
Sample records for eletrodepositado como sensor

  1. Potencialidades do dióxido de chumbo eletrodepositado como sensor potenciométrico Potentialities of electrodeposited lead dioxide as a potentiometric sensor

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    Milton Duffles Capelato


    Full Text Available This paper proposes an experiment to be performed in both instrumental analysis and experimental physical-chemistry curricular disciplines in order to open options to develop challenging basic research activities. Thus the experimental procedures and the results obtained in the preparation of electrodeposited lead dioxide onto graphite and its evaluation as potentiometric sensor for H3O+ and Pb2+ ions, are presented. The data obtained in acid-base titrations were compared with those of the traditional combination glass electrode at the same conditions. Although a linear sub-Nernstian response to free hydrogen ions was observed for the electrodeposited PbO2 electrode, a good agreement was obtained between them. Working as lead(II sensing electrode, the PbO2 showed a linear sub-Nernstian behavior at total Pb2+ concentrations ranging from 3,5 x 10-4 to 3,0 x 10-2 mol/L in nitrate media. For the redox couple PbO2/Pb(II the operational slope converges to the theoretical one, as the acidity of the working solution increases.

  2. Monitoring the Como Railway Bridge based on dynamic FBG sensor system (United States)

    Zhang, Jianzhong; Sun, Weimin; Peng, G. D.; Yuan, Libo


    A FBG-based dynamic strain sensor system, whose responding frequency and resolution can be high as 16Hz and ~1μɛ respectively, is described and the system is applied to monitor the dynamic strain of Como Railway Bridge in Australia. The results of one-month long measurement show that the system can figure out all dynamic strain caused by passed trains and also prove the stability of the sensor system.

  3. El Sensor Químico (ChemSensor) como herramienta complementaria en el análisis sensorial de vinos


    Pérez Mateos, Miriam; Giménez Cobo, Lucia; Carrasco Manzano, Juan Atanasio


    El Sensor Químico (ChemSensor) o pseudo-nariz electrónica determina la agrupación de alimentos por similitudes y según la distancias entre grupos, a partir del análisis de espectrometría de masas de los compuestos volátiles y/o los ácidos grasos. Se trata de una herramienta excelente como complemento al análisis sensorial. Es muy útil en la clasificación y predicción de productos alimenticios según su origen, procesado y conservación; en la optimización de procesos y en aplicaciones de contro...

  4. Electrodos de PVC/TTF-TCNQ modificados. Aplicación como sensores y biosensores electroquímicos


    Sánchez-Obrero, Guadalupe


    En este trabajo de Tesis Doctoral, se estudia el desarrollo de nuevos electrodos, basados en la modificación del electrodo compósito PVC/TTF-TCNQ, mediante nanopartículas de oro. Se pretende que estos nuevos electrodos sean susceptibles de ser empleados como sensores y/o biosensores electroquímicos, para la detección de analitos de interés. De ellos, se han elegido para su determinación la glucosa, el paracetamol y los compuestos fenólicos presentes en los vinos. La Tesis Doctoral está es...

  5. Simplified wide dynamic range CMOS image sensor with 3t APS reset-drain actuation


    Carlos Augusto de Moraes Cruz


    Um sensor de imagem é uma matriz de pequenas células fotossensíveis chamadas sensores de pixeis. Um pixel, elemento el fotográfico (picture) pix, é a menor porção de uma imagem. Assim o sensor de pixel é a menor célula de um sensor de imagem, capaz de detectar um ponto singular da imagem. Este ponto é então usado para reconstruir um quadro completo de imagem. Sensores de imagem CMOS são atualmente largamente utilizados tanto em câmeras profissionais como em aparelhos moveis em geral como celu...

  6. Equacionamento e modelagem da bobina bifilar de tesla e proposta da sua utilização como um sensor biotelemétrico autorressonante


    Miranda, Caio Marcelo de


    A Biotelemetria apresenta-se como uma importante técnica que possui várias aplicações na área de Engenharia Biomédica e outras. A miniaturização da unidade sensora é um grande desafio dentro desta área, sendo que na maioria dos casos, deseja-se uma unidade menor possível. Desta maneira, sensores passivos são interessantes, pois possibilitam uma menor dimensão do dispositivo e não necessitam de uma fonte própria de energia, ou bateria, que pode causar danos ao indivíduo monitorado caso ocorra ...

  7. Guias ópticos para sensores


    Marcos de Castro Pacitti


    Neste trabalho foram estudados guias ópticos para atuarem como sensores ou em sistemas sensores. Ênfase especial foi dada em guias ópticos retangulares, para dispositivos ópticos integrados, e fibras ópticas elípticas. A analise de fibras ópticas elípticas resultou em um modelamento pratico para projeto das mesmas em aplicações onde se deseja operar com dois modos guiados, situação esta que se mostra muito atraente para implementação de diversos tipos de sensores a fibra óptica. A seguir es...

  8. Seguridad para protocolos MAC cooperativos en redes de sensores inalámbricas


    Casabona Gómez, Daniel; Leiva Martín, Daniel


    Las redes de sensores inalámbricas han emergido como la tecnología que nos permite optimizar aplicaciones tan importantes como el control de la contaminación, el regadio eficiente, efectivo o la monitorización continua de señales vitales del paciente y muchas más aplicaciones. Los protocolos basados en cooperación entre nodos permiten reducir la energía consumida por los nodos sensores y, por tanto, alargar la vida útil de los mismos. Por sus características especiales, las redes de sensores ...

  9. Test and fabrication of piezoresistive sensors for contact pressure measurement

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    Diego Andrés Valle-Lopera


    Full Text Available El uso de sensores de presión de contacto se ha popularizado en diferentes disciplinas de la ingeniería en los últimos años. Se utilizan en la caracterización de llantas para vehículos, rodamientos, túneles de viento, diseño de prótesis, análisis ergonómicos, entre otras áreas. Estos sensores, son diseñados con materiales que poseen ciertas propiedades tales como piezoelectricidad, piezorresistencia y capacitancia variable; sin embargo, la característica más usada es la piezorresistencia. En este artículo se describe la fabricación de tres sensores de presión diferentes usando materiales piezorresistivos. Adicionalmente, se realizó un estudio técnico comparativo incluyendo un sensor comercial usado como punto de referencia con el fin de seleccionar el material idóneo para medir presión por contacto. La repetibilidad y la histéresis de cada sensor fueron evaluadas en una prueba de respuesta a la carga realizada varias veces. También se llevó a cabo una prueba de desviación en el tiempo para evaluar estabilidad de la medición de un peso muerto. Los materiales como la tela o tinta piezoresistiva muestran ser adecuados para aplicaciones en las que haya deformación y se necesite de sensores flexibles, el Velostat es el menos preciso pero adecuado para aplicaciones básicas y en las cuales no se necesite de mucha resolución. Finalmente se presentan recomendaciones respecto al tipo de material que se debe utilizar en sensores de presión para diversas aplicaciones en ingeniería en general y en el campo biomédico en particular.

  10. Dióxido de estanho nanoestruturado como sensor de NOx Nanostructured tin dioxide as a NOx gas sensor

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    A. P. Maciel


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, nanopartículas de SnO2 foram obtidas pelo método do precursor polimérico e caracterizadas por difração de raios X, isotermas de adsorção-dessorção, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. Apenas a fase cassiterita (tetragonal foi observada. O material obtido apresenta com alta área superficial e porosidade. Estas características são pré-requisitos para um bom sensor de gás. A sensibilidade ao NOx para o SnO2 foi estudado na faixa de temperatura compreendida entre 200 e 500 ºC. Observou-se uma baixa sensibilidade entre 200 e 350 ºC, porém, a partir de 400 ºC ocorreu um aumento de três vezes na sensibilidade do sensor. A máxima sensibilidade ocorreu em 400 ºC, com um tempo de resposta de 730 s.In this work SnO2 nanoparticles were obtained by the polimeric precursor method and characterized by X-ray diffraction, gas adsorption and desorption isotherms, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Only the cassiterite (tetragonal phase was observed. The obtained material presents a high surface area and high porosity. These characteristics are prerequisites for a good gas sensor. The NOx sensibility was studied in the temperature range between 200 and 500 °C. A low sensibility between 200 to 350 °C is also observed; however, starting from 400 °C, an increase of three times in the sensor sensibility occurs. The maximum sensibility was measured at 400 °C with a response time of 730 s.

  11. Estudios de mecanismos de seguridad en redes inalámbricas de sensores


    Chivite Fernández, Patricia


    Este proyecto fin de carrera va a consistir en el estudio de los mecanismos para proveer seguridad en redes de sensores inalámbricas. En concreto, sobre redes de sensores Crossbow imote2®. Los principales sistemas de seguridad manejan diferentes mecanismos de cifrado y autentificación, así como mecanismos de detección de intrusión. En este marco de trabajo, la gestión de claves de cifrado y firma digital, así como los algoritmos criptográficos, los protocolos de autenticación y los mecanismos...

  12. Efeito do ácido fórmico na eletrodeposição de ligas Zn-Ni em substrato de aço


    Pedroza, Graziella Aguiar Gomes


    A utilização dos depósitos de Zn-Ni eletrodepositados para melhorar a resistência à corrosão de chapas de aço revestidas tem atraído um interesse crescente porque oferece uma alternativa particularmente promissora para o Zn puro, devido às suas melhores propriedades mecânicas e de resistência à corrosão. Portanto, os estudos sobre os fatores que aumentam a eficiência de deposição e resistência à corrosão de eletrodepósitos das ligas Zn-Ni são altamente relevantes. Este trabalho descreve uma i...

  13. Red de sensores y el Internet de las cosas




    [ES] Este proyecto consiste en el estudio y realización de una red de sensores conectados de forma permanente a internet, los cuales nos ofrecerán una serie de servicios como puede ser lecturas de diversos sensores ofreciéndonos dichos datos para poder procesarlos de la manera deseada o permitirnos el uso de actuadores para poder interactuar de forma remota con el mundo real. Esto sería muy útil, por ejemplo en entornos industriales donde podríamos disponer de datos referent...

  14. Laser Scanner Como Sistema de Detección de Entornos Viales

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    F. García


    Full Text Available Resumen: Los últimos avances en seguridad vial, con sistemas cada vez más complejos, requieren de los más modernos sistemas de adquisición de información. La naturaleza misma del problema requiere sensores capaces de proveer información fiable para tareas complejas y exigentes. Los escáneres láser (LIDAR han demostrado ser una familia de sensores altamente fiable, por lo que durante los últimos años los esfuerzos dedicados a investigar posibles aplicaciones viales han ido en aumento. De esta forma, es cada vez más frecuente observar sistemas de ayuda a la conducción (ADAS con este tipo de dispositivos que proveen de información del entorno necesaria para realizar tareas complejas como deteccián y prediccián de situaciones peligrosas. En el presente trabajo, dos sistemas LIDAR han sido probados para comprobar sus capacidades reales en entornos viales. En segundo término, se propone una aplicación que hace uso de las capacidades de dichos sensores para la detección y clasificación de obstaculos en entornos viarios. Palabras clave: sensores, procesamiento de senales, sistemas reales, vehiculos, algoritmos de deteccion

  15. Nanotubos de carbono no desenvolvimento de sensores eletroquímicos


    Fernando Cruz de Moraes


    Os nanotubos de carbono (CNTs) têm despertado um grande interesse na área de eletroanálise, pois estes materiais possuem importantes características, como a alta velocidade na transferência de carga, alta área superficial e a presença de grupos funcionais que fazem com que os sensores baseados em CNTs sejam atrativos para serem modificados com diversos tipos de espécies. As ftalocianinas metálicas (MPc) são conhecidas como excelentes mediadores redox e podem ser eletrostaticamente adsorvidas ...

  16. El SERS como sensor de pH en entornos nanométricos


    López-Tocón, Isabel


    La Espectroscopia SERS (Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy) se caracteriza por la enorme intensificación de la señal Raman de una molécula cuando se encuentra en las proximidades de una superficie metálica rugosa a escala nanométrica. Se trata, por tanto, de una técnica de alta sensibilidad que permite el registro de muestras a muy baja concentración y además, de alta selectividad, ya que únicamente aquellas moléculas que presenten un centro capaz de interaccionar con el metal, como un par ...

  17. Las redes de sensores inalámbricos y el internet de las cosas

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    Alejandro Cama


    Full Text Available El Internet de las cosas (IoT percibe un mundo donde los dispositivos que lo conforman pueden ser identificados en el Internet y está creciendo a un ritmo acelerado con nuevos dispositivos que se van conectando. En este sentido, las redes de sensores inalámbricos juegan un papel importante para incrementar la ubicuidad de las redes con dispositivos inteligentes de bajo costo y fácil implementación, con estándares como IEEE 802.15.4 en la capa física, 6LoWPAN en la capa de red, y RPL como protocolo de enrutamiento, que se integran en el concepto de IoT para traer nuevas experiencias en las actividades de la vida diaria, como por ejemplo en aplicaciones para hogares y oficinas confortables, salud, vigilancia del medio ambiente y ciudades inteligentes. En el presente artículo se relacionará a la red de sensores inalámbricos con el Internet de las cosas a través de estándares y protocolos.

  18. Piezocomposites metal-cerámica como elementos activos en acelerómetros

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    Ochoa, P.


    Full Text Available Piezoelectric ceramic materials have an important number of applications that is continuing increasing. One of these applications is as driving element in the design of an accelerometer. They may be used in monitoring vibration for the automobile and aeroespacial industries and robotic or civil engineering. The cymbal transducer is a good candidate for accelerometer applications due to its high effective piezoelectric charge coefficients. In this work it is shown that changes in the geometry and size of the caps improve the performance of the sensor. The sensitivity of the cymbal accelerometer increases with decreasing cap size. The mechanical vibration response of the cymbal is studied and different properties, like resonant frequency, electromechanical coupling coefficient, and fastest response time are compared.

    Los materiales cerámicos piezoeléctricos presentan un número importante y en continuo aumento de aplicaciones. Entre éstas su utilización como elementos activos en el diseño de acelerómetros posibilita el control de vibraciones en la industria del transporte, aerospacial, robótica e ingeniería civil entre otras. Entre los múltiples diseños como material compuesto destaca, gracias a sus elevados coeficientes de carga efectivos, el denominado tipo címbalo. En este trabajo se comprueba que modificando la geometría y el tamaño de las cápsulas se optimiza el comportamiento del sensor. Concretamente una disminución en el tamaño de las cápsulas se traduce en un aumento de la sensibilidad del acelerómetro. También se muestran los espectros de impedancia y se comparan distintas propiedades como son la frecuencia de resonancia, coeficiente de acoplo electromecánico y tiempo mínimo de respuesta.

  19. El CO2 como disolvente y como reactivo


    La Franca Pitarresi, Vincenzo Rosario


    Existen numerosas ventajas asociada con el uso de CO2 , tanto como disolvente que como reactivo, y todas se pueden resumir en cuatro categorías generales: beneficios ambiental, beneficios de salud y seguridad, beneficios en el procedimiento y beneficios químicos. Los procesos que implican el CO2 como disolvente no aumentaría las emisiones de CO2, más bien proporcionaría una oportunidad para el reciclaje de CO2 residual. Además, los esfuerzos para secuestrar el CO2 producido de los gases de co...

  20. Carolee Schneemann. El cine como autobiografía, la artista como actriz, el cuerpo como pincel

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    María Barbaño González-Moreno


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza la relación de cine y mujer a partir de la obra fílmica de Carolee Schneemann, principalmente de su obra autobiográfica Fuses (1964-1966. Desde ella, se plantea el papel de la artista como productora, directora y protagonista principal de todas sus obras. Reflexionamos así sobre el rol del creador-director como actor que derivaría en la consecución de una obra cinematográfica de tintes necesariamente autobiográficos. Asumiendo la visión vanguardista del cine como diario personal/Entendido el cine como diario personal, Schneemann va a explorar en su obra diferentes aspectos de la identidad y la sexualidad de la mujer en un cine artístico, alternativo y de tendencia política feminista. Entendido/Asumido su cine como elemento plástico, la artista explorará de forma paralela la experimentación matérica y física a través de los cuerpos filmados así como de la propia materialidad de la película, excluyendo toda posibilidad narrativa, dramática e ilusoria de proyección del espectador en el espacio cinematográfico y el espacio privado del creador.

  1. Sensores de fibra óptica basados en resonancias electromagnéticas


    López Lambás, Sergio


    Este trabajo surge como continuación a los trabajos basados en LMR ya realizados con el objetivo de profundizar en el estudio y fabricación de sensores de fibra óptica basados en resonancias electromagnéticas utilizando diferentes materiales y técnicas. En concreto el proyecto perseguirá los siguientes objetivos: Desarrollar sensores de fibra óptica basados en resonancias electromagnéticas con recubrimientos metálicos y su aplicación a la detección de campo magnético. Estudiar y mejorar la fa...

  2. Laser of optical fiber composed by two coupled cavities: application as optical fiber sensor; Laser de fibra optica compuesto por dos cavidades acopladas: aplicacion como sensor de fibra optica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vazquez S, R.A.; Kuzin, E.A.; Ibarra E, B. [Instituto Nacional de Astrofisica, Optica y Electronica (INAOE), A.P. 51 y 216, 72000 Puebla (Mexico); May A, M. [Universidad Autonoma del Carmen (UNACAR) Av. 56 No. 4 por Av. Concordia, Campeche (Mexico); Shlyagin, M.; Marquez B, I. [Centro de Investigacion Cientifica y de Ensenanza Superior de Ensenada (CICESE), 22860 Ensenada, Baja California (Mexico)]. e-mail:


    We show an optical fiber laser sensor which consist of two cavities coupled and three fiber Bragg gratings. We used one Bragg grating (called reference) and two Bragg gratings (called sensors), which have the lower reflection wavelength. The reference grating with the two sensors grating make two cavities: first one is the internal cavity which has 4230 m of length and the another one is the external cavity which has 4277 m of length. Measuring the laser beating frequency for a resonance cavity and moving the frequency peaks when the another cavity is put in resonance, we prove that the arrangement can be used as a two points sensor for determining the difference of temperature or stress between these two points. (Author)


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    Alcides Montoya


    Full Text Available La reconfiguración, reprogramación y despliegue de nuevas tareas computacionales en redes inalámbricas de sensores es un problema no resuelto satisfactoriamente en la actualidad. Este artículo propone la evaluación del desempeño en redes inalámbricas de sensores mejoradas con agentes móviles inteligentes como mecanismo de reprogramación autónoma. El método utilizado para la evaluación del desempeño se fundamenta en la medida del consumo de energía durante el proceso de migración de los agentes móviles inteligentes entre los nodos sensores y en el cálculo del tiempo de convergencia de la red, definido como el tiempo que tarda la red en pasar de un estado a otro; en los experimentos se refiere al retardo durante el cambio del tiempo de muestreo para toda la red. La solución más eficiente, que fue probada y evaluada en una red inalámbrica formada por 40 nodos que detectan fugas de amoniaco en tiempo real, determinó que el punto clave consiste en disminuir el consumo de energía producto de las confirmaciones y retransmisiones innecesarias de datos y procedimientos, desde los nodos sensores hasta la estación base. Este hecho representa, además de la disminución en el consumo energético, un ahorro significativo en el tiempo de convergencia de la red.A reconfiguração, reprogramação e implantação de novas tarefas computacionais em redes de sensores sem fio é um problema não resolvido de modo satisfatório na atualidade. Este artigo propõe a avaliação do desempenho em redes de sensores sem fio melhoradas com agentes móveis inteligentes como mecanismo de reprogramação autônoma. O método utilizado para a avaliação do desempenho fundamenta-se na medida do consumo de energia durante o processo de migração dos agentes móveis inteligentes entre os nós sensores e no cálculo do tempo de convergência da rede, definido como o tempo que demora a rede de passar de um estado a outro; nos experimentos se refere ao

  4. Expansion of IFC model with structural sensors

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    Rio, J.


    Full Text Available The instrumentation and structural health monitoring, SHM, of buildings is a growing field in the construction industry. The goal of this research work is to explore ways of modeling SHM systems, and the resulting data collected from buildings, in standard information management system such as Building Information Models, BIM. These models need to be stored in digital databases with structures suitable for the specific building related information. In this work the Industry Foundation Classes, IFC, data model was used. A case study is presented to assess the applicability of the present IFC standard as a tool to build a three-dimensional digital model of a real instrumented building, as well as some of the structural sensors and their results. The interoperability of the digital model was verified by using different modeling, viewing and analysis software tools. Limitations of the current IFC model were explored and extensions to the sensor classes are proposed.La instrumentación y monitorización de la salud estructural de edificios, SHM, es un campo creciente en la industria de la construcción. El objetivo del presente trabajo es estudiar la modelación de sistemas SHM tomados de edificios en un modelo digital BIM e la sua integración de datos. Estos modelos deben almacenarse en bases de datos con una estructura apropiada para albergar información específica relacionada con la construcción. En este trabajo se utilizó el estándar Industry Foundation Classes, IFC. Se presenta un estudio de caso para evaluar la norma IFC como herramienta para modelar un edificio real instrumentado, así como algunos sensores estruturales e sus resultados. La inter-operatividad de lo modelo digital se ha comprobado mediante el uso de diferentes herramientas de software de modelación, visualización y análisis. Se exploran además limitaciones del modelo IFC y se proponen extensiones de las clases de sensores.

  5. Vigilancia por análisis de ruido de los sensores de temperatura


    Martínez Lobelle, Elías


    En este proyecto se van a aplicar las técnicas de análisis de ruido para caracterizar la respuesta dinámica de varios sensores de temperatura, tanto termorresistencias de platino como de termopares. Estos sensores son imprescindibles para él correcto funcionamiento de las centrales nucleares y requieren vigilancia para garantizar la exactitud de las medidas. Las técnicas de análisis de ruido son técnicas pasivas, es decir, no afectan a la operación de la planta y permiten realizar una vigilan...

  6. Digital data filtering in a Hall effect based angular position sensor


    Solana Muñoz, Jorge


    Este proyecto empieza con el análisis de un sensor de efecto Hall como los estudiados en la asignatura Instrumentación Electrónica. Durante su estudio se pondrán en práctica algunos de los conocimientos adquiridos en ella. Posteriormente se entra en una fase de diseño de un sistema electrónico digital que procesará la señal procedente del sensor. En esta parte entran en juego conceptos de Sistemas Electrónicos Digitales necesarios para la elección de los bloques y las funciones lógicas oportu...

  7. Sistema sensor para navegación en vehículos autónomos


    Viñolo Arcos, Xavier


    Este proyecto tiene como objetivo crear un sistema de navegación de bajo coste con la ayuda de sensores inerciales para un vehículo autónomo. Para ello se ha utilizado como plataforma Lego Mindstorms NXT. El entorno software usado para controlar y programar ha sido Labview. El proyecto se estructura siguiendo el siguiente índice. En primer lugar se introduce el mundo de la robótica describiendo la estructura general de vehículos. A continuación se concreta la descripción para el kit de Lego q...

  8. Sistema Distribuido de Detección de Sismos Usando una Red de Sensores Inalámbrica para Alerta Temprana.

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    Ana Zambrano Vizuete


    Full Text Available Resumen: El detectar eventos disruptivos usando sensores COTS como los utilizados en smartphones representa un gran desafío pero también una oportunidad interesante. En este artículo se presenta una arquitectura de sistema de tiempo real crítico, jerárquica y distribuida, que hace uso de smartphones que actúan como sensores a través de una aplicación de bajo consumo de energía que convierte a sus acelerómetros en acelerógrafos. Los smartphones desplegados forman una red de sensores que detecta, analiza y notifica un pico sísmico. El sistema optimiza cálculos distribuidos y capacidades de comunicación en smartphones para proveer tiempo extra para alertas tempranas en escenarios de desastre de tipo sísmico, aunque puede ser empleada como solución a otros desastres naturales. Se propone una solución innovadora de bajo coste que realiza análisis tanto espaciales como temporales, no presentes en otros trabajos, lo cual lo hace más preciso y personalizable permitiendo adaptarse a las características geográficas de la zona, de red, y recursos tanto humanos como monetarios. La arquitectura ha sido validada mediante una extensa evaluación, consiguiendo como resultado notificaciones tempranas que adelantan en decenas de segundos el pico máximo del sismo en la zona del epicentro y aún más para zonas más alejadas; y la considerable reducción de falsas alarmas. Adicionalmente la arquitectura propuesta incluye una administración post-evento que mejora la capacidad operativa, logística y de telecomunicaciones desde un solo nivel central, y al mismo tiempo, mantiene al usuario informado de centros de refugios cercanos, mejores rutas, rutas seguras para una mejor decisión. Abstract: Detecting disruptive events using COTS sensors like the ones embedded in smartphones is a difficult challenge but also an interesting opportunity. In this paper, we present a distributed, reliable, hierarchical and hard real-time system architecture of

  9. Estudio y optimización de sensores de microondas para la caracterización y monitorización de materiales en procesos industriales.


    García Baños, Beatriz


    En esta tesis se realiza el análisis y la optimización del diseño de sensores de microondas, basados tanto en guías de onda coaxiales como en circuitos planares, para poder llevar a cabo la caracterización dieléctrica de materiales, así como la monitorización de los mismos en procesos industriales. Se describen novedosos métodos de diseño para conseguir que los sensores proporcionen la máxima sensibilidad a los cambios de las propiedades dieléctricas de los materiales; y se aplican nuevos mod...

  10. Estimação e compensação da influência da temperatura do gás manométrico em um sensor de pressão: um estudo de caso usando sensor piezoresistivo


    Francisco Ermelindo de Magalhaes


    Este trabalho tem por objetivo estudar a necessidade de compensação dos efeitos da temperatura do gás manométrico em um sensor de pressão. A influência da temperatura pode ser observada durante a utilização de um Padrão Digital de Pressão (DPG). Uma motivação para este trabalho foi a possibilidade de usar um sensor de pressão de baixo custo como padrão secundário de transferência de pressão visando o aumento da vida útil do DPG. Propositadamente foi escolhido um sensor cuja saída fosse influe...

  11. Sensoriamento remoto como subsídio à modelagem do balanço energético superficial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vassiliki Terezinha Galvão Boulomytis


    Full Text Available O balanço energético superficial interfere no funcionamento do sistema terrestre através da relação existente entre a água e a energia solar e do modo como ocorre o seu processo de partição. Para a sua estimativa, modelagens vêm sendo realizadas utilizando-se de um ou mais sensores com diferentes resoluções, a fim de se obter dados com resoluções temporal e espacial adequadas a uma escala local. Neste estudo serão apresentados modelos para estimar a evapotranspiração e outros parâmetros biofísicos através do balanço energético superficial com a utilização dos sensores MODIS e AMSR-E.

  12. Quantitative comparison of different-shaped wavefront sensors and preliminary results for defocus aberrations on a mechanical eye Comparações quantitativas entre o sensor Hartmann-Shack e o sensor de Castro e resultados preliminares para um olho mecânico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Alberto Carvalho


    : mean of root mean square (RMSE for all aberrations, when theoretical Zernike coefficients were used as control, was 0.22, 0.66 and 0.26 microns; RMSE of sphere-cylinder values when compared to autorefractor measurements was 0.18D, 0.22D and 0.35D for sphere, 0.14D, 0.24D and 0.17D for cylinder, 34.36°, 35.16° and 26.36° for axis; RMSE of sphere-cylinder values when theoretical values were used as control was 0.11D, 0.29D and 0.46D for sphere, 0.15D, 0.28D and 0.17D for cylinder, 19.71°, 25.56° and 18.56° for axis. CONCLUSION: The main conclusion is that the symmetry of an optical sensor is not an important consideration when measuring typical eye aberrations such as defocus (myopic and hyperopic, but there are differences. In this sense, the polar symmetry sensors render results that are equivalent to the traditional Cartesian Hartmann-Shack sensor, but furnish an easier method for determining the optical center.OBJETIVO: Sensores de aberrações ópticas de simetria cartesiana são aceitos pela maioria da comunidade científica como um padrão (como o sensor de Hartmann-Shack (HS nos ramos da óptica e da oftalmologia. Neste trabalho foram desenvolvidos e testados três tipos de sensores com simetrias e/ou configurações diferentes e foram feitas comparações entre o sensor de Castro (SC e o sensor HS na sua forma cilíndrica e cartesiana. MÉTODOS: Todos os sensores foram projetados e desenvolvidos em nosso laboratório no Instituto de Física de São Carlos - USP. O primeiro sensor é um sensor HS convencional, ou seja, no formato cartesiano; o segundo é um sensor HS cilíndrico e o terceiro é o SC. Para cada sensor foram realizados tanto cálculos teóricos como medidas práticas em um olho mecânico. O olho mecânico foi ajustado com 10 diferentes tipos de aberrações de desfocalização, de -5D a +5D, em passos de 1D. RESULTADOS: A precisão dos sensores foi analisada utilizando-se dois diferentes métodos: primeiramente um método totalmente te

  13. Celulas solares e sensores de filme fino de silicio depositados sobre substratos flexiveis = (United States)

    Pinto, Emilio Sergio Marins Vieira

    Celulas solares flexiveis de filmes finos de silicio sao geralmente fabricadas a baixa temperatura sobre substratos de plastico ou a mais elevadas temperaturas sobre folhas de aco. Esta tese reporta o estudo da deposicao de filmes finos sobre diferentes substratos de plastico, transparentes e coloridos, para celulas solares do tipo sobrestrato e substrato, respectivamente. Como objetivo co-lateral, os filmes dopados depositados sobre plastico foram usados como sensores de deformacao, utilizando as suas propriedades piezo-resistivas. Elevadas taxas de deposicao dos filmes de silicio depositados sobre plastico foram obtidas a baixa temperatura do substrato (150ºC) por rf-PECVD. A influencia de diferentes parametros de deposicao sobre as propriedades e taxa de deposicao dos filmes resultantes foram estudados e correlacionados. Celulas solares de filmes finos de silicio amorfo e microcristalino foram desenvolvidas a baixas temperaturas sobre plasticos. Eficiencias de 5 - 6.5% foram alcancadas para as celulas amorfas e 7.5% para as celulas microcristalinas. Efeitos de aprisionamento da luz foram estudados atraves da texturizacao por ablacao laser de substratos de plastico e corrosao umida de TCO sobre plastico. Filmes finos de silicio microcristalino, depositados por HW-CVD, com fator piezoresistivo de -32.2, foram usados para fabricar sensores de deformacao em uma membrana plastica muito fina (15 μm). Estruturas de teste em textil e a miniaturizacao dos sensores piezoresistivos depositados sobre substratos flexiveis de poliimida foram abordados.


    Mendoza-Ticona, Alberto


    Existe evidencia suficiente para declarar a la tuberculosis como enfermedad ocupacional en diversos profesionales especialmente entre los trabajadores de salud. En el Perú están normados y reglamentados los derechos laborales inherentes a la tuberculosis como enfermedad ocupacional, como la cobertura por discapacidad temporal o permanente. Sin embargo, estos derechos aún no han sido suficientemente socializados. En este trabajo se presenta información sobre el riesgo de adquirir tuberculosis en el lugar de trabajo, se revisan las evidencias para declarar a la tuberculosis como enfermedad ocupacional en trabajadores de salud y se presenta la legislación peruana vigente al respecto. PMID:22858771

  15. Heidegger E A Técnica Moderna Como Perigo E Como Salvação

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robson Costa Cordeiro


    Full Text Available O mundo contemporâneo é marcado por uma compreensão de técnica que se ergue como tal a partir de um sentido próprio e autônomo. Este sentido pode ser caracterizado como um logos que se constitui a partir de sua própria natureza e se manifesta como tecnologia no decorrer da história. Compreender esse sentido e assumi-lo como condição de nossa existência no mundo é comprender a técnica como nossa herança e nosso envio. Nesse sentido, compreender a essência da técnica é fundamental para o mundo contemporâneo, assumindo que, nesse processo, consiste o perigo e a salvação da espécie.

  16. Taste sensor; Mikaku sensor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Toko, K. [Kyushu University, Fukuoka (Japan)


    This paper introduces a taste sensor having a lipid/polymer membrane to work as a receptor of taste substances. The paper describes the following matters: this sensor uses a hollow polyvinyl chloride rod filled with KCl aqueous solution, and placed with silver and silver chloride wires, whose cross section is affixed with a lipid/polymer membrane as a lipid membrane electrode to identify taste from seven or eight kinds of response patterns of electric potential output from the lipid/polymer membrane; measurements of different substances presenting acidic taste, salty taste, bitter taste, sweet taste and flavor by using this sensor identified clearly each taste (similar response is shown to a similar taste even if the substances are different); different responses are indicated on different brands of beers; from the result of measuring a great variety of mineral waters, a possibility was suggested that this taste sensor could be used for water quality monitoring sensors; and application of this taste sensor may be expected as a maturation control sensor for Japanese sake (wine) and miso (bean paste) manufacturing. 2 figs., 1 tab.

  17. Sensors, Volume 4, Thermal Sensors (United States)

    Scholz, Jorg; Ricolfi, Teresio


    'Sensors' is the first self-contained series to deal with the whole area of sensors. It describes general aspects, technical and physical fundamentals, construction, function, applications and developments of the various types of sensors. This volume describes the construction and applicational aspects of thermal sensors while presenting a rigorous treatment of the underlying physical principles. It provides a unique overview of the various categories of sensors as well as of specific groups, e.g. temperature sensors (resistance thermometers, thermocouples, and radiation thermometers), noise and acoustic thermometers, heat-flow and mass-flow sensors. Specific facettes of applications are presented by specialists from different fields including process control, automotive technology and cryogenics. This volume is an indispensable reference work and text book for both specialists and newcomers, researchers and developers.

  18. Diseño, Implementación y Verificación de un Sensor de Temperatura CMOS de Bajo Coste y Alta Funcionalidad


    Artés García, Antonio


    En este proyecto, se presenta un sensor de temperatura integrado CMOS basado en la medida de una variable secundaria, cuyo valor es dependiente de la temperatura, como es el tiempo de subida que presenta una señal eléctrica en sus flancos de subida. Con el objetivo de reducir coste y potencia consumida, el sensor integrado de temperatura propuesto genera un pulso con un ancho proporcional a la temperatura medida. Este sensor para realizar la medida elimina la necesidad de tener una señal que ...

  19. Generando entornos de investigación y desarrollo utilizando redes inalámbricas de sensores (WSN)


    Sosa, Eduardo Omar; Godoy, Diego Alberto


    Las Redes Inalámbricas de Sensores (WSN) jugarán un papel preponderante tanto en las actividades académicas y como en el desarrollo en nuestro país. En este artículo se reportan actividades desarrolladas en dos universidades argentinas, utilizando a la tecnología WSN como disparador de actividades de investigación, desarrollo. La aplicación de ésta tecnología de última generación se enmarcan en el dominio de “Internet de las Cosas” y “Ciudades Inteligentes”. Las actividades teórico-práctic...

  20. Sensors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jensen, H. [PBI-Dansensor A/S (Denmark); Toft Soerensen, O. [Risoe National Lab., Materials Research Dept. (Denmark)


    A new type of ceramic oxygen sensors based on semiconducting oxides was developed in this project. The advantage of these sensors compared to standard ZrO{sub 2} sensors is that they do not require a reference gas and that they can be produced in small sizes. The sensor design and the techniques developed for production of these sensors are judged suitable by the participating industry for a niche production of a new generation of oxygen sensors. Materials research on new oxygen ion conducting conductors both for applications in oxygen sensors and in fuel was also performed in this project and finally a new process was developed for fabrication of ceramic tubes by dip-coating. (EHS)

  1. A condicionalidade como zona conceitual

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    Taísa Peres de OLIVEIRA

    Full Text Available RESUMO Neste trabalho avaliam-se diferentes padrões de construções condicionais no português a partir dos parâmetros de condicionalidade. O objetivo principal é mostrar como a categoria está internamente organizada não apenas em termos de um núcleo prototípico, mas mostrando como os exemplares mais periféricos se relacionam a ele. As bases teóricas deste trabalho assentam-se sobre concepções funcional-cognitivistas, nos termos de Bybee (2010 e Dancygier (1998, especialmente considerando a relativa instabilidade da gramática e a fluidez da categoria. As reflexões principais apontam a condicionalidade como uma categoria bastante complexa que serve de/como abrigo de múltiplas construções.

  2. UPCSat-1: Desarrollo, integración y caracterización de los paneles solares y el sensor óptico


    Pedret Otero, Alfred


    En este proyecto se detalla el proceso de montaje de los paneles solares del UPCSat-1, así como de los diferentes componentes y sensores que equipan estos paneles. Se ha realizado una detallada descripción del proceso y las técnicas utilizadas en el montaje, que ha permitido la detección de errores en el diseño y en los protocolos utilizados, obteniendo como resultado un proceso de montaje que garantiza el correcto funcionamiento de los paneles solares del UPCSat-1. Se pr...

  3. El trabajo de campo como proceso. La "etnografía colaborativa" como perspectiva analítica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leticia Katzer


    Full Text Available El presente artículo contiene una serie de reflexiones elaboradas al poner en diálogo experiencias de campo en el marco de investigaciones individuales; una, con indígenas adscriptos como Huarpes, en el noreste de la provincia de Mendoza; la otra, con indígenas adscriptos como Qom. Éstas reflexiones intentan contribuir a desnaturalizar y visibilizar la complejidad de los contextos de interacción, considerando que abarcan distintas dimensiones y aspectos —tales como posición de los interlocutores en la estructura social, expectativas individuales, experiencias y relaciones previas de los sujetos, y recursos materiales y simbólicos en intermediación—, enfatizando así el carácter situacional y dinámico de esas relaciones de interlocución.A la luz de los actuales debates de la crítica cultural y en un intento por contribuir a los estudios de la Etnografía Colaborativa, el objetivo de este artículo es exponer y describir comparativamente lo que entendemos como performances de campo, situando como objeto de análisis la experiencia etnográfica en sí misma. Entendiendo el trabajo etnográfico como proceso y texto, identificamos tres grandes nudos críticos, reunidos en tres escenas etnográficas, que analizamos como una red multisituada de mediaciones e interrelaciones.

  4. Desenvolvimento de filmes poliméricos ultrafinos e reticulados para aplicações em sensores

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    Eliton Souto de Medeiros


    Full Text Available Resumo Este trabalho propõe um novo método de produção de filmes estáveis para aplicações em sensores baseado na deposição pela técnica de automontagem de poli(o-etoxianilina alternada com fenol-formaldeído (POEA/PF seguida por cura térmica. O processo de reticulação foi caracterizado por espectroscopias no infravermelho por transformada de Fourier e no ultravioleta-visível, microscopia de força atômica e estudos de dessorção; a capacidade sensorial destes filmes foi avaliada através de medidas em sensores. Os resultados mostram que a resina PF serviu como agente de cura e alternante formando uma rede semi-interpenetrante, por conseguinte, filmes mais estáveis foram produzidos. Embora tenha ocorrido uma diminuição da sensibilidade dos sensores com o reticulação, tais filmes são bastante estáveis e podem ser potencialmente usados em sensores, especialmente onde uma maior estabilidade se faz necessária.

  5. Hoy como ayer


    Rodríguez M.


    Leyendo el artículo titulado “Los medicamentos baratos” de la revista La Farmacia Española, publicada en Madrid el jueves 21 de diciembre de 1893, uno se pregunta cómo puede ser que se reconozca la situación como si fuera de ahora mismo, cómo puede ser que estemos igual que hace más de cien años. Entonces eran los descuentos que se empezaban a extender en las farmacias, francesas sobre todo, y que amenazaban el prestigio profesional de todo el colectivo. Con frases como éstas se define la sit...

  6. Semantically-Enabled Sensor Plug & Play for the Sensor Web (United States)

    Bröring, Arne; Maúe, Patrick; Janowicz, Krzysztof; Nüst, Daniel; Malewski, Christian


    Environmental sensors have continuously improved by becoming smaller, cheaper, and more intelligent over the past years. As consequence of these technological advancements, sensors are increasingly deployed to monitor our environment. The large variety of available sensor types with often incompatible protocols complicates the integration of sensors into observing systems. The standardized Web service interfaces and data encodings defined within OGC’s Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) framework make sensors available over the Web and hide the heterogeneous sensor protocols from applications. So far, the SWE framework does not describe how to integrate sensors on-the-fly with minimal human intervention. The driver software which enables access to sensors has to be implemented and the measured sensor data has to be manually mapped to the SWE models. In this article we introduce a Sensor Plug & Play infrastructure for the Sensor Web by combining (1) semantic matchmaking functionality, (2) a publish/subscribe mechanism underlying the SensorWeb, as well as (3) a model for the declarative description of sensor interfaces which serves as a generic driver mechanism. We implement and evaluate our approach by applying it to an oil spill scenario. The matchmaking is realized using existing ontologies and reasoning engines and provides a strong case for the semantic integration capabilities provided by Semantic Web research. PMID:22164033

  7. Sensors

    CERN Document Server

    Pigorsch, Enrico


    This is the 5th edition of the Metra Martech Directory "EUROPEAN CENTRES OF EXPERTISE - SENSORS." The entries represent a survey of European sensors development. The new edition contains 425 detailed profiles of companies and research institutions in 22 countries. This is reflected in the diversity of sensors development programmes described, from sensors for physical parameters to biosensors and intelligent sensor systems. We do not claim that all European organisations developing sensors are included, but this is a good cross section from an invited list of participants. If you see gaps or omissions, or would like your organisation to be included, please send details. The data base invites the formation of effective joint ventures by identifying and providing access to specific areas in which organisations offer collaboration. This issue is recognised to be of great importance and most entrants include details of collaboration offered and sought. We hope the directory on Sensors will help you to find the ri...

  8. Time-domain fiber loop ringdown sensor and sensor network (United States)

    Kaya, Malik

    Optical fibers have been mostly used in fiber optic communications, imaging optics, sensing technology, etc. Fiber optic sensors have gained increasing attention for scientific and structural health monitoring (SHM) applications. In this study, fiber loop ringdown (FLRD) sensors were fabricated for scientific, SHM, and sensor networking applications. FLRD biosensors were fabricated for both bulk refractive index (RI)- and surface RI-based DNA sensing and one type of bacteria sensing. Furthermore, the effect of glucose oxidase (GOD) immobilization at the sensor head on sensor performance was evaluated for both glucose and synthetic urine solutions with glucose concentration between 0.1% and 10%. Detection sensitivities of the glucose sensors were achieved as low as 0.05%. For chemical sensing, heavy water, ranging from 97% to 10%, and several elemental solutions were monitored by using the FLRD chemical sensors. Bulk index-based FLRD sensing showed that trace elements can be detected in deionized water. For physical sensing, water and cracking sensors were fabricated and embedded into concrete. A partially-etched single-mode fiber (SMF) was embedded into a concrete bar for water monitoring while a bare SMF without any treatment was directly embedded into another concrete bar for monitoring cracks. Furthermore, detection sensitivities of water and crack sensors were investigated as 10 ml water and 0.5 mm surface crack width, respectively. Additionally fiber loop ringdown-fiber Bragg grating temperature sensors were developed in the laboratory; two sensor units for water, crack, and temperature sensing were deployed into a concrete cube in a US Department of Energy test bed (Miami, FL). Multi-sensor applications in a real concrete structure were accomplished by testing the six FLRD sensors. As a final stage, a sensor network was assembled by multiplexing two or three FLRD sensors in series and parallel. Additionally, two FLRD sensors were combined in series and

  9. Material audiovisual para el estudio de los sensores y actuadores del sistema de inyección electrónica a gasolina


    Padilla Calle, Henry Patricio; Pulla Morocho, Christian Omar


    El contenido del presente trabajo final de grado titulado como "Material Audiovisual para el Estudio de Sensores y Actuadores del Sistema de Inyección a Gasolina" tiene como misión principal dar a conocer al estudiante, al profesional o al público en general que se halle ligado a la rama de la mecánica automotriz, sobre los principales sistemas de inyección a gasolina existentes en el medio; así también destacando sus componentes principales y las ventajas que presentan; siendo de esta forma ...

  10. Impacto de mecanismos de seguridad en sensores IEEE 802.15.4


    Tripp Barba, Carolina; Casademont Serra, Jordi


    En la actualidad son muchos los mecanismos de seguridad que el estándar IEEE 802.15.4 permite a las redes inalámbricas de sensores [1] Dicho estándar define las especificaciones de la Capa de Acceso al Medio y la Capa Física de los dispositivos inalámbricos de área personal. La última revisión corresponde al 2006. Dichas revisiones y actualizaciones son hechas por el grupo de trabajo 802.15. Sin embargo estos mecanismos consumen recursos como memoria y batería, que son...

  11. Las leyendas regionales como intangibles territoriales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eloy Martos Núñez


    Full Text Available El artículo examina el concepto de leyenda como intangible territorial en diversas escalas, desde la local a la regional o nacional, y su relación con la construcción de mitos étnicos y la emergencia de tradiciones translocales. Para ello, se revisan la metodología de los estudios corográficos y las nociones de ecotipo y de paisaje cultural, así como la etnografía de los territorios simbólicos a la luz de conceptos como el clásico «témenos» y modernos como el «mytho-moteur» (Abadal, 1958. Se aplican estudios de casos que evidencian cómo es el Imaginario, en interacción con factores geohistóricos del lugar, el que a menudo acota y perimetrea un territorio a través de cauces como la fabulación legendaria y los ritos paralitúgicos, como procesiones o peregrinaciones. La conclusión es que las leyendas y los arquetipos de origen étnico y genealógico reescriben tradiciones que crean identidades y se pueden proyectar en ámbitos diferentes de la vida política o recreativa, con perfiles igualmente diferentes.

  12. Guides for flow sensors selection; Guias para la seleccion de sensores de flujo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gomez Garcia, Gustavo; Guzman Flores, Roberto; Rodriguez Martinez, Arnulfo [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    In this paper a system is presented that allows the selection and calculation on instruments for flow measurement, based on practical experiences, standards an taking into consideration the process operational characteristics such as fluid type, maximum flow rate, piping diameter, etc. The system is composed of a knowledge base and a software for the selection, calculation and de adequate recommendation of flow sensing elements for the different services needed in the power plants. [Espanol] En este trabajo se presenta un sistema que permite realizar la seleccion y calculo de instrumentos para la medicion de flujo con base en experiencias practicas, normas y tomando en cuenta las caracteristicas de operacion del proceso como el tipo de fluido, flujo maximo, diametro de tuberia, etcetera. El sistema esta compuesto por una base de conocimiento y un software para la seleccion, calculo y la recomendacion adecuada de elementos sensores de flujo para los diferentes servicios que se tienen en centrales generadoras.

  13. Guides for flow sensors selection; Guias para la seleccion de sensores de flujo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gomez Garcia, Gustavo; Guzman Flores, Roberto; Rodriguez Martinez, Arnulfo [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    In this paper a system is presented that allows the selection and calculation on instruments for flow measurement, based on practical experiences, standards an taking into consideration the process operational characteristics such as fluid type, maximum flow rate, piping diameter, etc. The system is composed of a knowledge base and a software for the selection, calculation and de adequate recommendation of flow sensing elements for the different services needed in the power plants. [Espanol] En este trabajo se presenta un sistema que permite realizar la seleccion y calculo de instrumentos para la medicion de flujo con base en experiencias practicas, normas y tomando en cuenta las caracteristicas de operacion del proceso como el tipo de fluido, flujo maximo, diametro de tuberia, etcetera. El sistema esta compuesto por una base de conocimiento y un software para la seleccion, calculo y la recomendacion adecuada de elementos sensores de flujo para los diferentes servicios que se tienen en centrales generadoras.

  14. Surfactant Sensors in Biotechnology; Part 1 – Electrochemical Sensors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Milan Sak-Bosnar


    Full Text Available An overview on electrochemical surfactant sensors is given with special attention to papers published since 1993. The importance of surfactants in modern biotechnology is stressed out. Electrochemical sensors are usually divided according to the measured physical quantity to potentiometric, amperometric, conductometric and impedimetric surfactant sensors. The last ones are very few. Potentiometric surfactant sensors are the most numerous due to their simplicity and versatility. They can be used either as end-point titration sensors or as direct EMF measurement sensors, in batch or flow-through mode. Some amperometric surfactant sensors are true biosensors that use microorganisms or living cells.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mayerly Ríos Marín


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta la implementación de una red inalámbrica de sensores que permite monitorear el comportamiento de variables ambientales, tales como la temperatura ambiente, humedad relativa y radiación solar, para cultivos agrícolas. Esta red está constituida por nodos sensores, los cuales realizaran las mediciones; estos están conectados a través del protocolo ZigBee (IEEE 802.15.4 con un nodo coordinador (estación base el cual haciendo uso de la tecnología GSM/GPRS (Global System for Mobile Communications / General Packet Radio Service envía la información recolectada por los nodos sensores hasta el servidor Web. El servidor gestiona el monitoreo de los sensores, los cuales son visibles en una aplicación Web, la cual permite mostrar la información capturada por la red de forma amigable y entendible al usuario final.

  16. Applying Sensor Web Technology to Marine Sensor Data (United States)

    Jirka, Simon; del Rio, Joaquin; Mihai Toma, Daniel; Nüst, Daniel; Stasch, Christoph; Delory, Eric


    In this contribution we present two activities illustrating how Sensor Web technology helps to enable a flexible and interoperable sharing of marine observation data based on standards. An important foundation is the Sensor Web Architecture developed by the European FP7 project NeXOS (Next generation Low-Cost Multifunctional Web Enabled Ocean Sensor Systems Empowering Marine, Maritime and Fisheries Management). This architecture relies on the Open Geospatial Consortium's (OGC) Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) framework. It is an exemplary solution for facilitating the interoperable exchange of marine observation data within and between (research) organisations. The architecture addresses a series of functional and non-functional requirements which are fulfilled through different types of OGC SWE components. The diverse functionalities offered by the NeXOS Sensor Web architecture are shown in the following overview: - Pull-based observation data download: This is achieved through the OGC Sensor Observation Service (SOS) 2.0 interface standard. - Push-based delivery of observation data to allow users the subscription to new measurements that are relevant for them: For this purpose there are currently several specification activities under evaluation (e.g. OGC Sensor Event Service, OGC Publish/Subscribe Standards Working Group). - (Web-based) visualisation of marine observation data: Implemented through SOS client applications. - Configuration and controlling of sensor devices: This is ensured through the OGC Sensor Planning Service 2.0 interface. - Bridging between sensors/data loggers and Sensor Web components: For this purpose several components such as the "Smart Electronic Interface for Sensor Interoperability" (SEISI) concept are developed; this is complemented by a more lightweight SOS extension (e.g. based on the W3C Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) format). To further advance this architecture, there is on-going work to develop dedicated profiles of selected OGC

  17. Nanowire sensor, sensor array, and method for making the same (United States)

    Yun, Minhee (Inventor); Myung, Nosang (Inventor); Vasquez, Richard (Inventor); Homer, Margie (Inventor); Ryan, Margaret (Inventor); Yen, Shiao-Pin (Inventor); Fleurial, Jean-Pierre (Inventor); Bugga, Ratnakumar (Inventor); Choi, Daniel (Inventor); Goddard, William (Inventor)


    The present invention relates to a nanowire sensor and method for forming the same. More specifically, the nanowire sensor comprises at least one nanowire formed on a substrate, with a sensor receptor disposed on a surface of the nanowire, thereby forming a receptor-coated nanowire. The nanowire sensor can be arranged as a sensor sub-unit comprising a plurality of homogeneously receptor-coated nanowires. A plurality of sensor subunits can be formed to collectively comprise a nanowire sensor array. Each sensor subunit in the nanowire sensor array can be formed to sense a different stimulus, allowing a user to sense a plurality of stimuli. Additionally, each sensor subunit can be formed to sense the same stimuli through different aspects of the stimulus. The sensor array is fabricated through a variety of techniques, such as by creating nanopores on a substrate and electrodepositing nanowires within the nanopores.

  18. Wireless sensor communications and internet connectivity for sensor networks

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dunbar, M. [Crossbow Technology, Inc., San Jose, CA (United States)


    A wireless sensor network architecture is an integrated hardware/software solution that has the potential to change the way sensors are used in a virtually unlimited range of industries and applications. By leveraging Bluetooth wireless technology for low-cost, short-range radio links, wireless sensor networks such as CrossNet{sup TM} enable users to create wireless sensor networks. These wireless networks can link dozens or hundreds of sensors of disparate types and brands with data acquisition/analysis systems, such as handheld devices, internet-enabled laptop or desktop PCs. The overwhelming majority of sensor applications are hard-wired at present, and since wiring is often the most time-consuming, tedious, trouble-prone and expensive aspect of sensor applications, users in many fields will find compelling reasons to adopt the wireless sensor network solution. (orig.)

  19. Fiber-Optic Chemical Sensors and Fiber-Optic Bio-Sensors

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Pospíšilová, M.; Kuncová, Gabriela; Trögl, J.


    Roč. 15, č. 10 (2015), s. 25208-25259 ISSN 1424-8220 Institutional support: RVO:67985858 Keywords : fiber-optic sensor * chemical sensors * enzymatic sensor Subject RIV: JB - Sensors, Measurment, Regulation Impact factor: 2.033, year: 2015

  20. La razonabilidad como virtud


    Muñoz Oliveira, Luis Humberto


    Consultable des del TDX Títol obtingut de la portada digitalitzada Esta tesis doctoral explora la idea de que la razonabilidad es una virtud fundamental para que las sociedades plurales puedan convertirse en, o mantenerse como, un sistema de cooperación donde la justicia sea posible. La hipótesis central es que la razonabilidad como virtud es una manera de ser tolerante de forma solidaria, es entender al conciudadano, escucharlo, saber que juntos acordaron las reglas de cooperación y ac...

  1. Reputation-based secure sensor localization in wireless sensor networks. (United States)

    He, Jingsha; Xu, Jing; Zhu, Xingye; Zhang, Yuqiang; Zhang, Ting; Fu, Wanqing


    Location information of sensor nodes in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is very important, for it makes information that is collected and reported by the sensor nodes spatially meaningful for applications. Since most current sensor localization schemes rely on location information that is provided by beacon nodes for the regular sensor nodes to locate themselves, the accuracy of localization depends on the accuracy of location information from the beacon nodes. Therefore, the security and reliability of the beacon nodes become critical in the localization of regular sensor nodes. In this paper, we propose a reputation-based security scheme for sensor localization to improve the security and the accuracy of sensor localization in hostile or untrusted environments. In our proposed scheme, the reputation of each beacon node is evaluated based on a reputation evaluation model so that regular sensor nodes can get credible location information from highly reputable beacon nodes to accomplish localization. We also perform a set of simulation experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed reputation-based security scheme. And our simulation results show that the proposed security scheme can enhance the security and, hence, improve the accuracy of sensor localization in hostile or untrusted environments.

  2. Josep Beuys : el arte como creencia y como salvación

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    María López Ruido


    Full Text Available Joseph Beuys, nacido en Cléveris (Renania del Norte-Westfalia en 1921 y faliecido en Dusseldorf en 1986, posee una obra madura casi desde un primer momento. Superficialmente podríamos verla como el canto a sí mismo de un gran narcisista, donde sus experiencias y su persona son los grandes protagonistas. En una lectura más profunda, estos hechos personales no son más que el medio para ir más allá del yo y dar lugar a una creación plástica de trascendencia social. Tras la 2- Guerra Mundial, en la que lucha como piloto de la Luftwaffe, estudia en la Academia de Bellas Artes de Dusseldorf. Será a partir de los años 60 cuando encontremos al auténtico Beuys, escultor objetual e instalador, el creador de la plástica social, y desde sus contactos con Fluxus en 1962, el Beuys accionista. En los 70, se nos presenta el artista más claramente politizado. La educación, la incidencia social del arte, el arte como «tercera vía o vía alternativa» entre socialismo y capitalismo, la ecología serán sus materiales de trabajo.

  3. La universidad como organización

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    Luis Aurelio Ordoñez Burbano


    Full Text Available El presente artículo versa sobre la unviersidad como organización y tiene como objetivo hacer una reflexión sobre la misión de la universidad colombiana en el marco de diversos entornos. Como punto de partida, se propone una precisión sobre la misión de la universidad moderna y la investigación, a diferencia de la universidad colonial y decimonónica limitada a la divulgación de conocimientos preexistentes.

  4. Present trophic conditions of the Como and Lecco basins of lake Como; Attuali condizioni trofiche dei bacini di Como e Lecco del Lario

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mosello, R.; Brizzio, M.C. [Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Verbania (Italy). Ist. Italiano di Idrobiologia; Garibaldi, L. [Milan Univ. La Bicocca, Milan (Italy). Dipt. di Scienze dell' Ambiente; Buzzi, P. [Azienda Sanitaria Locale, Lecco (Italy). Unita' Operativa Fisica e Tutela Ambiente; Colzani, L.; Pizzotti, E. [Azienda Sanitaria Locale, Como (Italy). Unita' Operativa Chimica; Mocellin, D. [Azienda Sanitaria Locale, Sondrio (Italy). Unita' Operativa Chimica


    Monthly measurements of temperature, water chemistry and phytoplankton performed from september 1997 to August 1998 in lake basins close the towns of Como and Lecco (Italy) are presented and discussed. Chemical variables show a high trophic level in both stations, more pronounced in the Como station due to unfavourable hydrological conditions and to urban and industrial sources of pollution, which show the predominance of Oscillatoria rubescens. [Italian] Il presente lavoro riporta i risultati di un'indagine condotta con campionamenti mensili dal settembre 1997 all'agosto 1998 nei bacini di Como e Lecco. Le variabili chimiche analizzate evidenziano, per entrambe le stazioni considerate, un elevato livello di trofia piu' pronunciato nella stazione di Come a causa di sfavorevoli condizioni idrologiche e per la presenza di sorgenti di inquinamento urbano e industriale, confermato dalla predominanza di Oscillatoria rubescens.

  5. El Derecho como argumentación

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    Atienza, Manuel


    Full Text Available Not available

    Frente a las concepciones del Derecho como norma, como hecho o como valor (que caracterizan, respectivamente, al norrnativismo, al realismo jurídico y al iusnaturalismo, se propone aquí un cuarto enfoque que consiste en ver el Derecho como argumentación (y que cohra especial relevancia en las sociedades democráticas. Sin embargo, no hay una única forma de entender la argumentación jurídica. Aunque conectadas entre sí, en el trabajo se distinguen tres concepciones: la formal, la material y la pragmática o dialéctica; muchas cuestiones que se plantean en el ámbito de la teoría de la argumentación jurídica pueden resolverse -o aclararse- teniendo en cuenta esa triple perspectiva.

  6. Activity Recognition Invariant to Sensor Orientation with Wearable Motion Sensors. (United States)

    Yurtman, Aras; Barshan, Billur


    Most activity recognition studies that employ wearable sensors assume that the sensors are attached at pre-determined positions and orientations that do not change over time. Since this is not the case in practice, it is of interest to develop wearable systems that operate invariantly to sensor position and orientation. We focus on invariance to sensor orientation and develop two alternative transformations to remove the effect of absolute sensor orientation from the raw sensor data. We test the proposed methodology in activity recognition with four state-of-the-art classifiers using five publicly available datasets containing various types of human activities acquired by different sensor configurations. While the ordinary activity recognition system cannot handle incorrectly oriented sensors, the proposed transformations allow the sensors to be worn at any orientation at a given position on the body, and achieve nearly the same activity recognition performance as the ordinary system for which the sensor units are not rotatable. The proposed techniques can be applied to existing wearable systems without much effort, by simply transforming the time-domain sensor data at the pre-processing stage.


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    Cesar Vinícius Mendes Nery


    Full Text Available A importância das imagens de sensoriamento remoto para o monitoramento da cobertura vegetal é algo inegável. Por mais de três décadas a série Landsat tem fornecido imagens da terra, porém a partir de novembro de 2011 o satélite interrompeu a disponibilização de suas imagens para o monitoramento ambiental. Uma das alternativas de imagens ao Landsat têm sido as imagens do sensor LISS III a bordo do satélite indiano Resourcesat 1. O presente trabalho tem como área de estudo o município de Janaúba, por estar em uma área de transição de dois biomas, e o mesmo tem por objetivo comparar os dois sensores, o sensor TM que se encontra a bordo do satélite Landsat 5 e o sensor LISS III a bordo do satélite Resourcesat 1. Para esse estudo comparativo as imagens foram adquiridas do site do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE e seus valores de níveis digitais (ND foram convertidos em reflectância com correção atmosférica utilizando o método de correção DOS. Amostras de pixels das imagens índice foram coletadas para o estudo de correlação e ajuste de uma equação linear por meio da técnica de regressão. Utilizando a equação ajustada foram gerados dois mapas temáticos de ambos os sensores, sendo os mesmos comparados pelo teste estatístico Kappa. Os resultados mostraram uma forte correlação entre os valores de NDVI (0,81, sendo possível o ajuste de uma equação linear que expresse a forma dessa relação. O sensor TM, superestimou os valores de NDVI em relação ao sensor LISS III (Inclinação de 1,1035. O valor de Kappa para os mapas temáticos obtidos foi de 0,5894 e o índice de acerto foi de 98,81%, o que mostra uma boa similaridade entre eles. O sensor LISS III pode ser perfeitamente utilizado como alternativa ao Landsat 5.

  8. Ambient Sensors

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Börner, Dirk; Specht, Marcus


    This software sketches comprise two custom-built ambient sensors, i.e. a noise and a movement sensor. Both sensors measure an ambient value and process the values to a color gradient (green > yellow > red). The sensors were built using the Processing 1.5.1 development environment. Available under

  9. La sabidur?a como competencia gerencial


    Pinzon-Barrios, Ana-Maria; Cort?s Zapata, Gabriela


    Aunque el concepto de sabidur?a ha sido ampliamente estudiado por expertos de ?reas como la filosof?a, la religi?n y la psicolog?a, a?n enfrenta limitaciones en cuanto a su definici?n y evaluaci?n. Por esto, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo, formular una definici?n del concepto de sabidur?a que permita realizar una propuesta de evaluaci?n del concepto como competencia en los gerentes. Para esto, se realiz? un an?lisis documental de tipo cualitativo. De esta manera, se analizaron divers...

  10. Smart Optoelectronic Sensors and Intelligent Sensor Systems

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    Sergey Y. YURISH


    Full Text Available Light-to-frequency converters are widely used in various optoelectronic sensor systems. However, a further frequency-to-digital conversion is a bottleneck in such systems due to a broad frequency range of light-to-frequency converters’ outputs. This paper describes an effective OEM design approach, which can be used for smart and intelligent sensor systems design. The design is based on novel, multifunctional integrated circuit of Universal Sensors & Transducers Interface especially designed for such sensor applications. Experimental results have confirmed an efficiency of this approach and high metrological performances.

  11. Aprendizagem como/na prática

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    Jean Lave


    Full Text Available ResumoEste artigo considera como o estudo da cultura e da aprendizagem pode ser de particular relevância para o campo da antropologia sociocultural em geral. O termo mais importante na expressão “cultura & aprendizagem” talvez seja o logograma “&” – ou seja, coloca-se a questão sobre o que conecta cultura e aprendizagem, perguntando-se como esses termos estão relacionados. Como devemos compreender cultura e aprendizagem como instâncias produtoras delas próprias, e uma da outra, na prática? Recalibrando em termos relacionais, podemos dizer que não é possível abordar a “aprendizagem” ou “cultura e aprendizagem” sem o seu emaranhamento na vida político-econômica, nas lutas e disputas históricas, em suas coerências e incoerências, e na produção relacional e histórica da vida cotidiana. Através das lentes da teoria da prática social, os estudos etnográficos sobre aprendizagem na prática oferecem diferentes entendimentos sobre como certa vida e certas disputas e incoerências são produzidas.

  12. Intrusion detection sensors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Williams, J.D.


    Intrusion detection sensors are an integral part of most physical security systems. Under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Safeguards and Security, Sandia Laboratories has conducted a survey of available intrusion detection sensors and has tested a number of different sensors. An overview of these sensors is provided. This overview includes (1) the operating principles of each type of sensor, (2) unique sensor characteristics, (3) desired sensor improvements which must be considered in planning an intrusion detection system, and (4) the site characteristics which affect the performance of both exterior and interior sensors. Techniques which have been developed to evaluate various intrusion detection sensors are also discussed

  13. Wireless sensor platform (United States)

    Joshi, Pooran C.; Killough, Stephen M.; Kuruganti, Phani Teja


    A wireless sensor platform and methods of manufacture are provided. The platform involves providing a plurality of wireless sensors, where each of the sensors is fabricated on flexible substrates using printing techniques and low temperature curing. Each of the sensors can include planar sensor elements and planar antennas defined using the printing and curing. Further, each of the sensors can include a communications system configured to encode the data from the sensors into a spread spectrum code sequence that is transmitted to a central computer(s) for use in monitoring an area associated with the sensors.

  14. Microfabricated Chemical Gas Sensors and Sensor Arrays for Aerospace Applications (United States)

    Hunter, Gary W.


    Aerospace applications require the development of chemical sensors with capabilities beyond those of commercially available sensors. In particular, factors such as minimal sensor size, weight, and power consumption are particularly important. Development areas which have potential aerospace applications include launch vehicle leak detection, engine health monitoring, and fire detection. Sensor development for these applications is based on progress in three types of technology: 1) Micromachining and microfabrication (Microsystem) technology to fabricate miniaturized sensors; 2) The use of nanocrystalline materials to develop sensors with improved stability combined with higher sensitivity; 3) The development of high temperature semiconductors, especially silicon carbide. This presentation discusses the needs of space applications as well as the point-contact sensor technology and sensor arrays being developed to address these needs. Sensors to measure hydrogen, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides (NO,), carbon monoxide, oxygen, and carbon dioxide are being developed as well as arrays for leak, fire, and emissions detection. Demonstrations of the technology will also be discussed. It is concluded that microfabricated sensor technology has significant potential for use in a range of aerospace applications.

  15. Como reescribir funciones aleatorias multivariadas como univariadas para hacer cokrigeage. La teoría

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    Adrian Martínez-Vargas


    Full Text Available En el año 2005 Martínez-Vargas formuló un sistema de cokrigeage puro heterotópico para estimar una función aleatoria regionalizada (RF Z*(x definida como la combinación lineal de n RF's univariadas Zi(x, cuyos coeficientes 1i(x son indicatrices de un set disyuntivo de categorías i. Aparentemente este modelo se contradice pues asume que las covarianzas cruzadas existen en un mismo punto, a pesar de su carácter puramente heterotópico. Para evadir dicha contradicción se redefinió el set de RF Zi(x como una única RF Z(x,i, siendo los puntos (x,i y (x,j no coincidentes si i y j no son iguales. La heterotopía fue simplemente considerada como una omisión de la RF Z(x,. en los datos y en los puntos a estimar, no impuesta por el modelo; entonces el resultado es simplemente un caso particular del cokrigeage clásico. Con esta notación se reescribió el sistema de cokrigeage clásico como el sistema de krigeage de la RF univariada Z(x,i, asumiendo que esta posee un drift definido como m(x,i,j, donde los miembros fl(x,i,j de m(x,i,j pueden ser linealmente dependientes o independientes. Bajo esta notación el sistema de krigeage se reduce a un sistema univariado, la existencia de más de una variable o la presencia de heterotropía no impone la necesidad de manipulaciones extras para definir el sistema de ecuaciones de krigeage, incrementándose la eficiencia computacional.

  16. A rota como memória

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    Patrick Fraysse

    Full Text Available No contexto de estudo do patrimônio por um ponto de vista comunicacional, este artigo permitiu-nos visualisar um objeto de comunicação por excelência « a estrada » como portador de informação a decifrar e a interpretar um documento, mas também como um repositário da memória coletiva, quer dizer um monumento. Paralelamente, a patrimonialização dos monumentos, dos conjuntos arquiteturais e sobretudo dos itinerários que os religam, dito de outra maneira, da estrada, assim como a sua documentarização (relatos de viagens, guias, bancos de dados participam de uma nova institucionalização da memória integrante também das estradas míticas como o caminho de São Tiago na França ou a famosa estrada 66 nos Estados-Unidos.

  17. Information-based self-organization of sensor nodes of a sensor network (United States)

    Ko, Teresa H [Castro Valley, CA; Berry, Nina M [Tracy, CA


    A sensor node detects a plurality of information-based events. The sensor node determines whether at least one other sensor node is an information neighbor of the sensor node based on at least a portion of the plurality of information-based events. The information neighbor has an overlapping field of view with the sensor node. The sensor node sends at least one communication to the at least one other sensor node that is an information neighbor of the sensor node in response to at least one information-based event of the plurality of information-based events.

  18. Sistem Pengendali Peralatan Elektronik dalam Rumah secara Otomatis Menggunakan Sensor PIR, Sensor LM35, dan Sensor LDR

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    Eka Desyantoro


    Full Text Available Listrik merupakan hal yang sangat penting di kehidupan kita. Setiap pekerjaan kita pasti dibantu dengan adanya listrik. Mulai dari penerangan hingga pengaturan suhu ruangan pun semuanya dibantu oleh listrik. Ketergantungan manusia terhadap listrik ini menimbulkan kebiasaan buruk. Banyak orang yang terkadang membiarkan suatu peralatan elektronik hidup pada saat tidak dibutuhkan. Terjadi suatu permasalahan untuk menciptakan suatu desain sistem embedded untuk mengendalikan peralatan elektronik dalam rumah secara otomatis. Makalah ini membahas tentang perancangan sistem pengendali peralatan elektronik dalam rumah secara otomatis. Sistem terdiri dari sensor PIR yang berfungsi untuk mendeteksi objek bergerak (manusia, sensor LM35 yang berfungsi untuk mendeteksi suhu, dan sensor LDR berfungsi sebagai sensor cahaya. Mikrokontroller ATMega16 sebagai pengendali jalannya sistem dari pembacaan sensor, menampilkan data sensor pada LCD dan mengatur kontak relay untuk menghidup dan mematikan listrik. Sistem pengendali peralatan elektronik dalam rumah secara otomatis menunjukan sensor LDR dapat membedakan gelap dan terang, sensor suhu LM35 dapat mendeteksi suhu dalam ruangan dengan toleransi kesalahan pembacaan kurang lebih 2o Celcius, dan sensor PIR dapat mendeteksi pergerakan manusia sejauh 5 meter.

  19. Avaliação de sensor capacitivo para o monitoramento do teor de água do solo Evaluation of a capacitance sensor for monitoring soil water content

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    Tadeu M. L. Cruz


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar sensores capacitivos desenvolvidos para monitorar o teor de água do solo. Os sensores foram submetidos a testes para avaliar o efeito da temperatura, o tempo de resposta, obter a equação de calibração e determinar a sua sensibilidade. Foram analisados em diferentes situações (solo, água e ar e temperaturas (25 ºC; 20 ºC; 15 ºC; 10 ºC; 5º C e 0 ºC. A calibração foi efetuada com um dos sensores capacitivos instalado em uma coluna de solo (indeformada contida em um tubo de PVC (0,015066 m³ e suspensa em um dos lados de uma balança de braços. Na outra extremidade da balança, havia uma célula de carga conectada a um sistema de aquisição de dados. Os resultados indicaram redução na frequência do sensor capacitivo com o aumento da temperatura. O sensor capacitivo apresentou alta velocidade de resposta (menos de um segundo ao imergi-lo na água e às variações da quantidade de água na amostra de solo e detectou as mudanças de perda de água pela coluna de solo no decorrer deste experimento, apresentando maior sensibilidade à medida que se diminui o conteúdo de água no solo. Portanto, o sensor capacitivo pode ser utilizado para determinar o teor de água do solo de forma adequada.This paper aims to evaluate a capacitance sensor for monitoring soil water content. Capacitance sensors were tested to evaluate the effect of temperature and response time, and to obtain the calibration equation and their sensitivity. Sensors were placed in different environments (soil, water and air and temperatures (25 ºC, 20 ºC, 15 ºC, 10 ºC, 5 ºC and 0 ºC. The calibration was performed with one of the capacitance sensors installed in a PVC column containing 0.015066 m³of undisturbed soil and hanged on one side of a scale with a load cell connected to a data acquisition board on the other side. Results showed reductions in the frequency response of the capacitance sensor with increasing

  20. The fluid sensor. Narrative of a laboratory study El sensor fluido. La narrativa de una etnografía de laboratorio

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    César Prestel


    Full Text Available In this article, I present the preliminary outcomes of the field work that I have been developing during the last two years, a laboratory study based on the Actor-Network theory which will be the nucleus of my Ph.D. thesis. Facing the challenge of writing this thesis, I analyze different possible ways of presenting what I have been witnessing in the laboratory. Finally, I propose the possibility of describing the sensor I have been studying as a multiple entity which perhaps might be described using the concept of wrapping. En el presente artículo presento los resultados preliminares del trabajo de campo que he venido realizando durante los últimos dos años y que consiste en una etnografía de laboratorio dirigida a la realización de una tesis doctoral en el marco de la Teoría del Actor-Red. Enfrentado al desafío que supone emprender la redacción de mi trabajo, analizo las diferentes formas de narrar lo que acontece en el laboratorio. Finalmente, concluyo proponiendo la posibilidad de describir el sensor que ha sido objeto de mi estudio como una entidad múltiple que tal vez pueda describirse mediante el concepto de envoltura.

  1. MASM: a market architecture for sensor management in distributed sensor networks (United States)

    Viswanath, Avasarala; Mullen, Tracy; Hall, David; Garga, Amulya


    Rapid developments in sensor technology and its applications have energized research efforts towards devising a firm theoretical foundation for sensor management. Ubiquitous sensing, wide bandwidth communications and distributed processing provide both opportunities and challenges for sensor and process control and optimization. Traditional optimization techniques do not have the ability to simultaneously consider the wildly non-commensurate measures involved in sensor management in a single optimization routine. Market-oriented programming provides a valuable and principled paradigm to designing systems to solve this dynamic and distributed resource allocation problem. We have modeled the sensor management scenario as a competitive market, wherein the sensor manager holds a combinatorial auction to sell the various items produced by the sensors and the communication channels. However, standard auction mechanisms have been found not to be directly applicable to the sensor management domain. For this purpose, we have developed a specialized market architecture MASM (Market architecture for Sensor Management). In MASM, the mission manager is responsible for deciding task allocations to the consumers and their corresponding budgets and the sensor manager is responsible for resource allocation to the various consumers. In addition to having a modified combinatorial winner determination algorithm, MASM has specialized sensor network modules that address commensurability issues between consumers and producers in the sensor network domain. A preliminary multi-sensor, multi-target simulation environment has been implemented to test the performance of the proposed system. MASM outperformed the information theoretic sensor manager in meeting the mission objectives in the simulation experiments.

  2. Integrated cryogenic sensors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Juanarena, D.B.; Rao, M.G.


    Integrated cryogenic pressure-temperature, level-temperature, and flow-temperature sensors have several advantages over the conventional single parameter sensors. Such integrated sensors were not available until recently. Pressure Systems, Inc. (PSI) of Hampton, Virginia, has introduced precalibrated precision cryogenic pressure sensors at the Los Angeles Cryogenic Engineering Conference in 1989. Recently, PSI has successfully completed the development of integrated pressure-temperature and level-temperature sensors for use in the temperature range 1.5-375K. In this paper, performance characteristics of these integrated sensors are presented. Further, the effects of irradiation and magnetic fields on these integrated sensors are also reviewed

  3. A Novel Optical Sensor Platform Designed for Wireless Sensor Networks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Shuo; Zhou, Bochao; Sun, Tong; Grattan, Kenneth T V


    This paper presents a novel design of an optical sensor platform, enabling effective integration of a number of optical fibre ('wired') sensors with wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In this work, a fibre Bragg grating-based temperature sensor with low power consumption is specially designed as a sensing module and integrated successfully into a WSN, making full use of the advantages arising from both the advanced optical sensor designs and the powerful network functionalities resident in WSNs. The platform is expected to make an important impact on many applications, where either the conventional optical sensor designs or WSNs alone cannot meet the requirements.

  4. Comparación de los productos de TSM L3 generados a partir de los sensores AVHRR y MODIS frente al Golfo San Jorge, Argentina

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    L. Allega


    Full Text Available Desde principios de la década de los 80, el sensor AVHRR a bordo de los satélites NOAA ha provisto de estimaciones de la temperatura de la superficie del mar (TSM a la comunidad científica en general. Hacia finales de la década de los 90, surge una nueva generación de radiómetros que combinan una mayor gama de mediciones espectrales con mejoras en la tecnología, como lo es el sensor  MODIS a bordo de los satélites Terra y Aqua. El desarrollo de este último sensor se basó en los años de trayectoria de la serie NOAA/AVHRR. La comprensión de la relación entre los productos derivados de distintos sensores es fundamental para el seguimiento continuo a largo plazo de cualquier variable y de la construcción de serie de tiempos combinados. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue realizar una comparación de los valores mensuales de TSM para el período 2003-2006 calculadas a partir de datos de la serie NOAA/AVHRR vs Aqua/MODIS sobre un sector de la Plataforma Continental Argentina frente al Golfo San Jorge. El análisis de las isotermas muestra un patrón de distribución similar durante todos los meses para ambos sensores. El coeficiente de correlación de Pearson tanto en el análisis estacional como mensual fue alto (> 0,8. El análisis comparativo de la temperatura medida en ambos sensores muestra que los productos de TSM son similares, teniendo en cuenta que la diferencia media de temperatura entre ambos sensores es inferior a 0,5ºC. Por lo tanto, para el estudio de largas series de tiempo de TSM en la plataforma continental argentina se puede utilizar en forma continua las mediciones de Aqua/MODIS, cuando ya no se disponen las de NOAA/AVHRR.

  5. Digital Sensor Technology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thomas, Ken D. [Idaho National Lab. (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States); Quinn, Edward L. [Technology Resources, Dana Point, CA (United States); Mauck, Jerry L. [Technology Resources, Dana Point, CA (United States); Bockhorst, Richard M. [Technology Resources, Dana Point, CA (United States)


    The nuclear industry has been slow to incorporate digital sensor technology into nuclear plant designs due to concerns with digital qualification issues. However, the benefits of digital sensor technology for nuclear plant instrumentation are substantial in terms of accuracy and reliability. This paper, which refers to a final report issued in 2013, demonstrates these benefits in direct comparisons of digital and analog sensor applications. Improved accuracy results from the superior operating characteristics of digital sensors. These include improvements in sensor accuracy and drift and other related parameters which reduce total loop uncertainty and thereby increase safety and operating margins. An example instrument loop uncertainty calculation for a pressure sensor application is presented to illustrate these improvements. This is a side-by-side comparison of the instrument loop uncertainty for both an analog and a digital sensor in the same pressure measurement application. Similarly, improved sensor reliability is illustrated with a sample calculation for determining the probability of failure on demand, an industry standard reliability measure. This looks at equivalent analog and digital temperature sensors to draw the comparison. The results confirm substantial reliability improvement with the digital sensor, due in large part to ability to continuously monitor the health of a digital sensor such that problems can be immediately identified and corrected. This greatly reduces the likelihood of a latent failure condition of the sensor at the time of a design basis event. Notwithstanding the benefits of digital sensors, there are certain qualification issues that are inherent with digital technology and these are described in the report. One major qualification impediment for digital sensor implementation is software common cause failure (SCCF).

  6. Hoy como ayer

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    Rodríguez M.


    Full Text Available Leyendo el artículo titulado “Los medicamentos baratos” de la revista La Farmacia Española, publicada en Madrid el jueves 21 de diciembre de 1893, uno se pregunta cómo puede ser que se reconozca la situación como si fuera de ahora mismo, cómo puede ser que estemos igual que hace más de cien años. Entonces eran los descuentos que se empezaban a extender en las farmacias, francesas sobre todo, y que amenazaban el prestigio profesional de todo el colectivo. Con frases como éstas se define la situación que se presentaba en aquel momento: “…el desprestigio de que vaya por unos cuantos desnaturalizándose el ejercicio de la farmacia en tal forma que se convierta en un comercio impuro y de la peor estofa; pero conviene mucho combatir con mano firme la tendencia a la baratería, tanto más cuanto que no puede dudarse que significa un rebajamiento a todas luces nocivo y que supone una desorganización que nos llevaría en breve a la más completa ruina, y lo que creo aún más grave, a la desmoralización y el desorden, que no se compadecen en modo alguno con lo que en realidad es hoy y ha sido siempre el ejercicio de una profesión genuinamente científica como lo es la de la farmacia”. La propuesta que se hacía para controlar la situación era “la limitación de farmacias, con vigilancia estrecha del Estado y tarifa uniforme oficial”, así como “hace falta mucha inteligencia y mucha unión, hace falta que nadie permanezca indiferente, que todos y cada uno pongan de su parte lo que puedan”. Nuestra profesión mezcla una doble vertiente sanitaria y comercial que no siempre es fácil mantener equilibrada y, por lo que se ve, esto ha ocurrido así desde siempre. El problema que existe hoy en día es la mercantilización de la farmacia, un desplazamiento de establecimiento sanitario hacia una simple empresa.

  7. Micro Coriolis mass flow sensor with integrated resistive pressure sensors

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Groenesteijn, Jarno; Alveringh, Dennis; Schut, Thomas; Wiegerink, Remco J.; Sparreboom, Wouter; Lötters, Joost Conrad


    We report on novel resistive pressure sensors, integrated on-chip at the inlet- and outlet-channels of a micro Coriolis mass flow sensor. The pressure sensors can be used to measure the pressure drop over the Coriolis sensor which can be used to compensate pressure-dependent behaviour that might

  8. Resistive pressure sensors integrated with a Coriolis mass flow sensor

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Alveringh, Dennis; Schut, Thomas; Wiegerink, Remco J.; Sparreboom, Wouter; Lötters, Joost Conrad


    We report on a novel resistive pressure sensor that is completely integrated with a Coriolis mass flow sensor on one chip, without the need for extra fabrication steps or different materials. Two pressure sensors are placed in-line with the Coriolis sensor without requiring any changes to the fluid

  9. El videojuego como material educativo: La Odisea

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Belén Mainer Blanco


    Full Text Available La investigación se basa en la función educativa que pueden cumplir los videojuegos, un campo que consideramos inexplorado por tres motivos principalmente: su reciente incorporación, su impopularidad educativa (el rechazo el videojuego como herramienta de aprendizaje y considerado, por el contrario, como una distracción, y la incompleta incorporación de las nuevas tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC en el ámbito familiar y educativo. En una segunda parte, se ha realizado una aplicación práctica tomando como referencia la gran obra universal “La Odisea”, cuya intención es mostrar la utilidad del videojuego como complemento educativo.

  10. Consistent sensor, relay, and link selection in wireless sensor networks

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Arroyo Valles, M.D.R.; Simonetto, A.; Leus, G.J.T.


    In wireless sensor networks, where energy is scarce, it is inefficient to have all nodes active because they consume a non-negligible amount of battery. In this paper we consider the problem of jointly selecting sensors, relays and links in a wireless sensor network where the active sensors need

  11. Sensor Fusion-based Event Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bahrepour, M.; Meratnia, Nirvana; Havinga, Paul J.M.


    Recently, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) community has witnessed an application focus shift. Although, monitoring was the initial application of wireless sensor networks, in-network data processing and (near) real-time actuation capability have made wireless sensor networks suitable candidate for

  12. Contabilidade gerencial como apoio ao "just in time"


    Costa, Sérgio De Carvalho


    Descreve as técnicas da filosofia "Just in Time" e apresenta as modificações necessárias aos Sistemas Gerencias para que se tornem coerentes com a filosofia JIT, bem como meçam adequadamente a melhoria contínua da Empresa. Critica tanto o Custeio' Direto como o Custeio por Absorção, apresentando como alternativa o Custeio "ABC". Mostra como o JIT facilita o Custeio dos Produtos e destaca os aspectos estratégicos da Avaliação de Desempenho. Finalmente discorre sobre um estudo de...

  13. El Derecho Agrario como derecho para la paz

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    Ricardo Zeledón Zeledón


    Full Text Available Contenido: El Derecho agrario surgido de la paz y para la consolidación de la paz, como fuente e instrumento para su cumplimiento. La visión de Carrozza como conjunto de reglas destinadas al fin de la paz, y la equidad. Explicación de un Derecho agrario vinculado a la paz por su origen en los Derechos Humanos Económicos y Sociales. Evolución del Derecho Agrario en los Derechos Humanos de la tercera generación (principalmente ambiente, desarrollo y paz, en las nuevas dimensiones del Derecho agrario del futuro. Derecho agrario como derecho para la paz y el respeto de los derechos humanos. Desarrollo sostenible y agricultura del futuro. La nueva orientación de los institutos del derecho agrario como instrumentos de paz, dirigidos a cumplir los fines de la justicia social, el desarrollo económico y el equilibrio ambiental. Desarrollo como respuesta a los problemas del ambiente, alimentario, de la pobreza, indígena y de la mujer rural. El rol de la justicia agraria y ambiental como derecho para la paz. El derecho agrario, disciplina forjada en una concepción iushumanista, acorde con los derechos humanos y la paz. El derecho agrario como derecho para la paz.

  14. Los ritmos como terapia para la impulsividad

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    Mónica Triviño


    Full Text Available Investigaciones recientes muestran que el uso de patrones rítmicos facilita la respuesta óptima en el tiempo, por lo que el entrenamiento mediante ritmos podría proponerse como terapia novedosa ante problemas como la impulsividad. Esto podría beneficiar a pacientes con daño prefrontal o personas con trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH, que suelen mostrar conductas impulsivas, así como dificultad para estimar el paso del tiempo.

  15. Management of heterogeneous platforms and sensors


    Koppe, Roland; Gerchow, Peter; Macario, Ana; Haas, Antonie; Schäfer-Neth, Christian; Rehmcke, Steven; Walter, Andreas; Düde, Tobias; Weidinger, Philipp; Schäfer, Angela; Pfeiffenberger, Hans

    2018-01-01 is a component of our data flow framework designed to enable a semi-automated flow of sensor observations to archives (acronym O2A). The dramatic increase in the number and type of platforms and respective sensors operated by Alfred Wegener Institute along with complex project-driven requirements in terms of satellite communication, sensor monitoring, quality control and validation, processing pipelines, visualization, and archival under FAIR principles, led us to build a g...

  16. A modular optical sensor (United States)

    Conklin, John Albert

    This dissertation presents the design of a modular, fiber-optic sensor and the results obtained from testing the modular sensor. The modular fiber-optic sensor is constructed in such manner that the sensor diaphragm can be replaced with different configurations to detect numerous physical phenomena. Additionally, different fiber-optic detection systems can be attached to the sensor. Initially, the modular sensor was developed to be used by university of students to investigate realistic optical sensors and detection systems to prepare for advance studies of micro-optical mechanical systems (MOMS). The design accomplishes this by doing two things. First, the design significantly lowers the costs associated with studying optical sensors by modularizing the sensor design. Second, the sensor broadens the number of physical phenomena that students can apply optical sensing techniques to in a fiber optics sensor course. The dissertation is divided into seven chapters covering the historical development of fiber-optic sensors, a theoretical overview of fiber-optic sensors, the design, fabrication, and the testing of the modular sensor developed in the course of this work. Chapter 1 discusses, in detail, how this dissertation is organized and states the purpose of the dissertation. Chapter 2 presents an historical overview of the development of optical fibers, optical pressure sensors, and fibers, optical pressure sensors, and optical microphones. Chapter 3 reviews the theory of multi-fiber optic detection systems, optical microphones, and pressure sensors. Chapter 4 presents the design details of the modular, optical sensor. Chapter 5 delves into how the modular sensor is fabricated and how the detection systems are constructed. Chapter 6 presents the data collected from the microphone and pressure sensor configurations of the modular sensor. Finally, Chapter 7 discusses the data collected and draws conclusions about the design based on the data collected. Chapter 7 also

  17. Practical Use Technique of Sensor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hwang, Gyu Seop


    This book tells of practical use technology of sensor, introducing the recent trend of sensor for electronic industry, IC temperature sensor, radiation temperature sensor of surface acoustic wave, optical fiber temperature sensor, a polyelectrolyte film humidity sensor, semiconductor pressure sensor for industrial instrumentation, silicon integration pressure sensor, thick film humidity sensor and its application, photo sensor reflection type, and color sensor. It also deals with sensor for FA, sensor for a robot and sensor for the chemical industry.

  18. Practical Use Technique of Sensor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hwang, Gyu Seop


    This book tells of practical use technology of sensor, introducing the recent trend of sensor for electronic industry, IC temperature sensor, radiation temperature sensor of surface acoustic wave, optical fiber temperature sensor, a polyelectrolyte film humidity sensor, semiconductor pressure sensor for industrial instrumentation, silicon integration pressure sensor, thick film humidity sensor and its application, photo sensor reflection type, and color sensor. It also deals with sensor for FA, sensor for a robot and sensor for the chemical industry.

  19. Embedded sensor systems

    CERN Document Server

    Agrawal, Dharma Prakash


    This inspiring textbook provides an introduction to wireless technologies for sensors, explores potential use of sensors for numerous applications, and utilizes probability theory and mathematical methods as a means of embedding sensors in system design. It discusses the need for synchronization and underlying limitations, inter-relation between given coverage and connectivity to number of sensors needed, and the use of geometrical distance to determine location of the base station for data collection and explore use of anchor nodes for relative position determination of sensors. The book explores energy conservation, communication using TCP, the need for clustering and data aggregation, and residual energy determination and energy harvesting. It covers key topics of sensor communication like mobile base stations and relay nodes, delay-tolerant sensor networks, and remote sensing and possible applications. The book defines routing methods and do performance evaluation for random and regular sensor topology an...

  20. Attention Sensor

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Börner, Dirk; Kalz, Marco; Specht, Marcus


    This software sketch was used in the context of an experiment for the PhD project “Ambient Learning Displays”. The sketch comprises a custom-built attention sensor. The sensor measured (during the experiment) whether a participant looked at and thus attended a public display. The sensor was built

  1. Gas Sensor

    KAUST Repository

    Luebke, Ryan


    A gas sensor using a metal organic framework material can be fully integrated with related circuitry on a single substrate. In an on-chip application, the gas sensor can result in an area-efficient fully integrated gas sensor solution. In one aspect, a gas sensor can include a first gas sensing region including a first pair of electrodes, and a first gas sensitive material proximate to the first pair of electrodes, wherein the first gas sensitive material includes a first metal organic framework material.

  2. Gas Sensor

    KAUST Repository

    Luebke, Ryan; Eddaoudi, Mohamed; Omran, Hesham; Belmabkhout, Youssef; Shekhah, Osama; Salama, Khaled N.


    A gas sensor using a metal organic framework material can be fully integrated with related circuitry on a single substrate. In an on-chip application, the gas sensor can result in an area-efficient fully integrated gas sensor solution. In one aspect, a gas sensor can include a first gas sensing region including a first pair of electrodes, and a first gas sensitive material proximate to the first pair of electrodes, wherein the first gas sensitive material includes a first metal organic framework material.

  3. 40 CFR 1065.215 - Pressure transducers, temperature sensors, and dewpoint sensors. (United States)


    ... sensors, and dewpoint sensors. 1065.215 Section 1065.215 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL... Measurement of Engine Parameters and Ambient Conditions § 1065.215 Pressure transducers, temperature sensors, and dewpoint sensors. (a) Application. Use instruments as specified in this section to measure...

  4. Compliant Tactile Sensors (United States)

    Torres-Jara, Eduardo R.


    Tactile sensors are currently being designed to sense interactions with human hands or pen-like interfaces. They are generally embedded in screens, keyboards, mousepads, and pushbuttons. However, they are not well fitted to sense interactions with all kinds of objects. A novel sensor was originally designed to investigate robotics manipulation where not only the contact with an object needs to be detected, but also where the object needs to be held and manipulated. This tactile sensor has been designed with features that allow it to sense a large variety of objects in human environments. The sensor is capable of detecting forces coming from any direction. As a result, this sensor delivers a force vector with three components. In contrast to most of the tactile sensors that are flat, this one sticks out from the surface so that it is likely to come in contact with objects. The sensor conforms to the object with which it interacts. This augments the contact's surface, consequently reducing the stress applied to the object. This feature makes the sensor ideal for grabbing objects and other applications that require compliance with objects. The operational range of the sensor allows it to operate well with objects found in peoples' daily life. The fabrication of this sensor is simple and inexpensive because of its compact mechanical configuration and reduced electronics. These features are convenient for mass production of individual sensors as well as dense arrays. The biologically inspired tactile sensor is sensitive to both normal and lateral forces, providing better feedback to the host robot about the object to be grabbed. It has a high sensitivity, enabling its use in manipulation fingers, which typically have low mechanical impedance in order to be very compliant. The construction of the sensor is simple, using inexpensive technologies like silicon rubber molding and standard stock electronics.


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    Jorge Eduardo Vásquez Santamaría


    Full Text Available Resultado del escenario pedagógico como plataforma inicial problematizadora a partir de la cual se identifican y describen fundamentos orientadores tradicionales y no tradicionales que permitan reevaluar el Derecho para acreditarlo como ciencia social, se exponen los resultados obtenidos en el trabajo de campo adelantado con abogados docentes y estudiantes de Derecho como sus actores pedagógicos, quienes representan los elementos “Quién” y “A quién” del modelo pedagógico, en este caso primordialmente tradicionalista, imperante en los currículos de los programas de Derecho deColombia.

  6. Invisible magnetic sensors (United States)

    Mach-Batlle, Rosa; Navau, Carles; Sanchez, Alvaro


    Sensing magnetic fields is essential in many applications in biomedicine, transportation, or smart cities. The distortion magnetic sensors create in response to the field they are detecting may hinder their use, for example, in applications requiring dense packaging of sensors or accurately shaped field distributions. For sensing electromagnetic waves, cloaking shells that reduce the scattering of sensors have been introduced. However, the problem of making a magnetic sensor undetectable remains unsolved. Here, we present a general strategy on how to make a sensor magnetically invisible while keeping its ability to sense. The sensor is rendered undetectable by surrounding it with a spherical shell having a tailored magnetic permeability. Our method can be applied to arbitrary shaped magnetic sensors in arbitrary magnetic fields. The invisibility can be made exact when the sensor is spherical and the probed field is uniform. A metasurface composed of superconducting pieces is presented as a practical realization of the ideal invisibility shell.


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    Carlos Salgado


    Full Text Available Este ensayo trata de llamar la atención sobre los problemas del agro hoy, colocando especial énfasis en la disrupción entre las razones tecnológicas -que se asumen como ideológicas-, económicas y políticas que han inspirado el desarrollo del agro, o mejor, sobre las cuales se han basado las políticas de crecimiento agropecuario.

  8. Desempenho de rede de sensores sem fio em casa de vegetação Performance of wireless sensor network in a greenhouse

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    Barbara Teruel


    Full Text Available A potência de sinal é um importante parâmetro a ser considerado em um projeto de implantação de rede de sensores sem fio no meio agrícola. Este trabalho tem como objetivo coletar dados de qualidade de sinal transmitido entre uma estação base e um nó sensor situado no interior de uma casa de vegetação, localizada no campo experimental da Faculdade de Engenharia Agrícola - UNICAMP, com o auxílio de ferramentas computacionais. Após a implantação do nó sensor foram realizados experimentos com vista a se verificar alcance e qualidade do sinal de acordo com sua potência. Através desses ensaios foi possível concluir que uma potência de sinal com valor de -12,2 dBm é suficiente para manter a transmissão entre a estação base e nó sensor. Testes também foram realizados com uma potência de sinal de -9,2 dBm e mostraram que a rede possuía qualidade classificada "muito alta" porém, através do teste de duração da bateria, nota-se que existe economia de energia ao se utilizar a potência de sinal de -12,2 dBm. Foi avaliada a influência que o valor da potência de sinal tem sobre a qualidade do sinal de transmissão e recepção, o gasto de bateria e o alcance do sinal.The signal strength is an important parameter to be considered in a project to establish network of wireless sensors in an agricultural environment. This work aims to collect quality data signals transmitted between a base station and a sensor node located inside a greenhouse, which is an experimental field located in the College of Agricultural Engineering - UNICAMP, with the help of computational tools. After sensor node deployment, experiments were performed in order to check range and signal quality. Through these experiments, it was concluded that a radiofrequency power value of -12.2 dBm is sufficient to maintain transmissions between base station and the sensor. Tests were also performed to a radiofrequency power of -9.2 dBm, and showed that the network

  9. Transreceptor de faixa larga baseado em impulso de rádio para sensor sem fios de curta distância implementado em tecnologia CMOS


    Rodrigues, David Manuel Cardoso


    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores O rápido desenvolvimento da microtecnologia e microelectrónica tem vindo a contribuir de forma decisiva para uma crescente utilização de sensores, sejam eles com ou sem fios, o que permitirá interagir mais eficientemente com o meio envolvente, em consequência de mais e melhor medição e atuação. Neste contexto, as redes de sensores sem fios (WSNs) estão a emergir como uma das grandes e mais impo...

  10. MEMS optical sensor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    The present invention relates to an all-optical sensor utilizing effective index modulation of a waveguide and detection of a wavelength shift of reflected light and a force sensing system accommodating said optical sensor. One embodiment of the invention relates to a sensor system comprising...... at least one multimode light source, one or more optical sensors comprising a multimode sensor optical waveguide accommodating a distributed Bragg reflector, at least one transmitting optical waveguide for guiding light from said at least one light source to said one or more multimode sensor optical...... waveguides, a detector for measuring light reflected from said Bragg reflector in said one or more multimode sensor optical waveguides, and a data processor adapted for analyzing variations in the Bragg wavelength of at least one higher order mode of the reflected light....

  11. La realidad como materia novelable: Alejo Carpentier

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    Raquel Arias Careaga


    Full Text Available Desde que en 1897 Benito Pérez Galdós defendiera como materia prima legítima de la literatura «la vida misma, de donde el artista saca las ficciones que nos instruyen y embelesan» (Pérez Galdós, 1990: 159, el realismo como instrumento de indagación y análisis de la sociedad no ha dejado de crecer y expandirse. Realismo crítico, como este de Galdós, que implica una ampliación del concepto chato de «realidad», incluyendo en ella «recuerdos, sueños, imaginación, locura, símbolos» para contribuir a la formación de un «realismo total» (Rodríguez Puértolas, 2000, II: 93, al que se une también la asimilación de enseñanzas esenciales como la que representa la narrativa de Cervantes: La novelística de Galdós hunde sus raíces en el mejor Cervantes, como puede verse en su peculiar sentido del humor y de la ironía, en la concepción perspectivista de la realidad y en tantas otras cosas, algunas de ellas en verdad fundamentales. Así el concepto de la Naturaleza y sus relaciones dialécticas con el ser humano; así el Amor como elemento vital y animador del orden cósmico, muy alejado del idealismo vulgar romántico (Ibid., 93.

  12. Chemical-Biological Properties of Zinc Sensors TSQ and Zinquin: Formation of Sensor-Zn-Protein Adducts versus Zn(Sensor)2 Complexes. (United States)

    Nowakowski, Andrew B; Meeusen, Jeffrey W; Menden, Heather; Tomasiewicz, Henry; Petering, David H


    Fluorescent zinc sensors are the most commonly used tool to study the intracellular mobile zinc status within cellular systems. Previously, we have shown that the quinoline-based sensors Zinquin and 6-methoxy-8-p-toluenesulfonamido-quinoline (TSQ) predominantly form ternary adducts with members of the Zn-proteome. Here, the chemistries of these sensors are further characterized, including how Zn(sensor)2 complexes may react in an intracellular environment. We demonstrate that these sensors are typically used in higher concentrations than needed to obtain maximum signal. Exposing cells to either Zn(Zinquin)2 or Zn(TSQ)2 resulted in efficient cellular uptake and the formation of sensor-Zn-protein adducts as evidenced by both a fluorescence spectral shift toward that of ternary adducts and the localization of the fluorescence signal within the proteome after gel filtration of cellular lysates. Likewise, reacting Zn(sensor)2 with the Zn-proteome from LLC-PK1 cells resulted in the formation of sensor-Zn-protein ternary adducts that could be inhibited by first saturating the Zn- proteome with excess sensor. Further, a native SDS-PAGE analysis of the Zn-proteome reacted with either the sensor or the Zn(sensor)2 complex revealed that both reactions result in the formation of a similar set of sensor-Zn-protein fluorescent products. The results of this experiment also demonstrated that TSQ and Zinquin react with different members of the Zn-proteome. Reactions with the model apo-Zn-protein bovine serum albumin showed that both Zn(TSQ)2 and Zn(Zinquin)2 reacted to form ternary adducts with its apo-Zn-binding site. Moreover, incubating Zn(sensor)2 complexes with non-zinc binding proteins failed to elicit a spectral shift in the fluorescence spectrum, supporting the premise that blue-shifted emission spectra are due to sensor-Zn-protein ternary adducts. It was concluded that Zn(sensors)2 species do not play a significant role in the overall reaction between these sensors and

  13. Networked Sensor Arrays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tighe, R. J.


    A set of independent radiation sensors, coupled with real-time data telemetry, offers the opportunity to run correlation algorithms for the sensor array as well as to incorporate non-radiological data into the system. This may enhance the overall sensitivity of the sensors and provide an opportunity to project the location of a source within the array. In collaboration with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), we have conducted field experiments to test a prototype system. Combining the outputs of a set of distributed sensors permits the correlation that the independent sensor outputs. Combined with additional information such as traffic patterns and velocities, this can reduce random/false detections and enhance detection capability. The principle components of such a system include: (1) A set of radiation sensors. These may be of varying type and complexity, including gamma and/or neutron detectors, gross count and spectral-capable sensors, and low to high energy-resolution sensors. (2) A set of non-radiation sensors. These may include sensors such as vehicle presence and imaging sensors. (3) A communications architecture for near real-time telemetry. Depending upon existing infrastructure and bandwidth requirements, this may be a radio or hard-wire based system. (4) A central command console to pole the sensors, correlate their output, and display the data in a meaningful form to the system operator. Both sensitivity and selectivity are important considerations when evaluating the performance of a detection system. Depending on the application, the optimization of sensitivity as well as the rejection of ''nuisance'' radioactive sources may or may not be critical

  14. Sensor mount assemblies and sensor assemblies (United States)

    Miller, David H [Redondo Beach, CA


    Sensor mount assemblies and sensor assemblies are provided. In an embodiment, by way of example only, a sensor mount assembly includes a busbar, a main body, a backing surface, and a first finger. The busbar has a first end and a second end. The main body is overmolded onto the busbar. The backing surface extends radially outwardly relative to the main body. The first finger extends axially from the backing surface, and the first finger has a first end, a second end, and a tooth. The first end of the first finger is disposed on the backing surface, and the tooth is formed on the second end of the first finger.

  15. Distributed Sensor Fusion for Scalar Field Mapping Using Mobile Sensor Networks. (United States)

    La, Hung Manh; Sheng, Weihua


    In this paper, autonomous mobile sensor networks are deployed to measure a scalar field and build its map. We develop a novel method for multiple mobile sensor nodes to build this map using noisy sensor measurements. Our method consists of two parts. First, we develop a distributed sensor fusion algorithm by integrating two different distributed consensus filters to achieve cooperative sensing among sensor nodes. This fusion algorithm has two phases. In the first phase, the weighted average consensus filter is developed, which allows each sensor node to find an estimate of the value of the scalar field at each time step. In the second phase, the average consensus filter is used to allow each sensor node to find a confidence of the estimate at each time step. The final estimate of the value of the scalar field is iteratively updated during the movement of the mobile sensors via weighted average. Second, we develop the distributed flocking-control algorithm to drive the mobile sensors to form a network and track the virtual leader moving along the field when only a small subset of the mobile sensors know the information of the leader. Experimental results are provided to demonstrate our proposed algorithms.

  16. El humanismo como paradigma de la enfermería como ciencia

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    Núñez Gómez Nicolás Arturo


    Full Text Available

    Humanism's philosophical conception is presented to development a paradigm of nursing science. The nursing from creation has been guided toward professional practice and category; of Care has been fundamental contribution. In this article our intends is to grow some fine general of reflection so that nurses contribute to development of a science called nursing and whose accent is man in their multiple dimensions.

    A partir del humanismo como concepción filosófica se presenta una propuesta para crear un paradigma de la enfermería como ciencia. Desde su creación, la enfermería se ha orientado hacia su práctica profesional y la categoría de cuidado ha sido su aporte fundamental. Este artículo se propone crear unas líneas generales de reflexión, para que las enfermeras aporten al desarrollo de una ciencia llamada enfermería y cuyo acento es el hombre en sus múltiples dimensiones.

  17. Montagem e Imagem como Paradigma

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    Cesar Huapaya


    Full Text Available O pensar como montagem e imagem tornou-se um método revelador nos processos de estudos práticos e teóricos do artista e dos pesquisadores nos séculos XX e XXI. Este artigo procura articular três formas de pensar por montagem: nas obras de Bertolt Brecht, Sergei Eisenstein e Georges DidiHuberman. O filósofo e historiador da arte Georges Didi-Huberman reinaugura o debate e o exercício de pensar a antropologia da imagem e a montagem como metalinguagem e forma de conhecimento.

  18. La biblioteca como editora de contenidos

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    Alonso-Arévalo, Julio


    Full Text Available Una de las características más innovadoras de la biblioteca del siglo 21 tiene que ver con la toma de una postura activa frente a la gestión y generación de contenidos. Con la llegada de la Web 2.0 las bibliotecas no sólo siguen salvaguardando y difundiendo información como han venido realizando a lo largo de su historia, también cada vez con más frecuencia crean nueva información con el objetivo de prestar los mejores servicios a sus ciudadanos, a través de recursos y servicios tales como la elaboración guías de investigación, boletines de alerta y novedades, recursos web, información a través de sus blogs, y como administradores de contenidos a través de repositorios y revistas de acceso abierto. Un paso más allá en esta dinámica tienen que ver con la biblioteca como editora y distribuidora de libros, especialmente en el ámbito local, siendo la impulsora, formadora, dinamizador y difusoras de las obras de los autores de su comunidad.

  19. Sensor LC para la medida de pequeñas deformaciones : aplicación en mallas abdominales /


    Cerón Hurtado, Nathalie Marcela,


    Bibliografia. Los sensores basados en circuitos pasivos resonantes tipo LC han sido ampliamente estudiados principalmente para su uso en entornos hostiles como: temperaturas elevadas, medios corrosivos o aplicaciones biomédicas (especialmente las de uso implantable). La baja complejidad, adaptabilidad, el bajo coste y el hecho de que no precisen baterías ni conectarse a una red de alimentación ni un circuito especializado para trasmisión de energía e información, son algunas de las caracte...

  20. Tratamiento del síncope neuralmente mediado con marcapasos: utilidad del sensor de asa cerrada

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    Martín de la Ossa


    Full Text Available El síncope vasovagal es una entidad frecuente, de difícil manejo, con alta tasa de recurrencia aun con manejo médico. Se ha estudiado la estimulación cardiaca en pacientes con respuesta cardioinhibitoria en la mesa basculante con resultados contradictorios. Los estudios iniciales mostraron buenos resultados, que no lograron reproducirse cuando se introdujo el diseño doble ciego. La mayoría de estos estudios se realizaron con marcapasos con sensores convencionales. Las guías actuales de dispositivos indican la terapia de estimulación cardiaca en síncope vasovagal con respuesta cardioinhibitoria como una alternativa ante la no respuesta al tratamiento convencional. Existe evidencia reciente que indica que los marcapasos con sensores de asa cerrada (CLS, del inglés closed-loop sensor muestran mejores resultados que los sensores convencionales; estos estudios, aunque con población pequeña, reportan reducciones de la frecuencia de síncopes y presíncopes. Este tipo de dispositivos actúan en etapas más tempranas de la cascada de eventos fisiopatológicos del síncope vasovagal, detectando cambios en la impedancia ventricular antes de la caída de la frecuencia cardiaca, lo cual permite intervenir en forma precoz con estimulación para evitar el síncope.

  1. Chemical sensors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hubbard, C.W.; Gordon, R.L.


    The revolution in analytical chemistry promised by recent developments in the field of chemical sensors has potential for significant positive impact on both research and production activities conducted by and for the Department of Energy. Analyses which were, in the past, performed only with a roomful of expensive equipment can now be performed with miniature solid-state electronic devices or small optical probes. Progress in the development of chemical sensors has been rapid, and the field is currently growing at a great rate. In accordance, Pacific Northwest Laboratory initiated a survey of recent literature so that contributors to active programs in research on analytical methods could be made aware of principles and applications of this new technology. This report presents the results of that survey. The sensors discussed here are divided into three types: micro solid-state devices, optical sensors, and piezoelectric crystal devices. The report is divided into three corresponding sections. The first section, ''Micro Solid-State Devices,'' discusses the design, operation, and application of electronic sensors that are produced in much the same way as standard solid-state electronic devices. The second section, ''Optrodes,'' covers the design and operation of chemical sensors that use fiber optics to detect chemically induced changes in optical properties. The final section, ''Piezoelectric Crystal Detectors,'' discusses two types of chemical sensors that depend on the changes in the properties of an oscillating piezoelectric crystal to detect the presence of certain materials. Advantages and disadvantages of each type of sensor are summarized in each section

  2. Nanophotonic Image Sensors. (United States)

    Chen, Qin; Hu, Xin; Wen, Long; Yu, Yan; Cumming, David R S


    The increasing miniaturization and resolution of image sensors bring challenges to conventional optical elements such as spectral filters and polarizers, the properties of which are determined mainly by the materials used, including dye polymers. Recent developments in spectral filtering and optical manipulating techniques based on nanophotonics have opened up the possibility of an alternative method to control light spectrally and spatially. By integrating these technologies into image sensors, it will become possible to achieve high compactness, improved process compatibility, robust stability and tunable functionality. In this Review, recent representative achievements on nanophotonic image sensors are presented and analyzed including image sensors with nanophotonic color filters and polarizers, metamaterial-based THz image sensors, filter-free nanowire image sensors and nanostructured-based multispectral image sensors. This novel combination of cutting edge photonics research and well-developed commercial products may not only lead to an important application of nanophotonics but also offer great potential for next generation image sensors beyond Moore's Law expectations. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  3. Sensor Alerting Capability (United States)

    Henriksson, Jakob; Bermudez, Luis; Satapathy, Goutam


    There is a large amount of sensor data generated today by various sensors, from in-situ buoys to mobile underwater gliders. Providing sensor data to the users through standardized services, language and data model is the promise of OGC's Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) initiative. As the amount of data grows it is becoming difficult for data providers, planners and managers to ensure reliability of data and services and to monitor critical data changes. Intelligent Automation Inc. (IAI) is developing a net-centric alerting capability to address these issues. The capability is built on Sensor Observation Services (SOSs), which is used to collect and monitor sensor data. The alerts can be configured at the service level and at the sensor data level. For example it can alert for irregular data delivery events or a geo-temporal statistic of sensor data crossing a preset threshold. The capability provides multiple delivery mechanisms and protocols, including traditional techniques such as email and RSS. With this capability decision makers can monitor their assets and data streams, correct failures or be alerted about a coming phenomena.

  4. Sensor web (United States)

    Delin, Kevin A. (Inventor); Jackson, Shannon P. (Inventor)


    A Sensor Web formed of a number of different sensor pods. Each of the sensor pods include a clock which is synchronized with a master clock so that all of the sensor pods in the Web have a synchronized clock. The synchronization is carried out by first using a coarse synchronization which takes less power, and subsequently carrying out a fine synchronization to make a fine sync of all the pods on the Web. After the synchronization, the pods ping their neighbors to determine which pods are listening and responded, and then only listen during time slots corresponding to those pods which respond.

  5. Development of Microfabricated Chemical Gas Sensors and Sensor Arrays for Aerospace Applications (United States)

    Hunter, G. W.; Neudeck, P. G.; Fralick, G.; Thomas, V.; Liu, C. C.; Wu, W. H.; Ward, B.; Makel, D.


    Aerospace applications require the development of chemical sensors with capabilities beyond those of commercially available sensors. In particular, factors such as minimal sensor size, weight, and power consumption are particularly important. Development areas which have potential aerospace applications include launch vehicle leak detection, engine health monitoring, fire detection, and environmental monitoring. Sensor development for these applications is based on progress in three types of technology: 1) Micromachining and microfabrication (Microsystem) technology to fabricate miniaturized sensors. 2) The use of nanocrystalline materials to develop sensors with improved stability combined with higher sensitivity. 3) The development of high temperature semiconductors, especially silicon carbide. However, due to issues of selectivity and cross-sensitivity, individual sensors are limited in the amount of information that they can provide in environments that contain multiple chemical species. Thus, sensor arrays are being developed to address detection needs in such multi-species environments. This paper discusses the needs of space applications as well as the point-contact sensor technology and sensor arrays being developed to address these needs. Sensors to measure hydrogen, hydrocarbons, hydrazine, nitrogen oxides (NO,), carbon monoxide, oxygen, and carbon dioxide are being developed as well as arrays for leak, fire, and emissions detection. Demonstrations of the technology will also be discussed. It is concluded that microfabricated sensor technology has significant potential for use in a range of aerospace applications.

  6. Integration of Environmental Sensors with BIM: case studies using Arduino, Dynamo, and the Revit API

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kensek, K. M.


    Full Text Available This paper investigates the feasibility of connecting environmental sensors such as light, humidity, or CO2 receptors to a building information model (BIM. A base case was created in Rhino; using Grasshopper and Firefly, a simple digital model responded to lighting-levels detected by a photoresistor on an Arduino board. The case study was duplicated using Revit Architecture, a popular BIM software, and Dynamo, a visual programming environment, in an innovative application. Another case study followed a similar procedure by implementing the Revit API directly instead of using Dynamo. Then the process was reversed to demonstrate that not only could data could be sent from sensors to change the 3D model, but changes to parameters of a 3D model could effect a physical model through the use of actuators. It is intended that these virtual/physical prototypes could be used as the basis for testing intelligent façade systems before constructing full size mock-ups.Este estudio investiga la posibilidad de conectar sensores ambientales como de luz, humedad, o dióxido de carbono con un modelo de información de un edificio (siglas BIM en inglés. Un caso base fue creado en Rhino; usando Grasshopper and Firefly, donde un simple modelo digital respondió a niveles de luz detectados por un foto resistor en una tarjeta Arduino. El caso de estudio fue duplicado usando Revit Architecture, una herramienta popular en BIM, y Dynamo, un ambiente de programación gráfica, en una creativa aplicación. Un segundo caso de estudio siguió un procedimiento similar implementando Revit API directamente en vez de usar Dynamo. Entonces el proceso fue revertido para demostrar que no solamente la información podría ser enviada desde sensores para cambiar el modelo tridimensional, pero cambios en los parámetros de un modelo tridimensional podrían afectar un modelo físico mediante el uso de actuadores. Se espera que esos modelos virtuales puedan ser usados como base para

  7. Fiber-Optic Chemical Sensors and Fiber-Optic Bio-Sensors (United States)

    Pospíšilová, Marie; Kuncová, Gabriela; Trögl, Josef


    This review summarizes principles and current stage of development of fiber-optic chemical sensors (FOCS) and biosensors (FOBS). Fiber optic sensor (FOS) systems use the ability of optical fibers (OF) to guide the light in the spectral range from ultraviolet (UV) (180 nm) up to middle infrared (IR) (10 µm) and modulation of guided light by the parameters of the surrounding environment of the OF core. The introduction of OF in the sensor systems has brought advantages such as measurement in flammable and explosive environments, immunity to electrical noises, miniaturization, geometrical flexibility, measurement of small sample volumes, remote sensing in inaccessible sites or harsh environments and multi-sensing. The review comprises briefly the theory of OF elaborated for sensors, techniques of fabrications and analytical results reached with fiber-optic chemical and biological sensors. PMID:26437407

  8. Fiber-Optic Chemical Sensors and Fiber-Optic Bio-Sensors. (United States)

    Pospíšilová, Marie; Kuncová, Gabriela; Trögl, Josef


    This review summarizes principles and current stage of development of fiber-optic chemical sensors (FOCS) and biosensors (FOBS). Fiber optic sensor (FOS) systems use the ability of optical fibers (OF) to guide the light in the spectral range from ultraviolet (UV) (180 nm) up to middle infrared (IR) (10 μm) and modulation of guided light by the parameters of the surrounding environment of the OF core. The introduction of OF in the sensor systems has brought advantages such as measurement in flammable and explosive environments, immunity to electrical noises, miniaturization, geometrical flexibility, measurement of small sample volumes, remote sensing in inaccessible sites or harsh environments and multi-sensing. The review comprises briefly the theory of OF elaborated for sensors, techniques of fabrications and analytical results reached with fiber-optic chemical and biological sensors.

  9. Diseño de moduladores Delta-Sigma en tecnología CMOS-VLSI. Aplicación al desarrollo de circuitos de interfaz para sensores capacitivos


    Gómez Cama, José María


    La tecnología microelectrónica esta entrando a formar parte de la vida cotidiana. Así, además del ordenador PC, tanto en los vehículos, como en las viviendas es difícil encontrar equipos o subsistemas eléctricos que no incluyan algún tipo de circuito integrado para su control.Aspectos como la automatización de viviendas y edificios se empieza a considerar una cuestión clave para la industria informática. Los cuales se basan en buses de campo. Estos precisan de sensores que le informen del est...

  10. Proximity and Force Characteristics of CMC Touch Sensor with Square/Dome-shaped Sensor Elements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kawamura, T; Inaguma, N; Kakizaki, Y; Yamada, H; Tani, K


    A tactile sensor called Carbon Micro Coil (CMC) touch sensor was developed by CMC Technology Development Co., Ltd. The sensor's elements used in the experiments of this paper are made of silicon rubber containing CMCs several micrometers in diameter. One of the elements is molded into a square 30 mm on a side and 3 mm thick; the other is a dome 16 mm in diameter and 2 mm height. CMCs in the sensor element contribute to the electrical conductivity and the sensor element is considered to constitute an LCR circuit. When an object approaches to the sensor element or the sensor element is deformed mechanically, the impedance changes, and the CMC sensor detects the impedance changes by measuring the modulation of amplitude and phase of an input excitation signal to the sensor element. The CMC sensor also creates voltage signals of the R- and LC-components separately according to the amplitude and phase modulation. In this paper, the characteristics of the CMC sensor with respect to its proximity and force senses are investigated. First, the output of the CMC sensor with the square-shaped sensor element is measured when an object approaches to the sensor element. Next, the output of the CMC sensor with the dome-shaped sensor element is measured when fine deformations of 1 to 5 μm are applied to the sensor element under variable compression force. The results suggest that the CMC sensor can measure the force variance applied to the sensor element as well as the distance between the sensor element and an object.

  11. Sensor Anomaly Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks for Healthcare (United States)

    Haque, Shah Ahsanul; Rahman, Mustafizur; Aziz, Syed Mahfuzul


    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are vulnerable to various sensor faults and faulty measurements. This vulnerability hinders efficient and timely response in various WSN applications, such as healthcare. For example, faulty measurements can create false alarms which may require unnecessary intervention from healthcare personnel. Therefore, an approach to differentiate between real medical conditions and false alarms will improve remote patient monitoring systems and quality of healthcare service afforded by WSN. In this paper, a novel approach is proposed to detect sensor anomaly by analyzing collected physiological data from medical sensors. The objective of this method is to effectively distinguish false alarms from true alarms. It predicts a sensor value from historic values and compares it with the actual sensed value for a particular instance. The difference is compared against a threshold value, which is dynamically adjusted, to ascertain whether the sensor value is anomalous. The proposed approach has been applied to real healthcare datasets and compared with existing approaches. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed system, providing high Detection Rate (DR) and low False Positive Rate (FPR). PMID:25884786

  12. Quando um primitivo é como um orbe? Quando um primitivo é como um orbe?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. Hillis Miller


    Full Text Available Minhas estratégias de analise textual se tornarão mais ou menos evidentes na leitura que se segue. Sua proveniência deveriam tornar-se & cia. 0 ensaio foi inicialmente pensado come parte do livro The Linguistic Moment (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985. Aqui, como no livro, minha preocupação maior e com aqueles momentos em poemas em que a poesia como meio de comunicação constitui problema. Interessa-me particularmente a forma pela qual as fronteiras entre a linguagem conceitual e a figurative se tornam pouco visiveis no poema "A Primitive like an Orb", da última fase da poesia de Wallace Stevens.

  13. Hydrostatic force sensor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Evans, M.S.; Stoughton, R.S.; Kazerooni, H.


    This paper presents a theoretical and experimental investigation of a new kind of force sensor which detects forces by measuring an induced pressure change in a material of large Poisson's ratio. In this investigation we develop mathematical expressions for the sensor's sensitivity and bandwidth, and show that its sensitivity can be much larger and its bandwidth is usually smaller than those of existing strain-gage-type sensors. This force sensor is well-suited for measuring large but slowly varying forces. It can be installed in a space smaller than that required by existing sensors

  14. Semantic interoperability in sensor applications - making sense of sensor data

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brandt, Paul; Basten, Twan; Stuijk, Sander; Bui, Vinh; de Clercq, Paul; Ferreira Pires, Luis; van Sinderen, Marten J.

    Much effort has been spent on the optimization of sensor networks, mainly concerning their performance and power efficiency. Furthermore, open communication protocols for the exchange of sensor data have been developed and widely adopted, making sensor data widely available for software

  15. La transparencia como objetivo del desarrollo sostenible


    Juan José Gilli


    El presente trabajo tiene por propósito precisar el significado de la transparencia en la gestión pública como una exigencia de carácter ético relacionada con la información que los agentes deben dar en el ámbito sus funciones, reconociendo al ciudadano como el dueño de la información que producen y guardan. La transparencia tiene un especial valor como herramienta para combatir la corrupción y, de esa forma, contribuir a la meta de lograr instituciones inclusivas y efectivas para el desarrol...

  16. A montagem cinematográfica como ato criativo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Dora Genis Mourão


    Full Text Available O foco deste trabalho é refletir sobre a montagem cinematográfica como ato criativo, não a montagem pensada como simples agenciadora de planos, mas como criadora de sentidos. É na maneira como o cinema articula e aproxima as imagens e os sons que verificamos sua transformação em discurso. Criam-se novos sentidos, uma nova lógica onde os significados não são transparentes, nascida da associação de fragmentos. Justapõem-se duas realidades: a da vida propriamente dita e a do filme, a do discurso e, ainda dentro do filme, a justaposição de planos determinando novas leituras das Imagens. Partindo dos princípios da teoria da montagem cinematográfica de S. M. Eisenstein, faremos um rápido panorama de como o cinema, no decorrer de sua história, foi influenciado pelos conceitos desenvolvidos em sua teoria.

  17. Clementine sensor suite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ledebuhr, A.G. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA (United States)


    LLNL designed and built the suite of six miniaturized light-weight space-qualified sensors utilized in the Clementine mission. A major goal of the Clementine program was to demonstrate technologies originally developed for Ballistic Missile Defense Organization Programs. These sensors were modified to gather data from the moon. This overview presents each of these sensors and some preliminary on-orbit performance estimates. The basic subsystems of these sensors include optical baffles to reject off-axis stray light, light-weight ruggedized optical systems, filter wheel assemblies, radiation tolerant focal plane arrays, radiation hardened control and readout electronics and low mass and power mechanical cryogenic coolers for the infrared sensors. Descriptions of each sensor type are given along with design specifications, photographs and on-orbit data collected.

  18. Fiber-Optic Chemical Sensors and Fiber-Optic Bio-Sensors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marie Pospíšilová


    Full Text Available This review summarizes principles and current stage of development of fiber-optic chemical sensors (FOCS and biosensors (FOBS. Fiber optic sensor (FOS systems use the ability of optical fibers (OF to guide the light in the spectral range from ultraviolet (UV (180 nm up to middle infrared (IR (10 μm and modulation of guided light by the parameters of the surrounding environment of the OF core. The introduction of OF in the sensor systems has brought advantages such as measurement in flammable and explosive environments, immunity to electrical noises, miniaturization, geometrical flexibility, measurement of small sample volumes, remote sensing in inaccessible sites or harsh environments and multi-sensing. The review comprises briefly the theory of OF elaborated for sensors, techniques of fabrications and analytical results reached with fiber-optic chemical and biological sensors.

  19. Three-Dimensional Sensor Common Operating Picture (3-D Sensor COP) (United States)


    DEMs that have been computed from the point clouds . Additionally, Fusion3D can also display 3-D data created using photogrammetry software...Picture (3-D Sensor COP). To test the 3-D Sensor COP, we took advantage of a sensor network that had been deployed for the Enterprise Challenge 2016 at...took advantage of a sensor network that had been deployed for the Enterprise Challenge 2016 (EC16) at Fort Huachuca in Sierra Vista, Arizona. The

  20. Coupled wave sensor technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maki, M.C.


    Buried line guided radar sensors have been used successfully for a number of years to provide perimeter security for high value resources. This paper introduces a new complementary sensor advancement at Computing Devices termed 'coupled wave device technology' (CWD). It provides many of the inherent advantages of leakey cable sensors, such as terrain-following and the ability to discriminate between humans and small animals. It also is able to provide a high or wide detection zone, and allows the sensor to be mounted aerially and adjacent to a wall or fence. Several alternative sensors have been developed which include a single-line sensor, a dual-line hybrid sensor that combines the elements of ported coax and CWD technology, and a rapid-deployment portable sensor for temporary or mobile applications. A description of the technology, the sensors, and their characteristics is provided

  1. Tuberculosis como enfermedad ocupacional Tuberculosis as occupational disease


    Alberto Mendoza-Ticona


    Existe evidencia suficiente para declarar a la tuberculosis como enfermedad ocupacional en diversos profesionales especialmente entre los trabajadores de salud. En el Perú están normados y reglamentados los derechos laborales inherentes a la tuberculosis como enfermedad ocupacional, como la cobertura por discapacidad temporal o permanente. Sin embargo, estos derechos aún no han sido suficientemente socializados. En este trabajo se presenta información sobre el riesgo de adquirir tuberculosis ...

  2. A Imagem como Ruína

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Míriam Volpe


    Full Text Available O dialogismo ente o filme Citizen Kane, de Orson Welles, e o poema “Kubla Khan”, de S.T. Coleridgé, é analisado, sendo evidenciados não só o tema em comum – o mito do Paraíso perdido – como também a similariedade na organização do disurso na justaposição das images, como fragmentos da memória a serem preservados.

  3. Application Of FA Sensor 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Seon Ho


    This book introduces FA sensor from basic to making system, which includes light sensor like photo diode and photo transistor, photo electricity sensor, CCD type image sensor, MOS type image sensor, color sensor, cds cell, and optical fiber scope. It also deals with direct election position sensor such as proximity switch, differential motion, linear scale of photo electricity type, and magnet scale, rotary sensor with summary of rotary encoder, rotary encoder types and applications, flow sensor, and sensing technology.

  4. El Derecho como práctica y como discurso. La perspectiva de la persona como garantía de objetividad y razonabilidad en la interpretación

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available El trabajo se propone ofrecer una comprensión tanto de los orígenes como de los límites de la problematicidad de la interpretación jurídica -en particular, aunque no de modo único, de la interpretación constitucional-, focalizada en la estructura intencional del Derecho como discurso escrito y como práctica social. En cuanto discurso, el Derecho se concibe como un conjunto de "actos del habla"; en tanto práctica social, la comprensibilidad del Derecho se vincula a los fines o a las intenciones que se proponen sus participantes y que lo distinguen de otras prácticas sociales. Se concluye desde esta doble perspectiva que, lejos de ser un método entre otros, la interpretación teleológica es la estructura formal indisponible de toda interpretación jurídica. Sobre esta base se intenta mostrar que, aunque la proyección teleológica del Derecho opere como causal de la problematicidad de la interpretación jurídica, al mismo tiempo se constituye en el límite o marco para la dimensión creativa de la interpretación. A partir de aquí se defiende la tesis de que la problematicidad de la interpretación jurídica no es sinónimo de arbitrariedad en el Derecho constitucionalizado, al menos si se asumen dos postulados. Primero, que la abstracción del lenguaje jurídico es indeterminación, pero no vaguedad. Segundo, que los fines últimos del Derecho se ligan a una concepción de persona objetiva -metafísica, no política-.

  5. CMOS image sensor-based implantable glucose sensor using glucose-responsive fluorescent hydrogel. (United States)

    Tokuda, Takashi; Takahashi, Masayuki; Uejima, Kazuhiro; Masuda, Keita; Kawamura, Toshikazu; Ohta, Yasumi; Motoyama, Mayumi; Noda, Toshihiko; Sasagawa, Kiyotaka; Okitsu, Teru; Takeuchi, Shoji; Ohta, Jun


    A CMOS image sensor-based implantable glucose sensor based on an optical-sensing scheme is proposed and experimentally verified. A glucose-responsive fluorescent hydrogel is used as the mediator in the measurement scheme. The wired implantable glucose sensor was realized by integrating a CMOS image sensor, hydrogel, UV light emitting diodes, and an optical filter on a flexible polyimide substrate. Feasibility of the glucose sensor was verified by both in vitro and in vivo experiments.

  6. Dynamic Sensor Network Reprogramming using SensorScheme

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Evers, L.; Havinga, Paul J.M.; Kuper, Jan


    Building wireless sensor network applications is a challenging task, and it has become apparent that it is crucial for many sensor networks to be able to load or update the application after deployment. Since communication is a scarce resource and costly in terms of energy, it is important to

  7. An Observation Capability Metadata Model for EO Sensor Discovery in Sensor Web Enablement Environments

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chuli Hu


    Full Text Available Accurate and fine-grained discovery by diverse Earth observation (EO sensors ensures a comprehensive response to collaborative observation-required emergency tasks. This discovery remains a challenge in an EO sensor web environment. In this study, we propose an EO sensor observation capability metadata model that reuses and extends the existing sensor observation-related metadata standards to enable the accurate and fine-grained discovery of EO sensors. The proposed model is composed of five sub-modules, namely, ObservationBreadth, ObservationDepth, ObservationFrequency, ObservationQuality and ObservationData. The model is applied to different types of EO sensors and is formalized by the Open Geospatial Consortium Sensor Model Language 1.0. The GeosensorQuery prototype retrieves the qualified EO sensors based on the provided geo-event. An actual application to flood emergency observation in the Yangtze River Basin in China is conducted, and the results indicate that sensor inquiry can accurately achieve fine-grained discovery of qualified EO sensors and obtain enriched observation capability information. In summary, the proposed model enables an efficient encoding system that ensures minimum unification to represent the observation capabilities of EO sensors. The model functions as a foundation for the efficient discovery of EO sensors. In addition, the definition and development of this proposed EO sensor observation capability metadata model is a helpful step in extending the Sensor Model Language (SensorML 2.0 Profile for the description of the observation capabilities of EO sensors.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Silvia Serra


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Habitar las ciudades es un proceso en el que se encuentran anudadas cuestiones materiales y simbólicas. Este lazo debe ser atendido y puesto en valor en términos históricos y culturales ya que forma parte de nuestro aprendizaje como sujetos urbanos. En este sentido, tal como afirma Andreas Huyssen (2002: 191 " ciudad funciona como un tipo de prisma" que permite "enfocar" una multiplicidad de temáticas que no están solo ligadas al urbanismo o a la arquitectura, sino también a experiencias culturales y construcciones simbólicas que articulan el hecho concreto de vivir en las ciudades. Es así que, siguiendo a este autor, podemos afirmar que la ciudad es un texto que puede ser leído como un verdadero espacio de signos. Una casa, un barrio, un edificio, los espacios públicos, las calles y veredas, los monumentos son reservorios de un tiempo y una memoria que requieren de una multiplicidad de lecturas para transformarse en escenarios de aprendizajes integradores. Cuestionar a la ciudad como territorio de la educación integral así como reconocer las cuestiones centrales que se ponen a prueba cuando esto se postula como una política pública son los objetivos principales del presente artículo, para lo cual proponemos un recorrido a partir de considerar conceptos nodales como los de educación integral y pedagogía urbana.

  9. Sensors an introductory course

    CERN Document Server

    Kalantar-zadeh, Kourosh


    Sensors: An Introductory Course provides an essential reference on the fundamentals of sensors. The book is designed to help readers in developing skills and the understanding required in order to implement a wide range of sensors that are commonly used in our daily lives. This book covers the basic concepts in the sensors field, including definitions and terminologies. The physical sensing effects are described, and devices which utilize these effects are presented. The most frequently used organic and inorganic sensors are introduced and the techniques for implementing them are discussed. This book: Provides a comprehensive representation of the most common sensors and can be used as a reference in relevant fields Presents learning materials in a concise and easy to understand manner Includes examples of how sensors are incorporated in real life measurements Contains detailed figures and schematics to assist in understanding the sensor performance Sensors: An Introductory Course is ideal for university stu...

  10. Capacitive chemical sensor (United States)

    Manginell, Ronald P; Moorman, Matthew W; Wheeler, David R


    A microfabricated capacitive chemical sensor can be used as an autonomous chemical sensor or as an analyte-sensitive chemical preconcentrator in a larger microanalytical system. The capacitive chemical sensor detects changes in sensing film dielectric properties, such as the dielectric constant, conductivity, or dimensionality. These changes result from the interaction of a target analyte with the sensing film. This capability provides a low-power, self-heating chemical sensor suitable for remote and unattended sensing applications. The capacitive chemical sensor also enables a smart, analyte-sensitive chemical preconcentrator. After sorption of the sample by the sensing film, the film can be rapidly heated to release the sample for further analysis. Therefore, the capacitive chemical sensor can optimize the sample collection time prior to release to enable the rapid and accurate analysis of analytes by a microanalytical system.

  11. Joint sensor placement and power rating selection in energy harvesting wireless sensor networks

    KAUST Repository

    Bushnaq, Osama M.


    In this paper, the focus is on optimal sensor placement and power rating selection for parameter estimation in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). We take into account the amount of energy harvested by the sensing nodes, communication link quality, and the observation accuracy at the sensor level. In particular, the aim is to reconstruct the estimation parameter with minimum error at a fusion center under a system budget constraint. To achieve this goal, a subset of sensing locations is selected from a large pool of candidate sensing locations. Furthermore, the type of sensor to be placed at those locations is selected from a given set of sensor types (e.g., sensors with different power ratings). We further investigate whether it is better to install a large number of cheap sensors, a few expensive sensors or a combination of different sensor types at the optimal locations.

  12. 2-Sensor Problem

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael Segal


    Full Text Available Abstract: Ad-hoc networks of sensor nodes are in general semi-permanently deployed. However, the topology of such networks continuously changes over time, due to the power of some sensors wearing out to new sensors being inserted into the network, or even due to designers moving sensors around during a network re-design phase (for example, in response to a change in the requirements of the network. In this paper, we address the problem of covering a given path by a limited number of sensors — in our case to two, and show its relation to the well-studied matrix multiplication problem.

  13. Sensors for Entertainment. (United States)

    Lamberti, Fabrizio; Sanna, Andrea; Rokne, Jon


    Sensors are becoming ubiquitous in all areas of science, technology, and society. In this Special Issue on "Sensors for Entertainment", developments in progress and the current state of application scenarios for sensors in the field of entertainment is explored.

  14. Sensors for Entertainment


    Fabrizio Lamberti; Andrea Sanna; Jon Rokne


    Sensors are becoming ubiquitous in all areas of science, technology, and society. In this Special Issue on ?Sensors for Entertainment?, developments in progress and the current state of application scenarios for sensors in the field of entertainment is explored.

  15. Digital Sensor Technology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ted Quinn; Jerry Mauck; Richard Bockhorst; Ken Thomas


    The nuclear industry has been slow to incorporate digital sensor technology into nuclear plant designs due to concerns with digital qualification issues. However, the benefits of digital sensor technology for nuclear plant instrumentation are substantial in terms of accuracy, reliability, availability, and maintainability. This report demonstrates these benefits in direct comparisons of digital and analog sensor applications. It also addresses the qualification issues that must be addressed in the application of digital sensor technology.

  16. A self-optimizing scheme for energy balanced routing in Wireless Sensor Networks using SensorAnt. (United States)

    Shamsan Saleh, Ahmed M; Ali, Borhanuddin Mohd; Rasid, Mohd Fadlee A; Ismail, Alyani


    Planning of energy-efficient protocols is critical for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) because of the constraints on the sensor nodes' energy. The routing protocol should be able to provide uniform power dissipation during transmission to the sink node. In this paper, we present a self-optimization scheme for WSNs which is able to utilize and optimize the sensor nodes' resources, especially the batteries, to achieve balanced energy consumption across all sensor nodes. This method is based on the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) metaheuristic which is adopted to enhance the paths with the best quality function. The assessment of this function depends on multi-criteria metrics such as the minimum residual battery power, hop count and average energy of both route and network. This method also distributes the traffic load of sensor nodes throughout the WSN leading to reduced energy usage, extended network life time and reduced packet loss. Simulation results show that our scheme performs much better than the Energy Efficient Ant-Based Routing (EEABR) in terms of energy consumption, balancing and efficiency.

  17. La sangre como espectáculo.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rubén Darío Buitrón


    Full Text Available El autor asevera que cuando la información es concebida y tratada como una mercancía y no como un bien social, la avidez por el lucro la degenera en productos abyectos donde la sangre es espectáculo que sirve para exacerbar el morbo social, incrementar las ventas y los ingresos publicitarios. Señala que lamentablemente en el Ecuador este tipo de periodismo es una plaga muy bien vendida.

  18. An Energy-Efficient Approach to Enhance Virtual Sensors Provisioning in Sensor Clouds Environments. (United States)

    Lemos, Marcus Vinícius de S; Filho, Raimir Holanda; Rabêlo, Ricardo de Andrade L; de Carvalho, Carlos Giovanni N; Mendes, Douglas Lopes de S; Costa, Valney da Gama


    Virtual sensors provisioning is a central issue for sensors cloud middleware since it is responsible for selecting physical nodes, usually from Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) of different owners, to handle user's queries or applications. Recent works perform provisioning by clustering sensor nodes based on the correlation measurements and then selecting as few nodes as possible to preserve WSN energy. However, such works consider only homogeneous nodes (same set of sensors). Therefore, those works are not entirely appropriate for sensor clouds, which in most cases comprises heterogeneous sensor nodes. In this paper, we propose ACxSIMv2, an approach to enhance the provisioning task by considering heterogeneous environments. Two main algorithms form ACxSIMv2. The first one, ACASIMv1, creates multi-dimensional clusters of sensor nodes, taking into account the measurements correlations instead of the physical distance between nodes like most works on literature. Then, the second algorithm, ACOSIMv2, based on an Ant Colony Optimization system, selects an optimal set of sensors nodes from to respond user's queries while attending all parameters and preserving the overall energy consumption. Results from initial experiments show that the approach reduces significantly the sensor cloud energy consumption compared to traditional works, providing a solution to be considered in sensor cloud scenarios.

  19. Sensors for Entertainment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabrizio Lamberti


    Full Text Available Sensors are becoming ubiquitous in all areas of science, technology, and society. In this Special Issue on “Sensors for Entertainment”, developments in progress and the current state of application scenarios for sensors in the field of entertainment is explored.

  20. Novel Framework for Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Flying Sensors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mathur, Prateek; Nielsen, Rasmus Hjorth; Prasad, Neeli R.


    This paper proposes a novel framework for data collection from a sensor network using flying sensor nodes. Efficient data communication within the network is a necessity as sensor nodes are usually energy constrained. The proposed framework utilizes the various entities forming the network...... for a different utility compared to their usual role in sensor networks. Use of flying sensor nodes is usually considered for conventional purpose of sensing and monitoring. Flying sensing nodes are usually utilized collectively in the form of an aerial sensor network, they are not expected to function as a data...... collection entity, as proposed in this framework. Similarly, cluster heads (CHs) are usually expected to transfer the aggregated data to an adjoining CH or to the base station (BS) directly. In the proposed framework the CH transfers data directly to the flying sensor node, averting the need for energy...

  1. Resource aware sensor nodes in wireless sensor networks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Merrett, G V; Al-Hashimi, B M; White, N M; Harris, N R


    Wireless sensor networks are continuing to receive considerable research interest due, in part, to the range of possible applications. One of the greatest challenges facing researchers is in overcoming the limited network lifetime inherent in the small locally powered sensor nodes. In this paper, we propose IDEALS, a system to manage a wireless sensor network using a combination of information management, energy harvesting and energy monitoring, which we label resource awareness. Through this, IDEALS is able to extend the network lifetime for important messages, by controlling the degradation of the network to maximise information throughput

  2. Virtual Sensor Test Instrumentation (United States)

    Wang, Roy


    Virtual Sensor Test Instrumentation is based on the concept of smart sensor technology for testing with intelligence needed to perform sell-diagnosis of health, and to participate in a hierarchy of health determination at sensor, process, and system levels. A virtual sensor test instrumentation consists of five elements: (1) a common sensor interface, (2) microprocessor, (3) wireless interface, (4) signal conditioning and ADC/DAC (analog-to-digital conversion/ digital-to-analog conversion), and (5) onboard EEPROM (electrically erasable programmable read-only memory) for metadata storage and executable software to create powerful, scalable, reconfigurable, and reliable embedded and distributed test instruments. In order to maximize the efficient data conversion through the smart sensor node, plug-and-play functionality is required to interface with traditional sensors to enhance their identity and capabilities for data processing and communications. Virtual sensor test instrumentation can be accessible wirelessly via a Network Capable Application Processor (NCAP) or a Smart Transducer Interlace Module (STIM) that may be managed under real-time rule engines for mission-critical applications. The transducer senses the physical quantity being measured and converts it into an electrical signal. The signal is fed to an A/D converter, and is ready for use by the processor to execute functional transformation based on the sensor characteristics stored in a Transducer Electronic Data Sheet (TEDS). Virtual sensor test instrumentation is built upon an open-system architecture with standardized protocol modules/stacks to interface with industry standards and commonly used software. One major benefit for deploying the virtual sensor test instrumentation is the ability, through a plug-and-play common interface, to convert raw sensor data in either analog or digital form, to an IEEE 1451 standard-based smart sensor, which has instructions to program sensors for a wide variety of


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    André Luiz Nascentes Coelho


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como objetivo, contribuir na difusão e operacionalização das geotecnologias, apresentando os algoritmos para obtenção de temperatura da superfície horizontal Celsius na faixa infravermelho termal do sensor TIRS/Landsat-8, banda 10. A aplicação das equações proporcionou não só identificar os maiores percentuais de temperatura de superfície, em diferentes escalas espaciais, como também, definir o perfil do campo térmico em distintas texturas. Além disso, foi possível comparar, em imagens, a melhoria da resolução espacial do canal infravermelho termal Landsat-8 em relação ao Landsat-5. Tal metodologia possibilita a aplicação em outros intervalos de datas e locais distintos, contribuindo nas pesquisas e no auxílio detomadas de decisões.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    André Luiz Nascentes Coelho


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como objetivo, contribuir na difusão e operacionalização das geotecnologias, apresentando os algoritmos para obtenção de temperatura da superfície horizontal Celsius na faixa infravermelho termal do sensor TIRS/Landsat-8, banda 10. A aplicação das equações proporcionou não só identificar os maiores percentuais de temperatura de superfície, em diferentes escalas espaciais, como também, definir o perfil do campo térmico em distintas texturas. Além disso, foi possível comparar, em imagens, a melhoria da resolução espacial do canal infravermelho termal Landsat-8 em relação ao Landsat-5. Tal metodologia possibilita a aplicação em outros intervalos de datas e locais distintos, contribuindo nas pesquisas e no auxílio detomadas de decisões.

  5. Wireless sensors and sensor networks for homeland security applications. (United States)

    Potyrailo, Radislav A; Nagraj, Nandini; Surman, Cheryl; Boudries, Hacene; Lai, Hanh; Slocik, Joseph M; Kelley-Loughnane, Nancy; Naik, Rajesh R


    New sensor technologies for homeland security applications must meet the key requirements of sensitivity to detect agents below risk levels, selectivity to provide minimal false-alarm rates, and response speed to operate in high throughput environments, such as airports, sea ports, and other public places. Chemical detection using existing sensor systems is facing a major challenge of selectivity. In this review, we provide a brief summary of chemical threats of homeland security importance; focus in detail on modern concepts in chemical sensing; examine the origins of the most significant unmet needs in existing chemical sensors; and, analyze opportunities, specific requirements, and challenges for wireless chemical sensors and wireless sensor networks (WSNs). We further review a new approach for selective chemical sensing that involves the combination of a sensing material that has different response mechanisms to different species of interest, with a transducer that has a multi-variable signal-transduction ability. This new selective chemical-sensing approach was realized using an attractive ubiquitous platform of battery-free passive radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags adapted for chemical sensing. We illustrate the performance of RFID sensors developed in measurements of toxic industrial materials, humidity-independent detection of toxic vapors, and detection of chemical-agent simulants, explosives, and strong oxidizers.

  6. Micro-digital sun sensor: an imaging sensor for space applications

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Xie, N.; Theuwissen, A.J.P.; Büttgen, B.; Hakkesteegt, H.C.; Jasen, H.; Leijtens, J.A.P.


    Micro-Digital Sun Sensor is an attitude sensor which senses relative position of micro-satellites to the sun in space. It is composed of a solar cell power supply, a RF communication block and an imaging chip which is called APS+. The APS+ integrates a CMOS Active Pixel Sensor (APS) of 512×512

  7. La fatiga como estado motivacional subjetivo


    D. Cárdenas; J. Conde-González; J.C. Perales


    Actualmente no existe consenso sobre los factores que determinan la aparición de la fatiga. Hay factores que se derivan exclusivamente del esfuerzo físico, otros que dependen del esfuerzo mental que este lleva aparejado, y otros de los resultados de la tarea que se está realizando. Como consecuencia, se han desarrollado diferentes modelos explicativos que pretenden aunar las diferentes razones de su aparición. No obstante, la tendencia actual es entender la fatiga como un estado motivacion...

  8. AMA Conferences 2015. SENSOR 2015. 17th international conference on sensors and measurement technology. IRS2 2015. 14th international conference on infrared sensors and systems. Proceedings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This meeting paper contains presentations of two conferences: SENSOR 2015 and IRS 2 (= International conference on InfraRed Sensors and systems). The first part of SENSOR 2015 contains the following chapters: (A) SENSOR PRINCIPLES: A.1: Mechanical sensors; A.2: Optical sensors; A.3: Ultrasonic sensors; A.4: Microacoustic sensors; A.5: Magnetic sensors; A.6: Impedance sensors; A.7: Gas sensors; A.8: Flow sensors; A.9: Dimensional measurement; A.10: Temperature and humidity sensors; A.11: Chemosensors; A.12: Biosensors; A.13: Embedded sensors; A.14: Sensor-actuator systems; (B) SENSOR TECHNOLOGY: B.1: Sensor design; B.2: Numerical simulation of sensors; B.3: Sensor materials; B.4: MEMS technology; B.5: Micro-Nano-Integration; B.6: Packaging; B.7: Materials; B.8: Thin films; B.9: Sensor production; B.10: Sensor reliability; B.11: Calibration and testing; B.12: Optical fibre sensors. (C) SENSOR ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION: C.1: Sensor electronics; C.2: Sensor networks; C.3: Wireless sensors; C.4: Sensor communication; C.5: Energy harvesting; C.6: Measuring systems; C.7: Embedded systems; C.8: Self-monitoring and diagnosis; (D) APPLICATIONS: D.1: Medical measuring technology; D.2: Ambient assisted living; D.3: Process measuring technology; D.4: Automotive; D.5: Sensors in energy technology; D.6: Production technology; D.7: Security technology; D.8: Smart home; D.9: Household technology. The second part with the contributions of the IRS 2 2015 is structured as follows: (E) INFRARED SENSORS: E.1: Photon detectors; E.2: Thermal detectors; E.3: Cooled detectors; E.4: Uncooled detectors; E.5: Sensor modules; E.6: Sensor packaging. (G) INFRARED SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS: G.1: Thermal imaging; G.2: Pyrometry / contactless temperature measurement; G.3: Gas analysis; G.4: Spectroscopy; G.5: Motion control and presence detection; G.6: Security and safety monitoring; G.7: Non-destructive testing; F: INFRARED SYSTEM COMPONENTS: F.1: Infrared optics; F.2: Optical modulators; F.3

  9. Diseño de un nodo con arquitectura abierta para aplicaciones con redes inalámbricas de sensores (CRTECMOTE

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Johan Carvajal Godínez


    Full Text Available Durante la última década las redes inalámbricas de sensores (WSN para la protección del medio ambiente surgen como área de investigación y desarrollo gracias a los avances en la microelectrónica, la ingeniería de computadoras y las ciencias de los materiales. Aspectos relevantes que han determinado el interés en esta área de investigación son, entre otros, la capacidad de mitigar el impacto al ambiente por consecuencia de actividades productivas, especialmente agrícolas, mediante la monitorización y control de variables de entrada para dicho proceso. Este artículo trata sobre la metodología con la cual se aborda el diseño, la optimización y la puesta en marcha de una infraestructura electrónica que funcione como herramienta para la adquisición de datos y tratamiento de información para la generación de modelos descriptivos que permitan atacar aquellos fenómenos que tienen mayor incidencia en la degradación de los recursos naturales que rodean las zonas geográficas productivas. El resultado obtenido mediante la investigación llevada a cabo fue el diseño de un nodo para red inalámbrica de sensores especializados en adquisición y procesamiento de datos, así como la selección de la arquitectura de red y las tecnologías de comunicación con las que se planea implementar la conexión de los nodos con un sistema central de adquisición y almacenamiento de la información (sumidero. El artículo concluye con la justificación del diseño de la red, cuya topología jerárquica se adapta a las necesidades de cobertura geográfica, costo de la infraestructura y capacidad de escalamiento de la red inalámbrica de sensores.

  10. Active self-testing noise measurement sensors for large-scale environmental sensor networks. (United States)

    Domínguez, Federico; Cuong, Nguyen The; Reinoso, Felipe; Touhafi, Abdellah; Steenhaut, Kris


    Large-scale noise pollution sensor networks consist of hundreds of spatially distributed microphones that measure environmental noise. These networks provide historical and real-time environmental data to citizens and decision makers and are therefore a key technology to steer environmental policy. However, the high cost of certified environmental microphone sensors render large-scale environmental networks prohibitively expensive. Several environmental network projects have started using off-the-shelf low-cost microphone sensors to reduce their costs, but these sensors have higher failure rates and produce lower quality data. To offset this disadvantage, we developed a low-cost noise sensor that actively checks its condition and indirectly the integrity of the data it produces. The main design concept is to embed a 13 mm speaker in the noise sensor casing and, by regularly scheduling a frequency sweep, estimate the evolution of the microphone's frequency response over time. This paper presents our noise sensor's hardware and software design together with the results of a test deployment in a large-scale environmental network in Belgium. Our middle-range-value sensor (around €50) effectively detected all experienced malfunctions, in laboratory tests and outdoor deployments, with a few false positives. Future improvements could further lower the cost of our sensor below €10.

  11. Soluções de redução de consumo energético para redes de sensores sem fio (RSSFs aplicadas à ambientes florestais

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    Paulo César Sedrez Moncks


    Full Text Available Redes de sensores sem fio (RSSFs têm sido utilizadas para aplicações de monitoramento nos mais diversos cenários, como controle industrial, gerenciamento de tráfego, segurança pública, automação residencial, saúde e também monitoramento ambiental. Estas redes são compostas de sensores com restrição de recursos onde a eficiência energética é parte essencial para sua real aplicabilidade. É apresentada neste artigo a sistematização feita das características de três técnicas para redução do consumo energético das redes de sensores sem fio, e como principal objetivo desta sistematização espera-se fornecer elementos para avaliar a aplicabilidade de RSSFs nas tarefas de predição de risco e monitoramento de incêndios florestais. Foi possível concluir que o uso de RSSFs aplicadas a ambientes florestais ainda é uma frente de pesquisa em aberto, sobretudo no que se refere à durabilidade da vida útil da rede. Ainda que as técnicas de redução de consumo energético propostas nos trabalhos avaliados apresentem ganhos, é necessário aprofundar as pesquisas para alcançar um tempo maior de duração das baterias e com isso tornar viável a instalação de nodos em florestas.

  12. Flexible magnetoimpedance sensor

    KAUST Repository

    Li, Bodong


    Flexible magnetoimpedance (MI) sensors fabricated using a NiFe/Cu/NiFe tri-layer on Kapton substrate have been studied. A customized flexible microstrip transmission line was employed to investigate the MI sensors\\'s magnetic field and frequency responses and their dependence on the sensors\\'s deflection. For the first time, the impedance characteristic is obtained through reflection coefficient analysis over a wide range of frequencies from 0.1 MHz to 3 GHz and for deflections ranging from zero curvature to a radius of 7.2 cm. The sensor element maintains a high MI ratio of up to 90% and magnetic sensitivity of up to 9.2%/Oe over different bending curvatures. The relationship between the curvature and material composition is discussed based on the magnetostriction effect and stress simulations. The sensor\\'s large frequency range, simple fabrication process and high sensitivity provide a great potential for flexible electronics and wireless applications.

  13. Sensor for metal detection

    KAUST Repository

    Kodzius, Rimantas


    NOVELTY - The sensor has a microfluidic flow channel that is provided with an inlet port, an outlet port, and a detection chamber. The detection chamber is provided with a group of sensing electrodes (4) having a working electrode (8), a counter electrode (9), and a reference electrode (10). A flow sensor is configured to measure flow in the channel. A temperature sensor (6) is configured to measure temperature in the channel (3). An electrical connection is configured to connect the sensor to a sensing device. USE - Sensor for detecting metal such as toxic metal in sample such as clinical sample such as stool, saliva, sputum, bronchial lavage, urine, vaginal swab, nasal swab, biopsy, tissue, tears, breath, blood, serum, plasma, cerebrospinal fluid, peritoneal fluid, pleural fluid, pericardial fluid, joint fluid, and amniotic fluid, water sample, food sample, air sample, and soil sample (all claimed). ADVANTAGE - The sensor for use with the portable analytical instrument is configured for detection of metalsin samples. The sensor can provide the excellent solution for on-site metal detection, including heavy metal detection. The sensors can provide significant advantages in higher throughput, lower cost, at the same time being less labor intensive and less dependent on individual skills. The disposable design of the sensor, the enhanced reliability and repeatability of measurements can be obtained. The sensors can be widely applied in various industries. DETAILED DESCRIPTION - INDEPENDENT CLAIMS are included for the following: (1) a system for detecting metal in sample; and (2) a method for using sensor for detecting metal in sample. DESCRIPTION OF DRAWING(S) - The drawing shows a schematic view of the sensor prototype. Channel (3) Sensing electrodes (4) Temperature sensor (6) Working electrode (8) Counter electrode (9) Reference electrode (10)

  14. Sensor LC para la medida de pequeñas deformaciones: aplicación en mallas abdominales


    Cerón Hurtado, Nathalie Marcela


    Los sensores basados en circuitos pasivos resonantes tipo LC han sido ampliamente estudiados principalmente para su uso en entornos hostiles como: temperaturas elevadas, medios corrosivos o aplicaciones biomédicas (especialmente las de uso implantable). La baja complejidad, adaptabilidad, el bajo coste y el hecho de que no precisen baterías ni conectarse a una red de alimentación ni un circuito especializado para trasmisión de energía e información, son algunas de las características más llam...

  15. La reforma agraria como factor del desarrollo regional

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    José Ambrósio Ferreira Neto


    Full Text Available Este trabajo debate la reforma agraria brasilera como instrumento de desarrollo regional, discutiendo la política actual de asentamientos rurales y su importancia en los procesos de interacción con las dinámicas locales y regionales, investigando las transformaciones que esos proyectos pueden provocar en los municipios donde están inmersos. El trabajo toma como punto central de discusión los argumentos de Polanyi sobre los factores de producción, tierra, capital y trabajo, y de Amartya Sen sobre libertad como factor de desarrollo. La discusión emprendida defiende la reforma agraria como forma de conceder oportunidades y una condición de agentes a sus beneficiarios. Argumentamos que el acceso a la tierra, y a los medios de producción, garantiza al trabajador el control sobre su fuerza de trabajo.

  16. Multi-Sensor Architectures

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hussain, Dil Muhammad Akbar; Ahmed, Zaki; Khan, M. Z.


    The use of multiple sensors typically requires the fusion of data from different type of sensors. The combined use of such a data has the potential to give an efficient, high quality and reliable estimation. Input data from different sensors allows the introduction of target attributes (target ty...

  17. La proyección como proceso y como mecanismo


    Brusset, Bernard


    La proyección es a la vez un mecanismo elemental testimonio de la fragilidad de la organización defensiva y un proceso cuyo rol es fundamental en el funcionamiento psíquico. En este doble aspecto, la proyección guarda especificidades diferentes en la neurosis y en la psicosis al punto que se las deba considerar como fundamentalmente diferentes? O bien las diferencias de contexto, del nivel del funcionamiento psíquico, de lugar, de función pueden explicar las diferencias clínicas justificando ...

  18. Quitina y carboximetilquitosana como agentes desintegrantes


    Sol A Fernández Monagas; María D Rodríguez Albadalejo; Ofelia Bilbao Revoredo; Olga M Nieto Acosta


    Se realizó un estudio comparativo de la quitina y la carboximetilquitosana como agentes desintegrantes, y se evaluó la influencia ejercida por el método empleado en la elaboración de las tabletas sobre la actividad desintegrante de ambos polímeros. La quitina presentó buenas características como agente desintegrante independientemente del método utilizado en la elaboración de las tabletas, mientras que la actividad desintegrante de la carboximetilquitosana fue afectada por el proceso de granu...

  19. Dibujo infantil como medio de diagnostico


    González Hernando, Elisa


    Con este documento se pretende demostrar la importancia que tiene el dibujo infantil en el correcto desarrollo integral de las personas. Se estudia la importancia del dibujo y su valor a la hora de utilizarlo como método de diagnóstico ante determinados aspectos que pueden determinar la vida de una persona. En definitiva lo que se desarrolla en este trabajo de Fin de Grado es el papel que juega el dibujo como herramienta para el seguimiento del desarrollo de los individuos centrándonos ...

  20. Filosofia da ciência como ferramenta microeconômica

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    Fabio Barbieri


    Full Text Available A teoria neoclássica pressupõe conhecimento perfeito. A crítica hayekiana a essa teoria, por sua vez, afirma que esse conhecimento é resultado do processo competitivo e, portanto, não pode ser considerado como dado. O “Problema de Hayek” investiga sob que condições o conhecimento do agente se aproxima dos reais fundamentos de uma economia. A fim de solucionar o “Problema de Hayek”, o nosso artigo utiliza algumas idéias da literatura de metodologia da Ciência, conhecida como teoria do “crescimento do conhecimento” (Popper, Kuhn, Lakatos e outros. Essas idéias são utilizadas para se compreender como evolui o conhecimento dos agentes econômicos, em especial o dos empresários. Estes são vistos como ativos formuladores de teorias empresariais conjecturais criticadas no processo competitivo, não como agentes passivos que maximizam funções já conhecidas da teoria convencional. Utiliza-se a Filosofia da Ciência não para analisar metodologicamente a microeconomia, mas, sim, como ferramenta analítica pertencente à própria teoria econômica.

  1. Kalman Filter for Estimation of Sensor Acceleration Using Six - axis Inertial Sensor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Jung Keun


    Although an accelerometer is a sensor that measures acceleration, it cannot be used by itself to measure the acceleration when the orientation of the sensor changes. This paper introduces a Kalman filter for the estimation of a sensor acceleration based on a six-axis inertial sensor (i.e., a three-axis accelerometer and three-axis gyroscope). The novelty of the proposed Kalman filter lies in the fact that its state vector includes not only the tilt angle variable but also the sensor acceleration. Thus, the filter can explicitly estimate the latter with a high accuracy. The accuracy of acceleration estimates were validated experimentally under three different dynamic conditions, using an optical motion capture system. It could be concluded that the performance of the proposed Kalman filter was comparable to that of the state-of-the-art estimation algorithm employed by the Xsens MTw. The proposed algorithm may be more suitable than inertial/magnetic sensor-based algorithms for various applications adopting six-axis inertial sensors

  2. Weight-Aware Sensor Deployment in Wireless Sensor Networks for Smart Cities

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    Mingshan Xie


    Full Text Available During the construction of wireless sensor networks (WSNs for smart cities, a preliminary survey of the relative criticalness within the monitored area can be performed. It is a challenge for deterministic sensor deployment to balance the tradeoff of sensing reliability and cost. In this paper, based on the sensing accuracy of the sensor, we establish a reliability model of the sensing area which is divided into sensing grids, and different weights are allocated to those grids. We employ a practical evaluation criterion using seesaw mapping for determining the weights of sensing grids. We further formulate and solve an optimization problem for maximizing the trust degree of the WSNs. With our proposed method, the efficient deployment of sensors can be realized. Simulation results show that our proposed deployment strategy can achieve higher trust degree with reduced sensor deployment cost and lower number of sensors at a certain miss probability threshold.

  3. Characteristic evaluation of acoustic emission sensors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jung, Hyun Kyu; Joo, Y. S.; Lee, N. H


    This report introduces the various kinds of Acoustic Emission(AE) sensors as well as the basic principle of AE sensors in order to select AE sensor suitably. The described sensors include : high sensitivity sensor, broadband sensor, underwater sensor, miniature sensor, directional sensor, integral pre-amplifier sensor. Sensor has two critical aspects of reliability and repeatability. For the high reliability, sensor has to be calibrated in accordance with ASTM standard E 1106 which explains to measure the characteristics of AE sensor accurately. For investigating the degradation of AE sensor under the severe environment for example the high radiation condition, It is important to perform the repeatability test which is described in detail in according to the ASTM standard E 976. Two kinds of AE sensor applications are also summarized.


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    Javier Omar Contreras Rodriguez


    Full Text Available En la actualidad, el auge de las aplicaciones de las redes de sensores inalámbricos (WSN = Wireless Sensors Networks está generando una gran cantidad de información de carácter sensible que requiere un manejo confiable mediante la implementación de sistemas de seguridad de los datos compatibles con la naturaleza de estas redes. En ese sentido, cada vez más aumenta el interés por el uso de algoritmos de criptografía de clave pública con curvas elípticas (ECC = Elliptic Curve Cryptography como una alternativa de menor consumo de recursos computacionales comparado con los algoritmos tradicionalmente usados, como por ejemplo, RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman, Diffie-Hellman, otros. En este artículo, se revisa la construcción de un prototipo de sistema de seguridad usando ECC para la firma digital de datos (ECDSA = Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm usando un control lógico basado en redes definidas por software (SDN = Software Defined Networking para el control de funcionalidades básicas y que permita ajustar en tiempo real los parámetros del algoritmo ECDSA según el tipo de aplicación de la WSN.

  5. Energy-Aware Sensor Networks via Sensor Selection and Power Allocation

    KAUST Repository

    Niyazi, Lama B.


    Finite energy reserves and the irreplaceable nature of nodes in battery-driven wireless sensor networks (WSNs) motivate energy-aware network operation. This paper considers energy-efficiency in a WSN by investigating the problem of minimizing the power consumption consisting of both radiated and circuit power of sensor nodes, so as to determine an optimal set of active sensors and corresponding transmit powers. To solve such a mixed discrete and continuous problem, the paper proposes various sensor selection and power allocation algorithms of low complexity. Simulation results show an appreciable improvement in their performance over a system in which no selection strategy is applied, with a slight gap from derived lower bounds. The results further yield insights into the relationship between the number of activated sensors and its effect on total power in different regimes of operation, based on which recommendations are made for which strategies to use in the different regimes.

  6. MITRE sensor layer prototype (United States)

    Duff, Francis; McGarry, Donald; Zasada, David; Foote, Scott


    The MITRE Sensor Layer Prototype is an initial design effort to enable every sensor to help create new capabilities through collaborative data sharing. By making both upstream (raw) and downstream (processed) sensor data visible, users can access the specific level, type, and quantities of data needed to create new data products that were never anticipated by the original designers of the individual sensors. The major characteristic that sets sensor data services apart from typical enterprise services is the volume (on the order of multiple terabytes) of raw data that can be generated by most sensors. Traditional tightly coupled processing approaches extract pre-determined information from the incoming raw sensor data, format it, and send it to predetermined users. The community is rapidly reaching the conclusion that tightly coupled sensor processing loses too much potentially critical information.1 Hence upstream (raw and partially processed) data must be extracted, rapidly archived, and advertised to the enterprise for unanticipated uses. The authors believe layered sensing net-centric integration can be achieved through a standardize-encapsulate-syndicateaggregate- manipulate-process paradigm. The Sensor Layer Prototype's technical approach focuses on implementing this proof of concept framework to make sensor data visible, accessible and useful to the enterprise. To achieve this, a "raw" data tap between physical transducers associated with sensor arrays and the embedded sensor signal processing hardware and software has been exploited. Second, we encapsulate and expose both raw and partially processed data to the enterprise within the context of a service-oriented architecture. Third, we advertise the presence of multiple types, and multiple layers of data through geographic-enabled Really Simple Syndication (GeoRSS) services. These GeoRSS feeds are aggregated, manipulated, and filtered by a feed aggregator. After filtering these feeds to bring just the type

  7. Temperature Sensors Integrated into a CMOS Image Sensor

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Abarca Prouza, A.N.; Xie, S.; Markenhof, Jules; Theuwissen, A.J.P.


    In this work, a novel approach is presented for measuring relative temperature variations inside the pixel array of a CMOS image sensor itself. This approach can give important information when compensation for dark (current) fixed pattern noise (FPN) is needed. The test image sensor consists of

  8. Semiconductor acceleration sensor (United States)

    Ueyanagi, Katsumichi; Kobayashi, Mitsuo; Goto, Tomoaki


    This paper reports a practical semiconductor acceleration sensor especially suited for automotive air bag systems. The acceleration sensor includes four beams arranged in a swastika structure. Two piezoresistors are formed on each beam. These eight piezoresistors constitute a Wheatstone bridge. The swastika structure of the sensing elements, an upper glass plate and a lower glass plate exhibit the squeeze film effect which enhances air dumping, by which the constituent silicon is prevented from breakdown. The present acceleration sensor has the following features. The acceleration force component perpendicular to the sensing direction can be cancelled. The cross-axis sensitivity is less than 3 percent. And, the erroneous offset caused by the differences between the thermal expansion coefficients of the constituent materials can be canceled. The high aspect ratio configuration realized by plasma etching facilitates reducing the dimensions and improving the sensitivity of the acceleration sensor. The present acceleration sensor is 3.9 mm by 3.9 mm in area and 1.2 mm in thickness. The present acceleration sensor can measure from -50 to +50 G with sensitivity of 0.275 mV/G and with non-linearity of less than 1 percent. The acceleration sensor withstands shock of 3000 G.

  9. HEAT Sensor: Harsh Environment Adaptable Thermionic Sensor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Limb, Scott J. [Palo Alto Research Center, Palo Alto, CA (United States)


    This document is the final report for the “HARSH ENVIRONMENT ADAPTABLE THERMIONIC SENSOR” project under NETL’s Crosscutting contract DE-FE0013062. This report addresses sensors that can be made with thermionic thin films along with the required high temperature hermetic packaging process. These sensors can be placed in harsh high temperature environments and potentially be wireless and self-powered.

  10. AMA Conferences 2015. SENSOR 2015. 17th international conference on sensors and measurement technology. IRS{sup 2} 2015. 14th international conference on infrared sensors and systems. Proceedings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This meeting paper contains presentations of two conferences: SENSOR 2015 and IRS{sup 2} (= International conference on InfraRed Sensors and systems). The first part of SENSOR 2015 contains the following chapters: (A) SENSOR PRINCIPLES: A.1: Mechanical sensors; A.2: Optical sensors; A.3: Ultrasonic sensors; A.4: Microacoustic sensors; A.5: Magnetic sensors; A.6: Impedance sensors; A.7: Gas sensors; A.8: Flow sensors; A.9: Dimensional measurement; A.10: Temperature and humidity sensors; A.11: Chemosensors; A.12: Biosensors; A.13: Embedded sensors; A.14: Sensor-actuator systems; (B) SENSOR TECHNOLOGY: B.1: Sensor design; B.2: Numerical simulation of sensors; B.3: Sensor materials; B.4: MEMS technology; B.5: Micro-Nano-Integration; B.6: Packaging; B.7: Materials; B.8: Thin films; B.9: Sensor production; B.10: Sensor reliability; B.11: Calibration and testing; B.12: Optical fibre sensors. (C) SENSOR ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION: C.1: Sensor electronics; C.2: Sensor networks; C.3: Wireless sensors; C.4: Sensor communication; C.5: Energy harvesting; C.6: Measuring systems; C.7: Embedded systems; C.8: Self-monitoring and diagnosis; (D) APPLICATIONS: D.1: Medical measuring technology; D.2: Ambient assisted living; D.3: Process measuring technology; D.4: Automotive; D.5: Sensors in energy technology; D.6: Production technology; D.7: Security technology; D.8: Smart home; D.9: Household technology. The second part with the contributions of the IRS{sup 2} 2015 is structured as follows: (E) INFRARED SENSORS: E.1: Photon detectors; E.2: Thermal detectors; E.3: Cooled detectors; E.4: Uncooled detectors; E.5: Sensor modules; E.6: Sensor packaging. (G) INFRARED SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS: G.1: Thermal imaging; G.2: Pyrometry / contactless temperature measurement; G.3: Gas analysis; G.4: Spectroscopy; G.5: Motion control and presence detection; G.6: Security and safety monitoring; G.7: Non-destructive testing; F: INFRARED SYSTEM COMPONENTS: F.1: Infrared optics; F.2: Optical

  11. Pressure Measurement Sensor (United States)


    FFPI Industries Inc. is the manufacturer of fiber-optic sensors that furnish accurate pressure measurements in internal combustion chambers. Such an assessment can help reduce pollution emitted by these engines. A chief component in the sensor owes its seven year- long development to Lewis Research Center funding to embed optical fibers and sensors in metal parts. NASA support to Texas A&M University played a critical role in developing this fiber optic technology and led to the formation of FFPI Industries and the production of fiber sensor products. The simple, rugged design of the sensor offers the potential for mass production at low cost. Widespread application of the new technology is forseen, from natural gas transmission, oil refining and electrical power generation to rail transport and the petrochemical paper product industry.

  12. Generating three-parameter sensor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Filinyuk M. A.


    Full Text Available Generating sensors provide the possibility of getting remote information and its easy conversion into digital form. Typically, these are one-parameter sensors formed by combination of a primary transmitter (PT and a sine wave generator. Two-parameter sensors are not widely used as their implementation causes a problem with ambiguity output when measuring the PT. Nevertheless, the problem of creating miniature, thrifty multi-parameter RF sensors for different branches of science and industry remains relevant. Considering ways of designing RF sensors, we study the possibility of constructing a three-parameter microwave radio frequency range sensor, which is based on a two-stage three-parameter generalized immitance convertor (GIC. Resistive, inductive and capacitive PT are used as sensing elements. A mathematical model of the sensor, which describes the relation of the sensor parameters to the parameters of GIC and PT was developed. The basic parameters of the sensor, its transfer function and sensitivity were studied. It is shown that the maximum value of the power generated signal will be observed at a frequency of 175 MHz, and the frequency ranges depending on the parameters of the PT will be different. Research results and adequacy of the mathematical model were verified by the experiment. Error of the calculated dependences of the lasing frequency on PT parameters change, compared with the experimental data does not exceed 2 %. The relative sensitivity of the sensor based on two-stage GIC showed that for the resistive channel it is about 1.88, for the capacitive channel –1,54 and for the inductive channel –11,5. Thus, it becomes possible to increase the sensor sensitivity compared with the sensitivity of the PT almost 1,2—2 times, and by using the two stage GIC a multifunctional sensor is provided.

  13. Advanced Magnetoimpedance Sensors

    KAUST Repository

    Li, Bodong


    This thesis is concerned with the advanced topics of thin film magnetoimpedance (MI) sensors. The author proposes and develops novel MI sensors that target on the challenges arising from emerging applications such as flexible electronics, passive wireless sensing, etc. In the study of flexible MI sensor, the investigated sensors of NiFe/Cu/NiFe tri-layersare fabricated on three flexible substrates having different surface roughness: Kapton, standard and premiumphotopaper. Sensitivity versus substrate roughness analysis is carried out for the selection of optimal substrate material. The high magnetic sensing performance is achieved by using Kapton substrate. Stress simulation, incorporated with the theory of magnetostriction effect, reveals the material composition of Ni/Fe being as a key factor of the stress dependent MI effect for the flexible MI sensors. In the development of MI-SAW device for passive wireless magnetic field sensing, NiFe/Cu/NiFe tri-layersand interdigital transducers(IDT) are designed and fabricated on a single piece of LiNbO3substrate, providing a high degree of integration and the advantage of standard microfabrication. The double-electrodeIDT has been utilized and proven to have an optimal sensing performance in comparison to the bi-directional IDT design. The optimized high frequency performance of the thin film MI sensor results in a MI-SAW passive wireless magnetic sensor with high magnetic sensitivity comparing to the MI microwire approach. Benefiting from the high degree of integration of the MI thin film element, in the following study, two additional sensing elements are integrated to the SAW device to have a multifunctional passive wireless sensor with extended temperature and humidity sensing capabilities. Analytical models havebeen developed to eliminate the crossovers of different sensing signals through additional reference IDTs, resulting in a multifunctional passive wireless sensor with the capability of detecting all three


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    Mauricio Arango Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available La diversidad de especies vegetales presentes en Colombia y la falta de inventario sobre ellas hace pensar en un proceso que facilite la labor de los investigadores en estas disciplinas. Los sensores remotos satelitales como el LANDSAT ETM+ y las técnicas de inteligencia artificial no supervisadas, como los Self-Organizing Maps - SOM, podrían proveer una alternativa viable para avanzar en la obtención rápida de información que corresponda a zonas con diferentes coberturas vegetales presentes en la geografía nacional. La zona propuesta para el caso en estudio fue clasificada de forma supervisada por el método de máxima similitud en otro trabajo de investigación en ciencias forestales y se discriminaron ocho tipos de coberturas vegetales. Esta información sirvió como patrón de medida para evaluar el desempeño de los clasificadores no supervisados ISODATA y SOM. Sin embargo, la información que proveen las imágenes debió ser depurada previamente de acuerdo a los criterios de uso y calidad de los datos de manera que se utilizara la información adecuada para estos métodos no supervisados. Para esto se recurrió a varios conceptos como las estadísticas de las imágenes, el comportamiento espectral de las comunidades vegetales, las características del sensor y la divergencia promedio que permitieron definir las mejores bandas y sus combinaciones. Sobre éstas se aplicó el concepto de análisis de componentes principales que permitió reducir el número de datos conservando un gran porcentaje de la información. Sobre estos datos depurados se aplicaron las técnicas no supervisadas modificando algunos parámetros que pudieran mostrar una mejor convergencia de los métodos. Los resultados obtenidos se compararon con la clasificación supervisada a través de matrices de confusión y se concluye que no hay una buena convergencia de los métodos de clasificación no supervisada con este proceso para el caso de las coberturas vegetales

  15. Automotive sensors (United States)

    Marek, Jiri; Illing, Matthias


    Sensors are an essential component of most electronic systems in the car. They deliver input parameters for comfort features, engine and emission control as well as for the active and passive safety systems. New technologies such as silicon micromachining play an important role for the introduction of these sensors in all vehicle classes. The importance and use of these sensor technologies in today"s automotive applications will be shown in this article. Finally an outlook on important current developments and new functions in the car will be given.

  16. Piezoceramic Sensors

    CERN Document Server

    Sharapov, Valeriy


    This book presents the latest and complete information about various types of piezosensors. A sensor is a converter of the measured physical size to an electric signal. Piezoelectric transducers and sensors are based on piezoelectric effects. They have proven to be versatile tools for the measurement of various processes. They are used for quality assurance, process control and for research and development in many different industries. In each area of application specific requirements to the parameters of transducers and sensors are developed. This book presents the fundamentals, technical des

  17. Towards Sensor Database Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bonnet, Philippe; Gehrke, Johannes; Seshadri, Praveen


    . These systems lack flexibility because data is extracted in a predefined way; also, they do not scale to a large number of devices because large volumes of raw data are transferred regardless of the queries that are submitted. In our new concept of sensor database system, queries dictate which data is extracted...... from the sensors. In this paper, we define the concept of sensor databases mixing stored data represented as relations and sensor data represented as time series. Each long-running query formulated over a sensor database defines a persistent view, which is maintained during a given time interval. We...... also describe the design and implementation of the COUGAR sensor database system....

  18. El anisakis y sus enfermedades como enfermedad profesional


    Vicente Pardo, José Manuel


    El anisakis es un parásito complejo de los animales marinos. El hombre no es el hospedador adecuado, ya que en él la larva L3 no puede completar su ciclo vital, siendo por tanto un hospedador accidental u ocasional, que se interpone en el ciclo vital del nemátodo, y al que el anisakis le puede causar tanto la parasitación como la alergia, cuando ingiere pescado o cefalópodos crudos o poco cocinados: tales como sushi, sashimi, ceviche gravlax noruego, lomi-lomi hawaiano, así como pescados en e...

  19. Intelligent sensor networks the integration of sensor networks, signal processing and machine learning

    CERN Document Server

    Hu, Fei


    Although governments worldwide have invested significantly in intelligent sensor network research and applications, few books cover intelligent sensor networks from a machine learning and signal processing perspective. Filling this void, Intelligent Sensor Networks: The Integration of Sensor Networks, Signal Processing and Machine Learning focuses on the close integration of sensing, networking, and smart signal processing via machine learning. Based on the world-class research of award-winning authors, the book provides a firm grounding in the fundamentals of intelligent sensor networks, incl

  20. Novel PET sensors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cooper, C.R.


    This thesis describes the design, synthesis and evaluation of novel molecular sensors that utilize the phenomena of Photoinduced Electron Transfer (PET). PET design can be incorporated into molecules to allow them to selectively bind certain guest molecules. PET works by the modulation of electron potentials within a molecule. Binding events between a host and guest can, if designed suitably, change these potentials enough to cause a transfer of electronic charge within the molecular sensor. This event can be accurately and sensitively monitored by the use of ultra violet or fluorescence spectroscopy. A sensor molecule can be constructed by matching the guest to a suitable receptor site and incorporating this into a molecule containing a fluorophore with the correct electron potential characteristics. By using existing synthetic routes as well as exploiting new pathways these sensor molecules C n be constructed to contain a fluorophore separated from a guest receptor(s) by suitable spacers units. When put together these facets go to creating molecules that by design are sensitive and selective for certain guest molecules or functional groups. This methodology allows the synthetic chemist to rationally design and synthesise PET sensors, tailored to the needs of the guest. In this thesis the synthesis and evaluation of a novel PET sensors for D-glucosamine, disaccharides and fluoride is presented. It is believed that the novel sensors using the PET phenomenon presented in this thesis are a worthwhile extension of previous works undertaken by other groups around the world and shows new pathways to increasingly complex and sophisticated sensor molecular design. (author)

  1. Wireless Biological Electronic Sensors. (United States)

    Cui, Yue


    The development of wireless biological electronic sensors could open up significant advances for both fundamental studies and practical applications in a variety of areas, including medical diagnosis, environmental monitoring, and defense applications. One of the major challenges in the development of wireless bioelectronic sensors is the successful integration of biosensing units and wireless signal transducers. In recent years, there are a few types of wireless communication systems that have been integrated with biosensing systems to construct wireless bioelectronic sensors. To successfully construct wireless biological electronic sensors, there are several interesting questions: What types of biosensing transducers can be used in wireless bioelectronic sensors? What types of wireless systems can be integrated with biosensing transducers to construct wireless bioelectronic sensors? How are the electrical sensing signals generated and transmitted? This review will highlight the early attempts to address these questions in the development of wireless biological electronic sensors.

  2. Human Subcutaneous Tissue Response to Glucose Sensors: Macrophages Accumulation Impact on Sensor Accuracy. (United States)

    Rigla, Mercedes; Pons, Belén; Rebasa, Pere; Luna, Alexis; Pozo, Francisco Javier; Caixàs, Assumpta; Villaplana, Maria; Subías, David; Bella, Maria Rosa; Combalia, Neus


    Subcutaneous (s.c.) glucose sensors have become a key component in type 1 diabetes management. However, their usability is limited by the impact of foreign body response (FBR) on their duration, reliability, and accuracy. Our study gives the first description of human acute and subacute s.c. response to glucose sensors, showing the changes observed in the sensor surface, the inflammatory cells involved in the FBR and their relationship with sensor performance. Twelve obese patients (seven type 2 diabetes) underwent two abdominal biopsies comprising the surrounding area where they had worn two glucose sensors: the first one inserted 7 days before and the second one 24 h before biopsy procedure. Samples were processed and studied to describe tissue changes by two independent pathologists (blind regarding sensor duration). Macrophages quantification was studied by immunohistochemistry methods in the area surrounding the sensor (CD68, CD163). Sensor surface changes were studied by scanning electron microscopy. Seven-day continuous glucose monitoring records were considered inaccurate when mean absolute relative difference was higher than 10%. Pathologists were able to correctly classify all the biopsies regarding sensor duration. Acute response (24 h) was characterized by the presence of neutrophils while macrophages were the main cell involved in subacute inflammation. The number of macrophages around the insertion hole was higher for less accurate sensors compared with those performing more accurately (32.6 ± 14 vs. 10.6 ± 1 cells/0.01 mm 2 ; P sensor-tissue interface is related with decrease in accuracy of the glucose measure.

  3. Geographically distributed environmental sensor system (United States)

    French, Patrick; Veatch, Brad; O'Connor, Mike


    The present invention is directed to a sensor network that includes a number of sensor units and a base unit. The base station operates in a network discovery mode (in which network topology information is collected) in a data polling mode (in which sensed information is collected from selected sensory units). Each of the sensor units can include a number of features, including an anemometer, a rain gauge, a compass, a GPS receiver, a barometric pressure sensor, an air temperature sensor, a humidity sensor, a level, and a radiant temperature sensor.

  4. Smart and Intelligent Sensors (United States)

    Lansaw, John; Schmalzel, John; Figueroa, Jorge


    John C. Stennis Space Center (SSC) provides rocket engine propulsion testing for NASA's space programs. Since the development of the Space Shuttle, every Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) has undergone acceptance testing at SSC before going to Kennedy Space Center (KSC) for integration into the Space Shuttle. The SSME is a large cryogenic rocket engine that uses Liquid Hydrogen (LH2) as the fuel. As NASA moves to the new ARES V launch system, the main engines on the new vehicle, as well as the upper stage engine, are currently base lined to be cryogenic rocket engines that will also use LH2. The main rocket engines for the ARES V will be larger than the SSME, while the upper stage engine will be approximately half that size. As a result, significant quantities of hydrogen will be required during the development, testing, and operation of these rocket engines.Better approaches are needed to simplify sensor integration and help reduce life-cycle costs. 1.Smarter sensors. Sensor integration should be a matter of "plug-and-play" making sensors easier to add to a system. Sensors that implement new standards can help address this problem; for example, IEEE STD 1451.4 defines transducer electronic data sheet (TEDS) templates for commonly used sensors such as bridge elements and thermocouples. When a 1451.4 compliant smart sensor is connected to a system that can read the TEDS memory, all information needed to configure the data acquisition system can be uploaded. This reduces the amount of labor required and helps minimize configuration errors. 2.Intelligent sensors. Data received from a sensor be scaled, linearized; and converted to engineering units. Methods to reduce sensor processing overhead at the application node are needed. Smart sensors using low-cost microprocessors with integral data acquisition and communication support offer the means to add these capabilities. Once a processor is embedded, other features can be added; for example, intelligent sensors can make


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eliecer Mayorca Capataz


    Full Text Available La importancia que tienen las relaciones sociales y el aprendizaje en la vida del ser humano: ser social, ser de relaciones, un ser abierto que se define por las relaciones con los demás, se considera imprescindible, abordar el tema para favorecer el desarrollo integral de la personas. Ello supone que, la vida para su permanente desarrollo implica en la persona, articular un entramado de relaciones, mediante la experiencia de aprendizaje y el reconocimiento de los valores fundamentales como el respeto por la humanidad, en un todo interrelacionado, en el que, de alguna forma, remite el actuar de las personas, a su racionalidad, a su espontaneidad, a la forma como se comunica y trabaja con los otros, a la manera constante de aprender, de buscar la calidad de vida, de amar su oficio como forma de influencia positiva, y establecer relaciones socialmente responsables. Para ello, se estableció como objetivo: realizar un análisis conceptual del aprendizaje organizacional como facilitador de las relaciones sociales responsables en la organización. Metodológicamente, el trabajo es de carácter documental y bibliográfico, soportadas en investigaciones previas; y como reflexión se estableció que el centro para aprender y relacionarse es el hombre.

  6. Microelectronic temperature sensor; silicon temperature sensor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beitner, M.; Kanert, W.; Reichert, H.


    The goal of this work was to develop a silicon temperature sensor with a sensitivity and a reliability as high and a tolerance as small as possible, for use in measurement and control. By employing the principle of spreading-resistance, using silicon doped by neutron transmutation, and trimming of the single wafer tolerances of resistance less than +- 5% can be obtained; overstress tests yielded a long-term stability better than 0.2%. Some applications show the advantageous use of this sensor. (orig.) [de

  7. Prototipe Sistem Telemetri Berbasis Sensor Suhu dan Sensor Asap untuk Pemantau Kebakaran Lahan

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Boni Pahlanop Lapanporo


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan perancangan suatu sistem telemetri berbasis  sensor suhu dan sensor asap (smoke detector untuk pemantau kebakaran lahan. Jenis sensor suhu yang digunakan adalah sensor LM35 dan Sensor asap yang digunakan tipe FG200. Untuk perangkat pengubah data analog keluaran sensor suhu dan sensor asap menjadi sinyal digital digunakan mikrokontroler ATMega8535. Pengiriman data menggunakan modul RF TXM02 pada bagian pemancar (transmitter dan modul FR RXM01 pada bagian penerima (receiver yang mampu melakukan transmisi data pada jarak 200 m di udara terbuka. Tampilan data keluaran hasil pembacaan sensor pada bagian pengirim dan bagian penerima selain dapat ditampilkan pada komputer dengan menggunakan GUI (Graphic User Interface dengan pemograman Borland Delphi 7.0, juga ditampilkan menggunakan LCD 16 x 2 character. Indikator terjadinya kebakaran (munculnya asap dan suhu lebih dari 37 °C tampak pada menyalanya alarm (buzzer yang terhubung dengan mikrokontroler. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa sistem dapat bekerja dengan baik di dalam melakukan pengiriman data informasi suhu dan keberadaan asap di titik pengamatan.

  8. Development of capacitive sensor for measuring soil water content Desenvolvimento de sensor capacitivo para a medição do teor de água do solo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alan K. Rêgo Segundo


    Full Text Available The irrigation management based on the monitoring of the soil water content allows for the minimization of the amount of water applied, making its use more efficient. Taking into account these aspects, in this work, a sensor for measuring the soil water content was developed to allow real time automation of irrigation systems. This way, problems affecting crop yielding such as irregularities in the time to turn on or turn off the pump, and excess or deficit of water can be solved. To develop the sensors were used stainless steel rods, resin, and insulating varnish. The sensors measuring circuit was based on a microcontroller, which gives its output signal in the digital format. The sensors were calibrated using soil of the type “Quartzarenic Neosoil”. A third order polynomial model was fitted to the experimental data between the values of water content corresponding to the field capacity and the wilting point to correlate the soil water content obtained by the oven standard method with those measured by the electronic circuit, with a coefficient of determination of 93.17%, and an accuracy in the measures of ±0.010 kg kg-1. Based on the results, it was concluded that the sensor and its implemented measuring circuit can be used in the automation process of irrigation systems.O manejo da irrigação, com base no monitoramento do teor de água do solo, permite racionalizar a quantidade de água aplicada, tornando o seu uso mais eficiente. Levando-se em conta esses aspectos, foi desenvolvido um sensor capacitivo de teor de água do solo e seu circuito de medição para que sistemas de irrigação possam ser automatizados. Desta forma, problemas que afetam a produtividade, tais como irregularidades no acionamento e aplicação de água de maneira excessiva ou deficiente, podem ser contornados. No desenvolvimento dos sensores, foram utilizadas hastes de aço inoxidável, resina e verniz isolante. O circuito de medição foi baseado em um


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    Twiggy Ortegón


    Full Text Available El planteamiento central de este articulo, es el de sugerir una análisis en torno a algunas de las condiciones o mecanismo necesarios para que el conflicto opere como un potenciador de la diferencia y creador de alternativas para la convivencia Se realiza una distinción del concepto, un análisis de contenidos interaccionales en dinámicas de conflicto y su relación con el contexto urbano de Bogotá, enfocándose en ámbitos escolares. En ciudades como Bogotá, las discusiones y acciones que diferentes estamentos han emprendido frente a la manera de concebir y gestionar el conflicto, desembocan en la creación de diferentes organismos como los centros de conciliación, la aplicación de fórmulas y técnicas para la solución de conflictos, el desarrollo de propuestas desde entes administrativos a nivel distrital y las nuevas disposiciones que plantea la Ley 115 sobre Gobierno Escolar y manuales de convivencia.

  10. Aviation Fuel Gauging Sensor Utilizing Multiple Diaphragm Sensors Incorporating Polymer Optical Fiber Bragg Gratings

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Marques, C. A. F.; Pospori, A.; Saez-Rodriguez, D.


    A high-performance fuel gauging sensor is described that uses five diaphragm-based pressure sensors, which are monitored using a linear array of polymer optical fiber Bragg gratings. The sensors were initially characterized using water, revealing a sensitivity of 98 pm/cm for four of the sensors...... of sensors manufactured with a polyurethane-based diaphragm showed no measurable deterioration over a three month period immersed in fuel. These sensors exhibited a sensitivity of 39 pm/cm, which is less than the silicone rubber devices due to the stiffer nature of the polyurethane material used....

  11. The Virtue of Knowing-How = A virtude do saber-como

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    Santos, Felipe Rocha Lima


    Full Text Available Intelectualistas sobre o conhecimento-como afirmam que o conhecimento-como é um tipo de conhecimento proposicional. Antiintelectualistas procuram demonstrar que existem casos em que o agente possui conhecimento-como, mas não possuem conhecimento proposicional. Este artigo se concentra nos recentes argumentos antiintelectualistas propostos por Carter e Pritchard. Procuro mostrar que os argumentos de Carter e Pritchard não são bem sucedidos e que, aplicando a epistemologia das virtudes ao debate, pode-se concluir que o conhecimento-como compartilha as mesmas propriedades epistêmicas que o conhecimento proposicional. Se isso é o caso, então é possível afirmar que o conhecimento-como é um tipo de conhecimento proposicional, deixando a salvo novamente o intelectualismo

  12. Robots como ferramenta pedagógica nos primeiros anos a aprendizagem como participação

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    Full Text Available El presente artículo describe y analiza un proyecto realizado con dos grados del 1er ciclo de enseñanza básica en Portugal (2doy 3er grado que trabajaron en conjunto con robots, tomando el aprendizaje como un fenómeno intrín-secamente relacionado a la participación en comunidades de práctica (Lave, 1996; Lave; Wenger, 1991. Se pretende caracterizar a los participantes, a la metodología de trabajo implementada, describirlos artefactos utilizados (robots y escritura de una historia y analizar la relación de los participantes con los robots, así como los patrones de participación que se relevaron con este tipo de trabajo. Se busca enfatizar e las contribuciones derivadas de la participación en ambientes sociales digitales para el aprendizaje de los alumnos, como la participación y la negociación conjunta de significados, la importancia de que los robots y la historia hayan sido “construidos” por los alumnos y la existencia de un repertorio compartido y un emprendi-miento conjunto.

  13. Sistema computacional de gerenciamento para acompanhamento de desempenho de máquinas agrícolas instrumentadas com sensores Computer system management for monitoring performance of agricultural machinery instrumented with sensors

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    Oni Reasilvia de Almeida Oliveira Sichonany


    Full Text Available O G-SADA é um sistema computacional de gerenciamento que auxilia o gerente da propriedade rural e o operador da máquina agrícola nas tomadas de decisão, informando sobre valores de operações fora dos padrões. O sistema tem como características permitir a o acompanhamento do desempenho da máquina enquanto ela está em operação no campo, com funcionalidades em tempo real, b a mobilidade do usuário por poder ser acessado a partir de qualquer tipo de computador, incluindo dispositivos móveis, como smartphones, e c possuir funcionalidades de acesso à base de dados estática. Um dos resultados deste trabalho é a modelagem de dados e de funções de uma aplicação que utiliza dados armazenados dinamicamente com a máquina em operação no campo, fornecidos por sensores implantados na máquina agrícola, disponibilizando informações em tempo real.The G-SADA is a computer system that assists the management of the farm manager and the operator of agricultural machinery in decision making, reporting values of non- standard operations. The system is characterized by allowing a monitoring the performance of the machine while it is operating in the field, with features in real time, b mobility of the user because it can be accessed from any computer, including mobile devices such as smartphones, c and features with access to the database static. One of the results of this research is the modeling data and functions of an application that uses data stored dynamically with the machine in operation in the field, provided by sensors deployed in agricultural machinery, showing real time information.

  14. Diseño y test de sistemas de acondicionamiento electrónico para sensores basados en magnetoimpedancia


    Vela Equiza, Javier


    El propósito de este proyecto de fin carrera es diseñar un circuito capaz de medir la modulación en frecuencia de un oscilador en el que su frecuencia depende del campo magnético ejercido sobre un sensor de magneto-impedancia. Para ello ha sido necesario aplicar los conocimientos aprendidos durante la carrera en asignaturas como Electrónica Analógica, Electrónica Digital, Circuitos y Sistemas I y II, Sistemas Electrónicos Digitales y Física. Al finalizar este trabajo se pretend...

  15. Tragédias nas escolas americanas: como entendê-las? Como impedir que voltem a acontecer?

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    Eva Paulino Bueno


    Full Text Available

    Este artigo dá uma visão histórica do direito de portar armas nos Estados Unidos, e como a existência e facilidade de obtenção de armas têm causado inúmeras tragédias em escolas. Fala também das diferentes maneiras que as pessoas reagem às tragédias e como impedir que ocorram.

  16. La Realidad Aumentada como complemento motivacional

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    Gazcón, Nicolás Fernando


    Full Text Available El acelerado avance de la tecnología permite que las tecnologías emergentes sean accesibles por todos los usuarios. Ejemplos de estas tecnologías son la Realidad Aumentada y la Reconstrucción 3D, que gracias a dispositivos como tabletas o teléfonos inteligentes, pueden utilizarse de manera ubicua. Éstas tienen un enorme potencial en el campo de la educación, ya sea como recurso para entender conceptos complejos, como para motivar el aprendizaje de nuevos contenidos. El desafío de estas tecnologías es integrarlas para que sean accesibles y fáciles de utilizar por los docentes y los alumnos. En este trabajo presentamos una metodología para motivar el aprendizaje tanto en tareas de campo, mediante el uso de la Reconstrucción 3D, como en el ámbito escolar mediante libros aumentados. Por medio de un caso de estudio introducimos la Reconstrucción 3D de elementos fósiles de un sitio paleontológico bonaerense, para luego incorporar estos contenidos generados en un libro aumentado. A partir de la digitalización de huellas y fósiles de sitios paleontológicos, se obtuvieron modelos 3D que se integraron en un ambiente de aprendizaje inmersivo en el aula mediante los libros aumentados. Presentamos las opiniones de docentes de distintas disciplinas, que resaltan las posibilidades de esta metodología para su inclusión en el ámbito educacional regional.

  17. Los ancianos como actores sociales

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    Full Text Available En este artículo se recogen las discusiones de grupo que se realizaron durante cuatro meses en Barcelona como preparación del "II congreso de la gent gran" (II congreso de ancianos de esta ciudad, en noviembre de 1993. las discusiones se llevaron a cabo en las sedes de cada distrito, previa presentación de la ponencia por parte de un técnico. los componentes de los grupos son personas mayores sensibilizadas y comprometidas que forman parte del consejo de bienestar social del ayuntamiento de Barcelona. la metodología utilizada es cualitativa para el análisis del discurso, que se ha estructurado en los siguientes puntos: bajo el epígrafe "los ancianos como ciudadanos de derechos y obligaciones" se recogen los temas de valoración de la vejez, la familia, la jubilación, las implicaciones de los ancianos como ciudadanos de derechos y deberes y las funciones sociales de los ancianos.-- sobre estos temas, los mayores expresaron sus opiniones, que se vertieron, resumidamente, en la redacción final de la ponencia. aquí se recogen y se han analizado los materiales que ofrecen una versión de primera mano sobre lo que opinan los ancianos respecto al tema de "la valoración de la vejez".

  18. Fuzzy-Based Sensor Fusion for Cognitive Radio-Based Vehicular Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks

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    Mohammad Jalil Piran


    Full Text Available In wireless sensor networks, sensor fusion is employed to integrate the acquired data from diverse sensors to provide a unified interpretation. The best and most salient advantage of sensor fusion is to obtain high-level information in both statistical and definitive aspects, which cannot be attained by a single sensor. In this paper, we propose a novel sensor fusion technique based on fuzzy theory for our earlier proposed Cognitive Radio-based Vehicular Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (CR-VASNET. In the proposed technique, we considered four input sensor readings (antecedents and one output (consequent. The employed mobile nodes in CR-VASNET are supposed to be equipped with diverse sensors, which cater to our antecedent variables, for example, The Jerk, Collision Intensity, and Temperature and Inclination Degree. Crash_Severity is considered as the consequent variable. The processing and fusion of the diverse sensory signals are carried out by fuzzy logic scenario. Accuracy and reliability of the proposed protocol, demonstrated by the simulation results, introduce it as an applicable system to be employed to reduce the causalities rate of the vehicles’ crashes.

  19. Quests em World Of Warcraft como estrutura narrativa seriada

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    Jônatas Kerr de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Assumindo que as quests em World of Warcraft funcionam como uma estrutura narrativa dentro do jogo, busca-se verificar se esta estrutura apresenta características que possam caracterizá-la como uma narrativa seriada. Para tal, é feita uma análise das principais características da narrativa seriada televisiva, assim como da estrutura de quests, para verificar a viabilidade de tal aproximação. Sendo a estrutura narrativa de quests em MMORPGs uma estrutura narrativa seriada, abre-se um grande leque de possibilidades, tanto para as análises teóricas dos videogames, utilizando o ferramental adaptado, como para os game designers utilizarem este referencial para acrescer detalhes aos mundos ficcionais criados.

  20. Flexible magnetoimpedance sensor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Bodong; Kavaldzhiev, Mincho N.; Kosel, Jürgen


    Flexible magnetoimpedance (MI) sensors fabricated using a NiFe/Cu/NiFe tri-layer on Kapton substrate have been studied. A customized flexible microstrip transmission line was employed to investigate the MI sensors's magnetic field and frequency responses and their dependence on the sensors's deflection. For the first time, the impedance characteristic is obtained through reflection coefficient analysis over a wide range of frequencies from 0.1 MHz to 3 GHz and for deflections ranging from zero curvature to a radius of 7.2 cm. The sensor element maintains a high MI ratio of up to 90% and magnetic sensitivity of up to 9.2%/Oe over different bending curvatures. The relationship between the curvature and material composition is discussed based on the magnetostriction effect and stress simulations. The sensor's large frequency range, simple fabrication process and high sensitivity provide a great potential for flexible electronics and wireless applications. - Highlights: • A flexible magnetoimpedance (MI) sensor is developed. • Studies are carried out using a flexible microstrip transmission line. • An MI ratio of up to 90% is obtained. • The effect of magnetostriction is studied

  1. A micro-fabricated force sensor using an all thin film piezoelectric active sensor. (United States)

    Lee, Junwoo; Choi, Wook; Yoo, Yong Kyoung; Hwang, Kyo Seon; Lee, Sang-Myung; Kang, Sungchul; Kim, Jinseok; Lee, Jeong Hoon


    The ability to measure pressure and force is essential in biomedical applications such as minimally invasive surgery (MIS) and palpation for detecting cancer cysts. Here, we report a force sensor for measuring a shear and normal force by combining an arrayed piezoelectric sensors layer with a precut glass top plate connected by four stress concentrating legs. We designed and fabricated a thin film piezoelectric force sensor and proposed an enhanced sensing tool to be used for analyzing gentle touches without the external voltage source used in FET sensors. Both the linear sensor response from 3 kPa to 30 kPa and the exact signal responses from the moving direction illustrate the strong feasibility of the described thin film miniaturized piezoelectric force sensor.

  2. A Micro-Fabricated Force Sensor Using an All Thin Film Piezoelectric Active Sensor

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    Junwoo Lee


    Full Text Available The ability to measure pressure and force is essential in biomedical applications such as minimally invasive surgery (MIS and palpation for detecting cancer cysts. Here, we report a force sensor for measuring a shear and normal force by combining an arrayed piezoelectric sensors layer with a precut glass top plate connected by four stress concentrating legs. We designed and fabricated a thin film piezoelectric force sensor and proposed an enhanced sensing tool to be used for analyzing gentle touches without the external voltage source used in FET sensors. Both the linear sensor response from 3 kPa to 30 kPa and the exact signal responses from the moving direction illustrate the strong feasibility of the described thin film miniaturized piezoelectric force sensor.


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    Willi Bolle


    Full Text Available Focalizando um micromodelo do sertão, o "Liso do Sussuarão", este ensaio es tuda a construção da paisagem em Grande sertão: veredas como componente de um retrato do Brasil. Partindo do confronto entregeografia inventada e geografia rea l, examina-se a tese rosiana do sertãocomo um "pensamento" que "se forma mais forte do que o poder do lugar", comparando essa tese com o paradigma dos viajantes naturalistas, o determinismo positivista de Euclides da Cunha e a nova historiografia. Como traço estilístico dominante é detectado um modo de escreverque S€ pode chamar de "poética da dissolução", pela qual o romance de Rosa se configura como um poderoso dissolvente de outros tipos de discursos sobre o Brasil.

  4. La subjetividad como superación del reproductivismo

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    Gabriela Yamila Gómez


    Full Text Available El artículo tiene como objetivo recuperar la esfera de lo subjetivo como eje de la teoría y de la investigación social. Se proponen dos argumentos principales: a el abordaje de la subjetividad no equivale a subjetivismo; y b tampoco equivale a una mirada microsociológica que no dé cuenta de los procesos sociales generales. Partiendo de estas dos premisas, el estudio del mundo de la vida experimentado y realizado por los sujetos permitirá superar el reproductivismo, comprendiendo la relación entre las condiciones objetivas y subjetivas, así como la posibilidad y existencia del cambio social.

  5. Magnetic field sensor for isotropically sensing an incident magnetic field in a sensor plane (United States)

    Pant, Bharat B. (Inventor); Wan, Hong (Inventor)


    A magnetic field sensor that isotropically senses an incident magnetic field. This is preferably accomplished by providing a magnetic field sensor device that has one or more circular shaped magnetoresistive sensor elements for sensing the incident magnetic field. The magnetoresistive material used is preferably isotropic, and may be a CMR material or some form of a GMR material. Because the sensor elements are circular in shape, shape anisotropy is eliminated. Thus, the resulting magnetic field sensor device provides an output that is relatively independent of the direction of the incident magnetic field in the sensor plane.

  6. Sensors Applications, Volume 4, Sensors for Automotive Applications (United States)

    Marek, Jiri; Trah, Hans-Peter; Suzuki, Yasutoshi; Yokomori, Iwao


    An international team of experts from the leading companies in this field gives a detailed picture of existing as well as future applications. They discuss in detail current technologies, design and construction concepts, market considerations and commercial developments. Topics covered include vehicle safety, fuel consumption, air conditioning, emergency control, traffic control systems, and electronic guidance using radar and video. Meeting the growing need for comprehensive information on the capabilities, potentials and limitations of modern sensor systems, Sensors Applications is a book series covering the use of sophisticated technologies and materials for the creation of advanced sensors and their implementation in the key areas process monitoring, building control, health care, automobiles, aerospace, environmental technology and household appliances.

  7. Low-noise Magnetic Sensors

    KAUST Repository

    Kosel, Jü rgen; Sun, Jian


    Magnetic sensors are disclosed, as well as methods for fabricating and using the same. In some embodiments, an EMR effect sensor includes a semiconductor layer. In some embodiments, the EMR effect sensor may include a conductive layer substantially coupled to the semiconductor layer. In some embodiments, the EMR effect sensor may include a voltage lead coupled to the conductive layer. In some embodiments, the voltage lead may be configured to provide a voltage for measurement by a voltage measurement circuit. In some embodiments, the EMR effect sensor may include a second voltage lead coupled to the semiconductor layer. In some embodiments, the second voltage lead may be configured to provide a voltage for measurement by a voltage measurement circuit. Embodiments of a Hall effect sensor having the same or similar structure are also disclosed.

  8. Low-noise Magnetic Sensors

    KAUST Repository

    Kosel, Jurgen


    Magnetic sensors are disclosed, as well as methods for fabricating and using the same. In some embodiments, an EMR effect sensor includes a semiconductor layer. In some embodiments, the EMR effect sensor may include a conductive layer substantially coupled to the semiconductor layer. In some embodiments, the EMR effect sensor may include a voltage lead coupled to the conductive layer. In some embodiments, the voltage lead may be configured to provide a voltage for measurement by a voltage measurement circuit. In some embodiments, the EMR effect sensor may include a second voltage lead coupled to the semiconductor layer. In some embodiments, the second voltage lead may be configured to provide a voltage for measurement by a voltage measurement circuit. Embodiments of a Hall effect sensor having the same or similar structure are also disclosed.

  9. Woven electrochemical fabric-based test sensors (WEFTS): a new class of multiplexed electrochemical sensors. (United States)

    Choudhary, Tripurari; Rajamanickam, G P; Dendukuri, Dhananjaya


    We present textile weaving as a new technique for the manufacture of miniature electrochemical sensors with significant advantages over current fabrication techniques. Biocompatible silk yarn is used as the material for fabrication instead of plastics and ceramics used in commercial sensors. Silk yarns are coated with conducting inks and reagents before being handloom-woven as electrodes into patches of fabric to create arrays of sensors, which are then laminated, cut and packaged into individual sensors. Unlike the conventionally used screen-printing, which results in wastage of reagents, yarn coating uses only as much reagent and ink as required. Hydrophilic and hydrophobic yarns are used for patterning so that sample flow is restricted to a small area of the sensor. This simple fluidic control is achieved with readily available materials. We have fabricated and validated individual sensors for glucose and hemoglobin and a multiplexed sensor, which can detect both analytes. Chronoamperometry and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) were used to detect glucose and hemoglobin, respectively. Industrial quantities of these sensors can be fabricated at distributed locations in the developing world using existing skills and manufacturing facilities. We believe such sensors could find applications in the emerging area of wearable sensors for chemical testing.

  10. Cryogenic, Absolute, High Pressure Sensor (United States)

    Chapman, John J. (Inventor); Shams. Qamar A. (Inventor); Powers, William T. (Inventor)


    A pressure sensor is provided for cryogenic, high pressure applications. A highly doped silicon piezoresistive pressure sensor is bonded to a silicon substrate in an absolute pressure sensing configuration. The absolute pressure sensor is bonded to an aluminum nitride substrate. Aluminum nitride has appropriate coefficient of thermal expansion for use with highly doped silicon at cryogenic temperatures. A group of sensors, either two sensors on two substrates or four sensors on a single substrate are packaged in a pressure vessel.

  11. Cryogenic High Pressure Sensor Module (United States)

    Chapman, John J. (Inventor); Shams, Qamar A. (Inventor); Powers, William T. (Inventor)


    A pressure sensor is provided for cryogenic, high pressure applications. A highly doped silicon piezoresistive pressure sensor is bonded to a silicon substrate in an absolute pressure sensing configuration. The absolute pressure sensor is bonded to an aluminum nitride substrate. Aluminum nitride has appropriate coefficient of thermal expansion for use with highly doped silicon at cryogenic temperatures. A group of sensors, either two sensors on two substrates or four sensors on a single substrate are packaged in a pressure vessel.

  12. Pesquisa como instrumento da prática

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    Maura Maria Guimarães de Almeida


    Full Text Available O trabalho aborda a utilização da pesquisa como instrumento da prática profissional da enfermaria na área de assistência, administração e ensino. Situa a ciência como processo. Ressalta a responsabilidade da enfermeira na produção da conhecimento científico. Destaca os fatores que dificultam e facilitam a pesquisa, além dos aspectos éticos envolvidos.

  13. Ensayos argumentativos en inglés como lengua extranjera y su escritura como una práctica social situada: revisión de conceptos

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    Pedro Antonio Chala


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta una discusión sobre las tendencias teóricas que ven la escritura de ensayos argumentativos en inglés lengua extranjera como práctica social situada. Los conceptos que se exploran en este documento constituyen la base de una propuesta de investigación que aborda la escritura argumentativa desde una perspectiva innovadora, social, situada, y basada en la enseñanza de géneros que se puede ver como una alternativa para fomentar la escritura de ensayos en inglés lengua extranjera como una práctica social situada que trascienda los límites del salón de clase. La discusión de los conceptos se visualiza primero desde la teoría de aprendizaje de una segunda lengua y los dominios de la lingüística aplicada que fundamentan la propuesta. Luego se presentan, se exploran y se explican los conceptos centrales; éstos incluyen, primero, la escritura como práctica social situada, segundo, la escritura de ensayos argumentativos como un proceso dinámico de creación, y tercero, el género como acción social situada. Finalmente, el artículo presenta una reflexión sobre cómo estos conceptos se pueden entender e interrelacionar para que la escritura de ensayos argumentativos sea abordada como una práctica de alfabetización que contribuya a la formación de estudiantes de inglés lengua extranjera como escritores reflexivos, críticos y sociales.

  14. Sensors 4.0 – smart sensors and measurement technology enable Industry 4.0

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    A. Schütze


    Full Text Available Industrie 4.0 or the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT are two terms for the current (revolution seen in industrial automation and control. Everything is getting smarter and data generated at all levels of the production process are used to improve product quality, flexibility, and productivity. This would not be possible without smart sensors, which generate the data and allow further functionality from self-monitoring and self-configuration to condition monitoring of complex processes. In analogy to Industry 4.0, the development of sensors has undergone distinctive stages culminating in today's smart sensors or Sensor 4.0. This paper briefly reviews the development of sensor technology over the last 2 centuries, highlights some of the potential that can be achieved with smart sensors and data evaluation, and discusses success requirements for future developments. In addition to magnetic sensor technologies which allow self-test and self-calibration and can contribute to many applications due to their wide spectrum of measured quantities, the paper discusses condition monitoring as a primary paradigm for introducing smart sensors and data analysis in manufacturing processes based on two projects performed in our group.

  15. Smart Sensors for Launch Vehicles (United States)

    Ray, Sabooj; Mathews, Sheeja; Abraham, Sheena; Pradeep, N.; Vinod, P.


    Smart Sensors bring a paradigm shift in the data acquisition mechanism adopted for launch vehicle telemetry system. The sensors integrate signal conditioners, digitizers and communication systems to give digital output from the measurement location. Multiple sensors communicate with a centralized node over a common digital data bus. An in-built microcontroller gives the sensor embedded intelligence to carry out corrective action for sensor inaccuracies. A smart pressure sensor has been realized and flight-proven to increase the reliability as well as simplicity in integration so as to obtain improved data output. Miniaturization is achieved by innovative packaging. This work discusses the construction, working and flight performance of such a sensor.

  16. Sensor data security level estimation scheme for wireless sensor networks. (United States)

    Ramos, Alex; Filho, Raimir Holanda


    Due to their increasing dissemination, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have become the target of more and more sophisticated attacks, even capable of circumventing both attack detection and prevention mechanisms. This may cause WSN users, who totally trust these security mechanisms, to think that a sensor reading is secure, even when an adversary has corrupted it. For that reason, a scheme capable of estimating the security level (SL) that these mechanisms provide to sensor data is needed, so that users can be aware of the actual security state of this data and can make better decisions on its use. However, existing security estimation schemes proposed for WSNs fully ignore detection mechanisms and analyze solely the security provided by prevention mechanisms. In this context, this work presents the sensor data security estimator (SDSE), a new comprehensive security estimation scheme for WSNs. SDSE is designed for estimating the sensor data security level based on security metrics that analyze both attack prevention and detection mechanisms. In order to validate our proposed scheme, we have carried out extensive simulations that show the high accuracy of SDSE estimates.

  17. Determinação e análise das constantes de tempo de um sensor anelar de temperatura em leito fixo - DOI: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v25i1.2225

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    Luiz Mario de Matos Jorge


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho foi desenvolvida uma metodologia teórico-experimental que possibilitou a determinação e a análise das constantes de tempo dos cinco termopares que compõem um sensor anelar de temperatura instalado em leito fixo. Para tal, foram efetuadas perturbações tipo degrau na temperatura do ar que passa pelo sensor, sendo as respostas térmicas registradas mediante medidas periódicas de temperatura até que o sensor alcançasse a condição de regime permanente. Posteriormente, as constantes de tempo foram estimadas a partir do ajuste de um modelo matemático do sensor por regressões lineares. Tanto o modelo matemático como a técnica utilizada para o ajuste das constantes de tempo foram adequados. Cada um dos termopares que compõem o sensor anelar apresentou constantes de tempo distintas. O termopar anelar externo, r = 0,027m, e o termopar central, r = 0m, apresentam o maior e o menor valor de constante de tempo, respectivamente, independentemente da vazão utilizada.

  18. Sensor Fusion of Position- and Micro-Sensors (MEMS) integrated in a Wireless Sensor Network for movement detection in landslide areas (United States)

    Arnhardt, Christian; Fernández-Steeger, Tomas; Azzam, Rafig


    Monitoring systems in landslide areas are important elements of effective Early Warning structures. Data acquisition and retrieval allows the detection of movement processes and thus is essential to generate warnings in time. Apart from the precise measurement, the reliability of data is fundamental, because outliers can trigger false alarms and leads to the loss of acceptance of such systems. For the monitoring of mass movements and their risk it is important to know, if there is movement, how fast it is and how trustworthy is the information. The joint project "Sensorbased landslide early warning system" (SLEWS) deals with these questions, and tries to improve data quality and to reduce false alarm rates, due to the combination of sensor date (sensor fusion). The project concentrates on the development of a prototypic Alarm- and Early Warning system (EWS) for different types of landslides by using various low-cost sensors, integrated in a wireless sensor network (WSN). The network consists of numerous connection points (nodes) that transfer data directly or over other nodes (Multi-Hop) in real-time to a data collection point (gateway). From there all the data packages are transmitted to a spatial data infrastructure (SDI) for further processing, analyzing and visualizing with respect to end-user specifications. The ad-hoc characteristic of the network allows the autonomous crosslinking of the nodes according to existing connections and communication strength. Due to the independent finding of new or more stable connections (self healing) a breakdown of the whole system is avoided. The bidirectional data stream enables the receiving of data from the network but also allows the transfer of commands and pointed requests into the WSN. For the detection of surface deformations in landslide areas small low-cost Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (MEMS) and positionsensors from the automobile industries, different industrial applications and from other measurement

  19. La Seguridad ciudadana como función del Estado


    Ridaura Martínez, María Josefa


    Este trabajo se centra en uno de los temas medulares de la organización del Estado como es la garantía de la seguridad, y tiene como objeto reivindicar, al calor la reciente sacudida legislativa en materia, la función de la Seguridad ciudadana como una función pública a desarrollar por las Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad; en tanto que exigencia constitucional, presupuesto de la salvaguarda de los derechos fundamentales y de las libertades públicas.

  20. Optimization of magnetoresistive sensor current for on-chip magnetic bead detection using the sensor self-field

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henriksen, Anders Dahl; Rizzi, Giovanni; Østerberg, Frederik Westergaard


    We investigate the self-heating of magnetoresistive sensors used for measurements on magnetic beads in magnetic biosensors. The signal from magnetic beads magnetized by the field due to the sensor bias current is proportional to the bias current squared. Therefore, we aim to maximize the bias...... current while limiting the sensor self-heating. We systematically characterize and model the Joule heating of magnetoresistive sensors with different sensor geometries and stack compositions. The sensor heating is determined using the increase of the sensor resistance as function of the bias current......, thus the heat conductance is proportional to the sensor area and inversely proportional to the oxide thickness. This simple heat conductance determines the relationship between bias current and sensor temperature, and we show that View the MathML source25μm wide sensor on a View the MathML source1μm...

  1. Micro-Mechanical Temperature Sensors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Tom

    Temperature is the most frequently measured physical quantity in the world. The field of thermometry is therefore constantly evolving towards better temperature sensors and better temperature measurements. The aim of this Ph.D. project was to improve an existing type of micro-mechanical temperature...... sensor or to develop a new one. Two types of micro-mechanical temperature sensors have been studied: Bilayer cantilevers and string-like beam resonators. Both sensor types utilize thermally generated stress. Bilayer cantilevers are frequently used as temperature sensors at the micro-scale, and the goal....... The reduced sensitivity was due to initial bending of the cantilevers and poor adhesion between the two cantilever materials. No further attempts were made to improve the sensitivity of bilayer cantilevers. The concept of using string-like resonators as temperature sensors has, for the first time, been...

  2. The Ringcore Fluxgate Sensor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brauer, Peter


    A model describing the fundamental working principle of the "ringcore fluxgate sensor" is derived. The model is solely based on geometrical and measurable magnetic properties of the sensor and from this a number of fluxgate phenomenon can be described and estimated. The sensitivity of ringcore...... fluxgate sensors is measured for a large variety of geometries and is for all measurements found to fall between two limits obtained by the fluxgate model. The model is used to explain the zero field odd harmonic output of the fluxgate sensor, called the "feedthrough". By assuming a non ideal sensor...... with spatially distributed magnetization, the model predicts feedthrough signals which exactly reflects the measured signals. The non-linearities in a feedback compensated ringcore fluxgate sensors, called the "transverse field effect", can also be explained by the model. Measurements on stress annealed...

  3. Cryogenic microsize Hall sensors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kvitkovic, J.; Polak, M.


    Hall sensors have a variety of applications in magnetic field measurements. The active area of the Hall sensor does not play an important role in measuring of homogeneous magnetic field. Actually Hall sensors are widely used to measure profiles of magnetic fields produced by magnetization currents in samples of HTC superconductors, as well as of LTC ones. Similar techniques are used to measure magnetization of both HTC and LTC superconductors. In these cases Hall sensor operates in highly inhomogeneous magnetic fields. Because of that, Hall sensors with very small active area are required. We developed and tested Hall sensors with active area 100 μm x 100 μm - type M and 50 μm x 50 μm - type V. Here we report on the most imporant parameters of these units, as well as on their properties as differential magnetometer. (orig.)

  4. Metal-clad waveguide sensors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skivesen, Nina

    This work concerns planar optical waveguide sensors for biosensing applications, with the focus on deep-probe sensing for micron-scale biological objects like bacteria and whole cells. In the last two decades planar metal-clad waveguides have been brieflyintroduced in the literature applied...... for various biosensing applications, however a thorough study of the sensor configurations has not been presented, but is the main subject of this thesis. Optical sensors are generally well suited for bio-sensing asthey show high sensitivity and give an immediate response for minute changes in the refractive...... index of a sample, due to the high sensitivity of optical bio-sensors detection of non-labeled biological objects can be performed. The majority of opticalsensors presented in the literature and commercially available optical sensors are based on evanescent wave sensing, however most of these sensors...

  5. Multifuctional integrated sensors (MFISES).

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Homeijer, Brian D. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Roozeboom, Clifton [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States)


    Many emerging IoT applications require sensing of multiple physical and environmental parameters for: completeness of information, measurement validation, unexpected demands, improved performance. For example, a typical outdoor weather station measures temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, light intensity, rainfall, wind speed and direction. Existing sensor technologies do not directly address the demand for cost, size, and power reduction in multi-paramater sensing applications. Industry sensor manufacturers have developed integrated sensor systems for inertial measurements that combine accelerometers, gyroscopes, and magnetometers, but do not address environmental sensing functionality. In existing research literature, a technology gap exists between the functionality of MEMS sensors and the real world applications of the sensors systems.

  6. Contact stress sensor (United States)

    Kotovsky, Jack [Oakland, CA


    A contact stress sensor includes one or more MEMS fabricated sensor elements, where each sensor element of includes a thin non-recessed portion, a recessed portion and a pressure sensitive element adjacent to the recessed portion. An electric circuit is connected to the pressure sensitive element. The circuit includes a thermal compensator and a pressure signal circuit element configured to provide a signal upon movement of the pressure sensitive element.

  7. Target Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks with Probabilistic Sensors (United States)

    Shan, Anxing; Xu, Xianghua; Cheng, Zongmao


    Sensing coverage is a fundamental problem in wireless sensor networks (WSNs), which has attracted considerable attention. Conventional research on this topic focuses on the 0/1 coverage model, which is only a coarse approximation to the practical sensing model. In this paper, we study the target coverage problem, where the objective is to find the least number of sensor nodes in randomly-deployed WSNs based on the probabilistic sensing model. We analyze the joint detection probability of target with multiple sensors. Based on the theoretical analysis of the detection probability, we formulate the minimum ϵ-detection coverage problem. We prove that the minimum ϵ-detection coverage problem is NP-hard and present an approximation algorithm called the Probabilistic Sensor Coverage Algorithm (PSCA) with provable approximation ratios. To evaluate our design, we analyze the performance of PSCA theoretically and also perform extensive simulations to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm. PMID:27618902


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Luisa Femenias


    Full Text Available Resumen Tal como sucede –según lo enunció Kate Millet hace más de cincuenta años- respecto de las vanguardias literarias de comienzos del siglo XX, las estudiosas actuales de la literatura utópica reconocen que el esquema tradicional seguido por los escritores varones es “utópico” en todos sus aspectos, menos en la deconstrucción de los roles de sexo-género. Sobre este marco general, revisaré la noción de “utopía feminista” como transgresión al modelo canónico y, a su vez, desafío al orden social considerado “natural”. Para ello, examinaré algunos problemas vinculados a la caracterización de la literatura utópica como tal, y el frecuente abandono de sus fundamentos filosóficos.

  9. Advanced Wireless Sensor Nodes - MSFC (United States)

    Varnavas, Kosta; Richeson, Jeff


    NASA field center Marshall Space Flight Center (Huntsville, AL), has invested in advanced wireless sensor technology development. Developments for a wireless microcontroller back-end were primarily focused on the commercial Synapse Wireless family of devices. These devices have many useful features for NASA applications, good characteristics and the ability to be programmed Over-The-Air (OTA). The effort has focused on two widely used sensor types, mechanical strain gauges and thermal sensors. Mechanical strain gauges are used extensively in NASA structural testing and even on vehicle instrumentation systems. Additionally, thermal monitoring with many types of sensors is extensively used. These thermal sensors include thermocouples of all types, resistive temperature devices (RTDs), diodes and other thermal sensor types. The wireless thermal board will accommodate all of these types of sensor inputs to an analog front end. The analog front end on each of the sensors interfaces to the Synapse wireless microcontroller, based on the Atmel Atmega128 device. Once the analog sensor output data is digitized by the onboard analog to digital converter (A/D), the data is available for analysis, computation or transmission. Various hardware features allow custom embedded software to manage battery power to enhance battery life. This technology development fits nicely into using numerous additional sensor front ends, including some of the low-cost printed circuit board capacitive moisture content sensors currently being developed at Auburn University.

  10. Roadmap on optical sensors (United States)

    Ferreira, Mário F. S.; Castro-Camus, Enrique; Ottaway, David J.; López-Higuera, José Miguel; Feng, Xian; Jin, Wei; Jeong, Yoonchan; Picqué, Nathalie; Tong, Limin; Reinhard, Björn M.; Pellegrino, Paul M.; Méndez, Alexis; Diem, Max; Vollmer, Frank; Quan, Qimin


    Sensors are devices or systems able to detect, measure and convert magnitudes from any domain to an electrical one. Using light as a probe for optical sensing is one of the most efficient approaches for this purpose. The history of optical sensing using some methods based on absorbance, emissive and florescence properties date back to the 16th century. The field of optical sensors evolved during the following centuries, but it did not achieve maturity until the demonstration of the first laser in 1960. The unique properties of laser light become particularly important in the case of laser-based sensors, whose operation is entirely based upon the direct detection of laser light itself, without relying on any additional mediating device. However, compared with freely propagating light beams, artificially engineered optical fields are in increasing demand for probing samples with very small sizes and/or weak light-matter interaction. Optical fiber sensors constitute a subarea of optical sensors in which fiber technologies are employed. Different types of specialty and photonic crystal fibers provide improved performance and novel sensing concepts. Actually, structurization with wavelength or subwavelength feature size appears as the most efficient way to enhance sensor sensitivity and its detection limit. This leads to the area of micro- and nano-engineered optical sensors. It is expected that the combination of better fabrication techniques and new physical effects may open new and fascinating opportunities in this area. This roadmap on optical sensors addresses different technologies and application areas of the field. Fourteen contributions authored by experts from both industry and academia provide insights into the current state-of-the-art and the challenges faced by researchers currently. Two sections of this paper provide an overview of laser-based and frequency comb-based sensors. Three sections address the area of optical fiber sensors, encompassing both

  11. Roadmap on optical sensors. (United States)

    Ferreira, Mário F S; Castro-Camus, Enrique; Ottaway, David J; López-Higuera, José Miguel; Feng, Xian; Jin, Wei; Jeong, Yoonchan; Picqué, Nathalie; Tong, Limin; Reinhard, Björn M; Pellegrino, Paul M; Méndez, Alexis; Diem, Max; Vollmer, Frank; Quan, Qimin


    Sensors are devices or systems able to detect, measure and convert magnitudes from any domain to an electrical one. Using light as a probe for optical sensing is one of the most efficient approaches for this purpose. The history of optical sensing using some methods based on absorbance, emissive and florescence properties date back to the 16th century. The field of optical sensors evolved during the following centuries, but it did not achieve maturity until the demonstration of the first laser in 1960. The unique properties of laser light become particularly important in the case of laser-based sensors, whose operation is entirely based upon the direct detection of laser light itself, without relying on any additional mediating device. However, compared with freely propagating light beams, artificially engineered optical fields are in increasing demand for probing samples with very small sizes and/or weak light-matter interaction. Optical fiber sensors constitute a subarea of optical sensors in which fiber technologies are employed. Different types of specialty and photonic crystal fibers provide improved performance and novel sensing concepts. Actually, structurization with wavelength or subwavelength feature size appears as the most efficient way to enhance sensor sensitivity and its detection limit. This leads to the area of micro- and nano-engineered optical sensors. It is expected that the combination of better fabrication techniques and new physical effects may open new and fascinating opportunities in this area. This roadmap on optical sensors addresses different technologies and application areas of the field. Fourteen contributions authored by experts from both industry and academia provide insights into the current state-of-the-art and the challenges faced by researchers currently. Two sections of this paper provide an overview of laser-based and frequency comb-based sensors. Three sections address the area of optical fiber sensors, encompassing both

  12. Carbon nanotube-based ethanol sensors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brahim, Sean; Colbern, Steve; Gump, Robert; Moser, Alex; Grigorian, Leonid


    Sensors containing metal-carbon nanotube (CNT) hybrid materials as the active sensing layer were demonstrated for ethanol vapor detection at room temperature. The metal-CNT hybrid materials were synthesized by infiltrating single wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) with the transition metals Ti, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Pd or Pt. Each sensor was prepared by drop-casting dilute dispersions of a metal-CNT hybrid onto quartz substrate electrodes and the impedimetric responses to varying ethanol concentration were recorded. Upon exposure to ethanol vapor, the ac impedance (Z') of the sensors was found to decrease to different extents. The sensor containing pristine CNT material was virtually non-responsive at low ethanol concentrations (<50 ppm). In contrast, all metal-CNT hybrid sensors showed extremely high sensitivity to trace ethanol levels with 100-fold or more gains in sensitivity relative to the starting SWNT sensor. All hybrid sensors, with the exception of Ni filled CNT, exhibited significantly larger sensor responses to ethanol vapor up to 250 ppm compared to the starting SWNT sensor.

  13. Open architecture of smart sensor suites (United States)

    Müller, Wilmuth; Kuwertz, Achim; Grönwall, Christina; Petersson, Henrik; Dekker, Rob; Reinert, Frank; Ditzel, Maarten


    Experiences from recent conflicts show the strong need for smart sensor suites comprising different multi-spectral imaging sensors as core elements as well as additional non-imaging sensors. Smart sensor suites should be part of a smart sensor network - a network of sensors, databases, evaluation stations and user terminals. Its goal is to optimize the use of various information sources for military operations such as situation assessment, intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, target recognition and tracking. Such a smart sensor network will enable commanders to achieve higher levels of situational awareness. Within the study at hand, an open system architecture was developed in order to increase the efficiency of sensor suites. The open system architecture for smart sensor suites, based on a system-of-systems approach, enables combining different sensors in multiple physical configurations, such as distributed sensors, co-located sensors combined in a single package, tower-mounted sensors, sensors integrated in a mobile platform, and trigger sensors. The architecture was derived from a set of system requirements and relevant scenarios. Its mode of operation is adaptable to a series of scenarios with respect to relevant objects of interest, activities to be observed, available transmission bandwidth, etc. The presented open architecture is designed in accordance with the NATO Architecture Framework (NAF). The architecture allows smart sensor suites to be part of a surveillance network, linked e.g. to a sensor planning system and a C4ISR center, and to be used in combination with future RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems) for supporting a more flexible dynamic configuration of RPAS payloads.

  14. La naturaleza como contraseña del comportamiento moral en Lucrecio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ramón Román Alcalá


    Full Text Available Voy a intentar probar que en Lucrecio la naturaleza actúa como elemento clave para todo su sistema. Con una lógica coherente el poeta demuestra que la naturaleza como principio de realidad está sustentando, primero la creación del cosmos como principio material, segundo, el desarrollo de la raza humana, como principio antropológico y, por último, la acción y la conducta humana como principio moral. La naturaleza es, así, una marca para la comprensión del cosmos, una clave para el conocimiento de la humanidad y una contraseña que activa el comportamiento moral.

  15. Flexible Sensors for Pressure Therapy: Effect of Substrate Curvature and Stiffness on Sensor Performance. (United States)

    Khodasevych, Iryna; Parmar, Suresh; Troynikov, Olga


    Flexible pressure sensors are increasingly being used in medical and non-medical applications, and particularly in innovative health monitoring. Their efficacy in medical applications such as compression therapy depends on the accuracy and repeatability of their output, which in turn depend on factors such as sensor type, shape, pressure range, and conformability of the sensor to the body surface. Numerous researchers have examined the effects of sensor type and shape, but little information is available on the effect of human body parameters such as support surfaces' curvature and the stiffness of soft tissues on pressure sensing performance. We investigated the effects of body parameters on the performance of pressure sensors using a custom-made human-leg-like test setup. Pressure sensing parameters such as accuracy, drift and repeatability were determined in both static (eight hours continuous pressure) and dynamic (10 cycles of pressure application of 30 s duration) testing conditions. The testing was performed with a focus on compression therapy application for venous leg ulcer treatments, and was conducted in a low-pressure range of 20-70 mmHg. Commercially available sensors manufactured by Peratech and Sensitronics were used under various loading conditions to determine the influence of stiffness and curvature. Flat rigid, flat soft silicone and three cylindrical silicone surfaces of radii of curvature of 3.5 cm, 5.5 cm and 6.5 cm were used as substrates under the sensors. The Peratech sensor averaged 94% accuracy for both static and dynamic measurements on all substrates; the Sensitronics sensor averaged 88% accuracy. The Peratech sensor displayed moderate variations and the Sensitronics sensor large variations in output pressure readings depending on the underlying test surface, both of which were reduced markedly by individual pressure calibration for surface type. Sensor choice and need for calibration to surface type are important considerations for

  16. Gait Analysis Using Wearable Sensors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hutian Feng


    Full Text Available Gait analysis using wearable sensors is an inexpensive, convenient, and efficient manner of providing useful information for multiple health-related applications. As a clinical tool applied in the rehabilitation and diagnosis of medical conditions and sport activities, gait analysis using wearable sensors shows great prospects. The current paper reviews available wearable sensors and ambulatory gait analysis methods based on the various wearable sensors. After an introduction of the gait phases, the principles and features of wearable sensors used in gait analysis are provided. The gait analysis methods based on wearable sensors is divided into gait kinematics, gait kinetics, and electromyography. Studies on the current methods are reviewed, and applications in sports, rehabilitation, and clinical diagnosis are summarized separately. With the development of sensor technology and the analysis method, gait analysis using wearable sensors is expected to play an increasingly important role in clinical applications.

  17. Electric current sensors: a review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ripka, Pavel


    The review makes a brief overview of traditional methods of measurement of electric current and shows in more detail relatively new types of current sensors. These include Hall sensors with field concentrators, AMR current sensors, magneto-optical and superconducting current sensors. The influence of the magnetic core properties on the error of the current transformer shows why nanocrystalline materials are so advantageous for this application. Built-in CMOS current sensors are important tools for monitoring the health of integrated circuits. Of special industrial value are current clamps which can be installed without breaking the measured conductor. Parameters of current sensors are also discussed, including geometrical selectivity. This parameter specific for current sensors means the ability to suppress the influence of currents external to the sensor (including the position of the return conductor) and also suppress the influence on the position of the measured conductor with respect to the current. (topical review)

  18. Gait Analysis Using Wearable Sensors (United States)

    Tao, Weijun; Liu, Tao; Zheng, Rencheng; Feng, Hutian


    Gait analysis using wearable sensors is an inexpensive, convenient, and efficient manner of providing useful information for multiple health-related applications. As a clinical tool applied in the rehabilitation and diagnosis of medical conditions and sport activities, gait analysis using wearable sensors shows great prospects. The current paper reviews available wearable sensors and ambulatory gait analysis methods based on the various wearable sensors. After an introduction of the gait phases, the principles and features of wearable sensors used in gait analysis are provided. The gait analysis methods based on wearable sensors is divided into gait kinematics, gait kinetics, and electromyography. Studies on the current methods are reviewed, and applications in sports, rehabilitation, and clinical diagnosis are summarized separately. With the development of sensor technology and the analysis method, gait analysis using wearable sensors is expected to play an increasingly important role in clinical applications. PMID:22438763

  19. Porous Silicon Sensors- Elusive and Erudite


    H. Saha, Prof.


    Porous Silicon Sensors have been fabricated and tested successfully over the last few years as humidity sensors, vapour sensors, gas sensors, piezoresistive pressure sensors and bio- sensors. In each case it has displayed remarkably sensitivity, relatively low temperature operation and ease of fabrication. Brief description of fabrication and properties of all these types of different sensors is reported in this paper. The barriers of porous silicon like contact, non- uniformity, instability ...

  20. Photon-counting image sensors

    CERN Document Server

    Teranishi, Nobukazu; Theuwissen, Albert; Stoppa, David; Charbon, Edoardo


    The field of photon-counting image sensors is advancing rapidly with the development of various solid-state image sensor technologies including single photon avalanche detectors (SPADs) and deep-sub-electron read noise CMOS image sensor pixels. This foundational platform technology will enable opportunities for new imaging modalities and instrumentation for science and industry, as well as new consumer applications. Papers discussing various photon-counting image sensor technologies and selected new applications are presented in this all-invited Special Issue.

  1. Bioinspired Sensor Systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manel del Valle


    Full Text Available This editorial summarizes and classifies the contributions presented by different authors to the special issue of the journal Sensors dedicated to Bioinspired Sensor Systems. From the coupling of sensor arrays or networks, plus computer processing abilities, new applications to mimic or to complement human senses are arising in the context of ambient intelligence. Principles used, and illustrative study cases have been presented permitting readers to grasp the current status of the field.

  2. Ouabaina como Hormona


    J. Hernando Ordoñez


    Comentario sobre su origen endógeno y sus aplicaciones terapéuticas

    Pocas drogas han sido más estudiadas que el grupo de los digitálicos, estrofantinas y ouabaina, cuyo estudio es objeto del presente trabajo.

    La ouabaina empezó a ser estudiada desde el siglo pasado. La primera referencia conocida corresponde a Pelikan, 1865 (1), como veneno que empleaban para las flechas en Gabón (Africa). (.)

  3. Los patrones de asentamiento como recurso patrimonial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio Lista Martín


    Full Text Available Los patrones de asentamiento son las pautas con las que distribuyen los diferentes elementos construidos, como casas, caminos, campos, espacios públicos o fábricas, y son una expresión cultural de la sociedad que los construye. Tanto el tipo de elementos, su número como su distribución, dependen del nivel tecnológico, de la estructura social y de su bagaje cultural. Se puede decir, por tanto, que en los patrones estaría reflejado el conocimiento que la sociedad tenia del medio, así como sus anhelos, prioridades e, incluso, sus malas prácticas. La presente comunicación propone que estos patrones puedan servir de base para el planeamiento territorial actual, no sólo preservando aquello que realmente tenga valor, sino incluso recreándolos o reproduciéndolos a otras escalas siempre que puedan aportar un valor añadido al territorio. El escrito plantea una pregunta: ¿Qué se debe mantener de los patrones tradicionales y qué se puede, o incluso se debe, cambiar?, y para responderla en la primera parte se analizan someramente algunos asentamientos-tipo y en la segunda se indican pautas de actuación que han aparecido como propuestas en planes de ordenación territorial en los últimos años.

  4. Solid-State Gas Sensors: Sensor System Challenges in the Civil Security Domain. (United States)

    Müller, Gerhard; Hackner, Angelika; Beer, Sebastian; Göbel, Johann


    The detection of military high explosives and illicit drugs presents problems of paramount importance in the fields of counter terrorism and criminal investigation. Effectively dealing with such threats requires hand-portable, mobile and affordable instruments. The paper shows that solid-state gas sensors can contribute to the development of such instruments provided the sensors are incorporated into integrated sensor systems, which acquire the target substances in the form of particle residue from suspect objects and which process the collected residue through a sequence of particle sampling, solid-vapor conversion, vapor detection and signal treatment steps. Considering sensor systems with metal oxide gas sensors at the backend, it is demonstrated that significant gains in sensitivity, selectivity and speed of response can be attained when the threat substances are sampled in particle as opposed to vapor form.

  5. Danzas como tradición y como disputa: la ilusión comunitaria china en el Soconusco chiapaneco


    Lisbona Guillén, Miguel


    Referir la impronta dejada por los inmigrantes chinos que llegaron a Chiapas a finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX parece algo manido para quien conoce el estado y, muy especialmente, su región costera: el Soconusco. Sin embargo, lo obvio, por perceptible, como puede ser la existencia de una tradición gastronómica conocida como comida china, y convertida en marca de identidad en la región, no significa que la construcción de "lo chino" o de una "comunidad china" por parte de los hijos o...

  6. Air Sensor Toolbox (United States)

    Air Sensor Toolbox provides information to citizen scientists, researchers and developers interested in learning more about new lower-cost compact air sensor technologies and tools for measuring air quality.

  7. Autonomous sensor manager agents (ASMA) (United States)

    Osadciw, Lisa A.


    Autonomous sensor manager agents are presented as an algorithm to perform sensor management within a multisensor fusion network. The design of the hybrid ant system/particle swarm agents is described in detail with some insight into their performance. Although the algorithm is designed for the general sensor management problem, a simulation example involving 2 radar systems is presented. Algorithmic parameters are determined by the size of the region covered by the sensor network, the number of sensors, and the number of parameters to be selected. With straight forward modifications, this algorithm can be adapted for most sensor management problems.

  8. Introduction to optical fiber sensors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moukdad, S.


    Optical fiber sensors have many advantages over other types of sensors, for example: Low weight, immunity from EMI, electrical isolation, chemical passivity, and high sensitivity. In this seminar, a brief explanation of the optical fiber sensors, their use, and their advantages will be given. After, a description of the main optical fiber sensor components will be presented. Principles of some kinds of optical fiber sensors will be presented, and the principle of the fiber-optic rotation sensor and its realization will be discussed in some details, as well as its main applications. (author). 5 refs, 8 figs, 2 tabs

  9. Thermal flow micro sensors

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elwenspoek, Michael Curt


    A review is given on sensors fabricated by silicon micromachining technology using the thermal domain for the measurement of fluid flow. Attention is paid especially to performance and geometry of the sensors. Three basic types of thermal flow sensors are discussed: anemometers, calorimetric flow

  10. Onisciente: um modelo de geração de contexto baseado em RFID e sensores

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Felipe da Costa Noguez


    Full Text Available O monitoramento de entidades para determinar uma situação é uma aplicação interessante para diversas áreas. Pode-se utilizar dados obtidos de sensores, disponíveis em um ambiente, para descrever o contexto dos elementos presentes. Nesse âmbito, o presente trabalho tem como finalidade apresentar o Onisciente, um modelo que utiliza a informação de um conjunto de sensores que estejam monitorando um mesmo elemento para determinar o seu contexto e obter conhecimento sobre suas condições. Para isso, o Onisciente realiza a identificação dessas entidades, com o auxílio de uma leitora RFID acrescida de alguns sensores. No modelo, um contexto representa uma imagem de momento preciso no tempo, na qual se pode verificar fatos que estejam ocorrendo e, com isso, tomar decisões. Essas decisões envolvem classificar os contextos gerados e, conforme a classificação obtida, informar eventuais situações desfavoráveis às entidades monitoradas. Para determinar um contexto e realizar a classificação do significado que ele representa, são empregadas ontologias, computação sensível ao contexto e modelagem de contexto. Um protótipo foi desenvolvido para avaliar o modelo, mostrando a viabilidade do modelo proposto.

  11. Extending lifetime of wireless sensor networks using multi-sensor ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    In this paper a multi-sensor data fusion approach for wireless sensor network based on bayesian methods and ant colony ... niques for efficiently routing the data from source to the BS ... Literature review ... efficient scheduling and lot more to increase the lifetime of ... Nature-inspired algorithms such as ACO algorithms have.

  12. Open Standards for Sensor Information Processing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pouchard, Line Catherine [ORNL; Poole, Stephen W [ORNL; Lothian, Josh [ORNL


    This document explores sensor standards, sensor data models, and computer sensor software in order to determine the specifications and data representation best suited for analyzing and monitoring computer system health using embedded sensor data. We review IEEE 1451, OGC Sensor Model Language and Transducer Model Language (TML), lm-sensors and Intelligent Platform Management Inititative (IPMI).

  13. Sensor Data Security Level Estimation Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks (United States)

    Ramos, Alex; Filho, Raimir Holanda


    Due to their increasing dissemination, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have become the target of more and more sophisticated attacks, even capable of circumventing both attack detection and prevention mechanisms. This may cause WSN users, who totally trust these security mechanisms, to think that a sensor reading is secure, even when an adversary has corrupted it. For that reason, a scheme capable of estimating the security level (SL) that these mechanisms provide to sensor data is needed, so that users can be aware of the actual security state of this data and can make better decisions on its use. However, existing security estimation schemes proposed for WSNs fully ignore detection mechanisms and analyze solely the security provided by prevention mechanisms. In this context, this work presents the sensor data security estimator (SDSE), a new comprehensive security estimation scheme for WSNs. SDSE is designed for estimating the sensor data security level based on security metrics that analyze both attack prevention and detection mechanisms. In order to validate our proposed scheme, we have carried out extensive simulations that show the high accuracy of SDSE estimates. PMID:25608215

  14. Sensor Data Security Level Estimation Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alex Ramos


    Full Text Available Due to their increasing dissemination, wireless sensor networks (WSNs have become the target of more and more sophisticated attacks, even capable of circumventing both attack detection and prevention mechanisms. This may cause WSN users, who totally trust these security mechanisms, to think that a sensor reading is secure, even when an adversary has corrupted it. For that reason, a scheme capable of estimating the security level (SL that these mechanisms provide to sensor data is needed, so that users can be aware of the actual security state of this data and can make better decisions on its use. However, existing security estimation schemes proposed for WSNs fully ignore detection mechanisms and analyze solely the security provided by prevention mechanisms. In this context, this work presents the sensor data security estimator (SDSE, a new comprehensive security estimation scheme for WSNs. SDSE is designed for estimating the sensor data security level based on security metrics that analyze both attack prevention and detection mechanisms. In order to validate our proposed scheme, we have carried out extensive simulations that show the high accuracy of SDSE estimates.

  15. Sensor Substrate Development (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — Novel substrates, such as aerogels and porous, low density ceramics may increase the sensitivities of chemical reaction-based sensors for toxic vapors. These sensors...

  16. Chemiresistive Graphene Sensors for Ammonia Detection. (United States)

    Mackin, Charles; Schroeder, Vera; Zurutuza, Amaia; Su, Cong; Kong, Jing; Swager, Timothy M; Palacios, Tomás


    The primary objective of this work is to demonstrate a novel sensor system as a convenient vehicle for scaled-up repeatability and the kinetic analysis of a pixelated testbed. This work presents a sensor system capable of measuring hundreds of functionalized graphene sensors in a rapid and convenient fashion. The sensor system makes use of a novel array architecture requiring only one sensor per pixel and no selector transistor. The sensor system is employed specifically for the evaluation of Co(tpfpp)ClO 4 functionalization of graphene sensors for the detection of ammonia as an extension of previous work. Co(tpfpp)ClO 4 treated graphene sensors were found to provide 4-fold increased ammonia sensitivity over pristine graphene sensors. Sensors were also found to exhibit excellent selectivity over interfering compounds such as water and common organic solvents. The ability to monitor a large sensor array with 160 pixels provides insights into performance variations and reproducibility-critical factors in the development of practical sensor systems. All sensors exhibit the same linearly related responses with variations in response exhibiting Gaussian distributions, a key finding for variation modeling and quality engineering purposes. The mean correlation coefficient between sensor responses was found to be 0.999 indicating highly consistent sensor responses and excellent reproducibility of Co(tpfpp)ClO 4 functionalization. A detailed kinetic model is developed to describe sensor response profiles. The model consists of two adsorption mechanisms-one reversible and one irreversible-and is shown capable of fitting experimental data with a mean percent error of 0.01%.

  17. Gas sensor (United States)

    Schmid, Andreas K.; Mascaraque, Arantzazu; Santos, Benito; de la Figuera, Juan


    A gas sensor is described which incorporates a sensor stack comprising a first film layer of a ferromagnetic material, a spacer layer, and a second film layer of the ferromagnetic material. The first film layer is fabricated so that it exhibits a dependence of its magnetic anisotropy direction on the presence of a gas, That is, the orientation of the easy axis of magnetization will flip from out-of-plane to in-plane when the gas to be detected is present in sufficient concentration. By monitoring the change in resistance of the sensor stack when the orientation of the first layer's magnetization changes, and correlating that change with temperature one can determine both the identity and relative concentration of the detected gas. In one embodiment the stack sensor comprises a top ferromagnetic layer two mono layers thick of cobalt deposited upon a spacer layer of ruthenium, which in turn has a second layer of cobalt disposed on its other side, this second cobalt layer in contact with a programmable heater chip.

  18. Sensitivity Study for Sensor Optical and Electric Crosstalk Based on Spectral Measurements: An Application to Developmental Sensors Using Heritage Sensors Such As MODIS (United States)

    Butler, James J.; Oudrari, Hassan; Xiong, Sanxiong; Che, Nianzeng; Xiong, Xiaoxiong


    The process of developing new sensors for space flight frequently builds upon the designs and experience of existing heritage space flight sensors. Frequently in the development and testing of new sensors, problems are encountered that pose the risk of serious impact on successful retrieval of geophysical products. This paper describes an approach to assess the importance of optical and electronic cross-talk on retrieval of geophysical products using new MODIS-like sensors through the use of MODIS data sets. These approaches may be extended to any sensor characteristic and any sensor where that characteristic may impact the Level 1 products so long as validated geophysical products are being developed from the heritage sensor. In this study, a set of electronic and/or optical cross-talk coefficients are postulated. These coefficients are sender-receiver influence coefficients and represent a sensor signal contamination on any detector on a focal plane when another band's detectors on that focal plane are stimulated with a monochromatic light. The approach involves using the postulated cross-talk coefficients on an actual set of MODIS data granules. The original MODIS data granules and the cross-talk impacted granules are used with validated geophysical algorithms to create the derived products. Comparison of the products produced with the original and cross-talk impacted granules indicates potential problems, if any, with the characteristics of the developmental sensor that are being studied.

  19. Micromachined pressure/flow-sensor

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oosterbroek, R.E.; Lammerink, Theodorus S.J.; Berenschot, Johan W.; Krijnen, Gijsbertus J.M.; Elwenspoek, Michael Curt; van den Berg, Albert


    The micromechanical equivalent of a differential pressure flow-sensor, well known in macro mechanics, is discussed. Two separate pressure sensors are used for the device, enabling to measure both, pressure as well as volume flow-rate. An integrated sensor with capacitive read-out as well as a

  20. Perimeter intrusion sensors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eaton, M.J.


    To obtain an effective perimeter intrusion detection system requires careful sensor selection, procurement, and installation. The selection process involves a thorough understanding of the unique site features and how these features affect the performance of each type of sensor. It is necessary to develop procurement specifications to establish acceptable sensor performance limits. Careful explanation and inspection of critical installation dimensions is required during on-site construction. The implementation of these activities at a particular site is discussed

  1. Polymer Optical Fiber Sensor and the Prediction of Sensor Response Utilizing Artificial Neural Networks (United States)

    Haroglu, Derya

    The global market researches showed that there is a growing trend in the field of polymer optical fiber (POF) and POF sensors. Telecommunications, medicine, defense, aerospace, and automotive are the application areas of fiber optic sensors, where the automotive industry is the most promising application area for innovations in the field of POF sensors. The POF sensors in automobiles are particularly for detection of seat occupancy, and intelligent pedestrian protection systems. This dissertation investigates graded index perfluorinated polymer optical fiber as an intensity modulated intrinsic sensor for application in automotive seat occupancy sensing. Since a fiber optic sensor has a high bandwidth, is small in size, is lightweight, and is immune to electromagnetic interference (EMI) it offers higher performance than that of its electrical based counterparts such as strain gauge, elastomeric bladder, and resistive sensor systems. This makes the fiber optic sensor a potential suitable material for seat occupancy sensing. A textile-based fiber optic sensor was designed to be located in the area beneath the typical seated human's thighs. The pressure interval under which the proposed POF sensor design could perform well was found to be between 0.18 and 0.21 N/cm2, where perfluorinated (PF) graded index (GI) POF (62.5/750 mum) was used as the POF material. In addition, the effect of the automotive seat covering including face material (fabric) and foam backing to the sensor's performance was analyzed. The face fabric structure and the thickness of foam backing were not found to be significant factors to change the sensor results. A research study, survey, was conducted of which purpose was to better understand market demands in terms of sensor performance characteristics for automotive seat weight sensors, as a part of the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) House of Quality analysis. The companies joined the survey agreed on the first 5 most important sensor

  2. Working Group Report: Sensors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Artuso, M.; et al.,


    Sensors play a key role in detecting both charged particles and photons for all three frontiers in Particle Physics. The signals from an individual sensor that can be used include ionization deposited, phonons created, or light emitted from excitations of the material. The individual sensors are then typically arrayed for detection of individual particles or groups of particles. Mounting of new, ever higher performance experiments, often depend on advances in sensors in a range of performance characteristics. These performance metrics can include position resolution for passing particles, time resolution on particles impacting the sensor, and overall rate capabilities. In addition the feasible detector area and cost frequently provides a limit to what can be built and therefore is often another area where improvements are important. Finally, radiation tolerance is becoming a requirement in a broad array of devices. We present a status report on a broad category of sensors, including challenges for the future and work in progress to solve those challenges.

  3. Water quality sensor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishizuka, Keiko; Takahashi, Masanori; Watanabe, Atsushi; Ibe, Hidefumi.


    The sensor of the present invention can directly measure oxygen/hydrogen peroxide concentrations in reactor water under radiation irradiation condition, and it has a long life time. Namely, an oxygen sensor comprises electrodes attached on both sides of high temperature/radiation resistant ion conductive material in which ions are sufficiently diffused within a temperature range of from a room temperature to 300degC. It has a performance for measuring electromotive force caused by the difference of a partial pressure between a reference gas and a gas to be measured contained in the high temperature/radiation resistant material. A hydrogen peroxide sensor has the oxygen sensor described above, to which a filter for causing decomposition of hydrogen peroxide is attached. The sensor of the present invention can directly measure oxygen/hydrogen peroxide concentrations in a reactor water of a BWR type reactor under high temperature/radiation irradiation condition. Accordingly, accurate water quality environment in the reactor water can be recognized. As a result, determination of incore corrosion environment is established thereby enabling to attain reactor integrity, safety and long life. (I.S.)

  4. Solid-State Gas Sensors: Sensor System Challenges in the Civil Security Domain

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gerhard Müller


    Full Text Available The detection of military high explosives and illicit drugs presents problems of paramount importance in the fields of counter terrorism and criminal investigation. Effectively dealing with such threats requires hand-portable, mobile and affordable instruments. The paper shows that solid-state gas sensors can contribute to the development of such instruments provided the sensors are incorporated into integrated sensor systems, which acquire the target substances in the form of particle residue from suspect objects and which process the collected residue through a sequence of particle sampling, solid-vapor conversion, vapor detection and signal treatment steps. Considering sensor systems with metal oxide gas sensors at the backend, it is demonstrated that significant gains in sensitivity, selectivity and speed of response can be attained when the threat substances are sampled in particle as opposed to vapor form.

  5. Focus on image sensors

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jos Gunsing; Daniël Telgen; Johan van Althuis; Jaap van de Loosdrecht; Mark Stappers; Peter Klijn


    Robots need sensors to operate properly. Using a single image sensor, various aspects of a robot operating in its environment can be measured or monitored. Over the past few years, image sensors have improved a lot: frame rate and resolution have increased, while prices have fallen. As a result,

  6. Classifying Sensors Depending on their IDs to Reduce Power Consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ayman Mohammd Brisha


    Full Text Available Wireless sensor networks produce a large amount of data that needs to be processed, delivered, and assessed according to the application objectives. Cluster-based is an effective architecture for data-gathering in wireless sensor networks. Clustering provides an effective way for prolonging the lifetime of a wireless sensor network. Current clustering algorithms usually utilize two techniques, selecting cluster heads with more residual energy and rotating cluster heads periodically, in order to distribute the energy consumption among nodes in each cluster and extend the network lifetime. Clustering sensors are divided into groups, so that sensors will communicate information only to cluster heads and then the cluster heads will communicate the aggregated information to the processing center, and this may save energy. In this paper we show Two Relay Sensor Algorithm (TRSA, which divide wireless Sensor Network (WSN into unequaled clusters, showing that it can effectively save power for maximizing the life time of the network. Simulation results show that the proposed unequal clustering mechanism (TRSA balances the energy consumption among all sensor nodes and achieves an obvious improvement on the network lifetime.

  7. A comparison of oxygen saturation measurements obtained from a 'blue sensor' with a standard sensor. (United States)

    Mawson, Isabel E; Dawson, Jennifer A; Donath, Susan M; Davis, Peter G


    The study aims to investigate pulse oximetry measurements from a 'blue' pulse oximeter sensor against measurements from a 'standard' pulse oximeter sensor in newly born infants. Immediately after birth, both sensors were attached to the infant, one to each foot. SpO₂ measurements were recorded simultaneously from each sensor for 10 min. Agreement between pairs of SpO₂ measurements were calculated using Bland-Altman analysis. Thirty-one infants were studied. There was good correlation between simultaneous SpO₂ measurements from both sensors (r² = 0.75). However, the mean difference between 'blue' and 'standard' sensors was -1.6%, with wide 95% limits of agreement +18.4 to -21.6%. The range of mean difference between sensors from each infant ranged from -20 to +20. The mean difference between the blue and standard sensor SpO₂ measurements is not clinically important. © 2011 The Authors. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health © 2011 Paediatrics and Child Health Division (Royal Australasian College of Physicians).

  8. Los rincones como contextos significativos de aprendizaje


    Sánchez Molero, María Luisa


    En el presente trabajo se pretende hacer un estudio sobre los rincones de trabajo en el aula de Educación Infantil, describiéndolos como modelo de organización del espacio y como estrategia metodológica que aboga por un aprendizaje socioconstructivista. El estudio se completa con la descripción y el análisis de los rincones de un aula específica de un centro escolar, incorporando diversas propuestas de mejora fundamentadas en el previo estudio teórico

  9. Inglês como língua franca: desenvolvimentos recentes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Telma Gimenez

    Full Text Available Em face da atual posição do inglês como uma língua franca global, este artigo tem como principal objetivo discutir os desenvolvimentos recentes dessa área, tomando como base os trabalhos apresentados durante a 7th International Conference on English as a Lingua Franca, realizada em Atenas, Grécia, em setembro de 2014. As reflexões, aprofundadas nos tópicos i Teorizações sobre ILF; ii ILF e formação de professores; iii Desenvolvimentos futuros, trazem um olhar analítico sobre os temas discutidos no evento. Espera-se que as informações e reflexões aqui contempladas possam contribuir para o desenvolvimento de uma "curiosidade acadêmica" a respeito do paradigma ILF (inglês como língua franca e para o engajamento com suas questões e implicações.

  10. Performance analysis of routing strategies for wireless sensor networks

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raúl Aquino-Santos


    Full Text Available Este trabajo presenta el análisis de funcionamiento de estrategias de enrutamiento de fuente, de la trayectoria más corta, jerárquica y geográfica, las cuales son tres de las estrategias más comúnmente implementadas para redes ad hoc y de sensores. Enrutamiento de fuente se seleccionó debido a que no requiere un mantenimiento topológico costoso, mientras el enrutamiento de la trayectoria más corta fue elegido por su simplicidad en el descubrimiento de la ruta y la estrategia de enrutamiento jerárquica y geográfica fue seleccionada debido a que utiliza información de un sistema de posicionamiento global (GPS. Muchas aplicaciones actuales requieren el conocimiento preciso de la posición física, particularmente en las áreas de salud, militar, agricultura, robótica y monitoreo estructural y ambiental. Adicionalmente, la técnica de enrutamiento de trayectoria más corta fue seleccionada por que se emplea en algoritmos de redes de sensores inalámbricos centrados en datos, tales como: Difusión Directa, Enrutamiento por Rumor, Enrutamiento basado en Gradientes y el Estándar ZigBEE. El funcionamiento de estas tres estrategias de enrutamiento se evalúa a través de simulaciones y en términos de latencia, retardo punto a punto, tasa de entrega de paquetes, sobre procesamiento de enrutamiento, sobre procesamiento general y la carga de enrutamiento.

  11. Sensor Development for Active Flow Control (United States)

    Kahng, Seun K.; Gorton, Susan A.; Mau, Johnney C.; Soto, Hector L.; Hernandez, Corey D.


    Presented are the developmental efforts for MEMS sensors for a closed-loop active flow control in a low-speed wind tunnel evaluation. The MEMS sensors are designed in-house and fabricated out of house, and the shear sensors are a thermal type that are collocated with temperature and pressure sensors on a flexible polyimide sheet, which conforms to surfaces of a simple curvature. A total of 6 sensors are located within a 1.5 by 3 mm area as a cluster with each sensor being 300 pm square. The thickness of this sensor cluster is 75 pm. Outputs from the shear sensors have been compared with respect to those of the Preston tube for evaluation of the sensors on a flat plate. Pressure sensors are the absolute type and have recorded pressure measurements within 0.05 percent of the tunnel ESP pressure sensor readings. The sensors and signal conditioning electronics have been tested on both a flat plate and a ramp in Langley s 15-Inch Low-Turbulence Tunnel. The system configuration and control PC is configured with LabView, where calibration constants are stored for desired compensation and correction. The preliminary test results are presented within.

  12. Minimum Energy Decentralized Estimation in a Wireless Sensor Network with Correlated Sensor Noises

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Krasnopeev Alexey


    Full Text Available Consider the problem of estimating an unknown parameter by a sensor network with a fusion center (FC. Sensor observations are corrupted by additive noises with an arbitrary spatial correlation. Due to bandwidth and energy limitation, each sensor is only able to transmit a finite number of bits to the FC, while the latter must combine the received bits to estimate the unknown parameter. We require the decentralized estimator to have a mean-squared error ( that is within a constant factor to that of the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE. We minimize the total sensor transmitted energy by selecting sensor quantization levels using the knowledge of noise covariance matrix while meeting the target requirement. Computer simulations show that our designs can achieve energy savings up to when compared to the uniform quantization strategy whereby each sensor generates the same number of bits, irrespective of the quality of its observation and the condition of its channel to the FC.

  13. Minimum Energy Decentralized Estimation in a Wireless Sensor Network with Correlated Sensor Noises

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Krasnopeev Alexey


    Full Text Available Consider the problem of estimating an unknown parameter by a sensor network with a fusion center (FC. Sensor observations are corrupted by additive noises with an arbitrary spatial correlation. Due to bandwidth and energy limitation, each sensor is only able to transmit a finite number of bits to the FC, while the latter must combine the received bits to estimate the unknown parameter. We require the decentralized estimator to have a mean-squared error (MSE that is within a constant factor to that of the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE. We minimize the total sensor transmitted energy by selecting sensor quantization levels using the knowledge of noise covariance matrix while meeting the target MSE requirement. Computer simulations show that our designs can achieve energy savings up to 70 % when compared to the uniform quantization strategy whereby each sensor generates the same number of bits, irrespective of the quality of its observation and the condition of its channel to the FC.

  14. Tuberculosis como enfermedad ocupacional Tuberculosis as occupational disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alberto Mendoza-Ticona


    Full Text Available Existe evidencia suficiente para declarar a la tuberculosis como enfermedad ocupacional en diversos profesionales especialmente entre los trabajadores de salud. En el Perú están normados y reglamentados los derechos laborales inherentes a la tuberculosis como enfermedad ocupacional, como la cobertura por discapacidad temporal o permanente. Sin embargo, estos derechos aún no han sido suficientemente socializados. En este trabajo se presenta información sobre el riesgo de adquirir tuberculosis en el lugar de trabajo, se revisan las evidencias para declarar a la tuberculosis como enfermedad ocupacional en trabajadores de salud y se presenta la legislación peruana vigente al respecto.There is enough evidence to declare tuberculosis as an occupational disease among healthcare workers. In Peru, there are regulations granting employment rights regarding tuberculosis as an occupational disease, such as healthcare coverage for temporary or permanent disability. However, these rights have not been sufficiently socialized. This study presents information on the risk of acquiring tuberculosis in the workplace, and a review of the evidence to declare tuberculosis as an occupational disease among health care workers, presenting the current Peruvian law related.

  15. Communications for unattended sensor networks (United States)

    Nemeroff, Jay L.; Angelini, Paul; Orpilla, Mont; Garcia, Luis; DiPierro, Stefano


    The future model of the US Army's Future Combat Systems (FCS) and the Future Force reflects a combat force that utilizes lighter armor protection than the current standard. Survival on the future battlefield will be increased by the use of advanced situational awareness provided by unattended tactical and urban sensors that detect, identify, and track enemy targets and threats. Successful implementation of these critical sensor fields requires the development of advanced sensors, sensor and data-fusion processors, and a specialized communications network. To ensure warfighter and asset survivability, the communications must be capable of near real-time dissemination of the sensor data using robust, secure, stealthy, and jam resistant links so that the proper and decisive action can be taken. Communications will be provided to a wide-array of mission-specific sensors that are capable of processing data from acoustic, magnetic, seismic, and/or Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) sensors. Other, more powerful, sensor node configurations will be capable of fusing sensor data and intelligently collect and process data images from infrared or visual imaging cameras. The radio waveform and networking protocols being developed under the Soldier Level Integrated Communications Environment (SLICE) Soldier Radio Waveform (SRW) and the Networked Sensors for the Future Force Advanced Technology Demonstration are part of an effort to develop a common waveform family which will operate across multiple tactical domains including dismounted soldiers, ground sensor, munitions, missiles and robotics. These waveform technologies will ultimately be transitioned to the JTRS library, specifically the Cluster 5 requirement.

  16. Smart sensors and systems

    CERN Document Server

    Kyung, Chong-Min; Yasuura, Hiroto; Liu, Yongpan


     This book describes for readers technology used for effective sensing of our physical world and intelligent processing techniques for sensed information, which are essential to the success of Internet of Things (IoTs).  The authors provide a multidisciplinary view of sensor technology from MEMS, biological, chemical, and electrical domains and showcase smart sensor systems in real applications including smart home, transportation, medical, environmental, agricultural, etc.  Unlike earlier books on sensors, this book will provide a “global” view on smart sensors covering abstraction levels from device, circuit, systems, and algorithms.  .

  17. Miniaturized thermal flow sensor with planar-integrated sensor structures on semicircular surface channels

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dijkstra, Marcel; de Boer, Meint J.; Berenschot, Johan W.; Lammerink, Theodorus S.J.; Wiegerink, Remco J.; Elwenspoek, Michael Curt


    A calorimetric miniaturized flow sensor was realized with a linear sensor response measured for water flow up to flow rates in the order of 300 nl min-1. A versatile technological concept is used to realize a sensor with a thermally isolated freely suspended silicon-rich silicon-nitride microchannel

  18. Large area CMOS image sensors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Turchetta, R; Guerrini, N; Sedgwick, I


    CMOS image sensors, also known as CMOS Active Pixel Sensors (APS) or Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS), are today the dominant imaging devices. They are omnipresent in our daily life, as image sensors in cellular phones, web cams, digital cameras, ... In these applications, the pixels can be very small, in the micron range, and the sensors themselves tend to be limited in size. However, many scientific applications, like particle or X-ray detection, require large format, often with large pixels, as well as other specific performance, like low noise, radiation hardness or very fast readout. The sensors are also required to be sensitive to a broad spectrum of radiation: photons from the silicon cut-off in the IR down to UV and X- and gamma-rays through the visible spectrum as well as charged particles. This requirement calls for modifications to the substrate to be introduced to provide optimized sensitivity. This paper will review existing CMOS image sensors, whose size can be as large as a single CMOS wafer, and analyse the technical requirements and specific challenges of large format CMOS image sensors.

  19. Derivados de pirazol bivalentes como inhibidores de ingesta


    Rodríguez de Fonseca, Fernando; Jagerovic, Nadine; Fernández Fernández, Cristina; Bermúdez-Silva, Francisco Javier; Goya, Pilar


    Derivados de pirazol bivalentes como inhibidores de ingesta. Nuevos derivados alquílicos y cicloalquílicos disustituidos por pirazol-3-carboxamidas, así como su procedimiento de obtención. Estos compuestos presentan propiedades, entre otras, para la inducción de saciedad y control de la ingesta, modulación de la grasa corporal y regulación del metabolismo lipídico.

  20. Multi-Sensor Testing for Automated Rendezvous and Docking Sensor Testing at the Flight Robotics Laboratory (United States)

    Brewster, L.; Johnston, A.; Howard, R.; Mitchell, J.; Cryan, S.


    The Exploration Systems Architecture defines missions that require rendezvous, proximity operations, and docking (RPOD) of two spacecraft both in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and in Low Lunar Orbit (LLO). Uncrewed spacecraft must perform automated and/or autonomous rendezvous, proximity operations and docking operations (commonly known as AR&D). The crewed missions may also perform rendezvous and docking operations and may require different levels of automation and/or autonomy, and must provide the crew with relative navigation information for manual piloting. The capabilities of the RPOD sensors are critical to the success of the Exploration Program. NASA has the responsibility to determine whether the Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) contractor proposed relative navigation sensor suite will meet the requirements. The relatively low technology readiness level of AR&D relative navigation sensors has been carried as one of the CEV Project's top risks. The AR&D Sensor Technology Project seeks to reduce the risk by the testing and analysis of selected relative navigation sensor technologies through hardware-in-the-loop testing and simulation. These activities will provide the CEV Project information to assess the relative navigation sensors maturity as well as demonstrate test methods and capabilities. The first year of this project focused on a series of"pathfinder" testing tasks to develop the test plans, test facility requirements, trajectories, math model architecture, simulation platform, and processes that will be used to evaluate the Contractor-proposed sensors. Four candidate sensors were used in the first phase of the testing. The second phase of testing used four sensors simultaneously: two Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) Advanced Video Guidance Sensors (AVGS), a laser-based video sensor that uses retroreflectors attached to the target vehicle, and two commercial laser range finders. The multi-sensor testing was conducted at MSFC's Flight Robotics Laboratory (FRL

  1. Wearable sensors for health monitoring (United States)

    Suciu, George; Butca, Cristina; Ochian, Adelina; Halunga, Simona


    In this paper we describe several wearable sensors, designed for monitoring the health condition of the patients, based on an experimental model. Wearable sensors enable long-term continuous physiological monitoring, which is important for the treatment and management of many chronic illnesses, neurological disorders, and mental health issues. The system is based on a wearable sensors network, which is connected to a computer or smartphone. The wearable sensor network integrates several wearable sensors that can measure different parameters such as body temperature, heart rate and carbon monoxide quantity from the air. After the portable sensors measuring parameter values, they are transmitted by microprocessor through the Bluetooth to the application developed on computer or smartphone, to be interpreted.

  2. Advanced interfacing techniques for sensors measurement circuits and systems for intelligent sensors

    CERN Document Server

    Roy, Joyanta; Kumar, V; Mukhopadhyay, Subhas


    This book presents ways of interfacing sensors to the digital world, and discusses the marriage between sensor systems and the IoT: the opportunities and challenges. As sensor output is often affected by noise and interference, the book presents effective schemes for recovering the data from a signal that is buried in noise. It also explores interesting applications in the area of health care, un-obstructive monitoring and the electronic nose and tongue. It is a valuable resource for engineers and scientists in the area of sensors and interfacing wanting to update their knowledge of the latest developments in the field and learn more about sensing applications and challenges.

  3. A Tactile Sensor Network System Using a Multiple Sensor Platform with a Dedicated CMOS-LSI for Robot Applications. (United States)

    Shao, Chenzhong; Tanaka, Shuji; Nakayama, Takahiro; Hata, Yoshiyuki; Bartley, Travis; Nonomura, Yutaka; Muroyama, Masanori


    Robot tactile sensation can enhance human-robot communication in terms of safety, reliability and accuracy. The final goal of our project is to widely cover a robot body with a large number of tactile sensors, which has significant advantages such as accurate object recognition, high sensitivity and high redundancy. In this study, we developed a multi-sensor system with dedicated Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) Large-Scale Integration (LSI) circuit chips (referred to as "sensor platform LSI") as a framework of a serial bus-based tactile sensor network system. The sensor platform LSI supports three types of sensors: an on-chip temperature sensor, off-chip capacitive and resistive tactile sensors, and communicates with a relay node via a bus line. The multi-sensor system was first constructed on a printed circuit board to evaluate basic functions of the sensor platform LSI, such as capacitance-to-digital and resistance-to-digital conversion. Then, two kinds of external sensors, nine sensors in total, were connected to two sensor platform LSIs, and temperature, capacitive and resistive sensing data were acquired simultaneously. Moreover, we fabricated flexible printed circuit cables to demonstrate the multi-sensor system with 15 sensor platform LSIs operating simultaneously, which showed a more realistic implementation in robots. In conclusion, the multi-sensor system with up to 15 sensor platform LSIs on a bus line supporting temperature, capacitive and resistive sensing was successfully demonstrated.

  4. Optimization of Emissions Sensor Networks Incorporating Tradeoffs Between Different Sensor Technologies (United States)

    Nicholson, B.; Klise, K. A.; Laird, C. D.; Ravikumar, A. P.; Brandt, A. R.


    In order to comply with current and future methane emissions regulations, natural gas producers must develop emissions monitoring strategies for their facilities. In addition, regulators must develop air monitoring strategies over wide areas incorporating multiple facilities. However, in both of these cases, only a limited number of sensors can be deployed. With a wide variety of sensors to choose from in terms of cost, precision, accuracy, spatial coverage, location, orientation, and sampling frequency, it is difficult to design robust monitoring strategies for different scenarios while systematically considering the tradeoffs between different sensor technologies. In addition, the geography, weather, and other site specific conditions can have a large impact on the performance of a sensor network. In this work, we demonstrate methods for calculating optimal sensor networks. Our approach can incorporate tradeoffs between vastly different sensor technologies, optimize over typical wind conditions for a particular area, and consider different objectives such as time to detection or geographic coverage. We do this by pre-computing site specific scenarios and using them as input to a mixed-integer, stochastic programming problem that solves for a sensor network that maximizes the effectiveness of the detection program. Our methods and approach have been incorporated within an open source Python package called Chama with the goal of providing facility operators and regulators with tools for designing more effective and efficient monitoring systems. Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-mission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC., a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energys National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525.

  5. Radiation sensor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brown, W.L.; Geronime, R.L.


    Radiation sensor and thermocouple, respectively, which can be used for reactor in-core instrumentation. The radiation sensor consists of an inconel conductor wire and rhodium emitter wire, the thermocouple of two intertwined alumel or chromel wires. Both are arranged in the center of a metal tube relative to which they are separated by an insulator made of SiO 2 fibers. This insulator is first introduced as a loose fabric between the radiation sensor and the thermocouple, respectively, and the metal tube and then compacted to a density of 35-73% of pure SiO 2 by drawing the tube. There is no need for soldering or welding. The insulation resistivity at room temperature ist between 10 14 and 10 15 ohms. (ORU) [de

  6. Sensor employing internal reference electrode

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    The present invention concerns a novel internal reference electrode as well as a novel sensing electrode for an improved internal reference oxygen sensor and the sensor employing same.......The present invention concerns a novel internal reference electrode as well as a novel sensing electrode for an improved internal reference oxygen sensor and the sensor employing same....

  7. Bluetooth-based wireless sensor networks (United States)

    You, Ke; Liu, Rui Qiang


    In this work a Bluetooth-based wireless sensor network is proposed. In this bluetooth-based wireless sensor networks, information-driven star topology and energy-saved mode are used, through which a blue master node can control more than seven slave node, the energy of each sensor node is reduced and secure management of each sensor node is improved.

  8. La prosodia como identificador biométrico


    Farrús i Cabeceran, Mireia


    La biometría tiene como objetivo el reconocimiento de personas mediante uno o más identificadores biométricos como la voz, la cara o las huellas dactilares, entre otros. Gracias a la buena aceptación social y el poco intrusismo en los individuos, la voz ha sido, tradicionalmente, uno de los identificadores más utilizados en los sistemas biométricos. Estos sistemas de reconocimiento basados en la voz utilizan, habitualmente, características relacionadas con el espectro de la voz. No obstante, ...

  9. La ciudad como ecosistema urbano


    Higueras García, Esther


    LA CIUDAD COMO ECOSISTEMA URBANO .- La ecología y los ecosistemas .- El ecosistema urbano, definición, alcance y oportunidad .- El metabolismo urbano .- Los síntomas de la patología urbana .- Los objetivos del nuevo ecosistema urbano .- Las aportaciones de los ecobarrios

  10. Development of magnetic jxB sensor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kasai, Satoshi; Ishitsuka, Etsuo


    The improved mechanical sensor, i.e. magnetic jxB sensor (a mechanical sensor and a part of the steady state hybrid-type magnetic sensor) has been designed. The basic structure of the sensor is similar to the previously developed sensor (old sensor) in EDA phase. In this design, the neutron resistant materials are selected for the load cell (strain gauge and sensor beam) and sensing coil/frame. In order to reduce temperature drift of the sensor signal, four strain gauges with the same electrical property and geometrical size are bonded on the sensor beam by using Al 2 O 3 plasma spraying process, i.e., a couple of strain gauges is bonded on one side of the beam and another couple of gauges is bonded on the other side. These four strain gauges form an electrical bridge circuit. The zero-level drift of the output of the load cell used in the magnetic jxB sensor was reduced to about 1/20 compared with the old sensor. The temperature dependence of the output of the load cell is small. The linearity of the output of the load cell against weight was obtained. A non-linearity was observed in the sensitivity of the magnetic jxB sensor. The deviation of sensitivity from the fitting line was less than 7% in the high magnetic field region. The neutron irradiation effect on sensitivity of the sensor was investigated. The sensitivity of the sensor was gradually decreased by ∼30% at neutron fluence of (1.8-2.8)x10 23 n/m 2 in the high magnetic field. During irradiation, the non-linearity was observed in the sensitivity. (author)

  11. SERS sensors for DVD platform

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brøgger, Anna Line

    This Ph.D. thesis explores the engineering of a portable sensor system for detection of rare and small molecules. The Ph.D. project is part of the research project 'Multi-Sensor DVD platform' (MUSE), aiming to integrate different sensors on a rotating disc. The sensors are chosen to complement each...... other, creating more reliable and stable results for the end user. The rotating disc comprises microfluidic channels, which can be utilized for handling and manipulating liquid samples such as blood or water. The focus of this Ph.D. thesis, is on the integration of one specific sensor on a rotating disc....... The sensor is based upon surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), which detects molecular vibrations. The aim of this thesis is to cover the different aspects of the sensor system. SERS substrates, consisting of nanopillars with gold or silver caps on top, have been fabricated by standard micro and nano...

  12. Los portales educativos como fuente de recursos materiales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Felipe Gértrudix Barrio


    Full Text Available Los portales educativos por sus características como “distribuidores” de información y “almacenes” de recursos, constituyen para la escuela actual un soporte ideal y eficiente de información relacionado con el mundo educativo. Por otro lado, los portales temáticos educativos, como referente específico de una materia, suponen la plataforma ideal en el que los miembros de un colectivo (profesores, maestros, educadores y familias puedan establecer un punto de encuentro para participar, reflexionar, así como cooperar en la actividad docente incentivando nuevas formas de trabajo en el aula. En este sentido presentamos un ejemplo de portal temático educativo dedicado a la educación musical: MOS.

  13. Electric field sensor studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Griffith, R.D.; Parks, S.


    Above-ground intrusion sensors are reviewed briefly. Buried wire sensors are next considered; feasibility studies were conducted. A triangular system of an overhead transmitter wire exciting two buried sensor wires was developed and tested. It failed sometimes to detect a man making a broad jump. A differential receiver was developed to solve this problem

  14. Surface Embedded Metal Oxide Sensors (SEMOS)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jespersen, Jesper Lebæk; Talat Ali, Syed; Pleth Nielsen, Lars

    SEMOS is a joint project between Aalborg University, Danish Technological Institute and Danish Technical University in which micro temperature sensors and metal oxide-based gas sensors are developed and tested in a simulated fuel cell environment as well as in actual working fuel cells. Initially......, sensors for measuring the temperatures in an operating HT-PEM (High Temperature-Proton Exchange Membrane) fuel cell are developed for detecting in-plane temperature variations. 5 different tracks for embedded thermal sensors are investigated. The fuel cell MEA (Membrane Electrode Assembly) is quite...... complex and sensors are not easily implemented in the construction. Hence sensor interface and sensor position must therefore be chosen carefully in order to make the sensors as non-intrusive as possible. Metal Oxide Sensors (MOX) for measuring H2, O2 and CO concentration in a fuel cell environment...

  15. Flexible magnetoimpedance sensor

    KAUST Repository

    Li, Bodong; Kavaldzhiev, Mincho; Kosel, Jü rgen


    Flexible magnetoimpedance (MI) sensors fabricated using a NiFe/Cu/NiFe tri-layer on Kapton substrate have been studied. A customized flexible microstrip transmission line was employed to investigate the MI sensors's magnetic field and frequency

  16. Impact of the error sensing probability in wide coverage areas of clustered-based wireless sensor networks

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    Edgar Romo-Montiel


    Full Text Available Las redes inalámbricas de sensores están compuestas por un gran número de nodos autónomos que vigilan algún parámetro del ambiente de interés, como puede ser la temperatura, la humedad o incluso objetivos móviles. Este trabajo se enfoca en la detección de móviles en áreas amplias como puede ser la vigilancia de animales en un bosque o la detección de vehículos en misiones de seguridad. Específicamente, se propone, analiza y estudia un protocolo de agrupación de bajo consumo de energía. Para ello, se presentan dos esquemas de comunicaciones basados en el bien conocido protocolo LEACH. El desempeño del sistema se estudia por medio de un modelo matemático que describe el comportamiento de la red bajo los parámetros más relevantes, como son: radio de cobertura, radio de transmisión y número de nodos en la red. Adicionalmente, se estudia la probabilidad de transmisión en la fase de formación de grupos bajo consideraciones realistas de un canal inalámbrico, en donde la detección de la señal tiene errores debido a la interferencia y ruido en el canal de acceso

  17. A Ubiquitous Sensor Network Platform for Integrating Smart Devices into the Semantic Sensor Web (United States)

    de Vera, David Díaz Pardo; Izquierdo, Álvaro Sigüenza; Vercher, Jesús Bernat; Gómez, Luis Alfonso Hernández


    Ongoing Sensor Web developments make a growing amount of heterogeneous sensor data available to smart devices. This is generating an increasing demand for homogeneous mechanisms to access, publish and share real-world information. This paper discusses, first, an architectural solution based on Next Generation Networks: a pilot Telco Ubiquitous Sensor Network (USN) Platform that embeds several OGC® Sensor Web services. This platform has already been deployed in large scale projects. Second, the USN-Platform is extended to explore a first approach to Semantic Sensor Web principles and technologies, so that smart devices can access Sensor Web data, allowing them also to share richer (semantically interpreted) information. An experimental scenario is presented: a smart car that consumes and produces real-world information which is integrated into the Semantic Sensor Web through a Telco USN-Platform. Performance tests revealed that observation publishing times with our experimental system were well within limits compatible with the adequate operation of smart safety assistance systems in vehicles. On the other hand, response times for complex queries on large repositories may be inappropriate for rapid reaction needs. PMID:24945678

  18. Micro-fabricated all optical pressure sensors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Havreland, Andreas Spandet; Petersen, Søren Dahl; Østergaard, Christian


    Optical pressure sensors can operate in certain harsh application areas where the electrical pressure sensors cannot. However, the sensitivity is often not as good for the optical sensors. This work presents an all optical pressure sensor, which is fabricated by micro fabrication techniques, where...... the sensitivity can be tuned in the fabrication process. The developed sensor design, simplifies the fabrication process leading to a lower fabrication cost, which can make the all optical pressure sensors more competitive towards their electrical counterpart. The sensor has shown promising results and a linear...... pressure response has been measured with a sensitivity of 0.6nm/bar....

  19. Particulate matter sensor with a heater (United States)

    Hall, Matthew [Austin, TX


    An apparatus to detect particulate matter. The apparatus includes a sensor electrode, a shroud, and a heater. The electrode measures a chemical composition within an exhaust stream. The shroud surrounds at least a portion of the sensor electrode, exclusive of a distal end of the sensor electrode exposed to the exhaust stream. The shroud defines an air gap between the sensor electrode and the shroud and an opening toward the distal end of the sensor electrode. The heater is mounted relative to the sensor electrode. The heater burns off particulate matter in the air gap between the sensor electrode and the shroud.

  20. Magnetic Nanocomposite Cilia Tactile Sensor

    KAUST Repository

    Alfadhel, Ahmed


    A multifunctional biomimetic nanocomposite tactile sensor is developed that can detect shear and vertical forces, feel texture, and measure flow with extremely low power consumption. The sensor\\'s high performance is maintained within a wide operating range that can be easily adjusted. The concept works on rigid and flexible substrates and the sensors can be used in air or water without any modifications.

  1. La mundialización del Darwinismo como proceso y como texto

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Olga Matilde Restrepo Forero


    Full Text Available El fenómeno de la difusión del Darwinismo ha sido ampliamente estudiado. No solo existe una “Industria de Darwin” que se ha ocupado de investigar cómo se produjo la obra de Darwin, sino que también existe una “Industria de la Difusión del Darwinismo”, que investiga los procesos de recepción del Darwinismo en diversas partes del mundo. En el artículo se cuestiona la separación entre los estudios que examinan la producción del Origen de las especies y los que estudian su posterior difusión, considerados como procesos completamente independientes. Con base en unos pocos ejemplos, se muestra cómo Darwin fue produciendo y modificando su obra a partir de las contribuciones que fue recogiendo en diferentes partes del mundo y a partir de las respuestas que fue recibiendo a medida que su obra era comentada y discutida. Fianlmente se examina cómo al estudiar la mundialización del darwinismo surge el problema de cómo definir el fenómeno bajo estudio, si con una perspectiva normativa, que imponga un orden en la proliferación de sentidos que surge como consecuencia de la expansión, o con una perspectiva no-esencialista que más bien sitúe al darwinismo en relación con sus diferentes usos y apropiaciones locales.

  2. Optically Defined Modal Sensors Incorporating Spiropyran-Doped Liquid Crystals with Piezoelectric Sensors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hui-Lung Kuo


    Full Text Available We integrated a piezoelectric sensing layer lamina containing liquid crystals (LC and spiropyran (SP in a LC/SP mixture to create an optically reconfigurable modal sensor for a cantilever beam. The impedance of this LC/SP lamina was decreased by UV irradiation which constituted the underlying mechanism to modulate the voltage externally applied to the piezoelectric actuating layer. Illuminating a specific pattern onto the LC/SP lamina provided us with a way to spatially modulate the piezoelectric vibration signal. We showed that if an UV illuminated pattern matches the strain distribution of a specific mode, a piezoelectric modal sensor can be created. Since UV illumination can be changed in situ in real-time, our results confirm for the first time since the inception of smart sensors, that an optically tailored modal sensor can be created. Some potential applications of this type of sensor include energy harvesting devices, bio-chips, vibration sensing and actuating devices.

  3. Optimal sensor configuration for complex systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sadegh, Payman; Spall, J. C.


    configuration is based on maximizing the overall sensor response while minimizing the correlation among the sensor outputs. The procedure for sensor configuration is based on simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA). SPSA avoids the need for detailed modeling of the sensor response by simply......Considers the problem of sensor configuration for complex systems. Our approach involves definition of an appropriate optimality criterion or performance measure, and description of an efficient and practical algorithm for achieving the optimality objective. The criterion for optimal sensor...... relying on observed responses as obtained by limited experimentation with test sensor configurations. We illustrate the approach with the optimal placement of acoustic sensors for signal detection in structures. This includes both a computer simulation study for an aluminum plate, and real...

  4. Sensors in Education


    Van Rosmalen, Peter; Schneider, Jan; Börner, Dirk


    Sensors rapidly become available both for personal as well as scientific use. A wide range of applications exists for personal use e.g. safety in and around the house, sport, fitness and health. In this workshop we will explore how sensors are (can be) used in education. We start with an introduction on sensors and their use, discuss the FP7 project METALOGUE (, a Multi-perspective Multi-modal Dialogue system, and close with a hands-on and a discussion of the design of the Pr...

  5. Palladium Nanoparticle Hydrogen Sensor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I. Pavlovsky


    Full Text Available An innovative hydrogen sensor based on palladium (Pd nanoparticle networks is described in the article. Made by Applied Nanotech Inc. sensor has a fast response time, in the range of seconds, which is increased at 80 °C due to higher hydrogen diffusion rates into the palladium lattice. The low detection limit of the sensor is 10 ppm of H2, and the high limit is 40,000 ppm. This is 100% of a lowest flammability level of hydrogen. This range of sensitivities complies with the requirements that one would expect for a reliable hydrogen sensor.

  6. Microfabricated Formaldehyde Gas Sensors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karen C. Cheung


    Full Text Available Formaldehyde is a volatile organic compound that is widely used in textiles, paper, wood composites, and household materials. Formaldehyde will continuously outgas from manufactured wood products such as furniture, with adverse health effects resulting from prolonged low-level exposure. New, microfabricated sensors for formaldehyde have been developed to meet the need for portable, low-power gas detection. This paper reviews recent work including silicon microhotplates for metal oxide-based detection, enzyme-based electrochemical sensors, and nanowire-based sensors. This paper also investigates the promise of polymer-based sensors for low-temperature, low-power operation.

  7. Supporting Learning with Wireless Sensor Data

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    Arttu Perttula


    Full Text Available In this article, learning is studied in in situ applications that involve sensors. The main questions are how to conceptualize experiential learning involving sensors and what kinds of learning applications using sensors already exist or could be designed. It is claimed that experiential learning, context information and sensor data supports twenty first century learning. The concepts of context, technology-mediated experiences, shared felt experiences and experiential learning theory will be used to describe a framework for sensor-based mobile learning environments. Several scenarios and case examples using sensors and sensor data will be presented, and they will be analyzed using the framework. Finally, the article contributes to the discussion concerning the role of technology-mediated learning experiences and collective sensor data in developing twenty first century learning by characterizing what kinds of skills and competences are supported in learning situations that involve sensors.

  8. Energy scavenging sensors for ultra-low power sensor networks (United States)

    O'Brien, Dominic C.; Liu, Jing Jing; Faulkner, Grahame E.; Vachiramon, Pithawat; Collins, Steve; Elston, Steven J.


    The 'internet of things' will require very low power wireless communications, preferably using sensors that scavenge power from their environment. Free space optics allows communications over long ranges, with simple transceivers at each end, offering the possibility of low energy consumption. In addition there can be sufficient energy in the communications beam to power simple terminals. In this paper we report experimental results from an architecture that achieves this. A base station that tracks sensors in its coverage area and communicates with them using low divergence optical beams is presented. Sensor nodes use modulated retro-reflectors to communicate with the base station, and the nodes are powered by the illuminating beam. The paper presents design and implementation details, as well as future directions for this work.

  9. Multi-Sensor Testing for Automated Rendezvous and Docking Sensor Testing at the Flight Robotics Lab (United States)

    Brewster, Linda L.; Howard, Richard T.; Johnston, A. S.; Carrington, Connie; Mitchell, Jennifer D.; Cryan, Scott P.


    The Exploration Systems Architecture defines missions that require rendezvous, proximity operations, and docking (RPOD) of two spacecraft both in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and in Low Lunar Orbit (LLO). Uncrewed spacecraft must perform automated and/or autonomous rendezvous, proximity operations and docking operations (commonly known as AR&D). The crewed missions may also perform rendezvous and docking operations and may require different levels of automation and/or autonomy, and must provide the crew with relative navigation information for manual piloting. The capabilities of the RPOD sensors are critical to the success ofthe Exploration Program. NASA has the responsibility to determine whether the Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) contractor-proposed relative navigation sensor suite will meet the requirements. The relatively low technology readiness level of AR&D relative navigation sensors has been carried as one of the CEV Project's top risks. The AR&D Sensor Technology Project seeks to reduce the risk by the testing and analysis of selected relative navigation sensor technologies through hardware-in-the-Ioop testing and simulation. These activities will provide the CEV Project information to assess the relative navigation sensors maturity as well as demonstrate test methods and capabilities. The first year of this project focused on a series of "pathfinder" testing tasks to develop the test plans, test facility requirements, trajectories, math model architecture, simulation platform, and processes that will be used to evaluate the Contractor-proposed sensors. Four candidate sensors were used in the first phase of the testing. The second phase of testing used four sensors simultaneously: two Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) Advanced Video Guidance Sensors (AVGS), a laser-based video sensor that uses retroreflectors attached to the target vehicle, and two commercial laser range finders. The multi-sensor testing was conducted at MSFC's Flight Robotics Laboratory (FRL

  10. Fiber optic gas sensor (United States)

    Chen, Peng (Inventor); Buric, Michael P. (Inventor); Swinehart, Philip R. (Inventor); Maklad, Mokhtar S. (Inventor)


    A gas sensor includes an in-fiber resonant wavelength device provided in a fiber core at a first location. The fiber propagates a sensing light and a power light. A layer of a material is attached to the fiber at the first location. The material is able to absorb the gas at a temperature dependent gas absorption rate. The power light is used to heat the material and increases the gas absorption rate, thereby increasing sensor performance, especially at low temperatures. Further, a method is described of flash heating the gas sensor to absorb more of the gas, allowing the sensor to cool, thereby locking in the gas content of the sensor material, and taking the difference between the starting and ending resonant wavelengths as an indication of the concentration of the gas in the ambient atmosphere.

  11. Sensors, Volume 1, Fundamentals and General Aspects (United States)

    Grandke, Thomas; Ko, Wen H.


    'Sensors' is the first self-contained series to deal with the whole area of sensors. It describes general aspects, technical and physical fundamentals, construction, function, applications and developments of the various types of sensors. This volume deals with the fundamentals and common principles of sensors and covers the wide areas of principles, technologies, signal processing, and applications. Contents include: Sensor Fundamentals, e.g. Sensor Parameters, Modeling, Design and Packaging; Basic Sensor Technologies, e.g. Thin and Thick Films, Integrated Magnetic Sensors, Optical Fibres and Intergrated Optics, Ceramics and Oxides; Sensor Interfaces, e.g. Signal Processing, Multisensor Signal Processing, Smart Sensors, Interface Systems; Sensor Applications, e.g. Automotive: On-board Sensors, Traffic Surveillance and Control, Home Appliances, Environmental Monitoring, etc. This volume is an indispensable reference work and text book for both specialits and newcomers, researchers and developers.

  12. Método para Medir Indirectamente la Velocidad de Fase en Sensores Surface Acoustic Wave

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonardo Andrés Pérez


    Full Text Available El sensor de temperatura Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW ofrece amplias posibilidades para ser utilizado en ambientes hostiles. En teoría, las mediciones del SAW se pueden leer inalámbricamente sin integrar circuitos electrónicos en su estructura, permitiendo funcionalidades en mediciones a muy altas temperaturas. La literatura reporta que las variaciones de temperatura del SAW ocasionan corrimientos en su frecuencia de sincronismo, efecto que se atribuye a la sensibilidad térmica de la velocidad de fase del substrato piezoeléctrico. Caracterizar  apropiadamente el SAW requiere una buena medición de la velocidad de fase. No obstante, medir esta velocidad con respecto a la temperatura no es posible con la instrumentación actual. Este artículo reporta un método indirecto para medir estas variaciones de velocidad a través de  simulaciones basadas en el Modelo de Mason y mediciones de la respuesta en frecuencia de un prototipo SAW. Identificar la velocidad de fase del SAW conlleva a graficar, con aceptable precisión, la curva de funcionamiento del sensor, la cual puede utilizarse posteriormente como curva de calibración.

  13. A Radiosonde Using a Humidity Sensor Array with a Platinum Resistance Heater and Multi-Sensor Data Fusion (United States)

    Shi, Yunbo; Luo, Yi; Zhao, Wenjie; Shang, Chunxue; Wang, Yadong; Chen, Yinsheng


    This paper describes the design and implementation of a radiosonde which can measure the meteorological temperature, humidity, pressure, and other atmospheric data. The system is composed of a CPU, microwave module, temperature sensor, pressure sensor and humidity sensor array. In order to effectively solve the humidity sensor condensation problem due to the low temperatures in the high altitude environment, a capacitive humidity sensor including four humidity sensors to collect meteorological humidity and a platinum resistance heater was developed using micro-electro-mechanical-system (MEMS) technology. A platinum resistance wire with 99.999% purity and 0.023 mm in diameter was used to obtain the meteorological temperature. A multi-sensor data fusion technique was applied to process the atmospheric data. Static and dynamic experimental results show that the designed humidity sensor with platinum resistance heater can effectively tackle the sensor condensation problem, shorten response times and enhance sensitivity. The humidity sensor array can improve measurement accuracy and obtain a reliable initial meteorological humidity data, while the multi-sensor data fusion technique eliminates the uncertainty in the measurement. The radiosonde can accurately reflect the meteorological changes. PMID:23857263

  14. Fixture For Mounting A Pressure Sensor (United States)

    Cagle, Christopher M.


    Fixture for mounting pressure sensor in aerodynamic model simplifies task of removal and replacement of sensor in event sensor becomes damaged. Makes it unnecessary to dismantle model. Also minimizes any change in aerodynamic characteristics of model in event of replacement. Removable pressure sensor installed in fixture in wall of model. Wires from sensor pass through channel under surface.

  15. Scheduling policies of intelligent sensors and sensor/actuators in flexible structures (United States)

    Demetriou, Michael A.; Potami, Raffaele


    In this note, we revisit the problem of actuator/sensor placement in large civil infrastructures and flexible space structures within the context of spatial robustness. The positioning of these devices becomes more important in systems employing wireless sensor and actuator networks (WSAN) for improved control performance and for rapid failure detection. The ability of the sensing and actuating devices to possess the property of spatial robustness results in reduced control energy and therefore the spatial distribution of disturbances is integrated into the location optimization measures. In our studies, the structure under consideration is a flexible plate clamped at all sides. First, we consider the case of sensor placement and the optimization scheme attempts to produce those locations that minimize the effects of the spatial distribution of disturbances on the state estimation error; thus the sensor locations produce state estimators with minimized disturbance-to-error transfer function norms. A two-stage optimization procedure is employed whereby one first considers the open loop system and the spatial distribution of disturbances is found that produces the maximal effects on the entire open loop state. Once this "worst" spatial distribution of disturbances is found, the optimization scheme subsequently finds the locations that produce state estimators with minimum transfer function norms. In the second part, we consider the collocated actuator/sensor pairs and the optimization scheme produces those locations that result in compensators with the smallest norms of the disturbance-to-state transfer functions. Going a step further, an intelligent control scheme is presented which, at each time interval, activates a subset of the actuator/sensor pairs in order provide robustness against spatiotemporally moving disturbances and minimize power consumption by keeping some sensor/actuators in sleep mode.

  16. PostGIS-Based Heterogeneous Sensor Database Framework for the Sensor Observation Service

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    Ikechukwu Maduako


    Full Text Available Environmental monitoring and management systems in most cases deal with models and spatial analytics that involve the integration of in-situ and remote sensor observations. In-situ sensor observations and those gathered by remote sensors are usually provided by different databases and services in real-time dynamic services such as the Geo-Web Services. Thus, data have to be pulled from different databases and transferred over the network before they are fused and processed on the service middleware. This process is very massive and unnecessary communication and work load on the service. Massive work load in large raster downloads from flat-file raster data sources each time a request is made and huge integration and geo-processing work load on the service middleware which could actually be better leveraged at the database level. In this paper, we propose and present a heterogeneous sensor database framework or model for integration, geo-processing and spatial analysis of remote and in-situ sensor observations at the database level.  And how this can be integrated in the Sensor Observation Service, SOS to reduce communication and massive workload on the Geospatial Web Services and as well make query request from the user end a lot more flexible.

  17. Multiparametric methane sensor for environmental monitoring (United States)

    Borecki, M.; Duk, M.; Kociubiński, A.; Korwin-Pawlowski, M. L.


    Today, methane sensors find applications mostly in safety alarm installations, gas parameters detection and air pollution classification. Such sensors and sensors elements exists for industry and home use. Under development area of methane sensors application is dedicated to ground gases monitoring. Proper monitoring of soil gases requires reliable and maintenance-free semi-constant and longtime examination at relatively low cost of equipment. The sensors for soil monitoring have to work on soil probe. Therefore, sensor is exposed to environment conditions, as a wide range of temperatures and a full scale of humidity changes, as well as rain, snow and wind, that are not specified for classical methane sensors. Development of such sensor is presented in this paper. The presented sensor construction consists of five commercial non dispersive infra-red (NDIR) methane sensing units, a set of temperature and humidity sensing units, a gas chamber equipped with a micro-fan, automated gas valves and also a microcontroller that controls the measuring procedure. The electronics part of sensor was installed into customized 3D printed housing equipped with self-developed gas valves. The main development of proposed sensor is on the side of experimental evaluation of construction reliability and results of data processing included safety procedures and function for hardware error correction. Redundant methane sensor units are used providing measurement error correction as well as improved measurement accuracy. The humidity and temperature sensors are used for internal compensation of methane measurements as well as for cutting-off the sensor from the environment when the conditions exceed allowable parameters. Results obtained during environment sensing prove that the gas concentration readings are not sensitive to gas chamber vertical or horizontal position. It is important as vertical sensor installation on soil probe is simpler that horizontal one. Data acquired during six


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    Full Text Available Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs applications are increasing rapidly, thanks to their broad potential in ecological monitoring, biomedical health monitoring, data gathering and many others. Imbalance energy of sensors causes significant reduction in the lifetime of the network. In many-to-one communication (corona WSNs, sensor nodes located nearby the data collector (sink forward data sensed data received from other nodes, hence, having heavier workloads. These nodes consume more energy than the others, leading to quicker energy depletion.Consequently, this results in energy hole problem, where the network becomes separate islands, which affect the lifetime of the network negatively. When this situation occurs, the sensed data will not be forwarded to the intended sink; accordingly, the network will not be able to completely fulfil its required tasks. In this paper, an effective sensors placement strategy is proposed to avoid or alleviate energy hole problem in such type of WSNs. The proposed strategy aims to improve, scale, and balance the energy consumption among sensor nodes and to maximize the network lifetime, by sustaining the network coverage and connectivity. To achieve this aim, the number of sensors should be optimized to create sub-balanced coronas in the sense of energy consumption, while satisfying the network coverage and connectivity requirements. The theoretical design and modelling of the proposed sensors placement strategy promise a considerable improvement in the lifetime of corona-based networks. The Experimental evaluation results have shown that the proposed sensors placement strategy is capable to increase the network lifetime considerably compared to conventional uniform strategy.

  19. Fibre Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors as flatness and mechanical stretching sensors

    CERN Document Server

    Benussi, Luigi


    Fibre Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors have been so far mainly used in high energy physics as high precision positioning and re-positioning sensor and as low cost, easy to mount and low space consuming temperature sensors. FBGs are also commonly used for very precise strain measurements. In this work we present a novel use of FBGs as flatness and mechanical tensioning sensors applied to the wide GEM foils of the GE1/1 chambers of the CMS experiment at LHC. The GE1/1 CMS upgrade consists of 144 GEM chambers of about 0.5 $m^{2}$ active area each and based on the triple GEMs technology, to be installed in the very forward region of the CMS endcap. The large active are of each GE1/1 chamber consists of a single GEM foil (the GE1/1 chambers represent the largest GEM foils assembled and operated so far) to be mechanically stretched in order to secure its flatness and the consequent uniform performance of the GE1/1 chamber across its whole active surface. A network of FBG sensors have been used to determine the optimal m...

  20. Optimal sensor configuration for complex systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sadegh, Payman; Spall, J. C.


    . The procedure for sensor configuration is based on the simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA) algorithm. SPSA avoids the need for detailed modeling of the sensor response by simply relying on the observed responses obtained by limited experimentation with test sensor configurations. We......The paper considers the problem of sensor configuration for complex systems with the aim of maximizing the useful information about certain quantities of interest. Our approach involves: 1) definition of an appropriate optimality criterion or performance measure; and 2) description of an efficient...... and practical algorithm for achieving the optimality objective. The criterion for optimal sensor configuration is based on maximizing the overall sensor response while minimizing the correlation among the sensor outputs, so as to minimize the redundant information being provided by the multiple sensors...

  1. Sensor Fish: an autonomous sensor package for characterizing complex flow fields and fish passage

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Deng, Zhiqun; Martinez, Jayson J.; Lu, Jun


    Fish passing through dams or other hydraulic structures may be injured or killed despite advances in turbine design, project operations, and other fish bypass systems. The Sensor Fish (SF) device is an autonomous sensor package that characterizes the physical conditions and stressors to which fish are exposed during passage through hydro facilities. It was designed to move passively as a neutrally buoyant object through severe hydraulic environments, while collecting high-resolution sensor data. Since its first generation1, the SF device has been successfully deployed in many fish passage studies and has evolved to be a major tool for characterizing fish passage conditions during fish passage in the Columbia River Basin. To better accelerate hydropower development, the U.S. Department of Energy Water Power Program provided funding to develop a new generation (Gen 2 SF) to incorporate more capabilities and accommodate a wider range of users over a broader range of turbine designs and operating environments. The Gen 2 SF (Figure 1) is approximately the size and density of a yearling salmon smolt and is nearly neutrally buoyant. It contains three-dimensional (3D) rotation sensors, 3D linear acceleration sensors, a pressure sensor, a temperature sensor, a 3D orientation sensor, a radiofrequency (RF) transmitter, and a recovery module2. A low-power microcontroller collects data from the sensors and stores up to 5 min of data on internal flash memory at a sampling frequency of 2048 Hz. The recovery module makes the SF positively buoyant after a pre-programmed period of time, causing it to float to the surface for recovery.

  2. A verdade como um problema epistemológico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Geilson Fernandes de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O presente ensaio é fruto das discussões realizadas durante a disciplina de mestrado Epistemologia das Ciências Sociais e Humanas. Aqui, objetivamos discutir sobre a verdade como um problema epistemológico. Assim, a partir do conceitual teórico utilizado durante a disciplina, entre os quais destacamos Michel Foucault, Norbert Elias, Friedrich Nietzsche e Pierre Bourdieu, tecemos considerações sobre as concepções de verdade no pensamento social contemporâneo, bem como no que diz respeito as rupturas que favoreceram a emergência de seu estado corrente – concepção da verdade como produção social e histórica. Consonante a esta discussão, realizamos ainda uma breve discussão sobre as relações de poder e saber que favorecem a constituição da verdade.

  3. OGC® Sensor Web Enablement Standards

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    George Percivall


    Full Text Available This article provides a high-level overview of and architecture for the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC standards activities that focus on sensors, sensor networks, and a concept called the “Sensor Web”. This OGC work area is known as Sensor Web Enablement (SWE. This article has been condensed from "OGC® Sensor Web Enablement: Overview And High Level Architecture," an OGC White Paper by Mike Botts, PhD, George Percivall, Carl Reed, PhD, and John Davidson which can be downloaded from Readers interested in greater technical and architecture detail can download and read the OGC SWE Architecture Discussion Paper titled “The OGC Sensor Web Enablement Architecture” (OGC document 06-021r1,

  4. A Piezoelectric Shear Stress Sensor (United States)

    Kim, Taeyang; Saini, Aditya; Kim, Jinwook; Gopalarathnam, Ashok; Zhu, Yong; Palmieri, Frank L.; Wohl, Christopher J.; Jiang, Xiaoning


    In this paper, a piezoelectric sensor with a floating element was developed for shear stress measurement. The piezoelectric sensor was designed to detect the pure shear stress suppressing effects of normal stress generated from the vortex lift-up by applying opposite poling vectors to the: piezoelectric elements. The sensor was first calibrated in the lab by applying shear forces and it showed high sensitivity to shear stress (=91.3 +/- 2.1 pC/Pa) due to the high piezoelectric coefficients of PMN-33%PT (d31=-1330 pC/N). The sensor also showed almost no sensitivity to normal stress (less than 1.2 pC/Pa) because of the electromechanical symmetry of the device. The usable frequency range of the sensor is 0-800 Hz. Keywords: Piezoelectric sensor, shear stress, floating element, electromechanical symmetry

  5. Development of air fuel ratio sensor; A/F sensor no kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sakawa, T; Hori, M [Denso Corp., Aichi (Japan); Nakamura, Y [Toyota Motor Corp., Aichi (Japan)


    The Air Fuel Ratio Sensor (A/F sensor), which is applied to a 1997 model year Low Emission Vehicle (LEV) was developed. This sensor enables the detection of the exhaust gas air fuel ratio, both lean and rich of stoichiometric. It has an effective air fuel ratio range from 12 to 18 as required for LEV regulation. It has the fast light off, - within 20 seconds - to minimize exhaust hydrocarbon content. Further, it has fast response time, less than 200 msec, to improve the air fuel ratio controllability. 3 refs., 7 figs.

  6. A-Posteriori Detection of Sensor Infrastructure Errors in Correlated Sensor Data and Business Workflows

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wombacher, Andreas; Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie; Toumani, Farouk; Wolf, Karsten

    Some physical objects are influenced by business workflows and are observed by sensors. Since both sensor infrastructures and business workflows must deal with imprecise information, the correlation of sensor data and business workflow data related to physical objects might be used a-posteriori to

  7. Sensors on speaking terms: Schedule-based medium access control protocols for wireless sensor networks

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Hoesel, L.F.W.


    Wireless sensor networks make the previously unobservable, observable. The basic idea behind these networks is straightforward: all wires are cut in traditional sensing systems and the sensors are equipped with batteries and radio's to virtually restore the cut wires. The resulting sensors can be

  8. Sensor technology foresight

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Per Dannemand; Jørgensen, Birte Holst; Rasmussen, Birgitte


    heavily impacted by new sensor technology. It also appears that new sensor technology will affect food processing and the environment sector. Some impact is made on sectors such as agriculture, chemical engineering, domestic and otherappliances, security and defence, transport, and energy. Less impact...

  9. Multifunctional optical sensor

    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    The invention relates to a multifunctional optical sensor, having at least 2 areas which independently react to different input parameters, the sensor comprising a substrate and a polymeric layer comprising polymerized liquid crystal monomers having an ordered morphology, wherein the color, the

  10. Reconfigurable intelligent sensors for health monitoring: a case study of pulse oximeter sensor. (United States)

    Jovanov, E; Milenkovic, A; Basham, S; Clark, D; Kelley, D


    Design of low-cost, miniature, lightweight, ultra low-power, intelligent sensors capable of customization and seamless integration into a body area network for health monitoring applications presents one of the most challenging tasks for system designers. To answer this challenge we propose a reconfigurable intelligent sensor platform featuring a low-power microcontroller, a low-power programmable logic device, a communication interface, and a signal conditioning circuit. The proposed solution promises a cost-effective, flexible platform that allows easy customization, run-time reconfiguration, and energy-efficient computation and communication. The development of a common platform for multiple physical sensors and a repository of both software procedures and soft intellectual property cores for hardware acceleration will increase reuse and alleviate costs of transition to a new generation of sensors. As a case study, we present an implementation of a reconfigurable pulse oximeter sensor.

  11. Sistema de detección de fugas en tiempo real en presas de materiales sueltos mediante sensores distribuidos en fibra óptica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    O. Muñoz


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo pretende analizar el uso de fibra óptica como sensor de temperatura distribuido para la detección de posibles fugas en presas de materiales sueltos. El uso de esta técnica permite complementar los sistemas de auscultación  normalmente utilizados mejorando la monitorización de las zonas críticas de la infraestructura. Este tipo de sistema de monitorización en tiempo real ha sido implementado en dos casos reales, (presa de Soto-Terroba y recrecimiento de la presa de Yesa. Finalmente este trabajo quiere proporcionar una visión práctica sobre esta nueva técnica implementada y en particular sobre los criterios de selección de materiales y las precauciones necesarias a la hora del despliegue del elemento sensor.

  12. Metaversos y educación: Second Life como plataforma educativa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Israel V. Márquez


    Full Text Available Presentamos en este artículo algunas de las particularidades de los metaversos como nuevos espacios formativos. Tomando como ejemplo el caso de Second Life y a partir de la propia experiencia del autor en este metaverso, se exploran las posibilidades formativas de estas nuevas plataformas audiovisuales 3D así como algunas de sus ventajas y desventajas como plataforma educativa. El estudio de las dinámicas complejas entre avatares y entre el usuario y el propio metaverso nos abren nuevas vías de investigación para el estudio de la educación en el siglo XXI que deben ser exploradas y examinadas por la comunidad educativa y académica por su importancia actual y sus posibles alternativas futuras.   

  13. An Introduction to LANL Mixed Potential Sensors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mukundan, Rangachary [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Brosha, Eric Lanich [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Kreller, Cortney [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    These are slides for a webinar given on the topics of an introduction to LANL mixed potential sensors. Topics include the history of LANL electrochemical sensor work, an introduction to mixed potential sensors, LANL uniqueness, and an application of LANL mixed potential sensors. The summary is as follows: Improved understanding of the mixed-potential sensor mechanism (factors controlling the sensor response identified), sensor design optimized to maximize sensor sensitivity and durability (porous electrolyte/dense electrodes), electrodes selected for various specific applications (CO, HC, H2), sensor operating parameters optimized for improved gas selectivity (NOx, NH3).

  14. Carbon dioxide sensor (United States)

    Dutta, Prabir K [Worthington, OH; Lee, Inhee [Columbus, OH; Akbar, Sheikh A [Hilliard, OH


    The present invention generally relates to carbon dioxide (CO.sub.2) sensors. In one embodiment, the present invention relates to a carbon dioxide (CO.sub.2) sensor that incorporates lithium phosphate (Li.sub.3PO.sub.4) as an electrolyte and sensing electrode comprising a combination of lithium carbonate (Li.sub.2CO.sub.3) and barium carbonate (BaCO.sub.3). In another embodiment, the present invention relates to a carbon dioxide (CO.sub.2) sensor has a reduced sensitivity to humidity due to a sensing electrode with a layered structure of lithium carbonate and barium carbonate. In still another embodiment, the present invention relates to a method of producing carbon dioxide (CO.sub.2) sensors having lithium phosphate (Li.sub.3PO.sub.4) as an electrolyte and sensing electrode comprising a combination of lithium carbonate (Li.sub.2CO.sub.3) and barium carbonate (BaCO.sub.3).

  15. Distributed sensor networks

    CERN Document Server

    Rubin, Donald B; Carlin, John B; Iyengar, S Sitharama; Brooks, Richard R; University, Clemson


    An Overview, S.S. Iyengar, Ankit Tandon, and R.R. BrooksMicrosensor Applications, David ShepherdA Taxonomy of Distributed Sensor Networks, Shivakumar Sastry and S.S. IyengarContrast with Traditional Systems, R.R. BrooksDigital Signal Processing Background, Yu Hen HuImage-Processing Background Lynne Grewe and Ben ShahshahaniObject Detection and Classification, Akbar M. SayeedParameter Estimation David FriedlanderTarget Tracking with Self-Organizing Distributed Sensors R.R. Brooks, C. Griffin, D.S. Friedlander, and J.D. KochCollaborative Signal and Information Processing: AnInformation-Directed Approach Feng Zhao, Jie Liu, Juan Liu, Leonidas Guibas, and James ReichEnvironmental Effects, David C. SwansonDetecting and Counteracting Atmospheric Effects Lynne L. GreweSignal Processing and Propagation for Aeroacoustic Sensor Networks, Richard J. Kozick, Brian M. Sadler, and D. Keith WilsonDistributed Multi-Target Detection in Sensor Networks Xiaoling Wang, Hairong Qi, and Steve BeckFoundations of Data Fusion f...

  16. Como pieza de un rompecabezas: la construcción del paisaje como objeto jurídico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Norma Elizabeth Levrand


    Full Text Available La regulación jurídica del paisaje es relativamente nueva. Concebido a partir de la interrelación entre el hombre y la naturaleza, el derecho lo ha asimilado, en ciertos momentos, a un objeto estático, esencialmente natural. En otro periodo ha aprehendido su dinámica, regulándolo como un objeto híbrido. El paisaje está constituido por un conjunto de bienes y valores que trascienden lo puramente cultural o natural, y se conjugan en la confluencia de ambos elementos. Esta hibridez conlleva dificultades tanto en el punto previo a su regulación, es decir, en la concepción jurídica del paisaje, como al momento de su gobernanza. En este trabajo pretendemos desentrañar la construcción del paisaje como un particular objeto de regulación dentro del campo legal argentino. Para ello, realizaremos una sucinta historiografía de la regulación del paisaje para profundizar en las dos normas de mayor relevancia a nivel internacional (la Convención para la Protección del Patrimonio Mundial, Cultural y Natural de Unesco y el Convenio Europeo del Paisaje aprobado por el Consejo de Europa, a fin de analizar la construcción de este particular objeto y los dispositivos jurídicos para su Gobierno. Culminaremos con una reflexión acerca del proceso de construcción de esta pieza del rompecabezas legal.



    Gamero-Muñiz, Antonia


    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo indagar la relación entre los movimientos sacádicos, velocidad y comprensión lectora y la memoria visual en alumnos de 2ºESO, con el propósito de contribuir a la labor docente en los apoyos del aprendizaje de una correcta lectura y tomando como fundamentación teórica la importancia de la memoria visual en el proceso lector. Se ha seleccionado una muestra de 24 niños y 21 niñas con edades comprendidas entre 13 y 15 años. Se evaluaron los movimientos sacádico...

  18. PARP-1 como regulador del ciclo celular


    Iglesias Vázquez, Pablo


    En el presente estudio hemos querido investigar las implicaciones biológicas de la interacción PARP-1/E2F-1 en escenarios en los que el factor de transcripción E2F-1 resulta de gran importancia como son el desarrollo embrionario y la oncogénesis. En este respecto, hemos demostrado que tanto PJ34, inhibidor de la actividad enzimática de PARP, como gosipol, inhibidor de las interacciones proteína-proteína, son capaces de reducir la actividad transcripcional de E2F-1 y la proli...

  19. Historia como interrupción del tiempo


    Aguilera Pedrosa, Antonio


    Frente a un concepto de presente como transición y a otro como repetición, Benjamín elabora uno donde el tiempo se detiene, clave para entender su concepto de historia. La interpretación habitual que separa tiempo histórico de tiempo físico quiere facilitar la comprensión de Benjamin, pero al precio de olvidar ciertas paradojas: la misma detención, la reversibilidad del tiempo, la redención del pasado entero, la invocación de la teología, la posibilidad de un cambio respecto al tiempo natural...

  20. An electrokinetic pressure sensor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Dong-Kwon; Kim, Sung Jin; Kim, Duckjong


    A new concept for a micro pressure sensor is demonstrated. The pressure difference between the inlet and the outlet of glass nanochannels is obtained by measuring the electrokinetically generated electric potential. To demonstrate the proposed concept, experimental investigations are performed for 100 nm wide nanochannels with sodium chloride solutions having various concentrations. The proposed pressure sensor is able to measure the pressure difference within a 10% deviation from linearity. The sensitivity of the electrokinetic pressure sensor with 10 −5 M sodium chloride solution is 18.5 µV Pa −1 , which is one order of magnitude higher than that of typical diaphragm-based pressure sensors. A numerical model is presented for investigating the effects of the concentration and the channel width on the sensitivity of the electrokinetic pressure sensor. Numerical results show that the sensitivity increases as the concentration decreases and the channel width increases

  1. Security For Wireless Sensor Network


    Saurabh Singh,; Dr. Harsh Kumar Verma


    Wireless sensor network is highly vulnerable to attacks because it consists of various resourceconstrained devices with their low battery power, less memory, and associated low energy. Sensor nodescommunicate among themselves via wireless links. However, there are still a lot of unresolved issues in wireless sensor networks of which security is one of the hottest research issues. Sensor networks aredeployed in hostile environments. Environmental conditions along with resource-constraints give...

  2. Networked sensors for the combat forces (United States)

    Klager, Gene


    Real-time and detailed information is critical to the success of ground combat forces. Current manned reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition (RSTA) capabilities are not sufficient to cover battlefield intelligence gaps, provide Beyond-Line-of-Sight (BLOS) targeting, and the ambush avoidance information necessary for combat forces operating in hostile situations, complex terrain, and conducting military operations in urban terrain. This paper describes a current US Army program developing advanced networked unmanned/unattended sensor systems to survey these gaps and provide the Commander with real-time, pertinent information. Networked Sensors for the Combat Forces plans to develop and demonstrate a new generation of low cost distributed unmanned sensor systems organic to the RSTA Element. Networked unmanned sensors will provide remote monitoring of gaps, will increase a unit"s area of coverage, and will provide the commander organic assets to complete his Battlefield Situational Awareness (BSA) picture for direct and indirect fire weapons, early warning, and threat avoidance. Current efforts include developing sensor packages for unmanned ground vehicles, small unmanned aerial vehicles, and unattended ground sensors using advanced sensor technologies. These sensors will be integrated with robust networked communications and Battle Command tools for mission planning, intelligence "reachback", and sensor data management. The network architecture design is based on a model that identifies a three-part modular design: 1) standardized sensor message protocols, 2) Sensor Data Management, and 3) Service Oriented Architecture. This simple model provides maximum flexibility for data exchange, information management and distribution. Products include: Sensor suites optimized for unmanned platforms, stationary and mobile versions of the Sensor Data Management Center, Battle Command planning tools, networked communications, and sensor management software. Details

  3. Air temperature sensors: dependence of radiative errors on sensor diameter in precision metrology and meteorology (United States)

    de Podesta, Michael; Bell, Stephanie; Underwood, Robin


    In both meteorological and metrological applications, it is well known that air temperature sensors are susceptible to radiative errors. However, it is not widely known that the radiative error measured by an air temperature sensor in flowing air depends upon the sensor diameter, with smaller sensors reporting values closer to true air temperature. This is not a transient effect related to sensor heat capacity, but a fluid-dynamical effect arising from heat and mass flow in cylindrical geometries. This result has been known historically and is in meteorology text books. However, its significance does not appear to be widely appreciated and, as a consequence, air temperature can be—and probably is being—widely mis-estimated. In this paper, we first review prior descriptions of the ‘sensor size’ effect from the metrological and meteorological literature. We develop a heat transfer model to describe the process for cylindrical sensors, and evaluate the predicted temperature error for a range of sensor sizes and air speeds. We compare these predictions with published predictions and measurements. We report measurements demonstrating this effect in two laboratories at NPL in which the air flow and temperature are exceptionally closely controlled. The results are consistent with the heat-transfer model, and show that the air temperature error is proportional to the square root of the sensor diameter and that, even under good laboratory conditions, it can exceed 0.1 °C for a 6 mm diameter sensor. We then consider the implications of this result. In metrological applications, errors of the order of 0.1 °C are significant, representing limiting uncertainties in dimensional and mass measurements. In meteorological applications, radiative errors can easily be much larger. But in both cases, an understanding of the diameter dependence allows assessment and correction of the radiative error using a multi-sensor technique.

  4. Analyzing Responses of Chemical Sensor Arrays (United States)

    Zhou, Hanying


    NASA is developing a third-generation electronic nose (ENose) capable of continuous monitoring of the International Space Station s cabin atmosphere for specific, harmful airborne contaminants. Previous generations of the ENose have been described in prior NASA Tech Briefs issues. Sensor selection is critical in both (prefabrication) sensor material selection and (post-fabrication) data analysis of the ENose, which detects several analytes that are difficult to detect, or that are at very low concentration ranges. Existing sensor selection approaches usually include limited statistical measures, where selectivity is more important but reliability and sensitivity are not of concern. When reliability and sensitivity can be major limiting factors in detecting target compounds reliably, the existing approach is not able to provide meaningful selection that will actually improve data analysis results. The approach and software reported here consider more statistical measures (factors) than existing approaches for a similar purpose. The result is a more balanced and robust sensor selection from a less than ideal sensor array. The software offers quick, flexible, optimal sensor selection and weighting for a variety of purposes without a time-consuming, iterative search by performing sensor calibrations to a known linear or nonlinear model, evaluating the individual sensor s statistics, scoring the individual sensor s overall performance, finding the best sensor array size to maximize class separation, finding optimal weights for the remaining sensor array, estimating limits of detection for the target compounds, evaluating fingerprint distance between group pairs, and finding the best event-detecting sensors.

  5. Design of electrical capacitance tomography sensors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Wuqiang


    Electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) has been developed since the late 1980s for visualization and measurement of a permittivity distribution in a cross section using a multi-electrode capacitance sensor. While the hardware and image reconstruction algorithms for ECT have been published extensively and the topics have been reviewed, few papers have been published to discuss ECT sensors and the design issues, which are crucial for a specific application. This paper will briefly discuss the principles of ECT sensors, but mostly will address key issues for ECT sensor design, with reference to some existing ECT sensors as a good understanding of the key issues would help optimization of the design of ECT sensors. The key issues to be discussed include the number and length of electrodes, the use of external and internal electrodes, implications of wall thickness, earthed screens (including the outer screen, axial end screens and radial screens), driven guard electrodes, dealing with high temperature and high pressure, twin planes for velocity measurement by cross correlation and limitations in sensor diameter. While conventional ECT sensors are circular with the electrodes in a single plane or in twin planes, some non-conventional ECT sensors, such as square, conical and 3D sensors, will also be discussed. As a practical guidance, the procedure to fabricate an ECT sensor will be given. In the end are summary and discussion on future challenges, including re-engineering of ECT sensors. (topical review)

  6. A-Posteriori Detection of Sensor Infrastructure Errors in Correlated Sensor Data and Business Workflows

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wombacher, Andreas


    Sensor data can be interpreted as a view on physical objects effected by business processes. Since both sensor infrastructures and business workflows must deal with imprecise information, the correlation of sensor data and business workflow data might be used a-posteriori to determine the source of

  7. Desarrollo de interfaz para monitorización en instrumentos de percusión a partir de sensores piezoeléctricos


    Balsalobre Martínez, Jesús


    Los objetivos de este proyecto consisten en la realización de las distintas partes que, una vez unidas en integradas, constituirían el proyecto en su totalidad. A la hora de estructurar y dividir las distintas partes del trabajo se planteó la siguiente división de tareas que, a su vez, se consideraron como objetivos a cumplir para ir, poco a poco, avanzando en el desarrollo y construcción de nuestro proyecto: - Adaptación de sensores piezoeléctricos a nuestro propósito: sabemos cómo funcio...

  8. Research on the conductivity of a haptic sensor, especially with the sensor under extended condition (United States)

    Zheng, Yaoyang; Shimada, Kunio


    The present paper describes the application of magnetic compound fluid (MCF) rubber as a haptic sensor for use as a material for robot sensors, artificial skin, and so on. MCF rubber is one of several new composite materials utilizing the MCF magnetic responsive fluid developed by Shimada. By applying MCF to silicon oil rubber, we can make MCF rubber highly sensitive to temperature and electric conduction. By mixing Cu and Ni particles in the silicon oil rubber and then applying a strong magnetic field, we can produce magnetic clusters at high density. The clusters form a network, as confirmed by optical observation. The MCF rubber with small deformations can act as an effective sensor. We report herein several experiments in which changes in the MCF rubber's resistance were observed when the rubber was compressed and a deformation was generated. We then made a trial haptic sensor using the MCF conductive rubber and performed many experiments to observe changes in the electrical resistance of the sensor. The experimental results showed that the proposed sensor made with MCF conductive rubber is useful for sensing small amounts of pressure or small deformations. Sometimes, however, the sensor rubber will be extended when we apply this sensor to the finger of the robot or an elbow. In these cases, it is necessary to understand the changes in sensor's conductivity. We therefore carried out some experiments to demonstrate how, under tensile conditions, the sensor's conductivity changes to a small value easier than the sensor in free condition. The results show that the sensors became more sensitive to the same pressure under extended conditions. In the present paper, we first describe the new type of functional fluid MCF rubber and a new composite material based on this MCF fluid. We then explain the production method for MCF conductive rubber and its conductive algorithm. Finally, we report our results regarding the MCF sensitivity when the MCF rubber was pulled

  9. Comparison of an Inductance In-Line Oil Debris Sensor and Magnetic Plug Oil Debris Sensor (United States)

    Dempsey, Paula J.; Tuck, Roger; Showalter, Stephen


    The objective of this research was to compare the performance of an inductance in-line oil debris sensor and magnetic plug oil debris sensor when detecting transmission component health in the same system under the same operating conditions. Both sensors were installed in series in the NASA Glenn Spiral Bevel Gear Fatigue Rig during tests performed on 5 gear sets (pinion/gear) when different levels of damage occurred on the gear teeth. Results of this analysis found both the inductance in-line oil debris sensor and magnetic plug oil debris sensor have benefits and limitations when detecting gearbox component damage.

  10. Micro elements for interrogating magnetoelastic sensors

    KAUST Repository

    Liang, Cai


    This paper reports a new approach for interrogating a magnetoelastic sensor\\'s resonant frequency. Previously, the frequency of a magnetoelastic sensor was measured by using a large-scale solenoid coil of at least some millimeters both in diameter and length. Planar structures of straight-line and rectangular spiral coil are designed, fabricated and tested to interrogate the resonant frequency of a magnetoelastic sensor. A sensor of 4 mm length is measured to have a resonant frequency of 551 kHz in air. The ability to interrogate a magnetoelastic sensor with such microscale elements is a step towards the miniaturization of a magnetoelastic sensor system and integration of such a system in a microfluidics device. © 2011 IEEE.

  11. Sensor Data Fusion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Plascencia, Alfredo; Stepán, Petr


    The main contribution of this paper is to present a sensor fusion approach to scene environment mapping as part of a Sensor Data Fusion (SDF) architecture. This approach involves combined sonar array with stereo vision readings.  Sonar readings are interpreted using probability density functions...

  12. Reactor sensor surveillance using noise analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hashemian, H.M.; Thie, J.A.; Upadhyaya, B.R.


    Reactor noise signals, as measured by neutron detectors and process sensors, contain information about the dynamics of the process and sensor characteristics. The extent of sensor characteristics that can be determined from such measurements depends on the sensor type, the property of the process noise exciting the sensor and its location. This paper addresses degradation monitoring of temperature and pressure sensors, analysis methods and results of application to operating pressurized water reactors. In addition, the use of noise analysis for monitoring of pressure sensing lines in nuclear power plants is discussed

  13. A Tactile Sensor Network System Using a Multiple Sensor Platform with a Dedicated CMOS-LSI for Robot Applications † (United States)

    Shao, Chenzhong; Tanaka, Shuji; Nakayama, Takahiro; Hata, Yoshiyuki; Bartley, Travis; Muroyama, Masanori


    Robot tactile sensation can enhance human–robot communication in terms of safety, reliability and accuracy. The final goal of our project is to widely cover a robot body with a large number of tactile sensors, which has significant advantages such as accurate object recognition, high sensitivity and high redundancy. In this study, we developed a multi-sensor system with dedicated Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) Large-Scale Integration (LSI) circuit chips (referred to as “sensor platform LSI”) as a framework of a serial bus-based tactile sensor network system. The sensor platform LSI supports three types of sensors: an on-chip temperature sensor, off-chip capacitive and resistive tactile sensors, and communicates with a relay node via a bus line. The multi-sensor system was first constructed on a printed circuit board to evaluate basic functions of the sensor platform LSI, such as capacitance-to-digital and resistance-to-digital conversion. Then, two kinds of external sensors, nine sensors in total, were connected to two sensor platform LSIs, and temperature, capacitive and resistive sensing data were acquired simultaneously. Moreover, we fabricated flexible printed circuit cables to demonstrate the multi-sensor system with 15 sensor platform LSIs operating simultaneously, which showed a more realistic implementation in robots. In conclusion, the multi-sensor system with up to 15 sensor platform LSIs on a bus line supporting temperature, capacitive and resistive sensing was successfully demonstrated. PMID:29061954

  14. Electrocatalytic cermet sensor (United States)

    Shoemaker, Erika L.; Vogt, Michael C.


    A sensor for O.sub.2 and CO.sub.2 gases. The gas sensor includes a plurality of layers driven by a cyclic voltage to generate a unique plot characteristic of the gas in contact with the sensor. The plurality of layers includes an alumina substrate, a reference electrode source of anions, a lower electrical reference electrode of Pt coupled to the reference source of anions, a solid electrolyte containing tungsten and coupled to the lower reference electrode, a buffer layer for preventing flow of Pt ions into the solid electrolyte and an upper catalytically active Pt electrode coupled to the buffer layer.

  15. Urodynamic pressure sensor (United States)

    Moore, Thomas


    A transducer system was developed for measuring the closing pressure profile along the female urethra, which provides up to five sensors within the functional length of the urethra. This new development is an improvement over an earlier measurement method that has a smaller sensor area and was unable to respond to transient events. Three sensors were constructed; one of them was subjected to approximately eight hours of use in a clinical setting during which 576 data points were obtained. The complete instrument system, including the signal conditioning electronics, data acquisition unit, and the computer with its display and printer is described and illustrated.

  16. NSTX High Temperature Sensor Systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McCormack, B.; Kugel, H.W.; Goranson, P.; Kaita, R.


    The design of the more than 300 in-vessel sensor systems for the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) has encountered several challenging fusion reactor diagnostic issues involving high temperatures and space constraints. This has resulted in unique miniature, high temperature in-vessel sensor systems mounted in small spaces behind plasma facing armor tiles, and they are prototypical of possible high power reactor first-wall applications. In the Center Stack, Divertor, Passive Plate, and vessel wall regions, the small magnetic sensors, large magnetic sensors, flux loops, Rogowski Coils, thermocouples, and Langmuir Probes are qualified for 600 degrees C operation. This rating will accommodate both peak rear-face graphite tile temperatures during operations and the 350 degrees C bake-out conditions. Similar sensor systems including flux loops, on other vacuum vessel regions are qualified for 350 degrees C operation. Cabling from the sensors embedded in the graphite tiles follows narrow routes to exit the vessel. The detailed sensor design and installation methods of these diagnostic systems developed for high-powered ST operation are discussed

  17. A New Multi-Sensor Track Fusion Architecture for Multi-Sensor Information Integration

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Jean, Buddy H; Younker, John; Hung, Chih-Cheng


    .... This new technology will integrate multi-sensor information and extract integrated multi-sensor information to detect, track and identify multiple targets at any time, in any place under all weather conditions...

  18. CMOS Integrated Carbon Nanotube Sensor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perez, M. S.; Lerner, B.; Boselli, A.; Lamagna, A.; Obregon, P. D. Pareja; Julian, P. M.; Mandolesi, P. S.; Buffa, F. A.


    Recently carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been gaining their importance as sensors for gases, temperature and chemicals. Advances in fabrication processes simplify the formation of CNT sensor on silicon substrate. We have integrated single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) with complementary metal oxide semiconductor process (CMOS) to produce a chip sensor system. The sensor prototype was designed and fabricated using a 0.30 um CMOS process. The main advantage is that the device has a voltage amplifier so the electrical measure can be taken and amplified inside the sensor. When the conductance of the SWCNTs varies in response to media changes, this is observed as a variation in the output tension accordingly.

  19. Wearable bio and chemical sensors


    Coyle, Shirley; Curto, Vincenzo F.; Benito-Lopez, Fernando; Florea, Larisa; Diamond, Dermot


    Chemical and biochemical sensors have experienced tremendous growth in the past decade due to advances in material chemistry combined with the emergence of digital communication technologies and wireless sensor networks (WSNs) [1]. The emergence of wearable chemical and biochemical sensors is a relatively new concept that poses unique challenges to the field of wearable sensing. This is because chemical sensors have a more complex mode of operation, compared to physical transducers, in that t...

  20. Sensor Fusion and Smart Sensor in Sports and Biomedical Applications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Jair Alves Mendes Jr.


    Full Text Available The following work presents an overview of smart sensors and sensor fusion targeted at biomedical applications and sports areas. In this work, the integration of these areas is demonstrated, promoting a reflection about techniques and applications to collect, quantify and qualify some physical variables associated with the human body. These techniques are presented in various biomedical and sports applications, which cover areas related to diagnostics, rehabilitation, physical monitoring, and the development of performance in athletes, among others. Although some applications are described in only one of two fields of study (biomedicine and sports, it is very likely that the same application fits in both, with small peculiarities or adaptations. To illustrate the contemporaneity of applications, an analysis of specialized papers published in the last six years has been made. In this context, the main characteristic of this review is to present the largest quantity of relevant examples of sensor fusion and smart sensors focusing on their utilization and proposals, without deeply addressing one specific system or technique, to the detriment of the others.

  1. Como aquí, allá; como nosotros, ellos: la internacionalización de la precariedad en el ejercicio ciudadano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patricia Zamudio Grave


    Full Text Available La universalidad de los derechos humanos ha sido proclamada y reiterada por la comunidad de naciones, desde mediados del siglo veinte. Al mismo tiempo, procesos globalizadores parecen contradecir el derecho de todos los seres humanos a gozar de una vida digna, en todos los aspectos que ésta engloba, tanto en países desarrollados, como en aquéllos en proceso de desarrollo. Este trabajo reflexiona sobre la forma como la migración internacional conecta experiencias de precariedad en el ejercicio de derechos y sus consecuencias para la vida cotidiana de los migrantes.

  2. O neoliberalismo como um dos fundamentos da educação domiciliar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Romualdo Luiz Portela de Oliveira

    Full Text Available Resumo Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar o neoliberalismo como um dos fundamentos da educação domiciliar, fenômeno de interesse crescente no Brasil, dada a tentativa de regulamentá-lo no país. Para tanto, foram tomados como referência três autorizados representantes do neoliberalismo: Friedrich Hayek; Milton Friedman e Ludwig von Mises e a reiterada preocupação destes com as liberdades, sobretudo as individuais. O artigo argumenta que o neoliberalismo se apresenta como uma das correntes teóricas que também dá suporte ao homeschooling, tendo como ponto crucial de sua fundamentação a rejeição da compulsoriedade da educação escolar, o que gera fortes implicações para o debate educacional, principalmente como desafios à escola pública compulsória.



    Costa, Marcela


    Resumo: O trabalho reflete sobre as narrativas transmidiáticas como estratégiaspublicitárias. Para tal, realizamos um levantamento bibliográfico visandoentender que é uma narrativa, sua estrutura e definir o que são as narrativas transmidáticas. Por fim, analisamos a campanha The Happiness Factory paracompreender se, de fato, as narrativas transmidiáticas têm sido empregadaspela publicidade e como isso ocorre.Palavras-chave: publicidade; narrativa; narrativa transmidiática.Narrativas transmed...

  4. La fenomenología como atavismo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Galán, Iván


    Full Text Available This paper deals with phenomenology as a result of phenomenological freedom in its possibility of understanding a phenomenon as wild phenomenon. From this perspective, we are enabled to transcend established symbolic systems and to pose the question on the existence of a sense which is immature, not-saturated and imperfect without exception.El artículo pretende mostrar la vigencia de la fenomenología como expresión de la libertad fenomenológica, como posibilidad siempre abierta de acceder al fenómeno en cuanto fenómeno puro, registro arquitectónico en el que, saltando por sobre los sistemas simbólicos instituidos, nos es permitido plantear en toda su radicalidad la pregunta por la existencia de un sentido siempre prematuro, no saturado y jamás clausurable.

  5. Approach to sensor node calibration for efficient localisation in wireless sensor networks in realistic scenarios

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Mwila, MK


    Full Text Available Localisation or position determination is one of the most important applications for the wireless sensor networks. Numerous current techniques for localisation of sensor nodes use the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) from sensor nodes...

  6. Magnetic Resonance Sensors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robert H. Morris


    Full Text Available Magnetic Resonance finds countless applications, from spectroscopy to imaging, routinely in almost all research and medical institutions across the globe. It is also becoming more frequently used for specific applications in which the whole instrument and system is designed for a dedicated application. With beginnings in borehole logging for the petro-chemical industry Magnetic Resonance sensors have been applied to fields as varied as online process monitoring for food manufacture and medical point of care diagnostics. This great diversity is seeing exciting developments in magnetic resonance sensing technology published in application specific journals where they are often not seen by the wider sensor community. It is clear that there is enormous interest in magnetic resonance sensors which represents a significant growth area. The aim of this special edition of Sensors was to address the wide distribution of relevant articles by providing a forum to disseminate cutting edge research in this field in a single open source publication.[...

  7. Transient multivariable sensor evaluation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vilim, Richard B.; Heifetz, Alexander


    A method and system for performing transient multivariable sensor evaluation. The method and system includes a computer system for identifying a model form, providing training measurement data, generating a basis vector, monitoring system data from sensor, loading the system data in a non-transient memory, performing an estimation to provide desired data and comparing the system data to the desired data and outputting an alarm for a defective sensor.

  8. A woven 2D touchpad sensor and a 1D slide sensor using soft capacitor fibers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gorgutsa, Stephan; Gu, Jian Feng; Skorobogatiy, Maksim


    Recently reported soft conductive-polymer-based capacitor fibers are used to build a fully woven 2D touchpad sensor and a 1D slide sensor. An individual capacitor fiber features a swiss-roll like structure having two dielectric and two conductive polymer films rolled together in a classic multilayer capacitor configuration. The soft fibers of sub-1 mm outer diameter are fabricated using a fiber drawing procedure from a macroscopic polymeric preform. An individual capacitor fiber is then demonstrated to act as a distributed sensor that allows the touch position to be determined by measuring the fiber’s AC response. In other words, a single fiber acts as a 1D slide sensor. Furthermore, we develop an electrical ladder network model to predict the distributed sensor properties of an individual fiber and show that this model describes the experimental measurements very well. Finally, a two-dimensional touchpad sensor is presented. The sensor is built by weaving a one-dimensional array of capacitor fibers in parallel to each other. The performance of the touchpad sensor is then characterized. (paper)

  9. Silent Localization of Underwater Sensors Using Magnetometers

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    Jonas Callmer


    Full Text Available Sensor localization is a central problem for sensor networks. If the sensor positions are uncertain, the target tracking ability of the sensor network is reduced. Sensor localization in underwater environments is traditionally addressed using acoustic range measurements involving known anchor or surface nodes. We explore the usage of triaxial magnetometers and a friendly vessel with known magnetic dipole to silently localize the sensors. The ferromagnetic field created by the dipole is measured by the magnetometers and is used to localize the sensors. The trajectory of the vessel and the sensor positions are estimated simultaneously using an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF. Simulations show that the sensors can be accurately positioned using magnetometers.

  10. A self-repairing polymer waveguide sensor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song, Young J; Peters, Kara J


    This paper presents experimental demonstrations of a self-repairing strain sensor waveguide created by self-writing in a photopolymerizable resin system. The sensor is fabricated between two multi-mode optical fibers via lightwaves in the ultraviolet (UV) wavelength range and operates as a sensor through interrogation of the power transmitted through the waveguide in the infrared (IR) wavelength range. After failure of the sensor occurs due to loading, the waveguide re-bridges the gap between the two optical fibers through the UV resin. The response of the original sensor and the self-repaired sensor to strain are measured and show similar behaviors

  11. Sensor fusion for intelligent alarm analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nelson, C.L.; Fitzgerald, D.S.


    The purpose of an intelligent alarm analysis system is to provide complete and manageable information to a central alarm station operator by applying alarm processing and fusion techniques to sensor information. This paper discusses the sensor fusion approach taken to perform intelligent alarm analysis for the Advanced Exterior Sensor (AES). The AES is an intrusion detection and assessment system designed for wide-area coverage, quick deployment, low false/nuisance alarm operation, and immediate visual assessment. It combines three sensor technologies (visible, infrared, and millimeter wave radar) collocated on a compact and portable remote sensor module. The remote sensor module rotates at a rate of 1 revolution per second to detect and track motion and provide assessment in a continuous 360 degree field-of-regard. Sensor fusion techniques are used to correlate and integrate the track data from these three sensors into a single track for operator observation. Additional inputs to the fusion process include environmental data, knowledge of sensor performance under certain weather conditions, sensor priority, and recent operator feedback. A confidence value is assigned to the track as a result of the fusion process. This helps to reduce nuisance alarms and to increase operator confidence in the system while reducing the workload of the operator

  12. Smart Home Wireless Sensor Nodes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lynggaard, Per

    . This paper introduces an approach that considerably lowers the wireless sensor node power consumption and the amount of transmitted sensor events. It uses smart objects that include artificial intelligence to efficiently process the sensor event on location and thereby saves the costly wireless...

  13. Uso de métodos químicos para la obtención de sensores de gas del sistema Sn-Sb

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Los sensores de gas basados en óxidos semiconductores presentan un cambio en la resistencia cuando son expuestos a ciertos gases. El óxido de estaño, SnO2, es el compuesto más utilizado en la fabricación de sensores de gas, y con el fin de mejorar su eficiencia normalmente se le adicionan óxidos de paladio, bismuto, antimonio entre otros. Durante el desarrollo de este trabajo se realizó la síntesis de polvos cerámicos del sistema SnO2 –Sb2O3 utilizando los métodos de precipitación y precursor polimérico (Pechini. Los polvos cerámicos fueron caracterizados con ATD/TG, DRX y FTIR. Además, se muestra la microestructura obtenida por MEB y el comportamiento eléctrico de películas gruesas conformadas con los polvos cerámicos obtenidos sobre substratos de alúmina, determinando el cambio de la resistencia eléctrica del sistema en función del tiempo de exposición a una atmósfera (oxígeno o monóxido de carbono. El principal interés de este trabajo fue determinar el efecto del método de síntesis, así como el de la concentración de Sb2O3 como aditivo, sobre las propiedades sensoras de sistemas con base en SnO2.

  14. Cantilever-like micromechanical sensors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Boisen, Anja; Dohn, Søren; Keller, Stephan Sylvest


    The field of cantilever-based sensing emerged in the mid-1990s and is today a well-known technology for label-free sensing which holds promise as a technique for cheap, portable, sensitive and highly parallel analysis systems. The research in sensor realization as well as sensor applications has...... increased significantly over the past 10 years. In this review we will present the basic modes of operation in cantilever-like micromechanical sensors and discuss optical and electrical means for signal transduction. The fundamental processes for realizing miniaturized cantilevers are described with focus...... on silicon-and polymer-based technologies. Examples of recent sensor applications are given covering such diverse fields as drug discovery, food diagnostics, material characterizations and explosives detection....

  15. Stretch Sensor Device

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    The invention relates to a method for determining stretch values and movement of body parts, e.g. a foot, by analysing stretch data from a stretch sensor. By analysing data from the stretch sensor it is possible to determine stretch samples which are associated with particular motion phases...

  16. Magnetic sensor device

    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    The present invention provides a sensor device and a method for detg. the presence and/or amt. of target moieties in a sample fluid, the target moieties being labeled with magnetic or magnetizable objects. The sensor device comprises a magnetic field generating means adapted for applying a retention

  17. Modificação da fibra de coco com polianilina e o seu uso como sensor de pressão Coconut fibers modified with polyaniline nanoparticles are used in pressure sensor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando G. de Souza Jr


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve por foco a modificação de fibras de coco, tornando-as materiais compósitos condutores de eletricidade. Para tanto, foi utilizada uma técnica de polimerização in situ, capaz de gerar nanopartículas de polianilina sobre a superfície de fibras tratadas. As fibras modificadas com polianilina foram caracterizadas por FTIR, UV-Vis, DRX e SAXS. Além disso, foram submetidas a ensaios eletromecânicos, com a finalidade de indicar quais condições de modificação são mais eficientes para a obtenção de um material sensível a esforços compressivos. Os resultados de sensibilidade a compressão sugerem que os materiais modificados com as menores quantidades de polianilina são os mais adequados para aplicações no campo de sensores de pressão de natureza resistiva, podendo ser utilizados no desenvolvimento de dispositivos inteligentes.Coconut fibers were covered with polyaniline in order to obtain electrically conductive composite materials. For this purpose aniline was polymerized in the presence of coconut fibers, leading to the formation of polyaniline nanoparticles over the surface of the fibers. The treated fibers were analyzed by FTIR, UV-Vis, DRX and SAXS, being also submitted to electromechanical assays, in order to find the best conditions for obtaining materials with optimal compressional sensitivity. The results suggest that materials obtained with smaller amounts of polyaniline are the most adequate for applications as resistive pressure sensors. This class of materials can be used in the development of intelligent devices.

  18. Wireless interrogation of passive antenna sensors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deshmukh, S; Huang, H


    Recently, we discovered that the resonant frequency of a microstrip patch antenna is sensitive to mechanical strains or crack presence in the ground plane. Based on this principle, antenna sensors have been demonstrated to measure strain and detect crack in metallic structures. This paper presents a wireless method to remotely interrogate a dual-frequency antenna sensor. An interrogation horn antenna was used to irradiate the antenna sensor with a linear chirp microwave signal. By implementing a light-activated switch at the sensor node and performing signal processing of the backscattered signals, the resonant frequencies of the antenna sensor along both polarizations can be measured remotely. Since the antenna sensor does not need a local power source and can be interrogated wirelessly, electric wiring can be eliminated. The sensor implementation, the signal processing and the experimental setup that validate the remote interrogation of the antenna sensor are presented. A power budget model has also been established to estimate the maximum interrogation range

  19. El Sistema Penal como Instrumento de Control Social: El Papel del Encarcelamiento

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kelly Ribeiro Felix de Souza


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio es analizar el sistema penal con el fin de encontrar elementos capaces de entenderlo como una técnica de control social de los considerados indeseables para la vida en sociedad. Adoptando como marco teórico la criminología crítica, más especificamente las contribuciones de autores como Massimo Pavarini y Michel Foucault, así como el método de investigación dialéctico, se busca, desde un enfoque jurídico y sociológico, indicar las transformaciones del poder disciplinario hasta su diseño actual, así como demostrar sus relaciones con uno de los principales instrumentos del poder punitivo hoy en día - la privación de libertad. En este sentido, parece que la selectividad del ejercicio del poder punitivo se muestra como un importante instrumento de control social de los excluidos.

  20. Third-generation imaging sensor system concepts (United States)

    Reago, Donald A.; Horn, Stuart B.; Campbell, James, Jr.; Vollmerhausen, Richard H.


    Second generation forward looking infrared sensors, based on either parallel scanning, long wave (8 - 12 um) time delay and integration HgCdTe detectors or mid wave (3 - 5 um), medium format staring (640 X 480 pixels) InSb detectors, are being fielded. The science and technology community is now turning its attention toward the definition of a future third generation of FLIR sensors, based on emerging research and development efforts. Modeled third generation sensor performance demonstrates a significant improvement in performance over second generation, resulting in enhanced lethality and survivability on the future battlefield. In this paper we present the current thinking on what third generation sensors systems will be and the resulting requirements for third generation focal plane array detectors. Three classes of sensors have been identified. The high performance sensor will contain a megapixel or larger array with at least two colors. Higher operating temperatures will also be the goal here so that power and weight can be reduced. A high performance uncooled sensor is also envisioned that will perform somewhere between first and second generation cooled detectors, but at significantly lower cost, weight, and power. The final third generation sensor is a very low cost micro sensor. This sensor can open up a whole new IR market because of its small size, weight, and cost. Future unattended throwaway sensors, micro UAVs, and helmet mounted IR cameras will be the result of this new class.

  1. Proximity Operations and Docking Sensor Development (United States)

    Howard, Richard T.; Bryan, Thomas C.; Brewster, Linda L.; Lee, James E.


    The Next Generation Advanced Video Guidance Sensor (NGAVGS) has been under development for the last three years as a long-range proximity operations and docking sensor for use in an Automated Rendezvous and Docking (AR&D) system. The first autonomous rendezvous and docking in the history of the U.S. Space Program was successfully accomplished by Orbital Express, using the Advanced Video Guidance Sensor (AVGS) as the primary docking sensor. That flight proved that the United States now has a mature and flight proven sensor technology for supporting Crew Exploration Vehicles (CEV) and Commercial Orbital Transport Systems (COTS) Automated Rendezvous and Docking (AR&D). NASA video sensors have worked well in the past: the AVGS used on the Demonstration of Autonomous Rendezvous Technology (DART) mission operated successfully in spot mode out to 2 km, and the first generation rendezvous and docking sensor, the Video Guidance Sensor (VGS), was developed and successfully flown on Space Shuttle flights in 1997 and 1998. 12 Parts obsolescence issues prevent the construction of more AVGS units, and the next generation sensor was updated to allow it to support the CEV and COTS programs. The flight proven AR&D sensor has been redesigned to update parts and add additional capabilities for CEV and COTS with the development of the Next Generation AVGS at the Marshall Space Flight Center. The obsolete imager and processor are being replaced with new radiation tolerant parts. In addition, new capabilities include greater sensor range, auto ranging capability, and real-time video output. This paper presents some sensor hardware trades, use of highly integrated laser components, and addresses the needs of future vehicles that may rendezvous and dock with the International Space Station (ISS) and other Constellation vehicles. It also discusses approaches for upgrading AVGS to address parts obsolescence, and concepts for minimizing the sensor footprint, weight, and power requirements

  2. Chemical sensors for nuclear industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gnanasekaran, K.I.


    Development of chemical sensors for detection of gases at trace levels for applications in nuclear industry will be highlighted. The sensors have to be highly sensitive, reliable and rugged with long term stability to operate in harsh industrial environment. Semiconductor and solid electrolyte based electrochemical sensors satisfy the requirements. Physico-chemical aspects underlying the development of H 2 sensors in sodium and in cover gas circuit of the Fast breeder reactors for its smooth functioning, NH 3 and H 2 S sensors for use in Heavy water production industries and NO x sensors for spent fuel reprocessing plants will be presented. Development of oxygen sensors to monitor the oxygen level in the reactor containments and sodium sensors for detection of sodium leakages will also be discussed. The talk will focus the general aspects of identification of the sensing material for the respective analyte species, development of suitable chemical route for preparing them as fine powders, the need for configuring them in thick film or thin film geometries and their performance. Pulsed laser deposition method, an elegant technique to prepare the high quality thin films of multicomponent oxides is demonstrated for preparation of nanostructured thin films of complex oxides and its use in tailoring the morphology of the complex sensing material in the desired form by optimizing the in-situ growth conditions. (author)

  3. Common bus multinode sensor system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kelly, T.F.; Naviasky, E.H.; Evans, W.P.; Jefferies, D.W.; Smith, J.R.


    This patent describes a nuclear power plant including a common bus multinode sensor system for sensors in the nuclear power plant, each sensor producing a sensor signal. The system consists of: a power supply providing power; a communication cable coupled to the power supply; plural remote sensor units coupled between the cable and one or more sensors, and comprising: a direct current power supply, connected to the cable and converting the power on the cable into direct current; an analog-to-digital converter connected to the direct current power supply; an oscillator reference; a filter; and an integrated circuit sensor interface connected to the direct current power supply, the analog-to-digital converter, the oscillator crystal and the filter, the interface comprising: a counter receiving a frequency designation word from external to the interface; a phase-frequency comparator connected to the counter; an oscillator connected to the oscillator reference; a timing counter connected to the oscillator, the phase/frequency comparator and the analog-to-digital converter; an analog multiplexer connectable to the sensors and the analog-to-digital converter, and connected to the timing counter; a shift register operatively connected to the timing counter and the analog-to-digital converter; an encoder connected to the shift register and connectable to the filter; and a voltage controlled oscillator connected to the filter and the cable

  4. La docencia como práctica profesional

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martínez de Acosta Carmen H.


    Full Text Available

    No es fácil determinar si la actividad docente corresponde o no a una modalidad de práctica, rol, área de desempeño o ejercicio profesional como indiscriminadamente se denomina a las diferentes formas del quehacer de enfermería. Uno de los conceptos básicos de sociología es el de rol. El rol consiste en las conductas cumplidas o conductas percibidas como aceptables, referidas a una situación dada. La identificación de un rol se alcanza por medio de un proceso mutuo de validación y socialización profesional.

  5. Performance of UWB Array-Based Radar Sensor in a Multi-Sensor Vehicle-Based Suit for Landmine Detection

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Yarovoy, A.; Savelyev, T.; Zhuge, X.; Aubry, P.; Ligthart, L.; Schavemaker, J.G.M.; Tettelaar, P.; Breejen, E. de


    In this paper, integration of an UWB array-based timedomain radar sensor in a vehicle-mounted multi-sensor system for landmine detection is described. Dedicated real-time signal processing algorithms are developed to compute the radar sensor confidence map which is used for sensor fusion.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mayo, Robert M.; Stephens, Daniel L.


    Providing technical means to detect, prevent, and reverse the threat of potential illicit use of radiological or nuclear materials is among the greatest challenges facing contemporary science and technology. In this short article, we provide brief description and overview of the state-of-the-art in sensor development for the detection of radioactive materials, as well as an identification of the technical needs and challenges faced by the detection community. We begin with a discussion of gamma-ray and neutron detectors and spectrometers, followed by a description of imaging sensors, active interrogation, and materials development, before closing with a brief discussion of the unique challenges posed in fielding sensor systems.

  7. Smart wheelchair: integration of multiple sensors (United States)

    Gassara, H. E.; Almuhamed, S.; Moukadem, A.; Schacher, L.; Dieterlen, A.; Adolphe, D.


    The aim of the present work is to develop a smart wheelchair by integrating multiple sensors for measuring user’s physiological signals and subsequently transmitting and monitoring the treated signals to the user, a designated person or institution. Among other sensors, force, accelerometer, and temperature sensors are successfully integrated within both the backrest and the seat cushions of the wheelchair; while a pulse sensor is integrated within the armrest. The pulse sensor is connected to an amplification circuit board that is, in turn, placed within the armrest. The force and temperature sensors are integrated into a textile cover of the cushions by means of embroidery and sewing techniques. The signal from accelerometer is transmitted through Wi-Fi connection. The electrical connections needed for power supplying of sensors are made by embroidered conductive threads.

  8. Applications of pressure-sensitive dielectric elastomer sensors (United States)

    Böse, Holger; Ocak, Deniz; Ehrlich, Johannes


    Dielectric elastomer sensors for the measurement of compression loads with high sensitivity are described. The basic design of the sensors exhibits two profiled surfaces between which an elastomer film is confined. All components of the sensor were prepared with silicone whose stiffness can be varied in a wide range. Depending on details of the sensor design, various effects contribute to the enhancement of the capacitance. The intermediate elastomer film is stretched upon compression and electrode layers on the elastomer profiles and in the elastomer film approach each other. Different designs of the pressure sensor give rise to very different sensor characteristics in terms of the dependence of electric capacitance on compression force. Due to their inherent flexibility, the pressure sensors can be used on compliant substrates such as seats or beds or on the human body. This gives rise to numerous possible applications. The contribution describes also some examples of possible sensor applications. A glove was equipped with various sensors positioned at the finger tips. When grabbing an object with the glove, the sensors can detect the gripping forces of the individual fingers with high sensitivity. In a demonstrator of the glove equipped with seven sensors, the capacitances representing the gripping forces are recorded on a display. In another application example, a lower limb prosthesis was equipped with a pressure sensor to detect the load on the remaining part of the leg and the load is displayed in terms of the measured capacitance. The benefit of such sensors is to detect an eventual overload in order to prevent possible pressure sores. A third example introduces a seat load sensor system based on four extended pressure sensor mats. The sensor system detects the load distribution of a person on the seat. The examples emphasize the high performance of the new pressure sensor technology.

  9. Fiber-optic seismic sensor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Finch, G. W.; Udd, E.


    A vibration sensor is constructed by providing two preferably matched coils of fiber-optic material. When the sensor experiences vibration, a differential pressure is exerted on the two fiber coils. The differential pressure results in a variation in the relative optical path lengths between the two fibers so that light beams transmitted through the two fibers are differently delayed, the phase difference therebetween being a detectable indication of the vibration applied to the sensor

  10. Thermal microphotonic sensor and sensor array (United States)

    Watts, Michael R [Albuquerque, NM; Shaw, Michael J [Tijeras, NM; Nielson, Gregory N [Albuquerque, NM; Lentine, Anthony L [Albuquerque, NM


    A thermal microphotonic sensor is disclosed for detecting infrared radiation using heat generated by the infrared radiation to shift the resonant frequency of an optical resonator (e.g. a ring resonator) to which the heat is coupled. The shift in the resonant frequency can be determined from light in an optical waveguide which is evanescently coupled to the optical resonator. An infrared absorber can be provided on the optical waveguide either as a coating or as a plate to aid in absorption of the infrared radiation. In some cases, a vertical resonant cavity can be formed about the infrared absorber to further increase the absorption of the infrared radiation. The sensor can be formed as a single device, or as an array for imaging the infrared radiation.

  11. Sensor assembly method using silicon interposer with trenches for three-dimensional binocular range sensors (United States)

    Nakajima, Kazuhiro; Yamamoto, Yuji; Arima, Yutaka


    To easily assemble a three-dimensional binocular range sensor, we devised an alignment method for two image sensors using a silicon interposer with trenches. The trenches were formed using deep reactive ion etching (RIE) equipment. We produced a three-dimensional (3D) range sensor using the method and experimentally confirmed that sufficient alignment accuracy was realized. It was confirmed that the alignment accuracy of the two image sensors when using the proposed method is more than twice that of the alignment assembly method on a conventional board. In addition, as a result of evaluating the deterioration of the detection performance caused by the alignment accuracy, it was confirmed that the vertical deviation between the corresponding pixels in the two image sensors is substantially proportional to the decrease in detection performance. Therefore, we confirmed that the proposed method can realize more than twice the detection performance of the conventional method. Through these evaluations, the effectiveness of the 3D binocular range sensor aligned by the silicon interposer with the trenches was confirmed.

  12. Sensors in Education

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Van Rosmalen, Peter; Schneider, Jan; Börner, Dirk


    Sensors rapidly become available both for personal as well as scientific use. A wide range of applications exists for personal use e.g. safety in and around the house, sport, fitness and health. In this workshop we will explore how sensors are (can be) used in education. We start with an

  13. Biodegradable Piezoelectric Force Sensor. (United States)

    Curry, Eli J; Ke, Kai; Chorsi, Meysam T; Wrobel, Kinga S; Miller, Albert N; Patel, Avi; Kim, Insoo; Feng, Jianlin; Yue, Lixia; Wu, Qian; Kuo, Chia-Ling; Lo, Kevin W-H; Laurencin, Cato T; Ilies, Horea; Purohit, Prashant K; Nguyen, Thanh D


    Measuring vital physiological pressures is important for monitoring health status, preventing the buildup of dangerous internal forces in impaired organs, and enabling novel approaches of using mechanical stimulation for tissue regeneration. Pressure sensors are often required to be implanted and directly integrated with native soft biological systems. Therefore, the devices should be flexible and at the same time biodegradable to avoid invasive removal surgery that can damage directly interfaced tissues. Despite recent achievements in degradable electronic devices, there is still a tremendous need to develop a force sensor which only relies on safe medical materials and requires no complex fabrication process to provide accurate information on important biophysiological forces. Here, we present a strategy for material processing, electromechanical analysis, device fabrication, and assessment of a piezoelectric Poly-l-lactide (PLLA) polymer to create a biodegradable, biocompatible piezoelectric force sensor, which only employs medical materials used commonly in Food and Drug Administration-approved implants, for the monitoring of biological forces. We show the sensor can precisely measure pressures in a wide range of 0-18 kPa and sustain a reliable performance for a period of 4 d in an aqueous environment. We also demonstrate this PLLA piezoelectric sensor can be implanted inside the abdominal cavity of a mouse to monitor the pressure of diaphragmatic contraction. This piezoelectric sensor offers an appealing alternative to present biodegradable electronic devices for the monitoring of intraorgan pressures. The sensor can be integrated with tissues and organs, forming self-sensing bionic systems to enable many exciting applications in regenerative medicine, drug delivery, and medical devices.

  14. Miniaturized multi-sensor for aquatic studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Birkelund, Karen; Hyldgård, Anders; Mortensen, Dennis; Thomsen, Erik V


    We have developed and fabricated a multi-sensor chip for fisheries' research and demonstrated the functionality under controlled conditions. The outer dimensions of the sensor chip are 3.0 × 7.4 × 0.8 mm 3 and both sides of the chip are utilized for sensors. Hereby a more compact chip is achieved that allows for direct exposure to the seawater and thereby more accurate measurements. The chip contains a piezo-resistive pressure sensor, a pn-junction photodiode sensitive to visible light, a four-terminal platinum resistor for temperature measurement and four conductivity electrodes for the determination of the salinity of saltwater. Pressure, light intensity, temperature and salinity are all essential parameters when mapping the migration route of fish. The pressure sensor has a sensitivity of S = 1.44 × 10 −7 Pa −1 and is optimized to 20 bar pressure; the light sensor has a quantum efficiency between 52% and 74% in the range of visible light. The temperature sensor responds linearly with temperature and has a temperature coefficient of resistance of 2.9 × 10 −3 K −1 . The conductivity sensor can measure the salinity with an accuracy of ±0.1 psu. This is all together the smallest and best functioning fully integrated MEMS-based multi-sensor made to date for this specific application. However, each single-sensor performance can be optimized by introducing a considerably more complicated process sequence. In this paper, a new simpler process for integrating the four sensors on one single chip is presented in details for the first time. Further, an optimized performance of the individual sensors is presented

  15. Microstrip Patch Sensor for Salinity Determination. (United States)

    Lee, Kibae; Hassan, Arshad; Lee, Chong Hyun; Bae, Jinho


    In this paper, a compact microstrip feed inset patch sensor is proposed for measuring the salinities in seawater. The working principle of the proposed sensor depends on the fact that different salinities in liquid have different relative permittivities and cause different resonance frequencies. The proposed sensor can obtain better sensitivity to salinity changes than common sensors using conductivity change, since the relative permittivity change to salinity is 2.5 times more sensitive than the conductivity change. The patch and ground plane of the proposed sensor are fabricated by conductive copper spray coating on the masks made by 3D printer. The fabricated patch and the ground plane are bonded to a commercial silicon substrate and then attached to 5 mm-high chamber made by 3D printer so that it contains only 1 mL seawater. For easy fabrication and testing, the maximum resonance frequency was selected under 3 GHz and to cover salinities in real seawater, it was assumed that the salinity changes from 20 to 35 ppt. The sensor was designed by the finite element method-based ANSYS high-frequency structure simulator (HFSS), and it can detect the salinity with 0.01 ppt resolution. The designed sensor has a resonance frequency separation of 37.9 kHz and reflection coefficients under -20 dB at the resonant frequencies. The fabricated sensor showed better performance with average frequency separation of 48 kHz and maximum reflection coefficient of -35 dB. By comparing with the existing sensors, the proposed compact and low-cost sensor showed a better detection capability. Therefore, the proposed patch sensor can be utilized in radio frequency (RF) tunable sensors for salinity determination.

  16. Wireless smart shipboard sensor network


    Nozik, Andrew B.


    This thesis studies the feasibility of developing a smart shipboard sensor network. The objective of the thesis is to prove that sensors can be made smart by keeping calibration constants and other relevant data such as network information stored on the sensor and a server computer. Study will focus on the design and implementation of an Ipsil IP(micro)8930 microcontroller, which is then connected, by the standard TCP/IP implementation, to a network where the sensor information can be see...

  17. La vegetación como sistema de control para las Islas de Calor Urbano en Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua

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    Maria Goretti Salas Esparza


    Full Text Available A nivel mundial, el territorio ha experimentado un proceso de urbanización, el cual ha modificado las condiciones físicas y climatológicas como consecuencia de la densificación y construcción de las zonas urbanas, sobre todo a partir de la utilización de materiales que retienen el calor y que propician el fenómeno de isla de calor urbano (ICU, término establecido por Gordon Manley en 1958 (Fernández, 1996. Este trabajo evalúa el impacto que tienen las áreas verdes para actuar como sistema de control de isla de calor sobre Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, durante el verano del 2016. La metodología consistió en analizar cuatro áreas verdes para determinar la diferencia de temperatura que existe entre las zonas arboladas y las no arboladas, registrando temperaturas con sensores Hobo®, cada 15 minutos. Los resultados obtenidos demostraron que existe una diferencia de temperatura de 3,82 °C entre los lugares arbolados y no arbolados en el área verde con mayor nivel de vegetación, mientras que el área verde con menor nivel de vegetación se encontró una diferencia de 0,53 °C. Sin embargo, el impacto que tendrán sobre la zona urbana dependerá de la configuración y características de la misma área verde.   Documeto fianciado bajo el marco Tesis de Maestría en Planificación y Desarrollo Urbano " Áreas verdes como sistema de control para las Islas de Calor Urbano en Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua".Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez

  18. Optischer Sensor


    Brandenburg, A.; Hutter, F.; Edelhaeuser, R.


    WO 2010040565 A1 UPAB: 20100506 NOVELTY - The integrated optical sensor comprises a first waveguide (4), a second waveguide (5) optically coupled to the first waveguide via a directional coupler, a substrate, which carries the first and the second waveguides, a single waveguide coupled with a light source, and an output waveguide coupled with a light-sensitive element. The sensor has a functional surface in the region of the directional coupler for depositing or deposition of the substance to...

  19. Fabrication of taste sensor for education (United States)

    Wu, Xiao; Tahara, Yusuke; Toko, Kiyoshi; Kuriyaki, Hisao


    In order to solve the unconcern to usefulness of learning science among high school students in Japan, we developed a simple fabricated taste sensor with sensitivity and selectivity to each taste quality, which can be applied in science class. A commercialized Teflon membrane was used as the polymer membrane holding lipids. In addition, a non-adhesive method is considered to combine the membrane and the sensor electrode using a plastic cap which is easily accessible. The taste sensor for education fabricated in this way showed a good selectivity and sensitivity. By adjusting the composition of trioctylmethylammonium chloride (TOMA) and phosphoric acid di(2-ethylhexyl) ester (PAEE) included in lipid solution, we improved the selectivity of this simple taste sensor to saltiness and sourness. To verify this taste sensor as a useful science teaching material for science class, we applied this taste sensor into a science class for university students. By comparing the results between the sensory test and the sensor response, humans taste showed the same tendency just as the sensor response, which proved the sensor as a useful teaching material for science class.

  20. Assessment of fiber optic pressure sensors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hashemian, H.M.; Black, C.L.; Farmer, J.P.


    This report presents the results of a six-month Phase 1 study to establish the state-of-the-art in fiber optic pressure sensing and describes the design and principle of operation of various fiber optic pressure sensors. This study involved a literature review, contact with experts in the field, an industrial survey, a site visit to a fiber optic sensor manufacturer, and laboratory testing of a fiber optic pressure sensor. The laboratory work involved both static and dynamic performance tests. In addition, current requirements for environmental and seismic qualification of sensors for nuclear power plants were reviewed to determine the extent of the qualification tests that fiber optic pressure sensors may have to meet before they can be used in nuclear power plants. This project has concluded that fiber optic pressure sensors are still in the research and development stage and only a few manufacturers exist in the US and abroad which supply suitable fiber optic pressure sensors for industrial applications. Presently, fiber optic pressure sensors are mostly used in special applications for which conventional sensors are not able to meet the requirements

  1. El dictado como tarea comunicativa

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    Daniel Cassany


    Full Text Available El artículo explora las utilidades didácticas del dictado (la práctica comunicativa de oralizar o leer en voz alta un escrito para el aprendizaje funcional de una lengua materna o extranjera, en los diversos niveles de enseñanza. Después de criticar el uso tradicional de este ejercicio lingüístico, presentamos once formas diferentes de desarrollar un dictado en clase, con sus particulares contenidos, objetivos y metodologías. También analizamos con detalle la técnica más tradicional del dictado magistral, en la que el docente dicta palabra por palabra un texto al alumnado, poniendo énfasis en la ortografía; ofrecemos algunas orientaciones para incrementar el componente comunicativo de esta propuesta. Las conclusiones finales proponen entender esta técnica como un recurso metodológico variado, rico y sugerente, adaptado a cada situación de aprendizaje —y no como una práctica obligatoria y fosilizada.

  2. Flush Mounting Of Thin-Film Sensors (United States)

    Moore, Thomas C., Sr.


    Technique developed for mounting thin-film sensors flush with surfaces like aerodynamic surfaces of aircraft, which often have compound curvatures. Sensor mounted in recess by use of vacuum pad and materials selected for specific application. Technique involves use of materials tailored to thermal properties of substrate in which sensor mounted. Together with customized materials, enables flush mounting of thin-film sensors in most situations in which recesses for sensors provided. Useful in both aircraft and automotive industries.


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    Ana Letícia Silva Ferreira


    procedures, literature surveys were made, choose the scope and level of education as well as the preparation of work proposals. During the research it is noticed the interest and the ease with which students have to learn to cartography (deployment modes: punctual, linear and zonal when made an approach through remote sensing images (interpretation patterns, managing to get a better understanding of the geographical space. We conclude that combining the knowledge of remote sensing and mapping in the context of teaching allows students better know their place, become familiar with the vertical view, do interrelations between issues and to develop the field of cartographic language.   Keywords: Geography Teaching; Geotechnology; Cartography; Elementary School.   LA TELEDETECCIÓN Y LA CARTOGRAFÍA COMO HERRAMIENTA EDUCATIVA EN LA ENSEÑANZA DE LA GEOGRAFIA   RESUMEN Sensores remotos y mapeo son campos de conocimiento geográfico y, como tal, no ellos o negligencia debe disociarse de su existencia, como se observa comúnmente en las escuelas primarias. El estudiante del siglo XXI es por excelencia una tecnología dominante nacido. El propósito de este artículo es demostrar cómo se puede utilizar la teledetección y la cartografía como herramienta para mejorar la calidad de la geografía componente curricular en el nivel fundamental. Entre los procedimientos metodológicos, se realizaron exámenes de la bibliografía, seleccionar el alcance y el nivel de educación, y la preparación de propuestas de trabajo. Durante la investigación es evidente el interés y la facilidad con la que los estudiantes tienen que aprender a la cartografía (modos de implementación: puntual, lineal y zonal, cuando se hace una aproximación a través de imágenes de teledetección (patrones de interpretación la gestión para obtener una mejor comprensión del espacio geográfico. Se concluye que la combinación de los conocimientos de la teledetección y la cartografía en el contexto de la

  4. Water Sensors (United States)


    Mike Morris, former Associate Director of STAC, formed pHish Doctor, Inc. to develop and sell a pH monitor for home aquariums. The monitor, or pHish Doctor, consists of a sensor strip and color chart that continually measures pH levels in an aquarium. This is important because when the level gets too high, ammonia excreted by fish is highly toxic; at low pH, bacteria that normally break down waste products stop functioning. Sales have run into the tens of thousands of dollars. A NASA Tech Brief Technical Support Package later led to a salt water version of the system and a DoE Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant for development of a sensor for sea buoys. The company, now known as Ocean Optics, Inc., is currently studying the effects of carbon dioxide buildup as well as exploring other commercial applications for the fiber optic sensor.

  5. Miniature sensor suitable for electronic nose applications

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pinnaduwage, L. A.; Gehl, A. C.; Allman, S. L.


    A major research effort has been devoted over the years for the development of chemical sensors for the detection of chemical and explosive vapors. However, the deployment of such chemical sensors will require the use of multiple sensors probably tens of sensors in a sensor package to achieve sel...... microcantilevers. The sensor can detect parts-per-trillion concentrations of DMMP within 10 s exposure times. The small size of the sensor makes it ideally suited for electronic nose applications. © 2007 American Institute of Physics....

  6. -Net Approach to Sensor -Coverage

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    Fusco Giordano


    Full Text Available Wireless sensors rely on battery power, and in many applications it is difficult or prohibitive to replace them. Hence, in order to prolongate the system's lifetime, some sensors can be kept inactive while others perform all the tasks. In this paper, we study the -coverage problem of activating the minimum number of sensors to ensure that every point in the area is covered by at least sensors. This ensures higher fault tolerance, robustness, and improves many operations, among which position detection and intrusion detection. The -coverage problem is trivially NP-complete, and hence we can only provide approximation algorithms. In this paper, we present an algorithm based on an extension of the classical -net technique. This method gives an -approximation, where is the number of sensors in an optimal solution. We do not make any particular assumption on the shape of the areas covered by each sensor, besides that they must be closed, connected, and without holes.

  7. Downhole Applications of Magnetic Sensors. (United States)

    Gooneratne, Chinthaka P; Li, Bodong; Moellendick, Timothy E


    In this paper we present a review of the application of two types of magnetic sensors-fluxgate magnetometers and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) sensors-in the oil/gas industry. These magnetic sensors play a critical role in drilling wells safely, accurately and efficiently into a target reservoir zone by providing directional data of the well and acquiring information about the surrounding geological formations. Research into magnetic sensors for oil/gas drilling has not been explored by researchers to the same extent as other applications, such as biomedical, magnetic storage and automotive/aerospace applications. Therefore, this paper aims to serve as an opportunity for researchers to truly understand how magnetic sensors can be used in a downhole environment and to provide fertile ground for research and development in this area. A look ahead, discussing other magnetic sensor technologies that can potentially be used in the oil/gas industry is presented, and what is still needed in order deploy them in the field is also addressed.

  8. Airborne Sensor Thermal Management Solution

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ng, K. K. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States)


    The customer wants to outfit aircraft (de Havilland Twin Otter) with optical sensors. In previous product generations the sensor line-of-sight direction was fixed – the sensor’s direction relied on the orientation of the aircraft. The next generation sensor will be packaged in a rotatable turret so that the line-of-sight is reasonably independent of the aircraft’s orientation. This turret will be mounted on a boom protruding from the side of the aircraft. The customer wants to outfit aircraft (de Havilland Twin Otter) with optical sensors. In previous product generations the sensor line-of-sight direction was fixed – the sensor’s direction relied on the orientation of the aircraft. The next generation sensor will be packaged in a rotatable turret so that the line-of-sight is reasonably independent of the aircraft’s orientation. This turret will be mounted on a boom protruding from the side of the aircraft.

  9. Sensor Compendium - A Snowmass Whitepaper-

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Artuso, M. [Syracuse Univ., NY (United States); Battaglia, M. [Univ. of California, Santa Cruz, CA (United States); Bolla, G. [Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN (United States); Bortoletto, D. [Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN (United States); Caberera, B. [Stanford Univ., CA (United States); Carlstrom, J E [Univ. of Chicago, IL (United States); Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States); Chang, C. L. [Univ. of Chicago, IL (United States); Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States); Cooper, W. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Da Via, C. [Univ. of Manchester (United Kingdom); Demarteau, M. [Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States); Fast, J. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Frisch, H. [Univ. of Chicago, IL (United States), et al.


    Sensors play a key role in detecting both charged particles and photons for all three frontiers in Particle Physics. The signals from an individual sensor that can be used include ionization deposited, phonons created, or light emitted from excitations of the material. The individual sensors are then typically arrayed for detection of individual particles or groups of particles. Mounting of new, ever higher performance experiments, often depend on advances in sensors in a range of performance characteristics. These performance metrics can include position resolution for passing particles, time resolution on particles impacting the sensor, and overall rate capabilities. In addition the feasible detector area and cost frequently provides a limit to what can be built and therefore is often another area where improvements are important. Finally, radiation tolerance is becoming a requirement in a broad array of devices. We present a status report on a broad category of sensors, including challenges for the future and work in progress to solve those challenges.

  10. Infrared sensors and sensor fusion; Proceedings of the Meeting, Orlando, FL, May 19-21, 1987

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Buser, R.G.; Warren, F.B.


    The present conference discusses topics in the fields of IR sensor multifunctional design; image modeling, simulation, and detection; IR sensor configurations and components; thermal sensor arrays; silicide-based IR sensors; and IR focal plane array utilization. Attention is given to the fusion of lidar and FLIR for target segmentation and enhancement, the synergetic integration of thermal and visual images for computer vision, the 'Falcon Eye' FLIR system, multifunctional electrooptics and multiaperture sensors for precision-guided munitions, and AI approaches to data integration. Also discussed are the comparative performance of Ir silicide and Pt silicide photodiodes, high fill-factor silicide monolithic arrays, and the characterization of noise in staring IR focal plane arrays

  11. Modular sensor network node (United States)

    Davis, Jesse Harper Zehring [Berkeley, CA; Stark, Jr., Douglas Paul; Kershaw, Christopher Patrick [Hayward, CA; Kyker, Ronald Dean [Livermore, CA


    A distributed wireless sensor network node is disclosed. The wireless sensor network node includes a plurality of sensor modules coupled to a system bus and configured to sense a parameter. The parameter may be an object, an event or any other parameter. The node collects data representative of the parameter. The node also includes a communication module coupled to the system bus and configured to allow the node to communicate with other nodes. The node also includes a processing module coupled to the system bus and adapted to receive the data from the sensor module and operable to analyze the data. The node also includes a power module connected to the system bus and operable to generate a regulated voltage.

  12. An Environmental Monitoring System for Managing Spatiotemporal Sensor Data over Sensor Networks

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    Keun Ho Ryu


    Full Text Available In a wireless sensor network, sensors collect data about natural phenomena and transmit them to a server in real-time. Many studies have been conducted focusing on the processing of continuous queries in an approximate form. However, this approach is difficult to apply to environmental applications which require the correct data to be stored. In this paper, we propose a weather monitoring system for handling and storing the sensor data stream in real-time in order to support continuous spatial and/or temporal queries. In our system, we exploit two time-based insertion methods to store the sensor data stream and reduce the number of managed tuples, without losing any of the raw data which are useful for queries, by using the sensors’ temporal attributes. In addition, we offer a method for reducing the cost of the join operations used in processing spatiotemporal queries by filtering out a list of irrelevant sensors from query range before making a join operation. In the results of the performance evaluation, the number of tuples obtained from the data stream is reduced by about 30% in comparison to a naïve approach, thereby decreasing the query execution time.

  13. Micro Coriolis Gas Density Sensor

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sparreboom, Wouter; Ratering, Gijs; Kruijswijk, Wim; van der Wouden, E.J.; Groenesteijn, Jarno; Lötters, Joost Conrad


    In this paper we report on gas density measurements using a micro Coriolis sensor. The technology to fabricate the sensor is based on surface channel technology. The measurement tube is freely suspended and has a wall thickness of only 1 micron. This renders the sensor extremely sensitive to changes

  14. Organic Electroluminescent Sensor for Pressure Measurement

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    Tomohide Niimi


    Full Text Available We have proposed a novel concept of a pressure sensor called electroluminescent pressure sensor (ELPS based on oxygen quenching of electroluminescence. The sensor was fabricated as an organic light-emitting device (OLED with phosphorescent dyes whose phosphorescence can be quenched by oxygenmolecules, and with a polymer electrode which permeates oxygen molecules. The sensor was a single-layer OLED with Platinum (II octaethylporphine (PtOEP doped into poly(vinylcarbazole (PVK as an oxygen sensitive emissive layer and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene mixed with poly(styrenesulfonate (PEDOT:PSS as an oxygen permeating polymer anode. The pressure sensitivity of the fabricated ELPS sample was equivalent to that of the sensor excited by an illumination light source. Moreover, the pressure sensitivity of the sensor is equivalent to that of conventional pressure-sensitive paint (PSP, which is an optical pressure sensor based on photoluminescence.

  15. Nanomaterial-Enabled Wearable Sensors for Healthcare. (United States)

    Yao, Shanshan; Swetha, Puchakayala; Zhu, Yong


    Highly sensitive wearable sensors that can be conformably attached to human skin or integrated with textiles to monitor the physiological parameters of human body or the surrounding environment have garnered tremendous interest. Owing to the large surface area and outstanding material properties, nanomaterials are promising building blocks for wearable sensors. Recent advances in the nanomaterial-enabled wearable sensors including temperature, electrophysiological, strain, tactile, electrochemical, and environmental sensors are presented in this review. Integration of multiple sensors for multimodal sensing and integration with other components into wearable systems are summarized. Representative applications of nanomaterial-enabled wearable sensors for healthcare, including continuous health monitoring, daily and sports activity tracking, and multifunctional electronic skin are highlighted. Finally, challenges, opportunities, and future perspectives in the field of nanomaterial-enabled wearable sensors are discussed. © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  16. JSC Wireless Sensor Network Update (United States)

    Wagner, Robert


    Sensor nodes composed of three basic components... radio module: COTS radio module implementing standardized WSN protocol; treated as WSN modem by main board main board: contains application processor (TI MSP430 microcontroller), memory, power supply; responsible for sensor data acquisition, pre-processing, and task scheduling; re-used in every application with growing library of embedded C code sensor card: contains application-specific sensors, data conditioning hardware, and any advanced hardware not built into main board (DSPs, faster A/D, etc.); requires (re-) development for each application.

  17. Pegada Hídrica como Indicador de Sustentabilidade Ambiental1

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    Kettrin Farias Bem Maracajá


    Full Text Available O conceito de pegada hídrica tem sido recentemente introduzido como um importante indicador do consumo de água humano, na tentativa de minimizar os impactos ambientais. Esse trabalho aborda o conceito da pegada hídrica como um indicador de sustentabilidade, com vistas o uso racional dos recursos hídricos. Nos últimos anos, a escassez de alguns recursos naturais vem sendo bastante discutido em todo o mundo e quanto à água a preocupação é ainda maior em face do uso desordenado na irrigação, bem como pela poluição da água potável através da indústria e agricultura. Partindo dessa análise, a pegada hídrica surge como um indicador de sustentabilidade da água doce em seus diferentes tipos de consumo para que seja utilizada de forma consciente. Com base na revisão da literatura sobre o tema abordado, conclui-se que para a redução da pegada hídrica se deve tomar medidas de controle do uso direto e indireto da água doce principalmente na agricultura irrigada.

  18. Magnetic actuators and sensors

    CERN Document Server

    Brauer, John R


    An accessible, comprehensive guide on magnetic actuators and sensors, this fully updated second edition of Magnetic Actuators and Sensors includes the latest advances, numerous worked calculations, illustrations, and real-life applications. Covering magnetics, actuators, sensors, and systems, with updates of new technologies and techniques, this exemplary learning tool emphasizes computer-aided design techniques, especially magnetic finite element analysis, commonly used by today's engineers. Detailed calculations, numerous illustrations, and discussions of discrepancies make this text an inva

  19. Efficient sensor selection for active information fusion. (United States)

    Zhang, Yongmian; Ji, Qiang


    In our previous paper, we formalized an active information fusion framework based on dynamic Bayesian networks to provide active information fusion. This paper focuses on a central issue of active information fusion, i.e., the efficient identification of a subset of sensors that are most decision relevant and cost effective. Determining the most informative and cost-effective sensors requires an evaluation of all the possible subsets of sensors, which is computationally intractable, particularly when information-theoretic criterion such as mutual information is used. To overcome this challenge, we propose a new quantitative measure for sensor synergy based on which a sensor synergy graph is constructed. Using the sensor synergy graph, we first introduce an alternative measure to multisensor mutual information for characterizing the sensor information gain. We then propose an approximated nonmyopic sensor selection method that can efficiently and near-optimally select a subset of sensors for active fusion. The simulation study demonstrates both the performance and the efficiency of the proposed sensor selection method.


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    Alberto E Calvo González


    Full Text Available Se presenta el análisis de las posibilidades que tiene la CTE" Otto Parellada" como elemento fundamental en la formación de ingenieros electricistas, así como para otras especialidades.Se expone el modo en que actualmente se le aprovecha para la carrera de Ingeniería Eléctrica en ladisciplina de Centrales Termoeléctricas, así como para la carrera de Ingeniería Mecánica en la asignatura homónimadel 1er. año. Se exponen otras posibilidades de la planta que podrían ser explotadas aún por otras carreras comoArquitectura, al tener características que la avalan como Patrimonio Industrial.  In this paper is presented the analysis of the possibilities like fundamental element that Otto Parellada SteamPower Plant has for the electrical, as well as other specialties engineers' syllabus. The way that at present time isused for the electrical engineers education, in the thermal engineering subjects is exposed, as well as for themechanical engineering in the 1st year. Other possibilities of the plant that could still be exploited by otherscareers like architecture, due to the characteristic that endorse it as Industrial Patrimony are also exposed.

  1. Workflow-Oriented Cyberinfrastructure for Sensor Data Analytics (United States)

    Orcutt, J. A.; Rajasekar, A.; Moore, R. W.; Vernon, F.


    Sensor streams comprise an increasingly large part of Earth Science data. Analytics based on sensor data require an easy way to perform operations such as acquisition, conversion to physical units, metadata linking, sensor fusion, analysis and visualization on distributed sensor streams. Furthermore, embedding real-time sensor data into scientific workflows is of growing interest. We have implemented a scalable networked architecture that can be used to dynamically access packets of data in a stream from multiple sensors, and perform synthesis and analysis across a distributed network. Our system is based on the integrated Rule Oriented Data System (, which accesses sensor data from the Antelope Real Time Data System (, and provides virtualized access to collections of data streams. We integrate real-time data streaming from different sources, collected for different purposes, on different time and spatial scales, and sensed by different methods. iRODS, noted for its policy-oriented data management, brings to sensor processing features and facilities such as single sign-on, third party access control lists ( ACLs), location transparency, logical resource naming, and server-side modeling capabilities while reducing the burden on sensor network operators. Rich integrated metadata support also makes it straightforward to discover data streams of interest and maintain data provenance. The workflow support in iRODS readily integrates sensor processing into any analytical pipeline. The system is developed as part of the NSF-funded Datanet Federation Consortium ( APIs for selecting, opening, reaping and closing sensor streams are provided, along with other helper functions to associate metadata and convert sensor packets into NetCDF and JSON formats. Near real-time sensor data including seismic sensors, environmental sensors, LIDAR and video streams are available through this interface. A system for archiving sensor data and metadata in Net

  2. Distributed sensor coordination for advanced energy systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tumer, Kagan [Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR (United States). School of Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering


    Motivation: The ability to collect key system level information is critical to the safe, efficient and reliable operation of advanced power systems. Recent advances in sensor technology have enabled some level of decision making directly at the sensor level. However, coordinating large numbers of sensors, particularly heterogeneous sensors, to achieve system level objectives such as predicting plant efficiency, reducing downtime or predicting outages requires sophisticated coordination algorithms. Indeed, a critical issue in such systems is how to ensure the interaction of a large number of heterogenous system components do not interfere with one another and lead to undesirable behavior. Objectives and Contributions: The long-term objective of this work is to provide sensor deployment, coordination and networking algorithms for large numbers of sensors to ensure the safe, reliable, and robust operation of advanced energy systems. Our two specific objectives are to: 1. Derive sensor performance metrics for heterogeneous sensor networks. 2. Demonstrate effectiveness, scalability and reconfigurability of heterogeneous sensor network in advanced power systems. The key technical contribution of this work is to push the coordination step to the design of the objective functions of the sensors, allowing networks of heterogeneous sensors to be controlled. By ensuring that the control and coordination is not specific to particular sensor hardware, this approach enables the design and operation of large heterogeneous sensor networks. In addition to the coordination coordination mechanism, this approach allows the system to be reconfigured in response to changing needs (e.g., sudden external events requiring new responses) or changing sensor network characteristics (e.g., sudden changes to plant condition). Impact: The impact of this work extends to a large class of problems relevant to the National Energy Technology Laboratory including sensor placement, heterogeneous sensor

  3. Sensor placement for soil water monitoring in lemon irrigated by micro sprinkler Posicionamento de sensores para monitoramento de água no solo em limoeiro irrigado por microaspersão

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    Eugênio F. Coelho


    Full Text Available This research had as its objective the investigation of an alternative strategy for soil sensor placement to be used in citrus orchards irrigated by micro sprinkler. An experiment was carried out in a Tahiti lemon orchard under three irrigation intervals of 1, 2 and 3 days. Soil water potential, soil water content distribution and root water extraction were monitored by a time-domain-reflectometry (TDR in several positions in soil profiles radial to the trees. Root length and root length density were determined from digital root images at the same positions in the soil profiles where water content was monitored. Results showed the importance of considering root water extraction in the definition of soil water sensor placement. The profile regions for soil water sensor placement should correspond to the intersection of the region containing at least 80% of total root length and the region of at least 80% of total water extraction. In case of tensiometers, the region of soil water potential above -80 kPa should be included in the intersection.Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar uma estratégia alternativa de posicionamento de sensores de água no solo, para uso em pomares de citros irrigados por microaspersão. Um experimento foi conduzido em um pomar de limão Tahiti, sob três intervalos de irrigação: 1, 2 e 3 dias. A distribuição de umidade, potenciais de água e extração de água do solo foram monitorados por um analisador de umidade de reflectometria no domínio do tempo (TDR em várias posições, em perfis do solo radiais às plantas. Comprimento e densidade de raízes foram determinados a partir de imagens digitais nas mesmas posições onde a umidade fora monitorada. Os resultados mostraram a importância de se considerar a extração de água pelas raízes na definição da posição dos sensores de água do solo. As regiões do perfil para posicionamento de sensores de água do solo devem corresponder à interseção da

  4. Sensor array signal processing

    CERN Document Server

    Naidu, Prabhakar S


    Chapter One: An Overview of Wavefields 1.1 Types of Wavefields and the Governing Equations 1.2 Wavefield in open space 1.3 Wavefield in bounded space 1.4 Stochastic wavefield 1.5 Multipath propagation 1.6 Propagation through random medium 1.7 ExercisesChapter Two: Sensor Array Systems 2.1 Uniform linear array (ULA) 2.2 Planar array 2.3 Distributed sensor array 2.4 Broadband sensor array 2.5 Source and sensor arrays 2.6 Multi-component sensor array2.7 ExercisesChapter Three: Frequency Wavenumber Processing 3.1 Digital filters in the w-k domain 3.2 Mapping of 1D into 2D filters 3.3 Multichannel Wiener filters 3.4 Wiener filters for ULA and UCA 3.5 Predictive noise cancellation 3.6 Exercises Chapter Four: Source Localization: Frequency Wavenumber Spectrum4.1 Frequency wavenumber spectrum 4.2 Beamformation 4.3 Capon's w-k spectrum 4.4 Maximum entropy w-k spectrum 4.5 Doppler-Azimuth Processing4.6 ExercisesChapter Five: Source Localization: Subspace Methods 5.1 Subspace methods (Narrowband) 5.2 Subspace methods (B...

  5. Microstrip Patch Sensor for Salinity Determination

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kibae Lee


    Full Text Available In this paper, a compact microstrip feed inset patch sensor is proposed for measuring the salinities in seawater. The working principle of the proposed sensor depends on the fact that different salinities in liquid have different relative permittivities and cause different resonance frequencies. The proposed sensor can obtain better sensitivity to salinity changes than common sensors using conductivity change, since the relative permittivity change to salinity is 2.5 times more sensitive than the conductivity change. The patch and ground plane of the proposed sensor are fabricated by conductive copper spray coating on the masks made by 3D printer. The fabricated patch and the ground plane are bonded to a commercial silicon substrate and then attached to 5 mm-high chamber made by 3D printer so that it contains only 1 mL seawater. For easy fabrication and testing, the maximum resonance frequency was selected under 3 GHz and to cover salinities in real seawater, it was assumed that the salinity changes from 20 to 35 ppt. The sensor was designed by the finite element method-based ANSYS high-frequency structure simulator (HFSS, and it can detect the salinity with 0.01 ppt resolution. The designed sensor has a resonance frequency separation of 37.9 kHz and reflection coefficients under −20 dB at the resonant frequencies. The fabricated sensor showed better performance with average frequency separation of 48 kHz and maximum reflection coefficient of −35 dB. By comparing with the existing sensors, the proposed compact and low-cost sensor showed a better detection capability. Therefore, the proposed patch sensor can be utilized in radio frequency (RF tunable sensors for salinity determination.

  6. Flexible heartbeat sensor for wearable device. (United States)

    Kwak, Yeon Hwa; Kim, Wonhyo; Park, Kwang Bum; Kim, Kunnyun; Seo, Sungkyu


    We demonstrate a flexible strain-gauge sensor and its use in a wearable application for heart rate detection. This polymer-based strain-gauge sensor was fabricated using a double-sided fabrication method with polymer and metal, i.e., polyimide and nickel-chrome. The fabrication process for this strain-gauge sensor is compatible with the conventional flexible printed circuit board (FPCB) processes facilitating its commercialization. The fabricated sensor showed a linear relation for an applied normal force of more than 930 kPa, with a minimum detectable force of 6.25Pa. This sensor can also linearly detect a bending radius from 5mm to 100mm. It is a thin, flexible, compact, and inexpensive (for mass production) heart rate detection sensor that is highly sensitive compared to the established optical photoplethysmography (PPG) sensors. It can detect not only the timing of heart pulsation, but also the amplitude or shape of the pulse signal. The proposed strain-gauge sensor can be applicable to various applications for smart devices requiring heartbeat detection. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Wireless sensor (United States)

    Lamberti, Vincent E.; Howell, JR, Layton N.; Mee, David K.; Sepaniak, Michael J.


    Disclosed is a sensor for detecting a target material. The sensor includes a ferromagnetic metal and a molecular recognition reagent coupled to the ferromagnetic metal. The molecular recognition reagent is operable to expand upon exposure to vapor or liquid from the target material such that the molecular recognition reagent changes a tensile stress upon the ferromagnetic metal. The target material is detected based on changes in the magnetic switching characteristics of the ferromagnetic metal caused by the changes in the tensile stress.

  8. Sensor system for web inspection (United States)

    Sleefe, Gerard E.; Rudnick, Thomas J.; Novak, James L.


    A system for electrically measuring variations over a flexible web has a capacitive sensor including spaced electrically conductive, transmit and receive electrodes mounted on a flexible substrate. The sensor is held against a flexible web with sufficient force to deflect the path of the web, which moves relative to the sensor.

  9. Intelligent gas-mixture flow sensor

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lammerink, Theodorus S.J.; Dijkstra, Fred; Houkes, Z.; van Kuijk, J.C.C.; van Kuijk, Joost

    A simple way to realize a gas-mixture flow sensor is presented. The sensor is capable of measuring two parameters from a gas flow. Both the flow rate and the helium content of a helium-nitrogen gas mixture are measured. The sensor exploits two measurement principles in combination with (local)

  10. Optical fiber sensors: Systems and applications. Volume 2 (United States)

    Culshaw, Brian; Dakin, John

    State-of-the-art fiber-optic (FO) sensors and their applications are described in chapters contributed by leading experts. Consideration is given to interferometers, FO gyros, intensity- and wavelength-based sensors and optical actuators, Si in FO sensors, point-sensor multiplexing principles, and distributed FO sensor systems. Also examined are chemical, biochemical, and medical sensors; physical and chemical sensors for process control; FO-sensor applications in the marine and aerospace industries; FO-sensor monitoring systems for security and safety, structural integrity, NDE, and the electric-power industry; and the market situation for FO-sensor technology. Diagrams, drawings, graphs, and photographs are provided.

  11. Novel Fiber-Optic Ring Acoustic Emission Sensor. (United States)

    Wei, Peng; Han, Xiaole; Xia, Dong; Liu, Taolin; Lang, Hao


    Acoustic emission technology has been applied to many fields for many years. However, the conventional piezoelectric acoustic emission sensors cannot be used in extreme environments, such as those with heavy electromagnetic interference, high pressure, or strong corrosion. In this paper, a novel fiber-optic ring acoustic emission sensor is proposed. The sensor exhibits high sensitivity, anti-electromagnetic interference, and corrosion resistance. First, the principle of a novel fiber-optic ring sensor is introduced. Different from piezoelectric and other fiber acoustic emission sensors, this novel sensor includes both a sensing skeleton and a sensing fiber. Second, a heterodyne interferometric demodulating method is presented. In addition, a fiber-optic ring sensor acoustic emission system is built based on this method. Finally, fiber-optic ring acoustic emission experiments are performed. The novel fiber-optic ring sensor is glued onto the surface of an aluminum plate. The 150 kHz standard continuous sinusoidal signals and broken lead signals are successfully detected by the novel fiber-optic ring acoustic emission sensor. In addition, comparison to the piezoelectric acoustic emission sensor is performed, which shows the availability and reliability of the novel fiber-optic ring acoustic emission sensor. In the future, this novel fiber-optic ring acoustic emission sensor will provide a new route to acoustic emission detection in harsh environments.

  12. Optical seismic sensor systems and methods (United States)

    Beal, A. Craig; Cummings, Malcolm E.; Zavriyev, Anton; Christensen, Caleb A.; Lee, Keun


    Disclosed is an optical seismic sensor system for measuring seismic events in a geological formation, including a surface unit for generating and processing an optical signal, and a sensor device optically connected to the surface unit for receiving the optical signal over an optical conduit. The sensor device includes at least one sensor head for sensing a seismic disturbance from at least one direction during a deployment of the sensor device within a borehole of the geological formation. The sensor head includes a frame and a reference mass attached to the frame via at least one flexure, such that movement of the reference mass relative to the frame is constrained to a single predetermined path.

  13. Wireless sensor networks architectures and protocols

    CERN Document Server

    Callaway, Jr, Edgar H


    Introduction to Wireless Sensor NetworksApplications and MotivationNetwork Performance ObjectivesContributions of this BookOrganization of this BookThe Development of Wireless Sensor NetworksEarly Wireless NetworksWireless Data NetworksWireless Sensor and Related NetworksConclusionThe Physical LayerSome Physical Layer ExamplesA Practical Physical Layer for Wireless Sensor NetworksSimulations and ResultsConclusionThe Data Link LayerMedium Access Control TechniquesThe Mediation DeviceSystem Analysis and SimulationConclusionThe Network LayerSome Network Design ExamplesA Wireless Sensor Network De

  14. El anisakis y sus enfermedades como enfermedad profesional

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Manuel Vicente Pardo

    Full Text Available El anisakis es un parásito complejo de los animales marinos. El hombre no es el hospedador adecuado, ya que en él la larva L3 no puede completar su ciclo vital, siendo por tanto un hospedador accidental u ocasional, que se interpone en el ciclo vital del nemátodo, y al que el anisakis le puede causar tanto la parasitación como la alergia, cuando ingiere pescado o cefalópodos crudos o poco cocinados: tales como sushi, sashimi, ceviche gravlax noruego, lomi-lomi hawaiano, así como pescados en escabeche, vinagre, desecado, ahumados, semiconservas, o en salazón que contengan este parásito en su forma de larva en estadio tres L3. Las enfermedades por anisakis constituyen un problema de salud pública, generalizado y que ha aumentado su incidencia en los últimos años. En 2012, se notificaron 20.000 casos de anisakiasis en todo el mundo. España es el segundo país con mayor número de intoxicaciones por Anisakis después de Japón. Diversos estudios en España sobre la prevalencia de la sensibilización reflejan una elevada prevalencia entre pacientes que han sufrido episodios de reacciones alérgicas. El 50 por ciento de quienes manipulan directamente el pescado presentan sensibilidad a anisakis. Siendo por tanto cada vez más común la afectación por y en el desarrollo del trabajo, constituyendo entonces procesos considerados como enfermedad profesional cuando se dan las circunstancias determinantes causales de trabajo, riesgo y exposición que para ello deben concurrir. La afección puede presentarse tanto por contacto laboral como por contacto en el consumo ordinario de pescado infestado, lo que hará difícil el estimar como causa exclusiva o consecuente la aparición de la enfermedad a consecuencia del desempeño del trabajo. Los sectores laborales de riesgo por enfermedades por anisakis, son los pescadores, pescaderos ("pescateros" y cocineros. En general todos aquellos que trabajan tanto en la captura, limpieza, manipulación, venta

  15. Sensor Applications and Data Validation (United States)

    Wiley, John


    The mechanical configuration of automobiles have changed marginally while improvements in sensors and control have dramatically improved engine efficiency, reliability and useful life. The aviation industry has also taken advantage of sensors and control systems to reduce operational costs. Sensors and high fidelity control systems fly planes at levels of performance beyond human capability. Sophisticated environmental controls allow a greater level of comfort and efficiency in our homes. Sensors have given the medical field a better understanding of the human body and the environment in which we live.

  16. High Resolution Flexible Tactile Sensors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Drimus, Alin; Bilberg, Arne


    both spatial distribution of pressure and dynamic events such as contact, release of contact and slip. Data acquisition and object recognition applications are described and it is proposed that such a sensor could be used in robotic grippers to improve object recognition, manipulation of objects......This paper describes the development of a tactile sensor for robotics inspired by the human sense of touch. It consists of two parts: a static tactile array sensor based on piezoresistive rubber and a dynamic sensor based on piezoelectric PVDF film. The combination of these two layers addresses...

  17. Network compensation for missing sensors (United States)

    Ahumada, Albert J., Jr.; Mulligan, Jeffrey B.


    A network learning translation invariance algorithm to compute interpolation functions is presented. This algorithm with one fixed receptive field can construct a linear transformation compensating for gain changes, sensor position jitter, and sensor loss when there are enough remaining sensors to adequately sample the input images. However, when the images are undersampled and complete compensation is not possible, the algorithm need to be modified. For moderate sensor losses, the algorithm works if the transformation weight adjustment is restricted to the weights to output units affected by the loss.

  18. Cultura e natureza: a viagem e o turismo como necessidades humanas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silvio Lima Figueiredo


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa os conceitos e práticas da viagem e do turismo baseado nas discussões sobre as características do fenômeno e de sua gênese. A viagem é então entendida a partir dos estudos da natureza e da cultura e como essas duas categorias se relacionam entre si, de acordo com os estudos antropológicos de Malinowski, Claude Levi-Strauss e Clifford Geertz. É evidenciada a interpretação da viagem como universal cultural, no entanto, nao se pode entendê-la como um aspecto da “natureza humana”. O turismo é entendido como um tipo de viagem cuja origem e características surgiram no mundo moderno.

  19. Engineering workstation: Sensor modeling (United States)

    Pavel, M; Sweet, B.


    The purpose of the engineering workstation is to provide an environment for rapid prototyping and evaluation of fusion and image processing algorithms. Ideally, the algorithms are designed to optimize the extraction of information that is useful to a pilot for all phases of flight operations. Successful design of effective fusion algorithms depends on the ability to characterize both the information available from the sensors and the information useful to a pilot. The workstation is comprised of subsystems for simulation of sensor-generated images, image processing, image enhancement, and fusion algorithms. As such, the workstation can be used to implement and evaluate both short-term solutions and long-term solutions. The short-term solutions are being developed to enhance a pilot's situational awareness by providing information in addition to his direct vision. The long term solutions are aimed at the development of complete synthetic vision systems. One of the important functions of the engineering workstation is to simulate the images that would be generated by the sensors. The simulation system is designed to use the graphics modeling and rendering capabilities of various workstations manufactured by Silicon Graphics Inc. The workstation simulates various aspects of the sensor-generated images arising from phenomenology of the sensors. In addition, the workstation can be used to simulate a variety of impairments due to mechanical limitations of the sensor placement and due to the motion of the airplane. Although the simulation is currently not performed in real-time, sequences of individual frames can be processed, stored, and recorded in a video format. In that way, it is possible to examine the appearance of different dynamic sensor-generated and fused images.

  20. Vertically stacked nanocellulose tactile sensor. (United States)

    Jung, Minhyun; Kim, Kyungkwan; Kim, Bumjin; Lee, Kwang-Jae; Kang, Jae-Wook; Jeon, Sanghun


    Paper-based electronic devices are attracting considerable attention, because the paper platform has unique attributes such as flexibility and eco-friendliness. Here we report on what is claimed to be the firstly fully integrated vertically-stacked nanocellulose-based tactile sensor, which is capable of simultaneously sensing temperature and pressure. The pressure and temperature sensors are operated using different principles and are stacked vertically, thereby minimizing the interference effect. For the pressure sensor, which utilizes the piezoresistance principle under pressure, the conducting electrode was inkjet printed on the TEMPO-oxidized-nanocellulose patterned with micro-sized pyramids, and the counter electrode was placed on the nanocellulose film. The pressure sensor has a high sensitivity over a wide range (500 Pa-3 kPa) and a high durability of 10 4 loading/unloading cycles. The temperature sensor combines various materials such as poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS), silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) to form a thermocouple on the upper nanocellulose layer. The thermoelectric-based temperature sensors generate a thermoelectric voltage output of 1.7 mV for a temperature difference of 125 K. Our 5 × 5 tactile sensor arrays show a fast response, negligible interference, and durable sensing performance.

  1. A Novel Permanent Magnetic Angular Acceleration Sensor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hao Zhao


    Full Text Available Angular acceleration is an important parameter for status monitoring and fault diagnosis of rotary machinery. Therefore, we developed a novel permanent magnetic angular acceleration sensor, which is without rotation angle limitations and could directly measure the instantaneous angular acceleration of the rotating system. The sensor rotor only needs to be coaxially connected with the rotating system, which enables convenient sensor installation. For the cup structure of the sensor rotor, it has a relatively small rotational inertia. Due to the unique mechanical structure of the sensor, the output signal of the sensor can be directed without a slip ring, which avoids signal weakening effect. In this paper, the operating principle of the sensor is described, and simulated using finite element method. The sensitivity of the sensor is calibrated by torsional pendulum and angle sensor, yielding an experimental result of about 0.88 mV/(rad·s−2. Finally, the angular acceleration of the actual rotating system has been tested, using both a single-phase asynchronous motor and a step motor. Experimental result confirms the operating principle of the sensor and indicates that the sensor has good practicability.

  2. Professional Android Sensor Programming

    CERN Document Server

    Milette, Greg


    Learn to build human-interactive Android apps, starting with device sensors This book shows Android developers how to exploit the rich set of device sensors—locational, physical (temperature, pressure, light, acceleration, etc.), cameras, microphones, and speech recognition—in order to build fully human-interactive Android applications. Whether providing hands-free directions or checking your blood pressure, Professional Android Sensor Programming shows how to turn possibility into reality. The authors provide techniques that bridge the gap between accessing sensors and putting the

  3. Multi-Parameter Aerosol Scattering Sensor (United States)

    Greenberg, Paul S.; Fischer, David G.


    This work relates to the development of sensors that measure specific aerosol properties. These properties are in the form of integrated moment distributions, i.e., total surface area, total mass, etc., or mathematical combinations of these moment distributions. Specifically, the innovation involves two fundamental features: a computational tool to design and optimize such sensors and the embodiment of these sensors in actual practice. The measurement of aerosol properties is a problem of general interest. Applications include, but are not limited to, environmental monitoring, assessment of human respiratory health, fire detection, emission characterization and control, and pollutant monitoring. The objectives for sensor development include increased accuracy and/or dynamic range, the inclusion in a single sensor of the ability to measure multiple aerosol properties, and developing an overall physical package that is rugged, compact, and low in power consumption, so as to enable deployment in harsh or confined field applications, and as distributed sensor networks. Existing instruments for this purpose include scattering photometers, direct-reading mass instruments, Beta absorption devices, differential mobility analyzers, and gravitational samplers. The family of sensors reported here is predicated on the interaction of light and matter; specifically, the scattering of light from distributions of aerosol particles. The particular arrangement of the sensor, e.g. the wavelength(s) of incident radiation, the number and location of optical detectors, etc., can be derived so as to optimize the sensor response to aerosol properties of practical interest. A key feature of the design is the potential embodiment as an extremely compact, integrated microsensor package. This is of fundamental importance, as it enables numerous previously inaccessible applications. The embodiment of these sensors is inherently low maintenance and high reliability by design. The novel and


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Cecilia Múnera López


    Full Text Available A explicação dela participação na sociedade como a base para o desenvolvimento é o resultado dum processo longo de pesquisa, que no âmbito da teoria fundamentada, tem chegado a aspetos essenciais de ordem conceitual e metodológica, que sustentam o desenvolvimento e a participação. Assim, este artigo apresenta o desenvolvimento desde uma perspectiva resignificada, entendida como uma construção sociocultural múltipla, histórica e territorialmente determinada. De acordo com tal renovação teórica, se apresenta uma forma tipológica de participação, chamada "participação sinérgica", como uma opção plausível para impactar positivamente o desenvolvimento.

  5. Electrocatalytic glucose sensor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gebhardt, U; Luft, G; Mund, K; Preidel, W; Richter, G J


    An artificial pancreas consists of an insulin depot, a dosage unit and a glucose sensor. The measurement of the actual glucose concentration in blood is still an unsolved problem. Two methods are described for an electrocatalytic glucose sensor. Under the interfering action of amino acids and urea in-vitro measurements show an error of between 10% and 20%.

  6. Performance of cylindrical leaf wetness duration sensors in a tropical climate condition Desempenho de sensores cilíndricos para medida da duração do período de molhamento foliar em condições de clima tropical

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eduardo Alvarez Santos


    conditions, where LWD measured by cylinders were two hours longer than by flat plate sensors.Medidas da duração do período de molhamento (DPM são necessárias para diversos sistemas de alerta fitossanitário, uma vez que a DPM é uma variável importante para a epidemiologia. O sensor cilíndrico é um sensor eletrônico barato e que pode ser facilmente produzido. Esse sensor foi inicialmente projetado para medir DPM em cebola, contudo alguns estudos indicam que ele também pode ser utilizado em estações meteorológicas e outras culturas. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o desempenho de sensores cilíndricos sob condições tropicais, no Brasil, tendo-se as medidas obtidas pelo sensor de placa como referência. Antes de serem instalados no campo, todos os sensors eletrônicos utilizados no estudo (placa e cilíndricos foram pintados com tinta latex branca e, em seguida, submetidos a tratamento térmico. Testes de laboratório foram realizados para determinar um limiar de resistência, a partir do qual os sensores seriam considerados molhados, e o tempo de reposta dos sensores ao molhamento. No campo, todos os sensores foram inicialmente instalados na horizontal a 30 cm de altura sobre gramado, visando a avaliar a variabilidade entre os sensores de DPM. A variabilidade entre os sensores cilíndricos na horizontal foi reduzida com a adoção de um limiar de resistência específico para cada sensor. O coeficiente médio de variação para DPM diária medida pelos sensores cilíndricos foi igual a 9,7%. Posteriormente, os sensores cilíndricos foram instalados em 5 ângulos diferentes com a horizontal: 0, 15, 30, 45, and 60º. As medidas obtidas por esses sensores são comparáveis com a medida padrão, fornecida por sensores de placa instalados a 45º e mesma altura. A mudança do ângulo de instação não teve efeito sistemático sobre as medidas da DPM para as condições locais, uma vez que as correlações entre as medidas dos sensores de placa e

  7. Integration of RFID and Wireless Sensor Networks

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Miodrag; Bolic; Amiya; Nayak; Ivan; Stojmenovi.


    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) are two important wireless technologies that have wide variety of applications and provide limitless future potentials. However,RFID and sensor networks almost are under development in parallel way. Integration of RFID and wireless sensor networks attracts little attention from research community. This paper first presents a brief introduction on RFID,and then investigates recent research works,new products/patents and applications that integrate RFID with sensor networks. Four types of integration are discussed. They are integrating tags with sensors,integrating tags with wireless sensor nodes,integrating readers with wireless sensor nodes and wire-less devices,and mix of RFID and sensors. New challenges and future works are discussed in the end.

  8. Flexible Temperature Sensors on Fibers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcin Sloma


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to present research dedicated to the elaboration of novel, miniaturized flexible temperature sensors for textronic applications. Examined sensors were manufactured on a single yarn, which ensures their high flexibility and good compatibility with textiles. Stable and linear characteristics were obtained by special technological process and applied temperature profiles. As a thermo-sensitive materials the innovative polymer compositions filled with multiwalled carbon nanotubes were used. Elaborated material was adapted to printing and dip-coating techniques to produce NTC composites. Nanotube sensors were free from tensometric effect typical for other carbon-polymer sensor, and demonstrated TCR of 0.13%/K. Obtained temperature sensors, compatible with textile structure, can be applied in rapidly developing smart textiles and be used for health and protections purposes.

  9. Integrated Passive And Wireless Sensor

    KAUST Repository

    Li, Bodong; Kosel, Jü rgen


    A passive and wireless sensor is provided for sensing at least one of magnetic field, temperature or humidity. The sensor can provide only one of the sensing functions, individually or any combination of them simultaneously. It can be used for various applications where magnetic field changes, temperature and/or humidity need to be measured. In one or more embodiments, a surface acoustic wave (SAW) sensor is provided that can measure one or more of a magnetic field (or current that generates the magnetic field), temperature and humidity. In one or more embodiments, a magnetoimpedence (MI) sensor (for example a thin film giant magnetoimpedance (GMI) sensor), a thermally sensitive (for example a Lithium Niobite (LiNbO.sub.3)) substrate, and a humidity sensitive film (for example a hydrogel film) can be used as sensing elements.

  10. Integrated Passive And Wireless Sensor

    KAUST Repository

    Li, Bodong


    A passive and wireless sensor is provided for sensing at least one of magnetic field, temperature or humidity. The sensor can provide only one of the sensing functions, individually or any combination of them simultaneously. It can be used for various applications where magnetic field changes, temperature and/or humidity need to be measured. In one or more embodiments, a surface acoustic wave (SAW) sensor is provided that can measure one or more of a magnetic field (or current that generates the magnetic field), temperature and humidity. In one or more embodiments, a magnetoimpedence (MI) sensor (for example a thin film giant magnetoimpedance (GMI) sensor), a thermally sensitive (for example a Lithium Niobite (LiNbO.sub.3)) substrate, and a humidity sensitive film (for example a hydrogel film) can be used as sensing elements.

  11. Relational-Based Sensor Data Cleansing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Iftikhar, Nadeem; Liu, Xiufeng; Nordbjerg, Finn Ebertsen


    cleansing approaches, such as classification, prediction and moving average are not suited for embedded sensor devices, due to the limited storage and processing capabilities. In this paper, we propose a sensor data cleansing approach using the relational-based technologies, including constraints, triggers...... and granularity-based data aggregation. The proposed approach is simple but effective to cleanse different types of dirty data, including delayed data, incomplete data, incorrect data, duplicate data and missing data. We evaluate the proposed strategy to verify its efficiency, effectiveness and adaptability.......Today sensors are widely used in many monitoring applications. Due to some random environmental effects and/or sensing failures, the collected sensor data is typically noisy. Thus, it is critical to cleanse the sensor data before using it to answer queries or conduct data analysis. Popular data...

  12. Wearable sensors fundamentals, implementation and applications

    CERN Document Server

    Sazonov, Edward


    Written by industry experts, this book aims to provide you with an understanding of how to design and work with wearable sensors. Together these insights provide the first single source of information on wearable sensors that would be a valuable addition to the library of any engineer interested in this field. Wearable Sensors covers a wide variety of topics associated with the development and application of various wearable sensors. It also provides an overview and coherent summary of many aspects of current wearable sensor technology. Both industry professionals and academic researcher

  13. Quality control on planar n-in-n pixel sensors — Recent progress of ATLAS planar pixel sensors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klingenberg, R.


    To extend the physics reach of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), upgrades to the accelerator are planned which will increase the peak luminosity by a factor 5–10. To cope with the increased occupancy and radiation damage, the ATLAS experiment plans to introduce an all-silicon inner tracker with the high luminosity upgrade (HL-LHC). To investigate the suitability of pixel sensors using the proven planar technology for the upgraded tracker, the ATLAS Upgrade Planar Pixel Sensor (PPS) R and D Project was established. Main areas of research are the performance of planar pixel sensors at highest fluences, the exploration of possibilities for cost reduction to enable the instrumentation of large areas, the achievement of slim or active edges to provide low geometric inefficiencies without the need for shingling of modules and the investigation of the operation of highly irradiated sensors at low thresholds to increase the efficiency. The Insertable b-layer (IBL) is the first upgrade project within the ATLAS experiment and will employ a new detector layer consisting of silicon pixel sensors, which were improved and prototyped in the framework of the planar pixel sensor R and D project. A special focus of this paper is the status of the development and testing of planar n-in-n pixel sensors including the quality control of the on-going series production and postprocessing of sensor wafers. A high yield of produced planar sensor wafers and FE-I4 double chip sensors after first steps of post-processing including under bump metallization and dicing is observed. -- Highlights: ► Prototypes of irradiated planar n-in-n sensors have been successfully tested under laboratory conditions. ► A quality assurance programme on the series production of planar sensors for the IBL has started. ► A high yield of double chip sensors during the series production is observed which are compatible to the specifications to this detector component.

  14. A New User Interface for On-Demand Customizable Data Products for Sensors in a SensorWeb (United States)

    Mandl, Daniel; Cappelaere, Pat; Frye, Stuart; Sohlberg, Rob; Ly, Vuong; Chien, Steve; Sullivan, Don


    A SensorWeb is a set of sensors, which can consist of ground, airborne and space-based sensors interoperating in an automated or autonomous collaborative manner. The NASA SensorWeb toolbox, developed at NASA/GSFC in collaboration with NASA/JPL, NASA/Ames and other partners, is a set of software and standards that (1) enables users to create virtual private networks of sensors over open networks; (2) provides the capability to orchestrate their actions; (3) provides the capability to customize the output data products and (4) enables automated delivery of the data products to the users desktop. A recent addition to the SensorWeb Toolbox is a new user interface, together with web services co-resident with the sensors, to enable rapid creation, loading and execution of new algorithms for processing sensor data. The web service along with the user interface follows the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standard called Web Coverage Processing Service (WCPS). This presentation will detail the prototype that was built and how the WCPS was tested against a HyspIRI flight testbed and an elastic computation cloud on the ground with EO-1 data. HyspIRI is a future NASA decadal mission. The elastic computation cloud stores EO-1 data and runs software similar to Amazon online shopping.

  15. El Leasing como herramienta de financiación


    Chorén, María Cecilia


    El siguiente trabajo de investigación es planteado para ser utilizado por las Pymes para evaluar la oportunidad de aplicar el Leasing frente a una posibilidad de inversión en activos fijos; ya que hoy en día es tenido en cuenta en los países desarrollados como la herramienta de financiamiento más conveniente y perfecto que existe debido a sus amplios beneficios. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo primordial establecer las ventajas impositivas, jurídicas, financieras y operativas para que las...

  16. Multi-sensor Cloud Retrieval Simulator and Remote Sensing from Model Parameters . Pt. 1; Synthetic Sensor Radiance Formulation; [Synthetic Sensor Radiance Formulation (United States)

    Wind, G.; DaSilva, A. M.; Norris, P. M.; Platnick, S.


    In this paper we describe a general procedure for calculating synthetic sensor radiances from variable output from a global atmospheric forecast model. In order to take proper account of the discrepancies between model resolution and sensor footprint, the algorithm takes explicit account of the model subgrid variability, in particular its description of the probability density function of total water (vapor and cloud condensate.) The simulated sensor radiances are then substituted into an operational remote sensing algorithm processing chain to produce a variety of remote sensing products that would normally be produced from actual sensor output. This output can then be used for a wide variety of purposes such as model parameter verification, remote sensing algorithm validation, testing of new retrieval methods and future sensor studies.We show a specific implementation using the GEOS-5 model, the MODIS instrument and the MODIS Adaptive Processing System (MODAPS) Data Collection 5.1 operational remote sensing cloud algorithm processing chain (including the cloud mask, cloud top properties and cloud optical and microphysical properties products). We focus on clouds because they are very important to model development and improvement.

  17. La entrevista como encuentro de subjetividades

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emma Ruiz Martín del Campo


    Full Text Available Se parte de la comprensión de la subjetividad como la expresión preñada de cultura de cada ser humano que se gesta en las relaciones interpersonales, primero entre el infante y las personas que le prodigan los cuidados tempranos, y después en la adolescencia y la edad adulta, con cada vez más representantes de la cultura de la socialización. En dicha interacción, la persona aprende a convivir con otros y a modelar sus impulsos, lo que le permite encontrar las formas más satisfactorias posibles de experimentarse a sí misma y tomar parte en las actividades de su entorno social. El equilibrio entre el individuo que busca satisfacer sus impulsos y necesidades y la cultura a la que pertenece es dinámico, por lo que la subjetividad se transforma a lo largo de toda la vida. Tras abundar sobre la subjetividad, se describen dos formas de orientar la entrevista a profundidad: la psicoanalítica y la etnopsicoanalítica. La entrevista psicoanalítica explora la subjetividad como tal y en ella el entrevistador actúa como un acompañante del sujeto en la progresiva comprensión de sí mismo y de su historia individual, desentrañando significados del comportamiento hasta entonces inconscientes para sí mismo, que se clarifican en la interacción. La entrevista etnopiscoanalítica busca explorar la experiencia cultural de las personas. Expertos en ciencias sociales entrenados a la vez en el descubrimiento del inconsciente se involucran en un medio cultural nuevo para ellos y a través de entrevistas y conversaciones con los integrantes de la comunidad que visitan van descubriendo formas de participación de estos en los espacios de vida social, así como las maneras que dan cuenta de símbolos y modos de reacción propios de su cultura. Cada una de estas dos formas de entrevista es ilustrada con un ejemplo que da muestra plásticamente del encuentro de las subjetividades

  18. Atmospheric corrosion Monitoring with Time-of-Wetness (TOW) sensor and Thin Film Electric Resistance (TFER) sensor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jung, Sung Won; Kim, Young Geun; Song, Hong Seok; Lee, Seung Min; Kho, Young Tai


    In this study, TOW sensor was fabricated with the same P. J. Serada's in NRC and was evaluated according to pollutant amount and wet/dry cycle. Laboratorily fabricated thin film electric resistance (TFER) probes were applied in same environment for the measurement of corrosion rate for feasibility. TOW sensor could not differentiate the wet and dry time especially at polluted environment like 3.5% NaCl solution. This implies that wet/dry time monitoring by means of TOW sensor need careful application on various environment. TFER sensor could produce instant atmospheric corrosion rate regardless of environment condition. And corrosion rate obtained by TFER sensor could be differentiated according to wet/dry cycle, wet/dry cycle time variation and solution chemistry. Corrosion behaviors of TFER sensor showed that corrosion could proceed even after wet cycle because of remained electrolyte at the surface

  19. Overview of Fiber-Optical Sensors (United States)

    Depaula, Ramon P.; Moore, Emery L.


    Design, development, and sensitivity of sensors using fiber optics reviewed. State-of-the-art and probable future developments of sensors using fiber optics described in report including references to work in field. Serves to update previously published surveys. Systems incorporating fiber-optic sensors used in medical diagnosis, navigation, robotics, sonar, power industry, and industrial controls.

  20. Vehicle Fault Diagnose Based on Smart Sensor (United States)

    Zhining, Li; Peng, Wang; Jianmin, Mei; Jianwei, Li; Fei, Teng

    In the vehicle's traditional fault diagnose system, we usually use a computer system with a A/D card and with many sensors connected to it. The disadvantage of this system is that these sensor can hardly be shared with control system and other systems, there are too many connect lines and the electro magnetic compatibility(EMC) will be affected. In this paper, smart speed sensor, smart acoustic press sensor, smart oil press sensor, smart acceleration sensor and smart order tracking sensor were designed to solve this problem. With the CAN BUS these smart sensors, fault diagnose computer and other computer could be connected together to establish a network system which can monitor and control the vehicle's diesel and other system without any duplicate sensor. The hard and soft ware of the smart sensor system was introduced, the oil press, vibration and acoustic signal are resampled by constant angle increment to eliminate the influence of the rotate speed. After the resample, the signal in every working cycle could be averaged in angle domain and do other analysis like order spectrum.

  1. Sensors for online determination of CNG gas quality; Sensorer foer onlinebestaemnning av fordonsgaskvalitet

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stenlaaaas, Ola; Roedjegaard, Henrik


    Swedish automotive gas has until now been a very uniform, high quality automotive fuel. Elsewhere in Europe the quality of automotive gas varies significantly. Gas from different sources with different flammability require engine settings adjusted to the chosen gas' unique composition. The prospects for a vehicle-mounted sensor based on infrared technology for gas quality measurement has been studied and solutions are presented with questions that must be answered in a possible future work. The proposed vehicle mounted sensor is based on two channels, one of which measures the partial pressure of methane and the other measures the partial pressure of heavier hydrocarbons in 'equivalents of butane'. Ethane produces a signal of about 0.6 equivalents of butane and propane about 0.8 equivalents. The sensor can be accommodated in a cube with 5 cm side and should be equipped with nipple connections to the existing system. The sensor is expected to work throughout their entire lifetime without manual calibration, through continuous automatic calibration, so-called ABC (Automatic Baseline Compensation). The sensor will have to meet tough quality and environmental standards in which primarily contact ring, vibration and prevention of leakage are identified as extra difficult. Working temperatures and the electrical conditions of power supply and communication interface is considered less challenging. In one million volumes, the cost per sensor could be 200 to 300 SEK.

  2. Las fortalezas en personas mayores como factor que aumenta el bienestar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Encarnación Ramírez-Fernández


    Full Text Available En las últimas décadas se ha incrementado el estudio de las fortalezas psicológicas como factor que afecta al bienestar. Éstas pueden ser consideradas como un subconjunto de rasgos de personalidad a los que se otorga un valor moral, definiéndose como cualidades naturales que las personas están intrínsecamente motivada a utilizar porque aumentan la calidad de vida. Las investigaciones demuestran que actúan como factores de protección y prevención de la psicopatología y de los problemas de conducta en las diferentes etapas evolutivas. Hay fortalezas que son más relevantes en personas mayores y su entrenamiento estaría dirigido a influir sobre el comportamiento y el funcionamiento emocional con el objetivo de aumentar la satisfacción con la vida. En el presente trabajo se analizan las fortalezas que predominan en adultos mayores y se propone un programa de intervención para potenciarlas con la finalidad de mejorar su salud y calidad de vida. Se trata de una propuesta novedosa ya que, hasta el momento, las intervenciones en este ámbito han ido encaminadas a paliar diferentes problemas tanto de manera aislada como complemento de terapias de tipo más tradicional pero no como prevención de la aparición de trastornos habituales en edades avanzadas.

  3. Synchronizing data from irregularly sampled sensors (United States)

    Uluyol, Onder


    A system and method include receiving a set of sampled measurements for each of multiple sensors, wherein the sampled measurements are at irregular intervals or different rates, re-sampling the sampled measurements of each of the multiple sensors at a higher rate than one of the sensor's set of sampled measurements, and synchronizing the sampled measurements of each of the multiple sensors.

  4. Wearable Sensor Systems for Infants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhihua Zhu


    Full Text Available Continuous health status monitoring of infants is achieved with the development and fusion of wearable sensing technologies, wireless communication techniques and a low energy-consumption microprocessor with high performance data processing algorithms. As a clinical tool applied in the constant monitoring of physiological parameters of infants, wearable sensor systems for infants are able to transmit the information obtained inside an infant’s body to clinicians or parents. Moreover, such systems with integrated sensors can perceive external threats such as falling or drowning and warn parents immediately. Firstly, the paper reviews some available wearable sensor systems for infants; secondly, we introduce the different modules of the framework in the sensor systems; lastly, the methods and techniques applied in the wearable sensor systems are summarized and discussed. The latest research and achievements have been highlighted in this paper and the meaningful applications in healthcare and behavior analysis are also presented. Moreover, we give a lucid perspective of the development of wearable sensor systems for infants in the future.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maurício Fernandes Pereira


    Full Text Available Tem havido recentemente um grande interesse por parte dos autores em entender como se desenvolve a prática da estratégia organizacional. Partindo desta tendência, o presente trabalho descreve como ocorre o processo de formação estratégica em uma organização pertencente ao terceiro setor – o SESC/SC (Serviço Social do Comércio em Santa Catarina. A criação da estratégia na organização em estudo é analisada tomando-se como base os referenciais propostos por Whittington (2002, analisando duas dimensões principais: os resultados pretendidos com as estratégias e os processos pelos quais ela acontece. Com base nos dados coletados observou-se que, na prática da organização pesquisada, as razões que levam ao estabelecimento da estratégia não estão unicamente voltadas aos aspectos econômicos. Quanto à formação das estratégias, no caso estudado, predominou a formação da estratégia da visão clássica de Whittington (2002, por meio da utilização do planejamento estratégico.

  6. Magnetic sensor for steady state tokamak

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Neyatani, Yuzuru; Mori, Katsuharu; Oguri, Shigeru; Kikuchi, Mitsuru [Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Naka, Ibaraki (Japan). Naka Fusion Research Establishment


    A new type of magnetic sensor has been developed for the measurement of steady state magnetic fields without DC-drift such as integration circuit. The electromagnetic force induced to the current which leads to the sensor was used for the measurement. For the high frequency component which exceeds higher than the vibration frequency of sensor, pick-up coil was used through the high pass filter. From the results using tokamak discharges, this sensor can measure the magnetic field in the tokamak discharge. During {approx}2 hours measurement, no DC drift was observed. The sensor can respond {approx}10ms of fast change of magnetic field during disruptions. We confirm the extension of measured range to control the current which leads to the sensor. (author).

  7. Novel Fiber-Optic Ring Acoustic Emission Sensor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Peng Wei


    Full Text Available Acoustic emission technology has been applied to many fields for many years. However, the conventional piezoelectric acoustic emission sensors cannot be used in extreme environments, such as those with heavy electromagnetic interference, high pressure, or strong corrosion. In this paper, a novel fiber-optic ring acoustic emission sensor is proposed. The sensor exhibits high sensitivity, anti-electromagnetic interference, and corrosion resistance. First, the principle of a novel fiber-optic ring sensor is introduced. Different from piezoelectric and other fiber acoustic emission sensors, this novel sensor includes both a sensing skeleton and a sensing fiber. Second, a heterodyne interferometric demodulating method is presented. In addition, a fiber-optic ring sensor acoustic emission system is built based on this method. Finally, fiber-optic ring acoustic emission experiments are performed. The novel fiber-optic ring sensor is glued onto the surface of an aluminum plate. The 150 kHz standard continuous sinusoidal signals and broken lead signals are successfully detected by the novel fiber-optic ring acoustic emission sensor. In addition, comparison to the piezoelectric acoustic emission sensor is performed, which shows the availability and reliability of the novel fiber-optic ring acoustic emission sensor. In the future, this novel fiber-optic ring acoustic emission sensor will provide a new route to acoustic emission detection in harsh environments.

  8. Assisted editing od SensorML with EDI. A bottom-up scenario towards the definition of sensor profiles. (United States)

    Oggioni, Alessandro; Tagliolato, Paolo; Fugazza, Cristiano; Bastianini, Mauro; Pavesi, Fabio; Pepe, Monica; Menegon, Stefano; Basoni, Anna; Carrara, Paola


    Sensor observation systems for environmental data have become increasingly important in the last years. The EGU's Informatics in Oceanography and Ocean Science track stressed the importance of management tools and solutions for marine infrastructures. We think that full interoperability among sensor systems is still an open issue and that the solution to this involves providing appropriate metadata. Several open source applications implement the SWE specification and, particularly, the Sensor Observation Services (SOS) standard. These applications allow for the exchange of data and metadata in XML format between computer systems. However, there is a lack of metadata editing tools supporting end users in this activity. Generally speaking, it is hard for users to provide sensor metadata in the SensorML format without dedicated tools. In particular, such a tool should ease metadata editing by providing, for standard sensors, all the invariant information to be included in sensor metadata, thus allowing the user to concentrate on the metadata items that are related to the specific deployment. RITMARE, the Italian flagship project on marine research, envisages a subproject, SP7, for the set-up of the project's spatial data infrastructure. SP7 developed EDI, a general purpose, template-driven metadata editor that is composed of a backend web service and an HTML5/javascript client. EDI can be customized for managing the creation of generic metadata encoded as XML. Once tailored to a specific metadata format, EDI presents the users a web form with advanced auto completion and validation capabilities. In the case of sensor metadata (SensorML versions 1.0.1 and 2.0), the EDI client is instructed to send an "insert sensor" request to an SOS endpoint in order to save the metadata in an SOS server. In the first phase of project RITMARE, EDI has been used to simplify the creation from scratch of SensorML metadata by the involved researchers and data managers. An interesting by

  9. A Risk Based Approach to Limit the Effects of Covert Channels for Internet Sensor Data Aggregators for Sensor Privacy (United States)

    Viecco, Camilo H.; Camp, L. Jean

    Effective defense against Internet threats requires data on global real time network status. Internet sensor networks provide such real time network data. However, an organization that participates in a sensor network risks providing a covert channel to attackers if that organization’s sensor can be identified. While there is benefit for every party when any individual participates in such sensor deployments, there are perverse incentives against individual participation. As a result, Internet sensor networks currently provide limited data. Ensuring anonymity of individual sensors can decrease the risk of participating in a sensor network without limiting data provision.

  10. 1st National Conference on Sensors

    CERN Document Server

    D’Amico, Arnaldo; Natale, Corrado; Siciliano, Pietro; Seeber, Renato; Stefano, Luca; Bizzarri, Ranieri; Andò, Bruno


    This book contains a selection of papers presented at the First National Conference on Sensors held in Rome 15-17 February 2011. The conference highlighted state-of-the-art results from both theoretical and applied research in the field of sensors and related technologies. This book presents material in an interdisciplinary approach, covering many aspects of the disciplines related to sensors, including physics, chemistry, materials science, biology and applications.   ·         Provides a selection of the best papers from the First Italian National Conference on Sensors; ·         Covers a broad range of topics relating to sensors and microsystems, including physics, chemistry, materials science, biology and applications;       ·        Offers interdisciplinary coverage, aimed at defining a common ground for sensors beyond the specific differences among the different particular implementation of sensors.

  11. 2nd National Conference on Sensors

    CERN Document Server

    Baldini, Francesco; Natale, Corrado; Betta, Giovanni; Siciliano, Pietro


    This book contains a selection of papers presented at the Second National Conference on Sensors held in Rome 19-21 February 2014. The conference highlighted state-of-the-art results from both theoretical and applied research in the field of sensors and related technologies. This book presents material in an interdisciplinary approach, covering many aspects of the disciplines related to sensors, including physics, chemistry, materials science, biology and applications. ·         Provides a selection of the best papers from the Second Italian National Conference on Sensors; ·         Covers a broad range of topics relating to sensors and microsystems, including physics, chemistry, materials science, biology and applications; ·         Offers interdisciplinary coverage, aimed at defining a common ground for sensors beyond the specific differences among the different particular implementation of sensors.

  12. Correlative studies of satellite ozone sensor measurements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lovill, J.E.; Ellis, J.S.


    Comparisons are made between total ozone measurements made by four satellite ozone sensors (TOMS, SBUV, TOVS and MFR). The comparisons were made during July 1979 when all sensors were operating simultaneously. The TOMS and SBUV sensors were observed to measure less total ozone than the MFR sensor, 10 and 15 Dobson units (DU) respectively. The MFR and TOMS sensors measured less ozone than the TOVS sensor, 19 an 28 DU, respectively. Latitudinal variability of the total ozone comparisons is discussed

  13. Wireless passive radiation sensor (United States)

    Pfeifer, Kent B; Rumpf, Arthur N; Yelton, William G; Limmer, Steven J


    A novel measurement technique is employed using surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices, passive RF, and radiation-sensitive films to provide a wireless passive radiation sensor that requires no batteries, outside wiring, or regular maintenance. The sensor is small (<1 cm.sup.2), physically robust, and will operate unattended for decades. In addition, the sensor can be insensitive to measurement position and read distance due to a novel self-referencing technique eliminating the need to measure absolute responses that are dependent on RF transmitter location and power.

  14. Interfacing Sensors To Micro Controllers

    KAUST Repository

    Norain, Mohamed


    This lecture will cover the most common interface and interface techniques between sensors and microcontrollers. The presentation will introduce the pros and cons of each interface type including analogue, digital and serial output sensors. It will also cover the basic required electronics knowledge to help you in selecting and designing your next sensor to microcontroller interface.

  15. Interfacing Sensors To Micro Controllers

    KAUST Repository

    Norain, Mohamed


    This lecture will cover the most common interface and interface techniques between sensors and microcontrollers. The presentation will introduce the pros and cons of each interface type including analogue, digital and serial output sensors. It will also cover the basic required electronics knowledge to help you in selecting and designing your next sensor to microcontroller interface.

  16. Aircraft Cabin Environmental Quality Sensors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gundel, Lara; Kirchstetter, Thomas; Spears, Michael; Sullivan, Douglas


    The Indoor Environment Department at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) teamed with seven universities to participate in a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Center of Excellence (COE) for research on environmental quality in aircraft. This report describes research performed at LBNL on selecting and evaluating sensors for monitoring environmental quality in aircraft cabins, as part of Project 7 of the FAA's COE for Airliner Cabin Environmental Research (ACER)1 effort. This part of Project 7 links to the ozone, pesticide, and incident projects for data collection and monitoring and is a component of a broader research effort on sensors by ACER. Results from UCB and LBNL's concurrent research on ozone (ACER Project 1) are found in Weschler et al., 2007; Bhangar et al. 2008; Coleman et al., 2008 and Strom-Tejsen et al., 2008. LBNL's research on pesticides (ACER Project 2) in airliner cabins is described in Maddalena and McKone (2008). This report focused on the sensors needed for normal contaminants and conditions in aircraft. The results are intended to complement and coordinate with results from other ACER members who concentrated primarily on (a) sensors for chemical and biological pollutants that might be released intentionally in aircraft; (b) integration of sensor systems; and (c) optimal location of sensors within aircraft. The parameters and sensors were selected primarily to satisfy routine monitoring needs for contaminants and conditions that commonly occur in aircraft. However, such sensor systems can also be incorporated into research programs on environmental quality in aircraft cabins.

  17. El silencio como estrategia en la obra de Juan Rulfo


    Gómez López-Quiñones, Loreto


    Juan Rulfo utiliza el silencio como un espacio para oír y decir mejor en el contexto del México postrevolucionario. Inspirándonos en la terminología de Spivak, pretendemos mostrar el silencio de Rulfo como una estrategia de resistencia ante la representación occidental del Otro.

  18. Development of printed sensors for taste sensing

    KAUST Repository

    Nag, Anindya


    The paper presents an idea of developing taste sensors using novel printed sensors. The raw materials used for developing the sensors were commercial polymer films. Powered graphene was produced using laser induction technique. This powder was separately transferred to Kapton tapes to developed flexible graphene sensors. The fabricated sensors were tested with different chemicals having specific attributes with the idea to develop a taste sensor. Three different types of chemicals were tested and analyzed to verify the ability of the developed sensor patch to differentiate between the individual chemicals. The initial results have provided a significant platform in the process of developing a fully functionalized taste sensing system.

  19. Development of printed sensors for taste sensing

    KAUST Repository

    Nag, Anindya; Mukhopadhyay, Subhas; Kosel, Jü rgen


    The paper presents an idea of developing taste sensors using novel printed sensors. The raw materials used for developing the sensors were commercial polymer films. Powered graphene was produced using laser induction technique. This powder was separately transferred to Kapton tapes to developed flexible graphene sensors. The fabricated sensors were tested with different chemicals having specific attributes with the idea to develop a taste sensor. Three different types of chemicals were tested and analyzed to verify the ability of the developed sensor patch to differentiate between the individual chemicals. The initial results have provided a significant platform in the process of developing a fully functionalized taste sensing system.

  20. Sensors in Distributed Mixed Reality Environments

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Felix Hamza-Lup


    Full Text Available A distributed mixed-reality (MR or virtual reality (VR environment implies the cooperative engagement of a set of software and hardware resources. With the advances in sensors and computer networks we have seen an increase in the number of potential MR/VR applications that require large amounts of information from the real world collected through sensors (e.g. position and orientation tracking sensors. These sensors collect data from the real environment in real-time at different locations and a distributed environment connecting them must assure data distribution among collaborative sites at interactive speeds. With the advances in sensor technology, we envision that in future systems a significant amount of data will be collected from sensors and devices attached to the participating nodes This paper proposes a new architecture for sensor based interactive distributed MR/VR environments that falls in-between the atomistic peer-to-peer model and the traditional client-server model. Each node is autonomous and fully manages its resources and connectivity. The dynamic behavior of the nodes is dictated by the human participants that manipulate the sensors attached to these nodes.