
Sample records for ei ole lrmakas

  1. Linnugripp ei ole biorelv / Kevin Probert-Ehaver

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Probert-Ehaver, Kevin


    Vastukaja 10. juulil Eesti Ekspressis ilmunud artiklile "Linnugripp - surm katseklaasist", milles väidetakse, et linnugripp ning teised uued nakkushaigused on biorelvad. Kriisireguleerimise konsultant selgitab, et nii Eesti kui ka Ameerika spetsialistide hinnangul ei ole linnugripp kuidagi seotud biorelvade programmiga

  2. Ameerika ei ole Jaapan / Michael Craig

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Craig, Michael


    Kuidas Jaapani ärimees Minoru Isutani 1981. aastal ei arvestnud, et ameeriklased ei osta golfiklubi eluaegset liikmekaarti 750 000 dollari eest, ning kaotas USA kuulsaima Pebble Beachi golfiväljaku. Katkend raamatust "50 parimat ja halvimat tehingut läbi aegade"

  3. Maal ei ole surnud / Jaan Elken

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Elken, Jaan, 1954-


    Põhjamaade ja Baltikumi I maalibiennaal Rootsis Väsbys. Biennaali Rootsi-poolne kuraator ja kujundaja Ricardo Donoso, Eesti komplekti koostas Mare Pedanik. Eksponeeritud on Tiit Pääsukese, Ado Lille, Andres Toltsi, Kaido Ole, Jaan Elkeni tööd. Näituse ülevaade, eraldi peatutud Leedu ja Läti kunstnikel

  4. Piirivalve : radar piiritusevoolikut ei püüa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Piirivalvet kritiseeriti selle eest, et see ei märganud salapiirituse veoks paigaldatud voolikut Narva veehoidlas. Ida-Viru piirkonnaülema Roland Peetsi sõnul ei ole ükski radar võimeline fikseerima liikumist vee all

  5. Euroopa paindumatus Eestile eurot ei luba / Hindrek Riikoja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Riikoja, Hindrek


    Vt. ka Postimees : na russkom jazõke 17. juuli lk. 9. 14. juulil Eesti rahandusministri Aivar Sõerdi ja peaminister Andrus Ansipiga kohtunud Euroopa Komisjoni rahandusvolinik Joaquin Almunia kinnitas, et Eestil ei maksa loota eurokriteeriumide muutmisele, rahandusvoliniku hinnangul Eesti krooni devalveerimine enne eurole üleminekut ei ole vajalik

  6. Euroopa põllumehed ei taha muutusi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Euroopa põllumajandusühistuid koondava ühenduse COGECA ja Euroopa põllumeeste suurima esindusorganisatsiooni COPA seisukoht on, et praegu ei ole õige aeg võtta Euroopa põllumehelt tootmiseks ette nähtud toetust ning suunata see ümber maaelu arenguks

  7. Madal palk ei ole konkurentsieelis / Kristo Kiviorg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kiviorg, Kristo


    Seminaril "Peidetud väärtus: kuidas ettevõtted saavutavad tavaliste inimeste abiga erakordseid tulemusi" ettekannetega esinenud Stanfordi Ülikooli professor Jeffrey Pfeffer ning inimressursside juhtimise konsultant David Russo tõdesid, et madal palk ei taga firmadele konkurentsieelist, kuigi paljud juhid nõnda arvavad

  8. Jack Deverell : NATO ei kao kuhugi / Jack Deverell ; interv. Margus Kolga

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Deverell, Jack


    NATO põhjapiirkonna vägede endise juhi arvates võiks NATO olla endiselt peamine sõjalise jõu instrument, olgu tegemis siis NATO või EL-i juhitud sõjalise operatsiooniga, ta ei usu, et NATO ja EL muutuvad sõjaliselt ning poliitiliselt omavahel võistlevateks organisatsioonideks. Riigid peaksid tegutsema koos selliste sõjaliste võimete loomisel, milleks nad üksi suutelised ei ole

  9. Eesti valitsuse argumendid ei pea vett / Indrek Veiserik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Veiserik, Indrek


    Autori väitel püsib Iraak lõhestatuna ja mingit rahvuslikku leppimist ei ole seal toimunud, seetõttu on Eesti valitsuse loodud ettekujutus peatsest rahu saabumisest vale. USA nädalalehe Newsweek kolumnist Fareed Zakaria leiab, et USA jaoks oleks mõistlik strateegia Iraagis luua rahvusvaheliste institutsioonide poolt sanktsioneeritud rahutagamismissioon

  10. Maa, mis on ja mida ei ole / Õnne Kepp

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kepp, Õnne


    Gustav Suitsu 1913. aastal ilmunud luulekogust "Tuulemaa". Tuulemaa kujundit kasutatakse Eestimaa sünonüümina, ühtaegu nii reaalse maana kui ka irreaalse paigana, mida ei eksisteeri, mida pole olemas

  11. "Kus sa oled mu võluratsu..." : [luuletused] / Mõkola Vingranovski ; tlk. Harald Rajamets

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vingranovski, Mõkola


    Sisu: "Kus sa oled mu võluratsu..." ; Ja rahvas on... ; "Oled rada, mu armsam..." ; "Sa oled siin! Mu armastus, mu lumm..." ; "Me ahvatluste aastad, albid aastad..." ; "Mul juba siis, kui oli kevad veel..." ; "Nüüd tõuse, kalur! Kustumas on tähed..." ; Meresügisel ; "Kauss hirsiputru, õilmelend..." ; "Õde võõpab aias õunapuid..." ; Esimene hälilaul ; "Noor tüdruk, alles laps. Ei kõnni kikivarvul..." ; "Ülal künka peal seisis päike..." ; "Jäid suve lõpul tuhmiks puud..." ; "Nüüd hakkab lumesadu, nüüd..." ; "Lumehämarus, hall nagu hall..." ; "Tüüpõllu aur on jäärakute kohal..." ; "Parv linde kriiskab salu kohal..." ; "Põld kuivi maisivarsi täis..." ; Haiavata

  12. Eesti majandust ei saa rajada võõrtööjõule / Piret Pert

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pert, Piret


    Eesti Ametiühingute Keskliidu, Teenistujate Ametiliitude Organisatsiooni ja Sotsiaaldemokraatliku Erakonna juhtide kohtumisel leiti, et võõrtööjõud ei ole Eestile lahendus. Harri Taliga, Eiki Nestori ja Kadi Pärnitsa seisukohtadest

  13. Reformierakond ei kauple põhimõtetega / Meelis Atonen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Atonen, Meelis, 1966-


    Ilmunud ka: Hiiu Leht, 11. dets. 2001, lk. 2; Nädaline, 11. dets. 2001, lk. 4; Valgamaalane, 11. dets. 2001, lk. 2; Järva Teataja, 11. dets. 2001, lk. 2; Kesknädal, 19. dets. 2001, lk. 5. Tallinna võimuliidu lagunemise peapõhjus oli Tallinna 2002. aasta eelarvesse kavandatud 900 mln kuni 1,5 mld krooni suurune laen, millega Reformierakond ei ole kunagi nõustnud. Autor: Reformierakond. Parlamendisaadik

  14. Euroopa naabruspoliitika ei ole viisakas äraütlemine / Marianne Mikko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mikko, Marianne, 1961-


    Euroopa Parlamendi liikme sõnul reageeris europarlament Transnistria rahvahääletusele resolutsiooniga, andes märku, et ei tunnusta separatiste, nende korraldatud rahvahääletusi ega hääletustulemusi

  15. Meie julgeolek ei ole automaatselt kindlustatud / Juhan Parts

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parts, Juhan, 1966-


    Ilmunud ka: Nädaline, 7. sept. 2004, lk. 2; Harjumaa, 7. sept. 2004, lk. 2; Järva Teataja, 7. sept. 2004, lk. 2; Lääne Elu, 7. sept. 2004, lk. 2; Sakala, 7. sept. 2004, lk. 2; Virumaa Teataja, 7. sept. 2004, lk. 7; Pärnu Postimees, 7. sept. 2004, lk. 15; Meie Maa, 7. sept. 2004, lk. 2; Vooremaa, 7. sept. 2004, lk. 2; Koit, 7. sept. 2004, lk. 6; Võrumaa Teataja, 7. sept. 2004, lk. 2; Hiiumaa, 7. sept. 2004, lk. 2. Lihula ausambast, selle sobimatusest rahvusvahelisse konteksti, meedia reageeringust. Minevikukäsitluses ei saa toetuda Teise maailmasõja aegsele Saksa armee mundrile, sest demokraatlikus maailmas samastub see natsismiga, tõdeb peaminister.

  16. Baltic Scandinavian Lines - Tallinki konkurent, kes end konkurendiks ei nimeta / Margo Heinla ; interv. Mart Riikoja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Heinla, Margo


    BSL-i tegevjuht kinnitab, et Tallink ei ole nende jaoks konkurent, kuna tegevusalad on nii erinevad. BSL-i ainus laev Via Mare on orienteeritud kaubavedudele Paldiskist Lõuna-Rootsi Västerviki ja Kapellskäri. Vaba ruumi korral veetakse üle ka sõiduautosid

  17. Kas nad tõesti ei tea, mida räägivad? / Jüri Ginter

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ginter, Jüri, 1954-


    2009. a. sügisest kehtima hakkava põhikooli- ja gümnaasiumiseaduse § 28 sätestab, et vastuvõtt gümnaasiumi toimub põhikooli lõpetamise tulemuste alusel. Samas seaduses ei ole öeldud, et lähtuma peab keskmisest hindest, aastahinnetest vms

  18. Briti teadlane: kübersõda ei tule / Thomas Rid ; intervjueerinud Raimo Poom

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rid, Thomas


    Sõjauuringute õppejõud Thomas Rid leiab, et internetis on palju ohte, kuid kübersõda ei ole üks neist. Ridi arvates on äärmiselt ebatõenäoline, et NATO käivitaks kunagi küberrünnaku tõttu 5. artikli. Interneti kõige suuremaks ohustajaks pole NSA, vaid vabadust piirata soovivad autoritaarsed riigid

  19. Miks köögiviljakuningad ei taha ühineda? / Silja Lättemäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lättemäe, Silja, 1952-


    Euroopa Liit hüvitab osaliselt ühistegevuse kulud köögiviljasektoris. Eesti köögiviljakasvatajatel ei ole õnnestunud oma tootjaorganisatsiooni luua. Eesti juhtivad köögiviljatootjad on Ants Pak Kadarbiku talust, Kalle Reiter Agro AS-ist ja Johannes Valk Laheotsa talust. Vt. ka: Juur- ja köögiviljade eksport Eestist 2005. a jaanuar-oktoober

  20. Erkko Autio : igaühest ei saa hiilgavat ettevõtjat / Erkko Autio ; interv. Toivo Tänavsuu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Autio, Erkko


    Londoni Imperial Kolledzhi professor Erkko Autio kommenteerib oma ettekannet Tallinnas toimunud gasellikonverentsil ning usub, et gasell ei ole sektoripõhine fenomen, vaid võimalik peaaegu igas majandusvaldkonnas kui riik loob soodsa ettevõtluskeskkonna. Vt. samas: iPoint haaras härjal sarvist; MySQL - lihtsalt geniaalne!; Värvikas gaselliguru Erkko Autio; Pille-Liis Kello. Kuidas Eestis toetatakse gaselle?

  1. Ivar Tallo : presidendi erakorteris käinud peod mainet ei kahjusta / Ivar Tallo ; interv. Sigrid Laev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tallo, Ivar, 1964-


    Avaliku halduse spetsialist vastab küsimustele, kuidas jaguneb Kadrioru lossis era- ja avalik ruum, kas on õigustatud presidendi kantselei taotlus registreerida kõik, ka erakülalised ning kas juhtunu võib kahjustada presidendi mainet. Kaart, skeem: Sissepääsud. Kommenteerivad Andrus Ansip, Villu Reiljan, Andrus Saar. Vt. samas: Presidendipaar palus vabandust; Garel Püüa. Kärmas: tegu ei ole vandenõuga

  2. Oles Have

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Boris, Stefan Darlan


    Landskabsarkitekts Ole Mouritsens Have Tjørnegaard er fotograferet gennem et år af Stefan Darlan Boris. Fotografierne er ledsaget af teksten Vejrhaven.......Landskabsarkitekts Ole Mouritsens Have Tjørnegaard er fotograferet gennem et år af Stefan Darlan Boris. Fotografierne er ledsaget af teksten Vejrhaven....

  3. OLED displays and lighting

    CERN Document Server

    Koden, Mitsuhiro


    Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) have emerged as the leading technology for the new display and lighting market. OLEDs are solid-state devices composed of thin films of organic molecules that create light with the application of electricity. OLEDs can provide brighter, crisper displays on electronic devices and use less power than conventional light-emitting diodes (LEDs) or liquid crystal displays (LCDs) used today. This book covers both the fundamentals and practical applications of flat and flexible OLEDs.

  4. Light management in flexible OLEDs (United States)

    Harkema, Stephan; Pendyala, Raghu K.; Geurts, Christian G. C.; Helgers, Paul L. J.; Levell, Jack W.; Wilson, Joanne S.; MacKerron, Duncan


    Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) are a promising lighting technology. In particular OLEDs fabricated on plastic foils are believed to hold the future. These planar devices are subject to various optical losses, which requires sophisticated light management solutions. Flexible OLEDs on plastic substrates are as prone to losses related to wave guiding as devices on glass. However, we determined that OLEDs on plastic substrates are susceptible to another loss mode due to wave guiding in the thin film barrier. With modeling of white polymer OLEDs fabricated on PEN substrates, we demonstrate that this loss mode is particularly sensitive to polarized light emission. Furthermore, we investigated how thin film barrier approaches can be combined with high index light extraction layers. Our analysis shows that OLEDs with a thin film barrier consisting of an inorganic/organic/inorganic layer sequence, a low index inorganic negatively affects the OLED efficiency. We conclude that high index inorganics are more suitable for usage in high efficiency flexible OLEDs.

  5. OLEDs for lighting applications (United States)

    van Elsbergen, V.; Boerner, H.; Löbl, H.-P.; Goldmann, C.; Grabowski, S. P.; Young, E.; Gaertner, G.; Greiner, H.


    Organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) provide potential for power-efficient large area light sources that combine revolutionary properties. They are thin and flat and in addition they can be transparent, colour-tuneable, or flexible. We review the state of the art in white OLEDs and present performance data for three-colour hybrid white OLEDs on indexmatched substrates. With improved optical outcoupling 45 lm/W are achieved. Using a half-sphere to collect all the light that is in the substrate results in 80 lm/W. Optical modelling supports the experimental work. For decorative applications features like transparency and colour tuning are very appealing. We show results on transparent white OLEDs and two ways to come to a colour-variable OLED. These are lateral separation of different colours in a striped design and direct vertical stacking of the different emitting layers. For a striped colour tuneable OLED 36 lm/W are achieved in white with improved optical outcoupling.

  6. Ivar Tallo: presidendi erakorteris käinud peod mainet ei kahjusta / Ivar Tallo ; interv. Sigrid Laev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tallo, Ivar, 1964-


    Noortepeod Kadrioru presidendilossis. Avaliku halduse spetsialist vastab küsimustele, kuidas jaguneb Kadrioru lossis era- ja avalik ruum, kas on õigustatud presidendi kantselei taotlus registreerida kõik, ka erakülalised ning kas juhtunu võib kahjustada presidendi mainet. Kaart, skeem: sissepääsud. Vt. samas. Presidendipaar palus vabandust ; Politsei kogub Kadrioru lastepidude kohta infot. Tallinna Vanalinna hariduskolleegiumi põhikooli juhataja Alar Saare kommentaar ; Garel Püüa. Kärmas: tegu ei ole poliitilise vandenõuga

  7. Light Management in Flexible OLEDs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Harkema, S.; Pendyala, R.K.; Geurts, C.G.C.; Helgers, P.L.J.; Levell, J.W.; Wilson, J.S.; MacKerron, D.


    Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) are a promising lighting technology. In particular OLEDs fabricated on plastic foils are believed to hold the future. These planar devices are subject to various optical losses, which requires sophisticated light management solutions. Flexible OLEDs on plastic

  8. Organic light-emitting devices (OLEDs) and OLED-based chemical and biological sensors: an overview

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shinar, Joseph; Shinar, Ruth


    The basic photophysics, transport properties, state of the art, and challenges in OLED science and technology, and the major developments in structurally integrated OLED-based luminescent chemical and biological sensors are reviewed briefly. The dramatic advances in OLED performance have resulted in devices with projected continuous operating lifetimes of ∼2 x 10 5 h (∼23 yr) at ∼150 Cd m -2 (the typical brightness of a computer monitor or TV). Consequently, commercial products incorporating OLEDs, e.g., cell phones, MP3 players, and, most recently, OLED TVs, are rapidly proliferating. The progress in elucidating the photophysics and transport properties, occurring in tandem with the development of OLEDs, has been no less dramatic. It has resulted in a detailed understanding of the dynamics of trapped and mobile negative and positive polarons (to which the electrons and holes, respectively, relax upon injection), and of singlet and triplet excitons. It has also yielded a detailed understanding of the spin dynamics of polarons and triplet excitons, which affects their overall dynamics significantly. Despite the aforementioned progress, there are outstanding challenges in OLED science and technology, notably in improving the efficiency of the devices and their stability at high brightness (>1000 Cd m -2 ). One of the most recent emerging OLED-based technologies is that of structurally integrated photoluminescence-based chemical and biological sensors. This sensor platform, pioneered by the authors, yields uniquely simple and potentially very low-cost sensor (micro)arrays. The second part of this review describes the recent developments in implementing this platform for gas phase oxygen, dissolved oxygen (DO), anthrax lethal factor, and hydrazine sensors, and for a DO, glucose, lactate, and ethanol multianalyte sensor. (topical review)

  9. OLEDs : Technology's next generation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Major advances in organic light emitting device (OLED) technology are bringing some science fiction concepts to the brink of reality. At the moment. OLED technology is being developed for the flat panel display industry. Liquid crystal display dominates the market for wristwatches and cellular phones for example, while the cathode ray tube plays the same role for television sets and desktop computers. Both have limitations when it comes to meeting the needs of the next generation of smart products. The attributes required include high brightness, low power consumption, high definition, full colour, wide preview angle, fast response time and portability, and low cost. OLED has the potential to meet all those requirements. Universal Display Corporation (UDC) was founded, and specializes in the development and commercialization of OLED technology. A partnership was established early with Princeton University professors, and no fewer than 20 researchers are working on OLED technology projects at both Princeton University and the University of Southern California. To date, 35 patents have been issued, and 60 others are pending. A joint development agreement was reached with Sony Corporation this year for high efficiency active matrix OLEDs to be used in large area monitor applications. OLED technology is based on vacuum-deposited organic small molecule materials that emit very bright light when electrically stimulated. Three advances in the technology were briefly discussed: TOLED{sup TM} for Transparent OLED, SOLED{sup TM} for Stacked OLED, and FOLED{sup TM} for Flexible OLED. A list detailing the various potential uses for the technology was also included in this paper. 3 figs.

  10. Full-color OLED on silicon microdisplay (United States)

    Ghosh, Amalkumar P.


    eMagin has developed numerous enhancements to organic light emitting diode (OLED) technology, including a unique, up- emitting structure for OLED-on-silicon microdisplay devices. Recently, eMagin has fabricated full color SVGA+ resolution OLED microdisplays on silicon, with over 1.5 million color elements. The display is based on white light emission from OLED followed by LCD-type red, green and blue color filters. The color filters are patterned directly on OLED devices following suitable thin film encapsulation and the drive circuits are built directly on single crystal silicon. The resultant color OLED technology, with hits high efficiency, high brightness, and low power consumption, is ideally suited for near to the eye applications such as wearable PCS, wireless Internet applications and mobile phone, portable DVD viewers, digital cameras and other emerging applications.

  11. Organic light-emitting devices (OLEDs) and OLED-based chemical and biological sensors: an overview

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shinar, Joseph [Ames Laboratory-USDOE and Department of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 (United States); Shinar, Ruth [Microelectronics Research Center, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 (United States)


    The basic photophysics, transport properties, state of the art, and challenges in OLED science and technology, and the major developments in structurally integrated OLED-based luminescent chemical and biological sensors are reviewed briefly. The dramatic advances in OLED performance have resulted in devices with projected continuous operating lifetimes of {approx}2 x 10{sup 5} h ({approx}23 yr) at {approx}150 Cd m{sup -2} (the typical brightness of a computer monitor or TV). Consequently, commercial products incorporating OLEDs, e.g., cell phones, MP3 players, and, most recently, OLED TVs, are rapidly proliferating. The progress in elucidating the photophysics and transport properties, occurring in tandem with the development of OLEDs, has been no less dramatic. It has resulted in a detailed understanding of the dynamics of trapped and mobile negative and positive polarons (to which the electrons and holes, respectively, relax upon injection), and of singlet and triplet excitons. It has also yielded a detailed understanding of the spin dynamics of polarons and triplet excitons, which affects their overall dynamics significantly. Despite the aforementioned progress, there are outstanding challenges in OLED science and technology, notably in improving the efficiency of the devices and their stability at high brightness (>1000 Cd m{sup -2}). One of the most recent emerging OLED-based technologies is that of structurally integrated photoluminescence-based chemical and biological sensors. This sensor platform, pioneered by the authors, yields uniquely simple and potentially very low-cost sensor (micro)arrays. The second part of this review describes the recent developments in implementing this platform for gas phase oxygen, dissolved oxygen (DO), anthrax lethal factor, and hydrazine sensors, and for a DO, glucose, lactate, and ethanol multianalyte sensor. (topical review)

  12. OLED Lighting Products: Capabilities, Challenges, Potential

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miller, N. J. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Leon, F. A. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States)


    A report that focuses on the potential for architectural OLED lighting – describing currently available OLED products as well as promised improvements, and addressing the technology and market hurdles that have thus far prevented wider use of OLEDs.

  13. OLEDs for lighting (United States)

    Boerner, Herbert


    Today, organic light emitting diodes are used in small to medium displays in portable electronic equipment like MP3 players and mobile phones. Their thin form factor, together with good readability due to low angular dependence of the emission makes them attractive for these applications. The rapid progress in the last years has lifted the performance of OLEDs to a level where one can seriously start to consider applications in lighting markets. Whereas it is obvious that first applications will be in less demanding niche markets, clearly the most interesting target is the general illumination market. In this report, first applications requirements will be described, followed by a brief review of state of the art monochrome OLEDs. The main part deals with the various ways in which monochrome devices can be combined into white ones, giving examples of existing solutions. The conclusion is that for the white OLED design, there no clear winner yet. Given the rapid progress in material and device development, one can expect that within a few years white OLEDs will be available which can start to penetrate the general lighting market.

  14. Ole Søndergaards skriftdesign

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ejlers, Steen Erik


    Grafikeren Ole Søndergaard (f. 1937) er oprindeligt uddannet som skiltemaler. Senere blev han elev af navnkundige skriftformgiver, Kunstakademiets første designprofessor, arkitekturen Gunnar Biilmann Petersen. I 1970'erne etablerede Ole Søndergaard, efter nogle år som medarbejder på Naur Klints...... tegnestue, egen tegnestue i Helsingør. Tegnestuen har i årenes løb stået for mangfoldige grafiske arbejder, hvor Ole Søndergaard ofte selv har tegnet de anvendte logo- og skilteskrifter. Skriftfamilien FF Signa, der fra 2000 er blevet udgivet på FontShop International, er Søndergaards første komplette...... digitale skriftfamilie - med mangfoldige anvendelsemuligheder. Forud ligger adskillige års arbejde, bl.a. støttet af Statens Kunstfond. Artiklen beskriver Biilmanns skole, Ole Søndergaards "før-digitale" alfabeter til bl.a. Helsingør Kommune og Knud Rasmussen-monumentet (på Strandvejen ved Klampenborg nord...

  15. High Brightness OLED Lighting

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Spindler, Jeffrey [OLEDWorks LLC; Kondakova, Marina [OLEDWorks LLC; Boroson, Michael [OLEDWorks LLC; Hamer, John [OLEDWorks LLC


    In this work we describe the technology developments behind our current and future generations of high brightness OLED lighting panels. We have developed white and amber OLEDs with excellent performance based on the stacking approach. Current products achieve 40-60 lm/W, while future developments focus on achieving 80 lm/W or higher.

  16. Integrated Plastic Substrates for OLED Lighting

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gaynor, Whitney


    OLED lighting has immense potential as aesthetically pleasing, energy-efficient general illumination. Unlike other light sources, such as incandescents, fluorescents, and inorganic LEDs, OLEDs naturally emit over a large-area surface. They are glare free, do not need to be shaded, and are cool to the touch, requiring no heatsink. The best efficiencies and lifetimes reported are on par with or better than current forms of illumination. However, the cost for OLED lighting remains high – so much so that these products are not market competitive and there is very low consumer demand. We believe that flexible, plastic-based devices will highlight the advantages of aesthetically-pleasing OLED lighting systems while paving the way for lowering both materials and manufacturing costs. These flexible devices require new development in substrate and support technology, which was the focus of the work reported here. The project team, led by Sinovia Technologies, has developed integrated plastic substrates to serve as supports for flexible OLED lighting. The substrates created in this project would enable large-area, flexible devices and are specified to perform three functions. They include a barrier to protect the OLED from moisture and oxygen-related degradation, a smooth, highly conductive transparent electrode to enable large-area device operation, and a light scattering layer to improve emission efficiency. Through the course of this project, integrated substrates were fabricated, characterized, evaluated for manufacturing feasibility and cost, and used in white OLED demonstrations to test their impact on flexible OLED lighting. Our integrated substrates meet or exceed the DOE specifications for barrier performance in water vapor and oxygen transport rates, as well as the transparency and conductivity of the anode film. We find that these integrated substrates can be manufactured in a completely roll-to-roll, high throughput process and have developed and demonstrated

  17. Enhanced performance of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) and OLED-based photoluminescent sensing platforms by novel microstructures and device architectures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Rui [Ames Lab., Ames, IA (United States)


    After a general introduction to OLEDs and OLED-based PL sensors, the transient emission mechanism of guest-host OLEDs is described both experimentally and theoretically. A monolithic and easy-to-apply process is demonstrated for fabricating multicolor microcavity OLEDs (that improve the sensor platform). The outcoupling issues of OLEDs at the substrate/air interface are addressed by using a microstructured polymer film resulting from a PS and polyethylene glycol (PEG) mixture. Based on the understanding of OLEDs and their improvement, research was done in order to realize integrated all organic-based O2 and pH sensors with improved signal intensity and sensitivity. The sensor design modification and optimization are summarized

  18. Organic light emitting diodes (OLEDS) and OLED-based structurally integrated optical sensors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cai, Yuankun [Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA (United States)


    General introduction to OLED basics and OLED-based structurally integrated sensors was provided in chapter 1 and chapter 2. As discussed in chapter 3, OLEDs were developed or improved using novel engineering methods for better charge injection (increased by over 1 order of magnitude) and efficiency. As the excitation sources, these OLEDs have preferred characteristics for sensor applications, including narrowed emission, emission at desired wavelength, and enhanced output for reduced EL background, higher absorption and improved device lifetime. In addition to OLEDs with desired performance, sensor integration requires oxidase immobilization with the sensor film for O2-based biological and chemical sensing. Nanoparticles such as ZnO have large surface area and high isoelectric point (~9.5), which favors enzyme immobilization via physical adsorption as well as Coulombic bonding. In chapter 4, it was demonstrated that ZnO could be used for this purpose, although future work is needed to further bond the ZnO to the sensor film. In chapter 5, single unit sensor was extended to multianalyte parallel sensing based on an OLED platform, which is compact and integrated with silicon photodiodes and electronics. Lactate and glucose were simultaneously monitored with a low limit of detection 0.02 mM, fast response time (~1 minute) and dynamic range from 0-8.6 ppm of dissolved oxygen. As discovered in previous work, the dynamic range covers 0-100% gas phase O2 or 0-40 ppm dissolved oxygen at room temperature. PL decay curve, which is used to extract the decay time, is usually not a simple exponential at high O2 concentration, which indicates that O2 is not equally accessible for different luminescent sites. This creates a challenge for data analysis, which however was successfully processed by stretched exponential as shown in chapter 6. This also provides an insight about the distribution of O2:dye collisional quenching

  19. Organic light emitting diodes (OLEDS) and OLED-based structurally integrated optical sensors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cai, Yuankun


    General introduction to OLED basics and OLED-based structurally integrated sensors was provided in chapter 1 and chapter 2. As discussed in chapter 3, OLEDs were developed or improved using novel engineering methods for better charge injection (increased by over 1 order of magnitude) and efficiency. As the excitation sources, these OLEDs have preferred characteristics for sensor applications, including narrowed emission, emission at desired wavelength, and enhanced output for reduced EL background, higher absorption and improved device lifetime. In addition to OLEDs with desired performance, sensor integration requires oxidase immobilization with the sensor film for O 2 -based biological and chemical sensing. Nanoparticles such as ZnO have large surface area and high isoelectric point (∼9.5), which favors enzyme immobilization via physical adsorption as well as Coulombic bonding. In chapter 4, it was demonstrated that ZnO could be used for this purpose, although future work is needed to further bond the ZnO to the sensor film. In chapter 5, single unit sensor was extended to multianalyte parallel sensing based on an OLED platform, which is compact and integrated with silicon photodiodes and electronics. Lactate and glucose were simultaneously monitored with a low limit of detection 0.02 mM, fast response time (∼ 1 minute) and dynamic range from 0-8.6 ppm of dissolved oxygen. As discovered in previous work, the dynamic range covers 0-100% gas phase O 2 or 0-40 ppm dissolved oxygen at room temperature. PL decay curve, which is used to extract the decay time, is usually not a simple exponential at high O 2 concentration, which indicates that O 2 is not equally accessible for different luminescent sites. This creates a challenge for data analysis, which however was successfully processed by stretched exponential as shown in chapter 6. This also provides an insight about the distribution of O 2 :dye collisional quenching rate due to microheterogeneity. Effect of Ti

  20. Ole Rømers mange talenter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Kurt Møller


    Artiklen giver en oversigt over Ole Rømers videnskabelige liv som astronom, fysiker og matematiker samt hans betydning som kongelig embedsmand.......Artiklen giver en oversigt over Ole Rømers videnskabelige liv som astronom, fysiker og matematiker samt hans betydning som kongelig embedsmand....

  1. OLEDs for lighting: new approaches (United States)

    Duggal, Anil R.; Foust, Donald F.; Nealon, William F.; Heller, Christian M.


    OLED technology has improved to the point where it is now possible to envision developing OLEDs as a low cost solid state light source. In order to realize this, significant advances have to be made in device efficiency, lifetime at high brightness, high throughput fabrication, and the generation of illumination quality white light. In this talk, the requirements for general lighting will be reviewed and various approaches to meeting them will be outlined. Emphasis will be placed on a new monolithic series-connected OLED design architecture that promises scalability without high fabrication cost or design complexity.

  2. High Performance OLED Panel and Luminaire

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Spindler, Jeffrey [OLEDWorks LLC, Rochester, NY (United States)


    In this project, OLEDWorks developed and demonstrated the technology required to produce OLED lighting panels with high energy efficiency and excellent light quality. OLED panels developed in this program produce high quality warm white light with CRI greater than 85 and efficacy up to 80 lumens per watt (LPW). An OLED luminaire employing 24 of the high performance panels produces practical levels of illumination for general lighting, with a flux of over 2200 lumens at 60 LPW. This is a significant advance in the state of the art for OLED solid-state lighting (SSL), which is expected to be a complementary light source to the more advanced LED SSL technology that is rapidly replacing all other traditional forms of lighting.

  3. Designing High Efficient Solar Powered OLED Lighting Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ploug, Rasmus Overgaard; Poulsen, Peter Behrensdorff; Thorsteinsson, Sune


    for the 10 Wp version. Furthermore, we present measurements of state-of-the-art commercial available OLED with regards to the luminous flux, luminous efficacy, luminance homogeneity, temperature dependency and IV characteristic of the OLED panels. In addition, solar powered OLED product concepts are proposed.......OLEDs used in solar powered lighting applications is a market of the future. This paper reports the development of electronic Three-Port-Converters for PV OLED product integration in the low-power area respectively for 1-10 Wp and 10-50 Wp with a peak efficiency of 97% at 1.8 W of PV power...

  4. OVPD-processed OLED for general lighting


    Bösing, Manuel


    Due to continuous advancements of materials for organic light emitting diodes (OLED) a new field of application currently opens up for OLED technology: General lighting. A significant reduction of OLED production cost might be achieved by employing organic vapor phase deposition (OVPD). OVPD is a novel process for depositing organic thin films from the gas phase. In contrast to the well established process of vacuum thermal evaporation (VTE), OVPD allows to achieve much higher deposition rate...

  5. Optical analysis of down-conversion OLEDs (United States)

    Krummacher, Benjamin; Klein, Markus; von Malm, Norwin; Winnacker, Albrecht


    Phosphor down-conversion of blue organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) is one approach to generate white light, which offers the possibility of easy color tuning, a simple device architecture and color stability over lifetime. In this article previous work on down-conversion devices in the field of organic solid state lighting is briefly reviewed. Further, bottom emitting down-conversion OLEDs are studied from an optical point of view. Therefore the physical processes occurring in the down-conversion layer are translated into a model which is implemented in a ray tracing simulation. By comparing its predictions to experimental results the model is confirmed. For the experiments a blue-emitting polymer OLED (PLED) panel optically coupled to a series of down-conversion layers is used. Based on results obtained from ray tracing simulation some of the implications of the model for the performance of down-conversion OLEDs are discussed. In particular it is analysed how the effective reflectance of the underlying blue OLED and the particle size distribution of the phosphor powder embedded in the matrix of the down-conversion layer influence extraction efficiency.

  6. Cutting pensions not the solution

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Läti peaminister Valdis Dombrovskis tunnistas, et pensionide vähendamine eelarve tasakaalustamiseks ei ole lahendus. Eksperdid leiavad, et Läti pensionisüsteem ei ole jätkusuutlik ja vajab muutmist

  7. Ole Rømer-Observatoriet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buhl, Hans; Knudsen, Ole J.; Nielsen, Axel V.

    Siden 1911 har der ligget et astronomisk observatorium i Århus. Ole Rømer-Observatoriet blev efter en turbulent start drevet af kommunen, indtil Aarhus Universitet i 1956 overtog det. Der har fra tid til anden været både kontroverser og trusler om lukning, men arbejdet på observatoriet har også...... fortæller museumsinspektør Hans Buhl og planetarieleder Ole J. Knudsen, begge Steno Museet, de næste 95 år af observatoriets brogede historie....



    Salo, Joonas


    BEPS on suurin muutos, mitä verojärjestelmään on tehty viimeisten vuosikymmenten aikana. Vaikka BEPS ei ole vielä valmis, niin on hyvä tutkia, mitä vaikutuksia BEPS:lla ja etenkin siihen sisältyvällä maakohtaisella raportoinnilla olisi yritysten tulevaisuuteen. Maakohtaista raportointia juuri verotukseen liittyen ei ole ennemmin juurikaan ollut, joten sen toteuttaminen on aivan uutta. Yrityksillä sen enempää kuin veroviranomaisillakaan ei ole kokemusta asiasta. Etenkin nyt, kun OECD on antanu...

  9. Kas inflatsioon teeb Eestist euroliidu Zimbabwe? / Margus Sanglepp

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sanglepp, Margus, 1967-


    Eesti valitsus ei ole inflatsiooni pidurdamiseks abinõusid kasutusele võtnud. Lätis ei ole valitsuse püüe ohjeldada inflatsiooni tulemusi andnud. Vt. samas: Märten Ross. Riigi võimalused inflatsiooni mõjutamiseks

  10. Villu Reiljan laenas Urmas Sõõrumaalt miljon krooni / Anneli Ammas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ammas, Anneli, 1962-


    Villu Reiljan võttis Urmas Sõõrumaa firmalt U.S. Invest miljon krooni laenu, U. Sõõrumaa väitel ei ole ta laenu kasutusotstarbega kursis, laenul ei ole erisoodustusi. Rahvaliidu esimehe Jaanus Marrandi arvamus

  11. Lepingud ja ajalugu / David Vseviov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vseviov, David, 1949-


    Lepingute sõlmimine ei ole ühekordne lõplik diplomaatiline akt, vaid protsess. Leping ei ole ajaloos olnud iseenesest mingi garantii. Väikeriigi diplomaatia üks peamisi ülesandeid on oskus end iseseisvana kasulikuks teha

  12. High Efficancy Integrated Under-Cabinet Phosphorescent OLED

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Michael Hack


    In this two year program Universal Display Corporation (UDC) together with the University of Michigan, Teknokon, developed and delivered an energy efficient phosphorescent OLED under cabinet illumination system. Specifically the UDC team goal was in 2011 to deliver five (5) Beta level OLED under cabinet lighting fixtures each consisting of five 6-inch x 6-inch OLED lighting panels, delivering over 420 lumens, at an overall system efficacy of >60 lm/W, a CRI of >85, and a projected lifetime to 70% of initial luminance to exceed 20,000 hours. During the course of this program, the Team pursued the commercialization of these OLED based under cabinet lighting fixtures, to enable the launch of commercial OLED lighting products. The UDC team was ideally suited to develop these novel and efficient solid state lighting fixtures, having both the technical experience and commercial distribution mechanisms to leverage work performed under this contract. UDC's business strategy is to non-exclusively license its PHOLED technology to lighting manufacturers, and also supply them with our proprietary PHOLED materials. UDC is currently working with several licensees who are manufacturing OLED lighting panels using our technology. During this 2 year program, we further developed our high efficiency white Phosphorescent OLEDs from the first milestone, achieving a 80 lm/W single pixel to the final milestone, achieving an under-cabinet PHOLED lighting system that operates at 56 lm/W at 420 lumens. Each luminaire was comprised of ten 15cm x 7.5cm lighting modules mounted in outcoupling enhancement lenses and a control module. The lamps modules are connected together using either plugs or wires with plugs on each end, allowing for unlimited configurations. The lamps are driven by an OLED driver mounted in an enclosure which includes the AC plug. As a result of advancements gained under this program, the path to move OLED lighting panels from development into manufacturing has been

  13. Ole Worm-Liv og videnskabTidstavle

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    hæftet indeholder syv artikler om Ole Worms liv, videnskab, museum, slægtsportrætter, antikvariske arbejder og om installationen Room One......hæftet indeholder syv artikler om Ole Worms liv, videnskab, museum, slægtsportrætter, antikvariske arbejder og om installationen Room One...

  14. Igavese naeratuse kustumise lugu / Kajar Lember

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lember, Kajar, 1976-


    Rahvaliit juhtis eelmisel aastal mitmel korral tähelepanu sellele, et koostatav 2008. a. riigieelarve on konservatiivsusest kaugel ega arvesta ei Eesti olukorda ega maailmamajanduse suundumusi, kuid seda ei võetud kuulda. Rahvaliidu peasekretäri arvates ei ole praegu õige süüdistada maailmamajandust; tuleb tõdeda, et meie odaval tööjõul põhinev kasvujõud on otsas ja tootlikkus ei ole kasvanud loodetud tempos

  15. A novel AOI system for OLED panel inspection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perng, D B; Chen, Y C; Lee, M K


    Organic light emitting diode (OLED) technology uses substances that emit red, green, blue or white light. An OLED panel consists of stacks of several thin layers of different materials, as such it is not easy to inspect the common OLED defects. In this paper, an autooptical inspection (AOI) system which can detect such defects effectively and robustly was proposed and developed. The proposed system can also identify, in which layer the defect occurred. Meanwhile, a moving mechanism coupled with a lighting mechanism was proposed and implemented for grabbing clear images. The proposed AOI system would provide great help in improving the OLED production process and the quality control process

  16. Problems of implementation the total quality management in the Lithuanian road building enterprises / Julius Christauskas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Christauskas, Julius


    Leedu tee-ehitusettevõtete juhtimine ei ole suunatud protsessi kui terviku kontrollile ja tulemuslikule meeskonnatööle, töötajad ei ole valmis võtma suuremat vastutust, puudu jääb efektiivsusest, loovusest ja innovatiivsusest. Tabelid. Graafikud

  17. Global EiBI-monopole

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    JIN Xinghua


    Full Text Available A global EiBI-monopole problem is studied under EiBI gravitational theory.The equations of global EiBI-monopole are derived in the curved spacetime and the relation between the spacetime metric and auxiliary metric is found.In the case of a very small parameter,an asymptotic form of equations is given.The series solutions of global EiBI-monopole at infinity are found.

  18. High Efficiency, Illumination Quality OLEDs for Lighting

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Joseph Shiang; James Cella; Kelly Chichak; Anil Duggal; Kevin Janora; Chris Heller; Gautam Parthasarathy; Jeffery Youmans; Joseph Shiang


    The goal of the program was to demonstrate a 45 lumen per watt white light device based upon the use of multiple emission colors through the use of solution processing. This performance level is a dramatic extension of the team's previous 15 LPW large area illumination device. The fundamental material system was based upon commercial polymer materials. The team was largely able to achieve these goals, and was able to deliver to DOE a 90 lumen illumination source that had an average performance of 34 LPW a 1000 cd/m{sup 2} with peak performances near 40LPW. The average color temperature is 3200K and the calculated CRI 85. The device operated at a brightness of approximately 1000cd/m{sup 2}. The use of multiple emission colors particularly red and blue, provided additional degrees of design flexibility in achieving white light, but also required the use of a multilayered structure to separate the different recombination zones and prevent interconversion of blue emission to red emission. The use of commercial materials had the advantage that improvements by the chemical manufacturers in charge transport efficiency, operating life and material purity could be rapidly incorporated without the expenditure of additional effort. The program was designed to take maximum advantage of the known characteristics of these material and proceeded in seven steps. (1) Identify the most promising materials, (2) assemble them into multi-layer structures to control excitation and transport within the OLED, (3) identify materials development needs that would optimize performance within multilayer structures, (4) build a prototype that demonstrates the potential entitlement of the novel multilayer OLED architecture (5) integrate all of the developments to find the single best materials set to implement the novel multilayer architecture, (6) further optimize the best materials set, (7) make a large area high illumination quality white OLED. A photo of the final deliverable is shown

  19. Kirigami-based three-dimensional OLED concepts for architectural lighting (United States)

    Kim, Taehwan; Price, Jared S.; Grede, Alex; Lee, Sora; Jackson, Thomas N.; Giebink, Noel C.


    Dramatic improvements in white organic light emitting diode (OLED) performance and lifetime over the past decade are driving commercialization of this technology for solid-state lighting applications. As white OLEDs attempt to gain a foothold in the market, however, the biggest challenge outside of lowering their manufacturing cost arguably now lies in creating an architecturally adaptable form factor that will drive public adoption and differentiate OLED lighting from established LED products. Here, we present concepts based on kirigami (the Japanese art of paper cutting and folding) that enable intricate three-dimensional (3D) OLED lighting structures from two dimensional layouts. Using an ultraflexible, encapsulated OLED device architecture on 25 60 μm thick clear polyimide film substrate with simple cut and fold patterns, we demonstrate a series of different lighting concepts ranging from a simple `pop up' structure to more complex designs such as stretchable window blind-like panel, candle flame, and multi-element globe lamp. We only find slight degradation in OLED electrical performance when these designs are shaped into 3D. Our results point to an alternate paradigm for OLED lighting that moves beyond traditional 2D panels toward 3D designs that deliver unique and creative new opportunities for lighting.

  20. JeS - dengi k dengam / Algirdas Brazauskas ; interv. Ilja Nikiforov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Brazauskas, Algirdas, 1932-2010


    Leedu peaministri sõnul ei ole nüüd, kui EL-is hakati valmistuma uueks finantsperioodiks, tunda euroliidu humanitaarseid ideid aidata alliansi riike sõltuvalt nende arengutasemest, ei ole tunda eelkõige EL-i vanade riikide tähelepanu ega solidaarsusidee realiseerumist

  1. Sudovladeltsõ bez pomoshtshi / Leidur Rannamets

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rannamets, Leidur


    Kuigi 2001. aastal kiideti heaks laevanduspoliitika aastateks 2000 - 2004, ei ole sellel seni reaalseid toetusmehhanisme. Uues riigieelarve projektis ei ole laevanduse jaoks raha ette nähtud, arvestamata on jäetud, et merendussektor on üks tähtsamaid Eesti majanduses

  2. Large-area OLED lightings and their applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, J W; Shin, D C; Park, S H


    In this paper, we review the key issues related to the fabrication of large-area organic light-emitting devices (OLEDs) for lighting applications. We discuss the origin of a short-circuit problem, luminance non-uniformity, hot spot, efficiency reduction (power loss), and heat generation and present the way of suppressing them. We also introduce three different application areas of large-area OLED lighting panels. They can be integrated with a solar cell for power recycling or inorganic LEDs for emotional lightings. The feasibility of using OLEDs for the application of visible-light communications is also reviewed

  3. Thin Film Packaging Solutions for High Efficiency OLED Lighting Products

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The objective of the 'Thin Film Packaging Solutions for High Efficiency OLED Lighting Products' project is to demonstrate thin film packaging solutions based on SiC hermetic coatings that, when applied to glass and plastic substrates, support OLED lighting devices by providing longer life with greater efficiency at lower cost than is currently available. Phase I Objective: Demonstrate thin film encapsulated working phosphorescent OLED devices on optical glass with lifetime of 1,000 hour life, CRI greater than 75, and 15 lm/W. Phase II Objective: Demonstrate thin film encapsulated working phosphorescent OLED devices on plastic or glass composite with 25 lm/W, 5,000 hours life, and CRI greater than 80. Phase III Objective: Demonstrate 2 x 2 ft{sup 2} thin film encapsulated working phosphorescent OLED with 40 lm/W, 10,000 hour life, and CRI greater than 85. This report details the efforts of Phase III (Budget Period Three), a fourteen month collaborative effort that focused on optimization of high-efficiency phosphorescent OLED devices and thin-film encapsulation of said devices. The report further details the conclusions and recommendations of the project team that have foundation in all three budget periods for the program. During the conduct of the Thin Film Packaging Solutions for High Efficiency OLED Lighting Products program, including budget period three, the project team completed and delivered the following achievements: (1) a three-year marketing effort that characterized the near-term and longer-term OLED market, identified customer and consumer lighting needs, and suggested prototype product concepts and niche OLED applications lighting that will give rise to broader market acceptance as a source for wide area illumination and energy conservation; (2) a thin film encapsulation technology with a lifetime of nearly 15,000 hours, tested by calcium coupons, while stored at 16 C and 40% relative humidity ('RH'). This encapsulation technology

  4. Monica ja Marcel Vichmanni abielus kriis? / Jaanus Hämarsoo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hämarsoo, Jaanus


    Kuigi tippärimeeste seltskonnas räägitakse AS-i Go Group suuromaniku Marcel Vichmanni ja teleproduktsioonifirma Ruut ühe omaniku Monica Vichmanni abielu kriisist, kinnitab Monica Vichmann, et kuulujuttudel ei ole alust ning lahutuse teemal ei ole nad abikaasaga rääkinud

  5. Highly efficient fully transparent inverted OLEDs (United States)

    Meyer, J.; Winkler, T.; Hamwi, S.; Schmale, S.; Kröger, M.; Görrn, P.; Johannes, H.-H.; Riedl, T.; Lang, E.; Becker, D.; Dobbertin, T.; Kowalsky, W.


    One of the unique selling propositions of OLEDs is their potential to realize highly transparent devices over the visible spectrum. This is because organic semiconductors provide a large Stokes-Shift and low intrinsic absorption losses. Hence, new areas of applications for displays and ambient lighting become accessible, for instance, the integration of OLEDs into the windshield or the ceiling of automobiles. The main challenge in the realization of fully transparent devices is the deposition of the top electrode. ITO is commonly used as transparent bottom anode in a conventional OLED. To obtain uniform light emission over the entire viewing angle and a low series resistance, a TCO such as ITO is desirable as top contact as well. However, sputter deposition of ITO on top of organic layers causes damage induced by high energetic particles and UV radiation. We have found an efficient process to protect the organic layers against the ITO rf magnetron deposition process of ITO for an inverted OLED (IOLED). The inverted structure allows the integration of OLEDs in more powerful n-channel transistors used in active matrix backplanes. Employing the green electrophosphorescent material Ir(ppy) 3 lead to IOLED with a current efficiency of 50 cd/A and power efficiency of 24 lm/W at 100 cd/m2. The average transmittance exceeds 80 % in the visible region. The on-set voltage for light emission is lower than 3 V. In addition, by vertical stacking we achieved a very high current efficiency of more than 70 cd/A for transparent IOLED.

  6. Life prediction for white OLED based on LSM under lognormal distribution (United States)

    Zhang, Jianping; Liu, Fang; Liu, Yu; Wu, Helen; Zhu, Wenqing; Wu, Wenli; Wu, Liang


    In order to acquire the reliability information of White Organic Light Emitting Display (OLED), three groups of OLED constant stress accelerated life tests (CSALTs) were carried out to obtain failure data of samples. Lognormal distribution function was applied to describe OLED life distribution, and the accelerated life equation was determined by Least square method (LSM). The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was performed to verify whether the white OLED life meets lognormal distribution or not. Author-developed software was employed to predict the average life and the median life. The numerical results indicate that the white OLED life submits to lognormal distribution, and that the accelerated life equation meets inverse power law completely. The estimated life information of the white OLED provides manufacturers and customers with important guidelines.

  7. CALiPER Report 24: OLED Luminaires

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miller, N. J. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Leon, F. A. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Davis, J. L. [RTI International, Research Triangle Park, NC (United States)


    This report documents an initial investigation of OLED luminaires and summarizes the key features of those products. In addition to photometric testing of four commercial products in independent laboratories, PNNL examined many of the products through teardown testing (disassemblies to identify parts and functionality) in PNNL laboratories. Results of these tests as well as results of stress testing of several OLED luminaires at RTI International have been included.

  8. OLED microdisplays technology and applications

    CERN Document Server

    Templier, François


    Microdisplays are displays requiring optical magnification and OLEDs (Organic Light-Emitting Diode) are self-emitting displays where each pixel includes a LED made of organic material, in general composed of small-molecule organic material. This title reviews in detail how OLED microdisplays are made as well as how they are used. All aspects from theory to application will be addressed: basic principles, display design, display fabrication, operation and performances, present and future applications. The book will be useful to anyone interested in this rapidly developing field, such as studen

  9. Kaido Ole seintel ja kaante vahel / Valner Valme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Valme, Valner, 1970-


    Kunstnik Kaido Ole (sünd. 1963) eluloolisi andmeid, looming. Eesti Kunstiakadeemia andis välja kataloogi "Ole", toimetaja Eero Epner. Kunstinäitus "Jonas & Kaido" koos Jonas Gasiunasega Vilniuse Vartai galeriis. Näitus "Hümn" Vaal galeriis

  10. Efficient p-phenylene based OLEDs with mixed interfacial exciplex emission

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Data, P.; Motyka, R.; Lapkowski, M.; Suwinski, J.; Jursenas, S.; Kreiza, G.; Miasojedovas, A.; Monkman, A.P.


    Organic electronics, mainly due to the advancement of OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) technology, is a fast developing research area, and has already revolutionized the displays market. This direction presents the use of exciplex emitters and thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) in OLEDs. This is shown through electrochemical characterisation of six p-phenylene derivatives for application in optoelectronic devices and presents the possibility the compounds’ use as OLED emitters. In these OLED devices, it is established that selenophene based compounds with a “heavy-atom effect” can be used as potential emitters when exciplex phenomena are involved.

  11. Integration of OLE into the TACL control system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bowling, B.; Douglas, D.; Kewisch, J.; Kloeppel, P.; Kraft, G.A.


    OLE, the On-Line Envelope program, is a first-order optics code which was designed to provide fast lattice transfer functions from actual accelerator magnet and cavity control values. This paper addresses the results of a successful integration of OLE into the CEBAF control system, TACL. This marriage provides the user with the ability for obtaining real-time Twiss parameters and transfer functions which reflect the current operational state of the machine. The resultant OLE calculation provides the analytical core for many control and diagnostic functions used at CEBAF, including focusing corrections, orbit corrections, emittance measurements, and beamline analysis

  12. White OLED devices and processes for lighting applications (United States)

    Ide, Nobuhiro; Tsuji, Hiroya; Ito, Norihiro; Matsuhisa, Yuko; Houzumi, Shingo; Nishimori, Taisuke


    In these days, the basic performances of white OLEDs are dramatically improved and application of OLEDs to "Lighting" is expected to be true in the near future. We have developed various technologies for OLED lighting with the aid of the Japanese governmental project, "High-efficiency lighting based on the organic light-emitting mechanism." In this project, a white OLED with high efficiency (37 lm/W) and high quality emission characteristics (CRI of 95 with a small variation of chromaticity in different directions and chromaticity just on the black-body radiation curve) applicable to "Lighting" was realized by a two-unit structure with a fluorescent deep blue emissive unit and a phosphorescent green and red emissive unit. Half-decay lifetime of this white OLED at 1,000 cd/m2 was over 40,000 h. A heat radiative, thin encapsulation structure (less than 1 mm) realized a very stable emission at high luminance of over 3,000 cd/m2. A new deposition source with a hot-wall and a rate controllable valve was developed. Thickness uniformity within +/- 3% at high deposition rate of over 8 nm/s, high material utilization of over 70 %, and repeatable deposition rate controllability were confirmed.

  13. Väike Eesti 21. sajandi parkide antoloogia = A brief anthology of Estonia's 21st century parks / Karli Luik, Ralf Lõoke

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Luik, Karli, 1977-


    Teistlaadseid vaatenurki parkidele. Ükski kirjeldatud parkidest (Jüri palmisaar, Kanepi keskpark, Narva park, Jämejala park, Pärnu peatänav, Türi parkla, Põlva jänesepark) ei ole park selle sõna kõige traditsioonilisemas mõttes. Tegemist ei ole valmis ega kujundatud parkidega, vaid pargilise tundega, valmisolekuga pargiks

  14. Kogu Eestimaa internetiseerimise kava jääb sel aastal veel lõpetamata / Margus Konnula

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Konnula, Margus, 1974-


    Interneti leviala ei ole veel jõudnud Vormsi saarele ega Mahtra külla, projekti Külatee 3 raames otsitakse nn. leviaukudele veel lahendusi. Internetiportaali toimetaja Veljo Haameri väitel on Eestis tuhandeid probleemseid kohti ning Eesti ei ole kindlasti maailma juhtriik inimeste "digitaalses kaasamises". Kaart: Kõue interneti leviala

  15. Recent advances in AM OLED technologies for application to aerospace and military systems (United States)

    Sarma, Kalluri R.; Roush, Jerry; Chanley, Charles


    While initial AM OLED products have been introduced in the market about a decade ago, truly successful commercialization of OLEDs has started only a couple of years ago, by Samsung Mobile Display (SMD), with small high performance displays for smart phone applications. This success by Samsung has catalyzed significant interest in AM OLED technology advancement and commercialization by other display manufacturers. Currently, significant manufacturing capacity for AM OLED displays is being established by the industry to serve the growing demand for these displays. The current development in the AM OLED industry are now focused on the development and commercialization of medium size (~10") AM OLED panels for Tablet PC applications and large size (~55") panels for TV applications. This significant progress in commercialization of AM OLED technology is enabled by major advances in various enabling technologies that include TFT backplanes, OLED materials and device structures and manufacturing know-how. In this paper we will discuss these recent advances, particularly as they relate to supporting high performance applications such as aerospace and military systems, and then discuss the results of the OLED testing for aerospace applications.

  16. Alex Miller, Knesseti liige : Iisrael mõtleb oma kodanikele / Alex Miller ; interv. Ivar Soopan

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Miller, Alex


    Iisraeli parlamendiliikme sõnul ei ole läbirääkimised Palestiinaga vastuvõetavad, kui valitsuses on Hamas. Iisraeli-Palestiina konflikt ei ole tema sõnul mitte territoriaalprobleem, vaid tsivilisatsioonidevaheline konflikt. Parlamendiliige vastab küsimustele, mis puudutavad Palestiinale kuuluva 600 miljoni dollari maksuraha kinnihoidmist ning 40 Palestiina parlamendiliikme vangistamist, samuti Liibanoni ründamist eelmisel aastal

  17. Voltage-controlled colour-tunable microcavity OLEDs with enhanced colour purity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choy, Wallace C H; Niu, J H; Li, W L; Chui, P C


    The emission spectrum of single-unit voltage-controlled colour-tunable organic light emitting devices (OLEDs) has been theoretically and experimentally studied. Our results show that by introducing the microcavity structure, the colour purity of not only the destination colour but also the colour-tunable route can be enhanced, while colour purity is still an issue in typical single-unit voltage-controlled colour-tunable OLEDs. With the consideration of the periodical cycling of resonant wavelength and absorption loss of the metal electrodes, the appropriate change in the thickness of the microcavity structure has been utilized to achieve voltage-controlled red-to-green and red-to-blue colour-tunable OLEDs without adding dyes or other organic materials to the OLEDs

  18. Efficient organic light emitting-diodes (OLEDs)

    CERN Document Server

    Chang, Yi-Lu


    Following two decades of intense research globally, the organic light-emitting diode (OLED) has steadily emerged as the ultimate display technology of choice for the coming decades. Portable active matrix OLED displays have already become prevalent, and even large-sized ultra-high definition 4K TVs are being mass-produced. More exotic applications such as wearable displays have been commercialized recently. With the burgeoning success in displays, researchers are actively bringing the technology forward into the exciting solid-state lighting market. This book presents the knowledge needed for

  19. Ole Rømer som enevældens administrator

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olden-Jørgensen, Sebastian


    En gennemgang af Ole Rømers liv med vægt på hans rolle som embedsmand og hans deltagelse eller mangel på samme i det politiske spil.......En gennemgang af Ole Rømers liv med vægt på hans rolle som embedsmand og hans deltagelse eller mangel på samme i det politiske spil....

  20. Studying the Attribution of LiF in OLED by the - Characteristics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chun-lin Zhang


    Full Text Available The organic light-emitting device (OLED with simple structures of indium tin oxide (ITO/tris(8-quinolinolato aluminum (Alq3/LiF/Al and ITO/Alq3/Al was fabricated to analyze the contribution of LiF in OLED. We used the - characteristics to investigate the contribution of LiF in OLED and found that the capacitance of the above-mentioned structures was 12.5 nF and 77.5 nF, respectively. It is shown that the LiF layer affects the property of OLED resulting in the change of the capacitance of the device.

  1. A Novel Lighting OLED Panel Design

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enyang Zhang


    Full Text Available A novel OLED (organic light emitting diode lighting panel, which uses a special layout design, can reduce the photolithography cycles and process costs and is more reliable. It only needs two steps of photolithography cycles, which include an ITO (InSnO compound transparent oxide pattern and insulator pattern. There is no need for the metal bus pattern of the ordinary design. The OLED device structure is a type of red–green–blue (RGB-stacked emitting layer that has a good color index and greater adjustability, which improves the performance of the device. This novel design has the same equipment and material requirement compared to the ordinary design, and it is very beneficial in terms of high volume and low-cost production. It uses a hyper driving method because the entire OLED lighting panel is divided into many sub-emitting units; if one of the sub-emitting units is burned out, it has no effect on the adjacent sub-emitting unit, so the reliability is markedly better than the ordinary design.

  2. Triarylborane-Based Materials for OLED Applications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gulsen Turkoglu


    Full Text Available Multidisciplinary research on organic fluorescent molecules has been attracting great interest owing to their potential applications in biomedical and material sciences. In recent years, electron deficient systems have been increasingly incorporated into fluorescent materials. Triarylboranes with the empty p orbital of their boron centres are electron deficient and can be used as strong electron acceptors in conjugated organic fluorescent materials. Moreover, their applications in optoelectronic devices, energy harvesting materials and anion sensing, due to their natural Lewis acidity and remarkable solid-state fluorescence properties, have also been investigated. Furthermore, fluorescent triarylborane-based materials have been commonly utilized as emitters and electron transporters in organic light emitting diode (OLED applications. In this review, triarylborane-based small molecules and polymers will be surveyed, covering their structure-property relationships, intramolecular charge transfer properties and solid-state fluorescence quantum yields as functional emissive materials in OLEDs. Also, the importance of the boron atom in triarylborane compounds is emphasized to address the key issues of both fluorescent emitters and their host materials for the construction of high-performance OLEDs.

  3. Manufacturing Process for OLED Integrated Substrate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hung, Cheng-Hung [Vitro Flat Glass LLC, Cheswick, PA (United States). Glass Technology Center


    The main objective of this project was to develop a low-cost integrated substrate for rigid OLED solid-state lighting produced at a manufacturing scale. The integrated substrates could include combinations of soda lime glass substrate, light extraction layer, and an anode layer (i.e., Transparent Conductive Oxide, TCO). Over the 3+ year course of the project, the scope of work was revised to focus on the development of a glass substrates with an internal light extraction (IEL) layer. A manufacturing-scale float glass on-line particle embedding process capable of producing an IEL glass substrate having a thickness of less than 1.7mm and an area larger than 500mm x 400mm was demonstrated. Substrates measuring 470mm x 370mm were used in the OLED manufacturing process for fabricating OLED lighting panels in single pixel devices as large as 120.5mm x 120.5mm. The measured light extraction efficiency (calculated as external quantum efficiency, EQE) for on-line produced IEL samples (>50%) met the project’s initial goal.

  4. Progress of OLED devices with high efficiency at high luminance (United States)

    Nguyen, Carmen; Ingram, Grayson; Lu, Zhenghong


    Organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) have progressed significantly over the last two decades. For years, OLEDs have been promoted as the next generation technology for flat panel displays and solid-state lighting due to their potential for high energy efficiency and dynamic range of colors. Although high efficiency can readily be obtained at low brightness levels, a significant decline at high brightness is commonly observed. In this report, we will review various strategies for achieving highly efficient phosphorescent OLED devices at high luminance. Specifically, we will provide details regarding the performance and general working principles behind each strategy. We will conclude by looking at how some of these strategies can be combined to produce high efficiency white OLEDs at high brightness.

  5. New Optoelectronic Technology Simplified for Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andre F. S. Guedes


    Full Text Available The development of Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED, using an optically transparent substrate material and organic semiconductor materials, has been widely utilized by the electronic industry when producing new technological products. The OLED are the base Poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene, PEDOT, and Polyaniline, PANI, were deposited in Indium Tin Oxide, ITO, and characterized by UV-Visible Spectroscopy (UV-Vis, Optical Parameters (OP and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM. In addition, the thin film obtained by the deposition of PANI, prepared in perchloric acid solution, was identified through PANI-X1. The result obtained by UV-Vis has demonstrated that the Quartz/ITO/PEDOT/PANI-X1 layer does not have displacement of absorption for wavelengths greaters after spin-coating and electrodeposition. Thus, the spectral irradiance of the OLED informed the irradiance of 100 W/m2, and this result, compared with the standard Light Emitting Diode (LED, has indicated that the OLED has higher irradiance. After 1000 hours of electrical OLED tests, the appearance of nanoparticles visible for images by SEM, to the migration process of organic semiconductor materials, was present, then. Still, similar to the phenomenon of electromigration observed in connections and interconnections of microelectronic devices, the results have revealed a new mechanism of migration, which raises the passage of electric current in OLED.

  6. Development of functional nano-particle layer for highly efficient OLED (United States)

    Lee, Jae-Hyun; Kim, Min-Hoi; Choi, Haechul; Choi, Yoonseuk


    Organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) are now widely commercialized in market due to many advantages such as possibility of making thin or flexible devices. Nevertheless there are still several things to obtain the high quality flexible OLEDs, one of the most important issues is the light extraction of the device. It is known that OLEDs have the typical light loss such as the waveguide loss, plasmon absorption loss and internal total reflection. In this paper, we demonstrate the one-step processed light scattering films with aluminum oxide nano-particles and polystyrene matrix composite to achieve highly efficient OLEDs. Optical characteristics and surface roughness of light scattering film was optimized by changing the mixing concentration of Al2O3 nano-particles and investigated with the atomic force microscopy and hazemeter, respectively.

  7. A spectral measurement method for determining white OLED average junction temperatures (United States)

    Zhu, Yiting; Narendran, Nadarajah


    The objective of this study was to investigate an indirect method of measuring the average junction temperature of a white organic light-emitting diode (OLED) based on temperature sensitivity differences in the radiant power emitted by individual emitter materials (i.e., "blue," "green," and "red"). The measured spectral power distributions (SPDs) of the white OLED as a function of temperature showed amplitude decrease as a function of temperature in the different spectral bands, red, green, and blue. Analyzed data showed a good linear correlation between the integrated radiance for each spectral band and the OLED panel temperature, measured at a reference point on the back surface of the panel. The integrated radiance ratio of the spectral band green compared to red, (G/R), correlates linearly with panel temperature. Assuming that the panel reference point temperature is proportional to the average junction temperature of the OLED panel, the G/R ratio can be used for estimating the average junction temperature of an OLED panel.

  8. Optical characterization of OLED emitter properties by radiation pattern analyses

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Flaemmich, Michael


    Researches in both, academia and industry are investigating optical loss channels in OLED layered systems by means of optical simulation tools in order to derive promising concepts for a further enhancement of the overall device performance. Besides other factors, the prospects of success of such optimization strategies rely severely on the credibility of the optical input data. The present thesis provides a guideline to measure the active optical properties of OLED emitter materials in situ by radiation pattern analyses. Reliable and widely applicable methods are introduced to determine the internal electroluminescence spectrum, the profile of the emission zone, the dipole emitter orientation, and the internal luminescence quantum efficiency of emissive materials from the optical far field emission of OLEDs in electrical operation. The proposed characterization procedures are applied to sets of OLEDs containing both, fluorescent polymeric materials as well as phosphorescent small-molecular emitters, respectively. On the one hand, quite expected results are obtained. On the other hand, several novel and truly surprising results are found. Most importantly, this thesis contains the first report of a non-isotropic, mainly parallel emitter orientation in a phosphorescent small-molecular guest-host system (Ir(MDQ)2(acac) in a-NPD). Due to the latter result, emitter orientation based optimization of phosphorescent OLEDs seems to be within reach. Since parallel dipoles emit preferably into air, the utilization of smart emissive materials with advantageous molecular orientation is capable to boost the efficiency of phosphorescent OLEDs by 50%. Materials design, the influence of the matrix material and the substrate, as well as film deposition conditions are just a few parameters that need to be studied further in order to exploit the huge potential of the dipole emitter orientation in phosphorescent OLEDs.

  9. Maailmaparandajad / Ole Ry, Susanne Andres

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ry, Ole


    Terapeudid Ole Ry ja Susanne Andres räägivad Dr David Berceli loodud TRE (Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises) harjutuste kasutamise kogemusest erinevate psüühiliste traumade ja pingetega klientide tervise parandamisel

  10. Ole Bjørn Kraft 1893-1980

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skov, Christian Houlberg


    Ole Bjørn Kraft (1893-1980) var en central konservativ politiker i årene før og efter anden verdenskrig. Han markerede sig som udpræget idépolitiker og opnåede ad flere omgange at blive minister.......Ole Bjørn Kraft (1893-1980) var en central konservativ politiker i årene før og efter anden verdenskrig. Han markerede sig som udpræget idépolitiker og opnåede ad flere omgange at blive minister....

  11. Hyvä tarinankerronta koukuttaa : Millainen on hyvä matkailureportaasi?


    Pyykkönen, Inka


    Parhaat reportaasit kertovat tarinan vangitsevasti, ja koukuttavat lukijan jutun ensimmäisistä lauseista niin tiukasti, ettei hän malta irrottaa otetta lehdestä, ennen kuin hän on ahmaissut koko jutun viimeisiä rivejä myöten. Matkailureportaasit voivat tarjota nojatuolimatkoja maailmoihin, joissa ei ole koskaan käynyt tai tilanteisiin, joihin ei ole mahdollisuutta päästä. Hyvästä reportaasista ei haluaisi päästää irti. Haluaisin oppia kirjoittamaan hyvän matkailureportaasin. Sen vuoksi tu...

  12. Mixed-ligand Al complex—a new approach for more high efficient OLEDs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Petrova, Petia K.; Tomova, Reni L.; Stoycheva-Topalova, Rumiana T.; Kaloyanova, Stefka S.; Deligeorgiev, Todor G.


    The mixed-ligand Aluminum bis(8-hydroxyquinoline) acetylacetonate (Alq 2 Acac) complex was presented and its performance as electroluminescent and electron transporting layer for OLED was studied. The photophysical properties of the novel complex were investigated and compared with the properties of the parent Alq 3 . Highly efficient OLED based on the mixed-ligand Al complex was developed with two times higher luminescence and efficiency compared to the identical OLED based on the conventional Alq 3 The better performance of the devices make the novel Al complex a very promising material for OLEDs. - Highlights: ► A novel electroluminescent Alq 2 Acac complex is presented as material for OLED. ► Electroluminescent emission of Alq 2 Acac is very similar to that of commercial Alq 3 . ► Devices with Alq 2 Acac show better characteristics compared to those with Alq 3 .

  13. Active-matrix OLED (AMOLED) microdisplay for augmented-reality applications with improved color space


    Thomschke, Michael; Fehse, Karsten; Richter, Bernd; Wartenberg, Philipp; Pfeifer, Richard; Vogel, Uwe


    Our contribution describes the optimization of OLED microdisplays to increase the color gamut and to reduce the OLED complexity. We show that these improvements can be reached by a 3-color RGB-white OLED approach that features a single layer multicolor emitting zone, respectively.

  14. Improved multilayer OLED architecture using evolutionary genetic algorithm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Quirino, W.G.; Teixeira, K.C.; Legnani, C.; Calil, V.L.; Messer, B.; Neto, O.P. Vilela; Pacheco, M.A.C.; Cremona, M.


    Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) constitute a new class of emissive devices, which present high efficiency and low voltage operation, among other advantages over current technology. Multilayer architecture (M-OLED) is generally used to optimize these devices, specially overcoming the suppression of light emission due to the exciton recombination near the metal layers. However, improvement in recombination, transport and charge injection can also be achieved by blending electron and hole transporting layers into the same one. Graded emissive region devices can provide promising results regarding quantum and power efficiency and brightness, as well. The massive number of possible model configurations, however, suggests that a search algorithm would be more suitable for this matter. In this work, multilayer OLEDs were simulated and fabricated using Genetic Algorithms (GAs) as evolutionary strategy to improve their efficiency. Genetic Algorithms are stochastic algorithms based on genetic inheritance and Darwinian strife to survival. In our simulations, it was assumed a 50 nm width graded region, divided into five equally sized layers. The relative concentrations of the materials within each layer were optimized to obtain the lower V/J 0.5 ratio, where V is the applied voltage and J the current density. The best M-OLED architecture obtained by genetic algorithm presented a V/J 0.5 ratio nearly 7% lower than the value reported in the literature. In order to check the experimental validity of the improved results obtained in the simulations, two M-OLEDs with different architectures were fabricated by thermal deposition in high vacuum environment. The results of the comparison between simulation and some experiments are presented and discussed.

  15. Green-emitting MADF complex for OLED applications (United States)

    Klimes, Kody; Zhu, Zhi-Qiang; Holloway, Sean; Li, Jian


    In this article, we demonstrated an exceptional palladium complex that exhibits both phosphorescence and delayed fluorescence for use as an efficient emitter in OLEDs. Devices employing PdN3N achieved external quantum efficiencies in excess of 22% and remarkable device operational lifetime to 90% initial luminance estimated at over 30,000 h at a practical luminance of 100 cd/m2. Further tuning of the phosphorescent and delayed fluorescent emission should have a great impact in the development of efficient and stable emitters for deep blue or white OLEDs.

  16. Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (OLEDs) and Optically-Detected Magnetic Resonance (ODMR) studies on organic materials

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cai, Min [Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA (United States)


    Organic semiconductors have evolved rapidly over the last decades and currently are considered as the next-generation technology for many applications, such as organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) in flat-panel displays (FPDs) and solid state lighting (SSL), and organic solar cells (OSCs) in clean renewable energy. This dissertation focuses mainly on OLEDs. Although the commercialization of the OLED technology in FPDs is growing and appears to be just around the corner for SSL, there are still several key issues that need to be addressed: (1) the cost of OLEDs is very high, largely due to the costly current manufacturing process; (2) the efficiency of OLEDs needs to be improved. This is vital to the success of OLEDs in the FPD and SSL industries; (3) the lifetime of OLEDs, especially blue OLEDs, is the biggest technical challenge. All these issues raise the demand for new organic materials, new device structures, and continued lower-cost fabrication methods. In an attempt to address these issues, we used solution-processing methods to fabricate highly efficient small molecule OLEDs (SMOLEDs); this approach is costeffective in comparison to the more common thermal vacuum evaporation. We also successfully made efficient indium tin oxide (ITO)-free SMOLEDs to further improve the efficiency of the OLEDs. We employed the spin-dependent optically-detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) technique to study the luminescence quenching processes in OLEDs and organic materials in order to understand the intrinsic degradation mechanisms. We also fabricated polymer LEDs (PLEDs) based on a new electron-accepting blue-emitting polymer and studied the effect of molecular weight on the efficiency of PLEDs. All these studies helped us to better understand the underlying relationship between the organic semiconductor materials and the OLEDs’ performance, and will subsequently assist in further enhancing the efficiency of OLEDs. With strongly improved device performance (in addition to

  17. Creation of a U.S. Phosphorescent OLED Lighting Panel Manufacturing Facility

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hack, Michael


    Universal Display Corporation (UDC) has pioneered high efficacy phosphorescent OLED (PHOLED™) technology to enable the realization of an exciting new form of high quality, energy saving solid-date lighting. In laboratory test devices, we have demonstrated greater than 100 lm/W conversion efficacy. In this program, Universal Display will demonstrate the scalability of its proprietary UniversalPHOLED technology and materials for the manufacture of white OLED lighting panels that meet commercial lighting targets. Moser Baer Technologies will design and build a U.S.- based pilot facility. The objective of this project is to establish a pilot phosphorescent OLED (PHOLED) manufacturing line in the U.S. Our goal is that at the end of the project, prototype lighting panels could be provided to U.S. luminaire manufacturers for incorporation into products to facilitate the testing of design concepts and to gauge customer acceptance, so as to facilitate the growth of the embryonic U.S. OLED lighting industry. In addition, the team will provide a cost of ownership analysis to quantify production costs including OLED performance metrics which relate to OLED cost such as yield, materials usage, cycle time, substrate area, and capital depreciation. This project was part of a new DOE initiative designed to help establish and maintain U.S. leadership in this program will support key DOE objectives by showing a path to meet Department of Energy Solid-State Lighting Manufacturing Roadmap cost targets, as well as meeting its efficiency targets by demonstrating the energy saving potential of our technology through the realization of greater than 76 lm/W OLED lighting panels by 2012.

  18. Advances in OLED/OPD-based sensors and spectrometer-on-a-chip (Conference Presentation) (United States)

    Shinar, Joseph; Kaudal, Rajiv; Manna, Eeshita; Fungura, Fadzai; Shinar, Ruth


    We describe ongoing advances toward achieving all-organic optical sensors and a spectrometer on a chip. Two-dimensional combinatorial arrays of microcavity OLEDs (μcOLEDs) with systematically varying optical cavity lengths are fabricated on a single chip by changing the thickness of different organic and/or spacer layers sandwiched between two metal electrodes (one very thin) that form the cavity. The broad spectral range is achieved by utilizing materials that result in white OLEDs (WOLEDs) when fabricated on a standard ITO substrate. The tunable and narrower emissions from the μcOLEDs serve as excitation sources in luminescent sensors and in monitoring light absorption. For each wavelength, the light from the μcOLED is partially absorbed by a sample under study and the light emitted by an electronically excited sample, or the transmitted light is detected by a photodetector (PD). To obtain a compact monitor, an organic PD (OPD) or a perovskite-based PD is integrated with the μcOLED array. We show the potential of encompassing a broader wavelength range by using WOLED materials to fabricate the μcOLEDs. The utility of the all-organic analytical devices is demonstrated by monitoring oxygen, and bioanalytes based on oxygen detection, as well as the absorption spectra of dyes.

  19. Mixed-ligand Al complex-a new approach for more high efficient OLEDs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Petrova, Petia K., E-mail: [Institute of Optical Materials and Technologies ' Acad. J. Malinowski' , Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G Bonchev st., bl. 109, 1113 Sofia (Bulgaria); Tomova, Reni L.; Stoycheva-Topalova, Rumiana T. [Institute of Optical Materials and Technologies ' Acad. J. Malinowski' , Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G Bonchev st., bl. 109, 1113 Sofia (Bulgaria); Kaloyanova, Stefka S.; Deligeorgiev, Todor G. [Applied Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Sofia, Sofia 1164 (Bulgaria)


    The mixed-ligand Aluminum bis(8-hydroxyquinoline) acetylacetonate (Alq{sub 2}Acac) complex was presented and its performance as electroluminescent and electron transporting layer for OLED was studied. The photophysical properties of the novel complex were investigated and compared with the properties of the parent Alq{sub 3}. Highly efficient OLED based on the mixed-ligand Al complex was developed with two times higher luminescence and efficiency compared to the identical OLED based on the conventional Alq{sub 3} The better performance of the devices make the novel Al complex a very promising material for OLEDs. - Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer A novel electroluminescent Alq{sub 2}Acac complex is presented as material for OLED. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Electroluminescent emission of Alq{sub 2}Acac is very similar to that of commercial Alq{sub 3}. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Devices with Alq{sub 2}Acac show better characteristics compared to those with Alq{sub 3}.

  20. Ex-diplomacy captain slags off the government / Povilas Gylys ; interviewed by Linas Jegelevicius

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gylys, Povilas


    Leedu endine välisminister ei taha poliitikasse tagasi tulla, räägib Leedu majandusest ja ei ole rahul sellega, et USA presidendi Barack Obama käest kutse saanud Leedu riigipea Dalia Grybauskaite ei sõitnud Praha kohtumisele

  1. Kõik ei ole action / Mari Sobolev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sobolev, Mari, 1968-


    Noorte videoprojektidest. Marko Laimre ja Andrus Kõresaare "Egoistically Correct", ainus actionil rajanev video. Jasper Zoova "Sheeps Are Everywhere". J. Zoova ja Tarrvi Laamannni "Fuck". Karol Kallase kureeritud näitusel "Kunstnik tapab koletise" "Kullo" galeriis olnud Jan Bergi, Meelis Salujärve, Al Paldroki videod, Andrus Joonase töö põhjal tehtud Kiwa video "Kunstnik tapab koletise". Publiku soov vaatemängu järele.

  2. Kui sind ei ole siin, siis...

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Käesel, Tiina, 1943-


    Münchenis 62. rahvusvahelise käsitöömessi raames toimunud rahvusvahelisest konkurssnäitusest "Ehe" (Schmuck"), kuhu Eestist oli valitud Tanel Veenre tööga "Flora talv", konkurssnäitusest "Talendid" ("Talente"), Eesti ehtekunstnike rühmituse ÕhuLoss näitusest Müncheni Vana põhjakalmistu surnuaiavahi majas jt. ehtenäitustest

  3. OLED Luminaire with Panel Integrated Drivers and Advanced Controls

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lu, Michael [Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc., Atlanta, GA (United States); Spindler, Jeff [OLEDWorks, Rochester, NY (United States)


    For this DOE award, Acuity Brands Lighting developed a novel OLED luminaire system featuring panel-integrated drivers at each individual OLED panel. The luminaire has a base station that receives user commands and performs AC/DC conversion. A power line communication (PLC) protocol is used to provide both power and digital control to each panel. A 66-panel CanvisTM luminaire using state-of-art OLED panels based on this system was successfully constructed. This is a first demonstration of such a luminaire architecture. It is also the first known implementation of this number of independently addressable nodes with a PLC protocol. This luminaire system architecture has added benefits in the flexibility of using multiple panel vendors for a given product, forward compatibility with future panels, and reduced luminaire wiring complexity and assembly time.

  4. Los españoles más viajeros

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Javier Callejo Gallego


    Full Text Available A partir de una explotación específica de los datos aportados por la encuesta que en mayor medida recoge las actividades y movimientos turísticos de los españoles, Familitur (dirigida por el Instituto de Estudios Turísticos, se analiza el comportamiento de aquellos españoles que registran una mayor frecuencia de viajes a lo largo del año. La perspectiva de tal aproximación es inicialmente descriptiva: conocer hasta qué punto configuran un perfil social diferenciado o realizan otro tipo de viajes. Es decir, hasta qué punto se diferencian de los otros españoles, más allá de la diferencia que les singulariza como más viajeros. Pero también se intenta, con los límites derivados de las características de los datos obtenidos, avanzar explicaciones sobre tal diferenciación.

  5. OLED Fundamentals: Materials, Devices, and Processing of Organic Light-Emitting Diodes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Blochwitz-Nimoth, Jan; Bhandari, Abhinav; Boesch, Damien; Fincher, Curtis R.; Gaspar, Daniel J.; Gotthold, David W.; Greiner, Mark T.; Kido, Junji; Kondakov, Denis; Korotkov, Roman; Krylova, Valentina A.; Loeser, Falk; Lu, Min-Hao; Lu, Zheng-Hong; Lussem, Bjorn; Moro, Lorenza; Padmaperuma, Asanga B.; Polikarpov, Evgueni; Rostovtsev, Vsevolod V.; Sasabe, Hisahiro; Silverman, Gary; Thompson, Mark E.; Tietze, Max; Tyan, Yuan-Sheng; Weaver, Michael; Xin , Xu; Zeng, Xianghui


    What is an organic light emitting diode (OLED)? Why should we care? What are they made of? How are they made? What are the challenges in seeing these devices enter the marketplace in various applications? These are the questions we hope to answer in this book, at a level suitable for knowledgeable non-experts, graduate students and scientists and engineers working in the field who want to understand the broader context of their work. At the most basic level, an OLED is a promising new technology composed of some organic material sandwiched between two electrodes. When current is passed through the device, light is emitted. The stack of layers can be very thin and has many variations, including flexible and/or transparent. The organic material can be polymeric or composed small molecules, and may include inorganic components. The electrodes may consist of metals, metal oxides, carbon nanomaterials, or other species, though of course for light to be emitted, one electrode must be transparent. OLEDs may be fabricated on glass, metal foils, or polymer sheets (though polymeric substrates must be modified to protect the organic material from moisture or oxygen). In any event, the organic material must be protected from moisture during storage and operation. A control circuit, the exact nature of which depends on the application, drives the OLED. Nevertheless, the control circuit should have very stable current control to generate uniform light emission. OLEDs can be designed to emit a single color of light, white light, or even tunable colors. The devices can be switched on and off very rapidly, which makes them suitable for displays or for general lighting. Given the amazing complexity of the technical and design challenges for practical OLED applications, it is not surprising that applications are still somewhat limited. Although organic electroluminescence is more than 50 years old, the modern OLED field is really only about half that age – with the first high

  6. Comparative study of graphene and its derivative materials as an electrode in OLEDs (United States)

    Srivastava, Anshika; Kumar, Brijesh


    In current scenario, the organic materials have given a revolutionary evolution in the electronics industry. As, the organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) have almost replaced the conventional technologies due to the use of organic based materials. However, the next generations OLEDs are intensively desired nowadays for high definition display technology. There are various concern involved in the successful design of OLEDs. Electrodes are one of the electrical conductors, which play a vital role in the construction of OLEDs. The performance of OLED is majorly affected by the material used for electrodes. Due to the requirement of transparent, flexible and inexpensive anodes in bottom emissive OLEDs, ITO was replaced by graphene material. Graphene is a single layer 2-dimensional transparent carbon allotrope which showed prodigious potential to escalate the device performance. Although graphene demonstrated impressive characteristics in various applications, it showed unfavorable work function for many other devices. Thus, derivative materials of graphene such as graphene oxide, graphane and β - graphdiyne were synthesized by several researchers. By comparing graphene and its derivatives as an anode of OLEDs, it has been found that graphene oxide showed the preeminent performance among all. In this paper, all the comparisons are investigated by using a standard device constructed by piling layers of anode/ m_MTDATA/ NPB/ Alq3: QAD/ Alq3/ cathode in TCAD ATLAS device simulator.

  7. Markkinointisuunnitelma: case: Ravintola Poimari


    Laine, Annukka


    Tämän toiminnallisen opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on luoda Ravintola Poimarille markkinointisuunnitelma. Poimarilla ei ole aiemmin ollut markkinointisuunnitelmaa. Tämä näkyy markkinoinnin epätasaisuudesta sekä perusasioiden huomiotta jättämisessä. Tavoitteena on tehdä markkinointisuunnitelma, joka luo ravintolalle toimivan markkinoinnin, vastuunjaon tehtävien kesken sekä antaa uusia ideoita. Ravintolan markkinoinnissa on paljon parannettavaa, mutta tarkoituksena ei ole korjata kaikkia onge...

  8. Seniorforsker Ole Hertel udnævnt til adjungeret professor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Jens Christian


    Sektionsleder og seniorforsker Ole Hertel, Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser (DMU) ved Aarhus Universitet, er udnævnt til adjungeret professor ved Institut for Miljø, Samfund og Rumlig Forandring på Roskilde Universitet.......Sektionsleder og seniorforsker Ole Hertel, Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser (DMU) ved Aarhus Universitet, er udnævnt til adjungeret professor ved Institut for Miljø, Samfund og Rumlig Forandring på Roskilde Universitet....

  9. Muuga terminal 2 - panus Vene Raudteele. Konkurent tooks terminali teenuste odavnemise / Jaroslav Tavgen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tavgen, Jaroslav


    Muuga konteinerterminali operaatori konkursi kaotanud Muuga CT omanik AS Transiidikeskus ei ole Tallinna Sadama otsusega rahul ja leiab, et selle konkursi võitnud Rail Garant ei suuda kaubavedu suurendada

  10. Life prediction of OLED for constant-stress accelerated degradation tests using luminance decaying model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang, Jianping, E-mail: [College of Energy and Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200090 (China); Li, Wenbin [College of Energy and Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200090 (China); Cheng, Guoliang; Chen, Xiao [Shanghai Tianyi Electric Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201611 (China); Wu, Helen [School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics, University of Western Sydney, Sydney 2751 (Australia); Herman Shen, M.-H. [Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The Ohio State University, OH 43210 (United States)


    In order to acquire the life information of organic light emitting diode (OLED), three groups of constant stress accelerated degradation tests are performed to obtain the luminance decaying data of samples under the condition that the luminance and the current are respectively selected as the indicator of performance degradation and the test stress. Weibull function is applied to describe the relationship between luminance decaying and time, least square method (LSM) is employed to calculate the shape parameter and scale parameter, and the life prediction of OLED is achieved. The numerical results indicate that the accelerated degradation test and the luminance decaying model reveal the luminance decaying law of OLED. The luminance decaying formula fits the test data very well, and the average error of fitting value compared with the test data is small. Furthermore, the accuracy of the OLED life predicted by luminance decaying model is high, which enable rapid estimation of OLED life and provide significant guidelines to help engineers make decisions in design and manufacturing strategy from the aspect of reliability life. - Highlights: • We gain luminance decaying data by accelerated degradation tests on OLED. • The luminance decaying model objectively reveals the decaying law of OLED luminance. • The least square method (LSM) is employed to calculate Weibull parameters. • The plan designed for accelerated degradation tests proves to be feasible. • The accuracy of the OLED life and the luminance decaying fitting formula is high.

  11. Life prediction of OLED for constant-stress accelerated degradation tests using luminance decaying model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Jianping; Li, Wenbin; Cheng, Guoliang; Chen, Xiao; Wu, Helen; Herman Shen, M.-H.


    In order to acquire the life information of organic light emitting diode (OLED), three groups of constant stress accelerated degradation tests are performed to obtain the luminance decaying data of samples under the condition that the luminance and the current are respectively selected as the indicator of performance degradation and the test stress. Weibull function is applied to describe the relationship between luminance decaying and time, least square method (LSM) is employed to calculate the shape parameter and scale parameter, and the life prediction of OLED is achieved. The numerical results indicate that the accelerated degradation test and the luminance decaying model reveal the luminance decaying law of OLED. The luminance decaying formula fits the test data very well, and the average error of fitting value compared with the test data is small. Furthermore, the accuracy of the OLED life predicted by luminance decaying model is high, which enable rapid estimation of OLED life and provide significant guidelines to help engineers make decisions in design and manufacturing strategy from the aspect of reliability life. - Highlights: • We gain luminance decaying data by accelerated degradation tests on OLED. • The luminance decaying model objectively reveals the decaying law of OLED luminance. • The least square method (LSM) is employed to calculate Weibull parameters. • The plan designed for accelerated degradation tests proves to be feasible. • The accuracy of the OLED life and the luminance decaying fitting formula is high

  12. Ole Rømer som enevældens administrator

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olden-Jørgensen, Sebastian


    En biografisk skitse af Ole Rømers virke med vægt på hans rolle som embedsmand og rådgiver for Christian V. Hans virke analyseres på baggrund af en ny forståelse for den tidlige enevældes politiske kultur.......En biografisk skitse af Ole Rømers virke med vægt på hans rolle som embedsmand og rådgiver for Christian V. Hans virke analyseres på baggrund af en ny forståelse for den tidlige enevældes politiske kultur....

  13. An examination of OLED display application to military equipment (United States)

    Thomas, J.; Lorimer, S.


    OLED display technology has developed sufficiently to support small format commercial applications such as cell-phone main display functions. Revenues seem sufficient to finance both performance improvements and to develop new applications. The situation signifies the possibility that OLED technology is on the threshold of credibility for military applications. This paper will examine both performance and some possible applications for the military ground mobile environment, identifying the advantages and disadvantages of this promising new technology.

  14. Ole Bornedals Danmarksfilm

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Kim Toft


    Dette kapitel sætter fokus på den politiske reception af 1864. Først viser jeg, hvordan der er en række interessante ligheder mellem Poul Henningensens Danmark (1935) og 1864; ligheder, der ikke som sådan er indholdsmæssige ud over, at både Danmark og 1864 tematiserer nogle nationale synspunkter;...... diskuterer jeg, hvorvidt Ole Bornedal selv kan siges at være kulturradikal, og i så fald på hvilken måde....

  15. Compact and efficient method of RGB to RGBW data conversion for OLED microdisplays


    Can, Chi


    Colour Electronic Information Displays (EIDs) typically consist of pixels that are made up of red, green and blue (RGB) subpixels. A recent technology, Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED), offers the potential to create a superior EID. OLED is already suitable for use in small displays and microdisplays for personal electronics products. OLED microdisplays, in particular, exhibit lower power consumption than equivalent direct-view panels thus enabling microdisplay-based persona...

  16. ”ja kaiken A ja O olis avoin ja luottamuksellinen yhteistyö” : Varhaiskasvatuspalvelujen täydentäminen varhaiskasvatuksen perhetyöllä


    Kuparinen, Melanie; Ojala, Katja


    Opinnäytetyömme tarkoitus oli kehittää varhaiskasvatuksen perhetyön malli Etelä-Suomessa sijaitsevaan kuntaan. Varhaiskasvatuksen perhetyö ei ole uusi palvelumuoto, mutta sille ei ole luotu yksiselitteistä mallia, jota palvelua tarjoavissa kunnissa toteutettaisiin. Pidämme yhteiskunnallisella tasolla tärkeänä tuoda esiin varhaiskasvatuksen perhetyötä ja haluamme kirkastaa sen merkitystä osana perheiden palvelupakettia. Teoriaosuudessa selvitämme lapsiperheiden hyvinvoinnin tilaa ja mi...

  17. Transfer mechanisms between emitter molecules for OLED applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Steinbacher, Frank [Department of Materials Science VI, University of Erlangen-Nuernberg (Germany); Siemens AG, CT MM 1, Erlangen (Germany); Chiu, Chien-Shu [Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Technical University of Braunschweig (Germany); Siemens AG, CT MM 1, Erlangen (Germany); Krause, Ralf; Hunze, Arvid [Siemens AG, CT MM 1, Erlangen (Germany); Winnacker, Albrecht [Department of Materials Science VI, University of Erlangen-Nuernberg (Germany)


    Within the last few years white organic light emitting diodes based on small molecules have shown the potential to have a promising future in the field of lighting technology. Nevertheless there is still room for improvement of the overall efficiency and lifetime of white OLEDs. A deeper understanding of the energy transfer mechanisms between different matrix and emitter molecules used in the OLED stack concept can help to optimize the layout and reduce driving voltage thus increasing the power efficiency and color stability of the device. To simplify the complex interactions within a complete white OLED we start out with a basic model system only containing the molecules of interest. This enables us to predict the fundamental concepts causing the behavior of more intricate systems. Using photoluminescence, excitation spectra and time-resolved photoluminescence we investigated the exciton transfer between different dyes for a variety of emitter systems. Our results indicate a dependence of exciton transfer probability on the total concentrations and therefore the distance between the molecules involved.

  18. Evaluation of OLED and edge-lit LED lighting panels (United States)

    Mou, Xi; Narendran, Nadarajah; Zhu, Yiting; Freyssinier, Jean Paul


    Solid-state lighting (SSL) offers a new technology platform for lighting designers and end-users to illuminate spaces with low energy demand. Two types of SSL sources include organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) and light-emitting diodes (LEDs). OLED is an area light source, and its primary competing technology is the edge-lit LED panel. Generally, both of these technologies are considered similar in shape and appearance, but there is little understanding of how people perceive discomfort glare from large area light sources. The objective of this study was to evaluate discomfort glare for the two lighting technologies under similar operating conditions by gathering observers' reactions. The human factors study results showed no statistically significant difference in human response to discomfort glare between OLED and edge-lit LED panels when the two light sources produced the same lighting stimulus. This means both technologies appeared equally glary beyond a certain luminance.

  19. An imaging-based photometric and colorimetric measurement method for characterizing OLED panels for lighting applications (United States)

    Zhu, Yiting; Narendran, Nadarajah; Tan, Jianchuan; Mou, Xi


    The organic light-emitting diode (OLED) has demonstrated its novelty in displays and certain lighting applications. Similar to white light-emitting diode (LED) technology, it also holds the promise of saving energy. Even though the luminous efficacy values of OLED products have been steadily growing, their longevity is still not well understood. Furthermore, currently there is no industry standard for photometric and colorimetric testing, short and long term, of OLEDs. Each OLED manufacturer tests its OLED panels under different electrical and thermal conditions using different measurement methods. In this study, an imaging-based photometric and colorimetric measurement method for OLED panels was investigated. Unlike an LED that can be considered as a point source, the OLED is a large form area source. Therefore, for an area source to satisfy lighting application needs, it is important that it maintains uniform light level and color properties across the emitting surface of the panel over a long period. This study intended to develop a measurement procedure that can be used to test long-term photometric and colorimetric properties of OLED panels. The objective was to better understand how test parameters such as drive current or luminance and temperature affect the degradation rate. In addition, this study investigated whether data interpolation could allow for determination of degradation and lifetime, L70, at application conditions based on the degradation rates measured at different operating conditions.

  20. Millist perepoliitikat me vajame? / Tiina Veismann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Veismann,Tiina, 1967-


    Autori arvates ei saa vanemahüvitis jääda ainsaks perepoliitiliseks meetmeks, sest sellega ei ole kõrvaldatud kõik lastekasvatusega seotud raskused ja lahendatud motivatsiooniprobleemi. Diagramm: Kulu lapse kohta

  1. Multi-Periodic Photonic Crystal Out-Coupling Layers for Flexible OLEDs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kluge, Christian; Pradana, Arfat; Adam, Jost


    Waveguide mode extraction with multi-periodic photonic crystals is studied in experiment and finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulations. Flexible nanostructured organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) are fabricated by UV nanoimprint lithography.......Waveguide mode extraction with multi-periodic photonic crystals is studied in experiment and finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulations. Flexible nanostructured organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) are fabricated by UV nanoimprint lithography....

  2. An approach to integrated design based componet software and OLE-technology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bagger-Petersen, Susanne C; Emborg, Jørgen; Andersen, Tom


    The paper reports on a prototype developed as to demonstrate the (dis)abilities of the OLE-standard to integrate different design-applications to a CAD-syste.......The paper reports on a prototype developed as to demonstrate the (dis)abilities of the OLE-standard to integrate different design-applications to a CAD-syste....

  3. "Kuhu kadunud oled ..." : [luuletused] / Aleksandr Belonogov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Belonogov, Aleksandr


    Sisu: "Kuhu kadunud oled ..." ; "Puude juured haaravad ..." ; "Nagu hiljuti eraldi teelt ..." ; "Kui kord enam mõista ma ..." ; Käänded ; Väravale on kirjutatud ; Rahvas ütleb. Eluloolisi andmeid autori kohta lk. 361. Luuletused paralleelselt udmurdi ja eesti keeles

  4. White top emitting OLED with angle independent emission characteristic

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thomschke, Michael; Freitag, Patricia; Schwartz, Gregor; Nitsche, Robert; Walzer, Karsten; Leo, Karl [Technische Universitaet Dresden, Institut fuer Angewandte Photophysik, Georg-Baehr-Strasse 1, 01062 Dresden (Germany)


    The general device structure of a top emitting organic light emitting diode (OLED) consists of several organic layers sandwiched in between two metal contacts, with the top one being semitransparent for light outcoupling reasons. Due to the high reflectivity of the electrodes, strong microcavity effects occur which lead to a preferred emission of light of a certain wavelength with main outcoupling in forward direction. This creates rather narrow emission bands, accompanied by strong spectral shifts upon viewing angle variation. By using an organic capping layer on top of the semitransparent metal contact, this unwanted effect can be reduced. This is important especially for white light emission for the use of OLEDs in future lighting applications. Our optical simulations show that the strong angular dependence of the emission color almost vanishes. To verify the simulations we study white top emitting OLEDs based on an approach which are adapted to the top emitting case.

  5. Stacked white OLED having separate red, green and blue sub-elements

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Forrest, Stephen; Qi, Xiangfei; Slootsky, Michael


    The present invention relates to efficient organic light emitting devices (OLEDs). More specifically, the present invention relates to white-emitting OLEDs, or WOLEDs. The devices of the present invention employ three emissive sub-elements, typically emitting red, green and blue, to sufficiently cover the visible spectrum. The sub-elements are separated by charge generating layers.

  6. Stacked white OLED having separate red, green and blue sub-elements (United States)

    Forrest, Stephen; Qi, Xiangfei; Slootsky, Michael


    The present invention relates to efficient organic light emitting devices (OLEDs). More specifically, the present invention relates to white-emitting OLEDs, or WOLEDs. The devices of the present invention employ three emissive sub-elements, typically emitting red, green and blue, to sufficiently cover the visible spectrum. The sub-elements are separated by charge generating layers.

  7. Õlitootja Werol pääses pankrotikoormast / Toivo Tänavsuu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tänavsuu, Toivo


    Jõgeva maakohus ei kuulutanud välja õlitootja Weroli Tehas pankrotti. Kohtunik Zakaria Nemsitsveridze sõnul ei ole Weroli majanduslik seis nii kehv, et oleks olnud vajadus igal juhul pankrot välja kuulutada

  8. Hiinas tunda krahhi hõngu / Romet Kreek

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kreek, Romet, 1972-


    Hiinas ei tohi pangad anda laenu kolmanda eluaseme ostuks. Pankadele on soovitatud mitte anda kinnisvaralaenu mitteresidentidest maksutuludeta inimestele ja neile, kel ei ole tõendit sotsiaalmaksu tasumise kohta. Euroopas langesid lennifirmade aktsiad umbes 5%

  9. OLED-polypropylene bio-CD sensor (United States)

    Vengasandra, Srikanth; Cai, Yuankun; Grewell, David; Shinar, Joseph; Shinar, Ruth


    With the goal of developing microfluidic platforms for sensing applications, flash-free micro patterns were embossed in polypropylene surfaces with ultrasonic heating for a biosensing lab-on-CD application. The embossed features were designed to act as reservoirs, valves, and reaction chambers to allow, in combination with a compact sensing platform, the monitoring of analyte levels using a standard PC-CD player. To generate the compact sensor, as an example, we chose the photoluminescence (PL)-based detection of lactate and glucose using an OLED-based sensing platform. Once embossed, the surface energy of the plastic substrate was chemically modified to make it hydrophilic. Reagents, placed in separate reservoirs, were directed through burst valves towards a reaction chamber via CD rotation. Lactate or glucose were monitored by measuring the effect of the related dissolved oxygen level on the PL decay time of an oxygen-sensitive dye, following analyte oxidation catalyzed by a suitable specific oxidase enzyme. The results demonstrate the potential of integrating OLEDs as excitation sources in PL-based sensors with microfluidic CD-based platforms, including for simultaneous multiple analyses.

  10. Sügistorm Balti taevas: Air Balticu tulevik / Erki Urva

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Urva, Erki, 1960-


    Läti lennufirmast Air Baltic. Firma kolm võimalikku arenguteed. Autori hinnangul on Estonian Airil õppida Air Balticu loost seda, et kõik suured ei ole edukad ja et edukaks olemiseks ei pea olema suur

  11. Man bites dog / Olesya Turkina, Viktor Mazin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Turkina, Olesya


    Kaasaegsest vene kunstist. Autorid ei ole nõus Ando Keskküla hinnanguga Oleg Kulikule kui vene kunsti silmapaistvale esindajale. Oleg Kulik ei esinda mitte millegagi vene kultuuri, vaid ainult koera ئ tegemist on meediamulliga

  12. Kuninga käik : Üks malbe jõulusoov / Ilmar Mikiver

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mikiver, Ilmar, 1920-2010


    vastusest küsimusele kes kaitseb rahvavalitsust, kui rahvas ise ei ole võimeline korrale kutsuma ei utopiste ega diktaatoreid? Wall Street Journali (WSJ, 4. dets.) kolumnist Bret Stephens kirjutab totalitarismi fenomenist, alatisest ohust demokraatiale

  13. Hansapnk pani ilma loata Meri ja Rüütli oma reklaami / Mari Rebane, Sergo Selder

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rebane, Mari


    Kuna Hansapnga kodulaenureklaamis nimeliselt president Merile ega Rüütlile ei viidata ning visuaalis nende õigeid fotosid ei kasutata, ei ole Tarbijakaitseameti avalike suhete osakonna juhataja Kristina Vaksmaa sõnul tegemist seaduserikkumisega. Lisa: Reklaamiseadus. Kommenteerib Tartu Ülikooli ajakirjandusosakonna juhataja Halliki Harro. Vt. samas lühiintervjuud Hansapanga turundusdirektori Toomas Tiiveliga

  14. Hansapank pani ilma loata Meri ja Rüütli oma reklaami / Mari Rebane, Sergo Selder

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rebane, Mari


    Kuna Hansapanga kodulaenureklaamis nimeliselt president Merile ega Rüütlile ei viidata ning visuaalis nende õigeid fotosid ei kasutata, ei ole Tarbijakaitseameti avalike suhete osakonna juhataja Kristina Vaksmaa sõnul tegemist seaduserikkumisega. Lisa: Reklaamiseadus. Kommenteerib Tartu Ülikooli ajakirjandusosakonna juhataja Halliki Harro. Vt. samas lühiintervjuud Hansapanga turundusdirektori Toomas Tiiveliga

  15. Spetsoperatsija "Rossija". Rasklad sil / Kirill Kabanov, Mihhail Krasnov, Leonid Nikitinski...[jt.

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Bürokraatia Venemaal on oma kontrolli alla võtnud poliitika põhifunktsiooni - riigi arengustrateegia kujundamise. Riik, kus eksisteerib ainult üks poliitik, ei saa olla demokraatlik. Korruptsioon Venemaal. Eliiti ei ole ajalugu õpetanud, riigipöörded Venemaal ei lõpe vandenõulaste võidu, vaid kogu riigi kaotusega. Tulevikustsenaariumid

  16. Single side Emitting Transparent OLED lamp

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lifka, H.; Verschuren, C.A.; Bruls, D.M.; Tanase, C.


    Transparent OLEDs offer great potential for novel applications. Preferably, the light should be emitted from one side only. This can bedone to some extent by modifying electrode thicknesses, but at the cost of reduced transparency. Here, we demonstrate a new approach tomake single side emissive

  17. 32 CFR 989.20 - Final EIS. (United States)


    ... limited to factual corrections and responses to comments, the proponent and EPF may, with the prior..., the EPF must submit the Draft EIS and all of the above documents, with a new cover sheet indicating... more extensive modifications are required, the EPF must prepare a preliminary final EIS incorporating...

  18. Nukkumisergonomiaohjauksen merkitys selkäkipuasiakkaille


    Jokela, Terhi; Kova, Elina


    Ihminen viettää noin kolmasosan elämästään nukkuen. Siksi ei ole yhdentekevää missä asennossa ihminen nukkuu. Nukkumisergonomia on ala, jossa kartoitetaan nukkuma-asentojen ja nukkumisympäristön kuormitus- ja riskitekijöitä. Tyynyistä ja patjoista on tehty runsaasti tutkimuksia, mutta itse nukkuma-asennoista ja niiden vaikutuksista kehoon ei ole näyttöön perustuvaa tietoa. Tuki- ja liikuntaelinten kipuoireet voivat usein liittyä nukkumisergonomiaan. Monissa tutkimuksissa on todettu, että selk...

  19. EI competencies as a related but different characteristic than intelligence (United States)

    Boyatzis, Richard E.; Batista-Foguet, Joan M.; Fernández-i-Marín, Xavier; Truninger, Margarida


    Amid the swarm of debate about emotional intelligence (EI) among academics are claims that cognitive intelligence, or general mental ability (g), is a stronger predictor of life and work outcomes as well as the counter claims that EI is their strongest predictor. Nested within the tempest in a teapot are scientific questions as to what the relationship is between g and EI. Using a behavioral approach to EI, we examined the relationship of a parametric measure of g as the person’s GMAT scores and collected observations from others who live and work with the person as to the frequency of his or her EI behavior, as well as the person’s self-assessment. The results show that EI, as seen by others, is slightly related to g, especially for males with assessment from professional relations. Further, we found that cognitive competencies are more strongly related to GMAT than EI competencies. For observations from personal relationships or self-assessment, there is no relationship between EI and GMAT. Observations from professional relations reveal a positive relationship between cognitive competencies and GMAT and EI and GMAT for males, but a negative relationship between EI and GMAT for females. PMID:25713545

  20. Dielectric impedance and optical performance of quantum dots doped OLEDs (United States)

    Jobin, Marc; Pellodi, Cédric; Emmenegger, Nicolas


    We investigate the effect of the incorporation of CdSe quantum dots (QD) in the standard ITO/TPD/Alq3/Al organic light emitting diodes (OLED's). The OLED's structures have been prepared in a double glove box coupled to a vacuum chamber containing both low and high temperature evaporators. For the standard (undoped) OLED's, the hole transport layer (HTL) consisting of 50nm of TPD is deposited by spin coating (8000rpm during 60 sec) and the 40nm of Alq3 were deposited at 2A/sec (organic crucible Radak-I). 150nm of Al were finally evaporated at 5A/s. For the CdSe-doped OLED's, the procedure was the same expect that the QD's were mixed with TPD in toluene before spin coating. During the thermal processing if the film, the QD's are expected to segregate to the surface, and then will be located at the TPD/Alq3 interface. The various layers were imaged by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) at each phase of the structure deposition, and we could indeed visualize the segregated QD's above the TPD film. AFM was systematically used to monitor the homogeneity and the thickness of the various films. The impedance of the non-encapsulated films structures were measured in air in the 40-40MHz frequency range, with bias at 0V (non-emitting), 2V (low emission) and 8V (strong emission). The corresponding dielectric spectra were analyzed with the standard Havriliak-Negami (HV) formula, where the conductive term has been subtracted from the data in case of light emission. We have measured a relaxation ranging from 100kHZ for the unbiased structure to 1MHz for 8V (strong emission). Apart from this expected relaxation, we found a second relaxation mechanism around 10 MHz. The origin of this second peak will be discussed. To monitor the optical emission of the OLED's, we have built a specific bench which allows for the quantitative measurement of the emission spectra and the dynamics behavior of the OLED's (raising and falling time). We found that the incorporation of the QD's unfortunately

  1. Iisrael ja Iraan veavad sõnasõjas vägikaigast / Erkki Bahovski

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Bahovski, Erkki, 1970-


    Iisraeli kaitseminister Shaul Mofaz hoiatas 21. jaanuaril Iraani presidenti Mahmoud Ahmadinejadi, et Iisrael ei aktsepteeri Iraani pürgimist tuumariigiks, kaitseminister tõdes, et diplomaatilisel teel ei ole võimalik Teherani tuumaambitsioone peatada. Lisa: Tuumatüli

  2. Road of death to remain lethal / Kairi Kurm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kurm, Kairi


    Majandus- ja kommunikatsiooniministeeriumi teatel ei rajata Tartu ja Tallinna vahele neljarealist maanteed, kuna selle ehitus oleks kallis. Maanteeameti väitel ei ole olukord Tallinn-Tartu maanteel halb ning hukkunuid pole piisavalt, et oleks vajalik teed laiendada

  3. The issue of E-elections in the Estonian public / Edgar Savisaar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Savisaar, Edgar, 1950-


    Keskerkonna esimees leiab, et tähtsaim demokraatia eeltingimus on usaldusväärne valimissüsteem, kuid praegusel kujul ei ole Eesti valimissüsteem läbipaistev, kuna keegi ei saa tagada e-valimiste turvalisust

  4. OLED-based biosensing platform with ZnO nanoparticles for enzyme immobilization (United States)

    Cai, Yuankun; Shinar, Ruth; Shinar, Joseph


    Organic light-emitting diode (OLED)-based sensing platforms are attractive for photoluminescence (PL)-based monitoring of a variety of analytes. Among the promising OLED attributes for sensing applications is the thin and flexible size and design of the OLED pixel array that is used for PL excitation. To generate a compact, fielddeployable sensor, other major sensor components, such as the sensing probe and the photodetector, in addition to the thin excitation source, should be compact. To this end, the OLED-based sensing platform was tested with composite thin biosensing films, where oxidase enzymes were immobilized on ZnO nanoparticles, rather than dissolved in solution, to generate a more compact device. The analytes tested, glucose, cholesterol, and lactate, were monitored by following their oxidation reactions in the presence of oxygen and their respective oxidase enzymes. During such reactions, oxygen is consumed and its residual concentration, which is determined by the initial concentration of the above-mentioned analytes, is monitored. The sensors utilized the oxygen-sensitive dye Pt octaethylporphyrin, embedded in polystyrene. The enzymes were sandwiched between two thin ZnO layers, an approach that was found to improve the stability of the sensing probes.

  5. Muutuv kommunikatsioon kultuuri ei ohusta / Annika Poldre

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Poldre, Annika


    Tallinna Konverentside poolt Sokos Hotel Virus 28. aprillil 2011 korraldatud kommunikatsiooni aastakonverentsist "Muutuv kommunikatsioon: vana ei taha ja uut ei oska. Kuidas edasi?", kus esinesid Ahto Lobjakas, Priit Põiklik, Piia Tamm ja Marju Lauristin

  6. FDTD analysis of the light extraction efficiency of OLEDs with a random scattering layer. (United States)

    Kim, Jun-Whee; Jang, Ji-Hyang; Oh, Min-Cheol; Shin, Jin-Wook; Cho, Doo-Hee; Moon, Jae-Hyun; Lee, Jeong-Ik


    The light extraction efficiency of OLEDs with a nano-sized random scattering layer (RSL-OLEDs) was analyzed using the Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method. In contrast to periodic diffraction patterns, the presence of an RSL suppresses the spectral shift with respect to the viewing angle. For FDTD simulation of RSL-OLEDs, a planar light source with a certain spatial and temporal coherence was incorporated, and the light extraction efficiency with respect to the fill factor of the RSL and the absorption coefficient of the material was investigated. The design results were compared to the experimental results of the RSL-OLEDs in order to confirm the usefulness of FDTD in predicting experimental results. According to our FDTD simulations, the light confined within the ITO-organic waveguide was quickly absorbed, and the absorption coefficients of ITO and RSL materials should be reduced in order to obtain significant improvement in the external quantum efficiency (EQE). When the extinction coefficient of ITO was 0.01, the EQE in the RSL-OLED was simulated to be enhanced by a factor of 1.8.

  7. Spectrally narrowed leaky waveguide edge emission and transient electrluminescent dynamics of OLEDs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhengqing, Gan


    In summary, there are two major research works presented in this dissertation. The first research project (Chapter 4) is spectrally narrowed edge emission from Organic Light Emitting Diodes. The second project (Chapter 5) is about transient electroluminescent dynamics in OLEDs. Chapter 1 is a general introduction of OLEDs. Chapter 2 is a general introduction of organic semiconductor lasers. Chapter 3 is a description of the thermal evaporation method for OLED fabrication. The detail of the first project was presented in Chapter 4. Extremely narrowed spectrum was observed from the edge of OLED devices. A threshold thickness exists, above which the spectrum is narrow, and below which the spectrum is broad. The FWHM of spectrum depends on the material of the organic thin films, the thickness of the organic layers, and length of the OLED device. A superlinear relationship between the output intensity of the edge emission and the length of the device was observed, which is probably due to the misalignment of the device edge and the optical fiber detector. The original motivation of this research is for organic semiconductor laser that hasn't been realized due to the extremely high photon absorption in OLED devices. Although we didn't succeed in fabricating an electrically pumped organic laser diode, we made a comprehensive research in edge emission of OLEDs which provides valuable results in understanding light distribution and propagation in OLED devices. Chapter 5 focuses on the second project. A strong spike was observed at the falling edge of a pulse, and a long tail followed. The spike was due to the recombination of correlated charge pair (CCP) created by trapped carriers in guest molecules of the recombination zone. When the bias was turned off, along with the decreasing of electric field in the device, the electric field induced quenching decreases and the recombination rate of the CCP increases which result in the spike. This research project provides a

  8. Spectrally narrowed leaky waveguide edge emission and transient electrluminescent dynamics of OLEDs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhengqing, Gan [Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA (United States)


    In summary, there are two major research works presented in this dissertation. The first research project (Chapter 4) is spectrally narrowed edge emission from Organic Light Emitting Diodes. The second project (Chapter 5) is about transient electroluminescent dynamics in OLEDs. Chapter 1 is a general introduction of OLEDs. Chapter 2 is a general introduction of organic semiconductor lasers. Chapter 3 is a description of the thermal evaporation method for OLED fabrication. The detail of the first project was presented in Chapter 4. Extremely narrowed spectrum was observed from the edge of OLED devices. A threshold thickness exists, above which the spectrum is narrow, and below which the spectrum is broad. The FWHM of spectrum depends on the material of the organic thin films, the thickness of the organic layers, and length of the OLED device. A superlinear relationship between the output intensity of the edge emission and the length of the device was observed, which is probably due to the misalignment of the device edge and the optical fiber detector. The original motivation of this research is for organic semiconductor laser that hasn't been realized due to the extremely high photon absorption in OLED devices. Although we didn't succeed in fabricating an electrically pumped organic laser diode, we made a comprehensive research in edge emission of OLEDs which provides valuable results in understanding light distribution and propagation in OLED devices. Chapter 5 focuses on the second project. A strong spike was observed at the falling edge of a pulse, and a long tail followed. The spike was due to the recombination of correlated charge pair (CCP) created by trapped carriers in guest molecules of the recombination zone. When the bias was turned off, along with the decreasing of electric field in the device, the electric field induced quenching decreases and the recombination rate of the CCP increases which result in the spike. This research project provides

  9. Recent progress in OLED and flexible displays and their potential for application to aerospace and military display systems (United States)

    Sarma, Kalluri


    Organic light emitting diode (OLED) display technology has advanced significantly in recent years and it is increasingly being adapted in consumer electronics products with premium performance, such as high resolution smart phones, Tablet PCs and TVs. Even flexible OLED displays are beginning to be commercialized in consumer electronic devices such as smart phones and smart watches. In addition to the advances in OLED emitters, successful development and adoption of OLED displays for premium performance applications relies on the advances in several enabling technologies including TFT backplanes, pixel drive electronics, pixel patterning technologies, encapsulation technologies and system level engineering. In this paper we will discuss the impact of the recent advances in LTPS and AOS TFTs, R, G, B and White OLED with color filter pixel architectures, and encapsulation, on the success of the OLEDs in consumer electronic devices. We will then discuss potential of these advances in addressing the requirements of OLED and flexible displays for the military and avionics applications.

  10. High-performance blue phosphorescent OLEDs using energy transfer from exciplex. (United States)

    Seino, Yuki; Sasabe, Hisahiro; Pu, Yong-Jin; Kido, Junji


    An efficient energy transfer from an exciplex between a sulfone and an arylamine derivatives to a blue phosphorescent emitter enables OLED performances among the best, of over 50 lm W(-1) at 100 cd m(-2) . The formation of the exciplex realizes a barrier-free hole-electron recombination pathway, thereby leading to high OLED performances with an extremely low driving voltage of 2.9 V at 100 cd m(-2) . © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  11. Afganistan vajab muutusi / Gwynne Dyer

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Dyer, Gwynne


    Autor leiab, et presidendi- ja kohalikud valimised Afganistanis ei ole võimelised taasatama rahva usaldust valitsuse vastu ning et Afganistanis peetavad lahingud ei suuda muuta seda olukorda, mis järgneb pärast liitlasvägede lahkumist riigist

  12. Political insincerity about the pension system? / Ieva Cielava

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Cielava, Ieva


    Läti presidendi nõunik Robert Kilis leiab, et riigi pensionisüsteem ei ole jätkusuutlik ja et seda muudetakse koheselt pärast parlamendivalimisi, kuna valitsus ei saa juba 2010. aasta lõpus pensionide maksmisega hakkama

  13. Flexible barrier technology for enabling rollable AMOLED displays and upscaling flexible OLED lighting

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Li, F.M.; Unnikrishnan, S.; Weijer, P. van de; Assche, F. van; Shen, J.; Ellis, T.; Manders, W.; Akkerman, H.; Bouten, P.; Mol, A.M.B. van


    The availability of a high performance thin-film barrier is the most critical challenge in upscaling and commercializing flexible OLED products. We report a flexible thin-film-barrier technology that meets lifetime specifications for OLED lighting, and demonstrate it in rollable QVGA a-IGZO AMOLED

  14. GATEWAY Demonstrations: OLED Lighting in the Offices of Aurora Lighting Design, Inc.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miller, Naomi J. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States)


    At the offices of Aurora Lighting Design, Inc., in Grayslake, IL, the GATEWAY program conducted its first investigation involving OLED lighting. The project experienced several challenges, but also highlighted a number of promising attributes – which indicate that with continued improvements in efficacy, longevity, size, and flexibility, OLEDs could provide a new tool for creative and effective lighting.

  15. Presidendi paljurääkiv vaikimine / Vello Helk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Helk, Vello, 1923-2014


    Artikli autori arvates ei ole Eesti riigikaitse seisukohalt õige, et president Arnold Rüütel ei soovi avalikustada Boris Jeltsini poolt augustiputshi ajal avaldatud Eesti jaoks planeeritud nukuvalitsuse juhti. Ilmunud ka Eesti Päevaleht = Estniska Dagbladet, 2005/Sep/15, lk. 4

  16. Tšehhil probleeme sõdurite saamisega oma profiarmeesse / Krister Paris

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paris, Krister, 1977-


    Tšehhi loobus aasta tagasi kutsealuste armeest ning moodustas palgaarmee. Armeesse astuda soovijatest puudust ei ole, kuid paljud neist ei sobi mitmel põhjusel sõjaväkke. Samas peavad poliitikud üleminekut palgaarmeele õigeks. Lisa: Kutsealuste armee tekitas piinlikkust

  17. Vnuk Brezhneva podajot v sud na rezhissjora / Jevgeni Tshazov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tshazov, Jevgeni


    Vene televisiooni jaoks valminud 4-seerialise ajaloolise filmi Leonid Brezhnevist "Brezhnev" : stsenarist Valentin Tshernõhh : režissöör Sergei Snezhkin, teemadel. Brezhnevi sugulased ei ole rahul filmiga. Ära on toodud nimekiri faktidest, mis ei vastavat tegelikkusele

  18. Rebenev Euroopa / Petra Pinzler

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pinzler, Petra


    Ajalehe Die Zeit korrespondendi sõnul ei ole EL-i kodanikud mitte kunagi varem olnud EL-i suhtes nii tõrjuvad kui praegu, hävitavalt mõjub ühise identiteedi puudumine, paljudele ei meeldi suund, mille Euroopa on võtnud

  19. The hard reality of soft privatisations : social responsibility in a shifting industry / Stephan Cludts

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Cludts, Stephan


    Ühiskondlikust vastutusest äris: ettevõtete sotsiaalne kohus on taotleda maksimaalset heaolu, mitte maksimaalset kasumit. Belgacomi näitel tõestatakse, et riik ei ole hea omanik, sest sel juhul ei täida ta järelvalve funktsiooni

  20. OLED-based physiologically-friendly very low-color temperature illumination for night (United States)

    Jou, Jwo-Huei; Shen, Shih-Ming; Tang, Ming-Chun; Chen, Pin-Chu; Chen, Szu-Hao; Wang, Yi-Shan; Chen, Chien-Chih; Wang, Ching-Chun; Hsieh, Chun-Yu; Lin, Chin-Chiao; Chen, Chien-Tien


    Numerous medical research studies reveal intense white or blue light to drastically suppress at night the secretion of melatonin (MLT), a protective oncostatic hormone. Lighting devices with lower color-temperature (CT) possess lesser MLT suppression effect based on the same luminance, explaining why physicians have long been calling for the development of lighting sources with low CT or free from blue emission for use at night to safeguard human health. We will demonstrate in the presentation the fabrication of OLED devices with very-low CT, especially those with CT much lower than that of incandescent bulbs (2500K) or even candles (2000K). Without any light extraction method, OLEDs with an around 1800K CT are easily obtainable with an efficacy of 30 lm/W at 1,000 nits. To also ensure high color-rendering to provide visual comfort, low CT OLEDs composing long wavelength dominant 5-spectrum emission have been fabricated. While keeping the color-rendering index as high as 85 and CT as low as 2100K, the resulting efficacy can also be much greater than that of incandescent bulbs (15 lm/W), proving these low CT OLED devices to be also capable of being energy-saving and high quality. The color-temperature can be further decreased to 1700K or lower upon removing the undesired short wavelength emission but on the cost of losing some color rendering index. It is hoped that the devised energy-saving, high quality low CT OLED could properly echo the call for a physiologically-friendly illumination for night, and more attention could be drawn to the development of MLT suppression-less non-white light.

  1. High efficient OLED displays prepared with the air-gapped bridges on quantum dot patterns for optical recycling


    Hyo-Jun Kim; Min-Ho Shin; Joo-Suc Kim; Se-Eun Kim; Young-Joo Kim


    An optically efficient structure was proposed and fabricated to realize high brightness organic light emitting diode (OLED) displays based on a white OLED prepared with the air-gapped bridges on the quantum dot (QD) patterns. Compared with a conventional white OLED display, in our experiments, the optical intensity of the proposed OLED display shows the enhancement of 58.2% in the red color and 16.8% in the green color after applying the air-gapped bridge structure on QD patterns of 20?wt% co...

  2. Riik ei ole inimeste hirmutamiseks / Eugen Veges

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Veges, Eugen, 1955-


    Ilmunud ka: Vooremaa 12. aug., lk. 2, Severnoje Poberezhje 12. aug., lk. 2, Koit 12. aug., lk. 6, Valgamaalane 12. aug. lk. 2, Põhjarannik 14. aug. lk. 4, Sakala 15. aug. lk. 2, Järva Teataja 21. aug. lk. 2, Harju Ekspress 22. aug. lk. 4, Nädaline 26. aug., lk. 4, Võrumaa Teataja 26. aug. lk. 2, Lääne Elu 4. sept. lk. 2. Autori sõnul parandab rahvale kõrgeima võimu andmine liigselt pingestunud inimsuhteid, muudab väärastunud väärtushinnanguid ning ta on veendunud, et praegune valimisseadus ja erakonnaseadus nullivad igasuguse demokraatia

  3. Õnn ei ole viinas! / Kaia Iva

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Iva, Kaia, 1964-


    Ilmunud ka: Põhjarannik, 15. nov. 2007, lk. 4; Severnoje Poberezhje, 15. nov. 2007, lk. 4; Vali Uudised, 16. nov. 2007, lk. 2; Harjumaa, 16. nov. 2007, lk. 2; Harju Ekspress, 16. nov. 2007, lk. 6; Kuulutaja, 16. nov. 2007, lk 6; Hiiu Leht, 20. nov. 2007, lk. 2; Koit, 20. nov. 2007, lk. 6; Järva Teataja, 22. nov. 2007, lk. 2; Türi Rahvaleht, 23. nov. 2007, lk. 4; Vooremaa, 6. dets. 2007, lk. 2. Parlamendiliikme sõnul tuleks kogu alkoholi välireklaam lõpetada, kaaluda tuleks kogu alkoholireklaami põhimõtte muutmist

  4. Keegi ei ole kõiketeadja / Maris Nool

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nool, Maris


    Ülevaade ERÜ koolituse toimkonna, Tartu Ülikooli Ühiskonnateaduste Instituudi ja ERÜ Noorteklubi koostöös korraldatud traditsioonilisest kevadseminarist „AK: aktuaalne koolituses ”, mis peeti Tartus 11. mail

  5. Elaval skulptuuril ei ole valuvormi? / Kaire Nurk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nurk, Kaire, 1960-


    Amandus Adamsoni 150. sünniaastapäevale pühendatud workshop'i esitlus Paldiski linnapargis 3. VII (kuraator Terje Ojaver, A. Adamsoni kujudeks kehastusid Tartu Kõrgema Kunstikooli üliõpilased), "Elavad skulptuurid" Tallinna Kunstihoones 24. XI (kuraator Anders Härm) "Continental Breakfast Tallinn NU performance'i" festivali raames

  6. Rumsfeldi ei ole kunagi unustatud / Ain Lember

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lember, Ain


    Väljaandes Teheran Times ilmunud Kian Mokhtari artiklist, milles käsitletakse USA kaitseministri Donald Rumsfeldi poliitikukarjääri, tema süüdistamist Iraagile massihävitusrelvade ja nendega seotud tehnoloogia müümise soodustamises 1980-ndatel aastatel, Iraagi-poolset keemiarelva kasutamist Iraani vastu

  7. Tõsielust midagi jaburamat ei ole / Kristjan Ots

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ots, Kristjan


    PÖFFi filme - mängufilmid "Kadudega tuleb arvestada" ("Mit Verlust ist zu Rechnen") : režissöör Ulrich Seidl : Austria 1992 ja "Tş̌ehhi unelm" ("Česky sen") : režissöörid Vit Klusak ja Filip Remunda : Tšehhi 2004

  8. GATEWAY Demonstrations: OLED Lighting in the Offices of DeJoy, Knauf & Blood, LLP

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miller, Naomi J. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States)


    At the offices of the accounting firm of DeJoy, Knauf & Blood, LLP in Rochester, NY, the GATEWAY program evaluated a new lighting system that incorporates a number of different OLED luminaires. Evaluation of the OLED products included efficacy performance, field measurements of panel color, flicker measurements, and staff feedback.

  9. Povl Ole Fanger's impact ten years later

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    d'Ambrosio Alfano, Francesca Romana; Olesen, Bjarne W.; Palella, Boris Igor


    This paper pays tribute to Povl Ole Fanger, the late professor at the Technical University of Denmark. His scientific studies, focused on the main parameters affecting indoor environmental quality, have inspired (and still inspire) professional design engineers and academic researchers on human t...

  10. Pank tunneb hääle järgi ära / Martin Hanson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hanson, Martin, 1984-


    Dubais kasutusele võetud häälemaksesüsteemil Voice Pay Eestis suurt edu loota ei ole, sest takistuseks saaks suur e-panganduse ja kaardimaksete protsent, mis enda kõrvale uut süsteemi nii lihtsalt ei luba. Lisa: Voice Pay

  11. Jätkusuutlikkuse tagamine Eesti vanuripoliitikas / Janno Reiljan, Liina Kulu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Reiljan, Janno, 1951-2018


    Jätkusuutlikkuse kontseptsioonist lähtuv Eesti vanuripoliitika analüüs näitab, et riigi pensionisüsteem ei ole sotsiaalselt ja rahaliselt jätkusuutlik, sest ei taga pensionäride heaolu, väidavad autorid. Tabel. Diagramm. Graafikud

  12. Neo-liberal populism and the state. Who is really rational? / Janis Berzins

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Berzins, Janis


    Autor leiab, et Rahvapartei valitsuse ajal on Läti majandus kasvanud, kuid ei ole arenenud. Samuti arvab ta, et ei saa öelda, et majanduskriisis on süüdi ainult erasektor, nagu seda väidab viimaseid parlamendivalimisi võitnud Rahvapartei

  13. Molecular electrophosphorescence in (Sm, Gd)-β-diketonate complex blend for OLED applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reyes, R.; Cremona, M.; Teotonio, E.E.S.; Brito, H.F.; Malta, O.L.


    In this work the preparation and characterization of the triple-layer organic light-emitting diode (OLED) using a mixture of the samarium and gadolinium β-diketonate complexes [Sm 0.5 Gd 0.5 (TTA) 3 (TPPO) 2 ] as emitting layer is reported. The OLED's devices contain 1-(3-methylphenyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline-6-carboxyaldehyde-1, 1'-diphenylhydrazone (MTCD) as hole-transporting layer and tris(8-hydroxyquinoline aluminum) (Alq 3 ) as electron transporting layer. The electroluminescence spectrum present emission narrow bands from the 4 G 5/2 → 6 H J transitions (where J=5/2, 7/2 and 9/2) characteristic of the Sm 3+ ion. These sharp lines are overlapped with a broad band attributed to the electrophosphorescence from the T 1 →S 0 transition in the ligand TTA. The intramolecular energy transfer is discussed and applied on the change of the emission color of the organic LEDs at different bias voltages. - Highlights: ► Samarium and gadolinium complexes. ► OLED with complex blend (Sm,Gd). ► Electrophosphorescence emission detection. ► Application in OLED changing the color emission.

  14. Narrow Bandwidth Top-Emitting OLEDs Designed for Rhodamine 6G Excitation in Biological Sensing Applications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matthias Jahnel


    Full Text Available Organic light emitting diodes (OLED are promising candidates offering in optical sensor applications to detect different gas compositions and excitable optical marker groups in chemical and biological processes. They enable attractive solutions for monitoring the gas phase composition of e.g., dissolved molecular oxygen (O2 species in bio reactors or excitation of fluorescent markers. In this work, we investigate different OLED devices for biomedical applications to excite the fluorescent dye rhodamine 6G (R6G. The OLED devices are built in top emission geometry comprising a distributed Bragg reflector (DBR acting as optical mirror. The OLED is optimized to provide a very narrow emission characteristic to excite the R6G at 530 nm wavelength and enabling the possibility to minimize the optical crosstalk between the OLED electroluminescence and the fluorescence of R6G. The DBR includes a thin film encapsulation and enables the narrowing of the spectral emission band depending on the number of DBR pairs. The comparison between optical simulation data and experimental results exhibits good agreement and proves process stability.

  15. Erapooletuid ei olnud / Reet Roos

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Roos, Reet, 1973-


    Menetlusest langes välja eelnõu, mille mõte oli, et riik tagaks elatise lapsele, kelle ühelt vanemalt on elatis kohtulikult välja mõistetud, kuid kes seda ise maksta ei taha või ei saa. Sama ka Koit 23. mai 2006, lk. 6 ; Valgamaalane 23. mai 2006, lk. 2 ; Järva Teataja 23. mai 2006, lk. 2 ; Elva Postipoiss 20. mai 2006, lk. 2 ; Vooremaa 16. mai 2006, lk. 2 ; Vali Uudised 17. mai 2006, lk. 2 ; Nädaline 16. mai 2006, lk. 2

  16. Kinetic Monte Carlo study of sensitiviy of OLED efficiency and lifetime to materials parameters

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Coehoorn, R.; Eersel, van H.; Bobbert, P.A.; Janssen, R.A.J.


    The performance of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) is determined by a complex interplay of the optoelectronic processes in the active layer stack. In order to enable simulation-assisted layer stack development, a three-dimensional kinetic Monte Carlo OLED simulation method which includes the

  17. Application of Developed APCVD Transparent Conducting Oxides and Undercoat Technologies for Economical OLED Lighting

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martin Bluhm; James Coffey; Roman Korotkov; Craig Polsz; Alexandre Salemi; Robert Smith; Ryan Smith; Jeff Stricker; Chen Xu; Jasmine Shirazi; George Papakonstantopulous; Steve Carson; Claudia Goldman; Soren Hartmann; Frank Jessen; Bianca Krogmann; Christoph Rickers; Manfred Ruske; Holger Schwab; Dietrich Bertram


    Economics is a key factor for application of organic light emitting diodes (OLED) in general lighting relative to OLED flat panel displays that can handle high cost materials such as indium tin oxide (ITO) or Indium zinc oxide (IZO) as the transparent conducting oxide (TCO) on display glass. However, for OLED lighting to penetrate into general illumination, economics and sustainable materials are critical. The issues with ITO have been documented at the DOE SSL R&D and Manufacturing workshops for the last 5 years and the issue is being exacerbated by export controls from China (one of the major sources of elemental indium). Therefore, ITO is not sustainable because of the fluctuating costs and the United States (US) dependency on other nations such as China. Numerous alternatives to ITO/IZO are being evaluated such as Ag nanoparticles/nanowires, carbon nanotubes, graphene, and other metal oxides. Of these other metal oxides, doped zinc oxide has attracted a lot of attention over the last 10 years. The volume of zinc mined is a factor of 80,000 greater than indium and the US has significant volumes of zinc mined domestically, resulting in the ability for the US to be self-sufficient for this element that can be used in optoelectronic applications. The costs of elemental zinc is over 2 orders of magnitude less than indium, reflecting the relative abundance and availability of the elements. Arkema Inc. and an international primary glass manufacturing company, which is located in the United States, have developed doped zinc oxide technology for solar control windows. The genesis of this DOE SSL project was to determine if doped zinc oxide technology can be taken from the commodity based window market and translate the technology to OLED lighting. Thus, Arkema Inc. sought out experts, Philips Lighting, Pacific Northwest National Laboratories (PNNL) and National Renewable Research Laboratories (NREL), in OLED devices and brought them into the project. This project had a

  18. TPÜ eirab õpetajakoolituse raamnõudeid / Ülo Tikk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tikk, Ülo, 1941-


    Al. 1.09.1999 ei ole lubatud jätkata tööd õpetajatel, kelle haridustase või lisakoolitus ei vasta haridusministri 21.12.1998 määrusega nr. 35 kehtestatud nõuetele. Mittepedagoogilise kõrgharidusega õpetajad asusid end täiendama, neist paljud TPÜ täienduskoolituskursustel, mille lõpetanutele anti õpetaja kutsetunnistus, mis ei vasta õpetajakoolituse raamnõuetele

  19. Approach to Low-Cost High-Efficiency OLED Lighting. Building Technologies Solid State Lighting (SSL) Program Final Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pei, Qibing [Univ. of California, Los Angeles, CA (United States). Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering


    This project developed an integrated substrate which organic light emitting diode (OLED) panel developers could employ the integrated substrate to fabricate OLED devices with performance and projected cost meeting the MYPP targets of the Solid State Lighting Program of the Department of Energy. The project optimized the composition and processing conditions of the integrated substrate for OLED light extraction efficiency and overall performance. The process was further developed for scale up to a low-cost process and fabrication of prototype samples. The encapsulation of flexible OLEDs based on this integrated substrate was also investigated using commercial flexible barrier films.

  20. Considerable improvement in the stability of solution processed small molecule OLED by annealing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mao Guilin [Key Laboratory of Photonics Technology for Information, Key Laboratory for Physical Electronics and Devices of the Ministry of Education, School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Xi' an Jiaotong University, Xi' an, 710049 (China); Wu Zhaoxin, E-mail: [Key Laboratory of Photonics Technology for Information, Key Laboratory for Physical Electronics and Devices of the Ministry of Education, School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Xi' an Jiaotong University, Xi' an, 710049 (China); He Qiang [Key Laboratory of Photonics Technology for Information, Key Laboratory for Physical Electronics and Devices of the Ministry of Education, School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Xi' an Jiaotong University, Xi' an, 710049 (China); Department of UAV, Wuhan Ordnance Noncommissioned Officers Academy, Wuhan, 430075 (China); Jiao Bo; Xu Guojin; Hou Xun [Key Laboratory of Photonics Technology for Information, Key Laboratory for Physical Electronics and Devices of the Ministry of Education, School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Xi' an Jiaotong University, Xi' an, 710049 (China); Chen Zhijian; Gong Qihuang [State Key Laboratory for Mesoscopic Physics and Department of Physics, Peking University, Beijing, 100871 (China)


    We investigated the annealing effect on solution processed small organic molecule organic films, which were annealed with various conditions. It was found that the densities of the spin-coated (SC) films increased and the surface roughness decreased as the annealing temperature rose. We fabricated corresponding organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) by spin coating on the same annealing conditions. The solution processed OLEDs show the considerable efficiency and stability, which were prior or equivalent to the vacuum-deposited (VD) counterparts. Our research shows that annealing process plays a key role in prolonging the lifetime of solution processed small molecule OLEDs, and the mechanism for the improvement of the device performance upon annealing was also discussed.

  1. Radio ne budjet dominirovat / Aleksandra Moorast

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Moorast, Aleksandra, 1980-


    Rahvusringhäälingu juhiks valitud Margus Allikmaa teatas, et uues organisatsioonis ei hakka raadio televisiooni üle domineerima sellest hoolimata, et uues juhatuses on enamuses Eesti Raadio esindajad. ETV praegune juht Ainar Ruussaar ei ole väljendanud soovi saada uue organisatsiooni juhatuse liikmeks

  2. Overexpression of OLE1 enhances stress tolerance and constitutively activates the MAPK HOG pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. (United States)

    Nasution, Olviyani; Lee, Young Mi; Kim, Eunjung; Lee, Yeji; Kim, Wankee; Choi, Wonja


    OLE1 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes the sole and essential Δ-9 desaturase catalyzing the conversion of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids. Upon ectopic overexpression of OLE1 in S. cerevisiae, significant increases in the membrane oleic acid content were observed. OLE1-overexpressing strains displayed enhanced tolerance to various stresses, better proton efflux, lower membrane permeability, and lessened internal hydrogen peroxide content. The OLE1-mediated enhanced stress tolerance was considerably diminished upon deletion of HOG1, which encodes the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) Hog1 of the high osmolarity glycerol (HOG) pathway. Furthermore, OLE1 overexpression constitutively activated Hog1, which remained in the cytoplasm. Hog1 activation was accomplished through the MAPK kinase kinase (MAPKKK) Ssk2, but not Ste11 and Ssk22, the other MAPKKKs of the HOG pathway. Despite its cytoplasmic location, activated Hog1 was able to activate the expression of its canonical targets, including CTT1, HSP12, and STL1, and further, the cAMP and stress response elements present in the promoter. OLE1 overexpression neither caused nor relieved endoplasmic reticulum stress. Individually or in combination, the physiological and molecular changes caused by OLE1 overexpression may contribute to enhanced tolerance to various types of stress. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2017;114: 620-631. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  3. Los jueces españoles como jueces de la Unión Europea

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mayoral, Juan A.; Ordóñez Solís, David; Berberoff, Dimitry


    sentido, el presente estudio trata de esclarecer si actualmente los jueces españoles se han adaptado a las exigencias creadas por el sistema legal de la Unión para la aplicación del derecho europeo. Para comprobar si los jueces españoles han asimilado su condición de jueces europeos, operando como...

  4. EL : Iiri "ei" Lissaboni lepingut ei surmanud / Kaivo Kopli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kopli, Kaivo


    Iirlased hääletasid Lissaboni lepingu vastu. EL-i välisministrite nõupidamisel Luksemburgis ütles Iiri välisminister, et rahva tahet tuleb austada. Enamik EL-i riike soovib, et lepingu ratifitseeriksid ka need riigid, kes pole veel seda teinud, Tšehhi asepeaministri Alexander Vondra on seisukohal, et riikidele ei tohi survet avaldada. Vt. samas: Pariis süüdistab juba Brüsselit



    Nicolae CORCEA


    Scopul acestui mesaj ştiinţific constă în rezolvarea controverselor doctrinare în domeniul calificării infracţiunii de violenţă în familie în una din formele ei speciale, cum ar fi violenţa sexuală. Cu toate că violenţa sexuală nu este prevă­zută expres de către legiuitor ca o formă distinctă a violenţei în familie, aceasta devine un fenomen extrem de răspândit. Autorul analizează violenţa împotriva femeilor bazată pe gen, arată caracterul discriminator al violenţei în familie îm­pot­riva fem...

  6. Molecular electrophosphorescence in (Sm, Gd)-{beta}-diketonate complex blend for OLED applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reyes, R., E-mail: [Facultad de Ingenieria Quimica y Textil, Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria, UNI, Av. Tupac Amaru 210, Lima 31, Peru (Peru); Cremona, M. [DIMAT - Divisao de Metrologia de Materiais, Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Normalizacao e Qualidade Industrial, INMETRO, Duque de Caxias, RJ (Brazil); Departamento de Fisica, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro, PUC-Rio, C.P. 38071, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, CEP 22453-970 (Brazil); Teotonio, E.E.S. [Departamento de Quimica, CCEN, Universidade Federal da Paraiba, UFPB, C.P. 5093, Joao Pessoa, PB, CEP 5805-970 (Brazil); Brito, H.F. [Instituto de Quimica, Universidade de Sao Paulo, USP, C.P. 26077, Sao Paulo, SP, CEP 05599-970 (Brazil); Malta, O.L. [Departamento de Quimica Fundamental, CCEN, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Cidade Universitaria, Recife, PE, CEP 50670-901 (Brazil)


    In this work the preparation and characterization of the triple-layer organic light-emitting diode (OLED) using a mixture of the samarium and gadolinium {beta}-diketonate complexes [Sm{sub 0.5}Gd{sub 0.5}(TTA){sub 3}(TPPO){sub 2}] as emitting layer is reported. The OLED's devices contain 1-(3-methylphenyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline-6-carboxyaldehyde-1, 1'-diphenylhydrazone (MTCD) as hole-transporting layer and tris(8-hydroxyquinoline aluminum) (Alq{sub 3}) as electron transporting layer. The electroluminescence spectrum present emission narrow bands from the {sup 4}G{sub 5/2}{yields}{sup 6}H{sub J} transitions (where J=5/2, 7/2 and 9/2) characteristic of the Sm{sup 3+} ion. These sharp lines are overlapped with a broad band attributed to the electrophosphorescence from the T{sub 1}{yields}S{sub 0} transition in the ligand TTA. The intramolecular energy transfer is discussed and applied on the change of the emission color of the organic LEDs at different bias voltages. - Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Samarium and gadolinium complexes. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer OLED with complex blend (Sm,Gd). Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Electrophosphorescence emission detection. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Application in OLED changing the color emission.

  7. Construction of Context-Based Module: How OLED can be used as a Context in High School Chemistry Instruction (United States)

    Anugrah, I. R.; Mudzakir, A.; Sumarna, O.


    Teaching materials used in Indonesia generally just emphasize remembering skill so that the students’ science literacy is low. Innovation is needed to transform traditional teaching materials so that it can stimulate students’ science literacy, one of which is by context-based approach. This study focused on the construction of context-based module for high school using Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED) topics. OLED was chosen because it is an up-to-date topic and relevant to real life. This study used Model of Educational Reconstruction (MER) to reconstruct science content structure about OLED through combining scientist’s perspectives with student’s preconceptions and national curriculum. Literature review of OLED includes its definition, components, characteristics and working principle. Student’s preconceptions about OLED are obtained through interviews. The result shows that student’s preconceptions have not been fully similar with the scientist’s perspective. One of the reasons is that some of the related Chemistry concepts are too complicated. Through curriculum analysis, Chemistry about OLED that are appropriate for high school are Bohr’s atomic theory, redox and organic chemistry including polymers and aromatics. The OLED context and its Chemistry concept were developed into context-based module by adapting science literacy-based learning. This module is expected to increase students’ science literacy performance.

  8. Ei viitsi! / Aado Luik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Luik, Aado, 1937-


    Põhjus-tagajärg diagramm (Ishikawa diagramm) annab piltliku ülevaate põhjustest, miks õpilased ei viitsi õppida. Pareto diagramm kajastab näitlikult erinevate põhjuste osa halva tagajärje kujunemises

  9. Kalev ja Rae vald tülitsevad tehase reovee pärast / Garel Püüa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Püüa, Garel


    Kalevi kommivabriku heitvee reostustase ületab kohati kümme korda tehase ehitamisel taotletud taset, Rae valla veepuhasti ei suuda nii suurt koormust taluda. Kalevi õigusteeninduse juhi Allan Viirma sõnul ei ole vald väljastanud Kalevile reovee eelpuhastite rajamiseks projekteerimistingimusi. Kommenteerib Rae vallavanem Raivo Uukkivi

  10. Mis on lääs? / Guy Sorman

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sorman, Guy


    Autor on seisukohal, et lääs ei ole geograafiline üksus; ta usub, et lääs on kolmele põhiomadusele tuginev meelelaad, mida naljalt ei kohta nn. idatsivilisatsioonides, need omadused on kirg innovatsiooni järele, võime enesekriitikaks ja sugude võrdsus

  11. Photovoltaic OLED Driver for Low-Power Stand-Alone Light-to-Light Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ploug, Rasmus Overgaard; Knott, Arnold


    of a three-port-converter for this purpose optimized for the specifications for driving an Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) panel intended for lighting purposes. By using a three-port-converter, featuring shared components for each conversion mode, the converter reaches 97 % efficiency at 1.8 W during...... conversion from photovoltaic panel to the battery, and 97 % in the area 1.4 W to 2 W for power delivery to the OLED....

  12. Color in the corners: ITO-free white OLEDs with angular color stability. (United States)

    Gaynor, Whitney; Hofmann, Simone; Christoforo, M Greyson; Sachse, Christoph; Mehra, Saahil; Salleo, Alberto; McGehee, Michael D; Gather, Malte C; Lüssem, Björn; Müller-Meskamp, Lars; Peumans, Peter; Leo, Karl


    High-efficiency white OLEDs fabricated on silver nanowire-based composite transparent electrodes show almost perfectly Lambertian emission and superior angular color stability, imparted by electrode light scattering. The OLED efficiencies are comparable to those fabricated using indium tin oxide. The transparent electrodes are fully solution-processable, thin-film compatible, and have a figure of merit suitable for large-area devices. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  13. Efficient, deep-blue TADF-emitters for OLED display applications (Conference Presentation) (United States)

    Volz, Daniel; Baumann, Thomas


    Currently, the mobile display market is strongly shifting towards AMOLED technology, in order to enable curved and flexible displays. This leads to a growing demand for highly efficient OLED emitters to reduce the power consumption and increase display resolution at the same time. While highly efficient green and red OLEDs already found their place in commercial OLED-displays, the lack of efficient blue emitters is still an issue. Consequently, the active area for blue is considerably larger than for green and red pixels, to make up for the lower efficiency. We intend to close this efficiency-gap with novel emitters based on thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) technology. Compared to state-of-the-art fluorescent dopants, the efficiency of TADF-emitters is up to four times higher. At the same time, it is possible to design them in a way to maintain deep blue emission, i.e. CIE y < 0.2. These aspects are relevant to produce efficient high resolution AMOLED displays. Apart from these direct customer benefits, our TADF technology does not contain any rare elements, which allows for the fabrication of sustainable OLED technology. In this work, we highlight one of our recently developed blue TADF materials. Basic material properties as well as first device results are discussed. In a bottom-emitting device, a CIEx/CIEy coordinate of (0.16/0.17) was achieved with efficiency values close to 20% EQE.

  14. White top-emitting OLEDs using organic colour-conversion layers for improved colour-stability

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schwab, Tobias; Hofmann, Simone; Thomschke, Michael; Luessem, Bjoern; Leo, Karl [Institut fuer Angewandte Photophysik, Technische Universitaet Dresden (Germany)


    In contrast to white organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) using several vertical stacked emitters, the principle of down-conversion gives the chance to achieve white light with a simplified layer structure and enhanced colour stability by preventing a colour shift over lifetime due to differential aging of dyes. We investigate an approach where the conversion material is integrated into a top-emitting OLED structure in a way, that only electrons can pass this layer. This assures optical excitation and avoids unwanted electrical recombination inside the conversion layer. The emission spectra, CIE-coordinates, efficiencies, and IV-characteristics depending on the conversion layer thickness have been determined and were compared to the non-emitting host-material with similar optical properties. Lifetime measurements show that these OLEDs have almost no colour change over an investigated period up to 2200 hours. It is shown that the external quantum efficiency of the OLED does not necessarily decrease with an increased conversion layer thickness, even if the photoluminescence quantum yield of these materials is below unity. This indicates that the efficiency is improved by out-coupling of isotropic re-emitted wave-guided modes.

  15. High efficient OLED displays prepared with the air-gapped bridges on quantum dot patterns for optical recycling (United States)

    Kim, Hyo-Jun; Shin, Min-Ho; Kim, Joo-Suc; Kim, Se-Eun; Kim, Young-Joo


    An optically efficient structure was proposed and fabricated to realize high brightness organic light emitting diode (OLED) displays based on a white OLED prepared with the air-gapped bridges on the quantum dot (QD) patterns. Compared with a conventional white OLED display, in our experiments, the optical intensity of the proposed OLED display shows the enhancement of 58.2% in the red color and 16.8% in the green color after applying the air-gapped bridge structure on QD patterns of 20 wt% concentration. This enhancement comes from the two facts that the QD patterns downconvert unnecessary blue or blue/green light to the required green or red light and the air-gapped bridges increase the color conversion efficiency of QDs by optical recycling using total internal reflection (TIR) at the interface. In addition, the color gamut of the proposed OLED display increases from 65.5 to 75.9% (NTSC x, y ratio) due to the narrow emission spectra of QDs.

  16. The Influence of Emotional Intelligence (EI) on Coping and Mental Health in Adolescence: Divergent Roles for Trait and Ability EI (United States)

    Davis, Sarah K.; Humphrey, Neil


    Theoretically, trait and ability emotional intelligence (EI) should mobilise coping processes to promote adaptation, plausibly operating as personal resources determining choice and/or implementation of coping style. However, there is a dearth of research deconstructing if/how EI impacts mental health via multiple coping strategies in adolescence.…

  17. GATEWAY Report Brief: OLED Lighting in the Offices of Aurora Lighting Design, Inc.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    None, None


    Summary of a GATEWAY report evaluation at the offices of Aurora Lighting Design, Inc., in Grayslake, IL, where the GATEWAY program conducted its first investigation involving OLED lighting. The project experienced several challenges, but also highlighted a number of promising attributes – which indicate that with continued improvements in efficacy, longevity, size, and flexibility, OLEDs could provide a new tool for creative and effective lighting.

  18. Application of Developed APCVD Transparent Conducting Oxides and Undercoat Technologies for Economical OLED Lighting

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silverman, Gary S.; Bluhm, Martin; Coffey, James; Korotkov, Roman; Polsz, Craig; Salemi, Alexandre; Smith, Robert; Smith, Ryan; Stricker, Jeff; Xu, Chen; Shirazi, Jasmine; Papakonstantopulous, George; Carson, Steve; Hartmann, Sören; Jessen, Frank; Krogmann, Bianaca; Rickers, Christoph; Ruske, Manfred; Schwab, Holger; Bertram, Dietrich


    Economics is a key factor for application of organic light emitting diodes (OLED) in general lighting relative to OLED flat panel displays that can handle high cost materials such as indium tin oxide (ITO) or Indium zinc oxide (IZO) as the transparent conducting oxide (TCO) on display glass. However, for OLED lighting to penetrate into general illumination, economics and sustainable materials are critical. The issues with ITO have been documented at the DOE SSL R&D and Manufacturing workshops for the last 5 years and the issue is being exaserbated by export controls from China (one of the major sources of elemental indium). Therefore, ITO is not sustainable because of the fluctuating costs and the United States (US) dependency on other nations such as China. Numerous alternatives to ITO/IZO are being evaluated such as Ag nanoparticles/nanowires, carbon nanotubes, graphene, and other metal oxides. Of these other metal oxides, doped zinc oxide has attracted a lot of attention over the last 10 years. The volume of zinc mined is a factor of 80,000 greater than indium and the US has significant volumes of zinc mined domestically, resulting in the ability for the US to be self-sufficient for this element that can be used in optoelectonic applications. The costs of elemental zinc is over 2 orders of magnitude less than indium, reflecting the relative abundance and availablility of the elements. Arkema Inc. and an international primary glass manufacturing company, which is located in the United States, have developed doped zinc oxide technology for solar control windows. The genesis of this DOE SSL project was to determine if doped zinc oxide technology can be taken from the commodity based window market and translate the technology to OLED lighting. Thus, Arkema Inc. sought out experts, Philips Lighting, Pacific Northwest National Laboratories (PNNL) and National Renewable Research Laboratories (NREL), in OLED devices and brought them into the project. This project had a

  19. Development of robust flexible OLED encapsulations using simulated estimations and experimental validations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Chang-Chun; Shih, Yan-Shin; Wu, Chih-Sheng; Tsai, Chia-Hao; Yeh, Shu-Tang; Peng, Yi-Hao; Chen, Kuang-Jung


    This work analyses the overall stress/strain characteristic of flexible encapsulations with organic light-emitting diode (OLED) devices. A robust methodology composed of a mechanical model of multi-thin film under bending loads and related stress simulations based on nonlinear finite element analysis (FEA) is proposed, and validated to be more reliable compared with related experimental data. With various geometrical combinations of cover plate, stacked thin films and plastic substrate, the position of the neutral axis (NA) plate, which is regarded as a key design parameter to minimize stress impact for the concerned OLED devices, is acquired using the present methodology. The results point out that both the thickness and mechanical properties of the cover plate help in determining the NA location. In addition, several concave and convex radii are applied to examine the reliable mechanical tolerance and to provide an insight into the estimated reliability of foldable OLED encapsulations. (paper)

  20. Kas Euroopa on olemas? / Riho-Mart Marjak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Marjak, Riho-Mart, 1963-2005


    Euroopa Komisjoni eelmise presidendi Romano Prodi moodustatud töögrupp jõudis raportis tõdemuseni, et Euroopa kultuuri ei saa kindlalt määratleda ega piiritleda, ei ole võimalik koostada fikseeritud euroopalike väärtuste loendit, Euroopa geograafilise ruumi määrab kultuur

  1. Optimization of the host–guest system within an OLED using different models of mobility

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adames Prada, Rosana, E-mail:; Ardila Vargas, Angel Miguel, E-mail:


    To optimize the host–guest system of organic light emitting devices (OLEDs), it were performed simulations by doping a small molecule organic semiconductor (acting as host) with the transition organometallic complex known as Ir(ppy){sub 2}(acac) (acting as a guest). The simulation was carried out using simOLED with different mobility models: the Pool–Frenkel Model (PFM), the Extended Gaussian Disorder Model (EGDM) and Extended Correlated Disorder Model (ECDM), with the aim to determine the magnitude of some parameters like temperature, applied electric field, film thickness and charge carrier density that improve the electrical and optical properties of OLEDs with a more simplified structure like ITO/CBP/CBP:Ir(ppy){sub 2}(acac)/TPBi/LiF/Al.

  2. Investigation on a short circuit of large-area OLED lighting panels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, J W; Kim, T W; Park, J B


    A short circuit often arises from large-area organic light-emitting device (OLED) lighting panels due to particles (i.e. dust, organic or metal debris) or the spike-like surface of the indium–tin–oxide (ITO) anode. On the emergence of a short circuit, an instant current crowding occurs, thereby reducing substantially the resistance of the panels and causing a failure of a dimming control. In this paper, we investigate the effect of the surface morphology of ITO on the resistance and dimmability of the panels. We have demonstrated that the peak-to-valley roughness of ITO should be much less than 20 nm or the resistance of the panels should be much higher than 1 MΩ in order to avoid an unwanted short-circuit phenomenon and thus achieve the high-yield fabrication of OLED lighting panels. It is also addressed that much care is taken to ensure a dimming control of OLED lighting panels with a larger active area because the resistance of those panels varies depending more sensitively on the surface roughness of ITO. (paper)

  3. Thermally Cross-Linkable Hole Transport Materials for Solution Processed Phosphorescent OLEDs (United States)

    Kim, Beom Seok; Kim, Ohyoung; Chin, Byung Doo; Lee, Chil Won


    Materials for unique fabrication of a solution-processed, multi-layered organic light-emitting diode (OLED) were developed. Preparation of a hole transport layer with a thermally cross-linkable chemical structure, which can be processed to form a thin film and then transformed into an insoluble film by using an amine-alcohol condensation reaction with heat treatment, was investigated. Functional groups, such as triplenylamine linked with phenylcarbazole or biphenyl, were employed in the chemical structure of the hole transport layer in order to maintain high triplet energy properties. When phenylcarbazole or biphenyl compounds continuously react with triphenylamine under acid catalysis, a chemically stable thin film material with desirable energy-level properties for a blue OLED could be obtained. The prepared hole transport materials showed excellent surface roughness and thermal stability in comparison with the commercial reference material. On the solution-processed model hole transport layer, we fabricated a device with a blue phosphorescent OLED by using sequential vacuum deposition. The maximum external quantum, 19.3%, was improved by more than 40% over devices with the commercial reference material (11.4%).

  4. Sisseminekuks : [luuletused] / Anna Haava ; [Impressioonid]: Viiu Härm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Haava, Anna, pseud., 1864-1957


    Sisu: Sisseminekuks ; Kartus ; Ööbikule ; Käokene, kuldalindu ; Mis sa tahad, kevade? ; Ei tule uni ; Hoia ennast; Tuksuv süda ; Sina oled kelm ; Hinge hellal' igatsusel' ; Kõik kallile ; Soov ; Unes nägin ; Võin ; Sinu silmad ; Sinu silmist pilk ; Kallis, sul on kuldne süda ; Sa kõige armsam mulle ; Oh võiksin ; Lill ; Nõmmelill ; Meie Mihkel ; Koidulale ; Ehitage rahukojad ; Emakeel ; Isamaja ; Väsinud ; Oh kuhu ma lähen? ; Ööbiku surm ; Ei saa mitte vaiki olla ; Ma olen näinud ; Südameta ; Sellepärast ; See oli ilusal õiekuul; Esimese lume ajal ; Mina vaat'sin muru pääle ; Ikka kurjalt sa mind vaatad ; Oh ma isegi ei tea ; Mis on luule paljalt sõnas? ; Oh oleksin ära surnud ; Lee ääres ; Sinu nimi ; Hoia vahest aken lahti ; Jumalaga jättes vaat'sid ; Ma laulan ; Ei oma õnne peita ; Küll oli ilus mu õieke ; Oh ära sa küsi ; Ei tule luule tuulest ; Köögis seisab ; Järv leegib eha paistel ; Sinu vanaema ; Nii ta on ; Tead küll, mu kuldkallis ; Ma lähen üle nõmme ; Lenda, lepatriinuke ; Vesi voolab, vesi kohab ; Üks ainus kord ; Oh kevade, oh õie-aeg ; Suur kontsert ; Kuupaistel ; Mets kohiseb ; Lind läks magama ; Kui sa tuled, too mull' lilli ; Sinilillekesed ; Ei ole sina minu ingel ; Ei mina õnne usu ; Viimast laulu ei saa laulda ; Kõige ilusam luule ; Üks on minul püham koda! ; Sa oled suurem kui su saatus ; Mu kodumaa, kus oled sa? ; Eest ära! ; Kui kandlekeeled katkevad ; Ma kõnnin koiduvalgel ; Mu mured kõik matsin ma maha ; Kui ma sulle armas olen ; Kas tahad tulla minuga? ; Sa vaata ette, süda! ; Truus sõpruses ma tahan ; Su silmade sügavuses ; Siis mine! ; See oli siis ; Mu süda usub ; Sind teretame, kuldapäike ; Mind jumalaga jätsid ; Sääl kord kasvab kaunis kodu ; Me oleme põhjamaa lapsed ; Hilised lilled ; Sa küsid, kus mu kodu ; külm ; Sina vaikiv, sügav öö ; Ju õitsvad kõik hellerheinad ; Öösünges kohab ; Kui saaks mullegi kord kodu ; On püha mulle mu kodumaa muld ; Oma hind vaid vaba

  5. OLED microdisplays in near-to-eye applications: challenges and solutions (United States)

    Vogel, Uwe; Richter, Bernd; Wartenberg, Philipp; König, Peter; Hild, Olaf R.; Fehse, Karsten; Schober, Matthias; Bodenstein, Elisabeth; Beyer, Beatrice


    Wearable augmented-reality (AR) has already started to be used productively mainly in manufacturing industry and logistics. Next step will be to move wearable AR from "professionals to citizens" by enabling networked, everywhere augmented-reality (in-/outdoor localisation, scene recognition, cloud access,…) which is non-intrusive, exhibits intuitive user-interaction, anytime safe and secure use, and considers personal privacy protection (user's and others). Various hardware improvements (e.g., low-power, seamless interactivity, small form factor, ergonomics,…), as well as connectivity and network integration will become vital for consumer adoption. Smart-Glasses (i.e., near-to-eye (NTE) displays) have evolved as major devices for wearable AR, that hold potential to become adopted by consumers soon. Tiny microdisplays are a key component of smart-glasses, e.g., creating images from organic light emitting diodes (OLED), that have become popular in mobile phone displays. All microdisplay technologies on the market comprise an image-creating pixel modulation, but only the emissive ones (for example, OLED and LED) feature the image and light source in a single device, and therefore do not require an external light source. This minimizes system size and power consumption, while providing exceptional contrast and color space. These advantages make OLED microdisplays a perfect fit for near-eye applications. Low-power active-matrix circuitry CMOS backplane architecture, embedded sensors, emission spectra outside the visible and high-resolution sub-pixel micro-patterning address some of the application challenges (e.g., long battery life, sun-light readability, user interaction modes) and enable advanced features for OLED microdisplays in near-to-eye displays, e.g., upcoming connected augmented-reality smart glasses. This report is to analyze the challenges in addressing those features and discuss solutions.

  6. Rasch Analysis of Lebanese Nurses’ Responses to the EIS Questionnaire

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael Clinton


    Full Text Available This study examined the psychometric characteristics of a 32-item modified version of the Ethical Issues Scale (EIS. Data were collected from 59 registered nurses at the American University of Beirut Medical Centre (AUBMC. Data were analyzed using WINSTEPS Rasch analysis software. The four-category EIS rating scale needs modification for future studies in Lebanon. All EIS scale items need rewording prior to translation into Arabic to avoid confusion among Lebanese nurses. Principal component analysis (PCA of residuals indicated the possible presence of additional dimensions. Additional EIS items are needed to improve targeting.

  7. Enhanced color purity of blue OLEDs based on well-design structure (United States)

    Du, Qianqian; Wang, Wenjun; Li, Shuhong; Wang, Qingru; Xia, Shuzhen; Zhang, Bingyuan; Wang, Minghong; Fan, Quli


    We have fabricated blue organic light-emitting devices (OLEDs) with higher color purity and stability by optimizing the structure of the Glass/ITO/NPB(50 nm)/ BCzVBi (30 nm)/ TPBi (x nm)/Alq3(20 nm)/LiF/Al. The results show that the introducing of hole blocking layer(HBL) TPBi greatly can improve not only the color purity but the color stability, which owe to its higher the Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital (HOMO) energy levels of 6.2 eV. We expect our work will be useful to optimizing the blue OLEDs structure to enhancing the color property.

  8. Voltage color tunable OLED with (Sm,Eu)-β-diketonate complex blend (United States)

    Reyes, R.; Cremona, M.; Teotonio, E. E. S.; Brito, H. F.; Malta, O. L.


    Light emission from organic electroluminescent diodes (OLEDs) in which mixed samarium and europium β-diketonate complexes, [Sm 0.7Eu 0.3(TTA) 3(TPPO) 2], was used as the emitting layer is described. The electroluminescence spectra exhibit narrow peaks arising from 4f-intraconfigurational transitions of the Sm 3+ and Eu 3+ ions and a broad emission band attributed to the electrophosphorescence of the TTA ligand. The intensity ratio of the peaks determined by the bias voltage applied to the OLED, together with the ligand electrophosphorescence, allows to obtain a voltage-tunable color light source.

  9. High efficiency and stable white OLED using a single emitter

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Jian [Arizona State Univ., Tempe, AZ (United States). School of Mechanical, Aerospace, Chemical and Materials Engineering


    The ultimate objective of this project was to demonstrate an efficient and stable white OLED using a single emitter on a planar glass substrate. The focus of the project is on the development of efficient and stable square planar phosphorescent emitters and evaluation of such class of materials in the device settings. Key challenges included improving the emission efficiency of molecular dopants and excimers, controlling emission color of emitters and their excimers, and improving optical and electrical stability of emissive dopants. At the end of this research program, the PI has made enough progress to demonstrate the potential of excimer-based white OLED as a cost-effective solution for WOLED panel in the solid state lighting applications.

  10. Kohtunik, ma ei saa teist aru! / Marko Mägi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mägi, Marko


    Kohtuasjast USAs Arizonas kolme inimsmugeldamises kahtlustatava Mehhiko mehe üle, kelle suhtes ei saa kohtuotsust langetada, kuna ei suudeta tuvastada keelt, mida kohtualused on võimelised mõistma süüdistusest aru saamiseks

  11. 33 CFR 230.13 - Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). (United States)


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Environmental Impact Statement..., DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE PROCEDURES FOR IMPLEMENTING NEPA § 230.13 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). An EIS... issues and impacts. The transmittal letter to EPA as well as the cover sheet should clearly identify the...

  12. Yaşar Yakiş: see on Kairo 2011, mitte Teheran 1979 / intervjueerinud Priit Simson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Yakiş, Yaşar


    Intervjuu Türgi endise peaministri ja Egiptuse-suursaadikuga Egiptuse rahutuste taustast, president Hosni Mubarakist, asepresident Omar Suleimanist, Muslimi Vennaskonnast, sõjaväe positisioonist Egiptuses. Tema arvates on Egiptus jõudnud punkti, kust tagasipöördumist ei ole, kuid see uus ei tarvitse muutuda vastupidiseks võrreldes praeguse režiimiga

  13. Archaeological supervision around the St. John's church in Valga / Andres Tvauri

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tvauri, Andres, 1970-


    Kirikust põhja ja ida pool on säilinud munakivisillutis. Väljakaevatud matused kuuluvad tõenäoliselt ajavahemikku 1730.-1773. Kuigi Valga oli keskajal tähtis maapäevade kogunemiskoht ei ole siiani keskaegse Valga kultuurkihti leitud. Võimalik, et keskaegse Valga territoorium ei kattu 1584. aastal asutatud Valga linna territooriumiga

  14. Mõned noad luule selga / P. I. Filimonov ; vene keelest tõlkinud Aare Pilv

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Filimonov, P. I., pseud., 1975-


    Autori arvates ei ole luule midagi sakraalset, ta on nii rahvuslik kui rahvusülene - ükski tõlge ei anna täielikku pilti tekstist sellisena nagu see oli autori emakeeles. Luuletused on eelkõige reaktsioon mingile sündmusele. Samuti sünnivad-valmivad erinevatel inimestel erinevad luuletused-värsid

  15. Baltic region going nuclear

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Läti keskkonnaminister Raimonds Vejonis leiab, et Läti ei peaks investeerima Leetu rajatava tuumaelektrijaama ehitusse ja võiks panustada hoopis taastuvenergiale. Venemaa peaminister Vladimir Putin ja Valgevene president Aleksandr Lukašenko allkirjastasid kokkuleppe Valgevene ja Leedu piiri lähistele uue tuumajaama ehitamise kohta. Leedu ei ole selle projektiga nõus

  16. Ekspert kritiseerib riigiasutuste tööd / Risto Berendson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Berendson, Risto, 1975-


    Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli avaliku halduse instituudi õppetooli juhataja Tiina Randma Liivi eksperthinnangust selgus, et riigiametite töö ei ole täisväärtuslik, kuna ei tehta koostööd teiste asutustega ning ametnikud kardavad oma otsustes võtta vastutust. Arvamus ka Aivar Sõerdilt. Lisa: Väljavõtteid eksperthinnangust

  17. La Sociedad de Autores Españoles (1899-1932

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raquel Sánchez García


    Full Text Available Durante ia úitima parte dei sigio xix ios autores españoies iniciaron un movimiento asociativo en defensa de sus derechos como profesionales. El proceso culminó en la fundación de la Sociedad de Autores Españoles (precedente de la actual Sociedad General de Autores Españoles. El objetivo principal de la SAE fue conseguir para los autores la administración y gestión de los derectios derivados de sus composiciones musicales y teatrales, lo que tuvo una gran importancia en un momento en que se estaban transformando las formas de ocio en nuestro país. Estas páginas pretenden llevar a cabo un repaso de su organización, sus logros y su evolución desde 1899 hasta 1932.During the last part of xix century, Spanish authors started a movement looking after their rights as professionals in pursuit of assoclations to defend them. The process finished in the foundation of the Sociedad de Autores Españoles (precedent of the SGAE. The principal objective of the SAE was to obtain the right to manage and to negotiate their own works and compositions. This was a very important sucess because of the change of leisure in Spain. In these pages, I will try to study the organization, the achievements and the evolution of the SAE from 1899 to 1932.

  18. Efficiency and stability of different tris(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminium (Alq3) derivatives in OLED applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kwong, C.Y.; Djurisic, A.B.; Choy, W.C.H.; Li, D.; Xie, M.H.; Chan, W.K.; Cheah, K.W.; Lai, P.T.; Chui, P.C.


    In this work, we have investigated the material stability and organic light emitting diode (OLED) performance for tris-(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminium (Alq 3 ) and for three of the Alq 3 derivatives. For each material, electron spin resonance (ESR) measurements were performed and the degradation of photoluminescence (PL) with atmosphere exposure was studied. Performance of OLEDs based on these materials was also studied. The device structure was ITO/N,N'-di(naphthalene-1-yl)-N,N'-diphenyl-benzidine (NPB) (50 nm)/Alq 3 or Alq 3 derivatives (60 nm)/LiF (0.3 nm)/Al (60 nm). It was found that the rate of PL decay of the films correlates strongly with the existence of ESR signal. However, stability of OLEDs fabricated from these materials showed no direct relationship with PL decay in the films. This indicates that the dominant degradation mechanism in OLEDs is related to the passage of electric current through the device. Detailed discussion of the performances of four light emitting materials in terms of efficiency and stability is given

  19. Stacked white OLED having separate red, green and blue sub-elements

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Forrest, Stephen; Qi, Xiangfei; Slootsky, Michael


    The present invention relates to efficient organic light emitting devices (OLEDs). The devices employ three emissive sub-elements, typically emitting red, green and blue, to sufficiently cover the visible spectrum. Thus, the devices may be white-emitting OLEDs, or WOLEDs. Each sub-element comprises at least one organic layer which is an emissive layer--i.e., the layer is capable of emitting light when a voltage is applied across the stacked device. The sub-elements are vertically stacked and are separated by charge generating layers. The charge-generating layers are layers that inject charge carriers into the adjacent layer(s) but do not have a direct external connection.

  20. Biochemical and Structural Analysis of an Eis Family Aminoglycoside Acetyltransferase from Bacillus anthracis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Green, Keith D.; Biswas, Tapan; Chang, Changsoo; Wu, Ruiying; Chen, Wenjing; Janes, Brian K.; Chalupska, Dominika; Gornicki, Piotr; Hanna, Philip C.; Tsodikov, Oleg V.; Joachimiak, Andrzej; Garneau-Tsodikova, Sylvie


    Proteins from the enhanced intracellular survival (Eis) family are versatile acetyltransferases that acetylate amines at multiple positions of several aminoglycosides (AGs). Their upregulation confers drug resistance. Homologues of Eis are present in diverse bacteria, including many pathogens. Eis from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Eis_Mtb) has been well characterized. In this study, we explored the AG specificity and catalytic efficiency of the Eis family protein from Bacillus anthracis (Eis_Ban). Kinetic analysis of specificity and catalytic efficiency of acetylation of six AGs indicates that Eis_Ban displays significant differences from Eis_Mtb in both substrate binding and catalytic efficiency. The number of acetylated amines was also different for several AGs, indicating a distinct regiospecificity of Eis_Ban. Furthermore, most recently identified inhibitors of Eis_Mtb did not inhibit Eis_Ban, underscoring the differences between these two enzymes. To explain these differences, we determined an Eis_Ban crystal structure. The comparison of the crystal structures of Eis_Ban and Eis_Mtb demonstrates that critical residues lining their respective substrate binding pockets differ substantially, explaining their distinct specificities. Our results suggest that acetyltransferases of the Eis family evolved divergently to garner distinct specificities while conserving catalytic efficiency, possibly to counter distinct chemical challenges. The unique specificity features of these enzymes can be utilized as tools for developing AGs with novel modifications and help guide specific AG treatments to avoid Eis-mediated resistance.

  1. [Kas sa Tammsaaret oled lugenud? Kirjanduslik eluloovestlus Helga Nõuga

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tutvustus: Kas sa Tammsaaret oled lugenud? : kirjanduslik eluloovestlus Helga Nõuga : [pühendatud Helga Nõu 80. sünnipäevale] / koostaja Rutt Hinrikus. Tartu : Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumi Teaduskirjastus, 2014 ; Helga Nõu. Valetaja : mälestused, tõeotsimised. Tallinn : Eesti Ajalehed, 2011

  2. Soome hariduse ime / Liisi Poll

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Poll, Liisi, 1980-


    PISA (Programme for International Student Assessement) uuringu andmeil on Soome haridus maailma parim. Autori sõnul ei ole Soomes eliitkoole, I ja II klassi enamasti katseid ei korraldata, põhihariduse andmisel püütakse minimaalseks teha kõik sotsiaalsed vahed, peetakse tähtsaks, et kohustuslikus kooliastmes saaksid lapsed võimalikult võrdse hariduse

  3. Jumal tänatud, et sa siin oled! / Inge Pitsner

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pitsner, Inge


    Kanal 2 sketshishõude sarja "Jumal tänatud, et sa siin oled!" esimesest saatest : saatejuht Andrus Vaarik : osalejad Peeter Oja, Anu Saagim, Juhan Ulfsak, Mihkel Raud : kohtunik Eino Baskin : tootjafirma Ruut

  4. Loomkatsed ei ole ainuke võimalus / Jeremy Rifkin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rifkin, Jeremy


    Üks maailma mainekamaid teadusühendusi, USA teadusakadeemia riiklik teadusnõukogu teavitas uuringust "Toksilisuse katsed 21. sajandil: visioon ja strateegia". Uuring teatab, et avastused võivad asendada senise täielikult loomkatsetel põhineva toksilisuse testimise katseklaasi-meetoditega, mis eelistavad kasutada inimpäritolu rakke, rakuliine ja rakukomponente

  5. Seks ei ole häbiasi / Aksel Kala

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kala, Aksel


    Režissöör Stanley Kubrick' filmis "Silmad pärani kinni" "Eyes Wide Shut" on shokeerivaid seksistseene, mille lavastamiseks kasutasid näitlejad Cruise ja Kidman seksiterapeudi abi : Ameerika Ühendriigid 1999

  6. München ei ole ainult Oktoberfest / Albert Trapeezh

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Trapeež, Albert, pseud., 1947-


    Eesti nüüdiskunsti näitusest Müncheni kunstikeskuses Aktionsforum. Osalesid Siim-Tanel Annus, Jaan Elken, Jüri Kass, Ülle Marks, Eve Kask, Lennart Mänd, Tiiu Kirsipuu, Leonhard Lapin, Raul Meel, Liina Siib, Andres Tolts ja Urmas Viik. Näituse kataloogi eestipoolsed tekstid kirjutas Harry Liivrand. Müncheni moodsaimast kunstikeskusest Pinakothek der Moderne'ist

  7. Kohalikud omavalitsused ei ole õpetajate vaenlased / Jaanus Tamkivi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tamkivi, Jaanus, 1959-


    Ilmunud ka: Nädaline 23. okt., lk. 4; Koit 23. okt., lk. 5; Valgamaalane 23. okt., lk. 6; Lääne Elu 23. okt., lk. 2; Põhjarannik 23. okt., lk. 4; Severnoje Poberezhje 23. okt., lk. 2; Õpetajate Leht 26. okt., lk. 3; Virumaa Teataja 20. okt., lk. 11; Vooremaa 25. okt., lk. 4, Järva Teataja 2. nov., lk. 2. Miks Linnade Liit on vastu õpetajate palga 15%-lisele tõusule. Autor: Reformierakond

  8. Siin ei ole kala, on kormoranid / Marianne Mikko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mikko, Marianne, 1961-


    Kormoranide, kes on Euroopa Liidu linnudirektiivi kaitse all, tekitatud kahjust ning nende arvukuse piiramisest kaitsmaks meie kalavarusid ja loodust. Ilmunud ka Meie Maa 21. juuli 2008, lk. 2 ; Põhjarannik 24. juuli 2008, lk. 2 ; Koit 24. juuli 2008, lk. 6 ; Harju Ekspress 25. juuli 2008, lk. 7 ; Vooremaa 31. juuli 2008, lk. 2

  9. Matti Haarajoki : ma ei ole likvidaator / Tanel Mazur

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mazur, Tanel, 1971-


    Ilmunud ka: Narva Postiljon, 5. apr. 2007, lk. 1,2; Narvskaja Gazeta, 5. apr. 2007, lk. 1,2. Kreenholmi tegevjuht lükkab ümber väite, nagu kavatsetaks Kreenholm sulgeda. Järgmiseks aastaks vähendatakse töötajate arvu ettevõttes umbes 800 inimese võrra. Sotsiaalminister Jaak Aab ja rahvastikuminister Paul-Eerik Rummo vastavad küsimusele, kas Kreenholmi kriis võib ajendada Ida-Virumaal sotsiaalse plahvatuse. Lisa: Ajalugu

  10. "Siin ongi viga..." : [luuletused] / Johanna Venho ; tõlkinud Tuuli Seinberg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Venho, Johanna, 1971-


    Sisu: "Siin ongi viga..." ; "Oled alati lähedal..." ; "Mina ütlen! Iga silm on peegel..." ; "Olen siin kõige meelevallas..." ; "Hõljun une piiril..." ; "Mille najal, ma ei tea..." ; Hommik ; Vanne ; Uudis ; Mis nüüd? ; "Viivitan oma sündimisega..." ; "Lähen sealt üle, kus silda ei ole..." ; "Mina, kes kardan kõike, mis tuleb lähedale..." ; (Conceptio artis) ; "Kuna süda läks pahaks..." ; "Kaardil on siiski üks koht, mida sa ei..." ; "Süda hõõgub läbi seljatoe, ta istub..." ; "Kes selles suvilas elab?..." ; "Nõlvakul, vahtrasalus asuv suvila..." ; "Tal on raske kõndida mööda peateed..." ; "Jäid konksu otsa, paks luts, marjakotid kõhukoopas..." ; "Selles naises on värske valmidus..." ; (Siin praegu) ; Sisemaalaul ; "N' i viimane kiri..." ; "Kuidas sa räägid sellest..." ; (Järelsõna). Eluloolisi andmeid autori kohta lk. 279

  11. GATEWAY Report Brief: Evaluating OLED Lighting in the Accounting Office of DeJoy, Knauf & Blood LLP

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Summary of GATEWAY report evaluating a new lighting system, at the offices of the accounting firm of DeJoy, Knauf & Blood, LLP in Rochester, NY, that incorporates a number of different OLED luminaires. Evaluation of the OLED products included efficacy performance, field measurements of panel color, flicker measurements, and staff feedback.

  12. Fundamental processes governing operation and degradation in state of the art P-OLEDs (United States)

    Roberts, Matthew; Asada, Kohei; Cass, Michael; Coward, Chris; King, Simon; Lee, Andrew; Pintani, Martina; Ramon, Miguel; Foden, Clare


    We present a theoretical and experimental analysis of operation and degradation of model fluorescent blue bilayer polymer organic light emitting diodes (P-OLED). Optical and electrical simulations of bilayer P-OLEDs are used to highlight the key material and device parameters required for efficient recombination and outcoupling of excitons. Mobility data for a model interlayer material poly (9,9-dioctylfluorene-N-(4-(2-butyl)phenyl)-diphenylamine) (TFB) and a model fluorescent blue light emitting material poly-(9,9'- dioctylfluorene-co-bis-N, N'-(4-butylphenyl)-bis-N,N'- phenyl-1,4-phenylenediamine) (95:5 mol%) (F8-PFB random copoloymer), is shown to satisfy the key charge transport characteristics required to ensure exciton formation at the optimum location for efficient extraction of the light where μh (LEP) 90%) of the quenching sites produced. This highlights the importance of understanding these reversible phenomena in improving P-OLED lifetime and commercial adoption of the technology.

  13. Simulations, measurements, and optimization of OLEDs with scattering layer

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Altazin, S.; Reynaud, C.; Mayer, U.M.; Lanz, T.; Lapagna, K.; Knaack, R.; Peninck, L.; Kirsch, C.; Pernstich, K.P.; Harkema, S.; Hermes, D.; Ruhstaller, B.


    A multi-scale optical model for organic light-emitting devices containing scattering layers is presented. This model describes the radiation of embedded oscillating dipoles and scattering from spherical particles. After successful model validation with experiments on a top-emitting white OLED, we

  14. Kolakowski : kaks vaatepunkti, kaks dialektikat / Andre Trinity

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Trinity, André, pseud., 1974-


    Rets. rmt.: Kolakowski, Leszek. Horror metaphysicus. Tallinn, 2000 ; Kolakowski, Leszek. Religioon : Kui Jumalat ei ole olemas...Jumalast, kuradist, patust ja nn religioonifilosoofia teistest muredest. Tallinn, 2004

  15. Saksa skandaal ja Austria / Heiki Suurkask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Suurkask, Heiki, 1972-


    Saksamaa korruptsiooniskandaal. J. Haideri Vabaduspartei valitsuse koosseisus. Kumb on suurem ohu allikas? Vt. samas art. Habsburg: Austria ei ole banaanivabariik. Austria mitteametliku troonipärija arvamus

  16. Kindlustus selgete liidriteta / Mart Lebedev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lebedev, Mart


    GfK Custom Reserch Balticu kindlustusturgu kaardistava uuringu andmetel ei ole kindlustusturul veel selgeid maineliidreid ning elanikud piirduvad pigem kohustuslike või vältimatute kindlustusliikidega


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nicolae CORCEA


    Full Text Available Scopul acestui mesaj ştiinţific constă în rezolvarea controverselor doctrinare în domeniul calificării infracţiunii de violenţă în familie în una din formele ei speciale, cum ar fi violenţa sexuală. Cu toate că violenţa sexuală nu este prevă­zută expres de către legiuitor ca o formă distinctă a violenţei în familie, aceasta devine un fenomen extrem de răspândit. Autorul analizează violenţa împotriva femeilor bazată pe gen, arată caracterul discriminator al violenţei în familie îm­pot­riva femeilor în societăţile contemporane; examinează conceptul şi formele violenţei sexuale; demonstrează că violenţa sexuală în familie constituie o formă specială de subminare a femeilor şi a copiilor; propune calificarea juridico-penală a violenţei sexuale în familie.Qualification in criminal law of the sexual violence against women as a distinct form of the family violenceThe purpose of this scientific research consists in the solving of doctrinaire controversies in the sphere of legal appreciation of the criminal offence of family violence in one of its special forms as sexual violence. Even if sexual violence is not provided expressly in the penal legal norm as the independent form of family violence, this one became extremely spread. The author submits to a profound analysis the gender violence against women and demonstrates the discriminatory character of the family violence against women in the modern society; examines the concept and forms of sexual violence; proves that sexual violence in the family constitutes a special form of the women and children sup­pression; recommends legal appreciation of the criminal offence of the sexual violence in family. 

  18. Electrical investigations of hybrid OLED microcavity structures with novel encapsulation methods (United States)

    Meister, Stefan; Brückner, Robert; Fröb, Hartmut; Leo, Karl


    An electrical driven organic solid state laser is a very challenging goal which is so far well beyond reach. As a step towards realization, we monolithically implemented an Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) into a dielectric, high quality microcavity (MC) consisting of two Distributed Bragg Reectors (DBR). In order to account for an optimal optical operation, the OLED structure has to be adapted. Furthermore, we aim to excite the device not only electrically but optically as well. Different OLED structures with an emission layer consisting of Alq3:DCM (2 wt%) were investigated. The External Quantum Efficiencies (EQE) of this hybrid structures are in the range of 1-2 %, as expected for this material combination. Including metal layers into a MC is complicated and has a huge impact on the device performance. Using Transfer-Matrix-Algorithm (TMA) simulations, the best positions for the metal electrodes are determined. First, the electroluminescence (EL) of the adjusted OLED structure on top of a DBR is measured under nitrogen atmosphere. The modes showed quality factors of Q = 60. After the deposition of the top DBR, the EL is measured again and the quality factors increased up to Q = 600. Considering the two 25-nm-thick-silver contacts a Q-factor of 600 is very high. The realization of a suitable encapsulation method is important. Two approaches were successfully tested. The first method is based on the substitution of a DBR layer with a layer produced via Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD). The second method uses a 0.15-mm-thick cover glass glued on top of the DBR with a 0.23-μm-thick single-component glue layer. Due to the working encapsulation, it is possible to investigate the sample under ambient conditions.

  19. Occipital and occipital "plus" epilepsies: A study of involved epileptogenic networks through SEEG quantification. (United States)

    Marchi, Angela; Bonini, Francesca; Lagarde, Stanislas; McGonigal, Aileen; Gavaret, Martine; Scavarda, Didier; Carron, Romain; Aubert, Sandrine; Villeneuve, Nathalie; Médina Villalon, Samuel; Bénar, Christian; Trebuchon, Agnes; Bartolomei, Fabrice


    Compared with temporal or frontal lobe epilepsies, the occipital lobe epilepsies (OLE) remain poorly characterized. In this study, we aimed at classifying the ictal networks involving OLE and investigated clinical features of the OLE network subtypes. We studied 194 seizures from 29 consecutive patients presenting with OLE and investigated by stereoelectroencephalography (SEEG). Epileptogenicity of occipital and extraoccipital regions was quantified according to the 'epileptogenicity index' (EI) method. We found that 79% of patients showed widespread epileptogenic zone organization, involving parietal or temporal regions in addition to the occipital lobe. Two main groups of epileptogenic zone organization within occipital lobe seizures were identified: a pure occipital group and an occipital "plus" group, the latter including two further subgroups, occipitotemporal and occipitoparietal. In 29% of patients, the epileptogenic zone was found to have a bilateral organization. The most epileptogenic structure was the fusiform gyrus (mean EI: 0.53). Surgery was proposed in 18/29 patients, leading to seizure freedom in 55% (Engel Class I). Results suggest that, in patient candidates for surgery, the majority of cases are characterized by complex organization of the EZ, corresponding to the occipital plus group. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Ole Ivar Lovaas--His Life, Merits and Legacy (United States)

    Özerk, Kamil; Vea, Gunvor Dalby; Eikeseth, Svein; Özerk, Meral


    Ole Ivar Lovaas (1927-2010) is known worldwide for his research within the field of Applied Behavior Analysis, and is probably the most influential researcher within the field of treatment of children with autism. In the first part of this biographically oriented paper, we inform the readers about his family background, childhood, elementary and…

  1. An Approach for Measuring the Dielectric Strength of OLED Materials

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sujith Sudheendran Swayamprabha


    Full Text Available Surface roughness of electrodes plays a key role in the dielectric breakdown of thin-film organic devices. The rate of breakdown will increase when there are stochastic sharp spikes on the surface of electrodes. Additionally, surface having spiking morphology makes the determination of dielectric strength very challenging, specifically when the layer is relatively thin. We demonstrate here a new approach to investigate the dielectric strength of organic thin films for organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs. The thin films were deposited on a substrate using physical vapor deposition (PVD under high vacuum. The device architectures used were glass substrate/indium tin oxide (ITO/organic material/aluminum (Al and glass substrate/Al/organic material/Al. The dielectric strength of the OLED materials was evaluated from the measured breakdown voltage and layer thickness.

  2. Electrical properties of SAM-modified ITO surface using aromatic small molecules with double bond carboxylic acid groups for OLED applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Can, Mustafa [Izmir Katip Celebi University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Engineering Sciences, Çiğli, Izmir (Turkey); Havare, Ali Kemal [Toros University, Faculty of Engineering, Electric and Electronic Department, Mersin (Turkey); Aydın, Hasan; Yagmurcukardes, Nesli [Izmir Institute of Technology, Material Science and Engineering, Izmir (Turkey); Demic, Serafettin [Izmir Katip Celebi University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Material Science and Engineering, Çiğli, Izmir (Turkey); Icli, Sıddık [Ege University, Solar Energy Institute, Izmir (Turkey); Okur, Salih, E-mail: [Izmir Katip Celebi University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Material Science and Engineering, Çiğli, Izmir (Turkey)


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • We report that the performance of OLED consist of aromatic small molecules with double bond carboxylic acid groups on ITO surface. • The OLED devices were tested in terms of electrical and optical characteristics. • The I–V results show that OLEDs with SAM-modified ITO surface have lower turn on voltages than OLED configurations without SAMs. - Abstract: 5-[(3-Methylphenyl)(phenyl)amino]isophthalic acid (5-MePIFA) and 5-(diphenyl)amino]isophthalic acid (5-DPIFA) organic molecules were synthesized to form self-assembled monolayer on indium tin oxide (ITO) anode to enhance hole transport from ITO to organic hole transport layers such as TPD. The modified surface was characterized by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). The change in the surface potential was measured by Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM). Our Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) measurements showed that the surface potentials increased more than 100 mV with reference to bare indium tin-oxide. The results show that the threshold voltage on OLEDs with modified ITO is lowered significantly compared to OLEDs with unmodified ITO. The hole mobility of TPD has been estimated using space–charge-limited current measurements (SCLC)

  3. Electrical properties of SAM-modified ITO surface using aromatic small molecules with double bond carboxylic acid groups for OLED applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Can, Mustafa; Havare, Ali Kemal; Aydın, Hasan; Yagmurcukardes, Nesli; Demic, Serafettin; Icli, Sıddık; Okur, Salih


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • We report that the performance of OLED consist of aromatic small molecules with double bond carboxylic acid groups on ITO surface. • The OLED devices were tested in terms of electrical and optical characteristics. • The I–V results show that OLEDs with SAM-modified ITO surface have lower turn on voltages than OLED configurations without SAMs. - Abstract: 5-[(3-Methylphenyl)(phenyl)amino]isophthalic acid (5-MePIFA) and 5-(diphenyl)amino]isophthalic acid (5-DPIFA) organic molecules were synthesized to form self-assembled monolayer on indium tin oxide (ITO) anode to enhance hole transport from ITO to organic hole transport layers such as TPD. The modified surface was characterized by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). The change in the surface potential was measured by Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM). Our Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) measurements showed that the surface potentials increased more than 100 mV with reference to bare indium tin-oxide. The results show that the threshold voltage on OLEDs with modified ITO is lowered significantly compared to OLEDs with unmodified ITO. The hole mobility of TPD has been estimated using space–charge-limited current measurements (SCLC)

  4. High-efficiency white OLEDs based on small molecules (United States)

    Hatwar, Tukaram K.; Spindler, Jeffrey P.; Ricks, M. L.; Young, Ralph H.; Hamada, Yuuhiko; Saito, N.; Mameno, Kazunobu; Nishikawa, Ryuji; Takahashi, Hisakazu; Rajeswaran, G.


    Eastman Kodak Company and SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. recently demonstrated a 15" full-color, organic light-emitting diode display (OLED) using a high-efficiency white emitter combined with a color-filter array. Although useful for display applications, white emission from organic structures is also under consideration for other applications, such as solid-state lighting, where high efficiency and good color rendition are important. By incorporating adjacent blue and orange emitting layers in a multi-layer structure, highly efficient, stable white emission has been attained. With suitable host and dopant combinations, a luminance yield of 20 cd/A and efficiency of 8 lm/W have been achieved at a drive voltage of less than 8 volts and luminance level of 1000 cd/m2. The estimated external efficiency of this device is 6.3% and a high level of operational stability is observed. To our knowledge, this is the highest performance reported so far for white organic electroluminescent devices. We will review white OLED technology and discuss the fabrication and operating characteristics of these devices.

  5. Tranzitnaja strada / Jevgeni Ashihmin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ashihmin, Jevgeni


    Üha kasvavate transiidivoogude reguleerimisega tegelev Transservis-N maksustab läbi Narva Venemaale suunduvaid transpordivahendeid, mis ei ole seadusega kooskõlas. Olukorraga tutvus siseminister Margus Leivo

  6. La movilidad social de los emigrantes españoles en Europa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio Alaminos


    Full Text Available La migración española de la segunda mitad del siglo XX se ha caracterizado en un primer momento por su carácter masivo y poco cualificado, seguido por un interregno de procesos de retorno y finalmente por una migración estable, no masiva pero altamente cualificada. La atención prestada a la inmigración masiva que recibe España a finales del siglo XX relegó a un segundo plano esta emigración cualificada de españoles. En este artículo se considera la relación entre movilidad espacial (migración de españoles y su posible consecuencia sobre la movilidad social ascendente que experimentan. Para ello se utilizan los datos procedentes de la encuesta internacional EIMSS (European Internal Migrations Social Survey y los procedimientos de escalamiento de clase social basados en la ocupación de Goldthorpe. El análisis se complementa con una simulación sobre la movilidad de clase, con la finalidad de visualizar y comparar los efectos sobre la movilidad social de la emigración de españoles a Francia, Alemania, Italia y Gran Bretaña.

  7. Security Implications of OPC, OLE, DCOM, and RPC in Control Systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    OPC is a collection of software programming standards and interfaces used in the process control industry. It is intended to provide open connectivity and vendor equipment interoperability. The use of OPC technology simplifies the development of control systems that integrate components from multiple vendors and support multiple control protocols. OPC-compliant products are available from most control system vendors, and are widely used in the process control industry. OPC was originally known as OLE for Process Control; the first standards for OPC were based on underlying services in the Microsoft Windows computing environment. These underlying services (OLE [Object Linking and Embedding], DCOM [Distributed Component Object Model], and RPC [Remote Procedure Call]) have been the source of many severe security vulnerabilities. It is not feasible to automatically apply vendor patches and service packs to mitigate these vulnerabilities in a control systems environment. Control systems using the original OPC data access technology can thus inherit the vulnerabilities associated with these services. Current OPC standardization efforts are moving away from the original focus on Microsoft protocols, with a distinct trend toward web-based protocols that are independent of any particular operating system. However, the installed base of OPC equipment consists mainly of legacy implementations of the OLE for Process Control protocols.

  8. Solution processeable organic-inorganic hybrids based on pyrene functionalized mixed cubic silsesquioxanes as emitters in OLEDs

    KAUST Repository

    Yang, Xiaohui


    Traditional materials for application in organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) are primarily based on small molecules and polymers, with much fewer examples of intermediate molecular weight materials. Our interest lies in this intermediate molecular weight range, specifically in hybrids based on 3-dimensional silsesquioxane (SSQ) cores that represents a new class of versatile materials for application in solution processable OLEDs. We report here various SSQ based hybrids that are easily prepared in one high-yield step from the Heck coupling of commercially available 1-bromopyrene, and 1-bromo-4-heptylbenzene with octavinyl-T8-SSQ, and a mixture of octavinyl-T8-, decavinyl-T10- and dodecavinyl-T12-SSQ. The resulting materials offer numerous advantages for OLEDs including amorphous properties, high-glass-transition temperatures (T g), low polydispersity, solubility in common solvents, and high purity via column chromatography. Solution processed OLEDs prepared from the SSQ hybrids provide sky-blue emission with external quantum efficiencies and current efficiencies of 3.64% and 9.56 cd A -1 respectively. © 2012 The Royal Society of Chemistry.

  9. President ei pruugi uuesti kandideerida

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Proua Ingrid Rüütel viitas Kanal 2 uudistesaates "Reporter" võimalusele, et Arnold Rüütel enam uueks ametiajaks ei kandideeri. Ilmunud ka Eesti Päevaleht, 2006/Mar/1, lk. 5 ; Koit, 2006/Mar/2, lk. 2

  10. La generación de ingresos comerciales en los aeropuertos españoles


    Roberto Rendeiro Martín-Cejas; Francisco López del Pino


    Este trabajo pretende analizar la importancia del tráfico internacional y el nivel de servicio establecido en la generación de ingresos comerciales en los aeropuertos españoles. En primer lugar, mediante un modelo ad hoc de ingresos, se valora la influencia de las diferentes clases de tráfico en la generación de ingresos de la red de aeropuertos españoles. Se estima, asimismo, la importancia de disponer de tiendas libres de impuestos en la capacidad de generar ingresos comerciales. Seguidamen...

  11. Prevention of short circuits in solution-processed OLED devices

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jolt Oostra, A.; Blom, P.W.M.; Michels, J.J.


    Pinholes in the emitting layer of an organic light emitting diode (OLED), e.g. induced by particle contamination or processing flaws, lead to direct contact between the hole-injection layer (HIL) and the cathode. The resulting short circuits give rise to catastrophic device failure. We demonstrate

  12. Een blik in het binnenste van een witte oled

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bobbert, P.A.; Coehoorn, R.


    Witte organische iicht-emitterende diodes (oleds) voor verlichting hebben organische lagen van siechts enkele nanometers dik. Om de efficiëntie en stabiliteit te kunnen verbeteren, moeten we te weten komen waar bet licht precies wordt geëmitteerd. Reconstructie van bet emissieprofiel uit de gemeten

  13. Development of a charge transport model for white OLEDs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vries, de R.J.


    Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) are promising candidates for future lighting applications since they can be made ultra-thin, color-tunable and exible. Improving their e??ciency is an important challenge in the ??eld of organic electronics. The availability of a device model can make the

  14. Transparency issues still plague business in Latvia

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Läti Kaubanduskoja teatel ei ole investorid rahul korruptsiooni ja läbipaistvusega Läti ärikeskkonnas. Läti valitsuselt oodatakse tõhusamaid samme majandus- ja investeerimistingimuste parandamiseks

  15. Invsteeringutoetuste saajate ring väheneb / Ain Lember

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lember, Ain


    Eestimaa talupidajate keskliit ei ole rahul mikropõllumajandusettevõtte arendamise investeeringutoetuse (meede 1.4.1) ja loomakasvatusehitiste investeeringutoetuse (meede 1.4.2) määruses tehtud muudatustega

  16. Jätaks lapse hoopis ellu / Anti Liiv

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Liiv, Anti, 1946-


    Miks ei ole sotsiaalminister tänini oma määrusega kehtestanud kohustuslike abinõude loetelu pisendamaks raseduse tellitud katkestamisega kaasnevaid tüsistusi. Autor: Keskerakond. Parlamendisaadik

  17. OLED Display For Real Time Vision System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sandhyalakshmi Narayanan


    Full Text Available This innovative glass design will carry an OLED based display controlled via nano Ardiuno board having Bluetooth connectivity with a Smartphone to exchange information along with onboard accelerometer. We are using a tilt angle sensor for detecting if the driver is feeling drowsy. An alcohol sensor has been used to promote the safe driving habit. The glasses will be getting latest updates about the current speed of the vehicle navigation directions nearby or approaching sign broads or services like petrol pumps. Itll also display information like incoming calls or received messages. All this information will be obtained through a Smartphone connected via Bluetooth. Also the car mileage can be monitored with help of fuel sensor as the consumption of fuel is directly related to it. Abnormalities if detected will be immediately notified in the glasses. Also the angle of the tilt angle sensor can be defined and set by the user according to his needs. Also the main idea of using OLED glasses is that it is organic thereby helps in reducing the carbon footprint and is quite slim. Therefore it can be easily mounted on the specs without making it heavy. Also they higher level of flexibility and have low power drain and energy consumption

  18. Study of organic light emitting devices (OLEDs) with optimal emission efficiency

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Singh, Jai [School of Engineering and IT, B-purple 12, Faculty of EHS, Charles Darwin University, Darwin, NT 0909 (Australia)


    The external emission efficiency of organic light emitting devices (OLEDs) is analysed by studying the rate of spontaneous emission of both singlet and triplet excitons and their corresponding radiative lifetimes. Rates of spontaneous emissions are calculated from the first order perturbation theory using the newly discovered time-dependent spin-orbit-exciton-photon interaction operator as the perturbation operator. It is clearly shown how the new interaction operator is responsible for attracting triplet excitons to a phosphor (heavy metal atom) and then it flips the spins to a singlet configuration. Thus, the spin forbidden transition becomes spin allowed. Calculated rates agree with the experimental results qualitatively. Results are of general interests for OLED studies. (copyright 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  19. R-skeemil polnud lootust kunagi kohtusse jõuda / Norman Aas ; intervjueerinud Kadri Paas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aas, Norman, 1975-


    Riigi peaprokuröri sõnul ei ole erakondade liikmete kampaaniate rahastamise kohta karistusseadustikus sõnagi. Korruptsioon on varasemast keerulisemaks muutunud ja korruptsioonikuritegu on väga kallis uurida

  20. Tagaotsitav Bosnia serblaste juht on väidetavalt tabatud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Serbia telekanali TV BN teatel tabati Belgradis sõjakuritegudes süüdistatav Bosnia serblaste kindral Ratko Mladic, Serbia valitsuse pressiesindaja kinnitusel ei ole uudis Ratko Mladici tabamisest õige

  1. Eesti võib olla põhiseadusleppe majakas / Jeroen Bult

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Bult, Jeroen


    Samas kui Eesti ja Soome loodavad ratifitseerida Euroopa Liidu põhiseaduslepingu lähikuudel, ei ole paljud ühenduse liikmesriigid veel otsustanud taaskäivitada põhiseaduse ratifitseerimise protsessi

  2. Audiitor kaebas Alta Capitali arve pärast Läti kohtusse / Henrik Ilves

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ilves, Henrik


    Eesti Päevalehe andmetel kaebas rahvusvaheline audiitorfirma Ernst & Young Lätis kohtusse investeerimisfirma Alta Capital, kuna firma ei ole maksnud esitatud arvet. Nõude suuruseks on 4,69 miljonit krooni

  3. Rahvastiku tervis - reaalsus ja võimalused / Anu Kasmel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kasmel, Anu


    Inimeste terviseseisundi parandamiseks ei ole vaja mitte niivõrd suuri rahalisi vahendeid, kuivõrd just olulisi poliitilisi, tervist toetavaid otsuseid ja pädevaid inimesi, leiab autor. Skeemid. Diagrammid

  4. Remarks on organizational change and change management in public administration / Arndt Kümpel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kümpel, Arndt


    Organisatsioonilised muutused ei ole lihtsalt struktuurilised muutused, vaid samuti kultuuri muutused ning administratiivne reform ilma poliitilise reformita on pikaajalises perspektiivis võimatu, järeldab autor. Skeemid. Graafik. Tabel

  5. Savisaar ähvardab Eesti Raudteed taasriigistamisega / Aivar Reinap

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Reinap, Aivar, 1968-


    Majandus- ja kommunikatsiooniminister Edgar Savisaare hinnangul ei ole Baltic Rail Service täitnud endale võetud kohustusi, eelkõige on vajakajäämised raudtee infrastruktuuri kapitaalremondi investeeringutes

  6. Forint krone ne primer / Maksim Shmeljov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Shmeljov, Maksim


    Ungari sidus forinti eurost lahti, Eesti Panga avalike suhete spetsialisti Ingrid Miti sõnul ei ole see variant Eestis võimalik. Spetsialistide arvamusi, mida tooks kaasa krooni lahtisidumine eurost

  7. Merkel kaitses tuliselt sõnavabadust / Inga Höglund

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Höglund, Inga


    Saksamaal otsustati tunnustada taani karikaturisti Kurt Westergaardi 5 aastat tagasi joonistatud Muhamedi karikatuuri eest. Kurt Westergaardi ja ajakirjandusvabaduse tunnustamiseks lavale astunud Saksamaa kansleri Angela Merkeli kõnest. Angela Merkel leidis, et endise keskpanga nõukogu juhtkonda kuulunud Thilo Sarrazini islamivaenulikke sõnavõtte ei saa karikatuuriga võrrelda, kuna kõrgel riigiametnikul ei ole sobiv esineda taoliste sõnavõttudega

  8. [Evaluation of the quality of Anales Españoles de Pediatría versus Medicina Clínica]. (United States)

    Bonillo Perales, A


    To compare the scientific methodology and quality of articles published in Anales Españoles de Pediatría and Medicina Clínica. A stratified and randomized selection of 40 original articles published in 2001 in Anales Españoles de Pediatría and Medicina Clínica was made. Methodological errors in the critical analysis of original articles (21 items), epidemiological design, sample size, statistical complexity and levels of scientific evidence in both journals were compared using the chi-squared and/or Student's t-test. No differences were found between Anales Españoles de Pediatría and Medicina Clínica in the critical evaluation of original articles (p > 0.2). In original articles published in Anales Españoles de Pediatría, the designs were of lower scientific evidence (a lower proportion of clinical trials, cohort and case-control studies) (17.5 vs 42.5 %, p 0.05), sample sizes were smaller (p 0.003) and there was less statistical complexity in the results section (p 0.03). To improve the scientific quality of Anales Españoles de Pediatría, improved study designs, larger sample sizes and greater statistical complexity are required in its articles.

  9. Ekonomistõ somnevajutsja v silahh JeS

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tuntud USA majandusteadlase Milton Friedmani arvates ei ole võimalik nii erinevate majanduslike kriteeriumite, kultuuri ja keelega eurotsooni riike efektiivselt tööle panna, olukorda pingestab uute liikmete juurdetulek

  10. Kapitaliturgude areng Euroopa Liidus ja Eestis viimase aastakümne jooksul - väärtpaberistumise aspekt / Mark Kantshukov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kantšukov, Mark, 1981-


    Eesti kapitaliturul domineerivad hetkel pangad ning väärtpaberistumine toimub küllaltki aeglaselt, aastate lõikes ei ole märgata selget kasvutendentsi, leiab autor. Tabelid. Diagrammid. Graafikud

  11. Bank official shirks referendum

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti Panga presidendi Vahur Krafti ja rahandusministri Aivar Sõerdi sõnul ei ole vaja Eestis korraldada eurole üleminekuks referendumi, kuna Euroopa Liiduga liitudes kiitis Eesti euro kasutuselevõtu heaks

  12. Rehviliit kinnitas rehvide kogumise hinna / Anti Ronk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ronk, Anti


    Rehviliidu üldkoosolekust, kus otsustati vanade sõiduautorehvide kogumise hind tootjale. Keskkonnaministeeriumi osakonnajuhataja Peeter Eegi sõnul ei ole Rehviliit tootjavastutuse süsteemi käivitamisega siiani hakkama saanud

  13. Weroli pankrotiprotsessi oleks saanud vältida / Hindrek Riikoja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Riikoja, Hindrek


    Aktsiaseltside Werol Tehased ja Biodiesel vahel sõlmitud lepingutest, mis on viinud Jõgeva maakohtu poolt AS-i Werol Tehased vastu algatatud pankrotimenetluseni. Vt. samas: Werol ei ole ajutise pankrotihalduriga rahul

  14. Study of the electroluminescence of highly stereoregular poly(N-pentenyl-carbazole) for blue and white OLEDs (United States)

    Liguori, R.; Botta, A.; Pragliola, S.; Rubino, A.; Venditto, V.; Velardo, A.; Aprano, S.; Maglione, M. G.; Prontera, C. T.; De Girolamo Del Mauro, A.; Fasolino, T.; Minarini, C.


    The electroluminescence (EL) of isotactic and syndiotactic poly(N-pentenyl-carbazole) (PPK), achieved by coordination polymerization, is studied in order to investigate the interrelation between the polymer tacticity and their physical-chemical properties. The use of these polymers in organic light-emitting diode (OLED) fabrication is also explored. Thermal and x-ray diffraction analyses of PPKs show that the isotactic stereoisomer is semicrystalline, whereas the syndiotactic one is amorphous. Optical analysis of both stereoisomers, carried out on film samples, reveals the presence of two different excimers: ‘sandwich-like’ and ‘partially overlapping’. Nevertheless, the emission intensity ratio between ‘sandwich-like’ and ‘partially overlapping’ excimers is higher in the isotactic than in the syndiotactic stereoisomer. Using the synthesized polymers as OLED emitting layers, the influence of the polymer tacticity on the EL properties of the device is highlighted. In detail, while blue OLEDs are obtained by using the syndiotactic stereoisomer, OLEDs with a multilayer structure fabricated with the isotactic stereoisomer emit white light. The contribution of three different emissions (fluorescence, phosphorescence and electromer emissions) with comparable intensities to the detected white light is discussed.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang Tongjiang; Brosius, Jeffrey W. [Institute for Astrophysics and Computational Sciences (IACS) in the Department of Physics, Catholic University of America, 620 Michigan Avenue NE, Washington, DC 20064 (United States); Thomas, Roger J.; Rabin, Douglas M.; Davila, Joseph M. [NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 671, Greenbelt, MD 20771 (United States); Young, Peter R. [College of Science, George Mason University, 4400 University Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030 (United States); Del Zanna, Giulio, E-mail: [DAMTP, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WA (United Kingdom)


    Flights of Goddard Space Flight Center's Extreme Ultraviolet Normal Incidence Spectrograph (EUNIS) sounding rocket in 2006 and 2007 provided updated radiometric calibrations for Solar and Heliospheric Observatory/Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (SOHO/CDS) and Hinode/Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (Hinode/EIS). EUNIS carried two independent imaging spectrographs covering wavebands of 300-370 A in first order and 170-205 A in second order. After each flight, end-to-end radiometric calibrations of the rocket payload were carried out in the same facility used for pre-launch calibrations of CDS and EIS. During the 2007 flight, EUNIS, SOHO/CDS, and Hinode/EIS observed the same solar locations, allowing the EUNIS calibrations to be directly applied to both CDS and EIS. The measured CDS NIS 1 line intensities calibrated with the standard (version 4) responsivities with the standard long-term corrections are found to be too low by a factor of 1.5 due to the decrease in responsivity. The EIS calibration update is performed in two ways. One uses the direct calibration transfer of the calibrated EUNIS-07 short wavelength (SW) channel. The other uses the insensitive line pairs, in which one member was observed by the EUNIS-07 long wavelength (LW) channel and the other by EIS in either the LW or SW waveband. Measurements from both methods are in good agreement, and confirm (within the measurement uncertainties) the EIS responsivity measured directly before the instrument's launch. The measurements also suggest that the EIS responsivity decreased by a factor of about 1.2 after the first year of operation (although the size of the measurement uncertainties is comparable to this decrease). The shape of the EIS SW response curve obtained by EUNIS-07 is consistent with the one measured in laboratory prior to launch. The absolute value of the quiet-Sun He II 304 A intensity measured by EUNIS-07 is consistent with the radiance measured by CDS NIS in quiet regions

  16. Low roll-off and high efficiency orange OLEDs using green and red dopants in an exciplex forming co-host (United States)

    Lee, Sunghun; Kim, Kwon-Hyeon; Yoo, Seung-Jun; Park, Young-Seo; Kim, Jang-Joo


    We present high efficiency orange emitting OLEDs with low driving voltage and low roll-off of efficiency using an exciplex forming co-host by (1) co-doping of green and red emitting phosphorescence dyes in the host and (2) red and green phosphorescent dyes doped in the host as separate red and green emitting layers. The orange OLEDs achieved a low turn-on voltage of 2.4 V and high external quantum efficiencies (EQE) of 25.0% and 22.8%, respectively. Moreover, the OLEDs showed low roll-off of efficiency with an EQE of over 21% and 19.6% at 10,000 cd/m2, respectively. The devices displayed good orange color with very little color shift with increasing luminance. The transient electroluminescence of the OLEDs indicated that both energy transfer and direct charge trapping took place in the devices.

  17. Bertrand Russell : [poems] / Jaan Kaplinski ; transl. by the author, ed. by Fiona Sampson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaplinski, Jaan, 1941-


    Autori lühitutvustus lk. 266. Sisu: Bertrand Russell ; "Once again I think of what I have read..." ; "I do not feel at home in this synthetic world..." ; "Silence is always here and everywhere..." ; "In the morning, I was presented to President Mitterrand..." ; Evening is coming. The land and the forest meet..." ; " A cloudy afternoon in late autumn..." ; "My poems often aren't poems..." ; "My eyesight's weakening...". Orig.: Bertrand Russell ; Mõtlen taas loetule..." ; "Ei ole kodune siin sünteetilises maailmas..." ; "Vaikus on alati siin..." ; "Hommikul tutvustati mind president Mitterrandile.." ; "Õhtu tuleb ja maa ja mets saavad kokku..." ; "Pilvealune südasügise-pärastlõuna..." ; "Mu luuletused ei ole tihti luuletused..." ; "Silmad on nõrgaks jäänd..."

  18. Low-frequency noise as a diagnostic tool for OLED reliability

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rocha, P.R.F.; Vandamme, L.K.J.; Meskers, S.C.J.; Gomes, H.L.; Leeuw, de D.M.; Weijer, van de P.


    Organic light emitting diodes (OLED), either based on polymers or small molecules, suffer from early failure: an unpredictable sudden increase in current with a total loss of light output. This work addresses this problem using small-signal impedance measurements and electrical noise techniques.

  19. Modeling of charge-transport processes for predictive simulation of OLEDs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cottaar, J.


    Intensive research is taking place into alternative light sources to replace incandescent and fluorescent lamps. Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) show great promise, with their main potential advantages being high energy efficiency, cheap roll-to-roll production, excellent color rendering and a

  20. Highly luminescent pure-red-emitting fluorinated β-diketonate europium(III) complex for full solution-processed OLEDs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martins, Joao P. [CEMDRX, Physics Department, Universidade de Coimbra, Rua Larga, Coimbra P-3004-516 (Portugal); Serviço de Medicina Nuclear, SESARAM E.P.E., Avenida Luís de Camões 57, Funchal 9004-514, Madeira (Portugal); Martín-Ramos, Pablo [CEMDRX, Physics Department, Universidade de Coimbra, Rua Larga, Coimbra P-3004-516 (Portugal); Higher Technical School of Telecommunications Engineering, Universidad de Valladolid, Campus Miguel Delibes, Paseo Belén 15, Valladolid 47011 (Spain); Coya, Carmen, E-mail: [Escuela Superior de Ciencias Experimentales y Tecnología (ESCET), Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid 28933 (Spain); Silva, Manuela Ramos [CEMDRX, Physics Department, Universidade de Coimbra, Rua Larga, Coimbra P-3004-516 (Portugal); Eusebio, M. Ermelinda S. [Chemistry Department, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra P-3004-535 (Portugal); Andrés, Alicia de [Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Cantoblanco, Madrid 28049 (Spain); Álvarez, Ángel L. [Escuela Superior de Ciencias Experimentales y Tecnología (ESCET), Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid 28933 (Spain); Martín-Gil, Jesús [Advanced Materials Laboratory, ETSIIAA, Universidad de Valladolid, Avenida de Madrid 44, Palencia 34004 (Spain)


    Current manufacturing technologies for OLEDs involve the use of expensive high vacuum techniques and call for thermal stability requirements which are not fulfilled by many materials. These problems disappear when the OLED films are deposited directly from solution. In this study, we have designed, synthesized and characterized a novel octacoordinated complex, Tris(1-(4-chlorophenyl)-4,4,4-trifluoro-1, 3-butanedionate)mono(bathophenanthroline) europium(III), to be used as a “complex-only” emissive layer in wet-processed OLEDs. Upon excitation in the UV region, very efficient energy transfer from the ligands to Eu{sup 3+} takes place, giving rise to intense red emission with very high monochromaticity (R=19), both in powder and as a thin film. The decay times of 754 µs (powder) and 620 µs (thin film) are comparable to those of the most efficient Eu{sup 3+} β-diketonate complexes reported to date. The same energy transfer leading to saturated red and narrow emission is also observed in the OLED device (glass/ITO/PEDOT:PSS/[Eu(cbtfa){sub 3}(bath)]/Ca/Al) when biased at >5.2 V. Its high quantum efficiency (∼60%), good thermal stability up to 200 °C and adequate thin film forming properties make this material a promising chromophore for cost-effective OLEDs. - Highlights: • A highly fluorinated europium(III) octacoordinated complex, [Eu(cbtfa)3(bath)], has been synthesized and its structure elucidated by single crystal X-ray diffraction. • The chosen coordination environment is well-suited for sensitizing the luminescence of the Eu{sup 3+} ion, achieving very efficient energy transfer from the organic ligands (excited in the UV region) to the rare earth ion, leading to highly efficient (Q∼60% in crystalline powder and Q∼50% in thin film) and saturated red photoluminescence. • The material has also been integrated into a single active layer, full solution-processed OLED, with ITO/PEDOT:PSS/[Eu(cbtfa)3(bath)]/ Ca/Al structure.

  1. OLED Display For Real Time Vision System


    Sandhyalakshmi Narayanan; Sanjana Sridhar; Neha Deshpande; Ashwini Gaikwad


    This innovative glass design will carry an OLED based display controlled via nano Ardiuno board having Bluetooth connectivity with a Smartphone to exchange information along with onboard accelerometer. We are using a tilt angle sensor for detecting if the driver is feeling drowsy. An alcohol sensor has been used to promote the safe driving habit. The glasses will be getting latest updates about the current speed of the vehicle navigation directions nearby or approaching sign broads or service...

  2. Kui õppimine ei edene / Tiia Lister

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lister, Tiia


    Soome Instituudis toimus 27. veebruaril õppepäev "Kui õppimine ei edene", et tutvustada, kuidas Soomes on nii riiklikul kui ka koolisisesel tasandil liigutud õpilasele kõige sobivama ja kasulikuma abistamisvormi otsingul

  3. Silmakirjalike lubaduste konksu otsas / Qinglian He

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    He, Qinglian


    Kommunistliku partei valitsuse ajal ei ole Hiinas vaba ajakirjandust olnud, pärast Lhasa märtsirahutusi asus Hiina veelgi tugevamalt meediat kontrollima, et Tiibetis toimunut välismaailma ees varjata

  4. Tahad pääseda ajateenistusest? Hakka mõneks aastaks naiseks! / Marvel Riik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Riik, Marvel


    Siseministeerium tahab muuta soovahetuse senisest mugavamaks, see võib aga suurendada soovahetusoperatsiooni läbi teinud noormeeste võimalusi ajateenistusest kõrvale hoida, sest kaitseväeteenistus ei ole naistele kohustuslik

  5. Islam ja sõnavabadus - Euroopa lõhestajad / Jeroen Bult ; tõlkinud Marek Laane

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Bult, Jeroen, 1971-


    Autor võrdleb Taani karikatuuriskandaali tagajärgi Hollandis valminud islamiteemalise filmi "Fitna" põhjustatud pahameelega ja leiab, et mitte kõik Euroopa poliitikud ei ole veendunud sõnavabaduse kaitsmise vajaduses

  6. Teise keel : dialoog ilma kommunikatsioonita / Urve Eslas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Eslas, Urve, 1972-


    Emmanuel Levinasist kui semiootikavastasest mõtlejast ning semiootikast kui vägivallateadusest. Samuti tema arusaamast kommunikatsioonist, mis ei ole ainult informatsioonivahetus vaid ka pidev ütlemine ja ümberütlemine

  7. Iiri referendum, Euroopa õnn? / Uno Silberg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Silberg, Uno, 1964-


    Iiri presidendi Mary MacAleese Eesti visiit ei ole juhus. Selle eesmärk on propageerida Eesti eurovastastele Iirimaa euroedukust ja summutada Iiri-sisest debatti 7. juunil Nizza lepingu ratifitseerimiseks. Eurosekptitsism

  8. Swedish solidarity / Gunnar Ljungdahl

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ljungdahl, Gunnar


    Autor ei ole rahul Läti välisministri Aivis Ronise kriitikaga Rootsi valitsuse suhtes, kes leiab, et Rootsi valitsus oleks pidanud majanduskriisi ajal sekkuma Lätis asuvate Rootsi pankade tegevusse

  9. Full-Color LCD Microdisplay System Based on OLED Backlight Unit and Field-Sequential Color Driving Method

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sungho Woo


    Full Text Available We developed a single-panel LCD microdisplay system using a field-sequential color (FSC driving method and an organic light-emitting diode (OLED as a backlight unit (BLU. The 0.76′′ OLED BLU with red, green, and blue (RGB colors was fabricated by a conventional UV photolithography patterning process and by vacuum deposition of small molecule organic layers. The field-sequential driving frequency was set to 255 Hz to allow each of the RGB colors to be generated without color mixing at the given display frame rate. A prototype FSC LCD microdisplay system consisting of a 0.7′′ LCD microdisplay panel and the 0.76′′ OLED BLU successfully exhibited color display and moving picture images using the FSC driving method.

  10. How to Meet the Last OIE Expert Surveillance Panel Recommendations on Equine Influenza (EI Vaccine Composition: A Review of the Process Required for the Recombinant Canarypox-Based EI Vaccine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Romain Paillot


    Full Text Available Vaccination is highly effective to prevent, control, and limit the impact of equine influenza (EI, a major respiratory disease of horses. However, EI vaccines should contain relevant equine influenza virus (EIV strains for optimal protection. The OIE expert surveillance panel annually reviews EIV evolution and, since 2010, the use of Florida clade 1 and 2 sub-lineages representative vaccine strains is recommended. This report summarises the development process of a fully- updated recombinant canarypox-based EI vaccine in order to meet the last OIE recommendations, including the vaccine mode of action, production steps and schedule. The EI vaccine ProteqFlu contains 2 recombinant canarypox viruses expressing the haemagglutinin of the A/equine/Ohio/03 and A/equine/Richmond/1/07 isolates (Florida clade 1 and 2 sub-lineages, respectively. The updated EI vaccine was tested for efficacy against the representative Florida clade 2 EIV strain A/equine/Richmond/1/07 in the Welsh mountain pony model. Protective antibody response, clinical signs of disease and virus shedding were compared with unvaccinated control ponies. Significant protection was measured in vaccinated ponies, which supports the vaccine registration. The recombinant canarypox-based EI vaccine was the first fully updated EI vaccine available in the EU, which will help to minimise the increasing risk of vaccine breakdown due to constant EIV evolution through antigenic drift.

  11. Why does self-reported emotional intelligence predict job performance? A meta-analytic investigation of mixed EI. (United States)

    Joseph, Dana L; Jin, Jing; Newman, Daniel A; O'Boyle, Ernest H


    Recent empirical reviews have claimed a surprisingly strong relationship between job performance and self-reported emotional intelligence (also commonly called trait EI or mixed EI), suggesting self-reported/mixed EI is one of the best known predictors of job performance (e.g., ρ = .47; Joseph & Newman, 2010b). Results further suggest mixed EI can robustly predict job performance beyond cognitive ability and Big Five personality traits (Joseph & Newman, 2010b; O'Boyle, Humphrey, Pollack, Hawver, & Story, 2011). These criterion-related validity results are problematic, given the paucity of evidence and the questionable construct validity of mixed EI measures themselves. In the current research, we update and reevaluate existing evidence for mixed EI, in light of prior work regarding the content of mixed EI measures. Results of the current meta-analysis demonstrate that (a) the content of mixed EI measures strongly overlaps with a set of well-known psychological constructs (i.e., ability EI, self-efficacy, and self-rated performance, in addition to Conscientiousness, Emotional Stability, Extraversion, and general mental ability; multiple R = .79), (b) an updated estimate of the meta-analytic correlation between mixed EI and supervisor-rated job performance is ρ = .29, and (c) the mixed EI-job performance relationship becomes nil (β = -.02) after controlling for the set of covariates listed above. Findings help to establish the construct validity of mixed EI measures and further support an intuitive theoretical explanation for the uncommonly high association between mixed EI and job performance--mixed EI instruments assess a combination of ability EI and self-perceptions, in addition to personality and cognitive ability. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved.

  12. Making Image More Energy Efficient for OLED Smart Devices

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Deguang Li


    Full Text Available Now, more and more mobile smart devices are emerging massively; energy consumption of these devices has become an important consideration due to the limitation of battery capacity. Displays are the dominant energy consuming component of battery-operated devices, giving rise to organic light-emitting diode (OLED as a new promising display technology, which consumes different power when displaying different content due to their emissive nature. Based on this property, we propose an approach to improve image energy efficiency on OLED displays by perceiving image content. The key idea of our approach is to eliminate undesired details while preserving the region of interest of the image by leveraging the color and spatial information. First, we use edge detection algorithm to extract region of interest (ROI of an image. Next, we gradually change luminance and saturation of region of noninterest (NON-ROI of the image. Then we perform detailed experiment and case study to validate our approach; experiment results show that our approach can save 22.5% energy on average while preserving high quality of the image.

  13. A robust yellow-emitting metallophosphor with electron-injection/-transporting traits for highly efficient white organic light-emitting diodes. (United States)

    Zhou, Guijiang; Yang, Xiaolong; Wong, Wai-Yeung; Wang, Qi; Suo, Si; Ma, Dongge; Feng, Jikang; Wang, Lixiang


    With the aim of endowing triplet emitters in the development of organic light-emitting devices (OLEDs) with electron-injection/-transporting (EI/ET) features, the phenylsulfonyl moiety was introduced into the phenyl ring of a 2-phenylpyridine (Hppy) ligand and the yellow phosphorescent heteroleptic iridium(III) complex 1 was developed. It was shown that the SO(2)Ph unit could provide EI/ET character to 1, as indicated from both electrochemical and computational data. Complex 1 is a promising yellow-emitting material for both monochromatic OLEDs and white OLEDs (WOLEDs). The outstanding electronic traits associated with 1, coupled with careful device design, afforded very attractive electroluminescent performances for two-element WOLEDs, including a low turn-on voltage of less than 3.7 V, a maximum brightness of 48,000 cd m(-2), an external quantum efficiency of 13.0%, a luminance efficiency of 34.7 cd A(-1), and a power efficiency of 24.3 Lm W(-1). In addition, a good color rendering index (CRI) of about 74, a stable white color with a Commission Internationale de L'Eclairage (CIE(x,y)) variation of Δ(x, y) OLED research. Copyright © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  14. Saksa minister: finantsturud tahavad eurot hävitada / Raimo Poom

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Poom, Raimo


    Saksamaa asevälisminister Werner Hoyer ütleb, et rahvusvahelistel finantsturgudel ei ole mingit huvi näha eurot ega ka Euroopat edukana. Tema hinnangul peitub võti senisest kursist rangelt kinnihoidmises

  15. Merkel nõuab lõppu vangilaagrile / Heiki Suurkask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Suurkask, Heiki, 1972-


    Enne oma USA-visiiti antud intervjuus ajakirjale Spiegel taunis Saksa kantsler Angela Merkel Guantanamo vangilaagri olemasolu. Kantslerivahetus Saksamaal ei ole kaasa toonud Saksa-USA suhete olulist paranemist. Lisa: USA okupeeritud osa Kuubast

  16. Discussing nuclear energy / Rokas M. Tracevskis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tracevskis, Rokas M.


    Venemaa ja Valgevene allkirjastasid peaminister Vladimir Putini visiidi ajal kokkuleppe uue tuumajaama ehitamiseks Valgevene ja Leedu piiri lähistele. Mõeldes Jaapanis hiljuti juhtunud tuumaõnnetusele ei ole Leedu selle otsusega rahul

  17. Regionaalsete toetusprogrammide mõju kohalike omavalitsuste arengule / Monica Hankov, Jüri Sepp, Siret Vildo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hankov, Monica


    Analüüsi tulemustest selgus, et vaatamata toetusprogrammide rakendamisele ei ole regionaalsed erinevused Eesti piirkondade vahel vähenenud. Diagramm. Tabelid. Lisa: EAS regionaalprogrammide sihtalad, nende eripärad ja arengueeldused

  18. Strong demand despite increased excise duty / Ella Karapetyan

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Karapetyan, Ella


    Ettevõtte Liviko juht Janek Kalvi räägib alkohoolsete jookide turust Eestis, ettevõtte tegevusest ja investeeringutest. Kuigi Eestis tõusis alkohoolsete jookide aktsiis, ei ole tarbimine vähenenud

  19. "Rambo" ründab Eestit äkki tulevikus / Aivar Aotäht

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aotäht, Aivar, 1970-


    Miks ei ole Ameerika märulitriloogiat "Rambo" näidanud ükski eesti telekanal ? Kommenteerivad Kanal 2 programmidirektor Olle Mirme, TV 3 programmidirektor Jüri Pihel ja ETV pressiesindaja Toomas Luhats

  20. Kellest saab Alan Greenspani järeltulija? / Tõnis Oja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Oja, Tõnis, 1957-


    USA presidendil ei ole veel uut kandidaati ametist lahkuva keskpanga juhi Alan Greenspani asemele. Vt. samas: Alan Greenspani tegevuse olulisemad verstapostid keskpanga juhina; Pole välistatud ka ametikoha säilitamine

  1. Polli prügila rahastamise otsus vaidluste rägastikus. Kas riigiabi või mitte? / Koit Brinkmann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Brinkmann, Koit


    Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskuse (KIK) otsusesse, millega eraldati OÜ Polli Prügilale toetus prügila rajamiseks Lõuna-Eestisse, lisati punkt, mille kohaselt peab Euroopa Komisjonilt saama kinnituse, et tegemist ei ole riigiabiga

  2. Vatikan kaitseb graffitikunstnikke

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Vatikani ajalehes L'Osservatore Romano on avaldatud seisukoht, et graffiti on üksildase hinge hädakarje ühiskonna ebaõigluse vastu. Milaano ja Rooma linnavalitsused ei ole sellise seisukohaga nõus

  3. Hotel protests continue / Nathan Greenhalgh

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Greenhalgh, Nathan


    Leedu Hotellide ja Restoranide Liidu president ei ole rahul praeguse majandusolukorraga, kus tõstetakse käibemaksu, puuduvad otselennud suurematesse Euroopa pealinnadesse ja tahetakse kärpida Euroopa kultuuripealinn 2009 projekti eelarvet

  4. "В кассу" ли новички на рынке инкассо-фирм? / Ярослав Тавгень

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Тавгень, Ярослав


    Majanduskriisi ajal Eesti turule tekkinud inkassofirmad ei ole kuigi edukad. Julianus Inkasso ja Intrum juhtide kommentaare. Ettevõtete Barbados Inkasso, Balt Inkasso, Inkasso Partner, IDR-Inkasso, Interimo Inkasso ja Kiir Inkasso tegevusest

  5. Regionaalareng saab tänavu seaduse / Aarne Mäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mäe, Aarne, 1967-


    Regionaalminister Jaan Õunapuu kinnitusel ei ole sel aastal valdade-linnade ühinemist ette näha, ehkki on olemas seaduslik baas, mille alusel kohalikud omavalitsused võivad liituda kuni 2010. aastani

  6. Ahnus ajab Euroopa Liidu upakile / Uno Silberg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Silberg, Uno, 1964-


    Autori sõnul on EL-i ittalaienemise eesmärk seniste liikmesriikide heaolu suurendamine liituda soovivate maade arvel. Vanade ja uute liikmesriikide võrdset kohtlemist ei ole EL-il kavaski olnud. Euroskeptitsism

  7. Vimkameister Lennart / Tarmo Michelson, Jaan Väljaots, Allar Viivik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Michelson, Tarmo, 1975-


    Humoorikaid seiku president Lennart Meri elust. Vt. samas: Lennart Meri: "Ma ei ole karsklane ja kannan tublisti."; Endel Lippmaa: eile algas talv; Hans Trass: "President jäi poisikeseks elu lõpuni."

  8. Findings in the alleged CIA prison / Rokas M. Tracevskis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tracevskis, Rokas M.


    Leedu parlamendi julgeolekukomitee kinnitas, et Leedus eksisteerisid CIA salavanglad, kuid ei ole kindlaks tehtud, kas seal on terrorismis kahtlustatavaid kinni hoitud. Leedu suursaadik Gruusias Mecys Laurinkus on ametist vabastatud seoses usalduse kaotusega

  9. Parliamentarians call for resignation of Finance Minister / Monika Hanley

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hanley, Monika


    Opositsiooni kuuluv erakond Uus Aeg leiab, et Läti rahandusminister Atis Slakteris peaks ebakompetentsuse tõttu tagasi astuma. Poliitikute arvates, ei ole Slakteris piisavalt aktiivselt püüdnud riigi finantsprobleeme lahendada

  10. Loeb või ei loe : mis teeb ITst tarbekauba? / Enrique Dans

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Dans, Enrique


    Vastukajad ajakirja Think! 2003. aasta 2. numbris avaldatud Nicholas Carr'i artiklile "IT ei loe". Autor ei nõustu enamike N. Carr'i järeldustega IT-st kui tarbekaubast ja esitab IT innovatsiooni kolmetasemelise mudeli

  11. Chemical failure modes of AlQ3-based OLEDs: AlQ3 hydrolysis. (United States)

    Knox, John E; Halls, Mathew D; Hratchian, Hrant P; Schlegel, H Bernhard


    Tris(8-hydroxyquinoline)aluminum(III), AlQ3, is used in organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) as an electron-transport material and emitting layer. The reaction of AlQ3 with trace H2O has been implicated as a major failure pathway for AlQ3-based OLEDs. Hybrid density functional calculations have been carried out to characterize the hydrolysis of AlQ3. The thermochemical and atomistic details for this important reaction are reported for both the neutral and oxidized AlQ3/AlQ3+ systems. In support of experimental conclusions, the neutral hydrolysis reaction pathway is found to be a thermally activated process, having a classical barrier height of 24.2 kcal mol(-1). First-principles infrared and electronic absorption spectra are compared to further characterize AlQ3 and the hydrolysis pathway product, AlQ2OH. The activation energy for the cationic AlQ3 hydrolysis pathway is found to be 8.5 kcal mol(-1) lower than for the neutral reaction, which is significant since it suggests a role for charge imbalance in promoting chemical failure modes in OLED devices.

  12. Kui panga president end maha laseb... / Aarne Ruben

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ruben, Aarne, 1971-


    Autor vaatleb kriise USA majanduses alates Iseseisvussõjast ning järeldab, et USA majanduses vaheldusid depressioonid perioodilises tempos, nagu 1921. aastal väitis Lev Trotski. Autor leiab, et inimnäoline sotsialism ei ole võimalik, kui impeerium ei ava oma piire ega lase soovijaid impeeriumist välja, inimnäoline kapitalism on aga võimalik majandustõusude ja -languste hinnaga

  13. Mechanistic study on black and grey spot growth in OLEDs performed on laser-ablated pinholes in the cathode

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Weijer, P. van de; Bouten, P.C.P.; Fledderus, H.; Janssen, R.R.; Winter, S.H.P.M. de; Akkerman, H.B.


    Local laser ablation of the cathode of OLEDs has been applied to create a population of pinholes of the same size. This enables the direct comparison at different conditions of black spots and grey spots in the emission of OLEDs as a result of water ingress into the device. We confirmed earlier

  14. Localized Surface Plasmon-Enhanced Electroluminescence in OLEDs by Self-Assembly Ag Nanoparticle Film (United States)

    He, Xiaoxiao; Wang, Wenjun; Li, Shuhong; Wang, Qingru; Zheng, Wanquan; Shi, Qiang; Liu, Yunlong


    We fabricated Ag nanoparticle (NP) film in organic light emission diodes (OLEDs), and a 23 times increase in electroluminescence (EL) at 518 nm was probed by time-resolved EL measurement. The luminance and relative external quantum efficiency (REQE) were increased by 5.4 and 3.7 times, respectively. There comes a new energy transport way that localized surface plasmons (LSPs) would absorb energy that corresponds to the electron-hole pair before recombination, promoting the formation of electron-hole pair and exciting local surface plasmon resonance (LSPR). The extended lifetime of Alq3 indicates the existence of strong interaction between LSPR and exciton, which decreases the nonradiative decay rate of OLEDs.

  15. Tallinna Ülikool ei kiida riiki

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tallinna Ülikool teatas läbi kõneisiku, et juhtkonna otsusel ei laulda tänasel avaaktusel, kus osalevad keskerakondlased, üliõpilashümni "Gaudeamus" neljandat salmi - "Elagu vabariik ja need, kes teda juhivad"

  16. Engineering Information System (EIS) (United States)


    be availabe and usefu for creating powerful tailored contro and mangeen functions. Mode and Framwork Wirth further elaboration of the EIS portio of...control data and activities of the engineering process. The EIM is a conceptual model of administrative and electroic design information. It records...of the access opeations are derived from the instance variable name and type. An attribute conceptually holds one or more instances of a basic type

  17. Sooja südamega puud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Nii on vahel nimetatud põõsana kasvavaid või väikesi puid, kellel metsamajanduslikku tähtsust puidu mõttes ei ole: kuslapuu, lodjapuu, paakspuu, kikkapuu, sarapuu, kukerpuu, kontpuu, toomingas jt.

  18. Rahvusvaheline üldharidus ja võõrkeelsed õppekavad - milleks ja kellele? / Kalmar Kurs

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kurs, Kalmar


    Rahvusvahelisest üldharidusest, mille all peetakse silmas õppetööd üldhariduse tasemel, mida korraldatakse võõrkeeles ning mille alusdokumendiks ei ole Eesti põhikooli ja gümnaasiumi riiklikud õppekavad

  19. Ameeriklased muretsevad energiasõltuvuse pärast / Neeme Raud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raud, Neeme, 1969-


    Ajakirja Foreign Affairs ja uurimisorganisatsiooni Public Agenda küsitlusuuringu andmetel ei ole 46 protsenti ameeriklastest rahul president George W. Bushi valitsuse energiapoliitikaga. Teistest USA-s läbiviidud küsitlusuuringute tulemustest

  20. Kroon on armas vaid meile / Heido Vitsur

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vitsur, Heido, 1944-


    Eestil ei ole ka keskpikas perspektiivis eurole üleminekul midagi kaotada, sest hoolimata probleemidest on euro mõõtmatult tugevam valuuta kui kroon. Kuid meil tuleb arvestada, et euroala ja EL on muutumas

  1. Uus Ignalina tuumajaam ripub niidiotsas, mängu võib tulla ka Gazprom / Andres Reimer

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Reimer, Andres


    Uuringute tulemusena selgus, et Lietuvos Energia ei ole suuteline uue tuumajaama projektis osalema ning peab alles looma uue teovõimelise energiaettevõtte. Vt. samas: Reaktorite hulk kasvab plahvatades; Energia: lähinaabrite tuumajaamad

  2. USA kindral: liitlased panustavad hästi, eelarvetest hoolimata / Mark Hertling ; intervjueerinud Lauri Tankler

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hertling, Mark


    Intervjuu õppust "Saber Strike" külastanud USA Euroopa vägede ülema kindralleitnant Mark Hertlingiga. Tema sõnul ei ole Euroopa kaitse-eelarvete vähenemine siinsete liitlaste panust kehvemaks teinud

  3. Nuclear plant chaos

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti peaminister Andrus Ansip leiab, et Läänemere regioonis on olnud liiga palju tuumajaama projekte ja Euroopa Liit peaks kaitsma energiaturgu ebaausa konkurentsi eest. Leedu ei ole Valgevene plaanitava tuumajaama asukohaga rahul

  4. Kas offshore on riigile kasulik või kahjulik? / Ivo Vanasaun

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vanasaun, Ivo


    Autor vastab küsimustele, kuidas offshore'i ära tunda, miks Eesti ei ole madala maksumääraga piirkond ning missugused maksumuudatused on kavas seoses offshore'i piirkonnas registreeritud ettevõtetega

  5. Kalevi juhtfiguur Priimägi lõi ajalehti kirjastava firma / Toivo Tänavsuu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tänavsuu, Toivo


    Kalevi nõukogu liige Heino Priimägi on ajalehtede ja ajakirjade kirjastamisega tegeleva firma Complus Solutions juhatuse liige. Kalevi pressiesindaja Aire Milli väitel ei ole Complus Solutions Kaleviga seotud firma

  6. Вилла в Кадриорге разрушается / Уве Гнадентейх

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Гнадентайх, Уве


    Tallinnas Kadriorus asuv puitvilla Mon Repos laguneb, kuna arendaja NG Eesti ei ole teinud hädavajalikke konserveerimistöid. 19. sajandist pärit arhitektuurimälestise omanikke on keeruline korrale kutsuda

  7. Potshemu Estonija stala kozlom otpushtshenija dlja Rossii? / Jevgenija Garanzha

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Garanža, Jevgenija, 1979-


    Eesti-Vene suhete arengust viimasel kümnendil, Venemaa tundmisest ning oma huvide kaitsmisest. Autori arvates ei ole hädavajalik, et kahe riigi suhted oleksid head, piisab, kui need oleksid mõistlikud

  8. Opinion polls show Lithuania's improving moods / Vladas Gaidys ; interviewed by Linas Jegelevicius

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gaidys, Vladas, 1952-


    Leedu turu-uuringute keskuse pikaaegne juht räägib leedulaste hoiakutest, avaliku arvamuse küsitlustest, parteidest, president Dalia Grybauskaitest, ekspresidentidest ja märgib, et uuringud ei ole ära ostetavad

  9. OLED Hybrid Integrated Polymer Microfluidic Biosensing for Point of Care Testing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ashwin Acharya


    Full Text Available This paper reports a microfluidic platform with external hybrid integration of an organic light emitting diode (OLED as an excitation source. This device can be used as a simple and cost effective biosensing element. The device is capable of rapid in-situ detection of biological elements such as sensing of interaction of antigen with fluorescent tagged antibody conjugates. These portable microfluidic systems have great potential for use an OLED in a single chip with very high accuracy and sensitivity for various point-of-care (POC diagnosis and lab on a chip (LOC applications, as the miniaturization of the biosensor is essential for handling smaller sample volumes in order to achieve high throughput. The biosensing element was successfully tested to detect anti-sheep IgG conjugates tagged to Alexafluor using a fluorescence based immunoassay method.

  10. High-throughput quantum chemistry and virtual screening for OLED material components (United States)

    Halls, Mathew D.; Giesen, David J.; Hughes, Thomas F.; Goldberg, Alexander; Cao, Yixiang


    Computational structure enumeration, analysis using an automated simulation workflow and filtering of large chemical structure libraries to identify lead systems, has become a central paradigm in drug discovery research. Transferring this paradigm to challenges in materials science is now possible due to advances in the speed of computational resources and the efficiency and stability of chemical simulation packages. State-of-the-art software tools that have been developed for drug discovery can be applied to efficiently explore the chemical design space to identify solutions for problems such as organic light-emitting diode material components. In this work, virtual screening for OLED materials based on intrinsic quantum mechanical properties is illustrated. Also, a new approach to more reliably identify candidate systems is introduced that is based on the chemical reaction energetics of defect pathways for OLED materials.

  11. Interface design for CMOS-integrated Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) biosensors. (United States)

    Manickam, Arun; Johnson, Christopher Andrew; Kavusi, Sam; Hassibi, Arjang


    Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) is a powerful electrochemical technique to detect biomolecules. EIS has the potential of carrying out label-free and real-time detection, and in addition, can be easily implemented using electronic integrated circuits (ICs) that are built through standard semiconductor fabrication processes. This paper focuses on the various design and optimization aspects of EIS ICs, particularly the bio-to-semiconductor interface design. We discuss, in detail, considerations such as the choice of the electrode surface in view of IC manufacturing, surface linkers, and development of optimal bio-molecular detection protocols. We also report experimental results, using both macro- and micro-electrodes to demonstrate the design trade-offs and ultimately validate our optimization procedures.

  12. Interface Design for CMOS-Integrated Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS Biosensors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arjang Hassibi


    Full Text Available Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS is a powerful electrochemical technique to detect biomolecules. EIS has the potential of carrying out label-free and real-time detection, and in addition, can be easily implemented using electronic integrated circuits (ICs that are built through standard semiconductor fabrication processes. This paper focuses on the various design and optimization aspects of EIS ICs, particularly the bio-to-semiconductor interface design. We discuss, in detail, considerations such as the choice of the electrode surface in view of IC manufacturing, surface linkers, and development of optimal bio-molecular detection protocols. We also report experimental results, using both macro- and micro-electrodes to demonstrate the design trade-offs and ultimately validate our optimization procedures.

  13. Modifying the organic/electrode interface in Organic Solar Cells (OSCs) and improving the efficiency of solution-processed phosphorescent Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (OLEDs)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xiao, Teng [Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA (United States)


    Organic semiconductors devices, such as, organic solar cells (OSCs), organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) and organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) have drawn increasing interest in recent decades. As organic materials are flexible, light weight, and potentially low-cost, organic semiconductor devices are considered to be an alternative to their inorganic counterparts. This dissertation will focus mainly on OSCs and OLEDs. As a clean and renewable energy source, the development of OSCs is very promising. Cells with 9.2% power conversion efficiency (PCE) were reported this year, compared to < 8% two years ago. OSCs belong to the so-called third generation solar cells and are still under development. While OLEDs are a more mature and better studied field, with commercial products already launched in the market, there are still several key issues: (1) the cost of OSCs/OLEDs is still high, largely due to the costly manufacturing processes; (2) the efficiency of OSCs/OLEDs needs to be improved; (3) the lifetime of OSCs/OLEDs is not sufficient compared to their inorganic counterparts; (4) the physics models of the behavior of the devices are not satisfactory. All these limitations invoke the demand for new organic materials, improved device architectures, low-cost fabrication methods, and better understanding of device physics. For OSCs, we attempted to improve the PCE by modifying the interlayer between active layer/metal. We found that ethylene glycol (EG) treated poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene): polystyrenesulfonate (PEDOT: PSS) improves hole collection at the metal/polymer interface, furthermore it also affects the growth of the poly(3- hexylthiophene) (P3HT):phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) blends, making the phase segregation more favorable for charge collection. We then studied organic/inorganic tandem cells. We also investigated the effect of a thin LiF layer on the hole-collection of copper phthalocyanine (CuPc)/C70-based small molecular OSCs. A

  14. Energy leads talks

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Leedu energeetikaminister Arvidas Sekmokas lubab teha kõik endast sõltuva, et Leedus hakataks põlevkivigaasi tootma. Baltimaade peaministrid ei ole suutnud siiani otsustada, millisesse riiki tuleb EL-i poolt osaliselt finantseeritav LNG-terminal

  15. Festivali Green Christmas tulevik on lahtine

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Rakvere rahvamajas toimus muusikafestivali Green Christmasi teemaline autelu, kus viibisid festivali korraldavad BEM Agency ja Rakvere linna esindajad. Korraldajatel ei ole esialgu plaanis 2009. aastal festivali korraldada, aga linna esindajad on festivali toimumisest huvitatud

  16. Ando Keskküla, kas sa arvad, et 'Interstanding'u'-taolised üritused suudavad kuidagi mõjutada meie praegust tegelikkust ja kui, siis kuidas? / Ando Keskküla ; interv. Katrin Kivimaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Keskküla, Ando, 1950-2008


    "Interstanding'u" missioon: tõestada, et infoühiskond ei ole ainult e-kaubandus ja kiire kasumi võimalus. Esimese ja teise "Interstanding'u" panus Eestile, kolmanda "Interstanding'u" 'Ülalpool piire' üleskutse.

  17. Viin, Hitler ja Oskar Luts / Vaapo Vaher

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vaher, Vaapo, 1945-


    Tutvustus: Saarikoski, Pentti. On või ei ole ; Euroopa serval ; Bretagne'i päevik / soome keelest tõlkinud Piret Saluri. Tallinn : Varrak, 2007 ; Kull, Aivar. Oskar Luts : pildikesi kirjanikupõlvest. Tartu : Ilmamaa, 2007

  18. Urmas Tartes: Hea fotoga parandab maailma rohkem kui poliitikaga / Urmas Tartes ; usutles Helen Arusoo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tartes, Urmas, 1963-


    Kõigi loendamatute fotokonkursside absoluutsesse tippu kuuluva Veolia Enviroment Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2009. aasta üks võitja Urmas Tartes räägib, miks suurtel fotovõistlustel ei ole juhuslikke võite

  19. Top Toursi kohal rippus juba mõnda aega kahtluse vari / Gert D. Hankewitz ; Sirje Niitra

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hankewitz, Gert D.


    Reisibüroo Top Tours omanik Ibrahim Khaled nimetab oma firma makseraskuste põhjuseks Euroopa lennunduses kaose tekitanud Islandi tuhapilve, turismifirmade liidul oli juba ammu kahtlus, et Top Tours ei ole jätkusuutlik

  20. В отношении Top Tours подозрения были и раньше / Герт Д. Ханкевич , Сирье Нийтра

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ханкевиц, Герт Д.


    Reisibüroo Top Tours omanik Ibrahim Khaled nimetab oma firma makseraskuste põhjuseks Euroopa lennunduses kaose tekitanud Islandi tuhapilve, turismifirmade liidul oli juba ammu kahtlus, et Top Tours ei ole jätkusuutlik

  1. Ärikinnisvara on paljudel ettevõtetel endiselt ülehinnatud / Kaur-Kaspar Kulli, Tõnu Luts, Andres Hall, Margus Tinno

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ettevõte, kus ei ole kinnisvarainvesteeringuid 2007. aastaga võrreldes vähemalt 30% madalama hinnaga kajastatud, hoiab tõenäoliselt bilansis ülehinnatud varasid, mistõttu kannatab finantsaruandluse usaldusväärsus

  2. Piinamise välistanud Rice ei täpsustanud, mis piinamine on / Ahto Lobjakas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lobjakas, Ahto, 1970-


    USA välisminister Condoleezza Rice ütles Brüsselis, et USA võimud ei rakenda vangide piinamist ei kodu- ega välismaal. Samas ei selgitanud ta, mida USA loeb piinamiseks. NATO peasekretäri Jaap de Hoop Schefferi kommentaare

  3. Characteristics of indium zinc oxide films deposited using the facing targets sputtering method for OLEDs applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rim, Y.S.; Kim, H.J.; Kim, K.H.


    The amorphous indium zinc oxide (IZO) thin films were deposited on polyethersulfone (PES) and glass substrates using the facing targets sputtering (FTS) system. The electrical, optical and structural properties of the IZO thin films deposited as functions of sputtering parameters on the glass and PES substrates. An optimal IZO deposition condition is fabricated for organic light-emitting device (OLED) based on glass and PES. The amorphous IZO anode-based OLEDs show superior current density and luminance characteristics.

  4. Ühe kunstniku vääritimõistmisest / Jüri Hain

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hain, Jüri, 1941-


    Reet Margi kureeritud näitusel "Sotsialistliku realismi võidukäik? - Eestis" oli eksponeeritud vene maalikunstnik Nikolai Bogdanov-Belski (1868-1945) töö. Kunstnik ei ole sotsrealismi esindaja, elas aastail 1921-1944 Riias

  5. Tallinn jättis Sifi Kopli liinidest ilma

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tallinna linnavalitsus andis korralduse kuulutada Kopli liinide hoonestusõiguse konkurss kehtetuks ja teha uus konkurss, sest konkursi võitja Endel Sifile kuuluv OÜ Primos Kinnisvara ei ole tulnud linnaga lepingut sõlmima. Taavi Aasa kommentaar

  6. Kinnisvaramasenduse test / Villu Zirnask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Zirnask, Villu, 1966-


    Autor leiab, et keskmised kinnisvaratehingud tavaliste Tallinna korteritega ei ole investeerimise mõttes praegusel hinnatasemel veel atraktiivsed. Võib juhtuda, et kinnisvarakriisi aegu pannakse Eestis alus hästi toimivale üürikorteriturule. Graafik: Kinnisvaratehingud Tallinnas

  7. Teaduslikustunud poliitika ja avalik arvamus / Jürgen Habermas ; tõlk. Andres Luure

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Habermas, Jürgen


    Poliitika teaduslikustamine ei ole praegusel ajal veel tõsiasi, küll aga tendents, mida asjade seis aimata lubab: eelkõige iseloomustavad seda riigitellimusliku uurimistöö maht ning teadusliku nõustamise ulatus avalikes teenistustes

  8. 200 000 kroonine viga Reformierakonna aruandes / Tarmo Vahter

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vahter, Tarmo, 1970-


    Reformierakonna aruande kohaselt maksis Riigikogu liige Jaanus Rahumägi 200 000 krooni reklaamfirmale Droom. J. Rahumäe väitel ei ole ta firmale maksnud sentigi. Vt. samas intervjuud Jaanus Rahumäega

  9. Isiksus ja täppisteaduslik tulemus / Piret Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Piret, 1947-


    Matemaatika keele kasutamine füüsika eri harudes ei ole tulemuselt alati loogilis-ratsionaalne, vaid sõltub ka kasutaja isiklikest hoiakutest. Filosoofiaseminar "Teadus, pseudoteadus, ebateadus" (29.02. - 2.03.1996.a. Võrumaal Kütiorus).

  10. Venemaa meenutas 1998. aasta majanduskrahhi / Deniss Rutsheikov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rutsheikov, Deniss


    Venemaa majanduskrahhist 1998. aastal. Venemaa presidendi majandusnõuniku Andrei Illarionovi sõnul ei ole praegu rubla devalveerimise ohtu, kuid küsitlusfirma ROMIR Monitoring uuringu kohaselt arvab 78% venemaalastest, et majanduskriisi kordumine on võimalik

  11. Kalalaev Katrin jääbki kadunuks / Kadi Laid

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laid, Kadi, 1976-


    Politsei lõpetab kalalaeva Katrin huku uurimise, kuna vaatamata korduvatele sukeldumistele, ei ole suudetud laevavrakki leida. Laeva kindlustanud Bico-Leks Kindlustuse AS-i järglane ERGO Kindlustus peab omanikule kindlustusraha välja maksma

  12. Parimate teenindusraamatute otsinguil / Katrin Aedma

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aedma, Katrin


    Klienditeenindus ning kuidas seda arendada. Tabel: Johari aken. Teenindusraamatute tutvustus: Lars-Olof NΜssén "Parem teenindamine. Kuidas enesearenduse kaudu saavutada klientide rahulolu"; Malle Karjatse "Miks klient rahul ei ole? Kuidas meeldida eesti kliendile"

  13. Liiga vara Euroopa Liitu pääsenud Bulgaarias ja Rumeenias vohab ohjeldamatu korruptsioon / George Parker, Kerin Hope, Christopher Condon ; tõlk. Erik Aru

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parker, George


    Balkanimaade ebaturvaline keskkond seab küsimärgi Euroopa Liidu laienemisele. Uute riikide korralekutsumiseks ei ole Euroopa Liidul peale ähvarduste mitte midagi muud kasutada. Vt. samas: EL-i laienemine läheb keerulisemaks

  14. Estonian Air / Kirsti Vainküla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vainküla, Kirsti, 1972-


    Estonian Air reklaamib end Taani linna Aalborgi raadiojaama ilmateates. Lennukompanii pressiesindaja Epp Alatalu sõnul on firma Taanis reklaamimise põhjus see, et liinil Tallinn-Kopenhaagen sõitjate hulgas ei ole peaaegu üldse taanlasi

  15. Läänemeri vs Nord Stream / Ene Kaups

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaups, Ene, 1963-


    Riigikogu võttis vastu avalduse Läänemerre kavandatava gaasijuhtmega seotud keskkonnariskidest, kus avaldatakse muret, et Nord Stream AG poolt algatatud gaasijuhtme projekti rahvusvahelise keskkonnamõju hinnangutes ei ole piisavalt arvestatud kõigi seonduvate keskkonnariskidega

  16. Uuring : neljandik elanikke ei tea Ilvese tegevusest midagi / Dannar Leitmaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leitmaa, Dannar, 1982-


    Uuringufirma Faktum & Ariko korraldatud küsitlusest selgus, et 23 % elanikest ei oska öelda, millega on president Toomas Hendrik Ilves viimase aasta jooksul silma paistnud. Eesti Päevalehe poolt tellitud küsitluse tulemusi kommenteerib politoloog Rein Toomla. Ilmunud ka: Harju Ekspress 16. nov. 2007, lk. 2, pealk.: Presidendi tegevusest ei tea iga neljas eestimaalane midagi (lüh.)

  17. Sotsiaalne kunst kui kodanikuõigus ja -kohustus / Rael Artel, Elena Šmakova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Artel, Rael, 1980-


    Vastukaja: Siram. Kunst, mis ei räägi inimestega (Eesti Ekspress, 2010, 8. apr., lk. 32). Kuraator Rael Artel Kumu Kunstimuuseumis eksponeeritud näitusest "Räägime rahvuslusest! Ideoloogia ja identiteedi vahel", kaasaegse kunsti mõistmisest. Elena Šmakova Rael Arteli kureeritud näitusest ja Tallinna Kunstihoones avatud Kristina Normani isikunäitusest "Me ei ole universumis üksi", kaasaegse kunsti kohta ilmunud kriitilistest artiklitest

  18. Facebook kirjastojen markkinointi- ja viestintäkanavana


    Helastila, Annika


    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää kirjastojen markkinointia ja viestintää Facebookissa. Kohderyhmäksi valittiin maakuntakirjastot sekä yleisten kirjastojen keskuskirjastona toimiva Pasilan kirjasto. Maakuntakirjastoista Porvoon kaupunginkirjasto ei ole mukana tutkimuksessa, sillä kirjastolla ei ollut Facebook-profiilia aineistonkeruuaikana. Tutkimusongelmaan liittyviä kysymyksiä olivat: 1) miten kirjastot viestivät Facebookissa ja markkinoivat siellä palvelujaan, 2) miten v...

  19. Meelis Virkebau : Kreenholm peaks meediaga suhtlema / Tanel Mazur

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mazur, Tanel, 1971-


    Ilmunud ka: Narva Postiljon, 5. apr. 2007, lk. 1,2; Narvskaja Gazeta, 5. apr. 2007, lk. 1,2. Kreenholmi endine juht Meelis Virkebau ei mõista Narva linnapea Tarmo Tammiste seisukohta, et 3000 töötut ei ole linnale probleem, samuti peab ta mõtlematuks peaminister Andrus Ansipi väidet, et Kreenholmi probleem pole nii hull kui paistab. M. Virkebau selgitab oma lahkumist ettevõtte juhi kohalt 2003. aastal

  20. Kuhu kadus Eesti Nokia? / Rainer Kattel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kattel, Rainer, 1974-


    Autor on arvamusel, et me ei ole siiani mõistnud Nokia ning laiemalt Soome ja Põhjamaade eduloo tausta ja sisu. Vaadeldes Nokia eduloo tagamaid, ütleb ta, et me ei peaks otsima mitte ühte firmat või sektorit, vaid iga päev töötama selle nimel, et meie majanduspoliitika oleks ülesehituselt teistsugune. Vt. samas: Turvas, lidar, põlevkivi; Eesti edu 2014: tolmu alt välja!

  1. Luistelulaite : jatkokehittely


    Sorsa, Anssi


    Opinnäytetyön aihe on Heikki Kajastien / Gloway Invent Oy:n kehittelemän luistelulaitteen prototyypin jatkokehittely. Luistelulaitteella voidaan harjoittaa luistelijalle tärkeitä jalan lihaksia, joiden harjoittaminen muilla olemassa olevilla kuntosalilaitteilla ei onnistu. Koska laitteen liikeratoja ja kuntoiluvastuksia vastaavia tai lähellä olevia kuntosalilaitteita ei ole olemassa, vaan liikeradat muistuttavat enemmänkin jalkojen suoristaja ja loitontaja -laitteiden välimuotoa, niin laittee...

  2. Eesti pensionisüsteem Euroopa Liidu ühiste pensionimärkide valguses / Lauri Leppik, Ene-Margit Tiit, Andres Võrk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leppik, Lauri, 1964-


    Eesti pensionisüsteemi probleemid on senistest liikmesriikidest erinevad: pensionisüsteemi jätkusuutlikkus on hea ja pensionäride vaesusrisk ei ole kõrge, kuid asendusmäär on suhteliselt madal. See tähendab, et ei suudeta tagada EL-i pensionieesmärki, mis taotleb, et inimesel oleks pensionile jäädes võimalk säilitada oma varasem elatustase. Diagramm. Tabelid. Graafikud

  3. On the origin of exciton formation in dye doped Alq{sub 3} OLEDs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gomez, J.A. [FFCLRP-USP, Departamento de Fisica, Sao Paulo (Brazil); Castro, F.A. [National Physical Laboratory, Materials Division, Teddington (United Kingdom); Nueesch, F. [Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research, Laboratory for Functional Polymers, Duebendorf (Switzerland); Zuppiroli, L. [Institut des Materiaux, EPFL, Laboratoire d' Optoelectronique des Materiaux Moleculaire, Lausanne (Switzerland); Graeff, C.F.O. [FC-UNESP, Departamento de Fisica, Sao Paulo (Brazil)


    Electrically Detected Magnetic Resonance (EDMR) was used to investigate the influence of dye doping on spin-dependent exciton formation in aluminum (III) 8-hydroxyquinoline (Alq{sub 3}) based Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDs) with different device structures. 4-(dicyanomethylene)-2-methyl-6-{l_brace}2-[(4-diphenylamino)-phenyl]ethyl{r_brace}-4H-pyran (DCM-TPA) and 5,6,11,12-tetraphenylnaphthacene (Rubrene) were used as dopants. Results at room temperature show significant differences on the EDMR spectra (g-factor and linewidth) of doped and undoped devices. Signals from DCM-TPA and Rubrene dye doped OLEDs showed strong temperature dependence, with signal intensity increasing by 2 orders of magnitude below 200 K for DCM-TPA dye doped OLEDs and increasing by {proportional_to}1 order of magnitude below 225 K for the Rubrene dye doped device, while undoped devices shows almost no temperature dependence. By adding a ''spacer'' layer of undoped Alq{sub 3} at the recombination zone, changes in bias voltage were used to shift the recombination from doped to undoped region and correlate that with changes in the EDMR spectrum. Our results are indicating that charge trapping on the dopant followed by recombination is the main mechanism of light emission in the investigated devices. (orig.)

  4. Elu on muinasjutuline, aga muinasjutt ei ole / Neeme Korv

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Korv, Neeme, 1974-


    Koguperefilm "Lemony Snicket sari õnnetuid lugusid" ("Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events") : režissöör Brad Silberling : Ameerika Ühendriigid 2004. Lisatud kommentaarid kirjastaja Leelo Märjamaalt ja toimetaja Rein Põderilt

  5. Oht ei ole liberalism, vaid selle solkimine / Andres Arrak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Arrak, Andres, 1958-2017


    Autori arvates on Eestis liberaalne turumajandus ära rikutud kauboikapitalismiga, mis on inimesi võõrandanud vabaturu ideedest. Näiteid riikide valitsuste rollist ja USA edust. Vastukaja Urmas Varblase artiklile 8. veebr. Postimehes

  6. Kotler : edukate firmade juhid ei ole karismaatilised / Katrin Rohtla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rohtla, Katrin, 1966-


    Ilmunud ka: Delovõje Vedomosti 6. juuni lk. 8. Turundusguru Philip Kotler rääkis Tallinnas konverentsil uutest müügi- ja turundusstrateegiatest. Vt. samas: Sirje Rank. Kotler tõstis esile turunduse väärtuse

  7. Miks 80% neist, kes tulemuspalka kasutavad, rahul ei ole

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Palgasüsteemide konsultant, Gowri päevasärkide tehase direktor Mart Kirsipuu ja palgamaksja Aavo Kokku arutlevad teemal tulemuspalk ning palgasüsteemid ettevõttes. Lisad: Motivaatorid, mis panevad inimesed tublisti tööle. Mis on Hay palgasüsteem. Vt. samas: Indrek Orro. Mis on äririski palk?; Kaspars Kaulinsh. Kui firmal läheb halvasti, peavad kannatama ka töötajad

  8. Euroopa tootjad ei ole rahul USA survega / Ain Lember

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lember, Ain


    Seoses USA survega Euroopa turgude avanemiseks ning probleemidega Brasiilia toidukaupade ekspordi osas, kutsub üleeuroopalise põllumajandustootjate liit COPA ja põllumajandustööandjate organisatsioonide liit COGECA Euroopa valitsusjuhte üles lõpetama järeleandmiste tegemise

  9. E-aruandluskeskkond ei ole tont, keda karta / Heilika Kutsch

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kutsch, Heilika


    Alates 1. jaanuarist 2010 on kohustuslik esitada majandusaasta aruanne elektrooniliselt. Aruande sisestaja ja audiitori määramisest, aruande koostamisest, täiendamisest, allkirjastamisest ja esitamisest

  10. Ainult 1%-meestest ei ole erektsioonihäire ravitav

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Erektsioonihäirete põhjustest, seotud haigustest ja ravimeetoditest rääkisid ravimifirma Eli Lilly korraldatud loengupäeval uroloog Margus Punab, kardioloog Arvo Rosenthal, psühhiaater Imre Rammul ja Eli Lilly turundusjuht Katrin Lätt

  11. Lanthanide tetrakis-β-diketonate dimers for solution-processed OLEDs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martins, J.P. [CEMDRX, Physics Department, Universidade de Coimbra, Rua Larga, P-3004-516 Coimbra (Portugal); Serviço de Medicina Nuclear, SESARAM E.P.E., Av. Luís de Camões 57, P-9004-514 Funchal, Madeira (Portugal); Martín-Ramos, P. [Higher Technical School of Telecommunications Engineering, Universidad de Valladolid, Campus Miguel Delibes, Paseo Belén 15, 47011 Valladolid (Spain); Coya, C.; Álvarez, A.L. [Escuela Superior de Ciencias Experimentales y Tecnología (ESCET), Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, 28933 Madrid (Spain); Pereira, L.C. [Solid State Group, UCQR, IST/CTN, Instituto Superior Técnico, UTL, Estrada Nacional 10, km 139.7, 2695-066 Bobadela LRS (Portugal); Díaz, R. [Electrochemical Processes Unit, IMDEA Energy Institute, Avda. Ramón de la Sagra 3, 28935 Móstoles Madrid (Spain); Martín-Gil, J. [Advanced Materials Laboratory, ETSIIAA, Universidad de Valladolid, Avenida de Madrid 44, 34004 Palencia (Spain); Ramos Silva, M., E-mail: [CEMDRX, Physics Department, Universidade de Coimbra, Rua Larga, P-3004-516 Coimbra (Portugal)


    Two Eu{sup 3+} and Tb{sup 3+} homodinuclear complexes with 1,3-diphenyl-1,3- propanedione have been synthesized and characterized by single crystal X-ray crystallography, vibrational analysis, calorimetric, magnetic and optical studies. The two isostructural complexes consist of two tetrakis units bridged by two potassium ions, thus affording a neutral charge. The photoluminescence measurements reveal that efficient energy transfer from the β-diketonate ligand to the central Ln{sup 3+} ion by antenna effect is achieved for Eu{sup 3+}, leading to intense red emission with an intrinsic quantum yield of 48%. The Eu{sup 3+}-based material has been assessed as the active layer in a solution-processed OLED with glass/ITO/PEDOT:PSS/PVK:Eu-dimer/TiO{sub 2}/Al structure and its electroluminescent properties have been inspected, showing a threshold voltage of 6 V. - Highlights: • Europium and terbium homodinuclear complexes were synthesized and characterized. • Efficient energy transfer from ligands to Eu{sup 3+} is achieved by antenna effect. • Intense red emission with an intrinsic quantum yield of 48% is attained. • Eu{sup 3+} complex has been integrated in a solution-processed OLED as the emissive layer.

  12. Towards Optimality in Online Learning – The OLeCenT Approach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carl Beckford


    Full Text Available Higher Education Institutions (HEIs employ Learning Management Systems (LMSs primarily for greater efficiency, profitability, technological advancement or survival. The predominantly used LMSs, Moodle and Blackboard account for in excess of 60% usage by the top HEIs. However, the individual international regions do not necessarily bear the percentages of the overall total. Gaps are identified in optimality in course delivery within online learning when one studies LMSs and their functionalities. Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL Initiative which was established to standardize and modernize training and education management and delivery, developed and recommended usage of Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM 2004 and later versions. SCORM 2004 which provides for flexibility in sequencing and navigation for learner-centric course delivery is not supported in any version of the more prevalently used LMSs. It is believed that most people have a preferred way in processing information. We propose codifying one or more Learning Style Instruments (LSIs, diagnosing the preferred teaching approach(es and dominant/existing learning styles within a batch of learners, then providing course delivery as a best-fit per learner. As a proof of concept, OLeCenT allows the input of one or more course learning paths with real-time learning and automatic reconfiguration of the course path where a new trend or pattern is identified. OLeCenT identified disparity in teaching-learning and provided a mechanism towards improving online learner-centric course delivery. OLeCenT also identified comparative levels of similarities among learners and instructors even where they are deemed to be of different teaching-learning styles/mechanisms.

  13. "Live 8" tähti ei auhinnata

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Briti muusikapreemia Brit Awards žürii ei võtnud parima kontsertesituse auhinnapretendentide nimekirja ansamblit Pink Floyd ja lauljat Robbie Williamsi, kuna nende 20-minutiline esitus polevat auhinna saamiseks veenev

  14. Emotional intelligence (EI) and nursing leadership styles among nurse managers. (United States)

    Tyczkowski, Brenda; Vandenhouten, Christine; Reilly, Janet; Bansal, Gaurav; Kubsch, Sylvia M; Jakkola, Raelynn


    Less than 12.5% of nurses aspire to leadership roles, noting lack of support and stress as major factors in their decision not to pursue this area of practice. Psychological resiliency, described as the ability to properly adapt to stress and adversity, is key to successful nurse managers. Emotional intelligence (EI) is a related concept to resiliency and is another noteworthy predictor of leadership and management success. This study was undertaken to determine the level of and relationship between EI and leadership style of nurse managers employed in Wisconsin and Illinois facilities. A descriptive, exploratory study design was utilized, with a convenience sample of nurse managers working in 6 large Midwestern health systems. Nurse managers were invited to participate in the study by their employer, completing the online consent form and the demographic, Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) Form 5X and the Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i 2.0) surveys. Statistically significant positive relationships were noted between EI and transformational leadership and the outcomes of leadership (extra effort, effectiveness, and satisfaction). No statistically significant relationships were noted between EI and transactional or laissez-faire leadership styles.

  15. Deep-blue efficient OLED based on NPB with little efficiency roll-off under high current density (United States)

    Liu, Jian


    NPB usually is used as a hole-transport layer in OLED. In fact, it is a standard pure blue-emission material. However, its light-emitting efficiency in OLED is low due to emissive nature of organic material. Herein, a deep-blue OLDE based on NPB was fabricated. The light-emitting efficiency of the device demonstrates a moderate value, and efficiency roll-off is little under high current density. The device demonstrates that the electroplex's emission decreases with increasing electric field intensity.

  16. Perehdytysopas yritys X:lle


    Raappana, Emilia


    Toimeksiantajana tälle toiminnalliselle opinnäytetyölle toimii yritys X, joka on suuri Pohjoismaissa toimiva finanssialan yritys. Yrityksessä toimii eräs vasta vuosi sitten perustettu tiimi, jolla ei ole omaa perehdytysopasta lainkaan, vaan perehdytysprosessiin on otettu osia toisilta tiimeiltä. Tästä johtuen perehdytysmallista on puuttunut struktuuri eikä sen laatua ole juurikaan valvottu. Perehdytysoppaalle oli siis suuri tarve yrityksessä, joten se valikoitui opinnäytetyön aiheeksi. Yritys...

  17. Alusuuringud on Eesti riigile hädavajalikud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Euroopa Liidu liikmesriigid kohustusid kasvatama oma kulutusi teadus- ja arendustegevusele vähemalt 3% SKT-st. Eestis on tehtud panus arendustegevuse toetamisele, mis ei ole rajatud alusuuringute vundamendile. Eesti teadlaste märgukiri lühendatult

  18. Põhiseadus ja Eesti rahvuslikud huvid vs. Euroopa föderalism / Jüri Raidla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raidla, Jüri, 1957-


    Eesti rahvuslikest huvidest, mis ei ole Euroopa Liidu föderaliseerumisega vastuolus, pigem vastupidi. Artikkel põhineb autori ja vabariigi presidendi vahel toimunud debatil 9. mail 2013 ning Juridica lugejakonverentsil peetud ettekandel 30. mail 2013 Tartus

  19. Film teeb USA valmistumise Iraagi okupatsiooniks maatasa / Neeme Raud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raud, Neeme, 1969-


    Dokumentaalfilm "Lõppu ei ole näha" ("No End in Sight") : autor ja režissöör professor Charles Ferguson : Ameerika Ühendriigid 2007. Lisa: USA vead Iraagis. Vt. samas: Sunniidid lahkusid Iraagi valitsusest

  20. Neutraalne kaasabi ja kaasaaitamise ebaõigussisu. Riigikohtu kriminaalkolleegiumi otsus 3-1-1-4-12 / Jaan Sootak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sootak, Jaan, 1948-


    Riigikohtu otsusest 3-1-1-4-12, mis selgitab, et mitte igasugune objektiivselt põhitegu soodustav ja subjektiivselt tahtlikult toime pandud tegu ei ole kaasaaitamine. Ründamise teooriast, riskiteooriast ning deliktilise olemusseose ja professionaalse adekvaatsuse teooriatest

  1. Minevikku ja tulevikku võivad tajuda ka loomad / Tiit Kändler

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kändler, Tiit, 1948-


    Loomade käitumise uurijad on hakanud arvama, et mõned loomad mäletavad minevikku ja arvestavad tulevikuga. Mälu-uurija Endel Tulving arvab aga, et loomadel ei ole eneseteadvust vajavat episoodilist mälu

  2. Eesti kukkus Läänemere kaitsmisel läbi / Madis Filippov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Filippov, Madis


    Maailma Looduse fondi raporti "Baltic Sea Scorecard 2011" hinnangul ei ole Läänemere riigid tegelenud mere hoidmisega piisavalt. Kuigi Eesti on teinud üsna palju, on ka meie tegevust hinnatud nõrgima hindega. Karm raport

  3. Savisaar : no plans to buy Estonian Railway

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Majandusminister Edgar Savisaar ei ole rahul Eesti Raudtee enamusomaniku Baltic Rail Service erastamisjärgsete kohustuste täitmisega. Eesti Raudtee nõukogu esimehe Edward Buckhardti ja BRS-i ühe omaniku Henry Posner III seisukohad

  4. Vähem lapsi, rõõmsam vanadus / Magnus Henrekson, Cecilia Boldemann, Stig-Olof Holm, John Tempel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Autorid on seisukohal, et rahvastiku kasvu oleks vaja piirata isegi tööstusriikides, kui me tahame vältida tulevikus konflikte kahanevate loodusvarade pärast. Kuid seda ei ole mõistnud enamik poliitilisi vastutajaid

  5. Ühiskondlik vastutus on pikaajaline investeering / Marjatta Pietilä

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pietilä, Marjatta


    Eesti Noorte Kaubanduskoja president Ardo Reinsalu rõhutab, et ühiskondlik vastutus ei ole sama mis heategevus. Ühiskondlik vastutus arendab win-win olukorda, millest saavad kasu nii vastutust kandev firma kui ka sellega seotud inimesed

  6. Majanduse struktuur kujuneb isevoolu / Tiit Made, Rein Kask ; interv. Ester Shank

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Made, Tiit, 1940-


    Riigikogu majanduskomisjoni esimees Tiit Made ja tema asetäitja Rein Kask nentisid Maailmakaubanduskeskuse klubi kokkutulekul, et kaheksa aasta jooksul ei ole Eesti valitsused suutnud ette näha, millise struktuuriga majandus peaks meie riigis kujunema

  7. Ühekülgne toit ja mugav eluviis toovad kilosid juurde / Ada Maltseva

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Maltseva, Ada, 1970-


    Vt. ka Linnaleht : Tallinn : na russkom jazõke 25. apr., Linnaleht : Tartu 27. apr., lk. 10. Ülekaalulisus on viimase 15-20 aastaga muutunud arenenud riikides tõsiseks probleemiks ning ka Eesti ei ole siin erand

  8. Latvia faces another hoarding fine from EC

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Euroopa Komisjon võib Lätile määrata trahve ka juustu, või ja kooritud piima ladustamise eest enne Euroopa Liiduga liitumist. Põllumajandusminister Martins Roze sõul ei ole Läti neid toiduaineid ladustanud

  9. Government promises billions for highways / Steven Paulikas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paulikas, Steven


    Läti transpordiministeerium avaldas riigi teedevõrgu arengukava järgmiseks 25 aastaks, mille kohaselt investeeritakse maanteede ja raudteede ehitusse kuni 18 miljardit litti. Leedu transpordiettevõtjate hinnangul ei ole uued suuremahulised projektid majandusarengu seisukohalt vajalikud

  10. Intense deep blue exciplex electroluminescence from NPB/TPBi:PPh3O-based OLEDs and their intrinsic degradation mechanisms (Conference Presentation) (United States)

    Shinar, Joseph; Hippola, Chamika; Danilovic, Dusan; Bhattacharjee, Ujjal; Petrich, Jacob W.; Shinar, Ruth


    We describe intense and efficient deep blue (430 - 440 nm) exciplex emission from NPB/TPBi:PPh3O OLEDs where the luminous efficiency approaches 4 Cd/A and the maximal brightness exceeds 22,000 Cd/m2. Time resolved PL measurements confirm the exciplex emission from NPB:TPBi, as studied earlier by Monkman and coworkers [Adv. Mater. 25, 1455 (2013)]. However, the inclusion of PPh3O improves the OLED performance significantly. The effect of PPh3O on the EL and PL will be discussed. The NPB/TPBi:PPh3O-based OLEDs were also studied by optically and electrically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR and EDMR, respectively). In particular, the amplitude of the negative (EL- and current-quenching) spin 1/2 resonance, previously attributed to enhanced formation of strongly EL-quenching positive bipolarons, increases as the OLEDs degrade in a dry nitrogen atmosphere. This degradation mechanism is discussed in relation to degradation induced by hot polarons that are energized by exciton annihilation.

  11. John Smith vastab / Kaido Ole, Marko Mäetamm ; interv. Harry Liivrand

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ole, Kaido


    Marko Mäetamm ja Kaido Ole, kelle kosmoseteemaline näitus "Marko and Kaido. By John Smith" on avatud Veneetsia biennaalil räägivad teemadel "koosmaalimine", "kosmoseodüsseia", "maalikunst", "kunstnikuidentiteet", "Veneetsia biennaal", "kuraatori võim", "pseudonüüm", "Eesti kunstiruum", "video" jm.

  12. Flexible Al-doped ZnO films grown on PET substrates using linear facing target sputtering for flexible OLEDs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeong, Jin-A; Shin, Hyun-Su; Choi, Kwang-Hyuk; Kim, Han-Ki


    We report the characteristics of flexible Al-doped zinc oxide (AZO) films prepared by a plasma damage-free linear facing target sputtering (LFTS) system on PET substrates for use as a flexible transparent conducting electrode in flexible organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs). The electrical, optical and structural properties of LFTS-grown flexible AZO electrodes were investigated as a function of dc power. We obtained a flexible AZO film with a sheet resistance of 39 Ω/□ and an average transmittance of 84.86% in the visible range although it was sputtered at room temperature without activation of the Al dopant. Due to the effective confinement of the high-density plasma between the facing AZO targets, the AZO film was deposited on the PET substrate without plasma damage and substrate heating caused by bombardment of energy particles. Moreover, the flexible OLED fabricated on the AZO/PET substrate showed performance similar to the OLED fabricated on a ITO/PET substrate in spite of a lower work function. This indicates that LFTS is a promising plasma damage-free and low-temperature sputtering technique for deposition of flexible and indium-free AZO electrodes for use in cost-efficient flexible OLEDs.

  13. The EIS beamline at the seeded free-electron laser FERMI (United States)

    Simoncig, A.; Mincigrucci, R.; Principi, E.; Bencivenga, F.; Calvi, A.; Foglia, L.; Kurdi, G.; Raimondi, L.; Manfredda, M.; Mahne, N.; Gobessi, R.; Gerusina, S.; Fava, C.; Zangrando, M.; Matruglio, A.; Dal Zilio, S.; Masciotti, V.; Masciovecchio, C.


    Among the fourth-generation light sources, the Italian free-electron laser (FEL) FERMI is the only one operating in the high-gain harmonic generation (HGHG) seeding mode. FERMI delivers pulses characterized by a quasi transform limited temporal structure, photon energies lying in the extreme ultra-violet (EUV) region, supreme transversal and longitudinal coherences, high peak brilliance, and full control of the polarization. Such state of the art performances recently opened the doors to a new class of time-resolved spectroscopies, difficult or even impossible to be performed using self-amplified spontaneous sources (SASE) light sources. FERMI is currently equipped with three operating beamlines opened to external users (DiProI, LDM and EIS), while two more are under commissioning (MagneDYN and TeraFERMI). Here, we present the recent highlights of the EIS (Elastic and Inelastic Scattering) beamline, which has been purposely designed to take full advantage from the coherence, the intensity, the harmonics content, and the temporal duration of the pulses. EIS is a flexible experimental facility for time-resolved EUV scattering experiments on condensed matter systems, consisting of two independent end-stations. The first one (EIS-TIMEX) aims to study materials in metastable and warm dense matter (WDM) conditions, while the second end-station (EIS-TIMER) is fully oriented to the extension of four-wave mixing (FWM) spectroscopies towards the EUV spectral regions, trying to reveal the behavior of matter in portions of the mesoscopic regime of exchanged momentum impossible to be probed using conventional light sources.

  14. "Kurgibakter" ei tulnudki importkurgiga? / Kaivo Kopli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kopli, Kaivo


    Nakkuspuhang Saksamaal ei pruugi olla põhjustatud Hispaaniast toodud kurkidest. Mitmed riigid on peatanud kurkide ja mõnede muude köögiviljade impordi Hispaaniast, Hispaania tahab nõuda Euroopa Komijonilt kompensatsiooni müümata jäänud köögiviljade eest

  15. Low cost UV-Ozone reactor mounted for treatment of electrode anodes used in P-OLEDs devices

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emerson Roberto Santos

    Full Text Available Abstract Low cost UV-Ozone reactor using a high pressure mercury vapor lamp of 80 watts without outer bulb showed good results for treatment of ITO films used as anode electrode in the assembly of P-OLED (polymer-organic light emitting diode devices. This study revealed 20 minutes as effective treatment time and it was verified also that the effect of UV-Ozone treatment loses its efficiency as the elapsed time increases. It was analyzed with measurements of contact angle using a droplet of PEDOT:PSS polymer. P-OLEDs devices were mounted with architecture: ITO/PEDOT:PSS/PVK/Alq3/Al. The PVK polymer was diluted in organic solvent of 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene with concentrations of: 5, 10, 20 and 30 mg/mL. Results revealed better performance of P-OLED devices for concentration of 5 mg/mL resulting in lower threshold voltage, elevation of electrical current and similar diode curve.

  16. "Kui Eesti ütleb gaasitorule ei, võib ka Rootsi öelda ei" / Carl B. Hamilton ; interv. Argo Ideon

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hamilton, Carl B.


    Nord Stream on avaldanud soovi gaasijuhtme teenindusplatvormi rajamiseks Gotlandi juurde. Parlamendiliikme hinnangul peaks Rootsi valitsus ütlema ei nii teenindusplatvormile kui ka gaasitorule. Gaasijuhe on tema sõnul Venemaa projekt

  17. P1-7: Modern Display Technology in Vision Science: Assessment of OLED and LCD Monitors for Visual Experiments

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tobias Elze


    Full Text Available For many decades, cathode ray tube (CRT monitors have been the dominant display technology in vision science. However, in recent years, most manufacturers stopped their CRT production lines, which enforces the application of alternative display technology in the field of vision science. Here, we analyze liquid crystal displays (LCDs and organic light-emitting diode (OLED monitors for their applicability in vision science experiments. Based on extensive measurements of their photometric output, we compare these technologies and contrast them with classical CRT monitors. Vision scientists aim to accurately present both static and dynamic stimuli on their display devices. As for the presentation of static stimuli, we demonstrate an increased accuracy for LCD and OLED devices compared to CRT monitors, because the former exhibit a higher degree of independence of neighboring pixels. As for dynamic presentations, both CRTs and OLEDs outperform LCD devices in terms of accuracy, because dynamic presentations on LCDs require a reorientation of the liquid crystal molecules, so that successive frames in time depend on each other. Together with widely unknown and uncontrolled technical artifacts, these properties of LCDs may impair visual experiments that require high temporal precision. Therefore, OLED monitors are more suitable for vision science experiments with respect to both their static and their temporal characteristics. However, for certain applications in visual neuroscience, the low duty cycle of some OLED devices may introduce frequencies to the photometric output which fall within the window of visibility of neurons in the visual cortex and therefore interfere with single unit recordings.

  18. Retrospective evaluation of exposure index (EI) values from plain radiographs reveals important considerations for quality improvement

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mothiram, Ursula; Brennan, Patrick C; Robinson, John; Lewis, Sarah J [Medical Imaging Optimisation and Perception Group (MIOPeG), Discipline of Medical Radiation Sciences, Faculty of Health Science, University of Sydney, Sydney (Australia); Moran, Bernadette [Department of Clinical Medicine, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin (Ireland); Medical Imaging Optimisation and Perception Group (MIOPeG), Discipline of Medical Radiation Sciences, Faculty of Health Science, University of Sydney, Sydney (Australia)


    Following X-ray exposure, radiographers receive immediate feedback on detector exposure in the form of the exposure index (EI). To identify whether radiographers are meeting manufacturer-recommended EI (MREI) ranges for routine chest, abdomen and pelvis X-ray examinations under a variety of conditions and to examine factors affecting the EI. Data on 5000 adult X-ray examinations including the following variables were collected: examination parameters, EI values, patient gender, date of birth, date and time of examination, grid usage and the presence of implant or prosthesis. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize each data set and the Mann–Whitney U test was used to determine significant differences, with P < 0.05 indicating significance for all tests. Most examinations demonstrated EI values that were outside the MREI ranges, with significantly higher median EI values recorded for female patient radiographs than those for male patients for all manufacturers, indicating higher detector exposures for all units except for Philips digital radiography (DR), where increased EI values indicate lower exposure (P = 0.01). Median EI values for out of hours radiography were also significantly higher compared with normal working hours for all technologies (P ≤ 0.02). Significantly higher median EI values were demonstrated for Philips DR chest X-rays without as compared to those with the employment of a grid (P = 0.03), while significantly lower median EI values were recorded for Carestream Health computed radiography (CR) chest X-rays when an implant or prosthesis was present (P = 0.02). Non-adherence to MREIs has been demonstrated with EI value discrepancies being dependent on patient gender, time/day of exposure, grid usage and the presence of an implant or prosthesis. Retrospective evaluation of EI databases is a valuable tool to assess the need of quality improvement in routine DR.

  19. Retrospective evaluation of exposure index (EI) values from plain radiographs reveals important considerations for quality improvement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mothiram, Ursula; Brennan, Patrick C; Robinson, John; Lewis, Sarah J; Moran, Bernadette


    Following X-ray exposure, radiographers receive immediate feedback on detector exposure in the form of the exposure index (EI). To identify whether radiographers are meeting manufacturer-recommended EI (MREI) ranges for routine chest, abdomen and pelvis X-ray examinations under a variety of conditions and to examine factors affecting the EI. Data on 5000 adult X-ray examinations including the following variables were collected: examination parameters, EI values, patient gender, date of birth, date and time of examination, grid usage and the presence of implant or prosthesis. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize each data set and the Mann–Whitney U test was used to determine significant differences, with P < 0.05 indicating significance for all tests. Most examinations demonstrated EI values that were outside the MREI ranges, with significantly higher median EI values recorded for female patient radiographs than those for male patients for all manufacturers, indicating higher detector exposures for all units except for Philips digital radiography (DR), where increased EI values indicate lower exposure (P = 0.01). Median EI values for out of hours radiography were also significantly higher compared with normal working hours for all technologies (P ≤ 0.02). Significantly higher median EI values were demonstrated for Philips DR chest X-rays without as compared to those with the employment of a grid (P = 0.03), while significantly lower median EI values were recorded for Carestream Health computed radiography (CR) chest X-rays when an implant or prosthesis was present (P = 0.02). Non-adherence to MREIs has been demonstrated with EI value discrepancies being dependent on patient gender, time/day of exposure, grid usage and the presence of an implant or prosthesis. Retrospective evaluation of EI databases is a valuable tool to assess the need of quality improvement in routine DR

  20. The Application of the EIS in Li-ion Batteries Measurement (United States)

    Zhai, N. S.; Li, M. W.; Wang, W. L.; Zhang, D. L.; Xu, D. G.


    The measurement and determination of the lithium ion battery's electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and the application of EIS to battery classification are researched in this paper. The lithium ion battery gets extensive applications due to its inherent advantages over other batteries. For proper and sustainable performance, it is very necessary to check the uniformity of the lithium ion batteries. In this paper, the equivalent circuit of the lithium ion battery is analyzed; the design of hardware circuit based on DSP and software that calculates the EIS of the lithium ion battery is critically done and evaluated. The parameters of the lithium ion equivalent circuit are determined, the parameter values of li-ion equivalent circuit are achieved by least square method, and the application of Principal Component Analysis (CPA) to the battery classification is analyzed.

  1. The Application of the EIS in Li-ion Batteries Measurement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhai, N S; Li, M W; Wang, W L; Zhang, D L; Xu, D G


    The measurement and determination of the lithium ion battery's electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and the application of EIS to battery classification are researched in this paper. The lithium ion battery gets extensive applications due to its inherent advantages over other batteries. For proper and sustainable performance, it is very necessary to check the uniformity of the lithium ion batteries. In this paper, the equivalent circuit of the lithium ion battery is analyzed; the design of hardware circuit based on DSP and software that calculates the EIS of the lithium ion battery is critically done and evaluated. The parameters of the lithium ion equivalent circuit are determined, the parameter values of li-ion equivalent circuit are achieved by least square method, and the application of Principal Component Analysis (CPA) to the battery classification is analyzed

  2. Majandusliku ebavõrdsuse mõjurid Eestis regionaalsel tasandil / Anneli Kaasa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaasa, Anneli, 1975-


    Analüüsi tulemustest selgus, et Eesti maakondades ei ole hariduse ebavõrdsusel olulist majanduslikku ebavõrdsust vähendavat mõju ja suuremate väljaminekutega kaasneb väiksem ebavõrdsus. Diagramm. Skeemid. Tabel

  3. Aare Anderson : Elva-taoline väikelinn on parimaid kohti elamiseks / Aare Anderson ; interv. Mare Nõmmik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Anderson, Aare, 1966-


    Elva endine linnapea ja aselinnapea, rahandusministeeriumi töötaja vastab küsimustele, mis on seotud tema ametikohaga, Elvaga, võimalusega siduda end tulevikus poliitikaga. Isamaa ja Res Publica Liidu loosungist "Õnn ei ole rahas"

  4. Eesti tankivalikud: Abrams või Leopard 2 / Holger Roonemaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Roonemaa, Holger


    Ametlikku otsust kaitseväele tankide ostmiseks veel ei ole, kuid kui Eesti kaitsevägi asub tanke ostma, siis tõenäoliselt hakatakse valima Leopard 2 ja Abrams vahel. Tankidega seotud kuludest ja olukorrast Norras

  5. Nõustamisteenuse osutamine suulises vormis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tartu Halduskohtu kohtuasjast 3-06-1514. Kaebusest maksuotsuse tühistamiseks. Lisatud: väljavõte tulumaksuseadusest. Vt. ka Raamatupidamise algdokument üksi ei ole piisavaks tõendiks // Kohtulahendid : infoleht 2007/Sep, nr. 7, lk.19-21

  6. Laevade erinevate soetamisviiside kommertstingimuste võrdlev analüüs / Ain Eidast, Allan Kivi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Eidast, Ain, 1939-2013


    Laevade erinevate soetamisviiside analüüs näitab, et ühtse, kõikidele osapooltele vastuvõetavate tingimuste väljatöötamine ja rakendamine ei ole tehniliselt võimalik ning majanduslikult õigustatud. Tabelid. Diagrammid

  7. "Zamorozhennõhh konfliktov" bolshe net / Sergei Markedonov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Markedonov, Sergei


    Poliitilise ja sõjalise analüüsi instituudi osakonnajuhataja analüüsib Gruusia konflikti, väites, et pärast Abhaasia ja Lõuna-Osseetia iseseisvumise tunnustamist rohkem külmutatud konflikte Venemaal ei ole

  8. Tuuleenergeetikast Euroopa Liidus ja Eestis / Jaan Lepa, Andres Annuk, Kuno Jürjenson, Tõnis Peets

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Euroopa Liidus ja ka maailmas on tuuleenergeetika valdkonnas juhtpositsioonil Saksamaa ja Hispaania. Eestis ei ole veel iseseisvalt paigutatud ühtegi arvestatavat tuulejõuseadet. Seni töötavad on paigaldatud põhiselt Saksamaa ning Taani abiga. Tabel

  9. Praxis and the disruption of organized crime groups / Stuart Kirby, Nicki Snow

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kirby, Stuart


    Kuigi kogu arenenud maailmas on uuringute alusel täheldatud kuritegevuse langust ei ole sellist tendentsi märgata organiseeritud kuritegevuse vallas. Antud uuring käsitleb inglise politsei poolt uuritud 15 organiseeritud kuritegelikku rühmitust

  10. Hey, Dude, Wanna Come Over? / Karlis Streips

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Streips, Karlis


    Läti president Valdis Zatlers ei ole saanud ametlikku kutset osaleda 9. mail Moskvas Teise maailmasõja lõppemise 65. aastapäevale pühendatud üritustel. Autor leiab, et Läti vajab normaalseid suhteid Venamaaga

  11. Nokia pole ainus langev täht. RIM on hädas / Fredy-Edwin Esse

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Esse, Fredy-Edwin


    Kanada tehnoloogiafirma Research In Motion kaotab ühe enam Põhja-Ameerikas turgu konkurentidele nagu Apple ja teised firmad, kes kasutavad Google'i Android operatsioonisüsteemi. Ka BlackBerry Playbook ei ole suutnud iPadiga konkureerida. Graafik

  12. Mortgage loan accessibility for risk groups decreased / Aleksei Gunter

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gunter, Aleksei, 1979-


    Uuringu "Eluaseme kättesaadavus riskirühmadele" kokkuvõttes tõdetakse, et eluasemetest ei ole Eestis puudust, kuid enamik elamuid on vananenud. Samuti on eluasemeturg orienteeritud eelkõige vaid heal majanduslikul järjel olevatele inimestele

  13. Silm silma vastu kääbusvaalaga

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Vt. ka 100 Putei nr. 5, lk. 120-123. Undersea Explorer ei ole pelgalt seiklussukeldumise korraldaja Põhja-Queenslandi ranniku kaugvetes, vaid ka looduskaitse organisatsioon, kelle eesmärk on käivitada kääbusvaala projekt

  14. Dorogi, kotorõje nam võbirajut / Eteri Kekelidze

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kekelidze, Eteri, 1944-


    Eestis jätkub aktiivne elamu- ja tee-ehitus, suuri probleeme ehitusmaterjalide tarnimisega elamuehituse või tee-ehituse tarbeks sel aastal ei ole olnud. Ehitusmaterjalide tootmise probleemideks on kujunemas loodusressursside kaevandamise perspektiivid ja planeeritav keskkonnamaksude tõus

  15. Kes julgeb 2012. aastal Obamale vastu astuda? / Heiki Suurkask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Suurkask, Heiki, 1972-


    Kui USA demokraatlikus parteis ei ole Barack Obamale ühtki rivaali, siis vabariiklaste parteis on mitmeid, kes tahaksid presidendiks kandideerida. Esimesele avalikule debatile Iowas kutsuti kaheksa kandidaati, 28,6% Iowa vabariiklastest eelistas nn. teepartei liidrit Michele Bachmanni

  16. Riigil pole raha jäälõhkuja Tarmo rentimiseks / Anti Ronk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ronk, Anti


    Riigieelarves ei ole ette nähtud summat jäälõhkuja broneerimiseks, kuid valitsus on otsustanud kasutada alternatiivseid võimalusi jäälõhkuja tellimiseks, tehes koostööd RAS-iga Tallinna Sadam

  17. Current source enhancements in Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) to cancel unwanted capacitive effects (United States)

    Zarafshani, Ali; Bach, Thomas; Chatwin, Chris; Xiang, Liangzhong; Zheng, Bin


    Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) has emerged as a non-invasive imaging modality to detect and quantify functional or electrical properties related to the suspicious tumors in cancer screening, diagnosis and prognosis assessment. A constraint on EIS systems is that the current excitation system suffers from the effects of stray capacitance having a major impact on the hardware subsystem as the EIS is an ill-posed inverse problem which depends on the noise level in EIS measured data and regularization parameter in the reconstruction algorithm. There is high complexity in the design of stable current sources, with stray capacitance reducing the output impedance and bandwidth of the system. To confront this, we have designed an EIS current source which eliminates the effect of stray capacitance and other impacts of the capacitance via a variable inductance. In this paper, we present a combination of operational CCII based on a generalized impedance converter (OCCII-GIC) with a current source. The aim of this study is to use the EIS system as a biomedical imaging technique, which is effective in the early detection of breast cancer. This article begins with the theoretical description of the EIS structure, current source topologies and proposes a current conveyor in application of a Gyrator to eliminate the current source limitations and its development followed by simulation and experimental results. We demonstrated that the new design could achieve a high output impedance over a 3MHz frequency bandwidth when compared to other types of GIC circuits combined with an improved Howland topology.

  18. Polymer OLED White Light Development Program

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Homer Antoniadis; Vi-En Choong; Stelios Choulis; Brian Cumpston; Rahul Gupta; Mathew Mathai; Michael Moyer; Franky So


    OSRAM Opto Semiconductors (OSRAM) successfully completed development, fabrication and characterization of the large area, polymer based white light OLED prototype at their OLED Research and Development (R&D) facility in San Jose, CA. The program, funded by the Department of Energy (DOE), consisted of three key objectives: (1) Develop new polymer materials and device architectures--in order to improve the performance of organic light emitters. (2) Develop processing techniques--in order to demonstrate and enable the manufacturing of large area, white light and color tunable, solid state light sources. (3) Develop new electronics and driving schemes for organic light sources, including color-tunable light sources. The key performance goals are listed. A world record efficiency of 25 lm/W was established for the solution processed white organic device from the significant improvements made during the project. However, the challenges to transfer this technology from an R&D level to a large tile format such as, the robustness of the device and the coating uniformity of large area panels, remain. In this regard, the purity and the blend nature of the materials are two factors that need to be addressed in future work. During the first year, OSRAM's Materials and Device group (M&D) worked closely with the major polymer material suppliers to develop the polymer emissive technology. M&D was successful in demonstrating a 7-8 lm/W white light source which was based on fluorescent materials. However, it became apparent that the major gains in efficiency could only be made if phosphorescent materials were utilized. Thus, in order to improve the performance of the resulting devices, the focus of the project shifted towards development of solution-processable phosphorescent light emitting diodes (PHOLEDs) and device architectures. The result is a higher efficiency than the outlined project milestone.

  19. Kuu plaat : Lauri Saatpalu ja Katrin Mandel "Sa oled hea". Plaadid kauplusest Lasering

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Heliplaatidest: Lauri Saatpalu ja Katrin Mandel "Sa oled hea", Goldfrapp "Supernature", Ultima Thule "Ingel ja suli", Sigur Ros "Takk...", Franz Ferdinand "You Could Have It So Much Better", Ans.Andur "Tuled peale"

  20. Arms or Allies? / Imants Liegis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Liegis, Imants


    Läti endine kaitseminister ei ole rahul sellega, et Euroopa Liitu ja NATO-sse kuuluv Prantsusmaa müüb Mistral-tüüpi laevu Venemaale ja leiab, et selliste otsuste tegemisel võiks arvestada teiste liikmesriikidega

  1. Playboy Hefner meenutab ja naeratab / Brooks Barnes

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Barnes, Brooks


    Kuigi meediaettevõte Playboy Enterprises on rahalistes raskustes, kärpides ka reklaamijatele lubatud levinumbrit 2,6 miljonilt eksemplarilt 1,5 miljonile, väidab ettevõtte asutaja Hugh Hefner, et Playboy ei ole kokkukukkumise äärel

  2. Cutting spending and looking for water-cannons / Rokas M. Tracevskis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tracevskis, Rokas M.


    23. septembril toimunud konverentsil tutvustasid peaminister Andrius Kubilius ning sotsiaal- ja tööminister Donatas Jankauskas sotsiaalvaldkonnas plaanitavaid kärpeid. Prime Consultingu poolt läbiviidud uuringust selgus, et 34% inimestest ei ole oma tulevikus kindlad

  3. WHO ekspert : Eesti meditsiin vajab rahu / Joseph Kutzin ; interv. Sigrid Laev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kutzin, Joseph


    WHO Euroopa tervisesüsteemide finantsnõustaja annab hinnangu Eesti meditsiinisüsteemi arengule ning leiab, et SKT-st tervishoiule eraldatud 5% ei ole meie sissetulekuga riigi puhul erandlik. Suureks probleemiks peab ta aidsi levikut. Lisa: Ressursid ammendumas

  4. TiVo heitlus elu pärast / John Gartner ; tõlk. Peeter Peetersoo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gartner, John


    Peale interaktiivse salvestusseadme TiVo turuletulekut 1997. aastal ei ole ettevõte vaatamate toote headusele suutnud saavutada ootuspäraseid müügitulemusi ega saada suurt kasumit. Artiklis tutvustatakse ettevõtte heitlusi partnerite otsinguil ja edu saavutamisel

  5. USA eitab Afganistani valimiste promomõju / Neeme Raud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raud, Neeme, 1969-


    USA suursaadiku Afganistanis Zalmay Khalilzadi väitel ei ole 9. oktoobril toimuvad valimised katse näidata enne Ameerika Ühendriikide valimisi, et valitsuse Afganistanis ja Iraagis võetud kurss on õige ja edukas. Lisa: Afganistani presidendivalimised

  6. Puudega inimesed tahavad tööd teha / Mike Buckley

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Buckley, Mike


    PHARE nõuniku Mike Buckley hinnangul kipuvad toetuste- ja pensionisüsteemid eeldama, et puudega inimesed ei ole suutelised töötama, samas näitavad küsitlused, et kolmandik neist sooviks töötada

  7. Rahvusvaheline juhend annab suunised looduslike pühapaikade kaitsmiseks / Ahto Kaasik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaasik, Ahto, 1969-


    2011. aastal korraldatud uuringust selgus, et 70% eestimaalastest peab looduslike pühapaikade kaitsmist tähtsaks. Samal aastal ilmus eesti keeles Rahvsuvahelise Looduskaitseliidu juhend looduslike pühapaikade kaitsmiseks. Juhendi kohaselt on pühapaigad põlisrahvaste vanimad looduskaitsealad. Põhimõtteliselt on kogu eesti rahvas põlisrahva järeltulija. Kuna Eestis ei ole riigiusku, siis ei saa eestkostjaks olla ükski riigiasutus. Kõikide Eesti pühapaikade eestkostjaks on Maavalla koda

  8. Ühe näoga Janus / Mart Raukas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raukas, Mart


    Tänapäeva lääne poliitikud, lähtudes oma avaldustes aina enam tüüpilistest moraalihinnangutest, unustavad, et ükski moraalne reageering ei ole pelgalt reageering faktidele, vaid selle teeb moraalselt relevantseks olukorrale langetatud hinnang ja sellest lähtuv reageering. Õigluseta ühiskond ei erine suurest röövlijõugust ning see, kes mõistab hukka ühe suurriigi tegevuse, olgu kriitiline ka teise suurjõu osas

  9. Sulfonamide-Based Inhibitors of Aminoglycoside Acetyltransferase Eis Abolish Resistance to Kanamycin in Mycobacterium tuberculosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garzan, Atefeh; Willby, Melisa J.; Green, Keith D.; Gajadeera, Chathurada S.; Hou, Caixia; Tsodikov, Oleg V.; Posey, James E.; Garneau-Tsodikova, Sylvie


    A two-drug combination therapy where one drug targets an offending cell and the other targets a resistance mechanism to the first drug is a time-tested, yet underexploited approach to combat or prevent drug resistance. By high-throughput screening, we identified a sulfonamide scaffold that served as a pharmacophore to generate inhibitors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis acetyltransferase Eis, whose upregulation causes resistance to the aminoglycoside (AG) antibiotic kanamycin A (KAN) in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Rational systematic derivatization of this scaffold to maximize Eis inhibition and abolish the Eis-mediated KAN resistance of M. tuberculosis yielded several highly potent agents. A crystal structure of Eis in complex with one of the most potent inhibitors revealed that the inhibitor bound Eis in the AG-binding pocket held by a conformationally malleable region of Eis (residues 28–37) bearing key hydrophobic residues. These Eis inhibitors are promising leads for preclinical development of innovative AG combination therapies against resistant TB.

  10. The Application of the EIS in Li-ion Batteries Measurement

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhai, N S [Shenzhen Graduate School, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen (China); Li, M W [Shenzhen Graduate School, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen (China); Wang, W L [Shenzhen BPL instrument Ltd., Shenzhen (China); Zhang, D L [Shenzhen Graduate School, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen (China); Xu, D G [Electrical Engineering and Automation School, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin (China)


    The measurement and determination of the lithium ion battery's electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and the application of EIS to battery classification are researched in this paper. The lithium ion battery gets extensive applications due to its inherent advantages over other batteries. For proper and sustainable performance, it is very necessary to check the uniformity of the lithium ion batteries. In this paper, the equivalent circuit of the lithium ion battery is analyzed; the design of hardware circuit based on DSP and software that calculates the EIS of the lithium ion battery is critically done and evaluated. The parameters of the lithium ion equivalent circuit are determined, the parameter values of li-ion equivalent circuit are achieved by least square method, and the application of Principal Component Analysis (CPA) to the battery classification is analyzed.

  11. Kunstnikuks pürgija vajab paari õigeaegset impulssi / Kaido Ole, Eva Unt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ole, Kaido


    Antonia Claudio Carvalho meistriklass "Ava oma silmad/Open Your Eyes" 23.-27. I ja näitus 27. I-9. II Eesti Kunstiakadeemia galeriis. Meistriklassist vestlesid EKA maaliosakonna juhataja Kaido Ole ja maalieriala III kursuse üliõpilane Eva Unt

  12. Simulation for light extraction efficiency of OLEDs with spheroidal microlenses in hexagonal array (United States)

    Bae, Hyungchul; Kim, Jun Soo; Hong, Chinsoo


    A theoretical model based on ray optics is used to simulate the optical performance of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) with spheroidal microlens arrays (MLAs) in a hexagonal array configuration using the Monte Carlo method. In simulations, ray tracing was performed until 20 reflections occurred from the metal cathode, with 10 consecutive reflections permitted in a single lens pattern. The parameters describing the shape and array of the lens pattern of a MLA are its radius, height, contact angle, and fill factor (FF). Many previous results on how these parameters affect light extraction efficiency (LEE) are inconsistent. In this paper, these contradictory results are discussed and explained by introducing a new parameter. To examine light extraction from an OLED through a MLA, the LEE enhancement is studied considering the effect of absorption by indium tin oxide during multiple reflections from the metal cathode. The device size where LEE enhancement is unchanged with changing lens pattern was identified for a fixed FF; under this condition, the optimal LEE enhancement, 84%, can be obtained using an OLED with a close-packed spheroidal MLA. An ideal maximum LEE enhancement of 120% was achieved with a device with an infinite-sized MLA. The angular intensity distribution of light emitted through a MLA is considered in addition to LEE enhancement for an optimized MLA.

  13. "Vedes päi elo tulob..." = "Veest saab elu alguse..." : [luuletused] / Miikul Pahomov ; tlk. Jaan Õispuu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pahomov, Miikul


    Sisu: "Vedes päi elo tulob..." = "Veest saab elu alguse..." ; "Ei skuup voi pajatada denguush..." = "Ei kooner rahast laulda või..." ; "Coma neicud lyydilaane..." = "Kaunis neiu, lüüdi neiu..." ; "Olizhbo purjeh..." = "Oleks puri mul..." ; "Mi om meiden lyhyd elo..." = "Mis on meie pisku elu..." ; "Sinizhed lindud..." = "Sinised linnud..." ; "Ole, kaivo, puhtaz..." = "Ole, allik, puhas..." ; "Pimedas..." = "Pimedas..." ; Ken miä olen? = Kes ma olen ; Lüüdiland = Lüüdiland ; "Sa kuna mäned, minun rahvaz..." = "Kuhu lähed sa, minu rahvas..." ; Minu kibu - minun mua = Minu valu on minu maa ; Lüüdikiel̀ = Lüüdi keel ; Dälgmäizhed = Viimased ; Kand da latv = Känd ja latv ; Kardàlaine külü = Karjala saun ; Petruskoi = Petruskoi ; "Tägä Suomen taivhan al..." = "Siinse soome taeva all..." ; Viiburin - Piiterin tiel = Viiburi - Piiteri teel

  14. The enhanced electron injection by fluorinated tris-(8-hydroxy-quinolinato) aluminum derivatives in high efficient Si-anode OLEDs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, N. [State Key Laboratory of Silicon Materials, MOE Key Laboratory of Macromolecule Synthesis and Functionalization, Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027 (China); Shi, M.M., E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Silicon Materials, MOE Key Laboratory of Macromolecule Synthesis and Functionalization, Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027 (China); Li, Y.Z. [School of Physics, State Key Laboratory for Mesoscopic Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871 (China); Shi, Y.W. [State Key Laboratory of Silicon Materials, MOE Key Laboratory of Macromolecule Synthesis and Functionalization, Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027 (China); Ran, G.Z.; Qin, G.G. [School of Physics, State Key Laboratory for Mesoscopic Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871 (China); Wang, M.; Chen, H.Z. [State Key Laboratory of Silicon Materials, MOE Key Laboratory of Macromolecule Synthesis and Functionalization, Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027 (China)


    Fabrication of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) and lasers on silicon substrates is a feasible route to integrate microelectronic chips with optical devices for telecommunications. However, the efficiency of Si-anode based OLEDs is restricted by the imbalance of hole-electron injection because a p-type Si anode owns better hole injection ability than ITO. We have used fluorinated tris-(8-hydroxy-quinolinato) aluminum (FAlq{sub 3}) derivatives to prepare Si-anode based OLEDs. We observed that, when tris-(5-fuloro-8-hydroxyquinolinato) aluminum (5FAlq{sub 3}) is used as the electron-transporting material instead of Alq{sub 3}, the cathode electron injection is enhanced due to its lower lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) compared to the Alq{sub 3}. The device can keep the relative carrier balance even when a Si anode capable of stronger hole injection was used. Further optimization of the device structure by introducing 2,9-dimethyl-4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline (BCP) as a hole blocking layer showed significant increase in the device power efficiency from 0.029 to 0.462 lm/W. This indicates that use of fluorinated Alq{sub 3} derivatives is an effective way to improve the performance of Si-anode based OLEDs.

  15. Veel vene koolist ja krokodillipisaratest / Yana Toom

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Toom, Yana, 1966-


    Artikli autori arvates ei ole eesti keele õpetamise kvaliteet piisav, et seada eesmärgiks eestikeelne aineõpe vene koolide gümnaasiumiastmes. Vastukaja artiklile: Priit Simson. Venekeelne kool ja krokodillipisarad. Eesti Päevaleht (2011) 9. sept., lk. 2

  16. Bank of Georgia jäi sõja jalgu / Romet Kreek

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kreek, Romet, 1972-


    Pinev olukord Gruusias ei ole Bank of Georgia tööd veel halvanud, kuid pikemas perspektiivis sõltub panga saatus sellest, kuidas läheb edasi Gruusia majandusel. Graafik: Aktsia oli langustrendis ammu enne Venemaa kallaletungi Gruusiale. Lisad

  17. Euroopa ja Venemaa suhted / Fraser Cameron

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Cameron, Fraser


    Väide, et planeeritav gaasitoru rajamine Läänemerre viib Venemaa suurenenud militaartegevuseni sealses piirkonnas, ei ole õige ja on murettekitav, et turvalisuspoliitika lipu all võimendatakse Euroopa Liidu ja Venemaa vahelisi pingeid, kirjutab Euroopa Liidu Vene keskuse juhataja

  18. CSR kui äristrateegia osa / Tuuliki Kasonen-Lins

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kasonen-Lins, Tuuliki


    Autor selgitab, et ettevõtte ühiskondlik vastutus ei ole kord aastas korraldatav heategevuskampaania. Näitena ettevõtte ühiskondlikust vastutusest nimetab autor panustamist tööjõu koolitusse või töötute sotsiaalsete gruppidega tegelemisse

  19. Tartu rahu(tus) / Igor Gräzin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gräzin, Igor, 1952-


    Parlamendiliikmest autor ei ole nõus president Toomas Hendrik Ilvese ettepanekuga kaotada Eesti-Vene piirilepingu preambulist viide Tartu rahule. Tartu rahu olulisim osa on Eesti tunnistamine iseseisvaks kuni aegade otsani. Vt. samas juhtkiri: Mõnus preambul. Peaminister Andrus Ansipi arvamusest

  20. Hizbollah lubab : "Me tahame ameeriklastega häid suhteid" / Mohamad Afif ; interv. Ivar Soopan

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Afif, Mohamad


    Liibanoni shiiitide organisatsiooni Hizbollah meediasuhete direktor ütleb, et Hizbollah ei ole terroriorganisatsioon. Religioosse ja poliitilise grupina tahab Hizbollah häid suhteid teistega kõikjal maailmas, kuid probleem on poliitikas, selles, kuidas USA suhtub nende regiooni, tõekspidamistesse

  1. Kool - arengu soodustaja või pidurdaja / Ebe Link

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Link, Ebe


    Artikli autori arvates on õpetamismeetodid koolides jäänud üldjoontes samaks, kuigi kaasaegses ühiskonnas ei ole noored ühtsesse raami mahtuv homogeenne mass ning vanade väärtuste ümberhindamine peaks olema loogiline osa arengust

  2. Putin calls for diaspora Russians to return home / Joel Alas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Alas, Joel


    Venemaa president Vladimir Putin kutsus väljaspool Venemaad elavaid venelasi naasma kodumaale. Poliitik Enn Eesmaa sõnul on Venemaad juba pikemat aega probleemiks rahvastiku vähenemine, kuid vaatamata kutsele ei ole siiski oodata paljude inimeste lahkumist kodumaale

  3. Emerging cleavages in new democracies : the case of Lithuania / Mindaugas Jurkynas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jurkynas, Mindaugas


    Ühiskondlikest lõhedest, poliitilistest konfliktidest ja arengutest Leedus, nende tekkepõhjustest aastatel 1990-2004. Autori hinnangul ei ole lõhede tekkimine veel stabiliseerunud, sotsiaalsed konfliktid on vähe mõjutanud riigi parteisüsteemi. Graafikud, diagramm, tabel

  4. Estonian companies forced to cooperate / Mikk Salu ; commented by Priit Tamm, Jüri Riives

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Salu, Mikk, 1975-


    Kuigi ettevõtete omavaheline koostöö aitab kaasa majanduse konkurentsivõime tõstmisele, ei ole koostöö Eesti ettevõtete vahel veel piisav. Swedbanki, audiitorfirma Ernst & Young Balticu ning Eesti Masinatööstuse Liidu juhtide kommentaarid

  5. Kilis stirs pension waters

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Sotsiaalhoolekandeminister Ilona Jursevska ei ole nõus Strateegilise Analüüsi Komisjoni juhi Robert Kilise väitega, nagu loobuks Läti tulevikus pensionisüsteemist. President Valdis Zatlers usub, et see väide algatas vajaliku debati

  6. The lion that could

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Läti Rahvapartei esimees Andris Skele leiab, et Läti peaks rahvusvaheliste laenuandjatega läbirääkimisi pidama, kuna laenude tingimused ei ole riigi jaoks soodsad. Riigikontrolör Inguna Sudraba ja ökonomist Morten Hanseni arvamused

  7. Ray Hammond: "Kirjutamine on minu jaoks tulevikuideede labor" / Ray Hammond ; interv. Argo Ideon

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hammond, Ray


    Briti tuleviku-uurija Ray Hammondi nendib, et kuigi tulevikus toimuvaid sündmusi ei ole võimalik konkreetselt ennustada, saab ometi kindlaks määrata ja avastada suundi, mis tulevikus inimkonna elu mõjutavad. Maailma arengust 21. sajandil

  8. Küprose president ootab Türgilt inimõiguste täitmist / Tassos Papadopoulos ; interv. Erkki Bahovski

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Papadopoulos, Tassos


    Eestis viibinud Küprose president ei ole vastu Türgiga liitumiskõneluste alustamisele, ta loodab Euroopa Liidu abile saare ühendamisel. Intervjuus käsitletakse veel Euroopa Liidu põhiseaduslikku lepet, Eesti - Küprose suhteid. Lisa: Tassos Papadopoulos. Kaart

  9. Oluline mälestis Narva bastion laguneb üha kiiremas tempos / Dannar Leitmaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leitmaa, Dannar, 1982-


    Narva laguneva bastioni pärast kultuuriministeeriumi saabunud Narva linnapea Tarmo Tammiste, linnaarhitekti Peeter Tambu ja Narva Muuseumi direktori Andres Toode kirjast. Ministeeriumi kantsleri Anton Pärna sõnul ei ole riigil praegu võimalust Narva bastioni taastamist rahastada

  10. Eestist saab politseiriik / Roy Strider

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Strider, Roy, 1974-


    Autori väitel ei ole politsei pärast kavandatavat avaliku koosoleku seaduse muutmist enam kohustatud inimestele teatama, kui nende eraelu puutumatust on jälitustoiminguga riivatud. Autori sõnul tähendab see, et Eestist saab politseiriik

  11. Vedurimehed võivad rongiliikluse kolmeks päevaks seisata / Matis Song

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Song, Matis, 1978-


    Ametiühing nõuab vedurimeestele 15-protsendilist palgatõusu tagasiulatuvalt selle aasta 1. märtsist, kusjuures peab säilima kehtiv töötasustamise süsteem. Vt. samas: Tiia Truu. Nõudmised ei ole ebaõiglased

  12. Põlvkonnaromaan saksa nooremas kirjanduses / Peeter Helme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Helme, Peeter, 1978-


    Ülevaade järgmistest teostest: Christian Krachti "Faserland" (1995), Florian Illiesi ""Golfi" generatsioon" (2001), Annegret Kunkeli (tegel. Sophie Dannenberg) "Revolutsiooni pleekinud süda", Uwe Tellkampi "Jäälind", Karen Duve "See ei ole armastuslaul", Andreas Maieri "Kirillov"

  13. Kas eestlastel on põhjust Bushi taga igatsema jääda? / Heiki Suurkask ; kommenteerinud Liisa Past

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Suurkask, Heiki, 1972-


    Hinnangutest USA presidendi George W. Bushi ametiajale. Autor leiab, et G. W. Bush ei ole olnud hiilgav, kuid ta pole olnud ka päris vilets riigipea. Aja jooksul on mõne USA presidendi maine paranenud. Kommenteerib Liisa Past

  14. Influência de diferentes solventes utilizados na deposição de filme de poli(9-vinilcarbazol em dispositivos OLEDs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emerson Roberto Santos


    Full Text Available This work studies the influence of the film deposition process on light emission performance and on threshold voltage of OLEDs, with architecture glass/ITO/PEDOT:PSS/PVK/Alq3/Al. The commercial PVK was dissolved in different solvents such as: chloroform, tetrahydrofuran, 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene and trimethylpentane. OLEDs were characterized by current-voltage and revealed a significant influence of the solvents, although all devices emitted green electroluminescence. A difference in threshold voltage up to 10 V was observed among OLEDs prepared from different solvents. The 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene showed best performance, presenting lowest treshold voltage (≈ 6 V, followed by tetrahydrofuran (≈ 8 V, trimethylpentane (≈ 14 V and chloroform (≈ 16 V.

  15. Polystyrene Backbone Polymers Consisting of Alkyl-Substituted Triazine Side Groups for Phosphorescent OLEDs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Beatrice Ch. D. Salert


    Full Text Available This paper describes the synthesis of new electron-transporting styrene monomers and their corresponding polystyrenes all with a 2,4,6-triphenyl-1,3,5-triazine basic structure in the side group. The monomers differ in the alkyl substitution and in the meta-/paralinkage of the triazine to the polymer backbone. The thermal and spectroscopic properties of the new electron-transporting polymers are discussed in regard to their chemical structures. Phosphorescent OLEDs were prepared using the obtained electron-transporting polymers as the emissive layer material in blend systems together with a green iridium-based emitter 13 and a small molecule as an additional cohost with wideband gap characteristics (CoH-001. The performance of the OLEDs was characterized and discussed in regard to the chemical structure of the new electron-transporting polymers.

  16. Anticorrosion Coating using Olea sp. Leaves Extract (United States)

    Ikhmal, W. M. K. W. M.; Yasmin, M. Y. N.; Fazira, M. F. M.; Rafizah, W. A. W.; Nik, W. B. Wan; Sabri, M. G. M.


    Olive leaves extract (OLE) was evaluated as green corrosion inhibitor for stainless steel grade 316L (SS316L) in several media using scanning electron microscope (SEM), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and potentiodynamic polarization techniques. The Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy results reveals several active compound indicated by O-H stretch, C=O stretch, C-OH stretch and C-N stretch which can be attributed to oleuropein and hydroxtyrosol acting as the main inhibiting sources for corrosion. The results obtained also show the inhibition efficiency of OLE increase with the increase of OLE concentration. Through its inhibitive action elucidate from the electrochemical analysis, the extract was found to act as a mixed type inhibitor. Micrographs by SEM showed that the surface of steel which has been coated with 0% and 20% of OLE coating extract possess a lot of pin holes or pores while the steel with 10% of OLE coating extract shows the surface has multiple cracks. This study clearly shows the efficiency of OLE as anticorrosion coating for control of stainless steel in marine application.

  17. Ärme tee majanduskasvust ebajumalat / Eugen Veges

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Veges, Eugen, 1955-


    Endine ettevõtja on seisukohal, et majanduskasvu saavutamine ei ole eesmärk omaette, rõõmu tuleks tunda üleüldisest ja tasakaalustatud arengust, riigi valitsemises tuleks abstraktsete näitajate kõrval näha ka inimest

  18. Kuningas on surnud. Elagu kuningas! / Marco Montanari

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Montanari, Marco


    Autor leiab Itaalia peaministri Romano Prodi hiljutise tagasiastumise taustal, et tegemist ole mitte järjekordse poliitilise kriisi, vaid süsteemirevolutsiooniga. Riigis on tekkinud inimeste komiteed movimenti'd, mida hoiab koos vajadus lahendada probleeme, millega riik ei suuda tegelda

  19. Saladus Diena ümber / Inta Brikše

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Brikše, Inta


    Autori hinnangul olid Diena ja Diena Bizness kaks viimast päevalehte Lätis, mille usaldusväärsus rajanes teadmisel nende omanikest. Kuna uute omanike nimesid ei ole avalikustatud, on selle kaubamärgi usaldusväärsus ohus

  20. Triumfatorõ "Oskara"

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    80. Oscarite galast. Joel ja Ethan Coeni mängufilm "Ei ole maad vanadele meestele" ("No Country for Old Men") võitis neli auhinda (parim film, režii, stsenaarium, meeskõrvalosa). Ka teistest võitjatest ja Venemaa Oscari nominentidest

  1. Despite reprimand, minister pardons police chief / Ksenia Repson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Repson, Ksenia


    Siseminister Kalle Laanet möönis, et Politseiameti peadirektor Robert Antropov ei ole oma vanemaid politseisõidukiga Saaremaale toimetades reegleid rikkunud ning jättis tema lahkumispalve rahuldamata. Siiski karistas minister politseijuhti pooleaastase lisatasu kaotuse ja puhkuse tühistamisega

  2. The Baltic Respublics and the Crisis of 2008-2011 / Rainer Kattel, Ringa Raudla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kattel, Rainer, 1974-


    Artikkel käsitleb majanduslangust aastatel 2008-2011 Baltimaades (sh Eesti) ning toob välja unikaalsed tegurid nende riikide majanduspoliitikas, mis võimaldasid väljuda kriisist, kuid mille radikaalsus ei ole jäljendatav teistes Euroopa riikides. Tabelid, joonised

  3. Järgmise üleilmastumise lõpp / Harold James ; tõlkinud Külli-Riin Tigasson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    James, Harold


    Praeguse kriisiga võib kaasneda üleilmastumisele tagasikäigu andmine. Ajalugu näitab, et üleilmastumine ei ole pöördumatu, praegust vastulööki globaliseerumisele veavad praktilised, omahuvidest lähtuvad reaktsioonid ja moralistlikud argumendid

  4. EU may issue fine for trash problem

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Euroopa Komisjoni keskkonna peadirektoraadi direktor Morgens Peter Carl väidab, et kuna prügikoristuskampaania "Teeme ära" raames koguti kokku suur hulk prügi, ei ole Eestis piisavalt prügi kogumiseks ette nähtud kohti

  5. Versuchter Totschlag durch Manipulation der Organzuteilung für Transplantationen? / Detlev Sternberg-Lieben, Irene Sternberg-Lieben

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sternberg-Lieben, Detlev


    Saksamaa kõrgema kohtu otsusest, mis puudutab Göttingeni haiglas toimunud juhtumit, kus maksasiirdamine tehti alkohili tarbivale patsiendile, Saksmaal kehtestatud seaduse kohaselt tohib maksasiirdamise teha vaid siis, kui organi saaja ei ole kuus kuud alkoholi tarbinud. Lahendit vaata lk. 46-52

  6. Connex vaidlustas linnaliinide hanke / Martin Shmutov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Šmutov, Martin


    Bussifirma AS Connex Tartu esitas riigihangete ametile vaide, milles väidab, et Tartu linnavalitsus oleks pidanud menetlema Rakvere ATP pakkumist. Riigihangete amet otsustas jätta Conexi vaidluse läbivaatamata, kuna see ei ole riigihangete seaduse alusel lahendatav

  7. Krajbanka in whirlwind of conspiracy theories

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Riia linnavolikogu ütles, et Krajbanka hoiustajad ja kreeditorid ei ole huvitatud Läti valitsuse otsusest üle võtta 47,2% airBalticu aktsiatest, mida hoiti tagatisena Latvijas Krajbanka pangas. Riia linnavalitsus plaanib panga administraatori poole pöörduda

  8. Jevrosojuz proigrõvajet norvezhskim rõbakam / Karina Vabson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vabson, Karina


    Euroopa Komisjoni kalanduse ja merenduse volinik Joe Borg väidab, et kalapüük Euroopa Liidus ei ole konkurentsivõimeline Norraga tänu kõrgetele hindadele ja vananenud tehnoloogiale. Tallinnas toimunud konverentsist "Euroopa Liidu kalanduspoliitika mõju Eestile"

  9. Rõbolovõ hotjat zanimatsja proizvodstvom file i konservov / Artur Tooman

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tooman, Artur, 1971-


    Kohalikel kaluritel ei ole majanduslikult tulus kala püüda, seetõttu plaanivad paljud ise ka kalatöötlemisega tegeleda. Tabel: Kala ümbertöötlevate ettevõtete arv, kala eksport/import, kalapüügi maht. Statistika

  10. Maria Listra teeb oma häälega tööd, et teada, kuidas “instrument” töötab / interv. Kristjan Roos

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Listra, Maria, 1989-


    Maria Listra on Eesti muusikasõpradele teada juba sellest ajast, kui ta oli kolmeaastane. Kuigi praegu tegutseb lauljatar Londonis, ei ole ta unustanud ka oma kodumaad. Just täna alustab ta keelpillikvartetiga Prezioso kontserdituuri “Vaid see on armastus”

  11. Dve golovõ za "Oskar" / Dmitri Babitshenko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Babitshenko, Dmitri


    80. Oscarite galast. Joel ja Ethan Coeni mängufilm "Ei ole maad vanadele meestele" ("No Country for Old Men") võitis neli auhinda (parim film, režii, stsenaarium, meeskõrvalosa). Ka teistest võitjatest ja Venemaa Oscari nominentidest

  12. Hall kirjandus võrgustunud maailmas / Anneli Kuiv

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuiv, Anneli


    1997. aasta määratluse kohaselt on hall kirjandus "kirjandus, mida toodetakse kõikidel tasanditel valitsus- ja teadusasutuste, äri- ja tootmisringkondade poolt nii trükituna kui ka elektroonselt, kuid mis ei ole kirjastustööstuse kontrolli all"

  13. WHO: haigekassa vajab lisaraha / Kadri Ibrus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ibrus, Kadri


    Haigekassa, sotsiaalministeeriumi ja WHO koostöös valminud aruande "Võimalused Eesti tervisesüsteemi rahastamise jätkusuutlikkuse tagamiseks" kohaselt ei ole Eesti tervishoiu rahastamise süsteem kaugemas perspektiivis elujõuline. WHO soovitustest Eestile. Sotsiaalminister Hanno Pevkuri seisukoht

  14. Versuchter Totschlag durch Manipulation der Organzuteilung für Transplantationen? / Detlev Sternberg-Lieben, Irene Sternberg-Lieben

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sternberg-Lieben, Detlev


    Saksamaa kõrgema kohtu otsusest, mis puudutab Göttingeni haiglas toimunud juhtumit, kus maksasiirdamine tehti alkoholi tarbivale patsiendile. Saksmaal kehtestatud seaduse kohaselt tohib maksasiirdamise teha vaid siis, kui organi saaja ei ole kuus kuud alkoholi tarbinud. Lahendit vt lk. 46-52

  15. Kas vanad kommud "ahju" ja uued sulid "kütma"? / Kärt Anvelt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Anvelt, Kärt, 1973-


    Autor nendib, et pidev viitamine Eesti ühiskonnas endistele kommunistidele on muutunud juba naeruväärseks, sest kõik kommunistlikku parteisse kuulunud ei ole kurjategijad ning ebaeetiliste või kriminaalsete asjadega on taasiseseisvunud Eestis hakkama saanud ka komparteisse mittekuulunud poliitikud

  16. Tamm ja Asi / Karen Jagodin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jagodin, Karen, 1982-


    Näitus "Sisearhitektid Väino Tamm & Vello Asi" Eesti Arhitektuurimuuseumis kuni 2. IX. Kuna valminud objektidest ei ole enam ühtegi originaalkujul alles, on eksponeeritud võimalikult suurel hulgal valmimisjärgseid fotosid, millest enamiku on teinud Rein Vainküla

  17. Q Vara toimetab Gildi selja taga / Jaana Pikalev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pikalev, Jaana


    Q Vara tütarfirma aktsiad liikusid Celander Grupp OÜ tütarfirma Taevasmaa Kinnisvara omandusse. Q Vara enamusaktsionäri GA Gild Fund Management AS-i juhi Tõnu Peki väitel ei ole tehingu tagamaid nendega kooskõlastatud

  18. Neljas võim : omni- või impotentne? / Agu Uudelepp

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Uudelepp, Agu, 1974-


    Rahvaliidu teabejuhi arvates on Eesti ajakirjandus liiga skandaalikeskne ning kaotanud olulise rolli demokraatia tasakaalustaja ja valvurina. Autor tõdeb, et meedia survel ei ole ametist lahkunud ükski Eesti tipp-poliitik. Vastuseks vt. Priit Pulleritsu repliiki 12. apr. Postimees lk. 31

  19. Kallis surm, odav vanadus / Nicholas Timmins

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Timmins, Nicholas


    Vananemisest tingitud kulude puhul tuleks lisaks pensionisüsteemi maksumusele rääkida veel tervishoiu ja vanurite hoolekandega seotud kulutustest. Vanurite osakaalu kasv toob kaasa tervishoiukulude tõusu, mis ei ole katastroofiliselt suur. Diagrammid: Keskmine vanus; Sündivus; Vananemine

  20. Versuchter Totschlag durch Manipulation der Organzuteilung für Transplantationen? / Detlev Sternberg-Lieben, Irene Sternberg-Lieben

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sternberg-Lieben, Detlev


    Saksamaa kõrgema kohtu otsusest, mis puudutab Göttingeni haiglas toimunud juhtumit, kus maksasiirdamine tehti alkoholi tarbivale patsiendile, Saksmaal kehtestatud seaduse kohaselt tohib maksasiirdamise teha vaid siis, kui organi saaja ei ole kuus kuud alkoholi tarbinud. Lahendit vaata lk. 46-52

  1. Maksim Litvinov ja president Roosevelti salajane sõnum / Kaarel Piirimäe, telegrammi teksti tõlkinud Sirje Kupp Sazonov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Piirimäe, Kaarel, 1979-


    Vestlusest on säilinud Litvinovi kokkuvõte, Ameerika üleskirjutust USA arhiividest leitud ei ole. Avadatud on seega 12. märtsil 1942. aastal Maksim Litvinovi poolt NSV Liidu välisasjade rahvakomissrile V. M. Molotovile saadetud telegrammi tekst

  2. Kuni 11. XII oli Tallinna Linnagaleriis...

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Valie Export Society (Kadi Estland, Mari Laanemets, Killu Sukmit) väljapanek "Streik ei ole horoskoop!" - dokumentatsioon, kus üksteisele saadetud e-kirjades avatakse naiskunstnike rühmituse eesmärk ja praegune olukord, peatutakse Eesti kunstielu võimuküsimustel

  3. "Populism" Ladina-Ameerikas? / Krista Lillemets

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lillemets, Krista


    Ladina-Ameerika riikide arengutest. Autor ei ole nõus Eesti analüütikutega, kes on Ladina-Ameerikast rääkides võtnud üle Ameerika Ühendriikides toodetud diskursuse ja sealset ühiskonda kirjeldades kasutavad sõna "populism"

  4. Jutustamine kui kunst / Tuula Hyyrö ; kommenteerinud Meeli Pandis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hyyrö, Tuula


    Suulised rahvatraditsioonid ei ole tänapäevalgi oma tähtsust minetanud, vaid on muutunud kunstiharuks, mida saab ülikoolis valikainena õppida. Juttude jutustamisest, muinasjuttude rääkimisest. Kommenteerib Eesti Lugemisühingu juhatuse liige Meeli Pandis

  5. Liive: USA põlevkivi on palju parem kaevandada / Jan Jõgis-Laats

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jõgis-Laats, Jan


    Eesti Energia ostis USA Utah' osariigis paiknevate põlevkivimaardlate omanikfirma. Põlevkivi on seal lihtsam kätte saada kui Eestis, samas ei ole sealne põlevikivi õlitootmise seisukohalt Eesti omaga päris võrreldav. Lisa: Tehas Utah' mägedesse

  6. A User's Guide to the SNF ampersand INEL EIS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This User's Guide is intended to help you find information in the SNF and INEL EIS (that's short for US Department of Energy Programmatic Spent Nuclear Fuel Management and Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Programs Final Environmental Impact Statement). The first section of this Guide gives you a brief overview of the SNF ampersand INEL EIS., The second section is organized to help you find specific information in the Environmental Impact Statement -- whether you're interested in a management alternative, a particular site (such as Hanford), or a discipline (such as land use or water quality)

  7. Non-Doped Sky-Blue OLEDs Based on Simple Structured AIE Emitters with High Efficiencies at Low Driven Voltages. (United States)

    Islam, Amjad; Zhang, Dongdong; Peng, Ruixiang; Yang, Rongjuan; Hong, Ling; Song, Wei; Wei, Qiang; Duan, Lian; Ge, Ziyi


    Blue organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) are necessary for flat-panel display technologies and lighting applications. To make more energy-saving, low-cost and long-lasting OLEDs, efficient materials as well as simple structured devices are in high demand. However, a very limited number of blue OLEDs achieving high stability and color purity have been reported. Herein, three new sky-blue emitters, 1,4,5-triphenyl-2-(4-(1,2,2-triphenylvinyl)phenyl)-1H-imidazole (TPEI), 1-(4-methoxyphenyl)-4,5-diphenyl-2-(4-(1,2,2-triphenylvinyl)phenyl)-1H-imidazole (TPEMeOPhI) and 1-phenyl-2,4,5-tris(4-(1,2,2-triphenylvinyl)phenyl)-1H-imidazole (3TPEI), with a combination of imidazole and tetraphenylethene groups, have been developed. High photoluminescence quantum yields are obtained for these materials. All derivatives have demonstrated aggregation-induced emission (AIE) behavior, excellent thermal stability with high decomposition and glass transition temperatures. Non-doped sky-blue OLEDs with simple structure have been fabricated employing these materials as emitters and realized high efficiencies of 2.41 % (4.92 cd A -1 , 2.70 lm W -1 ), 2.16 (4.33 cd A -1 , 2.59 lm W -1 ) and 3.13 % (6.97 cd A -1 , 4.74 lm W -1 ) for TPEI, TPEMeOPhI and 3TPEI, with small efficiency roll-off. These are among excellent results for molecules constructed from the combination of imidazole and TPE reported so far. The high performance of a 3TPEI-based device shows the promising potential of the combination of imidazole and AIEgen for synthesizing efficient electroluminescent materials for OLED devices. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  8. Substrate Trapping in Crystals of the Thiolase OleA Identifies Three Channels That Enable Long Chain Olefin Biosynthesis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goblirsch, Brandon R.; Jensen, Matthew R.; Mohamed, Fatuma A.; Wackett, Lawrence P.; Wilmot, Carrie M.


    Phylogenetically diverse microbes that produce long chain, olefinic hydrocarbons have received much attention as possible sources of renewable energy biocatalysts. One enzyme that is critical for this process is OleA, a thiolase superfamily enzyme that condenses two fatty acyl-CoA substrates to produce a β-ketoacid product and initiates the biosynthesis of long chain olefins in bacteria. Thiolases typically utilize a ping-pong mechanism centered on an active site cysteine residue. Reaction with the first substrate produces a covalent cysteine-thioester tethered acyl group that is transferred to the second substrate through formation of a carbon-carbon bond. Although the basics of thiolase chemistry are precedented, the mechanism by which OleA accommodates two substrates with extended carbon chains and a coenzyme moiety—unusual for a thiolase—are unknown. Gaining insights into this process could enable manipulation of the system for large scale olefin production with hydrocarbon chains lengths equivalent to those of fossil fuels. In this study, mutagenesis of the active site cysteine in Xanthomonas campestris OleA (Cys143) enabled trapping of two catalytically relevant species in crystals. In the resulting structures, long chain alkyl groups (C12 and C14) and phosphopantetheinate define three substrate channels in a T-shaped configuration, explaining how OleA coordinates its two substrates and product. The C143A OleA co-crystal structure possesses a single bound acyl-CoA representing the Michaelis complex with the first substrate, whereas the C143S co-crystal structure contains both acyl-CoA and fatty acid, defining how a second substrate binds to the acyl-enzyme intermediate. An active site glutamate (Gluβ117) is positioned to deprotonate bound acyl-CoA and initiate carbon-carbon bond formation.

  9. Substrate Trapping in Crystals of the Thiolase OleA Identifies Three Channels That Enable Long Chain Olefin Biosynthesis. (United States)

    Goblirsch, Brandon R; Jensen, Matthew R; Mohamed, Fatuma A; Wackett, Lawrence P; Wilmot, Carrie M


    Phylogenetically diverse microbes that produce long chain, olefinic hydrocarbons have received much attention as possible sources of renewable energy biocatalysts. One enzyme that is critical for this process is OleA, a thiolase superfamily enzyme that condenses two fatty acyl-CoA substrates to produce a β-ketoacid product and initiates the biosynthesis of long chain olefins in bacteria. Thiolases typically utilize a ping-pong mechanism centered on an active site cysteine residue. Reaction with the first substrate produces a covalent cysteine-thioester tethered acyl group that is transferred to the second substrate through formation of a carbon-carbon bond. Although the basics of thiolase chemistry are precedented, the mechanism by which OleA accommodates two substrates with extended carbon chains and a coenzyme moiety-unusual for a thiolase-are unknown. Gaining insights into this process could enable manipulation of the system for large scale olefin production with hydrocarbon chains lengths equivalent to those of fossil fuels. In this study, mutagenesis of the active site cysteine in Xanthomonas campestris OleA (Cys 143 ) enabled trapping of two catalytically relevant species in crystals. In the resulting structures, long chain alkyl groups (C 12 and C 14 ) and phosphopantetheinate define three substrate channels in a T-shaped configuration, explaining how OleA coordinates its two substrates and product. The C143A OleA co-crystal structure possesses a single bound acyl-CoA representing the Michaelis complex with the first substrate, whereas the C143S co-crystal structure contains both acyl-CoA and fatty acid, defining how a second substrate binds to the acyl-enzyme intermediate. An active site glutamate (Gluβ 117 ) is positioned to deprotonate bound acyl-CoA and initiate carbon-carbon bond formation. © 2016 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.

  10. Substrate Trapping in Crystals of the Thiolase OleA Identifies Three Channels That Enable Long Chain Olefin Biosynthesis* (United States)

    Goblirsch, Brandon R.; Jensen, Matthew R.; Mohamed, Fatuma A.; Wackett, Lawrence P.; Wilmot, Carrie M.


    Phylogenetically diverse microbes that produce long chain, olefinic hydrocarbons have received much attention as possible sources of renewable energy biocatalysts. One enzyme that is critical for this process is OleA, a thiolase superfamily enzyme that condenses two fatty acyl-CoA substrates to produce a β-ketoacid product and initiates the biosynthesis of long chain olefins in bacteria. Thiolases typically utilize a ping-pong mechanism centered on an active site cysteine residue. Reaction with the first substrate produces a covalent cysteine-thioester tethered acyl group that is transferred to the second substrate through formation of a carbon-carbon bond. Although the basics of thiolase chemistry are precedented, the mechanism by which OleA accommodates two substrates with extended carbon chains and a coenzyme moiety—unusual for a thiolase—are unknown. Gaining insights into this process could enable manipulation of the system for large scale olefin production with hydrocarbon chains lengths equivalent to those of fossil fuels. In this study, mutagenesis of the active site cysteine in Xanthomonas campestris OleA (Cys143) enabled trapping of two catalytically relevant species in crystals. In the resulting structures, long chain alkyl groups (C12 and C14) and phosphopantetheinate define three substrate channels in a T-shaped configuration, explaining how OleA coordinates its two substrates and product. The C143A OleA co-crystal structure possesses a single bound acyl-CoA representing the Michaelis complex with the first substrate, whereas the C143S co-crystal structure contains both acyl-CoA and fatty acid, defining how a second substrate binds to the acyl-enzyme intermediate. An active site glutamate (Gluβ117) is positioned to deprotonate bound acyl-CoA and initiate carbon-carbon bond formation. PMID:27815501

  11. Addiktiivisuus ja toistokäyttäytyminen videopeleissä


    Peltola, Unna


    Tämä opinnäytetyö tutkii erilaisia psykologisia perusteita pelaamiseen ja pelaamisen aiheuttamaan riippuvuuteen. Aiheesta on useita tutkimuksia, mutta niissä on ristiriitaisuuksia ja yksikään niistä ei ole kaikenkattava. Työ esittelee erilaisia syitä pelata videopelejä - ei kaikkia, mutta niitä joita pidettiin erityisen tärkeänä. Niihin kuuluvat palkitseminen, eskapismi, haaste, aika, kustomointi, rutiini, tavoitteet ja sosiaaliset tarpeet. Niiden vaikutukset voivat olla harmittomia, mutt...

  12. Sensitivity of GC-EI/MS, GC-EI/MS/MS, LC-ESI/MS/MS, LC-Ag(+) CIS/MS/MS, and GC-ESI/MS/MS for analysis of anabolic steroids in doping control. (United States)

    Cha, Eunju; Kim, Sohee; Kim, Ho Jun; Lee, Kang Mi; Kim, Ki Hun; Kwon, Oh-Seung; Lee, Jaeick


    This study compared the sensitivity of various separation and ionization methods, including gas chromatography with an electron ionization source (GC-EI), liquid chromatography with an electrospray ionization source (LC-ESI), and liquid chromatography with a silver ion coordination ion spray source (LC-Ag(+) CIS), coupled to a mass spectrometer (MS) for steroid analysis. Chromatographic conditions, mass spectrometric transitions, and ion source parameters were optimized. The majority of steroids in GC-EI/MS/MS and LC-Ag(+) CIS/MS/MS analysis showed higher sensitivities than those obtained with other analytical methods. The limits of detection (LODs) of 65 steroids by GC-EI/MS/MS, 68 steroids by LC-Ag(+) CIS/MS/MS, 56 steroids by GC-EI/MS, 54 steroids by LC-ESI/MS/MS, and 27 steroids by GC-ESI/MS/MS were below cut-off value of 2.0 ng/mL. LODs of steroids that formed protonated ions in LC-ESI/MS/MS analysis were all lower than the cut-off value. Several steroids such as unconjugated C3-hydroxyl with C17-hydroxyl structure showed higher sensitivities in GC-EI/MS/MS analysis relative to those obtained using the LC-based methods. The steroids containing 4, 9, 11-triene structures showed relatively poor sensitivities in GC-EI/MS and GC-ESI/MS/MS analysis. The results of this study provide information that may be useful for selecting suitable analytical methods for confirmatory analysis of steroids. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  13. Los españoles ante la Justicia penal: actitudes y expectativas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Este artículo tiene por objeto estudiar las opiniones de los españoles en torno a un cierto número de cuestiones de política criminal en el período de transición y consolidación democrática, con especial consideración a la valoración que hacen los ciudadanos de la administración de justicia, la percepción de la evolución de la criminalidad y las medidas que consideran más eficaces para paliar esta situación. Igualmente vamos a intentar penetrar en la conciencia penal de los españoles, a fin de evaluar el grado de permisividad o severidad ante determinados comportamientos delictivos. por último, trataremos de sintetizar estas aportaciones dentro del marco general de la crisis de legitimidad de las instituciones públicas.-- en todos los casos, y siempre que lo permitan los datos, trataremos de presentar una realidad diacrónica y sincrónica del estado de la cuestión.

  14. Challenges and Possibilities of EIS on PEMEC

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elsøe, Katrine; Kraglund, Mikkel Rykær; Hjelm, Johan


    Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) has been proven a very strong electrochemical characterization tool in electrochemical research in general and in the areas of fuel cell and battery research in particular. However, this is not the case for polymer electrolyte membrane electrolysis cells...

  15. E-I 90. Proceedings. V. 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The developments and technology trends taking place in the power industry in South Africa were examined at the E-I 90 conference. Some of the developments in local nuclear power technology were also discussed. Separate abstracts were prepared for five of the papers presented at the conference. The remaining papers were considered outside the subject scope of INIS

  16. Expanding entrepreneurial, innovative and sustainable (EIS) ecosystems: A cultural-historical activity theory perspective

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Audhoe, Romano; Thompson, N.A.; Verduyn, Karen; Leitão, João; Alves, Helena; Krueger, Norris; Park, Jacob


    The value of Entrepreneurial, Innovative and Sustainable (EIS) ecosystems has seen increasing recognition from policymakers and researchers alike. Like-minded policymakers employing New Public Management (NPM) understand that the intricate links between diverse EIS stakeholders play a vital role in

  17. True-color 640 ppi OLED arrays patterned by CA i-line photolithography

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Malinowski, P.E.; Ke, T.; Nakamura, A.; Chang, T.-Y.; Gokhale, P.; Steudel, S.; Janssen, D.; Kamochi, Y.; Koyama, I.; Iwai,Y.; Heremans, P.


    In this paper, side-by-side patterning of red, green and blue OLEDs is demonstrated. To achieve 640 ppi arrays with 20 µm subpixel pitch, chemically amplified, i-line photoresist system with submicron resolution was used. These results show feasibility of obtaining full-color displays with

  18. Polymers Containing Diphenylvinyl-Substituted Indole Rings as Charge-Transporting Materials for OLEDs (United States)

    Grigalevicius, S.; Zostautiene, R.; Sipaviciute, D.; Stulpinaite, B.; Volyniuk, D.; Grazulevicius, J. V.; Liu, L.; Xie, Z.; Zhang, B.


    Monomers and polymers containing electronically isolated diphenylvinyl-substituted indole rings were synthesized and characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass spectroscopies as well as by gel permeation chromatography. The polymers represent amorphous materials with glass transition temperatures of 91-109°C and thermal decomposition starting above 307°C. Electron photoemission spectra of thin films of the synthesized polymers revealed ionization potentials of 5.54-5.58 eV. The synthesized polymers were tested as hole-transporting materials in simple electroluminescent organic light-emitting diode (OLED) devices with tris(quinolin-8-olato)aluminium (Alq3) as an emitter as well as an electron-transporting layer. A green OLED device containing a hole-transporting layer of poly[1-(2,3-epithiopropyl)-2-methyl-3-(2,2-diphenylvinyl)índole] exhibited the best overall performance with a driving voltage of 4.0 V, maximum photometric efficiency of 2.8 cd/A and maximum brightness of about 4200 cd/m2.

  19. PFE: ZnO hybrid nanocomposites for OLED applications: Fabrication and photophysical properties

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Belhaj, M. [Université de Monastir, Faculté des sciences de Monastir, Département de physique, Laboratoire des Interfaces et des Matériaux Avancés, 5019 Monastir (Tunisia); Dridi, C., E-mail: [Université de Monastir, Faculté des sciences de Monastir, Département de physique, Laboratoire des Interfaces et des Matériaux Avancés, 5019 Monastir (Tunisia); Université de Sousse, Institut Supérieur des Sciences Appliquées et de Technologie de Sousse, Cité Ettafala, 4003 Ibn Khaldoun Sousse (Tunisia); Elhouichet, H. [Centre National de Recherches en Sciences des Matériaux, Laboratoire de physico-Chimie des Matériaux Minéreaux et leurs applications, B.P. 95 Hammam-Lif 2050 (Tunisia)


    In this work, ZnO nanoparticles (n-ZnO) and poly (9, 9-dioctyl-fluorenyl-2, 7-yleneethynylene) (PFE): n-ZnO based thin films were spin-coated onto glass substrates. Structural, morphological and optical properties of ZnO, PFE and the PFE: n-ZnO hybrid films with different n-ZnO mass ratios were investigated. n-ZnO films obtained by sol–gel technique are polycrystalline with a hexagonal wurtzite structure. They are also homogenous with an average grain size of about 35 nm. For polymer nanocomposite, the optical properties are closely related to the ZnO content in the mixture. Among the tested active layers, the best performance is observed for that containing 2 wt% of ZnO nanoparticles. - Highlights: • We have analyzed the optical properties of PFE: ZnO nanocomposites . • We have optimized the best PFE: ZnO nanocomposite for the OLED application. • We have demonstrated the feasibility of white OLED devices.

  20. 3,3′-Bicarbazole-Based Host Molecules for Solution-Processed Phosphorescent OLEDs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jungwoon Kim


    Full Text Available Solution-processed organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs are attractive due to their low-cost, large area displays, and lighting features. Small molecules as well as polymers can be used as host materials within the solution-processed emitting layer. Herein, we report two 3,3′-bicarbazole-based host small molecules, which possess a structural isomer relationship. 9,9′-Di-4-n-butylphenyl-9H,9′H-3,3′-bicarbazole (BCz-nBuPh and 9,9′-di-4-t-butylphenyl-9H,9′H-3,3′-bicarbazole (BCz-tBuPh exhibited similar optical properties within solutions but different photoluminescence within films. A solution-processed green phosphorescent OLED with the BCz-tBuPh host exhibited a high maximum current efficiency and power efficiency of 43.1 cd/A and 40.0 lm/W, respectively, compared to the device with the BCz-nBuPh host.