbuminosas. Nas folhas e frutos secos e triturados (droga destacam-se: fragmentos das faces adaxial e abaxial da epiderme com tricomas íntegros, do mesofilo parenquimático, do pericarpo e drusas e cristais prismáticosThe anatomical features of leaves, fruits and seeds of Sapindus saponaria L., a species used in the combat of ulcers and skin diseases, are described. Samples from fresh and fixed material are analyzed for taxonomic and pharmacognostical studies. Anatomical description was undertaken by the analysis of semi-permanent and permanent slides made with different sections of leaves and fruits stained with safranin and astra blue. Compound leaves present leaflets with acuminate apex and asymmetric base, glabrate in the adaxial and pubescent in abaxial surface. Druses and prismatic crystals occur in the dorsiventral mesophyll. Fruit is an indehiscent schizocarp, which has up to three developed mericarps. The exocarp is

  18. Thermodiffusive behaviour of NaCl and KCl aqueous solutions a model for the Na-K pump

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gaeta, F.S.; Mita, D.G.; Perna, G.; Scala, G.


    In NaCl and KCl aqueous nonisothermal solutions K + inverts its sense of migration within the physiological concentration range; Na + behaves similarly at much lower concentrations. These findings are discussed in relation to solute induced modifications of water structure and of their influence on thermal diffusion. A possible evolutionary model of a thermodiffusive mechanism for the sodium potassium pump is also suggested

  19. Optimalisasi Penggunaan Pupuk Kompos dengan Penambahan Effective Microorganism 10 (Em10 pada Produktivitas Tanaman Jagung (Zea mays L.

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    Elpawati Elpawati


    Full Text Available This research is aimed to determine the effect of growing media composition, the addition different concentration of EM10 fertilizer, and interaction between the composition of the growing media with different concentration of EM10 fertilizer on Zea mays growth and productivity. This research was conducted in Home Composting of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta from June until October 2013. This study used Random Grouped for Factorial Design 2 x 5 wth 3 repetitions. First factor was plant media dose (M, consist of two extents, M1 (compost:soil = 1:1 and M2 (compost:soil = 1:2. The second factor was fertilizer concentration (D, consist of five extents, DO (no fertilizer,D1 (Urea: 0,9 g, SP-36: 0,9 g, KCl: 0,45 g, D2 (10 ml EM10, D3 (15 ml EM10, and D4 (20 ml EM10. The obtained data was analyzed using Analysis of Varians(ANOVA and Duncan test when there is a significant difference..The result showed plant media (M2 with ratio composition of compost and soil was 1:2 could increase the stem diameter at harvest time. 20 ml concentration of EM10 could increase the stem diameter’s growth (2.29 mm at harvest time, similarly 15 ml EM10 could increase the cob’s productivity (1.66 cobs. The interaction of composition plant media and fertilizer concentration of EM10 did not influence corn’s growth and productivity.

  20. Electrochemical Behavior of La on Liquid Bi electrode in LiCl-KCl molten salt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Beom Kyu; Han, Hwa Jeong; Park, Byung Gi [Soonchunyang University, Asan (Korea, Republic of)


    Pyroprocessing technology aims to achieve a grouped and efficiently separation of all actinide for recycling with a sufficient decontamination of fission products generating the minimum. The main steps of the pyroprocess is electrowinning process, where the remaining elements in a molten salt after electrorifinning process. That process is U, MAs are concurrently recovered at the liquid metal. Recently, a study of the liquid metal and molten salt using an electrochemical is carried out in a variety of fields. However, there is deficient information about the electrode reaction of lanthanide and actinide on the liquid bismuth metal electrodes. In this paper, the electrochemical behavior of La(III), with liquid bismuth was investigated by the electrochemical method. The aim of this study is to investigate the electrochemical behavior of lanthanum or neodymium among lanthanides in molten LiCl-KCl salt at liquid metal bismuth electrode cyclic voltammetry and derive the thermochemical properties. The electrochemical behavior of La was studied in LiCl-KCl-LaCl{sub 3} molten salts using electrochemical techniques Cyclic Voltammetry on liquid Bi electrodes at 773K. During the process of cyclic voltammetry electrolysis, intermetallic compound were observed of La, Lax-Biy, Li-Bi. The diffusion coefficient of La was measured by cyclic voltemmetry and was found to be 8.18x10{sup -5}cm{sup 2}/s.

  1. SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating of Pedras Grandes Suite, southern Santa Catarina State, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andréa R. Jelinek


    Full Text Available Two major magmatic pulses of the granitic Florianópolis Batholith in Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil, occurred between 613±5Ma and 595±5 Ma, during the Neoproterozoic Brasiliano Cycle. These ages were obtained by U-Pb isotopic determinations with the sensitive high mass-resolution ion microprobe on igneous zircons from Pedras Grandes Suite in Santa Catarina State. Euhedral zircons remained unaltered close to a fluorite vein deposited at 180?C or more. These ages suggest a northern limit for the Pedras Grandes Suite, explaining the spatial relationship between the fluorite veins and the source rock.Dois dos principais pulsos da atividade granítica no Batólito Florianópolis em Santa Catarina ocorreram entre 613 ±5 Ma e 595 ±5 Ma, durante o Neoproterozóico do Ciclo Brasiliano. Estas idades foram obtidas a partir dedeterminações isotópicas U-Pb em cristais de zircão da Suite Pedras Grandes por "Sensitive high-resolution íon microprobe" - SHRIMP II. Os cristais de zircão permaneceram inalterados mesmo mediante condições hidrotermais com temperaturas iguais e, até mesmo, superiores a 180ºC. Estas idades sugerem a delimitação norte do Maciço Pedras Grandes, explicando a relação espacial existente entre os filões de fluorita e a rocha fonte destas mineralizações.

  2. The influence of oxide on the electrochemical processes in K2NbF7-NaCl-KCl melts

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lantelme, F.; Berghoute, Y.; Barner, Jens H. Von


    Transient electrochemical techniques showed that in NaCl-KCl melts the reduction of K2NbF7 occurs through atwo-step reaction Nb(V) --> Nb(IV) --> Nb. When oxide ions were introduced, cyclic voltammetry indicated that the wavescorresponding to reduction of the complex NbF72- progressively...

  3. Thermodynamics of HfCl4-KCl molten mixtures containing HfCl4 up to 33.3 mol. per cent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smirnov, M.V.; Salyulev, A.B.; Kudyakov, V.Ya.


    Based on measurements of saturated vapour pressure in components of melted mixtures of HfCl 4 -KCl, depending on temperature and concentration, calculated are the results of changes in activity coefficients of hafnium tetrachloride and potassium chloride on transition from diluted solutions, where the Henry law is met, to those concentrated where the law is disobeyed. Growth in the activity coefficient of HfCl 4 is due to dissociation of complex groups of HfCl 6 2- into complexes with a lesser number of ligands and decreasing relative binding energy of Hf 4+ -Cl - there. In this case, marked changes take place in partial enthalpy and entropy of hafnium tetrachloride mixing. Similar dependences are observed for potassium chloride, but they are expressed considerably weaker. Evaporation enthalpy and entropy are calculated for HfCl 4 and KCl monomers from their melted mixtures of various concentrations

  4. Density of molten salt Mixtures of eutectic LiCl-KCl containing UCl{sub 3}, CeCl{sub 3}, or LaCl{sub 3}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang, C.; Simpson, M. F. [Dept. of Metallurgical Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City (United States)


    Densities of molten salt mixtures of eutectic LiCl-KCl with UCl{sub 3}, CeCl{sub 3}, or LaCl{sub 3} at various concentrations (up to 13 wt%) were measured using a liquid surface displacement probe. Linear relationships between the mixture density and the concentration of the added salt were observed. For LaCl{sub 3} and CeCl{sub 3}, the measured densities were signifcantly higher than those previously reported from Archimedes’ method. In the case of LiCl-KCl-UCl{sub 3}, the data ft the ideal mixture density model very well. For the other salts, the measured densities exceeded the ideal model prediction by about 2%.

  5. Obtenção, caracterização e estudo de liberação in vitro e permeação in vivo de sistemas microestruturados contendo cafeína


    Longo, Daniela Paula [UNESP


    A mistura de óleo, água e tensoativo é capaz de formar estruturas e sistemas variados, dependendo das características e da proporção dos componentes utilizados. Sistemas microestruturados, como cristais líquidos e microemulsões, são utilizados para encapsular fármacos e substâncias ativas em produtos farmacêuticos e cosméticos. O objetivo desse trabalho foi desenvolver sistemas microestruturados para a incorporação da cafeína com finalidade de uso tópico para otimizar o tratamento da hidrolip...

  6. Reduction behavior of UO22+ in molten LiCl–RbCl and LiCl–KCl eutectics by using tungsten

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagai, Takayuki; Uehara, Akihiro; Fujii, Toshiyuki; Yamana, Hajimu


    The reduction of uranium from UO 2 2+ to UO 2 + or U 4+ in molten LiCl–RbCl and LiCl–KCl eutectics was examined by using tungsten and chlorine gas. Spectrophotometric technique was adopted to determine the concentration of uranium species. When tungsten was immersed into the LiCl–RbCl eutectic melt at 400 °C without supplying chlorine gas, 36% of the total weight of the hexavalent of UO 2 2+ was reduced to the pentavalent of UO 2 + . Under purging chlorine gas into the melt, 96% of UO 2 2+ was reduced to the tetravalent of U 4+ . Tungsten oxy-chloride of WOCl 4 was produced via the reductions of UO 2 2+ , which was volatized from the melt and adsorbed on the upper part of experimental cell. On the other hand, 84% of UO 2 2+ in the LiCl–KCl eutectic melt at 500 °C was reduced to U 4+ by using tungsten and chlorine gas

  7. Reduction behavior of UO22+ in molten LiCl-RbCl and LiCl-KCl eutectics by using tungsten (United States)

    Nagai, Takayuki; Uehara, Akihiro; Fujii, Toshiyuki; Yamana, Hajimu


    The reduction of uranium from UO22+ to UO2+ or U4+ in molten LiCl-RbCl and LiCl-KCl eutectics was examined by using tungsten and chlorine gas. Spectrophotometric technique was adopted to determine the concentration of uranium species. When tungsten was immersed into the LiCl-RbCl eutectic melt at 400 °C without supplying chlorine gas, 36% of the total weight of the hexavalent of UO22+ was reduced to the pentavalent of UO2+. Under purging chlorine gas into the melt, 96% of UO22+ was reduced to the tetravalent of U4+. Tungsten oxy-chloride of WOCl4 was produced via the reductions of UO22+, which was volatized from the melt and adsorbed on the upper part of experimental cell. On the other hand, 84% of UO22+ in the LiCl-KCl eutectic melt at 500 °C was reduced to U4+ by using tungsten and chlorine gas.

  8. Electrochemical investigation on the redox chemistry of niobium in LiCl-KCl-KF-Na2O melts

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gillesberg, Bo; Bjerrum, Niels; Barner, Jens H. Von


    The system LiCl-KCl-KF-1 mole percent K2NbF7 (molar ration F-/Nb = 8) has been investigated in-the temperature range 370 to 725 degrees C by cyclic and square wave voltammetry. In the temperature range from 370 to 520 degrees C Nb(V) was reduced to Nb(III) in two reversible steps: Nb(V) --> Nb(IV...

  9. Métodos de determinação de cálcio e magnésio trocáveis e estimativa do calcário residual em um Latossolo submetido à aplicação de calcário e gesso em superfície Methods for determining soil exchangeable calcium and magnesium and residual lime in an oxisol submitted to surface application of lime and phosphogypsum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rogério Peres Soratto


    Full Text Available A determinação da fração do calcário remanescente no solo ("calcário residual", em área onde foi realizada aplicação de calcário em superfície, sem incorporação, na implantação do sistema plantio direto, pode ser uma ferramenta importante para auxiliar na definição do momento em que se faz necessária a reaplicação de calcário. Nesse sentido, os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar: quais os teores de Ca e Mg trocáveis, extraídos por percolação com solução de KCl e resina trocadora de íons; a quantidade do calcário aplicado que ainda não havia reagido no solo, mediante a determinação dos teores de Ca e Mg não-trocáveis; e qual a influência do gesso nos teores de Ca e Mg trocáveis e na dissolução do calcário, 18 meses após a aplicação em superfície. O experimento foi realizado em um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico, em Botucatu (SP. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados com parcelas subdivididas e quatro repetições. Nas parcelas, foram aplicadas quatro doses de calcário dolomítico (0, 1.100, 2.700 e 4.300 kg ha-1, com PRNT = 71,2 %, e nas subparcelas, duas doses de gesso agrícola (0 e 2.100 kg ha-1. O calcário e o gesso foram aplicados em superfície, sem incorporação. Houve alta correlação na determinação de Ca e Mg trocável entre os métodos de percolação com solução de KCl e resina trocadora de íons. A extração pelo método da resina trocadora de íons superestimou os teores de Ca e Mg trocáveis em solo com recente aplicação de calcário em superfície. A aplicação de gesso em superfície reduziu a dissolução do calcário na camada superficial (0-0,10 m. Os teores de Ca e Mg não-trocáveis podem ser utilizados para estimar a quantidade de calcário residual no solo.The determination of the non-reacted lime fraction in the soil ("residual lime" after initial surface application of lime without incorporation in no-tillage systems can be important to

  10. Zirconium behaviour during electrorefining of actinide-zirconium alloy in molten LiCl-KCl on aluminium cathodes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Meier, R. [European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Transuranium Elements (ITU), Postfach 2340, Karlsruhe 76125 (Germany); Heidelberg University, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Im Neuenheimer Feld 253, Heidelberg 69120 (Germany); Souček, P., E-mail: [European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Transuranium Elements (ITU), Postfach 2340, Karlsruhe 76125 (Germany); Malmbeck, R.; Krachler, M.; Rodrigues, A.; Claux, B.; Glatz, J.-P. [European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Transuranium Elements (ITU), Postfach 2340, Karlsruhe 76125 (Germany); Fanghänel, Th. [European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Transuranium Elements (ITU), Postfach 2340, Karlsruhe 76125 (Germany); Heidelberg University, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Im Neuenheimer Feld 253, Heidelberg 69120 (Germany)


    A pyrochemical electrorefining process for the recovery of actinides from metallic nuclear fuel based on actinide-zirconium alloys (An–Zr) in a molten salt is being investigated. In this process actinides are group-selectively recovered on solid aluminium cathodes as An–Al alloys using a LiCl–KCl eutectic melt at a temperature of 450 °C. In the present study the electrochemical behaviour of zirconium during electrorefining was investigated. The maximum amount of actinides that can be oxidised without anodic co-dissolution of zirconium was determined at a selected constant cathodic current density. The experiment consisted of three steps to assess the different stages of the electrorefining process, each of which employing a fresh aluminium cathode. The results indicate that almost a complete dissolution of the actinides without co-dissolution of zirconium is possible under the applied experimental conditions. - Highlights: • Recovery of actinides was shown by electrorefining of U/Pu–Zr alloys in LiCl–KCl. • Constant current density of 20 mA/cm{sup 2} is applied. • Most of the actinides were dissolved avoiding zirconium co-dissolution. • Deterioration of the deposit quality by a small amount of co-deposited Zr is not observed.

  11. Lack of effect of nitric oxide on KCl, acetylcholine and substance P induced contractions in ileal longitudinal muscle of the rat. (United States)

    Tanovic, A; Jiménez, M; Fernández, E


    The aim of this study was to determine whether an excess of nitric oxide (NO) (mimicked by addition of NO donors) might produce by itself changes in the contractile responses to acetylcholine (ACh), substance P (SP) and KCl in the longitudinal muscle of the rat ileum. We also studied the calcium handling properties of this tissue in presence of NO donors. The NO donors assayed sodium nitroprusside (SNP) and 3-morpholinosydnonimine hydrochloride (SIN-1), induced different responses. SNP caused an immediate contraction followed by a sustained relaxation, whereas SIN-1 induced an immediate relaxation followed by a contraction. Even after prolonged incubations (up to 90 min), the NO donors SNP and SIN-1 were unable to modify the ACh- and SP-concentration-response curves, as well as the response to 30 mM KCl. The nifedipine-resistant component of the ACh-induced contraction was not modified in presence of SNP. Cyclopiazonic acid (CPA) induced a contraction that was not modified when the tissue was pre-incubated with SNP. Nifedipine caused a sharp relaxation when added during the CPA-induced contraction and, when added previously, it reduced the CPA-induced contractile response. It is concluded that NO excess is not, by itself, responsible for the altered responses to KCl. ACh and SP. The contractility changes observed in the longitudinal muscle of the rat ileum during inflammation could rather be related to the presence of other inflammatory mediators.

  12. Laser Clad and HVOF-Sprayed Stellite 6 Coating in Chlorine-Rich Environment with KCl at 700 °C.

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Pala, Z.; Bai, M.; Lukáč, František; Hussain, T.


    Roč. 88, 5-6 (2017), s. 749-771 ISSN 0030-770X Institutional support: RVO:61389021 Keywords : Stellite 6 * KCl * High-temperature corrosion * HVOF * Laser cladding Subject RIV: JK - Corrosion ; Surface Treatment of Materials OBOR OECD: Coating and films Impact factor: 1.196, year: 2016

  13. Pyrochemical extraction for selective removal of transuranium elements from molten LiCl-KCl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ackermann, J.P.; Johnson, T.R.


    Recent determinations of separation factors that describe partition of the actinide and rare earth elements between liquid cadmium and LiCl-KCl eutectic allowed identification of a process for selective removal of the transuranium (TRU) element chlorides from the electrolyte used for electrofining of metal fuel from the Integral Fast Reactor. It is periodically necessary to remove rare earth elements from the electrolyte to limit heat generation from radioactive decay. Countercurrent extraction of electrolyte with uranium in cadmium solution allows retention of valuable TRU elements in the reprocessed fuel, and results in a rare earth waste stream that is essentially free of TRU elements and their concomitant long-term hazards

  14. Espalhamento Raman em Policristais de L-alanina deuterados sob pressÃo.


    Ricardo Oliveira GonÃalves


    Nesta DissertaÃÃo sÃo apresentados os resultados oriundos do estudo do efeito da aplicaÃÃo de pressÃo hidrostÃtica sobre cristais de L-alanina deuterada. A L-alanina à um dos vinte aminoÃcidos formadores das proteÃnas, sendo entre os quirais o mais simples deles. A L-alanina cristaliza-se numa estrutura ortorrÃmbica (D24) com quatro molÃculas por cÃlula unitÃria formando uma complexa rede de sete diferentes ligaÃÃes de hidrogÃnio. Quando pressÃo à aplicada a um cristal de aminoÃcidos ocorr...

  15. Translational energy of products in the K+CH3COCl --> KCl+CH3CO reaction (United States)

    Pauluth, M.; Rotzoll, G.


    Time-of-flight distributions of product KCl from the K+CH3COCl reaction have been measured over limited angular ranges at the collision energies 0.16 and 0.70 eV (cm). A simplified analysis assuming separability of cm angle and velocity yields the products' mean translational energy Ē'T. ĒT is very low for the lower collision energy, but increases with increasing collision energy. This finding is in accord with the photodissociation model of Herschbach, that predicts low repulsive energy release for this system.

  16. Rendimento da alface e atributos químicos de um Latossolo em função da aplicação de biofertilizantes de rochas com fósforo e potássio Lettuce yield and chemical attributes of an Oxisol by application of biofertilizers from phosphate and potash rocks

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rita de Cássia Matias de Lima


    Full Text Available A produção de biofertilizantes a partir de rochas é um processo prático que reduz o consumo de energia e aumenta a disponibilidade de nutrientes no solo. Realizou-se um experimento em campo, para avaliar a eficiência e o poder residual de biofertilizantes de rochas com fósforo (BP e com potássio (BK mais enxofre inoculado com Acidithiobacillus, aplicados em diferentes doses, para comparação com os fertilizantes minerais superfosfato simples (SFS e cloreto de potássio (KCl, no rendimento da alface (cv. Crespa-Grand Rapids, em dois plantios consecutivos, e em alguns atributos químicos do solo (pH, Ca, Mg trocável, P e K disponível. Nos dois ciclos houve efeito dos biofertilizantes BP, BK, e dos fertilizantes solúveis SFS e do KCl no rendimento da alface. Os melhores resultados no 1º ciclo foram com os tratamentos SFS700 BK90, SFS700 BK60, e no 2º ciclo com BP700 BK90, SFS700 BK60, e com SFS700 BK90. Observou-se efeito residual quando aplicados os tratamentos BP1050 BK90 No pH do solo não houve efeito dos biofertilizantes, aplicados em mistura com húmus de minhoca, e verificou-se significativo aumento no P e K disponíveis no solo, especialmente para P no 2º ciclo. Concluiu-se que os biofertilizantes de rochas com P e K, em mistura com húmus de minhoca, podem ser usados como alternativa a fertilizantes minerais solúveis.Production of rock biofertilizers is a practical process which reduces energy consumption and increases nutrients availability in soils. A field experiment was carried out applying phosphate biofertilizer (PB and potash biofertilizer (KB from rocks plus sulfur with Acidithiobacillus, applied in different rates, comparing with the mineral fertilizers simple superphosphate (SFS and potassium chloride (KCl, on yield of lettuce (cv. Crespa-Grand Rapids, in two consecutive crops and in soil chemical attributes (pH, and available P and K. A control treatment was added without P and K (P0K0. In the two consecutive

  17. Characterization of an extracellular epitope antibody to the neuronal K-Cl cotransporter, KCC2. (United States)

    Gagnon, Kenneth Be; Fyffe, Robert Ew; Adragna, Norma C; Lauf, Peter K


    1. Ion gradients across the cell membrane are important for proper cellular communication and homeostasis. With the exception of erythrocytes, chloride (Cl), one of the most important free anions in animal cells, is not distributed at thermodynamic equilibrium across the plasma membrane. The K-Cl cotransporter (COT), consisting of at least four isoforms, utilizes the larger outwardly directed chemical driving force of K to expel Cl from the cell against its inwardly directed chemical gradient and has been implicated recently as one of the main Cl extruders in developing neurons. 2. Previous in situ hybridization studies have indicated widespread mRNA distribution of the neuronal-specific K-Cl COT isoform (KCC2) throughout the rat central nervous system (CNS). However, immunohistochemical studies have been limited owing to the availability of a more selective antibody to KCC2. The goal of the present study was to develop a new molecular tool for the immunohistochemical identification and neuronal distribution of KCC2. 3. Herein, we present evidence of immunohistochemical corroboration of the widespread KCC2 mRNA expression using a novel extracellular anti-peptide antibody directed against the second extracellular loop (ECL2) of KCC2. Immunoperoxidase and immunofluorescent labelling revealed widespread post-synaptic somatic and dendritic localization of KCC2 in multiple neuronal populations in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, brainstem, lumbar spinal cord and cerebellum. We also demonstrate that binding of the antibody to an extracellular epitope within ECL2 does not alter cotransporter function. In essence, the present study reports on a new molecular tool for structural and functional studies of KCC2.

  18. Quiralidade em moléculas e cristais Chirality at molecules and crystals

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ayres Guimarães Dias


    Full Text Available The present contribution describes some concepts of stereochemistry and chirality in molecules and crystals. This paper also reports on the development of a simple and fast experiment to prepare and recognize conglomerate and true racemate of tartaric acid produced by mechanic mixture of commercial enantiomers and recristalization. Optical activity and melting point of mixtures are also used in the analysis.

  19. Avaliação lectino-histoquímica de fígado e rim de ovinos com fotossensibilização causada por Brachiaria decumbens

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Samay Z.R. Costa


    Full Text Available Embora sejam as forrageiras mais importantes para a pecuária de corte (bovinocultura de corte no Brasil, em certas épocas ou condições, Brachiaria spp. podem ser tóxicas e causar surtos de fotossensibilização hepatógena que determinam significativas perdas econômicas. Animais que se alimentam em pastos de Brachiaria spp. comumente apresentam macrófagos espumosos isolados ou agrupados, além de cristais no interior de ductos biliares. Saponinas esteroidais têm sido identificadas nestes cristais e são responsabilizadas por lesar o fígado levando ao acúmulo de filoeritrina. Por vezes, imagens negativas desses cristais podem estar presentes no citoplasma de macrófagos espumosos. A patogênese de formação e o tipo de material armazenado nas células espumosas ainda são desconhecidos. A técnica de lectino-histoquímica visa auxiliar na detecção desses macrófagos e, consequentemente, no diagnóstico, além de identificar quais os resíduos de açúcares específicos que estão presentes no citoplasma das células espumosas. Assim, este trabalho teve por objetivo identificar quais lectinas são mais indicadas na detecção de saponinas esteroidais no fígado e rim de ovinos com fotossensibilização causada por Brachiaria decumbens. Fragmentos de fígado e rim de quinze ovinos, de ambos os sexos e idade variável, oriundos de Conceição do Mato Dentro, Minas Gerais, e um ovino mantido em pastagem livre de Brachiaria spp. foram avaliados pela técnica de lectino-histoquímica. Quatorze lectinas foram utilizadas (Con-A, DBA, SBA, PNA, SJA, RCA-I, UEA-I, WGA, SWGA, GSL, PSA, PHA-L, PHA-E e LCA. Verificou-se que, no fígado de ovinos com fotossensibilização provocada pela ingestão de Brachiaria decumbens, a lectina PNA apresentou especificidade e acentuada reatividade aos macrófagos espumosos, bem como especificidade e leve reatividade aos hepatócitos; a lectina WGA teve especificidade e moderada reatividade aos macr

  20. An experimental study of the solubility of molybdenum in H2O and KCl-H2O solutions from 500 ºC to 800 ºC, and 150 to 300 MPa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ulrich, Thomas; Mavrogenes, John [Australian National University


    The solubility of molybdenum (Mo) was determined at temperatures from 500 °C to 800 °C and 150 to 300 MPa in KCl-H2O and pure H2O solutions in cold-seal experiments. The solutions were trapped as synthetic fluid inclusions in quartz at experimental conditions, and analyzed by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA ICPMS). Mo solubilities of 1.6 wt% in the case of KCl-bearing aqueous solutions and up to 0.8 wt% in pure H2O were found. Mo solubility is temperature dependent, but not pressure dependent over the investigated range, and correlates positively with salinity (KCl concentration). Molar ratios of ~1 for Mo/Cl and Mo/K are derived based on our data. In combination with results of synchrotron X-ray absorption spectroscopy of individual fluid inclusions, it is suggested that Mo-oxo-chloride complexes are present at high salinity (>20 wt% KCl) and ion pairs at moderate to low salinity (<11 wt% KCl) in KCl-H2O aqueous solutions. Similarly, in the pure H2O experiments molybdic acid is the dominant species in aqueous solution. The results of these hydrothermal Mo experiments fit with earlier studies conducted at lower temperatures and indicate that high Mo concentrations can be transported in aqueous solutions. Therefore, the Mo concentration in aqueous fluids seems not to be the limiting factor for ore formation, whereas precipitation processes and the availability of sulfur appear to be the main controlling factors in the formation of molybdenite (MoS2).

  1. Voltammetry of uranyl chloride in the LiCl - KCl eutectic

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fondanaiche, J.C.


    Spent UO 2 - PuO 2 fuels can be reprocessed in a molten salt media. Uranium dioxide can easily be dissolved as UO 2 Cl 2 in a molten salt bath using chlorine gas. A study of quantitative analysis of an uranyl chloride solution in the LiCl-KCl eutectic at 400 C has been performed here using voltammetry (a large area-graphite indicator electrode has been employed). The precision which is obtained is around 6 per cent for concentrations below 10 -2 M. Precision decreases slightly for more concentrated solutions. The study of polarization curves allowed to give a reduction mechanism for the UO 2 ++ ion. For dilute solutions, this reduction proceeds through the UO 2 + ion. But interpretation of current-potential curves is made difficult by the dismutation reaction of the UO 2 ion and by the fact that the surface of the indicator electrode is not renewed. (author) [fr

  2. Thermodynamics of HfCl/sub 4/-KCl molten mixtures containing HfCl/sub 4/ up to 33. 3 mol. per cent

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Smirnov, M V; Salyulev, A B; Kudyakov, V Ya [AN SSSR, Sverdlovsk. Inst. Ehlektrokhimii


    Based on measurements of saturated vapour pressure in components of melted mixtures of HfCl/sub 4/-KCl, depending on temperature and concentration, calculated are the results of changes in activity coefficients of hafnium tetrachloride and potassium chloride on transition from diluted solutions, where the Henry law is met, to those concentrated where the law is disobeyed. Growth in the activity coefficient of HfCl/sub 4/ is due to dissociation of complex groups of HfCl/sub 6//sup 2 -/ into complexes with a lesser number of ligands and decreasing relative binding energy of Hf/sup 4 +/-Cl/sup -/ there. In this case, marked changes take place in partial enthalpy and entropy of hafnium tetrachloride mixing. Similar dependences are observed for potassium chloride, but they are expressed considerably weaker. Evaporation enthalpy and entropy are calculated for HfCl/sub 4/ and KCl monomers from their melted mixtures of various concentrations.

  3. Thermoluminiscence and thermal annealing of F centres in KCL gamma irradiated

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ausin Alonso, Vicente.


    The thermoluminiscence spectrum and phosphorescence decays of Harshaw KCl samples gamma irradiated at room temperature have been studied up to 400 0 C. For the six peaks found, the order of recombination kinetics, the pre-exponential factor and the activation energy have been obtained. It has been observed that the area under the thermoluminiscence curve is always proportional to the F centre concentration in the sample before heating. It was also found that there is an annealing step of F centres corresponding to each thermoluminiscence peak, when the temperature of the sample is raised at a constant rate. It is concluded that the F centres play the role of recombination centres in the annealing process, the interstitials being the mobile entities moving towards there combination centre. At some stage in the process light is emitted. (author)

  4. Behavior in the open field predicts the number of KCl-induced cortical spreading depressions in rats. (United States)

    Bogdanov, Volodymyr Borysovych; Bogdanova, Olena Viktorivna; Koulchitsky, Stanislav Vladimirovich; Chauvel, Virginie; Multon, Sylvie; Makarchuk, Mykola Yukhymovych; Brennan, Kevin Christopher; Renshaw, Perry Franklin; Schoenen, Jean


    Anxiety disorders are known to be comorbid with migraine, and cortical spreading depression (CSD) is the most likely cause of the migraine aura. To search for possible correlations between susceptibility to CSD and anxiety we used the open field test in male Sprague-Dawley rats chronically treated with the preventive anti-migraine drugs valproate or riboflavin. Animals avoiding the central area of the open field chamber and those with less exploratory activity (i.e. rearing) were considered more anxious. After 4 weeks of treatment CSDs were elicited by application of 1M KCl over the occipital cortex and the number of CSDs occurring over a 2h period was compared to the previously assessed open field behavior. Higher anxiety-like behavior was significantly correlated with a higher frequency of KCl-induced CSDs. In saline-treated animals, fewer rearings were found in animals with more frequent CSDs (R=-1.00). The duration of ambulatory episodes in the open field center correlated negatively with number of CSDs in the valproate group (R=-0.83; popen field center in both groups (R=-0.75; p<0.05 and R=-0.58; p<0.1 respectively). These results suggest that anxiety symptoms are associated with susceptibility to CSD and might explain why it can be an aggravating factor in migraine with aura. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. Comparison of gaseous oxidized Hg measured by KCl-coated denuders, and nylon and cation exchange membranes. (United States)

    Huang, Jiaoyan; Miller, Matthieu B; Weiss-Penzias, Peter; Gustin, Mae Sexauer


    The chemical compounds that make up gaseous oxidized mercury (GOM) in the atmosphere, and the reactions responsible for their formation, are not well understood. The limitations and uncertainties associated with the current method applied to measure these compounds, the KCl-coated denuder, are not known due to lack of calibration and testing. This study systematically compared the uptake of specific GOM compounds by KCl-coated denuders with that collected using nylon and cation exchange membranes in the laboratory and field. In addition, a new method for identifying different GOM compounds using thermal desorption is presented. Different GOM compounds (HgCl2, HgBr2, and HgO) were found to have different affinities for the denuder surface and the denuder underestimated each of these compounds. Membranes measured 1.3 to 3.7 times higher GOM than denuders in laboratory and field experiments. Cation exchange membranes had the highest collection efficiency. Thermodesorption profiles for the release of GOM compounds from the nylon membrane were different for HgO versus HgBr2 and HgCl2. Application of the new field method for collection and identification of GOM compounds demonstrated these vary as a function of location and time of year. Understanding the chemistry of GOM across space and time has important implications for those developing policy regarding this environmental contaminant.

  6. Composition dependence of glow peak temperature in KCl1-xBrx doped with divalent cations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perez-Salas, R; Aceves, R; RodrIguez-Mijangos, R; Riveros, H G; Duarte, C


    Thermoluminescence measurements of β-irradiated Eu 2+ - and Ca 2+ - doped KCl 1-x KBr x solid solutions excited at room temperature have been carried out to identify the effect of composition on the glow peaks. A typical glow peak has been distinguished for each composition. A linear dependence of its temperature on the composition x has been found. These results indicate that for divalent impurity-doped alkali halide solid solutions these glow peak temperatures are mostly dependent on the lattice constant of the host than on the size of the anion or impurity cation

  7. Effect of γ-irradiation on the lattice parameter and colour centre concentration in pure Ca2+, Sr2+ and Eu2+ doped KCl crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Damm, J.Z.; Stepien-Damm, J.


    The changes of lattice parameter and colour centre concentration are examined in KCl crystals (both pure and Me 2+ -doped) irradiated by γ-rays at room temperature. For the pure crystals the relative volume change vs. F-centre concentration plot reveals the presence of two stages, one ascribed to the introduction of colour centre pairs (or F centres only) and other to the generation of new dislocations (or new dislocations with trapped-hole centres). In Me 2+ doped crystals the lattice expansion bears a complex character (in the initial irradiation stage a transient maximum appears). Additional anomaly appears in Eu 2+ KCl in the high-dose range where in spite of a distinct F-centre concentration drop a marked raise of the lattice parameter is observed. (author)

  8. An upper limit on hypertriton production in collisions of Ar(1.76 A GeV) + KCl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Agakishiev, G.; Chernenko, S.; Fateev, O.; Zanevsky, Y.; Belver, D.; Cabanelas, P.; Castro, E.; Garzon, J.A.; Blanco, A.; Fonte, P.; Lopes, L.; Mangiarotti, A.; Boehmer, M.; Friese, J.; Gernhaeuser, R.; Jurkovic, M.; Kruecken, R.; Maier, L.; Weber, M.; Boyard, J.L.; Hennino, T.; Liu, T.; Moriniere, E.; Ramstein, B.; Destefanis, M.; Gilardi, C.; Kuehn, W.; Lange, J.S.; Metag, V.; Spruck, B.; Dohrmann, F.; Kaempfer, B.; Kotte, R.; Naumann, L.; Wendisch, C.; Wuestenfeld, J.; Dybczak, A.; Michalska, B.; Palka, M.; Przygoda, W.; Salabura, P.; Trebacz, R.; Wisniowski, M.; Epple, E.; Fabbietti, L.; Lapidus, K.; Siebenson, J.; Finocchiaro, P.; Schmah, A.; Spataro, S.; Froehlich, I.; Lorenz, M.; Markert, J.; Michel, J.; Muentz, C.; Pachmayer, Y.C.; Pechenova, O.; Rehnisch, L.; Rustamov, A.; Scheib, T.; Schuldes, H.; Stroebele, H.; Tarantola, A.; Teilab, K.; Galatyuk, T.; Gonzalez-Diaz, D.; Golubeva, M.; Guber, F.; Ivashkin, A.; Karavicheva, T.; Kurepin, A.; Reshetin, A.; Sadovsky, A.; Gumberidze, M.; Heinz, T.; Holzmann, R.; Koenig, I.; Koenig, W.; Kolb, B.W.; Lang, S.; Pechenov, V.; Pietraszko, J.; Schwab, E.; Sturm, C.; Traxler, M.; Yurevich, S.; Iori, I.; Krasa, A.; Krizek, F.; Kugler, A.; Sobolev, Yu.G.; Tlusty, P.; Wagner, V.; Kuc, H.; Mousa, J.; Tsertos, H.; Stroth, J.


    A high-statistic data sample of Ar(1.76 AGeV)+KCl events recorded with HADES is used to search for a hypertriton signal. An upper production limit per centrality-triggered event of 1.04 x 10 -3 on the 3 σ level is derived. Comparing this value with the number of successfully reconstructed Λ hyperons allows to determine an upper limit on the ratio N 3 Λ H /N Λ , which is confronted with statistical and coalescence-type model calculations. (orig.)

  9. Intoxicação por Brachiaria spp. em bovinos no Mato Grosso do Sul Brachiaria spp. poisoning in cattle in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

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    Roosevelt I.C. Souza


    Full Text Available Mediante a revisão dos arquivos das fichas de necropsia do Laboratório de Patologia Animal, Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul, foram estudados a epidemiologia, o quadro clínico e a patologia de 29 surtos de intoxicação por Brachiaria spp., ocorridos em bovinos de corte, no Mato Grosso do Sul, de março de 1996 a novembro de 2009. Os surtos ocorreram em todas as épocas do ano, tanto na seca quanto na chuva. Em 24 dos 29 surtos o principal sinal clínico foi a fotossensibilização e em cinco o principal sinal foi o emagrecimento progressivo. Dos 24 surtos de fotossensibilização, 11 ocorreram em pastagens de B. decumbens, dois em pastagens mistas de B. decumbens e B. brizantha, um em B. brizantha e em 10 surtos não foi informada a espécie de Brachiaria envolvida. A morbidade variou de 0,2% a 50% e a letalidade de 44,4% a 100%. Nos casos de fotossensibilização o edema de barbela foi o sinal clínico mais encontrado em bovinos, seguido de dermatite com pele espessada no flanco e períneo, retração cicatricial auricular, icterícia, corrimento ocular. crostas auriculares e oculares, e ulcerações na parte ventral da língua. Em dois surtos foram observados sinais nervosos e em um, diarréia. Nas necropsias o fígado estava aumentado de tamanho, amarelado, com padrão lobular aumentado e, ocasionalmente, com áreas esbranquiçadas e deprimidas. Os rins estavam acastanhados e a urina escura. No exame histológico do fígado encontrou-se tumefação e vacuolização de hepatócitos, proliferação de células epiteliais dos ductos biliares, retenção biliar, fibroplasia periportal discreta ou moderada e infiltrado mononuclear periportal. Todos os casos de fotossensibilização apresentaram macrófagos espumosos no parênquima hepático e em 21 foram observados cristais birrefringentes nos ductos biliares. Cinco surtos com emagrecimento progressivo dos bovinos afetados foram diagnosticados em pastagens de B. decumbens. A

  10. Extensive Gustatory Cortex Lesions Significantly Impair Taste Sensitivity to KCl and Quinine but Not to Sucrose in Rats.

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    Michelle B Bales

    Full Text Available Recently, we reported that large bilateral gustatory cortex (GC lesions significantly impair taste sensitivity to salts in rats. Here we extended the tastants examined to include sucrose and quinine in rats with ibotenic acid-induced lesions in GC (GCX and in sham-operated controls (SHAM. Presurgically, immediately after drinking NaCl, rats received a LiCl or saline injection (i.p., but postsurgical tests indicated a weak conditioned taste aversion (CTA even in controls. The rats were then trained and tested in gustometers to discriminate a tastant from water in a two-response operant taste detection task. Psychometric functions were derived for sucrose, KCl, and quinine. Our mapping system was used to determine placement, size, and symmetry of the lesions (~91% GC damage on average. For KCl, there was a significant rightward shift (ΔEC50 = 0.57 log10 units; p<0.001 in the GCX psychometric function relative to SHAM, replicating our prior work. There was also a significant lesion-induced impairment (ΔEC50 = 0.41 log10 units; p = 0.006 in quinine sensitivity. Surprisingly, taste sensitivity to sucrose was unaffected by the extensive lesions and was comparable between GCX and SHAM rats. The fact that such large bilateral GC lesions did not shift sucrose psychometric functions relative to SHAM, but did significantly compromise quinine and KCl sensitivity suggests that the neural circuits responsible for the detection of specific taste stimuli are partially dissociable. Lesion-induced impairments were observed in expression of a postsurgical CTA to a maltodextrin solution as assessed in a taste-oriented brief-access test, but were not reflected in a longer term 46-h two-bottle test. Thus, deficits observed in rats after extensive damage to the GC are also dependent on the test used to assess taste function. In conclusion, the degree to which the GC is necessary for the maintenance of normal taste detectability apparently depends on the chemical and

  11. The localized vibrations of H-H-, D-D- and H-D- pairs in KCl, KBr, KI, RbCl and NaCl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Robert, R.


    The localized vibrational modes of H - H - , D - D - and H - D - pairs in KCl, KBr, KI, RbCl and NaCl were studied for different pair configurations. The measured frequencies of the infrared active modes were found to be in good agreement with a model of two coupled harmonic oscillators. The line width for different modes in the salts studied is discussed. The temperature dependence for the transversal modes T 1 and T 2 of the line width for the H - H - pairs in KCl indicates that the broadening of these lines is due to the 'decomposition mechanism', that generates two phonons. The generated phonons due to the decay of the localized in phase mode are: -one acustic phonon of the lattice, -one localized phonon that corresponds to the out of phase vibration of the H - H - pair. The general properties, as the Ivey law and several particulars of the properties in the alkali-halides studied are presented [pt

  12. Temperature dependence of volume thermal expansion for NaCl and KCl crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fang Zhenghua


    A new relation for predicting volume thermal expansion of alkali halides at high temperatures is derived based on the assumption that the two different diffusional driving force models presented, respectively, by Sharma and Sharma (Indian J. Pure Appl. Phys. 29 (1991) 637) and Singh (J. Phys. Chem. Solids 63 (2002) 1935) are equivalent. The input parameters needed for the calculation are the volume thermal expansion coefficient and the isothermal Anderson-Gruneisen parameter, both at room temperature and zero pressure, which are available from the literature. The tests on NaCl and KCl crystals demonstrate that the agreement between the calculated results obtained by this relation and the corresponding experimental data is very good. The applicability of the relation as well as some thermodynamic relationships included in its derivation is discussed

  13. An upper limit on hypertriton production in collisions of Ar(1.76 A GeV) + KCl

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Agakishiev, G.; Chernenko, S.; Fateev, O.; Zanevsky, Y. [Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation); Belver, D.; Cabanelas, P.; Castro, E.; Garzon, J.A. [Univ. de Santiago de Compostela, LabCAF. F. Fisica, Santiago de Compostela (Spain); Blanco, A.; Fonte, P.; Lopes, L.; Mangiarotti, A. [LIP-Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas, Coimbra (Portugal); Boehmer, M.; Friese, J.; Gernhaeuser, R.; Jurkovic, M.; Kruecken, R.; Maier, L.; Weber, M. [Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Physik Department E12, Garching (Germany); Boyard, J.L.; Hennino, T.; Liu, T.; Moriniere, E.; Ramstein, B. [Universite Paris Sud, Institut de Physique Nucleaire (UMR 8608), CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay Cedex (France); Destefanis, M.; Gilardi, C.; Kuehn, W.; Lange, J.S.; Metag, V.; Spruck, B. [Justus Liebig Universitaet Giessen, II. Physikalisches Institut, Giessen (Germany); Dohrmann, F.; Kaempfer, B.; Kotte, R.; Naumann, L.; Wendisch, C.; Wuestenfeld, J. [Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Institut fuer Strahlenphysik, Dresden (Germany); Dybczak, A.; Michalska, B.; Palka, M.; Przygoda, W.; Salabura, P.; Trebacz, R.; Wisniowski, M. [Jagiellonian University of Cracow, Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Krakow (Poland); Epple, E.; Fabbietti, L.; Lapidus, K.; Siebenson, J. [Excellence Cluster ' ' Origin and Structure of the Universe' ' , Garching (Germany); Finocchiaro, P.; Schmah, A.; Spataro, S. [Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Catania (Italy); Froehlich, I.; Lorenz, M.; Markert, J.; Michel, J.; Muentz, C.; Pachmayer, Y.C.; Pechenova, O.; Rehnisch, L.; Rustamov, A.; Scheib, T.; Schuldes, H.; Stroebele, H.; Tarantola, A.; Teilab, K. [Goethe-Universitaet, Institut fuer Kernphysik, Frankfurt (Germany); Galatyuk, T.; Gonzalez-Diaz, D. [Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Darmstadt (Germany); Golubeva, M.; Guber, F.; Ivashkin, A.; Karavicheva, T.; Kurepin, A.; Reshetin, A.; Sadovsky, A. [Russian Academy of Science, Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow (Russian Federation); Gumberidze, M. [Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Darmstadt (Germany); Universite Paris Sud, Institut de Physique Nucleaire (UMR 8608), CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay Cedex (France); Heinz, T.; Holzmann, R.; Koenig, I.; Koenig, W.; Kolb, B.W.; Lang, S.; Pechenov, V.; Pietraszko, J.; Schwab, E.; Sturm, C.; Traxler, M.; Yurevich, S. [GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Darmstadt (Germany); Iori, I. [Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Milano, Milano (Italy); Krasa, A.; Krizek, F.; Kugler, A.; Sobolev, Yu.G.; Tlusty, P.; Wagner, V. [Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic, Nuclear Physics Institute, Rez (Czech Republic); Kuc, H. [Jagiellonian University of Cracow, Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Krakow (Poland); Universite Paris Sud, Institut de Physique Nucleaire (UMR 8608), CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay Cedex (France); Mousa, J.; Tsertos, H. [University of Cyprus, Department of Physics, Nicosia (Cyprus); Stroth, J. [GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Darmstadt (Germany); Goethe-Universitaet, Institut fuer Kernphysik, Frankfurt (Germany); Collaboration: HADES Collaboration


    A high-statistic data sample of Ar(1.76 AGeV)+KCl events recorded with HADES is used to search for a hypertriton signal. An upper production limit per centrality-triggered event of 1.04 x 10{sup -3} on the 3 {sigma} level is derived. Comparing this value with the number of successfully reconstructed {Lambda} hyperons allows to determine an upper limit on the ratio N{sub 3{sub {Lambda}H}}/N{sub {Lambda}}, which is confronted with statistical and coalescence-type model calculations. (orig.)

  14. Electrodeposition of Al-Ta alloys in NaCl-KCl-AlCl{sub 3} molten salt containing TaCl{sub 5}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sato, Kazuki; Matsushima, Hisayoshi; Ueda, Mikito, E-mail:


    Highlights: • Electrodeposition of Al-Ta alloys in an AlCl{sub 3}-NaCl-KCl-TaCl{sub 5} melt was carried out. • We were obtained 72 at% Ta-Al alloy at 0.3 V. • Amorphous Ta-Al was formed in high Ta concentration. - Abstract: To form Al-Ta alloys for high temperature oxidation resistance components, molten salt electrolysis was carried out in an AlCl{sub 3}-NaCl-KCl melt containing TaCl{sub 5} at 423 K. The voltammogram showed two cathodic waves at 0.45 V and 0.7 V vs. Al/Al(III), which may correspond to reduction from Ta(V) to Ta(III) and from Ta(III) to tantalum metal, respectively. Electrodeposits of Al and Ta were obtained in the range from −0.05 to 0.3 V and the highest concentration of Ta in the electrodeposit was 72 at% at 0.3 V. With increasing Ta content in the alloy, the morphology of the electrodeposits became powdery and the particle size smaller.

  15. Generation of KCL035 research grade human embryonic stem cell line carrying a mutation in HBB gene

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    Heema Hewitson


    Full Text Available The KCL035 human embryonic stem cell line was derived from an embryo donated for research that carried a mutation in the HBB gene, which is linked to the β-thalassemia syndrome. The ICM was isolated using laser microsurgery and plated on γ-irradiated human foreskin fibroblasts. Both the derivation and cell line propagation were performed in an animal product-free environment. Pluripotent state and differentiation potential were confirmed by in vitro assays.

  16. INTERACTION OF LASER RADIATION WITH MATTER: Influence of Ca and Pb impurities on the bulk optical strength of ultrapure NaCl and KCl crystals (United States)

    Vinogradov, An V.; Voszka, R.; Kovalev, Valerii I.; Faĭzullov, F. S.; Janszky, J.


    A significant increase (by a factor of about 3) of the bulk damage threshold in the case of interaction of CO2 laser radiation pulses with ultrapure NaCl and KCl crystals grown in a reactive atmosphere was observed on introduction of divalent metal ions Ca and Pb in concentrations of 10-5-10-6 mol/mol. Impurities were introduced in concentrations of 10-8-10-3 and 2×10-7-10-4 mol/mol into the melts of KCl and NaCl, respectively. The concentration of other impurities (including OH) did not exceed ~10-6 mol/mol. A physical model was developed to account for the observed dependence on the basis of an analogy between a system of colloidal particles and F centers in a crystal and a liquid-vapor system.

  17. Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer of the Tb(III)-Nd(III) Binary System in Molten LiCl-KCl Eutectic Salt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, B. Y. [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of); Yun, J. I. [KAIST, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    The lanthanides act as a neutron poison in nuclear reactor with large neutron absorption cross section. For that reason, very low amount of lanthanides is required in the recovered U/TRU ingot product from pyrochemical process. In view of that, the investigation of thermodynamic properties and chemical behaviors of lanthanides in molten chloride salt are necessary to estimate the performance efficiency of pyrochemical process. However, there are uncertainties about knowledge and understanding of basic mechanisms in pyrochemical process, such as chemical speciation and redox behaviors due to the lack of in-situ monitoring methods for high temperature molten salt. The spectroscopic analysis is one of the probable techniques for in-situ qualitative and quantitative analysis. Recently, a few fluorescence spectroscopic measurements on single lanthanide element in molten LiCl-KCl eutectic have been investigated. The fluorescence intensity and the fluorescence lifetime of Tb(III) were decreased as increasing the concentration of Nd(III), demonstrating collisional quenching between donor ions and acceptor ions. The Forster distance (..0) of Tb(III)-Nd(III) binary system in molten LiCl-KCl eutectic was determined in the specific range of .... (0.1-1.0) and .. (1.387-1.496)

  18. Chrono-potentiometry in molten chlorides. Application to the study of the electrochemical properties of uranium and plutonium in the LiCl-KCl eutectic; Chronopotentiometrie dans les chlorures fondus. Application a l'etude des proprietes electrochimiques de l'uranium et du plutonium dans l'eutectique LiCl-KCl

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leseur, A. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Using solutions of cadmium chloride in the eutectic LiCl-KCl, a chrono-potentiometric method has been developed with a view to its application to the study of molten solutions. Particular attention has been paid to the choice of the indicator electrodes. The method makes it possible to analyze molten solutions quantitatively and to determine diffusion coefficients and their activation energies; it yields furthermore information about the nature and the behaviour of ionic species in solution. The method has been applied to the study of solutions of uranium and plutonium chloride in the eutectic LiCl-KCl. Linear chrono-amperometry has been used for studying these solutions quantitatively, but chrono-potentiometry, of which the theory is better developed, is better suited to a quantitative study. The results obtained have made it possible to determine the diffusion coefficients of the ions Cd{sup 2+}, U{sup 3+}, U{sup 4+} and U(IV) in the presence of F{sup -} and Pu{sup 3+} ions, as well as the activation energy of the diffusion coefficients. (author) [French] La mise au point de la chronopotentiometrie comme moyen d'etude des solutions fondues a ete effectuee avec des solutions de chlorure de cadmium dans l'eutectique LiCl-KCl. Le probleme du choix des electrodes indicatrices a ete particulierement etudie. La methode permet l'analyse quantitative des solutions fondues ainsi que la determination des coefficients de diffusion et de leurs energies d'activation: elle donne en outre des renseignements sur la nature et le comportement des especes ioniques en solution. Elle a ete appliquee a l'etude des solutions des chlorures d'uranium et de plutonium dans l'eutectique LiCl-KCl. La chronoamperometrie lineaire a ete utilisee pour l'etude qualitative de ces solutions, mais la chronopotentiometrie, dont la theorie est plus complete, convient mieux pour l'etude quantitative. Les resultats obtenus ont permis de determiner les

  19. Separation of lanthanum from samarium on solid aluminum electrode in LiCl-KCl eutectic melts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    De-Bin Ji; Mi-Lin Zhang; Xing Li; Xiao-Yan Jing; Wei Han; Yong-De Yan; Yun Xue; Zhi-Jian Zhang; Harbin Engineering University, Harbin


    This paper presents an electrochemical study on the separation of lanthanum from samarium on aluminum electrode at 773 K. The results from different electrochemical methods showed that Sm(III) and La(III) formed Al-Sm and Al-La intermetallic compounds on an aluminum electrode at electrode potential around -1.67 and -1.46 V, respectively. The electrochemical separation of lanthanum was carried out in LiCl-KCl-LaCl 3 -SmCl 3 melts on solid aluminum electrodes at 773 K by potentiostatic electrolysis at -1.45 V for 40 h and the separation efficiency was 99.1 %. (author)

  20. Spectroscopy of virtual photons in Ar+KCl collisions at Ekin=1.76 AGeV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jurkovic, Martin


    The objective of this thesis is the analysis of virtual photon emission originating from the decays of the short lived hadrons produced in Ar+KCl collisions at E kin =1.76 AGeV. The measured observables were the reconstructed e + e - pairs and their kinematic distributions. The data were recorded with the HADES spectrometer assembled at GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung GmbH in Darmstadt, Germany. Due to the considerably higher combinatorial background originating from the γ-conversion as compared to that from light collision systems (p+p,C+C) investigated so far with HADES, a new method for identification and suppression of conversion electrons using the signal pattern in the RICH-detector was studied. An improvement of signal to background ratio (S/B) reaching 30% was achieved. For the procedure of calculating the e + /e - track efficiencies a detailed study of RICH detector signals was performed, leading to an overall improved description of ring observables in the simulation. In total, 32545pm 385 e + e - signal pairs with an opening angle α ee > 15 and 0.1 e ee 2 ) and 253±25 for masses M ee > 0.55 GeV/c 2 . A clear signal from direct ω decay with S/B ∝1 was identified for the first time in the SIS18 energy regime. The extraction of the ω yield per produced π 0 results in N(ω)/N(π 0 ) ∼ (4,5 ± 2,5(stat) ± 2(sys)) .10 -8 . The e + e - production in the η mass region was compared to the expected η Dalitz decay η→γe + e - contribution. The measured e + e - yield is higher by a factor F = 3.4±0.2(stat)±0.6(sys)±0.9(η) as compared to the η production. The excitation function of the extra e + /e - sources shows similar energy dependence as the π 0 production. Possible candidates for these extra e + e - sources are the Δ Dalitz decays, the NN and πN bremsstrahlung and partly the direct decay of the ρ meson. Relative to the π 0 production in both Ar+KCl and C+C collisions, the e + e - production of unknown composition in Ar+KCl

  1. Spectroscopy of virtual photons in Ar+KCl collisions at E{sub kin}=1.76 AGeV; Spektroskopie virtueller Photonen in Ar+KCl Stoessen bei E{sub kin}=1,76 AGeV

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jurkovic, Martin


    The objective of this thesis is the analysis of virtual photon emission originating from the decays of the short lived hadrons produced in Ar+KCl collisions at E{sub kin}=1.76 AGeV. The measured observables were the reconstructed e{sup +}e{sup -} pairs and their kinematic distributions. The data were recorded with the HADES spectrometer assembled at GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung GmbH in Darmstadt, Germany. Due to the considerably higher combinatorial background originating from the {gamma}-conversion as compared to that from light collision systems (p+p,C+C) investigated so far with HADES, a new method for identification and suppression of conversion electrons using the signal pattern in the RICH-detector was studied. An improvement of signal to background ratio (S/B) reaching 30% was achieved. For the procedure of calculating the e{sup +}/e{sup -} track efficiencies a detailed study of RICH detector signals was performed, leading to an overall improved description of ring observables in the simulation. In total, 32545pm 385 e{sup +}e{sup -} signal pairs with an opening angle {alpha}{sub ee} > 15 and 0.1 < p{sub e} < 1.1 GeV/c were identified, with 7402{+-}222 pairs in the so-called {eta} mass region (0.15 < M{sub ee} < 0.55 GeV/c{sup 2}) and 253{+-}25 for masses M{sub ee} > 0.55 GeV/c{sup 2}. A clear signal from direct {omega} decay with S/B {proportional_to}1 was identified for the first time in the SIS18 energy regime. The extraction of the {omega} yield per produced {pi}{sup 0} results in N({omega})/N({pi}{sup 0}) {approx} (4,5 {+-} 2,5(stat) {+-} 2(sys)) .10{sup -8}. The e{sup +}e{sup -} production in the {eta} mass region was compared to the expected {eta} Dalitz decay {eta}{yields}{gamma}e{sup +}e{sup -} contribution. The measured e{sup +}e{sup -} yield is higher by a factor F = 3.4{+-}0.2(stat){+-}0.6(sys){+-}0.9({eta}) as compared to the {eta} production. The excitation function of the extra e{sup +}/e{sup -} sources shows similar energy

  2. Effects of temperature, concentration, and uranium chloride mixture on zirconium electrochemical studies in LiCl−KCl eutectic salt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hoover, Robert O. [Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering and Nuclear Engineering Program, University of Idaho, Center for Advanced Energy Studies, 995 University Blvd, Idaho Falls, ID 8340 (United States); Yoon, Dalsung [Department of Mechanical & Nuclear Engineering, Virginia Commonwealth University, 401 West Main St., Richmond, VA 23284 (United States); Phongikaroon, Supathorn, E-mail: [Department of Mechanical & Nuclear Engineering, Virginia Commonwealth University, 401 West Main St., Richmond, VA 23284 (United States)


    Experimental studies were performed to provide measurement and analysis of zirconium (Zr) electrochemistry in LiCl−KCl eutectic salt at different temperatures and concentrations using cyclic voltammetry (CV). An additional experimental set with uranium chloride added into the system forming UCl{sub 3}−ZrCl{sub 4}−LiCl−KCl was performed to explore the general behavior of these two species together. Results of CV experiments with ZrCl{sub 4} show complicated cathodic and anodic peaks, which were identified along with the Zr reactions. The CV results reveal that diffusion coefficients (D) of ZrCl{sub 4} and ZrCl{sub 2} as the function of temperature can be expressed as D{sub Zr(IV)} = 0.00046exp(−3716/T) and D{sub Zr(II)} = 0.027exp(−5617/T), respectively. The standard rate constants and apparent standard potentials of ZrCl{sub 4} at different temperatures were calculated. Furthermore, the results from the mixture of UCl{sub 3} and ZrCl{sub 4} indicate that high concentrations of UCl{sub 3} hide the features of the smaller concentration of ZrCl{sub 4} while Zr peaks become prominent as the concentration of ZrCl{sub 4} increases.

  3. Radiation-stimulated yield of an impurity into interstitial sites in crystals KBr-Li and KCl-Li

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bekeshev, A.Z.; Shunkeev, K.Sh.; Vasil'chenko, E.A.; Dauletbekova, A.K.; Ehlango, A.A.


    KCl and KBr crystals are taken as examples to show that the presence of Li impurity at X-radiation at temperatures above 200 K stimulates the creation of both impurity Hal 3 - (Li)-centers (V 4A -centers) and Hal 3 - centers (V 2 -centers). Increase of impurity concentration and X-radiation temperature (up to 300 K) results to increase of impurity stimulated creation of inherent Hal 3 - centers by more, than one order, as compared to pure crystals. Initial temperature of interstitial ion mobility was evaluated (about 140 K). 16 refs., 5 figs

  4. Conversion of impurity-vacancy complexes under γ-irradiation and subsequent F band bleaching in KCl:Eu2+

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mladenova, M.; Malinovski, A.; Georgiev, M.


    The ESR signal from I-V complexes in KCl:Eu 2+ is found to decrease markedly as a result of γ-irradiation and to vary swing-wise on subsequent F band bleaching at RT. The main bleaching process is explained by the superposition of Z 1 centre formation and the revival of I-V complexes following photostimulated recombination of F centres with I-V-trapped interstitials. Evidence seems also to be obtained for Eu + formation at the initial bleaching stage. (author)

  5. Caracterização química e mineralógica de carvões vegetais coletados em diferentes ambientes

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    Natália Aragão Figueredo


    Full Text Available O aumento das emissões dos gases de efeito estufa vem motivando diversos estudos sobre as formas de captura e sequestro de C. A incorporação do biocarvão no solo é uma forma eficiente de manter o C do biocarvão estabilizado, além de propiciar benefícios à produção agrícola. Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar carvões vegetais coletados em diferentes ambientes. Foram determinados os teores de C total e C orgânico; análise elementar através da calcinação; e caracterização das amostras por difratometria de raios X, espectroscopia de absorção e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. As amostras em contato com o solo apresentaram maiores teores de COT, enquanto os teores de C total foram maiores nos carvões sem contato com o solo. Os valores de pH em H2O nas amostras de carvões em contato com o solo variaram de 4,42 a 7,24, com média de 6,8. Já o pH em KCl variou entre 2,91 e 6,88, com média de 4,68. Os teores de nutrientes foram baixos em todas as amostras. Nos carvões em contato com o solo, foram detectados caulinita, quartzo, grafite e gibbsita. Os principais grupos funcionais identificados foram O-H, C=O, C=C e C-O. A MEV das amostras 1 e 2 estruturas da madeira ficaram menos evidentes, e houve influência dos componentes e organismos dos solos nesses carvões..

  6. Intoxicação por Portulaca elatior (Portulacaceae em caprinos

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    Glauco J.N. Galiza


    Full Text Available Um surto de intoxicação espontânea por Portulaca elatior foi diagnosticado no município de Aroeiras, Paraíba, na época das chuvas. Entre os meses de fevereiro e abril, em um rebanho de 316 caprinos, 16 adoeceram, sendo 15 de um lote de 16 caprinos que tinham sido introduzidos recentemente na fazenda e um animal do rebanho já existente na fazenda. Os caprinos apresentaram intensa salivação, relutância em se movimentar, tremores de lábios, marcha incoordenada, diarreia, timpanismo, dor abdominal, gemidos, desidratação e berros constantes. A evolução da enfermidade variou de 2 a 48 horas; 13 caprinos morreram e três se recuperaram. As lesões macroscópicas caracterizavam-se por mucosa ruminal e do retículo avermelhadas, serosa do rúmen hemorrágica, mucosa abomasal avermelhada com áreas ulceradas e mucosa do intestino delgado com equimoses. No exame histopatológico observou-se degeneração e necrose das células epiteliais dos pré-estômagos com formação de vesículas e infiltrado inflamatório neutrofílico. Suspeita de ter causado o surto, Portulaca elatior foi administrada a três caprinos nas doses de 40, 20 e 10 gramas de planta fresca por kg de peso animal (g/kg. Esses caprinos apresentaram sinais semelhantes aos casos espontâneos. Os animais que ingeriram 20 e 40g/kg morreram e o que ingeriu 10g/kg se recuperou. Microscopicamente foram observadas lesões do sistema digestivo semelhantes às dos casos espontâneos. A reprodução experimental da intoxicação, com sinais clínicos e lesões histológicas semelhantes às dos casos espontâneos, comprova que a doença foi causada por Portulaca elatior. P. elatior apresentou níveis de oxalatos de 6,37% e outra planta, identificada como Blutaparon vermiculare e que ocorria em grande quantidade nas pastagens, apresentou níveis de oxalatos de 5,29%. B. vermiculare foi administrada experimentalmente a um caprino na dose de 40g/kg, sem que o animal apresentasse sinais cl

  7. A basic study on capture and solidification of rare earth nuclide (Nd) in LiCl-KCl eutectic salt using an inorganic composite with Li{sub 2}OAl{sub 2}O{sub 3}- SiO{sub 2}-B{sub 2}O{sub 3} systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Na Young; Eum, Hee Chul; Park, Hwan Seo; Ahn, Do Hee [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    The pyroprocessing of spent nuclear fuel generates LiCl-KCl eutectic waste salt containing radioactive rare earth nuclides. It is necessary to develop a simple process for the treatment of LiCl-KCl eutectic waste in a hot-cell facility. In this study, capture and solidification of a rare earth nuclide (Nd) in LiCl-KCl eutectic salt using an inorganic composite with a Li{sub 2}OAl{sub 2}O{sub 3}- SiO{sub 2}-B{sub 2}O{sub 3} system was conducted to simplify the existing separation and solidification process of rare earth nuclides in LiCl-KCl eutectic waste salt from the pyroprocessing of spent nuclear fuel. More than 98wt% of Nd in LiCl-KCl eutectic salt was captured when the mass ratio of the composite was 0.67 over NdCl3 in the eutectic salt. The content of Nd{sub 2}O{sub 3} in the Nd captured-composite reached about 50wt%, and this composite was directly fabricated into a homogeneous and chemical resistant glass waste in a monolithic form. These results will be utilized in designing a process to simplify the existing separation and solidification process.

  8. Preparing of LiCl-KCl-UCl3 eutectic salt by a chlorination of Cd

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kang, Hee Seok; Woo, Moon Sik; Lee, Han Soo


    Uranium trichloride salt(UCl 3 ) is supplied with the initial U in to the LiCl-KCl eutectic salt for a stabilization of the initial cell voltage during an electrorefining process in a reactor. The apparatus for producing UCl 3 consists of a chlorine gas generator, a chlorinator, and an off-gas wet scrubber. Gaseous chlorine in the chlorine gas generator was injected into a lower layer of liquid Cd where CdCl 2 formed. The CdCl 2 reacts with the uranium to form uranium trichloride and Cd. The throughput of the UCl 3 chlorinator is about. 1.4Kg UCl 3 /batch. During a production the temperature of the reactants are maintained at about 600 .deg. C

  9. On the impedance of galvanic cells XXIV. The impedance of the In3+/In(Hg) electrode reaction in KSCN and KCl solution

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Timmer, B.; Sluyters-Rehbach, M.; Sluyters, J.H.


    The In3+/In(Hg) system in KSCN and KCl solutions has been investigated using both d.c. and a.c. measurements. The experimental data are analysed and interpreted according to theoretical equations presented recently. It is shown that the specific adsorption of indium from 1 M KSCN follows a linear

  10. Investigation of concentration-dependence of thermodynamic properties of lanthanum, yttrium, scandium and terbium in eutectic LiCl-KCl molten salt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Yafei; Zhou, Wentao; Zhang, Jinsuo, E-mail:


    Thermodynamic properties of rare earth metals in LiCl-KCl molten salt electrolyte are crucial to the development of electrochemical separation for the treatment of used nuclear fuels. In the present study, activity coefficient, apparent potential, and diffusion coefficient of lanthanum, yttrium, scandium, and terbium in the molten salt (58 at% LiCl and 42 at% KCl) were calculated by the method of molecular dynamics simulation up to a concentration around 3 at% at temperatures of 723 K and 773 K. It was found that the activity coefficient and the apparent potential increase with the species concentration while diffusion coefficient shows a trend of increase followed by decrease. The calculated results were validated by available measurement data of dilution cases. This research extends the range of data to a wide component and would provide further insight to the pyroprocessing design and safeguards. - Highlights: • Investigation of activity coefficient, apparent potential and diffusion coefficient at different concentrations. • MD simulation was studied for the calculation of thermodynamic properties of rare earth elements in molten salt. • The present study is a pioneering work focusing on the concentration dependence of thermodynamic properties.

  11. Measurements of pressure for the TiH/sub x//KClO4 system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chong, C.H.H.; Glaub, J.E.


    An investigation was conducted to measure the pressure obtained when the pyrotechnic mixture TiH/sub x//KClO 4 was ignited in a confined variable-volume system. It was possible to derive an expression of the form PV/sup γ/ = k for the pressure-volume relationship obtained. This expression is a polytropic expansion of the ideal gas equation that best fits the data generated. For this particular work, values of γ = 0.53 and k = 69.3 were obtained where P is in megapascals and V is in cubic centimeters. In addition, estimates of the reaction rates were calculated based on the times to achieve maximum pressure for a given volume system. An explicit expression relating rate to pressure was derived by a simplified least-squares fit of the data obtained

  12. Deficiency of electroneutral K+-Cl- cotransporter 3 causes a disruption in impulse propagation along peripheral nerves. (United States)

    Sun, Yuan-Ting; Lin, Thy-Sheng; Tzeng, Shun-Fen; Delpire, Eric; Shen, Meng-Ru


    Nerve conduction requires the fine tuning of ionic currents through delicate interactions between axons and Schwann cells. The K(+)-Cl(-) cotransporter (KCC) family includes four isoforms (KCC1-4) that play an important role in the maintenance of cellular osmotic homeostasis via the coupled electroneutral movement of K(+) and Cl(-) with concurrent water flux. Mutation in SLC12A6 gene encoding KCC3 results in an autosomal recessive disease, known as agenesis of the corpus callosum associated with peripheral neuropathy. Nevertheless, the role of KCC3 in nerve function remains a puzzle. In this study, the microscopic examination of KCC isoforms expressed in peripheral nerves showed high expression of KCC2-4 in nodal segments of the axons and in the perinucleus and microvilli of Schwann cells. The KCC inhibitor [[(dihydroindenyl)oxy]alkanoic acid] but not the Na(+)-K(+)-2Cl(-)-cotransport inhibitor (bumetanide) dose-dependently suppressed the amplitude and area of compound muscle action potential, indicating the involvement of KCC activity in peripheral nerve conduction. Furthermore, the amplitude and area under the curve were smaller, and the nerve conduction velocity was slower in nerves from KCC3(-/-) mice than in nerves from wild-type mice, while the expression pattern of KCC2 and KCC4 was similar in KCC3 kockout and wild-type strains. KCC3(-/-) mice also manifested a prominent motor deficit in the beam-walking test. This is the first study to demonstrate that the K(+)-Cl(-) cotransporter activity of KCC3 contributes to the propagation of action potentials along peripheral nerves. (c) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  13. Influencia de la aplicación de vinaza en actividad y biomasa microbiana en un Entic Dystropept y un Fluventic haplustoll del Valle del Cauca, Colombia

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    Bonilla Correa Carmen Rosa


    Full Text Available Con la aplicación de vinaza, residuo de la producción de alcohol carburante a partir de la caña de azúcar, se evaluó el efecto sobre la actividad y biomasa microbiana del suelo y el suministro de K+ al cultivo de maíz dulce (<em>Zea Maysem> en un <em>Entic Dystropeptem> y un <em>Fluventic Haplustollem> del Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Se utilizó un diseño completamente al azar con cuatro tratamientos y cinco repeticiones: T1 (100% requerimiento de K+ con KCl, T2 (100% requerimiento de K+ con vinaza, T3 (50% requerimiento de K+ con KCl +50% con vinaza y T4 (25% requerimiento de K+ con KCl +75% con vinaza. Se estimó biomasa microbiana por el método de fumigación-extracción. Se realizó análisis de varianza, prueba de comparación de medias, regresiones y correlaciones (SAS. Se presentaron diferencias significativas en la actividad y biomasa microbiana por época de muestreo y entre los diferentes muestreos; al final del cultivo el <em>Entic Dystropeptem> presentó el contenido más alto de biomasa microbiana-C en el T2, mientras que en el <em>Fluventic Haplustollem> fue en el T1. El menor qCO2 fue para el T2 del <em>Entic Distropeptem> y T1 del <em>Fluventic Haplustollem>, estos tratamientos presentaron mayor acumulación de biomasa en cada suelo respectivamente T2 (30 450 kg ha-1 y T1 (21 015.6 kg ha-1.

  14. Stabilization/Solidification of Radioactive LiCl-KCl Waste Salt by Using SiO2-Al2O3-P2O5(SAP) Inorganic Composite: Part 1. Dechlorination Behavior of LiCl-KCl and Characteristics of Consolidation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cho, In Hak; Park, Hwan Seo; Ahn, Soo Na; Kim, In Tae; Cho, Yong Zun


    The metal chloride wastes from a pyrochemical process to recover uranium and transuranic elements has been considered as a problematic waste difficult to apply to a conventional solidification method due to the high volatility and low compatibility with silicate glass. In this study, a dechlorination approach to treat LiCl-KCl waste for final disposal was adapted. In this study, a SiO 2 -Al 2 O 3 -P 2 O 5 (SAP) inorganic composite as a dechlorination agent was prepared by a conventional sol-gel process. By using a series of SAPs, the dechlorination behavior and consolidation of reaction products were investigated. Different from LiCl waste, the dechlorination reaction occurred mainly at two temperature ranges. The thermogravimetric test indicated that the first reaction range was about 400 degree C for LiCl and the second was about 700 degree C for KCl. The SAP 1071 (Si/Al/P=1/0.75/1 in molar) was found to be the most favorable SAP as a dechlorination agent under given conditions. The consolidation test revealed that the bulk shape and the densification of consolidated forms depended on the SAP/Salt ratios. The leaching test by PCT-A method was performed to evaluate the durability of consolidated forms. This study provided the basic information on the dechlorination approach. Based on the experimental results, the dechlorination method using a SiO 2 -Al 2 O 3 -P 2 O 5 (SAP) could be considered as one of alternatives for the immobilization of waste salt.

  15. Electroanalytical measurements of binary-analyte mixtures in molten LiCl-KCl eutectic: Uranium(III)- and Magnesium(II)-Chloride

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rappleye, Devin, E-mail:; Newton, Matthew L.; Zhang, Chao; Simpson, Michael F.


    The electrochemical behavior of MgCl{sub 2} in molten LiCl-KCl eutectic was investigated to evaluate its suitability as a surrogate for PuCl{sub 3} in studies related to the eletrorefining of used nuclear fuel. The reduction of Mg{sup 2+} was found to be electrochemically reversible up to 300 mV s{sup −1} at 773 K. The diffusion coefficient for Mg{sup 2+} was calculated to be 1.74 and 2.17 × 10{sup −5} cm{sup 2} s{sup −1} with and without U{sup 3+} present, respectively, at 773 K using cyclic voltammetry (CV). Upon comparison to literature data, the diffusion coefficient of Mg{sup 2+} differs by only 8.8% (with U{sup 3+} present) from that of Pu{sup 3+} and the difference in peak potentials was only 79 mV. Binary-analyte mixtures of UCl{sub 3} and MgCl{sub 2} in eutectic LiCl-KCl were further investigated using CV, normal pulse voltammetry (NPV), chronoamperometry (CA) and open-circuit potential (OCP) measurements for the purpose of comparing each technique's accuracy in measuring U{sup 3+} and Mg{sup 2+} concentrations. Of all the techniques tested, NPV resulted in the lowest error which was, on average, 11.4% and 9.81% for U{sup 3+} and Mg{sup 2+}, respectively.


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    Muhammad Prasantio Bimantio


    Full Text Available Zeolites can be used as adsorbent, ion exchange, catalyst, or catalyst carrier. Application of fertilizer use in the zeolite also be one of the interesting topic. Zeolites in a mixture of fertilizer can use to control the release of nutrients. The purpose of this research is to study the effect of grain size and time of the activation of zeolite to adsorption and desorption of NH4OH and KCl as modeling of ZA and KCl fertilizer, to obtain the value of adsorption rate constant (ka and desorption rate constant (kd. This research procedure include: the process of adsorption by adding zeolite with various size and time of activation into a sealed beaker glass and let the adsorption process occurs for 24 hours. After 24 hours, the solution was filtered, the zeolite then put in 100 ml of aquadest into a sealed beaker glass and let the desorption process happened for another 24 hours. Three samples with the largest difference solution concentrations looked for the value of the ka and kd. Zeolite configuration with the largest ka is trialed with fertilizer and compared with the value of ka obtained from modeling. The result for NH4OH adsorbate, -50+60 mesh 2 hours configuration zeolite give the largest ka. For KCl adsorbate, -30+40 mesh 4 hours configuration zeolite give the largest ka. The value between modeling and trials with fertilizers are not much different.

  17. Evaluation of <em>HER2em> Gene Amplification in Breast Cancer Using Nuclei Microarray <em>in em>S>itu em>Hybridization

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    Xuefeng Zhang


    Full Text Available Fluorescence<em> em>>in situ em>hybridization (FISH assay is considered the “gold standard” in evaluating <em>HER2/neu (HER2em> gene status. However, FISH detection is costly and time consuming. Thus, we established nuclei microarray with extracted intact nuclei from paraffin embedded breast cancer tissues for FISH detection. The nuclei microarray FISH (NMFISH technology serves as a useful platform for analyzing <em>HER2em> gene/chromosome 17 centromere ratio. We examined <em>HER2em> gene status in 152 cases of invasive ductal carcinomas of the breast that were resected surgically with FISH and NMFISH. <em>HER2em> gene amplification status was classified according to the guidelines of the American Society of Clinical Oncology and College of American Pathologists (ASCO/CAP. Comparison of the cut-off values for <em>HER2em>/chromosome 17 centromere copy number ratio obtained by NMFISH and FISH showed that there was almost perfect agreement between the two methods (κ coefficient 0.920. The results of the two methods were almost consistent for the evaluation of <em>HER2em> gene counts. The present study proved that NMFISH is comparable with FISH for evaluating <em>HER2em> gene status. The use of nuclei microarray technology is highly efficient, time and reagent conserving and inexpensive.

  18. Indução de estruturações esféricas ou similares durante a cristalização da água por processos físicos ou químicos Induction of spherical or similar structures during the water crystallization by physical or chemical process

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    Fabiano de Carvalho


    Full Text Available Estruturar cristais de gelo é atrativo devido à possibilidade de diminuir os danos causados pelo congelamento ao mínimo. A ocorrência de agulhas ou esqueletos danosos às células significa que foram desiguais os crescimentos das faces do cristal. Objetivou-se com este trabalho induzir a formação de sementes cristalinas menores, arredondadas ou com alto grau de simetria, para aumentar a probabilidade de crescimentos geometricamente semelhantes à forma original e que elimine crescimentos desiguais nas faces do cristal de gelo. Foram usadas: 1 substâncias anfifílicas, para afetar a estruturação cristalina habitual da água e 2 substâncias com a possibilidade de formação de ligações de hidrogênio nas diversas direções e formar arranjos simétricos. Sob a influência do dodecil sulfato sódico (SDS, um tensoativo, os cristais de gelo cristalizaram na forma de agregados cristalinos esféricos. Cristais esferulíticos foram obtidos sob a influência dos aminoácidos valina, histidina, glicina e do sal sulfato de alumínio e amônio. Cristais poliédricos com faces curvas foram conseguidos sob a influência dos tensoativos Triton ® X 100, Tween ® 80 e de um sal biliar (ácido quenodeoxicólico. O melhor resultado foi obtido sob a influência da floroglucina. Esse trifenol produziu cristais pequenos, com extremidades arredondadas e em todas as camadas da amostra.The possibility of ice crystal structuring is attractive because it is possible to reach some structures of reduced dimensions capable of decrease the freezing damage to the minimal. The occurrences of needles or skeletons harmful to the frozen tissues demonstrate that the crystal face grown were unequal. The objective of the research is to the induce formation of smaller crystalline seeds, spherical or with a high symmetry level to increase the probability of original form. It was used: 1 anphiphilic substances, to affect the usual crystalline structure of the water; 2

  19. Neonatal Phosphate Nutrition Alters <em>in em>Vivo> and <em>in em>Vitro> Satellite Cell Activity in Pigs

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    Chad H. Stahl


    Full Text Available Satellite cell activity is necessary for postnatal skeletal muscle growth. Severe phosphate (PO4 deficiency can alter satellite cell activity, however the role of neonatal PO4 nutrition on satellite cell biology remains obscure. Twenty-one piglets (1 day of age, 1.8 ± 0.2 kg BW were pair-fed liquid diets that were either PO4 adequate (0.9% total P, supra-adequate (1.2% total P in PO4 requirement or deficient (0.7% total P in PO4 content for 12 days. Body weight was recorded daily and blood samples collected every 6 days. At day 12, pigs were orally dosed with BrdU and 12 h later, satellite cells were isolated. Satellite cells were also cultured <em>in vitroem> for 7 days to determine if PO4 nutrition alters their ability to proceed through their myogenic lineage. Dietary PO4 deficiency resulted in reduced (<em>P> < 0.05 sera PO4 and parathyroid hormone (PTH concentrations, while supra-adequate dietary PO4 improved (<em>P> < 0.05 feed conversion efficiency as compared to the PO4 adequate group. <em>In vivoem> satellite cell proliferation was reduced (<em>P> < 0.05 among the PO4 deficient pigs, and these cells had altered <em>in vitroem> expression of markers of myogenic progression. Further work to better understand early nutritional programming of satellite cells and the potential benefits of emphasizing early PO4 nutrition for future lean growth potential is warranted.

  20. Reduction behavior of UO{sub 2}{sup 2+} in molten LiCl–RbCl and LiCl–KCl eutectics by using tungsten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nagai, Takayuki, E-mail: [Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Lab., Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Muramatsu, Tokai, Naka, Ibaraki 319-1194 (Japan); Uehara, Akihiro; Fujii, Toshiyuki; Yamana, Hajimu [Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University, Asashironishi, Kumatori, Sen-nan, Osaka 590-0494 (Japan)


    The reduction of uranium from UO{sub 2}{sup 2+} to UO{sub 2}{sup +} or U{sup 4+} in molten LiCl–RbCl and LiCl–KCl eutectics was examined by using tungsten and chlorine gas. Spectrophotometric technique was adopted to determine the concentration of uranium species. When tungsten was immersed into the LiCl–RbCl eutectic melt at 400 °C without supplying chlorine gas, 36% of the total weight of the hexavalent of UO{sub 2}{sup 2+} was reduced to the pentavalent of UO{sub 2}{sup +}. Under purging chlorine gas into the melt, 96% of UO{sub 2}{sup 2+} was reduced to the tetravalent of U{sup 4+}. Tungsten oxy-chloride of WOCl{sub 4} was produced via the reductions of UO{sub 2}{sup 2+}, which was volatized from the melt and adsorbed on the upper part of experimental cell. On the other hand, 84% of UO{sub 2}{sup 2+} in the LiCl–KCl eutectic melt at 500 °C was reduced to U{sup 4+} by using tungsten and chlorine gas.

  1. Concentration quenching of F{sub a}(II) emission in KCl:Li

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baldacchini, G.; Giovenale, E. [ENEA, Centro Ricerche Frascati, Rome (Italy). Dip. Innovazione; Grassano, U.M. [Rome Univ. `Tor Vergata` (Italy); Scacco, A. [Rome Univ. `La Sapienza` (Italy)


    The concentration quenching of luminescence is a well known phenomenon for the F centers in alkali halides. On the contrary very little is known on this subject for F{sub A} centers which are a class of axial color centers still of some importance both in basic and applied research, for instance as color center laser sources. The authors have studied carefully the optical properties of the F{sub A}(II) centers, especially in KCl:Li in extreme physical conditions, such as high F{sub A} concentration, high optical pumping, low temperatures and high magnetic fields, and, among other results, a new weak luminescence has been found at 1.4 {mu}m. At moment is not yet clear whether this emission is related to the concentration quenching itself or to more complex color centers, among them F{sub A}(I) centers. However, general hypothesis and reliable measurements are proposed in order to clarify the still unknown microscopic mechanisms which reduces the emission intensity of the F{sub A}(II) centers when they are highly concentrated.

  2. Semiconductor- to metallic-like behavior in Bi thin films on KCl substrate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bui, Thanh Nhan; Raskin, Jean-Pierre; Hackens, Benoit


    Bi thin films, with a thickness of 100 nm, are deposited by electron-beam evaporation on a freshly cleaved (100) KCl substrate. The substrate temperature during film growth (T_d_e_p) ranges from room temperature up to 170 °C. Films deposited at room temperature exhibit a maze-like microstructure typical of the rhombohedral (110) texture, as confirmed by X-ray diffraction. For T_d_e_p above 80 °C, a different microstructure appears, characterized by concentric triangular shapes corresponding to the trigonal (111) texture. Temperature dependence of the resistivity shows a transition from a semiconductor-like behavior for films deposited at room temperature to a metallic-like behavior for T_d_e_p above 80 °C. From magnetoresistance measurements between room temperature and 1.6 K, we extract the electron and hole mobilities, concentrations, and mean free paths, which allow to draw a complete picture of the transport properties of both types of films.

  3. Ionic thermocurrent and optical-absorption measurements in KCl: Sr under reactor irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sordi, G.M.; Watanabe, S.


    Radiation damage in KCl crystals doped with Sr ++ using thermionic-current techniques (ITC) and optical-absorption measurements is studied. Analysing the radiation damage due to three different gamma ray exposures, namely the gamma irradiation, creates F-type or V-type colour centres and destroys a fraction of impurity-vacancy dipoles. Fast neutron irradiation added to the gamma irradiation increases the efficiency of destruction of dipoles and also provoke the appearence of a second ITC peak at temperatures neat 123 0 K, which is unstable and disappears in a few days. On the other hand, thermal neutrons bombarding the samples together with fast neutrons and gamma-rays leave unchanged the impurity-vacancy dipole concentration obtained after the gamma plus fast neutron irradiation. With thermal neutrons there is a high background current, and the peak resolution is only possible when thermally and electrostatically polarizable electrical carriers have largely disappeared. For this reason it is impossible to compare the 123 0 K peak obtained with and without thermal neutrons

  4. Thermoluminescent monitoring of the solar ultraviolet radiation with KCl: Eu2+ crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chernov, V.; Melendrez, R.; Barboza F, M.


    In this work it has been investigating the Tl properties of KCl: Eu 2+ subjected to solar direct radiation. Also it was realized irradiation with the Deuterium and Xenon lamps. It was used a set of filters and a Katos monochromator 0.25 M to determine the spectral response to Tl peaks and a study of them with respect to the duration of the Sun irradiation. After of the Sun irradiation the Tl curves show several peaks between the ambient temperature and 673 K. The relation between peaks depends strongly of the irradiation time and the different solar light wavelength. It is possible to divide the Tl peaks in two groups. The first one (T 473 K) is not too sensitive but is more stable under optical whitening. Here the obtained results are discussed with respect to UV dosemeters development for environment which facilitate to obtain direct measurements of the UV index. (Author)

  5. Thermoluminescent monitoring of the solar ultraviolet radiation with KCl: Eu{sup 2+} crystals; Monitoreo termoluminiscente de la radiacion solar ultravioleta con cristales de KCl: Eu{sup 2+}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chernov, V.; Melendrez, R.; Barboza F, M. [Centro de Investigacion en Fisica, Universidad de Sonora, A.P. 5-88, Hermosillo, Sonora (Mexico)


    In this work it has been investigating the Tl properties of KCl: Eu{sup 2+} subjected to solar direct radiation. Also it was realized irradiation with the Deuterium and Xenon lamps. It was used a set of filters and a Katos monochromator 0.25 M to determine the spectral response to Tl peaks and a study of them with respect to the duration of the Sun irradiation. After of the Sun irradiation the Tl curves show several peaks between the ambient temperature and 673 K. The relation between peaks depends strongly of the irradiation time and the different solar light wavelength. It is possible to divide the Tl peaks in two groups. The first one (T<473 K) is very sensitive to ultraviolet radiation but it is strongly affected by visible light. The second one (T>473 K) is not too sensitive but is more stable under optical whitening. Here the obtained results are discussed with respect to UV dosemeters development for environment which facilitate to obtain direct measurements of the UV index. (Author)

  6. Generation of KCL018 research grade human embryonic stem cell line carrying a mutation in the DMPK gene

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    Cristian Miere


    Full Text Available The KCL018 human embryonic stem cell line was derived from an embryo donated for research that carried an autosomal dominant mutation affecting one allele of the DMPK gene encoding the dystrophia myotonica protein kinase (2200 trinucleotide repeats; 14 for the normal allele. The ICM was isolated using laser microsurgery and plated on γ-irradiated human foreskin fibroblasts. Both the derivation and cell line propagation were performed in an animal product-free environment. Pluripotent state and differentiation potential were confirmed by in vitro assays.

  7. Generation of KCL028 research grade human embryonic stem cell line carrying a mutation in the HTT gene

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    Laureen Jacquet


    Full Text Available The KCL028 human embryonic stem cell line was derived from an embryo donated for research that carried an autosomal dominant mutation affecting one allele of the HTT gene encoding huntingtin (43 trinucleotide repeats; 21 for the normal allele. The ICM was isolated using laser microsurgery and plated on γ-irradiated human foreskin fibroblasts. Both the derivation and cell line propagation were performed in an animal product-free environment. Pluripotent state and differentiation potential were confirmed by in vitro and in vivo assays.


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    Full Text Available Os corretivos da acidez dos solos podem ter dois equivalentes em carbonato de cálcio: um, calculado pelos teores de cálcio e magnésio utilizando a expressão: % CaO x 1,79 + % MgO x 2,48 = %ECaCO3; outro, determinado analiticamente pelo poder ou valor de neutralização. Para uma mesma amostra ambos os valores deveriam coincidir, o que raramente acontece. Diversas hipóteses foram levantadas para justificar essa diferença. Os resultados deste trabalho permitiram inferir que nem todo o cálcio e magnésio dos corretivos devem estar associados às bases quimicamente efetivas mas também a fosfato, sulfato ou outras bases de forças inexpressivas; também os constituintes neutralizantes podem estar aprisionados em cristais de outros componentes dos corretivos, como sílica por exemplo, que só são atingidos por um ataque mais enérgico da amostra. Como conclusão, a avaliação química atual dos corretivos da acidez dos solos pode não estar se compatibilizando com o comportamento agrícola desses produtos.Agricultural liming materials can have two calcium carbonate equivalents: one calculated in function of calcium and magnesium oxide percentages, by the expression: % CaO x 1,79 + % MgO x 2,48 = %ECaCO3; and the other determined analytically by the neutralization power or value. For one sample, both values should be similar, however, this rarely occurs. Several hypoteses were raised to justify the difference. Results of this research permit to infer that not all calcium and magnesium should be associated to the chemically effective bases, but they are also associated to phosphate, sulphate or other bases of inexpressive strength. It is also possible that, the neutralizing components could be captured inside cristals, like silica for example, which react only after a strong solubilization of the sample. It is concluded that the chemical evaluation of agricultural liming materials at the present time cannot explain the agronomical behaviour of

  9. Fontes e níveis de salinidade na germinação de sementes de Crotalaria juncea L. Sources and levels of salinity on germination of Crotalaria juncea L. seeds

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    Anísio da Silva Nunes


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito dos sais cloreto de cálcio (CaCl2, cloreto de sódio (NaCl e cloreto de potássio (KCl na germinação de Crotalaria juncea L. As sementes foram acondicionadas em caixas tipo gerbox, forradas com duas folhas de papel-filtro e umedecidas com as soluções-teste. Em cada tratamento foram utilizadas 200 sementes, dispostas em quatro repetições de 50 sementes. A indução do estresse salino foi realizada com soluções de NaCl, CaCl2 e KCl com potenciais osmóticos de 0; -0,4; -0,8; -1,2;-1,6 e -2,0 MPa. Foram realizadas avaliações de porcentagem de germinação, fitotoxicidade, tamanho de plântulas, matéria seca e IVG. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial (3x5+1, composto pelas três fontes salinas em cinco doses e uma solução- teste. O aumento da concentração de KCl provocou toxicidade, prejudicando o IVG, a porcentagem de germinação e o crescimento de plântulas de C. juncea, enquanto as concentrações de NaCl e o CaCl2 não interferiram significativamente na germinação das sementes e no vigor de plântulas.This study was carried out in order to evaluate the effect of calcium chloride (CaCl2, sodium chloride (NaCl, and potassium chloride (KCl salts on germination of Crotalaria juncea L. seeds. The seeds were placed in gerbox boxes lined with two filter paper sheets and wet with test-solution. In each treatment, 200 seeds were used, distributed in four replicates of 50 seeds. The induction of the salt stress was done with solutions of NaCl, CaCl2 and KCl with osmotic potential of 0, -0.4, -0.8, -1.2, -1.6, and -2.0 MPa. Germination percentage, phytotoxicity, seedling size, mass of dry matter, and IVG were assessed. The experimental design was completely randomized, in a (3x5+1 factorial structure, composed of three salt sources in five levels and a test-solution. The increasing concentration of KCl caused toxicity, hindering the IVG, the germination

  10. Piezoresponse force microscopy of ferroelectric relaxors = (United States)

    Kiselev, Dmitry

    Nesta tese, ferroelectricos relaxor (I dont know uf the order is correct) de base Pb das familias (Pb,La)(Zr,Ti)O3 (PLZT), Pb(Mg1/3,Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 (PMN-PT), Pb(Zn1/3,Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 (PZN-PT) foram investigados e analisados. As propriedades ferroelectricas e dielectricas das amostras foram estudadas por metodos convencionais de macro e localmente por microscopia de forca piezoelectrica (PFM). Nos cerâmicos PLZT 9.75/65/35 o contraste da PFM a escala nanometrica foi investigado em funcao do tamanho e orientacao dos graos. Apurou-se que a intensidade do sinal piezoelectrico das nanoestruturas diminui com o aumento da temperatura e desaparece a 490 K (La mol. 8%) e 420 K (9,5%). Os ciclos de histerese locais foram obtidos em funcao da temperatura. A evolucao dos parâmetros macroscopicos e locais com a temperatura de superficie sugere um forte efeito de superficie nas transicoes de fase ferroelectricas do material investigado. A rugosidade da parede de dominio e determinada por PFM para a estrutura de dominio natural existente neste ferroelectrico policristalino. Alem disso, os dominios ferroelectricos artificiais foram criados pela aplicacao de pulsos electricos a ponta do condutor PFM e o tamanho de dominio in-plane foi medido em funcao da duracao do pulso. Todas estas experiencias levaram a conclusao de que a parede de dominio em relaxors do tipo PZT e quase uma interface unidimensional. O mecanismo de contraste na superficie de relaxors do tipo PLZT e medido por PFMAs estruturas de dominio versus evolucao da profundidade foram estudadas em cristais PZN-4,5%PT, com diferentes orientacoes atraves da PFM. Padroes de dominio irregulares com tamanhos tipicos de 20-100 nm foram observados nas superficies com orientacao das amostras unpoled?. Pelo contrario, os cortes de cristal exibem dominios regulares de tamanho micron normal, com os limites do dominio orientados ao longo dos planos cristalograficos permitidos. A existencia de nanodominios em cristais com orientacao

  11. Quantifying Local and Cooperative Components in the Ferroelectric Distortion of BaTiO3: Learning from the Off-Center Motion in the MnCl65– Complex Formed in KCl:Mn+

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    García Lastra, Juan Maria; García-Fernández, P.; Calle-Vallejo, F.


    → C4v → Oh local transformations occurring in the 10–50 K temperature range for the MnCl65– complex formed in KCl:Mn+ that mimic the behavior of BaTiO3. From Boltzmann analysis of the vibronic levels derived from ab initio calculations and considering decoherence introduced by random strains......, the present calculations reproduce the experimental phase sequence and transition temperatures. Furthermore, our calculations show that the off-center instability in KCl:Mn+ would be suppressed by reducing by only 1% the lattice parameter, a situation that then becomes comparable to that found for BaTiO3...

  12. Ontogeny and Structure of the Pericarp of Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi (Anacardiaceae

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    Sandra Maria Carmello-Guerreiro


    Full Text Available The fruit of Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi is a globose red drupe with friable exocarp when ripe and composed of two lignified layers: the epidermis and hypodermis. The mesocarp is parenchymatous with large secretory ducts associated with vascular bundles. In the mesocarp two regions are observed: an outer region composed of only parenchymatous cells and an inner region, bounded by one or more layers of druse-like crystals of calcium oxalate, composed of parenchymatous cells, secretory ducts and vascular bundles. The mesocarp detaches itself from the exocarp due to degeneration of the cellular layers in contact with the hypodermis. The lignified endocarp is composed of four layers: the outermost layer of polyhedral cells with prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate, and the three innermost layers of sclereids in palisade.O fruto de Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi é uma drupa vermelha, globosa, com exocarpo friável quando maduro e composto de duas camadas lignificadas: a epiderme e a hipoderme. O mesocarpo é parenquimático com grandes canais secretores associados aos feixes vasculares. No mesocarpo distinguem-se duas regiões uma externa composta apenas de células parenquimáticas e uma interna, delimitada por uma ou mais camadas de células contendo cristais de oxalato de cálcio do tipo drusa, composta de células parenquimáticas, canais secretores e feixes vasculares. O mesocarpo desprende-se do exocarpo devido à degeneração das camadas celulares em contato com a hipoderme. O endocarpo é lignificado e composto de quatro camadas: uma mais externa de células poliédricas com cristais prismáticos de oxalato de cálcio e três mais internas de esclereides em paliçada.

  13. Intoxicação natural por Brachiaria spp. em ovinos no Brasil Central Brachiaria spp. poisoning in sheep in Central Brazil

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    Vanessa S. Mustafa


    Full Text Available Brachiaria spp. é a principal forrageira utilizada para ruminantes no Brasil Central, mas a sua toxicidade, devida à presença de saponinas esteroidais, torna-se um importante entrave à sua utilização. Neste trabalho descrevem-se 34 surtos e um foco de intoxicação por Brachiaria spp em ovinos, que ocorreram em diferentes épocas do ano. A morbidade geral foi de 23,2% e a letalidade foi 88,3%. O tempo que os animais permaneceram no pasto até o surgimento dos sinais clínicos da intoxicação por Brachiaria spp. variou de 15 dias até mais de 12 meses. Em 90,1% dos surtos os animais eram menores de 12 meses de idade. O curso clínico da intoxicação variou de 2 a 45 dias. Os sinais clínicos e as lesões macroscópicas foram características de fotossenssibilização hepatógena, no entanto, nos casos mais agudos não foram observadas dermatite nem icterícia, ocorrendo severo edema em face e orelhas. Na histologia do fígado as lesões mais características foram a presença de macrófagos com citoplasma espumoso, encontrados principalmente nos sinusoides hepáticos e, às vezes, com imagens negativas de cristais acutiformes no citoplasma. Em oito das 11 fazendas visitadas os surtos ocorreram em pastagens de Brachiaria decumbens; em duas em pastagens de B. brizantha e uma em pastagem de B. decumbens, B. humidicola e Andropogon sp. As concentrações de saponinas nas pastagens, em 5 surtos, variou de 0.3% a 2.56%. As informações geradas neste trabalho permitem a proposta de medidas para controle e profilaxia da intoxicação por Brachiaria spp. no Brasil Central.Brachiaria spp. is the main pasture for ruminants in Central-Brazil, but the crucial problem for their utilization is the toxicity due to the presence of steroidal saponins. This paper reports 35 outbreaks of poisoning by Brachiaria spp in sheep. The poisoning occurred in different seasons of the year. Mean morbidity was 23.2% and mean lethality was 88.3%. The occurrence of

  14. n-particle transverse correlation and collectivity for collisions 1.2 A GeV Ar + KCl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Qingjun; Jiang Yuzhen; Wang Shan; Liu Yiming; Fung, S.Y.; Chu, S.Y.


    A method of n-particle transverse correlation function for the study of collective flow is proposed, which extends both the study of n-particle azimuthal correlations and the estimation of collectivity to the study including the magnitudes as well as the azimuthal angles for all the n-particle transverse momentum vectors. This method is more sensitive to the collectivity of collective flow than the method based on multi-particle azimuthal correlations. Using the new method, n-particle transverse correlations are analyzed for collisions of 1.2 A GeV Ar + KCl in the Bevalac streamer chamber, and the results have been compared with a Monte-Carlo simulation, which show that the collectivity for this experiment is between 85% and 95%

  15. Comparative study of the thermoluminescence between the materials α-Al2O3:C, KCl:Eu2+, KBr: Eu2+ and VYCOR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pedroza M, M.; Melendrez, R.; Perez S, R.; Aceves, R.; Piters, T.M.; Barboza F, M.


    It is presented some investigation results related to the thermoluminescence curves (Tl), Tl emission and the spectra of excitation of thermoluminescence in the ultraviolet region of 190 to 250 nm in the materials α-Al 2 O 3 :C, KCl: Eu 2+ , KBr: Eu 2+ and the Vycor glass. It was able to be observed that the Tl emission for the first three materials exists around 420 nm and in the case of Vycor the emission consists of two Tl peaks where the most low temperature is a band more wide centered in 460 nm and the other band of high temperature emits in 470 nm. In the excitation curves of Tl were obtained centered bands around 230 nm for KCl: Eu 2+ , 235 nm for KBr: Eu 2+ , 220 nm for the alumina and 195 nm for the Vycor. From the results it was able to be appreciated that this last has a minor relative intensity with respect to the others materials but also the region in which works there was an alone band between the 190 to 205 nm. This fact makes the material be very selective in the ultraviolet region of greatest energy. (Author)

  16. GIFAD for He/KCl(001). Structure in the pattern for 〈 110 〉 incidence as a measure of the projectile-cation interaction (United States)

    Bocan, G. A.; Gravielle, M. S.


    In this article we address grazing incidence fast atom diffraction (GIFAD) for the He/KCl(001) system, for which a systematic experimental study was recently reported [E. Meyer, Ph.D dissertation, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany, 2015]. Our theoretical model is built from a projectile-surface interaction obtained from Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations and the Surface Initial-Value Representation (SIVR), which is a semi-quantum approach to describe the scattering process. For incidence along the 〈 100 〉 and 〈 110 〉 directions, we present and discuss the main features of our interaction potential, the dependence of the rainbow angle with the impact energy normal to the surface, and the simulated GIFAD patterns, which reproduce the main aspects of the reported experimental charts. The features of the diffraction charts for He/KCl(001) are related to the averaged equipotential curves of the system and a comparison is established with the case of He/LiF(001). The marked differences observed for 〈 110 〉 incidence are explained as due to the much larger size of the K+ ion relative to that of Li+.

  17. Reference Gene Selection in the Desert Plant <em>Eremosparton songoricuem>m>

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    Dao-Yuan Zhang


    Full Text Available <em>Eremosparton songoricum em>(Litv. Vass. (<em>E. songoricumem> is a rare and extremely drought-tolerant desert plant that holds promise as a model organism for the identification of genes associated with water deficit stress. Here, we cloned and evaluated the expression of eight candidate reference genes using quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reactions. The expression of these candidate reference genes was analyzed in a diverse set of 20 samples including various <em>E. songoricumem> plant tissues exposed to multiple environmental stresses. GeNorm analysis indicated that expression stability varied between the reference genes in the different experimental conditions, but the two most stable reference genes were sufficient for normalization in most conditions.<em> EsEFem> and <em>Esα-TUB> were sufficient for various stress conditions, <em>EsEF> and <em>EsACT> were suitable for samples of differing germination stages, and <em>EsGAPDH>and <em>Es>UBQ em>were most stable across multiple adult tissue samples. The <em>Es18Sem> gene was unsuitable as a reference gene in our analysis. In addition, the expression level of the drought-stress related transcription factor <em>EsDREB2em>> em>verified the utility of<em> E. songoricumem> reference genes and indicated that no single gene was adequate for normalization on its own. This is the first systematic report on the selection of reference genes in <em>E. songoricumem>, and these data will facilitate future work on gene expression in this species.

  18. Electro-separation of actinides using Al cathodes in LiCl-KCl

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Serp, J.; Malmbeck, R.; Scheppler, C.; Glatz, J.P


    In this work, the reprocessing of a simulated spent fuel (U{sub 60}Pu{sub 20}Zr{sub 10}Am{sub 2}Nd{sub 3.5}Y{sub 0.5}Ce{sub 0.5}Gd{sub 0.5}) have been studied by electrolysis in molten chloride salt on a solid Al cathode. The electrorefining was carried out under constant current at 733 Kin LiCl-KCl eutectic. In one electrolysis of 1386 C, a total of 1.13 g of actinides were recovered as alloy on the Al cathode. The obtained deposit was dissolved in HNO{sub 3} (7 M) and analysed by ICP-MS. The deposit was found to be composed mainly of U (90.3 %), Pu (9.3 %) and Am (0.3 %). The mass balance indicated a faradic yield close to 100%. The U/Nd, Pu/Nd and Am/Nd ratios in the deposit were 2800, 290 and 10, respectively. Therefore excellent separation of U and Pu was obtained and a separation of MA from Ln seems to be possible even with a low initial Am/Nd concentration ratio (0.41) in the salt phase. (authors)

  19. Thermoluminescence of Z1 centres in Sr-doped KCl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamavisdar, V.S.; Moholkar, S.C.; Deshmukh, B.T.


    It is well known for alkali halides doped with divalent metal impurities that exposure to high energetic radiation and subsequent F band bleaching leads to the formation of Z 1 centres. Optical absorption measurements have shown that a low concentration of Z 1 centres is produced along with F centres during irradiation without any optical bleaching. Now the question is whether Z 1 centres are really formed along with F centres during irradiation. The aim of the present paper was to study the formation of a small amount of Z 1 centres during irradiation with the help of optical absorption and thermoluminescence measurements. The crystals of KCl:Sr were exposed to γ-rays for different doses. The TL curve for the crystal exposed to a minimum dose of γ-rays shows a TL peak at 457 K and a weak shoulder in the region 400 K to 408 K. The TL curve of the crystal exposed to maximum dose of rays shows the peak at 408 K with a greater intensity. Upon F band bleaching 408 K peak increases in intensity and optical absorption is also broadened. It is shown that the peak at 457 K is due to F centres and the peak at 408 K is due to Z 1 centres. These results clearly show that a small anount of Z 1 centres is really formed along with F centres during irradiation. (author)

  20. Separation of actinides from irradiated An–Zr based fuel by electrorefining on solid aluminium cathodes in molten LiCl–KCl

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Souček, P., E-mail: [European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Transuranium Elements (ITU), Postfach 2340, 76125 Karlsruhe (Germany); Murakami, T. [Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI), Komae-shi, Tokyo 201-8511 (Japan); Claux, B.; Meier, R.; Malmbeck, R. [European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Transuranium Elements (ITU), Postfach 2340, 76125 Karlsruhe (Germany); Tsukada, T. [Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI), Komae-shi, Tokyo 201-8511 (Japan); Glatz, J.-P. [European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Transuranium Elements (ITU), Postfach 2340, 76125 Karlsruhe (Germany)


    Highlights: • Electrorefining process in molten LiCl-KCl using solid Al electrodes was demonstrated. • High separation factors of actinides over lanthanides were achieved. • Efficient recovery of actinides from irradiated nuclear fuel was achieved. • Uniform, dense and well adhered deposits were obtained and characterised. • Kinetic parameters of actinide–aluminium alloy formation were evaluated. - Abstract: An electrorefining process for metallic spent nuclear fuel treatment is being investigated in ITU. Solid aluminium cathodes are used for homogeneous recovery of all actinides within the process carried out in molten LiCl–KCl eutectic salt at a temperature of 500 °C. As the selectivity, efficiency and performance of solid Al has been already shown using un-irradiated An–Zr alloy based test fuels, the present work was focused on laboratory-scale demonstration of the process using irradiated METAPHIX-1 fuel composed of U{sub 67}–Pu{sub 19}–Zr{sub 10}–MA{sub 2}–RE{sub 2} (wt.%, MA = Np, Am, Cm, RE = Nd, Ce, Gd, Y). Different electrorefining techniques, conditions and cathode geometries were used during the experiment yielding evaluation of separation factors, kinetic parameters of actinide–aluminium alloy formation, process efficiency and macro-structure characterisation of the deposits. The results confirmed an excellent separation and very high efficiency of the electrorefining process using solid Al cathodes.

  1. The study of some physico-chemical properties of melt KCl - NaCl mixture

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    Vojtech Špeťuch


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper was to examine the surface tension of the melt mixture of salts NaCl and KCl at temperatures 750, 800 and 850 °C by maximum bubble pressure method. Some difference between measured values of the surface tension as dependence on the method of calculation was observed. This difference results from the diameter of used capillary and does not depend on the temperature. The differences between experimentally measured values of surface tension and literary sources are trivial. The experimental results are in accordance with the literature data confirming unsuitability of maximum bubble pressure method for measurement of the melt density. The experimental result will be used as a base for the study of melt salts ternary systems. On the other side maximum bubble pressure method is the most suitable method for measurement of surface tension of melt salts, but it is unsuitable for measurement of the melt density.

  2. Exportação de nutrientes pelos frutos de melancia em função de épocas de cultivo, fontes e doses de potássio Nutrients recruitment of watermelon fruits in relation to seasons, potassium sources and doses

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    Leilson C. Grangeiro


    Full Text Available Foram conduzidos dois experimentos em propriedades rurais, localizadas próxima a cidade de Borborema (SP, de outubro a dezembro/2001 e de fevereiro a abril/2002, com o objetivo de determinar as quantidades exportadas de nutrientes pelos frutos de melancia, em função de fontes e doses de potássio, em duas épocas de cultivo. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados completos, em esquema fatorial 3x4, com três repetições, sendo avaliados as fontes: cloreto, nitrato e sulfato de potássio e as doses: 50; 100; 200 e 300 kg ha-1 de K2O. Com exceção do Mg, as maiores exportações de nutrientes pelos frutos foram obtidas no cultivo de outubro a dezembro. A massa seca e as exportações de N, P, K, e Ca aumentaram de forma quadrática com as doses de potássio. A aplicação KCl aumentou respectivamente, de forma quadrática e linear, as exportações de S e Cl pelos frutos de melancia.Two field experiments were conducted in Borborema, São Paulo State, Brazil, from October to December 2001 and February to April 2002, to evaluate the nutrients recruitment of watermelon fruits, Tide hybrid, as a result of potassium sources and doses. The experimental design was a randomized complete block, with three replications, in 3x4 factorial scheme, the sources being evaluated: potassium chloride, nitrate and sulphate and doses of 50; 100; 200 and 300 kg ha-1 K2O. Greater recruitment of N, P, K, Ca, S and Cl by watermelon fruits was obtained in the first trial, while the recruitment of Mg was observed in the second trial. The dry mass and recruitment of N, P, K, and Ca increased with potassium doses. S and Cl of the watermelon fruits increased with the increase of KCl doses in a quadratic and linear form, respectively.

  3. Generation of KCL025 research grade human embryonic stem cell line carrying a mutation in NF1 gene

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    Heema Hewitson


    Full Text Available The KCL025 human embryonic stem cell line was derived from an embryo donated for research that carried an autosomal dominant mutation in the NF1 gene encoding neurofibromin (c.3739–3742 ΔTTTG. Mutations in this gene have been linked to neurofibromatosis type 1, juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia and Watson syndrome. The ICM was isolated using laser microsurgery and plated on γ-irradiated human foreskin fibroblasts. Both the derivation and cell line propagation were performed in an animal product-free environment. Pluripotent state and differentiation potential were confirmed by in vitro assays.

  4. A specimen of <em>Sorex> cfr. <em>samniticus> in Barn Owl's pellets from Murge plateau (Apulia, Italy / Su di un <em>Sorex> cfr. <em>samniticus> (Insectivora, Soricidae rinvenuto in borre di <em>Tyto albaem> delle Murge (Puglia, Italia

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    Giovanni Ferrara


    Full Text Available Abstract In a lot of Barn Owl's pellets from the Murge plateau a specimen of <em>Sorex> sp. was detected. Thank to some morphological and morphometrical features, the cranial bones can be tentatively attributed to <em>Sorex samniticusem> Altobello, 1926. The genus <em>Sorex> was not yet included in the Apulia's fauna southwards of the Gargano district; the origin and significance of the above record is briefly discussed, the actual presence of a natural population of <em>Sorex> in the Murge being not yet proved. Riassunto Viene segnalato il rinvenimento di un esemplare di <em>Sorex> cfr. <em>samniticus> da borre di <em>Tyto albaem> delle Murge. Poiché il genere non era stato ancora segnalato nella Puglia a sud del Gargano, viene discusso il significato faunistico del reperto.

  5. Efecto de extractos vegetales de <em>Polygonum hydropiperoidesem>, <em>Solanum nigrumem> y <em>Calliandra pittieriem> sobre el gusano cogollero (<em>Spodoptera frugiperdaem>

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    Lizarazo H. Karol


    Full Text Available

    El gusano cogollero <em>Spodoptera frugiperdaem> es una de las plagas que más afectan los cultivos en la región de Sumapaz (Cundinamarca, Colombia. En la actualidad se controla principalmente aplicando productos de síntesis química, sin embargo la aplicación de extractos vegetales surge como una alternativa de menor impacto sobre el ambiente. Este control se emplea debido a que las plantas contienen metabolitos secundarios que pueden inhibir el desarrollo de los insectos. Por tal motivo, la presente investigación evaluó el efecto insecticida y antialimentario de extractos vegetales de barbasco <em>Polygonum hydropiperoidesem> (Polygonaceae, carbonero <em>Calliandra pittieriem> (Mimosaceae y hierba mora <em>Solanum nigrumem> (Solanaceae sobre larvas de <em>S. frugiperdaem> biotipo maíz. Se estableció una cría masiva del insecto en el laboratorio utilizando una dieta natural con hojas de maíz. Posteriormente se obtuvieron extractos vegetales utilizando solventes de alta polaridad (agua y etanol y media polaridad (diclorometano los cuales se aplicaron sobre las larvas de segundo instar. Los resultados más destacados se presentaron con extractos de <em>P. hydropiperoidesem>, obtenidos con diclorometano en sus diferentes dosis, con los cuales se alcanzó una mortalidad de 100% 12 días después de la aplicación y un efecto antialimentario representado por un consumo de follaje de maíz inferior al 4%, efectos similares a los del testigo comercial (Clorpiriphos.

  6. Electrochemical formation of AlN in molten LiCl-KCl-Li{sub 3}N systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goto, Takuya [Department of Fundamental Energy Science, Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University, Sakyo, Kyoto 606-8501 (Japan)]. E-mail:; Iwaki, Takayuki [Department of Fundamental Energy Science, Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University, Sakyo, Kyoto 606-8501 (Japan); Ito, Yasuhiko [Department of Fundamental Energy Science, Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University, Sakyo, Kyoto 606-8501 (Japan)


    Electrochemical formation of aluminum nitride was investigated in molten LiCl-KCl-Li{sub 3}N systems at 723 K. When Al was anodically polarized at 1.0 V (versus Li{sup +}/Li), oxidation of nitride ions proceeded to form adsorbed nitrogen atoms, which reacted with the surface to form AlN film. The obtained nitrided film had a thickness of sub-micron order. The obtained nitrided layer consisted of two regions; the outer layer involving AlN and aluminum oxynitride and the inner layer involving metallic Al and AlN. When Al electrode was anodically polarized at 2.0 V, anodic dissolution of Al electrode occurred to give aluminum ions, which reacted with nitride ions in the melt to produce AlN particles (1-5 {mu}m of diameter) of wurtzite structure.

  7. Rapid Development of Microsatellite Markers with 454 Pyrosequencing in a Vulnerable Fish<em>,> the Mottled Skate<em>, Raja em>pulchra>

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    Jung-Ha Kang


    Full Text Available The mottled skate, <em>Raja pulchraem>, is an economically valuable fish. However, due to a severe population decline, it is listed as a vulnerable species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. To analyze its genetic structure and diversity, microsatellite markers were developed using 454 pyrosequencing. A total of 17,033 reads containing dinucleotide microsatellite repeat units (mean, 487 base pairs were identified from 453,549 reads. Among 32 loci containing more than nine repeat units, 20 primer sets (62% produced strong PCR products, of which 14 were polymorphic. In an analysis of 60 individuals from two <em>R. pulchra em>populations, the number of alleles per locus ranged from 1–10, and the mean allelic richness was 4.7. No linkage disequilibrium was found between any pair of loci, indicating that the markers were independent. The Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium test showed significant deviation in two of the 28 single-loci after sequential Bonferroni’s correction. Using 11 primer sets, cross-species amplification was demonstrated in nine related species from four families within two classes. Among the 11 loci amplified from three other <em>Rajidae> family species; three loci were polymorphic. A monomorphic locus was amplified in all three <em>Rajidae> family species and the <em>Dasyatidae> family. Two <em>Rajidae> polymorphic loci amplified monomorphic target DNAs in four species belonging to the Carcharhiniformes class, and another was polymorphic in two Carcharhiniformes species.

  8. A New Natural Lactone from <em>Dimocarpus> <em>longan> Lour. Seeds

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    Zhongjun Li


    Full Text Available A new natural product named longanlactone was isolated from <em>Dimocarpus> <em>longan> Lour. seeds. Its structure was determined as 3-(2-acetyl-1<em>H>-pyrrol-1-yl-5-(prop-2-yn-1-yldihydrofuran-2(3H-one by spectroscopic methods and HRESIMS.

  9. Purification, Characterization and Antioxidant Activities <em>in Vitroem>> em>and <em>in Vivoem> of the Polysaccharides from <em>Boletus edulisem> Bull

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    Yijun Fan


    Full Text Available A water-soluble polysaccharide (BEBP was extracted from <em>Boletus edulis em>Bull using hot water extraction followed by ethanol precipitation. The polysaccharide BEBP was further purified by chromatography on a DEAE-cellulose column, giving three major polysaccharide fractions termed BEBP-1, BEBP-2 and BEBP-3. In the next experiment, the average molecular weight (Mw, IR and monosaccharide compositional analysis of the three polysaccharide fractions were determined. The evaluation of antioxidant activities both <em>in vitroem> and <em>in vivo em>suggested that BEBP-3 had good potential antioxidant activity, and should be explored as a novel potential antioxidant.

  10. Stabilization/Solidification of Radioactive LiCl-KCl Waste Salt by Using SiO{sub 2}-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}-P{sub 2}O{sub 5}(SAP) Inorganic Composite: Part 1. Dechlorination Behavior of LiCl-KCl and Characteristics of Consolidation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cho, In Hak; Park, Hwan Seo; Ahn, Soo Na; Kim, In Tae; Cho, Yong Zun [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    The metal chloride wastes from a pyrochemical process to recover uranium and transuranic elements has been considered as a problematic waste difficult to apply to a conventional solidification method due to the high volatility and low compatibility with silicate glass. In this study, a dechlorination approach to treat LiCl-KCl waste for final disposal was adapted. In this study, a SiO{sub 2}-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}-P{sub 2}O{sub 5} (SAP) inorganic composite as a dechlorination agent was prepared by a conventional sol-gel process. By using a series of SAPs, the dechlorination behavior and consolidation of reaction products were investigated. Different from LiCl waste, the dechlorination reaction occurred mainly at two temperature ranges. The thermogravimetric test indicated that the first reaction range was about 400 degree C for LiCl and the second was about 700 degree C for KCl. The SAP 1071 (Si/Al/P=1/0.75/1 in molar) was found to be the most favorable SAP as a dechlorination agent under given conditions. The consolidation test revealed that the bulk shape and the densification of consolidated forms depended on the SAP/Salt ratios. The leaching test by PCT-A method was performed to evaluate the durability of consolidated forms. This study provided the basic information on the dechlorination approach. Based on the experimental results, the dechlorination method using a SiO{sub 2}-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}-P{sub 2}O{sub 5}(SAP) could be considered as one of alternatives for the immobilization of waste salt.

  11. Transformações mineralógicas e cristaloquímicas decorrentes dos ensaios termais em argilas cauliníticas ferruginosas Mineralogical and crystalochemical transformations originated from thermal essays on ferruginous kaolinitic clays

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    M. M. Ferreira


    Full Text Available Transformações mineralógicas e cristaloquímicas foram investigadas em amostras de argilas cauliníticas ferruginosas aquecidas a temperaturas de 800, 1000 e 1200 °C. As análises de difração de raios X e térmica diferencial e gravimétrica mostraram ser a caulinita o argilomineral predominante nas amostras naturais. Os resultados da espectroscopia Mössbauer mostraram que o alto conteúdo em Fe (22,5% em peso, determinado por fluorescência de raios X, é relacionado à presença de goethita (18% em peso e hematita (16% em peso. Entretanto um resíduo deste elemento (Fe3+ e Fe2+ foi constatado após a extração do ferro usando solução de ditionito-citrato-bicarbonato, e possivelmente se deve à presença de ferro na estrutura da caulinita. O processo de sinterização mostra uma desestruturação da caulinita, assim como a transformação da goethita em hematita, cujo tamanho dos cristais cresce com o incremento da temperatura. O tamanho do cristal de hematita a 1200 °C é 5 vezes maior do que na amostra natural. A mulita formada a 1000 °C é constituída da solução sólida de Fe2O3, com Al2O3, o que resulta em produto resistente e de maior estabilidade térmica.Mineralogical and crystallochemical transformations of representative ferruginous kaolinitic clay samples were investigated in specimens burned at 800, 1000 and 1200 °C. X-ray diffraction and differential thermal and thermogravimetric analyses showed that kaolinite was the predominant mineral in the raw samples. The Mössbauer spectroscopy results showed that the high iron content (22.5 wt.%, as determined by X-ray fluorescence, is related to the presence of goethite (18 wt.% and hematite (16 wt.%. However, after Fe was extracted using a dithionite-citrate system buffered with sodium bicarbonate, a residue of this element (Fe3+ and Fe2+ was found in the structure of the kaolinite. The sintering process showed the destruction of kaolinite, as well as the transformation of

  12. <em>Angiostrongylus vasorumem> in red foxes (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> and badgers (<em>Meles melesem> from Central and Northern Italy

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    Marta Magi


    Full Text Available Abstract During 2004-2005 and 2007-2008, 189 foxes (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> and 6 badgers (<em>Meles melesem> were collected in different areas of Central Northern Italy (Piedmont, Liguria and Tuscany and examined for <em>Angiostrongylus vasorumem> infection. The prevalence of the infection was significantly different in the areas considered, with the highest values in the district of Imperia (80%, Liguria and in Montezemolo (70%, southern Piedmont; the prevalence in Tuscany was 7%. One badger collected in the area of Imperia turned out to be infected, representing the first report of the parasite in this species in Italy. Further studies are needed to evaluate the role played by fox populations as reservoirs of infection and the probability of its spreading to domestic dogs.
    Riassunto <em>Angiostrongylus vasorumem> nella volpe (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> e nel tasso (<em>Meles melesem> in Italia centro-settentrionale. Nel 2004-2005 e 2007-2008, 189 volpi (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> e 6 tassi (<em>Meles melesem> provenienti da differenti aree dell'Italia settentrionale e centrale (Piemonte, Liguria Toscana, sono stati esaminati per la ricerca di <em>Angiostrongylus vasorumem>. La prevalenza del nematode è risultata significativamente diversa nelle varie zone, con valori elevati nelle zone di Imperia (80% e di Montezemolo (70%, provincia di Cuneo; la prevalenza in Toscana è risultata del 7%. Un tasso proveniente dall'area di Imperia è risultato positivo per A. vasorum; questa è la prima segnalazione del parassita in tale specie in Italia. Ulteriori studi sono necessari per valutare il potenziale della volpe come serbatoio e la possibilità di diffusione della parassitosi ai cani domestici.


  13. Assessment of Genetic Fidelity in <em>Rauvolfia em>s>erpentina em>Plantlets Grown from Synthetic (Encapsulated Seeds Following <em>in Vitroem> Storage at 4 °C

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    Mohammad Anis


    Full Text Available An efficient method was developed for plant regeneration and establishment from alginate encapsulated synthetic seeds of <em>Rauvolfia serpentinaem>. Synthetic seeds were produced using <em>in vitroem> proliferated microshoots upon complexation of 3% sodium alginate prepared in Llyod and McCown woody plant medium (WPM and 100 mM calcium chloride. Re-growth ability of encapsulated nodal segments was evaluated after storage at 4 °C for 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks and compared with non-encapsulated buds. Effects of different media <em>viz>; Murashige and Skoog medium; Lloyd and McCown woody Plant medium, Gamborg’s B5 medium and Schenk and Hildebrandt medium was also investigated for conversion into plantlets. The maximum frequency of conversion into plantlets from encapsulated nodal segments stored at 4 °C for 4 weeks was achieved on woody plant medium supplement with 5.0 μM BA and 1.0 μM NAA. Rooting in plantlets was achieved in half-strength Murashige and Skoog liquid medium containing 0.5 μM indole-3-acetic acid (IAA on filter paper bridges. Plantlets obtained from stored synseeds were hardened, established successfully <em>ex vitroem> and were morphologically similar to each other as well as their mother plant. The genetic fidelity of <em>Rauvolfia em>clones raised from synthetic seeds following four weeks of storage at 4 °C were assessed by using random amplified polymorphic<em> em>DNA (RAPD and inter-simple sequence repeat<em> em>(ISSR markers. All the RAPD and ISSR profiles from generated plantlets were monomorphic and comparable<em> em>to the mother plant, which confirms the genetic<em> em>stability among the clones. This synseed protocol could be useful for establishing a particular system for conservation, short-term storage and production of genetically identical and stable plants before it is released for commercial purposes.

  14. Sulla presenza di <em>Sorex antinoriiem>, <em>Neomys anomalusem> (Insectivora, Soricidae e <em>Talpa caecaem> (Insectivora, Talpidae in Umbria

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    A.M. Paci


    Full Text Available Lo scopo del contributo è di fornire un aggiornamento sulla presenza del Toporagno del Vallese <em>Sorex antinoriiem>, del Toporagno acquatico di Miller <em>Neomys anomalusem> e della Talpa cieca <em>Talpa caecaem> in Umbria, dove le specie risultano accertate ormai da qualche anno. A tal fine sono stati rivisitati i reperti collezionati e la bibliografia conosciuta. Toporagno del Vallese: elevato di recente a livello di specie da Brünner et al. (2002, altrimenti considerato sottospecie del Toporagno comune (<em>S. araneus antinoriiem>. È conservato uno di tre crani incompleti (mancano mandibole ed incisivi superiori al momento prudenzialmente riferiti a <em>Sorex> cfr. <em>antinorii>, provenienti dall?Appennino umbro-marchigiano settentrionale (dintorni di Scalocchio - PG, 590 m. s.l.m. e determinati sulla base della pigmentazione rossa degli ipoconi del M1 e M2; Toporagno acquatico di Miller: tre crani (Breda in Paci e Romano op. cit. e un esemplare intero (Paci, ined. sono stati trovati a pochi chilometri di distanza gli uni dall?altro tra i comuni di Assisi e Valfabbrica, in ambienti mediocollinari limitrofi al Parco Regionale del M.te Subasio (Perugia. In provincia di Terni la specie viene segnalata da Isotti (op. cit. per i dintorni di Orvieto. Talpa cieca: sono noti una femmina e un maschio raccolti nel comune di Pietralunga (PG, rispettivamente in una conifereta a <em>Pinus nigraem> (m. 630 s.l.m. e nelle vicinanze di un bosco misto collinare a prevalenza di <em>Quercus cerrisem> (m. 640 s.l.m.. Recentemente un terzo individuo è stato rinvenuto nel comune di Sigillo (PG, all?interno del Parco Regionale di M.te Cucco, sul margine di una faggeta a 1100 m s.l.m. In entrambi i casi l?areale della specie è risultato parapatrico con quello di <em>Talpa europaeaem>.

  15. Electrochemical behaviour of ThF4 in LiCl-KCl eutectic

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Agarwal, Renu; Mukerjee, S.K.; Ramakumar, K.L.


    Pyrochemical processing of nuclear fuels is an integral part of molten salt reactor technology. Thorium containing molten salt reactors are relevant for transmutation of minor actinides and utilizations of vast thorium resources. Understanding chemical and electrochemical behavior of actinide and lanthanide ions in chloride melts is an important task in this process. A eutectic of lithium and potassium chloride is found to be the most suitable salt for this study due to its low melting, high reduction potential and significant solubility of most of the actinide and lanthanide salts. However, electrochemistry of thorium in chloride melt is inconsistent due to dispute over the presence of Th(II) cation along with Th(IV). In the present experiments, cyclic-voltammograms of ThF 4 in LiCl-KCl eutectic salt were measured using three electrodes cell, where all the electrodes were 1 mm molybdenum wires and counter electrode wire was twisted into a spiral shape to increase surface area and was used for mixing the salts in molten state. Cyclic-voltammograms of pure eutectic melt and with ThF 4 were measured at scanning rates 50-300 mV/s, at 648 K and 723 K. Diffusion coefficient of Th 4+ was calculated using Delahay equation

  16. Four Novel Cellulose Synthase (CESA Genes from <em>Birch> (<em>Betula platyphylla em>Suk. Involved in Primary and Secondary Cell Wall Biosynthesis

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    Xuemei Liu


    Full Text Available Cellulose synthase (CESA, which is an essential catalyst for the generation of plant cell wall biomass, is mainly encoded by the <em>CesA> gene family that contains ten or more members. In this study; four full-length cDNAs encoding CESA were isolated from<em> Betula platyphyllaem> Suk., which is an important timber species, using RT-PCR combined with the RACE method and were named as <em>BplCesA3em>, <em>−4em>,> −7 em>and> −8em>. These deduced CESAs contained the same typical domains and regions as their <em>Arabidopsis> homologs. The cDNA lengths differed among these four genes, as did the locations of the various protein domains inferred from the deduced amino acid sequences, which shared amino acid sequence identities ranging from only 63.8% to 70.5%. Real-time RT-PCR showed that all four <em>BplCesAs> were expressed at different levels in diverse tissues. Results indicated that BplCESA8 might be involved in secondary cell wall biosynthesis and floral development. BplCESA3 appeared in a unique expression pattern and was possibly involved in primary cell wall biosynthesis and seed development; it might also be related to the homogalacturonan synthesis. BplCESA7 and BplCESA4 may be related to the formation of a cellulose synthase complex and participate mainly in secondary cell wall biosynthesis. The extremely low expression abundance of the four BplCESAs in mature pollen suggested very little involvement of them in mature pollen formation in <em>Betula>. The distinct expression pattern of the four <em>BplCesAs> suggested they might participate in developments of various tissues and that they are possibly controlled by distinct mechanisms in <em>Betula.>

  17. Microsatellite Loci in the Gypsophyte <em>Lepidium subulatum em>(Brassicaceae, and Transferability to Other <em>Lepidieae>

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    José Gabriel Segarra-Moragues


    Full Text Available Polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed for the Ibero-North African, strict gypsophyte <em>Lepidium subulatumem> to unravel the effects of habitat fragmentation in levels of genetic diversity, genetic structure and gene flow among its populations. Using 454 pyrosequencing 12 microsatellite loci including di- and tri-nucleotide repeats were characterized in <em>L. subulatumem>. They amplified a total of 80 alleles (2–12 alleles per locus in a sample of 35 individuals of <em>L. subulatumem>, showing relatively high levels of genetic diversity, <em>H>O = 0.645, <em>H>E = 0.627. Cross-species transferability of all 12 loci was successful for the Iberian endemics <em>Lepidium cardaminesem>, <em>Lepidium stylatumem>, and the widespread, <em>Lepidium graminifoliumem> and one species each of two related genera, <em>Cardaria drabaem> and <em>Coronopus didymusem>. These microsatellite primers will be useful to investigate genetic diversity, population structure and to address conservation genetics in species of <em>Lepidium>.

  18. Vitrocerâmicas do sistema Li2O Al2O3 SiO2 (LAS) via siterização com cristalização corrente.


    Viviane Oliveira Soares


    Os vidros do sistema LAS (Li2O-Al2O3-SiO2) vêm sendo estudados para obtenção de vitrocerâmicas com coeficiente de expansão térmica próximo de zero, que são necessárias em aplicações que requerem elevada resistência ao choque térmico. No entanto a obtenção destas vitrocerâmicas ainda está muito limitada à utilização de técnicas tradicionais de fusão e conformação seguida por nucleação (induzida pela adição de catalisadores) e crescimento de cristais no volume de peças monolít...

  19. Molten salt corrosion behavior of structural materials in LiCl-KCl-UCl3 by thermogravimetric study (United States)

    Rao, Ch Jagadeeswara; Ningshen, S.; Mallika, C.; Mudali, U. Kamachi


    The corrosion resistance of structural materials has been recognized as a key issue in the various unit operations such as salt purification, electrorefining, cathode processing and injection casting in the pyrochemical reprocessing of spent metallic nuclear fuels. In the present work, the corrosion behavior of the candidate materials of stainless steel (SS) 410, 2.25Cr-1Mo and 9Cr-1Mo steels was investigated in molten LiCl-KCl-UCl3 salt by thermogravimetric analysis under inert and reactive atmospheres at 500 and 600 °C, for 6 h duration. Insignificant weight gain (less than 1 mg/cm2) in the inert atmosphere and marginal weight gain (maximum 5 mg/cm2) in the reactive atmosphere were observed at both the temperatures. Chromium depletion rates and formation of Cr-rich corrosion products increased with increasing temperature of exposure in both inert and reactive atmospheres as evidenced by SEM and EDS analysis. The corrosion attack by LiCl-KCl-UCl3 molten salt, under reactive atmosphere for 6 h duration was more in the case of SS410 than 9Cr-1Mo steel followed by 2.25Cr-1Mo steel at 500 °C and the corrosion attack at 600 °C followed the order: 9Cr-1Mo steel >2.25Cr-1Mo steel > SS410. Outward diffusion of the minor alloying element, Mo was observed in 9Cr-1Mo and 2.25Cr-1Mo steels at both temperatures under reactive atmosphere. Laser Raman spectral analysis of the molten salt corrosion tested alloys under a reactive atmosphere at 500 and 600 °C for 6 h revealed the formation of unprotected Fe3O4 and α-as well as γ-Fe2O3. The results of the present study facilitate the selection of structural materials for applications in the corrosive molten salt environment at high temperatures.

  20. Constituents from <em>Vigna em>vexillata> and Their Anti-Inflammatory Activity

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    Guo-Feng Chen


    Full Text Available The seeds of <em>Vigna em>genus are important food resources and there have already been many reports regarding their bioactivities. In our preliminary bioassay, the chloroform layer of methanol extracts of<em> V. vexillata em>demonstrated significant anti-inflammatory bioactivity. Therefore, the present research is aimed to purify and identify the anti-inflammatory principles of <em>V. vexillataem>. One new sterol (1 and two new isoflavones (2,3 were reported from the natural sources for the first time and their chemical structures were determined by the spectroscopic and mass spectrometric analyses. In addition, 37 known compounds were identified by comparison of their physical and spectroscopic data with those reported in the literature. Among the isolates, daidzein (23, abscisic acid (25, and quercetin (40 displayed the most significant inhibition of superoxide anion generation and elastase release.

  1. Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Luminescent Property of Cd (II Complex with <em>N-Benzenesulphonyl-L>-leucine

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    Xishi Tai


    Full Text Available A new trinuclear Cd (II complex [Cd3(L6(2,2-bipyridine3] [L =<em> Nem>-phenylsulfonyl-L>-leucinato] has been synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, IR and X-ray single crystal diffraction analysis. The results show that the complex belongs to the orthorhombic, space group<em> Pem>212121 with<em> aem> = 16.877(3 Å, <em>b> em>= 22.875(5 Å, <em>c em>= 29.495(6 Å, <em>α> em>= <emem>= <emem>= 90°, <em>V> em>= 11387(4 Å3, <em>Z> em>= 4, <em>Dc>= 1.416 μg·m−3, <emem>= 0.737 mm−1, <em>F> em>(000 = 4992, and final <em>R>1 = 0.0390, <em>ωR>2 = 0.0989. The complex comprises two seven-coordinated Cd (II atoms, with a N2O5 distorted pengonal bipyramidal coordination environment and a six-coordinated Cd (II atom, with a N2O4 distorted octahedral coordination environment. The molecules form one dimensional chain structure by the interaction of bridged carboxylato groups, hydrogen bonds and p-p interaction of 2,2-bipyridine. The luminescent properties of the Cd (II complex and <em>N-Benzenesulphonyl-L>-leucine in solid and in CH3OH solution also have been investigated.

  2. Chemical and mineralogical characterization of elbaites from the Alto Quixaba pegmatite, Seridó province, NE Brazil

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    Ana C.M. Ferreira


    Full Text Available The Alto Quixaba pegmatite, Seridó region, northeastern Brazil, is a 60º/80ºSW-trending subvertical dike discordantly intruded into biotite schists of the Upper Neoproterozoic Seridó Formation. It has three distinct mineralogical and textural zones, besides a replacement body that cuts the pegmatite at its central portion and in which occur, among other gem minerals, colored elbaites. Elbaites usually occur as prismatic crystals, elongate according to the c-axis, with rounded faces and striations parallel to this axis. Optically, crystals are uniaxial negative with strong pleochroism; refractive index extraordinary axis = 1.619-1.622 and ordinary axis = 1.639-1.643, birefringence between 0.019 and 0.021, average relative density of 3.07, and the following unit cell parameters: ao = 15.845 Å, co = 7.085 Å and V = 1540.476 Å. There is alkali deficiency in the X site of 12-17%. The elbaites are relatively enriched in MnO (1.69 to 2.87% and ZnO (up to 2.98%.O pegmatito Alto Quixaba na região do Seridó, nordeste do Brasil, é um corpo subvertical de direção 60°/80°SW intrudindo discordante biotita xistos da Formação Seridó. Apresenta três zonas distintas em termos de mineralogia e textura, al��m de uma zona de alteração em forma de dique na qual ocorre, entre outros minerais-gema, elbaítas coloridas. As elbaítas ocorrem como cristais prismáticos alongados de acordo com o eixo C, com faces arredondadas e estrias paralelas a esse eixo. Os cristais são uniaxiais negativos e apresentam forte pleocroísmo; índices de refração nE = 1,619-1,622 e nO = 1.639-1.643, birrefrigência entre 0,019 e 0,021, densidade relativa de 3,07, e os parâmetros seguintes da célula unitária: ao = 15,845 Å, co = 7,085 Å e V = 1540,476 Å. O sítio X apresenta deficiência em álcalis entre 12 e 17%. As elbaítas são relativamente ricas em MnO (1,69 a 2,87% e ZnO (até 2,98%.

  3. <em>N>-Substituted 5-Chloro-6-phenylpyridazin-3(2<em>H>-ones: Synthesis, Insecticidal Activity Against <em>Plutella xylostella em>(L. and SAR Study

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    Song Yang


    Full Text Available A series of <em>N>-substituted 5-chloro-6-phenylpyridazin-3(2<em>H>-one derivatives were synthesized based on our previous work; all compounds were characterized by spectral data and tested for <em>in vitroem> insecticidal activity against <em>Plutella xylostellaem>. The results showed that the synthesized pyridazin-3(2<em>H>-one compounds possessed good insecticidal activities, especially the compounds 4b, 4d, and 4h which showed > 90% activity at 100 mg/L. The structure-activity relationships (SAR for these compounds were also discussed.

  4. Distribuição de 137Cs em três solos representativos do estado de pernambuco Distribution of 137Cs in three representative soils of pernambuco state, Brazil

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    Patrik Diogo Antunes


    Full Text Available O 137Cs tem sido usado para quantificar perdas ou deposição de solo, com base em valores das concentrações em áreas de referência que tiveram pouca perturbação nas últimas décadas. Determinações em áreas assim ainda não foram feitas na região Nordeste do Brasil. Em Pernambuco, foram selecionadas três áreas com topografia plana, vegetação nativa e solos não perturbados, em Goiana, Sertânia e Araripina. Em cada área, foram marcados quatro pontos, distantes 20 a 50 m um do outro, e em cada um retiradas amostras de solo, em camadas consecutivas de 3 cm de espessura, até 30 cm. As atividades de 137Cs foram determinadas usando espectrometria gama com detector de germânio hiperpuro (HPGe. Os estoques médios de 137Cs (Bq m-2 foram de 71,6 ± 6,3 em Goiana, 64,0 ± 13,8 em Araripina e 95,5 ± 9,8 em Sertânia. Valores nessa faixa têm sido relatados na Paraíba e na Bahia e, mais altos, na região Sudeste, confirmando a diminuição dos estoques em áreas mais próximas do Equador. As maiores atividades ocorreram nas camadas superficiais, variando de 0,5 a 1,6 Bq kg-1, e decresceram linearmente com a profundidade, até os limites de detecção: 18 cm em Araripina, 15 cm em Goiana e 9 cm em Sertânia. Em Goiana, acima dos horizontes inorgânicos havia um horizonte orgânico, com a mais alta atividade (2,06 Bq kg-1. Atividades e estoque altos e menor aprofundamento em Sertânia poderiam ser explicados pela predominância de argilominerais 2:1, em contraposição à de argilominerais 1:1 nos outros locais. Houve correlações positivas entre a atividade de 137Cs e os valores de pH em água e KCl e correlação negativa com as concentrações de Al3+. Confirma-se que, em áreas de referência, a maior atividade do 137Cs está na camada superior, com decréscimos regulares ao longo do perfil do solo.Contents of 137Cs have been used to quantify soil loss or accumulations, based on values of reference sites with little soil disturbance


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    Guy Hamelin


    Full Text Available Na sua obra, Pedro Abelardo (1079-1142 destaca duas noções metafísicas que fundamentam sua teoria lógica: o <em style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal;">statusem> e o <em style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal;">dictum propositionisem>, ao causar, respectivamente, a imposição (<em style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal;">impositioem> dos termos universais e o valor de verdade das proposições. Trata-se de expressões que se referem a naturezas ontológicas peculiares, na medida em que não são consideradas coisas (<em style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal;">resem>, mesmo que constituem causas. Todavia, também não são nada. Abelardo as chama de ‘quase coisas’ (<em style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal;">quasi resem>. No presente artigo, explicamos, primeiro, essas duas noções essenciais da lógica abelardiana, antes de tentar, em seguida, encontrar a fonte dessa metafísica particular. Em oposição a comentadores importantes da lógica de Abelardo, que estimam que haja uma forte influência platônica sobre essa concepção específica, defendemos antes, com apoio de textos significativos e de acordo com o nominalismo abelardiano, que a maior ascendência sobre a metafísica do nosso autor é a do estoicismo, sobretudo, antigo.In his work, Peter Abelard (1079-1142 highlights two metaphysical notions, which sustain his logical theory: the <em>status> and the <em>dictum propositionisem>, causing respectively both the imposition (<em>impositio> of universal terms and the thuth-value of propositions. Both expressions refer to peculiar ontological natures, in so far as they are not considered things (<em>res>, even if they constitute causes. Nevertheless, neither are they ‘nothing’. Abelard calls them ‘quasi-things’ (<em>quasi resem>. In the present article, we expound first these two essential notions of Abelardian logic before then trying to find the source of this particular metaphysics. Contrary to some important

  6. A kinetic study on the catalysis of KCl, K2SO4, and K2CO3 during oxy-biomass combustion. (United States)

    Deng, Shuanghui; Wang, Xuebin; Zhang, Jiaye; Liu, Zihan; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Vujanović, Milan; Tan, Houzhang; Duić, Neven


    Biomass combustion under the oxy-fuel conditions (Oxy-biomass combustion) is one of the approaches achieving negative CO 2 emissions. KCl, K 2 CO 3 and K 2 SO 4 , as the major potassium species in biomass ash, can catalytically affect biomass combustion. In this paper, the catalysis of the representative potassium salts on oxy-biomass combustion was studied using a thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA). Effects of potassium salt types (KCl, K 2 CO 3 and K 2 SO 4 ), loading concentrations (0, 1, 3, 5, 8 wt%), replacing N 2 by CO 2 , and O 2 concentrations (5, 20, 30 vol%) on the catalysis degree were discussed. The comparison between TG-DTG curves of biomass combustion before and after water washing in both the 20%O 2 /80%N 2 and 20%O 2 /80%CO 2 atmospheres indicates that the water-soluble minerals in biomass play a role in promoting the devolatilization and accelerating the char-oxidation; and the replacement of N 2 by CO 2 inhibits the devolatilization and char-oxidation processes during oxy-biomass combustion. In the devolatilization stage, the catalysis degree of potassium monotonously increases with the increase of potassium salt loaded concentration. The catalysis degree order of the studied potassium salts is K 2 CO 3  > KCl > K 2 SO 4 . In the char-oxidation stage, with the increase of loading concentration the three kinds of potassium salts present inconsistent change tendencies of the catalysis degree. In the studied loading concentrations from 0 to 8 wt%, there is an optimal loading concentration for KCl and K 2 CO 3 , at 3 and 5 wt%, respectively; while for K 2 SO 4 , the catalysis degree on char-oxidation monotonically increases with the loading potassium concentration. For most studied conditions, regardless of the potassium salt types or the loading concentrations or the combustion stages, the catalysis degree in the O 2 /CO 2 atmosphere is stronger than that in the O 2 /N 2 atmosphere. The catalysis degree is also affected by the O 2

  7. Direct preparation of Al-base alloys from their oxides/metal precursors in the eutectic LiCl–KCl melt

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gao, Bingliang; Zhu, Hao; Xia, Yuxiang; Shi, Zhongning; Hu, Xianwei; Wang, Zhaowen


    A study was carried out on the preparation of Al–Cu–Li alloy from their oxides/metal precursors using the method of electro-deoxidation in the eutectic LiCl–KCl melt at 648 K. Cyclic voltammetry was used to characterize the system. The samples were prepared by potentiostatic electrolysis at −1.0 V to −2.0 V (vs. Ag + /Ag) for 5 h. XRD analysis shows that Li 2 O is not electrochemically reduced to Li at −1.0 V (vs. Ag + /Ag) or more negative potential. During the preparation process of Al–Cu–Li alloy, lithium peroxide is formed as an intermediate compound. Al–Cu–Li alloy is chemically prepared through the reaction between aluminum and lithium peroxide by heating of Al–Cu–Li 2 O precursors in KCl–LiCl–LiF melt at 1023 K. Eelectro-deoxidation in LiCl–KCl melt can increase the lithium content in the final alloy product. Al–Mg and Al–Nd alloy were also prepared by using the same method from their mixture of aluminum and corresponding oxide, respectively. Al–Nd alloy can only be obtained at the temperature above 773 K. Al–Li alloy could not be obtained in eutectic CaCl 2 –LiCl melt because of formation of calcium aluminates. - Highlights: • Al–Cu–Li alloy was prepared using electrochemical deoxidation of Al–Cu–Li 2 O precursor in eutectic KCl–LiCl melt at 648 K. • Al–Nd alloy was successfully produced by the same method at 773 K. • CaCl 2 –LiCl melt is not a good choice for preparing Al–Li alloy because of formation of calcium aluminate.

  8. Direct preparation of Al-base alloys from their oxides/metal precursors in the eutectic LiCl–KCl melt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gao, Bingliang, E-mail:; Zhu, Hao; Xia, Yuxiang; Shi, Zhongning; Hu, Xianwei; Wang, Zhaowen


    A study was carried out on the preparation of Al–Cu–Li alloy from their oxides/metal precursors using the method of electro-deoxidation in the eutectic LiCl–KCl melt at 648 K. Cyclic voltammetry was used to characterize the system. The samples were prepared by potentiostatic electrolysis at −1.0 V to −2.0 V (vs. Ag{sup +}/Ag) for 5 h. XRD analysis shows that Li{sub 2}O is not electrochemically reduced to Li at −1.0 V (vs. Ag{sup +}/Ag) or more negative potential. During the preparation process of Al–Cu–Li alloy, lithium peroxide is formed as an intermediate compound. Al–Cu–Li alloy is chemically prepared through the reaction between aluminum and lithium peroxide by heating of Al–Cu–Li{sub 2}O precursors in KCl–LiCl–LiF melt at 1023 K. Eelectro-deoxidation in LiCl–KCl melt can increase the lithium content in the final alloy product. Al–Mg and Al–Nd alloy were also prepared by using the same method from their mixture of aluminum and corresponding oxide, respectively. Al–Nd alloy can only be obtained at the temperature above 773 K. Al–Li alloy could not be obtained in eutectic CaCl{sub 2}–LiCl melt because of formation of calcium aluminates. - Highlights: • Al–Cu–Li alloy was prepared using electrochemical deoxidation of Al–Cu–Li{sub 2}O precursor in eutectic KCl–LiCl melt at 648 K. • Al–Nd alloy was successfully produced by the same method at 773 K. • CaCl{sub 2}–LiCl melt is not a good choice for preparing Al–Li alloy because of formation of calcium aluminate.

  9. Investigation of the yield process by deformation luminescence of X-ray irradiated KCl:Ca2+

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakamura, S.; Ida, K.; Ohgaku, T.


    It is found that deformation luminescence gives us information about the microscopic yield process of X-ray irradiated KCl:Ca 2+ . The stress-strain curve has a macroscopic yield point. But we find that luminescence appears to start before the macroscopic yield. This means that dislocation begin to move before the macroscopic yield because deformation luminescence is attributed to radiation-induced dislocation motion. The beginning of luminescence is considered to be the microscopic yield. Investigating the dependence of microscopic yield stress on strain rate and impurity concentration gives us additional information. The activation volume obtained from the dependence of microscopic yield stress on strain rate is comparable to the value estimated from the concentration of impurity. Then the dislocation starts to move overcoming impurity-vacancy dipoles as obstacles to dislocation motion. The dislocation density starts to increase at the microscopic yield point and then sharply increases to the macroscopic yield.

  10. Electrochemical preparation of Al–Sm intermetallic compound whisker in LiCl–KCl Eutectic Melts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ji, De−Bin; Yan, Yong−De; Zhang, Mi−Lin; Li, Xing; Jing, Xiao−Yan; Han, Wei; Xue, Yun; Zhang, Zhi−Jian; Hartmann, Thomas


    Highlights: • The reduction process of Sm(III) was investigated in LiCl–KCl melt on an aluminum electrode at 773 K. • Al–Sm alloy with different phase structure (Al 2 Sm and Al 3 Sm) was prepared by potentiostatic electrolysis on an aluminum electrode with the change of electrolytic potentials and time in LiCl–KCl–SmCl 3 melts. • Al − Sm alloy containing whiskers (Al 4 Sm) was obtained by potentiostatic electrolysis (−2.10 V) on an aluminum electrode for 7 hours with the change of electrolytic temperature and cooling rate in LiCl–KCl–SmCl 3 (16.5 wt. %) melts. The results from micro–hardness test and potentiodynamic polarization test show the micro hardness and corrosion property are remarkably improved with the help of Al–Sm intermetallic compound whiskers. - Abstract: This work presents the electrochemical study of Sm(III) on an aluminum electrode in LiCl–KCl melts at 773 K by different electrochemical methods. Three electrochemical signals in cyclic voltammetry, square wave voltammetry, open circuit chronopotentiometry, and cathode polarization curve are attributed to different kinds of Al–Sm intermetallic compounds, Al 2 Sm, Al 3 Sm, and Al 4 Sm, respectively. Al–Sm alloy with different phase structure (Al 2 Sm and Al 3 Sm) could be obtained by the potentiostatic electrolysis with the change of electrolytic potentials and time. Al–Sm alloy containing whiskers (Al 4 Sm) was obtained by potentiostatic electrolysis (−2.10 V) on an aluminum electrode for 7 hours with the change of electrolytic temperature and cooling rate in LiCl–KCl–SmCl 3 (16.5 wt. %) melts. The XRD and SEM&EDS were employed to investigate the phase composition and microstructure of Al–Sm alloy. SEM analysis shows that lots of needle−like precipitates formed in Al–Sm alloy, and their ratios of length to diameter are found to be greater than 10 to 1. The TEM and electron diffraction pattern were performed to investigate the crystal structure of the

  11. Comparative study of the thermoluminescence between the materials {alpha}-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}:C, KCl:Eu{sup 2+}, KBr: Eu{sup 2+} and VYCOR; Estudio comparativo de la termoluminiscencia entre los materiales {alpha}-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}: C, KCl:Eu{sup 2+}, KBr: Eu{sup 2+} y VYCOR

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pedroza M, M. [Programa de Posgrado en Fisica de Materiales, Centro de Investigacion Cientifica y de Educacion Superior de Ensenada, Apdo. Postal 2681, C.P. 22800, Ensenada, Baja California (Mexico); Melendrez, R.; Perez S, R.; Aceves, R.; Piters, T.M.; Barboza F, M. [Centro de Investigacion en Fisica, Universidad de Sonora, Apdo. Postal 5-088, C.P. 83190 Hermosillo, Sonora (Mexico)


    It is presented some investigation results related to the thermoluminescence curves (Tl), Tl emission and the spectra of excitation of thermoluminescence in the ultraviolet region of 190 to 250 nm in the materials {alpha}-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}:C, KCl: Eu{sup 2+}, KBr: Eu{sup 2+} and the Vycor glass. It was able to be observed that the Tl emission for the first three materials exists around 420 nm and in the case of Vycor the emission consists of two Tl peaks where the most low temperature is a band more wide centered in 460 nm and the other band of high temperature emits in 470 nm. In the excitation curves of Tl were obtained centered bands around 230 nm for KCl: Eu{sup 2+}, 235 nm for KBr: Eu{sup 2+}, 220 nm for the alumina and 195 nm for the Vycor. From the results it was able to be appreciated that this last has a minor relative intensity with respect to the others materials but also the region in which works there was an alone band between the 190 to 205 nm. This fact makes the material be very selective in the ultraviolet region of greatest energy. (Author)

  12. Fratografia em vidros Fractography in glasses

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    J. M. F. Coelho


    Full Text Available A análise da superfície de fratura é um método extremamente confiável para se identificar as razões da falha em um material, uma vez que o caminho percorrido pela trinca fornece informações importantes sobre sua origem e direção de propagação, além das distribuições de tensões no momento da fratura, as causas de sua iniciação, a interação da trinca com a microestrutura e a seqüência de propagação da mesma. Nos vidros e cerâmicos, as principais características morfológicas da superfície de fratura são a origem, o espelho de fratura, a região de névoa ou bruma ("mist" e a região de ramificação de trincas ("hackle". Além destas características, outras marcas importantes podem ocorrer na superfície de fratura de vidros, tais como: linhas de "Wallner", escarpas de aceleração e desaceleração, ramificações de rotação ("twist hackle", asas de gaivotas ("gull wings" e os rastros de ramificação ("wake hackle". As características morfológicas descritas são bem definidas nos vidros, uma vez que estes materiais são homogêneos, isotrópicos e não possuem cristais que interfiram com a propagação da trinca.Fracture surface analysis is a very reliable method to identify the causes of a material failure, since the crack propagation path allows the identification of the crack origin and the propagation direction, the stress state at the moment of the fracture, the causes of fracture initiation, interaction of the crack with the microstructure and the crack propagation sequence. In glasses and ceramics, the most important morphologic features of the fracture surface are the fracture origin, the fracture mirror, the mist and the hackle. Along with these fracture marks, other important surface features can be present too, for instance: "Wallner" lines, scarps, twist hackle, gull wings and the wake hackle. The above fracture surface features are very well defined in glasses, since these materials are homogeneous

  13. The effect of mixed HCl–KCl competitive adsorbate on Pt adsorption and catalytic properties of Pt–Sn/Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} catalysts in propane dehydrogenation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zangeneh, Farnaz Tahriri, E-mail: [Department of Chemistry, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, P.O. Box 14155-4933, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Catalyst Research Group, Petrochemical Research and Technology Company, National Petrochemical Company, P.O. Box 14358-84711, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Taeb, Abbas [Department of Chemistry, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, P.O. Box 14155-4933, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Gholivand, Khodayar [Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, P.O. Box 14115-175, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Sahebdelfar, Saeed [Catalyst Research Group, Petrochemical Research and Technology Company, National Petrochemical Company, P.O. Box 14358-84711, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of)


    Highlights: • Impregnation is a critical step in preparation of Pt-based dehydrogenation catalysts. • A competitor ion could strongly influence the impregnation of Pt on alumina support. • The competitor type is much more effective than pH of impregnation solution. • HCl competitor can be partially replaced by KCl reducing acidic attack on support. • Adsorption parameters can be estimated by a simple equilibrium-based model. - Abstract: The effect of competitive adsorbate concentration and combination on the adsorption of H{sub 2}PtCl{sub 6} onto γ-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} in the preparation and performance of PtSnK/γ-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} catalyst for propane dehydrogenation was investigated. The catalysts were prepared by sequential impregnation of Sn and Pt precursors. The effect of competitor concentration on Pt adsorption was studied by using hydrochloric acid (0.1–0.3 M) and the effect of pH was studied by using KCl/HCl mixtures at constant (0.1 M) total chloride ion concentration. The catalysts were characterized by nitrogen adsorption/desorption, XRD, XRF, SEM and CO chemisorption. The catalytic performance tests were carried out in a fixed-bed quartz reactor under kinetic controlled condition for proper catalyst screening. It was found that the corrosive competitor HCl could be partially substituted with KCl without appreciable impact on catalyst performance with the advantage of lower acid attack on the support and reduced leaching of the deposited tin. A model based on initial concentration and uptake of the adsorbates was developed to obtain the adsorption parameters. Values of 890 μmol/g and 600 lit/mol were obtained for adsorption site concentration of the tin-impregnated support and equilibrium constant for Pt adsorption, respectively, for HCl concentration range of 0.1–0.3 M.

  14. ROS activate KCl cotransport in nonadherent Ehrlich ascites cells but K+ and Cl- channels in adherent Ehrlich Lettré and NIH3T3 cells

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lambert, Ian Henry; Klausen, Thomas Kjær; Bergdahl, Andreas


    Addition of H2O2 (0.5 mM) to Ehrlich ascites tumor cells under isotonic conditions results within 25 min in a substantial (22 +/- 1 %) reduction in cell volume. The cell shrinkage is paralleled by net loss of K(+), which was significant within 8 min, whereas no concomitant increase in the K......(+) or Cl(-) conductances could be observed. The H2O2-induced cell shrinkage was unaffected by the presence of clofilium and clotrimazole, that block volume-sensitive and Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels, respectively, and unaffected by a raise in extracellular K(+) concentration to a value which eliminates...... the electrochemical driving force for K(+). On the other hand, the H2O2-induced cell shrinkage was impaired in the presence of the KCl cotransport inhibitor DIOA, following substitution of NO3(-) for Cl(-), and when the driving force for KCl cotransport was omitted. It is suggested that H2O2 activates electro neutral...


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    Marcelo Cerqueira dos Santos


    Full Text Available O leite condensado brasileiro apresentou um desempenho favorável entre os anos de 1996 e 2006, alcançando mais de 50% da pauta da exportação de produtos lácteos. Desta forma, torna-se importante aumentar o conhecimento a cerca dos atributos de qualidade do leite condensado nacional. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar e avaliar oito marcas comerciais nacionais de leite condensado, com ênfase na avaliação microscópica relativa à presença de grandes cristais de lactose, defeito conhecido como arenosidade. Cada uma das marcas foi analisada para os atributos tamanho e número dos cristais de lactose, teores de umidade, lactose e sacarose, mediante a realização de três repetições autênticas. A marca oito apresentou o maior valor para massa de lactose cristalizável por unidade de produto (33,6g.395g-1. Houve diferença significativa entre as marcas de leite condensado para os atributos tamanho e número de cristais de lactose. Encontrou-se correlação significativa positiva (p<0,021 entre o teor de lactose e o número de cristais de lactose. A análise microscópica para leites condensados contribuiu para a avaliação da qualidade do produto e do processo de microcristalização e, mediante a facilidade de manuseio e relevância das informações obtidas, torna-se uma importante ferramenta disponível ao controle de qualidade das indústrias.

  16. Pengaruh Pemberian Urea, Tsp, Kcl Dan Pupuk Organik Cair (Poc) Kulit Pisang Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Tanaman Cabai Merah Keriting (Capsicum Annum L.)


    adrian, Edo; Yetti, Husna


    This research to determine the interaction of inorganic fertilizer (Urea, TSP, KCl)and banana peelliquid organic fertilizer (POC) to find the best results on the growth and yield of red pepper (Capsicum annuum L.).This study was conducted for four months (March-June, 2016), the Experimental Station, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau Pekanbaru,using a completely randomized design (CRD) factorial,consists of two factors and three replications.The results were analyzed by analysis of va...

  17. Natural Products from Antarctic Colonial Ascidians of the Genera <em>Aplidium> and <em>Synoicum>: Variability and Defensive Role

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    Conxita Avila


    Full Text Available Ascidians have developed multiple defensive strategies mostly related to physical, nutritional or chemical properties of the tunic. One of such is chemical defense based on secondary metabolites. We analyzed a series of colonial Antarctic ascidians from deep-water collections belonging to the genera <em>Aplidium> and <em>Synoicum> to evaluate the incidence of organic deterrents and their variability. The ether fractions from 15 samples including specimens of the species <em>A.> <em>falklandicum>, <em>A.> <em>fuegiense>, <em>A.> <em>meridianum>, <em>A.> <em>millari> and <em>S.> <em>adareanum> were subjected to feeding assays towards two relevant sympatric predators: the starfish <em>Odontaster> <em>validus>, and the amphipod <em>Cheirimedon> <em>femoratus>. All samples revealed repellency. Nonetheless, some colonies concentrated defensive chemicals in internal body-regions rather than in the tunic. Four ascidian-derived meroterpenoids, rossinones B and the three derivatives 2,3-epoxy-rossinone B, 3-epi-rossinone B, 5,6-epoxy-rossinone B, and the indole alkaloids meridianins A–G, along with other minoritary meridianin compounds were isolated from several samples. Some purified metabolites were tested in feeding assays exhibiting potent unpalatabilities, thus revealing their role in predation avoidance. Ascidian extracts and purified compound-fractions were further assessed in antibacterial tests against a marine Antarctic bacterium. Only the meridianins showed inhibition activity, demonstrating a multifunctional defensive role. According to their occurrence in nature and within our colonial specimens, the possible origin of both types of metabolites is discussed.

  18. Formation and control of zinc nitride in a molten LiCl-KCl-Li3N system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goto, Takuya; Toyoura, Kazuaki; Tsujimura, Hiroyuki; Ito, Yasuhiko


    We investigated a possibility of electrochemical formation and control of zinc nitride in a molten LiCl-KCl-Li 3 N system at 673 K. Zinc nitride films were obtained by means of potentiostatic electrolysis of zinc electrodes in the melt. From XRD analysis, it was confirmed that obtained films consisted of Zn 3 N 2 and LiZnN and that the composition of each film was effected by the applied potential value. In the potential range from 0.75 to 1.6 V (versus Li + /Li), the ratio of Zn 3 N 2 increased as the applied potential was more positive. Based on the result, we achieved the formation of Zn 3 N 2 film (3-5 μm) in anti-scandium oxide structure (a = 0.977 nm) by means of potentiostatic electrolysis at 1.6 V for 3 h

  19. Effectiveness of fused magnesium potassium phosphate for marandu grass Eficiência do termofosfato magnesiano potássico para o capim-marandu

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    Valdeci Orioli Júnior


    Full Text Available The current high price of KCl and great dependence on importation to satisfy the Brazilian demand indicate the need for studies that evaluate the efficiency of other K sources, particularly those based on domestic raw material. For this purpose, a greenhouse experiment was conducted with samples of a sandy clay loam Typic Haplustox, in a completely randomized 4 x 3 x 2 factorial design: four K rates (0, 60, 120, and 180 mg kg-1, three sources (potassium chloride (KCl, fused magnesium potassium phosphate (FMPP and a mixture of 70 % FMPP + 30 % KCl and two particle sizes (100 and 60 mesh, with three replications. Potassium fertilization resulted in significant increases in shoot dry matter production and in K concentrations, both in soil and plants. The K source and particle size had no significant effect on the evaluated characteristics. Potassium critical levels in the soil and the shoots were 1.53 mmol c dm-3 and 19.1 g kg-1, respectively.O alto custo atual do KCl e a grande dependência de sua importação para suprir a demanda nacional sugerem a necessidade de estudos que procurem avaliar a eficiência de outras fontes de K, principalmente aquelas baseadas em matéria-prima nacional. Nesse sentido, foi conduzido um experimento em casa de vegetação com amostras de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico textura média, adotando-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 4 x 3 x 2, sendo quatro doses de K (0, 60, 120 e 180 mg kg-1 de K, três fontes [(cloreto de potássio (KCl], termofosfato magnesiano potássico (FMPP e a mistura de 70 % FMPP + 30 % KCl e duas granulometrias (100 e 60 mesh, com três repetições. Verificou-se que a adubação potássica promoveu incrementos significativos na produção de matéria seca (parte aérea e nos teores de K no solo e na planta, não havendo diferenças entre as fontes e suas granulometrias. Os níveis críticos de K no solo e na parte aérea das plantas foram de 1,53 mmol c dm-3 e 19

  20. Fumigant Antifungal Activity of Myrtaceae Essential Oils and Constituents from <em>Leptospermum petersoniiem> against Three <em>Aspergillus> Species

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    Il-Kwon Park


    Full Text Available Commercial plant essential oils obtained from 11 Myrtaceae plant species were tested for their fumigant antifungal activity against <em>Aspergillus ochraceusem>, <em>A. flavusem>, and <em>A. nigerem>. Essential oils extracted from<em> em>Leptospermum> <em>petersonii> at air concentrations of 56 × 10−3 mg/mL and 28 × 10−3 mg/mL completely inhibited the growth of the three <em>Aspergillus> species. However, at an air concentration of 14 × 10−3 mg/mL, inhibition rates of <em>L. petersoniiem> essential oils were reduced to 20.2% and 18.8% in the case of <em>A. flavusem> and <em>A. nigerem>, respectively. The other Myrtaceae essential oils (56 × 10−3 mg/mL only weakly inhibited the fungi or had no detectable affect. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis identified 16 compounds in <em>L. petersoniiem>> em>essential> em>oil.> em>The antifungal activity of the identified compounds was tested individually by using standard or synthesized compounds. Of these, neral and geranial inhibited growth by 100%, at an air concentration of 56 × 10−3 mg/mL, whereas the activity of citronellol was somewhat lover (80%. The other compounds exhibited only moderate or weak antifungal activity. The antifungal activities of blends of constituents identified in <em>L. petersoniiem> oil indicated that neral and geranial were the major contributors to the fumigant and antifungal activities.

  1. Effects of fertilization and rootstock on nutrient status and fruit set in sour cherry <em>Prunus cerasusem> 'Stevnsbaer'

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, N. L.; Toldam-Andersen, Torben; Dencker, Ivar Blücher


    The purpose of this experiment was to investigate the effects of two potassium fertilization treatments on fruit set and flower bud, flower and bract leaf nutrient concentrations in Prunus cerasus 'Stevnsbaer' on Prunus avium and 'Colt' rootstocks. Single applications of KNO3 or KCl were applied ...

  2. Melting of KCl and pressure calibration from in situ ionic conductivity measurements in a multi-anvil apparatus (United States)

    Li, J.; Dong, J.; Zhu, F.


    Melting plays an unparalleled role in planetary differentiation processes including the formation of metallic cores, basaltic crusts, and atmospheres. Knowledge of the melting behavior of Earth materials provides critical constraints for establishing the Earth's thermal structure, interpreting regional seismic anomalies, and understanding the nature of chemical heterogeneity. Measuring the melting points of compressed materials, however, have remained challenging mainly because melts are often mobile and reactive, and temperature and pressure gradients across millimeter or micron-sized samples introduce large uncertainties in melting detection. Here the melting curve of KCl was determined through in situ ionic conductivity measurements, using the multi-anvil apparatus at the University of Michigan. The method improves upon the symmetric configuration that was used recently for studying the melting behaviors of NaCl, Na2CO3, and CaCO3 (Li and Li 2015 American Mineralogist, Li et al. 2017 Earth and Planetary Science Letters). In the new configuration, the thermocouple and electrodes are placed together with the sample at the center of a cylindrical heater where the temperature is the highest along the axis, in order to minimize uncertainties in temperature measurements and increase the stability of the sample and electrodes. With 1% reproducibility in melting point determination at pressures up to 20 GPa, this method allows us to determine the sample pressure to oil load relationship at high temperatures during multiple heating and cooling cycles, on the basis of the well-known melting curves of ionic compounds. This approach enables more reliable pressure measurements than relying on a small number of fixed-point phase transitions. The new data on KCl bridge the gap between the piston-cylinder results up to 4 GPa (Pistorius 1965 J. of Physics and Chemistry of Solids) and several diamond-anvil cell data points above 20 GPa (Boehler et al. 1996 Physical Review). We

  3. Clinical Relevance of <em>CDH1em> and <em>CDH13em> DNA-Methylation in Serum of Cervical Cancer Patients

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    Günther K. Bonn


    Full Text Available This study was designed to investigate the DNA-methylation status of <em>E>-cadherin (<em>CDH1em> and <em>H>-cadherin (<em>CDH13em> in serum samples of cervical cancer patients and control patients with no malignant diseases and to evaluate the clinical utility of these markers. DNA-methylation status of <em>CDH1em> and <em>CDH13em> was analyzed by means of MethyLight-technology in serum samples from 49 cervical cancer patients and 40 patients with diseases other than cancer. To compare this methylation analysis with another technique, we analyzed the samples with a denaturing high performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC PCR-method. The specificity and sensitivity of <em>CDH1em> DNA-methylation measured by MethyLight was 75% and 55%, and for <em>CDH13em> DNA-methylation 95% and 10%. We identified a specificity of 92.5% and a sensitivity of only 27% for the <em>CDH1em> DHPLC-PCR analysis. Multivariate analysis showed that serum <em>CDH1em> methylation-positive patients had a 7.8-fold risk for death (95% CI: 2.2–27.7; <em>p> = 0.001 and a 92.8-fold risk for relapse (95% CI: 3.9–2207.1; <em>p> = 0.005. We concluded that the serological detection of <em>CDH1em> and <em>CDH13em> DNA-hypermethylation is not an ideal diagnostic tool due to low diagnostic specificity and sensitivity. However, it was validated that <em>CDH1em> methylation analysis in serum samples may be of potential use as a prognostic marker for cervical cancer patients.

  4. Extraction of Dihydroquercetin<em> em>from <em>Larix gmeliniem>i> em>with Ultrasound-Assisted and Microwave-Assisted Alternant Digestion

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    Yuangang Zu


    Full Text Available An ultrasound and microwave assisted alternant extraction method (UMAE was applied for extracting dihydroquercetin (DHQ from <em>Larix gmeliniem>i> wood. This investigation was conducted using 60% ethanol as solvent, 1:12 solid to liquid ratio, and 3 h soaking time. The optimum treatment time was ultrasound 40 min, microwave 20 min, respectively, and the extraction was performed once. Under the optimized conditions, satisfactory extraction yield of the target analyte was obtained. Relative to ultrasound-assisted or microwave-assisted method, the proposed approach provides higher extraction yield. The effect of DHQ of different concentrations and synthetic antioxidants on oxidative stability in soy bean oil stored for 20 days at different temperatures (25 °C and 60 °C was compared. DHQ was more effective in restraining soy bean oil oxidation, and a dose-response relationship was observed. The antioxidant activity of DHQ was a little stronger than that of BHA and BHT. Soy bean oil supplemented with 0.08 mg/g DHQ exhibited favorable antioxidant effects and is preferable for effectively avoiding oxidation. The <em>L. gmeliniiem> wood samples before and after extraction were characterized by scanning electron microscopy. The results showed that the UMAE method is a simple and efficient technique for sample preparation.

  5. Magneto-optical measurement of spin-lattice relaxation time in KBr and in the Na and Cs halogenetes and Co++ ion magnetic circular dichroism study in KCl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carvalho, R.A.


    A magnetic circular dicroism spectrometer is described, which was used in the following experiments: 1) The spin-lattice relaxation time (T 1 ) for F centers in NaCl, NaBr, CsBr and CsCl, at 1,8 0 K in magnetic fields up to 15000Gs is described. The suitability of the theory of ref. (08) to explain the differences observed for halides of differents alkali ions as well as for different structures is verified proves that the hyperfine interaction is the most important mechanism for this kind of centers. It is also verified that, for temperatures between 6 0 K and 15 0 K, T 1 experimental values fits the theory of ref. (21) reasonably well, for F centers in KBr. This theory us an extension of that of ref. (8). 2) The MCD spectra for KCl:Co ++ and Caf 2 :Co ++ in different magnetic fields up to 56KGs, and in temperature range between 1,8 0 K and 4,2 0 K is obtained. The results are consistent with the assumption that Co ++ centers are intersticial in KCl lattice [pt


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    Rafaela Damasceno Sá


    Full Text Available Eugenia uniflora L., popularmente conhecida como pitangueira, é uma importante frutífera muito utilizada na medicina tradicional brasileira para o tratamento de diarreia e disenteria, gripe, parasitas intestinais, febre, hipertensão e como calmante e diurético. Devido ao seu amplo interesse popular e com o intuito de ampliar as informações farmacobotânicas da espécie, este trabalho tem como objetivo realizar a caracterização anatômica e histoquímica das folhas de E. uniflora. Foram confeccionadas e analisadas em microscópico de luz lâminas semipermanentes contendo secções transversais de pecíolo e lâmina foliar, além de secções paradérmicas de lâmina foliar. Realizou-se também testes histoquímicos em secções transversais de lâmina foliar A análise microscópica permitiu a identificação de estruturas importantes na diagnose da espécie: cavidades secretoras no pecíolo e na lâmina foliar; cristais prismáticos no floema do pecíolo e da lâmina foliar, bem como no mesofilo e nas células parenquimáticas e colenquimáticas da nervura central; drusas estão presentes apenas no parênquima do pecíolo e no mesofilo, parênquima e colênquima da lâmina foliar; presença de cutícula espessa no pecíolo e na lâmina foliar; feixes vasculares bicolaterais e mesofilo dorsiventral, com parênquima paliçádico bisseriado. Através da histoquímica evidenciou-se na lâmina foliar a presença de compostos fenólicos, taninos, lignina, compostos lipofílicos, óleos essenciais, triterpenos e esteroides e cristais de oxalato de cálcio. Os resultados apresentados são úteis para a identificação correta da espécie.

  7. How <em>Varroa> Parasitism Affects the Immunological and Nutritional Status of the Honey Bee, <em>Apis melliferaem>

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    Katherine A. Aronstein


    Full Text Available We investigated the effect of the parasitic mite <em>Varroa destructorem> on the immunological and nutritional condition of honey bees, <em>Apis melliferaem>, from the perspective of the individual bee and the colony. Pupae, newly-emerged adults and foraging adults were sampled from honey bee colonies at one site in S. Texas, USA. <em>Varroa>‑infested bees displayed elevated titer of Deformed Wing Virus (DWV, suggestive of depressed capacity to limit viral replication. Expression of genes coding three anti-microbial peptides (<em>defensin1, abaecin, hymenoptaecinem> was either not significantly different between <em>Varroa>-infested and uninfested bees or was significantly elevated in <em>Varroa>-infested bees, varying with sampling date and bee developmental age. The effect of <em>Varroa> on nutritional indices of the bees was complex, with protein, triglyceride, glycogen and sugar levels strongly influenced by life-stage of the bee and individual colony. Protein content was depressed and free amino acid content elevated in <em>Varroa>-infested pupae, suggesting that protein synthesis, and consequently growth, may be limited in these insects. No simple relationship between the values of nutritional and immune-related indices was observed, and colony-scale effects were indicated by the reduced weight of pupae in colonies with high <em>Varroa> abundance, irrespective of whether the individual pupa bore <em>Varroa>.

  8. Thermally and optically stimulated luminescence correlated processes in X-ray irradiated KCl:Eu2+

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chernov, V.; Melendrez Ao, R.; Piters, T.M.; Barboza-Flores, M.


    The effect of optical bleaching on thermoluminescence (TL) and thermal bleaching on optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) outputs in X-ray irradiated KCl : Eu 2+ have been investigated. The X-ray induced glow curves reveal three main peaks located at 370, 410 and 470 K. Illumination with 560 nm light leads to a drastic change of the TL glow curve. The 470 K peak is destroyed during bleaching. The other peaks initially increase in intensity and only after sufficiently long bleaching begin to decrease. After long-time bleaching, the TL peaks in X-ray irradiated crystals look like the TL peaks found in UV irradiated crystals. The effect of thermal bleaching on OSL is also very pronounced. The temperature dependencies show a step-by-step decrease of the OSL intensity correlated with the positions of the TL peaks. The result obtained shows that centers responsible for the TL peaks participate in OSL, but this participation seems not to be direct and is complicated by processes accompanying the F center bleaching

  9. em cristais de Ho:YLF e Er:YLF na região de 3m

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    Fábio Henrique Jagosich


    Full Text Available In this work, the deactivation energy transfer mechanisms of 4I13/2 of Er3+ and 5I7 of Ho3+ levels in crystals of LiYF4 (YLF co-doped with Nd3+, Tb3+ and Eu3+ are studied. It was determined the best combination with deactivator ions, capable to maximize the laser gain in the middle of the Ho3+ in 2.9 micrometers (mm and the Er3+ in 2.75 mm operation. The results showed that the Tb3+ and Eu3+ are the best deactivators to the Ho3+ laser operation, while for the Ho3+ laser operation, the best ion deactivator is the Nd3+. The energy transfer characterizations were carried out using the Förster-Dexter method, which consists in the determination of the interaction critic ray, to start from the integral superposition of the absorption cross section spectrum and the involved ions emission.

  10. Estado nutricional e componentes da produção de plantas de pimentão conduzidas em sistema de fertirrigação durante indução de estresse salino em cultivo protegido Nutritional condition and yield components of bell pepper plants conduced in fertigation system during induction of saline stress in protected cultivation

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    Marcelo Leonardo


    Full Text Available O uso das técnicas de fertirrigação em ambiente protegido vem aumentando no Brasil devido à praticidade de condução e redução dos custos de produção. Apesar dessas vantagens, salienta-se que esta prática também pode trazer riscos, principalmente pelo acúmulo de sais na superfície do solo e na região periférica do bulbo radicular. Em caso de salinização do solo pelo manejo incorreto do sistema podem ocorrer alterações na disponibilidade de nutrientes, com conseqüências fisiológicas no desenvolvimento das plantas. Neste trabalho, utilizou-se o pimentão (Capsicum annuum L. como planta-modelo para estudos da interferência da salinidade na nutrição das plantas, pela alteração da condutividade elétrica (CE na solução do solo. Os resultados revelaram indícios de antagonismo entre nutrientes, notadamente entre as formas catiônicas em razão do aumento da concentração de KCl nos tratamentos com alta CE. A suplementação do solo com adubo orgânico não atenuou os efeitos do aumento da concentração salina e os valores extremos de CE interferiram drasticamente na produção.The use of fertigation techniques in greenhouse is increasing in Brazil due to the facilities and reduction of the costs of production. In spite of these advantages, it is pointed out that this practice can also bring risks, mainly for the accumulation of salts in the surface of the soil and in the peripheric root site of the bulb. In case of soil salinization due to incorrect handling of the system, it can happen alterations in the disponibility of nutrients, with physiological consequences to the development of the plants. In this research, the bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L. was used as model for studies of the interference of the salinity in plant nutrition and yield. The obtained results revealed some antagonism among nutrients, especially among the cationic forms due to the increase of the KCl concentration in the treatments with high EC. The

  11. Efeito do nitrogênio e potássio na nutrição do pimentão cultivado em ambiente protegido

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    M. A. G. Silva


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se a influência do N e K na concentração e acúmulo de nutrientes no pimentão, cultivar Mayata, irrigado por gotejamento. O experimento foi instalado em cultivo protegido telado, em Latossolo Vermelho mesoférrico, entre o período de novembro de 1996 a agosto de 1997, durante 34 semanas. Os tratamentos constaram de três doses de N (13,3; 26,6 e 39,9 g m-2, como uréia, e três doses de K (5,5; 11,0 e 16,6 g m-2, como KCl, distribuídas em esquema fatorial, utilizando o delineamento em blocos casualizados. Todas as plantas foram irrigadas por gotejamento tendo sido a uréia e o cloreto de potássio aplicados logo abaixo dos gotejadores. As doses de N não afetaram a concentração dos nutrientes em folhas recém-maduras, no início do florescimento e início da frutificação, enquanto o K diminuiu a concentração de P e S, no início da frutificação, exceto na dose de 5,5 g m-2 de K. O N aumentou o acúmulo de nutrientes na parte aérea, ao final do ciclo de cultivo, quando aplicado na dose de 26,6 g m-2, porém não influenciou a produção de frutos. O K contribuiu para a absorção de nutrientes e produção de frutos, somente quando presente em baixas concentrações no solo. Doses de K de 16,6 g m-2, relacionaram-se com a alta condutividade elétrica (1.400 µS cm-1, até a camada de 40 cm, e com a alta concentração de cloreto na parte aérea e frutos de pimentão.

  12. Trophic systems and chorology: data from shrews, moles and voles of Italy preyed by the barn owl / Sistemi trofici e corologia: dati su <em>Soricidae>, <em>Talpidae> ed <em>Arvicolidae> d'Italia predati da <em>Tyto albaem> (Scopoli 1769

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    Longino Contoli


    Full Text Available Abstract In small Mammals biogeography, available data are up to now by far too scanty for elucidate the distribution of a lot of taxa, especially with regard to the absence from a given area. In this respect, standardized quantitative sampling techniques, like Owl pellets analysis can enable not only to enhance faunistic knowledges, but also to estimate the actual absence probability of a given taxon "m", lacking from the diet of an individual raptor. For the last purpose, the relevant frequencies of "m" in the other ecologically similar sites of the same raptor species diets are averaged ($f_m$ : the relevant standard error (multiplicated by a coefficient, according to the desired degree of accuracy, in relation of the integral of probabilities subtracted ($overline{F}_m - a E$: then, the probability that a single specimen is not pertaining to "m" is obtained ($P_0 = 1 - F_m + a E$; lastly, the desiderate accuracy probability ($P_d$ is chosen. Now, "$N_d$" (the number of individuals of all prey species in a single site needed for obtain, with the desired probability, a specimen at least of "m" is obtained through $$N = frac{ln P_d}{ln P_0}$$ Obviously, every site-diet with more than "N" preyed individuals and without any "i" specimen is considered to be lacking of such taxon. A "usefulness index" for the above purposes is outlined and checked about three raptors. Some exanples about usefulness of the Owl pellet analysis method in biogeography are given, concerning <em>Tyto albaem> diets in peninsular Italy about: - <em>Sorex minutusem>, lacking in some quite insulated areas; - <em>Sorex araneusem> (sensu stricto, after GRAF et al., 1979, present also in lowland areas in Emilia-Romagna; - <em>Crocidura suaveolensem> and - <em>Suncus etruscusem>, present also in the southermost part of Calabria (Reggio province; - <em>Talpa caecaem>, present also in the Antiapennines of Latium (Cimini mounts; - <em>Talpa romanaem

  13. On the nature of absorption in the range of CO2-laser radiation and laser-induced destruction of KCl crystals at the first stage of radiation colouring

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gektin, A.V.; Charkina, T.A.; Shiran, N.V.


    A mechanism explaining both an increase of crystal absorption in CO 2 -laser radiation range and a decrease of the thershold of KCl crystals optical destruction is proposed. The mechanism is based on the presence of a bond between hydroxyl ion content and a change of crystal transparency in the IR range under γ-radiation at the first stage of radiation colouring

  14. Isopiestic determination of the osmotic and activity coefficients of the {yKCl + (1 - y)K2HPO4}(aq) system at T = 298.15 K

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Popovic, Daniela Z.; Miladinovic, Jelena; Todorovic, Milica D.; Zrilic, Milorad M.; Rard, Joseph A.


    Highlights: → Isopiestic measurements were made for {yKCl + (1 - y)K 2 HPO 4 }(aq) at T = 298.15 K. → The resulting osmotic coefficients were represented by three thermodynamic models. → Activity coefficients from Pitzer model with Scatchard mixing terms are recommended. - Abstract: The osmotic coefficients of aqueous mixtures of KCl and K 2 HPO 4 have been measured at T = (298.15 ± 0.01) K by the isopiestic vapor pressure method over the range of ionic strengths from (2.3700 to 11.250) mol . kg -1 using CaCl 2 (aq) as the reference solution. Our new experimental results were modeled with an extended form of Pitzer's ion-interaction model equations, both with the usual mixing terms and with Scatchard's neutral-electrolyte mixing terms, and with the Clegg-Pitzer-Brimblecombe equations based on the mole-fraction-composition scale. There is a dearth of previously published isopiestic data for mixtures containing salts of HPO 4 2- (aq) and, consequently, no previous measurements are available for comparison with the present results. The present study yields Cl - HPO 4 2- mixing parameters for these three models that are needed for modeling the thermodynamic activities of solute components of natural waters and other complex aqueous electrolyte mixtures.

  15. First principles study of the thermodynamic and kinetic properties of U in an electrorefining system using molybdenum cathode and LiCl-KCl eutectic molten salt

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kwon, Choah; Kang, Joonhee; Kang, Woojong; Kwak, Dohyun; Han, Byungchan


    Using first principles density functional theory (DFT) calculations we obtain thermodynamic and kinetic properties of U in an electrorefining process for spent nuclear fuels using a LiCl-KCl eutectic molten salt and Mo as a cathode. The thermodynamic stability of electrodeposited U from the molten salt onto the Mo(110) surface electrode is evaluated by activity coefficients as function of surface coverages of U and Cl. Additionally, ab-initio molecular dynamic simulations combined with the Stokes-Einstein-Sutherland relation enables us to calculate the viscosity of the LiCl-KCl eutectic molten salt. Our results well agree with previously reported experimental data endorsing the credibility. Based on our atomic-level mechanical understanding we propose that an accurate computational model system incorporating the electrochemical conditions of the electrorefining process essential for the purpose of establishing thermodynamic and kinetic database of U, otherwise critical deviations are inevitable. More interestingly, the effect of coadsorption of Cl with U on the Mo(110) surface plays a key role in stabilizing electrodeposited U on the cathode. Our approach can be useful for validating published experimental database and for identifying key factors guiding a rational design of highly efficient electrorefining system for spent nuclear fuels, and thus reducing high-level radioactive nuclear wastes.

  16. Influence of oxide and alloy formation on the Electrochemistry of Ti deposition from the NaCl-KCl-NaF-K-2 TiF6 melt reduced by metallic Ti

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Barner, Jens H. Von; Precht Noyé, Pernille; Barhoun, A


    The redox reactions in KCl-NaCl-NaF-K2TiF6 melts reduced by titanium metal have been studied by cyclic voltammetry and chronopotentiommetry. At platinum and nickel electrodes waves due to alloy formation were seen preceding the Ti(III) --> Ti metal deposition wave. The presence of oxide species...

  17. Blue toe syndrome Síndrome do dedo azul

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    Paulo Eduardo Ocke Reis


    Full Text Available The authors report the case of a man with blue toe syndrome, who developed bilateral foot ischemia and underwent successful repair of an abdominal aortic aneurysm and associated renal artery stenosis. Blue toe syndrome is characterized by tissue ischemia secondary to embolization of cholesterol crystals or atherothrombotic debris. Microembolization most often occurs in elderly men who undergo an invasive vascular procedure or have an aneurysm.Os autores relatam o caso de síndrome do dedo azul em um homem que apresentou um quadro de isquemia bilateral dos pés e foi submetido ao reparo bem sucedido de um aneurisma da aorta abdominal e de estenose da artéria renal associada. A síndrome do dedo azul é caracterizada pela isquemia tecidual, secundária à embolização de cristais de colesterol ou aterotrombose. A microembolização ocorre mais freqüentemente em homens idosos que têm um aneurisma ou são submetidos a um procedimento vascular invasivo.

  18. Carambola como causa de lesão renal aguda

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    Karilla Lany Scaranello


    Full Text Available A carambola pertence à família das Oxalidáceas, espécie Averrhoa carambola. É rica em sais minerais, vitaminas A, C, complexo B e ácido oxálico. Estudos recentes demonstram que a toxicidade da fruta difere entre os indivíduos e pode ser explicada pelas respostas biológicas individuais como idade, quantidade da ingestão, neurotoxinas em cada tipo de fruta. Adicionalmente, a nefrotoxicidade causada pela fruta é dose dependente, podendo levar ao desenvolvimento de lesão renal aguda pela deposição de cristais de oxalato de cálcio intratubular, assim como por lesão direta das células epiteliais tubulares, levando à apoptose das mesmas. Relatamos o caso de uma paciente que, após a ingestão do suco da fruta e fruta in natura, desenvolveu lesão renal aguda, necessitando de terapia dialítica, evoluindo com desfecho favorável e recuperação da função renal.

  19. Proximate Composition, Nutritional Attributes and Mineral Composition of <em>Peperomia> <em>pellucida> L. (Ketumpangan Air Grown in Malaysia

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    Maznah Ismail


    Full Text Available This study presents the proximate and mineral composition of <em>Peperomia> <em>pellucida> L., an underexploited weed plant in Malaysia. Proximate analysis was performed using standard AOAC methods and mineral contents were determined using atomic absorption spectrometry. The results indicated <em>Peperomia> <em>pellucida> to be rich in crude protein, carbohydrate and total ash contents. The high amount of total ash (31.22% suggests a high-value mineral composition comprising potassium, calcium and iron as the main elements. The present study inferred that <em>Peperomia> <em>pellucida> would serve as a good source of protein and energy as well as micronutrients in the form of a leafy vegetable for human consumption.

  20. Evaluation of Antioxidant Activities of Aqueous Extracts and Fractionation of Different Parts of <em>Elsholtzia em>ciliata>

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    Yuangang Zu


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to investigate the antioxidant and free-radical scavenging activity of extract and fractions from various parts of <em>Elsholtzia ciliataem>. The inflorescences, leaves, stems and roots of <em>E. ciliataem> were extracted separately and two phenolic component enrichment methods: ethyl acetate-water liquid-liquid extraction and macroporous resin adsorption-desorption, were adopted in this study. The antioxidant activities of water extracts and fractions of <em>E. ciliataem> were examined using different assay model systems <em>in vitroem>. The fraction root E (purified by HPD300 macroporous resin exhibited the highest total phenolics content (497.2 ± 24.9 mg GAE/g, accompanied with the highest antioxidant activity against various antioxidant systems <em>in vitroem> compared to other fractions. On the basis of the results obtained, <em>E. ciliataem> extracts can be used potentially as a ready accessible and valuable bioactive source of natural antioxidants.

  1. Produtividade, acúmulo de nitrato e estado nutricional de cultivares de alface, em hidroponia, em função de fontes de nutrientes

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    Fernandes Adriano Alves


    Full Text Available Foram avaliados a produtividade, acúmulo de nitrato e estado nutricional das cultivares de alface Regina, Babá de Verão e Grandes Lagos em cultivo hidropônico. O experimento foi conduzido no outono, de 25/03 a 20/05/99 em estufa da UFV. Foram avaliados dois conjuntos de fontes de nutrientes para compor as soluções nutritivas de crescimento vegetativo, que continham: 13,6; 1,0; 7,0; 4,48; e 2,5 mmol L-1 de N, P, K, Ca e Mg, respectivamente. O enxofre foi fornecido na concentração de 3,5 ou 2,5 mmol L-1 e os micronutrientes nas concentrações de 45; 32; 46; 2; 0,9; e 0,2 mmol L-1 para Fe, Mn, B, Zn, Cu e Mo, respectivamente. A solução 1 forneceu 21,9% de N na forma amoniacal, e a solução 2, 100% de N na forma de nitrato. As fontes de P empregadas foram fosfato monoamônico e fosfato monopotássico para as soluções 1 e 2 respectivamente, sendo que esta variação implicou no uso de diferentes quantidades de KCl nas soluções, o que proporcionou concentrações diferentes de Cl, apresentando-se 6,76 e 2,18 mmol L-1 para as soluções 1 e 2, respectivamente. O cultivo foi feito em recipiente plástico com 8L de capacidade, contendo três plantas. Os recipientes foram arranjados de modo que se obtivesse espaçamento de 0,22 m entre plantas. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi blocos ao acaso com seis repetições, em arranjo fatorial 2 x 3 (soluções x cultivares. Cada parcela foi constituída por três plantas. Foram avaliados o peso da matéria fresca da parte aérea, folhas, raízes e caule, número de folhas, comprimento do caule, porcentagem de matéria seca das folhas e estado nutricional da planta. A cv. Regina produziu 233 g planta-1 e a cv. Babá de Verão 193 g planta-1. Os resultados obtidos para a cultivar Grandes Lagos não foram satisfatórios nas condições do experimento. A solução 1 proporcionou menores concentrações de nitrato para as cultivares Grandes Lagos (1082 mg kg-1 de matéria fresca e Regina (1092

  2. Allometric and Isometric variations in the Italian <em>Apodemus sylvaticusem> and <em>Apodemus flavicollisem> with respect to the conditions of allopatry and sympatry / Variazioni allometriche e isometriche in <em>Apodemus sylvaticusem> e <em>Apodemus flavicollisem> italiani, rispetto alle condizioni di allopatria e simpatria

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    Giovanni Amori


    Full Text Available Abstract In Italy there are two species of <em>Apodemus> (<em>Sylvaemus>: <em>Apodemus sylvaticusem> on the mainland and the main island, and <em>Apodemus flavicollisem> only on the mainland. The trend of some morphometric characters of the skull (incisive foramen length - FI; interorbital breadth = IO; length of palatal bridge = PP; upper alveolar length = $M^1M^3$ was analized and some theoretical models verified for <em>A. sylvaticusem>. If one considers the sympatric population of <em>A. sylvaticusem> and <em>A. flavicollisem> simultaneously the characters PP, IO and $M^1M^3$ appear significantly isometric being directly correlated ($P leq O.O1$, while FI character results allometric with respect to the previous ones, as expected. If one considers the sympatric populations of each of the species separately, the scenario is different. For <em>A. sylvaticusem> only PP and $M^1M^3$ are isometric ($P leq 0.05$. For <em>A. flavicollisem> only $M^1M^3$ and FI appear to be correlated, although not as significantly as for <em>A. sylvaticusem> ($P le 0.05$; one tail. The insular populations of <em>A. sylvaticusem> do not show significant correlations, except for FI and $M^1M^3$ ($P le 0.05$. On the contrary, considering all populations, sympatric and allopatric, of <em>A. sylvaticusem> at the same time are significant correlations ($P le 0.05$ in all combinations of characters, except for those involving the IO. We suggest that the isometric relations in sympatric assemblages are confined within a morphological range available to the genus <em>Apodemus>. In such a space, the two species are split in two different and innerly homogeneous distributions. We found no evidence to confirm the niche variation hypothesis. On the contrary, the variability expressed as SO or CV's appears higher in the sympatric populations than in the allopatric ones, for three of the four characters, confirming previous results

  3. A Novel Apoptosis Correlated Molecule: Expression and Characterization of Protein Latcripin-1 from <em>Lentinula em>edodes> C91–3

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    Min Huang


    Full Text Available An apoptosis correlated molecule—protein Latcripin-1 of <em>Lentinula> edodesem> C91-3—was expressed and characterized in <em>Pichia pastorisem> GS115. The total RNA was obtained from <em>Lentinula edodesem> C91–3. According to the transcriptome, the full-length gene of Latcripin-1 was isolated with 3'-Full Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends (RACE and 5'-Full RACE methods. The full-length gene was inserted into the secretory expression vector pPIC9K. The protein Latcripin-1 was expressed in <em>Pichia pastorisem> GS115 and analyzed by Sodium Dodecylsulfonate Polyacrylate Gel Electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE and Western blot. The Western blot showed that the protein was expressed successfully. The biological function of protein Latcripin-1 on A549 cells was studied with flow cytometry and the 3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl-2,5-Diphenyl-tetrazolium Bromide (MTT method. The toxic effect of protein Latcripin-1 was detected with the MTT method by co-culturing the characterized protein with chick embryo fibroblasts. The MTT assay results showed that there was a great difference between protein Latcripin-1 groups and the control group (<em>p em>< 0.05. There was no toxic effect of the characterized protein on chick embryo fibroblasts. The flow cytometry showed that there was a significant difference between the protein groups of interest and the control group according to apoptosis function (<em>p em>< 0.05. At the same time, cell ultrastructure observed by transmission electron microscopy supported the results of flow cytometry. The work demonstrates that protein Latcripin-1 can induce apoptosis of human lung cancer cells A549 and brings new insights into and advantages to finding anti-tumor proteins.

  4. Thermoluminescence dependence on the wavelength of monochromatic UV-radiation in Cu-doped KCl and KBr at room temperature

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perez R, A.; Piters, T.; Aceves, R.; Rodriguez M, R.; Perez S, R., E-mail: [Universidad de Sonora, Departamento de Investigaciones en Fisica, Apdo. Postal 5-088, 83190 Hermosillo, Sonora (Mexico)


    Thermoluminescence (Tl) dependence on the UV irradiation wavelengths from 200 to 500 nm in Cu-doped KCl and KBr crystals with different thermal treatment has been analyzed. Spectrum of the Tl intensity of each material show lower intensity at wavelengths longer than 420 nm. The Tl intensity depends on the irradiation wavelength. Structure of the Tl intensity spectrum of each sample is very similar to the structure of its optical absorption spectrum, indicating that at each wavelength, monochromatic radiation is absorbed to produce electronic transitions and electron hole pairs. Thermoluminescence of materials with thermal treatment at high temperature shows electron-hole trapping with less efficiency. The results show that Cu-doped alkali-halide materials are good detectors of a wide range of UV monochromatic radiations and could be used to measure UV radiation doses. (Author)

  5. Thermoluminescence dependence on the wavelength of monochromatic UV-radiation in Cu-doped KCl and KBr at room temperature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perez R, A.; Piters, T.; Aceves, R.; Rodriguez M, R.; Perez S, R.


    Thermoluminescence (Tl) dependence on the UV irradiation wavelengths from 200 to 500 nm in Cu-doped KCl and KBr crystals with different thermal treatment has been analyzed. Spectrum of the Tl intensity of each material show lower intensity at wavelengths longer than 420 nm. The Tl intensity depends on the irradiation wavelength. Structure of the Tl intensity spectrum of each sample is very similar to the structure of its optical absorption spectrum, indicating that at each wavelength, monochromatic radiation is absorbed to produce electronic transitions and electron hole pairs. Thermoluminescence of materials with thermal treatment at high temperature shows electron-hole trapping with less efficiency. The results show that Cu-doped alkali-halide materials are good detectors of a wide range of UV monochromatic radiations and could be used to measure UV radiation doses. (Author)

  6. Qualidade de frutos de melancia sem sementes em função de fontes e doses de potássio Quality of seedless watermelon fruits as a function of sources and doses of potassium

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    Arthur Bernardes Cecílio Filho


    Full Text Available O experimento foi conduzido em propriedade rural próxima à cidade de Borborema - SP, no período de fevereiro a abril de 2002, com o objetivo de avaliar a qualidade de frutos de melancia sem sementes (Citrullus lanatus (Thumb. Matsum. & Nakai, híbrido Shadow, em função de fontes e doses de potássio. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados completos, em esquema fatorial 3 x 4, com três repetições, sendo utilizadas as fontes: cloreto, nitrato e sulfato de potássio e as doses: 50; 100; 200 e 300 kg ha-1 de K2O. Foram avaliados: sólidos solúveis totais (SST, acidez total titulável (ATT, relação SST/ATT e espessura da casca. O teor de sólidos solúveis aumentou à medida que se aumentou a dose de potássio, enquanto a relação SST/ATT reduziu. A acidez titulável não foi influenciada pelos fatores estudados. A maior espessura da casca foi obtida ao se utilizar a dose de 202 kg ha-1 de K2O na forma de KNO3, seguida pela dose de 300 kg ha-1 de K2O, na forma de KCl.The experiment was carried out in the Borborema region, State of São Paulo, in the period of February the April to 2002, with the objective to evaluate the quality of seedless watermelon fruits (Citrullus lanatus (Thumb. Matsum. & Nakai as a function of sources and doses of potassium. The experimental design was a randomized complete block, with three replications, in 3 x 4 factorial scheme, being evaluated sources: potassium chloride, nitrate and sulphate and doses 50, 100, 200 and 300 kg ha-1 K2O. Total soluble solids (TSS, total titrable acidity (TTA, ratio TSS/TTA and rind thickness were evaluated. Soluble solids increased and ratio TSS/TTA decreased with increment of K dose. Sources and doses of potassium did not affect total titrable acidity. The biggest rind thickness was achieved with 202 and 300 kg ha-1 K2O of KNO3 and KCl, respectively.

  7. Thermally stimulated luminescence of mixed sintered KCl-KBr: EuCl3 pellets exposed to gamma rays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cervantes, B.; Bernal, R.; Barboza F, M.; Cruz V, C.; Burruel I, S.E.; Cruz Z, E.


    Europium-doped pellets of mixed composition type KCI x Br 1-x : EuCl 3 were obtained by sintering. Some of these polycrystalline samples were exposed to cobalt-60 gamma rays at 0.56 Gy/min dose rate. The higher TL efficiencies were observed for that phosphors with higher concentration of KCI ions in the composition lattice. The integrated TL as a function of dose were investigated in the 0.25-150 Gy dose range and it showed an increase when increasing dose, and a close linear behavior for the lower doses. Mixed composition samples have a reproducibility of the TL signals better than the end compositions KBr: EuCI 3 and KCl: EuCI 3 . The characteristic fading depends strongly on the relative composition. The kinetics parameters were calculated by the Initial Rise method and showed an important increase of the values of the activation energy with the absorption dose increased. (Author)

  8. Electrochemical extraction of neodymium by co-reduction with aluminum in LiCl–KCl molten salt

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yan, Yong-De; Xu, Yan-Lu; Zhang, Mi-Lin; Xue, Yun; Han, Wei; Huang, Ying; Chen, Qiong; Zhang, Zhi-Jian


    The electrochemical behavior of Nd(III) ions in LiCl–KCl and LiCl–KCl–AlCl 3 melts on a Mo electrode at 723 K was studied by various electrochemical techniques. The results showed that Nd(III) ions are reduced to Nd(0) through two consecutive steps, and the underpotential deposition of neodymium on pre-deposited Al electrode formed two kinds of Al–Nd intermetallic compounds in LiCl–KCl–AlCl 3 solutions. The electrochemical extraction of neodymium was carried out in LiCl–KCl–AlCl 3 melts on a Mo electrode at 873 K by potentiostatic and galvanostatic electrolysis. The extraction efficiency was 99.25% after potentiostatic electrolysis for 30 h. Al–Li–Nd bulk alloy was obtained by galvanostatic electrolysis. X-ray diffraction (XRD) suggested that Al 2 Nd and Al 3 Nd phases were formed in Al–Li–Nd alloy. The microstructure and micro-zone chemical analysis of Al–Li–Nd alloy were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS), respectively

  9. Ontogenia do fruto em desenvolvimento de Alternanthera tenella Colla e Amaranthus blitum Linnaeus (Amaranthaceae Ontogeny of fruits of Alternanthera tenella Colla and Amaranthus blitum Linnaeus (Amaranthaceae

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    Vanessa de Carvalho Harthman


    Full Text Available Alternanthera tenella Colla e Amaranthus blitum Linnaeus são espécies invasoras que ocorrem em culturas e terrenos baldios na região de Maringá, Paraná. O trabalho teve por objetivo a análise morfoanatômica dos frutos em desenvolvimento e estruturas não pericárpicas dessas duas espécies, com a finalidade de contribuir com informações estruturais para identificação das espécies, classificação dos frutos e investigações ecológicas. Flores e frutos foram coletados no campus da Universidade Estadual de Maringá, fixados em Glutaraldeído, secionados em micrótomo de rotação e corados com a azul de Toluidina. As bractéolas e perigônio são persistentes nos frutos e têm estrutura diferente nas duas espécies. O aquênio de Alternanthera tenella mantém o mesmo número de estratos celulares que o ovário, que sofrem colapso na fase madura, exceto o mesocarpo interno que se mantém com espessamento parietal em U e cristais. O utrículo de Amaranthus blitum é semelhante ao ovário em número de camadas celulares e apresenta aerênquima quando maduro. As sementes maduras são exotestais, com mesotesta e endotesta colapsadas, e embrião curvo. Nesse estudo, foram registrados alguns caracteres estruturais dos perigônios e dos frutos que são potencialmente significativos para caracterização e separação das espécies, ao contrário das sementes que são muito semelhantes.Alternanthera tenella Colla and Amaranthus blitum Linnaeus are weeds that occur in crops and uncultivated areas in the Maringá region of Paraná. In this study, a morphoanatomical analysis of fruit development and the pericarp of A. tenella and A. blitum was made in order to contribute structural information for species identification, fruit classification, and ecological investigations. Flowers and fruits were collected at the campus of the State University of Maringá, Paraná, fixed in glutaraldehyde, sectioned with a rotary microtome and stained with

  10. Momentos em freios e em embraiagens


    Mimoso, Rui Miguel Pereira


    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Mecânica Nesta dissertação reúnem-se os modelos de cálculo utilizados na determinação dos momentos em freios e em embraiagens. Neste trabalho consideram-se os casos de freios e embraiagens de atrito seco e atrito viscoso. Nos freios de atrito viscoso são considerados casos em que as características dos fluidos não são induzidas, e outros em que são induzidas modificações a essas mesmas características. São a...

  11. Parasitic zoonoses: survey in foxes (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> in the northern Apennines / Zoonosi parassitarie: indagini in volpi (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> dell'Appennino settentrionale

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    Vittorio Guberti


    Full Text Available Abstract A parasitological survey on 153 foxes was carried out in the northern Apennines, during the period 1984-1987. The following parasites were identified: <em>Toxocara canisem> (46.4%, <em>Taenia> sp. (17%, <em>Uncinaria stenocephalaem> (11.8%, <em>Mesocestoides lineatusem> (11.1%, <em>Ancylostoma caninumem> (3.9%, <em>Taenia hydatigenaem> (3.3%, <em>Trichuris vulpisem> (3.3%, <em>Dipylidium caninumem> (2.6%, <em>Taenia crassicepsem> (2%. All foxes were negative for <em>Trichinella> sp. A statistical analysis was performed to evaluate differences in the parasitic fauna according to the sex and age classes of the hosts. The role that the fox could have as a reservoir of helminthic zoonoses is discussed. The results are compared with those of similar studies carried out in Italy. Riassunto Nel periodo 1984-1987 è stata condotta un'indagine parassitologica su 153 volpi abbattute nell'Appennino romagnolo. Sono stati reperiti i seguenti parassiti: <em>Toxocara canisem> (46,4%, <em>Taenia> sp. (17%, <em>Uncinaria stenocephalaem> (11,8%, <em>Mesocestoides lineatusem> (11,1%, <em>Ancylostoma caninumem> (3,9%, <em>Taenia hydatigenaem> (3,3%, <em>Trichuris vulpisem> (3,3%, <em>Dipylidium caninumem> (2,6%, <em>Taenia crassicepsem> (2%. Tutte le volpi esaminate sono risultate negative per <em>Trichinella> sp. È stata effettuata l'analisi statistica dei dati per evidenziare eventuali differenze della fauna parassitaria in relazione al sesso e all'età delle volpi. Sulla base dei dati ottenuti viene discussa l'importanza che la Volpe può assumere come serbatoio di zoonosi elmintiche. I risultati acquisiti sono inoltre comparati con quelli ottenuti in analoghe ricerche condotte in Italia.

  12. Formation and control of zinc nitride in a molten LiCl-KCl-Li{sub 3}N system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goto, Takuya; Toyoura, Kazuaki; Tsujimura, Hiroyuki; Ito, Yasuhiko


    We investigated a possibility of electrochemical formation and control of zinc nitride in a molten LiCl-KCl-Li{sub 3}N system at 673 K. Zinc nitride films were obtained by means of potentiostatic electrolysis of zinc electrodes in the melt. From XRD analysis, it was confirmed that obtained films consisted of Zn{sub 3}N{sub 2} and LiZnN and that the composition of each film was effected by the applied potential value. In the potential range from 0.75 to 1.6 V (versus Li{sup +}/Li), the ratio of Zn{sub 3}N{sub 2} increased as the applied potential was more positive. Based on the result, we achieved the formation of Zn{sub 3}N{sub 2} film (3-5 {mu}m) in anti-scandium oxide structure (a = 0.977 nm) by means of potentiostatic electrolysis at 1.6 V for 3 h.

  13. <em>In Vivoem> Histamine Optical Nanosensors

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    Heather A. Clark


    Full Text Available In this communication we discuss the development of ionophore based nanosensors for the detection and monitoring of histamine levels <em>in vivoem>. This approach is based on the use of an amine-reactive, broad spectrum ionophore which is capable of recognizing and binding to histamine. We pair this ionophore with our already established nanosensor platform, and demonstrate <em>in vitroem> and <em>in vivoem> monitoring of histamine levels. This approach enables capturing rapid kinetics of histamine after injection, which are more difficult to measure with standard approaches such as blood sampling, especially on small research models. The coupling together of <em>in vivoem> nanosensors with ionophores such as nonactin provide a way to generate nanosensors for novel targets without the difficult process of designing and synthesizing novel ionophores.

  14. Variabilità morfologica ed ecologica in <em>Neomys fodiensem> e <em>Neomys anomalusem> nell'Appennino settentrionale

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    Dino Scaravelli


    Full Text Available I due <em>Neomys> italiani sono ancora da chiarire dal punto di vista della loro caratterizzazione morfologica e ecologica. Il lavoro prende in considerazione un campione di entrambe le specie proveniente da habitat forestali dell?Appennino settentrionale per i quali sono stati identificati i principali parametri ambientali. Vengono quindi descritte la variabilità dei tratti morfologici delle due specie in aree localizzate nel Parco Nazionale Foreste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona e Campigna nell?Appennino tosco-romagnolo. Risultano di sicuro effetto discriminatorio la maschera facciale, il rapporto piede posteriore/coda e i caratteri cranici. Sulla base dei criteri identificativi si sono realizzate rilevazioni di misure corporee per le due specie e una comparazione degli habitat utilizzati. <em>N. fodiensem> appare unica specie nelle faggete-abetine e dominante nei castagneti, mentre nell?Ontaneta e nelle zone aperte e termofile si registra la sola presenza di <em>N. anomalusem>. Mancano entrambi nei prati cespugliati, nella pecceta e nella cerreta. I gradienti presenti sono quindi illustrati. Non appare una differenza altitudinale nel campione esaminato, posto in stazioni tra i 400 e i 1300 m, ma per entrambe vi sono maggiori riscontri nella fascia tra 700 e 850 m. Nell?analisi multivariata rispetto alle altre specie e alle variabili ambientali si riscontra sempre una discreta correlazione con la presenza di acqua di una certa ampiezza, che comunque è significativa solo per <em>N. fodiensem>, mentre risulta di interesse la positiva correlazione di <em>N. anomalusem> con <em>Apodemus sylvaticusem>.

  15. Echolocation calls and morphology in the Mehelyi’s (<em>Rhinolophus mehelyiem> and mediterranean (<em>R. euryaleem> horseshoe bats: implications for resource partitioning

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    Egoitz Salsamendi


    Full Text Available Abstract <em>Rhinolophus euryaleem> and <em>R. mehelyiem> are morphologically very similar species and their distributions overlap extensively in the Mediterranean basin. We modelled their foraging behaviour using echolocation calls and wing morphology and, assuming niche segregation occurs between the two species, we explored how it is shaped by these factors. Resting frequency of echolocation calls was recorded and weight, forearm length, wing loading, aspect ratio and wing tip shape index were measured. <em>R. mehelyiem> showed a significantly higher resting frequency than <em>R. euryaleem>, but differences are deemed insufficient for dietary niche segregation. Weight and forearm length were significantly larger in <em>R. mehelyiem>. The higher values of aspect ratio and wing loading and a lower value of wing tip shape index in <em>R. melehyiem> restrict its flight manoeuvrability and agility. Therefore, the flight ability of <em>R. mehelyiem> may decrease as habitat complexity increases. Thus, the principal mechanism for resource partitioning seems to be based on differing habitat use arising from differences in wing morphology. Riassunto Ecolocalizzazione e morfologia nei rinolofi di Mehely (<em>Rhinolophus mehelyiem> e euriale (<em>R. euryaleem>: implicazioni nella segregazione delle risorse trofiche. <em>Rhinolophus euryaleem> e <em>R. mehelyiem> sono specie morfologicamente molto simili, la cui distribuzione risulta largamente coincidente in area mediterranea. Il comportamento di foraggiamento delle due specie è stato analizzato in funzione delle caratteristiche dei segnali di ecolocalizzazione e della morfologia alare, ed è stata valutata l’incidenza di questi fattori nell’ipotesi di una segregazione delle nicchie. È stata rilevata la frequenza a riposo dei segnali ultrasonori, così come il peso, la lunghezza dell’avambraccio, il carico alare, e due

  16. Experimental study of formation and dynamics of cavitation bubbles and acoustic flows in NaCl, KCl water solutions (United States)

    Rybkin, K. A.; Bratukhin, Yu. K.; Lyubimova, T. P.; Fatallov, O.; Filippov, L. O.


    The acoustic flows and the phenomena associated with them arising under the action of ultrasound of different power on distilled water and aqueous solutions of a mixture of NaCl and KCl salts of various concentrations are studied experimentally. It is found that in the distilled water, under the action of ultrasound, the appearance of inertial and non-inertial cavitation bubbles takes place, then the formation of stable clusters, the distance between which depends on the power of the ultrasound source is observed. Experiments show that an increase in the mass concentration of salts in water leads to the decrease in the average diameter of the arising inertial cavitation bubbles and to the gradual decrease in their number, up to an almost complete disappearance at nearly 13% of the concentration of the salt mixture in the water.

  17. Relação entre acidez e outros atributos químicos em solos com teores elevados de matéria orgânica Relationship between acidity and other chemical attributes of soils with high organic matter content

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    Adierson Gilvani Ebeling


    Full Text Available O elevado teor de matéria orgânica dos Organossolos confere-lhes características edáficas próprias, que podem ser contrastantes em relação ao observado em solos minerais. Devido à forte interação entre a matéria orgânica e os elementos a ela adsorvidos, os métodos de rotina em fertilidade do solo podem não avaliar de forma adequada a acidez nos Organossolos. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram caracterizar e estabelecer relações entre atributos do complexo sortivo e a acidez em solos com alto teor de carbono. Foram avaliados doze perfis, onze Organossolos e um Cambissolo, de diferentes Estados brasileiros, coletados de 2000 a 2002. Os perfis foram separados em ambientes de várzeas e planícies litorâneas e solos de ambiente altimontano e planalto. Além da caracterização dos perfis, segundo métodos da Embrapa, o pH foi analisado por diferentes métodos e foram determinados os teores de C, usando um analisador elementar (C_CHN, e a matéria orgânica pelo método da mufla (MO_mufla. Pelos resultados, verificase que os métodos de determinação de pH em água, em KCl e o pH SMP podem ser usados para expressar a acidez desses solos. Observou-se alta correlação entre o pH SMP e a acidez potencial. Os teores de C_CHN e de MO_mufla tiveram correlação significativa, porém negativa, com o pH em água e positiva com os valores T e H. O comportamento diferenciado da acidez dos solos, em função do ambiente de formação, indica ser importante esta separação no manejo da acidez e na avaliação da fertilidade em Organossolos.The high levels of organic matter in Histosols grant them peculiar characteristics that are contrasting when compared to mineral soils. Due to the strong interaction between organic matter and adsorbed elements, the routine methods in soil fertility may not evaluate properly Histosols soil acidity. The objectives of this study were to characterize and establish relationships between attributes of the

  18. Phytochemical Composition, Antioxidant and Xanthine Oxidase Inhibitory Activities of <em>Amaranthus cruentusem> L. and <em>Amaranthus hybridusem> L. Extracts

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    Jeanne F. Millogo


    Full Text Available This paper describes a preliminary assessment of the nutraceutical value of <em>Amaranthus cruentus (A. cruentusem> and <em>Amaranthus hybridus (A. hybridusem>, two food plant species found in Burkina Faso. Hydroacetonic (HAE, methanolic (ME, and aqueous extracts (AE from the aerial parts were screened for <em>in vitroem> antioxidant and xanthine oxidase inhibitory activities. Phytochemical analyses revealed the presence of polyphenols, tannins, flavonoids, steroids, terpenoids, saponins and betalains. Hydroacetonic extracts have shown the most diversity for secondary metabolites. The TLC analyses of flavonoids from HAE extracts showed the presence of rutin and other unidentified compounds. The phenolic compound contents of the HAE, ME and AE extracts were determined using the Folin–Ciocalteu method and ranged from 7.55 to 10.18 mg Gallic acid equivalent GAE/100 mg. Tannins, flavonoids, and flavonols ranged from 2.83 to 10.17 mg tannic acid equivalent (TAE/100 mg, 0.37 to 7.06 mg quercetin equivalent (QE /100 mg, and 0.09 to 1.31 mg QE/100 mg, respectively. The betacyanin contents were 40.42 and 6.35 mg Amaranthin Equivalent/100 g aerial parts (dry weight in <em>A. cruentusem> and <em>A. hybridusem>, respectively. Free-radical scavenging activity expressed as IC50 (DPPH method and iron reducing power (FRAP method ranged from 56 to 423 µg/mL and from 2.26 to 2.56 mmol AAE/g, respectively. Xanthine oxidase inhibitory activities of extracts of <em>A. cruentus em>and <em>A. hybridusem> were 3.18% and 38.22%, respectively.<em> em>The> A. hybridusem> extract showed the best antioxidant and xanthine oxidase inhibition activities. The results indicated that the phytochemical contents of the two species justify their traditional uses as nutraceutical food plants.

  19. Chemical composition and cardiovascular effects induced by the essential oil of Cymbopogon citratus DC. Stapf, Poaceae, in rats Composição química e efeitos cardiovasculares do óleo essencial de Cymbopogon citratus DC. Stapf, Poaceae, em ratos

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    Flávia V. Moreira


    Full Text Available Cymbopogon citratus DC. Stapf, Poaceae, is used in the folk medicine for hypertension treatment. This work investigated the chemical composition and cardiovascular effects in rats of C. citratus essential oil (EOCC. A phytochemical screening demonstrated the presence of eight constituents, being geranial the major compound (43.08%. In rats, EOCC (1, 5, 10, and 20 mg/kg, i.v. induced transient hypotension and bradycardia that were attenuated by atropine and sodium thiopental, but not by L-NAME or indomethacin. In rings of rat superior mesenteric artery pre-contracted with phenylephrine, EOCC (1 to 3000 µg/mL induced relaxation that was not affected after removal of the endothelium, after TEA or in rings pre-contracted with KCl (80 mM. Furthermore, EOCC (1000 µg/mL was not able to induce additional effect on maximal relaxation of nifedipine (10 µM. In conclusions, EOCC induces hypotension, possibly by reduction in vascular resistance caused by inhibition of the Ca2+ influx, and bradycardia probably due to an activation of cardiac muscarinic receptors.C. citratus é utilizada na medicina popular para tratar hipertensão. Este trabalho investigou a composição química e os efeitos cardiovasculares do óleo essencial do C. citratus (OECC. Foram identificados oito constituintes no OECC, sendo geranial o majoritário (43,08%. Em ratos, o OECC (1, 5, 10 e 20 mg/kg, i.v. induziu hipotensão e bradicardia que foram atenuadas pela atropina e tiopental sódico, mas não por L-NAME ou indometacina. Em anéis de artéria mesentérica de ratos pré-contraídos com fenilefrina, o OECC (1 a 3000 µg/mL induziu relaxamento que não foi afetado após remoção do endotélio, após TEA ou em anéis pré-contraídos com KCl (80 mM. Além disso, o OECC (1000 µg/mL não induziu efeito adicional sobre o relaxamento máximo da nifedipina (10 µM. Em conclusão, o OECC induz hipotensão possivelmente devido à redução da resistência vascular que pode ser causada

  20. Dermatoses em renais cronicos em terapia dialitica

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    Luis Alberto Batista Peres


    Full Text Available Objetivo: As desordens cutâneas e das mucosas são comuns em pacientes em hemodiálise a longo prazo. A diálise prolonga a expectativa de vida, dando tempo para a manifestação destas anormalidades. Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar a prevalência de problemas dermatológicos em pacientes com doença renal crônica (DRC em hemodiálise. Métodos: Cento e quarenta e cinco pacientes com doença renal crônica em hemodiálise foram estudados. Todos os pacientes foram completamente analisados para as alterações cutâneas, de cabelos, mucosas e unhas por um único examinador e foram coletados dados de exames laboratoriais. Os dados foram armazenados em um banco de dados do Microsolft Excel e analisados por estatística descritiva. As variáveis contínuas foram comparadas pelo teste t de Student e as variáveis categóricas utilizando o teste do qui-quadrado ou o teste Exato de Fischer, conforme adequado. Resultados: O estudo incluiu 145 pacientes, com idade média de 53,6 ± 14,7 anos, predominantemente do sexo masculino (64,1% e caucasianos (90,0%. O tempo médio de diálise foi de 43,3 ± 42,3 meses. As principais doenças subjacentes foram: hipertensão arterial em 33,8%, diabetes mellitus em 29,6% e glomerulonefrite crônica em 13,1%. As principais manifestações dermatológicas observadas foram: xerose em 109 (75,2%, equimose em 87 (60,0%, prurido em 78 (53,8% e lentigo em 33 (22,8% pacientes. Conclusão: O nosso estudo mostrou a presença de mais do que uma dermatose por paciente. As alterações cutâneas são frequentes em pacientes em diálise. Mais estudos são necessários para melhor caracterização e manejo destas dermatoses.

  1. Cytotoxicity and Glycan-Binding Properties of an 18 kDa Lectin Isolated from the Marine Sponge <em>Halichondria em>okadai>

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    Yasuhiro Ozeki


    Full Text Available A divalent cation-independent lectin—HOL-18, with cytotoxic activity against leukemia cells, was purified from a demosponge, <em>Halichondria okadaiem>. HOL-18 is a 72 kDa tetrameric lectin that consists of four non-covalently bonded 18 kDa subunits. Hemagglutination activity of the lectin was strongly inhibited by chitotriose (GlcNAcβ1-4GlcNAcβ1-4GlcNAc, fetuin and mucins from porcine stomach and bovine submaxillary gland. Lectin activity was stable at pH 4–12 and temperatures lower than 60 °C. Frontal affinity chromatography with 16 types of pyridylaminated oligosaccharides indicated that the lectin had an affinity for <em>N>-linked complex-type and sphingolipid-type oligosaccharides with <em>N>-acetylated hexosamines and neuramic acid at the non-reducing termini. The lectin killed Jurkat leukemia T cells and K562 erythroleukemia cells in a dose- and carbohydrate-dependent manner.

  2. Over-Expression of CYP2E1 mRNA and Protein: Implications of Xenobiotic Induced Damage in Patients with <em>De Novoem> Acute Myeloid Leukemia with inv(16(p13.1q22; <em>CBFβ>-MYH11em>

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    Carlos E. Bueso-Ramos


    Full Text Available Environmental exposure to benzene occurs through cigarette smoke, unleaded gasoline and certain types of plastic. Benzene is converted to hematotoxic metabolites by the hepatic phase-I enzyme CYP2E1, and these metabolites are detoxified by the phase-II enzyme NQO1. The genes encoding these enzymes are highly polymorphic and studies of these polymorphisms have shown different pathogenic and prognostic features in various hematological malignancies. The potential role of different cytochrome p450 metabolizing enzymes in the pathogenesis of acute myeloid leukemia (AML in an area of active interest. In this study, we demonstrate aberrant CYP2E1 mRNA over-expression by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction in 11 cases of <em>de novoem> AML with inv(16; CBFβ-MYH11. CYP2E1 mRNA levels correlated with <em>CBFβ>-MYH11 em>transcript levels and with bone marrow blast counts in all cases. CYP2E1 over-expression correlated positively with NQO1 mRNA levels (R2 = 0.934, n = 7. By immunohistochemistry, CYP2E1 protein was more frequently expressed in AML with inv(16 compared with other types of AML (<em>p> < 0.001. We obtained serial bone marrow samples from two patients with AML with inv(16 before and after treatment. CYP2E1 mRNA expression levels decreased in parallel with <em>CBFβ>-MYH11 em>transcript levels and blast counts following chemotherapy. In contrast, CYP1A2 transcript levels did not change in either patient. This is the first study to demonstrate concurrent over-expression of CYP2E1 and NQO1 mRNA in AML with inv(16. These findings also suggest that a balance between CYP2E1 and NQO1 may be important in the pathogenesis of AML with inv(16.

  3. Evaluation of interatomic potentials for rainbow scattering under axial channeling at KCl(0 0 1) surface by three-dimensional computer simulations based on binary collision approximation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Takeuchi, Wataru, E-mail:


    The rainbow angles corresponding to prominent peaks in the angular distributions of scattered projectiles with small angle, attributed to rainbow scattering (RS), under axial surface channeling conditions are strongly influenced by the interatomic potentials between projectiles and target atoms. The dependence of rainbow angles on normal energy of projectile energy to the target surface, being experimentally obtained by Specht et al. for RS of He, N, Ne and Ar atoms under 〈1 0 0〉 and 〈1 1 0〉 axial channeling conditions at a KCl(0 0 1) surface with projectile energies of 1–60 keV, was evaluated by the three-dimensional computer simulations using the ACOCT code based on the binary collision approximation with interatomic pair potentials. Good agreement between the ACOCT results using the ZBL pair potential and the individual pair potentials calculated from Hartree-Fock (HF) wave functions and the experimental ones was found for RS of He, N and Ne atoms from the atomic rows along 〈1 0 0〉 direction. For 〈1 1 0〉 direction, the ACOCT results employing the Moliere pair potential with adjustable screening length of O’Connor-Biersack (OB) formula, the ZBL pair potential and the individual HF pair potentials except for Ar → KCl using the OB pair potential are nearly in agreement with the experimental ones.

  4. Tunneling-recombination luminescence between Ag0 and Ag2+ in KCl:AgCl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Delbecq, C.J.; Dexter, D.L.; Yuster, P.H.


    Appropriate treatment of a KCl:AgCl crystal results in the trapping of electrons as silver atoms, Ag 0 , and positive holes as AgCl 4 2- , Ag 2+ , centers. Optical excitation of Ag 0 in such a crystal at T 0 and Ag 2+ pairs, similar to the Ag 0 -Cl 2 - tunneling-recombination studies we previously reported. We have shown that Ag 2+ centers are involved in the emission process by preferentially orienting the anisotropic Ag 2+ at 6 K by excitation with polarized light and observing that the afterglow is polarized. Upon warming to 50 K, where the preferentially oriented Ag 2+ can change orientation, a strong reversal in the degree of polarization occurs which finally decays to zero. The characteristics of this luminescence can be understood if we assume: (i) a tunneling-recombination mechanism in which the orientation of the electric vector of the emitted radiation depends on the position of the Ag 0 relative to the Ag 2+ and (ii) the tunneling is anisotropic and depends on the location of the Ag 0 relative to the anisotropic Ag 2+ . The latter assumption is based on the tetragonal (d-like) symmetry of the Ag 2+ complex. Good quantitative agreement between theory and experiment has been obtained on the decay kinetics, the degree of polarization, and the polarization reversal

  5. Extração simultânea de alumínio, cálcio, magnésio, potássio e sódio do solo com solução de cloreto de amônio Simultaneous extraction of aluminum, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium with ammonium chloride solution

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    R. C. Boeira


    Full Text Available Atualmente, alguns laboratórios de análise de solo determinam Al, Ca e Mg trocáveis em extratos de KCl 1 mol L-1 e K e Na na solução extratora Mehlich-1, também usada na extração de fósforo. Outros laboratórios, que empregam a resina trocadora de ânions para P, avaliam também Ca, Mg e K no extrato, não sendo possível determinar Al e Na. Dessa forma, achou-se oportuno avaliar a extração com NH4Cl 1 mol L-1 na determinação simultânea dos cinco cátions trocáveis: Al, Ca, Mg, K e Na, em comparação aos extratores KCl e Mehlich-1. Utilizaram-se amostras coletadas em áreas de cultivo de fruteiras irrigadas da região Nordeste e na área experimental da Embrapa Meio Ambiente em Jaguariúna (SP. Os métodos utilizados foram: (a extração simultânea dos cinco cátions com NH4Cl 1 mol L-1, e (b extração de Ca, Mg e Al com KCl 1 mol L-1, e de K e Na com o extrator Mehlich-1. A solução de NH4Cl 1 mol L-1 apresentou maior capacidade de extração de Mg do solo do que a solução de KCl 1 mol L-1; as duas soluções se equivaleram quanto à capacidade de extração de Ca e de Al. A solução de NH4Cl extraiu mais K e Na do que a solução Mehlich-1. Conclui-se que a solução de NH4Cl é uma opção conveniente para a extração de Al, Ca, Mg, K e Na trocáveis do solo.Currently, part of the soil testing laboratories of Brazil determine exchangeable Al, Ca, and Mg in a 1 mol L-1 KCl soil extract and exchangeable sodium and potassium in the Mehlich-1 soil extract, which is also used for phosphorus extraction. Other laboratories use an anion exchange resin for P and also determine Ca, Mg and K in the same extract, while Al and Na cannot be determined. For this reason, it was considered a good opportunity to evaluate the simultaneous extraction of the five exchangeable cations: Al, Ca, Mg, K, and Na in a 1 mol L-1 NH4Cl solution, and compare the results with those obtained with potassium chloride and Mehlich-1 extractants. The soil

  6. Novo sistema de cardioplegia sangüínea em cirurgia de cardiopatia congênita New delivery system for pediatric blood cardioplegia

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    Pedro R Salerno


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente estudo é apresentar um sistema de cardioplegia sangüínea para cirurgia de cardiopatia congênita. Foram analisados, prospectivamente, 71 pacientes com 10.12 kg em média, 34 eram do sexo feminino e a idade média foi de 2,1 anos. Da linha arterial, passando por um trocador de calor, aspiramos para uma seringa de 50 cc sangue a 8ºc, a qual é conectada a outra seringa de 10 cc com uma solução decimal de potássio, através de duas torneirinhas. A mistura da solução decimal (3 ml com 47 ml de sangue a 8o C origina uma solução de sangue com 15 meq/1 de potássio. Esta solução é infundida na raiz da aorta, de acordo com o peso do paciente (10 cc/kg. Em todos obtivemos parada cardioplégica. O tempo médio de extracorpórea foi de 87,2 minutos e de pinçamento aórtico, de 60,7 minutos. Treze pacientes evoluíram para óbito, 6 por falência miocárdica, 3 por síndrome de baixo débito, 2 com arritmia, 1 com falência renal e 1 com coagulopatia. Os 58 demais pacientes receberam alta hospitalar sem complicações. Em conclusão, este método mostrou ser eficiente na preservação miocárdica e com baixa morbi-mortalidadeThe purpose of this study is to present a simple Delivery System of Blood Cardioplegia for myocardial preservation during congenital cardiac operation. We prospectively analysed 71 patients (pts with 10/12 kg of body mean weight, 34 were female and mean age was 2/1 years. From the arterial line, passing through a mini heat exchanger, blood at 8 C is aspirated to a 50 cc syringe, which is conected to a 10 cc syringe with a KCL + decimal solución using 2 stopcocks. The mixture originates a cold blood with 15 mEq/l of KCL + that is infused into the aortic root, according to the pts weight (10 cc/kg. In all pts cardiac arrest was obtained. The mean extracorporeal circulation time and crossclamping was 87.2 and 60.7 min. All pts recovered sinus rhythm with good ventricular function. Thirteen patients

  7. On chlorization of uranium and plutonium oxides in NaCl-KCl-MgCl2 molten eutectic

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vorobej, M.P.; Desyatnik, V.N.; Pirogov, S.M.


    The chlorination process of U 3 O 8 , UO 2 , and PuO 2 in a melt of anhydrous NaCl-KCl-MgCl 2 with gaseous chlorine and carbon tetrachloride has been studied. The chlorination rate of uranium oxides has been studied within a temperature range 500-800 deg C at a chlorine feeding rate of 10 ml/min. Thermoqravimetric and X-ray analyses have shown that K 2 UO 2 Cl 4 compound is the final product of chlorination of uranium oxides. The mechanism of chlorination has been proposed. THe rate of PuO 2 chlorination has been studied within the same temperature range. It has been established that PuO 2 is readily chlorinated with CCl 4 vapours at a feeding rate of 10 ml/min. In contrast to uranium, chloride forms of plutonium in a highest oxidized state are unstable and are reduced in the melt to Pu(3) and Pu(4). The oxygen being released is retained by CCl 4 and by the products of CCl 4 pyrolysis

  8. Avaliação da cristalização de mel utilizando parâmetros de cor e atividade de água Evaluation of honey crystallization from the colour and water activity parameters

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    Alini Mari Kuroishi


    Full Text Available O mel é um dos edulcorantes mais antigos utilizados pelo homem, sendo composto principalmente de monossacarídeos, como a glicose e a frutose, responsáveis em parte pela sua cristalização. A cristalização varia segundo diversos fatores, como a concentração de açúcares, o teor de água na sua composição natural, a procedência floral do néctar, o manuseio durante seu processamento, bem como as condições de estocagem. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da temperatura e da incorporação de cristais de mel na cristalização do mel utilizando como parâmetro de acompanhamento a cor, por meio da determinação do Índice de Brancura (IB e variação da luminosidade (∆L*, e a atividade de água. Utilizou-se um delineamento experimental fatorial 2², tendo-se como variáveis o percentual de cristais de mel adicionado e a temperatura de armazenamento. Apenas as amostras armazenadas à temperatura de 11 e 21 °C cristalizaram, sendo mais evidente a cristalização da amostra armazenada em 11 °C, que foi adicionada de 5% de cristais de mel. O aumento da atividade de água e o aumento no Índice de Brancura (IB, assim como o ∆L*, foram correlacionados com a cristalização das amostras. A maior variação obtida para os valores de ∆L* encontram-se na região de temperatura de armazenamento de 11 °C, na qual as amostras cristalizaram mais rapidamente.Honey is one of the oldest sweeteners used by man, composed mainly of monosaccharides such as glucose and fructose, partially responsible for its crystallization. Honey crystallization depends on several factors, such as the sugar concentrations, natural percentage of water, the floral origin of the nectar, handling during processing and the storage conditions. The present work aimed to evaluate the effect of temperature and of the incorporation of honey crystals on honey crystallization, using the colour (as determined by the Whiteness Index - WI and changes in the


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    Roselene Ecco


    Full Text Available Doses únicas de 10 a 25g/kg das folhas verdes de Phytolacca decandra foram administradas oralmente a 11 ovinos. Dois desses ovinos (20 e 25g/kg morreram 6 horas após a ingestão da planta e os outros nove adoeceram levemente e se recuperaram. Um outro ovino recebeu 4 doses diárias de 5g/kg da mesma planta. Esse ovino e outros dois usados como controles não adoeceram. Os principais sinais clínicos nos ovinos afetados foram dor abdominal, inquietação, manoteio, distúrbios respiratórios, tremores e hiperestesia. As alterações macroscópicas mais importantes em dois ovinos necropsiados estavam restritas ao sistema digestivo e consistiam de avermelhamento difuso da mucosa do rúmen, retículo, abomaso e intestino delgado. Microscopicamente, as alterações eram necrose de coagulação e microabscessos na mucosa dos pré-estômagos e presença de numerosos cristais birrefringentes na luz dos túbulos renais.Single dosis varying from 10 to 25g/kg of fresh green leaves of Phytolacca decandra were orally force fed to 11 sheep. Two of these sheep (20 and 25g/kg died 6 hours after the ingestion of the plant and the other 9 got mildly sick and recovered. Another sheep was fed 4 daily dosis of 5g/kg of the same plant. This sheep and another two used as controls did not get sick. The main clinical signs in the affected sheep were abdominal pain, restless, pawing, respiratory distress, muscle tremors, and hyperesthesia. Gross findings in the two necropsied sheep were confined to the digestive tract and consisted of diffuse mucosal reddening of the rumen, reticulum, abomasum, and small intestine. Microscopic changes were coagulative necrosis and microabscesses in the mucosa of the forestomachs and several intratubular birefringent crystals in the kidney.

  10. Thermal Studies of Zn(II, Cd(II and Hg(II Complexes of Some <em>N-Alkyl-N>-Phenyl-Dithiocarbamates

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    Peter A. Ajibade


    Full Text Available The thermal decomposition of Zn(II, Cd(II and Hg(II complexes of <em>N-ethyl-N>-phenyl and <em>N-butyl-N>-phenyl dithiocarbamates have been studied using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC. The products of the decomposition, at two different temperatures, were further characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX. The results show that while the zinc and cadmium complexes undergo decomposition to form metal sulphides, and further undergo oxidation forming metal oxides as final products, the mercury complexes gave unstable volatiles as the final product.

  11. Efecto de la aplicación de vinazas en las propiedades físicas y la actividad de deshidrogenasas en suelos cultivados con maíz dulce (Zea mays L.

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    Narváez Castillo Magda


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el efecto de la aplicación de vinazas en algunas propiedades físicas y en la actividad de las deshidrogenasas en un Entic dystropept y en un Fluventic haplustoll del Valle de Cauca, Colombia. Para suplir los requerimientos de K+ del cultivo de maíz dulce (<em>Zea maysem> L. se utilizaron seis tratamientos (T1 = 100% de K+ como vinaza, T2 = 100% de K+ con KCl; T3 = 50% de K+ como vinaza y KCl, T4 = 75% de K+ con vinaza y 25% de K+ como KCl, T5 = testigo absoluto sin planta, T6 = testigo más planta que fueron dispuestos en un diseño completamente al azar con cinco repeticiones. En el Entic dystropept la densidad aparente disminuyó y en consecuencia la porosidad total aumentó, mientras que en el Fluventic haplustoll sucedió lo contrario. La actividad de las deshidrogenasas fue significativamente mayor (P < 0.05 en el Entic dystropept que en el Fluventic haplustoll que presentó valores bajos. Los resultados mostraron que los cambios que se generan como producto de la aplicación de vinazas son diferentes para ambos tipo de suelo.

  12. Potassium sources in covering fertilization on cotton I – Yield, fiber quality and economic analisys. / Fontes de potássio na adubação de cobertura do algodoeiro I – Produtividade, qualidade de fibras e análise econômica

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    José Eduardo Creste


    Full Text Available A field experiment was conducted in Sapezal, Mato Grosso state, Brazil, in 2007/2008, with the purpose of determining the effect of potassium sources on yield components, yield, fiber quality and economical aspects of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.. A randomized complete block experimental design was used, with five replications. The treatments consisted of application in covering, via soil, at rate of 100 kg ha-1 of K2O, in two split applications, of the sources KCl, K2SO4, KNO3 and K2SO4.2MgSO4. The number of nodes, height, number of bolls in the superior third and the weight of boll in the medium third was higher with K2SO4.2MgSO4 than with KNO3 source. The potassium fertilizers did not influence the fiber revenue, but the fertilizing with K2SO4.2MgSO4 source had higher cotton seed yield and lint yield, although the uniformity ratio of fibber and profitability were smaller in relation to K2SO4. The fibber agio index was higher with KNO3 source. The production cost was higher with K2SO4.2MgSO4 source and in function of the smallest production cost, KCl source presented superior liquid revenue than other treatments. Conduziu-se um experimento de campo, em Sapezal – MT, no ano agrícola de 2007/2008, com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito das fontes de potássio sobre os componentes de produção, a produtividade, a qualidade da fibra e os aspectos econômicos do algodoeiro (Gossypium hirsutum L. cultivar FMT 701. O delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, com cinco repetições. Os tratamentos constaram da aplicação em cobertura via solo na dose de 100 kg ha-1 de K2O, parcelada em duas aplicações, nas fontes KCl, K2SO4, KNO3 e K2SO4.2MgSO4. O número de nós, a altura da planta, o número de capulhos no terço superior e o peso do capulho no terço médio foram maiores no tratamento com K2SO4.2MgSO4, em relação ao KNO3. Os adubos potássicos não influenciaram o rendimento de fibra, mas a adubação potássica de cobertura na

  13. Determination of hydrolysis constants for gadolinium in ion strength media 2M of NaCl, NaClO4 and KCl at 303 K

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Serna M, S.; Jimenez R, M.; Solache R, M.


    This work was made with the purpose to extend information about the hydrolysis constants of gadolinium (III) in ion strength media 2M of NaCl, NaClO 4 , KCl at 303 K using the potentiometric method for this determination, and analysing starting from those data, the influence of anions and cations. It is concluded that the media which were determined the hydrolysis constants are very important and it is recommended the sodium perchlorate as the more adequate salt for those determinations. Also it was obtained the distribution diagrams of chemical species in each one of the media studied. (Author)

  14. Conservazione e gestione della Lepre italica (<em>Lepus corsicanusem>

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    Francesco Riga


    Full Text Available Il recente riconoscimento dello <em>status> specifico della Lepre italica (<em>Lepus corsicanusem> e l?accertamento dell?areale distributivo rappresentano le azioni più importanti per la conservazione di un <em>taxon endemicoem> che si era creduto estinto. Nella penisola la specie presenta un areale discontinuo, il cui limite settentrionale è dato dal comune di Manciano (GR, sul versante tirrenico e da una linea che dalla provincia de L'Aquila arriva al Gargano. In Sicilia la distribuzione è relativamente continua anche in aree non protette. Dati genetici hanno permesso di confermare la presenza in Corsica. Al contrario, nell?Isola d'Elba, a seguito di estese ricerche, sono stati identificati solo esemplari di <em>L. europaeusem>. Nell?Italia peninsulare <em>L. corsicanusem> è spesso presente in simpatria con popolazioni di <em>L. europaeusem>, mentre in Sicilia la lepre europea non ha originato popolazioni stabili, nonostante l?immissione di molte migliaia di individui. La distribuzione ecologica di <em>L. corsicanusem> ed analisi ambientali specifiche, suggeriscono l?adattamento prevalente agli ambienti a clima mediterraneo, benché essa sia presente anche a quote elevate (> 1.500 m s.l.m.. Dati preliminari di abbondanza relativa hanno evidenziato una situazione diversificata tra la penisola e la Sicilia e tra aree a diverso regime di gestione; un confronto tra le aree protette ha evidenziato rispettivamente valori di 5,54 e 11,73 ind./km². La riduzione quali-quantitativa e la frammentazione dell?<em>habitat> delle lepri è un fenomeno potenzialmente pericoloso per la sopravvivenza delle popolazioni, determinando fenomeni di estinzione locale dovuti alle basse densità di popolazione, inducendo fenomeni di erosione della variabilità genetica e di riduzione della <em>fitness> degli individui. L?introduzione di <em>L. europaeusem> può costituire un importante fattore limitante sia per la possibile competizione

  15. Fertilidade do solo, crescimento e qualidade de frutos do mamoeiro Tainung sob fertirrigação com potássio

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    David Correia dos Anjos

    Full Text Available RESUMOO objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da fertilidade do solo, o crescimento, composição mineral nas folhas e no pecíolo, produtividade e qualidade dos frutos do mamoeiro Formosa, Cv. 'Tainung Nº. 1'; em função de níveis de adubação potássica no solo, aplicados via fertirrigação. O experimento foi conduzido durante os anos agrícolas de 2008/2009 e 2010/2011, em delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com cinco repetições, instalado em uma área de cultivo comercial no Município de Russas, CE. Os tratamentos corresponderam a quatro doses de KCl (60; 120; 180 e 240 g planta mês-1, aplicados na forma de KCl na água de irrigação, juntamente com a adubação convencional via solo, utilizada no cultivo do mamão no Neossolo Quartzarênico da fazenda. As doses influenciaram na fertilidade do solo, aumentando os teores de N, P, K+, matéria orgânica; e percolou as bases do solo, maximizou o desenvolvimento e a produtividade do mamoeiro. A absorção de N, P e K+ no mamoeiro, é superior no seu pico de produção; e o P foi o nutriente que mais acumulou no fruto. A qualidade dos frutos foi influenciada pelas doses de K+, e a dose 180 g de KCl planta mês-1 favoreceu a produção de frutos de melhor qualidade para consumo de mesa e processamento da polpa.

  16. Methyl 2-Benzamido-2-(1<em>H>-benzimidazol-1-ylmethoxyacetate

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    Alami Anouar


    Full Text Available The heterocyclic carboxylic α-aminoester methyl 2-benzamido-2-(1<em>H>-benzimidazol-1-ylmethoxyacetate is obtained by <em>O>-alkylation of methyl α-azido glycinate <em>N>-benzoylated with 1<em>H>-benzimidazol-1-ylmethanol.

  17. Avaliação da acupressão auricular na síndrome do ombro doloroso: estudo de caso

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    Ana Paula Zanelatto


    Full Text Available A Síndrome do Ombro Doloroso (SOD é definida como dor e limitação funcional decorrente do acometimento de estruturas estáticas e dinâmicas do ombro, como ligamentos, cápsula e músculos. É uma das queixas mais comuns e incapacitantes do sistema musculoesquelético na população em geral com uma prevalência estimada entre 15 a 25%. Este estudo objetivou avaliar os resultados da acupressão auricular quando usada como terapia no tratamento da Dor crônica, secundária à SOD, quanto ao efeito analgésico e terapêutico satisfatório e o tempo estimado de tratamento. Para a obtenção do objetivo foi realizado um Estudo de Caso que teve como intervenção a acupressão auricular com esferas de cristais e como indicador de resultado o questionário Penn Shoulder Score (PSS - Brasil. Os dados foram analisados qualitativa e quantitativamente. Conclui-se que a auriculoterapia é uma importante técnica terapêutica, pois o estudo demonstrou uma melhora na pontuação total do PSS - Brasil em 34,3%.

  18. Influência de Íons de Potássio e Cálcio nos Géis de Carragenas Kappa e Iota

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    Valeriana Silveira Andrade


    Full Text Available No presente estudo avaliou-se a influência da concentração de diferentes sais (KCl, CaCl2.2H2O, K2SO4, e CaSO4.2H2O sobre as carragenas Kappa e Iota (polissacarídeos sulfatados utilizados principalmente na indústria alimentícia, de cosméticos e têxteis, como géis, estabilizantes, espessantes e emulsificantes em dispersões aquosas deionizadas, suas propriedades gelificantes, sinérese e pH. Para análise de textura foi utilizado o analisador de textura TAXT/2i Stable Micro Sytems. O método de penetração mostrou que em todas as provas, acima de certo limite, ocasionou-se impacto negativo sobre o sistema investigado. As parcelas de força de compressão para a k-carragena variaram consideravelmente, com resultados satisfatórios em relação à interação dos ions Ca2+ para os dois sais utilizados. Os melhores resultados de força de compressão em concentrações maiores foram obtidos com KCl. já utilizando-se o sal K2SO4 não houve significativas variações. Quanto a i-carragena, a pequena variação obtida, provalvelmente é decorrente de impurezas de k-carragena.

  19. Development of 101 Gene-based Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Markers in Sea Cucumber, <em>Apostichopus japonicusem>>

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    Wei Lu


    Full Text Available Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs are currently the marker of choice in a variety of genetic studies. Using the high resolution melting (HRM genotyping approach, 101 gene-based SNP markers were developed for <em>Apostichopus japonicusem>, a sea cucumber species with economic significance for the aquaculture industry in East Asian countries. HRM analysis revealed that all the loci showed polymorphisms when evaluated using 40 <em>A. japonicusem> individuals collected from a natural population. The minor allele frequency ranged from 0.035 to 0.489. The observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.050 to 0.833 and 0.073 to 0.907, respectively. Thirteen loci were found to depart significantly from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE after Bonferroni corrections. Significant linkage disequilibrium (LD was detected in one pair of markers. These SNP markers are expected to be useful for future quantitative trait loci (QTL analysis, and to facilitate marker-assisted selection (MAS in <em>A. japonicusem>.


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    A. O. RIOS


    Full Text Available

    A escolha do método de análise do corante de urucum está profundamente relacionada com o tipo de matriz alimentícia que influencia as etapas iniciais de um procedimento analítico, tais como extração e saponificação. Para a quantificação por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE é necessário o uso de padrões que às vezes não estão disponíveis comercialmente. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram isolar padrões de bixina e de norbixina e verificar o efeito de diferentes condições na extração de bixina em “snacks” extrusados e sua conversão em norbixina durante a saponificação, utilizando CLAE em fase reversa. Através de cristalizações foram obtidos cristais de bixina com 98% de pureza e norbixina, purificada por coluna de sílica-gel, com pureza de 93%. As condições de extração e saponificação foram estudadas através de planejamento experimental fatorial e as respostas obtidas por CLAE. Os cromatogramas evidenciaram que o melhor solvente para extração foi acetato de etila, sendo necessário realizar 8 extrações sucessivas para completa remoção dos pigmentos. Para obter 100% de conversão de bixina em norbixina, a saponificação deve ser efetuada com 35 mL de KOH 35% metanólico com agitação a 50 ° C por 20 minutos.

  1. Activity-Guided Isolation of Antioxidant Compounds from <em>Rhizophora apiculataem>

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    Hongbin Xiao


    Full Text Available <em>Rhizophora apiculataem> (<em>R. apiculataem> contains an abundance of biologically active compounds due its special salt-tolerant living surroundings. In this study, the total phenolic content and antioxidant activities of various extract and fractions of stem of <em>R. apiculataem> were investigated. Results indicated that butanol fraction possesses the highest total phenolic content (181.84 mg/g GAE/g dry extract with strongest antioxidant abilities. Following <em>in vitroem> antioxidant activity-guided phytochemical separation procedures, lyoniresinol-3α-<em>O>-β-arabinopyranoside (1, lyoniresinol-3α-<em>O>-β-rhamnoside (2, and afzelechin-3-<em>O>-L-rhamno-pyranoside (3 were separated from the butanol fraction. These compounds showed more noticeable antioxidant activity than a BHT standard in the DPPH, ABTS and hydroxyl radical scavenging assays. HPLC analysis results showed that among different plant parts, the highest content of 13 was located in the bark (0.068%, 0.066% and 0.011%, respectively. The results imply that the <em>R. apiculataem> might be a potential source of natural antioxidants and 13 are antioxidant ingredients in <em>R. apiculataem>.

  2. Synthesis and Spectroscopic Analysis of Novel 1<em>H-Benzo[d>]imidazoles Phenyl Sulfonylpiperazines

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    Amjad M. Qandil


    Full Text Available A group of benzimidazole analogs of sildenafil, 3-benzimidazolyl-4-methoxy-phenylsulfonylpiperazines 2–4 and 3-benzimidazolyl-4-methoxy-<em>N,N>-dimethyl- benzenesulfonamide (5, were efficiently synthesized. Compounds 2–5 were characterized by NMR and MS and contrary to the reported mass spectra of sildenafil, the spectra of the piperazine-containing compounds 2–4 showed a novel fragmentation pattern leading to an <em>m/z> = 316. A mechanism for the formation of this fragment was proposed.

  3. Osservazioni in cattività sul ciclo stagionale del peso corporeo e sull'efficienza digestiva di <em>Pipistrellus kuhliiem> e <em>Hypsugo saviiem> (Chiroptera: Verspertilionidae

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    Gianna Dondini


    Full Text Available Abstract Captivity observation on body weight cycle and digestive efficiency in <em>Pipistrellus kuhliiem> and <em>Hypsugo saviiem> (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae Many bat species of cold-temperate climate are subject to seasonal variation of temperature and food availability. Fat reserve during summer-autumn is therefore a physiological adaptation to spend the winter months by hibernating or to sustain migration. During a research on bats in urban areas, two juveniles of Kuhl's bat (<em>Pipistrellus kuhliiem>, 2 females and two juveniles of Savi's bat (<em>Hypsugo saviiem>, 1 male and 1 female were collected in 1997 in the urban area of Florence (central Italy. Bats were kept in a cage of 50x40x30 cm with a temperature between 17° and 22° C. Every day they were weighted with an electronic balance before eating mealworms (<em>Tenebrio molitorem>. Digestive efficiency, calculated on dry material, was about 90% for both species. In about six months <em>P. kuhliiem> and <em>H. saviiem> increased on the average of 450% and 280% in weight respectively. Deposition of fat reserve seemed to be faster in <em>P. kuhliiem> than in <em>H. saviiem>. Both species showed a circannual cycle in the variation of weight. Riassunto Molte specie di pipistrelli dei climi temperato-freddi sono soggette a marcate variazioni stagionali di temperatura e disponibilità di cibo. L'accumulo di grasso in tarda estate-autunno è quindi un adattamento fisiologico per trascorrere in ibernazione i mesi invernali o per intraprendere la migrazione. Nell'ambito di una ricerca pluriennale sui pipistrelli in ambienti urbani, 4 esemplari giovani, di cui 2 di Pipistrello albolimbato (<em>Pipistrellus kuhliiem>, 2 femmine e due di Pipistrello di Savi (<em>Hypsugo saviiem>, 1 maschio e 1 femmina, sono stati raccolti nella pianura di Firenze durante l'estate del 1997 e mantenuti in un contenitore di 50x40x30 cm ad

  4. Fundamental study on the salt distillation from the mixtures of rare earth precipitates and LiCl-KCl eutectic salt

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, H. C.; Eun, H. C.; Cho, Y. Z.; Lee, H. S.; Kim, I. T.


    An electrorefining process of spent nuclear fuel generates waste salt containing some radioactive metal chlorides. The most effective method to reduce salt waste volume is to separate radioactive metals from non-radioactive salts. A promising approach is to change radioactive metal chlorides into salt-insoluble oxides by an oxygen sparging. Following this, salt distillation process is available to effectively separate the precipitated particulate metal oxides from salt. This study investigated the distillation rates of LiCl-KCl eutectic salt under different vacuums at elevated temperatures. The first part study investigated distillation rates of eutectic salt under different vacuums at high temperatures by using thermo-gravimetric furnace system. In the second part, we tested the removal of eutectic salt from the RE precipitates by using the laboratory vacuum distillation furnace system. Investigated variables were the temperature of mixture, the degree of vacuum and the time

  5. Caracteres morfoanatômicos de folha e caule de Cupania vernalis Cambess., Sapindaceae

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    Sílvia Raquel Mundo

    Full Text Available Cupania vernalis Cambess. é uma espécie arbórea da família Sapindaceae, comumente referida como "camboatã" e empregada na medicina popular contra asma, tosses convulsivas e como antiinflamatório, febrífugo e tônico. O presente trabalho procurou contribuir para a identificação morfoanatômica dos órgãos vegetativos aéreos dessa planta medicinal com fins farmacognósticos. O material botânico foi fixado, seccionado, corado por meio de técnicas usuais ou submetido a testes microquímicos, além de ser processado para a realização de análises em MEV. A espécie apresenta folhas compostas paripinadas, epiderme foliar uniestratificada constituída de células relativamente maiores na face adaxial, mesofilo dorsiventral e diversos feixes vasculares colaterais em arranjo cêntrico na nervura central. No caule, visualizam-se o cilindro floemático externo ao xilemático, circundado por bainha esclerenquimática, e a presença de fibras e células pétreas no córtex e na medula. Em ambos os órgãos são observados tricomas tectores e cristais de oxalato de cálcio.

  6. Distribution of the population for configurations nn, nnn and nnnn of a complex formed by a divalent impurity (M2+) and a vacancy in LiCl and KCl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cardenas-Garcia, D.; Lopez-Tellez, E.R.


    The distributions of the populations for different configurations of complexes in alkali halides are calculated. It is found that for LiCl the main configuration up to the room temperature is nn. On the other hand, for KCl the nn, nnn and nnnn configurations are equally important at room temperature. Consequently, this should be taken into account when making polarization energy calculations of the complexes. Graphs showing the distribution of the population and the expressions of some thermodynamic relations are included. (Author)

  7. Extratos metanólico e acetato de etila de Solanum megalonyx Sendtn. (Solanaceae apresentam atividade espasmolítica em íleo isolado de cobaia: um estudo comparativo

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    Rita de Cássia M. Oliveira

    Full Text Available Solanum megalonyx Sendtn. (Solanaceae é conhecida popularmente por "jurubeba" no Nordeste do Brasil e se apresenta na forma de arbusto. Várias espécies de Solanum apresentam efeito espasmolítico em órgãos isolados. Assim, objetivou-se investigar e comparar o efeito dos extratos metanólico (SM-MeOH e acetato de etila (SM-AcOEt, obtidos das partes aéreas de S. megalonyx, em íleo isolado de cobaia. SM-MeOH e SM-AcOEt antagonizaram (n = 5 as contrações fásicas induzidas por 1 mM de acetilcolina (logCI50 = 3,2 ± 0,1 e 1,8 ± 0,6 mg/mL, respectivamente ou de histamina (logCI50 = 2,8 ± 0,5 e 1,7 ± 0,3 mg/mL, respectivamente. SM-MeOH e SM-AcOEt também relaxaram (n = 5 o íleo pré-contraído por 40 mM de KCl (logCE50 = 1,9 ± 0,09 e 1,9 ± 0,1 mg/mL, respectivamente, por 1 mM de histamina (logCE50 = 1,9 ± 0,07 e 1,7 ± 0,08 mg/mL, respectivamente ou de acetilcolina (logCE50 = 1,9 ± 0,02 e 1,7 ± 0,09 mg/mL, respectivamente de maneira dependente de concentração e equipotente. Demonstra-se pela primeira vez que S. megalonyx apresenta efeito espasmolítico não seletivo em íleo isolado de cobaia, sugerindo que os extratos podem estar agindo em um passo comum da via de sinalização dos agentes contráteis testados.

  8. Electrochemical deposition of La-Mg alloys in LaCl3-MgCl2-KCl system with molten salt electrolysis process

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    Sahoo Kumar D.


    Full Text Available La-Mg alloys of different compositions were prepared by electrolysis of LaCl3-MgCl2-KCl melts. Different phases of La-Mg alloys were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM. Energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-AES analyses showed that chemical compositions of La-Mg alloys were consistent with phase structures of XRD pattern, and magnesium content in the alloy could be controlled by electrolysis parameters. The effects of various process parameters such as concentration of magnesium chloride in the bath, temperature of electrolysis and cathode current density on the current efficiency have been investigated. A maximum current efficiency of 85% and yield of 80% was obtained from the bath at 12.5A/cm2 current density at an operating temp 850°C.

  9. Glycosylation of Vanillin and 8-Nordihydrocapsaicin by Cultured <em>Eucalyptus perrinianaem> Cells

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    Naoji Kubota


    Full Text Available Glycosylation of vanilloids such as vanillin and 8-nordihydrocapsaicin by cultured plant cells of <em>Eucalyptus perrinianaem> was studied. Vanillin was converted into vanillin 4-<em>O>-b-D-glucopyranoside, vanillyl alcohol, and 4-<em>O>-b-D-glucopyranosylvanillyl alcohol by <em>E. perriniana em>cells. Incubation of cultured <em>E. perrinianaem> cells with 8-nor- dihydrocapsaicin gave 8-nordihydrocapsaicin 4-<em>O>-b-D-glucopyranoside and 8-nordihydro- capsaicin 4-<em>O>-b-D-gentiobioside.

  10. Influence of reaction products of K-getter fuel additives on commercial vanadia-based SCR catalysts Part II. Simultaneous addition of KCl, Ca(OH)(2), H3PO4 and H2SO4 in a hot flue gas at a SCR pilot-scale setup

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Castellino, Francesco; Jensen, Anker Degn; Johnsson, Jan Erik


    A commercial V2O5-WO3-TiO2 corrugated-type SCR monolith has been exposed for 1000 h in a pilot-scale setup to a flue gas doped with KCl, Ca(OH)(2), H3PO4 and H2SO4 by spraying a water solution of the components into the hot flue gas. The mixture composition has been adjusted in order to have P...... surface and did not proceed at the fast rates known for KCl. This fact indicates that binding K in P-K-Ca compounds is an effective way to reduce the negative influence of alkali metals on the lifetime of the vanadia-based SCR catalysts. On the other hand, P-deposition was favoured by the formation...

  11. Difusão multicomponente durante a salga mista de queijo prato Multicomponent diffusion during simultaneous brining of prato Brazilian cheese

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    Evandro Bona


    Full Text Available A relação entre o NaCl e a hipertensão arterial tem estimulado a sua substituição parcial por KCl em queijos. Entretanto, para manter a qualidade final do produto, é de suma importância assegurar uma proporção adequada de NaCl/KCl, bem como a distribuição homogênea destes sais. Os modelos que estimam a concentração salina, portanto, são valiosas ferramentas para o controle de qualidade. Para simular a difusão multicomponente durante a salga em salmoura estática, foi proposto um modelo unidimensional, baseado na solução analítica da 2ª lei de Fick generalizada para dois solutos. A solução analítica, implementada através de um algoritmo computacional, permitiu o ajuste dos coeficientes de difusão e a avaliação da resistência externa. Os resultados da simulação obtidos apresentaram boa concordância com os valores experimentais (desvio de 2,7% para o NaCl e 6,6% para o KCl, validando a capacidade preditiva do modelo proposto. Além disso, a simulação pode permitir um ajuste de ganhos de produtividade (redução do tempo de salga através da estimativa do tempo de salga para teores salinos desejados.The relation between NaCl and arterial hypertension has stimulated a partial substitution for KCl on cheese. However, it is very important to guarantee an adequate proportion of NaCl/KCl, and also the homogeneous distribution of these salts, to maintain the final quality of the product. Therefore, the models that calculate the salty concentration are useful tools to control the quality. In this study an analytic resolution of Fick's 2nd law, generalized for two salts, was used to simulate the salting in stationary brine. The analytic resolution, carried out through a computer program, allowed an adjustment of the diffusion coefficients and to evaluate the external resistance. The results calculated show a close comparison of the experimental values (an deviation of 2.7% to NaCl and 6.6% to KCl, validating the proposed

  12. Preferencia alimenticia del ácaro depredador <em>Balaustium> sp. en condiciones controladas

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    Muñoz Karen


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    Se evaluó la preferencia de presas de <em>Balaustium> sp., enemigo natural de diferentes artrópodos plaga, y el cual es nativo de la Sabana de Bogotá. En unidades experimentales construidas con foliolos de plantas de rosa se colocaron independientemente individuos de <em>Balaustium> sp. y se registró el número de presas consumidas. De esta manera se determinó la preferencia de los tres estados móviles del ácaro depredador <em>Balaustium> sp. por diferentes edades de tres presas. Las especies y edades de las presas estudiadas fueron: huevos, ninfas y adultos de <em>Trialeurodes vaporariorumem>, huevos, ninfas y adultos de <em>Tetranychus urticaeem>, y larvas de primer y segundo instar y adultos de <em>Frankliniella occidentalisem>. Los estados menos desarrollados fueron preferidos, aunque se observó que los adultos del depredador tienen gran habilidad para consumir adultos de <em>T. vaporariorumem>. La presa preferida por las larvas de <em>Balaustium> sp. fue los huevos de <em>T. urticaeem> con una proporción de consumo de 0,54 de los huevos que se ofrecieron de esta presa; las deutoninfas del depredador eligieron huevos de <em>T. vaporariorumem> (0,537 o de <em>T. urticaeem> (0,497 y los adultos de <em>Balaustium> sp. prefrieron los huevos de <em>T. vaporariorumem> (0,588.

  13. Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Carnosic Acid and Rosmarinic Acid Using Ionic Liquid Solution from <em>Rosmarinus officinalisem>>

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    Chunjian Zhao


    Full Text Available Ionic liquid based, ultrasound-assisted extraction was successfully applied to the extraction of phenolcarboxylic acids, carnosic acid and rosmarinic acid, from <em>Rosmarinus officinalisem>. Eight ionic liquids, with different cations and anions, were investigated in this work and [C8mim]Br was selected as the optimal solvent. Ultrasound extraction parameters, including soaking time, solid–liquid ratio, ultrasound power and time, and the number of extraction cycles, were discussed by single factor experiments and the main influence factors were optimized by response surface methodology. The proposed approach was demonstrated as having higher efficiency, shorter extraction time and as a new alternative for the extraction of carnosic acid and rosmarinic acid from <em>R. officinalisem>> em>compared with traditional reference extraction methods. Ionic liquids are considered to be green solvents, in the ultrasound-assisted extraction of key chemicals from medicinal plants, and show great potential.

  14. Recovery of uranium from uranium and lanthanides in LiCl-KCl molten salt by electrowinning including Cd-Li anode

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Woo, Moon Shik; Kim, Eung Ho


    A trans-uranium (TRU) fuel should be manufactured and loaded in transmutation systems in order to transmute the long-lived TRU nuclides into short-lived ones. However, since all of the TRU nuclides are not completely transmuted in one cycle lifetime in transmutation systems, the spent TRU fuel has to be treated to recover the long-lived radionuclides or fuel matrix materials. One concept to manufacture TRU fuel for transmutation is to recover uranium from TRU and molten salt. If this type of fuel is adopted for transmutation, uranium could also be an objective material to be recovered and recycled. Since electrowinning is a promising technology to be employed for the recovery of uranium from fuel materials, some experimental work of electrowinning using anode of Cd-Li alloy was carried out in this study. The basic salt chosen was a mixture of LiCl-KCl which has an eutectic point at 357 .deg. C

  15. Antioxidant Profile of <em>Trifolium pratenseem> L.

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    Heidy Schwartsova


    Full Text Available In order to examine the antioxidant properties of five different extracts of <em>Trifolium pratenseem> L. (Leguminosae leaves, various assays which measure free radical scavenging ability were carried out: 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl, hydroxyl, superoxide anion and nitric oxide radical scavenger capacity tests and lipid peroxidation assay. In all of the tests, only the H2O and (to some extent the EtOAc extracts showed a potent antioxidant effect compared with BHT and BHA, well-known synthetic antioxidants. In addition, <em>in vivo em>experiments were conducted with antioxidant systems (activities of GSHPx, GSHR, Px, CAT, XOD, GSH content and intensity of LPx in liver homogenate and blood of mice after their treatment with extracts of <em>T. pratenseem> leaves, or in combination with CCl4. Besides, in the extracts examined the total phenolic and flavonoid amounts were also determined, together with presence of the selected flavonoids: quercetin, luteolin, apigenin, naringenin and kaempferol, which were studied using a HPLC-DAD technique. HPLC-DAD analysis showed a noticeable content of natural products according to which the examined <em>Trifolium pratenseem> species could well be regarded as a promising new source of bioactive natural compounds, which can be used both as a food supplement and a remedy.

  16. Anatomia dos órgãos vegetativos de Hymenaea martiana Hayne (Caesalpinioideae-Fabaceae: espécie de uso medicinal em Caetité-BA Anatomy of vegetative organs of Hymenaea martiana Hayne (Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae: a species of medicinal use in Caetité-Bahia State, Brazil

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    M.S. Silva


    Full Text Available Hymenaea martiana Hayne (Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae apresenta grande valor na medicina popular em Caetité. A casca, entrecasca do caule e a resina, são utilizadas no tratamento de diversos males. Neste estudo são apresentadas a caracterização anatômica e histoquímica dos órgãos vegetativos. Amostras foram coletadas e processadas segundo técnicas usuais em anatomia vegetal e histoquímica. Todos os órgãos apresentam, em visão transversal, epiderme unisseriada e cavidades secretoras. Cutícula espessa ocorre em todos os órgãos aéreos. A raiz é tetrarca. Colênquima lacunar foi encontrado no caule. Bainha de fibras esclerenquimáticas envolve os feixes vasculares dos órgãos aéreos. Células pétreas ocorrem no pecíolo. Tricomas tectores ocorrem em ambas as faces da folha. A folha é hipoestomática com estômatos paracíticos e o mesofilo é dorsiventral. Cristais de oxalato de cálcio ocorrem no caule, pecíolo e lâmina foliar. Compostos fenólicos ocorrem na raiz, pecíolo e nervura central da folha. Grãos de amido ocorrem na raiz, caule e pecíolo. Lipídios ocorrem em todos os órgãos. Acredita-se que compostos fenólicos e cavidades secretoras de resina podem justificar a utilidade medicinal da espécie pela população de Caetité.Hymenaea martiana Hayne (Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae shows a great value in folk medicine in Caetité. Its bark, stem-bark and resin are used to treat various ailments. In this study, the anatomical and histochemical characterization of vegetative organs is reported. Samples were collected and processed according to usual techniques of plant anatomy and histochemistry. All organs have, by cross-sectional view, uniseriate epidermis and secretory cavities. Thick cuticle occurs in all aerial organs. The root is tetrarch. Lacunar collenchyma was found in the stem. Sclerenchymatic sheath of fibers surrounds the vascular bundles of the aerial organs. Stone cells occur in the petiole. Trichomes occur

  17. Bioassay-Guided Antidiabetic Study of <em>Phaleria macrocarpaem> Fruit Extract

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    Mohd Z. Asmawi


    Full Text Available An earlier anti-hyperglycemic study with serial crude extracts of <em>Phaleria macrocarpaem> (PM fruit indicated methanol extract (ME as the most effective. In the present investigation, the methanol extract was further fractionated to obtain chloroform (CF, ethyl acetate (EAF, <em>n>-butanol (NBF and aqueous (AF fractions, which were tested for antidiabetic activity. The NBF reduced blood glucose (<em>p> < 0.05 15 min after administration, in an intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test (IPGTT similar to metformin. Moreover, it lowered blood glucose in diabetic rats by 66.67% (<em>p> em>< 0.05, similar to metformin (51.11%, glibenclamide (66.67% and insulin (71.43% after a 12-day treatment, hence considered to be the most active fraction. Further fractionation of NBF yielded sub-fractions I (SFI and II (SFII, and only SFI lowered blood glucose (<em>p em>< 0.05, in IPGTT similar to glibenclamide. The ME, NBF, and SFI correspondingly lowered plasma insulin (<em>p em>< 0.05 and dose-dependently inhibited glucose transport across isolated rat jejunum implying an extra-pancreatic mechanism. Phytochemical screening showed the presence of flavonoids, terpenes and tannins, in ME, NBF and SFI, and LC-MS analyses revealed 9.52%, 33.30% and 22.50% mangiferin respectively. PM fruit possesses anti-hyperglycemic effect, exerted probably through extra-pancreatic action. Magniferin, contained therein may be responsible for this reported activity.

  18. Purification of used eutectic (LiCl-KCl) salt electrolyte from pyroprocessing (United States)

    Cho, Yung-Zun; Lee, Tae-Kyo; Eun, Hee-Chul; Choi, Jung-Hoon; Kim, In-Tae; Park, Geun-Il


    The separation characteristics of surrogate rare-earth fission products in a eutectic (LiCl-KCl) molten salt were investigated. This system is based on the eutectic salt used for the pyroprocessing treatment of used nuclear fuel (UNF). The investigation was performed using an integrated rare-earth separation apparatus comprising a precipitation reactor, a solid detachment device, and a layer separation device. To separate rare-earth fission products, a phosphate precipitation method using both Li3PO4 and K3PO4 as a precipitant was performed. The use of an equivalent phosphate precipitant composed of 0.408 molar ratio-K3PO4 and 0.592 molar ratio-Li3PO4 can preserve the original eutectic ratio, LiCl-0.592 molar ratio (or 45.2 wt%), as well as provide a high separation efficiency of over 99.5% under conditions of 550 °C and Ar sparging when using La, Nd, Ce, and Pr chlorides. The mixture of La, Nd, Ce, and Pr phosphate had a typical monoclinic (or monazite) structure, which has been proposed as a reliable host matrix for the permanent disposal of a high-level waste form. To maximize the reusability of purified eutectic waste salt after rare-earth separation, the successive rare-earth separation process, which uses both phosphate precipitation and an oxygen sparging method, were introduced and tested with eight rare-earth (Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu and Gd) chlorides. In the successive rare-earth separation process, the phosphate reaction was terminated within 1 h at 550 °C, and a 4-8 h oxygen sparging time were required to obtain over a 99% separation efficiency at 700-750 °C. The mixture of rare-earth precipitates separated by the successive rare-earth separation process was found to be phosphate, oxychloride, and oxide. Through the successive rare-earth separation process, the eutectic ratio of purified salt maintained its original value, and impurity content including the residual precipitant of purified salt can be minimized.

  19. Following the electroreduction of uranium dioxide to uranium in LiCl–KCl eutectic in situ using synchrotron radiation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brown, L.D.; Abdulaziz, R.; Jervis, R.; Bharath, V.J. [Electrochemical Innovation Lab, Dept. Chemical Engineering, UCL, London WC1E 7JE (United Kingdom); Atwood, R.C.; Reinhard, C.; Connor, L.D. [Diamond Light Source, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 0DE (United Kingdom); Simons, S.J.R.; Inman, D.; Brett, D.J.L. [Electrochemical Innovation Lab, Dept. Chemical Engineering, UCL, London WC1E 7JE (United Kingdom); Shearing, P.R., E-mail: [Electrochemical Innovation Lab, Dept. Chemical Engineering, UCL, London WC1E 7JE (United Kingdom)


    Highlights: • We investigated the electroreduction of UO{sub 2} to U in LiCl/KCL eutectic molten salt. • Combined electrochemical measurement and in situ XRD is utilised. • The electroreduction appears to occur in a single, 4-electron-step, process. • No intermediate compounds were observed. - Abstract: The electrochemical reduction of uranium dioxide to metallic uranium has been investigated in lithium chloride–potassium chloride eutectic molten salt. Laboratory based electrochemical studies have been coupled with in situ energy dispersive X-ray diffraction, for the first time, to deduce the reduction pathway. No intermediate phases were identified using the X-ray diffraction before, during or after electroreduction to form α-uranium. This suggests that the electrochemical reduction occurs via a single, 4-electron-step, process. The rate of formation of α-uranium is seen to decrease during electrolysis and could be a result of a build-up of oxygen anions in the molten salt. Slow transport of O{sup 2−} ions away from the UO{sub 2} working electrode could impede the electrochemical reduction.

  20. Alimentazione di <em>Marmota marmotaem> in praterie altimontane delle dolomiti bellunesi

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    Alessandro Rudatis


    Full Text Available Abstract The diet of <em>Marmota marmotaem> in the mountain prairie of south-eastern Italian Alps. Diet composition of two family groups of alpine marmots was investigated in two areas of the Agordino’s Dolomites (Italian Alps in June-September 2001, by means of microscopic analysis of faeces and of direct observation of feeding activity. During the whole period of activity, a high consume of Angiosperms was confirmed, especially plants in flower; among them the “graminoids” seemed to play an important role only during the initial part of the active period. Generally vegetative parts predominated over flowers. The ingestion of animal preys was not confirmed by the analysis of droppings. Comparing diet composition of the two groups, Graminaceae (<em>Poa>, <em>Phleum>, Compositae (<em>Achillea>, Cyperaceae/Juncaceae, Leguminosae (<em>Anthyllis>, Rosaceae, and Labiatae (<em>Prunella>, <em>Stachys> formed the bulk of marmot diet in the study areas. Diet showed low diversity considering the abundance of plant species in the surrounding environment. Food resources were probably used in relation to their easy digestibility, with a high content in proteins, sugar and water. The knowledge of vegetation features in relation to marmot trophic habits can represent a useful tool for the management of this species. Riassunto Il regime alimentare di due gruppi di Marmotta alpina è stato studiato in giugno-settembre 2001 in due aree delle Dolomiti agordine (SE Italia, attraverso l’analisi microscopica delle feci e l’osservazione diretta dell’attività alimentare. Durante tutto il periodo di attività si è notato un forte consumo di Angiosperme, specialmente piante a fiore, mentre le ”graminoidi” sembra giochino un ruolo importante all’inizio della stagione. In generale le parti vegetali predominano sui fiori. L’ingestione di prede animali non è stata

  1. A classe mineralógica das combinações orgânicas associadas ao hidrogênio

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    Paulo César Pereira das Neves


    Full Text Available O hidrogênio, aparentemente, é o elemento químico mais abundante do Universo, perfazendo aproximadamente 88,6 % de todos os átomos conhecidos. Apresenta abundância geoquímica na crosta terrestre de 0,14 %, ocorrendo ainda nos gases vulcânicos, nas auroras boreais, na água, no corpo humano, nos hidrocarbonetos (petróleo, carvão mineral, turfa e folhelho pirobetuminoso, nos vegetais e animais e, também, em ampla gama de minerais. Este trabalho revisa a interessante classe mineralógica das combinações orgânicas, cujos cristais são relativamente raros. Nesta classe o hidrogênio está presente na composição de 40 das 41 substâncias conhecidas. A maioria dessas substâncias apresenta importância industrial significativa em seus correspondentes sintéticos, principalmente nas indústrias farmacêutica e química. Substâncias como os oxalatos, as amidas, os formiatos, os acetatos, o fluoreno, a níquel-porfirina, o coroneno, o citrato, a purina, o diperteno, a antraquinona, a ftalimida, o melato e o fenantreno, têm múltiplas aplicações. Entre as mesmas estão filmes eletropolimerizadores, reagentes para síntese de compostos orgânicos, plastificadores, insumos para preparação de nanomateriais, separação e concentração de ETR e elementos transurânicos, nutriente em dietas complementares, produtos para tratamento de águas, revestimento de válvulas e aditivos em cosméticos, tintas metálicas e plásticos em geral

  2. NONOates regulate KCl cotransporter-1 and -3 mRNA expression in vascular smooth muscle cells. (United States)

    Di Fulvio, Mauricio; Lauf, Peter K; Shah, Shalin; Adragna, Norma C


    Nitric oxide (NO) donors regulate KCl cotransport (KCC) activity and cotransporter-1 and -3 (KCC1 and KCC3) mRNA expression in sheep erythrocytes and in primary cultures of rat vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs), respectively. In this study, we used NONOates as rapid and slow NO releasers to provide direct evidence implicating NO as a regulator of KCC3 gene expression at the mRNA level. In addition, we used the expression of KCC3 mRNA to further investigate the mechanism of action of these NO donors at the cellular level. Treatment of VSMCs with rapid NO releasers, like NOC-5 and NOC-9, as well as with the direct NO-independent soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) stimulator YC-1, acutely increased KCC3 mRNA expression in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. The slow NO releaser NOC-18 had no effect on KCC3 gene expression. A specific NO scavenger completely prevented the NONOate-induced KCC3 mRNA expression. Inhibition of sGC with LY-83583 blocked the NONOate- and YC-1-induced KCC3 mRNA expression. This study shows that in primary cultures of rat VSMCs, the fast NO releasers NOC-9 and NOC-5, but not the slow NO releaser NOC-18, acutely upregulate KCC3 mRNA expression in a NO/sGC-dependent manner.

  3. Fundamental Study on a Distillation Separation of a LiCl-KCl Eutectic Salt from Rare Earth Precipitates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Hee Chul; Eun, Hee Chul; Kim, In Tae


    The distillation rate on LiCl-KCl eutectic salt under different vacuums from 0.5-50 mmHg was first investigated by using both a non-isothermal and a isothermal thermogravimetric (TG) analysis. Based on the non-isothermal TG data, distillation rate equations as a function of the temperature could be derived. Calculated flux by these model flux equations was in agreement with the distillation rate obtained from isothermal TG analysis. A distillation rate of 10 -4 -10 -5 mole cm -2 sec -1 is obtainable at temperatures less than 1300 K and vacuums of 0.5-50 mmHg. About a 99% salt distillation efficiency was obtained after an hour at a temperature above 1150 K under 50 mmHg in a small scale distillation test system. An increase in the vaporizing surface area is relatively effective for removing residual salt in the remaining particles, when compared to that for the vaporizing time. Over 99.95% of total distillation efficiency was obtained for a 1-h distillation operation by increasing the inner surface area from 4.52 cm 2 to 12.56 cm 2 .

  4. <em>Ipomoea aquaticaem> Extract Shows Protective Action Against Thioacetamide-Induced Hepatotoxicity

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    A. Hamid A. Hadi


    Full Text Available In the Indian system of traditional medicine (Ayurveda it is recommended to consume <em>Ipomoea em>aquatica> to mitigate disorders like jaundice. In this study, the protective effects of ethanol extract of <em>I. aquaticaem> against liver damage were evaluated in thioacetamide (TAA-induced chronic hepatotoxicity in rats. There was no sign of toxicity in the acute toxicity study, in which Sprague-Dawley (SD rats were orally fed with <em>I. aquaticaem> (250 and 500 mg/kg for two months along with administration of TAA (i.p injection 200 mg/kg three times a week for two months. The results showed that the treatment of <em>I. aquaticaem> significantly lowered the TAA-induced serum levels of hepatic enzyme markers (ALP, ALT, AST, protein, albumin, bilirubin and prothrombin time. The hepatic content of activities and expressions SOD and CAT that were reduced by TAA were brought back to control levels by the plant extract supplement. Meanwhile, the rise in MDA level in the TAA receiving groups also were significantly reduced by <em>I. aquaticaem> treatment. Histopathology of hepatic tissues by H&E and Masson trichrome stains displayed that <em>I. aquaticaem> has reduced the incidence of liver lesions, including hepatic cells cloudy swelling, infiltration, hepatic necrosis, and fibrous connective tissue proliferation induced by TAA in rats. Therefore, the results of this study show that the protective effect of <em>I. aquaticaem> in TAA-induced liver damage might be contributed to its modulation on detoxification enzymes and its antioxidant and free radical scavenger effects. Moreover, it confirms a scientific basis for the traditional use of <em>I. aquaticaem> for the treatment of liver disorders.

  5. Classe social: conceitos e esquemas operacionais em pesquisa em saude

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    Rita Barradas Barata


    Full Text Available Discute-se a utilização do conceito de classe em pesquisas em saúde, as diferentes abordagens sociológicas de estratificação social e de estrutura de classes, o potencial explicativo do conceito em estudos de determinação social e desigualdades em saúde, os modelos de operacionalização elaborados para uso em pesquisas sociológicas, demográficas ou de saúde e os limites e possibilidades desses modelos. Foram destacados quatro modelos de operacionalização: de Singer para estudo da distribuição de renda no Brasil, adaptado por Barros para uso em pesquisas epidemiológicas; de Bronfman & Tuirán para o censo demográfico mexicano, adaptado por Lombardi et al para pesquisas epidemiológicas; de Goldthorpe para estudos socioeconômicos ingleses, adaptado pela Sociedade Espanhola de Epidemiologia; e o modelo de Wright para pesquisa em sociologia e ciência política, também usado em inquéritos populacionais em saúde. Em conclusão, conceitualmente cada um dos modelos apresentados é coerente com a concepção teórica que os embasam, mas não há como optar por qualquer deles, descartando os demais.

  6. The off-center effect on the diffusion coefficient of Cu+ and Li+ in the KCl lattice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Despa, F.


    It is well known that the diffusion coefficients of the Cu + cation in the NaCl and KCl lattices exceeds by three or four orders of magnitude the corresponding self-diffusion coefficients in the intrinsic temperature regions. This fast diffusion of the Cu + has been explained in many papers as an interstitial diffusion although the optical spectra do not confirm the existence of interstitial Cu + . In this paper we propose a new mechanism for fast diffusion. The model assumes that the equilibrium positions of the cationic impurities are noncentral and that the diffusion proceeds by hopping across the potential barrier along the nonlinear paths with the highest probability. The main result shows that the off-center position enhances considerably the diffusion. Theoretical diffusion coefficients have been obtained by modelling the potential barrier. Changes of the configuration entropy and the vibration spectra due to the presence of the noncentral impurity have been included in the model. We proceeded in the Li + cation case as in the case of Cu + cation. We emphasize the good agreement of the model with the experimental data and we show that if the impurity is placed close to the central site the due diffusion coefficient is close to that for the cationic self-diffusion. (author). 37 refs, 6 figs, 3 tabs

  7. Seleção e caracterização molecular de isolados de Bacillus thuringiensis para o controle de Spodoptera spp.

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    Kelly Christiane Constanski


    Full Text Available Resumo:O objetivo deste trabalho foi selecionar e caracterizar molecularmente isolados de Bacillus thuringiensistóxicos a Spodoptera eridaniaeS. frugiperda. Trinta e quatro isolados foram submetidos ao bioensaio, dos quais três foram selecionados e usados para a estimativa da CL50. Os isolados selecionados não diferiram da linhagem padrão HD-1. Na caracterização molecular, identificou-se a presença dos genes cry1 e cry2, nos isolados BR37 e BR94, e dos genes cry4A, cry4B, cry10, cry11 e cyt1 no isolado BR58, o que confirmou o perfil proteico obtido de 130, 70 e 65 kDa. Foram identificados cristais bipiramidais e esféricos. O isolado BR58, apesar de não conter os genes relacionados à toxicidade a Lepidoptera, causa mortalidade em ambas as espécies

  8. Fontes de potássio no crescimento in vitro de plantas de orquídea Cattleya loddigesii Potassium sources of Cattleya loddigesii plants in vitro growth

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    Milene Alves de Figueiredo


    Full Text Available Plantas de Cattleya loddigesii com 1,0-1,5cm de comprimento, oriundas de sementes germinadas in vitro, foram inoculadas nos tratamentos, os quais consistiram da adição de diferentes concentrações de cloreto e sulfato de potássio (ambos a 0, 125, 250, 375 e 500mg L-1 ao meio Knudson C, em todas as combinações possíveis, acrescido de 2g L-1 de carvão ativado e 150g L-1 de polpa de banana "Nanica". O meio teve seu pH ajustado para 5,8±0,1 e foi solidificado com 5g L-1 de ágar antes da autoclavagem a 121°C por 20 minutos. Após a inoculação, as culturas foram mantidas por 90 dias em sala de crescimento com irradiância em torno de 35µmol m-2 s-1, temperatura de 25±1°C e fotoperíodo de 16 horas. A combinação de 500mg L-1 de KCl com 500mg L-1 de K2SO4 promoveu maior crescimento in vitro em plantas de Cattleya loddigesii, exceto no comprimento de raízes, que se apresentou melhor com 500mg L-1 de KCl na ausência de K2SO4.Cattleya loddigesii preceding seedlings (with 1.0-1.5cm of in vitro germinated seeds were used as explants. The treatments consisted of the addition of different potassium chloride concentrations (0; 125; 250; 375 e 500mg L-1 and potassium sulphate (0; 125; 250; 375 e 500mg L-1, in the Knudson C medium, in all possible combinations, an addition of 2g L-1 activated coal, 150g L-1 and banana 'Nanica' pulp. The medium had the pH set to 5.8±0.1 and was solidified with agar 5g L-1 before the sterilization at 121°C for 20 minutes. After the inoculation, the cultures were maintained in the growth room with irradiancy around 35µmol m-2 s-1 in, 25±1°C temperature and 16-hour photoperiod for 90 days. The combination of KCl 500mg L-1 with K2SO4 500mg L-1 promotes good in vitro growth in Cattleya loddigesii seedlings, except length of roots who if comported better with KCl500 mg L-1 in absence of K2SO4.

  9. Nitrogen fertilization efficiency with Urea ({sup 15}N) in Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu associated with split application of ordinary superphosphate and potassium chloride; Eficiencia da fertilizacao nitrogenada com ureia ({sup 15}N) em Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu associada ao parcelamento de superfosfato simples e cloreto de potassio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oliveira, P.P.A. [EMBRAPA, Pirassununga, SP (Brazil). Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Gado e Leite]. E-mail:; Trivelin, P.C.O. [Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura (CENA), Piracicaba, SP (Brazil). Lab. de Isotopos Estaveis]. E-mail:; Oliveira, W.S. [Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura (CENA), Piracicaba, SP (Brazil). Lab. de Biologia Celular e Molecular]. E-mail:


    In pastures, the evaluation of fertilization efficiency of urea-N is important since it is applied on a massive scale. Several studies report an enhancement of the fertilizers efficiency by associated applications of urea with potassium chloride (KCl) and ordinary superphosphate (OSP). In the recovery of degraded pastures or in intensive exploration systems, high quantities of KCl and OSP used as corrective fertilization are applied at the november, beginning of the rain season. Split applications of KCl and OSP could easily be associated with urea-N surface application without additional costs. An evaluation of this management was the objective of this experiment. The annual balance of {sup 15} N application with urea was obtained in treatments where OSP and/or KCl were split, top-dressed in five applications associated with urea, or when both were applied together in November. Highest forage production was obtained when OSP was split, followed by split KCl, the unique application of both together, and finally both split. The recovery of urea-N in the aerial part and the soil-pasture system remained unaltered by the treatments. However, the recovery of plant crown and root system differed among the treatments and was positively correlated with forage production. Fertilizer-N recovery in the litter was favored by splitting KCl. Even though the total recovery of the system was not improved by the treatments, splitting of KCl and OSP are indicated for an increased recovery of urea-N in numerous plant structures, resulting in a higher forage production. (author)

  10. The diet of the fox (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> in woodlands of Orobie Alps (Lombardy region, Northern Italy / Alimentazione della Volpe (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> in aree boscate delle Alpi Orobie

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    Marco Cantini


    Full Text Available Abstract The diet of the fox was investigated by analysis of 273 scats, collected along standard trails from April to November 1987 and 1988. Food habits of foxes were described for three altitudinal ranges. Mammals, mainly <em>Clethrionomys glareolusem> and <em>Microtus multiplexem>, were the staple food (percentage of frequency 42.8%, followed by fruits and other vegetables (26.7% and 37.3% respectively. Birds, Invertebrates (mainly Insects and garbage were little eaten. The game species (ungulates, hares, pheasants occurred with a low frequency (8.4% in the diet. The trophic niche breadth varied little through the altitudinal ranges and the seasons. The trophic niche overlap between the fox and the genus <em>Martes> (190 scats of <em>M. martesem> and <em>M. foinaem> were examined is relatively wide (O=0.868. Riassunto La dieta della Volpe (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> in aree boscate delle Alpi Orobie (Val Lesina è stata indagata nel periodo aprile-novembre 1987 e 1988 mediante l'analisi di 273 feci, raccolte lungo percorsi-campione ricadenti in tre piani vegetazionali. I Mammiferi, in particolare <em>Clethrionomys glareolusem> e <em>Microtus multiplexem>, sono la componente principale della dieta (frequenza percentuale 42,8%. Rilevante è anche il consumo di frutti (soprattutto in estate e autunno e di altri vegetali (26,7% e 37,3% rispettivamente, mentre poco frequente è quello di Uccelli, Invertebrati e rifiuti. Complessivamente ridotta è l'azione predatoria della Volpe nei confronti delle specie di interesse venatorio (Ungulati, lepri, Galliformi. L'ampiezza della nicchia trofica mostra modeste variazioni stagionali e altitudinali. I1 grado di sovrapposizione tra la nicchia trofica della Volpe e quella del genere <em>Martes>, quest'ultima ricavata dall'analisi di 190 feci di Martora (<em>M. martesem> e Faina (<em>M. foinaem>, è elevato (O=0,868. Tuttavia, poiché in condizioni di

  11. Osservazioni in cattività sul ciclo stagionale del peso corporeo e sull'efficienza digestiva di <em>Pipistrellus kuhliiem> e <em>Hypsugo saviiem> (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae

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    Gianna Dondini


    Full Text Available Molte specie di pipistrelli delle fasce climatiche temperato-fredde sono soggette a marcate variazioni stagionali di temperatura e disponibilità di cibo. L'accumulo di grasso in autunno è quindi un adattamento per trascorrere, in uno stato di profondo torpore definibile ibernazione, i mesi invernali, aumentando così la probabilità di sopravvivenza durante tale periodo. Nell?ambito di una attività pluriennale relativa alla raccolta, studio e, quando possibile, riabilitazione di pipistrelli in ambienti urbani, due esemplari di <em>Pipistrellus kuhliiem> (2 femmine e due di <em>Hypsugo saviiem> (1 maschio e 1 femmina, in entrambi casi giovani che ancora non avevano acquisito una sufficiente capacità nel volo e quindi non liberabili, sono stati raccolti nella pianura di Firenze durante l?estate del 1998 e mantenuti in condizioni di temperatura ambientale oscillante tra i 17 e i 22°C, in un contenitore di 150x40x30 cm. Ogni sera sono stati pesati, prima della somministrazione di cibo e acqua, con una bilancia elettronica con precisione di 0.1 g (modello Tanita 1479. L'alimentazione è stata a base di vermi della farina (<em>Tenebrio molitorem>. L?efficienza digestiva è calcolata nel seguente modo, su materiale disidratato: (quantità ingerita ? quantità escrementi/quantità ingerita*100. Per il calcolo di tale indice gli esemplari delle due specie sono stati separati e mantenuti per 24 ore a partire dalla successiva sera dell?ultima somministrazione, favorendo così lo svuotamento dell?intestino. Successivamente, per due giorni è stato fornito del cibo <em>ad libitumem>, pesando i singoli esemplari una volta terminata la fase di alimentazione, per determinare la quantità ingerita. Al termine abbiamo mantenuto gli esemplari a digiuno per 24 ore successive all?ultima somministrazione per permettere lo svuotamento dell?intestino. Gli escrementi raccolti sono stati posti in forno elettrico a 90 °C per 24 ore e successivamente pesati

  12. Isopiestic determination of the osmotic and activity coefficients of the {l_brace}yKCl + (1 - y)K{sub 2}HPO{sub 4}{r_brace}(aq) system at T = 298.15 K

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Popovic, Daniela Z. [Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Karnegijeva 4, 11 001 Belgrade (Serbia); Miladinovic, Jelena, E-mail: [Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Karnegijeva 4, 11 001 Belgrade (Serbia); Todorovic, Milica D.; Zrilic, Milorad M. [Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Karnegijeva 4, 11 001 Belgrade (Serbia); Rard, Joseph A., E-mail: [4363 Claremont Way, Livermore, CA 94550 (United States)


    Highlights: > Isopiestic measurements were made for {l_brace}yKCl + (1 - y)K{sub 2}HPO{sub 4}{r_brace}(aq) at T = 298.15 K. > The resulting osmotic coefficients were represented by three thermodynamic models. > Activity coefficients from Pitzer model with Scatchard mixing terms are recommended. - Abstract: The osmotic coefficients of aqueous mixtures of KCl and K{sub 2}HPO{sub 4} have been measured at T = (298.15 {+-} 0.01) K by the isopiestic vapor pressure method over the range of ionic strengths from (2.3700 to 11.250) mol . kg{sup -1} using CaCl{sub 2}(aq) as the reference solution. Our new experimental results were modeled with an extended form of Pitzer's ion-interaction model equations, both with the usual mixing terms and with Scatchard's neutral-electrolyte mixing terms, and with the Clegg-Pitzer-Brimblecombe equations based on the mole-fraction-composition scale. There is a dearth of previously published isopiestic data for mixtures containing salts of HPO{sub 4}{sup 2-}(aq) and, consequently, no previous measurements are available for comparison with the present results. The present study yields Cl{sup -}HPO{sub 4}{sup 2-} mixing parameters for these three models that are needed for modeling the thermodynamic activities of solute components of natural waters and other complex aqueous electrolyte mixtures.

  13. Net Energy, CO2 Emission and Land-Based Cost-Benefit Analyses of <em>Jatropha> em>Biodiesel: A Case Study of the Panzhihua Region of Sichuan Province in China

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    Xiangzheng Deng


    Full Text Available Bioenergy is currently regarded as a renewable energy source with a high growth potential. Forest-based biodiesel, with the significant advantage of not competing with grain production on cultivated land, has been considered as a promising substitute for diesel fuel by many countries, including China. Consequently, extracting biodiesel from <em>Jatropha> curcasem> has become a growing industry. However, many key issues related to the development of this industry are still not fully resolved and the prospects for this industry are complicated. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the net energy, CO2 emission, and cost efficiency of <em>Jatropha> biodiesel as a substitute fuel in China to help resolve some of the key issues by studying data from this region of China that is well suited to growing <em>Jatropha>. Our results show that: (1 <em>Jatropha> biodiesel is preferable for global warming mitigation over diesel fuel in terms of the carbon sink during <em>Jatropha> tree growth. (2 The net energy yield of <em>Jatropha> biodiesel is much lower than that of fossil fuel, induced by the high energy consumption during <em>Jatropha> plantation establishment and the conversion from seed oil to diesel fuel step. Therefore, the energy efficiencies of the production of <em>Jatropha> and its conversion to biodiesel need to be improved. (3 Due to current low profit and high risk in the study area, farmers have little incentive to continue or increase <em>Jatropha> production. (4 It is necessary to provide more subsidies and preferential policies for <em>Jatropha> plantations if this industry is to grow. It is also necessary for local government to set realistic objectives and make rational plans to choose proper sites for <em>Jatropha> biodiesel development and the work reported here should assist that effort. Future research focused on breading high-yield varieties, development of efficient field

  14. Depósito e perdas de calda em sistema de pulverização com turboatomizador em videira Deposition and spray losses in an air-assisted sprayer system in grapevine

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    Marcelo G. Balan


    Full Text Available Grande parte dos viticultores da região Norte do Paraná pratica a condução da videira em caramanchão, com mais de 50 aplicações fitossanitárias em um único ciclo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar essas aplicações com turboatomizador assistido de ar no sistema de pulverização, por meio do depósito de calda nas folhas e perdas. O trabalho foi desenvolvido utilizando-se de cinco condições de aplicação, variando-se tamanho de gotas e volume de aplicação, com quatro repetições, em blocos casualizados. A avaliação do sistema foi feita com a aplicação de uma calda de cloreto de potássio (5%, sendo o depósito nas folhas medido pela condutividade elétrica, e as perdas, pela comparação entre volumes aplicado e recuperado nas folhas. Para todas as condições, as perdas foram superiores a 48%. Os maiores volumes aplicados apresentaram as maiores deposições, e gotas maiores apresentaram maior depósito e mesma perda em relação a gotas menores. Os menores volumes não diferiram com relação à deposição, destacando-se as condições gotas maiores a volume baixo e a testemunha utilizada pelo viticultor, que apresentaram as menores perdas. Os resultados demonstram que o turboatomizador é uma importante ferramenta para maximizar as operações de pulverização em uva, e as alterações na configuração das pontas de pulverização devem ser mais estudadas.Winegrowers in the north of Paraná State carry on grapevines in arbour and pesticide applications could overcome more than fifty times in a cycle. The aim of this study was to evaluate the features of the air assisted sprayer application system by spray volume deposition and losses. Five treatments and four randomized blocks were used. The treatments varied the droplet size and application volume. The evaluation of the system was done with a 5% spray solution containing KCl being the leaves spray deposit measured through electric conductivity and the losses by the

  15. Molecular dynamics study of structure and vibrational spectra at zwitterionoic lipid/aqueous KCl, NaCl, and CaCl2 solution interfaces (United States)

    Ishiyama, Tatsuya; Shirai, Shinnosuke; Okumura, Tomoaki; Morita, Akihiro


    Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of KCl, NaCl, and CaCl2 solution/dipalmytoylphosphatidylcholine lipid interfaces were performed to analyze heterodyne-detected vibrational sum frequency generation (HD-VSFG) spectra in relation to the interfacial water structure. The present MD simulation well reproduces the experimental spectra and elucidates a specific cation effect on the interfacial structure. The K+, Na+, and Ca2+ cation species penetrate in the lipid layer more than the anions in this order, due to the electrostatic interaction with negative polar groups of lipid, and the electric double layer between the cations and anions cancels the intrinsic orientation of water at the water/lipid interface. These mechanisms explain the HD-VSFG spectrum of the water/lipid interface and its spectral perturbation by adding the ions. The lipid monolayer reverses the order of surface preference of the cations at the solution/lipid interface from that at the solution/air interface.

  16. Threatening “the Good Order”: West Meets East in Cecil B. DeMille’s <em>The Cheatem> and John Updike’s <em>Terrorist>

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    Bradley M. Freeman


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    Despite almost a hundred years of separation, both Cecil B. DeMille’s film <em>The Cheatem> (1915 and John Updike’s novel <em>Terrorist> (2006 deploy a clear-cut territorial divide between Western and Eastern spaces in order to envision a unified American space. These narratives superimpose a “natural” division on these historically opposed spaces and thereby suggest that any contact between these spaces will have dangerous consequences. These consequences include the potential dissolution and eventual destruction of American productivity, surveillance, and territorial integrity. DeMille’s film and Updike’s novel represent America as a nation-state that must be protected from the East. In 1915, <em>The Cheatem> warned against an interracial America and the upsurge in immigration that characterized the turn of the century. Nearly a century later, <em>Terrorist> presupposes an interracial America but still constructs an East that threatens the security of America. While registering the particular concerns of two distinct historical moments, these narratives represent a larger attempt in American aesthetics to imagine an East that jeopardizes the utopian possibilities of an overly idealized American space.

  17. <em>In Vitro em>Phytotoxicity and Antioxidant Activity of Selected Flavonoids

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    Rita Patrizia Aquino


    Full Text Available The knowledge of flavonoids involved in plant-plant interactions and their mechanisms of action are poor and, moreover, the structural characteristics required for these biological activities are scarcely known. The objective of this work was to study the possible <em>in vitro em>phytotoxic effects of 27 flavonoids on the germination and early radical growth of <em>Raphanus sativus em>L.> and <em>Lepidium sativumem> L., with the aim to evaluate the possible structure/activity relationship. Moreover, the antioxidant activity of the same compounds was also evaluated. Generally, in response to various tested flavonoids, germination was only slightly affected, whereas significant differences were observed in the activity of the various tested flavonoids against radical elongation. DPPH test confirms the antioxidant activity of luteolin, quercetin, catechol, morin, and catechin. The biological activity recorded is discussed in relation to the structure of compounds and their capability to interact with cell structures and physiology. No correlation was found between phytotoxic and antioxidant activities.

  18. Current view on the functional regulation of the neuronal K+-Cl- cotransporter KCC2

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    Igor eMedina


    Full Text Available In the mammalian central nervous system, the inhibitory strength of chloride (Cl--permeable GABAA and glycine receptors (GABAAR and GlyR depends on the intracellular Cl- concentration ([Cl-]i. Lowering [Cl-]i enhances inhibition, whereas raising [Cl-]i facilitates neuronal activity. A neuron’s basal level of [Cl-]i, as well as its Cl- extrusion capacity, is critically dependent on the activity of the electroneutral K+-Cl- cotransporter KCC2, a member of the SLC12 cation-Cl- cotransporter (CCC family. KCC2 deficiency compromises neuronal migration, formation and the maturation of GABAergic and glutamatergic synaptic connections, and results in network hyperexcitability and seizure activity. Several neurological disorders including multiple epilepsy subtypes, neuropathic pain, and schizophrenia, as well as various insults such as trauma and ischemia, are associated with significant decreases in the Cl- extrusion capacity of KCC2 that result in increases of [Cl-]i and the subsequent hyperexcitability of neuronal networks. Accordingly, identifying the key upstream molecular mediators governing the functional regulation of KCC2, and modifying these signalling pathways with small molecules, might constitute a novel neurotherapeutic strategy for multiple diseases. Here, we discuss recent advances in the understanding of the mechanisms regulating KCC2 activity, and of the role these mechanisms play in neuronal Cl- homeostasis and GABAergic neurotransmission. As KCC2 mediates electroneutral transport, the experimental recording of its activity constitutes an important research challenge; we therefore also, provide an overview of the different methodological approaches utilized to monitor function of KCC2 in both physiological and pathological conditions.

  19. Vibrational spectroscopy of hydrated potassium hexauranate for the phase study of the UO3-KCl-H2O system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dothee, Daniel.


    In the study of the UO 3 -KCl-H 2 O system, a phase, called C phase, was isolated; it has a radiocrystallogram very close to the hexauranate K 2 U 6 O 19 ,11H 2 O, but K + and Cl - are found in its composition. Links between these two phases are studied and especially structure relationships. Hydrated potassium hexauranate structure was determined previously with a natural crystal. Position of potassium and uranium atoms only are known. As monocrystal preparation is impossible a direct structural study is impossible too. Vibrational spectroscopic analysis was selected for this study. Hexauranate structure is determined and results are extended for the study of the C phase. The hydrate UO 3 .0.8 H 2 O a stable and well defined compound is chosen for the hydrothermal synthesis of the different phases. Four main phases are evidenced: the chloro-uranate Ksub(x)UO 3 Clsub(x) (already known), a hydrated potassium uranate and two phases (one is the C phase) containing chloride ions are intermediaries between the chloro-uranate and the uranate [fr

  20. Thermodynamics properties of plutonium in NaCl-KCl and CaCl2 at 1073 K and in liquid gallium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lambertin, D.; Ched'homme, S.; Bourges, G.; Pescayre, L.; Sanchez, S.; Picard, G.


    Cadmium and bismuth metal are mostly used as solvent in nuclear pyrochemical processes and especially in actinides/lanthanides separations. Gallium metal has been chosen because no literature values are available with plutonium and its regeneration by refining at low temperature is possible. Electrochemical window of gallium metal and activity coefficient of plutonium in gallium have been determined by using potentiometric method. Secondly, the electrochemical properties of plutonium have been studied in molten equimolar NaCl/KCl and CaCl 2 at 1073 K by cyclic voltammetry. The standard potentials of Pu(III)/Pu redox couple, respectively, -2,54 V and -2,51 V, led to the calculation of the activity coefficients of Pu(III). In CaCl 2 the complexation of Pu(III) ions is lower and the voltage gap between Pu(III)/Pu couple and the solvent limit is higher. The new data on plutonium electrochemistry in molten chlorides and liquid gallium media combined with literature data on lanthanides suggest that gallium can be a good solvent metal for pyro-chemistry separation. (authors)

  1. Electron spin ressonance of radicals produced by ultra-violet photolysis of KCL dopped with potassium cyanide and potassium cyanate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duran, J.E.R.


    The production of radicals by ultra-violet photolysis of KCL dopped with potassium cyanide and potassium cyanate is studied by electron spin resonance. Several new paramagnetic species are detected which are identified as HCNO - , NCN - /NCNO - , CNN - /CNON - and CNOsup(=) all giving isotropic spectra at 77 0 K. The temperature dependence of the CNOsup(=) spectrum is investigated down to 1.6 0 K. It is found that two different recrientation motions ocurr which freeze at different temperatures. The effect of this motion on the line width is analized using Anderson's theory of exchange narrowing. The electronic structure of the CNOsup(=) radical is discussed using the measured the carbon and nitrogen hfs constants. It is found that a bonding scheme similar to that accepted for the isoelectronic molecule NO 2 is applicable, and a one electron molecular orbital scheme is given. Within this scheme a negative contribution to the nitrogen isotropic hfs constant is found which is assumed to originate from the polarization of the fully occupied ls orbitals [pt

  2. Busca de estruturas em grandes escalas em altos redshifts (United States)

    Boris, N. V.; Sodré, L., Jr.; Cypriano, E.


    A busca por estruturas em grandes escalas (aglomerados de galáxias, por exemplo) é um ativo tópico de pesquisas hoje em dia, pois a detecção de um único aglomerado em altos redshifts pode por vínculos fortes sobre os modelos cosmológicos. Neste projeto estamos fazendo uma busca de estruturas distantes em campos contendo pares de quasares próximos entre si em z Â3 0.9. Os pares de quasares foram extraídos do catálogo de Véron-Cetty & Véron (2001) e estão sendo observados com os telescópios: 2,2m da University of Hawaii (UH), 2,5m do Observatório de Las Campanas e com o GEMINI. Apresentamos aqui a análise preliminar de um par de quasares observado nos filtros i'(7800 Å) e z'(9500 Å) com o GEMINI. A cor (i'-z') mostrou-se útil para detectar objetos "early-type" em redshifts menores que 1.1. No estudo do par 131046+0006/J131055+0008, com redshift ~ 0.9, o uso deste método possibilitou a detecção de sete objetos candidatos a galáxias "early-type". Num mapa da distribuição projetada dos objetos para 22 escala. Um outro argumento em favor dessa hipótese é que eles obedecem uma relação do tipo Kormendy (raio equivalente X brilho superficial dentro desse raio), como a apresentada pelas galáxias elípticas em z = 0.

  3. Encapsulation-Induced Stress Helps <em>Saccharomyces cerevisiae em>Resist Convertible Lignocellulose Derived Inhibitors

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    Johan O. Westman


    Full Text Available The ability of macroencapsulated <em>Saccharomyces cerevisiae em>CBS8066<em> em>to withstand readily and not readily <em>in situem> convertible lignocellulose-derived inhibitors was investigated in anaerobic batch cultivations. It was shown that encapsulation increased the tolerance against readily convertible furan aldehyde inhibitors and to dilute acid spruce hydrolysate, but not to organic acid inhibitors that cannot be metabolized anaerobically. Gene expression analysis showed that the protective effect arising from the encapsulation is evident also on the transcriptome level, as the expression of the stress-related genes <em>YAP1em>, <em>ATR1em> and <em>FLR1em> was induced upon encapsulation. The transcript levels were increased due to encapsulation already in the medium without added inhibitors, indicating that the cells sensed low stress level arising from the encapsulation itself. We present a model, where the stress response is induced by nutrient limitation, that this helps the cells to cope with the increased stress added by a toxic medium, and that superficial cells in the capsules degrade convertible inhibitors, alleviating the inhibition for the cells deeper in the capsule.

  4. emMAW: computing minimal absent words in external memory. (United States)

    Héliou, Alice; Pissis, Solon P; Puglisi, Simon J


    The biological significance of minimal absent words has been investigated in genomes of organisms from all domains of life. For instance, three minimal absent words of the human genome were found in Ebola virus genomes. There exists an O(n) -time and O(n) -space algorithm for computing all minimal absent words of a sequence of length n on a fixed-sized alphabet based on suffix arrays. A standard implementation of this algorithm, when applied to a large sequence of length n , requires more than 20 n  bytes of RAM. Such memory requirements are a significant hurdle to the computation of minimal absent words in large datasets. We present emMAW, the first external-memory algorithm for computing minimal absent words. A free open-source implementation of our algorithm is made available. This allows for computation of minimal absent words on far bigger data sets than was previously possible. Our implementation requires less than 3 h on a standard workstation to process the full human genome when as little as 1 GB of RAM is made available. We stress that our implementation, despite making use of external memory, is fast; indeed, even on relatively smaller datasets when enough RAM is available to hold all necessary data structures, it is less than two times slower than state-of-the-art internal-memory implementations. (free software under the terms of the GNU GPL). or Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author (2017). Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  5. Morphological identification of the Soprano Pipistrelle (<em>Pipistrellus pygmaeusem> Leach, 1825 in Croatia.

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    Igor Pavlinić


    Full Text Available Abstract After the discovery of two different phonic types within the common pipistrelle (<em>Pipistrellus pipistrellusem>, mtDNA analysis confirmed the existence of two separate species named as common pipistrelle (<em>P. pipistrellusem> and soprano pipistrelle (<em>P. pygmaeusem>. The discrimination of these two cryptic species using external characters and measures has proved to be somewhat problematic. We examined two colonies of soprano pipistrelle from Donji Miholjac, Croatia. As a result, only two characters proved to be of help for field identification: wing venation (89% of cases and penis morphology and colour for males. The difference in length between the 2nd and 3rd phalanxes of the 3rd finger should be discarded as diagnostic trait between <em>P. pipistrellusem> and <em>P. pygmaeusem> in Croatia. Riassunto Identificazione su basi morfologiche del pipistrello pigmeo (<em>Pipistrellus pygmeausem>, Leach, 1825 in Croazia. A seguito della descrizione di due differenti "tipi fonici" nel pipistrello nano (<em>Pipistrellus pipistrellusem> e della successiva conferma su basi genetiche dell'esistenza di due specie distinte, designate come pipistrello nano (<em>P. pipistrellusem> e pipistrello pigmeo (<em>P. pygmaeusem>, la distinzione delle due specie in base a caratteristiche morfologiche esterne si è dimostrata un problema di difficile soluzione. Sulla base delle caratteristiche distintive e delle differenze biometriche proposte da altri Autori, sono state esaminate due colonie di pipistrello pigmeo a Donji Miholjac, in Croazia. I risultati ottenuti evidenziano che, tra tutti i potenziali caratteri sinora proposti, solo due risultano utili per un'identificazione diretta sul campo: la venatura delle ali, risultata utile alla discriminazione nell'89% degli esemplari analizzati, e la colorazione e morfologia del pene nei maschi. La

  6. Strong quadrupole interaction in electron paramagnetic resonance. Study of the indium hexacyanide (III) in KCl irradiated with electrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vugman, N.V.


    The radiation effects in ]Ir III (CN) 6 ] 3- diamagnetic complexe inserted in the KCl lattice and irradiated with electrons of 2MeV by electron spin resonance (ESR) are analysed. Formulas for g and A tensors in the ligand field approximation, are derivated to calculate non coupling electron density in the metal. The X polarization field of inner shells is positive, indicating a 6s function mixture in the non coupling electron molecular orbital. The observed hyperfine structure is assigned to 4 equivalent nitrogen and one non equivalent nitrogen. This hypothesis is verified by experience of isotope substitution with 15 N. The s and p spin density in ligands are calculated and discussed in terms of molecular obitals. The effects of strong quadrupole interaction into the EPR spectra of ]Ir II (CN) 5 ] 3- complex are analysed by MAGNSPEC computer program to diagonalize the Spin Hamiltonian of the system. Empiric rules for EPR espectrum interpretation with strong quadrupole interaction. A review of EPR technique and a review of main concepts of crystal-field and ligand field theories, are also presented. (M.C.K.) [pt

  7. Correlation between the extracting solutions, Modified KCl-Olsen and Mehlich 3, used in soil laboratories in Costa Rica

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bertsch, Floria; Bejarano, Jose Antonio; Corrales, Marco


    The correlation found, between the 2 most commonly used extraction solutions in soil laboratories of Costa Rica, is discussed for Ca, Mg, K, Zn and P determinations in soil analyses. Given the coexistence of extraction methodologies, it is of great relevance to provide users with information allowing an adequate interpretation of the analysis results. Using data exchanged among laboratories, at the national level, relationships between modified KCl-Olsen and Mehlich 3 solutions were established. For all elements determined, except for P, the association between both solutions is very clear and well-defined. Both solutions extract the same amounts of Ca and Mg; Mehlich 3 extracts 1.5 times more K than Modified Olsen. In the case of Zn, in Ca-rich soils (>10 cmol(+) 1 -1 ) Mehlich 3 extracts more Zn, so the critical level must be raised to 3.5 mg 1''- 1 ; whereas, in soils low in Ca ( -1 ), Mehlich 3 extracts less Zn than Modified Olsen, so the critical level must be lowered to 2.5 mg 1 -1 . As for P, the association is not clear at all. (author) [es

  8. Altitudinal distribution of the common longeared bat <em>Plecotus auritusem> (Linnaeus, 1758 and grey long-eared bat <em>Plecotus austriacusem> (J. B. Fischer, 1829 (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae in the Tatra mountains (southern Poland

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    Krzysztof Piksa


    Full Text Available Riassunto Distribuzione altitudinale di Orecchione bruno (<em>Plecotus auritusem> e Orecchione meridionale (<em>Plecotus austriacusem> nei Monti Tatra (Polonia meridionale. Vengono riportati nuovi dati relativi alla distribuzione altitudinale nei Monti Tatra (Polonia meridionale di <em>Plecotus auritusem> e <em>P. austriacusem>. Tali segnalazioni incrementano le conoscenze relative alla presenza di questi chirotteri a quote elevate, in particolare per la Polonia. In inverno <em>P. auritusem> è stato rinvenuto a 1921 m s.l.m. mentre in estate è stato rinvenuto a 2250 m s.l.m.; in aggiunta, sono stati ritrovati resti ossei a 1929 m s.l.m. <em>P. austriacusem> è stato segnalato in ibernazione a 1294 m s.l.m.

  9. Action of Chitosan Against <em>Xanthomonas> Pathogenic Bacteria Isolated from <em>Euphorbia pulcherrimaem>

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    Yanli Wang


    Full Text Available The antibacterial activity and mechanism of two kinds of chitosan were investigated against twelve <em>Xanthomonas> strains recovered from <em>Euphorbia pulcherrimaem>. Results indicated that both chitosans markedly inhibited bacterial growth based on OD loss. Furthermore, the release of DNA and RNA from three selected strains was increased by both chitosans. However, the release of intracellular proteins was inhibited by both chitosans at different concentration and incubation times, except chitosan A at 0.1 mg/mL for 0.5 h incubation and 0.2 mg/mL for 2.0 h incubation increased the release of proteins, indicating the complexity of the interaction and cell membranes, which was affected by incubation time, bacterial species, chitosan type and concentration. Transmission electron microscopic observations revealed that chitosan caused changes in protoplast concentration and surface morphology. In some cells, the membranes and walls were badly distorted and disrupted, while other cells were enveloped by a thick and compact ribbon-like layer. The contrary influence on cell morphology may explain the differential effect in the release of material. In addition, scanning electron microscope and biofilm formation test revealed that both chitosans removed biofilm biomass. Overall, this study showed that membrane and biofilm play an important role in the antibacterial mechanism of chitosan.

  10. Study of the <em>in Vitroem> Antiplasmodial, Antileishmanial and Antitrypanosomal Activities of Medicinal Plants from Saudi Arabia

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    Nawal M. Al-Musayeib


    Full Text Available The present study investigated the <em>in vitroem> antiprotozoal activity of sixteen selected medicinal plants. Plant materials were extracted with methanol and screened <em>in vitroem> against erythrocytic schizonts of <em>Plasmodium falciparumem>, intracellular amastigotes of <em>Leishmania infantum em>and <em>Trypanosoma cruzi em>and free trypomastigotes of<em> T. bruceiem>. Cytotoxic activity was determined against MRC-5 cells to assess selectivity<em>. em>The criterion for activity was an IC50 < 10 µg/mL (4. Antiplasmodial activity was found in the<em> em>extracts of<em> em>>Prosopis julifloraem> and <em>Punica granatumem>. Antileishmanial activity<em> em>against <em>L. infantumem> was demonstrated in <em>Caralluma sinaicaem> and <em>Periploca aphylla.em> Amastigotes of<em> T. cruzi em>were affected by the methanol extract of<em> em>>Albizia lebbeckem>> em>pericarp, <em>Caralluma sinaicaem>,> Periploca aphylla em>and <em>Prosopius julifloraem>. Activity against<em> T. brucei em>was obtained in<em> em>>Prosopis julifloraem>. Cytotoxicity (MRC-5 IC50 < 10 µg/mL and hence non-specific activities were observed for<em> em>>Conocarpus lancifoliusem>.>

  11. <em>Trichoderma harzianumem> como promotor del crecimiento vegetal del maracuyá (<em>Passiflora edulisem> var. <em>flavicarpa> Degener

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    Cubillos-Hinojosa Juan


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    Se realizó un experimento en condiciones de laboratorio e invernadero, con el propósito de evaluar el efecto de la cepa nativa TCN-014 y la cepa comercial TCC-005 de <em>Trichoderma harzianumem> sobre la germinación y el crecimiento temprano del maracuyá. Se adecuaron inóculos de 104, 106 y 108 conidias/mL para cada cepa y se aplicaron a semillas de maracuyá; se evaluó el número de semillas germinadas durante 15 días; se calculó el porcentaje de germinación, el índice de velocidad de germinación y el tiempo medio de germinación. Posteriormente las semillas germinadas se llevaron a condiciones de invernadero y transcurridos dos meses se midió la altura de las plántulas, el grosor del tallo, el número de hojas, la longitud de la raíz y el peso seco total. Todos los tratamientos estimularon la germinación de las semillas y el desarrollo de las plántulas; sin embargo la cepa nativa en concentraciones 106 y 108 conidias/mL mostró resultados superiores frente a la cepa comercial. Los resultados sugieren una acción efectiva de <em>T. harzianumem> como promotor de crecimiento vegetal, mostrando que tiene potencial para la elaboración de un bioproducto útil para el manejo ecológico del cultivo de maracuyá.

  12. Voltammetry of uranyl chloride in the LiCl - KCl eutectic; Voltammetrie du chlorure d'uranyle dans l'eutectique LiCl - KC1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fondanaiche, J C [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Spent UO{sub 2} - PuO{sub 2} fuels can be reprocessed in a molten salt media. Uranium dioxide can easily be dissolved as UO{sub 2}Cl{sub 2} in a molten salt bath using chlorine gas. A study of quantitative analysis of an uranyl chloride solution in the LiCl-KCl eutectic at 400 C has been performed here using voltammetry (a large area-graphite indicator electrode has been employed). The precision which is obtained is around 6 per cent for concentrations below 10{sup -2} M. Precision decreases slightly for more concentrated solutions. The study of polarization curves allowed to give a reduction mechanism for the UO{sub 2}{sup ++} ion. For dilute solutions, this reduction proceeds through the UO{sub 2}{sup +} ion. But interpretation of current-potential curves is made difficult by the dismutation reaction of the UO{sub 2} ion and by the fact that the surface of the indicator electrode is not renewed. (author) [French] Le traitement des combustibles a base d'oxydes (UO{sub 2} - PUO{sub 2}) peut etre effectue au moyen des sels fondus. Le bioxyde d'uranium passe aisement en solution sous forme de UO{sub 2}Cl{sub 2} dans un bain de sels fondus par action du chlore. Nous avons etudie ici l'analyse quantitative d'une solution de chlorure d'uranyle dans l'eutectique LiCl - KCl a 400 C par voltammetrie (electrode indicatrice de graphite d'assez grande surface). La precision est d'environ 6 pour cent pour les concentrations inferieures a 10{sup -2} M; elle est legerement moins bonne pour les solutions plus concentrees. L'examen des courbes de polarisation a permis de donner un mecanisme de reduction de l'ion UO{sub 2}: pour les solutions diluees, cette reduction se fait par l'intermediaire de l'ion UO{sub 2}{sup +}. Mais l'interpretation des courbes intensite-potentiel est rendue delicate par la reaction de dismutation de l'ion UO{sub 2}{sup +} et par le fait que la surface de l'electrode indicatrice n'est pas renouvelee. (auteur)

  13. Effect of β,β-Dimethylacrylshikonin on Inhibition of Human Colorectal Cancer Cell Growth <em>in Vitro em>and <em>in Vivoem>

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    Ting Feng


    Full Text Available In traditional Chinese medicine, shikonin and its derivatives, has been used in East Asia for several years for the prevention and treatment of several diseases, including cancer. We previously identified that β,β-dimethylacrylshikonin (DA could inhibit hepatocellular carcinoma growth. In the present study, we investigated the inhibitory effects of DA on human colorectal cancer (CRC cell line HCT-116 <em>in vitroem> and <em>in vivoem>. A viability assay showed that DA could inhibit tumor cell growth in a time- and dose-dependent manner. Flow cytometry showed that DA blocks the cell cycle at G0/G1 phase. Western blotting results demonstrated that the induction of apoptosis by DA correlated with the induction of pro-apoptotic proteins Bax, and Bid, and a decrease in the expression of anti-apoptotic proteins Bcl-2 and Bcl-xl. Furthermore, treatment of HCT-116 bearing nude mice with DA significantly retarded the growth of xenografts. Consistent with the results <em>in vitroem>, the DA-mediated suppression of HCT-116 xenografts correlated with Bax and Bcl-2. Taken together, these results suggest that DA could be a novel and promising approach to the treatment of CRC.

  14. Enrichment and Purification of Syringin, Eleutheroside E and Isofraxidin from <em>Acanthopanax> <em>senticosus> by Macroporous Resin

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    Yuangang Zu


    Full Text Available In order to screen a suitable resin for the preparative simultaneous separation and purification of syringin, eleutheroside E and isofraxidin from <em>Acanthopanax> <em>senticosus>, the adsorption and desorption properties of 17 widely used commercial macroporous resins were evaluated. According to our results, HPD100C, which adsorbs by the molecular tiers model, was the best macroporous resin, offering higher adsorption and desorption capacities and higher adsorption speed for syringin, eleutheroside E and isofraxidin than other resins. Dynamic adsorption and desorption tests were carried out to optimize the process parameters. The optimal conditions were as follows: for adsorption, processing volume: 24 BV, flow rate: 2 BV/h; for desorption, ethanol–water solution: 60:40 (v/v, eluent volume: 4 BV, flow rate: 3 BV/h. Under the above conditions, the contents of syringin, eleutheroside E and isofraxidin increased 174-fold, 20-fold and 5-fold and their recoveries were 80.93%, 93.97% and 93.79%, respectively.

  15. Training for Defense? From Stochastic Traits to Synchrony in Giant Honey Bees (<em>Apis dorsataem>

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    Gerald Kastberger


    Full Text Available In Giant Honey Bees, abdomen flipping happens in a variety of contexts. It can be either synchronous or cascaded, such as in the collective defense traits of shimmering and rearing-up, or it can happen as single-agent behavior. Abdomen flipping is also involved in flickering behavior, which occurs regularly under quiescent colony state displaying singular or collective traits, with stochastic, and (semi- synchronized properties. It presumably acts via visual, mechanoceptive, and pheromonal pathways and its goals are still unknown. This study questions whether flickering is preliminary to shimmering which is subject of the <em>fs em>(flickering-shimmering-transition> hypothesis? We tested the respective prediction that trigger sites (<em>ts> at the nest surface (where shimmering waves had been generated show higher flickering activity than the alternative non-trigger sites (<em>nts>. We measured the flickering activity of <em>ts>- and <em>nts>-surface bees from two experimental nests, before and after the colony had been aroused by a dummy wasp. Arousal increased rate and intensity of the flickering activity of both <em>ts>- and <em>nts> cohorts (P < 0.05, whereby the flickering intensity of <em>ts>-bees were higher than that of <em>nts>-bees (P < 0.05. Under arousal, the colonies also increased the number of flickering-active <em>ts>- and <em>nts>-cohorts (P < 0.05. This provides evidence that cohorts which are specialist at launching shimmering waves are found across the quiescent nest zone. It also proves that arousal may reinforce the responsiveness of quiescent curtain bees for participating in shimmering, practically by recruiting additional trigger site bees for expanding repetition of rate and intensity of shimmering waves. This finding confirms the <em>fs-transition> hypothesis and constitutes evidence that flickering is part of a basal colony-intrinsic information system

  16. Complete BWR--EM LOCA analysis using the WRAP--EM system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beckmeyer, R.R.; Gregory, M.V.; Buckner, M.R.


    The Water Reactor Analysis Package, Evaluation Model (WRAP--EM), provides a complete analysis of postulated loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCA's) in light--water nuclear power reactors. The system is being developed at the Savannah River Laboratory (SRL) for use by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to interpret and evaluate reactor vendor, evaluation model (EM) analyses. The initial version of the WRAP--EM system for analysis of boiling water reactors (BWR's) is operational. To demonstrate the complete capability of the WRAP--BWR--EM system, a LOCA analysis has been performed for the Hope Creek Plant

  17. Supercritical Fluid Extraction of <em>Eucalyptus globulusem> Bark—A Promising Approach for Triterpenoid Production<em>>

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    Carlos M. Silva


    Full Text Available Eucalyptus bark contains significant amounts of triterpenoids with demonstrated bioactivity, namely triterpenic acids and their acetyl derivatives (ursolic, betulinic, oleanolic, betulonic, 3-acetylursolic, and 3-acetyloleanolic acids. In this work, the supercritical fluid extraction (SFE of <em>Eucalyptus> <em>globulus> deciduous bark was carried out with pure and modified carbon dioxide to recover this fraction, and the results were compared with those obtained by Soxhlet extraction with dichloromethane. The effects of pressure (100–200 bar, co-solvent (ethanol content (0, 5 and 8% wt, and multistep operation were studied in order to evaluate the applicability of SFE for their selective and efficient production. The individual extraction curves of the main families of compounds were measured, and the extracts analyzed by GC-MS. Results pointed out the influence of pressure and the important role played by the co-solvent. Ethanol can be used with advantage, since its effect is more important than increasing pressure by several tens of bar. At 160 bar and 40 °C, the introduction of 8% (wt of ethanol greatly improves the yield of triterpenoids more than threefold.

  18. <em>Helicobacter pyloriem> Disrupts Host Cell Membranes, Initiating a Repair Response and Cell Proliferation

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    Hsueh-Fen Juan


    Full Text Available <em>Helicobacter pyloriem> (<em>H. pyloriem>, the human stomach pathogen, lives on the inner surface of the stomach and causes chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, and gastric cancer. Plasma membrane repair response is a matter of life and death for human cells against physical and biological damage. We here test the hypothesis that <em>H. pyloriem> also causes plasma membrane disruption injury, and that not only a membrane repair response but also a cell proliferation response are thereby activated. Vacuolating cytotoxin A (VacA and cytotoxin-associated gene A (CagA have been considered to be major <em>H. pyloriem> virulence factors. Gastric cancer cells were infected with <em>H. pyloriem> wild type (vacA+/cagA+, single mutant (ΔvacA or ΔcagA or double mutant (ΔvacA/ΔcagA strains and plasma membrane disruption events and consequent activation of membrane repair components monitored. <em>H. pyloriem> disrupts the host cell plasma membrane, allowing localized dye and extracellular Ca2+ influx. Ca2+-triggered members of the annexin family, A1 and A4, translocate, in response to injury, to the plasma membrane, and cell surface expression of an exocytotic maker of repair, LAMP-2, increases. Additional forms of plasma membrane disruption, unrelated to <em>H.> pylori em>exposure, also promote host cell proliferation. We propose that <em>H. pyloriem> activation of a plasma membrane repair is pro-proliferative. This study might therefore provide new insight into potential mechanisms of <em>H. pyloriem>-induced gastric carcinogenesis.

  19. Chemical attributes of an Argisoil of the Vale do São Francisco after melon growth with phosphate and potash rocks biofertilizers Atributos químicos de um Argissolo do Vale do São Francisco após cultivo de melão com biofertilizantes de rochas fosfatada e potássica

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    Newton P Stamford


    Full Text Available Fertilizer application may promote significant changes in soil reaction and on the availability of important nutrients for plants. The utilization of rock biofertilizers is a practical process that reduces energy consumption and increases nutrient availability in soils. In a field experiment, the effect of biofertilizers produced with phosphate and potash rocks plus Acidithiobacillus inoculation were evaluated on the chemical attributes of an Argisoil from the São Francisco Valley, Pernambuco State, Brazil, after melon cultivation. The experiment was arranged in a factorial 3²+2 scheme in randomized block design, with four replicates. Two sources of P biofertilizer (PB and K biofertilizer (KB were applied in the same doses recommended for simple superphosphate (SS and potassium chloride (KCl, and in doses which corresponded to two and three times the recommended ones. Additional treatments were carried out (soluble fertilizers (SS and potassium chloride KCl, applied in the recommended dose, and control treatment with no addition of P and K (P0+K0. Biofertilizers reduced soil pH and higher available P and K values were obtained when higher doses of biofertilizers (PB and KB were applied. Mg content increased when KB biofertilizers were applied in higher rates, probably due to the solubilization of Mg present in the biotite. The rock biofertilizers with Acidithiobacillus may be recommended as an alternative to soluble fertilizers by the residual effect in nutrient availability, especially in sodic soils or in limed acid soils.A aplicação de fertilizantes pode promover mudanças na reação do solo e na disponibilidade de nutrientes importantes para as plantas. A produção de biofertilizantes a partir de rochas é um processo prático que reduz o consumo de energia e aumenta a disponibilidade de nutrientes no solo. Em experimento de campo foram avaliados os efeitos de biofertilizantes produzidos com rochas, além do enxofre elementar inoculado

  20. Electrochemical behavior of zirconium in the LiCl-KCl molten salt at Mo electrode

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen Zeng; Li Yongjun [Key Laboratory of Photovoltaic Materials of Henan Province and School of Physics and Electronics, Henan, University, Kaifeng 475001 (China); Li Shengjun, E-mail: [Key Laboratory of Photovoltaic Materials of Henan Province and School of Physics and Electronics, Henan, University, Kaifeng 475001 (China)


    Highlights: > The electrochemical reduction of Zr(II)/Zr and Zr(IV)/Zr(II) were both proved to be diffusion-controlled process. > In the 773 K-973 K range, the diffusion coefficients of Zr(II) and Zr(IV) were determined: D{sub Zr(II)} = 0.15567exp{l_brace}-69.65 x 10{sup 3}RT(K){r_brace} cm{sup 2}/s, D{sub Zr(IV)} = 1.09 x 10{sup -4}exp{l_brace}-44.39 x 10{sup 3}RT(K){r_brace} cm{sup 2}/s. > The activation energy values for the diffusion process were 69.65 kJ/mol and 44.39 kJ/mol, respectively. > This investigation will be useful for the further cognition of the molten salt electrolysis of zirconium. - Abstract: The electroreduction process of Zr(IV) was studied at molybdenum electrode in LiCl-KCl-K{sub 2}ZrF{sub 6} molten salt. The transient electrochemical techniques, such as cyclic voltammetry and chronopotenimetry were used. The experimental results showed that the electrochemical reduction of Zr(II)/Zr and Zr(IV)/Zr(II) were both diffusion-controlled process. In the 773-973 K range, the diffusion coefficients of Zr(ii) and Zr(IV) were determined: D{sub Zr(II)} = 0.15567exp{l_brace}-69.65 x 10{sup 3}RT(K){r_brace} cm{sup 2}/s, D{sub Zr(IV)} = 1.09 x 10{sup -4} exp{l_brace}-44.39 x 10{sup 3}RT(K){r_brace} cm{sup 2}/s. The activation energy values for the diffusion process were 69.65 kJ/mol and 44.39 kJ/mol, respectively.


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    Alfredo Carlos Storck


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    In a very famous passage of his <em>Institutes>, the ancient jurist Gaius had divided the Roman Private Law in two parts: the Civil Law and the Law of People. The former is the Law created by the Roman people, whereas the latter is the Law followed by every nation.

    Despite its classical origin, there is some disagreement among specialists about the right way to interpret this distinction. By the beginning of the 20th century, historians like Michel Villey had seen in this distinction the influence of Greek philosophy (Stoic but even Aristotelian among the Roman jurists. But Levy and more recently Kelly have challenged this view and proposed that, in the roman period, philosophers and jurists had completely distinct notions of nature and natural law. The aim of this paper is not to prove the exact influence of Greek philosophy among jurists, but only to suggest that it is not possible to give an interpretation of the classical texts without ascribing to them a theoretical notion of the natural law.

    Em uma famosa passagem de suas <em>Institutas>, o jurista romano Gaio dividiu o direito privado em duas partes: o direito civil e o direito dos povos. O primeiro é o direito criado pelo povo romano enquanto o segundo é o direito seguido por todas as nações. A despeito de sua origem clássica, os especialistas discordam acerca do modo de interpretar essa tese. No início do século XX, historiadores como Michel Villey viram na distinção sinais da influência da filosofia grega (estóica e mesmo aristotélica entre os juristas romanos. Posteriormente Levy e mais recentemente Kelly contestaram essa afirmação e defenderam que filósofos e juristas possuíam, no período clássico, noções de natureza e direito natural completamente distintas. O objetivo desse artigo não está em provar a exata influência da filosofia grega entre os juristas, mas apenas em sugerir que não é possível fornecer uma interpretação dos

  2. Local feeding specialization of the red fox (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> in response to eastern cottontail (<em>Sylvilagus floridanusem> introduction (NW Italy

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    Alessandro Balestrieri


    Full Text Available Abstract To appreciate the influence of the introduction of the Eastern cottontail (<em>Sylvilagus floridanusem> on the food habits of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes, between June 1998 and February 2000 fox diet was investigated by means of scat analysis (N=115 in a 250 ha wide Natural Reserve of NW Italy, and compared with data collected in the same area prior to cottontail colonization (1988-1989. Comparison included also the diet of badgers (<em>Meles melesem>, considered as potential competitors for food resources. Alien lagomorphs (mean percent volume, Vm% = 68% represented by far the most exploited resource, only three other food items reaching values of mean percent volume barely higher than 5%. Cottontails frequency of occurrence did not vary according either to season or to their reproductive cycle (II-IX vs. X-I, whilst diet niche breadth varied inversely proportional to the use of this key-resource. Overall fox trophic niche breadth varied from 0.64 in 1988-89 to 0.31 in 1998-00 (B, Levin’s index. These findings led us to consider the feeding habits of the fox in the study area as a result of local specialization of a typical generalist carnivore, according to the predictions of optimal foraging theory. No variation occurred in the badger niche breadth since cottontail introduction, whilst niche overlap between foxes and badgers decreased from 0.59 to 0.13 (O, Pianka’s index, possibly reducing competition for food in summer. Riassunto Specializzazione alimentare a livello locale della Volpe <em>Vulpes vulpesem> in risposta all’introduzione del Silvilago <em>Sylvilagus floridanusem> (Italia nord occidentale. Per valutare gli effetti dell’introduzione del Silvilago (<em>Sylvilagus floridanusem> sul comportamento alimentare della volpe (<em>Vulpes vulpesem>, nel periodo giugno 1998-febbraio 2000, la dieta del carnivoro è stata definita tramite l’analisi di 115

  3. Thermodynamics properties of plutonium in NaCl-KCl and CaCl{sub 2} at 1073 K and in liquid gallium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lambertin, D.; Ched' homme, S.; Bourges, G.; Pescayre, L.; Sanchez, S.; Picard, G


    Cadmium and bismuth metal are mostly used as solvent in nuclear pyrochemical processes and especially in actinides/lanthanides separations. Gallium metal has been chosen because no literature values are available with plutonium and its regeneration by refining at low temperature is possible. Electrochemical window of gallium metal and activity coefficient of plutonium in gallium have been determined by using potentiometric method. Secondly, the electrochemical properties of plutonium have been studied in molten equimolar NaCl/KCl and CaCl{sub 2} at 1073 K by cyclic voltammetry. The standard potentials of Pu(III)/Pu redox couple, respectively, -2,54 V and -2,51 V, led to the calculation of the activity coefficients of Pu(III). In CaCl{sub 2} the complexation of Pu(III) ions is lower and the voltage gap between Pu(III)/Pu couple and the solvent limit is higher. The new data on plutonium electrochemistry in molten chlorides and liquid gallium media combined with literature data on lanthanides suggest that gallium can be a good solvent metal for pyro-chemistry separation. (authors)

  4. Metabolic Profiling of <em>Lactococcus lactisem> Under Different Culture Conditions

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    Normah Mohd Noor


    Full Text Available Gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS and headspace gas chromatography mass spectrometry (HS/GC-MS were used to study metabolites produced by <em>Lactococcus lactisem> subsp. <em>cremoris> MG1363 grown at a temperature of 30 °C with and without agitation at 150 rpm, and at 37 °C without agitation. It was observed that <em>L. lactisem> produced more organic acids under agitation. Primary alcohols, aldehydes, ketones and polyols were identified as the corresponding trimethylsilyl (TMS derivatives, whereas amino acids and organic acids, including fatty acids, were detected through methyl chloroformate derivatization. HS analysis indicated that branched-chain methyl aldehydes, including 2-methylbutanal, 3-methylbutanal, and 2-methylpropanal are degdradation products of isoleucine, leucine or valine. Multivariate analysis (MVA using partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA revealed the major differences between treatments were due to changes of amino acids and fermentation products.

  5. Matérias estranhas em canela em pó e páprica em pó, comercializadas no estado de São Paulo

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    CORREIA Marlene


    Full Text Available Com objetivos de padronizar metodologias para matérias estranhas em canela em pó e páprica em pó e de avaliar as condições higiênicas desses condimentos, foram adquiridas, no período de agosto a novembro de 1998, 78 amostras de canela em pó e 56 de páprica em pó, em estabelecimentos comerciais de seis cidades do Estado de São Paulo. Foram utilizados métodos da Association of Official Analytical Chemists International (AOAC - 1995, 16.14.12/968.38b para canela em pó e 16.14.22/977.25B para páprica em pó. Os métodos mostraram-se adequados, sem resíduos interferentes no papel de filtro que dificultasse o diagnóstico da análise e viáveis de serem utilizados nos laboratórios de Microscopia de Alimentos. Os resultados obtidos indicaram 100% das amostras contendo fragmentos de insetos; pêlos de roedor foram isolados em 73,1% de amostras de canela em pó e 34,0% de páprica em pó, enquanto ácaros mortos apareceram, respectivamente, em 37,2% e 12,5% de amostras. É necessário revisão da legislação de alimentos em vigor, com o estabelecimento de níveis de tolerância para fragmentos de insetos.

  6. Technological study of electrochemical uranium fuel reprocessing in fused chloride bath; Estudo tecnologico do reprocessamento eletroquimico de combustiveis de uranio em meio de cloretos fundidos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fernandes, Damaris


    This study is applied to metallic fuels recycling, concerning advanced reactor concept, which was proposed and tested in LMR type reactors. Conditions for electrochemical non-irradiated uranium fuel reprocessing in fused chloride bath in laboratory scale were established. Experimental procedures and parameters for dehydration treatment of LiCl-KCl eutectic mixture and for electrochemical study of U{sup 3+}/U system in LiCl-KCl were developed and optimized. In the voltammetric studies many working electrodes were tested. As auxiliary electrodes, graphite and stainless steels crucibles were verified, with no significant impurities inclusions in the system. Ag/AgCl in Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} with 1 w% in AgCl were used as reference electrode. The experimental set up developed for electrolyte treatment as well as for the study of the system U{sup 3+}/U in LiCl-KCl showed to be adequate and efficient. Thermogravimetric Techniques, Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry and cyclic voltametry showed an efficient dehydration method by using HCl gas and than argon flux for 12 h. Scanning Electron Microscopy, with Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry and Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometry and DC Arc Emission Spectrometry detected the presence of uranium in the cadmium phase. X-ray Diffraction and also Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometry and DC Arc Emission Spectrometry were used for uranium detection in the salt phase. The obtained results for the system U{sup 3+}/U in LiCl-KCl showed the viability of the electrochemical reprocessing process based on the IFR advanced fuel cycle. (author)

  7. Identification of <em>Colletotrichum> species causing anthracnose on Tahiti lime, tree tomato and mango

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    Martínez Erika P.


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    In Colombia, citrus, tree tomato and mango crops are likely to suffer considerable losses from anthracnose caused by several <em>Colletotrichum> species, which were identified by the present study on infected organs of the three fruit crops, sampled in different regions of the country. Identification was based on their morphological and molecular characteristics, as well as on fungicide (benomyl and copper hydroxide sensitivity and pathogenicity tests. The latter assessed infectivity on both the original hosting crop and the other two crops (crossed infection, by putting the fungi in contact with organs taken from the three fruit crops. Molecular identification of the <em>Colletotrichum> species was carried out through amplification of rDNA ITS regions by means of <em>C. gloeosporioidesem> (CgInt and <em>C. acutatumem> (CaInt2 specific primer PCR combining the use of ITS4 universal primer. The results indicate that <em>C. acutatumem> is the infectious agent in Tahiti lime and tree tomato, and so is <em>C. gloeosporioidesem> in mango. Although <em>C. acutatumem> is the infectious agent in two diferent fruit species, the strains proved to be specific of their original hosts.

  8. Metamorfismo da fácies granulito em 570-580 Ma no Complexo Granulítico Porangatu, centro do Brasil: implicações para a evolução do Lineamento Transbrasiliano

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    Paulo Sergio de Sousa Gorayeb

    Full Text Available RESUMO: O Complexo Granulítico Porangatu está exposto na porção central da Província Tocantins, do Neoproterozoico, no centro do Brasil, ao longo da fronteira entre o Cinturão Brasília, a leste, e o Cinturão Araguaia, a oeste. Esta região faz parte do sistema de cisalhamento transcontinental Transbrasiliano-Kandi. O complexo inclui enderbitos e charnockitos ricos em granada, gnaisses de alto grau metamórfico, bem como lentes de granada granulitos máficos ou granada anfibolitos, e charnockitos anatéticos in situ, o qual forma corpos alongados na direção NNE-SSW, ao longo da Zona de Cisalhamento Talismã (ZCT. Esse conjunto de rochas representam suítes de rochas ortoderivadas de afinidade cálcio-alcalina e pequenas contribuições de basaltos tholeíticos e paragnaisses aluminosos. O quadro estrutural registra componentes de cavalgamento relacionados provavelmente com os estágios iniciais de uma colisão oblíqua durante a evolução dos orógenos Brasilianos do Neoproterozoico e pode ser compreendido como envolvendo um sistema colisional de dois blocos crustais, inicialmente com componentes de cavalgamento que evoluiu em sua fase final para um sistema transcorrente com cinemática dextral. Isso levou à intensa imbricação, geração de foliação milonítica, lineação de estiramento, bandamento tectônico e rotação de estruturas e minerais. A deformação dúctil heterogênea e progressiva foi acompanhada por reequilíbrio metamórfico no Neoproterozoico tardio, que atingiu condições metamórficas máximas na fácies granulito a temperatura e pressão acima de 850ºC e 10 kbar, respectivamente, em ambiente quase anidro, atingindo a anatexia. As análises U-Pb SHRIMP em zircão realizadas em duas amostras de rochas selecionadas indicaram idade combinada de 580 ± 7 Ma para um charnockito e 548 ± 48 Ma para um granulito máfico do qual o charnockito foi derivado. O granulito máfico contém cristais de zircão datados de 2

  9. Isolamento de micobactérias em Felis concolor em cativeiro

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    María Julia Traversa


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi realizado em uma reserva natural da Argentina com antecedentes de tuberculose em uma suçuarana adulta. O objetivo foi identificar por meio de técnicas bacteriológicas e de biologia molecular as espécies isoladas da orofaringe de cinco suçuaranas que apresentavam sinais clínicos inespecíficos. As amostras foram colhidas das suçuaranas após sedação. Posteriormente foram processadas para obtenção do isolamento e identificação por meio de provas bioquímicas do gênero Mycobacterium pela técnica de PCR. Investigou-se a presença das seqüências de inserção IS6110 e IS1081 e hsp65. Obtiveram-se resultados positivos à coloração de Ziehl-Neelsen de quatro amostras, isolando cinco cepas de crescimento lento. As cepas foram classificadas como M. gordonae em dois casos e M. simiae, M scrofulaceum e M. avium/intracellulare em um. Por PRA, identificou-se o padrão de M. gordonae em três cepas e M. avium III ou M. simiae em dois.

  10. Marketing em moda


    Leães, Sabrina Durgante


    Dissertação de mestrado em Design e Marketing O actual estado do Marketing em Moda é uma das questões ainda complexa com que se debate a sociedade global. As questões do Marketing em Moda percorrem alguns aspectos fundamentais tais como as constantes mutações do meio envolvente, a forma de como é percebida e comunicada a identidade das marcas de moda, em busca da melhor forma de segmentar o mercado e definir o seu posicionamento, bem como a reacção ao produto de moda do consumidor final. ...

  11. Synthesis and Antibacterial Evaluation of New <em>N>-acylhydrazone Derivatives from Dehydroabietic Acid

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    Wen Gu


    Full Text Available A series of new <em>N>-acylhydrazone derivatives were synthesized in good yields through the reactions of dehydroabietic acid hydrazide with a variety of substituted arylaldehydes. The structures of the synthesized compounds were confirmed by IR, 1H- and 13C-NMR, ESI-MS, elemental analysis and single crystal X-ray diffraction. From the crystal structure of compound 4l, the C=N double bonds of these <em>N>-acylhydrazones showed (<em>E>-configuration, while the NMR data of compounds 4aq indicated the existence of two rotamers for each compound in solution. The target compounds were evaluated for their antibacterial activities against four microbial strains. The result suggested that several compounds exhibited pronounced antibacterial activities. Particularly, compound 4p exhibited good antibacterial activity against <em>Staphylococcus aureusem> and <em>Bacillus subtilisem> comparable to positive control. The possible antibacterial metabolism and the strategy for further optimization of this compound were also discussed.

  12. Converting hcp Mg-Al-Zn alloy into bcc Mg-Li-Al-Zn alloy by electrolytic deposition and diffusion of reduced lithium atoms in a molten salt electrolyte LiCl-KCl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin, M.C.; Tsai, C.Y.; Uan, J.Y.


    A body-centered cubic (bcc) Mg-12Li-9Al-1Zn (wt.%) alloy was fabricated in air by electrolysis from LiCl-KCl molten salt at 500 deg. C. Electrolytic deposition of Li atoms on cathode (Mg-Al-Zn alloy) and diffusion of the Li atoms formed the bcc Mg-Li-Al-Zn alloy with 12 wt.% Li and only 0.264 wt.% K. Low K concentration in the bcc Mg alloy strip after the electrolysis process resulted from 47% atomic size misfit between K and Mg atoms and low solubility of K in Mg matrix

  13. Hiperoxalúria primária com insuficiência renal crônica terminal em lactente Primary hyperoxaluria with endstage renal failure in an infant

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    Célia S. Macedo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: descrever caso clínico de um lactente com insuficiência renal crônica terminal, causada por hiperoxalúria primária.Método: após revisão da literatura, verifica-se a raridade da doença; na França, a prevalência é de 1,05/milhão, com taxa de incidência de 0,12/milhão/ano. Pesquisa abordando centros especializados mundiais detectou, em 1999, 78 casos em lactentes; destes, em 14% o quadro inicial foi de uremia. A gravidade e a raridade da doença sugerem o relato deste caso.Resultados: criança de sexo feminino, com quadro de vômitos e baixo ganho de peso desde os primeiros meses de vida, desenvolveu insuficiência renal terminal aos 6 meses de idade, sendo mantida em tratamento dialítico desde então. Aos 8 meses, foi encaminhada para esclarecimento diagnóstico, apresentando déficit pôndero-estatural grave e os seguintes exames laboratoriais: uréia= 69 mg/dl, creatinina=2,2 mg/dl e clearance de creatinina= 12,5 ml/min/1.73m²SC. O exame de urina foi normal, a ultra-sonografia renal revelou tamanho normal e hiperecogenicidade de ambos os rins. A dosagem de oxalato urinário foi de 9,2mg/kg/dia ou 0,55 mmol/1.73m²SC, e a relação oxalato:creatinina, de 0,42. A biópsia renal diagnosticou presença de grande quantidade de depósitos de cristais de oxalato de cálcio no parênquima renal. A radiografia de ossos longos evidenciou sinais sugestivos de osteopatia oxalótica, e a fundoscopia indireta, sinais de retinopatia por oxalato. A criança foi mantida em diálise peritoneal ambulatorial contínua, tendo sido iniciado tratamento com piridoxina.Conclusões: a hiperoxalúria primária deve ser considerada como um dos diagnósticos diferenciais de insuficiência renal crônica em lactentes, especialmente na ausência de história sugestiva de outras patologias.Objective: to report a case of an infant with endstage renal failure caused by primary hyperoxaluria. Methods: the review of the literature showed the rarity of

  14. Alterações anatômicas em algodoeiro infectado pelo vírus da doença azul Anatomical alterations in blue disease infected cotton plant

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    Juliana K. Takimoto


    Full Text Available A doença azul do algodoeiro está associada a um vírus ainda pouco conhecido em suas características morfológicas e moleculares, tanto quanto a sua patologia e epidemiologia. O tipo de transmissão circulativa pelo afídeo vetor Aphis gossypii Glover, associado a recentes relatos de estudos moleculares, sustentam ser o agente etiológico uma espécie membro da família Luteoviridae. No presente trabalho, estudos anatômicos comparativos em plantas sadias e infectadas foram realizados com a finalidade de conhecer aspectos estruturais da interação vírus-espécie hospedeira, com potencial aplicação na área de diagnose e melhoramento genético. Os estudos anatômicos foram realizados em folhas de plantas infectadas, com área foliar reduzida, nervuras cloróticas e margem foliar voltada para baixo. O encurtamento dos entrenós, que resultam em um agrupamento de folhas, flores e frutos, e conseqüente redução da altura da planta, do número e tamanho dos frutos, são expressões fenotípicas da planta de algodão infectada, a qual serviu para o presente estudo. Nas plantas infectadas com o agente da doença azul havia maior acúmulo de calose e de cristais de oxalato de cálcio, cloroplastos íntegros distribuídos na região periférica das células do mesofilo e aparente alteração química no interior das células do parênquima paliçádico. Inclusões nos vasos do floema e, ocasionalmente no xilema, também foram observadas. O acúmulo de calose e a presença de inclusões no floema podem indicar uma relação ou preferência do vírus por esse tecido.Cotton blue disease is caused by a virus whose morphological and molecular characteristics is not well known and so demanding information its phytosanitary and epidemiological characteristics. Evidences of an aphid borne (Aphis gossypii Glover circulative (persistent type of transmission, associated with a recent molecular report, sustain for a virus species belonging to the

  15. Flexible electromagnetic wave sensor operating at GHz frequencies for instantaneous concentration measurements of NaCl, KCl, MnCl2 and CuCl solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Korostynska, O; Ortoneda-Pedrola, M; Mason, A; Al-Shamma'a, A I


    A novel electromagnetic wave sensor operating at GHz frequencies for real-time chlorides concentration analysis is reported. The sensor response to deionized water, NaCl, KCl, MnCl 2  and CuCl solutions at various concentrations was tested. The sensing element, in the form of a silver pattern antenna that emits an electromagnetic field, was printed on a polyimide flexible laminate substrate to form a sensor to suit a broad range of applications, where a sensor could be placed in water reservoirs or fluid-carrying pipes for continuous analysis. The developed system confirmed the viability of using microwaves for real-time chloride solutions monitoring as the reflected signals represented by S 11  parameters were unique with clearly observed shifts in the resonant frequencies and amplitude changes when placed in direct contact with 20 µl of each solution. (paper)

  16. Infracommunities of intestinal helminths of the Red Fox <em>Vulpes vulpesem> (Linnaeus, 1758 from Italian Alps

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    Anna Rita Di Cerbo


    Full Text Available <em>Vulpes vulpesem> (Linnaeus, 1758 is one of the most common carnivore in Italy and its spread includes almost the whole national territory. The species shows an high ecological plasticity and a variable diet composition connected in part to human sources. This high adaptability permits the red foxes to colonize different habitats like the suburbs of large cities as well as the small villages located in mountain areas. On the other hand, the tourism pressure seems to assume a great importance in the Alps, also in those areas where the foxes live. So, indirect interactions could take place between these animals and the humans. The role of <em>V. vulpesem> in the zoonoses has not to be understated since this carnivore could transmit parasitic diseases that are able to cause serious pathologies in humans. This study aims just to investigate on intestinal communities of helmiths of <em>V. vulpesem> in order to make progress in current knowledge on epidemiological situation in Italian Alps. During 1998-2003, we have examined 450 foxes from Trentino Alto Adige, Veneto, Lombardia and Valle d'Aosta. The specimens collected were found dead or have been hunted (according to national law n. 157/92 in localities situated between 170 and 2200 m a.s.l. The carcasses were carried to the provincial sections of Zooprofilattici Institutes, where the intestine was drawn by each sample and all the material was sent to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Milan. Parasitological examination of the small intestines was performed by the analysis of the whole sediment and counting technique (SCT. Parasites were preserved in alcohol 70° before to be clarified or stained and identified by microscope (Zeiss Axioscop. Mean abundance, mean intensity and prevalence were calculated for each taxon of helminth. Dates of sampling were grouped within the four seasons. Statistic tests were performed with software package SPSS rel. 11.5 and spatial analysis with the

  17. Microemulsões e fases líquidas cristalinas como sistemas de liberação de fármacos Microemulsion and liquid cristals as drug delivery systems

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    Thalita Pedroni Formariz


    Full Text Available A mistura de tensoativos com água, em determinadas proporções, na ausência ou na presença de substâncias lipofílicas pode formar diferentes tipos de agregados, entre os quais agregados polimorfos representados pelas microemulsões (ME e mesofases liotrópicas - os cristais líquidos (LC, que estão intimamente ligados com a proporção e a natureza dos componentes da mistura. Nesse trabalho, foi discutido o papel desses sistemas na incorporação de fármacos com diferentes propriedades físico-químicas, influenciando fortemente a liberação, assim como a biodisponibilidade dos fármacos. Aspectos sobre a formação e a caracterização de microemulsões e cristais líquidos também foram discutidos. A análise da literatura indicou que, dependendo da polaridade do fármaco, o efeito da ME ou LC pode ser usado para otimizar o efeito terapêutico por meio do controle da velocidade ou do mecanismo de liberação do fármaco.Depending on the proportions, the mixture of surfactants with water, in the presence or absence of oil, may form different types of supramolecular aggregates. Among these, polymorphic structures represented by microemulsions (ME and lyotropic mesophases-liquid crystals (LC, closely related with the nature and the proportion of the constituents, can exist. In this work, the role of these systems in the incorporation of drugs with different physico-chemical properties, influencing strongly the drug release as well as the bioavailability of the drugs, was discussed. Aspects about the formation and the characterization of ME and LC were also discussed. The analysis of the literature indicate that depending on the drug polarity the effect of ME or LC can be used to optimizes therapeutic effects through the control of rates and the drug release mechanisms.

  18. Enzymatic Properties and Mutational Studies of Chalcone Synthase from <em>Physcomitrella patensem>

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    Mahiran Basri


    Full Text Available <em>Pp>CHS is a member of the type III polyketide synthase family and catalyses the synthesis of the flavonoid precursor naringenin chalcone from <em>p>-coumaroyl-CoA. Recent research reports the production of pyrone derivatives using either hexanoyl-CoA or butyryl-CoA as starter molecule. The Cys-His-Asn catalytic triad found in other plant chalcone synthase predicted polypeptides is conserved in <em>Pp>CHS. Site directed mutagenesis involving these amino acids residing in the active-site cavity revealed that the cavity volume of the active-site plays a significant role in the selection of starter molecules as well as product formation. Substitutions of Cys 170 with Arg and Ser amino acids decreased the ability of the <em>Pp>CHS to utilize hexanoyl-CoA as a starter molecule, which directly effected the production of pyrone derivatives (products. These substitutions are believed to have a restricted number of elongations of the growing polypeptide chain due to the smaller cavity volume of the mutant’s active site.

  19. Accumulation, Biotransformation, Histopathology and Paralysis in the Pacific Calico Scallop <em>Argopecten ventricosusem> by the Paralyzing Toxins of the Dinoflagellate <em>Gymnodinium catenatumem>

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    Rosalba Alonso-Rodriguez


    Full Text Available The dinoflagellate <em>Gymnodinium catenatumem> produces paralyzing shellfish poisons that are consumed and accumulated by bivalves. We performed short-term feeding experiments to examine ingestion, accumulation, biotransformation, histopathology, and paralysis in the juvenile Pacific calico scallop <em>Argopecten ventricosusem> that consume this dinoflagellate. Depletion of algal cells was measured in closed systems. Histopathological preparations were microscopically analyzed. Paralysis was observed and the time of recovery recorded. Accumulation and possible biotransformation of toxins were measured by HPLC analysis. Feeding activity in treated scallops showed that scallops produced pseudofeces, ingestion rates decreased at 8 h; approximately 60% of the scallops were paralyzed and melanin production and hemocyte aggregation were observed in several tissues at 15 h. HPLC analysis showed that the only toxins present in the dinoflagellates and scallops were the <em>N>-sulfo-carbamoyl toxins (C1, C2; after hydrolysis, the carbamate toxins (epimers GTX2/3 were present. C1 and C2 toxins were most common in the mantle, followed by the digestive gland and stomach-complex, adductor muscle, kidney and rectum group, and finally, gills. Toxin profiles in scallop tissue were similar to the dinoflagellate; biotransformations were not present in the scallops in this short-term feeding experiment.

  20. Identification of Volatile Components of Liverwort (<em>Porella cordaeanaem> Extracts Using GC/MS-SPME and Their Antimicrobial Activity

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    Maria Elisabetta Guerzoni


    Full Text Available Chemical constituents of liverwort (<em>Porella cordaeanaem> extracts have been identified using solid-phase microextraction-gas chromatography mass spectrometry (SPME-GC/MS. The methanol, ethanol and ethyl acetate extracts were rich in terpenoids such as sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (53.12%, 51.68%, 23.16%, and monoterpene hydrocarbons (22.83%, 18.90%, 23.36%, respectively. The dominant compounds in the extracts were β-phellandrene (15.54%, 13.66%, 12.10% and β-caryophyllene (10.72%, 8.29%, 7.79%, respectively. The antimicrobial activity of the extracts was evaluated against eleven food microorganisms using the microdilution and disc diffusion methods. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC varied from 0.50 to 2.00 mg/mL for yeast strains (<em>Saccharomyces cerevisiae 635em>, <em>Zygosacharomyces bailii 45em>, <em>Aerobasidium pullulans L6Fem>, <em>Pichia membranaefaciens OC 71em>, <em>Pichia membranaefaciens OC 70em>, <em>Pichia anomalaem> <em>CBS 5759em>, <em>Pichia anomala DBVPG 3003em> and<em> em>>Yarrowia lipolytica RO13em>, and from 1.00 to 3.00 mg/mL for bacterial strains<em> em>(Salmonella> <em>enteritidis 155em>, <em>Escherichia coli 555em> and <em>Listeria monocytogenes 56Lyem>. Methanol extract showed better activity in comparison with ethanol and ethyl acetate extracts. High percentages of monoterpene and sesquiterpene hydrocarbons could be responsible for the better antimicrobial activity.

  1. EM International. Volume 1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    It is the intent of EM International to describe the Office of Environmental Restoration and Waste Management`s (EM`s) various roles and responsibilities within the international community. Cooperative agreements and programs, descriptions of projects and technologies, and synopses of visits to international sites are all highlighted in this semiannual journal. Focus on EM programs in this issue is on international collaboration in vitrification projects. Technology highlights covers: in situ sealing for contaminated sites; and remote sensors for toxic pollutants. Section on profiles of countries includes: Arctic contamination by the former Soviet Union, and EM activities with Germany--cooperative arrangements.

  2. Gelo nos Trópicos: a exportação de “Blocos de cristais da frieza ianque” para Índia e Brasil

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    Marc W. Herold


    Full Text Available O comércio de gelo natural de Boston prosperou durante 1830-70 com base na idéia de Frederic Tudor da combinação de dois produtos inúteis – gelo natural do inverno das lagoas de Nova Inglaterra e serragem de madeireiras de Maine. O gelo Tudor foi exportado extensamente para os trópicos, desde as Índias Ocidentais até o Brasil e as Índias Orientais, assim como para os portos do sul dos Estados Unidos. Nos portos tropicais de gelo, o gelo natural importado era um produto de luxo, por exemplo, sendo servido para esfriar vinhos claret (Calcutá, champanha (Havana e Manaus, e juleps de hortelã (Nova Orleans e Savannah e utilizado também em hotéis de luxo ou em banquetes. No clima temperado dos Estados Unidos, o gelo natural era usado para preservar alimentos (frigoríficos e para esfriar a água (o amor peculiar dos americanos por água gelada. Nas regiões temperadas e tropicais, o gelo natural foi usado para fins medicinais (para acalmar as febres. Com a invenção de uma nova tecnologia para a fabricação de gelo artificial como parte da Revolução Industrial, o comércio de exportação de gelo natural diminuiu assim como a industrialização por substituição de importações acontecia nos trópicos. Na virada do século XX, fábricas de gelo tinham sido estabelecidas em meia dúzia de cidades portuárias brasileiras. Tudo o que restava do que fosse um comércio extenso e global de gelo natural era um veleiro que aportou no Rio de Janeiro na época de Natal cheio de gelo e maçãs da Nova Inglaterra.

  3. Home range dynamics of mountain hare (<em>Lepus timidusem> in the Swiss Alps

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    Anne-Sophie Genini-Gamboni


    Full Text Available Abstract Little is known on the ecology and behaviour of alpine mountain hare (<em>Lepus timidusem>. Between 1996 and 1997 we analysed by radiotracking the pattern of space use of 8 mountain hares from the Swiss Alps. We estimated home range size using both the kernel density estimator and the minimum convex polygon. We found smaller ranges (38 ha compared to those reported for the species in boreal or arctic habitats, but similar to ranges in Scotland. Hares did not use a centre of major activity (core area and showed high home range overlap, confirming their non-territorial behaviour. Smaller ranges were used during winter compared to the other seasons, whilst no difference in size was found between sexes. Riassunto Dinamica dell'uso dello spazio della lepre bianca (<em>Lepus timidusem> nelle Alpi Svizzere Le informazioni relative all'ecologia e al comportamento della lepre alpina (<em>Lepus timidusem> sono ad oggi scarse. In questo studio abbiamo analizzato l'utilizzo dello spazio di una popolazione di lepre bianca sulle Alpi Svizzere. Tra il 1996 e il 1997 sono stati marcati con redio collare 8 individui di lepre alpina. L'<em>home rangeem> è stato calcolato utilizzando lo stimatore di densità kernel (KDE ed il metodo del minimo poligono convesso (MCP. L'ampiezza degli <em>home rangeem> (38 ha è risultata inferiore a quella riportata per la specie in habitat boreali ed artici. ma simile a quella riscontrata in Scozia. All'interno dell <em>home rangeem> non è stato rilevato alcun centro di maggiore attività (<em>core areaem> ed è stata evidenziata una notevole sovrapposizione tra gli stessi, confermando la non territorialità della specie. Le aree frequentate in inverno sono risultate più piccole rispetto alle altre stagioni e non sono state riscontrate differenze tra i sessi.

  4. <em>Botulinum Neurotoxinem> A Injections Influence Stretching of the Gastrocnemius Muscle-Tendon Unit in an Animal Model

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    Christopher J. Tuohy


    Full Text Available <em>Botulinum Neurotoxinem> A (BoNT-A injections have been used for the treatment of muscle contractures and spasticity. This study assessed the influence of (BoNT-A injections on passive biomechanical properties of the muscle-tendon unit. Mouse gastrocnemius muscle (GC was injected with BoNT-A (<em>n> = 18 or normal saline (<em>n> = 18 and passive, non-destructive, <em>in vivoem> load relaxation experimentation was performed to examine how the muscle-tendon unit behaves after chemical denervation with BoNT-A. Injection of BoNT-A impaired passive muscle recovery (15% <em>vs.> 35% recovery to pre-stretching baseline, <em>p> < 0.05 and decreased GC stiffness (0.531 ± 0.061 N/mm <em>vs.> 0.780 ± 0.037 N/mm, <em>p> < 0.05 compared to saline controls. The successful use of BoNT-A injections as an adjunct to physical therapy may be in part attributed to the disruption of the stretch reflex; thereby modulating <em>in vivoem> passive muscle properties. However, it is also possible that BoNT-A injection may alter the structure of skeletal muscle; thus modulating the <em>in vivoem> passive biomechanical properties of the muscle-tendon unit.

  5. Seasonal changes of trophic niche overlap in the stone marten (<em>Martes foinaem> and the red fox (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> in a mountainous area of the Northern Apennines (N-Italy

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    Anna Brangi


    Full Text Available Abstract Between 1989 and 1991, 284 scats of stone marten (<em>Martes foinaem> and 642 scats of red fox (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> were collected in a 280 km² mountainous area in the northern Apennines. The scats were analyzed to identify differences between the two species' diets. The prey were grouped in 6 food categories: Fruits, Other Vegetables, Small Mammals, Other Vertebrates, Invertebrates and Garbage. Annual trophic niche was wider in the Red fox (0.62 than in the stone marten (0.53. We also found a large overlap between the two species with some small differences: Other Vertebrates, Small Mammals and Other Vegetables were more used by the Red fox, while Fruits were more used by the stone marten. Riassunto Variazioni stagionali della sovrapposizione di nicchia trofica della faina (<em>Martes foinaem> e della volpe (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> in un'area montana degli Appennini settentrionali - Tra il 1989 e il 1991 sono state raccolte 284 feci di faina (<em>Martes foinaem> e 642 feci di volpe (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> in un'area montuosa di 280 km² situata nell'Appennino settentrionale. Le feci sono state analizzate per evidenziare le eventuali differenze nella dieta delle due specie. Le singole prede sono state raggruppate in 6 categorie alimentari: Frutta, Altri Vegetali, Micromammiferi, Altri Vertebrati, Invertebrati, Rifiuti. L'ampiezza annuale della dieta è risultata maggiore nella Volpe (0,62 che non nella Faina (0,53. È stata trovata inoltre una larga sovrapposizione tra le due specie con alcune differenze nell'uso degli Altri Vertebrati, dei Micromammiferi e degli Altri Vegetali che è maggiore nella Volpe e della Frutta, maggiore nella Faina.

  6. Biología y ciclo reproductivo de <em>Apanteles gelechiidivorisem> (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, parasitoide de <em>Tuta absolutaem> (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae

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    Bajonero Johanna


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    <em>Apanteles gelechiidivorisem> es un parasitoide de larvas de <em>Tuta absolutaem> (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae, una plaga importante de cultivos como el tomate y la papa. El uso de este insecto para el control biológico no se ha implementado eficientemente debido a la falta de conocimiento de la biología, específicamente del ciclo de vida y el efecto de factores externos, como la temperatura, en su capacidad parasítica. Se evaluó el desarrollo y la capacidad reproductiva de <em>A. gelechiidivorisem> en cuatro condiciones térmicas: 14, 20, 26 y 32 °C. En la evaluación del desarrollo se realizó una descripción del ciclo, se determinó la duración total de este, se estimaron los umbrales térmicos para cada estadio utilizando el modelo de Lactin y se hallaron los grados día. En la evaluación de la capacidad reproductiva se variaron las densidades del hospedero ofrecidas a una pareja recién emergida de la avispa de 5 hasta 160 y se contó el número de adultos emergidos con los cuales se evaluó longevidad y fecundidad. Adicionalmente se ajustó un modelo de respuesta funcional. La duración del ciclo de vida para las temperaturas evaluadas fue de 39 días en 14 °C, 34 en 20 °C, 19 en 26 °C y 17 en 32 °C. La longevidad fue de 7,5 (14 °C, 7 (20 °C, 5 (26 °C y 2,4 (32 °C días. La temperatura a la cual se pueden optimizar los parámetros reproductivos de esta avispa se encuentra entre 20 y 26 °C.

  7. Feeding habits of the genet <em>Genetta genettaem> in an Iberian continental wetland

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    Maite Sánchez


    Full Text Available Abstract This study quantified the diet of the genet <em>Genetta genettaem> in an Iberian continental wetland, the Galachos Nature Reserve, northern Spain, based on the frequency with which items appeared in five monthly-surveyed latrines during 2004-2005. Prey types were identified <em>de visuem> using identification keys and expert advice. the genet was confirmed as an opportunistic and generalist predator, its diet including mammals (95.0%, plants (68.3% and arthropods (60.0% as main prey. With the exception of a newly available prey species, the alien crayfish <em>Procambarus clarkiiem>, the genet probably consumed arthropods because of chance encounters rather than active search. The consumption of fruits and small mammals varied seasonally. Riassunto Alimentazione della genetta <em>Genetta genettaem> in un'area umida continentale della penisola iberica La dieta della genetta è stata investigata in un'area umida interna della Spagna settentrionale, la riserva Naturale dei Galachos. La frequenza di ciascuna categoria alimentare è stata espressa come numero di occorrenze mansili in cinque latrine monitorate per il periodo 2004-2005. Le categorie sono state identificate <em>de visuem> tramite chiavi per il riconoscimento o l'intervento di singoli esperti. I risultati confermano il comportamento alimentare generalista e opportunista della genetta. La dieta ha incluso principalmente mammiferi (95%, vegetali (68.3% e artropodi (60%. Questi ultimi, con l'eccezione del gambero <em>Procambarus clarkiiem>, introdotto e di recente presenza, sono probabilmente utilizzati in modo opportunistico, piuttosto che in seguito a ricerca attiva. L'uso dei frutti e dei micromammiferi varia stagionalmente.

  8. Roost selection by barbastelle bats (<em>Barbastella barbastellusem>, Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae in beech woodlands of central Italy

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    Danilo Russo


    Full Text Available The barbastelle bat, <em>Barbastella barbastellusem> (Schreber, 1774 is a medium-sized, tree-dwelling vespertilionid classified as ?Endangered? in Italy; in western Europe it may be one of the rarest bat species. <em>B. barbastellusem> shows roosting preferences that should be regarded as a key point in conservation protocols. We examined roost selection in a breeding population of <em>B. barbastellusem> from the Abruzzo Lazio and Molise National Park (central Italy at three levels: woodland structure and management type; tree characteristics; and cavity characteristics. In 2001-2002, we fitted 31 adult <em>B. barbastellusem> (29 lactating females, one pregnant female and one male with 0.48g radio-tags and tracked them to their roost-trees. The bats were tracked for 4.5 ± 3.7 days (range: 0-12 days. We located 33 roosts used by 25 subjects (1.8±1.2 roosts/bat, range 1-5. The bats switched roosts frequently: 13 bats used more than one tree over the study period. A chi-square analysis showed that the roosts were not distributed at random across woodland categories: unmanaged woodland was positively selected, whereas shelterwood-harvested woodland was used in proportion to its availability, and ?pastures+scattered trees? was avoided. Twenty out of 33 roost trees were dead <em>Fagus sylvaticaem> trees; conversely, living <em>F. sylvaticaem> dominated in a tree sample obtained at random; dead trees were used more than expected (Χ² test, <em>P> <0.001. Overall, roost trees were significantly taller and had a larger diameter at breast?s height and more cavities than random trees; they also had a lower percent canopy closure than random trees. To highlight which variables were actually associated with selection, we devised a logistic regression model. The full model was significant (<em>P> <0.001; removal of tree type and tree height affected the model significantly, but the other variables did not produce detectable effects. The

  9. Synthesis and Sensory Evaluation of <em>ent>-Kaurane Diterpene Glycosides

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    Venkata Sai Prakash Chaturvedula


    Full Text Available Catalytic hydrogenation of the three <em>ent>-kaurane diterpene glycosides isolated from <em>Stevia rebaudianaem>, namely rubusoside, stevioside, and rebaudioside-A has been carried out using Pd(OH2 and their corresponding dihydro derivatives have been isolated as the products. Synthesis of reduced steviol glycosides was performed using straightforward chemistry and their structures were characterized on the basis of 1D and 2D NMR spectral data and chemical studies. Also, we report herewith the sensory evaluation of all the reduced compounds against their corresponding original steviol glycosides and sucrose for the sweetness property of these molecules.

  10. The role of correlations in the determination of the transport properties of LaCl_3 in high temperature molten eutectic LiCl-KCl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Samin, Adib; Wu, Evan; Zhang, Jinsuo


    It is important to develop an accurate assessment of fundamental data of lanthanides in high temperature molten salts to enable an efficient application of pyroprocessing. This requires a careful consideration of uncertainties in the reported results. In this study, cyclic voltammetry (CV) tests of LaCl_3 in KCl-LiCl molten salt were conducted at low concentration levels in the molten salt at 723 K and at several scan rates. The CV signals were subsequently analyzed through the conventional CV analysis and using a BET-based model through a nonlinear least-squares fitting procedure. It was determined that the parameters of the model were strongly correlated and the support plane procedure was implemented to assign joint confidence intervals for the diffusivity of lanthanum. Accounting for the correlations led to a significant increase in the uncertainty of the reported diffusivity which led to better agreement with the literature. Accounting for the correlations may be important for higher concentration levels.

  11. Ploidia de DNA em astrocitomas: estudo em 66 pacientes brasileiros

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    Full Text Available A determinação do conteúdo de DNA nuclear (fração de fase S e ploidia de DNA foi realizada por meio de análise de imagem em 66 astrocitomas, a partir de material fixado em formalina e seccionado em cortes de 5 micrômetros corados pela técnica de Feulgen. Nossos resultados mostraram forte relação entre a idade do paciente, grau histológico e sobrevida , com a ploidia de DNA e o percentual de células em fase de síntese. A análise da atividade proliferativa de astrocitomas intracranianos é a nosso ver muito útil no entendimento do comportamento biológico , do prognóstico e para o planejamento terapêutico dessas lesões.

  12. Using a portable Raman spectrometer to detect carotenoids of halophilic prokaryotes in synthetic inclusions in NaCl, KCl, and sulfates. (United States)

    Jehlička, Jan; Culka, Adam; Mana, Lilly; Oren, Aharon


    Cell suspensions of the haloarchaea Halorubrum sodomense and Halobacterium salinarum and the extremely halophilic bacterium Salinibacter ruber (Bacteroidetes) in saturated solutions of chlorides and sulfates (NaCl, KCl, MgSO 4 ·7H 2 O, K 2 SO 4 , and (NH 4 )Al(SO 4 ) 2 ·12H 2 O) were left to evaporate to produce micrometric inclusions in laboratory-grown crystals. Raman spectra of these pinkish inclusions were obtained using a handheld Raman spectrometer with green excitation (532 nm). This portable instrument does not include any microscopic tool. Acceptable Raman spectra of carotenoids were obtained in the range of 200-4000 cm -1 . This detection achievement was related to the mode of illumination and collection of scattered light as well as due to resonance Raman enhancement of carotenoid signals under green excitation. The position of diagnostic Raman carotenoid bands corresponds well to those specific carotenoids produced by a given halophile. To our best knowledge, this is the first study of carotenoids included in the laboratory in crystalline chlorides and sulfates, using a miniature portable Raman spectrometer. Graphical abstract ᅟ.

  13. Monitores de diagnóstico em Mamografia : (Os 5MP em Portugal)


    Timóteo, Maria Teresa


    O carcinoma da mama é o mais comum nas mulheres, em Portugal morrem cerca de 1500 mulheres por ano devido a esta patologia. Serviu o presente estudo para investigar se os Hospitais da Região de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo estão equipados, com monitores de diagnóstico em mamografia, que correspondam com as guidelines europeias. O serviço de Mamografia, em Portugal rege-se por estas guidelines, em que é referenciado que para um correcto diagnóstico, com toda a sensibilidade e especific...

  14. Are EM's communication tools effective? Evaluation research of two EM publications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wight, Evelyn; Gardner, Gene; Harvey, Tony


    As a reflection of its growing culture of openness, and in response to the public's need for accurate information about its activities, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Environmental Restoration and Waste Management (EM) has increased the amount of information available to the public through communication tools such as brochures, fact sheets, and a travelling exhibit with an interactive computer display. Our involvement with this effort has been to design, develop, and critique booklets, brochures, fact sheets and other communication tools for EM. This paper presents an evaluation of the effectiveness of two communication tools we developed: the EM Booklet and the EM Fact Sheets. We measured effectiveness using non-parametric testing. This paper describes DOE's culture change, EM's communication tools and their context within DOE'S new open culture, our research, test methods and results, the significance of our research, and our plans for future research. (author)



    Alves, Ana Paula de Faria; Santos, Janine V.; Neves, Laudelina B.; Sereia, Maria Josiane


    Foi realizada avaliação comparativa da retenção da vitamina C (ácido Ascórbico – AA) em suco fresco de laranjas íntegras, suco de laranja estocada sob refrigeração e em bolo contendo suco de laranja após a cocção em forno culinário convencional. O teor de AA em suco de laranjas armazenadas sob refrigeração por oito semanas variou entre 74,94 e 51,55 mg% com taxa de redução de 0,92% ao dia. Em suco fresco de laranja armazenado sob refrigeração durante sete dias, o teor médio de AA foi de 49,62...

  16. Lixiviação de nitrogênio em latossolo incubado com lodo de esgoto Nitrogen leaching in a latosol incubated with sewage sludges

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    Rita Carla Boeira


    Full Text Available Lodo de esgoto contém teores elevados de N orgânico. Se for aplicado em quantidade excessiva em solos, há risco de poluição de águas subsuperficiais com nitrato, produto da mineralização do N. Por essa razão, um dos critérios agronômicos para a determinação da taxa máxima de aplicação do lodo de esgoto é a quantidade de N mineral que será disponibilizada às culturas. Neste trabalho, são apresentados os resultados relativos à lixiviação de N mineralizado em um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico incubado durante 224 dias com dois tipos de lodo de esgoto anaeróbios, um de origem urbana (Franca, SP e outro com presença de despejos industriais (Barueri, SP. Cada lodo de esgoto foi aplicado em quatro doses, contendo 0,13, 0,3, 0,5 e 1,0 g kg-1 de N orgânico. Essa quantidade de substrato mineralizável foi equivalente a 5, 11, 22 e 43 t ha-1 de lodo de Franca, e a 8, 15, 31 e 61 t ha-1 de lodo de Barueri. O experimento foi conduzido em colunas de percolação, sob temperatura de 25 a 28 °C em laboratório, fazendo-se lixiviações com solução extratora de KCl 0,01 mol L-1. Foram determinadas as quantidades de N mineral (N-NH4+ e N-NO3- + N-NO2- extraídas nos percolados em doze épocas. Houve correlação significativa entre as quantidades aplicadas de N na forma orgânica e as quantidades de N mineralizadas durante a incubação nos dois tipos de lodo avaliados. O potencial de mineralização estimado pelo modelo exponencial simples foi de 73 mg kg-1 de N no solo sem aplicação de lodo, e aumentou de 107 para 224 mg kg-1 e de 132 para 364 mg kg-1 nos tratamentos com o lodo de esgoto de Franca e de Barueri, respectivamente. A fração de mineralização potencial do N orgânico dos dois tipos de lodo de esgoto decresceu com o aumento das doses aplicadas: 26, 25, 21 e 14 % para o de Franca, e 43, 39, 34 e 27 % para o de Barueri. Em consequência, o potencial de lixiviação de N no Latossolo aumentou de 46 para 207 % com as

  17. Synthesis and Cytotoxicity Evaluation of 13-<em>n>-Alkyl Berberine and Palmatine Analogues as Anticancer Agents

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    Lei Zhang


    Full Text Available By introducing long carbon-chain alkyl groups at the C-13 position of berberine and palmatine, 13-<em>n>-hexyl/13-<em>n>-octyl berberine and palmatine chloride analogues 4ad were synthesized and examined by MTT assays for cytotoxic activity in seven human cancer cell lines (7701QGY, SMMC7721, HepG2, CEM, CEM/VCR, KIII, Lewis, yielding IC50 values of 0.02 ± 0.01–13.58 ± 2.84 μM. 13-<em>n>-Octyl palmatine (compound 4d gave the most potent inhibitor activity, with an IC50 of 0.02 ± 0.01 μM for SMMC7721. In all cases, the 13-<em>n>-alkyl berberine and palmatine analogues 4ad were more cytotoxic than berberine and palmatine. In addition, compounds 4ad also exhibited more potent cytotoxicity than berberine and palmatine in mice with S180 sarcoma xenografted<em> in vivoem>. The primary screening results indicated that the 13-<em>n>-hexyl/13-<em>n>-octyl berberine and palmatine analogues might be valuable source for new potent anticancer drug candidates.

  18. Isojacareubin from the Chinese Herb <em>Hypericum japonicumem>: Potent Antibacterial and Synergistic Effects on Clinical Methicillin-Resistant <em>Staphylococcus aureusem> (MRSA

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    Gen-Chun Wang


    Full Text Available Through bioassay-guided fractionation of the extracts from the aerial parts of the Chinese herb <em>Hypericum japonicumem> Thunb. Murray, Isojacareubin (ISJ was characterized as a potent antibacterial compound against the clinical methicillin-resistant S<em>taphylococcus aureusem> (MRSA. The broth microdilution assay was used to determine the minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs and minimal bactericidal concentrations (MBCs of ISJ alone. The results showed that its MICs/MBCs ranged from 4/16 to 16/64 μg/mL, with the concentrations required to inhibit or kill 50% of the strains (MIC50/MBC50 at 8/16 μg/mL. Synergistic evaluations of this compound with four conventional antibacterial agents representing different types were performed by the chequerboard and time-kill tests. The chequerboard method showed significant synergy effects when ISJ was combined with Ceftazidime (CAZ, Levofloxacin (LEV and Ampicillin (AMP, with the values of 50% of the fractional inhibitory concentration indices (FICI50 at 0.25, 0.37 and 0.37, respectively. Combined bactericidal activities were also observed in the time-kill dynamic assay. The results showed the ability of ISJ to reduce MRSA viable counts by log10CFU/mL at 24 h of incubation at a concentration of 1 × MIC were 1.5 (LEV, additivity, 0.92 (CAZ, indifference and 0.82 (AMP, indifference, respectively. These <em>in vitroem> anti-MRSA activities of ISJ alone and its synergy with conventional antibacterial agents demonstrated that ISJ enhanced their efficacy, which is of potential use for single and combinatory therapy of patients infected with MRSA.


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    Daniel Gonçalves Jardim


    Full Text Available Os ecossistemas litorâneos são influenciados pelas características do solo que junto com a disponibilidade de nutrientes atuam como fator determinante da composição florística e da estrutura de uma comunidade vegetal. Com o objetivo de verificar a correlação entre os fatores edáficos e a composição de espécies em duas formações florestais da Área de Proteção Ambiental Algodoal-Maiandeua, Maracanã, Pará, foram delimitadas três parcelas de 50 x 50 m (0,75 ha na floresta de restinga seca e duas (0,50 ha na floresta inundável. Cada parcela foi dividida em 50 subparcelas de 2 x 2 m distribuídas aleatoriamente e foram identificados e quantificados todos os indivíduos com altura ≥ 5 cm e ≤ 80 cm, calculada a densidade relativa e coletadas 5 amostras simples de solo por parcela. Para relacionar os gradientes ao componente edáfico foi realizada a análise de correspondência canônica (CCA. Na floresta de restinga seca a CCA mostrou maior correlação entre Myrcia fallax, Pradosia pedicellata, Protium heptaphyllum e Parkia pendula com Fe, P, Cu, Ca, K e MO e na floresta inundável Symphonia globulifera e Virola surinamensis tiveram alta relação com CaCl2, KCl, H2O, Zn e N. Foi constatada a separação das espécies mais bem representadas nas duas florestas e respectivos nutrientes do solo. Palavras-chave: Floresta de restinga seca, floresta inundável, nutrientes no solo.

  20. Prevalência e fatores associados à obesidade abdominal em pacientes em hemodiálise em Goiânia - GO

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    Ana Tereza Vaz de Souza Freitas


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A presença de excesso de peso, especialmente obesidade visceral, contribui para o maior risco de complicações metabólicas e cardiovasculares em pacientes com doença renal crônica. OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência e os fatores associados à obesidade abdominal em pacientes em hemodiálise (HD. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 344 pacientes maiores de 18 anos. A obesidade abdominal foi definida pela circunferência da cintura > 94 cm nos homens e > 80 cm nas mulheres. As variáveis independentes envolveram aspectos socioeconômicos, demográficos, hábitos de vida, tempo em HD, consumo alimentar e índice de massa corporal (IMC. A análise dos fatores associados foi realizada por regressão de Poisson múltipla, permanecendo no modelo final as variáveis com p 25 kg/m². Nos homens, a classe econômica D/E também permaneceu associada à obesidade abdominal, p < 0,05. CONCLUSÃO: Observou-se alta prevalência de obesidade abdominal em pacientes em hemodiálise. Idade superior a 40 anos, classes econômicas mais baixas, ingestão proteica inferior ao recomendado e excesso de peso foram associados à obesidade abdominal.

  1. Variabilità microsatellitare in popolazioni italiane di martora, <em>Martes martesem>

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    Licia Colli


    Full Text Available La martora, <em>Martes martesem>, è un mustelide storicamente presente su gran parte del territorio italiano, soprattutto dove siano presenti foreste mature altamente strutturate e ricche di risorse. Nel corso dei decenni passati, cause quali la deforestazione con conseguente frammentazione dell'habitat, la caccia e la persecuzione da parte dell'uomo hanno portato ad un sensibile declino sia nel numero d'individui sia di popolazioni in tutta l'Europa. Frammentazione degli areali e diminuzione del numero di soggetti costituiscono le cause principali di un limitato flusso genico con conseguente formazione di popolazioni isolate di martora e perdita di variabilità genetica (Kyle <em>et al.em>, 2003. Per queste ragioni la martora risulta attualmente tutelata secondo quanto previsto dalla Convenzione di Berna (appendice III e dalla Direttiva europea 92/43/CEE "Habitats & Species". Di fronte a prospettive di tipo conservazionistico, diventa necessario disporre di metodologie per la valutazione della variabilità residua nella specie a livello d'individui e di popolazioni. Secondo numerosi Autori, i microsatelliti costituiscono marcatori molto efficaci nella descrizione della struttura genetica e della storia demografica di specie (Beaumont & Bruford, 1999; Linares, 1999. Il presente lavoro propone i risultati ottenuti attraverso il confronto di due campioni costituiti da individui di <em>Martes martesem> provenienti dalla Sardegna (25 esemplari e dal territorio italiano (6 esemplari. L'analisi è stata condotta a livello di 7 loci microsatellitari dinucleotidici polimorfici. Il valore di FST calcolato dal confronto dei due gruppi è risultato pari a 0,102 e ricade nel <em>range> di variazione identificato di recente in popolazioni nord-europee di martora (Kyle <em>et al.em>, 2003. L'analisi della varianza molecolare (AMOVA, condotta a due livelli gerarchici, ha permesso in particolare di ripartire la varianza del campione

  2. Analysis of electron pair production in the collision system Ar+KCl at 1.76 AGeV; Analyse der Elektronpaarproduktion im Stosssystem Ar+KCl bei 1,76 AGeV

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lang, Simon Martin


    The HADES-spectrometer at GSI is used to measure the production of the light vector mesons {rho}, {omega} and {phi} at SIS energies. Therefore, the medium sized collision system Ar+KCl was measured at 1.76 AGeV kinetic energy of beam particles. In this system the density of particle tracks is much larger as compared to the formerly used collision system C+C, making it necessary to upgrade the data analysis. The previous method of hard-cuts - used for particle identification - was replaced by a newly developed multi-variate analysis based on an artificial neural network. This algorithm has the benefit, that it is more robust against fluctuations in one or more of the used detector observables. This increases the overall efficiency and purity of the analysis procedure. Furthermore, the reconstruction of particle tracks inside the HADES spectrometer is based on a few position information, only. During analysis of raw data, these information are combined to a artificially large manifold of tracks. This leads to the general problem that one has to select the maximum number of true physical tracks out of this set of tracks per event. A new method of track selection is used to filter the data not only to select single tracks, but also to identify electron pairs created during Dalitz-decay of {pi}{sup 0} mesons, which build the bulk of combinatorial background. The result of the analysis is an efficiency corrected invariant mass spectrum of electron pairs, normalized to the mean number of pions per event. The spectrum consists of more than 16,000 pairs with an invariant mass larger than 150 MeV. In total more than 150000 pairs were found. A first comparison with the spectra calculated by using the old analysis approach shows a 30% enhancement in yield of reconstructed electron pairs. A first comparison with a simple thermal model implemented by the Pluto event generator, opens the possibility to compare the measured pair yield of {omega} and {phi} mesons via m{sub T

  3. Retratos em movimento.

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    Luiz Carlos Oliveira Junior

    Full Text Available resumo O artigo aborda aspectos da relação do cinema com a arte do retrato. Buscamos, em primeiro lugar, uma definição estética do que seria um retrato cinematográfico, sempre em tensão com os critérios formais e padrões estilísticos que historicamente constituíram o retrato pictórico. Em seguida, relacionamos essa questão com a importância que se deu à representação do close-up de rosto nas primeiras décadas do cinema, quando foi atribuído aos filmes um papel inédito no estudo da fisionomia e da expressão facial. Por fim, apresentamos exemplos de autorretratos na pintura e no cinema para expor a forma como a autorrepresentação põe em crise as noções de subjetividade e identidade em que a definição clássica do retrato se apoiava.

  4. Winter food of the fox <em>Vulpes vulpesem> in the Province of Cuneo (North-Western Italy / Alimentazione invernale della Volpe <em>Vulpes vulpesem> nell'Albese (Provincia di Cuneo

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    Paolo Debernardi


    Full Text Available Abstract The diet of the Fox <em>Vulpes vulpesem> was studied by the analysis of 157 gastric contents coming from hilly areas of the Province of Cuneo. Samples were gathered during January-March of the years '86 (N. 41, '87 (N. 72 and '88 (N. 44. The mean percentage of frequency was determined for the following feeding categories: Fruits (26.1%, Other vegetable components (19.7%, Insects (2.5%, Wild birds (11.5%, Insectivores and Rodents (42.7%, <em>Lepus capensisem> (13.4%, Indeterminate Lagomorphs (17.2%, Domestic animals (59.2% and Other (2.5%. The diet is analysed in relation to some available trophic resources (dumps, restoking of hares and of pheasants. Riassunto Vengono presentati i dati dell'analisi di 157 contenuti gastrici di <em>Vulpes vulpesem>, provenienti da aree collinari della provincia di Cuneo; i campioni si riferiscono ai primi tre mesi delle annate '86 (N. 41, '87 (N. 72 e '88 (N. 44. Sono state determinate le frequenze percentuali delle seguenti categorie alimentari: Frutti (26,1%, Altre componenti vegetali (19,7%, Insetti (2,5%, Uccelli selvatici (11,5%, Insettivori e Roditori (42,7%, <em>Lepus capensisem> (13,4%, Lagomorfi indeterminati (17,2%, Animali domestici (59,2% e Altro (2,5%. La dieta viene esaminata in relazione ad alcuni aspetti legati alle disponibilità trofiche del territorio (presenza di discariche, ripopolamenti di selvaggina.

  5. Caratterizzazione genetica di alcune popolazioni di cinghiale (<em>Sus scrofaem> dell'Italia meridionale

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    M.F. Caliendo


    Full Text Available In Italia il Cinghiale ha subito varie oscillazioni numeriche per immissioni d?esemplari provenienti soprattutto dall'est europeo o da paesi vicini (Massei & Toso, 1993 e incrocio con esemplari di maiale domestico, allevato allo stato brado o semi brado in molte zone d'Italia (Apollonio <em>et al.em>, 1988. Questi fattori sono stati responsabili anche di un impoverimento genetico della forma autoctona italiana <em>Sus scrofa meridionalisem> e <em>majori> che sembrano persistere solo in Sardegna e Maremma (Apollonio <em>et al.em>, 1988. Tra le riserve in cui si ritiene possano trovarsi popolazioni ancora integre, figura la tenuta presidenziale di Castelporziano (Roma. Prendendo spunto da questo lavoro, con il nostro contributo riportiamo i risultati, a livello genetico, della ibridazione con il maiale da parte di cinghiali della Campania, basato sul DNA microsatellite di 4 loci polimorfi. Sono state studiate 9 popolazioni (allevate e libere, usando per riferimenti maiali allo stato brado e cinghiali di Castelporziano. Dall?analisi delle frequenze alleliche è stato eseguito il <em>test di assignmentem> (implementato in una sub routine del software Arlequin 2.0 che individua la possibile origine di un individuo, rispetto ad una rosa di probabili popolazioni di riferimento (Paetkau <em>et al.em>, 1998. Con i risultati del test di assignment si è costruito il grafico <em>log-log genotypeem>, rappresentato da un piano individuato dalle due variabili di riferimento (cinghiale e maiale brado. Le popolazioni esaminate evidenziano una generalizzata distribuzione a cavallo tra i due riferimenti con individui geneticamente simili al cinghiale ed altri al maiale. Questa ripartizione simmetrica è molto evidente nel caso dei cinghiali catturati a Punta Licosa e in quelli dell?allevamento di Polla. La distribuzione dei genotipi sul piano è spesso dispersa, ad eccezione dei cinghiali della Valle del Vento e quelli di Monteverde (individui

  6. Estudo anatômico de folha e caule de Elephantopus mollis Kunth (Asteraceae

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    Cláudia Bonissoni Empinotti

    Full Text Available Conhecida comumente como erva-de-colégio, erva-grossa e sussuaiá, Elephantopus mollis Kunth (Asteraceae é uma espécie herbácea perene, de base sublenhosa, ramos curtos e flores arroxeadas. Suas folhas são empregadas como emoliente, resolutivo, sudorífico e no tratamento de bronquite, tosse e gripe na medicina popular. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar caracteres anatômicos foliares e caulinares, a fim de fornecer subsídios aplicáveis à identificação da planta medicinal. Folhas adultas e fragmentos de caules foram fixados, seccionados e corados com azul de astra/fucsina básica ou com azul de toluidina. Testes microquímicos e análise ultra-estrutural de superfície foram também executados. A folha possui epiderme uniestratificada, recoberta por cutícula estriada e, em vista frontal, tem células com contorno ondulado. Ocorrem tricomas tectores e glandulares. Os primeiros são eretos, pluricelulares e unisseriados. Os tricomas glandulares são capitados e bisseriados. O mesofilo é dorsiventral e a nervura central é percorrida por feixes vasculares colaterais dispostos em arco aberto. O caule, em estrutura secundária inicial, possui epiderme unisseriada com cutícula estriada e tricomas semelhantes aos da folha. No córtex, observam-se colênquima anelar alternado com clorênquima e endoderme com estrias de Caspary. Calotas esclerenquimáticas apõem-se ao floema. Este é formado pelo câmbio vascular em direção à periferia e o xilema é gerado de modo centrípeto. A medula é parenquimática. Pequenos cristais de oxalato de cálcio estão presentes na folha e no caule.

  7. Pré-resfriamento em água de lichia 'B3' mantida em armazenamento refrigerado


    del Aguila,Juan Saavedra; Hofman,Peter; Campbell,Terrence; Marques,José Roberto; Heiffig-del Aguila,Lília Sichmann; Kluge,Ricardo Alfredo


    Este experimento visou a estudar o efeito de diferentes temperaturas e tempos de pré-resfriamento em água sobre a qualidade de lichias 'B3', após a frigoconservação. Os tratamentos foram: T1 = controle (sem pré-resfriamento); T2 = imersão por cinco minutos em água a 2,5°C; T3 = imersão por 10 minutos em água a 2,5°C; T4 = imersão por 20 minutos em água a 2,5°C; T5 = imersão por sete minutos em água a 6°C; T6 = imersão por 20 minutos em água a 8°C e T7 = imersão por 10 minu...

  8. X-ray diffraction studies of structures of Be, Al, LiF, Fe+3%Si, Si, SiO2, KCl under dynamic pressures from 2 Gpa to 20 Gpa

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Egorov, L.A.; Barenboim, A.I.; Mokhova, V.V.; Dorohin, V.V.; Samoilov, A.I.


    Currently, the only direct method to study behaviour of solid crystal substance structures under dynamic compression is method to record X-rays diffraction pictures of crystal structures under shock compression. Thepaper presents results of X-rays diffraction measurements concerning structural parameters of shock compressed substances at pressures higher than Hugoniot elastic limit (Be, Al, LiF, Fe+3%Si), lower than Hugoniot elastic limit (Si, SiO 2 , LiF) and in the area of pressures of phase transformation beginning (KCl, Si). Recorded states of shock-compressed substance structures demonstrate identity of structural deformations at pressures higher and lower than Hugoniot elastic limit as well as at pressures above the phase transformation point, which can be characterized as single-axial deformations. (orig.)

  9. Antioxidative Characteristics of <em>Anisomeles indicaem> Extract and Inhibitory Effect of Ovatodiolide on Melanogenesis

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    Li-Ling Chang


    Full Text Available The purpose of the study was to investigate the antioxidant characteristics of <em>Anisomeles indicaem> methanol extract and the inhibitory effect of ovatodiolide on melanogenesis. In the study, the antioxidant capacities of <em>A. indicaem> methanol extract such as DPPH assay, ABTS radical scavenging assay, reducing capacity and metal ion chelating capacity as well as total phenolic content of the extract were investigated. In addition, the inhibitory effects of ovatodiolide on mushroom tyrosinase, B16F10 intracellular tyrosinase and melanin content were determined spectrophotometrically. Our results revealed that the antioxidant capacities of <em>A. indicaem> methanol extract increased in a dose-dependent pattern. The purified ovatodiolide inhibited mushroom tyrosinase activity (IC50 = 0.253 mM, the compound also effectively suppressed intracellular tyrosinase activity (IC50 = 0.469 mM and decreased the amount of melanin (IC50 = 0.435 mM in a dose-dependent manner in B16F10 cells. Our results concluded that <em>A. indicaem> methanol extract displays antioxidant capacities and ovatodiolide purified from the extract inhibited melanogenesis in B16F10 cells. Hence, <em>A. indicaem> methanol extract and ovatodiolide could be applied as a type of dermatological whitening agent in skin care products.

  10. International EMS Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Langhelle, Audun; Lossius, Hans Morten; Silfvast, Tom


    exist, however, especially within the ground and air ambulance service, and the EMS systems face several challenges. Main problems and challenges emphasized by the authors are: (1) Denmark: the dispatch centres are presently not under medical control and are without a national criteria based system......Emergency medicine service (EMS) systems in the five Nordic countries have more similarities than differences. One similarity is the involvement of anaesthesiologists as pre-hospital physicians and their strong participation for all critically ill and injured patients in-hospital. Discrepancies do....... Access to on-line medical advice of a physician is not available; (2) Finland: the autonomy of the individual municipalities and their responsibility to cover for primary and specialised health care, as well as the EMS, and the lack of supporting or demanding legislation regarding the EMS; (3) Iceland...

  11. Locas al Rescate: The Transnational Hauntings of Queer <em>Cubanidad>

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    Lázaro Lima


    Full Text Available

    “Locas al Rescate: The Transnational Hauntings of Queer <em>Cubanidad>” (originally published in <em>Cuba Transnationalem> offers a significant contribution both to transnational American Studies and to gender studies. In telling the insider story of the alternative identity formation, practices, and forms of “rescue” initiated by the affective activism of the Cuban American society in drag in 1990s Miami/South Beach, Lima resuscitates the liberatory gestures of a subculture defined by its pursuit of its own acceptance, value, and freedom. With their aesthetic and political life on a raft, the gay micro-communities inside Cuban America asserted their own islandic space, Lima observes, performing “takeovers” in and of parks and bars and beaches—creating a post-Habermasian sphere of public activism focused on private parts, saving themselves from AIDS, from the disaffection and disaffiliation of the right-wing Cuban immigrant community, and from the failure of their own yearning to belong, to be wanted, to be embodied as the figure of their compelling <em>Cubanidad>. Against the hegemony of the invented collective politics of the sacrificing immigrants whose recognition of the queer side of being (of a being constituted by identity loss is yet to come, Lima suggests a spectral return—a personal and transnational reckoning of those whose lives the dream of freedom drowned.

  12. SD118-Xanthocillin X (1, a Novel Marine Agent Extracted from <em>Penicillium> communeem>, Induces Autophagy through the Inhibition of the MEK/ERK Pathway

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    Caiguo Huang


    Full Text Available A compound named SD118-xanthocillin X (1 (C18H12N2O2, isolated from <em>Penicillium> <em>commune> in a deep-sea sediment sample, has been shown to inhibit the growth of several cancer cell lines <em>in vitroem>. In the present study, we employed a growth inhibition assay and apoptotic analysis to identify the biological effect and detailed mechanism of SD118-xanthocillin X (1 in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2 cells. SD118-xanthocillin X (1 demonstrated a concentration-dependent inhibitory effect on the growth of HepG2 cells and caused slight cellular apoptosis and significantly induced autophagy. Autophagy was detected as early as 12 h by the conversion of microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 (LC3-I to LC3-II, following cleavage and lipid addition to LC3-I. The pharmacological autophagy inhibitor 3-methyladenine largely attenuates the growth inhibition and autophagic effect of SD118-xanthocillin X (1 in HepG2 cells. Our data also indicated that the autophagic effect of SD118-xanthocillin X (1 occurs via the down-regulation of the MEK/ERK signaling pathway and the up-regulated class III PI3K/Beclin 1 signaling pathway.

  13. Sorteio de domicílios em favelas em inquéritos por amostragem

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    Maria Cecilia Goi Porto Alves


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar vantagens e desvantagens do uso de segmentos em relação ao sorteio feito a partir da lista completa de endereços, para o sorteio de domicílios em amostragem por conglomerados em múltiplos estágios em favelas. PROCEDIMENTOS METODOLÓGICOS: Estudo qualitativo realizado em quatro favelas sorteadas no Inquérito de Saúde do Município de São Paulo, SP, 2008, nas quais foram aplicadas as duas técnicas. Foram realizados grupos focais com pesquisadores de campo - "arroladores" e entrevistadores do inquérito. Os conteúdos das conversações foram analisados, agrupados em categorias e organizados em núcleos temáticos. ANÁLISE DOS RESULTADOS: A utilização de segmentos de domicílios foi associada a numerosas vantagens e poucas desvantagens. Entre as vantagens, constaram a rapidez e facilidade na elaboração do cadastro de endereços e na localização e identificação de domicílios na etapa de realização das entrevistas, maior segurança dos entrevistadores e da população, maior acesso aos entrevistados, maior estabilidade e maior cobertura do cadastro produzido, e menor ocorrência de erros na identificação dos domicílios sorteados. CONCLUSÕES: A construção de cadastro de domicílios por meio da criação de segmentos é vantajosa em relação à listagem completa de endereços, quando feita em favelas. Por ter se mostrado uma opção econômica e fácil de ser aplicada, constitui alternativa para a simplificação do processo de amostragem em áreas com as suas características de desorganização e adensamento de domicílios.

  14. The role of correlations in the determination of the transport properties of LaCl{sub 3} in high temperature molten eutectic LiCl-KCl

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Samin, Adib; Wu, Evan; Zhang, Jinsuo [The Ohio State Univ., Columbus, OH (United States). Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


    It is important to develop an accurate assessment of fundamental data of lanthanides in high temperature molten salts to enable an efficient application of pyroprocessing. This requires a careful consideration of uncertainties in the reported results. In this study, cyclic voltammetry (CV) tests of LaCl{sub 3} in KCl-LiCl molten salt were conducted at low concentration levels in the molten salt at 723 K and at several scan rates. The CV signals were subsequently analyzed through the conventional CV analysis and using a BET-based model through a nonlinear least-squares fitting procedure. It was determined that the parameters of the model were strongly correlated and the support plane procedure was implemented to assign joint confidence intervals for the diffusivity of lanthanum. Accounting for the correlations led to a significant increase in the uncertainty of the reported diffusivity which led to better agreement with the literature. Accounting for the correlations may be important for higher concentration levels.

  15. Anti-Tumour Promoting Activity and Antioxidant Properties of Girinimbine Isolated from the Stem Bark of<em> Murraya koenigii em>S.

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    Yih Yih Kok


    Full Text Available Girinimbine, a carbazole alkaloid isolated from the stem bark of <em>Murraya koenigii em>was tested for the<em> in vitroem> anti-tumour promoting and antioxidant activities. Anti-tumour promoting activity was determined by assaying the capability of this compound to inhibit the expression of early antigen of Epstein-Barr virus (EA-EBV in Raji cells that was induced by the tumour promoter, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate. The concentration of this compound that gave an inhibition rate at fifty percent was 6.0 µg/mL and was not cytotoxic to the cells. Immunoblotting analysis of the expression of EA-EBV showed that girinimbine was able to suppress restricted early antigen (EA-R. However, diffused early antigen (EA-D was partially suppressed when used at 32.0 µg/mL. Girinimbine exhibited a very strong antioxidant activity as compared to a-tocopherol and was able to inhibit superoxide generation in the 12-<em>O>-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA-induced differentiated premyelocytic HL-60 cells more than 95%, when treated with the compound at 5.3 and 26.3 µg/mL, respectively. However girinimbine failed to scavenge the stable diphenyl picryl hydrazyl (DPPH-free radical.

  16. Solution NMR Structure of Hypothetical Protein CV_2116 Encoded by a Viral Prophage Element in <em>Chromobacterium violaceumem>

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    Yunhuang Yang


    Full Text Available CV_2116 is a small hypothetical protein of 82 amino acids from the Gram-negative coccobacillus <em>Chromobacterium violaceumem>. A PSI-BLAST search using the CV_2116 sequence as a query identified only one hit (E = 2e−07 corresponding to a hypothetical protein OR16_04617 from <em>Cupriavidus basilensisem> OR16, which failed to provide insight into the function of CV_2116. The <em>CV_2116em> gene was cloned into the p15TvLic expression plasmid, transformed into <em>E. coliem>, and 13C- and 15N-labeled NMR samples of CV_2116 were overexpressed in <em>E. coliem> and purified for structure determination using NMR spectroscopy. The resulting high-quality solution NMR structure of CV_2116 revealed a novel α + β fold containing two anti-parallel β -sheets in the <em>N>-terminal two-thirds of the protein and one α-helix in the <em>C>-terminal third of the protein. CV_2116 does not belong to any known protein sequence family and a Dali search indicated that no similar structures exist in the protein data bank. Although no function of CV_2116 could be derived from either sequence or structural similarity searches, the neighboring genes of <em>CV_2116em> encode various proteins annotated as similar to bacteriophage tail assembly proteins. Interestingly, <em>C. violaceumem> exhibits an extensive network of bacteriophage tail-like structures that likely result from lateral gene transfer by incorporation of viral DNA into its genome (prophages due to bacteriophage infection. Indeed, <em>C. violaceumem> has been shown to contain four prophage elements and <em>CV_2116em> resides in the fourth of these elements. Analysis of the putative operon in which CV_2116 resides indicates that CV_2116 might be a component of the bacteriophage tail-like assembly that occurs in <em>C. violaceumem>.

  17. Risk-Association of <em>CYP11A1em> Polymorphisms and Breast Cancer Among Han Chinese Women in Southern China

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    Minying Sun


    Full Text Available Exposure to endogenous sex hormones has been reported as a risk factor for breast cancer. The <em>CYP11A1em> gene encodes the key enzyme that catalyzes the initial and rate-limiting step in steroid hormone synthesis. In this study, the associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs in <em>CYP11A1em> and breast cancer susceptibility were examined. Six SNPs in <em>CYP11A1 em>were genotyped using the MassARRAY IPLEX platform in 530 breast cancer patients and 546 healthy controls. Association analyses based on a χ2 test and binary logistic regression were performed to determine the odds ratio (<em>OR> and 95% confidence interval (95% <em>CI> for each SNP. Two loci (rs2959008 and rs2279357 showed evidence of associations with breast cancer risk. The variant genotype C/T-C/C of rs2959008 was significantly associated with a decreased risk (age-adjusted<em> ORem>, 0.75; 95% <em>CI>, 0.58–0.96; <em>P em>= 0.023 compared with the wild-type TT. However, the homozygous TT variant of rs2279357 exhibited increased susceptibility to breast cancer (age-adjusted<em> ORem>, 1.44; 95% <em>CI>, 1.05–1.98; <em>P em>= 0.022. The locus rs2959003 also showed an appreciable effect, but no associations were observed for three other SNPs. Our results suggest that polymorphisms of <em>CYP11A1em> are related to breast cancer susceptibility in Han Chinese women of South China.

  18. Acetylcholinesterase-Inhibiting Activity of Salicylanilide <em>N>-Alkylcarbamates and Their Molecular Docking

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    Josef Jampilek


    Full Text Available A series of twenty-five novel salicylanilide <em>N>-alkylcarbamates were investigated as potential acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. The compounds were tested for their ability to inhibit acetylcholinesterase (AChE from electric eel (<em>Electrophorus electricusem> L.. Experimental lipophilicity was determined, and the structure-activity relationships are discussed. The mode of binding in the active site of AChE was investigated by molecular docking. All the discussed compounds expressed significantly higher AChE inhibitory activity than rivastigmine and slightly lower than galanthamine. Disubstitution by chlorine in C'(3,4 of the aniline ring and the optimal length of hexyl-undecyl alkyl chains in the carbamate moiety provided the most active AChE inhibitors. Monochlorination in C'(4 exhibited slightly more effective AChE inhibitors than in C'(3. Generally it can be stated that compounds with higher lipophilicity showed higher inhibition, and the activity of the compounds is strongly dependent on the length of the <em>N>-alkyl chain.

  19. Molecular Identification of Chronic Bee Paralysis Virus Infection in <em>Apis melliferaem> Colonies in Japan

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    Tomomi Morimoto


    Full Text Available Chronic bee paralysis virus (CBPV infection causes chronic paralysis and loss of workers in honey bee colonies around the world. Although CBPV shows a worldwide distribution, it had not been molecularly detected in Japan. Our investigation of <em>Apis melliferaem> and <em>Apis cerana japonicaem> colonies with RT-PCR has revealed CBPV infection in <em>A. melliferaem> but not <em>A. c. japonicaem> colonies in Japan. The prevalence of CBPV is low compared with that of other viruses: deformed wing virus (DWV, black queen cell virus (BQCV, Israel acute paralysis virus (IAPV, and sac brood virus (SBV, previously reported in Japan. Because of its low prevalence (5.6% in <em>A. melliferaem> colonies, the incidence of colony losses by CBPV infection must be sporadic in Japan. The presence of the (− strand RNA in dying workers suggests that CBPV infection and replication may contribute to their symptoms. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrates a geographic separation of Japanese isolates from European, Uruguayan, and mainland US isolates. The lack of major exchange of honey bees between Europe/mainland US and Japan for the recent 26 years (1985–2010 may have resulted in the geographic separation of Japanese CBPV isolates.

  20. Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Stations (United States)

    Kansas Data Access and Support Center — EMS Locations in Kansas The EMS stations dataset consists of any location where emergency medical services (EMS) personnel are stationed or based out of, or where...