
Sample records for em abelhas apis

  1. Uso de zangões (Apis mellifera L.) na detecção de cera de abelha adulterada


    Maurizete da Cruz Silva; Italo de Souza Aquino; Charles Ira Abramson; José Wellington dos Santos


    Esta pesquisa avaliou a habilidade de zangões da abelha africanizada (Apis mellifera L.) em detectar cera de abelha adulterada usando o reflexo da extensão da probóscide (PER). Duzentos e quarenta zangões foram divididos em 12 grupos contendo níveis diferentes de cera de abelha adulterada (100% cera de abelha, 90% cera de abelha, 10% cera de abelha, 0% cera de abelha). Um estímulo de ar foi incluído como testemunha devido à possível influência do fluxo de ar per se. Os animais foram mantidos ...

  2. Uso de zangões (Apis mellifera L. na detecção de cera de abelha adulterada

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    Maurizete da Cruz Silva


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa avaliou a habilidade de zangões da abelha africanizada (Apis mellifera L. em detectar cera de abelha adulterada usando o reflexo da extensão da probóscide (PER. Duzentos e quarenta zangões foram divididos em 12 grupos contendo níveis diferentes de cera de abelha adulterada (100% cera de abelha, 90% cera de abelha, 10% cera de abelha, 0% cera de abelha. Um estímulo de ar foi incluído como testemunha devido à possível influência do fluxo de ar per se. Os animais foram mantidos em tubos de metal, acondicionados com fita adesiva Ducktape® entre a cabeça e o tórax. Os resultados da performance dos zangões no condicionamento olfativo do PER indicam que esses animais são capazes de detectar níveis diferentes de cera de abelha adulterada. Os zangões mostraram melhor resposta ao tratamento contendo 100% de cera de abelha. Esse bioensaio pode servir de ferramenta alternativa na seleção de lotes de cera de abelha na apicultura e indústria.

  3. Dinâmica populacional em populações de abelhas africanizadas (Appis mellifera L.) no nordeste brasileiro


    Caroline Julio Moretti


    Em sua distribuição autóctone, as abelhas Apis mellifera apresentam diversas diferenciações morfológicas, comportamentais e ecológicas, que as possibilitam habitar os mais variados ambientes, apresentando grande diversidade de subespécies adaptadas a cada região. Com a introdução das abelhas africanas Apis mellifera scutellata no Brasil, em 1956, surgiram populações polí-hibridas denominadas Africanizadas, sendo que essas abelhas se tornaram interessantes para várias atividades econômicas e e...

  4. Métodos para atrair a abelha Apis mellifera L. em cultura de abacate (Persea americana Mill. Methods to attract honeybee Apis mellifera L. to avocado tree (Persea americana Mill

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    Darclet Terezinha Malerbo Souza


    Full Text Available O presente experimento teve como objetivo avaliar métodos de atração da abelha Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera, Apidae em duas variedades de abacate (Persea americana Mill.. Os atrativos utilizados foram extratos de Cymbopogon citratus, Ocimum basilicum, Lippia alba, folha de Citrus sp, folha de Eucaliptus sp. e o eugenol e o linalol (SIGMA. Os tratamentos utilizados foram: coberto; descoberto pulverizado (DP; descoberto com tubos e descoberto não pulverizado (DNP. Observou-se que a atratividade das substâncias testadas desapareceu minutos após a sua aplicação, utilizando ou não a glicerina, em ambas as variedades. A pulverização dos extratos de falsa melissa, folhas de eucalipto e folhas de laranja apresentaram um aumento no número de abelhas Apis mellifera, na variedade Quintal. Os dados mostraram que a freqüência das abelhas A. mellifera foi maior na variedade Quintal comparada à variedade Fortuna. Isto pode ter ocorrido devido à maior concentração de açúcares do néctar de suas flores. Observou-se que as abelhas A. mellifera preferiram visitar as flores do abacateiro da variedade Quintal, tanto para néctar quanto para coleta de pólen, comparada à variedade Fortuna. Com relação aos frutos, nenhuma das características apresentou diferença significativa entre os tratamentos, em ambas as variedades. Entretanto, observou-se que na variedade Quintal os frutos decorrentes dos tratamentos DP e DNP foram mais pesados, mais compridos e com maior espessura da polpa, comparados ao único fruto obtido do tratamento coberto. Os produtos testados em tubos não foram eficientes para atrair a abelha Apis mellifera, em ambas as variedades.The present experiment was carried out to evaluate some methods to attract honeybee Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera, Apidae to two avocado varieties (Persea americana Mill.. Extracts of Cymbopogon citratus, Ocimum basilicum, Lippia alba, Citrus sp leaf, Eucalyptus sp leaf, the eugenol and linalol

  5. Infestação do ácaro Varroa destructor em colônias de abelhas africanizadas (Apis mellifera L. no Semiárido potiguar, Nordeste do Brasil

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    Stephano Bismark Lopes Cavalcante Moreira


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar os índices de infestação pelo ácaro Varroa. destructor em colônias de abelhas africanizadas (Apis mellifera de apiários dos municípios de Encanto e de Marcelino Vieira, estado do Rio Grande do Norte. A pesquisa foi conduzida no período de setembro a dezembro de 2014, sendo coletadas em média de 100 a 200 abelhas adultas (nutrizes retiradas dos quadros centrais do ninho com crias de cada colmeia, aprisionadas em recipientes contendo 100 mL de álcool a 70% e encaminhadas para laboratório do Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN, para a contagem das abelhas e dos ácaros. Os resultados apresentaram ocorrência do ácaro V. destructor em todos apiários e em todas colmeias analisados, obtendo uma infestação média de 7,24% em Encanto e de 5,25% em Marcelino Vieira, níveis de infestação baixos (<15%, portanto, não acarretando risco às colônias.Varroa destructor mite infestation in colonies of Africanized honey bees (Apis mellifera L. in the potiguar Semi-arid region, Northeastern BrazilAbstract: The goal of the present work was to analyze the rates of infestation by Varroa. destructor mite in Africanized honeybees (Apis mellifera colonies from apiaries in Encanto and Marcelino Vieira cities, state of Rio Grande do Norte. The research was conducted during the period from September to December 2014. In average 100 to 200 adult bees (nursing honey bee workers were collected from the brood chamber over center frames of with brood of each hive surveyed, trapped in containers containing 100 mL of 70% alcohol and sent to the laboratory of the Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN for the counting of bees and mites. The results showed an occurrence of the Varroa destructor mite in all apiaries and in all hives analyzed, obtaining an average infestation of 7.24% in Encanto city and 5.25% in Marcelino Vieira city, low infestation levels (<15%, without risk to the colonies.

  6. Produção de mel por abelhas africanizadas em plantio de mamoneira

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    Marcelo de Oliveira Milfont


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve como objetivo investigar se abelhas Apis mellifera L. produzem mel ou não em plantio comercial de mamoneira (Ricinus communis L.. A pesquisa foi realizada no Núcleo de Produção Comunitária Santa Clara, Canto do Buriti, Piauí (PI. Dois apiários, com seis colônias cada, foram instalados em duas áreas de cultivo de mamona. A primeira área era mantida livre de ervas daninhas (área limpa, enquanto a outra não, apresentando estrato herbáceo entre as fileiras de cultivo (área suja. As colônias receberam melgueiras vazias à medida que necessário e eram pesadas a cada sete dias, até o final do experimento, aos 49 dias. Houve produção de mel em todas as colônias, porém a produção não diferiu (P>0,05 entre os apiários a cada pesagem. A área limpa produziu uma média de 18,8±4,0kg de mel/colônia, enquanto que, na área suja, a produtividade foi de 23,5±3,0. Conclui-se que abelhas Apis mellifera L. produzem e armazenam mel quando introduzidas em áreas de cultivo comercial de mamona.

  7. Atrativo para as abelhas Apis mellifera e polinização em café (Coffea arabica L.

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    Darclet Teresinha Malerbo-Souza


    Full Text Available O presente experimento foi conduzido em Jaboticabal, SP, e teve como objetivos estudar uma cultura de café (Coffea arabica L., var. Mundo Novo, quanto à biologia floral, a freqüência e comportamento dos insetos na flor, testar o produto Bee-HereR (Hoescht Shering Agrevo do Brasil Ltda quanto a sua atratividade para as abelhas Apis mellifera e verificar a produção de frutos com e sem a visita dos insetos. Para isso, foram verificados o tempo do desenvolvimento e quantidade de açúcar solúvel do néctar das flores; freqüência das visitações dos insetos, no decorrer do dia, por meio de contagem do número de insetos visitando as flores, a cada 60 minutos, das 8 às 17 horas, 10 minutos em cada horário; tempo (em segundos e tipo de coleta (néctar e/ou pólen dos insetos mais freqüentes; perda de botões florais; porcentagem de flores que se transformaram em frutos; tempo de formação e contagem dos grãos de café, observando-se a porcentagem de frutificação em flores visitadas ou não pelos insetos. Também foram realizados testes por pulverização utilizando-se o produto Bee-HereR , diluído em xarope e em água, em diferentes horários. A flor durou, em média, cerca de 3 dias desde sua abertura até o murchamento. A quantidade de açúcares do néctar apresentou diferença significativa entre os horários, sendo maior às 8 horas (em média, 102,18 ± 8,75 mg de carboidratos totais por flor. A abelha A. mellifera foi o inseto mais freqüente nas flores de café, coletando, principalmente, néctar no decorrer do dia. A perda de botões florais causada pelas chuvas foi, em média, 26,50 ± 11,70%. O tempo para a formação do fruto foi 6 meses e o número de frutos decorrentes do tratamento descoberto foi maior (38,79% e 168,38%, em 1993 e 1994, respectivamente que do tratamento coberto. Apesar da eficiência do produto Bee-HereR ser afetada pelas condições climáticas, ele pode ser usado para atrair as abelhas A. mellifera na

  8. Composição físico-química de amostras de pólen coletado por abelhas Africanizadas Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera:Apidae) em Piracicaba, Estado de São Paulo


    Marchini Luís Carlos; Reis Vanderlei Doniseti Acassio dos; Moreti Augusta Carolina de Camargo Carmello


    Com o objetivo de se verificar a composição físico-química de amostras do pólen coletado por abelhas Africanizadas, foram realizadas coletas em 5 colméias de abelhas Apis mellifera Africanizadas utilizando coletores de pólen de alvado (frontais) com orifícios de 4,00mm de diâmetro, em Piracicaba, São Paulo, durante um ano (março de 1999 a março de 2000). A composição química das amostras foi determinada no Laboratório de Apicultura do Departamento de Entomologia, Fitopatologia e Zoologia Agrí...

  9. Efeito tóxico de alimentos alternativos para abelhas Apis mellifera Toxic effect of alternative feeds for honeybees Apis mellifera

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    Fábia de Mello Pereira


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa foi realizada com o objetivo de avaliar a existência de efeito tóxico em alimentos protéicos alternativos fornecidos para abelhas Apis mellifera. Medindo-se o tempo médio de mortalidade e o índice de mortalidade de abelhas confinadas, avaliou-se a existência de efeito tóxico do: (a feno das folhas de mandioca (Manihot esculenta; (b feno das folhas de leucena (Leucaena leococephala; (c farinha de vagem de algaroba (Prosopis juliflora; (d farinha de vagem de bordão-de-velho (Pithecellobium cf. saman; (e farelo de babaçu (Orbygnia martiana e (f sucedâneo do leite para bezerros da marca Purina®. O tempo médio de mortalidade variou de 4,46 a 11,74 e o índice de mortalidade variou de 4,58 a 12,80. Durante o experimento, obsevou-se que as abelhas alimentadas com farinha de bordão-de-velho ficavam envoltas em uma crosta de alimento, morrendo asfixiadas posteriormente. Os resultados demonstraram que a farinha de bordão-de-velho não deve ser fornecida às abelhas. Não foi observado efeito tóxico nos demais alimentos estudados.The objective of this research was to study toxic effects of alternative feeds for honeybees Apis mellifera. The average mortality time and the mortality index of cagged honeybees were assessed to evaluate any possible toxic effect of: (a cassava hay (Manihot esculenta; (b leucaena hay (Leucaena leococephala; (c mesquite pod meal (Prosopis juliflora; (d "bordão-de-velho" pod meal (Pithecellobium cf. saman; (e babassu bran (Orbygnia martiana and (f succedaneous for calfskin from Purina®. The mortality time average varied from 4.46 to 11.74 and the mortality index varied between 4.58 and 12.80. It was obseved that honeybees fed with "bordão-de-velho" pod meal got involved by stichy layer of food and died asphyxiated. Results showed that the flour of Pithecellobium cf. saman should not be used for feeding honeybees, considering the early mortality of workers fed with this meal. The other food studied

  10. Influência de essências na alimentação artificial energética na atratividade de Abelhas Apis mellifera

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    I. P. Almeida Neto


    Full Text Available O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a atratividade de diferentes aromas adicionados a alimentação artificial energética de abelhas Apis mellifera. O delineamento experimental usado foi DIC no qual constou de 11 tratamentos e quatro repetições, sendo os tratamentos os aromas tutti-frutte, erva-doce, maracujá, café, baunilha, morango, amarula, menta, cereja, coco e testemunha (sem aroma e as repetições foram considerados os dias de coleta de dados. Foram feitas observações do fluxo de abelhas a cada cinco minutos fazendo o registro fotográfico para contagem das mesmas. O período de observação ao longo do dia foi de 20 minutos sendo realizado no horário da manhã. Observamos que no decorrer do trabalho o fluxo das abelhas foi aumentando gradativamente em todas as essências a cada repetição sendo que essência que mais atraiu as abelhas foi a amarula (em media 147 abelhas, não deferindo da essência da baunilha, porém a baunilha não diferiu das demais essências.Influence of essences in energy artificial food the bees attractiveness Apis melliferaAbstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the attractiveness of Apis mellifera by energy added artificial feeding of different aromas. The experimental design used was DIC in which consisted of 11 treatments and four replications, and the treatments the tutti-frutte aromas, fennel, passion fruit, coffee, vanilla, strawberry, amarula, mint, cherry, coconut and control (without aroma and repetitions were considered the days of data collection. Observations of bees stream samples were collected every five minutes making the photographic record to count them. The observation period throughout the day was 20 minutes being held in the morning hours. We note that during the work flow of bees has been increasing gradually in all essences with each repetition being that essence that attracted the bees was amarula (on average 147 bees, not deferring the essence of vanilla, but vanilla

  11. Características das colônias de abelhas africanizadas (Apis mellifera L., coletadas de alojamentos naturais em Jaboticabal, Estado de São Paulo Characteristics of african honeybee colonies (Apis mellifera L. in nature, in Jaboticabal - SP

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    Regina Helena Nogueira-Couto


    Full Text Available No presente experimento analisou-se as características de 70 enxames de abelhas africanizadas, Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera Apidae, coletados na natureza, durante 16 anos (1981 a 1996, em Jaboticabal, Estado de São Paulo e arredores. Durante a coleta foram feitas avaliações sobre o enxame quanto à: localização, posição (favos expostos ou em cavidades, presença de rainha, defensividade, áreas de cria e alimento e quantidade de abelhas presentes. Foi observada a posição dos favos em relação à entrada da colônia, classificando-os em perpendicular e paralelo. Observou-se que metade dos enxames (51,4% foi coletada dentro do Câmpus da Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias de Jaboticabal - Unesp, especialmente na área de reflorestamento e no horto. Apenas 18,6% dos enxames coletados estavam expostos ao ar livre, estando preferencialmente em galhos, e 81,4% estavam alojados no interior de cavidades. Foi observado que, nos alojados em cavidades, as abelhas preferiram instalar seus enxames sob telhados (30%, ocos de árvores (20%, dentro de cavidades de cimento (12,9% e buracos no solo (10%. Observou-se que as abelhas não foram consideradas defensivas em 86,2% dos enxames coletados e que preferiram construir seus favos em posição perpendicular (70,4% à entrada da colméia, em relação à posição paralela (29,6%. Em relação à quantidade de indivíduos, cria e alimento, observou-se que 54,7% dos 70 enxames tinham grande quantidade de abelhas, 43,9% tinham área de cria considerada média e 51,7% apresentaram pouco alimento estocado. A rainha foi observada em 56,4% dos enxames coletados.The experiment was conducted to observe characteristics of African honey bee, Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera Apidae swarms collected in nature, for 16 years (1981 to 1996, in Jaboticabal, state of São Paulo -Brasil. During the collection, location, presence of queen, position of the swarms in the nature (exposed or housed, brood and

  12. Produtos naturais para o controle do ácaro Varroa destructor em abelhas africanizadas

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    Guido Laércio Bragança Castagnino


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do ácido oxálico e de óleos essenciais de plantas no controle da infestação pelo ácaro Varroa destructor em colônias de Apis mellifera africanizadas. O experimento foi realizado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em 30 colônias, com seis tratamentos e cinco repetições. As colmeias foram tratadas com óleos essenciais de arruda (Ruta graveolens, eucalipto (Eucalyptus spp. e hortelã (Mentha piperita, além de timol, ácido oxálico e do tratamento controle sem aplicação de produtos. Foram avaliadas a mortalidade de varroas e as taxas de mortalidade de crias e de infestação de varroas em crias e em abelhas adultas, antes e depois da aplicação de cada produto. O ácido oxálico e os óleos de arruda, timol, eucalipto e de hortelã reduziram a mortalidade de crias parasitadas pelo ácaro em 92,1, 83,3, 81,7, 86,4 e 81,3%, respectivamente. O tratamento com ácido oxálico reduziu em 87,4% a infestação de varroas em abelhas adultas. O uso desses produtos é eficiente na redução da mortalidade de crias de A. mellifera parasitadas por V. destructor.

  13. Plantas visitadas por abelhas africanizadas em duas localidades do estado de São Paulo

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    Marchini Luís Carlos


    Full Text Available O conhecimento das plantas de uma região, sua época de florescimento e as características do pólen, auxiliam na determinação das espécies vegetais que contribuem para a composição do mel. Durante o período de 1994 a 1997 foram inventariadas, semanalmente, em diferentes horários e num raio de aproximadamente 300m dos apiários da USP/ESALQ, em Piracicaba,SP (22°43'S, 47°27'W e 580 m e do Instituto de Zootecnia, em Pindamonhangaba, SP (22°57'S, 45°27'W e 560 m, as plantas que estavam sendo visitadas por abelhas. Foram anotados o mês e o período de florescimento das plantas inventariadas. Em Piracicaba foram identificadas 94 espécies de plantas pertencentes a 41 famílias (maior número de espécies nas famílias Asteraceae e Myrtaceae e em Pindamonhangaba, 76 espécies, pertencentes a 26 famílias (maior número de espécies nas famílias Asteraceae e Verbenaceae. Os resultados indicam que 21 famílias, 22 gêneros e 15 espécies de plantas visitadas pelas abelhas africanizadas foram comuns em ambas as localidades.

  14. Efeitos de atrativos e repelentes sobre o comportamento da abelha (Apis mellifera, l. Effect of attractants and repellents on the behavior of honey bees (Apis mellipera, L.

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    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente ensaio foi testar diversas substâncias e verificar sua atratividade e repelência para abelhas, Apis mellifera, L. Para isso, foram realizados testes em discos próximos às colméias e em cana picada oferecida como alimentação para gado bovino confinado. Nos discos próximos à colméia, o produto mais atrativo foi Bee-Here e o mais repelente foi o óleo de citronela. No cocho para bovinos, o repelente mais efetivo foi n-octyl-acetato.The experiment aimed to study honey bee (Apis mellifera attractants and repellents in vitro and on chopped sugar cane for bovine feeding. Tests were performed on plates located near to the hives and on bovine-hods. On plates, Bee-Here® was the most attractive and citronela oil the most repellent. On bovine-hods the most effective was n-octyl-acetate.

  15. Varroa destructor mite mortality rate according to the amount of worker broods in africanized honey bee (Apis mellifera L. colonies = Taxa de mortalidade do ácaro Varroa destructor de acordo com a quantidade de crias em colônias de abelhas africanizadas (Apis mellifera L.

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    Geraldo Moretto


    Full Text Available The Varroa destructor mite has caused the death of hundreds of thousands of Apis mellifera colonies in several countries worldwide. However, the effects determined by the Varroa mite change according to the A. mellifera subspecies. In Africanized bee colonies from South and Central America, the parasite causes little damage, as the infestation levels are relatively stable and low, thus treatments against the pest are not required. Among several factors, the grooming behavior of Africanized worker bees plays an important role in the maintenance of the low infestation levels. This study determined the daily rate of live and dead mites found at the bottom of the hive in five Africanized honey bee colonies. During fifteen days of observations, a significant increase was verified in the number of live and dead mites at the bottom of the hive as the amount of worker broods from each honey bee colony decreased. This suggests a more intense grooming activity as the Varroa concentration in the adult honey bee population increases.O ácaro Varroa destructor tem causado a mortalidade de centenas de milhares de colônias de abelhas Apis mellifera em várias partes do mundo. Os efeitos determinados pelo ácaro Varroa variam com a subespécie de Apis mellifera. Nas Américas do Sul e Central, o parasita causa poucos danos às colônias de abelhas africanizadas, a taxa de infestação é estável e baixa, não sendo necessário o tratamento químico contra a praga. Entre vários fatores que são responsáveis pela tolerância das abelhas africanizadas a esse parasita, o comportamento de grooming executado pelas operárias deve exercer importante papel na manutenção dos baixos níveis deinfestação. Neste estudo, foram avaliadas as taxas diárias de ácaros vivos e mortos encontrados no fundo das colméias de cinco colônias de abelhas africanizadas. Durante 15 dias de observações, foi verificado significativo aumento de ácaros no fundo da colméia

  16. Aplicação de análises multivariadas para determinação da casta de abelhas Apis mellifera L. (Africanizadas, obtidas em laboratório Aplication of multivariate analysis for caste determination in Honeybees Apis mellifera L. (Africanized obtained in laboratory conditions

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    Izabel Christina da Silva


    Full Text Available A técnica de criação de larvas de abelhas Apis mellifera em laboratório tem sido utilizada freqüentemente em estudos de desenvolvimento larval, determinação de castas e, mais recentemente, em testes de patogênese. A quantidade e a qualidade do alimento fornecido às larvas em laboratório podem levar à formação de castas diferentes (rainha, operárias ou intercastas. Neste trabalho, crias de abelhas africanizadas foram desenvolvidas a partir de larvas de 18-24 horas de idade até atingir a fase adulta, utilizando-se durante a alimentação, 4, 15, 25, 50 e 70 µl de dieta por larva, respectivamente, do primeiro ao quinto dia de alimentação. Para determinar se as abelhas adultas obtidas em laboratório eram pertencentes à casta de operárias, de rainhas ou se eram intermediárias (intercastas, foram comparadas com um controle constituído por operárias e rainhas da mesma origem das operárias desenvolvidas no laboratório, utilizando-se o peso e as medidas dos seguintes caracteres: a comprimento da cabeça; b largura da cabeça; c comprimento do olho composto; d largura do olho composto; e comprimento do mesoscuto; f largura do mesoscuto; g comprimento da tíbia; h largura da tíbia. Foram utilizadas a Função Discriminante de Anderson e a técnica de Componentes Principais, de modo a efetuar a discriminação das castas das abelhas adultas obtidas em laboratório em relação àquelas desenvolvidas naturalmente. Entre os caracteres avaliados, os que menos contribuíram para a determinação das castas foram o comprimento do mesoscuto e a largura da cabeça, sendo, portanto, dispensáveis em estudos futuros.Apis mellifera honeybee brood rearing in laboratory conditions has been frequentely used to search for larval development, caste determination, and more recently for tests of pathogenesis. The amount and quality of food received by larvae during the feeding time can produce different castes (queen, worker or intercaste. In the

  17. Uma maneira prática de distinguir abelhas africanizadas (Apis mellifera L. de abelhas européias usando o estado excitatório central, a mobilidade dos membros e viabilidade do ferrão

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    Italo de Souza Aquino


    Full Text Available Uma chave para o entendimento da expansão da abelha africanizada (Apis mellifera é distinguir esta abelha agressiva de sua equivalente européia. Técnicas de identificação atual têm um grau de sucesso, mas cada método tem seu próprio conjunto de problemas, tornando-se proibitivo sua adoção e uso em larga escala. Este estudo examinou aspectos do estado excitatório central, persistência de mobilidade de apêndices e viabilidade da ferroada após decapitação como ferramenta na distinção entre essas duas raças. O estado excitatório central não foi útil na distinção entre a abelha africanizada e a européia; todavia, a mobilidade de apêndices e a viabilidade do ferrão foram significativamente diferentes entre essas duas raças. A mobilidade de apêndices e a viabilidade do ferrão são técnicas úteis na distinção das duas raças e atenua os aspectos relacionados a gastos, aplicação e precisão.

  18. Padrões geográficos de diversidade genética da abelha melífera em Portugal (continente e ilhas)


    Pinto, M. Alice; Baptista, Paula; Pires, Sância


    A Europa alberga três linhagens evolutivas da abelha melífera (Apis mellifera L.), nomeadamente: linhagem M (oeste e norte europeia), linhagem C (sudeste Europeia) e linhagem A (Africana). A linhagem C inclui mais de 6 subespécies destacando-se, pela sua importância na apicultura mundial, a A. m. ligustica (abelha italiana) e A. m. carnica (abelha carniola). Por sua vez, a linhagem M agrupa apenas a A. m. mellifera (abelha preta) e A. im. iberiensis (abelha ibérica). Enquanto a distribuição n...

  19. Diversidade de abelhas visitantes das flores de Citrus em pomares de laranjeira e tangerineira Diversity of flowers visiting bees of Citrus in salinas, state of minas gerais

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    Eduardo Tigre do Nascimento


    Full Text Available A presença de abelhas em culturas de valor comercial, no período de florescimento, é importante não apenas para garantir a polinização cruzada, quando indispensável, mas também para incrementar a produção de frutos e sementes. Nessa perspectiva, o presente trabalho teve a finalidade de identificar as abelhas visitantes das flores em pomar de laranjeira (Citrus sinensis e tangerineira (Citrus reticulata em Salinas - MG. O trabalho foi conduzido na fazenda experimental Santa Isabel, da Escola Agrotécnica Federal de Salinas - MG, em pomares de laranjeira com as variedades, pera, baía e baianinha, e de tangerineira, variedade poncã. As coletas das abelhas visitantes das culturas da laranjeira e tangerineira foram feitas nas floradas principais, entre os meses de agosto e outubro. Foram coletadas as abelhas que visitaram as flores nos horários entre 06 h e 18 h, totalizando 52 horas na laranjeira e 50 horas na tangerineira. No pomar de laranjeira, foram coletados 5.045 espécimes com riqueza de 12 espécies, e na tangerineira, 1.428 espécimes com 20 espécies. As espécies de abelhas de maior predominância e dominância em todos os horários amostrados foram Apis mellifera e Trigona spinipes na cultura da laranjeira e A. mellifera, T. spinipes e Tetragonisca angustula na cultura da tangerineira.The presence of bees on cultures with commercial value during flowering is important to ensure the cross-pollination, when necessary, but also to increase the production of fruits and seeds. This work aimed to identify flowers' visiting bees on orange and tangerine orchards in Salinas - MG. The work was leaded on Santa Isabel experimental farm of the Federal Agro-technical School of Salinas - MG, on orange orchards (Citrus sinensis with pear, bahia and baianinha varieties in the spacing of 5,0 x 6,0, and on tangerine orchards (C. reticulate using poncã variety in the spacing of 5,0 x 5,0. The sampling of visiting bees from orange and tangerine

  20. Estudo da qualidade do mel de abelhas sem ferrão por análise por ativação neutrônica instrumental


    André Luís Lima de Araujo


    O Brasil é um dos maiores produtores mundiais de mel, no qual sua produção é baseada principalmente na criação da espécie exótica Apis mellifera. A produção de mel da Apis mellifera é cerca de 10 vezes maior que das espécies de abelhas sem ferrão, contudo, o mel de abelhas nativas possui maior valor comercial. Embora pouco explorado, o mel de abelhas sem ferrão desperta interesse em indústrias de cosméticos e medicinas naturais. A sua produção se apresenta como uma ferramenta com grande poten...

  1. Análise físico-química dos méis das abelhas Apis mellifera e Melipona scutellaris produzidos em regiões distintas no Estado da Paraíba


    Evangelista-Rodrigues,Adriana; Silva,Eva Mônica.Sarmento da; Beserra,Ennio Marcello Fernandes; Rodrigues,Marcelo Luis


    O mel de abelhas é um produto muito apreciado, no entanto, de fácil adulteração com açúcares ou xaropes. Desta forma, é necessário que haja algumas análises para a determinação da sua qualidade para que seja comercializado. Este trabalho teve como objetivo fazer a análise físico-química dos méis de abelha Apis mellifera. e Melipona scutellaris para a comparação entre as espécies e entre as localidades do Brejo e do Cariri (regiões do Estado da Paraíba). Observou-se que o mel de abelha nativa ...

  2. Polinização de morangueiro por Apis mellifera em ambiente protegido Strawberry polinization through Apis mellifera in protected environment

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    Eunice Oliveira Calvete


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetivou comparar a produtividade e a qualidade dos frutos comerciáveis no morangueiro, em ambiente protegido, utilizando a espécie de abelha Apis mellifera em relação à ausência de um agente polinizador. Foram instalados dois experimentos, utilizando-se das cultivares Camarosa, Oso Grande, Diamante e Aromas (tratamentos, no período de 05 de maio a 19 de dezembro de 2006. No primeiro experimento, não havia polinizadores (testemunha. O segundo foi polinizado pela espécie de abelha Apis mellifera. Os tratamentos (cultivares foram dispostos, em cada experimento, em um delineamento completamente casualizado, com seis repetições. Foram avaliadas características de rendimento, bem como análise físico-química dos frutos de cada cultivar. Quanto ao rendimento, a maior produção obtida foi com a cultivar Camarosa tanto na ausência quanto na presença de polinizadores (907,46 g. planta-1 e 1.054,93 g. planta-1, respectivamente, ao passo que a cultivar Oso Grande apresentou menor número de frutos deformados.This work objectified to compare the productivity and the quality of the strawberry marketable fruits in protected environment, using the species of bee Apis mellifera in relation of the absence of a polinizator agent. It was installed two experiments using the cultivates Camarosa, Oso Grande, Diamante and Aromas (treatments, in the period of May 5 th until December 19th of 2006. The first experiment did not have polinizatores agents (control. The second was polinizated by the species of bee Apis mellifera. The treatments (cultivars had been arranged, in each experiment in a randomized blocks with 6 repetitions. They were evaluated income characteristics, as well as analysis physicist-chemistry of the fruits of each cultivar. For the income, the biggest production was gotten in cultivar Camarosa, for the first and the second experiment (907,46 g. plant-1 and 1054,93 g. plant-1, respectively, in the way that the cultivate

  3. Abelhas (Hymenoptera: apoidea visitantes das flores de goiaba em pomar comercial in Salinas, MG Bee diversity in a commercial guava orchard in Salinas, Minas Gerais State, Brazil

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    Rosemeire Alves Guimarães


    Full Text Available As abelhas são responsáveis por cerca de 80% a 100% da polinização de culturas agrícolas, especialmente aquelas relacionadas com a produção de sementes e frutos. A investigação da diversidade de abelhas em pomares de goiaba pode ser subsídio para estratégias de incremento da produtividade. Nesta perspectiva, o objetivo deste estudo foi identificar a diversidade de abelhas visitantes das flores de goiaba (Psidium guajava, em pomar comercial em Salinas (MG. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em maio de 2005 e foram coletadas as abelhas visitantes das flores nos horários entre 6h e 18h, totalizando-se 44 horas de coleta. Coletaram-se 705 abelhas de 17 espécies, sendo Trigona spinipes a mais freqüente e dominante na cultura da goiaba. Apis mellifera, Melipona quadrifasciata e Tetragonisca angustula foram consideradas acessórias. Aproximadamente 84% dos indivíduos foram coletados da manhã, de 6h às 10h.Pollination is an important factor in agricultural systems, especially in growing fruits and seed production, which depend greatly on bee visiting during blossom season; highly successful gains within these activities varies between 80 and nearly 100 per cent, owing to the bees. The assessment of bee diversity in commercial orchards of guava may contribute to a more desirable strategic design and consequent improvement of production. The aim of the study was identify the diversity of visiting bees to guava flowers (Psidium guajava in a commercial orchard in Salinas, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The work was carried during blossom season of May - 2005. Field works occurred between 6:00 am to 6:00 pm, counting with 44 hours of collection, when 705 bees were collected. The richness observed was of 17 species, the most frequent and dominant being Trigona spinipes. Among the collection there were some considered accessory species: Apis mellifera, Melipona quadrifasciata and Tetragonisca angustula. Most of individual bees have been captured

  4. Estudo das glândulas mandibulares e ovários de operárias de Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera, Apidae mantidas em condiçoes artificiais

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    Claudia Regina de Salvo


    Full Text Available Foram estudados os ovários e as glândulas mandibulares de Apis mellifera mantidas em condições artificiais e foi observado que em pequenos grupos (menos de 20 abelhas os órgãos analisados não se desenvolveram.The ovaries and mandibular glands in workers of Apis mellifera under artificial conditions were studied and was observed that in small groups (less than 20 bees the analyzed organs did not develop.

  5. Métodos para atrair e repelir a abelha Apis mellifera (L. em cultura de maracujá amarelo (Passiflora edulis flavicarpa flavicarpa Deg. - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v25i1.2036 Methods to attract and repel Africanize honey bees Apis mellifera, L., to passion fruit (Passiflora edulis flavicarpa flavicarpa Deg. - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v25i1.2036

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    Marta Maria Rossi


    Full Text Available Este experimento foi conduzido no Centro Universitário Moura Lacerda, Campus Ribeirão Preto, Estado de São Paulo, e teve como objetivos observar a eficiência dos extratos de capim-limão (Cymbopogon citratus, manjericão (Ocimum basilicum L. e falsa melissa (Lippia alba, como atrativos, e citronela (C. nardus, extratos de orégano, pimenta-do-reino, canela e cravo, como repelentes, que foram comparados a outros atrativos (eugenol e linalol e repelentes (n.octyl.acetato, 2.heptanona e citronellal, obtidos comercialmente, para a A. mellifera. Foram estudados, ainda, os insetos visitantes nas flores do maracujá amarelo (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa Deg., além de testar plantas-iscas para essas abelhas. Os produtos testados in vitro e, posteriormente, testados tanto pulverizados quanto em tubos, não foram eficientes para atrair ou repelir a abelha Apis mellifera. Os produtos n.octyl.acetato e citronellal repeliram completamente tanto as abelhas africanizadas quanto as Xylocopa, não devendo ser utilizado em cultivos comerciais. O girassol (Hellianthus annuus e o cosmos (Cosmos sulphureus podem ser utilizados como alternativas para afastar a abelha A. mellifera das flores do maracujá.This experiment was carried out at Centro Universitário Moura Lacerda, Ribeirão Preto, state of São Paulo, Brazil, to study Africanized honey bee (Apis mellifera L. attractives and repellents in vitro, in tubes and on passion fruit flowers (Passiflora edulis flavicarpa flavicarpa Deg.. Visiting insects were studied in flowers and also, bait-plants to Africanized honey bees were tested. The products were not effective in attracting and repelling the honey bee in vitro and in tube tests. The chemicals n.octyl.acetato and citronellal were repellent to honey bees and Xylocopa bees on passion fruit flowers. Sunflower (Hellianthus annuus and cosmos (Cosmos sulphureus flowers can be used to remove Africanized honey bees from passion fruit crops.

  6. Composição físico-química de amostras de pólen coletado por abelhas Africanizadas Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera:Apidae em Piracicaba, Estado de São Paulo

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    Marchini Luís Carlos


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de se verificar a composição físico-química de amostras do pólen coletado por abelhas Africanizadas, foram realizadas coletas em 5 colméias de abelhas Apis mellifera Africanizadas utilizando coletores de pólen de alvado (frontais com orifícios de 4,00mm de diâmetro, em Piracicaba, São Paulo, durante um ano (março de 1999 a março de 2000. A composição química das amostras foi determinada no Laboratório de Apicultura do Departamento de Entomologia, Fitopatologia e Zoologia Agrícola, ESALQ/USP. Foram obtidas as seguintes médias: 21,5% de proteínas; 2,8% de cinzas; 23,6% de umidade; 76,3% de resíduo seco; 3,5% de lipídios; 28,4% de açúcares totais; 20,7mEq kg-1 de pólen de acidez titulável e pH igual a 5,1. Para análise estatística, foram considerados todos os dados referentes aos diferentes dias de coleta, sendo as médias mensais comparadas pelo teste de Tukey em nível de 5%. Foram verificadas diferenças significativas nas médias ao longo do ano para os diferentes parâmetros estudados, com exceção da porcentagem de cinzas que não apresentou variação significativa.

  7. Abelhas africanizadas Apis mellifera scutellata Lepeletier, 1836 (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Apinae exploram recursos na floresta amazônica? Do Africanized honeybees explore resources in the amazonian forest?

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    Marcio Luiz de Oliveira


    Full Text Available As abelhas africanas (Apis mellifera scutellata foram trazidas para o Brasil na década de 1950 e, por acidente, cruzaram-se com outras subespécies de abelhas melíferas européias introduzidas no século XIX. Isso proporcionou o surgimento de híbridos com características predominantes das abelhas africanas, tais como rusticidade e maior capacidade de enxamear, o que lhes permitiu uma rápida adaptação e expansão por quase todo continente americano. Até hoje existem controvérsias se essas abelhas, denominadas africanizadas, causam algum impacto sobre a fauna de abelhas nativas. Nas Américas, as africanizadas estão restritas a regiões de baixas altitudes e de invernos amenos; no Brasil, ocorrem principalmente em áreas urbanas e formações vegetacionais abertas ou adulteradas, sendo dificilmente vistas ou coletadas no interior de florestas densas como a amazônica. Diante dessa observação, diversas iscas foram disponibilizadas no interior de fragmentos de florestas e de florestas contínuas na Amazônia central, para testar se operárias de abelhas africanizadas seriam capazes de penetrar nos mesmos. Nenhuma operária foi vista visitando as iscas na floresta contínua ou mesmo nos fragmentos de floresta, ocorrendo visitas somente nas áreas desmatadas e capoeiras próximas. Esse resultado, além de indicar a inexistência de competição por recursos com as abelhas nativas no interior da floresta amazônica, também indica que uma apicultura em grande escala na região seria inviável, uma vez que a floresta não é sequer visitada por essas abelhas.The African honeybees (Apis mellifera scutellata were introduced accidentally to Brazil in 1956 where it subsequently interbred with other subspecies of European honeybee here introduced in the 19th century. This resulted in hybrids with predominantly African honeybee characteristics, such as higher capacity of swarming and survival in inhospitable conditions, allowing them to adapt

  8. Produção e desenvolvimento de colônias de abelhas africanizadas (Apis mellifera l. a partir de diferentes áreas e idades de cria Production and development of africanized honey bee (Apis mellifera l. colonies departing from different comb brood areas and brood ages

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    Roberto Henrique Dias da Silva


    Full Text Available A apicultura brasileira usa da captura de enxames silvestres de abelhas melíferas africanizadas (Apis mellifera L. para repor e/ou aumentar o número de colônias dos apiários, possuindo inconvenientes como a dependência da natureza para captura dos enxames, a heterogeneidade genética das colônias capturadas e a possibilidade desses enxames serem portadores de doenças e parasitas prejudiciais à sanidade das abelhas. O presente trabalho testa e apresenta uma técnica de divisão de colônias de abelhas melíferas africanizadas para a produção de novas colônias fortes em curto espaço de tempo, a partir de recursos mínimos de cera, cria e alimento. Os resultados mostraram que núcleos de A. mellifera formados inicialmente com uma rainha jovem e fecundada, 1 kg de operárias, um quadro de cria fechada, um quadro de favo puxado e vazio e dois quadros com cera alveolada permitem a produção de novas colônias em 42 dias. Portanto, pode-se concluir que a técnica de divisão de colônias por formação de núcleos como descrito acima, oferece aos apicultores uma alternativa viável para a produção e comercialização em larga escala de novas colônias de abelhas melíferas africanizadas.The Brazilian apiculture relies upon collecting wild swarms of Africanized honey bees (Apis mellifera L. to replace and/or increase the number of colonies in the apiaries. This practice brings problems such as dependence on nature to capture any swarm, diverse genetic make-up of the colonies captured and the possibility of these swarms be carrying diseases and parasites harmful to the bees. The present work tests and presents a technique to split colonies of Africanized honey bees to produce new strong colonies in short time, departing from little resources of wax, brood and food stores. Results showed that A. mellifera nuclei formed by a young and mated queen, 1kg of workers, a frame of sealed brood, an empty frame of drawn beeswax and two frames

  9. Termorregulação colonial e a influência da temperatura no desenvolvimento da cria em abelhas sem ferrão, Melipona scutellaris (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponini)


    Yara Sbrolin Roldão


    Uma característica dos insetos sociais, entre elas as abelhas, é o controle da temperatura de seus ninhos. Abelhas sociais são denominadas como animais heterotérmicos, ou seja, são endotérmicas quando realizam atividades motoras (adultas) e ectotérmicas quando apresentam inatividade (cria e abelhas jovens). Essa característica está entrelaçada com o comportamento social. As abelhas melíferas (Apidae; Apini: Apis mellifera) são conhecidas por apresentarem uma temperatura ótima dentro de seus n...

  10. Análise físico-química dos méis das abelhas Apis mellifera e Melipona scutellaris produzidos em regiões distintas no Estado da Paraíba

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    Evangelista-Rodrigues Adriana


    Full Text Available O mel de abelhas é um produto muito apreciado, no entanto, de fácil adulteração com açúcares ou xaropes. Desta forma, é necessário que haja algumas análises para a determinação da sua qualidade para que seja comercializado. Este trabalho teve como objetivo fazer a análise físico-química dos méis de abelha Apis mellifera. e Melipona scutellaris para a comparação entre as espécies e entre as localidades do Brejo e do Cariri (regiões do Estado da Paraíba. Observou-se que o mel de abelha nativa apresenta um maior teor de água (umidade de 25,25% quando comparado com o mel de abelha africanizada (18,76%, dificultando o seu armazenamento, pois o alto teor de água do produto diminui a sua vida útil de prateleira. Para as análises de hidroximetilfurfural, o valor mais alto foi para o mel produzido na região do Cariri, quando comparado com o mel produzido na região do Brejo, o que pode ser explicado pela diferença de temperatura, sendo mais alta no Cariri. Para os valores de pH, obteve-se diferença significativa entre os méis, com o mel do Cariri apresentando valor mais baixo (3,8. Para Acidez Total, o mel de abelha africanizada do Brejo Paraibano apresentou 41,6 meq/kg de mel, enquanto o mel de abelha nativa apresentou 28,3 meq/kg de mel. Para os demais parâmetros estudados, não houve diferença significativa entre os tratamentos. Conclui-se que os méis produzidos pelas abelhas africanizadas (A. mellifera e pela abelha nativa Melipona scutellaris na Estação Experimental do Cariri e da Chã-de-Jardim pertencentes ao CCA/UFPB apresentam valores diferentes dos padrões da Regulamento Técnico de Identidade e Qualidade do Mel (Ministério da Agricultura e do Abastecimento para alguns parâmetros, o que pode dificultar o seu armazenamento por um longo período.

  11. Absconding and migratory behaviors of feral Africanized honey bee (Apis mellifera L. colonies in NE Brazil = Comportamentos de abandono e migração de colônias silvestres da abelha melífera africanizada (Apis mellifera L. no nordeste do Brasil

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    Breno Magalhães Freitas


    Full Text Available We investigated the annual movements of feral Africanized honey bee (Apis mellifera L. colonies in the state of Ceará, Brazil, aiming to understand seasonal variations in their population. Arrival and absconding of Africanized honey bee (AHB colonies in the semiaridmunicipality of Canindé and the coastal humid city of Fortaleza (120 km apart were recorded weekly from January 1999 to December 2001, and the data compared to rainfall records in both areas. Results showed that AHB colonies only nest in the semiarid during the rainy season and abscond during the dry season, the opposite from observations taken in Fortaleza. Only 5% of colonies remained in the semiarid area for the entire year due to ant (Camponotus sp. attacks and shortage of nectar and water during the dry season, with most colonies migrating to coastal areas where the weather is milder and many plant species bloom at that time of year. Excessive rainfallprobably pushes AHB colonies back to the semiarid during the rainy season. We concluded that absconding and migration are strategies that allow AHB colonies to survive in the semiarid NE of Brazil, contrary to European honeybees, which have never succeeded in establishing wild colonies in the region.Os movimentos de colônias silvestres da abelha melífera africanizada (Apis mellifera L. no Estado do Ceará, Brasil, foram investigados com o objetivo de compreender variações anuais em sua população. A chegada e a partida de colônias de abelhas africanizadas (AHB,no município semi-árido de Canindé e na úmida cidade litorânea de Fortaleza (separadas por 120 km, foram monitoradas semanalmente, de janeiro de 1999 a dezembro de 2001, e comparados com os dados pluviométricos de chuvas em ambas as áreas. Os resultadosdemonstraram que as abelhas africanizadas somente nidificaram no semi-árido durante a estação chuvosa e o abandonaram na estação seca, ao contrário do observado em Fortaleza. Apenas 5% das col

  12. Desenvolvimento e produção de pólen em colméias de Apis mellifera L. africanizadas mantidas em cultura de girassol

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    Danilo Freitas da Silva


    Full Text Available Foram alojadas oito colméias Langstroth com coletor de pólen modelo alvado, mantidas em uma área de 5 ha de lavoura de girassol (Hellianthus annuus L., distribuídas em dois tratamentos: alimento energético (açúcar invertido ou alimento protéico (açúcar refinado+açúcar invertido+farinha láctea - 6:3:1. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a alimentação energética ou protéica e o desenvolvimento de colônias de abelhas Apis mellifera L., durante a produção de pólen em cultura de girassol. Foram avaliadas: área de cria, área de mel, área de pólen e produção de pólen das colmeias. O suplemento energético proporcionou maior (P

  13. Tratamentos alternativos no combate à Varroa. Aplicação na apicultura biológica em Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro


    Vilas-Boas, Miguel


    A varroose é urna doença parasitária externa das abelhas causada por um ácaro denominado por Varroa destructor. Este parasita original mente presente nas abelhas melíferas asiáticas Apis cerana, onde coexiste numa relação simbiótica parasita/hospedeiro,foi detectado pela primeira vez em 1963 em colónias de abelhas Appis mellífera. Este salto imediato não Ihes permitiu criar os seus mecanismos de resistência ao parasita, pelo que se verifica actualmente urna mortalidade eleva...

  14. Neuroproteômica : proteínas relacionadas à aprendizagem em abelhas e ratos


    Souza, Jaques Miranda Ferreira de


    Aprendizagem associativa pode ocorrer por condicionamento operante, através do qual o animal consegue antecipar eventos futuros baseado em suas experiências como consequências de seus próprios comportamentos. Trata-se de uma forma de aprendizagem que o homem compartilha com outros animais, incluindo invertebrados. O uso de ratos e abelhas como modelos biológicos em estudos comportamentais tem ajudado na compreensão dos mecanismos moleculares envolvidos na aprendizagem por condicionamento ...

  15. Toxicidade de produtos fitossanitários utilizados em citros para Apis mellifera Toxicity of pesticides used in citrus crop to Apis mellifera

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    Ana Paula Machado Baptista


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a toxicidade de inseticidas/acaricidas utilizados em cultura de citros para operárias africanizadas de Apis mellifera Linnaeus. A exposição das abelhas aos compostos foi realizada usando-se técnicas de pulverização, contaminação da dieta e contato em superfícies tratadas (folhas de citros e placas de Petri, empregando-se as doses máximas recomendadas para a cultura. Os bioensaios foram realizados em laboratório a 25±2°C, UR 70±10% e fotofase de 12h, sendo os dados de mortalidade submetidos à análise estatística, e as médias comparadas por contraste, obtendo-se grupos de efeitos semelhantes. Independente do modo de exposição, o acefato foi extremamente tóxico, matando mais de 90,0% das abelhas 24h após a aplicação. Os produtos espirodiclofeno e piriproxifem, quando aplicados diretamente sobre as abelhas, causaram níveis de mortalidade de 11,0 e 15,0%, respectivamente; os compostos buprofezina, enxofre e tetradifona apresentaram níveis de mortalidade ainda menores, com média de 5,0% entre eles. Para os ensaios de contaminação de superfície (folhas de citros e placas de Petri e contaminação de alimento, foram obtidos dois grupos de toxicidade, um grupo somente com acefato e outro, com buprofezina, enxofre, espirodiclofeno, piriproxifem, tetradifona e água. A mortalidade média para esse segundo grupo, após 96h do início da exposição, foi de 31,0; 8,3 e 15,7%, respectivamente, para cada método de contaminação.The aim of this research was to evaluate the toxicity of several acaricides/insecticides used in Brazilian citrus crop to africanized workers of Apis mellifera Linnaeus. The exposition of honey bees to the chemicals was performed by direct spraying, contamination of food, and contact in treated surface (citrus leaves and Petri dishes, using recommended rates of application. The assays were carried out at 25±2°C, RH 70±10%, 12h of photophase and the data was

  16. Desenvolvimento produtivo de colmeias de abelhas Melipona scutellaris

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    Adriana Evangelista Rodrigues


    Full Text Available A criação de espécies nativas de abelhas, também conhecidas como abelhas sem ferrão, têm despertado interesse geral na área, em função da facilidade de manejo e da qualidade dos produtos. No entanto, pouco se sabe sobre sua produção e sua biologia e por isto o presente trabalho acompanhou o desenvolvimento de colmeias de Melipona scutellaris, avaliando os seus parâmetros produtivos em ambiente de criação. Como o crescimento de uma colmeia tem como parâmetro o armazenamento de alimento, e como no caso da abelha M.scutellaris este armazenamento é feito em potes construídos com cera, foram feitas contagens dos potes nas colmeias classificando-os como: potes abertos, potes fechados e potes vazios, separando-os de acordo com o conteúdo (mel ou pólen. Foram medidas as suas dimensões e anotadas para posterior avaliação dos dados. Com os resultados pôde-se averiguar que as colmeias apresentam quantidades de potes diferentes, variando em função do número de indivíduos que colaboram para este fator. Confirmou-se que, quando o alimento é escasso no pasto apícola, as abelhas usam o alimento armazenado nos potes, em função da diminuição de matéria-prima na entressafra.

  17. Tipos polínicos encontrados em colônias de abelhas africanizadas sujeitas à doença cria ensacada brasileira Pollen types found in africanized honeybees colonies submitted to brazilian sac brood disease

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    Marta Rodrigues Pacheco


    Full Text Available O pólen de algumas espécies de Stryphnodendron (Mimosoidea, conhecidas popularmente por barbatimão, tem sido apontado como agente causador da mortandade de larvas pré-pupas observada na cria ensacada brasileira (CEB. Neste estudo, objetivou-se identificar os tipos polínicos encontrados em amostras de pólen coletadas em colméias de Apis mellifera L., no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, a fim de elucidar as fontes florais utilizadas por essa espécie de abelhas em períodos sujeitos a CEB, com especial atenção para a presença do pólen de Stryphnodendron spp. Foram coletadas amostras de pólen apícola e pão de abelhas em sete apiários, em três municípios do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A amostragem foi tomada um mês antes e durante a ocorrência da CEB. As famílias botânicas mais representativas foram: Leguminosae, Euphorbiaceae, Asteraceae, Poaceae e Myrtaceae. O pólen de Stryphnodendron não esteve presente nas amostras analisadas. A ausência de Stryphnodendron no menu floral das colônias africanizadas acometidas pela CEB em condições naturais sugere outro fator causal para a CEB no Estado do Rio de Janeiro.The pollen of some Stryphnodendron species (Mimosoidea, commonly known as barbatimão, has been identified as a causative agent of pre-pulps larvae mortality, observed in Brazilian sac brood disease (BSB. The goal of this study is to identify the pollen types found in samples of pollen collected by Apis mellifera L. to elucidate the floral diet used by this honeybee specie in Rio de Janeiro state during the periods where BSB usually occurs. Particular attention was given to the pollen of Stryphnodendron spp presence. Samples of pollen and bee bread were collected from seven apiaries located in Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. Sampling procedures were done a month before BSB usual occurrence and also during its occurrence. Leguminosae, Euphorbiaceae, Asteraceae, Poaceae and Myrtaceae were most representative botanical families on

  18. Comportamentos de abandono e migração de colônias silvestres da abelha melífera africanizada (Apis mellifera L. - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v29i4.882 Absconding and migratory behaviors of feral Africanized honey bee (Apis mellifera L. colonies in NE Brazil - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v29i4.882

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    Raimundo Maciel Souza


    Full Text Available Os movimentos de colônias silvestres da abelha melífera africanizada (Apis mellifera L. no Estado do Ceará, Brasil, foram investigados com o objetivo de compreender variações anuais em sua população. A chegada e a partida de colônias de abelhas africanizadas (AHB, no município semi-árido de Canindé e na úmida cidade litorânea de Fortaleza (separadas por 120 km, foram monitoradas semanalmente, de janeiro de 1999 a dezembro de 2001, e comparados com os dados pluviométricos de chuvas em ambas as áreas. Os resultados demonstraram que as abelhas africanizadas somente nidificaram no semi-árido durante a estação chuvosa e o abandonaram na estação seca, ao contrário do observado em Fortaleza. Apenas 5% das colônias permaneceram na área semi-árida por todo o ano, por causa dos ataques de formigas (Camponotus sp. e carência de néctar e água na estação seca. A maioria das colônias migrou para as áreas litorâneas onde o clima é mais ameno e muitas espécies vegetais florescem nesta época do ano. O excesso de chuvas provavelmente forçava as colônias africanizadas a migrarem de volta ao semi-árido durante a estação chuvosa. Conclui-se que o abandono e a migração são estratégias que permitem às abelhas africanizadas sobreviverem no semi-árido nordestino, em contraste com as raças européias que nunca conseguiram estabelecer populações silvestres na região.We investigated the annual movements of feral Africanized honey bee (Apis melliferaL. colonies in the state of Ceará, Brazil, aiming to understand seasonal variations in their population. Arrival and absconding of Africanized honey bee (AHB colonies in the semiarid municipality of Canindé and the coastal humid city of Fortaleza (120 km apart were recorded weekly from January 1999 to December 2001, and the data compared to rainfall records in both areas. Results showed that AHB colonies only nest in the semiarid during the rainy season and abscond during the

  19. Uso da parafina incorporada à cera alveolada em colônias de abelhas Apis mellifera L. africanizadas para produção de mel Paraffin incorporation to beewax foundation in Apis mellifera L. Africanized colonies for honey production

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    Vagner de Alencar Arnaut de Toledo


    Full Text Available O objetivo foi avaliar favos construídos a partir de três tratamentos, lâminas de cera alveolada, lâminas de cera alveolada com parafina e parte do quadro sem cera. Foram utilizadas dez colônias de abelhas africanizadas, Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera, Apidae existentes na região de Marialva, Estado do Paraná. Foram efetuados mapeamentos da área construída e ocupada com mel, a intervalos de aproximadamente 20 dias. Três quadros, cada um contendo os três tratamentos foram colocados nas posições lateral esquerda, central e lateral direita da melgueira vista por trás da colméia. As abelhas construíram a maior área e ocuparam com mel (p The aim of this paper was the evaluation of combs from three experimental treatments: beeswax foundation, beeswax with paraffin and a gap frame, partially without wax. The experiment was carried out using ten Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera, Apidae Africanized honeybee colonies in Marialva - state of Paraná, in the south of Brazil. They were accomplished by mapping areas constructed and occupied with honey, at intervals of approximately 20 days. Three combs, containing, each one, the three treatments were placed at the positions right lateral, central and left lateral of the super observed the hive to the back. The honeybees built the greatest area and filled with honey (p < 0.05 when the comb was introduced in the central position of the hive, compared to other treatments in which differences were also observed (p < 0.05. The position of the wax comb mixed with paraffin produced the smallest area (p < 0.05 occupied with honey compared to the others. Results showed that paraffin mixed with wax comb should be used since the combs are placed in the central position and must be used for production of honey in sections.

  20. Abelhas (Hymenoptera: Apoidea visitantes das flores de urucum em Vitória da Conquista, BA Bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea visitors of the annatto flowers in Vitória da Conquista, Bahia State, Brazil

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    Augusto Jorge Cavalcante Costa


    Full Text Available O urucum é um arbusto da família Bixaceae, utilizado na fabricação de corantes naturais para a indústria alimentícia e cosmética. No Brasil, somente nos últimos 15 anos, houve maior interesse pelo cultivo, pois se tornou uma alternativa agrícola promissora. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo identificar as abelhas visitantes das flores do urucuzeiro em Vitória da Conquista, BA. O trabalho foi conduzido no campo experimental da UESB, em uma lavoura do tipo cultivado Peruana Paulista. A coleta das abelhas visitantes foi feita na época principal de floração do urucueiro: março/abril, das 6h às 18h. Foram coletadas 3019 abelhas de 22 espécies, com predominância na visitação das 8h às 14h em relação ao número de indivíduos e número de espécies capturadas. As espécies mais freqüentes foram: Trigona spinipes (Fabricius, Apis mellifera L., Schwarziana quadripunctata (Lepeletier e Tetragonisca angustula (Latreille. Espécies de maior porte, como Xylocopa frontalis (Olivier, Bombus morio (Swederus e Eulaema nigrita Lepeletier, consideradas como eficientes na polinização da cultura do urucum, não foram abundantes neste estudo.Annatto is a shrub from Bixaceae family, which natural pigment (annatto is widely used in food and cosmetic industries. In Brazil, the interest for this crop started in the last fifteen years, once it became a promising agricultural alternative. This study was aimed at identifing visitor bees of annatto flowers at the agriculture region of Vitória da Conquista (BA. The research was carried out in the experimental field of UESB, in an experimental plot planted with the cv. Peruana Paulista. The visitor bees were collected during the main blooming period: March/April, between 6:00h and 18:00h. A total of 3,019 bees from 22 species was collected, with higher visitation during the period from 8:00 to 14:00h, regarding the number of individuals and species. The species most frequent were Trigona spinipes

  1. Influência de abelhas africanizadas na concentração de açúcares no néctar de soja (Glycine max L. Merrill var. Coodetec 207 = Influence of africanized honeybees on sugar concentration in the nectar of soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill var. Coodetec 207

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    Eloi Machado Alves


    Full Text Available O objetivo foi avaliar a concentração de açúcares no néctar de soja (Glycine max L. Merrill em áreas com ou sem a presença de abelhas Apis mellifera L. Foi utilizada a variedade Coodetec 207 em quatro tratamentos: área de 24 m2 coberta com colônia de abelhas africanizadas em seu interior; área semicoberta com livre acesso para insetos visitantes; área livre e área coberta sem abelhas. As flores foram coletadas durante três dias, a cada 2h. e a concentração dos açúcares totais por flor foi determinada por espectrofotometria. A área coberta com abelha apresentou maior concentração de açúcares totais em relação à área coberta sem abelhas e livre, contudo, aconcentração de açúcares totais na área livre não diferiu da concentração observada na área coberta sem abelhas. Houve redução na concentração média de sacarose na área livre, diferindo das concentrações nas demais áreas. A concentração média de glicose não diferiu entre os tratamentos, enquanto que a de frutose não apresentou diferença entre as áreas cobertas com abelhas, semicoberta e livre. A variedade Coodetec 207 da soja apresentou maior concentração total de açúcares e de frutose nas áreas cobertas com abelhas. Contudo, a presença de Apis mellifera não interferiu nesta concentração de açúcares no néctar das flores de soja desta variedade.This research was carried out to evaluate the sugar concentration in soybean nectar in areas with Africanized honeybee colonies. The var. Coodetec 207 was used in four treatments: 24 m2 covered area with Africanized honeybee colony inside, semi-covered area for free insect visitation, uncovered area, and covered area without insect visitation. Flowers were harvested for three days at two-hour intervals, and the total sugar concentration per flower was determined by spectrophotometry. The covered area with Africanized honeybee colony presented higher sugar concentration than the covered area


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    Rusig Alexandre


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como objetivos verificar as áreas de cria e alimento e a longevidade de operárias em colmeias de Apis mellifera, em apicultura fixa (mata e migratória (laranja e eucalipto, sem (T1 e com (T2 tela excluidora de rainha. Foram utilizadas colmeias modelo Langstroth, com sobrecaixa. Na apicultura fixa, estas colmeias foram analisadas durante 476 dias e mapeadas a cada 30 a 45 dias para obtenção das áreas de cria e alimento. Na migratória, as colmeias foram analisadas antes e após a florada. Foi estudada também a longevidade das operárias, nos dois tratamentos. Os dados mostraram que em fluxo baixo de néctar (apicultura fixa, em mata, o uso de tela excluidora apresentou maior eficiência na separação do mel das crias. Entretanto, quando o fluxo de néctar foi alto (floradas de laranja e eucalipto, a tela excluidora não foi eficiente, pois as abelhas rapidamente preencheram os favos disponíveis no ninho inferior, misturando-o com cria. Observou-se também redução na longevidade das operárias das colmeias com tela excluidora, em dois dos três testes realizados. Este trabalho, desenvolvido em três locais diferentes, com plantas apícolas distintas evidenciou também a variabilidade e a grande influência ambiental no desenvolvimento das colônias de Apis mellifera.

  3. Caracterização físico-química e sensorial de Amostras de mel de abelhas africanizadas (Apis mellifera L. produzidas em quatros áreas do município de Apodi/RN

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    Wedson de Lima Tôrres


    Full Text Available No presente trabalho objetivou-se avaliar, mediante análises físico-química e sensoriais, a qualidade de oito amostras de méis silvestres multiflorais de abelhas africanizadas (Apis mellifera L., produzidos em quatros áreas de diferentes solos do município de Apodi.  A maioria das amostras apresentou padrões de qualidade de acordo com a legisla­ção brasileira em vigor, evidenciando ser apropriada ao consumo humano, o que possi­bilita a produção de mel em escala comercial nas regiões rurais desse município. Entre o principal destaque dos parâmetros analisados está o alto teor de umidade  para as áreas do vale e pedra que ficou entre 20,0% e 21,0%, com valor médio de 18,92%. E baixo teor de umidade para as áreas da areia e chapada com média de 19,0%.  Na análise sensorial, realizada com todas as amostras observou-se que a maioria gostou da impressão geral desse produto apícola, afirmando que provavelmente compraria o produto. Com relação ao atributo sabor, foi verificado que parte dos provadores aprovam que os méis possuem uma baixa acidez, baixa adstringência e é pouco amargo, por outro lado afirmam que  é medianamente doce  e  pouco picante. Por intermédio dos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que a maioria dos méis analisados neste trabalho está adequada para o consumo humano e com boa aceitabilidade pelo consumidor. Dessa forma, é possível fomentar o desenvolvimento da apicultura com qualidade em todos esses quatros área geográfica do município de apodi.

  4. Influência dos Fatores Ambientais e da Quantidade de Néctar na Atividade de Forrageio de Abelhas em Flores de Adenocalymma bracteatum (Cham.) DC. (Bignoniaceae)


    Keila Silva; João Cloves Dutra; Mateus Nucci; Leandro Polatto


    Resumo. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influência diária dos fatores ambientais e da quantidade de néctar na frequência de forrageio de abelhas em flores de Adenocalymma bracteatum (Cham.) DC. Para isso, foi demarcada uma área focal e registrada a atividade de forrageio das abelhas em um intervalo de 30 minutos para cada hora, das 6:00 às 17:30 h, nas flores da referida espécie vegetal durante quatro dias não consecutivos. Também foi avaliada a produção acumulativa de néctar e o s...

  5. Mel de abelhas sem ferrão: proposta de regulamentação

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    Ricardo Costa Rodrigues de Camargo

    Full Text Available Resumo Os méis das abelhas sem ferrão são produtos únicos da biodiversidade brasileira, presentes e valorizados pela cultura popular desde os povos originais das Américas. Por ser mais ácido e apresentar maior teor de umidade, seu sabor é peculiar e sua viscosidade é menor quando comparada ao mel proveniente da espécie exótica Apis mellifera. Devido a essas diferenças, esse produto necessita do estabelecimento de parâmetros físico-químicos específicos que sejam referência tanto para controle de qualidade como para sua comercialização. Com base em pesquisas realizadas pela Embrapa, pelo Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos de Campinas e pelo levantamento bibliográfico de diversos estudos científicos realizados por outros institutos de ensino e pesquisa, esta comunicação tem como objetivo esclarecer as peculiaridades deste produto e apresentar uma proposta de Regulamento Técnico de Identidade e Padrão para o Mel das Abelhas Sem Ferrão, visando sua comercialização no Estado de São Paulo, contribuindo assim para a disponibilidade de um produto seguro e de qualidade para o consumidor final.

  6. Comportamento higiênico em colmeias de Apis mellifera L. africanizadas no Sertão da Paraíba

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    F. A. Olinto


    Full Text Available A apicultura é uma das poucas atividades agropecuárias que atende aos três requisitos da sustentabilidade: o econômico, o social e o ecológico. Sendo assim, fornece renda para o apicultor, ocupa mão de obra familiar ou contratada e contribui para a preservação da flora nativa. A sanidade pode afetar o desenvolvimento da apicultura, pois a Apis mellifera como qualquer outro organismo vivo, é susceptível a doenças causadas por bactérias, vírus, fungos e outros parasitas e as desordens metabólicas, nutricionais e hormonais, além de intoxicações diversas. Assim, em virtude da necessidade de estudos a respeito da sanidade apícola, objetiva-se estudar o comportamento higiênico em colônias de abelhas Apis mellifera em apiários localizados no Sertão do Estado da Paraíba. A pesquisa foi realizada no período de março, abril e maio de 2014, em cinco apiários localizados nos municípios de Condado, Pombal, Jericó, São Bentinho e São Domingos, ambos situados na Mesorregião do Sertão do Estado da Paraíba, com um total de 25 colmeias avaliadas. O teste de comportamento higiênico foi realizado com base no método de perfuração das células de crias. O percentual de comportamento higiênico foi semelhante em ambos os apiários, principalmente em Condado (93,96%, Pombal (94,30%, Jericó (87,63% e São Domingos (95,20%, ocorrendo apenas uma ligeira diferença no apiário de São Bentinho com uma média de 76,31%. O apiário localizado no município de Pombal obteve o melhor resultado, apresentando índice elevado de comportamento higiênico. Hygienic behavior in Apis mellifera L. africanized hives in the Backlands of ParaibaAbstract: Beekeeping is one of the few agricultural activities that meets the three requirements of sustainability: economic, social and ecological. Therefore, provides income for the beekeeper, occupies family labor or hired and contributes to the preservation of native flora. Sanity may affect the

  7. Espécies nectaríferas e poliníferas utilizadas pela abelha Melipona compressipes fasciculata (MELIPONINAE, APIDAE), no Maranhão


    Kerr, Warwick Estevam; Absy, Maria Lúcia; Souza, Antônio Carlos Marques


    Este trabalho apresenta 79 espécies de plantas que fornecem néctar e/ou pólen para operárias de Melipona compressipes fasciculata, que é a abelha mais comum do Maranhão. A maioria dessas plantas são também visitadas por Apis mellifera. Sugere-se, com isso, o plantio de algumas espécies em estradas, cercas, ruas, avenidas e praças, a fim de melhorar a pasto apícola. This paper lists 79 species of plants used by Melipona compressipes fasciculata, the most common bee of Maranhão (a northern B...

  8. Honey Bees of Santa Catarina, Brazil, have only African mitochondrial DNA

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    M. Lopes-da-Silva


    Full Text Available As diferenças entre a subspécie de abelha africana (Apis mellifera scutellata e as subspécies europeias (Apis mellifera mellifera e Apis mellifera ligustica nos quesitos comportamento higiênico e agressividade são marcantes. Diferenças acentuadas no comportamento higiênico entre colônias de abelhas foram relatadas em Santa Catarina, Brasil. Suspeitou-se que essas diferenças fossem devidas a um possível fluxo gênico entre as abelhas africanizadas brasileiras e as abelhas europeias da Argentina. Amostras de abelhas de 30 localidades de Santa Catarina foram analisadas por meio do uso de um marcador PCR-RFLP do DNA mitocondrial específico para identificação da origem da linhagem maternal. Os resultados indicaram ausência de linhagem materna de origem europeia em Santa Catarina. Baseando-se em hipóteses e resultados de trabalhos anteriores, conclui-se que não há fluxo gênico entre as populações das diferentes subespécies. O resultado também reforça que a eliminação do DNA maternal europeu é um indicativo de ineficácia de introduções de abelhas de subespécies europeias, no Brasil, com propósitos de melhoramento do atributo agressividade.

  9. A comunidade de abelhas (Hymenoptera, Apidae s. l. em uma área restrita de campo natural no Parque Estadual de Vila Velha, Paraná: diversidade, fenologia e fontes florais de alimento The bee community (Hymenoptera, Apidae s. l. in a restricted area of native grassland in the Vila Velha State Park, Paraná: diversity, phenology and food plants

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    Rodrigo B. Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Coletas sistemáticas de abelhas em uma área restrita no Parque Estadual de Vila Velha, Paraná, no período de outubro de 2002 a outubro de 2003, resultaram em 1552 espécimes pertencentes a 181 espécies. Estas espécies estão distribuídas em 58 gêneros, 24 tribos e 5 subfamílias. As plantas visitadas correspondem a 113 espécies, em 72 gêneros e 38 famílias. Megachile com 20 espécies foi o gênero mais rico e Ceratina o gênero mais abundante dentre os gêneros nativos. Apis mellifera foi a espécie mais coletada, correspondendo a 28% do total de indivíduos, e Bombus atratus foi a espécie mais abundante dentre as abelhas nativas. A riqueza e a equitabilidade nos meses foram variáveis, sendo março o mais rico e novembro o de maior equitabilidade. Apesar de tradicionalmente considerados parte das estepes sulinas, os campos de Vila Velha apresentam uma fauna de abelhas contendo várias espécies típicas de cerrado. O igual número de espécies entre as subfamílias Apinae e Halictinae também apontam para uma peculiaridade de sua fauna. Listas de abelhas e plantas coletadas são apresentadas em anexo.A standardized survey of bees visiting blooming plants in an area covered by natural grasslands in the Vila Velha State Park was conducted from October, 2002, to October, 2003. A total of 1552 specimens belonging to 181 species were collected. These species are distributed in 58 genera, 24 tribes and 5 subfamilies. The visited plants belong to 113 species, in 72 genera and 38 families. Megachile, with 20 species, was the richest genus, while Ceratina was the most abundant native genus. Apis mellifera was the most abundant species, with 28% of all bees collected. Among the native species, Bombus atratus was the most abundant. Monthly richness and equitability varied along the year, March being the richest, and November, the most equitable. Despite being traditionally placed within the southern steppes, the open grasslands of Vila Velha

  10. Comportamento de forrageamento de Apis mellifera na melancieira (Citrullus lanatus no município de Juazeiro, BA

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    Diego Araújo


    Full Text Available Este estudo descreve o comportamentode forrageamento de Apis mellifera, sua frequência e preferência pelos tipos e recursos florais da melancieira. O experimento foi conduzido na UNEB/DTCS, em Juazeiro-BA, nos anos de 2012 e 2013. A variedade de melancieira utilizada foi a Crimson Sweet, desenvolvida em cultivo tradicional. Para a identificação dos visitantes foram realizadas observações em dias não consecutivos no horário das 06:00 h às 13:00 h e foram contabilizados: número de visitas por intervalo de tempo, duração da visita, tipo floral visitado e o recurso forrageado. Os polinizadores efetivos registrados para a cultura foram as abelhas Apis mellifera, com preferência pelas flores masculinas e pelo recurso néctar no primeiro período de avaliação (2012. No segundo período (2013 foi registrada uma mudança, sendo as flores femininas as mais visitadas e no caso das masculinas ocorrendo uma preferência pela coleta de pólen. Foi registrada diferença significativa entre os dois períodos de observação (F1-369= 22,31, p<0,05.  A maior concentração de visitas ocorreu no ano de 2012 e, nos dois períodos, as abelhas permaneceram forrageando as flores femininas por mais tempo que as masculinas. O pico de visitação foi registrado em 2012 no horário das 08:00 h - 09:00 h e em 2013 das 07:00 h - 08:00 h. Após as 13:00 h não foram mais registradas visitas e as flores deram início a senescência.

  11. Ação tóxica de Manihot glaziovii Muell. Arg. sobre Apis mellifera L.

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    Francivaldo Marcio Pereira


    Full Text Available As Apis mellifera, são polinizadores de diversas espécies de vegetais, contribuindo com eficiência na reprodução de várias culturas de interesse econômico, sendo a florada necessária para sua sobrevivência, porem certas plantas podem conter substâncias tóxicas para esses indivíduos. Nesse sentido o objetivo foi avaliar o possível efeito tóxico de flores de Manihot glaziowii para abelhas Apis mellifera. O experimento foi conduzido no Laboratório de Abelhas e Nutrição Animal da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande em Pombal-PB. As flores de M. glaziovii foram coletadas no sitio Bom Jesus localizado no Município de Pombal-PB transportadas para o laboratório e postas para secar em estufa a 40 °C durante 48 horas, trituradas e peneiradas, pesado em três concentrações distintas (0,25%, 0,50% e 1,0% com relação ao peso do cândi. O macerado das flores foi misturado ao cândi e colocadas em recipientes de plásticos de 10 ml.  As abelhas foram selecionadas no favo de cria, recém-emergidas, pelo tamanho e coloração mais clara, e conduzidas para o laboratório.  Distribuídas em conjunto de 20 insetos em caixa de madeira, medindo 11 cm de comprimento X 11 de largura e 7 cm de altura e orifícios nas laterais. Em cada caixa foram colocados dois recipientes de plástico de 10 mL com a dieta contaminada e um chumaço de algodão embebido com água. Acondicionadas em câmara tipo B.O.D. com temperatura a 32º C e umidade relativa de 70 %. O experimento foi realizado no delineamento inteiramente casualisado, composto por três tratamentos (0,25%, 0,50% e 1,0% e uma testemunha, com três repetições. A contagem de operárias mortas ocorreu vinte e quatro horas após aplicação dos tratamentos. Os dados foram passados para o programa PRISMA 3.0, para análises dos dados utilizou-se o teste não-paramétrico Log Rank Test, na comparação das curvas de sobrevivência. O macerado das flores de M. glaziovii apresentaram toxicidade

  12. Taxa de Infestação da Varroa destructor em colônias de Apis mellifera L. no Agreste Meridional de Pernambuco

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    Deygnon Cavalcanti Clementino


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a taxa de infestação da Varroa destructor em colônias de Apis mellifera L. proveniente de apiário no município de Lagoa do Ouro, Agreste Meridional de Pernambuco. A pesquisa foi realizada no mês de setembro de 2015. Participaram do estudo 15 colônias, em que foram coletadas em média 227 abelhas adultas de cada colmeia e acondicionadas em recipientes contendo álcool a 70%. Após as coletas a campo, as amostras foram transportadas para o laboratório de Biologia Animal da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco/Unidade Acadêmica de Garanhuns, para a realização das análises e quantificação dos ácaros. Os resultados demonstraram que 100% das amostras estavam parasitadas com o ácaro, sendo que a média geral da taxa de infestação foi de 6,16%. O grau de infestação pela Varroa destructor observado nas colônias variou de 0,93% a 11,15%. Conclui-se que as colônias analisadas apresentam diferentes níveis de infestação pelo ácaro Varroa destructor.Infestation rate of Varroa destructor in Apis mellifera L. colonies in the South Agreste of PernambucoAbstract: This study aimed to verify the infestation rate of Varroa destructor in Apis mellifera L. colonies in the apiary from Lagoa do Ouro County, South Agreste of Pernambuco. The survey was conducted in September 2015. The study included 15 colonies, which were collected on average 227 adult bees in each hive and placed in vials containing 70% alcohol. After harvesting the field, the samples were transported to the Animal Biology Laboratory at the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco/Academic Unit of Garanhuns, to perform the analysis and quantification of mites. The results showed that 100% of the samples were infested with mites, and the overall average infestation rate was 6.16%. The degree of infestation by Varroa destructor observed in colonies ranged from 0.93% to 11.15%. It is concluded that the analyzed colonies have

  13. Éster de sacarose no controle do Varroa destructor em abelhas africanizadas = Sucrose ester in the control of Varroa destructor in Africanized honeybees

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    Guido Laércio Castagnino


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve como objetivo verificar o efeito do éster de sacarose no controle da infestação do ácaro Varroa destructor em abelhas africanizadas. Nos testes “in vitro”, testou-se o produto em abelhas e ácaros com cinco concentrações diluídas em água (T0: 100% de água destilada; T1: 0,5%; T2: 1%; T3: 2,0%; T4: 5% e T5: 10% de éster de sacarose. Nos testes de campo, o delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos e sete repetições, totalizando 28 colônias, sendo sete delas como controle, sete com 0,1% de éster de sacarose, sete com 0,2% de éster de sacarosee sete colmeias com 0,5% éster de sacarose, diluídas em água. Nos testes “in vitro” com concentração de 0,5%, o éster de sacarose promoveu a mortalidade dos ácaros e das abelhas. Os testes em campo demonstraram que o produto reduziu a infestação do Varroa destructorem abelhas na concentração de 0,2% e pode ser uma ferramenta no controle dessa praga. Nas concentrações de 0,1; 0,2 e 0,5%, não prejudicou o desenvolvimento de área de cria aberta, operculada e de alimento estocado na colmeia, sugerindo que não é tóxico para as abelhas.This study aimed to determine the effect of sucrose ester on the control of Varroa destructor mite infestation in Africanized honeybees. For the in vitro experiments, the product was tested in bees and mites at five concentrations obtained through dilution in water (T0: 100% distilled water; T1: 0.5%; T2: 1%; T3: 2%; T4: 5%; and T5: 10% sucrose ester. For the field studies, the experimental design was completely randomized, with four treatments and seven replicates, totaling 28 colonies, from which seven were the controls,seven were treated with 0.1% sucrose ester, seven with 0.2% sucrose ester, and seven hives with 0.5% sucrose ester diluted in water. In the in vitro study, the sucrose ester at 0.5% concentration caused mite and bee mortality. In the field tests, the

  14. Estudo do comportamento nutricional dos zangões(Apis mellifera L. após diferentes tempos de jejum

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    Italo Souza Aquino


    Full Text Available A aprendizagem olfativa de zangões de abelhas africanizadas (Apis mellifera L. tem sido investigada em condicionamento clássico (CC através do reflexo da extensão da probóscide (PER. O CC entre membros da casta das abelhas merece estudos que possam mostrar diferenças e semelhanças no aprendizado associativo entre esses indivíduos. Zangões e operárias de A. mellifera L. foram igualmente confinados em pequenos tubos de metal e submetidos a diferentes períodos de privação 12, 16, 20 e 24 horas. Os indivíduos sobreviventes a esses períodos foram submetidos a 24 provas em que receberam 12 apresentações de estímulos condicional (EC e incondicional (EI pareados durante aquisição e 12 apresentações de EC na extinção. Observou-se que os longos períodos de jejum não causam grandes retardos da aprendizagem nos zangões. Porém, para que se obtenha um melhor desempenho destes no procedimento de condicionamento recomenda-se períodos de jejum iguais ou inferiores a 12h.

  15. Diversidade de insetos e frequência de abelhas visitantes florais de Serjania lethalis na Chapada do Araripe

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    Társio Thiago Lopes Alves


    Full Text Available O cipó-uva Serjania lethalis pertence à Sapindacea, grupo de plantas escandentes reconhecidas por sua importância apícola. A espécie é encontrada naturalmente na Chapada do Araripe. O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar a diversidade e frequência dos visitantes florais do cipó-uva nos municípios de Santana do Cariri – CE e Moreilândia – PE nos meses de agosto a novembro entre2009 e 2010. Os visitantes florais foram conhecidos por meio de coletas regulares, usando-se rede entomológica durante o pico de floração. A frequência média de abelhas visitantes florais foi determinada através da contagem simples dos indivíduos, percorrendo por 20 minutos transectos pré-determinados, em sete horários diferentes ao longo dia. Os resultados mostraram indivíduos de Lepidoptera, Diptera, Apidae, Vespidea, Formicidae e Pompilidae visitando as inflorescências do Cipó - Uva, sendo os indivíduos de Apidae mais significativos. Conclui-se que a espécie S. lethalis atrai uma diversidade de visitantes florais, na grande maioria abelhas, especialmente Apis mellifera e Trigona spinipes que a visitam ao longo de todo o dia, indicando uma disponibilidade de recursos por todo esse período, sugerindo que a espécie vegetal possui potencial apícola. A visitação por outras espécies de abelhas nativas e insetos de outros grupos, demonstram a importância de S. lethalis para manutenção de visitantes florais silvestres da Chapada do Araripe.

  16. Estudo morfobiométrico de abelhas jandaíra (Melípona subnitida duck criadas em cortiços racionais no município de São João do Rio do Peixe – PB

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    Whalamys Lourenço de Araújo


    Full Text Available Em virtude da grande disseminação da abelha Jandaíra em diversas regiões do Nordeste brasileiro, este trabalho teve por objetivo realizar um estudo morfobiométrico desta espécie de melipona, criada em cortiços artificiais no município de São João do Rio do Peixe – PB, com a finalidade de verificar a viabilidade do modelo da chave entomológica proposta por pesquisadores já consagrados em Entomologia, diante das características morfobiométricas apresentadas por estas abelhas. A pesquisa foi dimensionada em um meliponário presente na região Sertaneja Paraibana, num total de 30 abelhas, de 10 distintos cortiços. A espécie em estudo, de acordo com a chave entomológica utilizada, pertence ao gênero Melipona e subgênero Melipona s.str., depois do confronto das características e descritas e as encontradas no inseto, o que demonstrou a eficácia da chave para identificação das abelhas criadas no sertão, que por sua vez apresentaram, em média, 8,85 mm de Comprimento Transversal; 3,38 mm de Comprimento Longitudinal; 7,84 mm de Pernas Coletoras; 6,99 mm de Asas Anteriores; 5,18 mm de Asas Posteriores e por fim 0,0520 mg de Peso Médio, além de características distintas da espécie em sua morfologia externa. Há uma necessidade de se estudar a variabilidade genética através de análises moleculares para uma melhor compreensão da diversidade e dinâmica dessas populações de insetos, bem como fazer uma revisão mais ampla dos subgêneros, em se tratando de morfologia descritiva.

  17. Suscetibilidade de operárias e larvas de abelhas sociais em relação à ricinina Susceptibility of workers and larvae of social bees in relation to ricinine

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    Débora C. Rother


    Full Text Available Muitas substâncias de origem vegetal podem ser tóxicas ou apresentar potencial inseticida. Com o objetivo de diminuir a problemática da poluição ambiental alguns estudos vêm tentando substituir os inseticidas artificiais pelos inseticidas botânicos. Ricinus communis (Euphorbiaceae apresenta uma grande variedade de substâncias sendo a ricinina o principal componente tóxico. Considerando que as abelhas são insetos benéficos por atuarem como agentes polinizadores das plantas, este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito tóxico da ricinina para as operárias e larvas de Apis mellifera (Linnaeus, 1758 (Hymenoptera, Apidae e Scaptotrigona postica (Latreille, 1907 (Hymenoptera, Meliponini. Para isso, foram realizados testes de ingestão em operárias confinadas recebendo ricinina incorporada à dieta e testes de aplicação tópica com a substância solubilizada em metanol e aplicada no pronoto das abelhas com auxílio de uma microseringa. Para as larvas foram realizados testes de ingestão e calculada sua taxa de mortalidade. Os resultados mostram atividade tóxica significativa (p Many substances of vegetal origin can be toxic or present an insecticidal potential. With the aim of decreasing the environment pollution problem, a few studies are trying to substitute synthetic insecticides with botanical ones. Ricinus communis (Euphorbiaceae presents a great variety of substances, being the ricinine the main toxic component. Considering that bees are useful as pollinator agents of plants, this study evaluates toxicity potential of ricinine on workers and larvae of Apis mellifera (Linnaeus, 1758 (Hymenoptera, Apidae and Scaptotrigona postica (Latreille, 1907 (Hymenoptera, Meliponini. In order to determine ricinine toxicity, ingestion tests were carried out with isolated workers bees that received ricinine on its diet. Furthermore, for topic tests, solutions of ricinine in methanol were applied on pronotum of worker bees with an "Agla" brand

  18. Desenvolvimento de colônias de abelhas com diferentes alimentos protéicos Development of honeybee colonies under protein diets

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    Fábia de Mello Pereira


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho de produtos regionais do Nordeste na alimentação de colônias de abelhas (Apis mellifera, em um período de escassez de floradas. Foram fornecidas dietas às abelhas, contendo 20% de proteína bruta, à base de feno de mandioca (Manihot esculenta e farinha de vagem de algaroba (Prosopis juliflora, feno de mandioca e farelo de babaçu (Orbygnia martiana, farelo de babaçu e Purilac (sucedâneo para bezerros da marca Purina e pólen apícola de Palmae. As colônias foram analisadas quanto ao peso e às áreas de alimento e cria. Não foi observada diferença significativa entre os tratamentos em relação às áreas de cria. Apesar de a pasta com pólen ser a mais consumida, este alimento mostrou conversão alimentar menor do que as demais dietas fornecidas. As colônias que receberam pasta de feno de mandioca com farelo de babaçu tiveram maior peso final. Todos os alimentos mostraram-se eficientes na manutenção das colônias.The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of some regional products of Brazil Northeast to feed Apis mellifera colonies. Diets with 20% of crude protein made of cassava hay (Manihot esculenta and mesquite pod meal (Prosopis juliflora, cassava hay and babassu bran (Orbygnia martiana, babassu bran and Purilac (succedaneous for calfskin from Purina and Palmae pollen were offered to the honeybees. Colonies were evaluated for weight gain, store area and brood area. There was no significant difference among the treatments in relation to the brood areas. Pollen treatment showed the highest intake but also showed the lowest food conversion. Beehives that received diet with cassava hay and babassu flour showed greater final weight gain. All diets were efficient in the maintenance of the colonies.

  19. Population structure and morphometric variance of the Apis mellifera scutellata group of honeybees in Africa

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    Sarah Radloff


    Full Text Available The honeybee populations of Africa classified as Apis mellifera scutellata Lepeletier were analysed morphometrically using multivariate statistical techniques. The collection consisted of nearly 15,000 worker honeybees from 825 individual colonies at 193 localities in east Africa, extending from South Africa to Ethiopia. Factor analysis established one primary cluster, designated as A. m. scutellata. Morphocluster formation and inclusivity (correct classification are highly sensitive to sampling distance intervals. Within the A. m. scutellata region are larger bees associated with high altitudes of mountain systems which are traditionally classified as A. m. monticola Smith, but it is evident that these bees do not form a uniform group. Variance characteristics of the morphometric measurements show domains of significantly different local populations. These high variance populations mostly occur at transitional edges of major climatic and vegetational zones, and sometimes with more localised discontinuities in temperature. It is also now evident that those A. m. scutellata introduced nearly fifty years ago into the Neotropics were a particularly homogenous sample, which exhibited all the traits expected in a founder effect or bottleneck population.Populações africanas de abelhas comuns classificadas como Apis mellifera scutellata Lepeletier foram analisadas morfometricamente usando-se técnicas estatísticas multivariadas. A população consistia de aproximadamente 15.000 abelhas operárias provenientes de 825 colônias individuais de 193 localidades do leste da África, estendendo-se da África do Sul até a Etiópia. A análise de fatores estabeleceu um agrupamento primário designado A. m. scutellata. A formação de agrupamento morfológico e a inclusividade (classificação correta são altamente sensíveis aos intervalos de distância da amostragem. Dentro da região de A. m. scutellata há abelhas maiores associadas às altas altitudes



    Saraiva, Marly Azevedo; Nunes, Gilberth Silva; Rosa, Ivone Garros; Silva, José Malheiros; Peixoto, Carlene Reis; Holanda, Carlos Alexandre


    O mel é um alimento muito apreciado e de excelente valor nutritivo, constituído por uma mistura complexa de carboidratos, enzimas, aminoácidos, ácidos, minerais, substâncias aromáticas, vitaminas, pigmentos, cera e grãos de pólen. O produto pode apresentar alterações devido a formas inadequadas de armazenamento e conservação. Tais procedimentos ocasionam sua deterioração, comprometendo seriamente o alimento. Quando os méis de abelha são submetidos a condições de temperatura e luminosidade int...

  1. Presença de cinco rainhas fisogástricas em colônia de abelha sem ferrão (Melipona scutellaris Latreille)


    Carvalho, Carlos Alfredo Lopes de; Souza, Bruno de Almeida; Dias, Carleandro de Souza; Alves, Rogério Marcos de Oliveira; Melo, Alex Fábio de Lima; Soares, Ana Cristina Fermino; Carvalho-Zilse, Gislene Almeida


    Polygyny, characterized by the presence of several egg-laying queens, is considered as a temporary colony status. In stingless bees it is rarely observed. This paper reports the first case of natural polygyny in Melipona scutellaris colony, with five egg-laying queens.Poliginia, caracterizada pela presença de mais de uma rainha poedeira, é considerada como uma condição temporária em colônias. Em abelhas sem ferrão isso é raramente observado. Este artigo registra o primeiro caso de poliginia n...

  2. Plantas ornamentais e seus recursos para abelhas no campus da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil Resources of ornamental plants for bee on campus of the State University of Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil

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    Kayna Agostini


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta um estudo florístico e fenológico das plantas ornamentais arbóreas e arbustivas, visitadas por abelhas no campus da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, São Paulo. Os registros sobre as plantas foram feitos de maio de 1999 a abril de 2000, obtendo-se 42 espécies de plantas. Cerca de 43% apresentou pico de floração no período úmido, 33% no período seco e 24% em ambos os períodos, não havendo sazonalidade marcada. A maioria das espécies, cerca de 72%, apresentou padrão de floração anual. As famílias mais representativas foram Leguminosae e Bombacaceae com 13 e 5 espécies respectivamente. Dentre as espécies estudadas predominaram flores brancas e o tipo floral aberto. As observações sobre as abelhas que visitavam as flores foram feitas de maio de 2000 a fevereiro de 2001, tendo sido registradas 17 espécies de abelhas. Essas abelhas podiam realizar visitas legítimas e/ou ilegítimas às flores. Os recursos utilizados pelas abelhas foram, principalmente, pólen e néctar e, na maioria das espécies de plantas, ambas as substâncias foram utilizadas. Apis mellifera, Trigona spinipes e Tetragonisca angustula, abelhas consideradas generalistas e Xylocopa frontalis e Bombus morio, consideradas mais especializadas, foram as cinco espécies que visitaram as flores de maior quantidade de espécies de plantas. Essas informações podem ser úteis para a elaboração de planos de manejo em ambientes urbanos visando à utilização de plantas ornamentais adequadas para atender maior diversidade de abelhas.A floristic and phenological study of ornamental, arboreal and shrubby species visited by bees was carried out on the campus of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas, São Paulo. Data on the species were recorded from May 1999 to April 2000. During this period 42 flowering species in flower were evaluated, of these 43% flowered in the wet season, 33% in the dry season and 24% in both seasons, without marked

  3. Nível tecnológico e rentabilidade de produção de mel de abelha (Apis mellifera no Ceará

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    Débora Gaspar Feitosa Freitas


    Full Text Available O presente estudo procurou analisar a apicultura no Estado do Ceará, enfocando a produção de mel de abelhas (Apis mellifera nos principais municípios produtores do Estado, mais precisamente fazendo uma análise do nível tecnológico empregado na produção, bem como avaliando a rentabilidade da atividade. A pesquisa se realizou através de coleta de dados primários por meio de entrevistas diretas com os produtores nos municípios de Mombaça, Pacajús e Chorozinho, no mês de outubro de 2002. Para avaliação do nível tecnológico, dividiu-se o sistema de produção de mel em cinco componentes: uso de equipamentos, manejo, colheita, pós-colheita e gestão; daí foram desenvolvidos índices tecnológicos para cada um separadamente e para o conjunto deles, com base na respectiva tecnologia recomendada, sendo que, quanto mais próximo da tecnologia recomendada, maior é o valor deste índice e, portanto, melhor o nível tecnológico. A avaliação da rentabilidade foi feita utilizando-se a metodologia do Sistema Integrado de Custos Agropecuários - CUSTAGRI. Os principais resultados obtidos mostram que o nível tecnológico dos produtores de mel é considerado bom, sendo que na pós-colheita apresenta melhores índices, enquanto na gestão foram encontrados os mais baixos índices. No que se refere à rentabilidade, a produção de mel é uma atividade muito rentável, envolvendo baixos custos e podendo chegar a elevados índices de lucratividade.

  4. Flora de importância polinífera para Apis mellifera (L. na região de Viçosa, MG

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    Anna Frida Hatsue Modro


    Full Text Available Procurou-se conhecer a flora de importância polinífera para Apis mellifera (L. na região de Viçosa, MG, em período de entressafra de mel, entre agosto e dezembro de 2005. O experimento foi realizado em dois apiários distintos, cada um com cinco colmeias. As cargas retidas nos coletores de pólen instalados nas colmeias foram analisadas quanto à origem botânica. As plantas em floração no entorno dos apiários foram coletadas e identificadas. A maioria das plantas de importância polinífera para abelhas na região de Viçosa era nativa, localizada em jardins e com hábito arbóreo. Pela análise palinológica, verificou-se que espécies como Anadenanthera colubrina, Arecaceae sp., Baccharis dracunculifolia, B. melastomaefolia, Coffea spp., Emilia sagittata, Eugenia uniflora, Mikania cordifolia, M. hirsutissima, Myrcia fallax, Psidium guajava, Vernonia condensata, V. diffusa, V. lanuginosa e V. mariana são potenciais recursos poliníferos a serem utilizados no período de entressafra do mel. Os resultados indicaram a importância de plantas localizadas em áreas abertas para o forrageamento de pólen por A. mellifera e confirmaram o potencial polinífero da região estudada, durante o período de entressafra do mel.

  5. Interactions between carpenter bees and orchid bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae in flowers of Bertholletia excelsa Bonpl. (Lecythidaceae Interações entre abelhas carpinteiras e abelhas das orquídeas (Hymenoptera: Apidae em flores de Bertholletia excelsa Bonpl. (Lecythidaceae

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    Charles Fernando dos Santos


    Full Text Available Competition between two species of bees for the same type of floral resource may generate antagonistic behavior between them, especially in cultivated areas where food resources are limited, seasonally and locally. In this study, was tested the hypothesis of antagonism between two solitary bee species of the family Apidae, Eulaema mocsaryi (Euglossini and Xylocopa frontalis (Xylocopini, visiting the Brazil nut flowers (Bertholletia excelsa: Lecythidaceae in a central Amazonia agricultural area. The visitation time was analyzed to detect the possible temporal overlap in the foraging of these bees. Furthermore, was analyzed their interspecific interactions for manipulating flower species visited by an opponent species, as well as attempts to attack this opponent. The individuals of Xylocopa frontalis visited the Brazil nut flowers before Eulaema mocsaryi, although the peak visitation of both did not presented significant differences. Neither of the species manipulated flowers recently visited by opponent species, and there were practically no antagonistic interactions between them. Thus, X. frontalis and E. mocsaryi shared the same food source in the flowers of B. excelsa due to differences in their time of visits and non-aggressive way of interacting with the opponent. This result has important implications for pollinating the Brazil nut, and a possible management of X. frontalis and E. mocsaryi, since these two were the most abundant pollinators in the studied locality.A competição entre duas espécies de abelhas por um mesmo tipo de recurso floral pode gerar comportamentos antagônicos entre elas, principalmente, dentro de áreas cultivadas, onde o recurso alimentar é limitado sazonalmente e localmente. No presente trabalho, foi testada a hipótese de antagonismo entre duas espécies de abelhas solitárias da família Apidae, Eulaema mocsaryi (Euglossini e Xylocopa frontalis (Xylocopini em flores da castanheira do Brasil (Bertholletia

  6. Honey bee as an effective pollinating agent of pumpkin Abelha melífera como eficiente agente polinizador de moranga

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    Daniel Nicodemo


    Full Text Available The production of fruits and seeds of many crops is increased when bees visit their flowers pollinating them. The aim of this research was to study the pollination of pumpkins (Cucurbita maxima Duch. var. Exposição, to determine the diversity of insects visiting its flowers, the time and type of provision obtained and the effect of the visits on fruit set, fruit size and weight, and number of seeds. Apis mellifera L. accounted for 73.4% of the visits made by bees, collecting pollen during 34.5 s per flower and nectar in 43.9 s and 29.3 s from female and male flowers, respectively. Trigona spinipes (Fabr. collected only nectar, during a mean time of 60.5 s per flower, and represented 26.6% of the visits by bees. Diabrotica speciosa (Germ. only fed on the petals of the flower. When no insect visits occurred, there was no production of fruits. In the flowers with free visitation by insects, fruit set was 40%. The higher the number of visits, up to 16, by A. mellifera to female flowers, the greater was the fruit set, fruit size and weight, and number of seeds. In flowers visited by insects from the onset of anthesis until 9 a.m., fruit set was 35%. After 9 a.m., there was no fruit set, demonstrating the important role of A. mellifera as a pollinating agent of pumpkin, since it was the only insect visiting up to 9 a.m.A produção de frutos e sementes de várias culturas é favorecida quando abelhas visitam suas flores, efetuando a polinização. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a polinização em moranga (Cucurbita maxima Duch. var. Exposição, no que se refere à identificação dos insetos que visitam mais freqüentemente suas flores, o tempo e tipo de recurso floral coletado e o resultado das visitas destes insetos na frutificação, tamanho, peso e número de sementes dos frutos. Apis mellifera L. foi responsável por 73.4% das visitas realizadas por abelhas, coletando pólen em 34.5 s e néctar em 43.9 s e 29.3 s, respectivamente para

  7. Produção de cultivares de morangueiro polinizadas pela abelha jataí em ambiente protegido Yield of strawberry cultivars polinized by jatai bees under protected environment

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    Odirce Teixeira Antunes


    Full Text Available A cultura do morangueiro, tradicionalmente produzida a campo, teve seu sistema de cultivo modificado, sendo hoje produzido também em ambientes protegidos. Essa tecnologia pode, porém, ocasionar a produção de frutos deformados, devido à polinização entomófila insuficiente. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produtividade dos frutos de morangueiro em ambiente protegido, utilizando a abelha jataí como agente polinizador. Foram avaliadas quatro cultivares de morangueiro (Oso Grande, Tudla, Chandler e Dover, na ausência e presença de duas e quatro colméias da Tetragonisca angustula (abelha sem ferrão Jataí. Os tratamentos constituíram um fatorial 4 x 3, dispostos em um delineamento completamente casualizado, com sete repetições e 6 plantas úteis por parcela. Os rendimentos obtidos nas cvs. Oso Grande, Tudla e Chandler demonstram que a presença da abelha jataí na polinização em ambiente protegido contribui para o aumento da produtividade. A cv. Dover é a que se mostrou menos dependente de agentes polinizadores. A presença de abelhas eleva a porcentagem de frutos comerciáveis. A recomendação é da utilização de quatro colméias de Tetragonisca angustula para cada 170 m² de área protegida.Strawberry, which used to be typically grown in field conditions, had the growth system changed to be produced under protected environment. However, the harvested fruits in this system may show a certain deformation due to the insects pollination's deficit. In this work the strawberry yield was evaluated under protected cultivation, using stinglees bees (Meliponinae Jatai as a pollination agent. Four strawberry cultivars (Oso Grande, Tudla, Chandler, and Dover were evaluated in the presence of Tetragonisca angustula L. (Jatai bee, using two, four, and no beehives. A completely randomized design in a 4 x 3 factorial scheme with seven replications and six plants per plot was used. The yield of Oso Grande, Tudla, and Chandler cultivars

  8. Acidente provocado por picada de abelhas como causa de morte de cães Bee sting as cause of death in dogs

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    Rafael Almeida Fighera


    Full Text Available Acidentes causados por himenópteros são freqüentes em animais domésticos, mas apenas raramente reportados na literatura. Este relato descreve seis casos fatais de reação tóxica sistêmica decorrente de acidente por abelhas (Apis mellifera em cães. Os principais sinais clínicos foram icterícia e hemoglobinúria. Outros achados incluíram anorexia, apatia, vômito, diarréia e dispnéia. Na necropsia, cinco dos seis cães apresentavam icterícia, fígado vermelho-alaranjado, rins intensamente enegrecidos e urina com coloração semelhante à do vinho tinto. Na histologia, havia necrose hepática centrolobular e nefrose hemoglobinúrica, lesões típicas de crise hemolítica intravascular.Hymenopteran stinging events are frequent cause of disease and death in domestic animals, but rarely reported in the literature. This paper reports six cases of envenomation by bee (Apis mellifera sting in dogs with fatal outcome. The main clinical signs were icterus and hemoglobinuria. Other findings included anorexia, apathy, vomiting, diarrhea, and dyspnea. Necropsy findings in five dogs included icterus, red-orange discoloration of the liver, dark-red kidneys with an red-wine aspect to the urine. Histologically, there were centrolobular necrosis in the liver and hemoglobinuric nephosis, typical lesions of intravascular hemolysis.

  9. Pollination efficiency of Apis mellifera Linnaeus, 1758 (Hymenoptera, Apidae on the monoecious plants Jatropha mollissima (Pohl Baill. and Jatropha mutabilis (Pohl Baill. (Euphorbiaceae in a semi-arid Caatinga area, northeastern Brazil Eficiência de Apis mellifera Linnaeus, 1758 (Hymenoptera: Apidae na polinização das espécies monoicas Jatropha mollissima (Pohl Baill. e Jatropha mutabilis (Pohl Baill. (Euphorbiaceae em uma área de Caatinga, nordeste do Brasil

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    EL. Neves


    Full Text Available Previous studies have shown the superior competitive ability of honeybees compared with native bees in the exploitation of floral resources and nesting sites besides their low efficiency in pollinating native plant species. However, there is little evidence of the effect of this invading species on autochthonous plant populations in natural environments. Thus experiments were performed to test the pollination efficiency of honeybees in two species of Jatropha (Euphorbiaceae, J. mollissima (Pohl Baill. and J. mutabilis (Pohl Baill., after a single flower visitation. Samplings were carried out between March and April 2006 in a hyperxerophilous shrub-arboreal Caatinga at Estação Biológica de Canudos, Bahia (9º 56´ 34" S, 38º 59´ 17" W, the property of Fundação Biodiversitas. Apis mellifera was efficient at pollinating J. mollissima (100% and J. mutabilis (85%. This high efficiency may be explained by 1 the simple floral characteristics of both plant species, which facilitate access to the sexual organs of the plant; and 2 the body size of A. mellifera that fits the flower's dimensions.Estudos sugerem que Apis mellifera é altamente generalista e oportunista, interfere nas populações de abelhas nativas através da competição por recursos florais e por sítios de nidificação, além de ser pouco eficiente na polinização de espécies nativas. Entretanto, há poucas evidências que comprovem o efeito de Apis mellifera sobre populações autóctones em ambientes naturais. O presente estudo testou experimentalmente a eficiência de A. mellifera na polinização das espécies Jatropha mollissima e J. mutabilis em apenas uma visita e observou o seu comportamento de visitação. As amostragens foram feitas entre março e abril de 2006 em uma área de caatinga hiperxerófila arbustiva-arbórea na Estação Biológica de Canudos, Bahia (9º56´34"S, 38º59´17"W, pertencente à Fundação Biodiversitas. Apis mellifera foi eficiente na poliniza

  10. Polinização entomófila em abóbora caipira, Cucurbita mixta (Curcubitaceae = Entomophilus pollination in pumpkins, Cucurbita mixta (Curcubitaceae

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    Luiz Henrique Lattaro


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os insetos visitantes nas flores masculinas e femininas da abóbora caipira (Cucurbita mixta, em Ribeirão Preto, Estado de São Paulo. Para isso, foram realizadas contagens dos insetos presentes nas flores das 7h00 às 18h00, durante 10 minutos em cada horário, com três repetições (três dias distintos, em agosto de 2004. Observou-se que abelha africanizada (Apis mellifera foi o inseto visitante mais freqüente nas flores. Essa abelha visitou as flores até 13h00 e preferiu coletar néctar nasflores masculinas (68,4%, em comparação ao pólen nas flores masculinas (18,6% e ao néctar nas flores femininas (13,0%. A freqüência dessas abelhas nas flores diminuiu no decorrer do dia. A relação de flor masculina para feminina foi 3,2:1.This study aimed to evaluate the insect visitors in the male and female flowers of the pumpkin, Cucurbita mixta, in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo State, Brazil. The experiment was conducted in August, 2004. The insects in the flowers were counted from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00p.m., for 10 minutes, every hour, with three replications and in three different days. It was observed that the insect which most frequently visited the flowers was the Africanized honey bee, Apis mellifera. That bee visited flowers until 1:00 p.m. and preferred to collect nectar from the male flowers (68.4%, when compared to pollen from the male flowers (18.6% and nectar from the female flowers (13.0%. The frequency of those bees in the flowers decreased in elapsing of the day. The relationship between male and female flowers was 3.2:1.

  11. Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae as a potential Brassica napus pollinator (cv. Hyola 432 (Brassicaceae, in Southern Brazil Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae como potencial polinizador de Brassica napus (cv. Hyola 432 (Brassicaceae, no Sul do Brasil

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    AS. Rosa


    Full Text Available Brassica napus Linnaeus is considered a self-compatible crop; however, studies show that bee foraging elevates their seed production. Considering bee food shortages during the winter season and that the canola is a winter crop, this study aimed to evaluate the foraging behaviour of Apis mellifera Linnaeus, 1758 regarding those flowers, and to verify if it presents adequate behaviour for successfully pollinating this crop in Rio Grande do Sul State. The study was carried out in a canola field, in Southern Brazil. The anthesis stages were morphologically characterised and then related to stigma receptivity and pollen grain viability. Similarly, the behaviour of A. mellifera individuals on flowers was followed, considering the number of flowers visited per plant, the amount of time spent on the flowers, touched structures, and collected resources. Floral fidelity was inferred by analysing the pollen load of bees collected on flowers. The bees visited from 1-7 flowers/plant (x = 2.02; sd = 1.16, the time spent on the flowers varied between 1-43 seconds (x = 3.29; sd = 2.36 and, when seeking nectar and pollen, they invariably touched anthers and stigmas. The pollen load presented 100% of B. napus pollen. The bees' attendance to a small number of flowers/plants, their short permanence on flowers, their contact with anthers and stigma and the integral floral constancy allows their consideration as potential B. napus pollinators.Brassica napus Linnaeus é considerada uma cultura autocompatível, entretanto, estudos indicam que o forrageio de abelhas eleva sua produtividade de sementes. Considerando-se a escassez de alimento para abelhas no inverno e a canola sendo uma cultura desse período, objetivou-se avaliar o comportamento de forrageio de Apis mellifera Linnaeus, 1758 nas suas flores e verificar se apresenta comportamento propício ao sucesso de polinização dessa cultura no Rio Grande do Sul. O estudo foi desenvolvido em lavoura de canola, no Sul

  12. Molecular Identification of Chronic Bee Paralysis Virus Infection in <em>Apis melliferaem> Colonies in Japan

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    Tomomi Morimoto


    Full Text Available Chronic bee paralysis virus (CBPV infection causes chronic paralysis and loss of workers in honey bee colonies around the world. Although CBPV shows a worldwide distribution, it had not been molecularly detected in Japan. Our investigation of <em>Apis melliferaem> and <em>Apis cerana japonicaem> colonies with RT-PCR has revealed CBPV infection in <em>A. melliferaem> but not <em>A. c. japonicaem> colonies in Japan. The prevalence of CBPV is low compared with that of other viruses: deformed wing virus (DWV, black queen cell virus (BQCV, Israel acute paralysis virus (IAPV, and sac brood virus (SBV, previously reported in Japan. Because of its low prevalence (5.6% in <em>A. melliferaem> colonies, the incidence of colony losses by CBPV infection must be sporadic in Japan. The presence of the (− strand RNA in dying workers suggests that CBPV infection and replication may contribute to their symptoms. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrates a geographic separation of Japanese isolates from European, Uruguayan, and mainland US isolates. The lack of major exchange of honey bees between Europe/mainland US and Japan for the recent 26 years (1985–2010 may have resulted in the geographic separation of Japanese CBPV isolates.

  13. Abelhas-sem-ferrão amazônicas defendem meliponários contra saques de outras abelhas Amazonian stingless bees protect meliponaries against robber bees

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    André Rodrigo Rech


    Full Text Available Entre as abelhas eussociais, dois gêneros apresentam estratégia de vida cleptobiótica, obtendo recursos alimentares de ninhos de outras abelhas ao invés de coletá-los em flores. Entre as espécies atacadas existe um gradiente de suscetibilidade ao roubo variando desde espécies vulneráveis até altamente resistentes. Neste trabalho nós descrevemos um ataque de Lestrimelitta rufipes a um ninho de Scaptotrigona sp. em um meliponário na Amazônia central (Amazonas, Brazil. O ninho atacado foi transferido para um meliponário com espécies resistentes (Duckeola ghilianii e Melipona fulva e as interações foram descritas. As abelhas resistentes contra-atacaram e afugentaram as ladras protegendo o ninho de Scaptotrigona sp.. A presença de comportamento defensivo em gêneros não proximamente relacionados sugere que ele tenha evoluído mais de uma vez entre os Meliponini. Considerando o comportamento descrito, sugerimos a criação de espécies nativas resistentes em meliponários de regiões onde elas forem nativas, devido ao potencial que elas tem na proteção.Among eusocial bees, two genera evolved a cleptobiotic life strategy, stealing food resources from other bee nest instead of collecting it from flowers. Under natural conditions there is a gradient of strategies against robbing, from more susceptible to highly resistant species. In this work, we describe one attack of the robber bee Lestrimelitta rufipes to a nest of Scaptotrigona sp. in the Amazon Rain Forest (Amazonas, Brazil. The attacked nest was introduced in a beekeeping area with bees already known to be resistant to cleptobiosis. The resident bees (Duckeola ghilianii and Melipona fulva counter-attacked the robber bees and successfully protect the Scaptotrigona sp. nest. The presence of the defensive behaviour in unrelated genera suggests it evolved many times in social bees. Based on the protective behaviour described here, we suggest that in order to reduce the damage caused

  14. Infestation rate of the mite Varroa destructor in commercial apiaries of the Vale do Paraíba and Serra da Mantiqueira, southeastern Brazil

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    F.A. Pinto


    Full Text Available Nos últimos anos, grandes perdas de colônias de abelhas melíferas vêm sendo registradas em várias regiões do mundo. Contudo, os motivos desse acontecimento permanecem obscuros. O ácaro ectoparasita Varroa destructor Anderson e Trueman (Acari: Varroidae pode ser um dos responsáveis por esse fato, principalmente como vetor de vírus. Neste estudo, avaliaram-se as taxas de infestação (TIs do ácaro V. destructor em abelhas africanizadas Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae e correlacionaram-se os dados com as médias de temperatura de 16 municípios das regiões do Vale do Paraíba e da Serra da Mantiqueira (São Paulo, Brasil, onde a apicultura comercial atua de maneira significativa. Em cada município, um apiário comercial foi selecionado para coleta de amostras de três colônias populosas (padrão Langstroth, totalizando 48 colônias amostradas. Aproximadamente 300 abelhas adultas localizadas na área de cria foram coletadas em cada colônia. As TIs variaram de 0.0 a 5.5%, níveis considerados baixos para causar danos significativos às colônias. As TIs mais baixas foram encontradas em municípios com clima mais ameno durante a estação avaliada (verão. Adicionalmente, cofatores como variações na disponibilidade de alimento entre os municípios e a variabilidade genética das abelhas podem interagir na interação entre parasita e hospedeiro. A variação nas TIs entre os municípios indica que, mesmo presente, a tolerância das abelhas africanizadas ao varroa pode variar drasticamente em uma pequena região, devido à dinâmica multifatorial de infestação do ácaro.

  15. Floral biology and behavior of Africanized honeybees Apis mellifera in soybean (Glycine max L. Merril

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    Wainer César Chiari


    Full Text Available This research was carried out to evaluate the pollination by Africanized honeybees Apis mellifera, the floral biology and to observe the hoarding behavior in the soybean flowers (Glycine max Merril, var. BRS-133. The treatments were constituted of demarcated areas for free visitation of insects, covered areas by cages with a honeybee colony (A. mellifera and also covered areas by cage without insects visitation. All areas had 24 m² (4m x 6m. The soybean flowers stayed open for a larger time (82.82 ± 3.48 hours in covered area without honeybees. The stigma of the flowers was also more receptive (P=0.0021 in covered area without honeybees (87.3 ± 33.0% and at 10:42 o'clock was the schedule of greater receptivity. The pollen stayed viable in all treatments, the average was 99.60 ± 0.02%, which did not present differences among treatments. The percentage of abortion of the flowers was 82.91% in covered area without honeybees, this result was superior (P=0.0002 to the 52.66% and 53.95% of the treatments uncovered and covered with honeybees, respectively. Honeybees were responsible for 87.7% of the pollination accomplished by the insects. The medium amounts of total sugar and glucose measured in the nectar of the flowers were, 14.33 ± 0.96 mg/flower and 3.61 ± 0.36 mg/ flower, respectively, not showing differences (PEste experimento teve como objetivos avaliar a polinização realizada por abelhas Apis mellifera, estudar a biologia floral e observar o comportamento de coleta nas flores de soja (Glycine max L. Merril, variedade BRS-133 plantadas na região de Maringá-PR. Os tratamentos constituíram de áreas demarcadas de livre visitação por insetos, áreas cobertas por gaiolas, com uma colônia de abelhas (A. mellifera no seu interior e plantas também cobertas por gaiola que impedia a visitação por insetos. Todas as áreas possuíam 24 m² (4 m x 6 m. As flores de soja permaneceram abertas por um tempo maior (82,82 ± 3,48 horas no

  16. Avaliação da qualidade de méis de abelha produzidos e comercializados em Vitória da Conquista, Bahia

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    Manoel Nelson de Castro Filho


    Full Text Available O mel é um produto elaborado pelas abelhas, a partir do néctar das flores ou de secreções procedentes de partes vivas das plantas, que as abelhas recolhem, transformam e combinam com substâncias específicas próprias. Este alimento é nutritivo e energético, sendo apreciado, entre outros fatores, por suas propriedades terapêuticas. Açúcares, água, vitaminas, ácidos orgânicos e sais minerais são os principais constituintes do mel. Nesse sentido, as análises laboratoriais são utilizadas para inspeção, com o objetivo de conhecer a composição química do mel, identificando a qualidade do produto. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade dos méis produzidos e comercializados na cidade de Vitória da Conquista - BA e sua adequabilidade em relação à identidade e qualidade padronizadas pela legislação brasileira. As amostras foram obtidas da Casa do Mel da Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia, em Vitória da Conquista, e analisadas no laboratório de Química Analítica e Ambiental da mesma instituição. Foram analisados teor de umidade, acidez livre, açúcares redutores e não redutores, hidroximetilfurfural, sólidos solúveis totais, pH e reação de Fiehe e Lund  em 18 amostras de méis. Das amostras avaliadas, 66,67% apresentaram valores de HMF superiores aos aceitáveis pela legislação, 11,11% para acidez e 27,78% para o teste Fiehe. O resultado das demais análises apresentaram-se dentro dos valores permitidos.

  17. Análise faunística de himenópteros visitantes florais em fragmento de cerradão em Itirapina, SP.

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    Márcia d'Avila


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 As abelhas são consideradas os mais eficientes polinizadores. Desse modo, possuem papel indiscutível na reprodução das plantas, aumento da qualidade e quantidade de frutos e sementes e, conseqüentemente, na manutenção dos ecossistemas. O cerrado é um dos ecossistemas mais afetados pelo crescimento das atividades humanas, diminuindo drasticamente sua biodiversidade. A análise faunística além de identificar as espécies e o tamanho das populações, também pode indicar o grau de impacto ambiental numa determinada área. O levantamento dos himenópteros visitantes florais foi realizado quinzenalmente, no período de março de 2003 a fevereiro de 2004, em área de cerradão, com aproximadamente 40 ha, na Estação Experimental de Itirapina, SP. Foram coletados 181 indivíduos, e a família Apidae apresentou maior número de espécies e abundância de indivíduos. As abelhas, Apis mellifera com 55,8%, seguida de Trigona spinipes com 14,4% e Exomalopsis (Exomalopsis sp. com 8,3% foram as predominantes. Dentre as abelhas coletadas, 30,8% das espécies são sociais e 69,2% das espécies são solitárias. Do total de himenópteros coletados, 59,7% preferiram o período da manhã e 40,3% o período da tarde para forrageamento e/ou visita. O índice de diversidade de espécies (H (Shannon-Wiener foi 1,6933, a variância (H foi 0,0123 e o índice de uniformidade (E foi 0,5652, seguindo padrão encontrado em outras áreas de cerrado.

  18. Analysis of Africanized honey bee mitochondrial DNA reveals further diversity of origin

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    Walter S. Sheppard


    Full Text Available Within the past 40 years, Africanized honey bees spread from Brazil and now occupy most areas habitable by the species Apis mellifera, from Argentina to the southwestern United States. The primary genetic source for Africanized honey bees is believed to be the sub-Saharan honey bee subspecies A. m. scutellata. Mitochondrial markers common in A. m. scutellata have been used to classify Africanized honey bees in population genetic and physiological studies. Assessment of composite mitochondrial haplotypes from Africanized honey bees, using 4 base recognizing restriction enzymes and COI-COII intergenic spacer length polymorphism, provided evidence for a more diverse mitochondrial heritage. Over 25% of the "African" mtDNA found in Africanized populations in Argentina are derived from non-A. m. scutellata sources.Nos últimos 40 anos, abelhas africanizadas se espalharam a partir do Brasil e agora ocupam a maioria das áreas habitáveis pela espécie Apis mellifera, da Argentina ao sudoeste dos Estados Unidos. Acredita-se que a fonte genética primária das abelhas africanizadas seja a subespécie subsaariana de abelha A. m. scutellata. Marcadores mitocondriais comuns em A. m. scutellata têm sido usados para classificar abelhas africanizadas em estudos de fisiologia e genética de população. A avaliação de haplótipos mitocondriais compostos em abelhas africanizadas, usando 3 enzimas de restrição e um polimorfismo de comprimento no espaçador intergênico "COI-COII", evidenciou uma herança mitocondrial mais diversa. Mais de 25% do mtDNA "africano" encontrado em populações africanizadas na Argentina são derivados de fontes não relacionadas a A. m. scutellata.

  19. A bananeira como fonte alternativa de néctar para abelhas africanizadas durante a escassez de floradas nativas

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    Ednir Oliveira Santiago


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o cultivo irrigado de bananeira (Musa paradisiaca como possível fonte substitutiva de alimento para as colônias de abelhas africanizadas (Apis mellifera em período de escassez de floradas nativas. Foram utilizadas 60 colônias homogêneas de A. mellifera, distribuídas em três tratamentos: T1– 10 colônias; T2– 20 colônias e T3– 30 colônias. Todos os tratamentos foram colocados dentro de uma área de produção de bananas, distantes entre si por 1.500 metros. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: área de cria no ninho, área de reserva de alimento no ninho e área de mel armazenado na melgueira, por um período de 140 dias. Não houve diferença (P>0,05 na área de cria no ninho entre os tratamentos, mas esta decresceu em todos eles ao longo do tempo. A área de reserva de alimento no ninho permaneceu constante para os três tratamentos, enquanto que na melgueira, ocorreu grande acúmulo inicial de mel e subseqüente decréscimo para T2 e T3. Ao final do período as colônias ainda permaneceram fortes e aptas a produzirem mel desde o início das próximas floradas.

  20. Structure of bee-flower system in the coastal sand dune of Abaeté, northeastern Brazil Estrutura do sistema abelha-flor nas dunas litorâneas de Abaeté, Nordeste do Brasil

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    Blandina F. Viana


    Full Text Available For twelve months (from January to December of 1996 we investigated bee-flower interactions in a sea coastal ecosystem in Bahia, Brazil. Samples were taken three times each month. 3983 individuals belonging to 49 bee species, grouped in 13 morph-functional categories, visited 66 plant species belonging to 39 botanic families. It was observed 310 interactions between bees and plants at species level. The use of floral resources by bees was not homogeneous; most of the plant species received a low number of visitors. No restricted plant-bee species relationship in resource use concerning the subset of analyzed interactions was detected. In Abaeté the generalist relationships predominated.As interações entre abelhas e flores foram investigadas três vezes por mês, durante doze meses (entre janeiro a dezembro de 1996 em um ambiente de dunas litorâneas com vegetação de restinga no Nordeste do Brasil. Foram amostrados 3983 indivíduos de abelhas pertencentes a 49 espécies, agrupadas em 13 categorias morfo-funcionais. Essas visitaram 66 espécies de plantas pertencentes a 39 famílias vegetais. Trezentos e dez (310 interações entre abelhas e plantas, em nível de espécie foram observadas. O uso de recursos florais por abelhas não foi homogêneo, a maioria das espécies de plantas recebeu um baixo número de visitantes. Não foi notada nenhuma relação especializada, em nível de espécie, entre plantas e abelhas no subconjunto de interações analisadas. Em Abaeté, houve predominância de relações de generalistas.

  1. Análise cladística das abelhas do gênero Megalopta Smith, 1853 (APIDAE: Halictinae, Augochlorini) e revisão taxonômica das espécies brasileiras


    Santos, Leandro Mattos


    Resumo: Megalopta (Smith, 1853) é um gênero de abelhas crepusculares e/ou noturnas, com distribuição neotropical. Estas abelhas nidificam em ramos e galhos em decomposição e podem apresentar hábito social facultativo. O gênero possui vinte e sete espécies descritas e na maioria das vezes são consideradas de difícil identificação principalmente por causa de polimorfismos, descobertos após a descrição da maioria das espécies. Além disto, gêneros e subgêneros em sinonímias foram propostos ao lon...

  2. Efficiency of n-octyl-acetate, 2-heptanone and citronellal in repelling bees from basil (Ocimum sellowii - Labiatae

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    Darclet Teresinha Malerbo-Souza


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to test repellent substances for honey bees, Apis mellifera, for basil, Ocimum sellowii, and to study the most frequent insects in this crop as well as its behaviors. The frequency of honey bees did not decrease with the application of n.octyl.acetate, citronellal and 2.heptanone, used as repellents, in the concentrations 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10.0% diluted in water. However, when the products (20% were diluted in water (75% and glycerine (5% were effective in repelling those bees of the basil flowers for a period of 20 minutes. The flower lasted, on average, 30 h from the bud phase until the flower withered. The flowers number opened by inflorescence was, on average, 5.65 flowers, and the inflorescence presented, on average, 160 flowers-buds. The basil was visited mainly for the honey bee (98.0%, followed by Augochloropsis electra bee - Halictidae (2.0% and visits sporadics of Diptera and Lepidoptera, collected only nectar. The honey bee frequency increased during the day to 14:00, decreasing soon after, accompanying the curve of the temperature sets registered in the experiment days.O objetivo do experimento foi estudar a polinização em manjericão (Ocimum sellowii, a fim de verificar sua atratividade para as abelhas Apis mellifera, os insetos mais freqüentes, bem como seus comportamentos e testar substâncias repelentes para as abelhas A. mellifera. A flor durou, em média, 30 horas, desde sua abertura até o murchamento. O número de flores abertas por inflorescência foi, em média, 5,65 flores, sendo que a inflorescência possuía, em média, 160 botões florais. O manjericão foi visitado quase que exclusivamente pela abelha A. mellifera africanizada (98,0%, seguida pela abelha Augochloropsis electra-Halictidae (2,0% e visitas esporádicas de dípteros e lepidópteros, sendo que todos coletavam apenas néctar. A freqüência da abelha africanizada aumentou no decorrer do dia até às 14 horas, diminuindo em


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    Silva do Nascimento


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a composição de abelhas Euglossina em três áreas distintas, com monocultura de eucalipto de diferentes idades, utilizando a vegetação nativa como controle, com base nos aspectos de riqueza e abundância. O trabalho foi realizado em três propriedades particulares, localizadas na região Sudoeste de Mato Grosso, em monocultura de eucaliptos de diferentes idades e vegetação nativa (Cerrado. As coletas foram realizadas mensalmente, de dezembro de 2011 a março de 2012, utilizando-se seis essências: eugenol, eucaliptol, vanilina, benzoato de benzila, salicitato de metila e acetato de benzila, das 8 às 16 h. Foram coletados 430 espécimes, de quatro gêneros e 18 espécies. Eulaema nigrita Lepeletier, 1841, Euglossa melanotricha Moure, 1967 e Eulaema cingulata Fabricius, 1804 foram as espécies mais abundantes e comuns a todas as áreas estudadas. A área com maior abundância de abelhas foi ApS (166 indivíduos e com maior riqueza, a Tol (14 espécies. A composição de espécies foi semelhante nas áreas analisadas, e a abundância apresentou dissimilaridade entre a Tol e as áreas SanR e ApS. A área AC (área-controle apresentou maior abundância (147 e riqueza (n = 15 em relação à monocultura de eucalipto.

  4. Morphological, chemical and developmental aspects of the Dufour gland in some eusocial bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae: a review

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    Fábio Camargo Abdalla


    Full Text Available Morphological, chemical and developmental aspects of the Dufour gland in some eusocial bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae: a review. The present revision focused on the more recent data about the Dufour gland in some eusocial bees, taking in account general aspects of its morphology, secretion chemical nature, bio-synthetic pathway and development. Many functions have been attributed to this gland in eusocial bees, but none are convincing. With the new data about this gland, not only the secretion chemical pathway of the Dufour gland may be reasonable understood, as its function in some eusocial bees, especially Apis mellifera Linné, 1758, which has been extensively studied in the last years.Aspectos morfológicos, químicos e do desenvolvimento da glândula de Dufour em algumas abelhas eussociais (Hymenoptera, Apidae: revisão. Esta revisão aborda os mais recentes dados sobre a glândula de Dufour em algumas abelhas eussociais, considerando aspectos gerais da sua morfologia, do seu desenvolvimento, da natureza química da sua secreção, assim como sua via bio-sintética. Muitas funções têm-se atribuído à glândula de Dufour nas abelhas eussociais, mas nenhuma suficientemente convincente. Os novos dados a respeito dessa glândula permitem não só conhecer razoavelmente bem a via bio-sintética como a função da secreção da glândula de Dufour em algumas abelhas eussociais, especialmente em Apis mellifera Linné, 1758, a qual tem sido extensivamente estudada nos últimos anos.

  5. Efeito da polinização por abelhas e outros insetos na produção de sementes de cebola Effect of pollination by bees and other insects on the production of onion seeds

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    Sidia Witter


    Full Text Available A deficiência de polinização tem sido apontada como uma das causas da baixa produção de sementes na cultura da cebola. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a relação da presença de abelhas e outros insetos em flores de duas cultivares de cebola, Allium cepa L. (Alliaceae, com a produção de sementes. Foram registradas a diversidade e a freqüência de insetos nas flores de cebola e o efeito polinizador foi testado. O comportamento de Apis mellifera foi observado diretamente nas flores e a fidelidade verificada a partir do pólen nas corbículas. Representantes de Hymenoptera e Diptera foram os visitantes florais mais abundantes. Houve correlação entre a freqüência de A. mellifera com número de umbelas com flores, em ambas cultivares, e de outros insetos em Crioula Alto Vale. A produção de sementes com livre visitação de insetos apresentou acréscimo superior a 20% em relação às parcelas sem insetos e com visita de uma abelha. A. mellifera transportou mais de 70% de pólen de cebola. A presença de A. mellifera é indispensável para a produção comercial de sementes de cebola.Pollination's deficit has been pointed as one of the causes of the low onion seed production. The objective of this work was to evaluate the relationship of the presence of bees and other insects in flowers of two cultivars of onion, Allium cepa L. (Alliaceae, with seed production. The diversity and frequency of insects in flowers of onion was registered and their pollinizing effect was tested. The behavior of Apis mellifera was directly observed in the flowers and the fidelity was testified from the presence of pollen in the corbiculas. Representatives of Hymenoptera and Diptera were the most abundant flower visitors. There was a correlation between frequency of A. mellifera and the number of umbels with flowers in both cultivars and of other insects in Crioula Alto Vale. The production of seeds with free insect visitation had an increase of more

  6. Desenvolvimento de núcleos de Apis mellifera alimentados com suplemento aminoácido vitamínico, Promotor L®

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    Castagnino Guido Laércio


    Full Text Available Estudou-se o desenvolvimento na área de cria de 14 núcleos com quatro favos a partir da divisão de nove colméias de abelhas Apis mellifera africanizada, distribuídos em dois tratamentos: TPL - núcleos alimentados com açúcar invertido + 3,5ml do suplemento de aminoácido vitamínico (Promotor L®, composto por seis núcleos e o TAI - núcleos alimentados com açúcar invertido, composto por oito núcleos. Os núcleos foram alimentados semanalmente em alimentadores individuais tipo bandeja, e as avaliações realizadas em quatro períodos, totalizando 74 dias Os tratamentos não apresentaram diferença significativa, sendo que, numericamente, o TPL apresentou área de cria inferior ao TAI (233,63 vs. 273,02cmsuperscript two, respectivamente. Quanto aos períodos o quarto período foi superior (P<0,05 ao primeiro e ao segundo, sendo que o terceiro período não apresentou diferença significativa (P<0,05 em relação aos demais. A utilização do TAI foi economicamente mais favorável em relação ao TPL em R$0,21 em relação ao custo para produção de 1kg de alimento.

  7. How <em>Varroa> Parasitism Affects the Immunological and Nutritional Status of the Honey Bee, <em>Apis melliferaem>

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    Katherine A. Aronstein


    Full Text Available We investigated the effect of the parasitic mite <em>Varroa destructorem> on the immunological and nutritional condition of honey bees, <em>Apis melliferaem>, from the perspective of the individual bee and the colony. Pupae, newly-emerged adults and foraging adults were sampled from honey bee colonies at one site in S. Texas, USA. <em>Varroa>‑infested bees displayed elevated titer of Deformed Wing Virus (DWV, suggestive of depressed capacity to limit viral replication. Expression of genes coding three anti-microbial peptides (<em>defensin1, abaecin, hymenoptaecinem> was either not significantly different between <em>Varroa>-infested and uninfested bees or was significantly elevated in <em>Varroa>-infested bees, varying with sampling date and bee developmental age. The effect of <em>Varroa> on nutritional indices of the bees was complex, with protein, triglyceride, glycogen and sugar levels strongly influenced by life-stage of the bee and individual colony. Protein content was depressed and free amino acid content elevated in <em>Varroa>-infested pupae, suggesting that protein synthesis, and consequently growth, may be limited in these insects. No simple relationship between the values of nutritional and immune-related indices was observed, and colony-scale effects were indicated by the reduced weight of pupae in colonies with high <em>Varroa> abundance, irrespective of whether the individual pupa bore <em>Varroa>.

  8. Fenologia e visitantes florais de Erythrina crista-galli L. (Leguminosae: Faboideae em Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

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    Raimunda Alice Coimbra Vieira Costa


    Full Text Available Erythrina crista-galli é uma espécie característica do bioma Pampa, também usada com fins ornamentais em arborização urbana. E. crista-galli  floresce mais intensamente de novembro a dezembro. A antese inicia entre 7h-11h, e as flores têm duração de cinco dias. Um total de 1.275 visitas florais foi registrado em 57h de observações. Abelhas da família Apidae (Trigona spinipes e Apis mellifera foram os visitantes fl orais mais freqüentes (88,23%, seguidos de moscas (Muscidae – 5,50%, formigas (Formicidae – 2,35%, vespas (Vespidae –  1,56% e besouros (Chrysomelidae – 1,56%. As flores também foram visitadas por beija-flores da família Trochilidae (Chlorostilbon aureoventris (0,79%. A abelha T. spinipes foi observada em todos os horários e apresentou comportamento de possível polinizadora, juntamente com A. mellifera e o beija-fl or C. aureoventris. E. crista-galli é autocompatível, apresentando produção de frutos e sementes após a polinização manual e sob condições naturais.

  9. Diversidade de abelhas (Hymenoptera, Apidae) ao longo de um gradiente latitudinal na Mata Atlântica


    Gonçalves,Rodrigo Barbosa; Brandão,Carlos Roberto Ferreira


    A Mata Atlântica é um dos ambientes mais ricos e ameaçados do mundo, o que deveria ter estimulado em muito o estudo e a conservação do Bioma, mas a fauna de Hymenoptera permanece ainda relativamente pouco conhecida. Em especial, a fauna de abelhas da floresta ombrófila densa é pouco estudada em comparação à fauna das áreas abertas brasileiras. O projeto temático "Biodiversidade de Hymenoptera e Isoptera: riqueza e diversidade ao longo de um gradiente latitudinal na Mata Atlântica - a floresta...

  10. Potencial antibiótico da própolis apícola Potiguar em bactérias de importância veterinária

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    Daniel Santiago Pereira


    Full Text Available A Própolis de abelhas africanizadas (Apis mellifera L. é um produto da colmeia, elaborado a partir de exsudações de resinas que as abelhas recolhem de determinadas plantas. A composição química da própolis é complexa e relacionada à diversidade vegetal encontrada em torno da colmeia. Estudos recentes demonstram que a própolis possui uma série de propriedades biológicas, essas propriedades têm feito da própolis uma importante matéria-prima para as indústrias farmacêutica, alimentícia e de cosméticos. O estudo dessas propriedades é, portanto, necessário, a fim de se obter um produto com alto padrão de qualidade e valor agregado. Este trabalho tem como objetivo a avaliação do efeito de sete diferentes extratos alcoólicos da própolis (EAP apícola Potiguar no desenvolvimento de quatro microrganismos de importância veterinária. As colmeias habitadas com enxames de abelhas africanizadas (Apis mellifera L. selecionados para coleta da própolis estavam organizadas em apiários, distribuídos em região de vegetação distinta no estado do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. As coletas de material no campo ocorreram no período dos meses de outubro a dezembro de 2013, a obtenção dos extratos e os ensaios do potencial antibiótico ocorreram durante o ano de 2014.  Foi identificado que os EAP 1, 6 e 7 foram ativos nos quatro microrganismos testados, e os EAP 3 e 4 não demonstraram-se ativos para nenhum microrganismo. Os resultados encontrados evidenciam a superioridade da própolis vermelha do mangue Potiguar quando comparados aos resultados citados em outros estudos para os mesmos microrganismos.Antibiotic potential of the Potiguar bee propolis on the bacteria of veterinary importanceAbstract: Propolis Africanized bees (Apis mellifera L. is a product of the bee hive, elaborated based on exudates resins that bees collect from certain plants. The chemical composition of propolis is complex and related to plant diversity found

  11. Mortalidade de abelhas visitantes de flores de Caesalpinia peltophoroides Benth (Leguminosae no estado de São Paulo, Brasil Mortality of bees visiting Caesalpinia peltophoroides Benth (Leguminosae flowers in the state of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Marco Antonio Del Lama


    Full Text Available É relatada a mortalidade de abelhas (213 fêmeas e 60 machos pertencentes a 20 espécies ao visitarem as inflorescências de Caesalpinia peltophoroides. A presença presumida de um composto tóxico no néctar mostrou grande variação espacial e temporal. Árvores individuais produziram ou não mortalidade de abelhas em diferentes períodos de floração e árvores vizinhas mostraram efeitos distintos em cada floração. A toxicidade sobre as abelhas foi igualmente variável. A maior parte das abelhas morria logo após visitarem as flores; algumas mostravam sinais de narcose, morrendo em seguida; poucas, após um período de narcose, deixaram este estado e voaram. Utilizando o índice de desgaste alar foram observadas abelhas jovens (29%, velhas (26% e de idade intermediária (45% (n = 227 entre as abelhas mortas. Se a presença do presumido composto tóxico afeta ou não o fitness da planta requer inicialmente a identificação de qual(is fator(es elicia(m seu aparecimento. Uma vez que C. peltophoroides é amplamente utilizada em projetos paisagísticos urbanos, é necess��rio estimar o potencial efeito negativo sobre as comunidades de abelhas que vivem em áreas urbanas de diferentes regiões do Brasil. Até que este efeito seja conhecido, recomenda-se aos profissionais do planejamento urbano a não utilização paisagística da sibipiruna em nossas cidades.It is reported the mortality of bees (213 females and 60 males belonging to 20 species when visiting the inflorescences of Caesalpinia peltophoroides. The presumed presence of a toxic compound in the nectar showed considerable spatial and temporal variation. Sibipiruna trees may or may not kill bees during different flowering periods and neighboring trees showed distinct effects on bee mortality. The toxicity effect on bees was quite variable. Most of the bees died immediately after visiting some flowers; a few showed signals of narcosis, but after some time they came out of this state

  12. Estudo Bioquímico de Qualidade do Mel de Abelha Comercializado no Municipio de Caraúbas - RN

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    Lucas de Souza Barbosa


    Full Text Available O mel é uma substância que vem sendo utilizada pelo homem como alimento, é um produto natural elaborado pelas abelhas a partir do néctar das flores, possui propriedades nutritivas e terapêuticas. O mel de abelhas é um produto alimentício muito apreciado, porém pode ser facilmente adulterado com a adição de açúcares ou xaropes. Desta forma, é necessário fiscalizar sua qualidade através de análises físico-químicas com a finalidade de conhecer a composição química do mel de abelha comercializado além de contribuir para a identificação de fraudes e mudanças físico-químicas indesejáveis. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade físico-química do mel de abelha comercializado no município de Caraúbas – RN e sua adequação quanto aos padrões de identidade e qualidade estipulados pela legislação brasileira. As amostras de mel foram adquiridas no comércio do município de Caraubas – RN, sendo estas transportadas até o laboratório de Tecnologia de Alimentos, da UFERSA e UFCG, onde foram armazenadas para posteriores análises. Foram analisadas 6 amostras de diferentes produtores e marcas sendo os ensaios conduzidos com um numero mínimo de três repetições. No tocante às análises microscópicas, todas as amostras de mel estavam de acordo à legislação em vigor, não apresentando sujidades, fragmentos ou larvas de insetos, os testes bioquímicos demonstraram resultados de acordo com os índices estipulados pela legislação demonstrando uma boa qualidade dos méis analisados dentro dos Padrões de Identidade e Qualidade do mel de abelha, vigentes e estipulados pela legislação brasileira. Sugeri-se, portanto como forma de assegurar à qualidade do mel de abelha comercializado a adoção dos princípios das Boas Práticas Apícolas nas unidades produtoras.

  13. Five egg-laying queens in a single colony of brazilian stingless bees (Melipona scutellaris Latreille Presença de cinco rainhas fisogástricas em colônia de abelha sem ferrão (Melipona scutellaris Latreille

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    Carlos Alfredo Lopes de Carvalho


    Full Text Available Polygyny, characterized by the presence of several egg-laying queens, is considered as a temporary colony status. In stingless bees it is rarely observed. This paper reports the first case of natural polygyny in Melipona scutellaris colony, with five egg-laying queens.Poliginia, caracterizada pela presença de mais de uma rainha poedeira, é considerada como uma condição temporária em colônias. Em abelhas sem ferrão isso é raramente observado. Este artigo registra o primeiro caso de poliginia natural em colônia de Melipona scutellaris, com cinco rainhas poedeiras.

  14. Trap-nesting bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea in areas of dry semideciduous forest and caatinga, Bahia, Brazil Abelhas (Hymenoptera, Apoidea que nidificam em ninhos-armadilha em áreas de floresta semi-decídua e caatinga, Bahia, Brasil

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    Cândida M. L. Aguiar


    Full Text Available In this study were examined the species richness and seasonal abundance of cavity-nesting bees in areas of dry semi-deciduous forest and caatinga in the State of Bahia, Brazil. Sampling was done employing two types of trap-nests: bamboo canes and tubes made of black cardboard with dimensions of either 58 x 6 mm or 105 x 8 mm. The traps were inspected once a month. One hundred and forty-six nests of 11 bee species were collected in the forest, and 121 nests of seven species were collected in the caatinga. Five species of cleptoparasitic bees were also reared from these nests. The highest nesting frequencies occurred in the wet season in both areas. Nests parasitism was important only for Centris tarsata Smith, 1874, and was higher at the caatinga site than in the forest. The mortality of pre-emergent adults was high, especially in C. tarsata,Tetrapedia diversipes Klug, 1810 and Euglossa cordata (Linnaeus, 1758. Information on the number of cells per nest, the size, shape, and arrangement of brood cells in the nests, as well as the number of adults produced and the number of generations per year are also presented. Species richness, temporal patterns of nesting, and percentage of parasitism were compared with other habitats.Neste estudo foram investigadas a riqueza de espécies e a abundância sazonal de abelhas que nidificam em cavidades em áreas de Floresta estacional semi-decídua e Caatinga na Bahia. A amostragem foi realizada com dois tipos de ninhos-armadilha (= N.A.: gomos de bambu e tubos de cartolina preta (58 x 6 mm e 105 x 8 mm. Os N.A. foram inspecionados uma vez por mês. Foram coletados 146 ninhos de 11 espécies de abelhas na floresta e 121 ninhos de sete espécies na caatinga. Além disso, cinco espécies de abelhas cleptoparasitas foram criadas a partir destes ninhos. As freqüências de nidificação mais altas ocorreram na estação úmida em ambas as áreas. Parasitismo de ninhos foi importante apenas para Centris tarsata

  15. Bees visitors of three species of Clusia (Clusiaceae flowers in Central Amazonia Abelhas visitantes de flores de três espécies de Clusia (Clusiacea na Amazônia Central

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    Ana Claudia Kaminski


    Full Text Available Observations on bees visitors to three species of Clusia (Clusiaceae flowers in the Reserva Adolpho Ducke, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil were made during three two-week periods. The three species of Clusia, namely C. grandiflora, C. panapanari and C. insignis, presented variations regarding the species of bee visitors. A total of 23 bee species visited the three species of Clusia. The Euglossini and Meliponinae bees were the most frequent visitors of the Clusia flowers. Bee collecting behavior of floral resources is described.Durante seis semanas foram realizadas observações das abelhas visitantes de flores de três espécies de Clusia (Clusiaceae, na Reserva Florestal Adolpho Ducke, em Manaus. As três espécies de Clusia: C. grandiflora Splitg., C. panapanari (Aubl. e C. insignis Mart. apresentaram diferenças com relação às visitas de espécies de abelhas, tendo sido visitadas por 23 espécies. Abelhas Euglossini e Meliponinae foram os visitantes mais freqüentes em flores de Clusia. O comportamento de coleta de recursos florais é descrito.

  16. Euglossine bee communities in small forest fragments of the Atlantic Forest, Rio de Janeiro state, southeastern Brazil (Hymenoptera, Apidae Comunidade de abelhas Euglossina em pequenos fragmentos de Mata Atlântica no estado do Rio de Janeiro, sudeste do Brasil (Hymenoptera, Apidae

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    Willian Moura de Aguiar


    Full Text Available Euglossine bee communities in small forest fragments of the Atlantic Forest, Rio de Janeiro state, southeastern Brazil (Hymenoptera, Apidae. Euglossine bees are important pollinators in forests and agricultural areas. Although the structure of their communities is critically affected by anthropogenic disturbances, little is known about these bees in small forest fragments. The objectives of this study were to analyze the composition, abundance, and diversity of euglossine bee species in nine small fragments of different phytophysiognomies of the Atlantic Forest in southeastern Brazil, and to identify the environmental variables that may be related to the species composition of these communities. Males were sampled quarterly from May 2007 to May 2009 with aromatic traps containing methyl cinnamate, vanillin, eucalyptol, benzyl acetate, and methyl salicylate. A total of 1558 males, belonging to 10 species and three genera of Euglossina were collected. The richness ranged from five to seven species per fragment. Euglossa cordata, E. securigera, Eulaema nigrita e E. cingulata were common to all fragments studied. The diversity differed significantly among areas, ranging from H' = 1.04 to H' = 1.65. The precipitation, phytophysiognomy, and altitude had the highest relative importance over the species composition variation. The results presented in this study demonstrate that small forest fragments are able to support populations of euglossine bee species, most of which are widely distributed and reportedly tolerant to open and/or disturbed areas and suggest that the conservation of such areas is important, particularly in areas that are regenerating and in regions with agricultural matrices where these bees can act as important pollinatorsComunidade de abelhas Euglossina em pequenos fragmentos de Mata Atlântica no estado do Rio de Janeiro, sudeste do Brasil (Hymenoptera, Apidae. Abelhas Euglossina são importantes polinizadores nas florestas e em

  17. Própolis produzida no sul do Brasil, Argentina e Uruguai: evidências fitoquímicas de sua origem vegetal

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    Park Yong Kun


    Full Text Available A própolis é uma substância resinosa coletada pelas abelhas de diversas partes da planta. Sua composição depende da época, vegetação e área de coleta. Própolis produzida por abelhas Apis mellifera africanizada do sul do Brasil, Argentina e Uruguai foram investigadas por meio de técnicas cromatográficas. De acordo com os resultados obtidos por CCDAE-FR, CLAE-FR e CG-EM, as própolis do sul do Brasil foram classificadas em 5 grupos distintos. Com base nas evidências fitoquímicas, Populus alba foi identificada como a principal fonte da própolis do grupo 3 do sul do Brasil, Argentina e Uruguai.

  18. Ecologia da polinização da amoreira-preta (Rubus sp (Rosaceae em Timbó-SC, Brasil

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    Leônidas João de Mello Junior


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho verificou experimentalmente a ecologia da polinização da amoreira-preta (Rubus sp.. Objetivou-se confirmar a síndrome de polinização de Rubus sp., por meio de análise de seu sistema reprodutivo, quantificação da produção diária de néctar, levantamento da entomofauna que visita as flores da amoreira na área de estudo e análise do seu comportamento polinizador. Os experimentos foram realizados em uma área de cultivo de amoreira-preta, no mês de dezembro de 2005, município de Timbó (SC. Constatou-se que a maior taxa de frutificação (48,3 % ± 3,2 ocorreu via polinização livre, onde os insetos não foram excluídos. Foi verificada a ocorrência de autopolinização, porém com taxa inferior de frutificação (12,2% ± 4,9. A anemofilia não foi constatada na espécie. A avaliação da produção de néctar em Rubus sp. resultou em valores compatíveis com a síndrome de melitofilia. Os visitantes florais coletados e observados sobre as flores de Rubus sp. foram predominantemente abelhas da ordem Hymenoptera (97%, que iniciam, em menor número, a atividade de forrageamento às 8h, com pico de atividade às 12h e declinando até às 16h. As coletas resultaram numa amostragem de 1.360 abelhas, divididas em quatro famílias e 13 espécies. A família com maior riqueza de espécies (N = 7 foi Halictidae e a mais abundante foi Apidae, com 1.288 indivíduos. Em Apidae, houve o predomínio da espécie exótica Apis mellifera, cuja representação na amostra foi de 1.246 indivíduos. Os dados da abundância e as observações naturalísticas do seu comportamento da flor apontaram A. mellifera como o principal polinizador de Rubus sp., mas confirmam que as demais espécies de abelhas também participam na polinização de Rubus sp.

  19. Biologia floral e polinização por abelhas em siratro (Macroptilium atropurpureum Urb. Floral biology and bees pollination by bees in siratro (Macroptilium atropurpureum Urb

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    Maria Claudia Colla Ruvolo-Takasusuki


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar estudos sobre polinização em siratro, avaliando o período de antese, abelhas visitantes, viabilidade dos grãos de pólen e produção de sementes, utilizando dois tratamentos, um de plantas cobertas e outro de descobertas. O período de antese foi 2,48 dias e 3,56 dias (P = 0,0023 e a produção foi de 8,62 e 11,15 sementes (P = 0,0001, para os tratamentos descoberto e coberto, respectivamente. O teste de receptividade do estigma indicou que 91,95% das flores abertas estavam receptivas. A viabilidade dos grãos de pólen foi 100%. Das seis famílias de abelhas que ocorrem no Brasil, foram encontradas cinco delas visitando as flores desta planta: Andrenidae (12%, Anthophoridae (4%, Apidae (56%, Halictidae (16% e Megachilidae (12%. Pode-se concluir que as flores de siratro são importantes fontes de pólen e néctar para as abelhas que contribuem para a polinização desta planta.This research was carried out to evaluate the pollination in siratro studying the anthesis period, pollen grain viability and seed production. Two treatments were used, one covered and another uncovered. The anthesis period was 2.48 days and 3.56 days (p = 0.0001 and the production was 8.62 and 11.15 seeds (p = 0.0023, in covered and uncovered treatments, respectively. The stigma receptivity test showed that 91.95% of opened flowers were receptive. Pollen grains viability was 100%. In Brazil, there are six families of bees and we have found five of them in Maringá region visiting the flowers of this plant: Apidae (56%, Megachilidae (12%, Halictidae (16%, Andrenidae (12% and Anthophoridae (4%. Results showed that the flowers of siratro are important as pollen and nectar source for bees which contribute to its pollination.

  20. Cinética de produção de bebida mista de mel de abelha e morango

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    Rafaela Teixeira Rodrigues do Vale Costa


    Full Text Available O morango é um fruto de estrutura frágil e muito perecível. Uma alternativa para agregar valor ao fruto é a produção de um fermentado de morango. O mel de abelha é conhecido como ingrediente versátil e altamente fermentável que apresenta sabor e aroma característico.. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo produzir uma bebida mista de mel de abelha e morango, com teor alcoólico de 10° GL e avaliando a cinética de fermentação alcoólica na produção da bebida. A bebida mista de mel de abelha e morango foi obtida seguindo etapas de seleção, sanitização, preparo do mosto, sulfitação, inoculação, fermentação, trasfega, clarificação, envase, rotulagem e armazenamento. O processo fermentativo foi avaliado em oito tempos de fermentação quanto ao teor de sólidos solúveis totais, produção de etanol, acidez titulável, pH e contagem de células. A bebida produzida apresentou um sabor seco com leve aroma de morango, pH de 3,18, acidez titulável de 0,5% e teor alcoólico de 10,1 °GL estando em conformidade com os padrões exigidos pela legislação brasileira sobre bebidas. O morango e o mel de abelha utilizados na produção da bebida mista apresentou características adequadas para o processamento industrial, a graduação alcoólica da bebida mista de mel de abelha e morango foi de 10,1°GL, estando dentro das especificações exigidas pela legislação brasileira. A produção de bebida mista de mel de abelha e morango é tecnicamente viável em função da qualidade do produto e pode ser considerada como uma forma promissora de aproveitamento do mel nos excedentes da safra.Kinetics of mixed beverage production of honey from bees and strawberriesAbstract: The strawberry is a fruit of fragile and very perishable structure. An alternative to add value to the fruit is the production of a strawberry fermented. Bee honey is known as a versatile and highly fermentable ingredient that has a characteristic flavor and aroma

  1. Análise cladística das abelhas do gênero Augochloropsis cockerell, 1897 (Hymenoptera:Apidae s.l.:Augochlorini)


    Santos, Leandro Mattos


    Resumo: O gênero de abelhas Augochloropsis Cockerell, 1897 é o táxon mais diverso dentre os Augochlorini, com 146 espécies válidas, sendo a maioria descrita do ínicio até a metade do século vinte. Após este período pouco foi feito em referência à taxonomia e sistemática do gênero que nunca foi revisado e sua classificação é instável em relação aos subgêneros: Augochloropsis s.str., A. (Glyptobasia) Moure, 1941, A. (Glyptochlora) Moure, 1958 e A. (Paraugochloropsis) Schrottky, 1906. Estas abel...

  2. Caracterização físico-química de amostras de méis produzidas por Apis mellifera L. em fragmento de cerrado no município de Itirapina, São Paulo Physicochemical characterization of honey samples produced by Apis mellifera L. in a fragment of savannah area in Itirapina county, São Paulo State, Brazil

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    Kiára Mendonça


    Full Text Available A fisionomia vegetal mais representativa do país, depois da floresta amazônica, é o cerrado, que ocupa atualmente dois milhões de km² do território brasileiro. Este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar as características físico-químicas de amostras de mel produzidas por Apis mellifera em um fragmento de cerrado, localizado em Itirapina, SP (22°14'S e 47°49'W. As amostras foram coletadas mensalmente, em cinco colméias, entre fevereiro e outubro de 2005 e as características avaliadas foram: açúcares redutores, redutores totais, sacarose, umidade, hidroximetilfurfural (HMF, cor, condutividade elétrica, pH, acidez, índice de formol, teor de cinzas, proteínas e viscosidade, além da análise polínica. Os resultados obtidos indicam que os limites estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira para parâmetros físico-químicos analisados são atendidos pela maioria das amostras de mel. Com relação à análise polínica, foi verificada a presença de Eucalyptus sp. como pólen dominante nos meses de fevereiro a julho e o de Citrus sp. no mês de outubro, em virtude da maior atratividade destes dois cultivos sobre as abelhas.The most representative vegetation type of the country after the Amazonian forest is the "cerrado" (savannah area, which currently occupies two million square kilometer of the Brazilian territory. This paper deals with the physicochemical characteristics of honey samples produced by Apis mellifera in a fragment of savannah area located in Itirapina, São Paulo State (22°14'S and 47°49'W, Brazil. The samples were collected monthly, in five beehives, from February to October 2005 and the following characters were determined: reducing sugars, total reducing sugars, apparent sucrose, moisture content, hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF, color, electrical conductivity, pH, acidity, formol index, ashes, protein and viscosity, beyond the pollinic analysis. The results indicate that the limits established by the current

  3. Correlation between honey production and some morphological traits in africanized honey bees (Apis melifera Correlação entre a produção de mel e algumas características morfologicas em abelhas africanizadas (Apis mellifera

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    Darcet Costa Souza


    Full Text Available This study focused on the correlation between honey production length and width of the tibia of the third pair of legs, corbicular area, pupal weight, and glossal length, in Africanized honey bees in Viçosa/MG, Brazil. Correlation values were relatively low, though always positive. The traits glossal length and pupal weight presented the lowest correlation to honey production: 0.225 and 0.410, respectively. The highest correlations were observed between length of the tibia and corbicular area and honey production: 0.587 and 0.549, respectively. In all cases, except pupal weight, correlation was significant. These findings support the notion that worker bees with larger corbicular areas may have a better ability to carry larger quantities of pollen to their hives, so that it is possible to improve honey production through indirect selection of this trait.Foram estimadas as correlações entre as características produção de mel, comprimento e largura da tíbia do terceiro par de patas, área corbicular, peso pupal e comprimento da glossa de abelhas africanizadas em Viçosa/MG. Os valores das correlações foram relativamente baixos, embora todos positivos. As características peso pupal e comprimento da glossa foram as que menos se correlacionaram com a produção de mel, 0,225 e 0,410, respectivamente. A área corbicular e o comprimento da tíbia foram as mais correlacionadas com a produção de mel, 0,587 e 0,549, respectivamente. Todas as correlações, exceto o peso pupal, foram significativas. O trabalho dá suporte à idéia de que operárias de maiores áreas corbiculares são mais hábeis a levar mais pólen para suas colméias, sendo possível a obtenção de ganhos na produção de mel, por meio de uma seleção indireta nesta característica.

  4. Produção de geléia real com abelhas africanizadas selecionadas e cárnicas híbridas Royal jelly production by selected africanized honeybees and carniolan hybrids

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    Vagner de Alencar Arnaut de Toledo


    Full Text Available O objetivo foi avaliar a produção de geléia real em colônias de abelhas Apis mellifera, em comparação às africanizadas selecionadas para a produção de geléia real, africanizadas selecionadas para mel com cárnicas híbridas. No experimento I, foram utilizadas 10 colônias de abelhas africanizadas após seleção, para produção de geléia real; as cinco melhores rainhas foram substituídas por suas filhas e, nas restantes, foram introduzidas rainhas cárnicas, para avaliação da produção após troca da população. No experimento II, foram utilizadas 15 colônias, cinco com rainhas africanizadas selecionadas para a produção de mel (AFML, cinco selecionadas para a produção de geléia real (AFGR e cinco cárnicas híbridas (CAHB. No experimento I, as cárnicas híbridas apresentaram maior produção de geléia real/colônia/coleta (3,95 ± 2,92 g que as africanizadas (2,23 ± 2,13 g. As cárnicas foram superiores quanto à porcentagem de aceitação de larvas (55,4 ± 36,7% às africanizadas (35,8 ± 28,3%. Quanto à produção de geléia real/colônia/coleta (g, no experimento II, as abelhas AFML foram significativamente superiores (4,42 ± 2,67 g às CAHB (3,30 ± 1,85 g e às AFGR (3,71 ± 2,13 g, que não diferiram das anteriores. Ambas as africanizadas, AFML e AFGR, produziram mais geléia real por cúpula (254,2 ± 90,7 e 253,8 ± 206,8 g, respectivamente que as CAHB (195,8 ± 80,9 g.This study was conducted to compare royal jelly production from colonies of Apis mellifera Africanized honeybees selected for yields of royal jelly or honey with that from Carniolan hybrids. In the first trial, 10 colonies of Africanized honeybees selected for royal jelly production were used; the top five queens were replaced with their offspring and in the remaining colonies were introduced Carniolan queens in order to evaluate production after switch of population. In the second trial, 15 colonies were used as follows: five with Africanized

  5. Eficiência polinizadora de Apis mellifera L. e polinização entomófila em pimentão 'Cascadura Ikeda' Pollination efficiency of honeybees and entomophilous pollination in sweet pepper 'Cascadura Ikeda'

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    Luiz Roberto Ribeiro Faria Júnior


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar a entomofauna visitante das flores de Capsicum annuum L. var. Cascadura Ikeda, e avaliar os efeitos da polinização entomófila, mais especificamente de Apis mellifera L., nesta cultura. O estudo realizou-se em Taubaté (SP, a 21º01'S; 45º29'W; altitude de 570 m entre abril e setembro de 2002. Na ocasião, foram observadas 36 plantas de pimentão, das 6h às 17h (10 minutos/hora, durante quatro dias no período de floração máximo da cultura, sendo coletados os insetos visitantes florais. Doze parcelas receberam os seguintes tratamentos: (1 livremente visitadas por insetos; (2 isoladas em gaiolas de polinização; (3 parcelas em gaiolas de polinização contendo uma colméia de Apis mellifera. Foram observadas 12 espécies de insetos visitando as flores de pimentão, sendo as mais freqüentes espécies de abelhas do gênero Exomalopsis (53,9% das visitas. Os frutos produzidos nos tratamentos (1 e (3 tinham maior massa, diâmetro, espessura de pericarpo e número de sementes do que os produzidos no tratamento (2. Concluiu-se, assim, que a polinização por insetos influenciou na produção de frutos de maior qualidade que os produzidos na ausência destes quando se considera os parâmetros aqui avaliados. Ademais, conclui-se que Apis mellifera foi tão eficiente quanto os demais insetos na polinização deste cultivo.The aim of this research was to identify the insects visiting flowers of sweet pepper and evaluate the effects of entomophilous pollination as a whole and, more especifically, of honeybees as pollinators of this crop. This study was carried out in the municipality of Taubaté, State of São Paulo, Brazil (21º01'S; 45º29'W; altitude: 570 m from April to September, 2002. Insects were collected in thirty-six plants during 10 minutes/hour between 6:00 and 17:00h during days of maximum blooming. Twelve plots were subjected to the following treatments: (1 open-pollinated plots, freely

  6. Pollen harvest by Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae in the Dourados region, Mato Grosso do Sul state (Brazil Pólen coletado por Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae na região de Dourados, estado de Mato Grosso do Sul (Brasil

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    Full Text Available We present data on the pollen harvest by Apismellifera L. at a central-western Brazil site not yet studied. Corbiculae pollen loads were collected during one year in front of the hive, acetolysed and slides mounted for optical microscopy. Identification followed comparisons with a local pollen collection. Forty-two pollen types were utilized by the bee; the most important families were Myrtaceae, Asteraceae, Euphorbiaceae, Brassicaceae and Poaceae. The genus/species level ranking of relative importance showed Eucalyptus (19%, Raphanus raphanistrum (13%, Poaceae type 2 (7.5%, Jatropha cf. gossypiifolia (7% and Sapium glandulatum (6.5%. Overall, the majority of pollen types (80% were not abundantly harvested, and a minority (4% reached values of 10%. Given that the study area has cultivated plants and not natural vegetation, we indicate most of the identified species as manageable and point out that weedy vegetation can be an important food source for bees since it frequently occurred in the pollen spectra even within a totally cultivated area.Apresentamos dados sobre a coleta de pólen por Apis mellifera L. em uma localidade no centro-oeste do Brasil, ainda não estudada. Cargas corbiculares de pólen foram coletadas durante um ano em frente ao ninho, acetolisadas e montadas em lâminas para microscopia óptica. A identificação foi feita por comparação com uma coleção de referência local. Quarenta e dois tipos polínicos foram utilizados pelas abelhas; as famílias mais importantes foram Myrtaceae, Asteraceae, Euphorbiaceae, Brassicaceae e Poaceae. O ranqueamento de importância relativa para gênero/espécie mostrou Eucalyptus (19%, Raphanus raphanistrum (13%, Poaceae tipo 2 (7,5%, Jatropha cf. gossypiifolia (7% e Sapium glandulatum (6,5%. No geral, a maioria dos recursos (80% não foi utilizada com abundância, e uma minoria (4% alcançou valores de 10%. Dado que a área de estudo não possui uma vegetação natural, mas cultivares, n

  7. A flora melitófila de uma área de dunas com vegetação de caatinga, Estado da Bahia, Nordeste do Brasil The bee flora of caatinga vegetation on sand dunes in Bahia State, Northeastern Brazil

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    Ana Tereza Araújo Rodarte


    Full Text Available As espécies melitófilas de uma área de caatinga foram caracterizadas quanto à morfologia e recursos florais, floração e abelhas visitantes. As coletas foram realizadas, durante quatro dias consecutivos, em fevereiro, abril, junho, agosto, outubro e dezembro/2000 (10º47'37'S e 42º49'25'W. A área foi percorrida das 06:00 às 17:00 h, seguindo dois transectos paralelos (com 450 m × 100 m e 550 m × 100 m e distando 50 m entre si, abrangendo 10 ha. As 42 espécies melitófilas identificadas (55% da flora local foram visitadas por 2.924 indivíduos de 41 espécies abelhas. As famílias Caesalpiniaceae e Malpighiaceae foram as mais visitadas. As espécies predominantemente visitadas por 35 espécies de abelhas, correspondendo a 78% do total de indivíduos foram: Byrsonima blanchetiana Miq., Copaifera coriacea Mart., Senna macranthera, Peltogyne pauciflora Benth., Senna gardneri (Benth. H.S. Irwin & Barneby, Serjania comata, Mouriri pusa (Gardner, Jatropha mutabilis (Pohl. Baill., Maytenus rigida Mart. e Turnera calyptrocarpa Urb. (24% da flora apícola. A produção de flores dessas espécies representou 95% do total. Em geral, os aspectos básicos da morfologia floral das espécies: pequenas, dispostas em inflorescências, zigomorfas, de cores alva e rosa, monoclinas e com deiscência longitudinal das anteras, não diferiram em relação à flora local, corroborando o seu caráter generalista. O predomínio de interações generalistas deve-se à abundância local de abelhas eussociais nativas (Meliponinae e Apis mellifera. Embora a produção de flores tenha sido maior na estação chuvosa, as abelhas foram mais abundantes no período seco, indicando que o recurso não limitou a atividade das abelhas. As plantas do estrato arbustivo e herbáceo floresceram mais intensamente no período seco e chuvoso, respectivamente, gerando um grau de compartimentalização no padrão de uso dos recursos pelas abelhas. Esse padrão pode favorecer a

  8. Visitantes florais e produção de frutos em cultura de laranja ( Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck = Floral visitors and fruit production on sweet orange crop ( Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck

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    Lourdes Maria Gamito


    Full Text Available O presente experimento foi realizado em florada de laranja (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck, variedade Pera-Rio, com os objetivos de estudar os insetos visitantes nas flores d e laranjeira, o seu comportamento nas flores, o tipo de coleta efetuada e o efeito dessas visitas na produção de frutos, em quantidade e qualidade. Os dados de freqüência foram obtidos por contagem nos primeiros 10 minutos de cada horário, das 8h às 18h, em três dias distintos, percorrendo-se as linhas da cultura. O comportamento forrageiro de cada espécie de inseto foi avaliado através de observações visuais, no decorrer do dia, no período experimental. Os insetos observados foram abelhas africanizadas Apis mellifera, Trigona spinipes e Tetragonisca angustula. As abelhas A. mellifera foram os visitantes florais maisfreqüentes e preferiram coletar néctar comparado ao pólen. Os botões florais descobertos produziram mais frutos que os botões florais cobertos. Os frutos decorrentes do tratamento coberto foram menores, mais ácidos e com menor quantidade de vitamina C que os frutos do tratamento descoberto. The present experiment was carried out in flowerage of sweet orange(Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck, Pera-rio variety, to study the insects involv ed in pollination, their behaviour in the flower (nectar or pollen collection and the effect of the pollination on fruit production (quantity and quality. More frequent insects were recorded daily (counted during ten minutes, every hour from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., with three replications. The forage behaviour and nectar and/or pollen collect was also observed. The insect visitors onflowers were Africanized honey bee Apis mellifera, followed by stingless bees Trigona spinipes and Tetragonisca angustula. A. mellifera were the most frequent visitors and preferred to collectnectar than pollen. The uncovered flowers -buds produced more fruits than the covered ones. Another observation was that fruits derived from covered

  9. Análise faunística de abelhas Euglossina (Hymenoptera: Apidae em ambientes de floresta nativa e plantios de Acacia mangium no Estado de Roraima. = Faunal analysis of the Euglossina bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae within the native Forest and plantations of Acacia mangium in the Brazilian State of Roraima.

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    Sheila Fernandes Tavares Maia


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho comparar a Fauna de abelhas Euglossina de mata nativa com plantios de Acacia mangium (Mimosaceae atraídas por iscas odoríferas. Foram utilizadas armadilhas de garrafas de politereftalato de etila (PET, contendo fragrâncias de salicilato de metila e eugenol. As abelhas foram retiradas das armadilhas em intervalos de 30 em 30 minutos a contar das 6 horas até as 12 horas de cada dia de coleta. Foram selecionados três locais em mata nativa (Ilha de Maracá, Serra Grande e Itã e três em plantios de Acacia mangium (Haras Cunhã-Pucá, Fazenda Jacitara e Fazenda Umirizal. Em cada local de coleta as abelhas foram capturadas em um único dia, perfazendo um total de 6 dias de coletas para todos os locais. Foram coletados 123indivíduos de 21 espécies. Nos pontos de coleta nos plantios de Acacia mangium foram coletados 35 indivíduos pertencentes a 12 espécies e em mata nativa foram coletados 88 indivíduos pertencentes a 17 espécies. As espécies mais abundantes foram Eulaema pseudocingulata (48 espécimes, Eul. meriana (12 espécimes, Eul. cingulata (11 espécimes, Euglossa augaspis (10 espécimes e Eug. amazonica (8 espécimes. Os pontos de coleta nos plantiosde Acacia mangium apresentaram baixa diversidade e abundância quando comparados com os pontos de coleta em mata nativa. = The objective of this study was to compare the Fauna of the Euglossina bees of native forest and plantings of Acacia mangium collected with odoriferous baits. Traps made from PET bottles were used, and contained fragrances of methyl salicilate and eugenol. The bees were removed from the traps in intervals of 30 in 30 minutes from 6 am to 12 pm every day during the period of collection. Three places were selected within the native forest (Island of Maracá, Serra Grande, and Itã, and from three plantations of Acacia mangium (Cunhã-Pucá farm, Jacitara farm and Umirizal farm. In each area of collection,the bees were captured on a

  10. Inventário do componente arbustivo-arbóreo com potencial apícola em uma área de caatinga no município de Condado - PB

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    Almair Albuquerque Fernandes


    Full Text Available As espécies que compõem a flora apícola são classificadas levando em consideração a busca de alimentos desenvolvida pelas abelhas, podendo ser agrupadas em plantas nectaríferas (fornecem exclusivamente néctar às abelhas, plantas poliníferas (fornecem exclusivamente pólen às abelhas e plantas nectaríferas-poliníferas (fornecem tanto néctar quanto pólen às abelhas. O presente estudo foi realizado na reserva ambiental pertencente ao Perímetro Irrigado Engenheiro Arcoverde, que possui uma área de aproximadamente 135 ha e encontra-se localizado no município de Condado, Estado da Paraíba. A referida reserva, que é propriedade do Departamento Nacional de Obras Contra Seca e administrada em parceria com Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis. Para amostragem do componente arbustivo arbórea foram lançadas 28 parcelas de 20 X 20 metros de forma sistemática. Analisando os dados coletados, constatou-se que a espécie Croton blanchetianus, destacou-se das demais, pelo fato de ter apresentado 477 indivíduos, representando 40,46% da amostra pesquisada. Diante destes números e levando em consideração a contribuição que pode advir dessa espécie vegetal para a atividade apícola, conclui-se que a área avaliada possui uma grande importância para a apicultura. Tal conclusão consta que na área estudada, as espécies predominantes são nectaríferas-poliníferas, que durante o período de floração são transformadas em valiosas fontes, onde as abelhas encontram em quantidade vários dos componentes utilizados para a produção do mel, produto este que possui um excelente sabor.

  11. A comparison of the hygienic response of Africanized and European (Apis mellifera carnica honey bees to Varroa-infested brood in tropical Brazil

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    Pia Aumeier


    Full Text Available In order to examine the significance of hygienic behavior for the tolerance to varroosis of Africanized honey bees, they were compared with non-tolerant Carniolans in tropical Brazil. Capped worker brood cells were artificially infested with living Varroa mites, and inspected some days later. Uncapping, disappearance of the introduced mite and removal of the pupa were recorded in a total of manipulated 3,096 cells during three summer seasons. The hygienic response varied between Africanized and Carniolan colonies, but this difference was significant only in one year, during which Africanized honey bees removed a significantly greater proportion of Varroa mites than European honey bees. A high proportion of the mites disappeared from artificially infested brood cells without damage to the pupae. The opening of the cell and the removal of the bee brood are independent traits of a graded response by adult workers towards mite-infested brood cells. We found a higher between-colony variation in the reaction towards Varroa-infested brood of Africanized honey bees compared to Carniolans. The overall similar response of the two bee types indicates that hygienic behavior is not a key factor in the tolerance to varroosis of Africanized bees in Brazil.Com o intuito de examinar o significado do comportamento higiênico na tolerância à varroose de abelhas africanizadas, elas foram comparadas com as não tolerantes Cárnicas no Brasil tropical. Células de cria de operárias operculadas foram artificialmente infestadas com ácaros Varroa vivos e inspecionadas alguns dias depois. Desoperculação, desaparecimento dos ácaros introduzidos e remoção da pupa foram anotados em um total de 3096 células manipuladas durante três verões. A resposta higiênica variou entre as colônias africanizadas e de Cárnicas, mas esta diferença foi significante apenas em um ano, durante o qual as abelhas africanizadas removeram uma proporção significantemente maior de

  12. Fenologia reprodutiva e sistema de polinização de Ziziphus joazeiro Mart. (Rhamnaceae: atuação de Apis mellifera e de visitantes florais autóctones como polinizadores Reproductive phenology and pollination system of Ziziphus joazeiro Mart. (Rhamnaceae: the role of Apis mellifera and autochthonous floral visitors as pollinators

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    Tarcila de Lima Nadia


    Full Text Available (Fenologia reprodutiva e sistema de polinização de Ziziphus joazeiro Mart. (Rhamnaceae: atuação de Apis mellifera e de visitantes florais autóctones como polinizadores. Ziziphus joazeiro é uma espécie endêmica da Caatinga, com grande utilidade econômica, cuja biologia reprodutiva é pouco conhecida. Este estudo aborda a fenologia reprodutiva, a biologia floral e o sistema de polinização de Ziziphus joazeiro no Cariri Paraibano, Nordeste do Brasil. Os períodos de floração e de frutificação ocorreram no fim da estação seca e início da chuvosa, com picos nos meses de dezembro (floração e fevereiro (frutificação. As flores são do tipo disco, esverdeadas, duram cerca de 12 horas e possuem disco nectarífero largo e amarelo, o qual circunda o gineceu. Ocorre protandria associada a outro tipo de dicogamia, a heterodicogamia. Ziziphus joazeiro produz néctar em pequena quantidade (1 µl, com alta concentração de açúcares (75%. Os visitantes florais observados foram vespas, abelhas e moscas. Apis mellifera apresentou maior freqüência de visitas (77,5%, seguida pelo grupo das vespas (20,4%, ambos considerados polinizadores efetivos. As moscas e as outras espécies de abelhas apresentaram baixo percentual de visitas (2,1% e foram consideradas pilhadoras de néctar. A elevada taxa de desenvolvimento inicial de frutos por inflorescência pode sugerir alta eficiência dos polinizadores, uma vez que o mecanismo de dicogamia presente na espécie praticamente impede a ocorrência de autopolinização espontânea e de geitonogamia.(Reproductive phenology and pollination system of Ziziphus joazeiro Mart. (Rhamnaceae: the role of Apis mellifera and autochthonous floral visitors as pollinators. Ziziphus joazeiro is an endemic species of the Caatinga with great economic importance, whose reproductive biology is poorly understood. This paper analyses the reproductive phenology, floral biology and pollination system of Ziziphus joazeiro at

  13. Recurso polínico coletado por abelhas sem ferrão (Apidae, Meliponinae em um fragmento de floresta na região de Manaus - Amazonas Pollen resources collected by stingless bees (Apidae, Meliponinae in a forest fragment in the Manaus region, Amazonas

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    Francisco Plácido Magalhães Oliveira


    Full Text Available O recurso polínico coletado por operárias de Melipona seminigra merrillae Cockerell, Melipona fulva Lepeletier, Trigona fulviventris (Smith e CephaloTrigona femorata Guérin, no Campus da UFAM, Manaus (AM foi estudado no período de março a outubro de 2001. Noventa tipos polínicos foram coletados pelas abelhas, distribuídos em 31 famílias, 67 gêneros e 10 formas Tipo. Trigona fulviventris diversificou mais suas coletas, utilizando 58 fontes no período. O tamanho do nicho polínico utilizado pelas abelhas ficou assim distribuído: T. fulviventris (58, M.s. merrillae (41, C. femorata (34 e M. fulva (25. Dos tipos determinados, os que mais contribuíram para a dieta das abelhas, apresentando as maiores freqüências nas amostras de pólen, foram Miconia myriantha (12,91%, Leucaena leucocephala (9,52%, Tapirira guianensis (6,53%, Eugenia stipitata (6,22%, Protium heptaphyllum (6,17% e Vismia guianensis (5,93%. As abelhas de modo geral concentraram suas coletas em um número reduzido de espécies vegetais e com um grau diferenciado de uso para cada uma das fontes. Tipos polínicos com freqüência acima de 10% ocorreram em pequena proporção na maioria dos meses, sendo responsáveis por mais de 50% do total do pólen coletado em cada mês. A utilização das fontes de pólen variou conforme a espécie. T. fulviventris teve uma dieta mais ampla e diversificada, enquanto M. fulva foi a que menos diversificou suas coletas. T. fulviventris apresentou maior uniformidade no uso das fontes polínicas e a sobreposição de nichos polínicos foi maior entre M.s. merrillae e M. fulva e menor entre T. fulviventris e C. femorata.The objective of this study was to characterize the resources used by Amazonian bees Melipona seminigra merrillae, Melipona fulva, Trigona fulviventris and CephaloTrigona femorata, in an urban Forest patch at Manaus city from March to October 2001. The pollen analysis determined 90 pollen types, distributed in 31 families, 67

  14. Apis mellifera pollination improves agronomic productivity of anemophilous castor bean (Ricinus communis

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    Rômulo A.G. Rizzardo


    Full Text Available Castor bean (Ricinus communis L. is cultivated mainly for biodiesel production because of its oil-rich seeds; it is assumed to be an anemophylous species. But pollination deficit can lead to low productivity often attributed to other reasons. In this paper, we investigated pollination requirements, pollination mechanism, occurrence of pollination deficit, and the role of biotic pollinators in a large commercial plantation of castor bean. Our results show that R. communis bears a mixed breeding system favoring selfing by geitonogamy, although the wind promotes mostly outcrossing. We also found that the honey bee (Apis mellifera L. foraging on castor bean can both transfer pollen from male to female flowers within the same raceme and boost the release of airborne pollen by male flowers. Both situations increase geitonogamy rates, raising significantly fruit set and seed yield. This is the first report of an animal foraging activity increasing seed yield in an anemophilous and geitonogamous crop and elucidates the role of biotic pollinators in castor bean reproduction.A mamoneira (Ricinus communis L. é cultivada principalmente para produção de biodiesel devido ao alto teor de óleo de suas sementes e considerada como sendo de polinização anemófila. Mas déficits de polinização podem levar a baixos índices de produtividade geralmente atribuídos a outros fatores. Neste trabalho foram investigados os requerimentos, mecanismos e déficit de polinização e o papel dos polinizadores bióticos em um monocultivo comercial de mamona. Os resultados mostram que R. communis possui um sistema de polinização misto, favorecendo a autopolinização por geitonogamia, embora o vento normalmente promova polinização cruzada. Observou-se também que a abelha melífera (Apis mellifera L. forrageando na mamoneira pode tanto transferir pólen das flores estaminadas para as pistiladas do mesmo racemo, quanto aumentar consideravelmente a liberação de p

  15. Espectro polínico de amostras de mel de Apis mellifera L., coletadas na Bahia Pollen spectrum of samples of Apis mellifera L., honey collected in Bahia State, Brazil

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    Full Text Available O espectro polínico encontrado em amostras de mel provenientes de seis municípios do Estado da Bahia foi analisado com o objetivo de contribuir para o conhecimento da flora visitada por Apis mellifera L. 1758 (Hymenoptera: ApidaeA identificação dos tipos polínicos foi feita por meio de literatura especializada e de informações de campo. Foram encontrados 43 tipos de pólen, sendo consideradas como dominantes as espécies Eucalyptus sp. (Myrtaceae, Mimosa verrucosa Benth. (Mimosaceae, M. scabrella Benth. (Mimosaceae e Bauhinia sp. (Caesalpiniaceae. Os tipos acessórios foram Alternanthera ficoidea R.Br. (Amaranthaceae, tipo Compositae (Asteraceae e Cecropia sp. (Moraceae. Destacou-se a participação de Mimosa sp. (Mimosaceae e de outras espécies silvestres na composição dos méis nos municípios considerados, registrando-se ainda a espécie Eucalyptus sp. (Myrtaceae como uma das principais fontes de alimento das abelhas dessa região.Pollen spectrum found in honey samples from six localities of Bahia State, Brazil, was analyzed with the objective to contribute for the knowledge of the plants used by Apis mellifera L., 1758 (Hymenoptera: Apidae. The identification of the pollen types was made by specialized literature and by field information. Two hundred pollen grains were studied in order to determine the percentage and the occurrence of each type. Forty three pollen types were identified, being considered as the predominant types Eucalyptus sp. (Myrtaceae, Mimosa verrucosa Benth. (Mimosaceae, M. scabrella Benth. (Mimosaceae and Bauhinia sp. (Caesalpiniaceae. The accessory pollen types were Alternanthera ficoidea R.Br. (Amaranthaceae, Compositae type (Asteraceae and Cecropia sp. (Moraceae. It is intense the participation of Mimosa sp. (Mimosaceae and other wild species in the honey composition of the six localities considered. Eucalyptus sp. (Myrtaceae is one of the dominant sources of bee food in some regions of Bahia State.

  16. Physical-chemical characterization of honey of guarana (“Paullinia cupana var. sorbilis” in Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso Caracterização físico-química do mel de guaranazeiro ("Paullinia cupana var. sorbilis" em Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso

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    Márcio do Nascimento Ferreira


    Full Text Available It was determined the physical-chemical characteristics and the pollinic origins of 17 samples of honey from guarana plant cultivation (Paullinia cupana var. sorbilis, produced by Apis mellifera L, Scaptotrigona sp. L and Melipona seminigra sp honey bee species in Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso State, Brazil. Pollinic and physical-chemical analysis were determined, considering the variables humidity rate, free acidity, reducing sugar in inverted sugar, apparent sucrose, ashes and solids insoluble in water, comparing the samples to the identity and quality standards established by the local legislation. Means comparisons were made by the Dunnet test at 5% probability. The humidity rate for honey produced by indigenous honey bees – Scaptotrigona sp and Melipona seminigra sp – was high when compared to honey produced by Africanized honey bees, and the levels of reducing sugars for Scaptotrigona sp were low. Any other determinations were accordingly to standards imposed by Brazilian legislation. Through pollinic analysis, it was verified that the pollen from guarana flower was present in all samples of honey, being considered dominant pollen, with 80% of the pollen grain in the samples, showing the apicultural pontential of this species as a honey plant.Objetivou-se com o presente estudo avaliar as características físico-químicas e a origem polínica de 17 amostras de méis oriundos da cultura do guaranazeiro (Paullinia cupana var. sorbilis, produzido no município de Alta Floresta - MT por abelhas das espécies Apis mellifera L, Scaptotrigona sp. L e Melipona seminigra sp L. Foram realizadas as análises físico-químicas e polínicas, tendo como variáveis os teores de umidade, acidez livre, açúcares redutores em açúcar invertido, sacarose aparente, cinza e sólidos insolúveis em água, comparando-se as amostras aos Padrões de Identidade e Qualidade (PIQ estabelecidos pela legislação vigente. As comparações das médias foram

  17. Isolamento de esporos de Paenibacillus larvae subsp. larvae no Brasil Detectionof Paenibacillus larvae subsp. larvae spores in Brazil

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    Dulce Maria Tocchetto Schuch


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetivou detectar presença de esporos de Paenibacillus larvae subsp. larvae em produtos de um entreposto do interior do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, a identificação de possíveis fontes de contaminação e a avaliação da possibilidade da transferência de esporos para colméias de apiários adjacentes a partir de produtos importados contaminados. Foram analisados mel e pólen importados disponíveis no entreposto, favo do ninho (crias, pólen e mel colhido de uma colméia sadia, mel estocado em um dos apiários e abelhas adultas. Os resultados foram positivosem relação ao mel e pólen importados, a três grupos de abelhas adultas e ao mel do favo.The objective of this work was to detect the presence of Paenibacillus larvae subsp. larvae spores in products from a warehouse located in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, the identification of possible contamination sources, and the assessment of spores transference possibility from contaminated imported products from the warehouse to apiaries located in the surrounding area. Samples of imported pollen and bulk honey stocked in the warehouse, and honeycomb (brood, honey and pollen from a healthy hive, honey from one apiary and adult bees were analyzed. Imported honey and pollen, and three groups of adult bees and the honey collected from the honeycomb resulted positive.

  18. Visitantes florais e produção de frutos em cultura de laranja (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v28i4.612 Floral visitors and fruit production on sweet orange crop (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v28i4.612

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    Darclet Terezinha Malerbo Souza


    Full Text Available O presente experimento foi realizado em florada de laranja (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck, variedade Pera-Rio, com os objetivos de estudar os insetos visitantes nas flores d e laranjeira, o seu comportamento nas flores, o tipo de coleta efetuada e o efeito dessas visitas na produção de frutos, em quantidade e qualidade. Os dados de freqüência foram obtidos por contagem nos primeiros 10 minutos de cada horário, das 8h às 18h, em três dias distintos, percorrendo-se as linhas da cultura. O comportamento forrageiro de cada espécie de inseto foi avaliado através de observações visuais, no decorrer do dia, no período experimental. Os insetos observados foram abelhas africanizadas Apis mellifera, Trigona spinipes e Tetragonisca angustula. As abelhas A. mellifera foram os visitantes florais mais freqüentes e preferiram coletar néctar comparado ao pólen. Os botões florais descobertos produziram mais frutos que os botões florais cobertos. Os frutos decorrentes do tratamento coberto foram menores, mais ácidos e com menor quantidade de vitamina C que os frutos do tratamento descoberto.The present experiment was carried out in flowerage of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck, Pera-rio variety, to study the insects involv ed in pollination, their behaviour in the flower (nectar or pollen collection and the effect of the pollination on fruit production (quantity and quality. More frequent insects were recorded daily (counted during ten minutes, every hour from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., with three replications. The forage behaviour and nectar and/or pollen collect was also observed. The insect visitors on flowers were Africanized honey bee Apis mellifera, followed by stingless bees Trigona spinipes and Tetragonisca angustula. A. mellifera were the most frequent visitors and preferred to collect nectar than pollen. The uncovered flowers -buds produced more fruits than the covered ones. Another observation was that fruits derived from covered

  19. Highly polymorphic DNA markers in an Africanized honey bee population in Costa Rica

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    Jorge Arturo Lobo Segura


    Full Text Available Two genetic markers (the mtDNA COI-COII intergenic region and the microsatellite A7 with high levels of variability in South African and European honey bees were analyzed in wild swarms of Africanized honey bees (Apis mellifera from Costa Rica. Allelic or haplotypic frequencies revealed high levels of genetic variability at these loci in this population. Most of the alleles were African alleles, although some European-derived alleles were also present. Differences in the frequencies of African alleles between African and Africanized samples were minor, which could be explained by founder effects occurring during the introduction of African honey bee populations into South America.Dois marcadores genéticos (a região intergénica mitocondrial COI-COII e o microsatélite A7, com altos níveis de variabilidade em populações de abelhas melíferas da África do Sul e Europa, foram analisados em uma amostra de enxames naturais da Costa Rica. As freqüências alélicas e haplotípicas na amostra africanizada mostraram altos níveis de diversidade nestes loci. A maioria dos alelos são de origem africana, embora alguns alelos de origem européia foram observados. As mudanças nas freqüências dos alelos de origem africana entre as abelhas da África do Sul e as abelhas da população africanizada são de baixa magnitude e podem ter sido causadas pelo efeito fundador que ocorreu na introdução da abelha africana na América do Sul.

  20. Comunidade de insetos visitantes florais de Ocimum selloi Benth (Lamiaceae em Santa Cruz do Sul, RS, Brasil

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    Karine Schoeninger


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetivou listar a comunidade de visitantes florais de Ocimum selloi, indicar os potenciais polinizadores e seus padrões de visitação. A coleta dos visitantes florais ocorreu no ano de 2007, em área antropofizada, sendo analisada a constância e a dominância dos táxons. Coletou-se um total de 653 insetos, pertencentes a sete ordens; Hymenoptera, com 370 indivíduos, foi o grupo mais representativo. Foram identificadas 36 famílias, sendo 12 de Hymenoptera e oito de Diptera, as mais diversas. Apidae foi a família com maior constância e dominância compreendida, principalmente, pela abelha Apis mellifera L., 1758 (n = 223, seguida de Halictidae (n = 107. A maior atividade forrageira foi observada no horário entre as 9h e 11h da manhã. Constatou-se que A. mellifera foi o principal visitante floral e potencial polinizador de O. selloi.

  1. Fauna de abelhas nativas de duas áreas de restinga do Parque Estadual de Itaúnas, Espírito Santo, Brasil.


    RECEPUTI, A. L. M.


    Dois estudos foram realizados nesta dissertação: uma avaliação da riqueza, diversidade e composição da fauna de abelhas nativas de uma área de restinga herbáceo-arbustiva e de uma área de restinga florestal do Parque Estadual de Itaúnas, Espírito Santo, Brasil, e uma avaliação da riqueza, diversidade e composição da fauna de Euglossina das duas mesmas áreas. Em ambos os casos objetivou-se responder a duas perguntas diretamente relacionadas, 1) a composição, riqueza e diversidade da fauna de a...

  2. Cargas polínicas de abelhas polinizadoras de Byrsonima chrysophylla Kunth. (Malpighiaceae: fidelidade e fontes alternativas de recursos florais Pollen loads of pollinator bees of Byrsonima chrysophylla Kunth. (Malpighiaceae: fidelity and alternative sources of flower resources

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    Éville Karina Maciel Delgado Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Byrsonima chrysophylla, conhecida popularmente como murici pitanga, é uma espécie arbustiva que ocorre em restinga. Dentre seus visitantes, além de abelhas da tribo Centridini, também se encontram com freqüência abelhas Xylocopini. Para verificação das espécies vegetais utilizadas pelas abelhas visitantes mais freqüentes, cargas polínicas de suas pernas posteriores (n = 5, bem como de ninhos naturais de Centris caxiensis (n = 7 foram analisados através de acetólise. Durante toda a floração, Byrsonima chrysophylla foi a principal fonte de pólen utilizada por suas abelhas visitantes. Comolia lythrarioides e Myrcia obtusa foram fontes secundárias de pólen, Mouriri guianensis foi fonte secundária de óleo e pólen, enquanto Anacardium microcarpum, Cuphea tenella, Matayba discolor e Phthirusa pyrifolia mostraram-se importantes fontes de néctar durante esse período, sendo o pólen detectado nas amostras, provavelmente aderido ao corpo das abelhas durante a coleta de néctar. Os resultados demonstram que as abelhas visitantes não misturaram os recursos polínicos durante o vôo para a coleta de pólen, apresentando fidelidade às flores de Byrsonima chrysophylla.Byrsonima chrysophylla, known as "murici pitanga", is a shrubby species occurring in 'restinga'. Among its visitors, bees of the Centridini tribe as well as Xylocopini bees are frequently found. To detect which plant species have been used by the most frequent visitors, pollen loads from the back legs (n = 5 and also from natural nests of Centris caxiensis (n = 7 were treated by acetolysis. During flowering of Byrsonima chrysophylla, this plant species was the main pollen source used by bees. Comolia lythrarioides and Myrcia sylvatica were secondary pollen sources, Mouriri guianensis was a secondary oil and pollen source, while Anacardium microcarpum, Cuphea tenella, Matayba discolor and Phthirusa pyrifolia were important nectar sources at this time. The pollen detected in

  3. Tipos polínicos encontrados em amostras de méis de Apis mellifera em Picos, Estado do Piauí Pollinic types found in honey samples of Apis mellifera from Picos, State of Piaui

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    Geni da Silva Sodré


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de determinar os tipos polínicos de méis produzidos por Apis mellifera L., 1758, no município de Picos, Estado do Piauí, foram realizadas análises polínicas de 35 amostras de méis coletadas entre novembro e dezembro de 2001 no Laboratório de Apicultura do Departamento de Entomologia, Fitopatologia e Zoologia Agrícola da Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", Universidade de São Paulo. A identificação dos tipos polínicos foi realizada por meio de descrições obtidas em literatura especializada. Os resultados demonstraram que foram encontrados 36 tipos polínicos, distribuídos em 18 famílias botânicas, sendo consideradas como pólen dominante Piptadenia sp. (Mimosaceae, Mimosa caesalpiniiaefolia Benth. (Mimosaceae, M. verrucosa Benth. (Mimosaceae e Croton urucurana Baill. (Euphorbiaceae.This research deals with the pollinic types of honeys produced by Apis mellifera L., 1758 in the municipality of Picos, State of Piaui were determined in the Laboratory of Apiculture, Department of Entomology, Phytopathology and Agricultural Zoology, College of Agriculture ‘Luiz de Queiroz', University of São Paulo, in Piracicaba, State of São Paulo, pollinic analysis of 36 honey samples collected in November and December of 2001. The identification of e pthollinic made by types was specialized literature. The results showed that 36 types of pollen were found, distributed in 18 botanical families, and the following plant species were considered as dominant Piptadenia sp. (Mimosaceae, Mimosa caesalpiniiaefolia Benth. (Mimosaceae, M. verrucosa Benth. (Mimosaceae and Croton urucurana Baill. (Euphorbiaceae.

  4. Avaliação do papel de manchas de vegetação semeada no incremento das populações de insectos polinizadores, em macieira, na Região do Dão: influência na produção


    Batista, Vanda Cristina Azevedo da Costa


    Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia Agronómica A maçã é um fruto único com uma enorme diversidade de aromas, cores, tamanhos e sabores, estando a sua qualidade intrinsecamente associada à polinização. São vários os factores que contribuem para o seu êxito, mas são as abelhas domésticas que assumem um papel determinante neste processo. Todavia as abelhas domésticas não são os únicos agentes polinizadores na macieira e as abelhas selvagens, abelhões e outros, surgem como par...





    A seleção de materiais para o transporte de óleo e gás não é feita pela sua resistência à corrosão, mas sim pelas suas boas propriedades mecânicas, facilidade de fabricação e baixos custos. Devido às taxas de perda de material, causado pela corrosão interna, existe necessidade em se conhecer o comportamento dos aços de mais alta resistência, utilizados especialmente em gasodutos e oleodutos tais como API 5L X70 e API 5L X80. Um dos elementos responsáveis ...


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    Mara Garcia Tavares


    Full Text Available Resumo: O projeto de extensão universitária em interface com a pesquisa “Abelhas sem Ferrão: Educação para Conservação” foi elaborado a partir dos conhecimentos gerados com pesquisas com abelhas nativas, com a missão de enriquecer o processo pedagógico, socializar o saber e possibilitar meios para a interação com a comunidade. O presente artigo relata a experiência vivida por alunos de três escolas da rede pública de Viçosa (MG. As atividades desenvolvidas foram: trilhas para localização de ninhos de abelhas no campus da Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV e no entorno das escolas, visita ao Apiário Central da UFV, oficinas, palestras, minicurso e acompanhamento de duas colônias de abelhas sem ferrão instaladas nas escolas. Os alunos também apresentaram os resultados de suas atividades nas escolas e na Feira do Conhecimento de Viçosa. Após análise dos questionários avaliativos utilizados, verificou-se que o desconhecimento inicial dos participantes sobre as abelhas brasileiras deu lugar a um considerável volume de novas informações e interesses sobre o tema. Além dos alunos, as professoras de Ciências das escolas participaram ativamente das atividades e consideraram que, além de propiciar oportunidades de aprendizagem para os estudantes, o projeto enriqueceu seus conhecimentos e estreitou as relações entre a comunidade escolar e a UFV. O projeto constituiu, ainda, excelente oportunidade de formação para pós-graduandos e graduandos. Como base nas trocas de experiências que ocorreram, verificou-se que a utilização de atividades não formais de educação é muito importante para um ensino mais eficiente. Palavras-chave: Educação Ambiental, Ensino-Aprendizagem, Extensão Universitária, Modelo Biológico.  Education for conservation of stingless bees: an interaction of Education-Research-Extension for elementary and secondary education Abstract: The extension project interfaces with research initiative

  7. Estudo químico e potencial antioxidante do mel e geoprópolis coletados pela abelha sem ferrão mandaçaia (Melipona mandacaia).


    Paulo Ricardo da Silva


    A espécie de abelha sem ferrão Melipona mandacaia é conhecida popularmente como mandaçaia e é nativa do Nordeste brasileiro. Neste estudo foi analisado o mel e a geoprópolis da mandaçaia. Foram realizadas as análises palinológicas, físico-químicas tais como umidade, pH, acidez livre, hidroximetilfurfural, teor de cinzas, açucares redutores e atividade de água, aminoácidos, minerais e atividade antirradicalar em quatro amostras de mel. Os principais constituintes fenólicos do mel foram extraíd...

  8. Comunidade de abelhas (Hymenoptera, Apoidea e plantas em uma área do Agreste pernambucano, Brasil Community of bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea and plants in an area of Agreste in Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Paulo Milet-Pinheiro


    Full Text Available O Agreste é uma região de transição entre floresta tropical úmida e caatinga no nordeste brasileiro. Nessa região, grande parte da vegetação nativa foi desmatada para a implantação de pastagens. Não é sabido se áreas degradadas mantém uma apifauna e flora melitófila diversificada, ou quais são associações entre abelhas e plantas que ocorrem nessas áreas. A cobertura vegetal atual é composta por pastos, vegetação ruderal e restos da vegetação nativa. Abelhas e plantas por elas visitadas foram coletadas mensalmente entre agosto de 2001 e julho de 2002, durante dois dias consecutivos entre 5h30 e 17h30. Foram coletados 1.004 indivíduos de abelhas pertencentes a 79 espécies. Apidae foi a família mais abundante e com maior riqueza de espécies (732 indivíduos e 43 espécies, seguida por Halictidae (194 indivíduos e 20 spp., Megachilidae (47 indivíduos e 13 spp., Colletidae (16 indivíduos e 2 spp. e Andrenidae (15 indivíduos e 1 sp.. Foram registradas apenas três espécies de abelhas eussocais e cinco de Euglossini, dois grupos altamente diversificados nas florestas neotropicais. A ausência de abelhas sem ferrão nativas dos gêneros Plebeia, Frieseomelitta, Partamona, Scaptotrigona e Trigonisca, assim como de outras espécies de Euglossini, deve estar relacionada à falta de sítios de nidificação e à escassez de fontes de pólen e néctar nessa área degradada. Foram registradas 87 espécies de plantas melitófilas, a maioria ervas e arbustos. Árvores nativas isoladas, assim como plantas ornamentais e frutíferas cultivadas contribuem para manter parte da diversidade da comunidade de abelhas nativas.The Agreste is a transition region of tropical rainforest and Caatinga in northeastern Brazil. In this region, the majority of the native Atlantic Rainforest was destroyed to give place to livestock farming. It is not known whether degraded areas maintain a diversified bee-plant community or not and which kinds of

  9. Ecologia da polinização da amoreira-preta (Rubus sp (Rosaceae em Timbó-SC, Brasil Pollination ecology of blackberry (Rubus sp. (Rosaceae in Timbo (SC, Brazil

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    Leônidas João de Mello Junior


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho verificou experimentalmente a ecologia da polinização da amoreira-preta (Rubus sp.. Objetivou-se confirmar a síndrome de polinização de Rubus sp., por meio de análise de seu sistema reprodutivo, quantificação da produção diária de néctar, levantamento da entomofauna que visita as flores da amoreira na área de estudo e análise do seu comportamento polinizador. Os experimentos foram realizados em uma área de cultivo de amoreira-preta, no mês de dezembro de 2005, município de Timbó (SC. Constatou-se que a maior taxa de frutificação (48,3 % ± 3,2 ocorreu via polinização livre, onde os insetos não foram excluídos. Foi verificada a ocorrência de autopolinização, porém com taxa inferior de frutificação (12,2% ± 4,9. A anemofilia não foi constatada na espécie. A avaliação da produção de néctar em Rubus sp. resultou em valores compatíveis com a síndrome de melitofilia. Os visitantes florais coletados e observados sobre as flores de Rubus sp. foram predominantemente abelhas da ordem Hymenoptera (97%, que iniciam, em menor número, a atividade de forrageamento às 8h, com pico de atividade às 12h e declinando até às 16h. As coletas resultaram numa amostragem de 1.360 abelhas, divididas em quatro famílias e 13 espécies. A família com maior riqueza de espécies (N = 7 foi Halictidae e a mais abundante foi Apidae, com 1.288 indivíduos. Em Apidae, houve o predomínio da espécie exótica Apis mellifera, cuja representação na amostra foi de 1.246 indivíduos. Os dados da abundância e as observações naturalísticas do seu comportamento da flor apontaram A. mellifera como o principal polinizador de Rubus sp., mas confirmam que as demais espécies de abelhas também participam na polinização de Rubus sp.The pollination ecology of the blackberry (Rubus sp. was studied by means of determining its reproductive system, the analysis of flower's nectar production. Sampling the insects that visit

  10. Study of an API migration for two XML APIs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    T.T. Bartholomei; K. Czarnecki; R. Lämmel (Ralf); T. van der Storm (Tijs); M.G.J. van den Brand (Mark); D. Gasevic; J. Gray


    htmlabstractAPI migration refers to adapting an application such that its dependence on a given API (the source API) is eliminated in favor of depending on an alternative API (the target API) with the source and target APIs serving the same domain. One may attempt to automate API migration by code

  11. Circumferential welding of API X80 steel pipes; Soldagem circunferencial em tubos de aco da classe API X80

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Castello Branco, J.F.; Bott, Ivani de S. [Pontificia Univ. Catolica do Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Dept. de Ciencia dos Materiais e Metalurgia]. E-mails:;; Fedele, R.A. [Boehler Thyssen Welding, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)]. E-mail:; Souza, Luis Felipe G. de [Centro Federal de Educacao Tecnologica Celso Suckow da Fonseca (CEFET-RJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Dept. de Engenharia Industrial Mecanica]. E-mail:


    The present work is a part of an extensive program for the development of API 5L Gr.X80 grade steel , produced by the well-known UOE production process, for pipeline fabrication. The current stage of this program involves the characterization and performance evaluation/qualification of girth welds produced by Shield Metal Arc Weld (SMAW) under simulated field conditions, with tubes fixed in the horizontal position. Three types of electrodes were utilized for the basic tasks; the root pass, the hot pass and fill and cap passes. The root pass was carried out with an E-6010 electrode to avoid incomplete joint penetration. The hot pass, applied over the root pass, was performed with an E-9010-G electrode. The fill and cap passes were executed with E-10018-G electrodes. The welded joints produced were evaluated according to the API 1104 specification, which requires: side bend, nick- break and tensile tests. Additionally, non-destructive tests, Charpy-V impact tests and metallographic characterization were undertaken. It was verified that this welding procedure, based on three types of electrodes, could produce welded joints in accordance to the API 1104 specification. These results ensure the applicability of the API 5L Gr. X80 steel developed in this research project for use in pipeline construction. (author)

  12. Higher-level bee classifications (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Apidae sensu lato Classificação dos grandes grupos de abelhas (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Apidae sensu lato

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    Gabriel A. R. Melo


    Full Text Available A higher-level classification of bees, in which the entire group is treated as a single family - the Apidae - is advocated here. A total of seven subfamilies, 51 tribes and 27 subtribes are recognized. These subfamilies correspond to the families adopted in the traditional classification. Although the proposed changes do not involve any major rearrangement, basically only changing the rank given to the main groups, the new system makes the classification of bees more consistent with that adopted for other major groups of aculeate Hymenoptera. It also departs from the 19th century practice, perpetuated in the traditional classification, of giving family-status to the main groups of bees. A correspondence table associating the taxon names used in the current traditional classification with those of the revised classification is presented. Scrapterini new tribe (type-genus Scrapter Lepeletier & Serville is proposed to accommodate the southern African genus Scrapter.Apresenta-se uma classificação para as abelhas em que o todo o grupo é tratado como uma única família - Apidae. São reconhecidas sete subfamílias, 51 tribos e 27 subtribos. As subfamílias correspondem às famílias da classificação tradicional. Apesar das mudanças propostas afetarem apenas o status dos grupos, o novo sistema torna a classificação das abelhas mais consistente com aquela adotada para os grandes grupos de Hymenoptera aculeados. Além disso, distancia-se da tradição de dar status de família aos grupos principais de abelhas, uma prática do século 19 perpetuada na classificação tradicional. É apresentada uma tabela de correspondência associando os nomes dos táxons usados na classificação tradicional corrente com aquelas da classificação sendo proposta aqui. Scrapterini tribo nova (gênero-tipo Scrapter Lepeletier & Serville é proposta para acomodar Scrapter, um gênero restrito à porção sul do continente africano.

  13. Adaptação e comportamento de pastejo da abelha jandaíra (Melipona subnitida Ducke em ambiente protegido - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v26i3.1777 Adaptation and foraging behavior of the stingless bee (Melipona subnitida Ducke in a caged environment - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v26i3.1777

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    Eva Mônica Sarmento da Silva


    Full Text Available A influência do ambiente protegido no comportamento de pastejo da abelha sem ferrão jandaíra (Melipona subnitida Ducke foi estudada no Estado do Ceará, região Nordeste do Brasil. Foram investigados aspectos como comportamento, adaptação das abelhas à casa de vegetação e o padrão diário de forrageamento destas na cultura do pimentão (Capsicum annuum L., cultivada em ambiente protegido. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente por meio de análise de variância, com médias comparadas a posteriori, pelo teste de Tukey. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que M. subnitida Ducke adapta-se bem ao uso em casa de vegetação e realiza vôos de forrageamento durante todo o dia, podendo ser utilizada para polinização de culturas agrícolas, sob cultivo protegido.The effect of caged environment on the foraging behavior of the stingless bee Melipona subnitida Ducke was studied in the state of Ceará, NE Brazil. Species adaptation to enclosures, foraging behavioral aspects and daily foraging pattern were investigated in a greenhouse sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L. crop. Data were analyzed by Anova and means were compared a posteriori using Tukey test. The results showed that M. subnitida Ducke adapts well to greenhouses and forages throughout the day. It may be concluded that this bee species can be used for crop pollination in protected environments.

  14. Composição de amostras de mel de abelha Jataí (Tetragonisca angustula latreille, 1811 Composition of the honey of samples originated from Jataí bees (Tetragonisca angustula latreille, 1811

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    Daniela de Almeida Anacleto


    Full Text Available As características físico-químicas do mel produzido pelas abelhas sem ferrão ainda são pouco conhecidas, principalmente devido à elevada diversidade da flora apícola e à baixa produção que é inerente a estas espécies. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar as características físico-químicas de 20 amostras de mel de Jataí (Tetragonisca angustula, do município de Piracicaba, estado de São Paulo, contribuindo para o estabelecimento de um padrão de qualidade do mel das abelhas sem ferrão brasileiras, possibilitando o controle da fraude deste produto. Desta maneira, as seguintes análises foram realizadas: açúcares totais, açúcares redutores, sacarose aparente, umidade, hidroximetilfurfural, proteínas, cinzas, pH, acidez, índice de formol, condutividade elétrica, cor, atividade diastásica e atividade de água. Os resultados demonstram que a legislação atual, referente ao mel de Apis mellifera, não é adequada para todos os caracteres analisados, reforçando a necessidade de um padrão próprio para os méis de meliponíneos.The knowledge regarding the physicochemical characteristics of the honey produced by stingless bees is still limited, mainly due to the high diversity of the floral resources and the low production that is inherent to these species. This research deals with the physicochemical characteristics of 20 samples of Tetragonisca angustula honey, from the municipality of Piracicaba, state of São Paulo, Brazil, contributing to the establishment of a quality standard for the honey produced by Brazilian stingless bees making possible the control of this product. Thus, the following parameters were determined: total sugars, reducing sugars, apparent sucrose, moisture content, hydroxymethylfurfural, proteins, ashes, pH, acidity, formol index, electrical conductivity, color, diastase activity, and water activity. The results indicated that the Brazilian standard rules, referring to the Apis mellifera honey, are

  15. Physicochemical aspects and sensory profile of stingless bee honeys from Seridó region, State of Rio Grande do Norte, BrazilAspectos físico-químicos e perfil sensorial de méis de abelhas sem ferrão da região do Seridó, Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil

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    Janaína Maria Batista Sousa


    Full Text Available Stingless bee honey is a highly valued product of the Seridó region, state of Rio Grande do Norte due to its specific sensory and nutritional characteristics. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physicochemical and sensory profile of stingless bee honeys produced in the Seridó region, state of Rio Grande do Norte. Twenty-nine honey samples from the following stingless bees were analyzed: M. subnitida D., Frieseomellita doederleini F., Melipona scutellaris L., Frieseomellita flavicornis, Scaptotrigrona SP, Nannotrigona testaceicornis L., Melipona compressipes fasciculada S., Melipona quadrifasciata Lep, Melipona quinquefasciata, M. scutellaris L. and Partamona helleri F. The composition considering moisture, total sugars, reducing sugars, apparent sucrose, protein, vitamin C, and ash, and the total acidity, pH, and color were evaluated. A sensory profile, considering the aroma, color, viscosity, flavor, acidity attributes and general acceptability, and the acceptability, regarding aroma, color and flavor, were also analyzed. The honeys were different (p O mel de abelhas sem ferrão é um produto bastante valorizado na região do Seridó do Rio Grande do Norte, em função de suas características nutritivas e sensoriais específicas. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os aspectos físico-químicos e perfil sensorial de méis de abelhas sem ferrão produzidos na região do Seridó do Rio Grande do Norte. Foram analisadas 29 amostras de mel das seguintes abelhas sem ferrão: M. subnitida D., Frieseomellita doederleini F., Melipona scutellaris L., Frieseomellita flavicornis, Scaptotrigrona SP, Nannotrigona testaceicornis L., Melipona compressipes fasciculada S., Melipona quadrifasciata Lep, Melipona quinquefasciata, M. scutellaris L. e Partamona helleri F. Os aspectos físico-químicos analisados foram: umidade, açúcares totais, açucares redutores, sacarose aparente, cinzas, acidez total, pH, proteína, vitamina C e cor

  16. APIs

    CERN Document Server

    Jacobson, Daniel; Woods, Dan


    Programmers used to be the only people excited about APIs, but now a growing number of companies see them as a hot new product channel. This concise guide describes the tremendous business potential of APIs, and demonstrates how you can use them to provide valuable services to clients, partners, or the public via the Internet. You'll learn all the steps necessary for building a cohesive API business strategy from experts in the trenches. Facebook and Twitter APIs continue to be extremely successful, and many other companies find that API demand greatly exceeds website traffic. This book offe

  17. Captura de enxames de abelhas sem ferrão (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponinae sem destruição de árvores Capturing stingless bee nests (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponinae without destroying the trees

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    Alexandre Coletto-Silva


    Full Text Available No Brasil a criação racional de abelhas sem ferrão é denominada meliponicultura. As abelhas sem ferrão possuem diferentes comportamentos de nidificação, com ninhos internos (cavidades naturais ou não e externos. Um dos principais problemas apresentados na meliponicultura é a captura de uma colônia com o objetivo de iniciar um meliponário sem "destruir as árvores" ou mesmo as próprias colônias durante a captura. O presente trabalho apresenta um método alternativo para captura de colônias de abelhas sem ferrão, especialmente, do gênero Melipona Illiger, 1806, que são as espécies mais utilizadas para produção de mel e pólen, na região Amazônica. O método consiste em abrir uma janela na árvore, coletar o material e fechar a abertura utilizando a resina vegetal conhecida como breu.Meliponiculture is the name for stingless beekeeping in Brazil. Stingless bees have different nest behaviors showing external and internal nests (natural cavities or not. One of the main problems of meliponiculture is the capture of a colony in order to begin a meliponary without destroying trees or the colonies during the capture. A new alternative method for the capture of stingless bee colonies is presented for the genus Melipona Illiger, 1806, which are the species mostly used for producing honey and pollen. The method is to open the tree, collect the colony, and then close the tree with natural resins known as "breu".

  18. Substâncias voláteis em mel floral e mel de melato

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    CAMPOS Gisélia


    Full Text Available Embora pareça existir um "flavor" característico de mel, a grande variedade de flores disponíveis para a abelha, possibilita uma grande diversidade de flavor e aroma, indicando a presença de vários componentes voláteis. Alguns destes dependem da fisiologia da abelha, dos procedimentos após a colheita e no mel de melato há também a interferência de insetos sugadores e das formigas. Várias substâncias voláteis já foram identificadas, sendo algumas características de determinados méis uniflorais. Com o objetivo de encontrar uma substância volátil característica do mel de melato, seis amostras deste tipo de mel e seis amostras de mel floral foram analisadas usando extração por arraste de gás hidrogênio e cromatografia a gás acoplada a espectrometria de massas. Ácido acético foi encontrado em quatro amostras de mel de melato e em uma amostra de mel floral porém, com menor abundância.

  19. Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae present in the flowers of the balsa wood Ochroma lagopus Swartz, 1788 = Abelhas (Hymenoptera: Apidae associadas às flores do pau-de-balsa Ochroma lagopus Swartz, 1788

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    Carla Regina Guimarães Brighenti


    Full Text Available The flower of balsa wood holds about 10 to 15 mL of nectar, which helps attracting pollinating agents, since the genus Ochroma is incapable of self-fertilization. However, a high mortality of bees is observed in these flowers. The present study investigated the frequency and constancy of mortality of the individuals of the familyApidae that fed on nectar from the balsa wood. Data was gathered from June to August 2008, in Lavras – Minas Gerais State, Brazil. In addition, the survival of the Africanized bees that fed on the nectar of this flower was compared to those that fed on 50% aqueous solution of honey. Forty flowers were analyzed, and 949 individuals of the orders Hymenoptera (98.1%, Hemiptera (0.95%, Coleoptera (0.74% and Diptera (0.21% were collected. Most Hymenoptera individuals were bees of the genera Partamona and Trigona (677 individuals, which were considered of constant occurrence. Flowers producing up to 16.7 nectar mL were found. The nectar diet contained 16.44% of total sugar, and resulted in low survival of the bees in laboratory (31.32 . 2.37 hours, compared to a diet of 50% aqueous solution of honey (112.32 .2.03 hours.A flor do pau-de-balsa produz cerca de 10 a 15 mL de néctar, útil na atração de polinizadores, uma vez que o gênero Ochroma é incapaz de fazer autofecundação. É observada intensa mortalidade de abelhas em suas flores. Objetivou-se realizar o levantamento da frequência e constância de mortalidade de indivíduos da família Apidae, sendo os dados levantados no período de junho a agosto de 2008 em Lavras, MinasGerais, Brasil. Além disso, avaliou-se a sobrevivência de abelhas africanizadas alimentadas com o néctar desta flor quando comparados com aquelas alimentadas com solução aquosa de mel a 50%. Foram analisadas 40 flores e coletados 949 indivíduos das Ordens: Hymenoptera (98,1%, Hemiptera (0,95%, Coleoptera (0,74% e Diptera (0,21%. Dentre os himenópteros os mais frequentes foram dos g

  20. The Dutch xAPI Experience: xAPI Recipes


    Berg, Alan; Scheffel, Maren; Drachsler, Hendrik; Ternier, Stefaan; Specht, Marcus


    We present the collected experiences since 2012 of the Dutch Special Interest Group (SIG) for Learning Analytics in the application of the xAPI standard and best practices around the application of xAPI in various contexts. We present three projects that apply xAPI in very different ways and publish a consistent set of xAPI recipes.

  1. Avaliação farmacognóstica de geoprópolis de Melipona fasciculata Smith da Baixada maranhense, Brasil

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    Richard Pereira Dutra

    Full Text Available Melipona fasciculata Smith é uma abelha nativa, social e sem ferrão que produz cera, mel e geoprópolis. O presente trabalho objetivou caracterizar, do ponto de vista farmacognóstico, o geoprópolis de Melipona fasciculata, coletado em meliponários nos municípios de Arari, São Bento e São João Batista, da Baixada maranhense, no Estado do Maranhão, visando estabelecer dados para o controle de qualidade e padronização do produto. A metodologia utilizada constou de análises sensoriais, abordagem química, perfis cromatográficos e determinação dos teores de flavonóides. Os resultados demonstram que o geoprópolis apresenta características sensoriais similares às encontradas para própolis de Apis mellifera, presença de compostos fenólicos em maior concentração, além de substâncias da classe dos terpenos e saponinas e ausência de alcalóides. Os perfis cromatográficos indicaram que a composição e concentração das substâncias químicas são diferentes entre as amostras. Os teores de flavonóides variaram de 0,17 - 2,6%, os quais para a maioria das amostras apresentaram valores acima do mínimo exigido pela legislação brasileira para própolis de Apis mellifera. Os dados encontrados sugerem que as variações qualitativa e quantitativa de flavonóides e outros constituintes químicos no geoprópolis são fortemente afetados pela flora visitada pelas abelhas, região geográfica e fatores ambientais.

  2. Comportamento de abelhas visitantes florais de Lecythis lurida (Lecythidaceae no norte do estado do Rio de Janeiro Behavior of flower visiting bees of Lecythis lurida in the north of Rio de Janeiro state

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    Willian Moura Aguiar


    Full Text Available Este estudo descreve e analisa o comportamento dos visitantes florais de L. lurida em fragmentos de mata de tabuleiro. Esta espécie monóica floresceu de outubro a janeiro. As flores abriram-se entre 5h30 e 10h00 e a antese floral não ultrapassou um dia. Durante amostragens padronizadas foram coletadas 172 abelhas visitantes florais, pertencentes a 10 gêneros e 18 espécies. As maiores freqüências foram de Epicharis flava (42,3%, Xylocopa frontalis (16,3% e Eufriesea surinamensis (11,6%, com atividade principalmente de 7h00 às 11h00. Abelhas Centridini, Euglossina e Xylocopini buscam néctar nas flores e foram considerados polinizadores efetivos. Megachile coleta pólen e também é potencial polinizador. Oxaea flavescens atuou como pilhador de néctar, perfurando o capuz da flor. Experimentos de polinização indicaram ausência de autopolinização espontânea e baixa taxa de frutificação (0,48% sob condições naturais. Como observado para outras espécies zigomórficas de Lecythidaceae, a complexa morfologia floral restringe os visitantes a abelhas de grande porte ou abelhas robustas que conseguem entrar pelo capuz floral. Entretanto, Centridini foi principal grupo de polinizadores de L.lurida, o que difere dos polinizadores indicados em outros trabalhos sobre Lecythis e outros gêneros de Lecythidaceae na região amazônica.This study describes and analyses the behavior of L. lurida flower visitors in fragments of tabuleiro lowland forest. This monoecious species flowered from October to January. The flowers opened between 5:30 and 10:00 a.m. and floral anthesis did not exceed one day. Standardizing samples on flowers resulted in 172 bees, belonging to ten genera and 18 species. Epicharis flava (42,3%, Xylocopa frontalis (16,3% and Eufriesea surinamensis (11,6% performed the highest relative frequencies, mainly occuring between 7:00 and 11:00a.m. Centridini, Euglossina and Xylocopini bees took nectar on flowers and were considered

  3. Changes in the structure and pigmentation of the eyes of honeybee (Apis mellifera L. queens with the "limão" mutation

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    José Chaud-Netto


    Full Text Available This study describes the ultrastructural differences between the compound eyes of ch li/ch li and Ch/ch li honeybee queens. Heterozygous "limão" bees had an almost normal ultrastructural organization of the ommatidia, but there were some alterations, including small vacuoles in the crystalline cones and a loss of pigment by primary pigmentary cells. In homozygous bees many ommatidia had very deformed crystalline cones and there were some bipartite rhabdoma. There was a reduction in the amount of pigment in the primary and secondary pigmentary cells and receptor cells (retinulae of mutant eyes. However, the eyes of both heterozygous and homozygous queens had the same type of pigment granules. Certain membrane-limited structures containing pigment granules and electron-dense material appeared to be of lysosomal nature. Since these structures occurred in the retinular cells of mutant eyes, they were considered to be multivesicular bodies responsible for the reduction in rhabdom volume in the presence of light, as a type of adaptation to brightness. The reduction of pigment in the pigmentary and retinular cells and the morphological changes seen in the rhabdom of the ommatidia may originate visual deficiencies, which could explain the behavioral modifications reported for Apis mellifera queens with mutant eye color.Este estudo descreve as diferenças ultra-estruturais entre os olhos compostos de rainhas de abelhas de genótipo ch li/ch li e Ch/ch li. Foram registradas diferenças na organização do omatídeo e na pigmentação geral dos dois tipos de olhos. As abelhas heterozigotas apresentaram organização ultra-estrutural dos omatídeos praticamente normal. Contudo, foram observadas algumas alterações nos cones cristalinos, particularmente a presença de pequenos vacúolos nas células dos cones e perda de pigmento pelas células pigmentares primárias. Nas abelhas homozigotas foram encontrados vários omatídeos com cones cristalinos muito

  4. Honey bee contribution to canola pollination in Southern Brazil Abelhas melíferas na polinização de canola no Sul do Brasil

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    Annelise de Souza Rosa


    Full Text Available Although canola, (Brassica napus L., is considered a self-pollinating crop, researchers have indicated that crop productivity increases as a result of honey bee Apis mellifera L. pollination. Given this crop's growing importance in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, this work evaluated the increase in pod and seed productivity with respect to interactions with anthophilous insects and manual pollination tests. The visiting frequency of A. mellifera was correlated with the crop's blooming progression, and productivity comparisons were made between plants visited by insects, manually pollinated plants (geitonogamy and xenogamy and plants without pollination induction. Pod set and seed production per plant were determined for each treatment. Among the 8,624 recorded flower-visiting insects, Hymenoptera representatives were the most prevalent (92.3%, among which 99.8% were A. mellifera. The correlation between these bees and blooming progression was positive (r = 0.87; p = 0.002. Pollination induction increased seed productivity from 28.4% (autogamy to 50.4% with insect visitations, as well as to 48.7 (geitonogamy and to 55.1% (xenogamy through manual pollination.A canola (Brassica napus L. é considerada autocompatível, embora pesquisadores indiquem aumento na produtividade da cultura resultante da polinização efetuada por Apis mellifera L.. Considerando-se a crescente importância dessa cultura no Rio Grande do Sul, avaliou-se o incremento da produtividade de síliquas e sementes a partir de interações com insetos antófilos e com testes de polinização manual. A freqüência de visitas de A. mellifera foi relacionada com o desenvolvimento da floração da cultura e a produtividade foi comparada entre plantas visitadas por insetos, polinizadas manualmente (geitonogamia e xenogamia e com ausência de indução de polinização. Em cada tratamento avaliou-se a produtividade de síliquas e de sementes formadas por planta. Dentre os 8.624 insetos

  5. Abelhas visitantes nas flores da jabuticabeira (Myrciaria cauliflora Berg. e produção de frutos - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v26i1.1890 Bees visits associated to Brazilian grape tree flowers (Myrciaria cauliflora Berg. and fruit production - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v26i1.1890

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    Regina Helena Nogueira-Couto


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a atratividade das flores da jabuticabeira (Myrciaria cauliflora Berg. para os insetos, o comportamento, o tipo de coleta e o efeito dessas visitas na produção de frutos. Foram observados o tempo de desenvolvimento e a quantidade de açúcar solúvel do néctar de flores; os insetos e o tipo de coleta desses insetos. Foram marcados 400 botões florais (200 descobertos e 200 cobertos, para impedir a visita dos insetos. A duração da flor foi de 48 ± 4,6 horas. A quantidade de açúcar solúvel foi baixa (7.14 ± 0.70µg glicose/flor e semelhante entre os horários. As abelhas Apis mellifera, Tetragonisca angustula, Chloralictus sp e Trigona spinipes foram os únicos insetos nas flores (98,0%, 0,88%, 0,57% e 0,55%, respectivamente e coletaram exclusivamente pólen. A porcentagem de frutificação não foi diferente nos tratamentos coberto (19,80% e descoberto (18,62%, mostrando que a presença das abelhas não afetou a produção.This research aimed to verify the Brazilian grape tree flowers’ Myrciaria cauliflora attraction to insects, including their behaviour, sample kind and effect of insect visits on fruit production. The development time and the amount of flower’s nectar soluble sugar, the insects and sample kind were observed. Four hundred flower buds were tagged (200 covered and 200 uncovered, with 5 replications to determine fruiting percentage. Only the bees Apis mellifera, Tetragonisca angustula, Chloralictus sp and Trigona spinipes visited the flowers (98.0, 0.88, 0.57 and 0.55%, respectively, collecting exclusively pollen. Percentage of fruiting did not differ between covered (19.80% and uncovered (18.62% treatments, showing that the bees visits did not affect fruit production.

  6. Produção de geléia real e desenvolvimento da larva de abelhas Apis mellifera, na região semi-árida de Pernambuco

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    Queiroz Maria de Lourdes de


    Full Text Available Foram analisados dados de produção de geléia real (GR e peso da larva (PL, em dois apiários nos municípios de Ibimirim e Petrolândia, na região semi-árida do Estado de Pernambuco, nos meses de junho e agosto de 1995, para avaliar o momento de maior acúmulo de GR, nas células reais (realeiras, e acompanhar o desenvolvimento da larva. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados. A quantidade de GR acumulada nas realeiras foi avaliada 24, 32, 48, 56 e 72 horas após a transferências das larvas. As análises de variância mostraram efeitos significativos para o tempo de permanência, afetando a produção de GR e o PL, nos dois locais estudados. Foi feito um desdobramento polinomial do efeito de tratamento para se avaliar o momento de maior produção de GL. De acordo com as equações de regressão obtidas, as produções máximas ajustadas de 175,57 mg (Ibimirim e 183,69 mg (Petrolândia foram conseguidas com 59 e 54 horas após a transferência das larvas, respectivamente. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, concluiu-se que, em ambos os locais, maiores produções de GR poderão ser obtidas fazendo-se coletas entre 48 e 56 horas após a transferência das larvas. Após esse período, o crescimento da larva é intensificado pelo aumento de consumo de geléia, reduzindo-se a quantidade de GR acumulada nas realeiras.

  7. Botanical profile of bee pollen from the southern coastal region of Bahia, Brazil Perfil botânico do pólen apícola proveniente do litoral sul da Bahia, Brasil

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    Marcos da Costa Dórea


    Full Text Available This paper aims to identify the botanical origin of pollen loads collected by Apis mellifera L. in Canavieiras municipality, Bahia state. It provides a list of polliniferous plant species from the Atlantic Forest biome that are important for the development of regional apiculture. Using the acetolysis method, 35 bee-pollen samples were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Results showed that pollen types Elaeis (23.99%, Mimosa pudica (22.78% and Cecropia (13.68% were the most abundant among the samples. These also showed the highest relative frequencies of the material studied and were important pollen sources for bees in the study area.O presente trabalho teve por objetivo identificar a origem botânica das bolotas de pólen coletadas pelas abelhas Apis mellifera L. no município de Canavieiras, Bahia, gerando uma lista de plantas poliníferas pertencentes ao bioma Mata Atlântica e importantes para o desenvolvimento da apicultura regional. Foram analisadas palinologicamente 35 amostras de pólen apícola, utilizando-se o processo de acetólise para, em seguida, serem feitas análises qualitativas e quantitativas. Os resultados revelaram que os tipos polínicos Elaeis (23,99%, Mimosa pudica (22,78% e Cecropia (13,68% foram os mais abundantes no pólen apícola analisado. Estes tipos polínicos também apresentaram as maiores frequências relativas de todo o material estudado e representam importantes plantas fontes de pólen para as abelhas na área estudada.

  8. Cúpulas comerciais para produção de geléia real e rainhas em colméias de abelhas Apis mellifera

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    Garcia Regina Conceição


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente ensaio foi testar quatro tipos comerciais de cúpulas distintas quanto à coloração, altura, volume e diâmetro, na aceitação das larvas transferidas e na produção de geléia real e rainhas. A cúpula que apresentou maior aceitação foi a alaranjada (55,6%, seguida da amarela (37,3%, azul (36,5% e branca (26,9%. As cúpulas que apresentaram maior peso de geléia real foram branca (347,7 mg, alaranjada (312,3 mg, amarela (284,0 mg e azul (202,8 mg. O peso das larvas retiradas no momento da coleta de geléia real não apresentou diferença nas cúpulas de diferentes colorações sendo, em média, 42,0 ± 49,6 mg. O peso das rainhas recém-emergidas foi maior na cúpula branca (190,2 mg, seguida da alaranjada (181,0 mg, amarela (175,4 mg e azul (147,5 mg. O volume das realeiras não apresentou diferença nas cúpulas de diferentes colorações sendo, em média, 822,5 mm³. Com relação às cúpulas de cera, tanto a porcentagem de aceitação quanto a quantidade de geléia real produzida não apresentaram diferença entre os tratamentos. A porcentagem de aceitação nas cúpulas de cera maiores foi 18,2% e nas cúpulas menores, 12,1%. A quantidade de geléia real produzida nas cúpulas de cera menores foi 151,4 mg e nas maiores foi 137,5 mg. As cúpulas branca, alaranjada e amarela apresentaram maior quantidade de geléia real por cúpula (347,7 mg, 312,3 mg e 284,0 mg, respectivamente, entretanto, a maior quantidade total de geléia real produzida por colméia, foi obtida com as cúpulas alaranjadas (1389,40 mg. Para a produção de rainhas também sugere-se o uso das cúpulas alaranjadas

  9. Cucos, formigas, abelhas e a evolução dos instintos

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    César Ades

    Full Text Available Neste artigo, abordo o capítulo VII de "A Origem das Espécies" (Instinto, no qual Charles Darwin efetua uma aplicação da teoria da evolução por seleção natural ao domínio dos instintos, inaugurando a análise biológica do comportamento. Darwin pretendeu mostrar a possibilidade de uma evolução gradual no caso de exemplos complexos como o parasitismo de ninhada do cuco, o hábito escravagista de formigas e a construção das células do favo de abelhas melíferas. Atribuiu ao comportamento um caráter funcional, comparou espécies próximas para reconstituir etapas evolucionárias, colocou os cálculos de custo e benefício e de otimização subjacentes à seleção do comportamento, indicou aspectos de competição entre espécies e de manipulação de umas por outras, e utilizou o pensamento da seleção de grupo para dar conta da presença de indivíduos estéreis em insetos eusociais. Mais do que soluções e resultados, Darwin traz, no capítulo Instinto, argumentos e uma proposta paradigmática para a análise dos comportamentos típicos da espécie, verdadeiro ponto de partida para as abordagens atuais da etologia e da ecologia comportamental.

  10. Beehold : the colony of the honeybee (Apis mellifera L) as a bio-sampler for pollutants and plant pathogens

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Steen, van der J.J.M.


    Bio-sampling is a function of bio-indication. Bio-indication with honeybee colonies (<em>Apis melliferaem> L) is where the research fields of environmental technology and apiculture overlap. The honeybees are samplers of the environment by collecting unintentionally and simultaneously, along

  11. Drug Interaction API (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The Interaction API is a web service for accessing drug-drug interactions. No license is needed to use the Interaction API. Currently, the API uses DrugBank for its...


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    Samira Pirola Santos Mantilla


    Full Text Available Honey is a very popular product because of its flavor and aroma, as well as its nutritional quality. Studies on the sensory analysis of honey help to understand their characteristics and their impact on the acceptability of the consumer. The QDA (Quantitative Descriptive Analysis is a technique in which trained individuals identify and quantify the sensory properties of a product or ingredient in order of occurrence. This study performed a literature review about the ADQ, its importance in the sensory analysis of honey and the main sensory attributes identified in different honey bee. Meet the sensory properties of the product is great value for the quality control of honey produced in a given region, and their attributes should be described and quantified to ensure the production of honey with the same quality standard and without amendments.

  13. Biologia da polinização em Lecythidaceae

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    Scott Alan Mori


    Full Text Available A família Lecythidaceae apresenta grande diversidade em matas higrófilas localizadas abaixo de 1000 m de altitude. Poucas espécies ocorrem em cerrados, várzeas, e em matas acima de 1000 m. O Brasil, onde ocorrem 54% das espécies de Lecythidaceae do Novo Mundo, tem mais espécies desta família que qualquer outro país no mundo, sendo especialmente rico ém espécies com flores zigomorfas. A evolução floral ocorreu principalmente no androceu que pode ser do tipo actinomorfo ou do tipo zigomorfo. Os polinizadores principais são abelhas sendo a única exceção a polinização por morcegos em Lecythis poiteaui. As abelhas da tribo Euglossini parecem ser muito importantes na evolução de Lecythidaceae com flores zigomorfas. As flores de Lecythidaceae oferecem três recompensas aos seus polinizadores: pólen não diferenciado, pólen diferenciado, e néctar. Ainda há muito para pesquisar sobre biologia da reprodução em Lecythidaceae. Estudos sobre a composição química do pólen, a quantidade e qualidade do néctar, e o sistema de compatibilidade são especialmente importantes.The family Lecythidaceae is most diverse in lowland, moist forests below 1000 m altitude. Only a few species are found in savannas, periodically inundated habitats, and forests above 1000 m. Brasil, where 54% of the New World species occurs, has more species of Lecythidaceae than any other country, it is especially diverse in species with zygomorphic flowers. Floral evolution in Lecythidaceae has taken place mostly in the androecium where actinomorphic and zygomorphic types have developed. The principal pollinators are bees with the only documented exception being the bat pollinated Lecythis poiteaui. Euglossine bees appear to be particularly important in the evolution of zygomorphic flowered Lecythidaceae. The flowers of Lecythidaceae, depending on the species, offer three kinds of rewards to pollinators - undifferentiated pollen, differentiated pollen, and

  14. Extratos brutos e constituintes de própolis brasileiras: avaliação dos efeitos nos carrapatos Rhipicephalus sanguineus, Rhipicephalus microplus e Amblyomma cajennense


    Adne Abbud Righi


    Própolis é uma substância resinosa produzida por Apis mellifera, contendo principalmente resinas vegetais e cera das próprias abelhas. É usada na colmeia para diversas finalidades, como vedar aberturas, reparar as células e envolver invasores que foram mortos na colméia, além de contribuir para a quase constância da temperatura dentro da colmeia (28 - 30oC). A própolis é importante para as abelhas, pois é responsável pela manutenção de um ambiente quase estéril, agindo contra bactérias, fungo...

  15. Resolution and sensitivity of the eyes of the Asian honeybees Apis florea, Apis cerana and Apis dorsata. (United States)

    Somanathan, Hema; Warrant, Eric J; Borges, Renee M; Wallén, Rita; Kelber, Almut


    Bees of the genus Apis are important foragers of nectar and pollen resources. Although the European honeybee, Apis mellifera, has been well studied with respect to its sensory abilities, learning behaviour and role as pollinators, much less is known about the other Apis species. We studied the anatomical spatial resolution and absolute sensitivity of the eyes of three sympatric species of Asian honeybees, Apis cerana, Apis florea and Apis dorsata and compared them with the eyes of A. mellifera. Of these four species, the giant honeybee A. dorsata (which forages during moonlit nights) has the lowest spatial resolution and the most sensitive eyes, followed by A. mellifera, A. cerana and the dwarf honeybee, A. florea (which has the smallest acceptance angles and the least sensitive eyes). Moreover, unlike the strictly diurnal A. cerana and A. florea, A. dorsata possess large ocelli, a feature that it shares with all dim-light bees. However, the eyes of the facultatively nocturnal A. dorsata are much less sensitive than those of known obligately nocturnal bees such as Megalopta genalis in Panama and Xylocopa tranquebarica in India. The differences in sensitivity between the eyes of A. dorsata and other strictly diurnal Apis species cannot alone explain why the former is able to fly, orient and forage at half-moon light levels. We assume that additional neuronal adaptations, as has been proposed for A. mellifera, M. genalis and X. tranquebarica, might exist in A. dorsata.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Casajus Ramo, A; Graciani Diaz, R; Tsaregorodtsev, A


    The DIRAC framework for distributed computing has been designed as a flexible and modular solution that can be adapted to the requirements of any community. Users interact with DIRAC via command line, using the web portal or accessing resources via the DIRAC python API. The current DIRAC API requires users to use a python version valid for DIRAC. Some communities have developed their own software solutions for handling their specific workload, and would like to use DIRAC as their back-end to access distributed computing resources easily. Many of these solutions are not coded in python or depend on a specific python version. To solve this gap DIRAC provides a new language agnostic API that any software solution can use. This new API has been designed following the RESTful principles. Any language with libraries to issue standard HTTP queries may use it. GSI proxies can still be used to authenticate against the API services. However GSI proxies are not a widely adopted standard. The new DIRAC API also allows clients to use OAuth for delegating the user credentials to a third party solution. These delegated credentials allow the third party software to query to DIRAC on behalf of the users. This new API will further expand the possibilities communities have to integrate DIRAC into their distributed computing models.

  17. Origem botânica de cargas de pólen de colmeias de abelhas africanizadas em Piracicaba, SP Botanic origin of pollen beehives’ loads from Africanized honeybees in Piracicaba, SP, Brazil

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    Anna Frida Hatsue Modro


    Full Text Available Este estudo objetivou identificar a origem botânica das cargas de pólen coletadas por abelhas africanizadas. Em Piracicaba (SP, foram instaladas, durante as quatro estações do ano, cinco colmeias de A. mellifera com um coletor de pólen frontal em cada uma. A preparação palinológica foi pelo uso de acetólise, sendo identificados e contados aproximadamente 900 grãos de pólen por amostra. A partir da composição polínica, calculou-se a riqueza, os índices de diversidade e equitabilidade. Ao longo do ano, foram encontrados 81 tipos polínicos, pertencentes a 32 famílias botânicas sendo Fabaceae, Asteraceae e Malvaceae, as famílias com maior frequência de tipos polínicos (≥5 tipos polínicos, e Myrtaceae, a família com dois tipos polínicos (Eucalyptus sp. e Myrcia sp. entre os nove mais frequentes nas amostras (>10%. A maior riqueza de tipos polínicos foi no verão e a maior diversidade e equitabilidade, na primavera. Fabaceae, Asteraceae, Malvaceae e Myrtaceae são as famílias botânicas mais importantes como fontes poliníferas em Piracicaba - SP.This study aimed to identify the botanic origin of pollen loads collected by Africanized honeybees. In Piracicaba (SP, during four seasons of the year, five honeybee colonies were installed with a frontal pollen collector in each one. The palinological preparation was done by the use of acetolysis and identified and counted approximately 900 pollen grains per sample. From the pollinic composition, the richness, diversity indexes and equitability were calculated. Throughout the year, 81 pollinic types were found, belonging to 32 botanic families, being Fabaceae, Asteraceae and Malvaceae the ones with the biggest frequency of pollinic types (≥5 pollinic types and, Myrtaceae, the family with two pollinic types (Eucalyptus sp. and Myrcia sp., among the nine most common types in the samples (> 10%. The biggest richness of pollinic types was during summer, and the biggest diversity and

  18. Atividades relacionadas à construção e aprovisionamento de ninhos de Xylocopa subcyanea (Hymenoptera, Apidae em uma área de restinga na Bahia, Brasil Activities related to construction and provioning of nests of Xylocopa subcyanea (Hymenoptera, Apidae in an area of sandbank in Bahia, Brazil

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    Miriam Gimenes

    Full Text Available As abelhas do gênero Xylocopa Latreille, 1802 são comuns em ecossistemas de restingas em acelerada fase de degradação e são importantes polinizadores deste ecossistema. Elas nidificam especialmente em madeira morta ou apodrecida. As atividades relacionadas à construção e estrutura dos ninhos de Xylocopa (Schoenherria subcyanea Perez, 1901 na restinga do litoral norte da Bahia, Brasil, foram observadas em 43 ninhos ativos de X. subcyanea, em diferentes fases de desenvolvimento, em dois troncos apodrecidos. A fase de fundação ou reuso no primeiro tronco foi em agosto e a fase de provisionamento das células nos ninhos, em ambos troncos, em janeiro. As principais atividades foram escavações no tronco, entrada e saída dos ninhos, permanência na entrada do ninho, entrada com pólen e desidratação de néctar. Foi observado horário preferencial ao longo do dia para as atividades de entrada e saída dos ninhos, sendo estas influenciadas pelos horários do nascer e pôr do sol. Ninhos abandonados foram reusados por X. subcyanea e Centris tarsata SMITH, 1874. Os ninhos ativos eram ocupados por quatro diferentes abelhas adultas. Geralmente, uma abelha ficava na entrada do ninho. A estrutura do ninho foi descrita.Bees of the genus Xylocopa Latreille, 1802 are frequent in sandbank ecosystems under accelerated degradation. They nest especially in dead or rotted wood. The nest construction and nest structure of Xylocopa (Schoenherria subcyanea Perez, 1901 were studied in a sandbank from Bahia's north littoral, Brazil. We observed 43 active nests, under different stages of development, in two dead logs. The main activities were excavation of the logs, entering and leaving nest, permanence in the nest entrance, entering with pollen, and nectar dehydration. Preferential times along the day were observed for entering and leaving nest, showing influence of sunrise and sunset times. Abandoned nests were reused by X. subcyanea and Centris tarsata

  19. Android quick APIs reference

    CERN Document Server

    Cinar, Onur


    The Android Quick APIs Reference is a condensed code and APIs reference for the new Google Android 5.0 SDK. It presents the essential Android APIs in a well-organized format that can be used as a handy reference. You won't find any technical jargon, bloated samples, drawn out history lessons, or witty stories in this book. What you will find is a software development kit and APIs reference that is concise, to the point and highly accessible. The book is packed with useful information and is a must-have for any mobile or Android app developer or programmer. In the Android Quick APIs Refe

  20. Avaliação de alimentadores para abelha mandaçaia (Melipona quadrifasciata anthidioides)


    Sampaio, R.B.; Paula-Leite, M.C.; Carvalho, C.A.L.; Faquinello, P.


    Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar diferentes dispositivos para alimentação de colônias de abelha mandaçaia. Foram avaliados três alimentadores, Eiratama, Pernambucano e Prato, para a alimentação energética. Foram utilizados 5 dispositivos por tratamento, totalizando 15 colônias. Foram avaliados à capacidade de coleta e tempo até o consumo total do alimento fornecido. O Prato apresentou média para consumo de alimento de 13,55 mL, sendo superior aos demais. Concluiu-se que, para a aliment...

  1. Advanced API security securing APIs with OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect, JWS, and JWE

    CERN Document Server

    Siriwardena, Prabath


    Advanced API Security is a complete reference to the next wave of challenges in enterprise security--securing public and private APIs. API adoption in both consumer and enterprises has gone beyond predictions. It has become the 'coolest' way of exposing business functionalities to the outside world. Both your public and private APIs, need to be protected, monitored and managed. Security is not an afterthought, but API security has evolved a lot in last five years. The growth of standards, out there, has been exponential. That's where AdvancedAPI Security comes in--to wade through the weeds

  2. Training for Defense? From Stochastic Traits to Synchrony in Giant Honey Bees (<em>Apis dorsataem>

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    Gerald Kastberger


    Full Text Available In Giant Honey Bees, abdomen flipping happens in a variety of contexts. It can be either synchronous or cascaded, such as in the collective defense traits of shimmering and rearing-up, or it can happen as single-agent behavior. Abdomen flipping is also involved in flickering behavior, which occurs regularly under quiescent colony state displaying singular or collective traits, with stochastic, and (semi- synchronized properties. It presumably acts via visual, mechanoceptive, and pheromonal pathways and its goals are still unknown. This study questions whether flickering is preliminary to shimmering which is subject of the <em>fs em>(flickering-shimmering-transition> hypothesis? We tested the respective prediction that trigger sites (<em>ts> at the nest surface (where shimmering waves had been generated show higher flickering activity than the alternative non-trigger sites (<em>nts>. We measured the flickering activity of <em>ts>- and <em>nts>-surface bees from two experimental nests, before and after the colony had been aroused by a dummy wasp. Arousal increased rate and intensity of the flickering activity of both <em>ts>- and <em>nts> cohorts (P < 0.05, whereby the flickering intensity of <em>ts>-bees were higher than that of <em>nts>-bees (P < 0.05. Under arousal, the colonies also increased the number of flickering-active <em>ts>- and <em>nts>-cohorts (P < 0.05. This provides evidence that cohorts which are specialist at launching shimmering waves are found across the quiescent nest zone. It also proves that arousal may reinforce the responsiveness of quiescent curtain bees for participating in shimmering, practically by recruiting additional trigger site bees for expanding repetition of rate and intensity of shimmering waves. This finding confirms the <em>fs-transition> hypothesis and constitutes evidence that flickering is part of a basal colony-intrinsic information system

  3. Web API Fragility : How Robust is Your Web API Client

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Espinha, T.; Zaidman, A.; Gross, H.G.


    Web APIs provide a systematic and extensible approach for application-to-application interaction. A large number of mobile applications makes use of web APIs to integrate services into apps. Each Web API’s evolution pace is determined by their respective developer and mobile application developers

  4. Floral biology of candeia (Eremanthus erythropappus, Asteraceae Biologia floral da candeia (Eremanthus erythropappus, Asteraceae

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    Fábio de Almeida Vieira


    Full Text Available Floral biology and pollinators of candeia (Eremanthus erythropappus were analyzed in a natural population. We studied anthesis, flower morphology, stigmatic receptivity, pollen viability and floral visitors. The small flowers (10.17 mm in length are pink, hermaphrodites and organized in dense capitula (mean = 29 flowers. We observed a large percentage of viable pollen (77.25% and relatively scarce nectar availability for floral visitors (0.63 μL. The bees Apis mellifera and Trigona sp. were the most frequent visitors. The length of the bud, style and flowers varied significantly among plants. O objetivo deste trabalho foi examinar e documentar a biologia floral e os polinizadores da candeia (Eremanthus erythropappus em uma população natural, sendo estudados a antese, a morfologia floral, a receptividade estigmática, a viabilidade de pólen e os visitantes florais. As flores pequenas (10,17 mm de comprimento são cor de rosa, hermafroditas e organizadas em densos capítulos (média = 29 flores. Foi observada alta porcentagem de pólen viável (77,25% e relativamente pouca disponibilidade de néctar para os visitantes florais (0,63 μL. As abelhas Apis mellifera e Trigona sp. foram os visitantes mais frequentes. Os comprimentos dos botões, estiletes e flores variaram significativamente entre plantas.

  5. Healthcare Finder API (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — All of the data used on the web application is available through this API. There are multiple collections of data available through the API. 1....


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    Oderlene Vieira de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Many projects are currently being developed in Brazil by governmental and non-governmental agencies to support community-based production initiatives, especially through local productive arrangements (LPA. The apiculture network ‛Rede Abelha Ceará’ in Northeastern Brazil is an example of the dynamics of this novel form of productive organization, in which small-scale producers increase their competitiveness through LPAs. The present study poses the question: What are the perceptions of the members of ‛Rede Abelha Ceará’ regarding the dynamics of the network? To answer the question, we inquired beekeepers about the benefits obtained from their affiliation with the network. The investigation took the form of case study with findings submitted to content analysis. The results show that beekeepers recognized benefits derived from participation in the network, especially as related to cooperative purchasing, access to government credit and training in honey production processes. However, the synergy of the network was not fully exploited as half the interviewees reported not using the network logo on their products.

  7. Utilização de recursos florais por abelhas (Hymenoptera, Apoidea em uma área de Caatinga (Itatim, Bahia, Brasil

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    Aguiar Cândida Maria Lima


    Full Text Available This study was designed to identify important food resource plants used by bee species in a Caatinga area, as well as describe the local patterns of floral use by bees. A total of 1,145 foraging bees, belonging to 60 species, were captured while visiting 50 plant species. Melochia tomentosa L., Sida galheirensis Ulbr., Erythroxylon catingae P. Cowan, and Ziziphus cotinifolia Reiss. were the most frequently visited plants. Melochia tomentosa, Solanum paniculatum L. and S. galheirensis were visited by larger number of bee species. Some oligolectic bees were identified. Apis mellifera Linnaeus, 1758 and Trigona spinipes (Fabricius, 1793 had the largest trophic niche breadth (2.71 and 2.31. The trophic niche overlap was highest (0.52 between Xylocopa grisescens Lepeletier, 1841 and Frieseomelitta silvestrii (Friese, 1902. The low trophic niche overlap between Apis mellifera and native stingless bees seems to be the result of intensive exploration of only a few flower sources by Africanized bees, not frequently visited by meliponids.

  8. Transcriptome differences in the hypopharyngeal gland between Western Honeybees (Apis mellifera) and Eastern Honeybees (Apis cerana). (United States)

    Liu, Hao; Wang, Zi-Long; Tian, Liu-Qing; Qin, Qiu-Hong; Wu, Xiao-Bo; Yan, Wei-Yu; Zeng, Zhi-Jiang


    Apis mellifera and Apis cerana are two sibling species of Apidae. Apis cerana is adept at collecting sporadic nectar in mountain and forest region and exhibits stiffer hardiness and acarid resistance as a result of natural selection, whereas Apis mellifera has the advantage of producing royal jelly. To identify differentially expressed genes (DEGs) that affect the development of hypopharyngeal gland (HG) and/or the secretion of royal jelly between these two honeybee species, we performed a digital gene expression (DGE) analysis of the HGs of these two species at three developmental stages (newly emerged worker, nurse and forager). Twelve DGE-tag libraries were constructed and sequenced using the total RNA extracted from the HGs of newly emerged workers, nurses, and foragers of Apis mellifera and Apis cerana. Finally, a total of 1482 genes in Apis mellifera and 1313 in Apis cerana were found to exhibit an expression difference among the three developmental stages. A total of 1417 DEGs were identified between these two species. Of these, 623, 1072, and 462 genes showed an expression difference at the newly emerged worker, nurse, and forager stages, respectively. The nurse stage exhibited the highest number of DEGs between these two species and most of these were found to be up-regulated in Apis mellifera. These results suggest that the higher yield of royal jelly in Apis mellifera may be due to the higher expression level of these DEGs. In this study, we investigated the DEGs between the HGs of two sibling honeybee species (Apis mellifera and Apis cerana). Our results indicated that the gene expression difference was associated with the difference in the royal jelly yield between these two species. These results provide an important clue for clarifying the mechanisms underlying hypopharyngeal gland development and the production of royal jelly.

  9. Impact of Nosema ceranae and Nosema apis on individual worker bees of the two host species (Apis cerana and Apis mellifera) and regulation of host immune response. (United States)

    Sinpoo, Chainarong; Paxton, Robert J; Disayathanoowat, Terd; Krongdang, Sasiprapa; Chantawannakul, Panuwan

    Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae are obligate intracellular microsporidian parasites infecting midgut epithelial cells of host adult honey bees, originally Apis mellifera and Apis cerana respectively. Each microsporidia cross-infects the other host and both microsporidia nowadays have a worldwide distribution. In this study, cross-infection experiments using both N. apis and N. ceranae in both A. mellifera and A. cerana were carried out to compare pathogen proliferation and impact on hosts, including host immune response. Infection by N. ceranae led to higher spore loads than by N. apis in both host species, and there was greater proliferation of microsporidia in A. mellifera compared to A. cerana. Both N. apis and N. ceranae were pathogenic in both host Apis species. N. ceranae induced subtly, though not significantly, higher mortality than N. apis in both host species, yet survival of A. cerana was no different to that of A. mellifera in response to N. apis or N. ceranae. Infections of both host species with N. apis and N. ceranae caused significant up-regulation of AMP genes and cellular mediated immune genes but did not greatly alter apoptosis-related gene expression. In this study, A. cerana enlisted a higher immune response and displayed lower loads of N. apis and N. ceranae spores than A. mellifera, suggesting it may be better able to defend itself against microsporidia infection. We caution against over-interpretation of our results, though, because differences between host and parasite species in survival were insignificant and because size differences between microsporidia species and between host Apis species may alternatively explain the differential proliferation of N. ceranae in A. mellifera. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Physicochemical and microbiological characterization of cassava flower honey samples produced by africanized honeybees Caracterização físico-química e microbiológica de amostras de mel de flores de mandioca produzido por abelhas africanizadas

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    Lucimar Peres de Moura Pontara


    Full Text Available Cassava producers in the region of Marília-São Paulo are integrating their farming activity with beekeeping to diversify their income. The aim of this study was to evaluate the physicochemical and microbiological quality of honey samples produced by Africanized honeybees Apis mellifera from cassava flower in 2008. Analysis were carried out for pH, total soluble solids (TSS, acidity, moisture, reducing and total sugars, apparent sucrose, hydroxymethylfurfural, color, ash, proteins, water insoluble solids, diastasic activity, mineral content, microbiological evaluations, and mineral and hydrocyanic acid (HCN content. The honey samples showed physicochemical and microbiological characteristics favorable to commercialization, with the exception of apparent sucrose and acidity, which show the need for a narrow focus of attention to the honey maturation degree at the harvest time and more careful monitoring during production and processing. The commercialization of Brazilian cassava honey, still little explored, can be widely spread in the market since the levels of hydrocyanic acid (HCN showed no consumption risk; in addition the simultaneous production of honey and cassava provides an alternative to family income increase.Produtores de mandioca da região de Marília, Estado de São Paulo, estão consorciando a atividade da apicultura em meio à cultura visando diversificar a renda obtida pela propriedade rural. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade físico-química e microbiológica do mel produzido por abelhas Apis mellifera africanizadas, elaborado a partir de flores de mandioca, no ano de 2008. Foram realizadas análises de pH, sólidos solúveis totais (SST, acidez, umidade, açúcares redutores e totais, sacarose aparente, hidroximetilfurfural, cor, cinzas, proteínas, sólidos insolúveis em água, atividade diastásica, teor de minerais e monitoramento dos teores de ácido cianídrico (HCN, além de avaliações microbiol

  11. Diversidade genÃtica da abelha sem ferrÃo melipona quinquefasciata baseada no sequÃnciamento das regiÃes its1 e 18s do dna ribossÃmico nuclear


    JÃlio OtÃvio Portela Pereira


    A pesquisa foi desenvolvida no perÃodo de janeiro de 2003 a marÃo de 2006, nos Departamentos de Zootecnia, e Biologia da Universidade Federal do CearÃ, localizada no municÃpio de Fortaleza, estado do CearÃ. As amostras de abelhas foram coletadas nos estados do CearÃ, Piauà e GoiÃs. O objetivo desta tese foi estudar a diversidade genÃtica de populaÃÃes da abelha sem ferrÃo Melipona quinquefasciata, ocorrendo naturalmente na Chapada do Araripe (Sul do CearÃ), na Chapada da Ibiapaba (Oeste do Ce...

  12. Abelhas (Hymenoptera: Apoidea visitantes das flores do feijão guandu no Recôncavo Baiano, Brasil Bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea on pigeonpea flowers in 'Recôncavo Baiano' region, Brazil

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    Ruberval Leone Azevedo


    Full Text Available O feijão guandu Cajanus cajan L. é uma cultura comum, encontrada com freqüência em todo o Brasil, principalmente em pequenas propriedades rurais. Este trabalho teve por objetivo obter informações sobre a diversidade de abelhas visitantes das flores do feijão guandu, gerando informações sobre a estrutura da comunidade de abelhas e a importância desta leguminosa como fonte de recursos tróficos. As coletas foram feitas semanalmente, entre maio e outubro de 2005, na área experimental de Entomologia do Centro de Ciências Agrárias da UFBA, localizada no município de Cruz das Almas, Bahia, no intervalo entre as 6:00 e as 18:00 horas. Um total de 4.676 indivíduos foi coletado visitando as flores do feijão guandu. A família Apidae foi representada por 99,3% dos indivíduos e 76,2% das espécies amostradas. Os gêneros Xylocopa e Trigona foram os que apresentaram maior riqueza, com quatro e três espécies, respectivamente. Trigona spinipes foi a espécie mais abundante, com freqüência relativa igual a 83,1%, seguida de Nannotrigona testaceicornis (5,1%.Pigeonpea, Cajanus cajan L. is a common crop, frequently found throughout Brazil, mainly in small rural properties. This research was aimed at geting information on the diversity of visiting bees to flowers of pigeonpea, generating information on the structure of the bee community and the importance of this Leguminosae as source of food resources. Collections had been made weekly, between May and October 2005 in the Experimental area of the Center of Agrarian Sciences and Environmental of the UFBA, located in the Cruz das Almas, Bahia, in the interval between 6:00 AM and 06:00 PM. A total of 4.676 individuals was collected visiting the pigeonpea flowers. The Apidae family was represented by 99.25% of individuals and 76.19% of total species. The genera Xylocopa and Trigona were the ones that showed greater richness, with four and three species, respectively. Trigona spinipes was the most

  13. Visitantes florais do maracujá-amarelo (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa Deg. Passifloraceae em áreas de cultivo com diferentes proximidades a fragmentos florestais na região Norte Fluminense, RJ Yellow passion fruit (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa Deg. Passifloraceae floral visitors in cultivated areas within different distances from forest remnants in north Rio de Janeiro state

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    Cristine Rodrigues Benevides


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivos estudar a biologia floral e identificar os principais polinizadores do maracujá-amarelo em áreas de cultivo com diferentes proximidades a fragmentos florestais no norte do estado do Rio de Janeiro. A floração do maracujá-amarelo teve duração de nove meses, no período de setembro a maio. As flores iniciavam a antese às 12:00 h e abriam-se ao longo do dia até às 16:30 h. O processo de curvatura dos estiletes ocorreu ao longo da antese e 72,4% das flores curvaram seus estiletes. A produção de néctar deu-se continuamente, atingindo 18μl/flor/hora e a concentração de solutos totais variou entre 38 e 42%. Xylocopa frontalis e Xylocopa ordinaria foram os principais polinizadores do maracujá-amarelo pela freqüência de visitas, comportamento intrafloral e porte corporal. Estas espécies de abelhas, além de Apis mellifera, estiveram presentes em todas as áreas de cultivo. A maior riqueza de visitantes polinizadores do maracujá-amarelo foi observada em áreas de cultivo próximas a fragmentos florestais, fato relacionado à presença de certos grupos de abelhas nativas, como Centridini e Euglossina (Apidae que dependem de áreas florestais para nidificação e alimentação. A proximidade a fragmentos florestais também é importante para o fornecimento de recursos alimentares e de nidificação ao longo do ano para a manutenção de populações de Xylocopa.This work aimed to identify the main pollinators and study the floral biology of the yellow passion fruit cultivated in areas within different distances from forest remnants in north Rio de Janeiro state. The yellow passion fruit flowering lasted nine months, from September to March. Anthesis started at 12:00 h and the opening process lasted until 16:30 h. The styles bent down during the anthesis and 72.4% of the flowers had its styles curved. Nectar was produced continuously, reaching 18μl/flower/hour, and the total solute concentration varied

  14. The putative serine protease inhibitor Api m 6 from Apis mellifera venom: recombinant and structural evaluation. (United States)

    Michel, Y; McIntyre, M; Ginglinger, H; Ollert, M; Cifuentes, L; Blank, S; Spillner, E


    Immunoglobulin (Ig) E-mediated reactions to honeybee venom can cause severe anaphylaxis, sometimes with fatal consequences. Detailed knowledge of the allergic potential of all venom components is necessary to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment of allergy and to gain a better understanding of the allergological mechanisms of insect venoms. Our objective was to undertake an immunochemical and structural evaluation of the putative low-molecular-weight serine protease inhibitor Api m 6, a component of honeybee venom. We recombinantly produced Api m 6 as a soluble protein in Escherichia coli and in Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) insect cells.We also assessed specific IgE reactivity of venom-sensitized patients with 2 prokaryotically produced Api m 6 variants using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Moreover, we built a structural model ofApi m 6 and compared it with other protease inhibitor structures to gain insights into the function of Api m 6. In a population of 31 honeybee venom-allergic patients, 26% showed specific IgE reactivity with prokaryotically produced Api m 6, showing it to be a minor but relevant allergen. Molecular modeling of Api m 6 revealed a typical fold of canonical protease inhibitors, supporting the putative function of this venom allergen. Although Api m 6 has a highly variant surface charge, its epitope distribution appears to be similar to that of related proteins. Api m 6 is a honeybee venom component with IgE-sensitizing potential in a fraction of venom-allergic patients. Recombinant Api m 6 can help elucidate individual component-resolved reactivity profiles and increase our understanding of immune responses to low-molecular-weight allergens

  15. CKAN API (United States)

    General Services Administration — The catalog is powered by CKAN, a powerful open source data platform that includes a robust API. Please be aware that and the CKAN API...

  16. Comparative virulence and competition between Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae in honey bees (Apis mellifera). (United States)

    Milbrath, Meghan O; van Tran, Toan; Huang, Wei-Fong; Solter, Leellen F; Tarpy, David R; Lawrence, Frank; Huang, Zachary Y


    Honey bees (Apis mellifera) are infected by two species of microsporidia: Nosema apis and Nosemaceranae. Epidemiological evidence indicates that N. ceranae may be replacing N. apis globally in A. mellifera populations, suggesting a potential competitive advantage of N. ceranae. Mixed infections of the two species occur, and little is known about the interactions among the host and the two pathogens that have allowed N. ceranae to become dominant in most geographical areas. We demonstrated that mixed Nosema species infections negatively affected honey bee survival (median survival=15-17days) more than single species infections (median survival=21days and 20days for N. apis and N. ceranae, respectively), with median survival of control bees of 27days. We found similar rates of infection (percentage of bees with active infections after inoculation) for both species in mixed infections, with N. apis having a slightly higher rate (91% compared to 86% for N. ceranae). We observed slightly higher spore counts in bees infected with N. ceranae than in bees infected with N. apis in single microsporidia infections, especially at the midpoint of infection (day 10). Bees with mixed infections of both species had higher spore counts than bees with single infections, but spore counts in mixed infections were highly variable. We did not see a competitive advantage for N. ceranae in mixed infections; N. apis spore counts were either higher or counts were similar for both species and more N. apis spores were produced in 62% of bees inoculated with equal dosages of the two microsporidian species. N. ceranae does not, therefore, appear to have a strong within-host advantage for either infectivity or spore growth, suggesting that direct competition in these worker bee mid-guts is not responsible for its apparent replacement of N. apis. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Estudo do efeito da tensão sobre a permeação por Hidrogênio em Aços API 5L X60 e API 5L X65

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    Bruno Araújo Araújo


    Full Text Available Under operating conditions, the oil and gas transmission pipelines can be subjected to high pressures and, at the same time, suffer the effect of acidic substances in the transported hydrocarbons such as H2S, whose action alone or combined with stresses acting in the structure can cause degradation processes of the mechanical properties of the material. Given the importance of the phenomenon, this work has as main objective the realization of hydrogen electrochemical permeation tests in API 5L X60 and API 5L X65 steels under mechanical loading conditions. A device for performing electrochemical permeation tests of hydrogen in the specimens subjected to stress was used for the tests. Thus, it was possible to observe experimentally the influence of stress on the diffusion properties during the experiment. By applying stress on the order of 20% of the yield strength, it was possible to verify the increase of diffusivity of API 5L X60 steel. Furthermore, there was a strong influence of the stress level of permeability, because a large increase of permeability of API 5L X65 steel. The results indicate that the lattice deformation due to imposed mechanical stress has a great influence on the diffusion properties of materials

  18. Floração, produção de néctar e abelhas visitantes de Eriope blanchetii (Lamiaceae em dunas costeiras, Nordeste do Brasil Flowering, nectar production and visiting bees of Eriope blanchetii (Lamiaceae, in sand dunes, northeastern Brazil

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    Fabiana Oliveira da Silva


    Full Text Available As observações sobre a floração, produção de néctar e abelhas visitantes foram realizadas entre outubro de 1999 e outubro de 2000, em uma população natural de Eriope blanchetii (Benth Harley (Lamiaceae distribuída em dunas litorâneas, Salvador (12º56'S, 38º21'W, Bahia. Entre as 15 espécies de abelhas registradas, predominaram aquelas de porte corporal médio e grande. Os polinizadores efetivos são Xylocopa cearensis Ducke, 1910 e Colletes petropolitanus Dalla Torre, 1896, considerando seu tamanho, comportamento e freqüência nas flores. A floração contínua da população de E. blanchetii e o grau de sincronia, duração e intensidade da floração entre os indivíduos estimula o movimento interplanta e o transporte de pólen pelos polinizadores com diferentes demandas energéticas e comportamento generalista. A deposição de pólen ocorre na região ventral do corpo do polinizador na região que contata as anteras e o estigma durante o forrageio, mas apenas C. petropolitanus transportou exclusivamente pólen de E. blanchetii. O pólen, removido principalmente durante a fase masculina é, posteriormente, depositado em flores com estigmas receptivos durante a fase feminina. Entre maio e outubro de 2000, o volume de néctar variou de 0,01 a 0,98 ml sendo maior na fase masculina (U=2972,5; P0.05 e entre aquelas ensacadas e não ensacadas (U=3632; P>0.05 não foi significativa. O padrão de floração, a produção e acessibilidade do néctar tornam as flores de E. blanchetii atrativas aos seus polinizadores potenciais.Observations on nectar production, flowering and visiting bees were conducted from October 1999 to October 2000 in a wild population of Eriope blanchetii (Benth Harley (Lamiaceae located at Abaeté sand dunes (12º56'S, 38º21'W, in Salvador, Bahia. Fifteen bee species were collected with those varying from medium to large-sized being predominant. The effective pollinators were Xylocopa cearensis Ducke, 1910 and

  19. Orchid bee baits attracting bees of the genus Megalopta (Hymenoptera, Halictidae in Bauru region, São Paulo, Brazil: abundance, seasonality, and the importance of odors for dim-light bees Abelhas do gênero Megalopta (Hymenoptera, Halictidae atraídas por iscas químicas usadas para euglossíneos na região de Bauru, SP: abundância, sazonalidade e importância de odores para abelhas crepusculares

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    Fátima R. N. Knoll


    Full Text Available Nocturnal bees in the genus Megalopta Smith, 1853 are generally collected using artificial light sources. However, between 1993 and 2000, a total of 946 females (no males were captured were captured using aromatic baits commonly used for orchid bees (Euglossini in five localities in Bauru region, São Paulo, Brazil. Aromatic compounds used in bait traps were: benzyl acetate, eucalyptol, eugenol, skatole, methyl salicylate, and vanillin. The Megalopta species collected were: M. guimaraesi (71.2% of total number of specimens, M. amoena (28.1%, and M. aegis (0.6%. Using the data from these traps, we showed that there was a positive and significant correlation between the abundance of individuals and meteorological factors, rainfall and temperature. Bees were more commonly collected in the spring (September to December and summer (December to March than in the autumn and winter, the latter characterized for being a drier and colder period. Variations in the abundance were also detected among localities and years. The most attractive compounds were eugenol (54%, methyl salicylate (22%, and eucalyptol (16%. The ability to detect smells may have an important role in searching for flowers during dim-light conditions. We suggest the use of aromatic compounds in future studies on the biology of Megalopta in the Neotropical region.Abelhas noturnas do gênero Megalopta (Smith, 1853 são geralmente coletadas usando fontes artificiais de luz. Porém entre os anos de 1993 e 2000, um total de 946 fêmeas de Megalopta foram capturadas (machos não foram capturados usando iscas aromáticas frequentemente usadas para atração de machos de Euglossini, em cinco localidades na região de Bauru, São Paulo, Brasil. Os compostos aromáticos utilizados foram: acetato de benzila, eucaliptol, eugenol, escatol, salicilato de metila e vanilina. As espécies encontradas foram M. guimaraesi (71.2% do total de indivíduos, M. amoena (28.1% and M. aegis (0.6%. De modo geral

  20. Estudo de plantas visitadas por abelhas Melipona scutellaris na microrregião do brejo no Estado da Paraíba - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v25i2.1988 Study of plants visited by bees Melipona scutellaris in brejo Paraibano- DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v25i2.1988

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    Genaro S. Dornellas


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de inventariar as plantas visitadas por abelhas Melipona scutellaris L. na Microrregião do Brejo Paraibano, delimitaram-se, 4 linhas de transecção de aproximadamente 1km2 cada, partindo-se do meliponário constituído por 20 colméias da estação experimental Chã de Jardim da Universidade Federal da Paraíba, no município de Areia, estado da Paraíba. As trilhas foram percorridas uma vez por semana durante todo o período de execução do trabalho (abril a julho, nos horários das 7h30min às 10h30min, no qual todas as plantas em florescimento com até 3m de altura foram observadas, por cerca de 5 minutos, anotando-se a visita das abelhas Uruçu. A conclusão foi que essas abelhas apresentam preferência pela vegetação característica da Mata Atlântica e capoeira em detrimento da vegetação de campo, mostrando-se bastante seletivas com relação à escolha de fontes alimentares. Para os meliponicultores, pode-se sugerir como pasto apícola as plantas: Erytroxylon sp., Schamanthus sp, Caliandra brevipes, Wulffia stenoglossa, Croton alagoenis, Jaquemontia sp.The present work had the aim to inventory plants visited by bees Melipona scutellaris in Brejo Paraibano using 20 beehives of bees M. scutellaris L.. Data of four lines of transection were delimited approximately 1km2 each from the mellyponary. Lines were drawn inside of this transection, where each trail was traveled, once a week, during a whole period of work from 7h30min to 10h30min. Along the trail all the plants in flowering were observed about 5 minutes during the visit of Uruçu bees or other ones. During the course plants were collected for botanic identification. For identification of transection line which was more foraged by Uruçu bees, statistical formula used no parametric Kruskal-Wallis for independent “K” samples (Siegel, 1975. The M. scutellaris is shown quite selective regarding to the choice of alimentary sources. For apicultures it can be

  1. Flowering, nectar production and visiting bees of Eriope blanchetii (Lamiaceae), in sand dunes, northeastern Brazil


    Silva, Fabiana Oliveira da; Viana, Blandina Felipe; Pigozzo, Camila Magalhães


    As observações sobre a floração, produção de néctar e abelhas visitantes foram realizadas entre outubro de 1999 e outubro de 2000, em uma população natural de Eriope blanchetii (Benth) Harley (Lamiaceae) distribuída em dunas litorâneas, Salvador (12º56'S, 38º21'W), Bahia. Entre as 15 espécies de abelhas registradas, predominaram aquelas de porte corporal médio e grande. Os polinizadores efetivos são Xylocopa cearensis Ducke, 1910 e Colletes petropolitanus Dalla Torre, 1896, considerando seu t...

  2. Análise melissopalinológica e estrutura de ninho de abelhas Trigona spinipes (Fabricius, 1793 (Hymenoptera: Apidae encontradas no Campus da Universidade Federal de Sergipe, São Cristovão, SE

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    Maria Emilene Correia Oliveira


    Full Text Available Resumo. A tribo Trigonini abrange o maior número de gêneros e espécies de abelhas, existindo espécies que ainda não foram estudadas e características biológicas e ecológicas que ainda são desconhecidas. As abelhas Trigona spinipes (Fabricius são descritas como agente polinizador de diversas culturas, podendo ser utilizada inclusive como agente polinizador comercial. O objetivo do trabalho foi realizar estudos sobre a abelha T. spinipes, buscando conhecer aspectos de sua biologia, preferências e hábitos alimentares, a partir do acompanhamento dos ninhos existentes no Campus da Universidade Federal de Sergipe, situado na cidade de São Cristóvão, SE. Os seguintes parâmetros foram avaliados: atividade de vôo, estrutura de ninho, umidade, grau brix e pH no mel, e avaliação palinológica do mel e tipos polínicos observados nos ninhos. Foram encontrados 20 ninhos de T. spinipes, as médias de entradas de abelhas foram 298,72 e saídas 282,16. O volume médio dos potes de mel foi de 0,459 mL (p > 0.05, o peso médio de 0,9573 g, (p = 0.05, and the medium weight 0.9573 g, (p <0.01. The humidity text the same to 24.20%, degree brix (soluble solids equal to 74.50 and pH 3.58. In the pollen the dominant grain belonged to the family Celastraceae (46% and honey the grain of dominant pollen belonged to the family Euphorbiaceae (51%. The diversity of pollens grains found in its victuals evidences the potential of the trigona as polinizador.


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    Usman Ependi


    Full Text Available Heuristic evaluation merupakan salah satu bentuk usability testing perangkat lunak yang dinilai oleh pengguna (evaluator. Dalam melakukan heuristic evaluation instrumen penilaian terdiri dari sepuluh (10 pernyataan dengan lima pilihan jawaban dalam skala severity ratings. Dalam penelitian ini heuristic evaluation terhadap aplikasi Depo Auto 2000 Tanjung Api-Api Palembang yang dilakukan oleh 4 evaluator.  Hasil dari heuristic evaluation dikelompokkan kedalam  masing-masing instrumen yaitu visibility of system status dengan nilai 0,75, match between system and the real world dengan nilai 0,25, user control and freedom dengan nilai 0,25, consistency and standards dengan nilai 0,75, error prevention dengan nilai 1, recognition rather than recall dengan nilai 1,25, flexibility and efficiency of use dengan nilai 0,25, Aesthetic and minimalist design dengan nilai 0,25, help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors dengan nilai 1 dan Help and documentation dengan nilai 0. Dari hasil heuristic evaluation yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa evaluator memberikan nilai 0 dan 1 aplikasi Depo Atuo 2000 Tanjung Api-Api Palembang. Hasil penilaian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi yang buat tidak ada masalah usability dan hanya memiliki cosmetic problem sehingga aplikasi Depo Auto 2000 Tanjung Api Api Palembang  dapat dinyatakan layak untuk didistribusikan kepada pengguna akhir (end user.

  4. Contrasting bee pollination in two co-occurring distylic species of Cordia (Cordiaceae, Boraginales in the Brazilian semi-arid Caatinga: generalist in C. globosa vs. specialist in C. leucocephala

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    Isabel C. Machado


    Full Text Available In this study we compare the reproductive biology of Cordia globosa and C. leucocephala (Cordiaceae, Boraginales; formerly referred to Boraginaceae to understand the functioning of the floral morphs and the relations with their effective pollinators. The species are synchronopatric, distylic, and self-incompatible. Though they share melittophilous traits, the main visitor and pollinator of C. globosa was the generalist and exotic bee Apis mellifera, while the only one of C. leucocephala was the oligoletic bee Ceblurgus longipalpis. These two latter species are restricted to the Caatinga of NE Brazil, contrasting with the wide distribution of Cordia globosa. While the fruit-set for C. globosa was high, independently if the pollen donor/stigma receptor was a pin (long-styled or thrum (short-styled individual, in C. leucocephala the fruit-set was low and occurred only when a thrum individual was the pollen donor. This raises the possibility of this species moving towards dioecy. The high natural fruit-set of C. globosa confirms the generalist bee as its effective pollinator. The low fruit-set after manual crosses in C. leucocephala may be due to low pollen viability. Additionally, the low natural fruit-set (two times lower than after crosses may be related with the foraging behavior of the specialist pollinator.Neste estudo comparamos a biologia reprodutiva de Cordia globosa e C. leucocephala para entender a função dos orfos florais e as relações com seus polinizadores efetivos. As espécies são sincronopátricas, distílicas e auto-incompatíveis. Embora elas compartilhem atributos melitófilos, o principal visitante e polinizador de C. globosa foi Apis mellifera, abelha generalista e exótica, enquanto o de C. leucocephala foi a abelha oligolética Ceblurgus longipalpis. Essas duas últimas espécies são restritas à Caatinga do Nordeste do Brasil, contrastando com a ampla distribuição de C. globosa. Enquanto a formação de frutos de C

  5. Effects of tissue handling and processing steps on PCR for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded samples Efeitos das etapas de tratamento e processamento do tecido na PCR para detecção de Mycobacterium tuberculosis em amostras fixadas em formalina e incluídas em parafina

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    Denise Barcelos


    Full Text Available Development and standardization of reliable methods for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in clinical samples is an important goal in laboratories throughout the world. In this work, lung and spleen fragments from a patient who died with the diagnosis of miliary tuberculosis were used to evaluate the influence of the type of fixative as well as the fixation and paraffin inclusion protocols on PCR performance in paraffin embedded specimens. Tissue fragments were fixed for four h to 48 h, using either 10% non-buffered or 10% buffered formalin, and embedded in pure paraffin or paraffin mixed with bee wax. Specimens were submitted to PCR for amplification of the human beta-actin gene and separately for amplification of the insertion sequence IS6110, specific from the M. tuberculosis complex. Amplification of the beta-actin gene was positive in all samples. No amplicons were generated by PCR-IS6110 when lung tissue fragments were fixed using 10% non-buffered formalin and were embedded in paraffin containing bee wax. In conclusion, combined inhibitory factors interfere in the detection of M. tuberculosis in stored material. It is important to control these inhibitory factors in order to implement molecular diagnosis in pathology laboratories.O desenvolvimento e a padronização de métodos confiáveis para a detecção de Mycobacterium tuberculosis em amostras clínicas é um objetivo importante nos laboratórios de todo o mundo. Neste trabalho, fragmentos de pulmão e baço de paciente que morreu com o diagnóstico de tuberculose miliar foram usados para avaliar a influência do tipo de fixador e dos protocolos de fixação e inclusão em parafina na performance da PCR. Fragmentos de tecido foram fixados por quatro h a 48 h, usando formalina não tamponada a 10% ou formalina tamponada a 10% e incluídos em parafina pura ou misturada a cera de abelha. As amostras foram submetidas a PCR para amplificação do gene da beta-actina humana e

  6. Mars Atmospheric Aggregation System API (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The {MAAS} API is an open source REST API built to help make it easier and more efficient to build interactive applications that want to utilize the wealth of...

  7. Beebread from Apis mellifera and Apis dorsata. Comparative Chemical Composition and Bioactivity

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    Otilia BOBIS


    Full Text Available Beebread is a valuable bee product, both for bee nutrition and for humans. The high nutritional and bioactive properties of beebread were evaluated by chemical composition analysis of beebread from Apis mellifera and Apis dorsata. Bee bread harvested from Romania and India, coming from Apis mellifera and Apis dorsata bees, were evaluated for their chemical composition. Analyses were made in APHIS Laboratory from USAMV Cluj, using validated methods for bee products. Lipids were determined by the Soxhlet extraction method, total protein content was determined by Kjehldahl method, sugar spectrum was determined by high performance liquid chromatography with refractive index detection (HPLC-IR. Water content of beebread samples were situated between 11.45 and 16.46%, total protein content between 16.84 and 19.19% and total lipids between 6.36 and 13.47%.  Beebread has high bioactive properties which can be expressed as antioxidant and/or antibacterial activity. Chemical composition and bioactive properties of beebread is influenced by floral origin of the pollen which the bees collect and place in combs for fermentation. Also the climatic conditions have an important role in developing different fermentation compounds, that may act as antioxidants or antibacterial agents.

  8. Updated API document 6A will close API-ISO 9000 gap. [Oil and gas wellhead standards

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bell, S.


    The 17th edition of the American Petroleum Institute's (API) document 6A, covering wellheads and their components, is due early next year. As the API vs. International Standards Organization (ISO) 9000 struggle continues, this edition of 6A eliminates some unnecessary specifications, clarifies others, and includes metric specifications accepted by the ISO. The 17th edition will clarify some of the interpretations from earlier editions and further advise users how to acquire the API monogram. The goal of this edition is to make 6A acceptable to ISO as an international document so API can maintain control over petroleum equipment specifications and provide input and guidance in future regulations.

  9. Intro to the Zotero API

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    Amanda Morton


    Full Text Available In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use python with the Zotero API to interact with your Zotero library. The Zotero API is a powerful interface that would allow you to build a complete Zotero client from scratch if you so desired. But like most APIs, it works in small, discrete steps, so we have to build our way up to the complicated requests we might want to use to access our Zotero libraries. But this incremental building gives us plenty of time to learn as we go along.

  10. Bluetooth API Implementation into Android

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    Konev Sergey


    Full Text Available Bluetooth is a popular method of communication between devices. Many smartphones today have the capability to communicate using Bluetooth. Android developers sometimes need to use Bluetooth in their projects. Android OS provides a powerful API for Bluetooth that allows to simplify scanning the environment for devices, pairing and connecting, data transfer between devices and more. However, utilizing the Bluetooth API can be difficult for first-time users. The objective of this article is to demonstrate the key points of implementing Bluetooth API in the Android application.

  11. Restful API Architecture Based on Laravel Framework (United States)

    Chen, Xianjun; Ji, Zhoupeng; Fan, Yu; Zhan, Yongsong


    Web service has been an industry standard tech for message communication and integration between heterogeneous systems. RESTFUL API has become mainstream web service development paradigm after SOAP, how to effectively construct RESTFUL API remains a research hotspots. This paper presents a development model of RESTFUL API construction based on PHP language and LARAVEL framework. The key technical problems that need to be solved during the construction of RESTFUL API are discussed, and implementation details based on LARAVEL are given.

  12. Tratamento para o combate do forídeo Pseudohypocera kerteszi em Melipona quadrifasciata Lep Treatment against the forid fly Pseudohypocera kerteszi in Melipona quadrifasciata Regional Lep

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    Geraldo Moretto


    Full Text Available O forideo P. kerteszi é uma praga que ataca principalmente as crias de abelhas sociais. As conseqüências do ataque vão desde o enfraquecimento até o extermínio total da colônia de abelhas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi a criação de uma metodologia que permita a erradicação deste parasita quando estiver atacando colônias de abelhas melipona. Três colônias de M. quadrifasciata parasitadas com o forídeo foram tratadas com solução de mel de meliponídeos ou vinagre associada ao veneno de mosca oktrine. Um frasco contendo essa solução foi colocado entre o ninho e a lixeira em colmeias do modelo Uberlândia. Uma tela de malha que não permitisse a passagem das abelhas foi colocada entre o ninho e a lixeira. Por um período de três a sete dias foram encontrados forídeos mortos dentro ou próximo à solução.The forid fly P. kerteszi is a pest that mainly attacks the brood of social bees. The consequences of this attack range from weakening to total extermination of bee colonies. The objective of the present study was to develop a methodology that would eradicate this pest when P. kerteszi is parasitizing colonies of Melipona bees. Three M. quadrifasciata colonies parasitized with the forid fly were treated with a solution of meliponid honey or vinegar in combination with the oktrine fly poison. A flask containing this solution was placed between the nest and a garbage tray separated by a mesh net that would permit the passage of forid flies but not of bees. Dead forid flies inside or close to the solution were found daily for a period of three to seven days.

  13. Atividade de alguns insetos em flores de Brassica napus L. em Dourados-MS e a interação com fatores climáticos Activity of some insects in Brassica napus L. flowers at Dourados-MS and the interaction with climatic factors

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    Rosilda Mara Mussury


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se estudar a flutuação populacional, horários de visitação e a interação com fatores climáticos de insetos visitantes de flores de Brassica napus L. em diversos estádios fenológicos. O trabalho foi realizado em Dourados, MS, Brasil. Os insetos foram coletados com rede entomológica de 30 cm de diâmetro, a cada duas horas, no período de 7 as 17 horas. Foram coletadas as abelhas Apis mellifera, Linnaeus, 1758, Trigona sp., o vespídeo Brachygastra lecheguana (Latreille - 1824 e uma espécie de Chloropidae (Diptera, que foi a mais abundante e freqüente nas amostragens. O pico populacional da maioria dos insetos foi das 9 às 15 horas; contudo, para Trigona sp., foi entre 9 e 11 horas. A maior frequência de insetos ocorreu durante o estádio fenológico III. A análise de correlação evidenciou que a umidade relativa entre 11 horas (r = 0,57 e 13 horas (r = 0,43 favoreceu a ocorrência do díptero da família Chloropidae. Reduções nas populações de insetos do estádio III para o IV foram devidas, provavelmente, a temperaturas mais baixas, que atingiram a média de 16,1ºC.The objective of this work was to study the populational fluctuation, the preferred visiting time, and the interaction with climatic factors in several phenological stages from visitant insects in Brassica napus L. flowers. The study was accomplished in Dourados-MS, Brazil. The insects were collected with a 30-cm wide entomologic sweep net every 2 hours from 7h00 to 17h00. Apis mellifera L., 1758, Trigona sp., and Brachygastra lecheguana (Latreille - 1824 were gathered in B. napus flowers. A dipterous from the Chloropidae family was the insect with the largest populational density in the samples. The large occurrence of most pollinators was between 9h00 and 15h00, but Trigona sp. was present in larger numbers between 9h00 and 11h00. The largest frequency of pollinator insects occurred during stage III of flowering. The correlation analysis indicated

  14. Biologia reprodutiva de Acacia mearnsii de wild. (Fabaceae IV: visitantes florais Reproductive biology of Acacia mearnsii de wild. (Fabaceae IV: flower visitors

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    Eudes Maria Stiehl Alves


    Full Text Available Para que as estratégias de melhoramento genético em espécies arbóreas tenham sucesso, o conhecimento da biologia reprodutiva da espécie envolvida é indispensável. Um dos fatores críticos ao sucesso reprodutivo das espécies do gênero Acacia é a presença de vetores para a polinização. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram identificar os visitantes florais em um plantio comercial de Acacia mearnsii De Wild. e quantificar as políades aderidas à superfície corporal dos insetos. As observações foram realizadas em uma torre localizada no plantio comercial durante o período de floração de 2002 e 2003. Os visitantes florais foram capturados no período diurno com o auxílio de rede entomológica e de um cesto aéreo instalado em um trator. No período noturno, os insetos foram capturados com o auxílio de armadilhas luminosas instaladas entre as copas florescidas. Foram observados insetos pertencentes às ordens Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera e Lepidoptera. Os besouros da espécie Macrodactylus suturalis foram considerados como dispersores do pólen de acácia-negra, pela alta frequência de indivíduos presentes no povoamento estudado e pela grande quantidade de políades aderidas no corpo dos insetos capturados (X=229,36 políades/inseto. As abelhas da espécie Apis mellifera, embora tenha sido quantificada uma grande quantidade de políades nos indivíduos capturados (X=448,50 políades/inseto, não foram observadas com frequência na área analisada. Uma das formas recomendadas para aumentar a frequência de abelhas e vespas nos plantios comerciais de acácia-negra é a manutenção de fontes de néctar e a introdução de caixas com abelhas A. mellifera.To ensure the success of the strategies of genetic improvement in tree species, knowledge of the reproductive biology of the species involved is essential. One of these critical factors in reproductive success of the genus Acacia is the presence of vectors to

  15. Limitações ao uso de Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae para a polinização dirigida de cultivares: um estudo de caso com a pereira-portuguesa (Pyrus communis L. cv. Rocha

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    André Amarildo Sezerino


    Full Text Available A existência de polinizadores capazes de promover a xenogamia é um fator decisivo na produtividade dos pomares. Por ser alógama, devido à autoincompatibilidade gametofítica, a maioria das cultivares europeias de pereiras não produzem frutos com sementes sem a presença de insetos polinizadores. Portanto, o correto manejo e a qualidade das colmeias de Apis mellifera instaladas nos pomares são imprescindíveis para assegurar produções economicamente viáveis. Nesse contexto, objetivou-se avaliar alguns aspectos do sistema de polinização dirigida com A. mellifera que podem interferir decisivamente na eficiência da polinização em um pomar comercial de pereira portuguesa nas condições ecológicas do planalto serrano catarinense, no Sul do Brasil. Foi observada uma baixa visitação de abelhas nas flores de pereira, possivelmente devido a dois fatores: competição floral e densidade insuficiente de colmeias instaladas no pomar. Não foi observada a deposição de pólen nos estigmas, o que confirma a deficiência de polinização na área. A qualidade das colmeias alugadas apresentou diferenças entre os anos, com presença do ácaro Varroa destructor e do microsporídeo Nosema ceranae, os quais podem ter contribuído para o despovoamento das colmeias durante o período de floração e, consequentemente, redução da deposição de pólen no estigma das flores da cultivar produtora de frutos.

  16. Infra-Population and -Community Dynamics of the Parasites Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae, and Consequences for Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) Hosts (United States)

    Williams, Geoffrey R.; Shutler, Dave; Burgher-MacLellan, Karen L.; Rogers, Richard E. L.


    Nosema spp. fungal gut parasites are among myriad possible explanations for contemporary increased mortality of western honey bees (Apis mellifera, hereafter honey bee) in many regions of the world. Invasive Nosema ceranae is particularly worrisome because some evidence suggests it has greater virulence than its congener N. apis. N. ceranae appears to have recently switched hosts from Asian honey bees (Apis cerana) and now has a nearly global distribution in honey bees, apparently displacing N. apis. We examined parasite reproduction and effects of N. apis, N. ceranae, and mixed Nosema infections on honey bee hosts in laboratory experiments. Both infection intensity and honey bee mortality were significantly greater for N. ceranae than for N. apis or mixed infections; mixed infection resulted in mortality similar to N. apis parasitism and reduced spore intensity, possibly due to inter-specific competition. This is the first long-term laboratory study to demonstrate lethal consequences of N. apis and N. ceranae and mixed Nosema parasitism in honey bees, and suggests that differences in reproduction and intra-host competition may explain apparent heterogeneous exclusion of the historic parasite by the invasive species. PMID:24987989

  17. Infra-population and -community dynamics of the parasites Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae, and consequences for honey bee (Apis mellifera) hosts. (United States)

    Williams, Geoffrey R; Shutler, Dave; Burgher-MacLellan, Karen L; Rogers, Richard E L


    Nosema spp. fungal gut parasites are among myriad possible explanations for contemporary increased mortality of western honey bees (Apis mellifera, hereafter honey bee) in many regions of the world. Invasive Nosema ceranae is particularly worrisome because some evidence suggests it has greater virulence than its congener N. apis. N. ceranae appears to have recently switched hosts from Asian honey bees (Apis cerana) and now has a nearly global distribution in honey bees, apparently displacing N. apis. We examined parasite reproduction and effects of N. apis, N. ceranae, and mixed Nosema infections on honey bee hosts in laboratory experiments. Both infection intensity and honey bee mortality were significantly greater for N. ceranae than for N. apis or mixed infections; mixed infection resulted in mortality similar to N. apis parasitism and reduced spore intensity, possibly due to inter-specific competition. This is the first long-term laboratory study to demonstrate lethal consequences of N. apis and N. ceranae and mixed Nosema parasitism in honey bees, and suggests that differences in reproduction and intra-host competition may explain apparent heterogeneous exclusion of the historic parasite by the invasive species.

  18. Population Genetics of Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae: One Host (Apis mellifera) and Two Different Histories (United States)

    Maside, Xulio; Gómez-Moracho, Tamara; Jara, Laura; Martín-Hernández, Raquel; De la Rúa, Pilar; Higes, Mariano; Bartolomé, Carolina


    Two microsporidians are known to infect honey bees: Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae. Whereas population genetics data for the latter have been released in the last few years, such information is still missing for N. apis. Here we analyze the patterns of nucleotide polymorphism at three single-copy loci (PTP2, PTP3 and RPB1) in a collection of Apis mellifera isolates from all over the world, naturally infected either with N. apis (N = 22) or N. ceranae (N = 23), to provide new insights into the genetic diversity, demography and evolution of N. apis, as well as to compare them with evidence from N. ceranae. Neutral variation in N. apis and N. ceranae is of the order of 1%. This amount of diversity suggests that there is no substantial differentiation between the genetic content of the two nuclei present in these parasites, and evidence for genetic recombination provides a putative mechanism for the flow of genetic information between chromosomes. The analysis of the frequency spectrum of neutral variants reveals a significant surplus of low frequency variants, particularly in N. ceranae, and suggests that the populations of the two pathogens are not in mutation-drift equilibrium and that they have experienced a population expansion. Most of the variation in both species occurs within honey bee colonies (between 62%-90% of the total genetic variance), although in N. apis there is evidence for differentiation between parasites isolated from distinct A. mellifera lineages (20%-34% of the total variance), specifically between those collected from lineages A and C (or M). This scenario is consistent with a long-term host-parasite relationship and contrasts with the lack of differentiation observed among host-lineages in N. ceranae (mellifera worldwide population is a recent event. PMID:26720131

  19. Web API Growing Pains : Loosely Coupled yet Strongly Tied

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Espinha, T.; Zaidman, A.; Gross, H.G.


    Web APIs provide a systematic and extensible approach for application-toapplication interaction. Developers using web APIs are forced to accompany the API providers in their software evolution tasks. In order to understand the distress caused by this imposition on web API client developers we

  20. Jobs API (United States)

    General Services Administration — This Jobs API returns job openings across the federal government and includes all current openings posted on that are open to the public and located in...

  1. Recalls API (United States)

    General Services Administration — This Recalls API allows you to tap into a list of (1) drug and food safety recalls from the Food and Drug Administration, Food Safety and Inspection Service, and...

  2. Inversão da sacarose utilizando ácido cítrico e suco de limão para preparo de dieta energética de Apis mellifera Linnaeus, 1758 Inversion of the sucrose using citric acid and lemon juice for preparing energetic diet of Apis mellifera Linnaeus, 1758

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    Deodoro Magno Brighenti


    Full Text Available Em época de escassez de néctar, pode-se fornecer ao enxame uma suplementação alimentar utilizando "açúcar invertido" que é obtido pela hidrólise da sacarose em meio ácido por aquecimento, formando uma mistura de glicose e frutose. O ácido normalmente utilizado em tal reação é o ácido cítrico, no entanto, diante da dificuldade de pequenos produtores apícolas em obterem tal produto comercialmente, uma alternativa seria substituí-lo pela utilização de suco de limões. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar a inversão da sacarose em dietas para operárias de Apis mellifera, empregando-se o ácido cítrico e sucos de limões. Prepararam-se 21 soluções aquosas de açúcar cristal na proporção de 100 g/100 mL, colocando-se em cada uma 1,0; 2,0; 3,0; 5,0; 10,0; 15,0 ou 20,0 mL de suco dos limões Galego [Citrus aurantifolia (C. Swingle], Tahiti [Citrus latifolia Tanaka] ou Cravo [Citrus limonia (L. Osbeck]. Além dessas, outras seis soluções aquosas de açúcar na mesma proporção foram preparadas adicionando-se 0,1; 0,16; 0,3; 0,5 e 0,7 g de ácido cítrico e uma para testemunha. Quantificou-se a inversão pelo método de Somogyi-Nelson. Para o limão Cravo foi encontrada a menor porcentagem de inversão. Em relação a adição de ácido cítrico, constatou-se que ao colocar 0,1 g, a inversão foi estimada em 12,2% enquanto que, com a adição de 0,16 g, a inversão seria de 18,8%. A quantidade máxima de ácido cítrico a ser adicionada foi estimada em 0,18 g adotando como critério o pH médio de 3,3 dos méis de abelhas africanizadas. Para os sucos dos limões Galego, Tahiti e Cravo, quando utilizados como substitutos do ácido cítrico, estimou-se a quantidade máxima a ser adicionada sendo igual a 2,1; 3,6 e 5,3 mL, respectivamente, para cada 100 g de açúcar em 100 mL de água, para o pH fixado em 3,3. Considerando-se a inversão e o pH, o suco do limão Tahiti forneceu melhores resultados.In times of

  3. Apicultura na comunidade areias em sistemas agroecológicos e de produção orgânica

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    Elaine Barbosa Muniz


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este trabalho, compartilhar os resultados obtidos com o projeto de extensão: “Sistema orgânico e agroecológico de criação de abelhas na comunidade Areias”-PROEX/UFGD, assentamentolocalizado no Município de Nioaque,MS.O enfoque da ação esteve direcionado nas técnicas de manejo com abelhas, para a produção do mel, que fossem apropriadas para o êxito da atividade naquela região, lugar de área pantaneira. Com essa atividade, pretendeu-se à autosuficiência dos assentados, para futuramente, por meio da produção de mel, alcançar em melhoria alimentar e também geração de receita e renda. Durante a ação foram desenvolvidos, mensalmente, cursos práticos e teóricos, associados ao acompanhamento das atividades diversas, tendo, nesse processo, o cuidado de atentar para cada época do calendário de manejo apícola. O acompanhamento eo alcance dos objetivos programados foram avaliados a cada 30 dias. Após encerramento de cada etapa na escala de produção, os envolvidos foram reunidos para avaliar as atividades realizadas, mediante painel geral, para que assim os dados quantitativos e qualitativos, fossem colhidos de forma participativa. Desta maneira os produtores puderam fazer uma profunda reflexão dos encaminhamentos realizados durante todo o processo, identificando as possibilidades de êxito, bem como os problemas que ocorreram, favorecendo a construção de sistemas melhorados.Houve comprometimento de todos os envolvidos na execução desta prática, que após a primeira coleta de mel verificou-se um resultado satisfatório em relação ao aspecto econômico, bem como propiciou satisfação nas relações sociais comunitárias, pois as diversas reuniões e atividades desenvolvidas coletivamente uniram as famílias da comunidade. Isso promoveu o despertar de interesse em outras famílias do assentamento Areias, que passaram a manifestar o desejo em integrarem o grupo e atuarem com a apicultura.

  4. Improving the API dissolution rate during pharmaceutical hot-melt extrusion I: Effect of the API particle size, and the co-rotating, twin-screw extruder screw configuration on the API dissolution rate. (United States)

    Li, Meng; Gogos, Costas G; Ioannidis, Nicolas


    The dissolution rate of the active pharmaceutical ingredients in pharmaceutical hot-melt extrusion is the most critical elementary step during the extrusion of amorphous solid solutions - total dissolution has to be achieved within the short residence time in the extruder. Dissolution and dissolution rates are affected by process, material and equipment variables. In this work, we examine the effect of one of the material variables and one of the equipment variables, namely, the API particle size and extruder screw configuration on the API dissolution rate, in a co-rotating, twin-screw extruder. By rapidly removing the extruder screws from the barrel after achieving a steady state, we collected samples along the length of the extruder screws that were characterized by polarized optical microscopy (POM) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) to determine the amount of undissolved API. Analyses of samples indicate that reduction of particle size of the API and appropriate selection of screw design can markedly improve the dissolution rate of the API during extrusion. In addition, angle of repose measurements and light microscopy images show that the reduction of particle size of the API can improve the flowability of the physical mixture feed and the adhesiveness between its components, respectively, through dry coating of the polymer particles by the API particles. Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  5. fine-GRAPE : Fine-grained APi usage extractor – an approach and dataset to investigate API usage

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sawant, A.A.; Bacchelli, A.

    An Application Programming Interface (API) provides a set of functionalities to a developer with the aim of enabling reuse. APIs have been investigated from different angles such as popularity usage and evolution to get a better understanding of their various characteristics. For such studies,

  6. Effects of Nosema apis, N. ceranae, and coinfections on honey bee (Apis mellifera) learning and memory. (United States)

    Charbonneau, Lise R; Hillier, Neil Kirk; Rogers, Richard E L; Williams, Geoffrey R; Shutler, Dave


    Western honey bees (Apis mellifera) face an increasing number of challenges that in recent years have led to significant economic effects on apiculture, with attendant consequences for agriculture. Nosemosis is a fungal infection of honey bees caused by either Nosema apis or N. ceranae. The putative greater virulence of N. ceranae has spurred interest in understanding how it differs from N. apis. Little is known of effects of N. apis or N. ceranae on honey bee learning and memory. Following a Pavlovian model that relies on the proboscis extension reflex, we compared acquisition learning and long-term memory recall of uninfected (control) honey bees versus those inoculated with N. apis, N. ceranae, or both. We also tested whether spore intensity was associated with variation in learning and memory. Neither learning nor memory differed among treatments. There was no evidence of a relationship between spore intensity and learning, and only limited evidence of a negative effect on memory; this occurred only in the co-inoculation treatment. Our results suggest that if Nosema spp. are contributing to unusually high colony losses in recent years, the mechanism by which they may affect honey bees is probably not related to effects on learning or memory, at least as assessed by the proboscis extension reflex.

  7. Efeitos da aplicação tópica do mel de Melipona subnitida em feridas infectadas de ratos


    Alves,Diego Felipe Sampaio; Cabral Júnior,Francisco das Chagas; Cabral,Pedro Paulo de Arruda Câmara; Oliveira Junior,Ruy Medeiros de; Rego,Amália Cínthia Meneses do; Medeiros,Aldo Cunha


    OBJETIVO: Avaliar efeitos do uso tópico do mel da abelha silvestre Melipona subnitida na evolução de feridas infectadas de pele. MÉTODO: Ratos Wistar foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em grupos de 6, anestesiados com tiopental sódico 20mg/Kg IP e cetamina 30mg/Kg IM e submetidos a exérese de segmento de 1 cm² de pele total do dorso. Os ratos do grupo C (não infectado) foram tratados com solução salina sobre a ferida diariamente e no grupo MEL (não infectado) as feridas foram tratadas com mel ...


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    Bruno Ayron de Souza Aguiar


    Full Text Available Cenostigma macrophyllum Tul. é conhecido popularmente como caneleiro, possui hábito arbóreo, caule sulcado, sendo considerada planta símbolo da capital Teresina (PI. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a biologia floral e Reprodutiva de Cenostigma macrophyllum no Parque Zoobotânico de Teresina, Piauí. Foram selecionados 15 indivíduos e analisados quanto à morfologia e morfometria floral, período de antese, receptividade estigmática, deiscência das anteras, volume de néctar, comportamento dos visitantes florais na eficácia da polinização e o sistema reprodutivo. As flores são monóclinas, dispõem-se em cerca de 81,28±25,74 flores por inflorescência racemosas. Néctar produzido e armazenado no hipanto com média de produção de 1,75 μL. A antese floral teve duração de dois dias, com pétalas totalmente distendidas às 6h, estigma receptivo as 7h e deiscência iniciando as 9h, abrindo em grupos no decorrer do dia. Os polinizadores e pilhadores iniciaram as visitas por volta das 6h até às 17h em flores do primeiro dia de antese forrageando em busca de néctar. Os polinizadores efetivos foram abelhas, com maior frequência (64%, Xylocopa sps, Apis mellifera e Centris sp., que utilizavam a pétala estandarte para acessar o néctar. Os polinizadores ocasionais foram lepidópteros, pois nem sempre contactavam as partes reprodutivas. Como pilhadoras, abelhas Trigona spinipes e o beija-flor Amazilia fimbriata que não tocavam os órgãos reprodutivos ao coletarem néctar. A espécie é Xenogâmica e apresenta sistema reprodutivo dicogâmico protogínico, uma vez que, ocorre a separação temporal de maturação dos verticilos reprodutivos. O Tratamento de escarificação mecânica apresentou maior pontecial para rápida germinação das sementes.

  9. New enigmatic Andean bee species of Protandrena (Hymenoptera, Andrenidae, Panurginae Novas espécies de abelhas andinas do gênero Protandrena (Hymenoptera, Andrenidae, Panurginae

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    Victor H. Gonzalez


    Full Text Available Panurgine bees are diverse and abundant in temperate areas of the Americas but poorly represented to nearly absent in the tropics. We describe and illustrate five distinctive new species of the genus Protandrena that occur at high altitudes (2000-3400 m in the Andes, from Venezuela to Ecuador. The species are also described to make the names available in forthcoming papers on their biology. These Andean species resemble some members of the subgenus Heterosarus but differ from it, as well as from any other subgenera of Protandrena, primarily in characters of the male genitalia and hidden sterna. The South American Protandrena s. l. are morphologically highly diverse and a complete study of the group is needed before supraspecific names are proposed for unusual species. Thus, to avoid further nomenclatural changes, we decided not to place these species in a new subgenus or any of the available subgenera. We also provide notes on the biology for some of the species.As espécies de abelhas da subfamília Panurginae nas áreas temperadas das Américas são diversas e abundantes, mas pouco representadas ou até ausentes nos trópicos. São descritas e ilustradas cinco novas espécies do gênero Protandrena que ocorrem em grandes altitudes (2000-3400 m nos Andes, da Venezuela ao Equador. As espécies são descritas para que se tenham nomes válidos em artigos sobre sua biologia. Estas espécies andinas são semelhantes a alguns membros do subgênero Heterosarus, mas diferem dele, assim como do subgênero Protandrena, primariamente pelos caracteres da genitália do macho e pelos esternos ocultos. Protandrena s. l. sulamericanos são morfologicamente muito diversos e um estudo completo do grupo deverá ser feito antes de serem propostos nomes supra-específicos para essas espécies. Portanto, para evitar futuras mudanças na nomenclatura, foi decidido não alocar essas espécies em um novo subgênero ou em qualquer outro. São fornecidas também notas da

  10. Economia de pólen favorecida pela heteranteria em Desmocelis villosa (Melastomataceae)


    Ferreira,Queroanne Isabel Xavier; Araújo,Francielle Paulina de


    Resumo A heteranteria sempre despertou interesse quanto à sua funcionalidade. As flores de Desmocelis villosa (Melastomataceae), possuem estames dimorfos, sendo um grupo composto por cinco anteras amarelas e o outro por cinco anteras de cor púrpura. O presente estudo avaliou se a heteranteria promove divisão de trabalho nessa espécie. Foi realizado um experimento com remoção de anteras de cada tipo para se comparar a taxa de visitação por abelhas. Ao vibrar o conjunto de estames, as abelhas c...

  11. DySectAPI: Scalable Prescriptive Debugging

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Nicklas Bo; Karlsson, Sven; Quarfot Nielsen, Niklas

    We present the DySectAPI, a tool that allow users to construct probe trees for automatic, event-driven debugging at scale. The traditional, interactive debugging model, whereby users manually step through and inspect their application, does not scale well even for current supercomputers. While...... lightweight debugging models scale well, they can currently only debug a subset of bug classes. DySectAPI fills the gap between these two approaches with a novel user-guided approach. Using both experimental results and analytical modeling we show how DySectAPI scales and can run with a low overhead...

  12. O programa de seleção e melhoramento genético do SMARTBEES na Europa e em Portugal – o testemunho de uma experiência de dois anos.


    Pinto, M. Alice; Uzunov, Aleksander; Büchler, Ralph; Bienefeld, Kaspar


    No momento em que o projeto SMARTBEES ( ultrapassou metade da sua duração, relata-se o que foi feito até aqui e os desafios que se foram enfrentando durante a implementação deste projeto de investigação pan-europeu de quatro anos. O projecto abrange uma vasta gama de áreas de investigação associadas à saúde das abelhas e à apicultura, tais como genómica molecular, fisiologia, parasitologia, virologia, taxonomia e extensão. Um dos objectivos centrais...

  13. APIs and Researchers: The Emperor's New Clothes?

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    Jennifer Edmond


    Full Text Available As part of the Europeana Cloud (eCloud project, Trinity College Dublin investigated best practice in the use of web services, such as APIs, for accessing large data sets from cultural heritage collections. This research looked into the provision and use of APIs, and moreover, whether or not more customised programmatic access to datasets is what researchers want or need. In order to understand whether current patterns of API usage reflect a skills gap on the part of researchers or a mismatch of tool to purpose, we looked not only at the creators and developer/users of APIs, but also at humanists already re-using big data; approaches in cultural heritage institutions and other research infrastructures to bring API use to non-technical audiences; and the kinds of training and other support services available or emerging within the data-intensive humanities research lifecycle. We conducted both desk research and a series of 11 interviews with figures working as researchers, developers or data providers, including figures from both the API development and the data usage communities. This research, conducted under the eCloud project and supported by the European Commission’s ICT Policy and Support Programme (Grant number 325091, was begun in March 2014 and is now in its concluding validation stage. The results of the research are not yet finalised, but the contribution is already emerging of this work to the debate about APIs being either the way forward for digital cultural heritage collections, or the Emperor’s New Clothes (or maybe a bit of both.

  14. USAJOBS Job Opportunity Announcements (JOA) REST API (United States)

    Office of Personnel Management — This REST-based API is designed to support lightweight Federal Job Opportunity Announcement (JOA) content consumption by consumers. It is anticipated that this API...

  15. 47 CFR 61.46 - Adjustments to the API. (United States)


    ... 47 Telecommunication 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Adjustments to the API. 61.46 Section 61.46... Rules for Dominant Carriers § 61.46 Adjustments to the API. (a) Except as provided in paragraphs (d) and... carrier must calculate an API for each affected basket pursuant to the following methodology: APIt = APIt...

  16. Recent advances in the API quality program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gollhofer, F.R.


    The API now has more than 3 years' operating experience in licensing manufacturers under the API Quality Program. The API evaluation procedures, described in this paper, provide consistency in evaluation and should allow full participation of petroleum equipment suppliers in the worldwide market during the 1990's and into the 21st century. The program's flexibility will allow it to cope with significant changes resulting from the planned European Common Market's Global Approach to Certification and Testing scheduled to occur in 1992

  17. USAJOBS Job Opportunity Announcements (JOA) SOAP API (United States)

    Office of Personnel Management — The purpose of the SOAP based API is to provide the full Federal Job Opportunity Announcement (JOA) content to the consumer. It is anticipated that this API will be...

  18. Biologia reprodutiva de Sideroxylon obtusifolium (Roem. & Schult. T.D. Penn. (Sapotaceae na região semiárida da Bahia

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    Lúcia Helena Piedade Kiill


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a fenologia, biologia reprodutiva e visitantes florais de Sideroxylon obtusifolium em área de caatinga. O estudo foi realizado de outubro de 2003 a setembro de 2005, em populações naturais de S. obtusifolium, na Reserva Legal do Projeto Salitre, em Juazeiro, BA. Os dados fenológicos indicaram que as fenofases vegetativas (brotação e senescência foliar ocorreram ao longo do ano, enquanto a floração e frutificação foram registradas na estação seca e das chuvas, respectivamente. As flores são hermafroditas, de coloração creme, exalam odor, secretam pequena quantidade de néctar (< 1 µl e apresentam antese diurna e dicogamia protogínica. Entre os visitantes florais, foram registradas abelhas, vespas, moscas e borboletas. Apis mellifera e os dípteros morfoespécie 1 e 2 foram considerados polinizadores dessa sapotácea. Quanto ao sistema de reprodução, S. obtusifolium é autógama facultativa, produzindo frutos por autopolinização (6,6% e por polinização cruzada (33%. Diferenças no registro fenológico, na biologia floral e nos agentes polinizadores foram encontradas, em comparação com outros ambientes, indicando que as variáveis climáticas podem ser um dos diversos fatores que influenciam essa relação.

  19. Safe "cloudification" of large images through picker APIs. (United States)

    Bremer, Erich; Kurc, Tahsin; Gao, Yi; Saltz, Joel; Almeida, Jonas S


    The "Box model" allows users with no particular training in informatics, or access to specialized infrastructure, operate generic cloud computing resources through a temporary URI dereferencing mechanism known as "drop-file-picker API" ("picker API" for sort). This application programming interface (API) was popularized in the web app development community by DropBox, and is now a consumer-facing feature of all major cloud computing platforms such as, Google Drive and Amazon S3. This reports describes a prototype web service application that uses picker APIs to expose a new, "cloudified", API tailored for image analysis, without compromising the private governance of the data exposed. In order to better understand this cross-platform cloud computing landscape, we first measured the time for both transfer and traversing of large image files generated by whole slide imaging (WSI) in Digital Pathology. The verification that there is extensive interconnectivity between cloud resources let to the development of a prototype software application that exposes an image-traversing REST API to image files stored in any of the consumer-facing "boxes". In summary, an image file can be upload/synchronized into a any cloud resource with a file picker API and the prototype service described here will expose an HTTP REST API that remains within the safety of the user's own governance. The open source prototype is publicly available at Availability The accompanying prototype application is made publicly available, fully functional, with open source, at An illustrative webcasted use of this Web App is included with the project codebase at





    The nectar and pollen of flowers which are abundance have not been taken into account for any purpose in forest, agriculture and plantation area. Honey bees such as Apis mellifera L. and Apis cerana F. had known as biological pollinators which could converted the flower components to be high economy products in the forms of honey, royal jelly, propolis, bee wax and bee venom. Among the products, bee venom has the best selling value, but the method of it???s optimal production has not been ext...

  1. Uso da tela excluidora de rainha no alvado e seus efeitos na atividade de coleta e no desenvolvimento de colônias de Apis mellifera Hoarding activity and hive development of Apis mellifera with queen excluder at the entrance

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    Leoman Almeida Couto


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos da tela excluidora de rainhas colocada no alvado sobre a atividade de coleta das operárias de Apis mellifera, peso da carga de pólen transportada e desenvolvimento das colônias. Foram utilizadas seis colônias, três com tela e três sem tela. Em média, 51,4%, 37,0% e 11,6% das operárias que entravam nas colméias transportavam pólen nas corbículas das 8-11, 11-14 e 14-17 horas, respectivamente. Somente 0,0175% das operárias perderam sua carga de pólen ao passar pela tela excluidora, o que representou 0,06% do total de pólen coletado/dia/colméia. A presença da tela excluidora reduziu em 15,2% e 19,4% a entrada das operárias com e sem pólen, respectivamente. Em média, o peso da carga de pólen representou 13,88 ± 8,4% do peso corporal da operária que a transportava. A tela excluidora no alvado reduziu a atividade de coleta de operárias.The aim of this article was to investigate the effect of the use of queen excluder at the hive entrance on Apis mellifera hoarding activity, pollen load and hive development in six hives, three of which provided with queen excluders. An average of 51.4%, 37.0% and 11.6% of the Apis mellifera workers which entered the hives from 8 to 11 a.m., 11 to 2 p.m. and 2 to 5 p.m., respectively, were pollen-loaded. Only 0.0175% of them lost their pollen load when passing the queen excluder, which amounted to 0.06% of total pollen collected/day/hive. The queen excluder caused the reduction of 15.2% to the entrance of pollen-loaded bees and 19.4% to the entrance of non-pollen-loaded bees. On average, the weight of the pollen load represented 13.88% ± 8.4% of the bee body weight. The results also indicated that the hoarding activity was reduced by the queen excluder.

  2. Atividade antiviral e virucida de extratos hidroalcoólicos de própolis marrom, verde e de abelhas Jataí (Tetragonisca angustula frente ao herpersvírus bovino tipo 1 (BoHV-1 e ao vírus da diarreia viral bovina (BVDV

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    Cristina Mendes Peter

    Full Text Available RESUMO: Dentre as propriedades biológicas da própolis, a atividade antimicrobiana tem merecido destacada atenção. No presente trabalho, descreve-se a ação antiviral e virucida de três extratos hidroalcoólicos de própolis (marrom, verde e de abelhas jataí (Tetragonisca angustula, frente ao Herpesvírus Bovino tipo (BoHV-1 e ao Vírus da Diarreia Viral Bovina (BVDV. Os três extratos hidroalcoólicos foram obtidos de extração etanólica e são oriundos do sul do Brasil. A composição química dos extratos de própolis foi determinada pela cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência acoplada a espectrômetro de massas (UFLC-PDA-ESI-TOF/MS que identificou e quantificou compostos como: ácido cafeico e ácido p-cumárico, ácido clorogênico, ácido ferúlico, além de flavonoides como a rutina. A toxicidade celular bem como a atividade antiviral dos extratos de própolis em monocamadas de células MDBK (Madin-Darby Bovine Kidney foi avaliada através de observação microscópica e quantificada pelo teste de MTT (3-(4,5 dimetiltiazol-2yl-2-5-difenil-2H tetrazolato de bromo. O extrato de própolis de abelhas jataí demonstrou ser menos citotóxico (1,57μg/mL, quando comparado aos extratos verde (0,78μg/mL e marrom (0,39μg/mL. Quanto a atividade antiviral, a própolis verde demostrou maior eficácia em ambos os tratamentos celulares (pós e pré-exposição frente ao BoHV-1 em relação aos outros extratos, ou seja, houve maior viabilidade celular quando comparada aos controles de células e vírus. Já a de jataí apresentou atividade frente aos dois vírus (BoHV-1 e BVDV no método pré-infecção, enquanto a própolis marrom demonstrou ação apenas frente ao BoHV-1 também no método pré-infecção. Para determinação da atividade virucida foram utilizadas diferentes diluições dos vírus, bem como temperaturas e tempos distintos de incubação. A própolis verde a 37°C propiciou a maior redução no título viral (4,33log em

  3. Automated Ply Inspection (API) for AFP, Phase I (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The Automated Ply Inspection (API) system autonomously inspects layups created by high speed automated fiber placement (AFP) machines. API comprises a high accuracy...


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    Valdir Antonio Balbino

    Full Text Available RESUMOO artigo objetiva identificar a percepção e as dificuldades que os produtores têm em adotar práticas mais responsáveis social e ambientalmente. Utilizou-se de método qualitativo, com entrevista semiestruturada com cinco das seis pessoas que participam da Associação de Apicultores. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa utilizou a análise categorial temática, com o desmembramento em categorias conforme os temas que emergem do texto identificando o que eles têm em comum, dividida em quatro categorias temáticas: 3.1 - Perfil dos entrevistados; 3.2 - Determinação da criação de abelhas e da produção do mel; 3.3 - Conhecimento da atividade e importância da associação; 3.4 - Comercialização e responsabilidade social e ambiental. A responsabilidade social em relação ao mel foi evidenciada como um diferencial no produto concentrado nas preocupações com o meio ambiente, influenciando as tomadas de decisões dos apicultores em seus negócios, bem como no comprometimento para a melhoria da qualidade de vida e bem-estar social. Os resultados da pesquisa também demonstraram que a apicultura é uma atividade lucrativa. No entanto, se percebeu que, em decorrência dos associados não estarem bem organizados, têm dificuldades em comercializar seus produtos.

  5. Analysing PKCS#11 Key Management APIs with Unbounded Fresh Data (United States)

    Fröschle, Sibylle; Steel, Graham

    We extend Delaune, Kremer and Steel’s framework for analysis of PKCS#11-based APIs from bounded to unbounded fresh data. We achieve this by: formally defining the notion of an attribute policy; showing that a well-designed API should have a certain class of policy we call complete; showing that APIs with complete policies may be safely abstracted to APIs where the attributes are fixed; and proving that these static APIs can be analysed in a small bounded model such that security properties will hold for the unbounded case. We automate analysis in our framework using the SAT-based security protocol model checker SATMC. We show that a symmetric key management subset of the Eracom PKCS#11 API, used in their ProtectServer product, preserves the secrecy of sensitive keys for unbounded numbers of fresh keys and handles, i.e. pointers to keys. We also show that this API is not robust: if an encryption key is lost to the intruder, SATMC finds an attack whereby all the keys may be compromised.

  6. Compositional mining of multiple object API protocols through state abstraction. (United States)

    Dai, Ziying; Mao, Xiaoguang; Lei, Yan; Qi, Yuhua; Wang, Rui; Gu, Bin


    API protocols specify correct sequences of method invocations. Despite their usefulness, API protocols are often unavailable in practice because writing them is cumbersome and error prone. Multiple object API protocols are more expressive than single object API protocols. However, the huge number of objects of typical object-oriented programs poses a major challenge to the automatic mining of multiple object API protocols: besides maintaining scalability, it is important to capture various object interactions. Current approaches utilize various heuristics to focus on small sets of methods. In this paper, we present a general, scalable, multiple object API protocols mining approach that can capture all object interactions. Our approach uses abstract field values to label object states during the mining process. We first mine single object typestates as finite state automata whose transitions are annotated with states of interacting objects before and after the execution of the corresponding method and then construct multiple object API protocols by composing these annotated single object typestates. We implement our approach for Java and evaluate it through a series of experiments.

  7. Levantamento da flora apícola em municípios da microrregião de Catolé do Rocha-PB

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    Carlos Alberto de Lima e Silva


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este estudo realizar um levantamento sobre a flora apícola em municípios da microrregião de Catolé do Rocha-PB. O levantamento dos dados foi realizado através da aplicação de 55 questionários, onde foram levantados dados sobre os aspectos sociais, ecológicos e da flora, com apicultores dos municípios de Brejo dos Santos, Catolé do Rocha, Jericó e Riacho dos Cavalos-PB. Os resultados mostraram que os apicultores entrevistados são todos do sexo masculino, tem em média meio século de idade, com 3,6 habitantes/residência. Para a manutenção do pasto apícola 96% evitam queimadas e desmatamentos, sendo que 52,7% dos apicultores informaram que a polinização das culturas é a principal contribuição dada pelas abelhas, garantindo a manutenção dos ecossistemas vegetais. Para o fornecimento de água dos apiários 29% informou que utilizam água de poços e açudes. Em relação aos estratos da vegetação de caatinga, foram identificadas 33 famílias, 78 gêneros e 107 espécies. Para as famílias botânicas, constatou-se que do total 17 são arbóreas, 10 arbustivas e 17 herbáceas, onde a Fabaceae apresentou o maior número de espécies, seguida pelas Anacardiaceae, Euforbiaceae e Rubiaceae, respectivamente.Destacando que todos os entrevistados reconhecem a existência das espécies Alfazema (Hyptis suaveolens Salzm R. Braga, Angico (Anadenanthera calubrina Vell. Brenam, Aroeira (Myracrodron urundeuva Fr. All., Jitirana-branca, roxa e lilás (Ipomoea bahiensis Willd., Jurema preta (Mimosa tenuiflora Wild. Poiret, Marmeleiro (Croton sonderianusMüll. Arg., Mufunbo (Combretum leprosumMart.. O conhecimento das espécies apícolas do bioma caatinga e sua época de floração garante uma apicultura sustentável. Existe a necessidade de estudos relacionados aos estratos da vegetação nativa, uma vez que as herbáceas é quem garante a produção na época das chuvas, sendo este o estrato menos estudado. Normal 0 21

  8. Comparison of API 510 pressure vessels inspection planning with API 581 risk-based inspection planning approaches

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shishesaz, Mohammad Reza; Nazarnezhad Bajestani, Mohammad; Hashemi, Seyed Javad; Shekari, Elahe


    To ensure mechanical integrity, all pressure vessels shall be inspected at the intervals provided in inspection codes or based on a risk-based inspection (RBI) assessment. The RBI assessment may allow previously established inspection intervals to be extended. This paper describes the methodology, analysis and results of two RBI studies conducted on 293 pressure vessel components in two crude oil distillation units. Based on API RBI methodology in API 581 (2008), risk target concept was used for determining inspection dates. It was shown that when thinning is the major active damage, the RBI recommended intervals are as long as twice the API 510 intervals. This paper summarizes that, as a fundamental step in the risk calculation, RBI has a more defined methodology for evaluating equipment for multiple damage mechanisms and a more defined approach to specify the use of other inspection technologies beyond the traditional visual, ultrasonic, and radiography tests. -- Highlights: • RBI calculated inspection intervals are as long as twice of API 510 inspection code. • Two case studies verified the advantage of RBI in inspection planning. • RBI is a more reliable methodology when evaluating multiple damage mechanisms. • Damage factor calculations can be used for determining RSFa value in FFS assessments

  9. Thermodynamic phase behavior of API/polymer solid dispersions. (United States)

    Prudic, Anke; Ji, Yuanhui; Sadowski, Gabriele


    To improve the bioavailability of poorly soluble active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), these materials are often integrated into a polymer matrix that acts as a carrier. The resulting mixture is called a solid dispersion. In this work, the phase behaviors of solid dispersions were investigated as a function of the API as well as of the type and molecular weight of the carrier polymer. Specifically, the solubility of artemisinin and indomethacin was measured in different poly(ethylene glycol)s (PEG 400, PEG 6000, and PEG 35000). The measured solubility data and the solubility of sulfonamides in poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) K10 and PEG 35000 were modeled using the perturbed-chain statistical associating fluid theory (PC-SAFT). The results show that PC-SAFT predictions are in a good accordance with the experimental data, and PC-SAFT can be used to predict the whole phase diagram of an API/polymer solid dispersion as a function of the kind of API and polymer and of the polymer's molecular weight. This remarkably simplifies the screening process for suitable API/polymer combinations.

  10. A knowledge discovery object model API for Java

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jones Steven JM


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Biological data resources have become heterogeneous and derive from multiple sources. This introduces challenges in the management and utilization of this data in software development. Although efforts are underway to create a standard format for the transmission and storage of biological data, this objective has yet to be fully realized. Results This work describes an application programming interface (API that provides a framework for developing an effective biological knowledge ontology for Java-based software projects. The API provides a robust framework for the data acquisition and management needs of an ontology implementation. In addition, the API contains classes to assist in creating GUIs to represent this data visually. Conclusions The Knowledge Discovery Object Model (KDOM API is particularly useful for medium to large applications, or for a number of smaller software projects with common characteristics or objectives. KDOM can be coupled effectively with other biologically relevant APIs and classes. Source code, libraries, documentation and examples are available at

  11. Validation of the Parlay API through prototyping

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hellenthal, J.W.; Planken, F.J.M.; Wegdam, M.


    The desire within the telecommunications world for new and faster business growth has been a major drive towards the development of open network API. Over the past 7 years several (semi) standardization groups have announced work on network API, including TINA-C, JAIN, IEEE P1520, INforum, 3GPP,

  12. A Ruby API to query the Ensembl database for genomic features. (United States)

    Strozzi, Francesco; Aerts, Jan


    The Ensembl database makes genomic features available via its Genome Browser. It is also possible to access the underlying data through a Perl API for advanced querying. We have developed a full-featured Ruby API to the Ensembl databases, providing the same functionality as the Perl interface with additional features. A single Ruby API is used to access different releases of the Ensembl databases and is also able to query multi-species databases. Most functionality of the API is provided using the ActiveRecord pattern. The library depends on introspection to make it release independent. The API is available through the Rubygem system and can be installed with the command gem install ruby-ensembl-api.

  13. A framework for API solubility modelling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Conte, Elisa; Gani, Rafiqul; Crafts, Peter

    . In addition, most of the models are not predictive and requires experimental data for the calculation of the needed parameters. This work aims at developing an efficient framework for the solubility modelling of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) in water and organic solvents. With this framework......-SAFT) are used for solubility calculations when the needed interaction parameters or experimental data are available. The CI-UNIFAC is instead used when the previous models lack interaction parameters or when solubility data are not available. A new GC+ model for APIs solvent selection based...... on the hydrophobicity, hydrophilicity and polarity information of the API and solvent is also developed, for performing fast solvent selection and screening. Eventually, all the previous developments are integrated in a framework for their efficient and integrated use. Two case studies are presented: the first...

  14. Infections with the Sexually Transmitted Pathogen Nosema apis Trigger an Immune Response in the Seminal Fluid of Honey Bees (Apis mellifera). (United States)

    Grassl, Julia; Peng, Yan; Baer-Imhoof, Barbara; Welch, Mat; Millar, A Harvey; Baer, Boris


    Honey bee (Apis mellifera) males are highly susceptible to infections with the sexually transmitted fungal pathogen Nosema apis. However, they are able to suppress this parasite in the ejaculate using immune molecules in the seminal fluid. We predicted that males respond to infections by altering the seminal fluid proteome to minimize the risk to sexually transmit the parasite to the queen and her colony. We used iTRAQ isotopic labeling to compare seminal fluid proteins from infected and noninfected males and found that N. apis infections resulted in significant abundance changes in 111 of the 260 seminal fluid proteins quantitated. The largest group of proteins with significantly changed abundances consisted of 15 proteins with well-known immune-related functions, which included two significantly more abundant chitinases in the seminal fluid of infected males. Chitinases were previously hypothesized to be involved in honey bee antifungal activity against N. apis. Here we show that infection with N. apis triggers a highly specific immune response in the seminal fluid of honey bee males.

  15. Study of the flight range and ideal density of the africanized honeybees, Apis mellifera L., 1758 (Hymenoptera: Apidae) labelled with {sup 32} P on an apple orchard; Estudo do raio de acao e densidade ideal de abelhas africanizadas, Apis mellifera L., 1758 (Hymenoptera: Apidae) marcadas com {sup 32} P em pomar de maca

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Paranhoa, B A.J.


    The ideal density, the flight range, the choice for any flight direction, the influence of temperature and relative humidity of air about the honeybee`s activity, Apis mellifera L.. 1758 (Hymenoptera: Apidae) were studied in an apple orchard, utilizing nuclear techniques. Five hives, with 35,000 bees each, were labelled with syrup (50%) content (2,5 {mu}Ci {sup 32} P/ml) and taken one by one, every two days to the blossomed orchard. A circumference area of 100 m diameter (0,8 ha) W staked each 10 m from the center to the limit (50 m), making a cross, pointing out to North, South, East and West. The honeybees were collected on apple flowers, during 5 minutes in each stake, at 10:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. (author).

  16. Unified Medical Language System Terminology Services (UTS) API (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The UTS API is intended for application developers to perform Web service calls and retrieve UMLS data within their own applications. The UTS API provides the...


    The Application Programming Interface (API) for Uncertainty Analysis, Sensitivity Analysis, and Parameter Estimation (UA/SA/PE API) tool development, here fore referred to as the Calibration, Optimization, and Sensitivity and Uncertainty Algorithms API (COSU-API), was initially d...

  18. The JANA calibrations and conditions database API

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lawrence, David


    Calibrations and conditions databases can be accessed from within the JANA Event Processing framework through the API defined in its JCalibration base class. The API is designed to support everything from databases, to web services to flat files for the backend. A Web Service backend using the gSOAP toolkit has been implemented which is particularly interesting since it addresses many modern cybersecurity issues including support for SSL. The API allows constants to be retrieved through a single line of C++ code with most of the context, including the transport mechanism, being implied by the run currently being analyzed and the environment relieving developers from implementing such details.

  19. The JANA calibrations and conditions database API

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lawrence, David, E-mail: davidl@jlab.or [12000 Jefferson Ave., Suite 8, Newport News, VA 23601 (United States)


    Calibrations and conditions databases can be accessed from within the JANA Event Processing framework through the API defined in its JCalibration base class. The API is designed to support everything from databases, to web services to flat files for the backend. A Web Service backend using the gSOAP toolkit has been implemented which is particularly interesting since it addresses many modern cybersecurity issues including support for SSL. The API allows constants to be retrieved through a single line of C++ code with most of the context, including the transport mechanism, being implied by the run currently being analyzed and the environment relieving developers from implementing such details.

  20. Associated particle imaging (API)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Associated Particle Imaging (API) is an active neutron probe technique that provides a 3-D image with elemental composition of the material under interrogation, and so occupies a unique niche in the interrogation of unknown objects. The highly penetrating nature of neutrons enables API to provide detailed information about targets of interest that are hidden from view. Due to the isotropic nature of the induced reactions, radiation detectors can be set on the same side of the object as the neutron source, so that the object can be interrogated from a single side. At the heat of the system is a small generator that produces a continuous, monoenergetic flux of neutrons. By measuring the trajectory of coincident alpha particles that are produced as part of the process, the trajectory of the neutron can be inferred. Interactions between a neutron and the material in its path often produce a gamma ray whose energy is characteristic of that material. When the gamma ray is detected, its energy is measured and combined with the trajectory information to produce a 3-D image of the composition of the object being interrogated. During the course of API development, a number of improvements have been made. A new, more rugged sealed Tube Neutron Generator (STNG) has been designed and fabricated that is less susceptible to radiation damage and better able to withstand the rigors of fielding than earlier designs. A specialized high-voltage power supply for the STNG has also been designed and built. A complete package of software has been written for the tasks of system calibration, diagnostics and data acquisition and analysis. A portable system has been built and field tested, proving that API can be taken out of the lab and into real-world situations, and that its performance in the field is equal to that in the lab

  1. Uncovering the immune responses of Apis mellifera ligustica larval gut to Ascosphaera apis infection utilizing transcriptome sequencing. (United States)

    Chen, Dafu; Guo, Rui; Xu, Xijian; Xiong, Cuiling; Liang, Qin; Zheng, Yanzhen; Luo, Qun; Zhang, Zhaonan; Huang, Zhijian; Kumar, Dhiraj; Xi, Weijun; Zou, Xuan; Liu, Min


    Honeybees are susceptible to a variety of diseases, including chalkbrood, which is capable of causing huge losses of both the number of bees and colony productivity. This research is designed to characterize the transcriptome profiles of Ascosphaera apis-treated and un-treated larval guts of Apis mellifera ligustica in an attempt to unravel the molecular mechanism underlying the immune responses of western honeybee larval guts to mycosis. In this study, 24, 296 and 2157 genes were observed to be differentially expressed in A. apis-treated Apis mellifera (4-, 5- and 6-day-old) compared with un-treated larval guts. Moreover, the expression patterns of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were examined via trend analysis, and subsequently, gene ontology analysis and KEGG pathway enrichment analysis were conducted for DEGs involved in up- and down-regulated profiles. Immunity-related pathways were selected for further analysis, and our results demonstrated that a total of 13 and 50 DEGs were annotated in the humoral immune-related and cellular immune-related pathways, respectively. Additionally, we observed that many DEGs up-regulated in treated guts were part of cellular immune pathways, such as the lysosome, ubiquitin mediated proteolysis, and insect hormone biosynthesis pathways and were induced by A. apis invasion. However, more down-regulated DEGs were restrained. Surprisingly, a majority of DEGs within the Toll-like receptor signaling pathway, and the MAPK signaling pathway were up-regulated in treated guts, while all but two genes involved in the NF-κB signaling pathway were down-regulated, which suggested that most genes involved in humoral immune-related pathways were activated in response to the invasive fungal pathogen. This study's findings provide valuable information regarding the investigation of the molecular mechanism of immunity defenses of A. m. ligustica larval guts to infection with A. apis. Furthermore, these studies lay the groundwork for

  2. GIANT API: an application programming interface for functional genomics. (United States)

    Roberts, Andrew M; Wong, Aaron K; Fisk, Ian; Troyanskaya, Olga G


    GIANT API provides biomedical researchers programmatic access to tissue-specific and global networks in humans and model organisms, and associated tools, which includes functional re-prioritization of existing genome-wide association study (GWAS) data. Using tissue-specific interaction networks, researchers are able to predict relationships between genes specific to a tissue or cell lineage, identify the changing roles of genes across tissues and uncover disease-gene associations. Additionally, GIANT API enables computational tools like NetWAS, which leverages tissue-specific networks for re-prioritization of GWAS results. The web services covered by the API include 144 tissue-specific functional gene networks in human, global functional networks for human and six common model organisms and the NetWAS method. GIANT API conforms to the REST architecture, which makes it stateless, cacheable and highly scalable. It can be used by a diverse range of clients including web browsers, command terminals, programming languages and standalone apps for data analysis and visualization. The API is freely available for use at © The Author(s) 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.

  3. Building API manufacturing in South Africa

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Loots, Glaudina


    Full Text Available projects) Challenges • Lack of relevant skills – process chemistry, process engineering (cGMP standards), project engineering, project management, process operations, maintenance and process quality control and assurance. – platform for skills... development - to enable a sustained pipeline of multidisciplinary skills for the envisaged API industry expansion. – entrepreneurial thinking – attract young talent in establishing niche businesses within the API manufacturing sector. • Small local...

  4. The API petroassist network

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boortz, M.J.; Jardim, G.M.; Horn, S.A.; Disbennett, D.B.


    Past spill responses, such as those in the Exxon Valdez and American Trader incidents, demonstrated the value of companies volunteering their in-house experts and local knowledge to help other companies in spill response. The American Petroleum Institute (API) formed the PetroAssist Network to provide a means for oil companies to readily gain access to the expertise and communications equipment of other oil companies when needed for spill responses. An API work group developed the PetroAssist Network legal agreement and management and activation procedures. To minimize red tape and reduce the burden on members, existing systems were used whenever possible. The network became operational on January 1, 1992, with more than 40 members

  5. Produção de hidromel utilizando mel de Melipona scutellaris


    Peixoto, Samira; Carvalho, Carlos Alfredo; Estevinho, Leticia M.


    Atualmente, existe uma crescente procura de bebidas fermentadas por parte dos consu-midores, particularmente de hidromel, produzido empiricamente desde a antiguidade. De acordo com a literatura, este bebida tem excelentes efeitos na digestão e metabolismo e é benéfico para doentes com anemia crónica e doenças do trato gastrointestinal [1].Esta bebida é geralmente produzida utilizando mel de Apis mellifera, no entanto, no Brasil existe também mel de abelhas sem ferrão, como Melipona scutellaris...

  6. The Ruby UCSC API: accessing the UCSC genome database using Ruby. (United States)

    Mishima, Hiroyuki; Aerts, Jan; Katayama, Toshiaki; Bonnal, Raoul J P; Yoshiura, Koh-ichiro


    The University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) genome database is among the most used sources of genomic annotation in human and other organisms. The database offers an excellent web-based graphical user interface (the UCSC genome browser) and several means for programmatic queries. A simple application programming interface (API) in a scripting language aimed at the biologist was however not yet available. Here, we present the Ruby UCSC API, a library to access the UCSC genome database using Ruby. The API is designed as a BioRuby plug-in and built on the ActiveRecord 3 framework for the object-relational mapping, making writing SQL statements unnecessary. The current version of the API supports databases of all organisms in the UCSC genome database including human, mammals, vertebrates, deuterostomes, insects, nematodes, and yeast.The API uses the bin index-if available-when querying for genomic intervals. The API also supports genomic sequence queries using locally downloaded *.2bit files that are not stored in the official MySQL database. The API is implemented in pure Ruby and is therefore available in different environments and with different Ruby interpreters (including JRuby). Assisted by the straightforward object-oriented design of Ruby and ActiveRecord, the Ruby UCSC API will facilitate biologists to query the UCSC genome database programmatically. The API is available through the RubyGem system. Source code and documentation are available at under the Ruby license. Feedback and help is provided via the website at

  7. The Ruby UCSC API: accessing the UCSC genome database using Ruby (United States)


    Background The University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) genome database is among the most used sources of genomic annotation in human and other organisms. The database offers an excellent web-based graphical user interface (the UCSC genome browser) and several means for programmatic queries. A simple application programming interface (API) in a scripting language aimed at the biologist was however not yet available. Here, we present the Ruby UCSC API, a library to access the UCSC genome database using Ruby. Results The API is designed as a BioRuby plug-in and built on the ActiveRecord 3 framework for the object-relational mapping, making writing SQL statements unnecessary. The current version of the API supports databases of all organisms in the UCSC genome database including human, mammals, vertebrates, deuterostomes, insects, nematodes, and yeast. The API uses the bin index—if available—when querying for genomic intervals. The API also supports genomic sequence queries using locally downloaded *.2bit files that are not stored in the official MySQL database. The API is implemented in pure Ruby and is therefore available in different environments and with different Ruby interpreters (including JRuby). Conclusions Assisted by the straightforward object-oriented design of Ruby and ActiveRecord, the Ruby UCSC API will facilitate biologists to query the UCSC genome database programmatically. The API is available through the RubyGem system. Source code and documentation are available at under the Ruby license. Feedback and help is provided via the website at PMID:22994508

  8. The Ruby UCSC API: accessing the UCSC genome database using Ruby

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mishima Hiroyuki


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC genome database is among the most used sources of genomic annotation in human and other organisms. The database offers an excellent web-based graphical user interface (the UCSC genome browser and several means for programmatic queries. A simple application programming interface (API in a scripting language aimed at the biologist was however not yet available. Here, we present the Ruby UCSC API, a library to access the UCSC genome database using Ruby. Results The API is designed as a BioRuby plug-in and built on the ActiveRecord 3 framework for the object-relational mapping, making writing SQL statements unnecessary. The current version of the API supports databases of all organisms in the UCSC genome database including human, mammals, vertebrates, deuterostomes, insects, nematodes, and yeast. The API uses the bin index—if available—when querying for genomic intervals. The API also supports genomic sequence queries using locally downloaded *.2bit files that are not stored in the official MySQL database. The API is implemented in pure Ruby and is therefore available in different environments and with different Ruby interpreters (including JRuby. Conclusions Assisted by the straightforward object-oriented design of Ruby and ActiveRecord, the Ruby UCSC API will facilitate biologists to query the UCSC genome database programmatically. The API is available through the RubyGem system. Source code and documentation are available at under the Ruby license. Feedback and help is provided via the website at

  9. GIBS API for Developers (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — API using Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS) designed to deliver global, full-resolution satellite imagery to users in a highly responsive manner, enabling...

  10. Windows API funkcijų sekų perėmimo bibliotekų tyrimas Windows API Hooking Libraries Research

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lukas Radvilavičius


    Full Text Available

    Nagrinėjamos bibliotekos, skirtos Windows API funkcijų sekų perėmimui. Sekų perėmimas gali būti panaudojamas įvairiose srityse: siekiant išsiaiškinti operacinės sistemos veikimo principus, norint atlikti programos derinimą arba pridėti papildomą funkcionalumą prie jau esamo. Straipsnyje apžvelgiamos Windows API ir pateikiamos trečiųjų šalių priemonės funkcijų sekoms  perimti. Aptariamos jų teikiamos galimybės, panaudojimo specifika. Taip pat atlikti testai, siekiant išsiaiškinti, kuri biblioteka su užduotimis susitvarko greičiausiai. Tyrimui pasirinkti du nemokami gaminiai: Microsoft Detours ir EasyHook bibliotekos.

    Straipsnis lietuvių kalba

    The paper describes methods how to apply Windows API hooking with third party libraries and solutions. In this research were used Windows API function SetWindowsHookEx, Detours and EasyHook libraries. Libraries methods, features and advantages were discussed in this paper. The practical part contains libraries tests. In analysis we tested target program start with hooking library and injected function call.

    Article in Lithuanian

  11. Coming 5th Edition of the API Standard 618: major changes compared to the API 618, 4th edition

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pyle, A.; Eijk, A.; Elferink, H.


    This paper will present the highlights of changes that will be found in the 5th Edition of API 618, which is expected to be published in late 2003 or early 2004. Approximately every 5 years the API Standards are revised in such a way that the latest field experiences and proven designs are included

  12. A Web API ecosystem through feature-based reuse

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verborgh, Ruben; Dumontier, Michel


    The current Web API landscape does not scale well: every API requires its own hardcoded clients in an unusually short-lived, tightly coupled relationship of highly subjective quality. This directly leads to inflated development costs, and prevents the design of a more intelligent generation of

  13. Practical Implementation of 10 Rules for Writing REST APIs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jiri Hradil


    Full Text Available This paper shows a practical implementation of “10 Rules for Writing REST APIs introduced in the article” (Hradil, 2016. The application is done in Invoice Home (Wikilane, 2016, an invoicing web application for small business and entrepreneurs available world-wide. The API is implemented in JSON hypermedia format (ECMA International, 2016 and with Ruby on Rails framework (Hansson, 2016. The main purpose of the API is to allow connection of Invoice Home with external systems and offer Invoice Home data in simpler format compared to the current HTML format of the full-stack web application. The paper could be also used as a basic template or pattern for any other implementation of the JSON API in any web-based application.

  14. Building Hypermedia APIs with HTML5 and Node

    CERN Document Server

    Amundsen, Mike


    With this concise book, you'll learn the art of building hypermedia APIs that don't simply run on the Web, but that actually exist in the Web. You'll start with the general principles and technologies behind this architectural approach, and then dive hands-on into three fully-functional API examples. Too many APIs rely on concepts rooted in desktop and local area network patterns that don't scale well-costly solutions that are difficult to maintain over time. This book shows system architects and web developers how to design and implement human- and machine-readable web services that remain

  15. The geospatial data quality REST API for primary biodiversity data. (United States)

    Otegui, Javier; Guralnick, Robert P


    We present a REST web service to assess the geospatial quality of primary biodiversity data. It enables access to basic and advanced functions to detect completeness and consistency issues as well as general errors in the provided record or set of records. The API uses JSON for data interchange and efficient parallelization techniques for fast assessments of large datasets. The Geospatial Data Quality API is part of the VertNet set of APIs. It can be accessed at and is already implemented in the VertNet data portal for quality reporting. Source code is freely available under GPL license from or Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press.

  16. First Identification of Nosema Ceranae (Microsporidia Infecting Apis Mellifera in Venezuela

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Porrini Leonardo P.


    Full Text Available Nosema ceranae is a pathogen of Apis mellifera, which seems to have jumped from its original host Asiatic honey bee Apis ceranae. Nosemosis which affects the honey bee Apis mellifera is caused by two parasitic fungi described as etiologic agents of the disease. Nosema apis was the only microsporidian infection identified in A. mellifera until N. ceranae in Taiwan and Europe. Nosema spp. positive samples of adult worker bees from the Venezuelean state of Lara were determined through light microscopy of spores. Samples were then tested to determine Nosema species (N.apis/N.ceranae using previously reported PCR primers for the 16S rRNA gene. A multiplex PCR assay was used to differentiate both N. apis and N. ceranae species. Only N. ceranae was found in the analyzed samples and the percentage of infected foragers fluctuated between 18% and 60%.

  17. NSLS-II High Level Application Infrastructure And Client API Design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shen, G.; Yang, L.; Shroff, K.


    The beam commissioning software framework of NSLS-II project adopts a client/server based architecture to replace the more traditional monolithic high level application approach. It is an open structure platform, and we try to provide a narrow API set for client application. With this narrow API, existing applications developed in different language under different architecture could be ported to our platform with small modification. This paper describes system infrastructure design, client API and system integration, and latest progress. As a new 3rd generation synchrotron light source with ultra low emittance, there are new requirements and challenges to control and manipulate the beam. A use case study and a theoretical analysis have been performed to clarify requirements and challenges to the high level applications (HLA) software environment. To satisfy those requirements and challenges, adequate system architecture of the software framework is critical for beam commissioning, study and operation. The existing traditional approaches are self-consistent, and monolithic. Some of them have adopted a concept of middle layer to separate low level hardware processing from numerical algorithm computing, physics modelling, data manipulating, plotting, and error handling. However, none of the existing approaches can satisfy the requirement. A new design has been proposed by introducing service oriented architecture technology. The HLA is combination of tools for accelerator physicists and operators, which is same as traditional approach. In NSLS-II, they include monitoring applications and control routines. Scripting environment is very important for the later part of HLA and both parts are designed based on a common set of APIs. Physicists and operators are users of these APIs, while control system engineers and a few accelerator physicists are the developers of these APIs. With our Client/Server mode based approach, we leave how to retrieve information to the

  18. API and ISO standards can be combined

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weightman, R.T.; Warnack, M.F.


    This paper reports that oil field equipment and product manufacturers can maintain a competitive advantage and minimize costs by integrating American Petroleum Institute (API) licensing programs with International Standards Organization (ISO) 9001 standards under one quality system. A combined quality system approach can position a company for quality system certification under ISO 9001 while maintaining API specifications. Furthermore, only one quality system manual is needed for API licensing and ISO certification, avoiding duplication of effort. The benefits of a documented quality program include the flowing: Job descriptions and personnel qualification requirements are documented; The improved documentation allows direct tracing of specific production activities; Laboratory test methods and calibration of test equipment follow accepted standards for more reliable and reproducible test data; Quality control becomes proactive, not reactive, through internal process controls previously not implemented; Employee attitudes improve through appreciation for the overall goals of the company; Ambiguous quality issues, such as documenting special customer requirements, are easily resolved; and The company image improves with customers, particularly for those that require API Specification Q1 or ISO 9001 compliance or those having their own quality performance standards

  19. Ultrasound stress measurements for API X65 pipes; Avaliacao por ultra-som das tensoes impostas em tubo API X-65

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Medeiros, Raimundo C.; Santos, Ramon Loback Medeiros [TRANSPETRO - PETROBRAS Transporte S.A., Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Bittencourt, Marcelo S.Q.; Lamy, Carlos A. [Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear (IEN), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Donato, Guilherme V.P. [PETROBRAS S.A., Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    Risks of damages or even premature collapse of buried pipelines caused by their interaction with geologically unstable soils are well-established phenomena. Therefore, both monitoring and measurements of the actual loads transmitted by the soil to the pipeline are mandatory requirements, and define the necessity of developing new nondestructive techniques capable to carry out through evaluations of these loads in field. The aim of this paper has been placed on the presentation of a cutting-edge ultrasonic technology applied to stress measurements. To accomplish this purpose a series of ultrasonic tests were conducted on tensile specimens extracted from API 5L Grade X-65 steel pipe to determine its acoustic birefringence. The results have evidenced the acoustic birefringence to be a technique sufficiently consistent and, consequently, it shall be considered as a promising tool for the evaluation of the structural integrity of metallic structures in the near future. In addition, it was also observed that the use of this technique allows measuring the residual stress resulting from the pipe manufacturing process. (author)

  20. Variabilidade sazonal dos constituintes da própolis vermelha e bioatividade em Artermia salina

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    Lívio César Cunha Nunes

    Full Text Available A própolis é uma substância resinosa coletada pelas abelhas de diversas partes das plantas. Sua composição depende da época, vegetação e local de coleta. Apresenta diversas atividades biológicas como antimicrobiana, antioxidante, antitumoral, dentre outras. Foi realizado estudo da variabilidade sazonal, nos meses de fevereiro, junho e outubro de 2006, dos constituintes voláteis da própolis vermelha de Pernambuco através da extração por headspace dinâmico e identificação por cromatografia gasosa acoplada com espectrometria de massas (CG-EM. Foram identificados 34 constituintes voláteis, sendo monoterpenos e monoterpenóides, sesquiterpenos e sesquiterpenóides, fenilpropanóides, aldeídos, cetonas e η-alcanos. Os constituintes majoritários foram o trans-anetol, α-copaeno e o metil cis-isoeugenol. Também foi realizado o perfil fitoquímico por cromatografia em camada delgada (CCD, através da qual os constituintes fenólicos foram identificados como majoritários. Com o extrato bruto metanólico da própolis, realizou-se o ensaio de letalidade em Artemia salina, que demonstrou DL50 de 18,9 µg/mL, sugerindo uma possível atividade antitumoral.

  1. Efeito da exclusão dos insetos polinizadores na produção do café Bourbon The effect of the exclusion of pollinating insects on the yield of the bourbon coffee

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    Paulo Nogueira - Neto


    Full Text Available O presente ensaio, realizado com a var. bourbon de Coffea arabica, além de dar informações sôbre a produção dos cafeeiros protegidos dos insetos polinizadores, permitiu também averiguar o comportamento de várias espécies de abelhas e obter outras informações correlatas. Constatou-se, assim, que o néctar da flor é ainda abundante mesmo 24 horas após a antese e que o teor de açúcar do néctar é elevado, da ordem de 38%, em média. Apis mellifera foi a espécie mais freqüentemente encontrada coletando o néctar e o pólen. Em dias chuvosos, muitas das abelhas dessa espécie apenas coletam o pólen. Das abelhas indígenas, somente Plebéia sp. e Nannotrigona (Na. testaceicomis e Melipona quadrifasciata foram encontradas colhendo o pólen. Com tempo bom, as abelhas visitam as flôres do café em grande número, tendo-se notado que A. mellifera ocorre com maior freqüência em horas próximas do meio dia, à temperatura de 30 a 32°C. As abelhas Plebeia sp. e N. (Na. testaceicomis iniciam o vôo mais tarde que a A. mellifera. Em observações realizadas no decurso de 24 horas verificou-se que uma abelha européia trabalhou num território de 13m x 6m, enquanto outras abelhas marcadas não foram vistas novamente. As observações feitas indicaram também que as abelhas grandes, como A. mellifera e Melipona quadrifasciata, são mais eficientes do que as pequenas como polinizadoras do cafeeiro. Em flores mais velhas, com a base da corola já desprendida, encontraram-se as abelhas menores, lambendo diretamente os nectários. As espécies de meliponíneos Plebeia sp., Tetragona (Tetragonisca jaty, N. (Na. testaceicomis e Trigona (Trigona ruficrus, foram vistas muitas vêzes alcançando os nectários através de cortes feitos na base das corolas por Trigona (Trigona hyalinata. Observações adicionais mostraram que as abelhas M. quadrifasciata e Cephalotrigona capitata, bem como A. mellifera, dão preferência as flôres de exemplares

  2. The Web as an API.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roman, J. H. (Jorge H.)


    As programmers we have worked with many Application Development Interface API development kits. They are well suited for interaction with a particular system. A vast source of information can be made accessible by using the http protocol through the web as an API. This setup has many advantages including the vast knowledge available on setting web servers and services. Also, these tools are available on most hardware and operating system combinations. In this paper I will cover the various types of systems that can be developed this way, their advantages and some drawbacks of this approach. Index Terms--Application Programmer Interface, Distributed applications, Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, Web.

  3. Atividade antitumoral, antiinflamatória e antiulcerogênica de duas variedades de própolis brasileira


    Cristiana Madjarof


    Resumo: A própolis é uma resina coletada por abelhas da espécie Apis mellifera e atualmente esse produto vem se destacando por apresentar propriedades biológicas interessantes, como atividade antimicrobiana, antiinflamatória, antiulcerogênica, antiviral, antioxidante e anticâncer. A própolis brasileira apresenta uma constituição química diferenciada principalmente pela diversidade de espécies vegetais para a retirada de resina; variação esta que aponta para a necessidade de novas investigaçõe...

  4. Cross-linking BioThings APIs through JSON-LD to facilitate knowledge exploration. (United States)

    Xin, Jiwen; Afrasiabi, Cyrus; Lelong, Sebastien; Adesara, Julee; Tsueng, Ginger; Su, Andrew I; Wu, Chunlei


    Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are now widely used to distribute biological data. And many popular biological APIs developed by many different research teams have adopted Javascript Object Notation (JSON) as their primary data format. While usage of a common data format offers significant advantages, that alone is not sufficient for rich integrative queries across APIs. Here, we have implemented JSON for Linking Data (JSON-LD) technology on the BioThings APIs that we have developed, , and . JSON-LD provides a standard way to add semantic context to the existing JSON data structure, for the purpose of enhancing the interoperability between APIs. We demonstrated several use cases that were facilitated by semantic annotations using JSON-LD, including simpler and more precise query capabilities as well as API cross-linking. We believe that this pattern offers a generalizable solution for interoperability of APIs in the life sciences.

  5. Divergências morfométricas entre populações isoladas de Melipona subnitida Ducke (Hymenoptera: Apidae no semiárido

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    José Aldenor de Souza


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve por objetivo realizar um estudo morfométrico desta espécie de abelha criada em condições artificiais no semiárido brasileiro, com a finalidade de verificar divergência em sua morfologia, de forma a identificar possíveis variações dessa espécie. As abelhas foram coletadas de criadores de abelhas sem ferrão distintos, de duas localidades sendo uma delas o município de São João do Rio do Peixe, Paraíba-PB, sob as coordenadas: lat. 06° 43' 44" S e long. 38° 26' 56" W. E a outra no município de Mossoró sob as coordenadas lati. 5°03'40’’ S, long. 37º23'51’ W. Distantes 262 quilômetros entre si. O período da pesquisa compreendeu os meses de dezembro de 2012 a janeiro do ano de 2013. Foram avaliados 200 cortiços, e identificados 30 de maior percentual de produção, de onde foram selecionados aleatoriamente 10 para nível de coletas dos insetos em cada localidade. Foram coletadas 60 abelhas operárias, sendo 3 abelhas referentes a cada cortiço. Os parâmetros avaliados dentro do estudo morfométrico foram: Comprimento Transversal, Comprimento Longitudinal, Pernas Coletoras Asas Anteriores Asas Posteriores e Peso por Inseto. Em relação a características avaliadas foram constatadas diferenças significativas entre todas quando se trata dos indivíduos das duas localidades. Corroborando a existência de variabilidade morfométricas entre as localidades. Na análise discriminante obtida para classificação de indivíduos entre as localidades, o município de são João do Rio do Peixe obteve uma taxa de classificação Correta de 100,0%, já para Mossoró a taxa foi de 96,67%, sendo que a média geral foi de 98,33%. Pela validação cruzada, estas localidade tiveram, respectivamente, identificação correta de seus indivíduos com taxas de 100% e 93,33%. A média geral da validação cruzada foi de 96,97%. As variações de tamanho encontradas neste trabalho constatadas pela morfometria demonstram que as

  6. Produção de néctar e visitas por abelhas em duas espécies cultivadas de Passiflora L. (Passifloraceae)


    Varassin,Isabela Galarda; Ximenes,Brunna Maria Setti; Moreira,Priscila Ambrósio; Zanon,Mireille Maria Franco; Elbl,Paula; Löwenberg-Neto,Peter; Melo,Gabriel Augusto Rodrigues


    A atividade dos polinizadores é afetada pela disponibilidade de recursos. Flores que produzem mais néctar podem ser mais visitadas e assim apresentar maior produção de frutos. O efeito da produção de néctar na atividade dos polinizadores foi testado em duas espécies cultivadas de maracujá, Passiflora alata Curtis e Passiflora edulis Sims, em Morretes, Paraná. Botões foram ensacados e o néctar acumulado das flores foi coletado em intervalos de 1 h. Em P. alata o volume e a concentração de solu...

  7. Privacy Issues of the W3C Geolocation API


    Doty, Nick; Mulligan, Deirdre K.; Wilde, Erik


    The W3C's Geolocation API may rapidly standardize the transmission of location information on the Web, but, in dealing with such sensitive information, it also raises serious privacy concerns. We analyze the manner and extent to which the current W3C Geolocation API provides mechanisms to support privacy. We propose a privacy framework for the consideration of location information and use it to evaluate the W3C Geolocation API, both the specification and its use in the wild, and recommend s...

  8. a five year review of api20e bacteria identification system's

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The API20E system (API; bioMérieux, France) is a plastic strip with microtubes containing dehydrated substrates, originally designed for the identification of Enterobacteriaceae so that identification of fermenters with the system would be straightforward. The API20E system was extended to include non- fermenters by the ...

  9. Influence of humidity on the phase behavior of API/polymer formulations. (United States)

    Prudic, Anke; Ji, Yuanhui; Luebbert, Christian; Sadowski, Gabriele


    Amorphous formulations of APIs in polymers tend to absorb water from the atmosphere. This absorption of water can induce API recrystallization, leading to reduced long-term stability during storage. In this work, the phase behavior of different formulations was investigated as a function of relative humidity. Indomethacin and naproxen were chosen as model APIs and poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP) and poly(vinyl pyrrolidone-co-vinyl acetate) (PVPVA64) as excipients. The formulations were prepared by spray drying. The water sorption in pure polymers and in formulations was measured at 25°C and at different values of relative humidity (RH=25%, 50% and 75%). Most water was absorbed in PVP-containing systems, and water sorption was decreasing with increasing API content. These trends could also be predicted in good agreement with the experimental data using the thermodynamic model PC-SAFT. Furthermore, the effect of absorbed water on API solubility in the polymer and on the glass-transition temperature of the formulations was predicted with PC-SAFT and the Gordon-Taylor equation, respectively. The absorbed water was found to significantly decrease the API solubility in the polymer as well as the glass-transition temperature of the formulation. Based on a quantitative modeling of the API/polymer phase diagrams as a function of relative humidity, appropriate API/polymer compositions can now be selected to ensure long-term stable amorphous formulations at given storage conditions. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Identification of Staphylococcus species with the API STAPH-IDENT system. (United States)

    Kloos, W E; Wolfshohl, J F


    The API STAPH-IDENT system was compared with conventional methods for the identification of 14 Staphylococcus species. Conventional methods included the Kloos and Schleifer simplified scheme and DNA-DNA hybridization. The API STAPH-IDENT strip utilizes a battery of 10 miniaturized biochemical tests, including alkaline phosphatase, urease, beta-glucosidase, beta-glucuronidase, and beta-galactosidase activity, aerobic acid formation from D-(+)-mannose, D-mannitol, D-(+)-trehalose, and salicin, and utilization of arginine. Reactions of cultures were determined after 5 h of incubation at 35 degrees C. Results indicated a high degree of congruence (greater than 90%) between the expedient API system and conventional methods for most species. The addition of a test for novobiocin susceptibility to the API system increased the accuracy of identification of S. saprophyticus, S. cohnii, and S. hominis, significantly. Several strains of S. hominis, S. haemolyticus, and S. warneri which were difficult to separate with the Kloos and Schleifer simplified scheme were accurately resolved by the API system. PMID:6752190

  11. Biologia floral e sistema reprodutivo de Byrsonima coccolobifolia (Kunth em uma savana amazônica Floral Biology and the reproductive system of Byrsonima coccolobifolia (Kunth in an amazonian savanna

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    Rosa Mª Cordovil Benezar


    Full Text Available A biologia reprodutiva de Byrsonima coccolobifolia, foi avaliada em uma população de savana do Estado de Roraima. A espécie é constituída de arbustos e arvoretas com altura inferior a 3m, de flores hermafroditas zigomorfas, pentâmeras, reunidas em inflorescências do tipo racemo terminal, produzidos em brotações novas, o cálice é composto por cinco sépalas, que apresentam um par de glândulas produtoras de óleo. A corola é formada por cinco pétalas albo-róseas e unguiculadas, o androceu é composto por dez estames com anteras de coloração amarela. A antese pode ser noturna ou diurna, estende-se por um período médio de 12 horas e as flores costumam ficar abertas e vistosas por um período adicional de 15 horas, quando se inicia a senescência. Foram registrados dois episódios de floração e o fogo parece ser um fator ambiental estimulador desta fenofase. Os visitantes florais predominantes foram abelhas das famílias Anthophoridae (Centris sp. e Xylocopa sp. e Apidae (Apis mellifera e Bombus sp.. Os resultados das polinizações controladas e o cálculo do índice de auto-incompatibilidade (ISI indicam que a espécie apresenta comportamento protogínico e é autocompatível, produzindo frutos em todos os tratamentos de autopolinização em proporções semelhantes à polinização natural, não sendo confirmada a produção de frutos apomíticos. Entretanto, os percentuais de frutos formados nos tratamentos de xenogamia foram significativamente superiores aos tratamentos de autofertilização, indicando que B. coccolobifolia apresenta um sistema reprodutivo misto com níveis elevados de alogamia e autogamia.The reproductive biology of Byrsonima coccolobifolia was evaluated in a savanna area of State of Roraima, Brazil. This is a woody species of bushes and small trees 3m tall. The flowers are hermaphrodite, pentamerous, zygomorphic, arranged in a terminal inflorescence, produced in new sprouts. Five sepals form the calyx


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    Awalul Fatiqin


    Full Text Available Actinomycetes are soil organisms that have traits that are common to bacteria and fungi but also have quite different characteristics that limit into one group which is distinctly different. Study aimed to explore the mangrove actinomycetes from soil and tested the antibacterial potency. Soil samples taken from the mangrove land at Tanjung Api-api mangrove species Sonneratia caseolaris. Activity test antibacterial using a method modified disk a test bacterium Escherichia coli. Identification isolates of actinomycetes by observing the character of macroscopic colonies, microscopic conidia. The results showed that the obtained three different actinomycetes isolates, 1 isolate has the most potential ability to inhibit bacterial growth test with an average value of 1:13 cm in inhibiting the bacteria Escherichia coli.

  13. Produção de geleia real em colônias de abelhas africanizadas considerando diferentes suplementos proteicos e a influência de fatores ambientais = Royal jelly production in Africanized honeybee colonies considering different protein supplements and the influence of environmental factors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vagner de Alencar Arnaut de Toledo


    Full Text Available O objetivo foi avaliar o efeito da suplementação proteica sobre a produção de geleia real em colônias de Apis mellifera e correlacionar esta produção com as variáveis climáticas. Os tratamentos foram: colônias que receberam uma ração elaborada com 35% de proteína; colônias que receberam suplemento proteico comercial com 35% de proteína bruta e colônias que não receberam ração proteica. Não houve diferença (p > 0,05 entre os tratamentos para as variáveis de produção. As médias foram: quantidade de larvas aceitas, 8,56 ± 6,76; porcentagem de aceitação, 29,20 ± 22,03%; quantidade de geleia real produzida por colônia, 1,83 ± 0,82 g e quantidade produzida por cúpula, 213,58 ± 108,36 mg. A precipitação pluviométrica não influenciou (p > 0,05 a produção de geleia real. Os modelos selecionados evidenciaram que houve efeito negativo da temperatura máxima e umidade relativa mínima do ar com número de larvas aceitas. Observou-se que a porcentagem de aceitação de larvas e a produção de geleia real por colônias apresentaram correlação positiva com a umidade relativa máxima e negativa com a umidade relativa mínima. Pode-se concluir que a adição de suplemento proteico (35% nãoaumentou a produção de geleia real das colônias de abelhas africanizadas e seu uso para esta finalidade foi economicamente inviável.This research was carried out to evaluate the effect of proteic supplement on royal jelly production in honeybee colonies and its correlation with environmental variables. The treatments were: colonies that had received a diet formulated with 35% crude protein, colonies that had received a commercial supplement with 35% crude protein, and colonies that did not receive protein diet. There was nodifference (p > 0.05 among the treatments for parameters of production. The average for each variable was: amount accepted larvae, 8.56 ± 6.76; acceptance percentage, 29.20 ± 22.03%; amount of royal jelly

  14. A Monte Carlo modeling alternative for the API Gamma Ray Calibration Facility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Galford, J.E.


    The gamma ray pit at the API Calibration Facility, located on the University of Houston campus, defines the API unit for natural gamma ray logs used throughout the petroleum logging industry. Future use of the facility is uncertain. An alternative method is proposed to preserve the gamma ray API unit definition as an industry standard by using Monte Carlo modeling to obtain accurate counting rate-to-API unit conversion factors for gross-counting and spectral gamma ray tool designs. - Highlights: • A Monte Carlo alternative is proposed to replace empirical calibration procedures. • The proposed Monte Carlo alternative preserves the original API unit definition. • MCNP source and materials descriptions are provided for the API gamma ray pit. • Simulated results are presented for several wireline logging tool designs. • The proposed method can be adapted for use with logging-while-drilling tools.

  15. Análise da variabilidade genética de uma pequena população de Frieseomelitta varia (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponini) por meio de análise do DNA mitocondrial, microssatélites e morfometria geométrica das asas


    Paulo Henrique Pereira Gonçalves


    As abelhas da tribo Meliponini apresentam distribuição pantropical. São encontradas mais de 400 espécies pertencentes a 50 gêneros, sendo que mais de 300 estão presentes nas Américas. Os meliponíneos são responsáveis por grande parte da polinização das plantas nativas. A destruição das florestas tem ameaçado seriamente as abelhas sem ferrão, isolando-as em fragmentos e expondo-as ao endocruzamento e aos efeitos de perda de variabilidade genética. No presente estudo, foram empregadas análises ...

  16. Resisting majesty: Apis cerana, has lower antennal sensitivity and decreased attraction to queen mandibular pheromone than Apis mellifera


    Shihao Dong; Ping Wen; Qi Zhang; Xinyu Li; Ken Tan; James Nieh


    In highly social bees, queen mandibular pheromone (QMP) is vital for colony life. Both Apis cerana (Ac) and Apis mellifera (Am) share an evolutionarily conserved set of QMP compounds: (E)-9-oxodec-2-enoic acid (9-ODA), (E)-9-hydroxydec-2-enoic acid (9-HDA), (E)-10-hydroxy-dec-2-enoic acid (10-HDA), 10-hydroxy-decanoic acid (10-HDAA), and methyl p?hydroxybenzoate (HOB) found at similar levels. However, evidence suggests there may be species-specific sensitivity differences to QMP compounds bec...

  17. Predominant Api m 10 sensitization as risk factor for treatment failure in honey bee venom immunotherapy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frick, Marcel; Fischer, Jörg; Helbing, Arthur


    BACKGROUND: Component resolution recently identified distinct sensitization profiles in honey bee venom (HBV) allergy, some of which were dominated by specific IgE to Api m 3 and/or Api m 10, which have been reported to be underrepresented in therapeutic HBV preparations. OBJECTIVE: We performed...... responders and nonresponders regarding levels of IgE sensitization to Api m 1, Api m 2, Api m 3, and Api m 5. In contrast, Api m 10 specific IgE was moderately but significantly increased in nonresponders. Predominant Api m 10 sensitization (>50% of specific IgE to HBV) was the best discriminator...... (specificity, 95%; sensitivity, 25%) with an odds ratio of 8.444 (2.127-33.53; P = .0013) for treatment failure. Some but not all therapeutic HBV preparations displayed a lack of Api m 10, whereas Api m 1 and Api m 3 immunoreactivity was comparable to that of crude HBV. In line with this, significant Api m 10...

  18. Investigation into process-induced de-aggregation of cohesive micronised API particles. (United States)

    Hoffmann, Magnus; Wray, Patrick S; Gamble, John F; Tobyn, Mike


    The aim of this study was to assess the impact of unit processes on the de-aggregation of a cohesive micronised API within a pharmaceutical formulation using near-infrared chemical imaging. The impact on the primary API particles was also investigated using an image-based particle characterization system with integrated Raman analysis. The blended material was shown to contain large, API rich domains which were distributed in-homogeneously across the sample, suggesting that the blending process was not aggressive enough to disperse aggregates of micronised drug particles. Cone milling, routinely used to improve the homogeneity of such cohesive formulations, was observed to substantially reduce the number and size of API rich domains; however, several smaller API domains survived the milling process. Conveyance of the cone milled formulation through the Alexanderwerk WP120 powder feed system completely dispersed all remaining aggregates. Importantly, powder feed transmission of the un-milled formulation was observed to produce an equally homogeneous API distribution. The size of the micronised primary drug particles remained unchanged during powder feed transmission. These findings provide further evidence that this powder feed system does induce shear, and is in fact better able to disperse aggregates of a cohesive micronised API within a blend than the blend-mill-blend step. Crown Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. Macelignan inhibits bee pathogenic fungi Ascophaera apis growth through HOG1 pathway

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Y.K. Shin


    Full Text Available Ascosphaera apis is a bee pathogen that causes bee larvae infection disease, to which treatment is not yet well investigated. The aim of this study was to investigate antifungal susceptibility in vitro against A. apis and to identify a new antifungal agent for this pathogen through minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC assay and western blot analysis. Macelignan had 1.56 and 3.125 μg/mL MIC against A. apis after 24 and 48 h, respectively, exhibiting the strongest growth inhibition against A. apis among the tested compounds (corosolic acid, dehydrocostus lactone, loganic acid, tracheloside, fangchinoline and emodin-8-O-β-D-glucopyranoside. Furthermore, macelignan showed a narrow-ranged spectrum against various fungal strains without any mammalian cell cytotoxicity. In spite of miconazole having powerful broad-ranged anti-fungal activity including A. apis, it demonstrated strong cytotoxicity. Therefore, even if macelignan alone was effective as an antifungal agent to treat A. apis, combined treatment with miconazole was more useful to overcome toxicity, drug resistance occurrence and cost effectiveness. Finally, HOG1 was revealed as a target molecule of macelignan in the anti-A. apis activity by inhibiting phosphorylation using S. cerevisiae as a model system. Based on our results, macelignan, a food-grade antimicrobial compound, would be an effective antifungal agent against A. apis infection in bees.

  20. IgE recognition of chimeric isoforms of the honeybee (Apis mellifera) venom allergen Api m 10 evaluated by protein array technology. (United States)

    Van Vaerenbergh, Matthias; De Smet, Lina; Rafei-Shamsabadi, David; Blank, Simon; Spillner, Edzard; Ebo, Didier G; Devreese, Bart; Jakob, Thilo; de Graaf, Dirk C


    Api m 10 has recently been established as novel major allergen that is recognized by more than 60% of honeybee venom (HBV) allergic patients. Previous studies suggest Api m 10 protein heterogeneity which may have implications for diagnosis and immunotherapy of HBV allergy. In the present study, RT-PCR revealed the expression of at least nine additional Api m 10 transcript isoforms by the venom glands. Two distinct mechanisms are responsible for the generation of these isoforms: while the previously known variant 2 is produced by an alternative splicing event, novel identified isoforms are intragenic chimeric transcripts. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of the identification of chimeric transcripts generated by the honeybee. By a retrospective proteomic analysis we found evidence for the presence of several of these isoforms in the venom proteome. Additionally, we analyzed IgE reactivity to different isoforms by protein array technology using sera from HBV allergic patients, which revealed that IgE recognition of Api m 10 is both isoform- and patient-specific. While it was previously demonstrated that the majority of HBV allergic patients display IgE reactivity to variant 2, our study also shows that some patients lacking IgE antibodies for variant 2 display IgE reactivity to two of the novel identified Api m 10 variants, i.e. variants 3 and 4. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Why and How Java Developers Break APIs


    Brito, Aline; Xavier, Laerte; Hora, Andre; Valente, Marco Tulio


    Modern software development depends on APIs to reuse code and increase productivity. As most software systems, these libraries and frameworks also evolve, which may break existing clients. However, the main reasons to introduce breaking changes in APIs are unclear. Therefore, in this paper, we report the results of an almost 4-month long field study with the developers of 400 popular Java libraries and frameworks. We configured an infrastructure to observe all changes in these libraries and t...

  2. Pro REST API development with nodejs

    CERN Document Server

    Doglio, Fernando


    Pro REST API Development with Node.js is your guide to managing and understanding the full capabilities of successful REST development. API design is a hot topic in the programming world, but not many resources exist for developers to really understand how you can leverage the advantages. This book will provide a brief background on REST and the tools it provides (well known and not so well known). Understand how there is more to REST than just JSON and URLs. You will then cover and compare the maintained modules currently available in the npm community, including Express, Restify, Vatican,

  3. Parâmetros genéticos para características produtivas e biométricas em abelha Melipona quadrifasciata anthidioides LEPELETIER

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    K.N. Oliveira


    Full Text Available Os objetivos deste trabalho foram estimar componentes de variância genética aditiva, fenotípica e residual e a herdabilidade para características relacionadas com a produção de mel e com a estrutura do ninho de abelhas Melipona quadrifasciata anthidioides. Sessenta colônias de diferentes regiões da Bahia foram transladadas para caixas padronizadas modelo INPA e divididas, originando as gerações parentais G1 e G2. Foram medidas as características: estimativa da produção de mel; número, largura, volume e altura dos potes de mel; número, altura e diâmetro dos potes de pólen; peso; número, largura e diâmetro dos discos de cria e estimativa da população da colônia. As medidas foram corrigidas para o efeito fixo de mês de mensuração. Os componentes de variância e herdabilidade foram estimados por meio do método de semelhança entre parentes, utilizando-se abordagem Bayesiana. As médias e os desvios padrão variaram de 2,01±0,70cm para diâmetro de potes de pólen a 2.333,0±384,1kg para o peso das caixas. Houve indicação de convergência para todas as cadeias obtidas. As estimativas de variância genética aditiva variaram de 0,02cm para as características largura dos potes de mel a 38.587,72kg para o peso. Para as estimativas de variâncias fenotípicas, os valores variaram de 0,05 para a altura dos potes de pólen a 95.136,43kg para o peso; e para as variâncias residuais, os valores encontrados variaram de 0,02 para a variável largura dos potes de mel a 56.548,71kg para o peso. As estimativas de herdabilidade variaram de 0,35 a 0,53. Os resultados demonstraram que as características avaliadas possuem variação genética aditiva que garante boa resposta à seleção.

  4. Composição química de Baccharis dracunculifolia, fonte botânica das própolis dos estados de São Paulo e Minas Gerais Chemical composition of Baccharis dracunculifolia, the botanical source of propolis from the states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Severino Matias de Alencar


    Full Text Available A própolis é uma substância resinosa coletada pelas abelhas de diversas partes das plantas. Sua composição depende da época, vegetação e local de coleta. Análises fitoquímicas de própolis produzidas de Baccharis dracunculioflia (alecrim-do-campo por abelhas Apis mellifera africanizada nos estados de São Paulo e Minas Gerais foram feitas por espectrofotometria na região U.V.-Visível, CCDAE-FR, CLAE-FR e CG-EM. Uma característica dos compostos fenólicos das própolis analisadas e da espécie vegetal de B. dracunculiofolia foi a alta proporção de artepilin C e outros derivados do ácido cinâmico. Com base nas evidências fitoquímicas, B. dracunculifolia foi identificada como a principal fonte vegetal das própolis produzidas nos estados de São Paulo e Minas Gerais.Propolis is a resinous hive product COLLected by honeybees from plant sources. The composition of the propolis depends upon the season, vegetation, and the area of COLLection. Phytochemical analyses of propolis produced from Baccharis dracunculifolia (alecrim-do-campo in the states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais by africanized - were done by RP-HPTLC, RP-HPLC and GC-MS, and the absorption spectra was measured by UV-visible spectrophotometry. A distinctive characteristic of propolis and B. dracunculifolia was that both had a high proportion of the phenolic compounds artepillin C and others dihydrocinnamic acid derivatives. Based on phytochemical evidence, B. dracunculifolia was found to be the main source of propolis produced in the states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais.

  5. rApi m 3 and rApi m 10 improve detection of honey bee sensitization in Hymenoptera venom-allergic patients with double sensitization to honey bee and yellow jacket venom. (United States)

    Frick, M; Müller, S; Bantleon, F; Huss-Marp, J; Lidholm, J; Spillner, E; Jakob, T


    Recombinant allergens improve the diagnostic precision in Hymenoptera venom allergy (HVA), in particular in patients with double sensitization to both honey bee (HBV) and yellow jacket venom (YJV). While currently available vespid allergens allow the detection of >95% of YJV-allergic patients, the sensitization frequency to the only available HBV marker allergen rApi m 1 in HBV-allergic patients is lower. Here, we demonstrate that sIgE to additional HBV marker allergens rApi m 3 and rApi m 10 allows the detection of genuine HBV sensitization in 46-65% of Api m 1 negative sera. This is of particular relevance in patients with double sensitization to HBV and YJV that did not identify the culprit insect. Addition of sIgE to rApi m 3 and rApi m 10 provides evidence of HBV sensitization in a large proportion of rApi m 1-negative patients and thus provides a diagnostic marker and rationale for VIT treatment with HBV, which otherwise would have been missing. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  6. Integrated platform and API for electrophysiological data. (United States)

    Sobolev, Andrey; Stoewer, Adrian; Leonhardt, Aljoscha; Rautenberg, Philipp L; Kellner, Christian J; Garbers, Christian; Wachtler, Thomas


    Recent advancements in technology and methodology have led to growing amounts of increasingly complex neuroscience data recorded from various species, modalities, and levels of study. The rapid data growth has made efficient data access and flexible, machine-readable data annotation a crucial requisite for neuroscientists. Clear and consistent annotation and organization of data is not only an important ingredient for reproducibility of results and re-use of data, but also essential for collaborative research and data sharing. In particular, efficient data management and interoperability requires a unified approach that integrates data and metadata and provides a common way of accessing this information. In this paper we describe GNData, a data management platform for neurophysiological data. GNData provides a storage system based on a data representation that is suitable to organize data and metadata from any electrophysiological experiment, with a functionality exposed via a common application programming interface (API). Data representation and API structure are compatible with existing approaches for data and metadata representation in neurophysiology. The API implementation is based on the Representational State Transfer (REST) pattern, which enables data access integration in software applications and facilitates the development of tools that communicate with the service. Client libraries that interact with the API provide direct data access from computing environments like Matlab or Python, enabling integration of data management into the scientist's experimental or analysis routines.

  7. A Monte Carlo modeling alternative for the API Gamma Ray Calibration Facility. (United States)

    Galford, J E


    The gamma ray pit at the API Calibration Facility, located on the University of Houston campus, defines the API unit for natural gamma ray logs used throughout the petroleum logging industry. Future use of the facility is uncertain. An alternative method is proposed to preserve the gamma ray API unit definition as an industry standard by using Monte Carlo modeling to obtain accurate counting rate-to-API unit conversion factors for gross-counting and spectral gamma ray tool designs. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. grlc Makes GitHub Taste Like Linked Data APIs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meroño-Peñuela, A.; Hoekstra, Rinke; Sack, H; Rizzo, G; Steinmetz, N; Mladenić, D; Auer, S; Lange, C


    Building Web APIs on top of SPARQL endpoints is becoming a common practice to enable universal access to the integration favorable dataspace of Linked Data. However, the Linked Data community cannot expect users to learn SPARQL to query this dataspace, and Web APIs are the most extended way of

  9. grlc Makes GitHub Taste Like Linked Data APIs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meroño-Peñuela, A.; Hoekstra, R.


    Building Web APIs on top of SPARQL endpoints is becoming a common practice to enable universal access to the integration favorable dataspace of Linked Data. However, the Linked Data community cannot expect users to learn SPARQL to query this dataspace, and Web APIs are the most common way of

  10. Experience API: Flexible, Decentralized and Activity-Centric Data Collection (United States)

    Kevan, Jonathan M.; Ryan, Paul R.


    This emerging technology report describes the Experience API (xAPI), a new e-learning specification designed to support the learning community in standardizing and collecting both formal and informal distributed learning activities. Informed by Activity Theory, a framework aligned with constructivism, data is collected in the form of activity…

  11. Produção de geléia real por abelhas Apis mellifera italianas, africanizadas e descendentes de seus cruzamentos - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v27i1.1254 Royal jelly production by Italian and Africanized honeybees Apis mellifera, descendants of their crossing - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v27i1.1254

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    Regina Helena Nogueira Couto


    Full Text Available Este experimento objetivou comparar a produção de geléia real de abelhas descendentes de rainhas italianas irmãs, inseminadas com zangões africanizados (T1, ou com zangões italianos (T2, e de rainhas africanizadas irmãs, fecundadas no vôo (T3, comparando-a com fatores ambientais. As operárias híbridas (T1 aceitaram mais larvas transferidas (45,41 %, embora a diferença não tenha sido significativa, e depositaram maior (P This work aimed at comparing royal jelly production among descendants of Italian queen sisters inseminated by Africanized drones (T1, Italian drones (T2 and Africanized queen sisters in natural mating (T3. The workers cross-bred (T1 accepted more transferred larvae (45.41% but there was no significant difference. They deposited more (P < 0.05 royal jelly in each cup (243.5 mg than Italians (T2 – 31.36% and 214.7 mg and Africanized workers (T3 – 33.63% and 209.3 mg, respectively. The result showed a best production in each colony which suggests heterosis. These parameters showed positive relation with pollen and workers quantities and with environmental temperature. The best production occurred in February and March, period of absence of flower in orange and eucalyptus culture in this region

  12. Efeito da suplementação alimentar sobre as características produtivas e reprodutivas de Apis mellifera Linnaeus, 1758

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    Tânia Patrícia Schafaschek


    e desenvolvimento das colméias. No final do período, as colméias com alimentação suplementar apresentaram maior área de mel. A suplementação energético-protéica interferiu no armazenamento de alimento pelas abelhas, mas não proporcionou a antecipação do desenvolvimento das colméias.

  13. A RESTful API for accessing microbial community data for MG-RAST.

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    Andreas Wilke


    Full Text Available Metagenomic sequencing has produced significant amounts of data in recent years. For example, as of summer 2013, MG-RAST has been used to annotate over 110,000 data sets totaling over 43 Terabases. With metagenomic sequencing finding even wider adoption in the scientific community, the existing web-based analysis tools and infrastructure in MG-RAST provide limited capability for data retrieval and analysis, such as comparative analysis between multiple data sets. Moreover, although the system provides many analysis tools, it is not comprehensive. By opening MG-RAST up via a web services API (application programmers interface we have greatly expanded access to MG-RAST data, as well as provided a mechanism for the use of third-party analysis tools with MG-RAST data. This RESTful API makes all data and data objects created by the MG-RAST pipeline accessible as JSON objects. As part of the DOE Systems Biology Knowledgebase project (KBase, we have implemented a web services API for MG-RAST. This API complements the existing MG-RAST web interface and constitutes the basis of KBase's microbial community capabilities. In addition, the API exposes a comprehensive collection of data to programmers. This API, which uses a RESTful (Representational State Transfer implementation, is compatible with most programming environments and should be easy to use for end users and third parties. It provides comprehensive access to sequence data, quality control results, annotations, and many other data types. Where feasible, we have used standards to expose data and metadata. Code examples are provided in a number of languages both to show the versatility of the API and to provide a starting point for users. We present an API that exposes the data in MG-RAST for consumption by our users, greatly enhancing the utility of the MG-RAST service.

  14. The development, validity, and reliability of the Addiction Profile Index (API). (United States)

    Ögel, Kültegin; Evren, Cüneyt; Karadağ, Figen; Gürol, Defne Tamar


    The objective of this study was to develop a practical questionnaire for multidimensional assessment of problems associated with alcohol and substance abuse that would also be useful for treatment planning. The Addiction Profile Index (API) is a self-report questionnaire consisting of 37 items and the following 5 subscales: characteristics of substance use; dependency diagnosis; the effects of subsance use on the user; craving; motivation to quit using substances. The study included 345 alcohol and/or substance abusers from 2 addiction treatment clinics and a prison addiction service. The validity of the questionnaire was assessed using the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST), Readiness to Change Questionnaire (SOCRATES), Penn Alcohol Craving Scale (PACS), Drug Craving Scale (DCS), Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (SCID-I), and Addiction Severity Index (ASI). The Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the total API was 0.89 and for the subscales it ranged from 0.63 to 0.86. Item-total correlation coefficients ranged from 0.42 to 0.89. The Spearman Brown split-half method coefficient for the total API was 0.83. In all, 4 factors were obtained using explanatory factor analysis that represented 52.3% of the total variance. The API craving subscale was observed to be consistent with PACS and the API motivation subscale was consistent with SOCRATES. The API total score was strongly correlated with the mean MAST score, and the composite ASI medical status, substance use, legal status, and family social relations subscale scores. Based on ROC analyses, the area under curve was 0.90. With a total API cut-off score of 4, the scale's sensitivity and specificity 0.85 was 0.78, respectively. The findings show that the API is a valid and reliable questionnaire that can be used to measure the severity of different dimensions of substance dependency.

  15. A RESTful API for accessing microbial community data for MG-RAST. (United States)

    Wilke, Andreas; Bischof, Jared; Harrison, Travis; Brettin, Tom; D'Souza, Mark; Gerlach, Wolfgang; Matthews, Hunter; Paczian, Tobias; Wilkening, Jared; Glass, Elizabeth M; Desai, Narayan; Meyer, Folker


    Metagenomic sequencing has produced significant amounts of data in recent years. For example, as of summer 2013, MG-RAST has been used to annotate over 110,000 data sets totaling over 43 Terabases. With metagenomic sequencing finding even wider adoption in the scientific community, the existing web-based analysis tools and infrastructure in MG-RAST provide limited capability for data retrieval and analysis, such as comparative analysis between multiple data sets. Moreover, although the system provides many analysis tools, it is not comprehensive. By opening MG-RAST up via a web services API (application programmers interface) we have greatly expanded access to MG-RAST data, as well as provided a mechanism for the use of third-party analysis tools with MG-RAST data. This RESTful API makes all data and data objects created by the MG-RAST pipeline accessible as JSON objects. As part of the DOE Systems Biology Knowledgebase project (KBase, we have implemented a web services API for MG-RAST. This API complements the existing MG-RAST web interface and constitutes the basis of KBase's microbial community capabilities. In addition, the API exposes a comprehensive collection of data to programmers. This API, which uses a RESTful (Representational State Transfer) implementation, is compatible with most programming environments and should be easy to use for end users and third parties. It provides comprehensive access to sequence data, quality control results, annotations, and many other data types. Where feasible, we have used standards to expose data and metadata. Code examples are provided in a number of languages both to show the versatility of the API and to provide a starting point for users. We present an API that exposes the data in MG-RAST for consumption by our users, greatly enhancing the utility of the MG-RAST service.

  16. Microbiota saprófita associada à doença periodontal em cães


    Domingues,L.M.; Alessi,A.C.; Schoken-Iturrino,R.P.; Dutra,L.S.


    Realizou-se um estudo sobre a microbiota saprófita associada à doença periodontal espontânea em cães com o objetivo de identificar as bactérias anaeróbias predominantes nas lesões. Com auxílio de cureta odontológica, amostras colhidas diretamente do espaço subgengival foram semeadas em meio CDC (Central for Disease Control) para anaeróbios e incubadas, em anaerobiose, a 37°C, por sete dias. A caracterização das colônias foi realizada por meio da morfologia e do teste bioquímico (Sistema API 2...

  17. JEnsembl: a version-aware Java API to Ensembl data systems. (United States)

    Paterson, Trevor; Law, Andy


    The Ensembl Project provides release-specific Perl APIs for efficient high-level programmatic access to data stored in various Ensembl database schema. Although Perl scripts are perfectly suited for processing large volumes of text-based data, Perl is not ideal for developing large-scale software applications nor embedding in graphical interfaces. The provision of a novel Java API would facilitate type-safe, modular, object-orientated development of new Bioinformatics tools with which to access, analyse and visualize Ensembl data. The JEnsembl API implementation provides basic data retrieval and manipulation functionality from the Core, Compara and Variation databases for all species in Ensembl and EnsemblGenomes and is a platform for the development of a richer API to Ensembl datasources. The JEnsembl architecture uses a text-based configuration module to provide evolving, versioned mappings from database schema to code objects. A single installation of the JEnsembl API can therefore simultaneously and transparently connect to current and previous database instances (such as those in the public archive) thus facilitating better analysis repeatability and allowing 'through time' comparative analyses to be performed. Project development, released code libraries, Maven repository and documentation are hosted at SourceForge (

  18. Upon a Message-Oriented Trading API

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    Claudiu VINTE


    Full Text Available In this paper, we introduce the premises for a trading system application-programming interface (API based on a message-oriented middleware (MOM, and present the results of our research regarding the design and the implementation of a simulation-trading system employing a service-oriented architecture (SOA and messaging. Our research has been conducted with the aim of creating a simulation-trading platform, within the academic environment, that will provide both the foundation for future experiments with trading systems architectures, components, APIs, and the framework for research on trading strategies, trading algorithm design, and equity markets analysis tools. Mathematics Subject Classification: 68M14 (distributed systems.

  19. grlc Makes GitHub Taste Like Linked Data APIs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Merono Penuela, A.; Hoekstra, R.J.


    Building Web APIs on top of SPARQL endpoints is becoming common practice. It enables universal access to the integration favorable data space of Linked Data. In the majority of use cases, users cannot be expected to learn SPARQL to query this data space. Web APIs are the most common way to enable

  20. Hot-stage microscopy for determination of API particles in a formulated tablet. (United States)

    Simek, Michal; Grünwaldová, Veronika; Kratochvíl, Bohumil


    Although methods exist to readily determine the particle size distribution (PSD) of an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) before its formulation into a final product, the primary challenge is to develop a method to determine the PSD of APIs in a finished tablet. To address the limitations of existing PSD methods, we used hot-stage microscopy to observe tablet disintegration during temperature change and, thus, reveal the API particles in a tablet. Both mechanical and liquid disintegration were evaluated after we had identified optimum milling time for mechanical disintegration and optimum volume of water for liquid disintegration. In each case, hot-stage micrographs, taken before and after the API melting point, were compared with image analysis software to obtain the PSDs. Then, the PSDs of the APIs from the disintegrated tablets were compared with the PSDs of raw APIs. Good agreement was obtained, thereby confirming the robustness of our methodology. The availability of such a method equips pharmaceutical scientists with an in vitro assessment method that will more reliably determine the PSD of active substances in finished tablets.

  1. Hot-Stage Microscopy for Determination of API Particles in a Formulated Tablet

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    Michal Šimek


    Full Text Available Although methods exist to readily determine the particle size distribution (PSD of an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API before its formulation into a final product, the primary challenge is to develop a method to determine the PSD of APIs in a finished tablet. To address the limitations of existing PSD methods, we used hot-stage microscopy to observe tablet disintegration during temperature change and, thus, reveal the API particles in a tablet. Both mechanical and liquid disintegration were evaluated after we had identified optimum milling time for mechanical disintegration and optimum volume of water for liquid disintegration. In each case, hot-stage micrographs, taken before and after the API melting point, were compared with image analysis software to obtain the PSDs. Then, the PSDs of the APIs from the disintegrated tablets were compared with the PSDs of raw APIs. Good agreement was obtained, thereby confirming the robustness of our methodology. The availability of such a method equips pharmaceutical scientists with an in vitro assessment method that will more reliably determine the PSD of active substances in finished tablets.

  2. Floral biology of Stachytarpheta maximiliani Scham. (Verbenaceae and its floral visitors Biologia floral de Stachytarpheta maximiliani Scham. (Verbenaceae e seus visitantes florais

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    Ivana de Freitas Barbola


    ópteros, em busca de néctar e pólen, sendo que abelhas e lepidópteros são os mais freqüentes. Um complexo de características florais, em que se incluem flores de cor violeta-azulada, sem odor perceptível, corola infundibuliforme (longa e afilada, néctar não exposto, com alta concentração de açúcar (cerca de 32%, acumulado na porção inferior do tubo da corola, constitui um elemento selecionador de visitantes. Tais características se enquadram nas síndromes de melitofilia e psicofilia, sendo as abelhas Bombus morio, B. atratus, Trigonopedia ferruginea, Xylocopa brasilianorum e Apis mellifera e os lepidópteros Corticea mendica mendica, Corticea sp., Vehilius clavicula, Urbanus simplicius, U. teleus e Heraclides thoas brasiliensis seus mais importantes polinizadores.

  3. Abelha rainha Apis mellifera e a produtividade da colônia

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    Simone Cristina Camargo


    Full Text Available Genetic improvement in beekeeping is mainly focused on increasing the productivity of various bee products, however, when thinking in terms of breeding, it is necessary to produce queen bees and to applicate selection in bee colonies. Even with the development of methods and technologies, there are few practical applications in the apiary. Thus, the aim of this study is to synthesize and disseminate the knowledge about the biology and behavior of queen bees, with further focus on the production of queens, as well as the instrumental insemination and selection, as tools for breeding programs. With the release of this knowledge it is expected that their application would improve the quality and quantity of bee products, keeping the colony with a selected queen, young and vigorous.

  4. ChemSpell Web Service API (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The ChemSpell Web Service API provides chemical name spell checking and chemical name synonym look-up. ChemSpell contains more than 1.3 million chemical names...

  5. Safe “cloudification” of large images through picker APIs (United States)

    Bremer, Erich; Kurc, Tahsin; Gao, Yi; Saltz, Joel; Almeida, Jonas S


    The “Box model” allows users with no particular training in informatics, or access to specialized infrastructure, operate generic cloud computing resources through a temporary URI dereferencing mechanism known as “drop-file-picker API” (“picker API” for sort). This application programming interface (API) was popularized in the web app development community by DropBox, and is now a consumer-facing feature of all major cloud computing platforms such as, Google Drive and Amazon S3. This reports describes a prototype web service application that uses picker APIs to expose a new, “cloudified”, API tailored for image analysis, without compromising the private governance of the data exposed. In order to better understand this cross-platform cloud computing landscape, we first measured the time for both transfer and traversing of large image files generated by whole slide imaging (WSI) in Digital Pathology. The verification that there is extensive interconnectivity between cloud resources let to the development of a prototype software application that exposes an image-traversing REST API to image files stored in any of the consumer-facing “boxes”. In summary, an image file can be upload/synchronized into a any cloud resource with a file picker API and the prototype service described here will expose an HTTP REST API that remains within the safety of the user’s own governance. The open source prototype is publicly available at Availability The accompanying prototype application is made publicly available, fully functional, with open source, at An illustrative webcasted use of this Web App is included with the project codebase at PMID:28269829

  6. SjAPI, the first functionally characterized Ascaris-type protease inhibitor from animal venoms.

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    Zongyun Chen

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Serine protease inhibitors act as modulators of serine proteases, playing important roles in protecting animal toxin peptides from degradation. However, all known serine protease inhibitors discovered thus far from animal venom belong to the Kunitz-type subfamily, and whether there are other novel types of protease inhibitors in animal venom remains unclear. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here, by screening scorpion venom gland cDNA libraries, we identified the first Ascaris-type animal toxin family, which contains four members: Scorpiops jendeki Ascaris-type protease inhibitor (SjAPI, Scorpiops jendeki Ascaris-type protease inhibitor 2 (SjAPI-2, Chaerilus tricostatus Ascaris-type protease inhibitor (CtAPI, and Buthus martensii Ascaris-type protease inhibitor (BmAPI. The detailed characterization of Ascaris-type peptide SjAPI from the venom gland of scorpion Scorpiops jendeki was carried out. The mature peptide of SjAPI contains 64 residues and possesses a classical Ascaris-type cysteine framework reticulated by five disulfide bridges, different from all known protease inhibitors from venomous animals. Enzyme and inhibitor reaction kinetics experiments showed that recombinant SjAPI was a dual function peptide with α-chymotrypsin- and elastase-inhibiting properties. Recombinant SjAPI inhibited α-chymotrypsin with a Ki of 97.1 nM and elastase with a Ki of 3.7 μM, respectively. Bioinformatics analyses and chimera experiments indicated that SjAPI contained the unique short side chain functional residues "AAV" and might be a useful template to produce new serine protease inhibitors. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: To our knowledge, SjAPI is the first functionally characterized animal toxin peptide with an Ascaris-type fold. The structural and functional diversity of animal toxins with protease-inhibiting properties suggested that bioactive peptides from animal venom glands might be a new source of protease inhibitors, which will accelerate the

  7. Applications of API RP 1102 in stress analysis of buried pipelines at automated cultivation land; Avaliacao de tensoes em dutos enterrados, em area de cultura mecanizada, a luz da norma API RP 1102

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Spagnolo, Rodrigo Alves; Castro, Newton Camelo de [PETROBRAS Transportes S.A. (TRANSPETRO), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    According to the development of the agriculture business in the Midwest of Brazil, it can be noted that the cultivated land has imposed to the right of way pipeline weight and quantity increasing of vehicles moving above TRANSPETRO pipelines. This paper has the objective promoting discussions about this theme, presenting preceding conclusions when analyzing pipeline stresses, when the pipeline equipment are submitted to great loadings of agricultural machines. In order to execute this analysis, analytical formulations were used to compute static and dynamic loadings. These evaluations were referenced from API RP 1102 american norm. Many loading simulations, with different operating and environment configurations to the buried installations, were realized. These data were applied having the purpose of diagnosing typical situations existing in automated cultivated land crossings, related to OSBRA (Oleoduto Sao Paulo - Brasilia) right of way pipeline. (author)

  8. Produtos naturais no comportamento defensivo de Apis mellifera L. = Natural products in the defensive behaviour of Apis mellifera L.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Renata Leonardo Lomele


    Full Text Available Os objetivos do estudo foram investigar a influência de produtos naturais como capim-limão (Cymbopogon citratus, folhas de abacateiro (Persea americana, casca de café (Coffea arabica e sementes de mamona (Ricinus communis na defensividade de Apis mellifera, e avaliar o efeito destes produtos no desenvolvimento populacional da colmeia. O comportamento defensivo foi avaliado por meio do tempo da primeira ferroada (TPF, número de ferrões (NFB e, o desenvolvimento populacional, pela área de cria aberta e fechada. Observou-se que o tratamento fumaça + sete sementes de mamona apresentou aumento significativo no TPF, em relação ao tratamento sem e com fumaça de maravalha. Com relação ao NFB, verificou-se que os tratamentos fumaça de maravalha + sete sementes de mamona e fumaça de maravalha + 20% de folhas de café foram diferentes do tratamento sem e com fumaça. Os demais tratamentos não diferiram significativamente em relação ao uso da fumaça ou sua ausência. A casca de café e a semente de mamona nãointerferiram no desenvolvimento populacional, sugerindo que estes compostos não foram tóxicos. Pode-se concluir que o uso de sementes de mamona e casca de café na fumaça pode representar importante ferramenta para a redução da defensividade, sem promover toxicidade para A. mellifera.The goal was to investigate the influence of natural products such as lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus, dried avocado leaves (Persea americana, coffee husk (Coffea arabica and castor bean (Ricinus communis in the defense of Apis mellifera, as well the effect of these products on the population development of the beehive. Defensive behavior was evaluated by time of first sting (TFS and number of stingers (NS, and population development, by open brood area and operculated brood. It was observed that the treatment with smoke + seven castor beans presented significant increase in the TFS, for treatment without and with smoke. Regarding NS, it was verified

  9. A quick guide to API 510 certified pressure vessel inspector syllabus example questions and worked answers

    CERN Document Server

    Matthews, Clifford


    The API Individual Certification Programs (ICPs) are well established worldwide in the oil, gas, and petroleum industries. This Quick Guide is unique in providing simple, accessible and well-structured guidance for anyone studying the API 510 Certified Pressure Vessel Inspector syllabus by summarizing and helping them through the syllabus and providing multiple example questions and worked answers.Technical standards are referenced from the API 'body of knowledge' for the examination, i.e. API 510 Pressure vessel inspection, alteration, rerating; API 572 Pressure vessel inspection; API

  10. APIs for QoS configuration in Software Defined Networks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Caba, Cosmin Marius; Soler, José


    The OpenFlow (OF) protocol is widely used in Software Defined Networking (SDN) to realize the communication between the controller and forwarding devices. OF allows great flexibility in managing traffic flows. However, OF alone is not enough to build more complex SDN services that require complete...... such as configuration of devices, ports, queues, etc. An Application Programming Interface (API) for dynamic configuration of QoS resources in the network devices is implemented herein, by using the capabilities of OVSDB. Further, the paper demonstrates the possibility to create network services with coarse granularity...... on top of the fine granular services exposed by the QoS configuration API at the SDNC. A series of tests emphasize the capabilities and the performance of the implemented QoS configuration API....

  11. A method for designing fiberglass sucker-rod strings with API RP 11L

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jennings, J.W.; Laine, R.E.


    This paper presents a method for using the API recommended practice for the design of sucker-rod pumping systems with fiberglass composite rod strings. The API method is useful for obtaining quick, approximate, preliminary design calculations. Equations for calculating all the composite material factors needed in the API calculations are given

  12. IgE-Api m 4 Is Useful for Identifying a Particular Phenotype of Bee Venom Allergy. (United States)

    Ruiz, B; Serrano, P; Moreno, C

    Different clinical behaviors have been identified in patients allergic to bee venom. Compound-resolved diagnosis could be an appropriate tool for investigating these differences. The aims of this study were to analyze whether specific IgE to Api m 4 (sIgE-Api m 4) can identify a particular kind of bee venom allergy and to describe response to bee venom immunotherapy (bVIT). Prospective study of 31 patients allergic to bee venom who were assigned to phenotype group A (sIgE-Api m 4 Api m 4 ≥0.98 kU/L), treated with purified aqueous (PA) extract. Sex, age, cardiovascular risk, severity of preceding sting reaction, exposure to beekeeping, and immunological data (intradermal test, sIgE/sIgG4-Apis-nApi m 1, and sIgE-rApi m 2-Api m 4 were analyzed. Systemic reactions (SRs) during bVIT build-up were analyzed. Immunological and sting challenge outcomes were evaluated in each group after 1 and 2 years of bVIT. Phenotype B patients had more severe reactions (P=.049) and higher skin sensitivity (P=.011), baseline sIgE-Apis (P=.0004), sIgE-nApi m 1 (P=.0004), and sIgG4-Apis (P=.027) than phenotype A patients. Furthermore, 41% of patients in group B experienced SRs during the build-up phase with NA; the sting challenge success rate in this group was 82%. There were no significant reductions in serial intradermal test results, but an intense reduction in sIgE-nApi m 1 (P=.013) and sIgE-Api m 4 (P=.004) was observed after the first year of bVIT. Use of IgE-Api m 4 as the only discrimination criterion demonstrated differences in bee venom allergy. Further investigation with larger populations is necessary.

  13. Long-Term Temporal Trends of Nosema spp. Infection Prevalence in Northeast Germany: Continuous Spread of Nosema ceranae, an Emerging Pathogen of Honey Bees (Apis mellifera), but No General Replacement of Nosema apis. (United States)

    Gisder, Sebastian; Schüler, Vivian; Horchler, Lennart L; Groth, Detlef; Genersch, Elke


    The Western honey bee ( Apis mellifera ) is widely used as commercial pollinator in worldwide agriculture and, therefore, plays an important role in global food security. Among the parasites and pathogens threatening health and survival of honey bees are two species of microsporidia, Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae. Nosema ceranae is considered an emerging pathogen of the Western honey bee. Reports on the spread of N. ceranae suggested that this presumably highly virulent species is replacing its more benign congener N. apis in the global A. mellifera population. We here present a 12 year longitudinal cohort study on the prevalence of N. apis and N. ceranae in Northeast Germany. Between 2005 and 2016, a cohort of about 230 honey bee colonies originating from 23 apiaries was sampled twice a year (spring and autumn) resulting in a total of 5,600 bee samples which were subjected to microscopic and molecular analysis for determining the presence of infections with N. apis or/and N. ceranae . Throughout the entire study period, both N. apis - and N. ceranae -infections could be diagnosed within the cohort. Logistic regression analysis of the prevalence data demonstrated a significant increase of N. ceranae -infections over the last 12 years, both in autumn (reflecting the development during the summer) and in spring (reflecting the development over winter) samples. Cell culture experiments confirmed that N. ceranae has a higher proliferative potential than N. apis at 27° and 33°C potentially explaining the increase in N. ceranae prevalence during summer. In autumn, characterized by generally low infection prevalence, this increase was accompanied by a significant decrease in N. apis -infection prevalence. In contrast, in spring, the season with a higher prevalence of infection, no significant decrease of N. apis infections despite a significant increase in N. ceranae infections could be observed. Therefore, our data do not support a general advantage of N. ceranae over

  14. An overview of the CellML API and its implementation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Halstead Matt


    Full Text Available Abstract Background CellML is an XML based language for representing mathematical models, in a machine-independent form which is suitable for their exchange between different authors, and for archival in a model repository. Allowing for the exchange and archival of models in a computer readable form is a key strategic goal in bioinformatics, because of the associated improvements in scientific record accuracy, the faster iterative process of scientific development, and the ability to combine models into large integrative models. However, for CellML models to be useful, tools which can process them correctly are needed. Due to some of the more complex features present in CellML models, such as imports, developing code ab initio to correctly process models can be an onerous task. For this reason, there is a clear and pressing need for an application programming interface (API, and a good implementation of that API, upon which tools can base their support for CellML. Results We developed an API which allows the information in CellML models to be retrieved and/or modified. We also developed a series of optional extension APIs, for tasks such as simplifying the handling of connections between variables, dealing with physical units, validating models, and translating models into different procedural languages. We have also provided a Free/Open Source implementation of this application programming interface, optimised to achieve good performance. Conclusions Tools have been developed using the API which are mature enough for widespread use. The API has the potential to accelerate the development of additional tools capable of processing CellML, and ultimately lead to an increased level of sharing of mathematical model descriptions.

  15. Langstroth hive construction with cement-vermiculite Construção de colméia Langstroth com cimento-vermiculita

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Cristina Affonso Lorenzon


    Full Text Available Exfoliated vermiculite is a light-weight and cheap product that, because of its thermal resistance, has become a valuable insulating material. With regard to its use in beekeeping, this research tested whether the box for honey bees constructed with cement-vermiculite mortar (CVM presents physical characteristics similar to those of wood. The experiment was carried out at Seropédica, RJ, Brazil, for eight months. The cement-vermiculite mortar was compared with a control material (pinewood, in the construction of Langstroth boxes and boards, in a completely randomized design, with respect to thermal control, thermal conductivity and its capacity to absorb and lose water. The production cost for a CVM box was estimated. There were no internal temperature differences between CVM and wooden boxes. Thermal conductivity values for CVM and pinewood were similar. CVM absorbed more water and lost water faster than pinewood. Since CVM boxes can be easily constructed, at a low cost and with similar characteristics as traditional boxes, made of wood, the material can be recommended for use in non-migratory beekeeping.A vermiculita expandida é um material leve, barato e sua resistência térmica permite sua utilização como material isolante. Referente ao seu uso na Apicultura, esta pesquisa testou se a caixa para abelhas melíferas construída com argamassa cimento-vermiculita (ACV apresenta características similares às da madeira. O estudo foi realizado em Seropédica (ERJ, Brasil, durante oito meses. Comparou-se a argamassa com o material controle, que foi a madeira pinho, em caixas de abelhas e em placas, em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, quanto ao: controle térmico, a condutividade térmica, a capacidade de absorver e perder água. O custo de produção da caixa ACV para abelhas foi estimado. Não se observaram diferenças da temperatura interna entre as caixas de ACV e de madeira. A condutividade térmica foi similar nas placas de ACV

  16. [Effect of habitat and interspecific competition on Apis cerana cerana colony distribution]. (United States)

    Yu, Linsheng; Han, Shengming


    Habitat change and interspecific competition were the main factors affecting, Apis cerana cerana colony distribution among Wannan and Wanxi Dabie mountainous areas, Jianghuai area and Huaibei plain. Wannan and Wanxi Dabie mountainous areas were the ideal places for Apis cerana cerana' habitation and propogation, in which, there were integrated natural vegetation, fine ecological condition, abundant nectariferous plants, and Apis cerana cerana had large colony size, wide distribution, high density, no disturbances of natural mating, and was dominant interspecific competition. In Jianghuai area and Huaibei plain, there were small covering of natural vegetation, different degree of degradation of ecological balance, few kinds of nectariferous plants with almost the same blooming periods, natural mating perturbed by Apis mellifera ligustica for Apis cerana cerana, and which was inferior in interspecific competition, colony size sharply decreased, distribution area reduced, and density cut down to a great extent. In Huaibei plain, the negative factors were more conspicuous.

  17. System for Award Management (SAM) API (United States)

    General Services Administration — The SAM API is a RESTful method of retrieving public information about the businesses, organizations, or individuals (referred to as entities) within the SAM entity...

  18. Hardness and microstructural characterization of API 5L X70 steel pipes welded by HF/ERW process; Caracterizacao microestrutural e de dureza em tubos de aco API 5L X70 soldados pelo processo HF/ERW

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Calcada, Mauricio Vieira; Voorwald, Herman Jacobus Cornelis; Nascimento, Marcelino Pereira do [UNESP, Guaratingueta, SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Engenharia


    The materials that stand in the manufacture of steel pipes are called API, that should have, high mechanical resistance, high corrosion resistance, high fatigue resistance, good weldability, and other properties. Thus, the purpose of this project was to evaluate the microstructure and hardness of welded joints by the HF/ERW process of API 5L X70 steel pipes. The microstructural analysis was performed using a surface finish with grit sizes from 220 to 25 {mu}m e polishing with diamond paste from 9 {mu}m to 0.05 {mu}m; the revelation was made with 3% Nital attack. The Vickers hardness was performed across the welded joint by 33 points to indentation. The results were: 80.5 {+-} 3.4% of ferrite and 19.5 {+-} 3.4% of perlite for microanalysis. As for hardness, the values were: 215.69 HV10 for weld line, 218.65 HV10 for ZTA and 218.95 HV10 for base metal. (author)

  19. Déficit de polinização da aceroleira no período seco no semiárido paraibano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rozileudo da Silva Guedes


    Full Text Available A aceroleira é uma importante frutífera tropical que pode produzir frutos o ano todo na região semiárida do Nordeste do Brasil, caso seja utilizada a irrigação. Como a aceroleira depende da polinização por abelhas coletoras de óleos florais para apresentar uma produção satisfatória de frutos, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a abundância de polinizadores e o sucesso reprodutivo da cultura no período seco, no semiárido paraibano. Foram registradas quatro espécies de abelhas nativas da tribo Centridini, todas consideradas polinizadoras efetivas da aceroleira, pela frequência nas flores e comportamento: Centris aenea Lepeletier, C. tarsata Smith, C. fuscata Lepeletier e C. trigonoides Lepeletier (Apidae, Centridini. A frequência de visitas às flores foi menor no período seco do que no período chuvoso. A polinização cruzada manual complementar resultou em incremento de 61 a 74% na produção de frutos durante o período seco, nos dois anos avaliados, indicando que há um grande déficit de polinização devido à baixa abundância de abelhas Centris. Esse resultado implica a necessidade de manejo dos polinizadores, especialmente em cultivos irrigados durante o período seco, na região semiárida do Nordeste do Brasil.

  20. Predominant Api m 10 sensitization as risk factor for treatment failure in honey bee venom immunotherapy. (United States)

    Frick, Marcel; Fischer, Jörg; Helbling, Arthur; Ruëff, Franziska; Wieczorek, Dorothea; Ollert, Markus; Pfützner, Wolfgang; Müller, Sabine; Huss-Marp, Johannes; Dorn, Britta; Biedermann, Tilo; Lidholm, Jonas; Ruecker, Gerta; Bantleon, Frank; Miehe, Michaela; Spillner, Edzard; Jakob, Thilo


    Component resolution recently identified distinct sensitization profiles in honey bee venom (HBV) allergy, some of which were dominated by specific IgE to Api m 3 and/or Api m 10, which have been reported to be underrepresented in therapeutic HBV preparations. We performed a retrospective analysis of component-resolved sensitization profiles in HBV-allergic patients and association with treatment outcome. HBV-allergic patients who had undergone controlled honey bee sting challenge after at least 6 months of HBV immunotherapy (n = 115) were included and classified as responder (n = 79) or treatment failure (n = 36) on the basis of absence or presence of systemic allergic reactions upon sting challenge. IgE reactivity to a panel of HBV allergens was analyzed in sera obtained before immunotherapy and before sting challenge. No differences were observed between responders and nonresponders regarding levels of IgE sensitization to Api m 1, Api m 2, Api m 3, and Api m 5. In contrast, Api m 10 specific IgE was moderately but significantly increased in nonresponders. Predominant Api m 10 sensitization (>50% of specific IgE to HBV) was the best discriminator (specificity, 95%; sensitivity, 25%) with an odds ratio of 8.444 (2.127-33.53; P = .0013) for treatment failure. Some but not all therapeutic HBV preparations displayed a lack of Api m 10, whereas Api m 1 and Api m 3 immunoreactivity was comparable to that of crude HBV. In line with this, significant Api m 10 sIgG 4 induction was observed only in those patients who were treated with HBV in which Api m 10 was detectable. Component-resolved sensitization profiles in HBV allergy suggest predominant IgE sensitization to Api m 10 as a risk factor for treatment failure in HBV immunotherapy. Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. JASPAR RESTful API: accessing JASPAR data from any programming language. (United States)

    Khan, Aziz; Mathelier, Anthony


    JASPAR is a widely used open-access database of curated, non-redundant transcription factor binding profiles. Currently, data from JASPAR can be retrieved as flat files or by using programming language-specific interfaces. Here, we present a programming language-independent application programming interface (API) to access JASPAR data using the Representational State Transfer (REST) architecture. The REST API enables programmatic access to JASPAR by most programming languages and returns data in eight widely used formats. Several endpoints are available to access the data and an endpoint is available to infer the TF binding profile(s) likely bound by a given DNA binding domain protein sequence. Additionally, it provides an interactive browsable interface for bioinformatics tool developers. This REST API is implemented in Python using the Django REST Framework. It is accessible at and the source code is freely available at under GPL v3 license. or Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

  2. API manager implementation and its use for Indus accelerator control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Merh, B.N.; Agrawal, R.K.; Barpande, K.; Fatnani, P.; Navathe, C.P.


    The control system software needed for operation of Indus accelerators is coupled to the underlying firmware and hardware of the control system by the Application Programming Interface (API) manager. In the three layered architecture of Indus control system, PVSS-II SCADA is being used at the layer-1(L1) for control and monitoring of various sub-systems. The layer-2(L2) consists of VME bus based system. The API manager plays a crucial role in interfacing the L1 and L2 of the control system. It has to interact with both the PVSS database and the L2. In order to access the PVSS database it uses the PVSS API, a C++ class library, whereas in order to access the L2 custom functions have been built. Several other custom functionalities have also been implemented. The paper presents the important aspects of the API manager like its implementation, its interface mechanism to the lower layer and features like configurability, reusable classes, multithreading capability etc. (author)

  3. Induction bending of API 5L X80 pipes; Curvamento a quente de tubos API 5L X80

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Batista, Gilmar Z. [PETROBRAS S.A., Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)]. E-mail:; Naschpitz, Leonardo [Primus Processamento de Tubos S.A. - PROTUBO, Campo Grande, RJ (Brazil)]. E-mail:


    The present work is a part of an extensive program to make possible the application of API 5L X80 in pipeline construction in Brazil. At this stage, the effect of the induction bending process on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the pipe is presented. For this study an API 5L X80 pipe, made by the UOE process, is used. The pipe was manufactured from a plate produced by thermo-mechanically controlled rolling without accelerated cooling. The pipe bending was carried out applying a local induction heating following by water quenching. The bend section, outer and inner curvature regions, of the pipe bend were evaluated and compared with the original pipe. The longitudinal weld and transition zones were not evaluated at this stage. Dimensional analyses, microstructural evaluation, Charpy-V impact tests, and tensile tests were performed. A significant microstructural change was verified in the bend area. The yield strength of the pipe bend was found to be lower than original pipe and standard requirements. Other tensile properties and impact properties are compatible with API 5L X80 requirements. (author)


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    João Carlos Gióia


    Full Text Available

    Thirty-nine samples of honey produced in Goiânia-GO and vicinities were analysed in relation to solid solubles, moisture, acidity in formic acid reducing sugars on glucose. The search for falsification was based on LUND’s reaction, the FIEHE test, Lugol test and the determination of the diastasics ferments. Only 30.77% of the samples analyzed were within the established by the legislation.

    Foram analisadas 39 amostras de mel de abelha produzido na região de Goiânia – GO, com o objetivo de se avaliar sua qualidade. Determinou-se: sólidos solúveis, umidade, acidez em ácido fórmico e glicídios redutores em glicose. As pesquisas de fraudes basearam-se nas provas de FIEHE, de LUND, teste do lugol e determinação de fermentos diastásicos. Somente 30,77% das amostras analisadas apresentaram-se conforme os padrões estabelecidos pela legislação vigente em todas as provas realizadas.

  5. Corpos estranhos animados em otorrinolaringologia Strange animated bodies in othorinolaringology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ricardo R. Figueiredo


    Full Text Available Forma de estudo: Clínico retrospectivo. Material e método: Foram reportados 56 casos de corpos estranhos animados em orelhas (55 insetos e 1 aracnídeo e 1 caso (inseto em fossas nasais. O material foi coletado no setor de Emergência do serviço de ORL do Hospital Municipal Souza Aguiar, no centro do Rio de Janeiro, entre os anos de 1998 e 2000, e identificado por zoólogos do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro. A maior parte dos casos ocorreu em Nova Iguaçu e Campo Grande, sendo analisados os quadros clínicos e as complicações ocorridas. Resultado: Os insetos são: 30,35% Blattaria (baratas; 25% Diptera (moscas e mosquitos; 12,5% Lepidoptera (borboletas e mariposas; 10,7% Coleoptera (besouros; 7,15% Hemiptera (percevejos, cigarras, afídeos, etc., 5,35% Hymenoptera (vespas, abelhas, formigas, marimbondos e 5,31 % outros.Study design: Clinical retrospective. Material and method: Fufty-six cases of animated foreign bodies collected inside human ears (55 insects and 1 arachnid and one case collected in nasal fossae (insect were reported. The material was collected in the Emergency sector of Souza Aguiar Hospital, in Rio de Janeiro, between 1998 and 2000, and was identified by zoologists of Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro. Most of the cases had occurred in Nova Iguaçu and Campo Grande, suburbs of Rio de Janeiro. Clinical features and complications were analyzed. Results: The recorded insects are: 30,35% Blattaria (cockroaches; 25% Diptera (flies and mosquitos; 12,5% Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths; 10,7% Coleoptera (beetles; 7,15% Hemiptera (bugs, cicads, aphids, etc., 5,35% Hymenoptera (wasps, bees, ants, and sawflies and 5,31 % others.

  6. Application of Skype API to Control Working Time

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julian Vasilev


    Full Text Available The purpose of this article is to present an innovative approach to monitor and control working time. A special software program is developed by Delphi implementing Skype API functions. This article shows three different approaches to control working time using the Skype_API program. It automatically detects when an employee goes to his working place and when he leaves work. Moreover it can check periodically weather an employee is at work. The proposed ideas are written for the first time. They may be applied easily in many enterprises with very low costs.

  7. A Shellcode Detection Method Based on Full Native API Sequence and Support Vector Machine (United States)

    Cheng, Yixuan; Fan, Wenqing; Huang, Wei; An, Jing


    Dynamic monitoring the behavior of a program is widely used to discriminate between benign program and malware. It is usually based on the dynamic characteristics of a program, such as API call sequence or API call frequency to judge. The key innovation of this paper is to consider the full Native API sequence and use the support vector machine to detect the shellcode. We also use the Markov chain to extract and digitize Native API sequence features. Our experimental results show that the method proposed in this paper has high accuracy and low detection rate.

  8. Novel diagnostic tools for Asian (Apis cerana) and European (Apis mellifera) honey authentication. (United States)

    Soares, Sónia; Grazina, Liliana; Mafra, Isabel; Costa, Joana; Pinto, M Alice; Duc, Hanh Pham; Oliveira, M Beatriz P P; Amaral, Joana S


    Honey can be produced by different species of honeybees, with two being of economic importance due to their use in apiculture, namely Apis mellifera (known as European honeybee) and Apis cerana (known as Asian honeybee). Due to the decline of the wild populations of the Asian honeybee, this honey generally attains much higher market value, being prone to adulteration. This work aims at proposing new tools, based on the use of molecular markers, for the entomological authentication of honey. To this end, new species-specific primers were designed targeting the tRNA leu -cox2 intergenic region and allowing the detection of A. cerana DNA by qualitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Additionally, a novel real-time PCR method with high resolution melting analysis was developed to target the 16S rRNA gene of both bee species, allowing their discrimination in different clusters. The proposed methodologies were further applied with success in the authentication of Asian and European honey samples by the identification of honeybee DNA, demonstrating the usefulness of these simple and cost-effective new approaches. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Perfil sensorial e aceitabilidade de méis de abelhas sem ferrão submetidos a processos de conservação Sensorial profile and acceptability of stingless bee honey submitted to conservation processes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Geni da Silva Sodré


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho avaliou o perfil sensorial e a aceitabilidade de méis de abelhas sem ferrão submetidos a dois processos de conservação, objetivando obter maior vida de prateleira. Foram utilizadas amostras de méis de Melipona scutellaris e M. quadrifasciata, coletadas no Estado da Bahia entre dezembro de 2005 e janeiro de 2006. As amostras foram submetidas aos processos de pasteurização e desumidificação, passando em seguida por avaliação sensorial. O perfil sensorial foi determinado no Laboratório de Entomologia do Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Ambientais e Biológicas da Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia, em Cruz das Almas, Estado da Bahia. Os atributos analisados foram: fluidez, cor, aroma, cristalização, sabor e aceitabilidade. Os resultados mostraram que os processos de conservação utilizados não interferem no perfil sensorial e na aceitabilidade do produto.The present work was conducted to evaluate the sensorial profile and the acceptability of the honey of stingless bees submitted to two conservation processes seeking to obtain longer shelf life. The samples of Melipona scutellaris and M. quadrifasciata honey were collected in the State of Bahia, Brazil, between December 2005 and January 2006. The samples were first submitted to pasteurization and dehumidification processes and then to sensorial evaluation. The sensorial profile was determined in the Laboratory of Entomology in the Center for Agrarian, Biological, and Environmental Sciences of the Federal University of Recôncavo Bahiano, in Cruz das Almas, in the state of Bahia. The analyzed attributes were: fluidity, color, scent, crystallization, flavour, and acceptability. The results show that the conservation processes used do not interfere with the sensorial profile and the product acceptability.

  10. Clarification of some api characteristics in relation to caribou (Rangifer tarandus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    William O. Pruitt, Jr.


    Full Text Available A total of 2177 comparisons of api hardness vs. density in northern Saskatchewan, southeastern Manitoba and northeastern Finland revealed no consistent correlation (r varied from +.70 to -.17. A total of 1395 comparisons of horizontal hardness of the top layer of api to vertical hardness of the same layer of api in southeastern Manitoba, northeastern Finland and far eastern middle Finland revealed no consistent correlation (r varied from +.99 to -.20. Therefore one cannot substitute density for hardness nor horizontal hardness of the top layer for vertical hardness of the top layer in the terms of the Värriö Snow Index.

  11. A SNP based high-density linkage map of Apis cerana reveals a high recombination rate similar to Apis mellifera.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yuan Yuan Shi

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The Eastern honey bee, Apis cerana Fabricius, is distributed in southern and eastern Asia, from India and China to Korea and Japan and southeast to the Moluccas. This species is also widely kept for honey production besides Apis mellifera. Apis cerana is also a model organism for studying social behavior, caste determination, mating biology, sexual selection, and host-parasite interactions. Few resources are available for molecular research in this species, and a linkage map was never constructed. A linkage map is a prerequisite for quantitative trait loci mapping and for analyzing genome structure. We used the Chinese honey bee, Apis cerana cerana to construct the first linkage map in the Eastern honey bee. RESULTS: F2 workers (N = 103 were genotyped for 126,990 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs. After filtering low quality and those not passing the Mendel test, we obtained 3,000 SNPs, 1,535 of these were informative and used to construct a linkage map. The preliminary map contains 19 linkage groups, we then mapped the 19 linkage groups to 16 chromosomes by comparing the markers to the genome of A. mellfiera. The final map contains 16 linkage groups with a total of 1,535 markers. The total genetic distance is 3,942.7 centimorgans (cM with the largest linkage group (180 loci measuring 574.5 cM. Average marker interval for all markers across the 16 linkage groups is 2.6 cM. CONCLUSION: We constructed a high density linkage map for A. c. cerana with 1,535 markers. Because the map is based on SNP markers, it will enable easier and faster genotyping assays than randomly amplified polymorphic DNA or microsatellite based maps used in A. mellifera.

  12. Real World Uses For Nagios APIs (United States)

    Singh, Janice


    This presentation describes the Nagios 4 APIs and how the NASA Advanced Supercomputing at Ames Research Center is employing them to upgrade its graphical status display (the HUD) and explain why it's worth trying to use them yourselves.

  13. The split-sting trait in Apis mellifera induced by cobalt 60 gamma radiation; Inducao do carater ferrao aberto em abelhas Apis mellifera por irradiacao gama de cobalto-60

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silva, Vera Lucia Maciel


    The Split-Sting (SS) trait in honey bees, induced by gamma radiation, was discovered by Soares (1975). Bees with this trait are unable to sting, because the parts that compose the sting are separated. Many studies have been done in order to understand this new mutation. We studied the effect of gamma radiation on induction of the SS trait in feral bee strains. The doses were applied to the phase of larvae of queens with 5 days old. The following results were obtained: all doses of radiation induced the SS trait. There was an increase in the percentage of queens with SS with an increase in radiation dose; the SS trait induced by radiation is probably phenocopy; SS bees were observed in nature; increase of the rate mortality and malformation with an increase in radiation dose. (author) 55 refs., 8 figs., 6 tabs.

  14. The split-sting trait in Apis mellifera induced by cobalt 60 gamma radiation; Inducao do carater ferrao aberto em abelhas Apis mellifera por irradiacao gama de cobalto-60

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silva, Vera Lucia Maciel


    The Split-Sting (SS) trait in honey bees, induced by gamma radiation, was discovered by Soares (1975). Bees with this trait are unable to sting, because the parts that compose the sting are separated. Many studies have been done in order to understand this new mutation. We studied the effect of gamma radiation on induction of the SS trait in feral bee strains. The doses were applied to the phase of larvae of queens with 5 days old. The following results were obtained: all doses of radiation induced the SS trait. There was an increase in the percentage of queens with SS with an increase in radiation dose; the SS trait induced by radiation is probably phenocopy; SS bees were observed in nature; increase of the rate mortality and malformation with an increase in radiation dose. (author) 55 refs., 8 figs., 6 tabs.

  15. An improved method for interpreting API filter press hydraulic conductivity test results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heslin, G.M.; Baxter, D.Y.; Filz, G.M.; Davidson, R.R.


    The American Petroleum Institute (API) filter press is frequently used to measure the hydraulic conductivity of soil-bentonite backfill during the mix design process and as part of construction quality controls. However, interpretation of the test results is complicated by the fact that the seepage-induced consolidation pressure varies from zero at the top of the specimen to a maximum value at the bottom of the specimen. An analytical solution is available which relates the stress, compressibility, and hydraulic conductivity in soil consolidated by seepage forces. This paper presents the results of a laboratory investigation undertaken to support application of this theory to API hydraulic conductivity tests. When the API test results are interpreted using seepage consolidation theory, they are in good agreement with the results of consolidometer permeameter tests. Limitations of the API test are also discussed

  16. Yoink: An interaction-based partitioning API. (United States)

    Zheng, Min; Waller, Mark P


    Herein, we describe the implementation details of our interaction-based partitioning API (application programming interface) called Yoink for QM/MM modeling and fragment-based quantum chemistry studies. Interactions are detected by computing density descriptors such as reduced density gradient, density overlap regions indicator, and single exponential decay detector. Only molecules having an interaction with a user-definable QM core are added to the QM region of a hybrid QM/MM calculation. Moreover, a set of molecule pairs having density-based interactions within a molecular system can be computed in Yoink, and an interaction graph can then be constructed. Standard graph clustering methods can then be applied to construct fragments for further quantum chemical calculations. The Yoink API is licensed under Apache 2.0 and can be accessed via © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  17. Identification of Complete Repertoire of Apis florea Odorant Receptors Reveals Complex Orthologous Relationships with Apis mellifera (United States)

    Karpe, Snehal D.; Jain, Rikesh; Brockmann, Axel; Sowdhamini, Ramanathan


    Abstract We developed a computational pipeline for homology based identification of the complete repertoire of olfactory receptor (OR) genes in the Asian honey bee species, Apis florea. Apis florea is phylogenetically the most basal honey bee species and also the most distant sister species to the Western honey bee Apis mellifera, for which all OR genes had been identified before. Using our pipeline, we identified 180 OR genes in A. florea, which is very similar to the number of ORs identified in A. mellifera (177 ORs). Many characteristics of the ORs including gene structure, synteny of tandemly repeated ORs and basic phylogenetic clustering are highly conserved. The composite phylogenetic tree of A. florea and A. mellifera ORs could be divided into 21 clades which are in harmony with the existing Hymenopteran tree. However, we found a few nonorthologous OR relationships between both species as well as independent pseudogenization of ORs suggesting separate evolutionary changes. Particularly, a subgroup of the OR gene clade XI, which had been hypothesized to code cuticular hydrocarbon receptors showed a high number of species-specific ORs. RNAseq analysis detected a total number of 145 OR transcripts in male and 162 in female antennae. Most of the OR genes were highly expressed on the female antennae. However, we detected five distinct male-biased OR genes, out of which three genes (AfOr11, AfOr18, AfOr170P) were shown to be male-biased in A. mellifera, too, thus corroborating a behavioral function in sex-pheromone communication. PMID:27540087

  18. Using DLL as Interface between API an VC#.NET Applications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marian DARDALA


    Full Text Available This paper presents a solution for using complex Win32API data structures and functions in Visual C# .NET applications. We built DLL (Dynamic Link Library to manage the API functions and data structures and we used DLL modules in a C# application. This is an easier working way compared with the traditional way of importing and managing API’s functions in C# programs.

  19. Programmatic access to logical models in the Cell Collective modeling environment via a REST API. (United States)

    Kowal, Bryan M; Schreier, Travis R; Dauer, Joseph T; Helikar, Tomáš


    Cell Collective ( is a web-based interactive environment for constructing, simulating and analyzing logical models of biological systems. Herein, we present a Web service to access models, annotations, and simulation data in the Cell Collective platform through the Representational State Transfer (REST) Application Programming Interface (API). The REST API provides a convenient method for obtaining Cell Collective data through almost any programming language. To ensure easy processing of the retrieved data, the request output from the API is available in a standard JSON format. The Cell Collective REST API is freely available at All public models in Cell Collective are available through the REST API. For users interested in creating and accessing their own models through the REST API first need to create an account in Cell Collective ( Technical user documentation: Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Evidence of Apis cerana Sacbrood virus Infection in Apis mellifera. (United States)

    Gong, Hong-Ri; Chen, Xiu-Xian; Chen, Yan Ping; Hu, Fu-Liang; Zhang, Jiang-Lin; Lin, Zhe-Guang; Yu, Ji-Wei; Zheng, Huo-Qing


    Sacbrood virus(SBV) is one of the most destructive viruses in the Asian honeybee Apis cerana but is much less destructive in Apis mellifera In previous studies, SBV isolates infecting A. cerana(AcSBV) and SBV isolates infecting A. mellifera(AmSBV) were identified as different serotypes, suggesting a species barrier in SBV infection. In order to investigate this species isolation, we examined the presence of SBV infection in 318A. mellifera colonies and 64A. cerana colonies, and we identified the genotypes of SBV isolates. We also performed artificial infection experiments under both laboratory and field conditions. The results showed that 38A. mellifera colonies and 37A. cerana colonies were positive for SBV infection. Phylogenetic analysis based on RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) gene sequences indicated that A. cerana isolates and most A. mellifera isolates formed two distinct clades but two strains isolated fromA. mellifera were clustered with theA. cerana isolates. In the artificial-infection experiments, AcSBV negative-strand RNA could be detected in both adult bees and larvae ofA. mellifera, although there were no obvious signs of the disease, demonstrating the replication of AcSBV inA. mellifera Our results suggest that AcSBV is able to infectA. melliferacolonies with low prevalence (0.63% in this study) and pathogenicity. This work will help explain the different susceptibilities ofA. cerana and A. melliferato sacbrood disease and is potentially useful for guiding beekeeping practices. Copyright © 2016, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

  1. Online maps with APIs and webservices

    CERN Document Server

    Peterson, Michael P


    With the Internet now the primary method of accessing maps, this volume examines developments in the world of online map delivery, focusing in particular on application programmer interfaces such as the Google Maps API, and their utility in thematic mapping.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jasmi Jasmi


    Full Text Available Research about plant visited by Apis forager was conducted at altitude < 500 m and 600-1400 m of West Sumatra from December 2009-July 2010. The plant visited by forager was collected at radius 500 m from nests in fruits cropping, coffea and cinnamom plantation and forest edge. Honeybee from genus Apisvisit on plant consisted of four species, those are A. andreniformis, A. cerana, A. dorsata and A. koschevnikovi. Plant visited by forager Apis consisted of 61 species belong to 26 families. The number of 36 plant species found at lowland and highland, 20 species only at lowland and five species at highland. Most of plant species visited by Apis forager are Asteraceae and Leguminoceae. About 29 plant species visited by Apis were agriculture crop and 32 species of non agriculture. Apis andreniformis visited 29 plant species, A. cerana 56 species, A. dorsata 57 species and A. koschevnikovi one plant species. Cucumis sativus was visited by four bee species, Galiansoga farviflora was visited only by A. cerana. Five plant species (Rorippa indica, Cinnamomum burmanii, Nasturrium indicum, Rorippa indica and Eryngium foetidum were visited by only A. dorsata. Other three plants species (Mangifera indica, Cytrus aurantifoliaand Oryza sativa were visited by A. cerana and A. andreniformis, 31 plant species were visited by A. cerana and A. dorsata, 21 species were visited by A. andreniformis, A. cerana and A. dorsata. Keywords: lebah madu, Apis forager, food source plant, visit

  3. A new detrended semipartial cross-correlation analysis: Assessing the important meteorological factors affecting API

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shen, Chen-Hua


    To analyze the unique contribution of meteorological factors to the air pollution index (API), a new method, the detrended semipartial cross-correlation analysis (DSPCCA), is proposed. Based on both a detrended cross-correlation analysis and a DFA-based multivariate-linear-regression (DMLR), this method is improved by including a semipartial correlation technique, which is used to indicate the unique contribution of an explanatory variable to multiple correlation coefficients. The advantages of this method in handling nonstationary time series are illustrated by numerical tests. To further demonstrate the utility of this method in environmental systems, new evidence of the primary contribution of meteorological factors to API is provided through DMLR. Results show that the most important meteorological factors affecting API are wind speed and diurnal temperature range, and the explanatory ability of meteorological factors to API gradually strengthens with increasing time scales. The results suggest that DSPCCA is a useful method for addressing environmental systems. - Highlights: • A detrended multiple linear regression is shown. • A detrended semipartial cross correlation analysis is proposed. • The important meteorological factors affecting API are assessed. • The explanatory ability of meteorological factors to API gradually strengthens with increasing time scales.

  4. A new detrended semipartial cross-correlation analysis: Assessing the important meteorological factors affecting API

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shen, Chen-Hua, E-mail: [College of Geographical Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210046 (China); Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource, Nanjing 210046 (China); Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment of Ministry of Education, Nanjing 210046 (China)


    To analyze the unique contribution of meteorological factors to the air pollution index (API), a new method, the detrended semipartial cross-correlation analysis (DSPCCA), is proposed. Based on both a detrended cross-correlation analysis and a DFA-based multivariate-linear-regression (DMLR), this method is improved by including a semipartial correlation technique, which is used to indicate the unique contribution of an explanatory variable to multiple correlation coefficients. The advantages of this method in handling nonstationary time series are illustrated by numerical tests. To further demonstrate the utility of this method in environmental systems, new evidence of the primary contribution of meteorological factors to API is provided through DMLR. Results show that the most important meteorological factors affecting API are wind speed and diurnal temperature range, and the explanatory ability of meteorological factors to API gradually strengthens with increasing time scales. The results suggest that DSPCCA is a useful method for addressing environmental systems. - Highlights: • A detrended multiple linear regression is shown. • A detrended semipartial cross correlation analysis is proposed. • The important meteorological factors affecting API are assessed. • The explanatory ability of meteorological factors to API gradually strengthens with increasing time scales.

  5. Eksplorasi Potensi Ekowisata di Kawasan Api Tak Kunjung Pada Kabupaten Pamekasan

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dewi Kartika Sari Susena


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aspek potensi ekowisata di kawasan Api Tak Kunjung Padam kabupaten Pamekasan dan persepsi masyarakat sekitar tentang potensi ekowisata yang ada. Metode pengambilan data meliputi mendapatkan informasi umum dari Key person dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, penelusuran pustaka, observasi lapang, pengumpulan data lokasi berdasarkan persepsi masyarakat dengan pemilihan responden dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dan wawancara semi terstruktur. Sumber daya alam yang ada di sekitar kawasan objek wisata yang berpotensi untuk mendukung ekowisata yaitu, objek wisata Api Tak Kunjung Padam, umbi bentul (Colocasia esculenta L., lahan pertanian Singkong (Manihot esculenta Crantz, Kacang hijau (Phaseolus radiatus L., Pisang (Musa paradisiaca L. dan Jagung (Zea mays L., rengginang lorjuk, jubada, kaldu kokot, rujak dan campur madura. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara diketahui bahwa hasil panen dari lahan pertanian dimanfaatkan masyarakat setempat untuk menambah perekonomian dengan cara dijual di kawasan Api Tak Kunjung Padam maupun di pasar. Masyarakat setempat juga belum banyak mengetahui potensi sumber daya tersebut untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai pendukung konservasi lingkungan secara umum di wilayah tersebut. Kata Kunci : Api Tak Kunjung Padam, ekowisata, Persepsi.



    Hellbe, Simon; Leung, Peter


    Over the years, information technology has created opportunities to improve and extend businesses and to start conducting business in new ways. With the evolution of IT, all businesses and industries are becoming increasingly digitized. This process, or coevolution, of IT and business coming together is called digital transformation. One of the recent trends in this digital transformation is the use of application programmable interfaces (APIs). APIs are standardized digital communication int...

  7. Using the RxNorm web services API for quality assurance purposes. (United States)

    Peters, Lee; Bodenreider, Olivier


    Auditing large, rapidly evolving terminological systems is still a challenge. In the case of RxNorm, a standardized nomenclature for clinical drugs, we argue that quality assurance processes can benefit from the recently released application programming interface (API) provided by RxNav. We demonstrate the usefulness of the API by performing a systematic comparison of alternative paths in the RxNorm graph, over several thousands of drug entities. This study revealed potential errors in RxNorm, currently under review. The results also prompted us to modify the implementation of RxNav to navigate the RxNorm graph more accurately. The RxNav web services API used in this experiment is robust and fast.

  8. An API for Integrating Spatial Context Models with Spatial Reasoning Algorithms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjærgaard, Mikkel Baun


    The integration of context-aware applications with spatial context models is often done using a common query language. However, algorithms that estimate and reason about spatial context information can benefit from a tighter integration. An object-oriented API makes such integration possible...... and can help reduce the complexity of algorithms making them easier to maintain and develop. This paper propose an object-oriented API for context models of the physical environment and extensions to a location modeling approach called geometric space trees for it to provide adequate support for location...... modeling. The utility of the API is evaluated in several real-world cases from an indoor location system, and spans several types of spatial reasoning algorithms....

  9. Apoptosis inhibitor 5 (API-5; AAC-11; FIF) is upregulated in human carcinomas in vivo. (United States)

    Koci, Lenka; Chlebova, Katarina; Hyzdalova, Martina; Hofmanova, Jirina; Jira, Miroslav; Kysela, Petr; Kozubik, Alois; Kala, Zdenek; Krejci, Pavel


    Apoptosis inhibitor 5 (API-5) is a 55 kDa nuclear protein with potent anti-apoptotic signaling in tumor cells in vitro. In this study, we analyzed the expression of the API-5 protein in vivo in a broad spectrum of human carcinomas, including those of the colon, lung, liver, kidney, pancreas, stomach and esophagus using tumor tissues obtained during tumor resection. The results showed significant upregulation of API-5 expression in biopsies of lung (23%, n=13) and colorectal tumors (33%, n=27) in comparison with biopsies from the adjacent normal tissue. Colon cancer biopsies were used to study the cell populations with an upregulated level of expression of API-5 more closely. Using a magnetic bead-based selection for the epithelial cell marker EpCAM, we purified epithelial cells from the tumor and control tissues and analyzed these cells for API-5 expression by western immunoblotting. We observed that EpCAM-positive tumor cells expressed API-5 in all three colorectal cancer cases tested, in contrast to the control EpCAM-positive and EpCAM-negative cells isolated from the control or tumor tissues. These data suggest that the expression of the API-5 protein is upregulated in tumor epithelial cells and may serve as a prognostic marker in colorectal cancer.

  10. Termorregulação em colônias de Melipona eburnea (Apidae: Meliponina criadas racionalmente em Rio Branco, Acre

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco Cildomar da Silva Correia


    Full Text Available Resumo. A temperatura é o agente climático que afeta mais diretamente o metabolismo das abelhas, influenciando no desenvolvimento das crias, podendo acarretar resultados negativos para produção de mel. O objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer a diferença da termorregulação de colônias de Melipona eburnea Friese. As observações foram realizadas en­tre 09 de junho e 09 de julho de 2016, 24 horas por dia, utilizando-se dois ninhos de M. eburnea, um em caixa racional e outro em troncode árvore. Utilizou-se Data Logger(modelo HOBO U12 – 012, com exatidão de ±0,35 °C. Verificou-se que o ninho de M. eburnea em oco de árvore manteve uma temperatura média de 31,7 ºC, enquanto que o ninho em caixa racional apresentou temperatura média de 27,8 ºC. A temperatura ambiente variou de 16,6 a 34,2 °C, com média de 23,8 ºC. A espécie M. eburnea em caixa racional apresentou termorregulação inferior à colônia em oco de árvore e também maior oscilação de temperatura. Concluiu-se que M. eburnea mantém sua colônia em homeostase, mesmo quando há variações na temperatura ambiente (ninho em oco de árvore. M. eburnea apresentou termorregulação insatisfatória, quando mantida em caixa racional. Thermoregulation in colonies of Melipona eburnea Friese(Apidae: Meliponina rationally bred in Rio Branco, Acre Abstract. Temperature is the climatic agent that most directly affects the metabolism of bees, influencing at the development of the young being able lead to negative results for honey production. The objective of this study was to know the difference of thermoregulation of Melipona eburnea Friese colonies. The observations were made between June 9 and July 9, 2016, 24 hours a day, using two nests of M. eburnea, one in rational box and the other in tree trunk. Was used Data Logger (model HOBO U12-012 was used, with accuracy of ± 0.35 °C. Was verified that the nest of M. eburnea in tree hollow maintained an average temperature of 31

  11. Ocorrência de insetos na pitaia no município de Lavras-MG

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    Virna Braga Marques


    Full Text Available Devido às suas características de sabor doce e suave, polpa firme e repleta de sementes com ação laxante, as pitaias têm despertado interesse nos produtores por sua grande aceitação nos mercados consumidores. Diante do exposto, este trabalho visou identificar os visitantes florais, polinizadores e os insetos que causam danos aos cladódios e aos frutos de pitaia (Hylocereus undatus, no município de Lavras, MG. O trabalho foi conduzido em um pomar experimental e na coleção de frutas exóticas. As coletas foram realizadas duas etapas (diurna e noturna. Foi observado que a polinização cruzada de pitaia é realizada por abelha (Apis mellifera durante o dia e os insetos que causam maiores danos são formigas (Atta e Solenopsis e irapuá (Trigona spinipes no município de Lavras, MG.  É necessário que o produtor tenha cautela antes de utilizar medidas de controle, pois alguns insetos são benéficos para a polinização cruzada das plantas de pitaia e outros podem causar sérios danos nos cladódios, flores e frutos.

  12. Enersave API: Android-based power-saving framework for mobile devices

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A.M. Muharum


    Full Text Available Power consumption is a major factor to be taken into consideration when using mobile devices in the IoT field. Good Power management requires proper understanding of the way in which it is being consumed by the end-devices. This paper is a continuation of the work in Ref. [1] and proposes an energy saving API for the Android Operating System in order to help developers turn their applications into energy-aware ones. The main features heavily used for building smart applications, greatly impact battery life of Android devices and which have been taken into consideration are: Screen brightness, Colour scheme, CPU frequency, 2G/3G network, Maps, Low power localisation, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. The assessment of the power-saving API has been performed on real Android devices and also compared to the most powerful power-saving applications – DU Battery Saver and Battery Saver 2016 – currently available on the Android market. Comparisons demonstrate that the Enersave API has a significant impact on power saving when incorporated in android applications. While DU Battery Saver and Battery Saver 2016 help saving 22.2% and 40.5% of the battery power respectively, the incorporation of the Enersave API in android applications can help save 84.6% of battery power.

  13. ADS 2.0: New Architecture, API and Services (United States)

    Chyla, R.; Accomazzi, A.; Holachek, A.; Grant, C. S.; Elliott, J.; Henneken, E. A.; Thompson, D. M.; Kurtz, M. J.; Murray, S. S.; Sudilovsky, V.


    The ADS platform is undergoing the biggest rewrite of its 20-year history. While several components have been added to its architecture over the past couple of years, this talk will concentrate on the underpinnings of ADS's search layer and its API. To illustrate the design of the components in the new system, we will show how the new ADS user interface is built exclusively on top of the API using RESTful web services. Taking one step further, we will discuss how we plan to expose the treasure trove of information hosted by ADS (10 million records and fulltext for much of the Astronomy and Physics refereed literature) to partners interested in using this API. This will provide you (and your intelligent applications) with access to ADS's underlying data to enable the extraction of new knowledge and the ingestion of these results back into the ADS. Using this framework, researchers could run controlled experiments with content extraction, machine learning, natural language processing, etc. In this talk, we will discuss what is already implemented, what will be available soon, and where we are going next.

  14. Physical stability of API/polymer-blend amorphous solid dispersions. (United States)

    Lehmkemper, Kristin; Kyeremateng, Samuel O; Bartels, Mareike; Degenhardt, Matthias; Sadowski, Gabriele


    The preparation of amorphous solid dispersions (ASDs) is a well-established strategy for formulating active pharmaceutical ingredients by embedding them in excipients, usually amorphous polymers. Different polymers can be combined for designing ASDs with desired properties like an optimized dissolution behavior. One important criterion for the development of ASD compositions is the physical stability. In this work, the physical stability of API/polymer-blend ASDs was investigated by thermodynamic modeling and stability studies. Amorphous naproxen (NAP) and acetaminophen (APAP) were embedded in blends of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose acetate succinate (HPMCAS) and either poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) or poly(vinylpyrrolidone-co-vinyl acetate) (PVPVA64). Parameters for modeling the API solubility in the blends and the glass-transition temperature curves of the water-free systems with Perturbed-Chain Statistical Associating Fluid Theory and Kwei equation, respectively, were correlated to experimental data. The phase behavior for standardized storage conditions (0%, 60% and 75% relative humidity (RH)) was predicted and compared to six months-long stability studies. According to modeling and experimental results, the physical stability was reduced with increasing HPMCAS content and increasing RH. This trend was observed for all investigated systems, with both APIs (NAP and APAP) and both polymer blends (PVP/HPMCAS and PVPVA64/HPMCAS). PC-SAFT and the Kwei equation turned out to be suitable tools for modeling and predicting the physical stability of the investigated API/polymer-blends ASDs. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. The end of polling: why and how to transform a REST API into a Data Streaming API?

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    We know interactivity is the key to keep our user’s interest alive but we can’t reduce animation to UI anymore. Twitter, Waze, Slack… users are used to have real-time data in applications they love. But how can you turn your static API into a stream of data? By pulling? Pushing? Webhook-ing? When talking about data streaming, we often think about WebSockets. But have you ever heard of Server-Sent Events? In this tools-in-action we will compare those technologies to understand which one you should opt for depending on your usecase, and I’ll show you how we have been reducing the amount of data to transfer even further with JSON-Patch. And because real-time data is not only needed by web (and because it’s much more fun), I’ll show you how we can make a drone dance on streamed APIs.

  16. Pemanfaatan Google Maps Api Untuk Visualisasi Data Base Transceiver Station


    Rani, Septia


    This paper discusses the use of the Google Maps API to perform data visualization for Base Transceiver Station (BTS) data. BTS are typically used by telecommunications companies to facilitate wireless communication between communication devices with the network operator. Each BTS has important information such as it's location, it's transaction traffic, as well as information about revenue. With the implementation of BTS data visualization using the Google Maps API, key information owned by e...



    Rani, Septia


    This paper discusses the use of the Google Maps API to perform data visualization for Base Transceiver Station (BTS) data. BTS are typically used by telecommunications companies to facilitate wireless communication between communication devices with the network operator. Each BTS has important information such as it’s location, it’s transaction traffic, as well as information about revenue. With the implementation of BTS data visualization using the Google Maps API, key information owned by e...

  18. Pemanfaatan Google Maps Api Untuk Visualisasi Data Base Transceiver Station


    Rani, Septia


    This paper discusses the use of the Google Maps API to perform data visualization for Base Transceiver Station (BTS) data. BTS are typically used by telecommunications companies to facilitate wireless communication between communication devices with the network operator. Each BTS has important information such as it’s location, it’s transaction traffic, as well as information about revenue. With the implementation of BTS data visualization using the Google Maps API, key information owned by e...

  19. Estudo do comportamento do aço API 5L X80 quando submetido à soldagem por processo automatizado Study on the behavior of API 5L X80 steel when subjected to automated welding process

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Siderley Fernandes Albuquerque


    Full Text Available No Brasil, a soldagem de tubulações tem sido praticamente de forma manual, entretanto, a utilização de processos de soldagem automatizados têm crescido muito nos últimos anos, contribuindo para o maior controle dos parâmetros de soldagem, e conseqüentemente, a possibilidade de obtenção de juntas soldadas com melhores propriedades mecânicas. A soldagem de tubulações com aço API 5L X80 ainda vem sendo avaliada no Brasil no que diz respeito aos melhores procedimentos, parâmetros e processos de soldagem; a aplicação de processos automatizados nas condições específicas de campo constitui em uma opção ainda incipiente no país por se discutir ainda a relação custo/benefício com a sua implantação. Logo, o objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o comportamento na ZTA de juntas soldadas do aço API 5L X80 utilizados para transporte de petróleo e gás quando submetidos à soldagem com diferentes parâmetros, procedimentos e processos de soldagem, incluindo o processo automatizado; os resultados indicam além da redução da extensão e do tamanho de grão da ZTA a preservação da estrutura bainítica do metal de base nesta região nas soldagem executadas com processos automatizados.The welding of pipes has been largely manual in Brazil, however, the use of automated welding processes have greatly increased in recent years, contributing to greater control of welding parameters, and consequently, the possibility of obtaining welded joints with better mechanical properties. The welding of pipes of API 5L X80 steel has been evaluated in Brazil considering to best practices, parameters and welding processes; the implementation of automated processes in the specific field conditions is relevant project and innovative design in this area. Therefore, the objective is to evaluate the behavior in the HAZ of the API 5L X80 steel used for transporting oil and gas when subjected to automated welding processes; the results indicated besides the

  20. On the reaction to deprecation of clients of 4 + 1 popular Java APIs and the JDK

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sawant, A.A.; Robbes, Romain; Bacchelli, A.


    Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are a tremendous resource—that is, when they are stable. Several studies have shown that this is unfortunately not the case. Of those, a large-scale study of API changes in the Pharo Smalltalk ecosystem documented several findings about API deprecations

  1. Atividades externas de Melipona marginata obscurior Moure (Hymenoptera, Apidae, em distintas épocas do ano, em São Francisco de Paula, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil External activities of Melipona marginata obscurior Moure (Hymenoptera, Apidae, in distinct times of the year, at São Francisco de Paula, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francine von B. Borges


    Full Text Available Propõe-se a análise das atividades de vôo de Melipona marginata obscurior Moure, 1971, em diferentes épocas do ano. Atividades de vôo de abelhas de duas colônias foram estudadas no Centro de Pesquisas e Conservação da Natureza Pró-Mata, em São Francisco de Paula, RS. Na primavera-verão, a amplitude diária de atividade de vôo foi de nove e 13 horas para colônias A e B, respectivamente, com maior intensidade de vôo entre nove e 11 horas. A temperatura mínima para vôo foi de 14,3°C e a partir desta tornaram-se mais intensas. A maior intensidade de vôo ocorreu na faixa de 81-90% de umidade relativa e radiação solar a partir de 300 W/m². Para a colônia A, apenas a temperatura influenciou significativamente as atividades de vôo das abelhas, enquanto que para a colônia B foi somente a radiação solar. No outono-inverno, a amplitude diária de atividades de vôo foi de 10 horas, e entre 10 e 15 horas estas atividades foram mais intensas. A temperatura mínima para vôo foi de 13,7°C, e a partir desta temperatura as atividades tornaram-se mais intensas. Assim como na primavera-verão, a maior intensidade de vôo neste período ocorreu a partir de 300 W/m² de radiação solar. A temperatura e a radiação solar exerceram influência significativa nas atividades externas das abelhas das duas colônias no outono-inverno. As atividades de coleta de pólen pelas abelhas, na primavera-verão, ocorreram desde as primeiras horas da manhã, enquanto no outono-inverno o forrageamento foi tardio.It is proposed a seasonal analysis of the external activities of Melipona marginata obscurior Moure, 1971, in different times of the year. The flight activities of the bees of colonies were studied in the Centro de Pesquisas e Conservação da Natureza Pró-Mata, at São Francisco de Paula, Rio Grande do Sul. In the spring-summer period, the diary amplitude of the flight activity was about 9 and 13 hours to the colonies A and B, respectively

  2. Search without Boundaries Using Simple APIs (United States)

    Tong, Qi


    The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Library, where the author serves as the digital services librarian, is increasingly challenged to make it easier for users to find information from many heterogeneous information sources. Information is scattered throughout different software applications (i.e., library catalog, federated search engine, link resolver, and vendor websites), and each specializes in one thing. How could the library integrate the functionalities of one application with another and provide a single point of entry for users to search across? To improve the user experience, the library launched an effort to integrate the federated search engine into the library's intranet website. The result is a simple search box that leverages the federated search engine's built-in application programming interfaces (APIs). In this article, the author describes how this project demonstrated the power of APIs and their potential to be used by other enterprise search portals inside or outside of the library.

  3. Development of an in-line Raman spectroscopic method for continuous API quantification during twin-screw wet granulation. (United States)

    Harting, Julia; Kleinebudde, Peter


    Raman spectroscopy was evaluated as a process analytical technology (PAT) tool for continuous API quantification during twin-screw wet granulation. Therefore, a Raman probe was implemented in front of the granulator barrel. This setup enabled the collection of Raman spectra upon a constant granule flow. To develop an in-line PLS calibration model, eight binary mixtures of the API and lactose monohydrate with API contents between 5 and 50% were pre-blended and granulated in a twin-screw granulator with a screw speed of 150 rpm and a powder feed rate of 40 g/min. Water was used as a granulation liquid with different liquid to solid ratios depending on the API content. Ibuprofen and diclofenac sodium were chosen as model drugs and separated PLS models were built for each API. The predictive performance of the developed PLS models was determined by granulating and monitoring new test samples containing different API concentrations. This evaluation showed that the models were able to predict the API concentration with an RMSEP of 0.59% for ibuprofen and 1.5% for diclofenac sodium. In a second part, the developed in-line Raman spectroscopic method was used to determine the API concentration during a split feeding process. Therefore, the API and lactose monohydrate were added by two independently adjustable feeders into the twin-screw granulator barrel. The in-line spectroscopy analysis which was verified by UV-analysis indicated that the mixing ability of the twin-screw granulator was good for the used settings and all adjusted API concentrations. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Flood warning level forecasting for ungauged catchments by means of a combined API storage concept

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lehmann, T; Holzmann, H


    The knowledge of the expected dimension of the flood peak is of major importance for security and warning services to take preventive measures. In this paper the authors want to introduce the concept of the Antecedent Precipitation Index (API) as a possible variable to estimate runoff warning classes. The aim was (a) to define API warning classes which correspond to runoff warning classes at a certain runoff gauge and (b) apply the method to ungauged basins. To consider time and state dependant rainfall losses a spatially distributed linear storage concept was applied to intercept the actual rainfall. The 3-parameter API function was fitted to several flood events at observed gauges within the district of lower Austria and lead to a set of optimized parameters. Through extreme value statistics the 1, 5 and 30 years API extremes were derived and set into correlation to the corresponding flood events. These API extremes together with the optimized API parameters were spatially interpolated and thus transferred to ungauged basins. The calculated flood events had the tendency to underestimate the smaller flood frequencies whereas the extreme flood classes could be reliably performed.

  5. A Fine-Grained API Link Prediction Approach Supporting CMDA Mashup Recommendation (United States)

    Zhang, J.; Bao, Q.; Lee, T. J.; Ramachandran, R.; Lee, S.; Pan, L.; Gatlin, P. N.; Maskey, M.


    Service (API) discovery and recommendation is key to the wide spread of service oriented architecture and service oriented software engineering. Service recommendation typically relies on service linkage prediction calculated by the semantic distances (or similarities) among services based on their collection of inherent attributes. Given a specific context (mashup goal), however, different attributes may contribute differently to a service linkage. In this work, instead of training a model for all attributes as a whole, a novel approach is presented to simultaneously train separate models for individual attributes. Our contributions are summarized in three-fold. First is that we have developed a scalable attribute-level data model, featuring scalability and extensibility. We have extended Multiplicative Attribute Graph (MAG) model to represent node profiles featuring rich categorical attributes, while relaxing its constraint of requiring a priori knowledge of predefined attributes. LDA is leveraged to dynamically identify attributes based on attribute modeling, and multiple Gaussian fit is applied to find global optimal values. The second contribution is that we have seamlessly integrated the latent relationships between API attributes as well as observed network structure based on historical API usage data. Such a layered information model enables us to predict the probability of a link between two APIs based on their attribute link affinities carrying a variety of information including meta data, semantic data, historical usage data, as well as crowdsourcing user comments and annotations. The third contribution is that we have developed a finegrained context-aware mashup-API recommendation technique. On top of individual models trained for separate attributes, a dedicated layer is trained to represent the latent attribute distribution regarding mashup purpose, i.e., sensitivity of attributes to context. Thus, given the description of an intended mashup, the


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emy Setyaningsih


    Full Text Available             Makalah ini akan membahas tentang penerapan black box pada kereta api yang diadopsi pertama kali pada pesawat, dengan parameter perekam suara hingga waktu simpan kurang dari 1 hari 8 jam pada media penyimpanan SD Card. Tujuan dari pengujian pada makalah ini adalah membandingkan sumber suara terhadap jarak penerima, sebagai parameter perubahan tingkat suara “dB”. Sistem perekaman suara yang akan ditempatkan pada kereta api ini menggunakan modul rangkaian terintregasi WTR010. Voice record WTR010 merupakan modul rangkaian terintegrasi untuk merekam suara sendiri atau pun suara dari file music / video pada komputer dengan sangat mudah. Modul ini bisa merekam suara sendiri dan langsung di simpan ke dalam format audio. Format audio yang disediakan oleh modul voice record adalah format AD4 dan wav. Hasil pengujian modul black box yang diletakkan pada kereta api, dengan mencoba mengucapkan kata  “SAYA”,  suara dapat terekam pada modul perekam suara yang selanjutnya diolah menggunakan ”software sound editor” yang disimpan pada SD Card ber-ekstensi “wav”. Perbandingan sumber suara terhadap jarak penerima dari pengujian didapatkan sebuah persamaan regresi linier  y = -( 31x – 11  dan R² = 0.972.  Pengujian ini menghasilkan penekanan suara dB dan frekuensi sample Hz yang berbeda.  Kata kunci: black box kereta api, perekaman suara, WTR010

  7. The Proteins API: accessing key integrated protein and genome information. (United States)

    Nightingale, Andrew; Antunes, Ricardo; Alpi, Emanuele; Bursteinas, Borisas; Gonzales, Leonardo; Liu, Wudong; Luo, Jie; Qi, Guoying; Turner, Edd; Martin, Maria


    The Proteins API provides searching and programmatic access to protein and associated genomics data such as curated protein sequence positional annotations from UniProtKB, as well as mapped variation and proteomics data from large scale data sources (LSS). Using the coordinates service, researchers are able to retrieve the genomic sequence coordinates for proteins in UniProtKB. This, the LSS genomics and proteomics data for UniProt proteins is programmatically only available through this service. A Swagger UI has been implemented to provide documentation, an interface for users, with little or no programming experience, to 'talk' to the services to quickly and easily formulate queries with the services and obtain dynamically generated source code for popular programming languages, such as Java, Perl, Python and Ruby. Search results are returned as standard JSON, XML or GFF data objects. The Proteins API is a scalable, reliable, fast, easy to use RESTful services that provides a broad protein information resource for users to ask questions based upon their field of expertise and allowing them to gain an integrated overview of protein annotations available to aid their knowledge gain on proteins in biological processes. The Proteins API is available at ( © The Author(s) 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.

  8. The MPO API: A tool for recording scientific workflows

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wright, John C., E-mail: [MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Cambridge, MA (United States); Greenwald, Martin; Stillerman, Joshua [MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Cambridge, MA (United States); Abla, Gheni; Chanthavong, Bobby; Flanagan, Sean; Schissel, David; Lee, Xia [General Atomics, San Diego, CA (United States); Romosan, Alex; Shoshani, Arie [Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, CA (United States)


    Highlights: • A description of a new framework and tool for recording scientific workflows, especially those resulting from simulation and analysis. • An explanation of the underlying technologies used to implement this web based tool. • Several examples of using the tool. - Abstract: Data from large-scale experiments and extreme-scale computing is expensive to produce and may be used for high-consequence applications. The Metadata, Provenance and Ontology (MPO) project builds on previous work [M. Greenwald, Fusion Eng. Des. 87 (2012) 2205–2208] and is focused on providing documentation of workflows, data provenance and the ability to data-mine large sets of results. While there are important design and development aspects to the data structures and user interfaces, we concern ourselves in this paper with the application programming interface (API) – the set of functions that interface with the data server. Our approach for the data server is to follow the Representational State Transfer (RESTful) software architecture style for client–server communication. At its core, the API uses the POST and GET methods of the HTTP protocol to transfer workflow information in message bodies to targets specified in the URL to and from the database via a web server. Higher level API calls are built upon this core API. This design facilitates implementation on different platforms and in different languages and is robust to changes in the underlying technologies used. The command line client implementation can communicate with the data server from any machine with HTTP access.

  9. The MPO API: A tool for recording scientific workflows

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wright, John C.; Greenwald, Martin; Stillerman, Joshua; Abla, Gheni; Chanthavong, Bobby; Flanagan, Sean; Schissel, David; Lee, Xia; Romosan, Alex; Shoshani, Arie


    Highlights: • A description of a new framework and tool for recording scientific workflows, especially those resulting from simulation and analysis. • An explanation of the underlying technologies used to implement this web based tool. • Several examples of using the tool. - Abstract: Data from large-scale experiments and extreme-scale computing is expensive to produce and may be used for high-consequence applications. The Metadata, Provenance and Ontology (MPO) project builds on previous work [M. Greenwald, Fusion Eng. Des. 87 (2012) 2205–2208] and is focused on providing documentation of workflows, data provenance and the ability to data-mine large sets of results. While there are important design and development aspects to the data structures and user interfaces, we concern ourselves in this paper with the application programming interface (API) – the set of functions that interface with the data server. Our approach for the data server is to follow the Representational State Transfer (RESTful) software architecture style for client–server communication. At its core, the API uses the POST and GET methods of the HTTP protocol to transfer workflow information in message bodies to targets specified in the URL to and from the database via a web server. Higher level API calls are built upon this core API. This design facilitates implementation on different platforms and in different languages and is robust to changes in the underlying technologies used. The command line client implementation can communicate with the data server from any machine with HTTP access

  10. Reactome Pengine: A web-logic API to the homo sapiens reactome. (United States)

    Neaves, Samuel R; Tsoka, Sophia; Millard, Louise A C


    Existing ways of accessing data from the Reactome database are limited. Either a researcher is restricted to particular queries defined by a web application programming interface (API), or they have to download the whole database. Reactome Pengine is a web service providing a logic programming based API to the human reactome. This gives researchers greater flexibility in data access than existing APIs, as users can send their own small programs (alongside queries) to Reactome Pengine. The server and an example notebook can be found at Source code is available at and a Docker image is available at . Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

  11. Inhibiting DNA methylation alters olfactory extinction but not acquisition learning in Apis cerana and Apis mellifera. (United States)

    Gong, Zhiwen; Wang, Chao; Nieh, James C; Tan, Ken


    DNA methylation plays a key role in invertebrate acquisition and extinction memory. Honey bees have excellent olfactory learning, but the role of DNA methylation in memory formation has, to date, only been studied in Apis mellifera. We inhibited DNA methylation by inhibiting DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) with zebularine (zeb) and studied the resulting effects upon olfactory acquisition and extinction memory in two honey bee species, Apis cerana and A. mellifera. We used the proboscis extension reflex (PER) assay to measure memory. We provide the first demonstration that DNA methylation is also important in the olfactory extinction learning of A. cerana. DNMT did not reduce acquisition learning in either species. However, zeb bidirectionally and differentially altered extinction learning in both species. In particular, zeb provided 1h before acquisition learning improved extinction memory retention in A. mellifera, but reduced extinction memory retention in A. cerana. The reasons for these differences are unclear, but provide a basis for future studies to explore species-specific differences in the effects of methylation on memory formation. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Hemolymph proteome changes during worker brood development match the biological divergences between western honey bees (Apis mellifera) and eastern honey bees (Apis cerana). (United States)

    Feng, Mao; Ramadan, Haitham; Han, Bin; Fang, Yu; Li, Jianke


    Hemolymph plays key roles in honey bee molecule transport, immune defense, and in monitoring the physiological condition. There is a lack of knowledge regarding how the proteome achieves these biological missions for both the western and eastern honey bees (Apis mellifera and Apis cerana). A time-resolved proteome was compared using two-dimensional electrophoresis-based proteomics to reveal the mechanistic differences by analysis of hemolymph proteome changes between the worker bees of two bee species during the larval to pupal stages. The brood body weight of Apis mellifera was significantly heavier than that of Apis cerana at each developmental stage. Significantly, different protein expression patterns and metabolic pathways were observed in 74 proteins (166 spots) that were differentially abundant between the two bee species. The function of hemolymph in energy storage, odor communication, and antioxidation is of equal importance for the western and eastern bees, indicated by the enhanced expression of different protein species. However, stronger expression of protein folding, cytoskeletal and developmental proteins, and more highly activated energy producing pathways in western bees suggests that the different bee species have developed unique strategies to match their specific physiology using hemolymph to deliver nutrients and in immune defense. Our disparate findings constitute a proof-of-concept of molecular details that the ecologically shaped different physiological conditions of different bee species match with the hemolymph proteome during the brood stage. This also provides a starting point for future research on the specific hemolymph proteins or pathways related to the differential phenotypes or physiology.

  13. Influência do dano da abelha-irapuá em flores de mirtileiro sobre a frutificação efetiva e as frutas produzidas Damage influence of the irapuá bee on blueberry flower over the effective fruit production and the fruits

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tiago Madruga Telesca da Silveira


    Full Text Available A abelha-irapuá, Trigona spinipes, é considerada um inseto-praga de várias culturas, por se alimentar de folhas e principalmente de flores e frutos. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram caracterizar o dano provocado pela irapuá em flores de mirtileiro (Vaccinium ashei Read. e avaliar a frutificação efetiva e a qualidade da fruta produzida. O experimento foi conduzido no pomar experimental de mirtileiro, da Embrapa Clima Temperado em Pelotas, RS. Foram marcadas 200 flores de mirtileiro, seleção 103, sendo 100 destas com dano feito pela irapuá e 100 sem o dano. Após a floração, foi observada a frutificação efetiva, e por ocasião da colheita, foram determinados o teor de sólidos solúveis totais (SST, o diâmetro dos frutos e o número de sementes por fruto. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado. Nas flores sem danos da irapuá, houve maior percentagem de frutificação efetiva, e as frutas oriundas das mesmas apresentaram maior diâmetro e maior quantidade de sementes. O teor de SST nas frutas de mirtilo, oriundas tanto das flores com dano como daquelas sem dano, foi semelhante. Esses resultados sugerem que a T. spinipes é prejudicial à cultura do mirtilo, principalmente na época de floração, pois os danos causados pelo inseto provocaram baixa frutificação, frutas de tamanho reduzido e com menor quantidade de sementes.The irapuá Trigona spinipes is considered a pest insect of several crops because it feeds on their leaves, flowers and fruits. The aim of this study was to characterize the damage caused by irapuá on blueberry flowers (Vaccinium ashei over the fruit set and fruit quality. The experiment was conducted in a blueberry collection of Embrapa Clima Temperado, in Pelotas, RS. Two hundred flowers were observed, being one hundred of them with irapuá damage and the other 100 flowers without damage. The fruit set was recorded as well as the level of soluble solids (TSS, the fruit diameter and number

  14. Assessment of nutritional resources quality from honeybees (Apis ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Several environments were selected, namely a rainforest in. Kisangani ... Keywords: Apis mellifera adansonii, honey, bee bread, quality, nutrition, bee ecology, DRC. INTRODUCTION. Various ...... BKN, Co-Proponent of this work, contributed.

  15. Polymorphic DNA sequences of the fungal honey bee pathogen Ascosphaera apis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Annette B; Welker, Dennis L; Kryger, Per


    The pathogenic fungus Ascosphaera apis is ubiquitous in honey bee populations. We used the draft genome assembly of this pathogen to search for polymorphic intergenic loci that could be used to differentiate haplotypes. Primers were developed for five such loci, and the species specificities were...... verified using DNA from nine closely related species. The sequence variation was compared among 12 A. apis isolates at each of these loci, and two additional loci, the internal transcribed spacer of the ribosomal RNA (ITS) and a variable part of the elongation factor 1α (Ef1α). The degree of variation...... was then compared among the different loci, and three were found to have the greatest detection power for identifying A. apis haplotypes. The described loci can help to resolve strain differences and population genetic structures, to elucidate host–pathogen interaction and to test evolutionary hypotheses...

  16. Microbiota saprófita associada à doença periodontal em cães Oral flora associated with periodontal disease in dogs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L.M. Domingues


    Full Text Available Realizou-se um estudo sobre a microbiota saprófita associada à doença periodontal espontânea em cães com o objetivo de identificar as bactérias anaeróbias predominantes nas lesões. Com auxílio de cureta odontológica, amostras colhidas diretamente do espaço subgengival foram semeadas em meio CDC (Central for Disease Control para anaeróbios e incubadas, em anaerobiose, a 37°C, por sete dias. A caracterização das colônias foi realizada por meio da morfologia e do teste bioquímico (Sistema API 20AÒ. Identificaram-se os seguintes gêneros: Prevotella spp., Bacteroides spp., Propionibacterium spp., Gemella spp., Actinomyces spp., Eubacterium spp. e Porphyromonas spp.Anaerobic bacteria associated with spontaneous periodontal disorders were studied. The samples were directly colected from the subgingival space with a odontologic curet, and they were plated in Central for Disease Control culture medium for anaerobic bacteria and incubated in anaerobic conditions at 37°C for seven days. The characterization of the colonies were done by the morphologic study and biochemical tests (API 20A. Prevotella spp., Bacteroides spp., Propionibacterium spp., Actinomyces spp., Eubacterium spp., Porphyromonas spp. and Gemella spp. were identified in the samples.

  17. Antioxidant, antihyperglycemic, and antidiabetic activity of Apis mellifera bee tea.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Janielle da Silva Melo da Cunha

    Full Text Available Diabetes has emerged as one of the largest global epidemics; it is estimated that by 2035, there will be 592 million diabetic people in the world. Brazilian biodiversity and the knowledge of traditional peoples have contributed to the treatment of several diseases, including diabetes. Apis mellifera bee tea is used by indigenous Brazilians to treat diabetes, and this traditional knowledge needs to be recorded and studied.The objective of this study was to record the use and to evaluate the antioxidant, antihyperglycemic, and antidiabetic activity of Apis mellifera bee tea, which is used by the Guarani and Kaiowá indigenous people for the treatment of diabetes. Semi-structured interviews were performed with Guarani and Kaiowá ethnic indigenous people from the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, seeking to identify the animal species used for medicinal purposes. For the experimental procedures, tea prepared with macerated Apis mellifera bees was used. In vitro assays were performed to evaluate antioxidant activity; direct free radical scavenging, protection against oxidative hemolysis, lipid peroxidation were evaluated in human erythrocytes and potential in inhibiting the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs. In vivo, normoglycemic Swiss male mice treated with Apis mellifera tea (AmT were subjected to the oral glucose tolerance test and compared with control and metformin-treated groups. Diet-induced diabetic mice were treated for 21 days with AmT and evaluated for glycemia and malondialdehyde levels in the blood, liver, nervous system, and eyes. During interviews, the indigenous people described the use of Apis mellifera bee tea for the treatment of diabetes. In in vitro assays, AmT showed direct antioxidant activity and reduced oxidative hemolysis and malondialdehyde generation in human erythrocytes. The AmT inhibited the formation of AGEs by albumin-fructose pathways and methylglyoxal products. In vivo, after oral glucose

  18. Antioxidant, antihyperglycemic, and antidiabetic activity of Apis mellifera bee tea. (United States)

    Melo da Cunha, Janielle da Silva; Alfredo, Tamaeh Monteiro; Dos Santos, Jéssica Maurino; Alves Junior, Valter Vieira; Rabelo, Luiza Antas; Lima, Emerson Silva; Boleti, Ana Paula de Araújo; Carollo, Carlos Alexandre; Dos Santos, Edson Lucas; de Picoli Souza, Kely


    Diabetes has emerged as one of the largest global epidemics; it is estimated that by 2035, there will be 592 million diabetic people in the world. Brazilian biodiversity and the knowledge of traditional peoples have contributed to the treatment of several diseases, including diabetes. Apis mellifera bee tea is used by indigenous Brazilians to treat diabetes, and this traditional knowledge needs to be recorded and studied.The objective of this study was to record the use and to evaluate the antioxidant, antihyperglycemic, and antidiabetic activity of Apis mellifera bee tea, which is used by the Guarani and Kaiowá indigenous people for the treatment of diabetes. Semi-structured interviews were performed with Guarani and Kaiowá ethnic indigenous people from the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, seeking to identify the animal species used for medicinal purposes. For the experimental procedures, tea prepared with macerated Apis mellifera bees was used. In vitro assays were performed to evaluate antioxidant activity; direct free radical scavenging, protection against oxidative hemolysis, lipid peroxidation were evaluated in human erythrocytes and potential in inhibiting the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). In vivo, normoglycemic Swiss male mice treated with Apis mellifera tea (AmT) were subjected to the oral glucose tolerance test and compared with control and metformin-treated groups. Diet-induced diabetic mice were treated for 21 days with AmT and evaluated for glycemia and malondialdehyde levels in the blood, liver, nervous system, and eyes. During interviews, the indigenous people described the use of Apis mellifera bee tea for the treatment of diabetes. In in vitro assays, AmT showed direct antioxidant activity and reduced oxidative hemolysis and malondialdehyde generation in human erythrocytes. The AmT inhibited the formation of AGEs by albumin-fructose pathways and methylglyoxal products. In vivo, after oral glucose overload, normoglycemic

  19. Antioxidant activity and irritation property of venoms from Apis species. (United States)

    Somwongin, Suvimol; Chantawannakul, Panuwan; Chaiyana, Wantida


    Pharmacological effects of bee venom has been reported, however, it has been restricted to the bee venom collected from European honey bee (Apis mellifera). The aim of the present study was to compare the antioxidant activities and irritation properties of venoms collected from four different Apis species in Thailand, which includes Apis cerena (Asian cavity nesting honeybee), Apis florea (dwarf honeybee), Apis dorsata (giant honeybee), and A. mellifera. Melittin content of each bee venom extracts was investigated by using high-performance liquid chromatography. Ferric reducing antioxidant power, 2, 2'-azinobis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid), and 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl assay were used to determine the antioxidant activity, whereas, hen's egg test chorioallantoic membrane assay was used to determine the irritation property of each bee venom extracts. Melittin was the major constituent in all bee venom extracts. The melittin content in A. dorsata, A. mellifera, A. florea, and A. cerena were 95.8 ± 3.2%, 76.5 ± 1.9%, 66.3 ± 8.6%, and 56.8 ± 1.8%, respectively. Bee venom extract from A. dorsata possessed the highest antioxidant activity with the inhibition of 41.1 ± 2.2% against DPPH, Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity of 10.21 ± 0.74 mM Trolox/mg and equivalent concentration (EC 1 ) of 0.35 ± 0.02 mM FeSO 4 /mg. Bee venom extract from A. mellifera exhibited the highest irritation, followed by A. cerena, A. dorsata, and A. florea, respectively. Melittin was the compound responsible for the irritation property of bee venom extracts since it could induce severe irritation (irritation score was 13.7 ± 0.5, at the concentration of 2 mg/ml). The extract from A. dorsata which possessed the highest antioxidant activity showed no irritation up to the concentration of 0.1 mg/ml. Therefore, bee venom extract from A. dorsata at the concentration not more than 0.1 mg/ml would be suggested for using

  20. Manufacturing Amorphous Solid Dispersions with a Tailored Amount of Crystallized API for Biopharmaceutical Testing. (United States)

    Theil, Frank; Milsmann, Johanna; Anantharaman, Sankaran; van Lishaut, Holger


    The preparation of an amorphous solid dispersion (ASD) by dissolving a poorly water-soluble active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) in a polymer matrix can improve the bioavailability by orders of magnitude. Crystallization of the API in the ASD, though, is an inherent threat for bioavailability. Commonly, the impact of crystalline API on the drug release of the dosage form is studied with samples containing spiked crystallinity. These spiked samples possess implicit differences compared to native crystalline samples, regarding size and spatial distribution of the crystals as well as their molecular environment. In this study, we demonstrate that it is possible to grow defined amounts of crystalline API in solid dosage forms, which enables us to study the biopharmaceutical impact of actual crystallization. For this purpose, we studied the crystal growth in fenofibrate tablets over time under an elevated moisture using transmission Raman spectroscopy (TRS). As a nondestructive method to assess API crystallinity in ASD formulations, TRS enables the monitoring of crystal growth in individual dosage forms. Once the kinetic trace of the crystal growth for a certain environmental condition is determined, this method can be used to produce samples with defined amounts of crystallized API. To investigate the biopharmaceutical impact of crystallized API, non-QC dissolution methods were used, designed to identify differences between the various amounts of crystalline materials present. The drug release in the samples manufactured in this fashion was compared to that of samples with spiked crystallinity. In this study, we present for the first time a method for targeted crystallization of amorphous tablets to simulate crystallized ASDs. This methodology is a valuable tool to generate model systems for biopharmaceutical studies on the impact of crystallinity on the bioavailability.

  1. Improvements and extensions to API 618 related to pulsation and mechanical response studies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Eijk, A.; Smeulers, J.P.M.; Blodgett, L.E.; Smalley, A.J.


    Purchasers of reciprocating compressors need a standard to help ensure reliable installations. The PNEUROP standard evolved in Europe, and the API 618 Standard in the U.S.A. Frequent application and generally good experience, worldwide, have led to four releases of API 618, the last dated June 1995.

  2. Continuous API-crystal coating via coacervation in a tubular reactor. (United States)

    Besenhard, M O; Thurnberger, A; Hohl, R; Faulhammer, E; Rattenberger, J; Khinast, J G


    We present a proof-of-concept study of a continuous coating process of single API crystals in a tubular reactor using coacervation as a microencapsulation technique. Continuous API crystal coating can have several advantages, as in a single step (following crystallization) individual crystals can be prepared with a functional coating, either to change the release behavior, to protect the API from gastric juice or to modify the surface energetics of the API (i.e., to tailor the hydrophobic/hydrophilic characteristics, flowability or agglomeration tendency, etc.). The coating process was developed for the microencapsulation of a lipophilic core material (ibuprofen crystals of 20 μm- to 100 μm-size), with either hypromellose phthalate (HPMCP) or Eudragit L100-55. The core material was suspended in an aqueous solution containing one of these enteric polymers, fed into the tubing and mixed continuously with a sodium sulfate solution as an antisolvent to induce coacervation. A subsequent temperature treatment was applied to optimize the microencapsulation of crystals via the polymer-rich coacervate phase. Cross-linking of the coating shell was achieved by mixing the processed material with an acidic solution (pH<3). Flow rates, temperature profiles and polymer-to-antisolvent ratios had to be tightly controlled to avoid excessive aggregation, leading to pipe plugging. This work demonstrates the potential of a tubular reactor design for continuous coating applications and is the basis for future work, combining continuous crystallization and coating. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. Physicochemical characterisation and investigation of the bonding mechanisms of API-titanate nanotube composites as new drug carrier systems. (United States)

    Sipos, Barbara; Pintye-Hódi, Klára; Kónya, Zoltán; Kelemen, András; Regdon, Géza; Sovány, Tamás


    Titanate nanotube (TNT) has recently been explored as a new carrier material for active pharmaceutical ingredients (API). The aim of the present work was to reveal the physicochemical properties of API-TNT composites, focusing on the interactions between the TNTs and the incorporated APIs. Drugs belonging to different Biopharmaceutical Classification System (BCS) classes were loaded into TNTs: diltiazem hydrochloride (BCS I.), diclofenac sodium (BCS II.), atenolol (BCS III.) and hydrochlorothiazide (BCS IV.). Experimental results demonstrated that it is feasible for spiral cross-sectioned titanate nanotubes to carry drugs and maintain their bioactivity. The structural properties of the composites were characterized by a range of analytical techniques, including FT-IR, DSC, TG-MS, etc. The interactions between APIs and TNTs were identified as electrostatic attractions, mainly dominated by hydrogen bonds. Based on the results, it can be stated that the strength of the association depends on the hydrogen donor strength of the API. The drug release of incorporated APIs was evaluated from compressed tablets and compared to that of pure APIs. Differences noticed in the dissolution profiles due to incorporation showed a correlation with the strength of interactions between the APIs and the TNTs observed in the above analytical studies. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Heterosis en la longevidad de obreras Apis mielífera

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. Tello


    Full Text Available Se estimó la media y la heterosis de la longevidad en obreras de abejas Apis mellifera. El expe-rimento fue desarrollado en el Apiario del Departamento de Genética de la Facultad de Medi-cina de la USP-Ribeirão Preto-Brasil y en Jaboticabal-SP, de 03/1997 a 05/1999. Seleccionamos 8 matrices inseminadas del apiário-USP (2africanizadas, 2italianas, 2cárnicasy 2italianas*cárnicos y 2 matrices (grupo-testigo de abejas Africanizadas-Silvestres.

  5. Chimeras of Bet v 1 and Api g 1 reveal heterogeneous IgE responses in patients with birch pollen allergy. (United States)

    Gepp, Barbara; Lengger, Nina; Bublin, Merima; Hemmer, Wolfgang; Breiteneder, Heimo; Radauer, Christian


    Characterization of IgE-binding epitopes of allergens and determination of their patient-specific relevance is crucial for the diagnosis and treatment of allergy. We sought to assess the contribution of specific surface areas of the major birch pollen allergen Bet v 1.0101 to binding IgE of individual patients. Four distinct areas of Bet v 1 representing in total 81% of its surface were grafted onto the scaffold of its homolog, Api g 1.0101, to yield the chimeras Api-Bet-1 to Api-Bet-4. The chimeras were expressed in Escherichia coli and purified. IgE binding of 64 sera from Bet v 1-sensitized subjects with birch pollen allergy was determined by using direct ELISA. Specificity was assessed by means of inhibition ELISA. rApi g 1.0101, Api-Bet-1, Api-Bet-2, Api-Bet-3, and Api-Bet-4 bound IgE from 44%, 89%, 80%, 78%, and 48% of the patients, respectively. By comparing the amount of IgE binding to the chimeras and to rApi g 1.0101, 81%, 70%, 75%, and 45% of the patients showed significantly enhanced IgE binding to Api-Bet-1, Api-Bet-2, Api-Bet-3, and Api-Bet-4, respectively. The minority (8%) of the sera revealed enhanced IgE binding exclusively to a single chimera, whereas 31% showed increased IgE binding to all 4 chimeras compared with rApi g 1.0101. The chimeras inhibited up to 70% of IgE binding to rBet v 1.0101, confirming the specific IgE recognition of the grafted regions. The Bet v 1-specific IgE response is polyclonal, and epitopes are spread across the entire Bet v 1 surface. Furthermore, the IgE recognition profile of Bet v 1 is highly patient specific. Copyright © 2014 The Authors. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Using Map Service API for Driving Cycle Detection for Wearable GPS Data: Preprint

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhu, Lei [National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Gonder, Jeffrey D [National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States)


    Following advancements in smartphone and portable global positioning system (GPS) data collection, wearable GPS data have realized extensive use in transportation surveys and studies. The task of detecting driving cycles (driving or car-mode trajectory segments) from wearable GPS data has been the subject of much research. Specifically, distinguishing driving cycles from other motorized trips (such as taking a bus) is the main research problem in this paper. Many mode detection methods only focus on raw GPS speed data while some studies apply additional information, such as geographic information system (GIS) data, to obtain better detection performance. Procuring and maintaining dedicated road GIS data are costly and not trivial, whereas the technical maturity and broad use of map service application program interface (API) queries offers opportunities for mode detection tasks. The proposed driving cycle detection method takes advantage of map service APIs to obtain high-quality car-mode API route information and uses a trajectory segmentation algorithm to find the best-matched API route. The car-mode API route data combined with the actual route information, including the actual mode information, are used to train a logistic regression machine learning model, which estimates car modes and non-car modes with probability rates. The experimental results show promise for the proposed method's ability to detect vehicle mode accurately.

  7. Learning Bing maps API

    CERN Document Server

    Sinani, Artan


    This is a practical, hands-on guide with illustrative examples, which will help you explore the vast universe of Bing maps.If you are a developer who wants to learn how to exploit the numerous features of Bing Maps then this book is ideal for you. It can also be useful for more experienced developers who wish to explore other areas of the APIs. It is assumed that you have some knowledge of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. For some chapters a working knowledge of .Net and Visual Studio is also needed.

  8. Open Astronomy Catalogs API (United States)

    Guillochon, James; Cowperthwaite, Philip S.


    We announce the public release of the application program interface (API) for the Open Astronomy Catalogs (OACs), the OACAPI. The OACs serve near-complete collections of supernova, tidal disruption, kilonova, and fast stars data (including photometry, spectra, radio, and X-ray observations) via a user-friendly web interface that displays the data interactively and offers full data downloads. The OACAPI, by contrast, enables users to specifically download particular pieces of the OAC dataset via a flexible programmatic syntax, either via URL GET requests, or via a module within the astroquery Python package.

  9. OSCAR API for Real-Time Low-Power Multicores and Its Performance on Multicores and SMP Servers (United States)

    Kimura, Keiji; Mase, Masayoshi; Mikami, Hiroki; Miyamoto, Takamichi; Shirako, Jun; Kasahara, Hironori

    OSCAR (Optimally Scheduled Advanced Multiprocessor) API has been designed for real-time embedded low-power multicores to generate parallel programs for various multicores from different vendors by using the OSCAR parallelizing compiler. The OSCAR API has been developed by Waseda University in collaboration with Fujitsu Laboratory, Hitachi, NEC, Panasonic, Renesas Technology, and Toshiba in an METI/NEDO project entitled "Multicore Technology for Realtime Consumer Electronics." By using the OSCAR API as an interface between the OSCAR compiler and backend compilers, the OSCAR compiler enables hierarchical multigrain parallel processing with memory optimization under capacity restriction for cache memory, local memory, distributed shared memory, and on-chip/off-chip shared memory; data transfer using a DMA controller; and power reduction control using DVFS (Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling), clock gating, and power gating for various embedded multicores. In addition, a parallelized program automatically generated by the OSCAR compiler with OSCAR API can be compiled by the ordinary OpenMP compilers since the OSCAR API is designed on a subset of the OpenMP. This paper describes the OSCAR API and its compatibility with the OSCAR compiler by showing code examples. Performance evaluations of the OSCAR compiler and the OSCAR API are carried out using an IBM Power5+ workstation, an IBM Power6 high-end SMP server, and a newly developed consumer electronics multicore chip RP2 by Renesas, Hitachi and Waseda. From the results of scalability evaluation, it is found that on an average, the OSCAR compiler with the OSCAR API can exploit 5.8 times speedup over the sequential execution on the Power5+ workstation with eight cores and 2.9 times speedup on RP2 with four cores, respectively. In addition, the OSCAR compiler can accelerate an IBM XL Fortran compiler up to 3.3 times on the Power6 SMP server. Due to low-power optimization on RP2, the OSCAR compiler with the OSCAR API


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF APIS. MELLIFERA BEE POLLEN FROM NORTHWEST ALGERIA. A. Rebiai* and T.Lanez. University of El Oued, VTRS Laboratory, P.O. Box 789, 39000, El Oued, Algeria. Received: 08 November 2012 / Accepted: 23 December 2012 / Published online: 31 ...

  11. Variation morphogeometrics of Africanized honey bees (Apis mellifera in Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lorena A. Nunes


    Full Text Available The morphometrics of the honey bee Apis mellifera L., 1758 has been widely studied mainly because this species has great ecological importance, high adaptation capacity, wide distribution and capacity to effectively adapt to different regions. The current study aimed to investigate the morphometric variations of wings and pollen baskets of honey bees Apis mellifera scutellata Lepeletier, 1836 from the five regions in Brazil. We used geometric morphometrics to identify the existence of patterns of variations of shape and size in Africanized honey bees in Brazil 16 years after the classic study with this species, allowing a temporal and spatial comparative analysis using new technological resources to assess morphometrical data. Samples were collected in 14 locations in Brazil, covering the five geographical regions of the country. The shape analysis and multivariate analyses of the wing allowed to observe that there is a geographical pattern among the population of Apis mellifera in Brazil. The geographical variations may be attributed to the large territorial extension of the country in addition to the differences between the bioregions.

  12. Carbonic anhydrase from Apis mellifera: purification and inhibition by pesticides. (United States)

    Soydan, Ercan; Güler, Ahmet; Bıyık, Selim; Şentürk, Murat; Supuran, Claudiu T; Ekinci, Deniz


    Carbonic anhydrase (CA) enzymes have been shown to play an important role in ion transport and in pH regulation in several organisms. Despite this information and the wealth of knowledge regarding the significance of CA enzymes, few studies have been reported about bee CA enzymes and the hazardous effects of chemicals. Using Apis mellifera as a model, this study aimed to determine the risk of pesticides on Apis mellifera Carbonic anhydrase enzyme (Am CA). CA was initially purified from Apis mellifera spermatheca for the first time in the literature. The enzyme was purified with an overall purification of ∼35-fold with a molecular weight of ∼32 kDa. The enzyme was then exposed to pesticides, including tebuconazole, propoxur, carbaryl, carbofuran, simazine and atrazine. The six pesticides dose-dependently inhibited in vitro AmCA activity at low micromolar concentrations. IC 50 values for the pesticides were 0.0030, 0.0321, 0.0031, 0.0087, 0.0273 and 0.0165 μM, respectively. The AmCA inhibition mechanism of these compounds is unknown at this moment.

  13. PyPDB: a Python API for the Protein Data Bank. (United States)

    Gilpin, William


    We have created a Python programming interface for the RCSB Protein Data Bank (PDB) that allows search and data retrieval for a wide range of result types, including BLAST and sequence motif queries. The API relies on the existing XML-based API and operates by creating custom XML requests from native Python types, allowing extensibility and straightforward modification. The package has the ability to perform many types of advanced search of the PDB that are otherwise only available through the PDB website. PyPDB is implemented exclusively in Python 3 using standard libraries for maximal compatibility. The most up-to-date version, including iPython notebooks containing usage tutorials, is available free-of-charge under an open-source MIT license via GitHub at, and the full API reference is at The latest stable release is also available on PyPI. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  14. Comportamento fenológico no evento pós-queima e biologia reprodutiva de Spiranthera odoratissima A. St.-Hil. (Rutaceae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristiane Soares Pereira da Silva


    Full Text Available O comportamento fenológico das espécies de cerrado influenciadas pela ação de queimadas é pouco conhecido. O estudo da fenologia e biologia reprodutiva de Spiranthera odoratissima A. St.-Hil. foi realizado em uma área antropizada de cerrado sensu stricto submetida ao fogo no município  de Goiânia, Goiás. Observações fenológicas evidenciaram que os indivíduos floresceram sincronicamente três meses após a queima. Os  ritmos fenológicos estiveram associados aos efeitos da sazonalidade pluviométrica, padrão característico das espécies subarbustivas de cerrado. As flores são brancas, de odor adocicado e estão reunidas em inflorescências paniculadas. A antese é crepuscular e inicia-se por volta das 16h. Os recursos oferecidos aos visitantes são pólen e néctar. A espécie produz 32,8μl (± 3,4 de néctar com concentração média de 16,4% (± 0,43 em equivalentes de sacarose. O sistema de polinização (falenofi lia foi proposto com base na análise das características florais. Os visitantes observados foram abelhas (Apis mellifera Linnaeus, moscas, vespas, formigas e besouros, porém, devido ao comportamento na inflorescência,  foram considerados apenas pilhadores de recursos. Foi constatado que Trigona spinipes Fabr. pode atuar como polinizador secundário durante a pilhagem de pólen. Os resultados das polinizações manuais e o índice de incompatibilidade (ISI indicam que a espécie é xenógama e auto-compatível.

  15. Construction and assembly of pipelines using API 5L grade X80 tubes - considerations to be observed with high-strength steels; Construcao e montagem de dutos terrestres utilizando tubos API 5L Gr. X80

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oliveira, Ailton C. de; Rabello, Jose Mauricio B. [PETROBRAS S.A., Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    The use of line pipes API 5L Grade X80, at the point of view of designer allows: reduction of wall thickness and pipe weight or increase of design pressure. In the pipeline construction point of view, the use of line pipes API 5L Grade X80 provide some advantages, however some difficulties must be expected in several stages of the construction and assembly. The implications in cost, productivity, inspection and integrity, with the application of these high resistance steels, complying with PETROBRAS Standard N - 464 Construcao, Montagem e Condicionamento de Dutos Terrestres (Rev. H - 2004 Dec) and the experience consolidated in pipelines construction abroad were presented. At the design stage, a comparison between pipelines designed using API 5L-X70 and API 5L-X80 was carried out approaching the aspects of variation of thickness, pressure design and design factor. An evaluation of the expected gains when choosing API 5L Grade X80 steels were done, regarding reduction of costs and pipe weight. Regarding API 5L-X80 pipe fabrication, the obtained results were reported, proving that this aspect was already overcome, showing the viability of its production in Brazil. Difficulties were detected regarding construction and assembly stage and showing the need of revision of PETROBRAS standard N-464. (author)

  16. Towards Standardized Patient Data Exchange: Integrating a FHIR Based API for the Open Medical Record System. (United States)

    Kasthurirathne, Suranga N; Mamlin, Burke; Grieve, Grahame; Biondich, Paul


    Interoperability is essential to address limitations caused by the ad hoc implementation of clinical information systems and the distributed nature of modern medical care. The HL7 V2 and V3 standards have played a significant role in ensuring interoperability for healthcare. FHIR is a next generation standard created to address fundamental limitations in HL7 V2 and V3. FHIR is particularly relevant to OpenMRS, an Open Source Medical Record System widely used across emerging economies. FHIR has the potential to allow OpenMRS to move away from a bespoke, application specific API to a standards based API. We describe efforts to design and implement a FHIR based API for the OpenMRS platform. Lessons learned from this effort were used to define long term plans to transition from the legacy OpenMRS API to a FHIR based API that greatly reduces the learning curve for developers and helps enhance adhernce to standards.

  17. The SEMAINE API: Towards a Standards-Based Framework for Building Emotion-Oriented Systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marc Schröder


    Full Text Available This paper presents the SEMAINE API, an open source framework for building emotion-oriented systems. By encouraging and simplifying the use of standard representation formats, the framework aims to contribute to interoperability and reuse of system components in the research community. By providing a Java and C++ wrapper around a message-oriented middleware, the API makes it easy to integrate components running on different operating systems and written in different programming languages. The SEMAINE system 1.0 is presented as an example of a full-scale system built on top of the SEMAINE API. Three small example systems are described in detail to illustrate how integration between existing and new components is realised with minimal effort.

  18. Hymenoptera venom review focusing on Apis mellifera

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P. R. de Lima


    Full Text Available Hymenoptera venoms are complex mixtures containing simple organic molecules, proteins, peptides, and other bioactive elements. Several of these components have been isolated and characterized, and their primary structures determined by biochemical techniques. These compounds are responsible for many toxic or allergic reactions in different organisms, such as local pain, inflammation, itching, irritation, and moderate or severe allergic reactions. The most extensively characterized Hymenoptera venoms are bee venoms, mainly from the Apis genus and also from social wasps and ant species. However, there is little information about other Hymenoptera groups. The Apis venom presents high molecular weight molecules - enzymes with a molecular weight higher than 10.0 kDa - and peptides. The best studied enzymes are phospholipase A2, responsible for cleaving the membrane phospholipids, hyaluronidase, which degrades the matrix component hyaluronic acid into non-viscous segments and acid phosphatase acting on organic phosphates. The main peptide compounds of bee venom are lytic peptide melittin, apamin (neurotoxic, and mastocyte degranulating peptide (MCD.

  19. Investigating an API for resilient exascale computing.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stearley, Jon R.; Tomkins, James; VanDyke, John P.; Ferreira, Kurt Brian; Laros, James H.,; Bridges, Patrick


    Increased HPC capability comes with increased complexity, part counts, and fault occurrences. In- creasing the resilience of systems and applications to faults is a critical requirement facing the viability of exascale systems, as the overhead of traditional checkpoint/restart is projected to outweigh its bene ts due to fault rates outpacing I/O bandwidths. As faults occur and propagate throughout hardware and software layers, pervasive noti cation and handling mechanisms are necessary. This report describes an initial investigation of fault types and programming interfaces to mitigate them. Proof-of-concept APIs are presented for the frequent and important cases of memory errors and node failures, and a strategy proposed for lesystem failures. These involve changes to the operating system, runtime, I/O library, and application layers. While a single API for fault handling among hardware and OS and application system-wide remains elusive, the e ort increased our understanding of both the mountainous challenges and the promising trailheads. 3

  20. The Matchmaker Exchange API: automating patient matching through the exchange of structured phenotypic and genotypic profiles. (United States)

    Buske, Orion J; Schiettecatte, François; Hutton, Benjamin; Dumitriu, Sergiu; Misyura, Andriy; Huang, Lijia; Hartley, Taila; Girdea, Marta; Sobreira, Nara; Mungall, Chris; Brudno, Michael


    Despite the increasing prevalence of clinical sequencing, the difficulty of identifying additional affected families is a key obstacle to solving many rare diseases. There may only be a handful of similar patients worldwide, and their data may be stored in diverse clinical and research databases. Computational methods are necessary to enable finding similar patients across the growing number of patient repositories and registries. We present the Matchmaker Exchange Application Programming Interface (MME API), a protocol and data format for exchanging phenotype and genotype profiles to enable matchmaking among patient databases, facilitate the identification of additional cohorts, and increase the rate with which rare diseases can be researched and diagnosed. We designed the API to be straightforward and flexible in order to simplify its adoption on a large number of data types and workflows. We also provide a public test data set, curated from the literature, to facilitate implementation of the API and development of new matching algorithms. The initial version of the API has been successfully implemented by three members of the Matchmaker Exchange and was immediately able to reproduce previously identified matches and generate several new leads currently being validated. The API is available at © 2015 WILEY PERIODICALS, INC.

  1. Comportamento de forrageamento de abelhas e outros insetos nas panículas da mangueira (Mangifera indica L. e produção de frutos = Forage behaviour of bees and other insects on mango flowers (Mangifera indica L. and fruit production

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Darclet Terezinha Malerbo-Souza


    Full Text Available O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de se estudar a frequência,constância, o tipo de coleta (néctar e/ou pólen e comportamento de forrageamento dos insetos visitantes às flores da mangueira (Mangifera indica L. e seu efeito na produção de frutos. A frequência e o tipo de coleta dos insetos nas flores foram obtidos durante os primeiros 10 min. em cada horário, das 7 às 18h, com três repetições em cada ano. O teste de polinização foi realizado, utilizando-se dois tratamentos: panículas cobertas para se impedir a visita dos insetos e panículas descobertas (controle nas quais foi permitida a visita dos insetos. Os insetos da ordem Diptera, a abelha Tetragonisca angustula e o coleóptero Diabrotica speciosa foram espécies constantes nas panículas da mangueira, e os dípteros foramos mais frequentes. A porcentagem de frutificação foi maior nas flores visitadas pelos insetos.This research was carried out to study the frequency and constancy of visitors on mango inflorescence (Mangifera indica L. as well ascollection type (nectar and pollen, its forage behaviour and these effects on fruit production. The frequency and collection type by insects on flowers were obtained in the first ten minutes of each hour between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., with three replications in two years. The pollination test was performed with two treatments: overed flowers and uncovered flowers with free insect visits. Diptera order insects, stingless bees Tetragonisca angustula and Diabrotica speciosa were constant species on mango flowers, and Diptera insectswere the more frequent visitors. Fruition percentage was higher in flowers visited by insects.

  2. The novel Akt inhibitor API-1 induces c-FLIP degradation and synergizes with TRAIL to augment apoptosis independent of Akt inhibition. (United States)

    Li, Bo; Ren, Hui; Yue, Ping; Chen, Mingwei; Khuri, Fadlo R; Sun, Shi-Yong


    API-1 (pyrido[2,3-d]pyrimidines) is a novel small-molecule inhibitor of Akt, which acts by binding to Akt and preventing its membrane translocation and has promising preclinical antitumor activity. In this study, we reveal a novel function of API-1 in regulation of cellular FLICE-inhibitory protein (c-FLIP) levels and TRAIL-induced apoptosis, independent of Akt inhibition. API-1 effectively induced apoptosis in tested cancer cell lines including activation of caspase-8 and caspase-9. It reduced the levels of c-FLIP without increasing the expression of death receptor 4 (DR4) or DR5. Accordingly, it synergized with TRAIL to induce apoptosis. Enforced expression of ectopic c-FLIP did not attenuate API-1-induced apoptosis but inhibited its ability to enhance TRAIL-induced apoptosis. These data indicate that downregulation of c-FLIP mediates enhancement of TRAIL-induced apoptosis by API-1 but is not sufficient for API-1-induced apoptosis. API-1-induced reduction of c-FLIP could be blocked by the proteasome inhibitor MG132. Moreover, API-1 increased c-FLIP ubiquitination and decreased c-FLIP stability. These data together suggest that API-1 downregulates c-FLIP by facilitating its ubiquitination and proteasome-mediated degradation. Because other Akt inhibitors including API-2 and MK2206 had minimal effects on reducing c-FLIP and enhancement of TRAIL-induced apoptosis, it is likely that API-1 reduces c-FLIP and enhances TRAIL-induced apoptosis independent of its Akt-inhibitory activity. 2012 AACR

  3. pH and Heat Resistance of the Major Celery Allergen Api g 1. (United States)

    Rib-Schmidt, Carina; Riedl, Philipp; Meisinger, Veronika; Schwaben, Luisa; Schulenborg, Thomas; Reuter, Andreas; Schiller, Dirk; Seutter von Loetzen, Christian; Rösch, Paul


    The major celery allergen Api g 1 is a member of the pathogenesis-related 10 class protein family. Here we aimed to investigate the impact of heat and pH on the native protein conformation required for Immunoglobulin E (IgE) recognition. Spectroscopic methods, MS and IgE binding analyses were used to study the effects of pH and thermal treatment on Api g 1.0101. Heat processing results in a loss of the native protein fold via denaturation, oligomerisation and precipitation along with a subsequent reduction of IgE recognition. The induced effects and timescales are strongly pH depended. While Api g 1 refolds partially into an IgE-binding conformation at physiological pH, acidic pH treatment leads to the formation of structurally heat resistant, IgE-reactive oligomers. Thermal processing in the presence of a celery matrix or at pH conditions close to the isoelectric point (pI = 4.63) of Api g 1.0101 results in almost instant precipitation. Our data demonstrate that Api g 1.0101 is not intrinsically susceptible to heat treatment in vitro. However, the pH and the celery matrix strongly influence the stability of Api g 1.0101 and might be the main reasons for the observed temperature lability of this important food allergen. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

  4. Antimicrobial activity of plant extracts against the honeybee pathogens, Paenibacillus larvae and Ascosphaera apis and their topical toxicity to Apis mellifera adults. (United States)

    Chaimanee, V; Thongtue, U; Sornmai, N; Songsri, S; Pettis, J S


    To explore alternative nonchemical control measures against two honeybee pathogens, Paenibacillus larvae and Ascosphaera apis, 37 plant species were screened for antimicrobial activity. The activity of selected plant extracts was screened using an in vitro disc diffusion assay and the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined by the broth microdilution method. The results showed that 36 plant extracts had some antibacterial activity on P. larvae by disc diffusion assay. Chromolaena odorata showed the greatest antibacterial activity against P. larvae (MIC 16-64 μg ml -1 ). Of the 37 tested plants, only seven species, Amomum krervanh, Allium sativum, Cinnamomum sp., Piper betle, Piper ribesioides, Piper sarmentosum and Syzygium aromaticum had inhibitory effects on A. apis (MICs of 32-64 μg ml -1 ). The results demonstrated that promising plant extracts were not toxic to adult bees at the concentrations used in this study. The results demonstrate the potential antimicrobial activity of natural products against honeybee diseases caused by P. larvae and A. apis. Chromolaena odorata in particular showed high bioactivity against P. larvae. Further study is recommended to develop these nonchemical treatments against American foulbrood and chalkbrood in honeybees. This work proposes new natural products for the control of American foulbrood and chalkbrood in honeybees. © 2017 The Society for Applied Microbiology.

  5. An example of how to handle amorphous fractions in API during early pharmaceutical development: SAR114137--a successful approach. (United States)

    Petzoldt, Christine; Bley, Oliver; Byard, Stephen J; Andert, Doris; Baumgartner, Bruno; Nagel, Norbert; Tappertzhofen, Christoph; Feth, Martin Philipp


    The so-called pharmaceutical solid chain, which encompasses drug substance micronisation to the final tablet production, at pilot plant scale is presented as a case study for a novel, highly potent, pharmaceutical compound: SAR114137. Various solid-state analytical methods, such as solid-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (ssNMR), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Dynamic Water Vapour Sorption Gravimetry (DWVSG), hot-stage Raman spectroscopy and X-ray Powder Diffraction (XRPD) were applied and evaluated to characterise and quantify amorphous content during the course of the physical treatment of crystalline active pharmaceutical ingredient (API). DSC was successfully used to monitor the changes in amorphous content during micronisation of the API, as well as during stability studies. (19)F solid-state NMR was found to be the method of choice for the detection and quantification of low levels of amorphous API, even in the final drug product (DP), since compaction during tablet manufacture was identified as a further source for the formation of amorphous API. The application of different jet milling techniques was a critical factor with respect to amorphous content formation. In the present case, the change from spiral jet milling to loop jet milling led to a decrease in amorphous API content from 20-30 w/w% to nearly 0 w/w% respectively. The use of loop jet milling also improved the processability of the API. Stability investigations on both the milled API and the DP showed a marked tendency for recrystallisation of the amorphous API content on exposure to elevated levels of relative humidity. No significant impact of amorphous API on either the chemical stability or the dissolution rate of the API in drug formulation was observed. Therefore, the presence of amorphous content in the oral formulation was of no consequence for the clinical trial phases I and II. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. Comparison of the performance and security of free and open source smart card offcard APIs

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Chifura, A


    Full Text Available . Off card APIs provide a framework for this by providing interfaces that can be implemented to enhance the communication. This study looks at the performance and security comparisons of several free and open source smart card offcard APIs...

  7. Conhecimento dos moradores do médio Araguaia, Estado do Mato Grosso, sobre a utilidade de produtos de abelhas (Hymenoptera, Apidae = Knowledge of the inhabitants of the Mid-Araguaia region, Mato Grosso State, about the usefulness of bee (Hymenoptera, Apidae products

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anna Frida Hatsue Modro


    Full Text Available O estudo teve como objetivo conhecer as indicações de uso dos produtos das abelhas. As entrevistas foram realizadas com representantes de 14 municípios do médio Araguaia, Estado do Mato Grosso, entre os meses de janeiro e fevereiro de 2007. No médio Araguaia, houve indicações de uso para mel, cera, veneno e própolis, principalmente para fins medicinais. O mel foi o produto mais utilizado (75,49%, o consumo é principalmente por ingestão (79,59%e in natura (71,43%. Os produtos das abelhas são utilizados, pela maioria, para fins medicinais (77,55% e recomendados para tratar afecções na garganta (63,27%.The objective of this study was to find out the use indications for bee products. The interviews were carried out with representatives of 14 municipalities of the Mid-Araguaia River region, Mato Grosso State, Brazil, during the months of January and February 2007. In the Mid- Araguaia there were indications of use honey, beeswax, poison and propolis, mainly for medicinal purposes. Honey was the most used product (75.49%. The consumption is mainly by ingestion (79.59% and in natura (71.43%. The bee products are used, by the majority of the users, for medicinal purposes (77.55%, and they are recommended to heal throat infections (63.27%.

  8. Building RESTful web services with Go learn how to build powerful RESTful APIs with Golang that scale gracefully

    CERN Document Server

    Yellavula, Naren


    REST is an architectural style that tackles the challenges of building scalable web services and in today's connected world, APIs have taken a central role on the web. APIs provide the fabric through which systems interact, and REST has become synonymous with APIs. The depth, breadth, and ease of use of Go, makes it a breeze for developers to ...

  9. Api m 10, a genuine A. mellifera venom allergen, is clinically relevant but underrepresented in therapeutic extracts. (United States)

    Blank, S; Seismann, H; Michel, Y; McIntyre, M; Cifuentes, L; Braren, I; Grunwald, T; Darsow, U; Ring, J; Bredehorst, R; Ollert, M; Spillner, E


    Generalized systemic reactions to stinging hymenoptera venom constitute a potentially fatal condition in venom-allergic individuals. Hence, the identification and characterization of all allergens is imperative for improvement of diagnosis and design of effective immunotherapeutic approaches. Our aim was the immunochemical characterization of the carbohydrate-rich protein Api m 10, an Apis mellifera venom component and putative allergen, with focus on the relevance of glycosylation. Furthermore, the presence of Api m 10 in honeybee venom (HBV) and licensed venom immunotherapy preparations was addressed. Api m 10 was produced as soluble, aglycosylated protein in Escherichia coli and as differentially glycosylated protein providing a varying degree of fucosylation in insect cells. IgE reactivity and basophil activation of allergic patients were analyzed. For detection of Api m 10 in different venom preparations, a monoclonal human IgE antibody was generated. Both, the aglycosylated and the glycosylated variant of Api m 10 devoid of cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants (CCD), exhibited IgE reactivity with approximately 50% of HBV-sensitized patients. A corresponding reactivity could be documented for the activation of basophils. Although the detection of the native protein in crude HBV suggested content comparable to other relevant allergens, three therapeutical HBV extracts lacked detectable amounts of this component. Api m 10 is a genuine allergen of A. mellifera venom with IgE sensitizing potential in a significant fraction of allergic patients independent of CCD reactivity. Thus, Api m 10 could become a key element for component-resolved diagnostic tests and improved immunotherapeutic approaches in hymenoptera venom allergy. © 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

  10. A molecular marker distinguishes the subspecies Melipona quadrifasciata quadrifasciata and Melipona quadrifasciata anthidioides (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Meliponinae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana M. Waldschmidt


    Full Text Available The stingless bee species Melipona quadrifasciata includes two subspecies, Melipona quadrifasciata anthidioids and Melipona quadrifasciata quadrifasciata. The morphological difference between the two subspecies is the presence of three to five continuous yellow stripes on the terga on the 3rd to 6th segments in workers and males of M. q. quadrifasciata, and two to five interrupted bands in M. q. anthidioides. We identified a DNA marker which is present in M. q. quadrifasciata and absent in M. q. anthidioides. Only one among the M. q. quadrifasciata colonies did not present the marker. It was also absent in bees collected in northern Minas Gerais State (Brazil, despite their morphological resemblance to M. q. quadrifasciata. The marker can be used for studying the genetic structure of the hybridization zone formed by the intercrossing of the two subspecies.A espécie de abelha sem ferrão Melipona quadrifasciata apresenta duas subespécies, Melipona quadrifasciata quadrifasciata Lep. e Melipona quadrifasciata anthidioides Lep. A diferença morfológica entre as duas subespécies é a presença de três a cinco bandas tergais amarelas do 3º ao 6º segmentos em operárias e machos de M. q. quadrifasciata e duas a cinco bandas interrompidas em M. q. anthidioides. Nós identificamos um marcador de DNA que está presente em M. q. quadrifasciata e ausente em M. q. anthidioides. Este marcador está ausente em abelhas coletadas no norte do Estado de Minas Gerais (Brasil, embora esses indivíduos apresentem morfologia similar à de M. q. quadrifasciata. Este marcador poderá ser utilizado em estudos da zona de hibridação entre as subespécies.

  11. Standard methods for Apis mellifera propolis research (United States)

    Propolis is one of the most fascinating honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) products. It is a plant derived product that bees produce from resins that they collect from different plant organs and with which they mix beeswax. Propolis is a building material and a protective agent in the beehive. It also pl...

  12. Gas chromatography coupled to atmospheric pressure ionization mass spectrometry (GC-API-MS): Review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Du-Xin; Gan, Lin; Bronja, Amela; Schmitz, Oliver J.


    Although the coupling of GC/MS with atmospheric pressure ionization (API) has been reported in 1970s, the interest in coupling GC with atmospheric pressure ion source was expanded in the last decade. The demand of a “soft” ion source for preserving highly diagnostic molecular ion is desirable, as compared to the “hard” ionization technique such as electron ionization (EI) in traditional GC/MS, which fragments the molecule in an extensive way. These API sources include atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI), atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI), atmospheric pressure laser ionization (APLI), electrospray ionization (ESI) and low temperature plasma (LTP). This review discusses the advantages and drawbacks of this analytical platform. After an introduction in atmospheric pressure ionization the review gives an overview about the history and explains the mechanisms of various atmospheric pressure ionization techniques used in combination with GC such as APCI, APPI, APLI, ESI and LTP. Also new developments made in ion source geometry, ion source miniaturization and multipurpose ion source constructions are discussed and a comparison between GC-FID, GC-EI-MS and GC-API-MS shows the advantages and drawbacks of these techniques. The review ends with an overview of applications realized with GC-API-MS. - Highlights: • Atmospheric pressure ion sources (APCI, ESI, APPI, APLC etc) enable the coupling of LC-based high-end MS to GC. • APIs show advantages in selectivity and sensitivity compared with EI in GC-MS. • Accurate mass database in GC-APCI/MS is emerging as an alternative to GC-EI/MS database.

  13. Gas chromatography coupled to atmospheric pressure ionization mass spectrometry (GC-API-MS): Review

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Du-Xin; Gan, Lin; Bronja, Amela [University of Duisburg-Essen, Applied Analytical Chemistry, Universitaetsstr. 5-7, 45141 Essen (Germany); Schmitz, Oliver J., E-mail: [University of Duisburg-Essen, Applied Analytical Chemistry, Universitaetsstr. 5-7, 45141 Essen (Germany)


    Although the coupling of GC/MS with atmospheric pressure ionization (API) has been reported in 1970s, the interest in coupling GC with atmospheric pressure ion source was expanded in the last decade. The demand of a “soft” ion source for preserving highly diagnostic molecular ion is desirable, as compared to the “hard” ionization technique such as electron ionization (EI) in traditional GC/MS, which fragments the molecule in an extensive way. These API sources include atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI), atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI), atmospheric pressure laser ionization (APLI), electrospray ionization (ESI) and low temperature plasma (LTP). This review discusses the advantages and drawbacks of this analytical platform. After an introduction in atmospheric pressure ionization the review gives an overview about the history and explains the mechanisms of various atmospheric pressure ionization techniques used in combination with GC such as APCI, APPI, APLI, ESI and LTP. Also new developments made in ion source geometry, ion source miniaturization and multipurpose ion source constructions are discussed and a comparison between GC-FID, GC-EI-MS and GC-API-MS shows the advantages and drawbacks of these techniques. The review ends with an overview of applications realized with GC-API-MS. - Highlights: • Atmospheric pressure ion sources (APCI, ESI, APPI, APLC etc) enable the coupling of LC-based high-end MS to GC. • APIs show advantages in selectivity and sensitivity compared with EI in GC-MS. • Accurate mass database in GC-APCI/MS is emerging as an alternative to GC-EI/MS database.

  14. Determinants of quality, latency, and amount of Stack Overflow answers about recent Android APIs. (United States)

    Kavaler, David; Filkov, Vladimir


    Stack Overflow is a popular crowdsourced question and answer website for programming-related issues. It is an invaluable resource for software developers; on average, questions posted there get answered in minutes to an hour. Questions about well established topics, e.g., the coercion operator in C++, or the difference between canonical and class names in Java, get asked often in one form or another, and answered very quickly. On the other hand, questions on previously unseen or niche topics take a while to get a good answer. This is particularly the case with questions about current updates to or the introduction of new application programming interfaces (APIs). In a hyper-competitive online market, getting good answers to current programming questions sooner could increase the chances of an app getting released and used. So, can developers anyhow, e.g., hasten the speed to good answers to questions about new APIs? Here, we empirically study Stack Overflow questions pertaining to new Android APIs and their associated answers. We contrast the interest in these questions, their answer quality, and timeliness of their answers to questions about old APIs. We find that Stack Overflow answerers in general prioritize with respect to currentness: questions about new APIs do get more answers, but good quality answers take longer. We also find that incentives in terms of question bounties, if used appropriately, can significantly shorten the time and increase answer quality. Interestingly, no operationalization of bounty amount shows significance in our models. In practice, our findings confirm the value of bounties in enhancing expert participation. In addition, they show that the Stack Overflow style of crowdsourcing, for all its glory in providing answers about established programming knowledge, is less effective with new API questions.

  15. Transcriptome analysis of the honey bee fungal pathogen, Ascosphaera apis: implications for host pathogenesis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cornman R


    Full Text Available Abstract Background We present a comprehensive transcriptome analysis of the fungus Ascosphaera apis, an economically important pathogen of the Western honey bee (Apis mellifera that causes chalkbrood disease. Our goals were to further annotate the A. apis reference genome and to identify genes that are candidates for being differentially expressed during host infection versus axenic culture. Results We compared A. apis transcriptome sequence from mycelia grown on liquid or solid media with that dissected from host-infected tissue. 454 pyrosequencing provided 252 Mb of filtered sequence reads from both culture types that were assembled into 10,087 contigs. Transcript contigs, protein sequences from multiple fungal species, and ab initio gene predictions were included as evidence sources in the Maker gene prediction pipeline, resulting in 6,992 consensus gene models. A phylogeny based on 12 of these protein-coding loci further supported the taxonomic placement of Ascosphaera as sister to the core Onygenales. Several common protein domains were less abundant in A. apis compared with related ascomycete genomes, particularly cytochrome p450 and protein kinase domains. A novel gene family was identified that has expanded in some ascomycete lineages, but not others. We manually annotated genes with homologs in other fungal genomes that have known relevance to fungal virulence and life history. Functional categories of interest included genes involved in mating-type specification, intracellular signal transduction, and stress response. Computational and manual annotations have been made publicly available on the Bee Pests and Pathogens website. Conclusions This comprehensive transcriptome analysis substantially enhances our understanding of the A. apis genome and its expression during infection of honey bee larvae. It also provides resources for future molecular studies of chalkbrood disease and ultimately improved disease management.

  16. Transcriptome analysis of the honey bee fungal pathogen, Ascosphaera apis: implications for host pathogenesis (United States)


    Background We present a comprehensive transcriptome analysis of the fungus Ascosphaera apis, an economically important pathogen of the Western honey bee (Apis mellifera) that causes chalkbrood disease. Our goals were to further annotate the A. apis reference genome and to identify genes that are candidates for being differentially expressed during host infection versus axenic culture. Results We compared A. apis transcriptome sequence from mycelia grown on liquid or solid media with that dissected from host-infected tissue. 454 pyrosequencing provided 252 Mb of filtered sequence reads from both culture types that were assembled into 10,087 contigs. Transcript contigs, protein sequences from multiple fungal species, and ab initio gene predictions were included as evidence sources in the Maker gene prediction pipeline, resulting in 6,992 consensus gene models. A phylogeny based on 12 of these protein-coding loci further supported the taxonomic placement of Ascosphaera as sister to the core Onygenales. Several common protein domains were less abundant in A. apis compared with related ascomycete genomes, particularly cytochrome p450 and protein kinase domains. A novel gene family was identified that has expanded in some ascomycete lineages, but not others. We manually annotated genes with homologs in other fungal genomes that have known relevance to fungal virulence and life history. Functional categories of interest included genes involved in mating-type specification, intracellular signal transduction, and stress response. Computational and manual annotations have been made publicly available on the Bee Pests and Pathogens website. Conclusions This comprehensive transcriptome analysis substantially enhances our understanding of the A. apis genome and its expression during infection of honey bee larvae. It also provides resources for future molecular studies of chalkbrood disease and ultimately improved disease management. PMID:22747707

  17. Determinants of quality, latency, and amount of Stack Overflow answers about recent Android APIs (United States)

    Filkov, Vladimir


    Stack Overflow is a popular crowdsourced question and answer website for programming-related issues. It is an invaluable resource for software developers; on average, questions posted there get answered in minutes to an hour. Questions about well established topics, e.g., the coercion operator in C++, or the difference between canonical and class names in Java, get asked often in one form or another, and answered very quickly. On the other hand, questions on previously unseen or niche topics take a while to get a good answer. This is particularly the case with questions about current updates to or the introduction of new application programming interfaces (APIs). In a hyper-competitive online market, getting good answers to current programming questions sooner could increase the chances of an app getting released and used. So, can developers anyhow, e.g., hasten the speed to good answers to questions about new APIs? Here, we empirically study Stack Overflow questions pertaining to new Android APIs and their associated answers. We contrast the interest in these questions, their answer quality, and timeliness of their answers to questions about old APIs. We find that Stack Overflow answerers in general prioritize with respect to currentness: questions about new APIs do get more answers, but good quality answers take longer. We also find that incentives in terms of question bounties, if used appropriately, can significantly shorten the time and increase answer quality. Interestingly, no operationalization of bounty amount shows significance in our models. In practice, our findings confirm the value of bounties in enhancing expert participation. In addition, they show that the Stack Overflow style of crowdsourcing, for all its glory in providing answers about established programming knowledge, is less effective with new API questions. PMID:29547620

  18. An adaptive software defined radio design based on a standard space telecommunication radio system API (United States)

    Xiong, Wenhao; Tian, Xin; Chen, Genshe; Pham, Khanh; Blasch, Erik


    Software defined radio (SDR) has become a popular tool for the implementation and testing for communications performance. The advantage of the SDR approach includes: a re-configurable design, adaptive response to changing conditions, efficient development, and highly versatile implementation. In order to understand the benefits of SDR, the space telecommunication radio system (STRS) was proposed by NASA Glenn research center (GRC) along with the standard application program interface (API) structure. Each component of the system uses a well-defined API to communicate with other components. The benefit of standard API is to relax the platform limitation of each component for addition options. For example, the waveform generating process can support a field programmable gate array (FPGA), personal computer (PC), or an embedded system. As long as the API defines the requirements, the generated waveform selection will work with the complete system. In this paper, we demonstrate the design and development of adaptive SDR following the STRS and standard API protocol. We introduce step by step the SDR testbed system including the controlling graphic user interface (GUI), database, GNU radio hardware control, and universal software radio peripheral (USRP) tranceiving front end. In addition, a performance evaluation in shown on the effectiveness of the SDR approach for space telecommunication.

  19. Dry coating of micronized API powders for improved dissolution of directly compacted tablets with high drug loading. (United States)

    Han, Xi; Ghoroi, Chinmay; Davé, Rajesh


    Motivated by our recent study showing improved flow and dissolution rate of the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) powders (20 μm) produced via simultaneous micronization and surface modification through continuous fluid energy milling (FEM) process, the performance of blends and direct compacted tablets with high drug loading is examined. Performance of 50 μm API powders dry coated without micronization is also considered for comparison. Blends of micronized, non-micronized, dry coated or uncoated API powders at 30, 60 and 70% drug loading, are examined. The results show that the blends containing dry coated API powders, even micronized ones, have excellent flowability and high bulk density compared to the blends containing uncoated API, which are required for direct compaction. As the drug loading increases, the difference between dry coated and uncoated blends is more pronounced, as seen in the proposed bulk density-FFC phase map. Dry coating led to improved tablet compactibility profiles, corresponding with the improvements in blend compressibility. The most significant advantage is in tablet dissolution where for all drug loadings, the t(80) for the tablets with dry coated APIs was well under 5 min, indicating that this approach can produce nearly instant release direct compacted tablets at high drug loadings. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Early process development of API applied to poorly water-soluble TBID. (United States)

    Meise, Marius; Niggemann, Matthias; Dunens, Alexandra; Schoenitz, Martin; Kuschnerow, Jan C; Kunick, Conrad; Scholl, Stephan


    Finding and optimising of synthesis processes for active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) is time consuming. In the finding phase, established methods for synthesis, purification and formulation are used to achieve a high purity API for biological studies. For promising API candidates, this is followed by pre-clinical and clinical studies requiring sufficient quantities of the active component. Ideally, these should be produced with a process representative for a later production process and suitable for scaling to production capacity. This work presents an overview of different approaches for process synthesis based on an existing lab protocol. This is demonstrated for the production of the model drug 4,5,6,7-tetrabromo-2-(1H-imidazol-2-yl) isoindolin-1,3-dione (TBID). Early batch synthesis and purification procedures typically suffer from low and fluctuating yields and purities due to poor process control. In a first step the literature synthesis and purification procedure was modified and optimized using solubility measurements, targeting easier and safer processing for consecutive studies. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Challenges associated with the honey bee ( Apis Mellifera Adansonii )

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Challenges associated with the honey bee ( Apis Mellifera Adansonii ) colonies ... Diseases like American and European foulbrood were absent while ... African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, Volume 13 No. 2 April ...

  2. Influence of preheating on API 5L-X80 pipeline joint welding with self shielded flux-cored wire; Influencia del precalentamiento en las propiedades de uniones soldadas de acero API 5L-X80 soldadas con alambre tubular autoprotegido

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cooper, R.; Silva, J. H. F.; Trevisan, R. E.


    The present work refers to the characterization of API 5L-X80 pipeline joints welded with self-shielded flux cored wire. This process was evaluated under preheating conditions, with an uniform and steady heat input. All joints were welded in flat position (1G), with the pipe turning and the torch still. Tube dimensions were 762 mm in external diameter and 16 mm in thickness. Welds were applied on single V-groove, with six weld beads, along with three levels of preheating temperatures (room temperature, 100 degree centigree, 160 degree centigree). These temperatures were maintained as inter pass temperature. The filler metal E71T8-K6 with mechanical properties different from parent metal was used in under matched conditions. The weld characterization is presented according to the mechanical test results of tensile strength, hardness and impact test. The mechanical tests were conducted according to API 1104, AWS and ASTM standards. API 1104 and API 51 were used as screening criteria. According to the results obtained, it was possible to remark that it is appropriate to weld API 5L-X80 steel ducts with Self-shielded Flux Cored wires, in conformance to the API standards and no preheat temperature is necessary. (Author) 22 refs.


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    Érico Amaral


    Full Text Available

    Esta nota prévia apresenta alguns dados bionômicos do predador de abelhas Apiomerus nigrilobus Stal, 1872 obtidos sob condições de laboratório. O estudo foi realizado no Departamento de Entomologia da Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz” da Universidade do Estado de São Paulo, no período de março de 1972 a dezembro de 1973. O ciclo biológico médico constatado para este predador foi de 246 dias. Os autores apresentam três quadros que resumem os dados obtidos.

    This preliminary note presents some bionomics data of the honeybee predator Apiomerus nigrilobus Stal, 1872 obtained in laboratory. The study was conducted at the Agricultural College ";Luiz de Queiroz” U.S.P. — São Pau1o, Brazil, from March 1972 to December 1973. The evolutionary cycle of this predator, on an average, is 246 days. A table is presented showing the results.

  4. Caracterização morfológica do ramo, sementes e plântulas de matayba guianensis Aubl. e produção de mudas em diferentes recipientes e substratos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francielli Bao


    Full Text Available Matayba guianensis Aubl. é uma Sapindaceae de porte arbustivo ou arbóreo de grande ocorrência no Cerrado brasileiro, com papel fundamental no fornecimento de recursos para formigas e abelhas. Apresenta rápido crescimento e é importante para recuperação de áreas degradadas, mas pouco se conhece sobre a sua produção de mudas. Diante disso, o objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a morfologia do ramo e da germinação de sementes e plântulas de Matayba guianensis Aubl. em seu desenvolvimento pós-seminal, bem como definir o tipo de substrato e recipiente adequados para emergência de plântulas e produção de mudas desta espécie. Foram avaliados três tipos de recipientes: saco de polietileno preto; tubete e bandeja de isopor, com cinco tipos de substratos: areia; terra; terra-areia-esterco (1:1:1; substrato comercial e fibra de coco, com quatro repetições de 25 sementes em cada tratamento. O ramo, fruto, semente, plântulas e seus eventos morfológicos foram descritos. O ramo é cilíndrico, com folhas paripinadas e alternas; fruto seco, deiscente e sementes com grande quantidade de arilo; a germinação é criptocotiledonar e hipógea. Sua maior porcentagem de emergência ocorreu no recipiente isopor com 91% das sementes germinadas em substrato comercial, seguida de fibra de coco (88%. O desenvolvimento da raiz e do caule foi maior em tubete e em saco plástico, utilizando-se substrato comercial ou fibra de coco.

  5. The biochemical properties of the Arabidopsis ecto-nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase AtAPY1 contradict a direct role in purinergic signaling.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carolin Massalski

    Full Text Available The Arabidopsis E-NTPDase (ecto-nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase AtAPY1 was previously shown to be involved in growth and development, pollen germination and stress responses. It was proposed to perform these functions through regulation of extracellular ATP signals. However, a GFP-tagged version was localized exclusively in the Golgi and did not hydrolyze ATP. In this study, AtAPY1 without the bulky GFP-tag was biochemically characterized with regard to its suggested role in purinergic signaling. Both the full-length protein and a soluble form without the transmembrane domain near the N-terminus were produced in HEK293 cells. Of the twelve nucleotide substrates tested, only three--GDP, IDP and UDP--were hydrolyzed, confirming that ATP was not a substrate of AtAPY1. In addition, the effects of pH, divalent metal ions, known E-NTPDase inhibitors and calmodulin on AtAPY1 activity were analyzed. AtAPY1-GFP extracted from transgenic Arabidopsis seedlings was included in the analyses. All three AtAPY1 versions exhibited very similar biochemical properties. Activity was detectable in a broad pH range, and Ca(2+, Mg(2+ and Mn(2+ were the three most efficient cofactors. Of the inhibitors tested, vanadate was the most potent one. Surprisingly, sulfonamide-based inhibitors shown to inhibit other E-NTPDases and presumed to inhibit AtAPY1 as well were not effective. Calmodulin stimulated the activity of the GFP-tagless membranous and soluble AtAPY1 forms about five-fold, but did not alter their substrate specificities. The apparent Km values obtained with AtAPY1-GFP indicate that AtAPY1 is primarily a GDPase. A putative three-dimensional structural model of the ecto-domain is presented, explaining the potent inhibitory potential of vanadate and predicting the binding mode of GDP. The found substrate specificity classifies AtAPY1 as a nucleoside diphosphatase typical of N-terminally anchored Golgi E-NTPDases and negates a direct function in

  6. Ductile failure analysis of defective API X65 pipes based on stress-modified fracture strain criterion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oh, Chang Kyun; Kim, Yun Jae; Baek, Jong Hyun; Kim, Young Pyo; Kim, Woo Sik


    A local failure criterion for the API X65 steel is applied to predict ductile failure of full-scale API X65 pipes with simulated corrosion and gouge defects under internal pressure. The local failure criterion is the stress-modified fracture strain for the API X65 steel as a function of the stress triaxiality (defined by the ratio of the hydrostatic stress to the effective stress). Based on detailed FE analyses with the proposed local failure criteria, burst pressures of defective pipes are estimated and compared with experimental data. The predicted burst pressures are in good agreement with experimental data. Noting that an assessment equation against the gouge defect is not yet available, parametric study is performed, from which a simple equation is proposed to predict burst pressure for API X65 pipes with gouge defects

  7. Gas chromatography coupled to atmospheric pressure ionization mass spectrometry (GC-API-MS): review. (United States)

    Li, Du-Xin; Gan, Lin; Bronja, Amela; Schmitz, Oliver J


    Although the coupling of GC/MS with atmospheric pressure ionization (API) has been reported in 1970s, the interest in coupling GC with atmospheric pressure ion source was expanded in the last decade. The demand of a "soft" ion source for preserving highly diagnostic molecular ion is desirable, as compared to the "hard" ionization technique such as electron ionization (EI) in traditional GC/MS, which fragments the molecule in an extensive way. These API sources include atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI), atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI), atmospheric pressure laser ionization (APLI), electrospray ionization (ESI) and low temperature plasma (LTP). This review discusses the advantages and drawbacks of this analytical platform. After an introduction in atmospheric pressure ionization the review gives an overview about the history and explains the mechanisms of various atmospheric pressure ionization techniques used in combination with GC such as APCI, APPI, APLI, ESI and LTP. Also new developments made in ion source geometry, ion source miniaturization and multipurpose ion source constructions are discussed and a comparison between GC-FID, GC-EI-MS and GC-API-MS shows the advantages and drawbacks of these techniques. The review ends with an overview of applications realized with GC-API-MS. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  8. Pim-2 activates API-5 to inhibit the apoptosis of hepatocellular carcinoma cells through NF-kappaB pathway. (United States)

    Ren, Ke; Zhang, Wei; Shi, Yujun; Gong, Jianping


    Pim-2 is proved to be relevant to the tumorigenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), but the mechanism is unclear. We studied the relationship among Pim-2, NF-kappaB and API-5. In our experiment, expression level of the three factors and phosphorylation level of API-5, as well as NF-kappaB activity, were detected in HCC tissues and the nontumorous controls. Then Pim-2 gene was transfected into nontumorous liver cells L02, and Pim-2 SiRNA was transfected into hepatoblastoma cell line HepG2. Parthenolide was added as NF-kappaB inhibitor. The same detections as above were repeated in the cells, along with the apoptosis analysis. We found the levels of Pim-2, NF-kappaB and API-5, as well as NF-kappaB activity, were significantly higher in HCC tissues. Pim-2 level was increased in L02 cells after the transfection of Pim-2 gene, but decreased in HepG2 cells after the transfection of Pim-2 SiRNA. The levels of NF-kappaB and API-5, as well as NF-kappaB activity and API-5 phosphorylation level, were in accordance with Pim-2 level, but could be reversed by Parthenolide. Cell apoptosis rates were negatively correlated with API-5 phosphorylation level. Therefore, we infer that Pim-2 could activate API-5 to inhibit the apoptosis of liver cells, and NF-kappaB is the key regulator.

  9. Pertukaran Data Antar Database Dengan Menggunakan Teknologi API

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ahmad Hanafi


    Full Text Available Electronically data interchange between institutions or companies must be supported with appropriate data storage media capacity. MySQL is a database engine that is used to perform data storage in the form of information, where the data can be utilized as needed. MYSQL has the advantage of which is to provide convenience in terms of usage, and able to work on different platforms. System requirements that must be reliable and multitasking capable of making the database not only as a data storage medium, but can also be utilized as a means of data exchange. Dropbox API is the best solution that can be utilized as a technology that supports the database to be able to Exchange data. The combination of the Dropbox API and database can be used as a very cheap solution for small companies to implement data exchange, because it only requires a relatively small Internet connection.

  10. Sensitivity Analysis of Fatigue Crack Growth Model for API Steels in Gaseous Hydrogen. (United States)

    Amaro, Robert L; Rustagi, Neha; Drexler, Elizabeth S; Slifka, Andrew J


    A model to predict fatigue crack growth of API pipeline steels in high pressure gaseous hydrogen has been developed and is presented elsewhere. The model currently has several parameters that must be calibrated for each pipeline steel of interest. This work provides a sensitivity analysis of the model parameters in order to provide (a) insight to the underlying mathematical and mechanistic aspects of the model, and (b) guidance for model calibration of other API steels.

  11. Mechanical properties of API X80 steel pipe joints welded by Flux Core Arc Weld Process; Propriedades mecanicas de juntas de tubos de aco API X80 soldadas com arame tubulares

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ordonez, Robert E. Cooper; Silva, Jose Hilton F.; Trevisan, Roseana E. [Universidade Estadual de Campinas, SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica. Dept. de Engenharia de Fabricacao


    Flux Core Arc Welding processes (FCAW) are beginning to be applied in pipeline welds, however, very limited experimental data regarding mechanical properties of pipeline weld joints with these processes are available in the literature. In this paper, the effects of preheat temperature and type of FCAW on mechanical properties (microhardness and tensile strength) of API X80 weld joint steel are presented. FCAW processes with gas protection and self-shielded were used. Multipasses welding were applied in 30'' diameter and 0,625'' thickness tubes. Influence factors were: FCAW type and preheat temperature. Acceptance criteria of welded joints were evaluated by API 1104 standard for tensile strength test and ASTM E384-99 for microhardness test. The results obtained showed that FCAW type and preheat temperature have no influence on mechanical properties of API X80 joint steel. (author)

  12. Identification of clinical yeasts by Vitek MS system compared with API ID 32 C. (United States)

    Durán-Valle, M Teresa; Sanz-Rodríguez, Nuria; Muñoz-Paraíso, Carmen; Almagro-Moltó, María; Gómez-Garcés, José Luis


    We performed a clinical evaluation of the Vitek MS matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) system with the commercial database version 2.0 for rapid identification of medically important yeasts as compared with the conventional phenotypic method API ID 32 C. We tested 161 clinical isolates, nine isolates from culture collections and five reference strains. In case of discrepant results or no identification with one or both methods, molecular identification techniques were employed. Concordance between both methods was observed with 160/175 isolates (91.42%) and misidentifications by both systems occurred only when taxa were not included in the respective databases, i.e., one isolate of Candida etchellsii was identified as C. globosa by Vitek MS and two isolates of C. orthopsilosis were identified as C. parapsilosis by API ID 32 C. Vitek MS could not identify nine strains (5.14%) and API ID 32 C did not identify 13 (7.42%). Vitek MS was more reliable than API ID 32 C and reduced the time required for the identification of clinical isolates to only a few minutes.

  13. Sperm use economy of honeybee (Apis mellifera) queens

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Baer, Boris; Collins, Jason; Maalaps, Kristiina


    the fecundity and longevity of queens and therefore colony fitness. We quantified the number of sperm that honeybee (Apis mellifera) queens use to fertilize eggs. We examined sperm use in naturally mated queens of different ages and in queens artificially inseminated with different volumes of semen. We found...

  14. Influence of preheating on API 5L-X80 pipeline joint welding with self shielded flux-cored wire

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cooper, R.; Silva, J. H. F.; Trevisan, R. E.


    The present work refers to the characterization of API 5L-X80 pipeline joints welded with self-shielded flux cored wire. This process was evaluated under preheating conditions, with an uniform and steady heat input. All joints were welded in flat position (1G), with the pipe turning and the torch still. Tube dimensions were 762 mm in external diameter and 16 mm in thickness. Welds were applied on single V-groove, with six weld beads, along with three levels of preheating temperatures (room temperature, 100 degree centigree, 160 degree centigree). These temperatures were maintained as inter pass temperature. The filler metal E71T8-K6 with mechanical properties different from parent metal was used in under matched conditions. The weld characterization is presented according to the mechanical test results of tensile strength, hardness and impact test. The mechanical tests were conducted according to API 1104, AWS and ASTM standards. API 1104 and API 51 were used as screening criteria. According to the results obtained, it was possible to remark that it is appropriate to weld API 5L-X80 steel ducts with Self-shielded Flux Cored wires, in conformance to the API standards and no preheat temperature is necessary. (Author) 22 refs

  15. Néctar de caju adoçado com mel de abelha: desenvolvimento e estabilidade Honey-sweetened cashew apple juice: development and stability

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robson Alves Silva


    Full Text Available Os alimentos e bebidas desenvolvidos atualmente buscam cada vez mais associar sabor agradável com alegações funcionais, oferecendo aos consumidores produtos mais saudáveis. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um néctar de caju adoçado com mel de abelha em substituição à sacarose, estudando também sua estabilidade química, físico-química, sensorial e microbiológica durante 180 dias de armazenamento à temperatura de 28 ± 2 °C. No desenvolvimento do produto avaliaram-se, através de testes afetivos de sabor e aceitação global, quatro formulações (A, B, C e D com diferentes quantidades de suco de caju (15 e 20% associadas a diferentes quantidades de mel em sólidos solúveis (10 e 11 °Brix. A formulação mais aceita foi processada e avaliada após o processamento e a cada 45 dias até o final do período de armazenamento. Dentre as formulações testadas, a preferida pelos provadores foi a formulação D com 20% de suco de caju e 11 °Brix. No estudo de estabilidade o produto manteve boa aceitação sensorial até o final do armazenamento em relação aos atributos: cor, sabor, avaliação global e intenção de compra. O produto manteve padrões microbiológicos satisfatórios de acordo com a legislação durante o armazenamento. As alterações químicas e físico-químicas ocorridas não caracterizaram instabilidade do produto, com exceção da vitamina C que ao final da armazenagem teve um decréscimo acentuado. Trata-se, portanto, de uma alternativa viável ao mercado de bebidas.Food and beverages developed today search the association of pleasant flavor with functional claims, offering consumers healthier products. In this sense, the objective of this work was to develop a ready-to-drink cashew apple juice sweetened with honey in substitution to sucrose and to evaluate its chemical, physicochemical, sensory and microbiological stability during 180 days storage at a temperature of 28 ± 2 °C. In the

  16. “Wrapping” X3DOM around Web Audio API

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andreas Stamoulias


    Full Text Available Spatial sound has a conceptual role in the Web3D environments, due to highly realism scenes that can provide. Lately the efforts are concentrated on the extension of the X3D/ X3DOM through spatial sound attributes. This paper presents a novel method for the introduction of spatial sound components in the X3DOM framework, based on X3D specification and Web Audio API. The proposed method incorporates the introduction of enhanced sound nodes for X3DOM which are derived by the implementation of the X3D standard components, enriched with accessional features of Web Audio API. Moreover, several examples-scenarios developed for the evaluation of our approach. The implemented examples established the achievability of new registered nodes in X3DOM, for spatial sound characteristics in Web3D virtual worlds.

  17. Testing of the structure of macromolecular polymer films containing solid active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) particles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boelcskei, E.; Suevegh, K.; Marek, T.; Regdon, G.; Pintye-Hodi, K.


    The aim of the present study was to investigate the structure of free films of Eudragit L 30D-55 containing different concentrations (0%, 1% or 5%) of diclofenac sodium by positron annihilation spectroscopy. The data revealed that the size of the free-volume holes and the lifetimes of ortho-positronium atoms decreased with increase of the API concentration. Films containing 5% of the API exhibited a different behavior during storage (17 o C, 65% relative humidity (RH)) in consequence of the uptake of water from the air. -- Highlights: → The aim of the present study was to investigate the structure of free films of Eudragit L 30D-55 containing different concentrations (0%, 1% or 5%) of diclofenac sodium by positron annihilation spectroscopy. → The data revealed that the size of the free-volume holes and the lifetimes of ortho-positronium atoms decreased with increase of the API concentration (). → The API distorts the original polymer structure, but as time goes by, the metastable structure relaxes and it is almost totally restored after 3 weeks of storage (17 o C, 65% RH).

  18. Understanding API-polymer proximities in amorphous stabilized composite drug products using fluorine-carbon 2D HETCOR solid-state NMR. (United States)

    Abraham, Anuji; Crull, George


    A simple and robust method for obtaining fluorine-carbon proximities was established using a (19)F-(13)C heteronuclear correlation (HETCOR) two-dimensional (2D) solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (ssNMR) experiment under magic-angle spinning (MAS). The method was applied to study a crystalline active pharmaceutical ingredient (API), avagacestat, containing two types of fluorine atoms and its API-polymer composite drug product. These results provide insight into the molecular structure, aid with assigning the carbon resonances, and probe API-polymer proximities in amorphous spray dried dispersions (SDD). This method has an advantage over the commonly used (1)H-(13)C HETCOR because of the large chemical shift dispersion in the fluorine dimension. In the present study, fluorine-carbon distances up to 8 Å were probed, giving insight into the API structure, crystal packing, and assignments. Most importantly, the study demonstrates a method for probing an intimate molecular level contact between an amorphous API and a polymer in an SDD, giving insights into molecular association and understanding of the role of the polymer in API stability (such as recrystallization, degradation, etc.) in such novel composite drug products.

  19. Draft genome sequence of the Algerian bee Apis mellifera intermissa

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    Nizar Jamal Haddad


    Full Text Available Apis mellifera intermissa is the native honeybee subspecies of Algeria. A. m. intermissa occurs in Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco, between the Atlas and the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts. This bee is very important due to its high ability to adapt to great variations in climatic conditions and due to its preferable cleaning behavior. Here we report the draft genome sequence of this honey bee, its Whole Genome Shotgun project has been deposited at DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank under the accession JSUV00000000. The 240-Mb genome is being annotated and analyzed. Comparison with the genome of other Apis mellifera sub-species promises to yield insights into the evolution of adaptations to high temperature and resistance to Varroa parasite infestation.

  20. Effects of Apis mellifera adansonii, L. 1758 (Apidae: Hymenoptera ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Effects of Apis mellifera adansonii, L. 1758 (Apidae: Hymenoptera) pollination on yields of Cucumeropsis mannii (Naudin) in Kisangani, Democratic Republic of Congo. Boniface Posho Ndola, Yves Brostaux, Guillaume Le Goff, Marie-Lucie Susini, Eric Haubruge, Frederic Francis, Bach Kim Nguyen ...

  1. Dispersibility of lactose fines as compared to API in dry powders for inhalation. (United States)

    Thalberg, Kyrre; Åslund, Simon; Skogevall, Marcus; Andersson, Patrik


    This work investigates the dispersion performance of fine lactose particles as function of processing time, and compares it to the API, using Beclomethasone Dipropionate (BDP) as model API. The total load of fine particles is kept constant in the formulations while the proportions of API and lactose fines are varied. Fine particle assessment demonstrates that the lactose fines have higher dispersibility than the API. For standard formulations, processing time has a limited effect on the Fine Particle Fraction (FPF). For formulations containing magnesium stearate (MgSt), FPF of BDP is heavily influenced by processing time, with an initial increase, followed by a decrease at longer mixing times. An equation modeling the observed behavior is presented. Surprisingly, the dispersibility of the lactose fines present in the same formulation remains unaffected by mixing time. Magnesium analysis demonstrates that MgSt is transferred to the fine particles during the mixing process, thus lubrication both BDP and lactose fines, which leads to an increased FPF. Dry particle sizing of the formulations reveals a loss of fine particles at longer mixing times. Incorporation of fine particles into the carrier surfaces is believed to be behind this, and is hence a mechanism of importance as regards the dispersion performance of dry powders for inhalation. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. Pollinator guild organization and its consequences for reproduction in three synchronopatric species of Tibouchina (Melastomataceae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Maria Franco


    ólen ou se cada planta ocupa manchas distintas do hábitat. A reprodução de Tibouchina cerastifolia (Naudin Cogn., T. clinopodifolia (DC. Cogn. e T. gracilis (Bonpl. Cogn. foi estudada em Floresta Atlântica para verificar se a sincronopatria levava à partilha temporal das espécies de polinizadores. Onze espécies de abelhas compuseram a guilda de polinizadores. Entre eles, houve sobreposição na composição de espécies de polinizadores e no período de visitação floral. A competição direta por pólen em Tibouchina Aubl. na área de estudo parece levar a distintos períodos de atividade entre as abelhas, onde Bombus pauloensis Friese,1913 foi mais ativa mais cedo enquanto que as outras espécies foram ativas mais tarde. Bombus pauloensis, a maior espécie de abelha registrada em nas flores de Tibouchina, foi o polinizador mais importante e eficiente. Esta espécie coletava pólen antes das outras abelhas e apresentou um menor tempo de manipulação das anteras. As plantas se reproduziram sexuadamente, por autogamia e xenogamia e a hibridação não foi inibida por reações de incompatibilidade no estilete. A ausência de competição direta por pólen e de partilha de polinizadores pode refletir uma interação de facilitação entre estas três espécies pioneiras e sincronopátricas de Tibouchina.

  3. Apis - a Digital Inventory of Archaeological Heritage Based on Remote Sensing Data (United States)

    Doneus, M.; Forwagner, U.; Liem, J.; Sevara, C.


    Heritage managers are in need of dynamic spatial inventories of archaeological and cultural heritage that provide them with multipurpose tools to interactively understand information about archaeological heritage within its landscape context. Specifically, linking site information with the respective non-invasive prospection data is of increasing importance as it allows for the assessment of inherent uncertainties related to the use and interpretation of remote sensing data by the educated and knowledgeable heritage manager. APIS, the archaeological prospection information system of the Aerial Archive of the University of Vienna, is specifically designed to meet these needs. It provides storage and easy access to all data concerning aerial photographs and archaeological sites through a single GIS-based application. Furthermore, APIS has been developed in an open source environment, which allows it to be freely distributed and modified. This combination in one single open source system facilitates an easy workflow for data management, interpretation, storage, and retrieval. APIS and a sample dataset will be released free of charge under creative commons license in near future.

  4. Solar Eclipse Computer API: Planning Ahead for August 2017 (United States)

    Bartlett, Jennifer L.; Chizek Frouard, Malynda; Lesniak, Michael V.; Bell, Steve


    With the total solar eclipse of 2017 August 21 over the continental United States approaching, the U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO) on-line Solar Eclipse Computer can now be accessed via an application programming interface (API). This flexible interface returns local circumstances for any solar eclipse in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) that can be incorporated into third-party Web sites or applications. For a given year, it can also return a list of solar eclipses that can be used to build a more specific request for local circumstances. Over the course of a particular eclipse as viewed from a specific site, several events may be visible: the beginning and ending of the eclipse (first and fourth contacts), the beginning and ending of totality (second and third contacts), the moment of maximum eclipse, sunrise, or sunset. For each of these events, the USNO Solar Eclipse Computer reports the time, Sun's altitude and azimuth, and the event's position and vertex angles. The computer also reports the duration of the total phase, the duration of the eclipse, the magnitude of the eclipse, and the percent of the Sun obscured for a particular eclipse site. On-line documentation for using the API-enabled Solar Eclipse Computer, including sample calls, is available ( The same Web page also describes how to reach the Complete Sun and Moon Data for One Day, Phases of the Moon, Day and Night Across the Earth, and Apparent Disk of a Solar System Object services using API calls.For those who prefer using a traditional data input form, local circumstances can still be requested that way at In addition, the 2017 August 21 Solar Eclipse Resource page ( consolidates all of the USNO resources for this event, including a Google Map view of the eclipse track designed by Her Majesty's Nautical Almanac Office (HMNAO). Looking further ahead, a

  5. Produção de geleia real em colônias de abelhas africanizadas considerando diferentes suplementos proteicos e a influência de fatores ambientais - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v32i1.6836 Royal jelly production in Africanized honeybee colonies considering different protein supplements and the influence of environmental factors - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v32i1.6836

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Cláudia Colla Ruvolo-Takasusuki


    Full Text Available O objetivo foi avaliar o efeito da suplementação proteica sobre a produção de geleia real em colônias de Apis mellifera e correlacionar esta produção com as variáveis climáticas. Os tratamentos foram: colônias que receberam uma ração elaborada com 35% de proteína; colônias que receberam suplemento proteico comercial com 35% de proteína bruta e colônias que não receberam ração proteica. Não houve diferença (p > 0,05 entre os tratamentos para as variáveis de produção. As médias foram: quantidade de larvas aceitas, 8,56 ± 6,76; porcentagem de aceitação, 29,20 ± 22,03%; quantidade de geleia real produzida por colônia, 1,83 ± 0,82 g e quantidade produzida por cúpula, 213,58 ± 108,36 mg. A precipitação pluviométrica não influenciou (p > 0,05 a produção de geleia real. Os modelos selecionados evidenciaram que houve efeito negativo da temperatura máxima e umidade relativa mínima do ar com número de larvas aceitas. Observou-se que a porcentagem de aceitação de larvas e a produção de geleia real por colônias apresentaram correlação positiva com a umidade relativa máxima e negativa com a umidade relativa mínima. Pode-se concluir que a adição de suplemento proteico (35% não aumentou a produção de geleia real das colônias de abelhas africanizadas e seu uso para esta finalidade foi economicamente inviável.This research was carried out to evaluate the effect of proteic supplement on royal jelly production in honeybee colonies and its correlation with environmental variables. The treatments were: colonies that had received a diet formulated with 35% crude protein, colonies that had received a commercial supplement with 35% crude protein, and colonies that did not receive protein diet. There was no difference (p > 0.05 among the treatments for parameters of production. The average for each variable was: amount accepted larvae, 8.56 ± 6.76; acceptance percentage, 29.20 ± 22.03%; amount of royal jelly

  6. JUPITER: Joint Universal Parameter IdenTification and Evaluation of Reliability - An Application Programming Interface (API) for Model Analysis (United States)

    Banta, Edward R.; Poeter, Eileen P.; Doherty, John E.; Hill, Mary C.


    he Joint Universal Parameter IdenTification and Evaluation of Reliability Application Programming Interface (JUPITER API) improves the computer programming resources available to those developing applications (computer programs) for model analysis.The JUPITER API consists of eleven Fortran-90 modules that provide for encapsulation of data and operations on that data. Each module contains one or more entities: data, data types, subroutines, functions, and generic interfaces. The modules do not constitute computer programs themselves; instead, they are used to construct computer programs. Such computer programs are called applications of the API. The API provides common modeling operations for use by a variety of computer applications.The models being analyzed are referred to here as process models, and may, for example, represent the physics, chemistry, and(or) biology of a field or laboratory system. Process models commonly are constructed using published models such as MODFLOW (Harbaugh et al., 2000; Harbaugh, 2005), MT3DMS (Zheng and Wang, 1996), HSPF (Bicknell et al., 1997), PRMS (Leavesley and Stannard, 1995), and many others. The process model may be accessed by a JUPITER API application as an external program, or it may be implemented as a subroutine within a JUPITER API application . In either case, execution of the model takes place in a framework designed by the application programmer. This framework can be designed to take advantage of any parallel processing capabilities possessed by the process model, as well as the parallel-processing capabilities of the JUPITER API.Model analyses for which the JUPITER API could be useful include, for example: Compare model results to observed values to determine how well the model reproduces system processes and characteristics.Use sensitivity analysis to determine the information provided by observations to parameters and predictions of interest.Determine the additional data needed to improve selected model

  7. Automation of ReactomeFIViz via CyREST API [version 2; referees: 2 approved

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fred Loney


    Full Text Available Pathway- and network-based approaches project seemingly unrelated genes onto the context of pathways and networks, enhancing the analysis power that cannot be achieved via gene-based approaches. Pathway and network approaches are routinely applied in large-scale data analysis for cancer and other complicated diseases. ReactomeFIViz is a Cytoscape app, providing features for researchers to perform pathway- and network-based data analysis and visualization by leveraging manually curated Reactome pathways and highly reliable Reactome functional interaction network. To facilitate adoption of this app in bioinformatics software pipeline and workflow development, we develop a CyREST API for ReactomeFIViz by exposing some major features in the app. We describe a use case to demonstrate the use of this API in a Python-based notebook, and believe the new API will provide the community a convenient and powerful tool to perform pathway- and network-based data analysis and visualization using our app in an automatic way.

  8. Resisting majesty: Apis cerana, has lower antennal sensitivity and decreased attraction to queen mandibular pheromone than Apis mellifera (United States)

    Dong, Shihao; Wen, Ping; Zhang, Qi; Li, Xinyu; Tan, Ken; Nieh, James


    In highly social bees, queen mandibular pheromone (QMP) is vital for colony life. Both Apis cerana (Ac) and Apis mellifera (Am) share an evolutionarily conserved set of QMP compounds: (E)-9-oxodec-2-enoic acid (9-ODA), (E)-9-hydroxydec-2-enoic acid (9-HDA), (E)-10-hydroxy-dec-2-enoic acid (10-HDA), 10-hydroxy-decanoic acid (10-HDAA), and methyl p-hydroxybenzoate (HOB) found at similar levels. However, evidence suggests there may be species-specific sensitivity differences to QMP compounds because Ac workers have higher levels of ovarian activation than Am workers. Using electroantennograms, we found species-specific sensitivity differences for a blend of the major QMP compounds and three individual compounds (9-HDA, 10-HDAA, and 10-HDA). As predicted, Am was more sensitive than Ac in all cases (1.3- to 2.7- fold higher responses). There were also species differences in worker retinue attraction to three compounds (9-HDA, HOB, and 10-HDA). In all significantly different cases, Am workers were 4.5- to 6.2-fold more strongly attracted than Ac workers were. Thus, Ac workers responded less strongly to QMP than Ac workers, and 9-HDA and 10-HDA consistently elicited stronger antennal and retinue formation responses.

  9. libChEBI: an API for accessing the ChEBI database. (United States)

    Swainston, Neil; Hastings, Janna; Dekker, Adriano; Muthukrishnan, Venkatesh; May, John; Steinbeck, Christoph; Mendes, Pedro


    ChEBI is a database and ontology of chemical entities of biological interest. It is widely used as a source of identifiers to facilitate unambiguous reference to chemical entities within biological models, databases, ontologies and literature. ChEBI contains a wealth of chemical data, covering over 46,500 distinct chemical entities, and related data such as chemical formula, charge, molecular mass, structure, synonyms and links to external databases. Furthermore, ChEBI is an ontology, and thus provides meaningful links between chemical entities. Unlike many other resources, ChEBI is fully human-curated, providing a reliable, non-redundant collection of chemical entities and related data. While ChEBI is supported by a web service for programmatic access and a number of download files, it does not have an API library to facilitate the use of ChEBI and its data in cheminformatics software. To provide this missing functionality, libChEBI, a comprehensive API library for accessing ChEBI data, is introduced. libChEBI is available in Java, Python and MATLAB versions from, and provides full programmatic access to all data held within the ChEBI database through a simple and documented API. libChEBI is reliant upon the (automated) download and regular update of flat files that are held locally. As such, libChEBI can be embedded in both on- and off-line software applications. libChEBI allows better support of ChEBI and its data in the development of new cheminformatics software. Covering three key programming languages, it allows for the entirety of the ChEBI database to be accessed easily and quickly through a simple API. All code is open access and freely available.

  10. The Auroral Planetary Imaging and Spectroscopy (APIS) service (United States)

    Lamy, L.; Prangé, R.; Henry, F.; Le Sidaner, P.


    The Auroral Planetary Imaging and Spectroscopy (APIS) service, accessible online, provides an open and interactive access to processed auroral observations of the outer planets and their satellites. Such observations are of interest for a wide community at the interface between planetology, magnetospheric and heliospheric physics. APIS consists of (i) a high level database, built from planetary auroral observations acquired by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) since 1997 with its mostly used Far-Ultraviolet spectro-imagers, (ii) a dedicated search interface aimed at browsing efficiently this database through relevant conditional search criteria and (iii) the ability to interactively work with the data online through plotting tools developed by the Virtual Observatory (VO) community, such as Aladin and Specview. This service is VO compliant and can therefore also been queried by external search tools of the VO community. The diversity of available data and the capability to sort them out by relevant physical criteria shall in particular facilitate statistical studies, on long-term scales and/or multi-instrumental multi-spectral combined analysis.

  11. Long Term Storage of Ascosphaera aggregata and A. apis Pathogens of the Leafcutting Bee (Megachile rotundata) and the Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) (United States)

    Survival of Ascosphaera aggregata and A. apis over the course of a year were tested using different storage treatments. For spores, the methods tested were freeze drying and ultra-low temperature storage, and for hyphae, freeze drying, agar slants covered with water, and two methods of ultra-low tem...

  12. Testing of the structure of macromolecular polymer films containing solid active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) particles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boelcskei, E. [Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, University of Szeged, H-6720 Szeged, Eoetvoes u. 6 (Hungary); Suevegh, K. [Laboratory of Nuclear Chemistry, Eoetvoes Lorand University, H-1518 Budapest 112, P.O. Box 32 (Hungary); Marek, T. [Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Group for Nuclear Techniques in Structural Chemistry, Eoetvoes Lorand University, H-1518 Budapest 112, P.O. Box 32 (Hungary); Regdon, G. [Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, University of Szeged, H-6720 Szeged, Eoetvoes u. 6 (Hungary); Pintye-Hodi, K., E-mail: klara.hodi@pharm.u-szeged.h [Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, University of Szeged, H-6720 Szeged, Eoetvoes u. 6 (Hungary)


    The aim of the present study was to investigate the structure of free films of Eudragit{sup L} 30D-55 containing different concentrations (0%, 1% or 5%) of diclofenac sodium by positron annihilation spectroscopy. The data revealed that the size of the free-volume holes and the lifetimes of ortho-positronium atoms decreased with increase of the API concentration. Films containing 5% of the API exhibited a different behavior during storage (17 {sup o}C, 65% relative humidity (RH)) in consequence of the uptake of water from the air. -- Highlights: {yields} The aim of the present study was to investigate the structure of free films of Eudragit{sup L} 30D-55 containing different concentrations (0%, 1% or 5%) of diclofenac sodium by positron annihilation spectroscopy. {yields} The data revealed that the size of the free-volume holes and the lifetimes of ortho-positronium atoms decreased with increase of the API concentration (). {yields} The API distorts the original polymer structure, but as time goes by, the metastable structure relaxes and it is almost totally restored after 3 weeks of storage (17 {sup o}C, 65% RH).

  13. Hybrid origins of Australian honeybees (Apis mellifera)


    Chapman , Nadine C.; Harpur , Brock A.; Lim , Julianne; Rinderer , Thomas E.; Allsopp , Michael H.; Zayed , Amro; Oldroyd , Benjamin P.


    International audience; Abstract With increased globalisation and homogenisation, the maintenance of genetic integrity in local populations of agriculturally important species is of increasing concern. The western honeybee (Apis mellifera) provides an interesting perspective as it is both managed and wild, with a large native range and much larger introduced range. We employed a newly created 95 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) test to characterise the genetic ancestry of the Australian c...

  14. Seminal fluid of honeybees contains multiple mechanisms to combat infections of the sexually transmitted pathogen Nosema apis. (United States)

    Peng, Yan; Grassl, Julia; Millar, A Harvey; Baer, Boris


    The societies of ants, bees and wasps are genetically closed systems where queens only mate during a brief mating episode prior to their eusocial life and males therefore provide queens with a lifetime supply of high-quality sperm. These ejaculates also contain a number of defence proteins that have been detected in the seminal fluid but their function and efficiency have never been investigated in great detail. Here, we used the honeybee Apis mellifera and quantified whether seminal fluid is able to combat infections of the fungal pathogen Nosema apis, a widespread honeybee parasite that is also sexually transmitted. We provide the first empirical evidence that seminal fluid has a remarkable antimicrobial activity against N. apis spores and that antimicrobial seminal fluid components kill spores in multiple ways. The protein fraction of seminal fluid induces extracellular spore germination, which disrupts the life cycle of N. apis, whereas the non-protein fraction of seminal fluid induces a direct viability loss of intact spores. We conclude that males provide their ejaculates with efficient antimicrobial molecules that are able to kill N. apis spores and thereby reduce the risk of disease transmission during mating. Our findings could be of broader significance to master honeybee diseases in managed honeybee stock in the future. © 2016 The Author(s).

  15. Comparative pollen preferences by africanized honeybees Apis mellifera L. of two colonies in Pará de Minas, Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Cynthia F.P. da Luz


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to investigate the polliniferous floral sources used by Apis mellifera (L. (africanized in an apiary situated in Pará de Minas, Minas Gerais state, and evaluate the pollen prefences among the beehives. Two beehives of Langstroth type with frontal pollen trap collectors were used. The harvest was made from September 2007 to March 2008, with three samples of pollen pellets colected per month per beehive. The subsamples of 2 grams each were prepared according to the European standard melissopalynological method. A total of 56 pollen types were observed, identifying 43 genus and 32 families. The families that showed the major richness of pollen types were: Mimosaceae (8, Asteraceae (6, Fabaceae (3, Arecaceae (3, Euphorbiaceae (3, Rubiaceae (3, Caesalpiniaceae (2, Moraceae (2 and Myrtaceae (2. The most frequent pollen types (> 45% were Mimosa scabrella, Myrcia and Sorocea. The results demonstrated a similarity regarding the preferences of floral sources during the major part of the time. There was a distinct utilization of floral sources among the pollen types of minor frequency. In spite of the strong antropic influence, the region showed a great polliniferous variety, which was an indicative of the potential for monofloral as well as heterofloral pollen production.O objetivo deste trabalho foi conheceras fontes poliníferas utilizadas por Apis mellifera (L. (africanizadas em um apiário localizado em Pará de Minas, Minas Gerais e avaliar as preferências alimentares entre colméias. Para a pesquisa foram utilizadas duas colméias do tipo Langstroth com coletores de pólen do tipo dianteiro. As coletas foram realizadas de setembro de 2007 a marjo de 2008, perfazendo um total mensal de 3 lotes de amostras de cargas de pólen por colméia. As subamostras de 2g foram preparadas segundo o método melissopalinologico padrão europeu. Foram observados 56 tipos polínicos, reconhecendo-se 43 gêneros e 32 famílias. As fam

  16. Composição e propriedades terapêuticas do mel de abelha.

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    R. A. SILVA


    Full Text Available

    O mel é uma solução supersaturada de açúcares (principalmente glicose e frutose, mas também possui outros constituintes que mesmo em pequenas concentrações, fazem do mel um produto muito rico em vitaminas, minerais, compostos fenólicos e enzimas. É um produto utilizado em todo o mundo, não só pela sua propriedade adoçante, mas também como promotor de saúde. Os consumidores em geral consideram o mel uma fonte natural de saúde devido às suas qualidades terapêuticas tais como: atividade antimicrobiana, protetor de doenças gastrointestinais, propriedades antioxidantes, propriedades prebióticas, além de ser uma boa fonte de energia. No entanto, vale salientar que a composição e as propriedades do mel variam de acordo com a fonte floral.

  17. Analisis Fitur M-Ticketing PT. Kereta Api Indonesia sebagai Bagian dari Customer Relation Management (CRM)


    Hijrih, Fatchul; Prasetyo, Taufan Harry


    Sebagai Perusahaan jasa tranportasi darat yaitu kereta api, PT. Kereta Api Indonesia perlu memperhatikan aspek pelayanan terhadap pelanggan dengan memperhatikan fitur-fitur Customer Relation Management dalam membuat dalam membuat aplikasi-aplikasi yang berhubungan langsung dengan pelanggan, salah satunya m-ticketing. Kemunculan m-ticketing KAI saat ini digunakan sebagai alat penjualan tiket saja. Hal ini dapat terlihat dari menu atau fitur-fitur yang disematkan kedalam aplikasi tersebut. Adan...

  18. An Update to the EARTHTIME Argon Intercalibration Pipette System (APIS): Smoking from the Same Pipe (United States)

    Turrin, B. D.; Swisher, C. C., III; Hemming, S. R.; Renne, P. R.; Deino, A. L.; Hodges, K. V.; Van Soest, M. C.; Heizler, M. T.


    Background: An initial 40Ar/39Ar inter-calibration experiment, using two of the most commonly used 40Ar/39Ar mineral standards, Fish Canyon (FC, ~28.2 Ma) and Alder Creek (AC, ~1.2 Ma) sanidines, revealed significant inter-laboratory inconsistencies. The reported ages for the AC sanidines range from 1.173 to 1.200 Ma (FC 28.02) (±~2%), ~4 times greater than the reported precisions. These experiments have motivated the 40Ar/39Ar community to reevaluate procedures and subsequent informal lab intercalibrations experiments are in better agreement, but discrepancies remain that need to be addressed. Experiment: In an effort to isolate the causes of these inconsistencies, an Argon Intercalibration Pipette System (APIS) was designed and constructed. The APIS system consists of three gas canisters; one containing atmospheric Ar and the other two canisters contain 40Ar/39Ar ratios that represent FC and AC. The volumes of the pipettes, bulbs and manifold are determined to within 0.4% and both systems were initially filled to the same pressure with Ar standard gases. Each canister has 4x10-10 moles of 40Ar, is equipped with a 0.1, 0.2 and 0.4 cc pipettes and can deliver increments from 0.1-0.7 cc. APIS-1 was designated as the traveling unit that is brought to participating labs, APIS-2 is the reserve/master standard. Early Results and Impressions: APIS-1 has been to four labs (Rutgers, LDEO, New Mexico Tech, and BGC) and is heading to ASU. Early APIS experimental data indicate that the inter-laboratory 40Ar/39Ar age results can meet or exceed the EARTHTIME goal of ±1‰ precision. The inter-laboratory comparisons are ongoing, and will include additional laboratories of opportunity. Lastly, the development of additional mineral standards that "fill in" the age gaps between the existing mineral standards would significantly improve attempting to achieve interlaboratory agreement at the ±1‰ level

  19. The simulation of CAMAC system based on Windows API

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Lei; Song Yushou; Xi Yinyin; Yan Qiang; Liu Huilan; Li Taosheng


    Based on Windows API, a kind of design method to simulate the CAMAC System, which is commonly used in nuclear physics experiments, is developed. Using C++ object-oriented programming, the simulation is carried out in the environment of Visual Studio 2010 and the interfaces, the data-way, the control commands and the modules are simulated with the functions either user-defined or from Windows API. Applying this method, the amplifier plug AMP575A produced by ORTEC is simulated and performance experiments are studied for this simulation module. The results indicate that the simulation module can fulfill the function of pole-zero adjustment, which means this method is competent for the simulation of CAMAC System. Compared with the simulation based on LabVIEW, this way is more flexible and closer to the bottom of the system. All the works above have found a path to making the virtual instrument platform based on CAMAC system. (authors)

  20. 360-MAM-Affect: Sentiment Analysis with the Google Prediction API and EmoSenticNet

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    Eleanor Mulholland


    Full Text Available Online recommender systems are useful for media asset management where they select the best content from a set of media assets. We have developed an architecture for 360-MAM- Select, a recommender system for educational video content. 360-MAM-Select will utilise sentiment analysis and gamification techniques for the recommendation of media assets. 360-MAM-Select will increase user participation with digital content through improved video recommendations. Here, we discuss the architecture of 360-MAM-Select and the use of the Google Prediction API and EmoSenticNet for 360-MAM-Affect, 360-MAM-Select's sentiment analysis module. Results from testing two models for sentiment analysis, Sentiment Classifier (Google Prediction API and EmoSenticNetClassifer (Google Prediction API + EmoSenticNet are promising. Future work includes the implementation and testing of 360-MAM-Select on video data from YouTube EDU and Head Squeeze.

  1. Studi Eksperimen Distribusi Temperatur Nyala Api Kompor Bioetanol Tipe Side Burner dengan Variasi Diameter Firewall

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    R.R. Vienna Sona Saputri Soetadi


    Full Text Available Untuk mendapatkan kompor bioetanol efisiensi thermal maksimal diperlukan penelitian komprehensif. Salah satunya adalah penelitian terhadap posisi peletakkan beban pada kompor bioetanol kompak. Pengujian dilakukan pada kompor uji bioetanol dengan kadar 99%, yaitu kompor bioetanol tipe side burner dengan firewall 2.5 inci dan firewall 3 inci. Pengukuran temperatur api dengan 13 thermocouple K dengan pengukuran searah api keatas setiap 5 mm-an. Kemudian, water boiling test dilakukan untuk mendapatkan daya dan beban dan dilanjutkan mengukur waktu pendidihan air. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan gambaran total distribusi temperatur nyala api difusi. Hasil menunjukkan untuk kompor 2.5 inci dengan daya 1.6 kW mempunyai temperatur 542 ºC dengan jarak ketinggian 5 mm dari rim kompor sedangkan kompor 3 inci menghasilkan daya 2.38 kW dengan temperatur 516 ºC.

  2. The effects of honey (Apis dorsata) supplements on increased bone strength in ovariectomized rat as animal model of osteoporosis (United States)

    Yudaniayanti, Ira Sari; Primarizky, Hardany; Nangoi, Lianny


    Osteoporosis is a chronic skeletal disease characterized by low bone mass and microarchitectural deterioration with a consequent increase in bone fragility and fracture risk. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of honey (Apis dorsata) supplements on increased bone strength in ovariectomized rat as animal models of osteoporosis. Twenty female rats at 3 months of age, weighing 150-200 g were used in the study. The rats were divided into five groups (n=4) : Sham operation group (SH); ovariectomy group no treatment(OVX); ovariectomy with treatment Apis dorsata 1g/Kg BW (AD-1); ovariectomy with treatment Apis dorsata 2g/Kg BW (AD-2); ovariectomy with treatment Apis dorsata 4g/Kg BW (AD-3). The treatment started to be given the next day after ovariectomy operation for 12 weeks. The Rats were sacrified within 12 weeks, and then the right femur were taken bone strength test. Based on the statistical analysis of the bone strength test, the greatest score belongs to the Sham operation group (SH) that have significant difference (p0,05). In conclusion, honey (Apis dorsata) supplements has the effect of increasing bone strength in ovariectomized rat as animal models of osteoporosis, so that honey (Apis dorsata) supplements has the potential to be used as an alternative treatment for osteoporosis.

  3. Pollen storages in nests of bees of the genera Partamona, Scaura and Trigona (Hymenoptera, Apidae Pólen estocado nos ninhos de abelhas dos gêneros Partamona, Scaura e Trigona (Hymenoptera, Apidae

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    André Rodrigo Rech


    Full Text Available Bees and angiosperms established a mutualistic relationship along the evolutionary time. The aim of this study is to contribute for the understanding of this relation analyzing pollen stored by stingless bees colonies distributed along the Rio Negro. Fourteen species of Meliponini from the genera Partamona, Scaura, and Trigona were studied with regard to the content of pollen pots. The pollen material was removed from the pollen pots, homogenized, and prepared according to the usual acetolysis technique. The overlap of the trophic niche and the grouping of species by similarity of niches was calculated. The identification revealed 78 pollen types belonging to 36 families, being 37 types attractive and 16 considered as promoters of a temporary specialization event. With the results, it was possible to indicate a list of important plants for meliponiculture in the Amazon.Abelhas e plantas estabeleceram ao longo do tempo evolutivo uma relação mutualística. Buscando contribuir para o entendimento dessa relação, foi analisado o pólen estocado por colônias de abelhas-sem-ferrão distribuídas ao longo do rio Negro. Foram estudados potes de pólen de 14 espécies de Meliponini dos gêneros Partamona, Scaura e Trigona. O material polínico foi retirado dos potes de pólen, homogeneizado e preparado segundo técnica usual de acetólise. Foram calculados a sobreposição de nicho trófico e o agrupamento das espécies pela similaridade de nichos. Foi identificado o total de 78 tipos polínicos, pertencentes a 36 famílias, sendo 37 destes, considerados atrativos, enquanto 16 foram promotores de eventos de especialização temporária. Com os resultados obtidos foi possível indicar uma lista de plantas de importância para a meliponicultura na Amazônia.

  4. The E3 ubiquitin ligases β-TrCP and FBXW7 cooperatively mediates GSK3-dependent Mcl-1 degradation induced by the Akt inhibitor API-1, resulting in apoptosis. (United States)

    Ren, Hui; Koo, Junghui; Guan, Baoxiang; Yue, Ping; Deng, Xingming; Chen, Mingwei; Khuri, Fadlo R; Sun, Shi-Yong


    The novel Akt inhibitor, API-1, induces apoptosis through undefined mechanisms. The current study focuses on revealing the mechanisms by which API-1 induces apoptosis. API-1 rapidly and potently reduced the levels of Mcl-1 primarily in API-1-senstive lung cancer cell lines. Ectopic expression of Mcl-1 protected cells from induction of apoptosis by API-1. API-1 treatment decreased the half-life of Mcl-1, whereas inhibition of the proteasome with MG132 rescued Mcl-1 reduction induced by API-1. API-1 decreased Mcl-1 levels accompanied with a rapid increase in Mcl-1 phosphorylation (S159/T163). Moreover, inhibition of GSK3 inhibited Mcl-1 phosphorylation and reduction induced by API-1 and antagonized the effect of API-1 on induction of apoptosis. Knockdown of either FBXW7 or β-TrCP alone, both of which are E3 ubiquitin ligases involved in Mcl-1 degradation, only partially rescued Mcl-1 reduction induced by API-1. However, double knockdown of both E3 ubiquitin ligases enhanced the rescue of API-1-induced Mcl-1 reduction. API-1 induces GSK3-dependent, β-TrCP- and FBXW7-mediated Mcl-1 degradation, resulting in induction of apoptosis.

  5. Effects of Apis mellifera adansonii, L. 1758 (Apidae: Hymenoptera ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    pollination on yields of Cucumeropsis mannii (Naudin) in Kisangani, ... 1Unit of Functional and Evolutionary Entomology, University of Liège, ... number of fruits per plant, average weight of seeds extracted per fruit, ... enhance symbiotic interactions Apis mellifera with C. mannii in DRC. ..... Trends in Ecology and Evolution,.

  6. Flight behaviour of honey bee (Apis mellifera) workers is altered by initial infections of the fungal parasite Nosema apis (United States)

    Dosselli, Ryan; Grassl, Julia; Carson, Andrew; Simmons, Leigh W.; Baer, Boris


    Honey bees (Apis mellifera) host a wide range of parasites, some being known contributors towards dramatic colony losses as reported over recent years. To counter parasitic threats, honey bees possess effective immune systems. Because immune responses are predicted to cause substantial physiological costs for infected individuals, they are expected to trade off with other life history traits that ultimately affect the performance and fitness of the entire colony. Here, we tested whether the initial onset of an infection negatively impacts the flight behaviour of honey bee workers, which is an energetically demanding behaviour and a key component of foraging activities. To do this, we infected workers with the widespread fungal pathogen Nosema apis, which is recognised and killed by the honey bee immune system. We compared their survival and flight behaviour with non-infected individuals from the same cohort and colony using radio frequency identification tags (RFID). We found that over a time frame of four days post infection, Nosema did not increase mortality but workers quickly altered their flight behaviour and performed more flights of shorter duration. We conclude that parasitic infections influence foraging activities, which could reduce foraging ranges of colonies and impact their ability to provide pollination services. PMID:27827404

  7. Caracterização físico-química de amostras de mel de abelha africanizada dos municípios de Santa Helena e Terra Roxa (PR

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    F.J. Moraes


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve como objetivo a caracterização físico-química de amostras de mel de Apis mellifera coletadas nos municípios de Santa Helena e Terra Roxa, localizados na região oeste do Estado do Paraná, Brasil. Foram coletadas 40 amostras de mel, sendo 20 do município de Santa Helena e 20 de Terra Roxa (PR, coletadas diretamente com os apicultores, as quais foram submetidas a análises físico-químicas de umidade, acidez, pH, cinzas, condutividade elétrica e cor, a fim de verificar se as mesmas apresentavam-se em conformidade com a legislação nacional vigente (Instrução Normativa nº 11, além de conhecer o perfil físico-químico do mel das diferentes localidades, na safra 2008/2009. Os dados encontrados foram submetidos à análise de variância e teste F a 5% de significância. Os resultados apresentaram diferença significativa (P<0,05 apenas entre os valores de acidez, tendo o mel oriundo de Terra Roxa apresentado valor mais alto (33,45±7, que o de Santa Helena (24,53±6, Em sua maioria, as amostras analisadas encontraram-se dentro das especificações determinadas pela legislação para as características físico-químicas, com exceção do parâmetro de umidade, que, apesar de não ter apresentado diferença significativa entre os valores encontrados para os dois municípios, estavam acima do limite estabelecido pela legislação (20% em 8 amostras do município de Santa Helena e em 7 de Terra Roxa, totalizando 37,5% das amostras. Essa característica pode ter deixado o produto mais susceptível à fermentação e pode ter sido ocasionada pela colheita imatura do mel.

  8. Silk formation mechanisms in the larval salivary glands of Apis ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    The mechanism of silk formation in Apis mellifera salivary glands, during the 5th instar, was studied. Larval salivary glands .... be used in the silk-manufacture industry. This paper analyses .... (figure 3C); and are highly birefringent (figure 3D).

  9. Improving honey production in worker bees (Apis mellifera adansoni ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Modification of feeding activity, nursing care and undertaker behaviour were carried out among some colonies of honey bees Apis mellifera adansoni L to know the effect on honey production. Apiaries Numbers 1, 2 and 3 contain three replicates of experimental hives while apiary Number 4 contains control hives. All the ...

  10. Standard methods for research on apis mellifera gut symbionts (United States)

    Gut microbes can play an important role in digestion, disease resistance, and the general health of animals, but little is known about the biology of gut symbionts in Apis mellifera. This paper is part of a series on honey bee research methods, providing protocols for studying gut symbionts. We desc...

  11. Pathogen detection and gut bacteria identification in Apis cerana ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    other lactic acid bacteria, were isolated from larvae and adult workers, but gave conflicting preliminary identities based on their biochemistry-morphology versus sequence analysis of a partial fragment (1.4 kb) of their 16S rRNA. Key words: Apis cerana indica, bee pathogens, gut bacteria, multiplex polymerase chain ...

  12. Modelling the subgenual organ of the honeybee, Apis mellifera

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Storm, Jesper; Kilpinen, Ole


    In a recent study on the honeybee (Apis mellifera), the subgenual organ was observed moving inside the leg during sinusoidal vibrations of the leg (Kilpinen and Storm 1997). The subgenual organ of the honeybee is suspended in a haemolymph channel in the tibia of each leg. When the leg accelerates...

  13. Development of stress-modified fracture strain criterion for ductile fracture of API X65 steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oh, Chang Kyun; Kim, Yun Jae; Park, Jin Moo; Kim, Woo Sik; Baek, Jong Hyun


    This paper presents a stress-modified fracture strain for API X65 steel used for gas pipeline, as a function of stress triaxiality. To determine the stress-modified fracture strain, tension test of bars with four different notch radii, made of API X65 steel, is firstly performed, from which true fracture strains are determined as a function of notch radius. Then detailed elastic-plastic, large strain Finite Element (FE) analyses are performed to estimate variations of stress triaxiality in the notched bars with load. Combining experimental with FE results provides the true fracture strain as a function of stress triaxiality, which is regarded as a criterion of ductile fracture. Application of the developed stress-modified fracture strain to failure prediction of gas pipes made of API X65 steel with various types of defects is discussed

  14. Fenologia reprodutiva e biologia da polinização de Canavalia brasiliensis Mart. ex Benth (Fabaceae

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    Roberta Sales Guedes


    trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a fenologia e biologia da polinização de C. brasiliensis. Quinze indivíduos foram marcados e acompanhados quinzenalmente para as observações dos estudos fenológicos. Para o estudo da morfologia e biologia florais, flores e inflorescências foram marcadas e acompanhadas até a formação dos frutos. Os visitantes florais foram observados ao longo do período do experimento, anotando-se freqüência, horário e comportamento de suas visitas. Canavalia brasiliensis demonstrou padrão de floração anual, contínua, de longa duração com períodos de maior atividade fenológica de floração na estação seca. As inflorescências são do tipo paniculada, com flores cujos atributos florais estão relacionados à síndrome da melitofilia. A antese é diurna, com início às 05h00. Há néctar desde a fase de pré-antese, com concentração de açúcares em torno de 44-60%. Os visitantes florais observados foram abelhas (Xylocopa frontalis, X. suspecta e X. sp. Apis mellifera e Centris similis e pássaros (Phaethornis ruber, Chlorostilbon aureoventris, Eupetomena macroura e Coereba flaveola. Xylocopa frontalis atuou como polinizadora efetiva, enquanto que os pássaros restringem-se a pilhar o néctar.

  15. The APIS service : a tool for accessing value-added HST planetary auroral observations over 1997-2015 (United States)

    Lamy, L.; Henry, F.; Prangé, R.; Le Sidaner, P.


    The Auroral Planetary Imaging and Spectroscopy (APIS) service provides an open and interactive access to processed auroral observations of the outer planets and their satellites. Such observations are of interest for a wide community at the interface between planetology, magnetospheric and heliospheric physics. APIS consists of (i) a high level database, built from planetary auroral observations acquired by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) since 1997 with its mostly used Far-Ultraviolet spectro- imagers, (ii) a dedicated search interface aimed at browsing efficiently this database through relevant conditional search criteria (Figure 1) and (iii) the ability to interactively work with the data online through plotting tools developed by the Virtual Observatory (VO) community, such as Aladin and Specview. This service is VO compliant and can therefore also been queried by external search tools of the VO community. The diversity of available data and the capability to sort them out by relevant physical criteria shall in particular facilitate statistical studies, on long-term scales and/or multi-instrumental multispectral combined analysis [1,2]. We will present the updated capabilities of APIS with several examples. Several tutorials are available online.

  16. First detection of the larval chalkbrood disease pathogen Ascosphaera apis (Ascomycota: Eurotiomycetes: Ascosphaerales in adult bumble bees.

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    Sarah A Maxfield-Taylor

    Full Text Available Fungi in the genus Ascosphaera (Ascomycota: Eurotiomycetes: Ascosphaerales cause chalkbrood disease in larvae of bees. Here, we report the first-ever detection of the fungus in adult bumble bees that were raised in captivity for studies on colony development. Wild queens of Bombus griseocollis, B. nevadensis and B. vosnesenskii were collected and maintained for establishment of nests. Queens that died during rearing or that did not lay eggs within one month of capture were dissected, and tissues were examined microscopically for the presence of pathogens. Filamentous fungi that were detected were plated on artificial media containing broad spectrum antibiotics for isolation and identification. Based on morphological characters, the fungus was identified as Ascosphaera apis (Maasen ex Claussen Olive and Spiltoir, a species that has been reported earlier only from larvae of the European honey bee, Apis mellifera, the Asian honey bee, Apis cerana, and the carpenter bee Xylocopa californica arizonensis. The identity of the fungus was confirmed using molecular markers and phylogenetic analysis. Ascosphaera apis was detected in queens of all three bumble bee species examined. Of 150 queens dissected, 12 (8% contained vegetative and reproductive stages of the fungus. Both fungal stages were also detected in two workers collected from colonies with Ascosphaera-infected B. nevadensis queens. In this study, wild bees could have been infected prior to capture for rearing, or, the A. apis infection could have originated via contaminated European honey bee pollen fed to the bumble bees in captivity. Thus, the discovery of A. apis in adult bumble bees in the current study has important implications for commercial production of bumble bee colonies and highlights potential risks to native bees via pathogen spillover from infected bees and infected pollen.

  17. First detection of the larval chalkbrood disease pathogen Ascosphaera apis (Ascomycota: Eurotiomycetes: Ascosphaerales) in adult bumble bees. (United States)

    Maxfield-Taylor, Sarah A; Mujic, Alija B; Rao, Sujaya


    Fungi in the genus Ascosphaera (Ascomycota: Eurotiomycetes: Ascosphaerales) cause chalkbrood disease in larvae of bees. Here, we report the first-ever detection of the fungus in adult bumble bees that were raised in captivity for studies on colony development. Wild queens of Bombus griseocollis, B. nevadensis and B. vosnesenskii were collected and maintained for establishment of nests. Queens that died during rearing or that did not lay eggs within one month of capture were dissected, and tissues were examined microscopically for the presence of pathogens. Filamentous fungi that were detected were plated on artificial media containing broad spectrum antibiotics for isolation and identification. Based on morphological characters, the fungus was identified as Ascosphaera apis (Maasen ex Claussen) Olive and Spiltoir, a species that has been reported earlier only from larvae of the European honey bee, Apis mellifera, the Asian honey bee, Apis cerana, and the carpenter bee Xylocopa californica arizonensis. The identity of the fungus was confirmed using molecular markers and phylogenetic analysis. Ascosphaera apis was detected in queens of all three bumble bee species examined. Of 150 queens dissected, 12 (8%) contained vegetative and reproductive stages of the fungus. Both fungal stages were also detected in two workers collected from colonies with Ascosphaera-infected B. nevadensis queens. In this study, wild bees could have been infected prior to capture for rearing, or, the A. apis infection could have originated via contaminated European honey bee pollen fed to the bumble bees in captivity. Thus, the discovery of A. apis in adult bumble bees in the current study has important implications for commercial production of bumble bee colonies and highlights potential risks to native bees via pathogen spillover from infected bees and infected pollen.

  18. Nosema Tolerant Honeybees (Apis mellifera) Escape Parasitic Manipulation of Apoptosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kurze, Christoph; Le Conte, Yves; Dussaubat, Claudia


    conducted three inoculation experiments to investigate in the apoptotic respond during infection with the intracellular gut pathogen Nosema ceranae, which is considered as potential global threat to the honeybee (Apis mellifera) and other bee pollinators, in sensitive and tolerant honeybees. To explore...

  19. Pathogen detection and gut bacteria identification in Apis cerana ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A total of 50 colonies of Apis cerana were sampled in Samut Songkhram (five colonies) and Chumphon (45 colonies) provinces in the central and the south of Thailand, respectively. Diagnostic multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) revealed that 20, 6, 4, 20 and 0% of the samples were infected by Paenibacillus larvae, ...

  20. A Knockout Screen of ApiAP2 Genes Reveals Networks of Interacting Transcriptional Regulators Controlling the Plasmodium Life Cycle. (United States)

    Modrzynska, Katarzyna; Pfander, Claudia; Chappell, Lia; Yu, Lu; Suarez, Catherine; Dundas, Kirsten; Gomes, Ana Rita; Goulding, David; Rayner, Julian C; Choudhary, Jyoti; Billker, Oliver


    A family of apicomplexa-specific proteins containing AP2 DNA-binding domains (ApiAP2s) was identified in malaria parasites. This family includes sequence-specific transcription factors that are key regulators of development. However, functions for the majority of ApiAP2 genes remain unknown. Here, a systematic knockout screen in Plasmodium berghei identified ten ApiAP2 genes that were essential for mosquito transmission: four were critical for the formation of infectious ookinetes, and three were required for sporogony. We describe non-essential functions for AP2-O and AP2-SP proteins in blood stages, and identify AP2-G2 as a repressor active in both asexual and sexual stages. Comparative transcriptomics across mutants and developmental stages revealed clusters of co-regulated genes with shared cis promoter elements, whose expression can be controlled positively or negatively by different ApiAP2 factors. We propose that stage-specific interactions between ApiAP2 proteins on partly overlapping sets of target genes generate the complex transcriptional network that controls the Plasmodium life cycle. Copyright © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Effect of Normalizing and Solution Heat Treatments in the Microstructure of a Dissimilar Joint Welded Between an API 5L X-52 Steel Pipe and Inconel 625


    Soares, Jefferson Pinto; Terrones, Luis Augusto Hernandez; Paranhos, Ronaldo


    Resumo O propósito deste trabalho é comparar as mudanças na microestrutura e na dureza de um tubo de aço API 5L X-52, revestido internamente por soldagem com Inconel 625, após a execução dos tratamentos térmicos de normalização a 1100 °C por 60 min. e resfriamento ao ar, e de solubilização a 1030 °C com aquecimento por indução eletromagnética por 30 s. e resfriamento em água. Foram utilizadas técnicas de microscopia ótica (MO) e eletrônica de varredura (MEV), análise por espectroscopia de ene...

  2. Data synchronisation and cost reduction using API in customer relationship management

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    Tomić Željko


    Full Text Available Research has shown that 51% of all ERP implementations involve some kind of problems in business operations during the 'go live' phase. Despite all the efforts to increase efficiency and improve business processes, many organizations come to a conclusion that once they move to the new ERP system they are not able to perform some of the basic business processes (both in the data migration phase and operational procedures, such as issuing goods from the warehouse. The ERP implementations are too often accompanied by technical and organizational issues that may cause problems in the functioning of a business system. As organizational issues are more frequently the cause of the problem, it is crucial to accurately perform the business processes analysis phase, as well as the final testing. Based on the analysis of the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning, CRM (Customer Relationship Management and SCM (Supply Chain Management e-business models of the largest producers of software applications, the bottlenecks and shortcomings typical of the implementation of these models were identified in a select sample of clients and it has been established that there are certain inconsistencies and programme problems between the company information system (IS and the implemented ERP/CRM or SCM models. The identified problems served as the basis for designing and programming an application programming interface (API aimed at addressing certain application needs of the companies, i.e. the inadequate synchronization of databases and other IT resources. The API has been designed and programmed with a view to resolving the problems with inconsistencies and synchronization and reducing business operations costs. It has been tested as a pilot application on ISs of selected companies that apply the ERP/CRM business support systems. This work describes the ERP/CRM database synchronization process and tests the quality of the API solution based on a programmed web survey, i

  3. Physicochemical analysis of apis dorsata honey from terai forests, Nepal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qamer, S.; Ahmad, F.; Latif, F.; Ali, S.S


    The multi floral honey produced by Apis dorsata from Shahabgunj, Dhakeri, Narayanpur and Perari forest, Nepal, were provided by International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Nepal. These ninety nine Apis dorsata honey samples were characterized physicochemical and were found to have values of various quality determining parameters well with in the permissible International standards. The honey samples had pH in the range of 3.8-4.68, free acidity 41-48 meq/kg, lactones 13-16 meq/kg, total acidity 55-65 meq/kg, moisture content 20.5-26%, electrical conductivity 0.22-0.63 mS/cm, proline content 76-160 mg/kg, HMF content 30-56 mg/kg, diastase number 5.1-29 DN, invertase number 390-499, apparent reducing sugars 73.78-77.78%, fructose 36.93-44.61%, glucose 19.61-27.51% and sucrose 12.07-20.38%. (author)

  4. Recenzija. Monografija apie filosofijos ir literatūros giminystę

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    Tomas Kačerauskas


    Full Text Available Prieš keletą metų neoficialiame pokalbyje J. Baranova prasitarė, kad nėra didesnio malonumo už rašymą. Tiesą sakant, buvau sužavėtas ir priblokštas ne tik dėl šios ištaros asimetrijos R. Barthes’o minčiai apie skaitymo malonumą (net erotinį. Visai kitaip apie rašymą atsiliepia A. Šliogeris (kurio filosofi jos apmąstymui J. Baranova pelnytai skiria daug dėmesio: jis mieliau nerašytų nei rašytų. Tokiais atvejais prisimenu M. Bulgakovą, kuris „tempiąs save už plaukų prie rašomojo stalo“. Rašymas daug kam siejasi su disciplina, prievarta savęs atžvilgiu, geriausiu atveju – kasdieniu įpročiu.

  5. QSPIN: A High Level Java API for Quantum Computing Experimentation (United States)

    Barth, Tim


    QSPIN is a high level Java language API for experimentation in QC models used in the calculation of Ising spin glass ground states and related quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) problems. The Java API is intended to facilitate research in advanced QC algorithms such as hybrid quantum-classical solvers, automatic selection of constraint and optimization parameters, and techniques for the correction and mitigation of model and solution errors. QSPIN includes high level solver objects tailored to the D-Wave quantum annealing architecture that implement hybrid quantum-classical algorithms [Booth et al.] for solving large problems on small quantum devices, elimination of variables via roof duality, and classical computing optimization methods such as GPU accelerated simulated annealing and tabu search for comparison. A test suite of documented NP-complete applications ranging from graph coloring, covering, and partitioning to integer programming and scheduling are provided to demonstrate current capabilities.

  6. Molecular characterization of Api g 2, a novel allergenic member of the lipid-transfer protein 1 family from celery stalks. (United States)

    Gadermaier, Gabriele; Egger, Matthias; Girbl, Tamara; Erler, Anja; Harrer, Andrea; Vejvar, Eva; Liso, Marina; Richter, Klaus; Zuidmeer, Laurian; Mari, Adriano; Ferreira, Fatima


    Celery represents a relevant cross-reactive food allergen source in the adult population. As the currently known allergens are not typical elicitors of severe symptoms, we aimed to identify and characterize a non-specific lipid transfer protein (nsLTP). MS and cDNA cloning were applied to obtain the full-length sequence of a novel allergenic nsLTP from celery stalks. The purified natural molecule consisted of a single isoallergen designated as Api g 2.0101, which was recombinantly produced in Escherichia coli Rosetta-gami. The natural and recombinant molecules displayed equivalent physicochemical and immunological properties. Circular dichroism revealed a typical α-helical fold and high thermal stability. Moreover, Api g 2 was highly resistant to simulated gastrointestinal digestion. As assessed by ELISA, thermal denaturation did not affect the IgE binding of Api g 2. Natural and recombinant Api g 2 showed similar allergenic activity in mediator release assays. Api g 2-specific IgE antibodies cross-reacted with peach and mugwort pollen nsLTPs. Based on our results, it can be anticipated that inclusion of recombinant Api g 2 in the current panel of allergens for molecule-based diagnosis will facilitate the evaluation of the clinical relevance of nsLTP sensitization in celery allergy and help clinicians in the management of food allergic patients. Copyright © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  7. APIS : an interactive database of HST-UV observations of the outer planets (United States)

    Lamy, Laurent; Henry, Florence; Prangé, Renée; Le Sidaner, Pierre


    Remote UV measurement of the outer planets offer a wealth of informations on rings, moons, planetary atmospheres and magnetospheres. Auroral emissions in particular provide highly valuable constraints on the auroral processes at work and the underlying coupling between the solar wind, the magnetosphere, the ionosphere and the moons. Key observables provided by high resolution spectro-imaging include the spatial topology and the dynamics of active magnetic field lines, the radiated and the precipitated powers or the energy of precipitating particles. The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) acquired thousands of Far-UV spectra and images of the aurorae of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus since 1993, feeding in numerous magnetospheric studies. But their use remains generally limited, owing to the difficulty to access and use raw and value-added data. APIS, the egyptian god of fertilization, is also the acronym of a new database (Auroral Planetary Imaging and Spectroscopy), aimed at facilitating the use of HST planetary auroral observations. APIS is based at the Virtual Observatory (VO) of Paris and provides a free and interactive access to a variety of high level data through a simple research interface and standard VO tools (as Aladin, Specview). We will present the capabilities of APIS and illustrate them with several examples.

  8. MicroRNA-1 promotes apoptosis of hepatocarcinoma cells by targeting apoptosis inhibitor-5 (API-5). (United States)

    Li, Dong; Liu, Yu; Li, Hua; Peng, Jing-Jing; Tan, Yan; Zou, Qiang; Song, Xiao-Feng; Du, Min; Yang, Zheng-Hui; Tan, Yong; Zhou, Jin-Jun; Xu, Tao; Fu, Zeng-Qiang; Feng, Jian-Qiong; Cheng, Peng; chen, Tao; Wei, Dong; Su, Xiao-Mei; Liu, Huan-Yi; Qi, Zhong-Chun; Tang, Li-Jun; Wang, Tao; Guo, Xin; Hu, Yong-He; Zhang, Tao


    Although microRNA-1 (miR-1) is a known liver cancer suppressor, the role of miR-1 in apoptosis of hepatoma cells has remained largely unknown. Our study shows that ectopic miR-1 overexpression induced apoptosis of liver hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2) cells. Apoptosis inhibitor 5 (API-5) was found to be a potential regulator of miR-1 induced apoptosis, using a bioinformatics approach. Furthermore, an inverse relationship between miR-1 and API-5 expression was observed in human liver cancer tissues and adjacent normal liver tissues. Negative regulation of API-5 expression by miR-1 was demonstrated to promote apoptosis of HepG2 cells. Our study provides a novel regulatory mechanism of miR-1 in the apoptosis of hepatoma cells. Copyright © 2014 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. The API methodology for risk-based inspection (RBI) analysis for the petroleum and petrochemical industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reynolds, J.T.


    Twenty-one petroleum and petrochemical companies are currently sponsoring a project within the American Petroleum Institute (API) to develop risk-based inspection (RBI) methodology for application in the refining and petrochemical industry. This paper describes that particular RBI methodology and provides a summary of the three levels of RBI analysis developed by the project. Also included is a review of the first pilot project to validate the methodology by applying RBI to several existing refining units. The failure for pressure equipment in a process unit can have several undesirable effects. For the purpose of RBI analysis, the API RBI program categorizes these effects into four basic risk outcomes: flammable events, toxic releases, major environmental damage, and business interruption losses. API RBI is a strategic process, both qualitative and quantitative, for understanding and reducing these risks associated with operating pressure equipment. This paper will show how API RBI assesses the potential consequences of a failure of the pressure boundary, as well as assessing the likelihood (probability) of failure. Risk-based inspection also prioritizes risk levels in a systematic manner so that the owner-user can then plan an inspection program that focuses more resources on the higher risk equipment; while possibly saving inspection resources that are not doing an effective job of reducing risk. At the same time, if consequence of failure is a significant driving force for high risk equipment items, plant management also has the option of applying consequence mitigation steps to minimize the impact of a hazardous release, should one occur. The target audience for this paper is engineers, inspectors, and managers who want to understand what API Risk-Based Inspection is all about, what are the benefits and limitations of RBI, and how inspection practices can be changed to reduce risks and/or save costs without impacting safety risk. (Author)

  10. Foodborne Pathogens Recovered from Ready-to-Eat Foods from Roadside Cafeterias and Retail Outlets in Alice, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa: Public Health Implications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roland N. Ndip


    Full Text Available This study assessed the microbiological quality of various ready-to-eat foods sold in Alice, South Africa. Microbiological analysis was conducted on 252 samples which included vegetables, potatoes, rice, pies, beef and chicken stew. The isolates were identified using biochemical tests and the API 20E, API 20NE and API Listeria kits; results were analyzed using the one-way-ANOVA test. Bacterial growth was present in all the food types tested; high levels of total aerobic count were observed in vegetables, 6.8 ± 0.07 followed by rice, 6.7 ± 1.7 while pies had the lowest count (2.58 ± 0.24. Organisms isolated included:<em> Listeriaem> spp<em>. em>(22%, <em>Enterobacter em>spp. (18%, <em>Aeromonas hydrophilaem> (12%, <em>Klebsiella oxytocaem> (8%, <em>Proteus mirabilisem> (6.3%, <em>Staphylococcus aureusem> (3.2% and <em>Pseudomonas luteolaem> (2.4%. Interestingly, <em>Salmonella> spp. and <em>Escherichia coliem> were not isolated in any of the samples. There was a statistically significant difference (<em>p> < 0.05 in the prevalence of foodborne pathogens from hygienic and unhygienic cafeterias. The results indicated that most of the ready-to-eat food samples examined in this study did not meet bacteriological quality standards, therefore posing potential risks to consumers. This should draw the attention of the relevant authorities to ensure that hygienic standards are improved to curtain foodborne infections.

  11. Genetic variation in natural honeybee populations, Apis mellifera capensis (United States)

    Hepburn, Randall; Neumann, Peter; Radloff, Sarah E.


    Genetic variation in honeybee, Apis mellifera, populations can be considerably influenced by breeding and commercial introductions, especially in areas with abundant beekeeping. However, in southern Africa apiculture is based on the capture of wild swarms, and queen rearing is virtually absent. Moreover, the introduction of European subspecies constantly failed in the Cape region. We therefore hypothesize a low human impact on genetic variation in populations of Cape honeybees, Apis mellifera capensis. A novel solution to studying genetic variation in honeybee populations based on thelytokous worker reproduction is applied to test this hypothesis. Environmental effects on metrical morphological characters of the phenotype are separated to obtain a genetic residual component. The genetic residuals are then re-calculated as coefficients of genetic variation. Characters measured included hair length on the abdomen, width and length of wax plate, and three wing angles. The data show for the first time that genetic variation in Cape honeybee populations is independent of beekeeping density and probably reflects naturally occurring processes such as gene flow due to topographic and climatic variation on a microscale.

  12. As abelhas eussociais (Hymenoptera, Apidae visitantes florais em um ecossistema de dunas continentais no médio Rio São Francisco, Bahia, Brasil

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    Edinaldo Luz das Neves


    Full Text Available Highly eusocial bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae flower visitors in a continental sand dune ecosystem from the medium São Francisco River, Bahia, Brazil. A community of highly eusocial bees in sand dunes, covered with caatinga vegetation, in the medium São Francisco River, Bahia (10º47' 37"S and 42º49' 25"W was studied. The local climate is semi arid and hot, with mean temperature of 25.7 ºC and annual precipitation of 653.8 mm. Censuses took place every two months, from February to December of 2000. The bees were sampled on flowers with entomological nets, from 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. A total of 2,147 individuals of eight species of Apinae were found, of which Apis mellifera Linnaeus (40.2%, Trigona spinipes (Fabricius (28.7% and Frieseomelitta silvestri languida Moure (14.7% were the predominant species. The diversity was H' = 1.53 and the evenness E' = 0.73. The bees were active during the whole year, but there was a significant variation in the monthly abundance of individuals (c2= 799.55; df= 35; p<0.0001. The daily activity was greater between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. The low bee diversity observed is a consequence of the low richness of botanical species and of the small amount of sites for the bees' nests. The community of highly eusocial bees from the dunes presents organization patterns similar to those observed in other caatinga areas, albeit with some particularities.

  13. Apie filosofijos ir meno sąsajas


    Martinkus, Vytautas


    The article provides a review of Leonarda Jekentaitė’s book “De Profundis: Psichoanalitinės Filosofijos Žvilgsniu apie Mąstytojus ir Menininkus” (2007), written by V. Martinkus, according to whom, there are still few original art philosophy studies, published by Lithuanian authors in Lithuania. The review provides an analysis of the structure of the book, the style and main subjects are distinguished. The book provides the author’s articles, written during the period of thirty years. Most of ...

  14. Vitellogenins Are New High Molecular Weight Components and Allergens (Api m 12 and Ves v 6) of Apis mellifera and Vespula vulgaris Venom (United States)

    Blank, Simon; Seismann, Henning; McIntyre, Mareike; Ollert, Markus; Wolf, Sara; Bantleon, Frank I.; Spillner, Edzard


    Background/Objectives Anaphylaxis due to hymenoptera stings is one of the most severe clinical outcomes of IgE-mediated hypersensitivity reactions. Although allergic reactions to hymenoptera stings are often considered as a general model for the underlying principles of allergic disease, venom immunotherapy is still hampered by severe systemic side effects and incomplete protection. The identification and detailed characterization of all allergens of hymenoptera venoms might result in an improvement in this field and promote the detailed understanding of the allergological mechanism. Our aim was the identification and detailed immunochemical and allergological characterization of the low abundant IgE-reactive 200 kDa proteins of Apis mellifera and Vespula vulgaris venom. Methods/Principal Findings Tandem mass spectrometry-based sequencing of a 200 kDa venom protein yielded peptides that could be assigned to honeybee vitellogenin. The coding regions of the honeybee protein as well as of the homologue from yellow jacket venom were cloned from venom gland cDNA. The newly identified 200 kDa proteins share a sequence identity on protein level of 40% and belong to the family of vitellogenins, present in all oviparous animals, and are the first vitellogenins identified as components of venom. Both vitellogenins could be recombinantly produced as soluble proteins in insect cells and assessed for their specific IgE reactivity. The particular vitellogenins were recognized by approximately 40% of sera of venom-allergic patients even in the absence of cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants. Conclusion With the vitellogenins of Apis mellifera and Vespula vulgaris venom a new homologous pair of venom allergens was identified and becomes available for future applications. Due to their allergenic properties the honeybee and the yellow jacket venom vitellogenin were designated as allergens Api m 12 and Ves v 6, respectively. PMID:23626765

  15. Comparison of ground based indices (API and AQI) with satellite based aerosol products. (United States)

    Zheng, Sheng; Cao, Chun-Xiang; Singh, Ramesh P


    Air quality in mega cities is one of the major concerns due to serious health issues and its indirect impact to the climate. Among mega cities, Beijing city is considered as one of the densely populated cities with extremely poor air quality. The meteorological parameters (wind, surface temperature, air temperature and relative humidity) control the dynamics and dispersion of air pollution. China National Environmental Monitoring Centre (CNEMC) started air pollution index (API) as of 2000 to evaluate air quality, but over the years, it was felt that the air quality is not well represented by API. Recently, the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) of the People's Republic of China (PRC) started using a new index "air quality index (AQI)" from January 2013. We have compared API and AQI with three different MODIS (MODIS - Moderate Resolution Imaging SpectroRadiometer, onboard the Terra/Aqua satellites) AOD (aerosol optical depth) products for ten months, January-October, 2013. The correlation between AQI and Aqua Deep Blue AOD was found to be reasonably good as compared with API, mainly due to inclusion of PM2.5 in the calculation of AQI. In addition, for every month, the correlation coefficient between AQI and Aqua Deep Blue AOD was found to be relatively higher in the month of February to May. According to the monthly average distribution of precipitation, temperature, and PM10, the air quality in the months of June-September was better as compared to those in the months of February-May. AQI and Aqua Deep Blue AOD show highly polluted days associated with dust event, representing true air quality of Beijing. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Adaptive runtime for a multiprocessing API (United States)

    Antao, Samuel F.; Bertolli, Carlo; Eichenberger, Alexandre E.; O'Brien, John K.


    A computer-implemented method includes selecting a runtime for executing a program. The runtime includes a first combination of feature implementations, where each feature implementation implements a feature of an application programming interface (API). Execution of the program is monitored, and the execution uses the runtime. Monitor data is generated based on the monitoring. A second combination of feature implementations are selected, by a computer processor, where the selection is based at least in part on the monitor data. The runtime is modified by activating the second combination of feature implementations to replace the first combination of feature implementations.

  17. Studi Perencanaan Koordinasi Proteksi Mempertimbangkan Busur Api Pada Sistem Kelistrikan PT. Semen Indonesia Aceh Menggunakan Standar IEEE 1584-2002

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    Dhimas Oktavian Andryana


    Full Text Available PT. Semen Indonesia pabrik Aceh merupakan perusahaan patungan (joint venture company antara PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero bersama PT. Samana Citra Agung. Total daya listrik yang dibutuhkan sebesar 85.8 MW dengan sistem kelistrikan pada sistem tegangan rendah dan menengah. Guna menjaga kontinuitas daya listrik, diperlukan koordinasi proteksi untuk meminimalisir dampak yang ditimbulkan ketika terjadi gangguan. Salah satu dampak yang ditimbulkan adalah adanya busur api (arc flash. Namun demikian, energi yang dihasilkan oleh busur api setelah dilakukan koordinasi proteksi perlu dipertimbangkan agar tidak melampaui standard yang diizinkan. Analisa busur api dilakukan dengan menggunakan perhitungan standar IEEE 1584-2002. Setelah dilakukan beberapa analisa didapatkan bahwa beberapa daerah di PT. Semen Indonesia pabrik Aceh memiliki nilai insiden energi diatas kategori 4, sehingga diperlukan tambahan peralatan berupa rele differensial sebagai pengaman utama agar nilai insiden energi busur api bisa dikategorikan sesuai standard NFPA 70E.

  18. Improved soil characterization for pipe piles in sand in API RP-2A

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hossain, M.K.; Briaud, J.L.


    In the offshore, most foundations are steel pipe piles and most of them are designed using the API RP 2A guidelines. For axial capacity of piles in sand the current guidelines in many cases show definite discrepancies when compared against actual load capacities of piles. An updated data base analysis shows that there are three major weaknesses in the current guidelines with respect to soil characterization: (a) the consideration of the lateral earth pressure coefficient, K, as a constant (1.0 or 0.8); (b) the consideration of the unit point bearing resistance, q, as a linear function of depth; and (c) the absence of an unambiguous soil parameter determination process based on reliable in-situ test results. In this paper, specific modifications to the current API RP 2A guidelines are proposed on the basis of a data base analysis to account for the discrepancies arising from (a), (b), and (c) above. These modifications will reduce the discrepancies in the current API RP 2A method and increase the accuracy of the prediction of axial capacity of pipe piles in sand. Furthermore this will make the method fundamentally more consistent with soil behavior in deep foundations

  19. Characterisation of weldment hardness, impact energy and microstructure in API X65 steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hashemi, S.H.; Mohammadyani, D.


    The variation of microstructure and mechanical properties in various sub-zones of double submerged arc welded line pipe steel of grade API X65 was investigated. Instrumented Charpy V-notch tests and Vickers hardness experiments were conducted on the fusion zone, base metal and heat affected zone of the weld joint in 14.3 mm thick, 1219 mm outside diameter spiral pipeline. The lowest impact energy and the highest hardness level (160J and 218 HV, respectively) were recorded in the fusion zone. The low energy and high hardness characteristics of the seam weld can be attributed to its cast microstructure and the presence of grain boundary phases (such as proeutectoid ferrite), confirmed by standard metallographic observation. Despite this, service requirements set by the API 5L industry code (minimum impact energy of 73J, maximum hard spots of 350 HV) were fulfilled by the tested steel. Highlights: ► Experimental study of API X65 steel microstructure. ► Analysis of the relationship between X65 steel microstructure and hardness. ► Analysis of the relationship between X65 steel microstructure and impact energy. ► Presentation of detailed technical information on DSA welding in spiral pipes.

  20. Clinical reactivity of celery cultivars in allergic patients: Role of Api g 1. (United States)

    Dölle, S; Welter, S; Ruppel, E; Lehmann, K; Schwarz, D; Jensen-Jarolim, E; Zieglmayer, P; Franken, P; Worm, M


    Celery (Apium graveolens L.) is a vegetable consumed world-wide. Celery stalks and celeriac roots are often ingredients in convenient food products like spice blends and soups. In this study, we examined the allergenicity of distinct celeriac cultivars. Sixteen celery-allergic patients were identified using a double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenge. Ten different celeriac cultivars were used for skin prick testing in the patients. Two cultivars were further applied for oral food challenges; their protein composition was analysed by immunoblotting, and contents of major allergen Api g 1 were quantified. From the 10 investigated celeriac cultivars, two cultivars elicited significantly different skin reactivity ("Anita": 5.0 [2.0-12.0] mm vs "Prinz": 7.0 [3.0-9.5] mm; P = .047). Moreover, "Anita" induced fewer symptoms after a controlled oral-celeriac challenge in 14 patient (P Api g 1 in "Prinz" than in "Anita." Taken together, the data from this study suggest that cultivar Anita is better tolerated in celery-allergic patients than "Prinz." Differences in the protein expression profile between the cultivars, particularly the different content of Api g 1, could cause the different allergenicity. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.